THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID A MANUAL ZOOLOGY. WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. A MANUAL OF HUMAN ANATOMY, Descriptive, Practical, and General. Illustrated by 200 highly -finished Wood Engravings by Dr. WESTMACOTT. Foolscap, cloth, price 12s. 6d. A MANUAL OF ARTISTIC ANATOMY, for the Use of Sculptors, Painters, and Amateurs. Foolscap, cloth, price 7s. 6d. THE RACES OF MEN. A Philosophical Inquiry into the Influence of Race over the Destinies of Nations. Second Edition, with Supplementary Chapters, Crown 8vo, cloth, price 10s. 6d. A MANUAL ZOOLOGY. BY M. MILNE EDWARDS. TRANSLATED FROM THB LAST FRENCH EDITION BY R. KNOX, M.D., E.R.S.E. SECOND EDITION. WITH MANY ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS, AND ILLUSTRATED BY 572 HIGHLY-FINISHED WOOD ENGRAVINGS. EDITED BY C. CARTER BLAKE, F.G.S., F.A.S.L. SECRETARY OF THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, LECTURER ON ZOOLOGY, LONDON INSTITUTION, ETC. HENRY RENSHAW, 356, STRAND, LONDON. 1863. LONDON : SAVILL AND EDWARDS, PRINTERS, CHANDOS STREET. Bvo-lo TABLE OF CONTENTS. Preliminary Ideas . . . Division of Natural Bodies into Three Kingdoms . Relations under which Liv- ing Beings are Studied PAGE 1 PAGE General Characters of Ani- mals 6 Organic Tissues and Organs of Animals .... 7 Classification of Functions 9 CONFORMATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. Functions of Nutrition . 11 Absorption ..... 12 Digestion 18 Blood 45 Circulation 50 Respiration 69 Exhalation 80 Secretions 81 Nutritive Assimilation and Decomposition ... 87 Animal Heat 92 Functions of Relation . 94 Nervous System . .95 Sensibility 107 Touch 109 Taste Ill Smell 112 Hearing 113 Sight 118 Movements 127 Voice 154 Intelligence and Instinct . 159 HISTORY OF THE PRINCIPAL PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS. Consideration of the Gene- ral Plan of the Organiza- tion 189 Zoological Classifications . 200 Division of the Animal Kingdom into Primary Divisions and into Classes 207 Vertebrate Animals . . 231 Mammals 233 Birds 305 Reptiles 348 Batrachia 364 Fishes 371 Articulata 405 IviSSOOOl VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Articulated Animals . . 405 Insects 405 Myriapoda . ., . . .454 Arachnida 455 Crustacea 465 Worms (Vermes) . . . 497 Annelida 497 Rotifera 500 Turbellaria 502 Helminthia 502 Cestoiida 503 Mollusca 504 Mollusca, properly so called 504 Cephalopoda .... 507 PAGE Gasteropoda 515 Pteropoda 519 Acephala 519 Mollusco'ida 522 Tunicata, properly so called 523 Briozoaria 523 Zoophytes 525 Echinodermata .... 526 Acalephae 528 Polyps 530 Infusoria 583 Spongiaria 534 The Geographical Distri- bution of Animals . , 535 NOTICE TO THE FIRST EDITION. THIS manual is one of three which, taken together, form the Elementary Course of Natural History prescribed and sanc- tioned by the Council of Public Instruction of France. The Botanical work was written by the grandson of the celebrated Jussieu; the Mineralogical and Geological portion of the course by M. F. S. Beudant, a gentleman distinguished for his know- ledge of these sciences ; the Zoological Manual, now for the first time translated, is the production of my most esteemed friend, M. Milne Edwards, one of the first of living zoologists. The work, in its original form, has already passed through seven editions : a sure proof of its merit. It is admirably adapted, by the simplicity of its style and practical character, to form a safe text-book in all schools and colleges, and to aid in that which I have never lost sight of, namely, the introduction of my favourite pursuit, Zoology, into univer- sities as a recognised branch of general education. Thinking it would be but an act of justice, though tardy, to place before the English reader a work of an esteemed friend, which, according to the fashion of the day, has formed the stock in trade of so many English, Scotch, Irish, and American literary contrabandists, I wrote M. Edwards on the subject, and received from him the following letter, a b 2 viii NOTICE TO THE FIKST EDITION. guarantee to the public that the Translation has been under- taken with the Author's full approbation : " Vernet les Bains, Pyrenees Orientales, le 28 Aout, 1855. " Monsieur et cher Confrere, II ne peut m'etre qne tres agreable de voir paraitre sous vos auspices une traduction anglaise de mon petit ouvrage elementaire de Zoologie; aussitot mon retour a Paris j'aurais le plaisir de vous adresser une exemplaire de la derniere edition. Le nombre des exemplaires deja vendus s'elevent en tout a plus de 30,000 ; ce qui me fait esperer que la traduction anglaise se placerait bien. " Veuillez agreer, Monsieur et cher Confrere, la nouvelle assurance de ma parfaite consideration. (Signe) " MILNE EDWABDS." " A M. le Docteur Knox." As a scientific man, and a teacher of Anatomy and of the great principles of Zoology to thousands, including the names of many of the most celebrated scientific men of the day, I ought not perhaps to notice the literary pirates to whom I have just alluded, were it not that, during the last hundred years they have, in despite of many excellent English writers, greatly retarded the progress of Zoology in Britain and else- where, wherever, indeed, the English language is spoken. Carefully excluding from their compilations all elevated and correct views of science, they have, by their anecdotic and quasi-popular style, contributed to debase the works of the most eminent zoologists to such an extent that the grand labours of Buffon, the masterly researches of Cuvier, the profound views of Goethe, Oken, and Spix can scarcely be recognised. Their views are anti-scientific, anti-educational ; calculated, if not devised, to retard the progress of the human mind. The translation being addressed to Englishmen, lovers of NOTICE TO THE FIEST EDITION. IX matters -of- fact in science as well as in other things, I have done my best to avoid all repetitions, all French idioms, all lengthened treatment of physiological and metaphysical hypotheses; but in doing so I have scrupulously avoided omitting any fact or idea or opinion of the author. The anatomical details of the work I have endeavoured to give in as brief, concise, and simple a manner as befits such matters. Anatomy is a science of facts and of demonstrations ; even when the objects are present, as in lectures (and this was the original form of M. Edwards's work), it is a mistake to over- load their description with terms, whether technical or popular : my vast experience as a teacher of Anatomy early taught me this. In French the error is less obvious than in English, a language which does not readily accommodate itself to those combinations of unclassical terms which all science unfor- tunately requires ; which sound harshly to the ears of the classical scholar, and have greatly retarded, no doubt, the accomplishment of that object which is the aim of this work, namely, the introduction, in England, of Zoology as a branch of primary education. R. K. NOTICE TO THE SECOND EDITION. ENCOUEAGED by the extraordinary patronage bestowed on the first English edition of this work (the sale of 3500 copies), the translator has spared no pains to render this new edition deserving the patronage already bestowed on the first. He has added many new observations, derived as well from his own researches as from those of others, and has illustrated these by numerous additional wood engravings. He trusts, therefore, that the new edition will be found au courant with the present state of zoological knowledge in Europe. U.K. LONDON, 1862. NOTE TO SECOND EDITION. MY late friend Dr. Knox having completed the revision of the present edition of Milne Edwards's Manual of Zoology, only survived to correct the proofs as far as the thirty-second page. A short period after his lamented decease, Mr. Eenshaw confided this editorial duty to me, with the expression of his wish that, out of respect to the memory of the late Dr. Knox, I should make as few alterations as possible. Having enjoyed the privilege of the personal acquaintance of the venerable anatomist until the period of his decease, I also was anxious Xll NOTE TO SECOND EDITION. to leave this posthumous edition of his translation of Milne Edwards's work in the form in which Dr. Knox would have desired it to appear, had he survived, and therefore, with the exception of a few cases, in which an error of fact had been inadvertently passed over, I have left the manuscript untouched. The present edition differs from the preceding by the intro- duction of some graphic sketches by one of- Dr. Knox's most distinguished pupils, the late Professor Edward Forbes. Two Tables of Zoological Classification are appended, and a Glossary, which it is thought may prove useful, has been incorporated with an Index, which has been added for the first time, in this edition. C. C. B. INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRST EDITION. THE task I have undertaken, and which I now complete, is simple, and conformable to all my views, studies, and pursuits. Esteem for the author and for a family I have long known, induced me to undertake the translation of an elementary work on Zoology occupying that difficult and doubtful position in which all such works are of necessity placed. Addressed to professional students, and yet not exclusively so, who, partially educated, as the case may be, are about to qualify themselves for embarking in some one or other of the great professions which form the occupation of the intellectual world, such studies seem uncalled for as barren of future profitable results. That such a feeling prevails with most professional students using the term professional in its widest acceptation I am well aware ; indeed, as regards the students of one of these learned professions, none can know better, if so well, as I do. The Medical Director of the ana- tomical studies of- many thousands of medical students, I have ever found them adverse to science, strictly so called ; especially to that branch of zoological science termed Natural History. They desire to be practical. Zoology is not a prac- tical art : in this view, therefore, it leads to nothing. John Hunter had lived and laboured : his vast ideas, his brilliant discoveries, his views, which seem more like inspira- XIV INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRST EDITION. tions than the natural result of an industry unsurpassed, lay buried in the hall of a corporate body with whom, as a surgeon, he was accidentally associated : but he had laboured in vain. His views he placed before the world in the form of a museum, to which none of the labours of men's hands can be compared unless it be, and these no doubt excel, the handiwork of those who carved the Medicean Venus and the Belvidere Apollo. Yet he had laboured in vain, for never, I believe, at any period of its history, was Zoology in a lower condition in Britain than that in which I found it when, returning from France, in the summer of 1825, I submitted to a small but select class an outline of those great views which France and Germany had taught me, and which I have continued to meditate and reflect on to the present day. Since that period the educational institutions of the country have become somewhat multiplied, perhaps improved. The pressure of continental opinion has told on Britain, and ere long it is by no means improbable the sciences of simple observation may be deemed, if not equal in importance to those great branches of human knowledge wrapped up in the study of numbers and of literature, at least useful, practically calculated to expand the intellect the first object of all education. It is a matter not only curious in itself, but fraught with interest to the future historian, to trace, however briefly, the gradual unfolding of modern education, as contrasted not merely with the ancient but with that which, even in my younger days, prevailed everywhere. The interest lies chiefly in contrasting the low estimate which prevailed respecting the nature and character of the sciences of simple observation, as compared with true science ; that description of knowledge which admits of a priori reasoning, from that which scarcely, if at all, admits of such. Hence, no doubt, the exclusion of chemistry, anatomy, natural history, from the curriculum of all universities, schools, colleges, examining bodies. Medicine, an art mistaken for a science, usurped their place, and these branches of knowledge were tacked to medicine furtively, but INTRODUCTION TO THE FIEST EDITION. XV not mentioned or spoken of aloud. The sciences I speak of were merely permitted to exist under a withered and degraded form ; and a faculty which never ought to have had a place in any university, came at last in some to play a prominent part ; as if to complete the misapprehensions of true science, it required only to add to these the mechanical art of surgery; and this of course followed : nor could it have been otherwise in a country where constants are alone looked on as valuable, applicative, productive ; industrial facts bearing on the great questions of profit and loss direct, immediate, are alone esteemed. Generally speaking, the continental universities resisted this pollution: they refused all association with faculties, medical or otherwise, and more especially that of France ; access to the scientific departments of the army was closed, by the rigorous education and examination of the Polytechnic School, to all who had not mastered the elements at least of natural science ; whilst of the aspirant for the diploma of medicine a first university degree was demanded. Now that degree the candidate could not obtain if ignorant of those branches of knowledge which constitute Natural History. The necessity produced a want, namely, a brief manual of instruction suited to such a case ; the want was supplied in respect of Zoology by my friend M. Milne Edwards, whose work in an English dress I now present to the public ; the botanical manual was the work of a descendant of the illustrious Jussieu; the miueralogical and geological by Beudarit : the three comprising all Natural History, properly so called. But of one thing I am thoroughly convinced. This im- proved condition of education, even in France, was the result of accident, of the accidental appearance in France of a man destined to revolutionize all zoological science, viewed under every possible aspect that man was George Cuvier. To be convinced of the truth of this view, we have but rapidly to trace the history of Zoology from the period of the immortal XVI INTRODUCTION TO THE FIBST EDITION. Historia Animalium of Aristotle to that of St. Pierre and Faujas St. Fond.* Before Eome existed, and before the Iliad was composed, Egypt had its Pyramids and its Thebes ; that land of prac- tical science, bordered on regions of the earth surpassed by none for variety in the forms of animal life. I allude to Africa within the tropics. Nearly every animal susceptible of domestication and useful to man had been appropriated by the Coptic race of Egypt and Nubia ; whilst all the tcilde of nature had in succession been exhibited to the nation in various triumphal processions. But all this was merely prac- tical and transitory. It was the same with Rome, Eastern and Western; no science resulted from it, no zoological science, at least ; and the dawn of civilization which re-opened in Europe after the dreadful period of the Dark and 'Middle Ages, found zoological and natural science precisely where it was left by Pliny a tissue of puerilities, of vague hypotheses, of silly fancies, upon which no critique had ever been exercised. Notwithstanding the occasional appearance of able men, it continued in this sad state until the close of the seventeenth century. Neither zoology nor mineralogy nor geology had any real existence. In 1707, or about that period, two men appeared, simulta- neously, destined to rescue Zoology at last from the degraded state to which Pliny and his imitators, abounding most in England, had reduced it. These were Carl Linne and the Count de Buffon. To these truly great men we owe the first attempt to remove the natural sciences from the control of those into whose hands they had fallen. The genius of Linne led to classification, that of Buffon to description ; the one defined, the other described. But the genius of the latter was of a higher cast : it anticipated the future ; and men now read with surprise and learn with astonishment (a surprise and astonishment in which I do not partake) that Buffon was no mere compiler, no mere literary man, no mere writer * See Great Artists and Great Anatomists. London : Van Voorst. INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRST EDITION. XV11 destined to captivate the world by the beauties of a style un- matched, I believe, in France, but a profound philosopher, who had already anticipated nearly all the great truths of the transcendental in science. But neither Buffon nor Linne, whatever might have been the profundity of their views, offered any demonstration of these views. This is what the world looks for, and rightly expects ; rigid demonstration supported the Newtonian hypothesis, else Newton had written in vain. Palissy, the potter, had said as much as Buffon, but, like him, he had offered no demonstration, and the world looked on them as dreamers dangerous dreamers, of whom the less notice that was taken the better. In Britain, especially, Buffon's works appeared stripped of all their lofty views, disfigured and degraded ; he passed, even in France, merely as the naturalist who had best described the hot- blooded quadrupeds, as certain mammals were called even in my days ; the bold conjectures of Palissy and of Buffon seemed about to disappear for ever from the field of science. Even Goethe had failed to resuscitate them under other forms. The geological theories of Hutton and Playfair were met successfully by the plausible hypothesis of Werner, when suddenly a man appeared, destined to place natural science for ever on a basis which, if not so fixed as the Elements of Euclid, will at least prove as enduring. That man was George Cuvier, a German, born on French soil; an anatomist. This wonderful man, of a rigidly demonstrative turn of mind, when quite young, but well educated, bethought him of in- vestigating " the unknown" in Zoology by means of ana- tomical research, the only way in which it could be inquired into. Linne and Buffon had described and defined the exterior : " I will investigate," he said, " the interior :" they ought to correspond : there must be intimate relations between them ; anatomical co-relations. Seemingly, and without being aware of it, he had discovered a new element of research descriptive anatomy ; not the vague comparative anatomy of Perrault or Daubenton, but minute descriptive anatomy, xvili INTBODUCTION TO THE FIEST EDITION. worthy of Hunter and of himself. Yet he was very young, and knew nothing of Hunter and but little of Daubenton. Genius directed his steps, that genius which, when it appears, and happily escapes the crushing influences " of established socialisms," is sure to form a new era. Like most of the great men of his day (products of the French revolution), he had outstripped in his merest youth the age he lived in, and rapidly shot beyond that which was to follow. Cuvier's early pursuits were the rectification, by means of anatomy, of the classifications of Buffoii and Linne ; but he quickly, as it were instinctively, passed beyond this com- paratively narrow field into one which has no limits. Whilst pursuing his inquiries on the structure of the invertebrate kingdom, he soon saw that the animal forms he dissected differed specifically and generically from those fossil forms which lay around him. Palissy, the potter, had seen the same ; Buffon had announced the fact : they were declared to be dreamers. Cuvier offered to mankind the Ossemens Fossiles in proof that they were so, and from that moment to the present day few have had the hardihood to deny the proof ; none but those who regard the Newtonian demonsta- tion as an idle unprofitable dream. The importance thus given to zoological studies and pur- suits by the application of the anatomical method in Zoology, would have commenced and terminated with Cuvier but for this one circumstance he had created geology, palseontology ; that last and most wonderful science, which seems to have no limits. He had shown that without a knowledge of 'the extinct zoologies there can be no geology, properly speaking; none at least likely to interest man. Now this extinct Zoology cannot be well understood, if at all, without a know- ledge of the living zoology, that being the term and mean of comparison. Thus was Zoology forced at last into the schools, universities, and collegiate institutions.* * Cuvier had shown anatomy to be the only safe basis for testing zoology, and a comparison of it with the extinct the only guide to palaeontology ; it INTEODUCTION TO THE FIEST EDITION. XIX The necessity for this was first seen and admitted in France, from whence it naturally was imported into England, where Cuvier and his supposed views had become fashionable ; the single geologist at the Board of Ordnance, MacCulloch, was slowly replaced by a body of scientific men, each teach- ing a different department of natural science : out of this arose a school of practical geology, and various chairs in a similar direction came to be founded in collegiate educational institutions. The illustrious Sedgwick, to whom geology unquestionably owes its present position in Britain, set an example in Cambridge which cannot be too much praised nor too closely followed. Thus originated the gradual introduction of zoological science into the curriculum of study for university honours demanded of all, I presume, who mean to follow out a pro- fessional vocation in Prance : England slowly follows. The little work I here present to the public contains the best outline ever yet published of such studies ; from me it requires no praise ; its intrinsic merits and the numerous editions it has already passed through constitute its best recommenda- tion to the English reader. E. K. may be, and has been, called an empirical method, by which I presume is meant that the method is not strictly scientific. I have all my life been of this opinion, but the method notwithstanding has led to results second only, if second, to the Newtonian discoveries. ELEMENTARY COURSE OF ZOOLOGY. PRELIMINARY IDEAS. 1. Object and Utility of Natural History. Natural History is that science which treats of the structure of bodies spread over the surface of the globe or forming its mass the phenomena exhibited by these bodies, the characters by which they may be distinguished from each other, and the part they play in the entire creation. Its range is im- mense, and its importance is not inferior to its extent. Some, but little acquainted with science, see in natural history merely a collection of anecdotic facts, more calculated to excite the curiosity than to exercise the understanding, or a dry study of technical terms and arbitrary classifications. Such an opinion is based on ignorance : and the utility of the study of natural history cannot fail to be recognised by all who possess even the preliminary ideas of the science. The grand and harmonious view it presents of Nature, whose beau ideal is so much superior to that of human invention, tends to elevate the mind to lofty and sound thoughts. The knowledge of ourselves and of surrounding objects is not given merely to satisfy the desire for learning which develops itself always according as the intelligence enlarges ; it forms a necessary basis to many other studies, and is eminently calculated to give to the judgment that recti- tude in the absence of which the most brilliant qualities lose their value, and in the course of life lead the mind astray. On the other hand, to be convinced of the practical importance of the natural sciences, we have only to look to geology and mineralogy, and the services they have rendered to industry ; to botany, and to the myriads of beauteous and useful plants 2 ZOOLOGY. it describes, and to horticulture, of which it is the guide ; to recollect the animals to which we owe wool, silk, honey which lend us that power which man so often requires, or which, far from being useful to us, threaten our harvests with destruction ; lastly, to consider the long catalogue of human infirmities, and to reflect on the dangerous character of that medicine which is not based on a scientific knowledge of the human structure. But the utility of these sciences does not stop here ; in an educational point of view, their study accus- toms the mind to proceed from effect to cause, testing each hypothesis by an appeal to facts. Finally, before all other studies, that of natural history trains the mind to method, that part of logic without which all investigation is laborious, every exposition obscure. In claiming for natural history a place in every liberal system of education, we do not mean that all young men should become naturalists. So vast a study and the time required for other studies forbid such an idea ; nor would the acquisition of the details on which natural history is based be of any service to the young mind : all that is necessary is that sound, correct notions be placed before the student, and acquired by him, respecting the great questions to solve which is the object of natural history studies ; on the constitution of the globe, for example, and the physical revolutions which succeed each other on its surface ; on the nature of plants and animals ; on the mode in which their functions are exercised ; and on the principal modifications of their structure, accord- ing to the kind of life for which they are destined. This description of knowledge once acquired is seldom forgotten; it forms a basis for the special studies of those who desire to become naturalists ; and is sufficient for those whose pur- suits do not lead to science. The University (of France) in its programme sanctions this course of study, and enforces it ; in this work we propose adopting it. 2. Division of Natural JBodies into Three Kingdoms. All natural bodies, whether spread over the surface of the globe or collected in the interior of the earth, are of two kinds mineral or unorganized, living or organized. These last are subdivided into two groups vegetables and animals. Hence has arisen the expression of the three great kingdoms of nature the mineral, vegetable, and animal. In com- mencing the study of these three kingdoms, it is necessary to inquire, in the first place, on what basis these divisions rest, PEELIMINAET IDEAS. d and to inquire into the fundamental differences which distin- guish a mineral from a living body, a plant from an animal. 3. Differences between Mineral or Inorganic Sub- stances and Living Beings. These differences are numerous and striking ; they may be thus summed up. They differ in their origin, mode of existence, duration, manner of decay or destruction, general form, intimate structure, and elementary composition. 4. Thus, as to the mode of origin. When a mineral body is formed, it springs immediately from the union of two or more substances, which, by their nature, differ essen- tially from it, and which combine by reason of the chemical affinities they possess. A living being, on the contrary, is never thus spontaneously formed ; it springs from one re- sembling itself, and the vitality essential to its formation is transmitted in succession from an uninterrupted series of individuals resembling each other. Two substances, in no way resembling each other, chlorine and sodium, for example, by their union form common salt, independent of the presence of this third substance : not so the plant or animal ; for its formation a parent is necessary, that is, a being resembling it and preceding it in point of time. Such beings, then, require for their formation a foreign impulse, and this they can only receive from a parent. 5. As respects their mode of existence. The two classes of bodies are equally distinct. Rocks and minerals remain internally in a state of rest or repose ; if they gain any addi- tional substance, it is by the accretion of matter similar to them ; what they lose is accidental, and affects them not; Living bodies, on the contrary, are constantly in a state of composition and decomposition, the consequence of internal movements in their structure. All is in motion. Unceas- ingly they incorporate foreign substances or molecules with their own, and give out to the external world particles of their own. This vortex, or whirlpool as it were, constitutes what is called nutrition, and is essential to life. They grow by intussusception and not by juxtaposition, like minerals ; for the molecules by which they increase penetrate into the in terior of organized beings, and are there deposited. 6. At length, having existed for a certain period, the extreme limit of which is definite for each species, the living body infallibly perishes ; mineral or unorganized bodies, on the contrary, once formed, exist until destroyed by an external B 2 4 ZOOLOGY. force ; their duration is not limited ; they are not necessarily destructible : but I repeat all that lives is sure to perish ; and thus, were it not for the faculty of reproduction, not bestowed on minerals, life under every form would soon dis- appear from the earth. 7. As regards form and size, or volume, we find that living bodies are destined to acquire a certain size and form, gradually and by development, which they did not possess at birth. The form has no geometrical simplicity ; with mine- rals it is quite otherwise. The smallest fragment of marble is as much marble as the largest mass which can be'imagined ; but a plant or animal can only live by attaining a certain dimension, beyond which it cannot grow. Neither can they be divided into fragments, like minerals, and yet exist as indi- viduals ; a term which is chiefly applied only to organized beings. When mutilated beyond a certain point, they cease to exist. 8. The intimate structure of living bodies furnishes other characters. They are always composed of fluids and solids, the former being enclosed in cells formed by plates, lamina?, or filaments. It is this structure to which the name of organization has been given. Nothing of the kind is to be seen in the mineral kingdom. A spongy and areolar texture, into which liquids may readily penetrate, is, then, a necessary condition for the existence of life, whether animal or vege- table ; and hence the name of organized beings, as opposed to minerals, which receive the name of inorganic bodies. 9. Lastly, the distinction between the two great divisions of natural bodies, the organic and inorganic, extends even to their elementary or chemical composition. A mineral body may be formed of molecules strictly of one kind, as sulphur or iron ; or may resultjrom the union of two or more chemical elements, the number" of which exceeds fifty. With living beings it is different : their chemical composi- tion is always most complex, and in order to render this clear, the constituent elements of such beings have been arranged under three heads or classes. 1. Those which, like water and various salts, present nothing peculiar, and belong to the inorganic bodies. 2. Organic matters, such as sugar, and urea, which are formed under the influence of life. 3. The plastic and viable products, as albumen, fibrin, cellulose, which possess chemical characters of high importance. Into the composition of these there always enter three sometimes four PEELIMINAEY IDEAS. 5 elements, namely, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and azote or nitrogen. Such bodies decompose rapidly by becoming putrid when exposed for a certain period to moisture and warmth. They differ also from the others in respect of their molecular constitution, inasmuch as each atom of an organic matter results from the union of many atoms of organized matter, whilst an atom of a mineral body results from the union of but a few. An atom of carbonic acid, for example, is formed of 1 atom of carbon united to 2 atoms of oxygen ; whilst 1 atom of stearins (a kind of fat) seems to contain 140 atoms of carbon, 134 atoms of hydrogen, and 5 atoms of oxygen. Now these organized materials form the basis of all the living parts of animals and plants, whilst the inorganic or mineral play only a secondary part in the economy of these beings. Chemically, then, these four elements characterize all living bodies, nothing similar occurring in the mineral kingdom. 10. Thus living bodies differ from the inorganic by their chemical composition, internal structure, general conforma- tion, mode of origin, mode of existence, and manner of destruc- tion. But to characterize them briefly, it is sufficient to say that they are beings which are nourished and reproduced, these being the most remarkable of vital phenomena. It is the pre- sence of life, then, which especially characterizes plants and animals, of which the simplest expression is to be nourished. 11. Respecting the nature of life, science has no data : but as in physics the cause of heat is, as it were, personified under the name of caloric, so in physiology a special force is admitted as the cause of phenomena wholly inexplicable by the ordinary laws of physics ; this is called the vital force. Even its laws are beyond calculation, and we can only trace some of the circumstances which seem essential to its mani- festation. Thus, by desiccation, life is suspended in certain animals and plants, and reappears when the requisite moisture has been supplied. Another condition of life is, a certain temperature and the influence of the air. [Of late years the class of experimental physiologists have made many efforts to reduce the whole phenomena of life to the ordinary physical laws of matter, but as yet unsuccessfully. K. K.] 12. Organs. -Life manifests itself through the medium or by means of organs or instruments, more or less numerous, 6 ZOOLOGY. constituting the body of the animal or plant. Between the organs and the functions they perform there is a necessary co-relation; the muscles, for example, are the immediate instruments or organs of motion : while the organs of sense inform us of what surrounds us. 13. Relations under ivhich Living Beings are Studied. The study of the mode of conformation of the organs of an animal or plant is called anatomy ; the study of their func- tions, physiology. Anatomy is the science of structure ; physiology the science of life. These sciences are mutually dependent, and cannot be studied apart with advantage. A knowledge of mere structure is unimportant, unless combined with a knowledge of function. Anatomy and physiology constitute the basis of the natural history of organized beings ; but these must also be studied under other relations. Hence the study of external characters, in order to distinguish animals and plants readily and with certainty from each other. Classification also, to aid the memory, becomes requisite. The distribution also of animals and plants over the globe is a matter of interest, practically and scientifically ; while the laws regulating the distribution merit careful study. The same remark applies to the uses man makes of natural objects. Finally, natural history is not occupied solely with what now exists upon the globe ; but by the examination of fossil remains endeavours to discover the history of those ancient inhabitants of the earth, of which so many existed before man himself. These varied studies naturally divide themselves into two branches : the study of plants is called botany ; zoology means the history of the animal kingdom. GENERAL CHARACTERS OF.ANIMALS. 14. Differences between Animals and Plants. In the immense majority of cases, nothing is easier than to dis- tinguish an animal from a plant; yet occasionally this is difficult, in consequence of the great simplicity of structure in some animals. This uncertainty, after all, may belong rather to the imperfection of our knowledge than to the nature of things ; and thus it may be said generally, without dwelling more on this subject, that animals differ from plants by cha- racters of high importance, drawn from the nature of the phenomena connected with their mode of life, from their GENERAL CHARACTERS OF ANIMALS. 7 structural arrangements, and from the chemical composition of the principal constituent matters of their bodies. 15. Vegetable life seems mainly occupied with the nutri- tion of the individual, and the reproduction of others resem- bling it. Vegetables are inanimate, animals animated beings. Animals perceive, reflect, act spontaneously or by their own will ; nothing of the kind, properly speaking, exists in plants. Thus vegetables neither feel nor move ; animals feel and move. Differences also exist in the manner in which the same functions are carried on in the two classes of beings ; these remain with more propriety to be considered afterwards. 16. The faculties of animals being more complex than those of plants, necessitate a greater complexity of organs. These organs differ also in their intimate structure; the tissues in the vegetable affect a cellular or utriculose character, cells provided with proper walls and cavities; in animals, the tissues are composed of little plates or laminae, which intersect each other in such a way as to circumscribe imperfect lacunae, and thus to constitute masses or membranes, more or less spongy, but not divided into a number of utricules or cells, independent of each other, as in vegetables. Often, it is true, the animal tissue whilst being developed is seen to be com- posed of little bags (utricules) ; but this structure, which is permanent in plants, is generally but transitory in animals, and is persistent only in a small number of organs, as, for example, in the glands and epidermic membranes. 17. Finally, the organized matters which form the basis of plants are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen only. To these in animals nitrogen is added. Allowing, however, that there exists in plants azotized matters, and in animals compounds which are not azotized; still the organized matters essential to the constitution of the living organs offer in the two kingdoms the chemical composition we have just in- dicated. OF THE ORGANIC TISSUES OF ANIMALS, AND OF THEIR ORGANS. 18. Different elementary substances, but chiefly carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, combine to produce the materials of which animal bodies are composed. Amongst these materials or matters, some are called organized or plastic, and form 8 ZOOLOGY. the essential basis of all the solid parts animated by the vital movement. These plastic materials are less varied than might be at first supposed ; for in all animals the basis (trame) of the living parts appears to be composed of a substance called albumen, or of fibrin which probably is but albumen slightly modified. The solids also resemble each other in having water as a constituent part, to the presence of which they, no doubt, owe their flexibility, softness, and other physical properties essential for the due performance of their func- tions. But the mode of texture of the solids thus constituted varies much, and the name of organic tissues has been given to those parts which in their turn reunite to form the organs. 19. The principal organic tissues of animals are four : the muscular, nervous, cellular, and utricular. The muscular tissue forms what is commonly called the flesli ; it is the producing agent of all motion, and is com- posed of fibres, susceptible of contracting or of being short- ened. These fibres, wherever placed, may always be distin- guished by their contractile faculty, and are always found where motion is performed. The nervous tissue is soft, and generally whitish ; it forms the brain and nerves ; it is the seat of sensation. The connective or cellular tissue, also named areolar or spongy, is, of all the constituent materials of the body, the most abundant. In some of the more simple animals it seems to form the whole body ; in those more highly organized it connects and yet insulates all the organs, entering largely into their composition, and being modified in a variety of ways, it forms membranes and a number of other tissues ; in its sub- stance the fat is always deposited. It is a whitish substance, elastic, semi-transparent, composed of filaments variously interlaced, and of small lamella?, more- or less consistent, and irregularly united, so as to leave between them cells or lacunae of variable size. But the walls of these cells are incomplete, and thus permit fluids (or air) to pass freely from one to another ; these cells are moistened with a watery and slightly albuminous liquid, called serosity. The utricular tissue is composed of little cells or bladders, with distinct walls, glued to each other, either directly or by means of an amorphous organic matter ; sometimes these vesicles are rounded, and filled with some particular substance, as fat, for example ; at other times they are found flattened FUNCTIONS OF ANIMALS. 9 and dried up, so as to form lamellae, as may be seen on the surface of the skin. Anatomists describe other tissues as entering into the com- position of animal bodies, such as the serous and mucous membranes, the different varieties of the fibrous tissues, the cartilages, the osseous tissue, &c. ; but, according to all ap- pearance, these varied tissues are only modifications of the utricular or connective. 20. These tissues, differently combined, and affecting a variety of forms, constitute the different organs by which the faculties of animals are exercised. The term apparatus is applied to an assemblage of these organs, and that of function to the action of a single organ or of many. The apparatus of locomotion, for example, means the assemblage of organs, whatever they be, required for fas function of locomotion or motion from place to place. The structure of animals varies, then, with their faculties and mode of life ; and generally it may be said, that the more vaiied the functions are in any animal the more complex will be its structure. CLASSIFICATION OF THE FUNCTIONS OF ANIMALS. 21. The functions of animals have a relation to two objects, namely, 1. The conservation or preservation of the individual ; 2. The conservation of the race. Of the former, some have reference chiefly to the support and nourishment of the body ; others place the individual in relation to sur- rounding objects. Hence the division of the functions into three great classes, those of nutrition, relation, and repro- duction. The first and last of these collectively have been called vegetative life : the functions of relation, physiologists are agreed to call animal life, as being peculiarly the attri- butes of animals] nutrition and reproduction are functions which animals have in common with plants. Each of these great physiological divisions is subdivided in its turn into several others, all tending towards one end ; thus, the nutrition of an animal is accomplished only by the aid of several functions, such as digestion, circulation, respi- ration, &c. : digestion, in its turn, resolves itself into masti- cation, insalivation, deglutition, the transformation of the food into chyme, the extraction of the chyle contained in the chyme, the absorption of this chyle, and the expulsion from the body of the residue of the aliment; finally, these 10 ZOOLOGY. very acts of mastication, deglutition, &c., are all the results of divers phenomena dependent on various organs and func- tions. 22. The utmost variety prevails in the organization of different animals. In some, the functions are simple ; and this implies a harmonious simplicity of the organs. In others, complexity is the law. Between the mode of existence and the mode of organization of each heing, there is the most admirable accord. The proofs will be given in a future part of this work. The history of the functions of animals will now engage our attention, and first, of the function of nutrition. a Fig. 1. Diagram taken from the " Text Book of Physiology," by Valentin,* intended to show that every part of an organ is a mass which is traversed by interstices in all directions. If a liquid body presses on c, while an elastic one is present at d, it also renders them capable of serving as a filter. K. K. * " A Text Book of Physiology." By Valentin. Translated by Dr. Brinton. H. Eenshaw, Strand. HISTOEY PEINCIPAL FUNCTIONS OF -ANIMALS. I. OF THE FUNCTION OF NUTEITION. 23. The nutrition of living beings consists in the intro- duction of foreign matters into the interior of the tissues, and the fixation, assimilation, and organization of the matters so introduced. Every living animal is also the seat of a kind of slow combustion, causing the unceasing destruction of a certain quantity of organic matter. The matter thus de- stroyed, being useless or even hurtful to the economy, is expelled from it. It is evident, then, that the first condition necessary for the due performance of this molecular composition and de- composition, is the faculty of absorption, by which the molecules are attracted and introduced into the centre of the tissues. It is a function common to all living beings. 24. In plants, this single faculty suffices for the intro- duction from without of all matters requisite for their nourishment. With animals, a portion only is directly intro- duced into the tissues ; but a great portion requires being elaborated by a process called digestion, by which the nutrient molecules are fitted for absorption. This faculty of digestion forms one of the characters which best distinguish animals from plants. 25. The liquids thus absorbed spread wherever they are required, the distribution being in some effected slowly, in a way analogous to the absorption. In others, by far the most numerous, the distribution of the nutrient liquids is accom- plished rapidly by the establishment of currents, which serve also to remove the molecules eliminated from the organs. 12 ZOOLOGY. Thus originates another function, the circulation of the blood, and another apparatus of organs by which this is 3 performed. 26. We have alluded to a kind of slow combustion which takes place in the interior of animal bodies. This is effected by means of the oxygen of the atmosphere which is unceas- ingly absorbed by means of respiration ; and it is by the same function of respiration that animals get quit of the matters thus consumed. 27. The products of the respiratory combustion, as well as the matters eliminated from the tissues, and which, having become as it were foreign to the economy, require to be re- moved from it, give rise, by, this necessity, to a function the opposite of absorption that of excretion. The character of this process varies according to circumstances. It is called exhalation, when the liquids escape as it were mechanically; secretion, when particular liquids whose nature differs from the nourishing fluid are formed by a kind of chemical action. By these two ways the economy elaborates the particular juices necessary for the exercise of all the func- tions, whilst at the same time it expels all that is useless or injurious to it. 28. The creation of the livingmatter destined to augment the mass of the tissues or to replace the parts which have been destroyed, is a process or work which the physiologist ought not to confound with any of the preceding phenomena ; it is the act by which the organism fixes in its interior a foreign matter, organizes this matter, and develops in it vital properties. The function is called assimilation. Thus the functions of nutrition consist essentially of ab- sorption, digestion, circulation, respiration, exhalation, secre- tion, and assimilation. We shall now consider these great acts of vegetative life. OF ABSOEPTION. 29. By absorption is meant the act or faculty by which animals suck up and imbibe, as it were, into the mass of their humours the substances which surround them, or which are deposited in the interior of their bodies. The existence of such a faculty may be very readily proved. Plunge a frog into water, in such a way, however, that none can enter by the mouth ; notwithstanding, the weight of the MECHANISM OF ABSORPTION. 13 animal after a time is sensibly increased. Now this increase, which under favourable circumstances may reach a third of the weight of the animal, can depend only on the absorption of water by the surface of the body. If water be introduced into the stomach of a living dog, and the entrance to and exit from the orgun be secured with ligatures, still the liquid will disappear, absorbed by the walls of the stomach, and so mingle with the blood; and yet there exist neither in the stomach nor external integuments any pores leading directly to the vessels containing the blood. The pores observable on the skin lead merely to little cavities intended to secrete various humours or to form the hairs. Thus the tissues forming these organs (the skin and stomach) 'are permeable to liquids, and this is the case with all the other structures of the body. In fact, in living as well as in dead bodies, the tissues uniformly imbibe surrounding fluids, and are traversed by them with more or less facility. 30. Mechanism of Absorption. It is on the permea- bility of the solid parts of animal bodies that the function of absorption depends. The penetration of fluids into the interior depends on a peculiar force or power acting on them. Capil- lary attraction contributes powerfully to effect this penetra- tion of external liquids, but it is not the only force or power causing this phenomenon ; another was discovered a few years ago by Dutrochet, and called by him endosmose. If, into a little membranous sac, surmounted by a tube, water, holding gum in solution, be poured, and the apparatus be then placed in pure water, as in Fig. 2, the water will be found to rise in the tube to a considerable height. Here is then an evident absorption of water through the walls of the sac. Next reverse the experiment, by filling the sac with pure water, and placing the apparatus in gum-water, and the sac will empty itself instead of absorbing more, the pure water pass- ing through its walls in the inverse direction. ]S T ow this phenomenon has the greatest analogy with what takes place in living bodies, and partly explains it ; for the purer liquids from without pass readily through the spongy tissues of animal bodies, whilst the dense,- material within passes with more difficulty in the opposite direction. Hence the accumu- lation within, which could not take place if both passed with equal facility, and established an equilibrium. Such an equilibrium is prevented by the union of the purer liquid ZOOLOGY. with the denser liquid within the membranous sac in the one case, and within the animal body in the other. Hence the elevation of the gum- water in the tube, and the increase of weight in the living animal, both being due to one cause, namely, endosmose. 31. Organized bodies are represented by the sac as seen in Fig. 2. They are placed in a surrounding medium more fluid than that existing in their interior. Hence they absorb.* 32. Organs of Absorption. In cer- tain animals low in the scale of life, absorption consists merely in the process we have just described. In these animals there exists no regular circulation in the interior of their bodies ; but in the higher classes of animals the function is more com- plex. The fluids imbibed, as described above, pass into the interior of the vessels, and there mingle with the nourishing fluids of the animal, and thus mingled and united they pass with the blood to certain parts of the economy, wherever, indeed, that pene- trates. Thus the function of absorption becomes divided as it were into two acts ; the first, simply the act of imbibition through the tissues; the second, that of circulation through the interior of the animal. 33. In all animals the principal agent for this trans- portation of the matters absorbed to various parts of the body is the blood, acted on by the heart, to which the liquids are conveyed by the veins ; and thus it happens that in the great majority of cases these vessels play an important part in the function of absorption. 34. In many animals there exist only sanguiferous ves- sels, and the function is performed by them alone. In others * The passage of liquids through various membranous coverings is a complex subject, still open to inquiry. Thus, if spirits of turpentine be enclosed in a glass jar, as in the setting up of anatomical preparations in the usual way, by means of several layers of bladder, tin-foil, &e., it will in Time escape, and, covering the exterior of the glass, obscure the object within. If, on the other hand, only a single layer of bladder be used, none of the turpentine will escape. This curious fact was accidentally discovered by my brother. K. K. Fig. 2. OF ABSOKPTION. 15 however, and especially the more highly organized, there exists another order of vessels, destined to absorb certain Fig. 3. Thoracic Canal.* * Thoracic cavity and upper part of the abdomen, laid open to display the posterior wall. 1. The thoracic duct, or canal, lying on the front of the vertebral column, by the side of the azygos vein. 3. Origin of this canal from the lacteal vessels, and from the common lymphatics proceeding from the lymphatic ganglions of the abdomen. 4. Termination of the canal in the left subclavian vein, near its junction with the left jugular. 2. Large lymphatic vessels arising on the right side of the head, and terminating in the right subclavian and jugular veins. (Figure copied from the Traite d'Anatomie Humaine, by M. Sappey.) 16 ZOOLOGY. substances. These are called lymphatics, and they constitute a system of vessels to which the name of absorbents is more especially given. They originate in extremely fine tubes or roots in the animal tissues, and collecting into larger vessels, ultimately terminate in the veins. Their walls (parietes) are extremely fine, and they frequently communicate with each other. The point of union is called an anastomosis. In man and in the mammalia they exist almost everywhere throughout the body, and they terminate at last in a single trunk, the thoracic canal (Fig. 3), which, commencing in the abdomen, passes through the thorax, to terminate finally in the left subclavian vein. But others pass into veins in their course, and many on the right side unite to form a short trunk which enters the right subclavian vein. In their course, the lymphatics pass through small rounded bodies, called lymphatic glands. The use of these is altogether unknown. These so-called glands abound in the axillae, the groins, and in the cavities of the chest and abdomen, the neck, &c. (Fig. 35). Moreover, in the interior of these vessels there exist numerous valves, which permit the contents to circulate only in one direction, that is, towards the heart. These vessels have been proved to exist in mammals, birds, reptiles, and fishes. In some reptiles and j)atrachia they are even more complex than in the higher animals, having con- nected with them contractile reservoirs, which pulsate or contract like hearts, and may be so regarded. 35. The liquid they contain is called lymph. When not mingled with the products of digestion, it is slightly yel- lowish, and transparent. Examined by means of the micro- scope, spherical colourless globules are discovered in the lymph, smaller than those found in the blood ; left to itself it coagulates, but less strongly, like th% blood. Its composi- tion, as 'shown by chemical analysis, is water, albumen, fibrin, and various salts. Little is known of the movements of the lymph in the vessels. It ascends in the thoracic duct with considerable force, and always in one direction. 36. Absorption by means of these vessels in certain organs may be readily demonstrated by observation on living animals. Lay open the cavity of the abdomen in an animal when digestion is going on, and the lacteals will be seen filled with a milky-looking fluid, the chyle ; hence this portion of OF DIGESTION. 17 the lymphatic system has heen called lacteal. In an animal fasting, this fluid not being present, these vessels are colour- less. [The lacteals may readily be seen in an animal just dead, by spreading out the membrane supporting the small intestine, and looking attentively at it. When the chyle has left them, which it does even after death, they are not so readily detected, and may be mistaken for small veins, or vice versa. R. K.] Absorption by the veins may also be demonstrated in the same way, that is, by experiments on living animals. 37. Circumstances influencing Absorption. The first condition essential to absorption is the permeability of the tissue interposed between the substance to be absorbed and the liquids which form the means of transport to its destina- tion ; so that, cateris paribus, absorption is rapid in the direct ratio of the sponginess and softness of the tissue. It may also be laid down as a principle, that absorption is rapid in a direct ratio to the vascularity of the tissue. As absorp- tion is mostly effected by the veins, the abundance of these necessarily influences the function. Thus, anatomically, may almost be predicated the enormous differences in the rapidity with which various substances are absorbed by different tissues. Of the lungs, for example, pre-eminently so spongy and vascular, it might be predicted that absorption would in them be most rapid ; and this is in fact the case. The cellular tissue, forming the basis and connecting medium of most of the organs, is also, by its soft and spong}^ nature, the seat of rapid absorption, but less so than the lungs, as being much less vascular. . The skin, on the other hand, being but little vascular, and being at the same time covered by the almost impermeable epidermis or scarf-skin, explains why we can handle dan- gerous poisons with safety, so long as the epidermis is unbroken. A state of plethora (from 7r\r)6a), I fill) exercises an in- fluence over the rapidity of absorption. The quantity of liquids an animal body may contain is limited, and desiccation also has its limits. The nearer the animal may be to the point of plethora or saturation, the less will it absorb. Thus, poison administered to two living dogs will influence the one in a state of plethora much more slowly than the other which has been previously reduced by a copious bleed- c 18 ZOOLOGY. ing ; and finally, caeteris paribus, absorption will be less rapid as the liquids to be absorbed are less liquid and less fitted to moisten the tissues. OF DIGESTION. 38. One of the principal means by which the absorp- tion of the matters necessary for the nutrition of animals is effected, is a cavity communicating with the exterior, and into which the food is introduced. 39. Aliments. We restrict the meaning of this term, for the sake of clearness, to those substances which, being introduced into the stomach, are absorbed only after being digested. It is needless to remark that food and air are essential to the support of Ijfe. The want of food is indicated by the painful sensation we call hunger : its seat is in the stomach. This want and its sensation may be diminished and kept off by rest, sleep, and by whatever retards the vital movements. On the contrary, it is increased by activity, fresh air, and by the use of bitters. Hybernating animals, which sleep during winter, eat not, so long as the lethargy continues ; and cold-blooded animals, as fishes and frogs, can live in despite of a long- continued abstinence. But man and other hot-blooded animals and more especially, for an obvious reason, the young perish speedily when food is withheld, even for a comparatively short time. In Dante's celebrated episode of the destruction of the Ugolini family by starvation, the youngest perished first. All alimentary substances are furnished by the organic kingdoms animal and vegetable ; whatever be their origin, they may be divided into azotized elements, amylaceous or sweet, and fatty bodies. These substances differ in their nutrient qualities ; and it is a fact, prfrved by many curious experiments, that a certain number of different substances is essential for the support of life. Thus, rabbits fed upon only one article of food, as hay, wheat, cabbage, carrots, &c., die in about fifteen days ; whilst fed on these articles combined or given in succession, they live and thrive. A hygienic law, then, is, the diversity and variety in respect of food ; and experience and experiment agree as to this. OF, DIGESTION. 19 It has been proved experimentally, that substances (such as sugar, oil, gum, fat) devoid of azote do not nourish, however much they may be varied. The use of a certain number of substances, such as the muscular flesh albu- men and the gluten found in wheat, seems essential to the support of life. 40. Digestive Apparatus. The object of digestion is. 1st, to separate the nutrient part of the aliment from the non-nutrient (faces); 2nd, to convert the nutrient part into a liquid fit to mingle with the blood and thus to nourish the body. This elaboration of the food takes place, in animals, in a cavity more or less ample, communicating with the exterior, and into which the food is received, and from which the non- nutrient ' portions are expelled. Vegetables require no such apparatus. The cavity to which we allude is called the digestive. 41. In certain animals the digestive cavity is simply a pouch) having but a single entrance by which the food is received and the non-nu- trient portion is expelled (Fig. 4. a) ; and this arrange- ment prevails in most of the polyps, asterise or sea- stars ; and many other animals more complex in their struc- tures also show this arrange- ment. But, for the most part, the digestive tube or canal has two openings an entrance for the food, and an exit for the non-nutrient part, the mouth and the amis. The alimentary canal thus pig. 4> _ forms a tube, dilated at in- tervals, and with two open- ings (Fig. 5). The more important of these dilatations is called the stomach. This cavity is sometimes single, as in the carnivora ; sometimes quadruple, or at least complex, as in the herbivora ; and the reason assigned for such a com- c 2 -Hydia, or Fresh-water Polyp. 20 ZOOLOGY. plexity is, that vegetable food, being less easy of digestion, requires a longer sojourn in the stomachal cavities.* 42. A membrane, called mucous, lines the digestive cavity throughout. It is analogous to the skin, with which it is continuous, hut differs in structure. It is much softer, and in place of an epidermis is protected on its exposed surface by a reticular tissue, soft and turgid, called epithelium. Maxillary Gland. Trachea. ^ *,.. Liver...... Gall Bladder..^* Colon.-... Caecum. ,. % Small Intestine. .. Parotid Gland. Pharynx. Gullet. Thorax. Aorta. -Midriff. Stomach. Pancreas. Spleen. Kidneys. Colon. Abdomen. Rectum. Bladder. Fig. o. Digestive Apparatus of an Ape. Finally, it is more vascular than the other, and abounds with secreting pores. Externally, it possesses a muscular tunic intended to act on the contents of the tube. A serous mem- brane, large and translucent like all serous membranes, invests * The stomach is probably single in all animals, being simply subdivided in some into different compartments. In whales, though strictly carnivorous animals, the stomach is extremely complex. K. K. OF ABSOEPTION. 21 it externally in the abdomen, serving to fix it in its place, and to facilitate its movements. 43. The digestion of the food is effected mainly by the action of different humours, which the food imbibes whilst passing through the alimentary canal. These humours are chiefly the secretions from certain bodies, called glands, situ- ated around the digestive tube, and destined to pour into its cavity various liquids or secretions. The number of these secreting organs varies in different animals, but generally, they are sufficiently numerous. The more important are the salivary and gastric glands, the liver and the pancreas. 44. Finally, to facilitate the action of the digestive juices on the food, it is useful to divide it mechanically. To effect this, nature employs, as is usual, various means. Sometimes the food is compressed merely by the walls of the digestive tube ; in other animals, as in birds and crabs, the food is crushed to pieces in the stomach ; in others, as in man, the mechanical division of the food is effected by means of the teeth situated in the mouth, at the commencement of the alimentary tube itself. These are the masticatory organs and apparatus. 45. Thus the digestive tube, extremely simple in some animals, is in others very complex, extending from nearly one extremity of the trunk or torso to the other. Never- theless, its greater part is lodged in the cavity of the abdomen (Fig. 5), which in mammals is separated from the thorax by a muscle called the diaphragm, or midriff. Inferiorly it termi- nates in the pelvis (Fig. 90), the interior of which possesses a sort of muscular floor. Behind, the cavity is shut in by the spinal column, and at the sides by broad muscles extending from the thorax to the pelvis. Internally this cavity is in- vested by the serous membrane called peritoneum, by portions of which (the mesenteries) the bowels are maintained in their place, whilst other portions, extending beyond the margins of the stomach and bowels, and thus floating in the cavity of the abdomen, are called epiploons and epiplooic appendages. The various portions of the alimentary tube thus formed and located receive different names. Its first part is called the mouth ; the cavity following it, the pharynx ; next follows the gullet ; then the stomach ; and this is followed by the small intestine, itself subdivided into three portions, the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. After this follows the large intestine, terminated by the anus. 22 .* ZOOLOGY. 46. Ads of the Digestive Function. The phenomena which take place in the different portions of the digestive tube constitute a series of acts or functions all tending to one end. They may be thus classed: 1. There is the prehension of the food ; 2. The mastication ; 3. The insalivation ; 4. The deglutition ; 5. The chymification, or stomachal digestion ; (). The chylification, or intestinal digestion ; 7. Defsecation ; 8. The absorption of the chyle. Let us now examine these organs and their acts suc- cessively, in man and in the animals which most approach him. Prehension of the Food. 47. That this act varies in different animals is evident. Man employs the hands and mouth. Anatomically speaking, the term mouth includes not only the opening so-called, but the cavity into which it leads. This cavity is very complex, but may be briefly described as having two orifices, one externally, on the face, the other situated deeply, and leading to the pharynx. Its boundaries are the palate above, the Fig. 6. Jacchus Penicillatus, Ouistiti a piuceau, Marmoset. tongue and floor of the mouth below ; at the sides the cheeks ; behind, the moveable palate limits its extent, and serves the important purpose of isolating it at times from the pharynx, and of protecting the posterior nostrils. In man and in many other animals the food is placed in the mouth by the hands or anterior extremities; the lips retain it when so placed. PEEHENSION OF FOOD. 23 Certain animals introduce the food into the mouth by means of a long and protractile tongue. In others, this act is accomplished by means of a prolongation of the nose, as in the elephant (Fig. 7) j or by means of feelers Fig. 7. Head of the Asiatic Elephant. (palpi) surrounding the mouth, as in insects (Fig. 8), whilst similar organs are called tentacula in the mollusca (Fig. 10), the polyps (Fig. 4), Ac. ^ 48. The prehension of the liquid aliments or drinks is effected in two ways. Sometimes the liquid is poured Fig. 8. Jaws of the Beetle. Fig. 9. Carabe, a Beetle. into the mouth, and allowed to fall into it by its own weight; in others, it is sucked up by the mouth, either by the dilatation of the thorax or by the action of the 24 ZOOLOGY. tongue acting as a piston. Sucking is effected by this last method. Fig. 10. The Mollusk, called Calamary ; a species of Cuttle Fish ; the Loligo Sagittarius; very common in the Frith of Forth. Certain of the lower animals are destined to nourish them- selves solely by liquids found in plants or in the bodies of other animals, on which they live as parasites. Many insects are thus provided for; and their mouth, instead of presenting the ordinary structures, con- stitutes a kind of tube or a very elongated sucker, by means of which they draw up the liquids they require (Fig. 11). The details of this curious structure will be Fig. ii.-Bomby*. Variegated buzzinR fly , explained when treating a dipterous insect. OI the history OI insects. MASTICATION. 25 The liquid aliment quits the mouth, and descends imme- diately into the stomach through the pharynx and gullet. The solid part remains for a time in order to undergo the action of mastication. " Mastication. 49. Mastication is performed by the teeth. The Teeth. These organs are extremely hard substances, resembling bone, firmly fixed into the alveolar edges of either Fig. 12. Lower Jaw and Teeth of the Eabbit. jaw, and so as to act upon each other, or rather upon what- ever is placed between them. In man, whom we select as the example, each tooth is formed in a little membranous sac lodged in the thickness of the jaw itself (Fig. 14). This sac, which is named the dental capsule, is composed of two vas- cular membranes, and encloses in its interior a small pulpy germ or centre, similar to a granulation, into which ramify numerous fine nerves and vessels (Fig. 13). This pulp, called also the germ or bulb of the tooth, serves to form the tooth, gradually becoming elongated and approaching the free edge of the jaw, which it soon pierces, and so appears externally. The portion thus denuded and exposed beyond the edge of the jaw is called the corona of the tooth, whilst the portion called root remains imbedded in the jaw like a nail driven into a board. The osseous cavity thus lodging the tooth is called the alveolus, and the point of union of the corona and root is called the neck of the tooth. When the dental bulb is fixed to the bottom of its capsule by one or more pedicles, there arrives a moment when the hard part of the tooth deposited, on the surface of the bulb surrounds it on all sides, compress- ing its nourishing vessels so as to cause their obliteration. The tooth ceases then to grow, the bulb wastes away, and a 26 ZOOLOGY. central cavity alone indicates the place of this organ. But when the bulb does not exhibit this arrangement ; when it is not pedunculated, and when the tooth forms only on the upper surface, the growth of the tooth ceases not, and no central cavity is found in its interior. Fig. I4.t The large teeth found in the front of the mouth of the rabbit (Fig. 12) offer an example of this kind of dentition : and if their length does not constantly increase, it is because they are worn down by trituration on their cutting edge in proportion as they grow at the base. 50. Teeth are composed of various structures. The substance forming the greater part of the tooth, underneath, is called the ivory or dentine. The dense covering of the corona is called enamel: A third substance is occasionally found towards the extremity of the roots, or even enveloping the enamel and corona (as in the ox), to which the name of cement or cortical substance has been given. The ivory of the tooth is composed of an animal matter analogous to gelatine, of phosphate of lime (in the propor- tion of about 64 to 100 in the adult human tooth), of car- bonate of lime (amounting nearly to T ^ parts), and of a small quantity of phosphate of magnesia. The enamel, which differs somewhat in colour from the dentine or ivory, and which is hard enough to strike fire with flint, shows on analysis slight traces of an animal substance. The phosphate * Section of a dental capsule, a, capsule ; b, bulb or germ ; c, blood- vessels and nerves entering the germ ; d, first rudiments of the ivory of the tooth. . t Lower jaw of a very young infant. The outer table of the jaw has been removed to expose the capsules of the teeth enclosed in its interior, a, the gum ; b, lower edge of the jaw ; c, angle of the jaw; d, dental capsules ; e, coronoid process; f, condyle of the jaw. MASTICATION. ; of lime in its composition amounts to -^ths. The cortical substance or cement scarcely exists in the human teeth ; hut in the teeth of oxen, in which it abounds, it furnishes, by chemical analysis, 42 per 100 of organic matter, 50 per 100 of phosphate of lime, and 4 per 100 of carbonate of lime. In the ivory of the teeth of man we discover, by means of the microscope, a multitude offlexuous branching tubes of extreme tenuity (called Haversian canals), which open or terminate in the central cavity: these tubes contain calcareous matter ; they run towards the surface of the tooth, and their divisions terminate frequently in little cavities bearing a close resemblance to the little cells found in the ordinary osseous tissue. The enamel, examined under the microscope, exhibits a multitude of fibres, or rather hexagonal prisms, in appear- ance crystalline, closely pressed against each other, and directed perpendicularly towards the surface of the tooth. Finally, the cortical substance is characterized by the pre- sence of a great number of osseous cellules, and of irregular calciferous tubes. These tissues are not all met with in the teeth of all animals; the enamel and cortical substance are fre- quently absent in fishes: and occasionally the dentine, instead of containing a single medullary cavity, contains several. 51. The teeth, in some animals, instead of being Fig. 16. Osseous Head of the Whale,* with the Whalebone present. contained or fixed in the alveolar cavities (sockets), - -unite by their base with the jawbone or maxilla, becoming, as it were, a part of it : this happens in many fishes, and occasionally the teeth, instead of resembling bones, offer merely the consistence of horn. Finally, in the whalebone whale (Fig. whale- 16) the teeth seem to be replaced by large flexible bone, plates of whalebone (fanons, Fig. 15); and in other ( Fanon ^ * Mysticetus; Greenland Whale, or Whale of Commerce. Kudimentary teeth exist in the ioetus of the whale in both jaws. R. K. 28 ZOOLOGY. animals, even mammals, are wholly wanting, as in the ant- eater (Fig. 29). 52. In animals which do not masticate, but merely seize their prey with the teeth, as in crocodiles, and many other reptiles, all the teeth resemble each other : they have Fig. 17. Head of the Gavial or Gangetic Crocodile. the form of hooks or cones : but in animals which masticate, the teeth have different forms and uses. Fig. 18. Mouth of Balsenoptera Kostrata, or smaller Korqual.* Fig. 19. Skull of the Lion. Thus, in man and most mammals there exist three kinds of teeth : 1. The teeth called incisive, which have a sharp cutting edge. 2. Conical teeth, which in many animals pro- ject beyond the plane of the others ; these are the canine teeth. 3. Others, called molar, whose broad and irregular surface points out their use in the trituration of the food. The mode of implantation of these teeth in the jaws differs, as well as the form of the corona, being, in fact, in accordance * The mouth of the smaller Rorqual; it has no teeth in either jaw ; the food is caught , by the whalebone in the upper jaw. From a sketch made from life by my former assistant, E. J. Forbes. 11. K. MASTICATION. 29 with their uses. The incisive, intended only to cut or divide the food, have hut a single short root ; the canine penetrate much more deeply into the jaws than the incisives ; and the molar, called on to undergo still stronger pressure, are firmly fixed hy two or three roots into the alveolar cavities. Large Molar. Small Molar. Canine. Incisive. Not preceded by any deciduous teeth. Preceded by deciduous teeth. Fig. 20. Human Teeth. 53. The harmony of organization "between the teeth and their uses is 'such, that in general it is easy, hy a sight of the teeth of an animal, to say to what class it belongs, and to Fig. 21. Teeth of a Carnivorous Animal . Fig. 22. Teeth of an Insectivorous Animal. predict much, a priori, as to its nature. Thus, in carni- vorous animals the molars are not grinding teeth, properly so called, hut present a sharp edge, dividing the prey like a pair of scissors (Fig. 21) ; in insectivorous animals the teeth have 30 . ZOOLOGY. a tuberculated surface, rough, with conical points, so arranged as to lock into each other. In the frugivorous, living on soft fruits (Fig. 24), these teeth are simply provided with rounded Fig. 23. Teeth of an Herbivorous Animal. Fig. 24. Teeth of a Fru- givorous Animal. tubercles ; in the herbivorous these teeth have a broad, rough surface, resembling a millstone (Fig. 23). ftp! Fig. 25. Skull of the Narwhal.* Lower surface. Fig. 26. Skull of the Narwhal. Upper surface. Upper cervical vertebrae. * This and the two following figures illustrate the singular fact of the development of only one of the incisives in the upper jaw ; the other remains imbedded in the osseous tissue of the maxilla. The figures also show the re- markable want of symmetry in the cranium of certain of the cetacea. K. K. MASTICATION. 31 [The law based on a harmony of organization between the teeth and their uses and between the teeth and other organs of the body must be used with great caution. A universal law of organic harmonies no doubt exists, but its true nature has not yet been discovered. Cuvier, who boasted so much of this law, nevertheless used it with the utmost caution, and never trusted wholly to it. K. KJ Fig. 27. Skull of the young Narwhal, before the development of the left incisive, which sailors call its horn* Of all the teeth the molars are the most useful : hence their presence is much more frequent than the incisives or ca- nines. These latter, for an obvious reason, are never wanting in the carnivora; but they are not unfrequently absent in the herbivora. [The reason is not at all obvious, even where it is the case ; such teeth are wanting in the strictly carnivorous cetacea. K. K.] The canine in some animals grow to a large size, and become instruments of attack and defence (Fig. 28). 54. At birth it is seldom that the human teeth have cut the gums ; they appear usually from six months to a year after birth. The teeth which first appear are called milk teeth, or deciduous, as destined to be thrown off and to be replaced by others. They are twenty in number, namely, in each jaw ten viz., four incisives, one canine, and two molar. 32 , ZOOLOGY. About seven years of age these begin to fall or to be thrown off, and to be replaced by another series of teeth, situated in capsules imbedded more deeply in the jaws ; their roots therefore are longer, and their insertion firmer. Fig. 29. Head of the ant-eater. Myrmecophaga Jubata. Fig. 28. Head of the Boar. The. teeth of the second dentition are more numerous than those of the first : they are thirty-two in number, sixteen in each jaw ; namely, four incisives, two canine, four small or false molar, having each two roots, three true molars situated behind these, and having each three roots (Fig. 20). In old age these permanent teeth fall as did the deciduous, but they are not replaced. 55. Mechanism of Mastication. The teeth, the pas- sive instruments of mastication, are put in action by the muscles of mastication acting on the jaws. The upper jaw, forming a fixed portion of the head in mammals, moves only with the head ; but the lower, by means of its articulations, acts readily and powerfully, and by means of many muscles, and with the aid of the tongue and cheeks, forces the food in such a way between the surface of the grinding teeth as to expose it fully to their action. 56. This operation is an important one, inasmuch as the more the food is masticated the easier will be the digestion. When such instruments are wanting in> animals whose food still requires trituration, this is effected by other means. The gizzard, for example, in many birds is sufficiently strong to answer this purpose. Insalivation. 57. Whilst the food is undergoing trituration in the mouth, it imbibes saliva, which sometimes even dissolves it. 58. The saliva is formed partly in little mucous cavities hollowed out of the mucous membrane of the mouth, partly MASTICATION. 33 by glands situated around this cavity, and communicating with it. These glands are composed of small granulations, agglomerated. In man there exist three salivary glands on each side, placed around the lower jaw; the parotid, the sub- maxillary, and the sublingual. They have each an excretory duct, by which their secretions are poured into the mouth in From Valentin.* variable quantities. The follicles of the mucous membrane of the mouth are disseminated partly over the surface of the tongue and cheeks, and partly collected into two groups, situated in the isthmus or passage by which the mouth com- municates with the pharynx. These little masses of follicles are called amygdalae, or tonsils. The mixed saliva coming from these various sources is composed of 993 parts of water to 1000 of saliva. In addi- * In the act of mastication the lower jaw (a, i) is pressed against the im- movable upper one (k, g). Since the upper and lower rows of teeth are arranged symmetrically, it is only the corresponding masticatory surfaces of opposed teeth which work upon each other. D 34 ZOOLOGY. tion, there exist a peculiar principle called ptyaline and animal diastase, various salts, as sea salt or chloride of sodium, tartrate of soda, and a little uncombined soda, ren- dering the saliva alkaline. The saliva thus mixed with the food facilitates mastica- tion, assists in deglutition, and obviously aids in the digestion of some kinds of food. Deglutition. 59. In mammals, between the buccal cavity and the pharynx, is a moveable muscular partition, the pendulous palate (Fig. 31), which, during mastication, separates the two cavities from each other ; but so soon as this is accom- plished, the alimentary mass or bolus being pressed back- wards by the tongue, the pendulous palate is drawn upwards Pendulous Palate. .___ yNose. Base of the Cranium. , """ t Pharynx. Jf^jf^JjjKJ^^^^^^ Tongue. Salivary Glands. Lingual Bone. Larynx. Thyroid Gland. Trachea or Wind- (Esophagus. Fig. 31. Vertical Section of the Mouth and Throat in Man. and backwards, so as to permit of the passage of the food or drink through the isthmus into the pharynx. At this point deglutition commences, the term being applied to the DEGLUTITION. 35 passage of the food and drink from the pharynx, by the gullet, into the stomach. 60. The pharynx (Fig. 31) is the cavity immediately fol- lowing the mouth, and communicating with it hy the isthmus. It receives the food from the mouth, and the air passes hy the same passage when the nostrils are closed or obstructed. Seven openings lead to or from this cavity, the posterior nos- trils, namely, being two; the Eustachian tubes leading to the ears, two ; the opening to the mouth, one ; the opening of the v gullet, one ; the aperture leading to the lungs through the larynx and windpipe, one ; seven in all. The trachea is the tube leading into the chest, surmounted by the larynx. By this tube the air passes into the lungs, placed in the thorax, and the oesophagus or gullet passes through the chest and enters the abdomen to expand, as it were, into the stomach. By this tube the food and drink pass into that organ. 61. Whilst the alimentary bolus is passing from the mouth to the pharynx, the apertures of the posterior nostrils are protected by the pendulous palate ; the tubes leading to the ears by a peculiar mechanism, and by their direction ; the opening leading to the larynx and air passage or trachea Is protected by a cartilage of a singularly wonderful mecha- nism, closing the air tube hermetically whilst the food is passing over its upper surface; the gullet is then the only aperture left by which the food can escape from the pharynx, and this leads directly to the stomach. The movements and cou tractions required to effect these actions are numerous, complex, and quite involuntary; when disturbed, the food may penetrate into the larynx and windpipe, causing for an instant terrible distress, and certain death if not speedily relieved. Finally, the gullet being in part muscular, by its contractions the food is readily propelled into the stomach. It is almost needless to say that the gullet is nearly straight, and that the food does not descend into the stomach by its own grarity. Stomachal Digestion or Chy unification. 62. The food is changed in the stomach into the sub- stance called Chyme. The stomach (Fig. 32), is a mem- branous bag placed transversely in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, and almost immediataly below the dia- phragm ; in man it has the shape of a bagpipe, and indeed it is with the stomachs of animals having this shape that the D2 36 air reservoir of the bagpipe is made. It diminishes gradually from left to right, and is curved on itself, so that its upper edge is short and concave, its inferior, called the greater cur- vature of the stomach, convex and long. By an opening called cardiac (or, hetter, oesophageal), it communicates with the gullet; the opening leading into the small intestine is Liver. Pylorus. Gullet. Pancreas. Stomach. Gall Bladder. Large Intestine. Caecum. Appendix of the Cajcum. x Spleen. ---Colon. _. Small Intestine. "Colon. Small Intestine. Rectum. Fig. 32. Digestive Apparatus in Man. called pyloric. The walls of the stomach are very dilat- able : when empty, a number of folds may be seen internally, which disappear when the stomach is full. Little follicles or cavit'es may be seen also. The term pylorus is derived DIGESTION. 37 from the Greek word TrvXovpbs, a porter (nvXr), a gate, and ovpbs, guardian). During digestion in the stomach, the pyloric orifice is closed, and afterwards, opens to allow of the passage of the chyme into the intestine ; over the interior of the stomach are numerous small cavities called gastric fol- licles, which pour out upon the food the liquid they secrete. This liquid is the gastric juice, the most important of all the agents of digestion, for by it the food is converted into chyme. So long as the stomach is empty, it is secreted only in small quantities ; but in the organ filled with food, especially if solid, the gastric juice is secreted in abundance. Its acid properties are always well marked. 63. The alimentary substances which accumulate in the stomach being pressed on by the muscular wall of the stomach Fig. 33. Stomach of the Porpoise.* and abdomen would reascend the gullet, but are prevented by the contraction of this organ. This resistance, however, is frequently overcome, as in regurgitation and vomiting. On the other hand, the contraction of the pylorus during diges- tion retains the food for some time in the stomach. 64. The food thus retained is collected chiefly in the part called the great cul de sac of the stomach. Some See "Transactions of the Koyal Society of Edinburgh." The Memoir Cuvier for muscular fibres. 11. K. 38 ZOOLOGY. of its contents, as water, alcoholic liquids, &c., are taken up or absorbed by the walls of the stomach, and thus enter the blood without further change. Others pass the pylorus unaltered, and escape with the fseces; but the greater part undergoes the action of digestion, and is by this transformed into a pulpy semi- liquid mass, called chyme. It would appear that the alimentary fragments placed on the surface of the mass, and more immediately in contact with the walls of the stomach, imbibe the gastric juice, be- come acid, and soften from the circumference towards the centre. With time the whole mass undergoes this change, and becomes converted finally into a soft pultaceous greyish mass, of a faint and peculiar odour : this is the chyme, mingled with the debris of the food. 65. Nature of the Digestive Process. Prior to the experiments of Spallanzani, the true nature of the digestive process was not understood. He it was who first showed, by direct experiment, that the solution of the food in the living stomach was due to the action of the gastric juice; and this he proved, by enclosing the food in tubes of wood, perforated so as to allow of the action of the secreted liquids, but strong enough to resist the action of the walls of the stomach : thus proving that trituration was not the cause of digestion. He carried his experiments still further, for by withdrawing, by means of little bits of sponge secured with threads, a sufficient quantity of the gastric juice from the stomachs of crows and other birds, he imitated successfully the digestive process on food placed in close vessels, heated to a proper temperature. It is evident, then, that the gastric juice is the true solvent of the food in the stomach, and a question arises, namely, to what property it owes its active power. 66. Ascribed hitherto to the presence of the hydro- chloric and lactic acids which always enter into its composi- tion, the experiments of Eberle, Schwan, and Muller seem to prove the existence of a peculiar principle (pepsin) analogous to the action of diastase on tinder. But this substance or principle requires to be combined with an acid, the hydro- chloric or acetic for example. It can then dissolve fibrin, coagulated albumen, and the greater number of the solid alimentary bodies ; and it further produces important changes in the chemical nature of some of these bodies, as for ex- ample, in albumen. CHYLIFICATION. 39 Certain alimentary substances, as fecula and gluten, are not acted on by pepsin ; and in order to be digested they require to be previously submitted to other agents. The saliva is one of these agents ; and thus it is that in herbivorous animals there often exists, between the mouth and stomach properly so-called, a first cavity, intended to lodge the food whilst being mixed with the saliva. In the mammals called ruminants, this pouch, or first stomach as it has been called, is named the paunch (Fig. 34) ; and in birds, the jabot or crop. Gullet, Cardia. - Third Stomach. Intestine. Pylorus. St. p. d. 2nd Stomach. Paunch. Fig. 34. Stomach of the Sheep. Fatty substances used as food resist the action of these juices, and pass the stomach unaltered. It is only in the intestines that they meet an agent equal to their solution. Whilst chymification proceeds, the muscular fibres act circularly, and push the mass, at first from right to left, afterwards from left to right, towards the pylorus, by which the chyme passes on to the small intestine. This action is called peristaltic. Chylification. 67. Intestines. The portion of the alimentary canal immediately following the stomach is called the intestine, (Fig. 32.) This membranous tube, variable in its capacity, is in man about seven times the length of the body. In 40 ZOOLOGY. the purely carnivorous animals it is shorter, and in the strictly herbivorous, longer than in man, who is generally considered to be omnivorous. Thus, in the lion, it is only thrice the length of the body, whilst in the ram it measures twenty- seven times the length of the animal. The reason assigned is the facility, on the one hand, with which animal substances are digested, and the comparative slowness with which vegetable substances undergo this change. Lodged in the abdomen, the intestines are enveloped and supported by a membrane called the peritoneum ; they are further subdivided into the small and large intestines, and these names are preserved, though occasionally inapplicable to the organs described. The small intestine follows the stomach immediately, and it is in it that the digestion is completed. It forms about three-fourths of the entire length of the tract of the intestines. The smoothness of its external surface is due to its peritoneal covering ; internally, its mucous membrane presents on its surface a number of villosities and of small follicles. Many transverse folds exist, projecting into the interior of the tube: they are supposed to assist in retarding the progress of the alimentary mass, and thus effecting a more complete absorp- tion of the chyle. The villosities are considered as the means by which this absorption is effected. Anatomists divide the small intestine into duodenum, jejunum, ileum a division of but little importance in phy- siology. 68. Liver and Pancreas. The alimentary matters which have passed into the small intestine mingle with the fluids secreted by its walls and with two peculiar liquids secreted by the liver and pancreas (the bile and the pancreatic juice), two glandular organs situated in the immediate neigh- bourhood of the intestine. The liver (Fig. 32), the organ which secretes the bile, is the largest viscus in the body. It is situated in the upper part of the abdomen, mostly on the right side, and extends as far as the lower edge of the ribs. Its upper surface is convex, the lower concave and irregular ; its colour red-brown ; its substance soft, yet compact; and when torn it appears to be formed of an agglomeration of small solid granulations, in which bloodvessels abound and from which arise the excre- tory canals of the bile. These excretory canals unite so as to form smaller and CHYLIFICATION. 41 larger trunks successively, until they terminate in a single trunk, which, after a certain course, terminates in the duo- denum a short way from the pyloric orifice of the stomach. The hepatic tube thus described communicates by a short tube with the gall-bladder, which is maintained full of bile by means of the cystic duct. In the lower animals the liver is often replaced by an agglomeration of small tubes terminating in cul de sacs, and inserted by their open mouths into the branches of an excre- tory canal (as in the crabs and lobsters), or by simple but long vessels, as in insects. Finally, in beings of a very simple organization, the liver is either wanting or replaced by a glandular tissue surrounding a portion of the intestine; nevertheless, it is one of the organs found most constantly to exist in the animal kingdom. 69. The bile is a viscous liquid, greenish in colour, thready, and extremely bitter. It is always alkaline, and has a strong analogy with soap. Chemical analysis shows it to be composed of a salt formed of soda united to a fatty acid of a peculiar nature, cholesterine, a colouring principle, a little of the oleate or margarate of soda, mucus, and water. But the bile has other uses, fur- nishing peculiar substances to the blood. 70. The pancreatic juice strongly resembles saliva, physically and chemically ; but, in addition, it rapidly unites into an emulsion with fatty bodies ; the pancreatic gland,* which forms it, resembles the salivary glands in structure. In man it is a granular mass, divided into a great num- ber of lobes and lobules, firm in consistence, and of a greyish colour, slightly reddish, situated transversely between the stomach and vertebral column (Fig. 32). From each of the granulations there arises a fine duct, and all these reunite to form a canal which opens into the duodenum close to the entrance of the bile duct. 71. Formation of the Chyle. The chyme formed in the stomach enters the intestine by the pyloric orifice of this viscus, and passes through the intestine by its peristaltic motion. During this passage it mingles with the bile, pan- creatic juice, and other secretions from the mucous mem- brane of the intestine, and gradually changes its properties ; it becomes bitter, yellowish, less and less acid, then alkaline ; * From nav, all, and /cpe'as, flesh* 42 ZOOLOGY. the amylaceous and fatty bodies which had resisted the action of the gastric juice are now acted on by the bile and pancreatic juice ; and various gases are disengaged from the alimentary mass distending the intestine. These gases are chiefly car- bonic acid gas and hydrogen ; sometimes nitrogen. Finally, the more fluid parts of the chymous mass are absorbed by the lacteals, which become rarer and rarer towards the lower portion of the small intestine, until they are no longer to be found, and the mass formed by the remains of the chyme, by the bile, and other humours already mentioned, acquires in this portion of the tube more consistence, assumes a brown colour, and thus passes into the large intestine. Expulsion of the Residue left after Digestion. 72. The alimentary matters which do not admit of digestion require to be expelled from the body. For this purpose they are collected into the large intestine. The Large Intestine (Fig. 32) is continuous with the small, and in most mammals is easily distinguished from it by its irregular cellular aspect. Anatomists divide it into caecum, colon, and rectum. The caecum,* situated in the right iliac region, is prolonged into a cul de sac, beyond the point of insertion of the small intestine. At its lower ex- tremity it communicates with a small tube, the appendix vermiformis, which may be considered as a prolongation of the caecum. A very perfect valve, formed of folds, and situated internally at the junction of the small intestine with the large, is placed so as to prevent or impede the return of whatever has passed from the small into the larger bowel. The colon is a continuation of the caecum. It traverses the abdomen immediately beneath the stomach, gains the left side, and, descending to the edge of the pelvis, is con- tinuous with the rectum. This latter terminates at the anus. 73. The residue of the food passing from the caecum and colon to the rectum, remains there for a certain time. The matter has now acquired considerable consistence and a peculiar odour. Gases are developed which differ from those * The ceecum (cacus, blind) forms a cul de sac at the commencement of the large intestine. ABSORPTION OF PRODUCTS AFTER DIGESTION. 43 generated in the small intestine; they are the carbonated hydrogen, and a little sulphuretted hydrogen. Fleshy fibres, forming a sphincter, constantly in action, surround the aperture of the bowel, and thus prevent the escape of its contents, until the moment arrives for its evacua- tion. This is effected mainly by the muscular action of the bowel itself, assisted occasionally by the diaphragm and levatores ani muscles. 74. Theory of Digestion. The object of digestion is to fit the food for absorption by the lacteals. A portion of the alimentary mass being soluble in water, is of consequence directly dissolved by the saliva, the gastric juice, and the water swallowed as part of our food, without the intervention of any special active principle. The animal diastase con- tained in the saliva possesses the property of transforming fecula into glucose, and thus determines the solubility of a portion of the amylaceous matters introduced into the stomach. The pepsin contained in the gastric juice acts in an analogous manner upon the fibrin, albumen, &c., and liquefies these sub- stances in the cavity of the stomach. The fecula which may have resisted the action of these agents, and has reached the intestine untouched, there meets with the pancreatic fluid, whose action is analogous to that of the salivary secretions, and thus the solution of the amylaceous portions of the food is completed. Finally, the fatty matters, which also have escaped the action of the saliva and gastric juice, are formed into emulsions by the action of the pancreatic secretion, and sometimes by the aid of the alkali contained in the bile; and just as these various solutions go on, the product is taken up by the absorbents in connexion with the walls of the stomach and intestine. Certain of the substances thus dissolved under- go modifications in their chemical nature. Thus the sugar of the sugar-cane is changed into glucose ; but the most impor- tant and most general of the phenomena connected with digestion is the liquefaction of the alimentary matters. Absorption of the Products of Digestion. 75. The nutritive matter thus extracted from the ali- ment has now to pass into the mass of blood, which fluid it is destined to renovate. Some of the liquids and soluble matters introduced into the stomach and intestine are absorbed directly by the veins 44 ZOOLOGY. which abound in the walls of these organs ; but the greater part of the fibrin and fatty matters which form the chyle follows another route, and penetrates another system of vessels, by which it reaches the veins, but in an indirect way. These vessels, called indifferently lacteals,^ or chyliferous vessels, form a portion of the absorbent or lymphatic system of vessels. (See 34.) They originate in the villosities of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, and unite into branches or single vessels, which are placed between the two Aorta. Thoracic Canal. Lymphatic Ganglions. {Kadicles of the chyliferous vessels. Intestine. Lymphatic Vessels. Mesentery. Fig. 35. Chyliferous Vessels. folds of the mesentery. In their course towards the thoracic duct, these lacteals pass through the ganglions called mesen- teric (Fig. 35). Again assuming the form of single vessels on emerging from these ganglions, they proceed to the thoracic duct, in which they terminate. By means of this duct, the * From the milk-like appearance of the chyle which they contain. The lacteals proceeding from the intestine to the lymphatic glands or ganglions are called vasa afferentia, and those from the glands to the thoracic duct Txisa ejferentia. OF THE BLOOD. 45 chyle thus formed is conveyed into the left subclavian vein (Fig. 3). 76. When an animal has been kept without food for some time, these vessels are nearly empty ; but when diges- tion is going on rapidly they become filled with chyle, the colour of which is white, like milk ; and hence the name of lacteals given to them by their discoverers. The absorption of the chyle seems to take place chiefly by means of the villosities ; for so soon as this phenomenon com- mences, they become swollen, like sponges filled with milk by imbibition. From these the chyle passes into the lymphatic (lacteal) vessels, by a process as yet unknown ; and after traversing the mesenteric glands, proceeds by other lacteals from these glands to the thoracic duct. The cause of this iipward and onward movement of the chyle towards the veins is not well known. 77. Chyle. This liquid varies in appearance according to the animal and the kind of food which has been used. In man and in most mammals it is of a milky- white colour, of a peculiar odour and brinish alkaline taste. Examined by the microscope, it seems composed of a serous liquid, holding in suspension fatty drops and circular globules. Chyle formed from food not including fatty matters is much less opaque than that having in its composition oil and fat. In birds, the chyle is almost always transparent. Taken from the lacteals near their origin in the intestines, the chyle is found to be composed mostly of albuminous matters; but examined in the thoracic duct, near its junction with the subclavian vein, it is found to contain fibrin, in- creasing in quantity the nearer to its passage into the venous blood. On the presence of this substance depends its property of spontaneous coagulation, like the blood. It now becomes of a light rose-colour, and reddens slightly on exposure to the air. In brief, it more and more resembles the blood, with which it finally mingles in the left subclavian vein. We have traced the elaborated nutritive matter to the blood. This fluid must now engage our attention, also the manner in which it is distributed to all parts of the body. OF THE BLOOD. 78. In animals of the simplest structure, all the liquids of the animal economy resemble each other. It seems, in- 46 ZOOLOGY. deed, to be only water charged with a certain amount of organic particles; hut in animals higher in the scale of heing, the humours cease to he of the same nature, and there is one, distinct from all the others, destined to nourish the body : this fluid is the blood. It not only nourishes the body, but is the source whence are drawn all the secretions, such as the saliva, urine, bile, and tears. 79. In mammals, birds, reptiles, fishes, and in most animals of the class annelides, the blood is red. But in the greater number of the lower animals the blood presents various hues and density, being often thin or watery, and slightly yellow or green, rose-coloured or lilac. It is diffi- cult, therefore, to be seen, and for a long time these animals were called bloodless or exsanguineous. Those animals with white blood are very numerous ; all insects, for example. 5 * The Crustacea of all sorts have only white or pale-coloured blood; and in this category may be placed all the mollusca, zoophytes, and intestinal worms. 80. By the use of the microscope we discover that the blood of a red-blooded animal is composed of a yellowish transparent liquid, called serum, and of a number of small solid corpuscles which float in the serum, called blood glo- bules. 81. Globules of the Blood. Before birth, the globules have dimensions and even a form different from what they afterwards acquire. Thus in the chick the globules of the blood are at first circular ; and it is only at a more advanced period of incubation that the globules assume an elliptic form. After birth the globules never vary. In all animals of the same species the globules have the same form and nearly the same dimensions. It is not so with different species. It has been observed also that in animals of the same class the blood globules resemble each other, but differ from those of other classes. In the first, they have nearly all the same form; but in those of a diffe- rent class, they may vary not only in dimensions but even in form. Thus, in man (Fig. 36) and in most mammals the globules of the blood are circular. In the camel and lama, * The red-coloured liquid which appears when the head of these insects is crushed is not blood, but comes from the eyes. OF THE BLOOD. 47 however, they are elliptic. In birds, reptiles, batrachia, and fishes, they are elliptic (Fig. 37.) The corpuscles are always microscopic; and in (g) man, and in mammals generally, they are extremely (^ *=* small. In man, the dog, rabbit, and some others, \3J ^ their diameter is from the three-thousandth to the -p. 36 * four-thousandth part of an inch. In birds, the globules are larger than in mammals. In the reptiles and batrachia they are still larger. In the proteus they attain their maximum. Finally, in fishes, the blood globules ^ are intermediate between those of birds and the batrachia. Moreover, the blood globules are always flattened, and present a central spot or nucleus, surrounded with a rim or border. Their structure is extremely difficult to be clearly made out ; but when seen to most advantage, they seem to be composed of a central nucleus and an envelope resembling a bladder. This envelope being depressed, gives to the globule the appearance of a disc swollen in the middle. It is of a reddish colour, and seems formed of a substance re- sembling jelly, but very elastic. The central nucleus is of a spheroidal form, and is not coloured. In mammals the nucleus is not distinct, and the central portion is depressed ; but analogy induces us to suppose that, as in other animals, it is also present in man. Other globules, spherical and colourless, exist in the blood, resembling greatly those observed in the chyle ; from being mingled with the red globules they are not readily ob- served. 82. In the white blood of the invertebrate kingdom, globules are also found, but different from those described ; the size varies much in the same individual, and their surface has a raspberry appearance; their form is generally spherical, * Globules of the human blood, magnified nearly 400 times (in diameter). f Elliptic globules of the blood in birds, batrachia, and fishes ; a, globules of the blood in the domestic fowl, seen in profile; b, globules of the blood in the frog; c, globules of the blood in a fish of the shark kind (equally magnified) . Fig. 37.f 48 ZOOLOGY. but neither a central nucleus nor external envelope is to be seen. 83. Composition of the Blood. The composition of the blood is very complex. In the higher animals we find water, albumen, fibrin, a colouring matter containing iron, a yellow colouring matter, several fatty substances, as cholesterine, cerebrine (a substance containing phosphorus) ; many salts, as chloride of sodium or sea salt, sulphate of potass, carbonate of soda, hydrochlorate of potass, hydrochlorate of ammonia, the carbonates of lime and magnesia, with phos- phates of soda, lime, and magnesia ; the lactates of soda, the alkaline salts formed by the fatty acids; finally, free carbonic acid, nitrogen, and oxygen. But this complexity, great though it be, is yet below the reality, for there certainly exist other substances in the blood which chemistry cannot demonstrate, by reason, probably, of our imperfect means of analysis. By arresting, for example, the secretion of the urine from the blood, various matters will then be found mixed with the blood which could not be previously detected, but which are presumed to have been present under the same or other un- known forms. The substances enumerated as entering into the compo- sition of the blood compose nearly all the parts of the animal economy : the albumen forms the basis of many tissues, the fibrin is the constituent part of the muscles, and the salts enter into the composition of the bones and of many hu- mours ; and from the whole of the facts known, it may be safely concluded that the materials destined to become flesh, bile, urine, &c., already exist in the blood, the organs which are to appropriate them merely drawing them from the blood, but not forming them : and thus there exists some reason for calling the blood liquid flesh. .84. The proportions in which these constituent parts of the blood exist vary much in different animals; and as regards the solid and liquid elements, they may differ in the same individual at different times. In man the globules arc more numerous, and the watery part less than in woman; temperament also exercises some influence in this respect. In 100 parts of the blood in man, we find 79 parts of water, 19 of albumen, 1 part of salts, with some traces only of fibrin and colouring matter. In birds, the proportion of water in the blood is less; but in the batrachia and in fishes the amount is greater. In the OF THE BLOOD. 49 frog, for example, there are 88 parts of water in 100 of the blood. Analogous differences are observed in comparing the relative qualities of the serum and globules of the blood in different animals; while as we shall subsequently see there exists a remarkable relation between the amount of the globules and the animal heat. Birds, of all animals, have the blood richest in red "globules, and in them the animal heat is greatest. Mammals, less warm than birds, have from 7 to 12 per cent., whilst in reptiles and fishes, the proportion does not exceed 5 or 6 per cent, of the whole weight of the blood. 85. Coagulation of the Blood. In its ordinary con- dition the blood is always fluid: withdrawn from the vessels of the living animal, and left for a time to itself, it sepa- rates into two portions, a semi-solid mass and a liquid portion, in which the mass floats ; the solid part is called the dot. This phenomenon (the formation of the clot) is due to the presence of fibrin in the blood ; it is held in solution in the serum during life, but when this loses its influence over it, it solidifies, inclosing with it the red globules, and thus forming the red gelatinous mass called the clot. The simple experi- ment of beating up the blood with little rods as it flows from the veins, and thus removing the fibrin, which adheres to the rods, proves that the coagulability of the blood depends on the presence of this substance. Another experiment equally simple shows that the fibrin is contained in the serum, and not in the red globules, as -was long supposed. Throw on a filter the blood of a frog ; all the serum may be made to pass, and the globules retained ; in the serum thus separated from the globules a clot is formed, which, however, is colourless. 86. Use of the Blood. The blood is the special agent of nutrition, and the general restorer of what is lost. 87. But in addition, it is proved, by the simple experi- ments of bloodletting and of transfusion, to form an essential stimulus for the performance of the functions of life. By severe bloodletting or loss of blood we become enfeebled and seemingly dead ; but if, before this happens, the blood of another animal be transfused into the veins of the suffering individual, the vitality is restored. The importance of the globules is also proved by the same experiment, for if simple serum be so transfused, death takes place. 50 ZOOLOGY. The fibrin of the blood also plays an important part, for M. Magendie has shown that when blood deprived of its fibrin is injected into the veins of a dog, the animal dies with symptoms resembling those of putrid fevers. 88. The influence of the blood over nutrition may also be readily demonstrated. Withdraw the blood more or less from any organ, and it gradually wastes away in proportion to the quantity withdrawn; on the contrary, the greater size of the muscles in those who employ them actively, and hence draw to them a larger amount of blood, is well known. 89. The blood, by thus acting on the organs, loses its nourishing properties. It reaches them of a bright vermilion colour ; as it leaves them it is dark and sombre-coloured, and has lost its qualities of maintaining life. But the blood thus altered has its vital properties restored by being exposed to the atmosphere. This important function is called Respira- tion. The blood which has been exposed to the air is called arterial : that which has already acted on the organs is called venous ; the latter is chiefly distinguished by its dark colour. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 90. The circulation of the blood in man and mammals was discovered by Harvey in 1619. In order to nourish all the parts of the body, it is neces- sary that the blocd should be conveyed to these parts by means of vessels; and that, to circulate in these vessels, there should be a power or organ equal to the production of such a movement. But it is also necessary, in the higher animals, that the blood should be passed through the respiratory organs, in order to be exposed to the action of the air ; hence the necessity of a circulation of the blood through the lungs, as well as through the body, and hence both a pulmonary and a systemic circulation. 91. Apparatus of the Circulation. In certain of the lower animals, the air penetrates into the tissues through pores situated on the surface of the body ; but in all the higher animals, and in many of the lower, there exists a very complex apparatus for the circulation of the blood : 1. A system of tubes or canals, destined to convey the blood into the various parts of the body. 2. An organ destined to put CIBCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 51 this fluid in motion. In other words, bloodvessels and a heart. The heart is the centre of the circulatory apparatus : it is a pouch or bag, more or less complex, into which the hlood is returned by the veins, and from which it passes to the body, thus constantly circulating. It is, in fact, a forcing-pump placed at the centre of the circulatory system. Most animals, from man to the spider, have a heart ; but the arrangement differs in the various classes of animals. The bloodvessels are of two kinds : 1. Arteries, which convey the aerated blood into the various parts of the body. 2. Veins, which re-convey the blood to the heart from the body. The arteries, proceeding from the heart, divide and subdivide in their course as they proceed, until they become exceedingly small : the veins follow a different course ; they commence by extremely fine roots, and collect into large branches and trunks as they proceed towards the heart, in the arteries, the motion of the blood is from the heart ; and in the' veins, towards the heart. The arteries terminate, and the veins commence, in a fine network of vessels formed by both; the vessels composing this net- work are called capillary. The heart being thus placed between the termina- tion of the veins and the commencement 'of the arteries, the movement of the blood in man and higher animals is a complete circle, the blood always return- ing to the point from which it started ; hence it has been called the circulation of the blood. In all animals in which the respira- tion is performed by a special organ, the blood is sent to it from the heart, and retires from it by a special system of canals ; the circulation thus established is called the respiratory or the lesser circulation, whilst that through the body is called the greater. We shall consider, first, the circulation in man, Fig. 38. Capillary Ves- and this will serve as a standard of sels in the Foot of the comparison with others. * a, arteries, culating fluids. , veins. The arrows point out the direction of the cir- E 2 52 ZOOLOGY. Description of the Circulation of the Blood in the Higher Animals. 92. The Heart. In man, and all animals similarly or- ganized, the heart is lodged "between the lungs and in the cavity of the chest called by anatomists the thorax (Figs. 5 and 58) : its lower extremity is directed somewhat obliquely towards the left side and forwards ; and its upper extremity, from which spring the great vessels, is fixed to the neigh- vj ac i ac vj T> . . T Eight Lung. od vc iid a vg Fig. 39. Lungs, Heart, and Principal Vessels in Man.* bouring parts, nearly in the mesial plane of the body. Throughout the rest of its extent the heart is free, but is surrounded by a fibro- serous membrane, called the pericar- dium, which not merely forms a shut sac for containing the heart, but gives to its surface a smooth covering, by which it * od, vd, right auricle and ventricle; vg, left ventricle; a, aorta; ac, carotid arteries ; vc, vena cava inferior j vj, jugular veins j t % trachea. THE BLOODVESSELS. 53 is enabled to move freely in the cavity so formed; an aqueous fluid, the liquor pericardii, lubricates it at all times.* The general form of the heart is that of a cone or irregular pyramid reversed ; it is almost wholly flesh, hollow, and in man about the size of the closed hand or fist. In all the mammalia and in birds the heart is composed of four cavi- ties, namely, a right auricle and ventricle, and a left auricle and ventricle ; these are separated from each other by a ver- tical septum (Fig. 40), cutting off all communication between those of the right side and those of the left. Each auricle communicates only with its corresponding ventricle (Figs. 40 and 42). The two ventricles occupy the lower part of the heart, and do not communicate with each other, but with their cor- responding auricles. The orifices are called the auriculo- VenaCavaSup. Art.Pulm. Aorta. Art.Pulm. Pulmonary Veins. Eight Auricle. Tricuspid Valve. Inferior Vena Cava. Eight Ventricle. Pulmonary Veins. Left Auricle. Mitral Valve. Left Ventricle. Septum. Aorta. Fig. 40. Theoretical Section of the Heart in Man. ventricular orifices, right and left. The left cavities of the heart contain arterial blood ; the right, venous. The auricles, having to propel the blood only into the ventricles, are not so * The pericardium is a fibro-serous membrane. By investing the surface of the organs, as well as the walls of the cavities containing them, the serous membranes provide for the friction of such organs as are in constant motion, as the brain, heart, lungs, and abdominal viscera : analogous membranes are found in the articulations. ZOOLOGY. Temporal Artery Art. Pediosa. Vertebral Artery. Subclavian Artery. Axillary Artery. Brachial Artery. Peroneal Artery. Fig. 41. Arterial System in Man. THE BLOODVESSELS. 55 fleshy in their walls as the ventricles ; and of these the left is much the stronger, as it has to drive the hlood through the whole hody excepting the lungs ; whilst the right ventricle merely propels it through the lungs. 93. The Bloodvessels. These vessels are divided into arteries and veins. The walls of these tubes are formed of membranes or tissues. In the arteries there are three tissues : the inner, continuous with the inner membrane of the heart, resembles the serous membranes ; the middle tissue is fibrous and elastic ; the outer tissue, cellular and also elastic. The fibres of the middle tissue are disposed circularly. In the veins, the middle tissue is not so distinct, being composed merely of fibres, irregularly disposed ; these are soft, exten- sible, and longitudinal. Thus the physical properties of the veins and arteries differ widely. The veins have thin walls, which collapse when the vessels are empty ; and they heal easily when wounded. On the contrary, the arteries when cut across, remain open, and when wounded do not heal so perfectly ; in order to close, they must be obliterated, either by pressure or by the use of the ligature. 94. Arterial System. From a single artery, called the aorta, springing from the left ventricle of the heart, all the arteries of the body arise. It must, however, be borne in mind that the artery called the pulmonary springs from the right ventricle, and carries the venous blood to the lungs. The accompaning figure (41) explains perfectly the course of this great artery (the aorta), from its commencement in the heart to its termination ; also of all the great branches which arise from it. 95. Venous System. The veins originating in the capillary vessels, in which the arteries terminate, follow . pretty nearly the course of the arteries ; but they are more numerous and more superficial. Many are situated imme- diately beneath the skin, imbedded in the superficial fascia of the body. Others follow the course of the arteries, to termi- nate however at length in two large trunks, which empty themselves into the right auricle of the heart (Fig. 39). ^ The veins of the intestines present this remarkable anomaly that they unite into a single trunk, which, instead of joining the venous system, directly proceeds towards the liver, and is ramified through that organ after the manner of an artery ; * A smaller vein, called coronary, returns the blood which has circulated in the walls of the heart into the same cavity. R. K. 56 3?ig. 42. Vertical Section of the Human Heart.* tnese tendons oemg attacnea oy tneir otner extremities to me nesny columns and fleshy walls of the ventricle. 3. Cavity of the right auricle. 4. Fleshy columns strengthening the walls of the cavity. 5. Orifice of the great MECHANISM OF THE CIRCULATION. 57 but the veins which leave the liver unite with the vena cava inferior before that vessel enters the right auricle. 96. Lesser Circulation. The venous blood conveyed into the right auricle by the two cavae and by the coronary vein, passes from this auricle into the right ventricle, and by its action is driven along the pulmonary artery into the lungs (Figs. 39 and 40). The latter vessel is called an artery, although it carries only venous blood. In the right lung it divides into three branches, and in the left into two ; thus corresponding as it were with the number of the lobes of each lung. 97. The pulmonary veins, as they are called, carry back from the lungs the whole of the blood which has been conveyed to these organs by the pulmonary artery. In the capillary system of these vessels, the blood has been in the mean time aerated, revivified, and arterialized, and fitted once more to perform its part in renovating the organs and maintaining life. From the left auricle, in which the four pulmonary veins terminate, the blood passes into the left ventricle, and by its powerful action is driven through the aorta and its branches into all parts of the body, to return once more by the veins to the right auricle of the heart. Thus is completed the double circulation in man, mammals, and birds. Mechanism of the Circulation. 98. Movements of the Heart. The cavities of the heart being muscular, contract and dilate : the dilatation is called the diastole,* the contraction, systole.-^ As the auricles of the heart dilate, they receive the blood, the right that of the body, the left, that which is returning from the lungs ; when full, they contract on their contents, forcing the blood into the ventricles ; these in their turn suffer dilatation as they fill, and, contracting suddenly, force the blood, the right into the pulmonary artery, the left into the aorta. These movements of the heart continue whilst life endures, and are much influenced by various circumstances, such as exercise, disease, &c. The number of these contractions, usually felt in the radial artery at the wrist, varies with years ; they are most frequent in the young, and average about seventy in the adult, at noon. They are affected by every change in the position of the body. * From Siaore'AAco, I dilate, f From crvoreAAw, I enclose. 58 ZOOLOGY. 99. Passage of the Blood into the Cavities of the Heart. This has been already de- a scribed, but may be thus again briefly adverted to. The blood having an arterial character, returns from the lungs into the left auricle. This auricle communicates with the left ventricle by an opening called the left auriculo-ventricular aperture, through which the blood flows from the auricle into the ventricle. In this passage is placed a valve, called mitral, permit- ting the blood to pass, but not to re- turn. The arterial blood now collected in the ventricle is acted on by this fleshy cavity, and forced into the aorta ; at the entrance of the aorta are three valves, Fig. 43. Section of the Heart.* Fig. 44. Valvules of the Heart and Arteries.t * Theoretic section of the heart, to show the mechanism of the play of the valves : a, auricle receiving the veins e e ; b, ventricle separated from the auricle by the valvules c ; d, fleshy bridles or stays of these valvules ; -f, artery springing from the ventricle j g, valvules situated at the entrance of the artery. t Upper surface of the heart, the auricles having been removed. 1, auriculo-ventricular orifice, obliterated by the tricuspid valve ; 2, fibrous ring surrounding the orifice ; 3. left auriculo-ventricular orifice, surrounded by a ring, and closed by the mitral valve ; 4, orifice leading into the aorta from the left ventricle, closed by the semilunar valves ; 5, orifice leading into the pulmonary artery from the right ventricle, also provided with three semilunar valves. MECHANISM OF THE CIECULATION. 59 the semilunar, permitting the blood to flow freely into the artery but not to return into the ventricle ; distributed by the aorta and its branches to every part of the body and to the fleshy walls of the heart itself, the blood is taken up by the venous capillaries, and returned to the right auricle by the two venae cavse and coronary vein; collected in this auricle it is strictly venous blood, but has already received the product of digestion. From this auricle, and by its action, the blood is driven through the right auriculo-ventri- cular orifice into the right ventricle ; the tricuspid valve per- mits it to pass into the ventricle, but not to return. By the action of this ventricle the blood is forced into the pulmonary artery, and by it to the lungs, thence to be returned (aerated) to the left auricle by means of the pulmonary veins. At the entrance of the pulmonary artery there are, as in the aorta, three semilunar valves, permitting the blood to pass freely into the artery, but not to return. From the mechanism alone of the valves alluded to, the circulation of the blood might easily have been foretold. 100. Course of the Blood in the Arteries. Contrary to what might have been expected, the blood flows in the arteries in a continued stream, and with considerable force. This is due chiefly to the action of the heart itself, but partly also to the elasticity of the arteries themselves. The influence of the elasticity of the walls of the arteries on the passage of the blood is proved by placing two ligatures, at a certain distance from each other, on a large artery in a living animal, and then puncturing the vessel at any point between the ligatures. The blood contained in this insulated portion of the vessel is thrown out of it with considerable force. Thus, by means of the elasticity of the arteries, the jet of blood, or the intermittent movement impressed on the blood by the action of the heart, is transformed into a continuous' flow or stream. In the capillaries, it is presumed that the blood flows on by this means alone ; but some suppose them to be muscular. 101. Thus the left cavities of the heart perform the function of a double forcing-pump (Fig. 45), so arranged, that the two pistons alternate in their movements; thus the liquid chased from the first body of the pump (a) is introduced into the second (5), without being able to retrace its steps, and is thrown by this second pump into the canal (f) representing the arterial system. 60 ZOOLOGY. Fig. 45.* 102. When the finger is gently pressed against an artery resting on a firm surface, as a bone, an impulse or jet is felt to strike the finger regu- larly. This is due to the action of the left ven- tricle on the fluid, and is a phenomenon pro- duced in a great measure by the pressure exer- cised by the finger. It is called the pulse, and is most usually felt at the wrist (Fig. 41), the radial artery being fa- vourably placed in this respect. 103. The blood does not reach all the organs with the same swiftness. Distance from the heart is one cause : but it is not the only one. The arteries run mostly in a tortuous manner, and this causes, as is well known, a retardation of the fluid circulating. By a vast increase of minute branches, the blood is spread into many channels ; hence arises another cause of retardation as regards the arteries. Finally, Nature, all-fore- seeing, provides, by numerous anastomoses or junctions of the vessels, for any accidental stoppage or obliteration of the larger or smaller trunks. 104. Course of the Venous Blood. The blood passes, by means of the capillaries, from the arteries into the veins. The impulsion it first receives from the heart determines its course in the veins. This is proved experimentally, by placing a ligature on the artery supplying certain veins, and thus cutting off the action of the heart ; the hsemorrhage from a punctured vein will cease, even although the vein be full of blood, and will return when the action of the heart is allowed to influence it, by removing the ligature from the artery. * a, body of the pump representing the auricle, and receiving the liquid by the canal c; b, body of the pump representing the ventricle ; d, canal of communication, representing the auriculo-ventricular orifice, furnished with a sucker permitting the fluid to pass from a to b, but opposing its return ; e y the sucker or valve, situated at the opposite orifice of the pump b, repre- senting the semilunar valves of the aorta, and having the same action as the preceding valve or sucker ; /, canal, representing the aorta. COURSE OF THE BLOOD IN ANIMALS. 61 But there are other circumstances influencing the motion of the blood in the veins. These vessels, and more especially those of the limbs, are provided with valves (b), permitting the blood to flow towards the heart, but preventing its reflux toward the capillaries. Every intermittent compression of these vessels contributes to the return of the blood to the heart. 105. The dilatation of the chest caused by respiration faci- litates the return of the blood towards the heart. By expira- tion the movement of the blood in the veins is momentarily in- terrupted ; and the double motion observed in the brain, when a portion of the skull-cap has been removed, is due partly to respi- ration, partly to the resistance which the base of the brain offers to the dilatation of the arteries situated between the base and the skull. 106. The course of the venous blood, and the mecha- nism of the cavities through which it passes from the veins to the lungs, by means of the right auricle, ventricle, and pulmonary artery, has been already described. In the capillaries of the pulmonary artery the blood is changed into arterial, and so returns by means of the pulmonary veins to the left auricle of the heart. Course of the Blood in Different Animals. 107. Mammals and Birds. The circulation in these two classes of animals is the same (47). It is what is called a double circulation, the blood passing through two sets of capillaries one belonging to the body, the other to the lungs; the former serving for the nutrition of the body, the latter for the aeration of the blood. This kind of circulation has also been called complete, which means that the whole of the blood circulates through the lungs before being restored to the body. Before birth there exists an opening between the right and Fig. 46. Vein, laid open. 62 ZOOLOGY. Smaller Circulation. Pulmonary Artery. Eight Auricle. Heart. 1 Venae Cavae. Eight Ventricle. ' Pulmonary Veins. Left Auricle. Left Ventricle. Greater Circulation. Fig. 47. Mammals and Birds. Smaller Circulation. Vense Cavae. Fig. 48. Eeptiles. Heart. Aorta. ' Single Ventricle. Greater Circulation. COURSE OF THE BLOOD IN ANIMALS. 63 Smaller Circulation. Ventricle. | Auricle. Veins. Fig. 49. Fishes. - Heart. -, Dorsal Artery. Greater Circulation. Smaller Circulation. Fig. 50. Crustacea.* Branchio-Cardiac Canals. Heart. Arteries. Greater Circulation. * In all these figures the shaded parts represent the veins ; the parts simply traced represent the arteries ; the dotted circle represents the heart. Finally, the arrows point out the direction of the sanguine current, which is the same in all the figures. 64 ZOOLOGY. left auricles, by which the blood conveyed to the heart by the vena cava inferior passes directly into the left auricle. This blood comes mostly from the placenta. The pulmonary artery also, before birth, divides into three branches instead of two, as in the adult ; the centre branch passes into the aorta. This peculiar mechanism connected with foetal life dis- appears soon after birth, leaving merely traces of its existence. 108. Reptiles. In this class the - circulation is not com- plete. The heart has only three cavities instead of four, as in mammals and birds namely, two auricles and one ventricle (Fig. 48) ; the venous blood coming from the various parts of the body is poured by the right auricle into the single ven- tricle, which receives also the arterial blood from the left auricle a portion of this mixed blood is returned to the lungs, and the rest proceeds to nourish the body. The circu- lation in reptiles resembles somewhat that of the foetus of the higher classes of animals. From the heart (ventricle) there proceed two arteries or aortce, which, after having each fur- nished a cross or arch, one to the right the other to the left, reunite to form a single trunk (51). In some reptiles, the crocodile for example, the circulation is somewhat different. We shall describe it when speaking of these animals. 109. Fishes. In Fishes the circulation may be said to be still more simplified. The heart has only one ventricle and one auricle. This auricle receives only venous blood returned to it from all parts of the body. From this cavity it passes into the ventricle, from which springs a single artery, having at its origin a strong arterial bulb (Fig. 49). Through this single artery it is conveyed first to the gills, and the vessels returning from these unite to form a single dorsal artery (the aorta), by whose branches the blood is conveyed to all parts of the body, returning by the veins to the auricle from which it started. Nevertheless, the circulation is here complete, since all the blood is aerated before its employ- ment in nourishing the body (Fig. 49, p. 63). 110. Mollusca. In most of the mollusca the circulation resembles that of fishes, but the heart is aortic and not pul- monary that is to say, it is placed in the course of the blood proceeding from the respiratory apparatus to the body, and the venous system is more or less incomplete. The heart in these animals is composed usually of a ventricle (Fig. 53 h), whence spring the arteries (i), and of one or two auricles in communication with the vessels (o), which carry the arterial MECHANISM OF THE CIECULATION. 65 blood from the respiratory apparatus (d), which this liquid reaches by venous canals more or less complete (n). Thjs is the case in snails, oysters, and all acephala, as well as the class gasteropoda ; but sometimes there exist no auricles, and a kind of venous hearts is found altogether distinct from the aortic ventricle, and situated at the base of the respiratory organs ; this takes place in the sepia, and other cephalopoda. How- ever it may be, the arterial blood in all these animals tra- verses the heart, then proceeds to all the parts of the body, and is afterwards directed towards the respiratory organs. But in this latter part of its course, the blood is not always contained in vessels properly so called. Sometimes the veins are altogether wanting, their place being supplied by lacunae, or void spaces filling up the intervals of the organs ; at other times veins exist in some parts of the body, whilst elsewhere in the same animal their place is supplied by venous canals, having no proper tunic, but consisting merely of the inter- organic lacunae, or the large cavities of the body, as the abdominal cavity (m, Fig. 53). Finally, the blood, after having undergone the action of the air, returns to the heart to com- mence its course anew. 111. Crustacea. In lobsters, crabs, and other animals of this class, the blood follows the same course as in the mol- lusca ; only the heart, destined to transmit the blood to all parts of the body, consists of a single ventricle (Fig. 50), and the veins are everywhere replaced by irregular cavities, which have not the form of vessels, and which constitute, in the neighbourhood of the branchiae, a sort of reservoirs, called venous sinuses (Fig. 54). The venous blood thus bathes all the organs ; but the nourishing fluid is once more collected into vessels, whence it proceeds from the gills to the heart. The circulation is, consequently, semi-vascular and semi- lacunar. 112. Insects. In insects the blood is no longer con- tained in any particular system of vessels ; there are neither arteries nor veins, and the nourishing fluid is spread about in the interstices of the organs ; still the circulation, such as it is, is animated by the action of a vessel called dorsal, situ- ated in the mesial plane of the body above the digestive tube (Fig. 55). We shall consider, further on, the route followed by the blood in the organism of those animals with a lacunar circulatory apparatus. 113. Worms. In the worms of the class annelides (such 66 ZOOLOGY. Carotid / Artery. / Arches of x the Aorta. >-' Left '' Auricle. Ventricle of the ^. Heart. Pulmonary ..~"""' Vein. ....-- --" Brachial Artery. _^-- Pulmonary Artery. Lungs. Stomach. Kidneys. Ventral Aorta. Fig. 51. Circulatory Apparatus in the Lizard. MECHANISM OF THE CIBCULATION. 67 as the leech and earth-worm) there exists, on the other hand, a complete vascular apparatus ; but generally there is no heart, properly so called, and the blood is set in motion by Branchial Artery. Arterial Bulb.., Ventricle of the Heart. Auricle of the Heart. Venous Sinus. Vena Portae, Liver, &c. Intestine. Vena Cava. ~W''T~"~~\" Branchial Vessels. Dorsal Artery. Kidneys. Dorsal Artery or Aorta. Fig. 52. Circulatory Apparatus in the Fish. Jf 2 68 ZOOLOGY. movements of the vessels themselves, by contractions of the principal vessels. Thus the course of the blood is much less Fig. 53. Circulatory Apparatus in a Mollusk.* / i a d b Fig. 54. Circulatory Apparatus in the Lobster.f * Anatomy of the Snail. a, the mouth ; b b, the foot ; c, the anus ; d d, the lung ; e y the stomach, covered above by the salivary glands ; ff, in- testine; g, the liver; h, the heart; i, aorta;./, gastric artery; I, hepatic artery ; k, artery of the foot ; m m, abdominal cavity, supplying the place of a venous sinus ; n n, irregular canal in communication with the abdominal cavity, and carrying the blood to the lung ; o o, vessel carrying the blood from the lung to the heart. t a, the heart ; 6, the ophthalmic artery ; c, the antennar artery ; d, the hepatic artery ; e, superior abdominal artery ; ,/, sternal artery ; g y, venous sinuses, receiving the blood coming from various parts of the body, and transmitting it to the respiratory apparatus (the branchiae, h), from whence it returns to the keart by the branchio -cardiac vessels, i. OF THE RESPIRATION. regular than in the various animals of which we have just spoken, and frequently the direction is not constant. 114 Zoophytes. There exists even in some zoophytes, as in polyps, a kind of circulation, produced hy the action of the vibratile cilia with which the walls of the cavity, acting Fig. 55. Circulation in Insects.* at once as stomach and intestine, are provided. By means of these cilia the contained liquids are kept constantly in motion. This cavity is sometimes single, but in some it sends branches to various parts of the body. 115. Such are the principal modifications hitherto ob- served in the mode by which the circulation of the blood is effected in various classes of animals. Let us now consider the phenomena which happen whilst it passes through the circulatory apparatus. OF THE RESPIRATION. 116. The arterial blood, by its action on the living tissues, loses its vital properties, which can only be restored * The arrows point out the direction of the currents : a, dorsal vessel, in which the blood moves from behind forwards ; b, principal lateral currents. 70 ZOOLOGY. to it by being exposed to the action of the air whilst tra- versing in vessels an organ adapted for this purpose. This process of aeration is called respiration. The necessity for this is proved by the simple experiment, if any such were wanted, of placing an animal under the receiver of an air- pump, and exhausting the air ; in a certain time the animal dies asphyxiated. Wherever there is life, whether animal or vegetable, air is essential. The term applies equally to aquatic animals, which live by means of the air held in a kind of solution or mixture by the waters in which they exist. 117. The air we breathe, and which is essential to all that lives, is a compound fluid. It is composed of, 1. Watery vapour, always present in greater or less quantities ; and 2. In 100 parts of pure atmospheric air : there are 20 of oxygen, 79 of azote or nitrogen, with some traces of carbonic acid gas. Oft-repeated chemical experiments have proved that it is the oxygen alone which maintains life. The discovery of this singular fact we owe (1777) to Lavoisier, a celebrated French chemist, who was barbarously executed during the French Eevolution. 118. By the action of respiration the oxygen is with- drawn from the atmosphere, and disappears ; in its place we find carbonic acid gas; this gas is not respirable, i. e., if breathed it destroys life. In the consumption of oxygen and the production of carbonic acid gas, respiration essentially consists. 119. Although azote or nitrogen be not a vital gas, its presence in the atmosphere seems necessary to dilute the oxygen : and it has been observed that a certain quantity of azote is absorbed and given out in the act of respiration. 120. Finally, there escapes with the fluids expired a certain amount of vapour, which becomes conspicuous in cold weather ; this vapour is called pulmonary transpiration. 121. It is whilst passing through the capillaries of the lungs that the blood loses its dark venous hue, and becomes of a bright vermilion arterial colour. Many experiments have been made to prove that which seems obvious without any. 122. Theory of Respiration. What becomes of the oxygen which has disappeared, and what is the source of the carbonic acid gas uniformly found as a product of respiration ? The strong analogy existing between the phenomenon of combustion, of a piece of charcoal for example, and respira- OF THE BESPIBATION. 71 tion, induced Lavoisier to conjecture them to be almost identical processes ; in both, the oxygen disappears, carbonic acid gas is formed, and heat is disengaged. But this theory must be abandoned, as opposed to subse- quent experiments and facts ; carbonic acid gas exists already formed in the blood, and is simply exhaled from the surface of the vessels, whilst the oxygen is absorbed into the blood, to be dissolved in it, and to bestow on its particles their living qualities, characteristic of arterial blood. 123. A simple experiment, made by William Edwards, suffices to place this matter in a clear light. Place in a close vase filled with nitrogen or azote, a frog ; in this gas the frog can live for a considerable time. Now analyze it, and you will find that, although deprived of oxygen, the animal con- tinues to give out carbonic acid gas. There can then be no combustion, as Lavoisier supposed. 124. In fact, the blood always contains carbonic acid gas dissolved in it ; and Magnus has shown that the blood can dissolve a certain measure of any gas with which it may be' brought in contact by giving out a portion of the gas first absorbed when dissolving a portion of the second. Thus, by agitating blood in hydrogen, a certain amount of gas is absorbed, and a certain quantity of carbonic acid gas is set free. The same happens when oxygen is used instead of hydrogen, and the blood assumes an arterial character. 125. It results, indeed, from numerous experiments, that, as the changes observed to take place during respiration equally happen to blood when contained in a bladder, oxygen disappearing by being absorbed through the walls of the bladder, and carbonic acid gas appearing, which must have come from the blood and equally passed through the walls of the bladder, the phenomena of respiration must in a great measure be chemical, since they take place as well in bl'ood withdrawn from the body as in the pulmonary vessels. 126. What happens in the respiratory act seems to be as follows : the venous blood coming from all parts of the body reaches the lungs, holding in solution a considerable amount of carbonic acid gas, a little azote, and some traces of oxygen. As it passes through the lungs it comes as it were in contact with the air, and dissolves a portion ; oxygen and a certain amount of nitrogen are thus absorbed, and these gases by being thus taken into the blood, expel a certain amount of carbonic acid gas and of azote ; the carbonic acid gas exhaled 72 ZOOLOGY. equals pretty nearly the amount of the oxygen absorbed ; the azote exhaled and absorbed are nearly equal, and in addition there is the vapour or pulmonary transpiration. Thus the blood loses carbonic acid gas, azote, and water, whilst it becomes charged with oxygen and azote ; and thus it may be proved that arterial blood holds dissolved much more oxygen than venous blood, and that it is to this gaseous fluid that arterial blood owes its colour and qualities. Respiration consists, then, in the phenomena of absorption and exhalation, by means of which the venous blood, coming in contact with the atmospheric air, parts with its carbonic acid, and becomes charged with oxygen.* As regards the source of the carbonic acid gas contained in the blood, and thus exhaled during the respiratory act, there is reason to believe that it originates in the union of the oxygen absorbed with the carbon of the organic particles in all parts of the body, whether contained in the blood or removed from the living tissues. The essential act, then, of respiration seems to be a combustion going on in the depth of the tissues, and the exchanges effected in the lungs are only the preliminaries to this work. 127. Activity of Respiration. Respiration, essential to all life, varies in activity in different animals. In birds it is the most active ; they consume more air in a given time, proportionally, than any other class of animals, and they soonest die asphyxiated when deprived of it. Mammals have also a very active respiration, and many experiments have been made to determine the quantity of oxygen required by man in a given time. Now this -has been found to vary with age and a variety of circumstances ; about 500 quarts, or rather more, per day, may be assumed to be the average. Now, oxygen forms only 21 per cent, of the atmospheric air : hence about 2750 quarts of air are required per hour for the support of this respiration. Animals of the inferior classes generally, and especially those living in water, have the respiration much less active. To meet this enormous consumption of oxygen, which * It is right to observe, that the quantity of carbonic acid gas contained in the blood, though small, is sufficient to account for the volume of this gas set free during respiration. Thus, in man the blood contains at least Ath of its volume of gas, arid as the quantity of blood which traverses the lungs in a minute may be valued at 250 cubic inches, about fifty cubic inches of this gas must pass in the same time. Now the highest valuation of the gas given off in respiration during a minute does not exceed twenty-seven cubic inches. APPABATTJS OF BESPIBATION. 73 would surely end in the destruction of life on the globe if not obviated, nature employs the respiration of plants. Vegetables absorb the carbonic acid gas spread through the atmosphere, and under the influence of the sun's rays they extract the carbon, and set free the oxygen. Thus animals supply carbon to vegetables, while the latter return oxygen to animals.* 128. There exists a kind of relation between the viva- city of the movements of any animal and the activity of its respiration, which may be estimated by comparing the move- ments of a frog and butterfly. 129. The activity of the movements varies also in the same animal according to the circumstances in which it is placed; and it may be established as a general rule, that whatever diminishes the vital energies tends to diminish the quantity of oxygen absorbed and of carbonic acid given out ; and vice versa. Thus in young animals during sleep and after fatigue, the respiratory act is not so energetic as when the opposite circumstances prevail. Let us now attend to the organs by which this important function is carried on, and their various modifications in different animals. Apparatus of Respiration. 130. In animals of very simple organization there exists no special respiratory organ. They absorb the air by the general envelope of the body. This happens also in the higher animals, and even to man himself ; but in all the higher animals a special organ is provided for this act ; its vascularity and softness, and spongy character, contrasting strongly with the external integuments of the body. 132 . Again, these organs are modified according as the animal is aquatic, properly so-called, or terrestrial and aerial. In the former, the organs are called gills or branchiae ; in the latter, lungs or tracheae. 132. Organs of Aquatic Respiration. Gills vary much in their form. Sometimes they more resemble tufts or tuber- cles, which have a texture softer than the rest of the skin, and are better supplied with blood. In others, these organs * It might be supposed that the air of cities must be less pure in respect of the amount of oxygen than that of the country; but experiment shows that this is not the case. 74 ZOOLOGY. are composed of a number of branched filaments, and resemble little trees or vascular branches (a a, Fig. 56). Finally, in others, they are formed in small membranous lamellae, disposed like the leaves of a book, or like the teeth of a comb. The first of these arrangements takes place in many marine animals, as in the arenicola, so common on the coasts. The second may be observed, also, in several of the annelida and in some of the Crustacea. Finally, the last is common to most molluscan animals and fishes. It is also to be observed, that in the in- ferior animals the branchiae are mostly situated externally, so as to float freely in the sur- rounding water; whilst in the more highly organized, as the mollusks and fishes, the branchiae or gills are enclosed in a cavity, into which the water has free access, and may easily be renewed. 133. Organs of Aerial Respiration : Respiration in Air. The organs serving for this form of respiration affect sometimes the form of trachea, sometimes of lungs. The tracheae (Fig. 56) are vessels which communicate with the exterior by apertures called stigmata, and ramify in the depth of the organs. They convey the air to these organs, and thus the function of respiration is carried on in every part of the body. This mode of breathing is peculiar to insects and to some arachnidae (spiders). 134. The lungs are pouches, more or less divided into cells or cellules, which also re- ceive air into their interior, and whose walls are traversed by vessels containing blood, thus exposed to the vivifying action of the air. There exist lungs, but in a state of the greatest simplicity, in most spiders; and in . some mollusks, as in snails. Keptiles, birds, Sea Worm and mammals also have lungs. L Worm ot ?S 135 - In man ' as in al1 mammals > the Fishermen, lungs are lodged in a cavity, called the thorax, F - Th * APPARATUS OF BESPIBATION. 75 occupying the upper part of the trunk (Fig. 5, p. 20). These organs are, as it were, suspended in this cavity, and are en- Fig. 57. Respiratory Apparatus of the Insect Nepa; Water Scorpion.* veloped by a membrane or membranes (one for each lung in most mammals) called the pleurae ; and these membranes, like * a, the Mlad ; &, base of the feet of the first pair; c, first ring of the thorax ; d, base of the wings ; e, base of the feet of the second pair ; f t stig- mata; g, tracheae ; h, aerial vesicles. 7.6 ZOOLOGY. all serous membranes, besides investing more or less com- pletely the exterior of the organs, also line the walls of the thorax, thus providing for the security and mobility of the organs themselves. 1 * The lungs are two in number, com- municating with the exterior by means of a single air- tube, the trachea (b, Fig. 58), which ascends through the fore part of the neck, and opens into the pharynx. This canal or tube is formed of a series of small cartilaginous bands, incom- plete behind. It is lined by a mucous membrane, which is of the same nature as the mucous membrane of the mouth and nostrils, and is continuous with it. f Finally, inferiorly, the trachea sub- divides into two branches called bronchi, which ramify in both lungs like the roots of a tree in the soil (c e, Fig. 58). 136. The lungs show internally a vast number of small cells, into each of which a branch of the cor- responding bronchus opens. A soft, delicate, and vas- cular membrane lines the walls of these cells and air tubes, and it is to these that the alternate branches of the pulmonary Fig. 58. Lungs and Trachea in Man.J * The pleurae are arranged, in fact, like other serous membranes. t The surface of the membrane of the trachea is covered with a fine down, each hair of which exhibits vibratile movements, called also ciliary. This vibratile movement determines in the liquid in contact with their surface, currents, which are often very rapid, and which persist even after a portion of the membrane has been removed from the body. The cilia are micro- scopic. The direction of the current seems to be from the exterior towards the interior, and the same movements may be observed on the surface of tho nasal fossae, but nothing of the kind is to be seen in the pharynx. J One of the lungs (the left) is left in its natural condition (d) ; but in the other the substance has been destroyed, in order to expose the right bron- chus and its ramifications in the lung. $ a, larynx and superior extremity of the trachea ; b, trachea ; c, division into bronchi ; d> one of the lungs ; e, bronchial ramusculee. APPARATUS OF RESPIRATION. 77 artery are distributed, by means of which, now become capil- laries, the venous blood is exposed to the action of the air. The smaller the cells, the greater will be the extent of the membrane, and the more extended the surface upon which the blood is exposed to the action of the air. The smallness of the cells and the activity of respiration are thus in a direct ratio to each other ; and this is proved by contrasting the Fig. 59. Thorax of Man.* large pulmonary cells in the lungs of the frog with the microscopic cells which we find in the lungs of birds and mammals. 137. But air, as air, never penetrates beyond the little * On the left side the muscles have been removed. The arch forming the diaphragm towards the interior of the chest is seen on the left side, g, and on the right side a dotted line marks the extent of the ascent of the same muscle on the right side ; h, pillars of the diaphragm attached to the lumbar ver- tebrae; i, elevator muscles of the ribs ; d, collar-bone. 78 ZOOLOGY. cells, or cul de sacs, in which the air tubes terminate in mam- mals. In birds, some of these air tubes open into large membranous pouches, which proceed as far as the limbs, and conduct the air even into the interior of the bones. Thus respiration becomes more active in this class of animals. 138. Mechanism of Respiration in Man. By the movements of inspiration and expiration performed by the walls of the thorax or chest, the air is constantly renewed in, and expelled from, the lungs. The walls of the chest are moveable, and more especially one, which is not seen, the diaphragmatic wall ; dilated by a muscular effort, the air rushes into the cavity through the nostrils and trachea, pressed on by the whole weight of the incumbent atmosphere. To expel the air from the lungs, it is only necessary that this muscular action should cease for an instant ; a forcible expira- tion is effected by means of a voluntary effort, and is only used occasionally. Respiration is wholly an instinctive action. To understand its mechanism, so simple in its results, so complex in the machinery, it is first necessary to examine the structure of the thorax. This cavity (Fig. 59), has the form of a conoid, with the summit upwards and the base downwards, and its walls form a kind of cage, with an osseous basis composed of the ribs, the sternum, and a portion of the vertebral column. The spaces left between the ribs are filled with the intercostal (internal and external) muscles; the scaleni pass from the cervical vertebrae to the first and second ribs ; powerful muscles also proceed from the shoulder and arm-bones to the ribs, thus contributing in every way to enable the animal to act powerfully during inspiration, when the great muscular efforts of the body are being made ; and in addition, and that the most important of all, the abdominal wall of the thorax is formed chiefly by the diaphragm, the great muscle of respira- tion. ^ 139. The dilatation of the chest may be effected in two ways by the contraction of the diaphragm or by the eleva- tion of the ribs. In repose (expiration) the diaphragm forms an arch towards the chest ; in action (inspiration) it contracts and descends towards the abdomen, pushi ig the contents of the abdomen before it. Thus the capacity of the chest is enlarged, and as the vacuum thus formed in the lungs is gradually being established, the external air rushes in to fill up the space. APPARATUS OF RESPIRATION. 79 The play of the ribs is rather more complex. These osseous arches, extending from the vertebral column to the sternum (with the exception of the lower ones), and articulated with both, are much lower anteriorly than posteriorly, and thus admit of elevation and depression. As the ribs are raised, they rotate on themselves, and thus the cavity of the chest becomes enlarged in all directions. They raise the sternum with them. 140. In expiration, the diaphragm is relaxed; the external air acts on the walls of the chest ; the elasticity of the lungs assists, and thus the air is expelled from the lungs ; the intercostal muscles also cease to play. But in forcible expiration generally, partly a voluntary act, the muscles of the abdomen and others assist in forcing the air from the lungs. 141. Under ordinary circumstances, the amount of air taken in at each inspiration does not exceed the seventh part of what they can contain ; on an average it may be estimated at about the third of a quart. The number of the respiratory movements varies with age and a variety of circumstances. They are most frequent in the young; in the adult the average is sixteen per minute. Thus, during ordinary circumstances, there enters into the lungs of an adult male about 5^ quarts of air per minute, or about 330 by the hour ; 7920 by the day. 142. Sighing, yawning, hiccup, laughter, and sobbing, are but modifications of the ordinary actions of respiration. Sighing is a deep and prolonged inspiration, not always caused by a moral sentiment, but occasionally by a feeling that the respiratory act does not proceed with sufficient energy and rapidity. Yawning is an inspiration still deeper, accompanied with, an almost involuntary and spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the jaw and pendulous palate. Laughing seems to depend on a series of rapid movements of the diaphragm ; sobbing differs but little from laughing, though expressing passions and feelings of so opposite a cha- racter. 143. Mechanism of Respiration in other Animals. The mechanism of respiration is essentially the same in all mammals, birds, and reptiles ; in the two latter classes, how- ever, the diaphragm is more or less completely absent, and in consequence it is principally by the play of the ribs that the air is drawn into the lungs ; in the chelonia (turtle and tor- 80 ZOOLOGY. toise), and the batrackia (frogs, salamanders, &c.), the thorax is not formed so as to act as a suction pump, and accordingly these animals swallow the air by a sort of deglutition. OF EXHALATION AND THE SECRETIONS. 144. We have seen how the nutrient matter is distri- buted to all parts of the body by means of the blood ; we have now to examine how the matters contained in the general mass escape from it, whether into the interior or directly from the body. 145. Nutrition we have seen to be effected in two ways; either, 1st, by the simple absorption into the body of matters requiring no modification : 2nd, by the more complex function of digestion : the first is almost mechanical ; the second par- takes more of a chemical character. In like manner nature, in freeing the body of the useless substances and the necessary results of vital actions, employs two methods of expulsion, exhalation, and secretion. The first of these processes is almost physical, and depends on the permeability of the tissues; by the second, peculiar substances are selected from the blood, and eliminated, as it were, in order to be expelled the body ; to effect this, certain organs are required, and these are called secreting organs. The process bears to simple exhalation the relation which diges- tion does to absorption. . EXHALATION. 146. The walls of the bloodvessels are permeable to liquids. By this means, water, gases, and the thinner parts of the blood generally, may pass through these walls by exhalation; but they do not admit of the passage in this way of the globules, or denser parts of the blood. This is proved by injecting prussiate of potass into the veins of a living dog ; the salt injected may be soon after detected in the thorax and abdomen, mingled with the fluids, which are constantly exhaled on the surface of serous membranes. Spirituous and other liquors are perceivable in the breath soon after being taken. 147. Mechanism of Exhalation. Exhalation is purely a physical phenomenon, however it may be modified by the presence of life. Thus, if into the vascular system of an animal, SECEETIONS. 81 recently dead, an injection be thrown, composed of gelatine, mingled with vermilion finely powdered, the fluid part of the injection will escape into the adjoining tissues, leaving the vermilion particles in the vessels ; thus imitating what seems to take place during life. 148. In fact, inhalation, already explained, and exha- lation are strictly analogous, and take place in the same way ; and their activity depends on the spongy and vascular character of the tissue. In another sense, these functions are in the inverse ratio of each other. By pressure on the veins, the exhalation into depending parts may be much increased. 149. Seat of the Exhalation. Exhalations are either external, that is, on the surface of the body ; or internal, that is, on the surface of the internal cavities. 150. External exhalation must not be confounded with perspiration, or production of sweat ; it takes place on the surface of the lungs as well as on that of the body, and is called insensible transpiration, because, being evaporated by the air, it escapes our notice. Men and animals lose much daily by insensible transpiration, which, of course, is as con- stantly restored; according to Sanctorius, the loss by insensible transpiration in man amounts to fths of the whole daily loss. The evaporation from the surface of the body varies with many circumstances, as climate, &c. ; the escape of carbonic acid gMs from the lungs is by means of exhalation merely. 151. The serous membranes found in the interior of the large cavities of the body are the seat of internal exhalations, consisting chiefly of water, and a few salts, mixed with a small quantity of animal matter. The exhalation which takes place on these surfaces has an exact counterpoise in the absorption going on at the same time ; when this is disturbed the fluid accumulates, and dropsies take place, which receive names according to their localities : hydrocephalus, in the head ;. ascites, in the abdomen ; hydrothorax, in the chest and pleurae ; and hydrops pericardii when the accumulation takes place within the cavity of the pericardium. SECRETIONS. 152. The secretions are special humours, formed at the expense of the blood, in and by organs destined especially to eliminate them from the blood. 153. They may take place on the surface of membranes, 82 ZOOLOGY. as on the skin and mucous membranes ; but they are chiefly found in connexion with certain bodies termed glandular, whose essential structure seems to consist in small cavities, extremely minute, or pouches or canals of extreme tenuity ; these receive bloodvessels and nerves, the latter no doubt playing an important part in the phenomena of secretion. The glands have been divided into perfect and imperfect, according as they are provided or not with a tube or duct intended to carry away the product of the secretion. 154. Glands, properly so called, may all be arranged, as regards their intimate structure, under two heads, or types ; as being composed either of small sacs, with orifices more or less contracted, or of tubes of extreme minuteness ; and the differences they present have a reference mainly to the mode in which these, as it were elementary, structures are grouped. 155. The small secreting sacs are called follicles, when ow they are called crypts, and many such may be seen on the surface of mucous membranes. When each has a separate or distinct oritice opening on the surface, they are Fig. 60. Intimate Structure of a Composite Gland (the Parotid) ; a Salivary. called simple follicles, and many such exist on the surface of the mucous membranes ; if grouped close together, but still maintaining distinct orifices, they are called aggregated; such are the glands of Meibomius on the eyelids, certain gastric glands in some animals, &c. ; when grouped, but having their orifices leading into a small cavity common to SECRETIONS. 83 all, and thus ultimately communicating with the surface by one or more apertures only, as in the amygdalae or tonsils, they are called agglomerated follicles. At other times little sacs, which form the essential structure of the glandular bodies we now speak of, communicate with the exterior by an elongated neck, so as to resemble a tube, terminated by an ampulla, and there they may either remain isolated or agglo- merated in bunches, by means of common excretory tubes, which, in their turn, reunite successively, to terminate by a single duct (Fig. 60). The secreting organs, which may be called ampullary follicles, are met with in the simplest form under the skin of certain fishes, and seem also to form the odoriferous glands found in the human integu- ments. When grouped around a com- mon branched secreting canal (Fig. 60), they form the greater number of the composite glands, such as the liver and salivary glands of mammals, and are named by anatomists, Con- glomerate Glands. 156. The tubular- formed, se- creting organs present also differences analogous to those just described. These tubes vary infinitely in size, but are all closed at one extremity, and open at the other for the escape of the excreted matter; their varied arrangements are seen in the glands under the integuments in fishes, and in the bilious vessels of some of the lower animals; in the pancreatic coaca surrounding the duodenum in fishes ; in the gastric glands of several birds ; finally, these same tubes (Fig. 61) may acquire an extreme length without change in their calibre, clustered or heaped on them- selves, to terminate in an excretory tube, but little ramified at its origin, in such a way as to form a conglomerate gland, * A, vertical section of a kidney. a, cortical substance j 5, tubular sub- stance; c, calyx and pelvis ; d, canal of the ureter. , intimate structure of this gland. a, terminal portion of the urinary tubes ; b, medullary portion of these same tubes ; c, their termination in the calvx. G2 Fig. 61. Structure of the Kidneys.* 84 ZOOLOGY. such as the kidneys and other glands of great importance : some glands have a reservoir placed in the course of the excretory duct, intended to permit of the accumulation of the secretion, and its residence therein for a time. The gall- bladder (Fig. 33) and the urinary-bladder (Pig. 62) are pouches of this nature. 157. The imperfect glands vary still more in their mode of conformation. Some are composed of small closed cells, isolated or agglomerated ; others, called vascular gan- glias, are composed of bloodvessels or lymphatics solely, which, after dividing and subdividing, again reunite. As examples of the first may be cited the ovarian vesicles and the adipose cellules; of the second, the thyroid,* the thymus,")" the spleen (Fig. 32), and the mesenteric ganglias are the examples ( 75). Their functions are unknown. J 158. Nature of Secretion. The secreting organs are always disposed in the form of membranes, one surface of which is bathed by the nourishing fluid, the other being free and forming the interior of the cavity ; this is the utri- cular surface. This surface, then, performs, as it were, the office of a filter, allowing only certain substances to pass from the interior of the bloodvessels into the interior of the secre- tory tube. 1 1 159. The secretions differ from each other, and from the blood, out of which they are formed, in containing sub- stances in great abundance, of which but very small quantities are to be detected in the blood : they may contain free acids, whilst the blood from which they are drawn is alkaline ; * The thyroid is a spongy, ovoid, vascular mass, of a glandular appearance, placed in the neck, and attached to the front of the trachea. Its enlarge- ment constitutes bronchocele, and when aggravated, goitres. It is not present in birds, reptiles, and fishes, and in animals still lower. f The thymus is a glandular-looking body, extremely developed in the foetus, but which diminishes after birth, and generally altogether disappears. It is situated in the fore and upper part of the ci^est, behind the sternum, and between the mediastina. It lies partly on the "pericardium. J The recent experiments of M. Bernard seem to show that the liver, in addition to its other functions, secretes a sugary substance, called qlycose, which it pours into the blood, but which disappears soon after, probably con- sumed by the respiratory act. The blood-vessels distributed to the walls of the tubes and cavities form- ing the secreting organs never communicate directly with their internal cavities. || Kecent observations seem to show that the essential secreting organs are minute cellules or utricles, of which the inner wall of the secreting tubes are formed ; these little cells empty themselves first, or are thrown off into the interior of the tubes, and are as rapidly restored or renewed. They form the layer called epithelium, forming the inner layer of all mucous membranes. UBINAEY SECEETION. 85 sometimes they also are alkaline, but much more strongly than the blood ; whilst some are characterized by the presence of matters not to be found elsewhere, such as urea, casein, butter, &c. 160. It is probable that in all cases the secreted matter exists in the blood already formed. It was thought, for example, that the urea found in urine must be formed by and in the kidneys, since it could not be detected by chemical analysis in the blood; but if these organs be destroyed in a living animal, or removed, urea will, after a certain time, be formed in the blood, thus clearly proving that the kidneys do not form it. 161. Nature of the Secreted Liquids. There is no perceptible relation between the nature of the fluid and of the gland secreting it ; and secretions, as pus, for example, are formed by structures where no such secretion previously existed; they alter also without any visible change in the structure of the gland. Nothing positive is known as to the nature of the secreting function, but it is certain that the action of the nervous sys- tem has a great influence over it. When the nerves of the stomach have been divided in a living animal, the secretion of the gastric juice ceases; and M. Bernard has shown that when a certain portion of the spinal marrow is irritated, an unusually abundant secretion of sugar takes place in the liver, which sugar then appears in the urine. This fact is remarkable, viewed in connexion with the disease called diabetes. Urinary Secretion. 162. This function has its seat in the kidneys, two large glands situated in the abdomen, on either side of the vertebral column, and generally surrounded with much fat. They are of a reddish-brown colour, and in shape resemble a kidney-bean (Fig. 62). Their substance (Fig. 61) is com- posed essentially of secreting tubes of extreme tenuity, and of great length, which in mammals are turned on themselves in every direction towards their free extremity, where they swell into the form of an ampulla (a), and which afterwards proceed in a straight line towards the middle of the inner edge of the gland, so as to form a certain number of pyramidal fasciculi (b), whose summit is partially enclosed by the membranous 86 ZOOLOGY. cavity called calyx (c), and whose base, directed outwards, is, as it were, encased in the cortical substance of the kidney, formed out of the mass constituted by that portion of the tubes which is massed into heaps rolled on each other ; the other part is called tubular or medullary ; being the part formed by the fasciculi themselves. In the young, and in many animals throughout life, such as the bear and otter, these pyramids remain distinct, and each kidney is then composed of several separate lobes ; but generally they unite together, and the calyces, which are but excrementory tubes, unite to form a pelvis or general reservoir, from which proceeds the ureter (Fig. 61 d). A. great number of bloodvessels creep between these secreting tubes, and constitute, in g. 2.-Urinary the cortical portion of the gland, a very Apparatus.* close network, in the midst of which may be seen certain spherical bodies, formed also of bloodvessels collected into bunches in the interior of the ampulla already mentioned. The urine is formed in the cortical part of the kidneys. It descends by the tubular part into the calyces, and thence into the pelvis of the kidney; this terminates in the ureter (Fig. 62 5), by which the urine descends to the bladder. This latter organ is situated in the pelvis and behind the os pubis. It is formed internally by a mucous membrane ; externally, by a muscular and cellular layer. The peritoneum also par- tially invests it, and gives it support. Inferiorly it terminates in the canal of the urethra, by which the urine escapes from the body. 163. The urine is a yellowish acid liquid, which in man, in the normal state, is composed of 93 parts water, 3 of a peculiar substance called urea ; a very small portion of uric acid, lactic acid, various salts, as muriate of soda, alkaline sulphates, phosphate of lime, &c., make up the 100 parts. In carnivorous mammals the urine resembles that of man, but the uric acid is wanting. In herbivorous mammals, the urine is alkaline, and a peculiar substance is found, the hip- * a, the kidneys ; 5, the ureter ; e, the bladder ; d, canal of the urethra. NUTRITIVE DECOMPOSITION. 87 puric acid, as well as many earthy carbonates. In many birds, and in most reptiles, the urine is composed mostly of uric acid ; whilst in frogs and tortoises (turtles and tortoises) it contains urea and albumen. Its composition in fishes appears to be the same ; but in insects we again find uric acid. Disease affects its composition in man. 164. The extreme rapidity with which various drinks, medicated or simple, pass from the stomach to the bladder, and so escape externally by the urethra, is well known ; yet it is certain that these fluids have first mingled with the blood and been by it carried to the kidneys. 165. A variety of circumstances, unnecessary to dwell on, influence the activity of the secretion and modify its character. The liquids, and especially water, taken into the stomach escape either by pulmonary or cutaneous exhalation, or by the kidneys as urine. With heat, the cutaneous exha- lation is increased ; by cold, the urinary. The amount of solid substances secreted by the kidneys depends greatly on the abundance and nature of the food. It is diminished during a prolonged fast ; and is rich in its solid contents in proportion to the animalization of the food employed. 166. Various deposits are found in the urinary passages. These are called gravel and urinary calculi, or concretions. The former is almost always formed of uric acid. The depo- sits commence usually, if not always, in the kidneys. Uri- nary concretions also usually form in the kidneys, but descending from these into the bladder, increase, by deposits on their surface, to a size endangering life, and requiring for their removal a surgical operation. OF ASSIMILATION AND NUTEITIVE DECOMPOSITION. 167. Assimilation. The substances introduced into the animal economy are there employed in two ways. They serve for the formation of the different parts of the body itself, or to support the respiratory combustion which con- stantly exists in the interior of every animal so long as life exists. But neither animals nor plants can of themselves form any of the simple substances of which their bodies are composed, and therefore the foreign matters thus introduced must con- tain all their elements. 88 ZOOLOGY. The primary materials of the organism are carbon, nitrogen or azote, hydrogen and oxygen ; but sulphur, phosphorus, lime, and other simple bodies, are also required; it is essen- tial, then, that such bodies should be introduced from with- out. But animals do not possess the faculty of determining the combination of these various chemical elements so as to give rise to the various compound principles of which the organism is formed ; or, in other words, these elements must be already combined. Thus, it is not by introducing azote, hydrogen, carbon, &c., into the body that an animal can satisfy the wants of nutrition ; these substances must have been already combined. In a word, these principles must have been already com- bined, so as to form organizable principles or viable matters. Now, this only happens through the influence of life. It is the vegetable kingdom, then, which directly or indirectly furnishes to animal bodies the carbon and azote, and a certain portion of hydrogen and oxygen ; water furnishes the greater portion of the requisite hydrogen and oxygen ; the lime and various other mineral bodies come directly from the mineral kingdom. From the atmosphere, animals derive the oxygen required to consume the carbon and hydrogen ; and thus, in brief, to meet the wants of the nutritive process, every animal requires to convey into the interior of its organization, free oxygen, organized matters rich in carbon, hydrogen, azote, water, and various salts. Before being adapted for nutrition, all substances must assume a liquid or gaseous form; this is the object of diges- tion. There exist three modes of ingress for the nutritive matter the skin, the respiratory mucous membrane, the alimentary canal. In man and animals which have an epidermis, absorption by the skin is comparatively unimportant,-- by the lungs, some liquid in the form of vapour is no doubt absorbed; but the intestinal or alimentary canal, by means of its mucous mem- brane, is the great route by which the matter destined to assist in nutrition reaches the interior of the body. 168. These nutritive elements are at first mingled with the blood. This fluid, elaborated by processes not yet dis- covered, becomes rich in all the compound principles of which the tissues are in their turn formed; and it is out of this fluid that all the organs of the body draw the materials fitted NUTEITIVE DECOMPOSITION. 89 for their growth and support, each choosing the molecules identical with its own nature. It is this last act which constitutes assimilation. 169. But nothing is known as to the real nature of this act of assimilation, how brought about, how effected. Such questions touch too nearly the very essence of the principle of life, itself perfectly unknown in its nature. One thing is certain, that in all animals possessing; a nervous system the influence which this exercises over assimilation is distinct and undeniable. Nor is the duration of life in the various organs of the same animal the same ; the thymus gland, for example, ceases to grow, and decays in the very young. The teeth have their stated periods of existence ; the nails, the hair, and generally the epithelial tissues, continue to grow in extreme old age. 170. The assimilating force possesses the property, especially in the lower animals, of restoring parts which have been destroyed; bones are reunited by bone after being broken, and even large portions of them which have been lost have been restored. The limb of the lizard when broken off has grown again : a new foot been reproduced in crabs and spiders ; in salamanders, a new eye and portion of the head have been restored after the removal of the original parts by amputation. Finally, earth-worms and many other annelides can thus reproduce a great part of the body; and in the hydra and fresh-water polyp (Fig. 4), a small fragment has been found equal to the reproduction of the entire body. 171. Moreover, various circumstances, which we have not the leisure to examine here, may modify the progress of the work of assimilation, render it active, retard it, or change its direction. It is in this way that in certain diseases we see nutrition to be almost entirely arrested, and that in others certain tissues change their nature. It is also to be observed, that this assimilative labour does not take place with the same rapidity in all parts of the body ; to be assured of this, we have only to observe the changes in form often brought about by the progress of age ; for these changes depend chiefly on this, that certain parts increase more rapidly than others. Thus, from the moment of birth to the adult condi- tion, the members of the body of man grow more rapidly than the trunk ; whence it follows that, in general, this latter is a portion the less considerable of the whole as the growth is more prolonged. 90 ZOOLOGY. 172. Excretion. Whilst nutrition is going on, decom- position proceeds pari passu, that is to say, the separation of a portion of the molecules of the tissues, and their expulsion from the body. The bones themselves are thus continually decomposed and recomposed; the utricular tissue covering the surface of the ligaments, mucous membranes, and glandular cavities, is being continually renewed and de- stroyed ; and the old epithelium gives way before new layers formed beneath it in the substance of the tissues. Some physiologists have thought that such a renewal of the constituent parts of animal bodies affects every structure and organ, and that an entire renewal of the body occurs in every seven years. This opinion is not based on direct experi- ment, and seems, indeed, contrary to the fact. Many organs remain for long periods stationary, although it may be ad- mitted that, under peculiar circumstances, the original tissues themselves may be attacked, as after long fasting. Thus, the curious experiments of M. Chossat show that when birds do not find in their food a sufficient proportion of calcareous matters, the phosphate of lime entering into the composition of their bones is taken away, little by little. Now, the blood furnishing, as we have seen, the materials of the various humours which the animal economy constantly rejects and expels from it by the route of the secretions, becomes unceasingly impoverished, and might take away from the organs the soluble principles they contain, if the repeated introduction of foreign substances did not maintain this liquid always saturated with the same principles. It results from this, that this introduction of the alimentary matters into the organism is necessary, not only to effect the increase of the living parts, but to secure the conservation or preservation of the tissues already existing, and to prevent the resorption or re-absorption of their constituent materials. In brief, the nutrient matter introduced continually into the blood is neces- sary, no doubt, not only for the growth of the body, but also to maintain all the organs in their integrity, and to pre- vent their being acted on by absorption. Finally, the slow combustion taking place in every part of the body also destroys the combustible matters : and unless this destruction be met by constant renewal, it would seem, from the experiments of Dumas and others, that the oxygen would act on and destroy the materials composing the organs themselves. From the aliments there must come the com- NUTEITIVE DECOMPOSITION. 91 bustible matters for the oxygen to act on, by means of which they are transformed into carbonic acid gas and water, and in that form eliminated from the body : from the same source are derived the materials of growth and of secretion. But whether the carbonated and hydrogenated matters thus consumed come from the aliment directly or from the tissues themselves, one thing is obvious, that the loss must be supplied from without, under the form of aliments. The alimentary matters, which contain only carbon, hy- drogen, and oxygen in their ultimate composition, such as fecuia or sugar, may be transformed into carbonic acid and water, leaving no residue ; but the vital combustion of azotized matters gives rise to other products ; and these compounds by losing carbon become richer in azote, and constitute peculiar organic principles, such as urea and uric acid.* 173. Chemistry seems to prove that it is vegetables which fabricate the combustible matters destined to be con- sumed in animal bodies, plants alone having the power thus to fix carbon under the forms of organic compounds.f The carbonic acid gas and water escape by respiration ; the more solid products, as the urea, by the urine. In the adult animal it would thus seem that there may be found nearly the whole of the elements introduced into the system by the food or by respiratory absorption, in the products of the respiration and urinary secretion, the alvine dejections being composed almost wholly of the indigestible residue of the food, mingled with various secretions. Before the growth is completed, all the alimentary matter is not burnt or consumed in this way ; a part is found in the organism when the carbonaceous matters taken in exceed the power of the oxygen to consume, the result being the deposi- tion of fat, which may afterwards be consumed according to the exigencies of the animal. J * When the tartrate, malate, or citrate of potass has been absorbed or injected into the veins, and, so absorbed, carbonate of potass is found in the urine, thus proving the combustion of the vegetable acid entering into their composition. f According to the recent experiments of Dumas, Boussingault, and Payen. J The fat is not deposited indifferently in every part of the body. It is composed of two substances, oleine and stearine, the proportions of which vary in the fat of different animals. It is abundant in animals which hyber- nate at the commencement of winter, but disappears towards the close of that season. The fat is supposed to be useful as a cushion for certain organs, as a reservoir to meet the consuming powers of the oxygen taken into the body, and as a preservative of the heat of the body. 92 ZOOLOGY. To complete this sketch of the phenomena of nutrition, all that remains is to speak of the sources of animal heat. OF ANIMAL HEAT. 174 Animals vary so much in their different heat-pro- ducing powers, that although all produce heat, some are called cold-blooded animals with reference to others. The difference may be shown by comparing the amount of heat produced by a fish and a rabbit, placed in a vessel surrounded with ice ; the quantities of ice dissolved will give the amount of the difference, which is enormous ; for, after three hours, the heat produced by the fish will scarcely have acted on the ice, whilst that originating from the rabbit will have produced more than a quart of water. Now the amount of heat required to convert so much ice into water will be found equal to that necessary to raise 'the temperature of three quarts of water from the freezing to the boiling point. Hence the distinction of animals into cold and hot blooded. In man the heat of the skin varies from 97 to 100 Fahr. ; that of the interior of the body is always 100. It is the same in most mammals. In birds the temperature rises to 108. The blood in both is hotter. Fig. 63. The Marmot (Arctomys marmota). 175. In general, birds and mammals maintain the same temperature at all seasons of the year and in all climates; but there are some in which the temperature lowers as winter proceeds: these are the hybernating animals, such as the marmot (Fig. 63), the bat, and hedgehog. OF ANIMAL HEAT. 93 176. In the young, the production of animal heat is not equal to what it afterwards becomes, especially in those born with the eyes closed. Thus kittens or puppies left exposed to the air, even in summer, soon die. New-born children also are extremely susceptible of cold. 177. This production of animal heat is evidently con- nected with the phenomenon of vital combustion, with the absorption of oxygen by the blood, and the production of car- bonic acid gas. It seems, in fact, to be proportional to the amount of oxygen absorbed, and hence is greatest in birds and mammals. The production of carbonic acid gas takes place in the capillary vessels, where, in fact, the arterial blood becomes venous ; the production, then, of animal heat is not confined to one spot, as the lungs, but is extended over the whole bod}'. It depends on the arrival of fresh arterial blood, and when the supply of this is cut off or diminished, the temperature is immediately lowered. There is a remarkable relation also between the richness of the blood in solid parts and the production of animal heat. It is richest in birds (14 or 15 : 100), in whom the animal heat is greatest ; next in mammals (9 or 12 : 100) ; feeblest in the cold-blooded, as in frogs and fishes, in whom the solid parts of the blood, compared to the liquid or watery, is as 6 of globules to 94 of serum. It bears a certain relation also to the distance from the heart, and thus the limbs are most exposed to be frost-bitten. Thus it is to respiration that is due the production of animal heat, since it is in the lungs that the oxygen is ab- sorbed. But in the higher animals this combustion itself is evidently influenced by another physiological agent, of which we have not } T et spoken the nervous system. Numerous experiments have placed this fact beyond a doubt. The late experiments of M. Bernard on the cervical ganglions are in fact not opposed to this view. Toxic agents, which lower the activity of the brain and nervous system, obviously affect the production of animal heat. 178. Hot-blooded animals have the faculty of resisting external heat when raised above the natural temperature of their bodies ; this is effected by evaporation from the surface of the cutaneous transpiration, by which the temperature of the body is maintained at nearly the same temperature at the equator or within the polar circle. 94 ZOOLOGY. II. OF THE FUNCTIONS OF RELATION. 179. Hitherto we have been occupied with those func- tions which have for their object the preservation of the individual ; let us now attend to those intended to make him acquainted with surrounding objects. 180. Observe carefully the movements of an animal, and you will soon discover that some are obviously voluntary, or directed according to the will of the animal. Another class of movements may also be observed, over which the animal does not seem to possess the same influence ; these are the involuntary. These phenomena imply contractility and volition ; but there is to be added another remarkable faculty, sensibility, by which the animal perceives the pre- sence of surrounding objects, and becomes conscious of their presence. These three faculties seem to be common to all animals ; but there are others. Certain animals construct with the most admirable art dwellings for their young and for them- selves, and this they do independent of all instruction from the parent. Others proceed on distant voyages and journeys, traversing the air as certainly as if the point to be attained were before their eyes. To this faculty the name of instinct has been given ; it leads animals to perform certain acts which are not the effects of imitation, and which are not the result of reasoning. The phenomena are sometimes very simple, and sometimes incomprehensibly complex. To other beings are given the faculty of recalling previous sensations, of comparing them with each other, analysing the past and present, and drawing conclusions; these are the intellectual faculties. Finally, some animals can communicate to others a know- ledge of the ideas they possess, by movements or sounds. These varied phenomena, by which animals place them- selves in relation with others, may be reduced to six principal faculties, namely, sensibility, contractility, will, instinct, intelligence, and expression. In the simplest animals, these various faculties of the life of relation are not the appanage of any organ in particular ; but in man and in the immense majority of animals, the exercise of these faculties is dependent on the action of the nervous system. OF THE FUNCTIONS OF EELATION. 95 OF THE NEBVOTJS SYSTEM. 181. This system is formed by a soft pulpy substance, which is almost fluid in early life, but acquires more consis- tence with years. The aspect of this tissue, called nervous, varies much ; occasionally white, at other times grey or ash- coloured ; in some parts it forms masses or ganglions, in others elongated cords. The cords are called nerves; the masses, ganglions or nervous centres. 182. In man, and in those animals which approach him in structure, the nervous apparatus is composed of two parts the cerebro-spinal or nervous system of animal life, the gan- glionic or nervous system of organic life ; and each of these systems is composed in its turn of two parts a central, com- posed of the nervous masses, and a peripheric, composed of the nerves which proceed from these centres to all parts of the body (Pig. 64.) 183. Cerebro-spinal System in Man. The central portion of this system, also called the cerebro-spinal axis or encephalon, is composed essentially of the cerebrum, cere- bellum, and medulla spinalis, and is lodged in an osseous cavity and canal, formed of the cranium and spinal column. 184. Envelopes of the Encephalon. Three membranes enclose, support, and nourish the cerebro-spinal axis. The first is the dura mater, a fibrous membrane of considerable strength, adhering to several points of the osseous canal, and forming a strong projecting covering for the encephalon. It sends prolongations towards the interior of the cranium, serving to protect various parts of the organ ; and in its sub- stance are formed various venous canals or sinuses, in com- munication with the general venous system of the body. These sinuses are called sinuses of the dura mater. Within the dura mater is a second membrane, called the arachnoid. This is a serous membrane of extreme tenuity, and transparent, but firm, and like all serous membranes, is a sac without any opening into it. By one layer it invests the inner surface of the dura mater, and by the other the brain, thus providing for the movements of the organ. Beneath the cerebral layer of the arachnoid is the pia mater, immediately investing the nervous tissues itself. This is a cellulo-vascular membrane, in which ramify the vessels proceeding to and from the brain ; for the arteries especially are, in general, minutely subdivided before they actually Fig. 64. Nervous System in Man, seen from behind, p. 97.* OF THE NEBVOUS SYSTEM. 97 penetrate the nervous matter. These three membranes invest the entire encephalon, and present thus a spinal as well as a cranial portion. 185. Though composed of several parts, the encephalon may he viewed as one ; yet each division seems to perform distinct functions, in a certain sense. 186. The cranial portion is composed of the brain, cere- bellum, and pons Varolii ; the spinal portion may be viewed as composed of the medulla oblongata and spinal marrow, properly so called. The brain (Fig. 64 a, Figs. 65, 66 a b c) (cerebrum) is by much the largest part ot the encephalon in man and mammals. The form of the skull, in a general way, represents its shape, more especially in man. The cerebrum proper is subdivided into two hemispheres by a deep mesial fissure, extending quite down to the corpus callosum in the middle, and anteriorly and posteriorly separating the hemispheres completely from each other. The corpus callosum unites the hemispheres, and may be called a transverse commissure. In the fissure descends the falx cerebri, a partition formed by the dura mater. On the surface of these hemispheres may be seen the convolutions and anfractuosites of the brain so distinct in man, and which have given rise to so much speculation. They are of little depth in very young children and in most animals. By turning up the brain and examining its base, it is easy to observe, without much dissection, that the brain admits of being divided into three lobes on each side, an anterior, middle, and posterior ; this last is not so distinct as the others. [In point of fact there is no very obvious distinction between the middle and posterior lobes, and it would have been much better had anatomists divided the inferior surface of each hemi- sphere into two lobes only, an anterior and posterior. Thus would have been avoided those silly disputes which have lately occupied the attention of the public about the size and form of the brain in apes as compared with the human brain. The great distinction between the latter and other vertebrate animals is that in man, the posterior lobe of the cerebrum overlaps the * a, cerebrum ; b, cerebellum ; e, spinal marrow ; d , facial nerve ; e, brachial plexus caused by the union of several nerves coming from the spinal mar- row ; f, median nerve ; g, cubital nerve ; h, internal cutaneous nerve of the arm; i, radial and musculo- cutaneous nerve of the arm; ^intercostal nerves ; k, femoral plexus; I, sciatic plexus; m t tibial nerve; n, external peroneal nerve ; o, external saphenous nerve. H 98 ZOOLOGY. cerebellum, whilst in other animals (with scarcely an exception) it does not. But the brain in all mammals is formed on precisely the same ^)lan ; no parts have been left out. R. K.] 7 9 10 11 6 e Fig. 65. Section of the Brain, Cerebellum, Pons, and Medulla Oblongata.* * Vertical section of the cerebrum, cerebellum, pons Varolii, and medulla oblongata ; a, anterior lobe of the brain ; b, middle lobe ; c, posterior lobe ; d, cerebellum ; e, medulla spinalis ; f, section of the corpus callosum. The lateral ventricles of the brain are situated on either side of the corpus callo- sum, which assists in forming their upper wall, g, optic lobes : 1, olfactory nerves ; 2, the eyeball, from which may be traced the optic nerve as far as the optic thalami or lobes. Close to this is the nerve of the third pair. 4, the proceeding to the abducentes muscle ; 7, facial nerve; under the origin of this nerve may be seen a portion of the acoustic ; 9, nerve called glosso- pharyngeal ; 10, pneumogastric nerve ; close to it is, 12, the spinal acces- sory ; these three nerves, the glosso-pharyngeal, pneumogastric, and spinal accessory, are hy some reckoned as one pair ; 11, the ninth pair of some, and the eleventh of others, called also hypoglossal ; 14 and 15, cervical nerves. OF THE NEEVOUS STSTEM. 99 It is on this surface also that the cerebellum may be dis- tinctly seen, the so-called pons, and the large masses of fibres called crura uniting the pons to the hemispheres of the brain; here also may be seen all the cerebral or cranial nerves, as they proceed to or from the brain ; the large arteries like- wise, which all reach the cerebral portion of the encephalon by the base. The two little rounded eminences seen here are called mammillary eminences. The grey matter of the brain is found chiefly on the surface, and the white, medullary or fibrous in the interior, but not uniformly so. The ventricles of the brain (Fig. 65) all com- municate with each other, directly or indirectly. 187. The cerebellum is placed under the posterior part of the brain, and is separated from it by the tentorium, a par- tition formed by the dura mater. It also is composed of two hemispheres, and a mesial portion connecting them together. On the surface of the cerebellum there are no convolutions, but the margins of laminae or plates, of which the cerebellum is composed. It is connected with the medulla spinalis, the pons, and cerebrum by peduncles of medullary fibres called crura. In volume it is about one-third of the cere- brum, and is larger comparatively in the child than in the adult. 188. Optic Lobes. By removing the upper portion of the hemispheres and the corpus callosum, the ventricles of the brain are exposed ; also certain rounded masses, forming as it were the base of the section. These masses, named in suc- cession from before backwards, are the corpora striata, the thalami nervorum opticorum, and the tubercula quadri- gemina ; and on the back and somewhat lower part of the thalami may be seen, by raising the thalami upward, certain rounded elevations of a greyish colour ; these are the corpora geniculata. On all these structures important experiments have been made in living animals. 189. Spinal Marrow ; Medulla Spinalis. The medulla spinalis (Fig. 64 76> _ Globe of the Eye circle is a peculiar ring con- Dissected.* necting the choroid, iris, and sclerotic to each other. Its nature and functions have not yet been determined, but it is well supplied with nerves in animals of strong vision, as in the eagle and vulture. [An extended series of inquiries into the structure of the ciliary ligament, or body, induced me, many years ago, to believe it to be of the same structure as the iris, and to assign to it the functions of the adaptation of the eye to various distances. See "Trans. Roy. Soc. of Bdin.," 1827. R. K.] The humours are colourless and transparent, and the same remark applies to all the parts situated between the exterior and the retina in the axis of vision, or measured by the size of the pupil. The cornea is everywhere absolutely trans- parent, and so is the conjunctiva which covers it. In the iris, some of the fibres proceed like radii from the free edge of the pupil towards the base : others surround, as it were, the pupil, and act like a sphincter in contracting the orifice. The aqueous humour, though quite transparent, * c, the transparent cornea; s, sclerotic ; s', portion of the sclerotic turned back to display portions of the membranes situated beneath it ; ch, the cho- roid ; v t the retina ; n, the optic nerve ; ca, anterior chamber of the eye, situated between the cornea and the iris, and communicating with the pos- terior chamber by the opening in the iris called the pupil ; these chambers contain the aqueous humour ; *, the iris ; p, the pupil, an opening in the iris by which the rays of light pass into the deeper chambers of the eye ; cr, the crystalline humour or lens ; pc, ciliary processes ; v, vitreous humour ; b b, & portion of the conjunctiva. 120 ZOOLOGY. contains a little albumen and salts, such as are met with in all animal secretions. When suffered to escape by a puncture or section of the cornea, it is speedily replaced. The ciliary processes seen surrounding the capsule of the lens, and which are appendages of the choroid membrane, are extremely vas- cular, and may be the source of the secretion of this humour and of the vitrine. The crystalline humour or lens is a body of considerable density, composed of concentric layers. It is enveloped in a distinct capsule, and when removed in young animals may be replaced by another. The lens is more convex posteriorly than anteriorly in man. The vitrine (vitreous humour) is a semi-solid body, enclosed in a capsule, intersected by membranous partitions, in which the fluid is contained. Its membrane is called the hyaloid. In albinos, the pigment, an appendage of the choroid and iris, is wanting. Under a high microscope, the filaments of the optic nerve seem to terminate in numerous cylindrical papillae, resembling mosaic. 232. Mechanism of Vision. The sun and bodies in a state of ignition are visible in themselves ; but other bodies are visible to us only by the reflection of light in such a way as to reach us. Light moves with extreme rapidity ; it affects us only when it reaches the retina ; opaque bodies reflect or absorb it ; transparent bodies, as air, offer it a free passage. Whatever obstructs the free passage of the light through the conjunctiva, cornea, and humours of the eye, in its way to the retina, obstructs or destroys vision ; hence the effects of opacity of any of these structures : the cataract which destroys vision is merely an opaque lens, which being removed out of the axis of vision by the surgeon, restores the function of the eye. But these diaphanous parts of the eye serve other purposes besides the negative one of permitting the free passage of the rays of light into the interior of the eyeball; they change the direction of the rays of light. The eye is but a kind of camera obscura, the image of objects being as it were painted on the retina; this image we see, and not the object itself. To understand this part of the history of vision, it is only necessary to refer briefly to some of the laws of optics. Light travels in straight diverging lines. When they fall OF THE SENSE OF SIGHT. 121 perpendicularly on the surface of a transparent body, they traverse it without any change in their direction ; but falling obliquely, they are always affected more or less in their direc- tion. If they are passing from a rarer into a denser medium, a as from air into water, they are refracted towards the perpen- dicular ; the opposite happens in passing from a denser into a rarer medium ; they are then refracted from the perpendi- cular. A straight rod, for example, plunged into water, appears bent at the point of immersion; and by placing a coin in an empty basin (Fig. 77 a), so that it shall be invisible to the eye of the observer, it will become visible by merely filling the basin with water (e), for then the rays of light from the ewer which formerly took the direction of Carpus (56) Metacarpus (57). Phalanges (57). Femur (65) - Tibia (66). Fibula (67). Patella (66'). Tarsus (68). .Metatarsus (69). * Phalanges (69). Fig. 94. Human Skeleton. OF THE MOTOEY APPARATUS IN MAN. 141 in many quadrupeds (Fig. 95). The muscles, on the other hand, situated on the flexor side of tRe body, are generally small, as being but little required. The first cervical vertebra is called the Atlas, and is much more moveable than the others ; it resembles a ring, and turns on its own centrum, which is immoveably connected with the second vertebra or dentata (axis). The movement of the head forwards and backwards takes place at the articula- Fig. 95. Skeleton of the Camel.* tion of the occipital bone and atlas ; rotation of the head is performed by the atlas and head moving as one around the processus dentatus of the axis or second vertebra. There exist check ligaments to prevent this movement going too far. 272. To the dorsal vertebrse are articulated the ribs, * The dark line represents the outline {silhouette) of the living animal ; vc, cervical vertebrse; vd, dorsal vertebras; vl, lumbar vertebrae; vs, sacrum or sacral vertebras; vq, vertebrse of the tail, or caudal ; c, the ribs ; o, scapula; h, humerus ; cu, ulna, or cubitus ; ca, carpus ; me, metacarpus ; ph, pha- langes ; fe, femur ; ro t rotula ; ti, tibia ta, tarsus; mt, metatarsus. 142 ZOOLOGY. 24 in man, i.e., 12 on each side. The head of the rib rests on the vertebral colurhn, and the tubercle on the transverse process generally ; the anterior extremity of the rib is united to a cartilage, by means of which it is prolonged to the sternum, directly in the first seven ribs, and indirectly in the remaining five. Hence the division of the ribs into true and false, or sternal and asternal (Fig. 96). 273. Limbs. The skeleton of the limbs may be divided into a basilar portion, and a lever or extended and moveable part. In the pectoral extremity the basilar portion or shoulder 'consists of two bones, the scapula and the collar- bone or clavicle. With the scapula, a large and flat bone, is articulated the humerus or arm-bone. The articular cavity (glenoid) has but little depth. On the inner side of this glenoid cavity is a strong process, called coracoid, and on the dorsal side of the bone a strong spine, running from near its base, and terminating in a process called acromion; sur- mounting the shoulder-joints and attached to this process is the clavicle, a cylindrical and slender bone, comparatively ; its other extremity is articulated with the manubrium of the sternum (Figs. 94 and 96). The more obvious use of the clavicle is to maintain the shoulders apart, and hence the frequency of its fracture when forced towards the sternum. These clavicles are strong in birds of powerful flight, and weak in those differently circum- stanced : contrast, for example, the eagle and the turkey. In animals like the horse, ox, &c., they are wholly wanting; the scapula, as the essential bone of the shoulder, never. Numerous powerful muscles fix the shoulder-bones to the trunk ; of these may be mentioned the trapezius, rhomboids, and levator of the angle of the scapula; a muscle of great power, even in man, but much more so in the larger quadruped mammals, as the horse, ox, &c., connects the scapula with the ribs, viz., the serratus magnus. 274. The arm is divided into arm, fore-arm, and hand. In the skeleton of the arm there is one bone, the humerus; in that of the fore-arm two bones, the radius and ulna ; the skeleton of the hand is subdivided into three segments, the carpus, metacarpus, and fingers; in the carpus there are eight bones ; in the metacarpus five ; and in each finger there are three bones, with the exception of the thumb, in which only two are reckoned. The humerus has a ball-and-socket motion upon the OF THE MOTORY APPARATUS IN MAN. 143 scapula, and is moved by several powerful muscles, of which some proceed from the scapula (sub-scapular, supra-spinal, infra-spinal, teretes) ; others from the trunk, as the pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi. By its lower or distal extremity, it articulates with the radius and ulna. 275. The radius and ulna form the skeleton of the fore-arm. Of these, the radius is the more moveable, and upon its rotation on the extremity of the humerus depends i Vertebral Column. Kibs. .--Clavicle. Intercostal! Muscles. \ Fig. 96. Thorax of Man.* the movement of rotation and supination of the hand. There is no rotation at the elbow-joint, both bones moving on the humerus merely in flexion and extension ; but it is close to this that the radius rotates on the ulna, and slides over the smaller head of the humerus, which movement determines the rotation of the hand in supination and pronation. The lower end of the ulna is styliform, and has interposed between * See explanation of this figure at page 77. 144 ZOOLOGY. it and the carpal bones a fibre-cartilage of a triangular shape, which attaching the radius at its extremity to the ulna, permits the former to rotate around the lower end of the latter, which remains fixed. These two bones at their carpal extremities also move readily in flexion and extension. The process called olecranon belongs to the ulna or cubit ; to it are attached the extensor muscles of the fore-arm. 276. In the hand we have the carpus, metacarpus, and fingers, or digital portion. The carpus is composed of eight bones, four in each row j they are scarcely moveable, and the strength of the arch they form is considerable. In the first row we find the scaphoid, semilunar, pyramidal, and pisiform; in the second row the trapezium, trapezoides, magnum, and unciform. On the flexor side of the hand they form with the anterior annular ligament of the carpus, a canal, in which are lodged and protected most of the flexor tendons, and one of the great nerves (median) proceeding to the palm of the hand. The metacarpus is composed of a single row of small long bones, corresponding to the number of the fingers, all diffe- rent and readily distinguishable from each other. Four of these move but little ; the first, which supports the thumb, and which some view as the proximal phalanx of that finger, is very moveable, corresponding to the greater mobility of the thumb as compared with the other fingers. Finally, the fingers have each three bones, called proximal, middle, and distal phalanges ; in the thumb there are only two. The distal phalanx supports the nail, and is sometimes called the nail-bone, or ungual phalanx. 277. When we consider the arm as a series of broken levers, we observe that the arm is longer than the fore-arm, and this longer than the hand : or, in other words, that the mobility of the structures and their flexibility and power of adaptation increase as we approach the extremity, properly so called. 278. The structure of the inferior or pelvic extremities has the strongest analogy to that of the superior limbs, and the principal differences to be observed have a necessary relation to their functions ; to make of them, in fact, instru- ments of locomotion rather than of prehension. Hence their solidity, at the expense of their mobility. They also have a basilar portion, the haunch, the representative of the shoulder, OF THE MOTOEY APPARATUS IN MAN. 145 and an articulated lever, formed of three principal parts the thigh, the leg, and the foot corresponding to the arm, the fore-arm, and the hand. 279. The haunch or basilar portion of the abdominal or pelvic extremity is composed of one bone on either side, the os innominatum or haunch-bone. In the young this bone is composed of three large portions, called pubic, iliac, and ischiatic portions. These have been considered analogous to the scapula, coracoid process, and clavicle. These bones, the ossa innorninata, are articulated in the most solid manner with the sacrum by strong articulations, and with each other at the pubis ; these joints are immovable in their normal state : with the sacrum and coccyx, the innominata form the osseous girdle, called the pelvis, surrounding the lower part of the trunk. To this basin or pelvis are consequently attached the powerful erectors of the spine, the muscles which are to move the lower extremities, and those which shut in the abdominal and pelvic cavities. 280. In the thigh there is but one bone, the femur (Pig. 94). The head of this bone, by which it articulates with the pelvis, forms, with the cotyloid cavity of the haunch - bone, a perfect ball-and-socket joint, protected by a capsular ligament, permitting of circular movements, or nearly so. A short neck (cervix) connects the spherical head of the femur to a powerful cylindrical shaft, which enlarges towards its lower extremity, by which it articulates with the tibia. This is by much the longest and strongest bone of the body. Powerful muscles surround and move it in all directions, excepting backwards or in extension. 281. The skeleton of the leg is composed of two bones, the tibia and fibula. The rotula or patella, attached to the tibia by a powerful ligament, or rather tendon, is a sesamoid bone, developed in a fibro- cartilage connected with the system of the tendons. The tibia carries the whole weight of the body, transmitted to it through the femur, which it transmits to the astragalus. There is no rotation at the knee-joint in general, nor at the ankle. The malleoli formed by the lower ends of the tibia and fibula assist in forming a case for the head of the astragalus. 282. The foot, like the hand, is divided into three regions : the tarsus, metatarsus, and toes. In the tarsus there are seven bones, the astragalus, os calcis, scaphoid, cuboid, and three cuneiform bones ; in the metatarsus there L 146 ZOOLOGY. are five bones, reckoned numerically, from the inner to the outer side of the foot ; and in the region of the toes, there are for the great toe, two phalanges, and for the others three; besides these, as in the hand, there are two sesamoid bones, constant and regular, developed in the tendon of the short flexor below the ball of the great toe. In man the great toe cannot be opposed to the others ; the second toe is the longest in all well-formed human feet. The tarsal and metatarsai bones form a strong arch towards the inner and lower surface of the feet, protecting the vessels, nerves, and tendons passing from the foot to the leg, and the opposite. The short flexors of the toes are placed in the sole of the foot; the tendo-Achilles, the strong tendon through which the extensor muscles act on the foot in walking, is attached to the tuberosity of the calcarieum. The size of the peroneal muscles is a peculiarity in the human leg. The same remark applies to the gastrocnemii muscles. Of the Attitudes and of Locomotion, 283. All mammals, birds, reptiles, and fishes have a skeleton formed on the same plan as in man. It gives to the body its general form, regulates its development and movements. 284. Station or Standing. With the exception of serpents, most animals rest on the soil by means of limbs or extremities. They r stand by means of the action of the ex- tensor muscles : and thus standing for a long time erect becomes more fa- tiguing than walk- ing, for in this the . flexorsand extensors are used alternately. 285. But the body must also be in equilibria, or balanced on its base of sustentation ; and the point around which all its movements are performed is called the centre of gravity. Now, to support the centre of gravity, it is neces- Fig. 97. OF THE ATTITUDES AND OF LOCOMOTION. 147 sary that the base of sustentation he situated vertically below the centre of gravity. The wider, then, the base of sustenta- tion is, the more secure the position : thus we stand safer on two feet than one ; on the sole of the foot than on the toes or heel, &c. ; for in proportion to the extent of the base of sustentation, so may the centre of gravity be displaced with- out risk of its falling beyond that base. The law holds good in all heavy bodies ; thus, the table (a) represented in Fig. 97 c*.' 3' ** Fig. 98. must fall, because the vertical (c), let fall from its centre of gravity (e), would fall beyond the limits of its base of sustentation (a), or in other words, the foot of the table. or the space occupied by it; whereas the table (b) would not fall, for the base of sustentation is sufficiently large to allow the vertical from the centre of gravity to fall within its limits. On these simple principles may readily be explained the safety of the position of the quadruped as he stands on four limbs ; how it becomes less safe on three, still less on two ; and how readily the bird secures itself on one leg in conse- quence of the breadth of the foot which is the base of susten- tation. Man stands readily on one limb, and with little fatigue, especially if he use the other to secure his equilibrium ; for the centre of gravity being in him towards the middle of * To show the varying centre of gravity in man. L 2 148 ZOOLOGY. the pelvis, all that is required is to recline the body a little to one side, so that the centre of gravity may fall on the sole of the foot which receives the weight.* Most quadrupeds can neither stand on one foot nor even on the two hinder limbs; it is im- possible for them to maintain, excepting for a few seconds, such a position; the base of sustentation is too narrow; their centre of gravity is to- wards the chest, and the muscles are not strong enough to maintain the attitude. But in man this position is easy, natural, and belongs to him by the character of his organiza- tion. 286. In the vertical posi- tion it is chiefly the extensor muscles which are called into play; the limbs forming broken levers become fixed ; the knee Fig. lOO.t Fig. 101. and ankle become immovable. 287. Sitting is less fa- tiguing than standing; but the horizontal position is that alone which gives absolute rest to the body. 288. Walking. When we walk, one of our feet is carried forwards, whilst the other is extepded on the limb ; and as this forcibly extended foot rests or presses against a resisting soil, its elongation displaces the pelvis, and thus * Standing on one foot, using but little muscular effort, requires the centre of gravity to be thrown forwards so as to fall towards the fore part of the base of sustentation ; the knee tends then to bend backward, but is fixed and rendered immovable by the- posterior ligament of Winslpw. Thus the knee becomes fixed by a mechanical artifice requiring but little muscular effort. But if we shift the centre of gravity so as to make it pass directly through the joint, a strong muscular effort is required to fix the knee-joint ; the extensor muscles are called into play in order to fix the patella, and the position cannot in consequence be long maintained. E. K. t Fig. 100, hind foot of the horse. Fig. 101 , foot of the stag ; t, the tibia, ta, first row of the bones of the tarsus ; ta, second row ; c, metatarsus or cawowbone ; s, styloid bone formed by the skeleton of a rudimentary finger ; there are two such ; p, proximal phalanx, called the great pastern ; pi, middle phalanx (little pastern) ; pt, distal phalanx, or coffin-bone of veteri- narians. OF THE ATTITUDES AND OF LOCOMOTION. 149 projects the whole body forwards ; at the same instant, the pelvis turns a little on the femur of the opposite side, and the leg which at first remained behind, bends, is carried forward, and in its turn is placed on the soil, to carry forward the whole body by the extension of the foot. By the aid of these alternate movements of flexion and extension, each limb carries in its turn the weight of the body, and at each step the centre of gravity is pushed forwards. For an instant the body is carried alter- nately on one foot, and the centre of gravity is carried flexuously from side to side at each step, and this in proportion to the width of the pelvis. 289. As the functions of every appa- ratus are always in relation with the structures, so the limbs of various animals show great variety in their disposition. Thus, amongst mammals, some are des- tined to move in water or on land that is, to swim or walk, as suits them, or to swim only ; others have the limbs formed for speed ; others, as bats, fly like birds ; some use their fore limbs only as instru- ments of prehension or touch ; and yet the limbs in all these animals are formed pre- cisely on one plan. In the swimming limbs of the seal, the wing of the bat, the fore limbs of the squirrel or mole, we find * Skeleton of the right fore leg of the Asiatic Elephant. In the construction of the legs of the elephant, Nature seems to have done her utmost to combine enormous strength with a remarkable de- gree of agility. The ulna, which in other animals falls off as it approaches the wrist, and is articulated only indirectly with the carpal bones, in the ele- phant, on the contrary, enlarges to a size even greater than the radius, and is articulated directly with the carpus. The other exception to the almost universal law of the falling off of the ulna, I dis- covered in the dugong, and pointed it out as one of Fig. 102."* the characters separating the dugong from the Cetacea, in which I had placed it. Long afterwards, the illustrious De Blainville accepted of my arrangement as the only correct one, and restored the dugong to the elephant, to which it more nearly belongs. 150 ZOOLOGY. the same number and arrangement of the bones (Fig. 94) as in the human arm. 290. In mammals organized for speed, the limbs are slender and the feet small ; we see this in the horse, stag, and camel, in which the toes are but little divided (Fig. 95), and the number of the toes is reduced to its minimum ; in the horse, for example, there is but one toe or finger perfect, two others being imperfect and concealed (Fig. 101) ; in others there are two, either alone or with vestiges of one or two others, and these always short and not very moveable. In those also remarkable for speed of foot, the limbs are long ; and this is a necessary result of the mechanical prin- ciples already explained. Fig. 103. Skeleton of the Kangaroo. 291. Leaping. In walking, the weight of the body is sustained by a portion of the locomotory apparatus, whilst its centre of gravity is being pushed forward by the other part of the apparatus, so that man never ceases to touch the soil. In leaping it is otherwise ; the body is thrown into the air, and becomes, as it were, a projectile. To effect this, the articulations are strongly flexed, so that, by a strong and forcible and sudden extension, the body may be forced up- wards from the resisting soil. Between the body and the soil there is, in fact, an apparatus representing an elastic spring the joints; on these extending violently and sud- denly one of two things must happen, if the spring be suffi- ciently strong either the soil must yield or the body, and this being generally the only moveable, gives way and becomes OF THE ATTITUDES AND OF LOCOMOTION. 151 the projectile. Were the soil to yield under the feet, it is obvious that no leap could take place. With quadrupeds, it is principally the hinder extremities which act as the spring or force ; and hence, in animals of great speed, as the ante- lope, horse, &c., these limbs are long, and flexed, and slender. In some, as in the jerboa and kangaroo, the anterior limbs are but little, if at all, used in progression. 292. Swimming or Flying. These movements are analogous to leaping, the only difference being in fact in the medium in which they take place. The points to be con- sidered are, first, the medium, which in the case of flying is the air, and this, by reason of its rarity and the facility of its displacement, requires being struck with much greater force and rapidity than if it were water, or the still more resisting soil. Hence the great force required by birds in the muscular apparatus by which flight is effected. Second, diminution of the surface of the motory organs during the advance of the body, so as to offer less resistance to the passage of the body through the air. Now, these two conditions we shall Fig. 104.* find uniformly take place in animals which fly or swim naturally ; the expanded foot of the seal . diminishes during the moment of advance, and the wing of the bird approaches the sides ; the flanges attached to the archimedean screw are but poor imitations of the tail-fin of the whale. 293. The palmated feet of the otter and seal, of the swan and duck, represent and explain the mechanism by which nature provides for the wants of an animal requiring at * Skeleton of the foetus of the Greenland whale. The specimen was re- moved for me from the uterus of its mother, a full-sized Mysticetus or Greenland whale, by Mr. Robert Auld, one of my students. The skeleton was long in the museum in Old Surgeons' Hall, and is now in that of the University of Edinburgh. 152 ZOOLOGY. times to swim at others to walk on the soil ; the otter also furnishes a good example of this mechanism. But nature does not for all this depart from her great plan in the construction Fig. 105. Skeleton of the Seal.* of animals ; the skeleton of the hand and foot of the seal resembles ours (Fig. 105), admitting that in some, as in the whale, the number of phalanges appears to exceed that of mammals generally, and that the fingers themselves seem to be replaced by a number of osseous pieces, reunited under a common integument, as is seen in the fins of fishes. Fig. 106. The Flying Fish (the Dactylopterus) . 294. The structure of the organs which enable an animal to fly, has much analogy with the fins generally ; thus there are fishes (Fig. 106) which use indifferently for progression in air or water their pectoral fins. * The bones are lettered as in Fig. 95. OF THE ATTITUDES AND OF LOCOMOTION. 153 Some squirrels, and the Galeopitheci, have a wide ex- pansion of the common integuments extending on either side, from the neck to the tail and hinder extremities; and by this they can support themselves in the air for a short time; it answers, in fact, the purpose of a parachute. In the vertebrata, the wings are always formed by the pectoral extremities, without requiring on the part of the limb any very ex- traordinary metamorphosis. The figure (108) representing the skeleton of the bat explains this sufficiently; the phalanges of the fingers are much extended, and with them the integuments. The wings of birds, which at first sight seem to differ essentially from the arm of man, the foot of the horse, and the swimming paw of the whale, in point of fact do not differ as regards the basis of the instrument, the skeleton. To the bones representing the fore-arm and hand, analogous to those of man, are attached the powerful feathers of the wing; the hand is small, and the digital portion merely rudimentary ; but the basilar portion of the limb is always powerful, and perfectly adapted for flight. The wings of insects are constructed pretty nearly on the same plan as those of birds, but the tegumentary part is supported on horny stalks, instead of osseous, as in the vertebrata. 295. Organs of Prehension. By slight modifications in the form of the bones, and in the disposition of the articu- lations, the limbs become instruments of prehension, instead of mere locomotion and support. To be satisfied of this, it is only necessary to compare the pectoral and abdominal extremities in man, section by section, and bone by bone ; the rotation of the radius, and the con sequent movements of pronation and supination, together with an opposing thumb, constitute in reality the chief differences between the arms Fig. 107. Galeopithecus. Flying Lemur. The 154 ZOOLOGY. and limbs. Many apes of the New Continent (America) Sf* Fig. 108. Skeleton of the Bat.* opossums, &c., have prehensile tails ; amongst reptiles, the chameleon offers the same peculiarity. OF THE VOICE. 296. In certain of the lower animals there exists no trace of this faculty; in insects, the sound produced by the friction of their wings, or of some other tegumentary parts, is a necessary result of their movements, as of flight, for example, and can scarcely be viewed as a phenomenon of expression. But in the higher animals the voice acquires another importance : it is under the direction of the will ; it is more varied, and depends on a totally "different cause ; for in all these, it is caused by the passage of the air through a determinate point of the respiratory canal, disposed in such a way as to cause the air to vibrate. 297. The larynx (Fig. 31), surmounting the trachea and communicating directly with the pharynx, and by its means with the nostrils and mouth, is the organ of the voice in man and in mammals. It may be felt on the surface of the * The bones have the same letters as in Figure 95 : cl, the clavicle; op, the thumb. THE LARYNX. 155 neck, a little below the hyoid bones. Experiments on living animals, and observations made on those who have undergone the operation of tracheotomy, that is, of having an aperture made into the windpipe between the lungs and the larynx, prove that the voice is formed in that organ. 298. The Larynx. The larynx is a short and wide tube, suspended to the lingual bones, and continuous with the trachea or windpipe inferiorly (A, Fig. 111). Its walls are formed of cartilages called thyroid (t), cricoid (c), arytsenoid (a r, Fig. 112). The salient angle of the thyroid felt on the surface of the neck in man, still retains the vulgar Fig. 109. Skeleton of the Vulture.* name of pomum Adami (a) ; a mucous membrane, con- tinuous with that covering the tongue, mouth, nostrils, and pharynx, lines its interior, and, extending downwards into the trachea, becomes the mucous membrane of the lungs * The different bones are ipdicated by the same letters as in the preceding Figures. 156 ZOOLOGY. themselves. In the interior of the organ, this mucous membrane forms four folds, two superior!} 7 ', called the false vocal cords, and two inferiorly, called the true vocal cords. Fig. 110. White-throated Sapajou, or Sajou, Cebus hypoleucos. It is here, upon the edge of these folds, by the air impinging and causing them to vibrate, that the voice is formed. (Figs. 112 and 113.) These folds are in consequence called the vocal cords or ligaments of the glottis, the space between the true ligaments being called the glottis or rima glottidis } the true vocal cords are formed interiorly of folds of mucous membrane, and ex- teriorly of elastic ligaments, which stretch from the interior of the salient angle of the thyroid cartilage to the arytsenoid cartilages. By the muscular apparatus attached to the larynx, not only the entire larynx can be moved up and down in the neck, but these ligaments or true vocal cords can be made tense or relaxed, so as to diminish, enlarge, or all but close the aperture called rima glottidis, through which the air must pass and repass in its way to and from the lungs. Between MECHANISM: OF THE VOICE. 157 the true and false ligaments of the glottis or vocal cords, on either side there is a cavity, called the ventricle of the larynx. Lastly, superiorly, the upper aperture of the larynx (which must not be confounded with the rima glottidis) is protected by a fibre-cartilage, of a triangular shape, called epiglottis, by means of which, during deglutition, the larynx is still further protected from the accidental passage of food or drink into the air-tubes, the effect of which accident, unless in- stantly relieved, is suffocation. 299. Mechanism of the Voice. In the ordinary state the air passes and repasses the larynx, and no sound is heard ; but when the muscles of the larynx contract so as to modify the vocal cords as to tension, and to affect the diameter of the rima glottidis, sounds are immediately produced. The cele- brated Galen divided in a living animal the nerves proceeding to the larynx, and first showed the phenomenon to depend on muscular action influenced by the nerves. By cutting the true vocal cords the voice is destroyed altogether. * Fig. 111. The male larynx viewed in profile : h, hyoid bone ; I, body of the hyoid, giving attachment to the base of the tongue ; t, thyroid cartilage ; a, salient angle of the thyroid cartilage, which may be felt on the surface of the neck (pomum Adami) ; a membraniform ligament unites the thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bones ; c, cricoid cartilage ; tr, trachea or windpipe ; o, posterior wail of the larynx in relation with the gullet. Fig. 112. Vertical section of the larynx; k, hyoid bones ; t, thyroid car- tilage ; c, cricoid cartilage ; ar, arytsenoid cartilages ; v, ventricle of the glottis and of the larynx, formed as described in the text ; e, epiglottis ; tr, trachea. Fig. 113. Larynx, front view ; the contour of the inner wall is indicated by the dotted lines aa, bb : li, true vocal cords, or inferior ; Is, false ditto, or superior. The other parts are indicated by the same letters as in the pre- ceding figures. 158 ZOOLOGY. Fig. 114.* 300. Most physiologists are disposed to think that the voice is solely produced by the vibrations of the true vocal cords acting in the manner of the reed of the hautboy ; this would make of the human organ of voice a wind instrument. Others speak of it as if it more resembled the violin, or was a stringed instrument. The human voice, which surpasses all musical instruments, par- takes seemingly of the quali- ties of both kinds of instru- ments. It has been proved experimentally on the living and dead larynx, that the elastic cords (true ligaments of the glottis) vibrate strongly whilst the voice is being pro- duced, and that the aperture between them becomes much contracted during the execu- tion of acute or shrill sounds ; they may even be made to touch for a large part of their course. They differ also in length in man and woman, and in children. 301. The intensity of the voice depends partly on the force with which the air is expelled from the lungs, partly on the size of various parts of the larynx, partly on the facility with which its various parts vibrate. In some mammals, large cells exist, communicating with the larynx, and it is to these cells that the strength of the voice is attributed. This structure is met with in the ass, and more especially in the apes of America, called howlers. 302. The timbre (quality) of the voice seems to depend partly on the physical properties of the ligaments of the glottis and walls of the larynx, partly on those of the air-tube following the larynx. The quality, for example, of musical instruments is known to vary much, according as they are constructed of wood, metal, or of other substances ; and cer- tain modifications of the voice seem to be referable to a hardening of the tissues composing the larynx, and especially * To show the rima of the glottis and the true vocal cords : d, epiglottis ; c c, the two ary taenoid cartilages ; e e t true vocal cords ; between them is the rima glottidis. OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 159 the cartilages. In women and children these cartilages are soft and flexible ; whilst in men, and in women with a mascu- line voice, these cartilages have become ossified. The form and direction of the passages through which the air passes after having escaped beyond the rima glottidis, affect also the character of the voice. Thus, in passing strongly through the nostrils it becomes nasal and unplea- sant ; the form of the mouth, palate, and velum palati affect, no doubt, the quality of the voice. 303. In birds, as will be afterwards more fully explained, the voice is formed in a supplementary larynx formed much lower down, or in the trachea ; in singing birds this organ is very complex. ' 304. Modification of the Voice. The sounds produced by the yocal apparatus may be divided into the cry, the song, and the ordinary or acquired voice. The cry is the only sound which most animals can pro- duce. It is not modulated, and is generally sharp and dis- agreeable. The cry of man is instinctive, and not generally a voluntary act. It is quite peculiar when it expresses agony or distress. The child can only cry, and it is by imitation of his fellows as he grows up that he learns the art of modu- lating his voice so as to produce articulate sounds. This acquired voice differs from the instinctive cry, but is essen- tially formed in the same way, that is, by sounds whose intervals and harmonic relations are imperceptible to the ear, at least clearly and distinctly. Singing, on the contrary, is composed of appreciable or musical sounds, of which the oscillations are regular, and may, as it were, be reckoned by the ear. 305. Man also possesses the remarkable power of articu- lating the sounds of his voice, and this act is called pro- nunciation. The organs of pronunciation are the pharynx, the nasal fossae, and the various parts of the mouth. But man is not the only animal which has this power, although he is the only one who knows how to attach meaning to the words he pro- nounces, and to the arrangement he gives them ; he alone is gifted with the power of speech. OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 306. Having examined the organs by which man and 160 ZOOLOGY. other animals acquire their knowledge, there remains the study of the power which determines their actions and the phenomena of the understanding. This hranch of physiology having been more cultivated by philosophers than naturalists, we shall confine our remarks thereon to a brief space. It is man alone who possesses the faculties we allude to in a high order, and it is man who naturally has been most observed in this respect; our comparisons have reference constantly to man ; by him we judge of other animals. 307. Faculties of the Human Understanding. Im- pressions made on the external senses by the external world are transmitted to the brain by the nerves : they are then called sensations. Sensation, then, is quite distinct from an impression ; it is an impression perceived ; it implies con- sciousness ; what is not perceived has no existence, for us. The perceiving faculty is usually spoken of as the mind, the spirit (esprit), the soul ; the thinking, perceiving, and reflect- ing power, conscious of its own independent existence. 308. Over this consciousness we have no power during sleep, but when awake we can direct it to one object to the exclusion of others. When thus forcibly and strongly called on by one impression, pain ceases to be felt, and the external world is no longer observed. This faculty is called the power of attention, which varies almost in every individual. 309. The constant relation of certain sensations to cer- tain impressions leads to the inference that the one causes the other ; that the one is the effect, the other the cause. We arrive at this conclusion by the natural powers of induction. We thus acquire a knowledge of the external world, and we learn to judge by comparison of the different qualities of objects. Soon the mind does not stop at this point, but proceeds to weigh more and more carefully the impressions and sensations thus received; the faculty of judging and, (comparing becomes rapid and surer ; it is not the senses which are exercised, it is the judgment ; the organs of sense require no education. And here man's faculties would stop, were it not for another faculty, by which sensations long since received can be re- called, and compared with each other and with those then and there present. 310. This faculty is the memory ; by its means we recal the sensations, more or less vividly, more or less ac- curately, according to our natural powers of perception. The OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 161 power varies almost in every person. It may be destroyed by disease or strengthened (?) by exercise : active in youth, it becomes dull with age, especially as regards the events of yesterday, whilst the sensations of youth are readily recalled, even in extreme old age. Youth, then, is the age for acquiring knowledge. Nothing is more capricious than this faculty called memory; it would seem as if there were so many distinct memories, which different men possess in various degrees. Some have a memory for words, others for dates, others for language, in its largest sense ; and by disease one of these memories may be destroyed and not the others. But there exist no good grounds for supposing that there really exist more memories than one. 311. By the faculty of * judgment we compare the sensa- tions derived from all sources with each other, study their relations and draw from them certain conclusions or opinions.; and it is this faculty which especially characterizes man from all that lives. By reflection he studies his own faculties, and, when it is sound, measures them accurately with others. 312. The imagination is a faculty which plays an im- portant part in the phenomena of the human intelligence ; it is connected with the power we have of creating signs to represent our ideas. 313. Finally, the will, without which our other faculties were given to no purpose ; the will, by which we seek plea- sure and safety, and avoid pain and danger. With this, however, there is joined a tendency to induction, and, super- added as it were, the sentiment of justice, of the beautiful, of pity ; in a word, all the moral sentiments so peculiarly human, and which, though general, men possess in such varied degrees. 314. These faculties have strong affinities with others, which may be named affective, such as parental and filial affection for our fellow-creatures, &c.; and these, on the other hand, have strong affinities with our natural instincts. In man, these instincts are but little developed, compared with what we find in other animals, in whom they play a most important part. 315. Principles of Actions. The various faculties we have just enumerated are the determining cause of most of our actions. 316. Certain actions, as those of the heart and intes- M 162 ZOOLOGY. tines, called peristaltic, are automatic, that is, they are alto- gether independent of our will. Other movements are semi- automatic, as the respiratory, and the force which determines these seems to reside in the spinal marrow ( 255). The effects of hahit and of the association of ideas form an interesting subject of psychological inquiry ; but for this we have no space, but must remain content with merely pointing out the analogy between the acts resulting from these and the operations of instinct. 317. Faculties of Animals. Contrary to what might have heen expected, the study of animal instinct is more diffi- cult than that of the human understanding ; we have, in fact, no means of knowing how they think and feel ; we can judge only by the results, that is, their actions. 318. All animals feel ; but in the lowest it is not easy to perceive that the sensations they experience lead to any act of judgment or reflection : they move to avoid an obstacle, and that is all. The faculties of relation seem limited to this in the infusoria and in zoophytes. But as we ascend in the scale, acts appear in the history of animals, so complex and so appropriate, as to force us to admit an ad- mirable instinct to preside over these, and even a degree of intelligence resembling, however distantly, our own. The natural history of the beaver, the bee, and the ant, are singu- larly instructive on this point ; whilst the intelligence of the dog, the elephant, and the ape, has at all times attracted the notice of man. 319. Instincts of Animals. The character which espe- cially distinguishes instinct from reason, is, that instinctive actions are not the result of experience or of previously acquired knowledge through the senses, whilst those of reason can be readily traced to that source. In man, the reason takes almost wholly the place of instinct ; in animals it is the re- verse. As one of the simplest examples q instinct, we may cite the case of ducklings hatched and brought up by a hen. In spite of every effort made by the supposed parent, the duckling at once seeks the water, and boldly plunges into a medium of which it has no experience, and into which its adopted parent dare not follow. As examples of instinctive acts of extreme complication, we may cite the labours of the bee. Now bees require neither models, nor instruction, nor experience ; they are self-taught, and from generation to generation they labour in the same OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 163 way ; but they continue also to labour (and this is why we say "blind instinct") when their labours can be of no avail. Such labours cannot be ascribed to any acts of intelligence, but resemble rather those which lead the infant to the breast of its parent. So varied are the instincts of animals, that we could only venture in a brief manual such as this to speak of a few these we shall select from amongst the more remarkable. 320. The principal instinctive actions may be arranged in three classes, according as they refer to the preservation of the species, to that of the individual, or to its relations with other animals. 321. Of the instincts bestowed on animals by nature, none is more remarkable than that inciting them to live ex- clusively on certain substances. Some of the simplest ani- mals are without instinct, and swallow whatever comes near them : such is the case with various zoophytes ; but it is quite otherwise with most, which refuse obstinately all sorts of food but one. Some live exclusively on animal food, others on vegetable ; others only on certain plants, or the leaves and fruit of but one plant, showing an indifference for all others ; Fig. 115. Ant-lion. and what is most remarkable is, that at a certain stage of their growth they will abandon this kind of food for another, with the use of which they were previously wholly unac- quainted. Thus certain insects carnivorous in the larva state, become phytivorous when perfect : and frogs, which when tadpoles are vegetarians, become carnivorous as frogs. 322. With the instinct, nature of course gives the ability to gratify it. M 2 164 Thus the larva of the ant-lion (Fig. 116), a small insect re- sembling an ephemera, preys on ants and other insects, of which it sucks the juices; but being slow of foot, it is forced to spread traps for the capture of its prey. It digs in the sand a small pit, in the form of a funnel (Fig. 117), in the bottom of which it conceals itself, watching the moment when its prey may fall unawares into it. Should the fall not be effectual, it stuns its victim by throwing grains of sand at it, by means of its mandibles. Its mode of procedure in digging the pitfall is equally curious. After having examined the ground, it traces a circle ; placing itself within this circle, it commences digging, throwing out the sand from the excavation as it is being formed ; this is done by means of the head. Thus it continues turning itself round within the circle traced, until it returns to the point from which it started, where, changing sides, it repeats its labour until the pitfall be complete. Should it meet with a stone difficult to move, it leaves it for awhile, to return to it when the rest of its work has been accomplished ; its whole efforts are now directed to remove the stone, but should these fail, it abandons the entire enterprise, proceeding elsewhere to break up fresh ground. Lastly, it repairs carefully any damage done to the walls of the pitfall by accident. Fig. 116. Larva. Fig. 117. Pitfall of the Ant-lion. Certain spiders, as is well known, spread nets still more curious, to catch flies and small insects. The disposition of the thread of the web in some is without regularity ; in others, as in the web of the Epeira Diadema,* it presents the utmost elegance of arrangement. Some enclose their victim, * Aranen Diadema, Lin. OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 165 in addition, with, threads of the web, so as to afford them time to pierce it with their venomous claws. The Archer of the Ganges, a fish living on insects, spirts water on those he sees on aquatic herhs, and is said seldom to miss his prey, even at the distance of several feet. Finally, to instinct must be ascribed most of the wiles prac- tised by quadrupeds during the chase of their prey. Fig. 118. Common Squirrel. 323. To the same class of instincts must be referred the cumulative or store-forming habits of certain animals. The common squirrel furnishes us with an example of this pro- pensity to lay up a store of provisions against a scarcity, to be dreaded or expected in winter ; but the propensity exists where no change of season indicates the reasonableness of such an event. The young commence laying up store of provisions during summer in hollows of trees, which they readily find in winter, even though concealed with snow. The Lagomys pika, a Siberian rodent, not only lays up a store for the winter, but turns the grass into hay, exactly as our farmers do, before it stores it. Under each magazine of hay, prepared in fine weather with the greatest care and foresight, he digs a passage to his burrow, that he 166 ZOOLOGY. may visit each in turn, under shelter and under ground, protected from accidents and sheltered from the inclemency of the weather. The bee, of which we shall presently speak, labours in this direction, laying up ample store of provisions for winter. 324. Amongst the preservative instincts, as they may be called, is the art of constructing dwellings without either model or instruction. The silkworm spins a cocoon, in which it remains as a larva, until ready to become a butterfly. The rabbit forms its warren, and the beaver its well-known habi- tation. The hamster (Fig. 119), a small rodent analogous to the rat, met with in the plains from Alsace to Siberia, and which is so injurious to agriculture, constructs a dwelling with two issues or exits ; the one oblique, by which it throws Fig. 119. The Hamster. out the loose earth produced by its excavations ; the other, perpendicular, is the way by which it enters and leaves its dwelling. These galleries lead to a certain number of cir- cular excavations communicating with each other by hori- zontal passages ; one of these cells, furnished with dried grass, is the dwelling of the hamster ; the others are intended to serve as magazines of provisions, which it collects in consi- derable quantities. Some spiders (my gale) construct works like those of the hamster, but more complicated ; for they not only construct a vast and commodious dwelling, but know how to shut it in by means of a covering or doorway, furnished with a hinge. On the side opposite to the hinge are a number of small openings, into which the animal, introducing its claws, holds the covering secure when an enemy attempts to open it. The exterior of the doorway of this den, as it may be called, is left OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 167 Fig. 120. Nest of the Mygale, or Bird Spider. rough, like the neighbouring soil, so as to elude observation ; the pit forming the den is dug in argillaceous earth, and lined interiorly with a kind of extremely consistent mor- tar, and a lid or covering is worked with alternating layers of miry earth and threads reunited into a tissue, made to fit exactly and to open only outwards. The hinge supporting this cover- ing is formed by a continua- tion of the filamentous layers proceeding from a point of its contour upon the walls of the tube situated beneath it, forming there a pad or hood, performing the office of a mantle-tree. Among insects also may be observed many remarkable instances of singular instincts in the construction of dwellings. The larva of a small nocturnal butterfly, the tortrix viridis- sima, is one of these ; it lives on the oak, rolling- up its leaves and connect- ing them together with threads. Others, as the cloth moth, a small grey and silvery papillon or moth, which, when in the larva state, rapidly breaks up woollen stuffs, forming galleries in the thickness of the web or cloth. With the hairs or wool thus detached it forms long tubes as a dwelling ; and what is singular is, that when this becomes too small to contain it, it breaks it open and adds to its length. Hybernating animals show singular instincts tending to their preservation : they prepare a winter dwelling, and shut it in, as if conscious or aware that they would not require to leave it for a long period ; also to protect them from the access Fig. 121. Nest of the Tortrix; Oak-leaf rolling Caterpillar. 168 ZOOLOGY. of cold and enemies. This is the case with the marmot exhibited in the streets by Savoyard boys. 325. A third class of instinctive faculties, which, like the preceding, have a reference to the preservation of the individual, but which at other times seem combined with the faculty of securing to the young conditions favourable to their existence, is exhibited by those animals which undertake distant journeys : sometimes even to change their climate periodically ; occasionally they merely leave the district when they have exhausted the provisions it furnishes to them ; sometimes it is the cold of winter which urges them towards the south, or the heats of summer which drive them to the north. But these journeys are always undertaken before any atmospheric change appreciable by us happens, to warn them of a necessity for such a change ; or, in other words, their instinct leads them to perceive the coming event, and directs them at once to the object sought, the region they aim at, without the least hesitation or error. They unite in bands, and thus proceed on their journey. The apes of the New World change their habitat irregu- larly ; they exhaust the resources of a district, and proceed in search of another with loud cries, carrying their young on their backs. The lemmings also undertake distant journeys, seemingly in an irregular manner, and for reasons which man cannot discover. They inhabit the shores of the Icy Sea, and descend occasionally from the mountains in innumerable bands. These migrations, fortunately for the inhabitants of Sweden and Norway, happen only about once in ten years ; for the lem- mings travelling in straight lines, and thus crossing rivers, rocks, and mountains, destroy all vegetation, even to the roots and grains. Nothing diverts them from their course but smooth walls, which they cannot cling to. In general such journeys are periodic. A small rodent, resembling the lemming, annually leaves I^amtschatka for the west; they march in straight lines, and are so numerous that when they reach the banks of the Ocholsk and of the Jou- doma, after having traversed 25 degrees of longitude, a single column will occupy two hours in defiling. In October, they return to Kamtschatka, and their return is a jour defete for the inhabitants, for the number of the carnivora which follow them is so great as to furnish an abundance of valuable furs. At the Cape of Good Hope and in North America are also OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 169 met with, in spring time and autumn, vas't herds of antelopes and deer, migrating to great distances.* But it is chiefly in the class Birds that the more remarkable instances of this migratory habit are found. A great number of these animals pass and repass from Europe to Africa so regularly that one may almost name the day of their probable arrival. The swallow comes in spring and departs in autumn. At this season they unite in troops, and may be seen collected on some prominence of the Mediterranean shores, watching, as it were, the favourable moment for the commencement of their journey. They proceed sometimes as far as Senegal. The quail also seeks in the milder regions of Africa and Asia Minor i winter residence ; and many northern birds migrate an- nually towards the South, to pass the rigorous season in milder climates, returning towards the polar regions with early spring. The same instinct exists in fishes ; the salmon, herring, tunny, &c., offer examples sufficiently well known. 326. No less curious are the instincts which lead insects and other animals to provide for the preservation of 'the young. The tedious process of incubation or hatching the eggs ; the care bestowed by the parent on the young so soon as they appear ; the selection of the locale ; the construction of the nest ; the kind of education which some give their young; the forethought which provides for the young food .in abundance the moment they require it, added to the love of offspring so strongly shown in many animals, must always excite in every reflecting mind the utmost admiration of the boundless power and knowledge and wisdom of the great Author of nature. These instincts extend to woman herself, and develop in her at once all the fondness of a parent and the sagacity of womanhood. 327. As many insects never see their young, these won- derful acts arise only from instinct : many place by the side of the larva, food adapted for its nourishment, not such as they themselves use. The necrophore (Fig. 122), Sexton Beetle, often met with in the fields, buries the carcase of a * These migrations of the Antelope in Southern Africa appeared to me to b^ chiefly regulated by the condition of the pasture. R. K. 170 ZOOLOGY. mole or some other 'animal near the place where it deposits its eggs, that the young when they appear may have an abundant supply of provisions. They live on putrid meat like the parent ; but the pompiles, insects allied to the wasp, live, when adult ; on vegetable food, as larvse on animal substances. They thus provide for the young a food they do not themselves use ; they place near the nest the body of a spider or of some caterpillar, which they have pierced with their sting. The xylocopa or carpenter bee (Fig. 123) has similar habits, and Fig. 123. Xylocopa (Carpenter Bee). Fig. 124. Nest of the Xylocopa. hollows out in timber a series of cells, serving at once as nests and storehouses for its larvse. 328. The adult bird seldom provides any nest or dwelling for itself; it is for its feeble and tender young that it labours with such skill and perseverance in the construction of a dwelling for them when they most require it. These nests, which vary with the species, are yet as it were identical as regards any species, and are uniformly constructed in the way best befitting the young of that species. They vary in their position, in forms, and composition, but most have a hemispheric form, the exterior formed of stalks and grass and herbs, the interior of soft downy substances, as moss (Fig. 125) ; but at times they are more complex. A well- known instance is that of the baya of India, a bird of the nature of our bullfinch ; the nest it forms resembles a bottle, and is suspended to the branch of a tree, so that neither apes, serpents, nor even squirrels can reach it ; the entrance to the OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 171 nest, moreover, looks downwards, so that the bird can only enter from below, and flying. It has two chambers, one for the male, the other for the female. Another nest equally curious is that of the Sylvia sutoria (Tailor Bird), which con- verts the cotton of the cotton-tree into threads, and with these sews together the leaves so as to form a nest. Even some fishes construct a kind of coarse nest, in which they deposit their ova ; but it is amongst insects that the constructive power is the most remarkable ; and to this we shall return in describing the nests of bees and wasps, and we shall therefore conclude this brief sketch by a single example taken from the class of solitary insects. The Xylocopa violacea (Violet Carpenter Bee) is allied to the family of bees. This animal (Fig. 123) hollows out in the timber of the hedge-rows, of fruit-trees, and of vine poles, oval holes, which at first advance obliquely, then curve Fig. 125, ^est of the Goldfinch. downwards, and descend vertically for a foot or more : in thus tunnelling the wood, the xylocopa takes care to preserve and collect together the debris, with which it afterwards constructs partitions, thus forming cells for lodging the larvae 172 ZOOLOGY. and their food ; in each cell is deposited an egg, and a quan- tity of vegetable fodder as food for the young so soon as it may be hatched. Fig. 126. Nest of the Baya. Fig. 127. Nest of the Sylvia Sutoria, or Tailor Bird. 329. By instinct, animals lead a solitary life or live in groups ; and these groups unite for mutual defence. Each species has its own habits and its own relations with other animals, with which it consorts or avoids or pursues. These associations are sometimes permanent, v t others only tem- porary. The hysena and wolf unite in groups only when pressed by hunger. Swallows also assemble for the purpose of travelling. Still more remarkable is the so-called pigeon of America. They collect in almost countless millions. The celebrated American ornithologist, Wilson, calculated at 2,000,000 a single band which he saw in Indiana; and Audubon relates that one autumn day he left his house at Henderson, on the banks of the Ohio, and whilst traversing OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 173 the uncultivated plains near Harden sburgh, he saw these wild pigeons in considerable numbers, flying from north-west to south-east ; as he journeyed on to Louisville the flock of birds became more and more numerous, until the light of midday was obscured as in an eclipse ; the droppings fell like snow ; before sunset he arrived at Louisville, a distance of fifty-five miles, but the flight of the migratory pigeons still went on ; this phenomenon continued for three days ; the droppings from the birds formed a distinct layer on the soil ; forests were stripped of their leaves, and sometimes destroyed, and the traces of their passage will remain for years. Fishes and insects are also gregarious, the herring for example, and locust ; the former assembling in vast shoals, and the latter in such numbers as to devastate a country. 330. The Psittacus infucatus is described by Levaillant as assembing in numbers towards evening to bathe and sport in some limpid stream, returning to the woods so soon as the evening pastime is finished. It is this instinct of sociability which brings together the warren rabbit and the prairie dog of America, a small rodent, with habits resembling gene- rally this class of animals. But it is chiefly in the beaver, the wasp, bee, the ant, that this sociable instinct shows itself in its utmost development ; that is, instinct directing all towards some common labour. 331. The Canadian beaver is of all animals the most remarkable for its sociability and instinctive industry. During summer it leads a solitary life in burrows dug by the banks of some lake or river ; but, when winter approaches, it quits its burrow to assemble with its fellows to construct in common with them its winter dwelling. In a spot remarkable for its solitude, a group of two or three hundred assemble, and dis- play all their architectural industry. Here they select a stream of sufficient depth as not to freeze throughout during the winter. They begin by forming with branches of trees, interlaced, the intervals being filled up with stones and mud, a sloping dyke, with the convexity towards the stream ; this dyke they crisp entirely with a thick and solid covering. The dyke is generally eleven or twelve feet at the base. It is strengthened annually by new works, and ultimately becomes covered with a thick vegetation. Thus is provided a pool of stagnant waters, or at least waters but little disturbed, in proximity with their dwellings. When the dyke is finished, or when the waters are smooth, 174 ZOOLOGY. such a preliminary work is not required. The beavers separate into a certain number of families, and commence constructing their huts, or repairing those already built. Fig. 128. The Beaver. These cabins are raised against the dyke or on the edge of the waters, and are of an oval form ; they are constructed in the same way as the dyke itself, of branches of trees, strongly cemented together by a kind of puddle- work. For this purpose they use the earth dug from under the wall or the banks, and work it with their feet ; it does not appear that the tail is employed for this purpose. The branches of the trees, no matter what be their size, are readily cut through with their sharp rodent teeth ; and when a larger trunk is required so as to intercept the stream, they, working in groups, divide it so that it shall fall int the most favourable manner to be floated to its destined resting-place. Their cabins have two floors, one under water, the other above ; the entrance and exit are by the chamber which is under water. Finally, all these works are carried on at night, and with extreme rapidity. When the proximity of man hinders the beaver from uniting in numbers sufficient to carry on those works requiring the association of many, they no longer build huts ; but the instinct of construction remains even in captivity, as has been seen in beavers confined in the Garden OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 175 of Plants, in Paris, as shown by their collecting bits of wood for a work which was not to be carried through. Perfect societies, like the one just described, are rare amongst birds ; yet we have in the Loxia soda, a kind of sparrow of the Cape of Good Hope, a specimen of the sociable instinct. These birds construct their nests under a roof-work common to the whole colony (Pig. 129). Fig. 129. Nest of the Republican, or Sociable Grosbeak. The nests of wasps surprise us by the regularity and per- fection of their construction. Wasps detach, by means of their mandibles, parcels of old wood, which they convert into a kind of paste resembling pasteboard, with which they con- struct rows of hexagonal qells ; these rows are placed parallel to each other, and at certain distances supported by pillars, which serve also to suspend them ; finally, the whole is placed sometimes in the air, at others in the hollow of a tree, or even underground, according to the species, exposed or en- closed in a common covering (Fig. 130). **/ 332. Community of labour is the great feature in the history of the bee ; but the bee, in its relations to the work- 176 ZOOLOGY. ing bee and the queen, bee, shows other instincts not less re- markable. The domestic bees, originally from Greece, but since spread all over the world, live in colonies composed of ten to thirty thousand neutral or working bees, of from six to eight hun- Fig. 130. Vertical Section of the gasp's Nest. dred males called drones, and of a, single female, which seems to reign as queen. They establish their dwellings in the trunk of some ancient tree, or in the hive which man prepares for them ; and to the working bees belong the labours to which the society owes its existence. Of these, some are the wax-gatherers, which go abroad to collect the food and the materials for the construction of the comb ; to others, called nurses, is assigned the task of watching over the young. OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 177 The working bee for collecting the wax enters a flower, the stamens of which are loaded with pollen. This dust attaches itself to the brush-like hairs covering the body of the bee, when, by rubbing itself with the brushes with which the tarsi are furnished (Fig. 131), the insect collects it into little parcels, which it places on small palettes, hollowed out on the surface of its hind limbs (Fig. 132). By the aid of mandibles the working bees also detach from the surface of plants a resinous matter called propolis, and with it they also charge their little baskets. Thus loaded the bees return to deposit in the interior of the hive the materials they have collected, to set out again in quest of more. The labour in the interior of the hive is more complex. They begin by closing with the propolis every fissure in the habitation, leav- ing but one opening, of no great dimensions. They next pro- ceed to the formation of the comb intended to lodge the young, and to serve as store-cells for the provisions of the community. The comb is made of wax, found in various plants, but which is also secreted by the bees themselves in organs situated under the abdominal rings. These combs, Fig. 131. Working Bee. Fig. 132. Hinder Foot and Leg of the Bee. or rows, are composed of two layers of hexagonal cells, with a pyramidal base, and suspended perpendicularly by one of their sides. Empty spaces are left between them, to permit of the bees reaching every part. The cells are arranged hori- zontally, and are open at one of their extremities ; they are all of nearly the same dimensions, but some few are called royal, being much larger than the others, almost cylindrical, and are destined to contain the female larvae. Bees enclose with a covering of wax the cells containing the 178 ZOOLOGY. honey, and they take means to strengthen the combs when any accident threatens their safety. The males or drones do not share in these labours, and when they are no longer of any use to the community, the working bees sting them to death. This carnage takes place between June and August, and it extends even to the larvae and nymphae of the males. The female does no work ; she is always pampered and attended to with the utmost care by the rest of the hive. From the time she begins to lay eggs, she becomes for the whole colony an object of the utmost respect, and she per- mits no rival in the hive. Should one accidentally appear, a mortal combat ensues, which terminates fatally for one, the other remaining sovereign of the hive. So long as she is shut up in her habitation she lays no eggs ; but should fine weather appear, she leaves the cell and the hive a few days after her birth, and ascends in the air out of sight with the males. But she soon returns to the hive, and commences laying eggs forty-six hours afterwards. These eggs she de- posits in cells already prepared for their use. During the first summer these eggs are not numerous, and they become merely working bees. During winter she ceases to lay eggs, but so soon as spring-time returns her fecundity becomes extreme, and in three weeks she lays more than twelve thou- sand eggs. Towards the eleventh month of her existence she begins to lay eggs which produce the bourdons, or males, along with others which belong to the working class ; those of the female come a little later. In three or four days after the laying, the eggs are fully hatched, and there comes forth a little larva of a whitish colour, which, having no feet, is quite helpless ; but the working bees provide amply for it, and furnish it with a sort of bouillie, of which the qualities vary with the age and sex of the individual for which it is intended ; and at the moment of the transformation of the larva into a nymph, they shut it into its cell, closing it in with a covering of wax. Five days after the birth of the larva of a working bee, its nurses enclose it thus in its cell. It now spins around its body a web of silk, and at the end of three days changes into a nymph. Finally, after having remained under this form during seven days and a half, it undergoes its last metamorphosis. The males do not attain their perfect state before the twenty-first day from the birth of the larva, whilst the females undergo their last metamor- phosis on the thirteenth day. By varying the food given to OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 179 the larvae, the working bees, or nurses, can change them from working bees or neutrals into females or queens. Should the queen bee be lost, the working bees immediately set to work and break down several ordinary cells to convert them into a royal celL The larva of one of these cells is now fed so as to become a queen bee. When a young queen bee has finished its metamorphosis, and gnawed through the covering of the cell, a great agitation may be observed in the hive. On one side may be seen working bees, which strive, as it were, to retain her in the royal cell by shutting up all access to it ; on the other hand may be seen the old queen bee approaching to endeavour to destroy her, in which attempt she is obstructed by hosts of working bees, which endeavour to obstruct her progress, but make no attack on her. At last, as if in a passion, she quits the hive, and with her the greater part of the working bees and males over whom she presided. The young bees, too feeble to leave, remain with the young queen bee, which now becomes the sovereign of a new colony, occu- pying the seat of the original one. The hive which has left with the old queen remains together, and forms a new society, which, recommencing again all the labours we have just de- scribed, furnishes, after a certain time, a second swarm, whose emigration is determined by the same causes as those which gave rise to the first. A hive gives off several swarms during a season, but the last are always feeble. The colony some- times breaks up on the death of the queen bee, the attacks of enemies, or the weakness of the swarm ; but the bees thus dispersed seek shelter in other hives, where they are uniformly destroyed by the proprietors of the hive, for no strange bee is* admitted into a hive in which it was not born. Sometimes, also, a whole colony attacks another, and robs it of its stores of provisions. 333. This pillaging instinct on the part of bees resembles what we find takes place in some other insects, but which is manifested in a different manner. Animals of a different species are captured and reduced to slavery. The natural history of ants gives us the example. These interesting insects live in colonies, composed of males, females, and labourers. These latter are steriles, or neutrals : they do all the necessary work, and are provided with strong mandibles, a large head, but are without wings. Thus they may be known from the other ants. Each species has its own mode of procedure. Some build their houses in earth ; N2 180 ZOOLOGY. others in wood. The first dig in the soil a number of gal- leries, disposed in floors. The debris rejected forms a hillock, in which the indefatigable ants construct other dwellings, also in floors or stages ; but sometimes, with the earth thus thrown out, they construct galleries along branches of trees. The ants which establish their dwellings in trees, attach them- selves to one going to decay, and already attacked by other insects. With their mandibles they vigorously assail the timber, forming it into galleries and dwellings, and support- ing these galleries with columns wherever they may be re- quired. Should any accident happen by the falling of these beams, the working ants hasten to repair the damage, to drag their comrades from under the ruins, and to place them in a secure quarter. The males and females take no part in these labours. The first remain but a short time in the hil- lock, and perish shortly after leaving. The females, which have left with the males, after losing their wings, are brought back to the ant-hillock by the working ants, placed in retired cells, where they remain prisoners, being all the time carefully fed and attended to by the labourers. So soon as they have laid an egg, it is laid hold of, and removed to a separate apartment or cell, each to its own ; the egg which is to give origin to a female to its own cell, and that which in time will produce a labourer, to its particular dwelling-place. The larvse are attended and fed with the greatest care with their appropriate food, and carried out in fine weather to bask in the sun. Whilst so exposed they are defended from their enemies, and carried back in the evening to their cells, which are kept in the very best order. Ants lay in no stock of pro- visions, but seek day by day what they require. Whilst some are occupied with the care of the buildings, others proceed in quest of food. They attack the puceronS (grubs), which on being pressed by the feet of the ant, give out a drop of sweet liquid, which the ant carries off. But some are not content with this, but carry with them the insects (pucerons, or grubs) to the hillock, and retain them there, as farmers do milch- cows. Two neighbouring or rival hillocks have been seen to fight for the possession of these pucerons, and the conquerors have been seen to carry off their prisoners with the same care that they bestow on their own larvse. Finally, that which is most singular in the history of the ant, is still to be told. These industrious labourers seem occasionally to get tired of their labours, as if they wished to enjoy a little repose. In OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 181 this case they make war on feebler species, to procure the larvae and the nymphs, transport them to their hillock, and charge the slaves they have thus procured with all the labours of the community. 334. The instinct of society is in some animals united to another natural tendency, less striking, but perhaps of more importance to man; we allude to the disposition to obedience in a whole flock to obey a chief, and which seems connected with the instinct of imitation. This instinct is remarkable in the horse and in apes. 335. Faculties of the Understanding in Animals. Instinct, no doubt, is the determining cause of most of the actions of animals, properly so called ; but some of them seem to possess a certain amount of memory, judg- ment, and even the faculty of establishing certain reason- ings but little complicated. The faculty of memory is obviously possessed by many animals : the horse, the dog, the elephant, remember kind- nesses, and are not forgetful of ill-treatment. Even fishes seem to have this faculty, for eels have been taught to re- cognise the voice of their keeper. 336. It is even im- possible to deny reasoning powers to some animals. Thus, the dog confined in a wooden cage will continue to attack the bars, evidently hoping to destroy them ; but he speedily ceases to attack them if made of iron. When the dog sees his master take K *. 133,-Chimpanze. his hat, he prepares himself for the journey, evidently anticipating what will, or may, happen ; nor can we ascribe to any other faculty but that of reason the conduct of the watch-dog, which every night freed 182 himself of his collar, and making for the fields, attacked and slaughtered the sheep ; returning after the butchery, he washed from his mouth and throat the proofs of his guilt, and reached his home, replacing the collar, and lying down on the straw, reposing as if nothing had happened. A still higher development of this faculty appears to exist in the oran and chimpanze. A young one of each of these species (Fig. 133) attached itself to the keeper, and assumed on a variety of occasions all the habits of a child. It reached by means of a chair the lock which secured it in its cage ; on this being removed by the keeper, the chimpanze put another chair in its place. In this action we see not only the power of acquiring knowledge by experience, but also the ability to generalize. 337. In this approach to human intelligence in the lower animals, the quad- rum ana and carnivora are foremost ;* after these come the pachydermata, as the elephant and horse; next, the ruminants ; last of all mammals, the rodents, .as the beaver, squirrel, &c. The squirrel cannot be taught to recognise its own master; the ruminant re- cognises its master, but a change of clothes is suffi- cient to make it mistake him for a stranger. Thus, a bison, in "the Garden," obeyed perfectly its master, until he happened to change his clothes, when it attacked him impetuously; on as- * No animal lower .than man seems to me to possess the faculty of gene- ralization. K. K. * t First described by M. Isidore Geoffrey (St. Hilaire) in such a way as to leave nothing to be desired. A controversy was raised some time ago in this country respecting the resemblance of the brain of the gorilla to the human brain. It was a controversy about words. They strictly re- semble each other in all material points. The oran outan and chimpanz6 seem to me to stand higher in the scale of being than the gorilla, which is a West African species, and dangerous to meet. Properly speaking, there are no four-handed animals. It. K. Fig. 134. The Gorilla. t OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 183 suming his former dress, the bison again recognised him as its master. Two rams living together in harmony, will, on being shorn, attack each other as if they were perfect strangers. The sagacity of the dog and elephant is well known ; so also is that of the ape, but this is confined as regards it to youth, for with age it progresses not, but often becomes morose and savage. 338. Some animals possess the power of intercommu- nication, by means of which they express what they feel, and make their feelings known to their comrades. Thus, certain mammals and birds, which live in groups, sometimes place a sentinel, which by peculiar cries warns the troop of the approach of danger : the marmots and the flamingo do this ; swallows seem also to have the power, by a peculiar cry, of collecting together for mutual defence all the neighbouring swallows, more especially when there is danger to their young; and the observations made on bees by Huber, La- treille, and other naturalists, leave little doubt that these insects have the power of intercommunication. This is seemingly not effected by any sound, but by touching each other with their heads and antennae, and on this being done, thousands will crowd to the point of danger. In the obstinate wars which one colony of ants will sometimes carry on against another, individual ants have been seen thus to give such signals as to change the route of a whole army; and observers worthy of every credit assure us, that indi- vidual ants have been seen to quit the main body, and repair- ing to the hillock, return with strong reinforcements. 339. But if the faculties we have spoken of explain more or less satisfactorily the actions of man and animals, there are others which, in the existing state of our knowledge, admit of no explanation, and which lead us to suppose that such animals possess organs of sense of a kind unknown to us. Neither instinct nor intelligence can explain the course of the swallow and carrier-pigeon, transported hundreds of miles from their locality, towards which they fly, when let loose, in a line as straight as if it lay before their eyes. The dog and horse seem to retrace their course, when lost, by the ordinary senses ; but this cannot be the case with the carrier-pigeon flying in a straight line from Bordeaux to Brussels. 340. Relations between the Intellect and the Brain. We know nothing of the cause why certain intellectual and 184 ZOOLOGY. instinctive faculties are present or absent in certain animals, nor of the mechanism by means of which the faculties are exer- cised; all we know is, that it is by means of the nervous system that all these faculties are exercised. When the action of the brain is suspended, we lose the consciousness of our existence, and with it all the intellectual faculties : the organic life then alone remains: thus the brain is proved to be the organ of all intellectuality, and the centre of " the life of relation." Since nothing is known as to the nature of thought, we are of necessity compelled to refer it to an immortal principle in man called the soul ; in other animals, the vital principle seems to take its place. 341. The brain being admitted to be the instrument by which the intellectual faculties are exercised, it is natural to suppose that its structure, or at least its structural arrange- ments, will be modified in different animals ; and this is what we find takes place. 342. Generally speaking, the power of an organ, all things being equal, is in the direct ratio of its bulk ; and to a certain extent this holds true, when we compare the brain of man with the quadrumana, carnivora, and rodents; in fishes, animals low in the intellectual scale, the brain is com- paratively very small and simple. This led to the idea, that the amount of intelligence in man and animals might be measured by the size of the brain, and the facial angle, invented by Camper, was used with this view.* A horizontal line (c d, Fig. 135) is represented as passing by the auditory canal and floor of the nasal fossae ; a second line, b a, is let fall on the first so as to intersect it ; the angle formed at the point where these lines intersect each other will d be found to measure, by its approach to a right or an obtuse angle, the development of the cranium anteriorly, as compared with the size and protrusion of the face. The angle is called the facial angle of Camper. * It is calculated to show the relative size of the cranium as compared with the face ; but Camper did not employ it with this view. E. K. OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 185 In the antique busts, and in some living heads, this angle amounts to a right angle ; but in most European crania, it does not exceed 80 (Fig. 135) ; in negroes, about 70 (Fig. 136) ; in various kinds of apes, a from 65 to 30 (Fig. 137); in the lower mammals it be- comes still more acute, as may be seen by referring to Fig. 138 ; finally, in birds, reptiles, and fishes, it becomes still more acute than in mammals. This coincidence between the inclination of the facial angle Fig. 136. and the intellectual faculties, did not escape the ancient sculptors ; and they even exagge- rated the angle in some of their busts. Fig. 137. Cranium of the Barbary Ape. Fig. 138. Cranium of the Wild Boar. [But it is not safe, in a scientific point of view, to attach much importance to such measurements, for the presence of the frontal sinuses, so large in many animals, as in the owl and elephant, and even in man himself, may lead to grave errors in respect of that which is really aimed at, namely, to discover the ratio of the area of the cerebral cavity to that of the face ; and by inference, the relative size of the brain, or of all the central organs situated within the head, to the capacity of the cavities for containing the organs of sense. R. ~K. ] [ 343. Daily observation shows how variously the intel- lectual faculties of individuals are modified : to some are given a brilliant imagination ; to others, great powers of calculation : with some, generalization is easy ; with others, difficult or impos- sible. The senses also are quite distinct in these respects ; and hence, in all ages, attempts have been made to discover in the form of the head, physical characters by which these various 186 ZOOLOGY. modifications might be detected and foretold. This led to the theory, that the brain is not exactly one organ, but an assemblage of many, to each of which was assigned its own functions, its own share in the phenomena of the intellectual and social life of man. On this doctrine was founded the celebrated phrenological doctrine of Gall, who endeavoured, by the inspection of the cranium, to decide on human character. Certain singular facts and coincidences appeared to favour this doctrine of the locali- Fig. 139. Kespective Dimensions of the Cranium and Face.* zation of the human intellectual faculties, but others equally remarkable are quite opposed to it. With regard to the instinctive faculties, which are so remark- able in some of the lowest animals, no relation can be discovered * Vertical section of the cranium and upper jaw, left side, seen from within. Besides showing the anatomical details of these extensive and com- plex osseous surf aces, the section is a valuable one, physiologically : it enables the student to compare the area of the cerebral and cerebellar cavities with the area of the face, or at least of the upper jaw ; the relation therefore which the encephalon has to the organs of sense. It displays also the position of the brain to the face, pharynx, and vertebral column, although these last are not present in the figure. d, the osseous palate ; e t inferior meatus of the nostrils ; m, middle meatus ; I, a portion of the perpendicular lamina of the ethmoid ; a, points to the frontal sinuses ; c, crista galli ; k, grooves for the branches of the middle meningeal artery ; J, posterior clinoid processes ; h, foramen ovale ; i, groove for the left lateral sinus ; s, is placed near the section of the foramen magnum ; f, styloid process of the temporal bone. From the Manual of Anatomy, by R. Knox. OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND OF INSTINCT. 187 between these faculties and the conformation of their nervous systems, calculated in any way to explain the phenomena ; nor is it possible to admit, that were such relations traced to certain structures in vertebrate animals, as the swallow, the beaver, &c. (which has not been done), the same would apply to the inver- tebrate kingdom, equally, if not more singularly provided with instinctive faculties, and in which the central organs of the nervous system, the brain and spinal marrow, are represented by a chain of ganglions.] [The following observations, taken from my Manual of Human Anatomy, will explain, though very briefly, to the student, what has been done subsequently to the time of Camper on this difficult question. I have not alluded to the memoir of my most distin- guished friend Tiedemann, who endeavoured to decide the same question by filling the interior of the skull with fine sand, and comparing the results derived from the admeasurements of different races of men. R. K. "This is a psychological question not as yet decided. Attempts have been made in various ways to arrive at some approximation as to the mere facts, independent of all theory, but even these have not been very successful. The first proposal was the method of Camper, hence called Camper's facial angle ; a mere Fig. 140. Profile of Negro, European, and Oran Outan. artistic view, leading to no important results. Next followed the vertical view of Blumenbach ; then the basial ; lastly, the vertical, proposed by Cuvier, in which the cranium and face are 188 ZOOLOGY. divided vertically with a saw into two equal parts. Gerdy has shown that Camper's views have been wholly mistaken by nearly all subsequent writers. These are physiological questions, con- nected more with philosophic and transcendental anatomy than with the descriptive anatomy of adult man, the main object of this work." From the Manual of Human Anatomy, by Dr. Knox. London : 1843.] [Many later systems of cranial admeasurement have been proposed since the time of Camper. The line proposed by the Abbs' Frere, drawn from the junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures to the meatus, is often used as the perpendicular line. Another perhaps more convenient method, adopted in this work, is the horizontal line which is drawn from the glabella to the occipital protuberance. The true axis of the skull, however, is the longitudo racheos of Von Baer, a line drawn through the centres of the various cranial vertebrae. Professor Huxley con- siders the basicranial axis to be the line drawn from the anterior margin of the foramen magnum to the anterior extremity of the presphenoid bone. C. C. B.] END OF PART I. ON THE CONFORMATION, CLASSIFICATION, AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS, CONSIDERATION OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOLLOWED BY NATURE IN THE ORGANIZATION OF ANIMALS. 844. THE object of the present Part is to examine the plan agreeable to which each animal is formed, and to observe how life is modified in the various classes of these beings. 345. Nothing is more varied than the conformation of the various animals which people the surface of the earth ; and there exists no less diversity in the various acts by which life is manifested in these animal machines. In some the functions are few, and the sphere of their physiological activity very restricted ; in others the faculties are extremely varied, and their actions multiplied in the highest degree; and to express this difference in the nature of animals, it is usual to say that some are more elevated, more perfect, than others. In this way and in this view we say that a fish is more elevated in the animal scale than an oyster ; a dog more than a fish ; a man more so than the dog. 346. Tendency to the Localization of Functions, and to the Division of the Physiological Phenomena. The prin- ciple which nature seems to have adopted in the perfecting of animals, is one which has been found to exercise the most beneficial influence over human progress ; it is, the division of labour. Thus, when we compare animals with each other, differing in the number and extent of their faculties, we shall find that the perfecting of these beings coincides with a localization more and more marked in their functions : when the same instrument serves for the production of several phenomena, the physiological result is, as it were, gross and imperfect ; and an organ always performs its part better as it is more specialized. Now the mode of action of an organ or instrument, in the sense we allude to, depends always on its intimate nature, or its structure, and other qualities; and 190 ZOOLOGY. consequently, the more organs there are endowed with peculiar or specific kinds of activity, differing from each other, the more numerous will be the number of dissimilar parts in the animal economy ; and the complication more or less great in the acts and faculties of animals must proceed, pari passu, with the natural complication of their organization. 347. Thus in those animals in which the faculties are the most limited, and in which life exhibits itself in its simplest form, the body presents everywhere the same structure. There is in fact a seeming identity of organization throughout. Every part of the body performs the same functions as the neighbouring parts. If di- vided into segments, "each part lives, and becomes an independent animal as com- plete as that from which it was violently separated. The fresh -water polyp or hydra is an animal of this kind. By mutilation it is multiplied instead of being destroyed. We owe the dis- covery of these curious facts to Trembley, a Swiss natu- ralist of the last century. The simplicity of the orga- nization of these animals can only be demonstrated by the microscope, under which the substance of their body ap- Fig.Ml.-Hydra; Fresh-Water P e ? rs thljpughout identical; Polyp.* it is composed of a gelatinous mass, enclosing fibrils and globules extremely minute. Now identity of structure would imply identity of function, and the experiments of Trembley proved the correctness of the inference. * In Figure 141 several polyps are represented as attached to water- lentils, a; they consist of a single gelatinous tube, open at one of its extremities, and furnished with a circle of filaments called tentacula, by means of which they introduce into their bodies the food they require. One of these polyps, b, carries on the sides of its body two small ones which spring from it, and will soon be detached. In Fig. 4 (p. 19) may be seen one of these animals magnified still more than the above, to show its internal confor- mation. OBGANIZATION OF ANIMALS. 191 348. But as we ascend in the scale, we find that this simplicity of structure is confined to a very few species, and that the functions become more and more localized and specialized ; and, with this specialization, more and more varied and perfect. A first degree in this localization of physiological phe- nomena, is found in the earth-worm (lumbricus terrestris), whose body offers a series of segments of identical parts ; that is, in each segment we find a portion of the alimentary canal, nervous system, and circulation; but these segments are identical, or repetitions of each other, presenting no special organ on which life in a peculiar way depends ; and thus, if divided into five, ten, or twenty segments, each segment will continue to live and become an independent being. But, for obvious reasons, this cannot be done with an animal in which the organs have become so specialized that on the integrity of some localized distinct segment, not common to all, the general vitality of the being depends. 349. Already in insects we distinguish a more conside- rable division of labour in respect of the organs ; the faculty of perceiving certain sensations and of producing voluntary motions, comes to be concentrated in certain nervous ganglions lodged in the head; this concentration of functions goes on increasing as we ascend, and embraces nearly the whole range of the animal economy, ascending through the various animals to man himself. Now it must be obvious that the- destruction of one of these specialized organs, located in a single segment of the body, and all-important to life, must entail the destruction of the animal. 350. Organic Transformations and Tendency to Uni- formity of Composition. The complication in structure as we ascend in the scale of being, takes place in some instances by the creation of organs completely new, which are thus superadded to those already existing in the lower animals ; but more frequently the complication is effected in another, and, as it would seem, a much more economic way. Thus, in a great number of instances, the localization of the func- tions is determined by a simple modification in the disposition of parts already existing in the lower animals, a modification by which these materials are adapted to the special purpose or use, and not to a general one. In the Molucca crab (Limulus, Fig. 142), the limbs of the cephalic and thoracic portions of the 192 ZOOLOGY. body immediately surround the mouth, and are so constructed as to form instruments of locomotion, instruments of pre- hension by their free extremities, and of jaws by their base ; but, as might be anticipated, this very cumulation of func- tions renders them less appropriate for the advantageous performance of any special function. But in animals of the same class with faculties more perfect, these different func- '1 'V Fig. 142. Limulus.* (Molucca Grab.) tions are no longer performed by one and the same organ or instrument ; each function belongs to a distinct organ, and yet these organs are still the same limbs or members, of which some are exclusively destined to mastication, others to prehension, and others to locomotion. In the craw-fish (ecre- visse), or lobster, for example (Fig. 143), the limbs sur- rounding the mouth are exclusively arranged for mastication; * The animal is represented as seen from below : J, the mouth ; />, feet whose base performs the office of jaws j a, abdominal appendages carrying branches ; q y caudal stylet. ORGANIZATION OF ANIMALS. 193 another pair, unfitted for such a function, here become the special organs of prehension ; a third series of members or limbs is devoted to locomotion only, and of these, some are used only in swimming, others in walking on the firm ground. This tendency on the part of nature to appropriate the same part of the animal economy to different functions, according to the wants of the animal, rather than to create for each species parts entirely new, reveals itself also when we compare with each other species destined to live differently. Already in the vertebrata we have seen how, out of the same elements, nature constructs a limb or arm, an instrument of prehension or one of mere locomotion and support, a fin or wing ( 200, &c.). Such adaptations are no less curious in insects, to which we shall return ; we limit ourselves here to the remark, that anatomists give the name of analogues, or analogous parts, to the organs which, however varied may be their uses in the economy, are yet obviously composed of the same anatomical elements. 351. It is in general by means of such transformations that nature varies most the structure of animals. She seems to have been desirous of producing the greatest variety pos- sible with the smallest elementary means essentially dif- ferent : and to have had recourse to the creation of parts entirely new only after having exhausted the combinations to which parts already existing in other organisms could lend themselves. This disposition is connected with another ten- dency, namely, the tendency to uniformity of the organic composition. It would be absurd to assert that all beings are formed upon one plan, and constructed out of the same materials ; but if we examine the structure of one of the more complex organisms, we shall find that the lower are characterized by a modification of the larger features of the former, by an omission of some parts, or by the existence of organs of which the former have been deprived. A frog, for example, differs greatly from man, and yet in its general outline may easily be traced the indications of the plan upon which man has been constructed. When the entire animal kingdom is contemplated, it becomes impossible to perceive this unity of plan and of organization ; but, by restrict- ing the field of view, it becomes evident that, notwithstanding the immense number of animals, all have been constructed upon a few primitive types. Now, it is by the consideration o 194 ZOOLOGY.. of these primitive types that the leading divisions of the animal kingdom are established. 352. Natura nonfacii saltum, was the ancient adage: its truth is exemplified by the history of the animal kingdom. Fig. 143. Crawfish.* Fig. 144. Masticatory Apparatus. The change from one form of organization to another is never sudden, but, on the contrary, takes place gradually, and as it were by shades of difference. * Fig. 143. The lobster, or crawfish, seen from below : a, antennae of the first pair; b, antennae of the second pair; c, the eyes; d, the auditory tubercle ; e, mandible feet, external ; f, thoracic feet of the first pair ; g, thoracic feet of the fifth pair ; h, false abdominal feet; i, caudal fin ; j, anus. Fig. 144. The six pairs of limbs which compose the masticatory apparatus of the lobster or craw-fish ; a, mandibles ; b, c, first and second pairs of jaws ; d, e,f, the three pairs of auxiliary jaws or foot-mandibles. OBGANIZATION OF ANIMALS. 195 It were easy to give many illustrations of this fact: two distinct plans of organization are obvious in the lizard and the carp ; they differ in the general conformation of the body, their kind of life, their mode of respiration and circulation ; but the salamanders, the axolotls (Fig. 145), the lepidosirens Fig. 145. The Axolotl, of Mexico. (Siren pisciforme.) (Fig. 146), and some other animals, present us with modes of organization intermediate to these two types, and establish transitions so gradual from one to the other as to make it difficult to determine whether the animal in question be a batrachian or a fish. These transitions from one animal to Fig. 146. The Lepidosiren. (Potnpterus.) another are not limited to the comparing of two distinct adult animals ; they may be observed in comparing the same animal at different stages of its growth or development. Frogs, for example, present at birth nearly all the characte- o 2 196 ZOOLOGY. ristics of a fish, acquiring only, as they grow up, those of the reptile (Figs. 147 to 151). Now these transitory states of the same individual present frequently a remarkable resemblance to the permanent condi- tion of other species ; and hence it results that the study of these zoological transitions conducts us not only to a know- ledge of a sort of parentage or relationship between animals with forms often extremely unlike, but presents us with a philo- sophic interest of a higher order, for it seems to give us some ideas of the course followed by the Creator of all things in the formation of the so varied products of the animal kingdom. 353. Out of this tendency to fill up all links in the animal kingdom, there arises the notion of a series or chain of animal life, each form graduating as it were into that Fig. 147. Fig. 148. Fig. 149. Fig. 150. Figs. 147 to 151. Metamorphoses of the Frog. Fig. 151. preceding and that to follow. Sometimes, however, the link seems broken, and there is an interruption between two types, as if a part of the chain were lost or not filled in. Birds, for example, seem isolated; but, generally, the deficient link or hiatus may be found in the fossil remains with which the globe abounds remains of animals, species, and genera which have now ceased to exist. Some naturalists have thought that the series or line has always been one uninterrupted series in the same direction, from the monad up to man : they have attempted to establish a zoological scale with these views; but this effort has failed, for the series of animals is not single. Animals appear rather to form a great number of series, which seem some- times to proceed in parallel lines, sometimes to diverge and rise to different elevations. It is even impossible to arrange ORGANIZATION OF ANIMALS. 197 them in a single line according to the relative degrees of complication and of perfection introduced by nature into their structure, for these perfections have reference sometimes to one organ sometimes to another ; and a species which, in respect of the functions of nutrition for example, might be much superior to another, may yet be greatly inferior to that species in the organs of locomotion. As we ascend, it is true, in the animal scale, from the monad to man, we remark, no doubt, a progressive complication ; and it is easy to see that the mollusks are superior to the zoophytes, fishes to the mol- lusks, reptiles to fishes, and birds to reptiles : above all come mammals. But a closer observation shows that this gradation exists only between the animals which may be considered as the types of each of these groups ; and it often happens that certain species of an inferior group possess a structure and faculties more perfect than the lowest species of a group of which the chief representatives possess an organization much more complex than that of all the former. Thus there are fishes, as certain lampreys^ for example, which are in many respects much inferior to mollusks such as the sepia, but these in some measure are exceptions ; and when we trace with a bold outline the grand picture of nature, it is allowable to neglect these, as we overlook or neglect to observe the lesser in- equalities of the soil when we desire to perceive at once the general configuration of a chain of mountains. More serious obstacles arise to the linear arrangement of animals, from the diversity of routes followed by nature in her ascending march, and from her tendency to perfect gradually each of the types she has produced. Thus insects can neither be placed before nor after the mollusks without violating some of the most evident zoological relations ; and if we really desire to express by a figure the relationship of animals, it cannot be to a scale or ladder to which the animal kingdom is to be compared, but to a river, which, weak at its source, increases little by little as it approaches the sea, rolling not all its waters in the same bed, but dividing often into branches more or less numerous, which, sometimes reuniting after a longer or shorter course, sometimes remaining from that time forward distinct, or which at other times are lost in the sands, and disappear for ever, or surging up once more, re- appear at some distance, to continue their route towards the common goal. * [Amphioxus, the Lancelet; Myxine, the Hag-fish. C. C. B.I. 198 ZOOLOGY. 354. Natural Affinities and Analogies of Structure. -This tendency of nature to observe one general plan in the Fig. 152. The Human Vertebra the Type of all Skeletons. The references are explained below, Fig. 153.* construction of her works leads to another sort of relation- ship, which naturalists have called natural affinities. These affinities are always the stronger that they bear on organs of se- condary physiological importance, and necessitate less change in the general plan of the organization. Thus it is obvious that the lion, cat, and tiger have strong natural affinities; between the lion and the dog there still exist natural affinities, though obviously less marked ; but between the lion and the shark they are extremely feeble, excepting in so far as they both belong to the vertebrata ; finally, between a fish and an oyster there are none, inasmuch as these two beings are formed on plans essentially distinct. 355. Between natural affi- nity and analogy there is this essential distinction, affinities are lis Fig. 153. The Ideal Vertebra, as viewed by Oken, Spix, and St. Hilaire as the Type of ail Osseous Structures. f * From the Eaces of Men, by E. Knox, t [Copied from Owen. c, centrum ; ns, neural spine; ks, haemal spine; d, diapophyses ; pi, pleurapophyses ; n, neurapophyses ; h t haemapophyses ; p, parapophyses ; z, zygapophyses.] ORGANIZATION OF ANIMALS. 199 based on the identity, more or less complete, of the type ; analogies, on a resemblance in the details. Thus the bat (Fig. 108), a mammal, pterodactyle, a reptile, and the Dac- tylopterus (106), or flying-fish, have no zoological affinity, properly so called, excepting that they are vertebrate animals; but they have remarkable analogies, being all organized for flight, by having expansions of the integuments extended on fingers prolonged for this purpose. Indeed, in contemptlating and comparing with each other different zoological groups, it would seem as if nature's tendency was to cause each type to pass through a series of analogous modifications. Thus amongst insects, spiders, and Crustacea we observe the general plan of the organization modified in the same way, according as the animal is intended to live on solid food, or as a parasite by sucking the juices of another being. 356. Organic Harmonies. In the midst of the innu- merable variety in form and structure which the animal world presents, may be observed a certain general harmony which $eems to regulate all the parts of this vast creation ; and this principle of co-ordination is all the more remarkable if we restrict our observation to the entire of the structures com- posing a single animal. Between every part there reigns the strictest mutual dependence, so as to forbid all idea of chance in its construction ; all are in the strictest accord. Some of these harmonies are so obvious and striking that the natu- ralist may, from the observation of a single organ a tooth for example, deduce nearly the whole natural history of the animal. From the subjoined figure (Fig. 154) may readily be inferred that the animal had a skeleton, a cerebro-spinal axis, nerves, &c. ; in short, that it was a hot-blooded mammal, and that it lived on flesh. In fact, from this single organ may be deduced nearly the whole structure of this carnivorous mammal, a priori, or without having ever seen it. Pro- ceeding on these principles of organic har- monies, the true nature of the fossil organic world was first discovered by Cuvier ; he it was who first applied these laws to fossils, sso and by these means effected the restoration the Lion, of an organic world long since extinct. [The law of organic harmonies must be applied with the greatest caution. Cuvier seldom trusted to it ; it cannot be 200 ZOOLOGY. made with safety the basis of a priori reasoning. K. K. See "Trans. Boy. Soc. of Edin.," 1829.] 357. In studying this law of organic harmony, we soon discover another, the subordination of characters. It becomes evident that all parts of the animal economy have not the same importance ; that certain organs may undergo important modifications without affecting others, whilst there are others which, when modified strongly, affect the character of the rest. These may be called dominating organs. By these organs the anatomist, and in some measure the natu- ralist, must be regulated in his determinations. By the fixity or mobility of an organ he determines its importance in the economy. 358. There are other principles regulating the great work of creation, on which want of space forbids us to dwell. The tendency, for example, to repetition, which leads to the formation of homologous parts ;* the principle of connexion of organs regulating the place occupied by each ; a tendency to an organic balancement, equipoise, or compensation, when the development of an organ acts as it were injuriously upon others, as if the amount of vital force were restricted and limited. All these subjects merit consideration, but space is wanting to do them justice. Sufficient has been said to show that nature proceeds always by rule and measure ; and that the animal kingdom, so far from being a confused assemblage of ill-assorted beings, unfolds itself to the eyes of the observer as a vast picture, where all harmonizes and is linked together ; finally, that the zoological laws are as simple as they are general.f ZOOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATIONS. 359. Object and Nature of Zoological Classifications. Man naturally groups the various objects around him, and he gives to these groups a different name. This tendency to classification is one of the most remarkable of our faculties, and powerfully aids in facilitating the operations of the mind ; by its means we rise from the individual to the general, and thus form generalizations and abstract ideas. It is seen in infancy, for the child gives instinctively the same name to all * The term homologne is with some reserved exclusively for parts strictly representing each other in different animals. E. K. f See on this subject a work I have published, under the title of Introduc- tion a la Zoologie Generate, or, Considerations on the Tendencies of Nature in the Constitution of the Animal Kingdom. ZOOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATIONS. 201 men that he gives to his parent, yet he does not confound the individuals ; and, in a word, it may be said that this tendency to classify extends throughout the whole range of our intel- lectuality. This necessity to reunite in our minds similar objects, and to give to each of the groups thus formed an ideal repre- sentative, is in fact the basis of all classification, and its necessity is in the direct ratio of the number of objects observed. An abstract type must represent every group. Thus we speak of man in general, the horse, the oak, mean- ing no man in particular, no horse, no oak; and to this ideal representative we give the name of man, horse, oak. But we do not stop here. Generalizing still higher, we re- present by the word bird a vast group of living beings ; and the terms animal or plant embrace a still higher range of generalization ; and thus, from the remotest antiquity, men have divided all natural bodies into three kingdoms, namely, minerals, vegetables, and animals ; have spoken in a general way of fishes, reptiles, &c. ; and have given to each species a proper name. 360. As science grew in its dimensions, the language of naturalists of necessity became more precise ; for without a precise definition there could be no science. To write the natural history of animals, it became necessary not only to form a great catalogue, in which each being should be desig- nated by its proper name, but also to indicate for each of them the characters by which they could be recognised and distin- guished from all others. Now it was evident that, from the conformation alone of these beings could such characters bo drawn, those alone being constant. But there is no animal which can be recognised by a single character, but by a re- union of several a reunion not to be found in any other. But the number of animals being immense, the definition soon degenerated into a description of the animals, to which no memory was equal; and if we possess not the means of arriving at this end by an easier route, the study of natural history would for ever remain in its infancy. By establishing among animals divisions and successive subdivisions, which themselves are named and characterized, a great part of this difficulty is overcome. With the assistance of a small num- ber of characters and names, we so circumscribe the field of comparison, that to distinguish the object before us we have only to observe its differences from those most allied to it. 202 ZOOLOGY. And this, in fact, is what naturalists have done. They have divided the animal kingdom into a certain number of groups of the first degree, each characterized by certain pecu- liarities of structure. They next divide each of these groups, and characterize the secondary groups thus formed in the same manner. These secondary groups are in their turn divided, and the sections multiplied as required, until at last nothing is left in the same group but the different individuals of the same species. Classification, then, is a sort of catalogue raisonne, in which all beings are arranged according to a certain order, and reunited into groups, recognisable by determinate cha- racters, which in their turn are reunited into other groups of a still more elevated place. 361. The practical utility of such classifications is easily seen by comparing it with the address of a letter. So it is with the naturalist, who, by his zoological classifications, arrives speedily to the groups to which the animal belongs. If, for example, he was desirous to define a hare, without resorting to such means he would be forced to compare his description to that of more than one hundred thousand ctif- ferent animals. But if he says that the hare is a Vertebrate animal of the class Mammalia, of the order Rodentia, of the genus Lepus, by the first he excludes all invertebrates from his comparison; by the second, he excludes all reptiles, fishes, and birds; by the third, he distinguishes the hare from nine- tenths of these mammals ; and having thus arrived at the genus to which it belongs, a very few distinguishing cha- racters in addition will enable him to characterize the species for certainty. 362. Artificial and Natural Classifications. Zoolo- gical classifications are of two kinds, artificial and natural. In the artificial classification of animals, the divisions are based on modifications which certain parts of the bodies present, and which are chosen arbitrarily ; in the natural classification, on the contrary, the whole of the organization of each being is taken into consideration, and then arranged accordingly. 363. An artificial system is generally of easy applica^ tion, but it often gives us no important information but the name of the object. Suppose we take the number of the limbs as a base for classification, we should place in the divi- sion quadrupeds the ox, the frog, the lizard, &c., thus ZOOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATIONS. 203 violently separating animals from their natural affinities, and grouping together those which have none. 364. Hy the natural method, the divisions and subdi- visions of the animal kingdom are founded on the whole of the characters furnished by each animal, arranged according to their degree of respective importance ; thus, in knowing the place which the animal occupies, we also know the re- markable traits of its organization, and the manner in which its principal functions are exercised. 365. The rules to be observed in arriving at a natural classification of the animal kingdom are of extreme simplicity, but often there is much difficulty in the application. They may be reduced to two, for the object of the zoologist in establishing such a classification is, 1st. To arrange animals into natural series, according to the degree of respective affinities, that is to say, to distribute them in such a manner that the distance from, or proxi- mity to, a species, is the measure of the resemblance or dissemblance. 2nd. To divide and subdivide this series according to the principle of subordination of characters, that is to say, by reason of the importance of the differences which these animals present between them. 366. To be satisfied, for example, of the affinity which exists between the cat and the tiger, it is not necessary to study the anatomy of these animals, for the external forms translate, as it were, the character of the internal. But in a great number of instances the examination of the internal structure becomes necessary, in order to avoid important errors. Thus, for a long time, the relations which exist between the Iernsea3, parasitical animals with strange forms (Fig. 155), which live on fishes, and the smaller Crustacea of fresh waters, known to zoologists by the name of Cyclopes (Fig. 157), were not understood ; because in their adult state these two animals do not resemble each other, but since naturalists have studied their development they have become convinced of their relationship, for when young they differ so little from each other that it would be often difficult to dis- tinguish them. (Figs. 156 and 158). Finally, to fulfil the first of the two conditions pointed out above, it becomes neces- sary to overcome other difficulties depending on the multi- plicity of the relations of each animal with those surrounding it, and of the diversity of the transitions by which nature 204 ZOOLOGY. passes from one type to another. By reason of these circum- stances, it is also impossible to arrange animals in a single linear series, without violating at every instant their respective Fig. 157. Cyclops, one of the Entomostraca. Fig. 155. Lernsea. Fig. 158. Larvse of the Cyclops. affinities, and we are obliged to disperse them into several parallel lines, or lines branching out from each other. [Such relations being based on embryology, which again rests on the transcendental, must be used with great caution, and must not be mistaken for any natural generic or specific consan- guinite between the animals forming the subject of observation. The young of the Balanus, or acorn- shell, whilst in the larva state, also closely resembles the Entomostraca (microscopic shell-fish) as well as that of the Lerncece. In a philosophic sense, however, such observations are, notwithstanding, exceedingly interesting ; and they tend to show that animals which we have hitherto con- sidered as adult, specific, and fully developed, may after all be merely "arrested forms" of others passing through various metamorphoses. B. K.] 367. The second condition in the establishment of a natural classification is an exact relation between the suc- cessive divisions of the animal kingdom and the importance of the modification of structure serving as the basis to these sections. ZOOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATIONS. 205 The characters which distinguish animals from each other are far from having the same value : some are of seemingly little or no physiological importance, seeing that their varia- tions do not draw after them differences in the rest of their economy; others never vary without coinciding with pro- found modifications in the whole of their organization ; hence they are called dominating, since they seem in some measure to regulate these modifications. It is evident, then, that divi- sions of an inferior rank can alone he based on subordinate characters, while those of a higher rank ought to be founded on those called dominating. To arrive, then, at a natural classification of animals, it is above all necessary to know the structure, functions, and mode of development of these beings ; next, to inquire into the dominating characters of the organi- zation of each. This we arrive at sometimes by physiological considerations, at other times by anatomy only. Fixity is an index of an organic domination, whilst the characters which vary from one small group to another, are generally but of little* interest. The nature and the degree of development of the faculties, of which the organ thus modified is the instru- ment, enables us also to judge, to a certain point, of the zoological value of a modification of structure. But in other cases, the determination of dominating characters presents considerable difficulties, and analogy is not always a safe guide, for the importance of an organ may vary considerably in passing from one animal to another, and a part which dominates in some sort the whole economy in some species may in others be found fallen from its rank, and reduced to play a secondary part. 368. Zoologists are far from knowing the anatomy and physiology of all animals ; neither are they agreed on the relative importance of a great number of modifications of structure which animals present. It is evident, then, that in the existing state of science there can be no natural classifica- tion ; hence also the variety of methods adopted by different authors, and the modifications these methods daily undergo. But this mode of classification must of necessity become more perfect as our knowledge extends, and its instability, far from being a defect, is the necessary consequence of its perfectibility. 369. The introduction of natural methods of classifica- tion of living beings is one of the greatest services rendered to natural history ; it has changed the aspect of the science, 206 ZOOLOGY. and given a powerful interest to that part of botany and zoology which heretofore was the most arid. The distinguished men to whom we owe this innovation began with plants, which before their time were arranged arbitrarily by the number of their stamens and pistils, or after some other character chosen without regard to their analogies. Towards the middle of the last age, a French botanist, Bernard de Jussieu, conceived the happy idea of distributing them in groups according to the whole of their organization ; and his nephew, Antoine -Laurent de Jussieu, applied this idea to the entire of the vegetable kingdom, and assuming as a basis of his classification the consideration of the dominating characters (see 357), created the natural method at present adopted by all naturalists. 370. Mode of Division of the Animal Kingdom. The animal kingdom is composed only of individuals ; but among these there is a certain number which have an extreme resemblance to each other, and which are reproduced with the same essential characters ; these reunions of indi- viduals formed after the same type, constitute what naturalists call species. Thus man, dogs, horses, form for the zoologist so many distinct species. Sometimes the species differs considerably from all others ; but in general there exists a number more or less considerable which strongly resemble each other, and which are only distinguished by differences of little importance ; such as the horse and the ass, the dog and the wolf. For natural classifications, these closely allied species are reunited into groups called genera, and to their specific name a generic name is also added, common to them all ; thus we say the grey, the spotted, the ocellated lizard, &c., to designate diffe- rent species of the genus lizard ; and brown bear, white bear, &c., for the different animals of the genus bear. Genera which resemble each other are grouped together by the name of tribe, or natural family. If we afterwards consider the structure of animals in a more general way, we cannot fail to recognise in several families the same dominating characters, thus giving to them in spite of their differences, a certain common character. In this way the naturalist forms divisions of a more elevated rank, which he calls orders, and reunites in turn these orders into groups still more numerous, called classes. But the classes themselves admit of being divided by the PKIMAEY DIVISIONS AND CLASSES. 207 same principles into embr (incitements, or primary divisions of the animal kingdom. 371. Thus the animal kingdom is divided into primary divisions, these divisions into classes, the classes into orders, the orders into families, the families into genera, and the genera into species; sometimes we are even obliged to multiply these sections, but the principles are always the same : the differ- ences which exist between two classes ought to be more important than those existing between two families, as the characters of families ought to have a greater value than the characters of the genera out of which these families are com- posed. Thus it is the more important differences which serve for the establishment of the primary division, those of less importance which constitute the basis for the subdivision of these into classes, and so on, until we arrive at species or groups, formed, as we have already said, by the assemblage of all the individuals closely resembling each other, and which may unite to perpetuate their race. It is evident then, in order to class any animal in the pri- mary division, the class, order, family, genus, and species to which it belongs must first be determined, and that by this determination alone we obtain precise ideas respecting all which its organization offers of most importance, since it is in fact these very peculiarities which serve to characterize these successive divisions. Now, we repeat, the functions and manners of an animal are always dependent on the mode of conformation of its organs, or at least in harmony with its structure, and that consequently we may deduce from this knowledge all the most important points in the history of the species submitted to our investigations. Such are the bases on which rest the zoological classifi- cations called natural. Let us now see what have been the results of the application of these principles to the methodical distribution of animals, and let us study the principal groups formed by these beings. BASES OF THE DIVISION OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM INTO PEIMAKY DIVISIONS (SUB-KINGDOMS) AND CLASSES. 372. Primary Divisions. Four general plans of struc- ture, modified in a thousand ways, seem to have served as guides for the creation of the animal kingdom. These four principal forms may be understood by a reference to four 208 ZOOLOGY, Fig. 159. Asterias, or Sea Star. */ * This theoretical figure is intended to indicate the relative position of the great organic apparatuses in the class mammals : b, buccal cavity forming the entrance of the alimentary tube, the exit is at the posterior extremity of the body ; i, the intestine ; ./, the liver ; t, trachea p, lungs ; c, the heart j e, encephalon (brain, &c.) ; m, spinal marrow. PEIMARY DIVISIONS AND CLASSES. 209 well-known animals the dog, the crawfish or lobster, the snail, the asterias or sea-star (Fig. 159.) In order that the zoological classification be a faithful representation of the more or less important modifications introduced into the structure of animals, it was necessary to distribute these beings into four principal groups or divisions and this is, in fact, what Cuvier did. Fig. 161. Skeleton of the African Ostrich. The animal kingdom is divided into vertebrate animals, articulated or annulated animals, molluscs, and zoophytes. 373. The fundamental differences distinguishing these four primary divisions depend cbiefly on the mode of arrange- ment of the different parts of the body and on the conformation of the nervous system. It is easy to understand the im- portance of these two dominant characters : to feel and to 210 ZOOLOGY. move is the especial character of animal life, and these two functions belong to the nervous system. It might readily, then, be anticipated that the mode of conformation of this system would exert a powerful influence over the nature of animals, and would furnish characters of primary importance in classification. The general disposition or mode of reunion of the different parts of the body exercises an equally important influence, as modifying the localization of the functions and the division of the physiological result. Although it is easy lor the zoologist to distinguish the four groups just mentioned, and to refer to one or the other of them an animal under examination, yet there are some beings which seem connected with two different types, like border lands whose rights of possession have not yet been determined. It sometimes also happens that it is difficult to define rigo- rously these four groups; but, to give an exact idea, it will be sufficient to indicate the more prominent characters pecu- liar to each type, and to remark, that the reunion of all these cha- racters is not always to be met with, sometimes one and sometimes another being effaced as we descend to the limits of the division. 374. The vertebrate animals resemble man in the more impor- tant points of their structure; almost all the parts of their bodies are in pairs, and disposed symme- trically on the two sides of a median longitudinakplane ; their nervous system is highly developed, and is composed of nerves and ganglions, and of a brain and spinal marrow. To these we may add, that the principal muscles are attached to an internal skeleton (Fig. 161), composed of separate pieces, con- nected together, and disposed so as to protect the more impor-. tant organs, and to form the passive instruments of locomotion ; that the more important part of this skeleton forms a sheath for the brain and spinal marrow, and results from the reunion of Fig. 162. Nervous System of an Insect (Carabus, a Beetle). PRIMABY DIVISIONS AND CLASSES. 211 annular portions, called vertebrae; that the apparatus for the circulation is very complete, and that the heart offers at least two distinct reser- voirs; thatthehlood is red; that the limbs are almost always four in number, and never more; finally, that there exist dis- tinct organs lodged in the head for sight, hearing, smell, and taste. We have instanced man and thedogas specimens of this type, but we may also include the bird, the reptile, and the fish. 375. Annulated Animals, or Entomozoaria. In the second primary division of the animal kingdom we find a general mode of conformation quite different from the pre- ceding. The body is still symmetrical and binary, as in the vertebrate animals, but it is composed of a series of parts which repeat each other, so that it may be divided into a considerable number of segments, homologous [or at least Fig. 163. Ideal Section of the body of a Lobster or Crawfish.* Fig. 164. Centipede Scolopendra. analogous, K. K.], and more or less like each other (Fig. 164). The nervous system is moderately developed, and is com- posed of a double series of small medullary centres, called gan- glions, reunited in a longitudinal chain, so as to occupy the greater part of the length of the body (Fig. 162). * Ideal section of the body of a lobster or crawfish : e, the stomach, underneath which may be seen the gullet and the mouth ; ?, intestine ; f, the liver ; , the heart ; c, cephalic nervous ganglions situated before and above the gullet ; g, thoracic and abdominal ganglions situated below the alimentary canal. p 2 212 ZOOLOGY. The small mass formed by the first ganglions of this con- nected chain is lodged in the head, and for this reason has been compared to the brain of the vertebrata ; but we find nothing resembling the spinal mar- row, for the rest of the chain of ganglions is situated on the ventral surface of the body under the di- gestive tube (Fig. 163), and the nervous cords uniting them to the ganglions of the head surround the gullet like a collar. All the muscles are attached to the skin, and there is no internal skeleton; but the integuments, by their hardness, form a sort of external skeleton, being arranged in rings more or less moveable on each other. Thus, the annulated or articulated character of these animals may be seen exter- nally; the limbs, in general, are very numerous ; the organs of the senses less numerous and less perfect than in the vertebrata ; the blood is almost always white, and the circulation very incomplete : finally a number Fig. 165. Section of a Cuttlefish.* Fig. 166. Limnaea Stagnalis; Pond Snail. * Ideal section of the body of a'cephalopodous mollusc (a Cuttlefish) : t, arms or tentacula surrounding the head ; b, the mouth ; i, the alimentary canal ; a, the anus ; y, the liver ; c and g, nervous ganglions ; p, branchiae ; s, the heart j v, ink-bag or vesicle ; y, the eyes. PBIMABY DIVISIONS AND CLASSES. 213 of other peculiarities are found in the structure of these animals, to which we shall afterwards return ; the scolo- pendra or centipede (Fig. 164), the lobster or crawfish, crabs, insects, &c., are specimens of this primary division of the animal kingdom. 376. Molluscous Animals. The molluscs have, like the preceding, the principal organs in pairs, and symme- trical; but the body has a tendency to assume a spiral or curved form, so that the mouth and anus, instead of occu- pying the two extremities of the trunk of the animal, are more or less contiguous. The nervous system is composed essentially of ganglions, as in the annulata ; and here also a portion of this system occupies the dorsal aspect, and another portion the ventral aspect, of the digestive tube ; but these ganglions do not form a long median chain, as in the pre- ceding division. e d pi Fig. 167. Anatomy of the Snail.* They have no skeleton internally or externally ; their body is soft, and their skin constitutes a flexible and contractile envelope or mantle ; it is often covered with horny or cal- * pi, the foot ; t, tentacle, half contracted ; d, a sort of diaphragm sepa- rating the respiratory cavity from the other viscera; e, portion of the stomach ; f, the liver; o, the ovary; i, intestines; r, rectum; a, anus; e, the heart, the pericardium has been opened ; ap, pulmonary artery, rami- fying on the walls of the pulmonary cavity p ; ar, aorta ; v, gland secreting the viscosity; c e t its excretory canal opening near the anus. 214 ZOOLOGY. Fig. 168. Actinia; Sea- Anemone. careous plates, called shells (Fig. 166), and this is sometimes developed in its interior. In this primary division the organs of the senses are almost always very incomplete ; there seems to be no special organism for smell, and in a great number the eyes are wanting : they have hardly ever limbs for locomotion; and finally, the blood is white as in most of the annelides, but the circulation is often much more complete. 377. Zoophytes. Finally, in the fourth and last primary division, the different parts of the body, in place of being grouped symmetrically with reference to a median plane, tend rather to arrange themselves around a central point or vertical line, so as to affect a radiated disposition more or less complete. With regard to a nervous s}^stem, no trace is generally to be observed, and where it exists, it is reduced to a rudimentary state; the organs of the senses are also almost completely wanting ; finally, all the parts of the economy become of an ex- treme simplicity. For a long time they were mis- taken for vegetables, and hence theirnameof zoophyte or animal-plants, and they have been called radiated animals, by reason of the obvious radiated disposi- tion of their organs. The Fig.l69.-Talitrus; Sand-hopper. polyps, of which we have already spoken ( 347), the actinise or sea-anemones (Fig. 168), and the asterias or sea- star (Fig. 159), are specimens of this division. 1 * 378. Subdivisions of the Primary Division into Classes. The animals thus arranged under a primary division * Some zoologists admit a fifth primary division of the animal kingdom, comprising sponges, and characterized by the absence of all regular form. But it seems to us that this classification ought not to be adopted, for these PEIHARY DIVISIONS AND CLASSES, 215 resemble each other sufficiently to admit of that arrangement, but they differ in many important circumstances, and hence their subdivision into classes. 379. Thus, amongst vertebrate animals, some are born alive, and are provided with mammae for the nourishment of Fig. 170. lulus ; Millipede. their 3 T oung ; others spring from an egg, in which they find all the nutriment necessary for their constitution, and hence are without organs of lactation ; some respire in the air, others in the water ; in some the circulation is complete, in others incomplete ; some have the blood hot, in others it is . Fig. 171. Agrion ; Dragonfly. \ Fig. 172. Bethylus. called cold, comparatively : finally, some are formed to rise into the air, others to live on the ground, and others to swim in the depths of the waters. The differences are of a high physiological importance, and coincide, so as to characterize in this division five secondary types ; and hence, to class strange animals (amorphozoaria) present when young the same characters as polyps, only their organic development is arrested at a transitory state, and they become deformed as they grow older. Thus by keeping in view their mode of development, they may be referred to the class zoophytes. 216 Fig. 173. Thelphusa. A Land-crab ; but some live in fresh water. vertebrate animals according to the principles of the natural method, they must be divided into five classes Fig. 174. The Domestic Spider. PBIMABY DIVISIONS AND CLASSES. 217 namely, mammals, birds, reptiles, batrackia, and Fig. 175. The Leech. 380. In the primary division of the entomozoaria, or annulated animals, we observe modifications of structure no Fig. 176. Nereis ; called b the Dover fishermen " the Mud-worm." less remarkable. Sometimes, as in the talitrus, there exist articulated limbs serving as levers in the apparatus of loco- Fig. 177. Kotifera ; Wheel-bearing animals. motion ; and the cephalic portion of the ganglionary nervous system acquires considerable importance. Sometimes, on the -**^^ Fig. 178. Ascaris ; an intestinal worm. * In the early editions of this work, the vertebrata were divided into four classes, following Cuvier's arrangement ; the batrachia for good reasons have since been separated from the reptilia. 218 ZOOLOGY. contrary, as in the leech, there are no articulated limbs, the nervous ganglions are but little developed, and present a remarkable uniformity in structure and functions. We may thus subdivide this primary division into two secondary groups namely, the articulated animals, properly so called, Fig. 179.* * Nervous system of the aplysia, a gasteropodous mollusc: c, cerebroid ganglions ; g t thoracic ganglions, or sub-cesophageal ; e, nervous collar sur- rounding the gullet; I, labial ganglions ; v, visceral ganglion. PRIMARY DIVISIONS AND CLASSES. 219 and the vermes or worms ; but this classification is not suf- ficient to represent all the great differences in the nature of these beings. In fact, amongst the articulated animals, properly so called, we find insects (Figs. 171 and 172) which receive the air into Fig. 180. Social Ascidiae.* all parts of the economy by means of tracheae, which have the body subdivided into three dissimilar parts the head, the thorax, and the abdomen, which have always three pairs of Fig. 181. Cypraea ; Cowry. Fig. 182. Shell of the Palu- dina ; Marsh Snail. feet, and which are almost always provided with wings : the myriapoda (Fig. 170), which resemble insects by their mode of respiration, and which have also a distinct head, but have * Ascidise of the genus Porophora : &, mouth ; &, stomach ; i, intestine ; <7, anus ; t , common stalk. The arrows indicate the direction of the current of water serving for respiration. 220 not the trunk divided into thorax and abdomen ; which have from twenty-four to sixty pairs of feet, and even more, but which never have wings : the spiders (Fig. 174), which have not the head distinct from the thorax, which have always Shell.Mantle.Tentacula. Mouth. Nerves. Muscles Foot. Intestine. Stomach. Branchite. Mantle. Anterior Ganglions. Respiratory Tubes. Fig. 183. Anatomy of an Acephalous Mollusc (Mactra). only four pairs of limbs or feet, and which respire the air like all the preceding, but which have no tracheae, and receive the fluid into pulmonary pouches : the Crustacea (Fig. 173), which PBIMABY DIVISIONS AND CLASSES. 221 have, on the contrary, an aquatic and branchial respiration, and which have always from five to seven pairs of limbs adapted for locomotion.* The division of vermes or worms ought to comprise also several very distinct types. There is first the annelides (Pig. 175), whose ganglionary system is quite distinct through- out its whole length, with red blood generally circulating in a very complex vascular system, in which the respiration almost always takes place in a well- developed branchial apparatus, and in which the movements are performed in general by means of moveable bristles (Fig. 176) ; with these also we arrange the rotifera, microscopic animals, which seem to have no special organs for the circulation, and which have no branchiae, but which have in general vibratile organs very singular in their arrangement (Fig. 177). Finally, it is also to this primary division that we must refer the tur- bellaria, whose body is without limbs, and whose nervous system is composed essentially of two lateral cords springing from two cephalic ganglions. The intestinal worms, or helminthise, belong also to this division ; their structure is very simple ; they present only vestiges of a nervous sys- tem, and yet are intimately allied to the annelides, which often seem to be in some measure the degraded representatives of the same zoological type.f To place the classification of annul ated animals in harmony with the differences which we have pointed out in the nature of these beings, they must be divided into eight distinct classes, the names of which we have already pointed out in the preceding considerations. 381. The primary division of the molluscous animals presents organic modifications necessitating a similar subdivi- sion. In the molluscs, properly so called, there is a nervous system, composed of two or more pairs of nervous ganglions, reunited by medullary cords (Fig. 179) ; and reproduction is accomplished only by means of eggs. In others, which I shall call mollusco'ides, the nervous system, reduced to a rudi- mentary state, seems to consist of only a single ganglion, and in most cases the multiplication of individuals takes place by the development of granulations (bourgeons) as well as * It has been known for some years that the cirrhipedes, which had been formed into a particular class, ought to be restored to the class Crustacea. f Naturalists are not agreed in respect of the classification of the entozoa, or intestinal worms. Cuyier arranged them amongst the radiata or zoophytes ; but they more resemble the annelides in the conformation of their bodies. 222 ZOOLOGY. by oviparous generation; it happens therefore frequently that individuals springing from each other remain united together, constituting animated masses, phytoid, in fact (Pig. 180). The molluscoides are subdivided into two classes, according as they have the respiratory apparatus enclosed in the mouth, or formed by a corona or circle of long labial tentacula. The first are called tunicata (Fig. 180) ; the second forms the class bryozoa or polyzoa. The mollusca, properly so called, differ amongst themselves by characters whose importance is still very considerable. Thus, in some the cephalic ganglions are very distant from the abdominal ; there is no distinct head, nor trace of the special organs of the senses ; the organs of movement are ex- tremely imperfect, and the body is wrapped up by cutaneous folds, pro- tected exteriorly by a bivalve shell (Fig. 183). Muscles, oysters, &c., present this mode of organization. Other mollusca, as the snail, limnseus (Fig. 166), and the cowry (Fig. 181), have a distinct head : their nervous ganglions are generally close to each other, and grouped around the gullet ; they have eyes ; the lower surface of the body is occu- pied by a fleshy organ, serving for locomotion; finally, the back is generally protected by a shell, and this is never bivalve, but represents almost always a cone turned into a spiral (Fig. 182) ; others have a distinct head like the preceding^ and on each side of the neck a kind of membranous wing, which serves as an oar (Fig. 184). Finally, there are some which have the head furnished with long contractile and prehensile appendages, performing the functions of feet and arms (Fig. 185). These have the nervous system more developed than in other animals of the same primary division, and which gene- rally have the body supported by a sort of interior shell. Such are the various modes of conformation serving as a basis of the division of the mollusca, properly so called, into four classes, called acephala, gasteropoda, pteropoda, and Fig. 184. Hyalsea. PRIMARY DIVISIONS AND CLASSES. 223 cephalopoda. The oyster may represent the type of the first, that is, of the acephala ; the snail that of the gasteropoda ; the hyalsea (Fig. 184) that of the pteropoda ; and the sepia (Fig. 185) the group of the cephalopoda. 382. Finally, the fourth and last primary division of the animal kingdom, the zoophytes, comprises also very varied animals, and is divided into several classes. In one of these groups, called the class echinodermata, the body is formed to creep on the sand or rocks at the bottom of the sea, and for this purpose the surface is provided with a number of small prehensile appendages; the integuments also are of considerable consistence, and even sometimes of a stony hardness. The sea-stars, the holothurw, sea-cucumber (Fig. 186), and the sea-urchins, are types of this class. fet Fig. 185. The Common Sepia, or Cuttlefish. In the second group, formed by the acalepha, the body is, on the contrary, entirely gelatinous, and formed only for swimming. The medusae (Fig. 188), which float in the sea and are frequently stranded on the sandy shores of the coast, are examples of this class of zoophytes. In a third class, that of corallines or polyps, properly so 224 ZOOLOGY. called (Fig. 187), there exists no longer any organ of locomo- tion : the destiny of the animal is to live fixed to the soil, and its mouth is surrounded with moveable tubercles (Fig. 189), Fig. 186. Holothuria ; Sea Cucumber. by means of which it gathers in the surrounding waters the corpuscles necessary to its nutrition ; in general, a portion of Fig. 187. The Coral Polyp. Fig. 188. Ehizostoma; Medusa, or Sea Jelly. the integuments becomes ossified, so as to form for it a kind of calcareous or horny dwelling (Fig. 190); and in most cases also the young spring from granulations arising on the surface PRIMARY DIVISIONS AND CLASSES. 225 of the bodies of their parents, and as they do not become de- tached, constitute animated masses of varied forms, resembling a branching plant loaded with flowers. The actiniae or sea-anemones (Fig. 168) belong to this class ; so also does the coral polyp (Figs. 187, 189), the cary- ophyllia (Fig. 190), &c. Sponges (spongiarise) offer a fourth type ; these are sin- gular animals, which, when young, have an ovoid form, swim freely by means of the vibratile cilia with which their bodies are provided, and resemble at this stage of their Fig. 190. Polyp of Ihe Genus Caryophyllia. A Coral Polyp. Fig. 189. Stalk of the Coral. Fig. 191. The Sponge. growth the larvse of the acalephae and of the polyps : but they soon become fixed (Fig. 191), and then lose not only their sensibility and power of motion, but become so degraded as to resemble nothing in the animal kingdom. Finally, most naturalists also arrange in the division 226 ZOOLOGY. zoophytes a fifth group, composed of an infinite number of beings, extremely small (Fig. 192), which live in stagnant waters, and are called infusorial animalcules. They move by means of their vibratile cilia, and strongly resemble in general the larvae of sponges (spongiariae), of polyps, and of the acalepha ; but they do not change as they grow up, and they are remarkable for their fissiparous reproduction, and for the considerable number of stomachs hollowed out in the interior of their bodies for the reception of food. These beings until very lately were confounded with the systolides, under the common name of microscopic animalcules or in- fusoria, and in order to distinguish them they were often called polygastric infusoria. The place they ought to occupy in our zoological classifications has not as yet been well determined. Fig. 192. Infusoria,* Such are the more prominent characters of the principal organic types of the animal kingdom. The sketch just given will suffice to give the reader a general idea of the modi- fications introduced by nature into the structure of animated beings ; but to limit our view to this would lead to extremely imperfect ideas of the true nature of zoology. It becomes necessary, therefore, to examine more carefully each of the great divisions corresponding to these fundamental differ- ences. The subjoined tabular view, representing a synoptic table, will assist the reader in comprising at a glance the basis of the classification adopted in this work. * Various polygastric infusoria, seen under the microscope : I, monads ; n, trachelia anas ; in, enchelis, represented at the moment when rejecting the residue of ..the food ; iv, paramecia j v, kolpoda j vi, trachelia fasciolata, inarching on microscopic vegetables. * ^PW rjnu^ii J, "^ -~; !-" CD ^ M A > ^ J^ . ' g iiiilir^ am ja-^^'d 0*0, t^QQ ?Sgi:4d ^go-IS^I .. lM*rf a ~Igl .S^Ssod ^Sn ll--? 3".a * Sa "S ^>> fir f?- Animals of this order have generally the toes armed with claws adapted to hold and to tear their prey ; usually also they have no collar bones. This kind of organization is met with in the genera cat, hysena, viverra, martin, otter, dog, badger, bear, &c. The genus cat (Fig. 232), which may be viewed as the type of the carnivora, comprises not only the common cat, but also the tiger, lion, panther, lynx, &c. ; their jays are short, and are acted on by muscles of extraordinary strength ; their retractile nails, concealed between the toes in a state of repose Fig. 232. The Panther. by means of elastic ligaments, are never blunted. Their toes are five in number on the anterior limbs, and four on those behind. Their hearing is exceedingly fine, and the best deve- loped of all their senses. They see well by day and night, but they are not farsighted ; in some the pupil is elongated vertically, in others it is round. They make great use of the organ of smell; they consult it before eating, and often when anything disturbs them. Their tongue is covered with horny and very rough points. Their coat is in general soft and fine, 270 ZOOLOGY. and the surface of the body very sensible to the touch ; their moustaches especially seem to be instruments of great sensi- bility. Though of prodigious vigour, they generally do not attack animals openly, but emploj 1 " cunning arid artifice. They never push their prey to flight, but watching by the margins of rivers and pools in covert, they spring at once on their victim. At the head of this genus stands the lion, measuring fre- quently twelve feet in length, or over six feet to the setting on of the tail; about three feet in height, and characterized by the square head, the tuft of hair terminating the tail, and in the male by the main which flows from the head and neck. The lion is the most powerful of the carnivora ; with a single blow of his fore paw he can break the back of a horse, and a stroke of the tail will strike down the strongest man. For- merly spread over the three great divisions of the Old World, he seems now limited to Africa and Asia. The animal which some call the American lion belongs to a different species ; it is called couguar, and is peculiar to the New World. The royal or Eastern tiger is an animal more dangerous than the lion, which it nearly equals in strength, but exceeds in ferocity. The hair in the tiger is short and smooth, and yellowish above, with black transverse bands or stripes ; it inhabits India, where it does much damage. The jaguar, not much less than the Eastern tiger, and almost as dangerous, is a native of America, and is found only there. It inhabits the great forests. Furriers call it the great panther, for it is spotted like that animal ; the fur being yellow, with four rows of dark spots like eyes ranged along the flanks, with white and black stripes beneath. The panther (Fig. 232), so remarkable for the beauty of its fur, is found all over Africa and Asia^ together with the leopard, which it much resembles; the I'ur is yellow, with numerous dark spots. The lynx, also, or cat, is distinguished by a pencil or tuft of hairs surmounting the external ears ; the coat or fur is red coloured, spotted with a reddish brown. It is indigenous to temperate Europe, but it has nearly disappeared from popu- lous countries ; it is still found amongst the Pyrenean moun- tains, in the kingdom of Naples, and in Africa. It ascends trees ; and, having excellent sight, does much mischief by destroying hares and deer. The ancients ascribed to it a OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 271 power of vision equal to the seeing through a stone wall hence the phrase, lynx-eyed. The common cat comes originally from the forest. In a wild state it is of a brown colour, somewhat greyish, with deeper coloured transverse waves. The tail is annulated with dark rings; the inner side of the thighs and feet, yellowish. The hyaena is distinguished from the genus cat by the number of toes, which is four for all the limbs, as well as by the enormous strength of the teeth and jaws, and by the claws or nails, which are not retractile during walking. The tail is short and pendant, and underneath the anus is a pouch which secretes a disagree- ably-smelling viscous mat- ter. Their gait is odd, and they carry their hind quarters much lower than the fore. They are noc- turnal animals, preying on whatever they can ven- ture to attack ; cowardly ; they disinter the dead, and despise no kind of food. They resort to caverns du- ring the day-time. Their reputation lor ferocity is not oorne out by the fact. The common hyaena belonged originally to Asiatic Turkey, Syria, and to some countries of Africa. The carnivora called putorius or polecat, mustela or common Fig. 233. The Spotted Hyama. Fig. 234. The Weasel. marten, otter or lutra, and some others, are remarkable for the length of their bodies and shortness of their limbs. They are all small, but extremely sanguinary. 272 ZOOLOGY. The genus putorius comprises the common polecat, the ferret, marten, the ermine, and several other species, which all have the head rounded, the fur brilliant and soft, the tail long, and anal glands which secrete a foetid matter. The martens differ but little from the polecats, and are equally sought after for their fur. The polecat, which does such damage to the poultry, belongs to this genus. The otter (lutra) has the head depressed and the feet pal mated. Otters are aquatic nocturnal animals, inhabiting the margins of rivers and lakes, and subsisting mostly on fishes. The genus dog comprises the dog, properly so called, the wolf, and the fox. All these animals are characterized by a peculiar dentition, great strength and agility, senses of hearing and smell acute, claws adapted for digging; they show a partiality (some at least) for putrid flesh as food. Their sight is excellent. Fig. 235. The Otter. The domestic dog is distinguished from the other species by the curved tail. This animal is born with the eyelids closed, and they open only after ten or twelve days ; the female has six or seven at a birth, and sometimes even^twelve. The dura- tion of life is from twelve to fourteen years ; they have been known, however, to live to twenty, and their age is determined by their teeth, which in the young are white, pointed, and cutting, but in the aged blunted, dark coloured, and irregular. The dog is the most complete conquest which man has made in respect of any animal. The entire species has be- come domesticated, so that the primitive condition is lost. The wild dogs found in some countries are merely domestic dogs which, being abandoned, have run wild, and recovered OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 273 some of their primitive savage habits. Some naturalists are disposed to think that originally there may have been several species of the dog, and others imagine the wolf or jackal to be the origin of the domestic dog ; but when aban- doned on desert isles, the dog never assumes the character of either of these animals. The dogs of people but little civilized have the ears erect, and hence it has been supposed that the shepherd's dog, or wolf dog, is the origin of the domestic dog of all varieties. The common wolf is readily distinguished from the dog by the tail, which in the wolf is straight. The wolf has much the air of the house dog (matin) ; but, unlike that animal, the wolf leads a rather solitary life in the great forests, reuniting in troops only when pressed with hunger. The wolf is agile, adroit, strong, and well adapted for the pursuit, attack, and conquest of his prey; nevertheless he is naturally slow and cowardly, unless pressed by hunger ; he then attacks the domestic animals under man's protection ; women and children, and man himself, do not then escape his ferocity. The Chacal, the Loup dore, inhabiting the warm coun- tries of Asia and Africa, more resemble in its habits the domestic dog than the wolf: it may be tamed. Fig. 236. The Fox. The fox differs from the domestic dog by the form and greater length of the tail, which is tufted ; by the vertical form of the pupil during the day-time, and by the greater comparative size of the head. They are nocturnal, dig bur- T 274 ZOOLOGY. rows under ground, have a foetid odour, and attack only small animals. Species of the fox are to be found in all parts of the world. Those of cold countries give a fur which is much sought after. [Notwithstanding the general resemblance of the fox and domestic dog, a resemblance extending even to the structure of the interior and the skeleton, they are yet so distinct from each other as to entitle them to be placed in different genera. Recent experiments seem to prove that they do not breed with each other, so that they have in reality no consanguinity. The know- ledge of this unexpected fact we owe to direct experiment, and it is doubtful if science could ever have enabled the naturalist or anatomist to have made the discovery. The bearing of this fact on future palaeontological discoveries is extremely important. A fossil skeleton might be found strictly resembling that of the fox, the hasty theorist would declare it to have been a fox, and that therefore the present geological era must have been of vast duration ; another would pronounce it to have been a dog, whereas in all probability it was neither one nor the other, but the remains of an animal having no place in the present order of things. All these errors originate in the unhappy attempts of modern geologists to restore, as they call it, the extinct animals. K. K.] All the carnivora of which we have spoken, as well as many others the genette and civet, for example walk on the ball of the toes, the tarsus being raised. Hence the name of digiti- grades ; and to this they owe their upright walk and rapidity. Bears and badgers, in walking, place the entire sole of the foot on the ground : hence they are called plantigrades. Their movements are slow, and they lead a nocturnal life. Bears are large, heavy animals, thick and short. The tail is short, the limbs thick ; but they are animals of great strength and sagacity. The form of their extremities enables them to climb trees very readily, and t<$ sit erect on their hind quarters. Some swim well, a quality they perhaps owe to the fat with which their bodies abound. Of all the carni- vora, they are those least restricted to an animal diet ; in fact, they are omnivorous, for which, indeed, the character of their teeth, almost all tuberculated, evidently adapts them ; such teeth being more fitted to bruise roots and grains than to tear the flesh of animals. Vegetable food is their regular diet, and they prefer honey, of which they rob the bees, being well protected from their stings by the roughness of their hides. The greater number of the bears live in the forests, but one OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 275 species frequents the shores of the Polar seas. The former live in caverns or burrows dug by themselves, their strong claws enabling them to do this. In extremely cold weather they pass the time in a profound lethargy. 415. The order called amphibia is formed of two genera, the seal and walrus. In these animals, also carnivorous, the feet are not adapted for walking, but for swimming: they pass the greater part of their lives in the water. [If my memory serve, my esteemed friend, De Blainville, placed in a distinct class certain animals truly amphibious, as the siren, proteus, axolotl, &c. Seals, otters, &c., are not strictly amphibious. R. K.I Fig. 237. The Seal. 416. The order of cheiroptera is closely united to the quadrumana, but have the pectoral extremities organized for flight by means of a large fold of integument, extending from the flank and tail to the extremity of the fingers (Fig. 238, 239). The brain also is much less developed than in the preceding groups. The dental system is still composed of incisives, canine and molar teeth. Of the class some are frugivorous, with molars resembling the quadrumana ; others insectivorous, and in these the teeth are formed as in the following class. The bats are the principal representatives of the group. 417. The insectivora do not differ from the other ungui- culated mammals, expecting in this, that the molar teeth are evidently constructed for the crushing of insects, on which they live. They are in fact rough, with conical points (Fig. 22), which adapts them for this purpose. Their brain rather resembles that of the cheiroptera in having no convolutions, than what we find in the bimana, quadrumana, carnivora, and amphibia. The greater number make use of burrows, and hybernate. We cite, as examples of the group, the mole T 2 276 ZOOLOGY. (Fig. 214), the hedgehog, the desman (Fig. 209), and the shrew mouse, or musaraigne (Fig. 240). Fig. 238. Chauve-Souris Oreillard ; Large-eared Bat. The hedgehog has the hody covered with spines or quills instead of hair, and the skin of the back is provided with a large oval muscle, so that the animal can roll itself into a ball, thus presenting nothing but spines for the enemy to attack. They live in the woods, and lie concealed during the day be- tween the roots of old trees. They are common in France. The shrew mouse is a small animal, at first sight resembling a mouse. The body is covered with hairs, and on each flank is a small band of stiff hairs, between which is secreted and exudes an odorous humour. They burrow under Fig. 239.-Oreillard; Large-eared Bat F OUnd > a " d liv6 On (walking on the ground). insects and Worms. Tt is a popular error to accuse them of giving rise to a disease in horses and mules by their bite. Moles are animals essentially subterranean and burrowing. The body is thick and short ; their muzzle is elongated, and terminated by a moveable snout, adapted to burrow ; and their anterior limbs, though short, are extremely strong and broad, turned outwards, and terminated by strong claws admirably adapted to dig (Fig. 214). By means of these instruments, moles dig, with great rapidity and admirable instinct, long OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 277 galleries under ground, in which they dwell. Molehills are formed of the product of these excavations. They seldom quit their excavations, and live on insects and worms. De- stined to live in profound dark- ness, their eyes are scarcely perceptible, and there is a species of the mole which is completely blind. The mole has twenty-two teeth in each jaw, or forty-four in all. The common mole of the fields, of a fine black colour, is common throughout the fertile coun- tries of Europe. 418. The order rodentia comprises the ordinary ungui- culated mammals which have no canine teeth, but have strong chisel-shaped teeth in front, or incisive, and molar teeth behind. This arrangement of the teeth (Fig. 243) adapts them for gnawing very hard vegetable substances, as the bark and roots of trees, and these in fact form their principal nourish- ment. The brain of rodents resembles greatly that of the insectivora, and their intelligence is very confined ; neverthe- Fig. 240. Shrew Mouse (Musaraigne). less, some are gifted with extraordinary instincts. Squirrels (Fig. 118), marmots, rats, hamsters (Fig. 119), the campagnol (Fig. 242), the porcupine (Fig. 195), and several other animals similarly organized, belong to the order rodentia. Kodents of the genus Mus are characterized by some pecu- 278 ZOOLOGY. liarities in the disposition of the teeth, and by their long and scaly tail. They are small animals, and live especially on fruits and roots, but, pressed by hunger, they take to animal food, and will even attack and devour each other. Three species have become common in our houses : the domestic rat, the surmulot, and the mouse. Fig. 242. The Field Vole ; Arvicola Agrestis ; Campagnol. The rat was not known to the ancients, and seems to have been imported into the Old World from America. The epoch of its introduction is unknown, but it existed in great num- bers where the surmulot now abounds. This latter seems to have almost extirpated the common rat. It is now very rare in Paris, and is to be found chiefly in barns, where it lives on grains and vegetables of all sorts it finds there ; but it has a decided taste for animal food, and it pursues young animals. In country-houses it is a destructive plague, by the damage it does to linen, harness, lard, and, in short, to everything eatable which falls in its way. The surmulot is the largest of the rats : it is of a reddish- ^ s ^ =; _______.__ brown colour. Introduced into fcrx^l Europe in the eighteenth century, it has multiplied exceedingly. Brought from India to England by sea, it spread into France, and thence into Europe, America, and all the colonies. In the neigh- bourhood of Paris they abound in the common sewers, and dig burrows just sufficient to hold the F, g .243.-HeadofaEodent. ^^ > The mouse is the smallest of the species of rats which OF- THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 279 infest our houses ; it was known to the ancients. It forms galleries for itself in the timbers of houses in which it lives, and feeds on whatever animal or vegetable substance it meets with, but prefers suet, lard, and generally fatty bodies. When inhabiting the woods in a wild state, it lives on acorns, roots, and fruits. Fig. 244. The Lerot; Mus Nitela; the Dormouse. [The Loirs (dormice) are pretty little animals, with soft hair, velvety tail, ever tufted, with a lively look, which have a strong analogy with rats, live in or frequent (se tiennent sur les arbres) trees, supporting themselves on fruits. Like the marmots, they pass the cold season rolled up into a ball, and in a very profound lethargic sleep. They may be recognised by the number of their molar teeth, which is four in each jaw and on each side. Tn the Dictionary of Fleming and Tibbins, 1841, these terms, Loir and Lerot are thus defined : " Loir, (Lwar) ou Liron, s. m. (sorte de petit animal qui dort, a ce qu'on pretend, tout Phiver). Dormouse. Loir volant (potatouche ou ecureuil volant), flying squirrel. Lerat s. m. (espece de loir) musavellanarum, the smaller dormouse. In the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, there is a note at p. 265, vol. v. (Milman's edition), to the following effect : "The want of an English name obliges me to refer to the common name of squirrels,* the Latin glis, the French loir, a little animal who inhabits the woods and remains torpid in cold weather. (See Plin. Hist. Natural, viii. 82 ; Buffon, Hist. Naturdle, torn. viii. p. 158 ; Pennant's Synopsis of Quadrupeds, p. 289). The art of rearing and fattening great numbers of glires was practised in Roman villa? as a profitable article of rural economy (Varro, De Re Rustica, iii. 15). The excessive demand of them for luxuiious tables was increased by the foolish prohibitions of the censors ; and it is reported that they are still * la it not the Dormouse ? Milman. 280 ZOOLOGY. esteemed in modern Rome, and are frequently sent as presents by the Colonna princes (see Brotier, the last edition of Pliny, tome ii. p. 458, apud Burbon. 1779)." R. K.] The jerboas (Fig. 245) are small rodents, remarkable for the development of their hinder limbs, and this enables them to leap with great agility. The squirrel (Fig. 118) is also a rodent, and is known by the length of the tail, furnished with hairs like a large quill or feather. They live amongst trees, on fruits and nuts, and are remarkable for their agility. There are many species in the Old and New Worlds. In France the common squirrel abounds, and retains throughout the year the colour by which it is known ; but in the North it becomes, during winter, of a fine ashy-blue colour, and the fur is much sought after. In this state the fur is called petit gris. Fig. 245 .The Jerboa. '* The beaver is distinguished from all other rodents by its large tail, flattened horizontally ; it is of an oval form, and covered with scales. The beaver is of a good size, aquatic in its habits ; their feet and tail aid them in swimming, and with their powerful cutting teeth they easily cut down all sorts of trees. They live on bark and other hard vegetable substances. The Canadian beaver is, of all quadrupeds, that which exhibits most industry in the construction of its dwelling, OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 281 at which it works in society, in the most solitary parts of North America ( 331, p. 174). The neighbourhood of man seems to prevent the beaver from working in society, as we find that the beavers of the Rhine are solitary, and never construct habitations like those of Canada, although they seem to belong to the same species. The beaver was formerly indigenous to many European countries, and even to Britain. 419. The order of edentata (toothless animals) seems to fill up the link between the unguiculata and the ungulata, for the nails acquire a great development, and cover a large Fig. 246. Head of the Armadillo. portion of the extremity of the fingers and toes ; but that which characterizes them is the absence of teeth in the front of the mouth (Fig. 246). The dentition is composed of canine and molar teeth only, and even these are also sometimes absent (Fig. 29) ; the edentata live, in fact, on soft insects, or leaves easy to gather. As examples of this group, we cite the armadillos (Fig. 247), the pangolins (Fig. 196), and the ant-eaters. Fig. 247. The Armadillo Cabassou ; the Tatou, or Tatouay of D'Azzara. 420. The order of pachydermata belongs to the division of mammals having hoofs, and is composed of all the ungu- lata in which the stomach is formed in the usual way, and 282 ZOOLOGY, not intended for rumination. They are remarkable for the thickness of their skins ; they are all more or less herbi- vorous ; and their brains have convolutions, as in the carni- vora. Some have the nose prolonged into a proboscis, and are for this reason called proboscidians : the elephants (204) have this feature. Others are recognised by the feet ter- minating in a single toe, covered with a hoof; the horse, ass, and zebra offer this character, and hence the name of solipeda. Finally, the ordinary pachydermata have the feet terminated by fingers or toes, varying from two to four ; the wild boar, the tapir (Fig. 208), the rhinoceros (Fig. 198), the hippo- potamus (Fig. 251), belong to this class or group. Fig. 248. The Zebra. The genus elephant (Fig. 204), the largest of all land animals, is of a mild and gentle nature, and hence the ease with which it may be domesticated. The great size of the head and weight of the tusks necessitate a proboscis to enable the animal to feed (page 243). By means of this singular instrument the elephant uproots trees, unties the knots of a cord, picks a lock, or uses a pen. Their sight is tolerably good, their hearing fine, and their sense of smell acute. Their caution is extreme, and their intelligence remarkable. They remember injuries, and are not forgetful of favours. Though of heavy gait, their speed is considerable, owing to the length of their pace. Although the elephant is the most powerful of quadrupeds, he is naturally neither cruel nor for- OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 283 rnidable. Courageous in defence, he seldom attacks. By nature he is gregarious, living in troops, varying from fifty to one hundred, and is seldom seen solitary. The oldest leads the troop, and the next in age brings up the rear. Taken when young, they are readily trained to carry enor- mous weights ; 2000 pounds weight is the load of the adult, and they will perform with this a march of fifteen or twenty leagues. They swim well, and live to nearly two hundred years. Fig. 249.* Two species of elephants have been described, 1, the Asiatic ; and 2, the African. The first is known by its elon- gated head, concave forehead, and comparatively small ears ; four nails on the hinder toes ; the molar teeth also present parallel ridges, nearly equidistant. The tusks often remain short. 2. The African species (Fig. 207), remarkable for the * Equus Burchellii a species of Zebra discovered by Mr. Burchell; attempts are now being made to domesticate the Daauw. 284 ZOOLOGY. size of the tusks, development of the external ears, three loose nails on the hinder toes, shorter head, and convex fore- head. The surface of the molar teeth (Fig. 206) when in use presents rhomboidal figures, hy which it may be at once dis- tinguished from the Indian species. The female has tusks Fig. 250.* nearly as large as the male. It is a more active and ferocious animal than the Asiatic, and is found from Senegal to the Cape of Good Hope. [There is abundant evidence in history to show that- the African species of elephant extended at one time from the northern slopes of the Atlas to the Cape of Good Hope. They were employed by the Carthaginians as an instrument of war in their conflicts with the Komans. K. K.] Ivory, properly so called, is furnished by the tusks of the elephant, recent and extinct. When cut and polished, it may be recognised by its numerous lozenge-formed curved lines. The hippopotami have an enormous body, with very short limbs, four equal toes to each foot (the elephant has five) ; tail of moderate length, nostrils dilated, skin almost hairless. * Hemione, or Dziggetai; Equus Hemionus Pall; Native of Indostan and Upper Asia. It has been acclimatized in France. OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 285 They live on vegetables, and their habitat is the rivers of Central Africa.* Their colour is a brownish black, and they attain an enormous weight. Three or four may be seen in a line in the river, near some cataract or stream, darting at the fishes which the rapidity of the current brings near them. Fig. 251. The Hippopotamus; the River Horse ; Sea Cow of the Dutch. They swim well and rapidly, and can remain a long time under water. During the night they quit the rivers, and feed on the herbage of the banks, or make their way to the fields of rice or millet, which they rapidly consume. Their march is so impetuous that they overthrow every obstacle, especially when alarmed. Their character is ferocious. Fig. 252. Hippopotamus. The pig has also four toes on all the feet, but two are large and two shorter.' The incisive teeth vary in number, and the tusks protrude from the mouth, curling upwards. The * Southern and Northern as well. E. K. 286 ZOOLOGY. muzzle terminates in a truncated snout, adapted for digging up roots, on which they live, in troops, in the forests ; but they show no repugnance to animal food. The rhinoceros (Fig. 198) is a very large animal, with a short thick body and short limbs, remarkable for the great thickness of its hide, and for the horn or horns it carries on the nose. The horns are solid, composed of matted hairs, and supported on strong nasal bones, arched and thick ; but these horns have no osseous core, and they move with the integuments. It inhabits the hottest parts of Asia and Africa, and is generally found in the elephant countries. It is ferocious and untameable, and is fond of wallowing in miry places, like the pig (Fig. 199).* Fig. 253. Head of a Young Hippopotamus of Southern Africa; from a drawing by Burchell. The genus horse, comprising the horse, properly so called, the ass, zebra, and several other species, is characterized by the conformation of the feet, single toed, and covered with a hoof; by six incisives in either jaw, hollowed when young, which hollow disappears with age ; by^ix molars on either side of each jaw, and by a space or bar between the small canine teeth found in the male and the molars, which receives the bit. These canine teeth are small, and peculiar to the male. The eyes of the horse are prominent, his hearing good, upper lip so large as to be used as an instrument of prehen- sion ; nostrils not much dilated ; the body is covered all over with hair, and the neck provided with a mane. The tail is of moderate length, but has long hairs, especially in the * The double-horned rhinoceros is peculiar to Africa, and was known to the Romans. After all traces of it were lost to the civilized world, and its very existence doubted by naturalists, it was rediscovered a few years ago by Sparrman, in Southern Africa. R. K. OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 287 domestic horse. Though strictly herbivorous, their stomach is simple, and of moderate size. His mode of life in a domestic state is so well known as to require no description. The horse, properly so called, is distinguished from the other species by the uniform colour of the coat ; by the tail, furnished with hairs from its basis ; by his height and more elegant form. He exists nowhere now in a wild state, for the so-called wild horses of America are merely the domestic horse abandoned by man ; and although their introduction into the New World is of no earlier a date than three hun- dred years, they are said to be found in troops mustering ten thousand. The. horse lives to about thirty years ; he ought not to be employed for saddle or draught before four or five. When aged he loses most of his valuable qualities ; and hence the importance attached to the age. He is called aged when the little cavities found in the incisives have disappeared by tri- turation : this happens at eight years ; after that he is said, to have lost the mark. Fig. 254. The Bison. The ass is recognised by its height, tufted tail, dark cross on the shoulders, and long ears. More temperate and patient than the horse, he is not so strong, but still very useful as a beast of burthen. Comparatively he is both stronger and more hardy. He is choice in the water he drinks, but in nothing else, and he sleeps less than the horse. His stupid and obstinate nature seems mainly due to the bad treatment he receives; in the duration of life the ass resembles the horse. 288 ZOOLOGY. 421. The order ruminants is distinguished from all the preceding groups by their complex stomachs. These animals are essentially herbivorous ; they have no incisives in the upper jaw ; in them the foot is divided or cloven, and it is Fig. 255. Skeleton of the White or Wild Ox of Scotland.* amongst this species especially that the forehead is armed with horns. The ox, sheep (Fig. 263), goat, and stag (Fig. 264) chiefly represent the class; but the antelope, giraffe (Fig. 271), camel, lama, &c., are included in the group. The genus ox differs from other ruminants by the form of the body and the direction of the horns. The principal species are the common ox ; the aurochs, originally both European; the buffalo, the yack, peculiar to Asia ; the bison and the musk ox, peculiar to Northern America. The common ox, when young, is called a calf, the male a bull, the female a cow ; its forehead is flat, longer than Fig. 256. Head of Young Scotch Bull.f * From the drove belonging to the Duke of Hamilton. R. K. t Head of the Ox called Urus Scoticus, or Wild Ox of Caledon, drawn from a specimen of the breed preserved in the Forest of Cadzow, and belong- ing to the Duke of Hamilton. They are of a dun white colour, with black ears and hoofs. I ascertained many years ago that the purity of the breed is preserved by destroying all calves which are differently coloured. R. K. OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 289 broad; the horns are rounded and project from the extremities of the prominent line separating the frontal from the occipital bone. There exists scarcely an animal so. useful to man as the Fig. 257-* White Ox of Scotland. Fig. 257a.f Common Ox of Scotland. Mg. 258. Alpaca. * Skull of the Urus Scoticus; it is much shorter and broader across the forehead than the common domestic ox, and the nasal bones also are much shorter and somewhat differently arranged. R. K f Cranium of the common ox, to contrast with the above. B. K. U 290 ZOOLOGY. ox : on this we need not dwell. The flesh is excellent ; he can be made to labour like a horse ; the bones, skin, horns hair, all are of use. The fat is fine and delicate, and the, blood is used as a fertilizer, and also in the manufacture of Prussian blue ; it is in use moreover as a refiner of sugar and fish oil. The intestinal membrane is employed in the arts of the gold-beater and to cover air balloons. From the milk of the cow we obtain butter, cheese, and cream; with the stomach called rennet we curdle milk. The ox is now found in every part of the world, but no doubt it belonged originally to Europe and Asia. Fig. 259. Llama. The aurochs is the largest of European quadrupeds. It is distinguished from the domestic ox by its convex forehead, broader than long ; by the point of attachment of the horns, lower than the occipital crest ; by a kind of woolly hair cover- ing the head and neck of the male ; by a short beard under the throat ; and finally, by having an additional pair of ribs. It is not the origin of our domestic cattle. Formerly abound- ing all over Europe, the race is nearly extinct, being confined OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA, 291 to the marshy forests of Lithuania, of the Krapacks, and the Caucasus. The buffalo, of Indian origin, but now naturalized in Italy and Greece, has the horns marked anteriorly by a longitudinal crest. The buffalo is less docile than the ox, but he is stronger and easier supported. He swims well (as does the ox), and likes to wallow in muddy waters ; and he will dive ten or twelve feet, tearing up with his horns aquatic plants, which he eats while swimming. Fig. 260. Buffalo. [The buffalo, presumed to be of Asiatic origin (like the ox), has been long domesticated in Africa a ad in Italy, into which country it was introduced in 595 or 596. R. K. Fig. 261. Male Yak.* * From Thibet : now being domesticated in France. R. K. u2 292 ZOOLOGY. The yak, also called the buffalo with a horse's tail, the grunting cow of Tartary, is a small species originally from Thibet. It has a long mane, and a tail with long hairs like the horse. It is with this tail that the standards are made which, with the Turks, serve to distinguish the superior officers. The musk ox is an inhabitant of the more northern parts of North America. It climbs over rocks like a goat. Its odour is peculiar ; hence the name ; and its horns are united in the middle of the forehead. The American bison strongly resembles the aurochs, but has the limbs shorter, and differs in some other respects, as in having the hair longer. The genus sheep (ovis) differs but little from the goat. Their horns are disposed to become spiral ; they have no beard, and have the forehead convex. A wild species, called argali, with very large horns, seems to be the original of the domestic sheep. They are found in Fig. 262 Musk Ox. Fig. 262a. Angora Goat.* great numbers in Kamtschatka ; in all the lofty mountainous regions of Asia ; in the higher ranges of those of Barbary, * It is being now domesticated in France. R. K. OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 293 Corsica, and Greece. It grows to a large size, and is very agile. The mouflon (Fig. 263), found in Europe and Africa, differs from the argali in this, that it never attains the same size. Fig. 263. The Mouflon ; Ovis Musimon. The Wild Sheep of Sardinia. Fig. 264. The Stag. The female rarely has horns, and when present they are small. Varieties of the mouflon exist. Some are white, others more or less black. They live in troops. 294 ZOOLOGY. The domestic sheep when young is called a lamb : the female is called an ewe : the male, a ram ; it is too well known to require any zoological description. The variety called merino, remarkable for the fineness of its fleece, and at one time limited to Spain, has been extensively introduced into France and Germany, both as a pure breed and as crossed with others. Five hundred thousand of the pure breed exist in France. The clip takes place in the month of May. The goat resembles the sheep as re- gards the horns ; but it differs in the direction they take. Its chanfrein, or face and head, is concave, and it has a beard. All the species of this genus belong to Europe and Asia; they live in small troops amongst the rocks, and dis- play astonishing agility. The segagre, or wild goat, seemingly the origin of all the domestic species, lives in troops in the mountains of Persia, and perhaps even amongst the Alps. Fig. 265. Head of Antelope Canna.* Fig. 266. Gnu or Wildebeest of the Dutch Colonists.! The bouquetin is another wild species inhabiting the sum- mits of the lofty mountains of the Old World. The domestic goat prefers rocky ground as a habitat : its milk is less apt to curdle in the stomach than that of the cow, * Hartebeest of the Dutch Colonists of the Cape of Good Hope; an Antelope, t I saw them in -vast droves on the Great Bonlebok Plain, to the North of the Wenterbergen, Cape of Good Hope. R. K. OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 295 and is thus esteemed to be of easier digestion. It is a fearless animal, dreading neither heat nor cold, storms nor rain. Deer are ruminants, characterized distinctly by the shed- ding of their antlers. The species abound, such as the Fig. 267. African Antelope. Fig. 268. Eland of the Cape ; the largest of the South African Antelopes. common or fallow-deer, the red-deer, the roebuck, the rein- deer, &c. They all inhabit the forests, and are remarkable for their speed and for the elegance of their forms. The antlers, generally peculiar to the male, are cast in spring. The antelopes resemble deer in many respects, but are 296 ZOOLOGY. readily distinguished from them by having persistent horns, like goats and sheep. The chamois belongs to this group. The gira i ? distinguished from all other ruminants by Fig. 269. Striped Eland < Fig. 270. The Kern- Deer. * Striped Eland, discovered by Dr. Livingstone within the tropics, to the north of the Cape Colony. What is remarkable in the history of these two species or variety of the Eland is that the young of the Cape Eland is striped like the northern species, but the stripes disappear as the animal becomes adult. OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 297 the form of the body and the nature of its horns, which are conical, osseous, and always covered with the integuments. It measures from fifteen to seventeen feet in height, and the single species as yet known is peculiar to Africa.* Fig. 271. The Giraffe. * In Southern Africa it is never seen to the south of the Great Orange River. K. K. 298 ZOOLOGY. The camel is remarkable for the enormous mass of fat found on the shoulders and back, single or double. Of the camel there are two species the Bactrian with two humps, and the Arabian or dromedary with one. Their feet are Fig. 272. Tongue of the Camel Leopard. Fig. 273. Cells of Llama's Stomach.* peculiar, the two toes being reunited nearly to the points by a strong sole, admirably fitted for traversing sandy deserts. Without the camel, man could with difficulty have traversed * Peculiar cells or pouches in the stomach of the Llama ; they strictly re- semble those which were supposed to be peculiar to the Camel. E. K. OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 299 the deserts of Asia and Africa. It is exceedingly temperate as to the use of water, a quality which has been ascribed to the peculiar form of its stomachs ; in two of these large cells exist, which either serve as reservoirs or which have the power of secreting water. In Arabia it is held to be the most valuable of animals. Of the long hair which it casts annually, the Arabs make tents and clothing ; they use the milk ; and as a beast of burden and of sudden flight it is invaluable. Finally, the llama, of which there are several species, is peculiar to South America. It resembles the camel in many respects, and especially in the structure of its stomach ; but it has no hump. Fig. 274. Sperm Whale. 422. The fish-formed mammals comprise only a single order that called cetacea. They are strictly aquatic, and resemble fish somewhat in their forms. In these the pelvic limbs are wanting, and the pectoral are converted into Fig. 275. Skeleton of the Korqual Giganteus.* swimming paws or fins ; the tail is terminated by a broad horizontal flipper composed of two flanges. The marsouins (porpoises) (Fig. 193), the dolphins, the cachalots, (sperm * This specimen was dissected by myself and brother ; it measured eighty feet in length. The upper jaw and cranium weighed a ton and a half; the lower jaw-bones two tons. R. K. 300 ZOOLOGY. whales,) and the balsense, (whalebone whales balaenae and rorqual,) or whales properly so called, belong to this group. The whales are enormous cetaceans, whose head forms about a third of the length of the whole body. In the mouth there are no teeth, but numerous plates of whalebone depend at the sides from the mucous surface of the upper jaw. They Fig. 276. Head and Tail of Balaenoptera rostrata.* are so arranged as to form towards the mouth a sieve, calculated to retain very small animals, on which indeed these huge cetaceans live. The volume of water they take into the mouth is expelled through the nostrils ; hence the name of blowers and blow-holes given to their anterior or superior nostril s.f Contrary to what might be imagined, these enor- Fig. 2774 * Sketches made by Mr. E. Forbes, who at that time acted as my. assistant. t It has been shown by Scoresby, myself, Beale, and a number of other observers, that the pretended jet d'eau is merely the vapour from its lungs. t Head of the Eorqual of Fabricius; a whalebone whale. Drawn by Edward Forbes. OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 301 mous animals live generally not on fishes, but on small mol- lusca, Crustacea, zoophytes, and generally the lowest marine animals. They swim rapidly, and are timid and fearful ; hence they are easily destroyed by the whalers. There are several species of whalebone whales, but that which is most sought after, by reason of the length of whale- bone and the abundance of blubber it possesses, is the Green- land whale, or whale of commerce ; formerly perhaps abun- dant in the European seas, but now driven by persecution to take refuge in the Northern and Polar Seas. It has no dorsal fins. Fig. 278. The Whale of Commerce ; Balaena Mysticetus, or Greenland Whale. The cachalot or sperm whale has teeth only in the lower jaw, and no whalebone. The enormous size and singular form of the head of the cachalot is owing to a vast collection of oil, which, when cold, becomes fixed, and forms the substance called spermaceti. It is situated in cavities occupying the upper part of the face and head. These cavities are supported late- rally by largely developed upper jaw-bones, which give to the skeleton of the head a very peculiar appearance. The whale fishing, an important branch of commerce, and in which the boldest sailors are trained, was at one time in the hands of the Basques, but now almost exclusively belongs to the English and Americans. The vessels proceed either north or south. The northern fishery has for its object the capture of the mysticetus, or Greenland whale. In the stormy seas of the North, the whaler attacks the whale with the harpoon. The blubber is found immediately beneath the 302 ZOOLOGY. integuments, and indeed may be considered as forming a portion of them. No fat exists in the interior of the whale, but the bones, especially those of the head, afford much oil. Fig. 279. Foetus of Greenland Whale.* The South Sea Fishery has for its object the capture of the cachalot or sperm whale, and is carried on mostly in the Pacific and Japan Seas. The spermaceti is the object sought for. The dolphins and the marsouins (porpoises) have the head much smaller than the true whales, and they have teeth in both jaws ; they are extremely carnivorous. Lastly, there are cetacea which are herbivorous ; these are the lamantins and dugong.f [Tabular view of the number of vertebrae in the class Cetacea. Balsena Mysticetus Australis .... 59, Cuvier. Balsena Mysticetus Borealis (adult) . . Unknown. Balsena Mysticetus Borealis (foetus) . . 48, Knox. Rorqual Giganteus 65, Knox. ^rqualofFabricius V j f^ l^nter. Rorqual of the Cape 52, Cuvier. Rorqual of Rudolphi 54, Rudolphi. Cachalot 60, Cuvier. o I Dueroner 56, Knox. 48, Home. 1 "o 1 Manatee of America 52, Cuvier. 46, Cuvier. fc V 48, Home. * Drawing of the foetus of the Mysticetus Borealis, abdominal surface, from a specimen brought from the North Seas at my request by Mr. B. Auld. It was removed from the uterus after the death of the parent. E. K. f The Lamantins and Dugong are certainly not Cetaceans, as I proved long ago. See Tr. R. Soc. Edin. 1830. R. K. OF THE CLASS MAMMALIA. 303 Manatee of Senegal Unknown. Delphinus Delphis 67, Cuvier. Delphinis Grisens 61, Cuvier. Dolphin in our Museum 81, Knox. Dolphin in Dr. Hunter's Museum, Glasgow 90, Knox. Dolphin dissected by Mr. John Hunter, \ and considered by him as the D. Delphis, J 60, Hunter. but by M. Cuvier as the D. Tursio . Phocaena. N.B. This discrepancy in the number of Phocaena may be specific ; but this is not likely. 66, Cuvier. 65, Knox. 51, Hunter, vertebrae in the E. K.] 423. The division of the mammalia called didelphian, is characterized by physiological distinctions of great impor- tance. In general the young are born prematurely, as it were, and exceedingly imperfect, and they seem, whilst in the womb, not to be nourished by a placenta, as is the case with Fig. 280. Kangaroo. all the monodelphs. The brain is comparatively smooth, and without a corpus callosum ; and marsupial bones attached to the pelvis (Fig. 212), give a peculiar character to the skeleton. This group is composed of two orders the marsupial and monotremes. 304 ZOOLOGY. 424. The order marsupialia is chiefly characterized by the presence of a sort of pouch, destined to hold the young whilst attached to the nipple, and during the early period of their growth. A description of this pouch, with a drawing of the form of the marsupial bones, will be found in Fig. 194. The food of the marsupialia is various, some being insectivo- rous, others herbivorous, others carnivorous, whilst some strongly resemble the class rodents. They nearly all belong to Australia and Tasmania. The opossums (Fig. 194), the phalangers, and the kangaroos (Fig. 280), chiefly represent the group. --^rrsit / Fig. 281. The Oniithorynchus. 425. Finally, the order called monotremes seems to connect the mammal with the oviparous vertebrata. The intestine terminates, as in birds, in a cloaca, and the repro- ductive organs present many anomalies. The dental system is rudimentary, and in some a horny covering of the jaws gives to them the appearance of a duck's bill. As yet only two genera of this singular class is known ; the ornitho- rynchus (Platypus, or duck-billed animal) (Fig. 281), and the echidna. THE CLASS BIEDS. 305 [There is in the ornithorynchus, on each side a femoral gland and duct leading to the spur on its heel. The secretions of this gland Fig. 281a. were at one time supposed to be poisonous. The apparatus is of the most singular character, and was first described by me in the Tr. Wern. Soc. R. K.] THE CLASS BIRDS. 426. The class birds is one of the best defined and most distinct, whether viewed with reference to the exterior or interior. Birds are oviparous vertebrate animals, with a double and complete circulation ; to which may be added, that the respiration is aerien and double; which means, that instead of being confined to the lungs, as in mammals, the air pene- trates throughout the body, and even into the interior of the bones ; their blood is hot, as in mammals. Finally, they are covered with feathers, and their pectoral extremities have the form and character of wings. Birds seldom attain a great size, and their bodies are light in consequence of the penetration of the air into their interior. They do not vary much in their internal structure. 427. Feathers are analogous to hair, but are more com- plex in structure. A horny tube is first observed, pierced at its extremity, a stalk surmounting this tube. Finally, barbs, growing from the sides of the stalk ; these are fringed with barbules ; and these again are sometimes fringed with others still smaller. The secreting organ of the feather is called the capsule. It 306 ZOOLOGY. would seem that so long as the feather grows, or is being developed, the capsule increases in length, and that in pro- portion as its base elongates, the extremity dies, and dries up so soon as it has formed the corresponding portion of this appendage. Each of these small apparatuses is composed of a cylindrical sheath, covered internally by two tunics, united by oblique septa, and of a central bulb. The substance of the feather is formed on the surface of the bulb, and to form the Fig. 282. Galeated Cassowary. barbs it is moulded, as it were, into the spaces which the small septa leave between them. In the corresponding por- tion of the stalk, the bulb is in relation with its inferior surface, and dies; but where the stalk of the feather is tubular, the lamina of borny matter which the bulb pro- duces turns entirely round it, and envelopes it completely. Nevertheless, the bulb, as it fulfils these functions, still dries up and dies, and thus withering successively it forms a series of membranous cones set into each other, which THE CLASS BIRDS. 307 fill the interior of the tube, and are called the soul of the feather. The young feather is at first enclosed within the sheath of the capsule, which often projects several inches beyond the integuments, and is gradually destroyed. The feather then appears uncovered, and its barbs, at first rolled up, spread out laterally. The extremity of the quill remains embedded in the dermis, but generally may be readily detached, and at a certain period falls, to be replaced by a new feather. This renewal of the feathers is called moulting, and takes place annually, soon after the season for laying the eggs ; but sometimes it occurs twice in the year. At that period the bird loses its voice, and is ill at ease. The form of these integumentary appendages varies much; some resemble the spines of the porcupine. In the wing of the cassowary are four or five such ; in others, as in the eagle and raven, the barbs are stiff, and provided with barbules, which being interlocked with those of the adjoining feather, prevents the passage of the air through them. In others, as in the tail and wings of the ostrich, the barbs and barbules are long, soft, silky, and apart. Finally, in others they resemble a kind of down, and this may be seen in certain storks, which are known by the name of marabouts, or pouched adjutants. Their colours vary infinitely, and often surpass in beauty the finest flowers or precious stories. The plumage of the male is generally more brilliant than that of the female ; and it seldom happens that the young bird preserves the same character of plumage throughout life. They often change, for two or three years consecutively, and sometimes the adult has a summer and winter plumage quite distinct. Finally, aquatic birds have their plumage besmeared with an oily fluid, rendering them impenetrable to water, and thus preserving the skin underneath. 428. The skeleton is composed of nearly the same ele- ments as in mammals, but the form and disposition of many of the bones are different, and, cceteris paribus, their bones are much lighter than those of mammals, being more or less filled with air. The head of birds (Fig. 284) is generally small ; in the young bird the cranium is composed of the same number of bones as in mammals, but they unite very early together, and the sutures disappear. The face is in a great measure formed of the jaws, which are much elongated, and being chiefly em- x 2 308 ZOOLOGY. ployed by the bird as instruments of prehension, vary exceed- ingly in their character, according to the nature of the bird, the food it lives on, and the prey it attacks. The superior man- dible is so articulated with the cranium as to admit of motion in the cranium, independent of the lower jaw, which never occurs in mammals ; and the inferior, instead of being articulated directly with the cranium by means of condyles, is connected Sacrum. Scapula. Humerus. Coccyx wain vw^ // m A'^Bii MI i/ m M/O^LMT/^A m ClaTicle. ^ _.r~=-_ _,.= Sternum. Tibia. Tarsus Fig. 283. Skeleton of the Goeland. Black-headed Gull. therewith through the intermedium of a distinct bone, called tympanic or os quadratum, generally considered to be a portion of the temporal bone (the osseous meatus), and remain- ing distinct throughout life. Moreover, each branch of the lower jaw is composed of two segments, and it is by a fossette that it articulates with the tympanic bone. THE CLASS BIEDS. 309 The mode of articulation of the head with the vertebral column admits of much more extended movements in birds than in mammals ; the articulation is formed of a single con- dyle, a sort of semi- spherical pivot placed in the mesial line of the body, and received into a corresponding articular cavity in the atlas. Orbit. Inter-Orbitar Septum, i / Lachrymal Bone. ^^^^ J^ Cranium. Sup. Maxil. " '"Exoccipital. Os Quadratum, _ or Tympanic. IS asal Fossae. JugalBone. Infer. Maxil. Fig. 284. Skeleton of the head of the Eagle. 429. The neck in birds is generally much longer than in mammals. The higher they are elevated on their limbs, the longer must the neck become, the jaws being the principal organs of prehension (Fig. 283) ; in the swan, the neck ex ceeds the height of the body, thus enabling it to seek its prey at considerable depths while swimming. Thus the number of cervical vertebrae varies greatly, according to the species ; from twelve to fifteen is the usual number, but there may be fewer, and occasionally there are as many, or more, than twenty; they are extremely moveable on each other, and this they owe to the forms of their articular surfaces.* This arrangement is remarkable in wading birds, as in storks ; numerous processes for the insertion of muscles assist in these motions. On the other hand, in almost all birds the vertebrse of the back are nearly fixed or immovable, and this, no doubt, is to enable the wings to find in this part of the trunk a point of support. In general, they are consolidated or united into one, but in birds which do not fly, as the ostrich and cassowary * These articular surfaces are concave on one aspect and convex on the other (ball-and-socket). In the upper part of the neck they permit of free flexion forwards, but about the middle of the neck they admit only of flexion backwards ; whilst again, towards the base of the neck, they admit only of flexion forwards. 310 ZOOLOGY. (Fig. 161), they remain distinct, and preserve their mobility. The lumbar and sacral vertebrae unite into one ; the coccygeal are small and moveable, the last generally larger than the Fig. 285.--Breastbone of Swan. Fig. 286. Merrythought of the Turkey.* others, and is raised into a crest. It supports the large feathers of the tail (Fig, 283). 430. The ribs of birds show some peculiarities tending to give solidity to the chest or thorax. The cartilage uniting the rib to the sternum is osseous in the bird, and each rib has a process, which running backwards over the other rib, so overlaps them that all the ribs sup- port each other. But the most remarkable part of the skeleton of the thorax is the sternum (Fig. 287), which, giving attachment to the muscles used in flight, assumes extraordinary development, enclosing not only the thorax, but a large part of the abdomen. In the cassowary and ostrich (Fig. 161) which do not fly, the sternum has no external crest, and the wings are rudimentary ; but this crest exists in other birds, and * A very prevalent vulgar error is that the turkey has no merrythought, this being the common name given to the clavicles which rest on the sternum. Subjoined is a drawing of the furculum, or "merrythought" of the turkey, and of the clavicles supposed to be wanting. E. K. THE CLASS BIRDS. 311 is called the keel or brecJiet (b, Fig. 287) ; by multiplying the muscular attachments favourably, it gives more force to the depressor muscles of the wings. 431. The bones of the shoulder are in like manner favourable for the action of the wings. The scapula (o) is narrow and elongated, and placed in the axis of the spine ; it rests on the sternum not only by the clavicles called four- chette or merrythought (/), but also by the clavicles called coracoid (c), so termed because they seem to be prolongations of the coracoid process in man. The clavicles called fourchette unite generally below with each other, and are attached to the crest of the sternum, and, together with the powerful coracoid Fig. 287. Bones of the Shoulder and Sternum, in the Bird.* clavicles offer a strong point d'appui for the wings to acton, and these structures are proportioned to the power of flight of the bird. Thus in some of the terrestrial parroquets of Aus- tralia these bones are reduced to an almost rudimentary state,- in the cassowary and American ostrich the fourchette is repre- sented by two small stylets ; in the African ostrich and the tiican they nearly reach the sternum, but do not unite inferiorly ; finally, in some owls they are united inferiorly by cartilage, whilst in the greater number of birds their bony union is complete. In many instances they form a crest at this point of union, and seek a direct support from the sternum. The anterior extremities of birds are employed only as * s, the sternum ; e, notch of the sternum ; co, origin of the sternal ribs ; b, crest ; f, fourchette ; c, coracoid clavicle ; o, scapula j t, fibrous mem- brane extending from the fourchette to the sternum. 312 ZOOLOGY. wings ; they must not be confounded with the so-called wings of bats, which we have already seen to be of an entirely dif- ferent nature : they are formed of stiff feathers or quills, which require to be fixed only at their base, and the hand in consequence ceases to present any appearance of fingers. 432. The large quills of the wings are called remiges, and it is more on their length and strength than on the extent of the bones, that the power of flight depends. Each time the bird prepares for flight he raises the arm and its plumage unfolded ; then he enfolds it by extending the arm, at the same time suddenly depressing it : the air which is struck forms the point of support and resistance to a downward movement ; upon it he rises like a projectile, and the impul- sion once given to the body is maintained and directed by the same instruments and movements : the bird would soon fall to the earth by the force of gravity, but before the speed acquired by the first effort is exhausted, a second and a third take place, continuing the living projectile in its course. b Fig. 288. Wing of the Falcon.* Whilst the bird is being thus suspended in the air, it becomes necessary for it to maintain its equilibrium in this position ; and in order to secure this, its centre of gravity ( 285) must be placed under the shoulders, and as low as possible ; for this reason, during flight the bird carries the head well forward, the neck being on the stretch, and the body heaped together, as it were, into an oval form. It is obvious, on the plainest mechanical principles, that, all things being equal, the faculty and power of flight will be in the ratio of the extent of the wings, these being the moving force ; and in fact all birds remarkable for their power of sustaining a long and rapid flight have large wings, the oppo- site being the case with birds of low, slow, and short flight ; * a, remiges, or primary quills of the hand ; b, secondary quills, or those of the fore-arm ; d y bastard quills, or those of the thumb. THE CLASS BIBBS. 313 the condor (American vulture, Yulture of the Andes) and the sea bird called frigate, are good examples of such powers of flight. The dwelling of the condor is on the lofty peaks of the Cordilleras, from whence he descends to the ocean at a sweep, regardless of the effect of rapid changes in the tem- perature and in the pressure of the atmosphere. They are said to be strong enough to carry off in their talons sheep and llamas, and when united in numbers, to attack and kill an ox.* The birds called frigates have the wings proportionally longer, and are met with in tropical seas at the distance of four hundred leagues from land. Fig. 289. The Frigate Bird j Pelicanus Aquilus. To rise vertically, the wings of the bird must be carried horizontally; but this is seldom the case, and from the obliquity of their position they impress on the motions of the bird an oblique ascensional movement : occasionally this obliquity is so great that, in order to rise vertically through the air the bird is obliged to fly against the wind. The relative length of the remiges influences the facility with which the bird rises in calm air. Birds which have the ante- rior remiges the long-est and most resistant, have a more * The South African Vultures, which I have seen in vast numbers in Southern Africa, have the same habits ; they are a cowardly bird, not- withstanding their strength and size. R. K. 314 ZOOLOGY. oblique flight than those which have the wings truncated at the extremities. Thus the falcons (Fig. 288), which have the wings pointed, rise only in zigzag, like a vessel tacking : whilst the hawk, eagle, and other birds of prey, called base or ignoble, whose wings are truncated at the extremities, can rise vertically through the air. Fig. 290. Wing of the Sparrow Hawk.* In rising from the soil, the bird first springs or leaps from the ground by means of his feet ; if these (the limbs) be too short, as in the case of the martinets, they find it difficult to make the first bound, and seek a declivity to enable them to have room for the expansion and action of their wings. Birds in their flight are assisted by the tail feathers, which seem to act as a rudder in directing their course. 433. When resting on the soil, the bird is strictly a biped, and hence the necessity for a broad and large pelvis, firmly Fig. 29i.-Pied Woodpecker ; xed *? &* vertebral column The Picus. haunch bones are, in fact, ex- * a a, primary quills; J, secondaries. THE CLASS BIKDS. 315 tremely developed in birds, and they form, with the lumbar and sacral vertebrae, a single osseous mass (Fig. 283). In general this osseous girdle is incomplete anteriorly; the bones of the pubis do not unite with each other in front, whilst the ischiatic portions unite with the sacrum, so that the so-called notch in mammals becomes in birds a foramen or hole. The thigh-bone is short and straight, and the leg is composed, as in mammals, of a tibia, fibula, and rotula ; but the fibula is united to the tibia before reaching the lower part of the leg. A single bone represents the tarsus and metatarsus ; this supports or carries the toes, never more Fig. 292. Apteryx of New Zealand. than four in number ; sometimes the great toe disappears, and occasionally the one next it, thus leaving three or only two (Fig. 282). The number of the phalanges increases pro- gressively from within outwards, from the great toe to the external or fourth, from two to five. Finally, of these four toes, three in general are directed forward, the thumb or great toe being turned backwards ; but sometimes the external toe is also turned backwards, as especially in climbing birds, the parroquets, tucans, and woodpeckers, &c. (Fig. 291). Whilst the bird rests upon its feet on the soil, it is neces- sary that the centre of gravity fall within the base of susten- tation ; hence the utility of the extremely flexed thigh and the obliquity of the tarsus on the leg. When the foot is large and broad, and the neck is so flexible as to carry the 316 ZOOLOGY. head well backwards, the equilibrium may be thus maintained without abandoning the horizontal position (Fig. 293) ; but when the neck is short, the head large, and the toes of mode- rate length, the bird is forced to maintain an almost vertical position (Fig. 294). To maintain their equilibrium, birds place the head under the wing whilst they sleep perched on one foot (Fig. 306). The mechanism by which they stand with such ease and for such a length of time on one foot, is this : the lower extremity of the femur presents a hollow, in which is lodged, during the extension of the limb, the top of the tibia, which cannot quit this cavity but by a muscular effort. The foot once spread out, remains so, requiring no further muscular effort, and consequently giving rise to no fatigue. Fig. 293. The Ibis. Fig. 293a. Egyptian Ibis. [Sacred Ibis of the Egyptians, as we find it represented on the walls of a temple in Upper Egypt, thus proving, according to M. Cuvier, that the Ibis we now find by the banks of the Nile is precisely the same as existed at least 4000 years ago. Together with this outline by the Coptic artist, M. Cuvier, in his great work (Ossemens Fossiles) gives a drawing of the Numenian Ibis of modern zoologists which he considers as the identical sacred Ibis of the Egyptians. The Ibis represented in Fig. 293 I take to be a drawing of the Numenian Ibis. I met with various species of the Ibis in Southern Africa by the banks of the Great Fish River, Bosjieman River, &c. They frequented the kraals of THE CLASS BIEDS. deserted farm steadings, on which they sought their food, coloured natives called them "Hadada." R. K.] 317 The Fig. 293i. Head of the Ibis; taken from a mummy, by M. Olivier. Most birds perch, and it is easier for them to spread their wings and take flight when perched on a branch of a tree or rocky edge than when resting on the level ground. In order to perch with safety, they embrace the bough closely with their toes ; and if this required an incessant muscular effort, it could not be supported for any length of time. A mechanical contrivance enables the bird to dispense with this even whilst Fig. 294. Common Penguin, also called Eazor-billed Auk; Aptenodytes. asleep. The flexor muscles of the toes pass over the articula- tions of the knee and heel in such a way that, whilst they are flexed they act on the tendons of these muscles, and so flex the toes. The weight of the body assists in this movement, which enables the bird to perch without fatigue. The differences which exist in the form of the feet of birds 318 ZOOLOGY. Fig. 295. The Royal Eagle. Fig. 296. African Ostrich. Fig. 297. Echasse d'Europe ; Stilt, or European Courser. THE CLASS BIEDS. 319 have a reference to the mode of life and habits of the animal. In the cassowary (Fig. 282) and ostrich (Fig. 296), birds as rapid in running as the horse, the paws are not only robust, but long, and the feet comparatively small.* In the messenger (the falco serpentarius, or secretary bird), which pursues serpents as his food, following them with long strides, this conformation of the foot is also observed. In the eagle (Fig. 295), falcon, vulture, &c., these organs are not merely robust, but strong, and the toes are armed with talons, large, hooked, and sharp, with which they seize, tear, destroy, and carry off Fig. 298. Cassowary of New Holland; the Emeu. their prey. Birds destined to live by the margins of rivers, and to hunt for worms and fishes in shallow waters, or by wading, have the limbs (pattes) slender, of great length, and naked, or without feathers as far as the knee (Fig. 297) ; hence their name of echassiers, or waders. Finally, in some species the feet (pattes, digital part of the foot) are palmated, and thus converted, by an expansion of the integuments, into a kind of oar. The laxity of this membrane permits of the full expansion of the foot, as may be seen in ducks (Fig. 300), swans, and in a great number of aquatic birds. * In the original it is, " Les pattes sont non seulement robustes, mais tres-longues, et le pied comparativement petit." But in the word foot (pied), anatomists include always and in every animal the three regions of the toes, tarsus, and metatarsus. K. K. 320 ZOOLOGY. [Osseous remains of the Moa, or Dinornis. It is now no longer doubtful that such remains, which abound in New Zealand, be- longed to a gigantic bird called Moa by the natives, and Dinornis by zoologists. It is even conjectured that living specimens existed in New Zealand not long ago. In this case the bird forms, as it were, a link between the now living world and the past. I Fig. 299. Skeleton of Dinornis. Fig. 299a. In respect of the bones (Fig. 299a) represented in the engrav- ing, they were discovered by my esteemed Mend, John Stevenson, Esq., formerly of Auckland, in a marsh or swamp in the Middle Island, not far from Canterbury, at a depth of three or four feet from the surface. On being brought to this country, they were presented to the Geological Museum, in Jermyn-street, by the publisher of this work. Mr. Stevenson informs us that numerous similar specimens lay around. On a careful examination of these remains I found them to be the right femur and the left tibia of a gigantic moa, whose height I have endeavoured to estimate, and to compare with that in the Museum of the College of Surgeons, with the same bones in the ostrich and emeu. The specimens are incomplete, being mutilated at their extremities. THE CLASS BIEDS. 321 Moa, right femur. Inch. Inch. (Fig. 299a) measures. . . 18^; when complete . 19 Length of the shaft ... 9| Around the condyles . . . 20f- Around the upper part of the bone 28f Moa, left tibia. Length of the fragment . . 36 Probable actual length when entire 40 Circumference around the condyles 21 Circumference of the shaft 7J Comparative measurements, showing that this is probably the tallest bird ever brought to Europe. /Emu 9 - Ostrich U ) Dinornis giganteus of the museum . . 16 \ Stevenson specimen 19 .,. /Emu 16 T^. Ostrich 18 length in < Dinornig of the museum 35 I Stevenson moa 40 Metatar- /Emu . . 15 sus, 1 Ostrich 16 length of, j Dinornis of the museum 18f in the \ Stevenson moa 21*2 The height of the Dinornis of the museum 10ft. 6in. Height of the Stevenson moa .... 12 It is conjectured that birds of a still greater height once existed in Madagascar. K. K.] 434. The tactile sensibility is but little developed in birds, and the form of their wings and feet is also unfavour- able for its exercise. The taste is more or less obtuse, and their cartilaginous tongue, without nervous papillae, seems ill-adapted for taste (Fig. 313). They seem to swallow their food without tasting it. The sense of smell appears stronger, but yet not much developed. The nasal fossae are hollowed out of the base of the upper mandible (Fig. 284), without communicating with, the sinuses. They have a very vascular pituitary membrane, and three cartilaginous laminae (cornets) rolled on themselves, resembling the turbinated bones of mammals. These laminae seem to be better developed in birds Y 322 ZOOLOGY. of prey than in others, leading one to suppose that the sense of smell is acute in this class of birds; and this has been asserted, hut experiments and observations of recent zoologists tend to prove that even in these the prey is detected by the sight, and not by the smell.* The apparatus of hearing is simpler than in mammals. The external ear (figured part of the ear) is wanting, and the apparatus is reduced to an external tube, a tympanic cavity, and internal ear.f But the organ of sight Fig. 300. Scoter Duck ; Black Duck. seems to be more perfect than in mammals. The eyes are larger proportionally, and new parts exist. The retina is thick, and connected by means of a fold passing from the choroid to the capsule of the lens. It has been called pecten, and by some is thought to be a dependence ~ of the retina. The pupil is always round, the cornea large, and the sclerotic * As early as 1817, I ascertained, by direct observation, that the South African vulture is solely guided by sight in discovering his prey. K. K. t The osfticula auditus are also reduced in number, and much modified. R. K. THE CLASS BIRDS. 323 furnished with osseous plates anteriorly, whose form varies with the genus and species. Lachrymal glands always exist, and besides the horizontal eyelids, they have a third, vertical, moveable, and elastic, which can be drawn completely over the surface of the eye. Birds are well known to have a piercing and most distinct vision at all distances, that is to say, the most complete adaptation of sight. On what this depends is not clearly known, some ascribing it to the mobility of the osseous plates and to the varying form of the lens in this class of animals.* The nervous system presents the following peculiarities. The encephalon is less developed than in mammals, but the cerebral hemispheres (Fig. 301) still maintain their superiority over the other parts. The great commissure, called corpus callosum, is wanting, and there are no cerebral convolutions. The optic lobes, or thalami (o), which in mammals are small, and concealed by the over- lapping of the hemispheres, are here exposed and visible without dissection. They are proportionally much larger, and instead of being solid, are hollow, like the cerebral lobes. The cerebellum (v) Fi 301 _ Bra j n O f is grooved transversely by parallel and the Ostrich, converging lines ; it is almost wholly formed by the median portion ; this in mammals is small compared with the hemispheres or lateral portions, which remain rudimentary, as it were, in birds, especially in bad flyers. The annular protuberance, or pons of Yarolius, is wanting in birds, as well as in reptiles and fishes. Finally, the medulla spinalis (e) is generally very long, and has two swellings in its course, corresponding to the going off of the nerves of the wings and limbs or feet. The former is the stronger in birds of powerful flight, and vice versa. 435. The food of birds is very varied : grains, insects, fishes, flesh, fresh or putrid. They use the feet sometimes as instruments of prehension, but the bill is always the prin- cipal organ employed for this purpose ; thus its nature varies with the food, and it becomes an important character in clas- sification. A horny covering, solid, and more or less hard, * The highly-developed anmilus albus seems connected with this adaptive power. See Trans. R. S. ofEdin., 1827. K. K. Y2 324 ZOOLOGY. covers the osseous bill externally, converting it into a sort of cutting and tearing instrument ; but the bird never has any true teeth : hence there is no mastication, properly so called. In birds which live on flesh and tear their prey the falcons (Fig. 303), the eagles (Fig. 295), and the vultures (Fig. 305) the upper mandible is short, strong, hooked, and terminated by a sharp point ; it is occasionally serrated, and the more or less sanguinary character of the bird may be judged of by Fig. 302 The Kite. Fig. 303. The Falcon. these structures. Thus the falcon (Fig. 303), which has all these characters of the bill in the highest perfection, is the boldest of all birds of prey ; whilst the kite and vulture, in which the bill is softer, less hooked, and not serrated, are cowardly ; the vulture chiefly living on dead or dying animals. Sea birds which live on fish have the bill long and hooked (Fig. 304), but much longer and softer than in the true birds of prey already spoken of. In others, which search for small fishes and reptiles which may be easily swal- lowed, the bill becomes still more elongated, resembling a pair of pincers. Such we find in the kingfishers (Fig. 310) and the cigogne a sac (adjutant), (Fig. 306). Birds which live on insects (insectivorous), worms, grains, and fruits, have nothing of the kind. In the first, the bill is very slender, and but slightly curved, or even straight, and much elongated (Fig. 307) ; but if they take small insects on the wing, then their bill is short and broad and widely cleft, as in swallows, goat- suckers (Fig. 308), &c. The granivorous have the bill short, Fig. 304. The Fulmar Petrel. THE CLASS BIRDS. 325 thick, arched above, or conical, and generally straight (Fig. 309). The pelicans present a remarkable modification of the bill; between the two branches of the lower jaw there is a Fig. 305. The Griffon Vulture. (Vultur fulvus). Fig. 306. Pouched Crane, or Adjutant-bird. wide cutaneous expansion or bag, in which they store their food (fishes), to disgorge it afterwards, and to feed on it at their leisure. Fig. 307. Bee-Catcher; Merops. Fig. 308. Goat-sucker. (Caprhnulgus.) But some birds present singularities in the form of the bill, the uses of which are not understood. Such for example is the bill of the rhinoceros hornbill, or calao (Fig. 312). 326 436. The tongue in some birds becomes an instrument of prehension, and is modified accordingly. The lingual bones (h, Fig. 313) are prolonged backwards behind the head, and Fig. 309. The Sparrow. Fig. 310. Kingfisher. these prolongations give attachment to muscles (m), found anteriorly to the lower jaw. When these muscles contract, they pull forward the hyoid or lingual bones, and these push Fig. 311. The Pelican. the tongue out of the mouth to a considerable distance. This structure is most remarkable in the woodpecker, arid in others which dart the tongue rapidly at insects (Fig. 314). In the THE CLASS BIEDS. 327 parrot, which to a certain degree masticates its food, the tongue is thick and fleshy ; in birds of prey it is still some- rig. 312. Ehinoceros Hornbill. what large and soft; in most of the granivora (Fig. 313), it is dry, triangular, and rough towards its base, with small Fig. 313.* cartilaginous points ; finally, in certain insectivora its extre- mity is armed with hooks, and serrated or notched. * Tongue, glottis, &c. ; I, the tongue ; h, hyoid bones ; m, muscles of the hyoid; p, pharynx j g, glottis ; t, trachea; e, gullet. 328 ZOOLOGY. The salivary glands are placed under the tongue, and con- sist of small masses of little rounded follicles. The saliva is generally thick and sometimes gluish. 437. There is no velum palati between the mouth and the pharynx. The gullet (Fig. 315), towards the lower part of the neck, communicates with an enlarged pouch called the crop, the walls of which are membranous. In this cavity, which varies much in different birds, the food remains for a, time. The crop is most developed in granivorous birds ; it is also found in birds of prey, but it is wanting in the ostrich and in most piscivorous birds. Below this enlargement the gullet contracts, but soon enlarges to form a second dilatation, called the ventriculus succenturiatus, on the inner surface of which numerous pores may be seen, leading to the follicles which secrete a gastric juice. This second stomach is gene- rally small, but it is larger when the crop is wanting. Finally, this second stomach leads inferiorly into a third, called the Tongue. Fig. 314. Head of the Woodpecker. gizzard, in which the chymification seems to be finished. This varies in capacity and structure. In flesh-eating birds, the gizzard is thin and membranous ; but in the granivora it is powerfully muscular, and its inner surface is protected by an epidermis almost cartilaginous. Its strength is immense. In the ostrich, the hardest substances are acted on by it, and it seems to perform the office of a masticatory apparatus. The intestine following these stomachs is much shorter than in mammals, but is composed also of two portions. The first, after forming the first turn, winds in various directions ; the second differs but little from the first, and is smooth ex- ternally, but is in general easily distinguished from the first by two cceca, or elongated cul de sacs, which exist at its com- mencement. These appendages are very small or absent in birds of prey, but are large in granivorous birds. The liver is very large, and fills a great part of the thorax as THE CLASS BIEDS. 329 well as of the abdomen; these two cavities not being distinct as in mammals, the diaphragm is rudimentary. This gland, Gullet. Ventriculus Succenturiatus, Gizzard, Pancreas Duodenum Caecum. Large Intestine. Ureter. Oviduct. Cloaca. Anus. . Crop. "" Liver. Biliary Vesicle, r- Biliary Canals. Fig. 315. Digestive Apparatus of the Common Fowl. the liver, is divided into two lobes, nearly equal, and gives origin to two hepatic canals, which, after uniting, enter the 330 ZOOLOGY. intestine. Finally, a gall-bladder is almost always present, which receives from the liver a portion of bile, and pours it into the intestine by a distinct canal. The pancreas is en- closed in the first loop of the small intestine ; it is long, narrow, and more or less divided. The spleen is small ; the kidneys are large and irregular in form. They are lodged behind the peritoneum, in little hol- lows along the upper wall of the pelvis, and, unlike the organ in mammals, they have no distinct cortical substance. The ureters, as well as the oviducts, terminate near the anus, in a dilated part of the intestine called cloaca (Fig. 315) ; there exists no urinary bladder, and the urine is voided with the excrements. The urine is composed almost wholly of uric acid, which is not very soluble, and when dried forms a whitish mass. 438. The nutrient products of digestion leave the intes- tine by lymphatic vessels, which terminate in two thoracic ducts ; these ducts open into the jugular veins an each side of the base of the neck. 439. The blood of birds is richer in globules than that of mammals, and these corpuscles, instead of being globular, are elliptic (Fig. 37). The circulation in birds is complete, as in mammals, and the anatomical arrangements are the same (Fig. 47). But the walls of the left ventricle are much thicker, the auricles have no well marked appendages, and the right ventricle does not extend to the apex of the heart. These latter differences are unimportant physiologically. The aorta at its commencement divides into three large branches (Fig. 316), of which the first two convey the blood to the head and neck, wings, and muscles of the chest ; whilst the third, curving downwards around the right bronchus, becomes the descending aorta. There exist also some other pecu- liarities in the mode of distribution of the arteries, such as the formation of plexuses in various parts of the body. The venous system terminates in the right auricle by three large trunks, of which one represents the inferior cava, and the two others the subclavian veins of mammals, which in birds enter the auricle without uniting to form a common trunk. 440. The respiratory apparatus presents modifications more remarkable than those of the circulation. The lungs communicate with large membranous cells spread throughout the body, and extending even to the skeleton. Thus the venous blood in the walls of many organs becomes exposed to the THE CLASS BIRDS. 331 al Fig. 316. Arterial System of a Bird.* The Grebe, Colymbus a Diver. * Arteries of the Grebe : a, aorta ; am, one of its large branches : it gives off the carotid (ac) and subclavian, is ultimately distributed to the muscles of the chest, and corresponds to the mammary arteries of mammals ; av, one of the branches of the vertebral artery supplying the muscles of the shoulder; ee, arterial loops formed by the branches of the external carotid ; al, lingual artery; t, trachea or windpipe j; ar, renal arteries ; az, ischiatic artery, pro- ceeding to the lower extremities ; as, sacral artery, forming a c o ntinuation of the aorta, and giving origin to the inferior mesenteric artery, &c. j cl, the cloaca. 332 ZOOLOGY. action of the oxygen contained in these cells, as well as whilst traversing the pulmonary capillaries. Trachea. Pulmonary Vessels. Bronchus "laid open. Bronchus " laid open. Fig. 317. Lungs of a Bird. The lungs are not divided into lobes, neither do they fill the cavity of the thorax. They are, as it were, fixed to the rihs, and present on their inferior surface several orifices (Fig. 317) belonging to the bronchial tubes, which traverse them through and through, and thus convey the air into the various air cells spread throughout the body. These mem- branous cavities communicate with each other. The extension of these cells, and consequently of the air they contain, bears a ratio to the powers of flight of the bird : in the eagle they are found in all the bones ; in the penguins the air is excluded from all, or from nearly'all, the bones. The air js generally found to extend most into the bones chiefly used for locomotion, as the femur of the ostrich. We have already alluded to the power which birds have of resisting cold, due to the development of the respiratory function, and to a higher temperature than is found in other animals. 441. As in mammals, the organ of voice is a dependence of the respiratory system. The upper larynx is of a very THE CLASS BIEDS. 333 simple structure, and has but little to do with the formation of sounds. Its orifice has the form of a fissure (#, Fig. 313) ; but towards the lower extremity of the trachea is the true larynx, most remarkable, as might be expected, in singing birds. This complex apparatus will be best understood by a reference to Figs. 318 and 319. It may be compared to a kind of osseous drum, the interior of which is divided inferiorly by a traversing beam of the same nature, surmounted by a thin semilunar membrane ( tibia ; p t fibula. CLASS OF EEPTILES. 353 animal to creep along the smoothest walls, and even along the ceiling. There are also reptiles which have the fingers capable of being opposed to each other as in the hand of man : in the Fig. 350. The Gecko of the Walls. chameleon (Fig. 351) they are arranged into two packets, en- abling them to hold on to the branch ; they have also a pre- hensile tail, and thus they are in fact climbing animals. Finally, in other reptiles more formed for an aquatic life, Fig. 351. The Common Chameleon. the feet and hands are formed like oars : the turtle (Fig. 52) is the only reptile which at present offers us this kind of structure : but in remote epochs of the geological history of the globe, our seas were peopled with large animals with 354 ZOOLOGY. swimming paws resembling oars, and having many points of resemblance with the reptiles and serpents of the present day. Modern anatomists have called them ichthyosauri (Fig. 353) and plesiosauri (Fig. 354) ; and their fossil skeletons have been found entire. Fig. 352. The Turtle (Testudo Caretta). Loggerhead Turtle. Winged reptiles also exist. The dragons (Fig. 355), ani- mals resembling lizards, have a large fold of skin placed along the flanks, resembling the wings of the bat, but are supported only by the first six false ribs extended horizontally in a Fig. 353. Ichthyosaurus ; a fossil animal. straight line. It uses this merely as a parachute in dropping from branch to branch ; it inhabits India : thus realizing to a certain point the flying lizards or serpents of which some writers have spoken. But the dragons of naturalists attack only insects. During the epochs of the great saurians on the earth, there CLASS OF EEPTILES. 355 existed a flying reptile still more singular than the dragon. It has been called the pterodactyle ; it was a saurian, made somewhat like a bat; it could walk or fly, but the little finger of the hand was thrice as long as the trunk, and no doubt supported folds of integuments resembling wings (Pig. 356). Fig. 354. Plesiosaurus j a fossil animal. 460. Beptiles are less quick in their movements than birds or mammals, nor can they sustain their movements so well, probably owing to a less energetic respiration. The muscles receive less blood, and are paler; but they may be ex- cited long after death by a variety of stimulants. The tail of a lizard detached from the body, has been seen to move for Fig. 355. The Dragon. several hours ; and the turtle, dead in appearance for several days, may still be made to move its limbs. The mutual de- pendence between the nervous and muscular systems seems not to be so intimate as in mammals. 461. The brain is small, smooth, and without circum- volutions (Fig. 357). The hemispheres are hollow, and there A A 2 356 ZOOLOGY. is no striated body. Olfactory globules of considerable size are situated at the origin of the first pair of nerves. The optic lobes are in general large, situated behind, and on the same plane as the hemispheres ; but the little brain (cerebellum) is small, and it sends no prolongations across the medulla, so as Fig. 356. Pterodactyle ; a fossil or extinct animal.* to form a sort of ring, as in mammals. The spinal marrow, compared to the brain, is large ; so also the nerves, as com- pared to the cerebro-spinal axis, are larger than in the superior classes of animals. 462. The tactile sensibility is but little de- veloped, the skin being generally protected by horny scales ; what we call tortoisesheli is merely the horny plates covering the carapace of the turtle (Fig. 352), the testudo caretta. The epidermis is frequently renewed, falling sometimes in portions or plates, and sometimes cast off entire, as in serpents. Fig 357 Serpents throw off the epidermic covering several ' times a year. There is but little remarkable in the eyes of reptiles, but upon the whole they resemble the eyes of birds; &pecten * The black part indicates the presumed contour of the skin. CLASS OF REPTILES. 357 Fig. 358. is but rarely found. Some have three eyelids, in others they are wholly wanting, as in the serpent ; to this may be ascribed its fixed look. The auditory apparatus is much less complete than in mammals, or even in birds. The external ear is almost always completely wanting; there is no auditory canal, and the drum of the ear is on a level with the outer surface of the head; the tympanic cavity is imperfectly formed, and seems to be a sort of dependence of the pharynx. The bones of the ear most frequently are wanting, and the cochlea is often rudimentary ; the organs of smell are but little developed ; the tongue is sometimes thick and fleshy, but generally thin, dry, and protractile ; in serpents (Fig. 358) and lizards it is bifid : in the chameleon the tongue becomes an instrument of prehension, for it can be darted from the mouth to the distance of several inches, and thus flies and other small insects are caught by means of a viscous ball which terminates it. 463. Few reptiles live entirely on vegetable food ; they are almost all carnivorous, and pursue a living prey, which they swallow entire. The mouth is almost always large in Fig. 359. Head of the Crotalus, or American Eattlesnake. the cleft, and is so dilatable in serpents as to enable them to swallow animals having a larger diameter than themselves. The two branches of the lower jaw (mi, Fig. 359) are united only by ligament, and the tympanic bone (t), and the mastoid bone (ma), by means of which the lower jaw is articulated to the cranium, are both moveable, and thus the 358 ZOOLOGY. jaws admit of very great dilatation ; moreover, the branches of the upper jaw (m) are attached to the intermaxillary bones also by ligaments, and even the palatine arches partake of the movement. Their teeth are intended only to seize their prey, and after swallowing it they remain long in a state of torpidity. 464. Many serpents, such as the viper, the cobra, the rattlesnake, and the trigonocephalus or brown viper of Caro- lina, possess a dangerous venomous apparatus of an alarming character. Certain glands, analogous to the salivary, secrete this poison (Fig. 360) ; they are placed under the temporal muscles, so as to be compressed by them when in action. They communicate by a canal with a fang or poisoned tooth on either side ; this is either grooved or perforated by a canal, the exit of which is not at the point, but a little higher up, so as not to interfere with the action of the point of the tooth. When Fig. 360.* the animal bites, the venom is by this means transfused into the bottom of the wound. These teeth are fixed, but the bones to which they are attached are moveable ; when not in use they lie horizontally, with the palate,, encased in a sort of sheath of mucous membrane. The poisonltself is neither acrid nor burning to the taste, and it is harmless when swallowed ; its terrible effects are felt only when mingled with the blood in a wound, and they vary with the condition of the animal. On some animals the poison of the viper has no effect, as on leeches, slugs, the common snake, and the civet ; whilst it * Poison apparatus in the Kattlesnake : v, poison gland, with its duct leading to the large poison fang (c) ; m, elevator muscles of the jaw, which partly cover the gland, and may compress it; s, salivary glands on the edge of the jaws ; n, the nostril, under which is the little cavity distinguishing these serpents and the trigonocephali from vipers. CLASS OF REPTILES. 359 kills with the greatest rapidity all hot-blooded animals, the lizard, and the viper itself. A grain of the poison of the viper will kill a sparrow, but it will require six times as much to kill a pigeon. As the poison acts through the circulation, the most rapid means must be adopted to prevent absorption, such as washing with water and strong spirits, a ligature round the part bitten, and, if possible, its excision. Ammonia has been much celebrated as an antidote, but it cannot be depended on. The Indians of South America consider as a powerful antidote a plant called guaco, or micania guaco; they assert not only that the application of the leaves of this plant to the wound prevents all dangerous effects, but that the inoculation of the juice of the plant will prevent such bites having any bad effects. Humboldt thinks that there may be something in the odour of the plant which may pre- vent the serpent from biting the person. The serpents with fangs called moveable are the most dangerous; the fangs are not in fact moveable, but attached to very small maxillary bones, which are so. In general you find one fang fixed in either side, with several others of different stages of growth, ready to replace them when lost, which probably happens at regular periods. The poisoned fangs are shed by a process analogous to what takes place in the teeth of fishes. In the viper, rattlesnake, cobra, and several others, the upper maxillary bones carry poison fangs only ; and thus between them and the common snake there is this marked difference, that the maxil- lary and palatine bones in the upper jaw carry each a row of teeth, giving an appearance of four rows to them, whilst in the true poisonous serpents just mentioned we find only two rows, the palatine only ; but in the venomous water snakes, and in many others, the superior maxillary bones carry simple teeth as well as the poisonous fangs. Some reptiles have no teeth, such as the tortoise and turtle, a horny layer like the bills of birds supplying- their place. 465. There is never any pendulous palate, and in most the pharynx is not distinct from the mouth, nor the gullet from the stomach. The intestines are short, and have no caecum ; the large intestine differs but little from the small, and terminates in a cloaca, as in birds ; they have lymphatic and lacteal vessels. 466. We have already remarked that their blood is not rich in globules, and that these are large and elliptic. The disposition of the circulatory apparatus varies ( 108), but, 360 ZOOLOGY. as we have said, there is always a direct communication between the vascular system carrying red blood and that carrying dark blood, and thus the organs receive a fluid im- perfectly acted on by respiration. The heart is almost always composed of two auricles (Fig. 361), opening into a single ventricle. The arterial blood coming from the lungs, re- ceived into the left auricle, and the venous blood coming from different parts of the body and collected in the right auricle, are both poured into the single ventricle ; in this they are mingled together. A portion of this mixture returns by the aorta into the different organs it is intended to nourish, whilst another part proceeds to the lungs by vessels which spring immediately from the common ventricle or from the aorta itself. In crocodiles, the heart (Fig. 362) more resem- Pulmonary Artery. ,^ Pulmonary Vein, Eight Auricle Vena Cava, Left Arch of the Aorta... Eight Aorta. * Pulmonary Artery. ^Pulmonary Vein. Left Auricle. Single Ventricle. Ventral Aorta. Fig. 361. Heart of the Turtle. bles that of birds and mammals, having a septum separating the right ventricle from the left ; but a peculiar disposition of the arteries causes the mixture of the dark and red blood to take place at some, distance from the heart, and thus the pos- terior half of the body receives blood imperfectly arterialized. In fact the right ventricle, instead of sending off one artery, the pulmonary, sends off two, one of which winding behind the heart, unites with the descending aorta, but not until all the vessels have been given off which go to the head and fore- part of the body. With regard to the distribution of the arteries in reptiles, we shall limit ourselves to the remark, that there exist two or more aortic arches, bending to the right and left, and reuniting to form a single trunk (Fig. 5 1). CLASS OF EEPTILES. 361 467. Respiration is not active in reptiles ; they consume but little oxygen, and can remain alive for a long time without air ; but this activity differs according to the temperature of the season. The lungs are composed of large cells, and in consequence are not very vascular. The tortoise and turtle swallow the air, as it were, the ribs being immovable; there is no ao c c a natural division between the chest and the abdomen, and respiration is not regular ; in serpents one lung is rudimentary (Fig. 363). 468. All reptiles are cold- blooded animals, and the tem- perature of their bodies rises and falls with that of the surrounding medium . A heat of from 40 to 50 (Centigrade scale) is quickly fatal to most of them, and the effects of cold are well known, for during winter most reptiles eat no food, and do not even digest what happens to be in their stomachs ; the respiration becomes slower, and their whole state resembles hybernation. 469. Like birds, they lay eggs, and their young do not suckle ; they have no mamma? ; but there is this peculiarity, which also happens in some fishes, that in some the young are hatched before being born, as in the viper ; and such animals are called ovoviviparous. The young reptile, on quitting the egg presents nothing anormal ; it resembles its parent in its mode of respiration, general structure of the body, and external form. 470. Reptiles generally abandon their eggs when laid, and the young are developed by the heat of the external atmosphere; but there is one remarkable exception in the great Indian serpent, called python, which hatches its eggs, during which period its own temperature will rise to 40. Fig. 362.* * Heart and large vessels of the Crocodile : -v, v, veins which bring back blood from different parts of the body to the right auricle (od) ; vt, the two ventricles, internally separated by a partition ; ap, the two pulmonary arteries proceeding from the right ventricle to the lungs ; a, a vessel pro- ceeding from the same ventricle to the descending aorta ; vp, pulmonary veins carrying the arterial blood from the lungs to the left auricle (og), from whence it passes into the left ventricle, and tnus enters the aorta (ao) and into the two arteries (c c) which proceed to the head, &c. 362 ZOOLOGY. Fig. 363. Anatomy of the Coluber (Common Snake) .* * I, tongue and glottis; oe, gullet, cut across at OB to show the heart, &c., in aitu; i, the stomach; i', the intestine; cl, cloaca; an, anus;./, the liver; o, the ovarium; o', the ova or eggs; t, windpipe; p, principal lung, p' t little lung ; vt, ventricle ; c, left auricle ; c, the eggs ; 4d and 4 moveable in the oniscus, are united to each other in the crabs, and that certain analogous parts do not present in these two genera the same proportions. Thus, in the oniscus (Fig. 505) or in the talitrus (Fig. 169) we find a distinct head (c), followed by a thorax composed of seven rings, resembling each other (t l , t 7 ), and carrying each a pair of limbs (p, pp) ; finally, at the posterior part of the body we find an abdomen (ab), formed also of seven segments, whose size diminishes rapidly, but whose form is nearly the same as in the thorax. In a crab, on the contrary (Fig. 506), the head is not distinct from the thorax, and forms with all this section of the body a single segment covered with a large solid buckler, named shell, or carapace ; finally, the abdomen * Oniscus locustra; talitrus: Lat. Of the genus Grammarina; family Gammarus ; band-hopper. K. K. H H 2 468 ZOOLOGY. at first escapes the sight, because it is folded under the thorax, and is but small. Nevertheless, it is easy to demonstrate that in the crab, as in the oniscus, there exist behind the head seven easily recognisable thoracic rings, and that the carapace is not a new organ created for the former, but merely the dorsal portion of one of the rings of the head which has acquired an extreme development, and encroached on the neighbouring rings, In other animals of the same class, the general form of the body is removed still further from those of which we have just spoken. Thus the lim- nadise are enclosed between two oval bucklers, united to- gether after the manner of the valves of the oyster; and it is after having removed this moveable cuirass, that the true annulated structure of their bodies is observed (Fig. 519) ; Fig. 506. The Crab (Maia) Sea Spider. the cypris, abounding in stagnant waters, presents an analo- gous disposition, only the rings of which their bodies are composed are still more difficult to be recognised. Finally, we may cite the lernsea, which at the adult age presents the strangest forms (Fig. 155, 156), but which when young has BASIS OF THE TEANSCENDENTAL. 469 a distinctly annulated structure ( 366). This comparative study of the tegumentary skeleton of the Crustacea presents a great interest, in respect of physiological anatomy, of which one of the most important branches is to investigate the modifications which nature causes the same organic elements to undergo, to adapt them to various uses, and to create with analogous or homologous materials dissimilar instruments ; but the limits we have assigned to these lectures do not admit of our touching at greater length on this subject. [The question here mooted by my friend M. Milne Edwards em- braces nearly the whole question of the transcendental anatomy, the only view in which anatomy and zoology become a science. The following observations, reprinted from my work on the Races of Men, will sufficiently explain this to the reader : * *' By dissection the dead are analysed or reduced to certain assemblages of organs, holding relations, often mechanical, to each other. They all perform certain functions, some of which have been imperfectly guessed at ; made out in a coarse way : organs of locomotion exist bones, ligaments, joints, muscles, or flesh ; organs of sensation, and thought, and will ; the brain and spinal marrow ; the nerves ; organs of digestion and assimilation, the stomach and digestive tube, and their appendages ; lastly, organs of breathing, essential to life ; the lungs, by which we draw from the air the breath of life. Bloodvessels acted on by a heart carry the blood through the frame. Out of this vital fluid the body is constructed, repaired, and formed. Now if we select any one of these organs, or sets of organs, we shall find that, in one shape or another, it extends through the whole range of vertebrate animals, most probably through the entire range of animal life, but under a shape or form no longer recognisable by our senses. A few instances will suffice to explain this. There is no occasion for any minute or technical exposition of facts, which are, as it were, on the surface. Let us first turn our attention to the skeleton. Not that this assemblage of levers proves better than any other set of organs the unity of structure, the unity of orga- nization sought 'to be superadded by the German and Sclavonian philosophy, to the unity of plan laid down by Newton ; I do not even think so well ; but it presents materials easier to be handled, easier to be inspected, obtained, and understood. "The basis of the skeleton, whether mere animal or man, is a series of bones jointed or articulated with each other. In common language it is called the back bone. You see how violently in- * See the Races of Men ; a Fragment. By K. Knox. Henry Eenshaw, London. This work was originally delivered in the form of Lectures. It. K. 470 ZOOLOGY. accurate such a term is, when applied to a series of bones per- fectly distinct from each other, possessing most of them a distinct mobility. These bones we call vertebrce ; here is one of them. When studied by the surgeon or medical man, it is viewed by him merely as a portion of the skeleton : to the philosophic anatomist it becomes the type of all vertebrate animals, of the entire skeleton, limbs and head included ; f the organic world, vertebrate and invertebrate. Carried further, it possesses the form of the primitive cell ; of the sphere ; of the universe. "Now look at this bone in man it appears simple, but it is not so. Originally, that is, in the young, composed of many distinct portions, which afterwards unite with each other, but which remaining distinct in many animals, as in fishes, proves to us, that throughout the whole range of animals so formed, the vertebrae do not really differ so much from each other as might at first appear : that, in fact, the elements forming them seem the same almost numerically, giving rise to the well-grounded belief, that, in the embryo, the elements of the skeleton may be, after all, the same in every animal. From man to the whale, all is alike; one theory explains all; one idea or plan pervades all. " Let us trace this chain of bones upwards and downwards ; see how downwards (coccygeal vertebrae) certain elements cease to be developed, or do not grow : still the plan is the same ; identical ; analogous, as regards the individual, that is, repeated ; homologous or identical, as regards one animal compared with another. Look to this section of the skeleton, called the head ; the bones seem widely different from the vertebrae ; but it is not so. They are merely vertebrae, repeated, upon a larger scale as may be required : a chain of vertebra form, then, the head or cranium. These great truths we owe exclusively to the illus- trious South German and Sclavonian schools of transcendental anatomy ; to Oken and Spix, Autenrieth, Frank, Goethe, and a host of others. * * * "A vertebra must have a type; thaj. is, a plan sufficiently comprehensive to include all forms of vertebrae. Now where is this to be found ? Is it an ideal type not yet discovered ? Or is it to be found in any extinct or living animal ? I apprehend that it may or it may riot have been found, but this in no way inter- feres with the principle that there must be a type laid down by nature ; eternal ; equal to all manifestations of form, extinct or living, or to come. " But the discovery of such a type could only be made were the anatomy of all animals that ever lived known to us ; perhaps not even then, for the future must be wrapt up in the past : and what seems to us now a mere speck of bone, a nucleus, a point, unimportant, nay, scarcely discernible, may, in a future order of things, become an all-important element. As thus : BASIS OF THE TRANSCENDENTAL. 471 "If birds did not exist, we could scarcely conceive the high organization to which the third eyelid, in man a mere rudiment, attains in them. Not wanted in man, the organ sinks to its rudimentary and scarcely perceptible condition. Of essential service in birds, it suddenly acquires its seemingly highest deve- lopment. Yet the organ was always present, rudimentary in one, developed in the other. Let us take another instance. ' ' The adult, or grown-up man, has, as you all no doubt know, three bones to each toe, with the exception of the first ; these three bones are connected to each other, and to the metatarsal bone, their supporters, by three joints. In the feet of birds you meet with four or five bones in certain of the toes ; and it might seem to you that the feet of birds were formed on a different numerical plan at least ; but it is not so : for in man, as in birds, each digital bone is formed of two elements, or distinct bones, at first, that is, in the young of each : as the bird grows up, they remain distinct in man, on the contrary, they unite that is all. The arrangement is not only analogous, but homo- logous or identical, in the strictest sense of the terms. ** Again, remember that a thousand similar instances might be given : I merely select a few of the easiest understood. 1 ' In man there is a little cartilage, scarcely perceptible, con- nected to one of those bones occupying the nostrils, called turbi- nated bones. It may or it may not in him serve any purpose ; that is a matter of pure indifference. It is a rudimentary and a useless organ seemingly. Now, mark the extension and develop- ment of this cartilage or organ in the horse still more in the whale ; in the horse, where it most admirably serves to shut off the great cavities of the nostrils from the vestibular cavitiis in front thus protecting them from foreign bodies : in the whale, acquiring their presumed highest development, these cartilages, now grown to the size of bolsters, return after breathing, into the vast nostrils of the whale from which they had been momen- tarily withdrawn, filling them up, sealing them hermetically against the pressure of a thousand fathoms deep of water, which they sustain with ease, when, plunging into the vast abyss of the ocean, the giant of nature seeks to avoid his enemies. " Let us now briefly review the progress we have made in this the highest of all analyses : deepest of all theories : most im- portant to man. Man, we have seen, stands not alone, he is one of many ; a part and parcel of the organic world, from all eternity. That organic world is the product of secondary causes. During his growth he undergoes numerous metamorphoses, too numerous even for the human imagination. These have a relation to the organic world. They embrace the entire range of organic life, from the beginning to the end of time. Nature can have no double systems ; no amendments or second thoughts ; no excep- 472 ZOOLOGY. tional laws. Eternal and unchanging, the orbs move in their spheres precisely as they did millions of years ago. Proceeding, as it were, from an invisible point endowed with life, he passes, rapidly at first, through many forms, all resembling, more or less, either different races of men from his own, or animals lower in the scale of being ; or beings which do not now exist, though they probably once did, or may at some future time. When his development is imperfect, it represents then some form, resembling the inferior races of men, or animals still lower in the scale of being. Moreover, what is irregular in him is the regular struc- ture in some other class of animals. Take, for example, the webbed hand or foot occasionally found in man, constant in certain animals as in the otter and beaver ; constant also in the human foetus, that is, the child before birth. Take, for example, the cuticular fold at the inner angle of the eye, so common with the Esquimaux and Bosjesman or Hottentot (the corresponding yellow races of the northern and southern hemi- spheres), so rare in the European, but existing in every fcetus of every race. Nor let it be forgotten that forms exist in the human fcetus which have nothing human in them in the strictest sense of the term ; that the fcetus of the Negro does not, as has been stated, resemble the foetus of the European, but that the latter resembles the former, all the more resembling the nearer they are to the embryonic condition. Unity of structure, unity of organization, unity of life, at the commencement of time, whether measured by the organic world or by the duration of individual life." This is the law. The relation of species to genus also merits our deepest atten- tion.* "My first observations were made on animals low in the scale of the vertebrata, on fishes, in fact. I selected, as I shall presently more fully explain, the natural family of the Salmonidse, as the one to which I had given most attention. In the young of the true salmon I found the specific characters of all the sub- families of the genus present ; that is, reel spots, dark spots of several kinds, silvery scales, proportions, and a dentition iden- tical. The young fish before me was, in fact, a generic animal, including within it the specific characters of all the species com- posing the natural family. To connect this generic animal with any species, you have but to imagine the disappearance of certain characters then and there present. Nothing requires to be added. Take, for example, the dentition the dentition of the vomer, to which M. Valenciennes attaches so much importance, and in which he has endeavoured to discover the true distinguishing * See " Memoirs on the Philosophy of Zoology," in The Zoologist. Voorst, London; and in the Lancet, 1855. E. K. J. Van EELATION OF SPECIES TO GENUS. 473 characters of the three sub-families into which that distinguished naturalist subdivides the Salmonidse. Look at these vomerine teeth in the young of any of the species that is, as I view it, in the generic animal, and in the adult of all the species, that is, in the animal specialized and we shall find that the generic animal possesses a dentition embracing all the characters by which the fully-developed individuals are afterwards to be recognised. But it is the young alone which comprises all, combines with the anterior group of teeth (teeth of the chevron) a double row on the body of the vomer, which row, becoming in due time single, characterizes, according to M. Valenciennes, the adult of the sub-family Forelle, or, disappearing altogether, marks the true salmon when adult, the common trout growing up with the den- tition of the generic animal. The primitive type, then, is not lost, as M. Valenciennes seems to have supposed, but is retained in one species at least of the natural family. As with the denti- tion, so with the colorations and proportions : and thus the law of generation being generic, and not specific, marks the extent of the natural family, its unity in time and space, the fixity of its species, the destruction of some and the appearance of others being but the history, not of successive creations, but of one development, extending through millions of years, countless as the stars of the firmament. Fig. 506a. The Colt. " Look now at the colt a few months old as it gambols through the fields, and say, does it resemble the domestic animal from which it is sprung, in colour, proportions, movements, attitudes ? Not in the least. Its colour is a rich deep fawn, to be found only amongst the wildej in its proportions it resembles the quagga or zebra, and as it canters along, its rocking-horse motion and short frisking tail recal to the mind scenes only to be seen 474 ZOOLOGY, in Southern Africa, on the plains of the Koonap or the slopes of the Winterbergen, where roams the wild horse, to which this young of a domestic horse bears the strongest resemblance. The obvious inference is, that even in animals so high in the scale of mammals as the solidungula, the young is a generic animal, including in it the colour, proportions, movements, and habits of the genus, or natural family, of all its species, wherever placed, and representing, more especially in this instance, a wild species of that family, never domesticated nor subdued by man. Even here, where we should expect specific and other influences to have told strongly on the product that is, the young, we find the generic law to be in full force, and that the young of the domestic horse resembles a species peculiar to another region of the earth. The natural family, then, of the solidungula embraces in the young of each species all the forms which it, the genus, can or has assumed on the earth. The quagga and the zebra may become extinct ; but their forms remain in the generic young t)f whatever species still lives. The fossil horse belonged, no doubt, to the same family ; as the exterior is lost, the precise species cannot now be determined. That he belonged to any species now living I do not believe ; but he was of the family, and may appear again. Thus the successive appearance of new forms or species is no new creation, but merely the development of forms already existing in every natural family. The extinc- tion of species which has gone on through millions of years has led some to the belief that nature hastens onwards to the extinc- tion of life on the globe. It is possible ; but I lean to the oppo- site opinion, believing that living nature will have no end. That which has been may be again, the potentiality existing in every species of every natural family ; and to this creed point the infinite affiliations of germs, not confined to natural families, but extending to all that lives. These are speculations on which I do not enter. Primordial forms are visible in all germs ; the germs themselves must be eternal. "If we inquire into the law of generic forms lower in the scale, as in fishes, to which I have just alluded, we find still stronger confirmation of the point I now seek to determine. The natural family of the Salmonidae, as the one with which I am best acquainted, was that fixed on for the inquiry. Look at the young salmon when but a few inches in length, and you will find that in its dentition, colouring, and proportions, it is not & specific but a generic animal i.e. it possesses (and is therefore perfect) all the natural history characteristics of the three sub-families into which the Salmonidse have been divided. At first, for example, its dentition is the type of the common trout : as it grows it assumes the character which we find to prevail in some of the Forelle, or sea trout. Lastly, it assumes the true s:ilmon CLASS OF CRUSTACEA. 475 dentition ; but that which especially merits attention is, that the original type of the generic being is of a character so ample as to embrace all possible forms which the dentition can assume in any species of that natural family. Nothing is wanting ; nothing new appears ; nothing lias to be supplied ; all is foreseen ; all provided for. To institute a species, all that is required is to omit, or cause to disappear, or cease to grow, some parts of the organ or apparatus already existing in the generic being. In every natural family there is a species which bears, to the generic animal, that is, to the young, a stronger resemblance than any other. In the Salnioniflge it is the common trout of fresh-water rivers, but there may be others. In the Solipeda it seems to be the quagga of Southern Africa." E. K.] pm p* p" fp n Fig. 507. Palsemon (Fab.) ; Prawn.* 563. The lateral appendages of the various rings con- stituting the body are in general very numerous, and present also considerable differences in their conformation and their uses, whether we consider them in the various parts of the same individual, or compare them in distinct species. Those of the first rings, in general, have relations to the functions of animal life, and carry eyes or form antennae ; the follow- ing surround the mouth, and serve for the prehension or the * a, antennae of the first pair ; ai, antennae of the second pair, or inferior antennae; I, lamellated appendix covering the base; r, rostrum, or frontal prolongation of the carapace; y, eyes ; pm, external limb-jaw : p', thoracic limb of the first pair ; p", thoracic limb of the second pair; fp, false swim- ming limbs of the abdomen ; , caudal fin. 476 ZOOLOGY. division of the food (g, 143, 144) ; those of the middle por- tion of the body constitute limbs for locomotion, and those placed still further back have very variable uses, but serve in general for respiration or reproduction : finally, this long series terminates generally by one or more pairs of limbs, arranged to serve as fins. The head, or rather the cephalic portion of the body, carries the eyes, the antennae, and the buccal appendages < sometimes it is di- vided into several distinct rings, as in the squilli or shrimps, for example (Fig. 515) : although generally it presents no such sepa- ration, being formed only of a single segment, which seems to represent seven rings, confounded together. Sometimes it is move- able, and distinct from the thorax (Fig. 505) ; at other times, on the contrary, it is united to this second portion of the body, which in its turn is composed in certain species of rings articulated together, but distinct ; in others, united into a single mass. The antennae are almost always composed of two pairs, and con- stitute in general very elongated filiform horns, or what at least resembles them. The limbs are connected in pairs with the different thoracic rings; there are frequently seven pairs: in the cloportes (Fig; 505), the prawns of rivulets, and the talitri, or sand-hoppers, for example ; but at other times, as may be seen in the crabs (Fig. 506) and the craw-fish and lobsters (Fig. 143), their number is re- duced to five pairs only ; for the appendages, which in the first case formed the four anterior limbs, are then turned to other uses, and transformed into organs of mastication. There exist also very great differences in their structure ; in some Crustacea they are wholly foliaceous, membranous, and exclu- sively adapted for swimming- (Fig. 518) ; in others they have the form of small flexed (like elbows) columns, articulated, and disposed only for walking ; in others still, besides re- Fig. 508. Hippa. CLASS OF CRUSTACEA. 477 maining adapted for this kind of locomotion, they become suited to act as so many small spades wherewith to dig the ei'rth, and in that case they are enlarged and lamellated towards the extremity (Fig. 508) ; and still, finally, in others, they terminate in forceps, and become instruments of prehen- sion, fulfilling at the same time their ordinary functions of instruments of locomotion (Fig. 143). In the swimming Crustacea, such as the craw-fish and the lobster (Fig. 504), the palsemon (Fig. 507), &c., the abdomen presents in general a considerable development, and terminates by a large fin, so as to become the principal organ of locomotion ; but in those intended to walk more than they swim, it is in general very small, and folded under the thorax : in the crabs, for example, this portion of the body is reduced almost to nothing, and constitutes then a moveable apron placed on the lower surface of the body between the limbs. Fig. 509. Nervous System of a Crab : the Maia; Sea Spider.* 564. The nervous system is composed of a double series of ganglions, situated on the ventral aspect of the body near the median line. Their number corresponds in general to * Carapace, laid open : a, exterior antennae ; ;/, eyes ; e, stomach ; c, brain ; no, optic nerves ; co, oasophagal collar ; ms, stomato-gastric nerves ; t, thoracic gangliouary mass ; np, nerves of the limbs ; no., abdominal nerve. 478 ZOOLOGY. that of the distinct segments of which the body is composed, and those of the first pair are always lodged in the head or in front of the gullet, where they constitute a sort of brain (Fig. 509, c) : but the arrangement of the^ ganglions of the thorax and abdomen varies much; sometimes they are at equal distances from each other, and form, with their cords of communication, a chain extending from one extremity of the body to the other ; sometimes they approach each other more or less, and sometimes they are altogether reunited into a mass situated towards the middle of the thorax (Pig. 509, t). It oiio-nt also to be observed, that the centralization of the 1 ) Fig. 510. Podophthalmus ; Stalk-eyed Crab. nervous system becomes more and more complete in propor- tion as the animal rises in the scale of being or acquires a more elevated organization. Moreover, ail the Crustacea have very limited faculties, and none amongst them present much interest in respect of their habits. The eyes are formed pretty nearly as in insects. Sometimes they are simple ; but generally they are compound or composite, and in all the more perfect Crustacea they are carried on moveable peduncles (Fig. 510), an arrangement not found in any of the other divisions of this great class of articulated animals. In many Crustacea there exists also an organ of hearing, situated at the base of the external antennae (Fig. 511), com- posed of a small membrane resembling a membrana tym- pani, above which is found a kind of vestibule filled with liquid, and enclosing the termination of a special nerve. Nothing is for certain known respecting the faculties of smell and taste in these animals. CLASS OF CRUSTACEA. 479 565. Most Crustacea live on animal substances ; but they offer great differences in their regime ; some live only on liquid matters, others on solid food, and differences are observable in the construction of the mouth, corresponding to their varied circumstances. In the masticating Crustacea there is before the mouth a short transverse lip, followed by a pair of mandibles, a lower lip, one or two pairs of jaws pro- perly so called, and in general one or three pairs of auxiliaries or lirnb-jaws, serving chiefly for the prehension of the food (Fig. 144). In the Crustacea which live by suction, we find, on the contrary, the mouth prolonged into a kind of beak or proboscis, resembling those insects whose habits are analogous. In the interior of this tube are slender pointed appendages, performing the functions of small lancets, and on either side we find generally organs analogous to the auxiliary jaws of the grinding Crustacea, but which are formed to enable the animal to fix on its prey. Fig. 511.* 566. The digestive canal extends from the head to the posterior extremity of the abdomen, and is composed of a very short gullet, a large stomach (e, Fig. 513), armed in general internally with powerful teeth, a slender intestine, and a rectum. In some Crustacea, the bile is secreted by biliary vessels sufficiently resembling those of insects ; but in general there exists a very voluminous liver (/o), divided into several lobes, and composed of a number of small tubes, terminating in a cul de sac, and grouped around a ramified excretory 480 ZOOLOGY. canal, the extremity of which terminates on each side in the intestine near the pylorus. 567. Nothing is known of the manner in which the chyle passes from the intestine into the circulatory apparatus. The blood is colourless, or slightly bluish or lilac, and coagulates readily. This liquid is set in motion by a heart placed on the median line of the back (c. Fig. 427), and composed of a single cavity. Its form varies, and its con- tractions drive the blood into the arteries, by which it is dis- tributed to all parts of the body. The veins are replaced by the lacunae which the various organs leave between them, and which are lined b}^ a thin layer of cellular tissue; they terminate in vast sinuses, situated near the base of the limbs (s, Fig. 512), and from these cavities the blood proceeds to the respiratory organs, then returns to the heart by dis- tinct canals named branchio-cardiac (c b, Fig. 512). Fig. 512. Circulatory Apparatus of a Crab.* 568. The Crustacea are almost^all essentially aquatic animals : thus their respiration takes place almost always by means of branchiae, and when these organs are wanting, it is the skin of certain parts of the body (most generally of the limbs) which takes their place. Thus in the crabs, lobsters, and all Crustacea of analogous organization, the branchiae consist of a considerable number of small cylinders, * Vertical section of the thorax of a crustaceous animal, showing the course followed by the blood ; c, the heart ; s, venous sinuses ; b, branchiae ; va, vessel carrying the venous blood to the branchiae ; ve, vessel receiving the blood after its passage through the capillary network of the branchiae ; vb, branchio-cardiac vessels ; /, arch of the flancs : &t, sternum ; ce, cellule of the flancs ; p, base of the limbs. CLASS OF CKUSTACEA. 481 disposed like the bristles of a brush, or of small lamellse, piled on each other like the leaves of a book. These organs are fixed by their extremity to the inferior margin of the arch of the flancs (Figs. 512 and 514), and are enclosed in \ /' / Fig. 513. Anatomy of the Crab (Tourteau) ; Common edible Crab.* * The greater part of the carapace has been removed : t, portion of the cutaneous membrane lining the carapace ; c, the heart ; ao, ophthalmic artery; aa, abdominal artery; b, branchiae in their natural position; b', branchiae, reversed externally, to show their afferent vessels ; Ji, arch of the flancs ;f, flabelliform appendix, or epignathus of the limb-jaws ; f, stomach ; m, muscles of the stomach ; fo, the liver. I I 482 ZOOLOGY. two large cavities situated on the sides of the thorax, and comprised between the carapace and the arch of which we have just spoken, an arrangement which does not occur in any other animal of this class. The respiratory cavity communi- cates externally by two openings ; the one serving for the entrance of the water, almost always situated between the base of the limbs and the edge of the carapace (r, Fig. 511), the other, destined for the escape of this liquid, is placed at the sides of the mouth. Finally, the renewal of the water on the surface of the branchiae is caused b}' the movements of a Fig. 514. Respiratory Apparatus of a Palsemon, or Prawn.* large valvule situated near this latter,,opening, and formed by a lamellated appendix of the jaws of the second pair (c, Fig. 144; i, Fig. 514). In other Crustacea, the squillse (shrimps) for example (Fig. 515), the branchiae have the form of bunches of feathers, and in place of being enclosed within the thorax, float freely, externally, and are attached to the abdo- minal limbs ; in others still, as in the prawns of rivulets and the talitri, they are formed of membranous vesicles fixed to * a, rostrum ; b, carapace ; c, base of the antennae; d, base of the abdomen; e, base of the limbs ;./, branchiae ; g, dotted line, pointing out the inferior edge of that portion of the carapace which covers the branchiae, and which has been remored in this preparation ; h, efferent canal of the respiration j i> valvule ; .;, extremity of the efferent, or expiratory canal. CLASS OF CRUSTACEA. 483 the base of the limbs, under the thorax ; and these perform the functions of branchiae. Finally, in the Crustacea isopoda, respiration is accomplished by means of false abdominal limbs, which are foliaceous and membranous. 569. There exists a very small number of these animals which live in air ; but they form an exception to what we have already said relative to the differences of structure of the respiratory apparatus in aquatic and terrestrial animals : for in place of being furnished with lungs or tracheae, they breathe by branchiae, like the first ; only these organs are dis- posed in such a way as to maintain themselves in a moist state required for the exercise of their functions. The ge- carcini or land crabs (Fig. 516), met with in various regions p ' p"' b pa pa. <) Fig. 515. Squilla (Shrimp).* of the globe, but abounding especially in the Antilles, where they are known by the name of tourlourous, present a remarkable example of this anomaly. In place of living in water as the ordinary Crustacea, they are terrestrial, and although they have gills, some of them become asphyxiated rapidly by submersion. Their respiration is, in fact, too active for the small quantity of oxygen dissolved in water sufficing for their wants ; whilst in the air, they of course find this material in abundance ; and a disposition analogous to that which we have already met with in fishes (Fig. 393), per- mits them to remain out of the water without their branchiae drying up so as to become unfit for the performance of their * y, eyes ; a, antennae ; p', limbs of the first pair ; p", limbs of the three following pairs ; p'", thoracic limbs of the three last pairs ; pa-, false abdo- minal limbs ; b, branchiae ; g, caudal fin. i i 2 484 ZOOLOGY. functions. Sometimes there exists at the bottom of the respi- ratory cavity a sort of trough, destined to act as a reservoir for the water required to maintain their branchiae in a moist state ; at other times, we find on the arch of this cavity a spongy membrane, which seems to serve the same purpose. Most of these land crabs live in moist woods, concealing them- selves in holes which they dig in the soil, but the localities they prefer vary according to the species; some live in low marshy grounds near the sea; others prefer wooded hills far from the seashore, and at certain epochs these last quit their usual place of abode to reach the sea.^ The cloportes (Fig. 505) are also terrestrial Crustacea, whose aerial respiration is accomplished by means of folia- ceous laminse situated under the abdomen, and which, in other animals formed in the same way, perform the functions of branchiae. Fig. 516. Gecarcius, or Land Crab. 570. The Crustacea are all oviparous, and the sexes almost always distinct ; but some are hermaphrodite. The female may in general be distinguished from the male by the greater size of the abdomen, and after having laid her eggs, she carries them during a certain time suspended under that part of the body, or even enclosed in a sort of pouch formed of appendages belonging to the limbs ; sometimes the young are produced in this pouch, and remain there until they have passed through their first moulting. The young in general do not undergo true metamorphoses. Sometimes, however, * Such are the circumstances which render difficult all minute application of the laws regulating the structure and functions of the now existing living world to the remains we find in past geological epochs. That which seems aquatic may have been terrestrial, and vice versa. Not that anatomy is at all doubtful when fully known, but the soft structure being destroyed, we want a valuable element in the inquiry. E. K. CLASS OF CRUSTACEA. 485 they acquire by the progress of age a greater number of limbs, and there are some which completely change their form during the early periods of life ; the lernsese offer us an example of this transformation (Fig. 155). 571. The class Crustacea, amongst which we must arrange the cirrhipeda, placed by many naturalists, but erro- neously, amongst the mollusca, is divided into five principal groups, namely, The podophthalmaria, which have the eyes carried on moveable peduncles, the anterior portion of the body fur- nished with a carapace, ambulatory limbs, the mouth armed with jaws disposed for mastication, and the organs of respi- ration formed of branchiae properly so called. The edriophthalmia, whose eyes are not pedunculated, the thorax exposed, the ambulatory limbs, the masticatory buccal apparatus and the branchiae replaced by a portion of the series of the limbs. The branchiopoda, in which the limbs are all foliaceous, and perform at the same time the functions of fins and branchiae. The entomostraca, in which the limbs are natatory but not branchial, and in which the mouth is usually organized for suction. Finally, the Xiphosuri, in whom the mouth has no appendages which especially belong to it, but is sur- rounded with limbs, the base of which performs the functions of jaws. [When I first made the discovery that the vendace, the her- ring, and many fine species of the salmonidae, live almost exclu- sively on various kinds of the entomostraca, the view was violently contested by naturalists ; and although the facts sub- mitted to them admitted of no sort of doubt, to this day I have not overcome their prejudices. The history of my inquiry was afterwards taken up by my former student and assistant, Mr. Henry Goodsir ; and his remarks, as those of an honest and careful observer, may be found agreeable to the reader, more especially as this most amiable and talented young man perished in his youth. He was one of the companions of Sir John Franklin in his last expedition. *' Hearing our fishermen often speak of 'something' which abounded in great quantities in the Firth of Forth during the summer months, which they called Maidre, and of which they never could give me a clear description, I determined to examine it for myself. "It was stated to me that this maidre was generally found 486 ZOOLOGY. in greatest quantity round the Island of May, only during the summer months, and especially during the time of the herring- fishing. "I find, however, that maidre must abound during the spring months also, as the stomachs of the herrings caught at present are in most cases filled with it. " In frequent excursions to the Isle of May, during last year, I found that the maidre consisted of one immense continuous body of minute animals. " The animals composing this immense body were those belonging to the cirrhipeds, crustaceans, and acalepha. "Of these the crustaceans existed in the greatest numbers, or rather masses, for it gives a faint idea to speak of numbers. The Crustacea were amphipoda and entomostraca, the former of which were very abundant, but the latter (entomostraca) formed the greatest proportion of this innumerable body of animals. "The acalepha also abounded, of which the different species of beroce were seen in greatest numbers. " I remarked that the masses of maidre abounded most at the sheltered sides of the island. On looking into the water, it was found to be quite obscured by the moving masses of entomo- straca, which rendered it impossible to see anything, even a few inches below the surface. "But if by chance a clear spot is obtained, so as to allow the observer to get a view of the bottom, immense shoals of coal-fish are seen swimming lazily about, and devouring their minute prey in great quantities. Occasionally small shoals of herrings are seen pursuing them with greater agility. It is in the deep caverns, however, in the sides of the island, where the maidre is found in greatest abundance ; and accordingly, we find that all those animals pursuing them are found there in greater abun- dance also. "The fishermen, during the earlier periods of the fishery, take advantage of this, and, shooting their nets across the mouths of the caves, alarm the herrings in them, either by throwing large stones from their boats or from the tops of the rocks, and in this way sometimes succeed in taking great shots. " These, however, are not the only animals which prey on the immense bodies of maidre, "Great numbers jof cetacea often frequent the neighbourhood of the island at this time ; droves of dolphins and porpoises, swimming about with great activity ; arid occasionally an im- mense rorqual may be seen raising his enormous back at intervals from the water, and is to be observed coursing round and round the island. " I have examined great numbers of these cetaceous animals (dolphins and porpoises) within the last few years, and never CLASS OF CRUSTACEA. 487 have seen anything resembling the remains of herrings, or fish of any other kind, in the stomach, although the former fish was very abundant at the same time in the Firth. I make no doubt, therefore, that the cetacea only accompany the herring in pursuit of their common food, viz., entomostraca and acalepha.' "I. have already stated that it was entomostracous animals which formed the great mass of the maidre. Among these I obtained a great number of nondescript species, one of which I shall now describe. " On one of my occasional visits to the Isle of May, I observed that at a considerable distance from the island the sea had a slightly red colour, that this became deeper and deeper as we neared the island ; and also that the surface of the water pre- sented a very curious appearance, as if a quantity of fine sand were constantly falling on it. I thought at first that this last circumstance proceeded from rain, but presently I found that both phenomena were caused by a great number of small red entomostraca, which I had never before observed in such abun- dance. On further observation, I found that it belonged to the genus Cetochilus of M. Rousel de Vauzeme, who has given a detailed description of his species (C. Australis), the only one hitherto known, in the first vol. of the Annales des Sciences Naturelles. This author states that it is found in the Pacific Ocean, and in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, about 40 south latitude. It forms, he says, very extensive banks, which impart a red colour to the water, and which furnish a plentiful supply of food to the whales frequenting those seas." R. K.] 572. The division of podophthalmaria comprises the greater number of Crustacea, and is composed of all those whose organization is the most complex and the most perfect. It is subdivided into two orders, the decapoda and the stomapoda. 573. The order of the decapoda comprises the crabs, lobsters, and all the other Crustacea in whom the branchiae are internal, and in whom the limbs are five pairs in number. The head and the thorax of these animals are confounded into a mass covered by a large carapace or case (Fig. 517) ; this dorsal buckler advances in general more or less in front, descends on each side to the base of the limbs, and backwards as far as the origin of the abdomen (Figs. 504, 507). It results from this arrangement that we can no longer recognise throughout all this part of the body any trace of an annular division ; but beneath, most of the rings, although united together, are still recognisable, and leave at their points of junction the lines of suture, more or less distinct. The eyes 488 ZOOLOGY. are always carried on the extremities of a pair of moveable appendages which spring from the first segment of the head ; sometimes the length of their peduncle is very considerable (Fig. 510), and in general they may be folded or withdrawn into the cavities performing the office of orbits, and which are formed by the anterior margin of the carapace, shell, or case. The organs of locomotion are also very well developed in these Crustacea: several can run with extreme rapidity, others swim still more swiftly. Their limbs, as we have already said, are five pairs in number, fixed to the five last rings of the thorax ; but in general those of the four last pairs alone serve for locomotion, and those of the first pair terminating in a forceps more or less perfect, become instruments of prehension (Fig, 517). In the decapoda the best adapted for swimming (such as the cray-fish, the lobster, and the pabemons), the body is elongated, and the abdomen ter- minated by a large transverse fin (Fig. 504) ; whilst in those which are formed for running, the crabs, for example, the abdomen is very short, has no terminal fin, and is curved under the thorax. Fig. 517. Common edible Crab ; C. Pagurus. 574. The stomapoda have also the eyes carried on move- able peduncles, the thorax covered entirely or partly by a carapace, and the limbs cylindrical ; but their branchiae are not enclosed in the cavities of the thorax, but float nnder the abdomen, or are altogether wanting. The squilla (Fig. 515), of which we have already spoken, belongs to this order. 575. In the division edriophthalmia, the head is distinct CLASS OF CRUSTACEA. 489 from the thorax, and this last part of the body is composed of a series of seven rings, each carrying a pair of limbs. Thus, as we have already said, there is not any carapace, the eyes are not pedunculated, there are no branchiae properly so called, but the respiration is performed by means of various appendages borrowed from the locomotory apparatus. Na- turalists arrange under this group, 1. The amphipoda, which have the abdomen well developed, and carry under the thorax a double series of respiratory vesicles, formed by the internal branchiae of the limbs. The prawns of rivulets and the talitri (Fig. 169) offer us these characters. 2. The loemodipoda, which resemble the preceding in the disposition of the organs of respiration, but which have only a rudimentary abdomen. Fig. 518. Anilocra. Fig. 519. Limnadia.* 3. The isopoda, in whom the abdomen is, on the contrary, well developed, and carries beneath a series of false branchial limbs. The anilocra (Fig. 518), the sphaeroma, and the class woodlouse, cloportus (oniscus) belong to this order. 576. The branchiopoda, as we have already said, are small crustacea, whose limbs no longer serve for walking, but assume the form of foliaceous plates, constituting at one and the same time organs of natation and respiration. Such are the limnadiae, which have been already mentioned (Fig. 519), the * One of the valves of the carapace has been amoved. 490 ZOOLOGY. apis, the branchipes, the daphnise. It is to this group that the trilobites seem to have belonged : marine animals, whose fossil remains are found in the most ancient strata of the globe, but of which there exists not at present any living representative in the seas. 577. The entomostraca are also formed only for swimming, and in youth they all possess a certain number of rigid double-oared limbs ; but in the adult state they are mostly sedentary, and then the body becomes deformed in a very singular manner ; in general they have but a single eye, placed in the middle of the forehead, and their respiration seems to take place over the whole surface of the body. Fig. 520. Cyclops ; one of the Entomostraca. 578. t Some, called copepoda, are always very active, and possess large antennae and a masticatory apparatus ; these are the cyclops, or monocules (Fig. 520).* 579. Others live as parasites on fishes, Crustacea, &c., and have the mouth elongated in the form of a proboscis or beak, armed with style-formed appendages adapted to pierce the integuments of the animals whose juices they suck. They have been divided into the siphonostoma and the lernsea; the first have always swimming limbs, ahd attach themselves by means of limb-jaws Having the form of hooks ; the second, on reaching the adult age, present no longer any traces of loco- motory organ's, and have often been confounded with the intestinal worms.f 580. It is also in this division of the entomostraca that * The Entomostraca play an important part in the great economy of nature. They form the especial food of many valuable fishes of the family salmonidae, clupeidae, and coregoni; and it is evident, from the remains in the limestone strata, that they abounded, and were perhaps of a larger size generally, in the seas and fresh waters of the ancient world. E. K. t A species of lernaea attacks the gills of the salmon during its residence in fresh waters, but seems to perish when the fish return to the sea. B. K. CLASS OF CRUSTACEA. 491 we must arrange the cirrhipeda, which at first sight seem to have many analogies with the mollusca, more so indeed than with animals of the class we now describe ; but in fact they are only Crustacea with the hody deformed after they have ceased to lead a wandering life. When young, these small beings, which are all marine, swim freely, and resemble extremely certain ordinary entomostraca, such as the young cyclops (Fig. 158) ; but soon afterwards they become fixed, so long as their life endures, to some submarine body, and Fig. 521. Anatifae; Barnacles. completely change their form. It is by the back that they thus adhere, and their body, more or less pyriform and curved on itself, is enclosed, in whole or in the greater part, in a kind of shell, composed of several pieces (Fig. 521). They have no eyes, and their mouth is furnished with man- dibles and jaws having the strongest resemblance with those of certain Crustacea ; the abdominal aspect of their body is occupied by two rows of fleshy lobes, having each long horny 492 ZOOLOGY. appendages, furnished with cilia, and composed of a great number of joints. These kinds of arms or cirrhi, numbering twelve pairs, are curved on themselves, and the animal con- stantly protrudes and withdraws them by the opening of its sheath or case. At the extremity of this series of organs is found a kind of tail, having the form of a long fleshy tentacle, at the base of which is the anus. Their nervous system is composed of a double chain of ganglions, disposed exactly as in the other articulated animals. They have a heart, lodged in the dorsal part of their body, and they breathe by branchiaa whose form varies. The cirrhipeda are divided into two families the anatifse and the balani. The Anatifas (Fig. 521) called also lepas anatifera and Barnacle are enclosed in a kind of compressed mantle, open on one side, and suspended by a long fleshy peduncle ; some- times this mantle is almost entirely cartilaginous : at other times it is covered by five testaceous plates, of which the two principal ones bear some resemblance to those of a mussel. The common anatifa dwells in our seas, and is frequently found attached to rocks, to the keels of ships, and to pieces of floating timber. It has been the subject of most absurd fables ; some coarse resem- blance of its shell to a bird gave origin to the silly tale that from these animals came the goose called barnacle. The Balani or sea acorns (Fig. 522) abound on the rocks of our seas, and are contained Fig. 522. Balanus, wh . oll 7 in a , ki ? d of shell generally conical, or Acorn Shell, and very snort, nxecl by its base, and com- posed of several lappets articulated with each other : the opening of this tube is occupied by two or four moveable valves, between which is found a fissure destined to give passage to the cirrhi. 581. Finally, the division of Crustacea called xipho- sura is composed only of a single genus, that of the limulus, whose structure is most anomalous. These are large crus- tacea, whose bodies are divided into two parts; the first, covered by a semicircular buckler, has eyes, antennae, and six pairs of feet surrounding the mouth, which serve at the same time for walking and for mastication (Fig. 142) ; the second portion of the body, covered by another buckler, almost triangular, carries beneath, five pairs of swimming limbs, CLASS OF CRUSTACEA. 493 whose posterior aspect is covered with branchiae ; and it ter- minates with a long styliform. tail. These singular animals inhabit the Indian Ocean and the coasts of America ; they are known by tHe common name of Molucca crabs. Fig. 523. Lhnulus, or Molucca Crab. King Crab. [" As there is scarcely a subject more interesting in natural history than that part of it which treats of the various meta- morphoses which all animals undergo in their progressive growth from the embryonic to the adult condition, I have ventured to subjoin the observations made on this subject by a former most esteemed student of mine, and a careful observer.* They refer, no doubt, especially to the class cirrhipeds, but mutatis mutandis apply to all. In my late inquiries into the dentition of the salmon, other singular facts have come out, plainly disproving the opinion of M. Valenciennes, that * Naturalists have only to do with the adult forms.' For all these adult forms or species are included in the history of the young, as I have proved with regard to the salmonidae ; whilst all transcendentalists since the time of Goethe and Oken have known that the larva conditions * Mr. Henry Goodsir, in the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. 494 ZOOLOGY. of many living species typify, or are types of, adult forms or species now extinct ; that is, of the adult forms of the fossil world. Thus it is that the history of the organo-genesis, of the metamorphoses of the young, elucidates the history of the or- ganic world, past and present, connecting them together into one great whole, the accomplishment of one vast design. The laws of deformation, even in man, are as yet but little understood. One thing is certain ; namely, that for the future zoology cannot be based on any exclusive method or mode of research, but must seek for its illustrations and views in the entire range of descrip- tive and philosophical anatomy, to which must be superadded the careful observation of external characters. Here are Mr. Goodsir's remarks : ' There is no set of animals which has caused greater annoyance to systematists than the cirrhipeda. 'They were first arranged by Linnaeus along with the testa- ceous mollusca. Cuvier at first followed this arrangement, but latterly placed them in a distinct class by themselves, between the mollusca and articulata. Lamarck, Latreille, M'Leay, and other authors, followed this latter arrangement ; the two last authors acknowledging, at the same time, their closer connexion with the articulata. 'The decision of this important question, however, was left to our countryman, Mr. J. V. Thompson. This gentleman having obtained some minute mussel- like animals, at first considered them to be nondescripts belonging to the crustaceans, but on a further examination, and by keeping a few of them alive in glass vessels of sea-water, he was soon enabled to make out their nature and relations satisfactorily. To use Mr. Thompson's own words ' They were taken on the 1st of May, and on the night of the eighth the author had the satisfaction to find that two of them had thrown off their exuvia, and wonderful to say, were firmly adhering to the bottom of the vessel, a^d changed into young barnacles.' The above-mentioned statements set at rest, in a great measure, the previous discussions as to the position of the cirrhipeds in the animal kingdom. ' In the beginning of March of the present year (1843), while Professor Reid* of St. Andrews and myself were watching the movements of some very large balani (Balanus Tintinnabidum), we observed a few of them ejecting with considerable force a great quantity of small granules every time the cirrhi were re- tracted. No great attention was paid to this at the time. Next day, however, we were astonished to find the basin in which the balani were confined swarming with an innumerable number of * Dr. Keid was my student and assistant for several years ; he was a dili- gent anatomist. E. K. CLASS OF CKUSTACEA. 495 extremely minute but very active animals, when it immediately struck us that these must have been the young which the balani were throwing off the day before. On placing one of these animals under the microscope, we expected to find one of those mussel- like animals described by Thompson ; but instead of that, it 1 ad an almost exact resemblance to the young of the genus cyclops. To make sure that there had been no mistake, one of the adult balani was opened, when the large cavity of the mantle was found to be filled with the granules which we had formerly seen ejected. A few were placed in a watch-glassful of sea-water under the microscope. They were quite motionless, of an ovoid shape, sharper at one extremity than the other. The eye, or rather what was considered to be the eye, was observed a little before the middle line, and near to the superior edge. In the course of a short time, a few began to make some efforts to escape. After they had done so, they were found to resemble, in their external appearance, the young cyclop ides alluded to above. At first, the efforts to escape were feeble, but latterly they became more violent ; and by means of the tail, which was suddenly and for- cibly jerked upwards and downwards, the membranes which contained them were burst on the abdominal surface, upon which the young animal escaped. It was some time, however, before the extremit ; es were completely freed. In the course of ten or fifteen minutes after they had been taken from the body of the mother, these young animals were all free, and the empty sacs were lying amongst them. They have a striking "resemblance, in their external appearance, to the larvae of the cyclops ; and if we had not had the certain evidence of having seen them taken from the body of the mother, we would have pronounced them young cyclopides. * After many fruitless endeavours, we found it impossible to preserve them alive for any length of time, and were, therefore, disappointed in our expectations of seeing them undergo their metamorphoses. We were, therefore, uncertain whether they underwent a first and second metamorphosis, and changed first into the mussel- like form described by Thompson, and then into the parent form, or were simply metamorphosed into the parent form. Seeing that this is a distinct species from that described by Mr. Thompson, it is impossible to decide this question until farther observations have been made. Having been fortunate enough, however, in making a series of observations of the same nature on the young of the balanus balanoides, which are recorded above, it will now be seen that this question is already decided, viz., that the balani must undergo two changes of form, or per- haps more, before arriving at a state of maturitv. ' We will now proceed to give a short description of the larva of this species. 496 ZOOLOGY. ' When viewed from above, the body of the animal is found to be pyriform, with the anterior edge rounded, and the posterior extremity ending by means of a point. The whole body consists of three segments : the first forms the greater part of the body ; the two last are minute. Two long unarticulated extremities project from the anterior edge on either side of the mesial line, arising, apparently, from the abdominal surface of the body. Two short antennae arise also from this edge, immediately on each side of the above- described extremities. ' The eye is situated a little behind the anterior edge, and in the mesial line of the body. ' Two very strong thick legs arise from each side of this first segment of the body. These are bipartite, each division arising from a pedicle common to both, which consists of three segments. The divisions themselves are apparently unarticulated, but are armed with a number of very strong spines. ' The second segment of the body is minute. The third and last is also minute and pointed, and is armed with three strong spines, which are bent to one side (the left side), that nearest the right side being the shortest. ' All of these larvae swim after the manner of the monoculi, by short and sudden jerks. They propel themselves by means of the two pairs of spined extremities. The tail is also in constant motion.' H. G., in E. P. Journal. "By the minute and prolonged study of the metamorphoses of animals, we thus prove that these so-called imperfect forms, or forms in transitu, are the permanent forms of adult extinct and recent animal beings. Thus we upset the theory of the transmu- tation of species, and creation of new forms ; for these forms are embraced in the embryonic, and require but time and circum- stances for their full development : nevertheless, I willingly concede to my esteemed friend, M. Valenciennes, that the natu- ralist is only interested in adult forms, these being the highest specializations to which animals attain: it holds even in man himself."* R. K.] * See my Manual of Artistic Anatomy. Renshaw, London. OF THE ANNELIDES. 497 THE SECOND SUB-DIVISION. OF THE ANNELIDES, OR ANNULATED ANIMALS. THE YEBMES, OR WORMS. 582. In these animals the annulated division of the body becomes less and less marked ; every structure becomes as it were degraded in proportion as we leave those most re- sembling the articulated to those approaching the zoophytes ; the limbs disappear, and the nervous system becomes less and less distinct, or loses its importance, and the structures sim- plify more and more. Their most remarkable feature is the elongation of their bodies, and they form five distinct classes ; namely, the annelides, rotatoria, turbellaria, helminthides or intestinal worms,* and cestoids. OF THE ANNELIDES. 583. The class is composed of worms having a multi- gangular nervous system, and a vascular apparatus for the circulation of the blood. Fig. 524. Nereis ; Mudworm.* Their bodies are always elongated, soft, and divided by cir- cular folds into a great number of rings ; sometimes the head is distinct, sometimes it is wanting ; and generally along the * Entozoa. t Called mudworm by the fishermen of Dover, who use them as bait for the white mullet, numbers of which are taken by angling at the mouth of the harbour. E. K. K K 498 sides of the body they have a long series of hairs in bundles, supported on fleshy tubercles, taking the place of feet (Fig. 524). Frequently we find two of these organs placed one above the other, on either side the different rings of the body (Fig. 413) ; at other times these bristle-carrying tubercles are reunited, and there is found at the base of each a long, soft cylindrical appendix called cirrhus (c, Fig. 525) ; sometimes the place of the feet is marked by merely a few stiff hairs, whilst in others all traces of limbs have disappeared. These hairs or bristles serve as instru- ments of defence and of locomotion; they are in general sharp, and calcu- lated to attach the animals to any soft body with which they come in contact. In the annelides, which have no bristles, there exist at the extremities of the body, suckers which answer the purpose. 584. Their nervous system consists of a chain, single or double, of very small ganglions, extending from one extremity of the body to the other. Most have a few dark spots, which Fig. 525.* Fig. 526. Head and Proboscis of a Glycera.f Fig. 527. Head, &c., of a Nereis. seem to be the eyes, and the head is usually provided with a number of filaments analogous to the cirrhi of the feet, and called antenna? and tentacular cirrhi (Fig. 527), which seem to be organs of touch. The mouth is on the inferior aspect of * Feet of an Annelid of the genus Eunice : t, setigerous tubercle ; e, dorsal cirrhus ; ci, inferior or ventral cirrhus ; b, branchia. t e, anterior part of the body j t, the head ; tr, proboscis ; b, buccal opening ; m, jaws. OF THE ANNELIDES. 499 the bead, or the anterior extremity of the body, when there is no distinct head ; it is often armed with a protractile pro- boscis (Fig. 526), and with jaws having the form of horny hooks. The intestine is straight, simple, or furnished with caeca, placed on either side ; the anus is at the extremity of the body. The blood is almost always red ; sometimes it is green, and at others scarcely coloured ; it circulates in a complex system of vessels, varying in different species ; of these vessels some are contractile, and perform the function of a heart; others those of arteries and veins. Fig. 628. A Group of Serpulse. The respiration of these animals is generally ae'rian, but sometimes aquatic, and in this case it is performed by means of external branchise, whose form and arrangement vary much ; sometimes they resemble little trees or leaves, and are fixed above the feet on each side of the back, as in the areni- cola (Fig. 56) ; at other times they resemble bunches of feathers, and unite in a corona around the extremity of the body, an arrangement of which we have an example in the serpula (Fig. 528). 585. Most of the annelides live in the sea, and several K K. 2 500 ZOOLOGY. construct as dwellings a long tube, formed either of calcareous matters secreted by the skin (Fig. 528), or consisting of sand and fragments of shells, agglutinated by means of a gelatinous substance ; several, as the arenicola, plunge deeply in the sand (Fig. 56); others conceal themselves under stones ; finally, there are annelides, as the leech, which live in fresh waters : so also does the nais, which more resembles the earth- worm ; and these last, called by zoologists lumbrici, are land animaLs. CLASS OF THE KOTIFERA. 586. These beings, which have been often confounded with the infusoria, are nevertheless quite distinct. Their structure is very complex, and we owe the discovery of this fact to the microscope, and to the profound researches of M. Ehrenberg, of Berlin. Before his time they were thought to be animals Fig. 529. The Hydatina.* * Anatomy of the Hydatina, a microscopic animalcule next the Botifera : a, vibratile cilia ; b, fleshy mass surrounding the mouth and moving the j aws ; c, the stomach ; d, the cloaca ; e, the anus ; f, salivary glands ; g, ovaria ; h, the muscles. CLASS OF THE EOTIFERA. 501 composed of animated jelly, nourished by imbibition ; now it is no longer the simplicity of their structure which surprises us, but the complication of their organization, wholly micro- scopic. These animalcules are met with in stagnant waters. Their body is semi-transparent, and presents traces sufficiently dis- tinct of annular divisions. The mouth occupies the anterior extremity, and on each side, or even all around the orifice, may generally be seen vibratile cilia, the rotatory movements of which are extremely remarkable. Almost always the Fig. 530. Fluke Worm ; Fasciola Hepatica. pharynx (arriere boucke) is furnished with powerful muscles, and armed with lateral jaws. The digestive canal is straight ; it extends from one extremity of the body to another, and has generally towards the middle an enlargement representing the stomach of these small beings ; often may be seen, on either side of this tube, bodies apparently glandular, and at its posterior extremity a sort of cloaca, in which terminate the oviducts. A great number of muscles have also been dis- 502 ZOOLOGY. covered in these animalcules, and even a ganglionary nervous system. 587. The rotifera wheel bearing animals (Fig. 177), one species of which has become celebrated by the experiments of Spallanzani on the suspension of life which follows its drying up, may be taken as a type of the class. Their body is elon- gated, and is terminated anteriorly by two small coronse of cilia, which at the will of the animal are withdrawn into the interior or expanded externally, and which by their vibrations produce the image of two small wheels turning rapidly on their axes. They terminate in a bifurcated and articulated tail, by which they attach themselves to bodies on which they wish to rest ; finally, two small red points seem to represent the eyes. These animalcules swim with the greatest vivacity, and lay oval eggs. 588. Other animalcules, called branchions, resemble the rotifera in the general mode of their organization, but merit notice by reason of a sort of carapace, or shell, with which their body is covered. In several of these small beings the shell or covering is even bivalve, and recals very much that of certain Crustacea, such as the cypris and daphnia. CLASS OF TUEBELLAEIA. 589. This class ought to comprise a certain number of vermes, whose body, more or less compressed, presents scarcely any traces of annulation, and is covered with ex- tremely fine vibratile cilia. In general they have no anus, and their digestive apparatus is ramified, and terminates in a cul-de-sac ; their nervous system is composed of two lateral cords, terminating anteriorly in a pair of cerebroid gan- glions, and they have distinctly-formed bloodvessels. Some, as the nemertes and the planaria, live in water. Others, as the fluke (Fasciola Hepatica, Fig. 530), are parasites, and live in the interior of other animals. CLASS OF HELMINTHES, OE NEMATOlDS. 590. This division is composed of a part of those animals sometimes called intestinal worms, by reason of their living generally as parasites in the intestinal canal of man and of CLASS OF CESTOIDS OE T^NOIDS. 503 most other vertebrata.* The nematoids (helminthes) have the body cylindrical, and attenuated at the two extremities ; ex- teriorly they greatly resemble earth-worms, and also, as in the annelides, their intestinal canal is simple, and extended from one extremity of the body to the other ; but their nervous system is rudimentary, and their blood is colourless. The principal genera of this class are, the ascarides (Fig. 178), the strongyli, and the filaria. CLASS OF CESTOIDS OK T^NOIDS. 591. The cestoids are also intestinal worms, but they differ from the nematoids (hel- minthes) greatly in their form and mode of organization, and more resemble the turbellaria. They have the body flattened, much elongated, and divided in- to a great number of segments, which gives them the appear- ance of a long ribbon folded transversely. Their nervous system is rudimentary, and their intestinal canal appears to be replaced by two longitudinal vessels occupying the sides of the body. They are hermaphro- dite, and each ring (segment) of their body possesses a com- plete reproductory apparatus, belongs to this division (Fig. 531). * It would seem from the researches of Van Beneden and others, that these parasitical animals are introduced into the bodies of others from with- out, in the condition of ova in fact, and that their future development depends on their reaching the habitat suited to them. R. K. Fig. 531. Tape Worm, Taenia. The tcenia, or solitary worm, 504 ZOOLOGY. DIVISION OF THE MOLLUSCA, OR MALACOZOARIA. 592. The division of the mollusca is composed, as we have already said, of a considerable number of animals which have neither a cerebro- spinal system nor an internal skeleton, and which resemble in these respects the articulated animals, but not having, as these have, the body divided into rings, nor the ganglions (nervous) reunited into a long median chain placed on the ventral aspect of the body. They are distin- guished also from zoophytes by the disposition of the organs of relation being arranged in pairs, and in general they have the mouth and anus more or less close to each other. More* over, they differ much from each other, and are divided into two principal series, namely, the mollusca properly so called, and the molluscoides or tunicata. SUB- DIVISION OF THE MOLLUSCA PROPERLY SO CALLED. 593. Iii this group the nervous system is -always com- posed of several ganglions, reunited by medullary cords, so as to form a sort of double collar, more or less closely around the gullet, but not prolonged posteriorly like a sub-intestinal chain, as in the annulated animals. The general form of these mollusca is extremely variable. Their body is always soft, and in a small number only (the sepia, for example) there exist in the interior some solid non-articulated pieces, serving rat-hereto protect the viscera than to furnish to the locomotory apparatus levers and points of support. The muscles are fixed directly into the integu- ments, and seem to act only on the point into which they are inserted ; and thus the movements of the animal are slow and ill directed. In a small number of these beings (the sepia, for example) there are flexible and elongated appen- dages (Fig. 185), intended for locomotion, but in most instances the animal cannot displace itself but by successive contractions of various points of the lower surface of its body; and even when there exist limbs, these organs are reunited in a group at one extremity of the body, and never SUB-DIVISION OF THE MOLLUSCA. 505 disposed in a symmetrical series, as in the vertebrate and articulate animals. The skin of the mollusca, always soft and viscous, often forms folds which envelope more or less completely the body ; and this disposition has induced zoologists to give the name of mantle to that portion of the integument generally fur- nishing these expansions. This mantle is often entirely free, forming two large veils or coverings concealing all the rest of the animal, or these two laminse unite so as to form a tube ; but at other times it consists only of a kind of dorsal disc, of which the edges alone are free or surround the body more exactly under the form of a sac. 594. In general the soft skin is protected by a kind of stony or hard cuirass, called shell. It is a tissue which has some analogy with that of the epidermis, which constitutes this envelope. The follicles lodged generally in the edges of the mantle, deposit on its surface a half-horny matter, mixed with carbonate of lime in greater or less proportions, and is moulded over the subjacent parts, and next solidifies. The lamina thus formed thickens and grows by the successive deposit of new matter. Its surface is not stony, but resembles a kind of epidermis, and is known by the name of drap marin, or sea- cloth ; sometimes it preserves a horny consistence throughout its whole thickness, but in general the proportion of carbonate of lime which it encloses gives to it a stony hardness. Its inner surface is frequently more dense than the rest, and presents a peculiar structure rendering it glassy, lustrous, and pearly. Sometimes the shell remains always enclosed in the thickness of the skin of the animal; but generally it is external, and even passes beyond the edges of the mantle, so as to furnish to the animal perfect shelter. The name of naked mollusca has been given to those which are without shells, or which have only an interior one, and the name of conchifera to those in which the shell is visible externally. The manner in which this shell grows may be readily un- derstood. If we examine the shell of an oyster, for example, it will be found to be composed of a number of superimposed laminae, which can be separated by means of heat. These plates have been formed successively by the mantle of the animal, which they cover, and consequently the most external is the oldest, or first formed, and the smallest; each new plate deposited passes beyond the plate situated above it, 506 ZOOLOGY. so that the shell as it grows in thickness also enlarges rapidly. In general, the distinction of laminae whilst forming is less marked, and the new matters are often deposited only on the edge of the shell, and in such a way that their molecules correspond exactly to the molecules of the part already con- solidated ; this gives to the whole a fibrous structure. Colours the most varied and most agreeably disposed ornament these shells, and often vary with age. Very generally they are altogether superficial, and seem to depend on a sort of dyeing process produced by the skin of the animal, which is painted in a manner corresponding to its envelope. The colouring matter appears to be deposited on the shell at the moment of its formation ; it is also more lively as the shell is younger ; it is produced by the edge of the mantle. In fact, if a shell be broken, and the animal happens to repair this accident, the part newly formed is always white where it has not been in contact with the edge of the mantle ; and if it corresponds with this edge, it assumes the colour which this presents at the point of contact. Thus when the edge is spotted, corre- sponding spots are found upon the edge of the shell ; and as this elongates, these spots become confounded with those already formed, and produce lines perpendicular to the striae of increase, or do not unite with them, and remain insulated, according as the mantle remains immovable, preserving with the margin of the shell the same relations.; or, on the other hand, that by the movements of the animal it often changes its position. Sometimes the secretion of colouring matter also varies with age, and accidental circumstances may equally modify it. Light, for example, exercises over the phenome- non a very remarkable influence, and not only the shells which are the most exposed to the action of this physical agent are generally the most brilliantly coloured,^but when the mollusc lives fixed on a rock, or partly concealed under a sponge or some other opaque body, the portion of the shell thus placed in obscurity is always paler and duller than that exposed to the contact of the sun's rays. 595. The digestive apparatus of these animals is strongly developed. There exists always a large liver, and often we find salivary glands and organs of mastication ; but the intes- tines are never supported by a mesentery. Their blood is colourless, or slightly bluish, and circulates in a very complex apparatus, composed partly of arteries and of veins, and partly only of lacunaB. A heart, formed of a ventricle, and of one or CLASS OF THE CEPHALOPODA. 507 of two auricles, is found in the course of the arterial blood, transmitting this liquid into all parts of the body, from whence it returns to the organ of respiration by canals more or less incomplete. We sometimes also meet with, at the base of the vessels entering the organ of respiration, contractile venous reservoirs called pulmonary hearts. With regard to the arrangement of the organs of respira- tion, it varies too much to allow of us describing it in this place. We shall therefore only say that they have sometimes the form of lungs, at others that of branchiae or gills. 596. In like manner we cannot say anything generally of the structure of the organs of sense, which, however, are always less complete than in vertebrate animals. Certain mollusca seem to be gifted only with the senses of touch and taste ; but a great number have eyes, whose structure varies, and in many of them there even exists an apparatus for- hear- ing ; but none have yet been found possessing a special organ for smell. The mollusca spring from eggs, and never multiply by granulations, as happens in most of the molluscoides, but sometimes these eggs are hatched externally, sometimes in the interior of the body of their parent, which may then be said to be ovoviviparous. 597. The sub-division of the molluscs properly so called, is composed of four principal groups or classes, called the cephalopoda, gastropoda, pteropoda, and acephala. We shall now make known their more prominent characters. CLASS OF THE CEPHALOPODA. 598. This class is composed of mollusca of an extremely odd form, for their head is placed between the trunk and the feet, or tentacula, serving for locomotion ; and when they walk, it is with the body upwards and the head downwards that they draw themselves along the soil (Fig. 185) ; in fact, it is on the head, around the mouth, that their feet are in- serted; and hence their name of cephalopoda. The trunk of these animals is covered by the mantle, which has the form of a sac, sometimes almost spherical, at others elongated, open in front onl} r , and enclosing all the viscera (Fig. 533, o). The head projects through this opening; it is round, and is gene- rally furnished with two large eyes (Fig. 10), of a structure very analogous to that of the eyes of vertebrate animals. The 508 ZOOLOGY. mouth occupies the middle, and is armed with two jaws. Finally, around this opening is a corona of flexible fleshy appendages (Fig. 532), named, indifferently, arms or feet, and Fig. 532. Common Calmar (the Loligo Sagittarius) ; a Cuttle Fish. which merit equally both names, for they are at once the instruments of prehension and of locomotion. Fig. 533. Gills of the Poulpe (Octopus) ; Sepia, or Cuttle Fish.* 599. The cephalopoda are essentially aquatic animals, and they in consequence breathe by gills. These organs are * The body of an Octopus, as seen on its inferior surface (the mantle is laid open in the median line and on one side, and is turned outwards to show the interior of the respiratory cavity) : a, base of the head ; i, the tube by which the water leaves the respiratory cavity ; o, one of the two lateral openings by which the water penetrates into this cavity ; b, one of the bran- chiae, or gills. CLASS OF THE CEPHALOPODA. 509 found concealed in the mantle, under a particular cavity (Fig. 533), whose walls dilate and contract alternately, and whose interior communicates with the exterior by two openings, The one (o) in the form of a fissure serving for the entrance of the water; the other, prolonged into a tube or funnel (t}, serving for the escape of the water and of the residue of the a vc as b vv av a cs vv Fig. 534 Organs of Respiration and Circulation in the Cuttle Fish.* food. Each gill (b) has the shape of an elongated pyramid, and is composed of a great number of membranous lamellae, placed transversely, and fixed on either side of the median * c, the aortic heart, the superior extremity of which is continuous with the superior aorta (as), distributing the blood to the head, &c. ; b, the branches of this vessel ; a, the inferior aorta, presenting a bulb at its origin, and soon dividing into two branches (vv) ; vc, vena cava, whose walls are covered by the spongy bodies (e,?) ; vv, veins of the viscera proceeding to open into the two branches of the vena cava ; cp, venous sinuses or branchial hearts; s, enlargement of the base of the branchial arteries; br, gills, ab, branchial artery ; vb, branchial vein ; bu, bulb of the branchial veins situated near the termination of the vessels in the heart, and constituting the auricles. / 510 ZOOLOGY. stalk. The number of gills varies, and this difference is characteristic of the two great natural divisions of which the class is composed. In the octopus, the sepia, and the loligo, there exists only a single pair ; but in the nautili there are two pairs. 600. The heart is situated between the gills, in the median line of the body, and is formed of a single ventricle (Fig. 534, c). The blood reaches it from the branchiae by the branchial veins (vb), whose openings are provided with val- vules, and tlius penetrates into the arteries which spring from the organ, and are distributed to the body. This liquid passes afterwards into a venous system composed partly of vessels properly so called, and partly into cavities without proper walls, hollowed out between the organs ; thus the space comprised around the anterior portion of the digestive appa- ratus performs the office of a venous sinus, and the principal nervous ganglions, as well as various glands, are bathed in the blood. Finally, the nourishing fluid which thus returns from the different parts of the body, traversing the visceral cavity, or passing in veins properly so called, reaches at last a large median trunk, whose branches proceed to the organs of respi- ration, but generally penetrate first into a contractile reser- voir situated at the base of each of these organs. These reservoirs push the blood into the branchial vessels, and con- sequently there are in these animals two pulmonary hearts as well as an arterial ; but this arrangement, which exists in all the cephalopoda with two gills, is wanting in the tetra-bran- chial cephalopoda. 601. The digestive apparatus is very complex. The mouth is surrounded with a circular lip and with two man- dibles, placed vertically one over the*other. They resemble strongly the bill of the paroquet, and are moved by powerful muscles. There are salivary glands, highly developed, several stomachs, and a large liver. The intestine terminates in the branchial cavity at the base of the funnel, by which the water is expired, and communicates with a very singular secreting organ, which in the cephalopods with two gills produces an abundance of a black liquid, to which the name of ink has been given. The excretory canal of this gland opens near the anus ; and when the animal is in danger, it ejects by the funnel a sufficiency of the dark fluid to colour the sur- rounding water, and thus escapes from the sight of its CLASS OF THE CEPHALOPODA. 511 enemies. It is the ink of one of those cephalopods, the sepia, which is employed in painting under the name of sepia ; and several authors think that China ink is an analogous Fig. 535. The Argonaut (Argonauta), in its shell. The Paper Nautilus. 512 ZOOLOGY, substance.* The tetrabranchiate cephalopoda have no such organ. 602. We have said above that the mollusca have no solid articulated framework comparable to the skeleton of the vertebrata. Nevertheless, in the cephalopoda we still find vestiges of something analogous ; for there is in the head a cartilage which not only protects the brain, but also spreads Fig. 536. Nautilus ; the Pearly Nautilus.f out in different directions, furnishing points of insertion to the different muscles of the animal. It is also to be ob- served that the abdomen of these animals is in general sup- ported by a sort of internal shell, which in the loligo is horny, but in the sepia is of a calcareous nature, and is called the bone of the sepia. * It would seem, however, that the colouring matter employed in the fabrication of China ink is nothing but carbon, minutely divided. t In this figure the shell is represented open : t t the tentacula ; stomach ; f t liver ; a, anus ; c, shell; br, gills; p, the foot; v, ventouse (cupping-glass-cavity air hole) situated under the edge of the foot. CLASS. OF THE PTEROPODA. 519 608. The mouth of the gasteropodes is surrounded by con- tractile lips, and sometimes armed with horny teeth occupying the palate. In several other animals of this class the anterior part of the gullet is very fleshy, and may be carried outwards so as to form a proboscis. Sometimes the stomach is also furnished with cartilaginous or osseous instruments adapted to divide the food ; the intestine is turned on itself, and is lodged between the liver and the ovary ; finally, the anus (a, Fig. 540) is almost always situated on the right side of the body, and is often found close to the head. 609. In this class the organs of sensibility are less developed than in the cephalopodes ; the tentacles which most gasteropodes carry on their forehead serve only for touch, and perhaps for smell. Their auditory organs consist only in a pair of small membranous vesicles, and the eyes, which are sometimes wanting, are very small, and of a very simple structure ; they are sometimes adherent to the head, some- times carried on the base, the side, or the point of the tentacles. Finally, the nervous system is less developed than in the preceding class, and is composed principally of a cephalic ganglion, and of a thoracic ganglion re-united like a collar around the gullet. Amongst these animals, some are terrestrial, others live in fresh water, but most are marine. In general they are formed to creep, as the slug, the limneus (Fig. 166), the cowry (Fig. 181), &c. ; but sometimes they are intended only to swim, as for example the carinaria (Fig. 543). CLASS OF THE PTEROPODA. 610. The pteropoda are small molluscs having a dis- tinct head, formed for floating and swimming by means of two fins placed like wings on either side of the neck (Fig. 184). Some are naked, and others have a shell, but their history is not of sufficient interest to induce us to dwell longer on it. CLASS OF THE ACEPHALA. 611. The molluscs which we have hitherto been consi- dering have all a distinct head; those which remain to be spoken of are without it, arid show a greater simplicity in their whole organization. Their body is entirely enveloped by the mantle, like a book in its cover ; the skin of the back, in fact, is adherent only in the middle, and forms on each 520 ZOOLOGY. side a large fold, covering all the other part of the animal (Pig. 544), and sometimes even is so united to its fellow of the other side, as to leave openings only behind and before, and to form two long tubes for the water necessary for respi- m' a i f v Fig. 544. Anatomy of the Oyster.* ration. A shell, composed of two valves, covers this mantle in whole or in part, presenting superiorly a hinge, provided with an elastic ligament, by the play of which the valves are opened whenever the muscles, extending from one to the other, Fig. 545. Tellina. cease to act. The viscera are collected into a small mass, under the dorsal part of the mantle, and the ventral portion of * v, one of the valves of the shell ; v', the hinge; m, one of the lobes of the mantle; m, portion of the other lobe, laid upwards; c, muscles of the shell; br, the gills ; b, the mouth ; I, labial tentacles; f, the liver ; i t the intestine ; a, the anus ; co, the heart. CLASS OF THE ACEPHALA. 521 the body is generally prolonged so as to form a fleshy foot, having some analogy with the gasteropodes, but not so well formed for locomotion. Sometimes it is the inner surface of the mantle, as in the terebratulse, which takes the place of the respiratory organ, and for this purpose shows a highly developed vascular network; but in general there exists a very well developed branchial apparatus, composed of two pairs of large membranous plates, finely striated, and floating Fig. 546. Pearl oyster. Fig. 547. Buccardium. Fig. 548 Shell of the Terebratula. Fig. 549. The Animal of the Terebratula. between the foot and the mantle (Fig. 544). The mouth is also concealed between the folds of the mantle, and is found at one of the extremities at the base of the abdomen ; it has never any teeth, but is furnished laterally with two pairs of labial prolongations, constituting laminated tentacles. The stomach is sufficiently developed, and the intestine forms around the liver circumvolutions before reaching the posterior 522 ZOOLOGY. edge of the base of the abdomen, where it terminates. The heart is generally situated above the visceral mass thus formed (Fig. 183), and is composed of an aortic ventricle, and of one or two auricles, destined to receive the blood from the gills, In general this ventricle is fusiform, and presents a remark' able peculiarity, its cavity being traversed by the rectum. Finally, the nervous system consists chiefly of two pairs of small ganglions, re-united by cords, but very distant from each other, and placed the one above the mouth, the other under the extremity of the intestine. The functions of rela- tion are extremely limited, and most of these molluscs can with difficulty displace themselves by pushing with the foot, or rapidly shutting their shell to eject the water enclosed between the valves, which gives to their body the returning shock ; in general they live at the bottom of the waters, or buried in the sand, and some fix themselves to rocks by means of a bundle of horny or silky filaments, which spring from the foot, and is called the byssus. 612. This class is divided, according to the presence or absence of lamellated branchise, into two orders. The lamelli- branchiata, which comprise oysters, muscles, pearl oysters (Fig. 546), the pectens (clams), the mactrse (Fig. 183), the bucardia (Fig. 547), the solens or knil'e handles, the teredo, &c. The brachiopoda owe their names to two kinds of fleshy arms, which replace the foot ; the terebratulae (Figs 548 and 549) present this kind of structure. SUB-DlVISION ^ OF THE MOLLUSC01DES, OR TUNICATA. 613. The animals which we re-unite here are considered by most zoologists as entitled to be arranged, some amongst the molluscs, others amongst the zoophytes ; but this opinion seems to depend on the imperfection of the knowledge pre- viously had of the structure of these beings, but now that anatomy and physiology are better known, and have been better studied, it may be seen that they are all formed on the same general plan, and that they establish in some measure the passage between the mollusca properly so called, and the OF THE MOLLUSC01DES, OR TUNICATA. 523 zoophytes. They all have a distinct digestive tube, turned on itself, and open at both extremities, and have a very well developed branchial apparatus (Fig. 551) ; most of them also present vestiges of a nervous system, but have no ganglionary ring like the mollusca, properly so called ; finally, almost all multiply by granul ttions as well as by ova, and thus form aggregations of* individuals more or less completely confounded with each other. These animals are all aquatic, and are formed on two prin- cipal types the tunicata, properly so called, and the bryozo- aria or ciliated polypi. Fig. 550. Plumatella.* 614. The tunicata, properly so called, are provided with a very large mantle, in the form of a sac (Fig. 551), which constitutes in front of the abdomen or visceral mass a respi- ratory cavity, enclosing branchia?, variously arranged. They have a heart, and bloodvessels, in which the nourishing liquid circulates in a very singular manner, for the current changes * a, group of the plumatellae of the natural size ; b, others magnified, and seen in different positions ; c, termination of the intestine. 524 ZOOLOGY. its direction periodically, so that in the space of some minutes the same canal performs the function of an artery and a vein. Fig. 551. Biphore (Biphora.)* In this class are arranged the biphores (Fig. 551), the pyro- soma, and the ascidise (Fig. 180), distinguished into simple * 5, mouth ; a, anus ; m, muscular bands surrounding 'the great pharyn- geal or respiratory cavity; br, gills ; e t visceral mass, including the stomach, fiver, &c.; c, the heart. THE ZOOPHYTES. 525 and aggregated. These last have often a phytoid appear- ance. The history of the biphores presents a very remarkable peculiarity. Successive generations do not resemble each other, but are composed alternately of aggregated and solitary individuals. The first are hermaphrodite, and produce each a younger one, which lives isolated, but which has no repro- ductive organs, and gives birth, by granulation, to a sort of chain of aggregated individuals. These singular animals are sufficiently common in the Mediterranean. 615. The bryozoaria, which even very lately have been confounded with the more simple polypi, have the mantle less developed, and the gills exposed. The organs consist in a crown of tentacles, which surround the mouth, and which have laterally vibratile cilia (Fig. 550). The anus is near the mantle, and the blood arrives between the viscera and the mouth, as well as in the interior of the tentacles, but is not set in motion by a heart. Finally, the inferior portion of the mantle is generally hardened, so as to form a tube or cellule, sometimes horny, sometimes calcareous, into which the animals may retire altogether. In general these beings, so small as to be almost microscopic, live reunited in masses more or less considerable. Most of them dwell in the sea, but some live in fresh waters. Amongst these last we may mention the alcyonellse, the plumatella (Fig. 550), common enough in our stagnant waters, and amongst the first, the flustra, the retepora and the vesicularia. PKIMAKY DIVISION. THE ZOOPHYTES. 616. In this, the fourth and last primary division of the animal kingdom, the organization is much less complete than in most other animals ; and the different parts of the economy, instead of being disposed in pairs on each side of a longitudinal plane, are grouped around an axis or central point, so as to give to the whole of the body a radiated or spherical form. The nervous system is either rudimentary or wanting ; and there are no special organs of sense, unless it be certain small coloured spots, bearing some analogy to the eyes of the 526 ZOOLOGY. mollusca. In structure, these animals differ widely from each other; and, externally, some more resemble plants than Fig. 552. The Echinus, or Sea Hedgehog.* animals. They have been divided into five classes the echinodermata, the acalepha, the polyps^ the infusoria polygastria, and the sponges. CLASS OF THE ECHINODERMATA. 617. The echinodermata (Figs. 159 arid 186) are radiated animals whose skin is thick, and often supported by a solid skeleton (Fig. 552), with a very complex internal structure. They are formed to creep along the bottom of the waters, and are in general provided with a number of small retractile tentacula, which pass through pores in the integuments, and act by their extremities like suckers. In most zoophytes, the sea urchin and holothuria for example, the digestive cavity has the form of a tube, open at its two extremities ; and in others (the sea stars) it consists only of a sac, furnished all around with a number of appendages, more or less branched, with a single aperture communicating externally. Theechino- * On the left side the spines have been removed to show the shell. CLASS OF THE ECHINODERMATA. 527 dermata have a circulatory apparatus sufficiently developed ; and of all the zoophytes are those whose organization is most complex and most perfect. They live in the sea, and when young undergo some remarkable metamorphoses. The echino- Fig. 553. Encrinus ; Sea Lily. dermata form three principal groups the holothuria (Fig. 554), the echinus (Fig. 552), and the asterias or sea star (Fig. 159). Some species of this last family attach themselves by a sort of stalk. Such are, or rather were, the encrinidae 528 ZOOLOGY. (Fig. 553), now rarely met with, but which once existed in great numbers in the seas of various geological epochs. The holothuria are remarkable for the disposition of their respira- Fig. 554 Holothuria; Sea Cucumber, tory apparatus, composed of membranous tubes ramified like a tree, and receiving water into the interior through the intermedium of a cloaca or anus. CLASS OF THE ACALEPH^. 618. The acalephse are soft animals, of a gelatinous consistence, always floating in the sea, and formed essentially for swimming. Their organization is very simple ; the skin is not distinct from the subjacent parts, and their internal organs are reduced to a cavity or stomach, communicating with the exterior by a single opening, and giving rise to canals extending into the different parts of the body, and there ramifying, so as to give a resemblance to a vascular system. The family of this class which is best known is that of the medusae, amongst which are the rhizostomes (rhizostomatidse), which abound on the coast, and which are remarkable for the singular disposition of the digestive apparatus, the stomach communicating externally by a great number of small canals, terminated by pores at the free extremity of the tentacles. In this class are included the heroes (of the class ciliograda) CLASS OF THE ECHINODEBMATA. 529 which resemble small balloons ; the cestidse, which have the form of a long gelatinous ribbon ; and the phj'sophoridse, which have the appearance of a garland of flowers and fruits * The medusa produce eggs like most animated beings, but the young which spring from, these in no shape resemble the mother; they are small ovoid bodies, having their surface provided with vibratile cilia, and which soon are fixed, and Fig. 555. Sea Blubber (Medusa Pelagica) ; JeUy Fish. as they become developed form zoophytes, already known to naturalists by the name of hydroid polypi (sertularidse, for example) ; these multiply by granulations, so as to constitute colonies of aggregated animals ; and the different individuals of the new generation thus produced become free as the} T are * In this family, including the physalidse, the body is floated by air cells, and locomotion performed by parts exposed to the wind. R. K. M M 530 ZOOLOGY. developed, and metamorphosed into medusae. This succession of individuals of two kinds, which alternately succeed each other and present the same forms only at the second generation, has been called metagenesis, or alternating gene- ration. CLASS OF THE COEALS, OK POLYPI PEOPEELY SO CALLED. 619. Some confound under the name of polypi the bryozoaria, of which we have already spoken in treating of the molluscoids ( 615), and the corals, or polyps properly so called, which have a structure entirely different and much Fig. 556. Polyp of the genus Astroides; a Coral. less complete. These are animals with a cylindrical body, soft, and pierced at one extremity by a central mouth, sur- rounded with tentacles, and without vibratile cilia (as Fig. 556). This orifice holds the place of anus, and leads directly, or by the intermedium of a membranous tube, into a large cavity occupying all the body, extending superiorly into the tentacles, and lodging the ovaria suspended to its walls. The inferior extremity of the polyp is contracted, so as to adhere to foreign bodies, on which the animal is destined to live fixed to them ; its skin generally hardens to a large extent, so as to form a horny or calcareous envelope, analogous to CLASS OF THE COBALS, OB POLYPI. 531 the cellules of which we have already spoken in describing the bryozoaria. The polyps properly so called, resemble also the molluscoids by their mode of multiplication ; for most of them not only reproduce by means of eggs, but also by means of granulations, which spring from different parts of the sur- face of their bodies and never become detached ; so that different generations remain engrafted as it were on each other, and form larger or smaller masses, in which all the individuals of the same race are included, and live, up to a certain point, a common life. Fig. 557 * Fig. 558. Corallines.* The portion, in some measure ossified, of the tegumentary tunic of these polyps, presents varied forms, and constitutes sometimes tubes, sometimes cellules. For a long period this was considered merely as the dwelling of the polyps which form it, and it is to it that the name of polypier has been given. Sometimes each polyp has a distinct polypier, but in general it is the common portion of a mass of aggregated polypi which presents the characters peculiar to these bodies, and thus these form aggregated polypier 8, the volume of which may become very considerable, although each of its constituent parts has dimensions which are very small. 620. It is in this way that polyps with bodies only some lines long raise, in seas adjoining the tropics, reefs and * Figures not especially referred to in the text. M M 2 532 islands. When they are placed in circumstances favourable for their development, certain animals of this class multiply so as to cover chains of rocks or immense submarine banks, and to form, with the rocky masses of their polypiers heaped together one above the other, masses of which the extent in- creases unceasingly by the birth of new individuals, above those already existing. The solid cover- ing of each colony of polyps re- mains untouched after its frail architects have perished, and serves as a base for the develop- ment of other polypiers, until the living reef reaches the surface of the waters ; for then these animals can no longer live, and the soil formed by their debris ceases to rise. But soon the surface of these masses of poly- piers, exposed to the action of the atmosphere, becomes the seat of a new series of phenomena; grains deposited by the winds, or floated thither by the waves, germinate, and cover the mass with a rich vegetation, until at last these vast charnel-houses of zoophytes almost microscopic, be- come habitable islands. In the Pacific Ocgan a number of reefs and island's have no other origin. In general they seem to have for their base some crater of an ex- tinct volcano, for they have almost always a circular form, and pre- sent in the centre a lagoon com- municating externally by a single channel : some are known to be more than ten leagues in diameter. 621. Almost all coral animals inhabit the sea; never- theless some are found in fresh waters. Those which have the coral case simply fleshy or horny, are spread over all Fig. 559. Polyps (Yeretilli); Star-shaped Polyps, or Sea Fans ; Asteroid Polyps. OF THE CLASS INFUSORIA. 533 climates ; but it is only in the seas of hot climates, or nearly so, that we find an abundance of the coral polyp with a rocky covering or coral case. Sometimes these aggregated polyps deposit in the interior of the common tissue by which they are united, a horny or calcareous matter, constituting a sort of interior stalk, which branches out like a tree, in proportion as the animated mass sends forth new branches. It is in this way that the coral of commerce is formed (Fig. 189), of which such use is made in the fabrication of ornaments : there is an active fishery for this substance on the coast of Algeria. The actiniae belong to this division of the animal kingdom ; they are also called sea anemones (Fig. 168) ; they have a fleshy body, and are found in great numbers on the rocks of our coast; the caryophylli and the astreae, which, more than all others, assist in the formation of coral reefs (Fig. 190) ; the coral animal itself (Fig. 189) ; the veretilli (Fig. 559), which do not adhere to the soil, but are simply buried in the sand by one of the extremities of the common stalk, belong to this division. Most zoologists also class with them the hydra, of which we have already spoken ( 347). OF THE CLASS INFUSOEIA PROPERLY SO CALLED.* 622. Those animalcules which can only be detected by the microscope, or which, even to a late period, have been confounded with the rotifera ( 586), but whose structure is very different, are developed in abundance in water containing the remains of organized bodies. Their body, sometimes rounded, sometimes elongated, is often covered with small cilia, and offers in its interior a number, generally very con- siderable, of small cavities, which seem to perform the func- tions of stomachs. In some, these little enlargements seem to be grouped around a canal which opens externally by two extremities (Fig. 192) ; but at other times they seem to be altogether isolated ; and persons who have made these little beings the object of a special study, are not agreed as to the existence of a direct communication between this cavity * Many of the small beings which zoologists place in this group appear rather to belong to the division mollusca than to that of ?oophytes; but their natural affinities have not as yet been so clearly established as to enable us to discuss this question here. 534 ZOOLOGY. and the exterior. The mode of propagation of the infusoria has been the object of ranch research, and a great many naturalists think that they may be formed directly by the disintegration of the matters of which leaves, flesh, and other organized bodies are composed ; but this spontaneous genera- tion is far from being sufficiently demonstrated, and it is known that, in certain cases at least, they spring from each other. Moreover, their mode of propagation is quite in accordance with the simplicity of their structure : it is by the spontaneous division of their body into two or more frag- ments, each of which continues to live, and soon becomes a new individual, resembling the first; thus it is that these singular beings in general multiply. Their forms are very varied, and they have been divided into several genera, amongst which we may mention the enchelides (in. Fig. 192), which have an oblong body ; the volvoces, which are globular, and continually turn on them- selves ; and the monads (i. Fig. 192), which resemble small points whirling in the water in which they swim. It is owing to the presence of myriads of a particular species of these small monads, whose bodies are coloured red, that salt stagnant waters or ditches acquire a sanguinolent colour. CLASS OF THE SPONGIAKIA. 623. The sponges (Fig. 191) and the other bodies of an analogous structure, only present the more prominent cha- racters of animality during the early period of their life, and resemble later rather unformed vegetables than ordinary animals. At the time of birth, these singular beings suffi- ciently resemble certain infusoria; their body is oval, and provided all over with vibratile cilia, by means of which they swim in the waters ; in this respect the} 1 " bear a resemblance to the larvse of different polyps at the moment when they leave the egg ; but soon the young sponges attach themselves to some foreign body, become almost immovable, give no longer any signs of sensibility or of contractility, and as they grow, become completely deformed. The gelatinous substance of their bodies becomes pierced with holes and canals, tra- versed unceasingly by the waters, and there is developed in their interior a number of horny filaments and spiculse, some- times calcareous, sometimes siliceous, which, disposed in cross bundles .constitute a kind of solid framework. Finally, at GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 535 certain epochs of the year there are developed in the sub- stance of these shapeless masses, ovoid or spherical corpuscles, which fall into the canals already mentioned, and which, drawn outwards by the current by which the sponge is constantly traversed, constitute species of larvae or reproduc- tive bodies, endowed with the locomotive faculty mentioned above. A great number of these sponges, or spongiaria, are known to naturalists ; most of them belong to the seas of warm regions, but several live on the rocks of our coast. Those used so abundantly in domestic economy are distinguished by the purely horny nature and by the elasticity of the filaments of which their solid framework is composed ; one of the species, the common sponge, is found in great abundance in the Mediterranean ; another, called usual, belongs to the American seas. These bodies are the object of an important commerce, and to prepare them for the uses to which they are destined it is sufficient to wash them well, so as to detach from their horny skeleton the animal matter with which it is naturally covered. OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 624. To form a general idea of the animal kingdom, it is not sufficient merely to know the principal phenomena by which life manifests itself in animated beings, and to have studied the structure of their bodies and the mechanism of their functions ; it is also necessary to take a comprehensive and general view of the manner in which animals are spread over the surface of the globe, and to endeavour to appreciate the influence exercised, or which may be exercised, over them by the various circumstances in the midst of which they are destined to live. 625. When we direct our attention to the manner in which animals are distributed around us on the globe, we are at first struck with the difference of the media in which they live. Some, as every one knows, live always under the waters, and die speedily when they are removed from this liquid ; others can live only in air, and perish so soon as they are immerged. Some, in fact, are destined to people the waters, others to live on land ; and when we compare, physio- 536 ZOOLOGY. logically and anatomically, these aquatic and terrestrial animals, we discover, at least in part, the causes of these differences in their mode of existence. In studying respiration, we have pointed out a constant relation between the intensity of this function and the vital energy. Animals, we have said, consume in a given time an amount or quantity of oxygen always the more considerable that their movements are more lively and their nutrition more rapid. Now, they can only obtain this oxygen in the fluids with which their bodies are bathed, and in a litre of air (1760773 pints) there exist 208 cubic centimetres (eighty cubic inches, nearly) of this vivifying principle ; whilst in a litre of water there exist dissolved merely about thirteen cen- timetres (five cubic inches). It is evident, then, that the degree of activity in the respiratory function, indispensable to the exercise of the faculties peculiar to the superior animals, ought to be much more easily attained in air than in water, and that by reason of this difference^alone a stay or residence in this latter fluid must be and is interdicted to all the more elevated beings in the animal scale. It is readily compre- hended, in fact, that an animal which, in order to live, requires to appropriate to itself at every instant a considerable quan- tity of oxygen, cannot find it in sufficient proportion when plunged under water, and that then it must perish asphyxiated. But, at first view, it seems less easy to explain the causes by which an aquatic animal cannot continue to live when with- drawn i'rom the water and placed in air, for it is then furnished with a liquid richer in oxygen than was the liquid, the vivify- ing action of which sufficed for all its wants. There are, how- ever, various circumstances which, to a certain point, explain chis phenomenon. Thus we learn by physics (natural philo- sophy), that a body weighed successively in air and water, is lighter in this latter than in the former, and that to maintain, it in equilibrium, a weight equivalent to that which repre- sented its weight in air, less that of the mass of water it has displaced, is then sufficient. From this it results that ani- mals whose tissues are too soft to support themselves in the air, and which collapse to such a degree as to become unfit to perform their functions in the organism, may yet live well in the bosom of the waters where these same tissues, being scarcely denser than the surrounding fluid, have occasion to offer merely a feeble resistance to preserve their forms, and to preserve the different parts of the body from collapsing on GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 537 themselves. This single consideration suffices to explain why gelatinous animals, such as the infusoria and medusae, are necessarily confined to the waters ; for when we observe one of these delicate beings still plunged in this liquid, we. see that all its parts, even the most slender or delicate, sup- port themselves in their normal position, and float with ease in the surrounding medium ; but, so soon as we withdraw them from it, their whole body collapses, and presents to the eye merely a shapeless and confused mass. The influence of the density of the surrounding medium on the mechanical play of the instruments of life makes itself also felt on animals whose structure is more perfect, but in which, how- ever, respiration is performed by ramified membranous appen- dages, like little brushes or bunches of feathers. Thus in the aimelides, or even in fishes, the branchiae or gills are composed of flexible filaments, which support themselves easily in the midst of water, and in this way permit the respirable fluid to reach, and to 'be renewed at all points of their surface ; but in the air these same membranous filaments collapse by the effect of their own weight, fall on each other, and by that alone exclude the oxygen from the greater part of the respi- ratory apparatus. From this it results that this function is then shackled, and that the animal may die asphyxiated in the air, whilst he found in water that which, he required to breathe freely. To be convinced of the importance of these variations in the physical condition of organs placed in air or in water, it is sufficient to recal what takes place in our prac- tical or dissecting-rooms. An anatomist desirous of study- ing the structure of a delicate part, would attain his object with difficulty, if he made his dissection with the part exposed simply to the air ; but by placing under water the object of his study, he is thereby enabled to distinguish much more readily all its parts ; for these parts, supported in some mea- sure by the liquid, preserve then their natural relations as if they had a rigid and consistent tissue. Another circum- stance which has an equal influence over the possibility of life in air or in water, is the evaporation which always takes place from the surface of the organized bodies when placed in air, but which does not happen in water. A certain degree of desiccation causes all organic tissues to lose their distin- guishing physical properties, and we constantly observe that losses by evaporation cause the death of animals when it goes beyond certain limits. It results from this, that beings 538 ZOOLOGY. whose organization is not calculated so as to preserve them from the injurious effects of such an evaporation, can live only in water, and perish promptly in the air. Now the animal economy can only meet this exigency by means of a great complication in its structure. In fact, if the respira- tion must be active, it becomes necessary that the respiratory surface be then lodged profoundly in some internal cavity where the air can only be renewed in the quantities necessary for the support of life. To secure this renewal, it is essential that the respiratory apparatus be complicated with motor organs proper to secure it ; to prevent the desiccation of any portion of the surface of the body, it becomes necessary also that the distribution of the liquids in the various parts of the body be accomplished easily, and that there exist an active circulation, or otherwise that this surface be clothed with a tunic scarcely permeable. This is so true, that even in fishes, in which the circulation is so complete, but takes place slowly, and in which the capillary network is not very close, death takes place rapidly, as a necessary consequence of the desiccation of a part of the body of the posterior por- tion, for example even when this portion alone is exposed to the air, all the rest of the animal remaining plunged under water. We might also add, that in water, alimentation is possible with instruments of prehension and of motion less perfect than in air, in which the transport of foreign matters re- quired by the animal is more difficult to accomplish. Thus, under all its more essential relations, life is, in some measure, easier to sustain in the bosom of the waters than on the sur- face of the dry land ; it necessitates in the atmosphere phy- siological instruments more complex and more perfect; therefore the waters are the natural element of the animals placed lower in the scale of the zoological series ; and if the productions of the creation have succeeded each other in the same order of the transitory conditions through which each animal passes during the period of its development, we may- conclude that it was in the middle of the waters that ani- mated beings appeared first, a result which accords with the observations of geologists and the assertions of Scripture. The physiologist may in this manner give an account of the actual mode of distribution of animals between the two geological elements which divide the surface of the globe, land and water: but these fundamental differences are not the only GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 539 ones which we observe in the geographical distribution of animated beings. If a naturalist familiar with the fauna of this country, visit distant regions, he sees, in proportion as he advances, the earth peopled with animals new to him, and these species next disappear in their turn to make room for other species equally unknown to him. If, quitting France, he lands in South Africa, he will find but a very small num- ber of animals similar to those he had seen in Europe, and he will observe, especially, the large-eared elephant, the hippopo- tamus, the double-horned rhinoceros, the giraffe, innumerable flocks of antelopes, the zebra ; the Cape buffalo, whose horns cover by their large base all the forehead ; the black-maned lion ; the chimpanzee, which, of all animals, most resembles man ; the cynocephalus, or dog-faced ape ; peculiar species of vultures ; a number of bright-plumaged birds, strangers to Europe ; insects equally different from those of the north, the fatal termites, for example, which live in numerous societies, and build of the soil habitations of considerable elevation and most singular construction. 626. If our zoologist quits the Cape of Good Hope and penetrates into the large island of Madagascar, he will there find a still different fauna. There he will no longer observe the large quadrupeds he found in Africa, and the family of the apes will be replaced by other mammals, equally well formed to climb trees, but more resembling the carnivora, and called by naturalists the Makis : he will meet with the Aye-aye, an animal of the most singular nature, which seems to be the object of a sort of veneration on the part of the in- habitants, and which is essentially a true Quadrumanous animal ; the tenrecs, small insectivorous mammals, which have the back protected with spines or quills, like our hedge- hogs, but which yet do not roll themselves up into a ball ; the cleft-nosed chameleon, and several curious reptiles not found elsewhere, as well as insects no less characteristic of this region. 627. Still travelling onwards and arriving in India, our traveller will find an elephant distinct from that of Africa ; oxen, bears, rhinoceroses, antelopes ; stags, equally different from those of Europe and of Africa ; the oran-outan, and a number of other apes peculiar to these countries ; the royal tiger, the argus, the peacock, the pheasant, and an almost innumerable multitude of birds, reptiles, and insects unknown elsewhere. 540 ZOOLOGY. 628. Should he afterwards visit New Holland, still everything will be new to him, and the aspect of this fauna will appear to him still more strange than that of the various zoological populations he had already passed in review. He will then no longer find animals analogous to our oxen, horses, hears, and to a great number of our large carnivora : the quadrupeds of great stature will be found totally wanting, and he will discover the kangaroo, the flying phalanger, and the ornithorhynchus. 629. Finally, if our traveller, in order to return to his native country, should traverse the vast continent of America ; he will discover there a fauna analogous to that of the Old World, but composed almost entirely of different species : he will there find apes with prehensile tails ; large carnivora, sufficiently resembling our lions and tigers, bisons, lamas, tatous ; finally, birds, reptiles, and insects, equally remark- able, and equally new to him. 630. Differences no less striking in the species of ani- mals peculiar to different regions of the globe, are observable, when, instead of confining our observation to the inhabitants of the land, we examine the myriads of living beings which live in the midst of the waters. In passing from the coast of Europe into the Indian Ocean, and from this last into the seas of America, we meet with fishes, molluscs, Crustacea, and zoophytes peculiar to each of these parts of the sea. This localization of species, whether aquatic or terrestrial, is so well marked that a naturalist a little experienced cannot mistake at the very first sight the origin of zoological collections made in one or other of the great geographical divisions of the globe which may be submitted to his examination. The fauna of each of these divisions presents a peculiar aspect, and may be easily characterized by the presence of certain species, more or less remarkable. 631. Naturalists have imagined several hypotheses to explain this mode of distribution of animals on the surface of the globe ; but in the actual state of science it is impossible to give a satisfactory explanation, unless we admit that from the beginning of the actual geological period the various species have been distributed in the different regions, and that by degrees they have afterwards spread to a distance, so as to occupy a more or less considerable portion of the surface of the globe. In the actual condition of the globe, it is impos- sible for us to discover all the zoological focuses ; for one may GEOGEAPHICAL DISTEIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 541 imagine the possibility of exchange so multiplied between two regions, the faunae of which were primitively distinct, that they can only now offer at the present moment species common to both, and thus nothing can reveal to the eyes of the naturalist their original separation : but when a country is found to be peopled with a considerable number of species not to be found elsewhere, even where the local circumstances most resemble, we shall be authorized to think that such a portion of the globe has always been a distinct zoological region. [Buffon was the original author of the great practical thought or theory included in the preceding paragraph ; he it was who discovered and first spoke of " centres of creation." It has been ascribed by some English writers to a former student of mine, Mr. E. Forbes, who assuredly never claimed it in his own name. But he ought to have disavowed it when ascribed to him by .others, whose motives for doing so may very readily be guessed at. M. Schlegel, in his admirable work on the Physiognomy of Serpents, has written a memoir on this subject, which I should with much pleasure have added to this work, were it not that the subject in reality belongs to the philosophy of zoology, a matter which the author does not profess to treat of in this valuable elementary work ; from it, however, I give the following passage, reminding the reader that the work was written at least twenty years ago. " By cultivation the earth loses its primitive aspect. Serpents are peculiar in many respects, and their natural history is emi- nently calculated to elucidate the great questions of foci or centres of creation, and the immutability of species." (p. 197.) The ophidians of Japan are distinct from all others ; so also are those of Madagascar. " SCHLEGEL. E. K.] What the naturalist ought to inquire into is, not how it happens that the various points of the globe are inhabited at the present day by different species, but rather how these animals have been able to spread themselves to a distance over the surface of the globe, and how nature has set to this diffusion variable limits, according to the species. This last question especially presents itself to the mind, when we observe how unequal is the extent of the domain occupied by different animals. The oran-outan, for example, confined to the Island of Borneo and the neighbouring territories ; the musk-ox, limited to the most northern parts of America, and the llama, to the elevated regions of Peru and of Chili ; 542 ZOOLOGY. whilst the wild duck is found everywhere, from Lapland to the Cape of Good Hope, and from the United States of America to China and Japan. The circumstances which favour the dissemination of spe- cies are of two kinds. The first is connected or dependent on the nature of the animal itself; the second, with causes foreign to it. In the number of the first, the development of the locomotive power holds an important place. All things being equal, the species which live fixed to the soil, or which possess but imperfect instruments for locomotion, occupy but a re- stricted portion of the surface of the globe, compared with species whose movements of translation are rapid and ener- getic. Thus, amongst terrestrial animals, birds offer us most examples of cosmopolitan species ; and amongst the aquatic animals, cetacea and fishes. Reptiles, on the contrary, are generally cantoned on narrow limits ; and the same may be said of most of the molluscs and of the Crustacea. The in- stinct which leads certain animals periodically to change their climate, contributes also to cause the dissemination of species ; and this instinct, as we have already seen, exists in a great number of these beings. Amongst the circumstances foreign to the animal, and in some measure accidental, concurring to bring about the same result, the influence of man may be placed foremost ; and to give of this an exact idea, it will be sufficient to mention a few species. The horse originally belonged to the steppes of Central Asia ; and at the epoch of the discovery of America, there did not exist in the New World an individual of the species. The Spaniards trans- ported the horse with them at an epoch which does not ascend beyond three ages ; and in our day, not only the in- habitants of this vast continent, from Hudson's Bay to Terra del Fuego, possess horses in abundance, but these animals have even recovered their wild condition, and are found in troops almost innumerable. It is the same with our domestic ox. Carried from the Old to the New World, they have in- creased to such an extent, that in some parts of South America they are hunted solely with a view to obtain the hides for the manufacture of leather. The dog also has been everywhere the companion of man ; and we may add to the number of animals become cosmopolitan in our time, the rat, which seems originally to have been American, which entered Europe in the Middle Ages, and may now be found even in the isles of Oceanica. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTEIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 543 In some instances animals have been able to burst natural barriers seemingly insurmountable, and to spread themselves over a more or less considerable portion of the surface of the globe by means of circumstances which at first sight seem extremely unimportant, such as the movement of a fragment of ice, or of a morsel of wood swept along by currents to dis- tances often very considerable : thus nothing is more common than to meet at sea, at a distance of hundreds of leagues from all land, fuci floating on the surface of the water, supporting small Crustacea incapable by themselves of removing by swimming to any great distance from the coasts where they were produced. The great maritime current which, leaving the Gulf of Mexico, coasts along North America as high as Newfoundland, then directs itself towards Iceland and Ireland, and redescends towards the Azores, often carries with it, even to the coasts of Europe, trunks of trees, which the Mississippi has torn away from parts the most remote of the New World, and carried to the sea. Now these timbers are often bored by the larvse of insects, and may give attachment to the eggs of mollusca, insects, &c. Finally, even birds contribute to the dispersion of living beings over the surface of the globe, and that in a most singular manner ; these animals often do not digest the eggs they swallow, and, discharging them at considerable distances from the place where they had found them, transport to a distance the germs of a race unknown to that time in the countries where they have been deposited. Notwithstanding these means of transport, and of other cir- cumstances equally calculated to favour the dissemination of species, there are really very few animals cosmopolitan, and most of these beings are cantoned in regions sufficiently limited. Moreover, we comprehend why it should be so in studying the circumstances which may oppose their progress. But this study is far from furnishing us with a sufficient explana- tion of the limited circumscription of a species, and it is often impossible for us to divine why certain animals remain con- fined to a locality when there seems to be nothing opposed to their propagation in neighbouring districts. 632. However this may be, the obstacles to the geo- graphical dissemination of species are sometimes altogether mechanical, at other times physiological; and amongst the first we may mention seas and high chains of mountains. For terrestrial animals, in fact, seas of a certain extent form in general an insurmountable barrier ; and we see that, all things 544 ZOOLOGY. being equal in other respects, the mixture of two distinct faunae is always the more intimate that the regions to which they belong are more geographically approximated, or are placed in communication by intermediate lands. Thus the Atlantic Ocean prevents the species proper to Tropical Ame- rica from spreading into Africa, Europe, and Asia ; and the fauna of the New World is completely distinct from that of the Old, unless it be in the more elevated latitudes towards the northern pole ; but there the lands approach : America is only separated from Asia by the straits of Behring, and holds relations with the north of Europe through Greenland and Iceland; thus zoological exchanges could take place much more easily, and it is there, in fact, that we find the species common to the two worlds, such as the white bear, the rein- deer, the beaver, the ermine, the pelerine falcon, the white- headed eagle, &c. Lofty chains of mountains constitute also natural barriers which often arrest the dispersion of species, and prevent the fusion of faunae peculiar to neighbouring zoological regions. Thus the two slopes of the Cordilleras of the Andes are inhabited by species generally distinct ; and the insects of Brazil, for example, are almost all distinct from those we meet with in Peru or in New Granada. The dis- persion of marine animals living near the coast is shackled in the same way by the geographical configuration of the globe ; but here it is sometimes a long contiguity of land, sometimes a vast extent of the deep sea, which opposes itself to the dissemination of species. Thus most of the animals of the Mediterranean are also found in the European portion of the Atlantic, but have not been able to reach the Indian seas, from which the Mediterranean is separated by the isthmus of Suez ; nor to traverse the Atlantic Ocean, to spread them- selves on the coasts of the New WorM. 633. The physiological circumstances which tend to limit the different faunae are more numerous; but that which presents itself in the first place is unquestionably the unequal temperature of the different regions of the globe. There are species which can support equally well an intense cold and tropical heat ; man and the dog, for example ; but there are others which in this respect are less favoured by nature, and which do not prosper, or even cannot exist, but under the influence of a fixed temperature Thus the apes which crowd the tropical regions almost always die of phthisis (pulmo- naiy consumption) when they are exposed to the cold and GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 545 humidity of our climate; whilst the reindeer, formed to support the rigours of a long and rude Lapland winter, suffers from heat at St. Petersburg, and in general sinks quickly under the influence of a temperate climate. From this it results that, in a great number of cases, differences in climate alone are found to be sufficient to arrest the march of species from high latitudes towards the equator, or from equatorial regions towards the poles. The influence of temperature on the ani- mal economy explains to us also why certain species remain cantoned in a chain of mountains without being able to spread abroad into analogous localities. We know, in fact, that the temperature decreases by reason of the elevation of the soil, and that in consequence animals which live at considerable elevations could not descend into the low plains to reach other mountains, without traversing countries where the tem- perature is much superior to that of their ordinary habita- tion. The genus llama, for example, abounds in the grassy countries of Peru and of Chile, situated at an elevation of four or five thousand metres (from four to five thousand yards) above the level of the sea, and extending to the south as far as the extremity of Patagonia ; but they are to be found neither in Brazil nor Mexico, because they could not arrive there with- out descending into regions too hot for their constitution. The nature of the vegetation and of the pre-existing fauna in a region of the globe equally influences its appropriation by exotic species. Thus the dispersion of the silkworm is limited by the disappearance of the mulberry above a certain degree of latitude ; the cochineal cannot spread itself beyond a region where grows the cactus ; and the large carnivora, unless they live on fish, cannot exist in the polar regions, where the vegetable productions are too scant to support a considerable number of herbivorous quadrupeds. 634. It were easy for us to multiply examples of these necessary relations between the existence of an animal species in a given locality, and the existence of certain climatic, phytological, or zoological conditions ; but we want space for such details, and the considerations we have just givsn appear to us sufficient to give an idea of the manner by which nature has accomplished the repartition of animal species over dif- ferent points of the surface of the globe ; and to attain the end we proposed in touching on this subject, it only remains for us to take a view (coup d'ceil) of the results brought about by the different circumstances of which we have just N N 546 ZOOLOGY. spoken, that is to say, of the actual condition of the geo- graphic distribution of animated beings. When we compare the various regions of the globe with each other in the rela- tion of their zoological population, one is struck at first with the extreme inequality observable in the number of species. In a certain country, for example, we meet with an extreme diversity in the forms and the structure of the animals com- posing its fauna, whilst elsewhere there reigns in this respect a great uniformity ; and it is easy to observe a certain relation between the different degrees of zoological richness and the elevation, more or less considerable, of the temperature. In fact, the number of species, as well marine as terrestrial, aug- ments in general in proportion as we descend from the poles towards the equator. The more remote polar regions offer to the traveller only a few insects, and in its icy seas the fishes and the mollusca themselves are but little varied ; in tem- perate climates the fauna becomes more numerous in species ; but it is in the tropical regions that nature shows herself most prodigal in this respect, and the zoologist cannot see without astonishment the endless diversity of animals which are accumulated there. It is remarkable also that there exists a singular coin- cidence between the elevation of the temperature in different zoological regions, and the degree of organic perfection of the animals inhabiting them. It is in the hottest climates that we find the animals which mosfc approach man, and those which in each great zoological division possess the orga- nization the most complex, and the faculties most developed ; whilst in the polar regions we meet only with beings occupy- ing a rank but little elevated in the zoological series. The apes, for example, are limited to the hottest parts of the two continents; it is the same with the -parrots amongst birds; the crocodiles, the turtles, and tortoises amongst reptiles, and land- crabs amongst the Crustacea, all animals the most perfect in their respective classes. It is also in hot countries that we find the terrestrial the most remarkable for the beauty of their colours, the size of their bodies, and the singularity of their forms. Finally, there seems to exist a certain relation between the climate and the tendency of nature to produce such or such an animal form. Thus we observe a great resemblance be- tween most of the animals inhabiting the Boreal and Austral regions ; the faunae of the temperate regions of Europe, Asia, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 547 and North America offer a great analogy in their general aspect ; and in the tropical countries of the two worlds we see predominating similar forms. It is not that we find identical species in regions distinct and nearly isothermal, but species more or less neighbouring, and which seem to be the representatives of one and the same type. Thus, the apes of India and of Central Africa are represented in tropical America by other apes, easily distinguished from the first ; to the lion, the tiger, and the panther of the Old Continent, correspond in the New World the puma, the jaguar, and the ocelot. The mountains of Europe, of Asia, and of Northern America nourish bears of different species, but still presenting but slight differences. Seals abound especially in the neighbourhood of the two polar circles ; and if we wish to look for proofs of this tendency, not in the more elevated classes of the animal kingdom, but amongst the inferior beings, we shall find them no less evident ; the craw-fishes and lobsters, &c., for example, appear to be confined to the temperate regions of the globe, and are found spread abroad throughout the greatest part of Europe, by the species so common in our rivulets, in the south of Russia by a dif- ferent species, in Northern America by two other species equally distinct from the preceding, in Chile by a fourth species, to the south of New Holland by a fifth, in Mada- gascar by a sixth, and at the Cape of Good Hope by a seventh. The comparison of the faunae peculiar to the different zoo- logical regions of the globe conducts to other results, of which it is more difficult to give an explanation. Thus, when we examine successively the whole of the species inhabiting Asia, Africa, and America, there may be observed in the fauna of the New World a character of inferiority which did not escape the celebrated Buffon. In fact, there do not exist in the New World mammals so large as in the old continents ; we find indeed in Northern America a considerable number of apes, but amongst these animals there are none equal to the ourang and chimpanzee ; and it is rather the rodents and the edentata which abound the most, that is to say, of all ordinary mammals the least intelligent. Finally, it is in America that we meet with the sarigues (opossums), animals which belong to an inferior type of ordinary mammals, and which have no representatives in Europe, Asia, or Africa. If we pass afterwards from the New World to Australia, a still NN2 548 ZOOLOGY. newer region, we find a fauna the inferiority of which is still more evident, for the class of mammals is there scarcely re- presented by the marsupialia and the monotremes. With regard to the delimitation of the different zoological regions which divide the globe, and to the composition of the fauna peculiar to each of them, we cannot treat of it here without passing beyond the limits prescribed by this course of instruction, and we the less regret this necessity seeing that in the actual state of the science these questions are far from being solved. We shall even close here our zoological studies, for the object we had proposed to ourselves was not the particular description of each animal, nor the enumeration of the charac- ters by which they might be known or grouped methodically ; we only wish to give in this course ideas on the nature and properties of these beings, to sketch rapidly the principal traits of their history, and to furnish to our young readers the general knowledge the most useful to all, and indispen- sable to those who wish to study more deeply this branch of the sciences of observation. [The following tables of the Classification of the Animal Kingdom are appended for the convenience of the student. The first is that used in my Lectures at the London Institu- tion in 1863 ; the second is founded on the classification of Owen. C. C. B.] 1. CLASSIFICATION OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. Sub-kingdom VERTEBRATA. Hamatotherma \ Hamatocrya Sub-kingdom MOLLUSCA. Sub- kingdom ARTICULATA. Cephalopoda. Gasteropoda. Pteropoda. Brachiopoda. Conckifera. Tunicata. Insect a. Arachnida. Crustacea. Cirripedia. Annelida. Entozoa. Sub-kingdom EADTATA. Bryozoa. AcalepJice. EcJdnodermata. Anthozoa. Hydrozoa. Kingdom ACRITA, or PROTOZOA. Infusoria. Foraminifera . AmorpJwzoa. 550 ZOOLOGY. 2. TABLE OF THE ORDERS OF VERTEBRATA. Class MAMMALIA. Sub-class ABCHENCEPHALA. Order 1, Sub-class Order 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. Sub-class Order 10. 11, 12. , 13. Bimana GYKENCEPHALA. Quadrumana , Carnivora . , Artiddactyla Perissodactyla Proboscidea Toxodontia Sirenia Cetacea LlSSENCEPHALA. Brut a Cheiroptera Insectivora Rodentia . Sub-class LTENCEPHALA. Order 14. , 15, Marsupialia Monotremata Class BIRDS. Order 1. Raptor es . 2. Scansores . 3. Volitores . 4. Insessores . 5. It a sores 6. Cur sores 7. Grallatores 8. Natatores . EXAMPLE. Man. Ape. Lion. Ox, Hog. Tapir. Elephant. Toxodon (fossil). Dugong. Whale. Armadillo. Bat. Mole. Rat. Opossum. Platypus. Eagle. Parrot. Swift. Sparrow. Turkey. Ostrich. Stork. Duck. TABLE OF THE OEDEES OF VEETEBEATA. 551 Class HJEMATOCRYA. Sub-class EEPTILES. Order 1. Batrachia 2. Chelonia ,, 3. OpJiidia 4. Lacertilia 5. Crocodilia. 6. Dinosauria 7. Pterosauria 8. Anomodontia 9. Sauropterygia 10. Ichthyopterygia 11. Thecodontia 12. Ldbyrinthodontia 13. Ganocephala Sub-class FISHES. Order 14. Plagiostomi . 15. Holocephali 16. Protopteri 17. Placoganoidei 18. G-anoidei 19. LopJiobrancJiii 20. Plectognathi . 21. Acanthopteri . 22. Anacanthini . 23. Pharyngognathi 24. Malacvpteri . 25. Dermopteri ^ Tortoise. Snake. Lizard. Crocodile. Fossil forms. Shark. Chimaera. Mudfish. Coccosteus(fossil). Bony pike. Pipe fish. File fish. Perch. Cod. Parrot fish. Herring. Lamprey. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. PAGE ABRAXAS Gr. t proper name 432 Absorption ... ... ... ... ... 11 Acalephae Gr., a nettle 528 Acephala Gr., headless 220,519 Actinia Gr., a ray 214 Agama ... 363 Aliments 18 Alpaca Quichua, proper name 289 Ammonite Egyptian, Amoun, the deity ... 515 Amphinome Gr., two houses 402 Amphioxus Gr., acute at both ends 231 Anabas Gr., climbing 383 Anatifa Gr., duck-bearing 491 Anchovy 392 Angora goat Angora, in Asia Minor 292 Anilocera ... ... Lot., the woodlouse ... ... ... 489 Animals, their general characters 6 heat 92 geographical distribution 535 Animal kingdom, classification of 227,544 Annelides Lat., annulus, a ring ... ... 401,497 Anteater 31 Anthropodaria Gr., man-footed 405 Anthropology ... ... Gr., science of man ... ... ... 259 Antilope canna Gr., antilope, and proper name ... 294 A. g-nu do. do. ... 294 A. African " ... 295 Antlion 163 Ants, white 444 Ape, Barbary 185 Apis Lat., a bee 446 Aplysia ... GV., a marine animal 218 Aptenodytes Gr., unable to fly, and diving- ... 317 Apteryx ... ... ... Gr., without wings ... ... ... 315 Arctomys ... ... Gr., bear- mouse ... ... ... 92 554 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. PAGE Arachnida Gr., a spider 455 Aranea Lot., a spider 456 Arenicola Lat., sand inhabiting 74 Argonauta Gr., Argonauta 511 Armadillo .. ... Gr., little beast in armour 281 Arterial system 54 Articulata Lat, jointed ... 405 Ascaris Lat., round worm 217 Ascidia Gr., a leather bottle 219 Assimilation ... 87 Aspic 349 Asterias Gr., a star 208 Astroides Gr., starlike 530 Attitudes 146 Auditory apparatus ... ... ... ... 114 Australian 262 Axolotl Mexican proper name ... 195,866 Baboon ... ... 267 Balaena Gr., a whale ... 301 Balaenoptera Gr., a firmed whale 28, 300 Balanus Gr., an acorn 492 Balm-cricket 450 Bashikouay ant ... ... ... ... 445 Bat, skeleton of , 154 large eared 276 Baya 172 Beaver ... 174 Bee 451 Beetles ... 23 Bethylus... ... ... Lat., an insect ... ... ... 215 Bile 41 Binny ... ... 395 Biphora Lat., twice bearing 524 Birds, class of 305 arterial system 331 Bison ^ ... 287 Bittern * 345 Blatta Lot., a cockroach 415 Blood 45 circulation of ... 50 Boar 31 Bombus 5 .. Lat, a buzzfly 446 Bombylus Lat., a buzzfly 24 Bombyx... Gr., the silkworm ... ... 407,434 Bones 130 Bosjesman Dutch, man of the woods 261 Brain, human 97 of fishes and birds 106 of rorqual 107 ,, of ostrich 323 GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. 555 PAGE Breastbone of Birds 310 Bucardium Gr., the heart 521 Buffalo 291 Bug ". 417,451 Bull, Scotch 288 Butterfly 419 Caffre Arabic, " unbeliever" 264 Calmar 508 Camel 239 Carneleopard 297 Canis ... Lat., dog 272 Cantharis Gr., a beetle 439 Capillary vessels 57 Capricorn beetle 407 Carabus Lat., a beetle ... 415 Carinaria Lat., a keel ... 518 Carnassial tooth of lion ... 199 Carnivora Lot., flesh-eating ... 268 Caryophyllus Lat., a clove 225 Cassowary, galeated 306 New Holland 319 Cattle 256 Caucasian race _ ... ... 258 Centipede ... ... Lat. , many-footed 211 Cephalopoda ... ... Or.* head-footed ... ... ... 507 Cerebrum Lat., brain 97 Cervical vertebrae 309 Cetacea 299 Chalcis ... ... ... Gr., shining like brass ... ... 350 Chameleon ... ... ... ... ... 353 Cherokee 264 Chyle ... Gr., juice 41 Chyme Gr., juicy pulp 35 Chimpanzee ... ... ... ... ... 181 Circulation of the blood ... 50 Cirripeda Gr. hair-footed 490 Cloportes Lat., a woodlouse 467 Cockchafer 439 Classification, tables of 200,227,257,549 Cockroach 441 Cod 390 Coluber Lat., a viper 362 Conformation of animals 189 Conops Gr., conefaced ... , 411 Coptic race 260 Coral polyp 224 Courser, European 318 Cowry ... 219 Crab 468,480 Crane, pouched 325 556 GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. PAGE Crane, common 345 Crawfish, or lobster ... 194 Cricket ... 408,441 Crocodile Greek 361,364 Crotalus Gr., a "rattler" 357,363 Crustacea Lat. y crusted 465 Cucumber, sea 224 Curassow 342 Cuttlefish 212,223,513 Cyclops Gr., with one eye 204, 490 Daauw Hottentot proper name 283 Danais Gr., the Danaides 447 Dayfly 436 Deglutition 311 Dental apparatus 25 Dermestes ... .. Gr., skin eating 438 Desman 245 Diastole Gr., to stretch through 57 Digestion 18,20,36,420 Dinornis Gr., terrible bird 320 Diver 331 Divisions, primary, of animal kingdom ... 207 Dodo 344 Domesticated animals 255 Dormouse 279 Dragon Lat., draco 355 Dragon-fly 215,443 Duck, Eider 335 Carolina 335 China 336 Egyptian 336 Dugong 246 Dziggetai Tar tar proper name 284 Eagle 309 royal ^ ... 318 Ear 114 Earwig- 411 Echidna Gr., a mythological monster ... 207 Echinus... Lat., sea-urchin 526 Eft or newt 370 Eider-duck 335 Eland 295 striped 296 Elephant 23 of India 243 ,, of Africa 245 proboscis and molars 244 Elk 242 Emeu of New Holland 319 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 557 PAGE Emeu, trachea of 334 Encephalon 101 Encrinites ... ... ... ... ... 527 Endosmosis Gr., internal impulsion 13 Eolis Gr., a sea-animal 518 Ephemera Gr., ephemeral 436 Ethiopian race 264 Excretion 90 Exhalation and the Secretions 80 Eye-globe dissected 119 orbit and attached muscles 125 Falcon, wing of 312 head of. 324 Fasciola Lat., a small band 501 Fin, dorsal 377 Fish, circulatory apparatus in 67 Flamingo ... ... ... ... ... 347 Flathead 395 Flea 451 Fluke-worm ... 501 Fo3tus of Greenland-whale 302 Follicles 83 Forficula Lat., an earwig 411 Fowl, common 329 Fox 273 Frigate-bird 313 Frog 365 metamorphoses of. 196,366 bloodvessels of tadpole ... 367 skeleton of 369 Fulmar petrel 324 Functions of animals ... 11 Gavial Hindu, gharrial, a crocodile 28 Ganglionic system ... Gr., a knot 102,104 Gecarcinus Gr., land-crab ... ... ... 484 Gecko 353 Genus and species 395 Giraffe 297 Globules of the blood 46 Glow-worm 422 Glycera Gr., sweet 498 Gnat, larva 435 Gnu Hottentot, " gnu" 294 Goatsucker 325 Goat, head of 242 Angora 292 Goldfinch ... 171 Gorilla GiveJc? Equat. African, rfguyla ... 182 Gourami 394 558 GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. PAGB Grasshopper ... 406 Grebe 331 Grosbeak, nest of ... . 174 Gull, black-headed ... 308 Halys 450 Hamster ... 166 Harmonies, organic 199 Haversian canal 27 Hearing, sense of 113 Heart 53 Hedgehog 1 ... ... ... ... ... 277 Hemipterous insects ... Gr., half-winged 417 Hippa Gr., a crustacean 476 Hippopotamus Gr., river-horse 285 Hippocampus Gr., a field-horse 381 Holothuria Gr., sea-tail 224, 528 Homology ... ... ... ... ... 199 Hornbill, rhinoceros 327 Horse, skull of 137 Humble-bee 446 Humming-bird 339 Hyalaea Gr., glassy 222 Hyaena ... Gr., hyaena 271 Hydatina Gr., a hydatid 500 Hydra Gr., a mythological sea-monster ... 190 Hyrax Gr., a shrew 241 Ibis 316 head of 317 Ichneumon fly ... ... ... ... ... 412 Ichthyosaurus Gr., fish-lizard 354 Infusoria Lat., in infusions 226,533 Insalivatipn 32 Insects, circulation in ... ... ... ... 69 class of 405 Intelligence and Instinct 159 Intestines ... ...-,, ... ... ... 42 Itch insect * 464 Julus Gr., woolly 215,454 Jerboa 280 Kangaroo ... ... ... ... ... 303 Kidneys 33 Kingdoms of Nature 2 Kingfisher 326 Kite 324 Klipdas ... 241 Lacteals 17 Laemmergeyer ... 337 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 559 PAGE Lamprey ... ... ... ... ... ... 394 Lampyris Gr., a glow-worm 422 Landcrab ... 216 Lark ... 339 Larynx, mechanism of 157,333 Leaf-insect ... ... ... ... ... 442 Leaping ... 150 Leech ... ... 217 Lemur ... ... ... Lat, a ghost ... ... ... ... 266 Lepidosiren ... ... Gr., scaly siren ... ... ... 195 Lernaea Gr., hydra 203 Lerot Fr., " a dormouse" 279 Libellula Lat., a dragon-fly 443 Limnaea Gr., pool-living ... 212 Limnadia ... ... 489 Limulus Lat., mud 192,493 Lion, skull of 28 Liver - 40 Lizard ... 66, 348 Llama ... ... 290 Lobes of the brain ... ... ... ... 97 Lobster.... ... 68,211 Locomotion .... 466 Locust ... ... . 340 LoligO ... 24, 508 Louse ... ... .*. ... 453 Lungs, &c., in man 52 of a bird ... .... ... 332 Lungs and trachea 76 Lymphatics ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 Machaon butterfly ... Gr., a mythological hero - 424 Mactra ... Lat., a kneading-trough 220 Maia ... ... ... r., a mythological goddess 468,477 Malacopterurus Gr., smooth-tailed 386 Mammalia, theoretical figure of ... 208 classification of ... 233 senses ... .... ... ... ... ... ... 250 Man ^ ... 259 Mantis ... . 409 Marmot 92 Marmoset 22 Mastication 33 Medusa Gr., one of the Gorgons 529 Memnon, young ... ... ... ... ... 260 Millipede Lat., thousand feet 215,455 Moa of New Zealand 321 Modes of existence 3 Mole 249 Mole-cricket 409 Mollusca ... Lat., soft-bodied ... ... 68,504 560 GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. PAGE Mongol race 259 Monodon Gr., one-toothed 30, 31 Morpha Gr., sleep 410,419 Motion 129,135 Moth, oak-leaf 448 Mouth and throat 34 Mouflon Sardinian, " muffione" 293 Movements 127 Mullet 372 Musk buffalo 292 Muscles 131 Mucous membrane 20 Muscular contraction 127 Myelon Or., marrow 103 Mygale ... Gr., a spider 167,456 Myrmecophaga Gr., ant-eater 31 Nasal fossae in man 112 Narwhal 30 Natural history, its objects and utility 1 Nautilus, paper ... ... Gr., nautilus ... ... ... ... 511 pearly... ... do. ... ... ... ... 512 Necrophora Gr., dead-eating 169 Negro, profile of 187 skull of 263 Nemestrina Gr. , a two-winged insect 418 Nepa ... Lat., a scorpion 451 respiratory apparatus in ... 75 Nereis Gr., a sea-nymph ... 217,497,498 Newt, or Eft 370 Notonectes ... ... Gr., back-swimming 408 Nuthatch 338 Nutritive and intussusceptive functions 3 Nutritive decomposition 87 Octopus Gr., eight-footed 508 Opossum 235 Optic lobes * 99 Organization 4 Orneodes ... 410 Ornithorynchus ... Gr., bird-beaked 304 figure 304 femoial gland , ... 305 Ostracion Gr., shelled 390 Ostrich, skeleton 209, 318 brain 323 Otter 272 Owl 338 Ox-fly 451 Oyster, anatomy 520 pearl . ... ... ... 521 GLOSSARIAL INDEX, 561 PAGE Palaemon Gr., a mythological personage 475,482 Paludina Lat., marsh living ... 219 Pancreas Gr., all fleshy 40 Pangolin ... ... ... ... ... 238 Panther 369 Paradise bird 338 Parroquet 340 Paussus ... ... ... ... ... .., 407 Peacock butterfly ... ... ... ... 447 Pediculus Lat., a louse 453 Pelecanus ., 313 Pelican 326 Penguin 317 Pentatoma Gr., seven incisions 450 Perch 373 Pericardium Gr., around heart ... 53 Pharynx ... ... Gr., conveying ... ... ... 35 Phyllium Gr., a leaf 442 Pigeon 342 Pike 391 Plaice 392 Plesiosaurus ... ... Gr., near to lizard ... ... ... 355 Plethora 17 Pleurobranchus Gr., lung gilled 517 Plumatella Lat, feathered 523 Podophthalmus... ... Gr., eyed-feet ... ... ... 478 Podurella .,. ... Lat., little tail feet 410 Poison glands 358 Polydesmus Gr , many bundled 455 Polypi ... ... ... Gr., many feet ... ... ... 530 Porcupine ... ... ... ... ... 236 Porpoise ... 234 Poulpe 508 Prehension, organs of ... ... ... ... 153 Psora Gr., itch 464 Ptarmigan 341 Pterodactyle Gr., winged finder 356 Pteropoda ... ... Gr. , winged foot ... ... ... 519 Ptinus ... ... ... Gr., a boring 1 insect ... ... ... 438 Pyralis Gr., a moth-like insect 449 Rabbit 25 Rattlesnake 357 Reindeer 296 Relation, functions of 94 Remora, or sucking-fish ... ... ... ... 379 Reptilia, class of ... ;>is Respiration ... ... ... ... ... 69 ,, apparatus of ... ... ... ... 16 Rhinoceros of India ... ... ... ... 210 of South Africa 241 o o 562 GLOSSAKIAL INDEX. PA an Rhizostoraa Gr., root mouth 224 Rodent, head of 278 Roebuck 248 Rorqual ... ... ... ... ... ... 28 giganteus ... ... ... ... 299 of Fabricius, head and tail 300 Salamander Lat. t a newt 370 Salivary gland ... ... ... ... ... 82 Salmon 388 Sapajou ... ... ... ... ... ... 156 Scarabaeus Lat., a beetle 458 Scolopendra Gr., a centipede 211 Scops Gr., an owl 338 Scoter duck 322 Seal 275 Secretions 81 Scorpion 460 Serpula Lat., to creep 499 Sensation 107 Sepia Lat., a cuttle-fish 223,513 Shark 380,393 Shrew mouse ... ... ... ... ... 277 Shrimp 483 Sirex 446 Sitta Gr., a nuthatch 338 Sight, sense of 118 Silkworms 427 Skate 393 Skeleton of man 140 camel 141 Skin 109 Skull of man 136 Smell, sense of 112 Snail, anatomy of ... ... ... ... 213 Snake 326 Spanish fly 439 Sparrow * 326 Sparrowkawk, wingof ... ... ... ... 314 Sperm whale 299 Spider 216 Spinal marrow ... ... ... ... ... 103 Spongariffi Sponge-like 534 Sponge 225 Sphinx Gr., a monster 403,448 Squilla - ... Lat. a prawn 483 Squirrel 165 Stag 293 Standing 147 Stylops Gr., column-eyed 453 Sturgeon... ... ... ... ... ... 393 GLOSSABIAL INDEX. 563 PAGE Stomach 35,37,39,252 Sucking-fish 379 Su an, breast-bone of 310 Swimming- and Flying 151 Sylvia Lat,, a warbler 172 Systole Gr., I contract 57 Taenia Gr., ariband 503 Tailor-bird, nest of 172 Talitrus Lat., a sandhopper 214 Tapeworm 503 Tapir Brazil, proper name 245 Taste, sense of Ill Tasmanian, skull of 263 Teeth, the 25 human, carnivorous and insectivorous 29 herbivora and frugivora ... ... ... ... ... 30 Tellina ... Gr., a muscle 520 Terebratula Lat., I bore 521 Termites Lat., the branch of a tree 444 Tern, or sea-swallow ... 341 Testudo Lat., a tortoise 349,351 Theridion Gr., a spider 463 Thoracic canal ... 15 Thorax of man 77,143 Throat and mouth ... ... ... ... 34 Toad 365 Torpedo 384 Tongue, structure of Ill Tortoise, land ... ' 349,351 Tortrix Lat., I wreath 167 Touch 109 Trumpeter 346 Tsetse fly 452 Tunicata Lat., a tunic 522 Tunny . 391 Turkey, merrythought of 310 Turtle 351 heart of 360,380 Tympanum of the ear ... aZ.,adrum 115 Urinary secretion 85 apparatus 86 Venous system ... ... ... ... ... 55 Veretilli 532 Vertebra 139 ideal 198 number of, in cetacea ... ... ... ... ... 302 Vertebral column 139 Vision, mechanism of ... ... ... ... 120 564 GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. PAGE Voice 156 Vole, field 278 Vulture, griffon 325 skeleton of 155 Walking 148 Wasp's nest 176 Weasel 271 Whale, head of 27 sperm 299 foetus of. 302 Whalebone 301 Wimble 438 Wing of the falcon 312 of the sparrowhawk 314 Woodpecker, pied 314,328 Wren 339 Xiphias Gr., a sword 376 Xylocopa Gr. , woodworking ... 170 Yak,male 291 Zebra 282 Zoological classifications 200,549 Zoophytes Gr., animal plants 529 h THE END. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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