LEACH'S SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE UT " THE WILLUGHBY SOCIET THE WILLUGHBY SOCIETY. LEACH'S SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE OF THE SPECIMENS OF THE INDIGENOUS MAMMALIA AND BIRDS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. EDITED BY OSBERT SALVIN, M.A., P.E.S., &c. LONDON, MDCCCLXXXIL LIBRARY .UNIVERSITY OF C. . DAVIS PREFACE. "XTHLLIAM ELFORD LEACH, the author of this Pamphlet, wrote it when he occupied the position of Keeper of the Zoological Department of the British Museum. Though not positively stated to be the case, it seems evident, from the manner in which the names of the several specimens are arranged in this Catalogue, that it was intended to be cut up and used to label the collection of Mammals and Birds then in the British Museum. This would account in some measure for the rarity of the tract, comparatively few copies probably having been printed, and of these a number destroyed. It is also a question if it was ever actually published in the ordinary sense, for though the printer's name is given at the foot of the title page, no Publisher's is mentioned. Regarding the many new specific names proposed by Leach in this Catalogue, I believe that hardly any are now in use, older ones having, in most cases, been found for the mammals and birds to which they were applied. Fifteen new generic names were proposed for Birds, as follows : lerax = Accipiter, Brisson (1760). Triorches = Pandion, Savigny (1801). Mecistura. Calamophilus = Panurus, Koch (1816). Vitiflora = Saxicola, Bechstein (1802). Spipola = Anthus, Bechstein (1805). Melizophilus. Fedoa = CEdicnemus, Temminck (1815). Squatarola. Pavoncella. Macrorhamphus. Gallinago. Zapornia = Porzana, Vieillot (1816). Moris = Sula. Utamania = Alca, Linnaeus (1766). Of these Mecistura has been used by many writers for Parus caudatus, so also has Melizophilus for Sylvia undata, Squatarola for Charadrius helveticus, Macrorhamphus for Scolopax griseus, and Gallinago for Scolopax gallinago, &c. Pavoncella is equiva- lent to Machetes, Cuv. and antedates it by one year, but the former name has hardly ever been used, whereas the latter has been generally adopted. As will be seen by reference to the text, none of these names were introduced with any description whatever, and for this reason, if for no other, they fail to meet the requirements of the British Association Rules, which demand that a generic name to pass current should be accompanied by a clear exposition of the essential characters of the genus. This disposes of Pavon- cella, but Mecistura, Melizophilus, Squatarola, Macrorhamphus, and Gallinago may be employed in virtue of their subsequent adoption by later writers. The only copy of this Catalogue that I have seen is in a volume of Pamphlets in the Zoological Department of the British Museum, and from it this reprint has been taken. The chief value of the latter is rather of a negative character, as shewing the worthlessness of the Tract, and that far higher consideration has been set upon it by writers on European birds than it at all merits. OSBERT SALVIN. 10, CHANDOS STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE. LONDON. SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE OF THE SPECIMENS OF THE INDIGENOUS MAMMALIA AND BIRDS THAT AEE PEESEEVED IN j^uormn: WITH THEIR LOCALITIES AND AUTHORITIES. TO WHICH IS ADDED A. LIST OF THE DESCRIBED SPECIES THAT ARE WANTING TO COMPLETE THE COLLECTION OF BRITISH MAMMALIA AND BIRDS HonUott : PRINTED BY RICHARD AND ARTHUR TAYLOR, SHOE-LANE, 1816. In the following List each specimen is marked with the name of the person from whom it was either received or purchased, and of the place where it was taken. In the MS. catalogue attached to the collection of British Zoology, the donor's name is recorded, and the localities are more particularly mentioned. Any species, sex, or accidental variety that is not enumerated in this Catalogue will be an acquisition to the collection, and the name of the donor will be constantly registered. W. E. LEACH. British Museum, August 30, 1816. ERRATA. Since the List was printed off it has been discovered that the Solitary Stare (page 1 8, the Solitary Thrush of Montagu) is merely the young of the Common Stare. Page 37, add Anserferus, The Wild Goose. LIST OF THE DONORS TO THE COLLECTION OF BRITISH ZOOLOGY. J. ANSTICE, Esq. Sir JOSEPH BANKS, Bart. K.B. H. BOYS, Esq. Lord CAERMARTHEN. Rev. J. DALTON. Mrs. DARACOTT. J. DAVY, Esq. Dr. A. EDMONDSTONE. Sir WM. ELFORD, Bart. Rev. Dr. I. FLEMING. F. F. FOLJAMBE, Esq. W. GEORGE, Esq. Colonel GEORGE. P. ILBERT, Esq. Captain J. LASKEY. Dr. J. LATHAM. G. LEACH, jun. Esq. Dr. W. E. LEACH. Sir ROBERT LITTLETON, Bart. N. LUSCOMBE, Esq. Dr. MACDOUGALL. G. MONTAGU, jun. Esq. P. NEILL, Esq. M. PARKER, Esq. JOSEPH PLANTA, Esq. C. PRIDEAUX, Esq. WALTER PRIDEAUX, Esq. WILLIAM PRIDEAUX, Esq. Lady SHELLY. Lord STANLEY. J. F. STEPHENS, Esq. P. O. TREBY, Esq. P. T. TREBY, Esq. Rev. K. VAUGHAN. J. WARNIFORD, Esq. MAMMALIA, Macrotus Europceus. Phyllorhina minuta. European Longear. Small Leafnose. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. TORQUAY, Devon. G. Montagu, Esq. Vespertilio major. Mustela Putorius. Great Bat. Fitchet Weasel. LONDON. Dr. W. E. Leach. SCOTLAND. Dr. W. E. Leach. Vespertilio murinus. Mustela vulgaris. Common Bat. Common Weasel. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. LONDON. Mr. B. Leadbeater. Vespertilio Barbastellus. Mustela Maries. Barbastelle Bat. Martin Weasel. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. SCOTLAND. Dr. W. E. Leach. Rhinolophus Ferrum-equinum. Mustela Erminea. Horse-shoe Ystler. Ermine Weasel. (Summer Dress.) DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. SCOTLAND. Dr. W. E. Leach. b 6 Mustela Erminea. Meles Taxus. Ermine Weasel. Common Badger. (Winter Dress.) SCOTLAND. Dr. W. E. Leach. DEVONSHIRE. P. T. Treby, Esq. Mustela Abietum. Meles Taxus var. Pine Weasel. Common Badger var. SCOTLAND. Dr. W. E. Leach. YORKSHIRE. Mr. B. Leadbeater. Lutra fluviatilis. Erinaceus Europaus. River Otter. European Hedgehog. YORKSHIRE. Mr. B. Leadbeater. DEVONSHIRE. Mr. B. Leadbeater. Felis Catus. Sorex araneus. Wild Cat. Foetid Shrew. SCOTLAND. Mr. I. Wilson. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Felis domesticus. Sorex fodiens. Domestic Cat. Water Shrew. LONDON. Mr. B. Leadbeater. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Canis Vulpes. Talpa Europcea. Fox Dog. European Mole. YORKSHIRE. Mr. B. Leadbeater. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Talpa Europcea var. European Mole var. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Lepus Cuniculus. Kabbit Hare. SURREY. Mr. B. Leadbeater. Talpa Europcea var. European Mole var. DEVONSHIRE. Dr. W. E. Leach. Lepus Cuniculus var. Babbit Hare var. SURREY. Mr. B. Leadbeater. Lepus timidus. Common Hare. MIDDLESEX. Mr. B. Leadbeater. Lepus Cuniculus var. Babbit Hare var. SURREY. Mr. B. Leadbeater. Lepus timidus var. Common Hare var. CHUDLEIGH, Devon. M. Parker, Esq. Sciurus vulgaris. Common Squirrel. SURREY. Mr. B. Leadbeater. Lepus albus. White Hare. (Winter Dress.) SCOTLAND. Dr. W. E. Leach. Myoxus Glis. Common Dormouse. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Lepus albus. White Hare. (Summer Dress.) SCOTLAND. Mr. I. Wilson. Arvicola aquatica. Water Campagnol. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. b 2 8 Armcola agrestis. Field Campagnol. HAMPSHIRE. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. Mus sylvaticus. Field Kat. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Mus Rattus. Black Rat. LONDON. Mr. B. Leadbeater. Mus minutus. Harvest Rat. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Mus decumanus. Brown Rat. LONDON. Mr. B. Leadbeater. Mus arvensis, jun. Harvest Rat, young. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Mus Musculus. Mouse Rat. LONDON. Mr. B. Leadbeater. Phoca Vitulina. Common Seal. HEBRIDES. Dr. W. E. Leach. Mus Musculus var. Mouse Rat var. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Delphinus Phoccena. Porpoise Dolphin. THAMES. Mr. B. Leadbeater. Delphini ambyodentis Cranium. Skull of Blunt-toothed Dolphin. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. BIRDS. Haliceetus Nisus, ?. Common Sea Eagle, female. SHROPSHIRE. Sir E. Littleton, Bart. Circus ceruginosus var. Moor Harrier var. KENT. J. F. Stephens, Esq. Haliceetus A Ibicilla, $ . Cinereous Sea-Eagle, male. KENT. G. Montagu, Esq. Circus cinerarius, $. Ringed Thrush, male. DARTMOOR, Dev. G. Montagu, Esq. Turdus musicus, $. Black Ouzel, male. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Turdus Iliacus, $ . Redwing Thrush, male. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Merula nigra, ? . Black Ouzel, female. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. 21 Merula nigra var. Black Ouzel var. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Vitiflora (Enanthe var. White-rumped Wheatear var. DEVONSHIRE. P. Ilbert, Esq. Merula nigra var. Black Ouzel var. LONDON. J. F. Stephens, Esq. Alauda arborea. Wood Lark. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Cinclus Europceus, c? . European Waterouzel, male. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. Alauda vulgaris. Sky Lark. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Cinclus Europceus, ? . European Waterouzel^ female. MONMOUTHSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Alauda vulgaris var. Sky Lark var. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Vitiflora (Enanthe, 3. White-rumped Wheatear, male. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Spipola pratensis, & . Tit Pipit, male. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Viiiflora (Enanthe^. White-rumped Wheatear, female. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Spipola pratensis, ? . Tit Pipit, female. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. d 22 Spipola sepiaria. Common Pipit. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Motacilla cinerea,3. Grey Wagtail, male. (Winter Plumage.) WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Spipola agrestis,$. Field Pipit, male. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Motacilla cinerea, $ . Grey Wagtail, female. (Winter Plumage.) WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Spipola obscura,3. Dusky Pipit, male. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. Motacilla cinerea,$. Grey Wagtail, male. (Summer Plumage.) WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Spipola obscura, ? . Dusky Lark, female. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. Motacilla cinerea, ? . Grey Wagtail, female. (Summer Plumage.) WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Motacilla flava, $ . Yellow Wagtail, male. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Motacilla alba, 3. White Wagtail, male. (Summer Plumage.) WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Motacilla flava, ? . Yellow Wagtail, female. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Motacilla alba, 3. White Wagtail, male. (Winter Plumage.) WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. 23 Motacilla alba var. White Wagtail var. KINGSBRIDGE, Dev. C. Prideaux, Esq. Sylvia cinerea. White-throat Warbler. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia Lucinia,$. Nightingale Warbler, male. LONDON. J. F. Stephens, Esq. Sylvia Currucca ? $ . Kruka Warbler ? male. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia Lucinia, ? . Nightingale Warbler, female. LONDON. J. F. Stephens, Esq. Sylvia Sylviella> $. Lesser- white- throat Warbler, male. LINCOLNSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia hortensis,3. Garden Warbler, male. KINGSBRIDGE, Dev. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia Locust ella ^$ . Grasshopper Warbler, male. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia hortensis> ?. Garden Warbler, female. KINGSBRIDGE, Dev. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia Locust ella, ? . Grasshopper Warbler, female. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia arundinacea, $ . Keed Warbler, male. SUSSEX. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia salicaria, 3 . Sedge Warbler, male. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia Phcenicurus, 3 . Redstart Warbler, male. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia Hippolais, ? . Petty chap Warbler. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia Phcenicurus, ? . Redstart Warbler, female. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia Hippolais. Petty chap Warbler. (Winter Plumage.} DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia Trochilus,3. Yellow Warbler, male. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Curruca Eliot ce. Hedge Fauvette. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia Sylvicola,$. Wood Warbler, male. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. Curruca Rubetra, $ . Whin-chat Fauvette, male. SOMERSETSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia Sylvicola,$. Wood Warbler, female. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. Curruca Whin-chat Fauvette, female. SOMERSETSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Sylvia Hippolais, 3 . Petty chap Warbler, male. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Curruca Rubicola,3. Stone-chat Fauvette, male. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. 25 Curruca Rubicola, ? . Regulus vulgaris, $ . Stone-chat Fauvette, female. Common Goldcrest, male. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Curruca Rubecola, 6 . Regulus vulgar is, ? . Redbreast Fauvette, male. Common Goldcrest, female. DEVONSHIRE, G. Montagu, Esq. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Curruca atricapilla, $ . Regulus vulgaris var. ? . Black-cap Fauvette, male. Common Goldcrest var. female. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. SLAPTON, Devon. C. Prideaux, Esq- MelizophilusDartfordiensis, $ . Troglodytes Europceus, & . Dartford Songbird, male. European Wren, male. KENT. G. Montagu, Esq. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. MelizophilusDartfordiensis, ? . Troglodytes Europceus, ? . Dartford Songbird, female. European Wren, female. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Melizophilus Dartfordiensis jun. Sitta Europcea, ? . Young Dartford Songbird. European Nuthatch, female. KENT. G. Montagu, Esq. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. 26 Certhia familiaris, $ . Common Creeper, male, DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Columba (Enas, ?. Eock Dove, female. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Certhia familiaris^ ? . Common Creeper, female. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Columba Turtur^. Turtle Dove. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Upupa Epops. Common Hoopoe. BIGBERRY, Devon. Mrs. Darracott. Phasianus colchicus, 3. Red Ptarmigan, male. SCOTLAND. G. Montagu, Esq. Perdix vulgar is var. Common Partridge var. KENT. Joseph Planta, Esq. Lagopus Scoticus^. Red Ptarmigan, female. SCOTLAND. G. Montagu, Esq. Perdix Coturnix,3. Quail Partridge, male. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Lagopus mutus,3. White Ptarmigan, male. (Winter Plumage.} SCOTLAND. G. Montagu, Esq. Perdix Coturnix^. Quail Partridge, female. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Lagopus mutus. White Ptarmigan. (Summer Plumage.} SCOTLAND. G. Montagu, Esq. Tetrao Tetrix,3. Black Grouse, male. DARTMOOR, Devon. G. Montagu, Esq. Otis tarda>$. Great Bustard, male. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu. Esq. 28 Tetrax campestris, 9 . Field Bustarnelle. PLYMOUTH, Dev. Wm. Prideaux, Esq. Charadrius Morinella, ? . Dotterel Plover, female. LANCASHIRE. Lord Stanley. Fedoa (Edicnemus, 3 . Common Thicknee, male. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Charadrius Morinella, jun. Dotterel Plover, young. LIVERPOOL. Lord Stanley. Hamatopus ostralegus, ? . Oyster-catcher Redleg, fern. PEMBROKESHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Charadrius torquatus, $ . Ring Plover, male. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. Calidris arenaria. Common Sanderling. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. Charadrius torquatus var. Ring Plover var. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. Calidris arenaria , jun. Common Sanderling, young. CORNWALL. G. Montagu, Esq. Charadrius pluvialis, 3 . Golden Plover, male. (Winter Plumage.) GLOUCESTERSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Charadrius Morinella, 3 . Dotterel Plover, male. SUSSEX. G. Montagu, Esq. Charadrius pluvialis, $ . Golden Plover, male. (Summer Plumage.) DARTMOOR, Devon. P. Ilbert, Esq. 29 Squatarola grisea. Grey Squatarolle. BRISTOL. G. Montagu, Esq. Pavoncella pugnax, 3. Common Avoset, male. SOUTH WALES. G. Montagu, Esq. Zapornia minuta. Little C raker. ASHBURTON, Dev. W. Tucker, Esq. Phatacrocorax Carbo var. Common Corvorant var. DEVONSHIRE. Rev. K. Vaughan. Crallinula Chloropus,3. Common Gallinule, male. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Phalacrocorax Gracutus. Shag Corvorant. PEMBROKESHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. 35 Moris Bassana* Common Gannet. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu. Esq. Podiceps Hebridicus. Black-chin Grebe. CHELSEA, Middl. G. Montagu, Esq. Moris Hassana, jun. Common Gannet, jun. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Podiceps cristatus, $ . Crested Grebe, male. DEVONSHIRE. Walter Prideaux, Esq. Podiceps auritus 9 $. Eared Grebe, male. CORNWALL. Colonel George. Podiceps cristatus, ? . Crested Grebe, female. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Podiceps cornutus. Sclavonian Grebe. YORKSHIRE. Rev. J. Dalton. Podiceps rubricollis. Red-necked Grebe. DEVONSHIRE. Rev. J. Holdsworth. Podiceps obscurus. Dusky Grebe. DEVONSHIRE. G. Leach, jun. Esq. Colymbus glacialis, $ . Northern Diver, male. CORNWALL. G. Montagu, Esq. Podiceps minor. Dipchick Grebe. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Colymbus stellatus, ? . Speckled Diver, female. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Colymbus Arcticus. Black-throated Diver. NORTHUMBERLAND. Dr. G. M'Clure. Merganser cristatus, ? . Red-breasted Merganser, female. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Colymbus Septentrionalis. Red-throated Diver. SUSSEX. Capt. Mauudrel. Mergus albellus, 3 . White Smew, male. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Colymbus Immer, $ . Imber Diver, male. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Mergus albellus, ? . White Smew, female. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Colymbus Immer, ? . Imber Diver, female. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Mergus albellus, 3 jun. White Smew, male young. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Merganser Haii. Common Merganser. LONDON. Rev. K. Vaughan. Anser Segetum, $ , Bean Goose, male. SOMERSETSHIRE. J. Anstice, Esq. Merganser G-ulo. Dun Merganser. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anser albifrons, $ . White-fronted Goose, male. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. 37 Anser albifrons var. White-fronted Goose var. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. Cygnmferus,$. Wild Swan, male. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anser J$renta,$. Brent Goose, male. DEVONSHIRE. Gr. Montagu, Esq. Anas clangula,$ t Golden-eye Duck. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. Anser Brenta,$. Brent Goose, female. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anas clangula, jun. Golden-eye Duck, young. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. Anser Bernicla. Bernicle Goose. DEVONSHIRE. Rev. K. Vaughan. Anas longicauda,3 . Long-tailed Duck, male. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anser lanuginosm,$. Eider Goose, male. ORKNEY. Lord Stanley. Anas Penelope, $. Widgeon Duck, male. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anser lanuginosus, ?. Eider Goose, female. ORKNEY. Dr. W. E. Leach. Anas Penelope y ? . Widgeon Duck, female. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. 38 Anas Penelope, jun. Anas caudacuta,^. Widgeon Duck, young. Pintail Duck, female. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. SOMERSETSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anas strepera, $ . Anas fera, $ . Gadwall Duck, male. Wild Duck, male. LONDON MARKET. G. Montagu, Esq. DEVONSHIRE. G, Montagu, Esq. Anas Querquedula,<$. Anas fera,?. Gargany Duck. Wild Duck, female. SOMERSETSHIRE. J. Anstice, Esq. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anas Crecca,3. Anas Tadorna,$. Teal Duck, male. Shield Duck, male. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. SCOTLAND. G. Montagu. Esq. Anas Crecca,?. Anas ferina,3. Teal Duck, female. Pochard Duck, male. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anas caudacuta, $ . Anas ferina, . Pintail Duck, male. Pochard Duck, female. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. SOMERSETSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. 39 Anas Marila,3. Scaup Duck, male. HAMPSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anas clypeata,$. Shoveler Duck, male. LINCOLNSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anas Marila, ? . Scaup Duck, female. SOMERSETSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anas clypeata, ? . Shoveler Duck, female. LINCOLNSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anas crist at a, 3 . Tufted Duck, male. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anas clypeata>$ var. Shoveler Duck, male var. LINCOLNSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anas crist at a, 9. Tufted Duck, female. WILTSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anas clypeata, $ jun. Shoveler Duck, male, young. LINCOLNSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anas nigra, 3 . Scoter Duck, male. SOMERSETSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anas clypeata, ? jun. Shoveler Duck, female, young. LINCOLNSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Anas nigra, ? . Scoter Duck, female. SOMERSETSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Catarracta Cepphus. Arctic Catarractes. ORKNEY. Lord Stanley. 40 Ca tarrac ta fuse a . Squa Catarractes. DEVONSHIRE. Rev. K. Yaughaii. Larus cinereus, jun. Herring Gull, young. CAKRMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. Larus Rissa, $ . Kittwake Gull, male. SCOTLAND. Lord Stanley. Larus canus. Common Gull. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Larus maximus, 3 . Great Gull, male. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. Larus canus, jun. Common Gull, young*. DEVONSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Larus maximus, ? jun. Great Gull, female, young. CAERMARTHENSH. G. Montagu, Esq. Larus ridibundm. Laughing Gull. LINCOLNSHIRE. G. Montagu, Esq. Larus argentatus,