HF N3i UC-NRLF *B 1D1 fl^ NATIONAL CANNERS ASSOCIATION SPECIAL BULLETIN NO. 3 STANDARD CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS CLASSIFICATION A WASHINGTON, D. C. DECEMBER, 1917 GIFT THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HENRY RAND HATFIELD MEMORIAL COLLECTION PRESENTED BY FRIENDS IN THE ACCOUNTING PROFESSION Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/classificationofOOnatirich Classification of Accounts For Canners Who Manufacture Two or More Lines of Canned Goods or Operate Two or More Factories CLASSIFICATION A PROOF COPY Adopted and approved December 28, 1917, by the National Canners Association, Washington, D. C. Prepared by Albert T. Bacon, C. P. A., Chicago, and Robert E. Belt, C. P. A., Cleveland, formerly Chief Accountant of the Federal Trade Commis- sion, in collaboration with the Cost Accounting Committee of the National Canners Association -ox | § « | S § § i 8 w °o I s i H i § s i M K « tr. T. t- 00 a 9 — 3 T «• ■* a * -r - e* C e £ en ►■ OC i a M e* M M « CC v w K CO 91 a? C it a h 00 i § d N c) K «i ~> S « 1 j c O is I 1 ■ 9 1 a E ■ ■ £ E 0] £ ^ ( M c « o C ol be .s M u i c X C i ■~ •a c e> s ■ I 33 1 ■ B 3 e c ■ 1 sr 1 s 1 M ■ E 8 3 • w u • v. ■ B B ° 9 1 ! 8 q * S -3 ao : 2 • C IS so (V c s > s gg xr. c O B determine the AVERAGE cost per dozen: Divide accounts marked A A by the number of dozens packed (No. 2 equivalent). Divide accounts marked BB by the number of dozens sold (No. 2 equivalent). The net profit is Net Sales less Net Cost of Sales. Prepare a separate statement for each commodity. This method of arriving at unit costs per dozen furnishes AVERAGE COSTS ONLY. Information as to determina- tion of unit costs of different grades, while most essential, does not lie within the scope of this Classification. In reporting to the Government on cost of canned goods manufactured and sold, supplement the information shown in the preceding statement with the details of items included in ac- counts No. 209 — Factory Overhead Expense, and No. 215 — Gen- eral Overhead Expense, viz: FACTORY OVERHEAD EXPENSE 25 Automobiles (operating expense and deprecia- tion) $ 1,800.00 70 Factory Superintendent 1,500.00 71 Power Plant Expense 2,115.00 72 Building and Machinery Repairs 905.50 75 Factory Expense 3,010.00 76 Factory Rent 5,000.00 88 Bonus — Factory Superintendent 1,460.60 73 Insurance 910.00 74 Taxes 1,140.00 Total $17,841.10 Less — 163 Incidental Income 950.00 Total Factory Overhead Expense $16,891.10 Total chargeable to Corn 9,004.49 209 Corn — Factory Expense (already charged) 150.90 209 Corn— Factory Expense (total) $ 9,155.39 The proportion of the above Factory Overhead Expense ac- counts to be charged to Corn is indicated in the instructions given on pages 40, 42, 43 and 46. 50 GENERAL OVERHEAD EXPENSE 91 Salaries— Officers and Managers $3,000.00 92 Office Salaries and Expense 1,224.75 93 General Expense 375.15 94 Bad Debts 48.00 89 Bonus— Officers and Managers 900.00 Total $5,547.90 Total chargeable to Corn $2,704.50 215 General Overhead Expense (already charged) . 170.21 215 General Overhead Expense (total) $2,874.71 The proportion of the above General Overhead Expense ac- counts to be charged to Corn is indicated in the instructions given on page 43. 165 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Credit Net Profit on Corn brought forward .$35,243.95 Net Profit on Peas brought forward . 9,890.13 160 Discount received 1,721.00 164 Interest (a/c Investment) charged as part of manufacturing cost. . . . 6,006.51 $52,861.59 Debit Fire Loss (net) $ 387.49 Adjustment 1916 Tax Account 106.00 493.49 Balance— $52,368.10 98 Excess Profits Tax 12,520.86 Balance carried to Surplus $39,847.24 61 SURPLUS ACCOUNT Balance at start $ 75,000.00 Credit Profit and Loss brought down 39,847.24 Balance at close $114,847.24 51 After books are closed for the year, the open accounts on the ledger, representing Assets, Liabilities and Capital, may be arranged according to the following general form to show financial condition of Company at close of fiscal year. BALANCE SHEET, DECEMBER 31, 191— A c c f*t"C * 925 Farm Lands $ 14,000.00 1 Factory Site 2,007.17 930 Farm Buildings $ 4,926.31 935 Less depreciation reserve 1,675.92 3,250.39 2 Factory Buildings— General $ 60,012.00 4 Factory Buildings — Corn 12,017.21 6 Factory Buildings— Peas 5,020.63 $ 77,049.84 Less depreciation reserve 6,932.02 70,117.82 3 Factory Machinery— General $ 30,013.09 5 Factory Machinery — Corn 6,018.58 7 Factory Machinery— Peas 3,021.80 $ 39,053.47 Less depreciation reserve 11,784.60 27,268.87 20 Office Furniture and Fixtures $ 1,027.45 51 Less depreciation reserve _ 312.84 714.61 25 Automobiles (valued at) 1,290.51 Inventories: 71 Coal $ 240.84 100 No. 2 Cans 2,448.07 110 No. 2 Boxes 2,086.04 204 Labels 1,120.15 121 Sugar and Salt 824.22 - 904 Seed Corn 805.62 905 Pea Seed 2,783.66 140 Canned Corn 64,800.00 141 Canned Peas 5,200.00 73 Insurance Unexpired 315.47 901 Horses and Mules 4,000.00 902 Farm Equipment 1,000.00 909 Cattle 3,909.00 89.533.07 Accounts Receivable $ 6,060.00 166 Less reserve for doubtful accounts 433.00 5,627.00 Cash in bank $ 11,106.30 Cash in office 50.00 11,156.30 Total $224,965.74 Liabilities Notes Payable ....$ 4,200.00 Accounts Payable 1,279.18 $ 5,479.18 74 Reserve for Taxes $ 15,311.69 77 Accrued Interest 1 17-00 15,428.69 167 Reserve for Contingencies 14,210.63 60 Capital Stock $75,000.00 __ 61 Surplus 114.847.24 189,847.24 Total $224,965.74 52 [NDEX TO ACCOUNTS AND ITEMS CHARGED AND CREDITED THERETO Accounts, interest received on, 161 receivable reserve, 166 Adding machines, 20 Advertising price lists, 80, 213, 313, 413 Allowances, freight, 225, 325, 425 labels, 95, 204, 304, 404 returned goods, 220, 320, 420 sales, 216, 316, 416 Appraisers' fees, 93 Aprons, 75 Association fees and expenses, 93 Audit fees, 93 Automobiles, 25 Auto expense, 25 hire, farm, 910 insurance, 25 oil and gasoline, 25 repairs and renewals, 25 B Bad debts, 94 Bank exchange and collections, 92 Barn labor, 900 Barrels, 75 sold, 163 Baskets, 75 Beds, 201, 301, 401 Belting, investment, 3 repairs and renewals, 72 Belt tightener, 75 Benches, 75 Blankets, 201, 301, 401 Block and tackle, 75 Board, factory help, 201, 301, 401 Boiler and engine supplies, 71 Boiler insurance, 73 Bonus, factory superintendent, 88 officers and managers, 89 Boots, factory or field men, 201, 301, 401 Boxes and shooks bought, 110, 111, 112 used, 203, 303, 403 making benches, 75 nails, 75 Brokerage, 212, 312, 412 Brooms, 75 Brushes, 75 Buildings, depreciation expense, 207, 307, 407 depreciation reserve, 32, 37, 40, 43, 911, 935 factory, 2, 4, 6, 8 factory, depreciation reserve, 32 farm, 930 farm, depreciation, 911, 935 insurance, 910 repairs, 911 repairs and maintenance, 72 Bunk-house equipment, 201, 301, 401 Canned corn, 140 Canned goods, finished, 140, 141, 142 insurance, 90 inventory, 140, 141, 142 labelling, 90 labor, 201, 301, 401 loading, 90 purchased, 140, 141. 142 returns, 220, 320, 420 sales, 220, 320, 420 Canned peas, 141 tomatoes, 142 Cans (Nos. 2, 2y 2 , 3) bought, 100, 101, 102 freight and unloading, 100, 101, 102 used, 100, 101, 102; 202, 302, 402 Capital account, 60, 61 stock, 60 Card punch, 75 Cartage, 216, 316, 416; 225, 325, 425 Cartons, sample, 80, 213, 313, 413 Cash discount received, 160 Cattle, 909 feed, 909 labor, 909 purchased, 909 sold, 909 Chairs, factory, 75 Check protector, 20 Checks redeemed, labor, 201, 301, 401 Clocks, 75 Coal and freight thereon, 71 53 Coal, labor unloading, 71 office, 92 power plant, 71 tank heaters, farm, 910 warehouse, 90 Collection charges, 92 Commercial rating books, 92 Commission, 212, 312, 412 Compensation, employees', 93 Condiments used, 205, 305, 405 Consigned goods expense, 90 storage, 90 insurance, 90 lacquering, 90 other expense, 90 relabelling, 90 Containers, sale of, 163 Contingent expense, 217, 317, 417 reserve, 167 Convention expense, 93 Corn, boxes used, 203 brokerage and commission, 212 buildings, 4 buildings depreciation reserve, 37 cans used, 202 condiments used, 205 depreciation expense, 207 direct labor, 201 factory expense, 209 foreman's wages (except during pack), 209 general expense, 215 Corn, green, purchased from farm- ers, 200 labels, 204 machinery, 5 packing, labor, 201 sales, 220 sales allowances, 216 sales, freight, 225 seed, 904 selling expense, 213 Crates, 75 Cultivating, 900 Cuspidors, 75 Damaged goods, lacquering and relabelling, 90 Demonstration and display, 80, 213, 313, 413 Dented canned goods, sales, 163 Depreciation expense, factory, 207, 307, 407 farm, 907, 911,935 reserve, 32 to 51 Deficit account, 61 Desks, factory, 75 Desks, office, 20 Direct labor, 201, 301, 401 Discount allowed, 95 received, 160 Disinfectants, 75 E Electric current purchased, 71, 75 Electric lamps, 71 Employers liability insurance, 73 Engineers, firemen wages, 71 Engineers supplies, 71 Ensilage consumed, 909 sold, 162 Entertainment, 80, 213, 313, 413 Excess profits taxes, 98 Exchange, bank, 92 Expense, automobile, 25 convention, 93 factory, 75, 92, 209, 309, 409 farm, 910, 911 general, 93, 215, 315, 415 legal, 93 office, 92 overhead, 75, 93 salesmen, 80, 213, 313, 413 selling, 80, 213, 313, 413 warehousing, 90, 214, 314, 414 Express and freight, see p. 38 Factory buildings, depreciation reserve, 32 repairs and maintenance, 72 chairs, stools, etc., 75 depreciation, 207, 307, 407 expense, 75, 209, 309, 409 grown seed, 904, 905 income, 163 labor, 75, 201, 301, 401 machinery, depreciation re- serve, 33, 38, 41, 44 repairs and maintenance, 72 office supplies, 92 office expense, 92 rent, 76 repairs, 72 site, 1 superintendent, 70 bonus, 88 expenses, 70 Farm buildings, 930 depreciation, 907, 935 insurance, 910 coal for tank heaters, 910 depreciation, 907 reserve, 935 equipment, 902 expense, 910 54 Farm, grown feed consumed, 909 implements, 902 income, 920 interest (account investment), 912 interest paid, 913 Farm labor, 900 land, 925 livery and auto hire, 910 maintenance, 911 petty expense, 910 produce, 920 profit and loss, 168 rent, 906 repairs, 911 superintendent's salary, 900 taxes, 910 telephone, 910 Federal taxes, excess profits, 98 income, 97 Feed, 901, 909 Fees, 93 Fences, farm, repairs, 911 Fertilizers, 903 Fidelity insurance, 73 Filling, 1, 925 Finished goods, 140, 141, 142 Fire # extinguishers, portable, 75 insurance, 73 Firemen's wages, 71 First aid supplies, 75 Foreman, factory, wages during pack, 201, 301, 401 except during pack, 209, 309, 409 Freight allowance, 225, 325, 425 boxes and shooks, 110, 111, 112 cans, 100, 101, 102 fertilizers, 903 Freight, labels, 204, 304, 404 out, canned goods, 220, 320, 420, 225, 325, 425 power plant, 71 sugar and salt 121 Furniture and fixtures office, 20 factory, 75 reserve, 51 Flux, 75 Gas purchased, 75 Gasoline for factory, 75 for farm, 910 General buildings, depreciation re- serve, 32 repairs, 72 expense, 93, 215, 315, 415 farm expense, 910 General buildings, machinery, depre- ciation reserve, 33 repairs and renewals, 72 overhead expense, 93 selling expense, 80, 213, 313, 413 Gloves, 75 Green produce purchased, 200, 300, 400 sold, 163 H Hard corn, sale of, 163 Harness, 902 Harvesting, 900 Hauling for farmers, 920 Hose, 75 Horses and mules, 25, 901 Horse shoeing, 25, 901 House rentals, 920 Husking baskets, 75 checks redeemed, 201 Implements, farm, 902 Incidental Income, 163 Income, farm 920 taxes, 97, 208, 308, 408 Insurance, 73 auto, 25 billed customers, 163 boiler, 73 canned goods, 90 consigned goods, 90 employees' liability, 73 factory, 73 farm, 910 fire, 73 live stock, 910 Interest (account investment), 219, 319, 419, 912 farm, 913 on long term notes, 99, 218, 318, 418 paid, 77, 211, 311, 411, 913 received, 161 Interest, reserve, 164 short term paper, 77, 211, 311, 411 Inventory, canned goods, 140, 141, 142 finished goods, 140, 141, 142 pea seed, 905 seed corn, 904 Inward freight, returned goods, 216, 316, 416 Investment accounts, 1 to 25 Jackscrews, 75 55 Kerosene, 75 Knives, 75 Label allowances, 204, 304, 404 Labeling canned goods, 90 Labels and express thereon, 120, 204, 304, 404 bought, 120 used, 204, 304, 404 Labor, barn, 900, 909 direct factory, 201, 301, 401 engineer and firemen, 71 farm, 900 foremen, 75, 201, 301, 401, 209, 309, 409 indirect, 75 labelling, 201, 301, 401 making boxes, 110, 111, 112 packing, 201, 301, 401 Labor, receiving, preparing proc- essing and warehousing, 201, 301, 401 unloading boxes, 110, 111, 112 cans, 100, 101, 102 power plant, 71 Lacquer, 75 Lacquering, 90 Ladders, 75 Land, factory, 1 farm, 925 Lanterns, 75 Leased machines, rental, 75, 209, 309, 409 Legal expense and fees, 93 Liability insurance, 73 Light, office, 92 Livery, farm, 910 Live stock, 909 insurance, 910 Loading canned goods, 90 Long term notes, interest, 99, 218, 318, 4L8 Loss and gain, 165 farm, 168 Lubricating oil, 75 M Machinery depreciation reserve, 33, 38, 41, 44 factory, 3, 5, 7, 9 investment, 3 repairs, 72 Machine rentals and royalties, 75, 209, 309, 409 tools and parts, 3, 5, 7, 9 Machinists' supplies, 75 Maintenance, farm, 911 general factory buildings, 72 grounds, etc., 72 Manager's bonus, 89 salary, 91 Mattresses, 201 Medicines, horse, 901 Medicines, physicians services and other first aid, 75 Miscellaneous factory expense, 75, 209, 309, 409 general, 93 income, 163 seeds, 908 Mortgage interest, 77 farm, 913 Mules, 901 N Nails, box, 75 Notes, interest received on, 161 long term, 99, 218, 318, 418 short term, 77 Office, equipment, 20 expense, 92 furniture and fixtures, 20 furniture and fixtures, reserve, 51 supplies, 92 Officers' bonus, 89 salaries, 91 Oil cans, 75 Outward freight, 220, 320, 420 Overcharge allowed, 216, 316, 416 Overhead expense, factory, 75 general, 93 Packing, for machinists, 71 Parcel post, on samples, 80, 213, 313, 413 Paste, 75 Pasture, 920 Paymaster, wages, 75 Pea buildings, 6 depreciation reserve, 40 Pea machinery, 7 depreciation reserve, 41 Pea seed, 905 Peas, boxes used, 303 brokerage and commission, 312 canned, 141 cans used, 302 condiments used, 305 depreciation expense, 307 56 Peas, direct labor, 301 factory expense, 309 general expense, 315 sale of, 163 green, 300 selling expense, 313 warehousing, 314 sales, 320 allowances, 316 freight, 325 Personal and real estate taxes ac- crued, 74 farm, 910 Piece work checks, 75 Pipe threaders, 75 Plowing, 900 Pork, 205, 305, 405^ Portable heaters, 75 Postage, 92 Potato forks, 75 Power plant expense, 71 Produce, grown, 920 sold, 920 Profit and loss, 165 farm, 168 Pulleys, 3, 5, 7, 9 repairs and renewals, 72 Purchase discounts, cash, 160 Railroad fare, 80 help, 201, 301, 401 track, 2 Real and personal taxes accrued, 74 farm, 910 Rejected goods, 90 Relabelling goods, 90 Rent, factory, 76 farm, 906 Rentals, house and pasture, farm, 920 machines, 75 Repairs and renewals, farm, 911 maintenance and renewals, 72 Reserve for accounts receivable, 166 for contingencies, 167 Reserves for depreciation, 32 to 51, 935 Reserve for interest, 164 Retail sales, green produce, 163 Return sales, canned goods, 220, 320, 420 Rovalties on machines, 75, 209, 309, 409 S Safe, 20 Salary, factory superintendent, 70 farm superintendent, 910 Salary, office help, 92 officers and managers, 91 managers, 91 salesmen, 80, 213, 313, 413 Sales allowances, 216, 316, 416 barrels, containers, etc., 163 canned goods, 220, 320, 420 dents, 163 farm produce, 920 freight, 225, 325, 425 green produce, 163 hard corn, etc., 163 waste products, 163 Salt, and freight thereon, 121 Samples, cost of, 80, 213, 313, 413 express and postage, 80 Scales, portable, 75 Seed corn, 904 Seed, factory grown, 904, 905 Seed, miscellaneous, 908 peas, 905 Selling expense, 80, 213, 313, 413 Shooks, including freight, 110, 111, 112 labor making, 110, 111, 112 Shortage, allowances, 220, 320, 420 Shovels, 75 Smithing coal, 75 Smithing tools, 75 Soap, 75 Solder, 75 Spices and seasoning, 205, 305, 405 Spoils, 216, 316, 416 Stamps, rubber, 75 Stationery and printing, 92 Stencils, 75 Stools, factory, 75 Storage billed, 163 Storage, consigned and rejected goods, 90 Stoves, 75 Subscriptions, trade paper, 93 Sugar and freight thereon, 121 Suits, factory, 75 Suits, farm, 100 Superintendent, factory, 70 bonus, 88 Supplies, factory, 75 office, 92 Surplus account, 61 Swells, 216, 316, 416 Switch track, 2 maintenance, 72 Tables, factory, 75 office, 20 Taps and dies, 75 57 Taxes, 74 excess profits, 98 farm, 910 income, 97 water, 75 Teaming, 920 Telephone and telegraph, 92 farm, 910 Tiling, factory land, 1 Tiling, farm land, 925 Time checks, 75 Timekeeper, wages, 75 Toilet supplies, 75 Tomato buildings, 8 buildings, depreciation reserve, 43 machinery, 9 Tomatoes, boxes used, 403 brokerage and commission, 412 cans used, 402 condiments used, 405 direct labor, 401 factory expense, 409 general expense, 415 green, 400 labels, 404 machinery, 9 ripe, sale of, 163 sales, 420 allowances, 416 freight, 425 Tomatoes, selling expense, 413 Tools, farm, 902 repairs and renewals, 72 small, 75 Towels, 75 Trade papers, 93 Traveling expense, 80, 213, 313, 413 Trays, 75 Trucks, 75 ' Typewriter, 20 U Uncollectible accounts, 94 Uniforms, factory, 75 Unloading boxes, 110, 111, 112 cans, 100, 101, 102 coal, 71 Veterinary services and medicine, 901 W Wages, engineer and fijreman, 71 factory, 75 foreman during pack, 201, 301, 401 except durmg pack, 75 paymaster, 75 timekeeper, 75 watchman, 75 Wagons, 902 Warehousing expense, 90, 214, 314, 414 Waste cotton, 71 products sold, 163, 920 Water taxes, 75 Wheelbarrows, 75 Whetstones, 75 Wire and steel, baskets, crates and trays, 75 Wrenches, 75 58 "™ -as?- —v Return to desk from which borrowed This book is DUE on #i,„ 1 j _________J^^ last da * stamped below. 21Isn55FC A#W* *» ; RECTD LD MAY 41958 M9RARY USE FEB 1 4 1959 W U I9KST LD21-100m.9,'48(B899sl6)476 YC V25U7 ■1 , ?MM M513334 /V33