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G E O M E T R Y:
<;. \. v ENTWORTH, A. If.,
raomsoK UK MA I It
Copyright, 1877.
I'kks.s of Rockwell and Churchill,
39 Arch St., Boston.
Most persons do not possess, and do not easily acquire, the
powei of abstraction requisite for apprehending the Geometri-
cal conceptions, and for keeping in mind the successive steps
of a continuous argument Bence, with a very large proportion
of beginners in (leometry^it depends mainly upon the form in
which the subject i- ] vrhetner they pursue the study
with indifferen o say aversion, or with Increasing i nt
and pleaeura
In oompiling the preeenl treatise* this lad has 1 n kept con-
stantly in view. All unnecessary discussions and Bcholia have
been avoided h methods hare been adopted aa experi-
comhined with repeated trials,
have shown to be most readily comprehended. No attempt has
been made to render more intelligible the simple notions of
position, magnitude, and direction, which every child derives
lVoin obsi : hut it is believed that these notions have
nd defined with mathematical precision.
A few symbols, which stand tor words and not for operations,
have been used, hut these are of so great utility in giving style
and v to the demonstrations that no apology seems
for their introduction.
(Ircat pains have been taken to make the page attractive.
The Inures are large and distinct, and are placed in the middle
of the page, so that they fall directly under the eye in imme-
diate connection with the corresponding text. The given lines
of the figures are full lines, the lines employed as aids in the
demonstrations are short-dotted, and the resulting lines are long-
In each proposition a concise statement of what is given is
printed in one kind of type, of what is required in another, and
the demonstration in still another. The reason for each step
is indicated in small type between that step and the one follow-
ing, thus preventing the necessity of interrupting the process of
the argument by referring to a previous section. The number
of the section, however, on which the reason depends is placed
at the side of the page. The constituent parts of the propo-
sitions are carefully marked. Moreover, each distinct assertion in
the demonstrations, and each particular direction in the construc-
tions of the figures, begins a new line ; and in no case is it neces-
sary to turn the page in reading a demonstration.
This arrangement presents obvious advantages. The pupil
perceives at once what is given and what is required, readily
refers to the figure at every step, becomes perfectly familiar with
the language of Geometry, acquires facility in simple and accu-
rate expression, rapidly learns to reason, and lays a foundation
for the complete establishing of the science.
A few propositions have been given that might properly bo
considered as corollaries. The reason for this is the great diffi-
culty of convincing the average student that any importance
should be attached to a corollary. Original exercises, however,
have been given, not too numerous or too difficult to discourage
the beginner, but well adapted to afford an effectual test of the
degree in which he is mastering the subjects of his reading.
Some of these exercises have been placed in the early part of
the work in order that the student may discover, at the outset,
that to commit to memory a number of theorems and to repro-
duce them in an examination is a useless and pernicious labor;
but to learn their uses and applications, and to acquire a readi-
ness in exemplifying their utility, is to derive the full benefit
of that mathematical training which looks not so much to the
M to the 'dudplvu of the mental fac-
It only remains to express my sense of obligation to Dr.
I). F. \Vi:u> fox valuable assistance, and to the University
for the irith which the book has been printed;
and also to give assurance tliat any suggestions relating to the
work will be thankfully received.
Phillips Kxkter Acadi
January, 1878.
In this edition I have ei i more rF
but not less simple, treatment dlela, Ratio, and
Limits. The ehangea are not sufficient to prevent the Bimultar
ia use of the old and new editiona in the data : still the]
very important, and have been made after the most careful and
prolonged conai
I have to express my thanks for valuable suggestions received
in my correspondents; and a special nt is due
from me to Professor C. EL Judson, of Furman [Jnivei
Greenville, South Carolina, to whom I am indebted for assist-
aiice in effecting many improvemente in thia edition.
When the pupil Lb reading eacli Book for the Brat time, it will be
well to let him write hia proofa <>n the blackboard in hia own Ian-
re being taken that hia language^ be the sunniest possible,
that the arrangement of work be vertical (without side work), and
that the figures be accurately constructed.
This method will furnish a valuable exercise as a language lesson,
will cultivate the habit of neat and orderly arrangement of work,
and will all«>w a brief interval for deliberating on each Btep,
After a Book has been read in thia way the pupil should review
Book, and should be required to draw the figures free-hand. He
should state and prove the propositions orally, using a pointer to
indicate on the figure every line and angle named. He should be
encouraged, in reviewing each Book, to do the original exercises ; to
state the converse of propositions ; to determine from the statement,
if possible, whether the converse be true or false, and if the converse
be true to demonstrate it ; and also to give well-considered answers
to question's which may be asked him on many propositions.
The Teacher is strongly advised to illustrate, geometrically and
arithmetically, the principles of limits. Thus a rectangle with a
constant base b, and a variable altitude x, will afford an obvious
illustration of the axiomatic truth contained in [4], page 88. If x
increase and approach the altitude a as a limit, the area of the rec-
tangle increases and approaches the area of tKe rectangle a b as a
limit ; if, however, x decrease and approach zero as a limit, the area
of the rectangle decreases and approaches zero for a limit. An arith-
metical illustration of this truth would be given by multiplying a
constant into the approximate values of any repetend. If, for exam-
ple, we take the constant 60 and the repetend .3333, etc., the approxi-
mate values of the repetend will be T 8 ^-, fifc, i% s $j, ^Atf* etc -> anc l
these values multiplied by 60 give the series 18, 19.8, 19.98, 19.998,
etc., which evidently approach 20 as a limit ; but the product of 60
into J (the limit of the repetend .333, etc.) is also 20.
Again, if Ave multiply 60 into the different values of the decreasing
series, ^, ^-, ^^ sooocp etc -> which approaches zero as a limit,
we shall get the decreasing series, 2, £, -gV> jhfr etc - > ail( l tn * s series
evidently approaches zero as a limit.
In this way the pupil may easily be led to a complete comprehen-
sion of the whole subject of limits.
The Teacher is likewise advised to give frequent written examina-
tions. These should not be too difficult, and sufficient time should
be allowed for accurately constructing the figures, for choosing the
best language, and for determining the best arrangement.
The time necessary for the reading of examination-books will be
diminished by more than one-half, if the use of the symbols employed
in this book be permitted.
G. A. W.
Phillips Exeter Academy,
January, 1879.
BOOK I. Eta -tii.ini-.ai: l Paob
bmtOPUOT Om T Remarks 3
00110*1 4
Strak.iii Links . . • G
J'i. am. An«;i.ks 7
Angular M acmitde D
Math km a i km. Tnjn 11
Axioms and Postulates IS
Symbols a 1 :j
i« -ULAR AM) OM IS 14
Pabaiul lam 24
Triangles 37
i.s 58
BOOK II. Circles.
Dkkinhk»ns 73
SiKAK.nr Lam and Circles 75
Measurement 86
Theory of Limits 87
i ructions 103
BOOK III. Proportional Lines and Similar Polygons.
Theory of Proportion 128
Proportional Lines 139
Similar Polygons 143
era . . . • 164
BOOK IV. Comparison and Measurement of the Sur-
faces of Polygons.
Comparison and Measurement of Polygons . . .174
Constructions 194
BOOK V. Begular Polygons and Circles.
Regular Polygons and Circles 210
Constructions 224
Symmetry. Supplementary 245
Introductory 1 1 km arks.
A BOUOB Mock of marble, under the stone-cutter's hammer,
may 1 I assume regularity of form.
H a block be eat in the shape repre- , /
I in this diagram,
It will have six flat faces.
Each face of the block is called a Sur- /'
face. I *'
It these surfaces be made smooth by pol-
ishing, m that, vrhen a sti ge is applied t<> any cue of
them, the straight-edge in every pari will touch the surface, the
« s are called Plane Surfaces.
The sharp edge in which any two of these surface
called a I
Ihe place aft which any three of these lines meet is called a
I t now the block be removed, we may think of the place
pied by the block as being of precisely the same shape and
lock itself; also, as having surfaces or boundaries
whicl bom surrounding space. AVe may likewise
think of these surfaces as having lines for their boundaries or
limits ; and of these lines as having points for their extremities
or limits.
A Solid, as the term is used in Geometry, is a limited por-
tion of space.
r we acquire a clear notion of surfaces as boundaries of
solids, we can easily conceive of surfaces apart from solids, and
suppose them of unlimited extent. Likewise we can conceive of
lines apart from surfaces, and suppose them of unlimited length;
of, points apart from lines as having position, but no extent
1. Def. Space or Extension has three Dimensions, called
Length, Breadth, and Thickness.
2. Def. A Point has position without extension.
3. Def. A Line has only one of the dimensions of exten-
sion, namely, length.
The lines which we draw are only imperfect representations
of the true lines of Geometry.
A line may be conceived as traced or generated by a point in
4. Def. A Surface has only two of the dimensions of ex-
tension, length and breadth.
A surface may be conceived as generated by a line in motion.
5. Def. A Solid has the three dimensions of extension,
length, breadth, and thickness. Hence a solid extends in all direc-
A solid may be conceived as generated by a surface in motion.
Thus, in the diagram, let the upright
surface A B CD move to the right to
the position E F II K. The points
A, B, C, and D will generate the lines
AE, BF, CK, and D II respectively. C K
And the lines A B, B D, DC, and A C will generate the sur-
faces A F, B II, D K, and A K respectively. And the surface
ABC D will generate the solid A H.
The relative situation of the two points A and H involves
three, and only three, independent elements. To pass from A t< I //
it is necessary to move East (if we suppose the direction A E to
be i i distance equal to A E, North a distance equal to
/•//', and down a distance equal to F II.
These three dimensions we designate for convenience length,
Lth, and thickness.
6. Tin- limits (extremitiee) of lines are points.
The limits (houndariee) of surfaces an tinea*
The limits (boundaries) of solids are surfaces.
7. I >i:i . Extension is also called Magmtt
When reference is had to extent, lines, . and solids are
called ma
8. Def. A Straight line is a line which has
the same direction throughout its who)
!». I>rr. X Curved line which changes
its directi int.
10. I'm A Broken line is a series of con-
i:t lines.
When the word line is used a straight lino is meant, and
when the woid eui I line is meant.
11. 1 >i i . A Flam St in which,
if any two points be taken, the straight line joining these points
will lie wholly iii the surface.
1 -. l»i:i. A «* is a surface no part of which
is plana
13. Figure or form depends upon the relative position of
points. Thus, the figure oi form of a line (straight or curved)
depends upon the relative position of points in that line; the
figure or form of a Burface depends upon the relative position of
points in that surface.
When reference is had to form or shape, lines, surfaces, and
solids are .-all |
14. Def. A Plane Figure is a figure, all points of which
are in the same plane.
15. Def. Geometry is the science which treats of position,
magnitude, and form.
Points, lines, surfaces, and solids, with their relations, are
the geometrical conceptions, and constitute the subject-matter of
16. Plane Geometry treats of plane figures.
Plane figures are either rectilinear, curvilinear, or mixtilinear.
Plane figures formed by straight lines are called rectilinear
figures ; those formed by curved lines are called curvilinear fig-
ures ; and those formed by straight and curved lines are called
mixtilinear figures.
17. Def. Figures which have the same form are called
Similar Figures. Figures which have the same extent are called
Equivalent Figures. Figures which have the same form ami
1 are called Equal Figures.
On Straight Lines.
18. If the direction of a straight line and a point in the
line be known, the position of the line is known; that is, a
straight line is determined in position if its direction and one of
its points be known.
Hence, all straight lines which pass through the same point in
the same direction coincide.
Between two points one, and but one, straight line can be
drawn ; that is, a straight line is determined in position if turn of
its points be known.
Of all lines between two points, the shortest is the straight
line; and the straight line is called the distance between the
two points.
The point from which a line isjdrawn is called its origin.
19. II' B line, as C B, A f B j be produced through C,
the portions C B and C A may be regarded as different lines
having opposite directions from the point C\
Hence, even line, as A B, t f, has two opposite
directions, namely from A toward B, which is expressed by say-
ing line A B, and from B toward A, which is expressed by
line A' A.
20. If a straight line change its magnitude, it must become
!• or shorter. Thus by prolonging A B to C, - f ?,
- A 11 + B C ; and conversely, /;('=.!('-;( B.
If a line iia-rease so tliat it is prolonged by its own magnitude
several times in succession, the line is muk suit-
ing line is called a oi the given line. Thus, if A B =
B( -CD, etc., A f \ £_£, then AC 'I A /;, AD =
:\A /;.
It must also be possible to divide B il line into an
ued number of equal parte. For, assumed thai the *th
part of a given line were not attainable, then the double, triple,
quadruple, of the *th part would imt be attainable. Among
these multiples, however, we should reach the nth multiple of
this ath part, that is, the line itself Hence, the line itself would
not be attainable ; which contradicts the hypothesis that we have
ven line before us.
Therefore, U i.<, and the latter as the angle E H F.
The magnitude of an angle depends wholly upon the extent
i of its sides, and not upon their
length. Thus if the sides of the angle BAG,
namely, A B and A G, be prolonged, their
extent of opening will not be altered, and the
of the angle, consequently, will not be
24. Dkf. Adjacent Anglet are an
bavin, mon vertex and a common
side between them. Tims the angles
G D E and G D F are adjacent angles. E
25. Def. A Right Angle is an angle included between two
lit lines which meet each other SO that the two adjacent
angles Formed by producing one of the tin
through ' Thus it' the
straight line A B meal theatraighl line G D
so tint ;1 ut angles ABC and ABB
are equal to one another, each of these an-
gles is call t angle.
26. DlP. Perpen
which make a righl angle with each other.
27. Def. An A< is an an
ie is an an
iter than a right angle; as the angle
p /; r.
29. n gles, i n
distinction from right angles, are called ob-
rlet; and intersecting. lines which are not perpendicular
to each other are called line*, A
30. Def. The Complejnent of an angle is
the difference between a right angle and the
n angle. Tims A B D is the complement
of the angle D BO\ also I) BC is the com-
plement pf the angle A B D.
31. Def. The Supplement of an angle
is the difference between two right angles
and the given angle. Thus A CD is the
supplement of the angle D C B; also D C B
is the supplement of the angle AC D.
32. Def. Vertical Angles are angles
which have the same vertex, and their
sides extending in opposite directions.
Thus the angles AOD and COB are
vertical angles, as also the angles A C
and DOB.
^ On Angular Magnitude.
33. Let the lines B B' and A A' be in B
the same plane, and let B B' be perpen-
dicular to A A' at the point 0.
Suppose the straight line C to move
in this plane from coincidence with A,
about the point as a pivot, to the po-
sition C ; then the line C describes or
generates the angle A C.
The amount of rotation of the line, from the position A to
the position C, is the Angular Magnitude A C.
If the rotating line move from the position A to the po-
sition B, perpendicular to A, it generates a right angle ; to
the position A 1 it generates two right angles ; to the position
B f , as indicated by the dotted line, it generates three right
angles ; and if it continue its rotation to the position A,
whence it started, it generates four right angles.
Hence the whole angular magnitude about a point in a plane
is equal to four right angles, and the angular magnitude about
a point on one side of a straight line drawn through that point
is equal to two right angles.
/ B
:;i. ice the an. pritude about the point is
bet increased nor diminished by the number of lines which
radiate from thai poinl . i of <>!l tl
in a plane, as A B + B (7 + C D, etc, in Fig. 1, is equal
; an« I the sum of all U
on one side of a straight lint dra ih that
A <> /; + /; o C + CO I>. ' to two right
Henoe twn tdjacenJ angles, OCA and OCB, jj
formed by two itraighl linesj of which one is
produced from the pew in both di-
rects :
l)e called
Ox mi Method of Superposition'.
of the equality of two geometrical magnitudes
IS that they coincide point for point,
Thus, two equal, if they can be so placed
thai tli*- points at fcheii tities coincide. Two angles are
equal, if they can laced that their vertices coincide in
tion and their sides in direction.
In applying this test of equality, we assume that a line may
be moved from one place t<> another without altering its length;
may he taken up, turned over, and put down,
without altering the difference in direction of its sides.
This method enables us to com-
pare unequal magnitudes of the
same kind. Suppose we have two
angles, ABC and A' B' C Let
the side B C be placed on the side
B' C, so that the vertex B shall fall on B', then if the side B A
fall on B l A r , the angle ABC equals the angle A' B' C ; if the
side B A fall between B' C and B' A' in the direction B' D, the
angle ABC is less than A' B' 6" ; but if the side B A fall in the
direction B'E, the angle A B C is greater than A' B f C.
This method of superposition en- g C
ables us to add magnitudes of the
same kind. Thus, if we have two c
straight lines AB and CD, by A
placing the point C on B, and keeping C D in the same direc-
tion with A By we shall have one continuous straight line A D
equal to the sum of the lines A B
and C D.
in : if we have the angles
A 11 and D E F, by placing
the vertex B <>n K and the side
BC in the direction of ED, the
angle AB C will take the position
A ED, and the angles D E F and
J B C will together equal the an-
gle A EF.
Mathematical Terms.
36. Def. A Demonstration is a course of reasoning by which
the truth or falsity of a particular statement is logically established.
37. Def. A Theorem is a truth to be demonstrated.
38. Def. A Construction is a graphical representation of
a geometrical conception.
39. Def. A Problem is a construction to be effected, or a
question to be investigated.
40. Def. An Axiom is a truth which is admitted without
41. DsF. A Postulate is a problem which is admitted to
I*.- possible.
42. DSP. A /V< 7 is i it her a theorem or a problem.
43. Ih.i. A Corollary is a truth easily deduced from the
proposition to which it is attached.
1 1. Def. A Scholium is b remark upon some particular fea-
ture of a proposition.
45. Ihr. An Hypothesis is a supposition made in the
enunciation <>f a proposition, ox in the course of a demonstration.
1. Things which are equal to the same tiling arc equal to each
•_'. When equals arc added to equals the sums are equal.
3. When equals arc taken I are equal.
1. When equals are added to iiiicquals I arc unequal
5. When equals are taken bom anequala the remainders
G. Things which arc double tl thing, or equal things,
re equal to each oth<
7. Thin a which are halves of the same thing, or of equal
tliih ch other.
8. The w r than any of its parts.
'.». The wlml .1 to all its parts taken together.
ated —
1. That a straight line can be drawn from any one point to any-
other point.
l\ Thai a straight line can be produced to any distance, or can
be terminated at any point.
3. That the circumference of a circle can be described about any
i any distance from that centre.
48. Symbols and Abbreviations.
.*. therefore.
= is (or are) equal to.
Z angle.
A angles.
A triangle.
A triangles.
II parallel,
O parallelogram
HJ parallelograms.
_L perpendicular.
Jl perpendiculars.
rt. Z right an
it angles.
> is (or are) greater than.
< is (or are) less than.
rt. A right triangle.
rt. A right triangli
O circle.
© circles.
+ increased by.
— diminished by.
X multiplied by.
-4- divided by.
Post, postulate.
Def. detinition.
Ax. axiom.
Hyp. hypothesis.
Cor. corollary.
Q. E. D. quod erat demonstran-
Q. E. F. quod erat faciendum.
Adj. adjacent.
K\t.-int, exterior-interior.
Alt. -int. alternate-interior.
[den. identical.
( 'mis. construct ion.
Sup. supplementary.
Sup. adj. supplcinentary-adja-
Ex. exercise.
111. illustration.
•x Perpendicular axd #blique Lixes.
ri:tr#srn#x I. The#kkm.
49. When one ttoraigkt line crosses another straight line
He * til.
Let line OP cross A B at C.
We are to prove Z OCB = Z A CP.
Z C A + Z CB = 2 rt. A, §34
10 sup. -adj. A).
Z OCA + Z A CP = 2 rt. A, § 34
. . <>< ' A + ZOC B = ZOCA + Z AC P. Ax. 1.
Tab of these equals the common ZOC A.
In like mam, v prove
Q. E. D.
50. COROLLARY. If two straight lines cut one another, the
four angles which they make at the point of intersection are
fchei equal to four right angles.
Proposition II. Theorem.
51. When the sum of two adjacent angles is equal to two
right angles, their exterior sides form one and the same
straight line.
Let the adjacent angles Z OCA + Z C B = 2 it. A.
We are to prove A C and C B in the same straight line.
Suppose C F to be in the same straight line with A C.
Thru Z OCA + Z OCF= 2 it. A. §34
[being sap. -adj. A ).
But Z OCA + Z OCB = 2 rt. A. Hyp.
.-.Z OCA + Z OC F=Z OCA + Z OCB. Ax. 1.
Take away from each of these equals the common Z C A .
.'. C B and C F coincide, and cannot form two lines as rep-
resented in the figure.
. * . A C and C B are in the same straight line.
Q. E. D.
Proposition III. Theorem.
52. A perpentlh'iihir measure* the shortest distance from
a /jo i uf to a tiraigkt 1%
Let A B be the given straight line, C the given point
and CO the perpendicular.
\Y> em to prove C O < drown from CtoA />,
as C
luce CO to E, making OE= CO.
Drav, A'/:
On A B U a: (."' /' until it comes into the
plane rfO A'/'.
The line C will take the direction of E y
■■<• Z COF= ZEOF, eachbeing a rt. Z).
The point will fall upon the poinl
(*i?we C = OE by cons.).
.'. line CF"*lu*FB,
(Afl hi the same points).
(70+ 0E=2 CO.
C0+ OE d is the shortest distance between two points).
Substitute 2 C for CO + OF,
an.l 2 CFfor C F+ F E ; then wo have
2 C0< 2(7>.
Q E. D.
§ 18
§ 18
Proposition IV. Theorem.
53. Two oblique lines drawn from a point in a perpen-
dicular, cutting off equal distances from the foot of the per-
pendicular, are equal.
Let F C be the perpendicular, and C A and C two
oblique lines cutting off equal distances from F.
We are to prone C A = C 0.
Fold over C FA, on C F as an axis, until it comes into the
plane ofCFO.
FA will take the direction of FO,
(since ZCF A — ZCFO, each being art. Z).
Point A will fall upon point 0,
(FA = FO, by hyp.).
.'.line C A = line CO,
(their extremities being the same points).
§ 18
Q. E O.
Proposition V. Theokkm.
54. The sum of two lines drawn from a point to the ex-
ities of a straight lii iter than tie sum of two
oihrr I . but included by them.
Let C A and Q /J be two lines drawn from the point
to the extremities of the straight line A ft Let O A
and B be two lines similarly drawn, but included
byCA and ft
i prove CA + CB>OA + OB.
Pru 1 E.
Tl AG+CB>AO+0£, §18
and /■> BO. § 18
Add . and we b
l+CE+BE+0E>0A + 0E+0B.
Substitute for CE + BE its equal C B,
and take an side of the inequality.
We have C-4 + CB>0'A + OB.
Q. E. D.
Proposition VI. Theorem.
55. Of two oblique lines drawn from the same point in a
perpendicular, cutting off unequal dista?ices from the foot of
the perpendicular, the more remote is the greater.
Let C F be perpendicular to A B, and C K and C II two
oblique lines cutting off unequal distances from F.
1 1 V are to prove C II > C K.
Produce CF to E f making F E= C F.
Draw JTJTand K1L
CII = // h\ and C K = KE, § 53
(two oblique lines drawn from the same point in a J_, cutting off equal dis-
tances from the foot of the ±, are equal).
But CII+ II E >CK+ K E, § 54
(7 J he sum of two oblique lines drawn from a point to tlie extremities of a,
straight, line is greater than the sum of two other lines similarly drawn,
but included by them) ;
.-. 2 CII> 2 CK)
.'. CII>CK.
Q. E. D.
56. Corollary. Only two equal straight lines can be drawn
from a point to a straight line ; and of two unequal lines, the
greater cuts off the greater distance from the foot of the perpen-
Pro position VII. Theorem.
57. Two equal oblique lines, drawn from tie same point
in a perpendicular, cut off equal distances from the foot of
fie perpendicular.
Let C F be the perpendicular, and C E and C K be two
equal oblique lines drawn from the point C.
Wi m to i rove /'A'.
Fold over C FA on F as an axis, until it comes into the
plan.- of C /-'A'.
The line FB will take the direction /'A',
(Z CFE= Z C F A. i art. Z).
Then the point E mud fall upon the point K \
otherwise one of these oblique lines must be more remote from
the _L,
and .*. greater than the other; which is contrary to the
hypothesis. § 55
.\ F /;== FK.
Q. E. D.
Proposition VIII. Theorem.
58. If at the middle point of a straight line a per pen-
lot be erected,
I. Any point in the perpendicular is at equal dis fauces
from the extremities of the straight line.
II. Any point without the perpendicular is at unequal
distance* from the extremities of the straight line.
Let P 11 be a perpendicular erected at the middle oi
the straight line A B, O any point in PR, and C any
point without 7V.'.
I. Draw OA and OB.
We are to prove A — B.
Since PA = PB,
OA = OB, §53
•hliqnc lines drawn from the same point in a _L, cutting off equal dis-
tances from the foot of the _L, are equal).
II. BmwCA and C B.
We are to prove C A and C B unequal.
One of these lines, as CA, will intersect fche _L.
From D, the point of intersection, draw 1) 11.
DB = DA, § 53
[twt oh'i'i' " _L, cutting off equal dis-
fout of tJie J_, are equal).
CB< CD+ DB, § 18
(a sf is tlie shortest distance between two points).
Substitute f<»r D B its equal DA, then
CB < CD+ DA.
But CD + DA = CA, Ax. 9.
..CBf all points equallj from the extreini-
ties of tha! imr.
60. Scholium. Si fcermine the position of
a straight line, two points equally distant from the extremities
of a straighl Line det rmine the perpendicular at the middle
1>- »int of that line.
Ex, 1. If an an hat is its complement?
L\ If an and*' he a right its supplement ?
3. If an angle he £ of a right angle, what is its complement?
1. If an angle be £ of a right anjgle, what is its supplement?
5. Show that tlie hisectors of ,xwo vertical angles form one
and the same straight line.
w that the two straighl lines which bisect the two
d angles are perpendicular to each other.
Proposition IX. Theorem.
61. At a point in a straight line only one perpendicular
to that line can be drawn ; and from a point without a
straight line only one perpendicular to that line can be drawn.
Fig. 1.
Let B A (fig. 1) be perpendicular to C D at the point B.
We are to prove B A the only perpendicular to C D at the
pot Hi B.
If it be possible, let B E be another line J_ to C D at B.
Then Z EBD is art. Z. § 20
Bat Z AB1) is a rt. Z. § 26
.\Z EBD = Z ABD. Ax. 1.
That 18, a part is equal to the whole ; which is impossible.
In like manner it may be shown that no other line but B A
is_L to CD at B.
Let AB (fig. 2) be perpendicular to C D from the point A.
We are to prcm A B the only _L to C D from the point A.
If it be possible, let A E be another line drawn from A _L
to CD.
Conceive Z A E B to be moved to the right until the ver-
tex E falls on B, the side E B continuing in the line CD.
Then the line E A will take the position B F.
Now if A E be _1_ to C D, B F is _L to C D, and there will
be two J* to C D at the point B ; which is impossible.
In like manner, it may be shown that no other linn hut
A B is JL to CD from A. Q E D
62. Corollary. Two lines in the s-dinc plane perpendicular
to the same straight line have the same direction; otherwise
they would meet (§ 22^), ami we should have two perpendicular
liius drawn from their point of meeting to the same line ; which
is impossible.
I >\ Parallel Lines.
Parallel Lines are straight lines which lie in the same
plane and have the Bame direction, or opposite directions.
rile! lines lie in the Bame direction, when they are on
iame Bide of the straight line joining their origins.
Parallel lines lie in opposite directions, when they are on
oppo of the straight line joining their origins.
64, Tu "Ot meet. § 21
-////' plane perpendicular to a given
line I I art therefore parallel,
\ a given point only om J >< drawn par-
allel to a g § 18
line EF cu1 two other straight lines AB
and ODj it makes with those lines eight angles, to which par-
ticular nai: iven.
The angles I. l. 6, 7 are called Interior angles.
Tli 2, 3, 5, 8 are called Exterior angles.
The pairs of angles 1 and 7, 4 and 6 are called Alternate-
The pairs of angles 2 and 8, 3 and 5 are called Alternate-
The pairs of angles 1 and 5, 2 and o, 4 and 8, 3 and 7 are
• all r angles.
Proposition X. Theorem.
67. If a straight line be perpendicular to one of two
parallel lines, it is perpendicular to the other,
Let A B and E F be two parallel lines, and let UK be
perpendicular to A B.
\Y> are t<>J,rove II K J_ to E F.
Through C draw MN JL to UK.
Then MN is I! to A B. § or,
(Two lines in the same plane ± to a given line are parallel).
But EF is II ioAB, llvp.
.'. E F coincides with M N. § 66
vugh Hi< aanu point only one line can he drawn II to a given line),
.\EFis±to // K,
that ia // K is JL to E F.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XL Theorem.
68. If two parallel ttraight lines be cut by a third
straight line the alternate-interior angles are equal.
Let EF and OH be two parallel straight lines cut by
the line BC.
We are to prove Z B = Z C.
Through 0, the middle point of B C, draw A Z)Xto G II.
Then A D is likewise _L to E § 67
(a ti ± to one of two lis is ± to the other),
that is, CD and B A are both ± to A D.
Apply tigure COD to figure £04 so that 02) shall fall
Thru 6' will fall on OB,
'' D = Z. B A, bei, A);
and point G will tall upon 2?, *
>ce C = B by construction).
Then _L 02> will coincide with _i_ AM. § 01
vm _L to tlmt line can be drawn),
.*. Z CD coincides with Z BA, and is equal to it.
Q. E. D.
s. SOLIUM. By i; r$e of a proposition is meant a
proposition which has the hypothesis of the first as conclusion
and the conclusion of the first as hypothesis. The converse of
a truth is not neceuarilg true. Thus, parallel lines never meet ;
r ?/*e^ are parallel, is not true unless
the lines lie in the same plane.
v.. The << >n verse of many propositions will be omitted,
but their statement and demonstration shomel be required as an
import rise for the student.
Proposition XII. Theorem.
69. Conversely : When two straight lines are cut by a
third straight line, if the alternate-interior angles he equal,
the two straight lines are parallel.
Let E F cut the straight lines A B and C I) in the points
II and K, and let the Z A II K = Z II KB.
We are to }~>rove A B II to C D.
Through the point II draw MN II to CD;
thm Z MIIK=Z I/KIJ, §68
(being alt. -int. A ).
Bui Z AIIK = Z II K I), Hyp.
.'.Z M II K = Z A UK. Ax. 1.
.*. the lines M N and A B coincide.
But J/iVis II to CD; Cons.
.". A B, which coincides with M N, is II to C I>.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XIII. Theorem.
70. If two parallel lines be cut by a third straight line,
ike ' Interior angle* are equal.
Let A B and CD be two parallel lines cut by the
straight line E /', in the points II and K.
H v / EU H = Z II KD.
Z EJIIi = ZAII K\ §49
But ZAIIK=Z1IA />. §68
-.-////. A).
.-.Z E II Jl = Z H KD. Ax. 1
In like manner we may prove
Q. E. D.
71. CoBOLLARY. The alternate-exterior angles, E II B and
( ' K I\ and also A II E and D K E, are equal.
Proposition XIV. Theorem.
72. Conversely : When two straight lines are cut by a
third straight line, if the exterior-interior angles be equal,
these two straight lines are parallel.
Let E F cut the straight lines AB and CD in the
points II and K f and let the Z K II B = Z UK/).
Wt are to prove A B II to C D .
Through the point II draw the straight Line M X II to CD.
Then Z KIIN=Z II K IK § 7C
ng r.rt.-'nil. A).
But Z KIIB = Z UK D. Hyp
.-. Z EHB - Z EHN. Ax. 1
.*. the lines MX and A B coincide.
Bui MX is II to CD, Cons
.'. A B, which coincides with M JX, is II to CD.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XV. Theorem.
73. If two parallel lines be cut by a third straight line,
He turn of (//>' too inferior angles on the same side of the
>f H ne is equal (<> two fight
Let All and C D be two parallel lines cut by the
straight line EF in the points II and K
We a m Z B UK + Z UK I) = two rt. A.
Z EUB + Z BIIK=2 it. A, § 34
Bui Z Ell B = Z UK lh § 70
'■"j c.rt.-int. A).
gtitate Z II K I) for Z #7/7? in the first equality;
then Z B II K + Z IIKO = 2 rt. A
Q. E. D.
Proposition XYI. Theorem.
74. Conversely : When two straight lines are cut o// a
third straight line, if the two interior angles on the same side
of the secant line be together equal to tivo right angles, then
the two straight lines are parallel.
Let EF cut the straight lines AB and CD in the
points II and K, and let the Z B II K + Z II K D
equal two right angles.
W( "re to prove AB II to C D.
Through fche point II draw UN II to CD.
Then Z NIIK + Z II K D = 2 rt. A, § 73
(h ing two interior A on f/ir some side of the secant line).
But Z B1IK+ Z II Kl) = 2 rt. A. I [yp.
.'.ZX1IK+ Z II KI) = ZB1IK+ ZII K I). Ax. 1.
Take away from eacli of these equals the common Z II K IK
then Z NHK= Z B II K.
.'. the lines A B and M N coincide
But MNvt II to CD; Cons.
.*. A B, which coincides with M N, is II to CD.
Q. E D.
Proposition XVII. Theorem.
7."). Two straight lines which are parallel to a third
Uraighi line are parallel to each other.
Let A B and C D be parallel to E F.
We are toprem A B II to CD.
Draw //A'_L to EF.
Since CD and EFm 1, ffJTis J. to CD, § 67
gki /hie be J_ to one of two fb, it is ± to the other also).
Since A B and BF*te II, UK is also ±toAB, § 67
.'.Z IIOB = Z II PD,
{each being art. Z).
.'. A B is II to CD, § 72
we cut by a third straight line, if tlie cxt.-int. A
qnalf the two lines are II ).
Q. E. D.
Proposition XVIII. Theorem.
76. Two parallel lines are everywhere equally distant
from each other.
i: M II
A 1 1 ; B
Let A B and CD be two parallel lines, and from any
two points in A B, as E and II, let EF and UK
be drawn perpendicular to A I>.
We ore t<> prove E F ■= // K.
Now EF and // K are i. to C h, § G7
{>' live _L t<> n„, of two \\s is _L to Ho other also).
Let M he the middle point of EH.
Draw MP± to A B.
On MP as an axis, fold over the portion of the figure on
the right of MP until it eoraee into the plane of the figure on
the left.
M B will fall on MA,
{for Z P M 11= ZP M /•:, i ach being a rt Z ) ;
the point // will fall on E,
(forMH= ME, by hyp.) ;
If K will fall on EF,
{for Z M JIK= Z M E F, each being a rt. Z) ;
and the point K will fall on E E, or E F produced.
Also, PD will fall on PC,
(Z MPK= Z MPF, earlt being a rt. Z) ;
and the point K will fall on P C.
Since the point K fills in both the lines EFmd PC,
it must fall at their point of intersection E.
.'./IE=EF, §18
(their 'xtremities being the same points).
Q. E. D.
Proposition XIX. Theorem.
77. Two mi i } lee whose sides are parallel, two and two,
Hud lie in ike name direction^ or opposite directions, from their
■t'S, are equal,
Pig. l.
Let A 11 and E (Fig. 1) have their sides BA and ED,
and BO and BF respectively, parallel and lying
in the same direction from their vertices.
(Pi an to pro* the A B = A B,
ay) two ridea which an.* not II until they
intersect, as at // ;
A n = ZDHC, § 70
(beii A),
and AE = AD1I<\ §70
.-.z n = z /:. Ax. l
Let A B and K' (Fig. 2) have B' A' and E' /)', and B' C
and E' F respectively, parallel and lying in oppo-
site directions from their vertices.
PPi on / Z B' = Z E'.
Produce (if necessary) two sides which are not II until they
intersect, as at II'.
Th AB t = AE'irC' f §70
(being txL-inL A),
and A E' = A E'lI'C, § 08
(Jbeing alt. -int. A) ;
.-. A B' = A E', Ax. 1.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XX. Theorem.
78. If tiro angle* have two sides parallel and lying in
the same direction from their vertices, while the other two
sides arc parallel and He in opposite directions, then the two
a, i pies are supplements of each other.
Let A EC and 1) E F be two angles having BC and E I)
parallel and lying in the same direction from their
vertices, while EF and B A are parallel and lie in
opposite directions.
W\ on to prove Z ABC and Z D E F supplements of each
Produce (if necessary ) two sides which ate not II until they
Intel //.
Z A BC = Z BUD, § 70
{being aot.-int. A).
z i) ef=z BB&t § 68
(h, fag , f 11. -int. A).
Bat Z n If I) and Z 11 If E are supplements of each other, § 3 t
(being sup. -adj. A ).
.-. Z A BO and Z I) EF, the equals of Z BUD and
Z B ll /;. are supplements <>f<-;trii other.
Q. E. D.
On Triangles.
79. Def. A Triangle is a plane figure bounded by three
straight lines.
A triangle has six parts, three sides and three angles.
80. When lli.- rix parts of one triangle are equal to the six
parte of another h ich to each, the triangles are said to
>< l. I > i i . An Tmscdes triangle is one of which two sides
I >i:i . An Equilateral triangle is one of which the three
sides are equal
I'll. Tin- Base of a triangle is the side on which the
triangle is supposed to stand.
In an isosceles triangle, the side which is not one of the
equal sides is considered the base.
87. Def. A : angle is one which has one of the
_ ht angle.
88. DBF. The side opposite the right angle is called the
89. \h.\ . An Obtuse triangle is one which has one of the
I an olAu.se angle.
90. 1 h.v. An Acute triangle is one which has all the angle*
91. Ih.v. A f/ular triangle is one which lias all
Def. In anv to the hase is
le, and its vertex is called I
i -in the vertex to the haw-, or the bote produced.
Def. Tl
eluded between a side and an adjacen / CB h.
Def. The two angle* of a Mangle which are opp
. are called the tw<
I sad C.
96. Any side of a triangle is less than the sum of the
other two sides.
e a straight line is the shortest distance between two '
A C < A B + /;
97. Any side of a triangle is greater than the difference
of the other two sides.
In the inequality A C < A B + BC,
take away A B from each side of the inequal
Then -AB1. (Job. 6, In an equiangular triangle, each angle is one
third of two right an w<_> thirds of one right angle.
105. / i r'miKj It is equal fo Ih e 8 u ui
'>/ thr //<■< tUtf/feS.
Let BC If be an exterior angle of the triangle ABC.
II, em to j'mve Z BCIf=Z A + Z B.
Z BC 11+ Z A C B = 2 it. A, § 34
Z A + Z B + ZACB = 2 rt. A, § 98
(three AofaA = two rt. A ).
.'.ZBCH+, ^ZA + ZB + ZACB. Ax. 1.
Take away from each of these equals the common ZA CB\
then Z BC 11 = Z A + Z B.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XXIII. Theorem.
106. Two triangles are equal in all resjjects when two
sides and the included angle of the one are equal respectively
to two sides and the included auyle of the other.
B At
In the triangles ABC and A' £' C, let AB = A'B',
A C=A'C',A A=Z. A'.
We are to prove A A B C = A A' B' C.
Tab- 1 up the A A BC and place it upon the A J'/j'C so
that A B shall coincide with A' B'.
Then A C will take the direction of A 1 C,
(for /. A = A A', by /.),
the point C will fall upon tin' point O,
(forAC=A'C' y by hyp.) ;
.'. CB = C B',
(their extremities being the same, points).
•\ the two A coincide, and are equal in all respects.
§ 18
Q. E. D.
Proposition XXIV. Theorem.
107. Tiro triangle* are equal in all respects when a side
and two adjacent angles of the one are equal respectively to a
side and two adjacent angles of ike other.
c a
n ,v
In the triangles ABC and A' B' C, let A B = A' B' y
Z A=Z A', A B = Z. B'.
We are to prove A A BC = A A' B' O.
Take up A A BC and place it upon A A' B' C, so that
A B shall • oiacide with At l>'.
A C will take the direction of A 1 C,
(/or Z A = Z A', by hyp.) ;
the poinl C. the extremity of A 6', will fall upon 4' C" or
A' C prodaced
B C will take the direction oiB'C,
(forZB = ZB f , by hyp.);
the poinl C. the extremity of BC, will fall upon B' C or
B 1 C prodn
.'. the point C, falling upon both the lines A' C and B 1 C,
must fall apon a point common to the two lines, namely, C.
.'. the two A coincide, and are equal in all respects.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XXV. Theorem.
108. Tiro triangles are equal when the three sides of the
qne are equal respectively to the three sides of the other,
B B>
In the triangles A B C and A' B' C, let A B = A' B',
AC = A'C, BC = B' C
in on to prove A A BC = A A' B' C.
Place A A' B' C in the position A B' C, haying its greatest
side A' C in coincidence with its equal AC, and its vertex at
ll 1 , opposite B.
Draw B B' intersecting A C at //.
Snu-At AB = A /:\ Hyp.
point A is at equA] distances bom B and B'.
Since J? C = /? 7 C, Hyp.
point 6' La at equal distances from B and B 1 .
.'. A C is J_ to J5 J5' at its middle point, § 60
(two points at equal distant i from the extremities of a straight line deter'
" the J. at the middle of that line).
Now [f A A B' C be folded over on .4 (7 as an axis until it
comes into the plane of A ABC,
II H' will tall on EB }
{for Z A H B = Z A J I /;', each h ing >< rt, Z),
and point B 1 will fall on B,
{for H B' = H B).
.'. the two A coincide, and are equal in all respects.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XXVI. Theorem.
L09. Two right triangles are equal when a side and the
hypotenuse of the one are equal respectively to a side and the
hypotenuse of the other.
In the right triangles ABC and A' B' C, let A B = A' 5',
and AC = A'C.
We are to prove A A BC = A A' B' C.
Tftkfl up the A A BC and place it upon A A' B' C, so that
A B will oomdde with A' B'.
Then BC will fell upon n'C,
(forZABC=ZA'B'C \g a rt. Z),
and point C will fall upon C ;
otherwise the equal oblique lines A (7- and A' C would cut
off unequal distances from the foot of the JL, which is im-
possible, § 57
((>/•<> (qua J sfrom a point in a X cut off equal distances from the
foot of the _L ).
.*. the. two A coincide, and are equal in all respects.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XXVII. Theorem.
110. Two right triangles are equal when the hypotenuse
and an acute angle of the one are equal respectively to the
hypotenuse and an acute angle of the other.
In the right triangles ABC and A' B' C, let AC = A' C,
and Z A= Z A'.
We are to prove A A B C = A A' B' '.
A C = A' C,
Z A=Z A>,
then Z C = Z C, § 101
100 rt. A have an acute Z of the one equal to an acute Z of the other,
then the other acute A are equal).
.'.AABC = AA'B'C, § 107
(two & are equal when a side and two adj. A of the one are equal
respectively to a side and two adj. A of the other),
Q. E. D.
111. Corollary. Two right triangles are equal when a
side and an aeute angle of the one are equal respectively to an
homologous side and acute angle of the other.
Proposition XXVIII. Theorem.
112. In nit uoteete* triangle the angles opposite the
Let ABC be an isosceles triangle, having the sides
A C and C B equal.
We are to prove Z A = Z B.
From C draw the straight line C E so as to bisect the
In the A it CA'an.l BOB,
AC=BC, Hyp.
C E=C E f Iden.
..AACE = ABCE, §106
- sides and the included Z. of the one are equal
respectively to two sides and the included Z. of the other).
r.Z A=Z B,
(being homologous A of equal A ).
Q. E. D.
If the equal sides of an isosceles triangle be produced,
show that the angles formed with the base by the sides produced
Proposition XXIX. Theorem.
113. A straight line which bisects the angle at the vertex
of an /'.v.y -r/r.v triangle divides the triangle into tiro equal
triangles, is perpendi'-ular to the base, and bisert.s the base.
Let the line C E bisect the Z AC B of the isosceles
Wi em to prove I. AACE = ABCE;
II. line CE±toAB;
III. A E = BE.
I. In thoA ACE ai»\ BCE,
AC=BC, Hyp.
CE=C/.\ Iden.
Z ACE = Z BCE. Cons.
.-.A AC E = A BCE, § 10G
ag two sides and / , f ual respectively to two aides
and the included A of the otJier).
Also, II. Z CEA = Z CEB,
{being homologous A of equal &).
.*. CEis± to AB,
(a straight line meeting another, making tlie adjacent A equal, is ± to
that line).
Also, III. AE= E /;,
(being homologous sides of equal &).
Q. E. D.
Proposition XXX. Theorem.
114. If Udo angle* of a triangle be equal, the sides op-
lr the equal angles are equal, and the triangle is isosceles.
In the triangle ABC, let the Z B = Z C.
Wi ve A B = A C.
Draw A D ± to B C.
In the it. A A DBund A l><\
A I> - A D t Iden.
ZB = ZC,
.'. rt. A A 1) B = rt. A A DC, § 111
>g a side and an acute /L oj !>>al respectively to a side and an
Z. of the "I
:.AB = AC,
(being homologous sides of equal &).
Q. E. D.
Ex. Show that an equiangular triangle is also equilateral.
Proposition XXXI. Theorem.
115. If two triangles have two sides of the one equal
respectively to two sides of the other, but the included angle
of the first greater than the included angle of the second, then
the third side of the first will be greater than the third side
of the second.
E *1e
In the A ABC and ABE, let A B = A B, B C = B E ;
but Z ABO Z ABE.
We are to prove AO A E.
Place the A so that A B of the one shall coincide with A B
<>f the other.
Draw BFaotBto bisect Z EBC.
Draw EF.
In the a BBFaad OBF
i: B = BC, Hyp.
BF=BF, Men.
Z EBF=Z CBF, Cons.
.'. the A EBFund C B F are equal, § 10G
{hnrng two sides and the included £ of one equal respectively to two sides
and the included Z. of the other).
(being homologous tides of equal A).
Now A F + F 3 > A B f § 96
(the sum of two sides of a A is greater than the third side).
Substitute for F E its equal FC. Then
AF+ FOAE; or,
A C > A E.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XXXII. Theorem.
116. Conversely: If two sides of a triangle be equal
respectively to two sides of another, but the third side of the
first triangle be greater than tie third side of the second, then
tlir angle opposite tie third side of the first triangle is greater
tin m tie angle opposite the third side of the second.
In the &ABCandA'B'C' J let A B = A' B', AC — A' C ;
but HO B' C.
We are to prove Z A > Z A'.
If Z A=Z A',
then would AABC = AA f B'C, §106
(having two sides and the included Z oftlie one equal respectively to two sides
and ( I £of tlie other),
and BC^B'C,
(being homologous sides of equal & ).
And if A < A',
thru would BC Z A 1 .
Q. E. D
Proposition XXXIII. Theorem.
117. Of two sides of a triangle] that is the greater
which is opposife the greater angle.
In the triangle ABC let angle AC B be greater than
angle /:.
Wi we A B > A C.
Draw CEbq aa bo make Z B C E = Z B.
Then EC = EB, §114
A ).
Now AE+ EOAC, §96
(/A- wm of two tides of a A /*■ greater than the third side).
t i t ute for i£ C its equal .# A Then
ii ^ + E B> AC, or
Q. E. D.
Ex. ABC and ABB are two triangles on the same base
^1 j5, and on the same side of it, the vertex of each triangle
being without the other. If A C equal A D, show that B C
cannot equal B D.
Proposition XXXIY. Theorem.
lis. Of two angle* of a triangle, that is the greater
which is opposite the greater side.
In the triangle A BC let A B be greater than I C.
PPi tm to prove Z A C B > Z /;.
Tak ,ual to A C;
Draw EC.
Z AEC = Z ACE, § 112
But Z A EC> Z /;, § 105
(an exterior A of a A is gr Z. ),
an. I Z AC B > Z ACE.
Substitute foi Z A C E its equal Z A EC, then
h mure is Z AC B> Z B.
Q. E. D.
If the angles ABC and ACB, at the base of an
be bisected by the straight lines B D, CD,
Bhow that D BC will be an isosceles triangle.
Proposition XXXY. Theorem.
119. The three bisectors of the three angles of a triangle
m •trt in a point.
Let the two bisectors of the angles A and C meet
at 0, and B be drawn.
xm B I he Z B.
Draw the J8 OK, () />, and OH.
OC=OC, Iden,
Z OCK = Z OCP, (lis.
.'.A OCK = A OCP, § 110
M '■ i ofeq/kal A).
In the it, A Oil P and O J //,
0A*=OA t Lien.
-ZOAP = ZOAH, , Cona.
/.A 6>d P = AOA //, § 110
w /A-' KypoUnxm and cm acute Z of the one eq ""I respectively to the
hypotenuse and an acute Z of the 0th
.'. OP=0/t.
(being homologous tides "/equal A ).
But we have already shown P = O A\
.'.OH=()k\ Ax. I
Now in rt. A II B and KB
Oil =0 K, a.ndOB = OB,
.'.AOHB = A OKB, § 109
of the one equal respectively to the hypote-
nuse and a side of the other),
.-. Z o/;// = Z OBK,
(being homologous A of equal A ).
Q. E. D.
Proposition XXXVI. Theorem.
120. The i peudicular* erected at the middle
point* qf the thn yf a triangle meet in a point.
Let I) D , / / , /'/', be three perpendiculars erected
at I), E, F, the middle points of A B, A C, and BO.
We are to pro* iat, as 0.
The two J* I) D' and BE 1 meet, otherwise they would be
parallel, and A B and A £7, being _l! to these lines from the same
point A, would he in the same straight line;
but this is impossible, since they are sides of a A.
Let be the point at which they meet.
Then, since is in J) D', which is J_ to A B at its middle
point, it is equally distant from A and B. § 59
Also, since is in* E E' , _L to A at its middle point, it is
equally distant from A and 0. /
.*. is equally distant from B and C ;
.'. is in F F' _L to BO at its middle point, . § 59
(the locus o) \ly distant from the extremities of a straight line
is the ± erected at the middle of that line).
Q. E. D.
Proposition XXXYII. Theorem.
1:21. The three perpendiculars from the vertices of a tri-
angle to the opposite sides meet in a point.
In the triangle ABC, let B P, A II. OK, be the per-
pendiculars from the vertices to the opposite
We are to prove they meet in some point, as 0.
Through the vertices A, B, C, draw
A' B II- to BC,
A' C II to A C,
B' C II to A B.
In the A A B A' and A B C, we have
A B = A B,
(being alternate interior A ),
§ 68
§ 68
.*.A ABA' = A ABC, § 107
Hide and two adj. A of tlie one equal respectively to a side mm
two adj. A of the other).
.'.A'B = AC\
(being homologous sides of egical A ).
TIM 57
In the A CBC mid A B(
BC = BC, Idea
ZCBC' = ZBCA, §08
(being alternate interior A ).
ZBCC' = ZCBA §68
.-.A CBL" = AABC, §107
nrj a side o> A of the one equal respectively to a M
adj. A of the other).
BC' = AC,
{being homologous sides of equal A ).
But we have already shown A' B = A C,
A'B = BC, Ax. 1.
/.Bjb\ We point of A'C.
BPia±toAC, Hyp.
\s±toAU § 67
(a straight line which is ± to one of two \\s is ± (
middle point of A' C \
.-. BP is A. to A'C at its middle point
In like manner we may prove tl
A H i> _L t<» A' W at its middle point,
and C K A. to B 1 C at its middle point.
.-. 11 l\ A //. and CK are Js erect- middle points
. . A B'C.
.'. these J§ meet in a point. § 120
points of the sides of a A /// >int).
Q. E. D.
On Quadrilaterals.
122. Def. A Quadrilateral is a plane figure bounded by
four straight lines.
123. Def. A Trapezium is a quadrilateral which has no
two sides parallel.
124. Def. A Trapezoid is a quadrilateral which has two
sides parallel.
125. Def. A Parallelogram is a quadrilateral which has
its opposite sides parallel.
126. Def. A Rectangle is a parallelogram which has its
angles right angles.
127. Def. A Square is a parallelogram which has its
angles right angles, and its sides equal.
128. Def. A Rhombus is a parallelogram which has its
sides equal, but its angles oblique angles.
129. Def. A Rhomboid is a parallelogram which has its
angles oblique angles.
The figure marked parallelogram is also a rhomboid.
130. I'i.f. The side upon which a parallelogram stands,
tnd the opposite side, are called its lower and upper bases; and
(he parallel sides of a trapezoid are called its bases.
LSI. Def. The Altitude of a parallelogram or trapezoid is
thr perpendicular distance between its baa
132. Def. The Biaxial of a
quadrilateral La a straight line joining
any two opposite vertices.
LS3. / ^a par all the figure
into ftco eq
Let ABC K be a parallelogram, and A C its diagonal.
Wi are to prove A A B C = A A E < .
In the A ABC and A EC
AC = AC, Iden.
Z ACB = Z CA /:. §68
■inf. A).
ZCAB = ZACE, §68
.*. AABC = AAEC, § 107
" adj. A of the o vely to a wide end two
adj. A of the other).
Q. E. D.
Proposition XXXIX. Theorem.
134. In a parallelogram the opposite sides are equal,
and the opposite angles are equal.
Let the figure ABC E be a parallelogram.
We are to prove B C = A E, and AB = EC,
also, ZB = Z E,andZ BAE = Z BCE.
Draw A C
A ABC = AAEC, § 133
(the diagonal of a O divides the figure into two equal A ).
.'.BC = AE,
and AB = CE,
(being homologous sides of equal & ).
Z B = Z E,
(being Jiomologous A of equal A ).
and ZEAC = ZACB,
(being Jiomologous A of equal &)•
Add these last two equalities, and we have
or, ZBAE = ZBCE.
Q. E. D.
135. Corollary. Parallel lines comprehended between par-
allel lines are equal.
Proposition XL. Theorem.
136. If u quadrilateral have two sides equal and par-
allel, then the otki ' parallel, and the
//// n re is a parallelogra m .
Let the figure ABCE be a quadrilateral, having the
side A E equal and parallel to BC.
We are to prove A B equal and II to E (
Draw A C.
In the A ABC and A EC
BC = A A. Hyp.
A C = AC, [den.
{being alt. -int. A).
..AABC = AACE, § 106
' sides and the included /Lof tlie < to two sides
and the included Z. of the M
.\AB = EC,
lologoits sides of equal A ).
Also, ZBAC = ZACE,
(being homologous A of equal & ) ;
.'.A Bis II to EC, §69
/ lines are cut by a third straight line, if the alt.-int. A be
equal the lines are pumUrl).
.'. the figure ABCEis&CJ, § 125
(the opposite sides being parallel).
Q. E D.
Proposition XLI. Theorem.
137. If in a quadrilateral the opposite sides be equal, the
figure is a parallelogram.
Let the figure A B C E be a quadrilateral having
BC = AE and AB = EC.
We are to prove figure A B C E a O.
Draw A C.
InthzA ABC and A EC
BC = AE, Hyp.
AB = CE, Hyp.
A C = A C, Iden.
.'. A ABC = AAEC, § 108
(having three sides of the one equal respectively to three sides of the other).
.'./. ACB = Z CAE y
and ZBAC = ZACE,
(being homologous A of equal & ).
.'.BCis II toAE,
and A Bis II to EC, §69
(when two straight lines lying in the same plane are cut by a third straight
line, if the alt. -int. A be equal, tlie lines are parallel).
.'. the figure ABC E is a, EJ, § 125
(having its opposite sides parallel).
Q. E. D.
Proposition XLII. Thsobkm.
138. The diagon from bisect each other.
Let the figure A B C E be a parallelogram, and let
the diagonals A C and BE cut each other at 0.
We are to prove AO = OC, and B 0= ft
In the A A OB and BOC
§ 134
pposite sides of a E3\
(being alt. -int. A ),
Z OEA=Z OBC; § 68
.-. AAOE = A BOC, § 107
ng a side and two adj. A of the <> spectively to a side and two
adj. A of the other).
..AO = OC,
and BO = OE.
(being homologous sides of equal & ).
Q. E. D.
Proposition XLIII. Theorem.
139. The diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at
right angles.
Let the figure A B C E he a rhombus, having the
diagonals A C and BE bisecting each other at 0.
We are to prove Z AO E and Z A B rt. A.
In the A A E and A B,
AE = AB, §128
(being sides of a rhombus) ;
OE=OB, §138
(the diagonals of a CD bisect each otlier) ;
AO = AO, Iden.
.'. A AOE = A AOB, § 108
(having three sides of the one equal respectively to three sides of the other) ;
(being homologous A of equal A ) ;
.\ Z A E and Z A B are rt. A. § 25
When one straight line meets another straight line so as to make the adj. A
equal, each Z is a rt. Z).
Q. E. D.
Proposition XLIV. Thboj
1 10. Two paralltb i two iifcs and the in-
cluded angle ofth % and the
angle of the other, are equal in all resp*
B CD' a
In the parallelograms A B C D and A' B 1 O D', let
AB = A' B', AD = A'D', and Z. A = Z A'.
We are to prove that the HJ are eq
Apply O A BCD to O A'B'C'D', so that A D will fall
<>ii and coinejdi I D'.
Tli.:. A /I will fall 0]
(/orZA = Z A' t I
and B will fid! on B',
B = A' B\ \
Now, BC and B' O are both II V ad an- drawn
through point B'\
.-. tli- line* BCvbA W <" coincide, § 66
In like manner I> and />' C are II to A' 11' and an drawn
through tin- point
.-. DC and /^ ' " coincide : § 66
.-. the point ('falls on I)' C , oi /> ' ' '•' produced ;
.'. (7 falls on both AB'C;
.*. 6' must fall on a point common to both, namely, C.
.'. the two UJ coincide, and are equal in all respects.
Q. E. D.
Ml. CoBOLLABT. Two red vring the same base and
aUitudi ,-iu'it ; fox they may be applied to each other and
will coincide.
Proposition XLV. Theorem.
142. The straight line which connects the middle points
of the non-parallel sides of a trapezoid is parallel to the par-
allel sides, and is equal to half (heir sum.
Let SO be the straight line joining the middle points
of the non-parallel sides of the trapezoid ABCE.
We are to prove SO II to A E and B C ;
also SO = h(A £ + HC).
Through the point draw F II II to A B,
and produce B C to meet F II at //.
In the A FOEbxA C II
OE=OC, Cons.
( fc iiirj alt. -int. A ),
ZFOE = ZCOH, §49
(being vertical A ).
/.A FOE = A CO//. § 107
{having a side and two adj. A of the one equal respectively to a side and two
adj. A off/<<' other).
.\FM=CH %
and 0F=01I,
\g homologous sides of equal A ).
Now F II - A H § 135
(II lines conqrrelumded between II lines arc equal) ;
..FO—AS. Ax. 7.
•\ the figure A FO Sis a O, § 136
(having two opposite sides equal
. . .S'Ois II to ^1 /■'. § 125
tig opposite sides of a O).
SO is also II to BC,
{a st i I to one of two II lines is II to the other also).
SO = A I\
(being opposite sides of a CJ) t
so - /;//.
§ 125
BH = BC+ C II.
Substitute for A F and BE their equals, ^i? — FE&ni
BC+ Cll.
and add, observing that C // = F E\
then 2S0 = AE+BC.
.'. SO = i(AE+ BC).
Q. E. D.
On Polygons in General.
143. Def. A Polygon is a plane figure bounded by straight
144. Def. The bounding lines are the sides of the polygon,
and their sum, s&AB + BC+CD, etc., is the Perimeter of
the polygon.
The angles which the adjacent sides make with each other
are the angles of the polygon.
145. Def. A Diagonal of a polygon is a line joining the
vertices of two angles not adjacent.
B B'
D F'
An Equilateral polygon is one which has all its
An Equiangular polygon is one which has all
146. Def.
sides equal.
147. Def.
its angles equal.
148. Def. A Convex polygon is one of which no side,
when produced, will enter the surface bounded by the perimeter.
149. Def. Each angle of such a polygon is called a Salient
angle, and is less than two right angles.
150. Def. A Concave polygon is one of which two or more
sides, when produced, will enter the surface bounded by the
151. Def. The angle FD E is called a Re-entrant angle.
AVhen the term polygon is used, a convex polygon is meant.
The number offsides of a polygon is evidently equal to the
number of its angles.
By drawing diagonals from any vertex of a polygon, the fig-
ure may be divided into as many triangles as it has sides less two.
152. I'ii. Two polygons are Equal, when they can be
divided by diagonals into the same number of triangles, equal
each to each, and similarly placed ; for the polygons can be
applied to each other, and the corresponding triangles will evi-
dently coincide. Therefore the polygons will coincide, and be
equal in all respects.
153. Def. Two polygons are Mutually 1. lar } if the
angles of the one be equal to the angles of the other, each to
each, when taken in the same order; as the polygons ABODE F,
and A 1 B 1 C D' E' F % in which Z A - Z A 1 , Z B = Z B',
ZC = ZC, etc.
L5 1. 1 >i i . The equal angles in mutually equiangular poly-
gons are called Homologous angles; and the sides which lie
between equal angles are called Homologous sides.
155. Def. Two polygons are Mute //, if the
sides of tie tl to the sides of the other, each to each,
when taken in the same order.
Fig. 1. Pig. 3. :. 4.
Two polygons may be mutually equiangular without being
mutually equflatei I and 2.
And, t*f two polygons may be
mutually equilateral without being mutually equiangular \ as
S and 4.
If two polygons be mutually equilateral and equiangular,
they are equal, for they may be applied the one to the othei
as to coincide.
156. Def. A polygon of three sides is a Trigon or Tri-
angle ; one of f«»ur sides is a Tetragon or Quadrilateral ; one of
fagon ; one of six sides is a Hexagon ; one of
ii sides is a Heptagon; one of eight sides is an Octagon; one
of fcen agon ; one of twelve sides is a Dodecagon.
Proposition XLYI. Theorem.
157. The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is
equal to two right angles, taken as many times less two as
the figure has sides.
Let the figure ABC DEF be a polygon having n sides.
We are to prove
A A + Z B + A C, etc., = 2 rt. A (n - 2).
From the vertex A draw the diagonals A C, A D, and A E.
The sum of the A of the A = the sum of the angles of the
Now there arc (« — 2) A,
and the sum of the A of each A = 2 rt. A.
.'. the sum of the A of the A, that is, the sum <>f the A of
the polygon = 2 rt. A (n — 2).
Q. E. D.
158. Corollary. The sum of the angles of a quadrilateral
equals two right angles taken (4 — 2) times, i. e. equals 4 right
angles; and if the angles be all equal, each angle is a right
angle. In general, each angle of an equiangular polygon of n
9 ( v — 9\
is equal to ^-A_ J. right angles.
159. Tl i of a polygon, nufde by produ-
cing each < if lis -svVA'.y in succession, arc together equal to four
rig/tt angles.
Let the figure ABODE be a polygon, having its sides
produced in succession.
•IPJ // to prove the sum oj A.
Denote the int. A of the polygon by A,B,t\ i>. E \
ami the ext . 1 ■. , e.
Z A + Za = 2vtA,
. <4 ).
Z B + Z h = 2 rt. A $ 84
In like manner each pair ofacjj. A = 2 rt. zS;
■\ tin' sum <»f the interior and exterior . i •» 2 rt -d taken
as many t ;:
it. A.
the interior . 2 rt. . S taken as many times as the
figure has aides Less two, 2 rt A («. — 2),
it. .j — 1 rt A.
.■ . the exterior z^ = -4 rt A.
Q. E. D.
1. Show that the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon is
equal to eight right angles.
2. Show that each angle of an equiangular pentagon is £ of
a right angle.
3. How many sides has an equiangular polygon, four of
whose angles are together equal to seven right angles'?
4. How many sides has the polygon the sum of whose in-
terior angles is equal to the sum of its exterior angles 1 ^t Q/V
■ . How many sides has the polygon the sum of whose in-
terior angles is double that of its exterior angles? U OiA^-J %
6. How many sides has the polygon the sum of whose,
rior angles is double that of its interior angles'? ^&t- O^J {
7. Every point in the bisector of an angle is equally distant
from the sides of the angle ; and every point not in the bisector,
but within the angle, is unequally distant from the sides of the
8. B A C is a triangle having the angle B double the angle
A. If B D bisect the angle B, and meet A C in D, show that
B D is equal to A D.
9. If a straight line drawn parallel to the base of a triangle
the sides, show that it bisects the other also ; and
that the portion of it intercepted between the two sides is equal
to one half the base.
\ 10. A B C J) is a parallelogram, A' and F the middle points
of AD and BC respectively; show that BE and DF will
ct the diagonal A C.
11. If from any point in the base of an isosceles triangle
parallels to the equal sides he drawn, show that a parallelogram
is formed whose perimeter is equal to the sum <>(" the equal
s of the triangle.
12. If from the diagonal 11 1) of a square A BCD, BE be
• >fT equal to BC, and E F }>•■ drawn perpendicular to BD y
show that D E is equal to F F, and also to FC.
1 3. Show that the three lines drawn from the vert ices of a
triangle to the middle points of the opposite sides meet in a
PiaiM'I ,
160. I > i : i . A ' a plane figure bounded by a curved
line, all the points of which are equally distanl from a point
within called ill'* &
1''. 1. I > i i . 1 nee of a circle is the line which
bounds tin- qu
162. of a circle is any straight line drawn
tram the centric t o the circumference, as -1. 1
163. 1 1 (meter of a cii< line paw-
be centre and havh ircum-
By :li definition of a circle, all its radii are equal. He i
all i; . since tin- dian I to twice
i liua
M .1/
16 I. 1 »i i . An Arc of a circle is any portion of the circum-
is an arc equal to one
half the circumference, as A M l>. Fig. 2.
166. Dl >rd of a circle is any straight line having
:ivniiti ami the aw A I) 11. Whenever a chord and its arc are
ipoken of, the I Is meant unless it be otherwise stated.
167. Def. A Segment of a circle is a portion of a circle
enclosed by an arc and its chord, as A M B, Fig. 1.
168. Def. A Semicircle is a segment equal to one half the
circle, as A B C, Fig. 1.
169. Def. A Sector of a circle is a portion of the circle
enclosed by two radii and the arc which they intercept, as A C B,
Fig. 2.
170. Def. A Tangent is a straight line which touches the
circumference but does not intersect it, however far produced.
The point in which the tangent touches the circumference is
called the Point of Contact, or Point of Tangency.
171. Def. Two Circumferences are tangent to each other
when they are tangent to a straight line at the same point.
172. Def. A Secant is a straight line which intersects the
circumference in two points, as A /), Fig. 3.
173. Def. A straight line is Inscribed in a circle when its
extremities lie in the circumference of the circle, as A B, Fig. 1.
An angle is inscribed in a circle when its vertex is in the
circumference and its sides are chords of that circumference, as
Z ABC, Fig. 1.
A polygon is inscribed in a circle when its sides are chords
of the circle, as A A B C, Fig. 1.
A circle is inscribed in a polygon when the circumference
touches the sides of the polygon but does not intersect them,
as in Fig. 4.
174. Def. A polygon is Circumscribed about a circle when
all the sides of the polygon are tangents to the circle, as in Rg, 4.
A circle is circumscribed about a polygon when the circumfer-
ence .passes through all the vertices of the polygon, as in Fig. 1.
175. Def. Equal circles are circles which have equal radii.
For if one circle be applied to the other so that their centres
coincide their circumferences will coincide, since all the points
both aiv at the same distance from the centre.
1 7* >. Every diameter bisects the circle
a n< I its circumference. For if we fold over
I MB on A B as an axis until
it comes into the plane of A P B, the arc
A MB will coincide with the arc APB;
because every point in each is equally dis-
r i * 'in the '•nitre 0.
PBOFOflmoi 1. Theorem.
17 7. The diameter of a circle i$ greater than n,u/ other
clnnil .
Let A H be the diameter of the circle
A MB, and A E any other chord.
II ' to prove A B > A /'.
From C, the centre of the O, draw C E.
(being radii of the same circle).
But AC+CE>AE y §96
(the mm of two sides of a A> the third side).
Substitute for C E, in the above inequality, its equal CB.
Then AC+CB>AJB,ot
A B > AE.
Q. E. D.
Proposition II. Theorem.
178. A straight line cannot intersect the circumference
of a circle in more than two points.
Let II K be any line cutting the circumference A MP.
We are to prove thai UK can intersect the circinnference
in only two points.
If it he possible, let II K intersect the circumference in three
points, //, P, and K.
From 0, the centre of the O, draw the radii OH, OP,
and K.
Then II, P, and K are equal,
(being radii of the same circle).
.*. if UK could intersect the circu inference in three points,
we should have three equal straight lines 01/, OP, and OK
drawn from the same point to a given straight line, which is
impossible, § 56
(only two equal straight lilies can be drawn from a point to a straight line),
.'.a straight line can intersect the circumference in only
two points.
Q. E. D.
Proposition III. Theorem.
179. In tin rcle, or equal . equal angles
at the centre intercept equai arcs an the circmnfference.
In the equal circles ABP and A'B'P' let ZO=ZO'.
We are to prove arc RS = arc R' S 1 .
Apply O A BP to O A'B'P,
so that Z shall coincide with Z. 0'.
The point R will fall upon R' 9 § 176
(for 0R= 0' R f , being radii of equal S', by hyp.).
.'.OS will coincide with 0' S', § 18
(their extremities being the saine points).
.'. Z R S will coincide with, and be equal to, Z R' 0' S'.
Q. E. D.
Proposition V. Theorem.
181. In the same circle, or equal circles, equal arcs are
subtended by equal chords.
In the equal circles ABP and A' B' V let arc RS
= arc R'S'.
We are to prove chord R S =» chord R' S'.
Draw the radii R, S, 0' R' y and 0' S'.
In the A R S and R' 0' &
(being radii of equal <
§ 180
ZO = ZO',
subtend equal A at the centre).
.\AROS = A R'O'S', § 106
{two sides and the included Z of the one being equal respectively to two sides
and the included Z. of the other).
.'. chord RS= chord R'S 1 ,
(being homologous sides of equal & ).
Q. E. D.
Proposition VI. Theorem.
182. Conversely : In ike same circle, or equal circles^
equal chords subtend equal arcs.
In the equal circles ABP and A' B' P', let chord RS
= chord R'S'.
We are to prove arc R S = arc R' S'.
Draw the radii R, S, 0' R', and 0' S'.
In the A R S and R' 0' S'
RS = R'S',
{being radii of equal (D),
§ 176
.-. A ROS = A R'O'S',
(three sides of the one being equal to three sides of the otlicr).
:.£ = Z 0',
(being homologous A of equal 4).
.'.arc RS = arc IPS', § 179
(in the same O, or equal (D, eqical A at the centre intercept equal arcs on the
Q. E. D.
183. The radius perpendicular to a c/wrd bisects tie
chord and the arc / it.
L ft
Let A B be the chord, and let the radius C S be per-
pendicular to A B at the point M.
We are to prove A M '= B M, and arc A S = arc B S.
Draw CA and C /!.
CA = CB,
(being radii of the same O) ;
.*. A AC B is isosceL § 84
(the opposite sides being equal) ;
.'. _L CS bis A B and the Z (7, § 113
(the JL drawn from the vertex to the base of an isosceles A bisects the base and
the Z. at the vertex).
.\AM= BM.
Also, since ZACS = ZBCS,
arc A S = sac SB, §179
(equal A at the centre intercept equal arcs on the circumference).
Q. E. D.
184. Corollary. The perpendicular erected at the middle
of a chord passes through the centre of the circle, and bisects
the arc of the chord.
Proposition VIII. Theorem.
185. In the same circle, or equal circles, equal chords
are equally distant from the centre ; and of two unequal
chords the less is at the greater distance from the centre.
In the circle A B EC let the chord A B equal the chord
C F, and the chord C E be less than the chord G F.
Let OP, OH, and K be J* drawn to these chords
from the centre 0.
We are to prove OP=OH, and OH< OK.
Join OA and OC.
In the rt. A A P and CO H
OA = OC,
(being radii of tlie same O) ;
AP=CH, §183
(being halves of equal chords) ;
.\AAOP = A COI/, § 109
yivo rt. & are equal if they have a side and hypotenuse of the one equal to
a side and hypotenuse of the other).
.'. OP=OII,
(being homologous sides of equal &).
Again, since C E < C F,
the J_ K will intersect C F in some point, as m.
Now OK>Om. Ax. 8
But Om>OII, §52
(a A. is the shortest distance from a point to a straight line).
.'. much more is K> Oil.
Q. E. D.
Proposition IX. Theorem.
186. A straight line perpendicular to a radius at its
nifij is a tangent to the circle.
Let BA be the radius, and MO the straight line
perpendicular to BA at A.
We are to prove M tangent to the circle.
From B draw any other line to M 0, as B C H.
IlIf>BA, §52
(a ± measures the shortest distance from a point to a straight line).
.*. point H is without the circumference.
But B II ifl my other line than B A,
.*. every point of the line MO is without the circumference,
except A.
.*. MO is a tangent to the circle at A. § 171
Q. E. D.
187. Corollary. When a straight line is tangent to a
circle, it is perpendicular to the radius drawn to the point of
contact, and therefore a perpendicular to a tangent at the point
of contact passes through the centre of the circle.
Proposition X. Theorem.
188. When two circumferences intersect each other, the
line which joins their centres is perpendicular to their common
chord at its middle point.
Let C and C be the centres of two circumferences
which intersect at A and B. Let A B be their
common chord, and C C join their centres.
We are to prove C C A. to A B at its middle point.
A J_ drawn through the middle of the chord A B passes
through the centres C and C, § 184
(a ± erected at the middle of a chord passes through the centre of the O).
•\ the line C C, having two points in common with this J_,
must coincide with it.
.". C C is _L to A B at its middle point.
Q. E. D.
Ex. 1. Show that, of all straight lines drawn from a point
without a circle to the circumference, the least is that which,
when produced, passes through the centre.
Ex. 2. Show that, of all straight lines drawn from a point
within or without a circle to the circumference, the greatest is
that which meets the circumference after passing through the
Proposition XI. Theorb^C J ^TPftTL^^
189. //7/r// ftp* cirewntfen i ' mr/entTo $&dk other
theif point of contact M in the straight line joining their
rp nt rex.
Let the two circumferences, whose centres are C and
C, touch each other at 0, in the straight line A B,
and let CC be the straight line joining their cen-
We are to prove is in tlie straight luu C.
A _L to .1 11. «lia\\n through the point 0, passes through the
centres £7 and C, § 187
{a _L to a tangent at the point of contact passes through tlie centre of the O).
.'. the line C C> halving two points in common with this _L,
must coincide with it.
.'. is in Am straight Line C C.
Q. E. D.
F,\\ A />, a chord of a circle, is the hase of an isosceles
triangle whose vertex is without the circle, and whose equal
meet the circle in 1> and E. Show that CD is equal
to c /■/.
On Measurement.
190. Def. To measure a quantity of any kind is to find
how many times it contains another known quantity of the same
hind. Thus, to measure a line is to find how many times it con-
tains another known line, called the linear unit.
191. Def. The number which expresses how many times
a quantity contains the unit, prefixed to the name of the unit,
is called the numerical measure of that quantity ; as 5 yards, etc.
192. Def. Two quantities are commensurable if there be
some third quantity of the same kind which is contained an
exact number of times in each. This third quantity is called
the common measure of these quantities, and each of the given
quantities is called a multiple of this common measure.
193. Def. Two quantities are incommensurable if they
have no common measure.
194. Def. The magnitude of a quantity is always relative
to the magnitude of another quantity of the same kind. No
quantity La great oi small except by comparison. This relative
aitude is called their Ratio, and this ratio is always an ab-
stract number.
When two quantities of the same kind are measured by the
same unit, their ratio is the ratio of their numerical measures.
195. The ratio of a to 6 is written -, or a :b, and by this
mt :
How many times b is contained in a; a
mi. what part a is of b. b
I. If b be contained an exact number of times in a their
ratio is a whole number.
If b be not contained an exact number of times in a, but
if there be a common measure which is contained m times in a
and ii times in b, their ratio is the fraction — .
II. If a and b be incommensurable, their ratio cannot be
ictly expressed in figures. But if b be divided into n equal
parts, and one of these parts be contained m times in a with
i remainder less than - part of b, then — is an approximate
n n
.a 1
value of the ratio -, correct within
Again, if each of these equal parts of b be divided into n
equal parts; that is, if b be divided into n 2 equal parts, and if
of these parts be contained m' times in a with a remainder
1 m!
less than -j part of b, then — ^ is a nearer approximate value
of the ratio -, correct within -s-.
6 n
continuing this process, a series of variable values,
Ttl 111} Til/*
— >—?>—*> etc., will be obtained, which will differ less and
n n 2 n* a
from the exact value of -. We may thus find a fraction
which shall differ from tin- due by as little as we please,
that is, bj leei than any m uantity.
ICO, an incommenstn i is the limit toward which
its successive approximate values are constantly tending.
On im Theory of Limits.
l» When tttil regarded as haying a fixed
value, it is called a c but, when it is regarded, under
the oonditions imposed upon it, as bavin nxber
fereni values, it is called a I
197. Dl i. When it ran he shown that the value of a vari-
able, i at a series of intervals, can by indefinite
nuation of the series be made to differ from a given con-
stant by less than any assigned quantity, h mall, hut
cannot be made absolutely equal to the constant, that constant
lied the Limit of ible, and the variable is said to
If the variable be increasing, its limit is called a superior
limit; if decreasing, tor limit
198. Suppose a point ± * * *' B
to move tiom A toward B, umlt-r the conditions that the first sec-
ond it shall move one-half the distance from A to B, that is,
to M\ the next second, one-half the remaining distance, that is,
to M' ; the next second, one-half the remaining distance, that
is, to M" s and so on indefinitely.
Then it is evident that the moving point may approach as
but will never arrive at B. For, however
near it may be to B at any instant, the next second it will pass
over one-half the interval still remaining ; it must, therefore,
approach nearer to B, since half the interval still remaining is
some distance, but will not reach B, since half the interval still
remaining is not the whole distance.
Hence, the distance from A to the moving point is an in-
creasing variable, which indefinitely approaches the constant A B
as its limit ; and the distance from the moving point to B is a
decreasing variable, which indefinitely approaches the constant
zero as its limit.
If the length of A B be two inches, and the variable be
denoted by x, and the difference between the variable and its
limit, by v :
after one second, x = 1 , v = 1 :
after two seconds, a? = 1 H- J, v== i ]
r three seconds, a? = 1 + £ + J, v = \\
after four seconds, #=1 + £ + £ + £, v = \\
and so on indefinitely.
Now tha sum of the series 1 + £ + \ + \ etc., is evidently
less than 2; but by taking a great number of terms, the sum
can be made to differ from 2 by as little as we please, Hence
2 is the limit of the sum of the Beries, when the number of the
terms is increased Indefinitely ; and is the limit of the variable
difference between this variable sum and 2.
Urn. will be used as an abbreviation for limit.
199. [1] The difference between a variable and its limit is a
variable whose limit is zero.
[2] If two or more variables, v, v*, v", etc., have zero for a
limit, their sum, v+ v 1 + v", etc., will have zero for a limit.
[3] If the limit of a variable, v, be zero, the limit of a±v
vill be the constant a, and the limit of a X v will be zero.
[4] The product of a constant and a variable is also a va-
riable, and the limit of the product of a constant and a variable
is the product of the constant and tht limit of the variable.
[5] The sum or product of two variables, both of which am
i ither < ilso a variable.
Proposition I.
[G] If two variables be always equal, their limits are equal.
Let the two variables A M and
A N be always equal, and let A C
and A It be their respective limits.
We are to prove A C ' = A B.
Suppose AOAB. Then we may
diminish A C to boom value A C Bach
that A <' = AB.
Since A M approaches indefinitely to
A C, we may suppose thai it ihed
■ value A P greater than A C.
.\ Q be the corresponding value of A N.
Then A /' A Q.
A G" - A ft
both of these equations can rue, for A P> A C,
and /l (> < J ft .*. A C cannot be greater than A B.
Ag*ain, suppose A C< A B. Then we may diminish A B to
some value A B' such that A m ■ i
since il iV approaches indefinil B we may suppose
that it has reached a value A Q greater than A
Let AP be t! ponding value of J Jbf.
Then A r - A <>.
AC= A A.
Bat both of the© ■ lie, for .1 P< J C,
and J Q > .1 B . •'. .1 C cannot be leea than A ft
sin !iiu»t be greater or lees than A JJ, it must be
equal to .1 ft QED -
[7] Corollary 1. If two variables be in a constant rutin,
■he same ratio. Fi ft, let x and y be two variables
having the constant ratio r, then - = r, or, x = r y, therefore
) = Urn. (ru) = rX Urn. (y). therefore ,. ' , t = r.
v ; v y/ vy/ ' /tm. (y)
[8] Cor. 2. Since an incommensurable ratio is the limit of
its successive approximate values, two incommensurable ratios -
and '//< ' I'i'il ij t/tey always have the same approximate values
>xjyressed within tin satiu measure of precisian.
Proposition II.
[9] The limit of the algebraic sum of tivo or more variables
is the algebraic sum of their limits.
Let x, y, z, be variables, a, b, and c, a +--
their respective limits, and v, v', and v",
the variable differences between x. y. z, b +—
and a, b y c, respectively.
We are to prove Urn. (x + y + z) = a + b + c. c *•— -
Now, x = a — v, y — b — v*, z z =c — v".
Then, x -f- y + z = a — v+ b — v* + c — ?/'.
.*. lim.{x + y + z)=lim.(a — v+b — v IJ rc— v"). . [G]
But, Urn. {a-v + b — v' + c — v") = a+b + c. [3]
.*. Urn. (x H- y + z) = a -h b H- c.
Q. E. D.
Proposition III.
[10] The limit of the product of two or more variables is the
product of their lint its.
Let x, y, z, be variables, a, 6, c, their respective
limits, and v, i/, v", the variable differences between
x, y, z, and a> b, c, respectively.
We are to prove Urn. (xy z)= 1 a b c.
Now, # = a — v, y = b — v', z = c — v".
Multiply these equations together.
Then, xyz = abc^f terms which contain one or more of
the factors v, V, v", and hence have zero for a limit. [31
.*. Urn. (xyz) = Urn. (a bc^f terms whose limits are zero). [GJ
But lim. (ab c =F terms whose limits are zero) — a b c.
. ' . Urn. (xyz) = a b c.
Q. E. D.
For decreasing variables the proofs are similar.
Note. — In the application of the principles of Limits, refer-
ence to this section (§ 199) will always include the fundamental
truth of limits contained in Proposition I. ; and it will be left as
an exercise for the student to determine in each case what other
truths of this section, if any, are included in the reference.
Proposition XII. Theorem.
200. In the same circle, or equal circlet, two commen-
turable arcs have the same rutin as the angles which they
in! at the centre.
In the circle A PC let the two arcs be A B and A C,
and A B and A OC the A which they subtend.
We are to prove
a /;
arc AC ZTiOQ
Let U K be a common measure of A B and A C.
Suppose // K to be contained in A II three times, •
and in A C five times.
arc A B
llini — = -•
arc A C
At l: on A B and A C draw radii.
These radii will divide Z AOC into five equal parts, of
which Z A B will contain three, § 180
(jm the same O, or equal (D, eqital arcs subtend equal A at the centre).
Z AOB _ 3
'*' Z AOC 5*
arc AB
arc A C ' 5
arc A B __ Z A OB
ztqAC ~~ Z AOC '
Ax. 1.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XIII. Theorem.
201. In the same circle, or in equal circles, incom-
mensurable arcs have the same ratio as the angles which
they subtend at the centre.
p, P
In the two equal © A BP and A'B'P' let AB and A' B
be two incommensurable arcs, and 6 T , C the A which
they subtend at the centre.
We are to prove = .
1 arc AB AC
Let A B be divided into any number of equal parts, and
let one of these parts be applied to A' B' as often as it will be
contained in A'li'.
Since AB and A' B' are incommensurable, a certain num-
ber of these parts will extend from A' to some point; as D,
Laving a remainder D B' less than one of these parte.
Draw C I).
Since A B and A'D are commensurable,
arc A' h _ Z A'C'D
arc AS ~~~ Z ACB*
{two commensurable ares have th< to as the A which tliey subtend at
the centre).
Now suppose the number of parts into which A B is divided
to be continually increased ; then the length of each part will
become leas and less, and the point I) will approach nearer and
nearer to B', that is, the are A' J) will approach the arc A 1 W as
its limit, and the Z A'C'D-the Z A' <" 11' as itfl limit.
Then the limit of ?1*J> will be arc A ' B , ■
arc A B arc A B
and the limit of ^S~ will be Z ^Lj?'.
Moreover, the corresponding values of the two variables,
are equal, however near these variables approach their limits.
.'. their limits and are equal § 199
arc Z AC B ' *
Q. E. D.
202. Scholium. An a, he centre is said to be meas-
Tliis expression means that an angle
it the < • ntn is such part of the angular magnitude about that
point (four right angles) as its intercepted arc is of the whole
A eiroiimferenoe is divided into 3f>o equal arcs, and each
died a degree, denoted by the symbol (°).
The angle at the centre which one of these equal arcs sub-
tanda is also called a degree.
A quadrant (one-fourth a circumference) contains there'
90° ; and a right angle, subtended by a quadrant, con-
ains 90°.
Henoe an angle of 30° is J of a right angle, an angle of 45°
is J of a right angle, an angle of 135° is $ of a right angle.
Thus we get a definite idea of an angle if we know the
aumber of degrees it contains.
A degree is subdivided into sixty equal parts called min-
ites, denoted by the symbol (').
A minute is subdivided into sixty equal parts called sec-
axis, denoted by the symbol (").
Proposition XIV. Theorem.
203. An inscribed angle is measured by one-half of the
arc intercepted between its sides.
Case I.
In the circle PA B {Fig. 1), let the centre C be in one
of the sides of the inscribed angle B.
We are to prove Z B is measured by \ arc P A.
Draw CA.
CA = CB,
(being radii of the same O).
.'.ZB = ZA, §112
(being <>j>/> F v h 2LTC A F.
Q. E. O.
204. Corollary 1. An angle inscribed in a semicircle is
it is measured by one-half a semi-circumfer-
hy 90°.
205. Con. 2. An angle inscribed in a segment greater than
a semicircle is an acute angle ; fof it is measured by an arc less
than one half a s.nii-circumference ; i. e. by an arc less than 90°.
206. Cor. 3. An angle inscribed in a segment less than a
semicircle is an obtuse it is measured by an arc greater
than one-half a semi-circumference ; i. e. by an arc greater
than 90°.
207. Cor. 4. All angles inscribed in the same segment are
d, for tiny are measured by one-half the same arc.
Proposition XV. Theorem.
208. An angle formed by two chords, and whose vertex
lies between the centre and the circumference, is measured by
one-half the intercepted arc pins one-half the arc intercepted
by its sides produced.
Let the Z AOC be formed by the chords A B and CD.
We are to prove
Z A C is measured by | arc AC + \ arc B D.
Draw A D.
ZCOA=ZD + ZA y §105
[the exterior Z. of a A is equal to the sum of tlie two opposite interior A ).
lint Z 1) is measured by \ arc A C, § 203
(an inscribed Z is measured by \ the intercepted arc) ;
and Z A is measured by \ arc B D y § 203
.'. Z C A is measured by \ arc A C + J arc B D.
Q. E. D.
Ex. Show that the least chord that can be drawn through
a ^iven point in a circle is perpendicular to the diameter drawn
through the point.
Proposition XVI. Theorem.
209. An angle formed by a tangent and a chord is
measured by one-half the intercepted arc.
Let II AM be the angle formed by the tangent OM
and chord A II.
We are to prove
Z II A M is measured by \ arc A EH.
Draw the dktaefei A OF.
Z FA M is a rt. Z, § 186
' a tangent at tlve point of contact is _L to it).
A F A Ifj 1). dng a rt. Z, Lb I by \ the semi-circura-
Earen ■»• A E /•'.
Z FA II is measured by £ arc FH, § 203
(an inscribed Z is measured by i the intercepted arc) ;
.-. Z FA M — Z FA II is measured by \ (arc A EF— arc HF).
.*. Z II A M is measured by J arc A EH.
Q. E. O.
Proposition XVII. Theorem.
210. An angle formed by two secants, two tangents, or
a tangent and a secant, and which has its vertex without the
circumference, is measured by one-half the concave arc, minus
one-half the convex arc.
Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3.
Case I.
Let the angle {Fig. 1) be formed by the two secants
OA and OB.
We are to prove
Z is measured by J arc A B — £ arc E C.
Draw CB.
ZACB = ZO + ZB, § 105
(the exterior /.of a A is equal to the sum of the two opposite interior A ).
By transposing,
But Z A CB is measured by \ arc A B, § 203
(an inscribed Z is measured by { the intercepted arc).
ami Z B is measured by \ arc C E, §203
. ' . Z is measured by \ arc A B — \ arc C B.
Case II.
Let the angle (Fig. 2) be formed by the two tan-
gents OA and OB.
We are to prove
Z is measured by \ arc A MB — \ arc A SB.
Draw A B.
Z ABC = Z + Z OAB, § 105
{the exterior Zofa&is equal to t/ie sum of the two opposite interior A ).
By ti'ai;
I >ut Z ABC is measured by J arc A M ff, § 209
{an /.formed by a tangent and a chord is measured by £ the intercepted arc),
ami Z OA B is measured by £ arc A SB. §209
.*. Z red by \ arc A M B — h arc A SB.
Cask III.
Let the angle {Fig. 3) be formed by the tangent
OB and the secant OA*
We are to prove
Z is measured by \ arc A D S — J arc C E S.
Draw CS.
ZACS = Z + Z CSO, § 105
(the exterior Zo/a A is equal to the sum of the txoo opposite interior A).
By transpn
But Z ACS is measured by | arc A D S, § 203
{being an inscribed /.).
and Z CS is measured by £ arc C E S, § 209
{being an Z formed by a tangent and a chord).
.'. Z is measured by \ arc A D S — \ arc C E S.
Q. E. D.
Supplementary Propositions.
Proposition XVIII. Theorem.
211. Two parallel lines intercept upon the circum-
ference equal arcs.
Let the two parallel lines CA and B F {Fig. 1), inter-
cept the arcs C B and A F.
We are to prove arc C B = arc A F.
Draw A B.
Z A=Z B, § 68
(being alt. -int. A ).
But the arc CB is double the measure of Z A.
and the arc A F is double the measure of Z B.
.'. arc C B = arc A F. Ax. G-
Q. E. D.
212. Scholium. Since two parallel lines intercept on tho
circumference equal arcs, the two parallel tangents M N and
OP (Fig. 2) divide the circumference in two semi-circumferences
AC B and A Q B y and the line A B joining the points of contact
of the two tangents is a diameter of the circle.
Proposition XIX. Theorem.
213. If the su?n of two arcs be less than a cireum-
:,<■<' the greater arc is eubtended by He greater chord;
a, id CO%ver& If, the greater chord .subtends the (/renter arc,
In the circle A CP let the two arcs A B and BC to-
gether he less than the circumference, and let
AB be the greater.
Wt are to prove chord AB> dwrd B C.
Draw A C.
In the A ABC
Z C, measured by £ the greater arc A B, § 203
is greater than Z A, measured by \ the less are B C.
.-. tin- Bide .1 B > the side BC, § 117
, a&the greater Z has the greater side opposite to it).
C() , , U the chord AB be greater than the
chord B C.
We an to r rove arc A B > arc B C.
In the A ABC, ^ ^ „
ab>bc } H yp-
r.ZOA, § 118
(in akthe greater Me has the greater Z opposite to it).
.-. arc A A double the measure of the greater Z C, is greater
than the ,i«- BC, fcuble the measure of the lea: Z A. ^ £ ^
Proposition XX. Theorem.
21 1. If tM nlrn'ofdwo arcs be greater than a circum-
ference, the greater arc is subtended by the less chord ; and,
conversely, the less chord subtends the greater arc.
In the circle BC E let the arcs AECB and BA EC
together be greater than the circumference, and
let arc AECB he greater than arc B A EC.
If V are to prove chord A B < chord B C.
From the given arcs take the common arc A E C ;
we have left two arcs, C B and A B, less than a circumference,
of which B is the greater.
.'. chord C B > chord A B, $ 213
(when the sum of two arct it less than a circumference, the greater arc is
sttbtcwt'tl by th< greater chord).
.*. the chord A B, which subtends the greater arc AECB,
is less than the chord BC, which subtends the less arc BA EC.
Conversely : If the chord A B be less than chord B C.
We are to prove arc A E C B > arc B A E C.
Arc A B 4* arc A E C B = the circumference.
Arc BC + arc B A E C = the circumference.
.\ arc AB+ arc A EC B = arc BC + arc BAEC.
Bat arc A B < arc B C, § 213
(being stibtended by the less chord).
.'.arc A EC B> arc BAEC.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XXI. Problem.
2 15. T<> fiii (I u point in a plane, having given its (lis-
'ances from two known point*
Let A and B be the two known points; n the dis-
tance of the required point from A, o its distance
from H.
It is required to ft 'id at the given distances from A
From A as a centre, with a radius equal to ra, describe an arc
From B as a centre, with a radius equal too, describe an arc
intersecting the fonnet arc at C.
C is the required point
Q. E. F.
216, Corollary 1. By continuing these arcs, another point
below the points A and B will be found, which will fulfil the
2 1 7. Cor. 2. When the sum of the given distances is equal
to the distance between the two given points, then the two arcs
described will be tangent to each other, and the point of tan-
will be the point required.
Let the distance from A to B equal n + o.
From A as a centre, with a \/
radius equal to n, describe an arc ; A' c\ 'B
and from B as a centre, with n
a radius equal to o, describe an n
arc. ~~
These arcs will touch each ~
other at C, and will not intersect.
.*. C is the only point which can be found.
218. Scholium 1. The problem is impossible when the
distance between the two known points is greater than the sum
of the distances of the required point from the two given points.
Let the distance from A to B be greater than n + o.
Then from A as a centre,
.with a radius equal to n, de- ^' '&
scribe an arc;
/ \
and ixom .088 a centre, with a
radius equal to o, describe an arc.
These area will neither touch
nor intersect each other ;
hence they can have no point in common.
219. Scho. 2. The problem is impossible when the distance
between the two given points is less than the difference of the
distances of the required point from the two given points.
Let the distance from A to B be less than n — o.
From A as a centre, with a radius ^^ "-^^x
equal to n, describe a circle : / \
and from B as a centre, with a / / \ \
radius equal to o, describe a circle. \ ( A \ \
The circle described from B as a \ \ / /
centre will fall wholly within the circle \ \^ / /
described from A as a centre; o \ /
hence they can have no poinl in n "^ ~~
XXII. Problem.
To bisect
a given
iht line.
. 1 .
Let A H be the given straight line.
I to bisect the line A B.
From A and B as centres, with equal radii, describ
: C
Then the line C E bisects A B.
For, (7 and E, being two points at equal distances from the
mitiefl A letennine the position ofaJL to the mid-
dle point otA B. { <>0
Q. E. F.
PaOPOBITIOH win. Prohlbm.
U a given point in a strain //f /me, to erect a
* 11
Let be the given point in the straight line AB.
It is required to erect a _L to the line A B at the point 0.
Take 011= OB.
From B and // as centres, with equal radii, describe two
arcs intersecting at R.
Then the line joining R is the _L required.
For. and R are two points at equal distances from B and H, and
.*. determine the position of a J_ to the line H B at its
middle point 0. § 60
Q. E. F-
Proposition XXIV. Problem.
222. From a point without a straight line, to let fall a
perpendicular upon that line,
' K
Let AB be a given straight line, and C a given point
without the line.
It is required to let fall a A- to the line A B from the point C.
From C as a centre, with a radius sufficiently great,
describe an arc cutting A B at the points 11 and K.
From // and K as centres, with equal radii,
describe two arcs intersecting at 0.
Draw C 0,
and produce it to meet A B at m.
C m is the _L required.
For, C and 0, being two points at equal distances from //
and K, determine the position of a J_ to the line UK at its
middle point. § 60
Q. E. F.
Proposition XXV. Problem.
;. T<> instruct an arc equal to a given arc whose
centre is a given point.
C '<
I \
i I
Let C be the centre of the given arc A B.
It is required to construct an arc equal to arc A B.
Draw CB, CA, and A B.
From C as a centre, with a radius equal to CB,
describe an indefinite arc B' F.
From B' as a centre, with a radius equal to chord A B,
describe an arc intersecting the indefinite arc at A'.
Then arc A 1 B' = arc A B.
draw chord A' B'.
The (D are equal,
(being described with equal radii),
chord A' B' = chord A B ;
.'. arc A' B' = arc A B,
(in equal (D equal chords mbtend equal arcs).
§ 182
Q. E F.
Proposition XXYI. Problem.
224. At a given point in a given straight line to con-
struct an angle equal to a given angle.
B B'
Let C be the given point in the given line C B 1 , and
C the given angle.
It is required to construct an Z at C equal to the Z C.
From C as a centre, with any radius as C B,
describe the arc A B, terminating in the sides of the Z.
Draw chord A B.
From C as a centre, with a radius equal to C B,
describe the indefinite arc B' F.
From B' as a centre, with a radius equal to A B,
describe an arc intersecting the indefinite arc at A'.
Draw A' C.
Then Z ' = Z tf.
For, ]omA'B'.
The © to which belong arcs A B and A 1 B' are equal,
(being described with equal radii).
and chord A' B' = chord A B ; Cons.
.-. arc^l / i? / = arc^^, § 182
(in equal (D equal chords subtend equal arcs).
.-.ZC — ZC, §180
(in equal (D equal arcs subtend equal A at tfw centre).
Q. E. F
Proposition XXVII. Problem.
225. To bisect a given arc.
Let AOB be the given arc.
It is reqt< r;iw the chord A B.
From A and B as centres, with equal radii,
describe two arcs intersecting at C.
Join EC.
E C bisects the Z E.
For, E and C, being two points at equal distances from A and
7?, determine the position of the JL erected at the middle of
AB. § CO
And the _L erected at the middle of a chord passes through
the centre of the O, and bisects the arc of the chord. § 184
.*. arc A z = arc B,
.\Z AEC = Z BEC, § 180
(in the same circle equal arcs subtend equal A at the centre).
Q. E. F.
Proposition XXIX. Problem.
;. Through a given point to draw a straight line
parallel to a given straight line.
E _ //
Let A B be the given line, and II the given point.
It is required to draw through the point II a line II to tJie
X B.
Draw II A, making the Z II A B.
At the point H construct Z A II B = Z II A B.
Tl, the lm. ////is II to AB.
Z EH A - Z II A B; Cons.
.-.///; is II to AB, §69
(when two straight lines, lying in the same plane, are cut by a third straight
id. A be equal, the lines are parallel).
Q. E. F.
Ex. 1. Find the locus of the centre of a circumference which
- through two given pointa
2. Find the locus of the centre of the circumference of a
given radius, tangent externally or internally to a given cir-
3. A straight line is drawn through a given point A, inter-
secting a given circumference at B and C. Find the locus of
the middle point P of the intercepted chord BC.
^ Proposition XXX. Problem.
228. Two angles of a triangle being given to find the
E ^H
Let A and B be two given angles of a triangle.
It is required to find the third A of the A.
Take any straight line, as E F, and at any point, as //,
construct Z R II F equal to A J>,
and Z SHE equal to Z A.
Then A R II S is the Z required.
For, the sum of the three A at a A «— 2 rt. A, § 98
and the sum of the three A about the point 77, on the same
side of FF=2 rt. A. § 34
Two A of the A being equal to two A about the
point //, Cons.
the third Z of the A must be equal to the third Z about
the point 11.
Q. E. F.
Proposition XXXI. Problem.
229. Two sides and the included angle of a triangle
being given, to construct the triangle.
,.-A c
Let the two sides of the triangle be E and F, and
the included angle A.
It is required to construct a A having two sides equal to E
and F respectively \ and their included Z = Z A.
Take UK equal to the side F.
At the point H draw tbe Kne Ht£ %
making the Z K 11 M — Z A.
On // M take EC equal to E.
Draw C K.
Then A C H K is the A required.
Q. E. F.
Proposition XXXII. Problem.
230. A side and two adjacent angles of a triangle being
given, to construct the triangle.
/ \
E^- ^C
Let C E be the given side, A and B the given angles.
It is required to construct a A having a side equal to C E>
and two A adjacent to that side equal to A A and B respectively.
At point C construct an Z equal to Z A.
At point E construct an Z equal to Z B.
Produce the sides until they meet at 0.
Then A C E is the A required.
Q. E. F.
231. Scholium. The problem is impossible when the two
given angles are together equal to, or greater than, two right
Proposition XXXIII. Problem.
232. The three sides of a triangle being given, to con-
struct the triangle.
\C m
B o
Let the three sides be m, u, and o.
It is required to construct a A having three sides respectively,
. and o.
Draw A B equal to n.
From A as a centre, with a radius equal to o,
describe an arc ;
and bom B as a centre, with B radius equal to m,
describe an arc intersecting the former arc at C.
Draw CA and C B.
Then A C A B is the A required.
Q. E. F.
233. Scholium. The problem is impossible when one side
nal to or grtati r than the sum of the other two.
Proposition XXXIV. Problem.
234. The hypotenuse and one side of a right triangle
being given, to construct the triangle.
Let m be the given side, and o the hypotenuse.
It is required to construct a rt. A having tlie hypotenuse
equal o and one side equal m.
Take A B equal to m.
At A erect a J_, A X.
From J^asa centre, with a radius equal to o,
describe an arc cutting A X at C.
Draw C B.
Then A C A B is the A required.
Q. E. F.
Proposition XXXV. Problem.
5. The base, the altitude, and an angle at the base,
of a triangle L> n, to construct the triangle.
Let o equal the base, m the altitude, and C the angle
at the base.
It is r equ ir ed tc comitruct a A having the base equal to o,
the altitude equal to m, and an Z at the base equal to C.
Take A B equal to o.
At the point A, draw the indefinite line A R,
making the Z BAR = A C.
At the point A, erect al^J equal to m.
From X draw XS II to A B,
and meeting the line A R at S.
Draw SB.
Then A A SB is the A required.
Q. E. F.
Proposition XXXVI. Problem.
236. Two sides of a triangle and the angle opposite one
of them being given, to construct the triangle.
Case I.
When the given angle is acute, and the side opposite to it is less tlmn
the other given side.
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
% / /
A £-±i
C \_ C ^' C"
Let c be the longer and a the shorter given side, and
A A the given angle.
It is required to construct a A having two sides equal to a
and c respectively, and tlte Z opposite a equal to given Z. A.
Construct /.DAE equal to the given Z. A.
On AD take A B = c.
From B as a centre, with a radius equal to a,
describe an arc intersecting the side A E at C and C".
Draw B C and B C".
Then both the A A B C and A B C" fulfil the conditions,
and hence we have two constructions.
When the given side a is exactly equal to the JL B C, there
will be but one construction, namely, the right triangle ABC.
"When the given side a is less than B C, the arc described
from B will not intersect A E, and hence the problem is na-
il >le.
Case II.
When the given angle is acute, right, or obtuse, and the side opposite
to it is greater than the other given side,
\ \/
Fi- 1.
\ .
When the given angle is obtuse.
Construct the ADA A' ( Pig. 1) equal to the given Z S.
Take A B equal to a.
From J? as a centre, with a radius equal to c,
describe an arc potting EA at C, and EA produced at C.
Join B C and B C.
Then the A A B C is the A required, and there is only one
construction ; for the A A B C will not contain the given Z S.
■ the given angle is acute, as angle B A C f .
There is only one construction, namely, the ABAC (Fig. 1).
Wkm tJir given Z. is a right angle.
There are two constructions, the equal A B A C and B AC
(K$ 2). q. E . F .
The problem is impossible when the given angle is right or
obtaae, if the given side opposite the angle be less than the
other given side. § 1 1 7
Proposition XXXVII. Problem.
237. Two sides and an included angle of a parallelo-
gram being given, to construct the parallelogram,
/ !
— i
Let m and o be the two sides, and C the included
It is required to construct a O having two adjacent ndei
equal to m and o respectively, and their included Z. equal to Z C.
Draw A B equal to o.
From A draw the indefinite line AB,
making the Z A equal to Z C.
On AM take A II equal to m.
From H as a centre, with a radius equal to o, describe
an arc.
From B as a centre, with a radius equal to m,
describe an arc, intersecting the former arc at E.
Draw EH and E B.
The quadrilateral A B E H is the CJ required.
For, AB = HE, Cons.
A 11 = BE, Cons.
.'. the figure ABEH is a O, § 136
(a quadrilateral, which has Us opposite sides equal, is a O ).
Q. E. F.
Proposition XXXVIII. Problkm.
238. To describe a fence through three points
not in the same straight line.
Let the three points be A t B, and C.
It is required to ference through tie three
po'tltt* .1. 6
iid BC.
Bisect A B and B C.
the points of bisection, E and /•', erect J§ intersect-
a 0.
m as a nil a radius equal to A, describe a
O A BO is the O required
. the point 0, being in the _L EO erected at the middle
of the line A i qua! distances from A and B ;
and also, being in the _L F erected at the middle of the
line C B, is at equal dial >m B and C, § 58
{every point in ///<• _L erected at the middle of a straight line is at equal
'remities of that
.'. the point is at equal distances from A, B, and C,
and a O described from <> as a centre, with a radius equal
to A, will [>ass through the points A, B, and C.
Q. E. F.
. SCHOLIUM, The same construction serves to describe
a circumference which shall pass through the three vertices of a
triangle, that is, to circumscribe a circle about a given triangle.
Proposition XXXIX. Problem.
240. Through a given point to draw a tangent to a
given circle.
Case 1. — When tlie given point is on the circumference.
Let ABC {Fig. 1) be a given circle, and C the given
point on the circumference.
It is required to draw a tangent to the circle at C.
From the Centre 0, draw the radius OC.
At the extremity of the radius, C, draw C M ± to C.
Then C M is the tangent required, § 186
(a straiglU line ± to a its extremity is tangent to tlic O).
Case 2. — Wlien the given point is without the circumference.
Let ABC (Fig. 2) be the given circle, its centre,
£ the given point without the circumference.
It is required i<> draw a tangent to the circle ABC from
the point E.
Join E.
On E as a diameter, describe a circumference intersecting
the given circumference at the points M and 11.
Draw M and 0H t EM and EH.
Now /LOME is a rt. Z, § 204
{being inscribed in a semicircle).
.'. EM is _L to M at the point M \
/.EMU tangent to the O, § 18G
(a straight line _L to a radius at its extremity is tangent to the O).
In like manner we may prove 11 E tangent to the oiven O.
Q. E. F.
241. Corollary. Two tangents drawn from the same point
to a circle arc equal.
Proposition XL. Problem.
242. To inscribe a circle in a given triangle.
\ J
Let ABC be the given triangle.
- ((O m the A A B C.
iw the line A E, bisecting Z A,
and draw tin- line C K, bisecting Z C.
w /;//_!_ to the Mm AC.
From A', with radios A T /A describe the O K M If.
the O K II M La the O required
For, «haw A'A'i. to^7i,
and A' J/ _L to B C.
In the it. A A A' A' and i // A f
AE=A A\ Iden.
Z BAK-Z EAff, Cons.
.-.A AKE = A A HE, §110
(7Vo rf. A ' hypotenuse and an acute /. of the one be equal
respectively to the hypotenuse and an acute Z. of the other).
.\ EK=.EII,
(being homologous sides of equal A).
In like manner it may be shown E M= EH.
.'. EK, EH, and E M are all equal.
. ' . a O described from E as a centre, with a radius equal to E II,
will touch the sides of the A at points //, K, and M, and
be inscribed in the A. § 174
Q. E. F.
Proposition XLI. Problem.
243. Upon a given straight line, to describe a segment
which shall contain a given angle.
i 1
/ i
/ /
/ /
Let AB be the given line, and M the given angle.
It is required to describe a segment upon the line A B, which
shall contain Z M.
At the point B construct Z A BE equal to Z M.
Bisect the line A B by the 1^^.
From the point B, draw B _L to E B.
From 0, the point of intersection of F If and B 0, as a
<(iitre, with a radius equal to OB, describe a circumference.
Now the point 0, being in a J_ erected at the middle of
A B, is at equal distances from A and B, § 58
(every point in a _L erected at the middle of a straight line is at equal dis-
iancesfrom the extremities of that line) ;
.*. the circumference will pass through A.
Now B E is J_ to B, Cons.
.'.BE is tangent to the O, § 186
(a straight line ± to a radius at its extremity is tangent to the O).
.'. Z A B E is measured by \ arc A B, § 209
tog an Z formed by a tangent wnd a chord).
Also any Z inscribed in the segment A II li, as for instance
Z A A /;, Lb measured by J arc AB, § 203
rlbi'l Z).
- «.\^Ti:rcTiONS. 125
.\Z AKB = Z ABE,
(being both measured by £ the same arc) ;
.\Z A KB=*Z M.
gnient J // B La the segment required.
Q. E. F.
Proposition XLII. Pbobudl
244* To Jinil the ratio of two commensurable straight
6 //
A L-. LJ B
CI , , r^D
Let A B and CD be two straight lines.
It M r> , /' Of A II
and C D, so as to express tJu ires.
Apply C ' D to A B as many times as possible.
Suppose twice with a remainder BB,
Then apply KB to CD as many times as possible,
Suppose three times with a remainder F D.
Th BBbb many times as possihlc.
Suppose once with a remainder // B,
Then apply // 5 to FD as many times as possible.
Suppose once with a remainder AT /A
Then apply A' /> to // B is many times as possible.
Suppose A'/' ined jnsl twice in HB.
of each line, referred to A"Z) as a unit, will
than be as follows : —
// B = '2 K D ;
FD = HB+ K I) •= 3A'Z>;
BB - P2> + //A' - 5A'j9;
AB =2CD+ EB = il KD.
' ' CD =t ISKD '
... the ratio of — --.
126 geometry. book ii.
1. If the sides of a pentagon, no two sides of which are
parallel, be produced till they meet ; show that the sum of all
the. angles at their points of intersection will be equal to two
right angles.
2. Show that two chords which are equally distant from the
centre of a circle are equal to each other ; and of two chords, that
which is nearer the centre is greater than the one more remote.
3. If through the vertices of an isosceles triangle which has
each of tin* angles at the base double of the third angle, and is
in-ribed in a circle, straight lines he drawn touching the circle ;
show that an isosceles triangle will be formed which has each
of the angles a* one-third of the angle at the vertex.
4. A I) P> is a semicircle of which the centre is C ; and A EC
is another Bemicircle on the diameter AC; A T is a common
tangent to the two semicircles at the point A. Show that if
from any point /\ in the circumference of the first, a straight
line FC be drawn to C, the part F K, cut off by the second
semicircle, is equal to the perpendicular F II to the tangent A T.
5. Show that the bisectors of the angles contained by the
opposite sides (produced) of an inscribed quadrilateral intersect
at right angles.
6. If a triangle A BC be formed by the intersection of three
tangents to a circumference whose centre is 0, two of which,
A M and AN, are fixed, while the third, BC, touches the cir-
cumference at a variable point P; show that the perimeter of
the triangle A B C is constant, and equal to AM + AN, or
'2 A M. Also si iow that the angle B C is constant.
7. A B is any chord and A C is tangent to a circle at A,
C D E a line cutting the circumference in D and E and parallel
to A B ; show that the triangle AC J) La equiangular to the
triangle E A B.
I. Draw two concentric circles, such that the chords of the
miter circle which touch the inner may be equal to the diameter
of the inner circle.
. 2. Given the base of a triangle, the vertical angle, and the
fcngth of the line drawn from the vertex to the middle point
of the base : construct the triangle.
3. Given a side of a Mangle, its vertical angle, and the radius
of the circumscribing circle j construct the trial -J &
4. Given the base, vertical angle, and the perpendicular from
the extremity p£ the base to the opposite side : construct the
triangle. 1 ty i
5. Describe a circle cutting the aides of a given square, so
that its circumference may be divided at the points of inter-
section into eight equal arcs.
le of 60°, one of 30°, one of 120°, one
of 1")0°, one of 46 p , and one of 135°.
7. In a given triangle A BC, draw Q D K parallel to the base
BC and meeting the sides of the triangle at J) and F, so that
DEAv.xW be equal to DB + EC.
8. ( liven two perpendiculars, A B and CD, intersecting in 0,
and a straight line intersecting these perpendiculars in i?and F;
to 001 one of whose angles shall coincide with
one of the right anglee at 0, and the vertex of the opposite angle
of the square shall lie in E F. (Two solutions.)
9. In a given rhombus to inscribe a square.
10. If the base and vertical angle of a triangle be given ;
find the locus of the vertex.
II. If a ladder, whose foot rests on a horizontal plane and
top against a vertical wall, slip down ; find the locus of its
middle point.
On the Theory of Proportion.
24$. Def. The Terms of a ratio are the quantities com-
246. I'ir. The Antecedent of a ratio is its first term.
247. I 'ii. The Consequent of a ratio is its second term.
248. Def. A Proportion is an expression of equality be-
tween two equal ratios.
A proportion may be expressed in any one of the following
forms : —
1. a : b : : e i d
2. a : b *■ e : d
3. ?= c -.
b d
Form 1 is read, a is to b as c is to d.
Form 2 ia read, tin- ratio of a to b equals the ratio of c to d.
Form 3 La read, a divided by b equals <■ divided by cL
Tin' Terms of a proportion are the four quantities com-
The first and third terms in a proportion are the ante-
cedents, the second and fourth terms are the consequents.
249. The Extremes in a proportion are the first and fourth
250. The Means in a proportion are the second and
251. Dv, In the proportion a : b : : c : d\ d is a Fourth
Pr<> i><> rti onal to a, b, and &
252. Dip. In the proportion aibii'bic; c is a 7%mi
Proportional to a and 6.
25 3. DBF. In the proportion a : b : : b : c ; b is a Mean
Proportional between a and c
254. Dkf. Four omantities arc Reciprocally Proportional
wh»n tin- lirst is to the second as the reciprocal o[' the third is to
tic reciprocal of the fourth.
Thus " : b : : — :
c d
11' we have tw> quant od />, and the reciprocals of
and : these ftrar quantities form a r> <>?/>/■<>-
a b
rii propo rt ion, the find being to the second as the reciprocal of
the second ja to tie- reciprocal of the I
1 I
! > : : - : - .
h a
255. I tar. A proporti when the
i ernes, are made to places.
Tims in th«- proportion
a : b : : <• : /' the means.
Let a : b : : c : d.
We are to prove a d ■■ b &
b =
by multiplying by
ad =
Q. E. D
In the treatment ■ of proportion, it is assumed that fractions
may be found which will represent the ratios. It is evident that
a ratio may be represented by a fraction when the two quanti-
ties compared can be expressed in integers in terms of any
common unit. Thus the ratio of a line 2£ inches long to a line
3£ inches long may be represented by the fraction Jg when both
lines an- expressed in terms of a unit y 1 ^ of an inch long.
But it often happens that no unit exists in terms of which
hotlt th.' quantities can be expressed in integers. In such cases,
however, it is possible to find a fraction that will represent the
rutin to a ■ d degree of aeeura
Thus, if a an«l B denote two Lncommensarable lines, and b be
divided into any integral number (*) of equal parts, if one of
these parts be contained in a more than m tunes, but less than
//i-fl times, thru " > ^L but < — — — ; so that the error
b n it
in taking either of these values for -is < -. Since n can
b n
be increased at pleasure, - can be made less than any assigned
value whatever. Propositions, therefore, that are true for — and
m+ — , however little these fractions differ from each other, are
true for - ; and _ may be taken to represent the value of -'.
6 b
Proposition II.
260. A mean proportional between two quantities is
equal to ike square root of their product.
In the proportion a : b : : b : c,
b 2 = ac, §259
(the product of the extremes is equal to the product of the means).
Whence, extracting the square root,
b = ^ ac.
Q. E. D.
Proposition III.
261. If the product of two quantities be equal to the
product of two others, either two % /may be made the extremes
of a proportion in which the other two are made the means.
Let a d = be.
We are to pt % ove a : b : : c : d.
Divide both members of the given equation by b d.
Then - = -,
b d f
or, a : b : : c : d.
Q. E. D.
Proposition IV.
12. If four quantities of the same Hud be in propor-
h<>//, they will be in proportion by alternation.
Let a : b : : e : d.
We are to prove a : e : : b : d .
Now, ^ = £
h ,1
Multiply each member of the eqiuition by - .
Then 2 = ±,
c d
or, a : c : : b : d.
Q. E. D.
Proposition V.
263. If four quantities be in proportion, they will be in
proportion by inversion. y*
Let a : b : : c : d.
We are to prove b : a : : d : c.
Now, - = - .
h (/
Divide 1 by each member of the equation.
Then * - £ ,
a c
: d : c.
Proposition VI.
Q. E. D.
quantities be in proportion, they will be in
proportion by composition.
Let a :
: b : : c : d
\b : : c + d :
Add I to each member of the equation.
that is.
a + b
c+ rf
or, a + /> : 6 : : c + c/ : d.
q. E. d.
Proposition VII.
265. If four quantities be in proportion, they will be in
proportion by division.
Let a : b : : c : d.
We are to prove a — b : b : : c — d : d.
Now 2«i.
b d
Subtract 1 from each member of the equation.
that 18,
a c
a — b c — d
b d
or, a — b : b : : c — d : d.
Q. E. D.
Proposition VIII.
266. In a series of equal ratios , the sum, of the ante-
cedents is to tie sum of the consequents as any antecedent is
'<> its consequent.
Let a : b = c : d=e :f = g \ h.
We are to prove a + c+e + gib + d-t-f+h: : a :/>.
Denote each ratio by r.
a c e g
Then r= b = d = f = h-
Whence, a = br, c = dr f e=fr, g = hr.
Add these equations.
Then a + e + e + g — (6 + d+/+ h) r.
Divide by (6 + d + / + h).
Then a + c + e + y a
b+d+f+h 7 b
or, a + c + e + y ; b -f d + / + h : : a : b.
Q. E. D.
: c :
! 9
: m
fl :
: cgm : dhn.
k _ M
1 n '
Proposition IX.
267. The products of the corresponding terms of two or
more proportion* are in proportion*
Let a : b
e :/
k : I
We are to prove aek : bfl
Now I'r /
Whence by multiplied
aek e
bfl d hn
or, ae(' : 6// : : cam : // M.
Q. E. D.
(8. Like powers, or like roots, of the terms of a pro-
port, propori
Let a : b : : t
We are to prove a n : b n : : < n
i_ 1
a» : A"
: d.
• a c
b = d'
By raising to the 11 th power,
c n
6" ~~ i?
By extracting tin* /' th root,
— = - ; or a"
= — : or, a n : b* : :c n
1. I
60 eS
Q. E. D.
269. Def. Equimultiples of two quantities are the products
obtained by multiplying each of them by the same number.
Thus wirt and m b are equimultiples of a and b.
Proposition XI.
270. Equimultiples of two quantities are in the same
ratio as the quantities themselves.
Let a and b be any two quantities.
We are to prove ma : mb : : a : b.
xt • a a
Now — = - .
b b
Multiply both terms of first fraction by m.
Then n ± a = 1 ,
mb b
or, ma : mb : : a : b.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XII.
271. //' ttvo quantities be increased or diminished hi/
tike parti of each, the result* will be in the same ratio as the
quantities tien$sehe$.
Let a and b be any two quantities.
We are to prove a ± — a : b ± - b : : a : b.
9. 9
In the proportion,
ma : mb : : a :.b, #
substitute for m, 1 ± - .
Then (l ± t\ a : (\ ± E\ b
or a ± P a : b ± *-b :
7 7
Q. E. D.
272. Def. Euclid's test of a proportion is as follows : —
"The first of four magnitudes is said to have the same ratio
to the second which the, third lias to the fourth, when any equi-
multiples whatsoever of the first and third being taken, and any
equimultiples whatsoever of the second and fourth :
" If the multiple of the first be less than that of the second,
the multiple of the third La also less than that of the fourth; or,
" If fche multiple of the first be equal to that of the second,
Que multiple of the third is also equal to that of the fourth; or,
"If the multiple of the fast be greater than that of the
second, the multiple of the third is also greater than that of
the t'uUltll."
Proposition XIII.
;. If four quantiUe$ be proportional according to the
algebraical definition, iiejf will alio be proportional according
ti n it ion.
Let a, 0, r, d be proportional according to the alge-
a c
braical definition ; that is 7 = - f •
h d
We ' proportional according to Euclid 's
Multiply each member [uality by — .
rra ^ ma mc
nb nd
Now from the nature of fractions,
if ma be less than »6, m c will also be less than nd ;
it' m a 1"' equal to n b t m c will also be equal to nd ;
if m a be greater than n 6, m c will also be greater than n d.
.'. a, 6, c, (/ are proportionals according to Euclid's def-
Q. E. D.
138 geometry. book iii.
x 1. Show that the straight line which bisects the external
vertical angle of an isosceles triangle is parallel to the base.
2. A straight line is drawn terminated by two parallel
straight lines; through its middle point any straight line is
drawn and terminated by the parallel straight lines. Show that
the second straight line is bisected at the middle point of the
3. Show that the angle between the bisector of the angle A
of the triangle ABC and the perpendicular let fall from A on
B C is equal to one-half the difference between the angles B
and C.
4. In any right triangle show that the straight line drawn
from the vertex of the right angle to the middle of the hypote-
nuse is equal to one-half the hypotenuse.
5. Two tangents are drawn to a circle at opposite extremities
I diameter, and cut off from a third tangent a portion A B.
If be the centre of the circle show that A CB is a right angle.
6. Show that the sum of the three perpendiculars from any
point within an equilateral triangle to the sides is equal to the
altitude of the triangle.
7. Show that the least chord which can be drawn through a
given point within a circle is perpendicular to the diameter
drawn through the point.
8. Show that the angle contained by two tangents at the
extremities of a chord is twice the angle contained by the chord
and the diameter drawn from either extremity of the chord.
9. If a circle can be inscribed in a quadrilateral j show that
the sum of two opposite sides of the quadrilateral is equal to the
sum of the other two sides.
10. If the sum of two opposite sides of a quadrilateral be
equal to the sum of the other two sides; show that a circle
can be inscribed in the quadrilateral
proportional lines. 139
On Proportional Lines.
Proposition I. Theorem.
274. //' a series of parallels intersecting any two
si rn i , CC, DD\ EE',
intercept on II' K' equal parts A' B' y B'C, CD 1 , etc.
We are to pr<
tic If K equal parts A B, B C, CD, etc.
At points A and B draw A m and Bn II to W K'.
Am = A B . § 135
I xmprehendrd bet wee n >> re equal).
Bn = B'C', § 135
.*. A in = B n.
In Hi.- A BA m and Bn,
ZA=ZB, § 77
{having tf>- iig in the same direction from
the vertv
Z m = Z n. § 77
and A m = B //.
.-. ABAm = ACBn, § 107
[kavi 'mi tirn adj. A of the one equal respectively to a side and
adj. A of the other).
.\ AB = BC,
[bt mg homologous sides of equal &).
In like manner we may prove B C = CD, etc.
Proposition II. Theorem.
275. If a line be drawn through two sides of a triangle
parallel to the third side, it divides those sides propor-
. 1. Fig. 2.
In the triangle A B C let E F be drawn parallel to B C.
We are to prove = — .
Case I. — When A E and EB {Fig. 1) are commensurable.
Find a common measure of A E and BB, namely Bm.
Suppose Bm to be contained in B B three times,
and in A E live times.
EB = 3
~AE 5*
At the several points of division on B E and A E draw
straight lines II to B C.
These lines will divide A C into eight equal parts,
of which FC will contain three, and A V will contain five, §274
{if parallels intersecting any two straight lines intercept equal parts on one
of these I: < equal parts on the other also).
. FC _ 3
" " AF~~ 5 '
EB 3
. EB = FC
Ax. 1
CASE. II. — lllien A E and E B {Fig. 2) are incommensurable.
Divide A E into any number of equal parts,
and apply one of these parts to E B as often as it will be
contained in E B.
Since A E and E B are incommensurable, a certain number
of these parts will extend from E to a point K, leaving a re-
mainder KB, less than one of the parts.
Bmw KH II to BC.
Since A E and E K are commensurable,
: „ = -7—. (Case I.)
Suppose the number of parte into which A E is divided to
be continually increased, the length of each part will become less
and lees, and the point K will approach nearer and nearer to B.
The limit of E K will be E B s and the limit of FH will be FC
.'. the limit of j— will be ,
and the limit of _ — will be — — .
J /■ . I /■
Now the variables — and — - are always equal, how-
ever near they approach their limits;
.-. their limits i-4 and t-b are e( l ual > § 199
Ah A * Q. E. D.
BOLLABY. One side of a triangle is to either part
i -ut off 1 hi line parallel to the base, as the other side is
to the corresponding part.
Now 8 B : AE :: FC : A F. §275
By composition,
A' /; + A /■ . AE :; FC+ AF : AF, § 263
or, AB : AE :: AC :AF.
Proposition III. Theorem.
277. If a straight line divide two sides of a triangle
proportionally, it is parallel to the third side,
In the triangle A BC let EF be drawn so that— «._.
We are to prove E F II to B C.
From E draw E H \\ to BC.
zi-jy §276
(one side of a A wi cut off by a line II to the base, as the other
side is to the corresponding part).
II -2$' '
• AC - A0 Ax 1
.'. AF = A II.
.'. EF and JP if coincide,
(their extremities being the same points).
But E II is II to B C ; Cons.
.'. EF, which coincides with EH, is II to BC.
Q. E. D.
278. Def. Similar Polygons are polygons which havetheii
homologous angles equal and their homologous sides proportional.
Homologous points, lines, and angles, in similar polygons,
are points, lines, and angles similarly situated.
On Similar Polygons.
Proposition IV. Theorem.
279. Two triangles which are mutually equiangular are
In the A ABC and A' BO let A A, B, C be equal to
A A', B' y 6" respectively.
IJ< uretoprove AB :A'B' = AC : A' C = BC : B' C.
Apply the A A' B' C to the A ABC,
so that Z A' shall coincide with Z A.
Than the A A' B'C will take the position of A A E H.
Now Z A E II | ame as Z £') = Z B.
i: II is II to ^ (7, § 69
I /ww straight lines, ly . are cw£ fa/ a third straight
. if the ext. int. A be equal the lines are parallel).
AB : AE - AC : AH, §276
{one side of a A is to off by a line II to the base, as the other
side is to the corresponding part).
Suhetitute for A K and A H their equals A' B' and A' C.
Then AB : A'B = AC :A'C
In like maimex we may prove
AB : A'B' = BC : B'C.
.*. the two A are similar. § 278
Q. E. D.
280. Cor. 1. Two triangles are similar when two angles
of the one are equal respectively to two angles of the other.
281. Cor. 2. Two right triangles are similar when an acute
of the one is equal to an acute angle of the other.
Proposition V. Theorem.
282. Two triangles are similar when their homologous
sides are proportional.
In the triangles A BC and A' B' C let
A ll _A_C M3
A r B' ~~ A'C 1 ~" B'C'
We are to prove
A A, B, and C equal respectively to A A', B 1 , and C.
Take on A B, A K equal to A' B',
and on AC, All equal to A' C. Draw B II.
A'B' ~~ A'C' m
Substitute in tin's equality, for A' B' and A' C their equals
A E and A II.
Then ±1= A( \
.'. Ellis II to BC, § 277
K if „ Ifae divide two sides of a A proportionally, it is II to the third side).
Now in the A ABC and A E If
Z ABC = Z A B II. § 70
(being cxt. int. angles).
Z AC B = Z A HE, § 70
Z A= Z A. Iden.
.'. A A B and A Ell axe similar, § 279
(two mutually equiangular & are similar).
. AB A S , «,-„
(homologous sides of similar & are proportions I).
A'B 1
A'B '
Ax. 1
AE = A'B',
EH = B'C.
Now in the A A EH and A'B' C,
EH = B'C, AE = A'B' 7 and A H = A' C,
.-.A AEH = A A'B'C, § 108
{having three sides of the one equal respectively to three sides of the other).
But A A EH is similar to A A B C.
.'. A A'B' C is similar to A ABC.
Q. E. D.
283. Scholium. The primary idea of similarity is likeness
m : and the two conditions ueceesary to similarity are :
I. For every angle in one of tin figures there must bean
equal angle in the other, and
II. the homologous aides must be in proportion.
In the case of triangle* either condition involves the other,
}>ut in the case of S it does not follow that if one
condition exist the pther does al
Thus in the quadrilaterals Q and Q', the homologous sides
are proportional, but the homologous angles are not equal and
the figures are not similar.
In the quadrilaterals R and B', the homologous angles are
equal, but the sides are not proportional, and the figures are not
Proposition VI. Theorem.
284. Two triangles having an angle of the one equal to
an angle of the other, and the including sides proportional,
are similar.
In the triangles A B C and A' B' C' let
£A=£ A', and — = i_£ .
A'B' A'C'
We are to prove A A B G and A' B' G' similar.
Apply the A A' B' C to the A A B G so that Z A' shaU
coincide with Z. A.
Then the point B' will fall somewhere upon A B, as at E,
the point C will fall somewhere upon A C, as at H, and
xr AB AG „
Now = Hyp.
A'B' A'C ™
Substitute for A' B' and A' C fcheii equals A E and A H.
Then ±*_±*.
.'.the line Ell divides the sides AB and AC propor-
tionally ;
.'.EHi* II to BO, § 277
(if a line divide two sides of a A proportionally, it is II to the third side).
.'. the A A 2?Cand A EH are mutually equiangular and similar.
.'.A A' B' G is similar to A A B G.
Q. E. D.
Proposition VII. Theorem.
285. Two triangles which have their sides respectively
parallel are similar.
In the triangles ABC and A 1 B' C let AB,AC, and
BC be parallel respectively to A' B', A'C, and
B' C.
We are to prove A ABC and A' B' C similar.
The corresponding A are either equal, § 77
?/•»> A whose sides arc II, in the same direction, or
opposite directions, from their vertices are equal).
or supplements of each other, § 78
iff two A taw tiro sides II a \ the same direction from their vertices,
frk He the other two sides are II and lie in opposite directions, the A are
fements of each other).
Hence we may make three suppositions :
1 >t. A + A' — 2 it A, B+B' = 2Tt.A, C+C' = 2 rt. A.
2d .1 = 1', B+B' = 2rt.A, C + C — 2 rt. A.
3d. A=A f , B = B' .'. C = C.
Since the sum of the A of the two A cannot exceed four
right angles, the 3d supposition only is admissible. § 98
.% the tvo & ABC and A' B' C are similar, § 279
(two mutually equiangular & are similar).
Q. E. D.
Proposition VIII. Theorem.
286. Two triangles which have their sides respectively
perpendicular to each other are similar.
In the triangles E F D and B A C, let E F, FD and ED,
be perpendicular respectively to AC, BC and AB.
We are to prove A E F D and B AC similar.
Place the A E FD so that its vertex E will fall on A />\
and the Bide E /•', _L to A C, will cut A C at /•".
Draw F' 1)< II to F 1), and prolong it to meet BC at //.
In the quadrilateral B ED II, A E and // are rt. A.
.'.Z B + Z ED II =2 rt. A. §158
But Z E D> F' + Z ED 11=2 rt. A. § 34
.\Z ED' F' = ZB. Ax. 3.
Now ZC+ ZI/F'C=rt.Z, §103
(in a rt. A (lie sum of the two acute A = a rt. Z ) ;
and Z K F' I)' + Z II F' C = rt. Z. Ax. 9.
.'.ZEE' D' = ZC. Ax. 3.
.'. AE F D and BAC are similar. § 280
But AEFD is similar to A E F D'. § 279
.*. A E FD and B A C are similar.
Q. E. D.
287. Scholium. When two triangles have their sides re-
spectively parallel or perpendicular, the parallel sides, or the
perpendicular sides, are homologous.
Proposition IX. Theorem.
288. Lime* drawn through the vertex of a triangle divide
proportionally He base and its parallel.
In the triangle A BO let II I be parallel to AC, and
let BS and HT be lines drawn through its ver-
tex to the base.
We <>ve
A B HO and BA S are similar, § 279
(two & which arc mutually equiangular an- similar).
A BO R and B ST are similar, § 279
A B I! I and BTC arc similar, § 279
A 8 _ (SB\ _ll_(BT\ = TC § 278
HO ~" \OB/ " OR " \BRf RL'
(homologous sides of similar & are proportional).
Ex. Show that, if three or more non-parallel straight linos
divide two parallels proportionally, they pass through a common
Proposition X. Theorem.
289. If in a right triangle a perpendicular be drawn
from the vertex of the right angle to the hypotenuse :
I. It divides the triangle into two right triangles which
are similar to the whole triangle > and also to each other.
II. The perpendicular is a mean proportional between
the segments of the hypotenuse.
III. Each side of the right triangle is a mean pro-
portional between the hypotenuse -and- it* adjacent segment.
\ IV. The squares on the two sides of the right triangle
have the same ratio as the adjacent segments of the hypote-
V. The square on the hypotenuse has the same ratio to
the square on fit In % the hypotenuse has to the segrrent
adjacent to that *'/<}<■.
In the right triangle A BC, let B F be drawn from the
vertex of the right angle B, perpendicular to the
hypotenuse A C.
I. We are to prove
the A A B F, A B C, and F B C similar.
In the rt. A BA F and BA C,
the acute A A is common.
.*. the A are similar, § 2-Sl
{hro rt. & are similar when an acute Z of the one is equal to an acute Z
of the other).
Inthert. A BCFa.n&BCA,
the acute A C is common.
.'. the A are similar. § 281
Now as the rt. AABF and CBF are both similar to
A B C, by reason of the equality of their z£,
they are similar to each other.
II. We are to prove AF : BF : : BF : FC.
In the similar A A B F and C B F,
A F, the shortest side of the one,
B F, the shortest side of the other,
A' /'. the medium .side of the one,
F C, the medium side of the other.
III. We are to prove AC : AB :: AB : A F.
In tin- similar A ABC and ji£/;
^4 6', the longest side of the one,
A //, the longest side of the other,
A B t the shortest side of the one,
A F, the shortest side of the other.
Also in the similar A A BC and FB C,
AC, tin longest side of the one,
: 11 C, the longest side of the other,
: />' (\ the medium aide of the one,
•. FO t the medium side of tin- other.
ra m 4 AI? AF
IV. \\ e are to prove == — — - .
El? FC
In the proportion A C : A ti \ \ A B \ A F,
r& = A C X A I \ § 259
(the }>i he extremes is tqiuil to the product of the means),
and in tht' proportion AC : BC : : BO : FC,
FT?=*ACX FC. §259
Dividing the one by the other,
2J7f — ACX FC'
Cancel the common factor A C, and we have
r& = af
BC* " ^C"
V. JJV ,>>•£ fo »?we =
J02 AF
jTC 2 = ACXAC.
IT? = iC'X^, (Case III.)
Divide one equation by the other ;
then ^?L - ACX AC - —
jf " S 1CX4^ ^7^' Q. E. D.
Proposition XI. Theorem.
290. If two chords intersect each other in a circle, their
segments are reciprocally proportional.
Let the two chords AH and EF intersect at the
point 0.
We are to prove' AO : EO : : OF : OB.
Draw AF an. 1 E 11.
In the A AO Fund FOB,
Z F=Z /!, § 203
(each being measured by % arc A E).
Z A = z a; § 203
(each being measured by £ arc F B).
.*. the A are similar. ■ § 280
& are similar when two A of the one are equal to two A of tlvc other).
AVhence A 0, the medium side <>f the one, § 278
: EO, the medium side of the other,
: : F, the shortest side of the one,
: OB, the shortest side of the other.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XII. Theorem.
291, If from a point without a circle two secants be
drawn, the whole $ecanU and the parts without the circle
are reciprocally proportional.
Let OB and OC be two secants drawn from point 0.
<>/! : Or : : <> M : (t II.
Draw EC and MB.
In the A o//r :m ,l 0JTB
Z is common,
Z £ - Z C, § 203
(eacA 6y ^ arc H M).
.'. the two A are similar, § 280
are /vy;/,// Co two A of the oilier).
Whenoe Ik the longest side of the one. § 278
OC, the longest side of the other,
M. the shortest side of the one,
//. the shortest side of the other.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XIII. Theorem.
292. If from a point without a circle a secant and a
tangent he drawn, the tangent is a mean proportional between
the whole secant and the part without the circle.
Let OB be a tangent and C a secant drawn from
the point to the circle MBC.
m ore to prove OC : B : : B : M.
Draw 5 if and B C.
In the A 2? J/;. ml OBC
Z is common.
Z n M Lb measured by \ arc M B, § 209
(being an £ formed by fl tangent and a chord).
Z C is measure. 1 by | arc B M, § 203
(be in>j , the shortest side; of the one,
: My the shortest side of the other.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XIV. Theorem.
). If two polygons be composed of the same number
of triangle* which are similar, cork to each, and similarly
placed, then the polygon* arc simifor.
In the two polygons ABODE and A' B C J)' E\ let
the triangles II A I'. EEC, and C E 1) be similar
respectively to the triangles B' A' E\ B' E' ' C\ and
C E i>.
Wk on to jo-ove
do polygon A BC If E rimilar to the polygon A' VC'D'E*.
Z ,1 = Z A 1 , § 278
Z ABE = Z A'B' E\ §278
' Z EBC = Z E'B'C, §278
Add ill'- last two equali
Then Z. A HE A- Z E BC = Z A' B' E' -f Z E> L' C )
or, Z A11C=Z A'B'C.
In like manner we may prove Z BC D = Z B'C D\ etc.
.*. the two polygons are mutually equiangular.
N A E A B ( EB\ _BC _(EC\_CD _ ED
{ m 7J& ~ IFF " \E' B'l "~ B> C \E' C') C D' E' &'
milar & arc proportional).
.-. the homo] lea of the two polygons are proportional.
.*. the two polygons are similar, § 278
{having their homologous A equal, and (heir homologous sides proportional).
Q. E. D.
Proposition XV. Theorem.
:Ia\. If two polygons be similar, they arc composed of
Ike same nn nber of triangles, which arc similar and similarly
B a />"
Let the polygons A BCDE and A ll C D A" be similar.
m tw<> homologous verl E and A v ,
.haw diagonal! EB t EC % and E'Bf, P <\
w, m i .1 SB, EBC, EC D
similar /// to A .1 E /;, // B Q % E O //.
In !l„. .'. .! A'A'an.l A 1 IV IV,
ZJ-. § 278
(ft ing komolog > vr pel yens),
a E a B
A'E' A'B'
(A. ing homologous rides of simitar polygons)*
A E B and A' E 1 IV are Bimilar,
5 278
§ 28 1
tqiuU i,» an / of the oiher % "and the including
rides proportional)*
Z ABC=Z A' IV (\
\g homologo nilar polygo
A A BE = Z A' IV E\
(being homologous A of similar
,\ / A lie / A It E = Z A' IV r - Z A 1 IV IV.
That is Z EBC — Z E'B'C.
BB ™ A' l'> '
l o/ similar & ) ;
BC = A B
~B' (
s of similar polygons).
. E B BC^
Ax. 1
B' C
.'. A EBCvdA E'B'&Bie similar,
(having an /L«jth> on* equal to an / "j /!<>■ other, and tin including sides
In like manner w* may prove A E( ' D -imilar to A K'C D'.
Q. E. D.
\Y|. Th»
gon* have the
ratio as any two horn
i, b a
Let the two similar polygons be A BC D E and A' B'C 1)' E 1 ,
and let J' and P represent their perimeters.
W< on to pro* /'-./' ; : A B \ A'B'.
A B i A'B : : nC : B'C :: CD : C D 1 etc. § 278
qpns ore prvportionot).
.-. A B + 8(7, etc. : A'B + BC, etc : : j* J : A'B, § 266
gruaJ ra&M //" n»m «////. /nth, sum of the
That 18
/' : /" : : J B : A'B.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XVII. Theorem.
296. The homologous altitude* of two similar triangles
have the same ratio as any two homologous sides.
In the two similar triangles ABC and A'B'C, let
the altitudes be BO and B'O'.
w BO All
We on t<> I > rove = .
n o' a 1 h>
In the it. A BOA and />' OM',
ZA=ZA' §278
urfogoua A of the similar & A B C and A' B f C).
.'.A BOA and A B'O' A' are similar, § 281
Jim ft, A having an acute Z <>/ the one equal to an acute Z. of tlie other are
.'. their homologous sides give the proportion
B'O' ~ A' ll 1 '
Q. E. D
207. Cor. 1. The homologous altitudes of similar trian
have the same ratio as their homologous bfl
In the similar A A BO and A' B 1 C,
A'C A' B''
{the homologous imHar & are proportional).
And in tin' similar A BO A and B' 0' A',
B'O' ~ A'B 1 '
& 0' " A 1 C '
Ax. 1
;. •_'. Tin- homologous altitudes <>i' similar triangles
have th. io as their perimeti
Denote the perimeter of the firs! by /\ and thai of the
second bj /' .
Then '' § 295
P A' /; s
(///' jwrimctcrs of two similar polygons have the same ratio as any two
homologous sides),
Hut — = *JL j §296
Ax. 1
Ex. 1. It any two straight lines be cut by parallel lines,
Bhow that the corresponding segments are proportional.
l\ [f the f m sides of any quadrilateral be bisected, show that
the lines joining the points of bisection will form a parallelo-
3. Two circles intersect; the line AH KB joining their
centres A, B, meets them in //, K. On A B is described an
equilateral triangle ABC y whose sides BC> A C, intersect the
circles in /•', /'. FE produced meets BA produced in P. Show
that • 1 1 P K so is C F to CE, and so also is PH to PB.
B o
A'B 1 '
= /"'
Proposition XVIII. Theorem.
299. In any triangle the product of two sides is equal
to He product of the segments of the third side formed by the
bisector of the opposite angle together with the square of the
\ 7
\ /
Let Z B A of the A ABC be bisected by the straight
line A 7A
Wi ore to prove B A X A C = B 1) X D C + A 1)\
Describe the O A B C about the A A B C ;
produce A 1) to meet the circumference in E, and draw EC
Then in the AABD and A EC,
Z BA D — Z CAE, Hyp.
Z B = Z E, § 203
(ea< , flu arc AC).
..AABD and A EC are Bimilar, $ 280
'.nrr similar when two A of the our are equal respectively to two A
Whence B A. the longest ride of the one,
E A, the longest Bide of the other,
A /k the shortest side of the one,
A ( ', tli<' shortest side of the other ;
BA A D s * fl
or, § 2/8
AM ilr *
(//"//" i <>f si ui ilu r k\ are proportional).
.'.BAX AC = EAX A J).
But AM X Ah {ED + .4 Z>) J 0,
.'. 7ivi X A C - A T 7> X yl /> + i( J)\
But E DX AD = BDX h(\ §290
(/Ar segments of two chords in a G ujft&ft intersect each other an
reciprocally proportional).
Substitute in the above equality /> /> X DC For A' /> X A D,
then BA X AC = BDX DC + A h\
Q. E. D.
Proposition XIX. Theorem.
300. In any triangle tie product of two sides is equal to
the product of the diameter of ike circumscribed circle by the
perpendicular let Jail upon tie third tide from the vertex of
pposite angle.
- — ~~^.<4
Let ABC be a triangle, and AD the perpendicular
from A to EC.
IVsrril.i' tin- ci iv u inference A BO about the A A BC.
uneter A A\ and draw S
II tm t .prove BA X A C = KA X A D.
In the &ABI> and A EC
Z B D A isa it. Z,
Z / a rt Z,
£ BDA =Z EC A.
Z B = Z A\
| i» inn measurnf by | the arc A B).
.'.AABD and B C E, are similar, § 280
(two & are similar when two A of the one are equal respectively to two A
of the other).
Whence A />, the medium aide of the one,
C E, the medium side of the other,
B D, the longest side of the one,
B C, the longest aide of the other,
~CE " TU'
(the homologous iidet of similar & arc proportional).
§ 278
.-. BD X C E = AD X BC.
Again, in the A A B E and B C 1>,
and ZBAE = ZBDC,
B C).
§ 280
§ 278
.*. A A B E and BC D are similar,
• wkt ii two A of the one are equal respectively to two A
; < other).
Whence A Ii the l le <•{' the one,
/; Ik the Longest Bide of the ot]
A /•;. the shorted ride of the one,
l>. ii;. • ride i f the other.
A li A /■:
/;/> = CD>
(//,, & are proportional).
.-. /; //X AE=ABX CD.
Bui />'/> XCJS= ADX BC.
Adding these two equalities,
BD (A E + f E) = i 5 X CD+ A DX BC,
Q. E. D.
Kx. If two circles are tangent internally, show that chords
f tl :. drawn from the point of tangency, are divided
proportionally by the circumference of the less.
On Constructions.
Proposition XXI. Problem.
302. To divide a given straight line into equal parts.
A^r, , 7 -.B
Let A 11 be the given straight line.
It is required to dimdt A B into equal parts.
From A draw the indefinite line A 0.
'lake any convenient length, ami apply it to A as many
times as the line A 11 is t<> be « 1 i \ i* 1* * 1 into i>;irls.
in tlic Lasi point thus Pound on A 0, as C, draw OB,
Through the several points of division on A draw lines
II to OB.
These lines divide A B into equal parts, § 274
(if a scries of\\s intersecting any two straight lines, intercept equal parts
on one of these lines, they intercept equal parts on tlie other also).
Q. E. F.
Ex. To draw a common tangent to two given circles.
I. When the common tangent is exterior,
II. When the common tangent is interior.
Proposition XXII. Problem.
803, To tit rule a given -straight line into part* pro-
portional In any number of given lines.
\ \ I! K B
Let A / and o be given straight lines.
If U required to '• B into parti proportional to the
I ': iw the indefinite line A X.
On A X lake AC^m,
and /;/' = o.
* /•' /;. Prom E and C draw E K and C II II to FB.
AT and ffare the division points required
F,, (±X)=±Z= **=**, §275
[a li through two rides of a A II fo thr third ride divides those
,-f i, >,)<(! 1 if).
.-. A If : UK : K n :: AC : CE : E F.
Substitute >/>, n. and o for their equals ^4 (7, C E, and 7?./^
Then J // : HK \ KB :: m : n : a
Q. E. F
Proposition XXIII. Problem.
30i. To find a fourth proportional to three given
straight lines.
B F m
A^~ .
5 >- R
Let the three given lines be m, n, and o.
It m / to find a fourth proportional to m, ft, and o.
Take A B equal to n.
Draw the indefinite line A R, making any convenient Z.
with A R
On A B take A C = m, and C S = o.
Draw C B.
Prom 8 draw S F II to (7.5, to meet A B produced at F.
B F is the fourth proportional required
For, AC : AB : : CS : BF, § 275
(a ton '//■»"/■,/ through two ridu of a A II to the third side divides those aides
Substitute to, >/, and o for their equals i (7, i B 9 and C &
Then m : n :: o : BF.
Q. E. F.
Proposition XXIV. Problem.
305. To find a third proportional to two given straight
— \c
>*' - -
Let A B and AC be the two given straight lines.
It is required to find a third proportional to A B and A C.
Place A B and A C so as to contain any convenient Z.
Produce A B to A making BD^ AC.
Join BC.
Through J) draw J) K II to BC to meet A C produced at E.
C E is a Quid proportional to A B and A C. § 251
£!-^, §275
(d line drawn through two sides of a A II to Hie third side divides those sides
Substitute, in the above equality, A C for its equal B D ;
Then AB = AC
or, A B : A C : : A C : CE.
Q. E. F.
Proposition XXV. Problem.
306. To find a mean proportional between two given
'• b :: b E
Let the two given lines be m and n.
It if required to find a mean proportional between m and n.
On the straight line A B
take AC — m, and (' B = n.
On A B as a diameter describe a semi-circumference.
At C erect the _L II.
C II is a mean proportional between m and »
Draw //A' and II A.
The Z ,1 // /; is a rt. Z, § 204
(beiny inscribed in a flemia're/e),
and HClB a J. l«'t i'all from the vertex of a it. Z t<> the
.-.AC : Off :: OH : C/i, §289
(2fa ± let fall from •'//>< /•/. Z /" //" hypotenuse is d mean pro-
portional between tin- segments of the hypotenuse).
Substitute for A and B their equals m and ??..
Tla-n m : (77/ : : C If : ??. Q E F
307. Corollary. If from <>int in the circumference a
perpendicular be drawn to dt< j diameter, nxan pro-
portional between tin- segments of the diameter, and each chord is <<
* proportional between Us >i in extreme and mean ratio.
At /; «•!«•<•[ a _L 11 ( ', equal to one-half of A B.
From aa a centre, with a radius equal to CB f describe a O.
Since A B ia .1. to the radius CB at its extremity, it la
tangent to the circle.
Through C draw A D, meeting the circumference in E and D.
On J B take d // = d A'.
// ia tin- division point of A B required.
A 1) : A B : : A B : A £
§ 292
row a pafttf iriijnnit the circumfi > iU and a tangent be drawn,
the tangent is a mean proport i onal "between tic whole Meant and the part
without the circumference).
Then A D — A3 : AB : : A 8 - A E : d E.
§ 268
Since AB='2CB, Cons.
and ED = 2CB,
{the diameter of a Q being tu-ice tlie radiiis),
AB = ED. Ax. 1
■\ A I) - A B = A 1) - ED = A E.
But A E = A II, Cons.
.-. .1 I)- A 11 = A II. Ax. 1
A II- A E = A H- A 11 = II B.
Substitute these equivalent in the last proportion.
Then A II : A B : : II B i A II.
Whence, by inversion, A B \ A II \ ■ A II \ II B. § 2G3
.' . A B is divided at // in extreme and mean ratio.
Q. E. F.
IiKmakk. A B is said to be divided at //, internally, in
extreme and mean ratio, [f BA be produced to //', making
J // equal to AD, A />' is said to be divided at II', externally,
in extreme and mean ratio.
A B : ■! // : : .! // : // //.
When a line is divided internally and externally in the
is said to be divided hgrmonioaUy.
ThvmJB ' f f £ is divided harmoni-
cally at r ; md /A if (7 J :CB::DA:DB; that is, if the ratio
of the distances of from -1 and /> is equal to the ratio of the
distances pf I) &om .1 and B.
This proportion taken by alternation gives:
AC :A D ::B C : B D ; that is, C Z> is divided harmoni-
cally at the points B and it. The four points A, B, C, D, are
called hat **U ; and the two pairs A, B, and C, D, are
called cot[ '■■>?.<.
Ex. 1. To divide a given line harmonically in a given ratio.
2. To find the locus of all the points whose distances from
iveii points are in a given ratio.
Proposition XXVIII. Problem.
812. Upon a given line homologous to a given side of a
give a polygon, to construct a polygon similar to the given
Let A' E' be the given line, homologous to A E of the
given polygon ABC D E.
It is required to On A' E' a 'polygon similar to the
From A draw the diagonals A' A' and EC.
in E> -haw /•/ /; , making Z A' P 11' = Z.I A II.
Also from A! draw A 1 A", making Z W A 1 V = Z BAE,
and meeting E 1 B' at B'.
The two A A B A and i' & E> are similar, § 280
'. ore similar if they have two A of the one equal respectively to two A
of the oth
Also tr- .in A v draw A v C", making Z A' JP C = A BEG.
From A" draw ff , making Z A 7 AT" - Z A AC,
and meeting A' 6" at C
Then the fcwo A A Btf and A' A' C are similar, $ 280
(te> A arc similar if '///. / tow feao d o/£fo ojm 0?uaJ respectively to two A
of the other).
In like mannei conatruct A A' c /)' similar to A ECD.
Then the two polygons are similar, § 293
(top polygons composed ofthesanu number of & similar to each other
similarly placed, are similar).
.'. A' B' C I)' E' La the required poly
Q. E. F.
i:\ercises. 173
1. ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle, and B D is drawn
to meet the tangent to the circle at A in D, at an angle ABB
equal to the angle ABC; show that A C is a fourth propor-
tional t<> the lines A' />, A D, A B.
2. Show tliat cither of the sides of an isosceles triangle is a
mean proportional between the base and the half of the segment
of the base, produced if necessary, which is cut off by a straight
line drawn from the vertex at right angles to the equal side.
3. A B ifl the diameter of ;i circle, J) any point in the circum-
ttoe, and G the middle point of the arc AD. If A C, A D,
BC he joined and .1 D cut BC in E, show that the circle cir-
cumscribed about tie* triangk .1 EB will touch AC and its
diameter will he a third proportional to BC and A II
4. From the. ob1 le of a triangle draw a line to the
base, which shall be a mean proportional between the segments
into which it divid
Find the poinl in the oduced of a right triangle,
fn»m which the line* drawn to the angle opposite to the base
shall have the same ratio to the base produced which the per-
icular has t.> the base itself.
G. Aline touching two (in les cuts another line joining their
centres; Bhow that the segments of the latter will be to each
other as the diameters of the circles.
7. 1 the locus -of the middle points of all the chords
of a circle which pass through a fixed point. :
8. ifl point from which any straight line is drawn
meeting a lix lit line at P; in OP a point Q is taken
such that Q is to P in a fixed ratio. Determine the locus
of Q.
9. is a fixed point from which any straight line is drawn
meeting the circumference of a fixed circle at P ; in P a point
taken such that Q is to OP in a fixed ratio. Determine
the 1
Profosition I. Theorem.
313. Tico rectangles having equal altitudes are to each
other as their bases.
Let the two rectangles be A G and A F, having the
the same altitude A D.
Wk "re to prove
rect. A G
rect. A F
Case I. — When A B and A E are commensurable.
Find a common divisor of the bases A B and A F, as A 0.
Suppose A to be contained in A B seven times and in
A F four times.
A B 7
A F ~ 4 '
At the several points of division on A B and A E erect _k .
The rect. A C will be divided into seven rectangles,
and rect. A F will be divided into four rectangles.
These rectangles are all equal, for they may be applied to
each other and will coincide throughout.
rect A G
rect A F
AF ~
rect A G
rect A F
II. — // 'hen A B and A E are incommensurable.
Divide A B into any number of equal parts, and apply one
of these parts to .1 B as often as it will be contained in A E.
Since A B and A B are incommensurable, a certain number
of these parts will extend bom .1 to a point K, leaving a re-
mainder K B less than one of these parts.
Draw /T// II to 7: '/.
sine.' .1 /; and .1 A' aiv commensurable,
not AH AK
Case 1
rect. A C
the nomber of parts into which d B is divided to
be continually increased, the Length of each part will become less
and lees, and the point K will approach nearer and nearer to E.
The limit of A K will be d /:,', and the limit of rect. All
will be rect .1 /•'.
.-.the limit of — will be ^L?,
1 ,, , . f rect. d // . n . rect. ^4 /"
and the hunt ol r-r= will be
rect .1 ( '
rect. A C
tables - - and — — are always equal
AB rect AG J H
howei 'hey approach their limits;
rect. A F
.*. their limits are equal, namely,
rect. A C
Q. E. D.
31 d. Corollary. Two rectangles having equal bases are
to each other as their altitudes. By considering the bases of
these two rectangles A D and A D, the altitudes will be A B and
A E. But we have just shown that these two rectangles are to
each other as A B is to A E. Hence two rectangles, with the
B base, or equal bases, are to each other as their altitudes.
Another Demonstration.
Let A C and A' C be two rectangles of equal altitudes.
F E D A A' D> E' F' G>
rect. AC AD
We are to prove
rect. A' C A' D'
Let b and &', S and S' stand for the bases and areas of these
rectangles respectively.
Prolong A D and A' //.
Take A D, D E, E F . . . . m in number and all equal,
and A' D', D' E', E' F', F G' . . . . // in number and all equal.
Complete the rectangles a- in the li«;ure.
Then base A F = m b,
and base A' G' = nb' ;
rect. AP = mS,
and rect A' P = n S'.
Now we can prove by superposition, that if A F be > A' G',
rect. A P will be > rect. A' P' ; and if equal, equal ; and if less,
That is, if m b be > nb 1 , mS is > n S 1 ; and if equal,
equal j and if less, less.
6 : V : : £ : S', Euclid's Prf., § 272
Q. E. D.
iiv,;.»vs 177
Proposition II. Theorei
3 1 5. Ztao rectangles are to each other as the products of
Heir bate* by their altitude*.
b V b
Let R and R' be two rectangles, having for their bases
• b and £', and for their altitudes a and a',
# a X b
R' "
We are to prove
' X //
Construd the rectangle Si with its base the same as that
i.l its altitude the same as that of/? 7 .
tangles having the same base are to each other as their altitudes) ;
£ ft
IV " V '
{rectangb dude are to each other as their bases).
By multiplying these two equalities together
R aX b
Tl> ™ d'Xfr*'
Q. E. D.
316. Def. The Area of a surface is the ratio of that surface
to another surface assumed as the unit of measure.
317. Def. The Unit of measure (except the acre) is a square
a side of which is some linear unit ; as a square inch, etc.
318. Def. Equivalent figures are figures which have equal
E&HM. In comparing the areas of equivalent figures the
symbol ( = ) is to be read "equal in area."
Proposition III. Theorem.
319. The area of a rectangle is equal to the product
of its base and altitude.
b 1
Let R be the rectangle, b the base, and a the alti-
tude ; and let U be a square whose side is the
linear unit.
We are to prove the area of R = a X 6.
£-£** §315
(two rectangles are to each other as the product of their bases wad altitudes).
J>ut _ is the area of R,
. ' . the area of R = a X b.
Q. E. D.
320. Scholium. When the base and altitude are exactly
divisible by the linear unit, this proposition is rendered evident
by dividing the figure into squares, each equal to the unit of
T ;
i j
- *•
i— •
measure. Thus, if the base contain seven linear units, and the
altitude four, the figure may be divided into twenty-eight
squares, each equal to the unit of measure; and the area of
the figure equals 7X4.
Proposition IV. Theorem.
32 1 . T/n- area of a parallelogram is equal to the product
of its base and attitude.
Let A E FD be a parallelogram, A D its base, and CD
its altitude.
We are to prove the area of the O A E F D = A D X C D.
Prom A draw A B II to DC to meet F E produced.
'Hun the figure A B C D will be a rectangle, with the same
base and altitude u the CD A E FD.
In thert. A ABE and OPF f
AB = CD, §126
ig opposite sides of a rectangle).
and A B = D F, § 134
(being opposite sides of a CD) \
.'.AA/JE = A CDF, § 109
/•/. & are equal, when the hypotenuse and a side of the one are equal
reap* 'he hypotenuse and a side of the other).
Take away the A C D F and we have left the rect. ABC D.
Take away tin* A A B E and we have left the O A EFD.
.'. ivct. ABC D = A EFD. Ax. 3
Bui the ana of the rect. ABCD = ADXCD, § 319
{the area of a rectangle equals the product of its base and altitude).
.'. the area of the O A E FD = A D X C D. Ax. 1
Q. E. D.
'. Corollary 1. Parallelograms having equal bases and
equal altitudes are equivalent.
323. Cor. 2. Parallelograms having equal bases are to
each other as their altitudes ; parallelograms having equal alti-
tudes arc to each other as their bases; and any two parallelo-
qs are to each other as the products of their bases by their
Proposition V. Theorem.
324. The area of a triangle is equal to one-half of the
product of its base by its altitude
Let ABC be a triangle, AB its base, and CD its
We are to prove the area of the A A B C = J A B X CD.
From Cd raw OH II to A B.
From A draw A II II to B C.
The ligure A B C II is a parallelogram, § 136
(having iii opposite sides parallel) •>
and A C is its diagonal.
.-. A A nC = A A IIC, § 133
{the diagonal of a CD divides it into two equal & ).
The area of the CJ A B C II is equal to the product of its
base by its altitude; § 321
.'.the area of one-half the £7, or the A A B C, is equal to
one-half the product of its base by its altitude,
or, hABX CD.
Q. E. D.
325. Corollary 1. Triangles having equal bases and equal
altitudes are equivalent.
326. Cor. 2. Triangles having equal bases are to each other
noir altitudes ; triangles having equal altitudes are to each
other as their bases; any two triangles are fco <'a<-li oilier as the
product of their bases by their altitudes.
Propositi (an VI. Theorem
;. The an
9Um of the parallel tide*
trapezoid is equal to one-half the
oiled hi/ the altitude.
Let A HO If be a trapezoid, and E F the altitude.
H on tf prove area of ABC 11= A (I1C + A B) E l\
Draw the diagonal A t '.
of the A A II (' = J II C X E F, § 324
Tea of a A ' of Us boat by its altitude),
ad the area i fthe A A BO .1 .1 BX A 7 / 7 , § 324
otA BOH .'./(' r A B) /:/'.
Q. E D.
\i;v. Th : ;i trapezoid La equal to the
product of the line joining the middle points <>f the non-parallel
- multiplied by the altitude; for the line OP, joining the
middle points of the non parallel sides, ia equal to h (II C
1 142
,\ by substituting P For \(HC u .1 B), we have,
the area of .1 BC 11= OP X /:/■'.
ffOLIUM. Tlif
I may be
iding the polygon
into triangles, and by finding
the area of each of these tri-
angl > ly, But the
method generally employed in
practice ia to draw the l<>n.
diagonal, and to l»-t fall perpendiculars upon this diagonal from
ilar points of the polygon.
The polygon is thus divided into figures which are right
triangles, rectangles, or trapezoids ; and the areas of each of these
3 may be readily found.
Proposition VII. Theorem.
330. The area of a circumscribed polygon is equal to one-
half the product of the peri 'meter by the radius of the in-
scribed circle.
Let ABSQ, etc., be a circumscribed polygon, and C
the centre of the inscribed circle.
Denote the perimeter of the polygon by P, and the radius
of the inscribed circle by R.
We are to prove
ihe area of the circumscribed polygon = I P X R t
Ih-aw C A, CB, C S, etc.;
also draw CO, CD, etc., J_ to A B, B S, etc*
The area of the A C A B = \ A B X C 0, § 324
(the area of a A is equal to oiu-lmlf the product of its base and altitude).
The area of the A CBS=),BSX CD, § 324
.*. the area of the sum of all the A CAB, CBS, etc.,
= i (AB + BS, etc.) CO, § 187
(for CO, CD, etc., are equal, being radii of the tame O).
Substitute for AB + BS+SQ, etc., P, and for CO, R;
then the area of the circumscribed polygon = I P X R.
Q. E. D.
Proposition VIII. Theorem.
881. The mm of the squares described on the two sides
of a right triangle is equivalent to the square described on the
Let ABC be a right triangle with its right angle at C.
We am to pro* A c' 2 + CB 2 = AB' 2
Draw 00 ± to A />'.
Then Tf = A X A /;. § 289
(the sn f/ie hypotenuse of a right
triangle is equivalent to the sum of the squares on /he of her
{WO Sides.
D i. i:
Let A BO be a right A, having the right angle B A C.
Wt (ire to prove Elf = B A* + A if.
On BC> C A, A B construct the Bquarea B B, Off, A F.
Through A draw A I I! to A'.
Draw A 1) and FC.
£BAC ia a ri. Z, Hyp.
and Z B A G ia a rt. Z, Cons.
,\ C A ' \ aighl line
Z GA II Is a it. Z,
■. II A II is a straight Una
Z I)BC = Z /< 7 /,\l,
rt /» ///7 a /•/. Z).
( '(HIS.
( Ions.
§ 106
Add to each the Z A B C ;
then Z ABD = /.FBC,
O B Lis double A A B D,
fig on tlie same base B D, and between the same lis, A L and B D)>
and square A F is double A F B C,
* 'j on the same base FB, and between the same lis, FB and G C) ;
.-. O B L = square A F.
In like manner, by joining A E and B K, it may be proved
O C£ = square C II.
Now the square on BC^OBL + OCL,
= square A F + square C H,
= BA* + AC 2 .
Q. E. D.
334. I>ii. Tki P : >>t upon a straight line
of indefinite length is the foot of the perpendicular let fall from
the point upon the line. Thus, the projection of the point C
upon the lii)'' A B is the point P.
c c
A—p- — £— -b "—jr —jy
Fig. 2.
>/i of a Finite Straight Line, as C D (Fig. 1),
upon a straight line of indefinite length, as A B, is the part of
the lin«' A /; intercepted between the perpendiculars C F and
I) L\ lei tall from the extremities of the line CD.
Thus tin- projection of the line C D upon the line A B is
the line P //.
If one extremity of the line CD (Fig. 2) be in the line
A />'. the projection of the line CD upon the line A B is the
part of the line .1 B between the point D and the foot of the
radicular C P ; that is, D P.
Proposition IX. Theorem.
335. In any triangle, the square on the side opposite an
acute angle is equivalent to the sum of the squares of the other
two sides diminished by twice the product of one of those
sides and the projection of the other upon that side.
Let C be an acute angle of the triangle ABC, and
DC the projection of AC upon BC.
We are to prove AB 2 = EC 2 + AC* — 2 B C X D C.
If Z> fall upon the base (Kg. 1),
DB = BC- DC;
If/) fall upon the base prodim-d (Fig, 2),
In either case DH 2 = FT? + DTf - 2 B C X I) C.
Add AD to both sides of the equality ;
then, AT/ + Dl? = TfC 1 + JTD 2 + ITD 2 -2BCX DC.
AD 2 + DB 2 =AB 2
{the sun) of tlie squares on two sides of a rt. A is -equivalent to the square
mi the hypotsnn
AD 2 + ire 2 = ATC 2 ,
§ 331
Substitute ATB and A C for their equivalents in the above
equality j
then, il // = /^ C 2 + AC 2 -2BCX 1) i:i imthin. A Medial line of a triangle is a straight
line drawn from any vertex of the triangle to the middle point
of I : le.
Proposition XI. Theorem.
338. In any in 'angle, if a medial line be drawn from
the vertex to the base :
I. The sum of the squares on the two sides is equivalent
to twice the square on half the base, increased by twice the
square on the medial line ;
IT. The difference of the squares on the two sides is
equivalent to twice the product of the base by the project ion
of the medial Hue upon the base,
In the triangle A EC let A M be the medial line and
M J) the projection of A M upon the base B C.
Also let A B be greater than A C.
We are to ]>rove
I. AT? + AC 1 = 2 1UI 2 + 2 A~JP.
1 1. IB* - Uf = 2 BOX M />.
Since A B > A (', the Z A MB will be obtuse and the
Z A M C will be acute.
Then A /f /; j/- + AT)/' 1 + 2 BM X Mb, § 336
my obtuse A tht square <>n tht tide <>/>/»>*(/>■ ///'• obtusi Z. is equivalent to
tin sum of tht > thr other two Bides increased by twice the
product of one of tho* < the projection of the other on that side) ;
and 17? = Ml/ 2 + UP - 2 M C X MD, § 335
in any f . the squan on th* side opposite an acute Z is equivalent to the sum
of the squares on the other two sides, diminished by tunes' the product
of on> d tht projection of the other cjimi flint side).
A has,- increased ' to the base),
an.l + JJ2 1 - 2 ( '[''Y + 2f)E 2 . § 338
A I I '.: ■ ' • -• fcwo <'<(iia]il
.1 /; J • 5 ( j + i • h 1 + J' - 1 (££V + 2 (jO 2 + £^ 2 ).
BE 1 + hf: 1 - 2 (— V + 2I7 2 , § 338
m equivalent to twice the square
on half the base increased ; tc on tJie medial line to the base).
Substitute in the aboye equality for (BE + BE) its
equivalent ;
then AT? + JW 2 + TH? + ZO 2 = 4 (^_) 2 + 4 (^) 2 + 4 ^ 2
= J~£ 2 + BD 2 + 4 f? 2
Q. E. D.
3 10. ( JoBOLLABY. The sum of the squares on the four sides
of a parallelogram is equivalent to the sum of the squares on the
Proposition XIII. Theorem.
341. Two triangles having an angle of the one equal to
an angle of the other are to each other as the products of the
sides including the equal angles.
Let the triangles ABC and A 1) E have the common
angle J.
W\ -h other as their bases).
A A B /:
A A h E
(A having the same altitude arc to each other as their bases).
Multiply these equalities ;
Q. E. D.
Proposition XIV. Theorem.
342. 8imilar Mangle* are to each other as the squares
on the'/r homologous si* £ ±B>
Let the two triangles be AC B and A'C'B'.
AACB .1 /r
We ore topr** -_^_ _.
Draw tin* perpendiculars CO and f'O'.
A ACB A B X CO AB x CO_ * 326
1,11 A A'C'B'* A B'XC'O' A'B' CO 1 ' 9
[two & are to each other as the products of their bases by their altitudes).
AJ* = C0 -, § 297
A'B' CO'' *
homologous altitudes of similar A have the same ratio as their homolo-
gous bases).
Substitute, in the above equality, for -_- its equal -jj-=J
tll( ' 11 A „„.„ = -77-77, X
. .1 C'B' A'B' ,s A'B' £rp>
Q. E. D.
Proposition XV. Theorem.
343. Two similar polygons are to each other as the
squares on any two homologous sides.
Let the two similar polygons be A B C, etc.. and
A' BO, etc.
w . ABC, etc. A~l?
We are to prove = .
A'B'C, etc. jFjp*
From the homologous vertices A and A' draw diagonals.
B' C C ])'
{similar polygons have (hi if homologous sides proportional);
.'. by squaring,
CD 2
A~B /2 F ( C" D' 2
, etc.
The A ABC, A CD, etc., are respectively similar to A'B'C,
A' C D', etc., § 294
(two similar polygons < Hie. mine number of & similar to each
other and similarly placed).
AHB' 2
(similar & arc to each other as the squares on tlieir homologous sides),
A A' C D' " tf-tf
A A' CD'
In like manner we may prove that the ratio of any two of
the similar 1\ La the same as that of any other two.
A A'B'C' ~~ A A' CD' ~~ AA'D'E " AA'E'F'
A A' B' C + A' CD' 4- A' D' E' + A' E' P A A' B' C
I aeries of equal ratios the sum of the antecedents is to tlie sum of the
consequents as any antecedent is to its consequent).
t> * A ABC H? t Q ,
Hut = , § 342
A A'B'C A jf *
U&r & are to each other as the squares on f/m'r Jionwlogous sides) ;
. the polygon ABC, etc. _ A~7?
the polygon A' B' C, etc. A' B' 2
Q. E. D.
34 I. COBOLLABT 1. Similar polygons are to each other as
th'- s.ju n, . mii anv two homologous lines.
345, Cob. 2. He homologous sides of two similar poly-
have the Bame ratio as the square roots of their areas.
I 9 represent the areas of the two similar polygons
A B C, etc., an* 1 A' B' C, etc., respectively.
Then S : S' :: AB 2 : A 7 ^ 2 ,
hjgons arc to each other as the squares of their homologous sides).
s[S : : : \[S : sfS 1 .
On Constructions.
Proposition XVI. Problem.
346. To construct a square equivalent to the sum of two
given squares.
A ~fr-
Let R and R' be two given squares.
It is required to construct a square = R + R'.
Construct the rt. Z A.
Take A B equal to a side of R,
and A C equal to a side of R'.
Draw B C.
Then B C will he a side of the square required.
For ~BC 2 = TB 2 + TC 2 , § 331
{the square on the /< of a rt. A ie equivalent to the own of the
ires on tht two Bid
Construct the square S f haying each of its sides equal
to BC.
Substitute for'^6' 2 , AB 2 and AC 2 , S, R, and R' re-
spectively ;
then S= R+ R'.
.*. S is the square required.
Q. E. F.
Proposition XVII Problem.
347. To co 1 1 I square equivalent to the difference
of too given square^.
V--. x
i i
! s !
i i
Let R be the smaller square and R' the larger.
It is required to construct a square = R' — R.
• tin- rt. .
Take A B equal to a side of R.
From B as a centre, with a radius equal to a side of Rf t
desciil" an arc cutting the line A X at C.
Then A C will be a side of the square required.
draw B C.
AB* + Alf = IW 2 , § 331
mm of the squares on the two sides of a rt. A is equivalent to the square
on the hypotenuse).
By transposing, AC 1 = BT? — Al?.
Construct the square S, haying each of its sides equal to A C.
Substitute for AC 2 , BV\ and AB 1 , S, R', and R re-
stively ;
then 8 = R' — R.
.*. S is the square required.
Q. E. F
Proposition XVIII. Problem.
348. To construct a square equivalent to the sum of any
number of given squares.
y \
i X v
s \ \
\ \ \
! ""*-«— ..^
\ \ \
*■ — » X N > \
— r^kn
Let m, ??, o, p, r be sides of the given squares.
It jj >vy >//'/< d to instruct a square = m 2 4~ n 2 -f o 2 + p 2 + r 2 .
Take A B = w.
Draw A C = n ami _L to A B at A.
Draw BC
Draw CE=o and _L to B C at C, and draw B E.
Draw BF—ptnA JL to B E at A', and draw BF.
Draw FII = r and ± to B F at F, and draw B JL
The square constructed on B II is the square required.
For BH 2 = FTP + 57 2 ,
— /^T?' 2 + FT' 2 + yO 2 ,
= F71 2 + jP7 2 + #X' 2 + Cl?,
= FTl 2 4- EF 2 + ^6 t2 + 6TI 2 + Iff, § 33 1
i///' . 2 + r 2
Q. E. F.
Proposition XIX. Problem.
349. To construct a polygon similar to two given similaf
polygons and ,rf to their 9UM*
A" 13"
Let R and I!' be two similar polygons, and AB and
IV two homologous sides.
It / polygon equivalent to
R + R .
; tin* rt. Z V.
Take /'// = A' JV. rod ro = AB.
Draw Off.
ke A" B" = II.
Upon .1 A' . homologous to jii?, construct the polygon 7?"
similar to /.'.
Thru B" ia the polygon required.
« : // J^g 72 : .O 2 , § 343
far polygons arc to each ollur as the squares on their homologous sides).
An*' 2 .
Also S : A : : .1 W
Iii the tirst proportion, by composition,
fi r /, : W
R" : R'
FTl 1 + i^ 2 : PIT 2 ,
I/O 2 : P77 2 .
§ 343
§ 264
HO 2 : P77 2 .
P" : R' :: R' + R : R';
.'. R" = R' + R.
Q. E. F.
Proposition XX. Problem.
350. To construct a polygon similar to two given similar
polygons and equivalent to their difference.
/ ^ Hi-
/ i \
V J 1
A" B» P
A' B f A B
Let R and R' be two similar polygons, and AB and
A' B' two homologous sides.
It is required to construct a similar polygon which shall
be equivali kt to II' — R.
Construct the rt. Z P,
and takeP0 = A 11
From as a centre, with a radius equal to A' B',
describe an arc cut tin- 1 } X at HI
Draw II.
Take A" B" = P II.
On A" B", homologous to A B, construct the polygon R"
similar to R.
Then I! ' is the polygon required.
Rf : R : : A'HS' 2 : .O 2 , § 343
(similar polygons are to each other as the squares on their homologous sides).
Also R" : R : : .FT5 7 ' 2 : AT?.
In the first proportion, by division,
R'- R : R
: A'B' 2 - AB 2 : IB 2 ,
: Oil 2 - OP 1 : 07*,
§ 2G5
: PTl 2 : 07*.
R" : R : : i 77 ^ 2 : AB 2 ,
: : i 7 /? 2 : OP 2 .
.'. R" \ R : : R' - I! . R ;
Q. E. F.
Proposition XXI. Problem.
351. To construct a triangle equivalent to a given
polygon. c D
I A i r £■
Let ABC D1I E be the given polygon.
'id to the given
m 1) draw D B t and from // draw II F II to DK
Produce A E to mfeet // /' at 7^, and draw D F.
The polygon A BC D F has one side less than the polygon
A BC D II E. l»ut the two are equivalent.
For the part A BCD E is common,
and the ADEF = ADEII,foY the base D E is common,
and their vertdcefl /'and //are in the line /\# II to the base, §325
(A having the same base and equal altitudes are equivalent).
Again, draw OF, and draw D K II to C F to meet A F
produced at K.
Draw CK.
The polygon ABC K has one side less than the polygon
A B C D F, but the two are equivalent.
For the part A B C F is common,
and the A C F K = A CFD, for the base CF is common,
and their vertices JTand D are in the line KD II to the base. § 325
In like manner we may continue to reduce the number of
sides of the polygon until we obtain the A C I K.
Q. E. F.
Proposition XXII. Problem.
352. To construct a square which shall have a given
ratio to a given square.
s'' /Iv\
/ / \ \ \
/ / i \ s
m !£/- j. \f\
^ - B iC
Let R be the given square, and - the given ratio,
It is required to construct a square which shall be to R as
n is to 77i.
On a straight line take AB = m, and B C = n.
On AC as a diameter, describe a semicircle.
At B erect the ± B S, and draw 8 A and SC.
Then the A A SC is a rt. A with the it. Z at S, § 204
\ iii a semicircle.)
On SA, or SA produced, take SE equal to a side of/?.
Draw i?/ 7 II to AC.
Then - s ' / T La a aide of the square required.
For £?! = :!* §289
SC* "C *
(the squares on tJie sides of a rt. A have tin tame ratio as tJie segments of the
hypotenuse wade by the _L let fall from the t* Hex of the rt. Z).
Also S A = - S A . § 275
(a straight line drawn through two sides of a A, parallel to the third side,
divides those tides proportionally).
Square the last equality ;
then **-g.
SI? M 2
q—r2 g-rp
Substitute, in the first equality, for -J—^ ^ s ec l ua l - \, >
Si? ST
SI? AB m
S /.--• BC n
that is, the square having a aide equal to 8JFvri31 have the
same ratio to the square E f as n has to m.
Q. E. F.
Proposition XXIII. Problem.
353. To construct a polygon similar to a given polygon
and having a . itio to it.
!\\ / \
: -\ F \ ( s >
i ^ \ /
m \^_ J
n A' ~ B'
Let R be the given polygon and - the given ratio.
It is requ i red to construct a polygon similar to R, which
shinh tliat the square constructed upon it
shall 1m- t«» the square constructed upon A B as n is to m. § 352
Upon A' B' as a side homologous to A B, construct the
• >n s similar to R.
Th. -11 8 is the polygon required.
For f-£g, §343
« A J?
liar polygons are to each other as tlie squares on their homologous sides).
But £* . * 5 Cons.
Al? m
.'.- = -, or, S : R : : n : m.
R 7)1 \
Q. E. F.
Proposition XXIV. Problem.
354. To construct a square equivalent to a given paral-
b c r 1 --T \
•■I /! \
-I m L l * V
Let ABC I) be a parallelogram, b its base, and a its
It is required to construct a square = O ABC D.
Upon the line MX take MN = a, and N m b.
Upon M as a diameter, describe a semicircle.
At iVr erect i\TPJ_ to MO.
Then the square ft, constructed upon a line equal to N P,
is equivalent to the O A BCD.
For MN : NP : : NP : NO, § 307
{a ± let fall from any poind iff a circumference to Oie diameter is a mean
proportional between the segments of the diameter).
r.NI^^MNX NO = aXb, § 259
(the product of the means is equal to the product of the extremes).
Q. E. F.
355. Corollary 1. A square may be constructed equiva-
lent to xa triangle, by taking for its side a mean proportional
between the base and one-half the; altitude of the triangle.
356. Cor. 2. A square may be constructed equivalent to
any polygon, by first reducing the polygon to an equivalent tri-
angle, and tlien constructing a square equivalent to the trian
Proposition XXV. Problem.
867. To construct a parallelogram equivalent to a given
\re % and having tie sum of its base and all Hade equal to
ven Hn<'.
Let fi be the given square, and let the sum of the
base and altitude of the required parallelogram
be equal to the given line M N.
It i a UJ = //, and having the sum
El base and z M X.
Upon M N as a diameter, describe a semicircle.
.!/ erect a _L M P, equal to a side of the given square JR.
Draw PQ II to MX, cutting the circumference at S.
DrawSC-Lto J/^.
Any O having CM tot its altitude and CN for its base,
is equivalent to R.
SC is II to P M, §-65
{two straight lines JL to the same straight line are II ).
..sc = pm,
(lis comprehended between lis are equal).
Bat M : SC : : SC : C N, §307
(a J_ let fall from any point in a el. ie$ to the diameter is a mean
proportional between the segments of the diameter).
Then 8C i = MCXCN, §259
{the product of the means is equal to the product of the extremes).
Q. E. F.
358. Scholium. The problem is impossible when the side
of the square Lb greater than one-half the line M N.
Proposition XXYI. Problem.
359. To construct a parallelogram, equivalent to a given
square, and having the difference of its base and altitude'
equal to a given line,
\c .
'- "D
Let R be the given square, and let the difference of
the base and altitude of the required parallelo-
gram be equal to the given line M A T .
It is required to construct a O = //. with the difference
of the base and altitude = M N.
Upon the given line M N as a diameter, describe a circle.
From M draw MS, tangent to the O, and equal to a side
of the given square R,
Through the centre of the O, draw SB intersecting the
circumference at C and B.
Then any O, as R', having SB tot its base and SC for
its altitude, is equivalent to R.
For SB : SM : : SM : SC, §292
<>7n a point vnthout a O, a secant and a tangent be drawn, the tangent is
a mean proportional between the whole secant and the part without the O).
Then STl 2 = 8 B X 8 C; § 259
and the difference between S 11 and 80 IB the diameter
of the O, that is, M N.
Q. E. F.
Proposition XXVII. Problem.
360. G > ' = sl'l, to construct x.
E ....
A — t - — D' B
Let m represent the unit of length.
It is required to i •> which shall represent the square
root of 2.
On the indefinite line A B % take A C = m, and CD = 2 m.
On 4 Z) as a diameter describe a semi-circumference.
At C erect a _L to j4 B, intersecting the circumference at E.
Then C E is the line required.
For AC : CE :: CE : CD, § 307
(£A* ± let fall from any poi ferenee to the diameter, is a mean
proportional between the segments of tlie diameter) ;
.\C~E 2 = ACXCD, §259
= >J\ X 2 = \/2.
Q. E. F.
Ex. 1. Given x = )/d, p = sJ7 , z = 2 \/5 ; to construct x, y,
and f.
2. Given 2 : .r : : x : 3; to construct x.
3. Construct a square equivalent to a given hexagon.
Proposition XXYIII. Problem.
361. To construct a polygon similar to a given polygon
P, and equivalent to a given polygon Q.
At B'
m A B
Let P and Q be two given polygons, and A B a side
of polygon J\
It is required to construct a polygon similar to P and equiva-
lent to Q.
Find a square equivalent to P, § 356
and let m be equal to one of its sides.
Find a square equivalent to Q, § 356
and let n be equal to one of its sides.
Find a fourth proportional to m, n, and A B. § 304
Let this fourth proportional be A' B'.
Upon A' B' y homologous to A B, construct the polygon P'
similar to the given polygon P.
Then P 1 is the polygon required.
m AB
n = " A' B r
m* AB*
P = m 2 ,
= * 2 ;
. p
w 2 HP
■? 4 7 iT' 2
But J - J A , p § 343
v arc to c, § 363
c B A = C D, being sides of a regular polygon).
.'. the line CM will coincide with line J),
{their extremities briny the same points).
.'. the circumference will pass through D.
In like manner we may prove that the circumference, pass-
ing through vertices B, C, and D will also pass through the
vertex E, and thus through all the vertices of the polygon in
B II. — The sides of the regular polygon, being equal chords of
the circumscril >ed O, are equally distant from the centre, § 185
i circle described with the centre and a radius Os
will touch all the sides, and he inscribed in the polygon. § 171
366. Def. The Centre of a regular polygon is the common
centre of the circumscribed and inscribed circles.
367. Def. T\\q Radius of a regular polygon is the radius
A of the circumscribed circle.
368. Def. The Apotkem of a regular polygon is the radius
s of the inscribed circle.
369. Def. The Angle at the centre is the angle included
by the radii drawn to the extremities of any side.
Proposition III. Theorem.
370. Each angle at the centre of a regular polygon is
equal to /bur right angle* divided hjf the number of sides
of the polygon.
Let ABC, etc., be a regular polygon of n sides.
_ 4 rt. A
Wi are to prove Z. A B — — - — •
Circumscribe a O about the polygon.
The A A OB, B C, etc., are equal, § 180
(in tlie same O equal arcs subtend equal A at the centre).
.'. the Z A B = 4 rt. A divided by the number of A about 0.
But the number of A about = n, the number of sides
of the polygon.
4 rt. A
Q. E. D.
371. Corollary. The radius drawn to any vertex of a
regular polygon bisects the angle at that vertex.
Proposition IV. Theorem.
2 . Two regular polygons of the same number of sides
are similar.
Let Q and Q' be two regular polygons, each having
n sides.
We are to prove Qa dar polygons.
The sum of the interior A of each polygon is equal to
2 it. A (n - ! § 157
(the m lor A of a U to 2 rt. A taken as many
■ygon luis sides).
, s 2 rt. A hi— 2) - 1KQ
Each Z of the polygon Q = -* • » § 158
(for the A of a n en- all equal, and hence each A is equal
• d by their number).
AIs ... each Z of Q' = 2 rt - ^ (» - 2) § lg8
.'. the two polygons Q and Q' are mutually equiangular.
Moreover, ^A = 1> § 363
(/Ae sides of a regular polygon are all equal) ;
and ^=1, §363
. ±B = *B_ % Ax.l
£ C i?' C"
.*. the two polygons have their homologous sides proportional ;
.'. the two polygons are similar. § 278
Q. E. D.
Proposition V. Theorem.
373. The homologous sides of similar regular polygons
have the same ratio as the radii of their circumscribed cir-
cles, and, also as the radii of their inscribed circles.
Let and 0' be the centres of the two similar regu-
lar polygons ABC, etc., and A'B'C, etc.
Erom and O 1 draw E, D, O'E 1 , 0' D', also the
Js m and 0' m'.
E and 0' E' are radii of the circumscribed (D, § 367
and in and 0' m' are radii of the inscribed ©. § 3G8
ED <>/■: Om
= 0> FJ -
We are to prove
ED' 0> E' O'm'
In the A E 1) and 0' E' D'
the A ED, ODE, O 1 E D' and 0' D' E an equal, § 371
(being halves of the equal A F E D, E 1) C, F' E' D f and E f D' O) ;
.-. the &OE I) and C # /)' are similar, § 280
{if two & have two A of the one eq ucU > to two A of the other, they
are similar).
ED' " O'E''
(the homologous sides of similar A o.re proportional).
El) Om
E I)'
O 1 mi
§ 297
(the homologous altitudes of similar & have the same ratio as tlieir homolo-
Q. E. D.
Proposition VI. Theorem.
374. The perimeters of similar regular polygons have
He name ratio as the radii of their circumscribed circles, and,
"/■so as the radii of tit (bed circles,
Let P and V represent the perimeters of the two
similar regular polygons ABC, etc., and A'B'C, etc.
raw E, 0' E', and _l§ m and 0' ml.
m « p OE
We are to prove — =
1 P> 0> E'
E' D' P
§ 295
(the perimeters o) polygons have the same ratio as any two homolo-
gous sides).
Moreover, =
o /■:
E' D 1 '
{the homologous sides of similar regular polygons have the same ratio as the
rcumscribed CD).
(the homologous sides of similar regular polygons have the same ratio as
the radii of their inscribed (D).
Q. E. D
Proposition VII. Theorem.
375. The circumferences of circles have the same ratio
as their radii.
Let C and C be the circumferences, B and E' the
radii of the two circles Q and Q'.
We are to j>rove C : C" : : R : /.'.
Inscribe in the © two regular polygons of the same number
of sides.
Conceive the number of the sides of these similar regular
polygons to be indefinitely increased, the polygons continuing to
be inscribed, and to have the same number of sides.
Then the perimeters will continue to have the same ratio as
the radii of their circumscribed circles, § 374
{the perimeters of similar regular polygons have the same ratio as the radii
of their circumscribed (D),
and will approach indefinitely to the circumferences as their
.'. the circumferences will have the same ratio as the radii
of their circles, § 1 99
.'. C : C 1 : : B : /,'.
Q. E. D.
6. Corollary. By multiplying by 2, both terms of the
ratio R \ R 1 , we have
C : 6" : : 2 R : 2 R' ;
that is, the ei mi inferences of circles are to each other as
their diami
: C :
: 2/? :
: 27? :
: C :
'2 R,
2 R s
' 2R'
ratio of the circumference of a circle to its
diameter is a constant quantity.
tonstanl quantity is denoted by the Greek letter**.
377, Scholium. The ratio - is incommensurable, and there-
in be exp ressed mly approximately in Bgurea The let-
In. wever, is used to represent its exact value.
1. Show that two 3 which have an angle of the
aqua] to the supplement of the angle of the other are to each
other as the products of the sides including the supplementary
2. Show, geometrically, that the square described upon the
sum of two straight lines is equivalent to the sum of the squares
ribed upon the two lines plus twice their rectangle.
3. 8h >w, geometrically, that the square described upon the
difference of two straight lines is equivalent to the sum of the
squares described upon the two lines minus twice their rectangle.
L Show, geometrically, that the rectangle of the sum and
difference of two Btraight lines is equivalent to the difference
of the squares on these lines.
Proposition VIII. Theorem.
378. If the number of sides of a regular inscribed poly-
gon be increased indefinitely , the apothem will he an increas-
ing variable whose limit is the radius of the circle.
In the right triangle OCA, let A be denoted by R,
OC byr, and A C by b.
We are to prove Inn. (r) = /?.
r,\ §52
(a J_ it the shortest distance from a point to a straight lim ),
An- 1 //-/•,. J97
(one side of a A is greater than the difference of the other two tides).
By increasing the number of sides of the polygon indefi-
nitely, A 1>, thai is, '2 b, can be made Lobs than any assigned
.'.b,the half of 2 b, can be made less than any assigned
.'.R — r, which is leu than b, can be made leas than any
tied quantity.
.*. /////. (/,' — /•) = <).
.-. R- lim. (r)«=0. { L99
.*. lim. (r) = R.
Q. e. d.
Proposition IX. Theorem.
379. The area of a regular polygon is equal to one-half
thr product of its apothem by its perimeter.
Let P represent the perimeter and R the apothem
of the regular polygon ABC, etc.
II m the area of ABC, etc., = \ R X P.
IMuu OA % OB, OC, etc.
The polygon La divided Into aa many A as it has sides.
The apothem is the common altitude of these A,
and the area of each A Lb equal to \ R multiplied by
the h § 324
. ' . i ■ f all the A is equal to \ R multiplied by the
. of all the baa
But the sum of the areas of all the A is equal to the area
of the poly
and the sum of all the bases of the A is equal to the
perimeter of the polygon.
.*. the area of the polygon = 1- R X P.
Q. E. D.
Proposition X. Theorem.
380. The area of a circle is equal to one-half the
product of its radius by its circumference.
Let R represent the radius, and C the circumference
of a circle.
II V are to prove the area of the circle = | R X G.
[nscribe any regular polygon, and denote its perimeter
by P, and its apothem by r.
Then the ana erf tbie polygon = \ r X P, § 379
(the area of a regular \ to <>>t< -Ik/// the product of its apothem
by th< perimeter)*
Conceive the number of Bides of this polygon to be indefi-
nitely increased, the polygon .-till continuing to be regular and
Then the perimeter of the polygon approaches the circum-
ferenoe of the circle as its limit,
the apothem, the radius as its limit, § 37 i ; i . In different cir . similar sectors,
Mid J > ~" it R'* ~~ B* '
Q. E. D.
— =
». Corollary. Similar arcs, being like parts of their re-
ive circumferences, are to each other as their radii; similar
like parts of their respective circles, are to each
/res on their radii.
Proposition XII. Theorem.
386. Similar segments are to each other as the squares
on their radii. C
P , p
Let A C and A' C be the radii of the two similar seg-
ments ABP and A' B' P'.
w . ABP AC 1
\\ e are to prove = .
1 A'B h P' jj~(jP-
The sectors ACB and A' C B' are similar, § 383
(having the A at the centre, C and (7, equal).
In the A ACB and A'C'B'
/_C = ZC, § 383
(being corresponding A of similar sectors).
AC = CB, § 1G3
A'C' = C'B'; § 163
.-. the A A C 11 and A' C B' are similar, § 284
ing an Z of the one equal to an Z of tlie other, and the including sides
Now sector ACB _ AC 2 § 385
sector A'C'B' £Tj}?
i ilar sectors are to each other as the squares on their radii) ;
and AACB ,-£* §342
A A'C'B' JTq/*'
(similar & are to each other as the squares on their homologous sides).
jj sector ACB- A ACB ■ ATO 2
sector A' C B' - A A' C B' ^HJ' 2
segment A B P J~C & 271
segment A' B' P' A 7 !!' 2
■■■■ quantities be increased or diminished by like parts of each, the results
will be in Uie same ratio as the quantities themseh
Q. E. D.
1. Show that an equilateral polygon circumscribed about a
circle is regular if the number of its sides be odd.
2. Show that an equiangular polygon inscribed in a circle is
ir if the number of its sides be odd.
■ . Show that any equiangular polygon circumscribed about a
circle is regular.
vl 4. Show that the side of a circumscribed equilateral triangle
LB double the side of an inscribed equilateral triangle.
5. Show that the area of a regular inscribed hexagon is
ilis of that of the regular circumscribed hexagon.
Show that the area of a regular inscribed hexagon is a
• nil 1m! areas of the inscribed and cir-
cumscribed equilateral brian
7. Show that the area of a regular inscribed octagon is equal
to that of a rectangle whose adjacent sides are equal to the
ibed an' I circumscribed squares.
8. Show that the area <>t' a regular inscribed dodecagon is
te square on the radius.
9. Given the di rff a circle 50; find the area of the
area of a sector of 80° of this circle.
1«>. Three equal circles touch each other externally and thus
inclose one acre of ground ; find the radius in rods of each of
these circles. '
11. Show that in two circles of different radii, angles at the
centres subtended by arcs of equal length are to each other in-
versely as the radii.
1 2. Show that the square on the side of a regular inscribed
pentagon, minus the Bquare on the side of a regular inscribed
decagon, is equal to the square on the radius.
On Constructions.
Proposition XIII. Problem.
387. To inscribe a tegular jx>/t/gon of any number of
tides in a given circle*
"Let Q be the given circle, and n the number of sides
of the polygon.
It is required to inscribe in Q, a regular polygon having n
Divide the circumference of the O into n equal arcs.
Join the extremities of these .arcs.
Then we have the polygon required.
For the polygon is equilateral, § 181
{in the same O equal arcs are subtended by equal chords) ;
and the polygon is also regular, § 364
{an equilateral polygon inscribed in a O is regular).
Q. E. F.
Proposition XIV. Problem.
388. To inscribe in a given circle a regular polygon
which has double the number of sides of a given inscribed
tegular polygon.
Let ABC D be the given inscribed polygon.
It is required to in$cribe a regular polygon having double the
N u mher of sides of A BC D.
Bisect the arcs A B, BC, etc.
v A /:. KB, BF, etc.,
The polygon A E B FC, etc., is the polygon required.
the chords A B, BC, etc., are equal, § 363
(being sides of polygon).
.'. the arcs A B, BC, etc., are equal, § 182
( M the same O equal chords subtend equal arcs).
Hence the halves of these arcs are equal,
or, AE, E B, BF, FC, etc., are equal ;
.'. the polygon A EB F, etc., is equilateral.
The polygon is also regular, § 364
(an equilateral polygon inscribed in a O is regular) ;
and has double the number of sides of the given regular
Q. E. F.
Proposition XV. Problem.
389. To inscribe a square in a given circle.
Let be the centre of the given circle.
It is required to inscribe a square in the circle.
Draw the two diameters A C and B D JL to each other.
Join AB, BC, CD, and DA.
Then A B C D is the square required.
For, the A ABC, BCD, etc., are rt. A, § 204
(being inscribed in a semicircle) ,
and the sides AB, BC, etc., ar^ equal, § 181
(in the same O equal arcs are subtended by equal chords) ;
.*. the figure A B CD is a square, § 127
(having Us sides equal and its A rt. A ).
Q. E. F.
390. Corollary. By bisecting the arcs AB, BC, etc., a
regular polygon of 8 sides may be inscribed ; and, by continuing
the process, regular polygons of 1G, 32, G4, etc., sides may be
Proposition XVI. Problem.
891. To inscribe in a given circle a regular hexagon
Let be the centre of the given circle.
It is required to inscribe in the given O a regular hexagon.
From draw any radios, as OC.
From C as a centre, with a radius equal to C,
describe an arc intersecting the circumference at F.
Draw OF*xi& C F.
Then C F \& a side of the regular hexagon required.
For the A F C is equilateral, Cons.
and equiangular, § 112
.*. the Z FO C is J of 2 rt. A, or, £ of 4 rt. A . § 98
.*. the arc FC is \ of the circumference A B C F,
.'. the chord FC, which subtends the arc FC, is a side
of a regular hexagon ;
and the figure CFD, etc., formed by applying the radius
six times as a chord, is the hexagon required.
Q. E. F.
392. Corollary 1. By joining the alternate vertices A, C,
/), an equilateral A is inscribed in a circle.
393. Cor. 2. By bisecting the arcs A B, B C, etc., a regu-
lar polygon of 12 sides may be inscribed in a circle ; and, by
continuing the process, regular polygons of 24, 48, etc., sides
may be inscribed.
Proposition XVII. Problem.
394. To inscribe in a given circle a regular decagon.
Let be the centre of the given circle.
If is required tot tki given O a regular decagon.
Draw the radius 0,
and divide it in extreme and mean ratio, so that shall
be to OS as S is to SO. § 311
From as a centre, -with a radius equal to OS,
describe an arc intersecting the circumference at B.
Draw BO, BS, and B 0.
Then B is a side of the regular decagon required.
( Jons.
OS : : OS : SO,
BO=0 8.
Substitute for S its equal B 0,
: BO :: BO : SO.
Moreover the Z B = Z S B,
.'.the A 00 B and B OS are similar,
ng an A oftheone equal to an Z. of the other, and the including sides
p r op o rtional).
But the A 00 B is i § 160
(ifs sides C and OB being radii of the same circle).
.'. the ABO S, which is similar to the A OB, is isoscel
Id en.
and BS = BG. §114
Bat OS = BC, Cons.
.'.OS = BS, Ax. 1
■\ the A S B is isosceles,
and theZ = Z S B 0, §112
(tein# opposite equal sides).
But the ZCSB = ZO+ZSBO, § 105
estcrior Z of a A is t nf the two opposite interior A ).
.\theZ CSB = 2Z 0.
Z SO B(= Z C8B) °~2Z 0, § 112
and Z OBC (= Z SCJi) = 2 Z 0. §112
.-. the sum of the a give* regular polygon.
J9' CD
Let A BCD, etc., be the given regular polygon, and
C D' E' the given circle.
ft m required tc C D' E' a regular polygov
si in i In r t<> A B C D.
mi (a the centre <-i* the polygon A BC D, etc.
draw OB and OC.
•in 0' the centra of the O C D' & t
draw VCsad o 1 D\
making the /.<)' = £ 0.
Draw 6" 7/.
Then CD' will be a side of the regular polygon required.
For each polygon will have as many sides as the A
(=Z 0') is contained times in 4 rt. A.
.'. the polygon < u D' E', etc. is similar to the polygon
r/y /;. etc., § 372
{two regular polygons o/tkt same number of sides are similar).
Q. E. F.
Proposition XX. Problem.
400. To circumscribe about a circle a regular polygon
similar to a given inscribed regular polygon.
"""-. /V
.....*:4'.'. aL
/ \ k
Let II MRS, etc., be a given inscribed regular polygon.
It is required to circumscribe a regular polygon similar
to H M RS, etc.
At the vertices H, M, R, etc., draw tangents to the O,
intersecting each other at A, B, C, etc.
Then the polygon ABC D, etc. will be the regular poly-
gon required.
Since the polygon ABC D, etc.
has the same number of sides as the polygon If MRS, etc.,
it is only necessary to prove that ABC D, etc. is a regular
polygon. § 372
In the A B H M and CMS,
II M - M /,'. § 363
(being sulcs of a regular polygon),
the A B II JA B M IL C M /?, and C R M are equal, § 209
ng measured by luilves of equal arcs) ;
.\ the A BUM and CMR are equal, § 107
i adja& at A <>/ the one equal respectively to a side and
cent A of the otJier).
(being homologous A of equal & ).
In like maimer ire may prove Z C = Z. D, etc
.-. the polygon .1 BCD, etc., is equiangular.
Since the ... B II M, CM R, etc, are isosceles, § 241
/// to a Q.arc equal),
the sidee A'//, A'JA Clf, CR t etc, are equal,
{being homologous sides of equal isosceles &).
. . the sides AB>BC,CD, etc. are equal, Ax. 6
and the polygon A BC D t etc La equilateral
Therefore the circumscribed polygon is regular and similar
to the given inscribed polygon. § 372
Q. E F.
A* denote the radius of a regular inscribed polygon,
/• the apothem, a one side, A one angle, and C the angle at the
(■••litre ; Bh0W that
1. In a tegular inscribed triangle a = R V^, r = \ R,
A = 60°, C = 120°.
2. In an inscribed equate a = R v 7 ^, r =* \R ^2, A = 90°,
C = 90°.
3. In a regular inscribed hexagon a = R, r = ^ R V^3,
A = 120°, (7 = 60°.
R 0/5 - 1)
I. In a regular inscribed decagon a = g >
r = J /* ^10 + 2 V6, ^ = U4°, (7 = 36°.
Proposition XXI. Problem.
401. To find the value of the chord of one-half an arc,
in terms of the chord of the whole arc and the radius oj the
Let A B be the chord of arc A B and A D the chord
of one- half the arc A />.
It is required to find the value of A D in terms of A B and
11 (radius).
From D draw J) II through the centre 0,
and draw A.
II I) is J_ to the choid A B at its middle point C, § 00
{two points, and D, equally distant from the extremities, A and B, de-
termine the position of a ± to the middle point of A B).
The Z HA D is a rt. Z, § 204
/ inscribed in a semicircle),
.\A~Jf = DHX DC, §289
{tlie square on one side of a rt. A is equal to /In' product of the hypotenuse by
the adjacent segment made by the J_ let fall from the vertex of tJie rt. Z ).
Now D II = 2 //,
and DC = DO-CO = B-CO;
.\AD l - -111(11- CO).
■ 0N8TBUCTION8. 235
Since A C is a rt. A,
i !'■
4 A- - AB\
= V4 IP - AR* .
h. the equation AH? = 2R (R— CO),
for C its value V4 *» - ^
V 2
2 8» — W^4JP-
. J - \ 2 A'- - R NilP- A tf\ .
Q. E. F.
( loROLLART. It* \\v take the radius equal to unity,
equation A D - t/-J A'- - £ ^4 # 2 - i ~i* 2 ) becomes
AD = ^2- V^-Jtf 2 .
Proposition XXII. Problem.
403. To compute the ratio of the circumference of a
circle to its diameter, approximately.
Let C be the circumference and R the radius of a
, = G
2 It'
Wll.'ll R = 1, 7T = - '
// i$ required to find the numerical ''due of tt.
We make the following -computations by the use <>1 tqe
formula obtained in the last proposition,
A 1) = 1/2 - V^4 - ii 2? 2 ,
when .4 /? is a side of a regular hexagon :
In a polygon of
Form of Computation. Length of Bide. Perimeter.
12 .1 1) = y/ 2 - y/J^P .517G3809 G.211G5708
2 I J /> = ^ 2-^4 — (.51763809) 2 .26105238 6.26525722
H .-1 /) = ^ 2^4 -(.26 1052 38^ .13080626 6.27870041
96 A I) — ^ 2 — ^4 — (.13080626)2 .06543817 6.28206396
192 AD = ^ 2 — ^i — (.06543* I 7 g .08272346 6.28290510
AD = > ]'2 — )Ji — (.0327234^ .01636228 6.28311544
768 A D = ^2 - V4 — (.01636228)2 .00818121 6.28816941
Eenoe we may consider 6.28317 as approximately the cir
cumference of a O whose radius is unity.
7r, which equals — ,
6. 28317
.-. 7t = 3.1 U59 nearly.
On Isoperimetrical Polygons. — Supplementary.
H' L I)i;f. Isoperimetrical figures are figures which have
aqua] perimet
>. Def. Among magnitudes of the same kind, that
whirl i is greatest is a Maximum, and that which is smallest
I'h us the diameter of a circle is the maximum among all
inscribed straight lines; and a perpendicular is the minimum
among all straight lines drawn from a point to a given straight
Proposition XXIII. Theori
406. Of all triangle* having two ride* respectively equal,
f/taf in wkiek these B .il'f angle is the maxi-
E hv E
Let the triangles A BC and EBC have the sides AB
and BC equal respectively to KB and BC] and
let the angle ABC be a right angle.
From A'. Lei fall the _L E D.
The A ABC and EBC, having the same base B C, are to
each other as their altitudes A B and ED, § 326
(& } t n /se are to each otJier as their altitudes).
Nnw ED is
A A'
Let A BCDB be a polygon inscribed in a circle, and
A' I> ' <" J)' /;•' be a polygon, equilateral with re-
spect to ABODE, but which cannot be inscribed
in a circle.
We are to prove
the polygon A It C D E > the polygon A' B' C l D' E'.
Draw the diameter A II.
Join C// and J) II.
:i C D 1 (=CD) construct the A C II' D' = A C H D y
and draw A 1 II'.
Xuw the polygon A BOB > the polygon A'B'C'IP, § 407
fans fonncd of sides all given but one, the polygon inscribed in a
tied side, for its diameter, is the maximum).
And the polygon A E D II > the polygon A' E' D' H'. § 407
Add these two inequalities, then
the polygon ABC II BE > the polygon A' B f C H l D 1 E' .
Take away from the two figures the equal A CHD and
t ■ II //.
Then the polygon ABCDE>the polygon A* B' C D' E'.
Q. E. D
Proposition XXVI. Theorem.
409. Of all triangles hiving the same base and equal
perimeters, the isosceles triangle is the maximum.
Let the AACB and ADB have equal perimeters,
and let the AACB be isosceles.
FPi are to prove AACB>AADB.
Draw the J§ OJBmd 1> I'.
AABD 1)F y
(& having the same bast err fa ttuk other as their altitudes).
Produce A C to //, making Off** AC.
D»W 1/ II.
The Z A B JI is a rt. Z, for it will be inscribed in the
semicircle drawn from C as a centre, with fch< radios CB.
From (7 let fall the LCK;
and from D as a centre, with a radius equal to D B,
describe an arc cutting // B produced, at ^.
Draw D P and A P,
and let fall the ± DM.
Since .\!l = AC+CB = AD + DB,
and AP A P.
.-. BH> BP. §56
BK = \BH, §113
(a _L tfnriOTi /rowi /Ac rcrtec o/a» isosceles A fcisccte /Ac tec)>
and BM=hBP. §113
But '•/-' »*; § 185
(II* compi-chcndcd between \\s are equal);
and DF=BM, §136
.-. CE> DF.
Q. E. D.
Proposition XXVII. Theorem.
410. The maximum of isoperimetrical polygons of the
same number of sides is equilateral.
Let ABCD, etc., be the maximum of isoperimetrical
polygons of any given number of sides.
If, an to prove A B, BC, C D, etc., equal.
Draw A C.
The A ABC must be the maximum of all the A which
are formed upon A C with a perimeter equal to that of A ABC.
Otherwise, a greater A A KC could be substituted for A ABC,
without changing the perimeter of the polygon.
But this is inconsistent with the hypothesis that the poly-
gon ABCD, etc., is the maximum polygon.
.*. the A A B C, is isosceles, § 409
{<>/ all A having the same base and equal perimeters, tlie isosceles A is the
maximum ».
In like manner it may be proved that B C = CD, etc.
Q. E. D.
111. Corollary. The maximum of isoperimetrical poly-
gons of the same number of sides is a regular polygon.
For, it is equilateral, § 410
(the maximum of isoperimetrical polygons of the same number of tides is
Also it can be inscribed in a O, § 408
(the maximum of all polygons formed of given sides can be inscribed in a O).
Hence it is regular, § 364
(tin equilateral polygon inscribed fa a is regular).
Proposition XXYIII. Theorem.
412. Ofiiqperimeirieal regular polygons, that is greatest
7/ ias the greatest number of ride*.
Let Q be a regular polygon of three sides, and Q' be
a regular polygon of four sides, each having the
same perimeter.
We are to prove Q' > Q.
1 n any side A B of Q, take any point D.
The polj may be considered an irregular polygon
of fi in which the sides A D and D B make with each
r an A equal to two rt. A .
Then the irregular polygon Q, of four sides is less than the
r isoperimetrical polygon Q' of four sides, § 411
naximwm of isoperimetrical polygons of the same number of sides is a
regular polygon).
In like manner it may be shown that Q f is less than a
regular isoperimetrical polygon of five sides, and so on.
Q. E. D.
413. Corollary. Of all isoperimetrical plane figures the
circle ifl the maximum.
Proposition XXIX. Theorem.
414. If a regular polygon be constructed with a given
area, its perimeter will be the less the greater the number
of its sides.
Let Q and Q' be regular polygons having the same
area, and let Q' have the greater number of sides.
We are to prove the perimeter of Q> the perimeter of Q'.
Let Q" be a regular polygon having the same perimeter as
Q' y and the same number of sides as Q.
Th.-n Cis>", §412
(of isopcrimctrical regular ])olyg<> us, thai is t In greatest which has the greatest
But Q = Q',
.'. £is><2".
.*. the perimeter of Q is > the perimeter of Q".
But the perimeter of Q' = the perimeter of Q", Cons.
.-. the perimeter of Q is > that of Q'.
Q. E. D.
415. Corolla by. The circumference of a circle is less than
the perimeter of any other plane figure of equal area.
On Symmetry. — Supplementary.
416. Two points are Symmetrical when they are situated
nil opposite sides of, and at equal distance* ./font, a fixed point,
line, or plane, taken as an object of reference.
417. When a point is taken as an object of reference, it is
called the Centre of Symmetry . when a line is taken, it is called
the Axis of Symmetry ; when a plane is taken, it is called the
Pin ry.
418. Two points are symmetrical with re-
spect to b autre bisect the sti.
tine terminated by these points. Thus, J\ p
are symmetrica] with respect to C, if C b
the straight line PP.
419. The distance of either of the two symmetrical points
from the called the Rodin s of Symmetry,
Thus either OP 01 CP ifl the radius of symmetry.
420. Txoo points are symmetrieal with
set to an axis, if the axis bisect at right
- the straight line terminated by these
points. Thus, 1\ P are symmetrical with re-
in the axis XX', if XX' bisect PP at
right angles.
1 2 1 . Two points are symmetrical with
ct to a plane, if the plane bisect at
right angles the straight line terminated by
these points. Tims P, P' are symmetrical
with respect to MN, if M N bisect P P' at
right angles.
422. Two plane figures are symmetrical with respect to a
centre, an axis, or a plane, if every point of either figure have
its corresponding symmetrical point in the other.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3.
Thus, the lines A B and A' B' are symmetrical with respect
to the centre C (Fig. 1), to the axis X X' (Fig. 2), to the plane
MX (Fig. 3), if every point of either have its corresponding
symmetrical point in the other.
W D'
Fig. 6.
Also, the triangles A B D and A' B 1 D' are symmetrical with
■t to the centre C (Fig. 4), to the axis XX' (Fig. 5), to the
plane MX (Fig. G), if every point in the perimeter of either
have it.s corresponding symmetrica] point in the perimeter of the
423. Def. In two symmetrical figures the corresponding
Symmetrical points and lines arc called homologous.
Two symmetrical figures with respect to a centre can be
brought into coincidence by revolving one of them in its own
plane about the centre, every radius of symmetry revolving
through two right angles at the same time.
Two symmetrica] figures with respect to an axis can be
brought into coincidence by the revolution of either about the
axis until it conns into the plane of the other.
424. Dip. A single figure is a lymmetrical figure, either
when it can be divided by an axis, or plane, into two figures
symmetrica] with respect to that axis or plane; or, when it has
atre such that every straight line drawn through it cuts the
perimeter of the figure in two points which are symmetrical
with respect to that centre.
Fig. 1.
Thus, Fig. 1 is a symmetrica] figure with respect to the
divided by X A" into figures ABC D and AB'C'D
which are symmetrica] with reaped to XX'.
And, Fi- 2 is a symmetrica] figure with respect to the
e 0, if the centre bisect every straight line drawn
through it and terminated by the perimeter.
v such straight line is called a diameter.
The circle is an illustration of a single figure symmetrical
with respect to its centre as the centre of symmetry, or to any
diai;. of symmetry.
Proposition XXX. Theorem.
1:25. Two equal and parallel lines are symmetrical with
respect to a centre.
A B>
B A'
Let AB and A 1 B' be equal and parallel lines.
We are to prove A B and A' B' symmetrical.
Draw A A' and B />', and through the point of their inter-
section C, draw any other line 11(11', terminated in AB and
In the A CAB md C A' h>
A 11 = A'B', Hyp.
also, A A and B = A A' and B' respectively, §68
(firing off. -inf. A),
.-.A CAB = A CA'B'; § 107
,\ CA and CB = CA' and C B' respectively,
(//> ///'/ homologoxu sides of equal &).
Now in the A A C II and A' C II'
AC = A'C,
A A and A C H '■■ A A' and A'C H* respectively,
.'.A A GII = A A'C IV, § 107
[hewing a ride and two adjj, A of the one equal respectively to a side and two
adj. A of the other),
.'. CII=G //',
(being homologous sides of equal A ).
.*. //' is the symmetrical point of //.
r»»it // is any point in A B ;
.'. every point in A B has its symmetrica] point in A' B'.
.*. A B and A' B' are symmetrical with respect to G as a
centre of symmetry.
Q. E. D.
426. Corollary. If the extremities of one line be re-
spectively the symmetricals of another line with respect to the
same centre, the two lines are symmetrical with respect to that
Proposition XXXI. Theorem.
I*7« Tf a figure he q // with respect to two axes
vendicular to each other, it is symmetrical with respect
to tin w as a centre.
Let the figure ABODE FO // be symmetrical to the
two axes X X' % ) V which intersect at 0.
Wi u try of the figure,
I be any pouri in the perimeter of the figure.
Draw IKL ± I tid IMN± to )' V.
J«n £0, o.\\ and AM/.
Now a/- /■.
7 /////i respect to X X ! ).
Bui A'/- 02f,
(lis comprehended between \\s ar
.\ A' A - 0JT.
.-. KLOM k a O,
(having two sides equal and parulhl).
.\ LO is equal and parallel to A r J/,
'<7 opposite sides of a CJ).
In like manner we may prove OiV equal and parallel to AT if.
Hence the points Z, 0, and ^V are in the same straight line
drawn through the point IJ to KM.
Also L0 = 0N,
{since each is equal to KM).
lit line L X, drawn through 0, is bisected at 0.
.'. is the centre of symmetry of the figure. § 424
O. E. D.
§ 135
Ax. 1
§ 136
§ 134
1. The area of any triangle may be found as follows : From
half the sum of the three sides subtract each side severally, mul-
tiply together the half sum and the three remainders, and extract
the square root of the product.
Denote the sides of the tri-
angle A B C by a, b, c, the alti-
ii f'l + b + c .
tude by p, and by s.
Show that
a 2 = b 2 +-c*-'2cXAD,
and show that
i *
p =
= V (b+c + a)(b + c— a) (a + b~c) (a— b + c)
Hence, show that area of A A B 0, which La equal to
t X p
= \