15k 73fi CATALOGUE OF THE PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON CATALOGUE OF THE PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS IN THE LIBRARY OP THE, ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. LONDON PRINTED FOR THE ROYAL SOCIETY AT THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS AND SOLD BY HENRY FROWDE, AMEN CORNER, E.C. 1912 CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE vii CATALOGUE 1 SOCIETY INDEX . 285 267241 PREFACE A CATALOGUE of Periodical Publications in the Royal Society's Library was last printed in 1881 and the large number of acces- sions to this section of the Library in the succeeding thirty years has rendered it imperative to compile a new Catalogue. The Library Committee, after full consideration of the question, decided that a mere revision of the existing Catalogue would not be sufficient, and that the compilation of a new Catalogue from the works on the shelves was the only satisfactory way of meeting the requirements of the Library. They were also of opinion that the old Catalogue, classified under eight separate alphabets, was inconvenient for reference, and decided that the new Catalogue should be arranged under one alphabet and restricted as closely as possible to works which might properly be termed periodical, leaving many of the publications entered in the old Catalogue of Serials to be transferred to the Catalogue of Books, which has always been maintained as a separate list. The new Catalogue contains the titles of all the works issued in a serial form which were in the Society's Library on December 31st, 1911. Some publications are included which are not, strictly speaking, issued as periodicals (e. g. the Publications of the Ray Society), and there are a few others as to which it is doubtful whether they are rightly classed as periodicals : but in both these cases it has been thought better to include something which may not be a serial rather than to exclude a work which might possibly be looked for in a catalogue of periodicals. Every periodical is entered under the first word (the definite and in- definite articles only excepted) in the title. The entries are numbered consecutively to facilitate cross-references and are arranged in alpha- betical order. Where the title of a periodical changes, the second and any following titles are entered immediately after the original one ; the later titles are also entered in their own places and cross-references via PREFACE are given to the number under which the periodical is catalogued. Cross-references from the names of the more important editors have been made in a similar manner. When the change in the title of a periodical is of only minor importance, it is indicated by the use of round or brace brackets. Three kinds of BRACKETS are used in the Catalogue : (a) round brackets ( ), indicating that the words enclosed appear on the title- pages of the later volumes, but not on the earlier ones : (6) brace brackets { }, indicating that the words enclosed appeared on the title-pages of the early volumes, but not on the later ones ; and (c) square brackets [ ], indicating that the information contained between them is supplied by the cataloguers. An arrow > after a volume number or a date indicates that the Library set of the periodical is ' In progress '. The SOCIETY INDEX shows what publications of a particular Society are in the Library. The number after each entry refers to the corresponding number in the main part of the Catalogue. An arrow after the number signifies that the Library set of the periodical is ' In progress '. This index includes various Government Departments, Universities, Colleges, and similar public bodies. In order to facilitate reference a duplicate entry has been made under the name of the town in which the head-quarters of each Society are situated. In the compilation of this catalogue much valuable information has been obtained from the 'British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books', sections ' Academies ' and ' Periodical Publications '. The ' Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals ' by H. C. Bolton, published by the Smithsonian Institution, has also been of very great assistance. The Catalogue has been compiled by Mr. Luxmoore Newcombe, Sub- Librarian of University College, London, and Mr. L. Ellston, M.A. The thanks of the Committee are due to these two gentlemen for the care and ability which they have devoted to the task. The Committee also wish to express high appreciation of the manner in which the staff of the Oxford University Press have carried out their share of the work. CATALOGUE OF PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS An arrow signifies that the Library set of the periodical is 'In progress'. 1. Aauteekeniugen van het verhandelde in de Sectie Vergaderingen van het Proviiiciaal Utreclitsch Genootschap van Knnsten en Wetenschappen, ter gelegenheid van de Algemeene Vergadering, gehouden in het jaar 1845 8. Utrecht, 1846 Imperfect : ^vanting the volume for the year 1865. Aarbog, Bergens Museums. See 390. Aarsberetning, Bergens Museums. See 390. Aarsberetning, Stavanger Museums. Sec 1538. Aarsberetning, Tromaa Museums. See 1680. Aarshefter, Tromso Museums. Sec 1681. Abbe (E.). Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenkunde. See 1781. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der beschreibenden Naturgeschichte. Museum Senckenbergianum. See 1121. 2. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschafben herausgegeben von dem naturwissenschaftlichen Verein in Hamburg. Bd. 1 > 4. Hamburg, 1846 > Abhandlungen der arztlichen Gesellschaffc zu Munster. See 23. 3. Abhandlungen der churfurstlich-baierischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Bd. 1-10. sm. 4. Miinchen, 1763-76. 4. Abhandlungen der hallischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft. Bd. 1. 8. Dessau und Leipzig, 1783. 5. Abhandluiigeu der k. k. geographischeu Gesellschaffc in Wien. Bd. 1 -* sm. fol. Wien, 1899 -> 6. Abhandlungen der k. k. geologischen Beiclisanstalt . . . Bd. 1 > fol. Wien, 1852 > 7. Abhandlungen der k. k. zool. botan. Gesellschaft in Wien. Bd. 1 > la. 8. Wien (Jena), 1901 -> Imperfect : wanting part 4 of volume 1. J ABHANDLUNGEN Abhandlungen der kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Aca- demic der Naturforscher. See 1077. Abhandlungen der koniglich bayerischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften. See 9. Abhandlungen der kouiglich-preussischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften. See 687. 8. Abhandlungen der koniglich sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physischen Classe. Bd. 1 > sm. fol. Leipzig, 1852 - Abhandlungen der koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin. See 687. Abhandlungen der koniglichen bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. See 20. Abhandlungen der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. See 565. Abhandluugen der koniglichen schwedischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften. See 1553. Abhandlungen der kurfurstlich-mainzischen Akademie niitzlicher Wissenschaften zu Erfurt. See 34. Abhandlungen der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der koniglich bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. See 20. 9 . Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der koniglich bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 1 > 4. Munchen, 1832 - Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physischen Classe der koniglich sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. See 8. Abhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Dantzig. See 1751. 10. Abhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Gorlitz. Bd. 1 -* 80. Gorlitz, 1827 -> Imperfect : tvanting volume 7. 11. Abhandluugen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Halle. Jahr- gang 1853 -* 4o (la. 8). Halle (Stuttgart), 1854 -> 12. Abhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich. Bd. 1-3. 8\ Zurich, 1761-66. 13. Abhandlungen der naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Numberg. Bd. 1-4. 80. NUrnberg, 1858-68. ABHANDLUNGEN 3 14. Abhandlungen der naturwissenscliaftlich.-techuisch.en Commission bei der konigl.-bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Munchen. Bd. 1-2. 8. Munchen, 1857-58. Abhandlungen der naturwisseiischaftlichen G-esellschaft Isis in Dresden. See 1509. 1 5 . Abhandlungen der physikalisch-mediciiiischen Societat zn Erlangen. Bd. 1-2. 4. Frankfurt am Mayn (Nurnberg), 1810-12. 16. Abhandlungen der romisch. kaiserl.-konigl. josephinischen medi- cinisch-chirnrgischen Academic zn Wien. Bd. 1-2. 4. Wien, 1787-1801. 17. Abhandlungen der schweiaerischen palaontologischen Gesellschaft. Vol. 1 > la. 4. Basel und Genf, 1874 > The volumes have a second title in French : l Memoires de la Societe paleontologigue suisse.' Abhandlungen des naturwissenschaftlicheu Vereines zn Bremen. See 22. 18. Abhandlungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines for Sachsen nnd Thuringen in Halle. Herausgegeben von C. Giebel und W. Heintz. 1856 (-1861). Bd. 1-2. la. 4. Berlin, 1860-61. Abhandlungen des Tokio Daigaku. See 1022. 19. Abhandlnngen des zoologisch-mineralogischeii Vereines in Regens- burg. Heft 1-7. 8. Eegensburg, 1849-56. 20. Abhandlnngen einer Frivatgesellschaft in Bolnnen, znr Anfnahme der Mathematik, der vaterlandischen Geschichte, nnd der Natur- geschichte, zuni Druck befordert von I. E. von Born. Bd. 1-6. 8. Prag, 1775-^84. In 1784 this Society was reconstituted and continued as flie ' Koniglich- BohmiscJie Gesellschaft der Wissenscliaften '. Neuere Abhandlungen der koniglichen bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Bd. 1-3. 4<>. Wien fund Prag}, 1791 (-1795). Imperfect : wanting pp. 161 to the end of volume 3. Abhandlungen der koniglichen bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften. 1809 (-1821). Bd. 4-7. 8. Prag, 1814-22. 1837 (-1884). Folge5,Bd. 1 Folge6,Bd. 12. 4. Prag, 1841-85. Abhandlungen der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der koniglich-bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. 1885 (-1891). Folge 7, Bd. 1-4. 4. Prag, 1886-92. No more published. The later volumes Jiave a second title-page: 'Rozpravy tridy mathe- maticko-prirodovedeclce Jcrdlovslcv ceske spolecnosti nduft.' B 2 4 ABHANDLUNGEN 21. Abhandlimgen einer Frivatgesellschaft von Naturforscliern und Oekoiiomeii in Oberdeutschland. Herausgegeben von F. von Paula Schrank. 8. Munchen, 1792. 22. Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom iiaturwissenschaftlichen Vereine zu Bremen. Bd. 1 la. 8. Bremen, 1868 * Abhandlungen, lierausgegeben von der senckenbergischeu natur- forschenden Gesellschaft. See 1121. 23. Abhandlungen und Beobachtuugen der arztlichen Gesellschaft zu Miinster. Bd. 1. 8. Munster, 1829. Abhandlungen und monatliche Mittlieilungeii aus dem Gesammt- gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. See 1109. 24. Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen . . . Herausgegeben von M. Curtze und S. Gttnther. Heft 9 > la. 8<>. Leipzig (und Berlin), 1899 > Tfte earlier parts of the 'Abhandlungen' were issued as a supplement to tJie ' Zeitschrift fur Mathematik und Physik' (%.v. No. 1785). Abrege des Transactions philosophiques de la Societe royale de Londres. See 123O. 25. Abstract of Meteorological Observations made in New South Wales, during the years 1865 (-1869). la. 8. Sydney, 1869-71. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for the years 1867 and 1868. [Continued as :] Results of Meteorological Observations made in New South Wales during 1870 (-1902). Under the direction of H. C. Kussell. la. 8". Sydney, 1871-1904. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1871 and 1891 to 1898. 26. Abstract of the Proceedings of the Ashmolean Society. 1832 (-1858). Vol. 1-3. 8. Oxford, 1844-[1858]. Imperfect: wanting pp. 151 to the end of volume 3 (i.e. number 36). [Continued as .] Proceedings of the Ashmolean Society, Oxford. New Series, no. 1-5. 80. Oxford, 1866-68. 27. Abstract of the Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New York City, for the official year 1888-9 [-No. 1] > la. 8. [New York, 1889]-* Imperfect : wanting numler 5, for the year 1892-3. 28. Abstract of the Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society. 1860-1 (-1873-4) [Vol. 1-2]. 8. Liverpool, 1861-74. [Continued as :] Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society. 1874-5 Vol. 3 > 8. Liverpool, 1875 > Abstracts of Papers of the Brighton and Hove Natural History and Philosophical Society. See 218. Abstracts of Physical Papers from Foreign Sources. See 1233. ABSTEACTS 5 29. Abstracts of the Papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from 1800 (-1843). Vol. 1-4. 8. London, 1832-43. [Continued as :] Abstracts of the Papers communicated to the Eoyal Society of London. From 1843 (-1854). Vol. 5-6. 8. London, 1851-54. [Continued as:] Proceedings of the Koyal Society of London. From 1854 * Vol. 7 > 8 (la. 8). London, 1856 - From volume 76 (1905) omvards the 'Proceedings' is divided into two sections: A. Containing papers of a mathematical and physical character; B. Containing papers of a biological character. 30. Abstracts of the Proceedings of the Chemical Society. Vol. 1-5. 8. London, 1885-89. [Continued as :~\ Proceedings of the Chemical Society. Vol. 6 > 8<>. London, 1890 -* Academiae Caesareo-Leopoldinae (Carolinae) Naturae Cnriosorum Ephemerides. See 1077. 31. Academic des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Besangon. Seances publiques. 1826 (-1852). 8. Besancon, 1827-52. Academic des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Dijon. Seance publique. See 946. 32. Academic des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. Memoires de la Section de Medecine. Tom. 1 > 4 (la. 8). Montpellier, 1849 -* Memoires de la Section des Sciences. Tom. 1 * 4o (la. 8). Montpellier, 1847 - Academic imperiale des Sciences. Comptes rendus des Seances de la Commission sismiqne permanente. Sec 701. Academic royale de Belgique. Classe des Sciences. Memoires. See 949. 33. Academic royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. Seance pnbliqne 1819 (-1837). 8". Bordeaux, [1819J-1887. [Continued as :] Actes de PAcademie {royale j (imperiale, nationale) des Sciences, Belles- Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. An nee 1-46. 8. Boredaux (Paris), 1839-84. Imperfect: wanting volumes 14-37, pp. 1-756 of volume 28, and pp. 1-316 of volume 30. Volumes 28 (1866) to 46 (1884) contain at the end the ' Comptes rendus des Seances de V Academic ', each with a separate pagination. Acis. See 634. 8 ACTA 34. Acta Academiae Electoralis Mognntinae Scientiamm (Utilium) quae Erfurti est, ad ami. 1776 (-1795). sm. 4. Erfurti, 1777-96. Nova Acta Academiae Electoralis Moguntinae Scientiarum Utilium quae Erfurti est. Tom. 1-4. 8<>. Erfurti, 1799-1809. The volumes of the ' Nova Acta ' have a second title-page in German : 1 Abhandlungen der Jcurfiirstlich-mainzischcn Akademie nutzliclier Wissenschaften zu jEh'furt '. Acta Academiae Scieutiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. See 563. 35. Acta de la Academia nacional de Cieucias exactas existente en la Universidad de Co'rdova. Tom. 1. la. 4. Buenos Aires, 1875. 36. Acta Ernditorum anno 1682 (-1731) publicata. 4o. Lipsiae, 1682-1731. Imperfect : ivanting the volume for the year 1720. [Continued as :] Nova Acta Eruditorum anno 1732 (-1774) publicata. 40. Lipsiae, [1738J-1777. After the volume for the year 1776 the ' Nova Acta ' teas discontinued. Actorum Eruditorum quae Lipsiae publicantur supplementa. Tom. 1-10. 4. Lipsiss, 1692-1734. Ad Nova Acta Eruditorum quae Lipsiae publicantur supplementa. Tom. 1-8. 4. Lipsiae, 1735-57. Opuscula omnia Actis Eruditorum Lipsiensibus inserta, quae ad uni- versam mathesim, physicam, medicinam, anatomiam, chirurgiam, et philologiam pertinent . . . [Edited by I. B. Pasquali] ab anno 1682 (-1740). Tom. 1-7. 4. Venetiis, 1740-46. 37. Acta Helvetica, physico-mathematico-(anatomico)-botanico-medica, etc. Vol. 1-9. sm. 4. Basileae, 1751-87. Volume 9 lias a second title-page : 'Nova Acta Helvetica physico- mathematico-anatomico-botanico-medica, etc. Vol. I.' 38. Acta Literaria Societatis Blieuo-Trajectinae. Tom. 1-4. 8. Lugduni Batavorum et Trajecti ad Ehenum, 1793-1803. Nova Acta Literaria Societatis Kheno-Trajectinae. Pars 1-4. 8. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1821-31. 39. Acta Literaria Sneciae (TTpsalise publicata). Anno 1720 (-1729). (Vol. 1-2.) sm. 4<>. Upsaliaa (et Stockholmise), 1720-[1729 ?]. [Continued as/] Acta Literaria et Scientiarum Sueciae. Anno 1730 (-1734). (Vol. 3.) sni. 4. Upsalise, [1730?]-1738. ACTA 7 [After anno 1739 (which is not in the Library) continued as :] Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis. Anno 1740 (-1750). 4. Stockholm!*, 1744-51. [Continued as :] Nova Acta Eegiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis. Vol. 1 > 4. Upsalise, 1773 > 40. Acta Literaria Universitatis Hafnieiisis. Anno 1778. 4. Hafnise, [1778J. 41. Acta Mathematica. Zeitschrift herausgegeben von G. Mittag-Leffler. Bd. 1 - 4. Stockholm, 1882 - Acta Medica et Philosopliica Hafuiensia. See 1565. 42. Acta Medicornm Berolinensium in incrementum artis et scientiarum collecta et digesta. Vol. 1-10. sm. 8vo. Berolini, [1716J-1722. Volume 1 is 2nd edition, published in 1719. Acta Nova Regiae Societatis Medicae Havniensis. See 45. Acta Philosopliica Regia. See 43. 43. Acta Philosopliica Societatis Regies in Anglia. Anni 1665 (-1668). Auctore H. Oldenburgio . . . Anglice conscripta, et in Latinum versa interprete C. S. 12". Amstelodami, 1672-74. [Continued as:] Acta Philosophica Eegia, anni 1669. Aliquam exhibentia notitiam praesentium incoeptorum, studiorum et laborum eorum, qui eruditi aalutantur, in plerisque praecipuis mundi partibus. Ab H. Olden- burgio . . . Anglice conscripta, in Latinum versa a J. Sterpino. 12. Amstelodami, 1671. Acta Physico-Medica Academiae Csesareaa (Leopoldino-Caroliiiael Naturae Curiosorum exhibentia Ephemerides. See, 1077. Acta Regies Societatis Medicse Havniensis. Sec 45. 44. Acta Saecnlaria Acadeniiae Groninganae. 1814. 4. Groningae, [1815?]. [Continued as :] Annales Academiae Groninganae. 1815-6 ( 1835-6). 4. Groningae, 1817-38. For continuation see No. 115. 45. Acta Societatis Medicae Havniensis. Vol. 1-2. 8. Havniae, 1777-79. [Continued as :] Acta Regiae Societatis Medicae Havniensis. Vol. 1-6. 80. Havniae, 1783-1821. Volumes 5 and 6 have a second title-page : ' Acta Nova Regice Societatis Havniensis. Vol. 1-2.' 8 ACTA 46. Acta Societatis Naturae Scrutatornm Lipsiensis. Tom. 1. 4. Lipsiae, 1822. This volume has a second title-page in German : ' Schriften der natur- forschenden Gesellscliaft zu Leipzig' 47. Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. Vol. 1 > 8. Helsingforsiae, 1875 > Acta Societatis Regise Sclent iar um Upsaliensis. See 39. 48. Acta Societatis Scientiamm Fennicae. Tom. 1 > 4. Helsingforsise, 1840* Imperfect : wanting part 2 of volume 25. 49. Acta Societatis Scientiarnm Indo-Neerlandicae. Vol. 1-6. 4. Bataviae, 1856-59. Tfie volumes have a second title-page in Dutch : ' Verhandelingen der Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indie.' Volume 6 is also numbered Serie nova, vol. 1. 50. Acta Universitatis Lundensis. Lunds Universitets Ars-skrift for ar 1864 [Tom. 1] -> 4. Lund, 1864 - From 1905 (Nova Series, Bd. 1) this set contains only the ' Andra [2nd] Afdelningen : Medicin samt MatematisJca och NaturvetensJcapliga Amnen '. 51. Actas das Sessoes da Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Tom. 1-3. 8. Lisboa, 1849-51. Imperfect: wanting pp. 112 to the end of volume 3. Actes de 1'Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. See 33. 52. Actes de la Societe d'Histoire naturelle de Paris. Tom. 1, partie 1. No more published. fol. Paris, 1792. 53. Actes de la Societe de Medeciue, Chirurgie et Fharmacie etablie a Brnxelles, sons la devise ' JEgrotantibns '. Tom. 1. 8. Bruxelles, an vi (1797) an viii [1799]. Actes de la Societe helvetiqne des Sciences natnrelles. See 629. Actes de la Societe linneenne de Bordeaux. See 455. 54. Actes de la Societe scientifique du Chili, fondee par un groupe de Fran9aia Tom. 1-4. 4. Santiago, 1892-95. Imperfect : ivaniing pp. 177-296 of volume 2. Acts della Societa elvetica delle Scienze naturali. See 629. Adams (J. C.). Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory of Cambridge. See 328. 55. The Aeronautical Journal. A quarterly illustrated magazine devoted to all subjects connected with the navigation of the air. (Published by the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain.) Vol. 1 * la. 8. London, 1897 > AFHANDLINGAR 9 56. Afhandlingar i Pysik, Kemi och Mineralogi. Utgifne af W. Hisinger och J. Berzelius [and others]. Delen 1-6. 8. Stockholm, 1806-18. African Researches. See 1268. 57. The Agricultural Journal of India. Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Calcutta, 1906 - Imperfect : ivanting pp. 195 to the end of volume 3, the whole of volume 4, and pp. 1-96 of volume 5. 58. Agricultural Students' Gazette. Edited by students at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. New series, vol. 1 * 8<>. Cirencester, 1882 * Imperfect : wanting pp. 189 to the end of volume 3 and pp. 93 to the end of volume 6. Ainsworth (W.) and Cheek (H. H.). Edinburgh Journal of Natural and Geographical Science. See 611. Airy (G. B.). Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory of Cambridge. See 328. Akerman (J. Y.). Numismatic Chronicle. See 1180. Albrecht von Graefe's Archiv fur Ophthalmologie. See 282. Alessandrini(A.). Nuovi Annali delle Scienze naturali. See 1181. 59. Allgemeine deutsche natnrhistorische Zeitung. Im Auftrage der Gesellschaft ' Isis ' in Dresden . . . herausgegeben von C. T. Sachse. Jahrgang 1-2. 8. Dresden und Leipzig, 1846-47. Neue Folge. Herausgegeben von A. Drechsler. Bd. 1-3. la. 8. Hamburg (Dresden), 1855-57. 60. Allgemeine geographische Ephemeriden. Verfasset von einer Gesellschaft (von) Gelehrten und herausgegeben von F. von Zach, (A. C. Gaspari und F. J. Bertuch ; F. J. Bertuch und C. G. Reichard ; F. J. Bertuch). Bd. 1-51. 8. Weimar, 1798-1816. [Continued as :~] Neue allgemeine geographische Ephemeriden. Verfasset von einer Gesellschaft von Gelehrten, und herausgegeben von F. J. Bertuch. Bd. 1-10. 80. Weimar, 1817-22. [Continued as:~\ Neue allgemeine geographische und statistische Ephemeriden. Ver- fasset von einer Gesellschaft von Gelehrten, und herausgegeben von dem geographischen Institute. Bd. 11-31. 8. Weimar, 1822-31. No more published. 61. Allgemeine Zeitschrift fur Psychiatric und psychisch-gerichtliche Medicin, herausgegeben von Deutschlands Irrenarzten . . . unter der Redaction von Damerow, Flemming und Roller [and others]. Bd. 1 - 80. Berlin, 1844 -* 10 ALLGEMEINES 62. Allgeineines Journal der Chemie. Herausgegeben von A. N. Scherer. Bd. 1-6. 8. Leipzig, 1798-1801. [After volume 10 continued as :] Neues allgemeines Journal der Chemie . . . Herausgegeben von A. F. Gehlen. Bd. 1-6. 8. Berlin, 1803-5. [Continued as :] Journal fur die Chemie und Physik (und Mineralogie) . . . Herausgegeben von A. F. Gehlen. Bd. 1-9. 8<>. Berlin, 1806-10. [Continued as :] Journal fur Chemie und Physik . . . Herausgegeben von J. S. C. Schweigger ([J.L.G.] Meinecke, F. W. Schweigger-Seidel). Bd. 1-68. 8. Nttrnberg (Halle), 1811-33. Volumes 31 to 60 have a second title-page : ' Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik. Bd. 1 (-30).' Volumes 61 to 68 have a second title-page : ' Neues Jahrbuch der Cliemie und Physik. Bd. 1 (-8).' After volume 69 the 'Journal fur Chemie und Physik' icas united with the 'Journal fur technische und oekonomische Chemie ' (q. v. No. 810) and continued as : Journal fur praktische Chemie. Herausgegeben von 0. L. Erdmann, F. W. Schweigger-Seidel [and others]. Bd. 1 > 8". Leipzig, 1834 * 63. Allgemeines Magazin der Natur, Kunst und Wissenschaften. Theil 6. 8. Leipzig, 1755. 64. Almanack der kaiserliclieu Akademie der Wissenschaften. Jahrgang 3 * 8. Wien, 1853 Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1894 to 1902. 65. Almanaqne Nautico y Efemerides Astrondmicas para el Aiio de 1830 (-1850) calculadas de oxden de S. M. para el Observatorio real de Marina de la Ciudad de 8. Fernando. sm. 8 (4<>). Madrid, 1827-48. Almanaque Nautico para el Ano 1855 (1856 >) calculado de orden de S. M. en el (Institute y) Observatorio de Marina {de la Ciudad} de San Fernando. la. 8. San Fernando, 1853 Imperfect : wanting the volume for the year 1866. Almeida (J. C. d'). Journal de Physique. See 796. 66. Alpina. Eine Schrift der genauern Kenntniss der Alpen gewiedmet [sic]. Herausgegeben von C. U. von Salis und J. K. Steinmiiller. Bd. 1-4. 8. Winterthur, 1806-9. Alton (E. d') and Burmeister (H.). Zeitung fur Zoologie. See 1801. 67. American Chemical Journal. Edited ... by I. Bemsen. Vol. 1 * 8. Baltimore, 1879 - 68. The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac for the year 1865 - la. 80. Washington, 1863 > Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1880 and 1881. AMERICAN 11 69. The American Journal of Anatomy. [Including in volumes 1-5 the Proceedings of the Association of American Anatomists. 15th-20th Sessions.] (Published by the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology.) Vol. 1 -* la. 8. Baltimore (Philadelphia), 1901 - 70. American Journal of Couchology. Published by the Conchological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Vol. 5-7. 8. Philadelphia, 1870-72. No more published after volume 7. 71. American Journal of Mathematics; pure and applied. Edited by J. J. Sylvester (S. Newcomb, T. Craig, F. Morley). Published under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins University. Vol. 1 > 4. Baltimore, 1878 > 72. The American Journal of Otology. A quarterly journal of physio- logical acoustics and aural surgery. Edited by C. J. Blake, etc. Vol. 1-4. la. 8. New York (Boston), 1879-82. 73. The American Journal of Physiology. (Edited for the American Physiological Society.) Vol. 1 > la. 8. Boston, 1898 -* 74. The American Journal of Science, more especially of mineralogy, geology, and the other branches of natural histoiy ; including also agriculture and the ornamental as well as useful arts. Conducted by B. Silliman. Vol. 1. 8. New York, 1818. [Continued as :] The American Journal of Science and Arts. Conducted by B. Silliman (and J. D. Dana and E. S. Dana). Vol. 2-118. 8. New Haven, 1820-79. Volumes 51 to 118 are also numbered Series 2, vol. 1 Series 3, vol. 18. [Continued as :] The American Journal of Science. Editors {J. D. Dana), E. S. Dana, (and B. Silliman}. Vol. 119 (Series 3, vol. 19) > 8. New Haven, 1880 * 75. The American Medical and Philosophical Register ; or, annals of medicine, natural history, agriculture, and the arts. Conducted by D. Hosack and J. W. Francis. Second edition. Vol. 1-4. 8. New York, 1814. No more published. The ' Eegister ' was originally published in the years 1810 to 1813. 76. The American Museum of Natural History . . . Annual Report, etc. 1884 [16th, etc., Reports] -* 80 (la. 8). New York, 1885 -* Imperfect : wanting the reports for the years 1903, 1906, 1907, and 1908. 77. The American Naturalist, a popular illustrated magazine of natural history. Edited by A. S. Packard, E. S. Morse [and others]. Pub- lished by the Essex Institute (Peabody Academy of Science). Vol. 1-9. 8<>. Salem, Mass., 1868-75, 12 AMTLICHER 78. Amtliclier Bericht iiber die Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Arzte ... in ... 1828 (-1867) [i. e. the 7th-40th Keports]. 4o. Berlin (Heidelberg, etc.), 1829-67. TJie titles of the volumes for 1840, 1842, 1847, and 1852 are: 'Amt- liclier Bericht iiber die Versammlung der Gcsellschaft deutscher Natur- forscher und Arzte.' The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Reports were published in ' Isis ' (q. v. No. 717), as explained in the appended list, ivhich also gives the name of the town at ivhich each meeting was held. 1. Leipzig, 1822. In 'Isis', 1823, columns 553-9. 2. Halle, 1823. In 'Isis', 1823, columns 1336-46. 3. Wurzburg, 1824. In 'Isis', 1825, columns 761-842. 4. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1825. In 'Isis', 1825, columns 1242-56. 5. Dresden, 1826. In 'Isis', 1827, columns 297-409. 6. Miinchen, 1827. In 'Isis', 1828, columns 417-596. 7. Berlin, 1828. 8. Heidelberg, 1829. 9. Hamburg, 1830. In 'Isis', 1831, columns 785-1160. 10. Wien, 1832. 11. Breslau, 1833. 12. Stuttgart, 1834. 13. Bonn, 1835. In 'Isis', 1836, columns 641-809. 14. Jena, 1836. 15. Prag, 1837. 16. Freiburg, 1838. 17. Pyrmont, 1839. In 'Isis', 1840, columns 801-950. 18. Erlangen, 1840. 19. Braunschweig, 1841. 20. Mainz, 1842. 21. Gratz, 1843. 22. Bremen, 1844. 23. Nurnberg, 1845. 24. Kiel, 1846. 25. Aachen, 1847. 26. Not published. 27. Not published. 28. Gotha, 1851. Tliis volume is missing. 29. Wiesbaden, 1852. 30. Tubingen, 1853. ' Andenken ' only. 31. Gottingen, 1854. 32. Wien, 1856. 33. Bonn, 1857. 34. Carlsruhe, 1858. 35. KOnigsberg, 1860. And ' Tageblatt '. 36. Not published. 37. Karlsbad, 1862. 38. Stettin, 1863. ANALECTEN 13 39. Giessen, 1864. 40. Hannover, 1865. 41. Frankfurt am Main, 1867. ' Tageblatt ' only. 53. Danzig, 1880. ' Tageblatt ' only. 79. Analecten neuer Beobachtungeu und Untersuchungen for die Naturkunde von J. G. Steinbuch. 8. Furth, 1802. 80. Analekteu far Erd- nnd Himmelsknude. Herausgegeben von F. v. P. Gruithuisen. Bd. 1. 80. Mimchen, 1830. [Continued as :] Neue Analekten fur Erd- und Himmels-Kunde. Herausgegeben von F. v. P. Gruithuisen. Bd. 1-2. 8<>. Munchen, 1834-36. No more published. 81. Analele Institntnlni Meteorologic al Romanic! pe anul 1885 > Tom. 1 4o. Bncnresci, 1886 > Imperfect : wanting volumes 11 (1895), 14 (1898) and 17 (1901). Each volume has a second title-page: 'Annales de I'Institut mete'orologique de Boumanie.' Au ales de Ciencias natnrales. See 82. 82. Anales de Historia natnral [By P. J. Pereyra]. Tom. [l]-2. 8. Madrid, 1799-1800. [Continued as .*] Anales de Ciencias naturales [By C. Herrgen, L. J. Proust, D. Fernandez, and A. J. Cavanilles]. Tom. 3-7. No more published. 8. Madrid, 1801-4. 83. Anales de la Asociaciou de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de Mexico. Tom. 4-6. la. 8. Mexico, 1894-97. 84. Anales de la Oficina meteorolo'gica Argentina. Tom. 1-8. la. 4. Buenos Aires, 1878-90. 85. Anales de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia natural. Tom. 1-30. la. 8. Madrid, 1872-1901. Volumes 21 to 30 are also numbered Serie 2, torn. 1-10. [Continued as .] [I] Boletin de la (real) Sociedad Espanola de Historia natural. ' Tom. [1] - la. 8. Madrid, 1901 -> I II] Memorias de la (real) Sociedad Espanola de Historia natural. Tom. 1 - la. 80. Madrid, 1903 - 86. Anales de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Tom. 1-9. 8. Caracas, 1900-8. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-768 of volume 2, pp. 217 to the end of volume 3, volume 4, pp. 597 to the end of volume 7, and pp. 351-574 of volume 8. Auales del Institute y Observatorio de Marina de San Fernando. See 89. U ANALES 87. Aixales del Museo de La Plata . . . Materiales para la Historia fisica y moral del Continente Sad-Americano. Paleontologfa Argen- tina. 1-5. fol. La Plata, 1891-1903. Seccion Antropologica. 1-2. fol. La Plata, 1896-97. Seccion Botanica. 1. fol. La Plata, 1902. Seccion Geologica y Mineralogica. 2. fol. La Plata, 1900. Seccion Zoologica. 1-3. fol. La Plata, 1893-95. [Continued as :~\ Universidad nacional de La Plata. Anales del Museo de La Plata. Serie 2, torn. 1 * fol. Buenos Aires, 1907 > 88. Anales del Museo {publico} (nacional) de Buenos Aires para dar a conocor los objetos de historia natural nuevos o poco conocidos con- servados en este establecimiento, por G. Burmeister. Tom. 1 * la. 4 (la. 8). Buenos Aires, 1864 89. Anales del (Institute y) Observatorio de Marina de San Fernando . . . Seccion 2a. Observaciones meteorologicas (magne- ticas y sismicas). Ano 1870 * fol. San Fernando, 1870 > Imperfect : wanting the volume for tiie year 1896. 90. The Analyst : a monthly journal of pure and applied mathematics. Edited by J. E. Hendricks. Vol. 1-10. la, 8. Des Moines, Iowa, (1874)-1883. - [Continued as .*] Annals of Mathematics. Edited by 0. Stone and W. H. Thornton. Vol. 1-3. 4o. Cincinnati (Charlottesville, Va.), 1884-87. Imperfect : ivanting pp. 65-96 of volume 3. 91. The Analyst, including the proceedings of the Society of Public Analysts. Vol. 1 > la. 8. London, 1877 Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-182 of volume 1. 92. Anatomische Studien. Herausgegeben von C. Hasse. Bd. 1. 80. Leipzig, 1873. Audersson (N. J.). Berattelse om Botaniska Arbeten och Upptackter. See 315. Andral (G.). Journal hebdomadaire de Medecine. See 811. Angot (A.). Annales du Bureau central meteorologique de France. See 155. 93. Annaes da Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto. Collecoes de memorias e de noticias sobre a mmeralogia, a geologia e as exploracoes das minas no Brazil. N. 1-3. la. 8. Kio de Janeiro (Ouro Preto), 1881-84. 94. Annaes das Sciencias e Lettras, publicados debaixo dos auspicios da Academia real das Sciencias. Sciencias mathematicas, physicas, historico-naturaes, e medicas. Anno 1-2. la. 8. Lisboa, 1857-59. No more published after volume 2. This set wants all after page 320 of volume 2, if any further pages were ever issued. ANNAES 15 95. Annaes de Sciencias naturaes. Publicados por A. Nobre. Vol. 2-8. la. 80. Porto, 1895-1903. Imperfect : ivanting volumes 3-5, and pp. 105-168 of volume 6. Annaes do Imperial Observatorio do Bio de Janeiro. See 132. 96. Annaes do Observatorio do Infante D. Luiz em Lisboa. 1856 (-1888). Vol. 1-26. fol. Lisboa, 1863-90. 97. Annaes do Observatorio do Infante D. Lniz. Observagoes dos Fostos meteorologicos segundo o piano adoptado no Congresso de Vienna d'Austria, 1880 (-1886). fol. Lisboa, 1882-91. 98. Annaes Scientific os da Academia polytechiiica do Porto. Vol. 1 la. 8<>. Coimbra, 1905 > 99. Annalen der allgemeiuen schweizerischen Gesellschaft for die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Herausgegeben von F. Meisner. Bd. 1-2. 8'. Bern, 1824. Annalen der Berg- und Huttenkunde. See 739. Annalen der Botanick. See 446. Annalen der Chemie (und Fharmacie). See 905. Annalen der herzoglichen Societat for die gesammte Mineralogie zu Jena. Sec 103. 100. Annalen der k.-k. Sterawarte in Wien . . . Herausgegeben von J. J. Littrow [and others]. Theil 1 Folge 3, Bd. 29. fol. (4-). Wien, 1821-80. Annalen der k.-k. Universitats-Sternwarte in Wien. Herausgegeben von E. Weiss. Jahrgang 1882 (-1898). Bd. 2-14. la. 4. Wien, 1884-1900. Imperfect : wanting volumes 7-9. 101. Annalen der kaiserlichen Universitats-Sternwarte in Strassburg. Bd. 1 -> la. 4. Karlsruhe, 1896 -* 102. Annalen der klinischen Anstalten der Universitat zn Breslau fiir Geburtshulfe und Krankheiten der Weiber und Kinder, herausgegeben von J. W. Betschler. Bd. 1-2. 8<>. Breslau, 1832-34. Annalen der koniglichen Steruwarte bei Muncheii. See 338. Annalen der Fharmacie. Sec 905. Annalen der Physik (und Chemie). See 799. Annalen der Physik nnd der physikalischen Chemie. See 799. Annalen der schweizerischen meteorologischen Central-Anstalt. See 1490. 16 ANNALEN 103. Annalen der (herzoglichen) Societat far die gesammte Mineralogie zu Jena. Herausgegeben von J. G. Lenz (und J. F. H. Schwabe}. Bd. 1-2. . 8. Jena {und Leipzig], 1802-4. Volume 1 has a second, title-page : ' Schriften der herzoglichen Societat, etc.' 104. Annalen der Sternwarte in Leiden, herausgegeben von F. Kaiser (H. G. van de Sande Bakhuyzen). Bd. 1 * 4o. Harlem (Haag), 1868 -> 105. Annalen der wetterauischen Gesellschaft fur die gesammte Naturkunde [ Hanau ]. Bd. 1-4. 4. Frankfurt am Main, 1809-19. Volume 4 has a second title-page : ' Neue Annalen, etc. Bd. 1.' 106. Annalen des kaiserlich-koniglichen naturhistorischen Hofmu- seums. Jahresberichte fur 1885 > Bd. 1 > sm. fol. Wien, 1886 > Annalen des Nationalmuseums der Naturgeschichte [Paris]. See 162. Annalen des physikalischen Central-Observatoriums. See 1195. 107. Aunalen des Wiener Museums der Naturgeschichte, etc. Bd. 1-2. 4o. Wien, 1836-40. 108. Aunalen fur Meteorologie, Erdmagnetismus und verwandte Gegenstande . . . Herausgegeben von J. Lamont. Jahrgang 1842 (-1844). 80. Munchen, 1842^4. No more published. 109. Annales Academies Gandavensis. 1817-8 (1827-8). 4o. Gandavi, 1819-31. Annales Academiae Groninganae. See 44. 110. Annales Academiae Jenensis. Edidit H. C. A. Eichstadius . . . 1821. Vol. 1. 4o. Jense, 1823. No more published. 111. Annales Academiae Leodiensis. 1817-8 ( 1826-7). 4. Leodii, 1819-29. 112. Annales Academiae Lovaniensis. 1817 (-1826). Vol. 1-9. 4. Bruxellis (Lovanii), 1821-27. 113. Annales Academiae Lugduno-Batavae. 1815-6 ( 1836-7). 4. Lugduni Batavorum, 1817-38. For continuation see No. 115. 114. Annales Academiae Rheno-Trajectinae. Ann. 1815-6 (-1835-6). 8. Trajecti ad Ehenum, 1817-37. For continuation see No. 115. Aunales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. See 1555. ANNALES 17 115. Annales Academic!. 1837-8 (1865-6). 4. Hagae-Comitis (Lugduni-Batavorum), 1840-70. The 'Annales' contains the reports of the Academies of Leyden (see No. 113\ Utrecht (see No. 114), and Gfroningen (see No. 44), and of the Athenaeums of Franeker, Amsterdam, and Deventer. 116. Annales agricoles du Departemeiit de 1'Aisne ; publiees par la Societe des Sciences, Arts, Belles-Lettres et Agriculture de St. Quentin. Livraison 1-15. 80. St.-Quentin, 1831-42. [Continued as :] Soci6te academique de Saint-Quentin. Annales scientifiques, agricoles et industrielles du Departement de 1'Aisne. 1843 (-1847). Serie 2, torn. 1-5. 8. Saint-Quentin, 1844-48. Societe academique des Sciences, Arts, Belles-Lettres et Agriculture de Saint-Quentin (Aisne). Travaux de 1862 a 1863. Serie 3, torn. 4. 8. Saint-Quentin, 1863. 117. Annales agronomiques. Publiees sous les auspices du Ministere de 1'Agriculture . . . par P. P. Deherain. Tom. 14-28. la. 8. Paris, 1888-1902. 118. Annales de Chimie : ou, recueil de memoires concernant la chimie et les arts qui en dependent. Par MM. [L. B. G.] de Morveau, [A. L.] Lavoisier, Monge, [C. L.l Berthollet [and others]. Tom. 1-96. 80. Paris, 1789-1815. [Continued as .-] Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Par MM. [N. F.] Gay-Lussac et [D. P. J.] Arago [and others]. Tom. 1 > 8. Paris, 1816 > Imperfect : ivanting pp. 1-144 of volume 5 of the 8th series. Annales de 1' Academic de Macoii. See 573. 119. Annales de 1'Academie de Reims. Vol. 1. 8. Reims, 1843. 120. Annales de 1'Ecole polytecnnique de Delft. Tom. 1-8. 4. Leide, 1885-97. Annales de 1'Industrie manufacturiere, agricole et commerciale. See 121. 121. Annales de 1'Indnstrie nationale et etrangere, ou mercure techno- logique ; recueil de memoires sur les arts et metiers, les manufactures, le commerce, 1'industrie, 1'agriculture, &c., renfermant la description du Musee des produits de 1'industrie francaise, exposes au Louvre en 1819. Par L. S. Le Normand et J. G. V. de Moleon. Tom. 1-4. 80. Paris, 1820-21. Annales de 1'Industrie nationale et etrangere . . . renfermant la description des Mus6es des produits de 1'industrie fran9aise. Par L. S. Le Normand et J. G. V. de Moleon. Tom. 1-24. 8. Paris, 1820-27. Volume 24 is an index to the other volumes of the l Annales '. c 18 ANNALES [Continued as.*] Annales (mensuelles) de 1'Industrie manufacturiere, agricole et commerciale ; de la salubrite publique et des beaux-arts. Repertoire general des brevets d'invention . . . Par J. G. V. de Moleon. Tom. 1-2. 80. Paris, 1827. {Continued as:] Recueil industriel, manufacturier, agricole et commercial de la salubrite publique et des beaux-arts, auquel est reuni le Journal hebdomadaire des Arts et Metiers de 1'Angleterre (et les Annales de la Societe royale des Prisons. Le Bulletin de la Societ6 polytechnique) . . . Par J. G. V. de Moleon. Tom. 3-28. 8. Paris, 1827-33. [Continued as :] Recueil de la Societe polytechnique, etc. Serie 2, torn. 1. 8. Paris, 1834. [Continued as :] Recueil industriel, manufacturier et commercial, etc. Serie 2, torn. 2-4. 8. Paris, 1834. 122. Annales de 1'Institut botanico-geolcgique colonial de Marseille, etc. Tom. 1. la. 8. Paris, 1893. [Continued as :] Annales de 1'Institut colonial de Marseille, etc. Tom. 2-5. la. 8. Lille (Macon, Marseille, Paris), 1895-98. Imperfect : wanting pp. 183 to the end of volume 5. . Annales de 1'Institut colonial de Marseille. See 122. Annales de 1'Institut meteorologique de Houmaiiie, See 81. 123. Annales de 1'Institut Pasteur, journal de microbiologie, publiees . . . par E. Duclaux. 1887 - Tom. 1 > la. 8". Paris, 1888 Annales de 1'Observatoire astronomique de Montsouris. See 156. Annales de 1'Observatoire astronomique, magnetique et meteoro- logique de Toulouse. See 130. 124. Annales de 1'Observatoire d' Astronomic physique de Paris. Publiees par J. Janssen. Tom. 1 > 4. Paris, 1896 > 125. Annales de 1'Observatoire de Bordeaux. Tom. 1-13. 4. Paris [et] Bordeaux, 1885-1907. 126. Aunales de 1'Observatoire (royal) de Bruxelles, etc. Tom. 1-25. 4. Bruxelles, 1834-77. [United with the 'Annales me'teorologiques de 1'Observatoire' (q.v. No. 167} and continued as :] [I.] Annales de 1'Observatoire royal de {Bruxelles} (Belgique). Nouvelle serie. Annales astronomiques. Tom. 1 > la. 4. Bruxelles, 1878 > ANNALES 19 [II.] Annales de 1'Observatoire royal de {Bruxelles} (Belgique). Serie 2. Annales meteorologiques. Tom. 1 la. 4. Bruxelles, 1881 In 1904 a third section was commenced : [III.] Annales de 1'Observatoire royal de Belgique . . . Nouvelle serie. Physique du Globe. Tom. 1 la. 4. Bruxelles, 1904 127. Annales de 1'Observatoire de I'Academie de Turin avec des notices statistiques concernant 1'Agriculture et la Medecine par le Professeur Vassalli-Eandi. 1809 (-1811). 4. Turin, 1809-11. 128. Annales de 1'Observatoire de Moscou. Vol. 1 Serie 2, vol. 2. 4. Moscou, 1874-90. Imperfect : wanting part 2 of volume 4. 129. Annales de 1'Observatoire de Nice, publiees sous les auspices {du Bureau des Longitudes} (de I'Universite de Paris) par M. [J.J Perrotin. Tom. 1-10. la. 4. Paris, 1887-1905. Annales de 1'Observatoire de Paris. Sec 131. 130. Annales de 1'Observatoire de Toulouse. Par F. Petit. Tom. 1. 4. Toulouse, 1863. No more ptillished until 1880, ^vhen the ' Annales ' tvas continued as : Annales de 1'Observatoire astronomique, magnetique et meteorologique de Toulouse. Tom. 1-7. 4<>. Paris (et Toulouse), 1880-1907. 131. Aunales de 1'Observatoire {imperial} de Paris, publiees par U. J. LeVerrier([E.]Mouchez,F. Tisserand, M. Loewy). Memoires. Tom. 1 - 4. Paris, 1855 -^ Observations. Tom. 1 4. Paris, 1858 Imperfect : ivanting volume 4 of the ' Observations '. 132. Aunales de 1'Observatoire imperial de Rio de Janeiro. Tom. 1-4. 4o. Kio de Janeiro, 1882-89. Volumes 3 and 4 Jiave a second title-page : ' Annaes do Imperial Observatorio do Rio de Janeiro.' 133. Annales de 1'Observatoire meteorologique da Mont-Blanc. Publiees sous la direction de J. Vallot. Tom. 1-6. 4. Paris, 1893-1905. 134. Anuales de 1'Observatoire national cl'Athenes. Tom. 1 > 4. Athenes, 1896 - Annales de 1'Observatoire physique central de Bussie. See 1105. Annales de 1'Observatoire royal de Eelgique. Sec 126. Annales de 1'Observatoire royal de Bruxelles. See 126. 135. Annales de 1'Universite de Lyon. Tom. 2, fasc. 2 la. 8. Paris (et Lyon), 1892 -> Imperfect : ivanting part 3 of volume 2, volumes 4, 5, and 8, and fascicules 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 31, 36, 37, 38, and 40. After fascicule 40 the 'Annales ' is divided into two sections : Section 1. Sciences, Medecine ; Section 2. Droit, Lettres. c 2 20 ANNALES 136. Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de Marseille. PuLliees sous les auspices de la Municipality. Tom. 1 4o. Marseille, Paris, 1891 * 137. Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de (FUniversite de) Toulouse, pour les sciences mathematiques et les sciences physiques, publics par un comite de redaction compose des professeurs de mathe- matiques, de physique, et de chimie de la faculte, etc. Tom. 1-12. 4<>. Paris (et Toulouse), 1887-98. 138. Annales de la Medecine physiologique ; par F. J. V. Broussais. Tom. 1-22. 8. Paris, 1822-32. Annales de la Societe d 1 Agriculture, Sciences et Industrie de Lyon. See 153. 139. Annales de la Societe d'Emulation du Departement des Vosges. Tom. 1-4. 80. Spinal, 1831-40. 140. Annales de la Societe de Medecine d'Anvers. 1841 (-1856). 8<>. Anvers, 1841-56. Imperfect : wanting pp. 253-356 of the volume for the year 1847, and pp. 193-256 and 305-384 of the volume for the year 1850. Annales de la Societe des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Or- leans. See 491. 141. Annales de la Societe entomologique de France. Tom. 1-64. 8. Paris, 1882-95. Imperfect : wanting volumes 1-3 (1853-55) of the 3rd series. From 1843 to 1890 the volumes are numbered from Serie 2, tome 1 to Serie 6, tome 10. In 1891 the original numbering is reverted to, tlw volume for that year being volume 60. 142. Annales de la Societe geologiqtte de Belgique. Tom. 1 la. 8. liege, 1874 -> The ' Annales ' contains the ' Bulletin ' and the ' Memoires ' of the Society. Volume 25 bis forms volume 1 of the ' Memoires de la Societe geologique de Belgique ' (q. v. No. 975). Annales de la Societe imperiale d' Agriculture, Histoire naturelle et Arts utiles de Lyon. See 153. 143. Annales de la Societe liimeenne de Lyon. Nouvelle serie, torn. 1-51. la. 8. Lyon (et Paris), 1853-1904. Imperfect : wanting volumes 5-9. 144. Annales de la Societe linneenne du Departement de Maine-et-Loire. Annee 1-4. la. 8. Angers, 1854-61. 145. Annales de la Societe litteraire, scientinque et artistique d'Apt (Vaucluse). Annee 1-5. 1863 (-1868). 8. Apt, 1865-71. ANNALES 21 [Continued as .] Proces-Verbaux des Seances de la Societe litteraire, scientifique et artistique d'Apt. Serie 2, torn. 1-2. 1868 (-1873). 80. Apt, 1873-74. 146. Anuales de la Societe (royale zoologique et) malacologique de Belgique. Annee 1863 > Tom. 1 * la. 80. Bruxelles, [1866?] -> Several of the volumes Iwve a second title-page: ' Memoir es de la Societe malacologique de Belgique.' Annales de la Societe royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Orleans. See 491. Annales de la Societe royale zoologique et malacologique de Belgique. Sec 146. 147. Anuales de Mathematiques pures et appliquees. Recueil periodique, redige par J. D. Gergonne et J. E. Thomas-Lavernede. Tom. 1-22, no. 2. 40. Nismes, 1810-31. No more published. The ' Journal de Mathematiques pures et appliquees ' (q. v. No. 793), commenced in 1836, was intended as a continuation of the ''Annales '. 148. Annales des Arts et Manufactures, ou memoires technologiques sur les d^couvertes modernes concernant tous les arts et metiers, les manufactures, 1'agriculture, le commerce et la navigation. Par MM. [B.] O'Keilly et [J. N.] Barbier-Vemars. [Premiere Collection.] Tom. 1-56. 8<>. Paris, [1800-15]. This set is third edition published in 1818. Annales des Mines. See 800. 149. Annales des Fonts et Chaussees. Memoires et documens relatifs a 1'art des constructions et au service de 1'ingenieur ; lois, ordonnances et autres actes concernant radministration des ponts et chaussees. Serie 1. 1831 (-1840). 8. Paris, 1831-40. Serie 6. 1881 -> 80 (la. 8). Paris, 1881 - 150. Annales des Sciences geologiques, ou archives de geologic, de mineralogie, de paleontologie, et de toutes les parties de geographie, d'astronomie, de met6orologie, de physique generale, &c., qui se rattachent directement a la geologie pure et appliqu^e; publiees par M. A. Kiviere. Tom. 1-2. 8. Paris, 1842-[1843], No more published. 151. Annales des Sciences geologiques. Publiees sous la direction de M. Hebert et de M. A. Milne-Edwards. Tom. 1-22. la. 8. Paris, 1869-91. Imperfect : wanting articles 2 and 3 of volume 14. 22 ANNALES 152. Aimales des Sciences iiaturelles. Par MM. [J. V.] Audquin, [A. T. | Brongniart et [J. B.] Dumas ([H.] Milne-Edwards, [J. A.] Guillemin, [and others]). Comprenant la physiologie animale et vegetale, 1'anatomie comparee des deux regnes, la zoologie, la botanique, la mineralogie et la geologie. Tom. 1 * 8 (la. 8). Paris, 1824 > After 1833 the 'Annales ' tvas divided into two series : ' Botanique ' and ' Zoologie '. Imperfect : wanting pp. 285-300 of volume 16 of the 6th series of the zoological section. 153. Annales des Sciences physiques et iiaturelles, d' Agriculture et d'Industrie. Publiees par la Societe royale d' Agriculture, &c., de Lyon. Tom. 1 Serie 3, torn. 11. la. 8. Lyon, Paris, Londres, 1838-67. [Continued as :] Annales de la Soci6te imperiale d'Agriculture, Histoire naturelle et Arts utiles de Lyon. Serie 4, torn. 1 S6rie 6, torn. 5. la. 8. Lyon, Paris, 1868-92. [Continued as :] Annales de la Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences et Industrie de Lyon. Serie 7, torn. 1 Serie 8, torn. 1. la. 8. Lyon, Paris, 1893-1904. 154. Annales des TJniversites de Belgique ; ou, recueil contenant les lois, arretes et reglements relatifs a 1'enseignement superieur, les memoires couronnes aux concours universitaires, et d'autres documents acade- miques. 1842 (-1844). Annee 1-3. la. 8. Bruxelles, 1843-46. 155. Annales du Bureau central meteorologique de France, publiees par E. Mascart (A. Angot). Annee 1877 > la. 4. Paris, 1880 - 156. Annales du Bureau des Longitudes et de 1'Observatoire astrono- mique de Montsouris. Tom. 1-6. 4. Paris, 1877-1903 157. Annales du Conservatoire {imperial} des Arts et Metiers. Tom. 1 Serie 3, torn. 4. 8. Paris, 1861-1902. Imperfect : wanting all after part 1 of volume 11, and volume 12 to tJie end of the 1st series (1880-1888). 158. Aimales du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg, publiees par M. Treub. Vol. 2 -* la. 8. Leide, 1882 -* Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-76 of volume 2, pp. 89 to the end of volume 5, pp. 81 to the end of volume 5, pp. 1-96 of volume 6, pp. 127 to the end of volume 9, the whole of volume 10, and pp. 85 to the end of volume 19. 159. Annales du Mtisee d'Histoire naturelle de Marseille. Publiees . . . sous la direction de A. F. Marion. Zoologie. Travaux du Labora- toire de Zoologie marine. Tom. 1-2. 4. Marseille, 1883-85. ANNALES 28 160. Annales du Mtisee du Congo (Beige). Botanique. Serie 1, torn. 1 la. 4. BruxeUes, 1898 -* Ethnographie et Anthropologie. Serie 1, torn. 1 * la. 4. Bruxelles, 1899 -> Geologie, Paleontologie et Mineralogie. Serie 1, torn. 1 > la. 4. Bruxelles, 1908 > Zoologie. Serie 1, torn. 1, fasc. 4 > la. 4. Bruxelles, 1898 - 161. Annales du Miisee royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique. Tom. 1-14. fol. Bruxelles, 1877-87. No more published. 162. Annales du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, par les pro- fesseurs de cet etablissement. Tom. 1-20. 4o. Paris, an xi (1802)-1813. [Continued as :~\ Memoires du Museum d'Histoire naturelle, par les professeurs de cet etablissement. Tom. 1-20. 4. Paris, 1815-32. [Continued as :] Nouvelles Annales du Museum d'Histoire naturelle, ou recueil de memoires publics par les Professeurs de cet Etablissement et par d'autres naturalistes sur 1'histoire naturelle, 1'anatomie, et la chimie. Tom. 1-4. 4. Paris, 1832-35. [Continued as:] Archives du Museum d'Histoire naturelle. Tom. 1-10. 4. Paris, 1839-61. [Continued as :] Nouvelles Archives du Museum d'Histoire naturelle. Tom. 1 > 4 (la. 4). 1865 -* Imperfect : wanting volume 2 of the 4th series. Annalen des Nationalmuseums der Naturgeschichte, herausgegeben von den Professoren dieser Anstalt, tibersetzt und mit Anmerkuugen begleitet von J. J. Bernhardi. [Bd. 1-2.] 4. Hamburg und Maynz, 1803-4. Annales eiicyclopediques. See 900. 163. Annales frangaises et etrangeres d' Anatomic et de Physiologic, appliquees a la medecine et a 1'histoire naturelle ; par MM. [J. L. M.] Laurent, P. F. A. Bazin, [and others]. Tom. 1-3. No more published. la. 8. Paris, [1837]-1839. 164. Annales generales des Sciences physiques; par [J. B.J Bory de St.- Vincent, [A.] Drapiez, et [J. B.] van Mons. Tom. 1-8. 8. Bruxelles, 1819-21. Annales hydrographiques. See 941, 24 ANNALES 165. Annales maritimes et coloiiiales, ou recueil des lois, decrets, ordonnances, decisions et reglemens rendus sur la marine et les colonies, pendant les annees 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814 et 1815, pour servir d'introduction aux Annales maritimes et coloniales commencees en 1816, et faire suite au Eecueil des Lois relatives a la marine et aux colonies, qui s'arrete a la fin de 1808. Public avec 1'approbation de . . . le Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies, par M. Bajot. Annees 1809-1815. 2 torn. 8. Paris, 1818. Annales maritimes et coloniales, ou recueil de lois et ordonnances royales, reglemens et decisions ministerielles, memoires, observa- tions et notices particulieres, et geiieralement de tout ce qui peut interesser la Marine et les Colonies, sous les rapports militaires, administratifs, judiciaires, nautiques, consulaires et commerciaux ; publie avec 1'approbatioii de . . . le Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies, par M. Bajot (et M. Poirre). Annee 1816 Serie 2, Annee 25. 8. Paris, 1816-40. In 1849 the 'Annales maritimes et coloniales' was united with the 'Melanges hydrographigues' and continued as: 'Annales hydro- graphiques ' (g_. v. No. 941). 166. Annales meclico-psychologiques. Journal destine a recueillir tous les documents relatifs a 1'alienation mentale, aux nevroses et a la medecine legale des alienes ; par MM. Baillarger, Brierre de Bois- mont, et Cerise. (2 m Serie.) Tom. 2-5. 8. Paris, 1850-53. Annales meiisuelles de 1'Industrie manufacturiere, agricole et commerciale. See 121. 167. Annales meteorologiques de 1'Observatoire royal de Bruxelles. Annee 1867 (-1879). [Tom. 1-13.] 4. Bruxelles, 1867-79. After volume 13 the 'Annales' ivas united with the 'Annales de 1'Observatoire ' (q. v. No. 126). 168. Annales Musei Botauici Lngduno-Batavi. Edidit F. A. G. Miquel. Vol. 1-4. fol. Amstelodami, 1863-69. Annales scieiitifiques, agricoles et industrielles clu Departeinent de 1'Aisne. See 116. 169. Annales scientifiques de 1'J^cole normale superieure, publiees sous les auspices du Ministre de 1'Instruction publique, par L. Pasteur [and others]. Tom. 1 4. Paris, 1864 170. Annales scientinques de FUniversite de Jassy. Tom. 1-5. la. 8. Jassy, 1900-8. Imperfect: wanting pp. 211 to the end of volume 5. 171. Anuales scieiitifiques, (litteraires et) industrielles {et statistiqnes} de 1'Anvergiie. Par H. Lecoq (publiees par 1'Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Clermont-Ferrand). Tom. 1-31. 8. Clermont-Ferrand, 1828-58. ANNALI 25 [Continued as:] Memoires de 1'Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres, et Arts de Clermont-Ferrand. Nouvelle serie, torn. 1-6. 8. Clermont-Ferrand, 1859-64. 172. Axmali del Museo imperiale di Fisica e Storia naturale di Firenze per il 1808. Tom. 1. 4. Firenze, 1808. Annali del r. Museo di Fisica e Storia naturale di Firenze per il 1865. Nuova serie, vol. 1. 4. Firenze, 1866. 173. Annali dell' Accademia degli aspirant! Naturalist!. Anno [1861]- 1866. Serie 3, vol. 1 serie 4, vol. 1. 8. Napoli, 1861-67. 174. Annali della r. Scuola normale superiore di Fisa. Scienze fisiche e matematiche. Vol. 1. 8. Pisa, 1871. 175. Annali clelle TTuiversita Toscane. Tom. 1-8. la. 80 (4o). Fisa, 1846-66. Volumes 1-5, 7 and 8 are divided into two sections : ' Scienze noologiche ' and 'Scienze cosmologiche.' Imperfect: wanting pp. 61-68 of volume 3 of the l Scienze noologiche ' section. 176. Annali di Fisica dell' Abbate F. Zantedeschi. 1849-50. [Vol. 1.] No more published. la. 8. Fadova, 1849-50. 177. Annali di Fisica, Cliimica e Matematiche, col Bullettino dell' in- dustria meccanica e chimica, diretti da G. A. Majocchi. Vol. 1-12. 80. Milano, 1841-43. [Continued as :] Annali di Fisica, Chimica e Matematiche coi Bollettini di farmacia e di tecnologia, diretti da G. A. Majocchi. Vol. 13-28. 8. Milano, 1844-47. 178. Annali di Geografia e di Statistica. Composti e pubblicati da G. Graberg. Tom. 1-2. 8. Geneva, 1802. No more published. Annali di Matematica para ed applicata. See 179. 179. Annali di Scienze matematiche e fisiche ; compilati da B. Tortolini. Tom. 1-8. la. 8. Roma, 1850-57. [Continued as :] Annali di Matematica pura ed applicata ; pubblicati da B. Tortolini (F. Brioschi e L. Cremona). Tom. 1 > 4o. Koma (Milano), 1858 -> Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Sec 911. 180. Annals of Agriculture, and other useful arts. Collected and published by A. Young. Vol. 1. 80. London, 1784. 181. Annals of Botany. Editors, C. Konig and J. Sims. Vol. 1-2. No more published. 8. London, 1805-6. 26 ANNALS 182. Annals of Botany. Edited by I. B. Balfour, S. H. Vines and W. G. Farlow [and others]. Vol. 1 - la. 8. London, Oxford, 1887 -* 183. The Annals of Electricity, Magnetism, and Chemistry; and guardian of experimental science. Conducted by W. Sturgeon. Vol. 1-10. 30. London, 1836-43. No more published. Annals of Mathematics. See 90. Annals of Medicine. See 934. Annals of Natural History. Sec 911. 184. The Annals of Philosophical Discovery and monthly reporter of the progress of practical science. Conducted by W. Sturgeon. No. 1-5. No more published after number 6. 8. London, 1843. 185. Annals of Philosophy ; or, ' magazine of chemistry, mineralogy, mechanics, natural history, agriculture, and the arts. By T. Thomson. Vol. 1 New series, vol. 12. 8. London, 1813-26. After volume 12 of the new series the ' Annals ' was united with ' The Philosophical Magazine ' (%. v. No. 1229}. 186. Annals of Philosophy, Natural History, Chemistry, Literature, Agriculture, and the Mechanical and Fine Arts. For the year 1800 (-1801). By F. Garnett [and others]. Vol. 1-2. 8". London, 1801-2. 187. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Vol. 1 > 4. Cambridge [Mass.], 1856 - 188. Annals of the Astrophysics! Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution. Vol. 1 > la. 4. Washington, 1900 > 189. Annals of the (Cape Observatory} (Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope). Vol. 1 -> 40. London, [1886] -> The ' Annals ' is published at irregular intervals. The follmving parts were published by 'the end of 1911 : Vol. Ipts. 1-5, vol. 2 pts. 1-6, the ivhole of vols. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9, vol. 8 pts. 1 and 2, vol. 10 pts. 2 and 3, vol. 11 pts. 1-2, and vol. 12 pts. 2-4. 190. Annals of the Dudley Observatory. Vol. 1-2. 8. Albany, 1866-71. 191. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. Vol. 1-11. la. 8. New York, 1824-76. [Continued as :] Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Vol. 1 la. 8. New York, (1877) -> ANNALS 27 192. Annals of the Natal {Government} Museum. Edited by E. Warren. Vol. 1 - la. 80. London, 1906 > Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. See 191. 193. Annals of the Queensland Museum. No. 1 (and 4). 8. Brisbane, 1891-97. 194. Annals of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta. Vol. 1 > fol. (la. fol.). Calcutta, 1887 -> Annals of the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. See 189. 195. Annals of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Vol. 1 la. 4o. Glasgow (Edinburgh), 1902 -> 196. Annals of the South African Museum. Vol. 1 > la. 8. [Cape Town], 1899 - 197. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Vol. 1 > la. 8>. Pretoria, 1908 - Volume 2 has a second title-page : ' Mededeelingen van het Transvaal Museum' 198. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. Issued by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. (University of Liverpool.) Vol. 1 -> la. 8. Liverpool, 1907 199. L 'Annee biologique. Comptes rendus annuels des travaux de Bio- logie generate publies sous la direction de Y. Delage, etc. 1895 > Annee 1 > la. 8. Paris, 1897 > 200. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonensis auspiciis Societatis Zoologies Tokyonensis seriatim editse. Vol. 1 la. 8. Tokyo, 1897 Annuaire astronomique de 1'Observatoire royal de Belgique. See 204. 201. Annuaire de Chimie. Comprenant les applications de cette science a " la medecine et a la pharmacie, ou repertoire des decouvertes et des nouveaux travaux en chimie . . . par E. Millon et J. Keiset. 1847 (-1850). 8. Paris, 1847-50. Annuaire de 1 'Academic royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux- Arts de Belgique. See 202. 202. Annuaire de 1' Academic royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles. Annee 1-11. 12 a . Bruxelles, 1835-45. [Continued as :] Annuaire de PAcademie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux- Arts de Belgique. Annee 12 > 12. Bruxelles, 1846 > Imperfect : ivanting the volume for the year 1905 (Annee 71). 28 ANNUAIRE 203. Annuaire de 1'Institut des Provinces, des Societes savantes et des Congres scientifiques. Serie 2, vol. 4 (and 6) [i. e. Vol. 14 and 16 of the whole series]. 8. Paris et Caen, 1862-64. 204. Annnaire de 1'Observatoire (Eoyal) de {Bruxelles} (Belgique), pour 1'an 1834 (-1900). Par A. Quetelet [and others]. Annee [l]-67. 12o. Bruxelles, 1834-1900. Divided into two sections and continued as : [I.] Annuaire astronomique de 1'Observatoire royal de Belgique. 1901 - 12o. Bruxelles, 1901 - [II.] Observatoire royal de Belgique. Annuaire meteorologique pour 1901 - 12o. Bruxelles, 1901 -> Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1902, 1903 and 1905. Annuaire de 1'Observatoire de Montsouris. See 213. Annnaire de 1'Observatoire royal de Belgique. See 204. 205. Annuaire {de la Republique franchise, presente au Corps Legislatif | par le Bureau des Longitudes (avec des notices scientifiques) pour 1'annee vi (1798) > 12o. Paris, 1797 Imperfect : wanting the volume for the year 1803. Annuaire de la Societe d'Eucouragement pour 1'Industrie natio- nale. See 467. Annuaire de la Societe meteorologique de France. See 212. 206. Annuaire de Paris. Annee 1. 8. Paris, 1872. 207. Annuaire des Cinq Departements de 1'Ancienne Normandie, publie par 1' Association Normande. Annee 6 (and 23). 8. Caen, 1840-57. 208. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour 1'an 1839 (-1881). Publie au Depot de la Marine, etc. 12. Paris, 1838-80. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1840 to 1848, 1855, 1856, 1875, and 1877 to 1879. 209. Annuaire des Societes savantes de la France et de 1'etranger, par A. d'Hericourt. Tom. 1-2. 8. Paris, 1863-64. 210. Annuaire du Journal des Mines de Russie. Annee 1835 (-1838). 8. Saint-Petersbourg, 1840. Aunuaire du Musee zoologique de 1' Academic imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. See 632. Annuaire magnet ique et meteorologique du Corps des Ingenieurs des Mines de Bussie. See 1195. 211. Annuaire meteorologique pour 1'an x [1802] (-1810) . . . Par J. B. Lamarck. No. 3-11. 80. Paris, [1802-10 ?]. Annuaire meteorologique de 1'Observatoire royal de Belgique. See 204. ANNUAIEE 29 212. Aunnaire meteorclogique de la France . . . par J. Haeghens, C. Martins, et A. Berigny. 1849 (-1852). Annee [1>4. 4". Paris, 1848-53. [Continued as :] Annuaire de la Societe meteorologique de France. Tom. 1. 4". Paris, 1853. 213. Annuaire ; meteorologique et agricole' de 1'Observatoire de Montsouris pour 1'an 1876 (-1887). 12. Paris, [1876-87 ?]. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1880 and 1882. Annuaire par le Bureau cles Longitudes. Sec 205. 214. Annual of the National Academy of Sciences [Washington]. 1863 (-1866). 12. Cambridge [Mass.], 1865-67. 215. The Annual of the Royal School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. A collection of papers on professional subjects, etc. [Vol. 1-4.] 8. London, 1871-74. No more published. Annual Report and Abstract of Proceedings of the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society. Sec 218. 216. Annual Report, and Proceedings, of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. (lst-5th Eeports.) 8. Edinburgh, [1837]-1841. Volume 1 is 2nd edition published in 1841. [Continued as:] Transactions of the Botanical Society. Vol. 1-11. 8. Edinburgh, 1844-73. [Continued as .] Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical Society (of Edinburgh). Vol. 12 -* 8. Edinburgh, 1876 -> Annual Report and Transactions of the Plymouth Institution. See 231. Annual Report of the American Institute of the City of New York. See 1591. Annual Report of the American Museum of Natural History. See 76. Annual Report of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. See 226. Annual Report of the Board of Control of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, at Amherst, Mass. See 234. 217. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. 1849 (4th, etc., Keports) > 8. Washington, 1850 -* Imperfect ; wanting the volume for the year 1862. 30 ANNUAL 218. Annual Report of the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society. (14th-16th Eeports.) 12. Brighton, 1867-69. Annual Keport and Abstract of Proceedings of the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society. (18th-24th Keports.) 8. Brighton, 1871-78. Annual Keport of the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society for the year ending 30th Sept., 1880 (June, 1886). 8. Brighton, 1880-86. [ Continued as :] Brighton and Sussex Natural History and Philosophical Society. Annual Keport . . . together with abstracts of papers read before the Society. 1887 (-1895). 8. Brighton, [1887J-1895. Brighton and Hove Natural History and Philosophical Society. Abstracts of Papers . . . together with the Annual Keport for the year ending June 1899 (and the year ending June 1905). 8. Brighton, 1899-1905. 219. Annual Report of the Bureau of (American) Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. 1879 (1st, etc., Reports) sm. fol. Washington, 1881* 220. Annual Report of the Canadian Institute, etc. 1886-7 (1893-4). [lst-7th Reports.] la. 8. Toronto, 1888-94. Annual Report of the Cardiff Naturalists' Society. See 543. 221. Annual Report of the Chief Executive Viticultural Officer (C. A. Wetmore) to the Board of State Viticultural Commissioners, for the year 1881 (1883-4). (1st and 2nd Reports.) 8. Sacramento, 1881-84. 222. Annual Report of the Chief Signal Officer (of the [United States] Army) to the Secretary of War. 1871 (-1890). 8. Washington, 1871-90. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1873 to 1875. Annual Report of the Cornwall Polytechnic Society. See 1408. 223. Annual Report of the Council of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society for 1827 (-1889). la. 8. York, 1828-90. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1856 and 1882. 224. Annual Report of the Department of Mines, New South Wales, for the year 1875 (-1890). [lst-16th Reports.] 4o (sm. fol.). Sydney, 1876-91. [Continued as :] Annual Report of the Department of Mines and Agriculture, New South Wales, for the year 1891 (-1895). sm. fol. Sydney, 1892-96. 1902. sm. fol. Sydney, 1903. ANNUAL 31 225. Annual Report of the Deputy Master of the Mint. 1872 (-1886). (3rd-17th Keports.) la. 8<>. London, 1873-87. Imperfect : wanting the 5th (1874) Report. Annual Report of the Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. See 231. 226. Annual Report of the Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. 1880. (35th, etc., Keports.) > 8. Cambridge [Mass.], 1881 - Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1883 and 1897 to 1906. 227. Annual Report of the Director of the Royal Alfred Observatory (Mauritius). 1883 - sm. fol. [Mauritius, 1884 -J Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1884 and 1893. Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey. See 236. 228. Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland . . . Part 3. Scientific Investigations. 1899 (18th, etc., Keports) la. 8. Glasgow, 1900 -> Annual Report of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada. See 657. Annual Report of the Geological Commission, Cape of Good Hope. See 541. Annual Report of the Iowa Geological Survey. See 715. 229. Annual Report of the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee, and their Biological Station at Port Erin, Isle of Man. By W. A. Herdman. (6th, etc., Eeports) > 8. Liverpool, 1893 > Imperfect : wanting the 7th to the 15th Eeports. Annual Report of the Massachusetts Board of Agriculture. See 233. Annual Report of the New York State Museum. See 232. Annual Report of the Feabody Academy of Science. See 235. 230. Annual Report of the Feabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology in connection with Harvard University. (1st- 9th Keports.) 8. Cambridge [Mass.], 1868-76. 231. Annual Report of the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Corn- wall Natural History Society. 1855-6 (1856-7). 80. Plymouth, 1856-57. [Continued as :] Annual Report and Transactions of the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. 1857-8 (1903-4) (i. e. vol. 14, part 1). 8. Plymouth, 1858-1904. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1894-5 to 1902-3 (i. e. volumes 12 and 13). See also ' Transactions of the Plymouth Institution ', No. 1654. 32 ANNUAL 232. Annual Report of the Regents of the University (of the State of New York) on the condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History and the historical and antiquarian collection annexed thereto. (3rd- 23rd Keports.) 8. Albany, 1850-73. [Continued as :] Annual Keport on the New York State Museum (of Natural History, by the Kegents of the University of the State of New York] . (24th, etc., Keports) 8 and 4. Albany, 1872 Imperfect : wanting the 6th Report (1852). Annual Report of the Royal Alfred Observatory (Mauritius). See 227. Annual Report of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society. See 1408. Annual Report of the Royal Humane Society. See 1468. Annual Report of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. See 855. Annual Report of the Royal Institution of South Wales. See 1469. 233. Annual Report of the Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Agriculture, etc. 1871 (-1873). (19th-21st Keports.) 80. Boston, 1872-74. Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution. See 217. 234. Annual Report of the (Board of Control of the) State Agricultural Experiment Station, atAmherst, Mass. 1883 (-1894). (1st -12th Keports.) 8. Boston, 1884-95. Annual Report of the Swansea Scientific Society. See 1469. 235. Annual Report of the Trustees of the Feabody Academy of Science. (lst-6th Reports.) 8. Salem, 1869-74. Imperfect : wanting the 5th Report. 236. Annual Report of the (Director of the) United States Geological Survey. (1st, etc., Reports) sm. fol. (la. 80). Washington, 1880 -* Imperfect : wanting the 28th and J29th Reports for 1907 and 1908. 237. Annual Report of the United States Geological (and Geographical) Survey of the Territories for the years 1867 (-1878). (lst-12th Reports.) 8. Washington, 1873-83. No more published. Annual Report of the Warwickshire Natural History and Archaeological Society. See 1756. Annual Report of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. See 223. ANNUAL 33 238. Annual Report on Meteorological Observations, registered in the Punjab. By A. Neil. 1867 (-1868). sm. fol. Lodiana, 1868-69. [Continued as :] Keport on the Meteorology of the Punjab for the year 1869 (-1871). By A. Neil. sm. fol. Lahore, 1870-72. Annual Report on the Colonial Museum and Laboratory, New Zealand. See 658. 239. Annuario del Museo zoologico della r. Universita di Napoli. Per A. Costa. Anno 1-4. [1861]-(1864). 4<>. Napoli, 1862-67. ' Nuova Serie, vol. 1 4. Napoli, 1901 240. Annuario della Societa dei Naturalisti in Modena. Anno 1-13. 80. Modena, 1866-79. 241. Annuario publicado pelo {Imperial} Observatorio do Rio de Janeiro. 1885 [Anno 1, etc.] > sm. 8. Rio de Janeiro, 1884 > 242. The Anthropological Review [including the Journal of the Anthro- pological Society of London]. Vol. 1-8. 8. London, 1863-70. [Continued as .] Journal of Anthropology. Edited by J. Beddoe, H. Beigel [and others]. [Vol. 1.] 8<>. London, 1870-71. No more published. 243. L'Anthropologie. (Materiaux pour 1'Histoire de l'Honime, Eevue d'Anthropologie, Revue d'Ethnographie, reunis.) Paraissant . . . sous la direction de MM. Cartailhac, Hamy, Topinard [and others], Tom. 1 -> la. 8. Paris, 1890 -* 244. Anuario del {real} Observatorio de Madrid. 1860 - Ano 1 > sm. 8. Madrid, 1859 * No volumes were published for the years 1867, 1874, and 1875. This set wants the volumes for the years 1881 to 1906, if any were published. Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Krakau. See 498. 245. Anzeiger der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathe- matisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Jahrgang 1 > 8. Wien, 1864 -> 246. Appalachia. (Published for the Appalachian Mountain Club.) Vol. 1, no. 1-4. la. 8. Boston, 1876-78. 247. Arbeiten aus dem kaiserlichen G-esundheitsamte. Beihefte zu den Veroffentlichungen des kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamtes. Bd. 1 > sm. fol. Berlin, 1886 > 248. Arbeiten ans dem Kieler physiologischen Institnt. 1868. Heraus- gegeben von V. Hensen. la. 8. Kiel, 1869. 34 AEBEITEN 249. Arbeiten aus dem physiologisclieii Laboratorium der Wurzburger Hochschule. Herausgegeben von A. Fick. Lieferung 1-4. la. 8". Wurzburg, 1872-78. 250. Arbeiten aus dem zoologisch-zootomisclien Instittit in Wnrzburg. Herausgegeben von C. Semper (und A. Schuberg). Bd. 1-10. la. 8. Wtirzburg (Wiesbaden), 1874-95. 251. Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen Institute der Universitat Wien und der zoologischen Station in Triest. Herausgegeben von C. Claus (K. Grobben und B. Hatschek). Tom. 1 -* la. 8>. Wien, 1878 -* 252. Arbeiten aus der physiologischen Anstalt zu Leipzig. 1866 (-1876). Jahrgang 1-11. 8. Leipzig, 1867-77. Volume 1 consists of numbers 2 to 5 of the 18th volume of the ' Berichte uber die Vcrhandlungen der Jconiglich sdchsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig'. The title-page of volume 1 is 'Berichte', etc. 253. Arbeiten des botanischen Instituts in Wurzburg. Herausgegeben von J. Sachs. Bd. 1-3. la. 8>. Leipzig, 1874-88. 254. Arbeiten des naturforschenden Vereins zu Riga. Bd. 1. 8". Kudolstadt, 184& Arbeiten und Veranderungen der schlesischeu Gesellschaft for vaterlandische Eultur. See 1688. 255. Archaeologia : or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity. Pub- lished by the Society of Antiquaries of London. Vol. 1 > 4. London, 1770 > 256. Archaeologia Americana. Transactions and collections of the American Antiquarian Society. Vol. 2. 8. Cambridge [Mass.], 1836. 257. The Archaeological Journal. Published under the direction of the . . . {British Archaeological Association} (Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland), etc. Vol. 1-2. 8. London, 1845-46. 258. Archief, uitgegeven door het Wiskundig Genootschap, onder de Zinspreuk ' Eeii onvermoeide arbeid komt alles te bcven' te Amsterdam. 1856 (-1863). Deel 1-2, stuk 3. 8. Amsterdam, 1859-63. 259. Apxiini. liio.iorii'U'viiiix i, Jla,>iii> ii.ijaBaeMbiil ILHiiepaTOpcKiiM'b IlHCTiiTyTo>n& aKcnepiiMCHTa.ii.Hoii Me#muiHM B-B C.-IIeTep- oypri. TOMI, 1 > 4. C.-HeTepCypn,, 1892 > The volumes have a second title in French: 'Archives des Sciences bioloyiques, pulliees par I'Instilut imperial de Medecine experimentale a St. Petersbourg.' AKCHIV 36 260. Archiv der Agriculturchemie fur denkende Landwirthe, oder Sammlung der wichtigsten Entdeckungen, Erfahrungen und Be- obachtungen aus dem Eeiche der Physik und Chemie fur rationelle Landwirthe, Giiterbesitzer, und Freundc der okonomischen Gewerbe. Herausgegeben von S. F. Hermbstadt (und G. E. W. Crome). Bd. 1-7. 8. Berlin, 1804-18. No more published. Volumes 6 and 7 have a second title-page : ' Neues ArcMv,' etc. 261. Archiv der Insectengeschichte, herausgegeben von J. C. Filessly. Heft 1-6. 4. Zurich und Winterthur, 1791-95. No more published after part 8 (1796). Pages 129-151 of Heft 4 of tins set are supplied in manuscript 262. Archiv der Mathematik und Physik, mit besonderer Eiieksicht auf die Bediirfnisse der Lehrer an hohern Unterrichtsanstalten. Heraus- gegeben von J. A. Grunert, (E. Hoppe, E. Lampe, W. F. Meyer, E. Jahnke). Theil 1 > la. 8. Greifswald (Leipzig und Dresden), 1841 > 263. Archiv der Medizin, Chirurgie tmd Pharmazie. Von einer Gesell- schaft schweizerischer Aerzte. Heft 1-4. 8. Aarau, 1816-17. 264. Archiv der reinen v und angewandten Mathematik. Herausgegeben von C. F. Hindenburg. Bd. 1-3 (Heft 11). No more publish cd. 8. Leipzig, 1795-1800. Imperfect : ivanting pp. 1-256 of volume 2 (i. e. Hefte 5 and 6). 265. Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der XTaturgeschichte in Meklen- burg. Heft 1-19. 8<>. Neubrandenburg, 1847-65. 266. Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab. Udgivet af S. Lie, W. Miiller og G. O. Sara [and others]. Bd. 1 -> 8. Xristiania, 1876 > Archiv far Anatomic, Physiologic und wissenschaftliche Medicin. See 275. Archiv fur Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte. See 275. Archiv fur Anatomic uud Physiologic. Sec 275. 267. Archiv fur Anthropologie. Zeitschrift fur Naturgeschichte und Urgeschichte des Menschen. (Organ der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte.) Herausgegeben . . . unter der Eedaction von A. Ecker und L. Lindenschmidt [and others]. Bd. 1 > 4. Braunschweig, 1866 > From volume 4 onwards the ' Archiv ' contains : ' Correspondenz-Blatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. 1870,' etc. 268. Archiv fur Bergbau und Hiittenwesen. Herausgegeben von C. J. B. Karsten. Bd. 1-20. sm. 8". Breslau (Berlin), 1818-31. D 2 36 AKCHIV [Continued as .*] Archiv fur Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Htittenkunde. Herausgegeben von C. J. B. Karsten (und H. v. Dechen). Bd. 1-26. No more published. 8. Berlin, 1829-55. Archiv fur Chemie und Meteorologie. See 271. 269. Archiv fur die Botanik. Herausgegeben von J. J. Bonier. Bd. 1-3. No more published. 4. Leipzig, 1796-1805. 270. Archiv fiir die gesammte Medicin. Herausgegeben von H. Haeser. Bd. 7. 8. Jena, 18*45. 271. Archiv for die gesammte Naturlehre . . . herausgegeben von K. W. G. Kastner. Bd. 1-27. 8". Niirnberg, 1824-35. No more published. Volumes 19 to 27 have a second title-page : ' Archiv fur Chemie und Meteorologie . . . Bd. 1-9.' 272. Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologic des Menschen und der Thiere. Herausgegeben von E. F. W. Pfliiger. Jahrgang 1-131. la. 8. Bonn, 1868-1910. [Continued as :] Pfltiger's Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere [sic], (Herausgegeben von M. Verworn.) Bd. 132 la. 8. Bonn, 1910 - Archiv for die gesamte Psychologic. See 1231. 273. Archiv fur die hollandischen Beitrage zur Natur- und Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von F. C. Bonders und W. Berlin. Bd. 1-3. No more published. 8. Utrecht, 1858-64. 274. Archiv fur die nenesten Entdeckungen aus der Urwelt . . . heraus- gegeben von J. G. J. Ballenstedt (und J. F. Krtiger). Bd. 1-5. 8. Quedlinburg und Leipzig, 1819-23. 275. Archiv fur die Physiologic. Von J. C. Reil (und J. H. F. Autenrieth). Bd. 1-12. 8'. Halle, 1796-1815. [Continued as .*] Deutsches Archiv fiir die Physiologie . . . Herausgegeben von J. F. Meckel. Bd. 1-8. 8. Halle und Berlin, 1815-23. [Continued as :] Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie . . . Herausgegeben von J. F. Meckel. Jahrgang 1826 (-1832). 8. Leipzig, 1826-32. No volume was published for the year 1831. [After 1833 continued as :] Archiv fiir Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medicin . . . Herausgegeben von J. Miiller (C. B. Kei chert und E. du Bois- Eeymond). Jahrgang 1834 (-1876). 8\ Berlin (Leipzig), 1834-76. ARCHIV 37 [Continued as :] [I.] Archiv f iir Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. Anatomische Abtheilung des Archives filr Anatomie und Physiologie, zugleich Forfcsetzung der Zeitschrift fiir Anatomie und Entwickelungs- geschichte [q. v. No. 1773] . . . Herausgegeben von W. His und W. Braune (W. Waldeyer). Jahrgang 1877 la. 8<>. Leipzig, 1877 - [II.] Archiv ftir Physiologie. Physiologische Abtheilung des Archives ^ fiir Anatomie und Physiologie . . . Herausgegeben von E. du Bois-Reymond (T. W. Engelmann, M. Rubner). Jahrgang 1877 la. 8>. Leipzig, 1877 276. Archiv fiir die systematische Naturgeschichte ; herausgegeben von F. Weber und D. M. H. Mohr. Bd. 1, Stuck 1. 8. Leipzig, 1804. [Continued as :] Beitrage zur Naturkunde . . . herausgegeben von F. Weber {und D. M. H. Mohr}. Bd. 1-2. 8. Kiel, 1805-10. No more published. 277. Archiv fiir die thierische Chemie. Herausgegeben von J. Horkel. Bd. 1, Heft 1-2. 8\ Halle, 1800-1. 278. Archiv fiir experimeiitelle Pathologic und Fharmakologie. Heraus- gegeben von E. Klebs, B. Naunyn, 0. Schrniedeberg. Bd. 1 8. Leipzig, 1873 - 279. Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomie. Herausgegeben von M. Schultze (V. La Valette St. George, W. Waldeyer, O. Hertwig). Bd. 1-43. la. 80. Bonn, 1865-94. [Continued as :] Archiv fur mikroskopische Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte. Herausgegeben von O. Hertwig, {V. La Valette St. George} und W. Waldeyer. Bd. 44 - la. 8. Bonn, 1895 - . Archiv fiir Mineralogie, Geoguosie, Bergbau und Huttenkunde. See 268. 280. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte . . . Herausgegeben von A. F. A. Wiegmann (W. F. Erichson, F. H. Troschel, E. v. Martens, F. Hil- gendorf, W. Weltner). Jahrgang 1 > 8 (la. 8). Berlin, 1835 - 281. Archiv fur Ohrenheilkunde. Herausgegeben von Dr. [A. F.] von Troltsch, A. Politzer und H. Schwartze. Bd. 1. 8. Wurzburg, 1864. 282. Archiv fur Ophthalmologie. Herausgegeben von A. Graefe [and others]. Bd. 1-16. 8-\ Berlin, 1854-70. 38 ARCHIV [Continued as :] Albrecht von Graefe's Archiv fur Ophthalmologie. Herausgegeben von F. Arlt, F. C. Bonders und T. Leber. Bd. 17-27. 8. Berlin, 1871-81. 283. Archiv for Optik. Internationales Organ fur experimentelle, theo- retische und technische Optik. Bd. 1. 4. Leipzig, 1907-8. 284. Archiv fur pathologische Anatomic und Physiologic und fur klinische Medicin. Herausgegeben von K. Virchow {und B. Rein- hardt). Bd. 1-170. 8. Berlin, 1847-1902. [Continued as :] Virchows Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie, etc. Herausgegeben von J. Orth. Bd. 171 -> 8 (la. 8). Berlin, 1903 - Archiv fiir Physiologic. See 275. 285. Archiv fiir physiologische Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von W. Roser und C. A. Wunderlich. Jahrgang 1-[18]. Neue Folge, Bd. 3. 8. Stuttgart, 1842-59. 286. Archiv fur physiologische und pathologische Chemie und Mikro- skopie in ihrer Anwendung auf die praktische Medizin . . . als Fort- setzung der von Simon in Berlin gegriindeten Zeitschrift, herausge- geben und redigirt von J. F. Heller. Jahrgang 1844 (-1847). 8. Wien, 1844-47. 287. Archiv fur Frotistenkunde. Herausgegeben von F. Schaudinn (M. Hartmann und S. von Prowazek). Bd. 1 > la. 8<>. Jena, 1902 - 288. Archiv fur Psychiatric und Nerveiikrankheiten . . . herausgegeben von W. Griesinger [and others]. Bd. 1 > la. 8. Berlin, 1868 - 289. Archiv fur Schiffs- und Tropen-Hygieue, unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Pathologie und Therapie, unter Mitwirkung dea Instituts fur Schiffs- und Tropenkrankheiten in Hamburg . . . mit besonderer Unterstutzung der deutschen Kolonial-Gesellschaft, herausgegeben von C. Mense. Bd. 13-14. la. 8. Leipzig, 1909-10. 290. Archiv fur wissenschaftliche Kunde von Russland. Herausgegebea von A. Erman. Bd. 1-19. 8. Berlin, 1841-60. 291. Archiv fur Zoologie und Zootomie. Herausgegeben von C. R. W. Wiedemann. Bd. 1-5. 8. Berlin (Braunschweig), 1800-6. 292. Archiv skandinavischer Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte. Herausge- geben von C. F. Hornschuch. Theil 1-2. 8. Greifswald, 1845-50. No more published. 293. Archives de Biologic. Publiees par E. van Beneden et C. van Bambeke. Tom. 1 la. 8. Gand, Leipzig, Paris, 1880 - Archives de 1'Electricite. See 421. Archives de 1'Institut grand-ducal de Luxembourg. See 1527. ARCHIVES 39 294. Archives de 1'Institut Pasteur de Tunis. Annee 1906 > [Tom. 1 1 - la. 8". Tunis, 1906 -> Imperfect : wanting pp. 97-136 of the volume for 1906, and pp. 1-58 of the volume for 1909. 295. Archives de 1'Institut royal de Bacteriologie Camara Pestana. Tom. 1, fasc. 1. la. 8<>. Lisbonne, 1906. Archives do real Institute bacteriologico Camara Pestana. Tom. 2 la. 8. Lisbonne, 1908 > 296. Archives de la Commission scientiiique du Mexique, publiees sous les auspices du Ministere de ^Instruction publique. Tom. 1-3. 8<>. Paris, 1865-67. 297. Archives de Medecine experimentale et d' Anatomic pathologique, publiees, sous la direction de M. Charcot, par MM. G/rancher, Lepine [and others]. Serie 1, torn. 1 > 8. Paris, 1889 > Archives de Physiologic nor male et pathologique. Sec 790. 298. Archives de Zoologie experimentale et generate. Histoire naturelle, morphologie, histologie, evolution des animaux. Publiees sous la direction de H. de Lacaze-Duthiers (Gr. Pruvot et E. Gr. Kacovitza). Tom. 1 -* la. 80. Paris, 1872 -* 299. Archives des Decouvertes et des Inventions nouvelles, faites dans les sciences, les arts et les manufactures, tant en France que dans les pays etrangers, pendant 1'annee 1808 (-1830). 8. Paris, 1809-31. 300. Archives des Missions scientifiques et litteraires, clioix de rapports et instructions publie sous les auspices du Ministere de 1'Instruction publique et des Cultes. Tom. 1-8. la. 80. Paris, 1850-59. Imperfect : wanting volume 7. Serie 2, torn. 7. la. 8 \ Paris, 1871-72. Archives des Sciences biologiques, publiees par 1'Institut imperial de Medecine experimentale a St. Petersbourg. See 259. Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles. See 421. 301. Archives du Musee Teyler. Vol. 1 > sm. fol. Harlem, 1866 > 302. Archives du Museum d'Histoire naturelle de Lyon. Tom. 1-9. la. 4. Lyon, 1872-1907. Archives du Museum d'Histoire uaturelle de Paris. See 162. 303. Archives neerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles, publiees par la Societe hollandaise des Sciences a Harlem. Tom. 1 > la. 8. La Haye, Haarlem, 1866 - 304. Archives of Science : and transactions of the Orleans County Society of Natural Sciences. Vol. 1, no. 1-6. la. 8\ Newport, 1870-73. 40 ARCHIVES 305. Archives of Scientific and Practical Medicine. Edited by C. E. Brown-Sequard. Vol. 1, no. 1-5. No more published. la. 8. New York and London, 1873. 306. Archives of the Middlesex Hospital. Vol. 1 - la. 8". London, 1903 -> Imperfect : ivanting volumes 6, 8, 9, 14, 16, 17 and 18. 307. Archives slaves de Biologic, dirigees par M. Mendelssohn et C. Eichet (et H. de Varigny). Tom. 1-4. la. 8. Paris, 1886-87. No more published. 308. Archivio di Fisiologia. Diretto e pubblicato dal G. Fano. Vol. 1 > la. 8 ". Firenze, 1904 > 309. Archivio per 1'Antropologia e la Etnologia. Organo della Societa italiana di Antropologia, Etnologia e Psicologia comparata ; pubbli- cato dal Dott. P. Mantegazza. Vol. 21-38. la. 8. Firenze, 1891-1908. 310. Archivio per la Zoologia, 1'Anatomia e la Fisiologia. Pubblicato per cura di G. Canestrini, G. Doria, P. M. Ferrari e M. Lessona. Vol. 1-3, fasc. 1. 8>. Genova, 1861-64. Serie 2. Pubblicato per cura dei Professori S. Richiardi e G. Canestrini. Vol. 1-2, fasc. 1. 8 '. Bologna (Torino e Firenze), 1869-70. No more published after part 1 of volume 2 of the 2nd series. 311. Archives da Palestra scientifica do Bio de Janeiro. Vol. 1. 4. [Kio de Janeiro], 1858. 312. Archives do Museu uacioual do Bio de Janeiro. Vol. 1-8. 4. Kio de Janeiro, 1876-92. Archives do real Institute bacteriologico. See 295. Argelander (F. W. A.). Astronomische Beobachtungen, Bonn. See 341. 313. The Argonaut. Edited by G. Gladstone. [Vol. 1.] 8. London, [1874]. Arkiv for Botanik. See 425. Arkiv for Kenii, Mineralogi och Geologi. See 425. Arkiv Tor Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik. See 425. Arkiv for Zoologi. .SVr 425. 314. Army Medical Department. {Statistical, Sanitary, and Medical) Reports for the year 1859 (-1906). Vol. [l]-4 8 - la. 8. London, 1861-1907. Imperfect : tvanting the volumes for the years 1878 and 1893. o Arsberattelse i Astrouomien. See 315. ARSBEKATTELSE 41 o Arsberattelse om Botaniska Arbeteu och Upptackter. See 315. Arsberattelse om Framstegen i Insekternas, Myriapodernas och Arachnidernas Naturalliistoria. Sec 315. O Arsberattelse om Framstegen i Kemi. See 315. Arsberattelse om Framstegen i Kemi och Mineralogi. See 315. O Arsberattelse om Framstegen i Pliysik och Chemie. See 315. Arsberattelse om Framstegen nti Botauik. See 315. Arsberattelse om Nyare Zoologiska Arbeten och Upptackter. See 315. Arsberattelse om Technologiens Framsteg. See 315. o Arsberattelse om Zoologiens Framsteg. See 315. 315. Arsberattelser om Vetenskapemas Framsteg, afgifne af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Academiens Embetsman. 1821 (-1825). 8. Stockholm, 1822-25. Imperfect : tvanting the volume for the year 1823. After 1825 the 1 Arsberattelser' was divided into the following sections : [I.] Arsberattelse i Astronomien. Af S. A. Cronstrand. 1826 (-1836). 8. Stockholm, 1826-36. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1829 and 1832. [Continued as :] Berattelse om Astronomiens Framsteg for aren 1837-1841. Af N. H. Selander. 8. Stockholm, 1842. [II.] Ofversigt af Botaniska Arbeten och Upptackter. Af J. E. Wikstrom. 1826. 8. Stockholm, 1826. [Continued as :] Arsberattelse om Framstegen uti Botanik. Af J. E. Wikstrom. 1827 (-1828). 8. Stockholm, 1827-28. [Continued as:\ Arsberattelse om Botaniska Arbeten och Upptackter. Af J. E. Wikstrom. 1829 (-1852). 8. Stockholm, 1830-57. Imperfect : ivanting the volume for the year 1832. [Continued as :] Berattelse om Botaniska Arbeten och Upptackter under aren 1853 och 1854. Af N. J. Andersson. 8. Stockholm, 1856. [III.] Arsberattelse om Framstegen i Physik och Chemie. Af J. Berzelius. 1826 (-1840). 8. Stockholm, 1826-41. Imperfect : wanting the volume for the year 1832. 42 AKSBEKATTELSE [Continued as :] Arsberattelse om Framstegen i Kemi och Mineralogi. Af J. Berzelius. 1841 (-1847). 8. Stockholm, 1841-48. [Continued as :] Arsberattelse om Framstegen i Kemi under ar 1847 (-1849). Af L. F. Svanberg. 8. Stockholm, 1849-51. Berattelse om Framstegen i Physik under aren 1843 och 1844. Af A. F. Svanberg och P. A. Siljestrom. 8. Stockholm, 1847. Berattelse om Framstegen i Fysik under ur 1849 (-1853). Af E. Edlund. 8". Stockholm, 1851-59. [IV.] Arsberattelse om Technologiens Framsteg. Af G. E. Pasch. 1827 (-1849). 8. Stockholm, 1827-52. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1833, 1834, and 1841. [V.] [Arsberattelse om Nyare Zoologiska Arbeten och Upptackter. Af J. W. Dalman (S. Nilsson, B. F. Fries, C. J. Sundewall). 1826 (-1840). 80. Stockholm, 1826-41. Imperfect : wanting tlie volumes for the years 1832 and 1835. [Continued as:] {Arsberattelse} (Berattelse) om Zoologiens Framsteg. Af C. J. Sundevall [sic] (C. H. Boheman, S. Loven). 1840 (-1846). 8. Stockholm, 1844-48. { Arsberattelse] (Berattelse) om Framstegen i Insekternas, Myriapodernas och Arachnidernas Naturalhistoria. Af C. H. Boheman. 1847 (-1856). 8". Stockholm, 1851-59. Berattelse om Framstegen i Molluskernas, Crustaceernas och de Lagre Skelettlosa Djurens Naturhistoria under aren 1845-1849. Af S. Loven. 8. Stockholm, 1852. Berattelse om Framstegen i Vertebrerade Djurens Naturalhistoria och Ethnografien under aren 1845-1850. Af C. J. Sundevall. 8. Stockholm, 1853. Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften ; von J. Berzelius. Aus dem Schwedischen ubersetzt von C. Gr. Gmelin (F. Wohler). Jahrgang 1-20. 8<>. Tubingen, 1822-41. [Continued as :] Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der Chemie und Mineralogie. Jahrgang 21-27. 8. Tubingen, 1842-48. [Continued as :] Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der Chemie ; nach Berzelius' Tode fortgesetzt von L. Svanberg. Jahrgang 28-30. 8. Tubingen, 1849-51. ARSBOK 43 Jahresbericht der schwedischen Academie der "Wissenschaften tiber die Fortschritte der Naturgeschichte, Anatomie und Physiologie der Thiere und Pflanzen. Aus dem Schwedischen mit Zusatzen von J. Miiller. 1824 (-1825). Jahrgang 1-2. 8-\ Bonn, 1826-28. O Arsbok, Kungliga Sveiiska Vetenskaps-Akademieus. Sec 878. Ars-skrift, Lunds Universitets. See 50. O Arsskrift, Upsala Universitets. See 1706. 316. Arsskrift utgifven af Koiigl. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Upsala. Argangen 1-2. la. 8. Upsala, 1860-61. 317. The Art Journal. New series, vol. 4-6. sm. fol. London, 1852-54. 318. The Artisan ; or, mechanic's instructor, etc. [Edited by G. G. Carey]. Vol. 1-2. 80. London, 1825. No more published. 319. The Asclepiad. A book of original research and observation in the science, art, and literature of medicine, preventive and curative. By B. W. Richardson. Vol. [1J-11. 8. London, (1884-95). 320. Asiatick Researches ; or, transactions of the Society, instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature, of Asia [i. e. The Asiatic Society of Bengal]. Vol. 1-20. la. 4o. Calcutta, 1788-1839. No more published. 321. Assemblee publique de la Societe royale des Sciences, tenue . . . 1774 (1779, 1780). 4. MontpeUier, 1775-81. Assmann (A.). Zeitschrift fur Entomologie. See 1779. 322. Association franchise pour I'Avancement des Sciences. Comptes- rendus de la l re (-15) Session. 1872 (-1886). la. 8. Paris, 1873-87. TJie following list gives the names of tJie towns at which each meeting was held and the date of the meeting. 1. Bordeaux, 1872. 9. Reims, 1880. 2. Lyon, 1873. 10. Alger, 1881. 3. Lille, 1874. 11. La Rochelle, 1882. 4. Nantes, 1875. 12. Rouen, 1883. 5. Clermont-Ferrand, 1876. 13. Blois, 1884. 6. Le Havre, 1877. 14. Grenoble, 1885. 7. Paris, 1878. 15. Nancy, 1886. 8. MontpeUier, 1879. 44 ASSURANCE [Continued as .] Association francaise pour 1'Avancement des Sciences, fusionnee avec 1'Association scientifique de France . . . Compte rendu de la 16 me (17 me , etc.) Session. 1887 - la. 8. Paris, 1887 > 16. Toulouse, 1887. 28. Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1899. 17. Oran, 1888. 29. Paris, 1900. 18. Paris, 1889. 30. Ajaccio, 1901. 19. Limoges, 1890. 31. Montauban, 1902. 20. Marseille, 1891. 32. Angers, 1903. 21. Pau, 1892. 33. Grenoble, 1904. 22. Besancon, 1893. 34. Cherbourg, 1905. 23. Caen, 1894. 35. Lyon, 1906. 24. Bordeaux, 1895. 36. Reims, 1907. 25. Tunis, 1896. 37. Clermont-Ferrand, 1908. 26. Saint-Etienne, 1897. 38. Lille, 1909. 27. Nantes, 1898. 323. The Assurance Magazine (and journal of the Institute of Actuaries). Vol. 1-5. 8\ London, 1851-55. Astronomical and Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. See 331. Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory. See 329. 324. An Astronomical Ephemeris for the year 1838 (-1840), adapted to the meridian of the Observatory at Trevandrum. [Vol. 1-3.J 8 ; >. Trevandrum, 1838-39. 325. The Astronomical Journal. Edited by B. A. Gould [and others]. Vol. 1 > 4. Cambridge [Mass.], (Boston), 1849 - Imperfect: wanting volumes 7-13 (1887-93). No volumes ivere published between the years 1861 and 1887. Astronomical, Magnetic and Meteorological Observations made at the United States Naval Observatory. See 327. 326. Astronomical Notices [of Observations made at the Observatory at Ann Arbor. Edited by F. Briinnow.] No. 1-28. la. 8. Ann Arbor, 1858-61. No more published after number 29 (1862}. Astronomical Observations made at the Honorable the East India Company's Observatory at Madras. See 1439. 327. Astronomical Observations made ... at the National Observatory, Washington, during the year 1845 (-1847). Vol. 1-3. 4o. Washington, 1846-53. ASTRONOMICAL 45 [Continued as :] Astronomical (Magnetic and Meteorological) Observations made during the year 1848 (-1891) at the U[nited] S{tates] N[aval] Observatory, Washington. 4. Washington, 1856-99. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1849, 1850, and 1853 to 1860. 328. Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory of Cambridge by G. B. Airy (J. Challis, J. C. Adams). For the year 1828 - Vol. 1 -> 4. Cambridge, 1829 > 329. Astronomical Observations made at the RadclifFe Observatory, Oxford, in the year 1840 (-1852). Vol. 1-13. la. 8. Oxford, 1842-54. [Continued as .-] Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the year 1853 (-1864). Vol. 14-24. la. 8. Oxford, 1855-67. [Continued as:] Results of Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the year 1865 (-1889). Vol. 25-46. la. 8<>. Oxford, 1868-96. [Continued as :] Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory . . . 1890 - Vol. 47 - la. 8". Oxford, 1899 -> 330. Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. By T. Henderson (C. P. Smyth). 1834 (-1886). Vol. 1-15. 4. Edinburgh, 1838-86. 331. Astronomical Observations, made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich from the year 1750 to the year 1762. By J. Bradley. (Together with a continuation of the same [to 1764] by N. Bliss.) 2 vols. fol. Oxford, 1798-1805. [Continued as :] Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, from the year 1765 (-1810). By N. Maskelyne . . . Published by the ... Royal Society. Vol. 1-4. fol. London, 1776-1811. [Continued as :] Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, in the year 1811 (-1835). By J. Pond . . . {Published by the ... Royal Society.} (Published by order of the Board of Admiralty.) Vol. 1-10. fol. London, 1815-35. [Continued as :] Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in the year 1836 (-1847). la. 4. London, 1837-49. 46 ASTKONOMICAL [ United with the ' Magnetical and Meteorological Observations ' (q. v. No. 912} and continued as:] Astronomical and Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in the year 1848 > la. 4. London (Edinburgh), 1850 * Imperfect : wanting the volume for the year 1884. 332. Astronomical Observations made at the Sydney Observatory, in the year 1859 (-1860), by W. Scott. la. 8. Sydney, 1860-61. Astronomical Observations made at the United States Naval Observatory. See 327. 333. Astronomical Observations made at the Williamstown Observatory, in the years 1861, 1862, and 1863, under the direction of R. L. J. Ellery. la. 8. Melbourne, 1869. Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Melbourne Obser- vatory in the year 1863 (-1884), under the direction of R. L. J. Ellery. la. 8->. Melbourne, 1866-88. 334. Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Miscellaneous Papers. 1888-95. 8. Cambridge, Mass., 1896. 335. L' Astronomic. Revue (mensuelle) d'astronomie populaire, de meteoro- logie et de physique du globe . . . publiee par C. Flammarion. Annee 1-13. 4. Paris, 1882-94. Imperfect : wanting pp. 201-280 of Annee 12 (1893). 336. Astronomische Abhandlungen, herausgegeben von H. C. Schumacher. Heft 1-3. 4". Altona, 1823-25. No more published. 337. Astronomische Abhandlungen der Hamburger Sternwarte in Bergedorf. Herausgegeben von R. Schorr. Bd. 1 4. Hamburg, 1909 -* 338. Astronomische Beobachtungen angestellt auf der koniglichen Sternwarte zu Bogenhausen von . . . J. Soldner. Theil 1-5. 4. Miinchen, [1824J-1838. [Continued as :] Observationes Astronomicae in Specula Regia Monachiensi institutae et . . . editae a J. Lamont. Vol. 1-10. [Original series, vol. 6-15.] 4. Monachii, 1841-47. [Continued as :] Annalen der koniglichen Sternwarte bei Miinchen . . . Herausgegeben von J. Lamont. Bd. 1-19. [Original series, vol. 16-34.] 8". Miinchen, 1848-73. [Afterwards continued as .] Neue Annalen der k. Sternwarte in Bogenhausen bei Miinchen. Auf Kosten der k. bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften herausgegeben von H. Seeliger. Bd. 1 > la. 4. Miinchen, 1890 > 339. Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der koniglichen Sternwarte zu Berlin. Herausgegeben von J. F. Encke (W. Foerster, A. Auwers). Bd. 1 -> fol. (4). Berlin, 1840 - ASTRONOMISCHE 47 340. Astronomisclie Beobachtnngen anf der koniglichen Universitats- Sternwarte in Kb'nigsberg, von F. W. Bessel (A. L. Busch, E. Luther). Abtheilung 1-36. fol. Konigsberg, 1815-70. Imperfect : wanting Abtheilung 4 (i. e. the volume for the year 1817). 341. Astronomische Beobachtnngen anf der Sternwarte der koniglichen rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zn Bonn ; angestellt und herausgegeben von F. W. A. Argelander (E. SchOnfeld). Bd. 1-8. 4. Bonn, 1846-86. 342. Astronomische Hiilfstafeln fur 1821 (-1826). Herausgegeben von H.C.Schumacher. 8. Copenhagen, [1821-26?]. [Continued as :] Tables auxiliaires astronomiques pour 1'annee 1827 (-1829). Publiees par H. C. Schumacher. 8\ Copenhague, [1827-29?]. No more published. Imperfect: ivanting the volume for the year 1828. Astronomische, magnetische and meteorologische Beobachtnngen zn Prag. See 914. 343. Astronomische Mittheilungen. Von R. Wolf (A. Wolfer). Aus der Vie rtel jah rsschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich besonders abgedruckt. [Heft] 41 8. Zurich, 1876 - Imperfect : tcanting numbers 98-100. 344. Astronomische Nachrichten. Herausgegeben von H. C. Schumacher (C. A. F. Peters ; unter Mitwirkung des Vorstandes der astrono- mischen Gesellschaft herausgegeben von A. Krueger, H. Kreutz, H. Kobold). Bd. 1 - 4. Altona (Kiel), 1823 - Imperfect : wanting volumes 147 to 153. 345. Astronomisches Jahrbnch fur das Jahr 1788 (-1829) . . . mit Genehmhaltung der kSniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, berechnet und herausgegeben von J. E. Bode. 8. Berlin, 1785-1826. [Continued as :] Berliner astronomisches Jahrbuch fitr 1830 (1831 >). {Mit Genehmhaltung der k5niglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften} herausgegeben von J. F. Encke. (Herausgegeben von dem konig- lichen astronomischen Recheninstitut.) 8. Berlin, 1828 > 346. Astronomisches Jahrbuch fur physische und uaturhistorische Himmelsforscher, mit den fiir das Jahr 1839 (-1840) voraus- bestimmten Erscheinungen am Himmel. Herausgegeben von F. v. P. Gruithuisen. Jahr [1J-2. 8. Miinchen, 1838-39. 347. Astronomiska Jakttagelser och Undersokningar anstalda pa Stockholms Observatorinm. (Utgifna af Kungl. Vetenskaps- akademien). Bd. 1 > 4<>. Stockholm (& Uppsala), 1876 - 48 ASTKONOMY 348. Astronomy and Astro-Physics . . . Editors : W. W. Payne, G. E. Hale. Vol. 11-13. la. 8. Northfield, Minn., 1892-94. Volumes 1-10 were published as ' The Sidereal Messenger '. [Continued as:] The Astrophysical Journal. An international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics. Editors : G. E. Hale, J. E. Keeler (and E. B. Frost). Vol. 1 -> la. 8. Chicago, 1895 -> Astrophysical Journal. See 348. 349. L'Ateneo italiano. Raccolta di document! e memorie relative al progresso delle scienze fisiche. Compilato da S. de Luca e D. Miiller. Vol. 1-2. 8. Parigi, (1853-54). 350. L'Ateneo veneto. Eivista {mensile} (bimensile) di scienze, lettere ed arti (diretta da A. S. de Kiriaki e G. de Lucchi ; e L. Gambari). Anno [5] -> la. 80. Venezia, 1881 > Imperfect: wanting Anno 8 (1884), 9 (1885), 23 (1900), 21 (1901), volume 1 of Anno 25 (1903), and pp. 129-256 and 643 to the end oj Anno 26 (1903). 351. The Athenaeum. Journal of literature, science, and the fine arts (music and the drama). [New series, vol. 1] (-1899). 4. London, 1830-99. 352. The Atlantis : a register of literature and science. Conducted by the Members of the Catholic University of Ireland. Vol. 1-5. 8. London, 1858-70. Imperfect : wanting pp. 199 to the end of volume 5. No volumes were published during the years 1864 to 1869. Atti del Museo civico di Storia natorale in Milano. See 370. 353. Atti del Museo civico di Storia naturale (di Trieste). Vol. 7-10 (Vol. 1-4 della Serie nuova). la. 8". Trieste, 1884-1903. 354. Atti del reale Istituto d'Incoraggiamento alle Scienze natural! di Napoli. Tom. 1-8. 4. Napoli, 1811-55. Atti del reale Istituto d'Incoraggiamento di Napoli. 4 ta Serie, vol. 1 1 5*a Serie, vol. 2. sm. fol. Napoli, 1898-1901. Serie 6 (Vol. 60 degli Atti) > sm. fol. Napoli, 1909 - Atti del reale Istituto lombardo di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. See 668. 355. Atti del reale Istituto veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. 1855 * [Serie 3, torn. 1] - 8" (la. 8 U ). Venezia, 1855 - Imperfect : tvanting pp. 2188 to the end of volume 15 of the 4th series, pp. 1-1102 of volume 16 of the 4th series, pp. 1-144 and 339 to the end of volume 2 of the 6th series, and pp. 1-1762 and pp. 2190 to the end of volume 3 of the 6th series. ATTI 49 356. Atti dell' Accademia delle Scienze di Siena detta de' Fisiocritici. Tom. 1-10. 4o. Siena, 1761-1841. Imperfect : ivanting volumes 6-9. Atti della r. Accademia dei Fisiocritici di Siena. Serie 4, vol. 1 la. 8. Siena, 1889 -* 357. Atti dell' (reale) Accademia delle Scieuze fisiche e matematiche. (Societa reale di Napoli.) Vol. 1 la. 4. Napoli, 1863 * 358. Atti dell' Accademia gioenia di Scienze natural! di Catania. Tom. 1 - 4. Catania, 1825 - 359. Atti dell' Accademia poiitificia de' nuovi Lincei. Anno 1 (1847-8) Tom. 1 -* 4. Boma, 1851 - Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-188 of volume 4. In 1870 this society was divided into two separate Academies, one of which published its transactions as: 'Atti della reale Accademiad ei Lincei ' (q. v. No. 364). 360. Atti dell' Ateneo veneto. Serie 2, vol. 1 Serie 3, vol. 3. la. 8. Vene/ia, 1864-80. 361. Atti della Accademia di Scienze e Lettere di Palermo. Nuova Serie, vol. 1-3. 4. Palermo, 1845-59. Atti della reale Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Belle Arti di Palermo. Nuova Serie, vol. 8 Serie 3, vol. 6. 4. Palermo, 1884-1902. Imperfect : wanting volume 5 of the 3rd Series. 362. Atti della Accademia fisio-medico-statistica di Milano. Anno 1874 (-1883). la. 8. Milano, 1874-83. Atti della Accademia pontauiana. See 1043. 363. Atti della Foudazione scientifica cagnola dalla sua Institnzione in Foi. 1860 - Vol. 3 -> 8 (la. 8). Milano, 1862 -> Imperfect : wanting part 1 of volume d and all after part 2 of volume 6. Atti della reale Accademia dei Fisiocritici di Siena. See 356. 364. Atti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. 1870-1 (1876-7). Tom. 24 Serie 2, vol. 8. 4. Roma, 1870-83. Volumes 1 to 23 were issued as : ' Atti dell' Accademia pontificia de' nuovi Lincei ' (q. v. No. 359). [Continued as :] [I] Atti della r. Accademia dei Lincei, 1876-7 Serie 3. Memorie della Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. Vol. 1 > 4. Koma, 1877 -* [II] Atti della reale Accademia dei Lincei, 1876-7 (1883-4). Serie 3. Transunti. Vol. 1-8. 4. Koma, 1877-84. E 50 ATTI [Continued as :] Atti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. 1884-5 * Serie 4. Rendi- conti. Vol. 1 > 4. Roma, 1885 -* From volume 1 of the 5th series (1892) onwards this set contains the ' Classe di Science fisiche, matematiche e naturali ' only. [Ill] Atti della r. Accademia dei Lincei. Rendiconto dell' Adunanza solenne. Vol. 1 > 4. Roma, 1892 > 365. Atti della reale Accademia delle Scienze. Sezione della Societa reale Borbonica. Vol. 1-6. 4. Mapoli, 1819-51. [Continued as :] Memorie della reale Accademia delle Scienze dal 1852 in avanti, ri- partite nelle tre classi di Matematiche, Scienze naturali, e Scienze morali. 1852 (-1857). Vol. 1-2. la. 8. Napoli, 1856-57. 366. Atti della reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, etc. 1865-6 * Vol. 1 - la. 8. Torino, 1866 > From volume 31 (1895-6) onwards this set contains the ' Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali ' only. Atti della reale Accademia delle Scienze fisiche e matematiche. See 357. Atti della reale Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Belle Arti di Palermo. See 361. 367. Atti della r. Accademia Pistojese di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti. Memorie di Matematica e Fisica de' Socj Corrispondenti per 1'anno 1816. 80. Pistoja, [1816]. 368. Atti deUa r. Universita di Geneva. Vol. 17-18. sin. fol. Genova, 1902-4. 369. Atti della prima (-ottava) Riunione degli Scienziati Italian! tenuta in Pisa (Torino, etc.). 4. Pisa (Torino, etc.), 1840-47. TJie folloiving list gives the names of the towns at which each meeting ivas held and the date of the meeting. 1. Pisa, 1839. 5. Lucca, 1843. 2. Torino, 1840. 6. Milano, 1844. 3. Firenze, 1841. 7. Napoli, 1845. 4. Padova. 1842. 8. Genova, 1846. Atti della Societa elvetica delle Scieuze naturali. See 629. 370. Atti della Societa geologica residente in Milano. Anni 1855 a 1859. Vol. 1. la. 8. Milano, 1859. [Continued as :] Atti della Societa italiana di Scienze naturali (e del Museo civico di Storia naturale in Milano). Anno 1859-60 - Vol. 2 > la. 8<>. Milano (Pavia), 1860 -> Atti della Societa italiana di Scienze natural!. Sec 370. ATTI 51 371. Atti della Societa ligustica di Scieuze natural! e geografiche. Vol. 1 - la. 8. Geneva, 1890 > 372. Atti della Societa patriotica di Milano diretta all' avanzamento dell' Agricoltura, delle Arti (e delle Manifatture}. Vol. 1-3. 4. Milano, 1783-93. Atti della Societa pontaniana di Napoli. See 1043. 373. Atti della Societa toscana di Scieuze natural! residente in Fisa. Vol. 1 -> la. 8. Pisa, 1875 -* In 1879 the 'Atti' was divided into two sections: ' Memorie' and 'Processi Verbali', each ivith a separate title-page and pagination. TJie ' Processi Verbali ' wants pp. 1-48 of volume 1, pp. 257-288 of volume 2, pp. 173-272 of volume 3, pp. 203-230 of volume 4, the ivhole of volumes 13 and 14, and pp. 1-14 of volume 15. 374. Atti e Rendiconti dell' Accademia di Scieuze, Lettere ed Arti dei Zelanti e PP. deUo Studio di Acireale. 1893 (-1900). Nuova serie, vol. 5-10. la. 8. Acireale, 1894-1902. [Continued as:} Rendiconti e Memorie della r. Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti degli Zelanti, Acireale. 1901 > Serie 3, vol. 1 > la. 8. Acireale, 1903 > From volume 8 (1896-7) omvards this set contains the ' Memorie della Classe di Scienge' and the 'Rendiconti' only. Volume 9 ivants the 1 Rendiconti ' also. Audebard de Ferussac (A. E. J. P. J. F. d'), Baron de Fe'russac. Bulletin des Sciences, etc. See 497. Bulletin general et universel des Annonces et des Nouvelles scientifiques. See 497. Audouiu (J. V.). Annales des Sciences naturelles. See 152. 375. Australian Museum, Sydney. Memoir 3 > la. 8. Sydney, 1896 - 376. Ausziige aus den Frotokollen der Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde in Dresden. Jahr 1832 (-1833). No more published. 8. Dresden, 1833-34. Autenrieth ( J. H. F. von) and Bohnenberger (J. G. F. von). Tiibmger Blatter flir Naturwissenschaften. See 1685. Auwers (A.). Astronomische Beobachtungen . . . zu Berlin. See 339. E 2 62 BACKHOUSE Backhouse (T. W.). Publications of the West Hendon House Obser- vatory. See 1352. Saddam (B.). Memoirs of the Royal Society. See 1230. Baer (K. E. von) and Helmersen (G. von). Beitrage zur Kenntniss des russischen Keiches. See 381. Bajot (-). Annales maritimes et coloniales. See 165. Baldamus (E.). Naumannia. See 1145. Balfour (I. B.). Annals of Botany. See 182. Ballenstedt (J. G. J.). Archiv fur die neuesten Entdeckungen aus der Urwelt. See 274. Ballot (C. H. D. B.). Meteorologische Waarnemingen in Nederland. See 1064. Bancroft (W. D.). Journal of Physical Chemistry. See 822. Barat (N.). Nouvelle Bibliotheque choisie. See 1173. Barreswil (C.). Repertoire de Chimie appliquee. See 1523. Bartholinns (T.). Acta Medica et Philosophica Hafniensia. See 1565. Barton (B. S.). Philadelphia Medical and Physical Journal. See 1226. Bary (A. de). Botanische Zeitung. See 444. Battaglini (G.). Giornale di Matematiche. See 670. Bauer (L. A.). Terrestrial Magnetism. See 1564. Bauer (M.). Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie. See 1560. Baumgartner (A.) and Ettingshansen (A. von). Zeitschrift fiir Physik. See 1791. Bayle (P.). Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres. See 1176. Beddard (F. E.). Zoological Eecord. See 1370. Beddoe (J.). Journal of Anthropology. See 242. Begin (L. J.). Journal universel et hebdomadaire de Medecine. See 811. Behm (E.) and Lindeman (M). Dr. A. Petermann's Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt. See 1090. Behrens (W. J.). Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie. See 1799. Beiblatt zttr Zeitschrift for lustrumeuteukuiide. See 1781. Beiblatter zu den Aunalen der Pliysik. See 799. BEILAGEN 53 Beilagen des schlesischen Vereins fiir Berg- und Kiittenwesen. See 733. Beilstein (F.). Zeitschrift fiir Chemie. See 877. Beitrage zu den chemischen Annaleu. See 554. 377. Beitrage zur Anatomic und Fhysiologie, von C. Eckhard. Bd. 1-12. 4. Criessen, 1858-88. 378. Beitrage zur Biologie der Fflanzen. Herausgegeben von F. Colin (H. Eosen). Bd. 1 -> 8. Breslau, (1870) -> Beitrage zur Er waiter ting der Chemie. Sec 554. 379. Beitrage zur Geophysik. Abhandlungen aus dem geographischen Seminar der Universitat Strassburg. Herausgegeben von G. Gerland. Bd. 1. 8. Stuttgart, 1887. [Continued as :] Beitrage zur Geophysik. Zeitschrift fur physikalische Erdkunde (zugleich Organ der kaiserlichen Hauptstation fur Erdbebenforschung zu Strassburg i. E.). Herausgegeben von G. Gerland (und E. Rudolph). Bd. 2 - 8. Stuttgart (Leipzig), 1895 -> 380. Beitrage zur Geschichte, Statistik, Naturkunde und Kunst von Tirol und Vorarlberg. Herausgegeben von den Mitgliedern des Ferdinandeums, von Mersi, von Pfaundler und Ro'ggel. Bd. 1-8. 8. Innsbruck, 1825-34. The title on the wrapper of these volumes is : ' Zeitschrift fur Tirol und Vorarlberg '. [Continued as :] Neue Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fiir Tirol und Vorarlberg. Bd. 1-12. 8. Innsbruck, 1835-46. Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fiir Tirol und Vorarlberg. Folge 3, Heft 1 -* 8. Innsbruck, 1853 - 381. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des russischeu Reiclies und der angran- zenden Lander Asiens. Auf Kosten der kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften herausgegeben von K. E. v. Baer und G. v. Hel- mersen. Bd. 1-23. 8\ St. Petersburg, 1839-61. 2te Folge. Herausgegeben von G. v. Helmersen und L. v. Schrenck [and others]. Bd. 1 4te Folge, Bd. 2. 8<>. St. Petersburg, 1879-1900. 382. Beitrage zur Natur- und Heilkunde. Von. 0. F. v. Pommer. Bd. 1. 8. Heilbronn, 1831. Beitrage zur Naturkunde. See 276. 383. Beitrage zur Naturkunde Freussens. Herausgegeben von der {kOniglichen} physikalisch-oko-nomischen Gesellschaft zu Eonigs- berg. 1-5. 4. Konigsberg, 1868-82. 54 BEITKAGE 384. Beitrage zur Palaoutologie Osterreich-Ungarns und des Orients. Herausgegeben von E. v. Mojsisovics und M. Neumayr. Bd. 1-8. la. 4. Wien, 1882-91. [Continued as :] Beitrage zur Palaontologie und Geologie Osterreich-Ungarns und des Orients . . . Mittheilungen des (geologischen und) palaontologischen Instituts der Universitat Wien. Herausgegeben . . . von W. Waagen [and others]. Bd. 9 la. 4. Wien (und Leipzig), 1894 > 385. Beitrage zur rheinischen Naturgeschichte, herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft fur Beforderung der Naturwissenschaften zu Freiburg im Breisgau. Heft 1-3. 8. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1849-53. [Continued as :] Berichte tlber die Verhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg i. B., etc. Bd. 1-8. 8. Freiburg i. B., (1853)-1885. Bell (F. J.). Zoological Kecord. See 1370. BeU (T.). Zoological Journal. See 1803. 386. Benierkungen der kuhrpfalzisclieii pliysikalisch-okoiiomischen Gesellschaft vom Jahre 1 775 (-1 779). sm. 8. Lantern, 1 779-81. Beneden (E. van) and Banibeke (C. van). Archives de Biologie. See 293. Beobachtungen der arztlichen Gesellschaft zu Minister. See 23. 387. Beobachtungen der kais.-konigl. medicinisch-chirurgischen Josephs-Academic zu Wien. Bd. 1. 4. Wien, 1801. Beobachtungen der kaiserlichen TTniversitats-Sternwarte, Dorpat. See 1187. Beobachtungen der Steruwarte zu Kremsmunster. See 1440. Beobachtungen der Temperatur des Brdbodens im Tifliser pliysi- kalischen Observatorium. Sec 1122. Beobachtungen und Entdeckungen aus der Naturkunde von der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. See 418. 388. Beobachtungs-Ergebnisse der koniglichen Sternwarte zu Berlin. Heft 1 -> 4o. Berlin, 1881 -> Berattelse 0111 Astronomiens Framsteg. See 315. Berattelse om Botaniska Arbeten och Vpptackter. See 315. Berattelse om Framstegen i Insekternas, Myriapodernas och Arachnidernas Naturalhistoria. See 315. Berattelse om Framstegen i Molluskernas, Crustaceernas och de Lagre Skelettlosa Djurens Naturhistoria. Sec 315. BEKATTELSE 55 Berattelse om Framstegeii i Physik. Sec 315. Berattelse om Framstegeii i Vertebrerade Djureiis Naturalliistoria ocli Etlinografien. See 315. Berattelse om Zoologiens Framsteg. Sec 315. 389. Berg- und luitteiimamiisclies Jahrbuch der kaiserl. -konigl. Montaii- Lehranstalt zu Leobeii (und Pribram). Kedacteur: P. Tunuer (J. Grimm). Bd. 1-7. 8. Wien, 1851-58. [ Continued as :] Berg- und hiittenmannisches Jahrbuch der k.-k. Schemnitzer-Berg- akademie und der k.-k. Montan-Lehranstalten zu Leoben und Pribram fur das Jahr 1858 (-1867). Kedakteur : G. Faller. Bd. 8-17. 8->. Wien, 1859-68. 390. Bergens Museums Aarsberetning for 1885 (-1891). la. 80. Bergen, 1886-92. [Continued as :] Bergens Museums Aarbog . . . Afhandlinger og Aarsberetning, etc. 1892 -> la. 8. Bergen, 1893 -* Berghaus (H.) and Hoffmann (H. F. V.). Hertha. See 685. 391. Bergmanniscb.es Journal. Herausgegeben von A. W. Kohler (und [C. A. S.] Hoffmann). Jahrgang 1-6. sm. 8. Preyberg, 1788-93. [Continued as :] Neues bergmSnnisches Journal. Herausgegeben von A. W. Kohler und C. A. S. Hoffmann. Bd. 1-4. sm. 8. Freyberg, 1795-1816. Bericht der konigl. preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. See 4O8. 392. Bericht der meteorologischen Commission des naturforschenden Vereines in Briinii tiber die Ergebnisse der meteorologischen Beobachtungen im Jahre 1881 (-1905). [Bericht 1-25.] la. 8. Brunn, 1882-1907. Bericht der naturforschenden G-esellscliaft zu Halle. See 401. Bericht des naturhistorischen Museums in Hamburg. Sec 1133. 393. Bericht der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Chemnitz, 1859 (-1877). (Bericht 1-6.) 8. Chemnitz, 1865-78. Imperfect : wanting volumes 3-4, i.e. the reports for the years 1865 to 1872. 394. Bericht der oberhessischen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde. (Bericht 1-8.) 8. Giessen, 1847-60. Imperfect : wanting the 6th Report. 56 BERICHT Bericlit der polyteclmisclien Gesellscliaft zn Berlin. See 404. Bericht der St. Gallisclien uaturwissenscliaftliclien Gesellscliaft. See 402. 395. Bericht des geogiiostiscli-niontanistischeu Vereines far Inner- osterreich uud das Land ob der Enns. (Bericht 1-5.) 8. Gratz, 1847-51. [Continued as :] Bericht des geognostisch-montanistischen Vereines fiir Steiermark. (Bericht 1-11.) 8<>. Gratz, 1852-62. Bericlit des naturhistorischen Vereins for Anhalt in Dessau. See 1737. 396. Bericht des naturhistorischen Vereins in Augsburg. (Bericht 1-17.) sm. 4 (8). [Augsburg], 1848-64. 397. Bericht des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines des Harzes fiir das Jahr 1840 (-1852). % 4'. (Quedlinburg, etc.), [1841-53]. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for the years 1848 to 1851. 398. Bericht des Offenbacher Vereins Fur Naturkunde, etc. 1859 (-1 884). (Bericht 1-25.) 8. Offenbach am Main, 1860-85. Imperfect : wanting the 7th- llth, 13th- 18th, 22nd, and 23rd Reports. Bericht des Vereins fur Naturkunde in Cassel. See 403. Bericht des Vereins zur geognostisch-montanistischen Durch- forschnng des Landes Tirol und Vorarlberg. See 399. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomic und Physiologic. See 1796. 399. Bericht iiber die . . . vierte (-neunte) General- Versammlung des Vereins zur geognostisch-montanistischen Durchforschung des Landes Tirol und Vorarlberg. 1842 (-1847). 8. Innsbruck, 1842-47. 400. Bericht iiber die senckeubergische naturforschende Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main. 1868 > 8. Frankfurt a. M., 1869 > 401. Bericht iiber die Sitzungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zn Halle im Jahre 1880 (-1892). 8. Halle, 1880-92. 402. Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit der St. Gallischen naturwissen- schaftlichen Gesellschaft wahrend des Yereinsjahres 1860-1 (1900-1). 8. St. Gallon, 1861-1902. [Continued as .*] Jahrbuch der St. Gallischen naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft fur das Vereinsjahr 1901-2 - 8'. St. Gallen, 1903 -> 403. Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit des Vereins fur Naturkunde in Cassel. [l* er Bericht.] 4. [Cassel], 1837. BERICHT 57 [Continued as :] Jahresbericht uber die Thatigkeit des Vereins, etc. (Bericht 2-11.) 4. [Cassel], 1838-47. 404. Bericht Uber die Verhaltnisse und die Wirksamkeit der poly- technischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. 1839 (-1851). Heft 1-7. 4. Berlin, 1845-51. 405. Bericht liber die Verhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel vom August 1834 (bis Juni 1852). Bd. 1-10. 8. Basel, 1835-52. [Continued as :] Verhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel. Heft 1 - 8 (la. 8 ). Basel, 1854 - 406. Bericht liber die Verhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich ... von ... [H.1 Locher-Balber (F. Keller). 1825 (-1837). sm. 8. Zurich, 1826-38. Bericht uber die Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Arzte. See 78. 407. Bericht uber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen in der Natur- geschichte der niederen Thiere. Begrtindet von R. Leuckart. 1880 > Neue Folge, Bd. 1 - 8' 3 (la. 8). Berlin, 1887 -> 408. Bericht uber die zur Bekanntmachung geeigueten Verhandlungen der konigl. preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1836 (-1855). 8. Berlin, 1836-55. [Continued as:] Monatsberichte der koniglichen preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 1856 (-1881). 8. Berlin, 1856-82. [Continued as:] Sitzungsberichte der koniglich preussischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Berlin. Jahrgang 1882 la. 8. Berlin, 1882 > 409. Berichte der deutschen botanischeu Gesellschaft. Bd. 1 8". Berlin, 1883 - 410. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft {zu Berlin). Jahrgang 1 - 8. Berlin, 1868 - Berichte der deutschen physikalischen Gesellschaft. See 1728. Berichte der koniglich sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften zu Leipzig. See 414. 411. Berichte der natnrforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg i. B. Bd. 1 - la. 8. Freiburg i. B., 1886 - 412. Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereines in Innsbruck. Jahrgang 1 > 8. Innsbruck, 1870 58 BERICHTE 413. Bericlite iiber die Mittheiluugeii von Freuiiden der Naturwissen- schaften in Wieu; gesammelt und herausgegeben von W. Haidinger. Bd. 1-7. 8. Wien, 1847-51. No more published. 414. Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen der koniglich sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. 1846 > Bd. 1 8. Leipzig, 1848 > From 1849 onwards this set contains the ' Matliematisch-physische Classe ' only. Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesell- schaft zn Freiburg i. B. See 385. Berliner astronomisches Jahrbuch. See 345. 415. Berliner entomologische Zeitschriffc. Herausgegeben von dem entomologischen Vereine in Berlin. Jahrgang 1-8. 8. Berlin, 1857-64. 416. Berlinische Sammlungen zurBefordernug der Arzneywisseiischaft, der Naturgeschichte, der Haushaltungskunst, Caxneralwissen- schaft und der dahin einschlagenden Litteratur. [Edited by F. H. W. Martini.] Bd. 1-10. 12. Berlin, 1768-79. No more published. 417. Berlinisches Magazin, oder gesammelte Schriften und Nachrichten fur die Liebhaber der Arzneywissenschaft, Naturgeschichte und der angenehmen Wissenschaften iiberhaupt. Bd. 1-4. No more published. 12". BerHn, 1765-69. Bertnch (F. J.). Allgemeine geographische Ephemeriden. See 60. Berzelius (J.). Arsberattelse om Framstegen i Kemi och Mineralogi. See 315. Arsberattelse om Framstegen i Physik och" Chemie. See 315. Jahresbericht liber die Fortschritte der Chemie und Mineralogie. See 315. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissen- schaften. See 315. 418. Beschaftigungen der (berlinischen) Gesellschaft naturforschender Preunde. Bd. 1-4. 8\ Berlin, 1775-79. [Continued as :] Schriften der berlinischen Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde (zu Berlin). Bd. 1-11. 8. BerHn, 1780-94. Volumes 7 to 11 have a second title-page : ' Seobachtungen und Ent- declcungen aus der Naturkunde von der G-esellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. Bd. 1-5.' BESSEL 59 [Continued as :] Der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin neue Schriften. Bd. 1-4. 4o. Berlin, 1795-1803. Bessel (F. W.). Astronomische Beobachtungen, Konigsberg. See 340. Betscliler (J. W.). Annalen der klinischen Anstalten der Universitat zu Breslau. See 102. Beytrage zu den chemischen Annalen. See 554. Beytrage zur Erweiterung der Chemie. See 554. Bianconi (J. J.). Kepertorio italiano per la Storia naturale. See 1397. Bibliographia Zoologica. See 1807. Bibliographic List of Current Literature on Natural History. See 1522. 419. Bibliotheca Librorum Novorum collecta a L. Neocoro [pseud., i. e. Ludolph KusterJ (et H. Sikio). Tom. [l]-3. 12. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1697-98. 420. Bibliotheca Mathematica. Zeitschrift fiir Geschichte der Mathematik (mathematischen Wissenschaften). Herausgegeben von G. Enestrom. Neue Folge, 1 -> 8> (la. 8>). Stockholm (Leipzig), 1887 Bibliotheque ancienne et moderne. See 423. 421. [I] Bibliotheque britannique ; ou recueil extrait des ouvrages anglais periodiques et autres, des memoires et transactions des societes et academies de la Grande-Bretagne, d'Asie, d'Afrique et d'Amerique ; en deux series, intitulees : Litterature, et Sciences et Arts, redige a Geneve par une Societe de Gens de Lettres. Sciences et Arts. [Edited by F. G. Maurice, C. Pictet and M. A. Pictet.] Vol. 1-60. 8. Geneve, 1796-1815. Imperfect : wanting volume 39. [Continued as :] Bibliotheque universelle des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts, faisant suite a la Bibliotheque britannique. Kedigee a Geneve par les auteurs de ce dernier recueil. Sciences et Arts. Tom. 1-60. 8. Geneve, 1816-35. [Continued as :] Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve. Nouvelle serie, torn. 1-60. 8. Geneve, 1836-45. [Continued as :] Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve. Serie 4, torn. 1-36. 8. Geneve, 1846-57. 60 BIBLIOTHEQUE [Continued as :] Bibliotheque universelle. Kevue suisse {et etrangere}. Nouvelle periode, torn. 1-24. 8. Geneve, 1858-65. [II] Bibliotheque britannique. Agriculture anglaise. Tom. 1-20. 80. Geneve, 1796-1815. [Continued as :] Bibliotheque universelle. Agriculture. Tom. 1-14. 8. Geneve, 1816-29. From 1796 to 1835 the i Billiotheque ' was issued in three sections : (a) Litterature, (b) Sciences et Arts, (c) Agriculture. This set wants aU the volumes of the ' Litterature ' section. [III] Archives de 1'Electricite, par A. de la Rive. Supplement a la Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve. Tom. 1. 8. Geneve, 1841. [IV] (Supplement a la} Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve. Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles, par MM. de la Kive, Marignac et J. Pictet [and others]. Tom. 1-36. 8. Geneve, 1846-57. [Continued as :] Bibliotheque universelle (Revue suisse et etrangere}. Archives des Sciences physiques et uaturelles. Nouvelle periode, torn. 1-64. 80. Geneve, 1858-78. [Continued as :] Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles. (Bibliotheque univer- selle.) Periode 3, torn. 1 > 8. Geneve, 1878 * xiibliotiieque choisie. See 423. 422. Bibliotheque critique ; ou recueil de diverses pieces critiques, dont la plupart ne sont point imprimees, ou ne se trouvent que tres-difficile- ment, publi6es par Mr. de Sainjore [pseud., i. e. R. Simon]. Tom. 1-4. 12. Paris, 1708-10. Biblictlieque universelle. See 421. Bibliothecjue universelle de Geneve. See 421. Bibliotheque universelle des Sciences, Belles-Lettres, et Arts. See 421. 423. Bibliotheque universelle et historique [By J. Bernard, J. Cornaud de Lacroze and J. Le Clerc] de 1'annee 1686 (-1693). Tom. 1-25. 12o. Amsterdam, [1686]-1694. Volumes 1 and 2 are, 2nd edition published in 1687. No more published until 1703, ichen the l BiUiotlieque ' was continued as : Bibliotheque choisie, pour servir de suite a la Bibliotheque universelle. Par J. Le Clerc. Annee 1703 (-1713). Tom. 1-27. 12". Amsterdam, 1703-13. [Continued as :] Bibliotheque ancienne et moderne. Par J. Le Clerc. Pour 1'annee 1714 (-1723). Tom. 1-19. 12. Amsterdam, 1714-23. BIDKAG 61 424. Bidrag till Kannedom om Fiulands 3STatur cell Folk, utgifna af Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten. Haftet 1 8. Helsingfors, 1858 > Imperfect : wanting Haftet 2-3. Eiedermann (R.). Central-Blatt fur Agrikulturchemie. See 548. 425. Bihang till Kongl. Sveiiska Veteiiskaps-Akademieiis Haiidlingar. Bd. 1-28. 8. Stockholm, 1872-1903. Afdelning 1. Mathematik, Astronomi, Mekanik, Fysik, Meteorologi och beslagtade Amnen. Afdelning 2. Kemi, Mineralogi, Geognosi, Fysisk geografi och beslagtade Amnen. Afdelning 3. Botanik, omfattande bade lefvande och fossila former. Afdelning 4. Zoologi, omfattande bade lefvande och fossila former. [ After volume 28 sections 1 to 4 were respectively continued as :] [I] Arkiv for Matematik [sic], Astronomi och Fysik. Bd. 1 > [II] Arkiv for Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi. Bd. 1 [III] Arkiv for. Botanik. Bd. 1 -* [IV] Arkiv for Zoologi. Bd. 1 - 8. Stockholm, 1904 - 426. Bijdragen tot de natnurknndige Wetenschappen, verzameld door H. C. van Hall, W. Vrolik en G. J. Mulder. Deel 1-7. No more published. 8. Amsterdam, 1826-32. Imperfect : wanting volume 3. 427. Bijdragen tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenknnde van Neerlandsch Indie. Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde van Neerlandsch Indie'. Deel 1 Nieuwe Volg- reeks, Deel 7. 8. 'a Gravenhage (Amsterdam), 1853-64. Billings (E.). Canadian Naturalist. See 540. 428. Biologisclies Centralblatt . . . Herausgegeben von J. Bosenthal. Bd. 1 - 80. Erlangen (Leipzig), 1881 - 429. Biolcgiska Foreniiigeiis Forhandlingar. Yerhandlungen des bio- logischen Vereins in Stockholm. Bd. 1-4. No more published. la. 8. Stockholm, Leipzig, 1888-92. 430. Biometrika : a journal for the statistical study of biological problems. Edited, in consultation with F. Galton, by W. F. K. Weldon, K. Pearson and C. B. Davenport. Vol. 1 > 4. Cambridge, 1901 > Blake (C. J.). American Journal of Otology. See 72. Blandford (H. F.). Indian Meteorological Memoirs. See 703. Bliss (N.). Astronomical Observations made at the Eoyal Obser- vatory, Greenwich. See 331. 62 BODE Bode (J. E.). Astronomisches Jahrbuch. See 345. Bohm (J. G.). Magnetische uncl meteorologische Beobachtungen zu Prag. See 914. 431. Eoerhaave. Tijdschrift voor Genees-, Heel-, Verlos- en Artsenijmeng- kunde . . . door G. C. van de Kasteele en L. S. A. Holtrop (en J. C. G. Evers), onder Medewerking van P. Hendriksz. Jaargang 1 Nieuwe Serie, Jaargang 7. 8. 'a Gravenhage (Amsterdam), 1839-48. Bohemau (C. H.). Arsberattelse om Framstegen i Insekternas, Myriapodernas och Arachnidernas Naturalhistoria. See 315. 432. Boletin de la Academia nacional de Ciencias exactas existente en la Universidad de Cordova. Tom. 1-2. 80. Buenos Aires (Cordoba), 1874-[1878]. [Continued as:'] Boletin de la Academia nacional de Ciencias de la Kepublica Argentina. Tom. 3 - 8. Cordoba (Buenos Aires), 1879 -*> 433. Boletin de la Comision del Mapa geologico de Espana. Tom. 1-28. la. 80. Madrid, 1874-1906. Volumes 21 to 28 are also numbered Segunda Serie, torn. 1-8. Boletin de la Sociedad de Ciencias fisicas y naturales de Caracas. See 1708. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia natural. See 85. Bollettini di Farmacia e di Tecnologia. See 177. Bollettino Bibliografico [di Scienze, lettere, arti, economia, indus- tria]. See 592. 434. Bollettino del r. Comitato geologico d'ltalia. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Pirenze (Eoma), 1870 - Bollettino dell' Osservatorio della regia Universita di Torino. Sec 439. 435. Bollettino della Societa adriatica di Scienze naturali in Trieste. Vol. 1-18. la. 8<>. Trieste, 1875-98. 436. Bollettino della Societa di XTaturalisti in Napoli. Serie 1, vol. 2 - la. 8. Napoli, 1888 -> Imperfect : wanting pp. 97 to the end of volume 5, volumes 9, 11, pp. 173 to the end of volume 12, and volume 13. 437. Bollettino della Societa italiana dei Microscopisti. Vol. 1, fasc. 1-4. la. 8. Acireale, 1889-91. 438. Bollettino della Societa ticinese di Scienze naturali. Anno 1 > la. 8. [Bellinzona], 1904 - Imperfect : wanting pp. 113 to the end of volume 3. BOLLETTINO 63 439. Bollettino meteorologico ed astrcnomico del regio Csservatorio dell' Universita di Torino. 1867 (-1887). Anno 2-22. obi. 4. Torino, 1868-89. Boncompagiii (B.). Bullettino di Bibliografia. See 531. 440. De Bonoiiiensi Scientiarum et Artium Instituto atque Academia Commentarii. Tom. [l]-6. 4. Bononiae, 1731-83. Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis. Tom. 1-10. 4o. Bononiae, 1834-49. [Continued as :] Memorie della (r.) Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. Tom. 1 -> 4. Bologna, 1850 - 441. Bouplaudia. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Botanik. (Officielles Organ der k. L[eopoldinischen] C[arolinischen] Akademie der Naturfor- scher [zu Wien].} Herausgegeben von W. E. G. Seemann [und] B. Seemann. Jahrgang 1-10. sm. fol. Hannover, 1853-62. No more published. Borchardt (C. W.). Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathe- matik. See 808. Borkhausen (M. B.). Kheinisches Magazin zur Erweiterung der Naturkunde. See 1463. 442. Boston Journal of Natural History, containing papers and com- munications read to the Boston Society of Natural History, 1834 (-1863). Vol. 1-7. 8. (Boston), 1837-63. [Continued as:] Memoirs read before the Boston Society of Natural History ; being a new series of the Boston Journal of Natural History. Vol. 1-6, no. 1. 4. Boston, 1866-1905. 443. Eotanische Jahrbiicher fiir Systematik, Fflanzengeschichte und Fflauzengeographie. Herausgegeben von A. Engler. Bd. 1 > la. 8. Leipzig, 1881 - 444. Botanische Zeitung. Herausgegeben von H. Mohl und D. F. L. von Schlechtendal (A. de Bary und G. Kraus, A. de Bary und L. Just, H. Graf zu Solms-Laubach und J. Wortmann, H. Graf zu Solms- Laubach und F. Oltmanns, A. Peter). Jahrgang 1 > 4. Berlin (Leipzig), 1843 445. Botanisches Centralblatt. Eeferirendes Organ fur das Gesammtgebiet der Botanik des In- und Auslandes. Herausgegeben . . . von 0. Uhlworm. (Keferirendes Organ der Association Internationale des Botanistes.) Jahrgang 1 > la. 8. Cassel (Jena), 1880 446. Botanisches Magazin. Bd. 1-4. sm. 8. Zurich, 1787-90. The volumes contain second title-pages : ' Magasin fur die Botanil\ Herausgegeben von J. J. Homer und P. Usteri. Stuck 1-12* 64 BOTANISK [Continued as:] Annalen der Botanick. Herausgegeben von P. Usteri. Stttck 1-24. No more published. sm. 8. Zurich (Leipzig), 1791-1800. Stuck 7 to 24 have second title-pages : ' Neue Annalen der Botanik. Stuck 1-18.' 447. Botaiiisk Tidsskrift. Udgivet af den Botaniske Forening i Kj0ben- havn ved P. Heiberg. Bd. 1. 8. Zj^benhavn, 1866. Bouchard (-) and Chauveau (-). Journal de Physiologic. See 790. Boue (A.). Journal de Geologie. See 788. Bouillaud (J.). Journal hebdomadaire des Progres des Sciences . . . medicales. See 811. Bradley (J.). Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Obser- vatory at Greenwich. See 331. Brandegee (T. S.). Zoe. See 1802. Brandes (R.). Annalen der Pharmacie. See 905. Eremond (F. de). Transactions philosophiques. See 1230. Brewster (D.). Edinburgh Journal of Science. See 612. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. See 613. London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine. See 1229. 448. Brief Sketch of the Meteorology of the Bombay Presidency in 1887 (-1898). sm. fol. [Bombay, 1889-99.] Imperfect : icanting the volumes for the years 1889 and 1890. Brioschi (F.). Annali di Matematica. See 179. 449. The British and Foreign Medical Review ; or, quarterly journal of practical medicine and surgery. Edited by J. Forbes. Vol. 13-24. 8. London, 1842-47. After volume 24 this ' Eeview ' was incorporated with ' The Medico- CJiirurgical Journal and Eeview' and continued as 'Tlie British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgicul Eeview '. 450. British Rainfall. On the distribution of rain over the British Isles . . . Compiled by G. J. Symons (H. S. Wallis, H. R. Mill). 1860 -> [Vol. 1 -] 8. London, 1862 -> 451. Broteria. Revista de sciencias naturaes do Collegio de S. Fiel. Vol. 1. la. 8. Lisboa, 1902. Broussais (F. J. V.). Annales de la Medecine physiologique. See 138. Brown-Sequard (C. E.). See Sequard (C. E. B.). Briimiow (F.). Astronomical Notices. See 326. Bmgnatelli (L.). Giornale di Fisica, Chimica e Storia natural e. See 669. BUCHNEK 65 Buchner (J. A.). Eepertorium fiir die Pharmacie. See 1402. Bufalini (M.). Lo Sperimentale. See 1534. Buhl (L.). Zeitschrift fur Biologie. See 1775. 452. The Builder. sm. fol. London. The current numbers only of ' The Builder ' are kept in the Library. 453. Buletiiiul Societa^ii de Sciin^e fizice Fizica, Chimia si Mineralogia din Bucuresci. Anul 1-5. sm. fol. Bucuresci, 1892-96. [Continued as :] Buletinul Societatii (Romane) de Sciin^e din Bucuresci. Anul 6 > la. 8. Bucuresci. 1897 - From volume 6 onwards the volumes have a second title in French: 1 Bulletin de la Societe (Roumaine) des Sciences, Bucarest '. 454. Bulletin annuel de la Commission meteorologiqne dn Departement des Bouches-du-Rhdne. Publie sous les auspices du Conseil general. Annee 1882 (-1899). Annee 1-18. 4. Marseille, 1883-1900. Imperfect : wanting volume 16 (1897). 455. Bulletin d'Histoire naturelle de la Societe linneenne de Bordeaux et de ses sections fran9aises et etrangeres. Tom. 1-3. 8. Bordeaux, 1826-29. Volume 2 is of the 2nd edition, published in 1845. [Continued as :] Actes de la Societe linneenne de Bordeaux. Tom. 4-18. 8. Bordeaux (et Paris), 1830-52. Volumes 15-18 are also numbered 2 e Serie, torn. 5-8. Bulletin de Bibliographic, d'Histoire et de Biographic mathema- tiques. See 1174. 456. Bulletin de l'Acad6mie delphinale. Tom. 1 Serie 2, torn. 3. 8. Grenoble, 1846-64. Bulletin de 1' Academic des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. See 499. 457. Bulletin de 1'Academie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse. 1897-8 (1898-9). Tom. 1-2. la. 8 J . Toulouse, 1898-99. Bulletin de 1'Academie iniperiale des Sciences de St. Fetersbourg. See 521. 458. Bulletin de 1'Academie royale de Medecine de Belgique. Tom. 1 > 8. BruxeUes, 1842 > Bulletin de 1'Academie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Sec 522. F 6 BULLETIN Bulletin de 1' Academic royale des Sciences et Eelles-Lettres de Bruxelles (de Belgique). See 522. Bulletin de 1'Academie royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark. See 1210. 459. Bulletin de 1'Institut botanique de Buitenzorg ('s Lands Planten- tuin). No. 1-22. sm. fol. Buitenzorg, 1898-1905. Imperfect : wanting number 21. 460. Bulletin de 1'Institut national genevois. Seances des cinq sections : 1 Des sciences physiques et naturelles (Des sciences naturelles et mathematiques) ; 2 Des sciences morales et politiques, d'archeologie et d'histoire ; 3 De litterature ; 4 Des beaux-arts ; 5 D'industrie et d'agriculture. No. 1 > 8. Geneve, 1853 > Imperfect : ivanting pp. 129-144 of volume 8. Bulletin de 1'Institut oceanographique. See 494. 461. Bulletin de 1'Institut Pasteur. Revues et analyses des travaux de bacteriologie, medecine, biologie generate, physiologie, chimie bio- logique dans leurs rapports avec la microbiologie. Tom. 8 la. 8. Paris, 1910 -> Bulletin de 1'Observatoire de Zi-Ka-Wei. See 500. Bulletin de 1'Observatoire meteorologique de I'Universite d'Upsal. See 501. Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences de 1' Academic royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. See 522. Bulletin de la Classe physico-mathematique de 1' Academic imperiale des Sciences de St. Fetersbourg. Sec 521. Bulletin de la Commission meteorologique du Departement des Bouches-clu-Rhoiie. See 454. Bulletin de la Societe agricole, scientinque et litteraire des Fyr6nees-Orientales. See 481. 462. Bulletin de la Societe beige de Geologic, de Paleoiitologie et d'Hydrologie. Tom. 1 - la. 8. BruxeUes, 1887 -* The 'Bulletin' is divided into two sections, ' Proces-Verbaux ' and ' Memoires ', and in volume 2 a third section, ' Traductions et Repro- ductions ', was commenced. Bulletin de la Societe chimique de Paris. See 1523. Bulletin de la Scciete d' Agriculture, Industrie, Sciences et Arts du Departement de la Lozere. Sec 99O. Bulletin de la Societe d' Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et Belles- Lettres de Bayeux. Sec 960. BULLETIN 67 463. Bulletin de la Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts de la Sarthe. Serie 2, torn. 28-31 (Tom. 36-39 de la Collection). la. 8. Le Mans, 1897-1904. 464. Bulletin de la Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts du Departe- ment de 1'Eure, etc. Tom. 1-2. 8. Evreux, 1822-23. [Continued as :] Journal d'Agriculture, de Medecine et des Sciences accessoires, etc. Tom. 1-6. 80. Evreux, 1824-29. [Continued as :] Kecueil (des Travaux de la Societe libre) d'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres du Departement de 1'Eure, etc. Tom. 1 Serie 3, torn. 5. 8. Evreux, 1830-59. 465. Bulletin de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Lyon. 1881 (-1895). Tom. 1-14. 8. Lyon [et] Paris, 1882-96. Bulletin de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. See 523. 466. Bulletin de la Societe d'Emulation du Departement de 1'Allier. Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres. Tom. [l]-9. la. 8. Moulins, 1846-64. Imperfect : wanting pp. 407-414 of volume 8. 467. Bulletin de la Societe d'Encouragement pour 1'Industrie nationale. (Annee 1) > 4. Paris, an x [1802] > The volume for the year 1852 has a second title-page : ' Annuaire de la Societe', etc.' 468. Bulletin de la Societe d'Etude des Sciences naturelles de Beziers. (Memoires), Compte rendu des Seances. Annee 1 > la. 8. B Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1882 to 1887, 1905 and 1906. Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire naturelle du Departement de la Moselle. See 965. 469. Bulletin de la Societ6 de Geographic. Tom. 1 Serie 7, torn. 20. 8. Paris, 1822-99. [Continued as:] La Geographie. Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie. Tom. 1 > la. 8. Paris, 1900 > Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie fiulandaise. See 635. Bulletin de la Societe de Medecine et de Chirurgie de Bordeaux. See 991. 470. Bulletin de la Societe de Statistique des Sciences naturelles et des Arts industrials du Departement de 1'Isere. Tom. 1-4. 8. Grenoble, 1838-46. Serie 2, torn. 1-6. la. 8. Grenoble, 1851-61. F 2 68 BULLETIN Bulletin de la Scciete cles Pyrenees-Orientales, Sciences, Belles- Lettres, Arts industrials et agricoles. See 481. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences, Bucarest. See 453. 4:71. Bulletin de la Scciete des Sciences de Nancy. Ancienne Societe des Sciences naturelles de Strasbourg. Annee 1873 Serie 2, torn. 1 > la. 8. Nancy (et Paris), 1874 > 472. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences naturelles de France. Annee 1835. 4. (Paris), 1835. 473. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences naturelles de 1'Ouest de la Prance, etc. Tom. 1 - la. 8\ Nantes, 1891 * 474. Bulletin de la Scciete des Sciences naturelles de Neuchatel. Tom. 2-26. 8. Neuchatel, 1846-98. [Continued as:] Society neuchateloise des Sciences naturelles. Bulletin. Tom. 27 > 8. Neuchatel, 1899 - Bulletin de la Scciete des Sciences physiques, de Meclecine et d' Agriculture cl'Orleaiis. See 491. Bulletin de la Societe franchise de Mineralogie. See 480. Bulletin de la Societe geologique de Belgique. See 142. 475. Bulletin de la Societe geologique de Prance. Tom. 1 > la. 8. Paris, 1830 - Imperfect : wanting pp. 261-340 of volume 1. 476. Bulletin de la Scciete imperials des Naturalistes de Mosccu. Ann la. 80. Paris, 1873 - Bulletin de la Societe medico-chirurgicale des Hopitaux et Hospices de Bordeaux. See 991. 480. Bulletin de la Societe mineralogiqne de France, etc. Tom. 1-8. 8. Meulan (Paris), 1878-85. [Continued as:] Bulletin de lu Societe franfaise de Mineralogie, etc. Tom. 9 8. Paris, 1886 - Bulletin de la Societe neuchateloise des Sciences naturelles. See 474. Bulletin de la Societe philomathique de Paris. See 488. BULLETIN 69 481. Bulletin cle la Societe philomathiqne de Fei*pignan (Pyrenees- Orientales). (Vol. 2 and 4.) 8. Perpignan, 1836-39. [Continued as:] Bulletin de la Societe des Pyrenees-Orientales, Sciences, Belles-Lettres, Arts industriels et agricoles. (Vol. 5.) 8. Perpignan, 1841. Societe agricole, scientifique et litteraire des Pyrenees-Orientales. [Bulletin.] (Vol. 7, 13, 18, and 21.) 8. Perpignan, 1848-74. 482. Bulletin de la Societe portugaise des Sciences naturelles. Tom. 1. la. 8<>. Lisbonne, 1907-8. Bulletin de la Societe roumaine des Sciences, Bucarest. See 453. Bulletin de la Societe royale de Botanique de Belgique. See 524. 483. Bulletin de la Societe scientifique et litteraire du Limbonrg. Tom. 1-5. 8. Tongres, 1852-61. 484. Bulletin de la Societe scientifique et medicale de 1'Ouest. Tom. 1 > la. 80. Bennes, 1892 - Imperfect : wanting volumes 7 and 9, pp. 471-554 of volume 12, and pp. 321 to the end of volume 14. Bulletin de la Societe vaudoise des Sciences naturelles. See 525. 485. Bulletin de Pharmacie (et des Sciences accessoires), redige par Messieurs [A. A.] Parmentier, C. L. Cadet [and others]. Tom. 1-6. 8. Paris, 1809-14. [Continued as :] Journal de Pharmacie et des Sciences accessoires (contenant le Bulletin des Travaux de la Societe de Pharmacie de Paris), redige par C. L. Cadet [and others]. Tom. 1-27. 8'. Paris, 1815-40. [Continued as :] Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie, contenant une revue de tous les travaux publies en France et a 1'etranger, sur les sciences physiques, naturelles, medicales et industrielles, ainsi que le Bulletin des travaux de la Societe de Pharmacie de Paris. Serie 3, torn. 1 > 8. Paris, 1842 - 486. Bulletin der konigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Jahrgang 1843 (-1853). 4". Munchen, 1843-53. 487. Bulletin des Neuesten und Wissenswurdigsten aus der Natur- wisseiischaft, sowie den Kiinsten, Manufakturen, technischen Gewerben, der Landwirthschaft und der btirgerlichen Haushaltung . . . Herausgegeben von S. F. Hermbstadt. Bd. 1-15. 8. Berlin, 1809-13. [Continued as :] Museum des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaft . . . Herausgegeben von S. F. Hermbstadt. Bd, 1-15. 8. Berlin, 1814-18. No more published. 70 BULLETIN 488. Bulletin des Sciences, par la Societe philomathique de Paris. Tom. 1-3. 4o. Paris, 1791-1805. This set wants the title-page and index which ivere published in 1811. [Continued as:] Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences, par la Societe philomathique de Paris. Tom. 1 Annee 1833. 4. Paris, 1807-33. Tlie titles of the volumes for the years 1814 to 1824 are : ' Bulletin des Sciences.' No volumes were published during the years 182? to 1831. [Continued as.-] Societe philomatique [sic] de Paris. Extraits des Proces-Verbaux des Seances pendant 1'annee 1836 (-1863). 8". Paris, [1837]-1863. [Continued as :] Bulletin de la Soci6te philomathique de Paris. 1864 * Tom. 1 * 8 (la. 8). Paris, 1864 -* Bulletin des Sciences agricoles et economiques. See 497. Bulletin des Sciences geographiques, Economic publique, Voyages. See 497. Bulletin des Sciences historiques, Antiquites, Pliilologie. See 497. Bulletin des Sciences mathematiques, astronomiques, physiques et chiniiques. See 497. 489. Bulletin des Sciences mathematiques {et astronomiques}, redige par G. Darboux (J. Hotiel et J. Tannery). (Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Hautes Etudes.) Tom. 1 - la. 8. Paris, 1870 > Bulletin des Sciences meclicales. See 497. Bulletin des Sciences militaires. See 497. Bulletin des Sciences naturelles et de Geologic. See 497. 490. Bulletin des Sciences physiques et naturelles en Neerlande, redige par F. A. W. Miquel, G. J. Mulder et W. Wenckebach. Annee 1838 (-1840). 4 (8"). Leyde (Kotterdam, Utrecht), 1838-40. No more published. 491. Bulletin des Sciences physiques, meclicales et d'Agriculture d'Orleans, publie au nom de la Soci6te [i. e. the Societ6 des Sciences physiques et medicales d'Orleans]. Tom. 1-3. 80. Orleans, 1810-11. [Continued as /] Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences physiques, de Medecine et d'Agriculture d'Orleans. Tom. 4-7. 8<>. Orleans, 1812-13. [Continued as:] Annales de la Societe (royale) des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Orleans. Tom. 1-14. 8'. Orleans, 1819-36. Imperfect: wanting pp. 149-184 of volume 2. BULLETIN 71 [Continued as;] Memoires de la Societe royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Orleans. Tom. 1-10. 8. Orleans, 1837-52. Bulletin des Sciences technologiques. See 497. Bulletin des Seances de la Societe franchise de Physique. See 1500. Bulletin du Comite geologique, St. Petersbourg. See 718. 492. Bulletin du Comite international permanent pour 1'execution photographique de la Carte du Ciel. (Institut de France. Academie des Sciences.) Tom. 1-2. 4. Paris, 1892-95. 493. Bulletin du Departement de 1' Agriculture aux Indes u&erlandaises. No. 1 sm. fol. Buitenzorg, 1906 494. Bulletin du Musee oceanographique de Monaco. No. 1-87. la. 8 () . Monaco, 1904-6. [Continued as:] Bulletin de 1'Institut oceanographique. No. 88 * la. 8. Monaco, 1907 -* 495. Bulletin du Musee royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique. Tom. 1-5, no. 1. la. 8. BruxeUes, 1882-[1887]. No more published. Imperfect: wanting pp. 85-204 of volume 2. 496. Bulletin du Museum (national) d'Histoire naturelle. Tom. 1 > la. 8. Paris, 1895 -> 497. Bulletin general et universel des Annonces et des Nouvelles scientifiques . . . publie sous la direction- de M. le Baron de Ferussac. Tom. 1-4. 8. Paris, 1823. [Divided into eight sections and continued as .-] Bulletin universel des Sciences et de 1'Industrie, publie sous la direction de M. le Baron de Ferussac. Section 1. Bulletin des Sciences mathematiques {astronomiques}, physiques et chimiques. Tom. 1-16. 8. Paris, 1824-31. Section 2. Bulletin des Sciences naturelles et de Geologie. Tom. 1-27. 8<>. Paris, 1824-31. Section 3. Bulletin des Sciences medicales, Tom. 1-27. 8. Paris, 1824-31. Section 4. Bulletin des Sciences agricoles et economiques. Tom. 1-19. 8. Paris, 1824-31, Section 5. Bulletin des Sciences technologiques. Tom. 1-19. 8. Paris, 1824-31. Section 6. Bulletin des Sciences geographiques, ^Iconomie publique, Voyages. Tom. 1-28. 8. Paris, 1824-31. Section 7. Bulletin des Sciences historiques, Antiquites, Philologie. Tom. 1-19. 8<>. Paris, 1824-31. 72 BULLETIN Section 8. Bulletin des Sciences militaires. Tom. 1-11. No more published. 8. Paris, 1824-31. The later volumes of each section are stated to be ' public par la Socie'te pour la propagation des Connaissances scientifiques et industrielks, et sous la direction de M. le Baron Ferussac.' 498. Bulletin international de 1' Academic des Sciences de Cracovie. Comptes rendus des seances de 1'annee 1889 > la. 8. Cracovie, 1889 > The volumes have a second title in German : ' Anseiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in KraJcau.' In 1901 the 'Bulletin' was divided into two sections: ' Classe de Philologie, d'Histoire et de Philosophic ', and ' Classe des Sciences mathe- matiques et naturelles '. This set contains the latter section only. 499. Bulletin inensuel de 1' Academic des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. 1909 - la. 8. Montpellier, 1909 - 500. Bulletin mensnel de 1'Observatoire magnetic-lie et meteorologique de Zi-Ka-Wei, pres Changhai (Chine). Tom. 3-6. la. 4. Zi-Ka-Wei, 1877-80. Bulletin mensnel de la Societe chimique de Paris. See 1523. 501. Bulletin meteorologique mensnel de 1'Observatoire de 1'Uiiiversite d'Upsal. 1868 (-1899). Vol. 1-31. la. 4. Upsal, 1871-1900. Bulletin mensuel de 1'Observatoire meteorologique de 1'Universite d'Upsal. Annee 1902 -> Vol. 34 -> la. 4. Upsal, 1902 - Imperfect : wanting volume 39 (1907). 502. Bulletin of Miscellanons Information, Royal (Botanic) Gardens, Kew. [Vol. 1 -J la. 8. London, 1887 Bulletin of the American Geographical Society of New York. See 827. 503. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. Continuation of the Bulletin of the New York Mathematical Society. A historical and critical review of mathematical science. Edited by T. S. Fiske [and others]. Vol. 4 > la. 8. Lancaster, Pa., and New York, 1897 504. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 1 > la. 8. New York, 1881 -> Imperfect: tvanting pp. 347-380 of volume 17. 505. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Vol. 1-8, no. 5. la. 80. Buffalo, 1874-1907. Imperfect : wanting all after number 1 of volume 7. Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology. See 1519. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, United States of America. See 518. BULLETIN 73 506. Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards (Department of Commerce and Labor, United States of America). Vol. 1 > la. 8. Washington, 1905 Bulletin of the Bussey Institution. See 683. 507. Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society. Vol. 1 * la. 8. Calcutta, 1909 - 508. Bulletin of the California Academy of Sciences. Vol. 1-2. la. 8. San Francisco, [1884J-1887. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-178 of volume 1. 509. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. Vol. 1 > la. 80. Chicago, 1883 - Bulletin of the Essex Institute. See 1288. Bulletin of the Geographical {Club} (Society) of Philadelphia. See 526. Bulletin of the Geological and Natural History Survey. Chicago Academy of Sciences. See 556. 510. Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala. Edited by H. Sjogren. Vol. 1 - la. 8. Upsala, 1894 -> Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Western Australia. See 1761. 511. Bulletin of the Imperial Earthquake Investigation Committee. Vol. 1 - 4. Tokyo, 1907 - Bulletin of the Madras Government Museum. See 897. Bulletin of the Massachusetts State Agricultural Experiment Station. See 919. Bulletin of the Mount Weather Observatory. Sec 1692. 512. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, in Cambridge. Vol. 1 * 8 (la. 8"). Cambridge, Mass., 1863 - Bulletin of the Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. See 1120. 513. Bulletin of the Natural History Society of New Brunswick. No. 3 -> 80. Saint John, 1884 - Imperfect: wanting numbers 23 and 24 (i.e. pp. 299-518 of volume 5). 514. Bulletin of the New York State Museum. No. 1 > 80. Albany, 1892 - Imperfect : wanting numbers 68, 93, 101, 111, 116, 121 and 129. Bulletin of the New Zealand Geological Survey. See 1160. 74 BULLETIN 515. Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington. Vol. 1 * la. 8. Washington, 1874 - Imperfect : wanting volume 7. Volumes 1 to 10 of the ' Bulletin ' are also publisJied in volumes 20, 25 and 33 of the ' Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections' (q.v. No. 1521). Bulletin of the Philosophical Society, University of Virginia. See 1702. 516. Bulletin of the Proceedings of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science. No. 1-3. 8. Washington, 1840-44. 517. Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University. Vol. 13 -> 80 (la. 80). Granville, Ohio, 1905 -> Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-34 of volume 13, and pp. 101 to the end of volume 15. Bulletin of the Sleeping Sickness Bureau. See 1517. 518. Bulletin of the United States Pish Commission. 1881 (-1903). Vol. 1-23. 80 (la. 80). Washington, 1882-1906. [Continued as .] [United States of America.] Department of Commerce and Labor. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries. 1904 -* Vol. 24 la. 80. Washington, 1905 - 519. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Vol. 1-6. 8. Washington, 1875-82. [Continued as:] Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey. No. 1 -* 8. Washington, 1883 - 520. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. Published under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution. No. 1 la. 80. Washington, 1875 - Imperfect : wanting numbers 17 to 37, and 70. Numbers 1 to 16 are published in volumes 13, 23 and 24 of the ' Smithsonian Miscellanous Collections' (q.v. No. 1521). Bulletin of the Weather Bureau, United States. See 1695. Bulletin of the Yellow Pever Bureau. See 891. 521. Bulletin scientifique publie par 1'Academie imperiale des Sciences de Saint-Petersbourg. Tom. 1-10. 4. Saint-Petersbourg et Leipzig, [1836]-1842. [Continued as :] Bulletin de la Classe physico-mathematique de I'Academie imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. Tom. 1-17. 4. St. Petersbourg {et Leipzig], 1843-59. BULLETIN 75 [Continued as :] Bulletin de 1'Academie imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. Tom. 1 la. 4 (4). St. Petersbourg, 1860 -> From volume 1 of the 5th series (1894) onwards the 'Bulletin' has a second title-page in Eussian : II;m M-ii/i HianepaxopcKoA A isa JI-MJH HayK-B. Bulletin universe! des Sciences et de 1' Industrie. See 497. 522. Bulletins de 1' Academic royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles. Annee 1832 (-1845). Tom. 1-12. 8. Bruxelles, 1836-45. [Continued as:] Bulletins de 1'Academie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux- Arts de Belgique. Tom. 13 Serie 3, torn. 36. 8. Bruxelles, 1846-98. [Continued as;] Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences. 1899 * 8. Bruxelles, 1899 -* 523. Bulletins de la Societ6 d'Anthropologie de Paris. Tom. 1 Serie 4, torn. 10. 8. Paris, 1860-99. Imperfect : wanting volume 5 of the 1st series, and volume 10 of the 2nd series. Bulletins et Memoires de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. S6rie 5, torn. 1 > la. 8. Paris, 1900 > Bulletins de la Societe de Geographic finlandaise. See 635. 524. Bulletins de la Societe royale de Botanique de Belgique. Tom. 1-6. 8. Bruxelles, 1862-67. 525. Bulletins des Seances de la Societe vaudoise des Sciences natu- relles. Tom. 1-7. 8. Lausanne, (1842)-1864. [Continued as :] Bulletin de la Societe vaudoise des Sciences naturelles. Tom. 8 > 8. Lausanne, 1864 * Bulletins du Comite geologique. St. Petersbourg. See 718. Bulletins et Memoires de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. See 523. Bulletins et Memoires de la Societe de Medecine et de Chirurgie de Bordeaux. See 991. 526. Bulletins of the Geographical {Club} (Society) of Philadelphia. Vol. 1-4. la. 80. Philadelphia, 1893-1904. Imperfect: wanting pp. 49 to the end of volume 4. 527. Bullettino archeologico napolitauo. Nuova serie, pubblicato per cura di G. Minervini. Anno 1-7. 4. Napoli, 1852-59. Imperfect : wanting pp. 97 to the end of volume 1, and the ivhole of volumes 2, 4 and 6. t 528. Bullettino dell' Accademia degli aspirant! Naturalisti. Anno 1861 (-1865). 80. Napoli, 1861-65. 76 BULLETTINO Bullettino dell' Industria meccanica e chimica. See 177. Bullettiiio della Accaclemia Gioenia di Scienze natural! in Catania. See 532. 529. Bullettino della Societa botanica italiana. Anno 1892 > [Vol. 1 >] la. 8. Pirenze, 1892 - Imperfect : wanting pp. 21-172 of the volume for the year 1901 ; pp. 77 to the end of the volume for the year 1907 ; and pp. 1-34 of the volume for the year 1909. Previous to 1892 the ' Bullettino ' was published in the ' Nuovo Gwrnale lotanico italiano ' (q. v. No. 1182). 530. Bullettino della Societa di Scienze natural! ed economiche di Palermo. N. 1-14. 4. [Palermo], 1877-79. Bullettino delle Sedute della Accaclemia Gioenia di Scienze natural! in Catania. See 532. 531. Bullettino di Bibliografia e di Storia delle Scienze matematiche e fisiche ; pubblicato da B. Boncompagni. Tom. 1-20. No more published. 4. Roma, 1868-87. 532. Bullettino mensile della Accademia -Gioenia di Scienze natural! in Catania, etc. Nuova serie, fasc. 1-31. 8. Catania, 1888-93. [Continued as:] Bullettino delle Sedute della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze naturali in Catania, etc. Nuova serie, fasc. 32 > 8. Catania, 1893 > Bullettino meteorologico del r. Osservatorio [di Palermo]. See 672. 533. Bullettino meteorologico dell' Osservatorio del Collegio Romano con corrispondenza e bibliografia per 1'avanzamento della fisica terrestre. Vol. 1-17. 4. Koma, 1862-78. [Continued as :] Pontificia Universita Gregoriana. Continuazione del Bullettino meteoro- logico dell' Osservatorio del Collegio Komano con corrispondenza e bibliografia per 1'avanzamento della fisica terrestre. Vol. 18-27. 4. Koma, 1879-88. 534. Bullettino nautico e geografico di Roma. Diretto da E. Fabri-Scar- pellini . . . Appendice alia Corrispondenza scientifica di Koma, etc. Vol. 1. am. fol. Roma, 1862. 535. Bureau des Longitudes. Ephemerides des Etoiles de Culmination lunaire et de Longitude. Par M. Lrewy. 1879 (-1903). 4o. Paris, 1878-1901. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1880, 1881 and 1883 to 1888. Burgess (J.). Indian Antiquary. See 702. Busch (A. L.). Astronomische Beobachtungen, Konigsberg. See 340. Buvry (L.). Zeitschrift fur Acclimatisation. See 1770. Buys Ballot (C. H. D.). See Ballot (C. H. D. B.). CABANIS 77 Cabanis (J.). Journal ftir Ornithologie. See 809. Cadet (C. L.). Journal de Pharmacie. See 485. Cairo Scientific Journal. Sec 1556. Cajal (S. E.). Kevista trimestral mierografica. See 1455. 536. The Calcutta Journal of Natural History (and miscellany of the arts and sciences of India). Conducted by J. M'Clelland [and others]. Vol. 1-8. 8. Calcutta, 1841-[1848J. No more publislied. Calendrier de 1'Iiistitut royal de France. See 706. 537. The Cambridge Mathematical Journal. (Vol. 4 edited by K. L. Ellis.) Vol. 1-4. 8. Cambridge, 1839-45. [Continued as :] The Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal. Edited by W. Thomson (and N. M. Ferrers). Vol. 1-9. 8. Cambridge, 1846-54. [Continued as :] The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Edited by J. J. Sylvester and N. M. Ferrers (A. Cayley, J. W. L. Glaisher) [and others]. Vol. 1 - 8. London, (1855) - 538. Canada. Department of the Interior. Report of the Chief Astronomer ... for the year ending June 30th, 1905 la. 8. Ottawa, 1906 -* 539. The Canadian Journal : a repertory of industry, science, and art, and a record of the proceedings of the Canadian Institute. Edited by H. Y. Hind. Vol. 1-3. 4. Toronto, 1852-55. [Continued as :] The Canadian Journal of Industry, Science, and Art (literature and history) ; conducted by the . . . Canadian Institute. New series, vol. 1-15. 8. Toronto, 1856-78. [Continued as:] Proceedings of the Canadian Institute, etc. New series, vol. 1-7. 8. Toronto, [1879]-1890. [Continued as :] [I] Transactions of the Canadian Institute. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Toronto, [1890] -* [II] Proceedings of the Canadian Institute. New series, vol. 1 la. 8. Toronto, 1897 -> Imperfect: wanting pp. 33-72 of volume 1 and pp. 103-122 of volume 2 of the Proceedings. 540. The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. By E. Billings. Vol. 1. 8. Montreal, 1857. 78 CANADIAN [Continued as:] The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, and proceedings of the Natural History Society of Montreal, etc. Vol. 2-8. 8. Montreal, 1857-63. [Continued as:] The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist: a bi-monthly journal of natural science, conducted by ... the Natural History Society of Montreal. New series, vol. 1-8. 8. Montreal, 1864-68. [Continued as :] The Canadian Naturalist and Quarterly Journal of Science, with the proceedings of the Natural History Society of Montreal, etc. New series, vol. 4-10. 8. Montreal, 1869-83. [Continued as :] The Canadian Eecord of Science, including the proceedings of the Natural History Society of Montreal, etc. Vol. 1-9. 8<>. Montreal, 1885-1905. Imperfect : wanting pp. 319 to the end of volume 9. The Canadian Record of Science. See 540. Canaval (J. L.). Jahrbuch des naturhistorischen Landesmuseums von Karnten. See 732. Canestrini (G.). Archivio per la Zoologia. See 310. Canstatt (C.) and Eisenmann (J. G.). Jahresbericht ilber die Fort- schritte in der Biologie. See 770. Cantor (M.). Zeitschrift fur Mathematik und Physik. See 1785. Cantu (I.). Cronaca. See 592. 541. Cape of Good Hope. Department of Agriculture. Annual Report of the Geological Commission. 1896 (1st, etc., Reports) * 4. Cape Town, 1897 -* Imperfect : wanting the 10th Report (1905). 542. The Caradoc Field Club. (Transactions. 1868.) sm. 8. Shrewsbury, 1869. 543. Cardiff Naturalists' Society. Annual Report. 1867-8. (1st Keport.) 8. London, [1868]. [Continued as :] Cardiff Naturalists' Society. Report and Transactions. 1868-9 (-1887). Vol. 2-19, part 1. 80. Hertford (Cardiff, London), 1870-87. Carl (P.). Kepertorium fiir Experimental-Physik. See 1403. Repertorium fur physikalische Technik. See 1403. CAKNEGIE 79 544. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Contributions from the Solar Observatory, Mt. Wilson, California. No. 13 la. 8. [Washington, 1906 -] Imperfect : wanting numbers 14, 27, 28, 29, 32 and 36. 545. Carnegie Institution of Washington. (Publications. No. 4 >) la. 8 and 4. Washington, 1903 546. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Year book. 1902 No. 1 - la. 8. Washington, 1903 - Carnoy (J. B.). La Cellule. See 547. Cartailhac. L'Anthropologie. See 243. Camel (T.). Nuovo Giornale botanico italiano. See 1182. Cams (J. V.). Bibliographia Zoologica. See 1807. Zoologischer Anzeiger. See 1807. Zoologischer Jahresbericht. See 1808. Cayley (A.). Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. See 537. 547. La Cellule : recueil de cytologie et d'histologie generale. Publie par J. B. Carnoy, G. Gilson et J. Denys. Tom. 1 * 4. Lierre [et] Gand (et Louvain), 1885 548. Central-Blatt fur Agrikulturchemie und rationellen Wirthschafts- Betrieb. Keferirendes Organ fur naturwissenschaftliche Forschun- gen in ihrer Anwendung auf die Landwirthschaft. Herausgegeben von E. Biedermann. Bd. 1-8. 8>. Leipzig, 1872-75. [Continued as :] Biedermann's Central-Blatt fur Agrikulturchemie und Landwirth- schafts-Betrieb, etc. Bd. 9 [i.e. Jahrgang 5J Jahrgang 12. 8^>. Leipzig, 1876-83. These volumes, ivith the exception of volume 7, have a second title-page : ' Wissenschaftlich-prdktische Forschungen auf dem Gdnete der Land- unrthschaft.' 549. Centralblatt fur Bacteriologie und Farasiteukunde . . . Heraus- gegeben von 0. Uhlworm. Bd. 1-16. la. 8. Jena, 1887-94. [Continued as :] [IJ Centralblatt fur Bakteriologie und Parasitenkunde (und Infektions- krankheiten) . . . Herausgegeben von 0. Uhlworm. Erste Abtei- lung (Medizinisch-hygienische Bakteriologie und tierische Parasiten- kunde). Bd. 17 - la. 80. Jena, 1895 - [II] Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie und Parasitenkunde (und Infek- tionskrankheiten) . . . herausgegeben von 0. Uhlworm. Zweite Abteilung (Allgemeine, landwirthschaftlich-technologische Bakterio- logie, Garungsphysiologie, Pflanzenpathologie und Pflanzenschutz). Bd. 1 -* la. 8. Jena, 1895 -> 80 CENTKALBLATT 550. Centralblatt fiir die medicinischen Wissenschaften. Eedigirt von J. Kosenthal und H. Senator (M. Bernhardt). Jahrgang 11 > la. 8. Berlin, 1873 Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Falaeontologie. See 1560. 551. Centralbureau der internationalen Erdmessung. Neue Folge der Veroffentlichungen. No. 2 4. Berlin, 1900 Imperfect : wanting numbers 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 19. 552. Central-Zeitnng fiir Optik und Mechanik (Electrotechnik und ver- wandte Berufszweige). . . Herausgegeben . . . von 0. Schneider. Jahrgang 4-29. 4. Leipzig (Berlin), 1883-1908. Cliallis (J.). Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory of Cambridge. See 328. Charcot (-). Archives de Medecine experimental . See 297. Charlesworth (E.). Magazine of Natural History. See 908. 553. The Chemical News (and journal of physical science). With which is incorporated the 'Chemical Gazette'. A journal of practical chemistry in all its applications to pharmacy, arts, and manufactures. Edited by W. Crookes. Vol. 1 * 4. London, (1859) - Chemisch-pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt. Sec 1225. Chemische Annalen fur die Freunde der Naturlehre. See 554. Chemisches Central-Blatt. See 1225. 554. Chemisches Journal fur die Freunde der Naturlehre, Arziiey- gelahrtheit, Haushaltungskunst und Manufactureu. Entworfen von L. Crell. Theil 1-6. sm. 8. Lemgo, 1778-81. Chemische Annalen fur die Freunde der Naturlehre, Arzneygelahrtheit, Haushaltungskunst und Manufacturen von L. Crell. [40 vol.] sm. 80. Helmstadt und Leipzig, 1784-1804. Beytrage zur Erweiterung der Chemie: von L. Crell. Bd. 1-2. sm. 8. Helmstadt und Leipzig, 1786-87. [Continued as:] Beytrage zu den chemischen Annalen von L. Crell. Theil 3-6, Stuck 1. sm. 8. Helmstadt und Leipzig, 1788-95. The ' Beytrage ' was issued as a supplement to the * Annalen '. 555. The Chemist ; or, reporter of chemical discoveries and improvements, and protector of the rights of the chemist and chemical manufacturer. Edited by C. and J. Watt. Vol. 1-6. 8. London, 1840-45. [Continued as :] The Chemist ; or, reporter of discoveries and improvements in analy- tical, manufacturing, and agricultural chemistry. Edited by J. H. Newton. Vol. 7. 8. London, 1846. CHEVALLIER 81 [Continued as .*] The Chemist; a monthly journal of chemical philosophy, and of chemistry applied to the arts, manufactures, agriculture and medicine, and record of pharmacy. Edited by J. and C. Watt. New series, vol. 1-4. 8. London, 1849-53. [Continued as;] The Chemist. A monthly journal of chemical and physical science. Edited by J. and C. Watt. New series, vol. 1-5. No more published. 8. London, 1854-58. Chevallier (A.). Journal de Chimie medicale. See 786. 556. The Chicago Academy of Sciences. Bulletin of the Geological and Natural History Survey. No. 1 > 8<>. [Chicago], 1896 -> Christie (W. H. M.). The Observatory. See 1198. 557. II Cimento. Giornale di fisica, chimica e storia naturale. Anno [3]-4. 8<>. Pisa, 1845-46. [No more published until 1855, when the journal was continued as :] II Nuovo Cimento. Giornale di fisica, di chimica e delle loro applicazioni alia medicina, alia farmacia ed alle arti industriali. Compilato dai professor! C. Matteucci e E. Piria [and others]. (Organo della Societa italiana di Fisica.) Tom. 1 80 (la. 8). Pisa, 1855 -> Circulars of the Johns Hopkins University. See 781. Glaus (C.). Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen Institute der Universitat Wien und der zoologischen Station in Triest. See 251. Clebsch (A.) and Neumann (C.). Mathematische Annalen. See 925. Clessin (S.). Malakozoologische Blatter. See 1784. Cluverus (D.). Nova Crisis Temporum. See 1178. Cohn (F.). Beitrage zur Biologic der Pflanzen. See 378. 558. Cold Spring Harbor Monographs. (Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences.) [No.] 1 la. 8. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1903 > Cole (R.). Madras Journal of Literature and Science. See 898. 559. Collected Papers from the Department of Pathology in the University of Oxford. Vol.1* 4. Oxford, 1909 > Collected Papers of the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine. See 888. Collected Papers of the Physiological Laboratory of King's College, London. See 872. Collected Papers of the Physiological Laboratory, University College, London. See 1236. 82 COLLECTED Collected Researches of the National Physical Laboratory. See 1125. Collection of Materials for the Study of the Country and Races of Caucasia. See 1480. 560. Colorado College Publication. Engineering Series. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1906 Science Series. Vol. 11 > la. 8. Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1904 > 561. Comite international des Foids et Mesures. Proces-verbauz des Seances de 1875 -* 8". Paris, 1876 - 562. Conimentari dell' Ateneo di Brescia. 1841 (-1861). 8<>. Brescia, 1843-62. 563. Comxnentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Fetropolitanae. Anno 1726 (-1746). Tom. 1-14. 4. Petropoli, 1728-51. [Continued as:] Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. 1747 (-1775). Tom. 1-20. 4. Petropoli, 1750-76. [Continued as :] Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. Anno 1777 (-1782). 4. Petropoli, 1778-86. [Continued as :] Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. 1783 (-1802). Tom. 1-15. 4. Petropoli, 1787-1806. [Continued as :] Memoires de I'Acad^mie imperiale des Sciences de Saint-Petersbourg . . . Avec 1'histoire de 1' Academic pour les annees 1803 (-1822). Tom. 1-11. 4. St. Petersbourg, 1809-30. [Continued as:] Memoires de 1'Academie imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. 6 e Serie. Sciences mathematiques, physiques et naturejles. Tom. 1-10. 4. St. Petersbourg, 1831-59. Volumes 3 to 10 are each divided into two sections : ' Sciences mathema- tiques et physiques ', and l Sciences naturelles '. TJiese volumes are also numbered volumes 1-8 of the subdivision. No ' Sciences mathematiques et physiques ' section was published with volume 10. [Continued as:] Memoires de l'Acad6mie imperiale des Sciences de Saint-Petersbourg. Serie 7, torn. 1 > 4 (la. 4). Saint-Petersbourg, 1859 * From volume 1 of the 8th series (1895) onwards the ' Memoires ' has a second title in Russian: SanncKH HMnepaxopcKofi AKa#e>riii Hayirt no COMMENTAKII 83 564. Commentarii de Rebus in Scientia Natural! et Mediciua gestis. Vol. 1-37. 8. Lipsiae, 1752-1801. Primae decadis supplementum. 1-4. 8. Lipsiae, 1763-68. Secundae decadis supplementum. 1-4. 8. Lipsiae, 1772-75. Tertiae decadis supplementum. 1-4. 8. Lipsiae, 1777-85. No more published. 565. Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiamm Gottingensis. 1751 (-1754). Tom. 1-4. 4. Gottingae, 1752 [-1755]. [Continued as :] Novi Commentarii Societatis Kegiae Scientiarum Gottingensis. 1769 (-1777). Tom. 1-8. 4. Gottingae {et Gothae), 1771-78. [Continued as :] Commentationes Societatis Kegiae Scientiarum Gottingensis. 1778 (-1808). Vol. 1-16. 4o. Gottingae, 1779-1808. [Continued as:] Commentationes Societatis Eegiae Scientiarum Gottingensis recen- tiores. 1808 (-1837). Vol. 1-8. 4. Gottingae, 1811-41. [Continued as :] Abhandlungen der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. 1838 > Bd. 1 - 4o. Gottingen (Berlin), 1843 > From volume 39 (1893) onwards this set contains the ' Mathematisch- physiJcalische Klasse ' only. 566. Commentationes Societatis Physico-Medicae, apud Universitatem Literarum Caesaream Mosquensem institutae. Vol. 1. 4. Mosquae, 1808-11. Commentationes Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis. See 565. 567. Ccmmercium Litterarinm ad rei medicae et scientiae naturalis in- crementum institutum, quo quicquid novissime observatum, agitatum, scriptum vel peraetum est, succincte dilucideque exponitur. Anni 1731 (-1744). [Vol. 1-14.] 4". Norimbergae, [1731-44]. No more published after volume 15 (1745). The volumes for tlie years 1733 to 1735 and 1740 to 1744 have no title-pages. 568. Communicaqoes da Commissao dos Trabalhos geologicos de Portugal. Tom. 1 > la. 8. Lisboa, 1883 -* 569. A Companion to the Gentleman's Diary . . . For the year 1798. Second edition. 12. London, 1797. [Continued as :] The Gentleman's Mathematical Companion for the year 1799 (-1807). 12. London, 1798-1806. o 2 84 COMPTE RENDU 570. Compte rendu annuel . . . par le Directeur de 1'Observatoire phy- sique central, A. T. Kupffer. Annee 1850 (-1864). 4. St. Petersbourg, 1851-65. 571. Compte rendu de 1' Academic imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg, etc. Annee 1852 (-1857). la. 8. St. Petersbourg, 1853-58. From 1828 to 1848 the ' Compte rendu de I' Academic ' was published in the ( Recueil des Actes dela . . . Academic ' (q. v. No. 1381). Compte rendu de 1'Observatoire physique central, St. Petersbourg. See 570. Compte rendu de la Societe academique de Macon. See 573. Compte rendu de la Scciete d'Etude des Sciences naturelles de Beziers. See 468. Compte rendu de la Societe de Geographic et de la Commission centrale. See 572. Compte rendu de la Societe des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Macon. See 573. Compte rendu de la Societe helvetique des Sciences naturelles. See 629. Compte rendu de la Societe linneenne de Lyon. See 1528. Compte rendu de la Societe linneeune de Paris. See 574. Compte rendu de la Scciete linneenne du Word de la France. See 1529. 572. Compte rendu des Seances de la Societe de Geographic et de la Commission centrale. Annee 1882 (-1899). 8. Paris, 1883-1900. Imperfect : wanting the volume for the year 1888. 573. Compte rendu . . . des Travaux de la Societe {des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres} ( Annee 1 > la. 8. Paris, 1850 - Imperfect: wanting the volumes for the years 1864, 1882 and 1883. 577. Comptes rendus des Travaux de Chintie. Par C. Gerhardt (et A. Laurent). Annee 1846 (-1850). Tom. [2]-6. 8". Paris, 1847-51. 86 COMPTES RENDUS 578. Comptes rendns hebdomadaires des Seances de 1'Academie des Sciences. Tom. [1] -* 4. Paris, 1835 -* Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Seances et Memoires de la Societe de Biologie. See 576. 579. Comunicaciones del Museo nacional de Buenos Aires. Tom. 1. la. 8. Buenos Aires, 1898-1901. 580. Congres scientifiques de France. Session 1-15. 80. Kouen (Poitiers, etc.), 1833-48. The following list gives the names of the towns at which each meeting was held and the date of the meeting. 1. Caen, 1833. 9. Lyon, 1841. 2. Poitiers, 1834. 10. Strasbourg, 1842. 3. Douai, 1835. 11. Angers, 1843. 4. Blois, 1836. 12. Nimes, 1844. 5. Metz, 1837. 13. Reims, 1845. 6. Clermont-Ferrand, 1838. 14. Marseille, 1846. 7. Le Mans, 1839. 15. Tours, 1847. 8. Besanson, 1840. Connoissauce des Mouvemeus celestes. See 581. 581. Connoissance (Connaissance) des Temps. Pour 1'annee 1702 (1703 >). Au meridien de Paris : publiee par 1'ordre de 1'Academie royale des Sciences (par ordre du Bureau des Longitudes). _. , fl 12 (8). Paris, 1702 > Imperfect : wanting tJie volumes for the years 1720, 1728, 1730, 1881, 1882, and 1884 to 1890. The volumes for the years 1762 to 1767 are entitled : ' Connoissance des Mouvemens celestes.' 582. Contributions from the Jefferson Physical Laboratory of Harvard University for the year 1903 Vol. 1 > 4. Cambridge, Mass., [1904] Contributions from the Solar Observatory, Mt. Wilson, California. See 544. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. See 152O. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. See 1349. Cooper (D.). Microscopical Journal. See 1070. Copeland (R.) and Dreyer (J. L. E.). Copernicus. See 583. 583. Copernicus, an international journal of astronomy. Edited by R. Copeland and J. L. E. Dreyer. Vol. 1-3. 4. Dublin, 1881-84. No more published. The first six numbers of this journal were published under the title ' Urania '. COKPS 87 584. Corps d'Observations de la Societe d' Agriculture, de Commerce et des Arts, etablie par les tats de Bretagne. An nee 1757 (-1760). 80. Paris, 1760-62. 585. Correspondance astronomique, geographique, hydrographique et statistique du Baron de Zach. Vol. 1-15, no. 1. No more published. 8. Genes, [1818J-1826. Volume 1 is of the second edition published in 1825. 586. Correspondance matheniatique et physique publiee par MM. Gamier et (A.) Quetelet. Vol. 1-11. 8. Gand et Bruxelles, 1825-39. No more published. TJie title of volumes 7 and 8 is : ' Correspondance mathematique et physique de VObservatoire de Bruxelles.' Volumes 9 to 11 are also numbered 3? Se'rie, torn. 1-3. Correspondance mathematique et physique de 1'Observatoire de Bruxelles. See 586. 587. Correspondance sur 1'iicole imperiale (royale) polytechnique, a 1'usage des eleves de cette ecole; par [J. N. P.] Hachette. 1804 (-1816). Tom. 1-3. 8. Paris, [1804J-1816. No more published. The title-pages of volumes 1 and 2 of this set are dated 1836. 588. Correspondenz der schlesischen Gesellschaft fur vaterlaiidische Cultur. Bd. 1-2, Heft 1. 8. Breslau, 1820. Correspondenz-Blatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Anthropo- logie, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte. See 267. 589. Correspondenzblatt des naturforschenden Vereius zn Riga. Jahrgang 1-13. 8. Riga, 1845-63. Imperfect: wanting pp. 102 to the end of Jahrgang 2. Correspondenzblatt des naturhistorischeu Vereines der preus- sischen Rheinlande. See 1736. Correspondenz-Blatt des zoologisch-mineralogischen Vereines in Regensburg. See 876. 590. Corrispondenza zoologica destinata a diffondere nel regno delle Due Sicilie tutto cio che si va discuoprendo entro e fuori Europa, e vice- versa, risguardante la zoologia in generale, redatta da O. G. Costa. Anno 1. 8. Napoli, 1839. 591. Cosmos : revue encyclopedique hebdomad aire des progres des sciences (et de leurs applications aux arts et a 1'industrie). Fondee et publiee par B. K. de Montfort. Kedigee par [F.] Moigno (V. Meunier et S. Meunier). Tom. 1 Serie 3, torn. 7. la. 8. Paris, 1852-70 Imperfect : wanting part 12 of volume 1 of the 3rd series, parts 3 and 8 of volume 2 of the 3rd series, and all after part 9 of volume 7 of the 3rd series. In 1881 ' Cosmos ' was united ivitJi t Les Mondes ' (q. v. No. 1112). 88 COSTA Costa (A.). Annuario del Museo zoologico della r. Universita di Napoli. See 239. Costa (0. G.). Corrispondenza zoologica. See 590. Craig (T.). American Journal of Mathematics. See 71. Crell (L.). Beytrage zu den chemischen Annalen. See 554. Beytrage zur Erweiterung der Chemie. See 554. Chemische Annalen. See 554. Chemisches Journal. See 554. Neuestes chemisches Archiv. See 895. Crelle (A. L.). Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik. See 808. Cremona (L.). Annali di Matematica. See 179. Crichton (A.). Kussische Sammlung fiir Naturwissenschaft und Heilkunst. See 1473. 592. Cronaca. Giornale di scienze, lettere, arti, economia, industria ; pub- blieato da I. Cantii. Anno 1-4. 8. Milano, 1855-58. Imperfect : wanting pp. 577-640 of semestre 1 of anno 4. In anno 4 the tvord ' Giornale ' comes after ' industria '. Anno 3 contains as a supplement l Sottettino Bibliografico '. Croustrand (S. A.). Arsberattelse i Astronomien. See 315. Crookes (W.). Chemical News. See 553. Electrical News. See 616. Journal of Science. See 613. Cunningham Memoirs of the Royal Irish Academy. See 1470. Curioser Welt-Mercurius. See 1178: Cnrtze (M.) and Gimther (S.). Abhandlungen zur Geschiehte der mathematischen Wissenschaften. See 24. Daily Weather Reports of the Meteorological Office. See 1056. Dallas (W. S.). Popular Science Eeview. See 1244. Dalman (J. W.). Arsberattelse om Nyare Zoologiska Arbeten och Upptackter. See 315. Dalrymple (A.). Oriental Eepertory. See 1208. Damerow (-). Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Psychiatric. See 61. Dana (J. D. and E. S.). American Journal of Science. See 74. Danne (J.). Le Eadium. See 1359. DARBOUX 89 Darboux (G.). Bulletin des Sciences mathematiques et astronomiques. See 489. Darondeau (B.). Melanges hydrographiques. See 941. Davies (T. S.). The Mathematician. See 924. Deeu (J. van). Hollandische Beitrage zu den anatomischen und physiologischen Wissenschaften. See 694. Deherain (P. P.). Annales agronomiques. See 117. Delage (Y.). Annee biologique. See 199. Delesse (-). Kevue de Geologie. See 1457. 593. Denkschrifteu der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Bd. 1 > fol. (4o). Wien, 1850 - 594. Denkschriften der koniglich-baierischen botanischen Gesellschaft in Regensburg. Bd. [l]-3. 4. Kegensburg, 1815-41. 595. Denkschriften der koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Munchen fur das Jahr 1808 (1823-4). 4. Munchen (Sulzbach), 1809-25. 596. Denkschriften der medicinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesell- schaft zu Jena. Bd. 1 > la. 4. Jena, 1879 597. Denkschriften der russischen geographischen Gesellschaft zn St. Petersburg. Bd. 1. 8\ Weimar, 1849. 598. Denkschriften der vaterlandischen Gesellschaft der Aerzte und Katurforscher Schwabens. Bd. 1. 8. Tubingen, 1805. 599. Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland. Report on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland. Part 2. Scientific Investigations. 1902 > la. 8 () . Dublin, 1905 Deschmanu (C.). Jahresheft des Vereines des krainischen Landes- Museums. See 776. Deutsche Mechaniker-Zeitung. See 1781. Dentsches Archiv fur die Physiologic. See 275. 600. Deutsches gemeinnuziges Magazin. Bd. 1-4. 8. Leipzig, 1788-90. 601. Deutsches Magazin. Herausgegeben von C. U. Df von Eggers. Bd. 1-12. sm. 8. Hamburg (Altona), 1791-96. Deycke ( ) and Albers-Schouberg ( ). Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Kontgenstrahlen. See 641. Dillner (G.). Tidskrift for Matematik och Fysik. See 1569. Dingier (J. G.). Polytechnisches Journal. See 1240. 90 DOCUMENTS 602. Documents publics par 1'Academie royale de Savoie. Vol. 1-2. 8". Chambery, 1859-61. Dollen (W.). Stern-Ephemeriden. See 1541. Bonders (F. C.). Jaarlijksch Verslag betrekkelijk de Verpleging en't Onderwijs in het Nederlandsch Gasthuis voor Ooglijders. See 724. and Berlin (W.). Archiv filr die hollandischen Beitrage zur Natur- und Heilkunde. See 273. and Zoster ( W.). Nederlandsch Archief voor Genees- en Natuur- kunde. See 1148. 603. Drapers' Company Research Memoirs (Department of Applied Mathematics, University College, University of London). Technical Series, 1-4. 4. London, 1904-5. Der Drontheimischen Gesellschaft Schriften. See 1682. Drnde (P.). Annalen der Physik. See 799. 604. The Dublin Philosophical Journal, and scientific review. Vol. 1. No more published after volume 2 (1826}. 8. Dublin, 1825. 605. The Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science : containing papers read before the Eoyal Dublin Society ; the Koyal Irish Academy ; the Geological Society of Dublin ; and the Natural History Society of Dublin. Edited by S. Haughton. Vol. 1-6. 8. Dublin (London), 1861-66. 606. The Dublin Society's Weekly Observations. (Jan. 4th, 1737 April 4th, 1738.) Vol. 1. 12. Dublin, 1739. This volume appears to be a reprint of the original issue. Du Bois-Reymond (E.). Archiv fur Anatomie und Physiologic. See 275. Archiv fur Physiologie. See 275. Dubrueil (E.). Kevue des Sciences naturelles. See 1459. Duclaux (E.). Annales de 1'Institut Pasteur. See 123. 607. Dun Echt Circular. [Issued from the private observatory of the Earl of Crawford.] No. 1-179. 8<>. [Dun Echt, Aberdeen, 1879]-1890. [Continued as :] Edinburgh Circular. [Published by the Koyal Observatory, Edin- burgh.] No. 1-46. 4. Edinburgh, 1889-95. 608. Dun Echt Observatory Publications. Vol. 1-3. 4. Dun Echt, Aberdeen, 1876-85. Duncan (A.). Annals of Medicine. See 934. Medical and Philosophical Commentaries. See 933. Medical Commentaries. See 934. DUNKER 91 Dunker (W.) and Meyer (H. von). Palaeontographica. See 1213. Dunster (E. S.). New York Medical Journal. See 1159. Du Potet de Sennevoy (J.), Baron. Journal du Magnetisme. See 803. Dzondi ( ). Humana. See 700. Eaines (J.) and Martyn (J.). Philosophical Transactions. See 123O. Ebbinghaus (H.) and Konig (A.). Zeitschrift fur Psychologie. See 1795. Ecker (A.). Archiv fur Anthropologie. See 267. Eckhard (C.). Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physiologie. See 377. Eclectic Engineering Magazine. See 1707. 609. Ecole pratique des hautes Etudes. Laboratoire d'Histologie du College de France. Travaux de Pannee 1877 (1878 >) publies sous la direction de L. Kanvier. la. 8. Paris, 1879 610. The Economic Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Vol. 1 8. Dublin, 1899 -> Edinburgh Circular. See 607. 611. The Edinburgh Journal of Natural and Geographical Science. Under the direction of {W. Ainsworth and} H. H. Cheek. Vol. 1-3. 8. Edinburgh, 1830. Imperfect: wanting pp. 81 to the end of volume 3. 612. The Edinburgh Journal of Science (exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in natural philosophy, chemistry, mineralogy, geology, botany, zoology, comparative anatomy, practical mechanics, geogra- phy, navigation, statistics, antiquities, and the fine and useful arts } . Conducted by D. Brewster. Vol. 1 New series, vol. 6. 80. Edinburgh, 1824-32. After volume 6 of the new series tJie 'Journal' was united with 'The Philosophical Magazine ', and continued as ' The London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine, ' (q. v. No. 1229). Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. See 613. 613. The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in natural philosophy, chemistry, natural history, practical mechanics, geography, statistics, and the fine and useful arts. Conducted by [D.] Brewster and [K.] Jameson. Vol. 1-14. 8. Edinburgh, 1819-26. 92 EDLUND [Continued as:] The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progressive improvements and discoveries in the sciences and arts. Conducted by R. Jameson (L. Jameson, T. Anderson, W. Jardine, J. H. Balfour). [Vol. 1] New series, vol. 19. 8. Edinburgh, 1826-64. [Continued as:] The Quarterly Journal of Science (and annals of mining, metallurgy, engineering, industrial arts, manufactures, and technology). Edited by J. Samuelson and W. Crookes. Vol. 1-15. 8". London, 1864-78. Volumes 8 to 15 are also numbered New series, vol. 1-8. [Continued as :] The Journal of Science, and annals of biology, astronomy, geology, in- dustrial arts, manufactures, and technology. Edited by W. Crookes. Vol. 16-22. 8. London, 1879-85. No more publisJied. These volumes are also numbered Third series, vol. 1-7. Ttie sub-title q/ number 1 of volume 16 of the ' Journal of Science ' is ' Quarterly Journal of Science' ; the sub-title of numbers 2 to 12 of the same volume is : ' Monthly Journal of Science.' Edlund (E.). Berattelse om Framstegen i Fysik. See 315. Educational Times, Mathematical Questions from the. See 923. Edwards (H. M.). Annales des Sciences naturelles. See 152. 614. Effemeridi astronomiche (di Milano) per 1'anno 1775 (-1868) {calcolate per meridiano di Milano dall' Ab. Angelo de Cesaris [and others]. Con aggiunta di altri opuscoli}. 8. Milano. 1774-1867. Imperfect : tvanting the volumes for 1790 to 1792, 1794 to 1802, 1804, 1805, 1808, 1809 and 1815. The volumes for the years 1776 to 1803 have Latin title-pages: 'Ephemerides astronomicae anni 1776 (-1803) ad Meridianum Mediolanensem,' etc. Eggers (C. U. D. von). Deutsches Magazin. See 601. Ehlers (E.). Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Zoologie. See 1800. Eichhora (G.). Jahrbuch der drahtlosen Telegraphic. See 726. Eichstadius (H. C. A.). Annales Academise Jenensis. See 110. 615. The Electrical Magazine. Conducted by C. V. Walker. Vol. 1-2. No more publisJied. 8. London, 1845-46. 616. The Electrical News and Telegraphic Reporter. Edited by W. Crookes. Vol. 1. 4<>. London, 1875. Electrical Review. See 1563. ELECTRICIAN 93 617. The Electrician: a weekly journal of theoretical and applied elec- tricity and chemical physics. Vol. 10 > 4. London, 1882 * 618. L' Electricien : revue generale d'electricite . . . Secretaire de la redaction : E. Hospitalier. Tom. 1-2. la. 8. Paris, 1881-82. Ellery (E. L. J.). Astronomical Observations made at the {Williams- town Observatory} (Melbourne Observatory). See 333. Monthly Eecord of Results of Observations in Meteorology. See 1444. Results of Observations in Meteorology . . . taken at the Melbourne Observatory. See 1444. Ellis (R. L.). Cambridge Mathematical Journal. See 537. Encke (J. F.). Astronornische Beobachtungen . . . zu Berlin. See 339. Berliner Astronomisches Jahrbuch. See 345. Enestrom (G.). Bibliotheca Mathematica. See 42O. Eugelmann (T. W.). Archiv fur Anatomie und Physiologie. See 275. Archiv fiir Physiologie. See 275. Engineering Magazine. Sec 1707. Engler (A.). Botanische Jahrbucher. See 443. Entomologische Zeitung. See 758. 619. The Entomologist's Annual for 1855 (-1874). Edited by H. T. Stainton. [Vol. 1-20.] 12. London, 1855-74. No more published. 620. The Entomologist's Weekly Intelligencer. [Edited by H. T. Stainton.] Vol. [1J-10. 8. London, 1856-61. No more published. 621. Ephemeriden der Natuurkundige Wetenschappen. Deel 1-2. 8<>. 'a Gravenhage, 1834. 622. Ephemerides (astronomic*) anni 1757 (-1791) ad Meridianum Vindobonensem jussu Augustorum calculis definitae a M. Hell. 80. VindoboniB, [ 1756?]-! 790. Ephemerides Astronomicae ... ad Meridianum Mediolanensem. See 614. 623. Ephemerides Astronomicas calculadas para o meridiano do Observa- torio real da Universidade de Coimbra . . . Para o anno de 1804 (-1813). Vol. 1-9. sm. 4. Coimbra, 1803-12. 94 Para o anno de 1863 (-1889). sin. fol. Coimbra, 1862-88. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1864 to 1868, 1878 and 1887. Ephenierides des Etoiles de Culmination lunaire et de Longitude. See 535. 624. Ephenierides des Mouveraens cslestes pour les annees 1715 (-1800) . . . Pour le meridien de la ville de Paris. Par le Sieur Desplaces (M. de la Caille, M. de la Lande). Tom. [l]-9. 4. Paris, 1716-92. 625. Ephemerides nauticas, ou diario astronomico para o anno de 1789 (-1798) . . . calculado para o meridiano de Lisboa, e publicado por ordem da Academia real das Sciencias. sin. 4. Lisboa, 1788-96. 626. Ephemerides Societatis Meteorologicae Palatinae . . . 1781 (-1792). 4. Manheimii, 1783-95. 627. Ephemeris of the Distances of the four Planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn from the Moon's Center, together with their places for every day in the year 1825 (-1827), to which are annected Tables for finding the Latitude by the Polar-Star for 1825 (-1827). Calculated under the direction of H. C. Schumacher. 8. Copenhagen, 1823-25. Erdmann (0. L.). Journal fur praktische Chemie. See 62. Journal fur technische und okonomische Chemie. See 810. Erganzungsheft. Atlas der normalen und pathologischen Ana- tomic in typischen Rontgenbildern. See 641. 628. Ergebnisse der Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte . . . herausgegeben von F. Merkel und R. Bonnet. 1896 Bd. 6 > la. 8'. Wiesbaden, 1897 > The ' Ergebnisse ' forms the ' Zweite Abteilung (Anatomische Hefte) ' q/ the ' Eeferate und Beitrage zur Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte '. Erman (A.). Archiv fiir wissenschaftliche Kunde von Eussland. See 290. 629. Eroffhungsrede der Jahresversammluug der allgemeinen schwei- zerischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Gehalten in St. Gallen . . . 1819. sm. 8. St. Gallen, 1819. Eroffnungs-Rede der siebenten Jahres-Versammlung der allgem. schweizerischen Gesellschaft fiir gesammte Naturvvissenschaften ge- halten in Basel . . . 1821. sm. 8. Basel, 1821. Kurze Uebersicht der Verhandlungen der allgemeinen schweizerischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaften in ihrer neunten Jahresversammlung zu Aarau (in ihrer zehnten Jahresver- sammlung zu Schaffhausen). sm. 8. Aarau (Schaffhausen), 1823-34. EKOFFNUNGSKEDE 95 [Continued as:] Verhandlungen der allgemeinen schweizerischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaften in ihrer . . . Jahresversammlung, etc. 8. Solothurn (Chur, etc.), 1825-37. Tlie following list gives the names of the towns at ivliich each meeting was held and the date of the meeting. 11. Solothurn, 1825. 12. Chur, 1826. 13. Zurich, 1827. * 14. Lausanne, 1828. * 15. St. Bernard, 1829. 16. St. Gallen, 1830. *17. Geneve, 1832. 1 18. Lugano, 1833. 19. Luzern, 1834. 20. Aarau, 1835. 21. Solothurn, 1836. *22. Neuchatel, 1837. [Continued as :] Verhandlungen der schweizerischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft bei ihrer Versammlung, etc. 8. Basel (Bern, etc.), 1838 23. 24. *25. 26. 27. 28. 29. *30. 31. **32. **33. **34. **35. **36. *37. *38. 39. *40. *41. 42. 43. t44. *45. 46. tt47. *48. *49. *50. *51. *52. Basel, 1838. Bern, 1839. Fribourg, 1840. Zurich, 1841. Altdorf, 1842. Lausanne, 1843. Chur, 1844. Geneve, 1845. Winterthur, 1846. Schaffhausen, 1847. Solothurn, 1848. Frauenfeld, 1849. Aarau, 1850. Glarus, 1851. Sion, 1852. Porrentruy, 1853. St. Gallen, 1854. Chaux-de-Fonds, 1855. Basel, 1856. Trogen, 1857. Bern, 1858. Lugano, 1860. Lausanne, 1861. Luzern, 1862. Samaden, 1863. Zurich, 1864. Genf, 1865. Neuenburg, 1866. Eheinfelden, 1867. Einsiedeln, 1868. **53. **54. **55. **56. 57. **58. **59. **60. **61. **62. **63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. f72. *73. *74. *75. *76. *77. *78. *79. *80. *81. *82. Solothurn, 1869. Frauenfeld, 1871. Freiburg, 1872. Schaffhausen, 1873. Chur, 1874. Andermatt, 1875. Basel, 1876. Bex, 1877. Bern, 1878. St. Gallen, 1879. Brieg, 1880. Aarau, 1881. Linthal, 1882. Zurich, 1883. Luzern, 1884. Locle, 1885. Genf, 1886. Frauenfeld, 1887. Solothurn, 1888. Lugano, 1889. Davos, 1890. Freiburg, 1891. Basel, 1892. Lausanne, 1893. Schaffhausen, 1894. Zermatt, 1895. Zurich, 1896. Engelberg, 1897. Bern, 1898. Neuenburg, 1899. 96 EKKEKA * * 83. Thusis, 1900. * * 89. St. Gallen, 1906 * * 84. Lofingen, 1901. * * 90. Freiburg, 1907. * * 85. Genf, 1902. * * 91. Glarus, 1908. 1 1 86. Locarno, 1903. * * 92. Lausanne, 1909. * * 87. Winterthur, 1904. * * 93. Basel, 1910. * * 88. Luzern, 1905. * *94. Solothurn, 1911. * * Those volumes marked ivitli two asterisks have a second title-page in French : l Actes (or Compte rendu) de la Societe Jielve'tique des Sciences natureUes.' * Tliose volumes marked with a single asterisk have the French title-page only. 1 1 Tliose volumes marked with two daggers have a second title-page in Italian : 'Acts (or Atti) della Societa elvetica delle Scienze naturali.' t Those volumes marked with a single dagger have the Italian title- page only. Errera (L.). Eecueil de 1'Institut botanique, Universite de Bruxelles. See 1378. Erskine (C. F.). Tide-Tables for the Indian Ports. See 1567. Essex Naturalist. See 1618. Ethnological Survey Publications, Philippine Islands. See 1227. Evkonyvei, Magyar Tudos Tarsasag. See 915. Ewald (J. R). Zeitschrift fur Sinnesphysiologie. See 1795. 630. Exercitazioni scientifiche e letterarie dell' Ateneo di Venezia. Tom. 2-7. 4. Venezia, 1838-60. Imperfect : wanting pp. 287 to the end of volume 7. Extracts from General Report on the Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. See 650. 631. Extracts from Narrative Reports of (Officers of) the Survey of India for the season 1900 > sm. fol. Calcutta, 1903 > Extraits des Proces-Verbaux des Seances de la Societe philo- matique de Paris. See 488. Eyries (J. B. B.). Nouvelles Annales des Voyages. See 1175. 632. EjKerotfmiK'E 3oo.iomi!H Iliiyui,. TOM-B 1 - la. 8. CaHK-rneTepfiypr'B, 1896 The volumes Jiave a second title-page in French : i Annuaire du Muse"e zoologigue de I' Academic imperiale des Sciences de St. Peterslourg.' Fabri-Scarpellini (E.). Bullettino nautico e geografico di Koma. See 534. Fano (G.). Archivio di Fisiologia. See 308. FAUNA 97 633. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. Herausgegeben von der zoologischen Station zu Neapel. Bd. 1 la. 4. Leipzig (Berlin), 1880 > 634. Faunas. Zeitschrift fur Zoologie und vergleichende Anatomie. Herausgegeben von J. Gistl. Bd. 1 Neue Folge, Bd. 1. No more published. 8. Munchen, 1832-37. Volume 1 of the Neue Folge contains the following supplements : 'Acls ' No. 1-2, and ' Gallerie denkwurdiger Naturforscher ' No. 1-2. 635. Fennia. Bulletins de la Societe de G6ographie finlandaise. 1 la. 8". Helsingfors, 1889 - Fernssac, Baron de. See Audebard de Ferussac. Fick (A.). Arbeiten aus dem physiologischen Laboratorium der wurzburger Hochschule. See 249. Field (H. H.). Bibliographia Zoologica. See 1807. 636. Field Columbian Museum. (Field Museum of Natural History.) Publications. Anthropological Series. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Chicago, 1895 -> Botanical Series. Vol. 1 la. 8. Chicago, 1895 * Geological Series. Vol. 1 la. 8. Chicago, 1895 > Ornithological Series. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Chicago, 1896 > Eeport Series. Vol. 1 la, 8\ Chicago, 1895 Zoological Series. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Chicago, 1895 > Fischer (F.). Jahres-Bericht tiber die Fortschritte der chemischen Technologie. See 768. Fiskeri-Beretning. See 1409. Flammarion (C.). L'Astronomie. See 335. Florke (H. G.). Kepertorium des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten aus der gesammten Naturkunde. See 1400. 637. Flora ; oder, botanische Zeitung, welche Eecensionen, Abhandlungen, Aufsatze, Neuigkeiten und Nachrichten die Botanik betreffend enthalt. Herausgegeben von der konigl. (bayer.) botanischen Gesellschaft in Regensburg. Jahrgang 1-13. sm. 8. Kegensburg, 1818-30. [Continued as :] Flora: oder, allgemeine botanische Zeitung . . . Herausgegeben von der konigl. bayer. botanischen Gesellschaft zu Kegensburg (D. H. Hoppe und A. E. Ftirnrohr). Jahrgang 14-35. sm. 8 (8). Kegensburg, 1831-52. H 98 FOLDTANI 638. Foldtani Kozlony. Havi folyoirat kiadja a magyarhoni foldtani tarsulat. Egyszersmind a m. kir. foldtani intezet hivatalos kOzlonye . . . Geologische Mittheilungen. Zeitschrift der ungari schen geologischen Gesellschaft. Zugleich amtliches Organ der k. ung. geologischen Anstalt. Kotet 13 la. 8. Budapest, 1883 - 639. Forhandlingar (Forhandlinger) vid det af Skandinaviska Natur- forskare och Lakare. Hallna Mote (-Tiende M0de [sic]). 8. Gotheborg (Kjobenhavn, etc.), 1840-69. The following list gives the names of the towns at tvhich each meeting was held and the date of the meeting. 1. Gotheborg, 1839. 6. Stockholm, 1851. 2. Kjebenhavn, 1840. 7. Christiania, 1856. 3. Stockholm, 1842. 8. Kjebenhavn, 1860. 4. Christiania, 1844. 9. Stockholm, 1863. 5. Kj0benhavn, 1847. 10. Christiania, 1868. Foerster (W.). Astronomische Beobachtungen . . . zu Berlin. See 339. Pol (H.). Recueil zoologique suisse. See 1387. 640. Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania. Aar 1858 > 8 (la. 8). Christiania, 1859 -> Forhandlinger vid det af Skandinaviska Naturforskareoch Lakare. See 639. Fortgesetzte Nachrichten von dem Zustande der Wissenschafben and Eiiuste in den koniglich danisclien Reicheu nnd Landern. See 1123. 641. Fortscliritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen . . . Ileraus- gegeben von Dr. Deycke und Dr. Albers-Schonberg. Bd. 1 > sm. fol. Hamburg, 1897 Erganzungsheft. (Archiv und) Atlas der normalen und patho- logischen Anatomie in typischen Kontgenbildern. 1 sm. fol. Hamburg, 1900 > Imperfect : wanting Erganzunghefte 3, 5-13, and 15. Fortschritte der kosmischen Physik. Sec 642. 642. Die Fortscliritte der Physik im Jahre 1845 (1846 ). Dargestellt von der physikalischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. (l te Abtheilung. Die Fortschritte der Physik der Materie. 2 te Abtheilung. Die Fortschritte der Physik des Aethers. 3 te Abtheilung. Die Fortschritte der Physik der Erde, [afterwards] Die Fortschritte der kosmischen Physik.) Jahrgang 1 la. 8. Berlin, (Braunschweig), 1847 > FOKTSCHKITTE 99 Fortschritte der Fhysik der Erde. See 642. Fortschritte der Fhysik der Materie. See 642. Fortschritte der Fhysik des Aethers. See 642. Foster (M.). Journal of Physiology. See 823. 643. Franzosische Annalen fur die allgemeine Naturgeschichte, Fhysik, Chemie, Fhysiologie xiiid ihre gemeiiiiiiitzigen Anweu- chingen. Herausgegeben von C. H. Pfaff und [J.] Friedlaender. Jahrgang 1802 (-1803). 8. Hamburg (Leipzig), 1802-3. The parts for 1803 have a second title-page: 'Die neuesten Ent- deckungen franzosisclier Gelehrten in den gemeinniitzigen Wissenschaften und Kunsten. Ein Journal fur Arzte, Pliysiker, Technologen und Oeconomen.' Freda (P.). Le Stazioni speriinentali agrarie italiane. See 1539. Fredericq (L.). Travaux du Laboratoire de 1'Institut de Physiologie, University de Liege. See 1698. Freer (P. C.). Philippine Journal of Science. See 1228. Fresenius (C. E.). Zeitschrift fur analytische Chemie. See 1772. Frbhlich (J.). Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. See 926. Froriep (L. F. von). Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur- und Heil- kunde. See 1170. Froriep (E.). Tagsberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Natur- und Heilkunde. See 1170. Fnchs (L.). Journal fiir die reine und angewandte Mathematik. See 808. Fuessly (J. C.). Archiv der Insectengeschichte. See 261. Fnhlrott (C.). Jahres-Berichte des naturvvissenschaftlichen Vereins von Elberfeld und Barmen. See 775. 644. Gaea. Natur und Leben. Zeitschrift zur Verbreitung und Hebung naturwissenschaftlicher, geographischer {und technischer} Kennt- nisse (sowie der Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der gesammten Naturwissenschaften). Herausgegeben (von H. J. Klein). Bd. 1-4. 8". Koln, 1865-68. Gaffky (G.). Zeitschrift fur Hygiene. See 1780. Gallerie denkwftrdiger Naturforscher. See 634. Gallon ( ). Machines et Inventions approuvees par 1'Academie royale des Sciences. See 896. H 2 100 GAKNETT Garnett (F.). Annals of Philosophy. See 186. Gamier ( ) and Quetelet ( ). Correspondance mathematique. See 586. Gauss (C. F.) and Weber (W.). Eesultate aus den Beobachtungen des magnetischen Vereins. See 1441. Gautier (K.). R6sum6 meteorologique. See 1446. Gay-Lussac ( ). Annales de Chimie. See 118. 645. La Gazzetta chimica italiana. Vol. 17 > la. 8. Palermo (Roma), 1887 Gegenbanr (C.). Morphologisches Jahrbuch. See 1118. Gehlen (A. F.). Journal fiir die Chemie und Physik. See 62. Neues allgemeines Journal der Chemie. See 62. Geiger (P. L.). Magazin fiir Pharmacie. See 9O5. 646. Gelehrte Anzeigen. Herausgegeben von Mitgliedern der k. bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 1-50. 4. Mtinchen, 1835-60. 647. Genees-, Heel- (Vroed-), en Schei- (en Natuur-)kundige Ver- handelingen der eerste Klasse van het Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten te Amsterdam. [Deel 1-4.] 4. Amsterdam, 1823-26. 648. Geneesknndig Magazijn, door A. van Stipriaan-Luiscius, C. G. Ontyd, M. J. Macquelyn en J. van Heekeren. Deel 1-5. 8<>. Delft (Leyden), 1801-15. 649. Geneesknudig Tydschriffc, behelzende Ontleed- Heel- Artzeny- en Nattmrknndige Ontdekkingen en Waarneemingen, etc. Deel 1-2. 8. Rotterdam, 1768-69. [Continued as :] Geneeskundig Tydschrift, of Verzameling van Ontleed- Heel- Artzeny- en Natuurkundige Waarneemingen en nieuwe Ontdekkingen . . v . door A. Leiitfrinck. Deel 3-4. 8. Rotterdam, 1770-71. 650. General Report on the Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, during 1867 (-1877). sm. fol. Dehra Doon (Calcutta), 1868-78. TJie volumes for the years 1867-8, 1870-1, and 1871-3, are entitled ( Extracts from General Report', etc. In 1878 the Trigonometrical Survey was amalgamated with tJie Topo- graphical Survey and with the Eevenue Survey, and continued as the Survey of India. [Continued as :] General Report on the Operations of the Survey of India. 1878 * sm. fol. Calcutta, 1880 *- GENTLEMAN'S 101 651. The Gentleman's Diary, or, mathematical repository, from 1740 (-1800) ; . . . Davis's edition. Vol. 1-3. 12. London, (1814). Gentleman's Mathematical Companion. See 569. 652. Geographical Index Extra-European to Books, Periodicals, etc. (Compiled in the Intelligence Division, War Office.) 1896 (-1905). 4. [London, 1897-1906.] 653. The Geographical Journal : including the proceedings of the Koyal Geographical Society. Vol. 1 > la. 8. London, 1893 > 654. The Geographical Magazine. Edited by C. E. Markham. Vol. 2-5. sm. fol. London, 1875-78. No more published after volume 5. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-192 of volume 2. La Geographic. See 469. 655. Geological Literature added to the Geological Society's Library during the year . . . 1895 [No. 2 >] 8<>. London, 1896 656. The Geological Record for 1874 (-1879). An account of works on geology, mineralogy, and palaeontology published during the year. Edited by W. Whitaker (and W. H. Dalton). [Vol. 1-6.] 8. London, 1875-87. [Continued as :] The Geological Eecord for 1880-1884. A list of publications on geology . . . together with certain references omitted from previous volumes. Edited by W. Topley and C. D. Sherborn. Vol. 1-2. 8. London, 1888-89. 657. Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress for the year 1853 (-1858). la. 8<>. Toronto (Montreal), 1857-79. Geological Survey of Canada. Keport of progress from its com- mencement to 1863 (and 1863-1879). la. 8. Montreal (Ottawa), 1863-80. [Continued as :] Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada . . . Eeport of progress for 1879 (-1884). la. 8. Montreal, 1881-85. [Continued as:] Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada. Annual report 1885 (-1904). New series, vol. 1-16. la. 80. Montreal (Ottawa), 1886-1906. No more puUisJied. After volume 16 each sectional report is issued as a separate publication. 658. Geological Survey of New Zealand. Annual Report on the Colonial Museum and Laboratory. (2nd 27th Eeports.) la. 80. Wellington, [1867J-1893. Imperfect : wanting the 5th (1869-70) and tJte 9th (1873-4) Reports. 102 GEOLOGICAL 659. Geological Survey of ITew Zealand. Reports of Geological Ex- plorations during 1870-1 (1890-1). la. 8'. Wellington, 1871-91. 660. Geological Survey of Victoria. Report of Progress (by the Secre- tary for Mines). No. 2-6. la. 8. Melbourne, [1875J-1880. Geologische Mittheilungen. Sec 638. 661. The Geologist, being a record of investigations in geology, mineralogy, &c., for the year 1842. Edited by C. Moxon. 8. London, 1842. 662. The Geologist ; a popular monthly magazine of geology. Edited by S. J. Mackie. [Vol. 1-7.] 8. London, (1858)-1864. No more published. After volume 7 ' The Geologist ' was incorporated with ' The Geological Magazine '. Gergonne (J. D.) and. Thomas-Lavernede (J. E.). Annales de Mathematiques. See 147. Gerliardt (C.). Comptes-rendus des Travaux de Ghimie. See 577. Gerlaud (G.). Beitrage zur Geophysik. See 379. Gerniar (E. F.). Magazin der Entomologie. See 901. Zeitschrift fur die Entomologie. See 1776. 663. Der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin Magazin fur die neuesten Entdeckungen in der gesammten Naturkunde. Jahrgang 1-8. 4. Berlin, 1807-18. Der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin neue Schriften. See 418. 664:. Der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde Westphalens neue Schriften. Bd. 1. 4. DusseldorfF, 1798. Gobelin (J.). Abrege des Transactions philosophiques. See 1230. Giebel (C.) and Heintz (W.). Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaften. See 1777. Gilbert (L. W.). Annalen der Physik. See 799. GUI (T.). Technical Kepository. See 1562. 665. n Giornale de' Letterati. [Edited by F. Nazari.] 1671 (-1673). sm. 4. Roma, 1671^73. [Edited by B. Bacchini and G. Koberti.] 1686 (-1690). [Second series, vol. 1-5.] sm. 4. Parma, 1686-90. 666. Giornale de' Letterati. [Edited by A. Fabroni.] Tom. 1-102. 12". Pisa, 1771-96. No more published until 1804, when the ' Giornale ' was continued as the ' Nuovo Giornale dei Letterati '. GIOKNALE 103 667. Giornale de' Letterati d'ltalia. [Edited from 1710 to 1717 by A. Zeno, from 1718 to 1727 by P. C. Zeno, and from 1728 to 1740 anonymously.] Tom. 1-40. 12. Venezia, 1710-40. Supplement! al Giornale. Tom. 1-3. 12. Venezia, 1722-26. No more published. 668. Giornale dell' i. r. Istituto lombardo di Scienze ed Arti. Tom. 1-8. 8. Milano, 1841-47. [Continued as:] Giornale dell' i. r. Istituto lombardo di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti e Biblioteca italiana. Tom. 1-9. 4. Milano, 1847-56. [Continued as:] Atti del reale Istituto lombardo di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Vol. 1-3. la. 4". Milano, 1858-62. 669. Giornale di Fisica, Chimica e Storia naturale, ossia Eaccolta di Memorie sulle Scienze, Arti, e Manifatture ad esse relative di L. Brugnatelli. Tom. 1-5. 4. Pavia, 1808-12. [Continued as :] Giornale di Fisica, Chimica, Storia naturale, Medicina, ed Arti del Eegno Italico. Di L. V. Brugnatelli (G. Brugnatelli, P. Configliachi). Tom. 6 Decade 2, torn. 10. 4. Pavia, 1813-27. No more published. Volume 8 of Decade 1 was published at Milan. 670. Giornale di Matematiche ad uso degli studenti delle Universita Italiane ; pubblicato per cura dei professori G. Battaglini, V. Janni e N. Trudi (A. Capelli). Vol. 1 - 4. Napoli, 1863 - 671. Giornale di Medicina. Tom. 5. 4. Venezia, 1767. 672. Giornale di Scienze natural! ed Economiche. Pubblicato per cura {del Consiglio di Perfezionamento annesso al r. Istituto tecnico di Palermo} (della Societa di Scienze naturali ed economiche di Palermo). Vol. 1 * la. 4. Palermo, 1866 - The ' Giornale ' contains also the ' Bullettwo meteorologico del r. Osservatorio '. Imperfect : wanting volumes 6-11, 14 and 17. Gistl (J.). Faunus. See 634. Gladstone (G.). The Argonaut. See 313. Glaisher (J. W. L.). Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathe- matics. See 537. Glasgow Naturalist. See 1302. 673. Gleanings in Science. Vol. 1 New series, vol. 1. 8. Calcutta, 1829-31. 104 GMELIN [Continued as:] The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol. 1-73. 8. Calcutta, 1832-1905. From volumes 34 (1865) to 73 (1904) the 'Journal ' was divided into two parts : Part 1, History, Antiquities, etc. ; Part 2, Natural History, etc., and in 1893 a third part, containing the papers relating to Anthropology and cognate subjects, was commenced. Volumes 1 to 33 (1864) contain the Proceedings of the Society, which were from 1865 to 1904 published separately as the ' Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal ' (q. v. No. 1267). In 1905 the ' Journal ' and ' Proceedings ' were once more united, and continued as : The Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. [New Series.] Vol. 74 > 8". Calcutta, 1905 -* Gmelin (C. G.). Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften. See 315. Godefroy (P. J.). Natuur- en geneeskundig Archief voor Neerland's- Indie. See 1138. 674. Det Gotheborgska Wetenskaps och Witterhets Samliallets Hand- lingar. Wetenskaps Afdelningen. Stycket 2-4. 8. Gotheborg, 1780-88. Witterhets Afdelningen. Stycket 1-4. 80. Gotheborg, 1778-97. [Continued as :] Nya Handlingar af Kongl. Wetenskaps och Witterhets Samhallet i Gotheborg. Delen 1-5. sm. 8. Gotheborg, 1808-22. Gotheborgs Kongl. Vetenskaps och Vitterhets Samhalles Handlingar. Ny Tidsfoljd. Haft 1 -> 80 (la. 80). Gotheborg, 1850 -> Imperfect : wanting volume 6. 675. G8ttinger Studien . . . redigirt von A. B. Krische. Erste Abthei- lung. Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. [Jahrgang] 1847. 8. Gottingen, 1847. 676. Gottingisches Magazin der Wissenschaften nnd Litteratur. Her- ausgegeben von G. C. Lichtenberg und G. Forster. Jahrgang 1-4, Stuck 2. sm. 8. Gottingen, 1780-85. No more published. Gordon (A.). Journal of Elemental Locomotion. See 817. Gould (B. A.). Astronomical Journal. See 325. 677. The Graduate Bulletin of the University of Nebraska. Vol. 1, no. 1-3. la. 80. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1900-2. Graberg (G.). Annali di Geografia. See 178. Graefe (A.). Archiv fur Ophthalmologie. See 282. GEEIFSWALDISCHE 105 678. Greifswaldische academische Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben vom Prof. [C.] Schildener. Bd. 1-2. 8. Greifswald, 1822-28. Gren (F. A. C.). Journal der Physik. See 799. Griesinger (W.). Archiv fiir Psychiatrie. See 288. Grobben (K.) and Hatschek (B.). Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen Institute der Universitat Wien und der zoologischen Station in Triest. See 251. Groth (P.). Eepertorium der mineralogischen und krystallographi- schen Literatur. See 1783. Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie. See 1783. Gruithuisen (F. von P.). Analekten fur Erd- und Himmelskunde. See 80. Astronomisches Jahrbuch. See 346. Grunert (J. A.)- Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. See 262. Giiiisburg (F.). Zeitschrift ftir klinische Medizin. See 1782. Giinther (A. C. L. G.). Eecord of Zoological Literature. See 1370. Guerin-Meueville (F. E.). Magasin de Zoologie. See 889. Eevue zoologique. See 1461. Gumprecht (T. E.). Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Erdkunde. See 1771. Gutcli (J. W. G.). Quarterly Journal of Meteorology. See 1355. Gnye (P. A.). Journal de Chimie physique. See 787. 679. Guy's Hospital Reports. Vol. 1 3rd Series, vol. 16. 8. London, 1836-71. Imperfect : wanting pp. 415 to the end of volume 1 of the 1st series, and volumes 1 and 6 of the 3rd series. Hachette (J. N. P.). Correspondance sur 1'Ecole polytechnique. See 587. Haeghens (J.). Annuaire meteorologique de la France. See 212. Haiile (G. F.), Magazin fiir die neuesten Erfahrungen . . . im Gebiet der Pharmacie. See 905. Haeser (H.). Archiv fiir die gesammte Medicin. See 270. Haitlinger (W.). Berichte iiber die Mittheilungen von Freunden de Naturwissenschaften in Wien. See 413. Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. See 1136. 106 HAKLUYT 68O. The Hakluyt Society. [Publications. Vol. 1-34.] 8. London, 1847-65. Hale (Gr. E.) and Heeler (J. E.). Astrophysical Journal. See 848. Hall (H. C. van). Bijdragen tot de Natuurkundige Wetenschappen. See 426. Halliburton (W. D.). Collected Papers of the Physiological Labora- tory, King's College, London. See 872. HaUiday (A. H.). Natural History Kevievv. See 1128. Hallier (E.) and Ziirn (F. A.). Zeitschrift fur Parasitenkunde. See 1789. 681. Hambiirgisches Magazin, oder gesammelte Schriften, {zum Unter- richt und Vergntigen,} aus der Naturforschung und den angenehmen Wissenschaften iiberhaupt. Bd. 1-26. 12. Hamburg und Leipzig, 1747-62. No more published until 1767, when the l Magazin ' was continued as : 1 Neues hamburgisches Magazin.' 682. Handelingen der nederlandsche entomologische Vereeniging. Deel 1, Stuk 1-4. 4. Leiden, 1854-57. No more published After part 4 the ' Handelingen ' was continued as : ' Tijdschrift voor Entomologie.' Handlingar af Gotheborgska Wetenskaps och Witterhets Sam- hallet. See 674. Handlingar, Swenska Wetenskaps Academiens. See 1558. Harley (V.) and Goodbody (F. W.). Keport of the Department of Pathological Chemistry of University College, London. See 1410. Hartig (R.). Untersuchungen aus dem forstbotanischen Institut zu Munchen. See 1704. 683. Harvard University. Bulletin of the Bussey Institution, Jamaica Plain, Boston. Vol. 1-2. 8. Cambridge [Mass.], 1874-1900. Haizer (P.). Publication der Stern warte in Kiel. See 1338. Hasse (C.). Anatomische Studien. See 82. Haughton (S.). Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. See 605. Hausmann (J. F. L.). Studien des gottingischen Vereins bergman- nischer Freunde. See 1544. Hebert (M.) and Edwards (M. A.). Annales des Sciences geologiques. See 151. Hecker (A. F.). Magazin flir die pathologische Anatomie und Physio- logic. See 906. HEDOUVILLE 107 Hedoiiville (Seigneur de), [pseud., i.e. D. de Sallo]. See Sallo (D. de). Heger (P.). Travaux de Laboratoire, Institut Solvay. See 707. Heiberg (P.). Botanisk Tidsskrift. See 447. Heidenhain (K.). Studien des physiologischen Instituts zu Breslau. See 1545. Helios. See 1109. Hell (M.). Ephemerides astronomicse. See 622. Heller (J. F.). Archiv fur physiologische . . . Cheniie. See 286. Helmersen (G. von) and Schrenck (L. von). Beitrage zur Kenntniss des russischen Keiches. See 381. Henderson (T.)- Astronomical Observations made at the Koyal Observatory, Edinburgh. See 330. Hendricks (J. E.). The Analyst. See 00. Henle (J.) and Meissner (G.). Bericht ilber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie. See 1796. Henle (J.) and Ffeufer (C.). Zeitschrift fiir rationelle Medicin. See 1796. Henoch (M.) and Lampe (E.). Jahrbuch tiber die Fortschritte der Mathematik. See 737. Hensel (K.). Journal fiir die reine und angewandte Mathematik. See 808. Hensen (V.). Arbeiten aus dem Kieler physiologischen Institut, See 248. Herdman (W. A.). Annual Keport of the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee. See 229. Hericourt (A. d'), Count. Annuaire des Societes savantes de la France. See 209. Hermann (L.). Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Physiologie. See 1796. 684. Hermathena : a series of papers on literature, science, and philosophy, by members of Trinity College, Dublin. Vol. 1-6. 8. Dublin and London, 1874-88. Hermbstadt (S. F.). Archiv der Agriculturchemie. See 260. Bulletin des Neuesten und Wissensvviirdigsten aus der Natur- wissenschaft. See 487. Herrick (C. L.). Journal of Comparative Neurology. See 815. 108 HEETHA 685. Hertha. Zeitschrift fur Erd-, Volker- und Staatenkunde. Besorgt von H. Berghaus und K. F. V. Hoffmann. Bd. 1-14. 8. Stuttgart und Tiibingen, 1825-29. After volume 14 'Hertha' was continued as: 'Annalen der Erd-, Volker- und Staatenkunde.' Hertwig (0.). Archiv filr mikroskopische Anatomie. See 279. Hensinger (C. F.). Zeitschrift fur die organische Physik. See 1778. Hind (H. Y.). Canadian Journal. See 539. Hindenburg (C. F.). Archiv der reinen und angewandten Mathematik. See 264. Hirzel (H.) and Gretschel (H.). Jahrbuch der Erfindungen und Fortschritte auf den Gebieten der Physik und Chemie. See 727. His (W.) and Braune (W.). Archiv fiir Anatomie und Entwickelungs- geschichte. See 275. Zeitschrift filr Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. See 1773. Hisinger (W.) and Eerzelius (J.). Afhandlingar i Fysik, Kemi och Mineralogi. See 56. Histoire de 1' Academic des Sciences de Paris. See 686. 686. Histoire de 1' Academic royale des Sciences. 1666 (-1699). Tom. 1-2. 4. Paris, 1733. [Continued as :] Memoires de 1'Academie royale des Sciences, depuis 1666 jusqu'a 1699. Tom. 3-11. 4. Paris, 1729-34. [Continued as :] Histoire de 1'Academie {royale} des Sciences. Avec les Memoires de Mathematique et de Physique, etc. Annee 1699 (-1789). 4. Paris, [1699 ?]-1793. Several of the volumes are of the 2r>d or 3rd editions. The ' Academic royale des Sciences ' teas suppressed in 1793, and ivas afterwards reorganised as a branch of the ' Institut national ', under the name of ' Classe des Sciences mathematiques et physiques ', and its transactions were continued as : Memoires de 1'Institut (national] des Sciences et Arts . . . Sciences mathematiques et physiques. Tom. 1-6. 4o. Paris, an vi [1798J-1806. [Continued as :] Memoires de la Classe des Sciences mathematiques et physiques de 1'Institut {national} de France. 1806 (-1815). 4. Paris, 1806-18. [Continued as :] Memoires de 1'Academie {royale} des Sciences de 1'Institut de France. Annee 1816 - Tom. 1 -> 4. Paris, 1818 -> HISTOIKE 109 687. Histoire de 1' Academic royale des Sciences et des Belles-lettres de Berlin . . . Avec les Memoires . . . tirez des Kegistres de cette Academic. Annee 1745 (-1769). [Tom. 1-25.] 4. Berlin, 1746-71. I Continued as :] Nouveaux Memoires de 1'Academie royale des Sciences et Belles- lettres . . . Avec 1'Histoire, etc. Annee 1770 (-1785). [Toni. 1-17.] 4o. Berlin, 1772-87. [Continued as:] Memoires de 1'Academie royale des Sciences et Belles-lettres . . . Avec 1'Histoire, etc. 1786 (-1804). [Tom. 1-13.] 4. Berlin, 1792-1807. [Continued as :] Abhandlungen der koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin . . . Nebst der Geschichte der Akademie. 1804 (-1900). 4o. Berlin, 1815-1900. [Continued as :] Abhandlungen der koniglich-preussischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Aus dem Jahre 1901 > 4. Berlin, 1901 - From 1908 onwards this set contains the ' PhysiJcalisch-mathematische Classe ' only. Histoire de 1'Academie royale des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles- Lettres de Toulouse. Sec 690. 688. Histoire de la Societe royale des Sciences, etablie a Montpellier, avec les memoires de mathematiques et de physique, tires des registres de cette societe. Tom. 1. 4. Lyon, 1766. 689. Histoire des Onvrages des Sgavans par Monsr. B * * * * [i.e. H. Basnage de Beauval]. 1687 (-1698). 12<>. Rotterdam, 1687-98. Imperfect : wanting the volume for the year 1697. 690. Histoire et Memoires de 1'Academie royale des Sciences, Inscrip- tions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse. Tom. 1-8. 4. Toulouse, 1782-88. Histoire et Memoires de 1'Academie royale des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse, depuis son retablissement en 1807, pour faire suite a 1'histoire et aux memoires de 1'ancienne Academie. Tom. 1-6. 8. Toulouse, 1827-43. [Continued as :] Memoires de 1'Academie {royale} (nationale, imperiale) des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse. Serie 3, torn. 1 > 8 (la. 8). Toulouse, 1844 - Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1897 and 1900. No volumes were published for the years 1898 and 1899. Historia e Memorias da Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa. See 1026. 110 HISTORIA 691. Historia et Commentationes Academiae Elector alis Scieiitiarum et Elegantiorum Literarum Theodoro-Falatinae. Vol. 1-7. 4. Mannhemii 1766-94. Volumes 3 to 7 are each published in tico parts : l Historicum ' and ' Physicum '. This set wants the 2nd (Physicum) part of volume 7. 692. Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Proceedings and Papers. Session 1 (-6). 1848-9 (-1853-4). 8". Liverpool, 1849-54. [Continued as :] Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol. 7 3rd series, vol. 7. 8. London (Liverpool), 1855-79. Imperfect: wanting volumes 8, 10, 11 and 12 of the new series (L e. the 2nd series). 693. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club. 1831 (-1904). Vol. [1J-19, pt. 2. 8. Edinburgh (Berwick-upon-Tweed, etc.), 1834-[1907]. Imperfect : wanting pp. 289 to the end of volume 6 (i. e. the part for the year 1872) and pp. 233 to the end of volume 19. The ' History ' contains the ' Proceedings ' of the Society. Hopfner (A.). Magazin fiir die Naturkunde Helvetiens. See 904. Hoeveu (J. van der). Tijdschrift voor Natuurlijke Geschiedenis en Physiologie. See 1577. Hoffmann (C. K.). Niederlandisches Archiv fur Zoologie. See 1162. Hoffmann (R.). Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Agricultur- chemie. See 767. Hofmann (F.) and Schwalbe (G.). Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie. See 1796. 694. Hollandische Beitrage zu den anatomischen und physiologischen Wissenschaften. Herausgegeben von J. van Deen, F. C. Bonders und J. Moleschott. Heft 1-3. No more published. 8. Dusseldorf und Utrecht, 1846-48. 695. Hollandisches Magazin der Naturkunde, von J. A. Schmidt. Bd. 1, Stuck 1-2. sm. 8. Frankfurt am Main, 1802-5. Holmgren (F.). Skandinavisches Archiv fur Physiologie. See 1513. Hooke (R.). Philosophical Collections. See 1230. Hooker (W. J.). Journal of Botany. See 813. 696. The Hope Reports. [Reports of the Hope Department of Zoology, University Museum, Oxford.] Edited by E. B. Poulton. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Oxford, 1897 -> Hoppe (D. H.) and Purnrohr (A. E.). Flora. See 637. HOPPE 111 Hoppe (E.). Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. See 282, Hoppe-Seyler (F.). Medicinisch-chemische Untersuchungen. See 939. Horkel (J.). Archiv fur die thierische Chemie. See 277. Hornscliticli (C. F.). Archiv skandinavischer Beitrage zur Natur- geschichte. See 292. Horustein (K.). Magnetische und meteorologische Beobachtungen zu Prag. See 914. 697. The Horological Journal : the special organ of the British Horological Institute. Vol. 1 - la. 8. London, 1859 > Imperfect : ivanting volumes 15 and 16, and pp. 145-160 of volume 17. 698. The Horticultural Register, and general magazine. By J. Paxton t\nd J. Harrison (J. Main). Vol. 1-5. 8<>. London, 1831-36. No more published. Hosack (D.) and Francis (J. W.). American Medical and Philoso- phical Kegister. See 75. Hoiiel (J.) and Tannery (J.) Bulletin des Sciences niatheniatiques et astronomiques. See 489. 699. Hourly Headings from the Self Recording Instruments at the . . . Observatories in connection with the Meteorological Office, issued by authority of the Meteorological Committee. 1874 fol. (4). London, 1874 - 700. Humana. Eine Zeitschrift fiir Menschenkunde und Menschenwohl . . . Herausgegeben vom Professor Dzondi. Jahrgang 1-2. 4. Halle, 1833-34. Humphry (G. M.). Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. See 812. Huth (E.). Monatliche Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins des Eegierungsbezirkes Frankfurt. See 1109. Societatum Litterae. (Bibliographic List of Current Literature on Natural History.) See 1522. Hutton (C.), Shaw (G.) and Pearson (E.). Philosophical Transactions. See 1230. Iheriug (H. von). Eevista do Museu Paulista. See 1452. Illiger (K.). Magazin fttr Insektenkunde. See 907. 701. IlMnepaTOpcKafl Aua^eMia Ila.yu i,. ll.utu i i;i IIocTOflHHOH ijm- ipa.n.imii CciicMiiiecKoii KoMiicciif. BLmycKL 1 > sm. fol. C.-nexep6ypir&, 1902 > The volumes have a second title in French: 'Academic imperiale des Sciences. Comptes remlus des Seances de la Commission sisvnique permanente.' 112 INDIAN 702. The Indian Antiquary, a journal of Oriental research in archaeology, history, literature, languages, philosophy, religion, folklore. Edited by J. Burgess. Vol. 3-13. 4. Bombay, 1874-84. Volume 13 completes the first series. 703. Indian Meteorological Memoirs : being occasional discussions and compilations of meteorological data relating to India and the neigh- bouring countries. Published . . . under the direction of H. F. Blandford (and J. Eliot). Vol. 1-6, pt. 5. la. 4. Calcutta, 1876-99. 704. Indian Museum Notes, issued by the trustees. Vol. 1-3, pt. 5. la. 8. Calcutta, 1889-94. 705. L'Institut, journal des academies et societes scientifiques de la France et de 1'etranger. Tom. 1-4. 4. Paris, 1833-36. In volume 4 this journal ^cas divided into ttvo sections : ( l re Sciences mathematiques, physiques et naturelles' ; ' 2 e Sciences historiques et philosophiqucs.' This set contains section 1 only. L'Institut, journal universel des sciences et des societes savantes en France et a Fetranger. Nouvelle serie, torn. 1-4. No more published. 4. Paris, 1873-76. Imperfect : wanting pp. 289 to the end of volume 4. 706. Institut royal de France. Calendrier pour 1'annee 1835 (-1869). 12. Paris> 1835-69. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1837, 1842, 1843, 1853 to 1856, and 1859. 707. Institut Solvay. Travaux de Laboratoire. Publics par P. Heger. Tom. (l)-3. la. 8. Bruxelles, 1896-1900. 708. The Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings. 1906 > 8. London, 1906 > Imperfect : wanting part 2 of the volume for the year 1908. 709. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. 1847 [Vol. 1 >] 8. Birmingham (London), 1849 > 710. Het Instituut, of Verslagen en Mededeelingen. uitgegeven door de vier Klassen van het Koninklijk Nederlandsche Instituut van Weten- schappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten over den Jare 1841 (-1846). la. 8. Amsterdam, 1841-46. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1843 and 1844. 711. The Intellectual Observer: review of natural history, microscopic research, and recreative science. Vol. 1-5. 8\ London, 1862-64. Intelligenzblatt des Journals der Erfindungen ... in der Natur- und Arzneiwissenschaft. Sec 797. INTERNATIONAL 712. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. Published for the International Council by the Royal Society of London. First (second, etc.) Annual Issue. 1901 > 8. London, 1902 *- 713. International Congress of Prehistoric Archaeology. Transactions of the third session . . . 1868. la. 8. London, 1869. [Continued as:] Congres international d'Anthropologie et d'Archeologie prehistoriques. Conipte rendu de la 4 9 (-ll e ) session. 1869 (-1892). la. 8. Copenhague (Bologne, etc.), 1875-93. The following list gives the names of the towns at which each meeting ivas held and the date of the meeting. 3. Norwich and London, 1868. 9. Lisbonne, 1880. 4. Copenhague, 1869. 10. Paris, 1889. ( Relatorio 5. Bologne, 1871. dcerca da decima Sessav 6. Bruxelles, 1872. . . .por J. F. N. Velgado,' 7. Stockholm, 1874. Volume 1 only. only. 8. Budapest, 1876. 11. Moscou, 1892. 714. Internationale Monatsschrift fiir Anatomic nnd Histologie. Herausgegeben von . . . E. A. Schafer, L. Testut, und W. Krause. Bd. 1. la. 8. Berlin, Paris, London, 1884, [Continued as:] Monthly International Journal of Anatomy and Histology. Vol. 2-3. la. 8. Leipzig, Paris, London, 1885-86. [Continued as:] Monthly International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. Vol. 4-16. la. 8. Leipzig, Paris, London, 1887-99. [Continued as :] Internationale Monatsschrift fiir Anatomie und Physiologic. Bd. 17 > la. 8. Leipzig, 1900 - 715. Iowa Geological Survey. Vol. 4 > Annual Report for 1894 * la. 8. Des Moines, 1895 * 716. The Iron and Steel Institute Transactions. Vol. 1. 8. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1869-70. [Continued as :] The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. Vol. 1 * 8<>. London, (1871) -* Imperfect : wanting number 1 of the volume for the year 1879. Irvine (A.). The Phytologist. See 1238. 717. Isis, oder encyclopadische Zeitung (vorziiglich fiir Naturgeschichte, vergleichende Anatomie und Physiologie). [Herausgegeben] von [L.JOken. Bd. 1 Jahrgang 1848. 4. Jena (Leipzig), 1817-48. No more published. The Italian Mercury. See 1047. i 114 718. Han i.c i in FeojiorniecKaro KoMiixexa. 1882 > TOMT> 1 * la. 8. ('aim run t'poyprB. 1883 * From volume 5 (1886) onwards the volumes have a second title in French : ' Bulletins du Comite" geologique.' Imperfect : wanting pp. 117 to the end of volume 11, and pp. 1-58 of volume 12. H.WM-H'H HttiiepaTOpcKoif \Ka,v>iin HayKi. See 521. Il;mi,ci i>i IIo< i ojiimoii IJ< 11 1 pu.n.iioii CeiioiimecKOH KoMiicein, HMnepaTOpcKafl AIUMOWI Ha.vK i.. See 701. 719. ILmr.niH PocciiicKofi Aita^r.Min. [Transactions of the Russian k Academy, St. Petersburg.] KHHaoca 1-9. 8. C 1 aHKTiicTt'p6ypri>, 1815-21. 720. Jaarboek van de koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Gevestigd te Amsterdam voor 1857 la. 8. Amsterdam, [1858] - 721. Jaarboek van het Departement van Landbouw in Nederlandsch Indie. 1906 - la. 8. Batavia, 1907 -> 722. Jaarboek van het koninklijk-nederlandsche Institunt van Weten- schappen, Letterknnde en schoone Knnsten voor 1847 (-1851). la. 8. Amsterdam, 1847-52. 723. Jaarboekje van het (koninklijk) zoologisch Genootschap, ' Natnra Artis Magistra,' voor het jaar 1852 (-1858). 12. Amsterdam, 1852-58. Imperfect : wanting the volume for the year 1856. 724. Jaarlijksch Verslag betrekkeligk de Verpleging en't Onderwijs in het Nederlandsch Gasthuis voor Ooglijders. Uitgebragt . . . door F. C. Bonders. Met wetenschappelijke bijbladen. (l e -25 Verslag.) 8. Utrecht, 1860-85. [Continued as :] Nederlandsch Gasthuis voor Behoeftige en Minvermogende Ooglijders te Utrecht. Verslag 26-34. 8. Utrecht, 1885-93. [Continued as :] Oogheelkundige Verslagen en Bijbladen uitgegeven met het Jaarverslag van het Nederlandsch Gasthuis voor Ooglijders. No. 35 * 8". Utrecht, 1894 -* Jahnke (E.). Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. See 262. 725. Jahrbnch [Astronomisches] fur 1836 (-1838). Herausgegeben von H. C. Schumacher. [Bd. 1-3.] 8. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1836-38. Jahrbnch der Chemie nnd Fhysik. See 62. JAHKBUCH 115 726. Jahrbuch der drahtlosen Telegraphic und Telephonic sowie des Gesamtgebietes der elektromagnetischen Schwingungen . . . Her- ausgegeben von G. Eichhorn. Bd. 3 > la. 8. Leipzig, 1909 727. Jahrbuch der Erfindungen und Fortschritte auf den G-ebieten der Fhysik und Chemie, der Techuologie mid Mechanik, der Astronomic und Meteorologie. Herausgegeben von H. Hirzel und H. Gretschel. Jahrgang 1-5. sm. 8. Leipzig, 1865-69. 728. Jahrbucli der kaiserlich-koniglicheu geologischen Reichsanstalt. Jahrgang 1 * 4. Wien, 1850 * 729. Jahrbuch der Naturgeschichte zur Anzeige und Frufuug neuer Entdeckungen und Beobachtungen und zur Aufhahme soldier Beytrage . . . herausgegeben von W. G. Tilesius. Jahrgang 1. No more published. sm. 8. Leipzig, 1802. 730. Jahrbucli der Radioaktivitat und Elektronik . . . Herausgegeben von J. Stark. Bd. 8 > la. 8. Leipzig, 1911 -> Jahrbuch der St. Gallischen naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. See 402. 731. Jahrbuch des koniglichen botanischen Gartens und des botanischen Museums zu Berlin. Bd. 1-5. la. 8<>. Berlin, 1881-89. 732. Jahrbuch des uaturhistorischen Landesmuseums von Xarnten. Herausgegeben von J. L. Canaval. Jahrgang [1J-12. 8. Klagenfurt, 1852-64. Jahrbuch des norwegischen meteorologischen Instituts. See 1165. 733. Jahrbuch des schlesischen Vereins for Berg- und Huttenwesen. Bd. 1-3. 4->. Breslau, 1859-61. Tfie ' Jahrbucli ' consists of: A. ' Wochenschrlft ' and B. ' Beilagen '. No more published. 734. Jahrbuch fur den Berg- und Hiitten-Mann (herausgegeben und verlegt von der konigl. Bergakademie zu Freiberg) auf das Jahr 1841 (-1860). 8. Dresden (Freiberg), [1841-60]. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for the years 1842 to 1845 and 1850 to 1855. 735. Jahrbuch fur den Berg- und Hutteumann. Eine Uebersicht der Fortschritte des gesammten Berg- und Hiittenwesens sammt seiner Literatur von 1850 (-1859). Jahrgang 1-9. 16. Leipzig (Berlin), 1852-60. The ' Jahrbuch ' is reprinted from the l Calender fur den Berg- u. Huttenmann '. i 2 116 JAHKBUCH 736. Jalirbuch. fur Landeskunde von Nieder-Oesterreich. Herausgegeben von dem Vereine fur Landeskunde von Nieder-Oesterreich. 1867. Jahrgang 1. 8. Wien, 1868. Jahrbtich far Mineralogie, Geogiiosie, Geologie and Petrefakten- knnde. See 1560. 737. Jalirbuch liber die Fortscliritte der Mathematik . . . herausgegeben von C. Ohrtmann und F. Miiller (M. Henoch und E. Lampe). Jahrgang 1868 -> Bd. 1 - 8 '. Berlin, 1871 -> 738. Jahrbnch zur Yerbreituiig natnrwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse, veranstaltet vom physikalischen Vereine zu Frankfort a. M. Fiir das Jahr 1831. 8 U . Frankfurt am Main, 1831. 739. Jalirbiicher der Berg- und Euttenkunde. Herausgegeben von K. E. Freyherrn von Moll. Bd. 1-5. 8. Salzburg, 1797-1801. [Continued as :] Annalen der Berg- und Huttenkunde. Herausgegeben von C. [sic] E. Freyherrn von Moll. Bd. 1-3. 8 y . Salzburg, 1802-5. [After the issue of volume 5, in 1809, continued as .-] Neue Jahrbucher der Berg- und Htittenkunde. Herausgegeben von C. E. Freiherrn von Moll. Bd. 1-6. 8. Niirnberg, 1809-26. No more published. 740. Jahrbiicher der Gewachskunde. Herausgegeben von K. Sprengel, A. H. Schrader, und H. F. Link. Bd. 1. 8. Berlin und Leipzig, 1820. No more published. After volume 1 the ' Jahrbuctier ' tvas continued as : ' Neue Entdeckungen im ganzen Umfang der Pflanzenkunde' 741. Jahrbiicher der kaiserlich-koniglichen Central-Anstalt fur Meteorologie und j Erdmagnetismus} (Geodynamik). Von K. Kreil [and others]. Jahrgang 1848 -^> Bd. 1 4 l> . Wien, 1854 * Imperfect : tcantmg volumes 10, 25, 26 and 27 (i. e. the volumes for the years 1865, and 1880 to 1882}. Jahrbiicher der ton. ung. Central-Anstalt fur Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus. See 1050. 742. Jahrbucher der philosophisch-medicinischen Geseilschaft zu Wiirzburg. Bd. 1, Heft 1-3. 8. Wurzburg, 1828. Jahrbucher des uassauischen Vereins fur Naturkuude. Sec 743. 743. Jahrbucher des Vereins fiir Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau . . . Herausgegeben von C. Thoma (F. Sandberger, C. L. Kirschbaum). Heft 1-18. 8. Wiesbaden, 1844-63. [Continued as ;] Jahrbucher des nassauischen Vereins fur Naturkunde. Herausgegeben von C. L. Kirschbaum. Heft 19-24. 8. Wiesbaden, 1864-70. JAHKBUCHER 117 744. Jahrbiicher for wissenschaftliche Botanik. Herausgegeben you N. Pringsheim (W. Pfeffer und E. Strasburger). Bd. 1 - la. 8. Berlin (Leipzig), 1858 -* 745. Jahresbericht clem Comite der Nicolai-Hauptsternwarte . . . Aus dem Eussischen iibersetzt. 1863 (-1887). 8. St. Petersburg, 1863-87. 746. Jahresbericht der deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung. 1890 Bd. 1 - la. 8. Berlin (Leipzig), 1892 - 747. Jahresbericht der geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg. Jahresbericht 1. la. 8. Hamburg, 1874. 748. Jahresbericht der Gesellschaft von Freunden der Naturwissen- schaften in Gera ; nebst Nachrichten iiber das naturwissenschaft- liche Kranzchen in Schleiz. 1862 (-1863). (Bericht 5-6.) 8<>. Gera, [1863-64.] 749. Jahresbericht der Hamburger Stemwarte in Bergedorf fur das Jahr 1909 -* la. 8. Hamburg, 1910 750. Jahresbericht der konigl. bdhm. Gesellschaft der Wisseuschaften. 1876 - la. 8. Frag, 1876 * Some of the volumes have a second title-page : ' Vyrocni zprdva JcrdlovsM ZesJce spolecnosti nauk . ' Imperfect : ivanting the volumes for the years 1897, 1898, 1901, 1906, and 1908. 751. Jahresbericht der koniglich ungarischen geologischen Anstalt fur 1882 (-1906). la. 8. Budapest, 1883-1908. [Continued as:\ Jahresbericht der koniglich ungarischen geologischen Reichsanstalt fur 1907 - la. 8. Budapest, 1909 -> 752. Jahresbericht der naturfbrschenden Gesellschaft Graubundens. Neue Folge, Jahrgang 1-14. 8. Chur, 1856-69. Jahresbericht der naturfbrschenden Gesellschaft in Emdeu. See 772. 753. Jahresbericht der physikalischen Gesellschaft in Zurich fiir das Jahr 1887 (-1900). (Bericht 1-11.) 8. Ziirich, [1888]-1901. [Continued as :] Mitteilungen der physikalischen Gesellschaft, Zurich. 1901 No. 1 -> 8. Zurich, 1901 - Jahresbericht der schlesischen Gesellschaft fur vaterlandische Xultur. See 1688. Jahresbericht der schwedischeu Academic der Wissenschaften nber die Fortschritte der Naturgeschichte, etc. See 315. 118 JAHRESBERICHT 754. Jaliresbericht der Pollichia, eines naturwissenschaftlichen Vereina der bayerischen Pfalz (eines naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins der Eheinpfalz). (Bericht 1-21.) 8. Landau (Neustadt a. d. Haardt), 1843-63. 755. Jaliresbericlit der wetterauischeii Gesellscliaft for die gesammte Naturkunde (zu Hauau) tiber das Gesellschaftsjahr 1843-4 (1862-3). 8. Hanau, 1844-64, 756. Jahresbericht des Annabel g-Buchholzer Vereins fur Naturkunde. [Bericht 1-3.] 8. Annaberg und Buchholz, 1868-73 , 757. Jahresbericht des botanischen Vereines am Mittel- und Nieder- rheine. (Bericht 1-4.) 8. Bonn (Coblenz), 1837-40. 758. Jahresbericht des entomologischen Vereins zu Stettin. (Bericht 1.) 8. Stettin, 1839. [Continued as :] Entomologische Zeitung herausgegeben von dem entomologischen Vereine zu Stettin. Jahrgang 1-26. sm. 8 (8). Stettin, 1840-65. 759. Jahresbericht des Mannheimer Vereines fur Naturkunde, etc. (Bericht 5-30.) 8. (Mannheim), 1838-64. Imperfect : wanting volume 9 (1843). 760. Jahresbericht des naturforschenden Vereins zn Riga. 1845-6 (1847-8). (Bericht 1-3.) 8. [Riga], 1846-48. 761. Jahres-Bericht des naturhistorischen Vereins in Passan. 1857 (-1864). (Bericht 1-6.) 8. Passau, 1858-65. Imperfect : wanting the 2nd (1858) and 5th (1861-3) Reports. 762. Jahresbericht des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines in Halle. 1849 (-1852). Jahrgang 2-5. 8. Berlin, 1850-53. 763. Jahresbericht des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Osnabruck* 1870 - (Bericht 1 -*) 8. Osnabruck, 1872 -* 764. Jahresbericht des physikalischen Vereins zu Frankfurt am Main fur das Rechnungsjahr 1846-7 (1859-60). 8. [Frankfurt am Main, 1847-60.} 765. Jahresbericht des Vereins fur Erdkunde zu Dresden. (Bericht 1-27.) 8. Dresden, [1864]-1901. Jahresbericht des Vereins fur Naturknnde in Cassel. See 403. 766. Jahresbericht des Vereins fur Naturwissenschaft zu Braunschweig fur das Geschaftsjahr 1879-80 -* [Bd. 1 -] 8. Braunschweig, 1880 * Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Agrikultur-Chemie. See 767. JAHKESBEKICHT 119" 767. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der Agriculturchemie, init besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Pflanzenchemie und Pflanzen physiologie; herausgegeben von K. Hoffmann. 1858 (-1864). Jahrgang 1-6. 8. Berlin, 1860-65. [Continued as :] Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Agrikultur-Chemie . . . Fortgesetzt von E. Peters [and others]. 1864 (-1879). Jahrgang 7 Neue Folge, Jahrgang 2. 8. Berlin, 1866-80. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der Ckemie. See 769. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der Chemie, von L. Svanberg. See 315. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der Chemie and Mineralogie, von J. Berzelius. See 315. 768. Jahres-Bericht fiber die {Fortschritte} (Leistungen) der chemischeu Technologic {fur Fabrikanten, Htttten- und Forstleute, Camera- listen, Chemiker und Pharmaceuten}. Herausgegeben von J. K. Wagner (F. Fischer). 1855 (-1881). Jahrgang 1-27. 8. Leipzig, 1856-82. Volumes 16 to 27 are also numbered Neue Folge, [Sd.] 1-12. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der gesammten Medicin in. alien Landern. See 770. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der Fhysik. Sec 769. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der Physiologic. Sec 1796. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissen- schaften ; von J. Berzelius. See 315. 769. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der reineu, pharutacentischen mvd tech.nisch.en Chemie, Physik, Mineralogie und Geologic . . . Herausgegeben von J. Liebig und H. Kopp. 1847 [Bd. 1] (-1886). 8. Giessen (Braunschweig), 1849-90. [Continued as :] Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der reinen, pharmaceutischen und technischen Chemie, Physik und Krystallkunde. 1887 (-1892). 8. Braunschweig, 1890-1900. [Continued as :] Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie. 1893 * 8. Braunschweig, 1901 The volume for 1857 Ms a second title-page : 'Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der Physik, von F. Zamminer.' TJie volumes for the years 1858 onwards have second title-pages : ' Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der Chemie und verwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften, von H. Kopp und H. Will [and others].' 120 JAHRESBERICHT 770. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte in der Biologic im Jahre 1843 (-1850). Herausgegeben von [C.J Canstatt und [J. G.] Eisenmann. la. 8. Erlangen, 1844-51. This ' Jahresbericht ' forms the first section of the * Jahreslericht uber die Fortschritte der gesammten Medicin in alien Landern.' Jahres-Bericht iiber die Leistungen der chemischen Technologic. See 768. 771. Jahresbericht tiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte in der Ana- tomie und Physiologic . . . herausgegeben von R. Virchow und A. Hirsch (W. Waldeyer und C. Posner). Bericht fur das Jahr 1868 sm. fol. Berlin, 1869 * Jahresbericht iiber die Thatigkeit des Vereins for Naturkunde in Cassel. See 403. 772. Jahresbericht iiber die {Verrichtnngen} (Wirksamkeit) und den Zustand der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Emden fur die Jahre 1837 (-1852) [Bericht 23-38 J. 8. Emden, 1840-53. [Continued as:] Jahresbericht der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Emden fur 1853 [Bericht 39 -*] 8. Emden, 1854 - Imperfect: wanting the volume for the year 1854. 773. Jahresbericht und Abhandlungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Magdeburg. 1885 (-1904). 8. Magdeburg, 1886-1904. 774. Jahresberichte . . . der Gesellschaft fur Natnr- und Keilkunde in Dresden. 1858 (-1866). 8. Dresden, 1861-67. 775. Jahres-Berichte des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins von Elberfeld und Barmen . . . von C. Fuhlrott. Heft [l]-4. 8. Elberfeld, 1851-63. Jahresberichte uber die Fortschritte der Anatomic und Physio- logic. See 1796. 776. Jahresheft des Vereines des krainischen Landes-Museums. Redigirt von C. Deschmann. (Heft 1-3.) 8. Laibach, 1856-62. 777. Jahreshefte des Vereins fur vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wurttemberg. Jahrgang 1 > 8. Stuttgart, 1845 -* Jameson (R.). Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. See 613. Janssen (J.). Annales de 1'Observatoire d'Astronomie physique de Paris. See 124. Jardine (W.). Annals of Natural History. See 811. Magazine of Zoology and Botany. See 911. JENAISCHE 121 778. Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Medicin nnd Naturwissenschaft. Herausgegeben von der medicinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesell- schaft zu Jena. Bd. 1-7. 8. Leipzig, 1864-73. [Continued as :] Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaft, etc. Bd. 8 8. Jena, 1874 - 779. Jern-Xontorets Annaler 1817 (-1828). Argangen 1-12. 8. Stockholm, 1817-28. Imperfect : wanting ' Haft ' 2 of volume 9 (1825), 'Sand ' 2 of volume 10 (1826), the whole of volume 11 (182?) and 'Band' 1 of volume 12 (1828). 780. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Studies from the Biological Laboratory. Vol. 2-5. 8. Baltimore, 1883-93. Imperfect : ipantingpp. 129-212 of volume 5. 781. The Johns Hopkins University Circulars. VoL 1-22. 4. Baltimore, (1879)-1903. Imperfect: icantingpp. 9-20 of volume 1. Jones (H.). Philosophical Transactions. See 1230. Jordan (C.). Journal de Mathematiques. See 783. 782. Jornal de Sciencias mathematical e astronomicas ; publicado pelo Dr. F. G. Teixeira. Vol. 1-5. la. 8. Coimbra, 1877-83. 783. Jornal de Sciencias mathematical, physicas e naturaes. Publicado sob os auspicios da Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Tom. 1 Serie 2, torn. 3. 8. Lisboa, 1866-94. Imperfect : wanting pp. 209 to the end of volume 3 of the 2nd series. Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. See 673. 784. Journal and Proceedings of the Hamilton Association (for the cul- tivation of science, literature and art). 1882-3 Vol. 1 * 8. [Hamilton], 1884 - Imperfect : wanting volume 19 (1902-3). Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. See 1652. 785. Journal britannique, par M. Maty. Tom. 1-8. 12. La Haye, 1750-52. Journal d' Agriculture, de Medecine et des Sciences accessoires. See 464. 786. Journal de Chimie medicale, de Pharmacie, et de Toxicologie, redige par MM. Chevallier, Fee, Guibourt [and others]. Tom. 1-10. 8<>. Paris, 1825-34. 122 JOUKNAL [Continued as:] Journal de Chimie m6dicale, de Pharmacie, de Toxicologie, et revue des nouvelles scientifiques, nationales et etrangeres, par les membres de la Societ6 de Chimie m6dicale. 2 Serie, torn. 1 3 Serie, torn. 10. 8". Paris, 1835-54. [Continued as:] Journal de Chimie medicale . . . Publie sous la direction de A. Chevallier. 4 Serie, torn. 1-7. 8. Paris, 1855-61. 787. Journal de Chimie physique, electrochimie, thermochimie, radio- chimie, mecaiiique chimiqne, stoechiometrie. Publie par P. A. Guye. Tom. 1 *> la. 8. Geneve, Paris, 1903 - 788. Journal de Geologic, par A. Bou6, Jobert et Eozet. Tom. 1-3. No more published. 8. Paris, 1830-31. 789. Journal de 1' Anatomic et de la Physiologic normales et patlic- logiques de 1'homme et des animaux. Publie par C. Robin (G. Pouchet, M. Duval [and others]). Annee 1 > la. 8. Paris, 1864 - Journal de 1'Ecole poly-technique. See 865. 790. Journal de la Physiologic de 1'homme et des animaux. Publie sous la direction du Docteur E. Brown-Sequard. Tom. 1-6. la. 8. Paris, 1858-63. No more published until 1868, when the ' Journal ' was continued as : Archives de Physiologic normale et pathologique. Publiees par MM. Brown-S6quard, Charcot, Vulpian [and others]. Tom. 1 Serie 5, torn. 10. la. 8. Paris, 1868-98. [Continued as :] Journal de Physiologie et de Pathologie generale; publie par MM. Bouchard et Chauveau. Tom. 1 - la. 8. Paris, 1899 - 791. Journal de la Societe des Pharmaciens de Paris, ou recueil d'ob- servations de chimie et de pharmacie, publie pendant les annees vi, vii et viii de la R6publique [i. e. 1798-1800] par les citoyens Fourcroy, Vauquelin, Parmentier, D6yeux et Bouillon-Lagrange, destine a servir de suite aux Annales de Chimie. 4. Paris, an viii [1800]. Journal de la Societe des Sciences, Agriculture et Arts, du Departement du Bas-Rhin. See 967. 792. Journal de la Societe phrenologique de Paris. Tom. 1-2. 8. Paris, 1832-33. 793. Journal de Matliematiques pures et appliances, ou recueil mensuel de mSmoires sur les diverses parties des math6matiques ; publie par J. Liouville (H. Kesal, C. Jordan). Tom. 1 * 4. Paris, 1836 -* JOURNAL 123 794. Journal de Medecine, Chirurgie, Fharmacie, etc. (contenant les travaux de la Societe medicale d'Emulation) par lea C en8 Corvisart, Leroux et Boyer. Tom. 1-40. 12 ( 8 o). p ar is, an ix [Continued as :] Nouveau Journal de Medecine, Chirurgie, Pharmacie, etc., redige par MM. Beclard, Chomel [and others]. Tom. 1-15. No more published. 8. Paris, 1818-22. Journal de Fharmacie (et de Chimie). See 485. Journal de Physiologic et de Pathologic generals. See 790. 795. Journal de Physiologic experimentale et Pathologic. Par F. Ma- gendie. Tom. 1-11. 8. Paris, 1821-31. Journal de Physique, de Chimie, et d'Histoire uaturelle. See 1197. 796. Journal de Physique theorique et appliques; publie par J. C. d'Almeida [and others]. Tom. 1 > la. 8. Paris, 1872 > 797. Journal der Erfindungen, Theorien und Widerspriiche in der Natur- und Arzneiwissenschaft. Herausgegeben von Freunden der Wahrheit und Freimuthigkeit. [Edited by A. F. Hecker.] Bd. 1-6. 12. Gotha, 1793-97. [Continued as :] Neues Journal der Erfindungen, Theorien und Widerspriiche in der Natur- und Arzneiwissenschaft, etc. Bd. 1-5. 12. Gotha, 1798-1809. [Continued as :] Neuestes Journal der Erfindungen, Theorien und Widerspruche in der gesammten Medizin. [Edited by J. C. F. A. Heinroth.] Bd. 1-2. No more published. 12. Gotha, 1810-11. This Journal contains the ' Intslligenzblatt des Journals der Erfin- dungen,' etc. 798. Journal der Pharmacie fur Aerzte und Apotheker (und Chemisten), von J. B. Trommsdorff. Bd. 1-26. sm. 8. Leipzig, 1794-1817. [Continued as :] Neues Journal der Pharmacie fur Aerzte und Apotheker und Che- misten. Bd. 1-27. sm. 8. Leipzig, 1817-34. No more published. In 1835 the ' Neues Journal ' was united ivith the l Annalen der Pharmacie 9 (q. v. No. 90S). 799. Journal der Fhysik. Herausgegeben von F. A. C. Gren. Bd. 1-8. Imperfect: wanting volume 2. 8. {Halle} und Leipzig, 1790-94. 124 JOUKNAL [Continued as :] Neues Journal der Physik. Herausgegeben von F. A. C. Gren. Bd. 1-4. 8. Leipzig, 1795-97. [Continued as:] Annalen der Physik. Angefangen von F. A. C. Gren, fortgesetzt von L. W. Gilbert. Bd. 1-76 [i. e. Neueste Folge, Bd. 16]. 8. Halle (Leipzig), 1799-1824. Volume 61 (1819) is also numbered : ( Neueste Folge, Bd. 1 ' ; and volume 62 (1819) is also numbered : ' Neueste Folge, Bd. 2 und 3.' Volumes 63 to 76 have an additional title-page : ' Annalen der Physik und der physiJcalischen Chemie. Bd. 2-16.' [Continued as:] Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Herausgegeben . . . von J. C. Poggendorff. Bd. 1-160 [i. e. 6* Reihe, Bd. 10]. 8. Leipzig, 1824-77. [Continued as:] Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Neue Folge. Unter Mitwirkung der physikalischen Gesellschaft in Berlin . . . Herausgegeben von G. (und E.) Wiedemann. Bd. 1-69. 8. Leipzig, 1877-99. [Continued as :] Annalen der Physik . . . 4 e Folge . . . Herausgegeben von P. Drude (W. Wien und M. Planck). Bd. 1 - 8. Leipzig, 1900 - Beiblatter zu den Annalen. Bd. 1 * 8. Leipzig, 1877 * 80O. Journal des Mines. Publie par {1'Agence} (le Conseil) des Mines de la Republique. Tom. 1-10. 8<>. Paris, an iii [1794] an ix [1801]. [Continued as :] Journal des Mines, ou recueil de m^moires sur 1'exploitation des mines, et sur les sciences et les arts qui s'y rapportent. Par les CC. Hatty, Vauquelin [and others]. Publie par le Conseil des Mines de la Republique franjaise. Tom. 11-38. 8. Paris, an x [1802J-1815. [Continued as:] Annales des Mines . . . Redigees par le Conseil General des Mines, etc. Tom. 1 2* serie, torn. 8. 8. Paris, 1816-30. [Continued as :] Annales des Mines . . . Redigees par les ingenieurs des mines, etc. Serie 3, torn. 1 -> 8. Paris, 1832 - Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-248 of volume 13, and the whole of volume 28 of the 'Journal', and volumes 2, 3, and 6 of the 1st series, and pp. 177- 192 of volume 5 of the 3rd series of the ' Annales '. JOURNAL 125 801. Le Journal des Scavaus . . . par le Sieur de Hedouville [pseud., i. e. D. de Sallo. And others]. 1665 [Tom. 1] (1902). 4. Paris, [1665J-1902. [Continued as :] Journal des Savants publie sous les auspices de 1'Institut de France (Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres). Nouvelle serie, Annee 1 - 4. Paris, 1903 - Imperfect : wantvng pp. 1-132 of the volume for 1872. No volumes were published during the years 1793 to 1796, and 1798 to 1815. From 1791 to 1832 the title is ' Journal des Savans ', and from 1833 onwards it is ' Journal des Savants '. 802. Journal des Travaux de la Societe fra^aise de Statistique uni- verselle. Vol. 3 (Nouvelle serie, vol. 1) Serie 3, vol. 2. 4 (la. 8). Paris, 1833-37. 803. Journal da Magnetisme par une Societe de Magnetiseurs et de Medecins sous la direction de M. le Baron du Potet. Tom. 1-5. 8. Paris, 1845-47. 804. Journal encyclopedique, (ou universel), {par une Societe de Gens de Lettresf. Annee 1756 (-1793). 12. Liege (Bouillon), 1756-93. No more published. Eight volumes of the ' Journal ' were published each year. Imperfect : wanting volumes 6 and 7 for the year 1790; number 4 of volume 1, number 6 of volume 2, number 11 of volume 3, and number 16 of volume 4, for the year 1791 ; and all the volumes for the year 1793. Journal fur Chemie und Physik. See 62. 805. Journal fur die Botanik. Herausgegeben vom Medicinalrath [H. A.] Schrader. 1799 (-1801). 12. Gbttingen, 1799-1803. [Continued as :] Neues Journal fur die Botanik. Herausgegeben von Professor [H. A.] Schrader. Bd. 1 Bd. 4, Stuck 2. 12. Erfurt (Gottingen), 1805-10. Journal fur die Chemie und Physik. Sec 62. 806. Journal fur die Liebhaber der Entomologie. Herausgegeben von L. G. Scriba. Stuck 1-3. 8. Frankfurt, 1790-91. No more published. 807. Journal fur die Liebhaber des Steinreichs und der Konchyliologie von J. S. Schroter. Bd. 1-5. sm. 8. Weimar, 1774-79. 808. Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Herausgege- ben von A. L. Crelle (C. W. Borchardt, L. Kronecker, K. Weier- strass, L. Fuchs, K. Hensel). Bd. 1 - 4. Berlin, 1826 - 126 JOUKNAL 809. Journal far Ornithologie. Ein Centralorgan fttr die gesammte Ornithologie. (Zugleich Organ der deutschen Ornithologen-Gesell- schaft) . . . Herausgegeben von J. Cabanis. Jahrgang 1-7. 8". Cassel, 1853-59. United with ' Naumannia ' (q. v. No. 1145) and continued as : Journal fiir Ornithologie. {Ein Centralorgan fiir die gesammte Orni- thologie. Zugleich als Fortsetzung der Zeitschrift Naumannia} (Deutsches Centralorgan fur die gesammte Ornithologie) . . . Her- ausgegeben von J. Cabanis {und E. Baldamus}. Bd. 8-15. 8. Cassel, 1860-67. [Continued as:'] Journal fiir Ornithologie ... In Verbindung mit der deutschen ornithologischen Gesellschaft in Berlin . . . Herausgegeben von J. Cabanis (A. Keichenow). Neue Folge, Bd. 1 8. Cassel (Leipzig), 1868 - Journal fur praktische Chemie. See 62. 810. Journal far technische und okonomische Chemie. Herausgegeben von 0. L. Erdmann. Bd. 1-18. 8. Leipzig, 1828-33. The 'Journal' contains a second title-page: 'Die neuesten Forschungen im G-ebiete der technischen und okonomischen Chemie.' After volume 18 the 'Journal' was united with the 'Journal fur CJiemie und Physik' and continued as the ' Journal fiir praUische Chemie' (g. v. No. 62}. 811. Journal hebdomadaire de Msdecine; par MM. [G.] Andral, [P. F.] Blandin [and others]. Tom. 1-8. 8. Paris, 1828-30. [Continued as :] Journal universel et hebdomadaire de Medecine et de Chirurgie pra- tiques et des Institutions mSdicalejs. Par MM. [L. J.] Begin, Berard [and others]. Annee 1-3. Tom. 1-13. 8. Paris, 1830-33. [Continued as :] Journal hebdomadaire des Progres des Sciences et Institutions medi- cales. Redige par J. Bouillaud [and others]. Annee 6. Tom. 1-4. 8. Paris, 1834. 812. The Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. Conducted by G. M. Humphry, A. Newton [and others]. Vol. 1 > 8 (la. 8). London and Cambridge, 1867 > Journal of Anthropology. Sec 242. 813. The Journal of Botany, being a second series of the Botanical Miscel- lany ; containing figures and descriptions of such plants as recom- mend themselves by their novelty, rarity, or history, or by the uses to which they are applied in the arts, in medicine, and in domestic ceconomy ; together with occasional botanical notices and informa- tion. By W. J. Hooker. Vol. 1-4. 8. London, 1834-42. JOUKNAL 127 814. The Journal of Botany, British, and Foreign. Edited by B. Seemann. Vol. 1-7. 8. London, 1863-69. 815. The Journal of Comparative Neurology (and Psychology). A quar- terly periodical devoted to the comparative study of the nervous system. Edited by C. L. Herrick. (Published by the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology.) Vol. 1 > 8. Grenville, Ohio (Philadelphia), 1891 - 816. Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and diseases of the skin. A quar- terly record of dermatological science. Edited by E. Wilson. Vol. 1. 8. London, 1868. 817. Journal of Elemental Locomotion; or, monthly advocate of the advantages to arise from the substitution of inanimate for animate power, and reporter of all projects, inventions, discoveries, patents, &c., &c., of national utility. Edited by A. Gordon. No. l-[5]. 8. London, 1832-(1833). No more published after numler 6. 818. The Journal of Hygiene. Edited by G. H. F. Nuttall. Vol. 1 - la. 8<>. Cambridge, 1901 * Parasitology : a supplement to the Journal of Hygiene. Edited by G. H. P. Nuttall and A. E. Shipley. Vol. 1 - la. 8. Cambridge, 1908 - 819. Journal of Morphology. Edited by C. 0. Whitman (J. S. Kingsley). Vol. 1 > la. 8. Boston (Lancaster, Pa., Philadelphia), 1887 - The publication of this journal was discontinued with volume 17 (1901), but in 1903 volume 18 (containing papers which were already in the press when the publication was discontinued) was published, and in 1908 tJte publication was recommenced by the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. 820. A Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts . . . [Edited] by W. Nicholson. Vol. 1 New series, vol. 36. 4 (80). London, 1797-1813. After volume 36 of the new series the ' Journal ' was united tvith the 'Philosophical Magazine', and continued as 'The Philosophical Magazine and Journal ' (q. v. No. 1223). 821. The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. (The official journal of the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.) Edited . . . by G. S. Woodhead. Vol. 8 - la. 8. Edinburgh and London (Cambridge), 1903 822. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. Edited by W. D. Bancroft (and J. E. Trevor}. Published at Cornell University. Vol. 1 * la. 8. Ithaca, 1896 - Imperfect: wanting pp. 69 to the end of volume 1; pp. 1-76 and pp. 409 to the end of volume 2; and the whole of volume 3. 128 JOURNAL 823. The Journal of Physiology. Edited ... by M. Foster (J. N. Langley). Vol. 1 * la. 8. London and Cambridge, 1878 From volume 6 (1883) onwards the ' Journal ' contains the ' Proceedings oftJie Physiological Society. No. 1,' etc. Journal of Proceedings of the Royal Institute of British Archi- tects. See 1219. Journal of Science. See 613. 824. The Journal of Science and the Arts. Edited at the Eoyal Institu- tion of Great Britain. Published quarterly. Vol. 1-6. 8. London, 1816-19. [Continued as :] The Quarterly Journal of Literature, Science and the Arts. Vol. 7-22. 8. London, 1819-27. [New series]. Jan. 1827 (-June 1830). 7 vol. 8. London, 1827-30. [Continued as :] The Journal of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Vol. 1-2. No more published. 8. London, 1830-[1831]. 825. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Series 2, vol. 1 > fol. Philadelphia, 1847 - 826. Journal of the African Society. Founded in memory of Mary Kingsley. [Vol. 1-4.] 8. London, 1901-5. Journal of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. See 1259. 827. Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society (of New Tork). Vol. 1-32. 4 (la. 8). New York, 1859-1900. [Continued as :] Bulletin of the American Geographical Society of New York. Vol. 33 -> la. 8". New York, 1901 -* The ' Journal ' and the ' Bulletin ' contain the ' Transactions ' of the Society. The sub-title of volumes 19 to 32 of the 'Journal' is 'Bulletin of the . . . Society'. 828. Journal of the American Oriental Society. Vol. 1-5. la. 8. New Haven (New York), [1843J-1856. Volume 1 is second edition, published in 1850, and wants pp. 79 to tJie end. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. See 829. 829. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London. Vol. [l]-8. 8. London, 1863-70. The ' Journal ' was issued as a section of the ' Anthropological Review '. Volumes 2 to 8 have a separate title-page and pagination. JOUENAL 129 [Continued as:] The Journal of the (Koyal) Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1 - 8 (sm. fol.). London, 1871 * Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. See 673. Journal of the Bath and West of England Society. See 885. 830. The Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Vol. 1 > 8. Bombay, 1841 - Imperfect : wanting pp. 237 to the end of volume 6, and the whole of volume 7. 831. The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, etc. Vol. 1-8. 8<>. London, (1845)-1853. This ' British Archaeological Association ', founded in 1843, is not the same as the other ' British Archaeological Association ', also founded in 1843, tvhich has been continued from 1845 as the l Archaeological Insti- tute of Great Britain and Ireland '. 832. The Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol. 1 > la. 8. London, 1890 - Journal of the Chemical Society of London. See 1006. Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. See 846. 833. The Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History. Vol. 1 -> 8. Cincinnati, 1878 - Imperfect: wanting pp. 109-158 of volume 1. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Japan. See 1022. 834. Journal of the East India Association, London. Vol. 1 > 8 (la. 8). London, 1867 > Imperfect : wanting pp. 183 to the end of volume 2, and pp. 1-24 of volume 3. 835. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. Year 3 * 8. Ealeigh (Chapel Hill, N.C.), 1886 -* 836. Journal of the Essex County Natural History Society ; containing various communications to the Society (1836-52). [Vol. 1.] 8. Salem, [Mass.], 1852. In 1848 the Essex County Natural History Society was incorporated with the Essex Historical Society and continued as the Essex Institute. For the publications of the Institute see No. 1288. 837. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London. Vol. 1-4. 8. Edinburgh (London), 1848-56. K 130 JOUENAL 838. Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania ; devoted to the mechanic arts, manufactures, general science, and the recording of American and other patented inventions, etc. New series, vol. 1 > 8. Philadelphia, 1828 839. Journal of the Geological Society of Dublin. Vol. 1-10. 8. Dublin, 1838-64. [Continued as :] Journal of the Koyal Geological Society of Ireland. [New series.] Vol. 1-8. 8. Dublin, 1867-87. 840. The Journal of the Gynaecological Society of Boston ; a monthly journal devoted to the advancement of the knowledge of the diseases of women. Edited by W. Lewis, H. E. Storer, G. H. Bixby. Vol. 1-7. 8. Boston, 1869-72. Journal of the Hamilton Association. See 784. 841. The Journal of the (Eoyal) Horticultural Society of London. Vol. 1 -> la. 8. London, 1846 - 842. The Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia. (Edited by J. E. Logan.) Vol. 1 New series, vol. 2. 8. Singapore, 1847-58. Imperfect: wanting pp. 159-260 of volume 7. Journal of the Institute of Actuaries. See 323. 843. Journal of the Institute of Jamaica. Vol. 1-2. 4. Kingston, 1891-99. Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. See 860. Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. See 716. Journal of the Linnean Society. See 849. Journal of the Liverpool Astronomical Society. See 889. 844. Journal of the London Institution. A programme and record of proceedings. Vol. 1-6. 8. London, 1871-76. Imperfect: wanting pp. 9 to the end of volume 6. 845. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United King- dom. No. 1 - 8 (la. 8). London (Plymouth), 1887 -*> S46. Journal of the {North} China Branch of the Koyal Asiatic Society. 1859 (-1897). [Vol. 1], no. 3 New series, vol. 81. 8 (la. 8). Shanghai, 1859-1900. Imperfect : wanting volumes 24 and 27 of the neiv series. Number 3 of volume 1 contains pp. 256 to the end. Only part 1 of volume 2 ivas ever published, the next part being volume 1 of the new series. Journal of the Numismatic Society. See 1180. JOURNAL 131 847. The Journal of the Photographic Society of London. Containing the transactions of the Society and a general record of photographic art and science, etc. Vol. 1-16. la. 8. London, 1854-76. Tlie sub-title of volumes 5 to 16 is: l TJie Photographic Journal,' etc. Imperfect: ivanting pp. 105-116 of volume 15. [Continued as :] The Photographic Journal, including the transactions of the (Royal) Photographic Society {of Great Britain}, etc. New series, vol. 1 > la. 8. London, 1877 848. The Journal of the Polynesian Society, containing the transactions and proceedings of the Society. Vol. 1 * la. 8. Wellington, N. Z. (New Plymouth), 1892 - Imperfect: wanting pp. 65-130 of volume 1. 849. Journal of the Proceedings of the Liuuean Society. Vol. 1-7. 8. London, 1857-64. [Continued as:] The Journal of the Linnean Society. Vol. 8 8 (la. 8). London, 1865 - The i Journal ' is divided into two sections : ' Botany ' and ' Zoology '. 850. The Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club. Vol. 1 > 8. London, 1868 851. The Journal of the Rontgen Society. (For the study and dis- cussion of X-Rays and allied phenomena in their relation to medicine, the arts, and sciences.) Vol. 1 > 4. London, 1904 -* Journal of the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana. See 1578. 852. The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Vol. 1 - 8. London, 1840 -> Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. See 829. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. See 1655. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. See 1600. 853. The Journal of the Royal Dublin Society. Vol. 1-7. 8<>. Dublin, 1856-78. After volume 7 the 'Journal' teas discontinued, the minor papers read at the scientific meetings of the Society being published in the 'Scientific Proceedings ' (q. v. No. 1496), and the more important ones in the ' Scientific Transactions ' (q. v. No. 1497). K 2 132 JOUKNAL 854. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Vol. 1-50. 8<>. London, 1832-80. After volume 50 the 'Journal' was discontinued, the papers being issued in the ' Proceedings ' of the Society (%. v. No. 1311). Journal of the Royal Geological Society of Ireland. See 839. Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society of London. See 841. Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects. See 1219. 855. Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall (with the 46th-52nd Annual Keports). No. 1-11. 8. Truro, 1864-70. The earlier reports tvere published as l Annual Report of the Royal Institution of Cormvall '. Journal of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. See 824 and 866. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. Sec 1643. Journal of the Royal Sanitary Institute. See 1662. Journal of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts. See 1659. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts. See 858. Journal of the Royal Society of New South Wales. Sec 1652. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. See 861. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution. See 864. Journal of the Sanitary Institute. See 1662. 856. Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society. New series, vol. 1 Third series, no. 1. la. 8. Edinburgh and London, 1866-[1884j. Imperfect : ^vanting pp. 161 to the end of volume 6 of the new series. 857. Journal of the Simla Naturalists' Society. Vol. 1, parts 1-2. la. 8>. Simla, 1885-86. 858. The Journal of the (Royal) Society of Arts, and of the Institutions in Union. Vol. 1 > la. 8. London, 1852 - 859. The Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. Vol. 1 > 4. Manchester (London), 1882 > Imperfect: ^vanting pp. 1-32 of volume 1. 860. Journal of the Society of Telegraph Engineers (and Electricians). Vol. 1-17. 8. London (and New York), 1872-89. Imperfect : tvanting volume 2. [Continued as :] Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Vol. 18 > 80. London, New York, 1890 * JOUKNAL 133 861. Journal of the (Royal) Statistical Society of London. Vol. 1 > 8. London, 1839 - 862. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 1878 (-1883). No. 1-12. 8. Singapore, 1878-84. 863. Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, or Philo- sophical Society of Great Britain. Vol. 5 > 8. London, 1871 - 864. The Journal of the (Royal) United Service Institution. Vol. 1 > 8<> (la. 8). London, 1858 -> Journal of the Victoria Institute. See 863. 865. Journal polytechnique, ou bulletin du travail fait a FEcole centrale des Travaux publics, publie par le Conseil d'Instruction et Administra- tion de cette Nicole. Cahier 1-4. 4. Paris, an iii-v [1795-97]. [Continued as :] Journal de 1'Ecole polytechnique, ou bulletin du travail fait a cette Ecole, etc. Cahier 5-64. 4. Paris, an vi [1798]-1894. [Continued as .] Journal de 1'Ecole polytechnique publie par le Conseil d'Instruction de cet etablissement. Serie 2, cahier 1 4. Paris, 1895 Journal universel et hebdomadaire de Medecine. See 811. 866. Journals of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Vol. 1-2, no. 16. 8. London, 1802-3. 867. Juggarow Observatory, . . . Vizagapatam. Results of Meteoro- logical Observations. 1885 (-1894). 8. Calcutta (Vizagapatam), 1886-96. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1891 to 1893. [Continued as:] Report of the Condition and Progress of the G. V. Juggarow Observatory, Vizagapatam. Including the results of observations for the year 1895 (-1897). 8. Calcutta, 1896-99. 868. Just's botauischer Jahresbericht. Systematisch geordnetes Reper- torium der botanischen Literatur aller Lander . . . herausgegeben von E. Koehne und T. Geyler [and others]. 1886 Jahrgang 14 -* la. 8. Berlin (Leipzig), 1888 -* Justus Liebig's Annalen der Cliemie. See 905. 869. Eabinet der Natuurlyke Historien, Weteuschappen, Eonsten en Handwerken. [Edited by W. van Ranouw.] Deel [l]-8. 8. Amsterdam, [1719]-1723. Register. 12. Amsterdam, 1732. No more published. The volumes of this set are of various editions. Kaiser (F.). Annalen der Sternwarte in Leiden. See 104. 134 KALA 870. Kala Azar Bulletin. Issued under the direction of the Honorary Managing Committee of the Sleeping Sickness Bureau. Vol. 1 > la. 8. London, 1911 > Kammermaiiii (A.). Kesume meteorologique. See 1446. 871. The Kansas University Quarterly. Devoted to the publication of the results of research by members of the University of Kansas. Vol. 1-10. la. 8. Lawrence, Kansas, (1892)-1901. Volumes 6 to 8 of this set contain only ' Series A : Science and Mathe- matics '. [Continued as:] The Kansas University Science Bulletin. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Lawrence, Kansas, 1902 Kapteyn (J. C.). Publications of the Astronomical Laboratory at Groningen. See 1342. Karsten (C. J. B.). Archiv fur Bergbau und Huttenwesen. See 268. Archiv fur Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Huttenkunde. See 268. Kasteele (G. C. van de) and Holtrop (L. S. A.). Boerhaave. See 431. Kastner (K. W. G.). Archiv fur die gesammte Naturlehre. See 271. Kaufmann (E.). Zeitschrift fur Acclimatisation. See 1770. Keknle (A.). Kritische Zeitschrift fur Chenue, Physik und Mathe- matik. See 877. Keller (W.) and Tiedemann (H.). Nordamerikanischer Monatsbericht fiir Natur- und Heilkunde. See 1163. Kenngott (G. A.). Uebersicht der Kesultate mineralogischer Forsch- ungen. See 1689. 872. King's College, London. Physiological Laboratory. Collected Papers. Edited by W. D. Halliburton. No. 1 * 8. [London], 1893 > Kingsley (J. S.). Journal of Morphology. See 819. Kirschbaum (C. L.). Jahrbucher des nassauischen Vereins fur Natur- kunde. See 743. Klebs (E.). Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. See 278. Klein (H. J.). Gaea. See 644. 873. Kleine Schriften der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Emden. [Heft] 5-18. 8<> (4o). Emden, 1858-79. Imperfect: wanting part 15. Volume 7 is ' ziveiter Abdrwk* pub- lished at Clausflial. Volume 17 is published at Hannover. KOBOLD 135 Eobold (H.). Astronomische Nachrichten. See 344. Koch (R.) and Fliigge (C.). Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene. See 1780. Kohler (A. W.) and Hoffmann (C. A. S.). Bergmannisches Journal. See 391. Eoehne (E.) and Geyler (T.). Just's botanischer Jahresbericht. See 868. Koenigsberger (L.) and Zenner (G.). Eepertorium der literarischen Arbeiten aus dem Gebiete der . . . Mathematik. See 1398. 874. Konigsberger medicinische Jahrbiicher. Herausgegeben von dem Verein fur wissenschaftliche Heilkunde zu Konigsberg. Bd. 1-4. 8. Ko'nigsberg (Danzig), 1859-64. 875. Konigsberger natur wissenschaftliche Unterhaltungen. Bd. 1. 80. Konigsberg, 1847. Koken (E.). Palaeontographica. See 1213. Eoner (W.). Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Erdkunde. See 1771. Dot Kongelige Danske Videnskabers-Selskabs Skrivter. See 1514. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers-Selskabs Skrif ter. See 1682. Xongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademieus Handliugar. See 1558. Eonig (C.) and Sims (J.). Annals of Botany. See 181. Kopp (H.). Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der . . . Chemie. See 769. Eorrespondenz-Blatt der dentschen Gesellschaft for Anthro- pologie, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte. See 267. 876. Korrespondenz-Blatt des zoologisch-mineralogischen Vereines in Regensburg. Jahrgang 1-18. 8. Regensburg, 1847-64. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-16 and pp. 33-96 of volume 12. Korschelt (E.). Zoologischer Anzeiger. See 1807. K<5o>os. See 1112. Kreil (K.), Magnetische und meteorologische Beobachtungen zu Prag. See 914. and Fritsch (K.). Magnetische und geographische Ortsbestim- mungen im osterreichischen Kaiserstaate. See 913. Kreutz (H.). Astronomische Nachrichten. See 344. Erische (A. B.). Gottinger Studien. See 675. 136 KRITLSCHE 877. Kritische Zeitschrift fur Cliemie, Physik and Mathematik. Herausgegeben . . . von A. Kekule, F. Eisenlohr, G. Lewinstein, M. Cantor. 1858. 8. Erlangen, 1858. After Jalirgang 8 (1865) this journal tvas continued as : Zeitschrift fur Chemie. Archiv fur das Gesammtgebiet der Wissen- schaft. Herausgegeben von F. Beilstein, E. Fittig und H. Hubner. Jahrgang 9-14. Neue Folge, Bd. 2-7. 8. Leipzig, 1866-71. No more published. Xrtfyer (H.). Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift. See 1134. Kronecker (L.). Journal fiir die reine und angewandte Mathematik. See 808. Krueger (A.). Astronomische Nachrichten. See 344. Publication der Sternwarte in Kiel. See 1338. Kiister (E.). Zeitschrift filr wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie. See 1799. Kiister (L.). Bibliotheca Librorum Novorum. See 419. Kiistner (F.). Veroffentlichungen der koniglichen Sternwarte zu Bonn. See 1746. 878. Ktuigl. Sveuska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Arsbok For Ar 1903 > 80. Stockholm (Uppsala), 1903 Kupffer (A. T.). Annales de 1'Observatoire physique central de Eussie. See 1196. Compte-rendu de 1'Observatoire physique central, St. Petersbourg. See 570. Observations meteorologiques et magnetiques, faites dans 1'Empire de Eussie. See 1195. Kurze Uebersicht der Verhandlungen der allgemeinen scliweizeri- sclien Gesellschaft fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. See 629. 879. The Laboratory: a weekly record of scientific research. April to October, 1867. [Vol. 1.] sm. 4. London, 1867. No more published. Lacaze-Duthiers (H. de). Archives de Zoologie. See 298. 880. Lady's and Gentleman's Scientifical Repository: containing . . . arithmetical and mathematical questions and problems . . . By a Society of Mathematicians. No. 1-10. 12. Newark (Sheffield), 1782-84. Lamarck (J. B.). Annuaire meteorologique. See 211. Lametherie (J. C.). Journal de Physique. See 1197. LAMONT 137 Lament (J.). Annalen der koniglichen Sternwarte bei Mlinchen. See 338. Annalen fur Meteorologie. See 108. Observations Astronomicae in Specula Kegia Monachiensi. See 338. Lampe (E.). Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. See 262. 881. Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbiicher. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Landwirthschaft und Archiv des koniglich preussischen Landes- Oekonomie-Kollegiums. Herausgegeben von H. von Nathusius und C. von Salviati (H. Theil). Bd. 1 la. 8. Berlin, 1872 -* 882. Die Landwirtschaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen. Organ fiir natur- wissenschaftliche Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Landwirt- schaft . . . herausgegeben von F. Nobbe [and others]. Bd. 35 8. Berlin, 1888 - Lange (C. C. A.). Norsk Tidsskrift for Videnskab og Litteratur. See 1166. Langley (J. N.). Journal of Physiology. See 823. Lankester (E.) and Busk (G.). Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. See 1356. Laurent (J. L. M.). Annales . . . d'Anatomie et de Physiologic. See 163. Lawson (H.). Monthly Microscopical Journal. See 1643. Popular Science Eeview. See 1244. Le Clerc (J.). Bibliotheque choisie. See 423. Lecoq. (H.). Annales scientifiques. See 171. 883. Lefhadsteckningar bfver Kongl. Sveuska Vetenskaps Akademiens efter Ar 1854 aflidna Ledamoter. Bd. 1 > 8. Stockholm, (& Uppsala), 1869 -> Leitgeb (H.). Mittheilungen aus dem botanischen Institute zu Graz. See 1080. Le Normand (L. S.) and Moleon (J. G. V. de). Annales de 1' In- dustrie. See 121. Leutfrinck (A.). Geneeskundig Tydschrift. See 649. Lenz (J. G.) and Schwabe (J. F. H.). Annalen der Societal fur die gesammte Mineralogie zu Jena. See 1O3. Leonhard (K. C. von). Taschenbuch fiir die gesammte Mineralogie. See 1560. and Bronn (H. G.). Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie. See 1560. 138 LEOPOLDINA 884. Leopoldina. Amtliches Organ der kaiserlichen Leopoldino-Carolini- schen deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher, etc. Heft 1 4. Jena (Dresden, Halle), 1859 -* 885. Letters and Papers on Agriculture, Planting, &c., selected from the correspondence-book of the Society instituted at Bath, for the Encouragement of Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, within the Counties of Somerset, Wilts, Gloucester, and Dorset, and the City and County of Bristol, etc. Vol. 1-5. 80. Bath, [1780J-1790. Volumes 1 and 2 are second edition published in 1783. [Continued as :] Letters and Papers on Agriculture, Planting, &c., selected from the correspondence of the Bath and West of England Society, for the Encouragement of Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Vol. 6-14. 8. Bath, 1792-1816. After volume 14 the publication was discontinued until the year 1829, tvhen the first part of volume 15 was published (this part is not in the Library) : the publication ivas again discontinued until the year 1853, when it was continued as : Journal of the Bath and West of England Society for the Encour- agement of Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Vol. 1-11. 8. London, 1853-63. Lenckart (K.). Bericht iiber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der niederen Thiere. See 407. Le Verrier (U. J.). Annales de 1'Observatoire de Paris. See 181. Lewis (W.). Journal of the Gynaecological Society of Boston. See 840. Lichtenberg (G. C.) and Forster (G.). Gottingisches Magazin der Wissenschaften und Litteratur. See 676. Lichtenberg (L. C.). Magazin filr das Neuste aus der Physik und Naturgeschichte. See 903. Lie (S.). Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab. See 266. Liebig (J.). Annalen der Chemie. See 905. Annalen der Pharmacie. See 905. Magazin fur Pharmacie. See 905. and Kopp (H.). Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der . . . Chemie. See 769. Lindenau (B. von) and Bohnenberger (J. G. F.). Zeitschrift fur Astronomie. See 1774. LINNAEA 139 886. Linnaea. Ein Journal fiir die Botanik in ilirem ganzen Umfange. Herausgegeben von D. F. L. von Schlechtendal. Bd. 1-16. 80. Berlin (Halle), 1826-42. [Continued as:~\ Linnaea. Ein Journal fur die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange. Band 17 (-43). Oder : Beitrage ztir Pflanzenkunde. Herausgegeben von D. F. L: von Schlechtendal. Bd. 1 Neue Folge, Bd. 9. 8. Halle (Berlin), 1843-82. Litteratur-Bericht zur Linnaea fur das Jahr 1828 (-1842). 80. Berlin (Halle), 1828-42. No more published. . In 1883 ' Linnaea ' tvas amalgamated ivitli the 'Jahrbuch des Mnigliclicn botanischen Gartens und des botanischen Museums zu Berlin ' (q. v. No. 731). Linnaea Entomologica. See 1776. Liouville (J.). Journal de Mathematiques. See 793. 887. The List of the [Fellows of the] Royal Society. 1775 -> 4. [London, 1775 -] 888. The Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine. Collected Papers. No. 1. 8. London, 1904. Littrow (C. von) and Hornstein (C.). Meteorologische Beobach- tungen ... in Wien. See 1061. Littrow (J. J.). Annalen der k.-k. Sternwarte in Wien. See 100. 889. Liverpool Astronomical Society. Journal. Vol. 3-5. 8. Edinburgh (Liverpool), 1884-87. [Continued as :] The Journal of the Liverpool Astronomical Society. Vol. 6-7, no. 6. 8. Liverpool, 1887-89. 890. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (and Medical Parasitology). Memoir 1-16. 8 and 4. Liverpool (London), 1900-5. Imperfect : wanting volumes 3, 6, 8, 9, 11-13, and 15. 891. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Yellow Pever Bureau. Bulletin. Vol. 1 -> la. 8. Liverpool, 1911 -* Lloyd (H.). Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Trinity College, Dublin. See 1193. 892. Local Government Board. Report of the Medical Officer for 1877 (1905-6). la. 8. London, 1878-1907. Loswy ( ). Annales de 1'Observatoire de Paris. See 131. Ephemerides des Etoiles de Culmination lunaire et de Longitude. See 535. Logan (J. K.). Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia. See 842. 140 LONDON London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine. See 1229. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine. See 1229. 893. The London Geological Journal [and record of discoveries in British and foreign palaeontology. Vol. 1, no. 1-3.] No more published. la. 8. [London], 1846-47. 894. The London Medical Journal. [Edited by S. F. Simmons.] Vol. 1-11. 8. London, 1781-90. [Continued as:] Medical Facts and Observations. [Edited by S. F. Simmons.] Vol. 1-8. 80. London, 1791-1800. 895. Lorenz von Crell's neuestes chemisches Archiv. Ed. 1. No more published. 12. Weimar, 1798. London (J. C.). Magazine of Natural History. See 908. Loven (S.). Berattelse om Framstegen i Molluskernas, Crustaceernas och de Lagre Skelettlosa Djurens Naturhistoria. See 315. Lowe (E. J.). Magazine of Natural Philosophy. See 909. Lowthorp (J.). Philosophical Transactions. See 1230. Luca (S. de) and Muller (D.). L'Ateneo italiano. See 349. Lundh (G. F.). Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne. See 902. o Lunds Universitets Ars-skrift. See 50. Luther (E.). Astronomische Beobachtungen, Konigsberg. See 340. Luxford (G.). The Phytologist. See 1238. M'Clelland (J.). Calcutta Journal of Natural History. See 536. 896. Machines et Inventions approuvees par 1' Academic royale des Sciences, depuis son etablissement jusqu'a present ; avec leur description. Dessinees et publiees . . . par M. Gallon. Depuis 1666 jusqu'en (1754). Tom. 1-7. 4. Paris, 1735-77. No more published. Mackie (S. J.). The Geologist. See 662. 897. Madras Government Museum. Bulletin. Vol. [l]-5. 8. Madras, 1894-1907. 898. The Madras Journal of Literature and Science, published under the auspices of the Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary of the Koyal Asiatic Society. Edited by E. Cole (and C. P. Brown). Vol. 4-12. 8. Madras, 1836-40. Madler (J. H.). Beobachtungen der kaiserlichen Universitats-Stern- warte, Dorpat. See 1187. MAGASIN 141 899. Magasin de Zoologie (Journal . . . publie par F. E. Guerin-Meneville). Annee 1-8. 8. Paris, 1831-38. [Continued as:] Magasin de Zoologie, d'Anatomie comparee et de Palaeontologie, recueil . . . par F. E. Guerin-Meneville. Serie 2, Annee 1-7. 8". Paris, 1839-49. In 1849 the 'Magasin de Zoologie' was united unth the 'Revue zoologique ', and continued as ' Eevue et Magasin de Zoologie ' (q. v. 1461). 900. Magasin encyclopedique. ou journal des sciences, des lettres et des arts. Kedige par [A. L.] Millin, [S. B. J.J Noel, et [I.] Warens. Tom. 1 Annee 1816 [i. e. torn. 122]. 8. Paris, 1795-1816. [Continued as :] Annales encyclopediques. Kedigees par A. L. Millin. (Conimencees par A. L. Millin et terminees par une societe de gens de lettres.) Annee 1817 (-1818). [12 torn.] 8. Paris, 1817-18. Imperfect : wanting pp. 273-288 of the sixth volume for the year 1818. [Continued as:] Kevue encyclopedique, [ou analyse raisonnee des productions les plus remarquables dans la litterature, les sciences et les arts, par une reunion de membres de 1'Institut, et d'autres homines de lettres}. Tom. 1-60. 8. Paris, 1819-33. 901. Magazin der Entomologie. Herausgegeben von E. F. Germar. Bd. 1-4. 8. Halle, 1813-21. No more published. 902. Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne . . . Udgivet af G. F. Lundh, C. Hansteen og H. H. Maschmann (Et Samfund af Videnskabs- dyrkere). Bd. 1-10. 8. Christiania, 1823-28. [Continued as:] Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne. Udgives af den physiographiske Forening i Christiania. Anden Eaekkes, Bd. 1-2. 8". Christiania, [1832J-1836. [Continued as :] Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne. Udgives af den physiographiske Forening i Christiania. Bd. 1 > 8 (la. 8). Christiania, 1838 > 903. Magazin fur das Neuste aus der Physik uiid Naturgeschiclite. Herausgegeben von . . . [L. C.] Lichtenberg (J. H. Voigt). Bd. 1-12. sm. 8. Gotha, 1781-99. Volume 12 is the Index to volumes 1-11. [Continued as :] Magazin fiir den neuesten Zustand der Naturkunde mit Kucksicht auf die dazu gehorigen Htilfswissenschaften. Herausgegeben von J. H. Voigt. Bd. [1]-12. sm. 8. Jena (Weimar), 1797-1806. No more published. Magazin far die Botanik. See 448. 142 MAGAZIN 904. Magazin for die Naturkunde Helvetiens. Herausgegeben von A. Hopfner. Bd. 1-4. 8. Zurich, 1787-89. No more published. Magazin far die neuesten Entdeckungen in der gesammten Naturkunde. See 663. 905. Magazin fiir die neuesten Erfahrungen, Entdeckungen und Berichtigungen im Gebiete der Fharmacie . . . Herausgegeben von G. F. Hanle. Bd. 1-6. 8<>. Karlsruhe, 1823-24. [Continued as :] Magazin fiir Pharmacie und die dahin einschlagenden Wissenschaften . . . Fortgesetzt von P. L. Geiger. Bd. 7-33. 8". Karlsruhe (Heidelberg), 1824-31. [Continued as :] Magazin fiir Pharmacie . . . von P. L. Geiger und J. Liebig. Bd. 34-36. 8". Heidelberg, 1831. United with the ' Archiv des Apotheker-Vereins im nordlichen Teutsch- land ' and continued as : Annalen der Pharmacie. Eine Vereinigung des Archivs des Apotheker- Vereins im nordlichen Teutschland, B. 40, und des Magazins fiir Pharmacie und Experimentalkritik, B. 37. Herausgegeben von R. Brandes, P. L. Geiger, und J. Liebig [and others]. Bd. 1-32. 8. Lemgo und Heidelberg, 1832-39. [Continued as:] Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, etc. Bd. 33-168. 8. Heidelberg (und Leipzig), 1840-73. [Continued as :] Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. Bd. 169-172. 8 ( >. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1873-74. [Continued as:] Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Bd. 173 * 8. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1874 * Imperfect : wanting volumes 37-40. 906. Magazin fur die pathologische Anatomic und Fhysiologie. Herausgegeben von A. F. Hecker. Heft 1. sm. 8. Altona, 1796. No more published. 907. Magazin fur Insektenkunde. Herausgegeben von K. Illiger. Bd. 1-6. 8. Braunschweig, 1801-7. Magazin fiir Fharmacie. See 9O5. 908. The Magazine of Natural History, and journal of zoology, botany, mineralogy, geology, and meteorology. Conducted by J. C. Loud on (E. Chaiiesworth). Vol. 1 New series, vol. 4. 8. London, 1829-40. After volume 4 of the new series the ' Magazine ' was united with tlie 'Annals of Natural History', and continued as 'The Annals and Magazine of Natural History' (q.v. No. 911}. MAGAZINE 143 909. The Magazine of Natural Philosophy . . . Edited by E. J. Lowe. [Vol. 1, no. 1-7.] ' la. 8. London, [1855J-1856. No more published. 910. The Magazine of Popular Science, and journal of the useful arts. (Edited under the direction of the Society for the Illustration and Encouragement of Practical Science.) Vol. 1-4. No more published. 8. London, 1836-37. 911. Magazine of Zoology and Eotany. Conducted by W. Jardine, P. J. Selby, and [G.] Johnston. Vol. 1-2. 8. Edinburgh, 1837-38. United ivith the l Botanical Companion ' and continued as : Annals of Natural History ; or, magazine of zoology, botany, and geology. Being a continuation of the ' Magazine of Zoology and Botany ' and Sir W. J. Hooker's ' Botanical Companion '. Con- ducted by W. Jardine, P. J. Selby, [G.] Johnston, W. J. Hooker, and E. Taylor (and D. Don). Vol. 1-5. 8". London, 1838-40. United with ' The Magazine of Natural History ' (q. v. No. 90S), and continued as : The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including zoology, botany, and geology. Being a continuation of the ' Magazine of Botany and Zoology' [i.e. the 'Magazine of Zoology and Botany'] and of London and Charlesvvorth's ' Magazine of Natural History '. Conducted by W. Jardine, P. J. Selby [and others]. Vol. 6 8". London, 1841 -> Magendie (F.). Journal de Physiologie. See 795. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Govern- ment Observatory, Bombay. See 1192. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Honor- able East India Company's Observatory, Bombay. Sec 1192. 912. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in the years 1840 (-1847). la. 40. London, 1843-49. After 1817 the 'Magnetical and Meteorological Observations' ivere incorporated ivith the ' Astronomical Observations ' (#. v. No. 331). Magnetische Beobachtungen des Tifliser physikalischen Obser- vatoriums. See 1060. 913. Magnetische uud geographische Ortsbestimnumgen im oster- reichischen Kaiserstaate. Ausgefiihrt von K. Kreil und K. Fritsch. 1846 (-1851). Jahrgang 1-5. 4. Prag, 1848-52. 144 MAGNETISCHE 914. Magnetische mid meteorologische Beobachtungen (an der k. k. Sternwarte) zu Frag . . . herausgegeben von K. Kreil (J. G. Bohm, K. Hornstein, L. Weinek). Jahrgang 1 4. Prag, 1841 > Imperfect : wanting volumes 65 (1904) and 68 (1907). From 1874 to 1883 the title is: ' AstronomiscJie, magnctische und meteorologische Beobachtiwgen.' 915. A' Magyar Tudos Tarsasag' Evkb'nyvei. 1831 (-1844). Kotet 1-17. 4. Pesten (Budan, Budapest), 1833-89. Majocchi (G. A.). Annali di Fisica. Chimica e Matematiche. See 177. Malakozoologische Blatter. See 1784. 916. Mau. A monthly record of anthropological science. Published under the direction of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1. sm. fol. London, 1901. Mantegazza (P.). Archivio per 1'Antropologia. See 309. Marion (A. F.). Annales du Musee d'Histoire naturelle de Marseille. See 159. Markham (C. E.). Geographical Magazine. See 654. Marriott (W.). Meteorological Kecord. See 1057. Martyn (J.). Philosophical Transactions. See 1230. 917. Maryland Geological Society. [Reports.] Vol. 1 > la. 8. Baltimore, 1897 -> Mascart (E.). Annales du Bureau central meteorologique de France. See 155. Maskelyne (N.). Astronomical Observations made at the Koyal Observatory at Greenwich. See 381. 918. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Technology Quarterly (and Proceedings of the Society of Arts). Vol. 2-4. la. 8. Boston, 1888-91. [Continued as :] The Technology Quarterly and Proceedings of the Society of Arts [of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology]. Vol. 5-21. No more published. la. 8. Boston, 1892-1908. 919. Massachusetts State Agricultural Experiment Station (at Amherst, Mass.). Bulletin. No. 1-45. 8. (Amherst, Mass.), 1883-92. Imperfect : wanting number 20. Massart (J.). Recueil de 1'Institut botanique, Universite de Bruxelles. See 1378. MATEMATHHECKIII 145 920. MaTCMaTHiecKiif Ctfopmnci. Hs^asaeMfcifi MocKOBeKnan> OonjecTBOM-B. [Mathematical Magazine, edited by the Mathematical Society of Moscow.] TOM-L 1 > la, 8. MOCKBB, 1866 > Materialien zur Geologic Russlands. See 921. 921. MaTcpia.iw ^pa FeoaoriH Poccin. Hs^ame HMnepaiopCKaro Mnnepajrora- lecicaro 06m;ecTBa. TOMI. 18-24. la. 8. MOCKB*, 1897-1909. The volumes have a second title in German : ' Materialien sur Geologic Russlands. Herausgegeben von der Jcaiserlichen mineralogischen Gesell- schaft.' Imperfect : wanting volume 19. Mathematical Magazine, edited by the Mathematical Society of Moscow. See 920. 922. The Mathematical Monthly. Edited by J. D. Kuiikle. Vol. 1-3. No more published. 4. Cambridge [Mass.], 1859-61. 923. Mathematical Questions, with their solutions. From the ' Educational Times'. (With many papers and solutions not published in the 'Educational Times '.) Edited by W. J. Miller. Vol. 1-50. la. 8 (8). London, 1864-89. Imperfect : wanting volumes 24-49. 924. The Mathematician. Edited by (T. S. Davies}, W. Kutherford, and S. Fenwick. Vol. 1-3. 8. London, (1843)-1850. No more published. 925. Mathematische Annalen. Herausgegeben von A. Clebsch und C. Neumann [and others]. Bd. 1 > la. 8, Leipzig, 1869 * 926. Mathematische und natnrwissenschaftliche Eerichte aus Ungarn. Mit Unterstutzung der ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der kSniglich ungarischen naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft . . . Kedigirt von J. Fro'hlich [and others]. Bd. 1 > la. 8. Berlin (Budapest, Leipzig), 1882 > 927. Mathematisk Tidsskrift. Udgivet af H. C. F. C. Schjellerup og C. Tychsen. Aargang 1-6. 8. Kj^benhavn, 1859-64. After 1864 this journal was continued as the l Tidsskrift for Mathe- matik '. Matteucci (C.) and Firia (E.). II Nuovo Cimento. See 557. Maty (M.). Journal britannique. See 785. Mayer (J.). Sammlung physikalischer Aufsatze. See 1478. Mayer (P.). Zoologischer Jahresbericht. See 1808. Meckel (J. F.). Archiv fur Anatomie und Physiologie. See 275. - Deutsches Archiv fur die Physiologie. See 275. 928. Meddelanden af Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. Haftet 1 > 8 (la. 8). Helsingfors, 1876 -* 146 MEDDELANDEN 929. Meddelanden fran K. Vetenskapsakademiens Nobel Institut. Bd. 1 - 8. Uppsala, Stockholm, 1906 - 930. Meddelelser fra Carlsberg Laboratoriet. Udgivne ved Laboratoriets Bestyrelse. Heft 1-3. 8. Kj^benhavn, 1878-81. [Continued as :] Kesume du Compte-rendu des Travaux du Laboratoire de Carlsberg. Vol. 1, 4*e livraison Vol. 4. 8. Copenhague, 1882-99. [Continued as :] Compte-rendu des Travaux du Laboratoire de Carlsberg. Vol. 5 > 8. Copenhague, 1900 -> 931. Meddelelser om Grpnland, udgivne af Commissionen for Ledelsen af de geologiske og geographiske Unders0gelser i Gr0nland. Heft 1 > la. 8. Kj0benhavn, 1879 -* 932. Mededeelingen uit 's Lands Plantentuin. [DeelJ 7 (-75). la. 8. Batavia, 1890-1904. [Continued as :] Mededeelingen uitgaande van het Departement van Landbouw. [Deel] 1 - la. 8. Batavia, 1905 -# Imperfect : wanting numbers 3-5 of the second series. Mededeelingen van het Transvaal Museum. See 197. 933. Medical and Philosophical Commentaries. By a Society of Physicians in Edinburgh. [Edited by A. Duncan. ] Vol. 1-3. 80. London, [1773J-1775. Volumes 1 and 2 are of the 2nd edition. 934. Medical Commentaries, for the year 1780 (-1795). Exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discoveries in medicine and medical philosophy. Collected and published by A. Duncan. Vol. 7 Decade 2, vol. 10. 8. London (Edinburgh), [1780J-1795. Volume 7 is of the 2nd edition published in 1783. Imperfect: wanting volume 9 of decade 1, and volume 3 of decade 2. [Continued as :] Annals of Medicine, for the year 1796 (-1804) ... By A. Duncan, Sen. and Jun. Vol. 1 Lustrum 2, vol. 3. 8. Edinburgh, 1796-1804. No more published. After 1804 the 'Annals ' was continued as : ' The Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal.' 935. Medical Communications. [Published by the Society for Promoting Medical Knowledge.] Vol. 1-2. 8. London, 1784-90. 936. Medical Essays and Observations, revised and published by a Society in Edinburgh". Vol. 1-2. 8. Edinburgh, 1733-34. MEDICAL 147 Medical Essays and Observations . . . abridg'd from the Philo- sophical Transactions. See 1230. Medical Facts and Observations. See 894. 937. Medical Observations and Inquiries. By a Society of Physicians in London. Vol. 1-& 80. London, [1757J-1784. No more published. Volume 1 is of the 3rd edition published in 1763. 938. Medical Transactions, published by the College of Physicians in London. Vol. 1-6. 8. London, 1768-1820. 939. Medicinisch-chemische Untersuchungen. Aus dem Laboratorium fur angewandte Chemie zu Tubingen herausgegeben von F. Hoppe- Seyler. Heft 1-4. 8. Berlin, 1866-71. 940. Medico-Chimrgical Transactions. Published by the Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. Vol. 1-90. 8\ London, 1809-1907. No more publistied. After volume 90 the t Medico-Chirurgical Transactions' was published as a section of the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine' (q.v. No. 1317). Medley (J. G.). Professional Papers on Indian Engineering. See 1333. Meinecke (J. L. G.). Journal fur Chemie und Physik. See 62. Melanges de Philosophic et de Mathematique de la Societe royale de Turin. See 1078. 941. Melanges hydrographiques ; ou recueil de documents relatil's a 1'hydrographie et a la navigation, revus et mis en ordre par B. Darondeau. Extraits des Annales maritimes et coloniales. Tom. 1-3. la. 8. Paris, 1846-47. [Continued as :] Annales hydrographiques, recueil d'avis, instructions, documents et memoires relatifs a 1'hydrographie et a la navigation, publie par le D6pot general de la Marine (publie par le Service des Instructions nautiques). Tom. 1 Serie 2, torn. 13. la. 8. Paris, 1849-91. Imperfect : icantmg volume 9 of the 1st series, and volumes 3-4 of the 2nd series. 942. Memoire de la Societe royale et centrale d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts dn Departement du Word, s. Bruxelles, 1820-45. [Continued as :] Memoires de 1'Acade'mie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux- Arts de Belgique. Tom. 20-54. 4. Bruxelles, 1847-1904. [Continued as:] Academie royale de Belgique. Classe des Sciences. Memoires. Col- lection in-4. Serie 2, torn. 1 > 4. Bruxelles, (1904) * [II.] Memoires sur les Questions proposees par 1'Academie royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles . . . qui ont remporte les prix et 1'accessit en 1817 (-1825). Tom. 1-5. 4. Bruxelles, 1818-26. [Continued as :] Memoires couronnes par 1'Academie royale des Sciences et Belles- Lettres de Bruxelles. 1826 (-1841). Tom. 6-15, partie 1. 4. Bruxelles, 1827-41. [Continued as :] Memoires couronnes et Memoires des Savants etrangers, publies par 1'Academie royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles. 1841 (-1845). Tom. 15, partie 2 torn. 18. 4. Bruxelles, 1843-45. 150 MEMOIRES [Continued as:] Memoires couronnSs et Memoires des Savants Strangers, publies par 1'Academie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. 1845 (-1889). Tom. 19-51. 4. Bruxelles, 1847-89. [III.] Memoires couronnes et Memoires des Savants etrangers, publies par 1'Academie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Collection in-8. Tom. 1-6. 8. Bruxelles, 1840-53. [Continued as :] Memoires couronnes et autres Memoires, publi&s par l'Academie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Collection in-8. Tom. 7-66. 8. Bruxelles, 1858-1904. [Continued as :] Academie royale de Belgique. Classe des Sciences. Memoires. Col- lection in-8. Serie 2, torn. 1 > 8. Bruxelles, 1904 > In 1904 tJte above three series (I, II and III) were discontinued, the publications of the Society being divided into two sections : 'A. Memoires de la Classe des Sciences ' and ' B. Memoires de la Classe des Lettres et des Sciences morales etpolitiques et de la Classe des Beaux-Arts '. Each section consists of a ' Collection in-4 ' and a ( Collection in-8 '. Tfiis set contains section ' A ' only. Memoires de l'Academie nationale de Medecine de Paris. See 951. Memoires de l'Academie uationale de Metz. Sec 1525. 950. Memoires de l'Academie {nationale} des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon. Classe des Sciences. Nouvelle serie, torn. 1-31. la. 8. Lyon (et Paris), 1851-92. [Continued as :] Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon. Sciences et Lettres. Serie 3, torn. 1 > la. 8. Paris et Lyon, 1893 > Memoires de l'Academie nationale des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse. See 69O. Memoires de l'Academie royale de Belgique. See 949. 951. Memoires de l'Academie {royale} (nationale) de Medecine. Tom. 1-14. 4. Paris, 1828-49. 952. Memoires de l'Academie royale de Medecine de Belgique. Tom. 1-5. 4. Bruxelles, 1848-96. See also 'Memoires courwnes et autres memoires publies par l'Academie' (No. 943). Memoires de l'Academie royale de Metz. See 1525. Memoires de l'Academie royale de Savoie. See 958. Memoires de l'Academie royale des Sciences (de Paris). See 686. M&MOIRES 151 953. Memoires cle 1' Academic royale cles Sciences, Arts et Belles- Lettres de Caen. 1823 (-1866). 8. Caen, 1825-67. Memoires de 1' Academic royale des Sciences de 1'Institnt de France. See 686. Memoires de 1' Academic royale des Sciences de Turin. See 1078, Memoires de 1' Academic royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. See 949. Memoires de 1' Academic royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Berlin. See 687. Memoires de 1' Academic royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark. See 1514. Memoires de r Academic royale des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse. See 690. 954. Memoires de 1' Atheiiee de Niort, Societe Libre des Sciences et des Arts du Departement des Deux-Sevres. Vol. 1. 8. Niort, [1808?]. Memoires de 1'Institut des Sciences et Arts. Sec 686. Memoires de 1'Iiistitut national des Sciences et Arts. See 686. 955. Memoires de 1'Institut national genevois. Annee 1858 > Tom. 1 > 4. Geneve, 1854 > Memoires de 1'Observatoire de Paris. See 131. Memoires de la Classe des Sciences mathematiques et physiques de 1'Institut de France. See 686. Memoires de la Section de Medecine de 1' Academic des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. See 32. Memoires de la Section des Sciences de 1' Academic des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. Sec 32. Memoires de la Societe academique d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts du Departement de 1'Aube. See 992. 956. Memoires de la Societe academique d'Archeologie, Sciences et Arts du Departement de 1'Oise. Tom. 1-5. la. 8. Beauvais, 1847-62. Imperfect : wanting pp. 225 to the end of volume 5. 957. Memoires de la Societe academique de Maine-et-Loire. Vol. 1-16. 80. Angers, 1857-64. 958. Memoires de la Societe (royale) academique de Savoie. Tom. 1-12. 8. Chambery, 1825-46. [Continued as :] Memoires de l'Acad6mie royale de Savoie. S6rie 2, torn. 1-3. 8. Chambery, 1851-59. 152 M&MOIKES Memoires de la Societe beige de Geologic, de Paleontologie et d'Hydrologie. See 462. Memoires de la Societe d' Agriculture, Commerce, Sciences et Arts de la Ville de Mende. See 990. 959. Memoires de la Societe d' Agriculture, des Sciences et des Arts de 1'Arrondissement de Valenciennes. Tom. 1-5. 8. Valenciennes, 1833-45. 960. Memoires de la Societe d' Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et Eelles- Lettres de Bayeux. Tom. 1-4. la. 8. Bayeux, 1842-[1850]. [Continued as :] Bulletin de la Societe d 'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Bayeux. Annees 1850 (-1853). la. 8 >. Paris, Bayeux, [1852-54 ?]. 961. Memoires de la Societe (nationale, imperiale) d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d' Angers. Tom. 1 Nouvelle p. Paris (Strasbourg), 1830-70. 965. Memoires de la Societe d'Histoire naturelle du Departement de la Moselle. Cahier 1. 8. Metz, 1843. [Continued as:] Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire naturelle du D6partement de la Moselle. Cahier 2-9. 8. Metz, 1844-60. Memoires de la Societe de Biologie. See 576. Memoires de la Societe de Medeciue et de Chirurgie de Bordeaux. See 991. 966. Memoires de la Societe de Physique et d'Histoire naturelle de Geneve. Tom. 1 - la. 4. Geneve, 1821 * Memoires de la Societe des Lettres, Sciences et Arts et d' Agri- culture de Metz. See 1525. MMOIKES 153 \ 967. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences, Agriculture et Arts de Strasbourg. Partie des Sciences. Tom. 1. 8. Strasbourg, 1811. ^Iconomie interieure, Litterature et Arts. Tom. 2. 8. Strasbourg, 1823. [Continued as:] Journal de la Societe des Sciences, Agriculture et Arts, du Departe- ment du Bas-Rhin, seant a Strasbourg. Tom. 1-5. 8. Strasbourg, 1824-28. [No more published until 1832, when the ' Journal ' was continued as :] Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe des Sciences, Agriculture et Arts du Departement du Bas-Khin. Tom. 1-3. 8. Strasbourg, 1832-42. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences, Arts, Belles-Lettres et Agri- culture de la Ville de Saint-Quentin. See 1526. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres du Hainault. See 993. 968. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences et des Lettres de la Ville de Blois. Tom. 1-5. 8. Blois, 1833-56. 969. Memoires de la Societe (nationale) des Sciences uaturelles (et mathematiques) de Cherbourg. Vol. 1-36. 8 (la. 8). Cherbourg, 1852-1907. Volumes 11 to 36 are also numbered Serie 2, torn. 1 Serie 4, torn. 6. 970. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences naturelles de Heuchatel. Tom. 1-4. 4. Neuchatel, 1835-74. 971. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences naturelles de Seiue-et-Oise ; precedes d'un compte-rendu des travaux et d'une histoire de cette Societe depuis sa fondation jusqu'au . . . 1835. [Tom. 1.] 8. Versailles et Paris, 1835. 972. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux. Tom. 1 > la. 8. Bordeaux (et Paris), 1854 > Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-28 of volume 9. 973. Memoires de la Societe dunkerquoise pour I'eucouragemeut des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts. Vol. j 1 ] 7. 8. Dunkerque, 1853-61. 974. Memoires de la Societe etlmologique. Tom. 1-2. 8. Paris, 1841-45. 975. Memoires de la Societe geologique de Belgique. Tom. 2 4. Liege, 1904 * Volume 1 of the 'Memoires' was issued as volume 25 Ms of the ' Annales de la Societe ' (q. v. No. 142). 154 M&MOIKES 976. Memoires de la Societe geologique de France. Tom. 1 Serie 3, torn. 5. 4 (la. 4). Paris, 1833-91 -> Paleontologie. No. 1 - la. 8. Paris, 1890 -> Memoires de la Societe imperiale d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d' Angers. Sec 961. Memoires de la Societe imperiale d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts, scant a Douai. See 942. Memoires de la Societe imperiale d'Emulation d'Abbeville. See 982. 977. Memoires de la Societe imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Tom. 1-5. 4. Moscou, [1806J-1817. Volume 1 is 2nd edition, published in 1811. Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Tom. 1 [i. e. Tome 7 de la collection] > 4 and fol. Moscou, 1829 -> Imperfect: wanting volume 5, pp. 137-304 of volume 14 and pp. 147- 218 of volume 15. Memoires de la Societe imperiale des Sciences, de 1' Agriculture et des Arts, a Lille. See 984. 978. Memoires de la Societe libre d'Emulation de Liege. Proces- verbaux, rapports des seances publiques et pieces couronnees. Nou- velle serie, torn. 1-3. 8. Liege, 1860-66. Memoires de la Societe linneenne de Normandie. See 980. 979. Memoires de la Societe linneenne de Paris, precedes de son histoire, pendant les annees 1823 et 1824 (-1827). Tom. 3-6. 8. Paris, 1825-[1828]. 980. Memoires de la Societe linneenne du Calvados. An nee 1824 (-1825). [Tom. 1-2.] 8. Caen (et Paris), 1824-25. [Continued as :] Memoires de la Societe linneenne de Normandie, publies par M. de Caumont. Annees 1826 et 1827 (-1828). [Tom. 1-2.] 80. Paris, 1827-28. Annees 1839-42. Vol. 7. 4. Paris, 1842. Vol. 18 [i. e.] Serie 2, vol. 2 -> 4. Caen, 1894 - Imperfect : wanting pp. 109 to the end of volume 21 of the .2nd series. Memoires de la Societe malacologique de Belgique, See 146. Memoires de la Societe medico-chirnrgicale des Hopitaux et Hospices de Bordeaux. See 991. 981. Memoires de la Societe uationale academique de Cherbourg. 1875 (et 1879). 8. Cherbourg et Caen, 1875-79. MtiMOIKES 155 Memoires de la Societe nationale d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d' Angers. See 961. Memoires de la Societe nationale d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts, scant a Douai. See 942. Memoires de la Societe nationale des Sciences naturelles et mathematicLu.es de Cherbourg. See 969. Memoires de la Societe paleontologiqne suisse. See 17. Memoires de la Societe royale academique de Savoie. Sec 958. Memoires de la Societe royale d' Agriculture et de Commerce de Caen. See 125O. 982. Memoires de la Societe {royale} (impe'riale) d'ilmulation d' Abbe- ville. 1833 (-1860). 8. Abbeville, [1833 J-1861. 983. M6moires de la Societe royale des Antiquaires du Nord. 1836 (-1847). 8. Copenhague, [1839J-1847. Memoires de la Societe royale des Sciences, Arts, Belles-Lettres et Agriculture de la Ville de Saint-Quentin. See 1526. Memoires de la Societe royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Orleans. See 491. 984. Memoires de la Societe {royale} (imperiale) des Sciences, del' Agri- culture et des Arts, a Lille. 1827 (-1855 [i. e.] Serie 2, vol. 2). 8. Lille (et Paris), 1829-56. 985. Memoires de la Soci6te royale des Sciences de Liege. Tom. 1 la. 8. Liege (Bruxelles), 1843 -* Memoires de la Societe royale des Sciences, Lettres et Arts de Nancy. See 1248. Memoires de la Societe royale du Canada. See 1254. Memoires de la Societe royale et centrale d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts du Departemeut du Nord. See 942. 986. Memoires de Mathematique et de Physique, presented a 1'Academie royale des Sciences par divers s^avans, et lus dans ses assemblies. Tom. 1-11. 40. Paris, 1750-86. No more published. 987. Memoires de Physique et de Chimie, de la Societe d'Arcueil. Tom. 1-3. 8. Paris, 1807-17. 988. Memoires des Coucours et des Savants etrangers, publics par 1' Academic royale de Medecine de Belgiqne. Tom. 1-8. 4. Bruxelles, 1847-88. Memoires des Facnltes de Lille. See 1677. 156 MfiMOIKES 989. Memoires des Societes savantes et litteraires de la Republique frangaise ; recueillis et rediges par les Citoyens Prony, Parmentier, Duhainel, Gamier, Lansel, Marchais, Doussin-Dubreuil, Tourlet. Tom. 1-2. 4. Paris, an ix (1801) an x (1802). Memoires du Museum d'Histoire naturelle. See 162. 990. Memoires et Analyse des Travaux de la Societe d' Agriculture, Commerce, Sciences et Arts de la Ville de Mende, chef-lieu du Departement de la Lozere. [Tom. 1-16.] 8. Mende, 1827-49. [Continued as :] Bulletin de la Societe d'Agriculture, Industrie, Sciences et Arts du Departement de la Lozere. Tom. 1-15. 8. Mende, 1850-64. Memoires et Bulletins de la Societe de Medecine et de Chirurgie de Bordeaux. See 991. 991. Memoires et Bulletins de la Societe medico-chirurgicale des Hopitaux et Hospices de Bordeaux. Tom. 1-6. la. 8. Paris, Bordeaux, 1866-71. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-294 of volume 2, and the whole of volume 5. [Continued as:] Memoires et Bulletins de la Societe de Medecine et de Chirurgie de Bordeaux. Annee 1872 -> la. 8. Bordeaux (et Paris), 1873 > Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1879, 1897 and 1898, From Annee 1905 onivards the title reads ' Bulletins et Memoires ', etc. Memoires et Comptes reudus de la Societe royale du Canada. See 1254. 992. Memoires et Lettres de la Societe d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts du Departement de 1'Aube. Tom. 1. 8". Troyes, 1822-23. \ [Continued as:] Memoires de la Societk (academique) d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts (et Belles-Lettres) du Departement de 1'Aube. Tom. 2-33. 8 (la. 8' J ). Troyes, 1824-69. Volumes 14 to 33 are also numbered Serie 2, torn. 1 Serie 3, torn. 6. Memoires et Observations recueillies par la Societe oeconomique de Berne. See 1379. 993. Memoires et Publications de la Societe des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres du Hainault. Ann 4. Boston (Cambridge [Mass.]), 1785 - 999. Memoirs of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Vol. 1. 4. Salem, Mass., 1875. 1000. Memoirs of the Analytical Society. 1813. No more published. 4. Cambridge, 1813. Memoirs of the Anthropological Society of London. See 1025. 1001. Memoirs of the (Royal) Astronomical Society {of London}. Vol. 1 - 4. London, 1822 - Memoirs of the Australian Museum. See 375. 1002. Memoirs of the Board of Agriculture of the State of New York. Vol. 1. 8. Albany, 1821. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History. See 442. 1003. Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association. Vol. 1 > la. 8. London, 1893 -> 1004. Memoirs of the Caledonian Horticultural Society. Vol. 1. 8. Edinburgh, 1814. 1005. Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences. Vol. 2-4. 4. San Francisco, 1888-1904. 158 MEMOIRS 1006. Memoirs (and Proceedings) of the Chemical Society of London. 1841 (-1848). Vol. 1-3. 8. London, 1843-48. [Continued as :] The Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London. Vol. 1-14. " 8. London, 1849-62. [Continued as :] The Journal of the Chemical Society of London. Vol. 15 > 8. London, 1862 > 1007. Memoirs of the College of Science and Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Kyoto, 1903 > 1008. Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. 1, parts l-[4]. 8. New Haven, 1810-[1816]. No more published. From 1819 to 1865 the memoirs of the Academy were published in the ' American Journal of Science ' (q. v. No. 74), and from 1866 onwards they were continued as : Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. 1 - la. 8<>. New Haven, 1866 > Imperfect : wanting pp. 343 to tJie end of volume 4. 1009. Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India. [Published by the] Agricultural Research Institute, Fusa. Botanical Series. Vol. 1 - la. 8. Calcutta, 1906 - Chemical Series. Vol. 1 -> la. 8. Calcutta, 1906 - Imperfect: wanting pp. 39-44, and pp. 117-132 of volume 1. Entomological Series. Vol. 1 * la. 8. Calcutta, 1906 Imperfect: wanting pp. 357 to the end of volume 1, and pp. 111-138 of volume 2. 1010. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain} (England and Wales. Scotland. Ireland.) [Vol. 1 ] la. 8. London, 1846 > 1011. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Practical Geology. (Mining Records. } Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom ... for 1853 (-1872). la. 8. London, 1855-73. 1012. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India. Vol. 1 > la. 8<>. Calcutta, 1859 > Palaeontologia Indica. Series 1 > la. 4. Calcutta, 1862 - 1013. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of New South Wales. Ethno- logical Series. No. 1. 4. Sydney, 1899. Geology. No. 1 4. Sydney, 1887 > Palaeontology. No. 1 > 4. Sydney, 1888 MEMOIKS 159 1014. Memoirs of the Indian Museum. Vol. 1 > la. 4o. Calcutta, 1907 * 1015. Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Vol. 1 3rd series, vol. 10. 8. [Warrington], (Manchester, London), [1785J-1887. Volumes 1 and 2 are of the second edition, published at London in 1789. After volume 10 of the 3rd series the 'Memoirs' was united with the ' Proceedings ' of the Society (q. v. No. 1296} and continued as : Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philo- sophical Society. Series 4, vol. 1. (Old Series, vol. 31) 80. Manchester, 1888 - 1016. Memoirs of the Literature College, Imperial University of Japan. No. 1. sm. fol. Tokyo, 1887. Memoirs of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. See 890. Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. See 1016. 1017. Memoirs of the Medical Society of London. Vol. 1-5. 80. London, 1787-99. 1018. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard College. Vol. 1 > 4. Cambridge, [Mass.], 1864 > 1019. Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 1 > 4. Washington, 1866 -* Imperfect: wanting pp. 15-56 of volume 8. 1020. Memoirs of the Peabody Academy of Science. Vol. 1-2. sm. fol. Salem, Mass., 1869-86. Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. Sec 1001. Memoirs of the Royal Society [of London]. See 123O. 1021. Memoirs of the Royal Society of South Australia. Vol. 1 4. Adelaide, 1899 - 1022. Memoirs of the Science Department, University of Tokio. No. 1-11. 4. Tokio, 1879-85. Tlie title, of volume 10 is: ' Abliandlungen des Tokio Daigaku.' [After number 12 continued as :] The Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Japan (University of Tokyo). Vol. 1 -> 4. Tokyo, 1887 > Imperfect : wanting article 9 of volume 19. 1023. Memoirs of the University of California. Vol. 1 la. 4. Berkeley, 1908 -> 1024. Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society. 1808 (-1838). Vol. 1-8, pt. 1. 8. Edinburgh, 1811-39. 160 MEMOIKS 1025. Memoirs read before the Anthropological Society of London. 1863 (-1869). Vol. 1-3. 8. London, 1865-70. Memoirs read before the Boston Society of Natural History. See 442. 1026. Memorias da Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa. 1780-88. Tom. 1. 4. Lisboa, 1797. [Continued as:] Memorias de Mathematica e Phisica da Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Tom. 2-3. 4. Lisboa, 1799-1814. [Continued as :] Historia e Memorias da Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Tom. 4 Serie 2, torn. 3. 4. Lisboa, 1815-51. [Continued as :] Memorias da Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Classe de Sciencias mathematicas, physicas e naturaes. Nova Serie, torn. 1-6. 4. Lisboa, 1854-87. Imperfect : wanting part 2 of volume 3. See also No. 1031. 1027. Memorias de Agricnltura premiadas pela Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa. 1787 (-1790). sm. 8. Lisboa, 1788-91. 1028. Memorias de la real Academia de Ciencias (exactas, fisicas y natu- rales de Madrid). Tom. 1 > 4. Madrid, 1850 -> 1029. Memorias (y Kevista) de la Sociedad cientifica ' Antonio Alzate '. Tom. 1 -> la. 8. Mexico, 1887 -* Memorias de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia natural. See 85. Memorias de Mathematica e Fhisica da Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa. See 1026. 1030. Memorias del Institute geografico y estadistico. Tom. 1-9. la. 8. Madrid, 1875-92. 1031. Memorias economicas da Academia real das Sciencias de Lisboa, para o adiantamento da Agricultura, das Artes, e da Industria em Portugal e suas Conquistas. Tom. 1-5. sm. 4. Lisboa, 1789-1815. Memorias y Bevista de la Sociedad cientifica ' Antonio Alzate '. See 1029. Memorie del reale Istituto lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. See 1034. 1032. Memorie del reale Istituto veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Vol. 1 -> la. 4. Venezia, 1843 > Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-470 of volume 22. MEMORIE 161 Memorie dell' Accademia delle Scienze, Letter e ed Arti di Geneva. Sec 1035. Memorie dell' Accademia imperiale delle Scienze e Belle Arti di Geneva. See 1035. Memorie dell' Ateneo di Treviso. See 1045. 1033. Memorie dell* imperiale regio Istitnto del Begno lombardo- veneto. Vol. 1-5. 4. Milano, 1819-38. 1034. Memorie dell' i. r. Istitnto lombardo di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Vol. 1-9. la. 4. Milano, 1843-63. Volumes 8 to 9 are also numbered Serie 2, vol. 2-3. [Continued as :] Memorie del reale Istituto lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Classe di Scienze matematiche e naturali. Vol. 10 [i. e.] Serie 3, vol. 1 -> la. 4. Milano, 1867 -* 1035. Memorie dell' Institute lignre. [Vol. 1.] 4. Geneva, 1806. [Continued as :] Memorie dell' Accademia imperiale delle Scienze e Belle Arti di Genova. Vol. 2. 4. Geneva, 1809. [Continued as :] Memorie dell' Accademia delle Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di Genova. Vol. 3. 40. Genova, 1814. 1036. Memorie dell' Istitnto naziouale italiauo. Classe di Fisica e Matematica. Tom. 1-2. 4. Bologna, 1806-10. 1037. Memorie dell' Osservatorio {dell' Universita Gregoriana} del CoUegio romano. Anno 1851 (-1863). 4. Eoma, 1852-63. Memorie della Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istitnto di Bologna. See 44O. 1038. Memorie della pontificia Accademia (romana) dei nnovi Lincei. Vol. 1 - 4. Roma, 1887 * Memorie della reale Accademia dei Lincei. See 364. Memorie della reale Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istitnto di Bologna. Sec 440. Memorie della reale Accademia delle Scienze di Napoli. See 365. Memorie della reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. See 1078. 1040. Memorie della reale Accademia di Scienze, Belle Lettere ed Arti. Tom. 1. 4. Mantova, 1795. 162 MEMORIE Memorie della reale Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti degli Zelanti, Acireale. Sec 374. Memorie della Societa botanica italiana. See 1182. 1041. Memorie della Societa degli Spettroscopisti italiani. Vol. 1 > 4. Palermo (Catania), 1872 * 1042. Memorie della Societa italiana di Scienze natural!. Vol. 1-4. la. 4. Milano, 1866-73. No more publislied. Only numbers 1-5 of volume 3, and numbers 1-3 and 5 of volume 4 were ever issued. 1043. Memorie della Societa poutaniana di Napoli. Vol. 1. 4. [Napoli], 1810. [Continued as :] Atti della Society pontaniana di Napoli. Tom. 2-3. 4. Napoli, 1812-19. Atti della Accademia pontaniana. Vol. 20 > 4. Napoli, 1890 - Memorie della Societa toscana di Scienze natural! residente in Pisa. See 373. 1044. Memorie di Matematica e (di) Fisica della Societa italiana (delle Scienze residente in Modena). Tom. 1-25. 4. Verona (Modena), 1782-1855. Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica della Societa italiana delle Scienze. Serie 2, torn. 1 4. Modena (Firenze, Eoma), 1862 > 1045. Memorie scientifiche e letterarie dell' Ateneo di Treviso. Vol. 2-3. 4. Venezia (Treviso), 1819-24. 1046. Memorie valdarnesi. Vol. [l]-4. 8". Pisa, 1835-55. Mendel (E.). Neurologisches Centralblatt. See 1157. Mendelssohn (M.) and Kichet (C.). Archives slaves de Biologie. See 307. Menke (K. T.). Zeitschrift far Malakozoologie. See 1784. Mense (C.). Archiv fur Schiffs- und Tropen-Hygiene. See 289. 1047. II Mercnrio italico: o sia, ragguaglio generale intorno alia littera- tura, belle arti, utili scoperte, ec. di tutta 1' Italia. The Italian Mercury : or, a general account concerning the literature, fine arts, useful discoveries, &c., of all Italy. [Edited by F. Sastres.] Vol. 1-3, pt. 1. la. 8. Londra, 1789-90. 1048. Mercnrio Peruauo de Historia, Literatura, y Noticias publicas quo da a luz la Sociedad Academica de Amantes de Lima, etc. Tom. 1-12. sm. 4. Lima, 1791-95. No more published. MEEKEL 163 Merkel (F.) and Bonnet (R.). Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Ent- wickelungsgeschichte. See 628. 1049. Messager des Sciences et des Arts de la Belgique, cm nouvelles archives historiques, litteraires et scientifiques, recueil publie par F. de Reiffenberg, E. Jacquemyns, C. P. Serrure, A. van Lokeren, A. Voisin et L. A. Warnkoenig. Tom. 1-3. 80. Gand, 1833-35. Messenger of Mathematics. See 1211. 1050. A Meteorologiai es Fblddelejessegi Magy. Kir. Kozponti Intezet Evkonyvei. Evfolyam 1880 (-1903). Kotet 10-33. 4o. Budapest, 1883-1904. TJie volumes have a second title in German : ' Jalirbiicher der Icon, ung. Central-Anstalt fur Meteorologie tmd Erdmagnetismus.'' Imperfect : ivanting part 2 of volume 26 (1896), part 1 of volume 27 (1897), volumes 28 and 29 (1898 and 1899), part 1 of volume 30 (1900), part 2 of volume 31 (1901), and part 1 of volume 33 (1903). Meteorological Magazine. See 1559. 1051. Meteorological Observations at Stations of the Second Order. Compiled for the Quarterly Weather Reports (published by direction of the Meteorological Committee of the Royal Society}. (Published by the Meteorological Council.) 1875 [Vol. 1 ]. 4o. London, 1876 > Imperfect : ivanting the volume for the year 1898. 1052. Meteorological Observations made at the Adelaide Observatory (and other places in South Australia and the Northern Territory), during the year 1876 (-1905). sm. fol. Adelaide, 1878-1907. Imperfect : ivanting the volumes for the years 1900 to 1903. Meteorological Observations made at the Government Obser- vatory, Sydney. See 1055. 1053. Meteorological Observations made at the Hongkong Observatory in the year 1904 > fol. Hongkong, 1905 * Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1905 and 1907. 1054. Meteorological Observations made at the Private Observatory of John Tebbutt, Jtmr., . . . Windsor, New South Wales, in the year 1863 (-1890). sm. fol. Sydney, 1868-91. Imperfect : wanting tJie volumes for the years 1871 to 1885. Meteorological Observations made at the Bousdon Observatory. See 1465. 1055. Meteorological Observations made at the (Royal] (Government) Observatory, Sydney. 1870 (-1877). la. 8. Sydney, 1870-79. Meteorological Observations of the Royal Society of London. See 1472. M 2 164 METEOROLOGICAL 1056. Meteorological Office. Daily Weather Reports. 1st January to 30th June, 1898. 4. [London, 1898. ] 1057. The Meteorological Record. Monthly results of observations made at the stations of the (Royal) Meteorological Society, with remarks on the weather for the year 1881 > By W. Marriott. Vol. 1 > la. 80. London, 1882 - Meteorological Report, New Zealand. See 1161. Meteorological Report of Stony hurst Observatory. See 1542. 1058. MeTeopojoriraecKift CoopHiiicb. HsjjaBaeMufi HMnepa-ropCKOio AKa^eMieio Hayict. TOMI, 1-17. la. 4. CaHKTneTep6ypr-B, 1870-94. The volwnes have a second title in German: ' Repertorium fur Meteorologie. Herausgegeben von der Jcaiserlichen AJcademie der Wissenschaften. ' 1059. Mm-opo.ioni'H'c i;i;i llao.no.iniiji llpoii.iiiiMmiii.ui it i, TlUPJlfCCKOll ($H3nqecKoft) OficepBaxopiii. 1876 (-1890). sm. 4. TH<|>JIHCT,, [1877J-1891. Imperfect : wanting the volume for the year 1878. The volumes have a second title-page in German : ' Meteorologische Beolachtungen angesteUt im Tifliser (pliysikalisclieri) Olservatorium.' 1060. MeTeopoaoriraecKifl llao.iiojciiia Tit.iiiccKoii n:)init'CKoif O6cep- Baxopiii. 1879 (-1890). sm. 4<>. Tn^jraci,, 1880-91. The volumes have a second title-page in German: f Magnetische Beobachtungen des Tifliser physikalisclien Observatoriums.' Meteorologiscb. Jaarboek. Sec 1064. 1061. Meteorologische Beobachtungen an der k.-k. Stern warte in Wien von 1775 bis 1855 . . . Herausgegeben von C. von Littrow und C. Hornstein (E. Weiss). Bd. 1-5. 8. Wien, 1860-66. 1062. Meteorologische Beobachtungen angestellt auf Veranstaltnng der natnrforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich. 1837 (-1846). 4. Ztirich, [1837-46]. Meteorologische Beobachtungen angestellt im Tifliser (physika- lisclien) Observatorium. Sec 1059. 1063. Meteorologische Beobachtungeu angestellt in Dorpat . . . im Jahre 1866 (-1892), redigirt und bearbeitet von A. von Oettingen. Jahrgang [l]-27. la. 8<>. Dorpat (Jurjew), 1868-93. 1064. Meteorologische Waarnemiugeu in Nederland. 1851 (-1852) . . . Door C. H. D. Buys Ballot. la. 8. Utrecht, 1852. Meteorologische Waarnemingen in Nederland (en zijne Bezittingen), en" Afwijkingen van temperatuur en barometerstand op andere plaatsen in Europa. Uitgegeven door het koninklijk nederlandsch meteorologisch Instituut. 1854 (-1864). obi. 4<>. Utrecht, 1855-65. METEOROLOGISCHE 165 [Continued as :] [I.] (Nederlandsch) Meteorologisch Jaarboek. Eerste Gedeelte. (Waarnemingen in Nederland.} Uitgegeven door het koninklijk nederlandsch meteorologisch Instituut. 1865 (-1881). obi. 4. Utrecht, 1866-82. [II.] (Nederlandsch) Meteorologisch Jaarboek. Tweede Gedeelte. Afwijkingen van Temperatuur en Barometerstand op vele Plaatsen in Europa. Uitgegeven door het koninklijk nederlandsch meteoro- logisch Instituut. 1865 (-1881). obi. 4. Utrecht, 1866-82. Imperfect : wanting the second section for the year 1875, and the volumes for the years 1877 to 1880. 1065. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von der deutschen meteorologischen Gesellschaft. Jahrgang 1-2. sm. fol. Berlin, 1884-85. United with the 'Zeitschrift der osterreichischen Gesellschaft fur Meteorologie ' (q. v. No. 1769} and continued as : Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von der (k.-k.) oester- reichischen Gesellschaft fur Meteorologie und der deutschen meteoro- logischen Gesellschaft. Jahrgang 3 > sm. fol. Berlin (Wien, Braunschweig), 1886 > 1066. Meteorologisclies Jahrbuch . . . init Eticksicht auf die hierher gehorigen meteorischen und astronomischen Beobachtungen nebst den Aspecten der Sonne, der Planeten und vorziiglich des Mondes, von A. Stark. 1813 (-1828). 4. Augsburg, 1814-29. 1067. Meteorologiska Zakttagelser i Sverige. Utgifna af Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien. 1859 (-1872). Bd. 1-14. obi. 4'\ Stockholm, 1860-74. [Continued as :] Meteorologiska lakttagelser i Sverige. Utgifna af Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien anstallda och utarbetade under inseende af Meteorologiska Central- Anstalten. 1873 (-1882). Bd. 15-24. 4. Stockholm, 1876-87. Volumes 15 to 24 have a second title in French : ' Observations meteorologiques suedoises, jpublites par V Academic royale des Sciences de Suede, executees et re'digees sous la direction de VInstitut central de Meteorologie.' TJiese are also numbered 2 dra Serien, Bd. 1-10. 1068. Meteorologiske lagttagelser paa Christiania Observatorium. 1864 (-1867). obi. 4. Christiania, 1865-68. 1069. The Meteorology of (the) Ben Nevis (Observatories). [From the foundation of the Observatories in 1883 > Vol. 1 J 4. Edinburgh, 1890 Published by the Royal Society of Edinburgh and issued as volumes of the ' Transactions ' of the Society (q. v. No. 1661). 166 MEUMANN Meumann (E.). Archiv fiir die gesamte Psychologie. See 1231. Meyer (F. A. A.). Zoologische Annalen. See 1804. Zoologisches Archiv. See 1804. Meyer (W. F.). Archiv der Mathematik und Physik. See 262. 1070. The Microscopical Journal and structural record for 1841 (-1842). Edited by D. Cooper (and G. Busk). 8. London, 1841-42. No more published. 1071. The Middlesex Hospital. Reports of the Medical, Surgical, (Obstetric) and Pathological Eegistrars for the year 1880 (-1901). 8. London, 1883-1903. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for the years 1889, 1890, and 1899. Millies (S.). Medical Essays and Observations. See 1230. Miller (W. J.). Mathematical Questions. See 923. Millin (A. L.). Annales encyclopediques. See 900. Magasin encyclopedique. See 900. Millon (E.) and Reiset (J.). Annuaire de Chimie. See 201. Milne (J.). Seismological Journal of Japan. See 1502. Milne-Edwards (H.). See Edwards (H. M.). 1072. Mineral Resources of the United States. (United States Geological Survey.) [Vol. 1 -*] 8. Washington, 1883 Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1894 to 1899. Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom. Sec 1011. 1073. The Mineralogical Magazine and journal of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1 > 8. Truro (London), 1877 > 1074. Mineralogische Mittheilungen. Gesammelt von G. Tschermak. Jahrgang 1871 (-1874). 4. Wien, 1871-74. The 'Mittheilungen' was also published as a supplement to the 'Jahrbuch der Jc.-Jc. geologischen Scichsanstalt' (q. v. No. 728). Mineralogisches Taschenbuch. See 1560. Minervini (G.). Bullettino archeologico napolitano. See 527. 1075. The Mining and Smelting Magazine : a monthly review of practical mining, quarrying, and metallurgy, and record of the mining and metal markets. Edited by H. C. Salmon. Vol. 1-7 [No. 2]. 8. London, 1862-65. No more published after number 3 of volume 7. 1076. Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers ; containing abstracts of the papers, etc. (With other selected and abstracted papers.) Vol. 1 > 8. London, [1837] > Volume 1 is a reprint published in 1848. The title of volumes 3 to 6 is l Institution of Civil Engineers ' only. MINUTES 167 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the National Physical Laboratory. See 1471. Miguel (F. A. G.). Annales Musei Botanic! Lugduno-Batavi. See 168. Miquel (F. A. W.). Bulletin des Sciences physiques et naturelles en Neerlande. See 490. 1077. Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Fhysica Academiae Naturae Curio- sorum, sive Ephemeridum Medico-Physicaruni Germanicarum Curiosarum. Annus 1 (-10;. Anni scilicet 1670 (-1679). sin. 4. Lipsiae (Vratislaviae et Bregae), 1670-80. [Continued as :] Miscellanea Curiosa, sive ephemeridum medico-physicarum Germani- carum Academic (Caesareo-Leopoldinae) Naturae Curiosorum. De- curiae II, annus 1 Decuriae III, annus 10. sm. 4. Norimbergiae (Francofurti et Lipsiae), 1682-1706. [Continued as :] Academise Caesareo-Leopoldinae (Carolinae) Naturae Curiosorum Ephemerides, sive observationum medico-physicarum a celeberrimis viris turn medicis, turn aliis eruditis in Germania et extra earn communicatarum, centuria 1 (-10). sm. 4. Francofurti et Lipsiae (Augustse Vindelicorum), 1712-22. [Continued as:] Acta Physico-Medica Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Cur-iosoruni exhibentia Ephemerides, sive observationes historias et experimenta a celeberrimis Germaniae et exterarum regionum viris habita et communicata. Vol. 1-10. sm. 4. Norinibergae, [1727]-! 754. [Continued as:] Nova Acta Physico-Medica, etc. Tom. 1-19. 4. Norimbergae (Erlangae, Vratislaviae et Bonnae), 1757-1839. [Continued as:] Novorum Actorum Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae (Ger- manicae) Naturae Curiosorum Vol. 20-35. 4. Vratislaviae et Bonnae (Dresdae), 1843-70. [Continued as :] Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanise Naturae Curiosorum. Tom. 36 > 4 (la. 4). Dresdae (Halis Saxonum), 1875 > Volumes 9 to 63 each have a second title-page : l Verliandlungen der Jcaiserlichen LcopoldiniscJi-Carolinischen Academic der Natur for seller' From volume 64 onwards the second title-page is : ' Abhandlungen der . Alcademie.' 168 MISCELLANEA 1078. Miscellanea Fhilosophico-Mathematica Societatis Privatae Taurinensis. Tom. 1. 4. August Taurinorum, 1759. [Continued as :] Melanges de Philosophie et de Math6matique de la Societe royale de Turin. Pour les annees 1760 (-1773). Tom. 2-5. 4o. Turin, [1 760-73 ?]. [Continued as:] Memoires de I'Academie royale des Sciences (de Turin). Ann6es 1784 (-1800). Vol. 6-11. 4o. Turin, 1786-1801. Divided into two sections : ' Sciences physiques et mathtmatiques ' and ' lAtterature et Beaux- Arts' (the latter of which is missing from this set) and continued as : M6moires de PAcad6mie (iinperiale) des Sciences, Litterature et Beaux-Arts de Turin. Sciences physiques et mathematiques. Annees x [1802] (-1812) [i.e. vol. 12-21 of the entire series]. 4. Turin, an xii [1804J-1813. [Continued as :] Memoires de 1'Academie royale des Sciences de Turin. Pour les annees 1813-14. (Vol. 22.) 4. Turin, 1816. [Continued as:'] Memorie della reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. Tom. 23 > 4 (la. 4). Torino, 1818 - The ' Memorie ' is divided into two sections : l Classe delle Science fisiche e matematiche (e naturali) ' and ' Classe delle Scienze (morali), storiche e filologiche '. From volume 40 (1890) onwards this set ivants the i Science morali, storiche e filologiche ' section. Miscellaneous Papers of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. See 334. Mittag-Leffler (G.). Acta Mathematica. See 41. 1079. Mittheilungen aus dent Archiv der Gesellschaft practischer Aerzte zn Riga. Sammlung 1. 8. Leipzig, Riga und Mitau, 1839. 1080. Mittheilnngen aus dem botanischen Institute zu Graz. Heraus- gegeben von H. Leitgeb. Heft 1-2. la. 8. Jena, 1886-88. 1081. Mittheilnugen aus dem Gebiete der gesammten Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von einer medicinisch-chirurgischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg. Bd. 1-2. 8. Hamburg, 1830-33. 1082. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Medicin, Chirnrgie und Pharmacie ; in Verbindung mit einem Vereine von Aerzten und Pharmaceuten der Herzogthiimer Schleswig und Holstein, heraus- gegeben von C. H. Pfaff. Jahrgang 1-9. 8. Kiel (Altona), 1832-43. Volumes 3 to 9 have a second tifl,e~page: 'Practische und Tcritische Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Medicin, Chirurgie und Pharmacie, etc. Neue Folge. Jahrgang 1-7.' MITTHEILUNGEN 169 1083. Mittheihvngen aus dem Jahrbuch der konigL ungarischen geologischen Anstalt. Bd. 1 > la. 8. Budapest, 1871 * Imperfect : wanting pp. 89-280 of volume 14. 1084. Mittheilungen aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte. Heraus- gegeben von Dr. Struck. Bd. 1-2. sm. fol. Berlin, 1881-84. Mitteilnngen aus dem naturhistorischen Museum iu Hamburg. See 1133. 1085. Mittheilungeu aus dem Osterlaude. Gemeinschaftlich heraus- gegeben von dem Kunst- und Handworks- Vereine, der naturfor- schenden {und der pomologischen} Gesellschaft (und vom land- wirthschaftlichen Vereine zu Altenburg). Bd. 1-15. 8<>. Altenburg, 1837-61. 1086. Mittheilungen aus den Verhandlungen der Gesellschaffc uatur- forschender Preunde zu Berlin. 1836 (-1838). Jahr 1-3. No more published. 8. Berlin, 1836-39. 1087. Mittheilungen aus den Verhandlungen der uaturwissenschaft- lichen Gesellschaft in Hamburg, vom Jahre 1845. 80. Hamburg, 1846. 1088. Mittheilungeu aus der mediciuischen Facultat der kaiserlich- japanischen Universitat. Bd. 1 -*> 4. Tokio, 1892 1089. Mittheilungen aus der zoologischen Station zu Neapel, zugleich ein Repertorium fiir Mittelmeerkunde. Bd. 1 > la. 8. Leipzig (Berlin), 1879 -* 1090. Mittheilungen aus Justus Ferthes' geographischer Anstalt iiber wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geo- graphie. Von A. Petermann. Bd. [l]-24. 4o. Gotha, 1855-78. [Continued as:] Dr. A. Petermann's Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt. Herausgegeben von E. Behm und M. Lindemann [and others]. Bd. 25 - 4o. Gotha, 1879 -> Erganzungsheft. [Bd. 1] - 4. Gotha, 1860 -> 1091. Mittheilungen der aargauischen uaturforschenden Gesellschaft. Heft 1 -> 80. Aarau, (1878) -> 1092. Mittheilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Bd. 1-33. 80 (4o). Wien, 1871-1903. Imperfect: wanting pp. 129 to the end of volume, 33. lliese volumes contain the ' Sitzungsberichte der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien'. Volumes 11 to 33 are also numbered New Folge, Bd. 1Folge 3, Bd. 3. 170 MITTHEILUNGEN 1093. Mittheiluugen der Erdbeben-Commission der kaiserlicheii Aka- demie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Neue Folge. No. 1 > la. 8. Wien, 1901 -> 1094. Mittheilungen der grossh[erzoglichen] Stern warte zu Heidelberg. Astrometrisches Institut. Herausgegeben von W. Valentiner. [Heft] 1 - 8. Karlsruhe, 1901 -> 1095. Mittheilungen der kaiserlicli-koiiiglichen geographischen Gesell- schaft. Jahrgang 1 * la. 8. Wien, 1857 * 1096. Mittheilungen der k.-k. mahrisch-schlesischen Gesellschaft zur Befdrdernng des Ackerbaues, der Natur- nnd Landesknnde in Brunn. Bd. 38-44. 4. Brunn, 1840-43. 1097. Mittheilungen der natnrforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern aus dem Jahre 1843 -* (Nr. 1 >) 8 (la. 8). Bern, 1843 -* 1098. Mittheilungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich. Bd. 1-4. 8. Zurich, (1847)-1856. Mitteilungen der physikalischen Gesellschaft, Zurich. See 753. 1099. Mittheilungen der prahistorischen Commission der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 1 > 4. Wien, 1888 - 1100. Mittheilungen der schweizerischen entomologischen Gesell- schaft. Kedigirt von Gr. Stierlin. Bd. 1-2. 80. Schaffhausen, 1865-68. 1101. Mittheilungen des badischen arztlichen Vereins. Besorgt durch E. Volz. Jahrgang 1-5. 80. Karlsruhe, 1847-51. 1102. Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines fiir Steier- mark. Bd. 1 ~ la. 8. Graz, 1863 - 1103. Mittheilnngen des Ssterreichischen Alpen-Vereines. Eedigirt von {E. v. Mojsisovics und} P. Grohmann. Bd. 1-2. sm. 8. Wien, 1863-64. Mitteilungen des sachsisch-thiiringischen Vereins fur Erdkunde zu Halle a. S. See 1105. 1104. Mitteilungen des Vereins fiir Erdknnde zu Dresden. Heft 1 8. Dresden, 1905 > 1105. Mittheilungen des Vereins fur Erdkunde zu Halle a. S. (Zugleich Organ des thuringisch-sachsischen Gesamtvereins fiir Erdkunde.) 1877 (-1907). Jahrgang [1]-31. la. 8. Halle, 1877-1907. [ContimiecJ as:] Mitteilungen des sachsisch-thtiringischen Vereins fur Erdkunde zu Halle a. S. Herausgegeben von A. Philippson. 1908 * Jahr- gang 32 -> la. 8. Halle a. S., 1908 -* MITTHEILUNGEN 171 1106. Mittheilungen des Vereins iibrdlich der Elbe zur Verbreitung naturwisseuscliaftlicher Kenntnisse. 1857 (-1862). Heft 1-5. 4 and 8<>. Kiel, 1857-63. 1107. Mittheilungen des wiirttembergischen aerztlichen Vereins. Bd. 1. 8. Stuttgart* 1834. Mohl (H.) and Schlechtendal (D. F. L. von). Botanische Zeitung. See 444. Mohn (H.). Jahrbuch des norwegischen meteorologischen Instituts. See 1165. Moigno (F.). Cosmos. See 591. Les Mondes. See 1112. Mojsisovics (E. von) and Groliniann (P.). Mittheilungen des o'ster- reichischen Alpen-Vereines. See 1103. and Neumayr (M.). Beitrage zur Palaontologie. See 384. Moleschott (J.). Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Menschen und der Thiere. See 1705. Moll (K. E. von). { Jabrblicher} (Annalen) der Berg- und Htittenkunde. See 739. 1108. Monatliche Correspondenz zur Befdrderung der Erd- und Himmelskunde. Herausgegeben von F. von Zach. Bd. 1-28. No more published. 8. Gotha, 1800-13. 1109. Monatliche Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlicheu Vereins des Regierungsbezirkes Frankfurt . . . Herausgegeben von E. Huth. Bd. 2-3. la. 8. Frankfurt a. Oder, 1885-86. Imperfect : ivanting pp. 1-96 of volume 2. {Continued as ;] Monatliche Mittheilungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Naturwissen- schaften. Organ des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins des Kegie- rungsbezirks Frankfurt. Bd. 4-7. la. 8. Berlin, 1887-90. [Continued as :] Abhandlungen und monatliche Mittheilungen aus dem Gesammtge- biete der Naturwissenschaften, etc. Bd. 8. la. 8. Berlin, 1891. [Continued as :] Helios. Abhandlungen und monatl. Mittheilungen aus dem Ge- sammtgebiete der Naturwissenschaften. Organ des naturwissen- schaftlichen Vereins des Kegierungs-Bezirks Frankfurt, etc. Bd. 9 - la. 80. Berlin, 1892 -* Monatsberichte der kbiiiglichen preuss. Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Berlin. See 408. 172 MONATS-SCHKIFT 1110. Monats-Schrift der Akademie der Kunste und mechauischen Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Bd. 1-3. 4. Berlin, 1788 [-1789]. Imperfect : wanting pp. 143 to the end of volume 3. 1111. Monatsschrift des wissenschaftlichen Vereins in Zurich. Jahrgang 1-4. 8. Zurich, 1856-59. 1112. Les Mondes. Revue hebdomadaire des sciences et de leurs applica- tions aux arts et a 1'industrie. Par [F.] Moigno. Tom. 1-32. la. 8. Paris, 1863-73. [Continued as :] Kd la. 8. Paris, 1885 * Imperfect : wanting volumes 14-17, 29, 30 and 32. Monographs of Cold Spring Harbor. See 558. 1113. Monographs of the United States Geological Survey. Vol. 1 * 4. Washington, 1890 - Imperfect : wanting part 1 of volume 32. Montfort (B. R. de). Cosmos. See 591. Monthly International Journal of Anatomy and Histology. See 714. Monthly Journal of Science. See 613. 1114. The Monthly Magazine, (and) (or) British register, for 1796 (-1826). Vol. 1-60. 80. London, 1796-1825. Imperfect : wanting volumes 57 and 59. Monthly Meteorological Magazine. See 1559. Monthly Microscopical Journal. See 1643. Monthly Notices of Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. See 1216. 1115. Monthly Notices of the (Eoyal) Astronomical Society of London, containing abstracts of papers, and reports of the proceedings of the Society. 1827 - Vol. 1 > 8 and 4. London, 1831 - Volumes 19 to 27 are printed in quarto as a supplement to volumes 28 to 36 of the ' Memoirs of the Astronomical Society ' (q. v. No. 1001). MONTHLY 173 Monthly Record of Results of Observations in Meteorology . . . taken at the Melbourne Observatory. See 1444. 1116. Monthly Report of the Department of Agriculture, for the year 1866 (-1876). la. 8. Washington, 1867-77. 1117. The Monthly Weather Report of the Meteorological Office. 1884 (-1887). 4. London, 1884-91. Monthly Weather Review and Annual Summary, United States of America. See 1693. Morgan (W.) and Crenze (A.). Papers on Naval Architecture. See 1218. Morley (F.). American Journal of Mathematics. See 71. Morokhowetz (L.). Le Physiologiste russe. See 1237. 1118. Morphologisches Jahrbuch. Eine Zeitschrift fur Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. Herausgegeben von C. Gegenbaur. Bd. 1-29. la. 8. Leipzig, 1876-1902. Morveau (L. B. G. de). Annales de Chimie. See 118. Motte (B.). Philosophical Transactions. See 1230. Mouchez (E.). Annales de 1'Observatoire de Paris. See 131. Moxon (C.). The Geologist. See 661. Muller (J.). Archiv fur Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medicin. See 275. Mulder (G. J.). Natuur- en scheikundig Archief. See 1139. Scheikundige Verhandelingen en Onderzoekingen. See 1482. Museum des Neuesten und Wissenswurdigsten aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaft. Sec 487. 1119. The Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs of Natural Sciences, Vol. 1, no. 1. 4. Brooklyn, 1904. 1120. The Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Science Bulletin. Vol. 1 > la. 8. New York (Brooklyn), 1901 -> 1121. Museum Senckenbergianum. Abhandluugen aus dem Gebiete der beschreibenden Naturgeschichte. Von Mitgliedern der senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main. Bd. 1-3. 4. Frankfurt am Main, 1834-45. Abhandlungen, herausgegeben von der senckenbergischen naturfor- schenden Gesellschaft. Bd. 1 4. Frankfurt a. M., 1854 174 1122. HafuKMoiiiH na,vi, TomepaTypoio HOMBI.I llpoji.ujo.u IIIIMH ivh TiKiMiu-i-Koii ii:ni'HTKoii O6cepBaTOpin. 1880 (-1887) sm. 4. Tunnel,, 1881-93. TJie volumes contain a second tiUe-page in German : ' Beobachtungen der Temperatur cles Erdbodens im Tifliser pliysikalischen Observatorium.' 1123. Nachrichten von dem Zustande der Wissenschaf ten und Kiinste in den koniglich danischen Reiclien und Landern. [Edited by A. F. Busching.] Bd. 1-3. sm. 8. Kopenhageu und Leipzig, 1754-57. [Continued as:] Fortgesetzte Nachrichten von dem Zustande der Wissenschaften und Kunste in den koniglich danischen Keichen und Landern. [Edited by J. Lork.] Bd. 1-4. No more published. sm. 8. Kopenhagen und Leipzig, 1758-68. 1124. Nachrichten von der Georg-Augusts Universitat nnd der konigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Juli 1845 (-1863). sm. 8. Gottingen, 1845-63. [Continued as :] Nachrichten von der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und der Georg-Augusts-Universitat zu Gottingen. Aus dem Jahre 1864 (-1893). la, 8. Gottingen, 1865-93. [Continued as :] [I.] Nachrichten von der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Mathematisch-physikalische Klasse. Aus dem Jahve 1894 - la. 8. Gottingen (Berlin), 1895 -> [II.] Nachrichten von der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaf ten zu Gottingen. Geschaftliche Mittheilungen aus dem Jahre 1894 > la. 8. Gottingen (Berlin), 1895 - Nachrichten von der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. See 1124. Nagel (W. A.). Zeitschrift filr Sinnesphysiologie. See 1795. Nathnsius (H. von) and Salviati (C. von). Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbticher. See 881. 1125. The National Physical Laboratory. Collected Researches. Vol. 1 -> 4. [Teddington], (1905) 1126. The Natural History Review : a quarterly journal, including the transactions of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, Cork Cuvierian Society, Dublin Natural History Society, Dublin University Zoological Association, and the Literary and Scientific Institution of Kilkenny (the Geological Society of Dublin) as authorised by the Councils of these Societies. Vol. 1-4. 8. Dublin (London), 1854-57. NATURAL 175 [Continued as :] The Natural History Review, and quarterly journal of science. Edited by A. H. Haliday, W. H. Harvey [and others]. Vol. 5-7. 80. London, 1858-60. [Continued as :] The Natural History Review : a quarterly journal of biological science. Edited by G. Busk, W. B. Carpenter, F. Currey [and others]. Vol. 1-5. 80. London, 1861-65. No more published. Natural History Transactions of Northumberland and Durham. See 1669. 1127. The Naturalist : journal of the West Riding Consolidated Naturalists' Society, and general field club record. New series, vol. 1-2. 8. Huddersfield, 1875-77. Imperfect : wanting pp. 65-80 and 97-112 of volume 1, andpp. 65-80 and 97-112 of volume 2. [Continued as :] The Naturalist: journal of the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union and general field club record. New series, vol. 3-9. 80. Huddersfield, 1877-84. Imperfect : wanting pp. 113-128 of volume 3. [Continued as :~\ The Naturalist : a monthly journal of natural history for the North of England. Edited by W. D. Roebuck and W. E. Clarke [and others]. Vol. 10 -* 8. London, 1884 > Imperfect : wanting pp. 65-96 of the volume for 1896. 1128. H Naturalista siciliano. Giornale di Scienze naturali. Organo della Societa dei Naturalisti siciliani. Nuova serie, Anno 1-2. 4o. Palermo, 1896-(1898). 1129. Nature : a weekly illustrated journal of science. [Edited by J. N. Lockyer, and others.] Vol. 1 * 4. London, 1869 * 1130. Nature Notes. The Selborne Society's Magazine (with which is incorporated ' The Field Club '). Vol. 1-14. la. 8<>. London, 1890-1903. Imperfect : wanting pp. 41-60 and pp. 221 to the end of volume 5 ; pp. 1-40 of volume 6 ; pp. 101-140 andpp. 241 to the end of volume 7 ; pp. 21-40, pp. 161-180, andpp. 201-220 of volume 8; pp. 61-80 of volume 9 ; pp. 41-60 and pp. 181-220 of volume 10 ; pp. 141 to the end of volume 11; XP> 1-20, pp. 41-120, andpp. 181 to the end of volume 12 ; pp. 21-80 andpp. 181-220 of volume 13 ; and pp. 161- 200 of volume 14. 1131. Der Naturforscher. [Edited by J. E. I. Walch.] Stuck 1-14. 8. Halle, 1774-80. 176 NATURFORSCHER 1132. Der Naturforscher. Wochenblatt zur Verbreitung der Fortschritte in den Naturwissenschaften . . . Herausgegeben von W. Sklarek (0. Schumann). Jahrgang 9-21. sm. fol. Berlin (Tubingen), 1876-88. No more published after volume 21. 1133. Naturhistorisches Museum zn Hamburg. Bericht des Direktor ... fUr das Jahr 1884 (-1887) [Jahrgang 2-5]. la. 8. Hamburg, 1885-88. [Continued as :] Mitteilungen aus dem naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg. Jahr- gang 6 - 1888 -* la. 8<>. Hamburg, 1889 - 1134. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift. Udgivet af H. Krjztyer. Bd. 1-4. 8. Xj^benhavn, 1837-43. Anden Raekke, Bd. 2. 8. Kj^benhavn, 1846-49. Tredie Rsekke. Udgivet af J. C. Sch#dte. Bd. 1-12. 8. Kj^benhavn, 1861-80. No volumes were published during the years 1850 to 1860, 1135. Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Herausgegeben von einer Gesellschaft in Wiirtemberg. Bd. 1-2. 8. Tubingen (und Stuttgart), (1826)-1828. No more published. 1136. Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen . . . Herausgegeben von W. Haidinger. Bd. 1-4. fol. Wien, 1847-51. No more published. 1137. Naturwissenschaftliche Abhaudlungeii aus Dorpat. Bd. 1. 8. Berlin, 1823. 1138. Natuur- en geneeskuudig Archief voor Neerland's-Indie. Redac- tie : P. J. Godefroy, M. J. E. Miiller, P. A. Fromm, P. Blecker [and others]. Jaargang 1-3. 8. Batavia, 1844-46. No more published. 1139. Natuur- en scheikundig Archief, uitgegeven door G. J. Mulder (en W. Wenckebach). Deel l-[6]. No more published. 8. Rotterdam (Leyden), 1833-38. 1140. Natuurkunde. Tijdschrift, inhoudende : Phijsica, Chemie, Phar- macie, Natuurlijke Historie en Litteratuur, uitgegeven van wege het Genootschap : tot Nut en Vergenoegen, te Aruhem. Jaargang 1-5. 8. Arnhem, 1844-48. Natuurkunde toegepast op alle Vakken van Nijverheid, Tijdschrift, onder Medewerking van Vaderlandsche Geleerden uitgegeven door het Natuurkundig Genootschap: tot Nut en Vergenoegen, te Arnhem. 1849 (-1859). Jaargang 6-14. 8. Arnhem, 1850-60. NATUUKKUNDIG 177 1141. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsck Indie. Uitgegeven door de (Koninklijke) Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indie. Jaargang 1 8 (la. 8). Batavia ('s Gravenhage, Weltevreden, Amsterdam), 1851 -v Imperfect : wanting volumes 2-12, pp. 1-292 of volume 13, pp. 1-248 of volume 14, volume 21, and volume 25. 1142. Ifatunrkundige Verhandelingeii, of Verzameling van Stukken ; de Natuurkunde, Geneeskunde, Oeconomie, Natuurlyke Historie, enz. Deel 1-5. 8. Amsterdam, 1772-77. No more published. 1143. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen uitgegeven door het Frovinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kuiisten en Wetenschappen. (Nieuwe Reeks), Deel 1. 4. Utrecht, 1862-69. 1144. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de (Bataafsche) (Koninglijke. Hollandsche) Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. Deel 1-24. 8. Amsterdam (Haarlem), 1799-1844. Verzameling 2, Deel 1-25. 4. Haarlem, 1841-68. Verzameling 3, Deel 1-6, stuk 4. 4. Haarlem, 1872-1907. 1145. Naumannia. Archiv fur die Ornithologie, vorzugsweise Europa's. Organ des deutschen Ornithologen-Vereins . . . herausgegeben von E. Baldamus. Heft 1 Jahrgang 1858. 8 (la. 8). Stuttgart (Dessau, etc.), 1849-58. No more published. In 1859 this journal was united with the 1 Journal fur Ornithologie ' (q. v. No. 809). 1146. The Nautical Almanac and astronomical ephemeris (Published by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty) for the year 1767 -> la. 8. London, 1766 -* 1147. The Nautical Magazine (and naval chronicle). A journal of papers on subjects connected with maritime affairs in general. Vol. 1-[12]. 8. (London), 1832-43. Imperfect : wanting the volume for the year 1839. New series, vol. 41-46. 8. London, 1872-77. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-548 of volume 41, pp. 89-176 and 537-712 of volume 44, pp. 1-480 of volume 45, and pp. 1127 to tJie end of volume 46. 1148. Nederlandsch Archief voor Genees- en Natuurkunde . . . uitge- geven door F. C. Donders en W. Koster. Jaargang 2-5. la. 8. Utrecht, 1866-70. Imperfect: icanting pp. 1-246 of volume 2. Nederlandsch Gasthuis voor Behoeftige en Minvermogende Ooglijders te Utrecht. Sec 724. N 178 NEDERLANDSCH 1149. Nederlandsch Krnidknndig Archiefi Uitgegeven door W. H. de Vriese, F. Dozy en J. H. Molkenboer [and others]. Deel 1-5. 8. Ley-den (Amsterdam, Leeuwarden), 1848-70. [Continued as:] Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Nederlandsche Botanische Vereeniging, etc. 2 de Serie, Deel 1 > 8. Nijmegen, 1874 - From 1904 onwards tlie ' Archief is published in two parts : one in Dutch under the original title, containing articles dealing with the botany of Holland ; and the otlwr in French, containing articles of general botanical interest, under the following title : Eecueil des Travaux botaniques neerlandais, publie par la Societe botanique neerlandaise, etc. Vol. 1 la. 8. Nimegue, 1904 > Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Jaarboek. Sec 1064. 1150. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor die Dierknnde, uitgegeven door net Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap, ' Natura Artis Magistra,' te Amsterdam. Jaargang 1-5, Afl. 1. la. 8. Amsterdam, 1863-84. Neil (A.). Annual Report on Meteorological Observations, registered in the Punjab. See 238. Neocoro (L.) [pseud., i. e. Ludolph Kiister]. See Ktister (L.). Nene allgemeine geographische Ephemeriden. See 60. Nene allgemeine geographische nnd statistische Ephemeriden. See 60. Nene Analekten fur Erd- und Ilimmels-Kunde. See 80. Nene Annalen der Eotanik. See 446. Nene Annalen der koniglichen Sternwarte in Bogenhansen bei Mnnchen. See 338. Nene Aunaleu der wetteranischen Gesellscliaft far die gesammte Natnrkunde. See 105. 1151. Nene breslaner Sammlnngen ans dem Gebiete der Heilkuiule, herausgegeben von der medicinischen Section der schlesischen Gesellschaft fur vaterlandische Cultur. Bd. 1. 8. Breslau, 1829. 1152. Nene Denkschriften der allgemeinen schweizerischen Gesell- schaft far die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Nouveaux Me- moires de la Societe helvetique des Sciences naturelles. Bd. 1-40. 4. Neuchatel (Zurich), 1837-1906. [Continued as :] Neue Denkschriften der schweizerischen naturforschenden Gesell- schaft. Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe helvetique des Sciences naturelles. Bd. 41 > 4. Zurich, 1907 - Nene Jahrbncher der Berg- nnd HUttenknnde. Sec 739. NEUE 179 1153. Neue uordische Beytrage zur physikalischen nud geographischeii Erd- uncl Volkerbeschreibxmg, Uaturgeschichte und Oekonomie. [Edited by P. S. Pallas.] Bd. 1-7. 8. St. Petersburg und Leipzig, 1781-96. No more published. Volume 1 has a second title-page : ' Nordisclie Beytrage, etc. Bd. 1.' Volumes 5 to 7 have a second title-page : ' Neueste nordische Beytrage, etc. Bd. 1-3: Neue Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur- und Heilkuude. See 1170. Neue Sanimlimg von Versuchen und Abhandlungen der natur- forschenden Gesellscliaft in Danzig. See 1751. Neue Schriften der Gesellscliaft naturforschender Freuude Westphalens. See 664. Neue Schriften der Gesellscliaft naturforschender Freuude zu Berlin. See 418. 1154. Neue Schriften der naturforschenden Gesellscliaft zu Halle. Bd. 1-3. 8. Halle, 1811-17. No more published. Neue Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fur Tirol uud Vorarlberg. See 380. Neue Zeitschrift fur Natur- und Heilkunde. Sec 1787. Neue Zeitschrift fur speculative Fhysik. See 1797. Neuere Abhandlungen der koniglicheu bohmischeii Gesellscliaft der Wissenschaften. See 20. Neues allgemeines Journal der Chemie. See 62. Neues Archiv der Agriculturchemie. Sec 280. Neues berguiamiisch.es Journal. See 391. Neues Jahrbuch der Chemie und Fhysik. Sec 62. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologic uud Petre- faktenkunde. Sec 1560. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologic und Falaeoutologie. See 1560. Neues Journal der Erfindungen, Theorieu und Widersprnche in der Natur- und Arzneiwissenschaft. See 797. Neues Journal der Fharmacie fur Aerzte und Apotheker. See 798. Neues Journal der Fhysik. SeelQQ. Neues Journal fur die Botanik. See 805. N 2 180 NEUES 1155. Neues Magazin far die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange. Her ausgegebeu von J. J. Ro'mer. Bd. 1. sm. 8. Zurich, 1794. No more published. Neueste nordische Beytrage zur physikalischen nnd geographi- sclien Erd- und Volkerbeschreibung, Naturgeschichte nnd Oekonomie. See 1153. 1156. JTeueste Schrifteu der uaturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig. Bd. 1-6. 4. Danzig, 1820-62. [Continued as :] Schriften der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig. Neue Folge, Bd. 1 -* la. 8<>. Danzig, 1863 -> Die Neuesten Entdeckungen franzosisclier G-elehrten in den ge- meinniltzigeu Wissenschaften und Kiinsten. See 648. Die Neuesten Forschungen im Gebiete der technischeu nnd okouomischen Chemie. See 810. Neuestes chemisches Archiv. Sec 895. Neuestes Journal der Erfiudungen, Theorien und Widersprnche in der gesammten Medizin. See 797. Neumann (K.). Zeitschrift fttr allgemeine Erdkunde. See 1771. 1157. Neurologisches Centralblatt. tibersicht der Leistungen auf dem Gebiete der Anatomie, Physiologie, Pathologie und Therapie des Nervensystems einschliesslich der Geisteskrankheiten. Heraus- gegeben von E. Mendel. Jahrgang 1 > la. 8. Leipzig, 1882 * 1158. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Chemical Society. Transactions. 1868 (-1882). Vol. 1-5. 8. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1871-83. Newcomb (S.). American Journal of Mathematics. See 71. Newman (E.). The Phytologist. See 1238. Newton (A.). Zoological Record. See 1370. 1159. The New York Medical Journal (and obstetrical review). Editor : E. S. Dunster [and others]. Vol. 13-50. Imperfect : ^vanting volume 19. la. 8. New York, 1871-89. 1160. New Zealand Geological Survey. Bulletin. New series, no. 1 * 4. Wellington, 1906 -> Imperfect : wanting numbers 5 and 10. 1161. [New Zealand.] Meteorological Report, 1870 (-1885) ; including returns for 1869 (-1884). la. 8. Wellington, 1871-[1886J. Nichols (E. L.) and Merritt (E.). Physical Review. See 1232. Nicholson (W). Journal of Natural Philosophy. See 820. NIEDEKLANDISCHES 181 1162. Niederlandisches Archiv far Zoologie. Herausgegeben von E. Selenka (C. K. Hoffmann). Bd. 1-5. la. 8. Haarlem und Leipzig (Leiden und Leipzig), 1871-82. No more published. Nieuwe Verhandelingen der eerste Klasse van het Koninklijk- Nederlandsche Instituut van Wetenschappen . . . te Amster- dam. See 1709. Nieuwe Verhandeliugen van het Eataafsch Genootschap der Proefoudervindelijke Wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam. See 1716. Nieuwe Verhandelingeu van het Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen. See 1713. Nieuwe Werken van het Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschap- pen. See 1713. Nobbe (F.). Die Landwirtschaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen. See 882. Nobre (A.). Annaes de Sciencias naturaes. See 95. 1163. Nordamerikanischer Monatsbericht fur Natur- und Heilknude. Kedigirt von W. Keller und H. Tiedemann. Bd. 1-4. 8. Philadelphia, 1850-52. Nordische Beytrage zur physikalischen und geographischen Erd- und Volkerbeschreibung, Naturgeschichte und Oekonomie. See 1153. 1164:.' Norsk Magazin for Lsgevidenskaben. { Udgivet af Laegeforeningen i Christiania.} (Udgivet af det medicinske Selskab i Christiania.) Bd. 1 Kaekke 2, Bd. 12. 8. Christiania, 1840-58. Imperfect: wanting pp. 97-108 of volume 3 of the first series. 1165. Norsk Meteorologisk Aarbog for 1867 (-1873). Udgivet af det (Norske) Meteorologiske Institut. Aargang [lj-7. obi. 4. Christiania, 1868-74. [Continued as:] Jahrbuch des norwegischen meteorologischen Instituts ftir 1874 (1875 *). Herausgegeben von H. Mohn. la. 4. Christiania, 1877 * 1166. Norsk Tidsskrift for Videnskab og Litteratur. Udgivet af C. C. A. Lange (M. J. Monrad og H. Winter-Hjelm). Aargang l-[5]. No more published. 8. Christiania, 1847-55. 1167. North of England Institute of Mining (and Mechanical) Engineers. Transactions. Vol. 1 la. 8. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, [1852] > Imperfect : wanting volume 5 (1856-7). 182 NOTICES 1168. Notices of the Proceedings at the Meetings of the Members of the Hoyal Institution of Great Britain ; with abstracts of the discourses delivered at the evening meetings. Vol. 1 8. London, 1851 - 1169. Notiser ur Sallskapets pro Fauna et Flora Fennica Forhand- lingar. Haftet 4-14. 8. Helsingfors, 1858-75. These volumes are also numbered Ny Serie, Haftet 1-11. 1170. Notizen ans dem Gebiete der Natur- und Heilkunde, gesammelt und mitgetheilt von L. F. v. Froriep (M. J. Schleiden und R. Froriep). Bd. 1 3te Keihe, Bd. 11. 4. Erfurt (Weimar), 1822-49. From 1837 to 1846 the title is : ' Neue Notizen,' etc. Imperfect : several of the volumes are wanting a few odd pages. [Continued as :] Tagsberichte tiber die Fortschritte der Natur- und Heilkunde, erstattet von K. Froriep. 1850 (-1852). 8. Weimar, 1850-52. Tlie ' Tagsberichte ' is divided into the following sections, each ivith a separate title-page and pagination : Abtheilung fur Anatomie und Physiologie. Bd. 1-2. Botanik. chirurgische Klinik. Bd. 1-2. ,, Geburtshillfe und Kinderkrankheiten. ,, Geographic und Ethnologie. Hygiene und Pharmakologie. medicinische Klinik. Bd. 1-2. ,, Mineralogie und Geologie. ,, Nerven- und Geisteskrankheiten. ., Physik und Chemie. Psychiatrie. ,, Staatsarzneikunde und medicinische Statistik. Zoologie und Palaontologie. Bd. 1-3. 1171. Notulen van de Algemeene en Bestuurs-Vergaderingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Xunsten en Wetenschappen. 1862 (-1894). Deel 1-33. 8. Batavia, 1864-95. Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences. See 488. 1172. Nouveau Journal asiatique, ou recueil de memoires, d'extraits et de notices relatifs a 1'histoire, a la philosophie, aux langues et a la litterature des peuples orientaux . . . publie par la Societe asiatique. Tom. 9-13. 8. Paris, 1832-34. Imperfect : wanting volumes 10 and 11. Nouveau Journal de Medecine, etc. See 794. Nonveaux Memoires de 1' Academic royale des Sciences et Belles- lettres de Berlin. See 687. NOUVEAUX 183 Nonveaux Memoires de I'Acadsmie royale des Sciences et Belles- Lettres de Eruxelles. See 849. Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe des Science?, Agriculture et Arts du Departement du Bas-Rhin. See 967. ITouveaux Memoires ds la Societa helvetique des Sciences iiatu- relles. See 1152. Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. See 977. 1173. Nouvelle Bibliothequa ckoisie, oil Ton fait connoitre les bons livres en divers genres de literature, et 1'usage qu'on en doit faire. [ParN. Barat.] Vol. 1-2. 12. Amsterdam, 1714. 1174:. Nouvelles Annales de Mathematiques (Journal des candidats aux Ecoles poly technique et normale} (Journal des candidats aux Ecoles speciales, a la Licence et a 1'Agregation). Kedige par MM. Terquem et Gerono (Prouhet, Bourget, Brisse, Kouche, Antomari, Duporcq, Laisant, Bourlet, Bricard). Tom. 1 > 8. Paris, 1842 From volume 14 to Second Series volume 1 (1855-62) the ' Nouvelles Annales ' contains as a supplement the ' Bulletin de Bibliographic, d'Histoire et de Biographic mathematigues '. 1175. Nouvelles Annales des Voyages et des Sciences geographiques . . . publiees par MM. [J. B. B.] Eyries, de Larenaudiere et Klaproth. Annee 1831, torn. 1-4. 8. Paris, 1831. Nouvelles Annales du Museum d'Histoire naturelle. See 162. Nouvelles Archives du Museum d'Histoire naturelle. See 162. 1176. Nouvelles de la Bepublique des Lettres. [Par P. Bayle.] Mars 1684 (-Decembre 1687). 12. Amsterdam, 1684-88. 1177. Nouvelles meteorologiques publiees sous les auspices de la Societe meteorologique de Prance. Annee 1-3. la. 8. Paris, 1868-70. Imperfect : wanting pp. 141-168 of volume 3. Nova Acta Academies Caesareae Leopoldinc-Caroliiise Germanise Naturae Curiosorum. See 1077. Nova Acta Academiae Electoralis Moguntinae Scientiarum Utilium quae Erfurti est. Sec 34. Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. See 563. Nova Acta Eruditorum. See 36. Nova Acta Helvetica. See 37. Nova Acta Literaria Societatis Bheno-Trajectinae. Sec 38. 184 NOVA Nova Acta Ph.ysi.co Medica Academue Caesarese Leopoldino- Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum exhibentia Ephemerides. See 1077. Nova Acta Regiee Societatis Scientiamm TTpsaliensis. Sec 39. 1178. Nova Crisis Temporam; oder curioser philosophischer Welt-Mer- curius, etc. [Edidit D. Cluverus.] Anno 1700 (-1701). sin. 4. Hamburg, 1700-1. The running title of the numbers for the year 1700 is : ' Wochentlicher curioser Zeit-Vertreiber,' that for the year 1701 : l Curioser Welt-Mer- curius.' This set appears to be a reprint publisJied in 1703. 1179. Nova Literaria Maris Balthici et Septentrionis, edita (Jan.- April) 1701. sm. fol. Lubecae, 1701. Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiamm Imperialis Fetro- politanae. See 563. Novi Commentarii Academiae Scieutiarum Instituti Bouo- niensis. See 440. Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scieutiarum Gottingeusis. See 565. Novorum Actorum Academiae Caesareae Leopoldiuo-Carolinae (Germauicae) Naturae Curiosorum [Volumina]. See 1077. 1180. The Numismatic Chronicle (and journal of the Numismatic Society). Edited by J. Y. Akerman. Vol. 4-6. 80. London, 1841-44. Nnova Collezioiie d'Opuscoli scientific!. See 1206. 1181. Nuovi Annali dclle Scienze naturali; pubblicati dai Signori A. Alessandrini, A. Bertolini [and others]. Anno 1-5. Tom. 1-10. 8. Bologna, 1838-43. [Continued as:] Nuovi Annali delle Scienze naturali e Kendiconto delle Sessioni della Societa agraria e dell' Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna ; pubblicati dai Signori A. Alessandrini, A. Bertolini [and others]. Serie 2, torn. 1 Serie 3, torn. 10. 8. Bologna, 1844-54. From 1852 onwards the 'Rendieonto . . . deU" Accademia delle Scienze' ivas published separately (q. v. No. 1395). Nuovi Saggi della Cesareo-regia Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di Fadova. Sec 1474. 11 Nuovo Cimento. Sec 557. 1182. Nuovo Giornale botanico italiano diretto da T. Caruel {e Bullettino della Societa botanica italiana) . Vol. 20-25. la. 8. Firenze, 1888-93. NUTTALL 185 [Continued as:] Nuovo Giornale botanico italiano. Nuova serie. Memorie della Society botanica italiana. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Firenze, 1894 After 1891 the 'BuUettino della Sodeta botanica italiana' was pub- lished separately under that title (q. v. No. 539). Nnttall (G. H. F.). Journal of Hygiene. See 818. and Shipley (A.. E.). Parasitology. See 818. Nya Handlingar af Kongl. Wetteuskaps och Witterhets Sam- hallet i Gotheborg. See 674. Nye Samliug af det Kongelige Danske Videuskabers Selskabs Skrifter. See 1514. Nye Samliug af det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter. See 1682. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne. See 902. 1183. Observaciones hechas en el Observatorio real de San Fernando, en el ano de 1833 (-1835). fol. San Fernando, 1835-36. 1184. Observaciones meteoro!6gicas efectnadas en el {real} Observa- torio de Madrid. 1865 -> 8. Madrid, 1867 - 1185. Observaciones meteor olojicas hechas en el Observatorio Astro- nomico de Santiago. 1882-4. 4. Santiago de Chile, 1885. 1186. Observagoes meteor ologicas (magneticas e sismicas) feitas no Ob- servatorio meteorologico {e maguetico da TJniversidade} de Coimbra. 1866 - fol. Coimbra, 1870 - Imperfect: wanting the volumes for the years 1876, 1881, 1900 (vol. 39), 1902 (vol. 41) and 1903 (vol. 42). Observationes Astronomicae in Specula Begia Monachiensi. See 338. 1187. Observationes Astronomicas, institutas in Specula Universitatis Caesareae Dorpatensis edidit F. G. W. Struve. 1814 (-1838). Vol. 1-8. 4. Dorpati, 1817-39. Imperfect : ivanting volumes 6 and 7 (for the years 1825 to 1830). Volumes 4 to 8 are also numbered Novae seriei, vol. 1-5. [Continued as :] Beobachtungen der kaiserlichen Universitats-Sternwarte, Dorpat, herausgegeben von J. H. Madler. 1840 (-1844). Bd. 9-11. 4. Dorpat, 1842-45. These volumes are also numbered Neue Folge, Bd. 1-3. 1188. Observations {and Researches} made at the Hongkong Obser- vatory, in the year 1884 (-1900). fol. Hongkong, 1885-1901. 186 OBSERVATIONS 1189. Observations astronoiniques faites a 1'Observatoire royal de Paris; publiees par le Bureau des Longitudes (1810-28). Tom. 1-2. fol. Paris, 1825-38. Annee 1837 (-1846). fol. Paris, 1837-46. 1190. Observations de Foulkova. Publiees par 0. Struve. Vol. 1-14. la. 4. St. Petersbourg, 1869-88. Imperfect : wanting volume' 10. Observations made at the Hongkong Observatory. See 1188. 1191. Observations made at the (Royal) Magnetical and Meteoro- logical Observatory at Batavia. Vol. 1 > fol. Batavia, 1871 1192. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Ob- servatory at Bombay. 1845 (-1847). sm. fol. Bombay, 1846-51. [Continued as :] Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Honorable East India Company's Observatory (Government Observatory), Bombay, in the year 1848 (-1870). ' sm. fol. Bombay, 1851-72. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Government Observatory, Bombay, 1897. sm. fol. Bombay, 1898. [Continued as :] Magnetical, Meteorological and Seismological Observations made at the Government Observatory, Bombay, in the year 1898 (-1901). fol. Bombay, 1901-3. 1193. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Ob- servatory at Trinity College, Dublin: under the direction of H. Lloyd. 1840 (-1850). Vol. 1-2. 4. Dublin, 1865-69. Observations made at the Royal Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Batavia. See 1191. 1194. Observations meteorologiques. Publiees par la Societe des Sciences de Finlande. Annee 1873 (-1879). Vol. [l]-7. 8. Helsingfors, 1875-82. 1195. Observations meteorologiques et magnetiques, faites dans 1'Em- pire de Russie, redig^es et publiees . . . par A. T. Kupffer. Tom. 1 [i. e. for the years 1835 and 1836]. 4o. St. Petersbourg, 1837. [Continued as :] Annuaire magnetique et meteorologique du Corps des Ingenieurs des Mines de Russie ; ou, recueil d'observations magnetiques et ineteoro- logiques faites dans 1'etendue de TEmpire de Russie et publiees ... par A. T. Kupffer. Annee 1837 (-1846). 4. St. Petersbourg, 1839-49. OBSERVATIONS 187 [Continued as.'] Annales de 1'Observatoire physique central de Russie, publiees . . . par A. T. Kupffer. AnneVl847 (-1869). 4. St. Petersbourg, 1850-74. [Continued as .] Annalen des physikalischen Central-Observatoriums. Jahrgang 1870 (-1894). 4". St. Petersburg, 1872-95. [Continued as:] Annales de 1'Observatoire physique central (Nicolas). Annee 1895 4. St. Petersbourg, 1896 -> 1196. Observations meteorologiques faites a Nijne-Tagiiilsk, Monts Oural, Gouvernement de Perm. Du l er Octobre 1839 (-Annee 1864). la. 8. Paris, 1842-65. Observations meteorologiqxies suedoises. See 1067. 1197. Observations snr la Physique, sur 1'Histoire naturelle et sur les Arts . . . Par [J.] Rozier. Tom. 1-43. 4. Paris, 1773-93. [Continued as :] Journal de Physique, de Chimie, et d'Histoire naturelle (et des Arts) . . . par J. C. Lametherie (H. M. Ducrotay de Blainville). Tom. 1-4 [i. e. 44-47], 48-96. 4. Paris, an 2 [1794J-1823. No more published. After volume 4 of the ' Journal de Physique ' the original numeration was resumed, volume 5 being numbered ' Tome 48'. TJie title of part 1 of volume 1 is : ' Tableau du Travail annuel de toutes les Academies de I' Europe ; ou observations sur la physique, sur I'histoire naturelle et sur les arts et metiers.' Observations sur les Cours d'Eau et la Pluie centralisees, Ser- vice hydrometrique du Bassiu de la Seine. Sec 1241. 1198. The Observatory, a monthly review of astronomy. Edited by W. H. M. Christie [and others]. Vol. 1 -* 8. London, 1878 - 1199. Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History. [Vol.] 2 -> 8. Boston, 1875 - 1200. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences. [Vol.] 1-8. la. 8. San Francisco, 1890-1901. Ofversigt af Botaniska Arbeten och Upptackter. See 315. 1201. Ofversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Forhandlingar. 1838 - [Haftet] 1 - 4 (80). Helsingfors, 1853 -> 1202. Ofversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar. Argangen 1-59. 8. Stockholm, 1844-1902. No more published. Orsted (H. C.). Tidsskrift for Naturvidenskaberne. Sec 1570. 188 OETTINGEN Oettingeu (A. von). Meteorologische Beobachtungen angestellt in Dorpat. See 1063. Ohrtmanu (C.) and Mtiller (F.). Jahrbuch tiber die Fortschritte der Mathematik. See 737. Oken (L.). Isis. See 717. Oldenburg (H.). Acta Philosophica Soeietatis Kegise in Anglia. See 43. Olivier (L.). Revue generale des Sciences pures et appliquees. See 1460. Oltmanns (F.). Botanische Zeitung. See 444. Onderzoekingen gedaan in het physiologisch Laboratorium der Utrechtsclie Hoogeschool. See 1481. 1203. Onderzbekingen gedaan in het physiologisch Laboratorium van de Doorlnchtige en Klinische Scholen te Amsterdam. Jaar 1-4. 8. [Amsterdam], 1856-63. Oogheelkundige Verslagen in Bijbladeu nitgegeveu met het Jaarverslag van het Nederlandsch Gastlmis voor Ooglijders. See 724. 1204. Ophthalmic Hospital Reports and journal of the Eoyal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Edited by J. F. Streatfeild. Vol. 1-3. 8. London, 1857-60. Imperfect : wanting pp. 135 to the end of volume 3. 1205. Opnscoli matematici e fisici di diversi autori. Tom. 1-2. No more published. 4. Milano, 1832-34. 1206. Opuscoli scientific!. Tom. 1-3. 4. Bologna, 1817-19. Nuova Collezione d'Opuscoli scientifici, etc. Anno 1824. 4. Bologna, 1824. O'Reilly (B.) and Ear bier- Ve mars (J. N.). Annales des Arts et Manufactures. See 148. 1207. Organ fur die gesammte Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von der niederrheinischen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heil-Kunde zu Bonn, etc. Bd. 1-2. 8. Bonn, 1841-42. 1208. Oriental Repertory . . . By A. Dalrymple. Vol. 1. 4. London, 1791-93. 1209. Oruis. Internationale Zeitschrift fur die gesammte Ornithologie. Organ des permanenten internationalen ornithologischen Comite's, etc. Jahrgang 1. la. 8. Wien, 1885. Ostwald (W.) and Hoff (J. H. van't). Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie. See 1792. OVERSIGT 189 1210. Oversigt over det kongelige danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger og dets Medlemmers Arbeider. 1815 > sm. 4 (8). (Ejbbenhavn), [1816] > Tiie volumes have a second title in French : ' Bulletin de I' Academic royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark.' 1211. The Oxford, Cambridge and Dublin Messenger of Mathematics, a journal supported by junior mathematical students, and con- ducted by a board of editors, composed of members of the three Universities. Vol. 1-5. 8. Cambridge, 1862-71. [Continued as :] The Messenger of Mathematics. Edited by W. A. Whitworth [and others]. Vol. 1 * 8. London and Cambridge, 1872 > 1212. Oxfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. Report for the year 1900. 8. Oxford, 1901. [Continued as:] Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire. Report for the year 1901 (-1907). 8. Oxford, 1902-8. [Continued as :] Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire. Proceedings and Report for 1908 -> 8. Oxford, 1909 Packard (A. S.). American Naturalist. See 77. Record of American Entomology. See 1368. 1213. Falaeoutographica. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Vorwelt. Herausgegeben von W. Dunker und H. von Meyer (K. A. von Zittel, E. Koken, J. F. Pompeckj). Bd. 1 -> 4. Cassel (Stuttgart), 1851 - 1214. The Palseontographical Society. [Publications.] Vol. 1 > 4. London, 1848 > Pallas (P. S.). Neue nordische Beytrage zur physikalischen und geographischen Erd- und Volkerbeschreibung, Naturgeschichte und Oekonomie. See 1153. 1215. Falndism : being the transactions of the Committee for the Study of Malaria in India. No. 2 la. 8. Simla, 1911 Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. See 1216. 1216. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's land. Vol. 1-2. 8. Hobart Town, 1851-53. [Continued as:] Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. Vol. 3. 8<>. Hobart Town, 1855-59. 190 PAPERS [Continued as :] Monthly Notices of Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 1863 (-1874). 8. Hobart Town, 1863-75. [Continued as :] Papers and Proceedings and Report of the Royal Society of Tasmania, for 1875 (-1881). 8. Hobart Town, 1876-82. [Continued as :] Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, for 1882 - 8. Hobart Town, 1883 -> Imperfect : tvanting the volume for the year 1896. 1217. Papers of the Eastbourne Natural History Society. 1870 (-1881). 4o. [Eastbourne], 1870-81. [Continued as :] Transactions of the Eastbourne Natural History Society. New series, vol. 1-4. 8. Eastbourne, 1881-1907. Papers of the Mathematical and Physical Society of Toronto University. See 1220. Papers of the New Orleans Academy of Sciences. See 1221. 1218. Papers on Naval Architecture and other subjects connected with naval science. Conducted by W. Morgan and A. Creuze. Vol. 1-4 (No. 1-13). 8'\ London, 1827-32. After number 13 this journal was discontinued until 1865. 1219. Papers read at the Royal Institute of British Architects. (Sessional Papers.) Session 1853-4 (1877-8). 4. London, 1854-78. [Continued as :] Royal Institute of British Architects. The Transactions. Session 1878-9 (1883-4). 4. London, 1879-84. [Continued as :] [I.] The Royal Institute of British Architects. Transactions. New series, vol. 1-8. 4. London, 1885-92. [II.] The Journal of Proceedings of the Royal Institute of British Architects. New series, vol. 1-9. 4. London, 1885-93. Imperfect : ivanting volumes 1-4 of the ' Journal '. [Continued as :] Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects. Third series, vol. 1. 4. London, 1894. 1220. Papers read before the Mathematical and Physical Society of Toronto University during the year 1890-1 (1891-2). [Vol. 1-2.] 8. Toronto, 1891-92. 1221. Papers read before the New Orleans Academy of Sciences. Vol. 1, no. 1-2. 8>. New Orleans, 1887-88. Parasitology. See 818. PARMENTIER 191 Parmentier (A. A.). Bulletin de Pharmacie. See 485. Fasch. (G. E.). Arsberattelse om Technologiens Framsteg. See 315. Pasteur (L.). Annales scientifiques de 1'Ecole normale superieure. See 169. 1222. Der Patriot . . . Neue und verbesserte Ausgabe. 1724. Jahr 1. 8. Hamburg, 1728. Faxton (J.) and Harrison (J.). Horticultural Register. See 698. Payne (W. W.) and Hale (G. E.). Astronomy and Astro-Physics. See 348. Peano (G.). Ri vista di Matematica. See 1464. Pearson (K.). Biometrika. See 430. Peek (C. E.). Rousdon Observatory, Meteorological Observations. See 1435. 1223. Periodico mensual de Ciencias matematicas y fisicas. Tom. 1. No more published. 4. Cadiz, 1848. Perrotin (J.). Annales de 1'Observatoire de Nice. See 129. Peter (A.). Botanische Zeitung. See 444. Fetermann (A.). Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt. See 1090. Peters (C. A. F.). Astronoinische Nachrichten. See 344. Zeitschrift fur populare Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Astronomie. See 1794. Pfaff (C. H.). Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Medicin, Chirurgie und Pharmacie. See 1082. and Friedlaender (J.). Franzo'sische Annalen fur die allgemeine Naturgeschichte. See 643. Ffeffer (W.) and Strasburger (E.). Jahrblicher fur wissenschaft- liche Botanik. See 744. Ffluger (E. F. W.). Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologie. See 272. 1224. The Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions [of the Pharma- ceutical Society of Great Britain]. 3rd series, vol. 1-25. la. 8. London, 1871-95. [Continued as :] The Pharmaceutical Journal. A weekly record of pharmacy and allied subjects. (The official organ of the Pharmaceutical Society.) Series 4, vol. 1 * 4.. London, 1895 192 PHARMACEUTISCHES 1225. Pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt fiir 1830 (-1849). Jahrgang 1-20. 8". Leipzig, 1830-49. [Continued as :] Chemisch-pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt ftir 1850 (-1855). Jahrgang 21-26. 8. Leipzig, 1850-55. [Continued as :] Chemisches Central-Blatt fttr 1856 (-1869). Neue Folge. Jahrgang 1-14. 8. Leipzig, 1856-69. [Continued as :] Chemisches Central-Blatt. Kepertorium fiir reine, pharmaceutische, physiologische und technische Chemie. Dritte Folge. Jahrgang 1-17. la. 8<>. Leipzig (und Hamburg), 1870-86. [Continued as :] Chemisches Central-Blatt. Vollstandiges Repertorium fur alle Zweige der reinen und angewandten Chemie. Folge 3, Jahrgang 18 Folge 4, Jahrgang 8. la. 8. Hamburg und Leipzig, 1887-96. Imperfect : ivanting pp. 337-352 of volume 10 of the third series (1879). 1226. The Philadelphia Medical and Physical Journal. Collected and arranged by B. S. Barton. Vol. 1-2, pt. 1. 8. Philadelphia, 1805. 1227. [Philippine Islands.] Department of the Interior. Ethno- logical Survey Publications. Vol. 1. la. 8. Manila, 1905. 1228. The Philippine Journal of Science. Edited by P. C. Freer . . . Published by the Bureau of Science of the Government of the Philippine Islands. Vol. 1 > 4<>. Manila, 1906 -* Fhilippson (A.). Mitteilungen des sachsisch-thuringischen Vereins fur Erdkunde zu Halle a. S. See 1105. Philosophical Collections. See 1230. 1229. The Philosophical Magazine. Comprehending the various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts (geology), agriculture, manu- factures, and commerce. By A. Tilloch. Vol. 1-42. 80. London, 1798-1813. United with the l Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts ' (q. v. No. 820} and continued as : The Philosophical Magazine and Journal, etc. By A. Tilloch (E. Taylor). Vol. 43-68. 8. London, 1814-26. United with the ' Annals of Philosophy ' (q. v. No. 185) and con- tinued as : The Philosophical Magazine ; or, annals of chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, natural history, and general science. By E. Taylor and E. Phillips. New and united series of the Philosophical Magazine and Annals of Philosophy. Vol. 1-11. 8. London, 1827-32. PHILOSOPHICAL 193 United with the ' Edinburgh Journal of Science ' (%. v. No. 612) and continued as : The London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and journal of science. Conducted by D. Brewster, K. Taylor and K. Phillips. Vol. 1-16. 8. London, 1832-40. [Continued as:] The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and journal of science. Conducted by D. Brewster, K. Taylor, R. Phillips, R. Kane [and others]. Vol. 17 *> 80. London, 1840 - 1230. Philosophical Transactions : giving some accompt of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious in many considerable parts of the world. [Edited from March 1665 to June 1677 (i. e. No. 1-136) by H. Oldenburg ; from Jan. 167| to Feb. 1679 (i. e. No. 137-142) by N. Grew ; from Jan. 168| to Dec. 1684 (i. e. No. 143-166) by R. Plot ; from Jan. 168f to Dec. 1685 (i.e. No. 167-178) by W. Musgrave; from Jan. 1686 to Dec. 1687 (i. e. No. 179-191) by E. Halley ; from Jan. 169 to Dec. 1694 (i. e. No. 192-214) by R. Waller ; from Jan. 169f to Dec. 1713 (i. e. No. 215-337) by H. Sloane ; from Jan. 1714 to Dec. 1719 (i. e. No. 338- 363) by E. Halley ; from Jan. 1720 to June 1727 (i. e. No. 364-398) by J. Jurin ; from July 1727 to Dec. 1728 (i. e. No. 399-406) by W. Rutty ; and from Jan. 1729 to Dec. 1750 (i. e. No. 407-497) by C. Mortimer. From volume 47 (1 752) onwards the ' Philo- sophical Transactions' has been published under the superinten- dence of a Committee appointed by the Royal Society.] Vol. 1-65. 4o. [London], (Oxford), (1665)-1775. No volumes were published during the years 1679 to 1682. TJie .' ' Philosophical Collections ' (q. v. infra) was issued during those years as a substitute for the l Philosophical Transactions '. [Continued as :] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Vol. 66 - 4. London, 1776 From volume 178 (1887) onwards the l Philosophical Transactions' is divided into two sections : A. Containing papers of a mathematical or physical character; B. Containing papers of a biological character. Philosophical Transactions, giving some account of the present undertakings, studies, and labours, of the ingenious, in many considerable parts of the world. Vol. 47 (-55). For the years 1751 (-1765). Reprinted according to the London edition. 4. Wittenberg, 1768-75. Philosophical Collections, {containing an account of such physical, anatomical, chymical, mechanical, astronomical, optical, or other mathematical and philosophical experiments and observations as have lately come to the publishers hands. As also an account of 194 PHILOSOPHICAL some books of this kind lately published}. [Edited by Robert Hooke.] No, 1-7. sm. 4. London, 1679-82. No more published. The ' Philosophical Collections ' was published as a substitute for the 1 Philosophical Transactions ' (%. v. supra), no volumes of which were issued during the years 1679 to 1682. ABRIDGMENTS. The Philosophical Transactions [of the Royal Society] and Collections, [from 1665] to the end of the year 1700. Abridg'd and dispos'd under general heads. By J. Lowthorp. Vol. 1-3. 4. London, 1705. {Continued as :] The Philosophical Transactions, from the year 1700 to the year 1720. Abridg'd and dispos'd under general heads ... By H. Jones. Vol. 4-5. 4. London, 1721. [Continued as:] The Philosophical Transactions, from the year 1719 to the year 1733. Abridged and disposed under general heads . . . By J. Eames and J. Martyn. Vol. 6-7. 4. London, 1734. [Continued as :] The Philosophical Transactions, from the year 1732 (to the year 1750). Abridged and disposed under general heads . . . By J. Martyn. Vol. 8-10. 4. London, 1747-56. The Philosophical Transactions from the year 1700, where Mr. Lowthorp ends, to the year 1720. Abridg'd and dispos'd under general heads. By B. Motte. 2 vols. 4. London, 1721. The Philosophical Transactions, from the year 1720, to the year 1732, abridged and disposed under general heads. By Mr. [A.J Reid and J. Gray. Vol. 1-6 [in 2 vols]. 4. London, 1733. The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society^ of London, from their commencement, in 1665, to the year 1880 ; abridged, with notes and biographic illustrations, by C. Hutton, G. Shaw, R. Pearson. 18 vols. 4. London, 1809. Memoirs of the Royal Society ; being a new abridgment of the Philosophical Transactions : giving an account of the undertakings, studies, and labours of the learned and ingenious in many considerable parts of the world ; from the first institution of that illustrious Society in the year 1665 ... to the year . . . 1735 inclusive. Dispos'd under proper general heads, with a translation of the Latin tracts ... By Mr. [B.] Baddam. 10 vol. 8. London, 1738-41. Medical Essays and Observations relating to the practice of Physic and Surgery : abridg'd from the Philosophical Transactions, from their first publication down to the present time. The Latin papers are English'd ... By S. Mihles. 2 vols. 8. London, 1745. [2 et l'e< PHILOSOPHICAL 195 Abrege des Transactions philosophiques de la Societe royale de Londres. Ouvrage traduit de 1'Anglois et redige par M. [J.] Gibelin. l e Partie. Histoire naturelle. 2 torn. 8. Paris, 1787. 2 9 Partie]. Botanique (On y a joint ['agriculture, le jardinage ,'economie rurale). 2 torn. 8. Paris, 1790. 4 e Partie. Physique experimental ; par M. Reynier. 2 torn. 8. Paris, 1790. 5e Partie. Chimie ; par M. [P.] Pinel. 8. Paris, 1791. 6 e Partie. Anatomie et physique animale ; par M. [P. J Pinel. 8<>. Paris, 1790. 7 9 Partie. Medecine et chirurgie ; par M. [P.] Pinel. 8. Paris, 1791. 8 e Partie. Matiere m^dicale et pharmacie, par MM. (Wilmet et [E. F. M.] Bosquillon} (Bosquillon et [P.] Pinel). 2 torn. 80. Paris, 1789-91. 10 e Partie. Melanges, observations, voyages ; par A. L. Millin de Grandmaison. 8. Paris, 1790. ll e (et 12 e ) Partie. Antiquites {et} beaux-arts (inventions et machines) ; par M. [A. L.] Millin de Grandmaison. 2 torn. 8. Paris, 1789-90. TRANSLATIONS. Transactions philosophiques de la Societe royale de Londres. Traduites par M. [F.] de Br6mond (M. Demours). Annee 1731 (-1740). 9 vols. 4o. Paris, 1738-59. Saggio delle Transazioni filosofiche della Societa regia, compendiate da G. Lowthorp ; tradotte dall' Inglese nell' idioma toscano. A ... Donna Clelia Grilla-Borromea. 4. Napoli, 1729. Saggio delle Transazioni filosofiche della Societa regia {compendiate da B. Mottes} dall' anno 1700 (-1730). Tradotte dall' idioma inglese dal Cavaliere T. Dereham. Tom. 2-5. 4. Napoli, 1731-34. INDEXES. A general index or alphabetical table to all the Philosophical Trans- actions, from the beginning to July 1677. Also a catalogue of the books mentioned and abbreviated in the Transactions digested alphabetically. sm. 4. London, 1678. A general index to the Philosophical Transactions, from the first to the end of the seventieth volume [1665-1780]. By P. H. Maty. 4<>. London, 1787. o2 196 PHILOSOPHISCHE A continuation to the alphabetical index of the matter contained in the Philosophical Transactions of the Eoyal Society of London. From vol. 71 (1781) to vol. 110 (1820) inclusive. 4. London, 1821. From vol. Ill (1821) to vol. 120 (1830) inclusive. 4. London, 1833. An index to the anatomical, medical, chirurgical, and physiological papers contained in the [Philosophical] Transactions of the Koyal Society of London, from the commencement of that work to the end of the year 1813. Chronologically and alphabetically arranged. [By James Briggs.] 4. Westminster, 1814. Table des Memoires imprimis dans les Transactions philosophiques de la Society royal e de Londres de 1665 a 1735. Rangee par ordre chronologique, par ordre des matieres et par noms d'auteurs par M. [F.] de Bremond. 4. Paris, 1739. 1231. Philosophische Studien. Herausgegeben von W. Wundt. Bd. 1-20. la. 80. Leipzig, 1883-1902. [Continued as :] [I.] Archiv ftir die gesamte Psychologie . . . Herausgegeben von E. Meumann (und W. Wirth). Bd. 1 -* la. 8. Leipzig, 1903 * [II.] Psychologische Studien. Herausgegeben von W. Wundt. Neue Folge der Philosophischen Studien. Bd. 1 > la. 8. Leipzig, 1906 * Photographic Journal. See 847. 1232. The Physical Review. A journal of experimental and theoretical physics. Conducted (with the cooperation of the American Physical Society) by E. L. Nichols and E. Merritt (and F. Bedell). {Published for Cornell University.} Vol. 1 > la. 8. New York and London, 1894 1233. Physical Society of London. Abstracts of Physical Papers from. Foreign Sources. Vol. 1-3. la. 8. London, 1895-97. No more published. After 1897 the Abstracts were published in ' Science Abstracts ' (q. v. No. 1493). 1234. Physikalische Zeitschrift . . . Herausgegeben von E. Eiecke und H. T. Simon. Jahrgang 1 * 4. Leipzig, 1900 - 1235. Physiographiska Sallskapets Tidskrift. Bd. 1. 8. Lund, 1837-38. 1236. Physiological Laboratory, University College, London. Collected Papers. 1876 (-1905). No. 2-13. 8. [London, 1876-1905.] Imperfect : wanting numbers 8 to 12. 1237. Le Physiologiste russe. R. Nancy, 1811-33. [Continued as:] 1 Mdmoires de la Societ6 royale des Sciences, Lettres et Arts de Nancy. 1833 (-1851). 8. Nancy, 1835-52. [Continued as :] Memoires de 1'Academie de Stanislas. 1852 (-1866). 8. Nancy, 1853-67. 1249. Precis de la Seance publique de la Societe libre d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts de Frovins, Departement de Seine-et-Marne, tenue 1807 ; avec une notice de la Seance prec6dente, etc. 8. Provins, 1807. [Continued as :] Seance publique de la Societe libre d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts de Provins, etc. 1808 (-1811). 8. Provins, 1808-12. Precis des Travaux de la Societe des Sciences, Lettres, Arts et Agriculture de Nancy. See 1248. 1250. Precis des Travaux de la Societe royale d'Agriculture et de Commerce de Caen, depuis son ivtablissement en 1801 jusqu'en 1810. [Tom. 1.] 8. Caen, 1827. [Continued as :] Memoires de la Societe royale d'Agriculture et de Commerce de Caen. Tom. 2. 8. Caen, 1827. Fringsheim (N.). Jahrbiicher fur wissenschaftliche Botanik. See 744. PKIZE 199 1251. Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, efc. Vol. 1-6. 8. Edinburgh [1788 ?]-1824. Volume 1 is 2nd edition, published in 1812. Proceedings and Report of the Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire. Sec 1212. Proceedings and Transactions of the Meteorological Society of Mauritius. Sec 1642. Proceedings and Transactions of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. See 1302. 1252. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Vol. 1 > 8. Halifax, 1864 -* Imperfect : tvanting volume 2, part 2 (1867-8) and volume 4, parts 1-2 (1874-5 and 1875-6). 1253. Proceedings and Transactions of the Pathological Society of Toronto. Session 1889-90 (and 1890-91). Vol. 1-2. la. 8. Toronto, [1890-91 ?]. Proceedings and Transactions of the Queensland Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. See 1308. 1254. Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. 1882 -> Vol. 1 -* 4 (la. 8). Montreal (Ottawa, Toronto), 1883 - These volumes have a second title-page : ' Memoires et Comptes rendus de la Societe royale du Canada.' 1255. Proceedings and Transactions of the Scientific Association, Meriden, Conn. 1885 (-1895). VoL 2-7. 8<>. Meriden, 1887-95. Imperfect : tcanting volumes 3, 5, and 6. 1256. Proceedings and Transactions of the Scottish Microscopical Society. 1889 (-1906). Vol. [l]-4. 8<>. Edinburgh, 1891-1906. Imperfect : icantingpp. 179 to the end of volume 1, and pp. 167 to the end of volume 4. Tfie title on the tvrappers is : ' Proceedings of the Scottish Micro- scopical Society.' 1257. Proceedings of Miramichi Natural History Association. No. 3* 8. Chatham, N. B., 1903 -> 1258. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Vol. 1 - la. 8. Philadelphia, (1841) - See also ' Proceedings of the Mineralogical and Geological Section of the Academy ', No. 1299. 200 PROCEEDINGS 1259. Proceedings of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Jan. 1841 (-June 1842). 8. Calcutta, 1841-42. [Continued as :] Journal of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Vol. 1-8. 8. Fort William (Calcutta), 1842-53. 1260. Proceedings of the Albany Institute. March 1865 (October 3, 1874). Vol. 1-2, pt. 1. la. 8. Albany, N. Y., 1871-74. 1261. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1846 - Vol. 1 -> la. 8. Boston (and Cambridge [Mass.]}, 1848 - Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. See 1432. 1262. Proceedings of the American Geographical and Statistical Society of New York. Vol. 1-2. 8. New York, 1862-64. 1263. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. 1838 > Vol. 1 * 8 (la. 8). Philadelphia, 1840 -* Early Proceedings of the . . . Society . . . compiled . . . from the manuscript minutes of its meetings from 1744 to 1838. la. 8. Philadelphia, 1884. 1264. Proceedings of the American Society of Biological Chemists. Vol. 1 -* la. 8 >. New York, 1907 -> Proceedings of the Amsterdam Academy of Sciences. See 1749. 1265. Proceedings of the Architectural College of the Freemasons of the Church. Part 1-2. 8. London, 1846-47. 1266. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society for the systematic study of philosophy. 1887 > VoL 1 - 8. London, 1888 -* Tlie publication of the ' Proceedings ' was discontinued after number 2 of volume 3 (1895-6), and was recommenced as a new series in 1901 (i.e. Session 1900-1901). Proceedings of the Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire. Sec 1212. Proceedings of the Ashmolean Society. See 26. 1267. Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 1865 (-1904). 8. Calcutta, 1866-1904. Previous to 1865 the Proceedings of the Society were published in tlie ' Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal ' (q.v. No. 673). In 1905 tJie ' Journal ' and ' Proceedings ' were again united, and continued as the 1 Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal ' (q. v. No. 673). PKOCEEDINGS 201 1268. Proceedings of the Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa. [Vol.1.] 4. London, 1790. [Continued as :] African Kesearches ; or Proceedings of the Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa. Vol. 2. 4. London, 1802. [Second edition of volume 1.] 8. London, 1791. Proceedings of the Association of American Anatomists. 15th-20th Sessions. See 69. Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of London. Sec 1115. Proceedings of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club. See 693. 1269. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Vol. 1. la. 8. Washington, 1882. Published in volume 25 of the l Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections' (q.v. No. 1521). Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History and Philo- sophical Society. See 1270. 1270. Proceedings of the Birmingham Philosophical Society. Vol. 1-8. 8. Birmingham, 1879-[1893]. [Continued as :] Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society. Vol. 9 -* 8. Birmingham, 1894 -* Proceedings of the Bombay Geographical Society. Sec 1603. 1271. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 1841 Vol. 1 - 8 (la. 8). Boston, [Mass.], 1844 -> Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. See 216. 1272. Proceedings of the Botanical Society of London. Vol. 1, pt. 1. 8. London, 1839. Proceedings of the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society. See 218. 1273. Proceedings of the British Academy. 1903-4 > [Vol. 1 -] la. 8. London, [1905] -* 1274. Proceedings of the British Meteorological Society. 1861 (-1871). Vol. 1-5. 8. London, 1863-71. [Continued as :] Quarterly Journal of the (Koyal) Meteorological Society. Vol. 1 * la. 8. London, 1873 - 202 PROCEEDINGS 1275. Proceedings of the British Pharmaceutical Conference for the years 1864-69. [Vol. 1.] 8. London, 1869. [Continued as :] Year-Book of Pharmacy, comprising abstracts of papers relating to pharmacy, materia medica, {therapeutics}, and chemistry con- tributed to British and foreign journals . . . with the {Proceedings} (Transactions) of the British Pharmaceutical Conference. 1870 (-1905). 8. London, 1870-1905. The following list gives the names of the tmvns at which each meeting was held and the date of the meeting. 1. Bath. 1864. 22. Aberdeen. 1885. 2. Birmingham. 1865. 23. Birmingham. 1886. 3. Nottingham. 1866. 24. Manchester. 1887. 4. Dundee. 1867. 25. Bath. 1888. 5. Norwich. 1868. 26. Newcastle. 1889. 6. Exeter. 1869. 27. Leeds. 1890. 7. Liverpool. 1870. 28. Cardiff. 1891. 8. Edinburgh. 1871. 29. Edinburgh. 1892. 9. Brighton. 1872. 30. Nottingham. 1893. 10. Bradford. 1873. 31. Oxford. 1894. 11. London. 1874. 32. Bournemouth. 1895. 12. Bristol. 1875. 33. Liverpool. 1896. 13. Glasgow. 1876. 34. Glasgow. 1897. 14. Plymouth. 1877. 35. Belfast. 1898. 15. Dublin. 1878. 36. Plymouth. 1899. 16. Sheffield. 1879. 37. London. 1900. 17. Swansea. 1880. 38. Dublin. 1901. 18. York. 1881. 39. Dundee. 1902. 19. Southampton. 1882. 40. Bristol. 1903. 20. Southport. 1883. 41. Sheffield. 1904. 21. Hastings. 1884. 42. Brighton. 1905. 1276. Proceedings of the California Academy of {Natural} Sciences. 1854 (-1874). Vol. 1-5. la. 8. San Francisco, (1854)-1875. Volume 1 is 2nd edition, published in 1873. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 1888 (-1896). Series 2, vol. 1-6. la. 8. San Francisco, 1889-97. [Continued as:] Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. Series 3. Botany. Vol. 1-2. la. 8\ San Francisco, 1897-1904. Series 3. Geology. Vol. 1-2, no. 1. la. 8. San Francisco, 1897-1904. Series 3. Zoology. Vol. 1-3. la. 8. San Francisco, 1897-1904. PKOCEEDINGS 203 Series 3. Mathematical-Physical Publications. Vol. 1, no. 1-8. la. 8. San Francisco, 1898-1903. In April 1906 the Academy's premises and stock of publications were destroyed by fire. Nothing more was published till December 1907, tvhen the publication of the 'Proceedings' was recommenced as : Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. Fourth series, vol. 1 - la. 8. San Francisco, 1907 * 1277. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 1843 > Vol. 1 -> 80. Cambridge, [1844?] -* Proceedings of the Canadian Institute. See 539. Proceedings of the Chemical Society of London. See 30 and 1006. 1278. Proceedings of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. Vol. 1. No more published. la. 8. [Chicago], 1866. 1279. Proceedings of the Cliuico-Pathological Society of Washington, D. C. [Vol. 1.] 8. Washington, 1865-68. 1280. Proceedings of the Committee of Science and Correspondence of the Zoological Society of London. 1830 (-1832). Pt. 1-2. 8'. [London, 1831-32.] [Continued as :] Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1833 > Part 1 * 8. [London, 1833 -*] 1281. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' (Field) Club. Vol. 1 - 8 (la. 8). London, (Gloucester), 1853 -* 1282. Proceedings of the Crystallological Society. Part 1-2. 8. London, 1877-82. 1283. Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of {Natural} Sciences. Vol. 1 - la. 8. Davenport, Iowa, 1876 > 1284. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. Vol. 4. 8. Sherborne, [1882 ?]. 1285. Proceedings of the Dublin University Zoological and Botanical Association. Vol. 1. 8. Dublin, 1859. Proceedings of the Dudley and Midland Geological and Scientific Society and Field Club. See 1612. 1286. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Vol. 15 > 8. London and Edinburgh, 1897 * 1287. Proceedings of the Elliott Society of Natural History of Charleston, South Carolina. 1853 (-1888). Vol. 1-2. 8. Charleston, 1859-88. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London. Sec 1615. Proceedings of the Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists' Field Club. See 1618. 204 PROCEEDINGS 1288. Proceedings of the Essex Institute. 1848 (-1868). Vol. 1-6. la. 8. Salem, Mass., 1856-70. [Continued as :] Bulletin of the Essex Institute. 1869 (-1898). Vol. 1-30. la. 8. Salem, Mass., 1870-98. Proceedings of the Farmers' Club, New York. See 1591. 1289. Proceedings of the Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West Biding of Yorkshire. 1839 (-1869). Vol. 1-5. 80. Leeds, (1839)-1870. Imperfect : wanting pp. 125 to the end of volume 5. 1290. Proceedings of the Geological Society of London. 1826 (-1845). Vol. 1-4. 8. London, 1834-46. After 1845 the * Proceedings' are published in the ' Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society ' (q.v. No. 1357). 1291. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. 1859 Vol. 1 -* 8. London, 1865 -> Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-168 of volume 1; pp. 281-334 of volume 3; pp. 95-212 of volume 7 ; and the whole of volume 9. Proceedings of the Hamilton Association. See 784. Proceedings of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. See 1671. Proceedings of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. See 692. Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. \ See 708. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. See 1076. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. See 709. 1292. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences, for 1893 (-1898). Vol. 1, part 4 Vol. 6. 8 (la. 8). Des Moines, 1894-99. Imperfect : wanting volumes 4 and 5. 1293. Proceedings of theLinnean Society of London [i.e. Minutes of the Meetings, etc.']. 1838 -* Vol. 1 -> 8. [ L n ?<> n ]> 184 ? -* See also supra : ' Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society,' No. 849. 1294. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales. Vol. 1 -> 8. Sydney, 1877 - Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New York City. Sec 27. 1295. Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. No. 1 * 8. Liverpool, 1845 * Tlie title of number 1 is 'Report and Proceedings of the . . . Society'. PROCEEDINGS 205 1296. Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Vol. 1-26. 8. Manchester, 1857-87. After volume 26 tJie ' Proceedings ' was united with the ' Memoirs of the . . . Society' (q.v. No. 1015) and continued as: 'Memoirs and Proceedings of tJie . . . Society.' Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society. See 28. Proceedings of the London Electrical Society. See 1582. 1297. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society' Vol. 1 > 8 (la. 8). London, [1865] -> Imperfect : wanting volume 28. 1298. Proceedings of the Lyceum of Natural History in the City of New York. Vol. 1. la. 8. [New York, 1870-71.] Imperfect : wanting pp. 301 to the end. Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. See 1296. Proceedings of the Meteorological Society of Mauritius. See 1642. 1299. Proceedings of the Mineralogical and Geological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1877 (-1881). No. 1-2. la. 8. [Philadelphia, 1879-81.] Proceedings of [the] Miramichi Natural History Association. See 1257. 1300. Proceedings of the Musical Association for the investigation and discussion of subjects connected with the art and science of music. Session 2 (-9). 8. London, 1876-83. Proceedings of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science. Sec 516. 1301. Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Dublin. 1849 (-1864). Vol. 1-4. 8. Dublin, 1860-65. Imperfect : wanting pp. 185 to the end of volume 4. 1302. Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. [Part 1. ] 8. Glasgow, 1852. No more published until 1868, when the publications of the Society were continued as : Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. 1859 (-1883). Vol. 1-5. 8. Glasgow, (1868)- 1884. [ Continued as :] Proceedings and Transactions of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. 1883 (-1896). New series, vol. 1-4. 8. Glasgow, (1885)-1897. The title of the separate parts of volume 4 is ' Transactions of the Natural History Society of Glasgow ', etc. 206 PROCEEDINGS [Continued as :] Transactions of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. Including the Proceedings of the Society. 1896 (-1908). New series, vol. 5-8. 8<>. Glasgow, (1897)-1910. [Continued as :] The Glasgow Naturalist. The journal of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. Including the transactions and proceedings of the Society. 1908 > Third series, vol. 1 80. Glasgow, 1909 - Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Montreal, See 540. Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. See 1581. 1303. Proceedings of the Norwich Geological Society. Vol. 1. 8. Norwich, 1878-84. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science of Halifax. Sir, 1252. 1304. Proceedings of the Numismatic Society. 1836-7 (1838-9). 8. London, 1837-40. Proceedings of the Pathological Society of London. See 1650. Proceedings of the Pathological Society of Toronto. Sec 1253. 1305. Proceedings of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science. 1880 (-1886). Vol. 1. sm. 4. Perth, 1881-86. The 'Proceedings' for the years 1871 to 1880 ivere published in the 'Scottish Naturalist' (q.v. No. 1498). Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Adelaide. See 15 80. 1306. Proceedings of the (Royal) Philosophical Society of Glasgow. 1841-2 -*> [Vol. 1 -] 8'\ Glasgow, 1842 -> 1307. Proceedings of the Physical Society of London. 1874 > Vol. 1 > la. 8. London, 1876 > Proceedings of the Physiological Society. See 823. Proceedings of the Plymouth Institution. See 1554. Proceedings of the Polynesian Society. Sec 848. Proceedings of the Polytechnic Association, New York. See 1591. 1308. Proceedings (and Transactions) of the Queensland Branch of the (Royal) Geographical Society of Australasia. Vol. 1-14. 8. Brisbane, 1886-99. Imperfect : wanting pp. 73 to tlie end of volume 2 and pp. 1-52 of volume 3. PROCEEDINGS 207 [Continued as :] Queensland Geographical Journal. Including the Proceedings of the Koyal Geographical Society of Australasia, Queensland. New series. Vol. 15 -> la. 8. Brisbane, [1900 -*] 1309. Proceedings of the Rhodesia Scientific Association. 1899 > Vol. 1 -> 8. Bnlawayo, 1903 - 1310. Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science. Vol. 1 * la. 8. Rochester, N. Y., 1890 > Proceedings of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Amsterdam. See 1749. Proceedings of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. See 1600. Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. S'.'C 610 and 1496. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. See 1308. 1311. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Vol. 1-22. 8. London, 1857-78. [Continued as:] Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and monthly record of geography. New monthly series. Vol. 1-14. la. 8. London, 1879-92. After volume 14 tJie l Proceedings ' are continued in the l Geographical Journal ' (%. v. No. 653). 1312. Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society. 1859 (-1869). Vol. 1 New series, vol. 1. 8. London, 1861-69. Proceedings of the Royal Institute of British Architects. See 1219. Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. See U68. 1313. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Vol. 1 > 8 (sm. fol.). Dublin, (1836) -* After volume 7 of the 3rd series the original numeration according to series was discontinued, the following volume being numbered volume 24, as shown in the appended table. ORIGINAL NUMERATION. CONSECUTIVE NUMERATION. Vol. 1-10 [1st series]. = Vol. 1-10 (1836-1869). Vol. 1-4, 2nd series. Science Section. = Vol. [11-14] (1870-1888). Vol. 1-2, 2nd series. Section of Polite Literature and Antiquities. = Vol. [15-16] (1870-1888). Vol. 1-7, 3rd series. = Vol. [17-23] (1888-1901). 208 PROCEEDINGS Volume 24 and all subsequent volumes are divided into three sections : A. Mathematical, Astronomical, and Physical Science. B. Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science. C. Archaeology, Linguistic, and Literature. TJiis set wants the whole of section t C'. 1314. Proceedings of the Royal Medical and Chirnrgical Society of London. Vol. 1 Series 3, vol. 5. 8. London, 1857-93. Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. See 1306. 1315. Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh (for the promotion of zoology and other branches of natural history). Vol. 1 -> 8 (la. 8). Edinburgh, 1858 - Imperfect: icantingpp. 187-312 of volume 3. Proceedings of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts. See 1659. Proceedings of the Royal Society. See 29. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Mauritius. See 166O. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada. See 1254. 1316. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Vol. 1 > 8 (la. 80). Edinburgh, 1832 - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. See 29. 1317. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. Vol. 1 > la. 8. London, 1907 - The publications of the following Societies were discontinued in 1907, and issued as sections of the ' Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine '. When the original publications of tJie Societies mentioned are in the Library the reference number is given in brackets. British Balneo- logical and Climatological Society ; British Ekctro-Tlierapeutic Society (nothing publisJied) ; British Gynaecological Society ; British Laryn- gological, Mhinological, and Otological Association; Clinical Society of London (1609) ; Dermatological Society of Great Britain and Ireland ; Dermatological Society of London ; Epidemiological Society (1617) ; Laryngological Society of London ; Neurological Society ; Obstetrical Society of London ; Odontological Society of Great Britain (1648) ; Otological Society of tJie United Kingdom ; Pathological Society (1650) ; Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London (940) ; Society for the Study of Disease in Children ; Society of Anesthetists ; and Therapeutical Society. Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. See 1652. PEOCEEDINGS 209 1318. The Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland. 1884 > Vol. 1 - 8<>. Brisbane, 1885 - Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia. See 1580. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. See 1216. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land. See 1216. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. See 1653. Proceedings of the Scientific Association, Meriden. See 1255. Proceedings of the Scottish Microscopical Society. See 1256. 1319. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Vol. 1 - la. 8. New York, 1904 - 1320. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Vol. 1 > 8. London, [1844] > Proceedings of the Society of Arts of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See 918. 1321. Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. Vol. [1] > 8. London, 1879 > 1322. Proceedings of the Society of Public Analysts. Vol. 1. 8. London, 1876. No more published. After this volume the l Proceedings ' are published in ' The Analyst ' (q. v. No. 91). Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. See 1531. 1323. Proceedings of the South African Association of Engineers and Architects. 1892 (-1899). Vol. 1-5. 8. Johannesburg, [1895-1900 ?]. 1324. Proceedings of the Trustees of the Peabody Education Fund. Vol. 1. 8. Boston, 1875. 1325. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. (Published under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution.) Vol. 1 > 8. Washington, 1878 -* Imperfect : wanting volumes 5-11. Volumes 1-4 are published in volumes 19 and 22 of the ( Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections ' (#. v. No. 1521}. 1326. Proceedings of the Warwickshire Naturalists' and Archaeolo- gists' Field Club. 1865 (-1900). 8. Warwick, 1865-1900. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1866 and 1867. p 210 PKOCEEDINGS 1327. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Vol. 1-18. la. 80. Washington, 1899-1911. The papers of the following affiliated Societies are published in the ' Proceedings ' of the Academy : Anthropological Society of Washington. Biological Society of Washington. Botanical Society of Washington. Chemical Society of Washington. Columbia Historical Society. Entomological Society of Washington. Geological Society of Washington. Medical Society of the District of Columbia. National Geographic Society. Philosophical Society of Washington. Society of American Foresters. Washington Society of Engineers. Washington Society of the Archaological Institute of America. No more published. After volume 13 the Proceedings of the above Societies were published in the l Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences '. Proceedings of the Watford Natural History Society and Hertfordshire Field Club. See 1671. 1328. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society . . . from 1847-1854. Vol. 1. la. 8. London and York, 1855. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. See 1280. 1329. Proces-Verbal de la Seance publique de la Societe d' Agriculture, du Commerce et des Arts de Boulogne-sur-Mer. 1826 (-1827). 8. Boulogne, 1827-28. Proces-Verbaux de la Societe beige de Geologic, de Paleontologie et d'Hydrologie. See 462. 1330. Proces-Verbaux des Stances de la Societe des Sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux. Annee 1894 > la. 8. Paris et Bordeaux, 1895 Proces-Verbaux des Seances de la Societe litteraire, scientifique et artistique d' Apt. Sec 145. 1331. Proces-Verbaux des Seances de la Societe malacologique de Belgique. Tom. 5-26. la. 8. Bruxelles, 1876-97. Proces-Verbaux du Comite international des Poids et Mesures. See 561. 1332. Processen-Verbaal van de gewone Vergaderingen der Konink- lijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde. 1865 (-1884). 8<>. [Amsterdam], 1865-84. PKOCESSI 211 Processi Verbal! della Societa toscana di Scienze natural! residente in Pisa. See 373. Professional Papers of the United States Geological Survey. See 1697. 1333. Professional Papers on Indian Engineering . . . Edited by J. G. Medley. Vol. 1-5. la. 8. Boorkee, 1863-68. Prony (G. C. F. M. K. de). See Kiche de Prony (G. C. F. M.). Fsychologische Studien. See 1231. 1334. Pubblicazioni del reale Osservatorio astronomico di Torino. N. 1-3. la. 4o. Torino, 1892-93. 1335. Pubblicazioni del reale Osservatorio di Brera in Milano. No. 1 -* 4. Milano, 1873 -* 1336. Pubblicazioni della Specola vaticana. Vol. f l]-6. 4. Roma, 1891-1902. 1337. Publication der astronomischeu Gesellschaft. [Heft] 1-20. 4. Leipzig, 1865-92. 1338. Publication der Sternwarte in Kiel. Herausgegeben von A. Krueger (P. Harzer). Publication [2] > 4. Kiel (Leipzig), 1882 - 1339. Publicationen der von Kuffner'schen Sternwarte in Wien. Bd. 1 -* 4. Wien, 1899 1340. Publicationen des astrophysikalischen Observatoriums zu Potsdam. Bd. 1 -* 4. Potsdam, 1879 Publications de 1'Institut grand-ducal de Luxembourg. See 1527. 1341. Publications de 1'Observatoire central Nicolas . . . Serie 2, vol. 1 > la. 4. St. P6tersbourg, 1893 -*> Imperfect : wanting volume 4. Publications de la Commission Internationale pour 1' Aerostation scientifique. See 1745. Publications de la Societe des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres du Hainault. See 993. Publications of Colorado College. Sec 560. 1342. Publications of the Astronomical Laboratory at Groningen. Edited by J. C. Kapteyn. No. 1 -> 4. Groningen, 1900 - p 2 212 PUBLICATIONS 1343. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Vol. 1-8. 8. San Prancisco, 1889-96. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-246 of volume 8. Publications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. See 545. 1344. Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory. [No.] 1-8. la. 8. Cincinnati, 1876-85. Imperfect : wanting the second and third ' Publications '. Publications of the Dun Echt Observatory. See 608. 1345. Publications of the Earthquake Investigation Committee. No. 1-24. 4o. Tokyo, 1897-1908. Publications of the Ethnological Survey, Philippine Islands. See 1227. Publications of the Field Columbian Museum. See 636. Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History. See 636. Publications of the Hakluyt Society. Sec 680. 1346. Publications of the Leander McCormick Observatory of the University of Virginia. Vol. 1, part 1-6. la. 8. (Charlottesville), 1883-93. 1347. Publications of the Lick Observatory of the University of California. Vol. 1 > 4. Sacramento, 1887 > Imperfect : wanting volume 7. Publications of the Observatory of the University of California. See 1347. Publications of the Observatory of the University of Virginia. See 1346. Publications of the Observatory of the University of Wisconsin. See 1351. Publications of the Falaontographical Society. See 1214. Publications of the Ray Society. See 1365. 1348. Publications of the United States Naval Observatory. Second series, vol. 1 4. Washington, 1900 Publications of the University of California. See 1700. 1349. Publications of the University of Pennsylvania. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory for the year 1900 > [Vol. 7 >] 8 >. Boston, Mass. (Philadelphia), 1901 -* PUBLICATIONS 213 1350. Publications of the University of Pennsylvania. Mathematics. No. 1-3. la. 8. Philadelphia, 1897-1905. 1351. Publications of the Washburn Observatory of the University of Wisconsin. Vol. 1 - 8 (4). Madison, 1882 - 1352. Publications of West Hendon House Observatory, Sunderland . . . By T. W. Backhouse. No. 1 - 4. Sunderland, 1891 - 1353. Publikationen der Sternwarte des eidg. Folytechnikums zu Zurich. Herausgegeben von A. Wolfer. Bd. 1 la. 4. Zurich, 1897 1354. Publikationen des astrophysikalischen Observatoriums Konig- stuhl-Heidelberg Astrophysikalische Abteilung der grossh. badischen Sternwarte Herausgegeben von M. Wolf. Bd. 1 > 4. Karlsruhe, 1902 - Quarterly Journal of Literature, Science and the Arts. See 824. 1355. The Quarterly Journal of Meteorology and Physical Science. Published under the immediate sanction and direction of the Meteorological Society of Great Britain. Edited by J. W. G. Gutch. [Vol. 1.] 80. London, 1842-43. No more published. 1356. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. Edited by E. Lan- kester and G. Busk [and others]. Vol. 1 * 8<> (la. 80). London, 1853 -> Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. See 537. Quarterly Journal of Science. See 613. Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London. See 1006. 1357. The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London. Vol. 1 -> 8. London, 1845 -> Quarterly Journal of the (Koyal) Meteorological Society. See 1274. 1358. Quarterly Weather Report of the Meteorological Office . . . 1869 (-1880). 4. London, 1870-91. No more published. Queensland Geographical Journal. See 1308. Quetelet (A.). Annuaire de 1'Observatoire de Bruxelles. See 204. 214 KADIUM - 1359. Le Radium, la radioactivite et les radiations, les sciences qui s'y rattachent et leurs applications . . . Redaction J. Danne. Tom. 1-3. sm. fol. Paris, 1904-6. [Continued as :] Le Radium. La radioactivite, les radiations, 1'ionisation. Journal de physique . . . Kedaction J. Danne. Tom. 4 > sm. fol. Paris, 1907 - Rainfall in the East Indian Archipelago. See 1388. 1360. Rainfall of India . . . Published by the various Provincial Govern- ments, and issued ... by the Meteorological Department of the Government of India. 1903 > sm. fol. Calcutta, 1904 > Ranouw (W. van). Kabinet der Natuurlyke Historien, Weten- schappen, Konsten en Handwerken. See 869. 1361. Rapport annnel snr 1'Etat de 1'Observatoire de Paris, pour 1'annee 1880 - 4o. Paris, 1881 - Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1895, 1897, 1898, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1904, and 1907. 1362. Rapport general snr les Travaux de 1' Academic des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de la Ville de Caen. 1801 (-1815). 8. Caen, 1811-[1816?]. 1363. Rapporto annuale dell' Osservatorio marittimo di Trieste . . . Per 1'anno 1884 - Vol. 1 - 4. Trieste, 1886 - 1364. Rapports generaux des Travaux de la Societe philomathique de Paris, depuis son installation au 10 Decembre 1788 jusqu'au (20 Frimaire an viii). Vol. 1-4. 8. Paris, [1793] An 8 [i.e. 1800]. 1365. The Ray Society. [Publications. Vol. 1 -] 8<> and fol. Edinburgh (London), 1845 -* 1366. The Reader: a review of literature, science, and art. [Edited by D. Masson, and others.] Vol. 1-6. sm. fol. London, 1863-65. 1367. Reale Istituto lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Rendicouti. Classe di Scienze matematiche e naturali. Vol. 1-4. la. 8. Milano, 1864-67. [Continued as :] Reale Institute [sic] lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Kendiconti. Serie 2, vol. 1 la. 8. Milano, 1868 > 1368. Record of American Entomology for the year 1868 (-1870). Edited by A. S. Packard. la. 8. Salem, 1869-71. Record of the Experiment Stations, United States Department of Agriculture. Sec 1694. EECOKD 215 1369. The Record of the Royal Society of London. No. 1 * 8. London, 1897 -* 1370. The Record of Zoological Literature. 1864 (-1869). Edited by A. C. L. G. Gunther. Vol. 1-6. 8. London, 1865-70. [Continued as :] The Zoological Record for 1870 (-1890). Being volume seventh (-27th) of the Record of Zoological Literature. Edited [first for the Zoological Record Association, and afterwards for the Zoological Society of London] by A. Newton (E. C. Rye, F. J. Bell, F. E. Beddard). 8. London, 1871-92. [Continued as :] The Zoological Record. Volume the twenty-eighth (-42nd). Being records of zoological literature relating chiefly to the year 1891 (-1905) . . . Edited [for the Zoological Society of London] by D. Sharp. 8. London, 1892-1906. No more published. After 1905 the ' Record ' was amalgamated with the ' Zoology ' sectioti of the ' International Catalogue of Scientific Litera- ture' (q.v. No. 712). 1371. Records of the Albany Museum. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Graliamstown, 1903 > 1372. Records of the Australian Museum. Vol. 1 > 8 (la. 8). Sydney, 1890 - 1373. Records of the Botanical Survey of India. Vol. 1 la. 80. Calcutta, 1893 1374. Records of the Egyptian Government School of Medicine. Vol. [l]-3. la. 4. Cairo, 1901-5. 1375. Records of the Geological Survey of India. Vol. 1 > la. 80. (Calcutta), 1870 -*> No volumes were published between the years 1897 and 1904. 1376. Records of the Geological Survey of Mew South Wales. Vol. 7 > 4. Sydney, 1902 -* Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-28 of volume 7. 1377. Records of the Indian Museum. A journal of Indian zoology. Vol. 1 -* la. 8. Calcutta, 1907 - Recueil d' Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres du Departement de 1'Eure. See 464. 1378. Recueil de 1'Institut botanique, Universite de Bruxelles, publie par L. Errera (J. Massart). Tom. 1 sm. fol. Bruxelles, 1906 - Recueil de la Societe poly technique. See 121. 216 KECUEIL 1379. Recueil tie Memoires concernants 1'oeconomie rurale, par une Societe etablie a Berne en Suisse. Tom. 1-2. 8. Zuric, 1760-61. [Continued as :] Memoires et Observations recueillies par la Societe oeconomique de Berne. Annee 1762 (-1772). 8. Berne, 1762-72. 1380. Recueil de Memoires et autres pieces de prose et de vers, qui ont ete lus dans les Seances de la Societe des Amis des Sciences, des Lettres, de 1' Agriculture et des Arts, a Aix, Departement des Bouches-du-Rhone. [Tom. 1-3.] 8. Aix, 1819-27. [Continued as:] Memoires de 1'Acadeniie des Sciences, Agriculture, Arts et Belles- Lettres d'Aix. Tom. 4-8. 8. Aix, 1840-61. 1381. Recueil des Actes de la Seance publique de 1' Academic imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg, tenue . . . 1828 (-1848). 4. (St. Petersbourg), 1829-49. Imperfect: wanting the volume for the year 1829. The 'Recueil des Actes ' contains the ' Compte remlu de V Academic '. 1382. Recueil des Pieces qui ont remporte les prix de 1' Academic royale des Sciences, depuis leur fondation [i.e. 1720] jusqu'a present [i. e. 1772]. Avec les pieces qui y ont concouru. Tom. 1-9. 4. Paris, 1752-77. No more published. This is a reprint of ' Pieces qui ont remporte les . . . prix de V Academic . . . selon la fondation faite par feu M. Eouille de Meslay ', published in 1721-77. Recueil des Travaux botaniques neerlandais. See 1140. 1383. Recueil des Travaux de la Societe d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Agen. 1856-7. Tom. 8. 8 '. Agen, 1857. 1384. Recueil des Travaux de la Societe (d' Amateurs} des Sciences, de 1'Agriculture et des Arts, a Lille. 1819 (-1827). 8->. Lille, 1823-27. 1385. Recueil des Travaux de la Societe d'Emulation pour les Sciences pharmaceutiques. 1846 (-1860). Tom. 1-3. 8. Paris, 1848-60. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-128 of volume 3. Recueil des Travaux de la Societe libre d' Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres du Departement de 1'Eure. See 464. Recueil industriel, manufacturer, agricole et commercial. See 121. 1386. Recueil poly technique des Ponts et Chaussees, canaux de navi- gation, ports maritimes, dessechemens des marais, agriculture, manufactures, arts mecaniques, et des constructions civiles de France en general, etc. Tom. 1-2. 4. Paris, [1804]-1807. KECUEIL 217 1387. Recueil zoologique suisse, comprenant 1'embryologie, 1'anatomie et 1'histologie comparees, la physiologie, 1'ethnologie, la classification des animaux vivants ou fossiles. Publie sous la direction du D r H. Fol. Serie 1, torn. 1-5. 8. Geneve, Bale, 1884-92. No more published. Referate mid Beitrage zur Anatomic und Entwickelungs- gescliiclite. See 628. 1388. Regenwaarnemingen in Nederlandsch-Indie. 1879 Jaar- gang 1 - 8 (la. 8'). Batavia, 1880 - The earlier volumes have a second title-page : ' Rainfall in the East Indian Archipelago.' 1389. Regia TTniversita degli Studi di Roma. Istituto chimico. Ricerche eseguite nell' anno 1890-91. la. 8. Koma, 1891. 1390. Register of the Arts and Sciences . . . containing a correct account of several hundred of the most important and interesting inven- tions, discoveries, and processes. Vol. 1. 8. London, 1824. Reichert (C. B.). Archiv filr Anatomie, Physiologie und wissen- schaftliche Medicin. See 275. Reid (A.) and Gray (J.). Philosophical Transactions. See 1230. Reil (J. C.). Archiv fur die Physiologie. See 275. Remsen (I.). American Chemical Journal. See 67. 1391. Rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo. 1884 > Tom. 1 -> la. 8. Palermo, 1887 -> Rendiconti del reale Istituto lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. See 1387. Rendiconti della reale Accaclemia dei Lincei. Sec 364. Rendiconti e Mentorie della reale Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti degli Zelanti, Acireale. See 374. Rendiconto dell' Accademia delle Scieuze dell* Istituto di Bologna. See 1181 and 1395. 1392. Rendiconto dell' Accademia delle Scienze fisiclie e matematiche (Sezione della Societa reale di Napoli). [Anno] 1 4 (la. 8' J ). Napoli, 1862 -> Rendiconto dell' Adunanza solenne della reale Accademia dei Lincei. See 364. Rendiconto della reale Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. See 1181 and 1395. 1393. Rendiconto della reale Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti. Anno 1863 (-1864). 4. Napoli, 1863-64. 218 KENDICONTO Rendiconto della reale Accademia di Scieiize morali e politiclie. See 1396. Hendiconto della Societa agraria. See 1181. Rendiconto della Societa reale borbonica. See 1394. 1394. Rendiconto delle Adunanze e de' lavori dell' Accademia (napoli- tana) delle Scienze. Sezione della Societa reale borbonica di Napoli. Tom. 1-9. 4. Napoli, 1842-50. Imperfect : ivanting pp. 181 to the end of volume 9. Kendiconto della Societa reale borbonica. Accademia delle Scienze. Nuova serie, Anno 1-5. 4. Napoli, 1852-56. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-184 of volume 1, and the whole of volume 3. 1395. Rendiconto delle Session! dell' Accademia delle Scienze del- 1' Istituto di Bologna. Anno 1851-2 (1878-9). 80. Bologna, 1852-79. From 1844 to 1851 the l Rendiconto ' was issued in the ' Nuovi Annali delle Scienze naturali' (q.v. No. 1181}. Kendiconto delle Session! della reale Accademia delle Scienze del 1' Istituto di Bologna. Nuova serie, vol. 1 > 8. Bologna, 1897 -* From volume 12 (1907-8) onwards this set contains the l Glasse di Scienze fisicJie ' only. 1396. Rendiconto delle Tornate e dei Lavori della reale Accademia di Scienze morali e politiche. Anno [l]-2. 4. Napoli, 1862-63. Societa reale di Napoli. Kendiconto delle Tornate e dei Lavori del 1' Accademia di Scienze morali e politiche. Anno 7-8. 8". Napoli, 1868-69. Repertoire de Chimie appliquee. See 1523. Repertoire de Chimie pure. See 1523. 1397. Repertorio italiauo per la Storia natnrale. Repertorium italicum complectens zoologiam, mineralogiam, geologiam et palaeontologiam. Cura J. J. Bianconi. Vol. 1-2. 8. Bononiae, 1853-54. 1398. Repertorium der literarischen Arbeiten aus dem Gebiete der reinen und angewandten Matliematik. ' Original berichte der Verfasser.' Gesammelt und herausgegeben von L. Koenigsberger und G. Zeuner. Bd. 1-2. la. 8. Leipzig, 1877-79. No more published. Repertorium der miner alogischen und krystallographischeu Literatur. See 1783. 1399. Repertorium der Naturwissenschaften. Monatliche Uebersicht der neuesten Arbeiten auf dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. Herausgegeben von der Redaction des 'Naturforscher '. Jahrgang 1. No more published. sm. fol. Berlin, 1875. Imperfect : ivanting pp. 84-109. REPERTORIUM 219 1400. Hepertorium des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten aus der gesammteu Naturkunde . . . Herausgegeben von H. G. Florke. Bd. 1-5. sm. 80. Berlin, 1811-13. 1401. Repertorium fiir Anatomic und Physiologic. Kritische Darstel- lung fremder und Ergebnisse eigener Forschung. Von Gr. Valentin. Bd. 1-8. 80. Berlin (Bern und St. Gallen), 1837-43. 1402. Repertorium fiir die Pharmacie. Angefangen von A. F. Gehlen. Fortgesetzt von J. A. Buchner. Bd. 1-110. 12o. Nfcmberg, 1826-51. Volumes 51 to 110 are also numbered Eeihe 3, Bd. 1 Eeihe 3, Bd. 10. After volume 110 this journal was continued as : ( Neues Repertorium fur die Pharmacie.' Hepertorium far Experimental-Physik. See 1403. Repertorium fiir Meteorologie. See 1058. 1403. Repertorium fiir physikalische Teclinik fiir mathematisclie und astronomische Instrumentenkunde. Herausgegeben von P. Carl. Bd. 1-3. la. 8. Miinchen, 1866-67. [Continued as :] Repertorium fiir Experimental-Physik . . . Herausgegeben von P. Carl. Bd. 4-18. la. 8. Munchen (und Leipzig), 1868-82. 1404. The Repertory of Arts and Manufactures : consisting of original communications, specifications of patent inventions, and selections of useful practical papers from the transactions of the philosophical societies of all nations. Vol. 1-16. 8. London, 1794-1802. [Continued as :] The Repertory of Arts, Manufactures and Agriculture. Consisting of original communications . . . monthly intelligence relating to the useful arts, proceedings of learned societies, and notices of all patents granted for inventions. Series 2, vol. 1-36. 80. London, 1802-20. Report and Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. See 1295. Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science. See 1415. 1405. Report of Mr. Tebbutt's Observatory, Windsor, New South Wales, for the year 1888 (-1901). 8. Sydney, 1889-1902. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1898, 1899, and 1900. Report of Progress, Geological Survey of Canada. See 657. Report of Progress, Geological Survey of Victoria. See 660. Report of the American Institute of the City of New York. See 1591. 220 KEPORT Report of the American Museum of Natural History. See 76. Report of the Art Society, Swansea. See 1469. Report of the Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire. See 1212. Report of the Association of American Geologists and Natural- ists. See 1432. 1406. Report of the Astronomer to the Marine Committee, Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. [1863] (-1888). la. 8. Liverpool, 1863-89. Imperfect : wanting the Reports for the years 1866 to 1868 and 1879 to 1883. Report of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. See 226. Report of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. See 1413. Report of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. See 216. Report of the Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society. See 218. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. See 1414. Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. See 219. Report of the Canadian Institute. See 220. Report of the Cardiff Naturalists' Society. See 543. Report of the Chief Astronomer, Canada. See 533. Report of the Chief Executive Viticultural Officer (Sacramento). See 221. Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau, United States of America. See 1696. Report of the Chief Signal Officer of the United States Army. See 222. 1407. Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture [of the United States of America]. 1866 (-1885). [5th-24th Reports.] 8. Washington, 1867-85. Report of the Secretary of Agriculture [of the United States of America]. 1889 (-1893). (lst-5th Reports.) 8. Washington, 1889-94. Imperfect : wanting the volume for the year 1892. From 1894 onwards the Report was issued in two parts ; one, containing the business and executive matter, under the above title, and the other as the ' Year-Book of the United States Department of Agriculture \ This set contains the latter part only. Year-Book of the United States Department of Agriculture. 1895 > [Vol. 2 -] 8. Washington, 1896 - KEPORT 221 Report of the Commissioner of Fisheries, United States of America. See 1691. Report of the Condition and Progress of the G. V. Juggarow Observatory, Vizagapatam. See 867. 1408. Report of the Cornwall Polytechnic Society, for 1833. 8<>. Falmonth, [1834]. [Continued as :] Annual Eeporfc of the (Royal) Cornwall Polytechnic Society. 1834 -> (2nd, etc., Reports.) 8. Falmouth (Penryn), [1835] > 1409. Report of the Danish Biological Station to the {Home Department} (Board of Agriculture). 1892 > Vol. 3 - la. 8 (4). Copenhagen, 1893 * Imperfect : wanting volumes 10, 13, and 14. The ' Ecport ' is trans- lated from ' Fiskeri-Bcretning '. Report of the Department of Mines, New South Wales. See 224. 1410. The Report of the Department of Pathological Chemistry of University College, London. Together with a collection of papers and abstracts published from the Laboratory. Edited by V. Harley and F. W. Goodbody. Vol. 1-4. la. 8<>. London, 1897-1902. Imperfect : wanting volume 3. Report of the Deputy Master of the Mint. See 225. Report of the Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. See 231. Report of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science. See 1415. 1411. Report of the Director of the Observatory to the Marine Com- mittee, and meteorological results deduced from observations taken at the Liverpool Observatory, Bidston, Birkenhead (published by order of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board), during the year 1892 > la. 8. Liverpool, 1894 > Imperfect : wanting the Reports for the years 1899, 1901, 1905, 1907 and 1908. Report of the Field Naturalists' Society, Swansea. See 1469. Report of the Fishery Board of Scotland. See 228. Report of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada. See 657. Report of the Geological Commission, Cape of Good Hope. See 541. Report of the Geological Survey of Canada. See 657. Report of the Geological Survey of Victoria. See 660. 222 EEPOKT Report of the Iowa Geological Survey. See 715. Report of tli e Johnston Laboratories. See 1566. Report of the Liverpool Marine Biology Committee. See 229. Report of the Liverpool Observatory. See 1411. 1412. Report of the Marlborough College Natural History Society. 1884 (-1888). No. 33-37. 8. Marlborough, 1885-89. Report of the Massachusetts Board of Agriculture. See 233. Report of the Medical Officer, Local Government Board. See 892. 14:13. Report of the . . . Meeting of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. (1st, etc., Reports.) > 8. Sydney, 1888 -* The following list gives the names of the towns at which each meeting was held and the date of the meeting. 1. Sydney, 1888. 7. Sydney, 1898. 2. Melbourne, 1890. 8. Melbourne, 1900. 3. Christchurch, 1891. 9. Hobart, 1902. 4. Hobart, 1892. 10. Dunedin, 1904. 5. Adelaide, 1893. 11. Adelaide, 1907. 6. Brisbane. 1895. 12. Brisbane, 1909. 1414. Report of the . . . Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science . . . including its proceedings, recom- mendations, and transactions. (1st, etc., Keports.) 8. London, 1833 -* The following list gives filenames oftlie towns at which each meeting ivas held and the date of the meeting. 1. York, 1831. 18. Swansea, 1848. 2. Oxford, 1832. 19. Birmingham, 1849. 3. Cambridge, 1833. 20. Edinburgh, 1850. 4. Edinburgh, 1834. 21. Ipswich, 1851. 5. Dublin, 1835. 22. Belfast, 1852. 6. Bristol, 1836. 23. Hull, 1853. 7. Liverpool, 1837. 24. Liverpool, 1854. 8. Newcastle, 1838. 25. Glasgow, 1855. 9. Birmingham, 1839. 26. Cheltenham, 1856. 10. Glasgow, 1840. 27. Dublin, 1857. 11. Plymouth, 1841. 28. Leeds, 1858. 12. Manchester, 1842. 29. Aberdeen, 1859. 13. Cork, 1843. 30. Oxford, 1860. 14. York, 1844. 31. Manchester, 1861. 15. Cambridge, 1845. 32. Cambridge, 1862. 16. Southampton, 1846. 33. Newcastle, 1863. 17. Oxford, 1847. 34. Bath, 1864. REPORT 223 35. Birmingham, 1865. 59. Newcastle, 1889. 36. Nottingham, 1866. 60. Leeds, 1890. 37. Dundee, 1867. 61. Cardiff, 1891. 38. Norwich, 1868. 62. Edinburgh, 1892. 39. Exeter, 1869. 63. Nottingham, 1893. 40. Liverpool, 1870. 64. Oxford, 1894. 41. Edinburgh, 1871. 65. Ipswich, 1895. 42. Brighton, 1872. 66. Liverpool, 1896. 43. Bradford, 1873. 67. Toronto, 1897. 44. Belfast, 1874. 68. Bristol, 1898. 45. Bristol, 1875. 69. Dover, 1899. 46. Glasgow, 1876. 70. Bradford, 1900. 47. Plymouth, 1877. 71. Glasgow, 1901. 48. Dublin, 1878. 72. Belfast, 1902. 49. Sheffield, 1879. 73. Southport, 1903. 50. Swansea, 1880. 74. Cambridge, 1904. 51. York, 1881. 75. South Africa, 1905. 52. Southampton, 1882. 76. York, 1906. 53. Southport, 1883. 77. Leicester, 1907. 54. Montreal, 1884. 78. Dublin, 1908. 55. Aberdeen, 1885. 79. Winnipeg, 1909. 56. Birmingham, 1886. 80. Sheffield, 1910. 57. Manchester, 1887. 81. Portsmouth, 1911. 58. Bath, 1888. 1415. Report (and Transactions) of the . . . Meeting of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art. (1st, etc., Reports.) Vol. 1 -> 8. London (Plymouth), 1863 > The following list gives the names of the towns at which each meeting was Jteld and the date of the meeting, 1. Exeter, 1862. 17. Paignton, 1878. 2. Plymouth, 1863. 18. Ilfracombe, 1879. 3. Torquay, 1864. 19. Totnes, 1880. 4. Tiverton, 1865. 20. Dawlish, 1881. 5. Tavistock, 1866. 21. Crediton, 1882. 6. Barnstaple, 1867. 22. Exmouth, 1883. 7. Honiton, 1868. 23. Newton Abbot, 1884. 8. Dartmouth, 1869. 24. Seaton, 1885. 9. Devonport, 1870. 25. St. Marychurch, 1886. 10. Bideford, 1871. 26. Plympton, 1887. 11. Exeter, 1872. 27. Exeter, 1888. 12. Sidmouth, 1873. 28. Tavistock, 1889. 13. Teignmouth, 1874. 29. Barnstaple, 1890. 14. Torrington, 1875. 30. Tiverton, 1891. 15. Ashburton, 1876. Wanting. 31. Plymouth, 1892. 16. Kingsbridge, 1877. 32. Torquay, 1893. 224 KEPOKT 33. South Molton, 1894. 42. Sidmoutb, 1903. 34. Okehampton, 1895. 43. Teignmouth, 1904. 35. Ashburton, 1896. 44. Princetovvn, 1905. 36. Kingsbridge, 1897. 45. Lynton, 1906. 37. Honiton, 1898. 46. Axminster, 1907. 38. Torrington, 1899. 47. Newton Abbot, 1908. 39. Totnes, 1900. 48. Launceston, 1909. 40. Exeter, 1901. 49. Cullompton, 1910. 41. Bideford, 1902. 50. Dartmouth, 1911. 1416. Report of the Meteorological Committee of the Royal Society. 1867 [1st Keport.] (-May 1877). la. 8". London, 1868-77. [Continued as :] Keport of the Meteorological Council to the Royal Society [June 1877] (-March 1905). 8'>. London, 1878-1905. [Continued as :] Report of the Meteorological Committee to the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury. [April 1905 *]. (1st, etc., Reports.) 8. London, 1906 > 1417. Report of the Meteorological Reporter to the Government of Bengal. Meteorological Abstract for the year 1867 (-1874). [Vol. 1-8.] . sm. fol. Calcutta, 1868-75. 1418. Report of the National Academy of Sciences for the year 1883 (-1894). 8. Washington, 1884-95. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for tlie years 1887, 1891, and 1892. Report of the New York State Museum. Sec 232. Report of the Oxfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. See 1212. Report of the Feabody Academy of Science. See 235. Report of the Feabody Museum. See 230. Report of the Philosophical Society of Adelaide. See 1580. Report of the Plymouth Institution. Sec 231. Report of the Royal Alfred Observatory. See 227. Report of the Royal Humane Society. See 1468. Report of the Royal Institution of South Wales. Sec 1469. Report of the Royal Society of South Australia. Sec 1580. Report of the Royal Society of Tasmania. Sec 1419. 1419. Report of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land, for the year 1847 (-1855). 8. Hobart Town, 1848-56. EEPORT 225 [Continued as :] Report of the Royal Society of Tasmania, for the year 1856 (-1874). 8. Hobart Town, 1857-75. After 1874 the Report of the Society was published with the ' Papers and Proceedings ' (q. v. No. 1216). Imperfect: ivantlng the volumes for the years 1849 and 1853. Report of the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States of America. See 1407. Report of the Smithsonian Institution. Sec 217. 1420. Report of the South African Association for the Advancement of Science. Meeting 1 (-2). la. 8. Cape Town, [1903 J-1904. 1. Cape Town, 1903. 2. Johannesburg, 1904. 1421. Report of the Southport Society of Natural Science. 1890 (-1893). (1st and 2nd Reports.) 8. Southport, 1892-95. Report of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, at Amherst, Mass. See 234. 1422. Report of the Superintendent of the (U. S.) Coast (and Geodetic) Survey. 1848 -* 8<> (4). Washington, [1849] -* Imperfect : wanting the volume for the year 1852. 1423. Report of the Superintendent of the United States Naval Observatory. 1884 (-1904). 8. Washington, 1884-1904. Imperfect : ivanting the volumes for the years 1894 to 1897 and 1899 ta 1901. Report of the Swansea Scientific Society. See 1469. Report of the Thompson Yates Laboratories. See 1566. Report of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Sec: 1422. Report of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. See 1691. Report of the United States Geological Survey. See 236. Report of the United States Naval Observatory. See 1423. Report of the Warwickshire Natural History and Archaeological Society. Sec 1756. Report of the Weather Bureau, United States of America. See 1696. Report of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. See 223. 1424. Report on the Administration of the Meteorological Department of the Government of India in 1875-6 (1902-3). sm. fol. [Calcutta, 1876-1903.] 226 KEPOET Report on the Colonial Museum and Laboratory, New Zealand. See 658. Report on the Health of the Navy. See 1536. 1425. Report on the Meteorological Observations, in the North- Western Provinces of India. By M. Thomson. 1867 (-1873). sm. foL Koorkee (Allahabad), 1868-74. 1426. A Report on the Meteorological Observations made at the Abbassia Observatory, Cairo. 1898 (-1903). 4 (obi. 8). Cairo, 1900-5. Report on the Meteorological Service of the Dominion of Canada. See 1435. 1427. Report on the Meteorology of India in 1875 (-1890). Year 1-16. fol. Calcutta, 1877-92. Report on the Meteorology of the Punjab. See 238. Report on the Operations of the Survey of India. See 650. Report on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland. See 599. 1428. Reports, Correspondence and Original Papers on various profes- sional subjects connected with the duties of the Corps of Engineers, Madras Presidency. Arranged and printed for private circulation by J. T. Smith. Vol. 1-2. la. 4. Madras, 1839-46. 1429. Reports from the Cancer Research Laboratories, the Middlesex Hospital. Vol. 1. la. 8. London, 1902. The second and subsequent Reports are published in the t Archives of tfie Middlesex Hospital ' (q. v. No. 306). 1430. Reports from the Laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. Vol. 1-9. 8 (la. 8). Edinburgh, 1889-1905. Imperfect : ivanting volume 3. Reports of Geological Explorations. Geological Survey of New Zealand. See 659. Reports of Guy's Hospital. Sec 679. Reports of Saint Bartholomew's Hospital. See 1475. Reports of Saint Thomas's Hospital. See 1476. Reports of the Army Medical Department. See 314. 1431. Reports of the Commission appointed by the Admiralty, the War Office, and the Civil Government of Malta, for the investiga- tion of Mediterranean fever, under the supervision of an advisory committee of the Koyal Society. Parts 1-7. 8. London, 1905-7. REPOETS 227 1432. Reports of the first, second, and third Meetings of the Association of American Geologists and Naturalists at Philadelphia in 1840 and 1841, and at Boston in 1842. Embracing its proceedings and transactions. la. 8. Boston, 1843. This Association was re-formed in 1847 into the ' American Association for the Advancement of Science ', and its publications were continued as : Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. First (Second, etc.) meeting. 1848 > 8 (la. 8). Philadelphia (Boston, etc.), 1849 - The follotving list gives the names of the towns at which eacli meeting ivas held and the date of the meeting. 1. Philadelphia, 1848. 30. Cincinnati, 1881. 2. Cambridge, 1849. 31. Montreal, 1882. 3. Charleston, 1850. 32. Minneapolis, 1883. 4. New Haven, 1850. 33. Philadelphia, 1884. 5. Cincinnati, 1851. 34. Ann Arbor, 1885. 6. Albany, 1851. 35. Buffalo, 1886. 7. Cleveland, 1853. 36. New York, 1887. 8. Washington, 1854. 37. Cleveland, 1888. 9. Providence, 1855. 38. Toronto, 1889. 10. Albany, 1856. 39. Indianapolis, 1890. 11. Montreal, 1857. 40. Washington, 1891. 12. Baltimore, 1858. 41. Eochester, 1892. 13. Springfield, 1859. 42. Madison, 1893. 14. Newport, 1860. 43. Brooklyn, 1894. 15. Buffalo, 1866. 44. Springfield, 1895. 16. Burlington, 1867. 45. Buffalo, 1896. 17. Chicago, 1868. 46. Detroit, 1897. 18. Salem, 1869. 47. Boston, 1898. 19. Troy, 1870. 48. Columbus, 1899. 20. Indianapolis, 1871. 49. New York, 1900. 21. Dubuque, 1872. 50. Denver, 1901. 22. Portland, 1873. 51. Pittsburg, 1902. 23. Hartford, 1874. 52. Washington, 1902-3. 24. Detroit, 1875. 53. St. Louis, 1903-4. 25. Buffalo, 1876. 54. Philadelphia, 1904. 26. Nashville, 1877. 55. New Orleans, 1905-6. 27. St. Louis, 1878. 56. Ithaca, 1906. 28. Saratoga, 1879. 57. New York, 1906-7. 29. Boston, 1880. 58. Chicago, 1907-8. Reports of the Middlesex Hospital. See 1071. 1433. Reports of the Sleeping Sickness Commission of the Royal Society. No. 1 - 8 (la. 8). London, 1903 - 1434. The Reports of the Society for Bettering the Condition and Increasing the Comforts of the Poor. Vol. 1-2. 12o. London, 1798-1800. 228 KEPOKTS 1435. Reports on the Meteorological, Magnetic and other Observa- tories of the Dominion of Canada. 1874 (-1876). 8. Ottawa, 1875-77. [Continued, as:] Eeport on the Meteorological Service of the Dominion of Canada. 1877 (-1901). 80 (la. 8). Ottawa, 1878-1903. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1882, 1883, 1888, 1889, and 1891 to 1900. 1436. Reports to the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society. No. 1-5. 8. London, 1902-9. 1437. Reports to the Malaria Committee of the Royal Society. Series 1-8. 8. London, 1900-1903. Resal (H.). Journal de Math6matiques. See 793. 1438. Researches of the Loomis Laboratory of the Medical Department of the University of the City of New York. No. 1-2. 8. New York, 1890-92. Reslhnber (A.). Beobachtungen der Sternwarte zu Kremsmunster. See 1440. 1439. { Result of; Astronomical Observations made at the Honorable the East India Company's Observatory at Madras. For the year 1831 (-1852). 4o. Madras, 1832-54. 1440. Resultate aus den im Jahre 1856 (-1869) auf der Sternwarte zu Kremsmiinster angestellten meteorologischen Beobach- tungen. Von A. Keslhuber. 8. Linz, 1857-72. 1441. Resultate aus den Beobachtungen des magnetischen Vereins . . . Herausgegeben von C. F. Gauss und W. Weber. 1836 (-1841). 8. Gottingen (Leipzig),, 1837-43. Results of Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory. See 329. Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Melbourne Observatory. See 333. 1442. Results of (Astronomical Observations) (Meridian Observations) made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in the year 1856 - [Vol. 1 ->] la. 80 (la. 4). Cape Town (London), 1871 -* Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1858 and 1860. 1443. Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Sydney Observatory, New South Wales. 1877 (-1881). la, 8. Sydney, 1881-93. Results of Meridian Observations made at the Royal Observa- tory, Cape of Good Hope. Sec 1442. EESULTS 229 Results of Meteorological and Magnetical Observations made at Stonyhurst College Observatory. See 1542. Results of Meteorological Observations at the Jnggarow Observatory, Vizagapatam. See 867. Results of Meteorological Observations made in New South Wales. See 25. 1444. Results of Observations in Meteorology, Terrestrial Magnetism, &c., &c., taken at the Melbourne Observatory, during the year 1872 (-1876) ; together with abstracts from meteorological observa- tions obtained at various localities in Victoria. Under the superin- tendence of K. L. J. Ellery. Vol. 1-5. la. 8<>. Melbourne, [1873-77?]. Monthly Record of Results of Observations in Meteorology, Terres- trial Magnetism, &c., &c., taken at the Melbourne Observatory during 1880 (-1884): together with abstracts from meteorological observations obtained at various localities in Victoria under the superintendence of R. L. J. Ellery. la. 8. Melbourne, 1880-84. 1445. Results of Rain (River and Evaporation) Observations made in New South Wales during 1878 (-1902). la. 8<>. Sydney, 1879-1904. Resume des Observations centralisees, Service hydrometricpie du Bassin de la Seine. See 1242. Resume du Compte-rendu des Travaux du Laboratoire de Carlsberg. See 930. 1446. Resume meteorologique de 1'annee 1847 (-1898) pour Geneve et le Grand St. Bernard, par E. Plantamour (A. Kammermann, R. Gautier). 8. Geneve, 1848-99. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1851, 1852, 1853, 1871, 1878, 1879, 1887, 1893 and 1894. 1447. Resiimen de las Actas de la Academia real de Ciencias (exactas, fisicasynaturales). 1847-8 (1862-3). 8. Madrid, 1848-64. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1859-60 and 1860-1. 1448. Resumen de las Observaciones meteorologicas efectuadas en la Peninsula (y algunas de sus Islas adyacentes). 1865 (-1889). 8<>. Madrid, 1867-91. Imperfect : wanting tJie volume for the year 1867. 1449. Revista de la real Academia de Ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales de Madrid. Tom. 1 > la. 8. Madrid, 1904 Revista 'de la Sociedad cientinca * Antonio Alzate'. Sec 1029. Revista de Mathematica. Sec 1464. 230 REVISTA 1450. Revista del Museo de La Plata (Universidad Nacional de la Plata). Tom. 1 * 4. La Plata (Buenos Aires), 1890 1451. Revista do Museu nacional do Bio de Janeiro. Vol. 1. la. 4. Eio de Janeiro, 1896. The l Revista ' was published as a supplement to volume 9 of the 1 Archivos do Museu nacional ' (3. v. No. 312). 1452. Revista do Museu Paulista publicada por H. von Ihering. Vol. 1-2. la. 80. S. Paulo, 1895-97. 1453. Revista do Observatorio. Publicayao mensal do Imperial Obser- vatorio do Bio de Janeiro. Anno 1-6. la. 8. Eio de Janeiro, 1886-91. 1454. Revista periodica dei Lavori clella i. r. Accademia di Scieiize, Lettere ed Arti di Fadova. Vol. [1]-14. 8. Padova, 1851-65. 1455. Revista trimestral micrografica. 6rgano del Laboratorio histo- logico de la Facultad de Medicina de Madrid. Publicada por S. R. Cajal. Tom. 1-5. la. 8. Madrid, 1896-1900. [Continued as:] Trabajos del Laboratorio de Investigaciones biologicas de la Univer- sidad de Madrid. Publicados por S. K. Cajal. Tom. 1-4, fasc. 2 (torn. 6-9, fasc. 2 de la ' Kevista trimestral '). la. 8. Madrid, 1901-5. Travaux du Laboratoire de Kecherches biologiques de 1'Universite de Madrid. Suite de la 'Revista trimestral micrografica'. Publies par S. R. Cajal. Tom. 5-6 (torn. 10-11 de la ' Revista trimestral micrografica'). la. 8. Madrid, 1907-8. [Continued as:] Trabajos del Laboratorio de Investigaciones biologicas de la Univer- sidad de Madrid. Tom. 7 (torn. 12 de la ' Revista trimestral micrografica ') * la. 8. Madrid, 1909 * 1456. Revue catholique. Nouvelle serie, torn. 1-16. la. 8. Louvain, 1869-76. All the non-scientific articles have leen removed from this set. 1457. Revue de Geologic pour 1'annee 1861 (-1868). Par M. Delesse et M. Laugel (M. Delesse et M. de Lapparent). Tom. 2-7. 8<>. Paris, 1862-71. Imperfect : wanting volume 3 (i. e. the volume for the years 1862 and 1863). Revue de Mathematiques. Sec 1464. 1458. Revue des Cours scientifiques de la France et de 1'^tranger, Physique, chimie, zoologie, botanique, anatomie, physiologie, geologie, palSontologie, m6decine. [Edited by 0. Barot, and others.] Annee 1-7. 4. Paris, 1863-70. KEVUE 231 [Continued as :] La Kevue scientifique de la France et de 1'Etranger. Kevue dea Cours scientifiques . . . 2 e serie, annee 1 3 e serie, torn. 7 [i.e. Annee 8 annee 21, l er semestre of the whole series]. 4. Paris. 1871-84. [Continued as :] Eevue scientifique (Kevue rose). (Annee 21, 2 e semestre) 3 9 serie, torn. 8 - 4. Paris, 1884 1459. Revue des Sciences naturelles. Publiee sous la direction de E. Dubrueil, E. Heckel [and others]. Tom. 1 3 e serie, torn. 2. la. 8. Montpellier et Paris, 1873-83. Imperfect : wanting pp. 117-268 of volume 1 of the 1st series. Revue eiicyclopedique. See 900. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie. See 1461. 1460. Revue generate des Sciences pures et appliquees. Directeur : L. Olivier. Tom. 1 -> sm. fol. Paris, 1890 - Revue scientifique {de la France et de 1'Etranger; . See 1458. 1461. Revue zoologique, par la Societe cuvierienne ; association universelle pour 1'avancement de la Zoologie, de 1'Anatomie comparee et de la Pala&ontologie. Journal mensuel publie sous la direction de F. E. Guerin-Meneville. [Tom. 1-11.] 8. Paris, 1838-48. United with the ' Magasin de Zoologie ', etc. (q. v. No. 899) and cow- tinued as : Kevue et Magasin de Zoologie pure et appliquee. Kecueil men- suel . . . par F. E. Guerin-M6neville, etc. Serie 2, torn. 1 S6rie 3, torn. 7. 8. Paris, 1849-79. No more published. Imperfect : wanting volume 5 of the 3rd series, and pp. 161 to the end of volume 7 of the 3rd series. 1462. Rhea. Zeitschrift fur die gesammte Ornithologie . . . Heraus- gegeben von F. A. L. Thienemann. Heft 1-2. No more published. la. 8. Leipzig, 1846-49. 1463. Rheinisches Magazin zur Erweiterung der Naturkunde. Her- ausgegeben von M. B. Borkhausen. Bd. 1. sm. 8. Giesen [sic], 1793. Ricerche dell* Istituto chiimco della regia Universita degli Studi di Roma. Sec 1389. Richardson (B. W.). The Asclepiad. See 319. Riche de Prony (G. C. F. M.), Baron. Memoires des Societes savantes et Iitt6raires de la Republique fran9aise. See 989. Richiardi (S.). Archivio per la Zoologia. See 310. 232 BIECKE Riecke (E.) and Simon (H. T.). Physikalische Zeitschrift. See 1234. Riviere (M. A.). Annales des Sciences geologiques. See 150. . Rivista di Matematica (Revista de Matheniatica). Diretta da G. Peano. Vol. 1-8. la. 8. Torino, 1891-1906. The titles of volumes 6 and 7 are ' Revue de Mathematiques '. Robin (C.). Journal de 1'Anatomie. See 789. Roebuck (W. D.) and Clarke (W. E.). The Naturalist See 1127. Romer (J. J.). Archiv fur die Botanik. See 269. Neues Magazin fiir die Botanik. See 1155. and TTsteri (P.). Magazin fiir die Botanik. See 446. Rosen (H.). Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen. See 378. Rosenthal (J.). Biologisches Centralblatt. See 428. and Senator (H.). Centralblatt fiir die medicinischen Wissen- schaften. See 550. Roser (W.) and Wuuderlich (C. A.). Archiv fiir physiologische Heilkunde. See 285. 1465. Rousdon Observatory, Devon [Lyme Regis, Dorset]. Meteorological Observations for the year 1884 (-1903), made under the superin- tendence of C. E. Peek. Vol. [1J-20. 4. London, 1885-1904. 1466. Royal Geographical Society. Supplementary Papers. Vol. 1-4. la. 8. London, 1886-93. 1467. Royal Geographical Society. Year-Book and Record. 1898 (-1902). No. [l]-5. la. 8. London, 1898-1902. 1468. Royal Humane Society . . . Annual Report. 1800 (-1808). 80. London, [1800-8]. [Continued as :] Annual Eeport of the Koyal Humane Society. 1809 (-1834). 8. London, [1809-34]. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1813 to 1826, and 1831. 1469. The Royal Institution of South Wales . . . Annual Report of the Council (73rd, etc., Reports), 1907-8 (1908-9 -) : also the Annual Keport and Transactions of the Swansea Scientific Society for the year 1907-8 (1908-9 -) : and Keport of Art Society for the year 1907-8 (1908-9 -) : and the Field Naturalists' Society Keport for the year 1907-8 (1908-9 >) 8. Swansea, 1908 -> 1470. Royal Irish Academy, 'Cunningham Memoirs.' No. 1-7. 4. Dublin, 1880-92. ROYAL 233 1471. Royal Society, National Physical Laboratory. Minutes of the Executive Committee from May, 1899, to December, 1904 (Jan., 1905, to Dec., 1907, etc.). Vol. 1 - 80. [London, 1899 -*] 1472. j Royal Society. Original Meteorological Observations (in manu- script) from October 1st 1827 to December 31st 1842.] 15 vols., 80. [London, 1827-42.] Rozier (J.). Observations sur la Physique, etc. See 1197. Rozpravy tridy mathematicko-prirodovedecke kralovske ceske spolecnosti nauk. See 20. Rudio (F.). Vierteljahrsschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich. See 1754. Runkle (J. D.). Mathematical Monthly. See 922. Rtissell (H. C.). Eesults of Meteorological Observations made in New South Wales. See 25. 1473. Russische Sammlung far Naturwisseiischaft und Heilknnst. Herausgegeben von A. Crichton, J. Kehmann und K. F. Burdach. Bd. 1-2. 80. Riga und Leipzig, 1816-17. No more published. Bye (E. C.). Zoological Eecord. See 1370. Sachs (J.). Arbeiten des botanischen Instituts in Wurzburg. See 253. 1474. Saggi scientific! e letterari dell* Accademia di Fadova. Tom. 1-3. 4. Padova, 1786-94. Nuovi Saggi della {Cesareo-} (imperiale) regia Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di Padova. Vol. 1-7. 4. Padova, 1817-57. Saggio delle Traiisazioni filosoficlie della Societa regia. See 1230. Sainjore, Mr. de, pseud, [i. e. E. SimonJ. See Simon (E.). 1475. Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Reports. Vol. 1 > 8. London, 1865 -* 1476. Saint Thomas's Hospital Reports. New series, vol. 1-3. 8. London, 1870-72. Sails (C. U. von) and Steinmtiller (J. E.). Alpina. See 60. Sallo (D. de). Journal des S^avans. See 801. Salmon (H. C.). Mining and Smelting Magazine. See 1075. 1477. Samliugar utgifha af Svenska Fornskrift-Sallskapet. Delen 1-2, Haft 2. 8<>. Stockholm, 1844-45. 234 SAMMLUNG 1478. Sammlung physikalischer Aufsatze, besonders die bohmische Naturgeschichte betreifend, von einer Gesellschaft bohmischer Naturforscher ; herausgegeben von J. Mayer (und F. A. Keuss). Bd. [l]-5. 8<>. Dresden, 1791-98. 1479. Sammlungen zur Physik und Naturgeschichte von einigeu Liebhabern dieser Wissenschaften. Bd. 1-4. No more pullisJied. 8. Leipzig, 1779-92. Samuelson (J.) and Crookes (W.). Quarterly Journal of Science. See 613. 1480. C6opHHK f E MaxepiaaoB-B J.TH Oimcania >1 i,r i not n fi 11 H.T<-M< in. KaBKasa. [Collection of Materials for the Study of the Country and Races of Caucasia.] B&inycKt 10-18. 80. THCPJIHC-B 1890-94. Schafer (E. A.). Internationale Monatsschrift fur Anatomie und Histologie. See 714. Schaudinn (F.). Archiv fiir Protistenkunde. See 287. 1481. Scheikundige Onderzoekingen, gedaan in het Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. Deel 1-5. 8. Rotterdam, 1842-51. Imperfect : wanting volumes 2 md 3, pp. 429-530 of volume 4, and pp. 1-172 and 279-324 of volume 5. Onderzoekingen gedaan in het physiologisch Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. Jaar 7. 8. [Utrecht,] 1854-55. - Reeks 2, [Deel] 2. 8. [Utrecht,] 1868-69. - Reeks 3, [Deel] 1 Reeks 4, [Deel] 3. 8. Utrecht, 1872-95. 1482. Scheikundige Verhandelingen en Onderzoekingen, uitgegeven door G. J. Mulder. Deel 1-4, stuk 1. 8. Rotterdam, 1857-65. Schelling (F. W. J.). Zeitschrift fur spekulative Physik. See 1797. Schelver ( ). Zeitschrift fiir organische Physik. See 1788. Scherer (A. N.). Allgemeines Journal der Chemie. See 62. Schildener (C.). Greifswaldische academische Zeitschrift. See 678. SchjeUerup (H. C. F. C.) and Tychsen (C.). Mathematisk Tidsskrift. See 927. Schlechtendal (D. F. L. von). Linnaea. See 886. Schleiden (M. J.). Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur- und Heil- kunde. See 1170. - and Nageli (C.). Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Botanik. See 1798. Schlomilch (0.) and Witzschel (B.). Zeitschrift fur Mathematik und Physik. See 1785. SCHMIDT 235 Schmidt (J. A.). Hollandisches Magazin der Naturkunde. See 695. Schneider (0.). Central-Zeitung ftir Optik und Mechanik. See 552. Schonfeld (E.). Astronomische Beobachtungen, Bonn. See 341. Schorr (R). Astronomische Abhandlungen der hamburger Stern- warte in Bergedorf. See 337. Schroder (H. A.). Journal ftir die Botanik. See 805. Schraiik (F. von P. von). Abhandlungen. See 21. Schriften der berliiiischen Gesellscliaft natnrforschender Preunde. See 418. Schriften der drontheimischen Gesellschaft. See 1682. Schriften der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. See 418. 1483. Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zn Marburg. Bd. 1-13, Abtheilung 6. 8 (la. 80). Marburg (Kassel), 1823-1906. The five supplementary parts of volume 11 are in quarto ; the atlas to volume 6 is in folio. Schriften der herzoglichen Societat far die gesamntte Miueralogie zn Jena. See 103. 1484. Schriften der in St. Petersburg gestifteteii russisch-kaiserlichen Gesellschaft fur die gesammte Mineralogie. Bd. 1. 8. St. Petersburg, 1842. Schriften der konigl. norwegischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schafteu. See 1682. 1485. Schriften der (koniglichen } physikalisch-okonomischen Gesell- schaft zu Koiiigsberg. 1860 Jahrgang 1 > 4 (la. 8). KOnigsberg, 1861 > Schriften der uaturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig. See 1156. Schriften der naturforscheuden Gesellschaft in Emden. Sec 873. Schriften der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Kopenhagen. See 1516. Schriften der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. See 46. Schriften der physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft zu Kbnigg- berg. See 1485. 236 SCHRIFTEN 1486. Schriffcen der Universitat zu Kiel aus clem Jahre 1854 (-1880). Bd. 1-26. 4. Kiel, 1855-80. 1487. Scliriften des iiaturwissenscliaftlichen Vereins fiir Sclileswig- Holstein. Bd. 9 la. 8. Kiel, 1891 - 1488. Scliriften des Vereines zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Xenntnisse in Wien. Jahrgang 1860-1 (1867-8). Bd. 1-8. sm. 8. Wien, 1862-69. 1489. Schrifben des wiirtembergischen natnrhistorischen Reisevereins, etc. Theil 1. 8. Stuttgart, 1834. Schroter (J. S.). Journal fiir die Liebhaber des Steinreichs. See 807. Schultes (J. H.). Polytechnisches Journal. See 1240. Schultze (M.). Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomie. See 279. Schumacher (H. C.). Astronomische Abhandlungen. See 336. Astronomische Hiilfstafeln. See 342. Astronomische Nachrichten. See 344. Ephemeris of the Distances of the four Planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn from the Moon's Center. See 627. Jahrbuch [Astronomisches]. See 725. Tables auxiliaires astronomiques. See 342. Schwalbe (G.). Zeitschrift fiir Morphologie und Anthropologie. See 1786. Schweigger (J. S. C.). Journal fur Chemie und Physik. See 62. 1490. Schweizerische meteorologische Eeobachtungen herausgegeben von der meteorologischeii Centralanstalt der {schweizerischen natur- forschenden Gesellschaft} (schweiz. meteorologischen Centralan- stalt). Jahrgang 1-17. 4. Zurich, 1864-80. [Continued as :] Annalen der schweizerischen meteorologischen Central-Anstalt. Jahrgang 18 - 4. Zurich, 1881 > 1491. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fiir Natur- und Heilkunde . . . heraus- gegeben von C. F. v. Pommer. Bd. 1-6. 8. Zurich (Heilbronn), 1834-41. No more published. Volumes 4 to 6 are also numbered Neue Folge, Bd. 1-3. 1492. Science. 4. New York. TJie current numbers only of ' Science ' are kept in the Library. SCIENCE 237 1493. Science Abstracts. Physics and electrical engineering. Issued under the direction of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, [and] the Physical Society of London. Vol. 1-5. la. 8. London, New Tort, 1898-1902. Section A. Physics. Vol. 6 > la. 8. London, New York, 1903 -> Section B. Electrical Engineering. Vol. 6 > la. 8. London, 1903 - Science Bulletin of the Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. See 1120. 1494. Scientific Memoirs, selected from the transactions of foreign academies of science and learned societies, and from foreign journals. Edited by E. Taylor. Vol. 1-5. 8. London, 1837-52. [New series.] Natural History. Edited by A. Henfrey and T. H. Huxley. (Vol. 1.) 8. London, 1853. [New series.] Natural Philosophy. Edited by J. Tyndall and W. Francis. (Vol. 1.) 8. London, 1853. No more published. 1495. Scientific Memoirs by Medical Officers of the Army of India. Edited by B. Simpson (W. K. Kice, J. Cleghorn, E. Harvey). 1884 (-1898). Pt. 1-12. 4o. Calcutta (Simla), 1885-1901. [Continued as :] Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Depart- ments of the Government of India. New series, no. 1 > 4. Calcutta, 1902 > 1496. The Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. New series, vol. 1 -> 8 (sm. fol.). Dublin, (1877) -> Scientific Transactions edited by the Imperial University of Kasaii. See 1867. 1497. The Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society. Series 2, vol. 1 - 4. Dublin, 1877 - Scott (W.). Astronomical Observations made at the Sydney Obser- vatory. See 332. 1498. The Scottish Naturalist : a magazine of {Scottish} natural history. Edited by F. B. W. White. Vol. 2-6. 8. Perth (Edinburgh and London), 1873-82. Scriba (L. Gr.). Journal fur die Liebhaber der Entomologie. See 806. Scripture (E. W.). Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory. See 1553. Seance publique de 1' Academic des Sciences,' Arts et Belles- Lettres de Dijon. See 946. 238 STANCE 1499. Seance publique de la Societe d'Eniulation de la Ville de Cambrai. 1808 (-1818). [Tom. 1-4.] 8. Cambrai, [1808]-1818. No volumes were published during the years 1810 to 1816. [Continued as:] Memoires de la Soci6t6 cumulation de Cambrai. Agriculture, Sciences et Arts. Seance publique 1820 (-1855). Tom. [5]-24. 8. Cambrai, 1820-56. Seance publiqne de la Societe ties Sciences, Arts et Belles- Lettres de la Ville de Saint-Quentin, See 1526. Seance publique de la Societe libre tl' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts de Frovins. See 1249. 1500. Seances de la Societe francaise de Physique. Annee 1873 (-1901). la. 8. Paris, 1874-1901. [Continued as:] Bulletin des Seances de la Sociele frangaise de Physique. Annee 1902 - la. 80. Paris, 1902 -> 1501. Seances des Ecoles normales, recueillies par des stenographes et revues par les professeurs. Nouvelle edition. Debats. Tom. 1-3. 80. Paris, 1800-1. Lecons. Tom. 1-10. 8<>. Paris, 1800-1. No more published. Seances publiques de 1' Academic des Sciences, Arts et Belles- Lettres de Besangon. See 31. Seances publiques de 1' Academic royale des Sciences, Belles- Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. See 33. Seances publiques de la Societe d'Emulation du Departement du Jura. See 1524. Seeliger (H.). Neue Annalen der k. Sternwarte in Bogenhausen. See 338. Seemann (B.). Journal of Botany. See 814. Seemann (W. E. G. and B.). Bonplandia. See 441. 1502. Seisniological Journal of Japan. Edited by J. Milne. Vol. 4. 8. [Yokohama], 1895. Selander (N. H.). BerSttelse om Astronomiens Framsteg. See 316. Selected Papers of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. See 1600. Selenka (E.). Niederlandisches Archiv fur Zoologie. See 1162. Semper (C.). Arbeiten aus dem zoologisch-zootomischen Institut in Wtirzburg. See 250. SEQUAKD 239 Sequard (C. E. B.). Archives de Physiologic. See 790. Archives of Scientific and Practical Medicine. See 305. Journal de la Physiologie. See 790. Shackleton (E. H.). South Polar Times. See 1533. Sharp (D.). Zoological Record. See 1370. Siebold (C. T. von) and Kblliker (A.). Zeitschrift fur wissenschaft- liche Zoologie. See 1800. Sillimaiin (B.). American Journal of Science. See 74. Simmons (S. F.). London Medical Journal. See 894. Medical Facts and Observations. See 894. Simon (K.). Bibliotheque critique. See 422. Simpson (B.). Scientific Memoirs by Medical Officers of the Army of India. Sec 1495. Sitzungsberichte der anthropologischen G-esellschaft in Wien. See 1092. 1503. Sitzungs-Berichte der Gesellschaft natnrforschender Freunde zu Berlin im Jahre 1865 (-1868). 4. Berlin, 1866-69. 1504. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft znr Eef orderung der gesammteu Naturwissenschafteii zu Marburg. Jahrgang 1886 (-1887). 8. Marburg, 1887-88. 1505. Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Bd. 1 * la. 8. Wien, 1848 -> 1506. Sitzungsberichte der konigl. bayerischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Munchen. Jahrgang 1860 (-1870). 8. Munchen, 1860-70. [Continued as:] Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der k[onig- lich]-b[ayerischen] Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Munchen. Bd. 1 - 8. Mlinchen, 1871 - 1507. Sitzungsberichte der koniglich-bbhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Prag. Jahrgang 1859 > la. 8<>. Prag, 1859 -> Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1906 and 1908. From 1885 onwards this set contains the ' MatJiematisch-naturwissen- schaftliche Classe ' only. From 1874 to 1885 the volumes contain a second title-page : ' Zprdvy o Zaseddni JcrdlovsM cesJce spolecnosti nauk v Prase,' and from 1886 onwards the second title-page is : ' Vestnik Jcrdlovslce cesJce spolecnosti nauk' 240 SITZUNGSBEEICHTE Sitzungsberichte der koniglich prenssischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. See 408. Sitzungsberichte der mathematical! - naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wieu. See 1505. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der koniglich bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen. See 1506. Sitzungsberichte der medizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Ge- sellschaft zu Miiiister i. W. See 1510. Sitzungsberichte der medizinischen Abteilung der nieder- rheinischen Gesellschaft for Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn. See 1510. 1508. Sitzungsberichte der natnrforschenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. Jahrgang 1-12. 8. Leipzig, (1874)-1886. Sitznngsberichte der naturwissenschaftlichen Abteilung der niederrheinischen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn. See 1510. 1509. Sitzungs-Berichte der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis zu Dresden. Redigirt von A. Drechsler. Jahrgang 1861 (-1865). la. 8. Dresden, 1862-65. Sitzungsberichte und Abhandlungen der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden. Jahrgang 1890 (and 1891, Jan.-Juni). la. 8. Dresden, 1891. 1510. Sitzungsberichte der niederrheinischen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn. 1869 (-1905). 8". Bonn, 1869-1906. [Continued as :] Sitzungsberichte herausgegeben vom naturhistorischen Verein der preussischen Kheinlande und Westfalens. 1906 * 8. Bonn, 1907 -* From 1906 onwards the ' Sitzungsberichte ' contains : A. Sitzungsberichte der naturwissenschaftlichen Abteilung der nieder- rheinischcn Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn. B. Sitzungsberichte der medizinischen Abteilung der niederrlieinischen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn. C. Sitzungsberichte der medizinisch-naturwissenscliaftlichcn Gesell- schaft zu Munster i. W. 1511. Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch-medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Wiirzburg. Jahrgang 1881 > la. 8. Wurzburg, 1881 - 1512. Sitzungsberichte der physicalisch-medicinischen Societat zu Erlangen. Heft 3 >' 8. Erlangen, 1871 > SITZUNGSBEEICHTE 241 Sitznngsberichte des naturh.istoriscb.en Vereines der preus- sischen Rheinlande. See 1736. Sitznngsberichte herausgegeben vom natnrb.istoriscb.en Verein der preussiscben Rheinlande und Westfalens. See 1510. Sitzungsberichte und Abbandlnngen der naturwissenscbaftlichen Gesellscbaft Isis in Dresden. Sec 1509. Sjbgren (H.). Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the Univer- sity of Upsala. See 510. 1513. Skandinavisches Archiv fur Physiologic . . . Herausgegeben von F. Holmgren (R. Tigerstedt). Bd. 1 8". Leipzig, 1889 -> Sketch of the Meteorology of the Bombay Presidency. See 448. Sklarek (W.). Naturforscher. See 1132. Skrifter, det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers-Selskabs. See 1682. Skrifter, det Trondheimske Selskabs. See 1682. 1514. Skrifter som ndi det Kj^benhavnske Selskab af L&rdoms og Videnskabers {Elskere} (Selskab), etc. Deel 1-12. am. 4. Kjjzfbenhavn, 1745-79. [Continued as:] Nye Samling af det Kongelige Danske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter. Deel 1-5. am. 4. KjVbenhavn, 1781-99. [Continued as:] Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabers-Selskabs Skrivter. Aar 1800 (-1812). Bd. 1-6. sm. 4. Kjflbenhavn, 1801-18. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs (Skrifter). Natur- videnskabelige og Mathematiske Afhandlinger. Deel 1 > 4. Kjobenhavn, 1824 > The wrappers have a second title in French : ' Memoires de I'Acade'mie royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark '. 1515. Skrifter udgivne af Videnskabsselskabet i Christiania, 1894 * la. 8. Kristiania, 1895 -^ This set contains only the first section: ' Mathematisk-naturviden- skabelig Klasse.' 1516. Skrivter af Naturhistorie-Selskabet. Bd. 1-6. 8. Kjobenhavn, 1790-1810. Schriften der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Kopenhagen . . . Aus dem Danischen Ubersetzt. Bd. 1. 8. Kopenhagen, 1793. Skrivter, det Kongelige Danske Videnskabers-Selskabs. See 1514. K 242 SLEEPING 1517. Sleeping Sickness Bureau Bulletin. Vol. 1 > la. 8. London, 1908 - Smith (J. T.). Keports, Correspondence and Original Papers . . . connected with the duties of the Corps of Engineers. See 1428. 1518. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. 1 > la. 4. Washington, 1848 * 1519. Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin. No. 25 > la. 8. Washington, 1903 Imperfect : wanting numbers 31, 36, 40, 43, 44 and 46. 1520. Smithsonian Institution. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. Vol. 9 > la. 8. Washington, 1905 1521. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Washington, 1862 -* Smyth (C. P.). Astronomical Observations made at the Koyal Observatory, Edinburgh. See 330. Societa reale di Napoli. Rendiconto delle Tornate e dei Lavori dell' Accademia di Scienze moral! e politiche. See 1396. 1522. Societatum Litterae. Verzeichniss der in den Publikationen der Akademieen und Vereine aller Lander erscheinenden Einzelarbeiten auf dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. (Im Auftrage des naturwissenschaftl. Vereins f. d. Reg.-Bez. Frankfurt a. Oder.) Bibliographic list of current literature on natural histoiy published by the academies and societies of all nations. Herausgegeben von . . . E. Huth [and others]. Jahrbuch 1887 (-1900). (Jahrgang 1-14.) la. 8. Berlin, 1888-1900. No more published. 1523. Societe chimique de Paris. Repertoire de Chimie applicruee. Compte rendu des applications de la chimie en France et a 1'etranger par C. Barreswil. Tom. l-[5j. 8. Paris, 1859-63. Sociele chimique de Paris. Kepertoire de Chimie pure. Compte rendu des progres de la chimie pure en France et a 1'etranger par A. Wurtz (et F. le Blanc). Tom. 1-4. 8". Paris, 1859-62. Bulletin de la Societe" chimique de Paris. 1858 (-1862). 8. [Paris, 1858-62.] [United ivith the 'Repertoire de Chimie pure' and continued as:] Bulletin de la Societe chimique de Paris, comprenant, outre le compte rendu des travaux de la societe, 1'analyse des memoires de chimie pure publies en France et a 1'etranger, etc. Annee 1863. 8. Paris, 1863. [United with the 'Repertoire de Chimie appliquee ' and continued as :] Bulletin (mensuel) de la Societe chimique de Paris, comprenant le compte rendu des travaux de la Societe et 1'analyse des memoires de chimie pure et appliquee publies en France et a 1'etranger. Nouvelle serie, torn. 1-18. 8. Paris, 1864-72. 243 [Continued as :] Bulletin de la Societe chimique de Paris, comprenant le proems-verbal des seances, les memoires presentes a la societe, 1'analyse des tra- vaux de chimie pure et appliquee publies en France et a 1'etranger. Nouvelle serie, torn. 19 > 8. Paris, 1873 -> 1524. Societe d'Emulatiou du Departemeiit du Jura (Seances publiques). 1819 (-1835). 8. Lons-le-Saunier, 1820-36. [Continued as :] Travaux de la Societe denudation du Departement du Jura, pendant 1'annee 1836 (-1842). 8. Lons-le-Saunier, 1837-43. 1525. Societe des Lettres, Sciences et Arts (et d'Agriculture) de Metz. [Memoires.] Annees 1819 (-1827). 8". Metz, 1821-27. [Continued as :] Memoires de la Societe des Lettres, Sciences et Arts et d'Agriculture de Metz. 1827-8. Annee 9. 8. Metz, 1828. [Continued as :] Memoires de PAcademie royale (nationale, imperiale) de Metz. Lettres, Sciences, Arts, Agriculture. 1828 (-1863). Annee 10-44. (Serie 2, annee 11.) 8. Metz, 1829-63. 1526. Societe des Sciences, Arts et Belles- Lettres (et Agriculture) de la Ville de Saint-Quentin. Seance publique. 1826 (-1830). 8. Saint-Quentin. 1827-31. [Continued as. 1 ] Memoires de la Societe (royale) des Sciences, Arts, Belles-Lettres et Agriculture de la Ville de Saint-Quentin. 1831 (-1842). 8. Saint-Quentin, 1839-43. 1527. Societe des Sciences naturelles (du) G-raud-ducho de Luxembourg. [Publications.] Tom. [1]-10. 8. Luxembourg, 1853-69. [Continued as:] Publications de 1'Institut {royal} grand-ducal de Luxembourg, section des sciences naturelles et mathematiques. Tom. 11-27. 8. Luxembourg, 1870-1904. [Continued as :] Institut grand-ducal de Luxembourg . . . Archives trirnestrielles publiees par la section des sciences naturelles, physiques et mathematiques. Nouvelle serie, torn. 1 * 4. Luxembourg, 1906 > 1528. Societe linneenue de Lyon. Compte-rendu des annees 1839 (-1842). 8. Lyon, 1841-43. 1529. Societe linneenne du Nord de la France. Compte-rendu de la l ve session, tenue a Abbeville en Juin 1838. 8. Abbeville, 1838. No more published. K 2 244 SOCIETE Societe neuchateloise des Sciences naturelles. Bulletin. See 474. Societe philomathique de Paris. Extraits des Froces-Verbaux des Seances. See 488. 1530. Society of Engineers. Transactions. 1860 (-1866). 8. London, 1861-67. Soldner (J.). Astronomische Beobachtungen. See 338. Solms-Laubach (H. zu), Count. Botanische Zeitung. See 444. 1531. Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. Proceedings. 1849 (-1860). Vol. [1]-10. 8. Taunton, 1851-61. Sorauer (P.). Zeitschrift ftir Pflanzenkrankheiten. See 1790. 1532. The South African Journal of Science: being the organ of the South African Association for the Advancement of Science. Vol. 6 -> la. 8. Cape Town, 1909 - 1533. The South Polar Times [Edited by E. H. Shackleton] 1902 (-1903). 2 Vols. 4. London, 1907. Tfiis is a facsimile reproduction of the original ' South Polar Times ' which was published during tlie winters of 1902 and 1903 by the members of the l Discovery ' South Polar Expedition. Spengel (J. W.). Zoologische Jahrbticher. See 1806. 1534. Lo Sperimentale ovvero giornale critico di medicina e chirurgia per servire ai bisogni dell' arte salutare. Direttore M. Bufalini (F. Puccinotti, C. Ghinozzi, P. Burresi, P. Landi, G. Corradi) . . . (Continuazione della ' Gazzetta medica italiana-toscana '). Anno 10 (-33). Serie 4, torn. 1-43. 8. Pirenze (e Koma), 1858-79. [Continued as:] Lo Sperimentale, giornale italiano di scienze mediche. Diretto da G. Pellizzari, P. Burresi, G. Corradi (C. Federici, M. K. Levi, L. Luciani, M. de Cristoforis, A. Filippi). Anno 33 (-44). Tom. 44-66. 8. Firenze, 1879-90. [Continued as:] Lo Sperimentale. Giornale medico . . . Anno 45. 8. Firenze, 1891. This volume is divided into two sections (' Memorie originali ' and 1 Communicazioni e riviste'), each with a separate pagination. 1535. Spolia Zeylauica. Issued by the Colombo Museum, Ceylon. Vol. 1 - la. 8<>. Colombo, 1903 -* Sprengel (K.). Jahrbttcher der Gewachskunde. See 740. Stainton (H. T.). Entomologist's Annual. See 619. Entomologist's Weekly Intelligencer. See 620. STARK 245 Stark (A.) Meteorologisches Jahrbuch, See 1066. Stark (J.). Jahrbuch der Radioaktivitat und Elektronik. See 730. 1536. Statistical Report on the Health of the Navy for the year 1869 (-1902). la. 8<>. London, 1871-1903. Imperfect: wanting the volumes for the years 1872 and 1900. Statistical, Sanitary, and Medical Reports of the Army Medical Department. See 314. 1537. Statistical Tables of the Patients under Treatment in the Wards of St. Bartholomew's Hospital during 1860 (-1895). la. 8. London, 1861-96. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1868 to 1884. 1538. Stavanger Museums Aarsberetuiug for 1890 (-1898). 80. Stavanger, [1891J-1894. 1539. Le Stazioni sperimentali agrarie italiane. Organo delle Stazioni agrarie e di Laboratori di Chimica agraria del Regno. Pubbli- cato . . . dal Prof. P. Freda (M. Zecchini, G. Cugini). Vol. 14-36. la. 8<>. Roma (Asti, Modena), 1888-1903. Imperfect : icantingpp. 1-112 of volume 33 and pp. 169 to the end of volume 36. 1540. Die steiermarkisch-standische montanische Lehranstalt zu Vordernherg, ihr inneres Streben und Wirken, und die derselben zugewandten Unterstutzungen von aussen. Ein Jahrbuch fur den innerosterreichischen Berg- und Hilttenmann. 1841 (-1846). Jahr- gang 1-6. 8. Gratz, (Wien), 1842-47. Stein buch (J. G.). Analecten neuer Beobachtungen . . . ftir die Naturkunde. See 79. 1541. Stern-Ephemeriden auf das Jahr 1886 (-1894) zur Bestimmung von Zeit und Azimut mittelst des tragbaren Durchgangsinstruments im Verticale des Polarsterns, von W. Dollen. la. 8. St. Petersburg, (Berlin, Dorpat), 1886-93. Stierlin (G). Mittheilungen der schweizerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft. See 1100. Stipriaan-Luiscius (A. van). Geneeskundig Magazijn. See 648. Stone (0.) and Thornton (W. H.). Annals of Mathematics. See eo. 1542. Stonyhurst Observatory. Meteorological Report for the year 1861 (-1862). 12o. ciitheroe, 1862-63. Stonyhurst College Observatory. Results of Meteorological and Mag- netical Observations. 1865 > 12o. Ciitheroe (Preston, etc.), [1866 -] Imperfect : ivanting the volumes for the years 1868 to 1871. 246 STKALSUNDISCHES 1543. Stralsuiidisches Magazin, oder Sammlungen auserlesener Neuig- keiten, zur Aufnahme der Naturlehre, Arzneywissenschaft und Haus- haltungskunst. Bd. [l]-2. 12. Berlin und Stralsund, 1767-76. No more published. Streatfeild (J. F.). Ophthalmic Hospital Keports. See 1204. Struck (D r .). Mittheilungen aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte. See 1084. Strove (F. G. W.) Observationes astronomicas, institutas in specula Universitatis Caesareae Dorpatensis. edidit F. G. W. Struve. See 1187. Struve (0.). Observations de Poulkova. See 1190. 1544. Studien des gbttiiigischen Vereins bergmannischer Freunde. Im Namen desselben herausgegeben von J. F. L. Hausmann. Bd. 1-7. 80. Gottingen, 1824-58. Imperfect : wanting pp. 223 to the end of volume 7. 1545. Studien des pliysiologischen Institute zu Ereslau. Herausgegeben von K. Heidenhain. Heft 1-3. 8. Leipzig, 1861-65. Studies from the Biological Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University. See 780. 1546. Studies from the Biological Laboratories of the Owens College. Vol. 1-2. la. 8. Manchester, 1886-90. [Continued as:] Studies in Biology from the Biological Department of the Owens College. Vol. 3-4. la. 8. Manchester, 1895-99. 1547. Studies from the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College. For the year 1884-5 (-1887- 8). Vol. 1-3. la. 8<>. New Haven, 1885-89. 1548. Studies from the Museum of Zoology in University College, Dundee. Vol. 1, no. 1-5. la. 4. Dundee, 1888-89. 1549. Studies from the Physical and Chemical Laboratories of the Owens College. Vol. 1. la. 8. Manchester, 1893. 1550. Studies from the Physiological Laboratory in the University of Cambridge, etc. Parts 1-3. 8. Cambridge, 1873-77. 1551. Studies from the Physiological Laboratory of Owens College, Manchester. Vol. 1. la. 8. Manchester, 1891. 1552. Studies from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Reprints. Vol. 1 -> la. 8. [New York,] 1904 - 1553. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory. Edited by E. W. Scripture. Vol. [1]-10. la. 8. New Haven, Conn., 1893-1902. Studies in Biology from the Biological Department of the Owens College, Manchester. See 1546. STUDIES 247 Studies of the University of Missouri. Sec 1701. Studies of Tufts College. See 1686. Sturgeon (W.). Annals of Electricity. See 183. Annals of Philosophical Discovery. See 184. 1554. Summary of the Proceedings of the Plymouth Institution, with a list of the lectures from the commencement to the present time. 8<>. Plymouth, 1833. Stuidevall (C. J.). Arsberattelse om Zoologiens Framsteg. See 315. Berattelse om Framstegen i Vertebrerade Djurens Natural- historia och Ethnografien. See 315. Sundewall (C. J.). See Sundevall (C. J.). 1555. Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia. Annales Academise Scientiarum Fennicae. Nid. 1 la. 8. Helsinki, 1909 * Supplementary Papers of the Royal Geographical Society. See 1466. 1556. Survey Notes. Vol. 1. la. 8. Cairo, 1906-7. [Continued as :] The Cairo Scientific Journal. Vol. 2 la. 8. Cairo (Alexandria,) 1908 Svanberg (A. F.) and Siljestrom (P. A.). Berattelse om Framstegen i Physik. See 315. o Svanberg (L. F.). Arsberattelse om Framstegen i Kemi. See 315. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie. See 315. 1557. Sveriges Geologiska TJndersokning. [Publications, No. 1 ] 8. Stockholm, 1862 -* Swart (J.). Verhandelingen en Berigten betrekkelijk het Zeewezen en de Zeevaartkunde. See 1711. 1558. Swenska Wetenskaps Academiens Eandlingar. Vol. 1. 8. Stockholm, 1739-40. [Continued as :] Kongl. Swenska Wetenskaps Academiens Handlingar. Vol. 2-17. 8<>. Stockholm, 1741-56. [Continued as ;] Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar, etc. Vol. 18-40. 8. Stockholm, 1757-79. [Continued as :] Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Nya Handlingar. Tom. 1-33. 8. Stockholm (Strengnas), 1780-1812. 248 SYLVESTER [Continued as :] Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar. Ar 1813 (-1854). 8. Stockholm, 1813-56. [Continued as :] Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. 1855 * Ny F6ljd, Bd. 1 - 4<>. Stockholm (& Uppsala), 1858 -* Der ko'nigl. schwedischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Abhand- lungen, aus der Naturlehre, Haushaltungskunst und Mechanik auf die Jahre 1739 (-1756) [i.e. vol. 1-17J. Aus dem Schwedischen tibersetzt (von A. G. Kastner). Bd. 1-18. 8. Hamburg, 1749-57. Sylvester (J. J.). American Journal of Mathematics. See 71. and Ferrers (N. M.). Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. See 637. Symons (G. J.). British Rainfall. See 450. 1559. Symons's {Monthly} Meteorological Magazine. [Edited by G. J. Symons.] Vol. 1 - 8. London, 1866 -> Tableau du Travail aiinuel de toutes les Academies de 1'Enrope. See 1197. Tables auxiliaires astronomiques. See 342. Tagsberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Natnv- und Heiltunde. See 1170. 1560. Taschenbuch. fur die gesammte Mineralogie, mit Hinsicht auf die neuesten Entdeckungen, herausgegeben von C. C. Leonhard. Jahrgang 1-23. sm. 8. Frankfurt am Main (Heidelberg), 1807-29. Volumes 12 to 18 have a second title : l Mineralogisches Tascheribuch '. Volumes 19 to 23 have a second title-page : ' Zeitschrift fur Mineralogie. ' [Continued as:] Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde. Herausgegeben von K. C. v. Leonhard und H. G. Bronn. Jahrgang 1-3. 8. Heidelberg, 1830-32. [Continued as:] Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefak- tenkunde. Herausgegeben von K. C. von Leonhard und H. G. Bronn (und G. Leonhard). Jahrgang 1833 (-1862). 8. Stuttgart, 1833-62. [Continued as:] Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie . . . Fortgesetzt von G. Leonhard und H. B. Geinitz [and others]. Jahrgang 1863 -> 8<>. Stuttgart, 1863 -> Beilage-Band 1-19, Heft 1. 8. Stuttgart, 1881-1904. TASMANIAN 249 Centralblatt fiir Mineral ogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, in Verbin- dung mit dem Neuen Jahrbuch fUr Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, herausgegeben von M. Bauer, E. Koken [und] T. Liebisch. Jahrgang 1900 la. 8. Stuttgart, 1900 - 1561. The Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statis- tics, etc. Vol. 1-3, no. 3. 8. Tasmania, 1842-47. No more published. This journal is published by, and contains the transactions of, the Tasmanian Society. Taylor (K.). Philosophical Magazine. See 1229. Scientific Memoirs. See 1494. Tebbutt (J.). Meteorological Observations. See 1054. Keport of Mr. Tebbutt's Observatory, Windsor, New South Wales. See 1405. - -.jr 1562. The Technical Repository; containing practical information on subjects connected with discoveries and improvements in the useful arts ... By T.Gill. Vol. 1-11. 8. London, 1822-27. [Continued as :] Gill's Technological (and Microscopical) Repository ; or, discoveries and improvements in the useful arts ... By T. Gill. Vol. 1-6. No more published. 8. London, 1827-30. Technology Quarterly, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See 918. Teixeira (F. G.). Jornal de Sciencias mathematicas. See 782. 1563. The Telegraphic Journal and electrical review. Vol. 1-29. sm. fol. London, 1872-91. [Continued as :] The Electrical Review. Vol. 30 > sm. fol. London, 1892 - Ter quern and Gerono. Nouvelles Annales de Mathematiques. See 1174. 1564. Terrestrial Magnetism (and atmospheric electricity). An inter- national quarterly journal. Edited by L. A. Bauer. Vol. 1 la. 8. Chicago (Baltimore), 1896 -* Theil (H.). Landwirthschaftliche Jahrbiicher. See 881. Thieuemann (F. A. L.). Ehea. See 1462. Thoma (C.). Jahrbiicher des Vereins fur Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. See 743. 1565. Thomae Bartholini Acta Medica et Fhilosophica Hafniensia. Ann. 1671 (-1679). Vol. [1J-5. sm. 8. Hafnise, 1673-80. No more published. 250 THOMPSON 1566. The Thompson Yates (and Johnston) Laboratories [Liverpool University] Report. Edited by K. Boyce and C. S. Sherrington [and others]. Vol. 1-7, pt. 1. 4. Liverpool (London), 1900-6. . Thomson (M.). Report on Meteorological Observations in the North- Western Provinces of India. See 1425. Thomson (T.). Annals of Philosophy. See 185. Thomson (W.). Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal. See 537. 1567. Tide-Tables for the Indian Ports for the year 1910 - By C. P. Erskine, F. J. Selby and T. Smith. sm. 8. [London, 1910 -] 1568. TicTskrift f8r Jagare och Naturforskare utgifven af Jagare-For- bundet. Argangen 1-2. 8. Stockholm, (1832-33). 1569. Tidskrift for Matematik och Fysik, tillegnad den Svenska Elemen- tar-Undervisningen, utgifven af G. Dillner, F. W. Hultman, T. K. Thalen. Argangen 1-4. 8. Upsala, 1868-71. Tidskrift, Fhysiographiska Sallskapets. See 1235. 1570. Tidsskriffc for Naturvidenskaberne. Udgivet af H. C. Orsted, J. W. Hornemann, J. Eeinhardt. Bd. 1-5. No more published. sm. 8. Kjobenhavn, 1822-28. Tiedemann (F.). Zeitschrift fur Physiologie. See 1793. Tigerstedt (E.). Skandinavisches Archiv fiir Physiologie. Seel5l3. 1571. Tijdschrift ter Bevordering der Mathematische Wetenschappen. Jaargang 1-6. 8. Fnrmerende, 1823-28. 1572. Tijdschrift voor de "Wis- en Natuurkunde ten doel hebbende : de meerdere Verspreiding van eene grondige Natuurkennis, volgens het tegenwoordige Standpunt der Wetenschap ; onder redactie van P. H. van der Weijde. Jaargang 1-3. 12<>. Zierikzee (Amsterdam), 1840-43. 1573. Tijdschrift voor de Wis- en Natuurkundige Wetenschappen, uitgegeven door de eerste Klasse van het Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten. Deel 1-5. la. 8. Amsterdam, 1848-52. No more published. 1574. Tijdschrift voor Genees-, Heel-, Verlos- en Scheikundige Wetenschappen van wege het Genootschap 'Vis TJnita Fortior ', te Hoorn, etc. Deel 1-6. 8. Amsterdam, 1823-47. 1575. Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten- schappen. Deel 1-38. 8. Batavia (en 'sHage), 1853-95. TIJDSCHRIFT 251 1576. [Tijdsch.rift voor Natnurknndige Wetenschappen. Stuk 1-2.] 8. [Amsterdam, 1810-11.] Imperfect : wanting the title-page, which is supplied in manuscript. 1577. Tijdschrifb voor Natuurlijke Geschiedenis en Physiologic. Uit- gegeven door J. van der Hoeven en W. H. de Vriese. Deel 1-12. 8. Amsterdam (Leiden), 1834-45. Tilesius (W. G.). Jahrbuch der Naturgeschichte, etc. See 729. Tilloch (A). Philosophical Magazine. See 1229. 1578. Timehri ; being the journal of the Koyal Agricultural and Commer- cial Society of British Guiana. Vol. 3-New series, vol. 12. 8. Demerara, 1884-1900. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-186 of volume 4 of the new series. [Continued as :] The Journal of the Eoyal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana. 1900 (-1902). 8. Demerara, 1901-3. Tisserand (F.). Annales de 1'Observatoire de Paris. See 131. Topley (W.) and Sherborn (C. D.). Geological Record. See 656. Tortolini (B.). Annali di Scienze matematiche. See 179. Trabajos del Labor at orio de Investigaciones biclogicas de la Universidad de Madrid. See 1455. 1579. Trabalhos do Observatorio meteorologico do Infante D. Luiz na Escola polytechnica 1855 (-1863). Anno 2-9. fol. Lisboa, 1857-64. Imperfect : wanting Anno 5 (1859). Traductions et Reproductions publiees par la Societe beige de Gsologie, de Paleontologie et d'Hydrologie. See 462. 1580. Transactions and Proceedings and Report of the Philosophical Society of Adelaide, South Australia. 1877-8 (-1878-9). 8. Adelaide, 1878-79. [Continued as :] Transactions and Proceedings and Report of the Royal Society South Australia. 1879-80 -* Vol. 3 - 8. Adelaide, 1880 > Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. See 216. 1581. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. Vol. 1-40. 8. Wellington, 1869-1908. Volumes 18 to 40 are also numbered Neiv series, vol. 1-[13], 252 TRANSACTIONS [Continued as :] [I.] Transactions of the New Zealand Institute. 1908 > Vol. 41 la. 80. Wellington, 1909 - [II. ] Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. 1908 * Parti* la. 8. Wellington, 1909 - Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. See 1652. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. See 1653. 1582. The Transactions, and the Proceedings of the London Electrical Society from 1837 to 1840. la. 4. London, 1841. Transactions de la Societe royale des Arts et des Sciences de Maurice. See 1660. 1583. Transactions [of the] Liverpool Astronomical Society. 1883 (-1884). No. 2-4. 8<>. Liverpool, 1884. 1584. Transactions of a Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knowledge. Vol. [l]-3. 8. London, 1793-1812. No more published. 1585. The Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. 1856 -> Vol. 1 -* la. 80. St. Louis, 1860 -> Imperfect: tvanting pp. 11 to the end of volume 18, and pp. 21-56 of volume 19. 1586. Transactions of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Vol. 1. 8. Serampore, 1829. 1587. Transactions of the Albany Institute. Vol. 1-12. 80. Albany, N.Y. 1830-93. 1588. The Transactions of the Allelodidactic Society. 1847 (-1848). First Series. 80. London, 1848. Transactions of the American Antiquarian Society. See 256. 1589. Transactions of the American Ethnological Society. Vol. 1. 8. New York and London, 1845. Transactions of the American Geographical Society of New York. See 827. 1590. Transactions of the American Gynecological Society . . . Vol. 1. For the year 1876. 8. Boston, 1877. 1591. Transactions of the American Institute of the City of New- York, for the year 1850 (-1870). 8. Albany, 1851-70. Imperfect : tvanting the volumes for the years 1851 to 1854. From the year 1861-2 to 1869-70 the title-page is ' Annual Report of the American Institute, of the City of Netv York ', but the sub-title at the top of each page remains ' Transactions, etc.' The volumes for 1860-1 to 1869-70 contain the 'Proceedings of the Farmers' Club ' and the 'Proceedings of the Polytechnic Association '. TRANSACTIONS 253 1592. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 1 * 4. Lancaster, Pa. and New York, 1900 1593. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. 1769 (-1908). Vol. 1-New Series, vol. 21. 4. Philadelphia, 1771-1908. 1594. Transactions of the . . . Annual Meetings of the Kansas Academy of Science, etc. 1885-6 (-1891-2). Vol. 10-13. 80. Topeka, Kansas, 1887-93. Imperfect : wanting volume 12 (1889-90). 1595. Transactions of the Architectural Institute of Scotland. 1850 (-1858). Vol. 1-5, part 2. la. 8. Edinburgh, 1851-59. Imperfect : wanting the ' Transactions ' for the 7th Session (L e. 1856-7). 1596. Transactions of the Ashmolean Society. Vol. 1-2. No more published. 8. Oxford, (1834)-1853. Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. See 32O. 1597. Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. Vol. 1 > 8<>. Yokohama, [1874] > Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-88 of volume 30. Volume 1 is a reprint published in 1882. 1598. Transactions of the Associated Apothecaries and Surgeon- Apothecaries of England and Wales. Vol. 1. 8. London, 1823. 1599. Transactions of the Association of Fellows and Licentiates of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. Vol. 1-2. 8. Dublin, 1817-18. 1600. Transactions of the Astronomical and Physical Society of Toronto for the year 1890-1, including first annual report (-1899, including tenth annual report). 8. Toronto, [1891J-1900. [Continued as :] Transactions of the Toronto Astronomical Society for the year 1900 including eleventh annual report (-1901 including twelfth annual report). 8. Toronto, 1901-2. [Continued as :] The Koyal Astronomical Society of Canada. Selected papers and proceedings. 1902 (-1904). 8. Toronto, 1904-5. [Continued as :] The Eoyal Astronomical Society of Canada. Transactions for 1905. Including select papers and proceedings. 8. Toronto, 1906. [Continued as :] The Journal of the Koyal Astronomical Society of Canada devoted to the advancement of astronomy and allied sciences, etc. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Toronto, 1907 - 254 TRANSACTIONS 1601. Transactions of the Astronomical Observatory of Yale University. Vol. 1 - 4. New Haven, 1887 1602. Transactions of the Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers. Vol. 4-5. 8. Melbourne, 1897-98. Transactions of the Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences. See 1717. Transactions of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. See 1126. 1603. Transactions of the Bombay Geographical Society. [Including the Proceedings of the Society.] Vol. 1-19. 80. Bombay (Calcutta), [1836J-1871. No more published. In 1873 the Society was amalgamated with tlie Bonibay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Volume 1 is a reprint issued in 1844, and volume 6 is a reprint issued in 1865. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. See 216. 1604. Transactions of the British Institute of Preventive Medicine. Series 1. 8. London, 1897. [Continued as:] Transactions of the Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine. Series 2. 80. London, 1899. Transactions of the British Pharmaceutical Conference. See 1275. 1605. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Vol. 1 4. Cambridge, 1822 > Transactions of the Canadian Institute. Sec 539. 1606. Transactions of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. Vol. 1. 8. Montreal, 1887. Transactions of the Caradoc Field Club. Sec 542. Transactions of the Cardiff Naturalists' Society. See 543. 1607. Transactions of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. Vol. 1. sm. fol. Chicago, 1867-69. 1608. Transactions of the Chronological Institute of London . . . con- taining the Address of the Institute, Proceedings at the Half- Yearly Meetings, etc. Part 1. 8. London, 1852. 1609. Transactions of the Clinical Society of London. Vol. 1-40. 8. London, 1868-1907. No more published. After volume 40 the l Transactions ' tvere pub- lished as a section of the 'Proceedings of the Eoyal Society of Medicine ' (q. v. No. 1317). Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. See 1008. TRANSACTIONS 255 1610. Transactions of the County of Middlesex Natural History and Science Society. Session 1886-7 (-1887-8). [Vol. 1-2] 8. London, 1887-88. Transactions of the Cuvierian Society. See 1126. Transactions of the Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. See 231. Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science. See 1415. Transactions of the Dublin Natural History Society. See 1126. 1611. Transactions of the Dublin Society. Vol. 1-6. 8. Dublin, 1800-10. Imperfect : wanting volumes 3 and 5. Transactions of the Dublin University Zoological Association. See 1126. 1612. Transactions of the Dudley and Midland Geological and Scientific Society, and Field Club. No. 1-5. 8\ Dudley, 1862-65. The title of number 2 is 'Proceedings, etc.' Transactions of the Eastbourne Natural History Society. Sec 1217. 1613. Transactions of the Eclectic Medical Society of the State of New York. 1867 (-1868). [Vol. 2-3]. 8. Albany, 1868-69. 1614. Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society. 1866 > Vol. 1 * 8<>. Edinburgh, 1870 - 1615. The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. [New series.] Vol. 1 - 8. London, [1834] - The ' {Journal off Proceedings ' of the Society is published in the Trans- actions. The original series of the ' Transactions ' teas published during the years 1807 to 1809, and ^vas discontinued after the 2nd part of volume 1. The publication ivas recommenced in 1834 as l Transactions, vol. 1 '. 1616. The Transactions of the Entomological Society of New South Wales. Vol. 1, part 1. 8. Sydney, 1863. 1617. Transactions of the Epidemiological Society of London. [New Series.] Vol. 1-2, part 1. 8. London, 1863-65. 1618. Transactions of the Epping Forest and County of Essex Natu- ralists' Field Club. Vol. 1-4. 8. Euckhurst Hill, 1881-86. The ' Transactions ' contains the ' Journal of Proceedings ' of the Club. [Continued as :] The Essex Naturalist : being the journal of the Essex Field Club. Vol. 1 - 8. Buckhurst Hill (Stratford), 1887 -> 256 TRANSACTIONS 1619. Transactions of the Faraday Society. Vol. 1 * la. 8. London, 1905 Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-118 of volume 1. 1620. Transactions of the Geological Society (of London). Vol. 1 Series 2, vol. 7. 4. London, 1811-56. No more published. 1621. Transactions of the Geological Society of Australasia. Vol. 1, part 1-4. 4. Melbourne, 1886-90. Transactions of the Geological Society of Dublin. See 1126. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. See 1671. Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland. See 1251. Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. See 692. 1622. Transactions of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York. Vol. [l]-6. 8". Albany, 1863-68. 1623. Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London. Vol.1 2nd Series, vol. 3. 4". London, 1812-48. Transactions of the Institute of Brewing. See 1628. 1624. Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Vol. 1-8. No more published. 4. London, 1836-42. 1625. The Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland. Vol. 1. 80. Dublin, 1845. 1626. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. Vol. 1-2. 8. London, 1892-94. 1627. Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects. Vol. 1 > 4. London, 1860 - Transactions of the International Congress of Prehistoric Archaeology. See 713. Transactions of the Iron and Steel Institute. See 716. Transactions of the Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine. See 1604. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. See 1594. Transactions of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. See 1599. 1628. Transactions of the Laboratory Club. Vol. 3. 8<>. London, 1890. [Continued as:] Transactions of the Institute of Brewing. Vol. 4-7. 8. London, 1890-94. Imperfect: wanting pp. 29-52 of volume 7. TRANSACTIONS 257 1629. Transactions of the Leeds Geological Association, containing {abstracts of} papers read and reports of field excursions. 1885 (-1888). Part 2-4. 8. Leeds, 1886-89. 1630. Transactions of the Leeds Naturalists' Club and Scientific Association. 1886. la. 8. Leeds, 1886. 1631. Transactions of the Linnean Society. Vol. 1-30. 4. London, 1791-1875. [Continued as :] Second series. Botany. Vol. 1 > 4. London, (1875) Second series. Zoology. Vol. 1 4. London, (1875) 1632. Transactions of the Linneean Society of New York. Vol. 1-2. No more published. sm. fol. New York, 1882-84. 1633. Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Vol. 1-3. 8<>. Quebec, 1829-[1837]. Session 1870-1 (-1880-1). 8. Quebec, 1871-81. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the sessions 1875-6 and 1876-7. 1634. Transactions of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York. Vol. 1. 4. New York, 1815. Transactions of the Literary and Scientific Institution of Kil- kenny. See 1126. Transactions of the Liverpool Astronomical Society. See 1583. Transactions of the London Electrical Society. See 1582. 1635. The Transactions of the Malvern Naturalists' Field Club. 1853- 70. 8. Worcester, 1870. 1636. Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society. Vol. 1-27. 8. London, Manchester, 1841-1902. [Continued as :] Transactions of the Manchester Geological and Mining Society. Vol. 28 - la. 8. Manchester, [1903] > Transactions of the Mathematical Section of the New Russian Society of Naturalists, Odessa. See 1767. 1637. Transactions of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland. 83rd (-96th) Annual Session. 8. Baltimore, 1881-94. Transactions of the Medical and Chirurgical Society. See 940. 1638. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bombay. Vol. 1 New series, no. 8. 8. Bombay, 1838-63. 1639. Transactions of the Medical Society of London. Vol. 1, part 1. 8. London, 1810. s 258 TRANSACTIONS 1640. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York, from its organization in 1807 (-1869). 8. Albany, [1807J-1869. Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1832 to 1837, 1841 to 1848, 1850 to 1856, 1861, 1863 and 1867. Some of the volumes in this set are reprints of the original issue. 1641. Transactions of the Meteorological Society. Vol. 1. No more published. la. 8. London, 1839. This Meteorological Society was a separate institution from the British Meteorological Society, afterwards Meteorological Society, which was founded in 1850. 1642. Transactions of the Meteorological Society of Mauritius. Vol. [l]-4. 8<>. Mauritius, 1853-59. [Continued as.-] Proceedings and Transactions of the Meteorological Society of Mauri- tius. Vol. 5-6. 8. Mauritius, 1861-64. New series, vol. 2. la. 8. Mauritius, 1902. 1643. The Transactions of the (Royal) Microscopical Society of London. Vol. 1 New series, vol. 16. la. 8 (8). London, 1844-68. [Continued as :] The Monthly Microscopical Journal : transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society, and records of histological research at home and abroad. Edited by H. Lawson. Vol. 1-18. 8. London, 1869-77. [Continued as :] Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, containing its transac- tions and proceedings (and a summary of current researches relating to zoology and botany, microscopy, etc.) with other microscopical information. Vol. 1 8. London, 1878 > 1644. Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. [6th to 28th Annual Meetings.] 1862 (-1884). 8. London, 1863-85. The following list gives the names of the towns at which each meeting was held and the date of the meeting. 6. London, 1862. 18. Glasgow, 1874. 7. Edinburgh, 1863. 19. Brighton, 1875. 8. York, 1864. 20. Liverpool, 1876. 9. Sheffield, 1865. 21. Aberdeen, 1877. 10. Manchester, 1866. 22. Cheltenham, 1878. 11. Belfast, 1867. 23. Manchester, 1879. Wanting. 12. Birmingham, 1868. 24. Edinburgh, 1880. 13. Bristol, 1869. 25. Dublin, 1881. 14. Newcastle, 1870. 26. Nottingham, 1882. 15. Leeds, 1871. 27. Huddersfield, 1883. 16. Plymouth, 1872. 28. Birmingham, 1884. 17. Norwich, 1873. TRANSACTIONS 259 Transactions of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. See 1302. 1645. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyue. Vol. 1. 4. Newcastle, 1830-31. Transactions of the New Russian Society of Naturalists, Odessa. See 1767. 1646. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1881 (-1897). Vol. 1-16. la. 8. New York, 1881-98. No more published. After volume 16 the ' Transactions ' was incor- porated with the 'Annals of the . . . Academy' (3. v. No. 191). 1647. Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society, with an abstract of the proceedings of the county agricultural societies. 1849 (-1871). Vol. 9-31. 8. Albany, 1850-73. Imperfect : wanting volumes 12 (1853), 14 (1854), 20 (1860), 28 (1868), 29 (1869), and 30 (1870). Transactions of the New Zealand Institute. See 1581. Transactions of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Chemical Society. See 1158. Transactions of the North of England Institute of Mining (and Mechanical) Engineers. Sec 1167. Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science of Halifax. See 1252. 1648. Transactions of the Odontological Society of (London) (Great Britain). Vol. [1] New series, vol. 39. 8. London, 1858-1907. No more published. After volume 39 of the new series the ' Transactions ' were published as a section of the ' Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine ' (q. v. No. 1317). Imperfect : wanting volumes 13-15 of the new series. Transactions of the Orleans County Society of Natural Sciences. See 304. 1649. Transactions of the Ottawa Literary and Scientific Society, No. 1-4. la. 8<>. Ottawa, 1898-1907. 1650. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London. Including the reports of the proceedings. Vol. 1-58. 8<> (la. 80). London, [1848J-1907. No more published. After volume 58 the ' Transactions ' were pub- lished as a section of the ' Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine '. (3. v. No. 1317). s 2 260 TRANSACTIONS Transactions of the Pathological Society of Toronto. See 1253. Transactions of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. See 1224. 1651. Transactions of the Philosophical and Literary Society of Leeds. Vol. 1, part 1. la. 8. London, 1837. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria. See 1653. Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Adelaide. See 1580. 1652. Transactions of the Philosophical Society of New South Wales. 1862-5. 8. Sydney, 1866. [Continued as :] Transactions of the Royal Society of New South Wales. 1867 (-1874). Vol. l-[8]. 8. Sydney, 1868-75. [Continued as :] Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. 1875. Vol. 9. 8*. Sydney, 1876. [Continued as :] Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. 1876 - Vol. 10 -> 8. Sydney, 1877 -* 1653. Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria, including the papers and proceedings of the Society for the past year, ending in July, 1855. Vol. 1. 8. Melbourne, 1855. [Continued as:] Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria, 1857 (-1859). Vol. 2-4. 8. Melbourne, 1858-60. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-92 of volume 2. [Continued as :] Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria. 1860. Vol. 5. 8. Melbourne, [1861 ?] [Continued as :] Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 1861 (-1887). Vol. 6-24. 8. Melbourne, 1865-87. [Continued as :] Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. New Series. 1888 Vol. 1 - 80. Melbourne, 1889 -> 1654. Transactions of the Plymouth Institution. [Vol. 1]. la. 8<>. Plymouth, 1830. See also ' Annual Report and Transactions of the Plymouth Insti- tution, ', No. 23. Transactions of the Polynesian Society. See 848. Transactions of the Queensland Branch of the Geographical Society of Australasia. See 1308. TKANSACTIONS 261 1655. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1-3. 4. London, 1824-35. [Continued as :] The Journal of the Eoyal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1 (-1896). 8". London, 1834-96. Transactions of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. See 1600. Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society. See 1497. 1656. Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. Vol. 1 8. London (Penzance), 1818 * 1657. The Transactions of the Royal Humane Society (from 1774 to 1784). Vol. 1. 80. [London, 1795]. Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects. See 1210. 1658. The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. [Vol. 1J-33. No more published. 4. Dublin, [1788J-1906. Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society. Sec 1643. Transactions of the Royal Photographic Society. See 847. 1659. Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts. [Including the proceedings of the Society.] Vol. 1 80. Edinburgh, 1841 -* The sub-title of volume 17 is : ' Journal of the Eoyal Scottish Society of Arts.' Transactions of the Royal Society. See 1230. 1660. Transactions of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Mauritius. Vol. 1-2, pt. 3. 80. Mauritius, 1848-52. New Series. Vol. 1, pt. 2-vol. 11. 8. Mauritius, 1860-83. Imperfect : wanting all after part 2 of volume 2, if any, and volumes 8-10. [Continued as :] Transactions de la Societe royale des Arts et des Sciences de Maurice. Nouvelle s6rie. Vol. 12-18. 8. Maurice, 1883-86. The i Proceedings ' of the Society are published in the l Transactions '. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. See 1254. 1661. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Vol. 1 > 4. Edinburgh, 1788 - Transactions of the Royal Society of London. See 1230. Transactions of the Royal Society of New South Wales. See 1652. 262 TRANSACTIONS Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa. See 1666. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia. See 1580. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria. See 1653. Transactions of the Russian Academy, St. Petersburg. See 719. 1662. Transactions of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain. Vol. 1-14. 8. London, 1880-94. Imperfect : wanting volume 13. [Continued as :] Journal of the (Koyal) Sanitary Institute. Vol. 15 > 8 (la. 8). London, 1894-* Transactions of the Scientific Association, Meriden. See 1255. Transactions of the Scottish Microscopical Society. See 1256. 1663. Transactions of the Seismological Society of Japan. Vol. 1-16. 8<>. (Yokohama), 1880-92. Imperfect : wanting part 1 of volume 9. After volume 16 the ' Trans- actions ' was continued as the ' Seismological Journal of Japan ' (q. v. No. 1502). Transactions of [the] Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knowledge. See 1584. 1664. Transactions of the Society, for the Promotion of Agriculture, Arts and Manufactures, instituted in the State of New York. Vol. 1. 2nd edition. 8. Albany, 1801. [Continued as :] Transactions of the Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts in the State of New York. Vol. [2]-4. 8. Albany, 1807-19. 1665. Transactions of the Society, instituted at London, for the En- couragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce [after- wards the Society of Arts], with the premiums offered in the year 1783 (-1845). Vol. 1-55. 80. London, 1783-1845. Transactions of the Society of Arts. See 1665. Transactions of the Society of Engineers. See 1530. 1666. The Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. Vol. 1-18. 80 (la 80). Cape Town, 1878-1909. [Continued as :] Transactions of the Koyal Society of South Africa. Vol. 1 > la. 80. Cape Town, 1909 -* 1667. Transactions of the Statistical Society of London. Vol. 1, pt. 1. 4. London, 1837. Transactions of the Swansea Scientific Society. Sec 1469. Transactions of the Tasmaniau Society. See 1561. TRANSACTIONS 263 1668. Transactions of the Texas Academy of Science. Vol. 1 * la. 80. Austin, 1892 - Transactions of the Toronto Astronomical Society. See 1600. 1669. Transactions of the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club. 1846 (-1864). Vol. 1-5. 8. Newcas tie-up on-Tyne and London, 1850-64. United with the 'Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Northum- berland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne ', and continued as : Natural History Transactions of Northumberland and Durham ; being papers read at the meetings of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club. 1865 (-1894). 8. London and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1867-94. Transactions of the Victoria Institute. Sec 863. 1670. Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Phila- delphia. Vol. 1 -> sm. fol. Philadelphia, 1887 - 1671. Transactions of the Watford Natural History Society and Hert- fordshire Field Club. Vol. 1-2. 8<>. Watford, London, 1875-80. [Continued as :] Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. Vol. 1 - 8. London, Watford, Hertford, [1880] - The ' Transactions ' contains the ' Proceedings ' of the Society. 1672. Transactions of the Willan Society of London, a society for the study of dermatology and syphilis. Vol. 1. 8. London, 1885. 1673. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. 1870-2 - Vol. [1] -* la. 8. Madison, 1872 > 1674. Transactions of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society. 1852 (-1873). Vol. 2-11. 8. Madison, 1853-73. Imperfect : wanting volumes 4-9 (Transactions for 1854 to 1871). 1675. Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club. 1868. 8. Hereford, 1869. 1676. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. Vol. 1 > la. 4. London, 1835 > Transactions philosophiques de la Societe royale de Londres. See 1230. Transmit! della reale Accademia dei Lincei. Sec 364. Travaux de FEcole pratique des hautes Etudes. See 609. Travaux de la Section geologique du Cabinet de sa Majeste (St. Fetersbourg). See 1684. 264 TRAVAUX Travaux de la Societe academique des Sciences, Arts, Belles- Lettres et Agriculture de Saint-Quentin. See 116. Travaux de la Societe cumulation du Departement dn Jura. See 1524. Travaux de la Societe des Sciences, Lettres, Arts et Agriculture de Nancy. See 1248. Travaux du Laboratoire de 1'Iustitut de Physiologic, TTniversite de Liege. See 1698. Travaux du Laboratoire de 1'Institut Solvay. See 707. Travaux du Laboratoire de Recherches biologiqnes de 1'Universite de Madrid. Sec 1455. Travaux du Mnsee botanique de 1' Academic imperials des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg. See 1683. 1677. Travaux et Memoires des Facultes de Lille. (University de France.) Memoire No. 1-28. la. 8. Lille, 1889-1901. Imperfect : wanting numbers 3, 7, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20 and 27. 1678. Travaux et Memoires du Bureau international des Foids et Mesures,; publies sous 1'autorite du Comit6 international par le Directeur du Bureau. Tom. 1 la. 4. Paris, 1881 1679. Travaux scientifiques de 1'Universite de Reiiiies. Tom. 1-6. la. 80. Rennes, 1902-7. Treub (M.). Annales du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg. See 158. Troltsch (A. F. von). Archiv filr Ohrenheilkunde. See 281. Trommsdorff (J. B.) Journal der Pharmacie fiir Aerzte und Apo- theker. See 708. 1680. Troms0 Museums Aarsberetuing for 1880 8. Troms0, [1881] > Imperfect : wanting the volumes for the years 1881 to 1886. 1681. Troms0 Museums Aarshefter. 1 > 8 (la. 8). Troms0, 1878 - Imperfect : wanting numbers 5-10. 1682. Det Trondlieimske Selskabs Skrifter. Deel 1-3. 12. Kjobenhavn, 1761-65. [Continued as :] Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers-Selskabs Skrifter. Deel 4-5. 12. Kjobenhavn, 1768-74. Nye Samling af det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers-Selskabs Skrifter. Bd. 1-2. sm. 4. Kj0benhavn, 1784-88. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabersselskabs Skrifter. Bd. 1 8. Kjobenhavn, (Trondhjem), 1817 > Imperfect : wanting all after part 5 of volume 8. Der drontheimischen Gesellschaft Schriften aus dem Danischen ubersetzt. Theil 1-3. 8. Kopenhagen, 1765-67. 265 [Continued as :] Der konigl. norwegischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften Schriften aus dem Danischen tibersetzt. Theil 4. 8. Kopenhagen und Leipzig, 1770. 1683. Tpyji,! BoTamraecKaro Myaen HvmepaTopcKoii AKa^c.>iin HayKi,. Bbmycin. 1 > la. 8. C.-HeTepfiypr*, 1902 The volumes have a second title in French : ' Travaux du Muse"e botanigue de I' Academic imperiale des Sciences de St. Peter sbourg.' 1684. Tpy#w IVo.Toni'iccKoii Mhu- TH K'aumicra ero IlMnepaxopcKaro Bt.iiiifCTBa. TOSTL 1-8, BtmyciCB 1. la. 8. C.-IIeTep6ypn, 1895-1908. The volumes have a second title in French : l Travaux de la Section geologique du Cabinet de sa Majeste.' Tschermak (G.) Mineralogische Mittheilungen. See 1074. 1685. Tnbinger Blatter far Naturwissenschaften und Arzneykunde . . . Herausgegeben von J. H. F. v. Autenrieth und J. G. F. v. Bohnenberger. Bd. 1-3, Heft 1. 12". Tubingen, 1815-[1817j. No more published. 1686. Tufts College Studies. Scientific Series. Vol. 1 - la. 8. [Boston], 1894 - Imperfect : wanting number 2 of volume 1, and numbers 2 to the end of volume 2. Tunner (P.). Berg- und htittenmannisches Jahrbuch. See 389. 1687. yn'iii,ui BanncKH Il.j A v>iJacMi,uf II>incparo|u-iui>u. KaaaHCKHM'b \ iiniu-pcHU' i o>n,. [Scientific Transactions edited by the Imperial University of Kasan. J 1834-(1903). la 8. Kaaam, 1834-1903. 1688. Uebersicht der Arbeiten und Veranderungen der schlesischeii Gesellschaft far vaterlaudische Cultur im Jahre 1825 (-1849). 4. Breslau, 1826-50. [Continued as:] Jahresbericht der schlesischen Gesellschaft fur vaterlandische Kultur. Enthalt : Arbeiten und Veranderungen der Gesellschaft im Jahre 1850 (Bericht 28, etc.) - 4 (la. 8). Breslau, [1851] -* 1689. Uebersicht der Resultate mineralogischer Forschungen in den Jahren 1844 bis (1865) von G. A. Kenngott. Herausgegeben von der k. k. geologischen Keichsanstalt. 4. Wien (Leipzig), 1852-68. Uhlworm (0.). Botanisches Centralblatt. See 445. Centralblatt fiir Bacteriologie. See 549. 1690. The United Service Journal and naval and military magazine. 1829 [Vol. 1] (-1842). 8. London, 1829-42. In 1842 the title is changed to : ' The United Service Magazine, etc.' Imperfect: wanting the numbers for July-Dec. 1829, Nov.-Dec. 1833, the whole of 1834, May-Dec. 1835 , Sept.-Dec. 1839, and Sept.-Dec. 1842. 266 UNITED 1691. United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Part 1 (-26). Eeports 1871 (-1900). 8. Washington, 1873-1901. Imperfect : wanting the 23rd report (1897). [Continued as:] Report of the Commissioner (of Fisheries). [Published by the United States Bureau of Fisheries]. 1901 -> 8. Washington, 1902 > 1692. U| nitecl j Sj tates | Department of Agriculture. Bulletin of the Mount Weather Observatory. Vol. 1 > 4o. Washington, 1908 > 1693. United States of America. Department of Agriculture. Monthly Weather Review and Annual Summary. 1895 > Vol. 28 4. Washington, 1896 - Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-82 of the volume for the year 1895 ; pp. 443 to the end of the volume for the year 1896; and pp. 241-290 of the volume for the year 1898. 1694. U| nited j S[tates] Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations. Experiment Station Record. Vol. 4 la. 8<>. Washington, 1893 > Imperfect : wanting pp. 1101 to the end of volume 11; and pp. 401- 500 of volume 12. 1695. Uj nited] Sj tates ) Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau. Bulletin No. 1-33. 8. Washington, 1892-1903. Imperfect : wanting numbers 7-9, 12-17, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27 and 29. 1696. Uj nited | Sj tates j Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau. Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau. 1891 > 4. Washington, 1893 - 1697. United States Geological Survey. Professional Papers. No. 1 > 4. Washington, 1902 1698. Universite de Liege. Institut de Physiologic. Travaux du Laboratoire de L. Fredericq. 1885 (-1901). Tom. 1-6. la. 80. Liege, 1886-1901. Imperfect : wanting volume 4. 1699. The University Geological Survey of Kansas. Conducted under authority of the Board of Kegents of the University of Kansas. [Reports ] Vol. 1 -> la. 8. Topeka, 1896 - Imperfect : wanting volumes 6, 7, and 8. 1700. University of California Publications. American Archaeology and Ethnology. Vol. 1 - la. 8. Berkeley, 1903 - Entomology. Vol. 1 -> la. 8. Berkeley, 1906 - Geology. Vol. 1 > la. 8. Berkeley, 1893 > Pathology. Vol. 1 - la. 8. Berkeley, 1903 -> Physiology. Vol. 1 -> la. 8. Berkeley, 1903 - Zoology. Vol. 1 -* la. 8. Berkeley, 1902 > UNIVEESITY 267 1701. The University of Missouri Studies. Vol. 1-2, no. 5. la. 8. (Columbia, Mo.), 1901-4. University of Nebraska Studies. See 1703. 1702. University of Virginia Publications. Bulletin of the Philo- sophical Society. Scientific series, vol. 1 la. 8. Charlottesville, 1910 * 1703. University Studies. Published by the University of Nebraska. Vol. 1-4, no. 1. la. 8. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1888-1904. Imperfect : wanting number 3 of volume 2, and number 1 of volume 3. 1704. Untersuchungen aus dent forstbotanischen Institut zu Munchen. Herausgegeben von K. Hartig. [Bd.] 1-3. la. 8. Berlin, 1880-83. Untersuchungen uber die Natnr des Menschen, der Thiere und der Pflanzen. See 1793. 1705. Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Menschen und der Thiere. Herausgegeben von J. Moleschott. Bd. 1-10. 8<>. Frankfurt a. M. (Giessen), 1857-66. Imperfect : wanting pp. 353 to the end of volume 10. 1706. Upsala Universitets Arsskrift. 1861 > la. 8. Upsala, 1861 -> Imperfect: wanting the volumes for the years 1877, 1880 to 1882, 1887, and 1899 to 1902. Urania. See 583. Valentin (G.). Kepertorium fur Anatomic und Physiologic. See 1401. Valentiner (W.). Mittheilungen der . . . Sternwarte zu Heidelberg. See 1094. Veroffentlichungen der . . . Sternwarte zu Heidelberg. See 1744. Veroffentlichungen der . . . Sternwarte zu Karlsruhe. See 1744. Vallot (J.). Annales de 1'Observatoire met6orologique du Mont- Blanc. See 133. 1707. Van Nostrand's (Eclectic) Engineering Magazine. Vol. 16-27. la. 8". New York, 1877-82. 1708. Vargasia. Boletin de la Sociedad de Ciencias fisicas y naturales de Caracas. No. 1-7. la. 8. Caracas, 1868-70. Vereinsblatt der deutschen Gesellscliaft fur Mechauik und Optik, etc. See 1781. 268 VEKHANDELINGEN 1709. Verhaiideliiigen der eerste Klasse van het Hollandscli Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten, te Amsterdam. Deel 1-7. 4. Amsterdam, 1812-25. [Continued as .] Nieuwe Verhandelingen der eerste Klasse van het Koninklijk- Nederlandsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten te Amsterdam. Deel 1-13. 4. Amsterdam, 1827-48. Imperfect : wanting volume 11. [Continued as :] Verhandelingen der eerste Klasse van het Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Instituut, etc. 3 de Keeks, Deel 1-5. 4. Amsterdam, 1849-52. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-13 of volume 1. 1710. Verhandelingen der Koiiinklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Deel 1-29. 4. Amsterdam, 1854-92. [Continued as:] Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Sectie 1. Wiskunde, Natuurkunde, Scheikunde, Kristallenleer, Ster- renkunde, Weerkunde en Ingenieurswetenschappen. Deel 1 > la. 8. Amsterdam, 1893 - Sectie 2. Plantkunde, Dierkunde, Aardkunde, Delfstofkunde, Ontleedkunde, Physiologic, Gezondheidsleer en Ziektekunde. Deel 1 > la. 8. Amsterdam, 1893 -* Verhandelingen der NattrarkuiicTige Vereeniging in Nederlaiidsch Indie. See 49. 1711. Verhandelingen en Berigten betrekkelijk het Zeewezen en de Zeevaartkonde (en de daarmede in verband staande Wetten- schappen). Verzameld en uitgegeven door J. Swart. Nieuwe Volgorde. Jaargang 1853 (-1857). la. 8. Amsterdam, 1853-57. Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-104 and 297 to the end of the volume for the year 1853. 1712. Verhandelingen nitgegeeven door de Hollandsche Maatschappye der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. Deel 1-30. 8. Haarlem (en Amsterdam), [1754J-1793. Volume 1 is 3rd edition, published in 1759 ; volume 2 is 2nd edition, published in 1758. 1713. Verhandelingen nitgegeeven door het Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen te Vlissingen. Deel 1-15. 8<>. Middelburg (Leiden), 1769-92. No more published until 1807, when the ' VerJiandelingen ' was continued as : Nieuwe Verhandelingen van het Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Weten- schappen. Deel 1-5. 8. Middelburg, 1807-35. VERHANDELINGEN 269 [Continued as :] Nieuwe Werken van het Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen. Deel 1-2. 8. Middelburg, 1839-45. 1714. Verhandelingen, uitgegeeven door Teyler's Tweede Genootschap. Stuk 1-28. 4. Haarlem, 1781-1857. Volume 26 is in 8 parts, each with a separate title-page and pagination. 1715. Verhandelingen van de Natuur- en Geneesknndige Correspon- dentie-Societeit in de Vereenigde Nederlanden, opgericht in 's Hage, etc. Deel 1-3. 8. 's Gravenhage, 1783-86. 1716. Verliandeliiigeii van het Bataafsch Genootschap der Froef- ondervindelyke Wysbegeerte te Rotterdam. Deel 1-12. 4. Kotterdam, 1774-98. [Continued as :] Nieuwe Verhandelingen van het Bataafsch Genootschap der Proef- ondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte te Kotterdam. Deel 1 Keeks 2, Deel 6, Stuk 2. 4. Amsterdam (Rotterdam), 1800-1906. 1717. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Ktmsten en Wetenschappen. Deel 1-50, Stuk 1. 8 (4o). Batavia, [1779J-1895. Imperfect : wanting volume 49. Volume 1 is 3rd edition published in 1825, volume 2 is 3rd edition published in 1826, volumes 3 and 4 are 2nd edition published in 1824, and volume 5 is 2nd edition published in 1827. Volume 7 has a second title-page : ' Transactions of the Satavian Society of Arts and Sciences '. 1718. Verhandelingeu van het Genootschap ter Bevordering der Genees- en Heelkvuicle, te Amsterdam. Deel 1-2. 4. Amsterdam, 1848-57. 1719. Verhandelingen van het Genootschap ter Bevoordering van Genees- en Heel-Kuude opgeregt tot Antwerpen onder de Zin-spreuk ' Occidit, qni non servat '. Deel 1-3. 8. Antwerpen, Jaar vi-viii [i. e. 1798-1800]. 1720. Verhandelingen van het Frovinciaal Utregtsch Genootschap van 1 Eunsten en Wetenschappen. Deel 1-9. 8. Utregt, 1781-1801. 1721. Verhandlungen der . . . achten (neunten, etc.) allgemeinen Conferenz der internationalen Brdmessnng . . . Comptes-rendus des Seances de la . . . huitieme (neuvieme, etc.) Conference general e de 1'Association g^odesique Internationale, etc. 4. Berlin, 1887 - 270 VEKHANDLUNGEN The following list gives flie names of the towns at which each meeting was held and the date of the meeting. 8. Berlin, 1886. 13. Paris, 1900. 9. Paris, 1889. 14. Copenhague, 1903. 10. Brilssel, 1892. 15. Budapest, 1906. 11. Berlin, 1895. 16. London and Cambridge, 12. Stuttgart, 1898. 1909. Verhandlungen der . . . Conferenz der permanenten Commission der internationalen Erdmessung . . . Comptes-rendus des Seances de la Commission permanente de 1'Association geodesique Inter- nationale, etc. 1887 (-1896). 4. Berlin, 1888-97. The Conference of the Commission was held at the following towns in the years mentioned. Every third year (i. e. in 1889, 1892 and 1895) it was held in conjunction with the l Allgemeine Conferenz der inter- nationalen Erdmessung 9 (g_-v. supra): no separate publication being issued ly the Commission for those years. Nizza, 1887. Brtissel, 1892. See note. Salzburg, 1888. Genf, 1893. Paris, 1889. See note. Innsbruck, 1894. Freiburg, 1890. Berlin, 1895. See note. Florenz, 1891. Lausanne, 1896. Verhandhmgeu der allgemeinen. scliweizerisclieii Gesellscliaft far die gesammteu Naturwissenschaften. See 629. Verhandlungen der Conferenz der permanenteu Commission der internationalen Erdmessnng. See 1721. Verhandlungen der deutschen physikalischen Gesellschaft. See 1728. 1722. Verhandlnngen der dentschen zoologischen Gesellschaft auf der ersten (zweiten, etc.) Jahresversammlung . . . 1891 la. 8. Leipzig, 1891 - The following list gives the names of the towns at which each meeting was held and the date of the meeting. 1. Leipzig, 1891. 12. Giessen, 1902. 2. Berlin, 1892. 13. Wilrzburg, 1903. 3. Gottingen, 1893. 14. Tubingen, 1904. 4. Mtinchen, 1894. 15. Breslau, 1905. 5. Strassburg, 1895. 16. Marburg, 1906. 6. Bonn, 1896. 17. Kostock und Lubeck, 1907. 7. Kiel, 1897. 18. Stuttgart, 1908. 8. Heidelberg, 1898. 19. Frankfurt a. M., 1909. 9. Hamburg, 1899. 20. Graz, 1910. 10. Graz, 1900. 21. Basel, 1911. 11. Berlin, 1901. VEKHANDLUNGEN 271 1723. Verhandluiigeu der Gesellscliaft des vaterlandischen Museums in Bohmen. Heft 1-20. 8. Frag, 1823-42. Imperfect : wanting parts 6-9 (1838-31), 11 (1833), 15-16 (1837-38), and 19 (1841). 1724. Verhandlungen der Gesellscliaft fur Erdkuiide zu Berlin. 1878 (-1901). Bd. 1-28. 8. Berlin, 1875-1901. 1725. Verliandluiigeii der Gesellscliaft naturforscliender Freunde zu Berlin. Bd. 1. 4. Berlin, 1829. 1726. Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-koniglichen geologischen Reiclis- anstalt. Jahrgang 1858 > 4. Wien, 1858 Imperfect : wanting pp. 87-106 of the volume for the year 1871, and the whole of the volume for the year 1872. Verhandlnngen der kaiserlich-koniglichen zoologiscli-botani- schen Gesellscliaft in Wien. Sec 1742. Verhandltmgen der kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Academic der Natnrforscher. Sec 1077. Verhandlnngen der koniglich sachsischen Gesellscliaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. See 414. Verhandluiigeu der naturforschenden Gesellscliaft in Basel. See 405. Verhandluugen der natnrforscheudeu Gesellscliaft in Zurich. See 406. 1727. Verhandluugen der physikalisch-medicinischen Gesellscliaft in Wurzburg. Bd. 1-10. 8. Erlangen (Wtirzburg), 1850-60. [Continued as :] [I] Wiirzburger medicinische Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von der physikalisch-medicinischen Gesellschaft. Bd. 1-7. 8. Wurzburg, 1860-66. [II] Wiirzburger naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von der physikalisch-medicinischen Gesellschaft. Bd. 1-6. 8. Wtirzburg, 1860-67. [Continued as :~\ Verhandlungen der physikal.-medicin. Gesellschaft in Wurzburg . . . Neue Folge, Bd. l- 8. Wurzburg, 1869 - 1728. Verhandlungen der physikalischen Gesellschaft in Berlin iin Jahre 1882 (-1898). Jahrgang 1-17. 8. Berlin, [1883 ?]-1898. [Continued as :] Verhandlungen der deutschen physikalischen Gesellschaft im Jahre 1899 > Jahrgang 1 > 8. Leipzig (Braunschweig), 1899 The title on the wrappers of some of the volumes is ' Berichte der deutschen physikalischen Gesellschaft '. 272 VEKHANDLUNGEN 1729. Verhandlungen der polytechnischen Gesellschafb. Jahrgang 13-27. 4 (80). Berlin, 1852-66. 1730. Verhandlungen der russisch-kaiserlichen mineralogisclien Gesell- schaft zu St. Petersburg. Jahr 1842 (-1858). la. 8. St. Petersburg, 1842-58. Zweite Serie, Bd. 33-46. la. 8. St. Petersburg, 1895-1908. The volumes in the second series have a second title in Russian : SairacKH HmiepaTOpcKaro C.-ZIerepSyprcKaix) MnHepajrormecKaro 06m,ecTBa. Verliandluiigeii der scliweizerischen naturforscheiideii Gesell- schaft. See 629. Verliandlungeii der Tagung der permanenten Kommissioii der iuternationalen seismologischen Assoziation. See 575. 1731. Verliandlungeii der Wandergesellschaft saclisisclier Laiidwirthe und Naturforscher (und Aerzte) in den Jahren 1834 und 1835 (1837, 1838). 8. Dresden und Leipzig, 1837-40. Verhandlungen des biologischen Vereins in Stockholm. See 429. 1732. Verhandlungen des botanischen Vereins fur die Frovinz Branden- burg und die angrenzenden Lander. Heft 1-10. 8 Berlin, 1859-68. 1733. Verhandlungen des deutschen wissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Santiago. Bd. 1 la. 8. Valparaiso (Santiago), 1885 > Imperfect: wanting pp. 1-170 and pp. 365 to the end of volume 3, and pp. 1-140 of volume 4. 1734. Verhandlungen des uaturforschenden Vereines in Brunn. 1862 > Bd. 1 - la. 8. Brunn, 1863 - 1735. Verhandlungen des naturhistorisch-medicinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg. 1865 - Bd. 4 -> 80 (la. 80). Heidelberg, 1868 - 1736. Verhandlungen des natnrhistorischen Vereines der preussischen Rheinlande (und Westphalens). Jahrgang 1-18. 80. Bonn, 1844-61. The ' Verhandlungen ' contains the ' Correspondensblatt ' and the ' Siteungsberichte ' of the Society. 1737. Verliandlungeii des naturhistorischen Vereins fur Anhalt in Dessau. 1840 (-1857). Bericht 1-16. 80. Dessau, [1842]-1857. Imperfect : wanting the llth Report (185$). 1738. Verhandlungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins von Ham- burg-Altona. 1875 (-1881). Neue Folge, [Bd.] 1-6. 8. Hamburg, 1877-82. Verhandlungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg. 1894 -> Folge 3, [Bd.] 2 - 80. Hamburg, 1895 - VEKHANDLUNGEN 273 1739. Verhandlungen des Vereius fur Naturkunde zu Presburg. Bd. 1-5. 8. Presburg, 1856-61. Verhandlungen des Vereins ftir Natur- und Heilkunde zu Presburg (Pozsony). 1873 - Neue Folge, Heft 3 > 8. Presburg, 1880 - Imperfect : wanting part 11. The volumes have a second title-page : ' A Pozsonyi Termeszettudomdnyi es Orvosi Egylet Kozlemenyei. Uj Folyam, Fuzet 3, etc.' 1740. Verhandlungen des Vereins fur naturwissenschaftliche Unter haltung zu Hamburg. 1875 (-1882). Bd. 2-5. 8. Hamburg, 1876-83. 1741. Verhandluiigeii des Vereins zur Befb'rderung des Gartenbaues in den koniglich preussischen Staaten. Bd. 1-21. 4. Berlin, 1824-53. 1742. Verhandlungen des zoologisch-botanischeu Vereins in Wieii. Bd. 1-7. 8. Wien, 1852-57. [Continued as .] Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-koniglichen zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Bd. 8 8. Wien, 1858 - 1743. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des siebenbiirgischen Vereins fur Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt. Jahrgang 1 > 8 (la. 8). Hermannstadt, 1850 1744. Veroffeutlichungen der grossherzoglichen Sternwarte zu Karls- ruhe. Herausgegeben von W. Valentiner. Heft 1-5. la. 4o. Karlsruhe, 1884-96. Veroffentlichungen der grossherzoglichen Sternwarte zu Heidelberg, Astronomisches Institut. Herausgegeben von W. Valentiner. Bd. 1 > la. 4. Karlsruhe, 1900 > 1745. Veroffentlichungen der internationalen Kommissiou fur wissen- schaftliclie Lufbschiffahrt. Herausgegeben von H. Hergesell. Beobachtungen mit bemannten, unbemannten Ballons und Dra- chen sowie auf Berg- und Wolkenstationen. (Publications de la Commission Internationale pour 1'Aerostation scientifique. Ob- servations des ascensions internationales simultanees et des stations de montagne et de nuages.) Jahrgang 1904 (-1906). 4. Strassburg, 1905-8. The volumes have a second title in French : ' Publications de la Com- mission Internationale pour T 'Aerostation scientifique.' Imperfect : wanting pp. 471 to the end of the volume for the year 1906. 1746. Veroffentlichungen der koniglichen Sternwarte zu Bonn. Her- ausgegeben vom Director F. Ktistner. No. 1-11. la. 4. Bonn, 1895-1909. VerSffentlichungen des Centralbureaus der internationalen Erdmessung. See 551. 274 VERSLAG 1747. Verslag omtrent den staat van 's Lands Flantentnin te Buiten- zorg. 1888 (-1904). la. 8. Batavia, 1889-1905. Imperfect : wanting tlie volumes for the years 1891 and 1894. 1748. Verslag van liet Verhandelde in de Algemeene Vergadering van het Pro viiiciaal Utrecht sell Geiiootschap van Kunsteu en Weten- schappen, voor het Jaar 1847 > 8. Utrecht, 1847 > Imperfect: wanting the volumes for 1851 to 1853, 1855, and 1873 to 1875. 1749. Verslagen der Zittingen van de Wis- en Natimrkundige Afdeeling der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. 1892 (-1896). Deel [l]-4. la. 8. Amsterdam, 1893-96. [Continued as :] Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. Ver- slagen van de gewone Vergaderingen der Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling. 1896 Deel 5 > la. 8. Amsterdam, 1897 > Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. Proceed- ings of the Section of Sciences. Vol. 1 la. 8. Amsterdam, 1899 These Proceedings are translated from : ' Verslagen van de gewone Vergaderingen der Wis- en NatuurJcundige Afdeeling.' Deel 7, etc. 1750. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Deel 1 Eeeks 3, Deel 9. 8. Amsterdam, 1853-92. Verslagen van de gewone Vergaderingen der Wis- en Natuur- kundige Afdeeling der koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschap- pen te Amsterdam. See 1749. 1751. Versuche und Abhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaffc in Dantzig. Theil 1-3. 4. Dantzig (und Leipzig), 1747-56. [Continued as :] Neue Sammlung von Versuchen und Abhandlungen der naturfor- schenden Gesellschaft in Danzig. Bd. 1. 4. Danzig, 1778. Verworn (M.). Pfltiger's Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologie. See 272. Vestiiik kralovske ceske spolecnosti nauk. Sec 1507. 1752. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening i Xjobenhavn for ... 1849 > la. 8. Kj5benhavn (1849) > 1753. Vierteljahrsschrift der astronomischeri Gesellschaft. Jahrgang 1-40. 8. Leipzig, 1866-1905. 1754. Vierteljahrsschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich. Kedigirt von K. Wolf (F. Kudio). Jahrgang 1 * 8 (la. 8). Zurich, 1856 - Virchow (E.). Archiv fur pathologische Anatomie. See 284. and Hirsch (A.). Jahresbericht tiber die Leistungen ... in der Anatomie. See 771. VOIGT 275 Voigt (J. H.). Magazin ftir den neuesten Zustand der Naturkunde, etc. See 903. Volz (R.). Mittheilungen des badischen arztlichen Vereins. See 1101. Volz (W. L.) and Karmarsch (K.). Polytechnische Mittheilungen. See 1239. 1755. Vorlesungen der (kurpfalzischen) (churpfalzischen) physikalisch- okonomischen Gesellschaft. 1784 (-1786). Ed. 1-2. 80. Mannheim, 1785-87. Vriese (W. H. de). Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief. See 1149. V^rocni zprava kralovske ceske spolecnosti nauk. See 750. Wagner (J. R.). Jahres-Bericht tiber die Fortschritte der chemischen Technologie. See 768. Walch (J. E. L). Naturforscher. See 1181. Waldeyer (W.) and Fosner (C.). Jahresbericht tiber die Leistungen ... in der Anatomie. See 771. Walker (C. V.). Electrical Magazine. See 615. 1756. Warwickshire Natural History and Archaeological Society. First (-42nd) Annual Report, 1837 (-1878). 8. Warwick, 1837-78. Imperfect : wanting the 3rd, 4th, 17th, and 19th-24th Eeports. 1757. Water-Supply {and Irrigation} Papers of the United States Geological Survey. No. 65 > 8. Washington, 1902 > Watt (C. and J.). The Chemist. See 555. Weber (F.) and Mohr (D. M. H.). Archiv ftir die systematisehe Naturgeschichte. See 276. Beitrage zur Naturkunde. See 276. 1758. Weekly Memorials for the Ingenious: or, an account of books lately set forth in several languages : with other accounts relating to arts and sciences. Jan. 16, 168 (-Jan. 15, 1683). No. 1-50. 4. For Henry Faifhorne and John Kersey : London, (1682)-1683. No more published. Weekly Memorials for the Ingenious, etc. March 20, 168| (-Sept. 25, 1682). No. 1-29. 4. Sold by E. Chiswel, T. Basset, W. Crook, S. Crouch : London, (1682)-1683. No more published. Numbers 1 to 7 of the ' Weekly Memorials ' were published for the 1 Author ' [i. e. Beaumont ?] by H. Faithorne and J. Kersey, but i 2 276 WEEKLY owing to a quarrel between the 'Author' and the publishers the publication was continued from March 6th 1682 to January 15th 1683 by Faithorne and Kersey only, as numbers 8 to 50. On March 20th 1682 the original ' Author ' issued number 1 of a rival publication, bearing exactly the same title as the one published by Faithorne and Kersey, which he continued till Sept. 25th 1682 (i. e. No. 29}. In 1683 he issued a title-page and index to these 29 parts. No number 10 of Faithorne and Kersey's 'Memorials' was issued, the pagination of numbers 9 and 11 being continuous. In the later 'Memorials' the ' Author ' states that he ' has printed Numb. 8 and Numb. 9 though very few of them have been delivered out of his own hands '. This set wants both these numbers. Weekly Observations of the Dublin Society. See 606. Weierstrass (K.). Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik. See 808. Weijde (P. H. van der). Tijdschrift voor de Wis- en Natuurkunde. See 1672. Weinek (L.). Magnetische und meteorologische Beobachtungen zu Prag. See 914. Weinland (D. F.). Der Zoologische Garten. See 1805. Weiss (E.). Annalen der . . . Stern warte in Wien. See 100. Meteorologische Beobachtungen ... in Wien. See 1061. Weldon (W. F. K.). Biometrika. See 430. 1759. Werken der Hollandsche Maatschappij van Fraaije Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Deel 1-8. 8. Amsterdam (Leyden), 1810-30. 1760. The West of England Journal of Science and Literature. No. 1-5. 8. Bristol, (1835)-1836. No more published. 1761. Western Australia. Geological Survey. Bulletin. No. 2 > 8. Perth, 1898 - Imperfect : wanting numbers 14, 19, 33 and 40. Whitaker (W.). Geological Kecord. See 656. White (F. B. W.). Scottish Naturalist. See 1498. Whitman (C. 0.). Journal of Morphology. See 819. Whitworth (W. A.). Messenger of Mathematics. See 1211. Wiedemann (C. E. W.). Archiv ftir Zoologie und Zootomie. See 291. Zoologisches Magazin. See 1809. WIEDEMANN 277 Wiedemann (G. and E.). Annalen der Physik. See 789. Wiegmanu (A. F. A.). Archiv ftir Naturgeschichte. See 280. Wieu (W.). Annalen der Physik. See 799. Wikstrom (J. E.). Arsberattelse om Botaniska Arbeten och Upptackter. See 315. Arsberattelse om Framstegen uti Botanik. See 315. Ofversigt af Botaniska Arbeten och Upptackter. See 315. Wilson (E.). Journal of Cutaneous Medicine. See 810. 1762. Wiltshire Rainfall. 1878 (-1885) [Vol. 1-8]. 8. Marlborough, 1879-86. Wissenschaftlicli-praktische Forschnngen auf dem Gebiete der Laiidwirtliscliaft. See 548. 1763. Wissenscliaftliclie Abhandlnngen der pliysikalisch technischen Reichsanstalt. Bd. 1-4. 4. Berlin, 1894-1905. Imperfect : wanting pp. 267 to the end of volume 4. 1764. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilnngen der physicalisch-medicinischeu Societat zu Erlangen. Bd. 1. 8. Erlangen, 1858-59. Wochenschrift des sclilesisclieii Vereins fur Berg- nnd Hiitten- wesen. See 733. Woclieiitliclier curioser Zeit-Vertreiber. See 1178. Wohler (F.). Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften. See 315. Wolf (M.). Publikationen des astrophysikalischen Observatoriums Konigstuhl-Heidelberg. See 1354. Wolf (E). Astronomische Mittheilungen. See 343. Vierteljahrsschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich, See 1754. Wolfer (A.). Astronomische Mittheilungen. See 343. Publikationen der Sternwarte des eidg. Polytechnikums zu Zurich. See 1353. Woodhead (G. S.) Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. See 821. Wftrttembergische natnrwisseuschafbliche Jahreshefte. See 777. Wilrzbnrger mediciiiische Zeitschrift. Sec 1727. Wlirzbnrger naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. See 1727. Wundt (W.). Philosophische Studien. See 1231. Psychologische Studien. See 1231. Wurtz (A.). Repertoire de Chimie pure. See 1523. 278 YEAR-BOOK Year-Book and Record of the Royal Geographical Society. See 1467. Tear-Book of Pharmacy. See 1275. Tear-Book of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. See 646. 1765. The Tear-Book of the Royal Society of London. 1896-7 No. 1 > 8. London, 1897 > Tear-Book of the United States Department of Agriculture. See 1407. 1766. The Torkshireman. A religious and literary journal by a Friend [i. e. L. Howard]. Vol. 1-5. 8<>. Pontefract, 1833-37. No more published. Toung (A.). Annals of Agriculture. See 180. Zach (F. X. von), Baron. Allgemeine geographische Ephemeriden. See 60. Correspondance astronomique. See 585. Monatliche Correspondenz zur Beforderung der Erd- und Him- mels-Kunde. See 1108. Zamminer (F.). Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Physik. See 769. Zantedeschi (F.). Annali di Fisica. See 176. 3aniicKii HMnepaxopcKaro C.-IIeTep6yprcKaro MimepaaonraecKaro OonjecTBa. See 1730. .ta uncivil ILMnepaTOpcKoil AKa^CMiii Ilayui> no ii;;iiuo-Ma rt'Mm HMPC- Koaiy OivrnaeHiio. See 563. 3aimcKH llaioia i iiMci-iiaro Or.i I..M n i ji HoBOpocciitcKaro OonjecxBa EcTecTBOHcnwTaxejieii. See 1767. 1767. 3anncKH HoBOpocciiicKaro O6njecTBa EcxecTBoncnBiTaTejieif [Transactions of the New Kussian Society of Naturalists, Odessa]. Torn, 9 -* Imperfect: wanting volume 10 and part 1 of volume 12. la. 8. Oflecca, 1885 SaimcKH MaieMaTEraecKaro OT^kreniH HosopoccificKaro 06m,ecTBa EciecTBOH- cnHTaTeaefi [Transactions of the Mathematical Section of the New Kussian Society of Naturalists]. TOIVTB 8-20. la. 8. O^ecca, 1888-1902. Imperfect : wanting volume 13. 1768. Zeitschrifb der deutschen geologischen Gesellschafb. Bd. 1-13. 8. Berlin, 1849-61. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkuude zu Berlin. See 1771. ZEITSCHEIFT 279 1769. Zeitschrift der osterreichisclien Gesellscliaft fur Meteorologie. Bd. 1-20. sm. fol. Wien, 1866-85. In 1886 the ' Zeitschrift ' was united with the ' Meteorologische Zeitschrift' (q.v. No. 1065). Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums far Tirol und Vorarlberg. See 380. 1770. Zeitschrift f iir Acclimatisation. Organ des Acclimatisations-Vereins fiir die koniglich preussischen Staaten. Herausgegeben von E. Kaufmann (L. Buvry). Bd. 1 Neue Folge, Bd. 4. 8. Berlin und Paris, 1858-66. 1771. Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Erdkunde. Mit Unterstiitzung der Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin . . . herausgegeben von T. E. Gumprecht (K. Neumann, W. Koner). Bd. 1 Neue Folge, Bd. 19. 8. Berlin, 1853-65. [Continued as :] Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin. Als Fortsetzung der Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Erdkunde. Bd. 1 > 8. Berlin, 1866 - 1772. Zeitschrift fur analytische Chemie. Herausgegeben von C. K. Fresenius (von den Directoren und Inhabern des chemischen Laboratoriums Fresenius zu Wiesbaden). Jahrgang 1 > 8. Wiesbaden; 1862 1773. Zeitschrift fur Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte . . . Herausgegeben von W. His und W. Braune. Bd. 1-2. la. 8. Leipzig, 1875-77. No more published. After volume 2 the ' Zeitschrift ' was united with the ' Anatomische Abtheilung' of tJie l Archiv fur Anatomie und Physiologie' (q.v. No. 275}. 1774. Zeitschrift fur Astronomic und verwandte Wissenschafteu, heraus- gegeben von B. von Lindenau und J. G. F. Bohnenberger. Bd. 1-6. No more published. 8. Tubingen, 1816-18. 1775. Zeitschrift fiir Biologie. Von L. Buhl, M. Pettenkofer, L. Kadlkofer, C. Voit [and others]. Bd. 1 > la. 8. Munchen (und Berlin), 1865 -* Zeitschrift fiir Chemie. See 877. 1776. Zeitschrift fiir die Entomologie, herausgegeben von E. F. Germar. Bd. 1-3. 8. Leipzig, 1839-41. [After volume 5 continued as :] Linnaea Entomologica. Zeitschrift herausgegeben von dem entomo- logischen Vereine in Stettin. Bd. 1-16. 8. Berlin, Posen und Bromberg, (Leipzig), 1846-66. No more published. 280 ZEITSCHRIFT 1777. Zeitsclirift fiir (die gesammten} Naturwissenschaften. Heraus- gegeben von dem naturwissenschaftlichen Vereine ftir Sachsen und Thtiringen in Halle (redigirt von C. Giebel und W. Heintz [and others]). Bd. 1 - 8. Halle, (Berlin, Leipzig), 1853 - Imperfect : wanting pp. 171-186 of volume 38, and the whole of volumes 41, 42, and 69. 1778. Zeitschriffc fiir die organische Pliysik. Herausgegeben von C. F. Heusinger. Bd. 1-3. 8. Eisenach, 1827-33. No more published. 1770. Zeitschrifb fiir Entoniologie. Herausgegeben von dem Verein fiir schlesische Insektenkunde zu Breslau (im Auftrage des Vereins . . . herausgegeben von A. Assmann). 1847 (-1856). Jahrgang 1-10. 8. Breslau, 1847-57. Jahrgang 7 (1853) was never published. 1780. Zeitsclirift fur Hygiene. Herausgegeben von R. Koch und C. Fliigge. Bd. 1-10. la. 80. Leipzig, 1886-91. [Continued as;] Zeitschrift fur Hygiene und Infectionskrankheiten. Herausgegoben von K. Koch und C. Flugge (und G. Gaffky). Bd. 11 - la. 8. Leipzig, 1892 -> 1781. Zeitschrift fiir Instrnmentenktinde. Organ fur Mittheilungen aus dem gesammten Gebiete der wissenschaftlichen Technik. Heraus- gegeben (unter Mitwirkung der physikalisch-technischen Reichs- anstalt) von E. Abbe [and others]. Jahrgang 1 > 4. Berlin, 1881 - Beiblatt zur Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenkunde. Vereinsblatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Mechanik und Optik. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung der Zeitschrift fiir Instrumentenkunde von dem Vorstande der Gesellschaft. Jahrgang 1896 (-1897). 4. Berlin, 1896-97. [Continued as :] Deutsche Mechaniker-Zeitung. Beiblatt zur Zeitschrift fur Instrumen- tenkunde (und Organ fiir die gesamte Glasinstrumenten-Industrie). Vereinsblatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Mechanik und Optik. Herausgegeben vom Vorstande der Gesellschaft. Jahrgang 1898 > 4. Berlin, 1898 > 1782. Zeitschrift fur kliuische Mediziu. Mit dem Verein fiir physio- logische Heilkunde (in Breslau) herausgegeben von F. Giinsburg. Jahrgang 1-7. la. 8. Breslan, 1850-56. 1783. Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie und Mineralogie . . . Heraus- gegeben von P. Groth. Bd. 1 > la. 8. Leipzig, 1877 Imperfect : wanting pp. 1-96 of volume 37, Repertorium der mineralogischen und krystallographischen Literatur 1876 (1877 ) und Generalregister der Zeitschrift fiir Krystallo- graphie und Mineralogie. Herausgegeben . . . von P. Groth [and others]. Bd. 1 - la. 8. Leipzig, 1886 ZEITSCHKIFT 281 1784. Zeitschrift fur Malakozoologie. Herausgegeben von K. T. Menke (und L. Pfeiffer). Jahrgang 1844 (-1853) [Jahrgang 1-10]. 8. Hannover (Cassel), 1845-53. [Continued as :] Malakozoologische Blatter . . . Herausgegeben von K. T. Menke und L. Pfeiffer (S. Clessin). Bd. 1 Neue Folge, Bd. 5. 8. Cassel (und Berlin), 1854-82. 1785. Zeitschrift fiir Mathematik nnd Physik, herausgegeben von 0. Schlo'milch und B. Witzschel (M. Cantor) [and others]. Jahr- gang 1-50. la. 8. Leipzig, 1856-1904. Zeitschrift fiir Mineralogie. See 156O. 1786. Zeitschrift fiir Morphologic nnd Anthropologie . . . Herausgegeben von G. Schwalbe. Bd. 1 > la. 8. Stnttgart, 1899 > 1787. Zeitschrift fiir Natur- nnd Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von den Professoren der chirurgisch-medicinischen Akademie in Dresden. Bd. 1-5. 8. Dresden (und Leipzig), 1820-28. Neue Zeitschrift fur Natur- und Heilkunde. Bd. 1. 8. Dresden und Leipzig, 1830. Zeitschrift fiir Natnrwissenschaften. See 1777. 1788. Zeitschrift fiir organische Physik. Herausgegeben von Schelver. Bd. 1. 12". Halle, 1802-3. 1789. Zeitschrift fiir Farasitenknnde. Herausgegeben von E. Hallier und F. A. Ziirn. Bd. 1-4. 8. Jena, 1869-75. No more published. 1790. Zeitschrift fiir Pflauzenkrankheiten. Organ fiir die Gesamt- interessen des P'flanzenschutzes . . . Herausgegeben von P. Sorauer. Bd. 1 > la. 8. Stnttgart, 1891 - 1791. Zeitschrift fiir Physik nnd Mathematik. Herausgeber : A. Baum- gartner und A. v. Ettingshausen. Bd. 1-10. 80. Wien, 1826-32. [Continued as :] Zeitschrift fiir Physik und verwandte Wissenschaften. Herausgeber : A. Baumgartner. Bd. 1-2. 8. Wien, 1832-33. 1799. Zeitschrift fiir physikalische Chexnie, Stbchiometrie und Ver- wandtschaftslehre . . . Herausgegeben von W. Ostwald und J. H. van 't Hoff. Bd. 1 - la. 8. Leipzig, 1887 > 1793. Zeitschrift fiir Physiologic . . . Herausgegeben von F. Tiedemann, G. E. Treviranus und L. C. Treviranus. Bd. 1-5, Heft 2. 4. Darmstadt (Heidelberg und Leipzig), 1824-33. No more published. Volumes 1, 3 and 4 have a second title-page i Untersuchungen uber die Natur des Menschen, der TJiiere und der Pflanzen '. 282 ZEITSCHBIFT 1794. Zeitschrifb fiir populare Mittheilungeii aus dem Gebiete der Astronomic und verwandter Wissenschaften. Herausgegeben von C. A. F. Peters. Bd. 1-2. 8. Altona, 1858-61. Imperfect : wanting pp. 165 to the end of volume 2. 1795. Zeitschrift fiir Psychologic nnd Physiologic der Sinnesorgane . . . Herausgegeben von H. Ebbinghaus und A. KSnig (und W. A. Nagel). Bd. 1-40. la. 80. (Hamburg und} Leipzig, 1890-1906. [Divided into two sections, and continued as :] I. Abteilung. Zeitschrift fiir Psychologie. Herausgegeben von H. Ebbinghaus. Bd. 41 - la. 8<>. Leipzig, 1906 * II. Abteilung. Zeitschrift fiir Sinnesphysiologie. Herausgegeben von J. K. Ewald (W. A. Nagel). Bd. 41 -> la. 80. Leipzig, 1906 - 1796. Zeitschrift fiir rationelle Medicin. Herausgegeben von J. Henle und C. Pfeufer. Bd. 13* Keihe, Bd. 36. 8. Zurich (Heidelberg, Leipzig), 1844-69. No more published. Bericht tlber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie im Jahre 1856 (-1871). Herausgegeben von J. Henle und G. Meissner. Als besondere Abtheilung der Zeitschrift fur rationelle Medicin [Bd. 1-16]. 8. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1857-72. [Continued as :] Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie . . . Herausgegeben von F. Hofmann und G. Schwalbe. Literatur. 1872 (-1880). Bd. 1-9. la. 8. Leipzig, 1873-81. After volume 20 (1893) tJie 'Jahresberichte' was divided into two sections, 'Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und EntwicJclungsgeschichte ' (which is not in the Library), and : Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der Physiologie . . . Heraus- gegeben von L. Hermann (und 0. Weiss). Bericht tiber das Jahr 1892 > Bd. 1 - la. 8. Bonn (Stuttgart), 1894 -> Zeitschrift fiir Sinnesphysiologie. See 1795. 1797. Zeitschrift fiir speculative Physik. Herausgegeben von [F. W. J.] Schelling. Bd. 1-2. 8. Jena und Leipzig, 1800-2. [Continued as :] Neue Zeitschrift fur speculative Physik ; herausgegeben von F. W. J. Schelling. Bd. 1. 8. Tubingen, 1802. No more published. Zeitschrift fiir Tirol und Vorarlberg. Sec 380. 1798. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschafbliche Botanik. Von M. J. Schleiden und C. Nageli. Heft 1-4. 8. Zurich, 1844-47. No more published. ZEITSCHRIFT 283 1799. Zeitsclirift fur wisseiischaftliche Mikroskopie nnd fiir mikro- skopische Technik . . . Herausgegeben von W. J. Behrens (E. Ktister). Bd. 1 - la. 8. Braunschweig, (Leipzig), 1884 1800. Zeitsclirift fur wisseiischaftliche Zoologie. Herausgegeben von C. T. v. Siebold und A. Kolliker (E. Ehlers). Bd. 1 -> la. 8. Leipzig, (1848) -> 1801. Zeitung fiir Zoologie, Zootomie and Falaeozoologie, herausgegeben von E. d' Alton und H. Burmeister. Bd. 1, No. 1-26. No more published. sm. fol. (Leipzig), 1848-49. Zemau (J.) and Fischer (F.). Dingler's polytechnisches Journal. See 1240. Zentralblatt. See supra Centralblatt. Zittel (K. A. von). Palaeontographica. See 1213. 1802. Zoe. (A biological journal.) T. S. Brandegee, editor. Vol. 1-2. la. 80. San Francisco, 1890-91. 1803. The Zoological Journal. Conducted by T. Bell, J. G. Children, J. de C. Sowerby, and G. B. Sowerby. (N. A. Vigors.) Vol. 1-5, no. 18. 80. London, (1824-30). No more published after the completion of volume 5 in 1835. Zoological Record. See 1370. 1804. Zoologische Annalen . . . Herausgegeben von F. A. A. Meyer. Bd. 1. 80. Weimar, 1794. [Continued as :~\ Zoologisches Archiv, herausgegeben von F. A. A. Meyer. Theil 1-2. 80. Leipzig, 1796. 1805. Der Zoologische Garten. Organ der zoologischen Gesellschaft in Frankfurt a. M. Herausgegeben von D. F. Weinland [and others]. (Zeitschrift fur Beobachtung, Pflege und Zucht der Thiere. Gemeinsames Organ fiir Deutschland und angrenzende Gebiete. Herausgegeben von der" 'Neuen zoologischen Gesellschaft' in Frankfurt a. M.) Jahrgang 1-22. la. 80. Frankfurt a. M., 1860-81. 1806. Zoologische Jahrbucher. Zeitschrift fur Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Thiere. Herausgegeben von J. W. Spengel. Bd. 1 > la. 80. Jena, 1886 - After volume 2 the l Zoologische Jahrbucher ' is divided into two parts : (i) 'Abtheilung fur Anatomic und Ontogenie der Thiere,' (2} l Abthei- lung fur Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Thiere,' and in volume 30 (1910) a third part ' Abtheilung fur allgemeine Zoologie und Physiologic der Tiere ' was commenced. 1807. Zoologischer Anzeiger. Herausgegeben von J. V. Carus. Jahr- gang 1-12. la. 8. Leipzig, 1878-89. 284 ZOOLOGISCHER [Continued as .-] Zoologischer Anzeiger. Herausgegeben von J. V. Carus (E. Korschelt). Zugleich Organ der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft. Jahrgang 13 > la. 8. Leipzig, 1890 - Bibliographia Zoologica diario 'Zoologischer Anzeiger' adnexa . . . edidit J. V. Carus (H. H. Field). Vol. 1 -> la. 8. Lipsiae, 1896 - 1808. Zoologischer Jahresbericht ftir 1879 (1880 >). Herausgegeben von der zoologischen Station zu Neapel. Redigirt von J. V. Carus (P. Mayer). [Bd. 1 -] la. 8. Leipzig, (Berlin), 1880 Zoologisclies Archiv. See 1804. 1809. Zoologisches Magazin. Herausgegeben von C. R. W. Wiedemann. Bd. 1-2, Stack 1. 8. Kiel (Altona), 1817-23. No more published. Zpravy o Zasedaiii kralovske ceske spolecnosti nauk v Fraze. See 1607. 1810. Zpravy Spolku Chemikuv Ceskych. Rocnik 1-2. la. 8<>. v Praze, 1872-74. Imperfect : wanting pp. 97 to the end of volume 2. 1811. Zuverlassige Nachrichteii von dem gegenwartigen Znstande, Veranderung uiid Wachsthnm der Wissenschaften. Theil 1-216. No more published. sm. 8. Leipzig, 1740-57. SOCIETY INDEX > An arrow after the number signifies that the Library set of the periodical is ' In progress'. The number after the entry refers to the corresponding number in the main portion of the Catalogue. Aarau. EINE GESELLSCHAFT SCHWEIZERISCHER AERTZE. Archiv der Medizin, Chirurgie und Pharmazie. 263. Aargauisclie Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Mittheilungen. 1091 Abbassia Observatory (Cairo). Report on the Meteorological Observations. 1426. Abbeville. SOCIETE LINNEENNE DU NORD DE LA FRANCE. (1) Bulletin. 478. (2) Compte rendu. 1629. SOCIETE KOYALE D'EMULATION. Memoires. 982. Academia Albertina (Konigsberg). See UNIVERSITAT zu KONIGSBERG. Academia Caesarea Naturae Curiosorum, afterwards KAISERLICHE LEOPOLDI- NISCH-CAROLINISCHE AKADEMIE DER NATURFORSCHER. (1) Abhandlungen. 1077 > (2) Acta Physico-Medica. 1077. (3) Bonplandia. 441. (4) Ephemerides. 1077. (5) Leopoldina. 884 > (6) Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica. 1077. (7) Nova Acta Physico-Medica. 1077 > (8) Verhandlungen. 1077. Academia Christiana Albertina (Kiel). See UNIVERSITAT zu KIEL. Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa. (1) Actas das Sessoes. 51. (2) Annaes das Sciencias e Lettras. 94. (3) Ephemerides Nauticas. 625. (4) Historia e Memorias. 1026. 286 SOCIETY INDEX Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa (continued). (5) Jornal de Sciencias mathematicas, physicas e naturaes. 788. (6) Memorias. 1026. (7) Memorias de Agricultura. 1027. (8) Memorias de Mathematica e Phisica. 1026. (9) Memorias economicas. 1031. Academia Electoralis Moguiitina Scientiarum Utilium (Erfurt ). See KUKFUESTLICHE AKADEMIE DEB NUTZLICHEN WISSENSCHAFTEN. Academia Electoralis Scientiarnm et Elegantiornm Literarnm Theodore- Palatinae (Mannheim). Historia et Commentationes. 691. Academia Gandavensis. See UNIVERSITE DE GAND. Academia Georgia Augusta (Gottingen). See UNIVERSITAT zu GOTTINGEN. Academia Groningana. See UNIVERSITEIT TE GRONINGEN. Academia Havniensis. See KJ^BENHAVNS UNIVERSITET. Academia Jenensis. See UNIVERSITAT zu JENA. Academia Leodiensis. See UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE. Academia Lovaniensis. See UNIVERSITE DE LOUVAIN. Academia Lugduno-Batava. See UNIVERSITEYT TOT LEYDEN. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, afterwards ACADEMIA NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS DE LA KEPUBLICA ARGENTINA (Cordova). (1) Acta. 35. (2) Boletin. 432 > Academia Folytechnica do Porto. Annaes scientificos. 98 > Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. See ACADEMIA DAS SCIENCIAS DE LISBOA. Academia Heal de Ciencias de Madrid. See EEAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS, FfsiCAS Y NATURALES. Academia Real de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales de Madrid. See EEAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS, etc. Academia Regia Scientiarnm (Berlin). See KONIGLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN zu BERLIN. SOCIETY INDEX 287 Academia Bheiic-Trajectina. See UTRECHT. HOOGESCHOOL. Academia Scientiarnm (Bologna). See ISTITUTO DELLE SCIENZE ED AKTI LIBEBALI, etc. Academia Scientiarum Fennica (Helsingfors). See StlOMALAISEN TlEDEAKATEMIA. Academia Scientiarnm Imperialis Petropolitaua. (1) Acta. 563. (2) Annuaire du Musee zoologique. 632 > (3) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des russischen Eeiches und der angranzenden Lander Asiens. 381. (4) Bulletin. 521 - (5) Conimentarii. 663. (6) Compte rendu. 571 and 1381. (7) Comptes rendus des Seances de la Commission sismique permanente. 701 -> (8) Memoires. 563 > (9) Memoires presented . . . par divers Savans. 094. (10) Nova Acta. 563. (11) Novi Commentarii. 668. (12) Kecueil des Actes de la Seance publique. 1381. (13) Eepertorium ftir Meteorologie. 1058. (14) Travaux du Musee botanique. 1683 > Academia Scientiarnm Institnti Bononensis. See ISTITUTO DELLE SOIENZE ED ARTI LIBERALI (Bologna). Academie de Clermont (Clermont-Ferrand). (1) Annales scientifiques, industrielles et statistiques, de 1'Auvergne. 171. (2) Memoires. 171. Academie de Dijon. See ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, ARTS ET BELLES-LETTRES DE DIJON. Academie de Macon. See SOCIETE DES SCIENCES, ARTS ET BELLES-LETTRES, etc. Academie de Marseille. See ACADEMIE DES BELLES-LETTRES. Academie de Nimes. M6moires. 948. Academie de Reims. Annales. 119. Academie de Stanislas (Nancy). See SOCIETE DES SCIENCES, LETTRES, ARTS ET AGRICULTURE, etc. 288 SOCIETY INDEX Academie Delpliinale (Grenoble). Bulletin. 456. Academic des Belles-Lettres (Marseilles). Memoires. 996. Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres [Institnt de France] (Paris). Journal des Savants. 801 > Academie des Sciences [Institnt de France] (Paris). (1) Bulletin du Comit6 international permanent pour 1'execution photo- graphique de la Carte du Ciel. 492. (2) Conaptes-rendus hebdomadaires des Stances. 578 > (3) Connoissance des Temps. 581 > (4) Histoire. 686. (5) Machines et Inventions approuvees par 1'Academie, etc. 896. (6) M (7) Memoires de MathSmatique et de Physique. 986. (8) M6moires presented par divers savans . . . Sciences mathematiques et physiques. 995 (9) Kecueil des pieces qui ont remporte les prix. 1382. Academie des Sciences, Agriculture, Arts et Belles-Lettres d' Aix. See SOCIETE DES AMIS DES SCIENCES, DES LETTKES, DE L'AGRICULTURE ET DES ARTS X Aix. Academie des Sciences, Agriculture, Commerce, Belles-Lettres et Arts du Departement de la Somme (Amiens). Memoires. 947. Academie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Besan^on. Stances publiques. 31. Academie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Caen, afterwards ACADEMIE KOYALE, etc. (1) M (2) Memoires de la Section de M^decine. 32 * (3) Memoires de la Section des Sciences. 82 Academic des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse. (1) Bulletin. 457. (2) Histoire et Memoires. 690. (3) Memoires. 690 > Academic des Sciences, Litterature et Beaux-Arts de Turin. See ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE m TORINO. Academic du Gard. See ACADEMIE DE NIMES. Academic Imperiale de Medecine (Paris). See ACADEMIE ROYALE DE MEDECINE. Academic Imperiale de Metz. See SOCIETE DES LETTBES, SCIENCES ET ARTS DE METZ. Academic Imperiale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. See ACADEMIE KOYALE, etc. Academic Imperiale des Sciences de St.-Fetersbourg. See ACADEMIA SCIENTIAEUM IMPEEIALIS PETEOPOLITANA. Academic Imperiale des Sciences, Litterature et Beaux-Arts de Turin. See ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DI TORINO. Academic Imperiale et Boyale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles, afterwards Academie Royale, etc. (1) Annuaire. 202 (2) Bulletin. 522 - (8) Memoires. 949 * (4) Nouveaux Memoires. 949. Academic Rationale de Medecine (Paris). See ACADEMIE BOYALE DE MEDECINE. Academie Rationale de Metz. See SOCIETE DES LETTRES, SCIENCES ET ARTS DE METZ. Academic Rationale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. See ACADEMIE ROYALE, etc. Academie Rationale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon. Memoires. 950 Academie Rationale des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse. See ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, INSCRIPTIONS, etc. u 290 SOCIETY INDEX Acad6mie Royale de Belgique. See ACABEMIE IMPERIALE ET EOYALE DBS SCIENCES ET BELLES-LETTRES DE BRUXELLES. Academic Royale de Medecine, afterwards ACADEMIE IMPERIALS, etc. (Paris). Memoires. 951. Academie Royale de Medecine de Belgique (Brussels). (1) Bulletin. 458 > (2) Memoires. 952. (3) Memoires couronn^s et autres memoires. 943 * (4) Memoires des Concours et des Savants Etrangers. 988. Academic Royale de Metz. See SOCIETE DES LETTRES, SCIENCES ET ARTS DE METZ. Academie Royale de Savoie (Chambory). See SOCIETE ACADEMIQUE DE SAVOIE. Academie Royale des Sciences (Paris). See ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES (Paris). Academie Royale des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lett res de Caen. See ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, etc. Academie Royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux. (1) Actes. 33. (2) Comptes rendus des Stances. 33. (3) Stance publique. 33. Academie Royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Rouen. See ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES, etc. Academie Royale des Sciences de Berlin. See KONIGLICHE AKADEMIE DEB WISSENSCHAFTEN zu BERLIN. Academie Royale des Sciences de Suede (Stockholm). See KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS ACADEMI. Academie Royale des Sciences de Turin. See ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DI TORINO. Academie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. See ACADEMIE IMPERIALE ET EOYALE DES SCIENCES ET BELLES-LETTRES DE BRUXELLES. Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles. See ACADEMIE IMPERIALE ET ROYALE, etc. Academie Royale des Sciences et des Belles-Lettres de Berlin. See KONIGLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN zu BERLIN. Academie Royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark. See KJ0BENHAVNSK SELSKAB AF LJERDOMS OG VIDENSKABERS ELSKERE, etc. SOCIETY INDEX 291 Academie Royale des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-lettres de Toulouse. See ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, INSCRIPTIONS ET BELLES-LETTRES DE TOULOUSE. Academy of Natural Sciences (Davenport). Proceedings. 1283 > Academy of Natural Sciences, afterwards CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (San Francisco). (1) Bulletin. 508. (2) Memoirs. 1005. (3) Occasional Papers. 1200. (4) Proceedings. 1276 * Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. (1) American Journal of Conchology. 70. (2) Journal. 825 - (3) Proceedings. 1258 (4) Proceedings of the Mineralogical and Geological Section. 1299. Academy of Science of St. Louis. Transactions. 1585 Academy of Sciences (Chicago). (1) Bulletin. 509 - (2) Bulletin of the Geological and Natural History Survey. 656 -* (3) Proceedings. 1278. (4) Transactions. 1607. Academy of Sciences (New Orleans). Papers. 1221. Academy of Sciences (Washington). Proceedings. 1327. Accademia degli Aspiranti Naturalist! (Naples). (1) Annali. 173. (2) Bullettino. 528. Accademia dei Lincei, afterwards ACCADEMIA PONTIFICIA DE' Nuovi LINCEI and subsequently EEALE ACCADEMIA DEI LINCEI (Kome). In 1870 the ' Accademia Pontificia ' was divided into two sections, one retaining that title and the other talcing the title : ' Eeale Accademia dei Lincei '. (1) Atti dell' Accademia pontificia. 859 * (2) Atti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. 364 (3) Memorie della Accademia dei Lincei. 364 (4) Memorie della pontificia Accademia (romana) dei Nuovi Lincei. 1038 > (5) Rendiconti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. 364 * (6) Transunti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. 364 > u 2 292 SOCIETY INDEX Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. See ISTITUTO DELLE SCIENZE ED AKTI LIBEBALI. Accademia delle Scienze detta de' Fisiocritici, afterwards EEALE ACCA- DEMIA DE' FISIOCRITICI (Siena). Atti. 356 Accademia delle Scienze di Napoli, afterwards EEALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE E BELLE LETTEEE (Society Eeale Borbonica). (1) Atti della reale Accademia delle Scienze. 365. (2) Memorie della reale Accademia delle Scienze. 365. (3) Eendiconto . . . dell' Accademia delle Scienze. 1394. In 1817 this Academy became a section of the * Societa Reale Borbonica '. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. (1) Atti. 366 > (2) Melanges de Philosophie et de Mathe'matique. 1078. (3) M (5) Miscellanea Philosophico-Mathematica. 1078. Accademia delle Scienze Fisiclie e Mateiuaticlie (Societa Reale di Napoli). (1) Atti. 357 - (2) Eendiconto. 1392 Accademia delle Scienze, Letter e ed Arti di Genova. See INSTITUTO LIGURE, etc. Accademia di Fadova, afterwards ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, LETTERS ED ARTI, and subsequently CESAREO-EEGIA ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, etc. (1) Nnovi Saggi. 1474. (2) Eevista periodica dei Lavori. 1454. (3) Saggi scientifici e letterari. 1474. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere di Palermo. Atti. 361. Accademia di Scienze, Lettere, Agricnltura ed Arti del Dipartimeuto del Mella, afterwards ATENEO DI BRESCIA. Commentari. 562. Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti dei Zelanti e FF. dello Studio di Acireale. (1) Atti e Eendiconti. 374. (2) Eendiconti e Memorie. 374 Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di Fadova. See ACCADEMIA DI PADOVA. Accademia di Scienze Morali e Folitiche (Societa Reale di Napoli). Eendiconto delle Tornate e dei Lavori. 1396. SOCIETY INDEX 293 Accademia Fisio-Medico-Statistica di Milano. Atti. 362. Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Natural! di Catania. (1) Atti. 358 -^ (2) Bullettino delle Sedute della Accademia. 532 (3) Bullettino mensile. 532. Accademia Imperiale delle Scienze e Belle Arti di Geneva. See INSTITUTO LIGUKE, etc. Accademia Fontaniana. See SOCIETA PONTANIANA. Accademia Fontificia de' Nuovi Lincei (Rome). See ACCADEMIA DEI LINCEI. Accademia Valdarnese del Foggio (Pisa). Memorie Valdarnesi. 1046. Acclimatisations- Verein flir die Koniglich Freussischen Staaten (Berlin). Zeitschrift flir Acclimatisation. 1770. Acireale. ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI DEI ZELANTI E PP. DELLO STUDIO. (1) Atti e Eendiconti. 374. (2) Eendiconti e Memorie. 374 SOCIETA ITALIANA DEI MICROSCOPISTI. Bollettino. 437. Adelaide. OBSERVATORY. Meteorological Observations. 1052. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF ADELAIDE, afterwards ROYAL SOCIETY or SOUTH AUSTRALIA. (1) Memoirs. 1021 > (2) Transactions and Proceedings and Report. 1580 Aeronautical Society of Great Britain (London). Aeronautical Journal. 55 > Aerztliche Gesellschaft zu Minister, Abhandlungen und Beobachtungen. 23. Aerztlicher Vereiu des Grossherzogtlmms Baden. Mittheilungen. 1101. African Society (London). Journal. 826. Agen. SOCIETE D'AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES ET ARTS. Recueil des Travaux. 1383. Agence des Mines de la Republique Fran$aise. See FRANCE. 294 SOCIETY INDEX Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India (Serampore). (1) Journal. 1259. (2) Proceedings. 1259. (3) Transactions. 1586. Agricultural Research Institute (Pusa). (1) Agricultural Journal of India. 57 * (2) Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India. 1009 * Aix. Societe des Amis des Sciences, des Lettres, de 1' Agriculture et des Arts, afterwards ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, AGRICULTURE, ARTS ET BELLES-LETTRES. (1) Memoires. 1380. (2) Kecueil de M NEW YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1647. SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURE, ARTS AND MANUFACTURES, afterwards SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF USEFUL ARTS. Transactions. 1664. UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. (1) Annual Report of the Eegents ... on the condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History, etc. 232. (2) Annual Eeport on the New York State Museum, etc. 232 (3) Bulletin of the New York State Museum. 514 > SOCIETY INDEX 295 Alberts-Universitat (Greifswald). See UNIVERSITAT zu GREIFSWALD. Allelodidactic Society (London). Transactions. 1588. Allgemeiiie Conferenz der internationaleu Erdmessnng. Verhandlungen. 1721 Allgeiueine Scliweizerisclie Gesellschaft fiir die gesammteii Natur- wissenschaften, afterwards SCHWEIZERISCHE NATURFORSCHENDE GE- SELLSCHAFT. (1) Actes de la Societe helvetique des Sciences naturelles. 629. (2) Annalen. 99. (3) Atti della Societa elvetica delle Scienze naturali. 629. (4) Compte rendu de la Society helvetique des Sciences naturelles. 629. (5) Eroffnungsrede der Jahresversammlung. 629. (6) Kurze Uebersicht der Verhandlungen der . . . Gesellschaft in ihrer . . . Jahresversammlung. 629. (7) Neue Denkschriften. 1152 - (8) Nouveaux Memoires. 1152 > (9) Schweizerische meteorologische Beobachtungen. 149O. (10) Verhandlungen. 629 > Allier, Departement de 1'. Sec MOULINS. Altenburg. KUNST UND HANDWERKS-VEREIN. Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. 1085. LANDWIRTHSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN. Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. 1O85. NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. 1085. POMOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. 1085. American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Boston, Mass.). (1) Memoirs. 998 (2) Proceedings. 1261 American Antiquarian Society (Worcester, Mass.). Archaeologia Americana. 256. American Association for the Advancement of Science. See ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN GEOLOGISTS AND NATURALISTS. American Ethnological Society (New York). Transactions. 1589. 296 SOCIETY INDEX American Geographical (and Statistical} Society of New York. (1) Bulletin. 827 - (2) Journal. 827. (3) Proceedings. 1262. (4) Transactions. 827 American Gynecological Society (Boston, Mass.). Transactions. 1590. American Institute of the City of New-York. (1) Annual Eeport. 1501. (2) Transactions. 1591. American Mathematical Society (New York). (1) Bulletin. 503 (2) Transactions. 1592 > American Museum of Natural History (New York). (1) Annual Keport. 76 * (2) Bulletin. 504 -* American Oriental Society (Boston, Mass.). Journal. 828. American Philosophical Society (Philadelphia). (1) Proceedings. 1263 > (2) Transactions. 1593. American Physical Society (New York). Physical Review. 1232 American Physiological Society (Boston). American Journal of Physiology. 73. American Society of Biological Chemists (New York). Proceedings. 1264 > Amherst. MASSACHUSETTS STATE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. (1) Annual Keport. 234. (2) Bulletin. 919. Amiens. ACADEMIE DBS SCIENCES, AGRICULTURE, COMMERCE, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS DU DEPARTEMENT DE LA SOMME. Memoires. 947. SOCIETE LlNNEENNE DU NORD DE LA FRANCE. (1) Bulletin. 478. (2) Compte-rendu. 1529. Amsterdam. ATHEN.EUM. Annales. 115. GENOOTSCHAP TER BEVORDERUNG DER GENEES- EN HEELKUNDE. Verhandelingen. 1718. SOCIETY INDEX 297 Amsterdam (continued). HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ VAN FKAAIJE KuNSTEN EN WETENSCHAPPEN. Werken. 1759. KONINKLIJK-NEDERLANDSCH INSTITUUT VAN WETENSCHAPPEN, LETTER- KUNDE EN SCHOONE KuNSTEN. (1) Genees- .heel- (vroed-) schei- (en natuur-)kundige Verhandelingen der eerste Klasse. 647. (2) Het Instituut, of Verslagen en Mededeelingen, uitgegeven door die vier Klassen. 710. (3) Jaarboek. 722. (4) Nieuwe Verhandelingen der eerste Klasse. 1709. (5) Tijdschrift voor de Wis- en Natuurkundige Wetenschappen. 1573. (6) Verhandelingen der eerste Klasse. 1709. KONINKLIJK ZOOLOGISCH GENOOTSCHAP ' NATURA AfiTIS MAGISTRA '. (1) Jaarboekje. 723. (2) Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor die Dierkunde. 1150. KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN. (1) Jaarboek. 72O (2) Proceedings of the Section of Sciences. 1749 > (3) Processen-Verbaal van de gewone Vergaderingen . . . Afdeeling Natuurkunde. 1332. (4) Verhandelingen. 1710 (5) Verslagen der Zittingen van de Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling. 1749. (6) Verslagen en Mededeelingen . . . Afdeeling Natuurkunde. 1750. (7) Verslagen van de gewone Vergaderingen der Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling. 1749 * PHTSIOLOGISCH LABORATORIUM VAN DE DOORLUCHTIGE EN KLINISCHE SCHOLEN. Onderzoekingen. 1203. WISKUNDIGE GENOOTSCHAP ONDER DE ZINSPREUK : ' EEN ONVERMOEIDE ARBEID KOMT ALLES TE BOVEN.' Archief. 258. Analytical Society (Cambridge). Memoirs. 100O. Angers. SOCIETE ACADEMIQUE DE MAINE-ET-LOIRE. M6moires. 957. SOCIETE D' AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES ET ARTS. Memoires. 961. SOCIETE LINNEENNE DU DEPARTEMENT DE MAINE-ET-LOIRE. Annales. 144. Annaberg-Buchholzer Vorein fur Naturkunde. Jahresbericht. 756. 298 SOCIETY INDEX Ann Arbor. OBSERVATORY. Astronomical Notices. 326. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, afterwards ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE (London). (1) Journal. 829 * (2) Man. 916. Anthropological Society of London. After 1870 this Society was amalgamated with the Ethnological Society (q. v.) and continued as the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (q. v.) (1) Journal. 242 and 829. (2) Memoirs. 1025. Anthropological Society of Washington. Papers. 1327. Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien. (1) Mittheilungen. 1092. (2) Sitzungsberichte. 1092. Antwerp. GENOOTSCHAP TER BEVOORDERING VAN GENEES- EN HEILKUNDE, ' OCCIDIT QUI NON SERVAT.' Verhandelingen. 1719. SOCIETE DE MEDECINE. Annales. 140. Appalachian Mountain Club (Boston). Appalachia. 246. Apt. SOCIETE LITTERAIRE, SCIENTIFIQUE ET ARTISTIQUE. (1) Annales. 145. (2) Proces-Verbaux des Seances. 145. Archaeological Institute of America. Washington Society of the Archaeological Institute of America. Papers. 1327. Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (London). See BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Architectural College of the Freemasons of the Church (London). Proceedings. 1265. Architectural Institute of Scotland (Edinburgh). Transactions. 1595. Arcueil. SOCIETE D'ARCITEIL. M6moires de Physique et de Chimie. 987. Aristotelian Society for the Systematic Study of Philosophy (London). Proceedings. 1266 SOCIETY INDEX 299 Army Medical Department. See UNITED KINGDOM. ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Arnhem. GENOOTSCHAP : TOT NUT EN VERGENOEaEN, aftertvards NATUURKUN- Dia GENOOTSCHAP, etc. (1) Natuurkunde. 114O. (2) Natuurkunde toegepast op alle Vakken van Nijverheid. 1140. Art Society (Swansea). Report. 1469 > Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire (Oxford). See OXFORDSHIRE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY AND FIELD CLUB. Ashmolean Society (Oxford). (1) Abstract of the Proceedings. 26. (2) Proceedings. 26. (3) Transactions. 1596. Asiatic Society of Bengal (Calcutta). (1) Asiatick Researches ; or, Transactions of the Society. 32O. (2) Journal. 673. (3) Journal and Proceedings. 673 > (4) Proceedings. 673 and 1267. Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. See ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Asiatic Society of Japan (Yokohama). Transactions. 1597 > Asociacion de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de Mexico. Anales. 83. Associated Apothecaries and Surgeon-Apothecaries of England and Wales (London). Transactions. 1598. Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Farts of Africa (London). (1) African Researches. 1268. (2) Proceedings. 1268. Association Fran^aise poor 1'Avancement des Sciences. Comptes rendus. 322 > Association Internationale de Sismologie. Comptes rendus des Seances . . . de la Commission permanente. 675. Association Internationale des Botanistes. Botanisches Centralblatt. 445 > Association Normande (Caen). Annuaire des Cinq Departements de 1'Ancienne Normandie. 207. 800 SOCIETY INDEX Association of American Anatomists. Proceedings. 69. Association of American Geologists and Naturalists, afterwards AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. (1) Memoirs. 999. (2) Proceedings. 1432 > (3) Keports of the . . . Meetings . . . embracing . . . proceedings and transactions. 1432. Association of Fellows and Licentiates of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland (Dublin). See KING'S AND QUEEN'S COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS IN IRELAND. Astrometrisches Institut (Heidelberg). See GROSSHERZOGLICHE STERNWARTE (Karlsruhe). Astronomical and Physical Society of Toronto, afterwards TORONTO ASTRO- NOMICAL SOCIETY and subsequently EOYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. (1) Annual Keport. 1600. (2) Journal. 1600 -* (3) Selected Papers and Proceedings. 1600. (4) Transactions. 1600. Astronomical Laboratory at Groningen. See UNIVERSITEIT TE G-RONINGEN. Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. See HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Astronomical Observatory of Tale University. See YALE UNIVERSITY. Astronomical Society (Liverpool). (1) Journal. 889. (2) Transactions. 1583. Astronomical Society of London, afterwards ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. (1) Memoirs. 1001 (2) Monthly Notices. 1115 - Astronomical Society of the Pacific (San Francisco). Publications. 1343. Astronomische Gesellschaft (Leipzig). (1) Publication. 1337. (2) Vierteljahrsschrift. 1753. Astronomisches Institut (Heidelberg). See GROSSHERZOGLICHE STERNWARTE (Karlsruhe). Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. SOCIETY INDEX 301 Astropliysikalisch.es Institnt Kcmigsstuhl-Heidelberg. See GROSSHERZOGLICHE STERNWARTE (Karlsruhe). Astrophysikalisches Observatorium (Heidelberg). Publikationen. 1354 > Astrophysikalisches Observatorinm zu Potsdam. Publicationen. 1340 > Ateneo di Brescia. See ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, LETTERE, AGRICULTURA ED AKTI DEL DlPARTIMENTO DEL MELLA. Ateneo di Treviso. Memorie scientifiche e letterarie. 1045, Ateneo di Venezia. (1) Atti. 360. (2) Exercitazioni scientifiche e letterarie. 630. Athenaeum (Amsterdam). Annales. 115. Athenaeum (Deventer). Annales. 115. Athenaeum (Franeker). Annales. 115. Athenee de Niort. Memoires. 954. Athens. OBSERVATOIRE NATIONAL. Annales. 134 > Aube, Departement de 1'. See TROYES. Augsburg. NATURHISTORISCHER VEREIN. Bericht. 396. Austin. TEXAS ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. Transactions. 1668 Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Keport of the Meetings. 1413 Australian Institute of Mining Engineers (Melbourne). Transactions. 1602. Australian Museum (Sydney). (1) Memoirs. 375 > (2) Kecords. 1372 - Autun. SOCIETY: EDUENNE. Memoires d'Histoire naturelle. 945. 302 SOCIETY INDEX Baden. AERZTLICHER VEREIN DBS GROSSHERZOGTHUMS BADEN. Mittheilungen. 1101. Badischer Arztlicher Verein. See ARZTLICHER VEREIN DES GROSSHERZOGTHUMS BADEN. Baltimore. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. (1) American Journal of Mathematics. 71. (2) Circulars. 781. (3) Memoirs from the Biological Laboratory. 907. (4) Studies from the Biological Laboratory. 78O. Barmen. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN VON ELBERFELD UND BARMEN. Jahres-Berichte. 775. Basle. NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Bericht tiber die Verhandlungen. 405. (2) Verhandlungen. 405 > Bas-Rliin, Departement du. See STRASBURG. Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke "Wijsbegeerte (Rot- terdam). Verhandelingen. 1716. Bataafsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappeu, afterwards HOLLANDSCH and subsequently KONINGLIJKE HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ, etc. (Haarlem). (1) Archives n6erlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles. 303 > (2) Natuurkundige Verhandelingen. 1144. (3) Verhandelingen. 1712. Batavia. BATAVIAASCH GENOOTSCHAP VAN KUNSTEN EN WETENSCHAPPEN. (1) Notulen van de Algemeene en Bestuurs-Vergaderingen. 1171. (2) Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. 1575. (3) Verhandelingen. 1717. DEPARTEMENT VAN LANDBOTTW. See LANDS PLANTENTUIN. - 's LANDS PLANTENTUIN. See LANDS PLANTENTUIN. - MAGNETISCH EN METEOROLOGISCH OBSERVATORIUM. Observations made at the . . . Observatory. 1191 > - NATUURKUNDIGE VEREENIGING IN NEDERLANDSCH INDIE", afterwards KONINKLIJKE NATUURKUNDIGE VEREENIGING. (1) Acta. 49. (2) Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie. 1141. > (3) Verhandelingen. 49. SOCIETY INDEX 303 Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappeu. (1) Notulen. van de Algemeene en Bestuurs-Vergaderingen. 1171. (2) Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. 1575. (3) Verhandelingen. 1717. Bath, and West of England Society for the Encouragement of Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. (1) Journal. 885. (2) Letters and Papers on Agriculture, Planting, etc. 885. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich). See KONIGLICHE AKADEMIE DEB WISSENSCHAFTEN zu MUNCHEN. Bayeux. SOCIETE D'AGKICULTUEE, SCIENCES, AETS ET BELLES-LETTRES. (1) Bulletin. 960. (2) Memoires. 960. Beauvais. SOCIETE ACADEMIQUE D'ARCHEOLOGIE, SCIENCES ET ARTS DU DEPARTEMENT DE L'OISE. Memoires. 956. Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. The Natural History Keview . . . including the transactions of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. 1126. Belgium. UNIVERSITES DE BELQIQUE. Annales. 154. Bellinzona. SOCIETA TICINESE DI SCIENZE NATURALI. Bollettino. 438 Bengal, Government of. Eeport of the Meteorological Reporter. 1417. Ben Nevis Observatories. Meteorology of (the) Ben Nevis (Observatories). 1069 * Bergedorf. HAMBURGER STERNWARTE. (1) Astronomische Abhandlungen. 387 > (2) Jahresbericht. 749 * Bergenske Museum. (1) Aarbog . . . Afhandlinger og Aarsberetning. 890 (2) Aarsberetning. 390. Berkeley. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. (1) Memoirs. 1023 (2) Publications. 1700 -^ (3) Publications of the Lick Observatory. 1347 Berlin. ACCLIMATISATIONS- VEREIN FUR DIE KO'NIGLICH PREUSSISCHEN STAATEN. Zeitschrift fur Acclimatisation. 177O. AKADEMIE DER KUNSTE UND MECHANISCHEN WISSENSCHAFTEN. Monats-Schrift. 1110. 304 SOCIETY INDEX Berlin (continued). BOTANISCHER VEREIN FUR DIE PflOVINZ BRANDENBURG UNO DIE ANGREN- ZENDEN LANDER. Verhandlungen. 1732. BOTANISCHES MUSEUM. See KONIGLICHER BOTANISCHER GARTEN UND MUSEUM. CENTRALBUREAU DER INTERNATIONALEN ERDMESSUNG. Neue Folge der VerOffentlichungen. 551 DEUTSCHE BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte. 409 DEUTSCHE CHEMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Berichte. 410 > DEUTSCHE GEOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Zeitschrift. 1768. DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR MECHANIK UND OPTIK. (1) Beiblatt zur Zeitschrift fttr Instrumentenkunde. 1781. (2) Deutsche Mechaniker-Zeitung. 1781 DEUTSCHE METEOROLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 1065 DEUTSCHE ORNITHOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Journal fur Ornithologie. 809 > ENTOMOLOGISCHER VEREIN. Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. 415. - GESELLSCHAFT FUR ERDKUNDE. (1) Verhandlungen. 1724. (2) Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft ftir Erdkunde. 1771 -> (3) Zeitschrift fUr allgemeine Erdkunde. 1771. GESELLSCHAFT NATURFORSCHENDER FREUNDE. (1) Beobachtungen und Entdeckungen aus der Naturkunde. 418. (2) Beschaftigungen. 418. (3) Magazin ftir die neuesten Entdeckungen in der gesammten Natur- kunde. 663. (4) Mittheilungen aus den Verhandlungen. 1086. (5) Neue Schriften. 418. (6) Schriften. 418. (7) Sitzungs-Berichte. 1503. (8) Verhandlungen. 1725. KAISERLICHES GESUNDHEITSAMT. (1) Arbeiten. 247 -> (2) Mittheilungen. 1084. SOCIETY INDEX 305 Berlin (continued). KONIGLICHE AKADEMIE DEE WISSENSCHAFTEN. (1) Abhandlungen. 687 > (2) Astronomisches Jahrbuch. 345. (3) Bericht liber die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen. 408. (4) Berliner astronomisches Jahrbuch. 345 > (5) Histoire. 687. (6) Memoires. 687. (7) Monatsberichte. 408. (8) Nouveaux Memoires. 687. (9) Sitzungsberichte. 408 * KONIGLICHE STERNWARTE. (1) Astronomische Beobachtungen. 339 (2) Beobachtungs-Ergebnisse. 388 > KONIGLICHER BOTANISCHER GARTEN UND MUSEUM. Jahrbuch. 731. PHYSIKALISCH-TECHNISCHE KEICHSANSTALT. (1) Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. 1763. (2) Zeitschrift fiir Instrumentenkunde. 1781 PHYSIKALISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, afterwards DEUTSCHE PHYSIKALISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Annalen der Physik und Chimie. 799. (2) Berichte. 1728. (3) Die Fortschritte der Physik. 642 > (4) Verhandlungen. 1728 POLYTECHNISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Bericht tiber die Verhaltnisse und die Wirksamkeit. 404. (2) Verhandlungen. 1729. PREUSSISCHES LANDS-OEKONOMIE-COLLEGIUM. Landwirtschaftliche JahrbUcher. 881 SOCIETAS KEGIA SCIENTIARUM. See KONIGLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. VEREIN ZUR BEFSRDERUNG DBS GARTENBAUES IN DEN KONIGLICHEN PREUSSISCHEN STAATEN. Vorhandlungen. 1741. Berlinische Gesellschaft naturforsclieiider Freuude. See GESELLSCHAFT NATURFORSCHENDER FREUNDE. Bern. NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Mittheilungen. 1097 > SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, afterwards (EKONOMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Memoires et Observations. 1379. (2) Kecueil de Memoires concernants 1'oeconomie rurale. 1379. 306 SOCIETY INDEX Berwickshire Naturalists' Club. (1) History. 693. (2) Proceedings. 693. Besangon. ACADEMIE DBS SCIENCES, ARTS ET BELLES-LETTRES. Seances publiques. 31. Beziers. SOCIETE D'ETUDE DBS SCIENCES NATURELLES. (1) Bulletin. 468 > (2) Compte rendu. 468 (3) Memoires. 468 * Bidston Observatory (Birkenhead). See MERSEY DOCKS AND HARBOUR BOARD. Biological Society of Washington. (1) Papers. 1327. (2) Proceedings. 1269. Biological Station (Port Erin, Isle of Man). Annual Eeport. 229 * Biologiska Fb'reningen (Stockholm). (1) Forhandlingar. 429. (2) Verhandlungen. 429. Birkenhead Observatory (Bidston). See MERSEY DOCKS AND HARBOUR BOARD. Birmingham, afterwards London. INSTITUTION OP MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Proceedings. 709 > Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society. See BIRMINGHAM PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Birmingham Philosophical Society, afterwards BIRMINGHAM NATURAL HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. 1270 > Blois. SOCIETE DBS SCIENCES ET DBS LETTRES. Memoires. 968. Board of Agriculture of the State of New York (Albany). Memoirs. 10O2. Bbhmische gelehrte Frivatgesellschaft, afterwards KOXIOLICII-BOIIMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN (Prague). (1) Abhandlungen. 20. (2) Jahresbericht. 750 > (3) Neuere Abhandlungen. 20. (4) Kozpravy th'dy mathematicko-ph'rodove'decke kralovske ceske spolec"- nosti nauk. 2O. (5) Sitzungsberichte. 1507 > (6) Vestnfk. 15O7 * (7) Vyroc'ni zprava. 750 > (8) Zpravy o Zosedanf. 1507. SOCIETY INDEX 307 Bogeiihausen. KONIGLICHE STERNWARTE. (1) Annalen. 338. (2) Astronomische Beobachtungen. 338. (3) Neue Annalen. 338 -* (4) Observationes astronomicae. 338. Bologna. ISTITTJTO DELLE SCIENZE ED ARTI LIBERALI, afterwards KEALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SdENZE DELL* ISTITUTO DI BoLOaNA. (1) Commentarii. 440. (2) Memorie. 440 > (3) Novi Commentarii. 440. (4) Eendiconto. 1181 and 1395 ISTITUTO NAZIONALE ITALIANO. Memorie. 1036. SOCIET! AGRARIA. Kendiconto. 1181. Bombay. GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, including the Proceedings. 1603. HONORABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S OBSERVATORY, afterwards GOVERN- MENT OBSERVATORY. (1) Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. 1192. (2) Magnetical, Meteorological and Seismological Observations. 1192. (3) Observations. 1192. MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1638. Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. 830 Bonn. BOTANISCHER VEREIN AM MITTEL- UND NIEDERRHEINE. Jahresbericht. 757. KONIGLICHE STERNWARTE. VerOffentlichungen. 1746. NlEDERRHEINISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR NATUR- UND HEIL-KuNDE, after- wards NATURHISTORISCHER VEREIN DER PREUSSISCHEN RHEINLANDE UND WESTFALENS. (1) Organ fur die gesammte Heilkunde. 1207. (2) Sitzungsberichte. 1510 > (3) Verhandlungen. 1736. UNIVERSITAT. Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte. 341. Bordeaux. ACADEMIE KOYALE DES SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS. (1) Actes. 33. (2) Comptes rendus des Seances. 33. (3) Seance publique. 33. x 2 308 SOCIETY INDEX Bordeaux (continued). OBSEKVATOIEE. Annales. 125. SOCIETE DBS SCIENCES PHYSIQUES ET NATURELLES. (1) Memoires. 972 > (2) Proces-Verbaux des Stances. 1330 SOCIETE LlNNEENNE. (1) Actes. 455. (2) Bulletin d'Histoire naturelle. 455. SOCIETE MEDICO-CHIEUBGICALE DBS HOPITAUX ET HOSPICES. Memoires et Bulletins. 991 Boston, Mass. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. (1) Memoirs. 998 > (2) Proceedings. 1261 > AMERICAN GYNECOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1590. AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY. Journal. 828. AMERICAN PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. American Journal of Physiology. 73 APPALACHIAN MOUNTAIN CLUB. Appalachia. 246. GYNAECOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Journal. 840. MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Annual Eeport. 233. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Technology Quarterly. 918. PEABODY EDUCATION FUND. Proceedings. 1324. SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. (1) Boston Journal of Natural History. 442. (2) Memoirs. 442. (3) Occasional Papers. 1199 > (4) Proceedings. 1271 TUFTS COLLEGE. Studies. 1686 -* Botanical Society of Edinburgh. (1) Annual Keport and Proceedings. 216. (2) Transactions (and Proceedings). 216 * SOCIETY INDEX 309 Botanical Society of London. Proceedings. 1272. Botanical Society of Washington. Papers. 1327. Botanical Survey of India. Eecords. 1373 > Botanischer Verein am Mittel- nnd Niederrheine (Bonn). Jahresbericht. 757. Botanischer Verein fiir die Frovinz Brandenburg und die angrenzendeu Lander (Berlin). Verhandlungen. 1732. Botanisches Institut zu Graz, Mittheilungen. 1080. Botanisches Institut in Wnrzburg. Arbeiten. 253. Botanisches Museum (Berlin). See KONIGLICHER BOTANISCHER GARTEN UND MUSEUM. Botanisk Forening i Kj^benhavn. Botanisk Tidsskrift. 447. Bouches-du-Rhone, Departenient des. See MARSEILLES. Boulogne-sur-Mer. SOCIETE D' AGRICULTURE, DU COMMERCE ET DES ARTS. Proces- Verbal de la Seance publique. 1320. Brandenburg. See NEUBRANDENBURG. Bremen. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN. Abhandlungen. 22 > Brescia. ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, LETTERE, AGRICULTURA ED ARTI DEL Di- PARTIMENTO DEL MELLA, afterwards ATENEO DI BRESCIA. Commentari. 562. Breslau. PHYSIOLOGISCHES INSTITUT. Studien. 1545. SCHLESISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR VATERLANDISCHE CuLTUR. (1) Correspondenz. 588. (2) Jahresbericht. 1688 (3) Neue Breslauer Sammlungen aus dem Gebiete der Heilkunde. 1151. (4) Uebersicht der Arbeiten und Veranderungen. 1688. SCHLESISCHER VEREIN FUR BERG- UND HtJTTENWESEN. Jahrbuch. 733. UNTVERSITAT. Annalen der klinischen Anstalten. 102. 310 SOCIETY INDEX Breslau (continued). VEREIN FUR PHYSIOLOGISCHE HEILKUNDE. Zeitschrift fur klinische Medizin. 1782. VEREIN FUR SCHLESISCHE INSEKTENKUNDE. Zeitschrift fur Entomologie. 1779. Brighton and Sussex Natural History (and Philosophical) Society. (1) Abstract of Papers . . . together with Annual Eeport. 218. (2) Annual Eeport (and Abstract of Proceedings). 218. Brisbane. GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALASIA. QUEENSLAND BRANCH. (1) Proceedings (and Transactions). 1308. (2) Queensland Geographical Journal. 1308 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND, afterwards EOYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Proceedings. 1318 QUEENSLAND MUSEUM. Annals. 103. British Academy (London). Proceedings. 1273 > British Archaeological Association (London). Journal. 831. British Archaeological Association, afterwards ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. This ' British Archaeological Association ' is quite a distinct society from the l British Archaeological Association' founded in 1843 and since con- tinued under that title. In 1845 this Association changed its name to the ' Arcliaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland' in order to prevent the two societies being confused. Archaeological Journal. 257. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Eeport of the Meetings . . . including its proceedings, recommendations, and transactions. 1414 British Astronomical Association (London). (1) Journal. 832 > (2) Memoirs. 1003. British Horological Institute (London). The Horological Journal. 697 * British Institute of Preventive Medicine, afterwards JENNER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, and subsequently LISTER INSTITUTE OF PRE- VENTIVE MEDICINE (London). (1) Lister Institute . . . Collected Papers. 888. (2) Transactions. 1604. SOCIETY INDEX 311 British. Meteorological Society, afterwards METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, and subsequently EOYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY (London). (1) Meteorological Eecord. 1057 > (2) Proceedings. 1274. (3) Quarterly Journal. 1274 > British Pharmaceutical Conference. (1) Proceedings. 1275. (2) Year-Book of Pharmacy . . . with the Proceedings (Transactions) of the British Pharmaceutical Conference. 1275. Brockhausen; GESELLSCHAFT NATURFORSCHENDER FREUNDE WESTPHALENS. Neue Schriften. 664. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences (Brooklyn, New York), (1) Cold Spring Harbor Monographs. 558 > (2) The Museum of the Brooklyn Institute . . . Memoirs of Natural Sciences. 1119. (3) The Museum of the Brooklyn Institute . . . Science Bulletin. 1120 > Briinn. KAISERLICH-KO'NIGLICHE MAHRISCH-SCHLESISCHE GESELLSCHAFT ZUR BEFOERDERUNG DES ACKERBAUES, DER NATUR- UND LANDESKUNDE. Mittheilungen. 1096. NATURFORSCHENDER VEREIN. (1) Bericht der meteorologischen Commission. 392. (2) Verhandlungen. 1734 Brunswick. DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR ANTHROPOLOGIE, ETHNOLOGIE UND URGESCHICHTE. (1) Archiv fur Anthropologie. 267 > (2) Correspondenz-Blatt. 267 > VEREIN FUR NATURWISSENSCHAFT. Jahresbericht. 766 > Brussels. ACADEMIE IMPERIALS ET KOYALE DES SCIENCES ET BELLES-LETTRES. (1) Annuaire. 202 (2) Bulletin. 522 -> (3) Memoirs. 949 -> (4) Nouveaux Memoirs. 949. ACADEMIE KOYALE DE MEDECINE DE BELGIQUE. (1) Bulletin. 458 -> (2) Memoires. 952. (3) Memoires couronnes et autres memoires. 943 > (4) Memoires des Concours et des Savants Strangers. 988. INSTITUT SOLVAY. Travaux de Laboratoire. 707. MUSEE KOYAL D'HlSTOlRE NATURELLE DE BELGIQUE. (1) Annales. 161. (2) Bulletin. 495. 312 SOCIETY INDEX Brussels (continued). OBSEKVATOIRE KOYAL. (1) Annales. 126 (2) Annales astronomiques. 126 * (3) Annales mete"orologiques. 167 and 126 * (4) Annuaire. 204. (5) Annuaire astronomique. 204 (6) Annuaire m6t6orologique. 204 (7) Correspondance math6matique et physique. 686. (8) Physique du Globe. 126 > SOCIETE BELGE DE GEOLOGIE, DE PALEONTOLOGIE ET D'HYDROLOGIE. Bulletin. 462 - SOCIETE DE MEDECINE, CHIRURGIE ET PHARMACIE, sous LA DEVISE ' ^EGROTANTIBUS '. Actes. 53. SOCIETE MALACOLOGIQUE DE BELGIQUE, afterwards SOCIETE ROYALB ZOOLOGIQUE ET MALACOLOGIQUE DE BELGIQUE. (1) Annales. 146 * (2) Memoires. 146. (3) Proces-Verbaux des Seances. 1331. SOCIETE ROYALE DE BOTANIQUE DE BELGIQUE. Bulletins. 524. UNIVERSITE LIBRE. Recueil de 1'Institut botanique. 1378 * Bucharest. INSTITUTUL METEOROLOGIC AL ROMANIEI. (1) Analele. 81 > (2) Annales. 81 SOCIETATEA RoMANA DE STHNTE. (1) Buletinul. 453 -* ' (2) BuUetin. 453 -* Buchholz. ANNABERG-BUCHHOLZER VEREIN FUR NATURKUNDE. Jahresbericht. 756. Buckhurst Hill. EPPING FOREST AND COUNTY OF ESSEX NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. (1) The Essex Naturalist. 1618 - (2) Journal of Proceedings. 1618. (3) Transactions. 1618. Budapest. MAGYAR KIRALY FOLDTANI INTEZET. (1) Foldtani Kozlony. 638 (2) Jahresbericht. 751 * (3) Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuch. 1083 > SOCIETY INDEX 313 Budapest (continued). MAGYAR KIRALYI ORSZAGOS METEOROLOGIAI ES FOLDMAGNESSEGI INTEZET. (1) Jahrbticher der kon. ung. Central -Anstalt fiir Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus. 1050. (2) Meteorologiai 6s Folddelejessegi . . . Evkonyvei. 1050. MAGYARHONI FOLDTANI TARSULAT. Foldtani Kozlbny. 638 > TUDOS TARSASAG, afterwards MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. (1) Evkonyvei. 915. (2) Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. 926 - Buenos Ayres. MUSEO PUBLICO, afterwards MUSEO NACIONAL. (1) Anales. 88 - (2) Comunicaciones. 579. OFICINA METEOROLOGICA ARGENTINA. Anales. 84. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Bulletin. 505. Buitenzorg. JARDIN BOTANIQUE. See LANDS PLANTENTUIN. 's LANDS PLANTENTUIN, afterwards DEPARTEMENT VAN LANDBOUW. (1) Annales du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg. 158 (2) Bulletin de 1'Institut botanique de Buitenzorg. 459. (3) Bulletin du Departement de 1'Agriculture aux Indes neerlandaises. 498-* (4) Jaarboek. 721 (5) Mededeelingen. 932 -^ (6) Verslag. 1747. Bulawayo. KHODESIA SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. Proceedings. 1309 > Bureau Central Meteoi ologique de France (Paris). Annales. 155 * Bureau des Longitudes (Paris). (1) Annales du Bureau des Longitudes et de 1'Observatoire astronomique de Montsouris. 156. (2) Annuaire. 205 > (3) Connaissance des Temps. 581 (4) Eph6m6rides des Etoiles de Culmination lunaire et de Longitude. 535. Bureau Internationale des Foids et Mesures. Travaux et Memoires. 1678 Bureau of American Ethnology. See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 314 SOCIETY INDEX Bureau of Ethnology (Washington). See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Bureau of Fisheries (Washington). See UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. COMMISSION OF FISH AND FISHERIES. Bureau of Standards (Washington). See UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. Bussey Institution. See HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Cabinet de sa Majeste (St. Petersburg). Travaux de la Section geologique. 1684. Caen. ACADEMIE DBS SCIENCES, ARTS ET BELLES-LETTRES. (1) Memoires. 953. (2) Kapport general sur les Travaux. 1362. ASSOCIATION NORMANDE. Annuaire des Cinq Departements de 1'Ancienne Normandie. 207. SOCIETY LlNNEENNE DU CALVADOS, afterwards SOCIETE LlNNEENNE DE NORMANDIE. (1) Bulletin. 477 (2) Memoires. 980 > SOCIETE EOYALE D'AGRICULTURE ET DE COMMERCE. (1) Memoires. 1250. (2) Precis des Travaux. 1250. Cairo. ABBASSIA OBSERVATORY. Keport on the Meteorological Observations. 1426. EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. Records. 1374. Calcutta. ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. (1) Asiatick Eesearches ; or, Transactions of the Society. 320. (2) Journal. 673. (3) Journal and Proceedings. 673 * (4) Proceedings. 673 and 1267. INDIAN MUSEUM. (1) Memoirs. 1014 * (2) Notes. 704. (3) Records. 1377 > - MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. Bulletin. 507 SOCIETY INDEX 315 Calcutta (continued). METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE GOVERNMENT or INDIA. (1) Eainfall of India. 136O > (2) Eeport of the Administration. 1425. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN. Annals. 194 > Caledonian Horticultural Society (Edinburgh). Memoirs. 1004. California Academy of Sciences. See ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES (San Francisco). California, University of. See BERKELEY. Cambray. SOCIETE D'EMULATION. (1) Memoires. 1499. (2) Seance publique. 1499. Cambridge. ANALYTICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs. 100O. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. (1) Proceedings. 1277 > (2) Transactions. 1605 UNIVERSITY. (1) Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory of Cambridge. 328-* (2) Studies from the Physiological Laboratory. 1550. Cambridge, Mass. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. (1) Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. 187 (2) Annual Eeport of the Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. 226 > (3) Annual Eeport of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. 230. (4) Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Miscellaneous Papers. 334. (5) Bulletin of the Bussey Institution. 683. (6) Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 512 (7) Contributions from the Jefferson Physical Laboratory. 582 (8) Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 1018 * Canada. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. DOMINION ASTRONOMICAL OBSER- VATORY. Eeport of the Chief Astronomer. 538 GEOLOGICAL (AND NATURAL HISTORY) SURVEY. (1) Annual Eeport. 657. (2) Eeport of Progress. 657. 316 SOCIETY INDEX Canada (continued). KOYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. (1) Memoires et Comptes rendus. 1254 (2) Proceedings and Transactions. 1254 > Canadian Institute (Toronto). (1) Annual Eeport. 220. (2) Canadian Journal. 539. (3) Proceedings. 539. (4) Transactions. 539 * Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (Montreal). Transactions. 1606. Cape Observatory. See CAPE TOWN. KOYAL OBSERVATORY. Cape of Good Hope. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Annual Eeport of the Geological Commission. 541 Cape Town. KOYAL OBSERVATORY. (1) Annals. 189 - (2) Results of Astronomical Observations. 1442. (8) Results of Meridian Observations. 1442 SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM. Annals. 198 SOUTH AFRICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, afterwards ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA. Transactions. 1666 Caracas. SOCIEDAD DE CIENCIAS FisiCAs Y NATURALES. Vargasia. Boletfn de la Sociedad. 1708. UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DE VENEZUELA. Anales. 86. Caradoc Field Club (Shrewsbury). Transactions. 542. Cardiff Naturalists' Society. (1) Annual Report. 543. (2) Report and Transactions. 543. Carlsberg Laboratoriet. (1) Compte rendu des Travaux. 930 * (2) Meddelelser. 930. (8) Resume du Compte rendu des Travaux. 930. Carlsrnhe. See KARLSRUHE. Carnegie Institution (Washington). (1) Contributions from the Solar Observatory, Mt. Wilson, California. 544 - (2) Publications. 545 (3) Year Book. 546 - SOCIETY INDEX 317 Cassel. VEREIN FUR NATURKUNDE. (1) Bericht tlber die Thatigkeit. 403. (2) Jahresbericht tiber die Thatigkeit. 403. Catania. ACCADEMIA GIOENIA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. (1) Atti. 358 > (2) Bullettino delle sedute della Accademia. 532 > (3) Bullettino mensile. 532. Catholic University of Ireland. Atlantis. 352. Centralbureau der Intemationaleu Erdmessung (Berlin). Neue Folge der VerSffentlichungen. 551 * Cesareo-R-egia Accademia di Scieiize, Lettere ed Arti (Padua). See ACCADEMIA DI PADOVA. Chamb&ry. SOCIETE ACADEMIQUE DE SAVOIE, afterwards ACADEMIE KOYALE DE SAVOIE. (1) Documents publics par I'Acad&nie. 602. (2) Memoires. 958. Chapel Hill, North Carolina. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Journal. 835 > Charleston, South Carolina. ELLIOTT SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. Proceedings. 1287. Charlottesville. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. (1) Bulletin of the Philosophical Society. Scientific Series. 1702 (2) Publications of the Leander McCormick Observatory. 1346. Chatham, New Brans-wick. MIRAMICHI NATURAL HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Proceedings. 1257 > Chemical Society (London). (1) Abstracts of the Proceedings. 30. (2) Journal. 1006 - (3) Memoirs (and Proceedings). 1006. (4) Proceedings. 3O > (5) Quarterly Journal. 1006. Chemical Society (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). Transactions. 1158. Chemical Society of Washington. Papers. 1327. Chemnitz. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE GESELLSCHAFT. Bericht. 393. Cherbourg. SOCIETE DBS SCIENCES NATURELLES. Memoires. 969. 318 SOCIETY INDEX Cherbourg (continued). SOCIETY NATIONALS ACADEMIQUE. Memoires. 981. Chicago. FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM, afterwards FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Publications. 636 Chicago Academy of Sciences. (1) Bulletin. 509 -> (2) Bulletin of the Geological and Natural History Survey. 556 (3) Proceedings. 1278. (4) Transactions. 1607. China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. See SHANGHAI LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, etc. Chirnrgisch-medicinische Akademie (Dresden). Zeitschrift fur Natur- und Heilkunde. 1787. Christiania. LJEGEFORENIXG. Norsk Magazin for Lsegevidenskaben. 1164. MEDICINISK SELSKAB. Norsk Magazin for Laegevidenskaben. 1164. NORSK METEOROLOGISK INSTITUT. (1) Jahrbuch des norwegischen meteorologischen Instituts. 1165 (2) Norsk Meteorologisk Aarbog. 1165. OBSERVATORIUM. Meteorologiske lagttagelser. 1068. PHYSIOGRAPHISK FORENING. (1) Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne. 902. (2) Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne. 902 > VIDENSKABS-SELSKAB. (1) Forhandlinger. 640 > (2) Skrifter. 1515 > Chronological Institute (London). Transactions . . . containing . , . Proceedings of the Half- Yearly Meetings. 1608. Chur. NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT GRAUBUNDENS. Jahresbericht. 752. Chnrforstlich-Baierische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich). See KONIOLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Cliurpfalzische Pliysikalisch-Okonouusche Gesellschaft (Kurpfalz). See Kuhrpfalzische, etc. Cincinnati Observatory. See CINCINNATI UNIVERSITY. SOCIETY INDEX 319 Cincinnati Society of Natural History. Journal. 833 Cincinnati University. Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory. 1344. Circolo Matematico cli Palermo. Eendiconti. 1391 Cirencester. EOYAL AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Agricultural Students' Gazette. 58 > Clermont-Ferrand. ACADEMIE DE CLERMONT. (1) Annales scientifiques, industrielles et statistiques de 1'Auvergne. 171. (2) Memoires. 171. Clinical Society of London. Transactions. 1609. Clinico-Fathological Society of Washington. Proceedings. 1279. Coast and Geodetic Survey (United States). See UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Coimbra. UNIVERSIDADE. (1) Ephemeridas astronomicas calculadas paro o meridiano do Obser- vatorio real da Universidade. 623. (2) Observances meteorologicas (magneticas e sismicas) feitas no Ob- servatorio meteorologico e magnetico. 1186 > Coire. See CHUR. College of Physicians (London). See KOYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. College of Science and Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University. See KYOTO TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo. See TOKIO. TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. Collegio de S. Fiel (Lisbon). Broteria. 451. Collegio Romano. See COLLEGIUM EOMANUM SOCIETATIS JESU. Collegium Romaimm Societatis Jesu (Eome). (1) Bullettino meteorologico dell' Osservatorio. 633. (2) Memorie dell' Osservatorio. 1037. Colombo Museum. Spolia Zeylanica. 1535 Colonial Museum and Laboratory, New Zealand. See GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF NEW ZEALAND. 320 SOCIETY INDEX Colorado College. Publications. 560 * Columbia. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Studies. 1701. Columbia Historical Society (Washington). Papers. 1827. Comisi6n del Mapa Geol6gico de Espana. Boletfn. 433. Coniite Geologique (St. Petersburg). Bulletins. 718 Coniite International des Poids et Mesures (Paris). Proces-Verbaux des Stances. 661 * Coniite International Permanent pour 1'Execution photographique de la Carte du Ciel. See ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES [Institut de France]. Commissao dos Traballios Geologicos de Portugal (Lisbon). Communica9oes. 568 Commission for Ledelsen af de Geologiske og Geograpbiske Uiiders^gelser i Greiilaiid. Meddelelser om Gr^nland, udgivne af Commissionen for Ledelsen. 931-*- Commission for the Investigation of Mediterranean Fever. See KOYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Commission Internationale pour 1' Aerostation Scientifique. Publications. 1745. Commission Meteorologique dn Departement des Bouclies-du-Rhoue (Marseilles). Bulletin annuel. 454. Commission of Fish and Fisheries (United States). See UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Commission Fermanente de 1' Association Geodesique Internationale. Comptes rendus des Seances. 1721. Commission Scientifique du Mexique (Paris). Archivea 296. Commission Sismique Fermaneute de 1' Academic Imperiale des Sciences (St. Petersburg). See ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM IMPERIALIS PETROPOLITANA. Committee for the Study of Malaria in India (Simla). Paludism. 1215 - Conference Generale de 1'Association Geodesique Internationale. Comptes rendus des Seances. 1721 * SOCIETY INDEX 321 Congo. MUSEE DU CONGO BELGE. Annales. 160 Congres International d'Anthropologie et d'Archeologie Preliistoriques. See INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PREHISTORIC ARCHEOLOGY. Coiigres Scientifiques de Prance. Sessions. 580. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences (New Haven, Conn.). (1) Memoirs. 1008. (2) Transactions. 1008 > Conseil des Mines de la Republique Fran$aise. See FRANCE. Conservatoire Imperial des Arts et Metiers (Paris). Annales. 157. Consiglio di Perfezionamento annesso al R. Istituto Tecnico (Palermo). Giornale di Scienze naturali ed economiche. 672 * Copenhagen. ACADEMIA HAVNIENSIS, afterwards UNIVERSITAS HAVNIENSIS. Acta Literaria. 40. BOTANISK FORENING. Botanisk Tidsskrift. 447. DANSKE BIOLOGISKE STATION. Eeport. 1409 * KJ^BENHAVNSK SELSKAB AF LJSRDOMS OG VIDENSKABERS ELSKERE, after- wards KONGELIGT DANSK VIDENSKABERNES SELSKABS. (1) Bulletin de 1'Academie royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark. 1210 > (2) Memoires de 1'Academie royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Dane- mark. 1514 > (3) Nye Samling . . . Skrifter. 1514. (4) Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskab ernes Selskabs Forhandlinger og dets Medlemmers Arbeider. 1210 > (5) Skrifter. 1514 -* . KONGELIGT NORDISK OLDSKRIFT-SELSKAB. Memoires de la Societe royale des Antiquaires du Nord. 983. NATURHISTORIE SELSKAB. (1) Schriften . . . aus dem Danischen tlbersetzt. 1516. (2) Skrivter. 1516. mj NATURHISTORISK FORENING. Videnskabelige Meddelelser. 1752 SOCIETAS MEDICA HAVNIENSIS, afterwards KEGIA SOCIETAS MEDICA HAVNIENSIS. (1) Acta. 45. (2) Acta Nova. 45. 322 SOCIETY INDEX Cordova. ACADEMIA NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS, afterwards ACADEMIA NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS DE LA REPUBLICA ARGENTINA. (1) Acta. 35. (2) Boletfn. 432 - Cork. CUVIERIAN SOCIETY. The Natural History Review, including the transactions of the . . . Cork Cuvierian Society. 1126. Cornell University (Ithaca, New York). (1) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 822 > (2) Physical Eeview. 1232. Cornwall Polytechnic Society, afterwards KOYAL CORNWALL POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY (Falmouth). (1) Annual Report. 1408 (2) Report. 1408. Corps des Ingenieurs des Mines de Russie (St. Petersburg). Annuaire magnetique et m6teorologique. 1195. Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club (Gloucester). Proceedings. 1281 > County of Middlesex Natural History and Science Society (London). Transactions. 1610. Cracow. TOWARZYSTWO NAUKOWE, afterwards AKADEMIJA UMIEJETNOSI. (1) Anzeiger. 498 * (2) Bulletin international. 498 * (3) Comptes rendus des stances. 498 > Crystallological Society (London). Proceedings. 1282. Cuvierian Society (Cork). The Natural History Review, including the transactions of the . . . Cork Cuvierian Society. 1126. Danish Biological Station (Copenhagen). See DANSKE BIOLOGISKE STATION. Daiiske Biologiske Station (Copenhagen). Report. 1409 - Danzig. NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Neue Sammlung von Versuchen und Abhandlungen. 1751. (2) Neueste Schriften. 1156. (8) Schriften. 1156 * (4) Versuche und Abhandlungen. 1751. Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. Proceedings. 1283 SOCIETY INDEX 323 Delft. POLYTECHNISCHE SCHOOL. Annales. 120. Demerara. KOYAL AGRICULTURAL AND COMMERCIAL SOCIETY OP BRITISH GUIANA. (1) Journal. 1578. (2) Timehri. 1578. Deiiison University (Granyille, Ohio). Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories. 517 > Departement de 1'Agriculture aux Indes Neerlandaises. See LANDS PLANTENTUIN (Buitenzorg). Departement van Landbouw (Buitenzorg). See LANDS PLANTENTUIN. Department of Agriculture (Washington). See UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland. Keport on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland. Part 2. Scientific Investigations. 599 Department of Agriculture in India. See AGRICULTURAL KESEARCH INSTITUTE (Pusa). Department of Commerce and Labor, United States Government. See UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Department of Mines (and Agriculture), Mew South Wales (Sydney). Annual Eeport. 224. Depot General de la Marine (France). See FRANCE. Des Moines. IOWA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Proceedings. 1292. Dessau. NATURHISTORISCHER VEREIN FUR ANHALT. Verhandlungen. 1737. Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft (Berlin). Berichte. 409 > Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft (Berlin). Berichte. 410 * Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft (Berlin). Zeitschrift. 1768. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, Ethnologic und TJrgeschichte (Brunswick). (1) Archiv fur Anthropologie. 267 * (2) Correspondenz-Blatt. 267 > Y 2 324 SOCIETY INDEX Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Mechanik nnd Optik (Berlin). (1) Beiblatt zur Zeitschrift ftir Instrumentenkunde. 17 81. (2) Deutsche Mechaniker-Zeitung. 1781 * Deutsche Kolouial-Gesellschaft. Archiv fUr Schiffs- und Tropen-Hygiene, etc. 289. Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (Leipzig). Jahresbericht. 748 Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft (Berlin). Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 1065 > Deutsche Ornithologische Gesellschaft (Berlin). Journal ftir Ornithologie. 809 > Deutsche Fhysikalische Gesellschaft (Berlin). See PHYSIKALISCHE GESELLSCHAFT zu BERLIN. Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft (Leipzig). (1) Verhandlungen. 1722 (2) Zoologischer Anzeiger. 1807 * Dentscher Ornithologer Verein (Stuttgart). Naumannia. 1145. Deutscher Wissenschaftlicher Verein zu Santiago. Verhandlungen. 1733 > Deventer. ATHENAEUM. Annales. 115. Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society (Plymouth). Annual Report (and Transactions). 231. Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art. Report and Transactions. 1415 > Dijon. ACADEMIE DBS SCIENCES, ARTS ET BELLES-LETTRES. (1) M6moires. 946. (2) Stance publique. 946. Dominion Astronomical Observatory. See CANADA. DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR. DOMINION OBSERVATORY. Dorpat. UNIVERSITAS CAESAREA DORPATENSIS. (1) Beobachtungen der kaiserlichen Universitats-Sternwarte. 1187. (2) Meteorologische Beobachtungen angestellt in Dorpat. 1063. (3) Observations astronomicas, institutas in specula . . . Edidit F. G. W. Struve. 1187. Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club (Sherborne). Proceedings. 1284. Donai. SOCIETE CENTRALE D' AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES ET ARTS DU DEPARTE- MENT DU NORD. MSmoires. 942. SOCIETY INDEX 325 Dresden. CHIRURGISCH-MEDICINISCHE AKADEMIE. Zeitschrit't fur Natur- und Heilkunde. 1787. GESELLSCHAFT FUR NATUR- UND HEILKUNDE. (1) Ausztige aus den Protokollen. 376. (2) Jahresberichte. 774. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE GESELLSCHAFT ' Isis '. (1) Allgemeine deutsche naturhistorische Zeitung. 69. (2) Sitzungsberichte. 1500. (3) Sitzungsberichte und Abhandlungen. 1509. VEREIN FUR ERDKUNDE. (1) Jahresbericht. 765. (2) Mitteilungen. 1104 - WANDERGESELLSCHAFT SACHSISCHER LANDWIRTHE UND NATURFORSCHER UND AERZTE. Verhandlungen. 1731. Drontheimisclie Gesellscliaft. See TRONDHJEMSK SELSKAB, etc. Dublin. DUBLIN SOCIETY, afterwards KOYAL SOCIETY OF DUBLIN. (1) Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. 605. (2) Economic Proceedings. 610 (3) Journal. 853. (4) Scientific Proceedings. 1496 > (5) Scientific Transactions. 1497 > (6) Transactions. 1611. (7) Weekly Observations. 606. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, afterwards KOYAL GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF IRELAND. (1) Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. 605. (2) Journal. 839. (3) The Natural History Eeview : a quarterly journal, including the transactions of the . . . Geological Society of Dublin. 1126. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS OF IRELAND. Transactions. 1625. KING'S AND QUEEN'S COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS IN IRELAND. Transactions of the Association of Fellows and Licentiates. 1599. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. (1) Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. 605. (2) The Natural History Review: a quarterly journal, including the transactions of the . . . Dublin Natural History Society. 1126. (3) Proceedings. 1301. KOYAL IRISH ACADEMY. (1) Cunningham Memoirs. 1470. (2) Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. 605. (3) Proceedings. 1313 > (4) Transactions. 1658. 32C SOCIETY INDEX Dublin (continued). UNIVERSITY. (1) Hermathena : a series of papers on literature, science and philosophy, by members of Trinity College, Dublin. 684. (2) Natural History Review: a quarterly journal, including the trans- actions of the . . . Dublin University Zoological Association. 1126. (3) Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Trinity College, Dublin. 1193. (4) Proceedings of the Dublin University Zoological and Botanical Association. 1285. Dudley and Midland Geological and Scientific Society, and Field Club. Transactions. 1612. Dudley Observatory (Albany). Annals. 190. Dundee. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Studies from the Museum of Zoology. 1548. Dun Edit Observatory (Aberdeen). Dun Echt Circular. 607. Publications. 608. Dunkirk. SOCIETE DUNKERQUOISE POUR L'ENCotiRAaEMENT DBS SCIENCES, DBS LETTRES ET DBS ARTS. M^moires. 973. Earthquake Investigation Committee (Tokyo). See IMPERIAL EARTHQUAKE INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE OF JAPAN. East India Association (London). Journal. 834 > East India Company. See HONORABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY. Eastbourne Natural History Society. (1) Papers. 1217. (2) Transactions. 1217. Eclectic Medical Society of the State of New York (Albany). Transactions. 1613. Ecole Centrale des Travaux Publics, afterwards ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE (Paris). (1) Correspondance sur 1'Ecole ... a 1'usage des eleves de cette ecole. 687. (2) Journal de 1'Ecole polytechnique. 865 > (3) Journal polytechnique. 865. Ecole Imperiale Polytechnique (Paris). See ECOLE CENTRALE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS. SOCIETY INDEX 327 Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris). Annales scientifiques. 169 > Ecole Folytechnique (Paris). See ECOLE CKNTKALE DBS TEAVAUX PUBLICS. Eccle Polytechnique cle Delft. See POLYTECHNISCHE SCHOOL. Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris). Laboratoire d'Histologie . . . du College de France. Travaux. 609 Ecole Boyale Polytechnique (Paris). See ECOLE CENTRALE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS. Ecole Superieure de Pharmacie (Paris). Bulletin des Travaux de la Societe de Pharmacie. 485 > Ecoles Normales (Paris). Seances. 1500. Edinburgh. ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF SCOTLAND. Transactions. 1595. BOTANICAL SOCIETY. (1) Annual Eeport and Proceedings. 216. (2) Transactions and Proceedings. 216 > CALEDONIAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Memoirs. 1004. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1614 > HIGHLAND SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. Prize Essays and Transactions. 1251. MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. 1286 KOYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. Eeports from the Laboratory. 1430. ROYAL OBSERVATORY. (1) Annals. 195 -* (2) Astronomical Observations. 380. (3) Edinburgh Circular. 607. KOYAL PHYSICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. 1315. ROYAL SCOTTISH SOCIETY OF ARTS. Transactions [including the Proceedings]. 1659 * ROYAL SOCIETY. (1) Proceedings. 1316 > (2) Transactions. 1661 * 328 SOCIETY INDEX Edinburgh (continued). SCOTTISH METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. Journal. 856. SCOTTISH MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings and Transactions. 1256. - SOCIETY OF PHYSICIANS. Medical and Philosophical Commentaries. 933. - WERNERIAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Memoirs. 1024. Egyptian Government School of Medicine (Cairo). Kecords. 1374. Eidgenossische Technische Hochschnle (Zurich). Publikationen der Sternwarte. 1353 > Elberfeld. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN VON ELBERFELD UND BARMEN. Jahres-Berichte. 775. Electrical Society (London). Transactions and Proceedings. 1582. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society (Chapel Hill, North Carolina). Journal. 835 Elliott Society of Natural History (Charleston, South Carolina). Proceedings. 1287. Emden. NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Jahresberichte. 772 * (2) Kleine Schriften. 873. Entomological Society of London. (1) Journal of Proceedings. 1615. (2) Proceedings. 1615 > (3) Transactions. 1615 > Entomological Society of New South Wales (Sydney). Transactions. 1616. Entomological Society of Washington. Papers. 1327. Entomologischer Verein in Berlin. Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift. 415. Entomologischer Verein in Stettin. (1) Entomologische Zeitung. 758. (2) Jahresbericht. 758. (3) Linnaea Entomologica. 1776. Epidemiological Society of London. Transactions. 1617. Epinal. SOCIETE D'^MULATION DU DJEPARTEMENT DBS VOSQES. Annales. 139. SOCIETY INDEX 329 Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists' Field Club (Buckhurst Hill). (1) The Essex Naturalist. 1618 -> (2) Journal of Proceedings. 1618. (3) Transactions. 1618. Erfurt. KURFURSTLICHE AKADEMIE DEK NUTZLICHEN WISSENSCHAFTEN. (1) Abhandlungen. 34. (2) Acta. 34. (3) Nova Acta. 34. Erlangen. PHYSIKALISCH-MEDICINISCHE SOCIETAT. (1) Abhandlungen. 15. (2) Sitzungsberichte. 1512 (3) Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen. 1764. Escola de Minas de Ouro Freto. Annaes. 93. Essex County Natural History Society (Salem, Mass.). In 1848 this Society was incorporated with the Essex Historical Society and continued as the Essex Institute, q. v. Journal. 836. Essex Field Club (Buckhurst Hill). See EPPING FOREST AND COUNTY OF ESSEX NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. Essex Institute (Salem, Mass.). (1) American Naturalist. 77. (2) Bulletin. 1288. (3) Proceedings. 1288. Ethnological Society (London). After 1870 this Society was amalgamated with the Anthropological Society (q.v.) and continued as the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (q. v.). Journal. 837. Eure, Departement de 1'. See EVREUX. Evrenx. SOCIETE D' AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES ET ARTS DU DEPARTEMENT DE L'EURE. (1) Bulletin. 464. (2) Journal d' Agriculture, de Medecine et des Sciences accessoires. 464. (3) Kecueil des Travaux. 464. Facnlte des Sciences de 1'Universite de Toulouse. See UNIVERSITE DE TOULOUSE. Faculte des Sciences de Marseille. Annales. 136 > 330 SOCIETY INDEX Falmouth. CORNWALL POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY. (1) Annual Eeport. 1408 (2) Keport. 1408. Faraday Society (London). Transactions. 1619 Farmers' Club (New York). Proceedings. 1591. Ferdiuandenm fur Tirol und Vorarlberg (Innsbruck). (1) Beitrage zur Geschichte, Statistik, Naturkunde und Kunst von Tirol und Vorarlberg. 38O. (2) Neue Zeitschrift. 380. (3) Zeitschrift fttr Tirol und Vorarlberg. 380 > Field Columbian Museum, afterwards FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY (Chicago). Publications. 636 > Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago). See FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. Field Naturalists' Society (Swansea). Eeport. 1469 > Finska Veteiiskaps Societet (Helsingfors). See SOCIETAS SCIENTIARUM FENNICA. Fishery Board, Scotland. Annual Keport . . . Part 3. Scientific Investigations. 228 Florence. MUSEUM EEGIUM FLORENTINUM, afterwards MUSEO IMPERIALS DI FISICA E STORIA NATURALE. Annali. 172. SOCIETA BOTANICA ITALIANA. (1) Bullettino. 1182 and 529 > (2) Memorie. 1182 SOCIETA ITALIANA, afterwards SOCIETA ITALIANA DELLE SCIENZE. Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica. 1044 > SOCIETA ITALIANA DI ANTROPOLOGIA, ETNOLOGIA, E PSICOLOGIA COM- PARATA. Archivio per 1' Antropologia e la Etnologia. 309. Flushing. ZEEUWSCH GENOOTSCHAP DER WETENSCHAPPEN. (1) Nieuwe Verhandelingen. 1713. (2) Nieuwe Werken. 1713. (3) Verhandelingen. 1713. Fondazione Scientifica Cagnola (Milan). Atti. 363 - SOCIETY INDEX 331 Forstbotanisch.es Iiistitut (Munich). Untersuchungen. 1704. France. AGENCE DES MINES DE LA KEPUBLIQUE FRANC. AISE, afterwards CONSEIL DES MINES, etc. (1) Annales des Mines. 800 > (2) Journal des Mines. 800. CONGEES SCIENTIFIQUES DE FRANCE. Sessions. 580. DEPOT GENERAL DE LA MARINE. Annales hydrographiques. 941. FONTS ET CHAUSSEES. SERVICE HYDROMETRIQUE DU BASSIN DE LA SEINE. (1) Observations sur les Cours d'Eau et la Pluie, etc. 1241. (2) Resume des Observations. 1242. SERVICE DES INSTRUCTIONS NAUTIQUES. Annales hydrographiques. 041. SOCIETES SAVANTES ET LITTERAIRES DE LA REPUBLIQUE FRANCHISE. Memoires. 989. Franeker. ATHEN^UM. Annales. 115. Frankfort-on-the-Maiu. PHYSIKALISCHER VEREIN. (1) Jahrbuch zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse. 733. (2) Jahresbericht. 764. SENCKENBERGISCHE NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Abhandlungen. 1121 (2) Bericht. 40O (3) Museum Senckenbergianum. 1121. ZOOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, afterwards NEUE ZOOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Der Zoologische Garten. 1805. rrankfort-on-the-Oder. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN DES EEGIERUNGS- BEZIRKES FRANKFURT. (1) Abhandlungen und monatliche Mittheilungen aus dem Gesammtge- biete der Naturwissenschaften. 1109. (2) Helios. 1109 > (3) Monatliche Mittheilungen. 1109. (4) Societatum Litterae. 1522. Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). Journal. 838 Freiberg. KONIGLICHE BERGACADEMIE. Jahrbuch fUr den Berg- und Hutten-Mann. 734. 332 SOCIETY INDEX Freiburg-im-Breisgau. NATTIRFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Beitrage zur rheinischen Naturgeschichte. 385. (2) Berichte. 411 -* (3) Berichte liber die Verhandlungen. 385. Frennde der Natnrwissenschaften in Wien. See GESELLSCHAFT DER FREUNDE DER NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN IN WIEN. Gand. See GHENT. Geneva. INSTITUT NATIONAL GENEVOIS. (1) Bulletin. 460 -* (2) Memoires. 955 SOCIETE DE PHYSIQUE ET D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE. Memoires. 066 > Genoa. INSTITUTO LIGURE, afterwards ACCADEMIA IMPERIALS DELLE SCIENZE E BELLE ARTI, and subsequently ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI. Memorie. 1035. SoCIETA LlGUSTICA DI SCIENZE NATURALI E GEOGRAFICHE. Atti. 371 - UNIVERSITA. Atti. 368. Genootschap ter Bevordering der Genees- en Heelknnde, te Amsterdam. Verhandelingen. 1718. Genootschap ter Bevoordering van Genees- en Heelknnde, ' Occidit q,ni non servat ' (Antwerp). Verhandelingen. 1719. Genootschap : tot Nut en Vergenoegen, te Arnheim, afterwards Natuur- kundig Genootschap, etc. (1) Natuurkunde. 1140. (2) Natuurkunde toegepast op alle Vakken van Nijverheid. 1140. Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen (Batavia). See BATAVIAASCH GENOOTSCHAP VAN KUNSTEN EN WETENSCHAPPEN. Genootschap ' Vis Unita Fortior ' (Hoorn). Tijdschrift voor Genees-, Heel-, Verlos- en Scheikundige Wetenschappen. 1574. Geognostisch-Montanischer Verein fur Innerbsterreich und das Land ob der Enns (Gratz). Bericht. 395. Geognostisch-Montanischer Verein fiir Steiermark (Gratz). See GEOGNOSTISCH-MONTANISCHER VEREIN FUR INNEROSTERREICH UND DAS LAND OB DER ENNS. SOCIETY INDEX 333 Geographical Club, afterwards GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY (Philadelphia). Bulletins. 526. Geographical Society of Australasia, Queensland Branch (Brisbane). (1) Proceedings (and Transactions). 1308. (2) Queensland Geographical Journal. 1308 Geographical Society of Bombay. Transactions, including the Proceedings. 1603. Geographical Society of Philadelphia. See GEOGRAPHICAL CLUB, etc. Geographische Gesellschaft in Hamburg. Jahresbericht. 747. Geographisches Institut (Weimar). Neue allgemeine geographische und statistische Ephemeriden. 60. Geological and Mining Society (Manchester), Transactions. 1636 Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada. See GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West Biding of Yorkshire (Leeds). Proceedings. 1289. Geological Association (Leeds). Transactions. 1629. Geological Institution of the University of Upsala. See UNIVERSITETET i UPSALA. Geological Society of Australasia (Melbourne). Transactions. 1621. Geological Society of Dublin, afterwards KOYAL GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP IRELAND. (1) Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. - 605. (2) Journal. 839. (3) The Natural History Eeview: a quarterly journal, including the transactions of the . . . Geological Society of Dublin. 1126. Geological Society (Edinburgh). Transactions. 1614 * Geological Society of Liverpool. In 1910 the Liverpool Geological Association was united with this Society. (1) Abstract of the Proceedings. 28. (2) Proceedings. 28 - 334 SOCIETY INDEX Geological Society of London. (1) Geological Literature added to the . . . Library during the year. 655-* (2) Proceedings. 1290. (8) Quarterly Journal. 1357 * (4) Transactions. 1620. Geological Society (Norwich). Proceedings. 1803. Geological Society of Washington. Papers. 1327. Geological (AND NATURAL HISTORY) Survey of Canada. (1) Annual Eeport. 657. (2) Keport of Progress. 657. Geological Survey of Great Britain. (1) Memoirs. 1010 (2) Memoirs . . . Mining Records Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom. 1011. Geological Survey of India. (1) Memoirs. 1012 > (2) Palaeontologia Indica. 1012 * (3) Eecords. 1375 Geological Survey of Iowa. Annual Keport. 715 > Geological Survey of Maryland. Reports. 917 Geological Survey of New South Wales. . (1) Memoirs. 1013 > (2) Records. 1376 -> Geological Survey of New Zealand. (1) Annual Report on the Colonial Museum and Laboratory. 658. (2) Bulletin. 1160 > (3) Reports of Geological Explorations. 659. Geological Survey of the United States. See UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Geological Survey of Victoria. Report of Progress. 660. Geological Survey of Western Australia. Bulletin. 1761 -> Geologists' Association (London). Proceedings. 1291 * SOCIETY INDEX 335 Georg-Augusts-Uiiiversitat (Gottingen). See UNIVERSITAT zu GOTTINGEN. Gera. GESELLSCHAFT VON FREUNDEN DEE NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN. Jahresbericht. 748. Gesellschaft Bbh.misch.er Naturforscher, EINE. Sammlung physikalischer Aufsatze. 1478. Gesellschaft der Freunde der Naturwissenschaften in Wien. Bericht tiber die Mittheilungen. 413. Gesellschaft des vaterlandischen Museums in Bohmen. See SPOLECNOST VLASTENSKEHO MUSE A v CECHACH. Gesellschaft dentscher Naturforscher nnd Aerzte. Amtlicher Bericht tiber die Versammlung. 78. Gesellschaft fur Beforderung der Naturwissenschaften zu Freiburg-im- Breisgau. See NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT zu FREIBURG-IM-BREISGAU. Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin. (1) Verhandlungen. 1724. (2) Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft ftir Erdkunde. 1771 -* (8) Zeitschrift ftir allgemeine Erdkunde. 1771. Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde in Dresden. (1) Ausztige aus den Protokollen. 876. (2) Jahresberichte. 774. Gesellschaft ' Isis ' in Dresden. See NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE GESELLSCHAFT ' Isis ', Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. (1) Beobachtungen und Entdeckungen aus der Naturkunde. 418. (2) Beschaftigungen. 418. (3) Magazin ftir die neuesten Entdeckungen in der gesainmten Natur- kunde. 663. (4) Mittheilungen aus den Verhandlungen. 1O86. (6) Neue Schriften. 418. (6) Schriften. 418. (7) Sitzungs-Berichte. 1603. (8) Verhandlungen. 1725. Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde Westphalens (Brockhausen). Neue Schriften. 664. Gesellschaft Fractischer Aerzte zn Riga. Mittheilungen aus dem Archiv. 1079. Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Aerzte (Aarau). Archiv der Medizin, Chirurgie und Pharmazie. 263. 336 SOCIETY INDEX Gesellscliaft von Freunden der Naturwissenscliaften in Gera. Jahresbericht. 748. Gesellscliaft znr Befdrderuiig der gesammten Naturwissenschafteu zu Marburg. (1) Schriften. 1483. (2) Sitzungsberichte. 1504. Ghent. ACADEMIA GANDAVENSIS (UNIVERSITY). Annales. 109. Giessen. OBERHESSISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FDR NATUR- UNO HEILKUNDE. Bericht. 804. Glasgow. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. (1) Glasgow Naturalist. 1802 (2) Proceedings. 1302. (3) Transactions. 1302. . PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. 1306 > Gloucester. COTTESWOLD NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. Proceedings. 1281 * Gorlitz. NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen. 10 * Gotheborgska Weteiiskaps och Witterhets Samhalle, afterwards GiJTHE- BORGS KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS OCH VlTTERHETS SAMH&LLE. (1) Handlingar. 674 > (2) Nya Handlingar. 674. Gottingen. K&NIGLICHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. (1) Abhandlungen. 565 * (2) Commentarii Societatis Eegiae Scientiarum Gottingensis. 665. (3) Commentationes. 565. (4) Nachrichten. 1124 - (5) Novi Commentarii. 565. MAGNETISCHER VEREIK. Besultate aus den Beobaclitungen. 1441. UNTVERSITAT. Nachrichten. 1124. Gbttingischer Verein Bergmannisclier Freunde. . Studien. 1544. Government Museum, Madras. Bulletin. 897. Government Observatory (Bombay). See HONORABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S OBSERVATORY (Bombay). Government Observatory (Madras). See HONORABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S OBSERVATORY (Madras). SOCIETY INDEX 337 Government Observatory (Sydney). See SYDNEY OBSERVATORY. Granville, Ohio. DENISON UNIVERSITY. Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories. 517 Gratz. BOTANISCHES INSTITUT. Mittheilungen. 1080. GEOGNOSTISCH-MONTANISCHER VEREIN FUR INNEROSTERREICH UND DAS LAND OB DER ENNS. Bericht. 395. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN FUR STEIERMARK. Mittheilungen. 1102 > Great Britain. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. (1) Memoirs. 1010 > (2) Memoirs . . . Mining Records Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom. 1011. Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. In 1878 the Trigonometrical Survey was amalgamated with the Topo- graphical Survey and with the Revenue Survey and continued as the Survey of India (q.v.). General Report on the Operations. 650. Greenland. COMMISSION FOR LEDELSEN AF DE GEOLOGISKE OG GEOGRAPHISKB UNDERS0GELSER I GR0NLAND. Meddelelser om Gr^nland, udgivne af Commissionen for Ledelsen. 931 - Greenwich. ROYAL OBSERVATORY. (1) Astronomical and Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. 331 * (2) Astronomical Observations. 331. (3) Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. 912. Greifswald. UNIVERSITAT. Greifswaldische Academische Zeitschrift. 678. Grenoble. ACADEMIE DELPHINALE. Bulletin. 456. SOCIETE DE STATISTIQUE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES ET DES ARTS INDUS- TRIELS DU DEPARTEMENT DE L'!SERE. Bulletin. 470. Groningeu. ACADEMIA GRONINGANA (UNIVERSITEIT). (1) Acta Saecularia. 44. (2) Annales. 44 and 115. (3) Publications of the Astronomical Laboratory. 1342. 338 SOCIETY INDEX Grossherzogliche Sternwarte (Karlsruhe). This observatory was afterwards removed to Heidelberg, ivnere it was divided into two branches : (1) Astronomisches Institut ; (2} Astrophysi- Icalisches Institut KmigsstuliirHeidelberg. (1) Mittheilungen . . . Astronomisches Institut. 1094 (2) Veroffentlichungen . . . Astronomisches Institut. 1744 (3) Veroffentlichungen der . . . Sternwarte zu Karlsruhe. 1744. Guy's Hospital (London). Keports. 679. Gynaecological Society of Boston (Mass.). Journal 840. Haarlem. BATAAFSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DEE WETENSCHAPPEN, afterwards HOL- LANDSCHE and subsequently KONINGLIJKE HOLLANDSCHE MAAT- SCHAPPIJ, etc. (1) Archives neerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles. 303 > (2) Natuurkundige Verhandelingen. 1144. (3) Verhandelingen. 1712. TEYLEE'S STICHTING. (1) Archives. 3O1 > (2) Verhandelingen. 1714. The Hague. KONINKLIJK INSTITUUT VOOR DE TAAL-, LAND- EN VOLKENKUNDE VAN NEDEBLANDSCH INDIE. Bijdragen. 427. NATUUB- EN GENEESKUNDIGE COBRESPONDENTIE SOCIETEIT, IN VEBEENIGDE NEDEELANDEN. Verhandeh'ngen. 1715. SOCIETE ENTOMOLOGIQUE DES PAYS-BAS. Memoires. 944. Hakluyt Society (London). Publications. 680. Halifax. NOVA SCOTIAN INSTITUTE OF NATUBAL SCIENCE. Proceedings and Transactions. 1252 Halle. NATUBFOBSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Abhandlungen. 4 and 11 > (2) Bericht ilber die Sitzungen. 401. (3) Neue Schriften. 1154. NATUEWISSENSCHAFTLICHEE VEBEIN FUE SACHSEN UND THUEINGEN. (1) Abhandlungen. 18. (2) Jahresbericht. 762. (3) Zeitschrift fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. 1777 > SOCIETY INDEX 339 Halle (continued ). VEREIN FUR ERDKUNDE, afterwards SACHSISCH-THURINGISCHER VEREIN FUR ERDKUNDE. Mittheilungen. 1105 > Hallische Naturforschende Gesellschaft. See HALLE. NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Hamburg. GEOGRAPHISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahresbericht. 747, INSTITUT FUR SCHIFFS- UND TROPENKRANKHEITEN. Archiv fiir Schiffs- und Tropen-Hygiene. 289. MEDICINISCH-CHIRURGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der gesammten Heilkunde. 1081. NATURHISTORISCHES MUSEUM. (1) Bericht des Direktor. 1133. (2) Mittheilungen. 1133 - NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN. (1) Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. 2 > (2) Mittheilungen aus den Verhandlungen. 1087. (3) Verhandlungen. 1738 VEREIN FUR NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE UNTERHALTUNG. Verhandlungen. 1740. Hamburger Sternwarte in Bergedorf. (1) Astronomische Abhandlungen. 337 (2) Jahresbericht. 749 > Hamilton Association (Hamilton, Ontario). Journal and Proceedings. 784 * Hanan. WETTERAUISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR DIE GESAMMTE NATURKUNDE. (1) Annalen. 105. (2) Jahresbericht. 755. (3) Neue Annalen. 105. Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.). (1) Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. 187 (2) Annual Keport of the Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. 226 (3) Annual Keport of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. 230. (4) Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Miscellaneous Papers. 334. (5) Bulletin of the Bussey Institution. 683. (6) Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 512 > (7) Contributions from the Jefferson Physical Laboratory. 582 (8) Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 1018 * z 2 340 SOCIETY INDEX Heidelberg. ASTROPHYSIKALISCHES OBSERVATORIUM. Publikationen. 1354 > GROSSHERZOGLICHE STERNWARTE. See KARLSRUHE. GROSSHERZOGLICHE STERNWARTE. NATURHISTORISCH-MEDICINISCHER VEREIN. Verhandlungen. 1735 > Helsingfors. SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA. (1) Acta. 47 > (2) Meddelanden. 928 -> SOCIETAS SCIENTIARUM FENNICA. (1) Acta. 48 > (2) Bidrag till KSnnedorn om Finlands natur och folk. 424 (3) Notiser ur Sallskapets pro Fauna et Flora Fennica Forhandlingar. 1160. (4) Observations m6t6orologiques. Publiees par la Societe des Sciences de Finland. 1194. (5) Ofversigt af . . . Fo'rhandlingar. 1201 > SUOMALAISEN TlEDEAKATEMIA. (1) Annales Academise Scientiarum Fennic. 1555 * (2) Toimituksia. 1555 > SUOMEN MAANTIETEELLINEN SEURA. Fennia. 635 > Hereford. WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. Transactions. 1675. Hermannstadt. SIEBENBURGISCHER VEREIN TUR NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen. 1743 * Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. See WATFORD NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY AND HERTFORDSHIRE FIELD CLUB. Herzogliche Societat fur die gesammte Mineralogie zu Jena. See SOCIETAT, etc. Highland Society of Scotland (Edinburgh). Prize Essays and Transactions. 1251. Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire (Liverpool). (1) Papers and Proceedings. 692. (2) Transactions. 692. Hobart Town. EOYAL SOCIETY OF VAN DIEMEN'S LAND, afterwards ROYAL SOCIETY OF TASMANIA. (1) Proceedings and Papers. 1216 > (2) Eeport. 1419. SOCIETY INDEX 341 Holiandische G-esellschaft der Wissenschaften (Haarlem). See BATAAFSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETENSCHAPPEN, etc. Hollandsche Institnnt van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten te Amsterdam. See KONINKLIJK-NEDERLANDSCHE INSTITUUT VAN WETENSCHAPPEN, LETTER- KUNDE EN SCHOONE KtTNSTEN. Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. See BATAAFSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ, etc. Hollandsche Maatschappij van Fraaije Kunsten en Wetenschappen (Amsterdam). Werken. 1759. Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York (Albany). Transactions. 1622. Hongkong Observatory. (1) Meteorological Observations. 1053 * (2) Observations and Researches. 1188. Honorable East India Company's Observatory, afterwards GOVERNMENT OBSERVATORY (Bombay). (1) Magnetical end Meteorological Observations. 1192. (2) Magnetical, Meteorological and Seismological Observations. 1192. (3) Observations. 1192. Honorable East India Company's Observatory, afterwards GOVERNMENT OBSERVATORY (Madras). (1) Astronomical Observations. 1439. (2) Result of Astronomical Observations. 1439. Hoorn. GENOOTSCHAP ' Vis UNITA FORTIOR '. Tijdschrift voor Genees-, Heel-, Verlos- en Scheikundige Wetenschappen. 1574. Horticultural Society of London. (1) Journal. 841 *> (2) Proceedings. 1312. (3) Transactions. 1623. Huddersfield. WEST RIDING CONSOLIDATED NATURALISTS' SOCIETY, afterwards YORKSHIRE NATURALISTS' UNION. The Naturalist. 1127. Imperial Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg. See ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM IMPERIALIS PETROPOLITANA, Imperial Earthquake Investigation Committee of Japan (Toki < "). (1) Bulletin. 511 - (2) Publications. 1345. 342 SOCIETY INDEX Imperial Observatorio do Bio de Janeiro. (1) Annaes. 132. (2) Annales. 132. (3) Annuario. 241 (4) Kevista do Observatorio. 1453. Imperial University of Japan. See TOKIO. TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. Imperial e Regia Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Fadova. See ACCADEMIA DI PADOVA. Imperiale Regio Istitnto del Regno Lombardo-Veneto (Milan). Memorie. 1033. In 1838 the Institute was reorganised as two separate societies, and continued as : (I.) IMPERIALE KEGIO ISTITUTO LOMBAKDO DI SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI (q. v.). (II.) IMPERIALE KEGIO ISTITUTO VENETO DI SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI (q. v.). Imperiale Regio Istitnto Lombardo di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, afterwards REALE ISTITUTO LOMBARDO, etc. (Milan). (1) Atti. 668. (2) Giornale. 668. (3) Memorie. 1034 (4) Kendiconti. 1367 Imperiale Regio Istitnto Veiieto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, afterwards KEALE ISTITUTO VENETO, etc. (1) Atti. 355 - (2) Memorie. 1032 > India. BOTANICAL SURVEY OF. Records. 1373 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. (1) Memoirs. 1012 * (2) Palaeontologia Indica. 1012 (3) Keeords. 1375 > GOVERNMENT or. MEDICAL AND SANITARY DEPARTMENTS. Scientific Memoirs. 1495 * GREAT TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. In 1878 the Trigonometrical Survey was amalgamated with the Topo- graphical Survey and with the Revenue Survey and continued as the Survey of India (q. v.). General Report on the Operations. 650. METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE GOVERNMENT. (1) Rainfall of India. 1360 > (2) Report of the Administration. 1424. SOCIETY INDEX 343 India (continued). SURVEY OF. (1) Extracts from narrative reports of Officers of the Survey. 631 (2) General Keport on the Operations. 650 - Indian Museum (Calcutta). (1) Memoirs. 1014 > (2) Notes. 704. (3) Kecords. 1377 -* Innsbruck. FERDINANDEUM FUR TIROL UND VORARLBERG. (1) Beitrage zur Geschichte, Statistik, Naturkunde und Kunst von Tirol und Vorarlberg. 380. (2) Neue Zeitschrift. 380. (3) Zeitschrift fur Tirol und Vorarlberg. 380 NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICH-MEDIZINISCHER VEREIN. Berichte. 412 VEREIN ZUR GEOGNOSTISCH-MONTANISTISCHEN DURCHFORSCHUNG DBS LANDES TIROL UND VORARLBERG. Bericht ilber die General- Versammlung. 399. Institnt Botaiiico-Geologique Colonial de Marseille. Annales. 122. Institnt Botanique de Buitenzorg. See LANDS PLANTENTUIN. Institnt Botanique, TJuiversite de Bruxelles. See UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES. Institnt Colonial de Marseille. See INSTITUT BOTANICO-GEOLOGIQUE COLONIAL DE MARSEILLE. Institnt de France (Paris). Calendrier. 706. See also ACADEMIE DES INSCRIPTIONS ET BELLES-LETTRES (Paris). See also ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES (Paris). Institnt des Sciences, Lettres et Arts (Paris). See ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, etc. Institnt fur Scluffs- nnd Tropenkrankheiten in Hamburg. Archiv ftir Schiffs- und Tropen-Hygiene. 289. Institut Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg. See SOCIETE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEMBOURG, etc. Institut Imperial de Medecine Experimentale (St. Petersburg). Archives des Sciences biologiques. 259 > Institut Meteorologique de Roumanie (Bucharest). See INSTITUTUL METEOROLOGIC AL KOMANIEI. 344 SOCIETY INDEX Institut Meteorologique royal des Pays-Bas (Utrecht). See KONINKLI.TK NEDERLANDSCH METEOROLOGISCH INSTITUUT. Institnt National Genevois. (1) Bulletin. 46O > (2) M^moires. 955 Institnt Oceonographique (Monaco). (1) Bulletin. 494 * (2) Bulletin du Musee Oc6onographique. 494. Institnt Fastenr (Paris). (1) Bulletin. 481 - (2) Annales. 123 * Institut Fastenr de Tunis. Archives. 294 > Institnt Royal de Bacteriologie, Camara Festaua (Lisbon). See EEAL INSTITUTO BACTERIOLOGICO, CAMARA PESTANA. Institnt Royal de France. See INSTITUT DE FRANCE. Institnt Royal Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg. See SOCIETE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEMBOURG. Institnt Solvay (Brussels). Travaux de Laboratoire. 707. Institute of Actuaries (London). Journal. 323. Institute of Brewing (London). See LABORATORY CLUB. Institute of British Architects (London). (1) Journal. 1219. (2) Journal of Proceedings. 1219. (3) Papers. 1219. (4) Transactions. 1219. Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland (London). Proceedings. 708 Institute of Jamaica (Kingston). Journal. 843. Institution of Civil Engineers (London). (1) Minutes of the Proceedings. 1076 (2) Transactions. 1624. Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland (Dublin). Transactions. 1625. Institution of Electrical Engineers (London). See SOCIETY or TELEGRAPH ENGINEERS. SOCIETY INDEX 345 Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Birmingham, afterwards London). Proceedings. 709 > Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (London). Transactions. 1626. Institution of Naval Architects (London). Transactions. 1627 > Institute G-eografico y Estadistico (Madrid). Memorias. 103O. Institute Lignre, afterwards ACCADEMIA IMPERIALE DELLE SCIENZE E BELLE ARTI, and subsequently ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI (Genoa). Memorie. 1035. Institute y Observatorio de Marina de San Fernando. See OBSERVATORIO KEAL DE SAN FERNANDO. Institutul Meteorologic al Romaniei (Bucharest). (1) Analele. 81 - (2) Annales. 81 Institutum Bononense. See ISTITXJTO DELLE SCIENZE ED ARTI LlBERALI (Bologna). Institutum Re gium Belgictun. See KONINKLIJK-NEDERLANDSCH INSTITUUT VAN WETENSCHAPPEN, LETTER- KUNDE EN SCHOONE KuNSTEN. Intelligence Division, War Office. See UNITED KINGDOM. WAR OFFICE. INTELLIGENCE DIVISION. International Congress of Prehistoric Archaeology. (1) Compte rendu. 713. (2) Transactiona 713. Internationale Commission fur wissenschaftliche Luftschiffahrt. Vero'ffentlichungen. 1745. Internationale Seismologische Assoziation. Verhandlungen der . . . Tagung der permanenten Kommission. 575. Iowa Academy of Sciences (Des Moines). Proceedings. 1292. Iowa Geological Survey. Annual Eeport. 715 > Ireland. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION FOR IRELAND. Eeport on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland. Part 2. Scientific Investigations. 599 > 346 SOCIETY INDEX Iron and Steel Institute (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, aflenvards London). (1) Journal. 716 -> (2) Transactions. 716. Isere, Departement de 1'. See GRENOBLE. Istituto delle Scienze ed Arti Liberal!, afterwards EEALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DELL' ISTITUTO DI BOLOGNA. (1) Commentarii. 440. (2) Memorie. 440 > (3) Novi Commentarii. 440. (4) Eendiconto. 1181 and 1395 - Istituto Nazionale Italiano (Bologna). Memorie. 1036. Italy. E. COMITATO GEOLOGICO D' ITALIA. Bollettino. 434 > ElUNIONE DEGLI SciENZIATI IlALIANI. Atti. 369. SOCIETA ITALIANA, afterwards SOCIETA ITALIANA DELLE SCIENZE. Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica. 1044 Ithaca, New York. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. (1) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 822 (2) Physical Keview. 1232. Jagare-Fb'rbundet (Stockholm). Tidskrift for Jagare och Naturforskare. 1568. Jamaica, Institute of. See KINGSTON. Japan. IMPERIAL EARTHQUAKE INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE. (1) Bulletin. 511 - (2) Publications. 1345. Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg. See LANDS PLANTENTUIN. Jassy. UNIVERSITATEA. Annales scientifiques. 170. Java. DEPARTEMENT VAN LANDBOUW. See LANDS PLANTENTUIN. Jena. ACADEMIA JENENSIS (UNIVERSITAT). Annales. 110. MEDICINISCH-NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Denkschriften. 596 * (2) Jenaische Zeitschrift {fur Medicin und} Naturwissenschaft. 778 SOCIETY INDEX 347 Jena (continued). SOCIETAT FUR DIE GESAMMTE MlNERALOGIE. (1) Annalen. 103. (2) Schriften. 103. Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine. See BRITISH INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. Johannesburg. SOUTH AFRICAN ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS. Proceedings. 1323. Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore). (1) American Journal of Mathematics. 71 (2) Circulars. 781. (3) Memoirs from the Biological Laboratory. 997. (4) Studies from the Biological Laboratory. 780. Juggarow Observatory (Vizagapatam). (1) Keports of the Condition and Progress of the Observatory, etc. 867. (2) Results of Meteorological Observations. 867. Jura, Departement du. See LONS-LE-SAUNIER. Jurjew. See DORPAT. Kaiser-Wilhelm's-Universitat (Strasburg). See UNIVERSITAT zu STRASSBURG. Kaiserlich-Japanische Universitat. See TOKIO. TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. Kaiserlich-Koniglich-Mediciniscli-Cliirurgische Josephs-Academie zu Wien. See ROMISCH-KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHE JOSEPHINISCHE MEDICINISCH-CHIRUR- QISCHE ACADEMIE. Kaiserlicli-Koniglich-Oesterreicliisclie Gesellschaft fur Meteorologie (Vienna). See OESTERREICHISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR METEOROLOGIE. Kaiserlich-Kbnigliclie Central-Anstalt fur Meteorologie und Erdmag- uetismus (und Geodynamik) (Vienna). Jahrbticher. 741 * Kaiserlich-Kbnigliche Geographische Gesellschaft in Wien. (1) Abhandlungen. 5 > (2) Mittheilungen. 1095 > 348 SOCIETY INDEX Kaiserlich-Konigliche Geologische Reichsanstalt (Vienna). (1) Abhandlungen. 6 > (2) Jahrbuch. 728 - (3) Mineralogische Mittheilungen. 1074. (4) Uebersicht der Resultate mineralogiseher Forschungen. 1689. (5) Verhandlungen. 1726 > Kaiserlich-Konigliche Mahrisch-Schlesische Gesellschaft znr Befor- deruiig des Ackerbanes, der Natur- nnd Landesktmde in Brnnn. Mittheilungen. 1096. Kaiserlich-Konigliche Montan-Lehranstalt zn Leoben. Berg- und huttenniannisches Jahrbuch. 389. Kaiserlich-Konigliche Schemnitzer Bergakademie. Berg- und htittenmannisches Jahrbuch. 389. Kaiserlich-Konigliche Sternwarte zn Prague. Astronomische, magnetische und meteorologische Beobachtungen. 914 - Kaiserlich-Konigliche Sternwarte in Wien. (1) Annalen. 10O. (2) Meteorologische Beobachtungen. 1061. Kaiserlich-Konigliche Universitat (Vienna). See UNIVERSITAT zu WIEN. Kaiserlich-Konigliche Universitats-Sternwarte (Vienna). See KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHE STERNWARTE IN WIEN. Kaiserlich-Konigliche Zentral-Anstalt fnr Meteorologie, etc. See KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHE CENTRAL-ANSTALT FUR METEOROLOGIE, etc. Kaiserlich-Konigliche Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien. See ZooLOGiscH-BoTANiscHER VEREIN. Kaiserlich-Konigliche Zoologische Station in Triest. Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen Institute der Universitat Wien und der zoologischen Station in Triest. 251 > Kaiserlich-Konigliches Natnrhistorisch.es Hofmnsenm (Vienna). Annalen . . . Jahresberichte. 106 > Kaiserlich-Mineralogische Gesellschaft zn St. Petersburg. See KUSSISCH-KAISERLICH, etc. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschafteu (St. Petersburg). See ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM IMPERIALIS PETROPOLITANA. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschafteu in Wien. (1) Almanach. 64 > (2) Anzeiger. 245 > (3) Denkschriften. 593 (4) Mittheilungen der Erdbeben-Commission. 1093 > (5) Mittheilungen der prahistorischen Commission. 1099 > (6) Sitzungsberichte. 1505 > SOCIETY INDEX 349 Kaiserliche Hauptstation fur Erdbebenfbrschung (Strasburg). Beitrage zur Geophysik. 379 > Kaiserliche Leopoldinisch-Caroliiiische Akadeniie der Naturforscher. See ACADEMIA CJSSAREA NATURAE CURIOSORUM. Kaiserliche Universitat (Dorpat). See UNIVERSITAS CAESAREA DORPATENSIS. Kaiserliche Universitats-Sternwarte in Strassburg. Annalen. 101 > Kaiserlich.es Gesnudheitsamt (Berlin). (1) Arbeiten. 247 (2) Mittheilungen. 1084. Kansas Academy of Science (Topeka). Transactions of the . . . Annual Meetings. 1594. Kansas University. See UNIVERSITY OP KANSAS. Karlsburg. See CARLSBERG. Karlsruhe. GROSSHERZOGLICHE STERNWARTE. This Observatory was afterwards removed to Heidelberg, where it was divided into two branches : (1) Astronomisches Institut ; (2) Astrophysi- Jcalisches Institut Konigsstuhl-Heidelberg. (1) Mittheilungen . . . Astronomisches Institut. 1094 > (2) Veroffentlichungen . . . Astronomisches Institut. 1744 > (3) Veroffentlichungen der . . . Stern warte zu Karlsruhe. 1744. Kasan. UNIVERSITY. Scientific Transactions. 1687. Kassel. See CASSEL. Kew. ROYAL GARDENS. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. 502 > Kiel. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN riiR SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN. Schriften, 1487 ~> PHYSIOLOGISCHES INSTITUT. Arbeiten. 248. STERNWARTE. Publication. 1338 > UNIVERSITAT. Schriften. 1486. VEREIN NORDLICH DER ELBE ZUR VERBREITUNG NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER KENNTNISSE. Mittheilungen. 1106. 350 SOCIETY INDEX Kilkenny. LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION. The Natural History Review : a quarterly journal, including the trans- actions of the . . . Literary and Scientific Institution of Kilkenny. 1126. King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland (Dublin). Transactions of the Association of Fellows and Licentiates. 1599. King's College (London). Physiological Laboratory. Collected Papers. 872 Kingston, Jamaica. INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA. Journal. 843. Kj0benhaviis Universitet. Acta Literaria Universitatis Hafniensis. 40. Kj0benhavnsk Selskab af Laerdoms og Videnskabers Elskere, afterwards KONGELIGT DANSK VIDENSKABERNES SELSKAB. (1) Bulletin de 1'Academie royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark. 1210 (2) Memoires de I'Academie royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark. 1514 * (3) Nye Samling . . . Skrifter. 1514. (4) Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs For- handlinger og dets Medelemmers Arbeider. 1210 (5) Skrifter. 1514 -* Klageufurt. NATURHISTORISCHES LANDESMUSEUM. Jahrbuch. 732. Klinische Anstalten der TJniversitat zu Breslau. See UNIVERSITAT zu BRESLAU. Koniglich-Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Munich). See KONIGLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN zu MUNCHEN. Xoiiiglich-Bayerisclie Botanisclie Gesellschaft in Regensburg. See KEGENSBURGISCHE BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT (Ratisbon). Koniglich-Bohmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Prague). See BOHMISCHE GELEHRTE PRIVATGESELLSCHAFT, etc. Koniglich-Norwegische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. See TRONDIJJEMSK SELSKAB, etc. Zoniglicli-Preussische Akademie der Wissenschafteu. See SOCIETAS REGIA SCIENTIARUM (Berlin). Koniglich-Freussisches Iiandes-Oekonomie-Kollegium. See PREUSSISCHES LANDES-OEKONOMIE-COLLEGIUM. Koniglich-I&heinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-TTniversitat (Bonn). See UNIVERSITAT zu BONN. SOCIETY INDEX 351 Koniglich-Sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. (1) Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physischen Classe. 8 (2) Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen. 414 > Koniglich-Schwedische Akademie der Wissenschaften. See KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS AKADEMI. Koniglich-Ungarische Central-Anstalt far Meteorologie nnd Erdmag- netismns (Budapest). See MAGYAK KIRALYI ORSZAGOS METEOROLOGIAI is FOLDMAGNESSEGI, INTEZET. Koniglich-Ungarische Geologische Anstalt. See MAGYAR KIRALY FOLDTANI INTEZET. Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. (1) Abhandlungen. 687 > (2) Astronomiscb.es Jahrbuch. 345. (8) Bericht iiber die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen. 408. (4) Berliner astronomisches Jahrbuch. 345 > (5) Histoire. 687. (6) Memoires. 687. (7) Monatsberichte. 408. (8) Nouveaux Memoires. 687. (9) Sitzungsberichte. 408 > Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen. (1) Abhandlungen. 3. (2) Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe. 9 > (3) Abhandlungen der naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Commission, 14. (4) Bulletin. 486. (5) Denkschriften. 595. (6) Gelehrte Anzeigen. 646. (7) Sitzungsberichte. 1506 Konigliche Bergacademie zn Freiberg. Jahrbuch fur den Berg- und Hiitten-Mann. 734. Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zn Gottingen. (1) Abhandlungen. 565 > (2) Commentarii. 565. (3) Commentationes. 665. (4) Nachrichten. 1124 - (5) Novi Commentarii. 565. Konigliche Fhysikalisch-Okonomische Gesellschaft zn Konigsberg. See PHYSIKALISCH-OKONOMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, etc. Konigliche Stemwarte zu Berlin. (1) Astronomische Beobachtungen. 339 (2) Beobachtungs-Ergebnisse. 388 > 352 SOCIETY INDEX Konigliclie Sternwarte zu Bogenhausen. (1) Annalen. 338. (2) Astronomische Beobachtungen. 338. (8) Neue Annalen. 338 > (4) Observationes astronomicae. 338. Kb'nigliche Sternwarte zu Bonn. Vero'ffentlichungen. 1746. Konigliclie Universitats-Sternwarte (Konigsberg). See UNIVERSITAT zu KONIGSBERO. Koniglicher Botanischer Garten und Museum (Berlin). Jahrbuch. 731. Konigsberg. PHYSIKALISCH-OKONOMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Beitrage zur Naturkunde Preussens. 383. (2) Schriften. 1485 * UNIVERSITAT. Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der koniglichen Universitats-Stern- warte. 340. VEREIN FUR WISSENSCHAFTLICHE HEILKUNDE. Konigsberger medicinische Jahrbticher. 874. Kongelgt Dansk Videnskabemes Selskab (Copenhagen). See K.T0BENHAVNSK SELSKAB AF L^RDOMS oa VIDENSKABERS ELSKERE. Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskiift-Selskab (Copenhagen). Memoires de la Societ6 royale des Antiquaires du Nord. 983. Kongeligt Norsk Videnskabers Selskab (Trondhjem). See TRONDHJEMSKE SELSKAB. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academi (Stockhohn). (1) Abhandlungen aus der Naturlehre, Haushaltungskunst und Mechanik. o !558. (2) Arsberatellse. 315. (3) Arsbog. 878 -^ (4) Berattelse. 315. (5) Bihang till . . . Handlingar. 425 -* (6) Handlingar. 1558 > (7) Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie und Mineralogie. 315. (8) Jahresbericht . . . iiber die Fortschritte der Naturgeschichte, Ana- tomie und Physiologie der Thiere und Pflanzen. 315. (9) Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften. 315. (10) Lefnadsteckningar. 883 > (11) Meteorologiska lakttagelser i Sverige. 1007. (12) Nya Handlingar. 1558. (13) Observations meteorologiques suedoises. 1067. (14) Ofversigt af Botaniska Arbeten och Upptackter. 315. (15) Ofversigt af . . . Forhandlingar. 1202. SOCIETY INDEX 353 Kongliga Universitetet (Upsala). See UNIVERSITETET i UPSALA. Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademi (Stockholm). See KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS ACADEMI. Kongliga Vetenskaps Societet i TTpsala. (1) Acta. 39. (2) Acta Literaria et Scientiarum Sueciae. 30. (8) Arsskrift. 316. (4) Nova Acta. 39 Kongliga Wettenskaps och Witterhets Samhalle i Gotheborg. See GOTHEBORGSKA WETENSKAPS OCH WITTERHETS SAMHALLE. Koninglijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. See BATAAFSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETENSCHAPPEN. Koninglijke Maatschappy der Weteuschappen te Haarlem. See BATAAFSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETENSCHAPPEN. Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Neder- landsch Indie (The Hague). Bijdragen. 427. Koniiiklijk Magnetisch en Meteorologiscli Observatoriuni (Batavia). See MAGNETISCH EN METEOROLOGISCH OBSERVATORIUM. Koniuklijk-Nederlandsch Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten (Amsterdam). (1) Genees- heel- (vroed-) schei- (en natuur-)kundige Verhandelingen der eerste Klasse. 647. (2) Het Instituut, of Verslagen en Mededeelingen, uitgegeven door die vier Klassen. 71O. (3) Jaarboek. 722. (4) Nieuwe Verhandelingen der eerste Klasse. 1709. (5) Tijdschrift voor de Wis- en Natuurkundige Wetenschappen. 1573. (6) Verhandelingen der eerste Klasse. 1709. Koniiiklijk XTederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut (Utrecht). (1) Meteorologisch Jaarboek. 1064. (2) Meteorologische Waarnemingen. 1064. (3) Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Jaarboek. 1064. Koninklijk Zoologiscli Genootschap 'Natura Artis Magistra' (Amsterdam). (1) Jaarboekje. 723. (2) Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor die Dierkunde. 1150. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. (1) Jaarboek. 720 - (2) Proceedings of the Section of Sciences. 1749 (3) Processen-Verbaal van de gewone Vergaderingen . . . Afdeeling Natuurkunde. 1332. A a 354 SOCIETY INDEX Kouinklijke Akademie van Wetenscliappen te Amsterdam (continued). (4) Verhandelingen. 1710 (5) Verslagen der Zittingen van de Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling. 1749. (6) Verslagen en Mededeelingen . . . Afdeeling Natuurkunde. 1750. (7) Verslagen van de gewone Vergaderingen der Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling. 1749 * Koninklijke Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlaudsch Indie (Batavia). See NATUUBKUNDIGE VEEEENIGING, etc. Xrakau. See CKACOW. Kralovska Ceska Spoleciiost Nauk (Prague). See BOHMISCHE GELEHBTE PBIVATGESELLSCHAFT. Kremsmiinster. STEBNWABTE. Kesultate aus den . . . angestellten meteorologischen Beobachtungen. 1440. Kuhrpfalzische Pliysikalisch-Okoiiomisclie Gesellschaft . (1) Bemerkungen. 386. (2) Vorlesungen. 1755. Kungliga, etc. See KONGLIGA, etc. Kunst und Handwerks-Verein (Altenburg). Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. 1085. Kurftirstlich-Mainzisclie Akademie Nutzlicher Wissenschaften (Erfurt). See KuBFiJESTLicHE AKADEMIE DEE NUTZLICHEN WISSENSCHAFTEN. Xurfurstliclie Akademie der Nutzlichen Wissenschaften (Erfurt). (1) Abhandlungen. 34. (2) Acta. 34. (3) Nova Acta. 34. Kyoto Imperial University. See KYOTO TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. Kyoto Teikoku Daigaku. Memoirs of the College of Science and Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University. 1007 laboratoire d'Histologie au College de France. See ECOLE PKATIQUE DES HAUTES ETUDES (Paris). Laboratoire de Carlsberg. See CAELSBEEG LABOEATOEIET. SOCIETY INDEX 355 Laboratoire de Recherches Biologiques de 1'Universite de Madrid. See UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DE ESPANA. Laboratorio de Investigaciones Bioldgicas de la Universidad de Madrid. See UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DE ESPANA. Laboratorio Histologico de la Facultad de Medicina de Madrid. See UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DE ESPANA. Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. See UTRECHT. HOOGESCHOOL. Laboratory Club, afterwards INSTITUTE OP BREWING (London). Transactions. 1628. Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, Sheffield Scientific School of Tale College. See YALE UNIVERSITY. Laegeforening i Christiania. Norsk Magazin for Laegevidenskaben. 1164. Laibach. VEREIN DBS KRAINISCHEN LANDES-MUSEUMS. Jahresheft. 776. 's Lands Flantentuin, aftenvards DEPARTEMENT VAN LANDBOUW (Buitenzorg). (1) Annales du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg. 158 > (2) Bulletin de 1'Institut botanique de Buitenzorg. 459. (3) Bulletin du Departement de 1'Agriculture aux Indes neerlandaises. 493 - (4) Jaarboek. 721 (5) Mededeelingen. 932 > (6) Verslag. 1747. Landwirthschaftlicher Verein zu Altenburg. Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. 1085. La Plata. MUSEO. (1) Anales . . . Materiales para la Historia fisica y moral del Continente Sud- Americano. 87 (2) Kevista. 1450 - Lausanne. SOCIETE VAUDOISE DBS SCIENCES NATURELLES. (1) Bulletin. 525 > (2) Bulletins des Seances. 525 * Lawrence. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. (1) Kansas University Quarterly. 871. (2) Kansas University Science Bulletin. 871 (3) University Geological Survey of Kansas . . . Eeports. 1699 > Leander McCormic Observatory (Charlottesville). See UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Leeds. GEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Transactions. 1629. A a 2 356 SOCIETY INDEX Leeds (continued). GEOLOGICAL AND POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY OP THE WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. Proceedings. 1289. NATURALISTS' CLUB AND SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. Transactions. 1630. PHILOSOPHICAL AND LITERARY SOCIETY. Transactions. 1651. Leipzig. ASTRONOMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Publication. 1337. (2) Vierteljahrsschrift. 1753. DEUTSCHE MATHEMATIKER-VEREINIGUNG. Jahresbericht. 746 > DEUTSCHE ZOOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Verhandlungen. 1722 * (2) Zoologischer Anzeiger. 1807 * KONIGLICH-SACHSISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WlSSENSCHAFTEN. (1) Abhandlungen. 8 > (2) Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen. 414 NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Acta. 46. (2) Schriften. 46. (3) Sitzungsberichte. 1508. PHYSIOLOGISCHE ANSTALT. Arbeiten. 252. Le Mans. SOCLETE D' AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES ET ARTS DE LA SARTHE. Bulletin. 463. Leoben. KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHE MONTAN-LEHRANSTALT. Berg- und huttenmannisches Jahrbuch. 389. Leyden. ACADEMIA LUGDUNO-BATAVA (UNIVERSITEYT). Annales. 113 and 115. MUSEUM BOTANICUM LUGDUNO-BATAVUM. Annales. 168. NEDERLANDSCHE ENTOMOLOGISCHE VEREENIGING. Handelingen. 682. STERNWARTE. Annalen. 1O4 Lick Observatory. See UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. SOCIETY INDEX 357 Liege. SOCIETE GEOLOGIQUE DE BELGIQUE. (1) Annales. 142 (2) Bulletin. 142 -* (3) Memoires. 142 and 975 SOCIETY LIBBE D'EMULATION. Memoires. 978. SOCIETY KOYALE DBS SCIENCES. Memoires. 985 UNTVERSITE. (1) Annales. 111. (2) Institut de Physiologie. Travaux du Laboratoire. 1698. Lille. SOCIETE D' AMATEURS DBS SCIENCES, DE L' AGRICULTURE ET DBS ARTS, afterwards SOCIETE KOYALE (IMPERIALS) DBS SCIENCES, etc. (1) Memoires. 984. (2) Eecueil des Travaux. 1384. UNIVBRSITE. Travaux et Memoires. 1677. Lima. SOCIEDAD ACADEMICA DE AMANTES DE LIMA. Mercuric Peruano de Historia, Literatura, y Noticias publicas que da a luz la Sociedad. 1048. Limbonrg. See TONGRES. Lincoln, Nebraska. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. (1) The Graduate Bulletin. 677. (2) University Studies. 1703. Linnean Society of London. (1) Journal. 849 * (2) Journal of the Proceedings. 849. (3) Proceedings. 1293 > (4) Transactions. 1631 > Linnean Society of New South Wales (Sydney). Proceedings. 1294 * Linnaean Society of New York. (1) Abstract of the Proceedings. 27 (2) Transactions. 1632. Lisbon. ACADBMIA DAS SCIENCIAS. (1) Actas das Sessoes. 51. (2) Annaes das Sciencias e Lettras. 94. (3) Ephemerides Nauticas. 625. (4) Historia e Memorias. 1026. (5) Jornal de Sciencias mathematicas, physicas e naturaes. 783. 358 SOCIETY INDEX Lisbon (continued). (6) Memorias. 1026. (7) Memorias de Agricultura. 1027. (8) Memorias de Mathematica e Phisica. 1026. (9) Memorias economicas. 1031. COLLEGIO DE S. FlEL. Broteria. 451. OBSEEVATOKIO DO INFANTE D. Luiz. (1) Annaes. 96. (2) Annaes. Observacoes dos Postos Meteorologicos segundo o piano adoptado no Congresso de Vienna d' Austria, etc. 97. (3) Postos Meteorologicos. Annexes aos Annaes. 1245. (4) Trabalhos. 1579. EEAL INSTITUTO BACTERIOLOGICO, CAMARA PESTANA. (1) Archives. 295 - (2) Archivos. 295 SOCIEDADE POKTUGUESA DE SciENCIAS NATURAIS. Bulletin. 482. Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine (London). See BRITISH INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Transactions. 1633. Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. (1) Proceedings. 1295 (2) Report and Proceedings. 1295. Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. (1) Memoirs. 1015. (2) Memoirs and Proceedings. 1015 * (3) Proceedings. 1296. Literary and Philosophical Society of New York. Transactions. 1634. Literary and Scientific Institution of Kilkenny. The Natural History Review : a quarterly journal, including the trans- actions of the . . . Literary and Scientific Institution of Kilkenny. 1126. Literary and Scientific Society (Ottawa). Transactions. 1649. Literary Society (Madras). Madras Journal of Literature and Science. 898. Literature College, Imperial University of Japan. See TOKIO. TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. SOCIETY INDEX 359 Liverpool. ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. (1) Journal. 889. (2) Transactions. 1583. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. In 1910 the Liverpool Geological Association was united with this Society. (1) Abstract of the Proceedings. 28. (2) Proceedings. 28 HISTORIC SOCIETY OF LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE. (1) Proceedings and Papers. 692. (2) Transactions. 692. LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. (1) Proceedings. 1295 > (2) Keport and Proceedings. 1295. MARINE BIOLOGY COMMITTEE. Annual Keport. 229 * MERSEY DOCKS AND HARBOUR BOARD. (1) Report of the Astronomer. 1406. (2) Report of the Director of the Liverpool Observatory, Bidston, Birken- head. 1411 - OBSERVATORY (Bidston). See MERSEY DOCKS AND HARBOUR BOARD. SCHOOL OP TROPICAL MEDICINE. (1) Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. 198 > (2) Memoirs. 89O. (3) Yellow Fever Bureau. Bulletin. 891 UNIVERSITY. The Thompson Yates (and Johnston) Laboratories Report. 1566. Local Government Board. See UNITED KINGDOM. London. AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN. Aeronautical Journal. 55 > AFRICAN SOCIETY. Journal. 826. - ALLELODIDACTIC SOCIETY. Transactions. 1588. - ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, afterwards ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. (1) Journal. 829 > (2) Man. 916. 360 SOCIETY INDEX London (continued). ANTHBOPOLOGICAL SOCIETY. After 1870 this Society was amalgamated with the Ethnological Society (q. v.) and continued as the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and g Ireland (q.v.). (1) Journal. 242 and 829. (2) Memoirs. 1025. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OP GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. See BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. ARCHITECTURAL COLLEGE OF THE FREEMASONS OP THE CHURCH. Proceedings. 1265. ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY FOR THE SYSTEMATIC STUDY OP PHILOSOPHY. Proceedings. 1266 ASSOCIATED APOTHECARIES AND SURGEON- APOTHECARIES OP ENGLAND AND WALES. Transactions. 1598. ASSOCIATION FOR PROMOTING THE DISCOVERY OF THE INTERIOR PARTS OP AFRICA. (1) African Researches. 1268. (2) Proceedings. 1268. ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, afterwards ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. (1) Memoirs. 1001 * (2) Monthly Notices. 1115 - BOTANICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. 1272. BRITISH ACADEMY. Proceedings. 1273 > BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Journal. 831. BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, aftenvards ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. This 'British Archaeological Association' is quite a distinct Society from the ' British Archaeological Association ' founded in 1843 and since con- tinued under that title. In 1845 this Association changed its name to the 'Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland' in order to prevent the two Societies being confused. Archaeological Journal. 257. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Report of the Meetings . . . including its proceedings, recommendations, and transactions. 1414 > BRITISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION. (1) Journal. 832 (2) Memoirs. 1003 -* SOCIETY INDEX 361 London (continued). BRITISH HOEOLOQICAL INSTITUTE. The Horological Journal. 697 BRITISH INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, afterwards JENNER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, and subsequently LISTER INSTITUTE OF PRE- VENTIVE MEDICINE. (1) Lister Institute . . . Collected Papers. 888. (2) Transactions. 1604. BRITISH METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, afterwards METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, and subsequently KOYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. (1) Meteorological Kecord. 1057 -* (2) Proceedings. 1274. (3) Quarterly Journal. 1274 CHEMICAL SOCIETY. (1) Abstracts of the Proceedings. 30. (2) Journal. 1006 (3) Memoirs (and Proceedings). 1006. (4) Proceedings. 30 (5) Quarterly Journal. 1006. CHRONOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. Transactions . . . containing . . . Proceedings of the Half- Yearly Meetings. 1608. CLINICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1609. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX NATURAL HISTORY AND SCIENCE SOCIETY. Transactions. 161O. CRYSTALLOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. 1282. EAST INDIA ASSOCIATION. Journal. 834 * ELECTRICAL SOCIETY. Transactions and Proceedings. 1582. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. (1) Journal of Proceedings. 1615. (2) Proceedings. 1615 (3) Transactions. 1615 EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1617. ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. After 1870 this Society was amalgamated with the Anthropological Society (q. v.) and continued as the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (q. v.). Journal. 837. 362 SOCIETY INDEX London (continued). FARADAY SOCIETY. Transactions. 1619 > GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. (1) Geological Literature added to the . . . Library during the year. 655 -> (2) Proceedings. 1290. (3) Quarterly Journal. 1357 > (4) Transactions. 1620. GEOLOGISTS' ASSOCIATION. Proceedings. 1291 GUY'S HOSPITAL. Keports. 679. - HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Publications. 680. - HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. (1) Journal. 841 - (2) Proceedings. 1312. (3) Transactions. 1623. - INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES. Journal. 323. - INSTITUTE OF BREWING. See LABORATORY CLUB. - INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. (1) Journal. 1219. (2) Journal of Proceedings. 1219. (3) Papers. 1219. (4) Transactions. 1219. - INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Proceedings. 708 > - INSTITUTION. Journal of the London Institution. 844. - INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. (1) Minutes of the Proceedings. 1076 > (2) Transactions. 1624. INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. See SOCIETY OF TELEGRAPH ENGINEERS. - INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. See BIRMINGHAM afterwards LONDON. INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. SOCIETY INDEX 363 London (continued). INSTITUTION OF MINING AND METALLURGY. Transactions. 1626. INSTITUTION OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS. Transactions. 1627 IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. See NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE afterwards LONDON. IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. JENNER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. See BRITISH INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. KING'S COLLEGE. Physiological Laboratory. Collected Papers. 872 > LABORATORY CLUB, aftenvards INSTITUTE OF BREWING. Transactions. 1628. LINNEAN SOCIETY. (1) Journal. 849 * (2) Journal of the Proceedings. 849. (3) Proceedings. 1293 * (4) Transactions. 1631 LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. See BRITISH INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. LONDON INSTITUTION. Journal. 844. MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. 1297 - MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY, afterwards KOYAL MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY. (1) Medico-Chirurgical Transactions. 940. (2) Proceedings. 1314. - MEDICAL SOCIETY. (1) Memoirs. 1017. (2) Transactions. 1639. - METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE. (1) Daily Weather Keports. 1056. (2) Hourly Headings from the self-recording instruments at the . . . Ob- servatories in connection with the Meteorological Office. 699 > (3) Monthly Weather Keport. 1117. (4) Quarterly Weather Eeport. 1358. - METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. This Meteorological Society was a separate institution from the British Meteorological Society (q. v.\ afterwards Meteorological Society, which was founded in 1850. Transactions. 1641. 364 SOCIETY INDEX London (continued). METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN. Quarterly Journal of Meteorology and Physical Science. 1355. MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, afterwards EOYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. (1) Journal. 1643 -* (2) Monthly Microscopical Journal. 1643. (3) Transactions. 1643. MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL. (1) Archives. 306 (2) Reports from the Cancer Research Laboratories. 1429. (3) Reports of the Medical, Surgical (Obstetric), and Pathological Registrars. 1O71. - MlNERALOGICAL SOCIETY OP GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society. 1073 -> - MINT, The. Annual Report of the Deputy Master. 225. - MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings. 130O. - NUMISMATIC SOCIETY, afterwards ROYAL NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. (1) The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society. 1180. (2) Proceedings. 1304. - ODONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1648. - PAL.EONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Publications. 1214 - PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 165O. - PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY or GREAT BRITAIN. Pharmaceutical Journal. 1224 - PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, afterwards PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN, and subsequently ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, etc. (1) Journal . . . containing the transactions. 847. (2) Photographic Journal, including the transactions. 847 * - PHYSICAL SOCIETY. (1) Abstracts of Physical Papers from Foreign Sources. 1233. (2) Proceedings. 1307 (3) Science Abstracts. 1493 * - PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. 823 SOCIETY INDEX 365 London (continued). QUEKETT MICROSCOPICAL CLUB. Journal. 850 > RAY SOCIETY. Publications. 1365 > - RONTGEN SOCIETY. Journal. 851 - KOYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OP ENGLAND. Journal. 852 * - ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND (1) Journal. 1655. (2) Transactions. 1655. - ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. See ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. - ROYAL COLLEGE or PHYSICIANS. Medical Transactions. 938. - ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. (1) Geographical Journal: including the Proceedings. 653 (2) Journal. 854. (3) Proceedings. 1811. (4) Supplementary Papers. 1466. (5) Year-Book. 1467. - ROYAL HUMANE SOCIETY. (1) Annual Report. 1468. (2) Transactions. 1657. - ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN. (1) Journal. 824. (2) Journal of Science and the Arts. 824. (3) Journals. 866. (4) Notices of the Proceedings, etc. 1168 (5) Quarterly Journal of Literature, Science and the Arts. 824. - ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Reports. 1204. - ROYAL MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY. See MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY. - ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. See BRITISH METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. - ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. See MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. - ROYAL NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. See NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. 366 SOCIETY INDEX London (continued). KOYAL PHOTOGBAPHIC SOCIETY. See PHOTOGKAPHIC SOCIETY. ROYAL SANITARY INSTITUTE. See SANITARY INSTITUTE. KOYAL SCHOOL OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEERING. Annual. 215. KOYAL SOCIETY. (1) Abrege des Transactions philosophiques. 1230. (2) Abstracts of the Papers communicated to the Royal Society. 29. (3) Abstracts of the Papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions. 29. (4) Acta Philosophica. 43. (5) International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. 712 (6) List of Fellows. 887 - (7) Medical Essays and Observations . . . abridg'd from the Philo- sophical Transactions. 1230. (8) Memoirs. 1230. (9) [Meteorological Observations.] 1472. (10) Meteorological Observations at Stations of the Second Order. 1051. (11) National Physical Laboratory. Minutes of the Executive Committee. 1471 -* (12) Philosophical Collections. 1230. (13) Philosophical Transactions. 1230 (14) Proceedings. 29 (15) Record. 1369 - (16) Report of the Meteorological Committee. 1416 > (17) Reports of the Commission for the investigation of Mediterranean Fever. 1431. (18) Reports of the Evolution Committee. 1436. (19) Reports of the Malaria Committee. 1437. (20) Reports of the Sleeping Sickness Commission. 1433 > (21) Saggio delle Transazioni filosofiche. 1230. (22) Transactions philosophiques. 1230. (23) Year-Book. 1765 -* ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS. See SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS, etc. ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE. Proceedings. 1317 * SAINT BARTHOLOMEW'S HOSPITAL. (1) Reports. 1475 > (2) Statistical Tables of the Patients under treatment in the wards. 1537. SOCIETY INDEX 367 London (continued). SAINT THOMAS'S HOSPITAL. Keports. 1476. SANITARY INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, afterwards KOYAL SANITARY INSTITUTE. (1) Journal. 1662 - (2) Transactions. 1662. SELBORNE SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS, PLANTS AND PLACES. Nature Notes. 1130. SOCIETY FOR BETTERING THE CONDITION AND INCREASING THE COMFORTS OF THE POOR. Keports. 1434. SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE. Medical Communications. 935. SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES AND COMMERCE, afterwards SOCIETY OF ARTS, and subsequently KOYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS. (1) Journal. 858 > (2) Transactions. 1665. SOCIETY FOR THE ILLUSTRATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF PRACTICAL SCIENCE. Magazine of Popular Science. 910. SOCIETY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL KNOWLEDGE. Transactions. 1584. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES. (1) Archaeologia. 255 > (2) Proceedings. 1320 SOCIETY OF ARTS. See SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS, etc, SOCIETY OF BIBLICAL ARCHEOLOGY. Proceedings. 1321 SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY. Journal. 859 > SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS. Transactions. 1530. SOCIETY OF PHYSICIANS. Medical Observations and Inquiries. 937. SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS. Proceedings. 1322 and 91 SOCIETY OF TELEGRAPH ENGINEERS, afterwards INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. (1) Journal. 860 (2) Science Abstracts. 1493 * 368 SOCIETY INDEX London (continued). STATISTICAL SOCIETY. (1) Journal. 861 (2) Transactions. 1667. UNITED SERVICE INSTITUTION. Journal. 864 > UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. (1) Drapers' Company Kesearch Memoirs. 603. (2) Physiological Laboratory . . . Collected Papers. 1236. (3) Keport of the Department of Pathological Chemistry. 1410. VICTORIA INSTITUTE. Journal of the Transactions. 863. WILLAN SOCIETY. Transactions. 1672. ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. (1) Proceedings. 128O > (2) Transactions. 1676 > (3) Zoological Kecord. 1370. Lons-le-Satmier. SOCIETE D'EMULATION DU DEPARTEMENT DU JURA. (1) Seances publiques. 1524. (2) Travaux. 1524. Loomis Laboratory of the Medical Department of the University of the City of New York. See UNIVERSITY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Louvaill. ACADEMIA LOVANIENSIS (UNIVERSITE). Annales. 112. Lozere, Departement de la. See MENDE. Lund. PHYSIOGRAPHISK SALLSKAPET. Tidskrift. 1235. UNIVERSITETET. (1) Acta. 50 (2) Arsskrift. 50 -> Luxemburg. SOCIETE DBS SCIENCES NATURELLES, GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEM- BOURG, afterwards INSTITUT KOYAL GRAND-DUCAL DE LUXEMBOURG. (1) Archives trimestrielles publiees par la Section des Sciences naturelles, physiques et mathematiques. 1527 > (2) Publications. 1527. SOCIETY INDEX 369 Lyceum of Natural History of New York, afterwards NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. (1) Annuls. 191 > (2) Proceedings. 1298. (3) Transactions. 1646. Lyine Regis. EOUSDOK OBSERVATORY. Meteorological Observations. 1465. Lyons. ACADEMIE NATIONALS DBS SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS. Me"moires. 950 MUSEUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE. Archives. 302. SOCIETE D'AGRICULTURE, HISTOIRE NATURELLE ET ARTS UTILES. (1) Annales. 153. (2) Annales des Sciences physiques et naturelles, d'Agriculture et d'Industrie. 153. SOCIETY D'AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES ET INDUSTRIE. See SOCIETE D'AGRICULTURE, HISTOIRE NATURELLE ET ARTS UTILES. SOCIETE D'ANTHROPOLOGIE. Bulletin. 465. SOCIETE LINNEENNE. (1) Annales. 143. (2) Compte-rendu. 1528. - UNIVERSITE. Annales. 135 > Maatschappij der Wetenschappeu te Haarlem. See BATAAFSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DER WETENSCHAPPEN. Macon. SOCIETE DES SCIENCES, ARTS ET BELLES-LETTRES, afterwards ACADEMIE DE MACON. (1) Annales. 573. (2) Compte rendu . . . des Travaux. 573. Madison. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Publications of the Washburn Observatory. 1351 > WISCONSIN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, ARTS, AND LETTERS. Transactions. 1673 WISCONSIN STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1674. Madras. GOVERNMENT MUSEUM. Bulletin. 897. Bb 370 SOCIETY INDEX Madras (continued). HONORABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S OBSERVATORY, afterwards GOVERNMENT OBSERVATORY. (1) Astronomical Observations. 1439. (2) Eesult of Astronomical Observations. 1439. LITERARY SOCIETY. Madras Journal of Literature and Science. 898. OBSERVATORY. See HONORABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S OBSERVATORY. Madrid. INSTITUTO GEOGR!FICO Y EsiADisiico. Memorias. 1030. EEAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS, FisiCAS, Y NATURALES. (1) Memorias. 1028 (2) Resiimen de las Actas. 1447. (3) Bevista. 1449 -* REAL OBSERVATORIO. (1) Anuario. 244 (2) Observaciones meteorologicas. 1184. SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE HlSTORIA NATURAL. (1) Anales. 85 (2) Boletin. 85 -* (3) Memorias. 85 > UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DE ESPANA. (1) Revista trimestral micrografica. 6rgano del Laboratorio histologico de la Facultad de Medicina. 1455. (2) Trabajos del Laboratorio de Investigaciones biologicas. 1455 (3) Travaux du Laboratoire de Recherches biologiques. 1455. Magdeburg. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN. Jahresbericht und Abhandlungen. 773. Maguetical and Meteorological Observatory at Batavia. See MAGNETISCH EN METEOROLOGISCH OBSERVATORIUM. Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory (Bombay). See HONORABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S OBSERVATORY, etc. Maguetical and Meteorological Observatory at Trinity College, Dublin. See UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN. Magnetisch en Meteorologisch Observatorium (Batavia). Observations made at the . . . Observatory. 1191 Magnetischer Verein (Gottingen). Resultate aus den Beobachtungen, etc. 1441. Magyar Akademia. See TuD6s TARSASAG. SOCIETY INDEX 371 Magyar Kiraly Foldtani Intezet (Budapest). (1) Foldtani Kbzlbny. 638 > (2) Jahresbericht. 751 * (3) Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuch. 1083 Magyar Kiralyi Orszagos Meteorologiai 6s Foldmagiiessegi Intezet (Budapest). (1) Jahrbiicher der kon. ung. Central-Anstalt fiir Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus. 1050. (2) Meteorologiai es Fblddelejessegi . . . Evkbnyvei. 1050. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. See Tuo6s TARSASAG. Magyarhoni Foldtani Tarsulat (Budapest). Foldtani Kozlbny. 638 * Maine-et-Loire, Departement de. See ANGERS. Malvern Naturalists' Field Club (Worcester). Transactions. 1635. Manchester. GEOLOGICAL AND MINING SOCIETY. Transactions. 1636 > - LlTEBAEY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. (1) Memoirs. 1015. (2) Memoirs and Proceedings. 1015 (3) Proceedings. 1296. OWENS COLLEGE. (1) Studies from the Biological Laboratories. 1546. (2) Studies from the Physical and Chemical Laboratories. 1549. (3) Studies from the Physiological Laboratory. 1551. (4) Studies in Biology from the Biological Department. 1546. Mannheim. ACADEMIA ELECTOKALIS SCIENTIAKUM ET ELEGANTIOBUM LITE- EARUM THEODORO-PALATINAE. Historia et Commentationes. 691. SOCIETAS METEOROLOGICA PALATINA. Ephemerides. 626. Mannheimer Verein fur Naturkunde. Jahresbericht. 759. Mantua. EEALE ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, BELLE LETIERE ED ARTI. Memorie. 1040. Marburg. GESELLSCHAFT ZUR BEPORDERUNG DER GESAMMTEN NATURWISSEU BCHAFTEN. (1) Schriften. 1483. (2) Sitzungsberichte. 1504. B b 2 872 SOCIETY INDEX Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (Plymouth). Journal. 845 Marine Biology Committee (Liverpool). Annual Keport. 229 > Marlborongh College Natural History Society. Keport. 1412. Marseilles. ACADEMIE DES BELLES-LETTRES. Memoires. 996. COMMISSION METEOROLOGIQUE DU DEPARTEMENT DES BOUCHES-DU-RHONE. Bulletin annuel. 454. FACULTE DES SCIENCES. Annales. 136 > INSTITUT BOTANICO-GEOLOGIQUE COLONIAL. Annales. 122. MUSEE D'HlSTOIRE NATURELLE. Annales . . . Travaux du Laboratoire de Zoologie marine. 159. Maryland Geological Survey. Keports. 917 > Maryland, State of. MEDICAL AND CHIRURCHCAL FACULTY. Transactions. 1637. Massachusetts Board of Agriculture (Boston). Annual Eeport of the Secretary. 233. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Boston). Technology Quarterly and Proceedings of the Society of Arts. 918. Massachusetts State Agricultural Experiment Station (Amherst). (1) Annual Eeport. 234. (2) Bulletin. 919. Mathematical and Physical Society of Toronto University. See UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Mathematical Society (Calcutta). Bulletin. 507 - Mathematical Society (Edinburgh). Proceedings. 1286 > Mathematical Society (London). Proceedings. 1297 > Mathematical Society (Moscow). [Mathematical Magazine.] 920 > Mauritius. METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY or MAURITIUS (Port Louis). (1) Proceedings and Transactions. 1642. (2) Transactions. 1642. SOCIETY INDEX 373 Mauritius (continued). NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, afterwards ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES OF MAURITIUS (Port Louis). (1) Proceedings. 1660. (2) Transactions. 1660. , ROYAL ALFRED OBSERVATORY. Annual Report of the Director. 227 > Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland. Transactions. 1637. Medical and Chirurgical Society of London, afterwards ROYAL MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY. (1) Medico-Chirurgical Transactions. 940. (2) Proceedings. 1314. Medical and Physical Society of Bombay. Transactions. 1638. Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. See INDIA. Medical Society of London. (1) Memoirs. 1017. (2) Transactions. 1639. Medical Society of the District of Columbia (Washington). Papers. 1327. Medical Society of the State of New York (Albany). Transactions. 1640. Medicinisch-Chirurgische Gesellschaft in Hamburg. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der gesammten Heilkunde. 1081. Medicinisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (Jena). (1) Denkschriften. 596 * (2) Jenaische Zeitschrift fur {Medicin und} Naturwissensehaft. 778 * Medicinisk Selskab i Christiania. Norsk Magazin for Lsegevidenskaben. 1164. Medizinisch-naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft zu Minister. Sitzungsbericht. 1510 > Melbourne. AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF MINING ENGINEERS. Transactions. 1602. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALASIA. Transactions. 1621. OBSERVATORY. See WILLIAMSTOWN OBSERVATORY. 374 SOCIETY INDEX Melbourne (continued). PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF VICTORIA, afterwards PHILOSOPHICAL IKSTITUTB OF VICTORIA, and subsequently ROYAL SOCIETY or VICTORIA. (1) Proceedings. 1653 * (2) Transactions. 1653. Mella, DlPARTIMENTO DEL. See BRESCIA. Mende. SOCIETE r>' AGRICULTURE, COMMERCE, SCIENCES ET ARTS. (1) Bulletin. 990. (2) Memoires et Analyse des Travaux. 990. Meriden, Connecticut. SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. Proceedings and Transactions. 1255. Mersey Docks and Harbour Board (Liverpool). (1) Report of the Astronomer. 1406. (2) Report of the Director of the Liverpool Observatory, Bidston, Birkenhead. 1411 Meteorological Department of the Government of India (Calcutta). (1) Rainfall of India. 1360 - (2) Report of the Administration. 1424. Meteorological Office (London). (1) Daily Weather Reports. 1056. (2) Hourly Readings from the self-recording instruments at the . . . Observatories in connection with the Meteorological Office. 699 (3) Monthly Weather Report. 1117. (4) Quarterly Weather Report. 1358. Meteorological Society (London). This Meteorological Society was a separate institution from the British Meteorological Society (q. v.), afterwards Meteorological Society, which was founded in 1850. Transactions. 1641. Meteorological Society of Great Britain (London). Quarterly Journal of Meteorology and Physical Science. 1355. Meteorological Society of Mauritius (Port Louis). Proceedings and Transactions. 1642. Meteorologische Commission des naturforschenden Vereins in Brunn. See NATURFORSCHENDER VEREIN. Meteorologisk Institut (Christian in). See NORSK METEOROLOGISK INSTITUT. Metz. SOCIETE D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE DU DEPARTEMENT DE LA MOSELLE. (1) Bulletin. 965. (2) Memoires. 965. SOCIETY INDEX 375 Metz (continued). SOCIETE DBS LETTRES, SCIENCES ET ARTS, afterwards ACADEMIE EOYALB (NATIONALE, IMPERIALE). M^moires. 1525. Mexico. ASOCIACION DE INGENIEROS Y ARQUITECTOS DE MEXICO. Anales. 83. COMMISSION SCIENTIFIQUE DU MEXIQUE. Archives. 296. SOCIEDAD ClENTf FICA ' ANTONIO ALZATE '. Memorias y Revista. 1029 > Microscopical Society of London, afterwards ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. (1) Journal. 1643 - (2) Monthly Microscopical Journal. 1643: (8) Transactions. 1643. Middelbnrg. ZEEUWSCH GENOOTSCHAP DER WETENSCHAPPEN. (1) Nieuwe Verhandelingen. 1713. (2) Nieuwe Werken. 1713. (3) Verhandelingen. 1713. Middlesex Hospital (London). (1) Archives. 306 * (2) Reports from the Cancer Research Laboratories. 1429. (3) Reports of the Medical, Surgical (Obstetric), and Pathological Registrars. 1071. Milan. ACCADEMIA FISIO-MEDICO-STATISTICA. Atti. 362. - FONDAZIONE SCIENTIFICA CAGNOLA. Atti. 363 > - IMPERIALS REGIO ISTITUTO DEL REGNO LOMBARDO-VENETO. Memorie. 1O33. In 1838 the Institute was reorganised as two separate societies, and continued as : (I.) IMPERIALE REGIO ISTITUTO LOMBARDO m SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI (q. v.). (II.) IMPERIALE REGIO ISTITUTO VENETO DI SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI (q. v.). - IMPERIALE REGIO ISTITUTO LOMBARDO DI SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI, afterwards REALE ISTITUTO, etc, (1) Atti. 668. (2) Giornale. 668. (3) Memorie. 1034 - (4) Rendiconti. 1367 - 376 SOCIETY INDEX Milan (continued). MtJSEo Cnnco DI STORIA NATUBALE. Atti. 370 - REALE OSSEBVATORIO DI BRERA. Pubblicazioni. 1335 SOCIET! GEOLOGICA, afterwards SOCIET! ITALIANA DI SCIENZE NATUBALI. (1) Atti 370 -> (2) Memorie. 1042. SOOIET! PATRIOTICA DI MILANO DIKETTA ALL' AVANZAMENTO DELL' AGBI- COLTUKA, DELLE AfiTI E DELLE MANIFATTURE. Atti. 872. Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland (London). Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, etc. 1073 -* Ministere de 1'Instruction Fublique et des Cultes (Paris). Archives des Missions scientifiques et litteraires. 300. Mint, The. Annual Keport of the Deputy Master. 225. Miramiclii Natural History Association (Chatham, New Brunswick). Proceedings. 1257 Missouri, University of. See COLUMBIA. Modeua. SOCIETA DEI NATUBALISTI. Annuario. 240. SOCIET! ITALIANA, afterwards SociEiX ITALIANA DELLE SCIENZE. Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica. 1044 Monaco. INSTTTUT OCEONOGBAPHIQUE. (1) Bulletin. 494 - . (2) Bulletin du Musee Oc6onographique. 494. Mons. SOCIETE DES SCIENCES, DES ABTS ET DES LETTBES DU HAINAUT. Memoires et Publications. 993. Mont-Blanc. OBSERVATOIBE METEOBOLOOIQUE. Annales. 133. Montpellier. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES ET LETTBES. (1) Bulletin mensuel. 499 > (2) M6moires de la Section de Medecine. 32 * (3) M6moires de la Section des Sciences. 32 > - SOCIETE KOYALE DES SCIENCES. (1) Assemblee publique. 321. (2) Histoire . . . avec les Memoires de Mathematiques et de Physique. 688. SOCIETY INDEX 377 Montreal. CANADIAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Transactions. 1606. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. (1) Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. 540. (2) Proceedings. 540. Moscow. MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. [Mathematical Magazine.] 920 OBSERVATOIRE. Annales. 128. SOCIETE IMPERIALE DES NATURALISTES. (1) Bulletin. 476 - (2) Memoires. 977. (3) Nouveaux Memoires. 977 UNIVERSITAS MOSQUENSIS. Commentationes Societatis Physico-Medicae. 566. Moselle, Departenieut de la. See METZ. Moulius. SOCIETE D'^MULATION DU DEPARTEMENT DE L'ALLIER. Bulletin. 466. Mount Weather Observatory. See UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Minister. AERZTLICHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen und Beobachtungen. 23. MEDIZINISCH-NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE GESELLSCHAFT. Sitzungsberichte. 1510 > Munich. FORSTBOTANISCHES INSTITUT. Untersuchungen. 1704. KONIGLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. (1) Abhandlungen. 3. (2) Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe. 9 * (3) Abhandlungen der naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Commission. 14. (4) Bulletin. 486. (5) Denkschriften. 595. (6) Gelehrte Anzeigen. 646. (7) Sitzungsberichte. 1506 * PRIVATGESELLSCHAFT VON NATURFORSCHERN UND OEKONOMEN IN OBER- DEUTSCHLAND. Abhandlungen. 21. Musee Botaniqne de l'Academie Iiiipeiiale des Sciences de Saint Petersbourg. See ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM IMPERIALIS PETROPOLITANA. 378 SOCIETY INDEX Mnsee d'Histoire Naturelle de Marseille. Annales . . . Travaux du Laboratoire de Zoologie marine. 159. Mnsee du Congo Beige. Annales. 160 * Musee Oceouographiqne de Monaco. See INSTITUT OCEONOGRAPHIQUE. Mnsee Royal d'Histoire Natnrelle de Belgiqne (Brussels). (1) Annales. 161. (2) BuUetin. 495. Mnsee Teyler (Haarlem). See TEYLEB'S STICHTING. Mnsee Zoologiqne de 1'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de Saiut- Fetersbonrg. See ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM IMPEEIALIS PETROPOLITANA. Mnseo Civico di Storia Natnrale di Milano. Atti. 370 -> Mnseo Civico di Storia Natnrale di Trieste. Atti. 353. Mnseo de La Plata. (1) Anales . . . Materiales para la Historia fisica y moral del Continente Sud-Americano. 87 * (2) Eevista. 145O -* Mnseo Imperiale di Fisica e Storia Natnrale di Firenze. See MUSEUM EEGIUM FLORENTINUM. Mnseo Pnblico de Bnenos Aires, afterwards MUSEO NACIONAL. (1) Anales. 88 > (2) Comunicaciones. 579. Mnseo Zoologico della Regia Universita di Napoli. See UNIVERSITI DI NAPOLL Mnsen Nacional do Bio de Janeiro. (1) Archives. 312. (2) Kevista. 1451. Mnsen Panlista (8. Paulo). Eevista. 1452. Museum (Bergen). See BERGKNSKE MUSEUM. Mnsenm Botanicnm Lngdnno-Batavnm (Leyden). Annales. 168. Mnsenm d'Histoire Natnrelle de Lyon. Archives. 302. SOCIETY INDEX 379 Museum d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris). See MUSEUM NATIONAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE. Museum der Naturgeschichte (Vienna). See WIENER MTTSEUM DER NATURGESCHICHTE. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris). (1) Annalen. 162. (2) Annales. 162. (3) Archives. 162. (4) Bulletin. 496 -* (5) Memoires. 162. (6) Nouvelles Annales. 162. (7) Nouvelles Archives. 162 > Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. See HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. See BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Museum of Zoology in University College (Dundee). See UNIVERSITY COLLEGE (Dundee). Museum Regium Florentinum, afterwards MUSEO IMPERIALS DI FISICA B STORIA NATURALE (Florence). Annali. 172. Musical Association (London). Proceedings. 13OO. Nancy. SOCIETE DES SCIENCES. See STRASSBURG. SOCIETE D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE DE STRASBOURG, after- wards SOCIETE DES SCIENCES DE NANCY. . SociiTE DES SCIENCES, LETTRES, ARTS ET AGRICULTURE, afterwards SOCIET^ EOYALE DES SCIENCES, LETTRES ET ARTS, and subsequently ACADEMIB DE STANISLAS. (1) Memoires. 1248. (2) Precis analytique des Travaux. 1248. Nantes. SOCIETE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE I'OUEST DE LA FRANCE. Bulletin. 473 - NaplCS. ACCADEMIA DEGLI ASPIRANTI NATURALIST!. (1) Annali. 173. (2) Bullettino. 528. ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE, afterwards EEALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZH E BELLE LETTERE. (1) Atti della reale Accademia delle Scienze. 365. (2) Memorie della reale Accademia delle Scienze. 365. (3) Eendiconto . . . dell' Accademia delle Scienze. 1394. In 1817 this Academy became a section of the Societa Reale Borbonica. 380 SOCIETY INDEX Naples (continued). ACCADEMIA DELLE SciENZE FlSICHE E MATEMATICHE. (SOCIETA EEALE DI NAPOLI.) (1) Atti. 357 - (2) Eendiconto. 1302 - ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE MOEALI EPOLITICHE. (SOCIETA EEALE DI NAPOLI.) Eendiconto delle Tornate e dei Lavori. 1396. KEALE ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE E BELLE LETTERE. See ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE. EEALE ACCADEMIA DI ARCHEOLOGIA, LETTERE E BELLE ARTI. Eendiconto. 1393. EEALE Isimnro D'!NCORAGGIAMENTO ALLE SCIENZE NATURALI. Atti. 354 -* SOCIETA DI NATURALISTI. Bollettino. 436 - SOCIETA PONTANIANA, afterwards ACCADEMIA PONTANIANA. (1) Atti. 1043 -> (2) Memorie. 1043. SOCIETA EEALE. The Societa Reak di Napoli, founded in 1808, consists of the three following Academies, viz. : ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE FISICHE E MATEMATICHE (q.v.). ACCADEMIA DI ARCHEOLOGIA, LETTERE E BELLE ARTI. ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE MORALI E POLITICHE (q. v.). The publications of the first and the last mentioned academies ivill be found by referring to the name of the academy required. SOCIETA EEALE BORBONICA. See ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE. UNIVERSITA. Annuario del Museo Zoologico. 239 * ZOOLOGISCHE STATION. (1) Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel. 633 (2) Mittheilungen. 1089 > (3) Zoologischer Jahresbericht. 1808 Nassauischer Verein far Natnrknnde (Wiesbaden). See VEREIN FUR NATURKUNDE IM HERZOGTHUM NASSAU. Natal {Government} Museum. Annals. 192 > SOCIETY INDEX National Academy of Sciences (Washington). (1) Annual. 214. (2) Memoirs. 1019 > (3) Keport. 1418. National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (United Kingdom). Transactions. 1644. National Geographic Society (Washington). Papers. 1327. National Herbarium (Washington). See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. National Institution for the Promotion of Science (Washington). Bulletin of the Proceedings. 516. National Museum (Washington). See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. National Observatory, afterwards UNITED STATES NAVAL OBSERVATORY (Washington). (1) Astronomical (Magnetic and Meteorological) Observations. 327. (2) Publications. 1348 > (3) Keport of the Superintendent. 1423. National Physical Laboratory (Teddington). (1) Collected Eesearches. 1125 (2) Minutes of the Executive Committee. 1471 > Nationalmuseum cler Naturgeschichte (Paris). See MUSEUM NATIONAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE. Natural History and Philosophical Society (Belfast). See BELFAST. NATURAL HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Natural History Society, aftenvards EOYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES OF MAURITIUS (Port Louis). (1) Proceedings. 1660. (2) Transactions. 1660. Natural History Society of Dublin. (1) Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. 605. (2) The Natural History Keview: a quarterly journal, including the transactions of the . . . Dublin Natural History Society. 1126. (3) Proceedings. 1301. Natural History Society of Eastbourne. (1) Papers. 1217* (2) Transactions. 1217. 882 SOCIETY INDEX Natural History Society of Glasgow. (1) Glasgow Naturalist. 1302 (2) Proceedings. 1302. (3) Transactions. 1302, Natural History Society of Montreal. (1) Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. 540. (2) Proceedings. 540. Natural History Society of New Brunswick (Saint John). Bulletin. 513 -* Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle* upon-Tyne (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). (1) Natural History Transactions of Northumberland and Durham. 1669. (2) Transactions. 1645. Naturalists' Club and Scientific Association (Leeds). Transactions. 1630. Naturalists' Society (Simla). Journal. 857. Natnrforschende Gesellschaft in Aarau. See AARGAUISCHE NATURFOKSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. Naturforschende Gesellschaft (Altenburg). Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. 1085. Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Basel. (1) Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen. 405. (2) Verhandlungen. 405 Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Bern. Mittheilungen. 1097 * Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Dantzig. (1) Neue Sammlung von Versuchen und Abhandlungen. 1751. (2) Neueste Schriften. 1156. (3) Schriften. 1156 - (4) Versuche und Abhandlungen. 1751. Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Eiuden. (1) Jahresbericht. 772 (2) Kleine Schriften. 873. Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Freiburg-im-Breisgau. (1) BeitrSge zur rheinischen Naturgeschichte. 385. (2) Berichte. 411 - (3) Berichte tiber die Verhandlungen. 385. Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Gorlitz. Abhandlungen. 10 > SOCIETY INDEX 383 Natnrforschende Gesellschaft zn Halle. (1) Abhandlungen. 4 and 11 (2) Bericht tiber die Sitzungen. 401. (3) Neue Schriften. 1154. Naturforschende Gesellschaft zn Leipzig. (1) Acta. 46. (2) Schriften. 46. (3) Sitzungsberichte. 1508. Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Zurich. (1) Abhandlungen. 12. (2) Astronomische Mittheilungen. 343 > (3) Bericht tiber die Verhandlungen. 406. (4) Meteorologische Beobachtungen. 1062. (5) Mittheilungen. 1098. (6) Vierteljahrsschrift. 1754 > Naturforschende Gesellschaft Granbundens (Coire). Jahresbericht. 752. Naturforschender Verein in Briinn. (1) Bericht der meteorologischen Commission . . . tiber die Ergebnisse der meteorologischen Beobachtungen, etc. 392. (2) Verhandlungen. 1734 Naturforschender Verein zn Riga. (1) Arbeiten. 254. (2) Correspondenzblatt. 589. (3) Jahresbericht. 760. Naturhistorie Selskab (Copenhagen). (1) Schriften . . . aus dem Danischen iibersetzt. 1516. (2) Skrivter. 1516. Naturhistorisch-medicinischer Verein zn Heidelberg. Verhandlungen. 1735 Naturhistorische Gesellschaft zn Niirnberg. Abhandlungen. 13. Naturhistorischer Verein in Augsburg. Bericht. 396. Naturhistorischer Verein in Passau. Jahresbericht. 761. Naturhistorischer Verein der Freussischeu Rheinlande nnd Westfaleus (Bonn). See NlEDERRHEINISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FtJB NATUE- UND Naturhistorischer Verein for Anhalt in Dessan. Verhandlungen. 1737. Naturhistorisches Landesmuseum (Klugenfurt). Jahrbuch. 732. 384 SOCIETY INDEX Naturhistorisches Museum zu Hamburg. (1) Bericht des Direktor. 1133. (2) Mitteilungen. 1133 > Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjobenhavii. Videnskabelige Meddelelser. 1752 * Naturwissenschaftlich-M^clizinischer Verein in Innsbruck. Berichte. 412 Naturwisseiischaftlich-Teclmische Commission bei der Koniglich-Bayeri schen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Miinchen. See KONIGLICHE AKADEMIE DEB WISSENSCHAFTEN zu MUNCHEN. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft zu Chemnitz. Bericht. 393. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft in Hamburg. See NATUKWISSENSOHAFTLICHER VEREIN IN HAMBURG. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (St. Gall). (1) Bericht tiber die Thatigkeit. 402. (2) Jahrbuch. 402 > Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft ' Isis ' zu Dresden. (1) Allgemeine deutsche naturhistorische Zeitung. 59. (2) Sitzungsberichte. 1509. (3) Sitzungsberichte und Abhandlungen. 1509. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein zu Bremen. Abhandlungen. 22 > Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Halle. See NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN FUR SACHSEN UND THURINGEN. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg. (1) Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. 2 (2) Mittheilungen aus den Verhandlungen. 1087. (3) Verhandlungen. 1738* Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein des Harzes (Quedlinburg). Bericht. 397. Naturwisseuschaftlicher Verein in Magdeburg. Jahresbericht und Abhandlungen. 773. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein zu Osnabruck. Jahresbericht. 763 Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein des Begiernngsbezirkes Frankfurt (Frankfort-on-the-Oder). (1) Abhandlungen und monatliche Mittheilungen aus dem Gesammt- gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. 1109. (2) Helios. 1109 -> (3) Monatliche Mittheilungen. 1109. (4) Societatum Litterae. 1522. SOCIETY INDEX 385 Naturwissenschaftliclier Vereiii fur Sachsen nud Thuringen ill Halle. (1) Abhandlungen. 18. (2) Jahresbericht. 762. (3) Zeitschrift fur {die gesammten} Naturwissenschaften. 1777 > Naturwissenschaftliclier Vereiu for Schleswig-Holstein (Kiel). Schriften. 1487 > Naturwissenschaftliclier Vereiu fur Steiermark (Gratz). Mittheilungen. 1102 > Naturwissenschaftliclier Vereiu vou Elberfelcl uiid Barmen. Jahres-Berichte. 775. Natuur- en Geueeskuudige Correspondeutie Societeit in de Vereeuigde Nederlanden (The Hague). Verhandelingen. 1715. Natuurkuiidig Geiiootschap : tot Nut en Vergeuoegen, te Aruheim. See GEKOOTSCHAP : TOT NUT EN VERGENOEGEN. Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlaiidsch Indie, afterwards KONINKLIJKE NATUURKUNDIGE VEREENIGING, etc. (Batavia). (1) Acta. 49. (2) Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie. 1141 * (3) Verhandelingen. 49. Naval Observatory (Washington). See NATIONAL OBSERVATORY. Nebraska, University of. See LINCOLN. Nederlandsch Gasthuis voor Ooglijders. (1) Jaarlijksch Verslag. 724. (2) Oogheelkundige Verslagen en Bijbladen . . . met het Jaarverslag. 724 > (3) Verslag. 724. Nederlandsche Botanische Vereeniging (Nimeguen). (1) Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief. 1149 > (2) Kecueil des Travaux botaniques neerlandais. 1149 > Nederlandsche Eutomologische Vereeniging (Leyden). Handelingen. 682. Neubraudenburg. VEREIN DER FREUNDE DER NATURGESCHICHTE IN MECKLEN- BURG. Archiv. 265. Neuchatel. SOCIETE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. (1) Bulletin. 474 -> (2) M6moires. 970. Neue Zoologische Gesellschaft in Frankfurt a. M. See ZOOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN FRANKFURT A. M. c c 386 SOCIETY INDEX Neustadt-on-the Haardt. POLLICHIA. Jahresbericht. 754. New Russian Society of Naturalists (Odessa). Transactions. 1767 > Newcastle-upon-Tyne. CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1158. afterwards LONDON. IKON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. (1) Journal. 716 > (2) Transactions. 716. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OP NORTHUMBERLAND, DURHAM, AND NEW- CASTLE-UPON-TYNE. (1) Natural History Transactions of Northumberland and Durham. 1669. (2) Transactions. 1645. NORTH OP ENGLAND INSTITUTE OF MINING ENGINEERS, afterwards NORTH OF ENGLAND INSTITUTE OF MINING AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Transactions. 1167 * TYNESIDE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. After 1864 the Club was incorporated with the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Transactions. 1669. New Haven, Conn. CONNECTICUT ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. (1) Memoirs. 1008. (2) Transactions. 1008 > YALE UNIVERSITY. (1) Studies from the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College. 1547. (2) Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory. 1553. (3) Transactions of the Astronomical Observatory. 1601 * New Orleans. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Papers. 1221. New South Wales. (1) Abstract of Meteorological Observations made in N. S. W. 25. (2) Eesults of Meteorological Observations made in N. S. W. 25. New South Wales. DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND AGRICULTURE. Annual Keport. 224. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF. Transactions. 1616. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. (1) Memoirs. 1O13 * (2) Kecords. 1376 - SOCIETY INDEX 337 New South Wales (continued). LINNEAN SOCIETY OF. Proceedings. 1294 > PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, afterwards EOYAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. (1) Journal and Proceedings. 1652 > (2) Transactions. 1652. (3) Transactions and Proceedings. 1652. PRIVATE OBSERVATORY OF JOHN TEBBUTT, JUNK. (1) Meteorological Observations. 1054. (2) Eeport. 1405. New York. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. See LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1589. AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL (AND STATISTICAL} SOCIETY. (1) Bulletin. 827 - (2) Journal. 827. (3) Proceedings. 1262. (4) Transactions. 827 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. (1) Annual Eeport. 1591. (2) Transactions. 1591. AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. (1) Bulletin. 503 - (2) Transactions. 1592 > AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. (1) Annual Eeport. 76 > (2) BuUetin. 5O4 - AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY. Physical Eeview. 1232 > AMERICAN SOCIETY OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTS. Proceedings. 1264 FARMERS' CLUB. Proceedings. 1591. LINNAEAN SOCIETY. (1) Abstract of the Proceedings. 27 (2) Transactions. 1632. LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1634. LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, afterwards NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. (1) Annals. 191 (2) Proceedings. 1298. (3) Transactions. 1646. c c 2 388 SOCIETY INDEX New York (continued). POLYTECHNIC ASSOCIATION. Proceedings. 1591. ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE FOE MEDICAL EESEARCH. Studies. 1552 > SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. Proceedings. 1319 * UNIVERSITY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Researches of the Loomis Laboratory of the Medical Department. 1438. New York, State of. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Memoirs. 1002. ECLECTIC MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Transactions. 1613. - HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1622. - MEDICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1640. UNIVERSITY. See ALBANY. New York State Agricultural Society (Albany). Transactions. 1647. New York State Museum (Albany). See UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. New Zealand. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. (1) Annual Report on the Colonial Museum and Laboratory. 658. (2) Bulletin. 1160 - (3) Reports of Geological Explorations. 659. New Zealand Institute (Wellington). Transactions and Proceedings. 1581 Nice. OBSERVATOIRE. Annales. 129. Niederrheiiiisclie G-esellschaft fur Natur- und Heil-Kunde, afterwards NATURHISTORISCHER VEREIN DER PREUSSISCHEN RHEINLANDE UND WESTFALENS (Bonn). (1) Organ fur die gesammte Heilkunde. 1207. (2) Sitzungsberichte. 1510 (3) Verhandlungen. 1736. Nijni Tagilsk. OBSERVATORY. Observations m6t6orologiques. 1196. SOCIETY INDEX 389 Nimeguen. NEDEELANDSCHE BOTANISCHE VEEEENIGINO. (1) Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief. 1149 > (2) Eecueil des Travaux botaniques n^erlandais. 1149 > Nimes. ACADEMIE DE NIMES. M&noires. 948. Niort. ATHENEE. Memoires. 954. Nobelinstitut (Stockholm). Meddelanden fran K. Vetenskapsakademiens Nobel Institut. 929 > Norcl, Departemeiit dn. See DOUAI. Norsk Meteorologisk Institut (Christiania). (1) Jahrbuch des norwegischen meteorologischen Instituts. 1165 (2) Norsk Meteorologisk Aarbog. 1165. North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. See SHANGHAI LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, etc. North of England Institute of Mining Engineers, afterwards NORTH OP ENGLAND INSTITUTE OF MINING AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). Transactions. 1167 Norwegisches Meteorologisches Institut. See NORSK METEOROLOGISK INSTITUT. Norwich Geological Society. Proceedings. 1303. Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science (Halifax). Proceedings and Transactions. 1262 Numismatic Society, afterwards EOYAL NUMISMATIC SOCIETY (London). (1) The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society. 1180. (2) Proceedings. 1304. Nuremberg. NATURHISTORISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Abhandlungen. 13. Oberhessische Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde (Giessen). Bericht. 394. Observatoire Astronomique de Montsouris. See OBSERVATOIRE EOYAL (Paris). Observatoire Astronomique, Magnetique et Meteorologique de Toulouse. See OBSERVATOIRE DE TOULOUSE. 390 SOCIETY INDEX Observatoire Central Nicolas de Russie (Pulkova). See OBSERVATOIRE PHYSIQUE CENTRAL DE KUSSIE. Observatoire cV Astronomic Physique de Paris. See OBSERVATOIRE EOYAL (Paris). Observatoire de Bordeaux. Annales. 125. Observatoire de Brnxelles. See OBSERVATOIRE KOYAL DE BRUXELLES. Observatoire de 1' Academic de Turin. See UNIVERSITA DI TORINO. Observatoire de 1'Universite d'Upsal. See UNIVERSITETET i UPSALA. Observatoire de Montsouris. See OBSERVATOIRE KOYAL (Paris). Observatoire de Moscou. Annales. 128. Observatoire de Nice. Annales. 129. Observatoire de Paris. See OBSERVATOIRE KOYAL (Paris). Observatoire de Toulouse. Annales. 130. Observatoire Imperial de Paris. See OBSERVATOIRE KOYAL (Paris). Observatoire Imperial de Rio de Janeiro. See IMPERIAL OBSERVATORIO DO Kio DE JANEIRO. Observatoire Magnetiqiie et Meteorologique de Zi-ka-wei. Bulletin mensuel. 500. Observatoire Meteorologique du Mont-Blanc. Annales. 133. Observatoire National d'Athenes. Annales. 134 > Observatoire Physique Central de Russie (St. Petersburg). (1) Annalen. 1195. (2) Annales. 1195 - (3) Compte rendu annuel. 570. (4) Observations de Poulkova. 1190. (5) Publications. 1341 .Observatoire Physique Central Nicolas de Russie. See OBSERVATOIRE PHYSIQUE CENTRAL DE RUSSIE. SOCIETY INDEX 391 Observatoire Royal (Paris). (1) Annales de 1'Observatoire d'Astronomie physique. 124 (2) Annales du Bureau des Longitudes et de 1'Observatoire astronomique de Montsouris. 156. (3) Annales . . . Memoires. 131 > (4) Annales . . . Observations. 131 > (5) Annuaire de 1'Observatoire de Montsouris. 213. (6) Observations astronomiques. 1189. (7) Kapport annuel. 1361 Observatoire Royal {de Brtucellesj (DE BELGIQUE). (1) Annales. 126. (2) Annales astronomiques. 126 > (3) Annales meteorologiques. 167 and 126 (4) Annuaire. 204. (6) Annuaire astronomique. 204 > (6) Annuaire met^orologique. 204 > (7) Correspondance mathSmatique et physique. 586. (8) Physique du Globe. 126 > Observatorio Astron6mico de Santiago. Observaciones meteorolojicas. 1185. Observatorio de Madrid. See EEAL OBSERVATOEIO. Observatorio do Infante D. Luiz em Lisboa. (1) Annaes. 96. (2) Annaes. Observances dos Postos meteorologicos segundo o piano adoptado no Congresso de Vienna d'Austria, etc. 97. (3) Postos meteorologicos. Annexes aos Annaes. 1245. (4) Trabalhos. 1579. Observatorio Meteorologico de Coimbra. See UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA. Observatorio Real de San Fernando, afterwards INSTITUTO Y OBSERVATORIO DE MARINA. (1) Almanaque nautico y Efemerides astrondmicas. 65 (2) Anales . . . Seccion 2 a Observaciones meteor ologicas, magn^ticas y slsmicas. 89 (3) Observaciones. 1183. Observatorinnt (Christiania). Meteorologiske lagttagelser. 1068. Observatorinm (Stockholm). Astronomiska lakttagelser och Undersokningar. 347 * Observatorium, afterwards PHYSIKALISCHES OBSERVATORIUM (Tiflis). (1) Beobachtungen der Temperatur des Erdbodens. 1122. (2) Magnetische Beobachtungen. 1060. (3) Meteorologische Beobachtungen. 1059, 392 SOCIETY INDEX Observatory (Adelaide). Meteorological Observations. 1052. Observatory (Ann Arbor). Astronomical Notices. 326. Observatory (Cambridge). See UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. Observatory (Cincinnati). See UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI. Observatory (Hongkong). (1) Meteorological Observations. 1053 > (2) Observations and Eesearches. 1188. Observatory (Melbourne). See WILLIAMSTOWN OBSERVATORY. Observatory (Nijni Tagilsk). Observations m6teorologiques. 1106. Observatory (Sydney). See SYDNEY OBSERVATORY. Observatory (Trevandrum). Astronomical Ephemeris. 324. Odessa. NEW EUSSIAN SOCIETY OF NATURALISTS. Transactions. 1767 > Odoutological Society (London). Transactions. 1648. (Ekonomische Gesellschaft (Bern). See SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Oesterreichische Gesellschaft far Meteorologie (Vienna). (1) Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 1065 > (2) Zeitschrift. 1769. Oesterreichischer Alpen-Verein (Vienna). Mittheilungen. 1103. Offenbacher Vereiii fur Natnrknnde (Offenbach am Main). Bericht. 398. Oficina Meteorol6gica Argentina (Buenos Aires). Anales. 84. Oise, Departement de 1'. See BEAUVAIS. OpOrtO. ACADEMIA POLYTECHNICA. Annaes scientificos. 98 > SOCIETY INDEX 393 Orleans. SOCIETE r> 'AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS, after- wards SOCIETE KOYALE DES SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS. (1) Annales. 491. (2) Bulletin. 491. (3) Bulletin des Sciences physiques, medicales et d' Agriculture. 491. (4) Memoires. 491. Orleans County Society of Natural Sciences. Archives of Science. 304. Osnabriick. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN. Jahresbericht. 763 > Osservatorio del Collegio Romano. See COLLEGIUM ROMANUM SOCIETATIS JESU. Osservatorio Marittimo (Triest). Rapporto annuale. 1363 Ottawa Literary and Scientific Society. Transactions. 1649. Ouro Preto. ESCOLA DE MINAS. Annaes. 93. Owens College (Manchester). (1) Studies from the Biological Laboratories. 1546. (2) Studies from the Physical and Chemical Laboratories. 1549. (3) Studies from the Physiological Laboratory. 1551. (4) Studies in Biology from the Biological Department. 1546. Oxford. ASHMOLEAN SOCIETY. (1) Abstract of the Proceedings. 26. (2) Proceedings. 26. (3) Transactions. 1596. Oxford University. DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY. Collected Papers. 559 MUSEUM. Reports of the Hope Department of Zoology. 696 RADCLIFFE OBSERVATORY. (1) Astronomical and Meteorological Observations. 329 * (2) Astronomical Observations. 329. (3) Results of Astronomical and Meteorological Observations. 329. Oxfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club, afterwards ASHMO- LEAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF OXFORDSHIRE (Oxford). (1) Proceedings and Report. 1212 > (2) Report. 1212. 394 SOCIETY INDEX Padua. ACCADEMIA DI PADOVA, afterwards ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, LETTEEE ED ABTI, and subsequently CESAREC-KECIA ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, etc. (1) Nuovi Saggi. 1474. (2) Eevista periodica dei Lavori. 1454. (3) Saggi scientific! e letterari. 1474. Falaeontographical Society (London). Publications. 1214 > Palermo. ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE E LETTERS. Atti. 361. CIRCOLO MATEMATICO. Rendiconti. 1391 > CONSIGLIO DI PEEFEZIONAMEKTO ANNESSO AL R. ISTITUTO TECNICO. Giornale di Scienze naturali ed economiche. 672 * KEAL OSSERVATORIO. Bullettino meteorologico. 672 * SOCIETA DEGLI SPETTROSCOPISTI IlALIANI. Memorie. 1041 > SOCIETA DEI NATURALISTI SICILIANI. II Naturalista siciliano. 1128. SOCIETA DI SCIENZE NATURALI ED ECONOMICHE. (1) Bullettino. 53O. (2) Giornale di Scienze naturali ed economiche. 672 * Palestra Scientifica do Bio de Janeiro. Archives. 811. Paris. ACADEMIE DBS INSCRIPTIONS ET BELLES-LETTRES [!NSTITUT DE FRANCE]. Journal des Savants. 801 > ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES [INSTITUT DE FRANCE]. (1) Bulletin du Comite international permanent pour 1'execution photographique de la Carte du Ciel. 492. (2) Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Seances. 678 > (3) Connoissance des Temps. 581 (4) Histoire. 686. (5) Machines et Inventions approuv SOCIETY INDEX 395 Paris (continued). BUREAU CENTRAL METEOROLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Annales. 155 * BUREAU DES LONGITUDES. (1) Annales du Bureau des Longitudes et de 1'Observatoire astronomique de Montsouris. 156. (2) Annuaire. 205 * (3) Connaissance des Temps. 581 * (4) Ephemerides des Etoiles de Culmination lunaire et de Longitude. 535. - BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DES POIDS ET MESURES. Travaux et Me'moires. 1678 > - COMITE INTERNATIONAL DES POIDS ET MESURES. Proces-Verbaux des Seances. 561 - CONSERVATOIRE IMPERIAL DES ARTS ET METIERS. Annales. 157. - ECOLE CENTRALE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS, afterwards ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE. (1) Correspondance sur 1'Ecole ... a 1'usage des eleves de cette 6cole. 587. (2) Journal de 1'Ecole polytechnique. 865 (3) Journal polytechnique. 865. - ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE. Annales scientifiques. 169 > - ECOLE PRATIQUE DES HAUTES ETUDES. Laboratoire d'Histologie . . . du College de France. Travaux. 609 - ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE PHARMACIE. Bulletin des Travaux de la Soci^te de Pharmacie. 485 * - ECOLES NORMALES. Seances. 1501. - INSTITUT DE FRANCE. Calendrier. 706. See also ACADEMIE DES INSCRIPTIONS ET BELLES-LETTRES. See also ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. - INSTITUT PASTEUR. (1) Annales. 123 *> (2) Bulletin. 461 - - MINISTERS DE L'INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE ET DES CULTES. Archives des Missions scientifiques et litteraires. 300. - MUSEUM NATIONAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLK. (1) Annalen. 162. (2) Annales. 162. (3) Archives. 162. 396 SOCIETY INDEX Paris (continued). (4) Bulletin. 498 - (5) M (2) Annales du Bureau des Longitudes et de 1'Observatoire astronomique de Montsouris. 156. (3) Annales . . . Memoires. 131 * (4) Annales . . . Observations. 131 * (5) Annuaire de 1'Observatoire de Montsouris. 213. (6) Observations astronomiques. 1189. (7) Kapport annuel. 1361 > SOCIETE ASIATIQTJE. Nouveau Journal asiatique. 1172. SOCIETE CHIMIQUE. (1) Bulletin. 1523 -> (2) Repertoire de Chimie appliqu6e. 1523. (3) Kepertoire de Chimie pure. 1523. SOCIETE CUVIERIENNE. Revue zoologique. 1461. SOCIETE D'ANTHROPOLOGIE. (1) Bulletin. 523. (2) Bulletins et Memoires. 523 * (3) Memoires. 962. SOCIETE CUMULATION POUR LES SCIENCES PHARMACEUTIQUES. Kecueil des Travaux. 1385. SOCIETE D'ENCOURAGEMENT POUR L'!NDUSTRIE NATIONALE. (1) Annuaire. 467. (2) Bulletin. 467 -* SOCIETE D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE. (1) Actes. 52. (2) Memoires. 963. SOCIETE DE BIOLOGIE. Comptes rendus (hebdomadaires) des Stances et Memoires. 676 > SOCIETE DE CHIMIE MEDICALE. Journal de Chimie mSdicale, de Pharniacie, de Toxicologie, et Revue des Nouvelles scientifiques, nationales et 6trangeres. 786. SOCIETE DE GEOQRAPHIE. (1) Bulletin. 469. (.2) Compte rendu des Seances. 572. (3) La G6ographie. 469 SOCIETY INDEX -397 Paris (continued). SOCIETE DES PHAKMACIENS. Journal. 791. SOCIETE DBS SCIENCES NATURELLES DE FRANCE. Bulletin. 472. SOCIETE ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Annales. 141. - SOCIETE ETHNOLOGIQUE. Memoires. 974. - SOCIETE FRA^AISE DE PHYSIQUE. (1) Bulletin des Seances. 1500 (2) Seances. 1500. - SOCIETE FRAN^AISE DE STATISTIQUE UNIVERSELLE. Journal des Travaux. 802. - SOCIETE GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. (1) BuUetin. 475 -> (2) Memoires. 976. (3) Memoires. Pal6ontologie. 976 - SOCIETE LINNEENNE. (1) Compte rendu des Travaux. 574. (2) Memoires. 979. - SOCIETE MATHEMATIQUE DE FRANCE. Bulletin. 479 > - SOCIETE MEDICALE D'EMULATION. Travaux. 794. - SOCIETE METEOROLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. (1) Annuaire. 212. (2) Nouvelles m^teorologiques. 1177. - SOCIETE MINERALOGIQUE DE FRANCE. Bulletin. 480 * - SOCIETE PHILOMATHIQUE. (1) Bulletin. 488 -* (2) Bulletin des Sciences. 488. (3) Extraits des Proces-Verbaux des Stances. 488. (4) Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences. 488. (5) Eapports generaux. 1364. - SOCIETE PHRENOLOGIQUE. Journal. 792. - SOCIETE POLYTECHNIQUE- PRATIQUE. (1) BuUetin. 121. (2) Eecueil. 121. 398 SOCIETY INDEX Paris (continued). SOCIETE POUR LA PROPAGATION DES CoNNAISSANCES SCIENTIFIQUES ET INDUSTRIELLES. Bulletin universel des Sciences et de 1'Industrie. 497. SOCIETE EOYALE DES PRISONS. Annales. 121. Fassan. NATURHISTORISCHER VEREIN. Jahresbericht. 761. Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. 821 * Pathological Society of London. Transactions. 1650. Pathological Society of Toronto. Proceedings and Transactions. 1253. Feabody Academy of Science (Salem, Mass.). (1) American Naturalist. 77. (2) Annual Keport of the Trustees. 235. (3) Memoirs. 1020. Feabody Education Fund (Boston). Proceedings. 1324. Feabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. See HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Pennsylvania, State of. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Journal. 838 Pennsylvania, University of. See PHILADELPHIA. Feuzauce. KOYAL GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF CORNWALL. Transactions. 1656 > Permanente Commission der internationalen Erdmessnng. Verhandlungen der . . . Conferenz. 1721. Ferpignau. SOCIETE PHILOMATHIQUE DE PERPIGNAN, afterwards SOCIETE DES PYRENEES-OREENTALES, etc. Bulletin. 481. Perthshire Society of Natural Science (Perth). Proceedings. 1305. Pest. See BUDAPEST. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (London). Pharmaceutical Journal {and Transactions}. 1224 + SOCIETY INDEX 399 Philadelphia. ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. (1) American Journal of Conchology. 70. (2) Journal. 825 (3) Proceedings. 1258 > (4) Proceedings of the Mineralogical and Geological Section. 1299. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. (1) Proceedings. 1263 > (2) Transactions. 1593. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Journal. 838 - GEOGRAPHICAL CLUB, afterwards GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Bulletins. 526. - UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. (1) Publications . . . Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory. 1349 -> (2) Publications . . . Mathematics. 1350. - WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE. Transactions. 167O WISTAR INSTITUTE OF ANATOMY AND BIOLOGY. (1) American Journal of Anatomy. 69 * (2) Journal of Comparative Neurology (and Psychology). 815 * (3) Journal of Morphology. 819 > Philippine Islands. BUREAU OF SCIENCE. Philippine Journal of Science. 1228 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. ETHNOLOGICAL SURVEY. Publications. 1227. Philosophical and Literary Society of Leeds. Transactions. 1651. Philosophical Institute of Victoria. See PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, etc. Philosophical Society of Adelaide, afterwards ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. (1) Memoirs. 1021 (2) Transactions and Proceedings and Report. 1580 * Philosophical Society (Cambridge). (1) Proceedings. 1277 > (2) Transactions. 1605 * Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. 1306 400 SOCIETY INDEX Philosophical Society of New South Wales, afterwards KOYAL SOCIETY OP NEW SOUTH WALES (Sydney). (1) Journal and Proceedings. 1652 (2) Transactions. 1652. (3) Transactions and Proceedings. 1652. Philosophical Society of Queensland, afterwards KOYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND (Brisbane). Proceedings. 1318 > Philosophical Society of Victoria, afterwards PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE OF VICTORIA, and subsequently KOYAL SOCIETY OF VICTORIA (Melbourne). (1) Proceedings. 1653 > (2) Transactions. 1653. Philosophical Society of Washington. (1) Bulletin. 515 - (2) Papers. 1327. Fhilosophisch-Medicinische Gesellschaft zu Wiirzburg. Jahrbucher. 742. Photographic Society of London, afterwards PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN, subsequently ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, etc. (London). (1) Journal . . . containing the transactions. 847. (2) Photographic Journal, including the transactions. 847 > Physical Society of London. (1) Abstracts of Physical Papers from Foreign Sources. 1233. (2) Proceedings. 1307 > (3) Science Abstracts. 1493 Physikalisch-Medicinische Gesellschaft (Wurzburg). (1) Sitzungsberichte. 1511 (2) Verhandlungen. 1727 (3) Wtirzburger medicinische Zeitschrift. 1727. (4) Wtirzburger naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. 1727. Physikalisch-Medicinische Societat in Erlaiigen. (1) Abhandlungen. 15. (2) Sitzungsberichte. 1512 > (3) Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen. 1764. Pliysikaliscli-Okoiiomisclie Gesellschaft zu Konigsberg. (1) Beitrage zur Naturkunde Preussens. 383. (2) Schriften. 1485 Fhysikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt (Berlin). (1) Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. 1763. (2) Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenkunde. 1781 * SOCIETY INDEX 401 Pliysikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin, afterwards DEUTSCHE PHYSIKALISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, etc. (1) Annalen der Physik und Cliemie. 799. (2) Berichte. 1728. (3) Fortschritte der Physik. 642 > (4) Verhandlungen. 1728 * Fhysikalische Gesellschaft in Zurich. (1) Jahresbericht. 753. (2) Mitteilungen. 753 * Physikalischer Verein zu Frankfurt am Main. (1) Jahrbuch zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse. 738. (2) Jahresbericht. 764. Fhysikalisch.es Central-Observatorium (St. Petersburg). See OBSERVATOIRE PHYSIQUE CENTRAL DE KUSSIE. Fhysikalisches Observatorium (Tiflis). See OBSERVATORIUM. Fhysiographisk Forening (Christiania). (1) Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne. 902. (2) Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne. 902 * Fhysiographisk Sallskapet (Lund). Tidskrift. 1235. Physiological Society (London). Proceedings. 823 > Fhysiologisch Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. See UTRECHTSCHE. HOOGESCHOOL. Fhysiologisch Laboratorium van de Doorlnchtige en Elinische Scholen (Amsterdam). Onderzoekingen. 1203. Fhysiologische Anstalt zu Leipzig. Arbeiten. 252. Fhysiologisch.es Institut zu Breslau. Studien. 1545. Fhysiologisches Institut zu Kiel. Arbeiten. 248. Fhysiologisches Laboratorium der Wurzburger Hochschule. See WURZBURG. HOCHSCHULE. Fisa. ACCADEMIA VALDARNESE DEL POGGIO. Memorie Valdarnesi. 1046. KEGIA SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORS. Annali. 174. D d 402 SOCIETY INDEX Pisa (continued). SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA. II Nuovo Cimento. 557 > SOCIETA TOSCANA DI SdENZE NATURALI. Atti. 373 -> UNIVERSITA. Annali. 175. Pistoja. KEALE ACCADEMIA PISTOJESE DI SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI. Atti . . . Memorie di Matematica e Fisica de' Socj. Corrispondenti. 367. Plymouth. DEVON AND CORNWALL NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Annual Eeport (and Transactions). 231. INSTITUTION. (1) Annual Keport. 231. (2) Annual Keport and Transactions. 231. (3) Summary of the Proceedings, etc. 1554. (4) Transactions. 1654. MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. Journal. 845 * Pollichia (Neustadt-on-the-Haardt). Jahresbericht. 754. Polynesian Society (Wellington, N.Z.). Journal . . . containing the transactions and proceedings. 848 Polytechnic Association (New York). Proceedings. 1591. Polytechnische Gesellschaft zn Berlin. (1) Bericht iiber die Verhaltnisse und die Wirksamkeit. 404. (2) Verhandlungen. 1729. Polytechnische School (Delft). Annales. 12O. Pomologische Gesellschaft (Altenburg). Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. 1085. Pontificia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei. See ACCADEMIA DEI LINCEI. Pontificia Accademia Komana dei Nuovi Lincei. See ACCADEMIA DEI LINCEI. Pontificia TTniversita Gregoriana. See COLLEGIUM ROMANUM SOCIETATIS JESTJ. Ponts et Chaussees. See FRANCE. SOCIETY INDEX 403 Port Erin. BIOLOGICAL STATION. Annual Eeport. 229 > Fort Louis. See MAURITIUS. Portugal. COMMISSAO DOS TRABALHOS GEOLOGICOS DE PORTUGAL. Communicafoes. 568 > Potsdam. ASTROPHYSIKALISCHES OBSERVATORIUM. Publicationen. 1340 Prague. BOHMISCHE GELEHRTE PRIVATGESELLSCHAFT, afterwards KONIGLICH- BOHMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. (1) Abhandlungen. 20. (2) Jahresbericht. 750 > (3) Neuere Abhandlungen. 20. (4) Kozpravy tndy mathematicko-prirodovedecke kralovske c'eske' spo- leSnosti nauk. 20. (5) Sitzungsberichte. 1507 > (6) Vestnik. 1507 -* (7) Vyrocni zprava. 750 > (8) Zpravy o Zasedani. 1507. KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHE STERNWARTE. (1) Astronomische, magnetische und meteorologische Beobachtungen. 914. (2) Magnetische und meteorologische Beobachtungen. 814 - SPOLECNOST VLASTENSKEHO MUSEA v CECHACH. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft des vaterlandischen Museums in Bohmen. 1723. Fressburg. VEREIN FUR NATURKUNDE, afterwards VEREIN PUR NATUR- UND HEILKUNDE. Verhandlungen. 1739 * Pretoria. TRANSVAAL MUSEUM. (1) Annals. 197 -> (2) Mededeelingen. 197. Freussisches Landes-Oekonomie-CoUegium (Berlin). Landwirtschaftliche Jahrblicher. 881 > Private Observatory of John Tebbutt, Junr. See NEW SOUTH WALES. Privatgesellschaft in Bohmen zur Aufnahme der Mathematik, der vaterlandischen Geschichte und der Naturgeschichte. See BOHMISCHE GELEHRTE PRIVATGESELLSCHAFT. Privatgesellschaft von Naturforscliern und Oekonomen in Oberdeutsch- land (Munich). Abhandlungen. 21. D d 2 404 SOCIETY INDEX Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsteu en Wetenschappen (Utrecht). (1) Aanteekeningen van het verhandelde in de Sectie Vergaderingen. 1 > (2) Natuurkundige Verhandelingen. 1143. (3) Verhandelingen. 1720. (4) Verslag van het Verhandelde in de Algemeene Vergadering. 1748 Frovins. SOCIETE LIBRE D'AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES ET ARTS, Precis de la Stance publique. 1249. Fusa. AGRICULTURAL KESEARCH INSTITUTE. (1) Agricultural Journal of India. 57 * (2) Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India. 1009 * Quebec. LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1633. Quedlinburg. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN DBS HARZES. Bericht. 397. Queensland. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, afterwards KOYAL SOCIETY OF QUEENS- LAND. Proceedings. 1318 > Queensland Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. See GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALASIA. Queensland Museum (Brisbane). Annals. 193. Quekett Microscopical Club (London). Journal. 850 * Radcliffe Observatory (Oxford). See UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. Ratisbon. KEGENSBURGISCHE BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, afterwards KONIG- LICH-BAIERISCHE BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Denkschriften der koniglich-baierischen botanischen Gesellschaft. 594. (2) Flora. 637. ZoOLOGISCH-MlNERALOGISCHER VEREIN. (1) Abhandlungen. 19. (2) Korrespondenz-Blatt. 876. Ray Society (London). Publications. 1365 * SOCIETY INDEX 406 Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas, y Naturales de Madrid. (1) Memorias. 1028 (2) Kesumen de las Actas. 1447. (3) Kevista. 1449 - Real Institute Bacteriologico, Camara Pestana (Lisbon). (1) Archives. 295. (2) Archives. 295 Real Observatorio de Madrid. (1) Anuario. 244 > (2) Observaciones meteorologicas. 1184 > Real Osservatorio (Palermo). Bullettino meteorologico. 672 Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural. See SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA, etc. Reale Accademia de' Fisiocritici (Sienna). See ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DETTA DE' FISIOCRITICI. Reale Accademia dei Lincei (Rome). See ACCADEMIA DEI LINCEI. Reale Accademia clelle Scieuze dell' Istituto di Bologna. See ISTITUTO DELLE SCIENZE ED ARTI LIBERALI. Reale Accademia delle Scieuze di Napoli. See ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DI NAPOLI. Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. See ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DI TORINO. Reale Accademia delle Scieuze e Belle Lettere di Napoli. See ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DI NAPOLI. Reale Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche (Naples). See ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE FISICHE E MATEMATICHE. Reale Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti (Naples). Eendiconto. 1393. Reale Accademia di Scienze, Belle Lettere ed Arti (Mantua). Mamorie. 1040. Reale Accademia di Scieuze, Lettere e Belle Arti di Palermo. See ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE E LETTERE DI PALERMO. Reale Accademia di Scieuze, Lettere ed Arti degli Zelanti (Acireale). See ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI^DEI ZELANTI E PP. DELLO STUDIO. Reale Accademia di Scieuze Morali e Politiche (Naples). See ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE MORALI E POLITICHE. 406 SOCIETY INDEX Beale Accademia Fistojese di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti. Atti . . . Memorie di Matematica e Fisica de' Socj Corrispondenti. 367. Beale Istitnto cl' Iiicoraggiamento alle Scienze Natural! di Napoli. Atti. 354 > Beale Istitnto Lombardo di Scieuze, Lettere, ed Arti (Milan). See IMPERIALS EEGIO ISTITIJTO LOMBARDO, etc. Beale Istitnto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. See IMPERIALS EEOIO ISTITUTO VENETO DI SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI. Beale Mnseo di Fisica e Storia Natnrale di Firenze. See MUSEUM KEGIUM FLORENTINUM. Beale Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino. Pubblicazioni. 1334. Beale Osservatorio di Brera in Milano. Pubblicazioni. 1335 * Beale Universita di Torino. See UNIVERSITA DI TORINO. Begensbnrg. See KATISBON. Begensburgische Botauische Gesellscliaft, afterwards KONIGLICH-BAIERI- SCHE BOTANISCHE GrESELLSCHAFT. (1) Denkschriften der ko'niglich-baierischen botanischen Gesellschaft. 594. (2) Flora. 637. Begia Academia Carolina (Lund). See UNIVERSITETET (Lund). Begia Academia Upsalieusis. See UNIVERSITETET i UPSALA. Begia Scnola Normale Snperiore di Pisa. Annali . . . Scienze fisiche e matematiche. 174. Begia Societas Medica Havuiensis. See SOCIETAS MEDICA HAVNIENSIS. Begia Societas Scientianun Upsalieusis. See KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS SOCIETET i UPSALA. Begia Universita degli Studi di Napoli. See UNIVERSITA DI NAPOLI. Begia Universita degli Studi di Boma. See UNIVERSITA DI KOMA. Begia Universita degli Studi di Geneva. See UNIVERSITA DI GENOVA. SOCIETY INDEX 407 Regia TJniversita di Torino. See UNIVERSITA DI TORINO. Regio Comitato Geologico d* Italia. Bollettino. 434 > Regio Osservatorio deU' TTniversita di Torino. See UNIVERSIT! DI TORINO. Reims. ACADEMIE DE KEIMS. Annales. 119. Rennes. SOCIETE D'AGRICULTURE, DE COMMERCE ET DES ARTS. Corps d'Observations de la societS . . . etablie par les etats de Bretagne. 584. SOCIETE SCIENTIFIQUE ET MEDICALE DE L'OUEST. Bulletin. 484 > UNIVERSITE. Travaux scientifiques. 1679. Rheims. See KEIMS. Rheinische Friedricli-Willielms-Universitat (Bonn). See UNIVERSITAT zu BONN. Rhodesia Scientific Association (Bulawayo). Proceedings. 1309 Riga. GESELLSCHAFT PRACTISCHER AERZTE. Mittheilungen aus dem Archiv. 1079. NATURFORSCHENDER VEREIN. (1) Arbeiten. 254. (2) Correspondenzblatt. 589. (3) Jahresbericht. 760. Rijks-Universiteit te Groningeii. See UNIVERSITEIT TE GRONINGEN. Rio de Janeiro. IMPERIAL OBSERVATORIO. (1) Annaes. 132. (2) Annales. 132. (3) Annuario. 241 (4) Kevista do Obsei-vatorio. 1453. MUSEU NACIONAL. (1) Archives. 312. (2) Kevista. 1451. PALESTRA SCIENTIFICA. Archives. 311. Riuuione degli Scienziati Italiani. Atti. 369. 408 SOCIETY INDEX Rochester Academy of Science (Rochester, N.Y.). Proceedings. 1310 > Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (New York). Studies. 1552 -> R'omisch-Kaiserlich-Konigliche Josephinische Medicinisch-Chirnrgische Academic zu Wien. (1) Abhandlungen. 16. (2) Beobachtungen. 387. Rontgen Society (London). Journal. 851 Rome. ACCADEMIA DEI LINCEI, afterwards ACCADEMIA PONTIFICIA DE' Nuovi LINCEI, and subsequently REALE ACCADEMIA DEI LINCEI. In 1870 the ' Accademia Pontificia ' ivas divided into two sections, one retaining that title and the other taking the title ' Eeale Accademia dei Lincei '. (1) Atti dell' Accademia pontificia. 359 > (2) Atti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. 364 * (3) Memorie della Accademia dei Lincei. 364 * (4) Memorie della pontificia Accademia (romana) dei Lincei. 1038 > (5) Rendiconti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. 364 > (6) Transunti della reale Accademia dei Lincei. 364. COLLEGIUM ROMANUM SOCIETATIS JESU. (1) Bullettino meteorologico dell' Osservatorio. 533. (2) Memorie dell' Osservatorio. 1037. SOCIETA ITALIANA, afterwards SOCIETA ITALIANA DELLE SCIENZE. Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica. 1044 > SPECOLA VATICANA. Pubblicazioni. 1336. UNIVERSITA. Istituto Chimico. Ricerche. 1389. Rotterdam. BATAAFSCH GENOOTSCHAP DEB PROEFONDERVINDELIJKE Wws- BEGEERTE. Verhandelingen. 1716. Rouen. ACADEMIE DBS SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS. Precis analytique des Travaux. 1247. Ronsdon Observatory (Lyme Regis). Meteorological Observations. 1465. Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana (Demerara). (1) Journal. 1578. (2) Timehri. 1578. Royal Agricultural College (Cirencester). Agricultural Students' Gazette. 58 SOCIETY INDEX 409 Royal Agricultural Society of England (London). Journal. 852 Royal Alfred Observatory (Mauritius). Annual Keport of the Director. 227 > Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (London). See ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE or GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (London). See BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Royal Asiatic Society, Bombay Branch. See BOMBAY BRANCH OF THE EOYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. Royal Asiatic Society, North China Branch. See SHANGHAI LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (London). (1) Journal. 1655. (2) Transactions. 1655. Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Straits Branch. See STRAITS BRANCH OF THE KOYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. Royal Astronomical Society (London). See ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (Toronto). See ASTRONOMICAL AND PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF TORONTO. Royal Botanic Garden (Calcutta). Annals. 184 Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew). See KOYAL GARDENS, KEW. Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh). Keports from the Laboratory. 143O. Royal College of Physicians (London). Medical Transactions. 938. Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society. See CORNWALL POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY. Royal Dublin Society. See DUBLIN. DUBLIN SOCIETY. Royal Gardens (Kew). Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. 502 > Royal Geographical Society (London). (1) Geographical Journal : including the Proceedings. 653 > (2) Journal. 854. (8) Proceedings. 1311. (4) Supplementary Papers. 1466. (5) Year-Book. 1467. 410 SOCIETY INDEX Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. See GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALASIA. Royal Geological Society of Cornwall (Penzance). Transactions. 1656 * Royal Geological Society of Ireland. See GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF DUBLIN. Royal Horticultural Society (London). See HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Royal Humane Society (London). (1) Annual Report. 1468. (2) Transactions. 1657. Royal Institute of British Architects (London). See INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. Royal Institution of Cornwall (Truro). Journal. 855. Royal Institution of Great Britain (London). (1) Journal. 824. (2) Journal of Science and the Arts. 824. (3) Journals. 866. (4) Notices of the Proceedings. 1168 > (5) Quarterly Journal of Literature, Science and the Arts. 824. Royal Institution of South Wales (Swansea). Annual Report of the Council. 1469 Royal Irish Academy (Dublin). (1) Cunningham Memoirs. 1470. (2) Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science. 605. (3) Proceedings. 1313 > (4) Transactions. 1658. Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Reports. 1204. Royal Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory (Batavia). See MAGNETISCH EN METEOROLOGISCH OBSERVATORIUM. Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. See MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Royal Meteorological Society (London). See BRITISH METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. Royal Microscopical Society (London). See MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Royal Numismatic Society (London). See NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. SOCIETY INDEX 411 Royal Observatory (Cape Town). (1) Annals. 189 > (2) Kesults of Astronomical Observations. 1442. (3) Kesults of Meridian Observations. 1442 Royal Observatory (Edinburgh). (1) Annals. 195 > (2) Astronomical Observations. 330. (3) Edinburgh Circular. 607. Royal Observatory (Greenwich). (1) Astronomical and Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. 331 (2) Astronomical Observations. 331. (3) Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. 912. Royal Observatory (Sydney). See SYDNEY OBSERVATORY. Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. See PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF GLASGOW. Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain. See PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF LONDON. Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. 1315 > Royal Sanitary Institute (London). See SANITARY INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Royal School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (London). Annual. 215. Royal Scottish Society of Arts (Edinburgh). Transactions . . . [including the Proceedings]. 1659 * Royal Society (London). See KOYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Royal Society of Arts (London). See SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE. Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Mauritius. See NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, afterwards KOYAL SOCIETY, etc. Royal Society of Canada. (1) Memoires et Comptes rendus. 1254 > (2) Proceedings and Transactions. 1254 Royal Society of Dublin. See DUBLIN SOCIETY. Royal Society of Edinburgh. (1) Proceedings. 1316 > (2) Transactions. 1661 > 412 SOCIETY INDEX Royal Society of London. (1) Abr6ge des Transactions philosophiques. 1230. (2) Abstracts of the Papers communicated to the Royal Society. 29. (3) Abstracts of the Papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions. 29. (4) Acta Philosophica. 43. (5) International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. 712 > (6) List of Fellows. 887 - (7) Medical Essays and Observations . . . abridg'd from the Philosophical Transactions. 1230. (8) Memoirs. 1230. (9) [Meteorological Observations.] 1472. (10) Meteorological Observations at Stations of the Second Order. 1051. (11) National Physical Laboratory. Minutes of the Executive Committee. 1471 -> (12) Philosophical Collections. 1230. (13) Philosophical Transactions. 1230 > (14) Proceedings. 29 > (15) Eecord. 1369 - (16) Report of the Meteorological Committee. 1416 > (17) Reports of the Commission for the investigation of Mediterranean Fever. 1431. (18) Reports of the Evolution Committee. 1436. (19) Reports of the Malaria Committee. 1437. (20) Reports of the Sleeping Sickness Commission. 1433 > (21) Saggio delle Transazioni filosofiche. 1230. (22) Transactions philosophiques. 1230. (23) Year-Book. 1765 -* Royal Society of Medicine (London). Proceedings. 1317 > Royal Society of New South Wales. See PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OP NEW SOUTH WALES. Royal Society of Queensland. See PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. Royal Society of South Africa. See SOUTH AFRICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Royal Society of South Australia (Adelaide): See PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF ADELAIDE. Royal Society of Tasmania (Hobart Town). See ROYAL SOCIETY OF VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land, afterwards ROYAL SOCIETY OF TASMANIA (Hobart Town). (1) Papers and Proceedings. 1216 * (2) Report. 1419. SOCIETY INDEX 413 Royal Society of Victoria. See PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF VICTORIA. Royal Statistical Society (London). See STATISTICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Royal United Service Institution (London). See UNITED SERVICE INSTITUTION. Russia. CORPS DBS INGENIEURS DBS MINES DE KUSSIE. Annuaire magnetique et meteorologique. 1195. Russian Academy (St. Petersburg). [Transactions.] 719. Russisch-Kaiserliclie Gesellschaft fur die Cresaimute Mineralogie (St. Petersburg). Schriften. 1484. Russisch-Kaiserliche Miueralogische Gesellschaft (St. Petersburg). (1) Materialien zur Geologie Kusslauds. 921. (2) Verhandlungen. 1730. Russische Geographische Gesellschaft (St. Petersburg). Denkschriften. 597. Sachsisch-Thuringischer Verein fur Erdkuude zu Halle. See VEREIN FUR ERDKUNDE zu HALLE. Sallskapet for Finlands Geografi (Helsingfors). See SUOMEN MAANTIETEELLINEN SEURA. Sallskapet pro Fauna et Flora Feunica (Helsingfors). See SOCIETAS SCIENTIARUM FENNICA. Saint Bartholomew's Hospital (London). (1) Keports. 1475 -> (2) Statistical Tables of the Patients under treatment in the wards. 1537. Saint Gall. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit. 402. (2) Jahrbuch. 402 -> Saint John. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Bulletin. 513 -* Saint Louis. ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. Transactions. 1585 * 414 SOCIETY INDEX Saint Petersburg. ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM IMPERIALIS PETROPOLITANA. (1) Acta. 563. (2) Annuaire du Musee zoologique. 632 (3) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des russischen Reiches und der angranzenden Lander Asiens. 381. (4) Bulletin. 521 - (5) Commentarii. 563. (6) Compte rendu. 571 and 1381. (7) Comptes rendus des Seances de la Commission sismique permanente. 701 - (8) Memoires. 563 * (9) Memoires presentes . . . par divers Savans. 994. (10) Nova Acta. 563. (11) Novi Commentarii. 563. (12) Recueil des Actes de la Stance publique. 1381. (13) Kepertorium filr Meteorologie. 1058. (14) Travaux du Musee botanique. 1683 * CABINET DE SA MAJESTE. Travaux de la Section geologique. 1684. COMITE GEOLOGIQUE. Bulletins. 718 > CORPS DES INGENIEURS DES MINES DE RUSSIE. Annuaire magnetique et meteorologique. 1195. INSTITUT IMPERIAL DE MEDECINE EXPERIMENTALE. Archives des Sciences biologiques. 259 - OBSERVATOIRE PHYSIQUE CENTRAL DE RUSSIE. (1) Annalen. 1195. (2) Annales. 1195 > (3) Compte rendu annuel. 570. (4) Observations de Poulkova. 1190. (5) Publications. 1341 > RUSSIAN ACADEMY. [Transactions.] 719. RUSSISCH-KAISERLICHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR DIE GESAMMTE MINERALOGIE. Schriften. 1484. - RUSSISCH-KAISERLICHE MINERALOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Materialien zur Geologie Russlands. 921. (2) Verhandlungen. 1730. - RUSSISCHE GEOGRAPHISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Denkschriften. 597. SOCIETY INDEX 415 Saint Quentin. SOCIETE DBS SCIENCES, ARTS, BELLES-LETTRES ET AGRI- CULTURE. (1) Annales agricoles du Departement de 1'Aisne. 116. (2) Aunales scientifiques, agricoles et industrielles du Departement de 1'Aisne. 116. (3) Memoires. 1526. (4) Seance publique. 1526. (5) Travaux. 116. Saint Thomas's Hospital (London). Keports. 1476. Salem, Massachusetts. ESSEX COUNTY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. In 1848 this Society tvas incorporated ivitli the Essex Historical Society and continued as the Essex Institute (q. v.). Journal. 836. ESSEX INSTITUTE. (1) American Naturalist. 77. (2) Bulletin. 1288. (3) Proceedings. 1288. PEABODY ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. (1) American Naturalist. 77. (2) Annual Keport of the Trustees. 235. (3) Memoirs. 1020. San Fernando. OBSERVATORIO KEAL, aftenvards INSTITUTO Y OBSERVATORIO DE MARINA. (1) Almanaque Nautico y Efemerides Astronomicas. 65 * (2) Anales. 89 - (3) Observaciones. 1183. San Francisco. ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. Publications. 1343. CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, afterwards CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. (1) Bulletin. 508. (2) Memoirs. 1005. (8) Occasional Papers. 1200. (4) Proceedings. 1276 > Sanitary Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, afterwards EOYAL SANITARY INSTITUTE (London). (1) Journal. 1662 > (2) Transactions. 1662. San Faulo. MUSEU PAULISTA. Revista. 1452. 416 SOCIETY INDEX Santiago. DEUTSCHER WISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN. Verhandlungen. 1733 * OBSERVATORIO ASTRONOMICO. Observaciones nieteorolojicas. 1185. SOCIETE SCIENTIFIQUE DU CHILI. Actes. 54. Schemnitz. KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHE SCHEMNITZER-BERGAKADEMIE. Berg- und huttenmannisches Jahrbuch. 389. Schlesische Gesellscliaft fur Vaterlandisclie Cultur (Breslau). (1) Correspondenz. 588. (2) Jahresbericht. 1688 > (3) Neue Breslauer Sammlungen aus dem Gebiete der Heilkunde. 1151. (4) Uebersicht der Arbeiten und Veranderungen. 1688. Sclilesischer Verein fur Berg- und Hiitteuwesen (Breslau). Jahrbuch. 733. Schleswig-Holstein. VEREIN VON AERZTEN UND PHARMACEUTEN. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Medicin, Chirurgie und Pharmacie. 1082. School of Tropical Medicine (Liverpool). (1) Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. 198 > (2) Memoirs. 89O. (3) Yellow Fever Bureau. Bulletin. 891 > Schweclische Academic der Wissenschaften (Stockholm). See KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS ACADEMI. Scliweizerische Entomologische Gesellscliaft. Mittheilungen. 1100. Schweizerische Gesellscliaft, afterwards (EKONOMISCHE GESELLSCHAFT (Bern). (1) Memoires et Observations. 1379. (2) Kecueil de Memoires concernants 1'oeconomie rurale. 1379. Schweizerische Meteorologisclie Zentralanstalt (Zurich). (1) Annalen. 1490 > (2) Schweizerische meteorologische Beobachtungen. 14SO. Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellscliaft. See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR DIE GESAMMTEN NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN. Schweizerische Falaontologische Gesellscliaft. Abhandlungen. 17 * Science Department, University of Tokio. See TOKIO. TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. Scientific Association (Meriden, Connecticut). Proceedings and Transactions. 1255. SOCIETY INDEX 417 Scientific Society (Swansea). Annual Keport and Transactions. 1489 -* Scotland. FISHERY BOARD. Annual Keport . . . Part 3. Scientific Investigations. 228 > Scottish Meteorological Society (Edinburgh). Journal. 856. Scottish Microscopical Society (Edinburgh). Proceedings and Transactions. 1256. Seismological Society of Japan (Tokio). Transactions. 1663. Selborne Society for the Protection of Birds, Plants and Places (London). Nature Notes. 1130. Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschafb (Frankfort on the Main). (1) Abhandlungen. 1121 > (2) Bericht. 4OO - (3) Museum Senckenbergianum. 1121. Serampore. AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OP INDIA. (1) Journal. 1259. (2) Proceedings. 1259. (3) Transactions. 1586. Service des Instructions Nantiques (France). See FRANCE. Service Hydrometriqne dn B as sin de la Seine. See FRANCE. PONTS ET CHAUSSEES. Shanghai Literary and Scientific Society, afterwards NORTH-CHINA BRANCH OF THE EOYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY, Subsequently CHINA BRANCH, etc. Journal. 846. Sherborne. DORSET NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTIQUARIAN FIELD CLUB. Proceedings. 1284. Shrewsbury. CARADOC FIELD CLUB. Transactions. 542. Siebenbiirgischer Verein fur Natnrwissenschaften zn Herxnannstadt. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen. 1743 > Siena. ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DETTA DE' FISIOCRITICI, afterwards EEALE ACCADEMIA DE' FISIOCRITICI. Atti. 356 - Simla. COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF MALARIA IN INDIA. Paludism. 1215 NATURALISTS' SOCIETY. Journal. 857. E e 418 SOCIETY INDEX Singapore. STRAITS BRANCH OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Journal. 862. Skandinaviske Naturforskere. FOrhandlingar. 639. Sleeping Sickness Commission (London). See KOYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Smithsonian Institution (Washington). (1) Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory. 188 (2) Annual Report of the Board of Regents. 217 > (3) Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. 219 (4) Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 520 > (5) Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin. 1519 > (6) Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. 1520 * (7) Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 1325 (8) Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 1518 (9) Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 1521 * Sociedad Academica de Axnantes de Lima. Mercurio Peruano de Historia, Literatura, y Noticias publicas que da a luz la Sociedad, etc. 1048. Sociedad Cientifica ' Antonio Alzate ' (Mexico). Memorias (y Revista). 1029 > Sociedad de Ciencias Fisicas y Natnrales de Caracas. Vargasia. Boletin de la Sociedad. 1708. Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural (Madrid). (1) Anales. 85. (2) Boletin. 85 - (3) Memorias. 85 -* Sociedade Fortngnesa de Sciencias Naturals (Lisbon). Bulletin de la Societe portugaise des Sciences naturelles. 482. Societa Adriatica di Scienze Natural! in Trieste. Bollettino. 435. Societa Agraria (Bologna). Rendiconto. 1181. Societa Botanica Italiana (Florence). (1) Bullettino. 1182 and 529 - (2) Memorie. 1182 - Societa degli Spettroscopisti Italian! (Palermo). Memorie. 1041 > Societa dei Naturalist! in Modena. Annuario. 240. SOCIETY INDEX 419 Societa di Naturalist! in Napoli. Bollettino. 436 > Societa dei Naturalist! Sicilian! (Palermo). II Naturalista siciliano. 1128. Societa di Scienze Natural! ed Economiche di Palermo. (1) Bullettino. 530. (2) Giornale di Scienze naturali ed Economiche. 672 > Societa Elvetica delle Scienze Naturali. See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR DIE GESAMMTEN NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN. Societa Geologica, afterwards SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI (Milan). (1) Atti. 370 - (2) Memorie. 1042. Societa Ztaliana, afterwards SOCIETA ITALIAKA DELLE SCIENZE (Verona, Modena, Florence, Kome). Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica. 1044 > Societa Italiana dei Microscopisti (Acireale). Bollettino. 437. Societa Italiana delle Scieuze in Modena. See SOCIETA ITALIANA. Societa Italiana di Antropologia, Etnologia, e Fsicologia Comparata (Florence). Archivio per 1'Antropologia e la Etnologia. 300. Societa Italiana di Fisica (Pisa). II Nuovo Cimento. 657 > Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali (Milan). See SOCIETA GEOLOGICA. Societa Ligustica di Scienze Naturali e Geografiche (Genoa). Atti. 371 - Societa Fatriotica di Milaiio diretta all' avanzameuto dell' Agricoltura, delle Arti, e delle Manifatture. Atti. 372. Societa Fontaniana di Napoli, afterwards ACCADEMIA PONTANIANA. (1) Atti. 1043 -* (2) Memorie. 1043. Societa Beale di Napoli. The Societa Eeale di Napoli, founded in 1808, consists of the three following Academies, vie. : ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE FISICHE E MATEMATICHE (q. v.). ACCADEMIA DI ARCHEOLOGIA, LETTERE E BELLE ARTI. ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE MORALI E POLITICHE (q. v.). The publications of the first and the last-mentioned academies ivill be found by referring to the name of the academy required. Be 2 420 SOCIETY INDEX Societa Reale Borbonica (Naples). See ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DI NAPOLI. Societa Ticinese di Scienze Natural! (Bellinzona). Bollettino. 438 * Societa Toscana di Scienze Natural! (Pisa). Atti. 373 -* Societat fur die Gesamnite Mineralogie zu Jena. (1) Annalen. 103. (2) Schriften. 103. Societas Medica Eavniensis, afterwards REGIA SOCIETAS MEDICA HAVNIENSIS. (1) Acta. 45. (2) Acta Nova. 45. Societas Meteorologica Falatina (Mannheim). Ephemerides. 626. Societas Naturae Scrutatorum Lipsieiisis. See NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT zu LEIPZIG. Societas Fhysico-Medica apud TJniversitatem Literarum Caesaream Mosquensem. See UNIVERSITAS MOSQUENSIS. Societas Frivata Taurinensis. See ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DI TORINO. Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fenuica (Helsingfors). (1) Acta. 47 - (2) Meddelanden. 928 * Societas Regia Scientiarum. (1) Abhandlungen. 687 (2) Astronomisches Jahrbuch. 345. (3) Bericht iiber die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen. 408. (4) Berliner astronomisches Jahrbuch. 345 * (5) Histoire. 687. (6) Memoires. 687. (7) Monatsberichte. 408. (8) Nouveaux Memoires. 687. (9) Sitzungsberichte. 408 * Societas Hegia Scientiarum Gottingeiisis. See KONIGLICHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN zu GOTTINGEN. Societas Hegia Scientiarum Indo-Neerlandica. See NATUURKUNDIGE VEREENIGING IN NEDERLANDSCH INDIE. Societas Regia Scientiarum Upsaliensis. See KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS SOCIETET i UPSALA. SOCIETY INDEX 421 Societas Rheno-Trajectinae. (1) Acta Literaria. 38. (2) Nova Acta Literaria. 38. Societas Scientiarnxn Fennica (Helsingfors). (1) Acta. 48 (2) Bidrag till Kannedom om Finlands natur och folk. 424 (3) Notiser ur Sallskapets pro Fauna et Flora Fennica Forhandlingar. 1169. (4) Observations n*t Societatea de Sciinte Fizice din Bncuresci. See SOCIETATEA KOMANA DE STIINTE DIN BUCURETI. Societatea Romana de Stiinte din Bucnresti. (1) Buletinul. 453 - (2) Bulletin. 453 - Societe Academiq.ne d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts (et Belles-Lettres) dn Departement de 1'Aube (Troyes). See SOCIETE D'AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES ET ARTS DTJ DEPARTEMENT DE L'AUBE. Societe Academique d'Archeologie, Sciences et Arts dn Departement de 1'Oise (Beauvais). M6moires. 956. Societe" Acade'mique de Macon. See SOCIETE DES SCIENCES, ARTS ET BELLES LETTRES, etc. Societe Academique de Maine-et-Loire (Angers). Memoires. 957. Societe Academique de Saint-Qxientin. See SOCIETE DES SCIENCES, ARTS, BELLES-LETTRES ET AGRICULTURE DE ST. QUENTIN. Societe Academique de Savoie, afterwards ACADEMIE KOYALE DE SAVOIE (Chambery). (1) Documents publies par 1'Academie, etc. 602. (2) Memoires. 958. Societe Academique des Sciences, Arts, Belles-Lettres et Agriculture de St. Quentin. See SOCIETE DES SCIENCES, ARTS, etc. 422 SOCIETY INDEX Societs Agricole, Scientifique et Litteraire des Pyreuees-Orieutales (Perpignan). See SOCIETE PHILOMATHIQUE DE PERPIGNAN. Sociata Asiatique (Paris). Nouveau Journal asiatique. 1172. Societe Beige de Geologic, de Paleontologie et d' Hydrologie (Brussels). Bulletin. 462 - Societo Botanique Neerlaiidaise (Nimeguon). See NEDERLANDSCHE BOTANISCHE VEREENIGING. Societe Centrale d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts du Departement du Nord (Douai). Memoires. 942. Societe Cliimiqtie de Paris. (1) Bulletin. 1523 -> (2) Repertoire de Chimie appliquee. 1523. (3) Repertoire de Chimie pure. 1523. Societe Cuvierienne (Paris). Revue zoologique. 1461. Societe d' Agriculture, Commerce, Sciences et Arts de la Ville de Mende. (1) Bulletin. 990. (2) M6moires et Analyse des Travaux. 990. Societe d' Agriculture, de Commerce et des Arts (Rennes). Corps d'Observations de la society . . . etablie par les etats de Bretagne. 584. Societe d' Agriculture, des Sciences et des Arts de I'Arrondissement de Valenciennes. Memoires. 959. Societe d' Agriculture, du Commerce et des Arts de Boulogne-sur-Mer. Proces- Verbal de la Seance publique. 1329. Societe d' Agriculture, Histoire Naturelle et Arts Utiles (Lyons). (1) Annales. 153. (2) Annales des Sciences physiques et naturelles, d'Agriculture et d'Industrie. 153. Soci6te d' Agriculture, Industrie, Sciences et Arts dn Departement de la Ziozere (Mende). See SOCIETE D'AGRICULTURE, COMMERCE, SCIENCES ET ARTS DE LA VILLE DE MENDE. Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Bayeux. (1) Bulletin. 960. (2) Memoires. 960. SOCIETY INDEX 423 Societe d' Agriculture, Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Orleans, after- wards SOCIETE (KOYALE) DBS SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS. (1) Annales. 491. (2) Bulletin. 491. (3) Bulletin des Sciences physiques, medicales et d'Agriculture d'Orleans. 491. (4) Memoires. 491. Societe d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Agen. Kecueil des Travaux. 1383. Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d' Angers. Memoires. 961. Societe d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts de la Sarthe (Le Mans). Bulletin. 463. Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts du Departement de 1'Aube, after- wards SOCIETE ACADEMIQUE, etc. (Troyes). Memoires (et Lettres). 992. Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts du Departement de 1'Eure (Evreux). (1) Bulletin. 464. (2) Journal d'Agriculture, de Medecine et des Sciences accessoires. 464. (3) Eecueil des Travaux. 464. Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences et Industrie de Lyon. See SOCIETE D' AGRICULTURE, HISTOIRE NATURELLE ET ARTS UTILES. Societe d' Amateurs des Sciences, de 1' Agriculture et des Arts a Lille, afterwards SOCIETE KOYALE (!MPERIALE) DES SCIENCES, etc. (1) Memoires. 984. (2) Kecueil des Travaux. 1384. Societe d'Anthropologie de Lyon. Bulletin. 465. Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. (1) Bulletin. 523. (2) Bulletins et Memoires. 523 > (8) Memoires. 962. Societe d'Arcueil. Memoires de Physique et de Chimie. 987. Societe d'Emulation de Cambrai. (1) Memoires. 1499. (2) Seance publique. 1499. Societe d'Emulation du Departement de 1'Allier (Moulins). Bulletin. 466. Societe d'Emulation dn Departement des Vosges (Epinal). Annales. 139. 24 SOCIETY INDEX Societ6 d'Emnlatiou eta Departement dn Jura (Lons-le-Saunier). (1) Stances publiques. 1524. (2) Travaux. 1524. Societe d'ilniulation pour les Sciences Pharmaceutiques (Paris). Eecueil des Travaux. 1385. Societe d'Encouragenient pour 1'Iiidustrie Nationale (Paris). (1) Annuaire. 467. (2) BuUetin. 467 - Societe d'iltnde des Sciences Naturelles de Beziers. (1) Bulletin. 468 - (2) Compte rendu. 468 (3) Memoires. 468 - Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. (1) Actes. 52. (2) Memoires. 963. Societ6 d'Histoire Natnrelle de Strasbourg, afterwards SOCIETE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE STRASBOURG, subsequently SOCIETE DES SCIENCES DE NANCY. (1) Bulletin de la SocietS des Sciences. 471 * (2) Memoires. 964. Societe d'Histoire Natnrelle dn Departement de la Moselle (Metz). (1) Bulletin. 965. (2) Memoires. 965. Societe de Biologic (Paris). Comptes rendus (hebdomadaires) des Seances et Memoires. 576 * Societe de Cliimie Medicale (Paris). Journal de Chimie rnedicale, de Pharmacie, de Toxicologie, et Revue des Nouvelles scientifiques, nationales et 6trangeres. 786. Societe de Geographic (Paris). (1) Bulletin. 469. (2) Compte rendu des Seances. 672. (8) La G6ographie. 469 -* Societe de Geographic de Pinlande (Helsingfors). See SUOMEN MAANTIETEELLINEN SEURA. Societe de Medeciiie, Chirnrgie et Pharmacie, sons la Devise ' JEgrotan- tibns ' (Brussels). Actes. 53. Societe de Medecine d'Anvers. Annales. 140. Societe de Medecine et de Chirnrgie de Bordeaux. See SOCIETE MEDICO-CHIRURGICALE DES H6priAux ET HOSPICES DE BORDEAUX. SOCIETY INDEX 425 Societe de Fharmacie (Paris). See ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE PHARMACIE. Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve. MSmoires. 966 Societe de Statistigue des Sciences Naturelles et des Arts Industrials du D6partement de 1'Is^re (Grenoble). Bulletin. 470. Societe des Amis des Sciences, des Lettres, de I'Agriculture et des Arts a Aix, afterwards ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, AGRICULTURE, ARTS ET BELLES-LETTRES. (1) Memoires. 1380. (2) Kecueil de Memoires. 1380. Societe des Lettres, Sciences, Arts et d'Agriculture de Metz. See SOCIETE DES LETTRES, SCIENCES ET ARTS, Societe des Lettres, Sciences et Arts de Metz, after/cards ACADEMIE KOYALE (NATIONALE, IMPERIALS). Memoires. 1525. Societe des Fharmaciens de Paris. Journal. 791. Societe des Fyrenees-Orientales, Sciences, Belles-Lettres, Arts Indus- triels et Agricoles (Perpignan). See SOCIETE PHILOMATHIQUE DE PERPIGNAN. Societe des Sciences, Agriculture et Arts de Strasbourg. (1) Journal. 967. (2) Memoires. 967. (3) Nouveaux Memoires. 967. Societe des Sciences, Agriculture et Arts du Departement du Bas-Rhin (Strasburg). See SOCIETE DES SCIENCES, AGRICULTURE ET ARTS DE STRASBOURG. Societe des Sciences, Arts, Belles-Lettres et Agriculture de St. Quentin. (1) Annales agricoles du Departement de 1'Aisne. 116. (2) Annales scientifiques, agricoles et industrielles du Departement de 1'Aisne. 116. (3) Memoires. 1526. (4) Seance publique. 1526. (5) Travaux. 116. Societe des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres, afterwards ACADEMIE DE MACON. (1) Annales. 573. (2) Compte rendu . . . des Travaux. 573. Societe des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Orleaiis. See SOCIETE D'AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS D'ORLEANS. 426 SOCIETY INDEX Societe des Sciences de Finlande (Helsingfors). See SOCIETAS SCIENTIARUM FENNICA. Societe des Sciences, de 1' Agriculture et des Arts a Lille. See SOCIETE D'AMATEUBS DES SCIENCES, DE L'AGRICULTURE, etc. Societe des Sciences de Nancy. See SOCIETE D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE DE STRASBOURG. Societe des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres du Hainaut (Mon~). Memoires et Publications. 993. Societe des Sciences et des Lettres (Blois). Memoires. 968. Societe des Sciences, Lettres, Arts et Agriculture, afterwards SOCIETE KOYALE DES SCIENCES, LETTRES ET ARTS, and subsequently ACADEMIE DE STANISLAS (Nancy). (1) Memoires. 1248. (2) Precis analytique des Travaux. 1248. Societe des Sciences Natnrelles de Cherbourg. Memoires. 969. Societe des Sciences Naturelles de France (Paris). Bulletin. 472. Societe des Sciences Natnrelles de 1'Ouest de la France (Nantes). Bulletin. 473 -> Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neucliatel. (1) Bulletin. 474 -> (2) Memoires. 970. Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Seine-et-Oise (Versailles). Memoires . . . precedes d'un compte rendu des travaux et d'une histoire. 971. Societe des Sciences Natnrelles de Strasbourg. See SOCIETE D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE DE STRASBOURG. Societe des Sciences Naturelles, Grand-Duche de Luxembourg, afterwards INSTITUT EOYAL GRAND-DUCAL DE LUXEMBOURG. (1) Archives trimestrielles publiees par la Section des sciences naturelles, physiques et mathematiques. 1527 (2) Publications. 1527. Societe des Sciences Physiques, de Medecine et d' Agriculture (Orleans). See SOCIETE D'AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS D'ORLEANS. Societe des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Bordeaux. (1) Memoires. 972 > (2) Proces-Verbaux des Seances. 1330 Societe des Sciences Physiques, Medicales et d' Agriculture d'Orleaus. See SOCIETE D'AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS D'ORLEANS. SOCIETY INDEX 427 Societe Dunkerquoise pour I'Encouragement des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts. Memoires. 973. Societe Eduenne (Autun). Memoires d'Histoire naturelle. 945. Societe Entomologique de France (Paris). Annales. 141. Socie'te Entomologique des Fays-Bas (The Hague). Memoires. 944. Societe Ethnologique (Paris). Memoires. 974. Societe Frangaise de Mineralogie (Paris). See SOCIETE MINERALOGIQUE DE FKANCE. Societe Fran9aise de Physique (Paris). Bulletin des Seances. 1500 > Societe Franchise de Statistique Universelle (Paris). Journal des Travaux. 802. Societe Geologique de Belgique (Liege). (1) Annales. 142 > (2) Bulletin. 142 - (3) Memoires. 142 and 975 * Societe Geologiqne de France (Paris). (1) Bulletin. 475 -> (2) Memoires. 976 > Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles. See ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZEKISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUK DIE GESAMMTEN NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN. Societe Hollandaise des Sciences (Haarlem). See BATAAFSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ DEE WETENSCHAPPEN. Societe Imperiale d' Agriculture, Histoire Naturelle et Arts Utiles (Lyons). See SOCIETE D'AGRICULTUBE, etc. Societe Imperiale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d' Angers. See SOCIETE D'AGRICULTURE, etc. Societe Imperiale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts, scant a Donai, Ceu- trale du Departement du Word. See SOCIETE CENTRALE D'AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES ET ARTS DU DEPARTE- MENT DU NORD. 428 SOCIETY INDEX Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. (1) Bulletin. 476 - (2) Memoires. 977. (3) Nouveaux Memoires. 077 Societe Imperiale cles Sciences, de 1'Agriculture et des Arts (Lille). See SOCIETE D'AMATEURS DES SCIENCES, etc. Societe Libre d'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres du De partemeiit de 1'Eure (Evreux). See SOCIETE D'AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES ET ARTS DU DEPARTEMENT DE L'ETTRE. Societe Libre d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts de Frovins. (1) Precis de la Seance publique. 1249. (2) Seance publique. 1249. Societe Libre d'Emulation de Liege. MSmoires. 978. Societe Linneenue de Bordeaux. (1) Actes. 455. (2) Bulletin d'Histoire naturelle. 455. Societe Linneenne de Lyon. (1) Annales. 143. (2) Compte rendu. 1528. Societe Linneenne de Normandie (Caen). See SOCIETE LINNEENNE DU CALVADOS. Societe Linneenne de Paris. (1) Compte rendu des Travaux. 574. (2) M (2) Memoires. 146. (3) Proces-Verbaux des Seances. 1331. SOCIETY INDEX 429 Societe Matliematique de France (Paris). Bulletin. 479 - Societe Medicale d'Emulation (Paris). Travaux. 794. Societe Medico-Chirurgicale des Hopitaux et Hospices de Bordeaux. Memoires et Bulletins. 991 > Societe Meteorologique de France (Paris). (1) Annuaire. 212. (2) Nouvelles meteorologiques. 1177. Societe Mineralogique de France (Paris). Bulletin. 480 -> Societe Rationale Academique de Cherbourg. Memoires. 981. Societe Nationale d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d' Angers. See SOCIETE D'AGRICULTURE, etc. Societe Nationale d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts, scant a Douai, Centrale du Departement du Word. See SOCIETE CENTRALE D'AQRICULTURE, SCIENCES ET ARTS DU DEPARTE- MENT DU NORD. Societe Nationale des Sciences Naturelles et Matlieniatiques de Cherbourg. See SOCIETE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE CHERBOURG. Societe Neuchateloise des Sciences naturelles. See SOCIETE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE NEUCHATEL. Societe (Economique de Berne. See SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, etc. Societe Faleontologique Suisse. Memoires. 17. Societe Fhilomathique de Paris. (1) Bulletin. 488 -* (2) Bulletin des Sciences. 488. (3) Extraits des Proces-Verbaux des Seances. 488. (4) Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences. 488. (5) Kapports generaux. 1364. Societe Fhilomathique de Ferpignan, afterwards SOCIETE DES PYRENEES- ORIENTALES, etc. Bulletin. 481. Societe Fhr6nologique de Paris. Journal. 792. Societe Polytechnique-Fratique (Paris). (1) Bulletin. 121. (2) Eecueil. 121. 430 SOCIETY INDEX Societe Fortugaise de Sciences Naturelles (Lisbon). See SOCIEDADE PORTUGUESA DE SciENCIAS NATURAIS. Societe pour la Propagation des Connaissauces Scientifiques et Indus- trielles (Paris). Bulletin universel des Sciences et de PIndustrie. 497. Societe Roumaine des Sciences (Bucharest). See SOCIETATEA KOMANA DE STIINTE DIN BuCURESTI. Societe Royale Academique de Savoie (Chambery). See SOCIETE ACADEMIQUE, etc. Societe Boy ale d' Agriculture et de Commerce de Caen. (1) Memoires. 1250. (2) Precis des Travaux. 1250. Societe Royale d' Agriculture, Histoire Natnrelle et Arts Utiles (Lyons). See SOCIETE D' AGRICULTURE, etc. Societe Royale d'Eiuulatioii d' Abbeville. Memoires. 982. Societe Royale de Botanique de Belgique (Brussels). Bulletins. 524. Scciete Royale de Turin. See ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DI TORINO. Societe Royale des Antiquaires da Nord (Copenhagen). See KONGELIGT NORDISK OLDSKRIPT-SELSKAB. Societe Royale des Arts et des Sciences de Maurice (Port Louis). See NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, afterwards KOYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES OF MAURITIUS. Societe Royale des Prisons (Paris). Annales. 121. Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege. Memoires. 985 * Societe Royale des Sciences (Montpellier). (1) Assemblee publique. 321. (2) Histoire . . . avec les Memoires de Mathematiques et de Physique. 688. Societe Royale des Sciences, Arts, Belles-Lettres et Agriculture de Saint-Quentin. See SOCIETE DES SCIENCES, ARTS, etc. Societe Royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Orleans. See SOCIETE D'AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS D'ORLEANS. Societe Royale des Sciences, de 1' Agriculture et des Arts (Lille). See SOCIETE D' AMATEURS DES SCIENCES, DE L' AGRICULTURE ET DES ARTS. SOCIETY INDEX 431 Societe Boyale des Sciences, Lettres, et Arts (Nancy). See SOCIET^ DBS SCIENCES, LETTRES, ARTS ET AGRICULTURE, etc. Societe Boyale du Canada. See EOYAL SOCIETY OP CANADA. Societe Boyale et Centrale d' Agriculture, Sciences et Arts dn Departe- ment du Nord (Douai). See SOCIETE CENTRALE D'AGRICULTURE, etc. Societe Boyale Zoologique et Malacologique de Belgique (Brussels). See SOCIETE MALACOLOGIQUE DE BELGIQUE. Societe Scientifique du Chili (Santiago). Actes. 54. Societe Scientifique et Litteraire du Limbourg (Tongres). Bulletin. 483. Societe Scientifique et Medicale de 1'Ouest (Eennes). Bulletin. 484 -* Societe Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles (Lausanne). (1) Bulletin. 525 > (2) Bulletins des Seances. 525. Society for Bettering the Condition and Increasing the Comforts of the Poor (London). Keports. 1434. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York). Proceedings. 1310 Society for Promoting Medical Knowledge (London). Medical Communications. 935. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, afterwards SOCIETY OF ARTS (London). (1) Journal. 858 * (2) Transactions. 1665. Society for the Illustration and Encouragement of Practical Science (London). Magazine of Popular Science, and Journal of the Useful Arts. 910. Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knowledge (London). Transactions. 1584. Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, Arts and Manufactures, afterwards SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF USEFUL ARTS (Albany). Transactions. 1664. Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts (Albany). See SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURE, ARTS AND MANU- FACTURES. 432 SOCIETY INDEX Society of American Foresters (Washington). Papers. 1327. Society of Antiquaries (London). (1) Archaeologia. 265 * (2) Proceedings. 1320 Society of Arts (London). See SOCIETY FOE THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE. Society of Biblical Archaeology (London). Proceedings. 1321 Society of Chemical Industry (London). Journal. 859 Society of Engineers (London). Transactions. 1530. Society of Engineers (Washington). Papers. 1327. Society of Natural History (Boston). (1) Boston Journal of Natural History. 442. (2) Memoirs. 442. (3) Occasional Papers. 1199 * (4) Proceedings. 1271 > Society of Natural History (Cincinnati). Journal. 833 Society of Physicians (Edinburgh). Medical and Philosophical Commentaries. 933. Society of Physicians (London). Medical Observations and Inquiries. 937. Society of Public Analysts (London). Proceedings. 1322 and 91 Society of Telegraph Engineers, afterwards INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS (London). (1) Journal. 860 > (2) Science Abstracts. 1493 -* Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (Taunton). Proceedings. 1531. Somme, Departemeiit de la. See AMIENS. South African Association for the Advancement of Science. (1) Eeport. 1420. (2) South African Journal of Science. 1532 SOCIETY INDEX 433 South African Association of Engineers and Architects (Johannesburg). Proceedings. 1323. South African Museum (Cape Town). Annals. 196 South African Philosophical Society, afterwards EOYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFEICA (Cape Town). Transactions. 1666 > Sonthport Society of Natural Science. Eeport. 1421. Spain. CoMisi<5N DEL MAPA GEOLdaico DE ESPANA. Boletin. 433. Specola Vaticana (Eome). Pubblicazioni. 1336. Specula Regia Monachiensis (Bogenhausen). See KONIGLICHE STERNWARTE zu BOGENHAUSEN. Spolecnost Vlastenskelio Musea v Cechach (Prague). Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft des vaterlandischen Museums in Bohmen. 1723. State Agricultural Experiment Station (Amherst, Mass.). See MASSACHUSETTS STATE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Statistical Society of London. (1) Journal. 861 > (2) Transactions. 1667. Stavanger Museum. Aarsberetning. 1538. Sternwarte in Kiel. Publication. 1338 Sternwarte zu Kremsmiinster. Kesultate aus den . . . angestellten meteorologischen Beobachtungen. 1440. Sternwarte in Leiden. Annalen. 104 Sternwarte der Universitat zn Bonn. See UNIVERSITAT zu BONN. Sternwarte des Eidgenossischen Folytechnikums zu Zurich. See EIDGENOSSISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE. Stettin. ENTOMOLOGISCHER VEREIN. (1) Entomologische Zeitung. 758. (2) Jahresbericht. 758. (3) Linnaea Entomologica. 1776. F f 434 SOCIETY INDEX Stockholm. BIOLOGISKA FORENINGEN. (1) Fflrhandlingar. 429. (2) Verhandlungen. 429. JAGAUE FORBUNDET, Tidskrift for Jagare och Naturforskare. 1568. KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS AcADEMI. (1) Abhandlungen aus der Naturlehre, Haushaltungkunst und Mechanik. 1558. (2) Arsberiitellse. 315. (3) Arsbog. 878 - (4) Berattelse. 315. (5) Bihang till . . . Handlingar. 425 > (6) Handlingar. 1558 -* (7) Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie und Mineralogie. 315. (8) Jahresbericht . . . tiber die Fortschritte der Naturgeschichte, Ana- tomie und Physiologie der Thiere und Pflanzen. 315. (9) Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften. 315. (10) Lefnadsteckningar. 883 > (11) Meteorologiska lakttagelser i Sverige. 1067. (12) Nya Handlingar. 1558. (13) Obervations metSorologiques suedoises. 1067. (14) Ofversigt af Botaniska Arbeten och Upptackter. 315. (15) Ofversigt af . . . FOrhandlingar. 1202. NOBELINSTITUT. Meddelanden frin K. Vetenskapsakaderniens Nobel Institut. 929 * OBSERVATORITTM. Astronomiska lakttagelser och Undersokningar. 347 > SVENSK FORNSKRIFT-SALLSKAPET. Samlingar. 1477. SVERIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING. Publications. 1557 * Stony hurst College Observatory. (1) Meteorological Report. 1542. (2) Eesults of Meteorological and Magnetical Observations. 1542 Stonyhurst Observatory. See STONYHURST COLLEGE OBSERVATORY. Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (Singapore). Journal. 862. Strasburg. KAISERLICHE HAUPTSTATION FUR ERDBEBENFORSCHUKG. Beitrftge zur Gteophysik. 379 > SOCIETY INDEX 435 Strasburg (continued). KAISERLICHE UNIVERSITATS-STERNWARTE. Annalen. 101 SOCIETE D'HlSTOIRE NATURELLE DE STRASBOURG, aftcnCdrds SOCIETE DBS SCIENCES DE NANCY. (1) Bulletin de la Soci^te des Sciences. 471 * (2) Memoires. 964. SOCIETE DES SCIENCES, AGRICULTURE ET ARTS. (1) Journal. 967. (2) Memoires. 967. (3) Nouveaux Memoires. 967. UNIVERSITAT. Beitrage zur Geophysik. Abhandlungen aus dem geographischen Semi- nar. 379. Stuttgart. DEUTSCHER ORNITHOLOGISCHER VEREIN. Naumannia. 1145. WiJRTTEMBERGISCHER AERZTLICHER VEREIN, Mittheilungen. 1107. WiJRTTEMBERGISCHER NATURHISTORISCHER REISEVEREIN. Schriften. 1489. Sunderland. WEST HENDON HOUSE OBSERVATORY. Publications. 1352 > Suomalaiseii Tiedeakatemia (Helsingfors). (1) Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicse. 1555 > (2) Toimituksia. 1555 -*> Suomen Maantieteelliuen Seura (Helsingfors). Fennia. 635 > 'Survey of India. (1) Extracts from Narrative Reports of Officers of the Survey. 631 * (2) General Report on the Operations. 650 > Svensk Fomskrift-Sallskapet (Stockholm). Samlingar. 1477. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning (Stockholm). Publications. 1557 * Swansea. ART SOCIETY. Report. 1469 > FIELD NATURALISTS' SOCIETY. Report. 1469 * ROYAL INSTITUTION OF SOUTH WALES. Annual Report. 1469 > SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Annual Report and Transactions. 1469 F f 2 436 SOCIETY INDEX Sweiiska Weteiiskaps Academi. See Kongliga Svenska Vetenskapa Akademi. Switzerland. ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR DIE GESAMM- TEN NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN, afterwards SCHWEIZERISCHE NATURFOR- SCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Actes de la SociSte 1 helvetique des Sciences naturelles. 629. (2) Annalen. 99. (3) Atti della Societa elvetica delle Scienze natural!. 629. (4) Compte rendu de la Society helvetique des Sciences naturelles. 629. (5) Eroffnungsrede der Jahresversammlung. 629. (6) Kurze Uebersicht der Verhandlungen der . . . Gesellsehaft in ihrer . . . Jahresversammlung. 629. (7) Neue Denkschriften. 1152 - (8) Nouveaux Memoires. 1152 (9) Schweizerische meteorologische Beobachtungen. 1490. (10) Verhandlungen. 629 SCHWEIZERISCHE ENTOMOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Mittheilungen. 110O. SOCIETE PALEONTOLOGIQUE SUISSE. (1) Abhandlungen. 17. (2) Memoires. 17. Sydney. AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. (1) Memoirs. 375 (2) Kecords. 1372 - ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Transactions. 1616. LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Proceedings. 1294 > OBSERVATORY, afterwards KOYAL OBSERVATORY, and subsequently GOVERN- MENT OBSERVATORY. (1) Astronomical Observations. 332. (2) Meteorological Observations. 1055. (3) Kesults of Astronomical Observations. 1443. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, afterwards ROYAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. (1) Journal and Proceedings. 1852 (2) Transactions. 1652. (3) Transactions and Proceedings. 1652. Tannton. SOMERSETSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Proceedings. 1531. Tebbntt Observatory. See NEW SOUTH WALES. PRIVATE OBSERVATORY OF JOHN TEBBUTT, JUNR. SOCIETY INDEX 437 Teddington. NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY. (1) Collected Kesearches. 1125 (2) Minutes of the Executive Committee. 1471 Texas Academy of Science (Austin). Transactions. 1668 * Teyler's Stichting (Haarlem). (1) Archives. 301 (2) Verhandelingen. 1714. Teyler's Tweede Genootschap (Haarlem). See TEYLER'S STICHTING. Thompson Yates (and Johnston) Laboratories. See UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL. Tiflis. OBSERVATORIUM, afterwards PHYSIKALISCHES OBSERVATORITJM. (1) Beobachtungen der Temperatur des Erdbodens. 1122. (2) Magnetische Beobachtungen. 1060. (3) Meteorologische Beobachtungen. 1059. Tokio. IMPERIAL EARTHQUAKE INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE OP JAPAN. (1) Bulletin. 511 > (2) Publications. 1345. SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP JAPAN. Transactions. 1663. SOCIETAS ZOOLOGICA TOKYONENSIS. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonensis. 200 TEIKOKU DAIGAKU. (1) Abhandlungen des Tokio Daigaku. 1022. (2) Journal of the College of Science. 1022 > (3) Memoirs of the Literature College, Imperial University of Tokyo. 1016. (4) Memoirs of the Science Department, University of Tokyo. 1022. (5) Mittheilungen aus der medicinischen Facultat der kaiserlich-japani- schen Universitat. 1088 Tongres. SOCIETE SCIENTIFIQUE ET LITTERAIRE DU LIMBOURG. Bulletin. 483. Topeka. KANSAS ACADEMY OP SCIENCE. Transactions of the . . . Annual Meetings. 1594. Toronto. ASTRONOMICAL AND PHYSICAL SOCIETY OP TORONTO, afterwards TORONTO ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, and subsequently KOYAL ASTRO- NOMICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. (1) Annual Report. 1600. (2) Journal. 1600 > (3) Selected Papers and Proceedings. 1600. (4) Transactions. 1600. 438 SOCIETY INDEX Toronto (continued). CANADIAN INSTITUTE. (1) Annual Keport. 220. (2) Canadian Journal. 539. (3) Proceedings. 539 (4) Transactions. 539 * PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings and Transactions. 1253. UNIVERSITY. Papers read before the Mathematical and Physical Society. 1220. ToulOUSe. ACADEMIE DBS SCIENCES, INSCRIPTIONS ET BELLES-LETTRES. (1) Bulletin. 457. (2) Histoire et M&moires. 690. (3) Memoires. 690 OBSERVATOIRE. Annales. 130. UNIVERSITE. Annales de la Faculte des Sciences. 137. Towarzystwo Naukowe, afterwards AKADEMIJA UMIEJETNOSCI (Cracow). (1) Anzeiger. 498 > (2) Bulletin international. 498 > (3) Comptes rendus des Stances. 498 Transvaal Museum (Pretoria). (1) Annals. 197 - (2) Mededeelingen. 197. Trevandrum. OBSERVATORY. Astronomical Ephemeris. 324. Treviso. ATENEO. Memorie scientifiche e letterarie. 1045. Trieste. KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHE ZOOLOGISCHE STATION. Arbeiten. 251 > MUSEO Crvico DI STORIA NATURALE. Atti. 353. OSSERVATORIO MARITTIMO. Kapporto annuale. 1363 SOCIETA ADRIATICA DI SCIENZE NATURALI. BoUettino. 435. Trinity College, Dublin. See UNIVERSITY OF DITBLIN. SOCIETY INDEX 439 Troms0 Museum. (1) Aarsberetning. 1680 > (2) Aarshefter. 1681 -* Trondhjemsk Selskab, afterwards KONGELIGT NORSK VIDENSKABERS SELSKAB. (1) Schriften. 1682. (2) Skrifter. 1682 -* Troyes. SOCIKTE D' AGRICULTURE, SCIENCES ET ARTS DU DEPARTEMENT DE L'AUBE, afterwards SOCIKTE ACADEMIQUE, etc. Memoires (et Lettres). 992. Truro. EOYAL INSTITUTION OF CORNWALL. Journal. 855. Tudos Tarsasag, afterwards MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA (Budapest). (1) EvkOnyvei. 915. (2) Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. 926 > Tubingen. VATERLANDISCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER AERZTE UND NATURFORSCHER SCHWABENS. Denkschriften. 598. Tufts College (Boston). Studies. 1686 Tunis. INSTITUT PASTEUR. Archives. 294 > Turin. ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE. (1) Atti. 366 -* (2) Melanges de Philosophie et de Mathematique. 1078. (3) Memoires. 1078. (4) Memorie. 1078 * (5) Miscellanea Philosophico-Mathematica. 1078. EEALE OSSERVATORIO ASTRONOMICO. Pubblicazioni. 1334. UNIVERSITA. (1) Annales de 1'Observatoire de 1'Academie de Turin. 127. (2) Bollettino meteorologico ed astronomico del regio Osservatorio del- TUniversita. 439. Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). After 1864 the Club was incorporated with the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Transactions. 1669. 440 SOCIETY INDEX TTngarische Akademie der Wissenschaften. See TuD<5s T^RSASAG, etc. TJngarische Geologische Gesellschaft (Budapest). See MAGYARHONI FOLDTANI TARSULAT. United Kingdom. ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Keports. 314. LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. Keport of the Medical Officer. 892. Navy. Statistical Keport on the Health of the Navy. 1536. WAR OFFICE. INTELLIGENCE DIVISION. Geographical Index Extra European to Books, Periodicals, etc. 652. United Service Institution (London). Journal. 864 United States of America. ARMY. Annual Keport of the Chief Signal Officer. 222. BUREAU OF FISHERIES (Washington). See COMMISSION OF FISH AND FISHERIES, etc. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Report of the Superintendent. 1422 > COMMISSION OF FISH AND FISHERIES, afterwards UNITED STATES BUREAU OF FISHERIES. (Washington). (1) Bulletin. 518 > (2) Keport of the Commissioner of Fisheries. 1691 * (3) Reports. 1691. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. (1) Bulletin of the Mount Weather Observatory. 1692 (2) Monthly Report. 1116. (3) Monthly Weather Review and Annual Summary. 1693 (4) Office of Experiment Stations. Experiment Station Record. 1694 > (5) Report of the {Commissioner} (Secretary) of Agriculture. 1407. (6) Weather Bureau. Bulletin. 1695. (7) Weather Bureau. Report of the Chief. 1696 - (8) Yearbook. 1407 -> DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards. 506 GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE TERRITORIES. Annual Report. 237. SOCIETY INDEX 441 United States of America (continued). GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. (1) Annual Keport. 236 (2) Bulletin. 519. (3) Mineral Kesources of the United States. 1072 (4) Monographs. 1113 *> (5) Professional Papers. 1697 > (6) Water-Supply and Irrigation Papers. 1757 NATIONAL HERBARIUM (Washington). See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. - NATIONAL MUSEUM (Washington). See SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. NAVAL OBSERVATORY (Washington). See NATIONAL OBSERVATORY, WASHINGTON. Universidad Central de Espana (Madrid). (1) Eevista trimestral micrografica. Organo del Laboratorio histologico de la Facultad de Medicina. 1455. (2) Trabajos del Laboratorio de Investigaciones biologicas. 1455 > (3) Travaux du Laboratoire de Eecherches biologiques. 1455. Universidad Central de Venezuela (Caracas). Anales. 86. Universidade de Coimbra. (1) Ephemeridas astronomicas calculadas paro o meridiano do Observa- torio real da Universidade. 623. (2) Observances meteorologicas (magneticas e sismicas) feitas no Observa- torio meteorologico e magnetico. 1186 Universita di Genova. Atti. 368. Universita di XTapoli. Annuario del Museo zoologico. 239 Universita di Pisa. Annali. 175. Universita di Roma. Istituto Chimico. Ricerche. 1389. Universita di Torino. (1) Annales de 1'Observatoire de 1'Academie de Turin. 127. (2) Bollettino meteorologico ed astronomico del regio Osservatorio del- 1'Universita. 439. Universita Toscane. See UNIVERSITA DI PISA. Universitat zn Bonn. Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte. 341. 442 SOCIETY INDEX Universitat zu Breslan. Annalen der klinischen Anstalten. 102. Universitat zu Gottiiigen. Nachrichten. 1124. Uiiiversitat zn Greifswald. Greifswaldische academische Zeitschrift. 678. Universitat zn Jena. Annales Academiae Jenensis. 110. Uuiversitat zu Kiel. Schriften. I486. Uuiversitat zu Kouigsberg. Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der koniglichen Universitats-Stern- warte. 340. Universitat zn Strassbnrg. BeitrSge zur Geophysik. Abhandlungen aus dem geographischen Seminar. 379. Universitat zu Wien. (1) Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen Institut der Universitat Wien und der zoologischen Station in Triest. 251 (2) Beitrage zur PalUontologie und Geologie Osterreich-Ungarns und des Orients . . . Mittheilungen des geologischen und pala'ontologischen Instituts. 384 Universitas Caesarea Dorpatensis. (1) Beobachtungen der kaiserlichen Universitats-Sternwarte, Dorpat. 1187. (2) Meteorologisehe Beobachtungen angestellt in Dorpat. 1063. (3) Observationes astronomicas, institutas in Specula Universitatis Caesareae Dorpatensis, edidit F. G. W. Struve. 1187. Universitas Havniensis. See KJ0BENHAVNS UNIVERSITET. Universitas Lnndeusis. See UNIVERSITETET (Lund). Universitas Mosqnensis. Commentationes Societatis Physico-Medicae. 566. Universitatea din Jasi. Annales scientifiques. 170. Universite de Bruxelles. See UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES. Universite de Gaud. Annales Academic Gandavensis. 109. Universite de Jassy. See UNIVERSITATEA DIN JASI. SOCIETY INDEX 443 University de Liege. (1) Annales Academise Leodiensis. 111. (2) Institut de Physiologie. Travaux du Laboratoire. 1693. Universit6 de Lille. Travaux et Memoires. 1677. Universit6 de Louvain. Annales Academiae Lovaniensis. 112. University de Lyon. Annales. 135 University de Madrid. See UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DE ESPANA. Universit6 de Rennes. Travaux scientifiques. 1679. Universite de Toulouse. Annales de la Faculte des Sciences. 137. Universite d'Upsal. See UNIVERSITETET i UPSALA. Universite Libre de Bruxelles. Eecueil de 1'Institut botanique. 1378 Universiteit te Groningen. (1) Acta Saecularia Academiae Groninganae. 44. (2) Annales Academiae Groninganae. 44 and 115. (3) Publications of the Astronomical Laboratory. 1342 > Universitetet (Lund). (1) Acta. 50 (2) Ars-skrift. 50 > Universitetet i Upsala. (1) Arsskrift. 1706 - (2) Bulletin mensuel de 1'Observatoire meteorologique. 501 * (3) Bulletin meteorologique mensuel de 1'Observatoire. 501. (4) Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala. 510 -> Universiteyt tot Ley den. Annales Academiae Lugduno-Batavae. 113 and 115. University College (Dundee). Studies from the Museum of Zoology. 1548. University College (London). (1) Drapers' Company Kesearch Memoirs. 603. (2) Physiological Laboratory . . . Collected Papers. 1238. (3) Keport of the Department of Pathological Chemistry. 1410. 444 SOCIETY INDEX % University Geological Survey of Kansas. See UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. University of California (Berkeley). (1) Memoirs. 1023 > (2) Publications. 1700 - (3) Publications of the Lick Observatory. 1347 * University of Cambridge. (1) Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory of Cambridge. 328 - (2) Studies from the Physiological Laboratory. 1550. University of Cincinnati. Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory. 1344. University of Dublin. (1) Hermathena : a series of papers on literature, science, and philosophy, by members of Trinity College, Dublin. 684. (2) The Natural History Keview: a quarterly journal including the transactions of the . . . Dublin University Zoological Association. 1126. (3) Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Trinity College, Dublin. 1193. (4) Proceedings of the Dublin University Zoological and Botanical Association. 1285. University of Kansas (Lawrence). (1) Kansas University Quarterly. 871. (2) Science Bulletin. 871 -> (3) University Geological Survey of Kansas . . . Keports. 1699 > University of Kasan. Scientific Transactions. 1687. University of Liverpool. The Thompson Yates (and Johnston) Laboratories Eeport. 1566. University of Manchester. See OWENS COLLEGE, MANCHESTER. University of Missouri (Columbia). Studies. 1701. University of Nebraska (Lincoln, Nebraska). (1) Graduate Bulletin. 677. (2) University Studies. 1703. University of Oxford. DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY. Collected Papers. 559 > EADCLIFFE OBSERVATORY. (1) Astronomical and Meteorological Observations. 329 (2) Astronomical Observations. 329. (3) Kesults of Astronomical and Meteorological Observations. 329. SOCIETY INDEX 445 University of Oxford (continued). UNIVERSITY MUSEUM. Keports of the Hope Department of Zoology. 693 University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). (1) Publications . . . Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory. 1349 - (2) Publications . . . Mathematics. 1350. University of the City of New Tort. Kesearches of the Loomis Laboratory of the Medical Department. 1438. University of the State of New York (Albany). (1) Annual Keport of the Kegents ... on the condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History. 232. (2) Annual Keport on the New York State Musuem. 232 (3) Bulletin of the New York State Museum. 514 - University of Toronto. Papers read before the Mathematical and Physical Society. 1220. University of Upsala. Geological Institution. See UKTVEESITETET i UPSALA. University of Virginia (Charlottesville). (1) Bulletin of the Philosophical Society. Scientific Series. 1702 (2) Publications of the Leander McCorinick Observatory. 1348. University of Wisconsin (Madison). Publications of the Washburn Observatory. 1351 > Upsala. KONGLIGA VETENSKAPS SOCIETET. (1) Acta. 39. (2) Acta Literaria et Scientiarum Sueciae. 39. (3) Arsskrift. 316. (4) Nova Acta. 39 UNIVERSITETET. (1) Arsskrift. 1708 -* (2) Bulletin mensuel de 1'Observatoire meteorologique. 501 (3) Bulletin meteorologique mensuel de 1'Observatoire. 501. (4) Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala. 510 -* Utrecht. ACADEMIA KHENO-TRAJECTIKA. See HOOGESCHOOL. HOOGESCHOOL. (1) Annales Academiae Kheno-Trajectinae. 114 and 115. (2) Onderzoekingen gedaan in het Physiologisch Laboratorium. 1481. (3) Scheikundige Onderzoekingen, gedaan in het Laboratorium. 1481. KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSCH METEOROLOGISCH INSTITUUT. (1) Meteorologisch Jaarboek. 1O64. (2) Meteorologische Waarnemingen. 1064. (3) Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Jaarboek. 1064. 446 SOCIETY INDEX Utrecht (continued). PKOVINCIAAL UTBECHTSCH GENOOTSCHAP VAN KUNSTEN EN WETLN- SCHAPPEN. (1) Aanteekeningen van het Verhandelde in de Sectie Vergaderingen. l (2) Natuurkundige Verhandelingen. 1143. (3) Verhandelingen. 1720. (4) Verslag van het Verhandelde in de Algemeene Vergadering. 1748 * SOCIETAS KHENO-TRAJECTINA. (1) Acta Literaria. 38. (2) Nova Acta Literaria. 38. Utrechtsche Hoogescliool. (1) Annales Academiae Rheno-Trajectinae. 114 and 115. (2) Onderzoekingen gedaan in het Physiologisch Laboratorium. 1481. (3) Scheikundige Onderzoekingen, gedaan in het Laboratorium. 1481. Valenciennes. SOCIETE D' AGRICULTURE, DES SCIENCES ET DBS ARTS DE L'AR- RONDISSEMENT DE VALENCIENNES. Memoires. 959. Vaterlandische Gesellschafb der Aerzte und Naturforscher Sckwabens (Tubingen). Denkschriften. 598. Venice. ATENEO. (1) Atti. 360. (2) Exercitazioni scientifiche e letterarie. 630. IMPERIALS KEGIO ISTITUTO VENETO DI SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI. (1) Atti. 355 - (2) Memorie. 1032 - Verein der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg (Neubranden- burg). Archiv. 265. Verein des Krainischen Landes-Museum (Laibach). Jahresheft. 776. Verein fur Erdkunde zu Dresden. (1) Jahresbericht. 765. (2) Mitteilungen. 1104 -* Verein fur Erdkunde zu Halle, afterwards SXcHsiscH-THiJRiNGiscHER VEREIN FUR ERDKUNDE, etc. Mittheilungen. 1105 > Verein fur Landeskunde von Niederosterreich (Vienna). Jahrbuch fur Landeskunde von Nieder-Oesterreich. 736. SOCIETY INDEX 447 Verein for Naturkunde in Cassel. (1) Bericht tiber die Thatigkeit, etc. 403. (2) Jahresbericht tiber die Thatigkeit, etc. 403. Verein for Naturkunde (Offenbach am Main). Bericht. 398. Verein fur Naturkunde zu Fresbnrg, afterwards VEREIN FUR NATUR- UND HEILKUNDE. Verhandlungen. 1739 Verein for Naturkunde im Herzogtlium Nassau (Wiesbaden). Jahrbucher. 743. Verein fur Naturwisseuschafb zu Braunschweig. Jahresbericht. 766 > Verein fur Naturwissenschaftliche Unterhaltung zu Hamburg. Verhandlungen. 1740. Vereiu fur Fhysiologische Heilkunde in Breslau. Zeitschrift fur klinische Medizin. 1782. Verein fur Schlesische Insektenkunde zu Breslau. Zeitschrift fiir Entomologie. 1779. Verein fur Vaterlaudische Naturkunde in Wurttemberg. Jahreshefte. 777 * Verein fur Wissenschaftliche Heilkunde zu Konigsberg. Konigsberger medicinische Jahrbiicher. 874. Verein Nordlich der Elbe zur Verbreitung Naturwissenschaftlicher Eeuntnisse (Kiel). Mittheilungen. 1106. Verein von Aerzten und Fharmacenten der Kerzogthumer Schleswig und Holstein. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Medicin, Chirurgie und Pharmacie. 1082. Verein zur Befdrderung des G-artenbaues in den Koiiiglicheu Freus- sischen Staaten (Berlin). Verhandlungen. 1741. Vereiu zur Geognostisch-Moutanistischen Durchforschung des Landes Tirol und Vorarlberg (Innsbruck). Bericht tiber die General-Versammlung. 399. Verein zur Verbreitung Naturwisseuschaftlicher Eenntnisse in Wien. Schriften. 1488. Verona. SOCIETA ITALIANA, afterwards SOCIETA ITALIANA DELLE SCIENZE. Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica. 1044 > 448 SOCIETY INDEX Versailles. SOCIETE DBS SCIENCES NATURELLES DE SEINE-ET-OISE. Memoires . . . precedes d'un compte rendu des travaux et d'une histoire. 971. Victoria. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Keport of Progress. 660. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, afterwards PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE OF VICTORIA, and subsequently ROYAL SOCIETY OF VICTORIA. (1) Proceedings. 1653 * (2) Transactions. 1653. Victoria Institute (London). Journal of the Transactions. 863 > Victoria University of Manchester. See OWENS COLLEGE, MANCHESTER. Videnska"bs-Selska"b i Cliristiania. (1) Forhandlinger. 640 > (2) Skrifter. 1515 > Vienna. ANTHROPOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Mittheilungen. 1092. (2) Sitzungsberichte. 1092. GESELLSCHAFT DER FREUNDE DER NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN. Bericht iiber die Mittheilungen. 413. KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHE CENTRAL-ANSTALT FUR METEOROLOGIE UND ERDMAGNETISMUS (UND GEODYNAMIK). Jahrbiicher. 741 > KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHE GEOGRAPHISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Abhandlungen. 5 (2) Mittheilungen. 1095 > KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHE GEOLOGISCHE KEICHSANSTALT. (1) Abhandlungen. 6 (2) Jahrbuch. 728 -> (3) Mineralogische Mittheilungen. 1074. (4) Uebersicht der Kesultate mineralogischer Forschungen. 1689. (5) Verhandlungen. 1726 KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHE STERNWARTE. (1) Annalen. 100. (2) Meteorologische Beobachtungen. 1061. KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHES NATURHISTORISCHES HOFMUSEUM. Annalen . . . Jahresberichte. 1O6 - KAISERLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. (1) Almanach. 64 (2) Anzeiger. 245 > SOCIETY INDEX 449 Vienna (continued). (3) Denkschriften. 593 (4) Mittheilungen der Erdbeben-Commission. 1093 > (5) Mittheilungen der prahistorischen Commission. 1099 (6) Sitzungsberichte. 1505 i OESTERREICHISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR METEOROLOGIE. (1) Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 1065 > (2) Zeitschrift. 1769. OESTERREICHISCHER ALPEN- VEREIN. Mittheilungen. 1103. Rb'MISCH-KAISERLICH-KoNIGLICHE JoSEPHINISCHE MEDICINISCH-CHIRUR- GISCHE ACADEMIE. (1) Abhandlungen. 16. (2) Beobachtungen. 387. - UNIVERSITAT. (1) Arbeiten aus dem zoologischen Institut der Universitat Wien und der zoologischen Station in Triest. 251 > (2) Beitrage zur Palaontologie und Geologie Osterreich-Ungarns und des Orients . . . Mittheilungen des geologischen und palaontologischen Instituts. 384 VEREIN FUR LANDESKUNDE VON NIEDEROSTERREICH. Jahrbuch fur Landeskunde von Nieder-Oesterreich. 736. VEREIN ZUR VERBREITUNG NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER KENNTNISSE. Schriften. 1488. VON KUFFNER'SCHE STERNWARTE. Publicationen. 1339 > WIENER MUSEUM DER NATURGESCHICHTE. Annalen. 107. ZooLooiscH-BoTANiscHER VEREIN, afterwards KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHE ZOOLOGISCH-BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Abhandlungen. 7 (2) Verhandlungen. 1742 Vizagapatam. JUGGAROW OBSERVATORY. (1) Eeports of the Condition and Progress of the Observatory. 867. (2) Kesults of Meteorological Observations. 867. Vlissingen. See FLUSHING. Von Kuffner'sclie Sternwarte in Wien. Publicationen. 1339 > Vosges, Departement des. See EPINAL. 450 SOCIETY INDEX Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. Transactions. 1670 Wandergesellschaft Sachsischer Landwirtlie und Naturforscher nnd Aerzte (Dresden). Verhandlungen. 1731. Warwickshire Naturalists' and Archaeologists' Field Club (Warwick). (1) Annual Keport. 1750. (2) Proceedings. 1326. Washburn Observatory (Madison). See UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Washington. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Proceedings. 1327. ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Papers. 1327. BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. (1) Papers. 1327. (2) Proceedings. 1269. BOTANICAL SOCIETY. Papers. 1327. CARNEGIE INSTITUTION. (1) Contributions from the Solar Observatory, Mt. Wilson, California. 544 (2) Publications. 545 > (3) Year Book. 546 CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Papers. 1327. CLINICO-PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. 1279. - COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers. 1327. - ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Papers. 1327. - GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Papers. 1327. - MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Papers. 1327. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. (1) Annual. 214. (2) Memoirs. 1019 > (8) Eeport. 1418. SOCIETY INDEX 451 Washington (continued). NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. Papers. 1327. NATIONAL INSTITUTION FOR THE PROMOTION OF SCIENCE. Bulletin of the Proceedings. 516. NATIONAL OBSERVATORY, aftenvards UNITED STATES NAVAL OBSERVATORY. (1) Astronomical (Magnetic and Meteorological) Observations. 327. (2) Publications. 1348 - (3) Eeport of the Superintendent. 1423. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. (1) Bulletin. 515 - (2) Papers. 1327. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. (1) Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory. 188 (2) Annual Report of the Board of Eegents. 217 > (3) Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. 219 > (4) Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 520 > (5) Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin. 1519 * (6) Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. 1520 (7) Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 1325 > (8) Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 1518 > (9) Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 1521 * SOCIETY OF AMERICAN FORESTERS. Papers. 1327. - SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS. Papers. 1327. SOCIETY OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. See ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Watford Natural History Society and Hertfordshire Field Club, after- wards HERTFORDSHIRE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY AND FIELD CLUB. Transactions. 1671 Weimar. GEOGRAPHISCHES INSTITUT. Neue allgemeine geographische und statistische Ephemeriden. 60. Wellington, New Zealand. NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE. Transactions and Proceedings. 1581 > POLYNESIAN SOCIETY. Journal . . . containing the transactions and proceedings. 848 Wernerian Natural History Society (Edinburgh). Memoirs. 1024. West Hendon House Observatory (Sunderland). Publications. 1352 - 452 SOCIETY INDEX West Biding Consolidated Naturalists' Society, afterwards YORKSHIRE NATURALISTS' UNION (Huddersfield). The Naturalist. 1127. Western Australia. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bulletin. 1761 > Wetterauische Gesellschaft fur die Gesammte Naturkunde (Hanau). (1) Annalen. 105. (2) Jahresbericht. 755. (8) Neue Annalen. 105. Wiener Museum der Naturgeschi elite. Annalen. 107. Wiesbaden. VEREIN FUR NATURKUNDE IM HERZOGTIIUM NASSAU. Jahrbucher. 743. Willan Society of London. Transactions. 1672. Williamstown Observatory, afterwards MELBOURNE OBSERVATORY. (1) Astronomical Observations. 333. (2) Monthly Record of Results of Observations in Meteorology, Terrestrial Magnetism, etc. 1444. (3) Results of Astronomical Observations. 333. (4) Results of Observations in Meteorology, Terrestrial Magnetism, etc. 1444. Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling der Koiiiuklijke Akacleiuie van Wetenschappeu te Amsterdam. See KONINKLIJKE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN TE AMSTERDAM. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters (Madison). Transactions. 1673 Wisconsin State Agricultural Society (Madison). Transactions. 1674. Wisconsin, University of. See MADISON. Wiskundige Genootschap onder de zinspreuk : ' Een onvermoeide arbeid komt alles te boven '. Archief. 258. Wissenschaftlicher Verein in Zurich. Monatsschrift. 1111. Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology (Philadelphia). (1) American Journal of Anatomy. 69 (2) Journal of Comparative Neurology (and Psychology). 815 > (3) Journal of Morphology. 819 SOCIETY INDEX 453 Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club (Hereford). Transactions. 1675. Worcester, England. MALVERN NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. Transactions. 1635. Worcester, Massachusetts. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Archaeologia Americana. 256. Wiirteniberg. VEREIN FUR VATERLANDISCHE NATURKUNDE. Jahreshefte. 777 > Wurttembergischer Aerztlicher Vereiii (Stuttgart). Mittheilungen. 1107. Wurttembergischer Naturhistorischer Reisevereiii (Stuttgart). Schriften. 1489. Wiirzburg. BOTANISCHES INSTITUT. Arbeiten. 253. HOCHSCHULE. Arbeiten aus dem physiologischen Laboratorium. 249. - PHILOSOPHISCH-MEDICINISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Jahrbiicher. 742. - PHYSIKALISCH-MEDICINISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Sitzungsberichte. 1511 (2) Verhandlungen. 1727 (3) Wiirzburger medicinische Zeitschrift. 1727. (4) Wiirzburger naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. 1727. - ZoOLOGISCH-ZoOTOMISCHES INSTITUT. Arbeiten. 25O. Yale Psychological Laboratory (New Haven, Conn.). See YALE UNIVERSITY. Yale University (New Haven, Conn.). (1) Studies from the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College. 1547. (2) Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory. 1553. (3) Transactions of the Astronomical Observatory. 1601 Yellow Fever Bureau. See LIVERPOOL. SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE. Yokohama. ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Transactions. 1597 > Yorkshire Geological Society (Leeds). See GEOLOGICAL AND POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY OF THE WEST KIDINO OF YORKSHIRE. 454 SOCIETY INDEX Yorkshire Naturalists' Union (Huddersfield). See WEST KIDING CONSOLIDATED NATURALISTS' SOCIETY. Yorkshire Philosophical Society (York). (1) Annual Keport of the Council. 223. (2) Proceedings. 1328. Yorkshire, West Biding of. GEOLOGICAL AND POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY. Proceedings. 1289. Zeenwsch Geuootschap der Wetenschappen te Vlissingeii, afterwards IE MlDDELBURG. (1) Nieuwe Verhandelingen. 1713. (2) Nieuwe Werken. 1713. (3) Verhandelingen. 1713. Zi-Ka-Wei. OBSERVATOIRE MAGNETIQUE ET METEOROLOGIQUE. Bulletin mensuel. 500. Zoological Society (London). (1) Proceedings. 1280 (2) Transactions. 1676* (3) Zoological Kecord. 1370. Zoologisch-Botauischer Verein in Wien, afterwards KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHE ZOOLOGISCH-BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Abhandlungen. 7 > (2) Verhandlungen. 1742 * Zoologisch-Mineralogischer Verein in Regensburg. (1) Abhandlungen. 19. (2) Korrespondenz-Blatt. 876. Zoologisch-Zootomisches Institut in Wiirzburg. Arbeiten. 250. Zoologische Gesellschaft in Frankfurt a. M., afterwards NEUE ZOOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT, etc. Der Zoologische Garten. 1805. Zoologische Station zu Neapel. (1) Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, etc. 633 * (2) Mittheilungen. 1089 - (3) Zoologischer Jahresbericht. 1808 Zoologische Station in Triest. See KAISERLICH-KONIGLICHE ZOOLOGISCHE STATION IN TRIEST. Zoologisches Institut der Uuiversitat Wien. See UNIVERSITAT WIEN. SOCIETY INDEX 455 Zurich. EIDGENOSSISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE. Publikationen der Sternwarte. 1353 > NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Abhandlungen. 12. (2) Astronomische Mittheilungen. 343 > (3) Bericht tiber die Verhandlungen. 4O6. (4) Meteorologische Beobachtungen. 1062. (5) Mittheilungen. 1098. (6) Vierteljahrsschrift. 1754 > PHYSIKALISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. (1) Jahresbericht. 753. (2) Mittheilungen. 753 * SCHWEIZERISCHE METEOROLOGISCHE ZENTRALANSTALT. (1) Annalen. 1490 > (2) Schweizerische meteorologische Beobachtungen. 1490. WlSSEKSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN. Monatsschrift. 1111. THE END. PRINTED BY HORACE HART AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY