V O L. J.
One main Object of which, isj to eftablifh a plain and permanent
QUINCT. L. I. C. 4.
OF all the languages known in the world, the Englifli is fuppofed to be the moft
difficult; and foreigners in general look upon it as impradlicable to arrive at any
degree of perfccftion, either in writing or fpeakiiig it. Yet from its nature and con-
ftitution, with regard to the grammatical part, it ought to be the moft eafy of attain-
ment of any other; as upon examination it would appear, that it is built upon the
fimpleft principles, and governed by the feweft rules, of any language yet known. la
which refpedls it exceeds even the Hebrew ; hitherto fuppofed to be the moft fimple of
any. With regard indeed to the pronunciation of our tongue, the obftacles are great;
and in the prefent ftate of things almoft infuperablc. But all this apparent difficulty
arifes from our utter negled of examining and regulating our fpeech ; as nothing has
hitherto been done, either by individuals, or focieties, towards a right method of teach-
ing it.
Whilft the ingenious natives of other countries in Europe, particularly the Italians,
French, and Spaniards, in proportion to their progrefs in civilization and politcnefs,
have for more than a century been employed, with the utmoft induftry, in cultivating
and regulating their fpeech ; we ftill remain in the ftate of all barbarous countries in
that refpeft, having left our's wholly to chance. Whoever has a mind to attain any of
thofe tongues, may arrive at the utmoft perfedion in them, by the inftrudlion of fkilful
matters, and the aid of accurate grammars and didlionaries; together with various trea-
tifes on the peculiar niceties and elegancies of each. But when a foreigner arrives in
London, and, as the firft necefiary point, enquires for a mafter to teach him the language,
to his utter aftoniftiment he is told, that there are none to be found ; and thus he is left
to pick it up as well as he can, in the fame way as if he had landed among favages.
This is the more furprifing, as perhaps there never was a language, which required,
or merited cultivation more j and certainly there never was a people upon earth, to
-whom a perfedt ufe of the powers of fpeech were fo elTentially necefiary, to fupport
their rights, privileges, and all the blcffings arifing from the nobleft conltitution that
ever was formed. This amazing negled has been owing to a mode of education, efta-
blilhed more than two centuries ago; and which, notwithftanding a total change in
every circumftance, that made luch a mode of education the moft proper for thofe times,
has, to the difgrace of human reafon, and to the indelible reproach of the leuidature of
this country, remained invariably the fame ever fince. On the revival of ktters, the
Vol. I. [A] ftudy
ftudy of the Greek and Roman languages, in a fhort time, became general, in the more
civilized nations of Europe ; and in this they were wife ; becaule a treafure of know-
ledge, the colkfted wifdom of ages, was here opened to their view, which could be ac-
quired in no other way ; as their own languages were then poor and barbarous, and the
works of their authors, neither fit for entertainment or ufe. Whereas in the noble
works of antiquity, they found every thing necefTary to enlighten the undcrftanding,
regulate the fancy, and refine the taite ; and in proportion to their progrefs in this way,
they who applied themielves to thole ftudies gained a fiiperiority over the reft of man-
kind, not in fame only, but in rank and fortune. Thus were they flimulated in the
purfuir, not only by the pleafure attending the chafe, but by the great ends to be at-
tained by it. The temples of Fame and Fortune were (hut to all, who could not make
their ofix;rings in Greek and Latin. Latin particularly was the general language, in
which all people of education both converfed and wrote; and became, for a confider-
able length of time, the currency of Europe, as French is at this day. Our anceftors,
not to be behind hand with other nations, made many endowments of fchools and col-
leges, for the perpetual propagation of thole ftudies, in their days fo juftly held in the
higheft eftimation. They could not look into the feeds of time, nor forefee that future
generations, upon a total change of circumftances, might fuffer much by a continuation
of thofe inftitutions ; or that an enlightened pofterity would not make fuch alterations
in them, as a change of times might render neceflary.
The change indeed, fince their days, has been fo great, that the two learned languages
are fallen into utter difufe. No one now either writes, or converfes in them. Nay fo
totally are they gone out of fafliion, that in order to avoid the imputation of pedantry,
no gentleman muft let it appear in converfation, that he ever had the leaft tindure of
thofe ftudies-, and far from contributing to any man's advancement to pofts of honour
or profit, the utmoft (kill in thofe languages will only qualify perfons tor the ofEce of
fchoolmafters, or private tutors. Whilft a complete maftery of the Englifii, both in
writing and fpeaking, would be the fureft means of attaining thofe ends, and anfwer
every other purpofe of fpeech, with regard to ornament, as well as ufe, to an inhabit-
ant of thefe countries, better than a command of all the other languages known in the
world. Yet fo little regard has been paid to it in either refpeft, that out of our nume-
rous army of authors, very few can be feledled who write with accuracy ; and among
the multitude of our orators, even a tolerable fpeaker is a prodigy.
All this arifes from a wrong bias given to the mind, in our courfe of education, with
regard to two material articles. The firft is, a total negledt of our own tongue, from
tlie time and pains neceftary to the attainment of two dead languages. The fecond, an
utter inattention to the living language, as delivered to the ear by the organs of fpeech j
from making the written, as prefented to the eye by the pen, the fole objeift of inftruc-
With regard to the firft of thefe, it has been taken for granted, that a knowledge of
Greek and Latin will of courfe produce a fufficient knowledge of our own tongue ;
though it is notorious that many who liave acquired an accurate fkill in writing Latin,
make but a very poor figure in their Englifh ftyle. Nay it has lately been proved by
a learned Prelate, in a fhort effay upon our grammar, that fome of our moll celebrated
writers, ard fuch as have hitherto pafled for our Englifh Claflics, have been guilty of
great folecifms, inaccuracies, and even grammatical improprieties, in many places of
their moft finiflied works. Nor is this at all furprifing, when we confider that grammar
has never been taii^hc amongft us as a fci-nce-, and that in learning Latin, our youth
are inftrufted only in the mechanical rules peculiarly adapted to that language ; where
therefore thefe do not fquare with another, they are as much at a lofs, as if they knew
no rules at all. Will any of thefe, prefuming upon their knowledge of Latin, think
they can mafter the French or Italian, without learning the grammars of their refpeftive
tongues ? And is there not the fame reafon for examining the peculiar rules by which
the Englifh is governed ? This would cenainly be done by all in the liberal line of life,
were the means open to them. But the faft is, that there has been no method laid
down for attaining this knowledge. Nothing worthy the name of a grammar has
hitherto appeared •, and it is not many years fince a diflionary of any value was produced j
which, though it mull be allowed to have been an Herculean labour, when confidered
as the work of one man, yet ftill is capable of great improvement. Hence each indi-
vidual is left to acquire any critical fkill in his own language, as well as he can, by his
own labour. The difHculties that perpetually flart in his way, through want of fome
principles and rules to guide him, foon make him weary of the fruitlcfs purfuit ; and
people in general are fatisfied with copying others, or making innovations upon unfure
grounds. In confequence of which, it has been in a perpetual Hate of fludluation,
being left wholly to the guidance of caprice and fafhion. The learned compiler of the
Englifh Didlionary, in fpeaking of our language, fays, ' That while it was employed in
* the cultivation of every fpecies of literature, it has itfelf been neglefted ; fufFered to
* fpread under the diredlion of chance, into wild exuberance ; refigned to the tyranny
* of time and fafhion ; and expofed to the corruption of ignorance, and caprice of inno-
' vation. When I took tlie firfl furvey of my undertaking, I found our fpecch copious
* without order, and energetic without rules : wherever I turned my view, there was
* perplexity to be difentangled, and confufion to be regulated.' And Swift, in his let-
ter to Lord Oxford, is of opinion, that the corruptions crept into our language,
have more than counterbalanced any improvements it has received, fince the days of
Charles the Firfl. No wonder indeed our written language fhould be in this flate,
when the only article attended to, and regularly taught, is that of fpelling words pro.
But low as the flate of the written language is, that of the fpoken is infinitely
worfe-, with regard to which, nothing has been done, even to render a right pronun-
ciation of the words attainable. And with refpect to every other point, we are fo far
from having any way opened for teaching a juft and graceful delivery, that even from
our learning the firft elements of fpcech, we are fo wholly perverted by falfe rules,
and afterwards corrupted by bad habits, that there is fcarce a polTibility of arriving
c ar
at any degree of perfeftion in the moft ufeful and pleafing art that can adorn and
dignify human nature.
The total negleft of this art has been produdlive of the worft confequences. It is by
fpeech that all affairs relative to the nation at large, or particular focieties, are carried
on. In the conduA of all affairs ecclefiaftical and civil, in church, in parliament,
courts of juftice, county courts, grand and petty juries, veftries in parillies, are the
powers of fpeech effcntially requifite. In all which places, the wretched (late of elocu-
tion is apparent to perfons of any difcernment and tafte; more particularly in the
church, where that talent is of the utmoft moment to the fupport of religion. But in
general, the fpeakers confole themfelves with the thought, that they are not worfe than
their neighbours: and numbers, hopelefs of arriving at any degree of excellence in that
way, endeavour, as is ufual on fuch occafions, to depreciate what they cannot attain.
Nay it has been gravely maintained by many writers, that oratory is not fuited to the
genius of the nation, or nature of the conftitution ; and tiiat any ufe of it, in the pulpir,
the ftnate-houfe, or bar, would even be improper. To this term of Oratory, from the
erroneous ideas entertained of that art, they annex ftrange ccnfufed notions, of fome-
thing artificial in tones, looks, and gefture, that have no foundation in nature, and are
the mere inventions of man. But if the true art of oratory be only to exhibit nature
drefl: to advantage-, if its objeft be, to enable the fpeaker to difplay his thouglts and
fentiments, in the moft perfpicuous, pleafing, and forcible manner -, lb as to enlighten
the underftanding, charm the ear, and leave the deepeft imprefiions on the minds of
the hearers — Can any one but the moft vain pedant, or ftupid barbarian, fay, that fuch
an art is improper for this or any other fociety in the world ? To reafon with blind pre-
judice, or invincible ignorance, would be fruitlefs-, but I would beg leave to a(k all
who aflert this doftrine a few queftions.
Whether it would not contribute much to promote the caufe of religion, if the fer-
vice of the church were always performed with propriety, and fermons delivered with
due force ?
Whether it would not be of fervice to the ftate, if all our fcnators, who had from
nature the abilities, fliould alfo be furniftied, from art and praftice, with the habitual
power of delivering their fentiments readily, in a corredt, perfpicuous, and forcible
manner? And whether this would not be equally ufeful to the gentlemen of the bar?
Whether it would not contribute much to the eafe and pleafure of fociety, and im-
provement of politenefs, if all gentlemen in public meetings, or private company,
fliould be able to exprcfs their thoughts clearly, and with an utterance fo regulated, as
not to give pain to the underftanding, or ofience to the ears of their auditors ?
Whether it would not greatly contribute to put an end to the odious dillinclion kept
up between the fubje(fts of the fame king, if a way were opened, by which the attain-
ment of the Englifli tongue in its purity, both in point of phrafeology and pronuncia-
tion, might be rendered eafy to all inhabitants of his Majefty's dominions, whether
of South or North Britain, of Ireland, or the other Britifii dependencies ?
Whether ic would not redound much to the honour of this nation, if the attainment
of our tongue were rendered eafy to foreigners, fo as to enable them to read our excel-
lent authors in the original, and converfe with the natives of thefe countries upon equal
Whether many important advantages would not accrue both to the prefcnt age, and
to pofterity, if the Engliili language were afcertained, and reduced to a fixed and per-
manent ftandard ?
Whether the firfl: Hep neceffary to the accomplifhment of thefe points, be not that
of opening a method, whereby all children of thefe realms, whether male or female,
may be inftrudled from the firfl: rudiments, in a grammatical knowledge of the Englifh
tongue, and the art of reading and fpeaking it with propriety and grace-, in the fame
regular way as other languages, and other arts, of infinitely lefs confequence to them,
are now taught ?
To compafs thefe points, and others perhaps of ftill greater confequence which may
flow from them, has been the chief objedl of the Author's purfuits in life, and the
main end of the prefent publication.
It mufl: be obvious, that in order to fpread abroad the Englifii language as a living
tongue, and to facilitate the attainment of its fpeech, it is neceflary in the firft place
that a ftandard of pronunciation /liould be eftabliflied, and a method of acquiring a
juft one (hould be laid open. That the prefent ftate of the written language is not at
all calculated to anfwer that end, is evident from this ; that not only the natives of Ire-
land, Scotland, and Wales, who fpeak Englifli, and are taught to read it, pronounce
it differently, but each county in England has its peculiar dialeft, which infeds not
only their fpeech, but their reading alio. All attempts to reform this by any alteration
in our written language would be utterly imprafticable : And the only plan which
could poffibly be followed with any profped of fuccefs, is what the Author has purfued
in his Rhetorical Grammar and Dictionary.
In his Grammar, he has laid open a method of teaching every thing which regards
found, from the firft fimple elements, to their nioft extended combinations in words and
fentences. He has pointed out the principles upon which our pronunciation is founded,
and the general rules by which it is regulated.
In his Didionary he has reduced the pronunciation of each word to a certainty by
fixed and vifible marks; the only way by which uniformity of found could be propa-
gated to any diftance. This we find efiedually done in the art of mufic by notes ; for
in whatever part of the globe mufic is fo taught, the adepts in it read it exadly the
fame way. A fimilar uniformity of pronunciation, by means of this Grammar and Dic-
tionary, may be fpread through all parts of the globe, wherever Englifh fliall be taught
by their aid.
But it may be afl;ed, what right the Author has to alTume to himfelf the oiiice of a
legiflator on this occafion, and what his pretenfions are to eftablifli an ubfolute ftandard
in an article, which is far from being in a fettled ftate among any clafs of people ? It is
Vol. I. [B] well
well known, that there is a great diverfity of pronunciation of the fame words, not only
in individuals, but in whole bodies of men. That there are fome adopted by tke uni-
verfities ; fome prevail at the bar, and fome in the fcnate-houfe. That the propriety
of thefe feveral pronunciations is controverted by the feveral perfons who have adopted
ihem; and what right has this felf-appointed judge to determine which is the beft ?
The Author allows the propriety of the objedion, and therefore thinks it necefTary
to lay open the grounds upon which he puts in his claim to this arduous ofBce.
There was a time, and that at no very diftant period, which may be called the Au-
guftan age of England, I mean during the reign of Queen Anne, when Englifh was
the language fpoken at court ; and when the fame attention was paid to propriety of
pronunciation, as that of French at the Court of Verfailles. This produced a uniform-
ity in that article in all the polite circles; and a gentleman or lady would have been
as much alliamed of a wrong pronunciation then, as perfons of a liberal education
would now be of mif-fpelling words. But on the accefTion of a foreign family to the
throne, amid the many bleffings conferred by that happy event, the Englifh language
fiiftcrcd much by being banithed the court, to make room for the French. From that
time the regard formerly paid to pronunciation has been gradually declining ; fo that
now the greateft improprieties in that point are to be found among people of fafliion ;
many pronunciations, which thirty or forty years ago were confined to the vulgar, are
gradually gaining ground; and if fomething be not done to ftop this growing evil, and
fix a general llandard at prefent, the Englifh is likely to become a mere jargon, which
every one may pronoimce as he pleafes. It is to be wifhed, that fuch a ftandard had
been eftablifhed at the period before mentioned, as it is probable, that Englifh was then
fpoken in its highefl flate of perfedion. Nor is it yet too late to recover it in that very
flate. It was my fortune to receive the early part of my education under a mafler, who
made that a material objed of inftrudion to the youth committed to his care. He was
the intimate friend, and chofen companion of Swift ; who had pafTed great part of his
life in a familiar intercourfe with the mofl diflinguifhed men of the age, whether for
rank or genius. Eminent as he was for the purity and accuracy of his ftyle, he was not
more attentive to that point in writing, than he was to exadlnefs of pronunciation in
fpeaking. Nor could he bear to hear any miftakes committed by his friends in that
refped, without correcting them. 1 had the happinefs to be much with him in the
early part of my life, and for feveral months read to him three or four hours a day,
receiving ftill the benefit of his inftrudion. I have fince had frequent opportunities of
being convinced that a uniformity of pronunciation had prevailed at the court of Queen
Anne, by comparing Swift's with that of many diftinguifhed perfonages who were there
initiated into life ; among the number of which were the Duke of Dorfet and the Earl
of Chellerfield. And that very pronunciation is ftill the cuftomary one among the
defendants of all the politer part of the world bred in that reign. Upon invefligating
the principles on which the pronunciation of that time was formed, I found, that though
there were no rules laid down for its regulation, yet there was a fecret influence of ana-
3 logy
logy confl:antly operating, which attraded the different words, according to their feveral
claffcs, to itfelf as their center. And where there were any deviations from that ana-
logy, the anomalies were founded upon the beft principle by which fpeech can be regu-
lated, that of preferring the pronunciation which was the moft eafy to the organs of
fpeech, and confequently moft agreeable to the ear. So far the Author has laid open
bis pretenfions, upon a fuppofition that pronunciation depended only upon cuftom and
fafliion. But when he adds, that he is the firft who ever laid open the principles upon
which our pronunciation is founded, and the rules by which it is regulated, he hopes
the claim he has laid in to the office he has undertaken, will not be confidered as either
vain or prefumptuous.
When we reflcft, that no evil fo great can befal any language, as a perpetual fluflu-
ation both in point of fpelling and pronouncing, ic is furely a point to be wirtied, that a
permanent and obvious ftandard to both fhould at fome certain period be eftablifhed :
and if poffible, that period (hould be fixed upon, when probably they were in the greateft
degree of perfection. Dr. Johnfon's fpelling has been implicitly followed in the prefent
Di(5tionary. It Icarce deviates from that ufed by the writers in Queen Anne's reign j
as he has judicioufly rejedled feveral innovations attempted fince that time by vain and
pragmatical writers, who, from an afFeftation of fingularity, have attempted to intro-
duce changes, upon principles which will by no means (land the teft of examination :
and it might indifputably be proved, that no alterations in that refpedl, produdive of
any-real benefit, can be made, without new moulding our alphabet, and making a con-
fiderable addition to its charaders -, a point utterly impradicable.
With regard to pronunciation, the Author has laid his reafons before the public of
his having followed that which was eftabliflied at the fame sra. Thus, in both thefe
articles, has he in this one work endeavoured to fix two anchors to our floating lan-
guage, in orJer to keep it fteady againft the gales of caprice, and current of fafhion.
In the explanatory part he has chiefly followed Dr. Johnfon -, only fometimes making
life of plainer words, more adapted to the capacity of Englifh readers.
As the utmoft accuracy was necefl^ary in ufing the marks of pronunciation, he has
exerted fuch induftry in this refpecl, by reiterated examination of each proof flieet before
ic was printed off", that he hopes there is not an error of any confequence throughout
the whole.
THE Right Hon. Earl of Antrim
J. L. Aickenhead, Efq; R. P.
Richard Aid worth, Efq;
John B. Allen, Efq; Two Sets
Joihua Allen, Efq;
Mr. Ifrael Alleyn
Arthur Annefly, Efq;
Francis Annefly, Efq;
Mr. Robert Armftrong
Francis Arnaftead, Efq;
Robert Afli worth, Efq;
Attorney General of Ireland
Major Aubrey
His Grace John Duke of Bedford. R. P.
His Excellency the Earl of Buckingham, Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland
Right Hon. the Countefs of Buckingham
Right Hon. Lord Bangor
Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Beauchamp
Right Hon. Lord Bedive
Right Hon. John Beresford
Right Hon. Walter HufTey Burgh
William Baker, Efq;
Hon. and Rev. William Beresford
Rev. Dr. John Barry
Mathew Bathurft, Efq;
Mr. William Batterfby
Rev. Edward Bayly
William Baynes, Efq;
John Baynes, Efq;
William Baynes, Junior, Efq;
Rev. Mr. Baynes
Francis Bernard Beamifli, Efq;
Cranfield Becher, Efq;
John Belchier, Efq;
Vol. 1.
Mr. Bell
Henry Beaufoy, Efq;
Thomas Bidulph, Efq;
Richard Blair, Efq;
John Blakeney, Efq;
Mrs. Honour Blandford
Arthur Blennerhaflet, Efq;
Gerald BlennerhafTet, Efq;
Cornelius Bolton, Efq;
Mr. Charles Bonner
James Bofwell, Efq;
Hugh Boyd, Efq;
Rev. Dean Brocas
Mr. Lawrence Brook
Hon. James Brown
Rev. Jofliua Brown, LL.D.
Mr. Brown
Robert Bullen, Efq;
Mrs. Elizabeth Burdett
Thomas Burgh, Efq;
Phineas Bury, Efq;
Hon. John Buller
Right Hon. Earl of Charlemont
Right Rev. Bifhop of Cloyne
Right Hon. Jofhua Cooper.
Right Hon. Earl of Cork and Orrery
Right Rev. Bifhop of Cork
Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Crofbic
John Caillaud, Efq;
John Campbell, Efq;
Capt. Allen Campbell
Rev. Dr, Caner
Hugh Carlefon, Efq; Serjeant .at Law
John Carleton, Efq;
Edward Chamberlaync, Efq;
Thomas Chamberlaync, Efq;
[CJ Danid
Daniel Chambers, Efq;
Mr. George Champagne, A. M.
Mr. Richard Champion
Rev. Thomas Chandler, D. D.
Rev. Jofeph Chapman, D.D.
Mr. William Charnley
Monf. De Chemilly. Paris
John Chcfliyre, Efq;
Hon. and Rev. Mr. Cholmondeley
Hon. Mrs. Cholmondeley
William Chriftmas, Efq;
Charles Churchill, Efq;
Mr. J. A. Clarke
Dr. Clement, V. P. T. C. D.
Robert Clements, Efq;
Mr. Lawrence Clinch
Thomas Cobbe, Efq;
William Cockell, Efq;
Mr. William Peter Le Cocq. Guernfey
Mr. Coghlan
Charles Cole, Efq;
Samuel Collins, Efq;
John Colthurft, Efq;
Henry Colthurft, Efq;
Chriftopher Conron, Efq;
Rev. Henry Connor. Two Sets
Daniel Conner, Efq;
William Conyngham, Efq;
Mr. Cook
Richard Cooper, Efq;
Charles Henry Coote, Efq;
Ifaac Corry, Efq;
Mifs Corry
Sir James Cotter
Thomas Coutts, Efq;
Mr. Lancelot Cowper
Mr. Cox
Rev. Dr. Cradock, Dean of St. Patrick's
Mr. Richard Cranfield
Arthur Craven, Efq;
Robert Crifpin, Efq;
Richard Croftes, Efq;
Mrs. Croftes
Mifs Mary Croker
Sir Michael Cromie, Bart.
John Crookfhank, Efq;
Crofbie, Efq;
Rev. Dawfon Crowe, LL.D.
James Cuff, Efq;
Mr. Edmond Cullen
Lieut. Gen. Robert Cuningham
His Grace the Archbifhop of Dublin
Right Hon. Lord Dartrey. Two fets
Right Hon. Lady Dartrey
Right Hon. Sir Robert Deane, Bart. 50 Copie.s
Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Devece
Right Rev. Lord Biftiop of Dromore
Mifs Dalton
Dennis Daly, Efq;
Mifs Elizabeth Judge Daras
Rev. Jofeph Davie, B. D.
Rev. Thomas Davies, A. M.
Robert Davis, Efq;
Arthur Dawfon, Efq;
Rev. William Dawfon, A. M.
Lady Deane
Chriftopher Deey, Efq;
Mr. Henry Delamain
Mr. Arthur Dempfy
John Deverell, Efq;
Stephen Dickfon, Efq;
William Dilke, Efq; '
John Dillon, Efq;
Edward Dorman, Efq;
Philip Doyne, Efq;
Mr. Henry Durbin
Right Non. Earl of Ely. R. P.
Ifaac Ambrofe Eccles, Efq;
William Eden, Efq;
Ufher Edgeworth, Efq;
Hon. Henry Erfkine
Hon. Thomas Erfkine
Rev. Caleb Evans, A. M.
Simon P^wart, Efq;
Simon Ewart, junior, Efq;
Right Hon. Lord Farnham
Right Hon. James Fortefcue
Jofeph Farel, Efq;
Mr. John Fell
Edward Fitzgerald, Efq;
William Fitzgerald, Efq;
John P'itzgibbon, Junior, Efq;
Hon. Mr. Fitzmaurice
Rev. William Windfor Fitz-Tliomas
Rev. George Flury
Rev. William Foot
Richard Foote, Efq;
John Forbes, Efq;
Dr. Ford. Three Sets
Gilbert Ford, Efq; Two Sets
Richard Ford, Efq;
Rev. Dr. John Forfter
William Fortick, Efq;
Mr. Thomas Foftrook
Rev. Dr. Fothergill, Provcft of Queen's Col-
lege, Oxford
Dominick Frank, Efq;
Hon. Mr. Frafer. Two Sets
Rev. Anthony French
Peeke Fuller, Efq;
Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Glerawlf
Lord Chief Juftice De Grey
— Gardiner, Efq;
Luke Gardiner, Efq;
David Garrick, Efq;
Dennis George, Efq;
Mrs. George
Mr. Gibfon
Rev. Dr. Goodenough
George Goold, Efq;
Gabriel Goldney, Efq;
Thomas Goldney, Efq;
Robert Gordon, Efq;
Thomas Grady, Efq;
Mr. John Grant
Mr. Valentine Grantham
Edward Burnaby Green, Efq;
Godfrey Greene, Efq;
Daniel Gregory, Efq;
Thomas De Grey, Efq;
Richard Griffith, Efq;
Arthur Guinnefs, Efq;
Samuel Guinnefs, Merchant
Right Hon. Lord Headfort
Right Hon. Mr. Secretary Heron
Right Hon. Lady Harriet Hobart
Right Hon. Lady Huntingdon
Mifs Hamilton
Robert Hamilton, Efq;
John Dowdall Hammond, Efq;
Richard Hare, Efq;
Mr. Mark Harford, Junior
Nicholas Harrifon, Efq;
Sir Harry Harftonge, Bart. R. P.
John Heard, Efq;
William Heard, Efq;
Rev. Benjamin Heath
Mr. John Henderfon
Mr. William Henning
Capt. George Herry
Rev. Dr. Hewetfon
Hon. William Williams Hewitt, Efqj
Mrs. Elizabeth Hill
Mr. Jeremiah Hill
James Griffith Hoare, Efq;
Hon. Henry Hobart
Rev. William Holcombe
Peter Holmes, Efq;
Rev. Mr. Hornfby
James Hotchkis, Efq;
Rev. Dr. Hotham
Gorges Edmond Howard, Efq;
Hon. Mifs Ifabella Howard. R. P.
Mr. William Hunt
Francis Hutchinfon, Efq;
Right Hon. Lord Chancellor of Ireland
Right Hon. Richard Jackfon
Clifford Jackfon, Efq;
Rev. Cyril Jackfon
Mr. William Jarvis
Rev. Mr. Jeans
St. John Jeffreys, Efq;
Denham Jephfon, Junior, Efq;
Robert Jephfon, Efq;
Thomas Gregory Johnfton, Efq; R. P.
William Jones, Efq;
Edward Jordan, Junior, Efq; R.P.
Right Hon. Lord Kingfborough
James Kearny, Efq;
Thomas Keate, Efq;
Mifs Kemp
Mr. Jofeph King
Mifs Knowles
Ralph Knox, Efq;
Right Rev.. Lord Bifhop of London
Rev. James Lambard
William Lambe, Efq;
Mifs Rebecca Lane
John Langford, Efq;
Sir Hercules Langrifhe, Bart,
James Haughton Langfton, Efq;
John Lapp, Efq;
David Latouche, Junior, Efq;
Mrs. Latouche
Rev. Dr. Laws
Henry Leach, Efq^
John Lee, Efq;
Rev. Dr. Lefanu
Jofeph Lefanu, Efq;
Mrs. Lefcvre
Thomas Ltfter, Surgeon
John Lloyd, Efq;
John Lloyd, Efq;
Rev. Richard Lloyd, A.M.
Thomas Lloyd, Efq;
Rev. Mr. Locke
Henry Loftus, Efq;
John Longfield, Efq;
Mrs. Longfield
Jofeph Lord, Efq;
Sir Francis Lumm, Bart.
Mifs Lyon.
Right Hon. Long Milford
Right Hon. Lord Molcfworth
Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Mountcafhell
Right Hon, Lord Mountmorres. Six Sets
Ruby M'Carthy, Efq;
William M'Culloch, Jnnlor, Efq;
Walter M'Gwire, Efq;
William M'Gwire, Efq;
John Maddifon, Efq;
Rev. William Major
Bellingham Mauleverer, Efq;
Rev. Dr. Marley, Dean of Femes
Hon. Charles Marfham
Marfhe's Library
Richard Martin, Efq;
Francis Mathew, Efq;
Gorges Meredyth, Efq;
John Mirehoufe, Efq;
Rev. Mr. James Alockler
Rev. James Mockler, LL.B.
John Monck Mafon, Efq;
W. T. Monfell, Efq;
Mrs. Montague
Alexander Montgomery, Efq; Two Sets
James Montgomery, Efq;
William Montgomery, Efq;
Henry Moore, Efq;
Hon. Harvey Morrcs. Two Sets
Mrs. Moylan
Rev. Robert Myddleton
Edv.'ard Napier, Efq;
Edward North, Efq;
Right Hon. Silver Oliver
Charles O'Connor, Efq;
Rev. Mr. Odell
William Odell, Efq ;
Derby O'Grady, Efq;
Hamilton O'Hara, Efq; R. P.
Corn. O'Keeffe, Efq;
Rev. Archdeacon Oliver
John O'Neil, Efq;
Michael Ormfty, Efq; R. P,
William Ormfby, Efq;
John Herbert Orpen, M. D.
George Overend, Efq;
Richard Overend, Junior, Efcj;
Arthur Owen, Efq;
Right Hon. Edmond Sexton Perry, Speaker of
the Houfe of Commons in Ireland
Rev. Mr. Pack
Monf. Robert Paris. Three Sets
John Parnell, Efq;
James Theobald Payne, Efq;
Pryce Peacock, Efq;
Samuel Pechell, Efq;
Pembroke Society
Cooper Penrofe, Efq;
Rev. Dean Perry
Rev. James Philips, D. D.
Thomas Pidgeon, Efq;
Jeffrey Piercy, Efq;
Mifs Plummer
Mifs Elizabeth Plummer
James Plunket, Efq;
Arthur Pomeroy, Efq;
Major Powel ,
Rev. Richard Purcell
Toby Parcel, Junior, Efq;
Dr. Henry Quin
Mr. Walter Rainftop -
Rev. Samuel Raftall
Mr. Henry Reed
Mr. Reily
John Revell, Efq;
Jacob Reynardfon, Efq;
Thomas Roberts, Efq;
Edward Roche, Efq;
David Rochfort, Efq;
Robert Rofs, Efq;
Mr. Ryder
Thomas Ryder, Efq;
W. Bcauchamp Rye, M. D. R. P.
Right Hon. Earl of Shannon
Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Southwell
George Sail, Merchant
Mr. Francis Sandys
Thomas Sarsfield, M. D.
Vol. I.
Sir Alexander Schomberg
George Lewis Scott, Efq;
Mr. Claude Scott
Bryan Sheepy, Efq;
Rev. Mr. Shepherd
Mr. John Andrews Sheridan
Rev. Martin Sherlock
John Simmofts, Efq;
Mr. John Simmons
Mr. William Smeton
Charles Smith, Efq;
Mr. Jofcph Smith
Rev. Nathaniel Smith, A. M.
Thomas Smith, Efq;
William Smith, Efq;
Mr. William Smith
Dr. Staker
George Stannard, Efq;
R. Steele, Efq;
T. Steele, Efq;
Mr. Francis Stephens
James Sterling, Efq;
Mrs. Sterling. R. P.
Parfons Sterling, Efq; R. P.
Sir Annefly Stewart, Bart.
Sir James Stewart, Bart.
Robert Stewart, Efq;
Mrs. Grace St. George
Thomas St. George, Efq;
Rev. James Stopford
Rev. Jofeph Stopford
Rev. William Stopford
Edward Strettell, Efq;
William Stuart, Efq;
Robert Stubber, Efq;
Mr. Stump
William Talbot, Efq;
Mr. Tayler
John Taylor, Efq;
Edward Bodham Thornliill
Edward Tighe, Efq;
William Tighe, Efq;
Mifs Jane Tindall
Colonel Tonfon
James Topping, Efq;
Rev. William Towniend, B. D.
Thomas Travers, Efq;
Walter Travers, Efq; Two Sets
Trinity College Library, Oxon
James Twigg, Efq;
Rev. Benjamin Twyning
Right Hon. Agmondefliam Vefey
— — Vanburgh, Efq;
Mr. Jofeph Fitwilliam Vandercom
John Vaughan, Efq;
Benjamin Vidor, Efq;
John Ufher, Efq;
Major Vyfe
Philip Vyvyan, Efq;
Right Hon. Lord Wandesford. R. P.
Right Rev. Lord Bifhop of Waterford
John Thomas Waller, Efq;
Hon. Robert Ward
Hon. Edward Ward
Richard Warren, Efq; ■
Mrs. Warren
Thomas Warren, Efq;
William Webb, Efq;
William Whately, Efq;
Hamilton White, Efq;
Mr. Thomas Willis
Mr. Francis Wilfon
James Wilfon, Efq;
John Wilfon, Efq;
William Woiney, Efq;
John Wogan, Efq;
Mr. Thomas Woodall
Mr. Wyatt, Surgeon
— Yarker, Efq;
Rev. Mr. Yarker
Barry Yelverton, Efq;
Mr. Frederick Yeamans
M^fs Younge
Paje I
f\F fimple faundsy ------
Of the nature and formation of fimple founds ^ ■ - - - 6
Scheme of the Alphabet, - . _ . - - 9
Of Diphthongs, - - - - - - ibid.
Of the manner of forming certain founas, - - - - - 10
Of the ufe and ahufe of letters in fpelling or reprefaiting words, - - - ^3
Of Confonant Digraphs, - - - - - 20
S E C T. VI.
Rules for the pronunciation of Englijh words, - _ » - 22
Of Monosyllables.
Of monofyl. ending in more confonants than one, - - - - 23
Of monofyl. ending in e mute, - - - - - - 24
Of monojyl. ending in vowels that are pronounced, - - - - 25
Of tnonofyl. formed by diphthongs, - - - - - 27
Of dipbth. formed by w, ,_._._ ibid.
Of diphth. formed by y, - - - - - - 28
Of Difjyltables, ------- 29
Of Potyfyllables, -..---- 30
Of the Art of Delivery.
Of Articulation, -------3?
Of Accent, ---^- -.39
Of Pranunciatien, - - - - - "
0/ Efiiphajis, -.----
0/ Paufes or Stops, - . - -
Of the Pitch or Management of the VoicCy - - -
Of Tones, . - - - -
Of the Recitation of Poetic Numbers, - - - -
Rules to be obferved by the natives of Ireland, in order to attain a juji pronunciation «/'Engli{h,
Obfervations with regard to the pronunciation of the natives of Scotland and Wales,
Explanation of the Marks ufed in the Diilionary to point out the pronunciation of the tvords.
e 41
Calculated folely for thePiirpofes of teaching Propriety of Pronun-
ciation, and Juftnefs of Delivery, in that Tongue, by the
Organs of Speech,
Vol. I.
Of Simple Sounds.
N the Eiiglifli alphabet there appear twenty-fix letters,
bcdefghijklmnopqr f
But this alphabet is ill calculated to reprefent the fimple founds of the Englifli tongue, as there are
many of thofe founds which have no letters to ftand for their marks. Two of the confonants are
fuperfluous ; c and q : c having the found either of k ox s; and q that of k before a a when pre-
ceding another vowel in the fame fyllable. Two are marks of compound founds j j, which flands
for dzh; and x, for ks or gz. And h is no letter, but merely a mark of afpiration. With regard
to the vowels, two of them, / and u, as pronounced by us, are marks of diphthongs j and the only
founds we hear of real fimple vowels are thofe of , e, and o. Thus, deducting the five confonant
marks above mentioned, and thofe of the two vowels, there remain but nineteen letters to reprefent
all the fimple founds incur tongue, which in reality amount to twenty-eight ; confequently to iflake
a complete alphabet, in which every fimple found ought to have a mark peculiar to itfclf, there
ought to be nine more charaders or letters. The reafon of this deficiency is, that after the revival
of letters we adopted the Roman alphabet, which became of general ufe throughout Europe, though
it was by no means fuited to our tongue, on account of the great number of fimple founds con-
tained in it, which were not found in the ancient Latin. To make up for this deficiency in the
adopted alphabet, there were in thofe days of ignorance fomany clumfy contrivances ufed, and from
that time to this fuch diverfity and irregularity in marking the fuperabounding founds, not upon
fettled principles, but according to the whim and fafliion of the times, that it became a work of im-
menfe time and labour, even to the bed educated natives, to give a right pronunciation to words in
reading ; and it is rendered wholly impoffible for foreigners or provincials ever to acquire it, from
any afliftance hitherto given them by books'.
To afford a clue through this intricate labyrinth, and to enable all, who will take the pains of
becoming maftcrs of the method here laid down, to acquire a juft pronunciation of our tongue, is
one of the main objeiSls propofed in the following work,
2 In
In order to this it will be necelTary in the firft place to afcertain the number of fimple founds in
our tongue. And firft I {hall begin with the vowels.
Scheme of ibe Vowels.
Before they proceed any farther, it will be necefl'ary that all who would readily and clearly com-
prehend what is laid down in the following treatife with regard to the vowels, fhould get the above
fcheme by heart, fo as to be able to repeat it readily in the order in which the words lie, on a pa-
rallel, not perpendicular line; as,
hit hate hall,
bet bear, &c.
In this fcheme * we fee that each vowel ftands for three different founds; and I have clafled them
in this manner, becaufe I fhall have occafion to particularize them hereafter by the titles of Firft,
Second, and Third founds, according to the order in which they lie, and as they are marked by
thofe figures.
At firil view of this fcheme, one would be apt to imagine that we have no lefs than 17 founds cf
vowels in our tongue ; but, on a nearer examination, we fhall find that there are feveral dupli-
cates of the fame founds, only differently marked. Thus the fecond founds of a and e, as in
hate, bear, are the fame. The third founds in e and /, beer, field, are alfa the fame. The
found of in not, is only the fhort found of a in hall. The fecond ibund of u in bufh is only
the fliort found of o in noofe. The fecond found of / in fight, and the third found of u in
cube, are not fimple founds, but diphthongs. And with regard to the two founds of y, the firft
perceived in the laft fyllablc of lovely', is only the fhort found of e in b^er, and the fecond in Ije
is the fame as 1 in f;'ght.
So that fubdudling thefe eight duplicates, there remain only nine fimple vocal founds or vowels,
which are as follow :
hall hat hate beer no:e noofe bet fit but.
Number cf Simple Sounds of Cofonants.
Thefe amount to nineteen, which are as follow :
eb ed ef eg ek el em en cp er es et ev ez etfi cth cfh ezh ing.
From the number of charaders which appear in the Roman alphabet as marks of fimple founds,
ftve muft be excluded as improper : two are fuperfluous, c and q; c having the fame power only
• Till they fhall have got it by hpnrt, the beft way will be, that each reader fiiould copy the above fcheme,
and hold it in his hand, in order to be furc that he does not miilake the marks.
as a ,c, or an f ; of a i, as in card ; of an s, as in ceafe : and q that of /• when it precedes a diph-
thong whofe firft vowel is u, as in quality. H is no letter, as it reprefents no articulate found,
and is merely an effort of the breath, or afpiration : and two are marks of compound, not fimple
founds; j of zh preceded by a d, as ezh, edzh ; james, dzhames ; and x of is, or gz; h, as
in excel ; gz, as in example.
The laft five confonants of the Englifh alphabet as enumerated above, are marked each by two
chara(Slers, and therefore have been confidered by our grammarians as compound founds, though in
reality they are as fimple as any of the reft. But the truth is, the Roman language was without
thofe founds, confequently they had no letters in their alphabet to mark them. The found of etti,
or the Greek theta, indeed, they had adopted together with fome words from that language, fuch
as theatrum, theologia, &c, ; but not being able to introduce the Greek letter into their alphabet,
they fell upon the expedient of marking it by a jundion of their h, or mark of afpiration, with
a /, and this expedient we have adopted from them in marking three of thofe founds ; of
tR, as in the word tfiin ; th, as in then ; and Jh, as in Ihall. But we have as yet given no pecu-
liar mark to the 4th found, czh, being fometimes reprefented by a fingle z, as in azure ; fometiraes
by an s, as in oficr. The fimple found ing is uniformly marked by a jun(5lion of n and g, as fing,
ring, &c.
There are befides two letters in the Roman alphabet, y and zv, whofe nature and ufe have been
utterly miftaken by our grammarians, as {hall be fliewn when we come to fpeak of diphthongs.
The chief ufe of thefe charafters is to fland as marks for the Ihort founds of ee, and 00, in the
formation of diphthongs ; by which names they fhould therefore be called.
The whole of the Englifh alphabet, with regard both to founds and letters, may be exhibited in
one view by the following fcheme.
3 t 3 3 - T I I ,
hall hat hate beer note noofe bet fit but
w y
fhort 00 fhort ee
eb ed ef eg ek el em en ep er es et ev ez etR * eth efh ezh ing
h c j q X
ha ek or efs edge qua eks or egz.
By founding thefe latter characters in this manner, their nature and powers will be cxprefTed in
their names. And I have placed a vowel before the other confonants, that they may be all founded
in that manner, contrary to the ufual praiSice, for a reafon to be given hereafter.
* Th has two founds ; one in the word ttt'K, the other in t^ert. To diftinguifli them, the former found is
marked by a ftroke drawn acrofs the upper part of the R.
Vol. I. b S E C T I O
Of the Nature and Formation of the Simple Sounds.
T7*IRST, of the vowels ; which may be divided into long and fliort. The firft fix are of the
■*■ former kind ; the three laft, of the latter. In calling the firft long vowels, I do not mean
that they are neceflarily long, but they are fuch whofe found may be prolonged ad libitum, though-
at the fame time capable of being rervdered fliort ; and therefore ftridly fpeaking they fliould be de-
Qominated doubtful.
Six long or dcubifid Vowels.
hall hat hate beer note noofe.
In pronouncing them in that order, we perceive a juft and regular fcale, by which the voice
proceeds in marking thofe founds. I. is the fulleft found, made by the greateft aperture of the
mouth, and the voice ftrikes upon that part of the palate which is neareft to the palTage by which
the voice ilTues : a is formed by a gradually lefs aperture, and the ftroke of the voice more ad-
vanced : a in like proportion ftill more fo ; and in founding e the mouth is almoft clofed, and the
ftroke of the voice is near the teeth. Thefe are the only long vowels formed within the mouth.
After that, the feat of articulation is advanced to the lips ; 6 being formed by a fmall pufhing out'
of the lips in a figure refembling the circular character which reprefents that found ; and 6 by
advancing the lips ftill more, and puflaing the found out through a chink or foramen more of tfttf
oblong kind. So that whoever will give but a flight attention in repeating the vowels in this
order, will perceive a regular and gradual progreflion of the voice, from the firft feat of articula-
tion to the extreme : aSj a a a e 6 o. The three laft vowels, founded in the words bet, fit, but^
are in their nature fiiort, being incapable of prolongation; on which account it would be found
difficult to pronounce them feparately, and their true founds can be pointed out only in fyllables
when they are united to fubfequent confonants.
Of the Natttre and Formation of Confonants.
Confonants may be divided into two clafles, mutes and femivowels. The mutes, are thofe whofe
founds cannot be prolonged; the femivowels, fuch whofe founds can be continued at pleafure j
partaking of the nature of vowels, from which they derive their name. There are fix mutes, eb^
ed, eg, ek, ep, et. And thirteen femivowels, ef, el, cm, en, er, es, ev, ez, etlT, eth, efh,
ezh, ing.
The mutes may be fubdivided into pure and impure. The pure, are thofe whofe founds cannot
be at all prolonged, Thefe are, ek, ep, et. The impure, are thofe whofe founds may be con-
tinued, though for a very ftiort fpace. Thefe are, eb, ed, eg.
The femivowels may be fubdivided into vocal and afpirated. The vocal, are thofe which are
formed by the voice ; the afpirated, thofe formed by the breath. There are nine vocal, and four
afpirated. The vocal are, el, em, en, er, ev, ez, eih, ezh, ing. The afpirated, cf, cs,
etS, efli. The vocal femivowels may be fubdivided into pure, and impure. The pure, fuch
4- as
as are formed intircly by the voice: the impure, fuch as have a mixture of breath with the voice.
There are five pure— el, em, en, er, ing. Four impure — ev, ez, eth, ezh.
In order to know the manner of their formation, it will be proper to divide them into feparate
claflTes, according to the different feats where they are formed, whether the lips, teeth, palate, or
nofe; thence denominated, labial, dental, palatine, and nafal.
The labial are four.
Dental eight,
Palatine four.
Nafal three.
efh ezh.
Eb and ep are formed exactly by the fame aiSlion of the lips, which is, by clofing them and in-
tercepting the voice; and the only difference between them is, that in forming eb, the lips at firft
only gently touch each other, fo as not wholly to prevent fome founds ifTuing, and are foon after
clofed till the voice be entirely intercepted : whereas in forming ep, the lips are at once fo forcibly
preflld together, as to prevent the iffuing of any found. Thefe two are the only genuine labial con-
sonants ; that is, entirely formed by the lips : the other two, being partly labial, and partly dental j
that is, they are formed by the application of the under lip to the upper teeth, as ef, ev. Here it
is alfo to be obferved, that thefe two letters are formed by the fame pofuion of the organs, and the
only difference between them is, that ev, is formed by the voice and breath mixed j ef, by the
breath only.
The next in order are the dental, as the feat of their formation is ncarefl: to the lips. In forming
ed and et the tip of the tongue is preffed againft the upper gums, almoft touching the teeth ; and
there is no other difference between them than what was before mentioned with regard to the labials
cb and ep ; that in the one, the found can be continued ; in the other, it can not. In forming ed,
the tongue at firfl only gently touches the gum, and is gradually preffed clofer till the found is entirely
obftructed j whereas in forming et, the tongue is at once fo forcibly and clofely preffed to the- fame
part, that the found is inflanily intercepted.
E^ and eth are formed by placing the tip of the tongue between the teeth, and preffing it
againfl the upper teeth ; and the only difference between them is, what was before obferved with
regard to ev and ef, that the one is formed by the breath only, the other by the breath and voice
Efe and ^2 are both formed in the fame manner, by turning up the tip of the tongue towards the
upper gums, but fo as not to touch them ; and thus the breath and voice being cut by the fharp
point of the tongue, and pafling through the narrow chink left between that and the gums, are
modified into that hifling found perceptible in the one, and buzzing noife in the other. Here alfo
the only difference between them is, the fame that was juft mentioned with regard to eth and ett,
that e-z. is formed by the voice and breath together, efs by the breath only.
Efl) and exh are formed by protruding the tongue towards the teeth, but fo as not to toucli them •
and thus the voice and breath pafling over it through a wider chink, and not being cut by it on
account of its flat pofuion, have not fo (harp a found as efs and ez. The fame diflinftion is alfo
to be obferved here, they being both formed by the fame pofition of the organs, only ezh is by the
voice and breath, and ej)) by the breath only.
Of this clafs there are but two that in flrid propriety can be called dental ; and thofe are eth and
stU, formed by the application of the tongue to the upper teeth, which are not direftly concerned
in pioducing any of the other founds ; but as the feat of their formation is clofe to the teeth, they
have obtained the name of dental, todiftinguifh them from thofe whofe feat is farther removed back
towards the palate, and thence called palatine.
The firft of this clafs are el and er, whofe feat of formation lies a little behind that of ed and et.
El is formed by a gentle application of the end of the tongue to the roof of the mouth a little be-
hind the feat of ed. The preflure muft be as foft as poflible, fo that the found may not be inter-
cepted ; and in this pofition the voice glides gently over the fides of the tongue, which are in a
horizontal pofture, in a flraight line through the mouth. Er is formed by a vibrating motion of
the tip of the tongue between the upper and under jaw, without touching either, and at about the
fame diftance from the teeth thatf/ is formed.
Farther back towards the palate are formed eg and ek^ by raifing the middle of the tongue fo as
to touch the roof of the mouth ; and the only difference of their formation is, that in eg the tongue
is not fo clofely prefled at firft but that the found may continue for a little while ; and in ek^ the voice
is wholly intercepted, in the fame manner as was before mentioned in forming ed and et.
The three confonants, em, en, ing, make up the laft clafs, called nafal, on account of the
round's iffuing through the nofe. Em 15 formed by clofing the lips much in the fame manner and
degree as in eb, with this difference, that the voice thus flopped at the lips, is permitted to pafs
through the nofe.
En is formed much in the fame feat, and by a like application of the organ as el; only there is
more of the tongue, and more clofely applied to the roof of the mouth, fo as in a great meafure
to flop the voice from ifTuing through thatpalTage, and to force the greater part of it back through
the nofe.
Behind this, much in the fame feat, and fame difpofition of the organs as in forming the found
eg, is produced the found ing, by raifmg the middle of the tongue to a gentle contadl with the
roof of the mouth, fo as that part of the voice may ifTue through the mouth, and the remainder
be forced back through the nofe.
I fhall now exhibit at one view a fcheme of the whole alphabet, according to the method above
laid down.
9 Vowels,
Number of fimple Sounds in our Tongue 28.
a a a e 6 o e 1
hall hat hate beer note noofe bet fit
w y
fliort 00 fliort ee
19 Confonants, eb ed ef eg ek el em en ep er es et ev ez etR eth efh ezh ing.
2 Superfluous, c, which has the power of ek or efs ;
q, that of ek before «.
2 Compound, j, which ftands for edzh.
X, for is or ^z.
1 No letter, h, merely a mark of afpiration,
Confonants divided into Mutes and Semivoiveh.
6 Aluies, eb ed eg ek ep et.
3 Pure Mutes, ek ep et.
3 Impure, eb ed eg.
13 Semivowels, ef el em en er efs ev ez etti eth efh ezh ing.
9 TfliTtf/, el em en er ev ez eth ezh ing.
4 Afpirated, ef efs etR efh.
Divided again into
4 Labial, eb ep ev ef.
8 Dental, 6d et eth ettt ez efs ezh efli.
4 Palatine, eg ek el er.
3 Nafal, em en ing.
Of Diphthongs.
TTAVING examined all the fimple founds in our tongue, I fiiall now piocecd to the double
founds or diphthongs.
There are two of our diphthongs which have ufually pafled for fimple founds, bccaufe they are for
the nioft part marked by fmgle characters, which are 1 and li, as founded in the words fight.
Vol. I. c blilci
blue ; the founds given to thofe vowels in repeating cm- alphabet. Bur in reality they are per-
fed diphthongs. The found ! is compofed ot the fullefl and flcndereft of our vow^els, a and e ;
the firft made by the largeft, and the latter by the fmalltft aperture of the mouth. If we attend
to the procefs in forming this found, we fliall find that the mouth is firft opened to the fame
degree of aperture, and is in the fame pofition as if it were going to found a j but before the
voice can get a paflage through the lips, the under jaw is drawn near to the upper in the fame
pofition as when the vowel e is formed ; and thus the full found, checked by the flenderone, and
coalefcing with it, produces a third found, different from both, which is the diphthong !.'
The diphthong u of the founds e and o ; the former fo rapidly uttered, and falling fo
quickly into the found o, that its own diftinit power is not heard j and thus a third found or
diphthong !? formed by the jun*Sion of the two vowels.
The diphthong oi or oy is formed by a union of the fame vowels as that of ! ; that is a e ;
with this difference, that the firft vowel a, being dwelt upon, is diftinftly heard before its
found is changed by its juniElion with the latter vowel e ; as oi, noife.
The diphthong ou or ow is compofed of the founds a and oj and is formed much in the
fame manner as i ; the mouth being at firft in the pofition of founding a, but before that found
is perfeiSed, by a motion of the under jaw and lips to the pofition of founding o, the firft found
a is checked and blended with the latter 6, from which refults the diphthong ou or oiv, as in
thou, now.
All the other diphthongs of our tongue are formed by the fiiort founds of o and e marked by
the characters w and y, preceding all the other vowels and combining with them. As thus.
W or fhort 6.
y or fhort e
yard yare
yon' yoke
Of tie Manner of forming certain Sounds.
1 T will be neceflary for all who wifh to pronounce Englifti properly, to make themfelves perfect
in all the fimple founds and diphthongs enumerated and explained above, before they proceed
any farther. And more particularly foreigners fliould be conftantly exercifed in thofe founds which
are peculiar to the Englifli, and are not found in their own tongues. For which purpofe I fliall
point out fuch founds as the French have not, that being a language generally fpoken by fo-
In the French tongue are to be found the founds of all our vowels, and all our confonants except
tth, ct'\\, and ing. I have already defcribed the mode of forming the two founds of etiT and eth,
but as thefe are the peculiar founds which fcarce any Frenchman or foreigner can conquer, I ihall
be more full in my diredions about them. It muft be obferved then, that in the French tongue all
the articulations are formed within the mouth, and the tongue is never protruded beyond the teeth ;
confequently, unlefs they are told to do it, they will never of themfelves place the organin a pofition
A R H E T O R I C A L G R A M M A R. n
that it never had been in before ; fo that when they are urged to pronounce that new found, as in
the word then^ without having the mcchanifm of the organs pointed out to them, they naturally
utter the found that is neareft to it in their own tongue, and call it den ; in like manner they pro-
nounce thin, tin; changing eth to a d, and et% to a t. And this they continue to do all their lives
in all words containing thofe founds, for want of being informed of the followng plain fimple me-
thod of neceflarily producing thofe founds, if it be but ftridlly followed. Suppofe then you were
defirous of (hewing a foreigner how he fiiould form the found etb when it begins a word or fyllable.
Defire him to protrude the tip of his tongue between his teeth and fomewhat beyond them ; in that
pofition let him prefs it againil the upper teeth without at all touching the under j then let him ut-
ter any. voice with an intention to found the word then, and drasv back the tongue at the fame time
behind his teeth, and the right found will neceflarily be produced. To pronounce the f/lT,
the organs muft be exactly in the hmt pofition, but previous to the v/ithdravving of the tongue,
inftead of any voice, he muil emit breath only, which will as certainly produce the word thin.
When thefe founds end a word or fyllable, as in the words breathe, breath, he muft be told, that
inftantaneoufly after founding the preceding letters, he is to finifli the word by applying the tip of
the tongue to the edge of the upper teeth as before ; and in founding the word breathe, the voice is
to be continued to the end ; whilft in that of breath, the voice is cut oiF at the vowel, and the
corffonaht tt. is formed by the breath only. In both cafes it will be of ufe to continue the
tongue in the fame pofition for fome time after the formation of the letter, at the fame time pro-
■ longing the found of the voice in the former, and of the breath in the latter, till by pradtice the
founds become familiar.
The confonant marked by ing, is perhaps peculiar to the Englifli language. There is a found
in the French nearly approaching to it, to be found in fuch words as dent or ca?np, and in all their
nafal vowels. The oiily difference between them is, that in forming the French founds, the
tongue does not touch the roof of the mouth as in producing the Englifh ing, though in other re-
fpecls it be in a fimilar pofition. If therefore a foreigner wants to produce this found, he has onlv
to raife the middle of his tongue into a gentle contatSt with the roof of his mouth in pronouncini'
any of the nafal vowels; and in this way the French nafal vowel founded in the word dent will be
converted into the Englifh confonant heard in the word ding-dong.
With regard to diphthongs, the Englifli have feveral not to be found in the French toncrue. Of
this number are 'the firft four enumerated above, viz. i, li, oi or oy, and ou or cw. There is a
found in the French fomewhat risfembling our i, to be found in fuch words as vin, fine, but
that there is a difference between them will be immediately perceptible by founding after them our
words vine, fine. And the difference confifts in this, that their diphthong is formed of the vowels
a 1, and ours of the vowels a i ; fo that in order to produce that found, you are to defire a foreicmer
to open his mouth as wide as if he were going to pronounce a, and meant to found that vowel ;
but on the firft effort of the voice for that purpofe, to check its progrefs by a fuddcn motion of
the under jaw towards the upper, flopping it in that fituation in which the found e is formed, and
then inftantly cutting off all found. Thus as the found of a is not completed, nor the found
of e continued, there refults from the union of the two a third found or diphthong v/hich has no
refemblance to either, and yet is a compound of both.
Our diphthong u has alfo a found that refcmbles it In French, to be found in the words
Dieu, mieux; but the difference will inftantly be perceived by founding after them our words dew,
mew; and it confifts in this, that their diphthong terminates in the French vowel a/, a found
2 which
which we have not in our tongue, and is therefore found very hard to be formed by Englini or-
gans ; and ours terminates in o. To form it properly therefore, a foreigner is to be told that it
is compofed of the founds e and o, the firft found not completed but rapidly running into the
laft ; and he is to confider it as ending in the French o«, not eu. Our pronoun you is an exadt re-
prefentation to a French eye of the found of u.
To form the diphthong oi or oy it is neceflary to pronounce the full found of a, dwelling
fome time on the vowel, before the found is intercepted by the motion of the under-jaw, to the
pofition of forming the flender found e, and then the voice is inftantly to ceafe. This diph-
thong differs from that of f only in this, that the firft vowel a is diftindly heard, before it unites
with the latter vowel e. This diphthong is reprefented two ways, either by oi or ey, as in noife,
To produce the diphthong ou or ow, as in cut, owl, it is necefTary that there fhould be the greatefl
aperture of the mouth as if it were about to form the found a ; but before that found is com-
pleted the organs are to change to the pofition of pronouncing o, by a rapid motion of the under-
jaw towards the upper, and protruding the lips in the form of founding 6, at the fame time
flopping the voice fhort ; and thus, as in the diphthong i, by having neither the found of the
former or latter vowel completed, there arifes from the coaiefcence of the two, a third found dif-
ferent from both, which is the diphthong ou or otu.
All the other diphthongs in our tongue are formed by the fhort founds of o and e, reprefented
by the charadlers w and y, and combining with all the other vowels when they precede them in
the fame fyllable.
To inftrudt foreigners in the true pronunciation of thefe, it will be only necefTary to inform them
that our iv anfwers exactly in found and power to the French ou, when it forms a diphthong. As
for inflance, our pronoun we is individually the fame found as their affirmative ou: ; and the miftake
which they conflantly commit of founding that letter like a v, has been owing to their not being
informed of the true nature of the found, and taking up their idea of it from the charafter which
reprefents it, wherein two interwoven vees w are exhibited to view : but if in all diphthongs com-
mencing with that letter they will place their lips in the pofition of forming the French ou, or Eng-
lifh o, they cannot fail of producing the proper found.
In like manner, all diphthongs formed by our y are to be confidered by them as anfwering to
thofe formed either by their /, as in the words mieux, viande, bien ; or their j', as in the laft fyllables
of the words voyage, royaume, moyen.
Befide thofe which I have enumerated and defcribed, there is a vaft variety of combinations of
vowels in our tongue, which have been moft abfurdly called diphthongs by our grammarians, when
in reality they are only fo many different ways of reprefenting the fame fimple founds of our vowels.
To diftinguifh fuch from the true diphthongs, which means double-founding, 1 fhall take the
liberty of coining a new word, and fhall call them digraphs, or double written.
Of the Ufe and Abufe of Letters in fpelUng or refrefenting Worth.
WHEN written words are confidered as the types of founds, in order to make them corre-
fpoiid to their archetypes, the four following rules fliould be ftridlly obferved.
I. No characler fhould be fet down in any word which is not pronounced.
2 Every diftincl fimple found fliould have a diltinft character to mark it, for which it flioulJ
uniformly ftand.
3. The fame character fhould never be fet down as the reprefentative of two diiFerent founds.
4. All compound founds fliould be marked only by fuch charafters, as will naturally and necef-
farily produce thofe founds, upon their being pronounced according to their names in the alphabet.
Thefe rules were ftridlly obferved in the two juflily celebrated languages of old Greece and
Rome, infomuch that the knowledge of their alphabet alone, together with the manner of their
joining letters fo as to make fyllables and words, enabled every one, without farther aid of rules or
mafters, to pronounce their words properly at fight in reading; and the praftice of a few weeks
only might render them adepts in the art. Whereas in the Englifli all thefe rules are fo frequently
violated, or rather indeed fo totally difregarded, that little or no affiftance can be derived to pro-
nunciation from books, and the art of reading properly requires the labour of many years.
Such indeed is the flate of our written language, that the darkeft hierogliphics, or mofl: difficult
cyphers, which the art of man has hitherto invented, were not better calculated to conceal the fenti-
ments of thofe who ufed them from all who had not the key, than the flate of our fpelling is to
conceal the true pronunciation of our words, from all except a itvi well educated natives. The
original fource of this lay in a defective alphabet, as has been before mentioned ; but there were
other caufes which contributed to increafe the confufion, that have been fet forth in an exprefs
treatife for that purpofe, to which the curious reader is referred *.
At prefent I fhall content myfelf with exhibiting to view fuch fpecimens of irregularity in mark-
ing our founds, as it is neceflary the learner fhould be aware of, before he enters upon the rules
which are to guide him through this labyrinth to a jufl pronunciation.
Same Sounds of Vozvels marked in a Variety of different Ways.
• Vid. Lectures on Elocution.
Vot. I.
a favour
all call
ai pain
al talk
ay pray
au laud
ea great
augh taught
e there
aw claw
ei heir
oa broad
eig feign
eo George
ey grey
Diflcrtation, &c. p. 232.
ough ought
e he
ea Tea
ei deceit
ey key
ce fcetus
ie field
ee fee
eo people
i machine
ough dough
Different Sounds marked by the fame Vowels.
here who go
With many more inftances of irregularity in marking our vowels too tedious to enumerate. Nor
Ihall we find the ftate of our confonants much better.
B is often mute, as in - - - debt, tomb.
C has three founds, - - - k care,
s ceafe,
fh fecial.
F has its found marked by two different combinations of letters, ph Philip,
gh laugh.
G has two founds, - . _ gold, gentle.
J has the fame found as that of ad G, - - joy.
S has four founds, . - - s yes,
z rofe,
fh paflion,
zh ofier.
T alfo
then, ttlin.
laugh ;
T alfo has four founds.
X has three founds,
Th has two founds,
Ch has three founds.
Gh has two founds, -
and is often mute, as in - - -
From a view of fuch amazing diforder and confufion in our manner of marking founds, it may
be thought an imprafticable tafk to attempt teaching a right pronunciation of our words by means
of the written language ; and yet I doubt not, if the learner will but take fuitable pains, and com-
mit to memory the rules hereafter to be laid down upon that head, but that he will compafs the
point in a much ftorter fpace of time than could be well imagined. For this purpofe, I ftall firft
lay down rules relative to the confonants, as what regards the pronunciation of the vowels cannot
be explained til! I come to treat of words.
This confonant has always the fame found when pronounced, but it is often filcnt. It is al-
ways fo when followed by a / in the lame fyllable, as in debt, chubt ; or preceded by an /;/, as ioinby
dumb; as alfo in the word fubtk.
C is a redundant character when ftanding by itfelf, fupplying the place cither of a /■ or an s.
When it takes an h after it, it has its ufe, which ftall be explained hereafter. It has the found of
k before the vowels a, c, and u ; oi s before e and /'. So that founding this letter in the follow-
ing manner,
ca ce ci co cu
ku se s! ko ku.
after the feveral vowels as marked above, will afford a certain rule for applying its different founds
properly ; except when preceded by an s in the fame fyllable before an e, of which more hereafter.
It is utterly ufelefs when followed by a ^ in the fame fyllable, as in fick. Jack, trajpck. It
has alfo another found, fupplying the place of _/?», when it precedes the termination com or hus \ as
in cetacMttj, gracious, pronounced fetaftus, graftus. It is fometimes filent, as in the words mufck,
This letter has always the fame found by thofe who pronounce Englift well; but the Provin-
cials, particularly the Irift, Scotch, and Welft, in many words thickei) the found by a mixture of
breath. Thus though they found the d right in the pofitives lotid and broad, in the comparative
degree they thicken it by an afpiration ; and found it as if it were written loudher, broadher. This
vicious pronunciation is produced by pufliing the tongue forward (o as to toucli the teeth in form-
ing that found ; and the way to cure it is eafy, for as they can pronounce the d properly in the
word loud, let them reft a little upon that fyllable, keeping the tongue in the pofuion of forming ^/,
and then let them feparate it from the upper gum without pufliing it forward, and the found der
will be produced of courfe. For the organ being left in the pofition of founding d at the end of
the fyllable huJ, is neceffarily in the pofition of forming the fame d in uttering the laft fyllable,
unlefs it makes a new movement, as in the cafe of protruding it fo as to touch the teeth. This
letter is fometimes though not often quiefcent, as in the words handkerchief, handfome, handfe).
F has always its own found except in the particle of, where it has the power of a v, and is
founded cv, to diflinguifh it from the word o^in found as well as in fpelling. Though it is con-
flant to its found when fingle, yet is it often marked by two^'s, as in cha^, feoff; fometimes by
/>i, both in the beginning and ending of words, as in phikfophy, epitaph; and fometimes by ^/^, as
in laugh, cough : of which more in its proper place.
G has two founds, one peculiar to itfelf, as in gold ; the other in common withy or/ confonant,
as in oentle. The firft of thefe may be called hard, the other foft g. It has, like c, always its
firft or hard found before the vowels a, o, u; in general its fecond or foft found before e, and y ;
but is very dubious before /, fo as not to be reducible to any rule. However, its powers in general
may be known by repeating the following fyllables, ga, je, ji or gi, go, gu, jy.
Before the vowel e, it has its foft found in all words in common ufe, except gear, geefe, geld
and its derivatives ; get and its derivatives ; and its hard found is to be found only in fome proper
names derived from the Hebrew, or technical terms from the Greek.
This letter is frequently filent. ift. When followed by an ;//, as in phlegm; zdly. By an n,
^as ill re'ign, condign; 3dly, By an /', as in light, fuglt; except where gh affumes the power of an
f as in lauirh, of which more hereafter.
This characSlcr is no mark of any articulate found, but is a mere fign of afpiration, or effort of
the breath. This is the only power it has when fingle, and all words beginning with that letter
are to be preceded by an efFort of the breath, except only the following : heir, honefi, honour, hofpi-
tal, hofiler, hour, humour, humble, humbles. But it is put to a variety of other ufes wherever the
defefts of our alphabet are wanted to be fupplied. United to c, ch, it ftands for the compound found
tjh, as charm, pronounced tfliarm. With t, it ftands for two founds, thin and tfiin. With s for
ejh, as fliall. Ch likewife ftands for k in chorus ; for y in phikfophy \ as does gh in laugh. In
conjunftion with g too, it ferves to {hew that it is filent, as in thought. With fome others which
ihall be confidered in treating of combined letters.
J .
This letter is the reprefentative of a compound found made up of ^ and %h or afpirated z. This
is a difficult found to fuch foreigners as have it not in their feveral tongues ; and to enable them
to pronounce it, it is only requifite to dtfire them firft to form the letter d with a vowel before
it, as ed, keeping the tongue in the pofition that it has when that letter is formed ; then let them
try to found the French j, which is exadly the fame found as I have called the afpirated z or e2.h,
and the compound found of ed%h or dzha, will be produced. To facilitate this, it will be proper
to prefent the firft of thefe to the eye, fpelt with the French _;, as thus edjc— and afterwards, in
6 order
order to begin a fyllable with that found, which is more difficult than concluding with it, let them
place the tongue in the pofition of founding ed, and without uttering the previous vowel let them
run the found oi d into that of the fubfequenty followed by a vowel, as djoy [joy], djoke [joke].
This letter is never filent, and has always the fame found, which is alfo reprcfcnted by foft g, as in
iejif gejiure.
K has alwaj's the fame found, reprefented alfo by hard r, as king, card. It is always filent when
It precedes an n in the fame fyllable, as kiiaw, knot ; pronounced no, fiot ; and is fuperfluous when
annexed to a hard c, as in lock^Jiid.
L has always one uniform found, and is never filent but when followed by an m in the fame
fyllable, as balm^ pfalm. In one word only it is founded as r, colonel — pronounced curnel.
Mh alfo uniform in its found, and is never filent.
N is likewife uniform, but is always mute after m in the fame fyllable, as in hymn, condemn.
When it precedes g it reprefents another fimple found to be mentioned hereafter.
This letter has always one uniform found except when joined to an /;, and then it aflumes the
power of an/, as philofophy.
^ has always the power of a i, for which letter it ftands only when it precedes a u followed by
fome other vowel, as in the words quarrel^ que/Hon^ antiquity ; where the two vowels are combined
in a diphthong found ; or the words pique, antique, where the two latter vowels are filent, and the
found of the confonant k finiflies the fyllable.
This letter is always followed by a « in the French as well as in Englifli ; but the difference be-
tween their ufe of it and ours confifts in this, that in the French the u is filent, and the q unites itfelf
immediately with the following vowel, having the found of k. With us the u forms a diphthong
with the following vowel, in the fame manner as in the word quoi, the only one in the French
into which the diphthong found is admitted. This will be fufficient to point out its true pronun-
ciation to foreigners. It is never filent.
This letter has always the fame found, and is never filent
S ftands for four different founds ; ift, Its own peculiar found, as \nfa, yes ; 2dly, z, as in rofe ;
3dly, Jh, as in paffion ; 4thly, zh, as in ofier.
It has its own proper found of s always at the beginning of words. The fame at the end of
words, ift. When they terminate in as, except in the monofyllable as, has, was, and the plurals of
nouns ending in ea, fuch as feas, pleas, &c. idly. In all words ending in double 7}, as faultlcfs,
deprefs, &c. 3dly, All words ending in is, as this, tennis; except the verb is, and the pronoun his,
where it has the found of 2. 4thly, All ending in us and t>us ; as circus, genius ; cutaneous, naufeous,
5thly, When preceded in the fame fyllable by any of the pure mutes, k, p, t, or ttT and f; as
locks, caps, hats, baftis, fcoffsi
Vol. I. e It
It has the found of z, ift, When preceded in the fame fyllable by any other confonant befide
the pure mutes, ^Ir and/; as blabs, beds, begs, bells, dams, &c. adiy, It has the found of z when
finifhing a word preceded by the vowel e, as riches, feries ; except when preceded by a pure mute
in the fame fyllable, as dates, cakes, &c.
It has the found oi flj in all words eliding \nfion preceded by a confonant j as in emulfmi, expan-
f:on, difpeifion, &c.
And of zh in fon, preceded by a vowel ; as in occaf.on, cohefton, incljion, explojlan, ccnfufion. As
alfo in all words ending \nfier, as crofier, hofier.
This letter has its own proper found at the beginning of all words, and at the end of fyllables.
It has the found of s in the wtor6 fatiety.
It has the found ofy& in all terminations in tion, as nation, fanclion, notion, &c. ; except when an
s precedes, in which cafe it takes the found of tjh ufually marked by ch as quejlion, bajlion. Sec, In
like manner t has the found of 7* in all terminations in tial, as martial, nuptial-, except when pre-
ceded by an s, as in be/lial, celejlial, when it has alfo the found of ch.
In pronouncing this letter the Irifli and other provincials thicken the found as was before men-
tioned with regard to the d; for better, they fay betthcr ; for utter, utther, and fo on in all words of
that flruflure. This faulty manner arifes from the fame caufe that was mentioned as affecting the
found of the d, I mean the protruding of the tongue fo as to touch the teeth j and is curable only
in the fame way.
V has always one uniform found, and is never filent.
This character ftands for two compound founds, one which has the power of ii, the other of^z.
At the end of words it has always the found of ks, as in vex, tax.
1. When it is found in the firft fyllable of a word, and has the accent upon it, it has always the
found of ks — as exercife, extricnte.
2. When it is followed in the next fyllable by a confonant, or afpirated /;, it has flill the found
of ks wherever the accent may lie, ,as in exculpate, exhibition, exhilarate.
3. When followed by a vowel, if the accent do not immediately lie upon that fyl'able, it is ftill
pronounced ks, as in executioner.
4. But if the accent be immediately upon the following fyllable beginning with a vowel, the
found of X is then changed to gz ; as in example, exalt, exert, exiji, exonerate, exuberant, &c. And
thus a fure rule is provided for the right pronunciacion of the letter x in all cafes, as it is to have
the found of ks in every fituation except when followed by an accented fyllable beginning with a
vowel; to aflift the memory in which it is onlyneccflary to have recourfe to two words fuch as
ex'ecute executor. There is but one cafe in which there are exceptions to this general rule, and that
is where the found of ^z is preferved in fome words contrary to the maxims above laid down ; which
is only in a few derivatives from primitives that have the found of ^z in them according to rule.
Thus the words exemplary from example, and exaltation from exalt, muft be founded egzemplary
and egzaltation, though the accent be changed to the firft fyllable in the former, and to the third
in the latter. And the fame muft be obferved with regard to all words of this clafs,
Z This
This letter is feen in very few words of Englifli, as its power has been for the moft: part ufurped
by i. It reprefents two founds ; one its own, as in razor ; the other zh, or French y, as in azure
and both of thefe are fupplied by s, as in reafon, ofier.
Having done with ail the confonants that appear in our alphabet, I (hall now proceed to examine
fuch fimple founds as have no peculiar charaders to mark them, and are therefore reprefented by
two letters.
Thefe are two different founds marked by the fame combination of ih. Their nature and man-
ner of formation have been already fufficiently explained ; there remains now to point out the riwht
application of this mark to its tx^^o different ufes.
In the beginning of words tt\ has always its afpirated found, oris formed wholly by the breath,
except ift, in the pronoun thou^ and its derivatives, as thee, them., thine, their, &c. ; and 2dly, in
the following monofyllabies, than, that, the, their, then, thence, there, this, thither, thou, thy, though,
thus; in all which it has its vocal foond. With r or ly after it, it has always the found of
tfi ; as tiiroiv, tTiwart.
At the end of words /S has its afpirated found, except in the following words; to /})eath, be-
neath, underneath, lureath, to feet h, booth, fmooih, to foolh. The particle ivith is fometimes afpi-
rated, fometimes vocal ; afpirated before a confonant, vocal before a vowel ; as witnjland, without.
And the fame is to be obferved when it is not compounded, but in its detached ftate ; as, luitt.
many more, -mith all my heart.
It has always its vocal found when followed by a final mute e in the fame fyllable; as in bathey
When followed by a j in the lafl fy liable it has its afpirate found, as fympathy, healthy; except in
the v/ords ureathy and worthy.
In all other fituations of th, when in any middle fyllablcs of words, the moft general rule is, that
it has the afpirate found before confonants, and the vocal before vowels; except in derivative and
compound words, which retain the found of their primitives ; thus Icath/ome retains the primitive
found of to loath, though preceding a confonant ; and tootlTing the original afpirate of tooth
though preceding a vowel.
In a few inflances th is founded as it always is in French, like a fingle /; and thefe are the
words, thill, thyme, Thames, and Thomas.
This is the proper mark for the found which I have called ejli, to be found in J/ja/l, wijh; and
wherever it appears it has invariably the fame found and is never filent. But the power of this
combination is ufurped in much the greater number of words, containing the found of which it is
the proper reprefentative, by the letters c t and s. By e and / in all words ervding in cial and ///,
zs fecial, partial i in cion and tion, zs fufpicion, nation ; in cious and tious, as capricious, contentious ;
in csous as cetaceous ; and in fun by an s wherever preceded by another s, as imprejfion. It is alfo
reprefented by ch in words taken from the French, as chevalier, machine.
In order to pronounce properly this combination of letters, which is no where to be found in the
French, it will be only neceilary to inform foreigners that our 7Z1 has uniformly the fame found as
the French ch in the words charitc, cherc, &c.
Zh This
20 A R H E T O R I C A L G R A M M A R,
This found which I have called izh in the lift of letters, has hitherto got no peculiar mark i, a oft, foft ; founded aft, saft.
/(/, 6 bold, sold. - Except gold.
//■, o folk ; / mute.
//, 6 droll, poll, roll., fcroll, toll, trolL, toll, joll, flroll. — 6 loll, doll, noil.
;>:/,^ 6 bomb — 6 comb — o tomb, womb ; b filent.
ng^ 6 fong, ftrong, &c. ^Except tong, founded tung.
>/^, u monk, fponk — munk, fpunk.
»/, 6 font, front — li wont.
td, b ford, fword — a chord, cord, lord — u word.
ri, a cork, fork, ftork — 6 pork — u work.
rn, a born, horn, corn, morn, &c. — 6 borne \_fignifying fuffercd}^ torn, worn, fworn.
;7, 6 port, fort, fport — a fhort, fnort, fort — u wort.
yj, 6 mofs, glofs, &:c. Except grofs.
y?, 6 cofl, loft, toft, croft, froft, — 6 hoft, ghoft, moft, poft — u doft.
^}T, 6 GotBa motlT— o botlT, fortiT, quotR, flotlT — a brotlT, clotR, frotti, trotlT, wrota
— u dotS, raonttl, wortll.
it, 6 bolt, colt, dolt, &c.
This vowel has always its firft found as in the words 7«//, pluclc, hurl, &c. ; except in the fol-
lowing words, where it has the found of u ; hull, full, full, bujh, pujij.
Of Monofyllahles ending in e mute.
The e mute in monofyllables, where there is but one confonant between the vowel and e final,
marks that the vowels a and / are to have their fecond founds ; o alfo in general, but there are ex-
ceptions. The vowel e is feldom followed in monofyllables of that fort by a mute e ; and when
it is, it has fometimes its fecond, fometimes its third found. The vowel u, followed by a mute e,
has always its third found, except when preceded by an ;■, and then it has the found of o.
Exceptions : ar e, bad e, [pret. of To bid,] ga pe, hav e.
Exceptions : u come, fome, done, none ; where the o is pronounced like
u. — o one [founded as if written won], gon'e, fhon'e. — o lofe, whofe,
move, prove. — u dove, glove, love, (hove ; in which the o is founded
like n.
here, mere. Exceptions : e there, where. — e wer'e.
pure, mule. Exceptions : o rude, rule, prude, and all preceded by an r, where the u
has always the found of o. 6
S bibe.
i tribe.
6 hole.
But when e final or mute is preceded by two confonants, the accent in that cafe not being on ths
vowel, but in general on the confonants, the vowel pronounced in fuch a fyllabie mufl have, ac-
cording to the rule before laid down, not its fecond, but its firft (hort found.
Examples. Badge, {a before r flill being lengthened, as, barge, farce ; except fcarce, where the a
has the found of e) chance, pence, edge, fince, cringe, dodge, horfe (except force and worfe, u),
curfe, drudge, &c.
From this rule mufl: be excepted words ending in ange, as range, change, ftrange ; and thofe
ending in tlie, as bathe, blithe, clothe, &c. where the vowels have their fecond found ; but in
the laft cafe, tb ought to be confidered only as a fingle letter, being but a fimple found marked by
two letters.
Of Moncfyllabks ending in Voixds that are pronounced. ' '
No Englifti monofyllable ends in a pronounced, except the particle a itfelf. In fuch words as
pea, tea, fea, plea, &c. it only marks that the vowel e which precedes it is to have its third found.
The vowel e, when fingle, is never pronounced at the end of any monofyllable except in the
words he, fhe, we, me, ye, and be, where it has its third found. The particle the, when em-
phatic, has its third found ; at all other times its fecond, the, founded fhort.
The vowel / is never ii^n at the end of any Englifli word, and is only to be found in fome tech-
nical terms, and foreign words, having its place fupplied by _y, as in the words try, fry, fhy, pro-
nounced alway in monofyllables with the fecond found of L
The vowel ends no monofyllable but the following : bo, go, ho, I6, no, so, wo, tho' ;
who, two, do ; to and fro, pro and con. The particle to has the found of u, as if written tu.
U fingle never ends a monofyllable, except the word lu or /oo, fometimes fpelt in the former way,
and pronounced lo.
But there are many monofyllables that end in two vowels, though there be but the found of one
of them uttered. Thefe I fhall call digraphs, to diftinguifh them from diphthongs.
Ay has always the found of a ; as, day, pray ; except in the affirmative particle ay.
Aw has always the found of a ; as, daw, saw. ; ' , .
Ea has the found of e ; as, tea, sea.
Ee the fame ; as, fee, thee. :
Ey has the found of e; as, they, grey ; except e, key and ley. ' . ■ ;■ .
le off as. He, die.
Oe 6 as, doe, foe ; except fhoe.
Oo o as, woo, too, coo.
Ou o you — diph. thou.
Ow 6 as, bl6w, glow, bow (to fhoot with), and all other monofyllables except the followinc;,
in which it is a diphthong; bow (an act of reverence), cow, how, plow, now,
brow, vow.
Ue u as, blue, clue, &:c. ; except rue, true, where it has the found of o after r, as was be-
fore mentioned. Ue after g ferves only to (how that the g is to have its hard found
inflead of its foft one, as rogue, vogue ; and after q the found of/, as pique.
The number of double vowels, or digraphs, to be found at the beginning of monofyllables, is
not much more confiderable, as I fhall (hew in their order.
Vol. I. g ■ Ai
Ai a aid, air, &c. ; this has always the found of the fecond a.
Au a in the word aunt, a in the word aught.
Aw a as in awe, awl.
Ea e ear, eat, &c. Always e, except when it precedes r followed by another confonant in
the fame fyllable ; as, earn', earl', eartR^, according to a rule before laid down.
Ee eel, e'en (for even), e'er (for ever).
Ei eight.
Ey eye.
Oa o oaf, oak, &c. ; always 6.
Oo o ooze.
Ow 6 owe, own. A diphthong only in owl.
Oi, ou, are always true diphthongs at the beginning of monofyllables, as, oil, out.
But the number of digraphs in the middle of monofyllables is much greater, and their founds^
r.re as follow :
Ai a maid, pain, sail, &c. Always a, except faid, founded sed.
Au a caught, fraud, vaunt. Except h.iunt, draught, laugh, jaunt, flaunt, ftaunch.
Aw a bawl, dawn, lawn. Always a.
Ay a days, prays, &c. Always a, except fays, foimded sez.
Ea e leaf, fpealc, mean, &c. ; and in general when the fyllable ends in a fingle confonant,
except in the following words ending in
d, dead, head, lead (a metal), read (pret. of To read), bread, dread, ftead, tread,
fpread, which have the found of e. ' The others in «', as, to read, plead, &c. follow
the general rule. The following in
r, bear, pear, to tear, wear, fwear, have the found of e. The reft in r, as dear, near,
fpear, Uz. follow the general rule. In
/, fvveat, threat, and great, are exceptions ; the two firft having the found of e, and
the laft of e. All other in t have the third found. In
k, fleak, break, have the found of e ; all otliers that of e.
But when ea is followed by two confonants, it has generally the found of e, according to
the law eftablifhed that the accent in that cafe is placed for the moll part on the confonants ; as,
realm, dealt, search, &c. Heart and hearth have the found of a. This rule has the following
l(t. Words ending in ch, as teach, preach, which all conform to the general rule.
2dly, In y?, as beaft, feaft, &c. ; except breaft .
3dly, In th, heatiT, fheattT, wreath; and with e final, breathe.
Ee always e; as, bleed, fteel, fleet, &c. ; except been, founded bm.
Ei always e; as, feign, heir, &c. ; except height and Height, founded hite and flite, ^i filent.
Ew u ; lewd, fiew'd, &c. Always u, except fliew'd and (hewn, pronounced fhod and fhon, as 6..
le c grief, field, fiend, &c. Exceptions: friend, fierce (founded ferce), pierce, tierce, and.
slev e, pronounced siv.
The preterit of verbs ending in ;V, as die, lie, makes died, lied.
Oa 6 boat, load, groan, &c. Excep. broad, groat ; a. -
Go o poor, food, cool, &c. Excep. hood, good, flood, wood, look, took, foot, foot, wool ;
all pronounced as u — -door, floor; h — and blood, flood, as u,
5 Oa
Ou is generally a diphtliong, as loud, gout, &c. Exceptions : cough (cof), rough (ruf),
tough (tiif), fcourge, touch, yoiing, u j — four, mourn, mould, court, though, dough, fource,
mould; alio — through, your, youth, wound; o — could, fhould, would ; u (/filent) —
bought, brought, fought, nought, fought, thought ; a {gh filent) pronounced bat, brat, &c.
Ovv has the found of 6 in bo'wl, rowl, and in all the preterits and participles of monofyllabic
verbs ending in oiu, as flow'd, flown, grown, &c. except only the verbs, to cow, vow, plow,
where it is a diphthong; and is fo on all other occafions, as brown, fowl, &c.
Ua in guard is a digraph, the u being filent; but after g it is always a diphthong, as fquall,
quart, &c.
Ue is a digraph after g, as in guefs, gueft ; but a diphthong after q, as in quell.
Ui a digraph in build, built, guilt, v/ith the found of 1. Qiiilt, a diphthong. Guide, guile,
as if written gyide, gyile, with diphthong founds. Juice, bruife, cruife, fruit ;^ digraphs,
with the found of o. Suit, as if written syot, a diphthong.
W in the middle of a fyllable always forms a diphthong with the following vowel, as in fwain,
twice ; and is never found but after the confonants s, t, and tlT.
Y is never found in the middle of fyllables with a vowel following it in the fame fyllable, as its
place in forming diphthongs in that fituatlon is always fupplied by the vowel /.
Of MonofyUabks formed by Diphthongs.
Two of the vowels before mentioned are in reality diphthongs, which are 1 in fight and u in
-blue. But as thefe founds are in general reprefented by a fingle letter each, and have been
treated of under the head of vowels, there is no occafion to fay any thing more of them here. The
other diphthongs are ci, ou, and fuch as are formed by w and y.
The diphthong oi is marked alfo by oy, and ou by ow ; the y and w fupplying the place of i and
It at the end of words, as it has been the cuftom in writing never to let thofe vowels appear in that
firuation in words purely Englifh, for no other reafon that appears but that of caprice. The only-
exceptions to this rule are the pronouns /, thou., and ym.
a and oy are always diphthongs, and preferve always the fame found, as broil, moift, boy, joys»
Ou and nv, as mouth, owl, have alfo the fame found, and are always diphthongs except in the
words before enumerated in treating of digraphs. Neither of thefe founds is ever reprefented by
any other combination of letters.
Of Diphtho}igs formed by \V.
Wa. ■ When w precedes a, that vowel has its firft found only in the following words : waft,
wag, wan, wafp, wax.
In all other monofyllablcs terminated by confonants, it has cither the Ihort found of a
(the fame as 6), as wad, was, wat, wa(h, watch ; or it has the full long found, according
to the rules before laid down for the vowel a ; ift. When it precedes r, as war, warn j or
/, as walk, wall.
When the monofyllable ends in mute e, the vowel a united with w follows the rule be-
fore laid down for it in its fimple ftate, and has always its fecond found ; as wage, wade,,
When IV precedes a digraph commencing with a, the fame rule is obferved as was before
laid down for fuch digraph ; as, way, wail, &c.
We. 71ie diphthong we follows the laws of the fimple vowel e ; before fuigle or double confo-
nants it has always its firft found, as wed, weft. The only word in which this diphthong
is followed by a confonant with a mute fir.al e is ivere, which is pronounced fliort with the
found of lirft e, wer.
It unites itfelf with the digraph ea, whofe laws it follows, as its general found is that of
e- — Ex. weak, wean — before r, e ; as wear, fwCar — before two confonants, e j wealth.
It precedes e with the found of e, as week, weed. With an afpirate it precedes cy in the
word whey, e.
Wi. This diphthong follows the laws of the fimple vowel /.
Before fingle or double confonants it has the found of I, as wit, wing, wifh, &c.
except as before the terminations ght, hi, and nd; as, wight, wild, wind. The pronun-
ciation of Viind is controverted, as it is generally called wind, but this is againfl analogy.
With the final e, it has always its fecond found ; as, wife, wine, wire.
It unites with no vowel but e, and that only in the word wield.
Wo. The in this diphthong has its firft found in the antiquated word wot. It is changed
into u in the word won (wun), and in all words where o is followed by r; as, word, work,
world, worfe, &c. ; founded as firft «, wurd, wurk, &c. Except the participles worn and
/worn, 6; as alfo the word wo and its derivatives j and all words ending in e mute, as
woke, wore, &c.
It is o in the word womb.
It unites wih a only in the word woad — with o, in woo, woof, o — wood, wool, u ;
founded wud, wul — with u in would, wound (a hurt), and wound, participle of To wind,
- where ou has its diphthong found.
Some diphthongs formed by iv are preceded by / or tlT, in which cafe they follow the rules
of the fimple diphthongs; as, twain, twang, twelve, twig, twin, twine, twirl (twerl), tlTwart.
Two is no diphthong, founded to.
Of Diphthc7igs formed by Y.
Ya. This diphthong has the found of o in yacht, pronounced yot. It follows the rule of a
before r '" y^'^^^ ya'rn j before e final in yare ; before aw in yawn, yawl.
Ye. Has the found of e in the pronoun ye ; of e in the affirmation or conjundion yea ; of e in
yean, year; of e in yearn, yell, yelk, yeft, yet. It is founded as i in yes, yis; and has the
found of 6 in yelk, pronounced yoke of an egg.
Yi. Yield.
Yo. Yon. Before //, it has the found of o ; as you, your, yiiuth : except young, pronounced
yung — 6 v/ith e final, as yoke, yore.
1^ never forms a diphthong but when it begins a word followed by another vowel; in the
middle of fyllables or words its place is always fupplied by an /
Of Bijfyllabks.
A S the pronunciation of Englifli words is ciiiefly rei^ulated by accent, it will be neceflary in the
^"^ firft place to have a precife idea of that term.
Accent with us means no more than a certain ftrefs of the voice upon one letter of a fyllable,
which diftinguiflies it from all the other letters in a word.
In monofyllables this may be called the accented letter; in words of more fyllables than one, that
which contains the letter fo diftinguiflied is called the accented fyllable.
We have already feen in monofyllables the efFeiSl of accent, according as it is laid on vowels or
confonants. When it is on the confonant, the vowels have uniformly their firft found, except only
in the few inftanccs where the found of another vowel is fubftituted in the room of that prefented
to the eye.
When the accent is on a vowel, it has fomctimes its fecond, fometimes its third found, accord-
ing to rules already laid down, but never its firft, excepting only the vowel in a few inftances.
It is only neceftliry to obferve, that the fame laws of accent hold with regard to the accented fyl-
lables of all other words, as were before laid down with regard to monofyllables. In order to
afcertain the pronunciation of thofe words, the firft object therefore muft be to point out the means
of difcovering which is the accented fyllable in all words confifting of more fyllables than one.
And firft with regard to diflyllables :
Almoft all fimple difTyllables have the accent on the firft, and thofe which have it on the laft are
for the moft part compound words, made by a prefix or prepofition chiefly borrowed from the Latin ;
fuch as, ab, ac, ad, at, com, con, de, dif, em, en, e, ex, im, in, ob, op, per, pre, pro, re, fe, fub,
fur, tranf, &c.— Examples : abhor , admit , affirm , commen ce, condudt', dece^ive, dlfa'rm,
emba'rk (pronounced imba^rlc), enchant' (inchant'), exa'lt, impa'ir, Inci'tc, obfcu're, oppo'fe,
permit', propo'fe, recant', feclu'de, fubmit', furve'y, transfo'rm, una'rm.
Befide thefe there are the following of Englifli growth ; a, be, for, fore, mif, out, un —
Examples : aba'fe, befo're, forget', forewa'rn, mifgiv'e, outdo', una'rm, &c. All words com-
pounded of the latter have the accent for the moft part on the laft fyllable ; but there are exceptions
with regard to the former or Roman prefixes.
ift, Where the verb and the noun are exprefled by the fame word, the nouns have frequently the
accent on the firft, and the verbs on the laft fyllable, as may be feen in the following lift.
A or An ab'ftradl
con fort'
Vol. I.
con'tra or ious, the accent is on the letter immediately precedino- the con-
fonant, taken into the laft fyllabl«, except only where the vowel / precedes that confonant, and
then the accent is laid on that confonant ; as, hideous, pernicious, rclig'ious, propit'ious, &c,
pronounced, hid'-yus, pernifli'-us, &c.
On other occafions, the accent for the moft part is on the antepenult. ; as, friv'olous, glob'ulous,
mirac'ulous, voluminous; — except when two confonants interfere — as, tremend'ous, concin'nous,
The termination oui is always founded us ; and is never accented but in the French word rendez.'
VDus, pronounced rondevoo.
In ant.
Polyfyllables in Mt have the accent on the antepenult. ; as, pred'icant, rec'reant, extrav'agant,
luxuriant, Sec. Except when two confonants meet in the middle — as, appel'Iant, trium'phant, &c.
— but prot'eftant has the accent on the firft. The accent is never laid on ant in polyfyllables, ex-
cept in the words, confidant', complaifant'; nor on diflyllables, except in compound verbs, fuch as
decant', recant', enchant'; and two nouns — a gallant', the Levant'.
In ent.
Polyfyllables terminating in bent, cent, dent, or any confonant preceding ent except m, forming
tnent, have the accent on the confonant preceding fuch termination ; as, incum'bent, exer'cent, de-
pen'dent, &c. But words terminating in meni, being in general fubftantives derived from verbs,
retain the accent of their primitives, without regard to this rule; as, eftab lifhment, aflon'ifliment,
When the vowel / precedes any of thefe terminations, the accent is on the antepenult, either
the fingle confonant preceding /' or the former of two, or three ; as, beneficent, com'pliment, &c.
When / precedes ent it forms a fyllable with it ; as, obedient, lenient, diffil'ient, confen'tient,
Words in lent have always the accent on the antepenult. ; as, benev'olcnt, flat'ulent, purulent,
&c. — except when two ll's meet; as, repcl'lent, attol'lent; to which alfo the word ex'cellent is an
All words in ment too, that are not derived, have the accent en the antepenult. ; as, lig'ament,
The laft fyllable is never accented but in dilTyllables.
In ejl.
Words terminating in ej}, being for the mofl: part adjectives in the fuperlative degree, retain the
accents of their primitives.
In ijl.
They are chiefly nouns, formed from other nouns or adjecllves, and retain the accent of their
primitives; as, an'nalift, rationalift, mor'alift, loy'alift.
There arc more words in the Englifli language terminating in this letter, than in any other ;
perhaps not lefs than an eighth part of the whole.
ay — In difl) liable compound verbs and nouns the accent is on the laft; as, delay', difplay', array',
&c. Polyfyllables have the accent on the antepenult. ; as, yes'tcrday, fac'urday, caft'away, &c.
A R H E T O R I C A L G R A M M A R. 37
^—Words ending in cy, being in general fubftantives made out of verbs, nouns, or adjeiftives, re-
tain the accent of their primitives j as, appliancy, bril'liancy, in''timacy, legit'imacy, &c.
Ill words not thus derived the accent is thrown back, to the fourth fyHable; as, nec'romancy,
chiromancy — except where flopped by two confonants ; as, ariftoc'racy, dcmoc'racy, &c.
fy Has always the accent on the antepenult, ; as, rar'efy, ed'ify, fecun'dify, &c. : and even againft
the accent of the primitives in derived words; as, perfoa'ify, divcrTify — horn perTon and diverfe.
The y m fy has always its fecond found.
But when fy is reprefented by phy, y has its firfl found; as, philos'ophy, at'rophy ; but ftiU
the accent is on the antepenult.
|-y— Likewife has the accent on the antepenult. ; as, prod'igy, genearogy, etymology, &c.
It has always the found of foft^, except when preceded by another^; as, fbaggy, foggy, &c.
^Ij — Words in bly, being adverbs formed from adjectives and participles, always retain the accent
of their primitives ; as, prob'ably, def'picably, indefat'igably, &c.
A, —The fame is to be obferved in all words ending in ly ; as, poriticly, delib'erately, inderinitely,
vol'untariiy, kc.
///y— Has always the accent on the antepenult, either on the fingle confonant preceding the vowel,
or on the firfl: of two ; as, big'amy, in'famy, polyg'amy, phyfiog'nomy, Dcuteron'omy, &c.
They who pronounce ac'ademy inflead of acad'emy go againft analogy.
tyi— 111 triiTyllables, has the accent on the antepenult. ; as, prog'eny, tyranny, cal'umny. Sec. : in
polyfyllables on the fourth ; as, ig'nominy, cer'emony, mat'rimony, and all in mony, except
anem'ony. Except alfo thofe ending in gony ; as, hexag'ony, cofmog'ony ; and cacoph'ony, mo-
In ry.
ary — Takes the accent on the antepenult, in trifTyllables ; as, fug'riry, dury, fal'ary, rofemary:— *
and in polyfyllables on the fourth ; as, fim'ilary, ex'emplary, cpiftolary, vocab'ulary, vul'nerary,
ubiq'uitary, &c. ; except when prevented by two different confonants, as, caravan'fary, difpen'-
fary, anniver'fary (yet to this ad'verfary is an exception), teftamen'tary, parliamen'tary (con/-
mentary, momentary, voluntary, exceptions). Ac'ceflary, nec'efTary, &c. being only a redupli-
cation of the fame letter s, follow the general rule.
ery — Has for the moft part the accent on the antepenult, and it is only in the following words it i.5
placed farther back ; del'etery, mon'aflery, bap'tiftery, prcs'bytcry. This termination is always
founded erry.
9ry — In triiTyllables has the -iccent on the antepenult. ; as, pleth'ory, priory, mcm'ory, &c.
In polyfyllables on the fourth, or farther back ; as, probatory, cubatory, pif'catory ; dcd'ica-
tory, judicatory, pacificatory, &c.
■ This rule holds except when two different confonants meet ; as, compul'fory, calefiic'tory,
contradic'tory ; — and in this cafe (he following are exceptions, def'ultory, inventory, prom'on-
tory, rec'eptory, per'emptory, rep'ertory, conTirtory.
This termination is always founded as if written urry.
WorJs in ^- have the accent on the antepcnuli. ; as, fan'tafy, apof'tafy, k.p'rofj', &c. : on the
fourth , in epilep fy, coa'croverfy.
Vol. I. k In
In ty.
Polyfyllables In /y, with the vowels e or » before it, have uniformly the accent on the antepenult,
and on the laft letter of that fyllable; as, fobriety, fociety, improb'ity, acer'bity, Deity, fpon-
taiieity, &c.
When the letter c precedes ;Vv, it has the accent upon it, and is founded as $ ; as, verac'ity,
felic'ity, feroc'ity — pronounced, veraf'ity, felif'ity, &c.
When a fingle confonant precedes ;/y, it has always the accent on it ; as, timid'ity, frugaFity,
extremity, barbar'ity, curiof'ity, &c.
When two confonants precede it, it is on the former ; as, fcar'city, fecun'dity, abfur'dity, in-
fir'mity, &c.
This termination is always founded ty, with the firfl found of y.
Under the foregoing terminations are included almoft all the words in the Engl ifh language.
The few that belong to the other terminations, are either not reducible to general rules, or with
fo many exceptions as to render them of little ufe. As they confift chiefly of monofyllables and
diflylbbles, the rules before laid down for them will in a great meafyre eflablifh their pronun-
ciation ; and where they are filent, the Didlionary is to be confulted.
Having thus laboured through this chaos of fpelling, and reduced the apparent confufion there
to fome degree of order, we fhall now emerge into a more lightfome region, where we fhall have
fewer diiKculties to retard our progrefs ; I mean in treating of the art of reading, or the proper
delivery of words when arranged in fentences.
As this fubjeft has already been difcuffed by me in a courfe of ledures on the Art of Reading,
and another on Elocution, I fliall content myfelf at prefent, with extrafting from them, fome
general principles, and fome praftical rules for the attainment of that art, without any com-
ments upon them ; referring thofe readers, who are defirous of entering into a more minute in-
veftigation of the fubjed, to the works themfelves.
Of the Art of Delivery.
A Jufi: delivery depends upon a due attention to the following articles :
Articulation; Accent: Pronunciation: Emphafis : Paufes or Stops : Tones: and Key or
Pitch of the voice. Of each of thefe in their order. And firft of
A good articulation confifts, in giving every letter in a fyllable its due proportion of found,
according to the moil approved cufloni of pronouncing it; and in making fuch a diftinftion be-
tween the fyllables of which words are compofed, that the ear fliall without difficulty acki.ow-
ledge their number ; and perceive, at once, to which fyllable each letter belongs. Where thefe
points are not obfcrvcd, the articulation is proportionally defetSlive.
Diftindlncfs of articulation depends, primarily, upon being able to form the fimple elements
cr letters by the organs of fptcch, in the manner before dcfcribtd in treating on that fubjedl ;
and in the next place, in diftinguifhir.g properly the fyllables of which words are compofcd from
each other ; which can only be done by a juft pronunciation.
The chief fource of indiflinftnefs, is too great a precipitancy of utterance. To cure this,
the moft efFeflual method will be, to lay afide an hour every day, to be employed in the pra£lice
of reading aloud, in a manner much flower than is neceffary. This (hould be done in the hear-
ir.2: of fome perfon, whofe office it fhould be to remind the reader, if at any time he (hould per-
ceive him mending his pace, and frilling into his old habit.
There is one caufe of indiftindl articulation, which operates very generally, and which arifes
from the very genius of our tongue ; fo that, unlefs great care be taken, it is fcarcely poflible to
efcape being afFeded by it. Every word in our language, compofed of more fyllables than one,
has one fyllable accented, and thus peculiarly diftinguifhed from the reft ; and if this accented
fyllable be properly articulated, the word will be fufficiently known, even though the others are
founded very confufedly. This produces a negligence with regard to the pronunciation of the
other fyllables ; which, though it may not render the fenfe obfcure, yet deftroys all meafure and
proportion, and confequently all harmony in delivery. This fault is fo general, that I vv'ould
recommend it to all who are afFe£ted by it, to pronounce the unaccented fyllables more fully
than is necefiary, till they are cured of it.
Accent, in the Englifli language, means, a certain ftrefs of the voice upon a particular letter
of a fyllable, which diftinguilhes it from the reft, and, at the fame time, diftinguifties the fyl-
lable itfelf to which it belongs, from the others which compofe the word.
Thus in the word hab'it, the accent upon the b, diftinguifties that letter from the others, and thff
firft fyllable from the laft. Add more fyllables to it, and it will do the fame; as, hab'itahle. In
the word repute, the u is the diftinguiflied letter, and the fyllable which contains it, thediftinguiflied
fyllable. But if we add more fyllables to it, as in the word rep'utable, the feat of the accent is
changed to the firft fyllable, and p becomes the diftinguiflied letter.
Every word in our language, of more fyllables than one, has one of the fyllables diftinguiflied
from the reft in this manner; and every monofyllable has a letter. Thus, in the word hut\ the /
is accented ; in ha'te, the vowel a. In cub', the b ; in cu'be the u. Hence every word in the
language, which may properly be called fo,- has an accent ; for the particles, fuch as a, the, to, in,
iic. which are unaccented, can fcarcely be called words, which feems to be implied in the name
given to them, that of particles ; and in that ftate they are the fitter to difcharge their office, by this
difterence made between them and words. So that as articulation is the eflencc- of fyllables, accent
is the eflence of words ; which, without it, would be nothing more than a mere fucceffion of fyllables.
Thus Ample as is the ftate of the Englifti accent, there is no article of fpecch which has occa-
fioned more perplexity in thofe who have treated of it, merely by confounding it with the ac-
cents of the ancients, which were quite different things. As this point has been amply dif-
cuffed in the Lectures on Elocution, and the Art of Reading, the curious reader is referred to
thofe works, under the head Accent.
The great diftindion of our accent depends upon its feat; which may be either upon a vowel, or
a confonant. Upon a vowel, as in the words, glory, father, holy. Upon a confonant, as in the
words, hab'it, bor'row, bat'tlc. When the accent is on the vowel, the fyllable is Ion- ; bccaufe the
accent is made by dwelling upon the vowel. When it is on the confonant, the fyllable is ftiort :
becaufe the accent is made by paffir.g rapidly over the vowel, and giving a fmart firoke of the voice
to the following confjnant. Thus the words «ii^', led\ hid', rcd\ cub', are all fliort, the voice
pafling quiclcly over the vowel to the confonant : but far a contrary reafon, the words, all, laid,
iide, road, cube, are long ; the accent being on the vowels, on which the voice dwells fome time,
before it takes in the found of the confonant. Obvious as this point is, it has wholly cfcapcd
the obiervation of all our grammarians, and compilers of divEtionaries ; who, inflead of examin-
ing the peculiar genius of our tongue, implicitly and pedantically have followed the Greek me-
thod, of always placing the accentual mark over a vowel. Now the reafon of this praftice
among the Greeks, was, that as their accents confifted in change of notes, they could not be
diflinftly expreffed but by the vov/els ; in uttering which, the paffage is entirely clear for the
voice to iflue, aiid not interrupted or flopped by the different pofitions of the organs in forming
the confonants. But as our accent confifts in ftrefs only, it can juft as well be placed on a con-
fonant as a vowel. By this method of marking the accented fyllable, oat- compilers of .dictiona-
ries, vocabularies, and fpelling-books, muff miflead provincials and foreigners in the pronun-
ciation of perhaps one half of the words in our language. For inftance ; if they fliould look
for the word endeavour, finding the accent over the vowel /, they will of courfe found it endiavour.
In the fame manner
according to the fenfe of the words, the emotions of the mind, or the exertions of fancy; and can-
not pofTibly be reprefcntcd by fo fmall a number as four or five marks, which are ufed as ftops :
yet all this immenfe variety are Avallowed up and loft in the reading notes. Which ufually confift
only of two; one annexed to the ftops which mark members of fentences, as comma, fcmicolon.
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and colon ; the other to the full flop, when the fentence is complete. By fome, the pupils are
taught to elevate their voice in the former cafe, and lO deprefs it in the latter. By others, the de-
preiTed note is ufed in both cafes, only differing in degree.
Here tlien is to be found the true fource of the bad manner of reading and fpeaking in public,
that fo generally prevails : which is, that we are taught to read in a different way, with different
tones and cadences, from thofe which we ufe in fpeaking ; and this artificial manner, being ufed in-
Head of the natural one, in all recitals and repetitions at fchool, as well as in reading, generally
infeifls the delivery of all who afterwards fpeak in public. For they are apt to confider this fpecies
of delivery, which they have been taught, as fuperior to that kind which comes of courfe, without
any pains; and therefore judge it the moft proper to be ufed on all public occafions. But as there
is fomething in this monotonous manner of reading, againfl which nature herfelf revolts ; when
they are to deliver their own fentiments in fpeaking, each individual, not having been inflruded
in the proper ufe of fuitably varied and expreffive tones, falls into a certain cant or tune, by cer^
tain elevations and depreflions of the voice, to which all fentences are fet alike; and this tune, being
void both of harmony ;;nd expreflion, is at once difcordant to the ear, and difgufling to the under-
ilanding. Thus has this unnatural mode of utterance, fpread itfelf in the fenate-houfe, the pulpit, the
bar, and every place where public declamation is ufed ; infomuch that the inftances of a juft and
natural elocution are very rare : the want of which is moft generally and fenfibly felt in our churches.
Having (hewn the many abufes committed in the two mofl important articles of delivery, em-
phafis and flops, it now remains to point out the remedy.
The fource of thefe abufes may be farther traced, by attentively weighing the following obferva-
tion — That no illiterate man ever ufes falfe emphafes, tones, or flops, in fpeaking; it is only the
Fiterate, thofe that have learned to read, that can fall into errors of that fort. For, as our ideas
pafs in train in our minds, and are there conne6led or divided, the illiterate man, without rule or
thoutrht, exhibits them exadly as they pafs in his mind. To the idea that makes the moft forcible
jmprefTion there, he gives the greateft force of expreflion in utterance; and therefore the ftrongefl
cmphafis to the word which ftands as its mark. And whatever emotions are excited in him by
thofe ideas, he cannot help manifefting by fuitable tones, looks, and geftures ; as thefe neceffarily
proceed from an original law of his conftitution, and without pains cannot be fupprefled. Whereas
the man who has learned to read, has been taught to conned or feparate his words, by arbitrary
jules of flopping, which are not taken from the natural train of our ideas. He has no mark to point
out the moft important word, which is therefore often negledled, or the emphafis transferred to
another of lefs confequence. He is not taught to annex to his words, any part of the language of
emotions, tones, looks, and geftures ; which are therefore wholly omitted, or abfurdly applied. la
fliort, as in the v/hole written language there is nothing offered to the eye but letters and flops j the
teacher of the art of reading thinks he has done his duty, when he has inftrudted you in the manner
of fpelJing thofe letters properly, fo as form them into words ; and in the ufe of the ftops to fepa-
rate fentences, and members of fentences from each other. It is here therefore the remedy is to be-
fought for, by fupplying and correding what is erroneous and defc£tive in the art of reading. For
it is manifett from what has been faid before, that if reading could be brought to be exadly the
fame thirg as fpeaking, a juft and forcible delivery would of courfe follow, though more might be
required to make it graceful and pleafing to the ear. However eafy it may appear at firft fight to
put this in praftice, yet upon trial it would be found more difficult than is imagined. Confirmed
bad habits in a thing which we daily pradife, can be removed only by a right method, and daily
pradice according to that method.
Such a method is what I am now about to lay down ; and I dare promife that whoever will pur-
fue it will find efFeds from it, fuitable to the pains that he fhall take.
The chief error in writing, is the manner of (lopping, different from the natural train of our
ideas : and the chief defedl, the want of fome mark for each emphatic word ; which is the caufe of
negiedling, or mifapplying emphafis. To get the better of bad habits arifing from thefe, I would
propofe the following method.
If a perfon has a mind to read any paffage corre£Hy, let him firft write it out without ftops. Let
him then confider the general meaning and purport of the words, and enter into the fpirit of the
fentiment. Let him afk himfelf — How Giould I deliver this, fuppofing it to be the immediate ef-
fufion of my own mind ? Let him try to do this. He will not at firft be able to hit the mark, for
his habitual reading tones will force themfelves upon him for fome time ; but at every trial, with
that point in view, he will gain ground. It will be of great affiftance to him, if he can get a
friend to hear him fentence by fentence, ftill afking him — Is that the way in which I fliould utter
that fentence, fuppofing it to proceed from the immediate fentiments of my mind ? For in that cafe
he may be often informed of his ufing thofe artificial tones of reading, which, from habit, may not
ftrike his own ear, though they will immediately be perceived by another's. After this let him flop
it, according to the method which he has fettled of fpeaking it : but let him not ufe the common
flops of writing, the fight of which, would revive the ufe < f their afibciated tones ; inftead of thefe
let him employ fmall inclined lines, to be placed at the top of the line behind the word, and not
at the bottom ; in order as little as poflible to revive the iden. of the ufual ftops. To anfwer thia
end four marks will be fufficient, as thus —
For the fhorteft paufe a fmall inclined line, thus '
For the fecond, double the time of the former, two "
And for the third, or full flop, three '■'■'
To mark a paufe longer than any belonging to
the ufual ftops, two horizontal lines, as thus =:
The manner of reducing this to pradice, may be made clear by the following example ;
D^early belo\ed brethren — The fcripture moveth us '' in fu^ndry places ' to acknowMegs
and confeYs our manifold fins and wickednefs " and that we fhould not difleVble'' nor clo^e
them ' before the face of Almighty God ' our Hea\enly Father " but confeYs them '' with-
an humble ' lowly ' penitent ' and obedient heart ' to the end that we may obtain forgi\enefs
of the fame '' by hi^s ' i^nfinite goodnefs and mercy '"
Having fettled the ftops, let him afterwards mark each emphatic word, by placing a Hoping line
inclining to th« right, over the accented letter of fuch word, as is done in the above example. To
this accented f) liable let him conftantly endeavour to give the peculiar note which nature herfelf has
annexed to the fentiment, and this will ferve as a key-note or regulator of the others. I would-
recommerul it to him not to proceed to another paflage, till, by frequent trials, he has made him-
felf m^fter of one j and his beft way of Knowing this, will be, to read it to different perfons, at
different times, ftill afking them the queftion before mentioned ; and he may be pretty fure, when
they are agreed in opinion, that he has accomplifhed the point. From this paflage let him pro-
ceed to another ; and fo on, ftill making choice of diverfity of ftyle and matter ; and it is incon-
ceivable, when once he (hall have made himfelf mafter of a few pafiages in that way, how quick
his progrefs will be afterwards. But ftill he muft not indulge himfelf for fome time, in reading
any thing, but with this particular view, otbcrwife his old habit will counteratl his progrefs ia
the new way.
But it may be faid, that though h:s manner may be changed, in reading thofe paflages that are
marked in the propofed way, his old habit will prevail when he reads fu( h zs are written in the
cuftomary manner. To prevent this, I would advife him, after he has m.iriced any pafT-ige, and
made himfelf matter of it, to read the fame paffage aloud as ufually written or printed ; and if this
ftiould occafion any difference in him, from the manner he had before fettled, let him read it over
and over till he has brought it to be the fame. This will make him attentive to the errors and defeiSls
in the graphic art, and he yvill come gradually to neglcS thofe falfe guides, the flops; and learn
to be attentive only to the main drift and fcope of each fentence. But as it will require long
praflice, before he will be able to do this at fight, I would recommend it to him not to read any
thing aloud, for fome time at leaft, till he has cafl his eye over it, and taken in the general fenfeof
the palTage. And 1 would alfo advife him not to deliver any thing from notes in public, v.ithout
ufing the marks before mentioned, till habit (hall have fettled him in the right way.
This method, fimple as it is, 1 can vouch from experience, will, if properly followed, change
the artificial and unafFedting, to the natural and forcible manner of utterance. And whoever can
accomplifh that point, will certainly obtain the chief end of delivery, that of gaining attention, and
making an imprefllon on his auditory.
There is one article relative to the intonation of the flops, which, though of the utmoft import-
ance to a juft and graceful delivery, has never yet been pointed out, and which, as demanding the
utmoft attention, I have referved for the laft place. In the ufual method of managing the voice
with refpefl to the ftops, we are only taught either to raife or lower it, according to the nature of
the ftops ; but there is a third thing to be done of more frequent ufe, and as efTentially necefTary,
which is, fufpending the voice before certain paufes, without any change of note. The method of
pointing out to the ear the clofe of a fentence, or a full completion of the fenfe, is by a deprefled
note. That of marking the members of fentences, or incomplete fenfes, is either by an elevated or
fufpended note. The elevated notes (hould be chiefly appropriated to the emphatic fyllables, and
{hould hardly ever otherwife precede paufes, except in notes of admiration, mterrogation, or im-
paflioned difcourfe : the incomplete members of all other fentences fhould be marked only by a fuf-
penfion of the voice, in the fame individual note, as if it had proceeded without interruption to the
next member of the fentence. They who do otherwife, if they elevate the voice at the clofe of
the fmaller members, fall into a tune or cant running through all fentences alike. If they deprefs
it, they make the members appear fo many detached fentences, and deftroy that concatenation of
the parts, without which the complete fenfe of the whole can never clearly be manifefted. They
who have been accuftomed to make fome change of note before all ftops, will find it very difficult
at firft to fufpend their voice without fuch change ; and their beft method to attain it in reading
will be, at firft, to run the words of the former member, into the firft of the latter, without any
paufe, attending to the note which they ufe in that cafe ; then let them try to ftop at that word in
the fame note, which will be then juft frefti on the ear. But they will have a ftill more certain
method, by having recourfe to the general rule before laid down, and afking thcmfelves how they
would utter thole words, if they were fpeaking, not reading them.
Havinn- faid all that is necefTary on the intonation of the paufes, it now remains to fay fomething
on the time of their duration. In this refpeft, the great fault almoft univerfally committed, is, that
ef makino- them too fhort. As every member of a fentence contains fome idea of more or lefs im-
portance to the drift of the whole, there ought to be a fufficient paufe at the end of each member,
to give time for each idea to make its due imprefllon on the mind, and the proportion of time in
the paufe fhould be regulated, by the importance of each ideaj or by the clofer, or more remote
conneflion which it has with the main objecl of the fentence. Paufes in difcourfe anfwer the fjme
end that fliades do in pictures; by the proper ufe of which, the objeds ftand out diftimSlly to the
eye; and without which, were the colours to run into one another, it would be difiicult to difcri-
minate the feveral figures of the compofition. In order to get the better of this bad habit of run-
ning fentences, and their members, too quickly into one another, I would recommend it to every
reader to make all his paufes longer tlian is nccellary, till by degrees he brings them to their due
Thefe are articles of the utmoft importance, to give due force and proportion to all the others.
In order to be heard with fatisfaflion, it is neceflary that the fpeaker fliould deliver himfelf with
cafe. But if he does not know how to pitch his voice properly, he can never have the due manage-
ment of it; and his utterance will be painful to himfelf, and irkfome to his hearers.
Every fpeaker, who is not corrupted by bad habits, has three pitches in his voice; the high, low,
and middle pitch. The middle, is that which is ufed in common difcourfe; from which he either
rJfes or falls, according as the matter of his difcourfe, or emotions of his mind require. This
middle pitch, therefore, is what ought to be generally ufed, for two reafons; firft, bccaufc the or-
gans of the voice are ftronger, and more pliable in this pitch, from conftant ufe : and fecondly, be-
caufe it is more eafy to rife or fall from that pitch, to high or low, with regular proportion.
Moft petfons, through want of fkill and pradlice, when they read or fpeak in public, fall into
one of the extremes. Either through timidity and diffidence, they ufe the low pitch, in which they
are rot heard at all, or with fo much trouble to the liftencr, as foon to weary attention : or, if
they aim at avoiding this fault, they run into the high pitch ; which is produdive of confequences
equally bad. The organs of the voice in this unufual pitch, are foon wearied j and languor and
hoarfenefs enfue. And as the reafon for continuing it, will be equally ftrong during the whole
difcourfe, as for the firft fetting out in it, the fpeaker muft lofe all the benefits which arife from
variety, and fall into a difgufling monotony.
The prevalence of this practice arifes from a common miftake in thofe who fpeak, for the firfl
time, in a large room, and before a numerous auditory. They conclude it impoffible that they
fhould be heard in their common pitch of voice, and therefore change it to a higher. Thus they
confound two very diftin£l things, making high and low, the fame with loud and foft. Loud and
foft in fpeaking, is like the_/ir/^ and piano in mufic ; it only refers to the different degrees of
force ufed in the fame key ; whereas high and low, imply a change of key. So that the bufinefs of
every fpeaker is, to proportion the force or loudnefs of voice to the fize of the room, and number
of his auditors, in its ufual pitch. If it be larger than ordinary, he is to fpeak louder, not higher,
in his ufual key, not in a new one. And whoever negleds this, will never be able to manage his
voice with eafe to himfelf, or fatisfa£lion to his hearers. He who delivers himftif in a moderate
pitch, whenever his fubjeS demands that he fhould rife to a higher, or fink to a lower, does it
with eafe, and in due proportion ; and produces the effects which are to be expelled fro^ fuch
change, and agreeable variety. Whilft he who takes a high pitch, cannot rife upon occafioii,
without runi\ing into difcord ; nor fmk, with any rule of proportion to guide him. They who, to
avoid this fault, run into the oppofite extreme, and begin in a lower pitch than is natural to them,
err indeed on the fafer fide, Vut are equally diftant from the point of truth. It is true, it is more
cafy to rife gradually and proportionally, than to dcfccnd ; but wbilft they remain in that key, it
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50 A R H E T O R I C A L G R A M M A R.
will appear equally unnatural, and more languid than the other; and they will be very apt,
through the body of their difcourfe, to run chiefly into that key in which they had fet out.
With regard to the degree of loudnefs to be ufed, the beft rule for a fpeaker to obferve, i«,
never to utter a greater quantity of voice, than he can afford without pain to himfelf, or any
extraordinary effort. Whilft he does this, the other organs of fpeech will be at liberty to dif-
charge their feveral offices with eafe; and he will always have his voice under command. But
whenever he tranfgreffes thefe bounds, he gives up the reins, and has no longer any management
of it. And it will ever be the fafeft way too, to keep within his compafs, rather than go at any
time to the utmoft extent of it ; which is a dangerous experiment, and never juftifiable but upon
fome extraordinary emotion. For even in that cafe, the tranfgre/fing the limits in the leaft,
will icarce be pardoned : for, as the judicious Shakefpear has well obferved in his inftruftion to
the player. In the very torrent, tempeji, and as I may fay whirlivivd of your paJ]ion, you muj} acquire
end beget a temperance that may give it fmoothnefs.
In order to have a full power and command over the voice, it is neceffary that the fpeaker
fhould underftand the right management of the breath ; an article of the utmoft importance to
the whole of delivery, and yet which is as little known as any of the reft. The falfe rule, by
which people in general are inftru£led in learning to read, that the breath is never to be drawn,
but when there is a full ftop, or clofe of the fenfe, has made it exceedingly difficult to utter long
fentences, efpecially to thofe who are fhort-winded. They are therefore apt to run themfelves
entirely out of breath, and not to ftop till the failure of that obliges them to it, which is there- -
fore likely to happen in improper places; or elfe they fubdivide the long fentence, into as many
diftinift fentences, as they take times of breathing; to the utter confufion of the fenfe. For as
they have been taught not to take breath, but when they make a full ftop, they habitually ufe
the tone of a full ftop, whenever they take breath.
It is of as much importance to a fpeaker, that he fhould have at all times a fufficient com-
mand of breath, as that an organ (hould be fupplied with a proper quantity of air. In order to-
this, he fliould take care always to get a frefli fupply, before he feels any want of it ; for whilftr
he has fome to fpare, he recruits it with fuch eafe, that his hearers are not at all fenfible of his
doing it. Whereas if he waits till he is put in mind of it, by fome degree of uneafinefs, he not
only does it with more difficulty himfelf, but he may depend upon it that his hearers have alfo-'
felt his uneaftnefs, and been fenfible of his difficulty. For, fo ftrong is the fympathy between
the organs of fpeech and thofe of hearing, that the leaft uneafinefs in the one is immediately per^
ceived by the other.
To enable a reader or fpeaker to accomplifti this point, it is only neceffary to obferve, that he
may at all times fupply himfelf with any quantity of breath he pleafes, even at the fmalleft ftop,
only obferving the rule before laid down, that of giving the true tone which fhould precede fuch
ftop. For the note of the voice, in that cafe, fufficiently marks the nature of the paufe, with-
out any reference to time, which he is at liberty to prolong at pleafure, without prejudice to
the fenfe ; as the connedlion of the fenfe does not at all depend upon the length of time in the
ftops, as is abfurdly imagined, but upon the tone of voice accompanying them. This circum-
ftance gives the fpeaker fuch power over the paufes, as, judicioufly ufed, may contribute much
to the main point in view, that of ftrongly inculcating his meaning. For, by this means, he
may always proportion his paufes to the importance of the fenfe ; and not merely to the gram-
matical ftruiSture of words in fentences, making like paufes to all of like ftruiSlure, without dif-
tindion. For inftance, if there be any propofition or fentiment which he would enforce more
ffrongly than the reft, he may either precede it by a longer paufe than ufual, which will roufe
attention, and give it the more weight when it is delivered ; or he may make a longer paufe after
it is clofed, which will give time to the mind to ruminate upon it, and let it fink deeper into it
by reflexion ; or, according to the importance of the point, he may do both. He may go ftill
farther, and make a paufe before fome very emphatical word, where neither the fcnfe, nor com-
mon uHige would admit of any ; and this on proper occafions may produce a very powerful efFedt.
Thus far I have confidered the feveral points, that are fundamentally and eflcntially necefr
fary to every public fpeaker ; without which, he will be fo far from making any imprcflion on
his hearers, that he will not be able to command their attention,, nor, in many cafes, even make
himfelf underllood. Yet fo low is the ftate of elocution amongft us, that a man who is mailer
even of thefc rudiments of rhetoric, is comparatively confidered as one of an excellent delivery.
This very circumftance,. therefore, is a fufficient inducement to apply dofely, at leaft to the
maftery of thefe points.
But to fuch as (hould be defirous to extend their views fo far as to attain the nobler ends of
oratory, 1 mean a power of commanding the tempers, difpofitions, and paflions of mankind, there
are other points to be confidered ; to mafter which will require the clofeft attention, and infinite
pains. The firft, and principal of thefe, is the article of tones ; upon the proper ufe and ma-
nagement of which, all that is pleafurable, or affecting in elocution, chiefly depends.
What I have hitherto faid on this fubjecl, refers only to particular notes of the voice, apper-
taining to emphafis and flops, in fentences. Here I mean to fpeak of that general intonation,
which pervades whole periods, and parts of a difcourfe.
Tones may be divided into two kinds ; natural, and inflituted. The natural,- are fuch as be-
long to the paffions of man in his animal ftate ; which are implanted in his frame,- by the hand
of nature ; and which fpontaneoufly break forth, whenever he is under the influence of any of
thofe paflions, Thefe form a univerfal language, equally ufed by all the different nations of the
world, and equally underftood and felt by all. Thus, the tones expreflive of forrow, lamenta-
tion, mirth, joy, hatred, anger, love, pity, &c. are the fame in all countries, and excite emotions
in us analogous to thofe paflions,. when accompanying words which we do-not underftand.
The inftituted tones, are thofe which are fettled by compact, to mark the different operations,
exertions, and emotions of the intellect and fancy, in producing their ideas ; and thcfu- in a
great meafure differ, in different countries, as the languages do.
The former of thefe, it is evident, neither require ftudy nor pains, when we are ourfelvcs un-
der the influence of any of thofe paflions, as they are neceffarily produced by them : but in at-
tempting to produce them, either in delivering the impaflioned fpeeches of writers ; or in affuming
them in our own difcourfes ; we fhall fail of the point,- fo far as we fail of feeling, for the time',
the very paflions we would exprefs. We may indeed mimic the tones of thofe paflions, but the
cheat will be manifeft,^ and not reach the hearts of the hearers. Si vis me f.ere^ doUtulum ejl
primum tibi ip/i, is a well known maxim, and will hold good with regard to all the other paflions.
With refpecl to the latter, it will require great pains, and much obfcrvatlon, to become maf-
ter of them.
When we confider that all thefe tones are to be accompanied by fuitable looks and gcfture ;
not only adapted in the juftcft proportion to give due force to the kntiment, but regulated alfo
fuch a way as to appear graceful, wc need not wonder that this fpecies of orator}- is fcarce known
among us, who have never ftudied even the principles of the art. Nor is it hardly ever attempted
to be put in praaice, except on the ftage ; where indeed iome degree of it is effentially neceffary.
And the extreme difficulty of arriving at any degree of perfedion in it cannot be more clearly fhewn,
than by recolkding how few the inftances are, of thofc who have fucceedcd even tolerably there,
though it be the main objea and bufinefs of their lives. All this is the necelTary confequence of
our having devoted our whole time and attention to the cultivation of the written language, and
leaving thjt of fpeech entirely to chance.
When wc reflea, that not only every thing which is pleafurable, every thing which is forcible
and affeding in elocution, but alfo the moft material points necefTary to a fulJ and diftinacompre-
henfion, even of the fenfe of what is uttered, depend upon the proper ufe of tones, and their accompa-
niments'; it may well aftonifh us to think, that fuch elTential parts of language fhould in a civilized
country,' and a country of freedom too, be wholly negleaed. Nay worfe— that our youth fliould
not only be uninftruded in the true ufe of thefe, but in the little art that is ufed, they fhould
be early perverted by falfe rules, utterly repugnant to thofe which nature has clearly pointed out
to us. And how can it be otherwife, when we have given up the vivifying energetic language,
ftampeJ by God himfelf upon our natures, for that which is the cold, lifelefs work of art, and in-
vention of man ? and bartered that, which can penetrate the inmoft receflcs of the foul, for one
which dies in the ear, or fades upon the fight?
Such is our prefent ftate, and fuch it muft ever continue, till the objed be changed ; till the
living language be reftored to its due rank, and fchools of rhetoric eftablifhed, as in old Greece and
Rome, for teaching the nobleft, moft ufeful, and ornamental art, that ever improved and dignified
human nature.
In order to know the different manner to be ufed in the recitation of verfe, from that of profe, it
will be neceflary to examine, in the firft place, wherein the diiFerence between profe and verfe
Poetic numbers are founded upon the fame principles with thofe of the mufical, and are governed
by fimilar laws. Proportion and order are the fources of the pleafure we receive from both, and
the beauty of each depends upon a due obfervation of the laws of meafure, and movement. The
eiTential difference between them, is, that the matter of the one confifts of articulate, of the other,
inarticulate founds: but fyllables in the one correfpond to notes in the other; poetic feet, to mufi-
cal bars ; and verfes, to ftrains : they have all like properties, and are governed by fimilar laws.
The conftituent parts of verfe are, feet, and paufes; from the due diftribution of which, refult
meafure, and movement. Feet confift of a certain number of fyllables united together, like notes
in bars; and a certain number of thofe feet, when completed, according to the rules of the different
fpecies of verfification, form verfes or ftrains. They are called feet, bccaufe it is by their aid that
the voice as it were flops along through the verfe, in a meafured pace ; and it is therefore necefl^ary
that the fyllables which mark this regular movement of the voice, ftiould in fome manner be dif-
tinguiftied from the others. This diftinaion was made among the ancient Romans, by dividing
their fyllables into long and fliort, and afccrtaining their quantity, by an exaa proportion in founding
them ; the long, being to the ftiort, as two to one ; and the long fyllables, being thus the more im-
portant, market! the movement. In Englifli, fyllables arc divided into accented and unaccented;
and the accented fyllables, being as ftrongly diftinguiflied from the unaccented, by the peculiar
ftrefs of the voice upon them, are equally capable of marking the movement, and pointing out the
reo-ular paces of the voice, as the long fyllables were, by their quantity, among the Romans.
From not having examined the peculiar genius of our tongue, our Profodians have fallen into a
variety of errors ; fome having adopted the rules of our neighbours, the French ; and others hav-
ing had recourfe to thofe of the ancients; though neither of them, in reality, would fquare with
our tongue, on account of an elTential difference between them. With regard to the French, they
meafured verfes by the number of fyllables whereof they were compofed, on account of a conftltu-
tional defecl in their tongue, which rendered it incapable of numbers formed by poetic feet. For
it has neither accent, nor quantity, fuited to the purpofe j the fyllables of their words being for
the moft part equally accented ; and the number of long fyllables being out of all proportion
greater than that of the fhort. Hence for a long time it was fuppofcd, as it is by moft people at
prefent, that our verfes were compofed, not of feet, but fyllables; and accordingly they are deno-
minated verfes of ten, eight, fix, or four fyllables, even to this day. Thus have we loft fight of
the great advantage which our language has given us over the French, in point of poetic num-
bers, by its being capable of a geometrical proportion, on which the harmony of verfification de-
pends ; and blindly reduced ourfelves to that of the arithmetical kind, which contains no natural
power of pleafing the ear. And hence, like the French, our chief pleafure in verfe, arifes from the
poor ornament of rhimc.
Some few of our Profodians finding this to be an error, and that our verfes were really compofed
of feet, not fyllables, without farther examination, boldly applied all the rules of the Latin profody
to our verfification ; though fcarce any of them anfwered exadly, and fome of them were utterly
incompatible with the genius of our tongue. Thus becaufe the Roman feet were formed by quan-
tity, they afierted the fame of ours, denominating all the accented fyllables long; whereas I have
formerly fnewn, that the accent, in fome cafes, as certainly makes the fyllable on which it is laid,
fliort, as in others it makes it long. And their whole theory of quantity, borrowed from the
Roman, in which they endeavour to eftablifh the proportion of long and fhort, as immutably fixed
to the fyllables of words conftructed in a certain way, at once falls to the ground ; when it is fhevvn,
that the quantity of our fyllables is perpetually varying with the fenfe, and is for the moft part re-
gulated by emphafis : which has been fully proved in the courfe of Le6lures on the Art of reading
Verfe ; where it has been alfo fliewn, that this very circumftance has given us an amazing ad-
vantage over the ancients, in point of poetic numbers.
The other conftituent part of verfe, confifts in paufes, peculiarly belonging to verfe, and differ-
ing from the profaic. Of the poetic paufes, there are two forts ; one denominated Ctfural, the
other I fhall call the Final. The cefural, divides the verfe into equal, or unequal parts ; the
final, clofes it. The cefural paufe, is known to all who have any acquaintance with the nature of
verfe; but the final has hitherto efcapcJ the obflrvation of all the writers upon that fubjecl. It is
for that very reafon, that there has not hitherto been given an adequate idea of verfe, in contradif-
tindion to profe, fince it is the ufe of this final paufe, which, on many occafions, alone marks the
difference between the two. It is the line drawn between their boundaries, which can never be
niiftaken, whilft it remains; remove it, and it is impo/Tiblc, in many cafes, to diftinguifh the
one from the other.
Do we not obferve, that verfe is written in a different way from profe ? Do we not find that in
each fpecics of verfification, every line is bounded by the meafure ? that is, muft terminate, when
Vol. I. o the
the number of feet which belongs to the kind of metre, is completed. Is not this done to mark
the metre diftin(flly ? And is it to the eye only that the metre is to be marked ? the eye, which, of
itfelf, can form no judgment of meafure in founds, nor take any pleafure in fuch arrangement of
words ; and (hall the ear, the fole judge of numbers, to which nature herfelf has annexed a delight,
in the perception of metre, be left without any mark, to point out the completion of the meafure ?
If it were indeed a law of our verfification, that every line fliould terminate with a flop in the fenfe,
the boundaries of the meafure would then be fixed, and could not be miftaken. But when we
know, that one of the greateft perfedions in our blank heroic verfe, is, that of drawing out the
fenfe from one line to another, I am afraid in that cafe, if there be no mark to (hew where the mea-
fure ends, it will be often carried away by the fenfe, and, confounded with it, be changed to pure
profe. Nothing has puzzled the bulk of readers, or divided their opinions more, than the manner
in which thofe verfes ought to be recited, where the fenfe does not clofe with the line ; and whofe
laft words have a necefTary connexion with thofe that begin the fubfequent verfe. Some, who fee
the neceflity of pointing out the metre, make a paufe at the end of fuch lines; but never having
been taught any other paufe, but thofe of the fentential kind, they ufe one of them, and pronounce
the laft word in fuch a note, as ufually marks a member of a fentence. Now this is certainly
improper ; becaufe they make that appear to be a complete member of a fentence, which is an in-
complete one; and by thus disjoining the fenfe, as well as the words, often confound ihe meanings
0:hers of a more enthufiaftic kind, elevate their voices, at the end of all verfes, to a higher note
than is ever ufed in any of the fentential flops ; but fuch a continual repetition of the fame high
note, at the clofe of every verfe, though it marks the metre diftindlly, becomes difgufting by its
monotony; and gives an air of chanting to fuch recitation, extremely difagreeable to every ear, ex-
cept that of the reciter himfelf; who, in general, feems highly delighted with his own tune, and
imagines it gives equal pleafure to others. It was to a reader of this fort, that Caefar faid, ' If
^ you read, you fing ; and if you (ing, you fing \'ery ill.'
To avoid thefe feveral faults, the bulk of readers have chofen what they think a fafer coyrfe,
which is, that of running the lines one into another, without the leaft paufe, where they find none
in the fenfe ; in the fame manner as they would do in fentences of profe, were they to find the fame
words there fo difpofed ; by which means they reduce verfe to a hobbling kind of metre, neither
verfe nor profe. In vain, to fuch readers, has Milton laboured the bed proportioned numbers in
blank verfe ; his order, is turned into confufion ; his melody, into difcord. In vain have Prior and
Dryden, in the couplet, fought out the riclieft rhime; the laft word, hurried precipitately from its
poft, into the next line, leaves no imprefEon on the ear ; and loft in a clufter of words, marks not
the relation Wtween it and its correlative, which their diftinguifhed fimilar pofts in the two verfes
had given thc-m ; by which means the whole efrecl of the rhime, as well as the metre, is loft. We
need not wonder, however, that the majority cf Readers (hould readily fall into this laft method, be-
caufe they have all learned to read profe, and it cofts them no trouble to read verfe iikc profe.
But it v/i!l be aflced, if this final paufe is neither marked by an elevation, or deprellion of the
voice, how is it poflible to mark it at all ? To this the anfwcr is obvious; by making no change
at all in the voice, but fufpending it in the fame individual note that would be ufed, were it to be
conne(fled inftantly with the following word. This flop is what I have before defcribed under the
name of the paufe of fufpenfion ; which, though eflentially necefTary to the juft recitation of verfe,
has never once been thought of; nor is the management cf it to be acquired but by great atten-
tion, and praiSice, according to the method before propofed. By the ufe of this pauie, the melody
of verfe may at all times be preferved without interfering with the fenfe. For the paufe itfelf, per-
fe£lly marks the bounds of the metre; and being made only by a fufpenfion, not change of note in
the voice, the concatenation of the meaning is as diftindlly perceived by every auditor, as if the
words had been uttered in the clofeft connection.
Nor is this the only advantage gained to numbers, by tliis ftop of fufpenfion ; it alfo prevents
that monotone at the end of lines, before defcribcJ, which, however pleafing to a rude, is dif-
gufting to a delicate ear. For, as this flop of fufpenfion has no peculiar note of its own, but al-
ways t-i'-ces that which belongs to the preceding word, it changes continually with the matter, and
is as various as the fenfe.
Having faid all that is necefTary of the final, I {hall now examine the crfural paufe.
The cefural paufe is that which divides the verCe into equal or unequal portions; upon the right
management of which, the melody and harmony of verfification, in a great meafure depend. Ths
feats of the eefura moft pleafing to the ear, are either at the end of the fccond foot, in the middle
of the third, or at the end of the third foot ; but it may occafionally take place in all parts of the
line. The eefura is by no means eflential to verfe, as the fhorter kinds of meafure are without it;
and many heroic lines, in which it is not to be found, are Hill good verfes. It is true it improves,
and diverfifies the melody, by a judicious management in varying its fituation, and fo becoires a
great ornament to verfe; but ftill this is not the moft important ofHce which it difcharges ; tor be-
fides improving the melody of fingle lines, there is a new fource of delight, opened by it in poetic
numbers, correfpondent, in fome fort, to harmony in mufic ; that takes its rife from that aft of the
mind, which compares the relative pr-oportions, that the members of each verfe bear to each other
as well as to thofe in the adjoining lines. The cefural, like the final paufe, fometimes coincides
with the fentential, fometimes has an independent ftate ; that is, exifts where there is no flop in the
fenfe. In that cafe, it is exadlly of the fame nature with the final paufe of fufpenfion before de-
fcribed, and is governed by the fame laws.
The feat of the final paufe points itfelf out ; but with regard to the cefural, whofe feat is vari-
able, and may be in all the different parts of the verfe, confequently not fo eafily to be found
there requires more to be faid. In order to find out the feat of the eefura, we are to refleft that
there are fome parts of fpeech fo necclTarily connefted in fentences, that they will not admit of any
disjunftion, by the fmalleft paufe of the voice. Between fuch, therefore, the eefura can never fall.
Its ufual feat is. In that place of the line, where the voice can firft reft, after a word, not fo ne-
ceffarily connected with the following one. I fay, not fo neceflarily, becaufe the eefura may find
place, where there would be no fentential ftop, after a word which leaves any idea for the mind to
left, though it may have a clofe connexion with what follows. For inftance —
Of Eve,^ whofe eye '^ darted contagious fire.
Now in profe, there could not properly be a comma after the word eye, from Its clofe ccnneclion
with the following verb; but in verfe, remove the cefural paufe, and the metre is utterly deftroyed.
Of the fame nature is another line of Milton's, relative to the fame perfon —
And from about her '^ fhot darts jf defire—
Pronounced in that manner, with the paufe in the middle of the line, it ceafes to be verfe; but by-
placing the eefura after the word Jhot, as thus —
And from about her. fhot ''' darts of defire—-
The metre is not only preferved, but the expreffion much enforced, by the unexpected trochee fol-
lowing the paufe, which, as it were, fhoots out the darts with uncommon force.
The following line of Pope's, read thus—
Ambition nrft fprung " from your bleft abodes-
is no verfe, but hobbling profe. But let the ccfura be placed after the word /r/7, as thus—
Ambition firfl fprung from your bleft abodes—
and the metre is reftored.
Of the fame kind, are two lines of Waller's, which I have feen flopped in the following manner—
We've loft in him arts, that not yet are found.
The Mufts ftill love, their own native place.
By which pointing, the metre is deftroyed. They Ihould be thus divided ;
We've loft in him " arts that not yet are found.
The Mufes ftill ^' love their own native place.
Unlefs a reader be much upon his guard, he will be apt to paufe, however improperly, at thofe
feats of the cefura, which have been fet down as producing the fineft melody. There would be
great temptation, on that account, in the following lines, and all of fimilar ftrudlure, to place the
cefura wrong. As thus —
The fprites of fiery " termagants inflame-
Back to my native " moderation Aide —
And place on good " fecurity his gold
Your own refiftlefs " eloquence employ—
Or crofs to plunder " provinces the main—
But fuch unnatural disjunftion of words which neceflarily require an immediate union with each
other, whatever pleafure it might give the ear, muft hurt the underftanding. Lines of this flruc-
ture do not in reality contain any perfedi cefura ; whofe place is fupplied by two femi-paufes, or
demi-cefurasj as thus —
The fprites ' of fiery termagants '' inflame-
Back ' to my native moderation ' Aide —
And place ' on good fecurity '' his gold—
Your own ' refiftlefs eloquence ' employ—
Or crofs ' to plunder provinces ' the main—
In all cafes of this fort, every man's own underftanding will point out to him, what words are ne-
ceflarily to be kept together, and what may be feparated without prejudice to the fenfe.
To recite verfe with propriety, it will be only necelTary to obferve the ^tvi following fhort rules.
1. All the words fliould be pronounced exadly in the fame way as in profe.
2. 1 he movement of the voice fliould be from accent to accent, laying no ftrefs on the inter-
mediate f\llables.
3. There fliould be the fame obfervation of emphafis, and the fame change of notes on the em-
phatic fyllables, as in profe.
3 . 4' ^^^
A R H E T O R I C A L G R A M M A R. 57
4. The paufes relative to the fenfe only, which I call fentential, are to be obfervcd in the fame
manner as in profe; but particular attention muft be given to thofe two peculiar to verfc, the cefu-
ral and final, as before defcrilied, which I call mufical paufes.
The ufual fault of introducing fiiig-fong notes, or a fpecies of chanting into poetical numbers,
is difagreeable to every ear, but that of the chanter himfelf. Such readers, indeed, feem generally
in high raptures with their own mufic, for, according to the old obfervation, baud cuiquam injucwida
quis cantat ipfe : ' No man's tune is unpleafing to himfelf.' But they ought to confider, that they
are doing great injuftice to the poet's mufic, when they fubftitute their own in its room. The
tune of the poet can then only be heard, when his verfes are recited with fuch notes of the voice as
refult from the fentiments j and a due proportion of time obferved, in the feet and paufes, the
conftituent parts of verfe.
Thus far I have laid open all that is necelThry, to prevent the reader's falling into the ufual errors
committed in reciting verfe, and to point out the means of attaining a juft and proper manner.
But with regard to the grace and elegance of delivery, confifting in the nicer proportions both of
time and tone in the feveral feet, and paufes, and the exa£t general intonation of the voice fuited
to the fentiments and paffions, it is obvious that little can be done, by precept alone. Nor can we
ever expedl to have this part brought to pcife^lion, till rhetorical fchools are inftituted, to teach
the whole art of Elocution, in the fame manner as all other arts are. taught, by Precept^ Example,
and Praclia^
Vol, I.
IN the preceding Grammar, the true principle upon which the pronunciation of polyfyMables fe
founded, is for the nrft time laid open; and will icivc io folve all difficulties in dubious cafes,
and put an end to numberlefs difputes daily held upon that fubjedt, by the different partifans of the
fiifterent modes of founding words. Some have recourfe to authority ; but at prefcnr, for reafons
mentioned in the Preface, that neither is, nor ought to be of any force ; and when, as it often hap-
pens, one authority is balanced againft another, who ihail determine which fhall preponderate?
Some have recourfe to derivation ; but not knowing on what occaiions thit operates, and when it
has no influence, they fall into continual errors : and others refer to analogy, which, without being
well acquainted with its laws, and the many deviations from them, is but a very uncertain diredlor.
The only fure guide on this oceafjon is the terminating fyllable, which governs all others in the
word, as the rudder does the Clip.
To explain this by examples.
It has been much difputed, whether the word fliould be pronounced con'cordance, or concor'd-
ance. The advocates for the former pronunciation proceed upon a latent principle of analogy,
which generally operates in words of that termination, as may be ften by having recourfe to the
Grammar, p. 31. where examining the termination in ance, you will find it faid — Polyfyllables in
<7>tce in general have the accent on the antepenult, or laft fyllable but two. Examp. Arrogance,
elegance, fjgnifieance.
Exceptions. ly?. When the primitive has its accent on the lail, the derivative has it on the pe-
nult. ; as, appe'arance, affu 'ranee ; from appe'ar, aiFu're : or 2{J,y, zvhcn it is preceded by two Confo'
nants, as, abun'dance, difcor'dance.
Now by following the general, and not attending to the 2d rule of exceptions mentioned above,
they have fallen into this error. And yet, ignorant as they might be of any rule, one would ima-
gine that analogy itfelf might have fet them right in this cafe, as upon the fame ground they might
pronounce the word dis'cordance, with the accent on the firft fyllable, as well as con'cordance,
which no one ever attempted.
The fame obfervation will hold good with regard to the word refractory, or refrac'tory.
Ac'ademy, or acad'emy, is another word which has occafioned much difpute j you will iind it
adjufted by looking for the termination my, p. 37.
In all difputable cafes, preference has been given to that pronunciation which is moft conform-
able to rule ; as certainly the Icflening as much as poffible the anomalies of any language will be a
great advantage to it, as it will render the attainment of it more eafy. Thus in the difpute about
the pronunciation of the word wind, whether it fliould be wi'nd or vi-'nd', the former has been
adopted, upon this principle, that there is no monofyllable in the Englifh language terminating in
ind in which the vowel / is not pronounced long; as, blind, rind, kind ; &c. I have often heard
Dr. Swift fay to thofe who pronounced it fliort, in a jeering tone, « I have a great rriind to find
why you call it wind.'
Obfervations of this Icind might be extended to a confiJerable length ; but it would be an unne-
ceflary trouble, as the Reader will find every thing relative to that matt' r adjufttd in the Grammar.
Rules to be cbferved by the Natives / Ireland in order to attain a jiift ProntDiciation
of EngUp.
The chief miftakes made by the Irifh in pronouncing Englifh, lie for the moft part in the
founds of the two firft vowels, a and e; the former being generally founded a by the Irifh, as in
the word bdr, in moft words where it is pronounced a, as in day, by the Englifh. Thus the
Irifh fay, patron, matron, the vowel, a, having the fame found as in the word father ; whilft
the Englifh pronounce them as if written, paytron, maytron. The following rule, ftridly at-
tended to, will rectify this miftake through the whole language.
When the vowel, a, finifhes a fyllable, and has the accent on it, it is invariably pronounced
a [day] by the Englifh. To this rule there are but three exceptions in the whole language, to
be found in the words, father, papa, mama. The Irifh may think alfo the word rather an ex-
c.ption, as well as father; and fo it would appear to be in their manner of pronouncing it,
ra-ther, laying the accent on the vowel a ; but in the Englifh pronunciation, the confonant, th,
is taken into the firft fyllable, as thus, rath'-er, which makes the difference.
Whenever a confonant follows the vowel a in the fame fyllable, and the accent is on the con-
fonant, the vowel a has always its firft found, as hat', mai/; as alfo the fame found lengthened
when it precedes the letter r, as fa'r, ba'r, though the accent be on the vowel ; as likewife
when it precedes /w, as ba'lm, pfa'lm. The Irifh, ignorant of this latter exception, pronounce
all words of that ftruflure as if they were written, bawm, pfawm, quawm, cawm, &c. In the
third found of a, marked by different combinations of vowels, or confonants, fuch as an, in
Paul ; aw, in law; all, in call ; aid, in bald; alk, in talk, &c. the Irifli make no miftake, except
in that of Im, as before mentioned.
The fecond vowel, e, is for the moft part founded ee by the Englifh, when the accent is upon
it ; whilft the Irifh in moft words give it the found of fecond a, as in hate. This found of e
[ee] is marked by different combinations of vowels, fuch as, ea, ei, e final mute, ec, and ;V. In
the two laft combinations of ^-^ and ie, the Irifh never miftake ; fuch as in meet, fecm, field, be-
lieve, he. ; but in all the others, they almoft univerfally change the found of e, into a. Thus
in the combination ea, they pronounce the words, tea, fea, pleafe, as if they were fpelt, tay, fay,
plays; inftead of tee, fee, pleefe. The Englifli conftantly give this found to ea, whenever the
accent is on the vowel e, except in the following words, great, a pear, a bear, to bear, to for-
bear, to fwear, to tear, to wear. In all which the e has its fecond found. For want of know-
ing thefe exceptions, the gentlemen of Ireland, after fome time of refidencc in London, are apt
to fall into the general rule, and pronounce thefe words as if fpelt, greet, beer, fweer, &c.
Ei, is alfo founded ee by the Englifh, and as a by the Irifti ; thus the words deceit, receive,
are pronounced by them as if written defate, re/ave. Ei is always founded e.^, except when a g
follows it, as in the words, reign, feign, deign, 6cc. as alfo in the words, reiu (of a bridle}, rein-deer,
vein, drein, veil, heir, which are pronounced like rain, vain, drain, vail, air.
The final mute e makes the preceding^ in the fame fyllable, when accented, have the found of jy,
as in the w:ord6, fupreme, fincere, replete. Thi> rule is almoft univerfally broken through by
the Irifh, v/ho pronounce all fuch words as if written, fuprame, fin?urc, rcplatc-, Jcc. There
are but two exceptions to this rule in the Englifh pronunciation, which are tlie words,
there, where.
In the way of marking this found, by a double <■, as thus, ee, as thelrifli never malce any miftakes,
the bed method for all who want to acquire the right pronunciation of thefe feveral combinations,
is, to fuppofe that ea, ei, and e attended by a final mute e, are all fpelt with a double e, or ee.
Ey is always founded like a by the Englifli, when the accent is upon it; as in the words,
prey, convey, pronounced pray, convay. To this there are but two exceptions, in the words
key and ley, founded he, lee. The Irifh, in attempting to pronounce like the Englifh, often
give the fame found to ey, as ufually belongs to ei ; thus for pr^iy, convey, they fay pree, convee.
A ftrid obfervation of thefe few rules, with a due attention to the very few exceptions enume-
rated above, will enable the well-educated natives of Ireland to pronounce their words exactly in
the fame way as the more poliflied part of the inhabitants of England do, fo far as the vowels
are concerned. The diphthongs they commit no fault in, except in the found of i ; which has
been already taken notice of in the Grammar *. Where likewife the only difference in pronouncing
any of the confonants has been pointed out ; which is the thickening the founds of d and t, in cer-
tain fituations ; and an eafy method propofed of correcting this habit f.
In order to complete the whole, I fliall now give a lift of fuch detached words, that do not
come under any of the above rules, as are pronounced differently in Ireland from what they are in
EngUJh proti.
IriJ}) pron.
Engl'iJ}) pron.
malice ious
' whcVfore
• Vid. p.
II. where the true manner of pronoun
cing the diphthong i is pointed
out; the Irifh pro-
nouncing it much in the fame
manner as the French,
t P. .8.
cich is born
before the due time.
ABORTIVE, ab-or'-tl''. a. Brought forth be-
fore the due tisne of birth ; that which brings
forth nothing.
ABORTIVELY, ab-6r'tiv-Iy. ad. Born with-
out the due time; immaturcly, untimely.
ABORTIVENESS, ab-6r -tlv-nefs. f. The
ftate of abortion.
ABORTMENT, db-6rt'-ment. f. The thing
brought forth out of time ; an untimely birth.
ABOVE, a-biv'. prep. Higher in place ; higher
in rank, power or excellence ; beyond, more
than ; too proud for, too high for.
ABOVE, a-buv'. ad. Over-head; in the re-
gions of heaven.
ABOVE ALL, a-buv-a'll. In the Rrft place ;^
ABOVE-BOARD, a-buv -bori In open fight y
without artifice or trick.
ABOVE-CITED, a-buv'-s!'-ted. Cited before..
ABOVE-GROUND, a-buv'-ground. An ex-
preffion ufed to fignify,.. that a man is alive ; not
in the grave.
ABOVE-MENTIONED, a-buv'-men-fhund.
To ABOUND, a-bou'nd. v. n. To have in
great plenty ; to be in great plenty.
ABOUT, a-bou't. prep. Round, furrounding,
encircling; near to; concerning, with regard
to, relating to; engaged in, employed upon;
appendant to the perfon, as cloaths, &c. ; relat-
ing to the perfon, as a fervant.
ABOUT, a-bou't. ad. Circularly; in circuit;
nearly ; the longeft way, in oppofition to the
fhort ftraight way ; to bring about, to bring to
the point or ftate dcfired, as, he has brought
about his purpofes ; to come about, to come to
foine certain ftate or point ; to go about a thing,
to prepare to do it.
ABRACADABRA, ab-ra-ka-da-bra. A fuper-
flitious charm againft agues.
To ABRADE, ab-ra'de. v. a. To rub cfF, to
wear away from thx other parts.
ABRASION, ab-ra'-zhun. f. The ad of rub-
bing, a rubbing ofF.
ABREAST, a-b^rell'. ad. Side by fide.
To ABRIDGE, a-bndj'e. v. a. To makefhorter
in words, keeping ftill the fame fubftance ; to
contraft, to diminifli, to cut fhort ; to deprive
ABRIDGED OF, a-brld'-jcd. p. Deprived of,
debarred from.
An ABRIDGER, a-brld'-jir. f. He that abridg-
es, a fhortener; a writer of compendiums or
ABRIDGMENT, a-brldj'e-ment. f. The con-
tradlion of a larger work into a fmall compafs ;
a diminution in general.
ABROACH, a-bro'tfh. ad. In a pofture to run
out; in a Hate of being difFufed or propagated.
ABROAD, a-bra d. ad. Out of the houfe ; in
another conntry ; without, not within.
To ABROGATE, ab-ro-gate. v. a. To take
away from a law in force, to repeal, to annul.
ABROGATION, ab-re.-g;i'-niun. f. The ac'i
of abrogating, the repeal of a law.
ABRUPT, ab-rup't. a. Broken, craggy ; fud-
den, without the cuftomary or proper prepara-
ABRUPTION, ab-rup'-fhun. f. Violent and
fudden feparation.
ABRUPTLY, ab-rup't-ly. ad. Haftily, without
the due forms of preparation.
ABRUPTNESS, ab-riip't-nefs. f. An abrupt
manner, halle, fuddcnnefs.
ABSCESS, ab -fefs. f. A morbid ca\ ity in the
To ABSCIND, ab-sind'. v. a. To cut off.
ABSCISSION, ab-sis'-fliiin. f. The ad of cut-
ting off; the rtate of being cut off.
To ABSCOND, ab-(kond'. v. a. To hide one's
ft If.
ABSCONDER, ab-fc6n'-dur. f. The perfon
that abfconds.
ABSENCE, ab'-fenfe. f. The ftate of being
abfcnt, oppofed to prefence ; inattention, hced-
Icffnefs, neglect of the prefent object.
ABSENT, ab'-fint. a. Not prefent; abfcnt in
mind, inattentive.
To ABSENT, ab-fent'. v. a. To withdraw, to
forbear to come into prefence.
ABSENTEE, ab-fen-te'. f. A word u fed com-
monly with regard to Iriflimen living; out of their
ABSINTHIATED, ab-sIn'-tSya-ttd. p. Im-
pregnated with wormwood.
To ABSIST, db-slft'. v.'n. To ftand off, to
leave off".
To ABSOLVE, ab-z6lv'. v. a. To clear, to
acquit of a crime in a judicial fenfe ; to fet
{res from an engagement or promife ; to pro-
nounce a fin remitted, in the ecclefiaftical
ABSOLUTE, ab'-fo-lilte. a. Complete, applied
as well to perfons as things ; unconditional, as,
an abfolute promife ; not relative, as, abfoluto
fpace ; not limited, as, abfolute power,
ABSOLUTELY, ab -fd-l-ite-ly. ad. Complete-
ly, without reftriiSlion; without condition ; per-
emptorily, pofitively.
ABSOLUTENESS, ab'-fo-lilte-nsfs. f. Com-
pletenefs ; freedom from dependance, or limits ;
ABSOLUTION, ab-f6-]i5'-{hun. f. Acquittal;
the remiffion of fins, or of penance.
ABSOLUTORY, .ib '-fo-ld-tir'-ry. a. That
which abfolves.
ABSONANT, ab'-fo-nant. a. Contrary toreafon.
ABSONOUS, ab'-f6-nus. a. Abfurd, contrary
to reafon.
To ABSORB, ab-farb. v. a. To fw.illow up;
to fuck up.
ADSORBENT, ab-fl'r-btnt. f. A medicine
that fucks up humours.
ABSORPT, ab-fa'rpt. p. Swallowed up.
ABSORPTION, ab-fa'rp-fh.ui. f. The act of
fv/allowing up.
To ABSTAIN, ^b-ffi'n. v. n. To forbear, to
deny one's felf any gratification.
ABSTEMIOUS, ab-fte'-myus. a. Temper.ite,
fober, abftinent.
ABSTEMIOUSLY, abft^'-myuf-ly. ad. Tem-
perately, foberly, without indulgence.
ABSTEMIOUSNESS, ab-ft^'-myuf-nefs. f. The
quality of being abftemious.
ABSTENTION, ab-ftin'-fhin. f. TheaAof
holding off.
To ABSTERGE, ab-ft^rje. v. a. To ck-anle,
by wiping.
ABSTERGENT, ab-fter'-jent. a. Clcanfing;
hsving a cleanfing quality.
To ABSTERSE, ab-fter'fe. v. a. To cleanfe,
to purify.
ABSTERTION, ab-fter'-fliun. f. The aa of
ABSTERSIVE, ab-fter'-sK-. a. That has the
quality of abftcrging or cleanfing.
ABSTINENCE, ab'f-ty-nenfe. f. Forbearance
of any thing ; fafting, or forbearance of ne-
cefTary food.
ABSTINENT, ab'f-ty-nent. a. That ufes ab-
To ABSTRACT, ab-ftrak't. v. a. To take
one thing from another ; to feparate ideas ; to
reduce to an epitome.
ABSTRACT, ab'f-trakt. a. Separated from
fometliing elfe, generally ufed with relation to
mental perceptions.
ABSTRACT, ab'f-trakt. f. A fmaller quan-
tity, containing the virtue or power of a great-
er j an epitome made by taking out the princi-
pal parts.
ABSTRACTED, ab-ftrak'-ted. p. a. Separat-
ed ; refined, abftrufe ; abfent of mind.
ABSTRACTEDLY, ab-ftrak'-ted-ly. ad. With
abftraclion, fimply, feparate from all contin-
gent circumftances.
ABSTRACTION, ab-ftrak'-fliun. f. The aft
of abftracling ; the ftate of being abftradted.
ABSTRACTIVE, ab-ftrak'-tlv. a. Having the
power or quality of abftrafting.
ABSTRACTLY, ab-ftrak't-ly. ad. In an ab-
ftraft manner.
ABSTRUSE, ab-{lr6'fe. a. Hidden; difficult,
remote from conception or apprehenfion.
ABSTRUSELY, ab-ftro'fe-ly. ad. -Obfcurely,
not plainly, or obvioufly.
ABSTRUSENESS, ab-ftro'fe-nefs. f. Diffi-
culty, obfcurity.
ABSTRUSITY, ab-ftro'-fy-ty. f. Abftrufencfs;
that which is abftrufe.
To ABSUME, ab-fii'me. v. a. To bring to an
end by a gradual wafte.
ABSURD, ab-furd'. a.. Inconfiftcnt ; contrary
to reafon.
ABSURDITY, ab-fur'-dy-ty, f. The quality
of being abfurd ; that which is abfurd.
ABSURDLY, ab-furd'-ly. ad. Improperly, un-
ABSURDNESS, ab-furd'-ncfs. f. The quality
of being abfurd ; injudicioufnefs, impropriety.
ABUNDANCE, a-bun'-danfe. f. Plenty; great
numbers ; a great quantity ; exuberance, more
than enough.
ABUNDANT, a-bun'-dant. a. Plentiful ; ex-
uberant ; fully ftored.
ABUNDANTLY, a-bim'-dant-ly. ad. In plen-
ty; amply, liberally, more than fufficiently.
To ABUSE, a-bu'ze. v. a. To make an ill ufe
of ; to deceive, to impofe upon ; to treat with
ABUSE, a-bu'fe. f. The ill ufe of any thing;
a corrupt pradlice, bad cuftom; feducement;
unjuft cenfure, rude reproach.
ABUSER, a-bu'-zur. f. He that makes an ill
ufe ; he that deceives ; he that reproaches with
ABUSIVE, a-bu'-s!v. a. PracTrifrng abufe; con-
taining abufe; deceitful.
ABUSIVELY, a-bu'-siv-ly. ad. Improperly,
by a wrong ufe; reproachfully.
To ABUT, a-but'. v. n. obfolete. To end at,
to border upon ; to meet, or approach to.
ABUTMENT, a-but'-ment. f. That which
abuts, or borders upon another.
ABYSS, a-blfs'. f. A depth without bottom ; a
great depth, a gulph.
ACACIA, a-ka'-fha. f. A drug; a tree com-
monly fo called here.
ACADEMIAL, ak-ka-de'-myal. a. Relating
to an academy.
ACADEMIAN, ak-ka-dc'-myln. f. A fcholar
of an academy or univerfity.
ACADEMICAL, ak-ka-dem'-my-kil. a. Be-
longing to an univerfity.
ACADEMICK, ak-ku-dem'-m!k. f. A ftudent
of an univerfity.
ACADEMICK, ak-ka-dem'-mlk. a. Relating
to a univerfity.
ACADEMICIAN, ak-ka-dl-mlfh'-an. f. The
member of an academy.
r a-cad -de-mift, T f. The mem-
•mift, "J f. The mem
\ oi, i. ber of ai
tak"-a-dem'-mlfl:. J academy.
{a-kad'-de-my, It. An
or, V. or fc
ak -a-dem'-my.J men,
ACADEMY,"^ or, J. or fociety of
for the promotion of fome art ; the place where
fciences are taught; a place of education, in
contradiftinflion to the univerfities or publick
ACANTHUS, a-kan'-tSus. f. The herb bears-
ACATALECTIC, a-kat4-lek'-tlk. f. A verfe
which has the complete number of fyllables.
To ACCEDE, ak-fe'de. v. n. To be added to,
to come to.
To ACCELERATE, ak-fel'-le-rate. v. a. To
make quick, to haften, to quicken motion.
ACCELERATION, ak-fel-]e-r4'-fhun. f. The
adl of quickening motion ; the ftate of the body
To ACCEND, ak-fend'. v. a. To kindle, to fet
on fire.
ACCENSION, ak-fen'-fhun. f. The ad of
kindling, or the ftate of being kindled.
ACCENT, dk'-fent. f. The manner of fpeak-
ing or pronouncing ; the marks made upon fyl-
lables to regulate theii" pronunciation ; a mo-
dification of the voice, expreffive of the paf-
fions or fentiments.
To ACCENT, ak-fent'. v. a. To pronounce,
to fpeak words with particular regard to the
grammatical marks or rules j to write or note
the accents.
To ACCENTUATE, ak-fen'-tu-ate. v. a. To
place the accents properly.
ACCENTUATION, ak-fen-tu-a'-fhun. f. The
acl of placing the accent in pronunciation, or
To ACCEPT, .nk-ftpt'. v. a. to take with
pleafure, to receive kindly.
ACCEPTABILITY, ak-fep-ta-bll'-ll-ty, f. The
quality of being acceptable.
ACCEPTABLE, ak'-fep-table, a. Grateful;
ACCEPTABLENESS, ak'-fep-table-nlfs. f.
The quality of being acceptable.
ACCEPTABLY, ak'-fep-ta-bly. ad. In an ac-
ceptable manner.
ACCEPTANCE, ak-fep'-tanfe. f. Reception
with approbation.
ACCEPTATION, ak-lc-p-ta'-fliun. f. Recepti-
on, whether good or bad ; the meaning of a word.
ACCEPTER, ak-fep'-tiir. f. The perfon that
ACCEPTION, ak-fep'-fliun. f. The received
fenfe of a word ; the meaning.
ACCESS, ak'-fefs. f. The way by which any
thing may be approached ; the means, or liberty^
of approaching either to things or men; in-
creafe, enlargement, addition; the returns or
fits of a diftemper.
ACCESSARINESS, ak"-fa-far'-ry-nefs. f. The
ftate of being acceffary.
ACCESSARY, ak'-fef-far-ry. f. Hethatnot be-
ing the chief agent in a crime, contributes to it.
ACCESSARY, ak'-fef-far-ry. a. Joined to, ad-
ditional, helping forward.
ACCESSIBLE, ak-fes'-slble. a. That which
may be approached.
ACCESSION, ak-fes'-fhun. f. Increafe by
fomething added ; the adt of coming to, or
joining one's fclf to, as, acceflion to a confe-
deracy; the aft of arriving at, as, the king's
acceflion to the throne.
ACCESSORILY, ak"-fef-fur'-ry-ly. ad. In the
manner of an acceffory.
ACCESSORY, ak'-fef-fur-ry. a. Joined to a-
nother thing, fb as to increafe it ; additional.
ACCIDENCE, ak'-fy-denfe. f. The little book
containing the firlt rudiments of grammar, and
explaining the properties of the eight parts of
ACCIDENT, ak'-fy-dent. f. The property or
quality of any being, which may be fcparated
from it, at leaft in thought ; in grammar, the
property of a word ; that which happens un-
forefcen ; cafualty, chance.
ACCIDENTAL, dk-fy-den't.U. f. A property
ACCIDENTAL, ak-fy-den'tal. a. Having the
quality of an accident, noncflcntial ; cafual, for-
tuitous, happening by chance.
ACCIDENTALLY, ak-fy-dcn'-tal-ly. ad. Ca-
fually, fortuitoufly.
ACCIDENTALNESS, ak-fy-den'-tal-ncfs. f.
The quality of being accidental.
ACCIPIENT, ak-f^'-pyent. f. A receiver.
To ACCITE, ak-si'te. v. a. To call j to fum-
ACCLAIM, ak-kla'm. f. A fhout of praife ; ac-
AC-LAMATION, ak-kla-mi'-fhun. f. Shouts
of applaufe.
ACCLIVITY, ak-kliv'-vi-ty. f. Thefteepnefs
or flope of a line inclining to the horizon, rec-
koned upwards, as, the afcent of an hill is the
acclivity, the defcent is the declivity.
ACCLIVOUS, ak-klf-vus. a. Rifing with a
To ACCLOY, ak-klcy'. v. a. To fill up, in
an ill fenfe ; to fill to fatiety.
To ACCOIL, ak-koi'l. v. n. To croud, to
keep a coil about, to buftle, to be in a hurry.
ACCOLENT, ak'-k6-lent. f. A borderer.
ACCOMMODABLE, ak-kom'-mC-dable. a.
That which may be fitted.
To ACCOMMODATE, ak-kom'-mi-date. v. a.
To fupply with conveniencies of any kind.
ACCOMMODATE, ak-kom'-mO-ddte. a. Suit-
able, fit.
ACCOAIMODATELY, ak-kom'-md-date-ly.
ad. Suitably, fitly.
ACCOMMODATION, ak-kom-mo-da'-fhun. f.
Provifion of conveniencies ; in the plural, con-
veniencies, things requifite to eafe or refrefh-
mc-nt ; compofition of a diiFerence, reconcili-
ation, adjuftment.
ACCOMPANABLE, ak-kum'-pa-nable. a. So-
ACCOMPANIER, ak-kum'-pH-n)''-ur. f. The
perfon that makes part of the ccompany ; com-
To ACCOMPANY, ak-kum'-pa-ny. v. a. To
be with another ai a ccmpanion; to join wi h.
ACCOMPLICE, ak-kcm -plis. f. An afToci.te,
a partaker, ufually in an ill fenfe j a partner,
or co-operator.
To ACCOMPLISH, ak-kom'-pllfh. v. a. To
complete, to execute fully, as, to accomplifh
a defign ; to fulfil, as a prophecy ; to adorn,
or furni{h, either mind or body.
ACCOMPLISHED, ak-k6m'-pllfli-ed. p. a.
Complete in fome qualification ; elegant, fi-
nifhed in refpect of embellifliments.
ACCOMPLISHER, ak-kim'-pllfh-ur. f. The
perfon that accomplifhes.
ACCOMPLISHMENT, ak-k6m'-p!!(h-ment. f.
Completion, full performance, perfection, com-
pletion, as of a prophecy ; embellifhment, ele-
gance, ornament of mind or body.
ACCOMPT, ak-kount'. f. An account, a rec-
ACCOMPTANT, ak-koun'-tant. f. A rec-
koner, computer.
To ACCORD, ak-ka rd. v. a. To make agree,
to adjuft one thing to another.
To ACCORD, ak-ka'rd. v. n. To agree, to
fuit one with another.
ACCORD, ak-ka rd. f. A compaft, an agree-
ment ; concurrence, union of mind ; harmo-
ny, fymmetr)'.
ACCORDANCE, dk-ka'r-danfe. f. Agreement
with a perfon ; conformity to fomething.
ACCORDANT, ak-kd'r-dant. a. Willing, in
good humour.
ACCORDING, ak-ka'r-dlng. p. In a manner
fuitable to, agreeable to ; in proportion ; with
regard to.
ACCORDINGLY, ak-ki'r-d!ng-ly. ad. Agree-
ably, fuitably, conformably.
To ACCOST, ak-koft. v. a. To fpeak to firft,
to addrefs, to falute.
ACCOSTABLE, ak-kof'-t.ible. a. Eafy of ac-
cefs, familiar.
ACCOUNT, ak-kount'. f. A computation of
debts or expences ; the ftate or refuit .o{ a com-
putation ; value or eftimation ; a nanative, re-
lation ; the relation and reafons of a tranfac-
tion given to a perfon in authority; explana-
tion, aflignment of caufes.
To ACCOUNT, ak-kount'. v. a. To eflccr.,
to think, to hold in opinion; to reckon, to
compute; to give an account, to aflign the
caufes ; to make up the reckoning, to anfwer
for practices ; to hold in efteem. jA
ACCOUNTABLE, dk-koun'-tabl. a. Of(|iom
an account may be required, who muft anfwer
ACCOUNTANT, Ak-koun'-tant. a. Account-
able to ; refponfible for.
ACCOUNTANT, ak-koun'-tant. f. A com-
puter, a man (killed or employed in accounts.
ACCOUNT-BOOK, ak-kount'-b(ik. f. A book
containing accounts.
To ACCUPLE, ak-kip'le. v. a. To join, to
link together.
To ACCOURT, ak-ko'rt. v. a. To entertain
with courtfhip, or courtefy.
To ACCOUTRE, ak-kd'-tur. v. a. To drefs,
to equip.
ACCOUTREMENT, ik-ko'-tur-meat.f. Drefs,
equipage, trappings, ornaments.
ACCRETION, ak-kre'-fhun. f. The aA of
growing to another, fo as to increafe it.
ACCRETIVE, ak-kr^'-t!v. a. Growing, that
which by growth is added.
To ACCROACH, ak-kro'tfh. v. a. To draw
to one as with a hook.
To ACCRUE, ak-krd'. v. n. To accede to, to be
added to ; to be added, as an advantage or im-
provement ; in a commercial fenfe, to be pro-
duced, or arife, as profits.
ACCUBATION, ak-kd-ba'-flnm. f. Thean-
tient pofture of leaning at meals.
To ACCUMB', ak-kim'b. v. a. To lie at the
tabic, according to the antient manner.
To ACCUMULATE, ak-kd'-mu-l^te. v. a.
To pile up, to heap together.
ACCUMULATION, ak-ku-mu-li'-fliun. f.
The act of accumulating ; the ftate of being
ACCUMULATIVE, Ak-kd'-m.]-la-tiv. a. That
which accumulates ; that which is accumu-
ACCUMULATOR, ik-ku'-mu-ia-tur. f. He
that accumulates, a gatherer or heaper toge-
ACCURACY, ak'-ku-ra-f\'. f. Exaflnefs, nicety.
ACCURATE, ak'-kil-rat. a. Exa
ADDER'S TONGUE, ad-durz-timg. f. An
ADDER'S-WORT, ad'-durz-wurt. L An herb-.
ADDIBLE, .ad-dible. a. PolTible to beadded.
ADDIBILITY, ad'-dy-b!l' ly-ry. f. The pof-
fibility of being added.
ADDICE, ad-dls. f. A kind of ax.
To ADDICT, ad-dikt . v. a. To devote, to de-
dicate ; it is commonly taken in a bad fenfc, as,
he addicted himfelf to vice.
ADDICTEDNESS, ad-dlk'-ted-ncfs. f. The
Hate of bein^j addicted.
ADDICTION, ad-d!k'-fhun. f. The acl of
devoting ; the i ate of being devoted.
An ADDITAMENT, ad"-dy-ta-ment'. f. Ad-
dition, the thing added.
ADDITION, ad-dlfh'-fliun. f. The acl of
adding one thing to another; the thing add-
ed; in arithmetick, addition is the reduction
of two or more numbers of like kind, together
into one fum or total.
ADDITIONAL, ad-d;fh'-{h6-n.i!. a. . That
which is added.
ADDITORY, ad'-dy-tur-ry. a. That which
has the power of adding.
ADDLE, ad 1. a. Originally applied to e^gs,
and fignifying ftich as produce nothing, thence
transferred to brains that produce nothing.
ADDLE-PATED, ad 1-p.i-ted. a. Having bar-
ren brains.
To ADDRESS, ad-drcfs . v. a. To prepare one's
felf to enter upon any action ; to apply to ano-
ther by words.
ADDRESS, ad-drefs'. f. Verbal application to
anyone; courtfliip ; manner of addrefling ano-
ther, as, a man of pleafing addrefs ; flcill, dex-
terity ; manner of direfting a letter.
ADDRESSER, ad-drts -fur. f. The perfon
that addrefies.
ADDUCENT, ad-du'-fcnt. a. A word ap-
plied to thofe mufcles that draw together the
parts of the body.
To ADDULCE, ad-dalfe. v. a. To fweeten.
ADDENOGRAPHY, ad-de-ncg'-grd-fy. f. A
treatife of the glands.
ADEMPTION, a-demp'-fhun. f. Privation.
ADEPT, a-dep t. *f. He that is completely
(killed in all the fecrets of his art.
ADEQUATE, ad'-e-qwate. a. Equal to, pro-
ADEC^UATELY, ad'-e-kwat-ly. ad. In an
adequate manser, with exaiSnefs of proper; ion.
ADEQUATENESS, ad'-e-kw.it-nefs. f. The
ftate of being adequate, exaflnefs of proportion.
To ADHERE, ad-he re, v, n. To ftick to ; to
remain firmly fixed to a party, or opinion,
ADHERENCE, ad-he'-renfe. f. The quality
of adhering, tenacity; fixcdnefs of i^ir.d, at-
tachment, fteadijicfs.
ADRERENCY, ad-hc'-ren-f^-. f. The fame
with adherence.
ADHERENT, ad-he'-rent. a. Sticking to;
united with.
ADHERENT, ad-h^'-rent. f. A follower, a
parti fan.
ADHERER, ad-he'-rur. f. He that adhere^.
ADHESION, ad-he'-zhun. f. The act or ilate
of flicking to fomething.
ADHESIVE, ad-he'-slv. f. Sticking, tena-
To ADHIBIT, ad-h!b'-b!t. v. a. To apply,
to make ufe of.
ADHIBITION, ad-hy-blfli'-fnun. f. Appli-
cation, ufe.
ADJACENCY, ad-jd'-fen-fy. f. The ftate of
lying clofe to another thing.
ADJACENT, ad-ja fent. a. Lying clofe, bor-
dering upon fomething.
ADJACENT, ad-ja'-fcnt. f. That which lies
next another.
ADIAPHOROUS, a-dI-af'f. f. The fame with
.AFFLUENT, af '-flu-ent. a. Flowing to any
part ; abundant, exuberant, wealthy.
AFFLUENTNESS, af'-flu-ent-ncfs. f. The
quality of being affluent.
AFFLUX, af '-fluks. f. The a^ of flowing to
fomc place, affluence ; that which flows to any
AFFLUXION,af-fluk'-fhun. f. The aa of flow-
ing to a particular place ; that which flows from
one place to another.
To AFFORD, if-fo'rd. v. a. To yield or pro-
duce ; to grant, or confer any thing ; to be able
to fell ; to be able to bear expences.
To AFFOREST, af-for-reft. v. a. To turn
ground into foreft.
To AFFRANCHISE, af-fran'-tflnz. v. a. To
make free.
To AFFRAY, af-frl'. v. a. To fright, to terrify.
AFFRAY, af-fra'. f. A tumultuous aflault of
one or more perfons upon others.
AFFRICTION, af-fr!k'-fhun. f. The adl of
rubbing one thing upon another.
To AFFRIGHT, af-fri'te. v. a. To affecl with
fear, to terrify.
AFFRIGHT, af-fri'te. f. Terrour, fear.
AFFRIGHTFUL, af-fri'te-ful. a. Full of af-
fright or terrour, terrible.
AFFRIGHTMENT, df-fri'te-ment. f. The im-
preffion of fe.ir, terrour ; the ftate of fearfulnefs.
To AFFRONT, af-frunt'. v. a. To meet face
to face, to encounter ; to provoke by an open
infult, to offend avowedly.
AFFRONT, af-frunt . f. Infult ofFered to the
face ; outrage, act of contempt.
AFFRONTER, .nf-frun'-tur. f. The perfon that
AFFRONTING, af-friin'-tlng. part. a. Th.-it
which has the quality of affronting.
To AFFUSE, af-fii zc. v. a. To pour one thing
upon another.
AFFUSION, af-fa'-zhun. f. The aft of af-
To AFFY, af-fy'. v. a. To betroth in order to
To AFFY, :\f-fy'. V. n. To put confidence in,
to put trail in.
AFIELD, a-fc Id. ad. To th<3 field.
AFLAT, a-fi;'it'. ad. Level with the ground.
AFLOAT, d-flo te. ad. Floating.
AFOOT, a-fut'. ad. On foot, not on horfc-
back ; in aftion, as, a dcfign is afoot.
AFORE, i-fb re. prep. Before, nearer in phice
to any thing ; fooncr in time.
AFORE, a-fo'te. ad. In time foregone or p;ifl;
firft in the way ; in front, in the fore-part.
AFOREGOING, a-fo re-gc-ing. part. a. Go-
ing before.
AFOREHAND, a-f'/rc-hand. ad. By a previous
provifioii; provided, prepared, previoufiy fitted.
AFOREMENTIONED, a-f6 're-men -fiiund.
a. Mentioned before.
AFORENAMED, i-f6''re-na-med. a. Named
AFORESAID, a-fo're-fed. a. Said before.
AFORETIME, a-fo're-tlme. ad. In time paft.
AFRAID, a-fra d. particip. a. Struck with fear,
terrified, fearful.
AFRESH, a-frefh'. ad. Anew, again.
AFRONT, a-front'. ad. In front, in direfc
AFTER, af -tcr. prep. Following in place ; in
purfuit of; behind; pofteriour in time; ac-
cording to ; in imitation of.
AFTER, af'-ter. ad. In fucceeding time; fol-
lowing another.
AFTERAGES, af"-ter-a'-jez. f. Succeeding
times, pofterity.
AFTERALL, af'-ter-a'll. ad. At laft, in fine,
in conclufion.
AFTERBIRTH, if '-ter-bcrtlT. f. The fccun-
AF'FERCLAP, af'-ter-klap- f- Uncxpe^ed
event liappening after an affair is fuppofed to be
r.t an end.
AFTERCOST, af'-ter-koft. f. The expence
incurred after the original plan is executed.
AFTERCROP, af'-ter-krop. f. Second harveft.
AFTERGAME, af'-ter-game. f. Methods ta-
ken after the firft turn of affairs.
AFTERMATH, af'-ter-matR. f. Second crop
of grafs mown in autumn.
AFTERNOON, af -ter-no'n. f. The time
from the meridian to the evening.
AFTERPAINS, af'-ter-p-Jnz. f. Pains after
AFTERTASTE, af 'ter-tift. f. Tafte remain-
ing upon the tongue after the draught.
AFTERTHOUGHT, .af tcr-tfiat. f. Rcflcc-
ticns after the ai\, expedients formed too late.
AFTERTIMES, af -ter-timz. f. Succeeding
AFTERWARD, af'-ter-w.ird. ad. In fucceed-
ing time.
AFTERWIT, af'-tcr-wk. f. Contrivance of ex-
pedients after the occafion of ufing them is paft.
AGAIN, a-gen'. ad. A fecond time, once more;
back, in reftitution ; befides, in any other time or
place ; twice as much, marking the fame quan-
tity once repeated ; again and again, with fre-
quent repetition.
AGAINST, a-genft . prep. Contrary, oppo-
fite, in general ; with contrary motion or ten-
dency, ufed of material ailion ; oppofite to, in
place ; in expeflation of.
AGAPE, a-ga p. ad. Staring with eagernefs.
AGARICK, ag'-a-rik. f. A drug of ufe in
phyfick, and thp dying trade.
AGAST, a-g.ift'. a. Amaze.
AGATE, ag'-at. f. A precious ftone of the
loweft clafs.
AGATY, ;'ig'-a-ty. a. P.irtaking of the lis-ture
of agate.
To AGAZE, a-ga'zc. v. a. To ftrike with
AGE, aje. f. Any period of time attributed
to fomething as the whole, or part of its du-
ration ; a fucceffion or generation of men ; the
time in which any particular man, or race of
men lived, as, the age of heroes ; the fpace of
a hundred years ; the latter part of life, old
age ; in law, in a man the age of twenty-one
years is the full age, a woman at twenty-one
is able to alienate her lands.
AGED, a -jcd. a. Old, ftricken in years.
AGEDLY, a -jed-ly. .id. After the manner of
an aged perfon.
AGEN, a-gen'. ad. Again, in return.
AGENCY, a-jen-fy. f. The quality of a^ing,
the ftate of being in adion ; bufincfs performed
by an agent.
AGENT, a -jent. a. Ailing upon, ailive.
AGENT, a -jent. f. A fubflltute, a deputy, a
fador; that which has the power of operating.
AGGENERATION, ag-jen-ne-ra'-niun. f. The
ftate of growing to another body.
To AGGERATE, ad -je-rate. v. a. To heap
To AGGLOMERATE, ag-glom'-me-ratc. v. a.
To gather up in a ba!!, as thread.
AGGLUTINANTS, ag-gld -ty-nants. f. Thofe
medicines which have the power of uniting
parts together.
To AGGLUTINATE, ag-gld'-ty-nate. v. n.
To unite one part to another.
AGGLUTINATION, ag-gll-ty-na'-fliun. f.
Union, cohtilon.
AGGLUTINATIVE, ag-glu"-ty-na-tiv'. a.
That which has the power of procuring agglu-
To AGGRANDIZE, ag'-gran-dize. v. a. To
make great, to enlarge, to exalt.
AGGRANDIZEMENT, Ig'-gran-di 'ze-mcnt.
f. The (bte of being aggrandized.
AGGRANDIZER, ag'-gran-di''-zur. f. The
pcifo:'. thit inakjs another g.-cat.
To AGGRAVATE, .ng'-gra-vate. v. a. To
make heavy, in a metaphorical fenfe, as, to
aggr.ivate an accufation ; to make any thing
AGGRAVATION, ag-gra-va'-(hun. f. The
ail of aggravating ; the circumftances which
heighten guilt or calamity.
AGGREGATE, ag'-gre-gate. a. ' Framed by
the colleilion of particular parts into one mafs.
AGGREGATE, ag'-gre-gite. f. Therefultof
the conjunftion of many particulars.
To AGGREGATE, ag'-gre-gate. v. a. To
colleft together, to heap many particulars into
one mafs.
AGGREGATION, ag-gre-ga'-fhun. f. The
adl of colleding many particulars into on:
whole ; the v/hule compofed by the collection
of many particulars ; llatc of being colkded.
To AGGRESS, ag-grcfs . v. n. To commit the
firfl a
the manner of an alchymift.
ALCHYMIST, al'-ky-mift.' f. One who pur-
fues or profefles the fcience of alchymy.
ALCHYMY, al'-ky-my. f. The more fublim*
chymiftry, which propofcs the tranfmutation
of metals; a kind of mixed metal ufed for
ALCOHOL, il'-k6-h6l. f. A high rcdified
fpirit of wine.
ALCOHOLIZATION, al-ko'-hol-y-za'-fhun.
f. The act alcoholizing or rectifying fpirits.
To ALCOHOLIZE, al-k6'-h6-llze. v. a. To
redtify fpirits till they are wholly dephlegm-
ALCORAN, al'-kd-ran. f. The book of the
Mahometan precepts, and credenda.
ALCOVE, al-ko've. f. A recefs, or part of a
chamber, feparated by an eftrade, in which is
placed a bed pf ftate,
ALDER, al -dur. f. A tree having leaves re-
f^mbling thofe of the hazel.
ALDERMAN, al-dur-man. f. The fame as
fenator, a governour or magiftrate.
ALDERMANLY, al-dir-man-ly. ad. Like
an alderman.
ALDERN, a l-dirn. a. Made of Alder.
ALE, a le. f. A liquor made by infufing malt in
hot water, and then fermenting the liquor.
ALEBERRY, a Ic-ber-ry. f. A beverage made
by boiling ale with fpice and Uigar, and fops
of bread.
ALEBREWER, a'le-bro-ur. f. One that pio-
fcfies to brew ale.
ALECONNER, a'le-kon-ni'ir. f. An ofHccr in
the city of London, whofe bufmefs ii to in-
fpefl: the meafures of publick houfes.
ALECOST, a'le-k6ft. f. The name of rai
ALEGAR, al'-le-gur. f. Sour ale.
ALEHOOF, a lc-h(if. f. Groundivy.
ALEHOUSE, ^le-houfe. f. A tipling-houfe.
ALEHOUSEKEEPER, a'ie-houfe-kc'-pur. f.
He that keeps ale publickly to fell.
ALEKNIGHT, a'le-nite. f. A pot-comprinion,
a tippler. Obfolete.
ALEMBICK, a-lem'-bik. f. A veffel ufed in
ALENGTH, a-lenk'th. .ad. At full length.
ALERT, a-lcrt'. a. Watchful, vigilant j brifk,.
pert, petulant.
ALERTNESS, a-lert'-nefs. f. The quality of
being alert, pertnefs.
ALEWASHED, ale-woCit. a. Soaked in ale.
ALEWIFE, a le-wifc. f. A woman that keeps
an alehoufe.
ALEXANDERS, al''-lcgz-an'-ders. f. The
name of a plant.
ALEXANDER'S FOOT, al"-legz-an'-dcrs-
fut'. f. The name of an herb.
ALEXANDRINE, al-legz-an'-drln. f. A kind
of verfe borrowed from the French, firft ufed
in a poem called Alexander. This verfe con-
fifts of twelve fyllnbles.
ALEX:PHARMICK, a-lek-fy-flV-mlk. a.
Thai which drives away poilbn, antidotal,
ALEXITERTCAL, a-lek-fy-ter'-ry-kAl. 7
ALEXITERICK, a-lek-fy-t<;-r'-rlk. j ^''
That which drives away poifoii.
ALGATES, a 1-gates. ad. On any terms j al-
though. Obfolete.
ALGEBRA, al'-je-bra. f. A peculiar kind of
ALGEBRAICAL, al-je-bri'-y-kal. ? a. Relat-
ALGEBRAICK, dl-ja-bri' -Ik. \ ing to al-
ALGEBRAIST, al-jc--bra'-ift. f. A perfon that
underftands or pradtifes the fcicnce of algebra.
ALGID, al'-jid. a. Cold, chill.
ALGIDITY, ai-j!d'-dy-ty. f. Chilnefs, cold.
ALGIFIC, al-j!f'-fik. a. That which produces
ALGOR, al -gor. f. Extreme cold, chMnefs.
ALGORISM, al'-go-rizm. ) f. Arabick
ALGORITHM, al'-g6-n'tlTm. \ words uf.d
to imply the fcience of numbers.
ALIAS, a'-lyas. ad. A Latin word, fignif) i.'ig
ALIBLE, al'-libl. a. Nutritive, nourifliing.
ALIEN, a'-lyen. a. Foreign, or not of the
fame family or land; eflrangcd from, not al-
lied to.
ALIEN, a'-lyen. f. A foreigner, not a deni-
fon, a ftraiiger; in law, an alien is one born in
a ftrange country, and never enfranchifed.
ALIENABLE, a -lyc-nabl. a. That of which
the property may be transferred.
To ALIENATE, d'-lye-nke. v. a. To transfer
the property of any thing to another ; tov.ith-
drav/ the heart or afFeftions.
ALIENATE, a -lye-nate. a. Withdrawn from,
firangcr to.
/LIENATION, a-lyc-na'-fhun. f. The afl of
transferring property ; the flatc of being alien-
ated ; change of affection. '
To ALIGHT, a-lft. v. a. To come down ; to
fall upon.
ALIKE, a-li'ke. ad. With rcfcmblancc, in the
fame manner.
ALIMENT, al'-ly-mtnt. f. Nouriflnnc-nt, nu-
triment, food.
ALIMENTAL, al-ly-mcn -til. a. Thatwhich
ha? the quality of aliment, that which nou-
ALIMENTARINESS, al-ly-jnei/-,ta-r>'-nefs. f.
The quality of.being alimentary.
ALIMENTARY, al-ly-men'-ta-ry, a. That
which belongs to aliment; that which has the
power of nourifliing.
ALIMENTATION, al-ly-men-ta'-fliun.f. The
quality of nourifhing.
ALIMONIOUS, al-ly-mo-nyus. a. That which
ALIMONY, al'-ly-mun-ny. f. Legal propor-
tion of the hufband's eftate, which, by the fen-
tence of the ecclefiaftical court, is allowed to
ithe wife, upon the account of reparation.
ALIQUANT, al-ly-quant. a. Parts of a num-
ber, which, however repeated, will never make
, up the number exaftly ; as, three is an aliquant
of ten, thrice three being nine, four times
three making twelve.
ALIQUOT, al'-ly-quot. a. Aliquot parts of
any number or quantity, fuch as will exaftly
meafure it without any remainder : as, three is
an aliquot part of twelve.
ALISH, a -lifli. a. Refembling ale.
ALIVE, a-li've. a. In the ftate of life; not
dead ; unextinguifhed, undeftroyed, aci'ive ;
cheerful, fprightly ; it is ufed to add an em-
phafis ; as, the beft man ali\e.
ALKAHEST, al'-ka-hel^. f. An univerfal dif-
folvent, a liquor.
ALKALESCENT, al-ka-les'-sent. a. That
which has a tendency to the properties of an
ALKALI, al'-ka-ly. f. Any fubflance, which,
when mingled with acid, produces ferment-
ALKALINE, al'-ka-line. a. That which has
the qualities of alkali.
To ALKALIZATE, al-kal'-lv-zaie. v. a. To
make alkaline.
ALKALIZATE, al-kil'-l^-zlte. a. That which
has the qualities of alkali.
ALKALIZATION, al-kd-Iy-zi'-flian. f. The
acl of alkalizating.
ALKANET, al'-ki-net. f. The name of a j;lant.
ALKERMES, il-ker'-mez. f. A confeaion
whereof the kermes berries are the biiiis.
ALL, al. a. The whole number, every one;
the whole quantity, ever}' part.
ALL, a 1. f. The whole ; every thing.
ALL, a 1. ad. Quite, comjdctely ; altogether,
ALL-BEARING, a 'l-be'-ring. a. Omniparous.
ALL-CHEERING, a' 1-tfhe -ring. a. That
which gives gayety to all.
ALL-CONQUERING, d 'l-c6nk'-ke-rlng. a
That which fubducs every thing.
ALL-DEVOURING, a"l-de-vou'-ring. a. That
which eats up eveiy thing.
ALLFOURS, a l-f6"rz. f. A low game at cards,
played by t%vo.
ALlIhAIL, dl-hi'l. f. All health.
ALL-HALLOWN, i 1-haMun. f. The time
about All-faints day.
ALL-HALLOWTIDE, i'l-hal'-l6-tide. f. The
term near AU-Hiints, or the firft of November.
ALL-HEAL, a 1-he 1. f. A fpecies of iron-
ALL- JUDGING, i"l-jud'-jing. a. That which
has the fovereign right of judgment.
ALL-KNOWING, a l-no'-ing. a. Omnifcient,
all wife.
ALL-SEEING, a'i-se'-Ing. a. That beholds
every thing.
ALL SOULS DAY, l"l-Co'\z-di' . f. The day
on which fupplications are made for all fouls
by the church of Rome, the fecond of No-
ALL-SUFFICIENT, i'l-fif-flfli'-ent. a. Suf-
ficient to every thing.
ALL-WISE, a 1-v/i ze. a. PolTeft of infinite
To ALLAY, al-la'. v. a. To mix one metal
with another, to make it fitter for coinage ; to
join any thing to another, fo as to abate its
qualities ; to quiet, to pacify, to reprefs.
ALLAY, al-la . f. The metal of a bafer kind
mixed in coins, to harden them, that they may
wear lefs ; any thing which, being added, abates
the predominant qualities of that with which it
is mmgled.
ALLAYER, al-la'-ur. f. The pcifon or thing
which has the power or quality of allaying.
ALLAYMENT, al-kV-ment. f. That which
has tiie power of allaying.
ALLEGATION, al-le-g;V-{hun. f. Affirm-
ation, declaration; the thing alleged or af-
firmed ; an excufe, a plea.
To ALLEGE, al-ledzh'. v. a. To affirm, to
declare, to maintain ; to plead as an excufe or
ALLEGEABLE, al-ledzh'-able. a. That which
may be alleged.
ALLEGEMENT, al-lcdzh'-mcnt. f. The fame
with allegation.
ALLEGER, al-ledzh'-ur. f. He that alleges.
ALLEGIANCE, al-le'-jans. f. The duty of
fubjeds to the government.
ALLEGIANT, al-le'-jant. a. Loyal, con-
formable to the duty of allegiance.
ALLEGORICK, al-le-gor'-rlk. a. Not real,
not literal.
ALLEGORICAL, al-le-gor'-r'-kil. a. In the
form of an allegory, not literal.
ALLEGORICALLY, al-le-gor'-rl-kal-ly. ad.
After an allegorical manner.
To ALLEGORIZE, al'-le-go-rf'ze. v. a. To
turn into allegory, to form an allegory.
ALLEGORY, al'-le-gur-ry. f. A figurative
difcourfe, in which fomething other is intended,
than is contained in the words literally taken.
ALLEGRO, al-le'-gro. f. A word denoting in
mufick a fprightly motion. It originally means
gay, as in Milton.
ALLELUJAH, al-le-lo'-ya. f. A word of fpi-
rltual exultation ; PraifeGod.
To ALLEVIATE, al-le'-vyitc. v. a. To make
light, to eafe, to foften.
ALLEVIATION, al-lC-vyA'-fiiun. f. The act
of making light; that by which any pain is
eafed, or fault extenuated.
ALLEY, al -ly. f. A walk in a garden ; a paf-
fage in towns narrower than a fireet.
ALLIANCE, a!-ll -dns. f. The flate of con-
nection with another by confederacy, a league ;
relation by marriage ; relation by any form of
kindred ; the pcrfons allied to each other.
ALLICIENCY, al-le'-fyen-fy. f. The power
of attrading.
To ALLIGATE, al'-ly-gdte. v. a. To tie ot^
thing to another.
ALLIGATION, al-ly-gi'-fhun. f. The aft of
tying together ; the arithmetical rule that teaches
to adjuft the price of compounds, formed of
feveral ingredients of difFerent value.
ALLIGATOR, al'-ly-ga-tur. f. The cro-
codile. This name is chiefly iifed for the cro-
codile of America.
ALLISION, al-llzh'-un. f. The ad of ftriking
one thing againft another.
ALLOCATION, al-lo-ki'-fhun. f. The act
of putting one thing to another ; the admiflion
of an article in reckoning, and addition of it
to the account.
ALLOCUTION, al-l5-ku'-lhun. f. The ad
of fpeaking to another.
ALLODIAL, al-l6'-dyal. a. Not feudal, in-
ALLODIUM, Al-lS'-dyum. f. PofTeffion held
in abfolute independence, without any acknow-
ledgment of a lord paramount. There are no
allodial lands in England.
ALLONGE, al-lundzh'. f. A pafs or thruft
with a rapier.
ToALLOO, al-lo'. v. a. To fet on, to incite.
ALLOQUY, al'-ld-kwy. f. The a£i of fpeak-
ing to another.
To ALLOT, al-lot'. v. a. To diftribute by
lot ; to grant ; to diftribute, to give each hi»
ALLOTMENT, al-l6t'-ment. f. The part, the
ALLOTTERY, al-lot'-tl-ry. f. That whidi
is granted to any in a diltribution.
To ALLOW, al-lov/. v. a. To admit ; to
grant, to yield ; to permit ; to give to, to p^.y
to ; to make abatement.
ALLOWABLE, al-low'-abl. a. That which
may be admitted without contradiction ; law-
ful, not forbidden.
ALLOWABLENESS,al-low'-abl-n(:-fs. f. Law-
fulncfs, exemption from prohibition.
ALLOWANCE, a!-low'-ans. f. SanSion, li-
H ceotc ;
cence ; permillion ; an appointment for any
ufe; abatement from the ftri£l rigour; a fum
granted weekly or yearly, as a ftipcnd.
ALLOY, al-loy'. f. Bafer metal mixed in coin-
age ; abatement, diminution.
To ALLUDE, al-Iu'de. v. n. To have fome
reference to a thing, without the direit men-
ALLUMINOR, al-kV-my-nur. f. One who
colours or paints upon paper or parchment.
To ALLURE, al-lii're. v. a. To entice to any
ALLUREMENT, al-lu're-ment. f. Entice-
ment, temptation.
ALLLfRER, al-lu'-rur. f. Enticer, inveigler.
ALLURINGLY, al-ld'-rmg-ly. ad. In an
alluring manner, enticingly.
ALLURINGNESS,al-lii'-rmg-nefs. f. Entice-
ment, temptation by propofing pleafure.
ALLUSION, al-lii'-zhun. f. A hint, an im-
ALLUSIVE, al-lu'-slv. a. Hinting at fome-
ALLUSIVELY, al-lu'-slv-ly. ad. In an allu-
five manner.
ALLUSIVENESS, al-ld'-siv-nefs. f. The qua-
lity of being allufive.
ALLUVION, al-lu'-vyun. f. The carrying of
any thing to fomething elfe by the motion of
the water ; the thing carried by water.
To ALLY, al-ly'. v. a. To unite by kindred,
friendfhip, or confederacy ; to make a relation
between two things.
ALLY, al-ly'. f. One united to fome other by
marriage, friendfhip, or confederacy.
ALMACANTER, al-ma-can'-tur. f. A circle
drawn parallel to the horizon.
ALMACANTER's STAFF, al-ma-can'-turz-
{laf'. f. An infirument ufcd to take obferv-
aticns of the fun, about the time of its rifmg
and fetting.
ALMANACK, a 1-ma-nak. f. A calendar.
ALMANDINE, a l-man-dine. f. A ruby, coarfer
and lighter than the oriental.
ALMIGHTINESS, al-nn -ty-nes. f. Omni-
potence, one of the attributes of God.
ALMIGHTY, al-m! -ty, a. Of unlimited power,
ALMOND, a'-mund. f. The nut of the al-
mond tree.
ALMOND TREE, a'-mund-tre. f. It ha*
leaves and flowers very like thofe of the peach
ALMONDS, a'-mundz. f. The two glands of
the throat ; the tonfils.
ALMONER, al'-mo-ner. f. The officer of a
prince, employed in the diftribution of charity.
ALMONRY, al'-miin-ry, f. The place where
alms are diftributed.
ALMOST, al-mo'ft. ad. Nearly, well nigh.
ALMS, a'mz. " What is given in relief of the
ALMSBASKET, a'mz-baf-klt. f. The bafket
in which provifions are put to be given away.
ALMSDEED, a'mz-ded. f. A charitable gift.
ALMSGIVER, a'mz-glv-ur. f. He that fup-
ports others by his charity.
ALMSHOUSE, a'mz-hous. f. An hofpital for
the poor.
ALMSMAN, a'mz-man. f. A man who lives
upon alms.
ALMUG-TREE, al'-mug-tre. f. A tree men-
tioned in fcripture.
ALNAGAR, al'-na-gar. f. A meafarer by the
ell j a fworn officer, whofe bufinefs formerly
was to infpedt the affize of woollen cloth.
ALNAGE, al'-naje. f. Ell-meafure.
ALNIGHT, al-nit. f. Alnight is a great cake
of wax, with the wick in the midfl.
ALOES, al'-6-ez, f. A precious wood ufed in
the Eafl for perfumes, of which the bed fort is
of higher price than gold ; a tree which grows
in hot countries; a medicinal juice extradled
from the common aloes tree.
ALOETICAL, il-5-et'-y-kal. a. Confifting
chiefly of aloes.
ALOFT, a-la'ft. ad. On high, in the air.
ALOFT, a-la'ft. prep. Above.
ALOGY, al-o-jy. f. Unreafonablcncfs ; ab-
ALONE, a-lo'ne. a. Single ; without compa-
ny, folitarv.
ALONG, a-long'. ad. At length ; through
any fpace mcafurcd lengthwifc; forward, on-
ward ; in company with.
ALOOF, a-l6'f. .-id. Atadiftance.
ALOUD, a-loud'. ad. Loudly, with a great
ALOW, a-lo'. ad. In a low place, not aloft.
ALPHA, al'-fa. f. The firft letter in the Greek
alphabet, anfwering to our A ; therefore ufed
to fignify the firft.
ALPHABET, al'-fa-bet. f. The letters, or de-
ments of fpeech.
ALPHABETICAL, al-fa-bet'-ty-kal. a. Ac-
cording to the feries of letters.
ALPHABETICALLY, al-£i-bet'-ty-kal-ly.
ad. According to the order of the letters.
ALREADY, dl-red'-dy. ad. At this prefent
time ; before the prefent.
ALS, als'. ad. Alfo.
ALSO, a l-fo. ad. In a manner, likewife.
ALTAR, a l-tur. f. The place where offerings
to heaven are laid ; the table in Chriftian churches
where the communion is adminiftered.
ALTARAGE, a 1-tar-aje. f. An emolument
from oblations at the altar.
ALTAR-CLOTH, d'l-tur-cloth. f. The cloth
thrown over the altar in churches.
To ALTER, a l-tur. v. a. To change, to make
otherwife than it is.
To ALTER, a l-tur. v. n. To become other-
wife than it was, to be changed, to fufier
ALTERABLE, ^ 1-te-rablc. a. That which
may be altered or changed.
ALTERABLENESS, a 1-t^-rable-nes. f. The
quality of being alterable.
ALTERABLY, dl'-tl-rab-ly. ad. In fuch a
manner as may be altered.
ALTERANT, al-te-rant. a. Thatv/hlch h.is
the power of producing changes.
ALTERATION, al-te-ru-fhiin. f. Theaflcf
altering or changing ; the change made.
ALTERATIVE, al'-te-ra-tlv. a. Medicines
called alterative, are fuch as have no immediate
fcnfible operation, but gradually gain upon the
ALTERCATION, al-ter-ka'-fh'm. f. Debate,
ALTERN, al-ter'n. a. Acting by turns.
ALTERNACY, al-tir'-na-fy. f. Adion per-
formed by turns.
ALTERNATE, al-ter'-n.'it. a. Being by turns,
To ALTERNATE, al-ter-nate. v. a. Toper-
form alternately; to change one thing for ano-
ther reciprocally.
ALTERNATELY, al-ter'-nit-Iy. ad. In re-
ciprocal fucccffion.
ALTERNATENESS, a!-tcr'-nat-nec. f. The
quality of being alternate.
ALTERNATION, al-t'T-ni'-fhun. f. The
reciprocal fuccefTion of things.
ALTERNATIVE, al-ter'-na-tiV. f. Thechoice
given of two things, fo that if one be rejected,
the other mufl be taken.
ALTERNATIVELY, al-tcr'-na-tlv-!;-. ad. By
turns, reciprocally.
ALTERNATIVENESS, al-ter'-na-tlv-nes. f.
The quality or ftate of being alternative.
ALTERNITY, zUth'-rA-xf. f. Reciprocal fuc-
ceffion, viciffitude.
ALTHOUGH, al-thd'. conj. Notwithftanding,
ALTILOQUENCE, al-tll'-ld-kwens. f. Pom-
pous language.
ALTLMETRY, al-t'm'-me-try. f. The art of
taking or meafuring altitudes or heights.
ALTISONANT, al-t!s'-s6-nant. a. High found-
ing, pompous in Ibund.
ALTITUDE, al'-ty-tiid. f. Height of place,
fpace meafurcd upward ; the elevation of any
of the heavenly bodies above the horizon ; fitu-
ation with regard to lower things ; height of
excellence ; highcft point.
ALTOGETHER, .4l-tu-g<:th'-<:r. ad. Com-
pletely, without redriclion, without excep-
ALUDEL, al'-ii-dcl. f. Aludcls are fubliming
pots ufed in chemiftry, fitted into one anothcc
without luting.
ALUM, ai -h'lm. f. A kind of mineral fak, of
an acid tafie.
ALUM-STONE, al'-lum-ftone. f. A ftonc or
calx ufed in furgery. .
ALUMINOUS, al-lum'-my-nus. a. Relating
to alum, or confifting of alum.
ALWAYS, a 1-waz'. ad. Perpetu.illy, through-
out all time ; co.'iftantly, without v.oriation.
AM, am'. The firft perfon of the verb To be.
AMABILITY, a-mi-bU'-ly-ty. f. Lovelincis.
AMADETTO, a-ma-det'-to. f. A fort of pear.
AMADOT, am'-a-dot. f. A fort of pear.
AMAIN, a-ma'n. ad. With vehemence, with
AMALGAM, a-mal'-gam. 7f. The mixture
AMALGAMA, a-mnl -ga-ma. ^ of metals pro-
cured by amalgamation.
AMALGAMATION, a-mdl-ga-ma'-fhun. f.
The aft or praftice of amalgamating metals.
To AMALGAMATE, a-mal'-ga-mate. v. n. To
unite metals with quickfilver.
AMANDATION, a-man-da'-fhun. f. The acl
of fending on a meffage.
AMANUENSIS, a-man-u-en'-s!s. f. A perfon
who writes what another dictates.
AMARANTH, am'-a-rantti. f. The name of a
plant; in poetry, an imaginary flower unfading.
AMARANTHINE, am-a-ran'-tfiin. a. Con-
fiding of amaranths.
AMARITUDE, a-mar'-ry-tud. f. Bitternefs.-
AMASMENT, a-mas'-ment. f. A heap, an
To AMASS, a-mas'. v. a. To collect together
into o.ne heap or mafs ; to add one thing to ano-
To AMATE, a-ma te. v. n. To terrify, to
ftrike with horrour.
AMATORY, am'-a-tur-ry. f. Relating to love.
AMAUROSIS, a-ma-ro-sk f. A dimnefs of
fight, not from any vifible defeft in the eye,
but from fomc diflcmperature in the inner parts,
occafioning the rcprcfentations of flies and dufi
floating before the eyes.
To AMAZE, a-ma ze. v. a. To confufe with
terrour ; to put into confufion with wonder ; to
put into perplexity.
AMAZE, a-ma ze. f. Aflonifhment, confu.Gon,
cither of fear or wonder.
AMAZEDLY, a-ma'z-cd-ly. ad. Confufedly,
with amazement.
AMAZEDNESS, a-ma'z-ed-nes. f. The ftate
of being amazed, wonder, confufion.
AMAZEMENT, a-ma'z-ment. f. Confufed
apprehenfion, extreme fear, horrour; extreme
dejection ; height of admiration ; wonder at an
unexpected event.
AMAZING, a-ma'z-ing. part. a. Wonder-
ful, aftonifhing.
AMAZINGLY', a-m.Vz-lng-ly. ad. To a de-
gree that may excite aftonifhment.
AMAZON, am'-a-zun. f. The Amazonswere
a race cf women famous for valour ; a vi-
AMBAGES, am-ba'-gez. f. A circuit of words,
a multiplicity of words.
AMBASSADE, am-baf-sS'de. f. EmbafTy. Net
in ufe.
AMBASSADOUR, am-bas'-sa-dur. f. A per-
fon fent in a public manner from one fovereign
power to another.
AMBASSADRESS, am-bas'-sa-dres. f. The
lady of an ambalTadour; a woman fent on a
AMBASSAGE, am'-baf-saje. f. An embafly.
AMBER, am'-bur. f. A yellow tranfparent fub-
ftancc of a gummous or bituminous confidence.
AMBER, am'-bur. a. Confiding of amber.
AMBER-DRINK, am'-bur-drlnk'. f. Drink of
the colour of amber.
AMBERGRIS, am'-bur-gris. f. A fragrant drug
that melts almod like wax, ufed both as a per-
fume and a cordial.
AMBER-SEED, am'-bur-fed. f. Refcmbles
AMBERTREE, am'-bur-tre. f. A fhrub whofe
beauty is in its fmall evergreen leaves.
AMBIDEXTER, am-by-dex'-ter. f. A man
who has equally the ufe of both his hands ; a
man who is equally ready to aift on either fide,
in party difputcs.
AMBIDEXTERITY, am-by-dcx-ter'-ry-ty. f.
The quality of being able equally to ufe both
hands ; double dealing.
AMBIDEXTROUS, ;\m-by-dcx'-trus. a. Hav-
ing, with equal facility, the uCc of either hand ;
double dealing, praclifing orvboth fides.
AAIBIDEXTROUSNESS, am-by-dex'-truf-
nes. f. The quality of being ambidextrous.
AAIBIENT, am'-bj-ent. a. Surrounding, en-
com palling.
AMBIGU, am'-by-gu. f. An entertainment,
confifting of a medley of difhes.
AMBIGUITY, am-by-gd'-I-ty. f. Doubtful-
nefs of meaning ; uncertainty of fignification.
AMBIGUOUS, am-big'-u-us. a. Doubtful,
having two meanings ; ufing doubtful expref-
AMBIGUOUSLY, am-blg'-u-uf-ly. ad. In an
ambiguous manner, doubtfully.
AMBIGUOUSNESS, am-big'-u-uf-nes. f. Un-
certainty of meaning ; duplicity of fignifica-
AAIBILOGY, am-bll'-ld-gy. f. Talk of am-
biguous fignification.
AMBILOQUOUS, am-bil'-lo-kwus. a. Ufing
ambiguous expreffions.
AMBIT, am -bit. f. The compafs or circuit of
any thing.
AMBITION, am-b!{h'-un. f. The defire of
preferment or honour ; the defire of any thing
great or excellent,
AMBITIOUS, am-blfli'-us. a. Seized or touched
with ambition, dcfirous of advancement, afpir-
AMBITIOUSLY, am-blih'-uf-ly. ad. With
eagernefs of ad\ancement or preference.
A-MBITIOUSNESS, am-blfh'-uf-nes. f. The
quality of being ambitious.
AAlBirUDE, am'-by-tiide. f. Compafs, cir-
To AMBLE, am bl. v. n. To move upon an
amble, to pace ; tomovceafily ; to walkdaintih'-
AMBLE, am bl. f. An cafy pace.
AMBLER, am'-bliir. f. A pacer.
AMBLINGLY, am'-bling-ly. ad. With an
ambling movement.
AMBROSIA, am-bro'-fha. f. The imaginary
food of the gods ; the name of a plant.
AMBROSIAL, am-bro'-fhal. a. Partaking of
the nature or qualities of ambrofia; delicious.
AMBRY, am'-bry. f. The place v/hcre alms
are diftributed ; the place where plate, and utcn-
fils for houfekeeping, are kept.
AMBS-ACE, am'z-a'fe. f. A double ace, aces.
AMBULATION, am-bu-lii'-fhun. f. The aft
of walking.
AMBULATORY, am"-bu-fa-tur'-ry. a. That
which h.as the power or faculty of walking.
AMEURY, am'-bu'-ry. f. A bloody wart oit
a horfe's body. ^<
AMBUSCADE, am-bif-kade, f, A private-
ftation in which men lie to furprife others.
AMBUSCADO, am-buf-ka'-do. f. A private
poll, in order to furprife.
AMBUSH, am'-bufli. f. The poll where foU
diers or afiaffins are placed, in order to fall un-
expectedly upon an enemy ; the act of furprifing-
another, by lying in wait ; the ftate of lying iit
AMBUSHED, am'-bulli-cd. a. Placed in am^
AMBUSHMENT, am'-bufii-ment. f. Ambufii,
AMBUSTION, am-bis'-tfliin. f. A burn, a
AMEL, am'-mel. f. The m.atterwlth which the
variegated works are overlaid, which we call
AMEN, a-mcn'. ad. A temi.ufed in devotions,
by which, at the end of a prayer, we, mean,
fo be it ; at the end of a creed, fo it is.
AMENABLE, a-me'-nabl. a. Refponfible, fub-
jeft fo as to be liable to account.
AMENANCE, a-mc'-nans. f. Coiidud, be-
To AMEND, a-mend'. v. a. To correft, to
change any thing that is wrong; to reform the
life; to reftore pafTages in writers which the
copiers are fuppofed to have depraved.
To AMEND, .i-mcnd'. v. n. To grow better.
AMENDMENT, a-mend'-ment. f. A change
from bad for the better ; reformation of life;
recovery of health ; in law, the correction of
an crrour committed in a procefs.
AMENDER, a-men'-dur. f. The perfon that
amends any thiiig.
AMENDS, a-meiid'z. f. Pvccompenfe, com-
AMENITY, a-men'-nl-ty. f. Agreeablenefs of
To AMERCE, a-mer'fe. v. a. To punifli with
a fine or penalty.
AMERCER, a-mer'-fcr. f. He that fets a fine
upon any mifdemeanour.
AMERCEMENT, a-merY-munt. f. The pe-
cunfey punifhment of an offender.
AMES-ACE, a'mz-a'ce. f. Two aces thrown
at the fame time on two dice.
AMETHODICAL, a-me-tRid'-y-kaU a. Out
of method, irregular.
AMETHYST, am'-e-ttllft. f. A precious ftone
of a violet colour, bordering on purple,
AMETHYSTTINE, am-c-tlris'-tin. a. Refem-
bling an amethyft.
AMIABLE, a'-myabl. a. Lovely, pleafing, wor-
thy to be loved ; pretending love, fhewing love.
AMIABLENESS, a'-myabl-nefs. f. Loveli-
nefs, power of raifing love.
AMIABLY, a'-myab-ly. ad. Such a manner as
to excite love.
AMICABLE, am'-my-kabl. a. Friendly, kind.
AMICABLENESS, am'-my-kabl-nes. f. Friend-
linefs, goodwill.
AMICABLY, am'-my-kab-ly. ad. In a friendly
AMICE, am'-mis. f. The firfl: or undermoll:
part of a prieft's habit.
AMID, a-mid'. ^ prep. In the midft, middle;
AMIDST, a-mid ft. i mingled with, furround-
ed by ; among.
AMISS, a-mis'. ad. Faultily, criminally; wrong,
not according to the perfedtion of the thing ;
impaired in health.
AMISSION, a-mls'-Aun. f. Lofs.
To AMIT, a-mlt'. v. a. To lofe.
AMITY, am'-mi-ty. f. Friendfhip.
AMMONIAC, am-mo-nyak. f. A gum ; a
AMMONIACAL, am-mS-m'-a-kal. a. Having
the properties of ammoniac fait.
AMMUNITION, am-mu-nlfh'-un. f. Military
bred'. f. Bread for the fupply of armies.
AMNESTY, am'-nef-ty. f. An aft of obli-
AMNION, am'-nyon. ) f. Theinnermoftmem-
AMNIOS, am'-nyos. ^ brane with which the
foetus in the womb is immediately covered.
AMOMUM, a-mo'-mum. f. A fort of fruit,
AMONG, a-mung'. 1 prep. Mingled with;
AMONGST, a-mungft'. J conjoined with o-
thers, fo as to make part of the number.
AMORIST, am'-o-rlft. f. An inamorato, a
AMOROUS, am'-ur-us. a. Enamoured; na-
turally inclined to love, fond; belonging to
AMOROUSLY, am'-ir-us-ly. ad. Fondly, lov-
AMOROUSNESS, am'-ur-uf-nes. f. Fond-
nefs, lovingnefs.
AMORT, a-mo'rt. ad. Depreffed, fpiritlefs.
AMORTIZATON, a-mor-ty-za -fhun. ?
AMORTIZEMENT, a-mor'-tiz-ment. S '
The right or aft of transferring lands to mort-
To AMORISE, a-mo'-rize. v. n. To alien lands
or tenements to ^y corporation.
To AMOVE, a-mo've. v. a. To remove from
a poft or ftation ; to remove, to move, to
To AMOUNT, a-mou'nt. v. n. To rife to in
the accumulative quality.
AMOUNT, a-mou'nt. f. The fum total.
AMOUR, a-mo'r. f. An afFair of gallantry,
an intrigue,
AMPHIBIOUS, am-flb'-yus. a. That which
can live in two elements.
AMPHIBIOUSNESS, Im-flb'-yuf-nes. f. The
quality of being able to live in different ele-
AMPHIBOLOGICAL, am-f::'-b6-lodzh'-y-kal.
a. Doubtful.
AMPHIBOLOGY, am-fy-bol'-a-jy. f. Dif-
courfc of uncertain meaning.
AMPHIBOLOUS, am-flbCbo-Ius. a. TofTcd
from one to another.
AMPHISB.^NA, am-fif-be'-na. f. A fcrpcnt
fuppofed to have two heads.
AMPHITHEATRE, am-fy-tlte'-atre. f. A
building in a circular or oval form, having its
area encompafTed with rows of feats one above
A^IPLE, am'pl. a. Large, wide, extended ; great
in bulk ; unlimited, without reftridion ; li-
beral, large, without parfimor.y ; difi'ufive, not
AMPLENESS, am'pl-nefs. f. Lnrgcncfs, li-
To AMPLIATE, am'-ply-dte. v. a. To en-
large, to extend.
AMPLIATION, am-ply-a'-fliun. f. Enlarge-
ment, exaggeration ; difiufenefs.
To AMPLIFICATE, am-pllf'-y-kite, v. a.
To enlarge, to amplify.
AMPLIFICATION, am-ply-fy-ka'-fhun. f. En-
largement, extenfionj exaggerated reprefent-
AMPLIFIER, am'-ply'-fi-er. f. One that ex-
To AMPLIFY, am'-ply-fy. v. a. To enlarge ;
to exaggerate any thing; to improve by new
To AMPLIFY, am'-ply-fy. v. n. To lay one's
felf out in difFufion ; to form pompous repre-
fen tat ions.
AMPLITUDE, ,im'-ply-tude. f. Largenefs,
greatnefs ; copioufnefs, abundance.
AMPLY, am'-ply. ad. Largely, liberally; co-
To AMPUTATE, am'-pu-tate. v. a. To cat
off a limb.
AMPUTATION, am-pd-ta'-fhim. f. The ope-
ration of cutting ofF a limb, or other part of
the body.
AMULET, am'-u-lct. f. A charm ; a thing
hung about the neck, for preventing or curing
a difeafe.
To AMUSE, a-mu'ze. v. a. To entertain the
mind with harmlefs trifling ; to engage the at-
tention ; to deceive by artful management.
AMUSEMENT, a-mu'ze-mcnt. f, That which
amufes, cntertainmcjit,
AMXISER, a-mu'-zur. f. He that amufes.
AMUSIVE, a-mu'-s!v. ad. That which has the
power of amufing.
AMYGDALATE, a-mlg'-da-lite. a. Made
of almonds.
AMYGDALINE, a-m!g'-dA-line. a. Refem^
bling almonds.
An, an', article. One, but with lefs emphafis ;
any, or fome.
ANACAMPTICK, an-a-kamp'-t!k. a. Reflea-
ing, or reflected.
ANACAMPTICKS, an-a-camp'-tlks. f. The
doSrine of reflected light, or catoptricks.
ANACATHARTICK, an-a-ka-ttia'r-tlk. f. Any
medicine that v/orks upwards.
ANACHORITE, an-ak'-6-rite. f. A monk,
who leaves the convent for a more folitary life.
ANACHRONISM, an-ak'-kr6-n!fm. f. An er^
rour in computing time.
ANACLATICKS, an-a-klat' -iks. f. The doc^
trine of refradted light ; dioptricks.
ANADIPLOSIS, an-a-di-pl6'-s!s. f. Redupli-
cation : a figure in rhetorick.
ANAGRAM, an'-a-gram. f. A conceit arifing
from the letters of a name tranfpofed fo as to
form fome other word or fentence.
ANAGRAMMATISM, an-a-gram'-ma-tlfm. f.
The a6t or practice of making anagrams.
ANAGRAMMATIST, an-a-gram'-ma-tlft. f.
A maker of anagrams.
To ANAGRAMMATIZE, an-a-grdm'-ma
tize. v. n. To make anagrams.
ANALEPTICK, an-a-lep'-tlk. a. Comforting,
ANALOGICAL, an-a-l6dzh'-y-kal. a. Ufed
by way of analogy.
ANALOGICALLY, an-a-16dzh'-y-kal-y. ad.
In an annalogical manner; in an analogous
ANALOGICALNESS, an-a-l6dzh'-y-kal-ncs.
f. The quality of being analogical.
To ANALOGIZE, an-nal'-lo-jize. v. a. To
explain by way of analogy.
ANALOGOUS, an-nal'-lo-gus. a. Having
analogy, having fomething parallel.
ANALOGY, dn-n;il'-lo-jy. f. Rcfemblancc be-
twccn things with regard tofomc circumflances
or effcds.
ANALYSIS, an-nal'-ly-sis. f. A reparation of
any compound into its fcveral parts ; a folution
of any thing, whether corporeal or mental, to
its firft elements.
ANALYTICAL, an-a-lit'-ty-kal- a- That which
refolvcs any thing into firft principles ; that
which proceeds by analyfis.
ANALYTICALLY, an-a-l!t'-ty-kal-ly. ad.
The manner of refolving compounds into the
fimple conftituent or component parts.
To ANALYZE, an'-:i-lyze. v. a. To rcfulve a
compound into its firft principles.
ANALYZER, an'-a-ly-zur. f. That which has
the power of analyzing.
ANAMORPHOSIS, an-a-m6r-f6'-s!s. f. De-
formation; perfpeclive projedion, fo that at
one point of view, it fliall appear deformed, in
another, an exzA reprefentation.
ANANAS, an-n;V-nas. f. The pine apple.
ANAPHORA, an-.if '-6-ra. f. A figure, when
fcveral claufes of a fentence are begun with the
fame word.
ANARCH, an'-ark. f. An author of confufion.
ANARCHIAL, an-ar'-ky-al. a. Confufed,
without rule.
ANARCHY, an'-ar-ky. f. Want of govern-
ment, a ftate without magiftracy.
ANASARCA, an-a-fa'r-ka. f. A fort of drop-
fy, where the whole fubftance is ftuffed with
pituitous humours.
ANASTROPHE,an-as'-tro-fL-.f. A figure where-
by words which fhould have been precedent,
are poftponed.
ANATHEMA, an-attl'-e-ma. f. A curfe pro-
nounced by ecclefiaftical authority.
ANATHEMATICAL, an-a-tfie-mat'-y-kal. a.
That which has the properties of an anathema.
ANATHEMATICALLY, an-a-tfia-mat'-y-
kal-ly. ad. In an anathematical manner.
To ANATHEMATIZE, an-attl"-e-ma-tl 'ze.
V. a. To pronounce accurfcd by ecclefiaftical
ANATIFEROUS, an-a-tlf'-fe-rus. a. Pro-
ducing ducks.
ANATOCISM, an-it'-t6-s!zm. f. The accu-
mulation of intereft upon intereft.
ANATOMICAL, an-a-tom'-l-kal. a. Relating
or belonging to anatomy ; proceeding upon
principles taught in anatomy.
ANATOMICALLY, an-a-tim'-I-kal-ly. ad.
In an anatomical manner.
ANATOiMIST, an-at'-t6-m!ft. f. He that
ftudies the ftrufture of animal bodies, by means
of difieftion.
To ANATOMIZE, an-at'-to-mize. v. a. To
diflccl: an animal ; to lay any thing open di-
ftinftly, and by minute parts.
ANATOMY, an-at'-to-my. f. The art of dif-
feeling the body ; the doctrine of the ftructiire
of the body ; the nQ: of dividing any thing ; a
fkeleton ; a thin meagre perfon.
ANCESTOR, an'-fef-tur. f. One from whom
a perfon defcends.
ANCESTREL, an'-fif-trel. a. Claimed from
ANCESTRY, an'-fcf-tr)'. f. Lineage, a ferles
of anceftors ; the honour of defcent, birth.
ANCHENTRY, r/n-tftien-try. f. Antiquity
of a family, properly ancienty.
ANCHOR, ank'-ur. f. A heavy iron, to hold
the fhip, by being fixed to the ground ; any
thing which confers ftability.
To ANCHOR, ank'-ur. v. n. To caft anchor,
to lie at anchor; to ftop at, to reft on.
ANCHORAGE, ank'-ur-edzh. f. Ground to
caft anchor upon ; the anchors of a fhip ; a duty
paid for anchoring in a port.
ANCHOR-HOLD, ank'-ur-hdld. f. The hold
or faftnefs of the anchor.
ANCHORED, ank'-ur-red. part. a. Held by
the anchor.
ANCHORET, ank'-S-ret^ If. A reclufe, a
ANCHORITE, ank'-6-rite.y hermit.
ANCHOVY, an-tfh6'vy. f. A little fea-fifh,
much ufed by way of fauce, or feafoning.
ANCIENT, a'n-flient. a. Old, not modern ;
old, that has been of long duration ; paft, for-
ANCIENT, fi'n-fhcjit, f. The Aug or ftreamer
of a fhip.
ANCIENT, a'n-flient: f. The bonrer of a
riag, now enfign.
ANCIENTLY, a'n-(hent-ly. ad. in old times.
ANCIENTNESS , rn-fhent-nefs. f. Anti-
ANCIENTRY, d n-fhcnt-try. f. The honour
of ancient lineage.
AND, and', conjunction. The particle by which
fentenccs or terms are joined.
ANDIRON, and -!-run. f. Irons at the end of
a fire-grate, in which the fpit turns.
ANDROGYNAL, an-drog'-y-nal. a. Herma-
phroditical ; partaking of both fcxcs.
ANDROGYNALLY, an-dr6g'-y-nal-ly. ad.
With two fexes.
ANDROGYNUS, an-drog'-y-nis. f. An her-
ANECDOTE, Jn'-ek-dote. f. Something yet
unpublifhed ; fecret hifrory.
ANEMOGRAPKY, Sn-a-mig'-gri-fj-. f. The
defcription of the winds.
ANEMOMETER, an-e-mom'-me-ter. f. An
inftrument contrived to mcafure the wind.
ANEMONE, an-em -o-ne. f. The wind flower.
ANEMOSCOPE, an -e-mof-ko pe. f. A ma-
chine invented to foretel the changes of the
ANENT, a-nent . prep. Concerning, about;
over againft, oppofite to.
ANEURISM; an -u-rlzm. f. A difeafe of the
arteries, in which they become exceffively di-
ANEW, a-nu'. ad. Over again, another time ;
ncvly, in a new manner.
ANFRACTUOUSNESS, an-frak'-tftio-usnes.
f. Fulnefs of windings and turnings.
ANGEL, a n-jel. f. Originally a meffenger;
a fpirit employed by God in human afFairs ;
angel is fometimes ufed in a bad fenfe, as, an-
gels of darknefs ; in the ftile of love, a beau-
tiful perfon J a piece of ancient money.
ANGELSHOT, i n-jel-Ihot. f. Chain {hot.
ANGELICA, an-jel-y-ka. f. The name of a
ANGELICAL, an-jel'-y-kal. a. Refembling
angels; partaking of the nature of zngcls ; be-
longing to angels.
ANGELICALNESS,an-jtr-ly-kd!-nes. f. Ex-
cellence more than human.
ANGELICK, an-jel'-lik. a. Angelical; above
ANGELOT, an'-je-!6t. f. A mifical in.lru-
ment, fomevvhat refembling a hitj.
ANGER, ang'-gur. f. Anger is uneafmcfs up-
on receipt of any injury ; fmart of a fore.
To ANGER, ang'-gur. v. a. To provoke, to
ANGERLY, ang'-gur-Iy. ad. In an angry
ANGIOGRAPHY, v^ng-gy-og'-gra-fy. f. A
defcription of vefTels in the human body.
ANGLE, ang 1. f. Th; fpace intercepted be-
tween two lines interfering each other.
ANGLE^ ang'l. f. An inftrument to take fifh,
con.Gfting of a rod, a line, and a hook.
To ANGLE, ang'l. v. a. To filh with a rod
and hook ; to try to gain by fomc infinuating
ANGLE-ROD, ing'l-rod. f. The ftick to
which the fifliers line and hook are hung.
ANGLER, ang'-glur. f. He that fifties with an
ANGLICISM, ang'-gly-sSzm. f. An Englift
ANGOEER, ang'-go-ber. f. A kind of pear.
ANGRILY, ang'-gri-ly. ad. In an angry man-
ANGRY, ang'-gry. a. Touched with anger j
having the appearance of anger; painful, in-
ANGUISH, ang'-gwifti. f. Exceffive pain either
of mind or body.
ANGUISHED, ang'-gw!fti-ed. a. Exceffively
ANGULAR, ang'-gu-lar. a. Having angles or
ANGULARITY, ang-gu-lar'-I-ty. f. The qua-
lity of being angular.
ANGULARLY, ang'-gu-lar-ly. ad. With
ANGULARNESS, ang'-gu-lir-ncs. f. The
quality of being angular.
ANGULATED, ang'-gu-li-ted. a. FormeJ
with angles.
ANGULOUS, ang'-gu-lus. a. Hooked, an-
ANGUST, an-guft'. a. Narrow, ftrait.
ANGUSTATION, an-guf-t4'-fhun. f. The
ad of making narrow; the ftate of being nar-
ANHELATION, an-he-la'-fhi.n. f. The ad
of panting.
ANHELOSE, an-he-lofe. a. Out of breath.
ANIENTED, an'-y-en-ted. a. Fruftrated.
ANIGHTS, a-ni'tes. ad. In the night-time.
ANIL, an'-ll. f. The fhrub from whofe leaves
and ftalks indigo is prepared.
ANILENESS, a-nl le-nefs. 7 f. The old age of
ANILITY, a-nil'-ll-ty. ^ wom.in.
ANIMABLE, an'-y-mabl. a. That which may
be put into life.
ANIMADVERSION, an-y-mad-vcV-fhun. f.
Reproof, fevere cenfure; obfervation.
ANIMADVERSIVE, an-y-mad-ver'-siV. a.
That has the power of judging.
To ANIMADVERT, an-y-mad-vert'. v. n. To
confider, to obferve; to pafs cenfures upon.
ANIMADVERTER, an-y-mid-ver'-tiir. f. He
that pafTes cenfures, or obferves upon.
ANIMAL, an'-y-mil. f. A living creature cor-
poreal ; by way of contempt, we fay a ftupid
man is an animal.
ANIMAL, an'-y-mal. a. That which belongs
or relates to animals ; animal is ufed in oppo-
fition to fpiritual,
ANIMALCULE, an-y-mal'-kule. f. A fmall
ANIMALITY, an-y-mal'-l-ty. f. The flate
of animal exiftence.
To ANIMATE, an'-y-mate, v. a. To quicken,
to make alive; to give powers to; to encou-
rage, to incite.
ANIMATE, in'-y-mdte. a. Alive, pofllffing
animal life.
ANIMATED, dn'-y-ma-tcd. part. a. Lively;
ANIMATION, an-y-ma'-fhun. f. The ad of
animating or enlivening ; that which animates ;
the ftate of being enlivened.
ANIMATIVE, an'-y-ma-tiv. a. That has the
power of giving life.
ANIMATOR, an'-y-ma-tur. f. That which
gives life.
ANIMOSE, an-y-mo'fe. a. Full of fpirit, hot.
ANIMOSITY, an-y-mos'-sl-ty. f. Vehemence
of hatred ; paflionate malignity.
ANISE, an -nis. f. A fpecies of apium or parf-
ley, with large fweet fcented feeds.
ANKER, ank'-ur. f. A liquid meafure the
fourth part of the awm.
ANKL, ank'l. f. The joint which joins the foot
to the leg.
ANKLE-BONE, ank'l-bdne. f. The bone of
the ankle.
ANNALIST, an'-na-lift. f. A writer of annals.
ANNALS, an'-nalz. f. Hiftories digefted in the
exaiSt order of time.
ANNATS, an'-nats. f. Firft fruits.
To ANNEAL, an-ne 1. v. a. To heat glafs,
that the colours laid on it may pierce through ;
to heat any thing in fuch a manner as to give it
the true temper.
To ANNEX, an-neks'. v. a. To unite to at
the end ; to unite a fmaller thing to a greater.
ANNEXATION, an-nek-sa'-fhun. f. Con-
jundion, addition; union, coalition.
ANNEXION, an-nek'-lhun. f. The ad of an-
ANNEXMENT, an-neks'-ment. f. The ad of
annexing ; the thing annexed.
ANNIHILABLE,an-m'-hy-labl. a. That which
may be put out of exiftence.
To ANNIHILATE, an-nl'-h!-late. v. a. To
reduce to nothing ; todeftroy; to annul.
ANNIHILATION, an-ni-hy-la'-fhun. f. The
adf of reducing to nothing, the ftate of being
reduced to nothing.
ANNIVERSARY, an-ny-vcr'-fi-ry. f. A day
celebrated as it returns in the courfe of the year ;
the ail of celebration of the anniverfary.
ANNIVERSARY, an-ny-ver'-fa-ry. a. Re-
turning with the revolution of the year i annual.
ANNO DOMINI, an'-no-dom'-y-m. In the
year of our Lord.
ANNOLIS, an'-no-lis. f. An American ani-
mal,- like a lizard.
ANNOTATION, an-no-ta'-fliin. f. Explica-
tion; note.
ANNOTATOR, an'-no-ta-tur. f. A writer of
notes, a coramentator.
To ANNOUNCE, an-nou'nfe. v. a. To publifli,
to proclaim ; to declare by a judicial fentence.
To ANNOY, an-noy'. v. a. To incommode,
to vex.
ANNOY, an-noy'. f. Injury, molcftation.
ANNOYANCE, an-noy'-anfe. f. That which
annoys ; the aft of annoying.
ANNOYER, an-noy'-ur. f. The perfon that
ANNUAL, an -nu-al. a. That which comes
yearly ; that which is reckoned by the year j
that which lafts only a year.
ANNUALLY, an'-nu-al-ly. ad. Yearly, every
ANNUITANT, an-nu'-y-tant. f. He that
polTefTes or receives an annuity.
ANNUITY, an-nu'-y-ty. f. A yearly rent to
be paid for term of life or years ; a yearly al-
To ANNUL, an-nul'. v. a. To make void, to
nullify ; to reduce to nothing.
ANNULAR, an'-nu-lar. a. Having the form
of a ring.
ANNULARY, an'-nu-la-ry. a. Having the
form of rings.
ANNULET, an'-nu-let. f. A little ring.
To ANNUMERATE, an-nu'-me-rke. v. a. To
add to a former number.
ANNUMERATION, an-nu-me-ra'-fhun. f.
Addition to a former number.
To ANNUNCIATE, an-nun'-fy4te. v. a. To
bring tidings.
ANNUNCIATION-DAY, an-nun-fya'-fhun-
da. f. The day celebrated by the church, in
memory of the angel's falutation of the blelTcd
virgin; folemnjzed on the twenty-fifth of
ANODYNE, an'-o-dyne. a. That which has
the power of mitigating pain.
To ANOINT, a-noint. v. a. To rub over with
uncluous matter ; to confccrate by unftion.
ANOINTER, a-noin-tur. f. The perfon that
ANOMALISM, a-nom'-i-lizm. f. Anomaly,
ANOMALISTICAL, a-nom-a-lls'-ty-kal. a.
ANOMALOUS, a-nom'-a-lus. a. Irregular;
deviating from the general method or analogy
• of things.
ANOMALOUSLY, a-nom'-a-lus-ly. ad. Ir-
ANOMALY, a-nom'-a-ly. f. Irregularity ; de-
viation from rule.
ANOMY, an'-6-my. f. Breach of law.
ANON, a-non . ad. Qiiickly, foon ; now and then.
ANONYMOUS, a-non'-y-mus. a. Wanting
a name.
ANONYMOUSLY, a-non'-y-muf-ly. ad.
Without a name,
ANOREXY, a-no-rek'-fy. f. Inappetency.
ANOTHER, an-uth'-ur. a. Not the fame;
one more; any other; not one's felf; widely
ANSATED, an'-sa-ted. a. Having handles.
To ANSWER, an'-ser. v. n. To fpeak in re-
turn to a queftion ; to fpeak in oppofition; to
be accountable for; to give an account; to cor-
refpond to, to fuit with; to be equivalent to;
to fatisfy any claim or petition ; to ftand as op-
pofite or correlative to fomething elfe; to bear
proportion to ; tofucceed, to produce the wifhed
event ; to appear to any call, or authoritative
ANSWER, an'-fer. f. That which is faid in
return to a queflion, or pofition ; a confutation -
of a charge.
ANSWERABLE, an'-fer-abl. a. That to which
a reply may be made; obliged to give an ac-
count ; correfpondent to ; proportionate to ;
equal to.
ANSWERABLY, an'-fer-ab-ly. ad. In due
proportion ;
proportion ; with proper correfpoaJcnce ; fuit-
ANSWERAELENESS, an'-fer-abl-ncfs. f. The
qunllty of being anfwerable.
ANSWERER, an'-scr-ur. f. He that anfwers ;
he that manages the controverfy againft one that
has written firft.
ANT, ant', f. An emmet, a pifmire.
ANTBEAR, ant'-bcr. f. An animal that feeds
on ants.
ANTHILL, ant'^hiL f. The fmall protube-
rance of earth in which ants make their
ANTAGONIST, an-tAg'-o-nlft. f. One who
contends with another, an opponent ; con-
trary to.
To ANTAGONIZE, an-tig'-5-mze. v. n. To
contend againft another.
ANTANAKLASIS, Ant-:'-ni-kl:i'-sIs. f. A
figure in rhetorick, when the fame word is re-
peated in a different manner, if not in a con-
trary fignification ; it is alfo a returning to the
matter at the end of a long parenthefis.
ANTAPHRODITICK, ant-d-frO-dlt'-ik. a.
Efficacious againft the venereal difeafe.
ANTAPOPLECTICK, Int-i-po-plek'-tlk. a.
Good againft an apoplexy.
ANTARKTICK, an-ta'rk-tlk. a. Relating to
file fouthern pole.
ANTARTHRITICK, ant-ar-tlTrit'-ik. a. Good
againft the gout.
ANTASTHMATICK, unt-af-mat'-lk. a. Good
againft the afthma.
ANTEAKT, an'-te-akt. f. A former aft.
■f. A walking before.
To ANTECEDE, an-te-fe'de. v. a. To pre-
cede ; to go before.
ANTECEDENCE, an-te-fe'-denfe. f. The
a>S or ftate of going before.
ANTECEDENT, dn-te-fc'-dcnt. a. Going
before, preceding.
ANTECEDENT, an-te-fe'-dent. f. That
which goes before; in grammar, the noun to
which the relative is fubjoined.
ANTECEDENTLY, In-te-fe'-dent-ly. ad. Prs-
ANTECESSOR, an-t£-f^s'-fur. f. One who
goes before, or leads another.
ANTECPIAMDER, .-in'-te-tfh-'m-bir. f. The
chamber that leads to the chief apartment.
To ANTEDATE, an'-tg-ditc. v. a. To date
earlier than the real time ; to date fomething
before the proper time.
ANTEDILUVIAN, an-t:-d}-kV-vyan. a. Ex-
ifting before the deluge ; relating to things cx-
iftiiig before the deluge.
ANTELOPE, an'-tc-iope. f. A goat with curled
or wreathed horns.
ANTEMERIDIAN, dn-tS-me-rldzh'-an. a. Be-
ing before noon.
ANTEMETICK, ant-e-m^t'-lk. a. That has
the power of preventing or flopping vomiting.
ANTEMUNDANE, an-te-miin'-dane. a, Tiiat
which was before the world.
ANTEPAST, an'-te-paft. f. A fore-tafte.
ANTEPENULT, an"-ti-pa-nuk'. f. Thelail
fyllable but two.
ANTEPILEPTICK, ant-ep-;--Iep-'tIk. a. A
medicine againft convulfions.
To ANTEPONE, an'-tc-p6ne. v. a. To pre-
fer one thing to another.
ANTEPREDICAMENT, an-te-pre-d!k'-a-
mcnt. f. Something previous to the doiSlrine of
the predicaments.
ANTERIORITY, an-tt-ry-Or'-y-ty. f. Pri-
ority ; the ftate of being befoie.
ANTERIOUR, an-te -ryiir. a. Going before.
ANTES, an'-tiz. f. Pillars of large dimenfions
that fupport the front of a building.
ANTESTOMACH,an-tc-ftum'-uk. f. A cavity
that leads into the fto;nach.
ANTHELMINTHiCK, an-thcl-mln'-tn'k. a.
That which kills worms.
ANTHEM, an -them. f. A holy fong.
ANTHOLOGY, an-tlTol'-t.^. f. A colleaion
of flowers ; a colleflion o/^evotions ; a col-
ledion of poems.
ANTHONY'S FIRE, an'-to-nyz-fJ're. f. A
kind of cryfipelas.
ANTHRAX, an'-ttiraks. f. A fcab or blotch
which burns the fkin.
ANTHROPOLOGY, an-ttTrO-pol-'-O-jy. f. The
dodrine of anatomy.
ANTHROPOPHAGI, an-ttTr6-p6f'-a-ji. f.
Man-eaters, cannibals.
jy -nyan. f. A ludicrous word, formed by
Shakefpeare from anthropophagi.
ANTHROPOPHAGY, an-tlTr6-p6f'-a-jy. f.
the quality of eating human flefh.
ANTHROPOSOPHY, an-tlTr5-p6s'-o-fy. f.
The knowledge of the nature of man.
ANTHYPNOTICK, ant-h!p-not'-ik. a. That
which has the power of preventing deep.
ANTIACID, an-ty-is'-ld. f. Alkali.
ANTICHAMBER, an'-ty-t(ham-bur. f. Cor-
ruptly written for antechamber.
ANTICHRISTIAN, an-t>'-kns'-tfh'm. a. Op-
pofite to ChrifHanity.
f. Oppofition or contrariety to Chriflianity.
ANTICHRISTIANITY, dn-t^krlf-tfhdn'-i-
ty. f. Contrariety to Chriftianity.
To ANTICIPATE, an-tls'-fy-plte. v. a. To
take fomething fooner than another, fo as to
prevent him ; to take up before the time ; to
foretafte, or take an impreflion of fomethine,
which is not yet, as if it really was ; to pre-
ANTICIPATION, an-tls-fy-pa'-fhun. f. The
act of taking up fomething before its time; fore-
ANTICK, an'-tik. a. Odd; ridiculoudy wild.
ANTICK, an'-tlk. f. He that plays anticks,
or ufes odd gefticulation, a buffoon.
ANTICKLY, :ui'-t!k-ly. ad. With odd pof-
ANTICLIMAX, in-ty-kll'-miks. f. A fen-
tence in which the laft part is lower than the
firft; oppofite to a climax.
ANTICONVULSIVE, an-t;>-c6n-vur-slv. a.
Good againft convulfions.
ANTICOil,an'-ty-k6r. f. A preternatural fuel-
ling in a horfe's breaft, oppofite to his heart.
ANTICOURTIER, an-ty-co'rt-ycr. f. One
that oppofes the court.
ANTIDOTAL, an"-ty-d6'-tal. a. Having the
power or quality of counteradling poifon.
ANTIDOTE, an'-ty-dote. f. A medicine given
to expel poifon.
ANTIFEBRILE, an.ty-fc'-brilc. a. Good a-
gainft fevers.
ANTILOGARITHM, ^ji-ty-Iig'-a-rI:tTm. f.
The complement of the logarithm of a fine,
tangent, or fecant.
ANTIMONARCHYCAL, an-ty-m6-iia'r-ky-
kal. a. Againft government by a fingle perfoji.
ANTIMONIAL, an-ty-mo'-nyal. a. Made of
ANTIMONY, an'-ty-mun-ny. f. Antimony is-
a mineral fubftance, of a metalline nature.
ANTINEPHRITICK, an-ty-nl-frlt'-Ik. a.
Good againft difcafes of the reins and kid-
ANTINOMY, an'-ty-no-my. f. A contradic-
tion between two laws.
ANTIPARALYTICK, an-ty-par-a-llt'-lk. a.
Efficacious againft the palfy,
ANTIPATHETICAL, an-ty-pa-tlTet',y-kd!. a.
Having a natural contrariety to any thing.
ANTIPATHY, an-t!p'-a-tfiy. f. A natural
contrariety to any thing, fo as to fhun it invo-
luntarily : oppofed to fympathy. '
ANTIPERISTASIS, an-ty'-pl-rls'-ta-sls. f.
The oppofition of a contrary quality, by which
the quality it oppofes becomes heightened.
ANTIPESTILENTIAL, an-ty-pef-ty-len'-
fhal. a. Efficacious againft the plague.
ANTIPHRASIS, an-tlf '-fra-sLs. f. The ufe of
words in a fenfe oppofite to their meaning.
ANTIPODAL, an-ti'p'-6-dal. a. Relating to
the antipodes.
ANTIPODES, dn-tip'-6-des. f. Thofe people
who, living on the other fide of the globe, have
their feet diredly oppofite to ours,
ANTIPOPE, an'-ty-p6pe. f. He that ufurps
the popedom.
ANTIPTOSIS, an-tip-t6'-s!s. f. A figure in
grammar, by which one cafe is put for another.
•.A NT
ANTIQUARY, dn'-tt-kwa-ry. f. A man ftu-
dious of antiquity.
To ANTIQUATE, an'-t|-k%v:it£. v. a. To
make obfolcte.
ANTIQUATEDNESS, an'-ty-kwd-tcd-nes. f.
The ftate of being obfolete.
ANTIQUE, an-te'k. a. Ancient, not modern ;
of genuine antiquity ; of old fafhion.
ANTIQUE, nn-te'k. f. An antiquity, a re-
main of ancient times.
ANTIQUENESS, an-te'k-nes. f. The qua-
lity of being antique.
ANTIQUITY, an-tik'-kw!-ty. f. Old times;
the antients ; remains of old times ; old age.
AN TISCORBUTIC AL, an-t^'-fkor-bd'-ty-
kil. a. Good againft the fcurvy.
ANTISPASIS, an-tis'-pa-sis. f. The revulfion
of any humour.
ANTISPASMODICK, an-ty-fpaz-mod'-ik. a.
That which has the power of relieving the
ANTISPASTICK, an-ty-fpas'-tlk. a. Medi-
cines which caufe a revulfion.
ANTISPLENETICK, an-ty-fplen'-e-tJk. a.
Efficacious in difeafes of the fplcen.
ANTISTROPHE, an-us'-trO-fe. f. In an ode
fung in parts, the fecond ftanza of every three.
ANTISTRUiVEATICK, an-ty-ftro-mat'-ik. a.
Good again!!: the king's evil.
ANTITHESIS, an-tltfi'-e-sls. f. Oppofition;
ANTITYPE, an'-ty-tipe. f. That which is
refembled or fhadowed out by the type. A term
of theology.
ANTITYPICAL, an-ty-tip'-!-kal. a. That
which explains the type.
ANTIVENEREAL, an-ty-ve-ne'-ryal.a. Good
againft the venereal difeafe.
ANTLER, ant'-lur. f. Branch of a flag's horn.
ANTOECI, an-to-e-si. f. Thofe inhabitants of
the earth who live under the fame meridian, at
the fame diftance from the equator ; the one to-
ward the north, and the other to the fouth.
ANTONOMASIA, an-t6-n6-ma'-fya. f. A
form of fpetch, in which, for a proper name,
is put the name of fome dignity. We fay the
Orator for Cicero.
ANTRE, an'-tur. f. A cavern, a den.
ANVIL, an'-vil. f. The iron block on which
the fmith lays his metal to be forged ; any thing
on which blows are laid.
ANXIETY, ank-si'-e-ty. f. Trouble of mind
about fome future event, folicitude ; deprcffion,
lownefs of fpirits.
ANXIOUS, ank'-fyus. a. Difturbed about fome
uncertain event; careful, full of inquietude.
ANXIOUSLY, ank'-fyuf-ly. ad. Solicitoufly,
ANXIOUSNESS, ank'-fyuf-nes. f. The qua-
lity of being anxious.
ANY, an'-ny. a. Every, whoever, whatever,
AORIST, a'-6-rIft. f. Indefinite.
AORTA, a-or'-ta. f. The great artery which
riies immediately out of the left ventricle of th«
APACE, a-pa'fc. ad. Qiiick, fpeedily ; haftily.
APART, a-pa'rt. ad. Separately from the reft
in place ; in a ftateof diftiniStion ; at a diftance,
retired from the other company.
APARTMENT, d-pa'rt-ment. f. A room, a
fet of rooms.
APATHY, ap'-a-ttTy. f. Exemption from paf-
APE, a'pe. f. A kind of monkey ; an imitator.
To APE, a'pe. V. a. To imitate, as an ape imi-
tates human actions.
APEAK, a-pe ke. ad. In a pofture to pierce the
APEPSY, ap'-ep-fy. f. A lofs of natural con-
APERIENT, a-pe'-ryent. a. Gently purgative.
APERITIVE, a-per'-i-t!v. a. That which has
the quality of opening.
APERT, a-pert'. a. Open.
APERTION, a-per'-fhun. f. An opening, a
pafTage, a gap ; the a6t of opening.
APERTLY, dp'-ert-ly. ad. Openly.
APERTNESS, ap'-ert-nes. f. Opennefs.
APERTURE, ap'-er-turc. f. Theaftofopcn^
ing ; an open place.
APETALOUS, a-pet'-i-lus. a. Without flowcr-
APEX, a'-plks. f. The tip or point.
APHtERESIS, a-fc'-re-sis. f. A figure in gram-
mar that takes away a letter or fyllable from the
beginning of a word.
APHELION, a-f^'-lyon. f. That part of the
orbit of a planet, in which it is at the point rc-
motcfi: from the fun.
APHILANTHROPY, a-fy-lan'-ttirO-py- f.
Want of love to mankind.
APHORIS^vT, af -6-r'zm. f. A maxim, ?.n un-
conneclcd pofition.
APHORISTICAL, af-o-ris'-tl-kaL a. Written
in feparate unconnected fentences.
APHORISTICALLY, af-^-rls'-ti-kal-Iy. ad.
in the form of an aphorifm.
APHRODISIACAL, A-fr6-dy-s!'-a-kal. 1 a. Re-
APHRODISIACK, a-fr6-dy-si'-ak. j lating
to the venereal difeafe.
APIARY, a -pya-ry. f. The place where bees
are kept.
APIECE, a-pe fe. ad. To the part or Ihare of
APISH, a'-pi{h. a- Having the qualities of an
ape, imitative; foppilh, affected ; fdly, trifling;
wanton, playful.
APISFILY, a'-plih-Iy. ad. In an apifii manntrr.
APISHNESS, a'-p!(h-nes. f. Mimickry, foppery.
APITPAT, a-pit'-pat. ad. With quick palpi-
APOKALYPSE, a-pik'-a-llps.. f. Revelation,
a word ufed only of the facred writings.
APOCALYPTICAL, a-pok-a-Iip'-ty-kal. a.
Containing revelation.
APOCOPE, a-p6k'-6-pe. f. A figure, when the
laft letter or fyllable is taken away.
APOCRUSTICK, a-po-krus'-tlk. a. Repelling
and aftringent.
APOCRYPHA, i-p6k'-ry-fA. f. Books added to
the facred writings, of doubtful authors.
APOCRYPHAL, a-p6k'-ry-fal. a. Not ca-
nonical, of uncertain authority ; contained in
the apocrj'pha.
APOCRYPHALLY, d-pik'-ry-ful-ly. 3d. Un-
APOCRYPHALNESS, a-pik'-ry-fal-nes. f.
APODICTICAL, ap-5-dIk'-t;--kal. a. Demon-
APODIXIS, ap-o-dlk'-sls. f. Dcmonftration.
APOG^ON, ap-6-je'-6n. 1 {. A point in the
APOGEE, ap'-6-jc. ^ heavens, in which
the fun, or a planet, is at the greateft diftance
poffible from the earth in its whole revolution.
APOLOGETICAL, a-pol-d-jet'-y-kal. )
APOLOGETICK, a-p6l-6-jet'-Ik. J ^'
That which is faid in defence of any thing.
To APOLOGIZE, a-p6l'-l6-jize. v. n. To plead
in favour.
APOLOGUE, ap'-o-log. <"• Fable, {lory con-
trived to teach fome moral truth.
APOLOGY, a-pol'-o-jy. f. Defence, excufe.
APOMECOMETRY, a-p6-me-k6m'-me-try. L
The art of meafuring things at a diftance.
APONEUROSIS, ;'i-p6-nii-r6'-sis. f. An ex-
panfion of a nerve into a membrane.
APOPHASIS, a-p6f'-4-sis. f. Afigure by which
the orator feems to wave what he would plainly
APOPHLEG.MATICK, a-p6-fleg'-ma-tlk. a.
Drawing away phlegm,
APOPHLEGMATISM, a-pO-fleg'-ma-tlzm. f.
A medicine to draw phlegm.
APOPHTHEGM, a'-pd-tRem. f. A remark-
able faying.
APOPHYGE, a-p6f'-y-je. f. That part of a
column where it begins to fpring out of its
bafe ; the fpring of a column.
APOPHYSIS, a-p6f'-y-sis. f. The prominent
parts of fome bones ; the fame as procefs.
APOPLECTICAL, a-p6-plek'-ty-kal. ?a. Rc-
APOPLECTICK, a-p6-plck'-t]k. J lating
to an apoplexy.
APOPLEXY, ap'-6-plek.fy. f. A fudden de-
privation of all fenfation.
APORIA, a-p6'-ry-a. f. A figure by which the
fpeakcr doubts where to begin.
APORRHOEA, a-p6r-re'-a. f. Effluvium, ema-
AP03IOPESIS, a-pof-y-6-pc'-sls. f. A form
of fpecch, by whicli the fpcakcf, through
fome afte£iion or vehemency, breaks off his
APOSTASY, :i-p6s'-ta-fy. f. Departure from
what a man has profeffed : it is generally ap-
plied to religion.
APOSTATE, a-p6s'-tate. f. One that has for-
faken his religion.
APOSTATICAL, a-pcl-tat'-y-kal. a. After the
manner of an apoftate.
To APOSTATIZE, a-pos'-ta-tke. v. n. To
forfake one's religion.
To APOSTEMATE, a-pos'-te-mate. v. n. To
fvvell and corrupt into matter.
APOSTEMATION, a-pof-te-ma'-fhun. f. The
gathering of a hollow purulent tumour.
APOSTEME, ap'-o-fteme. f. A hollow fwel-
ling, an abfcefs.
APOSTLE, a-p6s'tl. f. A perfon font with
mandates, particularly applied to them whom
our Saviour deputed to preach the gofpel,
APOSTLESHIP, a-p6s'tl-(hip. f. The office
or dignity of an apoftle.
APOSTOLICAL, a-pof-tol'-y-kal. a. Deli-
vered by the apoftles.
APOSTOLICALLY, a-p6f-t6l'-y-kal-ly. ad.
In the manner of the apoftles.
APOSTOLICK, a-pof-tol'-llk. a. Taught by
the apoftles.
APOSTROPHE, a-pos'-tro-fe. f. In rhetorick,
a divcrfion of fpeech to another perfon than the
fpeech appointed did intend or require ; in gram-
mar, the contraftion of a word by the ufe of a
comma, as, tho', for though.
To APOSTROPHIZE, a-pos'-tro-fize. v. a.
To addrefs by an apoftrophe.
APOSTUME, ap'-of-tume. f. A hollow tu-
mour filled with purulent matter.
APOTHECARY, a-pottt'-c-ka-ry. f. A man
whofc employment it is to keep medicines for
APOTHEGM, ap'-&-them. f. A remarkable
APOTHEOSIS, a-po-tfie'-6-sls. f. Deification.
APOTOME, a-p6t'-6-mc. f. The remainder
or difference of two incommenfurable quantities.
APOZEM, ip'-v-zvm. f. A decotlion.
To APPAL, ap-pa 1. V. a. To fright, to de-
APPALEMENT, ap-pa'l-ment. f. Deprcffion,
impreffion of fear.
APPANAGE,, ap'-pa-nije. f. Lands fet apart
for the maintenance of younger children.
APPARATUS, ap-pa-ra-tus. f. Thofe things
which are provided for the accompli&meiit of
any purpofe ; as the tools of a trade, the furni-
ture of ahoufe; equipage, fhow.
APPAREL, ap-par'-el. f. Drefs, vefture; ex-
ternal habiliments.
To APPAREL, ap-par'-el. v. a. To drefs, to
cloath ; to cover or deck.
APPARENT, ap-pa'-rent. a. Plain, indubi-
table ; feeming, not real ; vifible ; open, dif-
coverable ; certain, not prcfumptive.
APPARENTLY, ap-pa'-rent-ly. ad. Evidently,
APPARITION, ap-pa-rish'-un. f. Appearance,
vifibility ; a vifible obje£t ; a fpeclre, a walking
fpirit ; fomething only apparent, not real ; the
vifibility of fome luminary.
APPARITOR, ap-p.V-y-tur. f. The lowclt
officer of the ecclefiaftical court.
To APPAY, ap-pd'. v. a. To fatisfy.
ToAPPEACH, ap-pe'tlh. v. a. Toaccufe; to
cenfure, to reproach.
APPEACHMENT, ap-p^'tfti-mcnt. f. Charge
exhibited againft any man.
To APPEAL, ap-pe 1. v. n. To transfer a
caufe from one to another ; to call another as
APPEAL, ap-pe'l. f. A removal of a caufe
from an inferior to a fuperior court ; in the
common law, an accufation ; a call upon any
as witnefs.
APPEALANT, ap-pel'-lant. f. He that appeals.
To APPEAR, ap-pe'r. v. n. To be in fight,
to be vifible ; to become vifible as a fpirit ; to
exhibit one's felf before a court ; to feem, in
oppofition to reality ; to be plain beyond dif-
APPEARANCE, ap-pc'-rans. f. The aa of
coming into fight ; the thing feen ; femblanco,
not reality; outfit, fhowi entry into a pL^cc
^ company; exhibition of the perfonton court;
prefcnce, mien ; probability, likelihood,
APPEARER, ap-pe -rur. f. The perfon that
APPEASABLE, ap-pe'-zabl. a. Reconcileable.
APPEASABLENESS, ap-pe'-zabl-nes. a. Re-
To APPEASE, ap-p^'z. V. a. To quiet, to put
in a ftate of peace ; to pacify, to reconcile.
APPEASEMENT, ap-pe'z-ment. f. A ftate of
APPEASER, dp-pi'-zur. f. He that pacifies,
he that quiets dillrurbanccs.
APPELLANT, ap-pel'-lant. f. A challenger;
one that appeals from a lower to a hi^^hcr
APPELLATE, ap-pel'-Jaic. f. The perfon ap-
pealed againft.
APPELLATION, ap-pcl-la'-fhun. f. Name.
APPELLATIVE, ap-pel'-la-tlv, f. A n.".me
common to all of the fame kind or fpecics ; as
man, horfe.
APPELLATIVELY, ap-pel'-lA-tlv-Iy. ad. Ac-
cording to the manner of nouns appellative.
APPELLATORY, ap-pel'-la-tur-ry. a. That
which contains an appeal.
APPELLEE, ap-pel-le', f. One who is ac-
To APPEND, ap-pend'. v. a. To hang any
thing upon another; to add to fomething as an
APPENDAGE, ap-pen'-dAje. f. Something
added to another thing, without being ncccffary
to its efTence.
APPENDANT, ap-pen'-dant. a. Hanging to
fomething elfe ; annexed, concomitant.
APPENDANT, ap-pen'-dant. f. An accidental
or adventitious part.
To APPENDICATE, ap-pen'^dy-kutc. v. a. To
add to another thing.
APPENDICATION, Ap-pcn-d^-kV-fhun. f.
APPENDIX, ap-pen'-diks. f. Something ap-
pended or added; an adjunct or concomitant.
To APPERTAIN, ip-per-ta n. v. n. To be-
long to as of right ; to belong to by nature.
APPERTAINMENT, ap-p'r-ta'n-ment. f.
That which belongs to any rank or dignity.
APPERTENANCE, ap-per'-te-nans. f. That
which belongs to another thing.
APPERTINENT, ap-pcr'-ty-nent. a. Belong-
ing, relating to.
APPETENCE, ap'-P'^'-t<^'ns. 1 C Carnal de-
APPETENCY, ap'-P-^-ten-fy. \ fire.
APPETIBILITY, ap-pc-ti-bll'-I-ty. f. The
quality of being dcfirablc.
APPETIBLE, ap'-pe-tlbl. a. Defirable.
APPETITE, ap'-pe-tite. f. The Jiatural dcfirs
of good; the defire of fenfual pleafure ; violent
longing ; kcennefs of ftomach, hunger.
APPETITION, ap-pe-tis'h-un. f. Defire.
APPETITIVE, ap'-pc-ttt-iv. a. That which
To APPLAUD, ap-pli'd. v. a. To praife by
clapping tlie hand ; to praife in general.
APPLAUDER, ap-pla-dur. f. He that praif^^s
or commends.
APPLAUSE, ap-pla'z. f. Approbation loudly
APPLE, ap'l. f. The fruit of the apple tree;
tiic pupil of the eye.
APPLEWOMAN, ap'l-wum-un. f. A woman
that fells apples.
APPLIABLE, ap-pli'-abl. a. That which may
be applied.
APPLIANCE, ap-pli'-ks. f. The aft of ap-
plying, the thing applied.
APPLICABILITY, ap-ply-ka-bll'-y-t}'-. f. The
quality of being fit to be applied.
APPLICABLE, ap'-ply-kabl. a. That which
may be applied.
APPLICABLENESS, ap'-ply-kabl-nes. f. Fit-
nefs to be applied.
APPLICABLY, ap'-ply-kab-ly. ad. In fuch
manner as that it may be properly applied.
APPLICATE, ap'-p'y-kate. f. A right line
drawn acrofs a curve, fo as to bifedl the diar
APPLICATION, ap-ply-ka'-fliun. f. The aft
of applying any thing to another ; the thing
applied ; the ail of applying to any perfon as a
petitioner i the cinploymcHt of any means for
M a ccrtaia
a certain end ; intenfenefs of thought, clofe
ftudy ; attention to fome particular afFair.
APPLICATIVE, ap-pllk -a-tiv. a. Belonging
to application.
APPLICATORY, ap''-ply-ki-tur-'ry. a. Be-
longing to the acl of applying.
To APPLY, ap-ply . v. a. To put one thing to
another ; to lay medicaments upon a wound ;
to make ufe of as relative or fuitable ; to put to
a certain ufe ; to fix the mind upon, to ftudy ;
to have recourfe to, as a petitioner ; to ply, to
keep at work.
To APPOINT, ap-point'. v. a. To fix any
thing; to eftablifh any thing by decree j to
furnifii in all points, to eq\iip.
APPOINTER, ap-poin'-tur. f. He that fettles
or fixes.
APPOINTMENT, ap-point'-ment. f. Stipu-
lation; decree, eftablifhment; diredlion, or-
der ; equipment, furniture ; an allowance paid
to any man.
To APPORTION, ap-po'r-fliun. v. a. To fet
out injuft proportions.
APPORTIONMENT, ap-po'r-fliun-ment. f.
A dividing into portions.
To APPOSE, ap-p6'ze. v. a. To put queflions
APPOSITE, kp'-po-zk. a. Proper, fit, well
adapted. *
APPOSITELY, ap'-p6-z!t-ly. ad. Properly,
fitly, fuitably.
APPOSITENESS, ap'-po-^'t-nes. f. Fitnefs,
^ propriety, fuitablenefs.
APPOSITION, a-p6-zlfh'-un. f. The addition
of new matter; in grammar, the putting of
two nouns in the fame cafe.
To APPRAISE, ap-pra'ze. v. a. To fet a price
upon any thing.
APPRAISER, ap-pri'-zur. f. A perfon ap-
pointed to fet a price upon things to be fold.
To APPREHEND, ap-pre-hend . v. a. To lay
hold on ; to feize, in order for trial or punifh-
ment ; to conceive by the mind j to think on
with terrour, to fear.
APPREHENDER, ip-pra-hen'-dur, f. One
who apprehends.
APPREHENSIBLE, ap-prl-hen'-slbl. a. That
which may be apprehended, or conceived.
APPREHENSION, ap-pre-hen'-fhun. f. The
mere contemplation of things ; opinion, fenti-
ment, conception ; the faculty by which we
conceive new ideas ; fear ; fufpicion of fome-
thing; feizure.
APPREHENSIVE, ap-pre-hen'-s!v. a. Quick"
to underiland ; fearful.
APPREHENSIVELY, ap-prS-hen'-s!v-ly. ad.
In an apprehenfive manner.
APPREHENSIVENESS, Ip-pri-hen'-siv-nes.
f. The quality of being apprehenfive.
APPRENTICE, ap-pren'-tls. f. One that is
bound by covenant, to ferve another man of
trade, upon condition that the tradefman fhall,.
in the mean time, endeavour to inftru£l him ia
his art.
To APPRENTICE, ap-pren'-tis. v. a. To put
out to a mailer as an apprentice.
APPRENTICEHOOD, ap-pren'-tls-hud. f.
The years of an apprentice's fervitude.
APPRENTICESHIP, ap-pren'-tls-fhip. f. The
years which an apprentice is to pafs under a
To APPRIZE, ap-pri'ze. v. a. To inform.
To APPROACH, ap-pr6'tfh. v. n. To draw-
near locally ; to draw near, as time ; to make a.
progrefs towards, mentally.
To APPROACH, ap-pro tfli. v. a. To bring
near to.
APPRO ACFI, ap-pro'tih. f. Theaft of drawing
near ; accefs ; means of advancing.
APPROACHER, dp-pro'-tfliur. f. The perfon
that approaches.
APPROACHMENT, ap-pr6'tfli-ment. f. Ths
aft of coming near.
APPROBATION, ap-pr6-ba'-fliun. f. The aft
of approving, or exprefling himfclf pleafed j
the liking of any thing; atteftation, fupport.
APPROOF, ap-prof. f. Commendation. Ob-
To APPROPINQUE, ap-prO-pInk'. v. n. To
draw near to. Not in ufe.
APPROPRIABLE, ap-pro'-pry-dbl. a. That
which may be appropriated.
To APPROPRIATE, ap-pro -pryate. v. a. To
cojifign to fome particular ufe or perfon; to
claim or exercife an exclufive right; to make
peculiar, to annex -^ in law, to alienate a be-
APPROPRIATE, ap-pro -prydte. a. Peculiar,
configncd to Ibme particular.
APPROPRIATION, ap-prO-pry-d'-fliun. f.
The application of fomething to a particular
piirpofe ; the claim of any thing as peculiar ;
the fixing of a particular fignification to a word ;
in law, a fevering of a benefice ccclefiaftical to
the proper and perpetual ufe of fome religious
houfe, or dean and chapter, biflioprick, or col-
APPROPRIATOR, ap-pro-pry-l'-tur. f. He
that is poffeiTed of an appropriated benefice.
APPROVABLE, ap-pro -vabl. a. That which
merit: approbation.
APPROVAL, ap-pro'-val. f. Approbation.
APPRU VANCE, ap-pro'-vans. f. Approba-
tion. Not in ufe.
To APPROVE, ap-pr^V. v. a. To like, to be
pleafed with ; to exprefs liking j to prove, to
fhow ; to experience ; to make worthy of ap-
APPROVEMENT, ap-proV-ment. f. Appro-
bation, liking.
APPROVER, Ap-pro'-vur. f. He that approves ;
he that makes trial ; in law, one that, confeiling
felony of himfLlf, accufcs another.
APPROXIMATE, ap-proks-y-mate. a. Near to.
APPROXIMATION, ap-pr^k-fy-m^'-fhun. f.
Appror.ch to any thing ; continual approach
nearer flill, and nearer to the quantity fought.
APPULSE, ap -pils. f. The act of llriking
agaiull any thing.
APRICOT, or APRICOCK, a'-pry-kot. f. A
kind of wall fruit.
APRIL, a -pril. f. The fourth moiith of the year,
January counted firft.
APRON, a -prun. f. A cloth hung before, to
keep the other drefs clean, or for ornament.
APRON, a'-pri'in. f. A piece of lead which co-
vers the touch-hole of a great "\in.
APRONED, a'-prund. a. Wearing an apron.
APSIS, ap'-sis. f. The higher apfis is denomi-
nated aphelion, or apogee ; the lower, perihe-
lion, or perigee.
APT, apt. a. Fit; having a tendency to; in-
clined to, led to ; ready, quick, as an apt
wit ; q\i?Jificd for.
To APTATE, ap'-tiic. 'v. a. To make fit.
APTITUDE, ap'-ti-tdde. f. Fitnefs ; tendency ;
APTLY, apt'-ly. ad. Properly, fitly; juftiy,-
pertinently ; readily, acutely, as he learned his
bufinefs very aptly,
APTNESS, apt'-nes. f. Fitnefs, fuitablenefs ;
difpofition to any thing ; quicknefs of appre-
henfion ; tendency.
APTOTE, ap -tote. f. A noun which is not
declined with cafjs.
AQUA, h'-kwL f. Water.
AQUA FORTIS, 4 -kv/a-f.l'r-tis. f. A cor-
rofive liquor made by diftilling purified nitre
with calcined vitriol.
AQUA MARINA, a'-kwa-ma-rf'-na. f. The
AQUA VITJE, a'-kwa-v!'-t:. f. Brandy.
AQUATICK, a-kwit'-Ik. a. That which in-
habits the water ; that which grows in the water.
AQUATILE, a'-kwa-tile. a. That which in-
habits the water.
AQUEDUCT, A'-kwe-duct. f. A com-eyancc
made for carrying water.
AQUEOUS, a-kwe-us. a. Water)^.
AQUEOUSNESS, a'-kwa-uf-nes. f. Water-
AQUILINE, ak'-v/y-liae. a. Refembling an
eagle ; when applied to the nofe, hooked.
AQUOSE, a-kwofe. a. Watery.
AQUOSITY, a-kwis -I't-y. f. Waterinefs.
ARABLE, ar-abl. a. Fit for tillage.
ARANEOUS, a-ra'-nyus. a. Refembling a cob-
ARATION, a-ri'-fhun. f. The aft or pradice
of plowing.
ARATORY, ar'-A-tur-ry. a. That which con-
tributes to tilLi.gc.
ARBALIST, a'r-ba-llrr. f. A crofs-bow.
ARBITER, ar-b!-tur. f. A judge appointed
by the parties, to whoft determination they^o-
luntarily fubniit ; a judge,
ARBITRABLE, a'r-bi-trabl. a. Arbitrary, de-
pending upon the v/ill.
ARBITRAMENT, ar-bit'-tra-ment. f. Will,
determination, choice.
^ARBITRARILY, a'r-bl-tra-ri-ly. ad. With
no other rule than the will ; defpotically, abfo-
-ARBITRAMOUS, ar-bl-tra'-ryus. a. Arbi-
trary, depending on the will.
■ARBITRARIOUSLY, ar-bl-tra'-ryus-ly. ad.
Accordmg to mere will and pleafure.
ARBITRARY, a'r-bi-tra-ry. a. Defpotick, ab-
-folute; depen'ding on no rule, capricious.
To ARBITRATE, a'r-b!-tnUe. v. a. To de-
cide, to determine ; to judge of.
ARBITRARINESS, a'r-bl-tra-rl-ncfs. f. De-
ARBITRATION, ar-bl-tra'-fliun. f. The de-
termination of a caufe by a judge mutually
agreed on by the parties.
ARBITRATOR, ar-bi-tra-tur. f. An extra-
ordinary judge between party and party, chofen
by their mutual confent ; a governour ; a pre-
fident ; he that has the power of afting by his
own choice ; the determiner.
ARBITREMENT, dr-bit'-tre-ment. f. Deci-
fion, determination ; compromife.
ARBORARY, a'r-bo-ra-ry. a. Of or belong-
to a tree.
ARBORET, a'r-bo-ret. f. A fmall tree or flirub.
ARBORIST, a'r-bp-rift. f. A naturalift who
makes trees his ftudy.
ARBOROUS, a'r-bo-rus. a. Belonging to trees.
ARBOUR, A'r-bLr. f. A bower.
ARBUSCLE, aV-budcl. f. Any little flirub.
ARBUTE, a'r-hute. f. Strawbeny tree.
ARC, a rk. f. A fegment, a part of a circle ;
an arch.
ARCADE, ar-ki'd;. f. A continued arch.
ARCANUM, ar-ka -num. f. A fecrct.
ARCH, a'rtfli. f. Part of a circle, not more
than the half; a building in form of a fegment
of a circle, ufedfor bridges; vault of heaven j
a chief.
To ARCH, a'rt(h. v. a. To build arches ; to
cover with arches.
ARCH, a'rtfh. a. Chief, of the firft clafs^
waggifn, mirthful.
ARCHANGEL, ark-a n-jel. f. One of the
higheft order of angels.
ARCHANGEL, ark-a'n-jel. f. A plant, dead
ARCHANGELICK, ark-an-jel'-llk. a. Belong-
ing to archangels.
ARCHBEACON, artfti-b^'kn. f. The chief
place of profpect, or of fignal.
ARCHBISHOP, artfli-bifh'-up. f. A bifhop of
the firfl: clafs, who fuperintends the condud of
other bifnops his fuffragans.
ARCHBISHOPRICK,art(h-bilh'-up-r!k. f. The
ftate, pro\'ince, or jurifdiftionof an archbifhop.
ARCHCHANTER, artfh-tfhan'-tur. f. The
chief chanter.
ARCHDEACON, artfli-de'kn. f. One that
fupplies the bifliop's place and office.
ARCHDEACONRY, artlh-de'kn-r>'. f. The
office or jurifdiction of an archdeacon.
ARCHDEACONSHIP, artfh-de'kn-fhlp. f. The
office of an archdeacon.
ARCHDUKE, artfh-du ke. f. A title given to
princes of Auflria and Tufcany.
ARCHDUCHESS, artfh-dutfh'-es. f. The fif-
ter or daughter of the archduke of Auftria.
ARCHPHILOSOPHER, artfli-fIl-6s'-6-fur. f.
Chief philofopher.
ARCHPRELATE, artfli-prcl '-ite. f. Chief
ARCHPRESBYTER,artlh-pres'-bI-ter. f. Chief
ARCHAIOLOGY, ar-ka-6l'-6-jy. f. A dif-
courfe on antiquitj'.
ARCHAIOLOGICK, ar-k-a-6-l6dzh'-ik. a. Re-
lating to a difcourfe on antiquity.
ARCHAISM, ar'-ka-ifm. f." An ancient phrafe.
ARCHED, ar'-tfhed. part. a. Bent in the form
of an arch.
ARCHER, ar'-tfhur. f. Ho that fhoots with a
ARCHERY, ar'-tfhe-ry. f. The ufeof thebow;
the act of {hooting with the bowj the art of an
ARGHES-COURT, ar'-tfhez-kort. f. The
chief and molt ancient confiftory that belongs
to the archbifhop of Canterbury, for the debat-
ing of fpiritual caufes.
ARCHETYPE, ar'-ka-type. f. The original of
which any refemblance is made.
ARCHETYPAL, ar'-ke-ty-pal. a. Original.
ARCHEUS, ar-!ce'-us. f. A power that prefides
over the animal oeconomy.
ARCHIDI AGONAL, ar-ky-di-ak'-d-nal. a. Be-
longing to an archdeacon.
ARCHIEPIS.OPAL, ar-ky-e-p!s'-k6-pal. a.
Belonging to an archbifhop.
ARCHITECT, a'r-ky-tekt. f. A profeffor of
the art of building; a builder; the contriver
of any thing.
ARCHITECTIVE, ar-ky-tek'-tlv. a. That per-
forms the work of architeifture.
ARCHITECTONICK, ar-ky-tek-tin'-nik. a.
That which has the power or fkill of an ar-
ARCHITECTURE, a'r-ky-tek-tfhur. f. The
art or fcience of building ; the effect or per-
formance of the fcience of building.
ARCHITRAVE, a'r-ky-trlve. f. That part of
a column which lies immediately upon the ca-
pital, and is the lowcft member of the enta-
ARCHIVES, a'r-kivz. f. The places where re-
cords or ancient writings are kept,
ARCHWISE, a'rtfh-wize. a. In the form of an
ARCTATION, ark-ta'-fliin. f. Confinement.
ARCTICK, a'rk-tlk. a. Northern.
ARCUATE, a'r-ku-ate. a. Bent in the form of
an arch.
ARCUATION, ar-ku-i'-fhun. f. The act of
bending any thing, incurvation ; the ftate of
being bent, curvity, or crookednefs.
ARCUBALISTER,ar-ku-baI'-if-tur. f. Acrofs-
bow man.
ARDENCY, a'r-den-fv. f. Ardour, eagernefs
ARDENT, a'r-dc-nt. a. Hot, burning, fiery j
fierce, vehement; pafTionate, afFedtionate.
ARDENTLY, a'r-dent-ly. ad. Eagerly, af-
ARDOUR, a'r-dur. f. Heat; heat of afFedion,
as love, defire, courage.
ARDUITY, ar-du'-i-ty. f. Height, difficulty.
ARDUOUS, a'r-du-us. a. Lofty, hard to climb;
ARDUOUSNESS, a'r-du-uf-ncs. f. Height,
ARE, ar'. The plural of the prefent tcnfe of
the verb To be.
AREA, a'-rya. f. The furface contained be-
tween any lines or boundaries; any open fur-
To AREAD, a-re'd. v. a. To advife, to direfl.
Little ufed.
AREFACTION, ar-re-fak'-fhun. f. The ftatc
of growing dry, the aft of drying.
To AREFY, ar'-re-fy. v. a. To dry.
ARENACEOUS, a-re-na'-fhus. a. Sandy.
ARENOSE, a-re-no'fe. a. Sandy.
ARENULOUS, a-ren'-u-lus. a. Fulloffmall
AREOTICK, a-re-6t -Ik. a. Such medicines
as open the pores.
ARGENT, a'r-jent. a. Having the white co-
lour ufed in the armorial coats of gentlemen,
knights, and baronets ; filver, bright like filver.
ARGIL, a'r-jil. f. Potters clay.
ARGILLACEOUS, ar-jil-li'-fhus. a. Clayey,
confifting of argil, or potters clay.
ARGILLOUS, ar-jil'-lus. a. Confifting of clay,
ARGOSY, a'r-go-fy. f. A large veflcl for
merchandife, a carrack.
To ARGUE, a'r-gu. v. n. To reafon, to offer
rcafons ; to perfuade by argument; to difpute.
ARGUER, a'r-gu-ur. f. A reafoner, a difputer.
ARGUMENT, ar-gu-ment. f. A reafon al-
leged for or againft any thing ; the fubje<£t of
any difcourfe or writing; the contents of any
work fummcd up by way of abflratt ; coniro-
ARGUMENTAL, ar-gu-men'-til. a. Belong-
ing to argument.
ARGUMENTATION, ar-gu-men-tl'-fhun. f.
Reafoning, the aft of reafoning.
ARGUMENTATIVE, ar-gd-men'-ta-t!v. a.
Confifting of argument, containing argument.
ARGUTE, ar-gu te. a. Subtile, witty, fharp,
ARID, ar-rld. a. Dry, parched up.
ARIDITY, a-rid'-di-ty. f. Drynefs, ficcity ;
a kind of infenfibility in devotion.
ARIES, a'-ryez. f. The ram, one of the twelve
figns of the zodiack.
To ARIETATE, a'-rye-tate. v. n. To butt
like a ram.
ARIETATION, a-rj-e-ti'-fhun. f. The aft of
butting like a ram ; the a£l of battering with
an engine called a ram.
ARIETTA, a-ry-et'-ta. f. A fhort air, fong,
or tune.
ARIGHT, a-r!'te. ad. Rightly, without er-
rour ; rightly, without crime ; rightly, with-
out failing of the end defigned.
ARIOLATION, a-ry-6-la-fliun. f. Sooth-
To ARISE, a-r!'ze. v. n. pret. arofe, part,
arifen. To mount upward as the fun ; to get
tip as from fleep, or from refl ; to revive from
death ; to enter upon a new ftation ; to com-
mence hoftility.
ARISTOCRACY, a-rlf-tok'-kra-fy. f. That
form of government which places the fupreme
power in the nobles.
ARISTOCRATICAL, a-rlf-to-krat'-ti-kal. a.
Relating to ariftocracy.
ARISTOCRATICALNESS, a-rlf-to-krat'-tl-
kal-nes. f. An ariftocratical ftate.
ARITHMANCY, a-rlt'lT-man-fy. f. A fore-
telling of future events by numbers.
ARITHMETICAL, a-rltlT-met'-tl-kal. a. Ac-
cording to the rules or method of arithmetick.
ARITHMETICALLY, A-rlttl-met'-tl-kal-ly.
ad. In an arithmetical manner.
ARITHMETICIAN, a-rltfi-mc-dfh'-an. f. A
rnafler of the art of numbers.
ARITHMETICK, a;rhR'.me-tik. f. The
fcience of numbers ; the art of computa-
ARK, a'rk. f. A vefTcl to fwini upon the wa-
ter, ufually applied to that in which Noah
was preferved from the univerfal deluge; the
repofitory of the covenant of God with the.
ARM, a'rm. f. The limb which reaches from
the hand to the fhoulder ; the large bough of a
tree; an inlet of water from the fea; power,
might, as the fecular arm.
To ARM, a'rm. v. a. To furnifli with armour
of defence, or weapons of offence ; to plate with
any thing that may add ftrength ; to furnifli, to
fit up.
To ARM, a'rm. v. n. To take arms ; to pro-
vide againfl.
ARMADA, ar-ma'-da. f. An armament for
ARMADILLO, ar-ma-dll'-l6. f. A four-footed
animal of Brafil.
ARMAMENT, a r-ma-ment. f. A naval force.
ARMATURE, a'r-ma-ture. f. Armour.
ARMENTAL, ar-men'-tal. ) a. Belonging to
ARMENTINE, a'r-men-tine. ^ a drove or herd
of cattle.
ARMGAUNT, a'rm-ga'nt. a. Slender as the
arm ; or rather, flender with want.
ARM-HOLE, a'rm-hole. f. The cavity under
the flioulder.
ARMIGEROUS, ar-mldzh'-e-rus. a. Bearing
ARMILLARY, a'r-mil-a-ry. a. Refembling a
ARMILLATED, a'r-mll-a-ted. a. Wearing
ARMINGS, a'r-mingz. f. The fame with wafte-
ARMIPOTENCE, dr-mlp'-o-tens. f. Power
in war.
ARMIPOTENT, ar-mlp'-6-tent. a. Mighty
in war.
ARMISTICE, ar'-ml-ftis. f. A ftiort truce.
ARMLET, arm-let. f. A little arm ; a piece
of armour for the armj a bracelet for the
ARMONIAK, ar-mo'-nyak, f. The name of
a fait.
ARMORER, a'r-mur-ur. f. He that makes ar-
mour, or weapons ; he that drefies another in
ARMORIAL, ar-mo'-ryal. a. Belonging to the
arms or efcutcheon of a family.
ARMORY, a'r-mur-y. f. The place in which
arms are repofited for ufe ; armour, arms of de-
fence ; enfigns armorial.
ARMOUR, a'r-mur. f. Defenfive arms.
ARMOUR BEARER, a"r-mur-be'-rur. f. He
that carries the armour of another.
ARMPIT, a'rm-plt. f. The hollow place un-
der the flioulder.
ARMS, a rmz. f. Weapons of offence, or ar-
mour of defence ; a ftate of hoftility ; war in
general ; adlion, the zH of taking arms ; the
enfigns armorial of a family.
ARMY, a'r-my. f. A colleiSion of armed men,
obliged to obey their generals ; a great number.
AROMATICAL, a-ro-mat'-I-kal. > a. Spicy ;
AROMATICK, a-ro-mat'-ik. ^ fragrant,
ftrong fcented.
AROMATICKS, a-r5-mat'-iks. f. Spices.
AROMATIZATION, a-ro-ma-tl-za -fliun. f.
The act of fcenting with fpices.
To AROMATIZE, ar'-ro-ma-tize. v. a. To
fcent with fpices, to impregnate with fpices ;
to fcent, to perfume.
AROSE, a-ro'ze. The preterite of the verb Arife.
AROUND, a-rou'nd. ad. In a circle ; on every fide.
AROUND, a-rou'nd. prep. About.
To AROUSE, a-rou'ze. v. a. To wake from
flccp ; to raife up, to excite.
AROW, a-ro'. ad. In a row.
AROYNT, a-roy'nt. ad. Ee gone, away.
ARQUEBUSE, ar'-kwe-bus. f. A hand gun.
ARQUEBUSIER, dr-kwc-bitf-e'r. f. A foldier
armed with an arquebufe.
ARRACK, ar-rak'. f. A fpirituous liquor.
To ARRAIGN, ar-ra'ne. v. a. To fet a thing
in order, in its place : a prifoiier is faid to be
arraigned, when he is brought forth to his trial ;
to accufe, to charge with faults in general, as
in controverfy or in fatirc.
ARRAIGNMENT, ar-rSne-mcnt. f. The ad
of arraigning, a charge.
To ARRANGE, ar-ra'nje. v. a. To put in the
proper order for any purpofe.
ARRANGEMENT, £r-ra'nje-ment. f. The
a(£t of putting in proper order, the ftate of be-
ing put in order.
ARRANT, ar'-rant. a. Bad in a high degree,
ARRANTLY, ar'-rant-ly. a. Corruptly, fhame-
ARRAS, ar'-ras. f. Tapeftry.
ARRAUGHT, ar-ra't. ad. Seized by vio-
lence. Out of ufe.
ARRAY, ar-ra'. f. Drefs ; order of battle ; in-
law, the ranking or fetting in order.
To ARRAY, ar-ra'. v. a. To put in order ; to^
deck, to drefs.
ARRAYERS, ar-ra'-urs. f. Officers, who an-
ciently had the care of feeing the foldiers duly
appointed in their armour.
ARREAR, ar-re'r. f. That which remains be-
hind unpaid, though due.
ARREARAGE, ar-re'-raje. f. The remainder
of an account.
ARRENTATION, ar-ren-tii'-fhun. f. The
licenfing an owner of lands in the foreft to
ARREPTITIOUS, ar-rcp-tlih'-us. a. Snatched
away ; crept in privily.
ARREST, ar-reft'. f. In law,- a flop or ftay :
an arrefl is a reftraint of a man's perfon ; any
To ARREST, ar-reft'. v. a. To feize by a man-
date from a court ; to feize any thing by law ;
to feizej to lay hands on; to with-hold, to-
hinder ; to flop motion.
ARRIERE, ar-rye're. f. The laft body of an
ARRISION, ar-rizh -un. f. A fmiling upon.
ARRIVAL, ar-ri'-val. f. The a^ of coming to-
any place; the attainment of any purpofe.
ARRIVANCE,ar-ri'-vans. f. Company coming.
To ARRIVE, ar~ri've. v. n. To come to any
place by water ; to reach any place by travel-
ling ; to reach any point ; to gain any thing ;,
to happen.
To ARRODE, ar-rode. y. a. To gnaw or
ARROGANCE, ar'-ro-gans. 7 f . The aft or
ARROGANCY, ar'-ro-gan-fy-. ^ quality of
taking much upon one's felf.
ARROGANT, ar'-ro-gant. a. Haughty, proud.
ARROGANTLY, ar'-r6-gant-ly. ad. In an ar-
rogant manner.
ARROGANTNESS, ar'-ro-gant-nes. f. Ar-
To ARROGATE, ar'-ro-gite. v. a. To claim
vainly ; to exhibit unjuft claims.
ARROGATION, ar-rd-ga-fliun. f. A claim-
ing in a proud manner.
ARROSION, ar-ro'-zhun. f. A gnawing.
ARROW, ar'-rO. f. The pointed weapon which
is {hot from a bow.
ARROWHEAD, ar'-ro-hed. f. A water plant.
ARROWY, ar'-ro-y. a. Confifting of arrows.
ARSE, ar'fe. f. The buttocks.
ARSE FOOT, ar's-fut. f. A kind of water fowl.
ARSE SMART, ar's-fma'rt. f. A plant.
ARSENAL, a'rf-nal. f. A repofitory of things
requifitc to war, a magazine.
ARSENICAL, ar-fen'-J-kal. a. Containing
ARSENICK, a'rf-n!k. f. A mineral fubftance ;
a violent corrofive poifon.
ART, a rt. f. The power of doing fomething
not taught by nature and inftinit ; a fcience, as
the liberal arts ; a trade; artfulnefs, (kill, dex-
terity ; cunning.
ARTERIAL, ar-te'-ryal. a. That which re-
lates to the artery, that which is contained in
the artery.
ARTERIOTOMY, ar-tl-ry-6t'-td-my. f. The
operation of letting blood from the artery ; the
cutting of an artery.
ARTERY, a'r-te-ry. f. An artery is a conical
canal, conveying the blood from the heart to
all parts of the body.
ARTFUL, a'rt-ful. a. Performed with art ;
artificial, not natural; cunning, fkilful, dex-
ARTFULLY, a'rt-fdl-ly. ad. With art, fkil-
fully. o
ARTFULNESS, art-fal-nes. f. Skill, Cun-
ARTHRITICK, ar-tHrlt'-'k. la. Gouty,
ARTHRITIC AL, ar-tRrlt'-I-kal.i relating to
the gout ; relating to joints.
ARTICHOKE, a r-ty-tfhoke. f. This plant is
very like the thiftle, but hath large fcaly heads
fhaped like the cone of the pine tree.
ARTICK, a'r-tik. a. Northern.
ARTICLE, ar'-t!kl. f. A part of fpeech, as
the, an ; a fingle claufe of an account, a par-
ticular part of any complex thing ; term, llipu-
lation ; point of time, exadt time.
To ARTICLE, a'r-tlkl. v. n. To ftipulate, to
make terms.
ARTICULAR, ar-tlk'-u-lar. a. Belonging to
ARTICULATE, ar-t!k'-u-late. a. Diftina ;
branched out into articles.
To ARTICULATE, ar-tik'-u-late. v. a. To
form words, to fpeak as a man ; to draw up in
articles ; to make terms.
ARTICULATELY, ar-tlk'-d-late-ly. ad. In
an articulate voice.
ARTICULATENESS, ar-tlk'-ii-late-nes. f.
The quality of being articulate.
ARTICULATION, ar-tlk-u-U'-fhun. f. The
juncture, or joint of bones ; the act of forming
words ; in botany, the joints in plants.
ARTIFICE, a'r-ti-fis. f. Trick, fraud, ftra-
tagem ; art, trade.
ARTIFICER, ar-tif'-fl-fur. f. An artift, a
manufiicSurer; a forger, a contriver; a dex-
terous or artful fellow.
ARTIFICIAL, ar-tl-fis'h-al. a. Made by art,
not natural ; fiditious, not genuine ; artful,
contrived with fkill.
ARTIFICIALLY, ar-tl-fifh'-al-ly. ad. Art-
fully, with fkill, with good contrivance; by
art, not naturally.
ARTIFICIALNESS, ar-ti-flfli'-al-nis. f. Art-
ARTILLERY, ar-tll'-lc-ry. f. Weaponsof war;
cannon, great ordnance.
ARTISAN, ar-t!-zan'. f. Artift, profefTor of
an arti manufadurer, low tradefman.
ARTIST, a'r-tlft. f. The profcfTor of an art;
a Ikilful man, not a novice. .
ARTLESLY, a'rt-Ief-ly. ad. In an artlefs man-
ner, naturally, fincerely.
ARTLESS, a'rt-Ics. a. Unficilful, without fraud,
as an artlefs maid ; contrived without fkill, as
an artlefs tale.
ToARTUATE, a'r-tu-ite. v. a. To tear limb
from limb.
ARUNDINACIOUS, a-ruu-di-ni'-fhus. a. Of
or like reeds.
ARUNDINEOU3, d-run-d!n'-yus, a. Abound-
ing with reeds.
AS, az'. conjunct. In the fame manner with
fomething elfe ; like, of the fame kind with;
in the fame degree with ; as if, in the fame
manner ; as it were, in fome fort; while, at
the fame time that ; equally ; how, in what man-
ner ; with, anfwering to Like or fame ; in a
reciprocal fenfe, anfwering to As ; anfwering to
Such ; having So to anfwer it, in the conditional
fenfe ; anfwering to So conditionally ; As for,
vith refpecl to ; As to, with refpect to ; As well
as, equally with ; As though, as if.
ASAFOETIDA, af-fi-fet'-I-da. f. A gum or
refin brought from the Eaft Indies, of a fharp
tafte, and a ftrong ofFenfive fmell.
ASARABACCA, af-fa-ra-bak'-ka. f. The name
of a plant.
ASBESTINE, az-bes'-tln. a. Something in-
ASBESTOS, az-bes'-tiis. f. A fort of native
folfile ftone, which may be fplit into threa4s
and filaments, from one inch to ten inches in
length, very fine, brittle, yet fomewhat trad-
able. It is endued with the wonderful property
of remaining unconfumed in theiire, which on-
ly whitens it.
ASCARIDES, af-kar'-i-dcz. f. Little worms
in the re.
fnare ; a temptation, an enticement ; a refrtfh-
ment on a journey.
BAIZE, ba'z. f. A kind of coarfe open cloth*
To BAKE, ba ke. v. a. To heat any thing in a
clofe place; to drefs in an oven; to harden ia
the fire; to harden with heat.
To BAKE, ba'ke. v. n. To do the work of
BAKEHOUSE,, ba'ke-hous. f. A pl.ace for
baking bread.
BAKER, bi'-kir. f. He whofe trade is t(y
BALANCE, bal'-lans. f. A pair of fcales ; the
ai5l of comparing two things; the overplus of
weight; that which is wanting to make two
parts of an account even ; equipoife ; the beat-
ing part of a watch ; in aftronomy, one of the
figns, Libra.
To BALANCE, bal'-lans. v. a. To weigh in
a balance; to counterpoife ; to regulate an ac-
count; to pay that which is wanting.
To BALANCE, bal -lans. v. n. To hefuate,
to riuduate.
BALANCER, bal-An-fur. f. The pcrfon that
EALA3S RUBY, bil'-as ro'-by. {. A kind of
BALCONY, bal-ko'-ny. f. A frame of wood,
or flone, before the window of a joom.
BALD, bald. a. Without hair ; without natu-
ral covering ; unadorned, inelegant ; ftripped,
without dignity.
BALDERDASH, bil-der-difh. f. Rude mix-
BALDLY, bild-ly. ad. Nakedly, meanly, in-
BALDMONY, ba'ld-mun-ny. f. Gentian, a
BALDNESS, bi'ld-nls. f. The want of hair;
the lofs of hair ; meannefs of v/riting.
B ALDRICK, bi'1-drik. f. A girdle ; the zodiack.
BALE, bale. f. A bundle of goods.
BALEFUL, bii'le-ful. a. Sorrowful, fad; full
-of mifchief.
:BALEFULLY, ba'le-fdl-ly. ad. Sorrowfully,
"BALK, blk. f. A great beam.
BALK,bak. f. A bridge of land left imploughed.
BALK, ba k. f. Djfappointment when leaft
expe-ta'-fliun. f. The aft
of voting by ballot.
BALM, bam. f. The fap or juice of a fhrub,
remarkably odoriferous; any valuable or fra-
grant ointment ; any thing that fooths or miti-
gates pain.
BALM, ba'm. f. The name of a plant.
BALM OF GILEAD, ba'm of gll'-yad. f. The
juice drawn from the balfam tree ; a plant re-
markable for the ftrong balfamick fcent.
BALMY, bal'-my. a. Having the qualities of
balm ; producing balm ; foothing, foft ; fra-
grant, odoriferous ; mitigating, affuafive.
BALNEARY, bal'-ne-a-ry. f. A bathing-room.
BALNEATION, bal-ne-d'-fhun. f. The ad
of bathing.
BALNEATORY, bal"-ne-a-tur'-ry. a. Be-
longing to a bath.
BALSAM, ba 1-fum. f. Ointment, unguent.
BALSAM APPLE, bal-fum-apl. f. An In-
dian plant.
BALSAMICAL, bal-fam'-i-kal. Ja. Unauous,
BALSAMICK, bal-fam'-Ik. ^ mitigating.
BALUSTRADE, bal-uf-tri'de. f. Rows of
little pillars called balufters.
BAMBOO, bam'-bo. f. An Indian plant of the
reed kind.
To BAMBOOZLE, bam-bo'zl. v. a. To de-
ceive, to impofe upon. A low word.
BAMBOOZLER, bam-boz-lur. f. A cheat.
BAN, ban', f. Publick notice given of any
thing ; acurfe, excommunication ; interdi£lion ;
Ban of the Empire, a publick cenfure by which
the privileges of any German prince are fuf-
BANANA TREE, ba-na'-na-tre. f. Plantain.
BAND, band', f. A tye, a bandage; a chain
by which any animal is kept in reftraint; any
union or connexion ; any thing bound round
another ; a company of perfons joined together j
a particular kind of neckcloth worn chiefly by
8 . the
the clergy ; in architecture, any flat low mould-
ing, facia, face, or plinth.
To BAND, band', v. a. To unite together into
one body or troop ; to bind over with a band.
BANDAGE, ban'-didzh. f. Something bound
over another ; the fillet or roller wrapped over
a wounded member.
BANDBOX, ban'-boks. f. A flight box ufcd
for bands and other things of fmall weight.
BANDELET, ban'-d6-let. f. Any flat mould-
ing or fillet.
BANDIT, ban'-dit. 7 f. A man out-
BANDITTI, ban-dit'-ty. 5" lawed.
BANDOG, ban'-dog. f. A maftiff.
BANDOLEERS, ban-d6-l^'rz. f. Small wooden
cafes covered with leather, each of them con-
taining powder that is a fufficient charge for a
mu licet.
BANDROL, ban'-drul. f. A little flag or
BANDY, ban'-dy. f. A club turned round at
bottom for ftriking a ball.
To BANDY, ban'-dy. v. a. To beat to and fro,
or from one to another ; to give and take re-
ciprocally ; to agitate, to tofs about.
BANDYLEG, ban'-dy-leg. f. A crooked leg.
BANDYLEGGED, ban'-dy-legd. a. Having
crooked legs.
BANE, ba'ne. f. Poifon ; mifchief, ruin.
To BANE, ba'ne. v. a. To poifon.
BANEFUL, ba ne-ful. a. Poifonous; deftrudive.
BANEFULNESS, ba'ne-fal-nls. f. Poifonouf-
nefs, de{trudi\enefs.
BANEWORT, b4'ne-wurt. f. Deadly night-
To BANG, bang . v. a. To beat, to thump ;
to handle roughly.
BANG, bang', f. A blow, a thump.
To BANISH, ban'-nifh. v. a. To condemn to
leave his own country ; to drive away.
BAN IS HER, ban'-nlfli-ur. f. He that forces
another from his own countrv.
EANlSHxMENT, ban'-n!{h-mtnt. f. The uA
of banilhing another ; the ftale of being banifli-
ed, exile.
BANK, bank', f. The earth rifing on each fide
of a water ; any heap of earth piied up ; a bench
of rowers • a place where money is laid up to be
called for occafionally ; the company of pcrfons
concerned in managing a bank.
To BANK, bank', v. a. To lay up money iiv
a bank ; to inclofe with banks.
BANK-BILL, bank'-bll'. f. A note for money
laid up in a bank, at the fight of which the
money is paid.
BANKER, bank'-ur. f. One that trafficks in
BANKRUPTCY, bank'-rup-fy. f. The llato
of a man broken, or bankrupt; the aft of de-
claring one's felf bankrupt.
BANKRUPT, bank'-rupt. a. In debt beyond
the power of payment.
BANNER, ban'-nur. f. A flag, a ftandard ; a
ftreamer borne at the end of a lance.
BANNERET, ban'-ne-ret. f. A knight made
in the field.
BANNEROL, ban'-ne-rOl. f. A little flag or
BANNIAN, ban-yan'. f. A man's undrefs, or
morning gown.
BANNOCK, ban'-nik. f. A kind of oaten or
peafe meal cake.
BANQUET, bank'-kwlt. f. A feaft.
To BANQUET, bank'-kwlt. v. n. To feaft,
to fare daintily.
BANQUETER, bank'-kwi-tir. f. A feafter;
one that lives delicioufly ; he that makes feafts.
BANQUET-HOUSE, bank -kw!t-hous. 7
BANQIJETING-HOUSE, bank'-kwe-ting- J
hou's. f. A houfe where banquets are kept.
BANQUETTE, bank-ket'. f. A fmall banJc at
the foot of the parapet.
BANSTICLE, ban -ftlkl. f. A fmall lifli, a
To BANTER, bAn'-tir. v. a. To play upon,
to rally.
BANTER, ban'-tar. f. Ridicule, raillery.
BANTERER, bin'-te-rur. f. One that ban-
ters. •
BANTLING, bant'-llng. f. A little child.
BAPTISM, hip -tlzm. f. Baptifm is given by
water, ?.nd ihat prefcript form of words winch
S the
the church of Chrift doth ufe ; baptifm is often
taken in Scripture for fufFerings.
BAPTISMAL, bap-tiz'-mal. a. Of or pertain-
ing to baptifm.
BAPTIST, bap'-tift. f. He that adminifters
BAPTISTERY, bap'-tif-ter-ry. f. The place
where the facrament of baptifm is adminiftered.
To BAPTIZE, bap-ti'ze. v. a. To chriften,
to adminifter the facrament of baptifm.
BAPTIZER, bap-ti'-zur. f. One that chriftens,
one that adminifters baptifm.
BAR, ba r. f. A piece of wood laid crofs apaf-
fage to hinder entrance ; a bolt to faften a door ;
any obftacle ; a rock or bank at the entrance of
a harbour ; any thing ufed for prevention ; the
place where caufes of law are tried ;• an inclofed
place in a tavern where a houfekeeper fits ; in
law, a peremptory exception againft a demand
or plea ; any thing by v/hich the ftrufture is
held together ; bars in mufick, are ftrokes drawn
perpendicularly acrofs the lines of a piece of
mufick, ufed to regulate the beating or meafure
of mufical time.
To BAR, bar. v. a. To faften or fliut any thing
with a bolt, or bar ; to hinder, to obftruft ; to
prevent; to fliut out from ; to exclude from a
claim; to prohibit ; toexcept; tohinder a fuit.
BARB, ba'rb. f. Any thing that grows in the
place of the beard ; the points that ftand back-
ward in an arrow ; the armour for horfes.
BARB, ba'rb. f. A Barbary horfe.
To BARB, b.A rb. v. a. To fhave, to drefs out
the beard ; to furnifh the horfe with armour ;
to jag arrows with hooks.
BARBACAN, ba'r-ba-kan. f. A fortification
placed before the walls of a town ; an open-
ing in the wall through which the guns are
EARBADOES CHERRY, b;\r-ba'-dus tfher'-
ry. f. A pleafant tart fruit in the Weft Indies.
BARBARIAN, bar-ba'-ryan. f. A man unci-
vilized, afavagc; a foreigner ; a man without
BARBARICK, bar-bar'-!k. a. Foreign, far-
BARBARISM, ba'r-bar-izm. f. A form of
fpeech contrary to the purity of language ; ig-
norance of arts, want of learning ; brutality,
favagenefsof manners, incivility; cruelty, hard-
nefs of heart.
BARBARITY,' bar-bar'-i-ty. f. Savagenefs,
incivility; cruelty, inhumanity, impurity of
BARBAROUS, ba'r-ba-rus. a. Stranger to
civility, favage, uncivilized ; unacquainted
with arts ; cruel, inhuman.
BARBAROUSLY, ba'r-ba-rus-ly. ad. With-
out knowledge of arts ; in a manner contrary
to the rules of fpeech ; cruelly, inhumanly.
BARBAROUSNESS, ba'r-ba-rif-nls. f. In-
civility of manners; impurity of language;
To BARBECUE, bi'r-be-ku. v. a. A term for
drefling a hog whole.
BARBECUE, bar-bl-ku. f. A hog dreft
BARBED, ba'r-bid. particip. a. Furnifhed with
armour ; bearded, jagged with hooks.
BARBEL, ba rbl. f. A kind of fifii foimd in
BARBER, ba r-biir. f. A man v.'ho fhaves the
BARBERRY, ba'r-her-ry. f. Pipperidge bufh.
BARD, ba rd. f. A poet.
BARE, ba re. a. Naked, without covering ;
uncovered inrefpecl; unadorned, plain, fimpie;
detefted, without concealment ; poor, without
plenty ; mere ; threadbare, much worn ; not
united with any thing elfe.
To BARE, ba re. v. a. To ftrip.
BARE, ba re. preterite of To BEAR.
BAREBONE, ba're-bone. f. A very lean perfon.
BAREFACED, ba're-faft. a. With the face na-
ked, not malted ; fhamelefs, unreferved.
BAREFACEDLY, bare-fd'ft-ly. ad. Openly,
fliamelefly, without difeuife.
BAREFACEDNESS, bare-fa'ft-ncs. f. EfFron-
tcry, affu ranee, audacioufnefs.
BAREFOO r, ba re-fut. a. Without fhoes.
BAREFOOTED, ba're-fut-Id. a. Without
BAREHEADED, ba're-hed-dld. a. Uncovered
ill rcfprcl.
BARELY, ba're-ly. ad. Nakedly, merely, only.
BARENESS, ba're-nls. f. Nakednefs ; lean-
nefs ; poverty 5 meannefs of clothes.
BARGAIN, bar'-gin. f. A contraft or agree-
ment concerning fale ; the thing bought or fold;
To BARGAIN, ba r-gm. v. n. To make a
contrad for fale.
BARGAINEE, bar-gm-ne'. f. He or fhe that
accepts a bargain.
BARGAINER, ba'r-gin-nur. f. The perfon
■who proffers or makes a bargain.
BARGE, barje. f. A boat for pleafure ; a boat
for burden.
BARGER, ba'r-jur. f. The manager of a barge.
BARK, ba rk. f. The rind or covering of a
tree ; a fmall fhip.
To BARK, ba rk.v. a. To ftrip trees of their bark.
To BARK, bark. v. n. To make the noife
which a dog makes ; to clamour at.
BARKER, ba'r-kur. f. One that barks or cla-
mours; one employed in flripping trees.
BARKY, ba r-ky. a. Confifting^of bark.
BARLEY, ba r-ly. f. A gram of which malt
is made.
BARLEYBRAKE, ba'r-ly-brike. f. A kind
of rural play.
BARLEYCORN, baV-ly-korn. f. A grain of
BARM, barm. f. Yeaft, the ferment put into
drink to make it work.
BARMY, ba'r-my. a. Containing barm.
BARN, ba rn. f. A place or houfe for laying up
any fort of grain, hay, or ftraw.
BARNACLE, ba'r-nakl. f. A bird like a goofe,
fabuloufly fuppofed to grow on trees; a fpecies
• ofiliell filTi.
BAROMETER, ba-rom'-me-tur. f. A ma-
chine for meafuring the weight of the atmo-
fphere, and the variaiions in it, in order chiefly
to determine the changes of the -.veather.
BAROMETRICAL, ba-rcHmet'-trl-l:al. a. Re-
lating to the barometer.
BARON, bur'-r'm. f. A degree of nobility next
to a vifcount ; Baron is one of the judges in the
court of exchequer; there are alfo barons of
the cinque ports, that have places in the lower
houfe of parliament ; Baron is uf.d in law for
the hufband in relation to his wife.
BARONAGE, bir'-rin-ldzh. f. The dignity
of a baron.
BARONESS, bir'-nm-es. f. A baron's lady.
BARONET, bar'-run-et. f. The lowvft de-
gree of honour that is heredii.iry ; it is below a
baron and above a knight.
BARONY, bar'-run-y. f. That honour or lord-
fhip that gives title to a baron.
BAROSCOPE, bAr -rd-lkipe. f. An inftru-
ment to fhew the weight of the atmofphere.
BARRACAN, bar'-ra-kan. f, A ftrong thick
kind of camelot.
BARRACK, bar'-rak. f. Building to ledge
BARRATOR, bar'-ra-tur. f. A wrangler, and
cncourager of law fuits.
BARRATRY, bar'-ra-tr^. f. Foul pra^ice in
BARREL, bar'-ril. f. A round wooden vefTel
to be {topped clofe; a veffel containing liquor;
hollow, as the barrel of a gun; a
To BARREL, bar'-ril. v. a. To put any thing
in a barrel.
BARREN, bar'-rin. a. Not prolifick ; unfruit-
ful, not fertile, fterile; not copious, fcanty;
unmeaning, uninventive, dull.
BARRENLY, bar'-rln-ly. ad. Unfruitfully.
BARRENNESS, bar'-rJn-n!s. f. W.mt of the
power of procreation; unfruitfulnefs, fterility;
want of invention ; want of matter ; in theo-
logy, want of fenfibiliry.
BARRENWORT, bar -rin-wurt. f. A plant.
BARRFUL, bar-ful. a- Full of obftruaions.
BARRICADE, bir-ry-ka de. f. A fortification
made to keep oft' an attack ; any flop, bar, ob-
To BARRICADE, bir-ry-ka'de. v. a. To flop
up a paflage.
BARRICADO, bar-ry-kl'-do. f. A fortifica-
tion, a bar.
Eo BARRICADO, bar-ry-kit'-di. v. a. To.
fortify, to bar,
BARRIER, bar'-ryir. f. A barricade, an en-
trenchment ; a fortification, or fl-rong place ; a
flop, an obftruftion ; a bar to mark the limits
of any place ; a boundary.
BARRISTER, blr'-rif-iur. f. A perfon qua-
lified to plead the caufes of clients in the courts
of juftice.
BARROW, bar'-jro. f. Any carriage moved by
the hand, as a hand-barrow.
EARSHOT, bar-fhot. f. Two bullets or half-
bullets joined by a bar, and ufed chiefly at fea
to cut down the mafts and riggings of fnips.
To BARTER, ba'r-tur. v. Ji. To traffick by
exchanging one commodity for another.
To. BARTER, ba r-tur. v. a. To give .my
thing in exchange.
BARTER, ba r-tur. f. The aft or praflice of
trafficking by exchange.
BARTERER, ba'r-te-rur. f. He that trafficks
by exchange.
BARTERY, bu'r-te-ry. f. Exchange of com-
BARTRAM, ba'r-tram. f. A plant, pellitory.
BASE, ba fe. a. Mean, vile, worthlefs j difin-
genuous, illiberal, ungenerous ,; of low ftation,
of mean account ; bafe-born, born out of wed-
lock; applied to metals, without value; applied
to founds, deep, grave.
BASE-BORN, bafe-barn. a. Born out of wed-
BASE-COURT, ba'fe-kort. f. Lower court.
BASE iVIINDED, ba'fe-min-dld. a. Mean fpi-
BASE-VIOL, bafe-vl'-ul. f. An inftrument
ufed in concerts for the bafe found.
BASE, bu'fe. f. The bottom of any thing ; the
pedeftal of a flatue ; the bottom of a cone ;
ftockings; the place from which racers or tilt-
ers run ; the firing that sives a bafe found ; an
old rullick play.
BASELY, ba fe-ly. ad. Meanly, diflionourably;
in baftardy, as bafely born.
BASENESS, bi'fe-nis. f. Mcannefs, vilenefs ;
vilenefs of metal ; baftardy ; deepnefs of found.
BASHAW, bafh-I'. f. Among the Turks, the
viceroy of a province.
BASHFUL, bafti'-ful. a. Modefl,fhamefaced,fliy.
BASHi-ULLY, bafli'-ful-ly. ad. TimorouHy,
BASHFULNESS, bafli'-fal-nis. f. Modefty ;
foolifh or ruftick fhame.
BASIL, b^z-il. f. The name of a plant.
BASILICA, ba-zll'-i-ka. f. The middle vein
of the arm.
BASILICA, ba-zll'-i-ka. f. The bafilick vein.
BASILICK, ba-zil'-lik. a. Belonging to the ba-
BASILIKON, ba-zil'-y-kon. f. An ointment
called alfo tetrapharmacon.
BASILISK, baz -i-l!fk. f. A kind of fcrpent,
a cockatrice, faid to kill by looking. He is called
Bafilifk, or little king, from a comb or creft on
his head ; a fpecies of cannon.
BASIN, ba fn. f. A fmall vcfiel to hold water
for wafhing, or other ufes ; a fmall pond ; a
part of the fea inclofed in rocks ; any hollow
place capacious of liquids ; a dock for repairing
and building fhips ; Bafins of a Balance, the
fame with the fcales.
BASIS, ba'-sis. f. The foundation of any thing;
the loweft of the three principal parts of a co-
lumn ; that on which any thing is raifcd ; the
pedeftal ; the groundwork.
To BASK, bafk'. v. a. To warm by laying out
in the heat.
BASK, bafk'. V. n. To lie in a place to receive
BASKET, bas'-kit. f. A veftel made of twigs,
ruflies, or fplinters.
BASKET-HILT, bas'-klt-h;it. f. A hilt of a
weapon {o made as to contain the whole hand.
BASKET-WOMAN, bas'-klt-wum-iin. f. A
woman that plies at markets with a bafket.
BASS, bi s. a. In mufick, grave, deep.
BASS-VIOL, bas-vi-ul. f. See BASE-VIOL.
BASS, bos. f. A mat uf:d in churches.
BASS-RELIEF, baf-nj-li'f. f. Sculpture, the
figures of which do not ftaud out from the ground
in their full proportion.
.ASSET, bis' -sit. f. A game at cards.
1 ASSOON, baf-fon. f. A mufical inftrument
of the wind kind, bLwn with a rccd.
13 A V
BASTARD, bas -tard. f. A pcrfon bom of a
woman out of wedlock ; any thing fpurious.
BASTARD, has -tard. a. Begotten out of wed-
lock ; fpurious, fuppofititious, adulterate.
To BASTARDIZE, bas -tar-dize. v. a. To
convict of being a baftard ; to beget a baftard.
BASTARDLY, bas'-tard-ly. ad. In the man-
ner of a bartard.
To BASTE, ba fte. v. a. To beat with a flick ;
to drip butter upon meat on the fpit ; to few
BASTINADE, baf-tjr-nade. If. The aft of
BASTINADO, baf-ty-na'-do. J beating with
a cudgel ; a Turkifh punifhment of beating an
offend ;r on his feet.
To BASTINADE, baf-ty-nA'de. ) v. a. To
To BASTINADO, baf-ty-ni' -do. } beat.
BASTION, bas'-tfhun. f. A huge mafs of earth,
ufually faced with fods, Handing out from a
rampart, a bulwark.
BAT, bat', f. A heavy ftick.
EAT, bat', f. An animal having the body of a
moufe, and the wings of a bird, not with feathers,
but with a fort of fkin which is extended. It
brings forth its young as mice do, and fuckles
BAT-FOWLING, bat'-fow-llng. f. Birdcatch-
ing in the night-time.
EATABLE, bi'-table. a. Difputable. Bat-
able ground feems to be the ground heretofore
in quellion, whether it belonged to England or
BATCH, batfh'. f. The quantity of bread
baked at a time ; any quantity made at once.
BATE, bate. f. Strife, contention.
To BATE, b.i te. v. a. To lefTen any thing, to
retrench ; to fmk the price ; to lefTcn a demand ;
to cut ofr.
BATEFUL, ba'te-ful. a. Contentious.'
BATEMENT, bi' te-ment. f. Diminution.
BATH, ba'tti. f. A Bath is either hot or cold,
either of art or nature ; a vefTel of hot water,
in which another is placed that requires a foftcr
heat than the naked firo; a fort of Hebrew
meafure, containing fcven gallons and fourpints.
To BATHE, ba the. v. a. To wafh in a bath ;
to fupple or foficn by the outward application
of warm liquors ; to wafh with any thing.
To BATfiE, ba'the. v. n. To be in the water.
BATING, ba'-ting. prep. Except.
BATLET, bat'-let. f. A fquarepiece of wood
ufed in beating linen.
BATOON, ba-ton. f. Aftaffor club; a trun-
cheon or marfhal's ftafF.
BATTAILLOUS, bat'-tO-lus, a. Warlike,
with military appearance.
BATTALIA, bat-tal'-lya. f. The order of
BATTALION, bat-tal'-lyun. f. Adivifionof
an army, a troop, a body of forces ; an army.
To BATTEN, bat n. v. a. To fatten, to make
fat ; to fertilize.
To BATTEN, bat'n. v. n. To grow fat.
To BATTER, bat'-tur. v. a. To beat, to beat
down ; to wear with beating ; to wear out with
BATTER, bat'-tur. f. A mixture of feveral
ingredients beaten together.
BATTERER, bat'-tl-rur. f. He that batters.
BATTERY, bat'-te-ry. f. The aft of batter-
ing ; the inftruments with which a town is bat-
tered ; the frame upon which cannons are
mounted ; in law, a violent ftriking of any man.
BATTLE, bat'l. f. A fight; an encounter be-
tween oppofite armies ; a body of forces ; the
main body of ai army.
To BATTLE, bat'l. v. n. To contend in
BATTLE-ARRAY, bat'l-lr-ra'. f. Array, or
order of battle.
BATTLE-AX, bat'l-aks. f. A weapon, a bill.
BATTLE-DOOR, bat'l-dor. f. An inftrument
with a round handle and a fl.at blade, to firike
a ball or a fhuttlccock.
BATTLEMENT, bat'1-mcnt. f. A wall with
open places to look through or annoy an enemy.
BATTY, bat'-ty. a. Belonging to a bat.
BAVAROY, bav'-a-roy. f. A kind of cloke.
BAUBEE, b.V-bc'. f. In Scotland, a half-
BAVIN, bav'-in. f. A flick like thofc bound up
in faggots.
BAWBLE, ba'bl. f. A gew-gaw, a trifling
piece of finery.
BAWBLING, ba'-bllng. a. Trifling, contempt-
BAWCOCK, ba'-kik. f. A fine fellow.
BAWD, ba d. f. A procurer or procurefs.
To BAWD, bl'd. v. n. To procure.
BAWDILY, ba'-di-ly. ad. Obfcenely.
BAWDINESS, ba'-dy-nls. f. Obfcenenefs.
BAWDRICK, ba -drlk. f. A belt.
BAWDRY, ba'-dry. f. A wicked pradice of
bringing whores and rogues together; ob-
BAWDY, ba'-dy. a. Obfcene, unchafte.
BAWDY-HOUSE, ba'-dy-houfe. f. A houfe
where trafHck is made by wickednefs and de-
To BAWL, ba'l. v. n. To hoot, to cry out
with great vehemence ; to cry as a froward child.
To BAWL, ba'l. v. a. To proclaim as a crier.
BAWREL, ba'-ril. f. A kind of hawk.
BAWSIN, ba'-sln. f. A badger.
BAY, ba'. a. A colour.
BAY, ba'. f. An opening into the land.
BAY, ba'. f. The ftate of any thing furrounded
by enemies.
BAY, ba'. f. In architeiSure, a term ufed to
fignify the divifions of a barn or other building.
Bays are from fourteen to twenty feet long.
BAY, ba'. f. A tree.
BAY, ba'. f. An honorary crown or garland.
To BAY, ba'. v. n. To bark as a dog at a thief ;
to fliut in.
BAY SALT, ba'-fa It. f. Salt made of fea wa-
ter, which receives its confiftence from the heat
of the fun, and is fo called from its brown
BAY WINDOW, ba'-wln'-do. f. A window
jutting outward.
BAYARD, bd'-yard. f. A bay horfe.
BAYONET, bag'-un-ner. f. A fhort fword
fixed at the end of a niufket.
BDELLIUM, del'-Iyum. f. An aromatick gum
brought from the Levant.
To BE, be'. V. n. To have fome certain ftate,
cci.dition, quality, as the man ii wif<; ) it is the
auxiliary verb by which the verb paflive is form-
ed ; to exift, to have exiftence.
BEACH, be tfh. f. The fhore, the ftrand.
BEACHED, be-tftied. a. Expofed to the waves.
BEACHY, be'-tfhy. a. Having beaches.
BEACON, be'kn. f. Something raifed on an
eminence, to be fired on the approach of an ene-
my ; marks erected to direct navigators.
BEAD, be d. f. Small globes or balls ftrung up-
on a thread, and ufed by theRomanifts to count
their prayers ; little balls worn about the neck
for ornament J any globular bodies,
BEAD-TREE, be'd-tre. f. The nut of this tree
is, by religious perfons, bored through, and
ftrung as beads, whence it takes its name.
BEADLE, b^'dl. f. A meflenger or fervitor be-
longing to a court ; a petty officer in parifhes.
BEADROLL, h^d-rh]. f. A catalogue of thofe
who are to be mentioned at prayers.
BEADSMAN, be'dz-man. f. A man employed
in praying for another.
BEAGLE, begl. f. A fmall hound with which
hares are hunted.
BEAK, be'k. f. The bill or horny mouth of a
bird ; a piece of brafs like a beak, fixed at the
head of the ancient gallies ; any thing ending
in a point like a beak.
BEAKED, be'-ked. a. Having a beak.
BEAKER, be'-kur. f. A cup with a fpout in
the form of a bird's beak.
BEAL, be'l. f. A whelk or pimple.
BEAM, be'm. f. The main piece of timber that
fupports the lofts of a houfe ; any large and long
piece of timber ; that part of a balance, to the ends
of which the fcales are fufpended ; a cylindrical
piece of wood belonging to the loom, on which
the web is gradually rolled as it is wove ; the
ray of light emitted from fome luminous body.
BEAM-TREE, be'm-tre. f. Wildfervice.
BEAMY, be -my. a. Radiant, fhining, emit-
ting beams ; having horns or antlers.
BEAN, ben. f. The common garden bean ; the
horfe bean.
BEAN-CAPER, be'n-ka-pur. f. A plant.
To BEAR, be r. v. a. To carry as a burden ; tcy
convey or carry; to carry as a mark of autho-
rity j
rity ; to carry as a mark of diftinclion ; to Cup-
port, to keep from falling ; to carry in the
mind, as love, hate; to endure, as pain, with-
out finking ; to fufFer, to undergo ; to produce,
as fruit ; to bring forth, as a child ; to fupport
any thing good or bad; to behave; to impel,
to urge, to puft ; to prefs ; To bear in hand,
to amufe with falfe pretences, to deceive ; To
bear off, to carry away by force ; To bear out,
to fupport, to maintain.
To BEAR, be'r. v. n. To fuffer pain ; to be
patient ; to be fruitful or prolifick ; to tend, to
be directed to any point ; to behave ; to be fitu-
ated with refpeft to other places ; To bear up,
to ftand firm without falling ; to bear with, ta
endure an unpleafing thing.
BEAR, be'r. f. A rough favage animal ; the
name of two conftellations, called the greater
•and leffer Bear, in the tail of the lefler Bear is
the pole ftar.
BEAR-BIND, be'r-bind. f. A fpecies of bind-
BEAR-FLY, be'r-fly. f. An infeft.
BEAR-GARDEN, be'r-gar-dln. f. A place in
which bears are kept for fport ; any place of
tumult or mifrule.
BEAR'S BREECH, be'rz-brltfh. f. The name
of a plant.
BEARS-EAR, or AURICULA, be'rz-er. f.
The name of a plant.
BEAR'S-FOOT, be'rz-fOt. f. A fpecies of
BEAR'S-WORT, bi'rz-wun. f. An herb.
BEARD, herd', f. The hair that grows on the
lips and chin ; fharp prickles growing upon
the ears of corn ; a barb on an arrow.
To BEARD, berd'. v. a. To take or pluck by
the beard ; to oppofe to the face.
BEARDED, ber'-dld. a. Having a beard ; hav-
ing fharp prickles, as corn ; barbed, or jagged.
BEARDLESS, berd'-lls. a. Without a beard ;
BEARER, be'-rur. f. A carrier of any thing ;
one employed in carrying burdens ; one v/ho
wears any thing ; one who carries the body to
the grave ; one wh© fupports the pall at a fu-
neral ; a tree that yields its produce ; in archi-
tecture, a port or brick wall raifed up between
the ends of a piece of timber.
BEARHERD, b^r-herd. f. A man that tends
BEARING, be'-rlng. f. The fite or place of
any thing with rcfpedt to fomething elfe ; gef-
ture, mien, behaviour.
BEARWARD, fae'r-ward. f. A keeper of bears.
BEAST, be ft. f. An animal diftinguilhed from
birds, infeds, fifhes, and man ; an irrational
animal, oppofed to man ; a brutal favage man.
BEASTLINESS, be'ft-ly-nis. f. Brutality.
BEASTLY, be'ft-ly. a. Brutal, contrary to
the nature and dignity of man ; having the na-
ture or form of beafts.
To BEAT, be't. v. a.. To ftrike, to knock ;
to punifli with ftripes ; to mark the time in
mufick ; to give repeated blows ; to ftrike ground
to rouze game ; to mix things by long and fre-
quent agitation ; to batter with engines of war;
to make a path by treading it; to conquer, to
fubdue, to vanquifli ; to harafs, to over-la-
bour; to deprefs ; to deprive by violence ; to
move with fluttering agitation ; To beat down,
to leflen the price demanded ; To beat up, to
attack fuddenly; To beat the hoof, to walk,
to go on foot.
To BEAT, bet. v. n. To move in a pulfatory man-
ner ; to dafli, as a flood or ftorm ; to knock at
a door ; to throb, to be in agitation ; to fluc-
tuate, to be in motion ; to try in different ways,
to fearch ; to acS upon with violence ; to en-
force by repetition.
BEAT, be't. f. Stroke ;. manner of ftriking.
BEATEN, be'tn. particip. from BEAT.
BEATER, be'-tur. f. An inftrument with
v/hich anything is beaten ; a perfon much given
to blows.
BEATIFICAL, be-a-tlf'-l-kal. 7 a. Blifsful. It
BEATIFICK, be-a-tlf-lk. \ is ufed only
of heavenly fruition after death.
BEATIFICALLY, be-a-t!f'-y-kal-ly. ad. In
fuch a manner as to compleat happinefs.
BEATIFICATION, bi-at-y-fl-ka'-fliun.f. Be-
atification is an acknowledgment made by thi;
pope, that the perfon beatified is in heaven, and
therefore may be reverenced as blefied.
To BEATIFY, be-at'-l-fy. v. a. To blefs with
the completion of celeftial enjoyment.
BATING, be'-ting. f. Corredion by blows.
BEATITUDE, ba-at'-i-tude. f. Bleffednefs,
felicit)', happinefs; a declaration of bleffednefs
made by our Saviour to particular virtues.
BEAU, bi'. f. A man of drefs.
BEAVER, be'-vur. f. An animal, otherwife
named the caftor, amphibious, and remarkable
for his art in building his habitation ; a hat of
the beft kind ; the part of a helmet that covers
the face.
BEAVERED, be'-vurd. a. Covered with a
BEAUISH, bo'-lfh. a. Befitting a beau, foppifh.
BEAUTEOUS, bd -tfhus. a. Fair, elegant in
BEAUTEOUSLY, bu'-tfhuf-ly. .ad. Inabe.au-
teous manner.
BEAUTEOUSNESS, bd'-tfhus-ms. f. The
(late of being beauteous.
BEAUTIFUL, bii'-tj'-fdl. a. Fair.
BEAUTIFULLY, bd'-ti-fdl-K. ad. In a beau-
tiful manner.
BEAUTIFULNESS, bu'-t!-fdl-n!s. f. The
quality of being beautiful.
To BEAUTIFY, bd -ty-fy. v. a. To adorn,
to embellifh.
BEAUTY, bd'-ty. f. That affemblage of
graces, which pleafes the eye; a particular
grace ; a beautiful perfon.
BEAUTY-SPOT, bd'-t{'-fp6t. f. A fpot placed
to heighten fome beauty.
BECAFICO, bl-ka-fi-k6. f. A bird like a
nightingale, a fig-pecker.
To BECALM, bc-ka m. v. a. To ftill the ele-
ments ; to keep a {hip from motion ; to quiet
the mind.
BECAME, be-ka'me. The preterite of Be-
BECAUSE, hl-kVz. conjuna. For this rea-
fon ; for ; on this account.
To BECHANCE, be-tfliW. v. n. To bcial,
to happen to. 2
To BECK, bek . v. a. To make a fign with
the head.
BECK, bek'. f. A fign with the he.^d, a nod;
a nod of command.
To BECKON, bek n. v. n. To make a fign.
To BECLIP, be-kl!p'. v. a. To embrace.
To BECOME, be-kum'. v. a. To enter into
fome ftate or condition ; To become of, to be
the fate of, to be the end of.
To BECOME, be-kum'. v. a. To appear in a
manner fuitable to fomething ; to be fuitable
to the perfon ; to befit.
BECOMING, be-kiun'-ming. part. a. That
which pleafes by an elegant propriety, graceful.
BECOMINGLY, be-kum -ming-ly. ad. After
a becoming manner.
BECOMINGNESS,be-kdm'-mmg-nls. f. Ele-
gant congruity, propriety.
BED, bed . f. Something made to fleep on ;
lodging ; marriage ; bank of earth raifed in a
garden ; the channel of a river, or any hollow;
the place where any thing is generated ; a layer,
a flratum ; To bring to BED, to deliver of a
child ; To make the BED, to put the bed in
order after it has been ufed.
To BED, bed . v. a. To go to bed with ; to be
placed in bed ; to be made partaker of the bed ;
to fow, or plant in earth ; to lay in a place of
reft; to lay in order, in ilrata.
To BED, bed', v. n. To cohabit.
To BEDABBLE, be-dab'l. v. a. To wet, to
To BEDAGGLE, be-dagl. v. a. To bemire.
To BEDASH, be-dafh'. v. a. To befpatter.
To BEDAWB, bc-da b. v. a. To befinear.
To BEDAZZLE, be-daz'l. v. a. To make the
fight dim by too much luftre.
BEDCHAMBER, bed -tfi.am-bir. f. The cham-
ber appropriated tOitcfl:.
BEDCLOATHS, bed'-cloz. f. Coverlets fpread
over a bed.
BEDDING, bed'-dlng. f. The materi.alscf abed.
To BEDECK, be-dck'. v. a. To deck, to
To BEDEW, be-du'. v. a. To moillen gently,
as with fall of dev,:
BEDFELLOW, bcd'-fil-l6. f. One that lies
in the fame bed.
To BEDIGHT, bi-di't. v. a. To adorn, to drefs.
To BEDIM, be-d!in'. v. g. To oblcure, to
cloud, to darken.
To BEDIZEN, be-di'zn. v. a. To drefs out.
A low term.
BEDLAM, bed'-Iam. f. A madhoufe ; a mad-
BEDLAMITE, bed'-la-mfte. f. A madman.
BEDMAKER, bed'-ma-kur. f. A perfon in the
univerfities, whofe office it is to make the
BEDMATE, bed'-mate. f. A bedfellow.
BEDMOULDING, bed'-m6l-d!ng. f. A par-
ticular moulding.
BEDPOST, bed'-poft. f. The poft at the cor-
ner of the bed, which fupports the canopy.
BEDPRESSER, bed'-pref-fur. f. A heavy lazy
To BEDRAGGLE, be-drag'l. v. a. To foil
the cloaths.
To BEDRENCH, be-drentfh'. v. a. To drench,
to foak.
BEDRID, bcd'-rld. a. Confined to the bed by
age or ficknefs.
BEDRITE, bed'-rite. f. The privilege of the
marriage bed.
ToBEDROP, be-drop'. v. a. To befprinkle,
to mark with drops.
BEDSTEAD, bed'-ftid. f. The frame on which
the bed is placed.
BEDSTRAW, bed'-ftra. f. The ftraw laid un-
der a bed to make it foft.
BEDSWERVER, bed'-fwer-vur. f. One that
is falfe to the bed.
BEDTIME, bed'-time. f. The hour of reft.
To BEDUNG, be-dung'. v. a. To cover with
ToBEDUST, be-duft'. v. a. To fprinkle with
BEDWARD, bed'-ward. ad. Toward bed.
To BEDWARF, be-dwa'rf. v. a. To make
little, to ftunt.
BEDWORK, bcd'-wirk. f. Work performed
without toil of the hands,
BEE, be', f. The animal that makes honey; an
induftrious and careful perfon.
BEE-EATER, be'-e-tur. f. A bird that feeds
upon bees.
BEE-FLOWER, be'-flow-ur. f. A fpecies of
BEE-GARDEN, be'-gar-dln. f. A place to f.t
hives of bees in.
BEE-HIVE, be'-hive. f. The cafe, or box, in
which bees are kept.
BEE-MASTER, be'-maf-tur. f. One that keeps
BEECH, be'tfli. f. A tree.
BEECHEN, be'-tfliln. a. Confifting of the
wood of the beech.
BEEF, be'f. f. The fiefti of black cattle pre-
pared for food; an ox, bull, or cow. It has
the plural Beaves.
BEEF-EATER, be'f-e-tur. f. A yeoman of
the guard.
BEEN, bih'. The participle preterite of To
BEER, be'r. f. Liquor made of malt and hops.
BEET, bet', f. The name of a plant.
BEETLE, be'tl. f. An Infed diftinguifhed by
having hard cafes or fheaths, under which he
folds his wings ; a heavy mallet.
BEETLEBROWED, be'tl-browd'. a. Having
prominent brows.
BEETLEHEADED, be'tl-hed'-id. a. Logger-
headed, having a ftupid head.
BEETLESTOCK, be'tl-ftok, f. The handle
of a beetle.
BEETRAVE, b^t'-rive.
BEET-RADISH, bet'-rad-
BEEVES, be'vz. f. Black cattle, oxen.
To BEFALL, be-fa'l. v. n. To happen to ;
to come to pafs.
To BEFIT, be-fit'. v. a. To fuit, to be fuit-
able to.
To BEFOOL, be-fo'l. v. a. To infatuate, to
BEFORE, bc-fo're. prep. Further onward in
place ; in the front of, not behind ; in the pre-
fenceof; under the cognizance of ; preceding
in time ; in preference to ; prior to; fuperior to.
-ifli. \
f. Beet.
BEFORE, be-fo're. ad. SooneT than, earlier in
time; in time paft; in Ibme time lately pall;
previoufly to; to this time, hitherto; further
onward in place.
BEFOREHAND, be-fo're-hand. ad. In a ftatc
of anticipation or preoccupation ; previoufly,
by way of preparation ; in a ftate of ac-
cumulation, or fo as that more has been re-
ceived than expended ; atfirft, before any thing
is done.
BEFORETIME, be-fo're-time. ad. Formerly.
ToBEFORTUNE, be-fa r-tune. v. n. To be-
To BEFOUL, be-fou'l. v. a. To make foul,
to foil.
To BEFRIEND, be-frend'. v. a. To favour;
to be kind to.
To BEFRINQE, be-frlnj'c. v. a. To decorate,
as with fringes.
To BEG, beg'. V. n. To live upon alms.
To BEG, beg'. V. a. To afk, to feek by peti-
tion ; to take any thing for granted.
To BEGET, be-get'. v. a. To generate, to
procreate; to produce, as efFed^s ; to produce,
as accidents.
BEGETTER, be-get'-tur. f. He that procre-
ates, or begets.
BEGGAR, beg'-gur. f. One who lives upon
alms; a petitioner; one who affumes what he
does not prove.
To BEGGAR, beg'-gur. v. a. To reduce to
beggary, to impoverifli ; to deprive; to ex-
BEGGARLINESS, beg'-gur-li-n!s. f. The
ftate of being beggarly.
BEGGARLY, b>;g'-giu--ly. a. Mean, poor,
BEGGARY, beg'-gur-y. f. Indigence.
Tq BEGIN, be-gin'. v.. n. To enter upon fome-
thing new ; to commence any aflion or ftate ;
to. enter upoji exiftence ;• to have its original;
to take rife ; to come into a£l.
T» BEGIN, be-gln'. v.a, Todothe firft aft
of any thing ; to trace from any thing as the
fuft ground ; To begin with, to enter upon.
BEGINNER, be-gla'-nur. f. He that gives tlie
firlt Caufc, or original, to any thing ; an u»-
expericnced attcmpter.
BEGINNING, be-gln'-ning, f. The firft ori-
ginal or caufe ; the entiance into z£t or being ;
the ftate in which any thing firft is ; the rudi-
ments, or firft grounds ; the firft part of any
To BEGIRD, be-gerd'. v. a. To bind with a
girdle; to furround, to encircle; to fliut in
with a fiege, to beleaguer.
BEGLERBEG, beg'-ler-beg. f. The chief go-
vernour of a province among the Turks.
To BEGNAW, b'--na'. v. a. To bite, to eat
BEGONE, be-gon'. interje6l. Go .iway, hence,
BEGOT, be-g6t'. ) The part, paffive of
BEGOTTEN, b"e-got'n. \ the verb BEGET.
To BEGREASE, be-gre'ze. v. a. To foil or
davvb with fat matter.
To BEGRIME, be-gr!'me. v. a. To foil with
dirt deep imprefied.
To BEGUILE, be-gy!'l. v. a. To impofc upon,
to delude; to deceive, to evade; to deceive
pleafingly, to amufe.
BEGUN, be-gi,n'. The part, paffive of BEGIN,
BEHALF, be-ha'f. f. Favour, caufe ; vindi-
cation, fupport.
To BEHAVE, be-ha've. v. a. To carry, to
Tq BEHAVE, be-ha've. v. n. Toad, to con-
dud one's felf. " - '
BEHAVIOUR, be-ha'-vyur. f. Manner of be-
having one's felf, whether good or bad ; exter-
ternal appearance ; gefture, manner of adion j.
elegance of manners, gracefulnefs ; condud,
general pradice, courfe of life; To be upon
one's Behaviour, a familiar phrafe, noting fuch
a ftate as requires great caution.
To BEHEAD., be-hed'. v. a. To kill by cut-
ting off" the head.
BEHELD, be-held'.- parUcip. paffive from BE-
BEHEMOTH, bc-hem'-mith. f. The hippo-
potamu-s, or river-horfe.
BEHEST, bc-heft'. f. Command, precept.
BEHIND, be-hi'nd. piqj. At the back of ano-
ther ; on the back part ; towards the back; fol-
lowing another ; remaining after the departure
of fomething elfe ; remaining after the death of
thofj to whom it belonged ; at a diftance from
fomething going before j inferiour to ano-
BEHIND, bd-h!'nd. ad. Backward.
BEHINDHAND, be-hr'nd-hand. ad. In a
ftate in which rents or profits are anticipated ;
not upon equal terms, with regard to for-
To BEHOLD, he-ho Id. v. a. To view, to
BEHOLD, b^-h5'ld. interject. See, lo.
BEHOLDEN, bl-hd'ldn. part. a. Bound in
BEHOLDER, be-hol-dur. f. Spectator.
BEHOLDING, be-h5''l-d!ng. a. Beholden.
BEHOLDING, b^-hol-dmg. part, from the
verb Behold. Seeing, looking upon.
BEHOOF, bl-hd'f. f. Profit, advantage.
To BEHOOVE, be-haVe. v. n. To be fit, to
be meet. LTfed only imperfonally with It.
EEHOOVEFUL, b^-h6'v€-ful. a. Ufeful, pro-
BEHOOVEFULLY, be-hove-fdl-ly. ad. Pro-
fitably, ufefully.
To BEHOV/L, be-how'l. v. a. To howl at.
BEING, be -ing. f. Exiftencc, oppofed to non-
entity ; a particular Ibte or condition ; the per-
fon exifling.
BEING, be'-mg. conjunct. Since.
BE IT SO, be -It-fo. A phrafe, fuppofc it to
be fo ; let it be fo.
To BELABOUR, be-ia'-bur. v. a. To beat,
to thump.
BELATvIIE, bel'-a-my. f. A friend, an inti-
BELAMOUR, bcl'-a-m3r. f. A gallant, con-
BELATED, be-ll'-tid. a. Benighted.
To BELAY, be-la'. v. a. To block up, to flop
the pafTage ; to place in ambufh.
To BELCH, bcltfh'. v. n. To-ejea the wind
from iiicfconiachj to iil'ue out by eructation.
BELCH, beltfh'. f. The action of eruaation^.
, a cunt term for liquor.
BELDAM, bel'-dum. f. An old woman ; a
ToB^ELEAGUER, be-le'-gur. v. a. Tobefiege,
to block up a place.
BELEAGURER, bele'-gur-ur. f. One that be-
fieges a place.
BELFLOWER, bel'-flowr. f. A plant.
BELFOUNDER, bel'-foun-di'ir. f. He whol'c
trade it is to found or cafl: bells.
BELFRY, bel'-fry. f. The place where the
bells are rung.
To BELIE, be-ly . v. a. To counterfeit, to
feign, to mimick ; to give the lie to, to charge
with falfehood ; to calumniate") to give a falfe-
reprefentation of any thing.
BELIEF, be-le'f. f. Credit given to fomething-
which we know not of ourfelves ; the theolo-
gical virtue of faith, or firm confidence of the
truths of religion ; religion, the body of tenets
held; perfuafion, opinion; the thing believed;
creed, a form containing the articles of faith.
BELIEVABLE, bi-le'-vibl. a. Credible.
To BELIEVE, be-le'v. v. a. To credit upon
the authority of another ; to put confidence in
the veracity of any one.
To BELIEVE, be-le'v. v. n. To have a firm
perfuafion of any thing ; to exercifc the theo-
logical virtue of faith.
BELIEVER, bg-le'-vur. f. He that believes,
or gives credit; a profeflbr of Chriftianity.
BELIEVINGLY, bl-le'-vmg-Iy. ad. After ax
believing manner.
BELIKE, be-li ke. ad. Probably, likely, per-
haps ; Sometim.es in a fenfe of irony.
BELL, bcl'. f. A veflel, or hollow body of
cail: metal, formed to make a noife by the a(f?ci
of fome inftrument ftriking againfl: it ; it is ufed
for any thing in the form of a bell, as the cups>
of flowers..
BELLE, bcl'.. f. A young lady.
BELLIGEROUS, bel-IIdzh'-e-nVs. a. Waging
To BELLOVv^, bdl -16. v. n. To m.ilce a noifc
as a bull j to mukc any violent outcry ;. to vc-
2 cJfcratC;,,
; ciferate, to clamour ; to roar as the fea, or the
BELLOWS, bel'-lus. f. The inftrument ufed
to blow the fire.
BELLUINE, bcl'-lu-ine. a. Beaftly, brutal.
BELLY, bel'-ly. f. That part of the human
body which reaches from the breaft to the thighs,
containing the bowels ; the womb ; that part
of a man which requires food ; that part of any
thing that fwells out into a larger capacity ; any
place in which fomething is inclofed.
To BELLY, bel'-ly. v. n. To hang out, to
bulge out.
BELLYACHE, bel'-ly-ake. f. The cholick.
BELLYBOUND, bel'-ly-bound. a. "Coftive.
BELLYFUL, bel'-ly-ful. f. As much food as
fills the belly.
BELLYGOD, bel'-ly-g6d. f. A glutton.
BELMAN, bel'-man. f. He whofe bufinefs it
is to proclaim any thing in towns, and to gain
attention by ringing his bell.
BELMETAL, bel'-metl. f. The metal of which
bells are made.
To BELOCK, be-l6ic'. v. a. To fiiften.
To BELONG, be-long', v. n. To be the pro-
perty of; to be the province or bufmefs of; to
adhere, or be appendant to ; to have relation to ;
to be the quality or attribute of.
BELOVED, be-luv'-ed. a. Dear.
BELOW, be-16'. prep. Under in place, not fo
high; inferior in dignity; inferior in excel-
lence ; unworthy of, unbefitting.
BELOW, be-16'. ad. In the lower place ; on
earth, in oppofition to heaven ; in hell, in the
regions of the dead.
To BELOWT, be-low't. v. a. To treat wit"i\
opprobrious language.
BELSW AGGER, bel'-fwag-g"r. f. Awhore-
BELT, belt', f. A girdle, a cindure.
BELWETHEK, bel'-weth-ur. f. A fheep which
leads the Hock with a bell on his neck, hence,
To bear the bell.
Tb BEMAD, be-mad'. v. a. To make mad.
To BEMIRE, bc-mi re, v. a. To drag, or in-
cumber in the mire.
To BEMOAN, be-m6'n. v. a. To lament, (cs
BEMOANER, be-m6'-nur. f. A lamenter.
To BEMOIL, be-moi'l. v. a. To bedrabblc,
to bemire. _,
To BEMONSTER, be-mons'-tir. v. a. To
make monftrous.
BEMUSED, be-mu'zd. a. Overcome with
BENCH, bentfli'. f. A feat ; a feat of jufrice ;
the perfons fitting upon a bench.
BENCHER, ben'-tihur. f. The fenior mem-
bers of the fociety of the inns of court.
To BEND, bend', v. a. To make crooked, to
crook ; to direct to a certain'point ; to incline ;
to fubdue, to make fubmiflive.
To BEND, bend', v. n. To be incurvated ; to
lean or jut over ; to be fubmiflive, to bow.
BEND, bend', f. Flexure, incurvation ; the
crooked timbers which make the ribs or fides
of a fhip.
BENDABLE, ben'-dabl. a. That may be
BENDER, ben'-dur. f. Theperfon who bends;
the inftrument with which apy thing is bent.
BENDWITH, bend'-witR. f. An herb.
BENEAPED, bl-ne'pt. a. A Ihip is faid to
be beneaped, when the water does not flow
high enough to bring her off the ground.
BENEATH, be-ne'th. prep. Under, lower in
place ; lower in rank, excellence, or dignity ;
unworthy of.
BENEATH, be-ne'th. ad. In a lower place,
under ; below, as oppofed to heaven.
BENEDICT, ben'-c-d!kt. a. Having m.ild and
falubrious qualities.
BENEDICTION, ben-6-dik'-{hun. f. Bleffing,
a decretory pronunciation of happinefs ; the ad-
vantage conferred by blefling ; acknowledgments
for bleflings received ; the form of inftituting
an abbot.
BENEFACTION, ben-*e-fak'-lhun. f. The
aft of conferring a benefit ; the benefit con-
BENEFACTOR, ben-C-fak'-tir. f. He that
confers a benefit,
EENEFACTRESS, bcn-c-fak'-trls. f. A wo-
man who confers a ben.'fit.
BENEFICE, ben -e-fis. f. Advantage confer-
red on another. This word is generally ufcd
for all ecclei'iaftical livings.
BENEFICED, bin'-c-flft. a. PolTeiTed of a
BENEFICENCE, be-n^f '-I-fJnfe. f. Aaive
BENEFICENT, bs-ncf -i-fint. a. Kind, do-
ing good.
BENEFICIAL, ben-e-fllh'-al. a. Advanta:;e-
ous, conferring benchts, profitable j helpiul,
BENEFICIALLY, ben-e-flili'-al-ly. ad. Ad-
vantageoully, helpfully.
BENEFIClALNESS,bln-e-flfh'-al-n!s. f. Ufc-
fulnefs, profit.
BENEFICIARY, ben-e-filh'-a-ry. a. Holding
fomething in fubordination to another.
BENEFICIARY, ben-e-flfh'-a-ry. f. He that
is in pofTeflion of a benefice.
BENEFIT, ben'-e-fit. f. A kindncfs, a fa-
vour conferred ; advantage, profit, ufe; inlaw,
benefit of clergy is, that a man being found
guilty of fuch felony as this benefit is granted
for, is burnt in the hand, and fet free, if the
ordinary's commiflioner Handing by, do fay.
Legit ut clericus.
To BENEFIT, bin'-e-f!t. v. a. To do good to.
To BENEFIT, ben -e-flt. v. n. To gain ad-
To BENET, be-net'.. v. a. To enfnare.
BENEVOLENCE, be-nev'-v6-lenfe. f. Dif-
pofition to do good, kindnefs ; the good done,
the charity given ; a kind of tax.
BENEVOLENT, bl-niv -v6-lent. a. Kind,
having good-will.
BEi^EVOLENTNESS, be-nev'-v6-lcnt-nls. f.
I he fatne with Benevolence.
BENGAL, ben-gal. f. A fort of thin flight ftufF.
BENJAMIN, Un'.jA.mln. f. The name of a
To BENIGHT, be-nitc.v. a. To furprifewith
the coming on of night ; to u.,o\yc in darknefs,
to embarrafs by want of light.
BENIGN, be-ni nc. a. Kind, generous, liberali
whokfoir.e, not malignant.
BENIGNITY, be-nlg'-nS-ty. f. Gracioufnefs,
a£liial kindnefs ; filubrity, wholefome quality,
BENIGNLY, be-n!'ne-ly. ad. Favourably,
BENISON, ben'-ni-fun. f. Blcffing, benedidion.
BENNET, bcn'-nlt. f. An herb.
BENT, bent', f. The ft.ate of being bent; de-
gree of flexure; declivity; utmoft: power; ap-
plication of the mind ; inclination, difpofition
towards fomething ; determination, fixed pur-
pofe ; turn of the temper or difpofition ; ten-
dency, flexion ; a ftalk or grafs, called the
BENT, bent', part, of the verb To bend. Made
crooked ; directed to a certain point ; deter-
mined upon.
BENTING TIME, ben'-tlng-tlme. f. The
time when pigeons feed on bents before peas
are ripe.
To BENUM, be-num'. v. a. To make torpid ;
to ftupify.
BENZOIN, ben-zoi'n. f. A medicinal kind of
refin imported from the Eaft Indies, and vul-
garly called Benjamin.
To BEPAINT, be-pi'nt. v. a. To cover with
ToBEPINCH, b^-pmtfh'. v. a. To mark with
To BEPISS, be-pis'. v. a. To wet with urine.
To BEQUEATH, be-kwe th. v. a. To leave
by will to another.
BEQUEST, bs-kweiV. f. Something left by
ToBERATTLE, be-rat'l. v. a. To rattle off.
BERBERRY, ba r-ber-ry. f. A berry of a
fharp tafte, ufed for pickles.
To BEREAVE, be-re ve. v. a. To flrip of, to
deprive of; to take away from.
BEREFT, bc-reft'. part. paff. of Bereave.
BERGAMOT, ber'-ga-mot. f. A fort of pear,
commonly called Burgamot ; a fort of eflence,
or perfume, drawn from a fruit produced by in-
grafting a lemon tree on a bcrgamot pear ftock ;
a fort of Ihuff.
X T«
B E $
To BERHYME, be-rl'me. v. a. To celebrate
in rhyme or verfes.
BERLIN, ber-Iin'. f. A coach of a particular
feERRY, bcr'-ry. f. Any fmall fruit with many
To BERRY, ber'-ry. v. n. To bear berries.
BERTRAM, ber'-tram. f. Baftard pellitory.
BERYL, ber'-rll. f. A kind of precious ftone.
To BESCREEN, be-(kre'n. v. a. To fhelter,
to conceal.
To BESEECH, be-fe'tfh. v, a. To entreat, to
fupplicate, to implore ; to beg, to a(k.
To BESEEM, be-fe'm. v. n. To become, to
be fit.
To BESET, bc-fet'. v. a. To befiege, to hem
in ; to embarrafs, to perplex ; to waylay, to
furround ; to fall upon, to harafs.
To BESHREW, be-fhro'. v. a. To wlfh a curfe
to ; to happen ill to.
BESIDE, be-side. I prep. At the fide of ano-
BESIDES, be-si'des.j ther, near; over and
above ; not according to, though not contrary ;
out of, in a ftate of deviation from.
BESIDE, be-si'de. "J ad. Over and above ; not
BESIDES, be-si'des.J in this number, beyond
this clafs.
To BESIEGE, be-fe'je. v. a. To beleaguer, to
lay fiege to, to befet with armed forces.
BESIEGER, be-fe'-jur. f. One employed in a
ToBESLUBBER, be-flob'-bir. v. a. To dawb,
to fmear.
To BESMEAR, be-fmcr. v. a. To bedawb ;
to foil, to foul.
To BESMIRCH, be-fmertfn'. v. a. To foil,
to difcolour.
To BESMOKE, be-fmo ke. v. a. To foul with
fmoke ; to harden or dry in fmoke.
To BESMUT, be-fmut'. v. a. To blacken with
fmoke or foot.
BESOM,bc z-um. f. Aninftrumenttofvveepwith.
To BESORT, bc-U rt. v. a. To fait, "to fit.
BESORT,bc-fa'rt.f.Company,attendance, train.
To BESOT, bc-fot'. V. a. To inf:ituate, lo
jftupify; to make to doat.
BESOUGHT,be-fa't. part. pair, of BESEECH:
which fee.
To BESPANGLE, be-fpang'l. v. a. To adorn
with fpangles, to befprinkle with fomething
To BESPATTER, be-fpat'-tur. v. a. To fpot
or fprinkle with dirt or water.
To BESPAWL, bl-fpa'l. v. a. To dawb with
To BESPEAK, be-fpe'k. v. a. To order or en-
treat any thing beforehand ; to make way by a
previous apology; to forebode; to fpeak to, to
addreis ; to betoken, to fhcw.
BESPEAKER, be-fpe'-kur. f. He that befpeaks
To BESPECKLE, be-fpek'l. v. a. To mark
with fpeckles or fpots.
To BESPEW, be-fpu'. v. a. To dawb with
fpew or vomit.
To BESPICE, be-fpffe. v. a. To feafon with
To BESPIT, be-fplt'. v. a. To dawb with fpittle.
To BESPOT, be-fpot\ v. a. To mark with fpots.
To BESPREAD, be-fpred'. v. a. To fpread over.
To BESPRINKLE, bc-fprlnk'l. v. a. To fprinkle
To BESPUTTER, be-fput'-tur. v. a. Tofput-
■ ter over fomething, to dawb any thing by fput-
BEST, bed', a. Moft good.
BEST, beft'. ad. In the highcft degree of good-
nefs; fittefl:.
To BESTAIN, be-fta n. v. a. To mark with
ftains, to fpot.
To BESTEAD, be-fted'. v. a. To profit; to
treat, to accommodate.
BESTIAL, bes'-t(hil. a. Belonging to a beaft:
brutal, carnal.
BESTIALITY, bcf-tflial '-I-ty. f. Thequality
of beafts.
BESTIALLY, b.V-tfhal-ly. f. ' rutally.
To BESTICK, be-fllk'. v. - 1"o ftick over
with any thing.
To BESTIR, be-ft'- '• v- ^- To put into vigo-
rous adion.
ToBESTO"*^' b'f-to'. V. a. To give, to con-
fcr upon ; to give as charity ; to give in mar-
riage ; to give asaprefent; to apply; to lay
out upon ; to lay up, to flow, to place.
EESTOWER, b!r-to -ur. f. Giver, difpofer.
BESTRAUGHT, b6-ftra't. parcicip. Diltraft-
ed, mad.
ToBESTREW, be-ftro'. v. a. To fprinkleover.
To BESTRIDE, be-ltr! de. v. a. To ftride over
any thing ; to have any thing between one's legs ;
to rtep over.
To BESTUD, bc-ftud'. v. a. To adorn with
BET, bet', f. A wager.
To BET, bet', v. a. To wager, to Rzke at a
To BETAKE, be-ta'ke. v. a. To take, to firize ;
to have recourfe to.
To BETHIN K, be-ttlmk'. v. a. To recal to
ToBETHRAL, bl-tlTra'l. v. a. To cnflave,
to conquer.
To BETHUMP, be-tfiump'. v. a. To beat.
To BETIDE, be-ti'de. v. n. To happen to,.
to befal ; to come to pafs, to fall out.
BETIME, be-ti me. 9 ad. Seafonably, early;
BETIMES, be-tlmz. 5 foon, before long time
has pafied ; early in the day.
To BETOKEN, bl-to'kn. v. a. Tofignify, to
mark, to reprefcnt ; to forefhew, to prefignify.
BETONY, bet'-t6-ny. f. A plant.
BETOOK, be-tuk'. irreg. pret. from Betake.
ToBETOSS, be-tos'. v. a. To difturb, to
To BETRAY, be-tra'. v. a. To give into the
hands of enemies ; to difcover that which has
been entrufted to fecrecy ; to make liable to
fomething inconvenient ; to (how, todifcover.
BETRAYER, b^-tr^'-ur. f. He that betrays, a
To BETRLAI, be-trlm'. v. a. To deck, to drefs,
to grace.
To BETROTH, b.l£NT, blan'-difli-ment. f. Aft
offondnefs, expreffion of tendernef? by gefture j
foft words, kind fpeeches; kind treatment.
BLANK, blank', a. White ; unwritten ; con-
fufcd ; without rhime.
BLANK, blank', f. A void fpace; a lot, by
which nothing is gained; a paper unwritten;
the point to which an arrow or fnot is direiled.
BLANKET, blank -it. f. A woollen cover, loft,
and loofely woven ; a kind of pear.
To BLANKET, blank -It. v. a. To cover with
a blanket ; to tofs in a blanket.
BLANKLY, blank -ly. a. In a blank manner,
with palenefs, with confufion.
To BLASPHEME, blaf-fe m. v. a. To fpeak
in terms of impious irreverence of God ; to
fpeak evil of.
To BLASPHEME, blaf-fc'm. v. n. To fpeak
BLASPHEMER, blaf-fe'-mir. f. A wretch
that fpeaks of God in impious and irreverent
BLASPHEMOUS, blas'-fc-m'is. a. Impioufly
irreverent with regard to Cjod.
BLASPHEMOUSLY, bias -fJ-muf-ly. ad. Tm-
pioufly, with. wicked irreverence.
BLASPHEMY, blas'-fe-my. f. Blafphemy is
an offering of fome indignity unto God hiitifelf.
BL>V'5T,blaft'. f. A guft, or puff of wind; the
found made by any inftrumentof wind mufick;
the firoke of a malignant planet.
To BLAST, blaft'. V. a. To ftrike v/ith fom^
fudden plague ; to make to wither; to injure,
ta invalidate ; to confound, to ftrike with ter-
BLASTMENT, blafl'-ment. f. Sudden ftroke
- of infecl'ion.
BLATANT, bhV'-tant. a. Bellowing as a calf.
To BLATTER, blat'-tur. v. n. To roar.
BLAY, bla'. f. A fmall whitifn river lifli ; a
BLAZE, blaze, f. A flame, the light of the
flame ; publication ; a white mark upon a
To BLAZE, blaze, v. n. To flame ; to be
To BLAZE, bla'ze. v. a.. To publifli, to make
known ; to blazon ; to inflame ; to fire.
BLAZER, bla-zur. f. One that fpreads re-
ports. ,
To BLAZON, blaz'n. v. a. To explain^ in
proper terms, the figures on enfigns armorial ;
to deck, to em.bellifli ; to difplay, to fet to
fliow ; to celebrate, to fet out ; to blaze about,
to make publick.
BLAZONRY, blaz'-un-ry. f. The art of bla-
To BLEACH, bletfh. v. a. To whiten.
BLEAK, ble'k. a. Pale; cold, chill.
BLEAK, ble k. f. A fmall river fifh,
BLEAKNESS, ble k-nls. f. Coldnefs, chilnefs.
BLEAKY, ble -ky. a. Bleak, cold, chill.
BLEAR, ble r, a. Dim with rheum or water j
dim, obfcure in general.
BLEAREDNESS, ble'-red-nis. f. The ftate
of being dimmed with rheum.
To BLEAT, ble t. v. n. To cr}' as a fheep.
BLEAT, ble t. f. The cry of a deep or lamb.
BLEB, bl^b'. f. A blifter.
To BLEED, blc'd. v. n. To loft blood, to
run with blood ; to drop, as blood.
To BLEED, ble d. v. a. To let blood.
To BLEMISH, blem -ifh^ v. a. To mark with
any deformity ; to defame, to tanifh, with re-
fpedt to reputation.
BLEMISPI, blun'-ifli. f. A mark o deformity,
a fear ; rep!o.;th, dif^^race.
To BLENCH, blentfh'. v. n. To fhrink, to
ftart back.
To BLEND, blend . v. a. To mingle together;
to confound ; to pollute, to fpoil.
BLENT, blent'. The obfolete participle of
To BLESS, bles . v. a. To make happy, to
profper ; to wifli happinefs to another ; to praife ;
to glorify for benefits received.
BLESSED, bles -scd. particip. a. Happy, en-
joying heavenly felicity.
BLESSEDLY, bles'-sed-ly. ad. Happily.
BLESSEDNESS, blcs'-sed-m's. f. Happinefs,
felicity; fanclity ; heavenly felicity ; Divine
BLESSER, bles'-sur. f. He that blefTes.
BLESSING, bles'-sing. f. Benediction; the
means of happinefs ; Divine favour.
BLEST, bleft'. part. a. Happy.
BLEW, blu'. The preterite from Blow.
BLIGHT, bli't. f. Mildew; .iny thing nipping,
or blafring.
To BLIGHT, bli't. v. a. To blaft, to hinder
from fertility.
BLIND, blind, a. Without fight, dark; in-
tclled:ually dark ; unfeen, private ; dark, ob-
To BLIND, blf'nJ. v. a. To make blind ; to
darken ; to obfcure to the eye ; to obfcure to the
BLIND, bli'nd. f. Something to hinder the
fight; fomething to miflead.
To BLINDFOLD, bli'nd-fdld. v. a. To hinder
from feeing by blinding the eyes.
BLINDFOLD, blind-fold. a. Having theeyes
BLINDLY, bli'nd-ly. ad. Without fight; im-
plicitly, without examination ; without juflg-
ment or direftion.
BLINDMAN'S BUFF, blind-manz-buf'. f. A
play in which fome one is to have his eyes co-
vered, and hunt out the rell of the com-
BLINDNESS, blf'nd-nls. f. Want of fi-ht ;
ignorance, intclleflual uarknefs.
BlInDSIDE, blind-side. f. Vv^eakiicfs, fo:bk'.
BLINDWORM, bli'nd-wurm. f. A fmall vi-
per, venomous.
To BLINK, blink', v. n. To wink ; to fee ob-
BLINKARD, bl!nk'-erd. f. One that has bad
eyes ; fomething twinkling.
BLISS, blls'. f. The highefl: degree of happi-
nefs ; the happinefs of bleffed fouls ; felicity in
BLISSFUL, blls'-ful. a. Happy in the highcit
BLISSFULLY, blls'-fol-ly. ad. Happily.
BLISSFULNESS, blls'-fdl-nls. f. Happi.-efs.
BLISTER, blis'-tur. f. A puftule formed by
raifing the cuticle from the cutis ; any fwellrng
made by the feparation of a film or fkin from
the other parts.
To BLISTER, blls'-tur. v. n. To rife i:i
To BLISTER, blls'-tur. v. a. To raifc blifters
by fome hurt.
BLITHE, blithe, a. Gay, airy.
BLITHE Y, bli'th-ly. ad. In a blithe manner.
BLITHENESS, bli th-nls. ?f. The
BLITHSOMENESS, bli'th-fum-nls. \ quality
of being blithe.
BLITHSOME, bli'th-fum. a. Gay, cheerful.
To BLOAT, bKVte. v. a. To fwell.
To BLOAT, blo'te. v. n. To grow turgid.
BLOATEDNESS, blo-tcd-nls. f. Turgid-
nefs ; fwelling.
BLOBBER, blob'-bir. f. A bubble.
BLOBBERLIP, blib'-bur-llp. f. A thick lip.
BLOBBERLIPPED, bl6b'-bur-lipt. ? a. Hav-
BLOBLIPPED, bK^b'-lipt. Jingfwci-
led or thick lips.
BLOCK, blok'. f. A fhort heavy piece of tim-
ber; a rough piece of marble; the wood on
which hats are formed ; the wood on v/hicli
criminals are beheaded; an obflrudion, a flop j
a fea term for a pully; a blockhead.
To BLOCK, blok'. v. a. To (hut up, to cnclofe.
BLOCK^HOUSE, bl6k'-hcuf.-, f. A fortrcfs
built to obftruft or block up a pafs.
BLOCK-TIN, blLk'-tln'. f. Tin pure or ua-
BLOCKADE, b!ck-kade. f. A fiege caified' on
by (hutting up the place.
To BLOCKADE, blik-ka'de. v. a. Tofluitup.
BLOCKHEAD, bl6k'-hed. f. A (lupid fellow,
a dolt, a man •without parts.
BLOCKHEADED, hlok'-hed'-ki. a. Stupid,
BLOCKISH, blok'-lfii. a. Stupid, dull.
BLOCKISHLY, blok'-a'h-ly. ad. In a ftupid
BLOCKIS'HNESS, blok'-Iih-nls. f. Stupidity.
BLOOD, bliid'. f. The red liquor that circu-
lates in the bodies of animals j child; progeny;
family, kindred; defcent, lineage ; birth,- high
extraftion ; murder, violent death; temper of
mind, ftate of the paffions ; hot fpark ; man of
To BLOOD, blud'. V. a. To ftain with blood ;
to enure to blood, as a hound ; to heat, to cx-
BLOOD-BOLTERED, blud'-bol-turd. a.Blocd
BLOODSTONE, blid'-ftone. f. The blood-
ftone is green, fpotted with a bright blood-red.
BLOOD-THIRSTY, blud'-tlTurf-ty. a. De-
firous to fhed blood.
BLOOD-FLOWER, blud'-flowr. f. A plant.
BLOODGUILTINESS, blud'-gllt'-y-nis. f.
BLOOD-HOUND, blud'-hound. f. A hound
that follows by the fcent.
BLOODILY, blud'-i-ly. a. Cruelly.
BLOODINESS, blid'-y-nls. f. The ftate of
being bloody.
BLOODLESS, blud'-lls. a. Without blood,
dead ; without flaughter.
BLOODSHED, blud'-fhed. f. The crime of
blood, or murder ; flaughter.
ELOODSHEDDER, blud'-fhed-dur. f. Mur-
BLOODSHOT, blud'-fliit'. } a. Fill-
^LOODSHOTTEN, blud'-fhot'n. \ ed with
blood burfling from its proper vefllls.
BLOODSUCKER, blud'-fuk-ur. f. A leech,
a fiy, any thing that fucks blood ; a murderer.
BLOODY, blud'-^. a. Stained with blood;
ciuel, murderous,
BLOOM, hlo'm. f. A blolTom ; the ftate nf im-
maturity, ,,
To-BLOOM,. blo'm. v. n. To bring or yiehl
blofToms; to produce,, as bloiroms; to be in a
ftate of youth.
BLOOMY, blo'-my. a. Full of bloom.s, flowery;
BLOSSOM,, blos'-sum. f. The flower that
grows on any plant.
To BLOSSOM, blos'^um.- v. n. To put forth
To BLOT, blot'-. V. a. To obliterate, to make
v/riting invifible ; to eftace, to erafe ; to blur;-
todifgrace, to disfigure; to darken.
BLOT,^ blot'.- f. An obliteration of fomething
written ;. a blur,, a fpot ; a fpot in reputation.
BLOTCH, blotfh'.. f. A' fpot or puftule upoiv
the fkin.
To BLOTE, blo'te. v. a. To fmoke, or dry by
the fmokc
BLOW, bio. T, A ftroke ;• the fatal ftroke ; a-
fingle action, a fudden event ; the aiTl: of a fly,,
by which he lodges eggs in flefh.
To BLOW, bl6'. V. n. To move with a cur-
rent of air ; this word is ufed fometimes im-
perfonally with It;, to pantytopuff; to breathe
hard ; to found by being blov/n ; to play mufi-
callybywind; tobloom, tobloflbm ; To blow
over, to pafs away without efFedi ; To blow
up, to fly into the air by the force of gun-
To BLOW, bl6', V. a. To drive by the force
of the wind ; to inflame with wind ; to fwell,
to pufF into fize ; to found an inftrument of
wind mufick; to warm with the breath; to
fpread by report; to infect with the eggs of
fliej; To blow out, to extinguifli by wind;
To blow up, to raife or fwell with breath ;
To blow up, to deftroy with gunpowder; To
blow upon, to make ftale.
BLOWZE, blow'ze. f. A ruddy fat-faced wench ;
a female whofe hair is ii^ diforder.
BLOWZY, blow'-zy. a. Sun-burnt, high co-
BLUBBER, blub'-bur. f. The part of a whale
that contains the oil.
To BLUBBER, blub'-bur. v. n. To weep in
fuch a manner as to fwell the cheeks.
BLUDGEON, bU'id'-jun. f. A fliortftick, with
one end loaded.
BLUE, blu'c. a. One of the feven original co-
BLUEBOTTLE, bhVe-bot'l. f. A flower of
the bell fliape ; a fly with a large blue belly.
BLUELY, blu'e-ly. ad. With a blue colour.
BLUENESS, blue-n!s. f. The quality of be-
ing blue.
BLUFF, bluf'. a. Big, Airly, bluftering.
To BLUNDER, blun'-dir. v. n. To miflake
grofsly , to err ver)- widely ; to flounder, to Humble.
To BLUNDER, blun'-dur. v. a. To mix fool-
ifhly or blindly.
BLUNDER, blun'-dur. f. A grofs or fhame-
ful miftake.
BLUNDERBUSS, blun'-der-bus. f. A gun
that is difcharged with many bullets.
BLUNDERER, hlun'-de-rur. f. A blockhead.
BLUNDERHEAD, blun'-dur-hed. f. Aftupid
BLUNT, blunt', a. Dull on the edge or point,
not {harp ; dull in undeiftanding, not quick;
Rough, not delicate; abrupt, not elegant.
To BLUNT, blunt', v. a. To dull the edge
or point ; to reprefs or weaken any apf)etlte.
BLUNTLY, blimt'-ly. ad. Without fharp-
nefs ; coarfely, plainly.
BLUNTNESS, blunt'-n!s. f. Want of edge
or point ; coarfenefe, roughnefs of manners.
BLUR, blur', f. A blot, a flain.
To BLUR, blur', v. a. To blot, toeffiice; to
To BLURT, blurt', v. a. To let fly without
To BLUSH, blufh'. v. n. To betray {hame or
confufion, by a red colour in the clicek ; to
carry a red colour.
BLUSH, blufli'. f. The colour in the cheeks ;
a red or purple colour ; fudden appearance.
BLUSHY, blufli'-y. a. Having the colour of
To BLUSTER, blus'-tur. v. n. To roar, as a
iiorm ; to bully, to pufF.
BLUSTER, blus'-tur. f. Roar, noife, tumult;
boaft-y boiflcroufnefs.
BLUSTERER, blus'-t^-rur. f. A fwaggcrer,
a bully.
BLUSTROUS, bk'is'-trus. a. Tumultuous,
BO. bo. interj. A word of terrour.
BOAR, bd'r. f. The male fwine.
BOARD, bo rd. f. A piece of wood of more
length and breadth than thicknefs ; a table ; a
table at which a council or court is held ; a
court of jurifdidion; the deck or floor of a
To BOARD, bo'rd. v. a. To enter a (hip by
force ; to attack, or make the fir{t attempt ; to
lay or pave with boards.
To BOARD, bo rd. v. n. To live in a houfe,
where a certain rate is paid for eating.
BOARD-WAGES, b6 rd-wa'-j!z. f. Wages
allowed to fervants to keep themfelves in vic-
BOARDER, bo'r-dur. f. One who diets with
another at a certain rate.
BOARISH, b6 r-lfh. a. Swinilh, brutal, cruel.
To BOAST, bo ft. V. n. To diiplay one's own
worth or adtions.
To BOAST, bo IL v. a. To brag of; to mag-
nify, to exalt.
BOAST, bo'ft. f. A proud fpeech ; caufe of
BOASTZR, bd'f-tur. f. A bragger.
BOASTFUL, bOft-ful. a. Olbntatious.
BOASTINGLY, b6 f-tlng-ly. ad. Olkntati-
BOAT, hot. f. A velTel to pafs the water in.
BOATION, bo-a'-{Lun. f. Roar, noife.
BOATMAN, bot-man. . f. He that manages
BOATSMAN, b6 tf-m.an. \ a boat.
BOATSWAIN, bo fn. f. An officer on board
a Ihip, who has charge of all her rigging, ropes,
cables, and anchors.
To BOB, bib'. V. a. To beat, to drub;, to
cheat, to gain by fraud.
To BOB, bob'. V. n. To play backward' and
BOB, bib', f. Something that hangs fo as to
play loofe ; the words repeated at the end of a
flanza ; a blow ; a Ihort wig.
BOBBIN, bob'-b'.n. f. A fmall p'm of wood,
v/ith a notch.
BOBCKERRY, bob'-tfher-ry. f. A play among
children, in which the cherry is hung fo as to
bob againft the mouth.
BOBTAIL, bob'-tll. f. Gut tail.
BOBTAILED, bob'-tald. a. Havinga tail c^t.
BOBWIG, b6b'-vv!g'. f. Afliortwig.
To BODE, bo de. v. a. To portend, to be ihe
omen of.
BODEMENT, bo'de-ment. f. Portent, omen.
To BODGE, bcd'zh. V. n. To boggle.
BODICE, bod'-dis. f. Stays, a vvaiftcoat quilted
with whalebone,
BODILESS, bod'-y-lls. a. Incorporeal, with-
out a body.
BODILY, bod -i-ly. a. Corporeal, containing
body; relating^o the body, not the mind ; real,
CODILY, bod'-i-ly. ad. Corporeally.
BODKIN, bod'-kin. f. An inftrumcnt with a
• fmall blade and (harp point; an inftrumcnt to
• draw a thread or ribbon through a loop; an
inflrument to drefs the hair,
CODY, bod'-y. f. The material fubllance of
an animal ; matter, oppofed to fpirit; a perfon;
a human being ; reality, oppofed to reprefent-
ation ; a collective mafs ; the main army, the
battle ; a corporation ; the outward condition ;
the main part ; a pandeft, a general collecilion ;
ftrength, as wine of a good body.
BODY-CLOATHS, bod'-y-cluz. f. Cloathing
for horfes that are dieted.
BOG, bog . f. A marfh, a fen, a moraf?.
BOG-TROTTER, bog'-trot-tur. f. One that
lives in a boggy country.
To BOGGLE, bog 1. v. n. To flart, to fly
back ; to hefitate.
BOGGLER, bog'-lur. f. A doubter, a timo-
rous man.
Marfhv, fwan
BOGHOUSE, bog'-houfe. f. A houfe of office.
BOHEA, bo-he . f. A fpecies of tea.
To iOIL, boi 1. V. n. To be agitated by heat ;
to be hot, to be fervent ; to move like boilii g
vvatcr: to be in hot liquor.
To BOIL, boil. V. a. To feeth; to heat hy
putting into boiling water ; to drefs in boiling
BOILER, boi'-lur. f. The perfon that boils any
thing ; the veffel in which any thing is boiled.
BOISTEROUS, boi f-te-rus. a. Violent, loud,
roaring, flormy ; turbulent, furious ; unwieldy.
BOISTEROUSLY, boi'f-te-ruf-ly. ad. Vio-
lently, tumiiltuoufly.
BOISTEROUSNESS, boi'f-tl-ruf-nis. f. Tu-
multuoufnefs ; turbulence.
BOLARY, bo'-la-ry. a. Partaking of the na-
ture of bole.
BOLD, bold. a. Daring, brave, llout ; exe-
cuted with fpirit ; confident, not fcrupulous ;
impudent, rude ; licentious ; flanding out to
the view ; To make bold, to take freedoms.
To BOLDEN, bo Idn. v. n. To make bold.
BOLDFACE, bold-fife. f. Impudence, fau-
BOLDFACED, bdld-fiH. a. Impudent.
BOLDLY, boid-ly. ad. In a bold manner.
BOLDNESS, bo Id-nis. f. Courage, bravery;
exemption from caution ; alTurancc, impudence.
BOLE, bo le. f. The body or trunk of a tree^
a kind of earth ; a meafure of corn containing
fix bufhels.
BOLIS, bo'-lls. f. Bolis is a great f^ery ball,
fwiftly hurried through the air, and generally
drawing a tail after it.
BOLL, bo'l. f. A round ftalk or flem.
BOLSTER, bo l-fliir. 1". Something laid in the
bed, to fupport the head ; a pad, or quilt ;
comprefs for a wound.
To BOLSTER, bo 1-ftur. v. a. To fupport the
head with a bolfler ; to afford a bed to ; to hold
wounds together with a comprefs ; to fupport,
to maintain.
BOLT, bo It. f. An arrow, a dart ; a thunder-
bolt ; Bolt upright, that is, upright as an ar-
row ; the bar of a door ; an iron to fallen the
legs ; a fpot or (tain.
To BOLT, bo'lt. v. a. To fbut or faflen with
a bolt; to blurt out; to fetter, to (hackle; to
fifr, or feparate with a fieve ; to examine, to
try out ; to purify, to purge.
. 7 '^«
To BOLT, bo It. V. n. To fpring out with
fpeed and fuddennefs.
BOLTER, fajl-tur. f. A fieve to fcparate meal
from bran.
BOLTHEAD, bo'lt-hed. f. A long ftrait necked
glafs veflel, a matrafs, or receiver.
BOLTING-HOUSE, bo I-tlng-houfe. f. The
place where meal is fifted.
BOLTSPRIT, or BOWSPRIT, b6'-fpnt. f.
A maft running out at the head of a (hip, not
ftanding upright, but aflope.
BOLUS, bo'-lus. f. A medicine, made up into
a foft mafs, larger than pills.
BOMB, bim'. f. Aloudnoife; a hollow iron
ball, or fhell, filled with gunpowder, and fur-
niftied with a vent for a fufee, or wooden tube,
filled with combuftible matter ; to be thrown
out from a mortar.
BOiMB-CHEST, bom'-tflieft. f. A kind of
cheft filled with bombs, placed under-ground,
to blow up in the air.
BOMB-KETCH, b6m'-ket{h. "^ f. A kind of
BOMB-VESSEL, bom'-ves -sll. ifhip, ftrong!/
built, to bear the fhock of a mortar.
BOMBARD, bim -bard. f. A great gun ; a
barrel for wine.
To BOMBARD, bom-ba'rd. v. a. To attack
with bombs.
BOMBARDIER, bom-bar-de'r. f. The engi-
neer, whofe employment it is to fhoot bombs.
BOMBARDMENT, bim-bi rd-ment. f. An
attack made by throwing bombs.
BOMBASIN, bom-ba-ze n. f. A flight filken
BOMBAST, bom-baft', f. Fuftian, big words.
BOMBAST, bdm-bift'. a. High founding.
BOMBULATiON, bom-bu-la -fhin. f. Sound,
BON AR OB A, bo'-na-ro'-ba. f. A whore.
BGNASLS, bo-ni'-f'is. f. A kind of buffalo.
BONCHRETIEN, bOn-krct -t%cn. f. A fpe-
cic<; of prar.
BOND, b.'nd'. f. Cords, or chains, with which
any one is bound ; ligament that holds any
thing together ; union, connexion ; imprifon-
ment, captivity; cement of union, caufc of
Hnion ; a writing of obligation ; law by which
any one is obliged.
BONDAGE, bon'-didzh. f. CapUvity, im-
BONDMAID, bond'-mad. f. A woman flavc.
BONDMAN, bind'-man. f. A man flave.
BONDSERVANT, bond'-fer-vint. f. A flave.
BONDSERVICE, bond'-fer-vis. f. Slavery.
BONDSLAVE, bond'-flave. f. A man in fla-
BONDSMAN, bond'z-m'm. f. One bound for
BONDWOMAN, bond'-wum-un. f. A woman
BONE, bo'ne. f. The folid parts of the body
of an animal ; a fragment of meat, a bone with
as much flefh as adheres to it ; To make no
bones, to make no fcruple ; dice.
To BONE, bone. v. a. To take out the bones
from the flefh.
BONELACE, bo'ne-lafe. f. Flaxen lace.
BONELESS, bo ne-k"s. a. Without bones.
To BONESET, bo'ne-fet. v. n. To reftore a
bone out of joint, or join a bone broken.
BONESETTER, bo ne-fet-tur. f. One who
makes a practice of fetting bones.
BONFIRE, bo'n-fire. f. A fire made for tri-
BONGRACE, bo'n-gras. f. A covering for
the forehead.
BONNET, bon'-nlt. f. A hat, a cap.
BONNETS, bcn'-nits. f. Small fails fet on
the courfes on the mizz;n, mainfail, and fore-
BOXNILY, bon'-ny-Iy. ad. Gaily, hand-
BONNINESS, bon'-ny-nls. f. Gayety, hand-
BONNY, bon'-ny. a. Handfome, beautiful ;
gay, merry.
BONUM MAGNUM, bo -num-mag'-num. f.
A great plum.
BONY, bo -ny. a. Confiding of bones; full
of bones,
BOOBY, bo-by. f. A dull, heavy, ftupiJ
BOOK, bo k. f. A volume in which we read
or write ; a particular part of a work; the re-
gifter in which a trader keeps an account ; In
books, in kind remembrance ; Without book,
by memory.
To BOOK, bok. V. a. To regifter in a book.
BOOK-KEEPING, bd'k-kep-lng. f. The art
of keeping accounts.
BOOKBINDER, bo k-bm-dur. f. A man
whofe profeflion it is to bind books.
BOOKFUL, bo k-fal. a. Crouded with undi-
gefted knowledge.
BOOKISH, bo -kllh. a. Given to books.
BOOKISHNESS, bo -kifli-nls. f. Overfludl-
BOOKLEARNED, bok-ler'-nld. a. Verfed in
BOOKLEARNING, bSk-ler'-nlng. f. Skill in
literature, acquaintance with books.
BOOKMAN, bo'k-man. f. A man whofe pro-
feflion is the ftudy of books.
BOOKMATE, bok-mite. f. Schoolfellow.
BOOKSELLER, bo k-feUur. f. A man whofe
profeflion it is to fell books.
BOOKWORM, bo k-wurm. f A mite that
eats holes in books;, a fludent too clofely fixed
upon books.
BOOM, bom. f. In fea language, a long pole
ufed to fpread out the clue of the ftudding fail ;
a pole with bufhes or bafkets, fet up as a mark
to (hew the failcrs how to fteer ; a bar laid crofs
a harbour, to keep out the enemy.
To BOOM, bo m. v. n. To rufli with vio-
BOON, bo'n. f. A gift, a grant.
BOON, bon. a. Gay, merry.
BOOR, bo'r. f. A lout, a clown.
BOORISH, bo r-ifli. a. Clownifli, ruftick,
BOORISHLY, bor-IIh-ly. ad. Afteraclowni/h
BOORISHNESS, bd'r-Lli-nls. f. Coarfencfs of
To BOOT, bo't. V. a. To profit, to adv.,n-
fcige J to enrich, to bqncSt,
BOOT, bat. f. Profit, gain, advantage; To
boot, with advantage, over and above ; • booy
or plunder.
BOOT, bo t. f. A covering for the leg, ufed
by horfemen.
BOOT of a Coach, bo'r. f. The place under
the coach box.
BOOT-HOSE, bo't-hoze. f. Stockings to ferve
for boots.
BOOT-TREE, bo't-tree. f. Wood fiiaped like
a leg, to be driven into boots for ftretching them.
BOOTCATCHER, bo t-katlh-ur. f. The per-
fon whofe bufinefs at an inn is to pull off" the
boots of pafiengers.
BOOTED, bo't-id. a. In boots.
BOOTH, bo th. f. A houfe built of boards or
BOOTLESS, bo t- lis. a. Ufelefs, unavailing;
without fuccefs.
BOOTY, bo'-ty. f. Plunder, pillage; things
gotten by robbery ; To play booty, to lofe by
BOPEEP, bo-pep. f. To play Bopeep, is to
look out, and drawback, as if frighted.
BORACHIO, bo-rat'-tfho. f. A drunkard.
BORABLE, bo'-rabl. a. That may be bored.
BORAGE, bir'-ndzh. a. A plant.
BORAX, b6-raks. f. An artificial fait, pre-
pared from fal armoniac, nitre, calcined tartar,
fea fait, and alum, diflblved in wine.
EORDEL, bor-del'. f. A brothel, a bawdy-
BORDER, ba'r-dur. f. The outer part or edge
of any thing ; the edge of a country ; the outer
part of a garment adorned with needlework;
a bank raifed round a garden, and fet with
To BORDER, ba'r-dir. v. n. To confine up-
on ; to approach nearly to.
To BORDER, ba'r-dur. v. a. To adorn with
a border; to reach, to touch.
BORDERER, ba r-de-rir. f. He that dwells
on the borders.
To BORE, bo're. v. a. To pierce in a hole.
To BORE, bore. v. n. To make a hole; to
pufla for\yards to a certain point.
BORE, bo're. ,f. The hole made by boring; the
inftrumcnt with which a hole is bored ; the fize
of any hole.
BORE, b6 re. The preterite of Bear.
BOREAL, bo'-ryil. a. Northern.
BOREAS, bo -ryas. f. The north winds.
BOREE, bo'-re. f. A ftep in dancing.
BORN, ba rn. Come into life.
BORNE, b6 rne. Carried, fupported.
BOROUGH, bur'-ro. f. A town with a cor-
To BORROW, bor'-ro. v. a. To take fome-
tliing from another upon credit ; to afk of ano-
ther the ufe of fomething for a time ; to ufe as
one's own, though not belonging to one.
BORROWER, bor'-ro-ur. f. He that borrows ;
he that takes what is another's.
•BOSCAGE, bos'-kaje. f. Wood, or woodlands.
EOSKY, bos'-ky. a. Woody.
BOSOM, bo -zum. f. The breaft, the heart;
the innermofl: part of an inclofure ; the folds of
the drefs that cover the breaft; the tender af-
fections ; inclination, defire ; in compofition,
implies intimacy, confidence, fondnefs, as my
bofom friend.
To BOSOM, bo'-zum. v. a. To inclofe in the
bofom ; to conceal in privacy.
BOSON, bo fn. f. Corrupted from Boatfwain.
BOSS, bos', f. A ftud ; the partrifmg in the midil
of any thing ; a thick body of any kind.
BOSSAGE, bos'-saje. f. Any flone that has a
EOSVEL, boz'-vil. f. A fpecies of crowfoot.
BOTANICAL, bo-tan'-i-kal.
BOTANICK, bo-tan'
in herbs.
BOTANIST, bit'-a-nlft. f. One ftlHed-in plants.
BOTANOLOGY, bo-tan-ol'-o-jy. f. A dif-
courfe upc.i plants.
BOTCH, bot'fh. f. A fwelling, or eruptive
difcoloration of the (kin; a part in any work
ill fini(hed ; an adventitious part clumfily added.
To BOTCH, botfli'. v. a. To mend or patch
cloaths clumfily; to put together unfuitably,
or wnfliilfully ; to mark with botches,
EOTCllY, bot-tfhy. a. Marked with botches.
in'-i-kal. I a. Relating to
I'-nlk. j herbs, flcilled
BOTH, bo tn. a. The two.
BOTH, ba'tS. conj. As well.
BOTS, bijt's. f. Small worms in the entrails of
BOTTLE, bot'l. f. A fmall vcfTel of glafs, or
other matter; a quantity of wine ufuaily put
into a bottle, a quart ; a quantity of hay or
grafs bundled up.
To BOTTLE, bot'l. v. a. To inclofe in
BOTTLEFLOWER,bot'l-flow-ur. f. A plant.
BOTTLESCREW, bot l-fkrci. f. A fcrew to
pull out the cork.
BOTTOM, bot-tum. f. The lovveft part of
any thing ; the ground under the water ; the
foundation,' the ground-work ; a dale, a valley ;
the deepeft part; bound, limit ; the utmoft of
any man's capacity ; the laft refort ; a veflTel for
navigation ; a chapce, or fecurity ; a ball of
thread wound up together.
To BOTTOM, bot'-tum. v. a. To build up-
on, to fix upon as a fupport ; to wind upon
To BOTTOM, bct'-tum. v. n. To reft upon
as its fupport.
BOTTOMED, bot'-tumd. a. Having a bottom.
BOTTOMLESS, bot'-tiim-lls. a. Without a
bottom, fathomlefs.
BOTTOlVIRY, bit'-tum-ry. f. The ad of bor-
rowing money on a ftiip's bottom.
BOUD, bou'd. f. An infea which breeds in
To BOUGE, bo'uje. v. n. To fv.ell cut.
BOUGH, bou'. f. An arm or a large fhoot of
a tree.
BOUGHT, ta't. prcter. of To buy.
To BOUNCE, bou nfe. v. n. To fall or fly
againft any thing with great force; to make a
fudden leap ; to boaft, to bully.
BOUNCE, bou'nfe. f. A ftrong fudden blow;
a fudden crack 6r noife ; a boaft, a threat.
BOUNCER, bou'n-fur. f. A boafter, a bully,
an empty threatener ; a li.ar.
BOUND, bound, f. A limit, a boundary; a
limit by which any excurfion is reftrained ; a
leap, a jump, a fpring; a rebound.
To BOUND, bou nd. v. a. To limit, to ter-
minate ; to reftrain, to confine ; to malce to
To BOUND, bou'nd. v. n. Tojump, to fpring ;
to rebound, to fly back.
BOUND, bou'nd. participle paflive of Bind.
BOUND, bou'nd. a. Deftined, intending to
come to any place.
BOUNDARY, bou'n-da-ry. f. Limit, bound.
BOUNDEN, bou'n-den. participle paflive of
BOUNDING-STONE,bou'n-dlng-ft6ne. 1
BOUND-STONE, bou'nd-ft.ke. j
A ftone to play with.
BOUNDLESSNESS, bou'nd-lef-ms. f. Ex-
emption from limits.
BOUNDLESS, bou'nd-h's. a. Unlimited, un-
BOUNTEOUS, bou'n-tyus. a. Liberal, kind,
BOUNTEOUSLY, bo 'n-tyif-ly. ad. Libe-
rally, generoufly.
BOUNTEOUSNESS, bou'n-tyuf-nis. f. Mu-
nificence, liberality.
BOUNTIFUL, bou'n-ty-fdl. a. Liberal, ge-
nerous, munificent.
BOUNTIFULLY, bou'n-ty-fdl-ly. ad. Libe-
BOUNTIFULNESS, bou'n-ty-ful-nis. f. The
quality of being bountiful, generofity.
BOUNTIHEAD, bou'n-ty-hed. 7f.Goodnefs,
BOUN TYHOOD, biu n-ty-hfid. ^ virtue.
BOUNTY, bou n-ty. f. Generofity, liberality,
To BOURGEON, bur'-jun. v. n. To fprout,
to fhoot into branches.
BOURN, ho rn. f. A bound, a limit-; a brook,
a torrent.
To BOUSE, bo'ze. v. n. To drink laviflily.
BOUSY, h6-zy. a. Drunken.
BOUT, bou t. f. A turn, as much of an ac-
tion as is perfoiini d at one time.
To BOW, bow'. V. a. To bend, or inflf ct ; to
bend the body in token of rcfpeiSl; or fubmiffion ;
to bend, or incline, in condefceniioni to de-
prefs, to-crufh.
To BOW, bow'. V. n. To bend, to fuffer
flexure ; to make a reverence ; to ftoop ; to
fink under prefiTure.
BOW, bow', f. An a, brad . f. A fort of nail to floor rooms
To BRAG, brag', v. n. To boaft,. to difplay
BRAG, brag', f. A boaft, a proud exprefllon ;
the thing boaftcd.
BRAGGADOCIO, brag-ga-d6'-ih6. f. A puff-
ing, boafling fellow.
BRAGGART, brig'-gart. a. Boaftfui, vainly
■ BRAGGART, brag'-gart. f. A boafler.
BRAGGER, brag-giir. f. A boafter.
BRAGLESS, brag'-lls. a. Without a boaft.
BRAGLY, brag-ly. ad. Finely.
To BRAID, bra d. v. a. To weave together.
BRAID, bra d. f. A texture, a knot.
BRAILS, bra Iz. f. Small ropes reeved through
BRAIN, bra'n. f. That colkaion of velTels
and organs in the head, from which fenfe and
motion arife ; the underftanding.
To BRAIN, bra n. v. a. To kill by beating
out the brain.
BRAINISH, bra'-mfh. a. Hotheaded, furious.
BRAINLESS, bra'n-lls. a. Silly.
BRAINPAN, bran-pan. f. The fkuU contain-
ing the brains.
BRAINSICK, brri'n-slk. a. Addleheaded, giddy.
BRAINSICKLY, bran-slk-ly, ad. Weakly,
BRAINSICKNESS, brd'n-slk n!s. f. Indif-
crction, giddinefs.
BRAKE, bnVk. The preterite of Break.
BRAKE, bnVk. f. Fern, brambles.
BRAKE, bra k. f. An inftrumcnt for dreffing
hemp or flax ; the handle of a fhip's pump j
a baker's kneading trough.
BRAKY, bra -ky. a. Thorny, prickly, rough.
BRAMBLE, bram bl. f. Blackberry buih, dew-
berry bufh, rr.fpbcrry bufh ; any rough prickly
BRAMBLING, brim'-blmg. f. A bird called
alfo a mountain chafiinch.
BRAN, bran. f. The hufks of corn ground.
BRANCH, brantfh : f. The fiioot of a tree from
one of the main boughs ; any diuant article ;
any part that fhoots out from the reft j a intaller
B b river
river running into a larger ; any part of a fa-
mily defccnding in a collateral line; the oft-
fpring, the dtfcendant ; the antlers or {hoots of
a flag's horn.
To BRANCH, brantfo'. v. n. To fpread in
branches ; to fpread into feparate parts ; to
fpeak difFufively ; to have horns ihooting out.
To BRANCH, brantfli . v. a. To divide as
into branches ; to adorn writh needlework.
ERANCHER, brant -fhur. f. Ojie that fhoots
out into branches ; in falconry, a young hawk.
BRANCHINESS, brin'-tfhy-nls. f. Fullnefs
of branches.
BRANCHLESS, brantlh'-lis. a. Without fhoots
or boughs ; naked.
BRANCHY, brant -fhy. a. Full of branches
BRAND, brand', f. A flick lighted, or fit to
be lighted ; a fword ; a thunderbolt ; a mark
made by burning with a hot iron.
To BRAND, brand . v. a. To mark with a
note of infamy.
BRANDGOOSE, brand'-gos. f. A kind of
wild fowl.
To BRANDISH, bran'-d!fh. v. a. To wave or
fhake ; to play with, to flourifh.
BRANDLING, brand -ling. f. A particular
BRANDY, bran'-dy. f. A ftroiig liquor diilijied
from wine.
BRANGLE, brang'l. f. Squabble, wrangle.
To BR ANGLE, brang 1. v. n. To wrangle,
to fquabble.
BRANK, brank'. f. Buckwheat.
BRANNY, bran'-ny. a. Having the appearance
of bran.
BRASIER, bra-zhur. f. A manufaflurer that
works in brafs ; a pan to hold coals.
BRASIL, or BRAZIL, bra-ze'l. f. An Ame-
rican wood, commonly fuppofed to have been
thus denominated, becaufe firft brought from
BRASS, bras', f. A yellow metal, made by
mixing copper with lapis calaminaris ; impu-
BRASSINESS, bras'-sy-nls. f. An appearance
.like braf^.
BRASSY, bras'-sy. a. Partaking of brafs ; hard
as brafs ; impudent.
BRAT, brat', f. A child, fo called in con-
tempt ; the progeny, the ©iFspring.
BRAVADO, bra-va-do. f. A boafl, a brag.
BRAVE, bi-a ve. a. Courageous, daring, bold ;
gallant, having a noble mien ; magnificent,
grand; excellent, noble.
BRAVE, brave, f. A hedor, a man daring be-
yond prudence or fitnefs ; a boaft, a challenge.
To BRAVE, brave, v. a. To defy, to chal-
lenge ; to carry a boafting appearance.
BRAVELY, bra've-ly. ad. In a brave manner,
courageoufly, gallantly.
BRAVERY, bra'-ve-ry. f. Courage, magna-
nimity ; fplendour, magnificence ; fhow, often-
tation ; bravado, boafl.
BRAVO, bra -v6. f. A man who murders for
To BRAWL, bra'l. v. n. To quarrel noifily
and indecently ; to fpeak loud and indecently j
to make a noife.
BRAWL, bral. f. Quarrel, noife, fcurrility.
BRAWLER, bra'-lur. f. A wrangler.
BRAWN, bran. f. The flefhy or mufculous
part of the body ; the arm, fo called from its
being mufculous ; bulk, mufcular flrength j
the flefh of a boar ; a boar.
BRAWNER, bra -nur. f. A boar killed for
the table.
BRAWNINESS, bra'-ny-nls. f. Strength, hard-
BRAWNY, bra'-ny. a. Mufculous, flefhy,
To BRAY, bra', v. a. To pound, or grind fmall.
To BRAY, bra', v. n. To make a noife as an
afs ; to make an ofFenfive noife.
BRAY, bra', f. Noife, found..
BRAYER, bra -ur. f. One that brays like aii
afs ; with printers, an inftrum.nt lo temper
the ink.
To BRAZE, bra'ze. v. a. To folder with brafsi
to harden to impudence,^
BRAZEN, brazn. a. Madcofbrafs; proceed-
ing from brafs ; impudent.
To BRAZEN, brazn. v. n. To be impudent,
to bully.
BRAZENFACE, bra'zn-fufc. f. An impudent
BRAZENFACED, brd'zn-fa'fl. a. Impudent,
BRAZENESS, bra'zn-nis. f. Appearing like
brafs ; impudence.
BRAZIER, bra'-zyur. f. See BRASIER.
BREACH, br6 tfli. f. The aft of breaking any
thing ; the ftate of being broken ; a gap in a
fortification made by a battery ; the violation of
a law or contraft ; difFerence, quarrel ; infrac-
tion, injury.
BREAD, bred . f. Food made of ground corn ;
food in general ; fupport of life at large ;
BREAD-CHIPPER, bred'-ifhip-ur. f. A ba-
ker's fervant.
BREAD-CORN, bred '-kern. f. Corn of which
bread is made.
BREADTH, bred'tH. f. The meafure of any
plain fuperficies from fide to fide.
Xo BREAK, bre k. v. a. To burft, or open
by force ; to divide ; to deflroy by violence ;
to overcome, to furmount ; to batter, to make
breaches or gaps in ; to crufh or deftroy the
ftrength of the body ; to fink or appal the fpirit ;
tofubdue; tocrufli, todifable, to incapacitate ;
to weaken the mind ; to tame, to train to obe-
dience ; to make bankrupt ; to crack the fkin ;
to violate a contrait or promife ; to infringe a .
law; to intercept, to hinder the efFecl of ; to
interrupt ; to feparate company ; to diffolve
any union ; to open fomething new ; To break
the back, to difable one's fortune; To break
ground, to open trenches ; To break the heart ;
to deftroy with grief ; To break the neck, to
lux, or put out the neck joints; To break off,
to put a fudden ftop ; To break up, to diffolve ;
To break up, to feparate or difband ; To break
upon the wheel, to punifh by ftretching a cri-
minal upon the wheel, and breaking his bones
with bats; To break wind, to give vent to wind
in the body. 2
To BREAK, br^k. v. n. To part in two; to
burft by dafl.ing, as wavcs pn a rock ; to open
and difchargp matter ; to open as the morning ;
to burll forth, to exclaim ; to b come bank-
rupt ; to decline in health and ffrength ; to
make way with fome kind of fuJdennefs; to
come to an explanation; to fall out, to be
friends no longer; to difcard ; To break from,
to feparate from with fome vehemence ; To
break in, to enter unexpededly ; To break loofe,
to efcape from captivit)' ; To break off, to de-
fift fuddenly ; To break off from, to part from
with violence ; Ta break out, to difcover itfelf
in fudden effeds ; To break out, to have erup-
tions from the body ; To break out, to become
diffolute ; To break up, to ceafe, to intermit ;
To break up, to diffolve itfelf ; To break up,
to begin holidays; To break with, to part
friendOiip with any.
BREAK, bre k. f. State of being broken,
opening ; a paufe, an interruption ; a lin«
drawn, noting that the fenfc is fufpended.
BREAKER, bre -kur. f. He that breaks any
thing ; a wave broken by rocks or fandBanks.
To BREAKFAST, brek'-faft. v. n. To eat the
firft meal in the day.
BREAKFAST, b.r4'-faft. f. The firft meal in
the day ; the thing eaten at the firft meal ; a
meal in general.
BREAKNECK, bre k-nek. f. Afteepplace
endangering the neck.
BREAKPROMISE, bre'k-prcm-is. f. One that
makes a praftice of breaking his promife.
BREAM, bre'm. f. The name of a fifli.
BREAST, breft'. f. The middle part of the
human body, between the neck and the belly ;
the dugs or teats of women which contain the
milk ; the part of abeaft that is-undcr the neck,
between the forelegs; the heart; the confci-
cnce ; the paffions.
To BREAST, breil'. v. a. To meet in front.
BREASTBONE, breft'-bdnc. f. The bone of
the brcaft, the fternum.
BREASTHIGH, breft'-hy'. a. Up to the breaft.
BREASTHOOKS, breft'-hoks. f. With fhip-
wrights, the compafling timbers before that
■help to ftrengthen the ftem, and all the forepart
of the fliip.
-BREASTKNOT, breft'-not. f. A knot or
bunch of ribbands worn by the women on the
BREASTPLATE, breft'-plate. f. Armour for
the breaft.
BREASTPLOUGH, breft'-plow. f. A plough
ufed for paring turf, driven by the breaft.
BREASTWORK, breft'-wurk. f. Works
thrown up as high as the breaft of the defend-
BREATH, bretfi'. f. The air drawn in and
ejefted out of the body ; life ; refpiration ; re-
fpite, paufe, relaxation; breeze, moving air;
a fingle aft, an inftant.
To BREATHE, bre'th. v. n. To draw in and
throw out the air by the lungs ; to live ; to reft ;
to take breath ; to inject by breathing ; to ejedt
by breathing ; to exercife; to move or adluate
by breath ; to utter privately ; to give air or
vent to.
BREATHER, bre'-thur. f. One that breathes,
or lives.
BREATHING, bre'-th!ng. f. Afpiration, fe-
cret prayer ; breathing place, vent.
BREATHLESS, bretlt'-lls. a. Out of breath,
fpentwith labour; dead.
BRED, bred, particip. palT. from To breed.
BREDE, bre d. f. See BRAID.
BREECH, brltlh'. f. The lower part of the
body ; breeches ; the hinder part of a piece of
ToBPvEECH, britfh'. v. a. To put into breeches ;
to fit any thing with a breech, as to breech a
BREECHES, brit -tflilz. f. The garment worn
by men over the lower part of the body ; to
wear the breeches, is, in a wife, to ufurp the
authority of the hufband.
To BREED, bre d. v. a. To procreate, to ge-
nerate ; to occafion, to caufc, to produce ; to
contrive, to hatch, to plot; to produce from
one's fclf, to give birth to; to edi cate, to
qualify by education; to bnng up, to taKC
care of.
To BREED, bre^. v. n. To bring young ; to
increafe by new produftion ; to be produced,
to have birth ; to raife a breed.
BREED, bred. f. A caft, a kind, a fubdivifion
of fpecies ; progeny, offspring ; a number pro-
duced at once, a hatch.
BREEDBATE, bred-bate. f. One that breeds
BREEDER, bre'-dur. f. That which produces
any thing ; the perfon which brings up ano-
ther; a female that is prolifick; one that takes
care to raife a breed.
BREEDING, fare'-dlng. f. Education, inftruc-
tions ; qualifications ; manners, knowledge of
ceremony; nurture.
BREEZE, br^'z. f. A flinging fly.
BREEZE, bre z. f. A gentle gale.
BREEZY, bra -zy. ad. Fanned with gales.
BRET, bret'. f. A fiih of the turbot kind.
BRETHREN, breth -ren. f. The plural of
BREVIARY, bre'-vya-ry. f. An abridgment,
an epitome ; the book containing the daily
fervice of the church of Rome.
BREVIAT, bre-vyat. f. A fhort compendium.
BREVIATURE, fare'-vya-ture. f. An abbre-
BREVITY, brev'-i-ty. f. Concifenefs, fhort-
To BREW, bro'. v. a. To make liquors by
mixing feveral ingredients ; to prepare by mix-
ing things together; to contrive to plot.
To BREW, bro'. v. n. To perform the office
of a brewer.
BREWaGE, bro-Idzh. f. Mixture of various
BREWER, bro -ur. f. A man whofe profeffion
it is to make beer.
BREWHc;USE, bro'-houfe. f. A houfe ap-
propriated to brewing.
BREWING, bro'-inj;. f. Quantity of liquor
, EREWIS, bra is. f. A piece of bead foiktd in
boiling fat pottage, made ot faltcd meat.
BRIBE, bri be. f. A reward given to pervert
thi ud^meiit.
To BRIBE, bribe, v. a. To give bribes.
BRIBER, bri -bur. f. One that pays for cor-
rupt praiStices.
BRIBERY, bri'-be-ry. f. The crime of taking
rewards for bad praftices.
BRICK, brlk'. f. A mafs of burnt clay } a loaf
fhaped like a brick.
To BRICK, brik'. v. a. To lay with bricks.
BRICKBAT, brlk'-bat. f. A piece of brick.
BRICKCLAY, brlk'-kli f. Clay ufed for
making brick.
BRICKDUST, brlk'-dift. f. Duft made by
pounding bricks.
BRICK-KILN, brik'-kil. f. A kiln, a place
to burn bricks in.
BRICKLAYER, brik'-li-ur. f. Abrick-mafon.
BRICKMAKER, brik'-ma-kur. f. Onewhofe
trade is to make bricks.
BRIDAL, bri -dal. a. Belonging to a wedding,
BRIDE, bride, f. A woman new married.
BRIDEBED, bride-bed. f. Marriage-bed.
BRIDECAKE, bri de-kake. f. A cake diftri-
buted to the guefts at the wedding.
BRIDEGROOM, bride-grom. f. A new mar-
ried man.
BRIDEMEN, bri'de-men. 1{. The attend-
BRIDEMAIDS, bride-madz.i ants on the
bride and bridegroom.
BRIDESTAKE, bri de-ftake. f. A port fet in
the ground, to dance round.
BRIDEWELL, br! de-wel. f. A houfe of cor-
BRIDGE, bridzh'. f. A building raifed over
water for the convenience of pafl'age ; the upper
part of the nofe ; the fupporter of the firings in
flringed inflruments of mufick.
To BRIDGE, bridzh'. v. a. To raife a bridge
over any place.
BRIDLE, bri'dl. f. The hcadftall and reins by
which a horfe is reflrained and governed ; a re-
ftraint, a curb, a check.
To BRIDLE, bri'dl. v. a. To guide by a bridle ;
to rcihain, to govern.
To BRIDLE, bri dl. v. n. To hold up the
BRIDLEHAND, bridl-h.'md. f. The hand
which holds the bridle in riding.
BRIEF, bref. a. Short, concife ; contradcd,
BRIEF, bre'f. f. A fhort extrait, or epitome ;
the writing given the pleaders, containing the
cafe ; letters patent, giving licence to a chari-
table colledlion ; in mufick, a meafure of quan-
tity, which contains two ftrokes down in beat-
ing time, and as many up.
BRIEFLY, bref-ly. ad. Concifely ; in few
BRIEFNESS, bref-nis. f. Concifenef;, fhort-
BRIER, bri'-ur. f. A plant.
BRIERY, bri'-e-ry. a. Rough, full of briers.
BRIGADE, bri-gadc. f. A divifion of forces,
a body of men.
BRIGADIER General, br!g-a-de'r. f. An of-
ficer, next in order below a major general.
BRIGANDINE, brig'-an-dine. : f. Alightvef-
BRIGANTINE, brig'-an-tine. S ^el, T^ch as
has been formerly ufed by corfairs or pirates ; a
coat of mail.
BRIGHT, bri't. a. Shining, glittering, full of
light; clear, evident; illuftrious, as a bright
reign ; witty, acute, as a bright genius.
To BRIGHTEN, britn. v.a. To make bright,
to make to fhine ; to make luminous by light
from without ; to make gay, or alert ; to make
illuftrious ; to make acute.
To BRIGHTEN, britn. v. n. To grow bright,
to clear up.
BRIGHTLY, bri't-!y. ad. Splendidly, with
BRIGHTNESS, bri't-nis. f. Luftie, fplen-
dour ; acutenefs.
BRILLIANCY, bril'-lyan-fy. f. Luftre, fplcn-
BRILLIANT, bnl'-lyint. a. Shining, fparkl-
BRILLIANT, bril'-lyant. f. A diamond of
the fineft cut.
BRILLIANTNESS, brll'-lyant-nls. f. Splen-
dour, luftre.
BRIM, brim', f. The edge of any thing ; the
C c upper
upper edge of any veffcl ; the top of any liquor ;
the bank of a fountain.
To BRIM, brim', v. a. To fill to the top.
To BRIM, brim . v. n. To be full to the brim.
BRIMFUL, brim -ful'. a. Full to the top.
BRIMFULNESS, brim -ful'-nls. f. Fulnefs
to the top.
BRIMMER, brim'-mur. f. A bowl full to
the top.
BRIMSTONE, brIm'-ftSne. f. Sulphur.
BRIMSTONY, brlm'-fto-ny. a. Fullofbrim-
BRINDED, brln'-dld. a. Streaked, tabby.
BRINDLE, brind 1. f. The flate of being
BRINDLED, brind Id. a. Brinded, ftreaked.
BRINE, brine, f. Water impregnated with f.ilt;
the fea ; tears.
BRINEPIT, bri'ne-pit. f. Pit of fait water.
To BRING, bring', v. a. To fetch from ano-
ther place; to convey in one's own hand, not
to fend ; to caufe to come ; to attrad, to draw
along ; to put into any particular ftate ; to con-
dudl ; to induce, to prevail upon ; To bring
about, to bring to pafs, to efFedt ; To bring
forth, to give birth to, to produce ; To bring
in, to reclaim ; To bring in, to afford gain;
To bring off, to clear, to procure to be ac-
quitted ; To bring on, to engage in adlion ;
To bring over, to draw to a new party; To
bring out, to exhibit, to fhew ; To bring
under, to fubdue, to reprefs; To bring up, to
educate, toinftruft; To bring up, to bring
into pr.-idice.
BRINGER, bring'-ur. f. The pcrfon that
brings any thing.
BRINISH, bri-nlfli. a. Having the taftc of
brine, fait.
BRINISHNESS, bri'-niHi-nis. f. Saltnefs.
BRINK, brink . f. The edge of any place, as
of a precipice or a river.
BRINY, bri-ny. f. Salt.
BRISK, brlflc. a. Li\e'y, vivacious, gay ; pow-
erful, fpirituous ; vivid, bright.
BRISKET, brls'-klt. f. The brcaft of an
BPJSKLY, brllk'-ly. ad. A£tivcly, vlgoroudy.
BRISKNESS, brific'-nSs. f. Livelinefs, vigour,
qu'xknefs ; gaycty.
BRISTLE, brls 1. f. The ftiff hair of fwine.
To BRISTLE, brls 1. v. a. To ered in bridles.
To BRISTLE, brls 1. v. n. To ftand erecl as
BRISTLY, brls'-ly. a. Thick fet with briftles.
BRISTOL STONE, brls'-t6-ft6ne. f. A kind
of foft diamond found in a rock near the city
of Briftol,
BRIT, brlt'. f. The name of a fifh.
BRITTLE, brlt'l. a. Fragile, apt to break.
BRITTLENESS, brlt'l-nls. f. Aptnefs to
BRIZE, brlze. f. The gadfly.
BROACH, bro tfh. f. A fpit.
To BROACH, bro tfh. v. a. To fpit, to pierce
as with a fpit; to pierce a veffel in order to
draw the liquor; to open any ilore ; to give out,
or utter any thing.
BROACHER, br6'-tfhur. f. A fpit ; an open-
er, or utterer of any thing.
BROAD, bra d. a. Wide, extended in breadth ;
large ; clear, open ; grofs, coarfe ; obfcene,
fulfome ; bold, not delicate, notreferved.
BROAD CLOTH, bra'd-clo'tlT. f. A fine kind
of cloth.
To BROADEN, brl'dn. v. n. Togrow broad.
BROADLY, bra'd-ly. ad. In a broad manner.
BROADNESS, brid-nls. f. Breadth, extent
from fide to fide ; coarfenefs, fulfomnefe.
BROADSIDE, bra'd-slde. f. The fide of a
fiiip ; the volley of fhot fired at once from the
fide of a fhip.
BROADSWORD, bra'd-ford. f. A cutting,
fword, with a broad blade.
BROADWISE, bra'd-wize. ad. According to.
the diredlion of the breadth.
BROCADE, bro-kd de. C A filken fluff va-
BROCADED, bro-ka'-dld. a. Dreft in bro-
cade ; woven in the manner of brocade.
BROCAGE, bi(i'-kldzh. f. The gain gotten by
promoting bargains ; the hire given for any un-
lawful office ; the trade of dealing in old things.
13 R O
BROCCOLI, brok'-ko-ly. f. A fpecies of cabbage.
BROCK, brok'. f. A badger.
BROCKET, br." k'-kit.f. A red deer, hvo years old.
BROGUE, brog. f. A kind of fhoej a cor-
rupt dialect.
To BROIDER, broi'-dur. v. a. To adorn with
figures of needle-work.
BROIDERY, broi -de-ry. f. Embroidery, flower-
BROIL, broi'l. f. A tumult, a quarrel.
To BROIL, broi'l. V. a. To drefs or cook by
laying on the coals.
To BROIL, broi 1. v. n. To be in the heat.
To BROKE, broke, v. n. To contract bufiiiefs
for others.
BROKEN, brd'kn. part. palT. of Break.
BROKEN-HEAR'i'ED, brd'kn-ha r-t'd. a.
Having the fpirits crufhed by grief or fear.
BROKENLY, brC. kn-ly. ad. Without any
regular ferics.
BROKER, bro-kur. f. A faclor, one that
does bufmefs for another ; one who deals in old
houfchold goods ; a pimp, a match maker.
BROKERAGE, bro -kur-idzh. f. The pay or
reward of a broker.
ERONCHOCELE, brin'-ko-kel. f. A tumour
of that part of the afperia arteria, called the
BRONCHIAL, brcn'-kyal. a. Belonging to the
BRONCHICK,br<'n-k!k. \ throat.
BRONCHOTOMY, brcn-k6t'-t6-my. f. That
operation which opens the windpipe by inci-
fion, to prevent fufFocation.
BRONZE, bro'nze. f. Brafs ; a medal.
BROOCH, bro tfh. f. A jewel, an ornameat
of jewels.
To BROOD, bro'd. v. n. To fit on eggs, to
hatch them ; to cover chickens under the wing ;
to watch, or confider any thing anxioufly ; to
mature any thing by care.
To BROOD, brod. v. a. To chcrifh by care,
to h::tch.
BROOD, bro'd. f. Offspring, progeny ; ge-
neration ; a hatch, the number Hatched at once ;
the adl of coverin2 the
BROODY, bro -dy. a. In a Ihte of fiuing on
the e2:25.
fe. ] baw-
BROOK, bro'k. f. A running water, a rivulet.
To BROOK, br.i'k. v. a. l^o bear, io endure.
To BROOK, bro k. v. n. To endure, to be
BROOKLIME, bro'k-lime. f. A fort of water;
an herb.
BROOM, bro'm. f. Afhrub, abcfom fo called
from the matter of which it is made.
BROOMLAND, br^ m-Iind. f. Land that
bears broom.
BROOMSTAFF, bro'm-ftif. f. The ftafF to
which the broom is bound.
BROOMY, br^'-my. a. Full of broom.
BROTH, bratlT. f. Liquor in which flefh is
BROTHEL, brith'-ll. / f. A
BROTHELHOUSE, bruth'-!l-houfe
BROTHER, bruth'-ur. f. One born of the
fame father or mother ; any one clofely united ;
any one refembling another in manner, form,
or profeflion ; Biother is ufed in theological lan-
guage, for man in general.
BROTHERHOOD^ bruth'-er-had. f. The
ftate or quality of being a brother ; an afToci-
ation of men for any purpofe, a fraternity ; a
clafs of men of the fame kind.
BROTHERLY, bruth'-er-ly, a. Natural to
brothers, fuch as becomes or befeems a brother.
BROUGHT, brat. part, paffive of Bring.
BROW, brow', f. The arch of hair over the
eye ; the forehead ; the general air of the coun-
tenance ; the edge of any high place.
To- BROWBEAT, brow'-bet. v. a. To de-
prefs with ftern looks.
BROWBOUND, brow'-bound. a. Crowned,
BROWSICK, brow'-s!k. a. Dcjecled.
BROWN, brown, a. The name of a colour.
BROWNBILL, brow'n-bil. f. The ancient
weapon of the Englifh foot.
BROWNNESS, brow n-n!s. f. A brown co-
BROWNSTUDY, brow'n-flud'-y. f. Gloomy
To BROWSE, brow zc. v. a. To eat branches,
or flirubs...
To BRUISE, bro'ze. v. a. To crufti or mangle
with a heavy blow.
BRUISE, bro'ze. f. A hurt with fomething
blunt and heavy.
BRUISEWORT, bro'ze-wurt. f. Comfrey.
BRUIT, bro't. f. Rumour, noife, report.
BRUMAL, bro'-mal. a. Belonging to the
BRUNETT, bri-nit'. f. A woman with a
brown complexion.
BRUNT, brunt', f. Shock, violence; blow,
BRUSH, brufli'. f. An inftrument for rubbing;
a rude aflault, a fhock.
To BRUSH, brufli'. v. a. To fweep or rub with
a brufli ; to ftrike with quicknefs j to paint
with a brufli.
To BRUSH, brufli'. v. n. To move with hafte;
to fly over, to flcim lightly.
BRUSHER, brifli -ur. f. He that ufesa brufli.
BRUSHWOOD, brifli'-wiid. f. Rough, flirub-
by thickets.
BRUSHY, brufli'-y. a. Rough or fliaggy, like
a brufli.
To BRUSTLE, brus'l. v. n. To crackle.
BRUTAL, bro-tal. a. That which belongs to
a brute ; favage, cruel, inhuman.
BRUTALITY, bro-tal'-!-ty. f. Savagenefs,
To BRUTALIZE, brd'-ta-llze. v. n. To grow
brutal or favage.
BRUTALLY, bri'-tal-ly. ad. Churliflily, in-
BRUTE, bro't. a. Senfelefs, unconfcious ; fa-
vage, irrational ; rough, ferocious.
BRUTE, bro t. f. A creature without reafon.
BRUTENESS, bro't-nls. f. Brutality.
To BRUTIFY, bro -tl-fy. v. a. To make a
man a brute.
BRUTISH, br<^'-t!fli. a. Beflial, refembling a
beaft ; rough, favage, ferocious ; grofs, carjial ;
ignorant, untaught.
BRUTISHLY, bro'-tlfli-ly. ad. In the manner
of a brute.
BRUTISHNESS, br^ -t!fli-n!s. f. Brutality,
nu-a;-T i;. '
BRYONY, bry -o-ny. f. A plant. .
BUB, bub', f. Strong malt liquor.
BUBBLE, bub'l. f. A fmall bladder of water;
any thing which wants folidity and firmnefs ;
a cheat, a falfe fliow ; the perfon cheated.
To BUBBLE, bib 1. v. n. To rife in bubbles;
to run with a gentle noife.
To BUBBLE, bib'l. v. a. To cheat.
BUBBLER, bub'-blur. f. A cheat.
BUBBY, bub'-by. f. A woman's breafi:.
BUBO, bu'-bo. f. The groin from the binding
of the thigh to the fcrotum : all tumours in
that part are called Buboes.
BUCANIERS, buk-a-nerz. f. A cant word
for the privateers, or pirates, of America.
BUCK, buk'. f. The liquor in which cloaths
are waflied ; the cloaths waflied in the liquor.
BUCK, biik'. f. ' The male of the fallow deer,
the male of rabbets and other animals.
To BUCK, buk'. V. a. To wafli cloaths.
To BUCK, biik'. v. n. To copulate as bucks
and does.
BUCKBASKET, buk'-baf-ki't. f. The baflcet
in which cloaths are carried to the wafli.
BUCKBEAN, biik'-ben. f. A plant, a fort of
BUCKET, buk'-kit. f. The velTel in which wa-
ter is drawn out of a well ; the veflels in which
water is carried, particularly to quench a fire.
BUCKLE, biik'l. f. A link of metal, with a
tongue or catch made to fallen one thing to
another ; the flate of the hair crifped and
To BUCKLE, buk 1. v. a. To faflen with a
buckle ; to confine.
To BUCKLE, biik 1. v. n. To bend, to bow;
To buckle to, to apply to ; To buckle with,
to engage with.
BUCKLER, buk'-lur. f. A fliield.
BUCKMAST, bik'-mirt. f. The fruit or mafl:
of the beech tree.
BUCKRAM, buk'-rum. f. A fort of ftrong
linen cloth, fiifFened with g\mi.
BUCKSHORN, buks-hirn. f. A plant,
BUCKTHORN, buk'-t'ncrn. f. A tree.
BUCOLICK, bii-kol -Ik. a. Paftoral.
BUD, bud', f. The fi-ft flioot of a plant, a
To BUD, hud . V. n. To put forth young flaoots,
or gems ; to be in the bloom.
To BUD, bud . V. a. To inoculate.
To BUDGE, budzh'. v. n. To ftir.
BUDGE, budzh'. a. Stiff, formal.
BUDGER, bud-jur. f. One that jnovesor ftirs.
BUDGET, bid -j!t. f. A bag fuch as may be
eafily carried ; a ftore, or ftock.
BUFF, buf . f. Leather prepared from the fkin
of the buffalo, ufed for waift belts, pouches, &c.
a military coat.
To BUFF, hif . V. a. To ftrike.
BUFFALO, bif -fl-l6. f. A kind of wild bull
or cow.
BUFFET, buf '-fit. f. A blow with the fifr.
BUFFET, buf-fjt'. f. A kind of cupboard.
To BUFFET, buf'-flt. V. n. To box, to beat.
To BUFFET, baf -fit. v. n. To play a box-
BUFFETER, buf -f !-tir. f. A boxer.
BUFFLE, bufl. f. The fame with buffalo.
BUFFLEHEADED, buf 1-hed-id. a. Dull,
BUFFOON, buf-f(^'n. f. A man whofe profef-
fion is to make fport, by low jefts and antick
poftures, a jackpudding ; a man that prailifes
indecent raillery.
BUFFOONRY, bif-f^'n-e-ry. f. The prac-
tice of a buffoon ; low jefts, fcurrile mirth.
BUG, bug', f. A ftinking infedl, bred in old
houfchold ftuff.
BUGBEAR, big'-b5r. f. A frightful objecl, a
falfe terrour.
BUGGINESS, bug'-g!-nls. f. The ftate of
being infected with bugs.
BUGGY, bug'-gy. a. Abounding with bugs.
BUGLE, bu'gl." ; f. A hunting
BUGLEHORN, bu'gl-horn. \ horn.
BUGLE, bu'gl. f. A fliining bead of black glafs.
BUGLE, bu'gl. f. A plant.
BUGLOSS, bu'-glos. f. The herb ox-tonguc.
To BUILD, blld'. V. a. To make a fabrick, or
an edifice; to raifc any thing on a fupport or
To BUILD, blld . v. n. To depend on, to
reft on.
BUILDER, bll-dur. f. He that builds, an
BUILDING, bll'-drng. f. A fabrick, an edifice.
BUILT, bllt'. f. The form, the ftruaure.
BULB, bulb', f. A round body, or root.
BULBACEOUS, bul-bi'-fhus. a. The fame
with Bulbous.
BULBOUS, biLl'-bus. a. Containing bulbs.
To BULGE, bul jc. v. n. 7'o take in water,
to founder, to jut out.
BULK, bulk', f. Magnitude, fize, quantity ;
the grofs, the majority ; main fabrick.
BULK, bulk', f. A part of a building jutting
BULKHEAD, bulk'-hed. f. A partition made
acrofs a fhip with boards.
BULKINESS, bul-k!-nis. f. Greatnefsof fta-
ture, or fize.
BULKY, bul'-ky. a. Of great fize or ftature.
BULL, biil'. f. The male of black cattle; in
the fcriptural fenfe, an enemy powerful, and
violent ; one of the twelve figns of the zodiack ;
a letter publifhed by the pope ; a blunder.
BULLBEATING, bul'-bi-ting. f. The fport
of baiting bulls with dogs.
BULL-BEGGAR, bdl'-beg-ur. f. Something
BULL-DOG, bul'-dog. f. A dog of a particular
form, remarkable for his courage.
BULL-HEAD, bCil'-hcd. f. A ftupid fellow ;
the name of a fifh.
BULL-WEED, bul'-wed. f. Knapweed.
BULL-WORT, bal'-wurt. f. Bi(hops-weed.
BULL ACE, bil'-Iis. f. A wild four plum.
BULLET, bul'-lit. f. A round ball of n-ictal.
BULLION, bul'-Iyun. f. Gold or filver in
the lum.p unwrought.
BULLITION, bul-llfh'-un. f. T.hc aft cr ftate
of boiling.
BULLOCK, bdl'-luk. f. A young bull.
BULLY, bul'-ly. f. A noify, bluftering, quar-
relling fellow.
BULRUSH, bul'-rufti. f. A large rufh.
BULWARK, bul'-wurk. f. A fortification, a
citadel ; a fecurity.
BUM, bum. f. The part on which we fit; it
D d is
is ufed, in compofitlon, for any thing mean or
low, as bumbailiff".
BUMBAILIFF, bum-ba'-llf. f. A bailiff of
the meaneft kind, one that is employed in ar-
BUMBARD, bom-ba'rd. f. Bombard.
BUMBAST, bom-baft', f. Bombaft.
BUMP, bump', f. A fwelling, a protuberance.
To BUMP, bump', v. a. To makea loud noife.
BUMPER, bum'-pur. f. A cup filled.
BUMPKIN, bump'-kin. f. An aukward heavy
BUMKINLY, bump'-kln-ly. a. Having the
manner or appearance of a clown.
BUNCH, buntlh'. f. A hard lump, a knob;
aclufter; a number of things tied together; any
thing bound into a knot.
BUNCHBACKED, buntfh'-bakt. a. Having
bunches on the back.
BUNCHY, bun'-tfhy. a. Growing into bunches.
BUNDLE, biin'dl. f. A number of things
bound together ; any thing rolled up cylindri-
To BUNDLE, bun'dl. v. a. To tie in a bundle.
BUNG, bung', f. A ftopple for a barrel.
To BUNG, bung . v. a. To flop up.
BUNGHOLE, bung'-hdle. f. The hole at
which the barrel is filled.
To BUNGLE, bung'l. v. n. To perform
To BUNGLE, bung'l. v. a. To botch, to ma-
nage clumfily.
BUNGLE, bung'l. f. A botch, an awkward-
BUNGLER, bung'-lur. f. A bad workman.
BUNGLINGLY, bung'-l!ng-Iy. ad. Clumfily,
BUNN, bun', f. A kind of fweet bread.
BUNT, bunt. f. An increafing cavity.
PUNTER, bun'-tur. f. Any low vulgar wo-
BUNTING, biin'-ting. f. The name of a
BUOY, bwe . f. A piece of cork or wood
floating, tied to a weight.
To BUOY, bway , v. a. To keep afloat.
BUOYANCY, bway'-£n-fy. f. The quality
of floating.
BUOYANT, bwoy'-.int. a. Which will not fink,
BUR, bur', f. A rough head of a plant.
BURBOT, biir'-but. f. A fift full of prickles.
BURDELAIS, bur-de-la. f. A fort of grape.
BURDEN, bur'-din, f. A load; fomething
grievous ; a birth ; the verfe repeated in a fong.
To BURDEN, bur'-dln. v. a. To load, to in-
BURDENER, biir'-dln-ur, f. A loader, an
BURDENOUS, bur'-dln-us, a. Grievous, op-
preffivc ; ufelcfs.
BURDENSOxME, bur'-dln-fum. a. Grievous,
BURDENSOMENESS, bur'-d!n-fum-n!s. f.
Weight, uneafinefs.
BURDOCK, bur'-dok. f. See DOCK.
BUREAU, bu-ro. f. A cheft of drawers.
BURG, bur'-ro. f. See BURROW.
BURGAGE, bur'-g'dzh. f, A tenure proper
to cities and towns.
BURGAMOT, bur-ga-mot'. f. A fpecies of
BURGANET, or BURGONET, bur'-g5-net'.
f. A kind of helmet.
BURGESS, bur'-jis. f. A citizen, a freeman
of a city ; , a reprefentative of a town corporate.
BURGH, buF.-r6. f. A corporate town or bur-
BURGHER, bur'-gur. f. One who has a right
to certain privileges in this or that place.
BURGHERSHIP, bur'-gur-ftilp. f. The pri-
vilege of a burgher.
BURGLARY, bur'-gla-ry. f. Robbing a houfe
by night, or breaking in with intent to rob.
BURGOMASTER, bur'-gS-maf-tur. f. One
employed in the government of a city.
BURIAL, ber'-yal. f. The att of burying,
fepulture, interment ; the zQ. of placing any
thing under earth ; the church fervice for
BURIER, bcr'-ry-ur. f. He that buries.
BURINE, bu'-n'n. f, A graving tool.
BURLACE, bur'-lafe, f. A fort of gr.ipc.
To BURL, bur'l. V. a. To drefs cloth as ful-
lers do.
BURLESQUE, bur-li-fk'. a. Jocular, tending
to raife laughter.
BURLESQUE, bur-lefk'. f. Ludicrous lan-
To BURLESQUE, bur-lefk'. v. a. To turn to
BURLINESS, bir'-ly-nls. f. Bulk, blufter.
BURLY, bir-l^. a.' Great of ftature.
To BURN, burn. v. a. To confume with fire;
to wound with fire.
To BURN, burn. v. n. To be on fire ; to be
inflamed with paffion ; to aft as fire.
BURN, birn . f. A hurt caufed by fire.
BURNER, bur'-nur. f. A perfon that burns
any thing.
BURNET, bur -nit. f. The name of a plant.
BURNING, bur -ning. f. State of inflamma-
BURNING-GLASS, bur'-n!ng-glas. f. A glafs
which colledls the rays of the fun into a nairow
compafs, and fo increafes their force.
To BURNISH, bur'-nllh. v. a. To polifli.
To BURNISH, bur'-nlfli. v. n. To grow bright
or glofl)'.
BURNISHER, bur'-mfh-ur. f. The perfon
that burnilhes or polifhes; the tool with which
bookbinders give a glofs to the leaves of books,
it is commonly a dog's tooth fet in a ftick.
BURNT, burnt', part. paff. of Burn.
BURR, bir'. f. The lobe or lap of the ear.
BURREL, bur'-rll. f. A fort of pear.
BURROW, biir'-ro. f. A corporate town, that
is not a city, but fuch as fends burgeffes to the
parliament; a place fenced or fortified; the
holes made in the ground by conies.
To BURROW, bi.r'-ro. v! n. To mine, as
conies or rabbits.
BURSAR, bur-fur. f. The trcafurer of a col-
lege. ^
BURSE, burs'e, f. An exchange where mer-
chants meet.
To BURST, birft'. v. n. To break, or fly
open ; to fly afunder ; to break away, to fpring ;
to come fuddenly ; to begin an adtion violently.
To BURST, burft'. v. a. To break fuddenly,
to make a quick and violent difruption.
BURST, burft'. f. A fudden difruption.
BURST, burft'. 1 pr>rt. a. Difeafed with a
BURSTEN, burft'n. ^ hernia or rupture.
BURSTNESS, burft'-nls. f. A rupture.
BURSTWORT, burft'-wurt. f. An herb good
againft ruptures.
BURT, birt'. f. A flat fifh of the turbot kind.
BURTHEN, bur'-dln. f. See BURDEN.
To BURY, ber'-ry. v. a. To inter, to put in-
to a grave ; to inter with rites and ceremonies ;
to conceal, to hide.
BUSH, bufh'. f. A thick fhrub ; a bough of a
tree fixed up at a door, to (hew that liquors are
fold there.
BUSHEL, bufh'-il. f. A meafure containing
eight gallons, a ftrike.
BUSHINESS, ba{h'-!-nis. f. The quality of
being buftiy.
BUSHMENT, bufh'-ment. f. A thicket.
BUSHY, bulh'-y. a. Thick, full of fmall
branches ; full of buflies.
BUSILESS, blz'-zy-lis. a. At leifure.
BUSILY, b!z'-zy-ly. ad. With hurry, aftlvely,
BUSINESS, biz'-nis. f. Employment, multi-
plicity of affairs ; an affair ; the fubjeft of ac-
tion ; ferious engagement ; right of adtioii ; a
matter of queftion ; To do one's bufinefs, to
kill, deftroy, or ruin him.
BUSK, bulk', f. A piece of fteel or whalebone,
worn by women to ftrengthen their ftays.
BUSKIN, bus'-kin. f. A kind of half boot, a.
ftioe which comes to the midleg ; a kind of high
fhoe worn by the ancient adors of tragedy.
BUSKINED,' bus -kind. a. Dreffed in bufkins.
BUSKY, bus'-ky. a. Woody.
BUSS, bus', f. A kifs, a filute v/ith lips; a
boat for filhing.
To BUSS, bus'. V. a. To kifs.
BUST, bull. f. A ftatue reprefcnting a man to
his breaft.
BUSTARD, bus'-terd. f. A wild turkey.
To BUSTLE, bus I. v. n. To be bufy, to ftir.
BUSTLE, bus'l. f. A tumult, a hurry.
BUSTLER, bus'-liir. f. An adive ftirring man.
BUSY, biz'-zy. a. Employed with earncfbief? ;
buftling, aftive, meddling.
To BUSY, b'z'-zy. v. a. To employ, to engage.
BUSYBODY, blz'-zy-bod-y. f. A vain, mtd-
dlins;, fantaftical psrfon.
BUT, but', conjuiift. Except; yet, neverthe-
Jcfs ; the particle which introduces the minor
of a fyllogifm, now; only, nothing more than ;
than ; not otherwife than ; by no other means
than ; if it were not for this ; however, how-
beit; otherwife than; even, not longer ago
than ; yet it may be objeded ; but for, had not
this been.
BUT-END, but'-cnd. f. Th: blunt end of any
BUTCHER, bat'-tfnir. f. One that kills ani-
mals to fell their Hcfh ; one that is delighted
with blood.
To BUTCHER, bdt'-tfaur. v. a. To kill, to
BUTCHERLINESS, bdt'-tfher-ly-n's. f. A
butcherly manner.
BUTCHERLY, but'-tfher-ly. a. bloody, bar-
BUTCHERY, biit'-tflie-ry. f. The trade of a
hatcher; murder, cruelty; the place where
blood is fhcd.
BUTLER, but'-lir. f. A fcrvant employed in
furnijfhing the table.
BUTMENT, but'-man. f. That part of the
arch which joins it to the upright pier.
BUTT, but', f, The place on which the mark
to be (hot at is placed ; the point at which the
endeavour is diredled ; a man upon whom the
company break their jefts.
BUTT, but . f. A vellel, a barrel containing
one hundred and twenty-fix gallons of wine.
To BUTT, but', v. a. To flrike with the head.
BUTTER, bit'-tir. f. An unduous fub-
ftance made by agitating the cream of milk, till
the oil feparates from the whey.
To BUTTER, but'-tur. v. a. To fmear, or
oil with butter ; to incrcafe the Ibkes every
BUTTERBUMP, but'-tir-bimp. f. A fowl,
ijic bittourn. ^
BUTTERBUR, but'-tur-bur. f. A plant.
BUTTERFLOWER, but'-tur-flow-ur. f. A
yellow flov/er of May.
BUTTERFLY, bit'-tur-fly. f. A beautiful
BUTTERIS, but'-t3-rls. f. An inftrument of
fteel ufed in paring the foot of a horfe.
BUTTERMILK, but'-tur-mllk. f. The whey
that is fcparated from the cream when butter is
BUTTERPRINT, but'-tur-prlnt. f. A piece
of carved wood, ufed to mark butter.
BUTTERTOOTH, but'-tur-tcitJi. f. The
great broad foretooth.
BUTTERWOIMAN, bit'-tur-wiim-un. f. A
woman that fells butter.
BUTTERWORT, bit'-tur-wurt. f. A plant,
BUTTERY, but'-ta-r)'. a. Having the ap-
pearance or qualities of butter.
BUTTERY, but'-te-ry. f. The room where
pro^'i^lons are laid up.
BUTTOCK, but'-uk. f. The rump, the part
near the tail.
BUTTON, bit'n. f. Any knob or hall; the
bud of a plant.
To BUTTON, but'n. v. a. Todrefs, tocloathj
to faflen with buttons.
BUTTONHOLE, but'n-h6le. f. The loop in
which the button of the cloaths is caught.
BUTTRESS, but-trls. f. A prop, a wall built
to fupport another ; a prop, a fupport.
To BUTTRESS, but -tris. v. a. To prop.
BUXOM, buk'-fum. a. Obedient, obfequious;
gay, lively, brifk ; wanton, jolly.
BUXOMLY, buk'-fum-ly. ad. Wantonly, amo-
BUXOMNESS, bik'-fum-nis. f. Wantonncfs,
To BUY, by', v. a. To purchafe, to acquire
by paying a price ; to manage by money.
To BUY, by', v. n. To treat about a purchafe.
BUYER, by'-ur. f. He that buys, a pur-
To BUZZ, buz', v. n. To hum, to make a
noifc like bees ; to whifpcr, to prate.
BUZZARD, buz'-zird. f, A degenerate or
mean fpecics of hawk. ; a blockhead, a dunce.
BUZZER, buz'-zur. f. A fecret whifperer.
K by'. 7 prep. It notes the agent ; it notes
' t ^y* J the inftrument; it notes the Cdufe;
it notes the means by which any thing is per-
formed; at, or in, noting place j it notes the
fum of the difference between two things com-
pared ; not later than, "notmg time ; befide,
noting pafiage ; near to, in prefence, noting
proximity ; before Kimfelf, it notes the abfence
of all others ; it is the folemn form of fwearing ;
athahd; it is ufed in forms of obteftingj by
proxy of; noting fubftitution.
BY, by', ad. Near, at a fmall diftance ; befide,
paffing ; in prefence.
BY AND BY, by -and-by'. ad. In a fhort time.
BY, by', f. Something not the direft and im-
mediate obje6t of regard, as by the by.
BY-CONCERNAIENT, by"-k6n-fern'-ment.
f. An affair which is not the main bufinefs.
BY-END, by -end. f. Private intercllr, fecret
BY-GONE, by'-gon. a. Pafl.
BY-LAW, by'-l;i'. f. By-laws are orders made
for the good of thofe that make them, further
than the publick law binds.
BY-NAME, by'-name. f. A nickname.
BY-PATH, by -pdtti. f. A private or obfcurc
BY-RESPECT, by'-rcs-pekt'. f. Private end
or view.
BY-ROOM, by -rd m. f. A private room within.
BY-SPEECH,' by'-fp(i't{h. f. An incidental or
cafual fpeech.
BY-STANDER, by'-fUn-dur. f. A looker-on,
one unconcerned.
BY-STREET, by'-flre't. f. An obfcure flreet.
BY-VIEW, by -vu'. f. Private felf-intercflcd
BY-WALK,' bf-wa'k. f. Private walk, not
the main road.
BY-WAY, by'-wa'. f. A private and obfcurc
BY-WEST, by-weft', a. Weftward, to the
weft of.
BY-WORD, bf-wurd. f. A faying, a pro-
verb ; a term of reproach.
C"^AB, kab'. f. A Hebrew meafure, contain-
^ ing about three pints Englifh.
CABAL, ka-bal'. f. The fecret fcience of the
Hebrew rabbins ; a body of men united in fome
clofe defign ; intrigue.
To CABAL, ka-bal'. v. n. To form clofe in-
CABALIST, kab'-a-l!ft. f. One /killed in the
traditions of the Hebrews.
CABALLISTICK, kab-a-lls'-tlk. 5 thing
that has an occult meaning.
CABALLER, ka-b-il'-lur. f. He that engages
in clofe deflgns, an intriguer.
CABBAGE, kab'-bi'dzh. f. A plant.
To CABBAGE, kab'-bldzh. v. a. To fteal in
cutting clothes.
CABBAGE-TREE, kib'-bldzh-tre. f. A fpe-
cies of palm-tree.
CABBAGE-WORM, kab'-bldzh-wiirm. f. An
CABIN, kab'-bin. f. A fmall room ; a fmall
chamber in a fliip ; a cottage, or fmall houfe.
To CABIN, kab -bin. v. n. To live in a cabin.
To CABIN, kab'-bin. v. a. To confine in a
CABINED, kab -bind. a. Belonging to a cabin.
CABINET, kib'-in-ct. f. A fet of boxes or
E e
drawers for curiofities ; any place in which
things of value are hidden ; a private room in
which confulrations are held.
CABINET-COUNCIL. kab'-in-et-kou"n-s!l.
f. A council held in a private manner.
CABINET-MAKER, kab"-in-et-ma'-kur. f.
' One that mnkes fmall nice work in wood.
CABLE, ku'bl.- f. The great rope of a fhip to
which the anchor is faftened.
CACHECTICAL, ki-kek'-ty-kal. la. Having
CACHECTICK, ka-kek'-tlk. \ an ill ha-
bit of body.
CACHEXY, ka'-kek-fy. f. Such a diftempe-
rature of the humours, as hinders nutrition,
and weakens the vital and animal functions.
CACHINNATION, ka-kln-na'-lhun. f. Aloud
CACKEREL, kak'-e-rll. f. A fifh.
To CACKLE, kak'l. v. n. To make a noifeas
a goofe ; fometimes it is ufed for the noife of a
hen ; to laugh, to giggle.
CACKLE, kak'l. f. The voice of a goofe or
CACKLER, k;ik'-lur. f. A fowl, that cackles ;
a teltale, a tatler.
CACOCHYMICAL, ka-k6-k!m'-y-kal. 7
CACOCHYMICK, ka-ka-klm'-ik. j ^'
Having the humours corrupted.
CACOCHYMY, ka'-k6-k!m-my. f. A depra-
vation of the humours from a found Hate.
CACOPHONY, k;V-k6-f6-ny. f. A bad found
of words.
To CACUMINATE, ka-ku'-ml-nate. v. a. To
make fiiarp or pyramidal.
CADAVEROUS, ka-dav'-e-rus. a. Having
the appearance of a dead carcafs.
CADDIS, kid'-dis. f. A kind of t.ipe or rib-
bon ; a kind of worm or grub.
CADE, ka'de. a. Tame, foft, as a cade lamb.
CADE, ka'de. f. A barrel.
CADENCE, k^'-dens, 7f. Fall, ftateof fink-
CADENCY, ki'-den-fy. i ing, decline; the
fall of the voice ; the flow of verfes, or periods ;
the tone or found.
CADENT, ka'-dcnt. a. Falling down.
CADET, ka-dct'. f. The younger brother ; the
youngeft brother ; a voluntier in the army, who
ferves in expedtation of a commilTion.
CADGER, kad'-jur. f. A huckfler.
CADI, ka -dy. f. A magiftrate among the Turks.'
CADILLACK,-ka-dil'-lak. f. A fort pf pear.
CiESURA, fe-fu'-ra. f. A figure in poetry,
by which a fiiort fyllable after a complete foot
is made 'long ; a paufe in X'erfe.
CAFTAN, kaf'-tan. f. A Perfian veil or gar-
CAG, kag . f. A barrel or wooden veflel, con-
taining four or five gallons.
CAGE, ka'je. f. An inclofureof fwigsorwire,
in which birds are kept ; a place for wild beafts j
a prifon for petty malefadlors.
To CAGE, kaje. v. a. To inclofe In a cage.
CAIMAN, ka -man. f. The American name
of a crocodile.
To CAJOLE, ka-j6'le. v. a. To Hatter, to.
CAJOLER,ka-j6'-lur. {. A flatterer, awheedler.
CAJOLERY, ka-jo -le-ry. f. Flattery. '
CAITIFF, ka'-tlf. f, A mean villain, a defpi-
cable knave.
CAKE, ka'ke. f. A kindof delicate bread ; any
thing of a form rather flat than high.
To CAKE, ka'ke. v. n. To harden as dough
in the oven.
CALABASH, kal'-a-bafh. f. A fpecies of a
larger gourd.
CALABASH TREE, kal'-a-bafh-tr6". f. A tree
of which the fhells are ufed by the negroes for
cups, as alfo for inflruments of mufick.
CALAMANCO, kal-a-mank'-6. f. A kind of
woollen fiuff.
CALAMINE, kal'-a-mine. f. A kind of foffile
bituminous earth, which being mixed with
copper, changes it into brafs.
CALAMINT, kal'-a-mint. f. The name of a
CALAMITOUS, ka-lam'-!-tiis. a. Miferable,
involved in diftrcfs, unhappy, wretched.
CALAMITOUSNESS, ka-lam'-i-tuf-nls. f.
Mifery, difirefs.
CALAMITY, ka-lam'-I-ty. f. Misfortune,
caufc of mifery,
CALAMUS, k'.l'-A-mus. f. A fort of reed or
fweet-fcented wood, mentioned in fcripture.
CALASH, ka-lafh. f. A fmall carriage of plea-
CALCEATED, kdl'-fa^-tld. a. Shod, fitted
with fiioes.
CALCEDONIUS, kil-ffi-do'-nyis. f. A kind
of precious fione.
CALCINATION, kdl-fy-na'-fhun. f. Such a
management of bodies by fire, as fenders them
reducible to powder; chymifcal pulverization.
■ CALCINATORY,kal'-sin-na-tir-y. f. A vef-
fel ufed in calcination.
To CALCINE, kal-si ne. v. a. To burn in the
fire to a calx, or fubilance eafily reduced to pow-
der ; to burn up.
To CALCINE, kil-si'ne. v. n. To become a
calx by heat.
To CALCULATE, kal'-kd-late. v. a. To com-
pute, to reckon; to adjuft, to proje(St for any
certain end.
CALCULATION, kal-ku-ia'-fhun. f. A prac-
tice, or manner of reckoning, the art of num-
bering; the refult of arithmetical operation.
CALCULATOR, kal'-ku-la-tur. f. A com-
CALCULATORY, kdl"-ku-la-tur'-y. a. Be-
longing to calculation.
CALCULE, kal'-kule. f. Reckoning, compute.
CALCULOSE, k;il-kii-l6 fe. I a. Stony, grit-
CALCULOUS, kal-kd-lus. < ty.
CALCULUS, kil'-ku-lus. f. The ftone in the
CALDRON, ki'l-drun. f. A pot, a boiler, a
CALEFACTION, khUl-fik' -{hnn. f. The afl
of heating any thing ; the ftate of being heated.
CALEFACTIVE,kal-e-fak -tiv. a. That which
makes any thing hot, heating.
CALEFACTORY, kal-e-fik'-tur-y. a. Ths.t
which heats.
To CALEFY, kal'-c-fy. v. n. To grow hoi,
to be heated.
CALENDAR, kal'-In-dur, f. A regifter of the
ye.;r, in which the months, and ftated times,
are marked, as fcftivals on holidays.
", I ,yi ,'r S ^- A title affumed by
'H, \ ''' 2 ^^^ fucceffors of Ma-
To CALENDER, kal'-In-dir. v. a. To drefs
CALENDER, kal'-ln-dur. f. A hot prcf-, a
prefs in which clothitrs fmooth their cloth.
CALENDRER, kul'-In-drur. f. The perfon
who calenders.
CALENDS, kal'-Indz. f. The firft day of every
month amoiig the Remans.
CALENTURE, kal'-m-ture. r, A diflcmper
in hot climates, wherein they imagine the fca
to be green fields.
CALF, ka'f. f. The young of a cow; the thick,
plump, bulbous part of the leg.
CALIBER, ka-le'-biir. f. The bore, the dia-
meter of the barrel of a gun.
CALICE, kal'-!s. f. A cup, a chalice.
CALICO, kal-y-k6. f.' An Indian fluff made
of cotton.
CALID, kAl-Id. a. Hot, burning.
CALIDITY, ka-lld'-di-t^. f. Heat.
homet among the Saracens.
CALIGATION, ka-ly-ga'-fliun. f. Darkncfs,
CALIGINOUS, ka-lidzh'-y-nus. a. Obfcure,
CALIGINOUSNESS, ka-lidzh'-y-nuf-n!s. f.
CALIVER, kal'-y-vur. f, A handgun, a har-
qutbufe, an old.mufket.
To CALK, ka k. v. a. To flop the leaks of a fhip.
CALKER, ka-kur. f. The workman that flops
the leaks of a fhip.
To CALL, ka'l. v. a. To name ; to fummon
or invite; to convoke ; to fum'mon judicially ;
in the theological fcnfe, to infpire with ardours
of piety ; to invoke, to appeal to; to proclaim,
to publifh ; to make a Ihort vifit; to excite, to
put in action, to bring into view ; to fligma-
tize with fome opprobrious denomination ; To
call back, to revoke; To call in, to refume
money at intereft ; To call over, to read aloud
a lift or mufter-roll ; To call our, to challenge.
CALL, ka'l. f. A vocal addrefs; requifition ;
divine vocation ; fummons to true religion ; an
impulfc j
impulfe ; authority, command ; a demand, a
claim ; an inrtrument to call birds ; calling,
vocation, employment ; a nomination.
CALLAT, ( , ,,. ,, ^ ^ ,,
CALLET,r^^^-''^-^- ^^'•""-
CALLING, kal-ling. f. Vocation, profefllon,
trade ; proper ftation, or employment ; clafs of
perfons united by the fame employment or pro-
feflion J divine vacation, invitation to the true
CALLIPERS, kal'-ly-perz. f. Compafles with
bowed thanks.
CALLOSITY, kal-l6s'-s!-ty. f. A kind of
fvvelling without pain.
CALLOUS, kil'-liis. a. Hardened, infenfible.
CALLOUSNESS, kil'-luf-ms. f. Induration
of the fibres ; infenfibility.
CALLOW, kir'-lcj. a. Unfledged, naked, want-
ing featlicrs.
CALLUS, kdl'-lus. f. An induration of the
fibres ; the hard fubftance by which broken bones
are united.
CALM, ka m. a. Quiet, ferenc; undilturbed,
CALM, ka'm. f. Serenity, ftillnefs ; quiet, re-
To CALM, ka'm. v. a. To ftill, to quiet ; to
pacify, to appeafe.
CALMER, ka m-ur. f. The perfon or thing
which has the power of giving quiet.
CALMLY, ka m-ly. ad. Without ftorms, or
violence ; without paflions, quietly.
CALMNESS, kam-nis. f. Tranquillity, fe-
renity ; mildnefs, freedom from pafTion.
CALOMEL, kal'-6-mel. f. Mercury fix times
CALORiFICK, kai-6-r!f'-Ik. a. That which
has the quality of producing heat.
CALOTTE, ka-l6t'. f. A cap or coif.
CALTROPS, kal'-trops. f. An inflrrument
made with three fpikes, fo that which way fo-
ever it falls to the ground, one of them points
upright ; a plant mentioned in Virgil's Gcor-
gick, under the name of tribulus.
To CALVE, ka'v. v. n. To bring forth a calf,
fpokei; of a cow.
To CALUMNIATE, ka-lum'-nyate. v. a. To
CALUMNIATION, ka-lum-nyi'-fhun. f. A
malicious and falfe reprefentaiiou of words or
CALUMNIATOR, ka-lum'-nya-tur. f. A
forger of accufation, a flanderer.
CALUMNIOUS, ka -lum'-nyus. a. Slander-
ous, falfely reproachful.
CALU.ViNY, kal'-um-ny. f. Slander, falfe
CALX, kalk's. f. Any thing rendered reducible
to powder by burning.
CALYCLE, kal'-ikl. f. A fmall bud of a plant.
CAMAIEU, ka-ma'-yo. f. A ftone with va-
rious fiffiires and reprefentations of landikiiss,
formed by nature.
CAMBER, klm'-bur. f. A piece of timber cut
CAMBRICK, kam'-brik. f. A kind of fine linen.
CAME, k;Vme. The preterite of To come.
CAMEL, kam'-!l. f. A beaft of burden.
CAMELOPARD, kam -e-l6-pard. f. An ani-
mal taller than an elephant, but not fo thick.
CAMELOT,7 , / ,. 5 f- A kind of fluff
CAMLET, S '"" " ''■ I originally made by
a mixture of filk and camels hair; it is now
made with wool and filk.
CAMERA OBSCURA, kam'-e-ra-Db-fkd"-rL
f. An optical machine ufed in a darkened
chamber, fo that the light coming only through
a double convex glafs, objects oppofite are re-
prefented inverted.
CAMERADE, kum'-rade. f. A bofom com-
CAMERATED, kam'-er-a-t!d. a. Arched.
CAMERATION, kam-er-a'-fhun. a. A vault-
ing or arching.
CAMISADO, kam-y-fa'-do. f. An attack made
in the dark, on which occafion they put their
fliirts outward.
CAAIISATED, kam'-y-fi-tld. a. Dreffed with
thcfiiirt outward.
CAMLET, kam'-l!t..f. See CAMELOT.
CAMMOCK, kam'-muk. f. An herb, petty
whin, or rcftharrow.
CAMP, kamp'. f. The orJcr of tents, placed
by armies when they keep the field.
To CAMP, kamp'. v. n. To lodge in tents.
CAMPAIGN, kam-pan. f. A large, open,
level tract of ground ; the time for which any
army keeps the field.
CAIvIPANIFORM, kam-pan'-ny-firm. a. A
term ufed of flowers, which are in the (hape of
a bell.
CAMPANULATE, kim-p:in'-u-Iate. a. Cam-
CAMPESTRAL, kam-pes'-tral. a. Growing
in fields.
CAiMPHIRE, kdm'-f^T. f. A kind of refin pro-
duced by a chymical procefs from the camphire
CAMPHIRE, kam'-fyr-trl. f. The tree from
which camphire is extrafted.
CAMPHORATE, kam'-fd-rate. f. Impreg-
nated with camphire.
CAMPION, kam'-pyun. f. A plant.
CAN, kan'. f. A cup.
To CAN, k.an . v. n. To be able, to have power ;
it exprelles the potential mood, as I can do it.
CANAILLE, ka-na'l. f. The loweft people.
CANAL, ka-nal'. f. A bafon of water in a
garden ; any courfe of water made by art ; a
palTage through which any of the juices of the
body How.
CANAL-COAL, ken'-ml-kol. f. A fine kind
of coal.
CANALICULATED, kan-a-l!k'-u-la-tld. a.
Made like a pipe or gutter.
CANARY, ka-na-ry. f. Wine brought from
the Canaries, fack.
CANARY-BIRD, ka-n^'-ry-burd. f. An ex-
cellent finging bird.
To CANCEL, kan -sll. v. a. To crofs a wri-
ting ; to efface, to obliterate in general.
CANCELLATED, kan'-fel-la-tld. a. Crofs-
CANCELLATION, kan-fel-la'-fliun. f. An
expunging or wipiajj out of an inftrument.
CANCER, kan'-fur. 'f. A crabfilh ; the fign of
the fummer fijlftice ; a virulent fwelling, or
To CANCERATE, kan'-fc-ratc, v. n. To be-
come a cancer.
CANCERATION, kan-fe-ra'-fhun. f. A grow-
ing cancerous.
CANCEROUS, kan'-fa-rus. a. Having Uie vi-
rulence of a cancer.
CANCEROUSNESS, kan'-fe-ruf-nls. f. The
ftate of being cancerous.
CANCRINE, kan'-krine. a. Having the qua-
lities of a crab.
CANDENT, kan'-dcnt. a. Hot.
CANDICANT, kan'-dy-kant. a. Growing
CANDID, kan'-did. a. White; fair, open, in-
CANDIDATE, kan'-d!-det. f. A competitor,
one that folicitcs advancement.
CANDIDLY, kan'-did-ly. ad. Fairly, ingenu-
CANDIDNESS, kan'-did-ms. f. Ingenuouf-
nefs, opennefs of temper.
To CANDIFY, k.^n'-dl-fy. v. a. To make
CANDLE, kand'l. f. A light made of wax or
tallow, furrounding a wick of flax or cotton.
CANDLEBERRY-TREE, klnd'l-ber-ry-tre'.
f. Sweet-willow.
CANDLEHOLDER, kandl-ho'l-dur. f. He
that holds the candle.
CANDLELIGHT, kand'l-lite. f. The light
of a candle.
CANDLEMAS, kand'l-mus. f. The feaft of
the purification of the BlelTed Virgin, which
was formerly celebrated with many lights in
CANDLESTICK, kand'l-ft!k. f. The inftru-
ment that holds candles.
CANDLESTUFF, kand'l-ftuf. f. Greafe, tallow,
CANDLE WASTER, kandl-wa'f-tur. f. A
CANDOCK, kan'-dik. f. A weed that ^-.ows
in rivers.
CANDOUR, kan'-dur. f. Gweetncfs of tem-
per, purity of mind, ingenuoufncfs.
To CANDY, kan'-dy. v. a. To confervc with
fugar ; to form into congelations.
F f . Ty
To CANDY, kaii'-dy. v. n. To grow con-
CANE, ka ne. f. A kind of ftrong reed ; the
plant which yields the fugar ; a lance; arced.
To CANE, ka'ne. v. a. To beat with a cane
or ftick.
CANICULAR, ka-nlk'-u-Iar. a. Belonging to
the dog-ftar.
CANINE, ka-ni'ne. a. Having the properties
of a dog.
CANISTER, kan'-If-tur. f. A fmall baftet ;
a fmill veflel in which any thing is laid up.
CANKER, kank'-kur. f. A worm that preys
upon, and deftroys fruits ; a fly that preys up-
on fruits ; any thing that corrupts or confumes ;
an eating or corroding humour ; corrofion, vi-
rulence ; a difeafe in trees.
Te CANKER, kank -kur. v. n. To grow cor-
To CANKER, kank'-kur. v. a. To corrupt,
to corrode ; to infedt, to pollute.
CANKERBIT, kank'-ur-blt. part. ad. Bitten
with an envenomed tooth.
CANNABINE, kan'-na-bme. a. Hempen.
CANNIBAL, kan -ny-bal. f. A man-eater.
CANNIBALLY, kan'-ny-bal-ly. ad. In the
manner of a cannibal.
CANNIPERS, kan'-ni-purz. f. Callipers.
CANNON, kan -nun. f. A gun larger than can
be managed by the hand.
CANNON-BALL, kan'^un-ba'l. 7 L The
CANNON-SHOT, kan-nun-fti6t'. I balk
which are fhot from great guns.
To CANNONADE, kan-n6-na de. v. n. To
play the great guns ; to attack or batter with
CANNONIER, kan-n6-n^'r. f. The engineer
that manr.ges the cannon.
CANNOT, kan -not. v. n. of Can and Not.
To be unable.
CANOA,7 , ,, \ f. A boat made by cut-
CAi\OE,5 I ting the trunk of a tree
in.o a hollow vefTel.
CANON, kan'-6n. f. A rule, a law; law made
by ectlefiaftical councils ; the books of Holy
Scripture, or the great rule j a dignitary in
cathedral churches ; a large fort of printing
CANONESS, kan'-6-nes. f. In popifh coun-
tries, women living after the example of fe-
cular canons.
CANONICAL, kan-on'-y-kal. a. According
to the canon ; conftituting the canon ; rega-
lar, flated, fixed by ecclefiaflical laws; fpiri-
ritual, ecclefiaflical.
CANONICALLY, ka-non'-y-kal-ly. ad. In a
manner agreeable to the canon.
CANONICALNESS,ka-n6n'-y-kal-nis. f. The
quality of being canonical.
CANONIST, kan'-no-nlft. f. A profefTor of
the canon law.
CANONIZATION, kan-n6-ny-za'-fhun. f.
The a£l of declaring a faint.
To CANONIZE, kan -no-nize. v. a. To de-
clare any one a faint.
CANONRY, kan'-un-ry. 1 f. An eGclefi-
CANONSHIP, kan'-un-lhip. i aftical. benefice
in fome cathedral or collegiate church.
CANOPIED, kan'-6-pyd. a. Covered with a
CANOPY, kan -6-py. f. A covering fpread
over the head.
To CANOPY, kan'-6-py. v. a. To cover with
a canopy.
CANOROUS, ka-no'-rus. a. Mufical, tuneful.
CANT, kant'. f. A corrupt dialeft ufed by
beggars and vagabonds ; a form of fpeaking pe-
culiar to fome certain clafs or body of men ; a
whining pretenfion to goodnefs ; barbarous jar-
gon ; auSion.
To CANT, kant'. v. n. To talk In the jargon
of particular profefiions ; to fpeak with a par-
ticular tone.
To CANT, kant'. v. a. To tofs or fling away, v
CANTATA, kan-ta -ta. f. A fong.
CANTATION, kan-ta'-fhun. f. The acl of
CANTER, kan'-tur. f. A hypocrite ; a fliort
CANTHARIDES, k.in-tfiar'-y-dcz. f. Spanilh
flies, ufcd to raife blillers.
CANTHUS, kan'-ttlis. f. The corner of the eye.
CANTICLE, kan'-t!kl. f. A fong ; the fong
of Solomon.
CANTLE, kan'tl. f. A piece with corners.
CANTLET, kant'-h't. f. A piece, a fragment.
CANTO, kan'-tO. f. A book or ftdion of a
CANTON, kin'-tun. f. A fmall parcel or di-
vifion of lajid ; a fmall community, or clan.
To CANTON, kan'-tun. v. a. To divide into
little parts.
To CANTONIZE, kan'-to-nize. v. a. To
parcel out into fmall divifions.
CANVASS, kan'-vas. f. A kind of cloth woven
for feveral ufes ; folicitation upon an election.
To CANVASS, kan'-vas. v. a. Tofift, to ex-
amine ; to debate, to controvert.
To CANVASS, kan'-vas. v. n. To folicit.
CANY, ka'ny. a. Full of canes, confilHng of
CANZONET, kan-z6-net'. f. A little fong.
CAP, kap . f. The garment that covers the
head; the enfign of the cardinalate ; the top-
molt, the higheft; a reverence made by un-
covering the head.
To CAP, kap . v. a. To cover on the top ; to
fnatch off the cap ; To cap \'erfes, to name al-
ternately verfes beginning with a particular
CAP A' PE\ kap-a-pe'. a. From head to foot.
CAP-PAPER, kap'-pa-pur. f. A fort of coarfe
brown ifh paper.
CAPABILITY, ka-pa-bil-i-ty. f. Capacity.
CAPABLE, ka -pabl. a. Endued with powers
equal to any particular thin^ ; intelligent, able
to underftand ; capacious, able to recei\ e ; fuf-
ceptible; qualified for j hollow.
CAPABLENESS, ka'-pabl-nls. f. The qua-
lity or ftate of being capable.
CAPACIOUS, ka-pa-flius. a. Wide, large,
able to hold muoh ; extenfive, equal to great
CAPACIOUSNESS, ka-pa'-lhuf-nls. f. The
power of holding, largen^-fs.
To CAPACITATE, ka-pas -y-tate. v. a. To
enable, to qualify.
CAPACITY, ka-pas'-I-ty. f. The power of
containing ; the force or power of the mind ;
power, ability J room, fpace ; Itate, condition,
CAPARISON, ka-par'-y-fun. f. A fort of co-
ver for a horfe.
To CAPARISON, ka-par'-y-fun. v. a. To
drefs in caparifons ; to drefs pompoufly.
CAPE, ka'pe. f. Headland, promontory ; the
neck-piece of a cloak or coat.
CAPER, ka'-pur. f. A leap, a jump.
CAPER, ka'-pur. f. An acid pickle.
CAPER-BUSH, kA'-pir-bdfli. f. This plant
grows in the South of France, the buds are
pickled for eating.
To CAPER, ka'-pur. v. n. To dance frolick-
fomely ; to £kip for merriment.
CAPERER, ka -p6-rur. f. A dancer.
CAPIAS, ka'-pyas. f. A writ of execution.
CAPILLACEOUS,ka-pIl-la -fhus. a. The fame
with capillary.
CAPILLAIRE, k;'i-pll-la'r. f. Syrup of maid-
CAPILLAMENT, ka-pir-la-ment. f. Small
threads or hairs which grow up in the middle
of a flower.
CAPILLARY, ka-p!l'-h\-ry. a. Refembling
hairs, fmall, minute.
CAPILLATION, ka-pJl-LV'-fhun. f. A fmall
ramification of veffels.
CAPITAL, kap'-i-tal. a. Relating to the head ;
criminal in the higheft degree ; that which af-
fects life ; chief, principal ; applied to letters,
large, fuch as are written at the beginning or
heads of books ; Capital Stock, the principal or
original itock of a trading company.
CAPITAL, kap'-i-tal. f. The upper part of a
pillar ; the chief city of a nation,
CAPITALLY, kap -i-tal-ly. ad. In a capital
mamier, fo as to affect life, as capitally con-
CAPITATION, kap-l-ti'-Ihun. f. Numera-
tion by heads.
CAPITULAR, ka-pit -u-Iar. f. The body of
the llatutes of a chapter ; a member of a chap-
To CAPITULATE, ka-plc -u-ldte. v. n. To
draw up any thing in heads or articles ; to yield,
or furrender on certain llipulations.
CAPITULATION, ka-pit-vi-la-ftiun. f. Sti-
pulations, terms, conditions.
CAPIVI TREE,.ka-pe'-v^'-tre. f. A br.mxm tree.
CAPON, ka'pn. f. A caftratcd cock.
CAPONNIERE, ki-p5-nyer. f. A covered
lodgment, encompaffed with a little parapet.
CAPOT, ka-p6t'. f. Is when one party wins
all the tricks of cards at the game of piquet.
CAPRICE, k^-prl's. f. Freak, fancy, whim.
CAPRICIOUS, ka-prlfh'-us. a. Whimfical,
CAPRICIOUSLY, kA-prifli'-i'if-l^'. ad. Whim-
CAPRICIOUSNESS, ka-prlfh'-uf-nis. f. Hu-
mour, whimficalnefs.
CAPRICORN, kap'-pry-kcrn. f. One of the
figns of the zodiack, the winter folftice.
CAPRIOLE, kap'-ry-ole. f. Caprioles are
leaps, fuch as horfes make in one and the
fame place, without advancing forward.
CAPSTAN, k^p'-Mn. f. A cylinder with le-
vers to wind up any great weight.
CAPSULAR, kap'-fil-Ur. 7 a. Hollow like
CAPSULARY, kap'-fii-ldr-y.i a cheft.
CAPSULATE, kap'-fd-late. 7 a. Inclofed,
CAPSULATED, kap'-fu-la-tld. S or in a box.
CAPTAIN, kap'-tin. f. A chief commander ;
the commander of a company in a regiment ;
the chief commander of a {hip ; Captain Ge-
neral, the general or commander in chief of an
CAPTAINRY, kip'-tin-ry. f. The power over
a certain diflrid, the chieftainflilp.
CAPTAINSHIP, ka}i'-t!n-{h!p. f. The rank
or poft of a captain ; the condition or poll of a
chief commander.
CAPTATION, kap-ta'-lhun. f. The plaice
of catching favour.
CAPTION, kap'-fliun. f. The ad of taking
any perfon.
CAPTIOUS, kap'-fhus. a. Given to cavils,
eager to obj eft ; infidious, enfiiarina;.
CAPTIOUSLY, k:'ip'-fliuf-ly. ad." With an
inclination to obje6l,
CAPTIOUSNESS, kap'-fhuf-nis. f. Inclina-
tion to obiecl ; peevifhnefs.
To CAPTIVATE, kap'-tl-vate. v. a. To take
prifoncr, to bring into bondage; to charm., to
CAPTIVATION, kap-t!-vu-mun. f. The aft
of taking one captive.
CAPTIVE, kap'-tiv. f. One taken in war ; one
■ charmed by beauty.
CAPTIVE, kap -tlv. a. Made prifoner in war.
CAPTIVITY, kap-t!v'-i-ty. f. Subjedlion by
the fate of war, bondage ; flavery, fervitude.
CAPTOR, kap'-tur. f. He that takes a prifoner,
or a prize.
CAPTURE, kap'-tfliur. f. The aft or prac-
tice of taking any thing; a prize.
CAPUCHIN, kap-d-fhi'n.- f. A female gar-
ment, confifting of a cloak and hood, made; in
imitation of the drefs of capuchin monks.
CAR, ka'r. f. A fmall carriage of burden; cha-
riot of war.
CARABINE, or CARBINE, kd'r-bine. f. A
fmall fort of fire-arms.
CARBINIER, kar-bl-nrr. f. A fort of light
CARRACK, kar'-ak. f. A large fhip of bur-
den, galleon.
CARAT, 7 , , / , C f. A weight of four
CARACT, ^ ' t grains; a manner of
expreffing the finenefs of gold.
CARAVAN, kar'-a-van. f. A troop or body
of merchants or pilgrims.
CARAVANSARY, k^r-a-van'-fa-ry. f. A
houfe built for the reception of travellers.
CARAWAY, kar'-a-wd. f. A plant.
CARBONADO, kar-bo-na'-do. f. Meat cut
acrofb, to be broikd.
To CARBONADO, kar-bo-na'-do. v. a. To
cut or hack.
CARBUNCLE, ka'r-bunkl. f. A jewel Hiining
in the hark; red fpot or pimple.
CARBUNCLED, ka'r-bunkld. a. Set with
carbuncles; fpotted, deformed with pimples.
CARBUNCULAR, kar-bunk'-^-lur. a. Red
like a carbimclc.
CARBUNCULATION, kar-bunk-il-la -fliun.
f. The
f. Ths blading of young buds by heat or
CARCANET, ki'r-ka-nct. i. A chain or col-
l.^r of jewels.
CARCASS, ka r-kas. f. A dead body of an ani-
mal ; the decayed parts of any thing ; the main
parts, without completion or ornament ; in
gunnery, a kind of bomb.
CARCELAGE, kar'-fe-l!dzh. f. Prifon fees.
CARD, ka'rd. f. A paper painted with figures,
" ufed in games; the paper on which the feveral
C-;. points of the compafs are maiked under the ma-
riner's needle ; the inftrument with which wool
is combed.
To CARD, kird. v. a. To comb wool.
CARDAMOM, ka'r-di-mum. f. A medicinal
CARDER, ka'r-dur. f. One that cards woo! ;
one that plays much at cards.
CARDIACAL, ka'r-di'-a-kal. i a. Cordial,
CARDIACK, ka'r-dy-ak. i having tJie
quality of invigorating.
CARDINAL, ki'r-di-n.U. a. Principal, chief.
CARDINAL, ka'r-dJ-nal. f. One of the chief
governors of the church.
CARDINALATE, ka'r-dy-na-l<;t. 7 f. The
CARDINALSHIP, kaV-dl-nal-fhlp. i office
and rank of a cardinal.
CARDMATCH, ka'rd-matfli. f.. A match
made by dipping a piece of a card in melted ful-
phur ; a party at cards.
CARE, ka re. f. Solicitude, anxiety, concern ;
caution; regard, charge, heed in order to pre-
fervation ; the objeft of care, or of love.
To CARE, ka're. v. n. To be anxious or fo-
licitous; to be inclined, to be difpofed ; to be
aftlcled with.
CARECRAZED, ka'rc-krazd. a. Broken with
care and folicitude.
To CAREEN, ka-re'n. v. a. To caulk, to (lop
up leaks.
CAREER, ka-rc'r. f. The ground oA whi-h
a race is run ; a courfe, a race ; full fpeed,
fwift motion ; courfe of adion.
To CAREER, ka-re r. v. n. To run with fwift
CAREFUL, karc-ful. a. Anxious, felicitous,
full of concern ; provident, diligent, cautious ;
CAREFULLY, ka'rc-ful-ly. ad. In a manner
that fhcws care ; heedfully, watchfully.
CAREFULNESS, ka're-fdl-nis. f. Vigilance,
CARELESLY, ka're-lif-I^. ad. Negligently,
CARELESNESS, k.Vrc-lIs-n!s. f. Heedlefnefs^
CARELESS, ka re-lls. a. Without care, with-
out folicitude, unconcerned, negligent, heed-
lefs, unmindful; cheerful, undifturbed ; un-
moved by, unconcerned at.
To CARESS, ka-res'. v. a. To endear, to
CARESS, ka-res'. f. An act of endearment,
CARET, ka -ret. f. A note which fhews where
fomething interlined fhould be read, as a.
CARGO, ka'r-go. f. The lading of a fhip.
CARIES, ka'-ryez. f. Rottcnnefs.
CARIOSITY, kar-y-6s'-i-ty. f. Rottennefs.
CARIOUS, ka'-ryus. a. Rotten.
CARK, ka'rk. f. Care, anxiety.
To CARK, ka'rk. v. n. To be careful, to be
CARLE, ka'rl. f. A rude, brutal man, churl.
CARLINE THISTLE, ka'r-line-tliis'l. f. A
CARLINGS, ka'r-lingz. f. In a fhip, timbers
lying fore and aft.
CARMAN, ka'r-man. f. A man whofe employ-
ment it is to drive cars.
CARMELITE, ka'r-mc-lrte. f. A fort of pear;
one of the order of white friars.
CARMINATIVE, kar-min'-a-t!v. f. Carmi-
natives are fuch things as difpel wind and pro-
mote infenfible perfpiration. •
CARMINATIVE, kar-min'-a-t!v. a. Belong-
lojiging to carminatives.
CARMINE, ka r-minc. f. A powder of a bright
red or crimfon colour.
CARNAGE, ka'r-nidzh. f. Slaughter, havock ;
heaps of flefh.
G g CAR-
(2 A R
CARNAL, ka'r-nal. a. Fleflily, not fpiritual ;
luftful, lecherous.
CARNA'LITY, kar-nal'-I-ty. f. FleQily luft;
groffnefs of mind.
CARNALLY, ka'r-nal-ly. ad. According to
the flefli, not fpiritually.
CARNALNESS, kar-nal-nls. f. Carnality.
CARNATION, kar-na'-fliun. f. The name
of the natural flefh colour.
CARNELION, kar-ne'-lyun. f. A precious
CARNEOUS, ka'r-ne-us. a. Flefliy.
To CARNIFY, ka'r-ny-fy. v. n. To breed flefh.
CARNIVAL, ka'r-ny-val. f. The feaft held in
popifli countries before Lent.
CARNIVOROUS, kar-nlv'-vo-rus. a. Flcfh-
CARNOSITY, kar-nos'-sy-ty. f. Flefhly ex-
CARNOUS, k:\'r-nus. a. Flefhy.
CAROB, ka -rob. f. A plant.
CAROL, kar'-rul. f. A fong of joy and ex-
ultation ; a fong of devotion.
To CAROL, kar'-rul. V. n. To fing, to warble.
To CAROL, kar'-rul. v. a. To praife, to ce-
CAROTID, ka-rot'-id. a. Two arteries which
arife out of the afcending trunk of the aorta.
CAROUSAL, ka-rou'-zal. f. A fcftival.
To CAROUSE, ka-rou'z. v. n. To drink, to
To CAROUSE, ka-rou'z. v. a. To drink.
CAROUSER, ka-rou'-zur. f. A drinker, a
CARP, ka'rp. f. A pond fifli.
To CARP, ka'rp. V. n. To cenfure, to cavil.
CARPENTER, kaV-pm-tur. f. An artificer in
(^ARPENTRY, ka'r-p!n-try. f. The trade of
a carpenter.
CARPER, ka'r-pur. f. A caviller.
CARPET, ka'r-pir. f. A covering of vari-
ous colours; ground variegated with Howers;
to be on the carpet, is to be the fubjecl of con-
To CARPET, ka'r-pit. v. a. To fprcad with
CARPING, ki'r-p'ng. part. a. Captious, cen-
CARPINGLY, ka'r-p!ng-!y. ad. Cantiouf.y,
CARRIAGE, kar'-ridzh. f. The aa of carry-
ing or tranfporting ; vehicle; the frame upon
which cannon is carried ; behaviour; conduft;
CARRIER, kar'-ry-ur. f. One who carries
fomething ; one whofe trade is to carry goods ;
a meffenger ; a fpecies of pigeons.
CARRION, kar'-ryun. f. The carcafe of fome-
thing not proper for food; a name of reproach
• for a worthlefs woman ; any flefh fo corrupted
as not to be fit for food.
CARRION, kar-ryun. a. Relating to carcafTes.
CARROT, kar'-rut. f. Garden root.
CARROTINESS, kar'-rit-y-n!s. f. Rednefs
of hair.
CARROTY, kar'-ut-y. a. Spoken of red hair.
To CARRY, kar'-ry. v. a. To convey from a
place; to bear, to have about one; to convey
by force ; to effc-. f. A fpecics of parfley.
CELESTIAL, fe-les'-tfndl. a. Heavenly, re-
lating to the fuperior regions ; heavenly, re-
lating to the bleficd ftate ; heavenly, with re-
fpcct to excellence.
CELESTIAL, fe-les'-tflial. f. An inhabitant
of heaven.
CELESTIALLY, fa-les'-tllial-ly. ad.. In a
heavenly manner.
To CELESTIFY, fe-les'-tl-f)-. v. a. To give
fomething of heavenly nature to any thing.
CELIACK, fe'-lyak. a. Relating to the lower
CELIBACY, fel'-y-ba-fy. f. Single life.
CELIBATE, fel'-y-bat. f. Single life,
CELL, fel'. f. A fmall cavity or hollow place ;
the cave or little habitation of a religious per-
fon ; a fmall and clofe apartment in a prifon ;
any fmall place of refidence. >
CELLAR, fel'-iur, f. A place under ground,
whereftores are repofited ; where liquors are kept.
CELLARAGE, fel'-lar-ldzh. f. The part of
the building which makes the cellars.
CELLARIST," fel'-la-r!fl. f. The butler in a
religious houfe.
CELLULAR, fel'-ld-ler. a. Confining of little
cells or cavities.-
CELSTTUDE, fel'-fy-tddc. f. Height.
CEMENT, fem'-ment'. f. The matter with
which two bodies are made to cohere ; bond of
union in friendlhip.
To CEMENT, fc-ment. v. a. To unite by
means of fomething interpofed.
To CEMENT, fe-ment'. v. n. To come into
conjunction, to cohere.
CEMENTATION, fe-mcn-ta'-Ihun. f. The
acl of cementing.
CEMETERY, fem'-me-tcr-y. f A place where
the dead are repofited.
CENATORY, fe'-na-tur-y. f. Relating to
CENOBITICAL, fe'-n6-blt"-l-luil. a. Living
in community.
CENOTAPH, ftn'-6-taf. f. A monument far
one elfewhere buried.
CENSE, ftn'fe. f. Publick rates.'
To CENSE, ftn'fe. v. a. To perfume with
CENSER, fen'-feV. f. The pan in which in-
cenfe is burned.
CENSOR, fcn'-fur. f An officer of Rome who
had the power of correcting manners ; one who
is given to cenfure.
CENSORIAN, fai-fc -ryan. a. Relating to fhe
CENSORIOUS, fin-fo'-ryus. a. AJdiclca to
ccnfure, feverc.
CENSORIOUSLY, fcii-fo'-ryuf-ly. ad. In a
fevcre reflefting manner.
CENSORIOUSNESS, fcn-fo-ryuf-n!s. f. Dif-
pofition to reproach.
CENSORSHIP, fen'-fur-fhip. f. The office of
a ccnfor.
CENSURABLE, fcn'-fu-rdbl. a. Worthy of
ccnfure, culpable.
CENSURABLENESS, fcn'-fu-rdbl-n!s. f.
CENSURE, fen'-fhur. f. Blame, reprimand,
reproach ; judgment, opinion ; judicial fen-
tence ; fpiritual punifhment.
To CENSURE, fen'-Ihur. v. a. To blame, to
brand piiblickly ; to condemn.
CENSURER, fk'-fhur-ur. f. He that blames.
CENT, fent'. f. A hundred, as five per cent,
that is, five in the hundred.
CENTAUR, fen'-tar. f. A poetical being, fup-
pofed to be compounded of a man and a horfe ;
the archer in the zodiack.
CENTAURY, fen'-t^-ry. f. A plant.
CENTENARY, fcn'-te-ner-y. f. The number
of a hundred.
CENTESIMAL, fen-tes'-!-mal. f. Hundredth.
CENTIFOLIOUS, fen-ty-fo -lyis. a. Having
a hundred leaves.
CENTIPEDE, fen'-ty-pede. f. A poifonous
CENTO, fcn'-t6. f. A compofition formed by
joining fcraps from different authors.
CENTRAL, fcn'-tn\L a. Relating to the
CENTRE, fen'-tur. f. The middle.
To CENTRE, fen'-tur. v. a. To place on a
centre, to fix as on a centre.
To CENTRE, fcn'-tiir. v. n. To reft on, to
rcpofe on ; to be placed in the midil or centre.
CENTRICK, len'-trik. a. Placed in the centre.
CENl RIFUGAL, fen'-trif -u-gal. a. Having
the quality acquired by bodies in motion, of
receding from the ccjitre.
CENTRIPETAL, fen-tn'p'-s-til. a. Ha"i!ig
a tendency to the centre.
CENTRY, f'n'-try. f. See SENTINAL.
CENTUPLE, fcn'-tcipl. a. An hundredfold.
To CENTUPLICATE, fen-tii'-ply-kate. v. a.
To make a hundredfold.
To CENTURIATE, fcn-tu'-ryatc. v. a. To
divide into hundreds.
CENTURIATOR, fc-n-tii-ry-5'-tur. f. A
name given to hiftorians, who diftinguifh times
by centuries.
, CENTURION, fcn-tu'-ryun. f. A military
officer, who commanded a hundred men among
the Romans.
CENTURY, fen'-tu-ry. f. An hundred, ufu-
ally employed to fpecify time, as the fecond
CEPHALALGY, kef '-a-la!-jy. f. The hcad-
CEPHALICK, fe-fal'-llk, a. That which is
medicinal to the head.
CERASTES, fe-ras'-tez. f. A fcrpcnt having
CERATE, fe'-rat. f. A medicine made of wax.
CERATED, fe'-ra-tid. a. V/axed.
To CERE, fe re. v. a. To wax.
CEREBEL, fer'-e-bel. f. Part of the brain.
CERECLOTH, fe're-clith. f. Cloth fmeared
over with glutinous matter.
CEREMENT, f^'re-ment. f. Cloaths dipped
in melted wax, with which dead bodies were
CEREMONIAL, fcr-C--m5'-nyal. a. Relating
to ceremony, or outward rite ; formal obfcrv-
ant of old forms.
CEREMONIAL, fcr-a-mo'-nyal. f. Out-
ward form, external rite; the order for rites
and forms in the Roman church.
CEREMONIALNESS, fer-c-mo'-ny^l-n's. f.
The quality of beinu; ceremonial.
CEREMONIOUS, fer-e-mo -nyus. a. Con-
fifting of outward rites ; full of ceremony; at-
tentive to the outward rites of religion; civil
and formal to a fault.
CEREMONIOUSLY, fer-c-mi'-nyuf-ly. ad. In
a ceremonious manner, formally.
CEREA'IONIOUSNESS, fer-e-mo-nyus-ms. f.
FohdncTs of ceremony.
CEREMONY, fer'-e-mun-y. f. Outward rite,
external form in religion j forms of civility j
outward forms of Hate.
CERTAIN, fer'-tln. a. Sure, indubitable; de-
termined J in an indefinite fenfe, fome, as a cer-
tain man told me this ; undoubting, put paft
CERTAINLY, fer'-t!n-ly. ad. Indubitably,
without queflion; without fail.
CERTAINTY, fer'-t!n-ty. f. Exemption from
doubt ; that which is real and fixed.
CERTES, ftr'-tez. ad. Certainly, in truth.
CERTIFICATE, fer'-tlf'-I-ket. f. A writing
made in any court, to give notice to another
court of any thing done therein; any teftimony.
To CERTIFY, fer'-tl-fy. v. a. To give cer-
tain information of ; to give certain affurance of.
CERTIORARI, fer-fli6-ra'-ri. f. A writ iffu-
ing out of the ch.-incery, to calK up the records
of a caufe therein depending.
CERTITUDE, fer'-ti-tude. f. Certainty, free-
dom from doubt.
CERVICAL, fer'-vi-kal. a. Belonging to the
CERULEAN, fl-ru'-lyan. . 1 a. Blue %-
CERULEOUS, fl-rd'-lyus. J coloured.
CERULIFICK, fe-rii-lif'-lk. a. Having the
power to produce a blue colour.
CERUMEN, fe-ru'-men. f. The wax of the
CERUSE, fer'-ufe. f. White lead.
CESARIAN, fl-za'-ryan. a. The Cefarian fec-
tion is cutting a child out of the womb.
CESS, fes'. f. A levy made upon the inhabi-
tants of a place, rated according to their pro-
perty ; an afleflinent ; the a. f. A mark, a
flamp, a reprefentation ; a letter ufed in wri-
ting or printing ; the hand or manner of writing ;
a repreftntation of any man as to his perfonal
qualities; an account of any thing as good or bad;
the perfon with his aflemblage of qualities. .
To CHARACTER, k.ir'-ak-ti!r. v. a. To in-
fcribe, to engrave.
CHARACTERISTICAL, kar-ak-te-ris'-t!-")
kil. I
CHARACTERISTICK, kar-ak-te-ris'-t!k. J
a, Confiituting or pointing out the true cha-
ris'-tl-kll-nis. f. The quality of being pe-
culiar to a character.
CHARACTERISTICK, kar-ak-te-rls'-tlk. f.
That which conftitutes the charafter.
To CHARACTERIZE, kar'-ak-te-rize. v. a.
To give a charafter or an account of the per-
fonal qualities of any man ; to engrave, or im-
, priiU; to mark with a particular flamp or
CHARACTERLESS, kar'-ak-tur-lls. a. With-
out a charafter.
CHARACTERY, ka-rak'-t^-ry. f. Impreffion,
CHARCOAL, tflia'r-k6!. .f. Coal made by
burning wood.
CHARD, tfhard'. f. Chards of artichokes are the
leaves of fair artichoke plants, tied and wrap-
ped up all over but the top, in fl^raw ; Chards
of beet are plants of white beet tranfpianted.
To CHARGE, tfha'rjc. v. a. To entrufl, to
commiflion for a certain purpofe ; to impute as
a debt ; to impute ; to impofe as a tafli ; to ac-
cufe, to cenfure ; to command ; to fall upon,
to .-'ttack ; to burden, to load ; to fill ; to load
a gun.
CHARGE, tfha'rje. f. Care, trufl, cuflody ;
precept, mandate, command ; conimiffion, trufl
conferred, office ; accufation, imputation ; the
thing entruffed to care or management; ex-
pence, cofl ; onfct, attack; the fignal to fa'l
K k upon
upon enemies ; the qurunitvof powderand ball
put into a gun ; a preparation or a fort of oint-
ment applied to theflioulder-fp'laits and fprains
of horfcs.
CHARGEABLE, tfhA'r-j'ibl. a. Expcnfive,
coflly ; imputable, as a debt or crime ; fubjcct
to charge, accufable.
CHARGEABLENESS, tfli.i'r-jabl-n!s. f. Ex-
pencc, coil, coftlinefs.
CHARGEABLY, tlha'r-jib-ly. ad. Expcn-
CHARGER, tfha'r-jur. f. A large difli ; an
officer's horfe.
CHARILY, tftia -ry-l)V. ad. Warily, frugally.
CHARINESS, tfha -ry-nis. f. Caution, nicety.
CHARIOT, t{har'-yiit. f. A carriage of plea-
fure, or ftate ; a car in which men of arms were
anciently placed.
CHARIOTEER, tfhar-yO-te'r. f. He that
drives the chariot.
CHARIOT RACE, tfhar'-yut-rafe. f. A fport
where chariots were driven for the prize.
CHARITABLE, tfhar'-l-tabl. a. Kind in giv-
ing alms ; kind in judging of others.
CHARITABLY, tfhar -1-tab-ly. ad. Kindly,
liberally ; benevolently.
CHARITY, tfliar'-l-ty. f. Tendernefs, kind-
nefs, love; good will, benevolence; the theo-
logical virtue of univerfal love ; liberality to
the poor ; alms, relief given to the poor.
To CHARK, tfha rk. v. a. To burn to a black
CHARLATAN, fha'r-ll-tan. f. A quack, a
CHARLATANICAL, fliar-la-tan'-y-kal. a.
Qiiackilh, ignorant.
CHARLATANRY, fna'r-la-iin-ry. f. Wheed-
ling, deceit.
CHARLES'S-'WAIN, t(ha'rlz-lz-wi'n. f. The
northern conflellation, called the Bear.
CHARLOCK, tiha r-Iok. f. A weed growing
a.iiojig the corn with a yellow flower.
CHARi\I, tlha'rm. f. Words or philtres, ima-
gined to have fomc occult power ; fomething of
power to gain the affedions.
To CHARM, tfld'rm. v. a. To fortify with
charms againfl- evil ; to make powerful hy
charms ; to fubdue by fome fecret power ; to
fubJue by pleafure.
CHARMER, tdiar-mur. f. One that has the
power of charms, or enchantments ; one that
captivates the heart.
CHARMING, tftia'r-ming. particip. a. Pleafing
in the higheft degree.
CHARMINGLY, tfha'r-ming-l^ ad. In fuch
a manner as to pleafe exceedingly.
CHARMINGNESS, tfha'r-mlng-nis. f. The
power of pleafing.
CHARNEL, tfha'r-nil. a. Containing fiefh or
CHARNEL-HOUSE, tfha'r-n!l-hous. f. The
place where the bones of the dead are rcpofited.
CHART, ka rt or tflia rt. f. A delineation of
CHARTER, tflia'r-tur. f. A charter i^ a writ-
ten evidence ; any writing bellowing privileges
or rights ; privilege, immunity, exemption.
CHARTER-PARTY, tfha r-tiir-pa'r-ty. f. A .
paper relating to a contracl, of which each party
has a copy.
CHARTERED, tfha'r-tird. a. Privileged.
CHARY, tfha'-ry. a. Careful, cautious.
To CHASE, tfha'fe. v. a. To hunt ; to purfue
as an enemy ; to drive.
CHASE, tfha'fe. f. Hunting, purfuit of any
thing as game ; fitnefs to be hunted ; purfuit
of an enemy ; purfuit of fomething as defirable j
hunting match ; the game hunted ; open ground
flored with fuch beafls as are hunted ; the Chafe
of a gun, is the whole bore or length of a piece.
CHASE-GUN, tfha'fe-gun. f. Guns in the fore-
part of the fliip, fired upon thofe that are pur-
CHASER, tfha'-fur. f. Hunter, purfuer, driver.
CHASM, kiz m. f. A cleft, a gap, an open-
ing; a place unfilled ; a vacuity.
CHASTE, tfh;.'fl. a. Pure from all commerce
of fexes ; pure, uncorrupt, not mixed with
barbarous phrafes ; without obfccnity ; true to
the marriage bed.
To CHASTEN, tih.Vfln. v. a.
To correct, to
To CHASTISE, tfh.'.f-ti z:. v. a. To punifli,
to correct by puuifhmeat ; to reduce to order
or obedience.
CHASTISEMENT, tfh;ls'-t!z-ment. f. Cor-
reclion, punifhment.
CHASTISER, tlhif-ti -zir. f. A puniihcr, a
CHASTITY, tfli^'f-tl-ty. f. Purity of the body ;
freedom from obfcenity ; freedom from bad
mixture of any kind.
GHASTLY, tfliaff-ly. ad. Without inconti-
nence, purely, without contamination.
CHASTNESS, tfhi ft-ms. f. Chaftity, purity.
To CHAT, tfhat'. v. n. To prate, to talk idly j
to prattle.
CKAT, tfhit'. f. Idle t.ilk, prate.
CHATELLANY, fhat'-tel-len-y. f. The dif-
triiSl under the dominion of a caftle.
CHATTEL, tfhat'l. f. Any moveable pof-
To CHATTER, tfiiat't.'r. v. n. . To make a
noife as a pie, or other unharmonious bird ; to
maJic a noife by collifion of the teeth ; to ulk
idly or carclefly.
CHATTER, tlhat'-tur. f. Noife like that of
a pie or monkey; idle prate.
CHATTERER, tfhat'-ter-rur. f. An idle talker.
CHAVENDER, t(hdv'-m-dur. f. The chub,
a full.
CHAUMENTELLE, fho-min-tel'. f. A fort
of pear.
To CHAW, tflia'. V. a. To mafticate, to chew.
CHAWDRON, tfha -drun. f. Entrails.
CHEAP, tfhe p. a. To be had at a low rah; ;
eafy to be had, not refpeiSled.
To CHEAPEN, tftie pn. v. a.- To attempt to
purchafe, to bid for any thing ; to IcfFen value.
CHEAPLY, tfne p-ly. ad. At a fmr.ll price, at
a low rate.
CHEAPNESS, tflie'p-nis. f. Lownefs of price.
To CHEAT, tfhet. v. a. To defraud, to im-
pofe upon, to trick.
CHEAT, tfhet. f A fraud, a trick, an impof-
ture ; a perfon guilty of fraud.
CHEATER, tflil'-tur. f. One tliat pradifcs
fraud ,
To CHECK, tfliek'. V. a. Toreprefs, tocurb;
to reprove, to chide ; to controul by a counter
To CHECK, tfhck'. v. n. To ftop, to make a
flop ; to clafh, to interfere.
CHECK, tfiiek'. f. Repreflure, flop, rebuff;
reflraint, curb, government ; reproof, a flight;
in falconry, when a hawk forfakes her proper
game to follow other biids; the caufc cf re-
flraint, a flop.
To CHECKER,? , , 7 v. a. To varie-
To CHEQUER, V ' '""''] gateor diverfify,
in the manner of a chefs-board, with alternate
CHECKER-WORK, tfhek'-er-wurk. f. Work
varied alternately.
CHECKMATE, tfhek-mat'. f. The move-
ment on the chefs-board, that puts an end to
the game.
CHEEK, tfhek. f. The fide of the face below
the eye ; a general name among mechanicks for
almofl all thofe pieces of their machines that are
CHEEK-TOOTH, tfhek'-tu'tlT. f. The hinder
tooth or tufk.
CHEER, tfhe r. f. Entertainment, provifions ;
invitation to gayety ; gayety, jollity ; air of the
countenance; temper of mind.
To CHEER, tfhe r. v. a. To incite, to en-
courage, to infpirit ; to comfort, to confole, to
To CHEER, tfhe'r. v. n. To grow gay or glad-
CHEERER, tfhe'-rur. f. Gladner, giver of
CHEERFUL, tfher'-fiil. a. Gay, full of life,
full of mirth ; having an appearance of gayety.
CHEERFULLY, tflier'-fal-ly. ad. Without
dejection, with gayety.
CHEERFULNESS, tfher'-ful-nis. f. Freedom
from dejedion, alacrity; freedom from gloom-
CHEERLESS, tfhe'r-lis. a. Without gayety,
comfort, orgladnefs.
CHEERLY, tfhc'r-ly. a. Gny, cheerful ; not
CHEERLY, tflic'r-ly. ad. Cheerfully,
CHEERY, tflie'-ry. a. Gay, fprighdy.
CEIEESE, tfliez'. f. A kind of food made by
prefling the curd of milk.
CHEESECAKE, tlhe f-kake. f. A cake made
of foft curds, fugar and butter.
CHEESEMONGER, tlhc'z-mung-gur. f. One
who deals in cheefe.
CHEESEVAT, tfhe'z-vat. f. The wooden cafe
in which the curds are preffed into cheefe.
CHEESY, tfhe'-zy. a. Having the nature or
form of cheefe.
To CHERISH, tflier'-rlfh. v. a. To fupport,
to fhelter, to nurfe up.
CHERISHER, ti"her'-r!fh-ur. f. An encour.iger,
a fuppoiter.
CHERISHMENT, tfher'-rifh-ment. f. Encou-
ragement, fupport, comfort.
CHERRY, tfher'-ry. "if. Atreeand
CHERRY-TREE, tflier'-ry-tre. \ fruit.
CHERRY, tflier'-ry. a. Refembling a cherry
in colour.
CHERRYBAY, tfliar'-ry-ba. f. Laurel.
CHERRYCHEEKED, tflier'-ry-tfli^kd. a. Pla-
ving ruddy cheeks.
CHERRYPIT, tflicr'-ry-pit. f. A child's play,
in which they throw cherry-ftones into a fmall
CHERSONESE, ker'-f6-ne'fe. f. A peninfula.
CHERUB, tflier'-ub. f. Aceleftial fpirit, which,
in the hierarchy, is placed next in order to the
CHERUBICK, tflie-nV-bik. a. Angclick, re-
lating to the cherubim.
CHERUBLM, tfhcr'-u-bim. f. The fame as
CHERUBIN, tfher'-u-bln. a. Angelical.
CHERVIL, tfher'-vll. f. An umbelliferous
To CHERUP, tfhtr'-up. v. n. To chirp, to
i.'fe a cheerful voice.
CHESS, tfhes'. f. A game.
CHESS-APPLE, tfhes'-aple. f. Wild fervice.
CHESS-BOARD, tflics'-bord. f. The board
cr table on which the game of chefs is plaid.
CHESS-MAN, tfhcs'-man. f. A puppet for chefs.
I tflii'. I
CHESSOM, tfhcs'-fum. f. Mellow earth.
CHEST, tftieft'. f. A box of wood or other
CHESTED, tfliefl'-tid. a. Having a chcfl-.
CHESTNUT, tfhds -nut. ^ f. A
CHESTNUT-TREE, tfnes'-nut-tre. j tree;
the fruit of the cheflnut-tree ; the name of a
brown colour.
CHEVALIER, fiiev'-a-lir. f. A knight.
CHEVAUX DE FRIS, fhev'-o-dc-frl 'ze. f. -A
piece of timber traverfed with wooden fpikes,
pointed with iron, five or fix feet long ; ufed in
defending a paflage, a turnpike, or tourniquet.
CHE V EN, tfliev'n. f. A river fifh, the fame
with chub.
CHEVERIL, tfhev'-er-5l. f. A kid, kidleather.
a. To grind with,
the teeth, to mafti-
cate ; to meditate, or ruminate in the thoughts ;
to tafte without fwal lowing.
To CHEW, tfiio . v. n. T champ upon, to
CHICANE, fhy-ka'n. f. The art of protrafl-
ing a conteft by artifice; artifice in general.
To CHICANE, fhy-ka'n. v. n. To prolong a
conteft by tricks.
CHICANER, fhy-kS'-nur. f. A petty fophi-
fter, a wrangler.
CHICANERY, fliy-ka -nur-y. f. Sophiflry,
CHICK, tfhlk'. T f. The young of a
CHICKEN, tflilk'-in. \ bird, particularly of
a hen, or fmall bird ; a word of tendernefs ; a
term for a young girl.
CHICKENHEARTED, ''tfii!k"-m-ha'r-tld. a.
Cov%-ardly, fearful.
CHICKENPOX, tllilk'-m-piks. f. A puftulous
CHICKLING, tfluV-l!ng. f. A fmall chicken.
CHICKPEAS, tfhik'-pcz. f. An herb.
CHICKWEED, tfhlk'-wed. f. A plant.
To CHIDE, tflii'ce. v. a. To reprove; to drive
away v/ith reproof; to blame, to reproach.
To CHIDE, tfhi de. v. n. To clamour, to fcold ;
to quarrel with ; to make a noife.
CHIDER, tihi -dur. f. A rebukcr, a reprover.
CHIEF, tfiij f. a. Principal, inofl eminent ;
eminent, extraordinary; capital, of the fait
CHIEF, tilie f. f. A commander, a leader.
CHIEFLE5S, tftic f-lls. a. Without a head.
CHIEFLY, tfhe'f-ly. ad. Principally, emi-
nently, more than common.
CHIEFRIE, tfhe'f-ry. f. A fmall rent paid to
the lord paramount.
CHIEFTAN, tfhc'f-ten. f. A leader, a com-
mander; the head of a clan.'
CHIEVANCE, tftie'-vanfe. f. Traffick, in
which money is extorted, as difcount.
chilblain; tfhU'-blan. f. Sores made by
CHILD, tihi Id. f. An infant, or very young
perfcn; one in the line of filiation, oppofcd to
the parent ; any thing the produft or cftcdl: of
another ; To be with child, to be pregnant.
To CHILD, tfliMd. v.». To bring children.
Little ufed.
CHILDBEARING, tflii'ld-be-rlng. particip.
The act of bearing children.
CHILDBED, tflii'ld-bed. f. The ftate of a
woman bringing a child.
CHILDBIRTH, tfh! Id-bertlT. f. Travail, la-
CHILDED, ^{hil-did. a. Furniilied with a
child. Little ufed.
CKILDERMASS-DAY, tlli!l'-der-muf-da'. f.
The day of the week, throughout the year, an-
fwering to the day on which the feaft of the
holy Innocents is folemnized.
CHILDHOOD, tflii'id-had. f. The flate of
infants, the time in which we are children ;
the time of life between infancy and puberty;'
the properties of a child.
CHILDISH, tfiu'l-dlfh. a. Trifling; becoming
only children, trivial, puerile.
CHILDISHLY, tfhi 1-dlfn-ly. ad. Inachildifli
trifling way.
CHILDISHNESS, tfhi l-dlfh-nls . f. Puerility,
» triflingncfs ; harmleffnefs.
CHILDLESS, tfni'ld-lis. a. Without children.
CHILDLIKE, tfhild-Hke. a. Becoming or be-
fceming a child.
CHILIAEDRON, k!l-y-a-e'-dr6n. f. A figure
of a thoufand fides.
CHILL, tfhil'. a. Cold, that which is cold to
the touch ; having the Anfation of cold ; de-
prefll-d, dojc^Sed, difcouragcd.
CHILL, tfhil'. (. Chilnefs, cold.
To CHILL, tfhil'. V. a. To make cold ; to dc-
prcfs, to dcjeft ; to blaft with cold.
CHILLINESS, tfhil'-ly-nls. f. A fcnfation of
fhivering cold.
CHILLY, tfliJl'-Iy. a. Somewhat cold.
CHILNESS, tfhll'-nis. f. Coldncfs, want of
CHIME, tfhi me. f. The confonant or harmo-
nick found of many correfpondent inftruments ;
the correfpondence of found ; the found of bells
flruck with hammers ; the correfpondence of
proportion or relation.
To CHIME, tfhi'me. v. n. To found in har-
mony ; to correfpond in relation or proportion ;
to agree ; to fuit with ; to jingle.
To CHIME, tfhi me. v. a. To make to move,
or flrike, or found harmonically ; to flrike a
bell v/ith a hammer.
CHIMERA, ky-me'-ra. f. A vain and wild fancy.
CHIMERICAL, ki-mer'-n-kal. a. Imaginary,
CHIMERICALLY, ki-mir'-rl-kal-y. ad. Vain-
ly, wildly.
CHIMNEY, tfh'm'-ny. f. The paffage through
which the fmokc afcends from the fire in tlio
houfe ; the fireplace.
CHLMNEY-CORNER, tfhiV-ny-ka'r-nur. f.
The firefide, the plac; of idlers.
CHIMNEYPIECE, tfh!m'-ny-pes. f. The or-
namental piece round the fireplace.
CHIMNEYSWEEPER, tfhlm'-ny-fv/e'-pur. f.
One whofc trade it is to clean foul chimnies of
CHIN, tfhin'. f. The part of the face beneath
the under lip.
CHINA, tfha-ny. f. China ware, porcelain, a
fpecies of vefTels made in China, dimly tranf-
CHINA-ORANGE, tfhi'-ny-or'-lndzh. f. The
fvvcet orange.
CHINA-ROOT, tflia'-ny-rot. f. A medicinal
root brought originally from China.
CHINCOUGH, tfliin'-kif. f. A violent and
convulfive cough.
CHINE, tftiine. f. The part of the back, in
which th^ backbone is found ; a piece of the
back of an animal.
To CHINE, t&i ne. v. a. To cut into chines.
CHINK, tililnk'. f. A fmall aperture loiig-
To CHINK, tfliink'. v. a. To fliakc fo as to
rn^ke a found.
To CHINK, tfliink'. v. n. To found by fcrik-
ing each other.
CHINKY, tlh!nk'-y. a. Full of holcs,'gaping.
CHINTS, tflilnt's. f. Cloth of cotton made in
CHIOPPINE, tfhop-pi'ne. f. A high flioe for-
merly worn by ladies.
To CHIP, tfhlp'. V. a. To cut into fmall pieces.
CHIP, tfhip'. f. A fmall piece taken off by a
cutting inftrument.
CHIPPING, t(h!p'-ping. f. A fragment cut off.
CHIRAGRICAL, ki-rag'-grl-kal. a. Having
thi gout in the hand.
CHIROGRAPHER, kl-rog'-gra-fur. f. He that
cxercifcs writing.
CHIROGRAPHIST, ki-rog'-gra-flft. f. Chi-
CHIROGRAPHY, ki-rog'-gri-fy. f. The art
of writing.
CHIROR/IANCER, ki'-rd-man-fir. f. One that
foretels future events by infpeiSling the hand.
CHIROMANCY, ki'-ro-man-fy. f. The art
of foretelling the events of life, by infpedling
the hand.
To CHIRP, tfh'rp'- V. n. To make a cheerful
noife, as birds.
CHIRP, tftc-rp'. f. The voice of birds or
inf.as. ' ■
CHIRPER, t(her'-pur. f. One that chirps.
CHIRURGEON, fur'-jun. f. One that cures
ailments, not by internal medicines, but out-
ward applications ; a furgeon.
CHIRURGERY, Cur'-jc-ry. f. The art of cu-
ring by external applications.
CHIRURGICAL, ki-rur'-jy-kal.-) a. Belong-
CHIRURGICK, ki-rur'-jlk. 5 ing to fur-
CHISEL, tfliiz'l. f. Aninftrument with which
wood or flone is pared away.
To CHISEL, tfhiz 1. V. a. To cut with a chifel.
CHIT, tlhlt'. f. A child, a baby ; the flioot of
corn from the end of the grain.
To CHIT, tfhit'. V. n. To fprout.
CHITCHAT, tflik'-tfhat. f. Prattle, idle prate.
CHITTERLINGS, tfhk'-ter-lingz. f. The
guts of an eatable animal ; the frill at the bofom
of a fhirt.
CHITTY, tfh!t'-ty. a. Childifli, like ababy.
CHIVALROUS, fhlv'-al-rus. a. Relating to
chivalry, knightly, warlike.
CHIVALRY, fhiv'-al-ry. f. Knighthood, a
military dignity ; the qualifications of a knight,
as valour ; the general fyftem of knighthood.
CHIVES, fhi vz. f. The threads or filaments
rifing in flowers, with feeds at the end ; a fpe-
cies of fmall onion.
CHLOROSIS, kl6-ro-sls. f. The green-fick-
ToCHOAK, tfhok. v. a. See CHOKE.
CHOCOLATE, tfli6k'-ul-et. f. The nut of
the cocoa-tree; the mafs made by grinding the
kernel of the cocoa-nut, to be diffclved in hot
v.^ater ; the liquor made by a folutlon of cho-
CHOCOLATE-HOUSE, tm6k'-ul-et-hous. f.
A houfe where company is entertained with
CHODE, tfho'de. The old preterite from CWde.
CHOICE, tlhoi'fe. f. The aft of choofing, elec-
tion ; the power of choofing ; care in choofing,
curiofity of diftindlion ; the thing chofen ; the
bcft part of any thing ; feveral things propofed
as objedts of eleiSion.
CHOICE, tflioi'fe. a. Selecl, of extraordinary
value; chary, frugal, careful.
CHOICELESS, tfhoi'fe-lis. a. Withmt the
power of choofing.
CHOICELY, tflioi'fe-ly. ad. Curiouny, with
exad choice ; valuablvj excellently.
CnOICENESS, tflioife-nis. f. Nicety, parti-
cular value.
CHOIR, kv/ir'. f. An nflembly or band of fing-
ers ; the fingers in divine worfliip ; the part of
tlie church where the fingers are placed.
To CHOKE, tfho'ke. V. a. To fuffocate ; to
flop up, to block up a paflage ; to hinder by ob-
fh uclion ; to fiipprefs ; to overpower.
CHOKE, tfhoke. f. The filamentous or ca-
pillary part of an artichoke.
CHOiiE-PEAR, tfhoke-per. f. A rough, harfh,
unpalatable pear; any farcafm that flops the
CHOKER, tfho -kur. f. One that chokes.
CHOKY, tfho-ky. a. That which has the
power of fuffocation.
CHOLAGOGUES, kol'-a-gagz. f Medicines
which have the power of purging bile.
CHOLER, kol -lur. f. The bile ; the humour,
fuppofed to produce irafcibility ; anger, rage.
CHOLERICK, kol -Icr-rlk. a. Abounding with
choler; angry, irafcible.
CHOLERICKNESS, kol -ler-nk-n!s. f. Anger,
irafcibility, peevifhnefs.
To CHOOSE, tfho'ze. v. a. I chofe, I have
chofen. To take by way of preference of fe-
veral things offered ; to felesSt, to pick out of a
number ; to elect for eternal happincfs ; a term
of theologians.
To CHOOSE, tfho'ze. v. n. To have thf power
of choice.
CHOOSER, tfho'-zi'ir. f. He that has the power
of choofmg, elector.
To CHOP, tflicp'. V. a. To cut with a quick
blow ; to devour eagerly ; to menace, to cut in-
to fmall pieces ; to break into chinks.
To CHOP, tftiop'- V. n. Todoany ihing with
a quick motion; to light or happen upon a
To CHOP, tfhop . v. a. To purchafe, generally
by way of truck ; to put one thing in the place
of another ; to bandy, to altercate.
CHOP, tftjop'. f. A piece chopped off; a fmall
piece of meat ; a crack, or cleft.
CHOP-HOUSE, tflicp'-hous. f. A mean houfc
of entertainment.
CHOPIN, fhO-pe'n. f. A Ertnch liquid mea-
furc, containing nearly a pint of Wincheftor ;
a term ufed in Scotland for a quart of wine
CHOPPING, tfhop'-ping- a- An epithet fre-
quently applied to infants, by way of com-
CHOPPING-KNIFE, tfhop'-ping-nffe. f. A
knife ufed in chopping.
CHOPPY, tfhop'-py. a. Full of holes or cracks.
CHOPS, tfhop's." f. Themouthofabeaftj the
mouth of any thing in familiar language.
CHORAL, ko-ral. a. Sung by a choir ; fing-
ing in a choir.
CHORD, ka'rd. f. The firing of a mufical in-
flrument; a right line, whichjoins the twoend&
of any arch of a circle.
To CHORD, ka id. v. a. To furnifh with
CHORDEE, kor-de'. f. A contraflion of the
free num.
CHORION, ko -ryon. f. The outward mem-
brane that enwraps the foetus.
CHORISTER, kwer'-rls-tiir. f A fmger in
the cathedrals, a fmging boy ; a finger in a
CHOROGRAPHER, k6-r6g'-gra-fur. f. He
that defcribes particular regions of countries.
CHOROGRAPHICAL, ko-rS-graf'-I-kal. a.
Defcriptive of particular regionl.
CKOROGRAPHICALLY, k0-r6-graf '-I-kal-
ly. ad.. In a c'horographical manner.
CHOROGRAPHY, k6-r6g'-gra-fy. f. The art
of dcfcribing particular regions.
CHORUS, ko -rus. f. A number of fingers, a
concert ; the perfons who are fuppofed to be-
hold what paffes in the acts of the ancient tra-
gedy ; the fong between the aftruclion of perfpiration.
COLDLY, ko'ld-ly. ad. Without heat; with-
out concern, indifferently, negligently.
COLDNESS, k6'ld-nis. f. Want of heat; un-
concern ; frigidity of temper ; coynefs, want of
kindnefs ; chaftity.
COLE, kd'le. f. Cabbage.
COLE WORT, k6'le-wurt. f. Cabbage.
COLICK, kol'-lk. f. It ftriaiy is a diforderof
the colon ; but loofely, any diforder of the flo-
mach or bowels that is attended with pain.
COLICK, kol'-Ik. a. AfFeaing the bowels.
To COLLAPSE, kol-lap's. v. n. To clofe fo
as that one fide touches the other ; to fall to-
COLLAPSION, k6l-lV-fliiJn- f- The ftate
of vcffels clofed ; the "acl of clofmg or col-
COLLAR, kol'-l'ir. f. A ring of metal put
round the neck ; the harnefs faftened about the
horfc's neck ; To flip the Collar, to difentangle
himfclf from any engagement or difficulty ;
A Collar of brawn, is the quantity bound up
in one parcel.
COLLAR-BONE, k6l'-lur-b6'ne. f. The cla-
vicle, the bones on each fule of the neck.
To COLLAR, kol'-liir. v. a. To fcizc by the
pollar, to take by the throati To Collar beef,
or other meat, to roll it up, and bind it hud
and clofe with a firing or collar.
To COLLATE, kol-la^te. v. a. To compare
one thing of the fame kind with another ; to
collate books, to examine if nothing be want-
ing ; to place in an ecclefiaftlcal benefice.
COLLATERAL, kol-ht'-tc-ral. a. Side to
fide; running parallel ; diffufed on either fide;
thofe that ftand in equal relation to fome an-
ceftor ; not direct, not immediate ; concurrent.
COLLATERALLY, kol-lat'-te-ral-ly. ad. Side
by fide ; indireftly ; in collateral relation.
COLLATION, kol-la'-fhun. f. The aft of
conferring or beftowing, gift; comparifon of
one thing of the fame kind with another ; in
lav/, collation is the beftowing of a benefice ;
a repaft.
COLLATITIOUS, kol-la-tlfh'-is. a. Done
by the contribution of many.
COLLATOR, kol-la'-tur. f. One that com-
pares copies, or manufcripts ; one who prefents
to an ecclefiaftlcal benefice.
To COLLAUD, kol-la'd. v. a. To join in
COLLEAGUE, kol'-leg. f. A partner in office
or employment.
To COLLEAGUE, k&l-le'g. v. a. To unite
To COLLECT, kol-lek't. v. a. To gather to-
gether ; to draw many units into one fum ; to
gain from obfervation ; to infer from premifes ;
To Collect himfclf, to recover from furprife.
COLLECT, kol'-lekt. f. Any ftiort prayer.
COLLECTANEOUS, kol-lck-ta'-nyus. a. Ga-
thered together.
COLLECTIBLE, kol-lek'-tJbl. a. That which
_ may be gathered from the premifes.
COLLECTION, k6l-lek'-lhun. f. The ad of
gathering together; the things gathered ; acon-
feftar)', deduced from premifes.
COLLECTITIOUS, kol-lck-tlfi/-is. a. Ga-
thered together.
COLLECTIVE, kol-lck'-tfv. a. Gathered in-
to one mafs, accumulative ; employed in de-
ducing confcquenccs ; a collective noun cx-
prefles a multitude, though itfclf be lingular,
as a company.
COLLECTIVELY, Icol-lek'-tlv-ly. ad. In a
general mafs, in a body, not fingly.
COLLECTOR, koI-ItV-tur. f. A gatherer;
a tax-gatherer.
COLLEGATARY, k6l-leg'-a-ter-y. f. A per-
fon to whom is left a legacy in common with
one or more.
COLLEGE, kol'-lidzh. f. A community ; a
fociety of men fet apart for learning or religion ;
the houfe in which the collegians refide.
COLLEGIAL, kol-l^'-jel. a. Relating to a
COLLEGIAN, kil-le'-jcn. f. An inhabitant
of a college.
COLLEGIATE, kol-le'-jet. a. Containing a
college, inftituted after the manner of a college ;
a collegiate church, was fuch as was built at a
diftance from the cathedral, wherein a number
of prefbyters lived together.
COLLEGIATE, kol-le'-jet. f. A member of
a college, an univerfity man.
COLLET, kol'-lit. f. Something that went
about the neck ; that part of a ring in which
the ftone is fet.
To COLLIDE, kol-lfde. v. a. To beat, to
dafl), to knock together.
COLLIER, kol'-yer. f. A digger of coals ; a
dealer in coals ; a ihip that carries coals.
COLLIERY, kol'-yer-y- f- The place where
coals are dug ; the coal trade.
COLLIFLOWER, kol'-ly-How-ur. f. A kind
of cabbage.
COLLIGATION, kil-ly-ga'-fhun. f. A bind-
ing together.
COLLIiMATION, kil-li-m:\'-fhun. f. Aim.
COLLINEATION, kc".l-lin-y-a'-fhun. f. 1 he
a£t of aiming.
COLLIQUABLE, kol-llk'-wibl. a. Eafdy
COLLIQUAMENT, kil-llk'-wa-ment. f. The
fubftai.cc to which any thing is reduced by be-
in!7 melted.
COLLIQUANT, kol'-ly-kwant. a. Thatwhich
has ,he power of melting.
To COLLIQUATE, kil'-ly-kwSte. v. a. To
melt, to diflblve.
COLLIQUATION, k6l-!y-kwa'-fliun. f. The
aft of melting; a lax or diluted ftate of the
fluids in animal bodies.
COLLIQUATIVE, kol-Uk'-wa-tlv. a. Melt-
ing, diflolvent.
f. The acl of melting together.
COLLISION, k6l-lizl/-un. f. The aft of
ftriking two bodies together ; the ftate of being
ftruck together, a clafh.
To COLLOCATE, kc-l'-ld-kate. v. a. To
place, to ftation.
COLLOCATION, k6l-l6-ka'-fiiun. f. The
aft: of placing ; the ftate of being placed.
COLLOC'UTION, kol-lo-ku'-Ihun. f. Con-
ference, converfation.
To COLLOGUE, kol-lo'g. v.n. To wheedle,
to flatter.
COLLOP, kol'-lup. f. A fmall flice of meat ;
a piece of an animal.
COLLOQUY, kol'-l6-kwy. f. Conference, con-
verfation, talk.
COLLUCTANCY, kol-lik'-t^n-fy. f. Oppo-
fition of nature.
COLLUCTATION, kol-luk-ta'-fliun. f. Con-
teft, contrariety, oppofition.
To COLLUDE, kol-lti'de. v. n. To confpirc
in a fraud.
COLLUSION, kol-lil'-zhun. f. A deceitful
agreement or compaft between two or more.-
COLLUSIVE, kol-lu'-slv. a. Fraudulently, con-
COLLUSIVELY, kol-lu'-siv-ly. ad. In a man-
ner fraudulently concerted.
COLLUSORY, kol-lu'-fur-y. a. Carrying on
a fraud by fecret concert.
COLLY, k6l'-l^. f. Thefmutofcoal.
COLLYRIUM, kol-le^-ryum. f. An ointment
for the eyes.
COLMAR, ki'l-mar. f. A fort of pear.
COLON, koMon. f. A point [:] ufed to mark
a paufe greater than that of a comma, and kfs
than that of a period ; the grcateft and wid-ftof
all the intcftincs.
COLONEL, kuZ-ncl. f. The chief commander
of a regiment.
COLONELSHIP, ku/-ncl-fh!p. f. The office
or charader of colonel.
To COLONISE, kol-6-m'zc. v. a. To plant
with inhabitants.
COLONNADE, ko!-lo-na'de. f. A periftile of
a circular figure, or a feries of columns, dif-
pofed in a circle ; any feries or range of pillars.
COLONY, koi'-un-y. f. A body of people
drawn from the mother-country to inhabit fome
diftant place; the country planted, a plantation.
COLOQUINTEDA, k6lM6-kwm'-tI-da. f.
The fruit of a plant of the fame name, called
bitter apple. It is a violent purgative.
COLORATE, kol'-o-rate, a. Coloured, died.
COLORATION, kol-o-ra^-fhun. f. The art
or practice of colouring ; the ftate of being
COLORIFICK, ka-lo-rlf'-Ik. a. That has the
power of producing colours.
COLOSSE, ko-los'. If. Aftatueofenor-
COLOSSUS, k6''-l6s''-sus. 5 mous magnitude.
COLOSSEAN, k6-l6f-fe'-an. a. Giantlike.
COLOUR, kuL-lur. f. The appearance of bo-
dies to the eye, hue, die ; the appearance of
blood in the face j the tint of the painter ; the
rcprefentation of any thing fuperfirjally exa-
mined; palliation; appearance, falfefhew; in
the plural, a ftandard, an enfign of war.
To COLOUR, JcilMur. v. a. To mark with
fome hue, or die ; to palliate, to excufe ; to
make plaufible.
COLOURABLE, kCil'-lur-ubl. a. Specious,
COLOURABLY, kulMir-ub-ly. ad. Speci-
ourty, plaufibly.
COLOURED, kul'-lurd. part. a. Streaked, di-
verfified with hues.
COLOURING, kul'-lur-ing. f. The part of
the painter's art that teaches to lay on his co-
COLOURIST, kul'-lir-ift. f. A painter who
excels in giving the proper colours to his de-
COLOURLESS, kul'-lur-lls. a. Without co-
lour, tranfparent.
L, k6-lun/-nar. 7a.Form-
LlAN,k6-lum-na'-ryan. C cd in
COLT, k6''lt. f. A young horfe ; a young
foolifh fellow.
To COLT, ko'lt. V. a. To befool. Obfolete,
COLTS-FOOT, kd'lts-fat. f. A plant.
COLTS-TOOTH, kb'lts-to'tti. f. An imper-
fecl tooth in young horfes ; a love of youthful
COLTER, ko'l-tir. f. The fharp iron of a
COLTISH, ko'l-tifh. a. Wanton.
COLUMBARY, k6-lim''-ba-ry. f, A dove-
cot, a pigeonhoufe.
COLUMBINE, kol'-um-bme. f. A plant
with leaves like the meadow-rue ; the name of
a female charadler in a pantomime.
COLUMN, kolMum. f. A round pillar ; any
body prefling vertically upon its bafe ; the long
file or row of troops ; half a page, when divided
into two equal parts by a line paifing through
the middle.
COLURES, ko-lu'rz. f. Twogreat circles fup-
pofed to pafs through the poles of the world.
COMATE, ko -mate. f. Companion.
COMB, k6''me. f. An inftrument to feparate and
adjuit the hair ; the top or crefl of a cock ; the
cavities in which the bees lodge their honey.
To COMB, ko'm. v. a. To divide, and adjuft
the hair; to lay any thing confifting of fila-
ments fmooth, as to comb wool.
COMB-BRUSH, ke'm-brufh. f. A brufli to
clean combs.
COMB-MAKER, ka'm-ma-kur. f. One whofe
trade is to make combs.
To COMBAT, kun/-but. v. n. To fight.
To COiMBAT, kum'-but. v. a. To oppofe.
COMBAT, kum^-but. f. Conteft, battle, dueL
COMBATANT, kun/-ba-tant. f. He that
fights with another, antagonift ; a champion.
COMBER, ko^-mur. f. He whofe trade is to
difentangle wool, and lay it fmooth for the
COMBINATE, kom'-bl-nke. a. Betrothed,.
COMBINATION, kom-bi-na^-fliun. f. Union
tor fome certain purpofc, affociation, league ;
union of hodics, commixture, conjunction;
copulation of ideas.
To COMBINE, kum-bi ne. y. a. To join to-
gether ; to link in union ; to agree, to accord ;
to join together, oppofed to Analyfe.
To COMBINE, kum-bi'ne. v. n. To coalefce,
to unite each with other ; to unite in friend-
fhip or defign, often in a bad fcnfe.
COMBLESS, ko'^m-lis. a. Wanting a comb
or crell.
COMBUST, kom-buft^. a. A planet not above
eight degrees and a half from the fun, is fjid
to be Combull.
CO.MBUSTIBLE, kom-bus'-tlbl. a. Sufcept-
ible of fire.
COMBUSTIBLENESS, kim-bus'-tlbl-nls. C
Aptnefs to take fire.
COMBUSTION, kom-bus'-tflaiin. f. Con-
flagration, burning, confumption by fire ; tu-
mult, hurry, hubbub.
To COME, kilim . V. a. To remove from, a dif-
tant to a nearer place, oppofed to Go ; to draw
near, to advance towards j to move in any man-
ner towards another ; to attain any condition ;
to happen, to fall out ; To come about, to come
to pafs, to fall out, to change, to come round ;
To come again, to return ; To come at, to
reach, to obtain, to gain ; To come by, to ob-
tain, to gain, to acquire ; To come in, to enter,
to comply, to yield, to become modlfh ; To come
in for, to be early enough to obtain ; To come
in to, to join with, to bring help ; to comply
with, to agree to ;. To come near, to approach
in excellence ; To come of, to proceed, as a
dcfcendent from anccflors ; to proceed, as ef-
fects from their caufes ; To come off, to devi-
ate, to depart from a rule, to efcape ; To come
off from, to leave, to forbear ; To come on, to
advance, to make progrefs ; to advance to com-
bat ;, to th jive, to grow big;. To come over,
to repeat an act, to revolt ; To come out, to
te made publick, to appear upon trial, to he
difcovcred; To come out with, to give vent
to ; To come to, to confent or yield ; to amount
toi To come to himfclf, to recover his fenfes j
To come to pafs, to be efFe£lcd, to fall out ;
To come up, to grow out of the ground ; to
make appearance; to come into ufc ; To come
up to, to amount to, to rife to ; To come up
with, to overtake ; To come upon, to invade,
to attack; To come, in futurity.
COME, kum'. Be quick, make no delay.
COME, kum . A particle of reconciliation.
Come, come, at all I laugh he laughs no doubt.
COMEDIAN, kum-me'-dyan. f. A player or
aclor of comick parts ; a player in general, an
adrefs or a£lor.
COMEDY, kom'-me-dy. f. A dramatick re-,
prefentation of the lighter faults of mankind.
COMELINESS, kum'-ly-nis. f. Grace, beau-
ty, dignity.
COAIELY, kum^-ly. a. Graceful, decent.
COMER, kum'-mur. f. One that comes.
COMET, komMt. f. A heavenly body in the
planetary region appearing fuddenly, and again
COMETARY, kom'-me-tar-y..? a. Relating to
COMETICK, ko-met''-ik. ^ ''■ comet.
COMFIT, kinZ-fk. f. A kmd of fweet-
COMFITURE, kum'-fl-ture. f. Sweet-meat,
To COMFORT, kmn -flirt. V. a. Toflrength-
en, to enliven, to invigorate ; to confole, to
flrengthen the mind under calamity.
COMFORT, kum^'-fiirt. f. Support, aiTifl-
ance ; countenance ; confolation, fupport un-
der calamity ; that which gives confolation or
COMFORTABLE, kum'-fur-tubl. a. Receiv-
ing comfort, fufceptible of comfort, difpcnfing
COMFORTABLY, kin/-fur-tub-ly. ad. With
comfort, without defpair.
COMFORTER, kum'-fur-tur. f. One that
adminiftcrs confolation in misfortunes ; the title
of the third pcrfon of the Holy Trinity ; the.
COMFORTLESS, kun/-furt-l!s. a. Witiiout
COMICAL, kcV-nil-kal. a. Railing mirth,
merry, diverting; relating to comedy, befitting,
COMICALLY, kom'-ml-kal-ly. ad. In fuch a
manner as raifes mirth j in a manner befitting
COMICALNESS, kom'-ml-kal-nls. f. The
quality of being comical.
COMICK, kom'-mlk. a. Relating to comedy ;
raifing mirth.
COMING, kum'-ming. f. The ad of coming,
approach ; ft:ate of being come, arrival.
COMING-IN, kum-mlng-In'. f. Revenue, in-
COMING, kum''-muig. a. Forward, ready to
come; future, to come.
COMING, kum'-ming. part. a. Moving from
fome other to this place ; ready to come.
COMITIAL, ko-me'-fhal. a. Relating to the
aflemblies of the people.
COMITY, kom'-i-ty. f. Courtefy, civility.
COMMA, kom'-ma. f. The point which de-
notes the diftindion of claufes, marked thus [,J.
To COMMAND, kum-ma'nd. v. a. To go-
vern, to give orders to ; to order, to direft to
be done ; to overlook, to have fo fubjeiSt as that
it may be feen.
To COMMAND, kum-ma'nd. v. n. To have
the fupreme authority.
COMMAND, kum-ma'nd. f. The right of
commanding, power, fupreme authority ; co-
gent authority, defpotifin ; the adl of command-
ing, order.
COMMANDER, kum-ma'n-dur. f. He that
has the fupreme authority, a chief ; a paving
beetle, or a very great wooden mallet.
COMMANDERY, kum'-ma'n-dl-ry. f. A
body of the knights of Malta, belonging, to the
fame nation.
COMMANDMENT, kum-ma'nd-ment. f.
Mandate, command, order,. precept; authority,
power ; by way of eminence, the precepts of
the decalogue given by God to Mofes.
COMMANDRESS, kum-mA n-drls. f. A wo-
man veiled with fupreme authority.
COMMATERIAL, kom-ma-td'-ryal. a. Con-
fiding of the fame matrcr with another.
COMMATER'ALITY, kcm-ma-te-ryar-!-ty.
f. Reftmblance to fometiung in its matter.
COMMEMORABLE, k6m-mem'-mo-rabI. a.
Deferving to be mentioned with honour.
To COMMEMORATE, kom-mem'.-mo-rate.
V. a. To preferve the memory by fome pub-
lick aa.
COMMEMORATION, kim-mem-mo-rl'-
fhun. f. An a6l of publick celebration.
COMMEMORATIVE, kom-mem'-mo-ra-dv.
a. Tending to preferve memory of anything.
To COMMENCE, kum-men'fe. v. n. To be-
gin, to make beginning ; to take a new cha-
To COMMENCE, kum-men'fe. v. a. To be-
gin, to make a beginning of, as to commence
a fuit.
COMMENCEMENT, kum-men'fe-ment. f.
Beginning date ; the time when degrees are
taken in a univerfity.
To COMMEND, kum-mend'. v. a. To repre-
fent as worthy of notice, to recommend ; to
mention with approbation; to recommend to
kom-men'-dabl. ")
kom'-men-dabl. j
Laudable, worthy of praile.
COMMENDABLY, kom'-men-dab-ly. ad.
Laudably, in a manner worthy of commend-
COMMENDAM, k6m-m«/-dum. f. Com-
mendam is a benefice, which being void, is
commended to the charge of fome fufEcient
clerk to be fupplied.
COMMENDATARY, kom-men'-da-ta-ry. f.
One who holds a living in commendam.
COMMENDATION, kom-men-di'-fhun. f.
Recommendation, favourable reprefentation ;
praife, declaration of efleem.
COMMENDATORY, kom-men'-da-tur-ry. a.
Favourably reprefentative ; containing praife.
COMMENDER, konvmcn'-dur. f. Praifcr.
COMMENSALITY, kom-men-fal'-i-ty. f. Fcl-
lowihip of table.
COMMENSURABILITY, kom-men-fu-ra-
blf-i-ty. f. Capacitv of being compared with
another, as to thi, mcafurc, or of being mea-
fured by another.
'COMMENSURABLE, kim-men'-fi\-rabl. a.
Reducible to fome common mcafurcj as a yard
and a foot are meafured by an inch.
rabl-n's. f. Commenfurability, proportion.
To COMMENSURATE, kim-men'-fu-nke.
V. a. To reduce to fome common meafure.
COMMENSURATE, kom-mm-fu-ret. a. Re-
ducible to fome common meafure ; equal, pro-
portionable to each other.
COxMMENSURATELY, kom-men'-fu-ret-ly.
ad. With the capacity of mcafuring, or being
meafured by fome other thing.
COMxMENSURATION, kom-men-fu-rf/-
fhun. f. Redu<5iion of fome things to fome
common meafure.
To COMiMENT, kom'-ment. v. n; • To an-
notate, to write notes, to expound.
COMMENT, kom'-ment. f. Annotations on
an author, notes, expofition.
COMMENTARY, konZ-mtn-ter-y. f. An
expofition, annotation, remark ; a memoir ; jiar-
rative in familiar manner.
COMMENTATOR, kom-mcn-ta'-tur. f. Ex-
pofitor, annotator.
COMMENTER, kom-men'-tur. f. An ex-
plainer, an annotator.
COMMENTITIOUS, kom-men-tiih'-us. a.
Invented, imaginary.
COMMERCE, kSm'-mcrfe. f. Exchange of
one thing for another, trade, traflick.
To COM.AIERCE, kim-mer'fe. v,ji. To hold
COMlMERClAL, kom-mt/-fhal. a. Relating
'0 commerce or traflick.
.'. >MMERE, kom'-mer. f. A common mother.
Not ufcd.
ToCOMMiGRATE,kom'-mi-grate. v. n. To
remove by confent, from one country to ano-
COMMIGRATION, kom-ml-gri'-fnin. f. A
removal of a people from one country to ajio-
COMMINATION, k6m-my-nr-Jhun, T. A
threat, a denunciation of puniflimcnt; thf re-
cital of God's threatenines on ftatjd davs.
COMMINATORY, kom-mln'-na-tur-y. a.
Denunciator)', threatening.
To COMMINGLE, kom-mlng'l. v. a. To
mix into one mafs, to mix, to blend.
To COMMINGLE, k6m-m!ng'l. v. n. To unite
with another thing.
COMMINUIBLE, kom-miV-u-Ibl. a. Fran-
gible, reducible to powder.
To COMMINUTE, kim-m^nu'te. v. a. To
grind, to pulverife.
COMMINUTION, kim-m>''-nil'-fliin. f. The
&&. of grinding into finall parts, pulverifa-
COMMISERABLE, kim-mlz'-e-rabl. a. Wor-
thy of companion, pitiable.
To COMMISERATE, kom-miV-a-rftte. v. a.
To pity, to companionate.
COMMISERATION, kim-mlz-l-rr-fhun. f.
Pity, compaflion, tcndernefs.
COMMISSARY, k6m'-m!f-fir-y. f. An officer
made occafionally, a delegate, a deputy ; fuch
as exercife fpiritual jurifdiciion in places of the
diocefe, far diftant from the chief city; ?.n of-
ficer who draws up lifts of an army, and regu-
lates the procuration of provifion.
COMMISSARISHIP, kom'-mif-fer-y-flilp. f.
The office of a commifiary.
COMxMISSION, kilm-mlfh'-un. f. The acl of
entrufling any thing; a truft, a warrant by
which any truft is held ; a warrant by which a
military officer is conftituted; charge, man-
date, ofiice; act of committing a crime: fins
of commiffion are diftinguifhcd from fins of
omiiTion : a number of people joined in a truft
or office ; the ftate of that which is intrufted to
a number of joint officers, as the broad feal was
put into cornmilTion ; the order by which a fac-
tor trades for another perfon.
To COMIvIISSION, kum-mifii'-un. v. a. To
empower, to appoint. ■.
COMMISSIONER, kum-mlfli'-un-ur. f. One
included in a warrant of authority.
COMMISSURE, koin-mlih-urc. f. Joint', a
place where one pr.rt is joined to another.
To COMMIT, kum-nilt'. v. a. To intruft, to
give m truii3 to put in any plate to be kept
R r Yafcj
fafe ; to fend to prifon, to imprifon ; to pcrpe-
tratL-, to do a fault.
eOMMIT-MENT, kim-mrt'-ment. f. -Afl of
fending to prifon ; an order for feuding to
COMMITTEE, kum-mit'-t)'-. f. Thofe to
whom the confideration or ordering of any mat-
ter is referred, ^cither by fome court to whom it
belongs, or by confent of parties.
COMMITTER, kum-mlt'-tiir. f. Perpetrator,
he that commits.
COMMITTABLE, kum-mlt'-tlbl. a. Liable
to be committed.
To COMMIX, kom-mlk's. v. a. To mingle,
to blend.
COMMIXION, kom-mlk'-fliun. f. Mixture,
COMMIXTURE, kom-mik''s-tfhur. f. The ad
of mingling, the flate of being mingled ; the
mafs formed by mingling drfFerent things, com-
COMMODE, kom-mo'de. f. The head-drefs
of women.
COMMODIOUS, kom-mo'-dyis. a. Conve-
nient, fuitable, accommodate; ufeful, fuited to
wants or neceffities.
COMMODIOUSLY, kom-m&'-dyuf-ly. ad.
Conveniently ; without diftrefs ; fuitably to a
certain purpofe.
COMMODIOUSNESS, kom-md'-dyuf-nis. f.
Convenience, advantage.
COMMODITY, kom-modM-ty. f. Intereft,
advantage, profit; convenience of time or place ;
wares, merchandife.
COMMODORE, kom-m6-do're. f. The captain
who commands a fquadron of fFiips.
COMMON, kom'-mun. a. Belonging equally
to more than one ; having no podeflor or owner ;
vulgar, mean, eafy to be had, not fcarce ; pub-
lick, general ; mean, without birth or licfcent;
frequent, ufeful, ordinary ; proftitutc.
COMMON, kom -mun. f. An open ground
equally ufed by many perfons.
To COMMON, kom'-mun. v. n. To have
a joint right with others in fomc common
COMMON LAW, k^m-mun-la'. f. Cuilr.ms
which have by long prefcription obtained the
force of laws, dlftinguifhed from the ftatutc
law, v.'hich owes its authority to a£ls of par-
COMMON PLEAS, kim-min-ple-'z. f. The
king's court now held in Weftminfler-hall, but
anciently moveable.
COMMONABLE, kim'-mun-ebl. a. What
is held in common.
COMMONAGE, kom'-mun-ldzh. f. The right
of feeding on a common.
COMMONALTY, kom'-mun-al-ty. f. The
common people ; the bulk of mr.nkind.
COMMONER, - fcom'-un-ur. f. One of the
common people ; a man not noble ; a member
of the houfe of commons ; one who has a joint
right in common ground ; a fludcnt of the fe-
cond rank at the univerfity of Oxford ; a prof-
COMMONITION, fcim'-m6-nlfli'-un. f. Ad-
vice, warning.
COA4MONLY, kom^-mun-ly. ad. Frequently^
COMMONNESS, k6m'-mun-n!s. f. Equal
participation among many ; frequent occur-
rence, frequency.
To COMMONPLACE, k6m-rain-pla'fe. v. a.
To reduce to general heads.
COMMONPLACE BOOK, kom-mun-pirfe-
bok. f. A book in which things tobe remem-
bered are ranged under general heaus.
COMMONS, kom'-munz. f. The vulgar, the
lower people; the lower houfe of parliament,.
by which the people are reprefented ; food, fare,
COMP.IONWEAL, kim-mun-we'l. ?
COMMONWEALTH, k6m-mun-wt.lt?r'. ] "
A polityy an eftabliflied form of civil life; the
publick, the general body of the people ; a go-
vernment in which, the fupreme power is lodged
in the people, a republick.
COMMORANCE, k6n/-m6-ranfe. T f. Dweli-
COMMORANCY, kom'-mo-ran- fy. 5 ing, ha-
bitation, refidcncc.
C O ]\1
COALMORANT, kom'-mo-rant. a. Refidcnt,
COMMOTION, kom'-mo'-fhun. f. Tumult,
ditl-urbance, combullion ; perturbation, difor-
derofmind, agitation.
COMMO TIONER, kom-m6'-(hun-ur. f. A
difturber of the peace.
To COMAIOVE, kim-m<*'ve. v. a. To dif-
turb, to unfettle.
To COMMUNE, kom'-miine. v'. n. To con-
vcrfe, to impart fentiments mutually.
COM.MU NIC ABILITY, kom-mii-ny-ka-bll'-
i-ty. r. The quality of being communicated.
COMxVIUNICABLE, kom-mu'-nj-kabl. a.
That which may become the common poflef-
fion of more than one ; that which may be im-
parted, or recounted.
COM.MUNICANT, kom-mu'-ny-kint. f. One
■who is prefent, as a worfhipper, at the cele-
bration of the Lord's Supper.
To COMMUNICATE, kom-md'-ny-kate. v. a.
To impart to others what is in our own power ;
to reveal, to impart knowledge.
To COMMUNICATE, kom-mu'-ny-kite. v. n.
To partake of the blcfll-d facrament ; to have
fomething in common with another, as The
houfes communicate.
COMMUNICATION, kom-mu-ny-ka'-fhun.
f. The aft of imparting benefits or know-
ledge ; common boundary or inlet; interchange
of knowledge ; conference, converfation.
COMMUNICATIVE, kom-mu'-ny-ka-tlv. a.
Inclined to make advantages common, liberal
of knowledge, not fclfifh.
tiv-nis. f. The quality of being communi-
COMMUNION, ki'm-m^-nyun. f. Intcr-
courfe, fellowihip, common pofieflion ; the
common or publick celebration of the Lord's
Supper; a common or publick aft ; union in
the common worihip of any church.
COMMUNITY, kom-mu'-ny-ly. f. The com-
monwealth, the body politick ; common pof-
feflion ; frequency, conimonnefs.
COMMUTABILITY,. k6m-mu-ta-bIl'-:-ty.- f.
The quality of being capable of exchange.
COMMUTABLE, kcm-mu'-tabl. a. That may
be exchanged for fomething clfe.
COMMUTATION, kim-mu-ta'-fliun. f.
Change, alteration ; exchange, the aft of giving
one thing for another ; ranfom, the aft of ex-
changing a corporal for a pecuniary punifn-
COMMUTATIVE, kom-mu'-ta-t.'v. a. Re-
lative to exchange.
To COMMUTE, kom-mu'te. v. a. To ex-
change, to put one thing in the place of ano-
ther ; to buy ofF, or ranfom one obligation by
ToCOM.MUTE, kim-mu'te. v. n. To at-
tone, to bargain for exemption.
COiMMUTLfAL, Jcom-mu'-tu-al. a. Mutual,
COMPACT, Ifim'-p.'ikt. f. A contraft, an ac-
cord, an agreement.
To COAIPACT, kom-pakt'. v. a. To join to-
gether with firmnefs, to confolidate ; to make
out of fomething ; to league with ; to join to-
gether, to bring into a fyftem.
COMPACT, kom-pakt'. a. Firm, folid, clofe,.
dehfe; brief, as a compaft difcourfs.
COMPACTEDNESS, kim-pak'-ted-nls. f.
Firmnefs, denfity.
COMPACTLY, kim-pal/t-Iy. ad. Clofely,
denfely ; with neat joining.
COMPACTNESS, kim-pak't-nls. f. Firm-
nefs, clofcnefs,
COMPACTURE, kom-pak'-tfhur. f. Struc-
ture, compagi nation.
COMPAGES, kom-pa'-jes. f. A fyftem of
many parts united.
COMPAGINATION, k6m-pa-j!-n;i'-flu'm. f.
Union, ftrufture.
COMPANION, kum-paa'-yun. f. One with
whom a man frequently convcrfes ; a partner,
an aflbclate; a familiar term of contempt, a
COMPANIONABLE, kum-pan'-yO-nibl. a.
Fit for good fellow/liip, focial.
COMPANION ABLY, kum-paiZ-yO-ri-bly.
ad. In a companronabk manner,
COMPANIONSFIiP, kum-pan'-yun-fli!p. f.
Company, train ; fellowfhip, afibciation.
COMPANY, kum'-pa-ny. f. Pctfons affembled
together ; an affcmbly of pleafure ; pcrfons con -
fidered as capable of converfation ; fellowfhip ;
a number of perfons united for the execution of
any thing, a band ; perfons united in a joint
trade or •partnerfhip ; a body corporate, a cor-
poration ; a fubdivifion of a regiment of foot ;
To bear company, to aflbciate with, to be a
companion to ; To keep company, to frequent
houfes of entertainment.
To COMPANY, kum'-pi-ny. v. a. To ac-
company, to be aflbciated with. Not ufed.
To COMPANY, kum'-pa-ny. v. n. To afib-
ciate one's felf with. Not ufed.
f. The quality of admitting to be brought by
force into a narrower compafs.
COMPRESSIBLE, kom-pres'-slbl. a. Yield-
ing to preflurc, fo as that one part is brought
nearer to another.
COMPRESSIBLENESS, kom-pres'-slbl-nls. f.
Capability of being preffed clofe.
COMPRESSION, kcm-prefl/.un. f. The aci
of bringing the parts of any body more near to
each other by violence.
COMPRESSURE, khm-prcih'-uT. f. The aa
or force of the body prefiing againft another.
To COMPRINT, k6tn-pr!nt'. v. a. To print
together ; to print another's copy, to the pre-
judice of the rightful proprietor.
To COMPRISE, kom-prKze. v. a. To con-
tain, to include.
COMPROBATION, kom-pro-bi'-fhun. f.
Proof, atteftation.
COMPROMISE, kom'-pro-mfze. f. A mu-
tual promife of parties at difterence, to refer
their controverfies to arbitrators ; an adjuftment
of a difference between parties by mutual corv-
To COMPROMISE, kom'-pr6-m!ze. v. a. To
adjuft a compavSt by mutual concefljons, to ac-
cord, to agree.
a. Relating to compromife.
COMPROVINCIAL, kom-pro-vin'-fhal. f.
Belonging to the fame province.
COMPT, kou'nt. f. Account, computation,
reckoning. Not ufed.
To COMPT, kou^nt. v. a. To compute, to
number. We now ufe To Count.
COMPTIBLE, kou'n-tibl. a. Accountable,
ready to give account. Obfolete.
To COMPTROLL, k6n-tr6'l. v. a. To con-
troll, to over-rule, to oppofe.
COMPTROLLER, kon-tro'-lur. f. Dire^or,
COMPTROLLERSHIP, kon-tro'-lur-fhip. f.
Superintendence. A
COMPULSATIVELY, kom pui'-fa-tlv-ly. ad.
By conftraint.
COMPULSATORY, kom-pul'-fa-tur-y. a.
Having the force of compelling.
COxMPULSION, kom-pul'-ftiun. f. The aft
of compelling to fomething, force ; the ftate of
being compelled.
COMPULSIVE, kom-pil'-slv. a. Having the
power to compel, forcible.
COMPULSIVELY, kom-pul'-^Iv-ly. ad. By
force, by violence.
COMPULSIVENESS, kom-pul'-slv-nls. f.
Force, compulfion.
COMPULSORILY, kom-pul'-fur-y-ly. ad.
In a compulfory or forcible manner, by vio-
COMPULSORY, kom-pui'-fir-y. a. Having
the power of compelling.
COMPUNCTION, kom-punk'-Ihun. f. The
power of pricking, flimulation ; repentance^
COMPUNCTIOUS, kom-punk'-fhus. a. Re-
COMPUNCTIVE, kom-pink'-t'v. a. Cau-
fing remorfe.
COMPURGATION, kom-pur-gi'-fhun. f.
The practice of juflifying any man's veracity
by the tcflimony of another.
COMPURGATOR, kom-pur'-ga-tur. f. One
who bears his teftimony to the credibility of
COMPUTABLE, kom-pu'-tebl. a. Capable
of being numbered.
COMPUTATION, kom-pu-ta'-fliun. f. The
act of reckoning, calculation ; the fum col-
leSed or fettled by cilculation.
To COMPUTE, kom-pii'te. v. a. To reckon,
to calculate, to count.
COMPUTER, kom-pu'-tur. f. Reckoner, ac-
COMPUTIST, kom'-pu-tW. f. Calculator,
one fkilled in computation.
CO.MRADE, kum'-rade. f. One who dwells
in the fame houfe or chamber ; a companion, a
CON, kon'. A Latin infeparable pref ofition,
which, at the beginning of words, figniiics
union, as concoiirfe, a running together.
CON, Icon', ad. On the oppofite fide, againft
h another.
To CON, kon . v. a. To know ; to ftudy j to
fix in the memory.
To CONCAMERATE, kin-kam'-c-ratc. v. a.
To arch over, to vault.
To CONCATENATE, kin-kat'-c-nate. v. a.
To link together.
CONCATENATION, kin-kat-e-na'-iliun. f.
A feries of links.
CONCAVATION, kon-ka-va'-fhun. f. The
aiil of making concave.
CONCAVE, kon'-kive. a. Hollow, oppofed
to convex.
CONCAVENESS, kin'-kave-ms. f. Hollov.-
CONCAVITY, kon-kav'-I-ty. f. Internal fur-
fiice of a hollow fpherical or fpheroidical body.
CONCAVO-CONCAVE, k6n-kd'-v6-kin''-
kave. a. Concave or hollow on both fides.
CONCAVO-CONVEX, kon-ka'-vo-kon'"-
vex. a. Concave one way, and convex the other.
CONCAVOUS, kon-ka'-vus. a. Concave.
CONCAVOUSLY, kin-Id'-vuf-ly. ad. With
To CONCEAL, kdn^fe'l. v. a. To hide, to
keep fecret, not to divulge.
CONCEALABLE, kon-ft'l-abl. a. Capable
of being concealed.
CONCEALEDNESS, kon-f^'-led-n!s. f. Pri-
vacy, obfcurity.
■ CONCEALER, kon-fc'-lur. f. He that con-
ceals any thing.
CONCEALMENT, kon-fe'l-ment. f. The za
of hiding, fecrefy ; the ftate of being hid, pri-
vacy ; hiding-place, retreat.
To CONCEDE, kon-fu'de. v. a. To admit,
to grant.
CONCEIT, kon-fe't. f. Conception, thought,
idea-; underftanding, readinefs of apprehenfion ;
fancy, fantaftical notion; a fond opinion of
one's felf; a pleafant fancy; Out of conceir
with, no longer fond of.
To CONCEIT, kon-fi't. v. a. To imagine,
to believe.
CONCEITED, kon-f^'-tid. particip. a. Endow-
ed with fancy; proud, fond of himfclf; opi-
CONCEITEDLY, kon-fc'-tid-ly. ad. Fanci-
fully, whimfically.
CONCEITEDNESS, kon-fe'-tld-ms. f. Pride,
fondnefs of himfelf.
CONCEITLESS, k6n-fi't-l!s. a. Stupid, with-
out thought.
CONCEIVABLE, kon-fe'-vabl. a. That may
be imagined or thought ; that may be undcr-
fiood or believed.
CONCEIVABLENESS, k6n-fd'-vabl-n!s. f.
The quality of being conceivable.
CONCEIVABLY, kon-fe'-vab-ly. ad. In a con-
ceivable manner.
To CONCEIVE, kc'n-fcVe. v. a. To admit
into the womb ; to form in the mind ; to com-
prehend, to underftand ; to think, to be of
To CONCEIVE, kon-fi've. v. n. To think,
to have an idea of; to become pregnant.
CONCEIVER, kin-fe'-vur. f. One that un-
denlands or apprehends.
CONCENT, kon-fent'. f. Concert of voices,
harmony ; confiftency.
To CONCENTRATE, kon-filn'-trate, v. a.
To drivj into a narrow compafs ; to drive to-
w.-irds the center.
CONCENTRATION, kon-fen-tra'-fhun. f.
Colledtion into a narrower fpacc round the
To CONCENTRE, kon-fcn'-tur. v. n. To
tend to one common centre.
To CONCENTRE, kon-fcn'-tur. v. a. To
emit towards one centre.
CONCENTRICAL, kin-feiZ-trl-kil. (a. Ha-
CONCENTRICK, k6n-fw/-tr{k. ^ ving
one common centre.
CONCEPTACLE, k6n-fJp'-takl. f. That in
which any thing is contained, a vcflel,
CONCEPTIBLE, kon-fcp'-t!bl. a. Intelli-
gible, capable to be underftood.
CONCEPTION, kon-{ip'-{huvt. f. The aft
of CQnceiving, or quickening with pregnancy ;
the ftate of being conceived ; notion, idea ; fen-
timent, purpofe ; apprehcnfion, knowledge j
conceit, fentiment, pointed thought.
CONCEPTIOUS, kon-fep'-flius- a. Apt to
conceive, pregnant.
CONCEPTIVE, kon-fep'-tlv. a. Capable to
To CONCERN,, kon-fern'. v. a. To relate to ;
to belong to ; to afFect with fome pafllon ; to
intereft, to engage by interell: ; to diilurb, to
make uneafy.-
CONCERN, kon-fern'. f. Bufinefs, affair; in-
tereft, engagement ; importance, moment ; paf-
fion, affcdion, regard.
CONCERNING, kon-fcr'-ning. prep. Relat-
ing to, with relation to.
CONCERNMENT, kin-fern'-meut. f. The
thing in which we are concerned or intcreftcd,
bufinefs, intereft; intercourfe, importance; in-
terpofition, meddling ; paffion, emotion of,
To CONCERT, kin-fert'. v. a. To fettle any
thing in private, by mutual communication ;
to fettle, to contrive, to adjuft.
CONCERT, kon'-fert. f. Communication of
defigns ; a fymphony, many performers playing
to the fame tune.
CONCERTATION, kon-fer-ta'-fhun. f. Strife,
CONCERT ATI VE, kon-fer'-ta-t'v. a. Con-
CONCESSION, kon-fes'-fhun. f. The ad of
yielding ; a grant, the thing yielded.
CONCESSIONARY, kon-fes'-flio-ner-y. a.
Given by indulgence.
CONCESSIVELY, kcn-fes'-slv-ly. ad. Byway
of conceflion.
CONCH, konk'. f. A (hell, a fea-fhell.
CONCHOID, konk'-oid. f. The name of a
To CONCILIATE, kon-sil'-yate. v. a. To
CONCILIATION, k6n-sll-ya'-{hun. f. The
aiSt of gaining or Reconciling.
CONCILIATOR, kcn-sil-yu'-tur. f. One that
makes peace; between others.
CONCILIATORY, k6n-s!l-ya'-tur-y. a. Re-
lating to reconciliation.
CONCINNiTY, kon-sin'-nl-ty. f. Decency,
CONCINT>^OUS,- kon-sLY-nus. a. Becoming,
CONCISE, kdn-sffe. a. Brief, fiiort. '
CONCISELY, i:in-sl'fe-ly. ad. Briefly, fiiortly.
CONCISENESS, kon-sffe-nis. f. Brevity,
fhortnefs. -
CONCISION, kin-slz zhun. f. Cutting off,
CONCITATION, kon-fy-ta'-fliun. f. The
adt of ftirring up. ^
CONCLAMATION,kin-kla-m.a'-fhun. f. An
CONCLAVE, kon'-klAve. f. Private apart-
ment ; the room in which the cardinals meet,
or the affembly of 'the cardinals; a clofe af-
To CONCLUDE, kon-kli'de. v. a. To col-
left by ratiocination ; to decide, to determine";
to end, to finiffa.
To CONCLUDE, kon-kl^'de. v. n. To per-
form the laft aft of ratiocination, to deter-
mine ; to fettle opinion ; finally to determine ;
to end.
CONCLUDENCY, kon-kld'-den-fy. f. Con-
fequence, regular proof.
CONCLUDENT, k6n-kld'-dent. a. Decifive.
CONCLUSIBLE, kon-klu'-sibl. a. Deter-
CONCLUSION, ken-klil'-zhun. f. Deter-
mination, final decifion ; colleftion from pro-
pofitions premifed, confequense ; the clofe ;
the event of experiment ; the end, the up-
CONCLUSIVE, kin-kld'-s'v. a. Decifive,
giving the laft determination ; regularly confc-
CONCLUSIVELY, kon-klu'-siv-ly. ad. De-
CONCLUSIVENESS, k6n-klu'-slv-nis. f.
Power of determining the opinion.
To CONCOAGULATE, kon-ki-ag'-gu-llte.
V. a. To congeal one thing with another.
CONCOAGULATION, kon-ko-ag-gd-l4^-
fh'in. f. A coagulation by which cifFcrent
bodies are joined in one mafs.
To CONCOCT, kon-kok't. v. a. To digcfV
by the ftomach ; to purify by heat.
CONCOCTION, k6n-k6k'-ftiun.'f. DigeflJon
in the ftomach, maturation by heat.
CONCOLOUR, kon-kul'-lir. a. Of one colour.
CONCOMITANCE, kon-kom'-I-tanfe. T
CONCOMITANCY, kon-kom'-i-tan-fy. ^ '
Subfiftence together with another thing.
COxNCOMITANT, kSn-komM-tant. a. Con-
joined with, concurrent with.
CONCOMITANT, kon-kom'-i-tant. f. Com-
panion, perfon or thing collaterally connecSted.
CONCOMITANTLY, kon-kcn/-I-tdnt-ly. ad.
In company with others.
To CONCOMITATE, kon-kom'-I-tke. v. a.
To be connected with any thing.
CONCORD, kong'-kord. f. Agreement be-
tween perfons and things, peace, union, har-
mony, concent of founds ; principal gramma-
tical relation of one word to another.
CONCORDANCE, kon-kaVdanfe. f. Agree-
ment ; a book which fhews in how many texts
of fcripture any word occurs.
CONCORDANT, k<'m-kl''r-dant. a. Agree-
able, agreeinj.
CONCORDATE, kon-ki'r-date. f. A com-
pa£t, a convention.
CONCORPORAL, k6n-ka'r-p6-ral. a. Of the
•l-me body.
To CONCORPORATE,kon-ka'r-p6-rate. v.a.
[ o unite in one mafs or fubftance.
• N CORPOR ATION, kon-kor-po-ra'-fliiin.
Union in one mafs.
^COURSE, kong'-kurfe. f. Theconflu-
:ice of many perfons or things; the perfons
ifrembled ; the point of junction or interfeclion
<)' two bodies.
CCNCREMATION,kon-kre-m-/-fliun. f. The
ad of burning together.
COICREMENT, kon'-krc-ment. f. The mafs
fomed by concretion.
CONCRESCENCE, kon-kres'-slnfe. f. The
acl or quality of growing by the union of fc-
parate particles.
To CONCRETE, kon-kr^'te. v. n. To coa-
lefce into one mafs.
To CONCRETE, kon-kr^'tc. v. a. To form
by concretion.
CONCRETE, kon'-krOte. a. Formed by con-
cretion ; in logick, not abflraft, applied to a
CONCRETE, kV-krete. f. A mafs formed
by concretion.
CONCRETELY, kin-kre'te-lj-. ad. In a man-
ner including the fubjedt with the predicate.
CONCRETENESS, k6n-kre'telnls. f. Coagu-
lation, collection of fluids into a folid mafs.
CONCRETION, kSn-kre'-fliAn. f. The &3:
of concreting, coalition ; the mafs formed by a
coalition of feparate particles.
CONCRETIVE, kin-kre'-tiv. a. Coagu!.'.-
tive. ' .
CONCRETURE, kon-kre'-tflvu-. f. A mafs
formed by coagulation.
CONCUBINAGE, kon-ku'-bi-n'dzh. f. The
act of living Vvith a woman not married.
CONCUBINE, konk'-ii-bine. f. A womV.n
kept in fornication, a whore.
To CONCULCATE, kon-kul'-kdte. v. a. lo
tread or trample under foot.
CONCULCATION, kon-kul-ka'-fliun. f.
Trampling with the feet.
CONCUPISCENCE, kon-kd'-plf-fenfe. f. Ir-
regular defire, libidinous wifh.
CONCUPISCENT, kon-ku'-p!f-fcnt. a. Li-
bidinous, lecherous.
CONCUPISCENTIAL, kon-ku-pif-fen'-flKil.
a. Relating to concupifcence.
CONCUPISCIBLE, k6n-ku'-pis-s!bl. a. Im-
preffing defire.
To CONCUR, kon-kur'. v. n. To meet in
one point ; to agree, to join in one action ; to
be united with, to be conjoined; to contribute
to one common event.
CONCURRENCE, k6n-kur'-rcnfe. 1 f. U-
CONCURRENCY, kon-kur'-ren-fy. 5 nion,
alTociation, conjundtion; combination of many
agents or circumflances ; afiiftance, help; joint
right, common claim.
CONCURRENT. k6n-lcu/-rent. a. Ading
in conjunftion, concomitant in agcncv.
CONCURRENT, kon-kuZ-ient. f. That which'
CONCUSSION, kon-kis'-fnun. f. The ad
of fhaking, tremefailion.
CONCUSSIVE, kon-kus'-siv. a. Having the
power or quality of fhaking.
To CONDEMN, kon-den/. v. a. To find
guilty, to doona to puniflimcnt ; to cenfurc, to
CONDEMNABLE, kin-dV-nabl. a. Blame-
able, culpable.
CONDEMNATION, kon-dem-na'-fuun. f.
The fentence by which any one is doomed to
CONDEMNATORY, kon-dim'-na-tir-y. a.
Pafiing a fentence of condemnation.
CONDEMNER, kon-dem'-nur. f. A blamcr,
a cenfurer.
CONDENSABLE, kon-den'-fabl. a. That
which is capable of condenfation.
To CONDENSATE, kon-den'-fdte. v. a. To
make thicker.
To CONDENSATE, kon-den'-fate. v. n. To
grow thicker.
CONDENSATE, kin-den'-fate. a. Made
thick, compreffed into lefs fpacc.
CONDENSATION, kon-dcn-fi'-fhun. f. The
act of thickening any body ; oppofite to ra-
To CONDENSE, kon-dens'e. v. a. To make
any body more thick, clofe, and weighty.
To CONDENSE, kon-dens'e. v. n.^ To grow
clofe and weighty.
CONDENSE, kon-dcnTc. a. Thick, dcnfe.
CONDENSER, kon-den'-fur. f. A vcflel,
wherein to crowd the air.
CONDENSITY, kon-den'-si-tj-. f. The ftate
of being condenfed.
To CONDESCEND, kon-de-fcnd'. v. n. To
depart from the privileges of fupcriority ; to
confent to do more than mere juftice can re-
quire; to Hoop, to bend, to yield.
CONDESCENDENCE, kon-de-fJn'-denfe. f.
Voluntary fubmiiTion.
CONDESCENDINGLY, kon-de-fend'-ing-ly.
. ad. By way of voluntary humiliation, by way
of kind concefiion.
CONDESCENSION, kon-di-fen'-fhun. f. Vo-
luntary humiliation, defccnt from fupcriority.
CONDESCENSIVE, kon-de-fen'-slv. a. Cour-
CONDIGN, kin-di'n. a. Suitable, d.-f.-rved,
CONDIGNNESS, kon-dl'n-nis. f. Suitable-
nefs, agreeablenefs to deferts.
CONDIGNLY, kcn-drn-ly. ad. Defervedly,
according to merit.
CONDIMENT, Lon'-dy-m!!::. f. Seafoning,
-fauce. ^
CONDISCIPLE, kon-d!s-,, ; ;. f. A fchool-
fellow. ■
ToCONDITE, kon-di'te. v. a. To pickle,
to preferve by faics.
CONDITION, kon-daV-un. f. Quality, that
by which any thing is denominated good or
bad ; natural quality of the mind, temper, tem-
perament ; ftate, circumilances ; rank ; ftipu-
lation, terms of compadt.
CONDITIONAL, k6n-d!fi/-un-ul. a. By wry
of ii.pulation, not abfolute.
CONDITIONALITY, kcn-dlfIi-5-nal'-I-ty. f.
Limitation by certain terms.
CONDITIONALLY, k6n-difn'-un-ul-y. ad.
^Vith certain limitations, on particular term?.
CONDITIONARY,k6n-d!fh'-un-ur-y. a. Sti-
CONDITIONATE, kon-dlihU-nite. a. Efa-
blifhed on certain terms.
CONDITIONED, kon-d!fh'-ind. a. Havng
qualities or properties good or bad.
To CONDOLE, kon-do'le. v. n. To lanrnt
with thofe that are in misfortune.
To CONDOLE, kin-do'le. v. a. To bevail
with .incther.
CONDOLEMENT, kon-do'je-ment. f. Cricf,
CONDOLENCE, kon-do'-lenfe. f. Gref for
the forrows of another.
CONDOLER, kon-do'-lur. f. One that com-
pliments another upon his misfortunes.
CONDONATION, k6n-d6-na'-fhin. f. A
pardoning, a forgiving.
To CONDUCE, kon-du fe. v. n. To promote
an end, to contribute to.
CONDUCIBLE, kon-du'-slbl. a. Having the
power of conducing. .
CONDUCIBLENESS, kon-diy-slbl-nis. f.
The quality of contributing to any end.
CONDUCIVE, kon-du'-slv. a. ' That which
may contribute to any end.
CONDUCIVENESS, k6n-du'-s!v-nis. f. The
quality of conducing.
CONDUCT, kcn'-dakt. f. Management, ceco-
nomy ; the ad: of leading troops ; convoy ; a
warrant by which a convoy is appointed ; be-
haviour, regular life.
To CONDUCT, kon-dukt'. v. a. To lead,
to diredt, to accompany in order to {hew the
way ; to attend in civility ; to manage, as To
condudt an affair ; to head an armv.
CONDUCTITIOUS, kon-duk-tW-us. a.
CONDUCTOR, kcn-duk'-tir. f. A leader,
one who fhews another the way by accompa-
nying him ; a chief, a general ; a manager, a
director ; an inftrument to direct the knife in
cutting for the ftonc.
CONDUCTRESS, kcn-duk'-trls. f. A woman
that directs.
CONDUIT, kon'-dw!t. f. A canal of pipes
for the conveyance of waters ; the pipe or cock
at which water is drawn.
CONDUPLICATION, kon-du-ply-ki'-fhin.
f. A doubling; a duplicate.
CONE, ko'ne. f. A foHd body, of which the
bafe is a circle, and which ends in a point.
To CONFABULATE, kon-fab'-u-lAte. v. n.
To tfilk eafily together, to chat.
CONFABULATION, kon-fAb-u-hV-fliun. f.
Eafy converfation.
CONFABULATORY, k.'n-fib"-u-ld-tur'-^'.
a. Belonging to talk.
CONFARKKATION, kin-far- rc-a'-fhun. f.
The folcmnization of marriage by eating bread
ToCONFECT, kon-f^kt". v. a. To make up
into fweetmeats.
CONFECT, kon'-f<^kt. f. A fwectmeat.
CONFECTION, kon-fek'-fhun. f. A prepara-
tion of fruit with fugar, a fweetmeat; a com-
pofition, a mixture.
CONFECTIONARY, kon-fck'-(h6-ner-y. f.
The place where fweetmeats are made or fold.
CONFECTIONER, kon-fek-'fho-nur. f. One
whofe trade is to make fweetmeats.
CONFEDERACY, kon-fed'-e-ni-fy. f. League,
union, engagement.
To CONFEDERATE, kin-fcd'-er-ate. v. a.
To join in a league, to unite, to ally.
To CONFEDERATE, kon-fed'-^-ritc. v. n.
To league, to unite in a league.
CONFEDERATE, kin-fed'- er-'n a. United
in a league.
CONFEDERATE, k6n-fed'-er-et. f. One who
engages to fupport another, an aUy-
CONFEDERATION, kin-fed-e-rJ'-fhun. f.
League, alliance.
To CONFER, kon-fcr'. v. n. To difcourfe
with another upon a Hated fubjeft, to con-
duce to.
To CONFER, kon-fer'. v. a. To compare ; to
give, to beftow.
CONFERENCE, kcV-fc^-renfe. f. Formal dif-
courfe, oral difcuflion of any qucftion ; an ap-
pointed meeting for difcuffing fome point ; com-
parifon. In this lad: fenfe little ufed.
CONFERRER, kin-fer'-ur. f. He that con-
\'erfes ; he that bellows.
To CONFESS, kon-fes''. v. a. To acknow-
ledge a crime; to difclofe the fl-atc of the con-
fcience to the prieft ; to hear the confefllon of
a penitent, as a prieft; to own, to avow; to
To CONFESS, kc'n-fes'. v. n. Tomakecon-
feffion, as he is gone to the prieft to confcfs.
CONFESSEDLY, kJ-n-fes'-sed-ly. ad. Avow-
edly, indifputably.
CONFESSION, kin-fifh'^un. f. The acknow-
\j u kdtimcnt
ledgtnent of a crime j the a(5l of difburdening
the confcience to a prieft; a formulary in which
the articles of faith are comprifed.
CONFESSIONy\L, k6n-fcf]/-ua-ul. f. The
feat in which the confcflbr fits.
CONFESSIONARY, kin-fefh'-S-ner-y. . f.
The feat where the prieft fits to hear cor.-
CONFESSOR, koi/-fef-fir. f. One who makes
profciTion of his faith in the face of danger ; he
that hears confeffions, and prefcribes penitence ;
he who confcfles his crimes.
CONFEST, kun-fcfl'. a. Open, known, not
CONFESTLY, kin-fefl'-ly. ad. Undifputably,
CONFIDANT, kon-fy-dW. f. A perfon
trufled with private affairs.
To CONFIDE, kon-ffde. v. n. To truft in.
CONFIDENCE, k6i/-fi-denfe. f. Firm be-
lief of another ; truft in his own abilities or
fortune ; vitious boldnefs, oppofed to modefty ;
honeft boldnefs, firmnefs of integrity ; truft in
the goodnefs of another.
CONFIDENT, k6i/-fi-dent. a. Affured be-
yond doubt ; pofitive, dogmatical ; fecure of
fuccefs; without fufpicion, trufting without
limits; bold to a vice, impudent.
CONFIDENT, kon'-fl-dent. f. One trufted
with fecrets.
CONFIDENTLY, k6n'-f!-dent-l^. ad. With-
out doubt, without fear ; with firm truft ; po-
fitively, dogmatically.
CONFIDENTNESS, k6i/-f!-dent-n!s. f. Af-
CONFIGURATION, kin-fig-il-ri'-fliun. f.
The form of the various parts, adapted to each
other ; the face of the horofcope.
To CONFIGURE, kin-flg'-iire. v. a. Todif-
pofe into any form.
CONFINE, k6n''-f ine. f. Common boundary,
border, edge.
To CONFINE, k6n-fi'nc. v. n. To border
upon, to touch on diftl-rent territories.
To CONFINE, kcWfi^ne. v. a. To limit; to
imprifon j to rtftrain, to tie up to.
CONFINELESS, kon-fi'ne-lls. a. Bound-
lefs, unlimited.
CONFINEMENT, kon-fKne-ment. f. Impri-
fonment, rcftraint of liberty.
CONFINER, kon-f f-nur. f. A borderer, one
that lives upon confines; one which touches
upon two different regions.
CONFINITY, k6n-fii/-I-ty. f. Nearnefs.
To CONFIRM, kon-ferm'. v. a. To put paft
doubt by new evidence ; to fettle, to eftablifh ;
to ftrengthen by new fokmnities or ties ; to ad-
mit to the full privileges of a Chriftian, by im-
pofition of hands.
CONFIRMABLE, kon-fer'-mabl. a. That;
which is capable of inconteftible evidence.
CONFIRMATION, kon-fer-ma'-fliun. f. The.
a6t of eftabliftiing any thing or perfon ; evi-
dence, additional proof; an ecclefiaftical rite.
CONFIRMATOR, kon-fer-ma'-tur. f. An at-
tefter, he that puts a matter paft doubt.
CONFIRMATORY, kin-ferm'-a-tiir-y. a. Gi-
ving additional teftimony.
CONFIRMEDNESS, kon-ferm'-ed-nls. f. Con-
firmed ftate.
CONFIRMER, kon-ferm'-ur. f. One that con-
firms, an attefter, an eftabliftier.
CONFISCABLE, kon-flfk^-abl. a. Liable to
To CONFISCATE, kon-fls'-kate. v. a. To
transfer private property to the publick, by way
of penalty.
CONFISCATE, kon'-flf-kate. a. Transferred
to the publick as forfeit.
CONFISCATION, kon-flf-ka'-flrun." f. The
aft of transferring the forfeited goods of cri-
minals to publick ufe.
CONFITENT, kon'-fi-tent. f. One con-
CONFITURE, kon'-fy-ture. f. A fweetmeat,
a confection.
To CONFIX, kon-f!ks^ v. a. To fix down..
CONFLAGRANT, kon-fla'-grant. a. Involved
in a general fire.
CONFLAGRATION, kin-H.\-gri/-fliun. f. A
general fire ; it i^ taken for the fire which ftiali
tonfume this world at the confummatibn.
CONFLATION, kin-fla'-fliun. f. Theafliof
blowing many inftruments together^ a cafting
or meltins: of metal.
CONFLEXURE, k6n -flek'-fhur. f. A bending.
To CONFLICT, kon-flik't. v. n. To conteft,
to llruggle.
CONFLICT, kon^-fllkt. f. A violent collifion,
or oppofition ; a combat, (Irife, contention ;
ftruggle, agony.
CONFLUENCE, kin'-fld-enfe. f. The junc-
tion or union of feveral ftreams ; the a£t of
crowding to a place; a concourfe ; a mul-
CONFLUENT, kon'-flu-ent. a. Running one
into another, meeting.
CONFLUX, kon'-fluks. f. The union of fe-
veral currents ; crowd, multitude collected.
CONFORM, kon-fa'rrh. a. Affuming the fame
form, refembling.
To CONFORM, kon-fa'rm. v. a. To reduce
to the like appearance with fomething elfe.
To CONFORM, kon-fA'rm. v. n. To com-
ply with.
CONFORMABLE, kon-faVmabl. a. Ha-
ving the fame form, ftmilar ; agreeable, fuit-
able ; compliant, obfequious.
CONFORMABLY, k6n-fir'-ma-bly. ad. With
conformity, fuitably.
CONFORMATION, kin-for-mA'-fliun. f. The
fonn of things as relating to each other ; the
aft of producing fuitablencfs, or conformity.
CONFORMIST, kin-fa'r-m!ft. f. One that
complies with the worihip of the church of
CONFORMITY, kon-fVr-ml-ty. f. Simili-
tude, refeinblaace ; confilleiicy.
To CONFOUND, kon-fou'nd. r. a. To mingle
things ; to perplex ; to throw into confteriia-
tion ; to ailonifh, toflupify; to dcflrov.
CONFOUNDED, kon-fouVdid. part. a. Hate-
ful, deteft.ible.
CONFOUNDEDLY, kin-fou'n-dld-ly. ad.
Hatefully, fhamefully.
CONFOUNDER, kin-fou'n-di'ir. f. He who
didurhs, perplexes, or deftroys.
CONFRATERNITY, kin-fri-tcr'-ni-ty. f. A
body of men united for fomc religiou? prir-
CONFRICATION, kon-fri-ka'-fhun. f. The
ad of rubbing againflr any thing.
To CONFRONT, kin-front'', v. a. To ftand
againft another in full view ; to ftand face to
face, in oppofition to another ; to oppofc one
evidence to another in open court ; to compare
one thing with another.
CONFRONTATION, k6n-fr6n-tr-fhun. f.
The aft of bringing two evidences face to
To CONFUSE, kon-fu'ze. v. a. Todiforder,
to difperfe irregularly ; to perplex, to obfcure ;
to hurry the mind.
CONFUSEDLY, kon-fd'zd-ly. ad. In a mixed
mafs, without feparation ; indiftinclly, one
mingled with another} hot clearly, not plainly;
tumultuoufly, haftily.
CONFUSEDNESS, k6n-fu'zd-n!s. f. Want
of diftinC^nefs, want of clearnefs.
CONFUSION, kon-fu'-zhun. f. Irregular
mixture, tumultuous medley; tumult; indiftinft
combination; overthrow, d.ftruction ; aftonifli-
mcnt, diilraiitiou of mind.
CONFUTABLE, kon-fil'-tabl. a. Poffible to
be difproved.
CONFUTATION, kon-fu-ta'-fliun. f. The
act of confuting, difproof.
To CONFUTE, kon-ft'/tc. v. a. To convict
of error, to difprove.
CONGE, or CONGEE, k6'n-jl, f. Ad of
reverence, bow, courtefy ; leave, farewel.
To CONGE, ko'n-je. v. a. To take leave.
CONGE-D'ELIRE, kynje-d^-te'r. f. The
king's permiffion royal to a dean and chapter, .
in time of vacancy, to chufc a biihop.
To CONGEAL, kon-je'l. v. a. To turn, by
froft, from a fluid to a folid ft-itc ; to' bind or
fix, as by cold.
To CONGEAL, kun-je'l. v. n* To concrete
by cold.
CONGEALABLE, kc'n-je'l-abl. a, Sufccptible
of congelation.
CONCEALMENT, kin-j^-'l-mcnt. f. The
clot formed by congelation,
CONGELATION, kon-je-li'-fhun. f. State
of beino; congealed, or made folid.
CONGENER, kon-je'-iiiir. f. Of the fame
kind or nature.
CONGENEROUS, kon-jen'-sr-rus. a. Of
the fame kind.
CONGENEROUSNESS, kin-jen'-cr-rif-nis.
f. The quality of being from the fame ori-
CONGENIAL, kon-je'-nyal. a. Partaking of
the fame genius, cognate.
CONGENIALITY, k6n-jC-nyil'-I-ty. f Cog-
nation of mind.
CONGENTALNESS, kin-je'-nyal-nls. f. Cog-
nation of mind.
CONGENITE, kin-jo'-nlte. a. 0( the fame
birth, connate.
CONGER, kon'g-gur. f. The fea-eel.
CONGERIES, kon-je'-ryes. f. A nKifs of
fmall biodics heaped up together.
To CONGEST, kon-jeft'. v. a. To heap up.
CONGESTIBLE, kin-jeft'-!bl. a. That may
be heaped up.
CONGESTION, kon-jeft'-yun. f. A collec-
tion of matter, as in abfceffes.
CONGIARY, kon'-ja-ry. f. A gift diftributed
to the Roman people or foldiery.
To CONGLACIATE, kin-gla'-fyite. v. n. To
turn to ice.
CONGLACIATION, kin-glA-fya'-fhun. f Aa
of changing into ice.
To CONGLOBATE, kin-glo'-bate. v. a. To
gather into a hard firm b.il!.
CONGLOBATE, kin-glo'.bate. a. Moulded
into a firm ball.
CONG LOB ATELY, k6n-gl6'-bate-ly. ad. In
a fpherical form.
CONGLOBATION, kin-glo-ba'-ihim. f. A
round body.
To CONGLOBE, kon-gld'he, v. a. To ga-
ther into a round mafs.
To CONGLOBE, kon-glo'be. v. n. To co-
alefce into a round mafs.
To CONGLOMERATE, kon-glim'-i-rite.
V. a. To gather into a ball, like a ball of
CONGLOMERATE, kin-glom'-e-ret. n.
■Gathered into .a round ball, fo as that tlia
fibres are difliniS ; collected, twifted together.
CONGLOMERATION, k6n-gl6m-e-ra'-(hun.
f. Collefiion of matter into a loofe ball ; in-
tertcxture, mixture.
To CONGLUTINATE, k6n-glu'-tl-nlte. v. a.
To cement, to reunite.
To CONGLUTINATE, kin-glu'-tl-nate: v. n.
To coalefce.
CONGLUTINATION, k.:,n-glil-tl-ni'-fhun.
f. The ad: of uniting wounded bodies.
CONGLUTINATIVE, kcn-glu'-ti-na-tlv. a.
Having the power of uniting wounds.
CONGLUTINATOR, kon-glu'-ii-na-tur. f.
That which has the power of uniting wounds.
CONGRATULANT, k6n-gr.U'-il-lant. a. Re-
joicing in participation.
To CONGRATULATE, kon-grat'-u-late. v. a.
To compliment upon any happy event.
To CONGRATULATE, gon-grat'-ii-late. v.n.
To rejoice in participation.
CONGRATULATION, k6n-grat-il-la'-fhun.
{. The adl: of profefling joy for the happincfs
or fucccfs of another ; the form in which joy is
CONGRATULATORY, kon-grat''-ii-la-
tur -y. a. Exprcffing joy for the good of ano-
To CONGREET, kon-grd't. v. n. To falutc
To CONGREGATE, kong'-grC-gke. v. a. To
coIlei5l, to afiemble, to bring into one place.
To CONGREGATE, kong'-gre-gate. v. n.
To afiemble, to meet.
CONGREGAl^E, kong'-gre-gate. a. Colled-
e^, compact.
CONGREGATION, king-gre-ga'-fliun. f. A
colledion, a mafs of various matters brought
together ; an aficmbly met to worfliip God in
CON GREG ATION AL, kong-gra-galh'-un-
nul. a. Publick, pertaining to a congregation.
CONGRESS, kon'g-gres. . f. A meeting, a
(hock, a conflict ; an appointed meeting for
fcttlemcnt of affairs between different nations.
CONGRESSIVE, kon-grcs'-si
CONGRUENCE, kon'-grd-cnfe. f. Agree-
ment, fuitablenefsof one thing to another.
CONGRUENT, kon'-gru-ent. a. Agreeing,
CONGRUITY, kon-grd'-I-t)''. f. Suitablenefs,
agreeablenefs ; fitnefs ; confiftency.
CONGRUMENT, kon'-grd-mcnt. f. Fitnefs,
CONGRUOUS, kon'-grd-us. a. Agreeable
to, confiftent with ; fuitable to.
CONGRUOUSLY, kon'-grd-uf-ly. ad. Suit-
ably, pertinently.
CONICAL, kon'-y-kal. 7 a. Having the form
CONICK, kon'-Ik. I of a cone.
CONICALLY, kon'-y-kal-y. ad. In form of
a cone.
CONICALNESS, kon'-y-kal-nls. f. The ftate
or quality of being conical.
CONICK SECTIONS, kon'-lk fek'-fhun
CONTCKS, kon'-iks.
f. That part of geometry which confiders the
cone, and the curves arifmg from its feiilions.
To CONJECT, c6n-jekt'. v. n. To guefs, to
conjedlure. Not ufed.
CONJECTOR, kon-jek'-tur. f. A gueiTer, a
CONJECTURABLE, kon-jek'-tfhd-rabl. a.
Poflible to be gueffed.
CONJECTURAL, kon-jek'-tfhd-ral. a. De-
pending on conjecture.
CONJECTURALITY, kon-jek-tfhd-ral'-i-ty.
f. That which depends upon guefs.
CONJECTURALLY, kon-jek'-tfhd-ral-y. ad.
By guefs, by conjecture.
CONJECTURE, kon-jek'-tlhur. f. Guefs,
irr. perfect knowledge.
To CONJECTURE, kon-jek'-tfhur. v. a. To
guefs, to judge by guefs,
CONJECTURER, k6n-jek'-tfhdr-ur. f. A
CONIFEROUS, ko-nlf'-e-rus. a. Such trees
are con.terous as bear a fruit, of a woody fub-
ftance, and a figure approachijig to that of a
cone. Of this kind are fir, pine.
To CONJOIN, kon-joi'n. v. a. To unite, to
confolidatc into one ; to unite in marriage; to
aflbciate, to connedt.
To CONJOIN, kon-joi'n. v. n. To league,
to unite.
CONJOINT, kon-joi'nt. a. United, conneaed.
CONJOINTLY, kon-joi'nt-ly. ad. In union,
CONJUGAL, k6n'-ju-gal. a. Matrimonial,
belonging to marriage.
CONJUGALLY, kon'-jd-gal-y. ad. Matrimo-
nially, connubially.
To CONJUGATE, kin'-jd-gate. v. a. To
join, to join in marriage, to unite ; to inflect
CONJUGATION, kon-jd-gi'-fhdn. f. The
act of uniting or compiling things together;
the form of inflecting verbs ; union, afiem-
CONJUNCT, kon-junkt'. a. Conjoined, con-
current, united.
CONJUNCTION, kon-junk'-fhun. f. Union,
aflbciation, league ; the congrefs of two pla-
nets in the fame degree of the zodiack ; one of
the parts of fpeech, whofe ufe is to join words
or fentences together.
CONJUNCTIVE, kon-junk'-tiv. a. Clofely
united ; in grammar, the mood of a verb.
CONJUNCTIVELY, kon-junk'-tlv-ly. ad. la
CONJUNCTIVENESS, kon-junk'-tlv-n's. f.
The quality of joining or uniting.
CONJUNCTLY, kon-junkt'-ly. ad. Jointly,
CONJUNCTURE, kon-junk'-tflidr. f. Com-
bination of many circumftances ; occafion, cri-
tical time.
CONJURATION, kin-jd-ra'-fliun. f. The
form or a£t of fummoning another in fomc fa-
cred name; an incantation, an enchantment j
a plot, a confpiracy.
To CONJURE, kon-jo'r. v. a. To fummon
in a facred name ; to confpire.
To CONJURE, kun'-jur. v. n. To pradtifc
charms or enchantments.
CONJURER, kun'-jur-ur. f. An impofbrwho
X X pretends
pretends to fecret arts, a cunning man ; a mnn
of fhrewd conjeclure.-
CONJUREMENT, kin.ju'r-ment. f. Serious
CONNASCENCE, kon-nas'-senfe. f. Com-
mon birth, community of birth.
CONNATE, kon-na'te. a. Bern with sno-
CONNATURAL, kcn-nat'-tu-ral. a. Suit-
able to nature ; connedted by nature ; partici-
pation of the fame nature.
CONNATURALITY, kon-nat-u-ral'-I-ty. f.
Participation of the fame nature.
CONNATURALLY, kon-nat'-tu-ral-y. ad.
By the adl of nature, originally.
CONNATURALNESS, kon-nat'-td-ral-nls.
f. Participation of the fame nature, natural
To CONNECT, kon-nek't. v. a. To join, to
link J to unite, as a cement ; to join in a juft
feries of thought, as the author connedls his
rcafons well.
To CONNECT, kon-nek't. v. n. To cohere,
to have juft relation to things precedent and
CONNECTIVELY, kon-nek'-tlv-ly. ad. In
conjundion, in union.
To CONNEX, kon-neks'. v. a. To join or
link together.
CONNEXION, kon-nek'-fhin. f. Union,
junction ; juft relation to fomething precedent
or fubfequent.
CONNEXIVE, kon-neksMv. a. Having the
force of connexion.
CONNIVANCE, kon-nf-vanfe. f. Voluntary
blindnefs, pretended ignorance, forbearance.
To CONNIVE, kon-ni'vc. v. n. To wink; to
pretend blindnefs or ignorance.
CONNOISSEUR, k6-nlf-fo'r. f. A judge, a
To CONNOTATE, kon'-no-tate. v. a. To
defignate fomething befides itfelf.
■ CONNOTATION, kcm-n6-tr-fhun. f. Im-
plication of fomething befides itfelf.
To CONNOTE, kon-no^tc. v. a. To imply,
to betoken, to include.
CONNUBIAL, kon-nu'-byal. a. Matrimonial,
nuptial, conjugal.
CONOID, ko'-noid. f. A figure partaking of a
CONOIDICAL, k6-noi'-dy-kil. a. Approach-
ing to a conick form.
To CONQUASSATE, kon-kwas'-sate. v. a.
To fhake, to agitate.
CONQJJASSATION, kon-kwaf-fi'-fliin. f.
Agitation, concuffion.
To CONQUER, konk'-ur. v. a. To gain by
conqueft, to win ; to overcome, to fubdue ; to
To CONQUER, konk'-ur. v. n. To get the
vidlory, to overcome.
CONQUERABLE, konk'-er-abl. a. Pcff.ble to
be overcome.
CONQUEROR, konk'-er-ur. f. A man that
has obtained a vifiory, a viftor ; one that fub-
dues and ruins countries.
CONQUEST, konk^-kwift. f. The ad of con-
quering, fubjeftion ; acquifition by victory,
thing gained ; vidory, fuccefs in arms.
CONSANGUINEOUS, kon-fang-gwln'-nyus.
a. Near of kin, related by birth, not affined.
CONSANGUINITY, kon-fing-gwm -I-ty. f.
Relation by blood.
CONSARCINATION, kon-far-fy-ni'-fhun. f.
The an-tem'. v..a. To defpife,
to fcorn, to neglect.
CONTEMNER, kon-tun'-nur. f. One that
contemns, a defpifcr.
To CONTEMPER, kin-tem'-pur. v. a. To
CONTEMPERAMENT, kc^n-tcm'-pc-ra-
mtnt. f. The degree of any quality.
To CONTEMPERATE, kon-tem -pc-rute. v.a.
To moderate, to temper.
CONTEMPERATION, kon-tem-pe-ra'-ftiun.
f. The ad of moderating or tempering ; pro-
.portionate mixture, proportion.
To CONTEMPLATE, kon-tem'-plate. v. a.
To ftudy, to meditate.
To CONTEMPLATE, kon-tem'-plitc. v. n.
To mufe, think ftudioufly with long attention.
CONTEMPLATION, kon-tem-pla'-fhun. f.
Meditation, ftudious thought on any fubje£l: ;
holy meditation ; ftudy, oppofed to action.
CONTEMPLATIVE, kon-temp'-la-tlv. a.
Given to thought, ftudious, employed in ftudy;
haviiag the power of thought.
CONTEMPLATIVELY, kon-tcmp'-la-t!v-
ly. ad. Thoughtfully, attentively.
CONTEMPLATOR,k6n'-tem-pla-tur. f. One
employed in ftudy.
CONTEMPORARY, kon-tem'-po-rer-y. a.
Living in the fame age ; born at the fame time;
exifting at the fame point of time.
CONTEMPORARY, kon-tem'-po-rer-y. f.
One who lives at the fame time with another.
To CONTEMPORISE, k6n-tem'-p6-r!ze. v. a.
To make contemporary.
CONTEMPT, kon-tempt'. f. The aft of de-
fpiftng others, fcorn j the ftate of being de-
fpifed, vilenefs.
CONTEMPTIBLE, k6n-temp'-t!bl. a. Vv^or-
thy, of contempt, defcrving fcorn ; defpifed,
fcorned, neglected.
eONTEMPTIBLENESS, kin-tem'-tibl-nls. f.
The ftate of being contemptible ; vilenefs,
CONTEMPTIBLY, kon-temp'-tlb-ly. ad.
Meanly, in a manner deferving contempt.
CONTEMPTUOUS, kin-temp'-tu-us. a.
Scornful, apt to defpife.
CONTEMPTUOUSLY, kon-temp'-tu-if-ly.
ad. With fcorn, with defpite.
CONTEMPTUOUSNESS, kon-temp'-tu-uf-
nis. f. Difpofition to contempt.
To CONTEND, kon-tend'. v. n. To ftrive,
to ftruggle in oppofition ; to vie, to ad in cmu-
To CONTEND, kon-tend'. v. a. To difpuie
any thing, to conteft.
CONTENDENT, kon-ten'-dent. f. Anta-
ronift, opponent.
CONTENDER, kon-ten'-dur. f. Combatant,
CONTENT, kon-ttnt'. a. Satisfied fo as not
to repine, eafy.
To CONTENT, kon-tent'. v. a. To fatisfy
fo as to ftop complaint ; to pleafe, to gratify,
CONTENT, kon-tent'. f. Moderate happi-
nefs; acquiefcence ; that which is contained,
or included in any thing ; the power of con-
taining, extent, capacity ; that which is com-
prifed in a writing; in this fenfe ufcd only in
the plural.
CONTENTED, kon-ten'-tld. part. a. Satif-
fied, at quiet, not repining.
CONTENTION, kon-ten'-ftiun. f. Strife,
debate, conteft; emulation, endeavour to excel.
CONTENTIOUS, kon-ten'-fhus. a. Quarrel-
fome, given to debate, perverfe.
CONTENTIOUSLY, kon-ten'-fliuf-ly. ad.
Perverfely, quarrelfomely.
CONTENTIOUSNESS, kon-ten'-fhuf-nis. f.
Pronenefs to conteft.
CONTENTLESS, k6n-tent'-lis. a. Difcon-
tcnted, diflatisfied, uneafy.
CONTENTMENT, kon-tent'-ment. f. Ac-
quiefcence without plenary fatisfaflion ; gratlw
CONTERMINOUS, kon-ter'-ml-nus. a- Bor-
dering upon.
CONTERRANEOUS, kon-ter-ra'-nyus. a. Of
the fame country.
To CONTEST, kon-teft'. v. a. To difpute,
to controvert, to litigate.
To CONTEST, kon-teft'. v. n. To ftrive, to
contend ; to vie, to emulate.
CONTEST, kon'-teft. f. Difpute, difference,
CONTESTABLE, kin-tes''-tabl. a. Difput-
able, controvertible.
CONTESTABLENESS, kin-tls'-tabl-nls. f.
PoiTxbility of conteft.
To CONTEX, kiii-ttks''. v. a. To weave to-
CONTEXT, kci/-tck(l. f. The general feries
of a. difcourfe.
CONTEXT, kon-tckft'. a. Knit together, firm.
CONTEXTURE, kcn-teks'-tfliur. f. The
difpofition of parts one among another, the fyf-
tein, the conllitution.
CONTIGNATION, kon-tig-na'-^nun. f. A
frame of beams or boards joined together ; the
aiSt of framing or joining a fabrick.
CONTIGUITY, k6n-ti-gi'/-!-t)-. f. Adual
contaft, nearnefs of fituation.
CONTIGUOUS, kon-tlg'-d-us. a. Meeting
fo as to touch ; bordering upon.
CONTIGUOUSLY, kon-t!g'-d-uf-ly. ad.
Without any intervening fpaces.
CONTIGUOUSNESS, kon-tlg'-d-uf-nls. f.
Clofe connexion.
CONTINENCE, kon'-tl-nenfe. iL Reftraint,
CONTINENCY, kon'-tl-nen-fy. \ command
of one's felf; chaftity in general; forbearance of
lawful pleafure ; moderatioain lawful pleafures.
CONTINENT, kon'-tl-nent. a. Chafle, ab-
flemious in lawful pleafures ; reftrained, mode-
rate, temperate.
CONTINENT, kon'-tl-nent. f. Land not dif-
jointed by the fea from other lands ; that which
contains any thing.
CONTINGE, kcn-t;nj''e. v. a. To touch,
\o reach.
CONTINGENCE, kon-tln'-jenfc. 1 f. The
CONTINGENCY, k6n-t!n'-jen-fy. ^ quality
of being fortuitous, accidental poffibility.
CONTINGENT, kcn-tln'-jent. a. Falling
out by chance, accidental.
CONTINGENT, kon-tln'-jent. f. A thing
in the hands of chance ; a proportion that falls
to any pcrfon upon a divifion.
CONTINGENTLY, k6n-tln'-jcnt-ly. ad. Ac-
ci.Ientally ; without any fettled rule.
CONTINGENTNESS, kon-th/-jent-nis. f.
CONTINUAL, kon-tiV-u-al. a. Inceffant,
proceeding without interruption ; in law, a con-
tinual claim is made from time to time, witliiu
every year and day.
CONTINUALLY, kot-tln'-u-al-y. ad. With-
out paufe, without interruption ; without cca-
CONTINUANCE, kon-tln'-u-infe. f. Suc-
cefTion uninterrupted ; permanence in one ftatc ;
abode in a place; duration, lallingnefs; perfe-
CONTINUATE, k6n-th/-ii-.^tc. a. Imme-
diately united ; uninterrupted, unbroken.
CONTINUATION, k6n-t!n-u-d'-fliun. f.
Protraction, or fucceffion uninterrupted.
CONTINUATIVE, k. v. n. To tend
to one point from different places.
CO?>IVERGENT, kon-ver'-jent. 7 a. Tending
CONVERGING, kon-ver'-jing. 5 to one point
from different places.
CONVERSABLE, kon-ver'-sibl. a. Qiialificd
for converfation, ' fit for company.
CONVERSABLENESS, kon-ver'-slbl-nls. f.
The quality of being a plcafing companion.
CONVERSABLY, kin-ver'-slb-ly. ad. In a
cpjiverfable manner.
C kon'-ver-fent. ^ a. Ac-
^kon-ver'-fcnt. 5 quainted
with, familiar; having intercourfe with ^any,
acquainted ; relating to, concerning.
CONVERSATION, kon-vcr-fa'-fliun. f. Fa-
miliar difcourfc, chat, cafy talk ; a particular
aft of difcourfing upon any fubjeft ; Commerce,
intercourfe, familiarity ; behaviour, niaaiicr of
a£ling in common life.
Co CONVERSE, kon-ver'fe. v. n. To coha-
bit with, to hold intercourfe with ; to be ac-
quainted with ; to difcourfc familiarly upon
any fubjccl ; to ha\'e commerce with a different
CONVERSE, kon'-verfe. f. Manner of dif-
courfmg in familiar life ; acquaintance, coha-
bitation, familiarity ; with geometricians it
means the contrary.
CONVERSELY, kon-verYe-ly. ad. With
change of order, reciprocally.
Conversion, kon-ver'-fhun, f. change
from one flats into another, tranfmutation ;
change from reprobation to grace ; change from
one religion to another.
CONVERSIVE, kon-ver'-siv. a. Converfable,
To CONVERT, kon-vei-t''. v. a. To change
into another fubftance, totranfmute; to change
from one religion to another ; to turn from a
bad to a good life j to apply to any ufe, to ap-
To CONVERT, kon-vert'. v. n. To undergo
a cha:ig«, to be tranfmuted.
CONVERT, kon'-vert. f. A perfon convcr^.ed
from one opinion to another.
CONVERTER, .kon-vert'-ur. f. One that
makes converts.
CONVERTIBILITY, k6n-vcr-ty-bll'-!-ty. f.
The quality of being poffible to be converted.
CONVERTIBLE, kon-vcr'-t!bl, a. Sufcept-
ible of change, tranfmutaWe ; fo much alike as
that one may be ufed for the other.
CONVERTIBLY, kon-ver'-tlb-Jy. ad. Reci-
CONVERTITE, kon'-ver-tfre. f. A convert.
CONVEX, kon^-veks. a. Rifmg in a circular
form, oppofite to concave.
CONVEX, kon'-vcks. f. A convex body.
CONVEXED, kon-vckft'. part. a. Protube-
rant in a circular form.
CONVEXEDLY, kwi-vek'-fcd-ly. ad. In a
convex form.
CONVEXITV, kin-veks'-i-ty. C Protube-
rance in a circular form.
CONVEXLY, kon-vcks'-ly. ad. In a convex:
CONVEXNESS, kon-vcks'-nls. f. Spheroidical
protuberance, convexity.
CONVEXO-CONCAVE, k6n'-vikf-6-k6n''-
kave. a. Having the hollow on the infide, cor-
refponding to the external protuberance.
To CONVEY, k6n-ve'. v. a. To carry, to
tranfport from one place to another ; to hand
from one to another ; to move fecretly ; to
tranfmit ; to transfer, to deliver to another ; to
CONVEYANCE, kon-vc'-anfe, f. The afl of
removing any thing ; way for carriage or tranf-
portation ; the method of removing fecretly j
the means by which any thing is conveyed ; de-
livery from one to another ; afl of transferring
property ; writing by which property is tra^if-
CONVEYANCER, kon-ve'-an-fur. f. A lawyer
who draws writings by which property is tranf-
CONVEYER, k-jn-ve'-ur. f. One who carries
or tranfmits any thing.
To CONVICT, k6n-v!k't. v. a. To prove
guilty, to detcft in guilt; to confute, to dif-
cover to be falfe.
CONVICT, kon-vlk't. a. Conviacd, detefted
in guilt.
CONVICT, kw/-vlkt. f. A perfon caft at the bar,
CONVICTION, kon-vlk'-fliun. f. Dcteaion
of guilt; the adl of convincing, confutation.
CONVICTIVE, kon-vlk'-tlv. a. Having the
power of convincing.
To CONVINCE, k6n-v!n'fe. V. a. To force
another to acknowledge a contcfted pofitionj
to convict.
CONVINCEMENT, kon-vln'fe-ment. f. Con>i
CONVINCIBLE, k6n-vln'-slbl. a. Capable
of convidion ; capable of being evideatly dif-
CONVINCINGLY, kon-vln'-s!ng-ly. ad. In
Aich a manner as to leave no room for doubt.
d o o
CONVINCINGNESS, kon-vln'-s'ng-nls. f.
The power of convincing.
To CONVIVE, kon-vi've, v. a. Toentertain,
to feaft. Obfoletc.
CONVIVAL, kon-vi'-val. "7a. Relating to an
CONVIVIAL, kon-vlv'-yal.^ entertainment,
fefta), focial.
CONUNDRUM, ko-nun'-drum. f. Alowjelt,
a quibble.
To CONVOCATE, kon'-vo-kite. v. a. To
call together.
CONVOCATION, kon-v6-ka'-{hun. f. The
adt of calling to an affembly ; an affembly ; an
aflembly of the clergy for confultation upon
matters ecclefialUcal.
To CONVOKE, kon-vo'ke. v. a. To call to-
gether, to fummon to an aflembly.
To CONVOLVE, kon-voW. v. a. To roll
together, to roll one part upon another.
CONVOLUTED, k6n-v6-lu''-tld. part. a.
Twifted, rolled upon itfelf.
CONVOLUTION, kon-vo-lii'-fhun. f. The
aok. f. A book in which
copies are written foi" jearncrs to imitate.
COPY-FIOLD, kip'-py-hald. f. A -tenure, for
which the tenant hath nothing to fhew but the
copy of the rolls msdc by die fteward of his
lord's court.
COPY-HOLDER, kop'-py-hdl-dur. f. One
that is poflefTed of land in copyhold.
To COPY, k'V-py. v. a. To tranfcribe, to
•write after an original ; to imitate, to propofe to
To COPY, kop'-py. V. n. To do any thing in
imitation of fomething elfe.
COPYER, kop^-y-ur. 7 f. One who copies
COPYIST, kr>p'-y-M.S writing or pifturcs.
To COQUET, ko-ket'. v. a. To treat with an
appearance -of amorous teadernefs.
COQUETRY, k6-kct-ry. f. AfFeaation of
amorous advances.
COQUETTE, k5-kct'. f. A gay, airy girl,
who endeavours to attract notice.
CORACLE, k6/-akl. f. A boat ufcd in Wales
•by fifhers.
CORAL, kor'-al. f. Red coral is a plant of
great hardnefs and flony nature while growing
in the water, as it is after long expofure to the
air ; the piece of coral which children ufe as a
CORALLINE, kor'-al-fne. a. Confifting of
'-.V-dur. f. A plant.
CORINTH, kur'-rln. f. A fmall fruit com-
monly called currant.
CORINTHIAN, k6-n/-tlTyan. f. Is generally
reckoned the fourth of the five orders of archi-
CORK, ka'rk. f. A glandiferous tree, in all
refpe£ls like the ilex, excepting the bark; the
bark of the cork tree uftd for floppies ; the
flopplc of n bottle.
To CORK,, ka'rk. v. a. To put corks into
CORKING-PIN, ka'r-kmg-pli/. f. A pin of
the largcft fize.
CORKY, kyr-ky. a. Confiftingof cork.
CORMORANT, ka'r-mo-rant. f. A bird that
preys upon fifh ; a glutton.
CORN, ka''rn. f. The feeds wlilch grow in
cars, not in pods ; grain unreapcd ; grain in
the ear, yet unthrefhcd ; an cxcrefccncc on the
feet, hard and painful.
To CORN, ka'rn. v. a. To fait, to fprinklc
with fait ; to form into fmall grains.
CORN-FIELD, ka'rn-fe'ld. f. A field where
corn is growing.
CORN-FLAG, ka'rn-fllg. f. A plant: the
leaves are like thofe of the fleur-de-lis.
CORN-FLOOR, ka'rn-flor. f. Thefloorwhcre
corn is ftored.
CORN-FLOWER, karn'-flow-ur. f. The
blue bottle.
CORN-LAND, k^/rn-land. f. Land appro-
priated to the production of grain.
CORN-MILL, ka'rn-mil. f. A mill to grind
corn into meal.
CORN-PIPE, ka'rn-pTpe. f. A pipe made by
fiittin'g the joint of a green ftalk of corn.
CORNCHANDLER, ki'rn-tfhand-K'ir. f One
that retails corn.
CORNCUTTER, ka'm-kut-tur. f. A man
whofe profeffion it is to extirpate corns from
the foot.
CORNEL, ka'r-nel.
CORNELIAN-TREE, kor-ne'-lyan-tre.
The Cornel-tree beareth the fruit commonly
called the cornelian-cherry.
CORNEOUS, kaVny-us. a. Horny, of a fub-
ftance refembling horn.
CORNE-R, ka'r-nur. f. An angle; a fecret or
remote place; the extremities, the utmoft limit.
CORNER-STONE, ka'r-nur-ftd'ne. f. The
ftone that unites the two walls at the corner.
CORNERWISE, ka'r-nur-wize. ad. Diago-
CORNET, k;Vr-nit. f. A mufical inftrument
blown with the mouth ; a company or troop of
horfe, in this fcnfe obfolete ; the ofEcer that
bears the ftandard of a troop ; Cornet of a
horfe, is the loweft part of his partem that runs
round the coffin.
CORNICE, kaVni's. f. The high:/} projeaioa
of a wall or column.
CORNICLE, kdVnikl. f. A little horn.
CORNIGEROUS,kar-mdzh'-e-ras. a. Horned,
having horns.
CORNUCOPI/E, ka'r-nd-kG"-pya. f. The
horn of plenty.
ToCORNUTE, kor-nii'te. v. a. To bcftow
horns, to cuckold.
CORNUTED, kor-nii'-tld. a. Grafted with
horns, cuckolded.
CORNUTO, kor-nu'-to. f. A man horned, a
CORNY, ka^r-ny. a. Strong or hard like horn,
horny ; producing grain or corn.
COROLLARY, kor'-o-lar-y. f. The conclu-
fion ; an inference.
CORONAL, kor^-o-nal. f. A crown, a garland.
CORONAL, ko-ro'-nal. a. Belonging to the
top of the head.
CORONARY, kor'-o-ner-y. a. Relating to a
crown ; it is applied in anatomy to arteries
fancied to encompafs the heart in the manner of
a garland.
COEjONATION, k6r-6-n4'-fhun. f. The a^
or folemnity of crowning a king ; the pomp or
aflembly prefent at a coronation.
CORONER, kor'-o-nur. f. An officer whofc
duty is to enquire, how any violent death was
CORONET, kor'-o-net. f. An Lnfcrior crown
worn by the nobility.
CORPORAL, kl'r-p6-ral. f. The loweft of-
ficer of the infantry ; a low fea-officer.
CORPORAL, ka'r-p6-rai. a. Relating to the
body, belonging to the body; material, not
CORPORALITY, kar-p6-ral'-i-ty. f. The
quality of being embodied.
CORPORALLY, ka'r-p6-ral-y. ad. Eodily.
CORPORATE, kaVp6-ret. a. United in a
body or community.
CORPORATION, kor-p6-ra'-fhan. f. A bpdy
CORPOREAL, kor-po'-ryal. a. Having a
bodv, not immaterial.
B b b CORPO.
CORPOREITY, kor-p6-rc'-I-tp f. Materi-
ality, bodylinefs.
CORPS, koV. 7 f. A body; a carcafc, a
CORPSE, ka^rpfe. ^ dead bodj-, a corfe ; a bo-
dy of forces.
CORPULENCE, klVpu-Ienfe. ? f. Bulki-
CORPULENCY, k;Vr-pu-len-fy. J ncfs of bo-
dy, fle{hinefs.
CORPULENT, ka'r-pil-lJ-nt. a. Flefhy, bulky.
CORPUSCLE, ka'r-pi&I. f. A fmall body,
an atom.
CORPUSCULAR, kor-pus'-ku-ler. 7
CORPUS.CULARL\N, kor-puf-ku-la^-ryan. S
a. R<;lating to bodies, comprifing bodies.
To CORRADE, kor-ra'de. v. a. To rub off,
to fcrape together.
CORRADL^TION, kor-ra-dy-r-fhim. f. A
conjundtion of rays in one point.
To CORRECT, kor-rekt'. v. a. To punlfli,
to chaftife; to amend ; to obviate the qualities
of one ingredient by another.
CORRECT, kor-rekt^ a. Revifed or finifhcd
with exadnefs.
CORRECTION, kor-rek'-fhun. f. Punifli-
m;n% difcipline ; amendment ; that which is
fubftituted in the place of any thing wrong ;
reprehenfion ; abatement of noxious qualities,
by the addition of fomething contrary.
CORRECTIONER, kor-rek'-fhun-ur. f. A
jayl-bird. Obfolete.
CORRECTIVE, kor-rek'-tiv. a. Having the
power to alter or obviate any bad qualities.
CORRECTIVE, kor-rek'-tlv. f. That which
has the power of altering or obviating any thing
amifsj limitation, feftriftion.
CORRECTLY, kir-rekt'-ly. ad. Accurately,
CORRECTNESS, kir-rekt'-nis. f. Accuracy,
CORRECTOR, kcr-rek'-tur. f. He thit amends,
or alters, by punifiiment ; he that revifes any
thing to free it from faults ; fuch an ingredient
in a compofuion, as guards againft or abates the
force of another.
To CORRELATE, kor-rC-lA'te. v. n. To
have a reciprocal ichuion, as father and fon.
CORRELATE, kor'-re-lute. f. One that'ftand*
in the oppofite relation.
CORRELATIVE, k6r-rel'-a-tiv. a. Having
a reciprocal relation.
CORRELATIVENESS, kor-rel'-a-tlv-nSs. f.
The ftate of being correlative.
CORREPTION, kor-rep'-fliin. f. Chiding,
reprehenfion, reproof.
To CORRESPOND, kir- ref-p6n J', v. n. To
fuit, to anfwer, to fit ; to keep up commerce
with another by alternate letters.
CORRESPONDENCE, k6r-ref-pi:/-d^nfe. )
CORRESPONDENCY,k6r-ref-p6n'-den-ff. i
f. Relation, reciprocal'adaptation of one thing
to another; intercourfe, reciprocal intslligencej
friendfhip, interchange of offices or civilities.
CORRESPONDENT, k6r-i-ef-p6n'-den:. a.
Suitable, adapted, anfwerable.
CORRESPONDENT, k6r-ref-p6n'-dent. f.
One with whom intelligence or commerce is
kept up by mutual meffages or letters.
CORRESPONSIVE, k6r-ref-pcn'-s!v. a. An-
fwerable, adapted to any thing.
CORRIDOR, kir-ry-do're. f. The covert way
lying round the fortifications; a gallery or long
ifle round about a building.
CORRIGIBLE, kor'-rl-jibl. a. That which
may be altered or amended ; punifliable.
CORJIIVAL, kor-ri'-val. f. Rival, competitor.
CORRIVALRY, kor-ri'-val-ry. f. Compe-
CORROBORANT, kor-rob'-o-rint. a. Ha-
ving the pou'cr to give ftrength.
To CORROBORATE, kcr-rob'-a-rf.te. v. a.
To confirm, to eflablifh; to ftrengthcn, to
make ftrong.
CORROBORATION, k6r-r6b-e-r^'-fhun. f.
The a(?c of ftrengthening or confirming.
CORROBORATIVE, kor-rob'-o-ra-tlv. a. Ha-
ving the povv^er of increafing ftrength.
To CORRODE, kor'-ro'de. v. a. To eat away
by degrees, to wear away gradually.
CORRODENT, kor-rd'-dint. a. Having the
power of'corroding or wafting.
CORRODIELE, kcr-ro'-dlbl. a. Poffible to
be confumi-d.
CORROSIBILITY, kir-r6-f;-b!l'-l-ty. i. Pof-
fibility to be confumed by a meijitruum.
CORROSIBLE, kor-ro'-slbl. a. Pofliblc to be
confumed by a menftruurn.
CORROSIBLENESS, kir-iO'-sibl-nls. f. Suf-
ceptibility of conofion.
CORROSION, kcr-r6'-zhun. f. The power
of eating or Wearing away by degrees.
CORROSIVE, kor-ro'-siv. a. Having the power
of wearing away; ha\ing the quality to fret
or ve.v.
CORROSIVE, k6r-r6'-£u-. f. That which has
the quality of wafting any thing away; that
which has the power of giving pain.
CORROSIVELY, kAr-r6'-siv-ly. ad. Like a
corrofive ; witli the power of corrofion.
CORROSIVENESS, kor-rS'-siv-nis. f. The
quality of corroding or eating away, acri-
CORRUGANT, kor'-ru-gant. a. Having the
power of contracting into wrinkles.
To CORRUGATE, kor'-ru-gite. v. a. To
wrinkle or purfe up.
CORRUGATION, k6r-ru-gi'-{hun. f. Con-
traction into wrinkles.
To CORRUPT, kor-rupt^ v. a. To turn from
a found to a putrefcent ftate, to infe£l ; to de-
prave, to deftroy integrity, to vitiate.
To CORRUPT, kor-rupt'. v. n. To become
putrid, to grow rotten.
CORRUPT, kor-rupt'. a. Vicious, tainted with
CORRUPTER, kir-rup'-tir. f. He that taints
or vitiates.
CORRUPTIBILITY, kor-rup-tI-b!l'-!-ty. f.
Poffibility to be corrupted.
CORRUPTIBLE, kir-rup'-tibl. a. Sufcepti-
bility of corruption ; polTible to be vitiated.
CORfiUPTIBLENESS, kor-rup'-t!bl-n!s. f.
Sufceptibility of corruption.
CORRUPTIBLY, kor-rup'-tlb-lyv ad. In fuch
a manner as to be corrupted.
CORRUPTION, k6r-rup'-fliin. f. The prin-
ciple by which bodies tend to the feparation of
their parts ; wickednefs, perverfion of prin-
ciples ; putrcfcencc ; matter or pus in a fore ;
the means by wliich any thing is vitiate:!, de-
CORRUPTIVE, k(!ir-rup'-tlv. a. Having the
quality of tainting or vitiating.
CORRUPTLESS, kir-rupt'-fs. a. Infufcept-
ible of corruption, undecaying.
CORRUPTLY, kor-rupt'-ly. ad. With cor-
ruption, with taint ; vicioufly, contrary to
CORRUPTNESS, kir-ript'-nls. f. The qua-
lity of corruption, putrefcence, vice.
CORSAIR, kor'-far. f. A pirate.
CORSE, ko'rfe. f. A dead body, a carcafe.
CORSLET, kcrs'-let. f. A light armour for
the forepart of the body.
CORTICAL, kaVtE-kll. a. Barky, bJonging
to the rind,
CORTICA'TED, ka'r-tl-ka-t!d. a. Rcfembling
the bark of a tree, j
CORTICOSE, kar-tl-k6'fe. a. Full of bark.
CORVETTO, kor-vct'-to. f. The curvet.
CORUSCANT, ko-rus'-kant. a. Glittering by
flafhes, flafliing.
CORUSCATION, kd-ruf-ka'-flvin. f. Flafh,
quick vibration of light.
CORYMBIATED, k6-rim'-by-a-t!d. a. Gar-
nifhed with branches of berries.
CORYMBIFEROUS, kO-rim-bif'-fe-rus. ad.
Bearinw fruit or berries fh bunches.
CORYMBUS, k6-r!m'-bus. f. Amongft an-
cient botanifts, clufters of berries : amongH mo-
dern botanifls, a compounded difcous flower;
fuch are the flov.ers of daifies, and common
COSIER, ko'-zyer. f. A botcher. Obfolete.
COSMETICK, koz-met'-lk. a. Beautifying.
COSMICAL, koz''-mi-kal. a. Relating to the
world ; rifing or fetting with the fun.
COSMICALLY, koz'-ml-kal-y. ad. With the
COSMOGONY, ko7.-mog'-gp'-p6-lhe. 5
A citizen of the world, one who is at home in
every place.
COST, koft''. f. The price of any thing; charge,
expence ; lofs, detriment.
To COST, koft^ V. n. To be brought for, to
be haid at a price.
COSTAL, kos'-til. a. Belonging to the ribs.
COSTARD, kos'-tard. f. A head, an apple
round and bulky like the head.
COSTIVE, kos'-tlv. a. Bound in the body;
clofe. '
COSTIVENESS, kos'-tlv-nls. f. The ftate of
the body in vA?hich excretion is obftrucied.
COSTLINESS, koft'-ly-nls. f. Sumptuoufnef;,
COSTLY, koft'-ly. a. Sumptuou?, expenfive.
COT, kot . f. A fmall houfe, a hut, a mean
COTANGENT, ko-tan'-jent. f. The tangent
of an arch which is the complement of another
to ninety degrees.
€OTEMPORARY, ko-tem'-pC-rar-y. a. Li-
ving at the fame time, coetaneous.
COTLAND, kot'-land. f. Land appendant to
a cottag?.
COTQUEAN, kof-kwln. f. A man who bufies
himfelf with women's affairs.
COTTAGE, kct'-tldzh. f. A hut, a mean
COTTAGER, kot'-ta-jir. f. One who lives
in a hut or cottage ; one wlio lives in the com-
mon, without paying rent.
COTTIER, kot'-yjr. f. One who inhabits
a cot.
COTTON, kot^n. f. The down of the cotton-
tree,; a plant.
COTTON, kot'n. f. Cloth or f.uff made of
To COTTON, kotV. V. n. To rife with a
nap ; to cement, to unite with.
To COUCH, koi/tfh. v. n. To lie down in a
place of repofe ; to Ue down on the knees, as a
hcall to reft ; to lie down, in ambufh ; to ftoop
or bend down, in fear, in pain.
To COUCH, kou'tfli. V. a. ' To lay on a place
of repofe ; to lay down any thing in a ftratum ;
to bed, to hide in another body; to include fe-
crctiy, to hide ; to fix the fpear in the reft; Xo
deprcfs the film that overfpreads the pupil of
the eye.
COUCH, kou'tfli. f. A feat of repofe ; a layer,
or flratum.
COUCHANT, kou'-tfliant. a. Lying down,
COUCHEE, ka'-fhe. f. Bedtime, the time of
vifiting late at night.
COUCHER, kou'tih-ur. f. He that couches or
deprcfles cataraels.
COUCHFELLOW, kou'tfh-fel-lo. f. Bedfel-
low, companion.
COUCHGRASS, kou'tfli-gras. f. A weed. ^
COVE, kd've. f. A fmall creek or bay ; a flicl-
ter, a cover.
COVENANT, kuv'-c-nant. f. A contraft, a
ftipulation ; a compatl ; a writing containing
the terms of agreement.
To COVENANT, kuv'-e-nant. v. n. To bar-
gain, to ftipulate.
COVENANTEE, kuv'-g-nin-t^. f. A party
to a covenant, a flipulator, a bargainer.
COVENANTER, kuv^-e-nan-tur. f. One who
takes a covenant. A word introduced in the
civil wars.
To COVER, kuv'-ur. v. a. To overTpread any
thing with fomething elfe ; to conceal under
fomething laid over j to hide by fuperficial ap-
pearances ; to overwhelm, to bury ; to fhelter,
to conceal from harm ; to brood onj to copu-
late with a female ; to wear the hat.
COVER, kuv'-ur. f. Any thing that is laid over
another ; a concealment, a fcreen, a veil ; ihel-
ter, defence.
COVERING, kuv'-ur-lng. f. Lrefs, vef-
c o u
c o u
COVERLET, kiV-ur-IIt. f. The outermoft
of the bedcloaths.
COVERT, kuv''-urt. f. A flicker, a defence ;
a thicket, or hiding-place.
COVERT, kuv'-urt. a. Sheltered, fccrct, hid-
den, infidious.
COVERT-WAY, kiV/-urt-wu'. f. A fpace of
ground level with the field, three or four fathom
broad, ranging quite round the half moons, or
other works toward the countr}-.
COVERTLY, kuv'-urt-ly. ad. Secretly, clofely.
COVERTNESS, ku/-urt-ms. f. Secrecy, pri-
COVERTURE, kuv'-ur-ture. f. Shelter, de-
fence ; in law, the ftate and condition of a
married woman.
To COVET, kuv'-It. V. a. To defire inordi-
nately, to defire beyond due bounds ; to defire
To COVET, kuv -It. V. n. To have a ftrong
COVETABLE, kuv'-It-ebl. a. To be wiflied for.
COVETOUS, kuv'-ve-tflius. a. Inordinately
defirous; inordinately eager of money, avari-
COVETOUSLY, kuv'-ve-tfliuf-ly. ad. Ava-
ritioufly, eagerly.
COVETOUSNESS, kuv'-va-tfliuf-nls. f. Ava-
rice, eagernefs of gain.
COVEY, kuv'-vy. f. A hatch, an old bird with
her young ones ; a number of birds together.
COUGH, kof. f, A convulfion of the lungs.
To COUGH, kof'. V. n. To have the lungs
convulfed, to make a noife in endeavouring to
evacuate the peccant matter from the lungs.
To COUGH, kof'. v. a. To ejed by a cough.
COUGHER, kof'-fur. f. One that coughs.
COVING, ki'-ylng. f. A term in building,
ufed of houfes that projed over the ground-plot ;
a particular form of cieling.
COULD, kud^ The imperfcwl preterite of Can.
COULTER, kou'l-tir. f. The Iharp iron of
the plow whkh cuts the earth.
COUNX'IL, kou'n-sil. f. An aflfembly of per-
fons met together in confultation ; perfons call-
ed together to be confulted ; the body of pri\ y
COUNCIL-BOARD, kou'n-sIl-b6rd. f. Coun-
cil-t.ible, table where matters of ftate are de-
COUNSEL, kou'n-fel. f. Advice, direflion -.
deliberation; prudence; fecrecy, the fecrets in-
truded in confulting; fcheme, purpofe, dc-
fign ; thofe that plead a caufc, the counfel-
To COUNSEL, kou'n-fcl. v. a. To giveadvica
or counfel to any perfon ; to advife any thing.
COUNSELLABLE, kou'n-fel-ebl. a. Willing
to receive and follow advice.
COUNSELLOR, kou'n-fcl-Iur. f. One that
gives advice ; confidant, bofom friend ; one
whofe province is to deliberate and advife upon
publick affairs ; one that is confulted in a cafe
of law.
COUNSELLORSHIP, kou'n-fel-lir-fh'p. f.
The office or port ef privy counfellor.
To COUNT, kou^it. v. a. To number, to tell ;
to reckon, to account, to confider as having a
certain charafter ; to impute to, to charge to.
To COUNT, kou'nt. v. n. To lay a fcheme ;
to depend on.
COUNT, kou'nt. f. Number > reckoning.
COUNT, kou'nt. f. A title of foreign no-
bility, an earl.
COUNTABLE, kou'n-tabl. a. That which
may be numbered.
COUNTENANCE, kou'n-ta-nanfe. f. The
form of the face, the fyiiem of the features,
air, look ; confidence of mien, afpcd of af-
furance ; afFectatioji or ill-will, as it appears
upon the face ; patronage, fupport.
To COUNTENANCE, kouVtc-nanfe. v. a.
To fupport, to patronife, to make a (hew of ;
to encourage.
COUNTENANCER, kou'n-tc-nan-fur. f. One
that countenances or fupports another.
COUNTER, kou^n-tur. f. A falfc piece of
money ui'cd as a means of reckoning ; the form
on which goods are viewed and money told in
a (liop.
c o u
c o u
COUNTER, kou'n-tur. rd. Contrary to, in
oppofition to ; the wrong way ; contrary
To COUNTERACT, koun-tur-ak't. v. a. To
hinder any thing from its effedt by contrary
To COUNTERBALANCE, koun-tur-baf-
lanfe. v. a. To acl againft with an oppofite
COUNTERBALANCE, kou'n-tur-bal-lanfe.
f. Oppofite weight.
To COUNTERBUF, koun-tir-buf'. v. a. To
impel ; to flrike back.
COUNTERBUFF, koi/n-tur-buf. f. A ftroke
that produces a recoil.
COUNTERCASTER, kou'n-tur-kaf-tur. f. A
book-keeper, a carter of accounts, a reckoner.
Not ufed.
COUNTERCHANGE, kou'n-tur-tfhinje. f.
Exchange, reciprocation.
To COUNTERCHANGE, koun-tur-tflia'nje.
V. a. To give and receive.
COUNTERCHARM, kou'n-tur-tfharm. f.
That by which a charm is diflblved.
To COUNTERCHARM, koun-tur-tfha'rm.
V. a. To deftroy the effe£l of an enchantment.
To COUNTERCHECK, koun-tur-t(hek'.
V. a. To oppofe.
COUNTERCHECK, kou^n-tur-t{hek. f. Stop,
To COUNTERDRAW, koun-tur-dra'. v. a.
To copy a defign by means of an old paper,
whereon the ftrokes appearing through are traced
with a pencil.
f. Teftimony by which the depofition of fome
Termer witnefs is oppofed.
To COUNTERFEIT, kouVtur-f It. v. a. To
copy with an intent to pafs the copy for an ori-
ginal ; to imitate, to refemble.
COUNTERFEIT, kouVtur-fit. a. Forged,
fiftitious ; deceitful, hypocritical.
COUNTERFEIT, kou'n-tur-fi't. f. One who
perfonares another, an impoft'or ; fomething
made in imitation of another ; a forgery.
COUNTERFEITER, kou^n-tur-flt-ur. f. A
COUNTERFEITLY, kou'n-tur-fit-ly. ad.
Falfely, with forgery.
COUNTERFERMENT, kouVtur-fer'-ment.
f. Ferment oppofed to ferment.
COUNTERFORT, kou'n-tur-fort. f. Coun-
terforts are pillars ferving to fupport walls fub-
jeft to bulge.
COUNTERGAGE, koun-tur-ga'je. f. A me-
thod ufed to meafure the joints by transferring
the breadth of a mortice to the place where the
tenon is to be.
COUNTERGUARD, kou'n-tur-gard. f. A
fmall rampart with parapet and ditch.
To COUNTERMAND, koun-tur-ma'nd. v. a.
To order the contrary to what was ordered be-
fore ; to contradift the orders of another.
COUNTERMAND, kou'n-tur-mand. f. Re-
peal of a former order.
To COUNTERMARCH, koun-tur-ma'rtfh.
V. n. To march backward.
COUNTERMARCH, kou'n-tur-martfli. f. Re-
troceffion, march backward ; change of mea-
fures ; alteration of conduct.
COUNTERMARK, kouVtur-mark. f. A fe-
cond or third mark put on a bale of goods ; the
mark of the goldfmiths company.
COUNTERMINE, kouVtur-mine. f. A well
or hole funk into the ground, from which a
gallery or branch runs out under ground, to
feek out the enemy's mine; means of oppofi-
tion ; a ftratagem by which any contrivance is
To COUNTERMINE, koun-tur-mfne. v. a.
To delve a paflage into an enemy's mine ; to
counterwork, to defeat by fecret meafures.
COUNTERMOTION, konn-tur-m6'-ftiun. f.
Contrary m.otion.
COUNTERMURE, koun-tur-mu're. f. A wall
built up behind another wall.
DAMNIFICK, dam-nif'-ik. a. Procuring lofs,
To DAMNIFY, dW-ny-fy-. v. a. To enda-
mage, to injure ; to hurt, to impair.
DAMNINGNESS, dam'-ning-nis. f. Ten-
dency to procure damnation,
DAMP, damp', a. Moift, inclining to wet j de-
jected, funk, deprelTcJ.
DAMP, damp', f, Fo^, moift air, moifturc ;
a noxious vapour exhaled from the earth ; de-
jeftion, dcpreflion of fpiiit.
To DAMP, damp', v.a. To wet, to moiftcn ;
to deprcfs, to dijtdl, to chill, to weaken, to
DAMPISHNESS, d,'mp'-ifti-n!s. f. Tendency
to wetnefs, moiliure.
DAMPNESS, damp'-nls. f. Moifturc,
DAMPY, damp'-y. a. Dejcfled, gloomy, for-
DAMSEL, dam'-zil. f. A young gentlewoman j
an attendant of the better rank ; a wench, a
Countr)' lafs,
DAMSON, dam'-zun. f. A fmall black plum.
DAN, dan', f. The old term of honour fo.-
To DANCE, dun'fc. v, n. To rr.ove in mea-
To DANCE Attendance, dan'fe. v. a. To wait
with fupplenefs and obfetjuioufnefs.
To DANCE, dan'fe. v. a. To make to d-ncc,
to put into a lively motion.
DANCE, ddn'fe, f. A niction of oiw or many
in concert.
DANCER, dan'-fur. f. One that pr-Jlif.;, the
art of dancing.
DANCINGMASTER, dun'-slng-maf-tur, f.
One who teaches the art of daacing.
DANCINGSCHOOL. dan'-sing-ncdl. f. The
fchool where the art of dar.c:ng is taught,
DANDELION, dan-de-ir.un. f. The name
of a plant.
To DANDLE, dand'!. v. a. To fhakc a child
on the knee j to fondle, to treat like a child.
DANDLER, dand'-lur. f. He that dandles or
fondles children.
DANDRUFF, dan'-drif. f. Scurf in th- head.
DANIJVVORT, Ja'ne-wurt. f. A fpecet, of
elder, called ilfo itwurf-elder, or wsUvs crt.
DANCJER, da'n-jur. i. Rifquc, haaarj, peril.
To DANGER, dii'n-jur. v. a. To put in ha-
zard, to endanger. Not in ufe,
DANGERL"^S, diVn-jer-Us. .->. Without ha-
zard, without rifque, *
DANGEROUS, da'n-jc-rus. a. Hax.rduMf,
DANGEROUSLY, di'n-jg-ruf-ly. ad. Hazard
oully, pcrilloufly, with danger.
DANGEROUSNESS, drn-je-ruf-nls. f. Dan-
ger, hazard, peril.
To DANGLE, da'ng-gl. v, n. To hang loofe
and qui\cring ; to hang upon any one, to be an
humble follower.
DANGLER, da''ng-gliir. f. A man that hangs
about women.
DANK, dank', a. Damp, moift.
DANKISH, dankMfh. a. Somewhat dank.
DAPPER, dap'-pur. a. Little and adive, lively
without bulk.
DAPPERLING, dap'-pui-l'ng- f- A dwarf.
DAPPLE, dap'l. a. Marked with various co-
lours, variegated.
To DAPPLE, dap''], v. a. To ftreak, to vary.
DAR, da'r. J f. A fi(h found in the Se-
DART, da'rt.5' vern.
To DARE, da're. v. n. pret. I Durft, part. I
have Dared. To have courage for any purpofe,
to be adventurous.
To DARE, da're. v. a. To challenge, to defy.
To DARE LARKS, dd're la'rks. v.n. To catch
them by means of a looking-glafs.
DARE, da're. f. Defiance, challenge. Not
in ufe.
DAREFUL, da're-fdl. a. Full of defiance.
DARING, da'-ring. a. Bold, adventurous,
DARINGLY, da'-rlng-ly. ad. Boldly, cou-
DARINGNESS, da'-rlng-nls. f. Boldncfs.
DARK, d:'/rk. a. Without light; not of a
fhowy or vivid colour ; blind ; opake ; obfcure ;
ignorant ; gloomy.
To DARK, da'rk. v. a. To darken, to ob-
To DARKEN, da'rkn. v. a. To make dark ;
to perplex ; to fully.
To DARKEN, di'rkn. v. n. To grow dark.
DARKLING, da'rk-llng. part. a. Being in the
DARKLY, da'rk-ly. ad. Ln a fituation void of
)ight, obfcurcly, blindly.
DARKNESS, da'xk-iils! f. Abfcncc of li^ht;
opakcnefs ; obfcurity ; wickednefs ; the empire
of Satan.
DARKSOME, da'rk-fum. a. Gloomy, ob-
DARLING, del r-llng. a. Favourite, dear,
DARLING, da'r-ling. f. A favourite, one
much beloved.
To DARN, da'rn. v. a. To mend holes by
imitating the texture of the ftlifF.
DARNEL, da'r-nil. f. A weed growing in the
DART, dart', f. A miffile weapon thrown by
the hand.
To DART, dart', v. a. To throw ofFenfively;
to throw, to emit.
To DART, dart', v. n. To fly as a dart.
To DASH, dafti'. v. a. To throw any thing
fuddenly againft fomething ; to break by col-
lifion ; to throw water in flafhes ; to befpatter,
to befprinkle ; to mingle, to change by fome
fmall admixture ; to form or print in hafte ; to
obliterate, to crofs out; to confound, to make
afliamed fuddenly.
To DASH, dafh'. v. n. To fly ofF the furface ;
to fly in flaflies with a loud noife ; to rufli
through water fo as to make it fly.
DASH, dafh'. f. Collifion ; infufion ; a mark
in writing, a line ; ftroke, blow.
DASH, dall/. ad. An expreflion of the found
of water daflicd.
DASTARD, das'-tard. f. A coward, apoltron.
To DASTARDISE, das'-tar-dlze. v. a. To
intimidate ; to dejeiSl with cowardice.
DASTARDLY, das'-tard-ly. a. Cowardly,
mean, timorous.
DASTARDY, das'-tar-dy. f. Cowardlinefs.
DATE, da'te. f. The time at which a letter is
written, marked at the end or the beginning ;
the time at which any event happened ; the
time flipulated when any thing fliould be done j
end, conclufion ; duration, continuance ; the
fruit of the date tree.
DATE-TREE, da'te-tre. f. A fpscics of palm.
To DATE, da'te. v. a. To note with the time
at which any thing is written or done.
DATELESS, da'te-l!s. a. Without any fixed
DATIVE, da'-tiv. a. In grammar, the cafe
that fignifies the peifyn to whom any thing is
To DAUB, da'b. v. a. To fmear with fonie-
thing adliefive; to paint coarfeiy; to lay on
any thing gaudily or oftentatioufly ; to flatter
DAUBER, da'-bur. f. A coarfc low painter.
DAUBY, da'-by. a. Vifcous, glutinous, ad-
DAUGHTER, dl'-tur. f. The female off-
fpring of a man or woman ; in poetry, any de-
fcendant ; the penitent of a confelTor.
To DAUNT, d/nt. v. a. To difcourage, to
DAUNTLESS, da'nt-l!s. a. Fearlefs, not de-
DAUNTLESSNES, da'nt-lef-nis. f. Fear-
DAW, da', f. The name of a bird.
To DAWN, da''n. v. n. To begin to grow
light ; to glimmer obfcurely j to begin, yet
faintly, to give fome promifes of luftre.
DAWN, da'n. f. The time between the firft
appearance of light and the fun's rife ; begin-
ning, firft rife.
D.'W, da . f. The time between the rifing and
fetting of the fun ; the time from noon to
noon ; light, funftiine ; the day of conteft, the
battle ; an appointed or fixed time ; a day ap-
pointed for fome commemoration ; from day to
day, without certainty or continuance.
DA YBED, di'-bed. f. A bed ufcd for idknefs.
DAYBOOK, di'-bok. f. A tradcfman's journal.
D.4.YBREAK, da'-brck. f. The dawn, the
iwii appearance of light.
DAYLABOUR, da'-la'-bur. f. Labour by the
DAYLABOURER, da'-Ia'-bur-ur. f. One that
works by the day.
DAYLIGHT, da'-lite. f. The light of the
day, as oppofed to that of the moon, or a taper.
DAYLILY, da-lll'-y. f. The fame with af-
DAYSPRING, da'-fpn'ng. f. The rife of the
day, the dawn.
DAYSTAR, da'-ftar. f. The morning ftar.
DAYTIME, da'-time. f. The time in which
there is light, oppofed to night.
DAYWORK, da'-wurk. f. Work impofed by
the day, daylabour.
DAZIED, da'-zyd. a. Befprinkled with daifies.
To DAZZLE, daz 1. v. a. To overpower with
To DAZZLE, daz'l. v. n. To be overpowered
with light.
DEACON, dc'kn. f. One of the lowcfl order
of the clergy.
DEACONE^'SS, de'kn-n^s. f. A female officer
in the ancient church.
DEACONRY, d6'kn-ry. 7 f. The office or
DEACONSHIP, de'kn-fn'p.i dignity of a
DEAD, ded'. a. Deprived of life ; inanimate j
fenfelefs; motionlefs ; empty; ufelefs; dull,
gloomy; frigid; vapid; fpiritlefs ; uninhabit-.
cd ; without the power of vegetation ; in theo-
logy, lying under the power of fin.
To DEADEN, ded'n. v. a. To deprive of any
kind of force or fenfation ; to make vapid, or
DEAD-DOING, ded'-do-ing. part. a. Dj-
ftruclive, killing, mifchlevous.
DEAD-LIFT, ded'-llft'. f. Hopelefs exigence.
DEADLY, ded'-ly. a. Deftruaive, mortal,
DEADLY, dcd'-ly. ad. In a manner rcfcm-
bling the dead ; mortally ; implacably, irre-
DEADNESS, ded'-nls. f: Want of warmth ;
v/eaknefs of the vital powers ; vapidnefs of li-
quors, lofs of fpirit.
DEADNET TLE, ded'-nJti. f. A weed, the
fame with archangel.
DEAD-RECKONING, ded'-rck-nlng. f. That
cfHmation or conjecture which the feamen make
of the place where a flilp is, by keeping an ac-
count of her way by the log.
DEAF, dcf'. a. Wanting the fcnfe of hearing ;,
, deprived!
d«iprived of the power of heaving; obfcurely
To DEAFEN, di-f'n. v. a. To deprive of the-
power of hearing.
DEAFLY, def'-ly. ad. Without fenfc of founds;
obfcurely to the ear.
DEAFNESS, dcf'-nli. f. Want of the power
of hearing; unwillingnefs to hear.
DEAL, del. f. Great part; quantity, degree
of more or lefs ; the art or practice of dealing
cards ; firwood, the wood of pines.
To DEAL, de'l. V. a. To difpofe to different
perfons; to diftribute cards; to fcatter, to
throw about j to give gradually, or one after
To DEAL, d^'l. V. n. To traffick, to tranfacl
bufinefs ; to ait between two perfons, to inter-
vene ; to behave well or ill in any tranfaciion ;
to a£t in any manner ; To deal by, to treat
well or ill ; To deal in, to have to do with,
to be engaged in, to practice ; To deal with,
to treat in any manner, to ufe well or ill, to
contend v/ith.
To DEALBATE, dc-ai'-bite. v. a. To whiten,
to bleach.
DEALBATION, de-al-ba'-fhun. f. The ad
of bl.aching.
DEALER, de^-lur. f. One that has to do with
any thing; a trader or trafficker; a ptrfon who
-deals the cards.
DEALING, de'-lmg. f. Prafticc, adion ; in-
tcrcourfe ; meafurcs of treatment ; trailick, bu-
DEAMBULATION, de-am-bu-la'-fliun. f.
The a^ of walking abroad.
DEAMBULATOrV, Ue-W-bd-la-tur'-v. a.
Relating to the practice of walking abroad.
DEAN, dc'n. f. The fecond di^intary of a di-
DEANERY, de'n-^r-y. f. The office of a dean ;
thp revenue of a dean ; the houfe of a dean.
DEANSHIP, de'n-fh'p. f. The ofEce and rank
of a dean.
J)EAR, de r. a. Beloved, darling; valuable,
coitly ; fcarcc ; fad, hateful, grit\ ous. In this
Jaft fenfe obfolctc.
DEAR, de r. f. A word of endearment.
DEARBOUGHT, dc'r-bJa. a. Purchafed at
a high price.
DEARL,Y, de'r-ly. ad. W^i.h great fondnefs ;
at a high price.
To DEARN, da'rn. v. a. To mend cloaths.
-DEARNESS, d^'r-nls. f. Fondnefs, kindnefs,
iove ; fcarcity, high price.
DEARTH, dertf/. f. Scarcit)' which makes
food dear ; want, famine ; barrennefs.
To DEARTICULATE, de-^r-tlk'-u-ldte. v. a.
To disjoint, to difmember.
DEATH, detlf. f. The extlnflioa of life ;
mortality; the ftate of the dead; the manner
cf dying; the image of mortality reprefented
by a Skeleton ; in theology, damnation, eter-
jial torments.
DEATH-BED, dettZ-bed. f. The bed to which
a man is confined by mortal ficknefs.
DEATHFUL, deth'-iui. a. Full of flaughter,
deiiructivc, murderous.
DEATHLESS, detn'-lls. a. Immortal, never-
DEATHLIKE, detrZ-like. a. RefemUing death,
DEATH's-DOOR, detlr's-do'r. f. A near ap-
proach to death.
DEATHSMAN, detlr^s-man. f. Executioner,
hangman, headfman.
DEATHWATCH, detlr'-wotlh. f. An inft-a
that makes a tinkling noife, fuperftitioudy ima-
gined to piognofticate death.
To DEBARK, d§-ba'rk. v. a. To difcmbark.
To DEBAR, de-ba^r. v. a. To exclude, to
To DEBASE, de-ba'fe. v. a. To reduce from
a higher to a lower fiate ; to fink into meann'^fs }
to .-idulteiate, to leflen in value by bafe auniix-
DEBASEMENT, de-biVfc-m^nt. f. The a^
of debafing or degrading.
DEBASER, dO-ba'-fur. f. He that debafes, he
that adulterates, he that degrades anotlier.
DEBATAbLE, d^-ba'tc-able. a. Difpurable.
DEBATE, dc-bu'tc. f. A perfonal difpute, a
coiitroverfy ; a quarrel, a conteft.
To DEBATE, de-bA'i
todiipute, to contcft.
To DEBATE, da-ba'te. v. r
to dilpute.
DEBATEFUL, da-bi'te-fal
a. To controvert,
To deliberate :
Quarrel feme,
DEBATEMENT, dl-bu'te-ment. f. Conteft,
DEBATER, de-ba'-tur. f. A difputant, acon-
To DEBAUCH, dl-bi'tfli. v. a. To corrupt
by lewdnefs ; to corrupt by intemperance.
DEBAUCH, de-ba'tih. f. A fit of intempe-
rance, lewdnefs.
DEBAUCHEE, deb-O-ilie'. f. A lecher, a
DEBAUCHER, de-ba'tfh-ur. f. One who re-
duces others to intemperance or lewdnefs.
DEBAUCHERY, de-bi'tfli-C-ry. f. The prac-
tice of excefs, lewdnefs.
DEBAUCHMENT, dS-ba'tfli-ment. f. The
acl of debauching or vitiating, corruption.
To DEBEL, d5-bel'. " ^ v. a. To con-
To DEBELLATE, de-bcl'-latc. 5 quer, to
overcoms. in war.
DEBELLATION, d5-be!-la'-fliun. f. The ad
of conquering in war.
DEBENTURE, d^-ben'-tfliur. f. A writ or
note, by which a debt is claimed.
DEBILE, deb'-ll. a. Feeble, languid.
To DEBILITATE, dg-bilM-tAte. v. a. To
make faint, to enfeeble.
DEBILITATION, de-b!l-y-t.l'-{hin. f. The
aft of weakening.
DEBILITY, de-bil'-i-ty. f. Weakiiefs, feeble-
DEBONAIR, deb-6-na're. a. Elegant, civil,
well bred.
DEBONAIRLY, deb-6-na're-ly. ad. Elegantly.
DEBT, det . f. That which one man owes to
another; t^at which any one is obliged to do
or fuftcr.
DEBTED, dct'-t!d. part. a. Indebted, obliged to.
DEBTOR, det'-tir. f. He that owes 7o:ne-
thing to another ; one that owes money ; o;ic
fide of ail account book.
DECACUMINATED, du-ka-ku'-ml-ni-tlJ. a.
Having the top cut off.
DECADE, dek'-.ad. f. The fum of ten.
DECADENCY, dc-ka'-den-ly. f. Decay, fall.
DECAGON, dek'-a-gon. f. A plain figure in
DECALOGUE, dek'-a-l6g. f. The ten com-
mandments given by God to Mofes.
To DECAMP, de-kamp'. v. a. To fliift the
camp, to move off.
DECAMPMENT, di-kamp'-ment. f. The aft
of fliifting the camp.
To DECANT, de-kant'. v. a. To pour off
gently, fo as to leave the fediment behind.
DECANTATION, dl-kan-ta'-fliin. f. The
act of decanting.
DECANTER, de-kan'-tur. f. A glafs veiTll
that contains the liquor after it has been poured
ofi-' clear.
To DECAPITATE, de-kap'-'-tate. v. a. To
To DECAY, de-ka'. v. n. To lofe excellence,
to decline.
DECAY, dc-ka'. f. Decline from the ftate of
perfection ; declenfion from profperity ; con-
DECA^TR, de-ka'-ur. f. That which caufd
DECEASE, de-fe'fe. f. Death, departure frooj
To DECEASE, de-fe'fe. v. n. To die, to da-
part from life.
DECEIT, de-fe't. f. Fraud, a cheat, a fallacy ;
ftratajem, artifice,
DECEITFUL, di-le't-fal. a. Fraudulent, fujl
of deceit.
DECEITFULLY, dc-fc't-ful-y. ad. Fr.aud-
DECEITFULNESS, de-le't-ful-nls. f. Ten-
dency to deceive.
DECEIVABLE, di-fe'v-abl. a. Subjecl to fraud,
expofed to impofture.
DECEIVABLENESS, de-f(i'v-abl-n!s. f. Li-
ablenefs to be deceived.
To DECElVf^, de-fc'v. V. a. To b*ing inte
cjTour ; to delude by ftratagcni.
DECEIVER, dl-fe'-vur. f. One that leads
another i«to errour.
DECEMi^ER, dc-{err/-huT. f. The hul month
of the year.
DECEMPEDAL, de-fein -pe-dal. a. Havhig
ten feet in length.
DECEMVIRATE, da-fem'-ver-et. f. The dig-
nity and ofRce of the ten governors of Rome.
DECENCY, de''-fen-(^^ f. Propriety of form,
becoming ceremony ; fuitablenefs to character,
propriety; modefty.
DECENNIAL, de-fen'-nyal. a. What conti-
nues for die fpace of ten years.
DECENT, de'-fent. a. Becoming, fit, fuit-
DECENTLY, de'-f^nt-ly. ad. In a proper
manner, with fuitable behaviour.
DECEPTIBILITY, de-fep-tl-bU'-i-ty. f. Li-
abkncfs to be deceived.
DECEPTIBLE, de-fep'-tibl. a. Liable to be
DECEPTION, de-fcp'-ftiun. f. The aft or
means of deceiving, cheat, fraud ; the ftate of
being deceived.
DECEPTIOUS, de-fJ p'-flu'.s. a. Deceitful.
DECEPTIVE, de-fip'-t!v. a. Having the power
of deceiving.
DECEPTORY, d^-fJ'p'-tur-y. a. Containing
means of deceit.
DECERPT, dc-ferp't. a. Diminifhed, talcenoff.
DECERPTIBLE, de-fcrp'-tlbl. a. That may
be taken off. '
DECERPTION, de-ferp'-fliun. f. The ad of
leficning, or talcing off.
Dh CESSION, de-fes'-fliun. f. A departure.
To DECHARM, de'-tfh;'irni. v. a. To coun-
teradt a ch,..iin, to dihnchant.
To DEC'DE, de-si'dc. v. a. To fix the event
of, to determine ; to determine a quelhon or
DECIDENCE, des'-sy-dcnfe. f. The quality
of being filed, or of falling oft ; the ad of I'all-
■ ing avviiy.
DECIDER, de-s^-dar. f. One who determines
caufcs ; one who detcrmiiics quarrcK.
DECIDUOUS, de-sid'-u-iis. a. Ealling, not
DECIMAL, des^-i-mal. a. Numbered by ten.
To DECIMATE, ,des'-Im-ate. v. a. To tithe,
to take the tenth ; to punifh every tenth foldier
by lot.
DECIMATION, def-fy-ma'-fiiun. f. A tith-
ing, a feleclion of every tenth ; a felection by
lot of every tenth foldier for punifhment.
To DECIPHER, dl-s'/-fur. v. a. To explain
that which is written in epithets ; to mark
down in charailers ; to ftamp, to marli ; to
unfold, to unravel.
DECIPHERER, de-sf-fer-ur. f. One who ex-
plains writings in cipher.
DECISION, de-slzh'-un. f. Determination of
a difference ; determination of an event.
DECISIVE, dl-sf-siv. a. Having the power
of determining any difference ; having the
power of fettling any event.
DECISIVELY, de-sf-slv-ly. ad. In a con-
clufive manner.
DECISIVENESS, de-sf-slv-nis. f. The power
of terminating any difference, as fettling an
DECISORY, de-si'-fur-y. z. Able to deter-
mine or decide.
To DECK, dek'. v. a. To overfpread ; todreisj
to adorn.
DECK, dck'. f. The floor of a fhip ; pack of
cards piled regularly on each other.
DECKER, dek'-kur. f. A dreffer.
To DECLAIM, dl-kla'm. v. n. To harangue,
to fpeak fet orations.
DECLAIMER, de-klaV-ur. f. One who makes
fpeeches with intent to move the paffions.
DECLAMATION, dek-kla-ma'-fliin. f. A
•difcourfc addrcffed to the paffions, an harangue.
DECLAMATOR, dek'-kla-mii-tur. f. A de-
claimer, an. orator.
DECLAMATORY, de-khln/-ma-tur-y. a. Re-
lating to the practice of declaiming ; appealing
to tiie paliicns.
DECLARABLE, di-kla'-rabl. a. Capable of
DECLARATION, dek-kU-r:/-fhun. f. A pro-
clamation or affirmation, publication ; an ex-
plan"tion of fomethins; doubtful ; in law, de-
claration is the fhewing forth of an action per-
fonal in any fuit, though 't is ufcJ fomctimes
for real actions.
DECLARATIVE, cl5-kla/-a-tiv. a. Making
declaration, explanatory ; making proclama-
DECLARATORILY, de-klar''-a-tur'-i-ly. ad.
In the form of a declaration, not promiffively.
DECLARATORY, dC--klar'-a-tur-y. a. Af-
firmative, expreflive.
To DECLARE, de-kla're. v. a. To make known,
to tell evidently and openly; to puhlifh, to
proclaim ; to (hew in open view.
To DECLARE, do-kkV're. v. n. To make a
DECLAREMEKT, da-kU're-ment. f. Difco-
very, declaration, telHmony.
DECLARER, d6-kla'-rur. f. One that makes
any thing known.
DECLENSION, de-klen'-fhun. f. Tendency
from a great to a lefs degree of excellence ; de-
claration, defcent ; inflexion, manner of chan-
ging nouns.
DECLINABLE, d^-kli'-nibl. a. Having va-
riety of terminations.
DECLINATION, dtk-kly-ni^Z-fnun. f. De-
fcent, change from a better to a worfe Ihtc,
decay ; the adl of bending down ; variation
from reditude, oblique motion, obliquity; va-
riation from a fixed point ; in navigation, the
variation of the needle from the true meridian
of any place to the Eaft or Weft ; in agrono-
my, the declination of a ftar we call its fliorteft
diftance from the Equator.
DECLINATOR, de-klf-n/^tor. ^ ^- ^"-
DECLINATORY, dl-kli'n-a-tur-) . ) .nliru-
ment in dialing.
To DECLINE, de-klfne. v. n. To lean down-
ward ; to deviate, to run into obliquities; to
fhun, to refufe, to avoid any thing ; to be im-
paired, to decay.
To DECLINE, de-kf/ne. v. a. To bend dov/n-
ward, to bring down ; to fhun, to refufe, to be
cautious of; to modify a word by various ter-
" mii,„>ions.
DECLINE, dc-kli'ne. f. The ftate of tendency
to the worl'e, diminution, decay.
f DECLIVITY, de-kllvM-ty. f. Inclination or
obliquity reckoned downwards, gradual defctnt.
DECLIVOUS, di-kli'-vus.'a. Gradually de-
fcending, not precipitous.
To DECOCT, dc-kok'^t. v. a. To prepare by
boiling for any uf:-, to digeft in hot water ; tck
digeft by the heat of the flomach ; to boil up to
a confiftence.
DECOCTIBLE, dl-kik'-tibl. a. That which
may be boiled, or prepared by boiling.
DECOCTION, da-kok'-fliun. f. The aft of
boiling any thing ; a preparation made bv boil-
ing in water.
DECOCTURE, de-kok'-tfhur. f. A fubftance
drawn by decoiStion.
DECOLLATION, d^'-k6l-la'''-ftin. f. The
act of beheading.
DECOMPOSITE, de'-k6m-p6z"-It. a. Com-
pounded a ftcond time.
DECOMPOSITION, de'-k6m-p6-ziV-un. f.
The att of compounding thing already com-
To DECOMPOUND, dZ-'-kom-pou'Vl. v. a.
To compofe of things already compounded.
DECOMPOUND, dy-kc'.m-pGu''nd. a. Com-
pofcd of things or words already compounded. '■'
To DECORATE, dek'-k6-r5te. v. a. To adorn,
to embellifli, to beautify.
DECORATION, dek-ko-ri'-lhun. f. Orna-,
ment, added beauty.
DECORATOR, dek'-ko-ra-tor. f. Anadorner.
DECOROUS, de-ko'-rus. a. Decent, fuitable
to a charadler.
To DECORTICATE, da-k'ir. f.
One that proves, one that teaches.
DEMONSTRATORY, d§-mons'-ftra-tir-y. a.
Having the tendency to demonftrate.
DEMULCENT, de-mul'-fent. a. Softening,
mollifying, afluafive.
To DEMUR, de-mur'. v. n. To delay a pro-
cefs in law by doubts and objedions ; to doubt,
to have fcruples.
To DEMUR, da-mu/. V. a. To doubt of.
DEMUR, de-mur'. f. Doubt, hcfuation.
DEMURE, de-mu're. a. Sober, decent ; grave,
afFciStedly modefl.
DEMURELY, de-md're-ly. ad. With af-
feiSted modefty, folemnly.
DEMURENESS, de-md're-n!s. f. Modcfly,
fobernefs, gravity of afpecl ; affected ijiodefty.
DEMURRER, de-mur'-ir. f. Akindofpaufe
upon a point of difficulty in an action.
DEN, den', f. A cavern or hollow running ho-
rizontally ; the cave of a wild beaft ; Den may
fignity either a valley or a woody place.
DENAY, de-nf. f. Denial, rcfufal. Obf.
DENDROLOGY, din-drol'-l6-jy. f. The na-
tural hiitory of trees.
DENIABLE, de-ni'-abl. a. That which may
be denied.
DENIAL, de-nK-al. f. Negation, refufal.
DENIER, dc-nf-ur. f. A contradictor, an op-
ponent ; one that does not own or acknowledge ;
a refufer, one that refufes.
DENIER, dl-nl'r. f. A fmall denomination of
French money.
To DENIGRATE, dc-ni'-grite. v. a. To
DENIGRATION, d'ilni-gt:/-flu'ia. f. A black-
ening, or making black.
DENIZATION, den'-ny-z;/-fliun. f. The
atl of infranchiOne.
DENIZEN,7 , , , , C f. A freeman, one
DENISON, 5 ■" '^ "^'•■"- I infr^nchifed.
To DENOMINATE, dJ-nom'-y-nate. v. a. To
name, to give a name to.
DENOMINATION, de-nom-y-na'-fhun. f.
A name given to a thing.
DENOMINATIVE, dC'-nom'-y-na-tlv. a. That
which gives a name ; that which obtains a dif-
tintl appellation.
DENOMINATOR, dc-nom'-y-nJ-tir. f. The
giver of a name.
DENOTATION, de-no-ta'-fhun. f. The aft
of denoting.
To DENOTE, de-no'tc. v. a. To mark, to be
a fign of, to betoken.
To DENOUNCE, de-nou'nfe. v. a. To threaten
by proclamation.
DENOUNCEMENT, de-nou'nfe-ment. f. The
acS of proclaiming any menace.
DENOUNCER, de-nou'n-fur. f. One that de-
clares fome menace.
DENSE, da/fe. a. Clofe, compaft, approach-
ing to folidity.
DENSITY, den'-s!-ty." f. Clofenefs, compaft-
DENTAL, den'-tal. a. Belonging or relating
to the teeth ; in grammar, pronounced princi-
pally by the agency of the teeth.
DENTELLI, den-tcl'-li. f. Modillions.
DENTICULATION, den-t!k-u-la'-{hun. f.
The flatc of being fet with fmall teeth.
DENTICULATED, den-tlk'-u-la-t!d. a. Set
with fmall teeth.
DENTIFRICE, den'-tl-frls. f. A powder
made to fcour the teeth.
DENTITION, den-tift'-un. f. The aft of
breeding the teeth ; the time at which child-
ren's teeth are bred.
ToDENUDATE, dc-nu'-date. v. a. To di-
vert, to ftrip.
DENUDATION, dc-nu-da'-fliun, f. The aft
of ftripping.
To DENUDE, de-nu'de, v. a. To ftrip,. t«
make naked.
DENUNCIATION, da-nun-fha'-fnun. f. The
acl of denouncing, a publick menace.
DENUNCIATOR, de-nun-fha'-tur. f. He that
proclaims any threat; he that lays ai» inform-
ation againft another.
To DENY, de-ny''. v. a. To conlradiiH: an ac-
cufation ; to refufe, not to grant; to difown ;
to renounce, to difregard.
To DEOBSTRUCT, de'-6b-ftruk't. v. a. To
clear from impediments.
DEOBSTRUENT, de-6b'-ftrU-ent. f. A me-
dicine that has the power to refolve vifcidities.
DEODAND, de'-6-dand. f. A thing given or
forfeited to God for pacifying his wrath, in
cafe of any misfortune, by which any Chrif-
tian comes to a violent end, without the fault
of any reafonable creature.
To DEOPPILATE, de-6p'-pl-late. v. a. To
deobfliruia, to clear a paffage.
DEOPPILATION, de-op-p!-la'-fliun. f. The.
adt of clearing obfi:rufl;ion?.
DEOPPILAT VE, de-op'-p'-la-t'v. a. Deob-
DEOSCULATION, dc-of-ku-U'-fliun. f. The
aiSt of kifling.
To DEPAINT, de-pa'nt. v. a. To piaure, to
defcribe by colours-; to defcribe.
To DEPART, de-pa'rt. v. n. To go away
from a place ; to defift from a practice ; to be
loft ; to defert, to apoftatife ; to defift from a
refolution or opinion ; to die, to deceafe, to
leave the world.
To DEPART, de-pa^rt. v. a. To quit, to leave,
to retire from.
To DEPART, de'-part. v. a. To divide, to
DEPART, de-pa^rt. f. The aft of going away ;
death ; with chymifts, an operation fo named,
becaufe the particles of filver are departed or
divided from gold.
DEPARTER, dc-pa'r-tur. f. One that refines
metals by feparation.
DEPARTiMENT, de-pa'rt-ment. f. Separate
7 allot-
allvitment, bufincfs afTigncd to a particular
per ("on.
DEPARTURE, d3-pa'r-tfliur. f. A going away;
death, deceafe ; a forfaking, an abandoning.
DEPASCENT, dc-pas'-scnt. a. Feeding greed-
To DEPASTURE, de-pas'-tHiur. v. a. To eat
Tip, to confumc by feeding upon it.
To DEPAUPERATE, de-pl'-pe-rate. v. a. To
make poor.
DEPECTIBLE, d?-pek'-tlbl. a. Tough, clam-
To DEPEND, dc-pind'. v. n. To hang from ;
to be in a itate of fervitude or expectation ; to
be in fufpenfe ; To depend upon, to rely on,
to truft to ; to be in a ftate of dependancc ; to
reft upon any thing as its caufe.
DEPENDANCE, dl-pen'-danfe. Tf. The ftate
DEPENDANCY, da-pen'-dan-fy. j of hang-
ing down from afupporter; fomething hanging
upon another ; concatenation, connexion, re-
lation of one thing to another ; ftate of being
at the difpofal of another ; the things or perfons
of which any man has the dominion ; reliance,
truft, confidence.
DEPENDANT, de-psn'-dant. a. In the power
of another.
DEPENDANT, de-pen'-dant. f. One who
lives in fubjeclion, or at the difcretion of ano-
DEPENDENCE, de-pen'-denfc. 7 f. A thing
DEPENDENCY, de-pin'-d-ln-fy. S orperfon
at the difpofal or difcretion of another ; ftate of
being fubordinate, or fubjeft ; that which is
not principal, that which is fubordinate; con-
catenation, connexion ; relation of any thing
to another ; truft, reliance, confidence.
DEPENDENT, de-pen''-dent. a. Hanging down.
DEPENDENT, de-pen'-dent. f. One fubor-
DEPENDER, de-pen'-dur. f. A dependant,
one that repofes on the kindncfs of another.
DEPERDITION, de-per-difn'-un. f. Lcfs,
DEPHLEGMAl ION, di'-Acg-mi/'-Mn. f.
Af\ op'eration which takes away from the phlegm
any fpirituous fluid by repeated diftillation.
To DEPHLEGM, d5-fl<5m'. Jv.a.To
To DEPHLEGMATE, de-fleg'-matc. } clear
from phlegm, or aqueous infipid matter.
DEPHLEGMEDNESS, de-fl-ig'-med-nls. f.
The quality of being freed from phlegm.
To DEPICT, de-p'k''t. v. a. To paint, to por-
tray ; to defcribe to the mind.
DEPILATORY, de-pf-la-tiir-y. f. An ap-
plication ufed to take away hair.
DEPILOUS, de-pf-liis. a. Without hair.
DEPLANTATION,de'-plan-ta"-fliun. f. The
ait of taking plants up from the bed.
DEPLETION, de-ple'-fliun. f. The zSt of
DEPLORABLE, dg-pl6'-r.abl. a. Lamentable,
fad, calamitous, defpicable.
DEPLORABLENESS, de-pl6'-r.Abl-ni3. f. The
ftate of being deplorable.
DEPLORABLY, dC-pIo'-rab-ly, ad. Lament-
ably, miferably.
DEPLORATE, do-pld'-rate. a. Lamentable,
DEFLORATION, dG-p!6-ri'-fliun. f. The a^
of deploring.
To DEPLORE, de-plo're. v. a. To lament,
to bewail, to bemoan.
DEPLORER, dl-pl6'-rur. f. A lamenter, a
DEPLUiMATION, de-plii-ma'-fliin. f. Pluck-
ing oft" the feathers ; in furgery, a fwelling of
the eyelids, accompanied with the fall of the
To DEPLUME, de-pluW. v. a. To ftrip of
its feathers.
To DEPONE, de-p6''ne. v. a. To lay down
as a pledge or fecurity ; to rifque upon the fuc-
cefs of an adventure.
DEPONENT, de-po'-ncnt. f. One that de-
pofes his teftimony in a court of juftice ; in
grammar,, fuch verbs as have no active voice
are called deponents.
To DEPOPULATE, dS-p6p'-u-late. v. a. To
unpeople, to lay wafte.
M m m DEPO-
DEPOPULATION, de'-pop-d-U/'-fliun. f.
The act of unpeopling, havock, waftt.
DEPOPULATOR, de-pV-"-la-t^''i- *"• A dil"-
peopler, a deftroyer of mankind.
To DEPORT, dc-p6^rt. \. a. To carry, to
DEPORT, d^-po''rt. f. Demeanour, behaviour.
DEPORTATION, de-p6r-ta'-{hun. f. Tranf-
portation, exile into a remote part of the do-
minion ; exile in general.
DEPORTMENT, de-p6'rt-ment. f. Condiia,
management, demeanour, behaviour.
To £)EPOSE, de-po'ze. v. a. To Ip.y down ;
to degrade from a throne ; to take away, to di-
vefl ; to give teftimony, to atteft.
To DEPOSE, dc-p'^ze. v. n. To bear witntfs.
DEPOSITARY, de-poz'-I-ter-y. f. One with
whom any thing is lodged in truft.
To DEPOSITE, de-p6zMt. v. a. To lay up,
to lodge in any place ; to lay up as a pledge,
or fecurity ; to lay afide.
DEPOSITE, de-p6z''-it. f. Any thing com-
mitted to the trufl: and care of another; a
pledge, a pawn, the Itate of a thing pawned or
DEPOSITION, dep-p6-z!fh'-un. f. The aft
of giving publick teftimony ; the ad of degrad-
ing a prince from fovereignty.
DEPOSITORY, de-p6z'-i-tur-y. f. The place
where any thing is lodged.
DEPRAVATION, dC'-pra-vi'-fhun. f. The
act of making any thing bad ; degeneracy, de-
To DEPRAVE, de-pra\e. v. a. To violate,
to corrupt.
DEPRAVEDNESS, dd-pra'vd-nls. f. Corrup-
tion, taint, vitiated tafte.
DEPRAVEAJENT, dc-pra've-ment. f. A vi-
tiated ibte. ■
DEPRAVER, de-pra'-vur. f. A corrupter.
DEPRAVITY, de-prav'-i-ty. f. Corruption.
To DEPRECATE, dcp'-pre-kate. v, a. To
implore mercy of ; to beg off; to pray deliver-
ance from.
DEPRECATION, dep-pre-ku'-fliun, f. Prayer
.i:Minll evil.
DEPRECATIVE, dep'-pre-ki-tlv. 7
DEPRECATORY, dkp''-pre-kk-tii/-f. 5 ^'
Tliat ferves to deprecate.
To DEPRECIATE, de-pre'-flike. v. a. To
bring a thing down to a lower price ; to under-
I'o DEPREDATE, dep'-pra-date. v. a. To rob,
to pillage ; to fpoil, to devour.
DEPREDATION, dep-pre-di'-fiiin. f. A
robbing, a fpoiling ; voracity, wafte.
DEPREDATOR, ULy-pr5-da-tur. f. A rob-
ber, a devourer.
To DEPREHEND, dcp-pr5-hend'. v. a. To
catch one, to take unawares ; to difcovcr, to
find out a thing. Little ufed.
DEPREHENSIBLE, dep-prl-hen'-slbl. a. That
may be caught ; that may be underftood.
DEPREHENSIBLENESS, dep-pre-hen'-sibl-
nis. f. Capablenefs of being caught ; intelli-
DEPREHENSION, dep-pra-hen'-fliun. f. A
catching or taking unawares ^ a difcovery.
To DEPRESS, de-pres^. v. a. To prefs or
thruftdown; to let fall, to let down; to humble,
to dejeft, to fink.
DEPRESSION, dg-prefti'-un. f. The aft of
preffing down; the finking or falling in of a
furface ; the aO. of humbling, abafement.
DEPRESSOR, de-pr^s'-sur. f. He that keept
or prefles down.
DEPRIVATION, dep-pry-va'-ihun. f. The
aft of depriving or taking away from ; in law,
is when a clergyman, as a bilhop, parfon, vicar,
or prebend is depofed from his preferment.
To DEPRIVE, de-prfve. v. a. To bereave one
of a thing ; to put out of an office.
DEPTH, dep^tR. f. Deepntfs, the meafure of
any thing from the furface downwards ; deep
place, not a fhoal; the abyfs, a gulph of infi-
nite profundity; the middle or height of a fea-
fon ; abftrufenefs, obfcurity.
ToDEPTHEN, dep'-^^^n. v. a. To deepen.
DEPULSION, de-piir-fhin. f. A beating or
thrufting away.
DEPULSORY, dc-pul'-fur-y. a. Putting or
driving away.
To DEPURATE, dep'-u-ratc. v. a. To pu-
rify, to cleanfe.
DEPURATE, dcp^-u-rate. a. CleanfoJ, freed
from dregs; pure, not contaminated.
DEPURATION, dcp-ii-ra'-fliun. f. The act
of feparatiiig the pure from the impure part of
any thing.
To DEPURE, Je-pu're. v. a. To free from
impurities ; to purge.
DEPUTATION, dep-pu-ta'-fhun. f. The
aft of deputing, or fending with a fpecial com-
mlilion ; vicegerency.
To DEPUTE," da-pd'te. v. a. To fend with a
Ipecial commiflion, to impowcr one to tranf-
acl initead of another.
DEPUTY, dep^-pu-ty. f. A lieutenant, a vice-
roy ; any one that tranficls bufmefs for an-
To DEQJJANTITATE, de-kwan'-tl-tate. v. a.
To diminifli the quantity of.
To DERACINATE, dl-ras'-fy-nate. v. a. To
plucic or tear up by the roots.
ToDERA'IGN, ^ ,, r v. a. To prove.
To DERAIN, 5 "^ "^* i to juftify.
DERAY, de-ra'. f. Tumult, diforder, noife.
DERELICTION, dl-rl-llk'-fhim. f. An utter
forfaking or leaving.
To DERIDE, de-rfde. v. a. To laugh at, to
mock, to turn to ridicule.
DERIDER, de-rf-dur. f. A mocker, a fcoffer.
DERISION, de-rlzh'-un. f. The ad of derid-
iijg or laughing at ; contempt, fcorn, a laugh-
DERISIVE, de-ri -siv. a. Mocking, fcofF-
DERISORY, de-ri'-fur-y. a. Mocking, ridi-
DERIVABLE, d^-rfve-abl. a. Attainable by
right of dcfccnt or derivation.
DERIVATION, dh-y-vif-ihun. f. The tra-
cing of a word from its original ; the tracing
of any thing from its fource ; in medicine^ the
drawing of a humour from one part of the body
to another.
DERIVATIVE, de-rlv'-i-tlv. a. Derived or
taken from another.
DERIVATIVE, di-ilv'-k-uv. f. The thing or
word derived or taken from another.
DERIVATIVELY, d^-rlv'-a-tiv-ly. ad. In a
derivative manner.
To DERR'E, de-ri've. v. a. To turn theco\irfe
of any thing ; to deduce from its original; to
conununicate to another, as from the origin
and fource ; in grammar, to trace a word from
its origin.
To DERIVE, de-ri ve. v. n. To come from,
to owe its origin to ; to defcend from.
DERIVER, dc-ri've-ur. f. One that drav/s or
fetches from the original.
DERNIER, dern-ya're. a. Laft.
To DEROGATE, der'-6-gite. v. a. To lefTen
the worth of any perfon or thing, to difparage.
To DEROGATE, der'-6-gate. v. n. To de-
DEROGATE, der'-6-gate. a. Leffened in va-
DEROGATION, der-6-ga'-fhin. f. A difpa-
raging, leffening or taking away the worth of
any perfon or thing.
DEROGATIVE, de-rog'-a-tlv. a. Deroga-
ting, leffening the value.
DEROGATORILY, dC-rog''-a-tur'-y-ly. ad.
In a detracting manner.
DEROGATORINESS, d0-r6g''-a-tur'-y-nis. f.
The aft of derogating.
DEROGATORY, dl-rog'-a-tur-y. a. That
leffens the value of.
DERVIS, der'-vls. f. A Turkifh pricft.
DESCANT, des^-kant. f. A fong or tune ; a ,
difcourfe, a difputation, a difquilition branched
out into feveral divifions or heads.
To DESCANT, def-kant'. v. n. To harangue,
to difcourfe at large.
To DESCEND, de-fend', v. n. To come from
a higher place to a lower ; to come down ; to
come fuddenly, to fall upon as an enemy ; to
make an invafion ; to proceed from an original ;
to fall in order of inheritance to a fucceffor ; to
extend a difcourfe from general to particular
To DESCEND, di-fend'. v, a. To walk down-
ward upon any place.
DESCENDANT, d3-fcn'-dlnt. f. The off-
fpriiig of an anccftor.
DESCENDENT, de-fen'-dent. a. Falling,
finking, coming down ; proceeding from ano-
ther as an original or anceftor.
DESCENDIBLE, dc-fen'-dibl. a. Such as may
be defcended ; tranfmiflible by inheritance.
DESCENSION, d:-fen'-{hun. f. The aft of
falling or finking, defcent ; a declenfion, a de-
DESCENT, da-fent''. f. The act of paffing
from a higher place ; progrefs downwards ; in-
vafion, hoftile entrance into a kingdom ; tranf-
miffion of any thing by fucceflion and inherit-
ance ; the ftate of proceeding from an original
or progenitor; birth, extraflion, procefs of li-
jicagc ; offspring, inheritors ; a fingle ftep in
the fcale of genealogy; a rank in the fcale or
order of being.
To DESCRIBE, d!f-krfbe. v. a. To mark out
any thing by the mention of its properties ; to
delineate, to make out, as a torch waved about
the head defcribes a circle ; to diftribute into
-proper heads or diyjiions ; to define in a lax
DESCRIBER, dlf-krl'-bur. f. He that de-
DESCRIER, d!i-kri'-ur. f. A difcoverer, a
DESCRIPTION, d!f-kriV-ihun. f. The afl
of dcfcribing or making out any perfon or thing
by perceptible properties ; the fentence or paf-
fage in which any thing is defcribed ; a lax de-
finition ; thequalitiesexprefledinadefcription.
To DESCRY, dis-krf . v. a. To fpy out, to
examine at a diftaiice ; to difcover, to perceive
by the eye, to fee any thing diftant or abfent.
DESCRY, dif-krf.'f. Difcovery, thing dif-
covered. Not in ufe.
To DESECRATE, des'-se-krate. v. a. To di-
vert from the purpofe to which any thing is
DESECRATION, def-fc-kri'-fhim. f. The
abolition of confecration.
JDESERT, dez'-ert. f. Wildernefs, v/afle coun-
try, uninhabited place.
DESERT, dcz'-ert. a. Wild, wafte, folitar/*
To DESERT, de-zert'. v. a. Toforfake; to
fall away from, to quit meanly or treacheroufly ;
to leave, to abandon; to quit the army, or re-
giment, in which one is enlifted.
DESERT, de-zert'. f Qualities or co.nduft con-
fidered with refpecl to rewards or punifhments,
degree of merit or demerit j excellence, right ta
reward, virtue.
DESERTER, tie-zer'-tur. f. He that has for-
fakcn his caufe or his poft ; he that leaves the
army in which he is enlifted j he that forfakes
DESERTION, de-zer'-Ihun. f. The afl of
forfaking or abandoning a caufe or poft.
DESERTLESS, de-z«rt'-]is. a. Without merit.
To DESERVE, de-zerv'. v. a. To be worthy
of either good or ill ; to be worthy of reward.
DESERVEDLY, de-zer'-ved-ly. ad. Worthily,
according to defert.
DESERVER, dc-zer -viir. f. A man who me-
rits rewards.
DESICCANTS, de-slk'-kants. f. Applications
that dry up the flow of fores, driers.
To DESICCATE, de-sik'-kate. v. a. Todty up.
DESICCATION, de-sik-kr-fhun. f. The ad
of making dry.
DESICCATIVE, de-sik'-ka-tiv. a. That which
has the power of drj'ing.
To DESIDERATE, de-sld'-e-rate. ,v. a. To
want, to mifs. Not in ufe.
To DESIGN, de-zf ne. v. a. To purpofe ; to
form or order with a particular purpofe ; to de-
vote intentionally ; toplan, toprojeiSl; to mark
DESIGN, de-sfne. f. An intention, a purpofe;
a fcheme, a plan of adion ; a fcheme formed to
the detriment of another ; the idea which an
artift endeavours to execute or exprefs.
DESIGNABLE, de-^i'ne-abL a. Diftinguifh-
able, capable to be particularly marked out.
DESIGNATION, des-slg-na'-fhun. f The aft
of pointing or m.nrking out; appointment, di-
rection ; import, intention.
DESIGNEDLY, de-zl^nc-d-ly. ad. Purpofely,
DESrGNER, dc-zi'-nar. f. A plotter, a con-
triver ; one that forms the idea of any thing in
painting or fculpture.
DESIGNING, de-zi -ning. part. a. Infidious,
treaciierous, deceitful.
DESIGNLESS, de-zi^ne-lls. a. Unknowing,
DESIGNLESSLY, de-zfne-lis-ly. ad. With-
out intention, ignorantly, inadvertently.
DESIGNAIENT, de-zfne-ment. f. A plot, a
malicious intention ; the idea, or fketch of a
~ DESIRABLE, de-zfre-abl. a. Pleafing, de-
lightful ; that which is to be wiflied with ear-
DESIRE, de-zfre. f. Willi, eagernefs to ob-
tain or enjoy.
To DESIRE, de-zfre. v. a. To wifli, to long
for ; to exprefs wifhes, to long ; to afk, to
DESIRER, de-zf-rur. f. One that is eager af-
ter any thing.
DESIROUS, d!-z!^-rus. a. Full of defire,
eager, longing after.
DESIROUSNESS, de-zwuf-nls. f. Fulnefs
of defire.
DESIROUSLY, dc-zfruf-ly. ad. Eagerly, with
To DESIST, de-zift'. v. n. To ceafe from any
thing, to flop.
DESISTANCE, de-zls'-ier.fe. f. The .ad of
defining, ceflation.
DESISTIVE, de-zls'-tlv. a. Ending, con-
DESK, defk'. f. An inclining t;ible for the ufe
of writers or readers.
DESOLATE, des'-so'-late. a. Without inha-
bitants, uninhabited j deprived of inhabitants,
laidwafta; folitary, without fociety.
To DESOLATE, des'-s6-lite. v. a. To de-
prive of inhabitants.
DESOLATELY, des'-s6-lkc-ly. ad. Liade-
folate manner.
DESOLATION, dcf-f6-la'-fliun. f. Deftruc-
tion of inhabitants; gloumiiiefs, melancholy i
a place wafted and forfaken.
DESPAIR, di'f-pi're, f. Hopelcfiicf-,-, d'ofpond-
ence ; that which caufes defpair, that of which
there is no hope ; in theology, lofs of confi-
dence in the mercy of God.
To DESPAIR, d!f-pa're. v, n. To be without
hope, to defpond.
DESPAIRER, dlf-pa'-rur. f. Onewithout hopf.
DESPAIRINGLY, d!f-pl're-Ing-l_{'. ad. In a
manner betpkening hopclefnefs.
To DESPATCH, dlf-patfli'. v. a. To fand
away haftily; to fend out of the world, to put
to death; to perform a bufinefs quickly; t»
conclude an altair with another.
DESPATCH, dif-patfli". f. H.ifty execution ;
exprefs, hally meflenger or mellage.
DESPATCHFUL, dlf-patfli'-fill. a. Bent on
DESPERATE, des'-pc-rct. a. Without hope ;
without care of fafety, rafli ; irretrievable;
mad, hot-brained, furious,
DESPERATELY, des'-p5-ret-ly. ad. Furi-
oufly, madly; in a great degree : this knk ii
DESPERATENESS, des'-pl-rct-nls. f. Mad-
nefs, fury, precipitance.
DESPERATION, def-pe-ra'-Ihim. f. Hopc-
lefnefs, defpair.
DESPICABLE, des'-py-kabl. a. Contempt-
ible, mean, worthlefs.
DESPICABLENESS, des'-py-kabl-n!s. f.Mcan-
ncfs, vilenefs.
DESPICABLY, des'-py-kab-ly. ad. Aleanly,
ford idly.
DESPISABLE, dlf-pi^-zabl. a. Contemptible,
regarded with contempt.
To DESPISE, dlf-pl'ze. v. a. To fcorn, to
DESPISER, dif-pi -zur. f. Contemner, fcorner.
DESPITE, d!f-pfte. f. iMidice, anger, defi,
ance ; ad of malice.
DESPITEFUL, dlf-pfte-fal. a. Malicious,
full of fplcen.
DESPITEFULLY, dif-pi'ti-fdl-y. ad. Mali,
licioufly, malignantly.
DESPITEFULNESS, d!f-pftc-ful-nis. f. Ma-
lice, iiate, malignity.
N n n T»
To DESPOIL, dif-poi'l. V. a. To rob, to dc-
DETENTION, dc-ten'-fiiun. f. The r.a of
keeping what belongs to another ; confinement,
To DETER, dc-te/, v. a. To difcourage from
any thing.
DETERMENT, de-ter'-mJat. f. Caufe of
To DETERGE, dc-tcr je. ^ . a. To cleanfc a
DETERGENT, de-ter'-jent. a. That which
DETERIORATION, de-te'-ry6-ri''-fln'm. f.
The act of making any thing worfe.
DETERMINABLE, dl-ter'-mi-nabl. a. That
which may be certainly decided. ,
DETERMINATE, dl-ter'-ml-net. a. Limited;
eftabliflied ; conclufive; fixed, refolute.
DETERAIINATELY, de-ter'-mi-net-Iy. ad.
Refolutely, with fixed refolve.
DETERMINATION, de-ter-ml-na'-lhiin. f.
Abfolute direction to a certain end ; the refult
of deliberation ; judicial decifion.-
which uncontrollably directs to a certain end >
that which makes a limitation.
DETERMINATOR, dc-ter'-mi-na-tir. f. One
who determines.
To DETERMINE, de-ter'-min. v. a. To fix,
to fettle ; to fix ultimately ; to adjuft, to limit;
to influence the choice ; to refolve ; to decide;
to put an end to, to deftroy.
To DETERMINE, de-tir'-mJn. v. n. To con-
clude ; to end ; to come to a dccifion ; to re-
folve concerning any thing.
DETERRATION, de'-ter-rr'-fhun. f. Dif-
covery of any thing by removal of the earth.
DE TERSION, de-tcr'-fhim. f. The aft of
cleanfing a fere.
DETERSIVE, .dc-ter'-slv. a. Having the power
to cleanfc..
Dl^ TERSIVE, de-tcr'-slv. f. An application
that nas the power of cleanfing wounds.
To DETEST, de-teft'. v. a. To hate, to ab-
DETESTABLE, di-tcs'-tabl. a. Hateful, ab-
DETESTABLY, dc-tcV-tab-fy. ad. Hate-
fully, abciniiwbly,
DETESTATION, da-tef-ta'-fhun. f. Hatred,
abhorrence, abomination.
DETESTER, dc-tcs'-tir. f. One that hates.
To DETHRONE, de-ttiro'ne. v. a. To divcft
of regality, to throw down from the throne.
DETINUE, d5-th/-u. f. A writ that lies
againft him, who, having goods or chattels de-
livered him to keep, refufes to deliver thciiv
DETONATION, de-to-n^L^-fhun. f. Some^
what more forcible than the ordijiary crackling
of falts in calcination, as in the going oft" of
the pulvis or aurum fulminans, or the like.
To DETONIZE, d^'-to-nize. v. a. To cal-
cine with detonation.
To DETORT, de-tort', v. a. To wreft from
the original import.
To DETRACT, de-trak't. v. a. To derogate,
to take av/ay by envy and calumny.
DETRACTER, de-trak'-tur. f. One that takes
away another's reputation.
DETRACTION, de-trak'-fhun. f. The a*
of taking off from any thing; fcandal, ca-
DETRACTORY, da-trak'-t'ir-y. a. Defa-
matory by denial of defert, derogatory.
DETRAC'tRESS, de-trak'-tres. f. A-cenf)-
rious woman.
DETRIMENT, det'-trj-mcnt. f. Lofs, da-
mage, mifchief.
DETRIMENTAL, det-try-men'-tul. a. Mif-
chievous, harmful, caufing Iof>.
To DETRUDE, de-tro'de. v. a. To thruH
down, to force into a lower place.
To DETRUNCATE, dc-trunk'-dte. v. a. To
lop, to cut, to fhiutttn. ^
DETRUN CATION, d-i-trunk-a'-Jhuri. f. The-
ait of lopping. -
DE TRUSlON, de tro'-zhin. f. The ad of
thrufling down.
DEVAij rATlON,,de-vaf-ta'-flii!in. f. Waftc,
DEUCE, '■ :'r . f. Two.
ToJEVeL^FE, dc-vel'-up. v. a. To diC
D E ^V
engage from fomcthing that enfolds and con-
ceals. '
DEVERGENCE, de-ve/-jens. f. Declivity,
To DEVEST, de-veft'. v. a. To ftrip, to de-
prive of cloaths ; to take away any thing good ;
to free from any thing bad.
DEVEX, de-veks'. a. Bending down, decli-
DEVEXITY, de-vek'-sl-ty. f. Incurvation,
To DEVIATE, de'-vyatc v. n. To wander
from the right or common vvaj ; to go aflray,
to err, to firu
DEVIATION, d^-vy-V-fhun. f. " The a^ of
quitting the right way, error ; variation from
ellabliflied rule; ofFence, obliquity of conducl.
DEVICE, de-vffe. f. A contrivance, a Iha-
.tagem ; a defign, a fcheme formed ; the em-
blem on a fhield ; invention, genius.
DEVIL, dev''l. f. A fallen angel, the tempter
and fpiritual enemy o/ mankind; a wicked man
or woman.
DEVILISH, dev'1-Ifh. a. Partaking of the
qualities of the devil ; an epithet of abhorrence
or contempt.
DEVILISHLY, dev'l-Ifh-ly. ad. In a manner
fuiting the devil.
DEVIOUS, de'-vyus. a. Out of the common
track ; wandering, roving, rambling ; erring,
going aftray from redtitude.
To DEVISE, de-vrze. v, a. To contrive, to
invent ; to grant by will.
To DEVISE, de-vi'ze. v. n. To confidcr, to
DEVISE, de-vfze. f. The ad of givingor be-
queathing by will.
DEVISE, de-vi'fe. f. Contrivance.
DEVISER, de-vi -zur. f. A contriver, aji in-
DEVITABLE, dev'-i-tabl. a. Poflible to be
DEVlTAlTON, de-v:-tu'-fhun. f. The ad of
DEVOID, de-voi'd. a. Empty, vacant ; with-
out an. ihin^j wlieth.r good or evil.
DEVOIR, de-voi^r. f. Service; aiEl oi civility
or obfoquioufnefs.
To DEVOLVE, de-v6lv'. v. a. To roll down;
to move from one hand to another.
To DEVOLVE, da-volv-. v. n. Toflill in fuc-
ceffion into new hands.
DEVOLUTION, dl-vo-Ur-lhun. f. The a^
of rolling down ; removal from hand to hand.
To DEVOTE, de-\6'te. v. a. To dedicate, to
■confecrate; to addict, to give up to ill ; tocurfe;
to execrate.
DEVOTEDNESS, de-v6'-ted-nis. f. The ftaie
of being devoted or dedicated.
DEVOTEE, dev-v6-te'. f. One erroneoufly or
fuperllitioufiy religious, a bigot.
DEVOTION, de-v6'-fhun. f. Piety, acts of
religion ; an aft of external worfiiip ; prayer,
expreffion of devotion ; the ftate of the mind
under a ftrong fenfe of dependence upon God ;
an aft of reverence, refpeft, or ceremony ;
ftrong afFeftion, ardent love ; difpofal, power.
DEVOTIONAL, dl-vo'-lhO-aal. a. Pertaiiir
ing to devotion.
DEVOTIONALIST, de-vd'-fho-na-llit. f. 4
man zealQus without knowledge.
To DEVOL^R, de-vou'r. v. a. To eat up ra-
venoufly ; to deftroy or confume with rapidity
and violence ; to fwallow up, to annihilate.
DEVOURER, de-vou'-rur. f. A confumer, he
that devours.
DEVOUT, de-vou't. a. Pious, religious, de-
voted to holy duties; filled with pious thoughts;
expreflive of devotion or piety.
DEVOUTLY, de-vou't-ly. ad. Pioufly, with
ardent devotion, religioufly.
DEUSE, du'fc. f. The devU.
DEUTEROGAMY, dJ-tcr-6g'-a-my. f. A fe-
cond marriajre.
DEUTERONOMY, du-ter-6n'-6-my. f. Th«
fecond book of the law, being the fifth book
of Mofes.
DEW, du'. f. The moifture upon the ground.
To DEW, du'. v. a. To wet as with dew, to
DEWBERRY, dd'-ber-ry. f. The fruit of a
fpecies of bramble.
DEWBESPRENT,di'-bc-fprent". part. Sprin-
kled with dew.
DEWDROP, du'-drop. f. A drop of dew which
fparklcs at fun-rife.
DEWLAP, du'-lap. f. The fiefh that hangs
down from the throat of oxen.
DEWLAPT, -du'-lapt. a. Furniflicd with dew-
DEWWORM, da'-wu:m. f. A worm found
in dew.
DEWY, du'-y. a. Rtfembiing dew, partaking
of dew ; moift with dew.
DEXTER, deks'-ter. a. The right, not the
DEXTERITY, dekf-ter'-!-ty. f. Readinefs of
limbs, aftivity, readinefs to obtain fkil! ; readi-
nefs of contrivance.
DEXTEROUS, deks'-te-rus. a. Expert at any
manual employment, active, ready ; expert in
management, fubtle, full of expedients.
DEXTEROUSLY, deks'-t^-ruf-ly. ad. Ex-
pertly, fkilfully, artfully,
DEXTRAL, deks'-tral. a. The right, not the
DEXTRALITY, dekf-tral'-I-ty. f. The ftate
of being on the right fide.
DIABETES, di-a-be'-tis. f. A morbid copiouf-
nefs of urine.
DIABOLICAL, dI-a-b6l'-!-kil.T a. Devililh,
DIABOLICK, di-d-bil'-!k. i partaking of
the qualities of the devil.
DIACODIUM, di-a-ko^-dyum. f. The fyrup
of poppies.
DI ACOUSTICS, di-a-kou-'f-uks. f. The doc-
trine of founds.
DIADEM, di^-a-dem. f. A tiara, an enfign of
royalty bound about the head of eaitern mo-
narchs ; the mark of royalty worn on the head,
the crown.
DIADEMED, d^-a-demd. a. Adorned v/ith a
DIADROM, di'-a-drom. f. The time in which
any motion is performed.
DLT-RESIS, dl-e'-re-bi's. f. The reparation or
disjunction cf fyllables.
T)IAGN0STICK, di-ag-nos'-tl:<. f. A fymn-
tom by which a difcafe is di/linguiflied from
others. *
DIAGONAL, di-ag'-6-nal. a. Reaching from
one angle to another.
DIAGONAL, di-ig'-a-nil. f. A line drawn
from angle to angle.
DIAGONALLY," dr-p.g'-5-na]-y. ad. In a di-
agonal direction.
DIAGRAM, df-:\-gram. f. A delineation of
geometrical figures, a mathematical fcheme.
DIAL, dl -al. f. A plate marked with lines,
where a hand or fhadow {hews the hour.
DIAL-PLATE, df-al-plate. f. That on which
hours or lines are marked.
DIALECT, dr-a-lekt. f. The fubdivifion of a
language ; frile, manner of expreffion ; language,
DIALECTICAL, di-a-kV-tl-kal. a. Logical,
DIALECTICK, di-a-lek'-tlk. f. Logick, the
art of reafoning.
DIALING, di'-al-ling. f. The art of making
dials ; the knowledge of fhadows.
DIALIST, dr-al-lift. f. A conftrufterof dials.
DIALOGIST, dl-al'-l6-jlft. f. A fpeaker in a
dialogue or conference.
DIALOGUE, df-a-log. f. A conference, a
converfation between two or more.
DIALISIS, di-al'-l-sls. f. The figure in rhe-
torick by which fyllables or words are divided.
DIAMETER, di-W-e-tur. f. The line which,
pnffing through the center of a circle, or other
curvilinear figure, divides it into equal parts.
DIAMETRAL, di-am'-me-tral. a. Defcribing
the diameter.
DIAMETRALLY, d!-am'-ml-tral-y. ad. Ac-
cording to the direflion of a diameter.
DIAMETRICAL, dUm-mef'-tri-ku!. a. De-
fcribing a diameter j obferving the diiedlon of
a diameter.
DIAMETRICALLY, dt-a-mct'-tri-k^l-^. ad.
In a diametrical diredtion ; directly.
DIAMOND, di'-mund. f. The moft valuable
and hardelt of all the gems.
DIAPASON, di-a-piZ-zon. f. A term in mu-
fick ; an octave, the molt perfect concord.
DIAPER, di^-;\-pur. f. Linen cloth woven in
figures ; a napkifi.
To DIAPER, df-a-pur. v. a. To variegate,
to diveifify ; to draw flowers upon cldaihs.
DIAPHANEITY, di-a-fa-ne''-i-ry. f. Tranf-
parency, pcllucidnefs.
DIAPHANICK, di-a-fan'-ik. a. Tranfparent,
DIAPHANOUS, di-af'-fa-nis. a. Tranfpa-
rent, clear.
DIAPHORETICK, di-i-f6-rct'-llc. a. Sudo-
rifick, promoting a pcrfpiration.
DIAPHRAGM, df-a-fram. f. The midrif?
which divides the upper cavity of the body from
the lower ; any divifion or partition which di-
vides a hollow body.
DIARRHOEA, di-^r-re'-a. f. A flux of the
DIARRHOE71CK, di-ar-ret'-lk. a. Promoting
the flux of the belly, folutive, purgative.
DIARY, di -a-ry. f. An account of every day,
a journal.
DIASTOLE, di-as'-to-le. f. A figure in rhe-
torick, by which a fhort fyllable is made long ;
the dilatation of the heart.
DIATESSERON, d!-a-tcs'-se-ron. f. An in-
terval in mufick.
DIBBLE, dVl. f- A fmall fpade.
DICACITY, di-kas'-si-ty. f. Pertnefs, fau-
DIBSTONE, dlb'-fldne. f. A little flone which
children throw at another flone.
DICE, dlTe. f. The plural of Die. See DIE.
DICE-BOX, dffe-boks. f. Tne box from
whence the dice are thrown.
DICER, df-fur. f. A player at dice, a gamefter.
To DICTATE, dlk'-iate. v. a. To deliver to
another with authority.
DICTATE, dik'-tate. f. Rule or maxim de-
livered with authority.
DICTATION, dik-ta'-fliin. f. The act or
praclica of dictating.
DICTATOR, dlk-tu'-tor. f. A magillrate of
Rome made in times of exigence, and inveflcd
with abfoliite authority ; one invefted witli ab-
folutc authority ; one whofe credit or authority
enables him to direiSt the cor.da£l: or opinion of
DICTATORIAL, dlk-ta-to'-ryal. a. Autho-
ritative, confident, dogmatical.
DICTATORSHIP, dik-ta'-tur-fhlp. f. Tlic
office of a dictator; authority, infolent con-
DICTATURE, dlk-ta'-tfliir. f. Thepfficeof
a didtator.
DICTION, dlk'-fhun. f. Stile, language, ex-
DICTIONARY, dlk'-fliO-ner-y. f. A book
containing the words of any language, a vo-
cabulary, a word-book.
DID, did'. The preterite of Do ; the ftgn of
the prctcr-imperfe£t tcnfe.
DIDACTICAL, dUik'-t!-kal. l a. Precep-
DIDACTICK, di-dak'-tlk. i tive, giving
DIDAPPER, di'-dap-pur. f. A bird that dives
into the water.
DIDASCALICK, di-das'-ka-llk. a. Precep-
tive, didadlick.
DIDST, did'll. The fecond perfon of the pretcr
tenfeofDo. See DID.
To DIE, dy'. V. a. To tinge, to colour.
DIE, dy'. f. Colour, tincture, flain, hue ac-
To DIE, dy^ y. n. To lofe life, to expire, to
pafs into another ftate of exiltence ; to perilh,
to come to nothing j in theology, to perifh
everlaflingly ; to languifh with pleafure or ten-
dernefs; to wither as a vegetable} to grow va-
pid, as liquor.
DIE, df. f. pi. DICE, diTc. A fmall cube,
marked on its faces wich numbers from or.e to
fix, which gameflers throw in play; hazard,
chance ; any cubick body.
DIE, df . f. pi. DIES, di'ze. The ftamp ufed
in coinage.
DIER, dy'-ur. f. One who follows the trade
of dying.
DIET, df-et. f. Food, vi<5tuals ; food regu-
lated by the rules of medicine.
To DIET, di^-it. v. a. To give food to ; to
board, to fupply with diet.
To DIET, di'-et. V. n. To cat by rules of phy-
fick ; to cat, to feed.
DIET, di''-et. f. An aflembly of princes or
DIET-DRINK, di'-ct-drlnk. f. Medicated li-
DIETARY, df-ct-ti-ry. a. Pertaining to the
rules of diet.
DIETER, di'-it-tur. f. One who prefcribes
rules for eating.
DIETETICAL, di-e-tet'-i-kal. ?f. Relating to
DIETETICK, di-l-tet'-Ik. ^ diet, belong-
ing to the medicinal cautions about the ufe of
To DIFFER, d!f^-fur. v. n. To be diftinguifiied
from, to have properties and qualities not the
fame with thofe of another; to contend, to he
at variance ; to be of a contrary opinion.
DIFFERENCE, dlf^-fC-renfe. f. State of be-
ing diilindt from fomething ; the quality by
which one differs from another; the difpro-
portion between one thing and another ; dis-
pute, debate, quarrel ; diftindlion ; point in
queftion, ground of contfoverfy ; a logical dif-
DIFFERENT, dif'-fc-rent. a. Diftindl, not
the fame ; of many contrary qualities; unlike,
DIFFERENTLY, d!f'-fe-rent-ly. ad. In a dif-
ferent manner.
DIFFICIL, dlf'-fl-sll. a. Difficult, hard, not
eafy ; fcrupulous. Not in ufe.
DIFFICULT, dlf'-f i-kult. a. Hard, not eafy ;
Hard I',
troublefome, vexatious
DIFFICULTLY, dif'-fi-kult-ly.
with difficulty.
DIFFICULTY, d!f'-fl-kul-ty. f. Hardnef?,
contrariety to eafmefs ; that which is hard to
accompliih; diftrefs, oppofition ; perplexity in
affairs ; objection, cavil.
.ToDIFFIDE, dif-frdc. v. n. To diftruft, to
have no confidence in.
DIFFIDENCE, dif'-f'-d'nfe. f. DiAruft, want
of confidence.
DIFFIDENT, dlf-fl-dcnt. a. Not confident,
not certain.
To DIFFIND, dlf-flnd'. v. a. To cleave in
DIFFISSION, dif-flfl/-un. f. The ad of
DIFFLATION, dlf-fla'-fhin. f. The acl of
fcattering with a blafl: of wind.
DIFFLUENCE, dif'-fid-^nfc. ; f. Thequa-
DIFFLUENCY, d!f '-flu-en-fy. i lity of tailing
away on all fides.
DIFFLUENT, dlf'-flu-cnt. a. Flowing every
way, not fixed.
DIFFORM, dif'-form. a. Contrary to uni-
form, having parts of different ftrudure, as a
difform flower, one, of v.fhich the leaves are un-
like each other.
DIFFORMITY, dlf-fi'r-ml-ty. f. Diverfity
of form, irregularity, diffimilitude.
To DIFFUSE, dif-fi/ze. v. a. To pour out
upon a plane; to fpread, to fcatter.
DIFFUSE, dif-fi/fe. a. Scattered, widely fpread ;
copious, not concife.
DIFFUSED, dlf-fii'zd. part. a. Wild, uncouth,
DIFFUSEDLY, d!f-fi'/zd-ly. ad. Widely, dif-
DIFFUSEDNESS, dlf-fu'zd-nls. f. Thel^ate.
of being difFufed, difperfion.
DIFFUSELY, dIf-fuTc-ly. ad. Widely, ex-
tenfively ; copioufly,
DIFFUSION, dif-fl'-zhun. f. Difperfion, the
ftate of being fcattered every way ; copioufnefs,
exuberance of ftile.
DIFFUSIVE, dif-fu'-siv. a. Having the qua-
lity of fcattering any thing every way; fcat-
tered, difperfed ; extended, in full extenfion.
DIFFUSIVELY, dlf-fii'-slv-ly. ad. "Widely,
DIFFUSIVENESS, d!f-fu'-siv-nls. f. Exten-
fion, difperfion; want of concifenefs.
To DIG, dig'. V. a. preter. Dug or Digged,
part, pair. Dug or Digged. To pierce with a
fpade; to cultivate tlie ground by turning it
with a fpadt; to pierce with a fnarp point.
To DING, ding', v. a. TodafIiwithvioler.ee;
to imprefs with force. , . ,
To DING, ding', v. n. To bluflcr, to bounce,
to huiF.
DING-DONG, ding-dong', f; A word by which
the found of bells is imitated.
DINGLE, ding'l. (. A hollow between hills.
DINING-ROOM, dl'-ning-r3m. f. The prin-
cipal apartment, of the houfe.
DINNER.,. dli/.-Wr-. A . .Th? chief, meal, the
meal eaten about the middle of the day.
DINNE5.tTIMEj din -nur-time. f. The time
of dining.
DINTj diiit'. L. A blow, a ftro.ke ; the mark
made by a blow ; violence, force, power.
To DINT, dint', .v.. a. Taujark with a cavity
by a blow.
DINUMERATION, df-nd-me-ra'-fliun. f. The
acl of numbering out fmgly.
DIOCESAN, di-os'-se-san. f. A bifliop as he
flands related to his own clergy or flock.
DIOCESS, df-o-sis. f. The circuit of every
bifhop's jurifdiction.
DIOPTRICAL, di-6p'-ti!-kal. 7 f. Affording a
DIOPTRICK, di-op'-trik. 5 medium for
the fight, aflifting the fight in the view of dif-
tant objefts.
DIOPTRICKS, di-6p'-triks. f. A part of op-
ticks, treating of the different refradlions of the
DIORTHROSIS-, di-or-tlTro'-sIs. f. An ope-
ration by which crooked niembers are made
To DIP, dip . V. a. To immerge, to put into
any liquor J to moiften, to wet; to engage in
any affair ; to engage as a pledge.
To DIP, dtp'. V. n. To immerge ; to pierce ;
to enter flightly into any thing ; to drop by
chance into any mafs, to chufe by chance.
DIPCHICK, dip'-tftiik. f. The name of a bird.
DIS ANIMATION, dlf-an-y-mi'-fliun. f. Pri-
vation of life.
To DISANNUL, dlf-an-nul'. v. a. To annul,
to deprive of authority, to vacate.
DISANNUL?.iENT, dif-an-nul'-ment. f. The
aft of making void.
To DISAPPEAR, dif-ap-piV v. n. To be loft
to view, to vanifli out of fight.
To DISAPPOINT, dif-ap-poi'nt. v. a. To de-
feat of expedation, to balk.
DISAPPOINTMENT, dlf-ap-poi'nt-ment. f.
Defeat of hopes, mifcarriage of expectations.
DISAPPROBATION, dll-ap-pro-ba'-fliun. f.
Cenfure, condemnation.
To DISAPPROVE, d!f-ap-pri'v. v. a. To
diflilie, to cenfure.
To DISARM, diz-a'rm. v. a. To fpoil or di-
vert of arms.
To DISARRAY, dlf-ar-ri'. v. a. To imdrefs
any one.
DISARRAY, dll'-ar-rf. f. Diforder, confu-
fion ; undrefs.
DISASTER, dlz-as'-tur. f. The blaft or ftroke
of an unfavourable planet ; misfortune, grief,
mifliap, mifery.
To DISASTER, dlz-as'-tur. v. a. To blafc
by an unfavourable ftar ; to" afflift, to mifchief.
DISASTROUS, diz-as'-trus. a. Unlucky;
unhappy, calamitous ; gloomy, threatning mif-
DISASTROUSLY, dlz-as'-trui"-ly. ad. In a
difmal manner.
DISASTROUSNESS, diz-as'-truf-nls. f. Un-
luckinefs, unfortunatenefs.
ToDISAVOUCH, dif-a-vou'tfn. v. a. Tore-
trad profeffion, to difown.
To DISAVOW, dlf-a-vow'. v. a. To difown,
to deny knowledge of.
DISAVOWAL, dlf-a-vow'-al. f. Denial.
DISAVOWMENT, dif-a-vow'-ment. f. De-
To DISAUTHORISE, dif-a'-tfi6-rize. v. a. To
deprive of credit or authority.
To DISBAND, dif-bind'. v. a. To difmifs
from military fcrvice.
To DISBAND, dlf-band'. v. n. To retire from
military fervice ; to feparate.
ToDISBARK, dif-ba'rk. v. a. To land from
a fliip.
DISBELIEF, dif-ba-irf. f. Refufa! of credit,
denial of belief.
To DISBELIEVE, dlf-ba-lSV. v. a. Not to
credit, not to hold true.
DISBELIEVER, dlf-bi-ll'-vur. f. One who
refufes belief.
To DISBENCH, dlf-bentfh'. v. a. To drive
from a feat.
To DISBRANCH, dlf-brAntfh'. v, a. To fe-
parate or break ofF.
Tt) DISBUD, d!f-bud'. v. a. To take away
the fprigs newly put forth.
To DISBURDEN, dif-bur'-dm. v. a. To un-
load, to difencumber ; to throw off a burden.
To DISBURDEN, d!f-bur'-din. v. n. To eafe
the mind.
To DISBURSE, tlif-.bur'fe. v. a. To fpend or
lay out money.
DISBURSEMENT, dif-burs'-ment. f. A dif-
burfing or laying out.
DISBURSER, dif-biir'-fur. f. One that dif-
DISCALCEATED, dlf-kal'-fl-l-tld. ?. Strip-
ped of Ihoes.
DISCALCEATION, dif-kal-fe-a'-fhin. f. The
a6l of pulling oft" the faces.
To DISCANDY, dif-kan'-dy. v. n. To dif-
folve, to melt.
To DISCARD, d!f-ka'rd. v. a. To throw out
of the hand fuch cards as are ufelefs ; to dif-
charge or ejeft from fervice or employment.
DISCARNATE, dlf-ka'r-nate. a. Stripped of
ToDISCASE, dif-ka'fe. v. a. To ftrip, to un-
To DISCERN, diz-zern^ v. a. To defcry, to
fee; to judge, to have knowledge of ; to diftin-
guifh ; to make the difference between.
To DISCERN, dlz-ztrn'. v. n. To make dif-
DISCERNER, diz-zer'-nir. f. Difcoverer, he
■ that
that dcfciies ; judge, one that has the power of
DISCERNIBLE, dlz-ze/-nlbl. a. Difcovcr-
able, perceptible, diftinguifhable, apparent.
DISCERNIBLENESS, dlz-zer'-nlbl-n!?. f.
DISCERNIBLY, dls-zer'-nib-ly. ad. Per-
ceptibly, apparently.
DISCERNING, diz-zer'-n!ng. part. a. Judi-
cious, knowing.
DISCERNINGLY, diz-zer'-nmg-ly. ad. Ju-
diciouflv, rationally, acutely.
DISCERNMENT, dlz-zern'-ment. f. Judg-
ment, power of diftinguifliiBg.
To DISCERP, d!f-ferp'. v. a. To tear in
DISCERPIBLE, d!f-fer'-p!b!. a. Frangible,
DJSCERPIBILITY, dlf-fer-py-bll'-l-ty. f. Li-
ablenefs to be defl:royed"by difunion of parts.
DISCERPTION, dif-ferp'-Ihun. f. The aft
of pulling to pieces.
To DISCHARGE, dif-tfha'rje. v. a. To dif-
burden ; to difemhark ; to give vent to any
thing, to let fly ; to let ofF a gun ; to clear a
debt by payment ; to fet free from obligation ;
to abfolve ; to perform, to execute ; to put
away, to obliterate ; to divert of any office or
employment; to difmifs, to releafe.
To DISCHARGE, dlf-tfha'rje. v. n. To dif-
mifs itfelf, to break up.
DISCHARGE, dlf-tflia'rje. f. Vent, explofion,
emifllon ; matter vented ; difmiffion from an
office ; releafe from an obligation or penalty ;
performance, execution ; an acquittance from
r. debt.
DISCHARGER, d!f-t(h;/r-jur. f. Hethatdif-
charges in any maiintr ; he that fires a
DISCINCT, d!s-s!nkt'. a. Ungirded, loofely
To DISCIND, dls-slnd'. v. a. To divide, to
cut in pieces.
DJSCIPLE, dis-si'pl. f. A fcholar.
DfSCIPLESHIP, dls-ifpl-fhlp. f. The ftate
^ or .funiSion of a ddllplc.
DISCIPLINABLE, diV-sy-pIIn-ebl. a. Capable
of inftrudlion.
DISCIPLINADLENESS, dis'-sy-plln-cbl-nls.
f. Capacity of inftruclion.
DISCIPLINARIAN, d!f-fy-plin-u'-ryan. a.
Pertaining to difcipline,
DISCIPLINARIAN, dlf-fy-pl!n-a'-ryan. f.
One \vho rules or teaches with great ftridnefs ;
a follower of the prefbyterian fcA, fo called
from their clamour about difcipline.
DISCIPLINARY, dls'-fy-plln-er-ry. a. Per-
taining to difcipline.
DISCIPLINE, diV-fy-pl!n. f. Education, in-
ftruftion ; rule of government, order; mili-
tary regulation ; a ftateof fubjedion; chaftife-
ment, corredtion.
To DISCIPLINE, dis'-fy-plin. v. a. Toedu-
cate, to inftruc weight or
DISCURSIVE, d'f-kur^-MV. a. Moving here
and there, roving; proceeding by regular gra-
. dation from premifes to confequences.
DISCURSIVELY, dlf-kur'-slv-ly. ad. By
• due gradation of argument.
DISCURSORY, dif-kiir'-lur-y. a. Argument.iL
DISCUS, dis'-kus. f. A quoit.
To DISCUSS, dif-kus^. v. a. To examine; to
: diiperfe any humour or fwelling.
DISCUSSER, dlf-kis'-siir. f. He that difcufTes.
DISCUS.SION, -dlf-kus'-iliin. f. Difquifition,
DISCUSSIVE, dif-kus'-slv. a. Having the
power to difcufs.
DISCUTIENT, d!f-ku'-fhent. f. A medicine
that has power to repel.
To DISDAIN, dif-da'ne. v. a. To fcorn, to
confider as unworthy of one's charader.
DISDAIN, dlf-da^ne. f. Scorn, contemptuous
■DISDAINFUL, d!f-di'ne-fdl. a. Haughtily,
fcornful, indignant.
■DISDAINFULLY, dif-d^'ne-fal-y. ad. V/ith
haughty fcorn.
DISDAINFULNESS, dif-da'ne-fal-nis. f.
haughty fcorn.
DISEASE, diz-c'z. f. Diflemper, malady, fick-
To DISEASE, diz-e'z. V. a. To afflift with
-difeafe, to torment with fickneis ; to pain, to
make uneafy.
DISEASEDNESS, diz-e'-z«l-n!s. f. ^icknefs,
DISEDGED, di'f-^dzhd'. a. Blunted, dulled,
^o DISEMBARK, dif-lm-ba'rk. v. a. To carry
to land.
To DISEMBARK, dlf-Im-ba'rk. v. n. To land,
to go on land.
To DISEMBITTER, dif-Im-blt'-tiV. v. a. To
fweeten, to free from bitternefs.
X>ISEMBODIED, dlf-lm-bid'-yi a. Divefled
£){ their bodies.
To DISEMBOGUE, dif-lm-bo'g. v. a. To
pour out at the mouth of a river.
To DISEIJBOGUE, dIf-!m-bo'g. v. n. T»
gain a vent, to flow.
DISEMBOWELLED, d!f-im-bow'-lld. part. a.
Tak-cn from out the bowels.
To DISEMBROIL, d!f-Im-broi'l. v. a. To dif-
entanglc, to free from perplexity.
To DISENABLE, dlf-ln-^'bl. v. a. To de-
prive of power.
To DISENCHANT, d!f-in-tfhant'. v. a. To
free from the force of an enchantment.
To DISENCUMBER, d!f-!n-kum'-bur. v. a.
To discharge from incumbrances, to difbur-
den ; to free from obftruilion of any kind.
DISENCUMBRANCE, dif-ln-kum'-brans. f.
Freedom from incumbrance.
To DISENGAGE, dlf-m-ga^e. v. a. To fc-
parate from any thing with with which it is in
union ; to difcntanglt, to clear from impedi-
m.ents or difficulties ; to free from any thing
that powerfully fcizes the attention.
To DISENGAGE, dif-ln-gi'je. v. n. To fet
one's felf free from.
DISENGAGED, di'f-In-gu'jd. part. a. Vacant,
at leifare.
DISENGAGEDNESS, dif-In-g^jd-nls. f. The
quality of being difengaged, vacuity of at-
DISENGAGEMENT, dif-in-ga'je-ment. f.
Releafe from any engagement or obligation;
freedom of attention, vacancy.
To DISENTANGLE, d!f-m-tang'-gl. v. a. To
fet free from impediments, to clear from per-
plexity or difficulty ; to unfold the parts of any
thing interwoven ; to difengage, to feparate.
To DISENTERRE, dlf-in-ter^ v. a. Toun-
To DISENTHRAL, dlf-ln-ttTra'l. v. a. To
fet free, to reftore to liberty, to refcue from
To DISENTHRONE, dlf-In-tfirO'ne. v. a. To
dcpofe from fovereignty.
To DISENTRANCE, dlf-!n-tran'fe. v. a. To
aw.ilccn from a trance, or deep fleep.
To DISESPOUSE, dif-ef-pou'z. v. a. To fe-
parate after faith plighted.
DISESTEEM, d!f-cf-tcm. f. Slijht rfiflik-.
ToDISESTEEM, dlf-ei-tc'm. v. a. To night,
to diflike.
DISESTIMATION, dif-ef-ty-ma'-fhun. f. Dif-
refpedl, difefteem.
DISFAVOUR, d!f-fa'-vur. f. Difcountenance;
a ftate of ungracioufnefs, or unacceptablciicfs ;
want of beauty.
To DISFAVOUR, dif-fA'-vur. v. a. To dif-
countenance, to withhold or withdraw kind-
DISFIGURATION, d!f-f ig-u-ra'-fhun. f. The
act of disfiguring ; the ftate of being disfigured ;
To DISFIGURE, d!f-f Ig'-ure. v. a, To change
any thing to a worfs form, to deform, to
DISFIGUREMENT, dif-fig'-ilre-ment. f. De-
facement of beauty, change of a better form to
a worfe.
DISFOREST, dif-for'-nft. v. a. To reduce
land from the privileges of a foreft to the ftate
of common land.
To DISFRANCHISE, dIf-frAn'-tfluz. v. a. To
deprive of privileges or immunities.
f. The a£i of depriving of privileges.
To DISFURNI3H, dlf-fur'-nlfh. v. a. To un-
furnift, to ftrip.
To DISGARNISH, dif-ga'r-nlfh. v. a. To
ftrip of ornaments ; to take guns from a fortrefs.
To DISGLORIFY, dlf-glo'-rj'-fy. v. a. To
deprive of glory, to treat with indignity.
To DISGORGE, dlf-gd'rje. v. a. To difcharge
by the mouth ; to pour out with violence.
DISGRACE, dif-grafe. f. Shame, ignominy,
difhonour ; ftate of difhonour ; ftate of being
out of favour.
To DISGRACE, dlf-griTe. v. a. To bring a
reproach upon, to difiionour ; to put out of
DISGRACEFUL, d[f-grrfc-fu!. a. Shameful,
DISGRACEFULLY, d!f-grii'fc-fal-^. ad. In
difgrace, with indignity, ignominioufly.
DISGRACEFULNESS, dlf-pra'fc-fo!-n'?. f.
DISGRACER, dJf-gra'-fur. f. One that cx-
pofcs to ftiamc.
DISGRACIOUS, dif-gra'-ftius. a. Unkind,
To DISGUISE, dlf-gyfze. v. a. To conceal
by an unufual drefs ; to hide by a counterfeit
appearance; to disfigure, to change the form;
to deform by liquor.
DISGUISE, dif-gyfzc. f. A drcfs contrived to
conceal the perfon that vv'ears it ; a counterfeit
DISGUISEMENT, dlr.gyfze-m 'at. f. Drefs
of concealment,
DISGUISER, dlf-gyf-zur. f. One that puts
on a difguife ; one that conceals another by
a difguife. one that disfigures.
DISGUST, dif-guft'. f. Averfion of the pa<
late from any thing ; ill-humour, malevolence,
offence conceived.
To DISGUST, d!f gift", v. a. To raJfe aver-
fion in the ftomach, to diftafte ; to ftrike with
diflike, to offend ; to produce averfion.
DISGUSTFUL, dif-guft'-ful. a. Naufeous.
DISH, din/, f. A broad wide veffd, in which
folid food is fervcd up at the table ; a deep
hollow veffel for liquid food ; the meat ferved
in a diih, any particular kind of food.
To DISH, difti^ v. a.. To ferve in a difti.
DISH-CLOUT, dhV-klout. f. The cloth with
which the maids rub their difties.
DISH-WASHER, d!fli'-w6fti-ur. f. Thcnnmc
of a bird.
DISHABILLE, d!f-hl-bc'l. f. Undrefs, kofe
To DISHABIT, dlf-hab'-It. v. a. To throw
out of place.
To DISHEARTEN, dif-ha'rtn. v. a. To dif-
courage, to dejeft, to terrify.
DISHERISON, dif-hcr'-i-zun. f. The aift of
debarring from inheritance.
To DISHERIT, d!f-hcr'-it. v. a. To cut off
from hereditary fucccflion.
To DISHEVEL, dif-fticv^l. v. a. To fprcaJ
the hair difordcrly.
DISHONEST, d!z-cV-!ft. a. Void of pro-
i'itv, void of faith ; difgraccful, ignominious.
R r r DISHO-
P I s
DISHONESTLY, diz-on'-ift-ljr. ad. Without
faith, without probity ; unchaflely.
DISHONESTY, dlz-on'-nif-ty. f. Want of
probity, faithleflnefs ; unchaftity.
DISHONOUR, diz-ci/-nur. f. Reproach,
difgrace, ignominy ; reproach uttered, cen-
To DISHONOUR, dlz-6n'-nur. v. a. Todif-
grace, to bring fhame upon, to blaft with in-
famy ; to violate chaftity ; to treat with in-
DISHONOURABLE, dlz-on'-nur-abL a.
Shameful, reproachful, ignominious.
DISHONOURER, diz-cn%ur-ur. f. One
that treats another with indignity ; a violator
of chaftity.
To DISHORN, dlf-ha'rn. v. a. To ftrip of
DISHUMOUR, dif-u'-mur. f. Peevifhnefs,
DISIMPROVEMENT, dIf-Im-proVment. f.
Reduftion from a better to a worfe ftate.
To DISINCARCERATE, dlf-in-ka'r-fe-r5te.
V. a. To fet at liberty.
DISINCLINATION, dlf-m-kly-ni'-fhun. f.
Want of afleaion, flight diflike.
To DISINCLINE, dlf-ln-kli'ne. v. a. To pro-
duce difiike to, to make difaffe-g:/-lhun. f. Of-
fence, caufe of difgufl.
To DISOBLIGE, ^ dlf-S-blfje. ? v. a. To-
iif-6-blfje. 7 v. a. 7
lif-6-ble'je. C offend,
difguft, to give offence to.
DISOBLIGING, dIf-6-bli'-jing. part. a. Dif-
gufting, unpleafing, offenfive.
DISOBLIGINGLY, dlf-6-blI^-jing-ly. ad. In
a difgufting or offenfive manner, without at-
tention to pleafe.
DISOBLIGINGNESS, dIf-O-bli'-jIng-n's. f.
Offcnfivenefs, readinefs to difguft.
DISORBED, dif-a'rbd. a. Thrown out of the
proper orbit.
DISORDER, diz-a'r-dur. f. Irregularity, con-
fufion ;
fufion ; tumult, ffiftjifbance ; irregularity ; fick-
nefs, diltemper ; difcompofure of mind.
To DISORDER, dlz-a'r-dur. v. a. To throw
into cont'ufion, to difturlj, to ruffle j to make
DISORDERED, dlz-rr-durd. a. Irregular,
vicious, loofe, difeafed.
DISORDERLY, d!z4'r-dur-Iy. a. Contufed,
irregular, tumultuous ; contrary to law, vi-
DISORDERLY, d!z-aVdur-ly. ad. Irregu-
larly, confufedly ; without law, inordinately.
DISORDINATE, dlf-aVdy-nate. a. Not li-
ving by the rules of virtue.
DISORDINATELY, dlf-aVdy-net-ly. ad. In-
ordinately, vicioufly.
To DISOWN, diz-6'n. v. a. To deny, to re-
To DISPARAGE,' dlf-par'-rldzh. v. a. To
match unequally, to injure by union with fome-
thing inferiour in excellence ; to injure by com-
parifon with fomething of lefs value.
DISPARAGEMENT, dif-p5r'-r!dzh-ment. f.
Injurious ujjtion or comparifon with fomething
of inferiour excellence. ;
DISPARAGER, dlf-par'-n'dzh-ur. f. One that
DISPARITY, d!f-par'-I-ty. f. Inequality, dif-
ference in degree, either of rank or excellence;
diffimilitude, unlikenefs.
ToDISPARK, d!f-pa'rk. v. a. To throw open
a park ; to fet at large without cnclofure.
To DISPART, dif-pa'rt. v. a. To divide in
■ two, to feparate, to break.
DISPASSION, dif-pafli'-un. f. Freedom from
■ mental perturbation.
DISPASSIONATE, dlf-pdll/-o-net. a. Cool,
calm, temperate.
To DISPEL, dif-pel'. v. a. To drive by Mat-
tering, to diffipate.
DISPENSARY, dlf-pen'-la-ry, f. The place
where the medicines are difpenfed.
DISPENSATION,. dlf-pen-fi'-fliuji. f. Dif-
tribution, the aft of dealing out any thing ;
the dealing of God with his creatures, method
of Providence j an exemption from fomc law.
DISPENSATOR, dif-p^n-fa'-tur. f. One em-
ployed in dealing out any thing, a diftnbuter.
DISPENSATORY, dlf-pen'-fa-tur-y. f. A
book in which the compofition of medicines is
defcribed and direfted, a pharmacopoeia.
To DISPENSE, dif-pen'fe. v. a. To deal out,
to diftribute ; To difpenfe with, to excufe, to
grant difpenfation for.
DISPENSE, dif-penTe. f. Difpenfation, ex-
DISPENSER, dif-pen'-fur. f. One that dif-
penfes, a diftrlbuter.
To DISPEOPLE, dif-pc'pl. v. a. To depopu-
late, to empty of people.
DISPEOPLER, dif-pe'pl-ir. f. A depopu-
To DISPERGE, dif-perdzh'. v. a. To fprinkle.
To DISPERSE, dif-per'fe. v. a. To fcatter, to
drive to different parts ; to dilfipate.
DISPERSEDLY, dif-perft'-ly. ad. In a dif-
perfed manner.
DISPERSENESS, dlf-per'f-nls. f. Thinnefs,
DISPERSER, dif-ptr'-fur. f. A fcatterer, a
fp reader.
DISPERSION, dif-per'-fhun. f. The aft of
fcattering or fpreading ; the ftateof being Scat-
tered .
To DISPIRIT, dlf-fpw'-!t. V. a. To difcou-
rage, to deprefs, to damp ; to exhauft the
DISPIRITEDNESS, dlf-fper'-k-tld-ms. f.
Want of vigour.
To DISPLACE, dif-pliYe. v. a. To put out
of place; to put out of any ftate, condition, or
dignity ; to diforder.,
DISPLACENCY, d!f-pla'-fcn-fy. f. Incivi-
lity, difobligation; anything unpleafmg.
To DISPLANT, dli-plant'. v. a. To remove
a plant ; to drive a people from the place in
which they have fixed.
DISPLANTATION, dlf-plan-ta'-Mn. f. The
removal of a plant ; the ejedion of a people.
To DISPLAY, dlf-pla', v. a. To fpread wide ;
to exhibit to the fight or mind ; to fet out often-
t-atioufly to view.
DISPLAY, dif-pliV. f. An exhibition of any
thing to \'ic\v.
DISPLEASANT, d!f-p!cz'-;uit. a. Unplea-
fing, ofFenfive.
To DISPLEASE, d!f-pld-'ze. v. a. To ofFend,
to make angry ; to difguft, to raife averfion.
DISPLEASINGNESS, dlf-plc'-zing-nls. f. Of-
fenfivenefs, quality of offending.
DISPLEASURE, dif-plezh'-ur. f. Uneafinefs,
pain received ;■ offence, pain given ; anger, in»
dignation ; ftate of difgracc.
To DISPLEASURE, dh-plezh'-ur. v. a. To
difpleafe, not to gain favour.
To DISPLODE, dif-plo'de. v. a. To difperfe
with a loud noife, to vent with violence.
DISPLOSION, dif-plo'-zhun. f. The aft of
difploding, a fudden burft with noife.
DISPORT, dif-po'rt. f. Play, fport, paftime.
To DISPORT, dlf-po^rt. v. a. To divert.
To DISPORT, dif-p6'rt. v. n. To play, to
toy, to wanton.
DISPOSAL, dif-po'-zal. f. The aft of dif-
pofing or regulating any thing, regulation, dif-
tribution ; the power of diilribution, the right
of bellowing.
To DISPOSE, dlf-pO^ze. v. a. To give, to
place, to bellow ; to adapt, to form for any
purpofe ; to frame the mind ; to regulate, to
adjufl ; To difpofe of, to apply to any purpofe,
to transfer to any perfon, to give away, to fell ;
to place in any condition.
DISPOSE, dlf-po^ze. f. Power, management,
difpofal ; call of mind, inclination.
DISPOSER, dif-p6'-zir. f. Dillributer, giver,
bellower ; governor, regulator.
DISPOSITION, dif-pO-zIfli-'-un. f. Other
method, diilribution ; natural fitnefs, quality ;
tendency to any atl or llate; temper of mind ;
afi'eftion of kindncfs or ill-will ; predominant
DISPOSITIVE, dif-poz'-l-tlv. a. That which
implies difpofal of any property.
DISPOSITIVELY, dlf-poz'-l-tlv-ly. ad. Dif-
To DISPOSSESS, dlf-piz-zes'. v. a. To put
O'Jt of polTcinon, to deprive, to dilTeize.
DISPOSURE, dlf-p6'-zhur. f. Difpofal, go-
vernment, management; llate, poflure.
DISPRAISE, dif-pra'ze. f. Blame, ccnfurc. '^
To DISPRAISE, dif-pra'ze, v. a. To blame,
to cenfure.
DISPRAISER, d!f-pra'-zur. f. A cenfurer.
DISPRAISIBLE, dif-prr-zlbl. a. Unworthy
of commendation.
DISPRAISINGLY, dlf-pra'-zing-ly. ad. With
To DISPREAD, dif-fpred'. v. a. Tofpread dif-
ferent ways.
DISPROOF, dif-pr5^f. f. Confutation, coa-
vidlion of error or falfehood.
DISPROPORTION, dif-pro-ps'r-lhun. f. Un-
fuitablenefs in quantity of one thing to another,
want of fymmetry.
To DISPROPORTION, dlf-prd-pO^r-lliun. v.a.
To mifmatch, to join things unfuitable.
nab!, a. Unfuitable in quantity.
po'r-lho-nabl-nis. f. Unfuitablenefs to fome-
thing elfe.
DISPROPORTIONABLY, dlf-prS-p&'r-lho-
nab-ly. ad. Unfuitably, not fymmetrically.
DISPROPORTION AL, d!f-pro-p6'r-lhG-nal.
a. Difproportionable, not fymmetrical.
nal-ly. ad. Unfuitably with refpedl to quan-
tity or value.
net. a. Un fymmetrical, unfuitable to fomc-
Iho-net-lj'. ad. Unfuitably, unfymmetricalh%
Iho-net-nis. f. Unfuitablenefs in bulk or value.
To DISPROVE, dif-priV. v. a. To confute
an aflcrtion, toconvift of error or falfehood.
DISPROVER, d!f-pro'-vur. f. One that con-
DISPUNISHABLE, d!f-pun''-lfli-abl. a. With-
out penal reflraint.
DISPUTABLE, dis'-pu-tabl. a. Liable to con-
tell, controvertible ; lav,-ful to be contelled.
S f f ' DISPU-
DISPUTANT, dis'-pd-tant. f. Controvertift,
an arguer, a reafoner.
DISPUTANT, dls^-pu-tant. a. Difputing, en-'
gaged in controvcrfy.
DISPUTATION, dlf-pi'tii-n-Am. f. The
fkill of controverfy, argumentation ; contro-
verfy, argiimental contcft.
DISPUTATIOUS, dlf-pu-ti/-fhus. a. IncIincJ
todifpute, cavilling.
DISPUTATIVE, dif-pu'-ta-tlr. a. Difpofed
to debate.
To DISPUTE, dli-piVte. v. n. To contend by
argument, to debate, to conti overt.
To DISPUTE, dlf-pu'te. v. a. To contend
for ; to oppofc, to queftion ; to dilcufs.
DISPUTE, dif-pu'te. f. Conteft, controverfy.
DISPUTELESS, dlf-pd'te-lls. a. Undifputed,
DISPUTER, dlf-pu'-tur. f. A controvertift,
one given to argument.
DISQUALIFICATION, dlf-kwal-y-fl-ka'-
/hiin. f. That which difqualifies.
To DISQUALIFY, dlf-kwal'-I-fy. v. a. To
make unfit, to difable by fome natural or legal
impediment ; to deprive of a right to claim by
feme pofitive reflriftion.
DISQUIET, dif-kwf-et. f. Uneafinefs, reft-
leffnefs ; vexation, anxiety.
To DISQUIET, dif-kwi'-et. v. a. To difturb,
to make uneafy, to vex, to fret.
DISQUIETER, dlf-kwl'-e-tur. f.^ A dillurber,
a haraffer.
DISQUIETLY, dif-kwi'-ct-Iy. ad. Without
reft, anxioufly.
DISQUIETNESS, dif-kwf-et-n!s. f. Uneafi-
nefs, refl^leflnefs, anxiety.
DISQUIETUDE, dif-kwi'-e-tudc. f. Uneafi-
nefs, anxiety.
DISQUISITION, dif-kwl-zlfl/-un. f. Exa-
mination, difputative enquiry.
DISREGARD, d!f-re-ga'rd. f. Slight notice,
To DISREGARD, dif-re-g;'/rd. v. a. To flight,
to contemn.
DISREGARDFUL, dif-rc-g'/rdful. a. Ne-
gligent, contemptuous.
DISREGARDFULLY, dlf-re-gJ^d-fdl-J-. ad,
DISRELISH, (ilf-rci'-Jfli. f. Bad tafte, nau-
feoufnefs ; diflike, fqueamifhnefs.
To DISRELISH, dlf-rel'-Ifti. v. a. To in feet
with an unplcnfant taft? ; to wajit 3 tafte of. •
DISREPUTATION, dlf-rcp-u-ta'-fhun. f,
Difgrace, diOionour.
DISREPUTE, dif-re-pd'te. f. Ill character^
di&onour, want of reputation.
DISRESPECT, dlf-ref-pekt'. f. Incivility,
v,-ant of reverence, rudenefs.
DISRESPECTFUL, dlf-ref-pekt'-fdl. a. Ir-
reve!"ent, uncivil.
DISRESPECTFULLY,dIf-ref-pekt'-fdl-Iy. ad.
To DISROBE, dlf-r^be. v. a. To undrefs, to
DISRUPTION, dif-rdp'-fhun. f. The ad of
breaking afundcr, breach, rent.
DISSATISFACTION, d!f-fat-if-fak'-fliun. f.
The ftate of being diffatisfied, difcontent.
tur-y-nis. f. Inability to give content.
DISSATISFACTORY, dlf-fat-Is-fak'-tur-y. a.
Unable to give content.
To DISSATISFY, dlf-fat'-if-fy. v. a. To dif-
content, to difpleafe.
To DISSECT, dif-fckt . v. a. To cut in pieces;
to di\ide and examine minutely.
DISSECTION, dlf-fek'-fhun. f. The afl: of
feparating the parts cf animal bodies, anatomy.
DISSEISIN, dlf-fd'zn. f. An unlawful dif-
pofieffing a man of his land.
To DISSEIZE, . dif-fe'ze. v. a. To difpoffefs,
to deprive.
DISSEIZOR, d!f-fc'-zdr. f. He thr.t difpof-
feffes another.
To DISSEMBLE, dif-fem'bl. v. a. To hide
under falfe appearance, to pretend that not to
be whicli really is ; to pretend, that to be which.
is not.
To DISSEMBLE, d!f-f^n/bl. v. n. To play.
the hypocrite.
DISSEMBLER, d!f-fem'-blur. f. An hypo-
crite, a man who conceals his trucdifpofition.
DISSEMBLINGLY, dJf-fcn/-bling-ly. ad.
With diffimulation, hypocritically.
To DISSEAIINATE, dif-fem'-I-ndte. v. a. To
■ fcatter as feed, to fpread every way.
DISSEMINATION, d!s'-sem-I-ni''-fliuii. f.
The a£t of fcattering like feed.
DISSEMINATOR, dif-fem'-I-nd-tur. f. He
tliat fcatters, a fprc.ider.
DISSENSION, dlf-fen'-fhun. f. Difagrecmeiit,
ftrife, contention, breach of union.
DISSENSIOUS, dif-feii'-flius. a. Difpofed to
difcord, contentious.
To DISSENT, dif-fent'. v. n. To difagree in
opinion ; to differ, to be of a contrary nature.
DISSENT, dlf-fent'. f. Difagreement, differ-
ence of opinion, declaration of difference of
DISSENTANEOUS, dlf-fen-ta'-nyus. a. Dif-
agreeable, inconfilient, contrary.
DISSENTER, dlf-fen'-tur. f. One that difa-
grees, or declares his difagreement from an
opinion ; one who, for whatever reafons, re-
fufes the communion of the Englifh church.
DISSENTIENT, dlf-fen'-fhent. a. Declaring
DISSERTATION, dif-fcr-tr-fhun. f. Adif-
To DISSERVE, dlf-fcrv'. v. a. To do injurv
to, to harm.
DISSERVICE, dif-fer'-vls. f. Injur)', mif-
DISSERVICEABLE, dif-fer'-vi-fabl. a. In-
jurious, mifchievous.
f. Injury, harm, hurt.
ToDISSETTLE, dlf-fet'l. v. a. To unfettle.
To DISSEVER, dlf-fev'-ur. v. a. To cut in
two, to break, to divide, to difunitc.
DISSIDENCE, dis'-si-dens. f. Difcord, dif-
DISSILIENCE, dls-si'l'-yens. f. The aa of
flarting afunder.
DISSILIENT, dls-siK-y^-nt. a. Starting afun-
der, burfling in tvt'o.
DISSILITION, dls-s!l-i%"-in. f. The aa of
hurfliijg in two ; of Ihrting difterent ways.
DISSIMILAR, dlf-sIm'-i-L'ir. a. Unlike, he-
DISSIMILARITY, dls-s!m-I-i;ir''-i-t)'-. f. Un-
likenefs, difTimilitude.
DISSIMILITUDE, dis-sim-mllM-tude. f.
Unlikenefs, want of refemblance.
DISSIMULATION, dls-sim-ii-la'-fhun. f. The
aa of difTembling, hypocrify.
DISSIPABLE, dis'-sy-pabl. a. Eafily fcat-
To DISSIPATE, dls'-sy-pite. v. a. To fcat-
ter every where, to difperfe ; to fcatter the at-
tention ; to fpend a fortune.
DISSIPATION, dlf-fy-pa'-Iliun. f. The aa
of difperfion ; the ftate of being difpcrfed ; fcat-
tered attention.
To DISSOCIATE, d{f-f6'-fh.ite. v. a. To fc-
paratc, to difunite, to part.
DISSOLVABLE, diz-za'l-vlbl. a. Capable of
DISSOLUBLE, dls'-s6-lubl. a. Capable of fe-
pnration of one part from another.
DISSOLUBILITY, dif-fol-lu-bil'-i-ty. f. Li -
ablenefs to fuiFer a difunion of parts.
To DISSOLVE, diz-zolv^ v. a. To deftroy
the form of any thing by difuniting the parts ;
to loofe, to break the ties of any thing j to
break up afTemblies ; to break an enchantment ,
to be relaxed by pleafure.
To DISSOLVE, dlz-zolv''. v. n. To be melted j
to fall to nothing ; to melt away ia pleafure.
DISSOLVENT, dlz-z6l'-vent. a. Having the
power of diflblving or melting.
DISSOLVENT, diz-z6l^-vent. f. The power
of difuniting the parts of any thing.
DISSOLVER, diz-zol'-vur. f. That which .
has the power of difTolving.
DISSOLVJBLE, d!z-z6r-vlbl. it. Liable to
perifh by difTolution.
DISSOLUTE, dls'-so-liite. a. Loofe, wanton, ,
DISSOLUTELY, dls'-so-lute-ly. ad. Loofely,
in debauchery.
DISSOLUTENESS, dis'-s6-lute-nis. f. Loofe-
nefs, laxity of manjicrs, debauchery.
DISSOLUTION, dif-fy-lu'-fhun. f. The aa
of liquefying by heat or moifture ; the ilate of
being liquefied ; deftruftion of any thing by the
reparation of its parts ; death, the refolution
of the body into its conflituent elements ; de-
flruftion ; the a<3: of breaking up an aiTembly ;
loofcnefs of manners.
DISSONANCE, dls'-s6-nans. f. A mixture
of harfli, unharmonious founds.
DISSONANT, dIs'-sO-nant. a. Harfli, unhar-
' monious ; incongruous, difagreeing.
To DISSUADE, dlf-fwi'de. v. a. To divert
by reafon or importunity from any thing.
DISSUADER, dIf-Avi'-dur. f. He that dif-
DISSUASION, dif-fwa'-zhun. f. Urgency of
reafon or importunity againft any thing.
DISSUASIVE, dlf-fwa^-slv. a. Dehortatory,
tending to perfuade againil.
DISSUASIVE, dif-fwa'-slr. f. Argument to
turn the mind off from any purpofe.
DISSYLLABLE, dis'-sll-labl. f. A word of
two fyllables.
DISTAFF, dis'-taf. f. The ftaff from which
the flax is drawn in fpinning ; it is ufed as an
emblem of the female fex.
To DISTAIN, dif-ta'ne. v. a. To ftain, to
tinge ; to blot, to fully with infamy.
DISTANCE, dls'-tans. f. Diftance is fpace
confidered between any two beings ; remotenefs
in place ; the fpace kept between two antago-
nifls in fencing ; a fpace marked on the courfe
where horfes run ; fpace of time ; remotenefs
in time ; refpeft, diftant behaviour ; retraction
of kindnefsj referve.
To DISTANCE, dk'-tans. v. a. To place re-
motely, to throw off from the view ; to lea^e
behind at a race the length of a diftance.
DISTANT, dls'-tant. a. Remote in place;
remote in time either pafc or future ; referved ;
not obvious.
DISTASTE, d!f-ta'fte. f. Difguft; diflike;
alienation of affedion.
To DISTASTE, dif-ta'ftc. v. a. To fill the
mouth with naufeoufnefs ; to diflike, to loath ;
to offend, to difguft.
DISTASTEFUL, dlf-ta'fte-fdl. a. Naufeous
to the palate, difgufting ; offenfive, unpleafing."
DISTEAIPER, dlf-tcm'-pur. f. A difeafe, a
malady ; bad conftitution of mind ; depravity
of inclijiation ; uneafinefs.
To DISTEMPER, dif-tem'-pur. v. a. To dif-
eafe; to diforder ; to difturb ; to deftroy tem-
per or moderation.
DISTEMPERATE, dlf-tem'-pe-rate. a. Im-
DISTEMPERATURE, d!f-tem'-pe-ra-ture. f.
Intcmperatenefs, excefs of heat or cold ; per-
turbation of the mind.
To DISTEND, dlf-tend'. v. a. Toftretchout
in breadth.
DISTENT, dif-tent'. f. The fpace through
which any thing is fpread.
DISTENTION, dlf-t«/-fhun. f. The aa of
ftretching in breadth ; breadth, fpace occupied.
DISTICH, dis'-tik. f. A couplet^ a couple of
To DISTIL, d!f-t!l'. v. n. To drop, to fall by-
drops ; to flow gently and filently ; to ufe a ftill.
To DISTIL, dlf-til'. v. a. To let fall in drops ;
to draw by diftillation.
DISTILLATION, dif-tU-la'-Ibun. f. The aft
of dropping, or falling in drops ; the acl of
pouring out in drops; that which falls in drops;
the act of diflilling by fire ; the fubftance drawn
by the ftill.
DISTILLATORY,- dif-tll'-ld-tur-y. a. Be-
longing to diftillation.
DISTILLER, d!f-t!l'-lur. f. One who prac-
tifes the trade of diftilling ; one who makes per-
nicious inflammatory fpirits.
DISTILMENT, dlf-tU'-ment. f. That which
is drawn by diftillation.
DISTINCT, dif-tlnkt'. a. Different; apart;
clear, unconfufed ; marked out, fpecificd.
DISTINCTION, dif-tlnk'-lhun. f. Note of
difference ; honourable note of fupcriority ;
that by which one differs from another ; divi-
fion into different parts ; notation of difference
between things feemingly the fame.
DISTINCTIVE, ^dif-tink'-tlv. a. That which
D r s
makes diftincHon or difference ; having the
power to diftinguifh.
DISTINCTIVELY, dif-tlnk'-tiv-ly. ad. In
right order, not confufedly.
DISTINCTLY, dlf-t!nkt'-ly. ad. Not con-
fufedly ; plainly, clearly.
DISTINCTNESS, dlf-tinkt'-nls. f. Niceob-
lervation of the difference between things ;
fuch feparation of things as makes them eafy to
be obferved.
To DISTINGUISH, dlf-ting'-gwifli. v. a. To
note the diverfity of things ; to feparate from
others by fome mark of 'honour ; to divide by
proper notes of diverfity j to knowr one from
another by any mark; to difcern critically, to
judge ; to conftitute difference, to fpecificate ;
to make known or eminent.
To DISTINGUISH, dlf-ting'-gwllh. v.n. To
make diftin£lion, to find or ihew the difference.
DISTINGUISHABLE, dlf-tlng'-gwlfli-ebl. a.
Capable of being diltinguiflied ; worthy of note,
worthy of regard.
DISTINGUISHED, dlf-tlng'-gwllht. part. a.
Eminent, extraordinary.
DISTINGUISHER, dlf-ting'-gwlfh-ur. f. A
judicious obferver, one that accurately difcerns
one thing from another ; he that feparates one
thing from another by proper marks of di-
DISTINGUISHINGLY, dlf-t!ng'-gw!fh-ing-
ly. ad. With diftinction.
DISTINGUISHxMENT, dif-ting'-gwifh-ment.
f. Diftinction, obfervation of difference.
To DISTORT, dif-ta^rt. v. a. To writhe, to
twill, to deform by irregular motions ; to put
out of the true direction or pofture ; to wrcft
from the true meaning.
DISTORTION, cif-t^'r-fhun. f. Irregular
motion by which the face is writhed, or the parts
To DISTRACT, dif-trakt'. v. a. part. paff.
Diftracled, anciently Diflraught. To pull
different ways at once ; to feparate, to divide ;
to perplex ; to make mad.
DISTRACTEDLY, dlf-trak'-ted-ly.ad. Madly,
DISTRACTEDNESS,d;f-tr5k''-ted-nis. f. The
ftate of being diffracted, madncfs.
DISTRACTION, dlf-trak'-fhim. f. Confu-
fion, ftate in which the attention is called dif-
ferent ways ; perturbation of mind ; frantick-
nefs, lofs of the wits; tumult, difference of
To DISTRAIN, dif-tri'ne. v. a. To feize.
To DISTRAIN, dlf-tri'ne. v. n. To make
DISTRAINER, dlf-tra'-nur. f. He that feizes.
DISTRAINT, dif-tra''nt. f. Seizure.
DISTRAUGHT, dlf-tri't. part. a. Diftraded.
Little ufed.
DISTRESS, dlf-tres'. f. ' The acl of making a
legal feizare ; a compulfion, by which a man
is effured to appear in court, or to pay a debt ;
the thing feized by law; calamity, mifery, mif-
To DISTRESS, dif-tres'.' v. a. To profecute
by law to a feizure ; to harafs, to make mi-
DISTRESSFUL, dlf-trcs'-fdl. a. Full of trouble,
full of mifery.
To DISTRIBUTE, dlf-trlb'-ute. v. a. To
divide amongft more than two, to deal out.
DISTRIBUTION, dif-tri-bu'-fliun. f. The
act of diftributing or dealing out to others ; adl
of giving in charity.
DISTRIBUTIVE, dif-trib'-d-tiV. a. Affign-
ing to each their proper portions.
DISTRIBUTIVELY, dif-tnV-u-tlv-l^. ad.
By diftribution ; fingly, particularly.
DISTRICT, d!s'-trikt. f. The circuit within
which a man may be compelled to appearance ;
circuit of authority, province; region, country,
To DISTRUST, dif-truft'. v. a. To regard
with diffidence, not to truff.
DISTRUST, dif-truft'. f. Lofs of credit, lofs
of confidence, fufpicion.
DISTRUSTFUL, dif-trift'-fol. a. Apt to
diftruft, fufpicious; diffident of himfclf, ti-
morous, '
DISTRUSTFULLY, dlf-truft'-fdl-ly. ad. Ih
a diffrufi.'"ul manner.
DISTRUSTFULNESS, dli-tiuft'-ful-ms. f.
The ftate of being diilruftfii!, want of confi-
To DISTURB, dh-turb'. v. a. To perplex, to
iHfqulet ; to put iiito irregular motions ; to in-
terrupt, to hinder.
DISTURBANCE, dlf-tur'-bins. f. Interrup-
tion of tranquillity; confufion, d i /"order ; tu-
DISTURBER, dif-tur'-bur. f. A violator of
peace, he that caufcs tumults; he that caufes
perturbation of mind.
To DISTURN, dif-turn'. v. a. To turn ofF.
Not ufed.
DIS VALUATION, dlf-yil-u-a'-ihun. f. Dif-
grace, diminution of reputation.
ToDISVALUE, dlf-val'-d. v. a. To under-
DISUNION, dlf-d'-nyun. f. Separation, dif-
jundlion ; breach of concord.
To DISUNITE, dlf-u-nfte. v. a. Tofeparate,
to divide ; to part friends.
To DISUNITE, dh-u-ni'te, v. n. To fall
afunder, to become feparate.,
DISUNITY, dlf-u'-nl-tjr. f. A ftate of actual
DISUSAGE, dif-u'-zldzh. f. The gradual ccf-
fatjon of ufe or cuflom.
DISUSE, dif-ii'fe. f. Ceffation of ufe, want of
praclice ;. ceffation of cuftom.
To DISUSE, dlf-ii^ze. v. a. To ceafe to.makc
ufe of; to difaccuftom.
ToDISVOUCH, d!f-vou'tfh. v. a. Todeftrcy
thecredit of, to contradicl..
DITCH, ditfli'. f. A trench cut in the ground
ufiially between fields ; any long narrow re-
ceptacle of water J the moat with which a town
is furrounded.
To DITCH, dltfli'. V. a. To make a ditch.
DITCHER, d!tfl/-ur. f. One who digs ditches.
DITHYRAMBICK, dltS-y-ram'-blk. f. A
fong in honour of Bacchus ; any poem written
with wildnefe.
DITTANY, dit'-ta-ny. f. An herb.
DlTTED, dil'-tvd. a. Sung, adapted to mufick.
DITTY, dit''-t)-. f. A poem to be fung, a^
DIVAN, dl-vaj/. f. The council of the ori-
ental princes ; any council affembled.
To DIVARICATE, di-var'-y-kate. v. n. Ta,
be parted into two..
DFn'ARICATION, dl-var-y-ki'-fliun. f. Par-
tition into two ; divifion of ©pinions.
To DIVE, di ve, v. n. To fink voluntarily under
water ; to go deep into any queflion, or fcience.
DIVER,, dl -vur. f. One that finks voluntarily
under water ; one that goes under water to
fearch for any thing ; he that enters deep into
knowledge or ftudy.
To DIVERGE, di-ver'je. v. n. To tend va-.
rious ways from one point.
DIVERGENT, dJ-ver'-jent. a. Tending to
various parts from one point.
DIVERS, di'-verz. a. Several, fundry, more
than one.
DIVERSE, df-verfe. a. Different from ario- .
ther; different from itfelf, multiform; in dif-.
ferent dirediions.
DIVERSIFICATION, di-ver-fy-f [-ka^-fliun. f.
The aft of changing forms or qualities ; vari-
ation, variegation ; variety of forms, multifor-
mity ; change, alteration.
To DIVERSIFY, dy-ver'-fv-fy. v. a. To make
different from another, to diftinguifli ; to make
different from itfelf, to vaiiegate.
DIVERSION, dy-vlr'-fliun. f. The aft" of
turning any thing off from its courfe ; the caufe
by which any thing is turned from its proper
courfe or tendency; fport, fomething that un-
bends the mind; in war, the a£t or purpofe of-
drawing the enemy off from fome defign, by
threatening or attacking a diftant part.
DIVERSITY, dy-ver'-sl-ty. f. Direrence, dif-
fimilitude, variety.
DIVERSLY, di'-vuf-ly. ad. In different ways,
To DIVERT, di-vert'. v. a. To turn off from
any direction or courfe ; to draw forces to a dif-
ferent part ; to withdraw the mind ; to pleafe,
to exhilarate^
DIVERTER, di-vt/-tir. f. Aay thing that
diverts or alleviares.
DIV ERTISEMENT, dl-v^Z-tlz-mint. f. Di-
vcrfion, deligh~t.
DIVERTIVE, dl-ver'-t!v. a. Recreative, a-
To DIVEST, di-vcft'. V. a. To ftrip, to make
DIVESTURE, d{-ves''-t(hijr. f. Tlie aft of
putting off.
DIVIDABLE, dl-vl'-dabl. a. That may be
DIVIDANT, dl-vf-dant. a. Different, fepa-
ratc. Not uTcd.
To DIVIDE, dJ-vfde. v. a. To part one whole
into different pieces; to feparate; to difunite
by difcord ; to deal out,, to give in fhares.
To DIVIDE, dl-vi'de. v. n. To part, tofun-
der, to break friendlTiip.
DIVIDEND, d!v'-l-dend. f. A fliare, the part
allotted in divifion ; dividend is the number
given to be parted or divided;
DIVIDER, dl-vi'-dur. f. That which parts
any thing into pieces ; a diftributer, he who
deals out to each his fliarc ; a difunitcr ; a par-
ticular kind of compaffes.
DIVIDUAL, di-vid'-il-al. a. Divided, fliared or
participated in common with others.
DIVINATION, dlv-y-n^-ihun. f. Predic-
tion or foretelh'ng of future things.
DIVINE, div-vi'ne. a. Partaking of the nature
of God ; proceeding from God, not natural,
not human ; excellent in a fupreme degree ;
DIVINE, div-vi'ne. f. A minifter of the gof-
ptl, a prieft^ a clcrgynran ; a man fkilied in
divinity, a theologian.
To DIVINE, di'v-vi'ne. v. a.- To foretel, to
To DIVINE, d!v-vi'ne. v. n. To utter prog-
noftication ; to feci prefages ; to conjecture, to
DIVINELY, d!v-v!'ne-l)^. ad. By the agency
or influence of God ; excellently, in the fu-
preme degree ; in a manner noting a deity.
DIVINENESS, div-vfne-nU. f. Divinity, par-
ticipation of the divine nature ; excellence in
the fupreme degree.
DIVINER, dlv-vf-nur. f. One that profcffes
divination, or the art of revealing occult things
by fupernatural means ; conjedlurer, gueffer.
DIVINERESS, div-vi'ne-res. f. A prophctefs.
DIVINITY, div-vm'-i-ty. f. Participation of
the nature and excellence of God, deity, god-
head ; the Deity, the Supreme Being ; celeftial
being ; the fcicnce of divine things, theo-
DIVISIBLE, dlv-vIzMbl. a. Capable of be-
ing divided into parts, ieparable.
DIVISIBILITY, d!v-viz-y-bil'-i-ty. f. Ths
quality of admitting divifion*^
DIVISIBLENESS, div-vlz'-lbl-ncs. i. Dlvi-
DIVISION, dlv-vIzlZ-un. i'. The ac^ of di-
viding any thing into parts ; the ftate of bei-ng
divided ; that by which any thing is kept apart,
partition-; the part which is feparated from the
reft by dividing; difunion, difference; parts
into which a difcoitrfe is diftributed ; /pace
between the notes of mufick, juft time ; in
arithmetick, the feparation or parting of any
number or q-u.iatity given,, into any parts af-
DIVISOR, dlv-vf-zur. f. Thenumbe? giveo,
by whkh the dividend is divided.
DIVORCE, dlv-vo^rfe. f. The- legal fepara-
tion of hufband and wife; feparation, difu-
nion ; the fentence by which a marriage is dif-
To DIVORCE, div-v6'rfe. v. a. To feparate
a hufband or wife from the other; to force
afundcr, to fcgarate by violence.
DIVORCEMENT, dlv-vi/rfe-ment. f. Di-
vorce, feparation of marriage.
DIVORCER, div-v6'r-fir. f. The perfon
or caufe which produces dI\orce or fepara-
DIURETICK, di-u-rct'-!k. a. Having the
power to provoke urine.
DIURNAL, di-ur'-nal. a. Relating to the
diLy ; conftituting thcday ; performed in a day,
DIURNAL, di-u/-nal. f. A journal, a dny-
DIURNALLY, di-ur'-nal-y. ad. Daily, every
DIUTURNITY, di-u-tur'-ni-ty. f. Length
of duration.
To DIVULGE, d!v-vul'je. v. a. To publifii,
make publick ; to proclaim.
DIVULGER, d!v-vui'-jur. f. A publifher.
DIVULSION, di-vul'-fliun. f. The aft of
plucking away.
To DIZEN, di'zn. v. a. To drefs, to deck.
DIZZINESS, dlz'-zy-nis. f. Giddinefs.
DIZZY, diz -zy. a. Giddy, caufing giddinefs;
To DIZZY, diz'-zy. v. a. To whirl round,
to make giddy.
To DO, do . V. a. To practice or aft any thing
good or bad ; to perform, to atchievc ; to exe-
cute, to difchargc ; to finilh, to end ; to con-
clude, to fettle.
To DO, do . V. n. To a6t or behave in any
manner well or ill ; to make an end, to con-
clude ; to ceafe to be concerned with, to ceafe
to care about ; to fare, to be with regard to
ficknefs or health, as, how do you do? To do
is ufed for any verb to fave the repetition of the
word, as I fhall come, but if I dq not, go
away, that is if I come not ; do is a word of
vehement command, or earneft requeft, as help
nie, do ; make hafte, do.
DOCIBLE, dos'-sibl. a. Traflable, docile,
eafy to be taught.
DOCIBLENESS, dis'-sIbl-nSs. f. Teachable-
nefs, docility.
DOCILE, d6s''-sil. a. Teachable, eafily in-
ftruflcd, traftable.
DOCILITY, do-sll'-li-ty. f. Aptnefs to be
taught, readintfs to learn.
DOCK, dok'. f. An herb.
DOCK, dok^ f. The ftunip of ihc tail, which
remains after docking.
DOCK, dok . f. A place where water is kt in
cr out at pleafure, where fhips are built or
laid up.
To DOCK, dok'. v. a. To cut oft" a tail ; to
cut any thing fliort; to cut off a reckoning;
to lay the fhip in a dock.
DOCKET, dok'-it. f. A direction tied upon
goods, a fummary of a larger writing.
DOCTOR, dok'-tur. f. One that has taken
-the higheft degree in the faculties of divinity,
law, or phyfick.; in.fome univerfities they have
dodlors of mufick ; a pliyfician, one who un-
dertakes the cure of difc-afes.
To DOCTOR, dok'-tur. ; . a. To phyfick,
to cure.
DOCTORAL, d6k'-t6-ral. a. Relating to the
degree of a doiSor.
DOCTORALLY, dok'-to-ral-y. ad. In man-
ner of a doctc*.
DOCTORSHIP, d6k'-tur-fn!p. f. The rank
of a doiSor.
DOCTRINAL, dok'-trl-nal. a. Containing
doftrine ; pertaining to the act or means of
DOCTRINALLY, dok'-trl-nal-y. ad. In the
form of doctrine, pofitively.
DOCTRINE, dok'-trin. f. The principles or
pofitions of any feet or mafler ; the ad of
DOCUMENT, dok'-u-ment. f. Precept, in-
ftrudtion, direction.
DODDER, dod'-dur. f. A plant which winds
itfelf about other plants, and draws the chief
part of its nourifhment from them.
DODECAGON, do-dek'-a-gon. f. A figure
of twelve fides.
To DODGE, dod'zh. v. n. To ufe craft; to
fhift place as another approaches ; to play faft
and loofe, to raife expedations and difappoint
DODMAN, dod'-man. f. The name of a fifh.
DOE, do', f. A fhe-deer, the female of a buck.
DOER, do'-ur. f. One that does any thing
good or bad.
DOES, duz'. The third perfon from Do, for
To DOFF, dof'. V. a. To ftrip ; to put away,
to get rid of; to delay, to refer to another time.
DOG, dog', f. A domeftick animal remarkrbly
various in his fpecies ; a conftcllation called
Sirius, or Canicula, rifing and fetting with the
fun during the dog days ; a reproachful name
for a man.
To DOG, dog . V. a. To follow any one, watch-
ing him with an infidious defign.
DOG-TEETH, dog'-t^tlT. f. The teeth in the
human head next to the grinders, the eye-teeth.
DOG-TRICK, dog'-trlk. f. An ill-turn, furly
or brutal treatment.
DOGBANE, dig'-blne. f. An herb.
DOG-BRIAR, dog'-bri-ur. f. The briar that
bears the hip.
DOGCHEAP, dog'-tfhe'p. a. Cheap as dogs
DOGDAYS, dog'-d;\z. f. The days in which
the dogftar rifes and fets with the fun.
DOGE, do'je. f. The title of the chief magi-
ftrate of Venice and Genoa,
DOGFISH, dog'-fifli. f. Afliark.
DOGFLY, dog'-fly. f. A voracious biting
DOGGED, dog'-gid. a. Sullen, four, morofe,
ill-humoured, gloomy.
DOGGEDLY, d6g'-g!d-ly. ad. Sullenly,
DOGGEDNESS, d6g'-g"d-»'s. f. Gloom of
mind, fuUennefs.
DOGGER, dog'-gur. f. A fmall (hip with
one maft.
DOGGEREL, dog'-gn'l. f. Mean, worthlefs
DOGGISH, dog'-glfh. a. Currifh, brutal.
DOGHEARTED, dog'-har-tld. a. Cruel, pi-
tilefs, malicious.
DOGHOLE, dog'-hdle. f. A vile hole.
DOGKENNEL, dog'-ken-n!l. f. A little hut
or houfe for dogs.
DOGLOUSE, dig'-loufe. f. An infca that
liarbours on dogs.
DOGMA, dog'-ma. f. Eftablifiicd principle,
icttled notion.
DOGMATICAL, dig-mit'-I-kal."? a. Autho-
DOGMATICK, dog-mat'-Ik. ^ rilativc,
magiflcrial, pofitive.
DOGMATICALLY, d6g-m.u'-i-kal-y. ad.
Magifterially, pofitively.
DOGMATICALNESS', dog-mat'-I-kil-nls. f.
Magifterialnefs, mock authority.
DOGMATIST, dog'-ma-tlft. f. A magifterial
teacher, a bold advancer of principles.
To DOGMATIZE, dog'-ma-tize. v. n. To
afiert pofitively ; to teach magifterially.
DOGMATIZER, dog'-ma-ti'-zur. f. An af-
ferter, a magifterial teacher.
DOGROSE, dog'-roze. f. The flower of the hip.
DOGSLEEP, dog'-flep. f. Pretended flecp.
DOGSMEAT, dog'z-met. f. Refufe, vile fluff.
DOGSTAR, dog'-ftar. f. The ftar which gives
name to the dogdays.
DOGSTOOTH, dog'z-totR. f. A plant.
DOGTROT, dig'-trot. f. A gentle trot like
that of a dog.
DOGWEARY, dog-wc'-ry. a. Tired as a dog.
DOGWOOD, dog'-wud. f. See CORNELI-
DOILY, doi'-ly. f. A fpecies of woollen fluff.
DOINGS, do'-lngz. f. Things done, events,
tranfadlions ; feats, adions good or bad j ftir,
huftie, tumult.
DOIT, doi^t. f. A fmall piece of money.
DOLE, do'le. f. The adt of diftribution or
dealing ; any thing dealt out or diftributed ;
provifions or money diftributed in charity ;
grief, forrow, mifery.
To DOLE, do'le. v. a. To deal, to diftributc,
DOLEFUL, do'le-ful. a. Sorrowful, cxpreff-
ing grief; melancholy, afflidted, feeling grief.
DOLEFULLY, do'le-fdl-ly. ad. In a doleful
DOLEFULNESS, do'lc-ful-nls. f. Sorrow,
melancholy ; difmalnefs.
DOLESOME, do'lc-fum. a. Melancholy,
gloomy, difmnl.
DOLES'OMELY, do'le-fum-ly. ad. In a Jclc-
fome manner.
DOLESOMENESS, do'lc-fum-nls. f. Gloomy,
DOLL, dil'. f. A little girl's puppet or baby.
DOLLAR, dol-lur. f. A Dutch and German
U II u coin
■ coin of different value, from about two {hil-
lings and fi^ience to four and fixpence.
DOLORIFICK, do-la-rlf'-lk. a. That which
caufcs grief or pain.
DOLOROUS, dol'-o-rus. a. Sorrowful, dole-
ful, difmal ; painful.
DOLOUR, do -lur. f. Grief, forrow; Lament-
ation, complaint.
DOLPHIN, dol'-fin. f. The name of a fifh.
DOLT, do'lt. f. A heavy ftupid fellow, a
DOLTISH, do'lt-Ifh. a. Stupid, mean, blockifh.
DOMAIN, do-ma'ne. f. Dominion, empire ;
pofleffion, eftate.
DOME, do'me. f. A building, a houfe, a fa-
brick ; a hemifpherical arch, a cupola.
DOMESTICAL, do-mes'-tl-kal.Ta. Belong-
DOMESTICK, d6-mes'-tik. 5 ing to the
houfe, not relating to things publick; private,
npt open; inhabiting the houfe, not wild;
not foreign, inteftine.
To DOMESTICATE, d6-mes'-tl-kate. v. a.
To make domeftick, to withdraw from the
DOMINANT, dom'-y-nant. a. Predominant,
prefiding, afcendant.
To DOMINATE, dom'-y-nate. v. a. To pre-
dominate, to prevail over the reft.
DOMINATION, dom-y-na'-fhun. f. Power,
dominion; tyranny, infolent authority; one
highly exalted in power, ufed of angelick
DOMINATOR, dom'-y-ni-for. f. The pre-
fiding power.
To DOMINEER, dom-y-ne'r. v. n. To rule
with infolence, to a6t without controul.
DOMINICAL, d6-min'-y-kal. a. Thatwhich
notes the Lord's day, or Sunday.
DOMINION, do-min'-yun. f. Sovereign au-
thority ; right of pofieffion or ufc, without be-
ing accountable ; territory, region, diftriil ;
predominance, afcendant ; an order of angels.
DON, don', f. The Spanifh title for a gentleman.
To DON, don^ v. a. To put on. Little
DONARY, d6''-na-ry. f. A thing given to-
facred ufes.
DONATION, do-na'-fhun. f. The aft of
giving any thing; the grant by which any
thing is given.
DONATIVE, do'-na-tiv. f. A gift, a largefs,
a prefent ; in law,, a benefice merely given and
collated by the patron to a man, without in-
flitution or induftion.
DONE, diin'. part. pafl". of the verb. Do.
DONE, dun', interjeft. The word by which
a wager is concluded ; when a wager is offered,
he that accepts fays it is Done.
DONOR, do'-nor. f. A giver, a beftower.
DOODLE, di'dl. f. A trifler, an idler. A
low word.
To DOOM, do'm. v. a. To condemn to any
punifhment, to fentence ; to command judici-
ally or authoritatively ; to deftine, to command
by uncontrollable authority.
DOOM, do'm. f. Judicial fentence, judgment;
condemnation ; determination declared ; the
ftate to which one is deftined ; ruin, deftruftion.
DOOMSDAY, do'mz-da. f. The day of final
and univerfal judgment, the laft, the great day ;
the day of fentence or condemnation.
DOOMSDAY-BOOK, do'mz-da-b3''k. f. A
book made by order of William the Conqueror,
in which the eftates of the kingdom were re-
DOOR, do'r." f. The gate of a houfe, that
which opens to yield entrance; entrance, port-
al ; pafTage, avenue, means of approach ; Out
of doors, no more to be found, fairly fent away ;
At the door of any one, imputable, chargeable
upon him ; Next door to, approaching to, near
DOORCASE, doVkafe. f. The frame in which
the door is inclofed.
DOORKEEPER, do'r-ke-pur. f. Porter, one
that keeps the entrance of a houfe. •
DOQUET, dok'-it. f. A paper containing a
DORMANT, daVmant. a. Sleeping; in a
fleeping pofturc j concealed, not divulged.
DORMITORY, da'r-m!-tur-y. f. A place to
flecp in, a room with many beds ; a burial-place.
DORMOUSE, da^r-moufe. f. A fmall ani-
mal which pafles a large part of the Winter in
DORN, da'rn. f. The name of a fifli.
DORR, dor', f. A kind of flying infeft, the
DORSEL, da'r-sil. 7 f . A pannier, a bafket or
DORSER, daVfur.5 bag, one of which hangs
on either fide a beaft of burthen.
DORSIFEROUS, dor-sSf'-fe-rus. 7a. Having
DORSIPAROUS, dor-sip'-pa-rus.^ the pro-
perty of bearing or bringing forth on the back ;
ufcd of plants that have the feeds on the back
of their leaves, as fern.
DOSE, do'fe. f. So much of any medicine as
is taken at one time ; as much of any thing as
falls to a man's lot ; the utmoft quantity of
ftrong liquor that a man can fwallow. .
To DOSE, d'o'fe. v. a. To proportion a medi-
cine properly to the patient or difeafe.
DOSSIL, dos'-sll. f. A pledget, a nodule or
lump of lint.
DOST, duft'. The fecond perfon of Do.
DOT, dot', f. A fmall point or fpot made to
mark any place in a writing.
To DOT, dot'. V. a. To make dots or
DOTAGE, d-a.'-t!-kal. 7
LCCLESLASTICK, ek-kle-z?'-as'-t!k. j ^'
Relating to the church, not civil.
ECCLESIASTICK, ck-kle-zy-as'-tlk. f. A
pcrfon dedicated to the miniftries of religion.
ECHINUS, e-ki-' nus. C. A hedgehog ; a fhell-
Jifli fet with prickles ; with botanilb, the prickly
head of any plant ; in architecture, a member
"or ornament, taking its name from the roiigh-
ntfs of the carving.
ECHO, ek'-ko. f. Tl-.e return or rcpercufTion
of any found; the found returned.
To ECHO, ek'-k6. V. n. To refound, to give
the repercufiion cf a voice ; to be founded
To ECHO, ek'-ko. v. a. To fend back a voice.
ECCLAIRCISSEMENT, ek-klir'-slz-ment. f.
Explanation, the act of clearing up an affair.
ECLAT, e-khV. f. Splendour, fhow, luilre.
ECLECTICK, ek-lek'-t!k. a. Scieaing, chu-
fing at will.
ECLIPSE, e-kllp's. f. An obfcuration of the
luminaries of heaven ; darknefs, obfcuration.
To ECLIPSE, e-kh'p's. v. a. To darken a lu-
minary ; to extinguilh ; to cloud ; to obfcure ;
to difgtacc.
ECLIPTICK, a-kl!p'-tlk. f. A great circle of
the fphere.
ECLOGUE, ek'-log. f. A paftoral poem.
ECONOMY, e-kon'-o-my. f. The manage-
ment of a family ; frugalit)', difcretion of ex-
pence ; difpofition of things, regulation ; the
difpofiticn or arrangement of any work.
ECONOMICK, e-kO-nom'-ik. '^ a. Pcr-
ECONOMICAL, g-ko-nom'-y-kal. 3 taining
to the regulation of an houfehold ; frugal.
ECSTASY, ck'f-ta-fy. f. Any paffion by which
the thoughts are abforbed, and in which the
mind is for a time loil ; exccflive joy, rapture ;
Enthufiafm, exceflive elevation of the mind j
madnefs, diftraftion.
ECSTASIED, ek'f-tu-fyd. a. Raviflied, en-
ECSTATICAL, ekf-tat'-I-kal.^ a. Ravifiied,
ECSTATICK, ^kf-taf-lk. 5 raptured, ele-
vated to ccllafy ; in the higheft degree of joy.
ED.^CIOUS, e-da'-fnus. a. Eating, voracious,
ravenous, grecdv.
EDACITY, e-dab'-l-ty. f. Voracioufnefs, ra-
EDDER, ed'-dur. f. Such fencewood as is
commonly put upon the top of fences.
EDDY, cd'-dv» r. The water that by fome re-
percuiTion, or oppofile wind, runs contrary to
the m.-iin ftream ; whirlpool, circular motion.
EDENTATED, e-dtn'-ta-ud. a. Deprived of
EDGE, edzh''. f. The thin or cutting part of
a blade J a narrow part rifing from a broader ;
keennefs, acrimony ; To fet the teeth on edge,
to caufe a tingling pain in the teeth.
To EDGE, cdzh'. v. a. To fharpen, to enable
to cut ; to furnifh with an edge ; to border with
raiy thing, to fringe ; to exafperate, to em-
To EDGE, edzh . v. n. To move againft any
EDGED, ed'zhd. part. a. Sharp, not blunt.
EDGING, ed'-jing. f. What is added to any
Jhing by way of ornament ; a narrow lace.
EDGELESS, edzh'-Us. a. Blunt, obtufe, »m-
able to cut.
EDGETOOL, tdzh'-tol. f. A tool made fharp
to cut.
EDGEWISE, edzh'-wize. ad. With the edge
put into any particular dtredion.
EDIBLE, ed'-ibl. a. Fit to be eaten,
EDICT, e'-dlkt. f. A proclamation of com-
mand or prohibition.
EDIFICATION, ed-if-y-kr-lhun. f. The aft
of building up man in the faith, improvemeat
in holinefej improvement, inftruclion.
EDIFICE, ed'-I-fis. f. A fabrick, a building.
EDIFIER, ed'-l-f i-ur. f. One that improves or
inftrucls another.
To EDIFY, ed'-I-fy. v. a. To build ; to in-
ftruil, to improve j to teach, to perfuade.
EDILE, c'-dile. f. The title cf a magiftrate in
old Rome.
EDITION, e-difl/-un. f. Publication of any
thing, particularly of a boak ; republication,
with revifai.
EDITOR, ed'-I-tir. f. Publiflicr, he that rc-
vifcs or prepares any work for publication.
To EDUCATE, ed'-u-kate. v. a. To breed,
to bring up.
EDUCATION, ed-u-ka'-fliun. f. Formation
of manners in youth.
To EDUCE, c-du'fe. v. a. To bring out, to
EDUCTION, e-dik'-fliun. f. The aft of
briiiging any thing into view.
To EDULCORATE, e-dul'-ko-rite. v. a. To
EDULCORATION, e-dul-kS-rd'-fhim. i". The
adl of fweetening.
To EEK, e'k. v. a. To make bigger by the ad-
dition of another piece ; to fupply any de-
EEL, el. f. A ferpentine flimy fifh, that lurks
in tr.ud.
ETN, e n. ad. Contracted from Even.
EFFABLE, cf'-fibl. a. Expenfive, uttcrable.
To EFFACE, ef-fa'fe. v. a. To deftroy any
form painted or carved ; to biot out ; to de-
ftroy, to wear away.
EFFECT, ef-fekt'. f. That which is produced
by an operating caufe ; confequence, event ;
reality, not mere appearance j in the plural,
goods, moveables.
To EFFECT, ef-fekt'. v. a. To bring to pais,
to attempt with fuccefs, to achieve; to pro-
duce as a caufe.
EFFECTIBLE, ef-fek'-tlbl. a. Performable,
EFFECTIVE, ef-fek'-tlv. a. Having the power
to produce fffects; operative, aftive ; efficient.
EFFECTIVELY, ef-fek'-tiv-ly. ad. Power-
fully, with real operation.
EFFECTLESS, ef-fekt'-l!s. a. Without ef-
fect, impotent, ufelcfs.
EFFECTOR, ^f-fek'-tur. f. He that produces
any effect.
EFFECTUAL, ef-fek'-td-al. a. Productive
of effects, powerful, to a degree adcqu.Tte to
the occafion, efficaci(;us.
EFFECTUALLY, cf-fek'-t,i-a!-l'. ad. In a
manner produtTtivc of thcconfc(|ucnce intended^
To EFFECTUATE, cf-fJk'-tJ-atc. v. a. To
bring to pafs, to fulfil.
EFFEMINACY, ef-fem'-y-na-fy. f. Admiffion
of the qualities of a woman, foftnefs, unmanly
delicacy; lafcivioufnefs, loofe pleafure.
EFFEIMINATE, ef-fem'-y-net. a. Having the
qualities of a woman, womanifh, voluptuous,
To EFFEMINATE, ef-feV-y-nute. v. a. To
make womanifh, to emafculate, to unman.
To EFFEMINATE, ef-fcV-y-nate. v. n. To
foften, to melt into weaknefs.
EFFEMINATION, ef-fem-y-na'-(hun. f. The
ftate of one grown womanifh, the ftate of one
emafculated or unmanned.
To EFFERVESCE, cf-fer-ves'. v. n. To ge-
nerate heat by inteftine motion.
EFFERVESCENCE, ef-fer-ves'-senfe. f. The
aft of growing hot, production of heat by in-
teftine motion.
EFFICACIOUS, ef-fy-ka'-fhus. a. Produc-
tive of effects, powerful to produce the confe-
quence intended.
EFFICACIOUSLY, ef-i^;•-ka'-fhuf-ly•. ad. Ef-
EFFICACY, ef'-fy-ka-fy. f. Produaion of the
confequence intended.
EFFICIENCE, ef-filh'-ens. IC. The aft of
EFFICIENCY, ef-f Ifh'-en-fy. J producing ef-
fefls, agency.
EFFICIENT, ef-f Ifh'-ent. f. The caufe which
makes effects ; he that makes, the effetStor.
EFFICIENT, ef-fllh'-ent. a. Cauflmr eff.ds.
' o
ES, ef-fe'-jes. ") f. Reftmblance, image
', ef^-fy-jy. ^ in painting or fculp-
EFFLORESCENCE, ef-fl6-res'-scns. -^
EFFLORESCENCY, ef-flo-rcs'-scn-fy. ^ "
Produdtion of flowers } e.xcrefcences in the
form of flowers ; in phyfick, the breaking out
of fome humours in the fkin.
EFFLORESCENT, cf-flo-rcs'-sent. a. Shoot-
ing out in form of flowers.
E 1 S
EFFLUENCE, ef'-flu-enfe, f. That which
iffues from fome other principle.
EFFLUVIA, ef-flii'-vya. 7f. Thofe fn
EFFLUVIUM, ef-flii'-vyum. 5 particles wl
Thofe fmall
-vyum. 3 particles which
are continually flying off from bodies.
EFFLUX, ef'-fluks. f. The aft of flowing out;
efFufion ; that which flows from fomething elfe,
To EFFLUX, cf-fluk's. v. n. To run out.
EFFLUXION, ef-fluk'-fhun. f. The ad of
flowing out ; that which flows out, efiluvium,
EFFORT, ef'-fort. f. Struggle, laborious en-
EFFOSSION, ef-fofh'-un. f. The a^ of dig-
ging up from the ground.
EFFRONTERY, ef-fro'n-te-ry. f. Impudence,
EFFULGENCE, ef-ful'-jenfe. f. Luftre, bright-
ncfs, fplendor.
EFFULGENT, ef-ful'-jent. a. Shining, bright,
EFFUMABILITY, ef-fd-ma-bll'-I-tjr. f. The
quality of flying away in fumes.
To EFFUSE, ef-fu'ze. v. a. To pour out, to
EFFUSION, ef-fu'-zhun. f. The aft of pour-
ing out ; wafte, the adt of fpilling or fhedding ;
the thing poured out.
EFFUSIVE, ef-fu'-siv. a. Pouring out, dif-
EFT, eft', f. A newt, an evet.
EFTSOONS, eft-fo'nz. ad. Soon afterwards.
To EGEST, e-jeft''. v. a. To throw out food
at the natural vents.
EGESTION, e-jes'-tfliun. f. The ad of throw-
ing out the digeflred food.
EGG, eg', f. That which is laid by feathered
animals, from which their young is produced ;
the fp;iwn or fperm of creatures j any thing
fafliioncd in the fhape of an egg.
To EGG, eg'. V. a. To incite, to infliigate.
EGLANTINE, eg'-lan-tlne. "f. A fpecies of
rofe ; fweet-brier.
EGOTISM, e -go-tizm. f. Too frequent men-
tion of a man's felf.
EGOTIST, e'-go-tlfl. f. One that is always
talking of himfelf.
To EGOTIZE, e'-g6-tize. v. n. To talk much
of one's felf.
EGREGIOUS, e-gre'-jus. a. Eminent, re-
markable, extraordinary ; eminently bad, re-
markably vicious.
EGREGIOUSLY, e-gr^'-juf-ly. ad. Emi-
nently, fhamefully.
EGRESS, e -gres. f. The acl of going out of
any place, departure.
EGRESSION, e-grefli'-un. f. Thea(aofgo-_
ing out.
EGRET, ^'-gret. f. A fowl of the heron kind.
EGRIOT, e'-gry-6t. f. A fpecies of cherry.
To EJACULATE, l-jak'-d-late. v. a. Ta
throw, to {hoot out.
EJACULATION, e-jik-d-la'-fhun. f. A fhort
prayer darted out occafionally ; the act of dart-
ing or throwing out.
EJACULATORY, e-jak"-u-la-tur'-y. a. Sud-
denly darted out, fudden, hafty.
To EJECT, e-jekt'. v. a. To throw out, tocaft
forth, to void ; to throw out or expel from an
office or pofleflion.
EJECTION, e-jek'-fhun. f. The aft of call-
ing out, expulfion.
EJECTMENT, e-jekt'-ment. f. A legal writ
by which any inhabitant of a houfe, or tenant
of an eftate, is commanded to depart.
EIGHT, e't. a. Twice four. A word of
EIGHTH, e'ttlT. a. Next in order to the fe-
EIGHTEEN, e'-ten. a. Twice nine.
EIGHTEENTH, e'-t^nth. a. The next in
order to the feventeenth.
EIGHTFOLD, ^'t-fcld. a. Eight times the
number or quantity.
EIGHTHLY, e'ttli-ly. ad. In the eighth place.
EIGHTIETH, e'-ty-eth. a. The next in or-
der to the feventy-ninth, eighth tenth.
EIGHTSCORE, e't-fkore. a. Eight times
EIGHTY, e'-ty. a. Eight times ten.
EISEL, e'-sll. f. Vinegar, verjuice.
EITHER, e'-thir. pron. Whichlbevcr of the
two, whether oiv: or the other; each, both.
EITHER, e-thiir. ad. A diftributive adverb,
anfwered by Or, either the one or the other.
EJULATION, edzh-d-ld'-Ihin. f. Outcry,
EICE, e k. ad. Alfo, lik-wife, befide.
To EKE, e'k. v. a. To increafe ; to fupply, to
fill up deficiencies ; to protracl, to lengthen ;
to fpin out by ufelefs additions.
To ELABORATE, e-lab'-a-rite. v. a. To
produce with labour ; to heighten and improve
by fucccfllve operations.
ELABORATE, e-lab'-6-ret. a. Finifhed with
great diligence.
ELABORATELY, e-lab'-S-ret-ly. ad. Labo-
rioufiy, diligently, with great ftudy.
ELABORATION, e'-lab-6-ra''-{hun. f. Im-
provement by fucceflive operations.
To ELANCE, l-lans'e. v. a. To throw out,
to dart.
To ELAPSE, l-lap's. V. n. ' To pafs away, to
glide away.
ELASTICAL, e-Ias'-tl-kal. ^ a- Having the
ELASTICK, e-las^-tik. 5 power of re-
turning to the form from which it is diftorted,
ELASTICITY, e''-!df-tis'"-sl-ty. f. Force in
bodies, by which they endeavour to reflore them-
ELATE, g-Ia'te. a. Flulhed with fuccefs, lofty,
To ELATE, fc-Ia'te. v. a. To puft up with
profperity ; to exalt, to heighten.
ELATION, e-la'-fhun. f. Haughtinefs pro-
ceeding from fuccefs.
ELiOW, el^-bo. f. The next joint or curva-
ture of the arm below the fhoulder; any flex-
ure or angle.
ELLUWCHAIR, el'-bO-tfbi're. f. A chair
with arms.
ELEOWROOM, ll'-b6-rom. f. Room to
ftrei.h out the elbows, freedom from confine-
To ELBOW, cl^-b.3. V. a. To pufli with the
t!bi.w ; t^ , ufii, to diivc to diftanc^-.
To ELBOW, cf-bo. V. n. Tojut out in angles.
ELD, eld', f. Old age, decrepitude; old people,
perfons worn out with years.
ELDER, cl'-dur. a. Surpaffing another in years.
ELDERS, el'-dinz. f. Perfons whofe age gives
them reverence ; anceftors ; thofe who are older
than others ; among the Jews, rulers of the
people ; in the New Teftament, ccclefiafticks ;
among Prefbyterians, laymen introduced into
the kirk polity.
ELDER, el'-der. f. The name of a tree.
ELDERLY, el'-der-ly. a. No longer young.
ELDERSHIP, el'-der-fhlp. f. Seniority, pri-
ELDEST, el'-d!fl. a. The oldeft, that has the
right of primogeniture ; that has lived molt
ELECAMPANE, el-y-kam-pa'ne. f. A plant
named alfo ftarwort.
To ELECT, e-Iekt'. v. a. To choofe for any
office or ufe ; in theology, to feledt as an ohjed
of eternal mercy.
ELECT, e-lekt'. a. Chofen, taken by prefer-
ence from among others ; chofen to an office,
not yet in pofieffion ; chofen as an objeiS of eter-
nal mercy.
ELECTION, e-lek'-Ihun. f. Theaflofchu-
fing one or more from a greater number ; the
power of choice ; voluntary preference ; the de-
termination of God by which any were feledcd
for eternal life ; the ceremony of a publick
ELECTIVE, e-lek'-tiv. a. Exerting the power
of choice.
ELECTIVELY, e-lik'-tlv-ly. ad. By choice,
with preference of one to another.
ELECTOR, e-lck'-tur. f. He that has a vote
in the choice of any officer ; a prince who
has a voice in the choice of the German em-
ELECTORAL, e-lek'-to-ral. a. Having the
dignity of an eledor.
ELECTORATE, e-lek'-to-ratc. f. The ter-
ritory of an elector.
ELECTRE, e-lck'-ter. f. Amber; a mixed
ELECTRICAL, e-lek'-trl-kal. 7 a. Attrac-
ELECTRICK, e-lek'-trlk. \ tive with-
out magnetifm ; produced by an eleitric body.
ELECTRICITY, e-lck-trls'-l-ty. f. A pro-
perty in bodies, whereby, when rubbed, they
draw fubftances, and emit fire.
ELECTUARY, e-lek'-tii-ar-y. f. A form of
medicine made of conferves and powders, in the
confiftence of honey.
ELEEMOSYNARY, el-y-miz'-y-nAr-y. a.
Living upon alms, depending upon charity ;
given in charity.
ELEGANCE, el'-l-
el'-e-ganfe. 1 f. Beauty of art,
el'-e-gan-fy. \ beauty without
ELEGANT, el'-e-gant. a. Pleafmg with mi-
nuter beauties ; nice, not coarfe, not grofs.
ELEGANTLY, el'-e-gant-ly. ad. In fuch a
manner as to pleafe without elevation.
ELEGIACK, el-e-jf-ak. a. Ufed in elegies
mournful, forrowfiil.
ELEGY, el'-e-jy. f. A mournful fong ; a fu-
neral foiig ; a fliort poem, without points or
ELEMENT, el'-e-ment. f. The fiifl or con-
ftituent principle of any thing ; the four ele-
ments, ufually fo called, are earth, fire, air,
water, of which our v.-orld is compofcd ; the
proper habitation or fphere of any thing ; an
ingredient, aconftituent part ; the letters of any
language ; the loweft or firft rudiments of lite-
rature or fcience.
ELEMENTAL, el-e-men'-tal. a. Produced by
fome of the four elements ; arifing from firft
EI.EMENTARITY,el-e-men-tar'-!-ty.f. Sim-
plicity of nature, abfence of compoiition.
ELEMENTARY, el-e-men'-tar-y. a. Uncom-
pounded, having only one principle.
ELEPHANT, eK-e-fant. f. The largcft of all
ELEPHANTINE, el-l-fan'-tJn. a. Pertaining
to ihe elephant.
To ELE\'ATE, el'-e-vAte. v. a. To raife up
aloft; to exalt, to dignify > to raift th; mind
with great conceptions.
ELEVATE, el'-e-vate. part. a. Exalted, raifcd
ELEVATION, el-e-va'-fliun. f. The afl: of
raifing aloft ; exaltation, dignity ; exaltation
of the mind by noble conceptions ; the height
of any heavenly body with refpesft to the ho-
ELEVATOR, el'-c-va-tir. f. A raifer or lift-
er up.
ELEVEN, e-lev'n. a. Ten and one.
ELEVENTH, e-lev'nttt. a. The next in order
to the tenth.
ELF, elf', f. plural Ehes. A wandering fpirit,
fuppofed to be feen in wild places ; a devil.
ELFLOCK, elf'-lok. f. Knots of hair twiflcd
by elves.
ToELICITE, e-l!s'-sit. v. a. To ftrike out,
to fetch out by labour.
ELICIT, c-lls'-slt. a. Brought into acl.
ELICITATION, e'-lls'-fy-tr'-fhun. f. Is a
deducing the power of the will into act.
To ELIDE, e-lfde. v. a. To break in pieces.
ELIGIBILITY, el-i-jl-bir-I-ty. f. Worthinefs
to be chofen.
ELIGIBLE, elM-j!bl. a. Fit to be chofen, pre-
ELIGIBLENESS, elM-jlbl-nls. f. Worthinefs
to be chofen, preferablenefs.
ELIMINATION, e'-lim-y-nr-fhun. f. The
aft of banifhing, rejeftion.
ELISION, e-lizh'-un. f. The aft of cutting
off; divifion, feparation of parts.
ELIXATON, e-llk-fa'-fliun. f. The aft of
ELIXIR, e-hV-fir. f. A medicine made by
ftrong infufion, where the ingredients are al-
moft- diflblved in the menftruum ; the liquor
with which chymifts tranfmute metals ; the ex-
traft or quintclTence of any thing ; any cor-
ELK, elk^ f. The elk is a large and llately
animal of the flag kind.
ELL, el', f. A meafure containing a yard and
a quarter.
ELLIPSIS, el-lip'-sis. f. A figure of rhetorick,
by which i'omcthing is kft on; in geometry.
an oval figure generated from the fection of a
ELLIPTICAL, el-l!p'-t!-kal. } a. Having the
ELLIPTICK, cl-V-tlk. J form of an cl-
ELM, elm', f. The name of a tree.
ELOCUTION, el-o-kii'-fhun. f. The power
of fluent fpeech • eloquence, fiow of language ;
the power of exprefTion or di£tion.
ELOGY, el'-o-iy. f. Praife, panegyrick.
To ELONGATE, c-lcng'-gate. v. a. To
lengthen, to draw out.
To ELONGATE, e-l6ng'-gdte. v. n. To go
oif to a diftancc from any thing.
ELONGATION, e-lo»g-gi'-fliun. f. The ad
of flretching or lengthening itfelf; the ftate
of being ftretched ; diftance ; fpace at which
one thing is diftant from another j departure,
To ELOPE, e-lo'pe. V. a. To run away, to
break loofe, to efcapc.
ELOPEMENT, e-la'pc-mt-nt. f. Departure
from juft reftraint.
ELOPS, e'-l6ps. f. A fifh, reckoned by Milton
among the ferpents.
ELOQUENCE, el'-O-kwenfe. f. The power
of fpeaking with fluency and elegance ; ele-
gant language uttered with fluency.
ELOQUENT, el'-d-kwent. a. Having the
power of oratory.
ELSE, el fe. pronoun. Other, one befides.
ELSE, el'fe. ad. Otherw'ife; befide, except.
ELSEWHERE, el'fe-hwere. ad. In any other
place; in other places, in fome other place.
To ELUCIDATE, c-lu'-sl-date. v. a. To ex-
plain, to clear.
ELUCIDATION, i-lu-fy-dr/-fhin. f. Expla-
nation, expofitioii.
ELUCIDATOR, e-lu'-fy-da-tir. f. Explamer,
expofitor, commentator.
%o ELUDE, £-h7de. V. a. To efcapc by flra-
tagem, to avoid by artifice.
ELUDIBLE, e-lii'-d!b!. a. PolTible to be
ELVES, c!v'z. f. The plural of Elf.
ELVELCCK, clv'-luk. f. Knots in the hair.
ELVISH, cl'-vifh. a. Relating to elves, or
wandering fpirits.
ELUMBATED, t-lum'-b^-tld. a. Weakened
in the loins.
ELUSION, e-liV-zhun. f. An efcape from en-
quiry or examination, an .artifice.
ELUSIVE, l-ld'-slv. a. Praaifmg elufion,
ufing arts to efcape.
ELUSORY, e-lu'-fiir-y. a. Tending to elude,
tending to deceive, fraudulent.
To ELUTE, e-ld'tc. V. a. To wafh oft".
To ELUTRIATE, e-lu'-try-dte. v. a. To
decant, to flrain out.
ELYSIAN, e-le'-zhan. a. Delicioufly foft and
foothing, exceedingly delightful.
ELYSIUM, l-ll'-zhum. f. The place afligned
by the heathens to happy fouls, any place ex-
quifitcly pleafant.
To EMACIATE, e-ma'-fhate. v. a. Towafte,
to deprive of flefh.
To EMACIATE, e-ma'-(hate. v. n. To lofe
flefli, to pine.
EMACIATION, e'-ma-fhr'-fliun. f. The a^
of making lean ; the ftate of one grown lean.
EMACULATION, e'-mak^.i-ir'-fhun. f. The
act of freeing any thing from fpots or foul-
EMANANT, e'-ma-nant. a. Ifiuing from
fomething elfe.
EMANATION, em-ma-na'-(hun. f. The act
of ifluingt)r proceeding from any other fub-
ftance ; that which ilTues from another fub»
EMANATIVE, C-m:u/-a-tiv. a. Ifiuing from
To EMANCIPATE^ e-man'-sl-pate. v. a. To
fet free from fervitude.
EMANCIPATION, e-man-si-pa'-fhun. f. The
act of fitting free, deliverance from llaverj'.
ToEMARGINATK, c-maVj!-nate. v. a. To
take av/ay the margin or edge of any thing.
To EMASCULATE, e-mas'-ku-ldte. v. a. To
caftrate, to deprive of virility; to cfl^eminate ;
to \ itiate by unmanly foftncfs.
EMASCULATION, c-mas-kii-la'-fhin. f, C.af-
tration ; efivminacy, womanifli qualities.
To EMBALE, im-ba'-le. v. a. To m;ike up
into a bundle ; to bind up, to inclore.
To EMBALM, im-ba'm. v. a. To impregnate
a body with aromaticks, that it may rerift pu-
EMBALMER, im-bal'-nuir. f. One that prac-
tifes the art of embalming and prcferving
To EMBAR, Im-bi'r. v. a. To Hiut, to in-
ciofe ; to flop, to hinder by prohibition, to
block up.
EMBARCATION, im-bar-ki'-fbun. f. The
aft of putting on fiiipboard ; the ait of going
on fhipboard.
EMBARGO, Im-bi'r-go. f. A prohibition to
paff, a llop put to trade.
To EMBARK, Im-ba'rk. v. a. To put on
fhipboard ; to engage another in any affair.
To EMBARK, Im-bi'rk. v. n. To go on fhip-
board ; to engage in any afRiir.
To EMBARRASS, hn-bar'-ras. v. a. To per-
plex, to diflref?, to entangle.
EMBARRASSMENT, Im-bar'-raf-ment. f.
Perplexity, entanglement.
To EMBASE, Jm-ba'fe. v. a. To vitiate ; to
degrade, to vilify.
EMBASSADOR, em-bas'-sa-dir. f. One fent
on a publick mefTage.
EMBASSADRESS, em-bas'-sa-dres. f. A wo-
man fent on a publick mefTage.
EMBASSAGE, ^n/-baf-(aje. 7 f. A publick mef-
EiMBASSY, em'-baf-fy. i fage; any fo-
lemn mcfiage.
To EMBATTLE, Im-bat'l. v. a. To range
in order or array of battle.
To EMBAY, ini-ba'. v. a. To bathe, to wet,
to wafli ; to inclofe in a bay, to land-lock.
To EMBELLISH, Im-bel'-llfh. v. a. Toadorn,
to beautify.
EMBELLISHMENT, im-belMifh-ment. f. Or-
nament, adventitious beauty, decoration.
EMBERS, em'-burz. f. without a fmgular. Hot
cinders, afhes not yet extinguifhed.
EMBER-WEEK, cm'-bur-wc'k. f. A week
in which an ember day falls. The ember days
at the four feafons arc the Wcdnefday, P'riday,
and Saturd.iy after the firft Suhday in Lent,
the feafl of Pentecoft, September fourteenth,
December thirteeenth.
To EMBEZZLE, im-bez'l. v. a. To appro-
priate by breach of truft ; to wafle, to fwallov/
up in riot.
EA-IBEZZLEMENT, !m-blz'l-ment. f. The
act of appropriating to himfelf that which is
received in trufl for another j the thing appro-
To EMBLAZE, Im-bla'ze. v. a. To adorn
with glittering embellifhmcnts ; to blazon, to
paint with enfigns nrmori.ij.
To EMBLAZON, Im-blaz'-in. v. a. Toadorn
with figures of heraldry ; to deck in glaring
EMBLEM, em'-blcni. f. Inlay, enamel ; an
occult reprefentation, an allufive pifture.
To EMBLEM, em'-blem. v. a.' To reprcfent
in an occult or allufive manner.
EMBLEMATICAL, ^m-bld-mat'-l-kal. |
EMBLEMATICK, Jm-ble-mat'-Ik. ' { ""'
Comprifing an emblem, allufive, occultly re-
prefentative ; dealing in emblems, ufing em-
EMBLEMATICALLY, em-bli-mat'-y-kal-y.
ad. In the manner of emblems, allufively.
EMBLEMATIST, em-blcm'-a-tJfl. f. Writer
or inventor of emblems.
EMBOLISM, em'-b6-lizm. f. Intercalation,
infertion of days or years to produce regularity
and equation of time j the time inferted, inter-
calatory time.
EMBOLUS, em'-bo-lus. f. Any thing inferted
and ading in anotlier, as the fucker in a pump.
To EMBOSS, Im-bos'. - V. a. To form with
protuberances ; to engrave with relief, or rifiiig
work ; to inclofe, to include, to cover.
EMBOSSMENT, Im-bos^-ment. f. Any thing
flanding out from the refl, jut, eminence; re-
lief, rifing work.
ToEMBOTTLE, im-bit'l. v. a. To include
iji bottles, to bottle.
To EMBOWEL, im-bow'-!l. v. a. To deprive
of the entrails.
To EMBRACE, Im-bra'fc. v. a. To hold
fondly in the arms, to fqueeze in kiiidnefs ; to
feize ardently or eagerly, to lay hold on, to wel-
come ; to comprehead, to take in, to encircle ;
to compnfe, to inclofc, to contain.
To EMBRACE, im-bru'le. v. n. To join in
an embrace.
EMBRACE, im-bri'l"c. f. Clafp, fond pufrure
in the arms, hug.
EMBRACEMENT, !m-bnVfe-ment. f. Clafp
in the arms, hug, embrace ; ftate of being con-
tained, inclofure ; conjugal endearment.
EMBRACER, Im-bra'-fur. f. The pcrfon em-
EMBRASURE, em-bra-zho'r. f. An aperture
in the wall, battlement.
To EMBROCATE, em'-bro-kate. v. a. To
rub any part difeafed with medicinal liquors.
EMBROCATION, cm-brd-ka'-fhun. f. The
act of rubbing any part difeafed with medicinal
liquors ; the lotion with which any difeafed
part is w.ifhcd.
To EMBROIDER, im-broi'-dur. v. a. To bor-
der with ornaments, to decorate with figured
i • 'EMBROIDERER, im-broi'-de-rur. f. One
that adorns cloaths with needlework.
EMBROIDERY, !m-bror-de-ry. f. Figures
raifed upon a ground, variegated needlework ;
variegation, diverfity of colours.
To EMBROIL, im-brori. v. a. To dillurb,
to con f uf", tod LftravS.
To EMEROTHEL, Im-broth'-Il. v. a. To in-
clofe in a brothel.
EMBRYO,, em-bryo . 1 f. The ofFipring yet
EMBRYON, em'-bryon. \ uniinifhcd in the
womb i the ftate of any thing yet not fit for
production, yet unfiniihed.
EMENDABLE, ermen'-dAbl. a. Capable of
emend,;tion, corrigible.
EMENDATION, e'-men-da''-fhun. f. Cdr-
TeQion, alteration of any thing from worfe to
better ; an.alteration made in the text by verbal
EMENDATOR, e'-men-dr-tor. f. A cor-
rector, an improver.
EMER.\LD, cm -e-rald. L A green precious
To EMERGE, c-merj'e. v. n. To rife out of
any thing in which it is covered ; to rife, ta
mount from a ftate of opprefflon or obfcurity.
EMERGENCE, e-mer'-jcnfc. /f. The ail of
EMERGENCY, e-mer'-jen-fy. \ rifingoutof
any fluid by which it is covered ; the acl of
rifmg into view ; any fudden occafion, unex-
pected caiualty ; preiTing neccflity.
EMERGENT, e-mer'-jcnt. a. Rifing out of
that which overwhelms and obfcures it ; rifing
into view or notice ; proceeding or ilTuing from
any thing; fudden, unexpeftedly cafual.
EMEROIDS, em'-roidz. f. Painful fwellings
of the hemorrhoidal veins, piles.
EMERSION, e-mer'-ftiun. f. The time when
a ftar, having been obfcured by its too near ap-
proach to the. fun, appears again.
EMERY, em^-er-y. f. Emery is an iron ore.
It is prepared by grinding in mills. It is ufe-
ful in cleaning and poliftiing fteel.
EMETICAL, e-met'-i-kal.? a. ' Having the
EiMETICK, e-met'-lk.. ^ quality of pro-
voking vomits.
EMETICALLY, e-met'-i-kil-y. ad. In fuch
a manner as to provoke to vomit.
EMICATION, ^'-mi-ki''-fhun, f. Sparkling,
flying off in fmall particles.
EMICTION, e-mik'-fliun. f. Urine.
To EMIGRATE, em'-my-grate. v. n. To re-
move from one place to another.
EMIGRATION, ^'-mi-grd'^-fhun. f Change
of habitation.
EMINENCE, em'-y-nenfe. 7 f. Loftinefs,
EMINENCY, cm'-y-nen-fy. S height; fum-
mit, higheft part ; exaltation, confpicuoufnefs,
reputation, celebrity ; fupreme degree ; notice,.
diftin£tion ; a title given to cardinals.
ExMINENT, em'-y-nent. a. High, lofty; dig-
nified, exalted ;, confpicuous, remarkable.
EMINENTLY, em'-y-nent-ly. ad. Confpi-
cuoufly, in a manner that attatSs obfervation ;
in a high degree..
EMISSARY, tW-if-fcr-ry. f. Oncfcntouton'
private meflages, a fpy, a fecret ageot ; one
that emits or fends out.
EMISSION, e mlfh'-un. f. The ad of fend-
ing out, vent.
To EMIT, c-mit'. v. a. To fend forth ; to let
fly, to dart ; to iffue out juridically.
EMMET, em'-mit. f. An ant, a pifinire.
To EMMEW, im-mu'. v. a. To mew or
coop up.
EiMOLLIENT, e-mol'-lycnt. a. Softening,
EMOLLIENTS, e-m6r-lyents. f. Such things
as fheath and foften the afperities of the hu-
mours, and relax and fupple thefolids.
EMOLLITION, e-m6l-ll(h'-un. f. The ad
of foftening.
EMOLUMENT, e-mol'-u-ment. f. Profit,
EMOTION, e-m6'-fliun. f. Difturbance of
mind, vehemence of paflion.
To EMPALE, im-pi'le. v. a. To fence with
a pale ; to fortify ; to inclofe, to fhut in; to
f ut to death by fpitting on a ftake fixed up-
EMPANNEL, im-pan'-nll. f. The writing or
entering the names of a jury into a fchedule
by the flierifF, which he has fummoned to ap-
To EMPANNEL, !m-p,u/-n!!. v. a. To fum-
mon to ferve on a jury.
ToEMPASSION, im-p.W-un. v. a. To move
with paffion, to afi'cd (Irongly.
To EMPEOPLE, im-pe'pl. v. a. To form into
a people or community.
EMPERESS, emp''-prls. f. A woman inveftcd
with imperial power ; the queen of an emperor.
EMPEROR, emp'-pe-rur. f. A monarch of
title and dignity fuperior to a king.
EMPERY, cmp'-pc-ry. f. Empire, fovcrcign
command. A word out of ufc.
EMPHASIS, tm'-fa-sls. f. A remarkable ikcfs
laid upon a word or fentence.
EMPHATIC AL, cm-fat'-Ik-al. ^a. Forcible,
EMPHATICK, an-fat'-Ik. 5 iirong, (Iri-
EMPHATICALLY,cni-fat''-l-kal-y.ad. Strong-
ly, forcibly, in a firriking manner.
To EMPIERCE, Im-pers'e. v. a. To pierce
into, to enter into by violent appulfe.
EMPIRE, em^-pyr. f. Imperial power, fuprertie
dominion; the region over which dominion is
extended ; command over any thing.
EMPIRICK, em''-pe-rik. f. A trier or expe-
rimenter, fuch perfons as have no true know-
ledge of phyfical praftice, but venture upon
obfeivation only ; a quack.
EMPIRICAL, em-pt/-I-kal. ^ a, Verfed in
EMPIRICK, em-per'-ik. j experiments;
known only by experience, pra£lifed only by
EMPIRICALLY, em-per'-I-kal-ly. ad. Expe-
rimentally, according to experience; without
rational grounds ; in the manner of a quack.
EMPIRICISM, em-per'-I-&izm. f. Depend-
ence on experience without knowledge or art,
EMPLASTER, iWplas'-tur. f. An applica-
tion to a fore of an oleaginous or vifcous fub-
ftance, fprcad upon cloth.
To EMPLASTER, !m-plis'-tur. v. a. To co-
ver with a plafter.
EMPLASTICK, Im-plis'-tik. a. Vifcous, glu-
To EMPLEAD, im-plu'd. v. a. To india, to
prefer a charge againfl:.
To EiMPLOY, im-ploy''. v. a. To bufy, to
keep 3t work, to excrcife ; to ufe as an inftru-
ment ; to commiffion, to intruft with the ma-
nagement of any affairs ; to fill up with bufinefs ;
to pafs or fpend in bufmcfs.
EMPLOY, Im-ploy'. f. Bufinefs, objcfl of in-
duilry ; publick office.
EMPLOYABLE, im-ploy'-ubl. a. Capable to
be ufed, proper for ufe.
EMPLOYER, Im-p!oy'-ir. f. One that ufes
or caufes to be ufed.
EMPLOYMENT, Im-ploy'-mcnt. f. Bufinefs,
objciS of induftry ; the ftate of being employed ;
office, poft of bufinefs.
To EMPOISON, Im-poi'zn. v. a. To dc-
ftrov by polfon, to deftroy by venomous food
or drugs ; to taint with poiibii, to envenom.
EAIPofsONER, !m-poi'z-nur. f. One who
deftroys another by poifon.
EMPOisONMENT, !m-poi'zn-ment. f. The
prasS^ice of deftroying by poifon.
EMPORETICK, em-p6-ret'-ik. a. That which
is ufed at markets, or in merchandize.
EMPORIUM, em-po'-rj-um. f. A place of
merchandife, a mart, a commercial city.
To EMPOVERISH, !m-p6v'-er-ifh. v. a. To
make poor, to reduce to indigence ; to lefTen
EMPOVERISHER, im-pov'-er-I{h-ur. f. One
that makes others poor ; that whicli impairs fer-
EMPOVERISHMENT, Im-p6v'-er-ifh-ment.
f. Diminution, cauie of poverty, wafte.
To EMPOWER, im-pow'-ur. v. a. To au-
thorife, to commiffion ; to enable.
EMPRESS, emp'-prls. f. The queen of an em-
peror ; a female inverted with imperial dignity,
a female fovereign.
EMPRISE, em-prfze. f. Attempt of danger,
undertaking of hazard, enterprife.
EMPTIER, emp'-ty-ur. f. One that empties,
one that makes any place void.
EMPTINESS, emp'-ty-ms. f. The ftate of
being empty ; a void fpace, vacuity j unfatif-
fadtorinefs, inability to fill up the defires; va-
cuity of head, want of knowledge.
EMPTION, emp'-fhun. f. The aft of pur-
EMPTY, emp'-ty. a. Void, having nothing
in it, not full ; unfatisfaftory, unable to fill
the mind or defires ; without any thing to carry,
unburthened ; vacant of head, ignorant, un-
fkilful ; without fubftancc, without folidity,
To EMPTY, emp'-ty. v. a. To evacuate, to
To EMPURPLE, im-purp'l. v. a. To make
of a purple colour.
To EMPUZZLE, Im-puz'l. v. a. To perplex,
to put to a ftand.
EMPYEMA, em-py-6'-ma, f. A colkaion of
purulent matter in any part whatfoever, gene-
rally ufcd to fignify that in the cavity of the
breafl: only.
EMPYREAL, em-pi'-ryal. a. Formed of the
element of fire, refined beyond aerial.
EMPYREAN, em-p!-re'-an. f. The higheft
heaven where the pure element of fire is fup-
pofed to fubfift.
EMPYREUM, cm-pi'-ryum. If. The burn-
EMPYREUMA, em-py-rii'-ma.i ing of any
matter in boiling or diftillation.
EMPYREUiMATICAL, em-py-ru-mat'-i-kal.
a. Having the fmell or tafte of burnt fub-
EMPYROSIS, em-py-ro'-sls. f. Conflagra-
tion, general fire.
To EMULATE, em'-u-late. v. a. To rival ;
to imitate with hope of equality, or fuperior
excellence ; to be equal to ; to rife to equality
EMULATION, em-u-la'-fhun. f. Rivalry,
defire of fuperiority ; conteft, contention.
EMULATIVE, em'-u-la-tiv. a. Inclined to
emulation, rivalling, difpofed to competition.
ExMULATOR, em'-u-la-tur. f. A rival, a
To EMULGE, c-muldzh'. v. a. To milk
EMULGENT, e-mul'-jent. a. Milking or
draining out.
EMULOUS, em'-u-lus. a. Rivalling, engaged
in competition ; defirous of fuperiority, defirous
to rife above another, defirous of any excellence
pofTefTed by another.
EMULOUSLY, em'-u-luf-ly. ad. With de-
fire of excelling or outgoing another.
EMULSION, e-mul'-(hun. f. A form of me-
dicine, by bruifing oily feeds and kernils.
EMUNCTORIES, e-munk'-tir-y^. f. Thofc
parts of the body where any thing cxcrementi-
tious is fcparatcd and collcvScd.
To ENABLE, in-a'bl. v. a. To make able, to
confer power.
To ENACT, In-akt'. v, a. To eftablifh, to
decree; to reprefent by aftion.
ENACTOR, in-ak'-tur. f. One that forms
A. C d;crccs,
decrees, or eftabliflies laws ; one who pracllfes
or performs any thing,
ENALLAGE, en-al'-la-j§. f. A figure in
grammar, whereby there is a change either of
a pronoun, as when a pofTeflive is put for a re-
lative, or when one mood or tcnfe of a verb is
put for another.
To ENAMBUSH, In-W-bafh. v. a. To hide
in ambufli, to hide with hoflile intention.
To ENAMEL, In-amMl. v. a. To inlay, to
variegate with colours.
To ENAMEL, In-am'-ll. v. n. To praftife the
ufe of enamel.
ENAMEL, in-am'-U. f. Any thing enamelled,
or variegated with colours inlaid ; the fubftance
inlaid in other things.
ENAMELLER, In-dm'-i'l-lir. f. One that
praflifes the art of enamelling.
To ENAMOUR, in-an/-ur. v. a. To inflame
with love; to make fond.
ENARRATION, e'-nar-ra'^-fhun. f. Expla-
ENARTHROSIS, en-ar-tfira'-sls. f. The in-
fertion of one bone into another to form a joint.
ENATATION, e'-na-ta'^-fliun. f. The acl of
fwimming out.
To ENCAGE, in-ku 'jc v, a. To fhut up as
in a cage ; to coop up, to confine.
To ENCAMP, In-kamp'. v. n. To pitch tents,
to fit down for a time in a march.
To ENCAMP, in-kamp'. v. a. To form an
army into a regular camp.
ENCAMPMENT, In-kamp'-ment. f. The r.a
of encamping, or pitching tents ; a camp, tents
pitched in order.
To ENCAVE, In-kf/ve. v. a. To hide as in
a cave.
To ENCHAFE, In-tfliuTe. v. a. To enrage,
to irritate, to provoke.
To ENCHAIN, in-tiha'nc. v. a. To faften
with a chain, to hold in chains, to bind.
To ENCHANT, in-t(hant'. v. a. To fubdue
by charms or fpeils ; to delight in a high de-
ENCHANTER, In-tfhdn'-tur. f. A magician,
a forcercr.
ENCHANTINGLY, In-tfnan'-tlng-ly, ad.
With the force of enchantment.
ENCHANTMENT, In-tfhant'-ment. f. Ma-
gical charms, fpeils, incantation ; irrefillible
influence, overpowering delight.
ENCHANTRESS, in-t£han'-trls. f. A for-
cerefs, a woman verfed in magical arts ; a wo-
man whofe beauty or excellencies give irrefill-
ible influence.
To ENCHASE, In-tfha'fe. v. a. To infix, to
enclofe in any other body fo as to be held faft,
but not concealed.
To ENCIRCLE, in-fcrkT v. a. To furround,
to environ, to inclofe in a ring or circle.
ENCIRCLET, m-ferk'-lit. f. A circle, a ring.
ENCLITICKS, In-kllt'-Iks. f. Particles which
throw back the accent upon the foregoing fyL-
To ENCLOSE, In-klo'ze. v. a. To part from
things or grounds common by a fence ; to en-
viron, to encircle, to furround.
ENCLOSER, m-kl6'-ZLir. f. One that en-
clofes or feparates common fields in feveral dif-
tincl properties ; any thing in which another is
ENCLOSURE, in-klo'-zhur. f. The afl of
enclofing or environing any thing ; jhe fepa-
ration of common grounds into diflindt pof-
feffion.s ; the appropriation of tilings common ;
ftate of being iliut up in any place ; the fpacc
ENCOMIAST, I'n-ko'-myart. f. A panegyrift,
a praifer.
ENCOMIASTICAL, in-ku-my-as'-tl-kil. 7
ENCOMIASTICK, In-k6-my-as'-tlk. _ 5 ^'
Panegyrical, containing praife, beftowingpraife.
ENCOMIUM, in-kS'-myum. f. Panegyrick,
praife, elogy. ~
To ENCOMPASS, In-kun/-pas. v. a. To en-
clofe, to encircle ; to go round any place.
ENCOMPASSMENT, in-kum'-pas-ment. f.
Circumlocution, remote tendency of talk.
ENCORE, ong-k-yre. ad. Again, once more.
ENCOUNTER, lu-koun'-tur. f. Duel, fingle
fight, conflid; battle, fight in which enemies
rufli againft each other ; iudden meeting ; ca-
fual incident.
To ENCOUNTER, In koun'-tur. v. a. To
meet face to face ; to meet in a hoftile manner,
to rufh againft in confliiS; to attack ; to op-
pofe ; to meet by accident.
To ENCOUNTER, In-koun'-tur. v. n. To
rufh together in a hoftile manner, to conflid ;
to engage, to fight ; to meet face to face ; to
come together by chance.
ENCOUNTERER, ln-koiu/-ter-ur. f. Op-
ponent, antagonift, enemy ; one that loves to
accoft others.
To ENCOURAGE, In-kur'-rldzh. v. a. To
animate, to incite to any thing ; to give courage
to, to fuport the fpirits, to embolden; to raife
confidence, to make confident.
ENCOURAGEMENT, In-kur'-rldzh-ment. f.
Incitement to any adion or praftice, incen-
tive ; fa\o>ir, countenance, fupport.
ENCOURAGER, ln-kur'-rldzh-i.r. f. One
that fupplics incitements to any thing, a fa-
To ENCROACH, m-kro'tfh. v. n. To make
in\ afions upon the riwht of another ; to advance
gradually and by ftealth upon that to which one
has no right.
ENCROACHER, In-kro'-tfliur. f. One who
fcizes the pofTcflion of another by gradual and
filent means ; one who makes flow and gradual
advances beyond his rights.
ENCROACmiENT, In-kro'tfh-ment. f. An
unlawful gathering in upon another man ; ad-
vance into the territories or rights of another.
To ENCUMBER, m-kum'-biir. v. a. To clog,
to load, to impede ; to load with debts.
ENCUMBRANCE, in-kum'-brans. f. Clog,
load, impediment ; burthen upon an eftate.
ENCYCLICAL, en-slk'-ll-kal. a. Circular,
fcnt round through a large region.
ENCYCLOPEDIA, cn-si-klO-pe'-dya. f. The
circle of fciences, the round of learning.
ENCYSTED, en-sis^-t!d. a. Enclofed in a
vcficle or bag.
END, end', f. The extremity of anything;
^^ the conclufion or ccffation of any thing; the
conclufion or hil part of any thing ; ultimate
ftate, final doom ; final determination, con-
clufion of debate or deliberation ; death ; abo-
lition, total lofs; fragment, broken piece; pur-
pofc, intention ; thing intended, final defign ;
An end, ercdl, as his hair ftands an end.
To END, end', v. a. To terminate, to con-
clude, to finifti ; to deftrov, to put to death.
To END, end . v. n. To come to an end ; to
conclude, to ccafe.
To ENDAAIAGE, in-dam'-ldzh. v. a. Tomif-
chief, to prejudice, to harm.
To ENDANGER, In-di'n-jur. v. a. To put
into hazard, to bring into peril ; to incur the
danger of, to hazard.
To ENDEAR, In-de'r. v. a. To make dear,
to make beloved.
ENDEARMENT, In-de'r-ment. f. The caufe
of love, means by which any thing is endeared ;
the ftate of being endeared, the ftate of being
ENDEAVOUR, In-dev'-ur. f. Labour directed
to fbme certain end.
To ENDEAVOUR, In-dev'-ur. v. n. To la-
bour to a certain purpofe.
To ENDEAVOUR, in-dev'-ir. v. a. To at-
tempt, to try.
ENDEAVOURER, m-dcv'-ur-ur. f. Onewho
labours to a certain end.
ENDECAGON, en-dek'-a-gon. f. A plain
figure of eleven fides and angles.
dilcafe that affeds feveral people together in the
fame country, proceeding from fome caufe pe-
culiar to the country where it reigns.
ENDENIZE, cn-deii'-lz. v. a. To m.ike
free, to cnfranchifc.
To ENDICT, ) , ,=/ C v. a. To charge
ToENDITE, i '"-^'^''- I any man by a
written accufation before a court of juftice, as
he was endited for felony ; to draw up, to com-
pofe ; to dilate.
/, en-de'-myal. "J a. Peculiar to
lL, en-dem'-y-kal. > a country,.
[, en-den/-ik. J ufed of any
f. A bill
or dc-
claration made in form of law, for the benefit
of the commonwealth.
ENDIVE, en'-dlv. f. An herb, fuccory.
ENDLESS, end'-lis. a. Without end, with-
out concluflon or termination ; infinite in du-
ration, perpetual ; inceflant, continual.
ENDLESSLY, end'-lef-ly. ad. Inceffantly,
perpetually ; witiiout termination of length.
ENDLESSNESS, end'-lef-nls. f. Perpetuity,
cndlefs duration ; the quality of being round
without an end.
ENDLONG, end'-long. ad. In a ftraigbt line.
ENDMOST, end'-muft. a. Remotelt, fui theft,
at the further end.
To ENDORSE, In-da'rfe. v. a. To regifter
on the back of a writing, to fuperfcribe ; to co-
ver on the back.
ENDORSEMENT, In-da'rfe-ment. f. Super-
fcription, writing on the back ; ratification.
To ENDOW, In-dov/. v. a. To enrich with
portion ; to fupply with any external goods ;
to enrich with any excellence.
ENDOWMENT, In-dow'-ment. f. Wealth
beftowed to any perfon or ufe ; the beftowing
or affuring a dower, the fetting forth or fe-
vering a fufficient portion for perpetual main-
tenance ; gifts of nature.
To ENDUE, in-du'. v. a. To fupply with men-
tal excellencies.
ENDURANCE, in-du'-ranfc. f. Continuance,
To ENDURE, in-dii're. v. a. To bear, to lui-
dergo, to fuftain, to fupport.
To ENDURE, in-du're. v. n. To laft, to re-
main, to continue; to brook, to bear.
ENDURER, in-du'-rur. f. One that can bear
or endure, fuftainer, fuftercr ; continuet, laftcr.
ENDWISE, end''-wize. ad. Eredlly, on end.
ENEMY, tn'-e-my. f. A publick foe ; a pri-
vate opponent, an antagonid ; one that dif-
likes ; in theology, the fiend, the devil.
ENERGETICK, e-nc-r-jet'-ik. a. Forcible,
.adive, vigorous, efficacious.
ENERGY, en'-er-jy. f. Power; force, vi-
^or, efficacy; faculty, operation.
To ENERVATE, e-ner'-vate. v. a. Towca-
ken, to deprive of force.
ENERVATION, e'-ner-vi"-fhun. f. The aa^
of weakening ; the ftate of being weakened,
To ENERVE, e-nerv'. v. a. To weaken, to
break the force of, to crufli.
To ENFEEBLE, in-fe'bl. v. a. To weaken,
to enervate.
To ENFEOFF, en-f^'f. v. a. To inveft with
any dignities or pofTeflions. A law term.
ENFEOFFMENT, en-fl'f-ment. f. The a£l
of infeoffing ; the inftrument or deed by which
one is inverted with poffeilions.
To ENFETTER, In-fet^-tur. v. a. To bind
in fetters ; to enchain.
ENFILADE, en^f I-li'de. f. A flrait paffage.
To ENFORCE, in-fo'rfe. v. a. Toftrengthen,
to invigorate ; to put in a<51 by violence ; to
urge with energy ; to compel, to conftrain.
ENFORCEDLY, m-foVfed-ly. ad. By vio-
lence, not voluntarily, not fpontaneoufly.
ENFORCEMENT, in-fo'rfe-ment. f. An aft
of violence, compulfion, force oflfered; fanc-
tion, that which gives force to a law ; preffing
ENFORCER, In-fo'r-fir. f. Compeller, one
who effe£ls by violence.
To ENFRANCHISE, in-fran'-tflilz. v. a. To
admit to the privileges of a freeman ; to fet
free from flavery ; to free or releafe from cuf-
tody ; to denifen.
ENFRANCHISEMENT, In-fran'-tlhlz-ment.
f. Inveftiture of the privileges of denifen ; re-
leafe from prifon or from flavery.
ENFROZEN, In-fro'zn. part. Congealed with
To ENGAGE, In-gS^je. v. a. To impawn, to
flake ; to enlift, to bring into a party ; to cm-
bark in an affair, to enter in an undertaking ;
to unite, to attach ; to induce, to win by plea-
fing means, to gain ; to bind by any appoint-
ment or contraft ; to feize by the attention ; to
employ, to hold in bufinefs ; to encounter, to
ft ht. '
To ENGAGE, in-g?/jc. v. ji. To cor.fliil, to
iight ; to embark in any bufinefs, to enlilt in
any party.
ENGAGEMENT, In-grje-m^-nt. C The ait
of engaging, impawning, of- makiri* liable to
debt ; obligation by contrafl ; adherence to a
party or caufe, partiality ; employrtieht of the
attention ; fight, conflict, battle ; obligation,
To ENGAOL, In-j'i^le. v. a. To Imprifon, to
To ENGARRISON, In-gar'-rif-un. v. a. To
proteft by a garrifon.
To ENGENDER, in-jln'-dur. v. a. To beget
between different fexes; to produce, to form;
to excite, to caufe, to produce ; to bring forth.
To ENGENDER, In-j^n'-dur. v. n. To be
caufcd, to be produced.
ENGINE, en'-j!n. f. Any mechanical com-
plication, in which various movements and parts
concur to one efFeiEt ; a military machine ; an
inftrument to throw water upon burning houfes ;
any means ufed to bring to pafs ; an agent for
ENGINEER, en-jl-ne'r. f. One who ma-
nages engines, one who direifts the artillery of
aji army.
ENGINERY, en'-jin-ry. f. The aft of ma-
naging artillery ; engines of war, artillery.
To ENGIRD, In-gcrd'. v. a. To encircle, to
ENGLE, eng'gl. f. A gull, a put, a bubble.
ENGLISH, Ing'-glifli. a. Belonging to Eng-
To ENGLUT, in-olut'. v. a. To fwallow up ;
to glut, to pamper.^
To ENGORGE, !n-ga''rje. v. a. To fwallow,
to devour, to gorge.
To ENGORGE, in-ga''rje. v. n. To devour,
to feed with eageruefs and voracity.
To ENGRAIN, In-gra'ne. v. a. To die deep,
to die in grain.
ToENGRAPPLE, !n-gr;'p'l. v. n. To clofe
with, to contend with hold on each other.
To ENGRASP, in-grafp'. v. a. To feize, to
hold fafl in the hand.
To ENGRAVE, In-gnVve. v. a. preter. En-
graved, part. pafT. Engraved or Engraven. To
picture by incifions in any matter; to mark
wood or ftone ; to imprefs deeply, to imprint ;
to bury, td inter.
ENGRAVER, In-gra'-vi'ir. f. A cutter in ftone
or other matter.
To ENGROSS, in-gro'fe. v. a. To thicken,
to make thick ; to increafe in bulk ; to fatten,
to plump up ; to feize in the grofs ; to pur-
chafe the whole of any commodity for the fake
of felling at a high price ; to copy in a large
ENGROSSER, In-grd'f-fur. f. lie that pur-
chafes large quantities of any commodity, in
order to fell it at a high price.
ENGROSSMENT, in-gro'f-ment. f. Appro-
priation of things in the grofs, exorbitant ac-
To ENGUARD, in-g.\'rd. v. a. To protea,
to defend.
To ENHANCE, m-han'fe. v. a. To raife, to
advance in price ; to raife in eileem ; to ag-
ENHANCEMENT, In-han'fe-mcnt. f. Aug-
mentation of value j aggravation of ilJ.
ENIGMA, e-nig^-ma. f. A riddle, an obfcurc
ENIGMATICAL, e'-n!g-mat''-i-kal. a. Ob-
fcure, ambiguouny or darkly e.xprefild.
ENIGMATICALLY, ^-'-nlg-mat^'-I-kal-y. ad.
In a fenfe different from that which the words
in their familiar acceptation imply.
ENIGMATIST, e-nig'-ma-tift. f. One who
deals in obfcure and ambiguous matters.
To ENJOIN, in-joi'n. v. a. Todirea:, to order,
to prefcribc.
ENJOINER, in-joi'n-ur. f. One who gives
ENJOINMENT, In-joi'n-ment. f. Dircaion,
To ENJOY, In-joy'. v. a. To feel or perceive
v/ith pleafurc ; to obtain poflelfion or fruition
of; to pleafe, to gladden.
To ENJOY, !n-joy'. v. n. To live in hap-
ENJOYER, in-joy'-vir. f. One thathas fruition.
ENJOYMENT, in-joy^mcnt. f. Happinefs,
To ENKINDLE, in-kln'dl. v. a. To fet on
fire, to inflame ; to roufe paflion ; to incite to
any ail or hope.
To ENLARGE, In-la'rje. v. a. To make
greater in quantity or appearance ; to dilate, to
expand ; to amplify ; to releafe from confine-
ment ; to difFufe, in eloquence.
To ENLARGE, In-la'rje. v. n. To expatiate,
to fpcak in many words,
ENLARGEMENT, In-la'rje-ment. f. In-
creafe, augmentation, farther extenfion ; releafe
from confinement or fervitude ; magnifying re-
prefentation ; expatiating fpeech, copious dif-
ENLARGER, In-h'/r-jur. f. Amplifier.
To ENLIGHT, en-li'te. v. a. To illuminate,
to fupply with light.
To ENLIGHTEN, en-ll^tn. v. a. To illu-
minate, to fupply with lights to inftrudl, to
furnifh with increafe of knowledge ; to fupply
with fight.
ENLIGHTENER, en-H'te-nur. f. One that
gives light ; inftrudlor.
To ENLINK, In-link''. v. a. To chain, to, to
To ENLIVEN, in-lKvn. v. a. To make quick,
to make alive, to animate ; to make vigorous or
aftive ; to make fprightly ; to make gay.
ENLIVENER, in-lfve-nur. f. That which
animates, that which invigorates.
To ENLUMINE, in-Iu'-mln. v. a. To illu-
mine, to illuminate.
ENMITY, en'-m!-ty. f. Unfriendly difpofi-
tion, malevolence, averfion ; ftateof oppofition ;
malice, mifchievous attempts.
To ENMARBLE, In-ma'rbl. v. a. To turn
to marble.
To ENMESH, in-mefh'. v. a. To net, to in-
To ENNOBLE, en-no'bl. v. a. Toraifcfrom
commonalty to nobility ; to dignify, to ag-
grandife j to elevate ; to make famous or il-
ENNOBLEMENT, ^n-n6'bl-ment. f. The adt
of raifing to the rank of nobility ; exaltation,
elevation, dignity.
ENODATION, e^-no-da'^-fliun. f. The aft
of untjing a k^ot ; folution of a difficulty.
ENORMITY, e-na^'r-mi-ty. f. Deviation from
rule ; deviation from right ; attiocious crimes,
flagitious villanies.
ENORMOUS, e-naVmus. a. Irregular, out
of rule ; wicked beyond the common meafure j
exceeding in bulk the common meafure.
ENORMOUSLY, e-na'r-muf-ly. ad. Beyond
ENORMOUSNESS, e-naVmuf-nls. f. Im-
meafurable wickednefs.
ENOUGH, e-nuf'. a. Being in a fufficient
meafure, fuch as may fatisfy.
ENOUGH, e-niif'. f. Something fufRcicnt
in greatnefs or excellence.
ENOUGH, e-nuf^. ad. In a fufficient degree,
in a degree that gives fatisfadion j an excla-
mation noting fulnefs or fatiety.
ENOW,, e-now^ The plural of Enough. A
fufficient number.
To ENRAGE, in-ra^je. v. n. To irritate, to
provoke, to make furious.
To ENRANGE, m-ra'nje. v. a. To place re-
gularly,, to put into order.
To ENRANK, In-rank'', v. a. To place in
orderly ranks.
To ENRAPT, in-rapt'. v. a. To throw into
an extafy, to trailfport into enthufiafm.
To ENRAPTURE, m-rV-tAi^r- v. a. To
tranfport with pleafure.
To ENRAVISH, In-rav'-Ifh. v. a. To throw
into extafy.
ENRAVISHMENT, in-r.V-!fli-mem. f. Ex-
tafy of delight.
To ENRICH, In-rltiV. V. a. To make wealthy,
to make opulent ; to fertilife, to make fruitful j
to ftore, to fupply with augmentation of any
thing defirable.
ENRICHMENT, ln-r!tfh'-mcnt. f. Augment-
ation of wealth ; improvement by addition.
To ENRIDGE, In-rldzl/. v. a. To form with
longitudinal protuberances or ridges.
To E WRING, In-ring''. v. a. To bind round,
to encircle.
To ENRIPEN, In-rr'pn. v. a. To ripen, to
To ENROBE, m-ro^be. v. a. To drefs, to
To ENROL, in-ro Ic. v. a. To infcrt in a roll
or regifler; to record; to involve, to inwrap.
ENROLLER, in-ro'l-lur. f. He that enrols,
he that regillers.
ENROLMENT, in-ro'l-ment. f. Regifter,
writing in which any thing is recorded.
To ENROOT, I'n-ro't. v. a. To fix by the
To ENROUND, in-rou'nd. v. a. To environ,
to furround, to inclofe.
ENS, ens', f. Any being or exigence.
To ENSANGUINE, in-ning'-gwin. v. a. To
fmear with gore, to fufFufe with blood.
To ENSCHEDULE, In-fed'-iile. v. a. To
infert in a fchedule or writing.
To ENSCONCE, In-flicns'e. v. a. To cover
as with a fort.
To ENSEAM, in-fc'm. v. a. To fow up, to
inclofe by a feam.
To ENSEAR, In-fe'r. v. a. To cauterife, to
ftanch or flop with fire.
To ENSHIELD, In-flil'ld. v. a. To cover.
To ENSHRINE, In-fhrfne. v. a. To inclofe
in a cheft or cabinet, to prefcrve as a thing
SNSIFORM, en'-fy-form. a. Having the fhape
of a fword.
ENSIGN, en'-sine. f. The flag or ftandard of
a regiment ; badge, or mark of diftincftion ; the
officer of foot who carries the flag.
ENSIGNBEARER, en'-sine-be-rir, f. He that
carries the flag.
To ENSLAVE, In-fli/ve. v. a. To reduce to
fervitude, to deprive of liberty j to make over
to another as his flave.
ENSLAVEMENT, In-fla've-nunt. f. The (late
of fervitude, flavery.
ENSLAVER, In-fii'-vur. f. He that reduces
others to a ftate of fervitude.
To ENSUE, in-fu'. v. a. To follow, to purfue.
To ENSUE, In-su'. V. n. To follow as a con-
fequence to premifes ; to fuccced in a train of
events, or courfe of time.
ENSURANCE, In-fii'-ranfc. f. Exemption
from hazard, obtained by the payment of a cer-
tain fum \ the Aim paid for fecurity.
ENSURANCER, In-fil'-ran-fur. f. He who
undertakes to exempt from hazard.
To ENSURE, in-fu're. v. a. To afcertain, to
make certain, to fecure ; to exempt any thing
from hazard by paying a certain fum, on con-
dition of being reimburfed for mifcarriage.
ENSURER, !n-fu'-rir. f. One who makes
contracts of enfurance.
ENTABLATURE, In-tab'-la-tdre. 1 f. In ar-
ENTABLEMENT, in-tub'l-ment. j chitec-
ture, the architrave, friie, and cornice of a
ENTAIL, in-ta''le. f. The ftate entailed or
fettled, with regard to the rule of its deicent ;
the rule of defcent fettled for any eftatc.
To ENTAIL, in-ta'le. v. a. To fettle the de-
fcent of any eftate fo that it cannot be, by any
fubfequent pofTelTor, bequeathed at pleafure.
To ENTAME, in-ta'me. v. a. To tame, to
To ENTANGLE, !n-tang'-gl. v. a. To in-
wrap or enfnare v/ith fomething not eafily cx-
tricable ; to tvvift or confufe ; to involve in dif-
ficulties, to prrplcx.
ENTANGLEMENT, In-tang'-gl-ment. f. In-
tricacy, perplexity, puzzle.
ENTANGLER, In-tang'-glur. f. One that
To ENTER, en'-tur. v. a. To go or come
into any place; to initiate in a bufincfs, me-
thod, or fociety; to fet down in a writing.
To ENTER, en'-tur. v. n. To come in, to
go in ; to penetrate mentally, to make intel-
letStual entrance ; to eng.ige in ; to be initi-
ated in.
ENTERING, erZ-tcr-ing. f. Entrance, paf-
fage into a pl.ace.
To ENTERLACE, In-ttr-U'fe. v. a. To in-
tcnni> .
ENTEROLOGY, tn-te-r6l'-6-jy. f. The an-
atomical account of the bowels and internal
ENTERPRISE, u/-tcr-prize. f. An under-
taking of hazard, an arduous attempt.
To ENTERPRISE, en'-ter-prize. v. a. To
undertake, to attempt, to efTay.
ENTERPRISER, en'-ter-pri-zur. f. A man
of enterprife, one wlvo undertakes great things.
To ENTERTAIN, en-ter-ta'ne. v. a. To con-
verfe with, to talk with; to treat at the table ;
to receive hofpLtably ; to keep in one's fervicc ;
to referve in the mind; to pleafe, to aniufe, to
divert ; to admit with fatisfaftion.
ENTERTAINER, en-tu--ta'-nur. f. He that
keeps others in liis fervice ; he that treats others
at his table ; he thatpleafes, diverts, or amufes.
ENTERTAINMENT, en-ter-ta^ne-ment. f.
Converfation ; treatment at the table ; hofpi-^
..table reception ; payment of foldiers or fer-'
vants; amufement, diverfion; dramatick per-
formance, the lower comedy.
ENTERTISSUED, in-ter-tls'-sud. a. Inter-
woven or intermixed with various colours or
To ENTHRONE, In-ttiro'ne. v. a. To place
.on a regal feat ; to inveft with fovereign au-
ENTHUSIASM., en-tlTii'-zyazm. f. A vain
belief of private xevelation, a vain confidence of
divine favour ; heat of imagination ; elevation
of fancy, exaltation of ideas.
ENTHUSIAST, en-thd'-zyaft. f. Otte who
vainly imagines a private revelation, one who
has a vain conf.dence of his intercourfe with
God; one of a hot imagination ; one of ele-
vated fancy, or exalted ideas.
a. Perfuadcd of fome communication with the
Deity.; vehemently hot in any caufe ; elevated
in fancy, exalted in ideas.
ENTHEMEME, en'-ttiy-meme. f. An argu-
ment confiftingonlyof an antecedent and con-
fcqucntial prcpofitioji.
To ENTICE, In-tffe. v. a. To allure, to at-
(traif^, to draw by bhuidifhment or hopes.
u-zyas'-ti-kal. ?
-zyas^-tik. ^
ENTICEMENT, m-tiTe-ment. f. The aa
or practice of alluring to ill ; the means by
which one is allured to ill, allurement.
ENTICER, m-tK-fur. f. One that allures to ill.
ENTICINGLY, in-tf-sing-ly. ad. Charm-
ingly, in a winning manner.
ENTIRE, in-ti're. a. Whole, undivided; un-
broken, complete in its parts ; full, complete ;
in full ftrength.
ENTIRELY, In-ti're-ly. ad. In the whole,
without divifion ; completely, fully.
ENTIRENESS, !n-tfre-nls. f. Completenefs,
To ENTITLE, in-ti'tl. v. a. To grace or dig-
nify with a title or honourable appellation ; to
fuperfcribe or prefix as a title ; to give a claim
to any thing ; to grant any thing as claimed by
a title.
ENTITY, en'-t!-ty. f. Something which real-
ly is, a real being ; a particular fpecies of
To ENTOIL, Ln-toi'l. v. a. To enfnare, to
intangle, to bring into toils or nets.
To ENTOMB, In-to'm. v. a. To put into a
ENTRAILS, en'-tr!ls. f. The inteftines, the
bowels, the guts ; the internal parts, recefs,
ENTRANCE, «/-trins. f. The power of
entering into a place; the adt of entering;
the paffage by which a place is entered, avenue ;
initiation, commencement ; the a£l of taking'
pofTeflion of an office or dignity ; the beginning
of any thing.
To ENTRANCE, !n-trans^ v. a. To put in-
to a trance, to withdraw the foul wholly to
other regions ; to put into an extafy.
To ENTRAP, in-trap'. v. a. To enfnare, to
catch in a trap ; to involve unexpeftedly in
difficulties ; to take advantage of.
To ENTREAT, In-tre't. v. a. To petition,
to folicite, to importune ; to prevail upon by
folicitation ; to treat or u.l; well or ill.
To ENTREAT, in-tre't. v. n. To offer a
treaty or compact ; to Ueat, to difcourfc ; to
make a petition.
ENTREATANCE, in-trc'-tans. f. Petition,
entreaty, felicitation.
ENTREATY, in-tre'-ty. f. Petition, prayer,
ENTRY, en'-try. f. Tiie pailnge by which
any one enters a houfc ; the aft of entrance,
ingrefs; the aft of taking pofieflion of any
eibte ; the aft of regiftering or fetting down in
writing ; the aft of entering publickjy into any
To ENUBILATE, e-nu'-bl-late. v. a. To clear
from clouds.
To ENUCLEATE, l-nil'-kly-ite. v. a. To
foive, to clear.
To ENVELOP, in-ve/-iip. v. a. To inwrap,
to cover ; to hide, to furround ; to line, to co-
\eT on the iafide.
ENVELOPE, 6n-ve-l6 pe. f. A wrapper, an
outward cafe.
To ENVENOM, m-ven'-um. v. a. To poifon ;
to make odious ; to enrage.
ENVIABLE, en'-vy-abl. a. Defervingenvy.
ENVIER, en'-vy-ur. f. One that envies ano-
ther, a maligner.
ENVIOUS, u/-vyus. a. Infefted with envy.
ENVIOUSLY, en'-vyif-lj'. ad. With envy,
with malignity, with ill-will,
to ENVIRON, !ii-vi'-run. v. a. To furround ;
to envelop ; to befiege, to hem in ; to inclofe,
to invert.
ENVIRONS, 6n-vy-r6'nz. f. The neighbour-
hood or neighbouring places round about the
To ENUMERATE, e-nu'-me-rate. v. a. To
reckon up fingly, to count over diftinftly.
ENUMERATION, e'-nu-me-rd''-fhun. f. The
aft of numbering or counting over.
To ENUNCIATE, 6-nm/-fhite. v. a. Tode-
clare, to proclaim.
ENUNCIATION, e'-nun-(hr-fhun. f. De-
claration, piiblick atteftation ; intelligence, in-
ENUNCIATIVE, O-nin'-fti-tiV. a. Decla-
rative, exprcflive.
^NUNCIATIVELY, i-nin'-fhd-uv-l^'. ad.
ENVOY, ca'-\oy. f. A publick minifter fcnt
from oJie power to another ; a publick mef-
fenger, in dignity below an ambaflador ; a mef-
To ENVY, cn^-vy. v. a. To hate another for
excellence or fucccfs ; to grieve at any qualities
of excellence in another j to grudge.
To ENVY, en'-vy. v. n. To feel envy, to feel
pain at the fight of excellence or felicity.
ENVY, en^-vy. f. Pain felt and malignity con-
ceived at the fight of excellence or happinefs ;
rivalry, competition ; malice.
To ENWHEEL, In-hwe'l. v. a. Toencom-
pafs, to encircle.
To ENWOMB, In-wo'm. v. a. To make preg-
nant; to bury, to hide.
EPACT, e -pakt. f. A number whereby we
note the excefs of the common folar year above
the lunar, and thereby may find out the age of
the moon every year.
EPAULMENT, «-po'l-ment. f. In fortifica-
tion, a fidework made either of earth thrown
up, of bags of earth, gabions, or of fafcines
and earth.
EPENTHESIS, i-ph^'-tH&sls. f. The addi-
tion of a vowel or confonant in the middle of a
EPHEMERA, e-fe'-m^-ra. f. A fever that ter-
minates in one day ; an infcft that lives only
one day.
EPHEMERAL, l-fl'-me-rai
EPHER/IERICK, e-fa-mer'-iic. j ginning ani
ending in a day.
EPHEMERIS, 6-fc'-me-ris. f. A journal, an
account of daily tranfiiftions ; an account of
the daily motions and fituations of the planets.
EPHEMERIST, e-fizm. f. Luxifry, ftn-
iual enjoyment, grofs plcafure.
EPICICLE, ep-y-sfkl. f. A little circle whofe
center' is in the circumference of a greater, or a
fmall orb dependent on that of a greater, as
that of the moon on that of the earth.
EPICYCLOID, ep-y-si'-kloid. f. A curve
generated by the revolution of the periphery of
a circle along the convex or concave part of
another circle.
EPIDEMICAL, cp-y-den/-I-kal. 1 a. That
EPIDEMICK, cp-y-dem'-Ik. \ which falls
at once upon great numbers of people, as a
plague; generally prevailing, affecting great
numbers; general, univerfal.
EPIDERMIS, ep-y-der'-mls. f. The fcarf-
(kin of a man's body.
EPIGRAM, ep'-y-gram. f. A fliort poem ter-
minating in a point.
EPIGRAMMATICAL, ep-y-gram-mat'-
EPIGRAMMATICK, ep-y-grAm-mat'-!k,
a. Dealing in epigrams, writing epigrams'; fuit-
able to epigrams, belonging to epigrams.
EPIGRAMMATIST, ep-y-gram'-ma-tlft. f.
One who v>'rites or deals in epigrams.
EPILEPSY, ep'-y-lep-fy. f. Any convulfion,
or convulfive motion of the whole body, or of
fome of its parts, with a lofs of fenfe.
EPILEPTICK, tp-y-lep'-t!k. a. Convulfed.
EPILOGUE, ep'-y-lig. f. The poem or fpeech
at the end of a play.
EPIPHANY, a-pif'-fi-nj'. f. A church fefti-
val, celebrated on the twelfth day after Chrift-
mas, in commemoration of our Saviour's being
manififled to the world, by the r.ppearance of
a miraculous blazing ftar.
EPIPHONEMA, ep-y-fo-ne'-ml f. An cx-
clamaiion, a conclulive fentence not clofc con-
ncc^ted with tlic words foregoing.
EPIPHORA, e-pif'-f6-ra. f. An information
of any part.
EPIPHYSIS, ep-j-fi'-sls. f. Attention, the
parts added by accretion.
EPISCOPACY, e-pIs'-k6-pA-fy. f. The go-
vernment of bifliops, eftablifhed by the apoilles.
EPISCOPAL, e-pls'-ko-pal. a. Belonging to a
bifhop ; veiled in a bilhop.
EPISCOPATE, c-pis'-ko-pate. f. Abifhoprick.
EPISODE, ep'-y-f6dc. f. An incidental nar-
rative, or digreflion in a poem, feparable from
the main fubjeft.
EPISODICAL, ep-y-f6d'-i-kr.I.7 a. Contained
EPISODICK, ep-y-fod'-Ik. ^ '" an epi-
EPISPASTICK, ep-y-fpas'-tik. a. Drawing}
EPISTLE, g-plft'l. f. A letter.
EPISTOLARY, l-p!s'-t5-lar-y. a. Relating
to letters, fuitable to letters ; tranfacled by
EPISTLER, e-p!ft'-lur. f. A fcribler of letters^
EPITAPH, ep'-y-taf. f. An infcription upon
a tomb flone.
EPITHALAMIUAI, ep-y-tfia-la'-myum. f. A
nuptial fong, a compliment upon marriage.
EPITHEM, ep'-y-ttiem. f. A liquid medica-
ment externally applied.
EPITHET, ep'-y-tlTet. f. An adjedive de-
noting any quality good or bad.
EPITOME, e-pit'-d-me. t. Abridgment, ab-
To EPITOMISE, e-pit'-6-mIze. v. a. To
abftradl, to contract into a^ narrow fpace ; to
diminifh, to curtail.
EPITOMISER, e-plt'-6-mI-zur. 9 f. An a-
EPITOMIST, a-plt'-o-mllt. 5 bridger, an
EPOCH, V-oI^- ? *"• 'Tl^e ^'"^^ a' w/.ich a
EPOCHA, ep'-6-ka.5 new computation is be-
gun, the time from which dates are numbered.
EPODE, ep'-ode. f. The (lanza following the
ftrophe and antiftrophe.
EPOPEE, ep'-6-pe. i. An epick or iieroick
EPULATION, ep-u-la'-IIaun. f. Banquet, feaft.
EPULOTICK, ep-u-16tMk. f, A cicatrlfing
EQUABILITY, ^'-kwa-bir-!-ty. f. Equa-
lity to itfelf, evenncfs, unifonnity.
EQUABLE, e'-kwibl. a. Equal to itfelf, even,
EQUABLY, e'-hwa-bly. ad. Uniformly, even-
ly, equally to itfelf.
EQUAL, e'-k\val. a. Like another in bulk, or
any quality that admits comparifon ; adequate
to any purpofe ; even, uniform ; in jult pro-
portion ; impartial, neutral ; indifferent; equi-
table, advantageous alike to both parties ; upon
the fame terms.
EQUAL, e'-kwal. f. One not inferior or fu-
f erior to another ; one of the fame age.
To EQUAL, e'-kwal. v. a. To make one thing
or perfon equal to another ; to rife to the fame
ftate w^ith another perfon ; to recompenfe fully.
To EQUALISE, e'-kwa-lize. v. a. To make
even ; to be equal to.
EQUALITY, g-kwal'-l-ty. f. Likenefs with
regard to any quantities compared ; the flame
degree of dignity ; evennefs, uniformity, equa-
EQUALLY, e'-kwal-y. ad. In the fame degree
with another J evenly, equably, uniformly;
EQUANGULAR, g-kwang'-gu-lar. a. Con-
fifting of equal angles.
EQUANIMITY, e^-kwa-nlm'^-i-ty. f. Even-
nefs of mind, neither elated nor depreffed.
EQUANIMOUS, e-kwan'-y-mus. a. Even,
not dejected.
EQUATION, i-kwa'-fliun. f. The invefli-
gation of a mean proportion coUedcd from the
extremities of excefs and defeft ; in algebra, an
exprcffionof the fame quantity in two lUffimilar
terms, but of equal value ; in aftror.omy, the
difference between the time marked by the fun's
apparent motion, and that meafurcd by. its mo-
EQTJATOR, c-kwa^-tir. f. A great circle,
whofe poles are the poles of the v/orld. It di-
vides the globe into iWo equal parts, the north-
ern and fouthern hcmifphcres.
E Qja
EQUATORIAL, e'-kwa-t6''-ry5l. a. Pertain-
ing to the equator.
EQUESTRIAN, c-kwes'-tryan. a. Appearing
on horfeback ; fkilled in horfemanfhip ; be-
longing to the fecond rank in Rome.
EQUERY, e-kwer'-y. f. Mafter of the horfe.
EQUTCRURAL, ^'-kwy-kro^'-ral. a. Having
the legs of an equal length.
EQLTIDISTANT, ^'-kwy-dls''-t^nt. a. At
the fame diftance.
EQUIDISTANTLY, c'-kwy-d!s''-tant-Iy. ad.
At the fame diftance.
EQUIFOR.A^TY, e'-kwy-frr-ml-ty. f. Uni-
form equality.
EQUILATERAL, e'-kwy-lat'^-^n-al. a. Ha-
ving all fides equal.
To EQUILIBRATE, d'-kwy-li^'-brate. v. a.To
balance equally.
EQUILIBRATION, e'-kwy-li-bri^'-fhun. f.
EQUILIBRIUAI, ^'-kwy-le^'-bryum. f. Equi-
poife, equality of weight; equality of evidence,
motives or powers.
EQLilNECESSARY, e'-kwy-nes"-fef-fer-y. a.
Needful in the fame degree.
EQUINOCTIAL, e'-kwy-nSk^'-fhal. f. The
line that encompaffes the world at an equal dif-
tance from either pole, to which circle when
the fun comes, he makes equal days and nights
all over the globe.
EQUINOCTIAL, ^'-kwy-n6k''-fhal. a. Per-
taining to the equinox ; happening about the
time of the equinoxes ; being near the equi-
nodial line.
EQUINOCTIALLY, ^'-kwy-nok'-'-aial-y. aJ,
In th" direclion of the equincxStial.
EQUINOX, e'-kwy-noks. f. Equinoxes arc
the precife times in which the fun enters into
the firft point of Aries and Libra; for then,
moving exactly under theequinodial, he makes
our days ?nd nights equal ; equinoctial wind.
EQUINUMERANT, ^'-kwy-na"-me-rant..a.
Having the fame number.
To EQUIP, e-kwip^. v. a. To furnifli for a
horfcman; to furnifii, to accoutre, to fit out.
EQUIPAGE, tk'^kwl-p:^je, f. Furniture for a
Jiorfeman ; carriage of ftate, vehicle; attend-
ance, retinue ; accoutrements, furniture.
EQUIPENDENCY, ^'-kwy-pen'^-dcn-fy. f.
The aci: of hanging in equipoifc.
EQUIPMENT, e-lcwip'-ment. f. The acl of
equipping or accoutering ; accoutrement, equi-
EQUIPOISE, c'-kwy-poize. f. Equality of
weight, equilibration.
EQUIPOLLENCE, ^-'-kwy-pol^-lens. f. E-
quality of force or power.
EQUIPOLLENT, e'-kwy-pol'^-lent. a. Having
equal power or force.
EQUIPONDERANCE, e'-kwy-pcm"-dcr-
EQUIPONDERANCY, i'-kwy^pon^-dir-
f. Equality of weight.
EQUIPONDERANT, c'-kwy-p6n'''-der-anr.
a. Being of the fame weight.
To EQUIPONDERATE, e'-kwy-pan'-'-der-
ace. V. n. To weigh equal to any thing.
EQUIPONDIOUS, e'-kwy-p6n"-dyus. a. E-
quilibrated, equal on either part.
EQUITABLE, ek'-kwy-tabl. a. Jufl^, due to
juftlce ; loving juftice, candid, impartial.
EQUITABLY, ek'-kwy-tab-ly. ad. Juftly, im-
EQUITY, ek'-kwl-ty. f. Juftic&, right, ho-
nefty ; impartiality ; in law, the rules of de-
cifion obferved by the court of Chancery.
EQUIVOLENCE, e-kwiv'-va-lens. 1 f. E-
EQLTVOLENCY, c-kwlv'-va-len-iy. j quali-
ty of power or worth.
EQUIVALENT, e-kwiv'-va-lent. a. Equal in
value; equal in excellence ; of the fame im-
port or meaning.
EQUIVALENT, e-kwiv'-va-lent. f. A thing
of the fame weight, dignity, or value,
EQUIVOCAL, e-kwiv'-v6-kal. a. Of doubt-
ful fignification, meaning difFerent things ; un-
certain, doubtful.
EQUIVOCALLY, e-kw!v'-v6-kal-y. ad. Am-
biguoufly, in a doubtful or double fcnfe ; by
uncertain or irregular birth, by generation out
of the ftated order.
EQUR'OC ALNESS, e-kw!v'-v6-kal-n!s. f.
Ambiguity, double meaning.
To EQUIVOCATE, e-kwlv'-vo-kate. v. n.
To ufe words of equal meaning, to ufe ambi-
guous expreffions.
EQUIVOCATION, e-kwiv-v6-ka''-fhun. f.
Ambiguity of fpeech, double meaning.
EQUIVOCATOR, e-kwlv'-vo-ki-tur. f. One
who ufes ambiguous language.
ERA, e'-ra. .{. The account of time from any
particular date or epoch.
ERADIATION, e'-ra-dy-i'-fhin. f. Emiffion
of radiance.
To ERADICATE, e-rad'-i-k5te. v. a. To pull
up by the root; to deflroy, to end.
ERADICATION, c'-rad-y-ka"-fiiun. f. The
act of tearing up by the root, deftruclion ; the
ftiteof being torn up by the roots.
ERADICATIVE,e-radM-ka-tiv. a.That which
cures radically.
To ERASE, e ra'fe. v. a. To deftroy, to ruW
out ; to expunge.
ERASEMENT, l-raTe-ment. f. Deftruclion,
dcvaftation ; expunftion, abolition.
ERE, ere. a. Before, fooner than.
ERELONG, cre-lon'g. ad. Before a long time
had elapfed.
ERENOW, ere-now'. ad. Before this time.
EREWHILE, ere-hwi'le. Ud. Some time a-
EREWHILES, cre-hwflz. \ go, before a little
To ERECT, e-rekt'. v. a. To place perpen-
dicularly to the horizon ; to raife, to build ; to
elevate, to exalt ; to animate, to encourage.
To ERECT, e-rekt'. v. n. To rife upright.
ERECT, e-rekt'. a. Upright ; directed up-
wards ; bold, confident, vigorous.
ERECTION, e-rek'-lhun. f. Theadofrai-
fing, or ftate of being raifed upward ; the aft
of building or raifing edifices.
ERECTNESS, e-rekt'-nls. f. Uprightnefs of
EREMITE, er^-e-mite. f. One who lives in a
wildcrnefs, an hermit.
EREMITICAL, er-£-m[t'-I-kdl. a. Religiou/ly
EREPTATION, e'-rep-ta"-fhun. f. A creep-
ing forth.
EREPTION, e-rep'-flaun. f. A fnatching or
taking away by force.
ERGOT, er'-got. f. Afortofftub, like a piece
of horn, placed behind and below the partem
ERINGO, e-rlng^-go. f. Sea-hoIIy, a plant.
ERISTICAL, e-rls'-tl-kal. a. Controverlial,
relating to difpute.
ERIMINE, er'-min. f. An animal that is found
in cold countries, and which very nearly re-
fembles a weafle in Ihape ; having a white pile,
and the tip of the tail black, and furnifliing a
choice and valuable fur.
ERMINED, er'-mind. a. Cloathed with ermine.
To ERODE, e-ro'de. v. a. To canker, or eat
EROGATION, cr-r6-gu'-(hun. f. The ad of
giving or beftowing.
EROSION, e-ro'-zhun. f. The ad of eating
away ; the rtate of being eaten away.
To ERR, er . v. n. To wander, to ramble ;
to mifs the right way, to ftray ; to deviate from
any purpofe ; to commit errors, to miftake.
ERRAND, ar'-rand. f. Ameflage, fomcthing
to be told or done by a melTenger.
ERRABLE, er'-rabl. a. Liable to err.
ERRABLENESS, er'-rabl-n!s. f. Liablenefs
to error.
ERRANT, er'^rant. a. Wandering, roving,
rambling ; vile, abandoned, completely bad.
ERRANTRY, er'-rant-try. -f. An errant ftatc,
the condition of a wanderer ; the employment
of a knight errant.
ERRATA, er-ra'-ta. f. The faults of the
printer or author inferted in the beginning or
cikI of the book.
ERRATICK, cr-rat'-'k. a. Wandering, un-
certain, keeping no certain order ; irregular,
char.gf ab e.
ERRATICALLY, er-rat'-l-kaUy. ad. With-
out rule, without method.
ERRONEOUS, er-ro'-nyus. a. Wandering,
unfcf.kd ; miftaking, mifled by error.
ERRONEOUSLY, er-r6 -nyif-ly. ad. By
miftake, not rightly.
ERRONEOUSNESS, er-r6'-nyuf-n!i. f. Phy-
fical falfehood, inconformity to truth.
ERROUR, cr'-rur. f. Miftake, involuntary
deviation from truth ; a blunder, a miftake
committed; roving excurfion, irregular courfe.
ERST, erft'. ad. Firft; at firft, in the begin-
ning; once, when time was; formerly, long
ago ; before, till then, till now.
ERUBESCENCE, e'-ru-bes"-sens. IC The
ERUBESCENCY, e'-ru-bes"-sen-fy. S ad of
growing red, rednefs.
ERUBESCENT, e'-ru-bes^-sent. a. Reddifli,
fomewhat red.
To ERUCT, ^-rukt", v. a. To belch, to break
wind from the ftomach.
ERUCTATION, e'-ruk-ta'^-fliun. f. The acl
of belching ; belch, the matter vented from the
ftomach ; any fudden burft of wind or mat-
ERUDITION, er-u-dlih'-un. f. Learning,
ERUGINOUS, c-ru^-ji-nus. a. Partaking of
the fubftance and nature of copper.
ERUPTION, e-rup'-fliun. f. The afl of break-
ing or burfting forth ; burft, emiflion ; fuddeti
excurfion of an hoftile kind ; efflorefccnce,
ERUPTIVE, e-rup'-tiv. a. Burfting forth,
ERYSIPELAS, er-y-slp'-e-las. f. An erup-
tion of a hot acrid humour.
ESCALADE, ef-ka-ld'de. f. The a^of fcaling
the walls.
ESCALOP, fk6l'-lup. r. A ftiell-fifli, whofe
fhell is regularly indented.
To ESCAPE, cf-ka'pe. v. a. To fly, t j avoid ;
to pafs unobferved.
To ESCAPE, cf-ki\'pe. v. n. To ily, to get
out of danger.
ESCAPE, ef-ka>. f. Flight, the acl of get-
ting out of danger; in lav/, violent or privy
evafion cut of lawful tcftraint ; overfight, mif-
ESCHAL07% ihil-lct'. f. A plant.
ESCHAR, es'-kar. f. Ahard ci'uft or fc^r made
by hot applications.
ESCHAROTICK, ef-ka-rit'-lk. a. Cauftick,
having the power to fear or burn the flefli.
ESCHEAT, ef-fhe'te. f. Any lands or other
profit?, that fall to a lord within his manor by
forfeiture, or the death of his tenant, dying
without heir general or efpecial.
To ESCHEAT, ef-fhe'te. v. a. To fall to the
lord of the manor by forfeiture.
ESCHEATOR, ef-fhe'-tur. f. An officer that
obferves the efcheats of the king in the county
whereof he is efcheator.
To ESCHEW, ef-tflio'. v. a. To fly, to avoid,
to fhun.
ESCUTCHEON, cf-ki'its'h-un. f. The fT-.'ield
of the family, the pifture of the enfigns ar-
ESCORT, es''-k6rt. f. Convoy, guard from
place to place.
To ESCORT, ef-ka'rt. v. a. To convoy, to
guard from place to place.
'ESCRITOIR, ef-kra-to'r. f. A box with all
the implements neceflary for writing.
ESCUAGE, es^-ku-fije. f. A kind of knight's
ESCULENT, es'-ku-lent. a. Good for food,
ESCULENT, es'-ku-lent. f. Something fit
for food.
ESPALIER, ef-pal'-yer. f. Trees planted and
cut fo as to join.
ESPECIAL, ef-pefh'-al. a. Principal, chief.
ESPECIALLY, ef-fpefh'-al-y. ad. Principally,
ESPERANCE, ef-pe-r.Vnfe. f. Hope.
ESPIAL, ef-pi'-al. f. A fpy, a fcout.
ESPLANADE, ef-pla-nfde. f. The empty
fpace between the glacis of a citadel and the
firll houfes of the town.
ESPOUSALS, ef-pou'-zals. f. without a fingu-
lar. The aft of contrading or affiancing a
man and woman to each other.
ESPOUSAL, cf-pou'-zal. a. Ufcd in the ad
of efpoufing or betrothing.
To ESPOUSE, ef-pou'ze. v. a. To contract
or betroth to another ; to marry, to wed ; to
maintain, to defend.
To ESPY, ef-fpy'. V. a. To fee a thing at a
diftance ; to difcover a thing intended to be
hid ; to fee unexpeftedly ; to difcover as a fpy.
ESQUIRE, ef-kwi're. f. The armour-bearer or
attendant on a knight ; a title of dignity, and
next in degree below a knight.
To ESSAY, ef-fd^ v. a. To attempt, to try,
to endeavour ; to make experiment of ; to try
the value and purity of metals.
ESSAY, es'-fa. f. Attempt, endeavour ; a loofe
performance ; an Irregular indigefted piece ; an
eafy free kind of compofition ; a trial, an expe-
ESSENCE, es'-senfe. f. Exiftence, the quality
of being; conftituent fubftance ; the caufe of
exiftence ; the very nature of any being ; in
medicine, the chief properties or virtues "^f any
fimple, or compofition colledled in a narrow
compafs ; perfume, odour, fcent.
To ESSENCE, es'-fenfe. v. a. To perfume,
to fcent.
ESSENTIAL, ef-fen'-fhal. a. Neceffar)' to the
conftitution or exiftence of any thing ; import-
ant In the higheft degree, principal ; pure,
highly reflified, fubtilly elaborated.
ESSENTIAL, ^f-fen'-fhal. f. Exiftence; firft
or conftituent principles ; the chief point.
ESSENTIALLY, ef-fen'-fhal-ly. ad. By the
conftitution of nature.
ESSOINE, ef-foi'n. f. Allegement of an ex-
cufe for him that is fummoned, or fought for,,
to appear ; excufe, exemption.
To ESTABLISH, ef-tab'-llfli. v. a. To fettle
firmly, to fix imalterably ; to found, to build
firmly, to fix immoveably ; to make fettle-
ment of any inheritance.
ESTABLISHMENT, cf-tib'-lifli-ment. f.
Settlement, fixed ftate ; fettled regulation, form,
model ; allowance, income, falary.
ESTATE, tf-ta'te. f. The general- intereft, the
publick ; condition of life; fortune, pofiefiion
in land.
To ESTEEM, ef-te^m. v. a. To fet a value,
whether high or low, upon any thing; to prize,
to rate high ; to hold in opinion, to think, to
ESTEEM, cf-te'm. f. High value, reverential
ESTEEMER, ef-t^'m-ur. f. One that highly
values, one that fets a high rate upon any
ESTIMABLE, es'-ti-mibl. a. Valuable, worth
a large price ; worthy of efteem, worthy of
ESTIMABLENESS, es'-ti-mabl-nls. f. The
quality of deferring regard.
To ESTIMATE, es'-tl-mate. v. a. To rate,
to adjuft the value of ; to judge of any thing by
its proportion to fomething elfe ; to calculate,
to compute.
ESTIMATE, es^-ti-met. f. Computation, cal-
culation ; value; valuation, aflignment of pro-
portioned value; calculation, computation;
opinion, judgment ; efteem, regard, honour.
ESTIMATION, ef-tf-mi'-fhun. f. The ad
of adjufting proportioned value ; calculation,
computation; opinion, judgment; efteem, re-
gard, honour.
ESTIMATIVE, es^-tl-ma-tlv. a. Having the
power of comparing and adjufting the prefer-
ESTIMATOR, es'-tl-ma-tur. f. Af.tter of
ESTI\'AL, es'-ti-val. a. Pertaining to the
fummer ; continuing for the fummer.
To ESTRANGE; ef-trd'nje. v. a. To keep at
a diftance, to withdraw ; to alienate from af-
ESTRANGE.MENT, ef-ftra'nje-ment. f. A-
lltnation, diftance, removal.
KS TRAPADE, ef-tra-pi'de. f. The defence
of a horfe that will not obey, who rifcs before,
and yerks furious with his hind legs.
ESTREPEMENT, ef-treVment. f. Spoil
mzcts by the tenant for term of life upon any
lands or woods.
ESTRICH, os'-tritfb. f. The largcft of birds.
ESTUARY, es'-tu-a-ry. f. An arm of the fea»
the mouth of a lake or river in which the tide
ebbs and flows.
ToESTUATE, es'-tu-ate. v. a. To fwcll and
fall reciprocally, to boil.
ESTUATION, ef-tu-a'-fhun. f. The ftate of
boiling, reciprocation. of rife and fall.
ESURIENT, a-fh(i'-ryent. a. Hungry, vora-
ESURINE, e'flio-rinc. a. Corroding, eating.
ETC. et-fet'-e-ra. A contradtion of the Latin
words Et Cetera, which fignihes And fo on.
To ETCH, ets^h. v. a. A way ufed in making
of prints, by drawing with a proper needle
upon a copper plate.
ETERNAL, l-ter'-nal. a. Without beginning
or end ; unchangeable.
ETERNAL, e-ter'-nai. f. One of the appel-
lations of the Godhead.
ETERNALIST, e-ter''-nal-lift. f. One that
holds the paft exiftence of the world infinite.
To ETERNALIZE, l-ter'-nal-lize.. v. a. To
make eternal.
ETERNALLY, e-ter'-nal-ly. ad. Without
beginning or end ; unchangeably, invariably.
ETERNE, e-tern''. a. Eternal, perpetual.
ETERNITY, e-ter'-ni-ty. f. Duration with-
out beginning or end ; duration without end.
To ETERNIZE, e-ter'-nize, v. a. To n.ake
endlefs, to perpetuate ; to make for ever fa-
mous, to immortalize.
ETHER, e'-tfier. f. An element more fuie and
fubtle than air, air refined or fublimed ; the
matter of the higheft regions above ; a chymi-
cal preparation.
ETHEREAL, d-tlrJ'-ryal. a. Formed of ether;
celeftial, heavenly.
ETHEREOUS, e-tRe'-ryus. a. Formed of ether,
ETHICAL, etlr'-I-kal. a. Moral, treating on
ETHICALLY, etti'-I-kAl-y. ad. According to
the doiEtrines of morality.
ETHICK, ctlr'-lk. a. Moral, delivering pre-
cepts of morality.
K 11! ff-s,
ETHICKS, etti-'iks. f. without the fingular.
The doftrine of morality, a fyftem of morality.
ETHNICK, etlf-n!k. a. Heathen, Pagan,
not Jewifli, not Chriftian.
ETHNICKS, etlr'-nlks. f. Heathens.
ETHOLOGICAL, e'-t}T6-l6dzh'''.I-kal. a.
Treating of morality.
ETIOLOGY, i'-ty-6l'''-o-jy. f. An acount of
the caufes of any thing, generally of a dif-
ETYMOLOGICAL, et-y-m6-l6dzh'-!-kal. a.
Relating to etymology.
ETYMOLOGIST, et-y-m6r-6-jift. f. One
who fearches out the original of words.
ETYMOLOGY, et-y-m6l'-6-jy. f. The de-
fcent or derivation of a word from its original,
the dedudlion of formations from the radical
word ; the part of grammar which delivers the
inflexions of nouns and verbs.
To EVACATE, e-v^-kate. v. a. To empty
out, to throw out.
To EVACUATE, e-vak'-u-ate. v. a. To make
empty, to clear ; to void by any of the excre-
tory paflages ; to quit, to withdraw from out
of a place.
EVACUANT, §-vak'-ii-ant. f. Medicine that
procures evacuation by any pafl'age.
EVACUATION, e-vak-^i-^'-fliun. f. Such
emiflions as leave a vacancy; difcharge; the
practice of emptying the body by phyfick ; dif-
charges of the body by any vent natural or ar-
To EVADE, e-va'de, v. a. To elude; to avoid;
to efcape or elude by fophiftry.
To EVADE, e-ViVde. v. n. To efcape, to flip
away ; to practife fophiftry or evafions.
EVAGATION, e'-va-gu''-fliun. f. The ad of
wandering, deviation.
EVANESCENT, c-'-vA-ncV-scnt. a. Vanilhihg,
EVANGELICAL, (/-vkn-j^V'-l-kW. a. Agree-
able to gofpcl, confonant to the Chrilli.ui lav/
revealed in the holy gofpel ; contained in the
EVANGELISAT, a-vai/-jc-l!/m. f. The pro-
mulgation of the bkill-d ^;ofpol.
EVANGELIST, e-van'-je-llft. f. A writer of
the hiflory of our Lord Jefus ; a promulgator
of the Chriftian laws.
To EVANGELIZE, e-van'-jc-lfzc. v. a. T»
inftrutSt in the gofpel, or law of Jefus.
EVANID, e-van^-id. a. Faint, weak, eva-
EVAPORABLE, e-vV-o-rabl. a. Eafilydif-
fipated in fumes or vapours.
To EVAPORATE, e-vap'-o-rate. v. n. To
fly away in fumes or vapours.
To EVAPORATE, e-vV-o-rate. v. a. To
drive away in fumes ; to give vent to ; to let
out in ebullition or fallies.
EVAPORATION, e'-vap-o-ra^'-lhun. f. The
aft of flying away in fumes and vapours ; the
a£t of attenuating matter, fo as to make it fume
away; in pharmacy, an operation by which
liquids are fpent or driven away in fteams, fo
as to leave fome part ftronger than before.
EVASION, e-va'-zhun. f. Excufe, fubterfuge,
fophiftry, artifice.
EVASIVE, e-vi/-siv. a. Pradifing evafion,
elufive ; containing an evafion, fophiftical.
EUCHARIST, .i'-ka-rlft. f. The aft of giving
thank?, the facramental aft in which the death of
our Redeemer is commemorated with a thankful
remembrance ; the facrament of the Lord's
EUCHARISTICAL, u-ka-rls'-tl-kal. a. Con-
taining afts of thankfgiving ; rehiting to the
facrament of the fupper of the Lord.
EUCHOLOGY, u-kol'-6-jy. f. A formulary
of prayers.
EUCRASY, u'-kra-fy. f. An agreeable well
proportioned mixture, whereby a body is in
EVE, e^•e. 7 f. The clofe of the day; the
EVEN, e'vn. 5 vigil or faft to be obfcrved be-
fore an holiday.
EVEN, e'vn. a. Level, not rugged ; uniform,
fmooth ; equal on both fides j without any
thin;r owed ; cahn, not I'ubjeft to elevation or
deprciTion ; capable to be divided into ccjual
lo EVEN, c\'n. V. a. To make even; to make
out of debt J to make level.
EVEN, c'vii. ad. A word of flrong afiertion,
verily; fuppcfing that ; notwithftanding.
EVENHANDED, e'vn-han-dld. a. Impartial,
P . equitable.
^ -EVENING, eVnIng. f. The clofe of the day,
the beginning of night.
EVENLY, ev'n-ly. ad. Equally, uniformly ;
fmoothly ; impartially, without favour or en-
: . mity.
EVENNESS, e vn-nis. f. State of being even ;
uniformity, regularity ; equality of forface,
Jevelnefs; freedom from inclination to either
fide ; calmnefs, freedom from perturbation.
EVENTIDE, e'vn-tide. f. The time of even-
EVENT, e-vent . f. An incident, any thing
that happens ; the coafequence of an aftion.
To EVENTERATE, e-ven'-ta-rate. v. a. To
rip up, to open the belly.
EVENTFUL, e-vent'-fdl. a. Full of incidents.
To EVENTILATE, i-ven'-tl-hlte. v. a. To
winnow, to fift out ; to examine, to difcufs.
EVENTUAL, e-ven'-tu-al. a. Happening in
confequence of any thing, confequential.
EVENTUALLY, e-ven'-td-al-y. ad. In the
event, in the laft refult.
EVER, ev'-iir. ad. At any time; at all times ;
for ever ; a word of enforcement. As foon as
c\-er he had done it ; it is often contracted into
EVERBUBBLING, ev-ur-bub'-hllng. a. Boil-
ing up v/ith perpetual murmurs.
EVERBURNING, ev-ur-bur'-n!ng. a. Un-
EVERDURING, ev-ur-dr/rlng. a. Eternal,
enduring without end.
EVERGREEN, ev-ur-gre'n.a. Verdant through-
out the year.
EVERGREEN, cV-ur-grcn. f. A plant that
r tains its verdure through all the feafons.
l.RHONOURED, ev-ur-6n'-nurd. a. Al-
ways held in honour.
EVERLASTING, ev-ur-lis'-tinc-. a. Lad-
ing or enduring without end, pcrpcaul, int-
EVERLASTING, cv-ur-las'-ti'ng. f. Eternity.
EVERLASTINGLY, ev-ur-las'-ling-ly. ad.
Eternally, without end.
EVERLASTINGNESS, cv-ur-las'-t!ng-nls. f.
Eternity, perpetuity.
EVERLIVING, ev-ur-llv'-ing. a. Living
without end.
EVERMORE, ev-ur-mo're. ad. Always, eter-
To EVERSE, e-vers e. v. a. To overthrow,
to fubvert.
To EVERT, l-vert'. v. a. To deftroy.
EVERY, ev''-ur-y. a. Each one of all.
EVESDROPPER, e'vz-drop-pur. f. Some
mean fellow that fkulks about the houfe in the
To EVESTIGATE, c-ves'-tl-gite. v. a. Ta
fearch out.
EUGH, yo'. f. A tree.
To EVICT, e-vik't. v. a. To take away by a
fentence of law ; to prove.
EVICTION, e-vlk'-fliun. f. DifpoiTcffion or
deprivation of a definitive fentence of a court of
judicature; proof, evidence.
EVIDENCE, eV-i-denfe. f. The ftate of be-
ing evident, clearnefs ; teftimony, proof ; wit-
nefs, one that gives evidence.
To EVIDENCE, ev'-I-denfe. v. 3. To prove,
to make difcovery of.
EVIDENT, ev'-l-dtnt. a. Plain, apparent, no-
E\^IDENTLY, cv'-I-dent-ly. ad. Apparently,
EVIL, e'vl. a. Having bad qualities of any
kind; wicked, corrupt; miferable ; mifchii-
vous, deftructive.
EV^IL, e'\I. f. Wickednefs, a crime ; injury,
mifchief; malignity, corruption; misfortune,
calamity ; malady, difeafe.
EVIL, e'vl. ad. Not well in whatever refpefl ;
injurioufly, not kindly.
E\'ILAFFECTED, evl-af-fck'-tld. a. Not
kind, not difpofed to kindncfs.
EVILDOER, evl-d.V-ur. f, Malefaaor,
EVILFAVOURED, evl-fa'-vurd. a. Ill-coun-
EVILFAVOUREDNESS, Ivl-fi'-vurd-nis. f.
EVILMINDED, evl-mfn-did. a. Malicious,
EVILNESS, e^'l-nls. f. Contrariety to good-
nefs, badnefsof whatever kind.
EVILSPEAKING, lvl-fpe'-k!ng. f. Defama-
tion, calumny.
EVILWISHING, evl-wlfh'-Ing. a. Wifliing
evil to, having no good will.
EVILWORKER, evl-wurk'-ur. f. One who
does ill.
To EVINCE, e-vn/fe. v. a. To prove, to
EVINCIBLE, e-vi]/-sibl. a. Capable of proof,
EVINCIBLY, e-vln'-slb-ly. ad. In fuch a
manner as to force conviction.
To EVISCERATE, e-vis'-fe-rke. v. a. To
embowel, to deprive of the entrails.
EVITABLE, evM-tabl. a. Avoidable, that
may be efcaped or fhunned.
To EVITATE, evM-tate. v. a. To avoid, to
EVITATION, ev-i-ta'-fhun. f. The a^ of
EULOGY, iV-lo-jy. f. Praife, encomium.
EUNUCH, u'-nuk. f. One that is caftrated.
EVOCATION, ev-O-ka'-fhun. f. The ad of
calling out.
EVOLATION, c'-v6-la''-fhLin. f. The act of
flying away.
To EVOLVE, e-volv'. v. a. To unfold, to
To EVOLVE, e-v6lv'. v. n. To open itfelf,
to difclofe itfelf.
EVOLUTION, ev-5-lu'-fhun. f. The aft of
unrolling or unfolding ; the feries of things
unrolled or unfolded ; in tafticks, the motion
made by a body of men in changing their pof-
ture, or form of drawing up.
EVOMITION, e'-va-mllh''-un. f. The ad of
vomiting out.
EUPHONICAL, u-fon'-y-kal. a. Sounding
EUPHONY, li'-fa-ny. f. An agreeable found,
the contrary to harfhnefs.
EUPHORBIUI*J,a-fiVbyim. f. A plant, a gum.
EUPHRASY, d'-fra-fy. f. The herb eye-
EUROCLYDON, u-r6k'-ly-d6n. f. A wind
which blows between the Eaft and North, very-
dangerous in the Mediterranean.
EUROPEAN, u-rd-p^'-an. a. Belonging to
EURUS, li'-rus. f. The Eaft wind.
EURYTHMY, .i'-rhR-my. f. Harmony, re-
gular and fymmetrical meafure.
EUTHANASIA, d-tRan-a-Te'-i. 7 f. An eafy
EUTHANASY, u-ttiai/-a-fy. _£ death.
EVULGATION, e'-vul-gr'-fhin. f. The aft
of divulging.
EVULSION, l-vul'-fhun. f. The aft of pluck,-
ing out.
EWE, yo'. f. The fhe-fheep.
EWER, u'-ur. f. A velTel in which water is
brought for wafliing the hands.
EWRY, u'-ry. f. An office in the king's houfe-
hold, where they take care of the linen for the
king's table.
To EXACERBATE, ekf-a-fer'-bate. v. a. To
embitter, to exafperate.
EXACERBATION, ekf^a-fer-bl'-fhun. f. En-
creafe of malignity, augmented force or fe-
EXACERVATION, ekf-a-fer-viV-fhun. f. The
act of heaping up.
EXACT, egz-akt''. a. Nice; methodical; ac-
curate ; honeft, ftrift, pundlual.
To EXACT, egz-akt^. v. a. To require au-
thoritatively ; to demand of right.
To EXACT, egz-akt'. v. n. To pradife ex-
EXACTER, egz-ak'-tur. f. Extortioner, one
who claims more than his due ; one who is fe-
vere in his injundions or his demands.
EXACTION, egz-ak'-fliun. f. Extortion, un-
juft demand ; a toll, a tribute fevercly levied.
EXACTLY, cgz-akt'-ly. ad. Accurately, nicely.
EXACTNESS, egz-dkt'-nls. f. Accuracy,
r.icety jregularity of condudl, ftridlnefs of man-
To EXAGGERATE, egz-adzh'-L-rate. v.'a.
To heighten by reprefentation.
EXAGGERATION, egz-adzh-e-ra'-fhun, f.
The act of keeping together ; hyperbolical am-
To EXAGITATE, egz-adzhM-tate. v. a. To
fhake, to put in motion.
EXAGITATION, egz-adzh-i-ta'-fh'm. f. The
acft of fliaking.
To EXALT, egz-a''lf. v. a. To raife on high ;
to elevate to power, wealth, or dignity ; to ele-
vate to joy or confidence ; to praife, to extol,
to magnify J to elevate in diiSlion or fentiment.
EXALTATION, egz-6l-ta'-fhun. f. The afl
of raifing on high ; elevation in power or dig-
nity ; moft elevated ftate, ftate of greatnefs or
EXAMEN, egz-a'-men. f. Examination, dif-
EXAMINATE, egz-lm'-I-nate. f. The per-
fon examined.
EXAMINATION, egz-am-I-na'-fhun. f. The
aft of examining by queftions, or experi-
EXAMINATOR, egz-am'-I-na-tur. f. An ex-
aminer, an enquirer.
To EXAMINE, egz-am''-in. v. a. To try a
perfon accufed or fufpecled by interrogatories ;
to interrogate a witnefs ; to try the truth or
falfehood of any propofition ; to try by expe-
riment, to narrowly fift, to fcan ; to make en-
quiry into, to fearch into, to fcrutinifc.
EXAMINER, egz-am'-i-nur. f. One who in-
terrogates a criminal or evidence ; one who
fearches or tries any thing.
EXAMPLE, egz-amp''l. f. Copy or pattern,
that which is propofcd to be refemblcd ; prece-
dent, former inflancc of the like ; a perfon fit
to be propofed as a pattern ; one punilhed for
the admonition of others ; inftances in which a
rule is illuftrated by an application.
EXANGUIOUS, ckf-fang'-gwy-us. a. Havii.g
no blood.
EXANIMATE, cgz-an'-y-mlte. a. Lifclefs,
dead ; fpiritlefs, deprcfled.
EXANIMATION, ekf-an-y-mr-fhun. f. De-
privation of life.
EXANIMOUS, cgz-an'-y-mus. a. Lifelefs,
dead, killed.
EXANTHEMATA, ekf-an-tRe'-ma-ta. f. E-
ruptions, puftules.
EXANTHEMATOUS, ckf-dn-them'-a-tus. a.
Puflulous, eruptive.
ToEXANTLATE, egz-ant'-late. v. a. To
draw out ; to exhauft, to wafle away.
EXANTLATION, ekf-ant-ld'-fhun. f. The
ad of drav/ing out.
EXARTICULATION, ekf-ar-tlk-u-li'-fiiun.
f. The diflocation of a joint.
To EXASPERATE, egz-as^-p^r-ke. v. a. To
provoke, to enrage, to irritate ; to heighten a..
difference, to aggravate, to embitter.
EXASPERATER, egz-af'-per-a-tur. f. He
that exafperates or provokes.
EXASPERATION, egz-af-per-^-fliun. f. Ag-
gravation, malignant reprefentation ; provoca-
tion, irritation.
To EXAUCTORATE, egz-a'k-tS-rate. v. a.
To difniifs from fervice ; to deprive of a be-
EXAUCTORATION, ekf-ak-t5-ri'-fhun. f.
Difmifiion from fervice ; deprivation, degra-
f. Heat, the ftatc of growing hot ; anger, th&
ftate of growing angry.
EXCANTATION, ekf-kan-ta'-fhun. f. Dif-
enchantment by a counter-charm.
To EXCARNATE, ekf-ka'r-nite. v. a. To
clear from flefh.
EXCARNIFICATION, ekf-kar-ny-fl-ka'-
fliun. f. The a£t of taking away the flefh.
To EXCAVATE, ekf-ki'-vate. v. a. To hol-
low,"to cut into hollows.
EXCAVATION, ekf-ka-v4'-fhun. f. The aft
cf cutting into hollows; the hollow formed,
the ca\ity.
ekf-kan-des''-fehfe. 7
ekf-kan-des^-fen-fy. J
To EXCEED, ek-fe'd. v. a. To go beyond, to
outgo ; to excel, to furpafs.
To EXCEED, ek-fe'd. v. n. To go too far,
to pafs the bounds of fitnefs ; to go beyond
any limits ; to bear the greater proportion.
EXCEEDING, ek-/e'-ding. part. a. Great in
quantity, extent, or duration.
EXCEEDINGLY, ek-f^'-dlng-ly. ad. To a
great degree.
To EXCEL, ek-fel^ v. a. To outgo, in good
qualities, to furpafs.
To EXCEL, ek-fcl'. v. n. To have good qua-
lities in a great degree.
EXCELLENCE, ek'-fel-lenfe. 1 f. Dignity,
EXCELLENCY, ek'-fel-len-{J^ ] higb rank ;
the ftate of excelling in any thing ; that jn
which one excels ; a title of honour, ufually
applied to ambafladors and governors.
EXCELLENT, ek'-fel-lent. a. Of great vir-
tue, of great worth, of great dignity ; eminent
in any good quality.
EXCELLENTLY, (^^k'-fel-lent-ly. ad. Well
in a high degre ; to an eminent degree.
To EXCEPT, ek-fept'. V. a. To leave out,
and fpecify as left out of a general precept or
To EXCEPT, ek-fept'. v. n. To objea, to
make objefcions.
EXCEPT, ck-fspt'. prep. Exclufivcly of, with-
out incjufion of; unlefs.
EXCEPTING, ek-fc-p'-tlng. prep. Without
inclufion of, with exception of.
EXCEPTION, ek-fep'-fli""- f- Exclufion from
the things comprehended in a precept or pofi-
tion ; thing excepted or fpecified in exception ;
objeftion, cavil ; peevifli diflike, offence taken.
EXCEPTIONABLE, ek-fq/-fhun-abl. a. Li-
gble to obje£lion.
EXCEPTIOUS, ek-fep'-fliis. a. Peevifli, for-
EXCEPTIVE, ek-fep'-tlv. a. Including an
EXCEPTLESS, ck-fept'-lls. a. Omicting or
neglecting all exceptions.
EXCEPTOR, ek-fep'-tur. f. Objeilor.
To EXCERN, ck-f^rn'. v. a. To ftrain out,
to feparatc or emit by {trainers.
EXCERPTION, ek-ferp'-{hun. f. The a&
of gleaming, felel-triks. f. A woman
inftrufted to perform the will of the teftator.
EXEGESIS, ekf-e'-je-s!s. f. An explanation.
EXEGETICAL, ekf-e-jetM-kal. a. Explana-
tory, cxpofitory.
EXEMPLAR, egz-em'-plar. f. A pattern, an
example to be imitated.
£XEMPLARILY, egz''-cm-plir'-l-ly. ad. In
fuch a manner as deferves imitation ; in fuch a
manner as may warn others.
tXEMPLARINESS, egz''''-em-plar''-i*-n5s. f.
State of ibnding as a pattern to be copied.
EXEMPLARY, egz^'-em-plar-y. a. Such as
may deferve to be propofed to imitation ; fuch
as may give warning to others.
EXEMPLIFIC/^TION, cgz-cm-ply-fi-ka'-
fliun. f. A copy, a tranfcript ; an illuflratiou
by example.
To EXEMPLIFY, egz-em'-pll-f^. v. a. To
illuftrate by example ; to tranfcribe, to copy.
To EXEMPT, egz-empt^ r. a. To privilege,
to grant immunity from.
EXEMPT, egz-empt^ a. Free by privilege ;
not fubjeft, not liable to.
EXEMPTION, igz-emp'-fliun. f. Immunity,
privilege, freedom from impofls.
EXEMPTITIOUS, egz-emp-tUh'-us. a. Se-
parable, that which may be taken from ano-
ToEXENTERATE, egz-en -ter-ate. v. a. To
EXENTERATION, egz-en'-ter-d'-fhun. f.
The aft of taking out the bowels, embowelling.
EXEQUIAL, egz-e'-kwy-al. a. Relating to
EXEQUIES, eks'-e-kwyz. f. without a fingular.
Funeral rites, the ceremony of burial.
EXERCENT, egz-er-'-ient. a. Praftifing, fol-
lowing any calling.
EXERCISE, eks'-er-size. f. Labour of the bo-
dy for health or amufement ; preparatory prac-
tice in order to fkill ; praftice, outward per-
formance ; tafiC, that which one is appointed to
perform; aft of divine worfliip, whether pub-
lick or private.
To EXERCISE, eks'-er-sfze. v. a. To em-
ploy ; to train by ufe to any aft ; to tafk, to
keep employed as a penal injunftion ; to prac-
tife or ufe in order to habitual fkill.
To EXERCISE, eks'-er-ske. v. n. To ufe ex-
ercife, to labour for health.
EXERCISER, ekf-er-si'-zur. f. He that dircfts
or ufes excrcife.
EXERCITATION, ekf-er-fy-t:\'-fhun. f. Ex-
ercife ; praftice, ufe.
To EXERT, egz-ert'. v. a. To ufe with an
effort ; to put forth, to perform.
EXERTION, egz-er^-fhun. f. The aft of ex-
erting, effort.
EXESION, ekf4'-zhun. f. The aft of eating
f XESTUATION, ^kf-ef-td-r-fhun. f. The
fiate of boiling.
To EXFOLIATE, ckf-fo'-Iylte. v. n. To
fliell ofF, as a corrupt bone from the found part.
EXFOLIATION, ekf-fd-Iyl'-fliun. f. The
procefs by which the corrupted part of the bone
feparates from the found.
EXFOLIATIVE, ekf-fo'-Iya-tiv. a. That
which has power of procuring exfoliation.
EXHALABLE, ekf-ha'-labl. a. That which
may be evaporated.
EXHALATION, ekf-ha-ia'-fhun. f. The aft
of exhaling or fending out in vapours ; theftate
of evaporating or flying out in vapours j that
which rifes in vapours.
To EXHALE, ekf-hu^le. v. a. To fend or draw
out vapours or fumes.
EXHALEMENT, ekf-ha'le-ment. f. Matter
exhaled, vapour.
To EXHAUSl^ ^kf-ha''ft. v. a. To drain, to
diminifn ; to drav.- out totally, to draw out ti'l
nothing is left.
EXHAUSTION, ekf-ha'f-t(hun. f. The a^
of drawing.
EXHAUSTLESS, ekf-hi'ft-Hs. a. Not to be
emptied, inexhauflible. ,
To EXHIBIT, ekf-hib'-!t. v. a. To ofFcr to
view or ufe, to offer or propofe ; to fhow, to
EXHIBITER, ekf-hlb'-I-tur. f. Hs that offers
any thing.
EXHIBITION, ekf-hi-blft'-im. f. The ad of
exhibiting, difplay, fetting forth ; allov/.ince,
f.ilary, pcrJion.
To EXHILARATE, ekf-hll'-a-rke. v. a. To
make cheerful, to fill with mirth.
EXHILARATION, ekf-hll-a-ra'-fhun. f. The
act of giving gaiety; the ftate of being en-
To EXHORT, ekf-hi^rt. v. a. To incite by
wortis to any good adion.
EXHORTATION, ekf-hor-ti'-fhun. f. The
a£t of exhorting, incitement to good ; the fo;m
of words by which one is exhorted.
EXHORTATORY, ek£-ha'r-ta-tur-y. a. Tend -
ing to ej:hort.
EXPORTER, ckf-ha'r-tur. f. One who ex-
To EXICCATE, ck-s!k'-kate. v. a. To dry.
EXICCATION, ek-s!k-ka'-fbun. f. Act' of
drj'ing up, ftate of being dried up.
EXICCATIVE, ek-s!k'-ka-t!v. a. Drying in
EXIGENCE, ^k'-fy-jenfe. If. Demand, want,
EXIGENCY, ek'-fy-jen-fy. J need ; preffin^
necellity, diftrefs, fudden occafion.
EXIGENT, ek'-fy-jent. f. Prcffing bufinef?,
occafion that requires immediate help. ^^^
EXIGUITY, ekf-y-gd'-I-ty. f. Smalln^^t
minutivenefs. ^^^*
EXIGUOUS, egz-ig'-d-us. a. Small, diminu-
tive, little.
EXILE, eks'-ile. f. Banifhment, ftate of being
baniftied ; the perfon banifhed.
EXILE, eg-zi'le. a. Small, {lender, not full.
To EXILE, eg-zf le. v. a. To banifti, to drive
from a country.
EXILEMENT, eg-zfle-ment. f, Banifhment.
EXILITION, ekf-y-Hfli'-ia, f. Slendernefs,
EXIMIOUS, eg-zlm''-yus. a. Famous, emi-
To EXIST, eg-z!ft.' V. n. To be, to have a
EXISTENCE, eg-zis'-tenfe. ^f. State of be-
EXISTENCY, eg-zis'-ten-fy.^ ing, adugi
poffellion of being.
EXISTENT, eg-zis^-tcnt. a. In being, in pof-
fellion of being.
EXISTIMATION, eg-zlf-ti-mX-Mn. C O-
pinion ; efteem.
EXIT, eks'-it, f. The term fet in the margin,
of plays to mark the time at which the player
goes off J departure, act of quitting the theatre
of life.
EXITIAL, egz-Ifh'-al. T a. Deftruflive, fa-
EXITIOUS, egz-Ifti'-us. I tal, mortal.
EXODUS, cks'-o-dus. J f. Departure, journey
EXODY, eks'-o-dy. \ from a place : the fc-
cond book of Mofes is fo called, bccaufe it de-
fcribes the journey of the ICraclites from.
3TX0LETE, eks'-6-lcts. a. ObTolete. Out ef
To EXOLVE, ek-folv'. v. a. To loofe, to pay,
EXOMPHALOS^ egz-6u/-ia-l6s. f. A navel
y To EXONERATE, cgz-6i/-e-rate. v. a. To
unload, to difburthen.
. EXONERATION, cgz-dn-e-ra'-fliun. f. The
.act of difburthentng.
.EXOPTABLE, egz-6p^-tabl. a. Defirable, to
be fought with eagernefs or defire.
EXORABLE, eks'-5-rabJ. a. To be moved by
iWRlBITANCE, egz-iVbi-tanfe. 7 f. E-
EXORBITANCY, egz^'r-bl-tan-fy. J normi-
ty, grofs deviation from rule or right j extra-
vagant demand ; boundlefs depravity.
EXORBITANT, egz-ir'-bl-tant. a. Enormous,
beyond due proportion, exceffive.
To EXORCISE, eJcs'-6r-size. v. a. To ad-
jure by fome holy name; to drive away by
certain forms of adjuration ; to purify from the
influence of malignant fpirits.
EXORCISER, eks'-6r-sl-zur. f. One who
_ praclifes to drive away evil fpirits.
EXORCISM, eks'-6r-sizm. f. The form of
adjuration, or religious ceremony by which evil
and malignant fpirits are driven away.
EXORCIST, eks'-6r-sift. f. One who by ad-
jurations, prayers, or religious a£ls, drives
away malignant fpirits.
EXORDIUM, egz-aVdyum. f. A formal pre-
face, the proemial part of a compofition.
EXORNATION, ekf-6r-na'-{hun. f. Orna-
ment, decoration, embellifiiment.
EXOSSATED, egz-os'-sa-tld. a. Deprived of
EXOSSEOUS, egz-os'-fhus. a. Wanting bones,
EXOSTOSIS, egz-os'-to-sls. f. Any protube-
rance of a bone that is not natural.
EXOTICK, egz-ot -ik. a. Foreign, not pro-
duced in our own countr)-.
To EXPAND, ek-fpand'. v. a. To fpread, to
l.iy open as a net or fhect ; to dilate, to fpread
out every way.
EXPANSE, ek-fpan^fe. f. A body widely exj
tended Vv'ithout inequalities.
EXPANSIBILITY, ek-fpan-fy-bll'-I-ty. f. Ca-
pacity of extenfion, poffibility to be expanded.
EXPANSIBLE, ek-fpan'-slbl. a. Capable to
be extended.
EXPANSION, ekf-pan'-Ihun. f. Theftateof
being expanded into a wider furface ; the a£t of
fp reading out; extent ; pure fpace.
EXPANSIVE, ekf-pan'-siv. a. Ha\ang the
power to fpread into a wider furface.
To EXPATIATE, ^k-fpi'-fhate. v. n. To
range at large ; to enlarge upon in language.
To EXPECT, ek-fpekt'. v. a. To have?, pre-
vious apprehenfion of either good or fvJ' ; to
wait for, to attend the coming.
EXPECTABLE, ek-fpek'-tabl. a. To be ex-
EXPECTANCE, ek-fpck'-tanfe. "IClheaa
EXPECTANCY, ek-fpek'-tan -fy. J orflateof
expefting ; fomething expe-^ed ; hope.
EXPECTANT, ek-fpek'-tanc. a. Waiting in
EXPECTANT, ek-fp^k'-tant. f. One wha
waits in expedtation of any thing.
EXPECTATION, ek-fpek-ta'-fhun. f. The
acl of expedling ; the ftate of expedling either
with hope or fear ; profpeft of any thing good
to come ; a ftate in which fomething excellent
is expeded from us.
EXPECTER, ek-fpek'-tur. f. One who has
hopes of fomething ; one who waits for ano-
To EXPECTORATE, ekf-pek'-to-rate. v. a.
To ejetl from the breaft.
EXPECTORATION, ekf-pek-ta-ra'-fliun. f.
The aft of difcharging from the breaft ; the
difcharge which is made by coughing.
EXPECTORATIVE, ekf-pek'-t6-ra-t]v. a.
Having the quality of promoting expedoration.
EXPEDIENCE, ekf-pe'-dyenfe. 1 f. Fitnefs,
EXPEDIENCY, ekf-pe'-dyen-fy. i propriety,
fuitablenefs to an end ; expedition, adventure j
hafte, difpatch.
EXPEDIENT, ekf-p^'-dy'nt. a. Proper, fit,
convenient, fuitablej quick, expeditious.
EXPEDIENT, ekf-pe'-dyent. f. That which
helps forward, as means to an end; a fliift,
me.ms to an end contrived in an exigence.
EXPEDIENTLY, ekf-pe'-dyent-ly. ad. Fitly,
fuitably, conveniently ; haftily, quickly.
To EXPEDITE, eks'-pe-dite. v. a. To facili-
tate, to free from impediment ; to haften, to
quicken ; to difpatch, to ifiue from a publick
EXPEDITE, eks'-pe-dite. a. Quick, hafty,
fooii performed ; eafy, difencumbered, clear ;
nimble, aftive, agile; light armed.
EXPEDITELY, eks'-pe-d!tc-ly. ad. With
quicknefs, readinefs, hafte.
EXPEDITION, ekf-pe-d.'fh'-un. f. Ilafle,
fpeed, avSivity ; a march or voyage with mar-
tial intentions.
To EXPEL, ekf-pil'. V. a. To drive out, to
force away ; to baaiifh, to drive from the place
of refidence.
EXFELLER, ekf-pel'-lur. f. One that expels
or drives away.
To EXPEND, ekf-pend'. v. a. To lay out, to
EXPENSE, ekf-pens'e. f. Cofl, charges, mo-
ney expended.
EXPENSEFUL, ekf-pens'e-ful. a. Coftly,
EXPENSELESS, ekf-pens'c-lls. a. Without
EXPENSIVE, ekf-pen'-s!v. a. Given to ex-
penfe, extravagant, luxurious ; coftly, requi-
ring expenfe.
EXPENSIVELY, ekf-pen'-slv-ly. ad. With
great expenfe.
EXPENSIVENESS, ekf-pen'-siv-nis. f. Ad-
diction to expenfe, extravagance; coftlinefs.
EXPERIENCE, ef-pe'-ryenfe. f. Practice,
frequent trial ; knowledge gained by trial and
To EXPERIENCE, ckf-pe'-ryence. v. a. To
try, to practife ; to know by pradice.
EXPERIENCED, ekf-pe'-ryenft. participial a.
Made (kilful by experience; wife by long
EXPERIENCER, ^kf-p^'-ry^n-fir. f. One
who makes trials ; a praiftiferof experiments.
EXPERIMENT, ekf-per'-y-m6nt. f. Trial
ot any thing, fomething done in order to dif-
cover an uncertain or unknown effedt.
EXPERIMENTAL, ckf-p^r-^mV-til. a.
Pertaining to experiment ; built upon experi-
ment ; known by experiment or trial.
EXPERIMENTALLY, <:kf-p^r-i'-m^n'-tdl-l^.
ad. By experience, by trial.
EXPERIMENTER, dkf-p^r'-^-m^n-tir. f.
One who makes experiments.
EXPERT, ekf-pcrt'. a. Skilful ; ready^^
EXPERTLY, ^kf-p^rt'-Ij-. ad. In a fkilful
ready manner.
EXPERTNESS, ekf-pert'-nis. f. Skill, rea-
EXPIABLE, eks'-py-Abl. a. Capable to be
To EXPIATE, eks'-py-ate. v. a. To annul
the guilt of a crime by fubfequent afts of piety,
to atone for; to avert the threats of pro-
EXPIATION, ekf-py-a'-flum. f. The aft of
expiating or atoning for any crime; the means
by which we atone for crimes, atonement ;
pradices by which ominous prodigies were
EXPIATORY, eks''-py-a-tur'-y. a. Havfng
the power of expiation.
EXPILATION, ekf-pl-ll'-fhiin. f. Robberj'.
EXPIRATION, ekf-py-ra'-fhun. f. That acl
of refpiration which thrufts the air out of the
lungs; the laft emiflion of breath, death; eva-
poration, ad of fuming out ; vapour, matter
expired ; the conclufion of any limited time.
To EXPIRE, ek-fpi're. v. a. To breathe out;
to exhale, to fend out in exhalations.
To EXPIRE, ek-fpf re. v. n. Todie, to breathe
the laft ; to conclude, to come to an end.
To EXPLAIN, ekf-pla'nc. v. a. To expound,
to illuftrate, to clear.
EXPLAINABLE, ekf-pli'ne-abl. a. Capable
of being explained.
EXPLAINER, ekf-plii'ne-ur. f. Expofuor, in-
terpreter, commentator.
EXPLANATION, ekf-pla-na'-fliun. f. The
acl of explaining or interpreting; the fcnfe
given by an explainer or interpreter.
EXPLANATORY, elcf-plan'-a-tur-y. a. Con-
taining explanation.
EXPLETIVE, eks'-plc-tlv. f. Something ufcd
only to take up room.
EXPLICABLE, cks'-ply-kabl. a. Explainable,
poflible to be explained.
To EXPLICATE, eks'-pl!-katc. v. a. To un-
^^^, to expand ; to explain, to clear.
JB.ICAT10N, ckf-pl!-ka'-fhun. f. The
aft of opening, unfolding or expanding, the
a<£l of explaining, interpretation, explanation;
the fcnfe given by an explainer.
EXPLICATIVE, ekf-pllk'-a-tlv. a. Having a
tendency to explain.
EXPLICATOR, eks'-pll-ka-tur. f. Expounder,
interpreter, explainer.
EXPLICIT, ekf-plis'-it. a. Unfolded, plain,
clear, not merely by inference.
EXPLICITLY, ekf-plls'-it-l^. ad. Plainly,
direclly, not merely by inference.
To EXPLODE, ekf-plo'de. v. a. To drive out
difgracefully with fome noife of contempt ; to
drive out with noife and violence.
EXPLODER, ekf-pl6'-dur. f. An hiffer, one
who drives out with open contempt.
EXPLOIT, ekf-ploi't. f. A defign accomplilli-
ed, an atchicveinent, a fuccefsful attempt.
ToEXPLORATE, ekf-plo'-rate. v. a. To
fearch out.
EXPLORATION, ckf-plo-ri'-fliun. f. Search,
EXPLORATOR, ekf-plo-ri'-tir. f. One who
fearches, an examiner.
EXPLORATOR Y,ckf^pl6Va-tur-y.a.Scarch-
ing, examining.
To EXPLORE, cktplo're. v. a. To try, to
fearch into, to examine by trial.
EXPLOREMENT, ckf-plo'rc-ment. f. Search,
EXPLOSION, ckf-pkV-zhun. f. The a<5l of
driving out any thing with noife and viokncc.
EXPLOSIVE, ckf-pl6'-slv. a. Driving out
with noife and violence.
To EXPORT, ekf-p6 rt. v. a. To cairy out
of a country.
EXPORT, eks^-port. f. Commodity carried
out in traffick.
EXPORTATION, ekf-por-ta'-fhun. f. The
acl or practice of carrying out commodities in-
to other countries.
To EXPOSE, ekf-po'zc. v. a. To lay open,
to make liable to ; to lay open, to make bare ;
to k'y open to cenfurc or ridicule ; to put in
dajigcr ; to caft out to chance.
EXPOSITION, ekf-p6-zifh'-un. f. The fitu-
ation in which any thing is placed with refpeit
to the fun or air ; explanation, interpretation.
EXPOSITOR, ekf-p6z'-i-tur. f. Explainer,
expounder, , interpreter.
To EXPOSTULATE, ekf-p5s'-tu-late. v. n.
To canvafs with another, to debate ; to remon-
ftrate in a friendly manner.
EXPOSTULATION, ekf-pof-tu-la'-fhun. f.
Debate, diicuffion of an aftair ; charge, accu-
EXPOSTULATOR, ekf-pis'-tii-la-tur. f. One
that debates with another without open rupture.
EXPOSTULATORY, ekf-pis'-td-la-tur-y. a.
Containing expoftulation.
EXPOSURE, ekf-p6'-zhur. f. The ad of ex-
pofuig ; the ftate of being expofed ; the ftate of
being in danger ; fituation, as to fun and air.
To EXPOUND, ekf-pou'nd. v. a. To ex-
plain, to clear, to interpret.
EXPOUNDER, ekf-pou'n-dur. f. Explainer,
To EXPRESS, ekf-pres'. v. a. To reprefent by
any of the imitative arts, as poetry, fculpture,
painting ; to reprefent in words ; to utter, to
declare ; to denote ; to fqueeze out ; to force
out by comprelTion.
EXPRESS, ekf-pres'. a. Copied, refembliiig,
exactly like ; plain, apparent, in dire(S terms ;
on parpofe, for a particular end.
EXPRESS, ekf-pres'. f. A nieflenger fcnt on.
purpofc ; a meflage fcnt.
EXPRESSIBLE, ekf-prcs'-^bl. a. Thatraiy
EXULCERATK, egz-ul^fe-rite. v. a. To
make fore with an ulcer ; to corrode, to enrage.
EXULCERATION, ekf-ul-fe-ra'-fhun. f. The
beginning erofion, which forms an ulcer ; ex-
acerbation, corrofion.
EXULCERATORY, Ig2-ul"-fe-ra-tur'-y. a.
Having a tendency to caufe ulcers.
To EXULT, egz-ult'. v. n. To rejoice above
meafure, to triumph.
EXULT ANCE, egz-ul'-tinfe. f. Tranfport^
joy, triumph.
EXULTATION, egz-ul-ti'-fliun. f. Joy, tri-
umph, rapturous delight.
To EXUNDATE, egz-un'-date. v. n. To
EXUNDATION, fekf-un-di'-fhun. f. Over-
flow, abundance.
EXUPERABLE, ek-fu'-per-abl. a. Conquer-
able, fuperable, vincible.
EXUPERANCE, ek-fil'-per-anfe. f. Overba-
lance, greater proportion.
To EXUSCITATE, ek-fus'-fy-tate. v. a. To
ftir up, to roufe.
EXUSTION, egz-us'-tfhun. f. The aa of
burning up, confumptipn by fire.
EXUVIiE, egz-d'-vyi. f. Caft ikin, caftfliells,
whatever is fhed by animals.
EYAS, i -as. f. A young hawk juft taken from
the neft.
EYASMUSKET, I'-if-mus'-klt. f. A young
unfledged male hav/k j a raw young fellow.
EYE, i. plural Eyne, now Eyes. The organ of
\ifion ; afpefl, regard; notice, attention, ob-
fervation ; fight, view; any thing formed like
an eye ; any fmall perforation ; a fmall catch
2 into
fnto which a hook goes; bud of a plant; a
fmal 1 {hade of colour.
To EYE, I. V. a. To watch, to keep in view.
To EYE, I. V. n. To appear, tofliow, to bear
an appearance.
EYEBALL, f-bll. f. The apple of the eye.
EYEBRIGHT, r-brite. f. An herb.
EYEBROW, f-brow. f. The hairy arch over
the eye.
EYEDROP, r-drop. f. Tear.
EYEGLANCE, i'-glanfe. f. Quick notice of
the eye.
EYEGLASS, i'-glas. f. Spectacles, glafs to
affilt the fight.
EYELESS, f-lls. a. Without eyes, fightlef>,
deprived of fight.
EYELET, f-lit. f. A hole through which light
may enter, any fmall perforation.
EYELID, f-lld. f. The membrane that fhuts
over the eye.
EYESERVANT, f-fer-vant. f._ A fcrvant that
works only while watched.
EYESERVICE, i'-fer-vls. f. Service performed
only under infpection.
EYESHOT, f-lliit. f. Sight, glance, view.
EYESIGHT, i'-site. f. Sight of the eye.
EYESORE, f-fore. f. Something offenfive to
the fight.
EYESPOTTED, i'-fp6t-ld. a. Marked with
fpots like eyes.
EYESTRING, I'-ftrlng. f. The firing of the
EYETOOTH, i'-tc'.tti. f. The tooth on the
upper jaw next on each fide to the grinders,
the fang.
EYEWINK, f-wink. f. A wink, as a hint or
EYEWITNESS, i'-wlt-nis. f. An ocular evi-
dence, one who gives teftimony of fadls feen
with his own eyes.
EYRE, a'r. f. The court of juftice itine-
EYRY, e -ry. f. The place where birds of prey
build their nefts and hatch.
'ABACEOUS, f;i-ba'-fhut. a. Having the
nature of a bean.
FABLE, fa'bl. f. A feigned ftoiy intended to
enforce fome moral precept ; a fiction in ge-
neral ; the feries or contexture of events which
conftitute a poem ; a lye.
To FABLE, fa'bl. V. n. To feign, to write
not truth but fi6tion ; to tell falfehoods.
To FABLE, fa'bl. v. a. To feign, to tell a
FABLED, fa'bld. a. Celebrated in fables.
FABLER, fli'-blur. f. A dealer in fidion.
To FABRICATE, fab'-ry-kke. v. a. To
build, to conftrucl ; to forge, to devife falfely.
FABRICATION, fab-ry-ka'-fhun. f. The act
of buildin-j.
FABRICK, fAb'-nk. f. A building,, an edifice ;.
any fyfrem or compages of matter.
To FABRICK, fab'-rlk. v. a. To build, to
form, to cojiftruft.
FABULIST, fab'-ii-h'ft. f. A writer of fables.
FABULOSITY, fAb-ii-l6s'-i-t;'. f. Lyingncfs,
fulnefs of ftories.
FABULOUS, fab'-u-lus. a. Feigned, full of
FABULOUSLY,, fab'-d-luf-ly. ad. In fiction.
FACE, fa fe. f. The vifage ; countenance ; the
furface of any thing ; the front or forepart of
any thing ; ftate of affairs ; appcarajicc ; con-
fidence, boldnsfs ; diftortion of the face ; Face
to Face, when both parties are prcfent; witli-
out the interpofition of other bodies.
•To FACE, f.'/fc. V. n. To c.irry a falfo ap-
pearance- ; to tarn the face, to come- in front.
T'o FACE, fd'fe. v. a. To meet in front, to
oppofe with confidence ; to oppofe with impu-
dence ; to fland oppofite to ; to cover with an
additioiia! fuperficies.
(^AGELESS, fa'fe-lis. a. With6ut a face.
FACEPAINTER, fa'fe-pan-tur. f. A drawer
of portraits.
FACEPAINTING, fa'fc-pan-ting. f. The art
of drawing portraits.
FACETIOUS, fa-fe'-lhus. a. Gay, cheerful,
JFACETIOUSLY, fi-fc'-fhuf-ly. ad. Gayly,
FACETIOUSNESS, f.!-fc'-flius-nls. f. Cheer-
ful wit, mirth.
FACILE, fas'-sil. a. Eafy, performablc with
little labour ; pliant, flexible, eafily perfuaded.
To FACILITATE, fa-sll'-l-tate. v. a. To
make eafy, to free from difficultv.
FACILITY, fa-siT-i-ty. f. Eaiinefs to be per-
formed, freedom from difficulty ; readinefs in
performing, dexterity ; vitious dudtility, eafi-
nefs to be perfuaded ; eafmtfs of accefs, af-
3' ACINERIOUS, faf-y-ne'-ryus. a. Wicked.
FACING, fa -sing. f. An ornamental covering.
FACINOROUS, fa-sln'-o-rus. a. Wicked,
atrocious, deteftably bad.
F ACWOROUSNESS, fa-sm'-6-rif-ni.s. f.Wic-
kednefs in a high degree.
FACT, fakt'. f. A thing done j reality, not
fuppofition ; action, deed.
FACTION, fak'-fli^m. f. A party in a ftatc ;
tumult, difcord, dificnfion.
FACTIONARY, fak'-fhun-er-y. f. A party
FACTIOUS, fak'-fliis. a. Given to faflion,
loud and violent in a party.
FACTIOUSLY, fak'-fhitf-ly. ad. In a man-
ner criminally diflenfious.
FACTIOUSNESS, fak'-fhuf-nls. f. Inclina-
tion to publick diflenfion.
FACTITIOUS, fak-tlHi'-us. a. Made by art,
in oppofition to what is made by nature.
FACTOR, fak'-tur. f. An sgent for another,
a fubftitute.
FACTORY, fak'»tur-y. f. A houfe or diftrifl
inhabited by traders in a dillant country ; the
traders embodied in one place.
FACTOTUM, fak'-td'-tiim. f. A fervant em-
ployed alike in all kinds of bufmefs.
FACTURE, fak'-tfnur. f. The aft or manner
of making any thing.
FACULTY, fak'-ul-ty. f. The power of do-
ing any thing, ability; powers of the mind,
imagination, reafon, memory; a knack, dex-
terity; power, authority ; privilege, right to do
any thing ; faculty, in an univerfity, denotes
the mafters and profcflbrs of the fcveral fciences.
FACUND, fa-kind', a. Eloquent.
To FADDLE, fad'l. v. n. To trifle, to toy,
to play.
To FADE, fa'de. v. n. To tend from greater
to lefs vigour; to tend from a brighter to a
weaker colour ; to wither, as a vegetable ; to
die away gradually ; to be naturally not du-
rable, to be tranfient.
To FADE, fii'de. v. a. To wear away ; to re-
duce to languor.
ToFADGE, fadzh'. v. n. To fuit, to fit; to
agree, not to quarrel ; to fuccced, to hit.
F.(ECES, fc'-fez. f. Excrements, lees, fcdi-
ments and fettlings.
To FAG, fag . v. a. To grow weary, to f^iint
with wearincfs.
FAGEND, fag-end', f. The end of a web of
cloth ; the rcfufc or meaner part of any thing.
FAGOT, fag'-ut. f. A bundle of flicks bound
together for the fire ; a foldier numbered in the
mufter roll, but not really exilling.
To FAGOT, fag'-ut. v. a. To tie up, to
To F"AIL, fA'ic. v. n. To be deficient, to ceafe
from former plenty, to fall Ihort ; to be ex-
tinft, toccafe to be produced ; to perilh, to be
loft ; to decay, to decline, to languifh ; to mifs,
not to produce its efted ; to mifs, not to fuc-
ceed in a defign ; to be deficient in duty.
To FAIL, fa'le. v. a. To defert, not to con-
tinue to afEft or fupply ; not to aflift, to ne-
glefl, to omit to help ; to omit, not to perform ;
to be wanting to.
FAIL, fa'le. f. Mifcarriage ; omiflion ; dcfi-
cie'nce, want.
FAILING, fi''-llng. f. Deficiency, imperfec-
tion, lapfe.
FAILURE, fa'-lyur. f. Dcficieiice, ccfTition ;
omiflion, non-performance, flip ; a lapfe, a
flight fault.
FAIN, fu'nc. a. Glad, merry, cheerful, fond ;
forced, obliged, compelled.
FAIN, fa ne. ad. Gladly, very defiroufly.
To FAINT, fa'nt. v. n. To lofe the animal
funflions, to fink motionlefs ; to grow feeble ;
to fink into dejedtion.
To FAINT, fa'nt. v. a. To dejefl, to deprefs,
to enfeeble.
FAINT , fa'nt. a. Languid ; not bright ; not
loud ; feeble of body ; cowardly ; deprefled ;
not vigorous, not adtive.
FAINTHEARTED, fa'nt-hart-Id. a. Cow-
ardly, timorous.
FAINTHEARTEDLY, fa'nt-hart-Sd-ly. ad.
FAINTHEARTEDNESS, fa'nt-hart-!d-nls. f.
Cowardice, timoroufnefs.
FAINTING, fa'nt-ing. f. Deliquium, tem-
porary lofs of animal motion.
FAINTISHNESS, f^nt-ifh-nls. f. Weaknefs
in a flight degree, incipient debility.
FAINTLING, fa'nt-ling. a. Timorous, feeble-
FAINTLY, fa'nt-ly. ad. Feebly, languidly;
timoroufly, with dcje£lion, without fpirit.
FAINTNESS, fa'nt-nls. f. Languour, feeble-
nef";, want of ftrength ; inaftivity, want of vi-
gour, timoroufnefs, dejecStion.
FAINTY, fa'nt-y. a. Weak, feeble, languid.
FAIR, fd're, a. Beautiful, handfome; not black,
not brown, white in the complexion ; clear ;
not cloudy, not foul, not tempeftuous ; favour-
able, profperous ; likely to fucceed ; equal,
juft ; not efFcdted by any infidious or unlawful
methods ; not practifing any fraudulent or in-
fidious arts ; open, diied j gentle, not compul-
fory; mild, not fcvcre; equitable, not in-
FAIR, fi're. ad. Gently, decently; civilly;
fuccefsfully ; on good terms.
FAIR, fl'ie. f. A beauty, clliptically a fair wo-
man ; honefty, juft dealing.
FAIR, fii're. f. An annual or Anted meeting of
buyers and fellers.
FAIRING, fa're-ing. f. A prcfent given at a
FAIRLY, fa're-Iy. ad. Beautifully; commo-
dioufly, conveniently; honcftly, juftly ; inge-
nuoufly, plainly, openly ; candidly, without fi-
nillrous interpretations ; without blots ; com-
pletely, without any deficience.
FAIRNESS, fa're-nis. f. Beauty, elegan ceof
form ; honefty, candour, ingenuity.
FAIRSPOKEN, fi're-fpokn. a. Civil in lan-
guage and addrefs.
FAIRY, fa'-ry. f. A kind of fabled beings fup-
pofed to appear in a diminutive human form ;
an elf, a fay ; enchantrefs.
FAIRY, fa -ry. a. Given by fairies; belonging
to fairies.
FAIRYSTONE, fa'-ry-ftone. f. A ftone found
in gravel pits.
FAITH, fa'tfi. f. Belief of the revealed truths
of religion ; the fyftem of revealed truths held
by the Chriltian church ; truft in God ; tenet
held ; truft in the honefty or veracity of ano-
ther ; fidelity, unfhaken adherence ; honour,
focial confidence; finccrity, honefty, veracity;
promife given.
FAITHBREACH, fa'ttT-bretfli. f. Breach of
fidcli.y, perfidy.
FAITHFUL, fa'tfr-ful. a. Firm in adherence
to the truth of religion ; of true fidelity, loyal,
true to allegiance ; honeft, upright, without
fraud ; obfervant of compact or promife.
FAITHFULLY, fa'tlT-ful-y. ad. With firm
belief in religion ; with full confidence in God ;
with ftri<5t adherence to duty; finccidy; ho-
neftly ; confidently, fleadily.
FAITHFULNESS, fa'tlT-fal-nls. f. Honcfly,
veracity; adherence to duty, loyalty.
FAITHLESS, fa'tfi-lis. u. Without belief in
the revealed truths of religion, unconverted ;
perfidious, diiloyal, not true to duty.
FAITHLESSNESS, fa'ttl-les-n's. f. Trea-
chery, perfidy; unbelief as to revealed re-
FALCADE, fal-ka'de. f. A horfe is. faid to
make Falcades, when he throws himfelf upon
his haunches two or three times, as in very
quick curvets.
FALCATED, fal'-ka-tld. a. Hooked, bent
like a fcythe.
FALCATION, fal-ka'-fhun. f. Crookednefs.
FALCHIN, fiil'-tlhiin. f. A fhort crooked fvvord,
a cymeter.
FALCON, fa'kn. f. A hawk trained for fport ;
a fort of cannon.
FALCONER, fa'k-nur. f. One who breeds
and trains hawks.
FALCONET, fl'l-co-net. f. A fort of ord-
FALDSTOOL, fi'ld-ftol. f. A kind of ftool
placed at the fouth fide of the altar, at which
the kings of England kneel at their coronation.
To FALL, fa'l. v. n. pret. I Fell, compound
pret, I have Fallen or Fain. To drop from a
higher place ; to drop from an erecSl to a prone
pofture ; to drop ripe from the tree ; to pafs at
the outlet, as a river ; to apoftatife, to depart
from faith or goodnefs ; to die by violence ;
to be degraded from an high ftation ; to enter
into any flate worfe than the former ; to de-
creafe in value, to bear lefs price ; to happen,
to bcfal ; to come by chance, to light on ; to
conic by any mifchance to any new pofleffor ;
to become the property of any one by lot,
chance, inheritance ; to be born, to be yeaned j
To fall away, to grow lean, to revolt, to change
allegiance ; To fall back, to fail of a promife
cr purpofe, to recede, to give way; To fall
down, to proftrate himfelf in adoration, to
f.nk, not to ftand, to bend as a fuppliant ; To
fall from, to revolt, to depart from adherence •,
To fall in, to concur, to coincide, to comply,
to yield to ; To fall off, to feparate, to apolla-
tize; To fall on, to begin eagerly to do any
thing, to make an aflault ; To fall over, to re-
volt, to defert from one fide to the other ; To
fall out, to quarrel, to jar, to happen, to befal ;
To fall to, to begin eagerly to eat, to apply
himfelf to; To fall under, to be fubjeft to, to
be ranged with ; To fall upon, to attack, to
attempt, to rufli againft.
To FALL, fl'l. V. a. To drop, to let fall ; to
fink, to deprefs ; to diminiih in value, to let
fink in price; to cut down, to fell ; to )ean,
to bring forth.
FALL, fa'l. f. The a£l of dropping from on
high ; the aft of tumbling from an erecl pof-
ture ; death, overthrow ^ ruin, difiblution ;
downfal, lofs of greatnefs, declenfion from emi-
nence, degradation; diminution, decreafe of
price ; declination or diminution of found,
clofe to mufick ; declivity, fteep defcent ; ca-
taraiSf, cafcade ; the outlet of a current into
any other water ; Autumn, the fall of the leaf;
any thing that falls in great quantities ; the act
of felling or cutting down.
FALLACIOUS, fal-la'-fiius. a. Producing
miftakes, fophillical ; deceitful, mocking ex-
FALLACIOUSLY, fal-la'-fhuf-ly. ad. So-
phiflically, with purpofe to deceive.
FALLACIOUSNESS, fal-la'-fliuf-nis. f. Ten-
dency, to deceive.
FALLACY, fal'-la-fy. f. Sophifm, logical ar-
tifice, deceitful argument.
FALLIBILITY, Kil-ly-bli'-I-ty. f. Liable-
nefs to be deceived.
FALLIBLE, fal'-llbl. a. Liable to error.
FALLINGSICKNESS, fi'l-llng-sIk'-'-nis. f.
The epilepfy, a difeafe in which the patient is
without any warning deprived at once of bis
fenfes, and falls down.
FALLOW, fal'-l6. a. Pale red, or pale yel-
low ; unfowed, left to refl; after the years of
tillage ; plowed, but not fowed ; unplowcd,
uncultivated ; unoccupied, negleifled.
FALLOW, fal'-lo. f. Ground plowed in or-
der to be plowed again ; ground lying at reft.
4 T»
To FALLOW, fal'-l5. v. n. To plow in or-
der to a fecond plowing.
FALLOWNESS, fll'-lo-nls. f. Barrennefs, the
ilate of being fallow.
FALSE, fa'lfe. a. Not morally true, expreffing
that which is not thought ; not phyfically true,
conceiving that which docs not exift ; treache-
rous, perfidious, traitorous; counterfeit, hypo-
critical, not real.
FALSEHEARTED, falfe-ha'rt-Id. a. Trea-
cherous, perfidious, deceitful, hollow.
FALSEHOOD, ta'lfe-hud. f. Want of truth,
want of veracity ; want of honelty, treachery ;
a lie, a falfe aflertion.
FALSELY, falfe-ly.' ad. Contrarily to truth,
not truly; erroneoufly, by miftake; pcrfidi-
oufly, treacheroufly.
FALSENESS, fa^lfe-nls. f. Contrariety to truth ;
want of veracity, yiolation.of promife ; dupli-
city, deceit ; treachery, perfidy, traiteroufnefs.
FALSIFIABLE, fa'lfe-y-fi-ab'l. a. Liable to
be counterfeited.
FALSIFICATION, fAlfe-y-fi-ka'-Ihun. f. The
act of counterfcitiu? a/jy thing fo as to make it
appear what it is not.
FALSIFIER, fa'lfe-y-fi-ur. f. One that coun-
terfeits, one that makes any thing to feem what
it is not ; a liar.
To FALSIFY, fa'lfe-y f;. v. a. To counter-
feit, to forge.
To FALSIFY, fA'lfe-y. f^. v. n. To tell lies.
FALSITY, fa'lfe-I-ty. f. FalfehooJ, contra-
riet)' to truth ; a lye, an error.
To FALTER, fa'i-tur. v. n. To hcfitate in
the utterance of words ; to fail.
FALTERINGLY, fa'j-tur-Ing-ly. ad. With
hefitation, with difficulty.
, FAME, f^'me. f. Celebrity, renown; report,
FAMEp, fa'md. a. Renowned, celebrated,
much talked of.
FAMELESS, fa'me-lk. a. Without fame.
FA.MILIAR, fa-mil'-yar. a. Domcfiick, re-
lating to a family; affable, cafy in converfa-
tion ; well known ; well acquainted with, ac-
cuflomed ; eafy, unconitrained.
FAMILIAR, fa-m!l'-yur. f. An intimate, on«
long acquainted.
FAMILIARITY, fa-m!l-yar'-i-ty. f. Eafinefs
of converfation, omiflion of ceremony, acquaint-:
ance, lialiitude; eafy intercourfe.
yar-ize. v. a.
make eaf/ by habitude ; to bring down from
a (late of diftani fuperiority.
FAMILIARLY, fa-mil'-yAr-ly. ad. Uncere-
monioufly, with freedom ; cafily, without for-
FAMILLE, fa-mi'l. ad. In a family way.
FAAIILY, fam'-!l-y. f. Thofe who live in the
famehoufe, houfehold ; thofe that defcend from
one common progenitor, a race, a generation i
a clafs, a tribe, a fpecies.
FAMINE, fam'-in. f. Scarcity of food, dearth.
To FAMISH, famMfli. v. a. To kill with hun-
ger, to ftarve ; to kill by deprivation of any
thing neceffary.
To FAMISH, fam'-ifh. v. n. To die of
FAMISHMENT, fW-Ifli-mcnt. f. Want of
FAMOSITY, fa-mos^-I-ty. f. Renown.
FAMOUS, fa'-mus. a. Renowned, celebrated,
FAMOUSLY, fa'-muf-]y. a^; With celebrity,
with great fame.
FAN, fan', f. An inftrument ufed by ladies to
move the air and cool themfclves ; any thing
fpread out like a woman's fan ; the inftrument
by which the chaff is blown away ; any thing
by which the air is moved ; an inftrument to
raife the fire.
To FAN, fan'', v. a. To cool or recreate with
a fan ; to ventilate, to affedt by air put in mo-
tion ; to feparate, as by winnowing.
FANATACISM, fa-nlt'-y-sizm. f. Enthufi-
afm, religious frenzy.
FANATICK, fa-nat'-Ik. a. Enthufiaftick, fu-
FANATICK, fa-nat'-ik. f. An enthufiall, a
man mad with wild notions.
FANCIFUL, fan''-cy-ful. a. Imaginative, ra-
ther guided by Imagination than reafon ; cli-
redled by the imagination not the reafon.
FANCIFULLY, fi.i'-fy-fuUy. ad. According
to the wlldnefs of imagination.
FANCIFULNESS, fV-fy-fiil-nis. f. Addic-
tion to !..; pleafures of imagination.
FANCY, tin'^-fy. f. Imagination, the power
. by which the mind forms to itfelf images and
reprefentarions ; an opinion bred rather by the
imagination than the reafon ; inclination, li-
king; caprice, humour, whim; frolick, idle
fcheme, vp.gary.
To FANCY, fan'-fy. v. n. To imagine, to
believe wii'io'JC being able to prove.
To FANCY, fan'-fy. v. a. To pourtray in the
mind, to imagine; to like, to be pleafed with.
FANCYMONGER, fan'-fy-mung-gur. f. One
who deals in tricks of imagination.
FANCYSICK, fan'-fv-sik. a. One whofe dif-
temper is in his own mind.
FANE, fa^ne. 1. A temple confecrated to re-
FANFARON, fan'-fa-ron. f. A bully, a hec-
tor J a blufterer, a boafter of more than he can
FANFARONADE, fan-far-6-na'de. f. A bluf-
ter, a tumour of fidtitious dignity.
To FANG, fang', y- a. To feize, to gripe, to
FANG, fang', f. The long tufks of a boar or
other animal ; the nails, the talons ; any thing
like a long tooth.
FANGED, fangd'. a. Furnifhed with fangs or
long teeth, furnifhed with any inftruments in
imitation of fangs.
FANGLE, fang'-gl. f. Silly attempt, trifling
FANGLED, fang'-gld. a. It is fcarcely ufed
but in New fangled, vainly fond of novelty.
FANGLESS, fang'-lis. a. Tcothlefs, without
FANNEL, fan -nil. f. A fort of ornament
like a fcarf, worn about the left arm of a mafs-
FANNER, fan'-niir. f. One that plays a fan.
FANTASIED, fan'-ta-fyd. a. Filled with
FANTASM, fan'-tAzm. f. See PHANTASM.
FANTASTICAL, fan-tas'-ty-kal.7 a. Irrati-
FANTASTICK, fan-tas'-tlk. i onal.bred
only in the imagination ; futfifting only in the
fancy, imaginary ; capricious, humourous, un-
fteady ; whimfical, fanciful.
FANTASTICALLY, fan-tas'-ty-kal-y. ad.
Bvthc power of imagination ; capricioully, hu-
mouroufly; whimfically.
FANTASTICALNESS, f^n-tls'-ty'-kal-nls. 7
FANTASTICKNESS, fin-tas'-tik-nls. J
f, Humouroufnefi, mere compliance with
fancy ; whimficalnefs, unreafonablenefs ; ca-
price, unfteadineft.
FANTASY, fan'-ta-fy. f. Fancy, imagina-
tion, the power of imagining ; idea, image of
the mind ; humour, inclination.
FAP, fap'. a. Fuddled, drunk. An old cant
FAR, far. ad. To great extent ; toagreatdif-
tance ; remotely, at a great diftance ; in a great
part, in a great proportion ; to a great height ;
to a certain degree.
FAR-FETCH, far-fet/h". f. A deep ftratagera.
FAR-FETCHED, far-fetlht'. a. Brought from
places remote; ftudioufly fought; elaborately
FAR-PIERCING, far-per'-sing. a. Striking,
or penetrating a great way.
FAR-SHOOTING, far-fhd'-tlng. a. Shooting
to a great diftance.
FAR, fa'r. a. Diftant, remote ; From far, from
a remote place.
To FARCE, fa'rfe. v. a. To ftuff, to fill
with mingled ingredients ; to extend, to fwell
FARCE, fa'rfe. f. A dramatick reprefentatioa
written without regularity.
FARCICAL, fa'rfe-i-kal. a. Belonging to a
F AR C^/ f' - !y. r The leprofy of horfes.
FAi. DEL, fa'r-dil. f. A bundle, a little
To Fare, fil're. V. n. To go, to pafs, to travel j
to be in any ftate good or bad ; to happen to
an) one well or ill ; to feed, to eat, to be en-
FARE, fdi-c. f. Price of paflage in a vehicle by
land or by water ; food prepared for the tabic,
FAREWELL, fir-wel'. ad. The parting com-
pliment, adieu; it is fometimes ufed only as an
exprcffion of feparation without kindnefs.
FAREWELL, far-wel'. f. Leave, ad of de-
FARINACEOUS, far-y-na'-fliis. a. Mealy,
tailing like meal.
FARM, fa'rm. f. • Ground let to a tenant ; the
{late of lands let out to the culture of te-
To FARM, fa'rm. v. a. l"o let out to tenants at
a certain rent ; to take at a certain rate ; to
cultivate land.
FARMER, fa'r-mur. f. One who cultivates
hired ground ; one who cultivates ground.
FARMOST, fa'r-muft. f. Moft dlilant.
FARNESS, fa^r-nis. f. Diftance, remotenefs.
FARRAGINOUS, far-radzh'-l-nus. a. Formed
of diircreirt materials.
FARRAGO, far-ra'-go. f. A mafs formed con-
fufedly of feveral ingredients, a medley.
FARRIER, far'-yur. f. A fhoer of horfes ; one
who profefles the medicine of horfes.
FARROW, f^r'-r5. f. A little pig.
To FARROW, fAr'-rd. v. a. To bring pigs.
FART, fa'rt. f. Wind from behind.
To FART, fii'rt. V. a. Tobreak wind behind.
FARTHER, fa'r-ther. ad. At a greater dif-
tance, to a greater diftance, more remotely.
FARTHER, fa'r-ther. a. More remote ; longer,
tending to greater diftance.
FARTHERANCE, fa'r-ther-anfe. f. Encou-
ragement, promotion.
FAIITHERMORE, far-ther-md're. ad. Be-
fides, over and above, likewife.
To FARTHER, faV-thcr. v. a. To promote, to
facilitate, to advance.
FARTHEST, fa'r-thlft. ad. At the greateft
diftance ; to the greateft diftance.
FARTHEST, fa'r-thlft. a. Moft diftant, re-
FARTHING, fa'r-thmg. f. The fourth of a
penny ; copper money.
FARTHINGALE, f.'/r-thlng-gal. f. A hoop,
ufed tofprcad the petticoat.
FARTHINGSWORTH, faVthlngz-wirtfi. f.
As much as is fold for a farthing.
FASCES, fas'-sez. f. Rods anciently carried
before the confuls.
FASCIA, fas'-fyu. f. A fillet, a bandage.
FASCIATED, fas''-fya-t!d. a. . Bound with
FASCIATION, faf-fy-a'-fliun. f. Bandage.
To FASCINATE, fas'-f^-nite. v. a. To be-
witch, to enchant, to influence in fome wicked
and fecret manner.
FASCINATION, faf-fy-na'-ftiun. f. The
power or acS of bewitching, enchantment.
FASCINE, fas-si'ne. f. A faggot.
FASCINOUS, fas'-sy-nus. a. Caufed or ading
by witchcraft.
FASHION, fa(h'-un. f. Form, make, ftate of
any thing with regard to appearance ; the make
or cut of cloaths ; manner, fort, way ; cuftom
operating upon drefs, or any domeftick orna-
ments ; cuftom, general praftice ; manner imi-
tated from another, way eftabliftied by prece-
dent ; general approbation, mode; rank, con-
dition above the vulgar.
To FASHION, fafli'-un. v. a. To form, to
mould, to figure ; to fit, to adapt, to accom-
modate ; to caft into external appearance ; to
make according to the rule prefcribed by cuf-
FASHIONABLE, fafti'-in-abl. a. Approved
by cuftom, eftablifhcd by cuftom; made accord-
ing to the mode ; obfervant of mode ; having
rank above the vulgar, and below nobility.
FASHIONABLENESS, fafli'-un-abl-nls. f.
Modifh elegance.
FASHIONABLY, fafli'-un-ab-ly. ad. In a
manner conformable to cuftom, with modifh
FASHIONTST, fafli'-un-ift. f. A follower of
the mode, a coxcomb.
To FAST, faft'. v. n. To abftain from food ;
to mortify the body by religious abftinence.
FAST, faft'. f. Abftinence from food ; religi-
ous mortification by abftinence.
4. M FAST,
FAST, faft'. a. Firm, immoveable ; firm in
;\dhereiice ; fpeedy, quick, fwlft ; Faft and
loofe, uncertain, variable, inconftant,
FAS-T, faft'. ad. Firmly, inimoveably; clofely,
nearly ; fwiftly, nimbly ; frequently.
To FASTEN, fas'n. v. a. To make faft-, to
make firm; to hold together, to cement, to
link ; to affix, to conjoin.
To FASTEN, fis'n. v. n. To fix himfclf.
FASTENER, il/-nur. f. One that makes faft
or firm.
FASTER, f^ls'-tur. f, He who abftains from food.
FASTHANDED, faft'- hand-Id. a. Avaricious,
clofehanded, covetous.
FASTIDIOSITY, faf-tld-yos'-I-ty. f. Dif-
FASTIDIOUS, faf-dd'-yus. a. Difdainful,
fqueamifh, delicate to a vice.
FASTIDIOUSLY, faf-tid'-yif-ly. ad. Dif-
dainfully, fqueamiihly.
FASTINGDAY, faft'-lng-dL f. Day of mor-
tification by abftinence.
FASTNESS, faft'-nls. f. Firmnefs, firm ad-
herence ; ftrength, fecurity ; a ftrong place ; a
place not eafily forced.
FASTUOUS, fas'-tu-us. a. Proud, haughty.
FAT, fat', a. Full-fed, plump, flefhy; coarfe,
grofs, dull ; wealthy, rich.
FAT, fat', f. The undtuous part of animal fltfh.
FAT, fat', f. A veffel in vi^hich any thing is
put to ferment or be foaked.
To FAT, fat', v. a. To make fat, to fatten.
To FAT, fat', v. n. To grow fat, to grow full
FATAL, fa'-tal. a. Deadly, mortal, deftruc-
tive, caufing deftrudtion ; proceeding by def-
tiny, inevitable, necefiary ; appointed by def-
FATALIST, fa'-ta-lift. f. One who maintains
that all things happen by invincible neceiHty.
FATALITY, fa-tal'-i-ty. f. Piedeftinatlon,
piedeterniincd order or feries of things and
events ; decree of fate ; tendency to danger.
FATALLY, fA'-tal-ly. ad. Mortally, deftruc-
tiyely, even to death ; by the decree of fate.
FAT ALNESS, fa'-tal-n!s. f. Invincible ne-
FATE, fu'te. f. Deftiny, an eternal feries of
fucceliive caufes ; event predetermined ; death,
deftruSion ; caufe of death.
FATED, fa'-tid. a. Decreed by fate ; deter-
mined in any manner by fate.
FATHER, fa'-ther. f. He by whom the fon or
daughter is begotten ; the firft anceftor ; the
appellation of an old man ; the title of any man
re\crend ; the ecclefiaftical writers of the firft
centuries ; the title of a popifti confeftbr ; the
title of a fenator of old Rome ; the appellation
of the firft perfon of the adorable Trinity.
FATHER-IN-LAW. fa'-thcr-!n-ld'. f.' The
father of one's huflsand or wife.
To FATFIER, fa'-ther. v. a. To take as a fon
or daughter ; to fupply with a father ; to adopt
a compofition ; to afcribe to any one as his ofF-
fpring, or produftion.
FATHERHOOD, fa'-ther-hud. f. The cha-
racter of a father.
FATHERLESS, fa'-ther-lis. a. Without a
FATHERLINESS, fa'-ther-ly-nis. f. Theten-
dernefs of a father.
FATHERLY, fa'-ther-ly. a. Paternal, like a
FATHERLY, fa'-ther-ly. ad. In the manner
of a father.
FATHOM, fath'-um. f. A meafure of length
containing fix feet ; reach, penetration, depth
of contrivance.
To FATHOM, fath'-um. v. a. To encompafs
with the arms ; to found, to try with refpeft
to the depth ; to penetrate into, to find the bot-
tom ; as, I cannot fathom his defigii.
FATHOMLESS, fath'-um-lis. a. That of
which no bottom can be found ; that of which
the circumference cannot be embr.iced.
FATIDICAL, fa-tld'-i-kal. a. Prophetick,
having the power to foretel.
FATIFEROUS, fa-t!f'-fe-rus. a. Deadly,
FATIGABLE, f.U'-I-gibl. a. Eafily wearied.
ToFATIGATE, fk'-l-gke. v. a. To weary,
to fatigue.
TATIGUE, fa-t^'g. r. Wcarinefs, laffitudc ;
the caufe of wearinefs, labour, toil.
To FATIGUE, fa-te'g. v. a. To tire, to
FATKIDNEYED, fit-kid'-nyd. a. Fat.
FATLING, fat'-ling. f. A young animal ftd
fat for the flaughter.
FATNER, fit'-nur. f. That which gives
FATNESS, f.'.t'-n's. f. The quality of being
fat, plump ; fat, greafe ; unduous or grcafy
maKer; fertility; that which caufes fertility.
To FATTEN, fat'n. v. a. To feed up, to
make flefliy ; to make fruitful ; to feed grofsly,
to incrcafe.
To FATTEN, fat'n. v. n. To grow fat, to
be pampered.
FATUOUS, fat'-d-us. a. Stupid, foolift,
feeble of mind ; impotent, without force.
FATUITY, f^t-u'-i-ty. f. Foolifhnefs, weak-
nefs of mind.
FATVVTTTED, fat'-wlt-i'd. a. Heavy, dull.
FATTY, fat'-ty. a. Unctuous, oleaginous,
FAUSET, fos^-sit. a. The pipe inferted into a
veflel to give vent to the liquor, and flopped up
by a peg or fpigot.
FAUCHION, fa'1-tihun. f. A crooked fword.
FAVILLOUS, fa-vll'-lus. a. Confifting of
FAULCON, fa'kn. f. See FALCON.
FAULT, fa't. f. OfFence, ilight crime, fome-
what liable to cenfure ; defeat, want; puzzle,
FAULTFINDER, fa't-find-ur. f. A cenfurer.
FAULTILY, fi'-tll-y. ad. Not rightly, im-
FAULTINESS, fa'-t!n-Is. f. Badnefs, vici-
oufnefs ; delinquency.
FAULTLESS, fa't-Hs. a. Without fault, per-
FAULTY, f'i'-ty. a. Guilty of a fault, blame-
able, erroneous, defe(Sive.
To FAVOUR, fi'-vur. v. a. To fupport, to
regard with kindnefs ; to a/Elt with advantages
or conveniencics ; to refemble in feature ; to
conduce to, to contribute.
FAVOUR, fa'-vur. f. Countenance, kindnefs ;
fupport, defence ; kindnefs granted ; lenity,
mitigation of punifhment ; leave, good will,
pardon; object of favour, perfon or thing fa-
voured ; fomething given by a lady to be worn ;
any thing worn openly as a token ; feature,
FAVOURABLE, fa'-vur-ebl. a. Kind, propi-
tious, affeiElionate ; palliative, tender, averfe
from cenfure ; cond-ucive to, contributing to ;
accommodate,, convenient ; beautiful, well fa-
FAVOURABLENESS, fi'-vur-ebl-nls. f.Kind-
nefs, benignity.
FAVOURABLY, fa'-vur-cb-ly. ad. Kindly,
with favour.
FAVOURED, fa^-vurd. particip. a. Regarded
with kindnefs ; featured, with Well or 111.
FAVOUREDLY, fi'-vurd-ly. ad. With Welf
or 111, in a fair or foul way.
FAVOURER, fA'-vur-ur. f. One who favours i
one who regards with kindnefs or tendernefs.
FAVOURITE, fa'-vur-it, f. A perfon or thing
beloved, one regarded with favour; one chofen-
as a companion by his fuperior.
FAVOURLESS, fa'-vur-lls. a. Unfavoured,
not regarded with kindnefs ; unfavouring, un-
FAUTOR, fa''-t6r. f. Favourer, countenancer.
FAUTRESS, fi'-tres. f. A woman that fa-
vours or fhows countenance.
FAWN, fa'n. f. A young, deer.
To FAWN, fafn. v. n. To bring forth a young
deer ; to court by frifking before one, as a dog j
to court fervilely.
FAWNER, fa'-nur. f. One that fa-vvns, one
that pays fervile courtfhip.
FAWNINGLY, fa'-ning-ly. ad. In a cringing
FAY, fa', f. A fairy, an elf; faith.
To FE AGUE, fe'g. v. a. To whip, tochaftife.
FEALTY, fe'l-ty. f. Duty due to a fuperior lord.
FEAR, fe'r. f. Dread, horrour, apprchenfion
of danger ; awe, dejeilion of mind ; anxiety,
folicitude ; that which caufes fear ; fomething
hung up to fcare deer.
To FEAR, fii'r. v. a. To dread, to confider
with apprehenfions of terror ; to fright, to ter-
lify, to make afraid.
To FEAR, fc'r. v. n. To live in horrotir, to
be afraid ; to be anxious.
FEARFUL, fc'r-ful. a. Timorous; afraid;
awful ; terrible, dreadful.
FEi\RFULLY., fer^-ful-y, ad. Timorouny, in
fear ; terribly, dreadfully.
FEARFULNESS, .fer'-fdi-nis. (. Timorouf-
nels, habitual timidity ; ftate of being afraid,
awe, dread.
FEARLESLY, f^'r-Jts-ly. ad. Without ter-
FEARLESNESS, fe'r-lcf-nls. f. Exemption
from fear.
FEARLESS, fe'r-les. a. Free from fear, in-
FEASIBILITY, fe''-zy-bIl''-!-ty. f. A thing
FEASIBLE, fe'-zibl. a. Prafticable, that may
be efftfted.
FEASIBLY, fe'-zlb-ly. ad. Praaicably.
FEAST, fe'ft. f. An entertainment of the table,
a funiptuous treat of great numbers ; an anni-
verfary day of rejoicing; fomethmg delicious
_ to the palate.
To FEAST, fe'fl. v. n. To eat fumptuoufly.
To FEAST, fe ft. V. a. To entertain fump-
tuoufly ; to delight, to pamper.
FEASTER, fe'f-tur. f. One that fares dclici-
oufly ; one that entertains magnificently.
FEASTFUL, fe'ft-fal. a. Feftive, joyful ; lux-
urious, riotous.
FEASTRITE, fe'ft-rite. f. Cuftom obftrved
jn entertainments.
FEAT, fe't. f. Adl, deed, action, exploit; a
. trick, a ludicrous performance.
FEAT, fe't. a. Ready, fiiilful, ingenious ; nice,
FEATEOUS, f^'-tyus. a. Neat, dexterous.
FEATEOUSLY, fc'-tyuf-ly. ad. Neatly, dex-
FEATHER, fcth'-ur. f. The plume of birds ;
an ornament, an empty title ; upon a horfe, a
fort of natural frizzling hair.
To FEATHER, feth'-ur. v. a. To drefs in
feathers ; to fit with feathers; to tread as a
cock ; to enrich, to adorn j To ftathtr one's
nefi:, to get riches together.
FEATHERBED, fetl/-er-bed. f. A bed Huffed
with feathers.
FEATHERDRIVER, feth'-er-dri-vur. f. One
who cleanfcs feathers.
FEATHERED, feth'-erd. a. Cloathed with
feathers ; fitted with feathers, carrying feathers.
FEATHEREDGE, feth'-er-edzh. f. Boards
or planks that have one edge thinner than ano-
ther, are caJled featheredge fluff.
FEATHEREDGED, fcth'-u-cdzhd. a. Be-
longing to a featheredge. '
FEATHERFEW, feth'-er-fu. f. A plant.
FEATHERLESS, fcth'-er-lls. a. Without
FEATHERSELLER, feth'-er-fel-ur. f. One
\vho fells feathers.
FEATHERY, fcth'-er-y. a. Cloathed with
FEATLY, ffc't-ly. ad. Neatly, nimbly.
FLATNESS, fe't-nis. f. Neatnefs, dexterity.
FEATURE, f^'-tfhir. f. The caff or make of
the face ; any lineament or fingle part of the
To FEAZE, fe'z. V. a. To untwift the end of
a rope ; to beat.
FEBRIFUGE, feb'-ry-fuje. f. Any medicine
ierviceable in a fever.
FEBRILE, fe'-brile. a. Conllituting a fever;
proceeding from a fever.
FEBRUARY, feb'-rd-er-y. f. The name of
the fecond month in the year.
FECES, fe'-fcz. f. Dregs, lees, fediment, fub-
fidence ; excrement.
FECULENCE, f<:-k'-u-lcnfe. IC. Muddinefs,
FECULENCY, fek'-u-len-fy. 5 quality of a-
bounding with lees or fediment ; lees, feces,
fediment, dregs.
FECULENT, fek'-d-lcnt. a. Foul, dreggy,
FECUND, fe-kund'. a. Fruitful, prolifick.
FECUNDATION, (i'-kun-d'/'-ihun. f. The
act of making prolifick.
To FECUNDIFY, fl-kun'-dy-fy-. v. a. To
make fruitful.
FECUNDITY, fe-kun'-dy-ty. f. Fruitfulnefs,
quality of producing or bringing forth.
FED, fed'. Preterite and participle pafT. of To
FEDARY, fed'-ar-y. f. A partner, or a de-
FEDERAL, fed'-c-ral. a. Relating to a league
or contract.
FEDERARY, fed'-e-rar-y. f. A confederate,
an accomplice.
FEDERATE, fed'-e-rate. a. Leagued.
FEE, fe'. f. All lands and tenements that are
held by any acknowledgment of fuperiority to
a higher lord ; recompenfe ; payments occa-
fionally claimed by perfons in office j reward
paid to phyficians or lawyers.
FEEFARM, fe'-farm. f. Tenure by which
lands are held from a fuperior lord.
To FEE, fe'. v. a. To reward, to pay; to
bribe ; to keep in hire.
FEEBLE, f^'bl. a. Weak, debilitated, fickly.
FEEBLEMINDED, fe'bl-mi'nd-ld. a. Weak
of mind.
FEEBLENESS, f^'bl-nis. f. Weaknefs, im-
becillity, infirmity.
FEEBLY, f^'b-ly. ad. Weakly, without
To FEED, fe'd. V, a. To fupply with food ;
to graze, to con fume by cattle; to nourifh, to
chcrifii ; to keep in hope or expectation j to
delight, to entertain.
To FEED, fe'd. v. n. To take food ; to prey,
to live by eating ; to grow fat or plump.
FEED, fe'd. f. Food, that which is eaten ;
FEEDER, fe'd-ur. f. One that gives food ;
an exciter, an encourager; one that eats ; one
that eat- nicely.
To 1 EEL, f^'l. pret.Felt. part. paff. Felt. To
have perception of things by the touch ; to
fcarch by feeling ; to have a quick fenfibifity
of good or evil ; to appear to the touch.
To FEEL, fe 1. v. a. To perceive by the touch ;
to try, to found ; to have fenfe of pain or plea-
fure ; to be afFe£ied by ; to know, to be ac-
quainted with.
FEEL, fc'l. f. The fenfe of feeling, the touch.
FEELER, fc-'l-ur. f. One that feels ; the horn'.
or antennae of infefts.
FEELING, fe'l-ing. particip. a. Exprcfilve of
great fenfibility; fenfibly fek.
FEELING, fc^'1-Jng. f. The fenfe of toucli ;.
fenfibility, tendernefs, perception.
FEELINGLY, fc'l-Ing-ly. ad. With expref-
fion of great fenfibility; fo as to be fenfibly
FEET, f^'t. f. The plural of Foot.
FEETLESS, f^'t-h's. 5. Without feet.
To FEIGN, fa'ne. v. a. To invent; to m.-ikc
a fliew of, to do upon fome falfe pretence ; to
diflemble, to conceal.
To FEIGN, fa'ne. v. n. To relate falfely, to
image from the invention.
FEIGNEDLY, fa'ne-ed-ly. ad. In fiction, not
FEIGNER, fa'ne-ur. f. Invcnter, contriver
of a fiction.
FEINT, fu'nt. f. A falfe appearance; a mock
To FELICITATE, fa-l!s'-^-tatc. v. a. To
make happy ; to congratulate.
FELICITATION, fc-Iif-j'-ta'-fhi'm. f. Con-
FELICITOUS, fMls'-y-tus. a. Happy.
FELICITY, fe-lis'-It-y. f. Happinefs, pro-
fpcrity, blifsfulnefs.
FELINE, fe'-iine. a. Like a cat, pertaining
to a cat.
FELL, fel . a. Cruel, barbarous, inhuman; h-
vage, ravenous, bloody.
FELL, fel'. f. The fkin, the hide.
To FELL, fel'. v. a. To knock down, to bring
to the ground ; to licw dovi'ii, to cut down.
FELL-, fel'. The preterite of To Fall.
FELLER, fel'-lur. f. One that hews down.
F E L'
FE.LLIFLUOUS, fel-lif'-fiu-us. a. Flowing
with -all.
FELLrviONGER, fcl'-mung-gur. f. A dealer
in hides.
FELLNESS, fd/-ius. f. Cruelty, favagenefs.
FELLOE, fel'-lo. f. The circumference of a
FELLOW, fel'-lo. f. An alTociate, one united
in the fame aftair; one of the fame kind; one
thing fuited to another, one of a pair ; a fami-
liar appellation ufed fometimes with fondnefs,
fometimes with contempt ; mean wretch, forry
rafcal ; a member of a college that fhares ics
To FELLOW, fcl'-lo. V. a. To fuit with, to
pair with.
FELLOW-COMMONER, fel-l6-kim'-un-ur.
f. A commoner at Cambridge of the higher
'order, who dines with the fellows.
FELLOW-CREATURE, fel-l6-kre'-tfliur. f.
One that has the fame Creator.
FELLOW-HEIR, felrld-^'re. f. Coheir.
FELLOW-HELPER, fel-lS-help'-ur. f. Co-
FELLOW-LABOURER, fel-l6-ia'-bur-ur. f.
One who labours in the fame defign.
FELLOW-SERVANT, f^l-l6-fer'-vunt. f. One
that tas the fame mafter.
FELLOW-SOLDIER, fel-ld-fo'l-jur. f. One
who fights under the fame commander.
FELLOW-STUDENT, fel-l6-ftu'^dcnt. f. One
who ftudies in company with another.
FELLOW-SUFFERER, fel-l5-fuf''-ur-ur. f.
One who fhares the fame evils.
FELLOW-FEELING, fel-l6-fe'-ling. f. Sym-
pathy ; Combination, joint intereft.
FELLOWLIKE, fel'-lb-likc. 1 a. Like a com-
FELLOWLY, fel'-l6-ly. 5 panion, on e-
qual terms.
FELLOWSHIP, fcl'-io-lhlp. f. Companion-
ftiip; aflbciation ; equality; partiicrfliip ; fre^
quency of intcrcourfc, focial plealure ; fitnefs
and fondnjfs for feltal entertainments ; an tila-
bliihment inthe college with flia.:; in its revenue.
FELLY, fcl'-ly. ad. Cruelly, inhumanly, fa-
FELO-DE-SE, fe'-l6-de-fe''. f. In law, he
that coLnmittcth felony by murdering himfelf.
FELON, fel'-un. f. One who has committed
a capital crime ; a whitlow, a tumour formed
between the bone and its invefiir.g membrane.
FELON, fel -un. a. Cruel, traitorous, inhuman.
FELONIOUS, fS-l6'-nyus. a. Wicked, trai-
terous, villanous, malignant.
FELONIOUSLY, f>;-l6'-;)yuf-ly. ad. In a fe-
lonious way.
FELONY, fel'-un-y. f. A crime denounced ca-
pital by the law.
FEL r, felt'. The preterite of Feel.
FELT, felt', f. Cloth made of wool united
without v/caving ; a hide or fkin.
FELUCCA, fe-luk'-a. f. ' A fmall open boat
v/itii fix. oars.
FEMALE, fe'-m^le. f. A {he, one of the fex
which brings young.
FEMALE, ' fe'-male. a. Not mafculine, be-
longing to a fhe.
FEiVUNALITY, fem-In-al'-i-ty. f. Female
FEMININE, fem'-in-in. a. Of the fex that
brings young, female ; foft, tender, delicate ;
efFeminate, emafculated.
FEMORAL, fem'-iir-al. a. Belonging to the
FEN, fen', f. A marfh, low flat and moift ground,
a mcor, a bog.
FENlihRY, fen'-ber-ry. f. A kind of black-
FENCE, fen'fe. f. Guard, fecurity, outwork,
defence; inclofure, mound, hedge; the art of
fencing, defence ; fkill in defence.
To FENCE, fen'fe. v. a. To inclofe, to fc-
cure by an inclofure or hedge ; to guard.
To FENCE, fen'fe. v. n. To praftife the arts
of manual defence ; to g'. a;d againlt, to aifl on
tho defenfive ; to fight accord., ig ■. irt.
FENCELESS, fens'-Jis. a. Without inclo-
fure, open.
FENCER, fen'-fir. f. One who teaches or
praclifcs the ufe of weapons.
FENCIBLE, fcn'-slbl. a. Capable of defence.
FENCINGiM ASTER, fcn'-s!ng-maf-tur.f._Oiic
who teaches the ufe of weapons.
FENCINGSCHOOL, ftn'-slng-fk,]!. f. A
place in wliich the ufe of weapons is taught.
To FEND, fend', v. a. To keep off, to fliut
To FEND, fend", v. n. To difpute, to fhift
off a charge.
FENDER, fcn'-dir. f. A plate of metal laid
before the fire to hinder coals that fall from
rolling forward to the floor ; any thing laid
or hung at the fide of a fliip to keep off vio-
FENERATION, ftn-e-rA'-flvan. f. Ufury, the
gain of interciT.
FENNEL, f^Z-nll. f, A plant of ftrong fcent.
FEN>:£LFLOWER, fen'-nll-flowr. f. A
FEKNELGIANT, fen''-nii-jf-ant. f. A plant.
FENNY, fen'-ny. a. Marfhy, boggy, moorifh ;
inhabiting the marfli.
FENNYSTONES, fan'-ny-flSnz. f. A plant.
FENSUCKED, fen'-fukt. a. Sucked out of
FEOD, fu'd. f. Fee, tenure.
FEODAL, fu'-dal.*a. Held from another.
FEODARY, fii'-da-ry. f. One who holds his
eftate under the tenure cf fuit and fervice to a
fuperior lord.
To FEOFF, fef^. v. a
to invert with right.
FEOFFEE, fef'-fl. f.
FEOFFER, fef'-fir.
feflion of any thing.
FEOFFMENT, fef'-nient. f. The tcl of grant-
ing poffeffion.
FER^ACITY, fe-rasM-ty. f. Fruitfulnefs, fer-
FERAL, fe'-ral. a. Funereal, mournful.
FERIATION, fc-iya'-fliun. f. The .^.a of
keeping holiday.
FERINE, fc'-rinc. a. Wild, favage.
FERINENESS, fe-rfne-n!s. f. Barbarity, fa-
FLiilTY, fer'-i-t}'-. f. B..ibarity, cruelty, wild-
To put in poILiHon,
One put in roffeHion.
f. One who gives pof-
To FERMENT, fcr-ment'. v. a. To cx.-ilt or
rarify by inteftine motion of parts.
To FERMENT, fer-ment'. v. n. To have the
parts put into inteftine motion.
FERMENT, fer'-ment. f. That which caufes
inteftine motion ; the inteftine motion, tumult.
FERMENTABLE, fer-ment'-abl. z. Capable
of fermentation.
FERMENTAL, fer-ment'-al. a. Having the
power to caufe fermentation.
FERMENTATION, fer-m^n-tr-fhin. f. A
flow motion of the inteftine particles of a mixt
body, arifing ufually from the oper.-ition of
fome adtive acid matter.
FERMENTATIVE, fer-men'-t.-l-tiv. a. Cau-
fing fermentation.
FERN, fern', f. A plant.
FERNY, fern'-y. a. Overgrown with fern.
FEROCIOUS, fe-rS'-fhus. 'a. Savage, fierce.
FEROCITY, fg-ros'-l-ty. f. Savagen^efs, fierce-
-yus. a.
Confiftino; of iron-
belonging to iron.
FERRET, fer'-rit. f. A quadrupede of the
weafel kind, ufed to catch rabbits ; a kind of
narrow ribband.
To FERRET, fer'-rlt. v. a. To drive out of
lurking places.
FERRETER, fer'-r!t-tur. f. One that hunts
another in his privacies.
FERRIAGE, fer'-ry-!dzh. f. The fare paid at
a ferr}'.
FERRUGINOUS, fer-ru'-jln-us. a. Partaking
cf the particles and qualities of iron.
FERRULE, fer'-ril. f. An iron ring put round
ar.v thing to keep it from cracking.
To t-'ERRY, fer'-ry. v. a. To carr)- over in a
FERRY, fer'-ry. f. A veffel of carriage ; the
paffige over which the ferryboat pafiis.
FERRYMAN, fer'-ry-man. f. One who keeps
a ferry, one who for hire tranfports goods and
rXRTILE, fer'-til. a. Fruitful, abundant.
FERTILENESS, fer'-tll-nls. f. Fruitfulnefs,
FERTILITY, fc-r-tUM-ty. f. Abundance,
To FERTILIZE, ft-Z-til-lrze. v. a. To make
fruitful, to make plenteous, to make produiStive.
FERTILY, fe/-tll-y, ad. Fruitfully, plen-
FERVENCY, feZ-ven-fy-. f. Heat of mind,
ardour; flame of devotion, zeal.
FERVENT, fer'-vent. a. Hot, boiling ; hot in
temper, vehement ; ardent in piety, warm in zeal.
FERVENTLY, fer'-vent-ly. 'ad. Eagerly,
vehemently ; with pious ardour.
FERVID, fer'-vld. a. Hot, burning, boiling ;
vehement, eager, zealous.
FERVIDITY, fer-vid'-l-tv. f. Heat, zeal, ar-
FERVIDNESS, fer'-vid-nis. f. Ardour of
mind, zeal.
FERULA, fer'-u-la. f. An inftrument with
which young fcholars are beaten on the hand.
FERVOUR, fer'-vur. f. Heat, warmth, heat
of mind, zeal.
FESCUE, fes'-ku. f. A fmall wire by which
thofe who teach to read point out the letters.
To FESTER, fes'-tur. v. n. To rankle, to
corrupt, to grow virulent,
FESTINATE, fes'-t!-nSte, a. Hafty, hurried.
FESTINATELY, fes'-tl-net-ly, ad. Haflily,
FESTINATION, fes-tl-n?/-fliun. f. Hafle,
FESTIVAL, fes^-ti-val. a. Pertaining to feafts,
FESTIVAL, fcs'-ti-val. f. Time of feaft, an-
niverfary-day of civil or religious joy.
FESTIVE, fes'-tlv. a. Joyous, gay.
FESTIVITY, fef-tiv'-l-ty. f. FelHval, time
of rejoicing ; gaiety, joyfulnefs.
FESTOON, fef-td'n. f. In architeaurc, an
ornament of carved work in the form of a
wreath or garland of flowers, or leaves twifted
To FETCH, fJtfl/. V. a. To go and bring ;
to ftrike at a diftance ; to produce by fome kind
of force ; to reach, to arrive at ; to obtain as
its price.
To FETCH, fctlh'. V. n. To move with a
quick return.
FETCH, fetfh^ f. A ftratagem by which any
thing is indirectly performed, a trick, an ar-
FETCHER, fetfh'-ur. f. One that fetches.
FETID, fet'-td. a. Stinking, rancid.
FETIDNESS, fet'-Id-nls. f. The quality of
FETLOCK, (k'-lok. f. A tuft of hair that
grows behind the paftern-joint.
FETTER, fet'-tur. f. It is commonly ufed in
the plural P'etters. Chains for the feet.
To FETTER, fet'-tur. v. a. To bind, to en-
chain, to fhackle, to tie.
To FETTLE, fet'l. v. n. To do trifling bu-
FETUS, fc'-tus. f. Any animal in embrio, any
thing yet in the womb.
FEUD, fu'de. f. Qiiarrel, contention.
FEUDAL, fii'-dal. a. Pertaining to fees, or
tenures by which lands are held of a fuperior
FEUDAL, fu'-dal. f. A dependance, fame-
thing held by tenure.
FEUDATORY, fu'-da-tir-y. f. One who
holds not in chief, but by fome conditional
FEVER, f^'-vur. f. A difeafe in which the
body is violently heated, and the pulfe quick-
ened, or in which heat and cold prevail by
turns. It is fometimes continual, fometimes
FEVERET, fe-vur-et', f. A flight fever, fe-
FEVERFEW, f^'-vur-f>l. f. An herb.
FEV ERISH, fe'-vur-lfii. a. Troubled with a
fever; tending to a fever; uncertain, incon-
ftant, now hot, now cold ; hot, burning.
FEVERISHNESS, fe'-vur-lfh-nls. f. A flight
difordcr of the fcverifli kind.
FEVEROUS, fe'-vQr-is. a. Troubled with a
fever or ague ; having the nature of a fever ;
having a tendency to produce fevers.
FEVERY, f6'-vur-y. a. Dift-afed with a fever.
FEW, fu'. a. Not many, not a great number.
FEWEL, fil^-ll. f. Combuftiblc matter, as fire-
wood, coal.
FEWNESS, fu''-nis. f. Smallnei's of number.
FIB, f !b'. f. A lie, a falfehood.
To FIB, fib'. V. n. To lie, to tell lies.
FIBBER, fib'-bur. f. A teller of fibs.
FIBRE, ff-bur. f. A fmall thread or firing.
FIBRIL, ff-bnl. f. A fmall fibre or firing.
FIBROUS, fi'-brus. a. Compofed of fibres or
FIBULA, flb'-u-la. f. The outer and lefTer
bone of the leg, much fmaller than the tibia.
FICKLE, flk'l. a. Changeable, unconftant,
unfteady ; not fixed, fubjecl to viciflitude.
FICKLENESS, flk'l-ms. f. Inconftancy, un-
certainty, unfteadinefs.
FICKLY, flk'-ly. ad. Without certainty or
FICTILE, flk'-tll. a. Manufadurcd by the
FICTION, flk'-fliin. f. The aft of feigning
or in\enring ; the thing feigned or invented ;
a falfehood, a lie.
FICTIOUS, fik'-fhus. a. Fiaitious, ima-
FICTITIOUS, flk-tifn'-is. a. Counterfeit,
not genuine ; feigned ; not real, not true.
FICTITIOUSLY, f !k-ti{h'-uf-ly. ad. Falfely,
FIDDLE, fid'l. f. A firinged inftrument of
niufick, a violin.
To FIDDLE, flJ'l. V. n. To play upon the
fiddle ; to trifle, to fhift the hands often, and
do nothing.
FIDDLEFADDLE, fld'l-fad'l. f. Trifles. A
cant word.
FIDDLER, f !d'-Iur. f. A mufician, one that
piays upon the fiddle.
FIDDLESTICK, f !d'l-filk. f. The bow and
hair which a fiddler draws over the firings of a
FIDDLESTRING, fid'l-firlng. f. The firing
of a fiddle.
FIDELITY, fi-del'-i-t^. f. Honefty, faithful
fi'dzh'. 7v. n. Tomovenini-
", f idzhMt. J bly and irregularly.
A cant word.
FIDUCIAL, fi-jo'-fhal. a. Confident, un-
fupported ; the lower part, the bafe ; infantry ;
flate, charafter, condition ; fcheme, plan,
fettlement; a certain number of fyllables confli-
tuting a diflinft part of a verfe ; a meafurc
containing twelve inches ; flep.
To FOOT, fut'. V. n. To dance, to tread
wantonly, to trip ; to walk, not ride.
To FOOT, fut'. v. a. To fpurn, to kick ; ta
FOOTBALL, fut'-bal. f. A ball driven by
the foot.
FOOTBOY, fdt'-boy. f. A low menial, an
attendant in livery.
FOOTBRIDGE, fiit'-brldzh. f. A bridge on
which paflcngers walk.
FOOTCLOTH, fdt'-klltlT. f. A fumptcr
FOOTHOLD, fdt'-h6ld. f. Space to hold
the foot.
FOOTING, fut'-tlng. f. Ground for the foot ;
foundation, bafis, fupport; tread, walk; dance;
entrance, beginning, cflablifhment ; flate, con-
dition, fettlement.
FOOTLICKKR, fut'-llk-ur. f. A flavc, an
humble fawner.
FOOTMAN, fiit'-man.f. A foldier that marches
and fights on foot ; a low menial fcrvant in li-
very ; one who pradifcs to walk or run.
FOOTMANSHIP, fat'-man-ra!p. f. The art
or faculty of a runner.
FOOTPACE, fut'-pafe. f. Part of a pair of
ftairs, whereon, after four or five fVeps, you ar-
rive to a broad place ; a pace no fafter than a
flow walk.
FOOTPAD, fut'-pad. f. A highv/ayman that
robs on foot.
FOOTPATH, fut'-patfi. f. Narrow way which
will not admit horfes.
FOOTPOST, fut'-poft. f. A pofl or meffengcr
that travels on foot.
FOOTSTALL, fut'-ftal. f. A woman's ftirrup.
FOOTSTEP, fut'-ftep. f. Trace, track, im-
preflion left by the foot ; token, mark ; ex-
FOOTSTOOL, fut'-ftu!. f. Stool on which
he that fits places his feet.
FOP, fop', f. A coxcomb, a man of fmall un-
derflanding and much ofrentation, one fond of
FOPPERY, fcp'-er-y. f. Folly, impertinence ;
'■ affeftation of fliov/ or importance, fliowy folly ;
fondnefs of drefs.
FOPPISH, fop'-pifti. a. Fooli/h, idle, vain;
vain in (how, vain of drefs.
FOPPISHLY, fcp'-plft-ly. ad. Vainly, often-
FOPPISHNESS, fop'-plfh-nls. f. Vanity, fliovvy
FOPPLING, fop'-llng. f. A petty fop.
FOR, for', prep. Becaufeof; with refpefl to ;
confidered as, in the place of; for the fake of;
In comparative refpedt ; after O an exprefllon
of defire ; in account of, in folution of; in-
ducing to as a motive ; in remedy of; in ex'-
change for ; in the place of, inftead of; in fup-
ply of, to ferve in the place of; through a cer-
tain duration; in fearch of, in quefl of; in fa-
vour of, on the part of; with intention of;
notwithftanding; totheufeof; in confequence
of ; in recoropence of.
FOR, for', conj. The word by which the rea-
fon is given of fomething advanced before;
bccaufe, on this account that ; For as much,
in rcjrard that, in coiifideration of.
To FORAGE, forMdzh. v. n. To wander far,
to rove at a diftance ; to wander in fearch of
provifions ; to ravage, to feed on fpoil.
To FORAGE, for'-Idzh. v. a. To plunder,
to flrip.
FORAGE, for -idzh. f. Search of provifions,
the acl of feeding abroad ; provifions fought
abroad ; provifions in general.
FORAMINOUS, fo-ram'-y-nus. a. Full of
To FORBEAR, for-be'r. v. n. pret. I Forbore,
anciently Forbare; part. Forborn. To ccafe
from any thing, to intermit ; to paufe, to de-
lay ; to omit voluntarily ; to abftain ; to re-
ftrain any violence of temper, to be patient.
To FORBEAR, for-bl'r. v. a. To decline, to
omit voluntarily ; to fpare, to treat with cle-
mency ; to withold.
FORBEARANCE, for-be'r-ans. f. The care
of avoiding or fhunning any thing; intermif-
iion of fomething; command of temper ; lenity,
delay of puniihment, mildnefs.
FORBEARER, for-bl'r-ur. f. An intermitter,
interceptor of any thing.
To FORBID, for-blJ'. v. a. pret. I Forbade,
part. Forbidden or Forbid. To prohibit ; to
oppofe, to hinder.
FORBIDDANCE, for-bld'-dans. f. Prohi-
FORBIDDENLY, for-bld'n-ly. ad. In an un-
lawful manner.
FORBIDDER, fir-bld'-dur. f. One that pro-
FORBIDDING, for-bld'-dlng. particip. a. Rai-
fing abhorrence..
FORCE, fo'rfe. f. Strength, vigour, might ;
violence; virtue, efficacy ; validnefs, power of |
law ; armament, warlike preparation ; deftiny, f
neceflity, fatal compulfion.
To FORCE, fo'rfe. v. a. To compel, to con-
ftrain ; to overpower ; to impel ; to enforce ;
to drive by violence orpov/er ; to ftorm, to take
or enter by violence; to ravifh, to violate by
force ; To force out, to extort.
FORCEDLY, fo'r-fcd-ly. ad. Violently, con- ^
firainedly. ' |j
FORCEFUL, fo'iic-fiil. a. Violent, ftrong,
FORCEFULLY, fu'-rfe-fal-y. ad. Violently,
FORCELESS, fo'rfe-l!s. a. Without force,
weak, feeble.
FORCEPS, fa''r-feps. f. Forceps properly fig-
nifies a pair of tongs, but is ufed for an inftru-
ment in chirurgery, toextr.^.ct any thing out of
FORCER, fo're-fir, f. That which forces,
drives, or conftrains ; the embolus of a pump
working by pulfion.
FORCIBLE, fo're-slbl. a. Strong, mrghty;
violent, impetuous ; efficacious, powerful ; pre-
\alent, of great influence ; done by force; va-
lid ; binding.
FORCIBLENESS, fyrc-slbl-nis. f. Force,
FORCIBLY, fo're-slb-ly. ad. Strongly, pow-
erfully ; impetuoufly ; by violence, by force.
FORCIPATED, fa'r-fy-pa-tid. a. Like a pair
of pincers to open and inclofe.
FORD, fo'rd. f. A fhallow part of a river;
the llream, the current.
To FORD, fo'rd. v. a. To pafs without fvvim-
FORDABLE, fo'rd-abl. a. PalTable without
FORE, fo're. a. Anteriour, that which comes
firft: in a progreflive motion.
FORE, fo're. ad. Anteriourly ; Fore is a word
much ufed in compofition to mark priority of
To FOREARM, fore-a'rm. v. a. To provide
for attack or refiftance before the time of need.
To FOREBODE, fore-ba'de. v. n. To prog-
nofticatc, to foretol ; to foreknow.
To FOREBODER, fore-bo'de-ur. f. A prog-
nofticator, a foothfayer ; a foreknower.
To FORECAST, fore-kail'', v. a. To fcheme,
to plan before execution ; to adjuft, to contrive ;
to forefee, to provide againft.
To FORECAST, fore-kaft'. v. n. To form
fchemes, to contrive beforehand.
FORECAST, fo^re-kaft. f. Contrivance be-
forehand, antecedent policy-
FORECASTER, fo're-kaft'-iir. f. One who
contrives beforehand.
FORECASTLE, fo're-kafl. f. la a fhip, that
part where the foremafl flanJs.
FORECHOSEN, fOre-tfliazn. part. Pre-
FORECITED, fore-si'-tld. part. Quoted be-
To FORECLOSE, fore-kl6'ze. v. a. Tofliut
up, to preclude, to prevent; To foreclofe a
mortgage, is to cut off the power of redemp-
FOREDECK, fo^rc-dek. f. The anteriour part
of the fhip.
To FOREDESIGN, f6re-de-sfne. v. a. To
plan beforehand.
To FOREDO, forc-do', v. a. To ruin, to de-
flroy ; to overdo, to weary, to harafs.
To FOREDOOM, fore-do'm. v. a. To pre-
deftinate, to determine beforehand.
FOREEND, f6''re-cnd. f. The anteriour part.
FOREFATHER, fOre-fa'-thur. f. Anceftor,
one who in any degree of afcending genealogy
precedes another.
To FOREFEND, fore-fend', v. a. To pro-
hibit, to avert ; to provide for, to fecure.
FOREFINGER, fo're-flng-gur. f. The finger
next to the thumb, the index.
FOREFOOT, fo're-fdt. f. plural Forefeet, The
anteriour foot of a quadruped.
To FOREGO, fore-gd'. v. a. To quit, to give
up ; to go before, to be paft.
FOREGOER, fore-go'-ur. f. Anceftor, pro-
FOREGROUND, f-^'re-ground. f. The part
of the field or expanfe of a pidure which feems
to lie before the figures.
FOREHAND, fo're-hand. f. The part of a
horfe which is before the rider ; the chief part.
FOREHAND, fo're-hand. a. A thing done
too foon.
FOREHANDED, f.Vre-hand-!d. a. Early,
timely ; formed in the foreparts.
FOREHEAD, foZ-rld. f. That part of tlie
face which reaches from the eyes upwardto the
-hair; impudence, confidence, affurance.
FOREHOLDING, fore-ho'ld-Ing.. f. Predic-
. . tiansT-omlnaus accourtts. . .. -
FOREIGN, for'-rin. a. Not of this country,
• . i\ot domeftick; alien, remote, not belonging ;
excluded ; extraneous.
FOREIGNER, .fir'-r-In-ur, f. A man that
comes from another country, a ftranger.
FOREIGNNESS, . for^-rin-nls. . f. Remote-
• nefs, want of relation to fbmething.
To FGREIMAGINE, f6re-.lm-madzh'-in. v. a.
To conceive or fancy bsfore proof.
To FOREJUDGE, fdre-judzh^ v. a. Tojudgc
beforehand, to be prepoflcfTed.
To FOREKNOW, fote-no'. v. a. To have
nrefcience of, to forefee.
FOREKNOW ABLE, fOre-no'-abl. a. Capable
of being foreknov/n.
FOREKNOWLEDGE, f6re-ji6l'-lidzh. f. Pre-
ffcience, knowledge of that which has not yet
FORELAND, fo're-ldnd. f. A promontory,
headland, high land jnttijig into the fea, a cape.
To FORELAY, fore-li'. v. a. I'o lay wait
for, to intrap by ambufh.
ToFORELlFT, fore-lift', v. a. To raife aloft
any anterioiir part.
FORELOCK, fo're-lik. f. The hair that grows
from the forepart of the head.
FOREMAN, fcVre-man. f. The firft or chief
perfon on a jury ; the firft fervant in a fliop.
FOREMENTIONED, .fore-men'-fiiund. a.
- Mentioned or recited before.
FOREMOST, fo're-miit. a. Finl in jilace ;
firft in dignity.
FORENAMED, fore-na'md. a. Nominated
FORENOON, fo're-non. f. The time of day
leckoned from the middle point, between the
dawn and the meridian, to the njcridian.
FORENOTICE, fOre-mV-tis. f. Information
of an event before it happens.
FORENSICK, fo-ren'-slk. a. Belonging to
• .'coijrts of judicature.
To FOREORDAINj fare-6r-d^''ne. v. a. To
predeflinate, to predetermine, to preordain.
FOREPART, fo're-pirt. f. The anteriour part.
FOREPAST, fore-paft''. a. Pafl beyond a cer-
tain time. • ■ '
FOREPOSSESSED, fare-p6z-z^ft'. a. Preoc-
cupied, prcpoflefied, pre-engaged.
FORERANK, fo're-rank. ,f. Firft rank, front.
FORERECITED, fOre-ra-si'-tid. a. Men-
tioned or enumerated before.
To FORERUN, fore-nn/. v. a. To come be-
fore as an earneft' of fomething following; to
precede, to have the ftart of.
FORERUNNER, fore-rtrn'-nur. f. An har-
binger, a meffenger fent before to give notice
of the approach of thofe that follow; a prog-
nol^ick, a fign forcfliowing any thing.
ToFORESAY, fOre-lU'. v. a. To predid, to
To FORESEE, fore-fe'. v. a. To fee before-
hand, to fee what has not yet happened.
To FORESHAME, fore-lhaW. v. a. To
fliame, to bring reproach upon.
FORESHIP, fd're-fhlp. f. The anteriour part
of the fliip.
To FORESHORTEN, fdre-fha'rtn. v. a. To
(horten the forepart.
To FORESHOW, fore-fha''. v. a. To pre-
diiEf ; to reprefent before it comes.
FORESIGHT, fo're-site. f. Foreknowledge;
provident care of futurity.
FORESIGHTFUL, fore-si'te-fdl. a. Prefcicnt,
To FORESIGNIFY, fOre-sIg'-nl-fy. v. a. To
betoken beforehand, to foreflrow.
FORESKIN, f^'re-lkin. f. The prepuce.
FORESKIRT, fo're-fkert. f. The loofe part
of the coat before.
ToFORESLOW, fore-flo'. v. a. To delay,
to hinder; to negledt, to omit.
ToFORESPEAK, fore-fpe'k. v. n. To pre-
dict, to forefay ; to forbid.
FORESPENT, fore-fpent'. a. Wafted, tired,
fpent; forepafl'ed, paft ; btftowcd before.
FORESPURRER, fore-fpur'-rur. f. One that
rides before.
FOREST, for'-rlft. f. A wild uncultivated tra^l
of ground, with wood.
ToFORESTAL, f6re-fta'l. v. a. To antici-
pate, to take up beforehand ; to hinder by pre-
occupation or prevention ; to ftizc t>r gain pof-
fellion of before another.
FORESTALLER, fore-ftl'l-ur. f. One that
anticipates the market, one that purchafes be-
fore others to raife the price.
FORESTBORN, fcr'-rlll-barn. a. Born in a
FORESTER, for'-rif-tir. f. Anofficerofthe
foreft ; an inhabitant of the wild country.
To FORETASTE, fOre-t forward.,
FOSTERAGiE, fos'-tur-Idzh. f. The charge
of nurdng^ ;
FOSTERBROTHER, fos'-tur-brith-ur. f.
One bred at the faiSie pap.
FOSTERCHILD,. fo&'-tur-tfiilid. ;f. , A child
nurfed by a vroman apt the rp; A term of fcience.
FRY, frf . f. The fwarm of little fifhes juft
produced from the fpawn ; any fwarm of ani-
mals, or young people in contempt.
To FRY, fry^ v. a. To drefs food by roafting
it in a pan on the fire.
To FRY, fry', v. n. To be roafled in a pan on
the fire; to fufFer the aiStion of fire; to melt
with heat ; to be agitated like liquor in the pan
on the fire.
FRY, frf. f. A difh of things fried.
FRYINGPAN, frf-Ing-pan. f. The vcfTcl in
which meat is roafted on the fire.
To FUB, fob'. V. a. To put off.
FUB, fub'. f. A plump chubby boy.
FUCATED, fiV-kd-tld. a. Painted, difguifeJ
with paint ; difguifcd by falfe fhow.
FUCUS, fu'-kus. f. Paint for the face.
To FUDDLE, fud'i. v. a. To make drunk.
To FUDDLE, fud'l. v. n. Todrinkto excefs.
FUEL, fu'-il. f. The matter or aliment of fire.
FUGACIOUSNESS, fu-gi'-fhuf-nis. f. Voi-
latility, the quality of flying away.
FUGACI'FY, fu-gas'-l-ty. f. Volatility, qua-
lity of flying away ; uncertainty, inftability.
FUGITIVE, fu'-j!-tiv. a. Not tenable ; un-
fteady; volatile, apt to fly away; flying, run-
ning from danger; flying from duty, falling-
off; wandering, vagabond.
FUGITIVE, fii'-ji-tlv. f. One who runs from-
4. X his
his ftaticn or duty ; one who takes {belter un-
der another power from punifliment.
FUGITIVENESS, fd'-jl-tiv-nls. f. Volati-
lity; inftability, uncertainty.
FUGUE, fu'g. f, A term in mufick.
FULCIMENT, fui'-ly-ment. f. Thaton which
a body refts.
I'o FULFIL, ful-fll'. V. a. To fill till there
is no room for more ; to anfwer any prophecy
or promife by performance ; to anfwer any de-
fire by compliance or gratification ; to anfwer
any law by obedience.
FULFRAUGHT, fal-fra't. a. Full ftored.
FULGENCY, ful'-jen-f)'. f. Splendour.
FULGENT, ful'-jent. a. Shining, dazzling.
FULGID, ful'-j!d. a. Shining, glittering.
FULGIDITY, ful-jld'-i-ty. f. Splendour.
FULGOUR, ful'-gur. f. Splendour, dazzling
FULGURATION, ful-gd-ri'-lhin. f. The
aft of lightening.
FULIGINOUS, fu-lldzh'-ln-us. a. Sooty,
FULL, ful'. a. Replete, without any fpacc void ;
abounding in any quality good or bad ; ftorcd
with any thing ; well fupplied with any thing ;
plump, fat; faturated, fated; crouded in the
imagination or memory; complete, fuch as
that nothing further is wanted ; containing
the whole matter, exprelling much; mature,
perfect; applied to the moon, complete in its
FULL, ful'. f. Complete meafure ; the highefl
ftate or degree y the whole, the total ; the ftate
of being full ; applied to the moon, the time
in which the moon makes a perfeS orb.
FULL, fdl''. ad. Without abatement ; with the
whole effect ; quite ; exaftly ; very fufficiently ;
FULL-BLOWN, fal'-bl6n. a. Spread to the
utmoft extent ; flrctched by th; wuid to the
utmoft extent.
FULL-BOTTOMED, ful-bot'-tind. a. Ha-
ving a large bottom.
FULL-EARED, fdl-e'rd. a. Having the head;
full of grain.
FULL-EYED, ful-i'de, a. Having large pro-
minent eyes.
FULL-FED, fiil-fed'. a. Sated, fat, fagi-
FULL-LADEN, ful-hl'dn. a. Laden till there
cnn be no more.
FULL-SPREAD, ful-fpted'. a. Spread to the
utmoft extent.
FULL-SUMMED, fSl-fumd'. a. Complete in
all its parts.
To FULL, ful'. V. n. To cleaufe cloth from its
oil or greafe.
FULLAGE, ful'-lage. f. The money paid for
fulling or cleanfing cloth.
FULLER, fiil'-lur. f. One whofe trade is to
cleanfe cloth.
FULLERS EARTH, ful'-lurz-^tfi^. f. A kind
of marl or clay ufed Ln fulling.
FULLERY, fiil'-ll-ry. f. The place where the
trade of a fuller is exercifsd.
FULLINGMILL, fulMlng-mll.f. A mill where
hammers beat the cloth till it be cleanfed.
FULLY, ful'-ly. ad. Without vacuity ; com-
pletely, without lack.
FULMINANT, ful'-mi-nant. a. Thunderiiig,
making a noife like thunder.
To FULMINATE, fil'-mi-nite. v. n. To
thunder; to make a loud noife or crack ; to
iiTue out ecclefiaftical cenfures.
FULMINATION, ful-ml-na'-fhun. f. The
adl of thundering ; denunciation of cenfure.
FULMINATORY, ful^'-mm-a-tur'-y. a.Thun-
dering, ftriking horrour.
FULNESS, fdl'-ms. f. The ftate of being full ;
copioufnefs, plenty; repletion, fatiety ; ftru;^-
gling perturbation, fwclling ia the mind ; force
of found, fuch as fills the ear.
FULSOME, ful'-fim. a. Naufcous, oftenfive ;
of a rank odious fmell ; tending to obfccnity.
FULSOMELY, ful'-fum4y. ad. Naufcoufly,
rankly, obfcenel)".
FULSOMENESS, ful'-fum-nls. f. Naufeouf-
nefs ; rank fmell ; obfcenity.
FUMAGE, fii'-maje. f. Hearth-money.
FUMATORY, fu'-m.i-tur-y. f. An herb.
To FUIMBLE, fiim'bl. v. n. To attempt any
thing au|cwar<31y or ungainly; to puzzle, to
ftrain in perplexity ;, to play childifliiy.
FUAIBLER, fW-bhir. f. One who aas auk-
ward ly.
FUAIBLINGLY, fun/-bllng-ly. ad. In an
aulcvvard manner.
EUJVIE, fii''me. f. Smoke ; vapour, any volatile
parts flying away ; exhsjlation from the ftomach ;
heatof mjnd, pallion ; any thing unfubftantial ;
idle conceit, vain imagination.
To FUME, fii'me. v. n. To fmoke ; to yield
exhalations ; to pafs away in vapours ; to be
in a rage.
To FLWIE, fu me. v. a. To fmoke, to dry in
the fmoke ; to perfume with odours in the fire ;
to difperfe in vapours.
FUMETTE, fu-met'. f. The fiink of meat.
FUMID, fii'-mid. a. Smoky, vaporous.
FUMIDITY, fii-mld'-I-ty. f. Smokinefs, ten-
dency to fmoke.
To FUMIGATE, fd'-ml-gite. v. n. To fmoke,
to perfuine by fmoke or vapour ; to medicate or
heal by vapours.
FUMIGATION, fu-mi-ga'-fh^in, f. Scent?
railed by fire ; the application of medicines to
the body in fumes. "
FUMINGLY, fu^-ming-ly. ad. Angrily, in
a rage.
FUMITER, fii'-ml-tir. f. See FU.MATORY.
FUMOUS, fd'-mus. 7 „ , . .
T-iT, »T;r r-'f I r- ^' Producina: fumes.
FUMY, fu -my. \ ^
FUN, fin', f. Sport, high merriment.
FUNCTION, funk'-lliuu. f. Difcharge, per-
formance ; employment, office ; fmgle adt of
any office ; trade, occupation ; office of any
particular part of the body ; power, faculty.
FUND, fund'', f. Stock, capital, that by which
any expence is fupported ; ftock or bank of
FUNDAiMENT, fin'-da-mint. f. The back
part of the body ; the aperture from which the
excrements are cje(fted.
FUNDAMENTAL, fin-da-men'-t.\l. a. Ser-
ving for the foundation, eflcntial, not merely
FUNDAMENTAL, fun-da-meiZ-tal. f. Lead-
ing pxopoijtjon ; that part o.n which the r(jfl; \^
FUNDAMENTALLY, fun-da-roen'-tAl-y. ad^
Eflcntially, originally.
FUNERAL, fu'-ne-ral. f. The folemnization
of a burial, the payment of the laft honours to
the dead, obfcquies ; the pomp or proceffion
•with which the dead are carried ; burial, in-
FUNERAL, fu'-ne-ral. a. Ufed at the cere-
mony of interring the dead.
FUNEREAL, fu-ne'-ryal. a. Suiting a fune-
ral, dark, difmal.
FUNGOSITY, fung-gos'-I-ty. f. Unfolid
FUNGOUS, fung'-gus. a. Excrefcent, (pongy.
FUNGUS, fung'-gus. f. Striclly a mufliroom :
a word ufed to exprefs fuch excrefcences of fleflj
as grew out upon the lips of wounds, or any
other excrefcence from trees or plants not na-
turally belonging to them,
FUNICLE, fiP-nlkl. f. A fmall cord.
FUNICULAR, fii-nik'-u-lar. a. Confifting of
a fmall co/d or fibre.
FUNK, funk', f. A ftink.
FUNNEL, fun'-nll. f. An inverted hollow
cone with a pipe defcending from it, through
which liquors are poured into veffels j a pipe
or paflage of communication.
FUR, fur', f. Skin with foft hair with which
garments are lined for warmth ; foft hair of
beafts foimd in col-d countries., hair in general j
any moifture exhaled to fuch a degree as that
the remainder Iticks in the part.
To FUR, fur', v. a. To lipe or cover with
fkins that have foft hair ; to cover with foft
FUR-WROUGHT, fur'-rk a. Made of fur.
FURACIOUS, fii-ra'-fbus. a. Thievifti.
FURACITY, fu-ras'-!-ty. f. Difpofition to
FURBELOW,. fur'-bl-l6. C Fur or fringe
fewed on the lower part of the garment ; an or-
nament of drefs.
To FURBELOW, fur'-bc-lO. v. a. To adorn
with ornamental appendages.
3 "f«
To FURBISH, fur'-bifh. v. a. Toburnlfli, to
polifli, to rub up.
FURBISHER, fir'-bi'fli-ur. f. One who po-
lifhes any thing.
FURCATION, fur-ki'-fhun. f. Forkinefs,
the ftate of {hooting two ways like the blades of
a fork.
FURFUR, fur'-fur. f. Hufk or chaff, fcurffor
FURFURACEOUS, fur-fu-rr-ftius. a. Hufky,
branny, fcaly.
FURIOUS, fu'-ryus. a. Mad, phrenetick; ra-
ging, tranfported by paffion beyond reafon.
FURIOUSLY, fd'-ryuf-ly. ad. Madly, vio-
lently, vehemently.
FURIOUSNESS, fii'-ryuf-nls. f. Frenzy, mad-
nefs, tranfportof paffion.
To FURL, fur'l. v. a. To draw up, to con-
FURLONG, fir'-long. f. A meafure of length,
the eighth part of a mile.
FURLOUGH, fur'-]6. f. A temporary dif-
miffion from military fcrvice; leave of abfence
to a foldier for a limited time.
FURMENTY, fir'-men-ty. f. Food made by
boiling wheat in milk.
FURNACE, fur'-nis. f. An inclofed fire-
To FURNISH, fir'-nlft. v. a. To fupply with
what is neceffary ; to fit up ; to equip ; to de-
corate, to adorn.
FURNISHER, fiir'-nlfh-ur. f. One who fup-
plies or fits out.
FURNITURE, fur'-nl-tfliur. f. Moveables,
goods put in a houfe for ufe or ornament ; ap-
pendages; equipage, embelliiliments, deco-
FURRIER, fur'-yer. f. A dealer in furs.
FURROW, fur'-ro. f. A fmall trench made
by the plough for the reception of feed ; any
long trench or hollow.
FURROW-WEED, fur'-ro-wi'd. f. A weed
that grows in furrowed land.
To FURROW, f."ir'-r6. v. a. To cut in fur-
rows ; to divide in long hollows ; to make by
FURRY, fur'-ry. a. Covered with fur, dreffed
in fur ; confiiVing of fur.
FURTHER, fur'-ther. a. Forth, Further,
Furtheft. At a great diftance ; beyond this.
FURTHER, fur'-ther. ad. To a greater dif-
To FURTHER, fir^-ther. v. a. To put on-
ward, to forward, to promote, to aflift.
FURTHERER, fur'-ther-ur. f. Promoter, ad-
FURTHERMORE, fur'-ther-more. ad. More-
over, befides.
FURTIVE, fur'-tiv. a. Stolen, gotten by theft.
FURUNCLE, fd'-runkl. f. A bile, an angry
FURY, fu'-ry. f. Madnefs; rage, pa/iion of
anger; enthufiafm, exaltation of fancy; a tur-
bulent, raging woman ; one of the infernal dei-
ties, fuppofed to be employed in tormenting
wicked fpirits in the other world.
FURZE, fiir'z. f. Gorfe, gofs.
FURZY, fur'-zy. a. Overgrown with furze,
full of gorfe.
FUSCATION, fuf-kr-fhun, f. The aa of
To FUSE, fu'ze. v. a. To melt, to put into
To FUSE, fii'ze. v. n. To be melted.
FUSEE, fu-ze . f. The cone round which is
wound the chord or chain of a clock or watch ;
a firelock, a fmall neat mufquet ; Fufee of a
bomb or granado fhell, is that which makes the
whole powder or compofition in the fliell take
fire, to do the defigned execution.
FLfSIBLE, fu'-sibl. a. Capable of being melted.
FUSIBILITY, fii-fy-bil'-i-ty. f. Capacity of
being melted, quality of growing liquid by
FUSIL, fu'-sll. a. Capable of being melted, Ji-
quifiable by heat ; running by the force of heat.
FUSIL, fu-ze'. f. A firelock, a fmall neat muf-
quet ; in heraldry, fomething like a fpindle.
FUSILIER, fu-zil-le'r. f. A foldier armed
with a fufil.
FUSION, fu'-zhun. f. The ad of melting j
the Hate of being melted.
FUSS, fus'. f. A tumuk, a buftle. A low cant
FUST, fi'ift^ f. The trunk or body of a co-
lumn ; aftrongfmell, as that of a mouldy barrel.
FUSTIAN, fus'-tfhan. f. A kind of cltjth
made of linen and cotton ; a high fwelling
kind of writing made up of heterogeneous parts,
FUSTIAN, fus'-tflian. a. Made of fudinn ;
fwelling, unnaturally pompous, riJiculoufiy
FUSTICK, fus'-tik. f. A fort of wood brought
from the Weft Indies.
To FUSTIGATE, fus'-tl-gate. v. a. To beat
with a ftick.
FUSTILARIAN, fuf-ty-la'-ryin. f. A low
fellow, aflinkard.
FUSTINESS, fus'-ty-nls. f. Mouldinefs, ftink.
FUSTY, fus'-ty. a. Smelling mouldy.
FUTILE, fii'-til. a. Talkative, loquacious;
trifling, worthlefs.
FUTILITY, fil-t[l'-I-t)\ f. Ta!kativenefs»
loquacity; triflingnefs, want of weight, want
FUTTOCKS, fut'-tuks. f. The lowqr tim-
bers that hold the fliip together.
FUTURE, fd'-tfhur. a. That which will be
hereafter, to come.
FUTURE, fd'-tfliar. f. Time to come.
FUTURELY, fu'-tfliir-ly. ad. In time to
FUTURITION, fu-tfh3-r!fh'-un. f. The ftate
of being to be.
FUTURITY, fu-tflicy-r!-ty. f. Time to come;
events to come ; the flate of being to he-, futu-
To FUZZ, fuz'. V. n. To fly out in fmall
FUZZBALL, fux'-bal. f. A kind of fungus,
which, when preffed, burfts and fcatters dull
in the eyes.
FY, fy'. interj.
GABARDINE^gab-ar-di'n. f. A coarfe
To GABBLE, gab'l. v. n. To make an inar-
ticulate noife; to prate loudly without meaning.
GABBLE, gab'l. f. Inarticulate noife like that
of brute animals ; loud talk without meaning.
GABBLER, gab'-lur. f. A prater, a chatter-
ing fellow.
GABEL, ga'bl. f. An excife, a tax.
GABION, ga'-byuii. f. A wicker bafket which
is filled with earth to make a fortification or
GABLE, ga'bl. f. Theflopingroof of a building.
GAD, gad', f. A wedge or ingot of ftcel ; a
ftile or graver.
To GAD, gad', v. n. To ramble about with-
out any fettled furpofc.
GADDER, gad'-dir. f. A rambler, one that
runs much abroad without bufinefs.
GADDINGLY, gad'-ding-ly. ad. In a ram-
bling manner.
GADFLY, gkd'-Ryi f. A fly that when he
flings the cattle makes them gad or run madly
GAFF, gaf . f. A harpoon or large hook.
GAFFER, gaf'-fur. f. A word of refpecl:, now
GAFFLES, gaf'iz. f. Artificial fpurs upon
cocks ; a fteel contrivance to bend crofs-bows.
To GAG, g.ig'. V. n. To ftop the mouth.
GAG, gag', f. Something put into the mouth
to hinder fpeech or eating..
GAGE, g^'je, f. A pledge, a pawn, a caution.
4 Y Tq
To GAGE, ga^je. v. a. To depone as a wager,
to impawn ; to meafure, to take the contents
of any veffel of liquids.
To GAGGLE, gag^l. v. n. To make noife
like'*a goofe.
GAIETY, gl'-i-ty. f. SeeGAYETY.
GAILY, ga'-ly. ad. Airily, cheerfully ; fplen-
didly, pompoufly.
GAIN, ga'ne. f. Profit, advantage; intereft,
lucrative views j overplus in a comparative
To GAIN, ga'ne. v. a. To obtain as profit or
advantage ; to have the overplus in comparative
computation ; to obtain, to procure ; to win ;
to draw into any intereft or party ; to reach, to
attain ; To gain over, to draw to another party
or intereft.
To GAIN, ga'ne. v. n. To encroach, to come
forward by degrees ; to get round, to prevail
againft ; to obtain influence with.
GAINER, ga'u-ur. f. One who receives profit
or advantage.
GAINFUL, ga'n-ful. a. Advantageous, pro-
fitable ; lucrative, produSive of money.
GAINFULLY, g^'n-ful-y. ad. Profitably, ad-
GAINFULNESS, ga'n-ful-ms. f. Lucrative-
GAINGIVING, gaVgiv-ing. f. The fame as
mifgiving, a giving againft.
GAINLESS, ga^n-lls. a. Unprofitable.
GAINLESSNESS, gi'n-lef-ms. f. Unprofit-
GAINLY, ga'n-ly. ad. Handilv, readily.
To GAINSAY, ga'n-fa. v. a. To contradift,
to oppofe, to controvert with.
GAINSAYER, ga'n-fa-ur. f. Opponent, ad-
'GAINST, genft^ prep. For againft.
GAIRISH, gi'-rJfh. a. Gaudy, fliowy; extra-
vagantly gay, flighty.
GAIRJSHNESS, gi'-r!ftj-n!s. f. Finery, flaunt-
ing gaudinefs ; flighty or extravagant joy.
GAIT, ga'te. f, March, walk ; the manner
and air of walking.
GALAXY, g;/-)Ak-fy. f. The milky way.
GALBANUM, gal'-ba-num. f. Akindofgimi.
GALE, ga'le. f. A wind not tempeftuous, yet
ftronger than a. breeze.
GALEAS, gal'-yas. f. A heavy low-built vef-
fel, with both fails and oars.
GALEATED, gal'-ya-tid. a. Covered as with
a helmet ; in botany, fuch plants as bear a-
flower refembling a helmet, as the monks-
GALIOT, gal'-yut. f. A little galley or fort
of brigantine, built very flight and fit for chafe.
GALL, ga'l. f. The bile, an animal juice remark-
able for its fuppofed bitternefs ; the part which
contains the bile; any thing extremely bitter;
rancour, malignity; a flight hurt by fretting off
the fkin ; anger, bitternefs of mind.
To GALL, ga''l. V. a. To hurt by fretting the
(kin ; to impair, to wear away ; to teaze, to
fret, to vex ; to harafs, to mifchief.
To GALL, ga'l. v. n. To fret.
GALLANT, gal'-lant. a. Gay, well drelTed ;
brave, high fpirited ; fine, noble, fpecious ; in-
clined to courtfhip.
GALLANT, gal-lant'. f. A gay, fprightly,
fplendid man ; one who carefles women to de-
bauch them ; a wooer, one who courts a wo-
man for marriage.
GALLANTLY, gal'-lant-ly.ad. Gayly, fplen-
didly ; bravely, nobly, generoufly.
GALLANTRY, galMan-try. f. Splendour of
appearance, fhow ; bravery, generofity ; court-
fliip, refined addrefs to women ; vicious love,
GALLERY, gal'-ler-y. f. A kind of walk
along the floor of a houfe, into which the doors-
of the apartments open ; the upper feats in a
church ; the feats in a playhoufe above the pit,
in which the meanei people fit.
GALLEY, gal'-ly. f. A vefl'el driven with
GALLEY-SLAVE, gal'-ly-fllve. f. A man
condemned for fome crime to row in the
GALLIARD, galMyard. f. A gay, brifk, lively
man; a fine fellow ; an active, nimble, fpritcly
GALLIARDISE, gal'-lyar-dke. f. Merriment,
exuberant gaiety.
GALLICISM, gal'-ly-sirm. f. A mode of
fpecch peculiar to the French language.
GALLIGASKINS, gal-ly-gas'-k!ns. f. Large
open hofe.
GALLIMATIA, gal-Iy-mi'-flia. f. Nonfenfc,
talk without meaning.
GALLIMAUFRY, gal-!y-ma'-fry. f. A hoch-
poch, or hafh of feveral forts of broken meat,
a medley ; any inconfiflent or ridiculous medley.
GALLIPOT, gil'-ly-p6t. f. A pot painted
and glazed.
GALLON, gal'-iin. f. A liquid meafure of
four quarts.
GALLOON, gal-lo'n. f. A kind of clofe lace,
made of gold or filver, or of filk alone.
To Gallop, gal'-lup. v, n. To move for-
ward by leaps, fo that all the feet are ofF the
ground at once ; to ride at the pace which is
performed by leaps ; to move very faft.
Gallop, gal'-lup. f. The motion of a horfe
when he runs at full fpeed.
GALLOPER, gal'-liip-ur. f.
gallops ; a man that rides faft.
GALLOWAY, gal'-l6-wl. f.
more than fourteen hands high
the north.
To GALLOV/, gal'-l6. v, a. To terrify, to
GALLOWS, gal'-lus. f. Beam laid over two
ports, on which malefaftors are hanged ; a
wretch that deferves the gallows.
GAMBADE, gam-ba'de.
GAMBADO, gam-ba'-d6.
GAMBLER, gam'-blur. f. A knave whofe
praftice it is to invite the unwary to game and
cheat them.
GAMBODGE, gam-bo'je. f. A concreted ve-
getable juice, partly of a gummy, partly of a
rcfinous nature.
To GAMBOL, gam'-bul. v. n. To dance, to
fkip, to frifk,
GAMBOL, gam'-bul. f. A Ikip, a leap forjoy ;
a Cfolick, a wild jjrank.
A horfe that
A horfe not
much ufed in
f. Spatterdafhes.
GAMBREL, gam'-ill. f. The hind leg of a
GAME, ga'me. f. Sport of any kind ; j ft, op«
pofed to earneft ; infolent merriment, Ipoi cue
infult ; a fmgle match at play ; licld fports, as
the chafe ; animals purfued in the field ; fo-
lemn contcfts exhibited as fpedtacles to the
To GAME, gaW. V. n. To play at any
fport; to play wantonly and extravagantly for
GAMECOCK, gaW-kok. f. A cock bred
to fight.
GAAIEEGG, ga'me-eg. f. An egg from which
fighting cocks are bred.
GAMEKEEPER, ga'me-kep-ur. f. A perfoa
who looks after game, and fees it is not de-
GAA'IESOME, ga^me-fum. a. Frolickfome, gay,
GAMESOMENESS, giW-fum-nls. f. Sport-
ivenefs, merriment.
GAMESOAIELY, giW-fum-ly. ad. Merrily.
GAMES-TER, ga'mf-tur. f. One who is vi-
cioufly addidled to play ; one who is engaged at
play; a. merry frolickfome perfon; a proftitute.
GAMMER, gam'-mur. f. The compellation
of a woman correfponding to GafFcr.
GAMMON, gam'-mun. f. The buttock of a
hog falted and dried ; a term at back-gammon-
which denotes winning the game.
GAMUT, gam'-ut. f. The fcale of mufical-
'GAN, gan^ for Began, from 'Gin, for Begin,
GANDER, gan'-dur. f. The male of the
To GANG, gang'. v,..n. Togo, to walk: an
old word not now ufed, except ludicroufly.
GANG, gang', f. A number hanging together,
a troop, a company, a tribe.
GANGLION, gang'-glyun. f. A tumonr in
the tendinous and nervous parts.
GANGRENE, gan'-grcn. f. A mortification,
a ftoppage of circulation followed by putre-
To GANGRENE, gJn'-gren. v. a. To cor-
rupt to mortification.
GANGRENOUS, ^an'-gry-nis. a. Mortified,
producing or betokening mortification.
GANGWAY, gang'-wa. f. In a fliip, the fe-
veral ways or pafiages from one part of it to
the other.
GANGWEEK, gang'-wek. f. Rogation week.
GANTELOPE, gant'-lup. ? f. A military pu-
GANTLET, gant'-lit. ^ niflimcnt in which
the criminal running between the ranks receives
a lafh from each man.
GANZA, gan'-za. f. A kind of wild goofe.
GAOL, ja'le. f. A prifon, a place of confine-
GAOLDELIVERY, ja''le-de-]iv'-ur-y. f. The
judicial procefs, which by condemnation or ac-
quittal of perfons confined evacuates the prifon.
GAOLER, ja'le-ur. f. Keeper of a prifon, he
towhofe care the prifoners are committed,
GAP, gap', f. An opening in a broken fence ;
3 bench j a hole, a deficiency ; any interftice, a
GAP-TOOTHED, gap'-totSt a. Having in-
terflices between the teeth.
To GAPE, ga'p. V. n. To open the mouth
wide, to yawn ; to open the mouth for food,
as 3 young bird ; to defire earneftly, to crave ;
to open in fiffures or holes ; to ftare with hope
or expe£tation ; to ftare with wonder ; to ftarc
GAPER, ga'-pur. f. One who opens his mouth ;
one who flares fooliflily; one who longs or
GARB, gi'/rb. f. Drefs, cloaths ; faftiion of
drefs ; exteriour appearance.
GARBAGE, ga'r-bldzlr. f. The bowels, the
GARBEL, ga'r-bll. f. A plank next the keel of
GARBIDGE, g,Vr-b!dzh. f. Corrupted for
To GARBLE, gi'rbl. v. a. To fift, to part,
to feparate the good from the bad.
GARBLER, gd'r-blur. f. He who feparates one
part from another.
GARBOIL, gaVboil. f. Diforder, tumult,
GARD, ga''rd. f. Wardfhip, care, cuftody.
GARDEN, ga r-d!n. f. A piece of groimd
inclofcd and cultivated, planted with herbs or
fruits ; a place particularly fruitful or delight-
ful ; Garden is often ufed in compofition, bc-
lonf^ing to a garden.
GARDEN-WARE, gd'r-dln-ware. f. The
produce of gardens.
GARDENER, ga'rd-nur. f. He that attends
or cultivates gardens.
GARDENING, ga'rd-nlng. f. The aa of
cultivating or planning gardens.
GARGARISM, gaVga-rizm. f. A liquid form
of medicine to wafh the mouth with.
To GARG ARIZE, ga'r-ga-rize. v. a. To
wafli the mouth with medicated liquors.
To GARGLE, ga'rgl, v. a. To wafh the throat
with fome liquor not fuffered immediately to
dcfcend ; to warble, to play in the throat.
GARGLE, ga'rgl. f. A liquor with which the
throat is waflied.
GARLAND, gaVland. f. A wreath of branches
or Hov.'crs.
GARLICK, ga'r-lik. f. A plant.
GARLICKEATER, gaVl!k-eVir. f. A mean
GARA4ENT, ga'r-ment. f. Any thing by
which the body is covered.
GARNER, g.Vr-nur. f. A place in which
threflied grain is ftored up.
To GARNER, ga'r-nur, v. a. To ftore as in
GARNET, ga'r-nlt. f. A gem.
To GARNISH, ga'r-nlib. v. a. To decorate
with ornamental appendages ; to embcllifh a
difh with fomething laid round it ; to fit with
GARNISH, ga'r-r.ifh. f. Ornament, decora-
tion, embellifhmcnt ; things ftrcwcd round a
difh ; in gaols, fetters.
GARNISHMENT, ga'r-nifli-ment. f. Orna-
nu-nt, embellifhmcnt.
GARNITURE, ga'r-n!-tfhiir. f. Furniture,
GARRAN, ga/-run. f. A fmall hoifc, a hobby,
a wretched horfe.
GARRET, gA/-rit. f. A room on the higheft
floor of the houfe.
GARRETEER, gar-rct-tc'r. f. An inhabitant
of a garret.
GARRISON, gar'-r!-fun. f. Soldiers placed
in a fortified town or caftle to defend it ; for-
tified place fliored with foldiers.
To GARRISON, gar'-rl-fun. v. a. To fccure
by fortrefics.
GARRULITY, gar-nl'-l!-ty. f. Incontinence
of tongue ; talkativenefs.
GARRULOUS, gar'-ru-lus. a. Prattling, talk-
GARTER, ga'r-tur. f. A firing or ribband
by which the flocking is held upon the leg;
the mark of the order of the garter, the higheft
order of Englifh knighthood ; the principal
king at arms.
To GARTER, ga r-tur. v. a. To bind with
a garter.
GARTH, gertti'. f. The bulk of the body
meafured by the girdle.
GAS, gas. f. A fpirit not capable of being co-
GASCONADE, gaf-k6-na'de. f. A boafl, a
To GASH, gafh''. v. a. To cut deep, fo as to
make a gaping wound.
GASH, gafh'. f. A deep and wide wound ; the
mark of a wound.
GASKINS, gas'-kinz. f. Wide hofc, wide
To GASP, gafp^. V. n. To open the mouth
wide to catch breath ; to emit breath by open-
ing the mouth convulfively ; to long for.
(jASP, gafp'. f. The adt of opening the mouth
to catch breath ; the fliort catch of the breath
in the lafl agonies.
To GAST, gaft'. V. a. To make nghad, to
fright, to Ihock.
GASTRICK,gas'-trik. a. Belonging to the belly.
GASTROTOMY, gaf-tr6t'-6-my. f. The ad
of cutting open the belly.
GAT, git'. The preterite of Get.
GATE, ga'te. C The door of a city, a caftle,
palace, or large building ; a frame of timber
upon hinges to give a pafiage into inclofed
GATEVKIN, ga'te-vcn. f. The VenaPorts;
the great vein which conveys the blood to the
GATEWAY, ga'te-wa. f. A way through
gates of inclofed grounds.
To GATHER, gath'-ur. v. a. To colled, to
bring into one place ; to pick up, to glean, to
pluck; to crop; to aflemble; to heap up, to
accumulate ; to colled charitable contributions ;
to bring into one body or intereft; to pucker
To GATHER, gatl/-ur. v.n. To becondenfed;
to grow larger by the accretion of fimilar mat-
ter ; to alTemble ; to generate pus or matter.
GATHER, gath'-iir. f. Pucker, cloth drawn
together in wrinkles.
GATHERER, gith'-er-rur. f. One that ga-
thers, a colledor ; one that gets in a crop of any
GATHERING, gath'-er-ing. f. Colledion of
charitable contributions.
GAUDE, ga d. f. An ornament, a fine thing.
To GAUDE, ga'd. v. n. To exult, to rcjoic:
at any thing.
GAUDERY, ga'-der-y. f. Finery, oftent-iti-
ous luxury of drefs.
GAUDILY, ga'-dl-ly. ad. Showily.
GAUDINESS, ga'-dy-nls. f. Showinefs, tinfe!
GAUDY, g.V-dy. a. Showy, fplendid, oftcn-
tatioufly fine.
GAUDY, ga'-dy. f. A feaft, a feftival.
GAVE, ga've. The preterite of Give.
GAVEL, gav -II. f. A provincial word for
GAVELKIND, gav'-Il-kind. f. In law, a
cuftom whereby the lands of the fatlier are
equally divided at his death among all his fons.
To GAUGE, ga'jc. V. a. To mcafure with re-
fpcd to the contents of a vefiel ; to mcafure
with regard to any proportion.
GAUGE, ga'je. f. A mcafure, a fiandnrd.
GAUGER, ga'-jur. f. One whofe bufmefs is
to meafure vefTcls or quantities.
GAUNT, gant^ a. Thin, flender, lean, meagre.
GAUNTLY, gant'-ly. ad. Leanly, flendcrly,
GAUNTLET, gant'-lit. f. An iron glove
ufed for defence, and thrown down in chal-
GAUZE, ga'z. f. A kind of thin tranfparent
GAWK, ga'k. f. A cuckow, a foolirti fellow.
GAUNTREE, ga^n-tre. f. A wooden frame
on which beer-cafks are fet when tunned.
GAY, ga^ a. Airy, chearful, merry, frolick;
fine, (howy.
GAYETY, ga'-i-ty. f. Chearfulnefs, airinefs,
merriment; acts of juvenile plcafure; finery,
GAYLY, ga'-ly. ad. Merrily, chearfully,
GAYNESS, ga'-ni3. f. Gayety, finery.
To GAZE, ga^ze. V. n. To look intently and
earneftly, to look with eagernefs.
GAZE, ga'ze. f. Intent regard, look of eager-
nefs or wonder, fixed look; the objefl: gazed on.
GAZER, ga'-zur. f. He that gazes, one that
looks intently with eagernefs or admiration.
GAZEFUL, g'/ze-ful. a. Looking intently.
GAZEHOUND, gi'ze-hound. f. A hound
that purfues not by the fcent, but by the
'GAZETTE, ga-zet'. f. A paper of news, a
paper of publick intelligence.
GAZETTEER, gaz-et-te'r. f. A writer of
GAZINGSTOCK, gi'-zlng-ftok. f. A perfon
gazed at with fcorn or abhorrence,
GAZON, ga-zo'n. f. Li fortification, pieces
of frclh earth covered with grafs, cut in form of
a -wecfgc.
GEARjge'r. f. Furniture, accoutrements, drcfs,
habit, ornaments ; the traces by which horfes
or oxen draw ; fluff.
GEESE, ge's. The plural of Goofe.
GELAHLE, je'-labl. a. What may be con-
GELATINE, jtl'-a-tine. la. Formed in-
GELATINOUS, jl-lat'-ln-us. { to a jelly.
To GELD, geld'. V. a. preter. Gelded or Gelt,
part. pair. Gelded or Gelt. To caftrate, to
deprive of ths power of generation ; to deprive
of any effential part.
GELDER, geld'-ur. f. One that performs the
aft of caflration.
GELDER-ROSE, gC-l'-dur-ro'ze. f. A plant.
GELDING, gel'-dlng. f. Any animal caf-
tratcd, particularly a horfc.
GELID, jel'-id. a. Extremely cold.
GELIDITY, je-lldM-ty. f. Extreme cold.
GELIDNESS, jelMd-nls. f. Extreme cold.
GELLY, jcl'-ly. f. Any vifcous body, vifci-
dity, glue, gluey fubftance.
GELT, gelt', part. paff. of Geld.
GEM, jem'. f. A jewel, a precious flonc of
whatever kind ; the firft bud.
To GEM, jem . v. a. To adorn as with jewels
or buds.
To GEM, jem^ V. n. To put forth the firft
GEMELLIPAROUS, je'-mel-lV'-pa-rus. a.
Bearing twins.
To GEMINATE, jen/-my-nate. v. a. To
GEMINATION, jtm-my-na'-fhun. f. Repe-
tition, reduplication.
GEMINY, jem -my-ny. f. Twins, a pair, a
GEMINOUS, jem'-my-nus. a. Double.
GEMR-IAR, jem'-mar. a. Pertaining to gems
or jewels.
GEMMEOUS, jem'-myus. a. Tending to
gems ; refembling gems.
GENDER, jen'-diir. f. A kind, a fort, a fex;
a diflinflion of nouns in grammar.
To (JENDER, jen'-dur. v. a. To beget ; to
produce, to caufe.
To GENDER, jen'-dur. v. n. To copulate,
to breed.
GENEALOGICAL, j«/-e-a-l6dzh'M-kal. a.
Pertaining to defcents or families.
GENEALOGIST, jen-e-al'-6-g!ft. f. Kev.ho
traces defcents.
GENEALOGY, jcn-i-al'-o-jy. f. Hiftcry of
the fucceiFion of families.
GENERABLE, jeu'-e-rabl. a. That may be
produced or begotten.
GENERAL, jen'-e-ral. a. Comprehending
many fpecies or individuals, not fpecial ; lax in
fignification, not reilrained to any fpecial or
particular import ; not reftrained by narrow or
tliftinftive limitations ; relating to a whole clafs
or body of men ; publick, comprifing the whole ;
extenfive, though not univerfal ; common,
GENERAL, jen'-e-rai. f. The whole, the
totality ; the publick, the intereftof the whole ;
the vulgar ; one that has the command over an
GENERALISSIMO, jen-e-ra-lls'-fy-m6. f.
The fupreme commander.
GENERALITY, jen-e-ral'-I-ty. .f. The ftate
of being general ; the main body, the bulk.
GENERALLY, jen'-e-rdl-y. ad. In general,
v/ithout fpeciflcation or exception ; extenfively,
though not univerfally ; commonly, frequently,
in, the main, without minute detail.
GENERALNESS, jen'-e-ril-nis. f. Wideex-
tent, though fliort of univerfality, frequency,
GENERALTY,ja/-e-ral'-ty. f. The whole,
the greater part.
GENERANT, jen'-e-rant. f. The begetting
or productive power.
To GENERATE, jen'-e-rite. v. a. Tobeget,
to propagate ; to caufe, to produce.
GENERATION, jen-e-ri'-fhun. f. The aft
of begetting or producing; a family, a race;
progeny, offspring ; a fingle fuccefllon, an age.
GENERATIVE, jen'-e-ra-tlv. a. Having the
power of propagation; prolifick, having the
power of production, fruitful.
GENERATOR, jen'-t-ra-tir. f. The power
which begets, caufes, ©r produces.
GENERICAL, je-ner^-kal. ^ a. That which
GENERICK, je-ner'-rik. j comprehends the
genu?, or diftinguifhes from another genus.
GENERICALLY, je-ner'-rl-kal-y. ad. With
xfgard to the genus, though not the fpecies.
GENEROSITY, jui-e-ros'-i-ty. f. The qua-
lity of being generous, magnanimity, libe-
GENEROUS, jen'-e-rus. a.. Not of mean birth,
of good extradion ; noble .of ixjjnd, magnani-
mous, open of heart ; liber.il, mimificent ;
ftrong, vigorous.
GENEROUSLY, ju/-e-ruf-ly. ad. Not meanly
with regard to birth ; magnajiimoufly, nobly ;
liberally,, munificently.
GENEROUSNESS, jen'-e-rus-nls. f. The
quality of being generous.
GENESIS, jen'-t-sJs. f. Generation, the firil
book of Mofes, which treats of the produftioii
of the world.
GENET, jen'-nlt. f. A fmall v/cll proportioned
Spanifli horfe.
GENETHLIACAL, ge'-netfi-tfTlK-a-kal. a.
Pertaining to nativities as calculated by aftro-
GENETHLIACKS, ge-netfi'-ly-iks. f. The
fcjence of calculating nativities, or predicting
the future events of life from the ftars predo-
minant at the birth,
GENETHLIATICK, ge'-netlT-ly-at^'-Ik. f.
He who calculates nativities.
GENEVA, je-ne''-v.i. f. A diftilled fpirituous
GENIAL, je'-nyal. a. That which contributes
to propagation ; that which gives cheerfulnefs
or fupports life ; natural, native.
GENIALLY, je'-nyal-ly. ad. By genius, na-
turally ; gayly, cheerfully.
GENICULATED, je-nlk'-il-lA-tid. a. Knot-
ted, jointed.
GENICULATION, jc'-m'k-u-!a'''-(hun. f.
GENIO, je'-nyo. f. A man of a particular turn
of mind.
GENITALS, jen'-i-talz. f. Parts belonging
to generation.
GENITING, jen'-n!-tin. f. An early apple
gathered in June.
GENITIVE, jen'-I-tiv. a. In grammar, the
name of a cafe.
GENIUS, je''-nyus, f. The protecting orrul:ng
power cf men, places or things ; a man endowed
with fuperiour faculties ; nu-ntal power or fa-
culties ; difpofition of nature by which' any one
is qualified for fome peculiar employment; na-
ture, difpofition.
GENTEEL, jen-te'l. a. Folite, elegant in be-
haviour, civil ; graceful in mien.
GENTEELLY, jen-t^'l-ly. ad. Elegantly, po-
litely ; gracefully, handfomely.
GENTEELNESS, jt-n-te'l-nls. f. Elegance,
•graccfulnefs, politencfs ; qualities befitting a
man of rank.
GENTIAN, jsn'-tfhan. f. Felwort or bald-
GENTIANELLA, jcn-tflia-nel'-la. f. A kind
of blue colour.
GENTILE, jen''-ti!e. f. One of an uncove-
nanted nation, one who knows not the true-
GENTILISM, jen'-tl-l!zm. f. Heathenifm,
GENTILITIOUS,jen-ti-lifh'-us. a. Endemial,
peculiar to a nation ; hereditary, entailed on a
GENTILITY, jen-tU'-I-ty. f. Good extrac-
tion ; elegance of behaviour, gracefulnefs of
mien ; gentr}', the clafs of perfons well born ;
paganifm, heathenifm.
GENTLE, jent'l. a. Soft, mild, tame, peace-
able ; foothing, pacifick.
GENTLEFOLK, jent1-f6k. f. Perfons dif-
tinguifhed by their birth from the vulgar.
GENTLEMAN, jent'l-man. f. A man of
birth, a man of extraction, though not noble ;
a man raifed above the vulgar by his charaiSler
orpoft; a term of complaifance ; the fcrvant
that waits about the perfon of a man of rank ;
it is ufed of any man however high.
GENTLEMANLIKE,jtnt'l-man-lIke. ■> a. Bc-
GENTLEMANLY, jint'l-man-ly. 3 com-
ing a man of birth.
GENTLENESS, jent'l-nls. f. Softnefs of
manners, fweetncfs of difpofition, meeknefs.
GENTLESHIP, jent'l-fnlp. f. Carriage of a
GENTLEWOMAN, jcnt'1-wum-un. f. A wo-
man of birth above the vulgar, a woman well
defcended ; a woman who waits about the pet-
fon of one of high rank ; a word of civility or
GENTLY, jent'-ly. ad. Softly, meekly, ten-
derly ; foftly, without violence.
GENTRY, jen'-try. f. Clafs of people abo\e
the vulgar; a term of civility real or ironic;;!.
GENUFLECTION, je'-m\-fl'ek''-fhun. f. Th:
acl of bending the knee, adoration expreflld b;,
bending the knee.
GENUINE, jen'-ii-in. a. Not fpurious.
GENUINELY, jen'-d-In-ly. ad. Without
adulteration, without foreign admixture, na-
GENUINENESS, jen^-u-In-nls. f. Freedom
from any thing counterfeit, freedom from adul-
GENUS, je'-nus. f. In fcience, a clafs of be-
ing, comprehending under it many fpecics, as
Quadruped is a Genus comprehending under it
almoft all terreftrial beafts.
GEOCENTRICK, je-6-fen'-trIk. a. Applied
to a planet or orb having the earth for its centre,
or the fame centre with the earth.
GEODiESIA, je-b-ds-Cyk. f. That part of
geometry which contains the doiSrine or part of
meafuring furfaces, and finding the contents
of all plane figures.
GEOD-zETICAL, je-6-det'-i-kal. a. Relating
to the art of meafuring. furfaces.
jog -grs
-fur. f. One who
defcribes the earth according to the pofition of
its different parts.
GEOGRAPHICAL, je'-6-graf''-I-kil. a. Re-
lating to geography.
GEOGRAPHICALLY, j6'-6-gr.if''-i-kal-y.
ad. In a geographical manner.
GEOGRAPHY, j6g'-gra-fy. f. Knowledge of
the earth.
GEOLOGY, je-6l'-0-jy. f. The doclrinc of
the earth.
GEOMANCER, jd'-O-man-fir. f. A for-
tuneteller, a cafter of figures.
GEOMANCY, jc'-o-man-fy. f. The a^ of
foretelling by figures.
GEOMANTICK, jc-o-mi'n'-tik. a. Pertain-
ing to the art of cafting figure?.
GEOMETER, je-6tn'-e-tur. f. One fkillcJ
in geometry, a geometrician.
GEOMETRAL, je-6m'-c-tral. a. Pertaining
to geometry.
GEOMETRICAL, j^'-S-met'^-tri-kal. 7 a. Pcr-
GEO.METRICK, je'-6-met"-tr!k. 5 tain-
ing to geometry ; prefcribed or laid down by
geometry ; difpofcd according to geometry.
GE0METRICALLY,j^'-6-met''-trI kil'^. ad.
According to the laws of geometry.
GEOMETRICIAN, je'-6-me-tri(h''-an. f. One
fkilled in geometry.
To GEOMETRIZE, je-6n/-e-trize. v. n. To
adt according to the laws of geometry.
GEOiMETRY, jom'-me-try. f. The fcience
of quantity, extenfion, or magnitude abftrad-
edly confidered.
GEOPONICAL, je-o-pon'-l-kal. a. Relating
to agriculture.
GEOPONICKS, je-6-p5n'-!ks. f. The fci-
ence of cultivating the ground, the do£lrine of
GEORGE, ji'rje. f. A figure of St. George
on horfeback worn by the knights of the garter ;
a brown loaf.
GEORGICK, ja'r-jik. f. Some part of the
fcience of hufbandry put into a pleafing drefs,
and fet off with all the beauties and embellifh-
ments of poetry.
GEORGICK, ja'r-jik. a. Relating to the doc-
trine of agriculture.
GEOTICK, jd-6t'-!k. a. Belo.-.ging to the
GERENT, je'-rcnt. a. Carr)'ing, bearing.
GERiMAN, jer'-man. f. A firft coufin.
GERMAN, jer'-m;\n. a. Related.
GERMANDER, j.V-man-dir. f. A plant.
GERME, jerm'. f. A fprout or (hoot.
GERMIN, jer'-niin. f. A fhooting or fprout-
ing feed.
To GERMINATE,jer'-m!-nate.v.n. To fprout,
to Ihoot, to bud, to put forth.
GERMINATION, j6r-ml-n4'-fhun. f. The
ad of fprouting or fliooting; growth.
GERUND, jer'-rilnd. f. In the Latin gram-
mar, a kind of verbal noun, which governs
cafes like a verb.
GES T, jeft'. f. A deed, an action, anatchievc-
ment ; Ihow, reprcfentation ; the roll or journal
of the feveral days, and ftages prefixed, in the
progrefles of king";.
GESTATION, jif-ta'-fhun. f. The act of
bearing the young in the womb.
To GESTICULATE, jef-t!k'-u-late. v. n. To
play antick tricks, to Ihew poftures.
GESTICULATION,jef-tik-;\-la'-flian. f. An-
tick tricks, various poftures.
GESTURE, je/-t{hur. f. Action or pofture
expreffive of fentiment ; movement of the body.
To GET, get'. V. a. pret. I Got, anciently Gat,
part. pair. Got or Gotten. To procure, to ob-
tain J to beget upon a female ; to gain a profit ;
to earn, to gain by labour ; to receive as a price
or reward ; to procure to be ; to prevail on, to
induce ; To get off, to fell or difpofe of by fome
To GET, get'. V. n. To arrive at any ftate or
pofture by degrees with fome kind of labour, ef-
fort or difficulty ; to find the way to ; to move,
to remove to ; to have recourfe to ; to go, to
repair to ; to be a gainer ; to receive advantage
by ; To get off, to efcape ; To get over, to
pafs without being flopped ; To get up, to rife
from repofe, to rife from a feat; To get in, to
GETTER, gec'-tar. f. One who procures or
obtains ; one who begets on a female.
GETTING, get'-tlng. f. Aa of getting, ac-
quifition ; gain, profit.
GEWGAW, gii'-ga. f. A fhowy trifle, a toy,
a bauble.
GEWGAW, gu'-gi a. Splendidly trifling,
ihowy without value.
GHASTFUL, gaft'-fiil. a. Drcarj', difmal, me-
lancholv, fit for walking fpirits.
GHASTLINESS, gaft'-ly-nis. f. Horrour of
countenance, rcfemblance of a ghoft, palcncfs.
GHASTLY, gaft'-ly. a. Like a ghoft, having
horrour in the countenance ; horrible, {hocking,
GHASTNESS, gaft'-nls. f. Gluiftlinefs, hor-
rour of Icok.
GHERKIN, ge/-kin. f. A pickkd cucumber.
GHOST, go'ft. f. The foul of man ; a fpirit
appearing after death; to give up the Ghoft,
to die, to yield up the fpirit into the hands of
God ; the third perfon in the adorable Trinity,
called th-- Holy Ghoft.
GHOSTLINESS, go'ft-ly-nis. f. Spiritual
tendency, quality having reference chiefly to
the foul.
GHOSTLY, go''ft-ly. a. Spiritual, relating to
the foul, not carnal, not fecular ; having a
charadter from religion, fpiritual.
GIANT, ji'-ant. f. A man of fize above the
ordinary rate of men, a man unnaturally large.
GIANTESS, ji'-an-tes. f. A fhe giant.
GIANTLIKE, ji'-ant-like. } a. Gigantick,
GIANTLY, jf-ant-ly. \ vaft.
GIANTSHIP, jf-ant-fhlp. f. Quality or cha-
rafter of a giant.
GIBBE, gib^. f. Any old worn out animal.
To GIBBER, glb'-bur. v. n. To fpeak inar-
GIBBERISH, glb'-ber-im. f. Cant, the pri-
vate language of rogues and gipfies, words
without meaning.
GIBBET, jib'-blt. f. A gallows, the poft on
which malefiidors are hanged, or on which
ih--ir carcafts are expofed ; any traverfe beams.
To GIBBET, jlb'-blt. V. 2. To hang or ex-
pofe on a gibbet ; to hang on any thing going
GIBBOSITY, gib-bos'-l-ty. f. Convexity,
prominence, protuberance.
GIBBOUS, gib'-bus. a. Convex, protuberant,
fwellins; into. inequalities ; crookbacked.
GIBBOUSNESS, glb'-buf-nls. f. Convexity,
GIBCAT, glb'-k.it''. f. An old worn-out cat.
To GIBE, ji'be. v. n. To fneer, tojoinceii-
forioufnefs with contempt.
To GIBE, ji'be. v. a. To feoff, to ridicule, to
treat with fcorn, to fneer, to taunt.
GIBE, ji'be. f. Sneer, hint of contempt by
word or looks, feoff.
GIBER, ji'-bur. f. A fneerer, a fcoffer, ^
GIBINGLY, jr-bmg-ly. ad. Scornfully, con-
GIBLETS, jib'-llts. f. The parts of a goofe
which are cut off before it is roafted.
GIDDILY, gid'-dy-ly. ad. With the head
feeming to turn round ; inconftantly, unftea-
dily ; carelifly, heedlefly, negligently.
GIDDINESS, gld'-dy-n!s. f. The ftate of
being giddy; inconftancy, unfteadinefs ; quick
rotation, inability to keep its place.
GIDDY, gid -dy. a. Having in the head a whirl,
or fenfation of circular motion ; whirling ; in-
conftant, unfteady, changeful ; heedlefs,
thoughtlefs, uncautious; intoxicated.
GIDDYBRAINED, g!d'-d> -brand, a. Care-
Icfs, thoughtlefs.
GIDDYHEADED, gld'-dy-hed-!d. a. With-
out fteadinefs or conftancy.
GIDDYPACED, gld'-dy-paft. a. Moving with-
out regularity.
GIER-EAGLE, ger'-egl. f. An eagle of a par-
ticular kind.
GIFT, gift', f. A thing given or beftowed ;
the aft of giving; offering; power, faculty.
GIFTED, gif'-tid. a. Given, beftowed; en-
dowed with extraordinary povvers.
GIG, gig''- f- Any thing that is whirled round
in play.
GIGANTICK, j!-gan'-tlk. a. Suitable to a
giant, big, bulky, enormous.
To GIGGLE, gig'l. V. n. To laugh idly, to
GIGGLER, glg'-lur. f. A laugher, a tittercr.
GIG LET, gig'-lit. f. A wanton, a lafcivioas
GIGOT, jig'-ut. f. The hip joint.
To GILD, gild', v. a. pret. Gilded or Gilt.
To w;ifli over v/ith gold ; to adorn with luftre ;
to brighten, to illuminate.
GILDER, gil'-diir. f. One who lays gold on
the furface of any other body ; a coin, from
one (hilling and fixpence to two fhillings.
GILDING, gU'-ding. f. Gold laid on any
furface by way of ornament.
GILLS, gilz . f. The apertures at each fide of
a lifli's head ; the flaps that hang below the
beak of a fowl ; the flefh under the chin.
GiLL, jii . f. A meafure of liquids containing
the fourth part of a pint ; the appellation of a
woman in ludicrous language; the name of a
plant, ground-ivy ; malt liquor, medicated
with ground-ivy.
GILLHOUSE, jil'-hous. f. A houfe where
gill is fold.
GILLYFLOWER, jli'-ly-flowr. f. Corrupted
from Julyflower.
GILT, gilt', f. Golden {how, gold laid on the
furface of any matter.
GILT, g'lt^. The participle of Gild, which fee.
GIM, jim . a. Neat, fpruce. An old word.
GIMCRACK, jiV-krik. f. A ilight or trivial
GIMLET, gim'-llt. f. A ho.'-er with a fcrew at
its point.
GIMP, gimp', f. A kind of filk t^vill or lace.
GIN, jiii . f. A trap, a fnare ; a pump worked
by fails ; the fpirit drawn by diftillation from
juniper berries.
GINGER, jin -jur. f. An Indian plant ; the
root of that plant.
GINGERB-READ, jin'-jur-bred. f. A kind of
fweetmeat made of dough and flavoured with
GINGERLY, jin'-jir-ly. ad. Cautiouily,
GINGERNESS, jiV-jir-nls. f. Niccnefs, ten-
GINGIVAL, jin'-jy-val. a. Belonging to the
To GINGLE, jing -gl. v. n. To utterafbarp
clattering noife ; to make an afFedted found in
periods or cadence.
To GINGLE, jing'-gl. v. a. To fhake fo that
a (harp fhrill clattering noife ftiould be made.
GINGLE, jing'-gl. f. A fhrill refounding
noife; affeftation in the found of periods.
GINGLYMOID, g!ng'-ly-moid. a. Refem-
bling a ginglymus, approaching to a ging-
GINGLYMUS, glng'-ly-mus. f. A mutual in-
denting of two bones into each other's cavity,
of which the elbow is an inftancc.
GINNET, jln'-net. f. A nag, a mule, a de-
generated breed.
GINSENG, jin'-feng. f. A root brought lately
into Europe; it is cordial and reftorative.
GIPSY, jlp'-fy. f. A vagabond who pretends
to tell fortunes ; a reproachful name for a dark
complexion ; a name of flight reproach to a
GIRASOLE, ji'-ra-f6!e. f. The herb turnfol j
the opal fl:one.
To GIRD, gerd'. v. a. pret. Girded or Girt.
To bind round ; to inveft ; to cover round as
a garment ; to inclofe, to incircle.
To GIRD, gerd'. v. n. To break a fcornful
jell, to gibe, to fneer.
GIRDER, ger'-dur. f. In architedure, the
largeft piece of timber in a floor.
GIRDLE, gerd'l. f. Any thing drawn round
the waift, and tied or buckled ; enclofure, cir-
cumference; a belt, the zodiac, a zone.
To GIRDLE, gerd'l. v. a. To gird, to hind
as with a girdle; to inclofe, to fhut in, to
GIRDLEBELT, gerd'l-b:it. f. The belt that
incircles the w:\iii.
GIRDLER, gird'-'.ur. f. A maker of girdles.
GIRE, ji're. f. A circle dticribed by any thing
in motion.
GIRL, ger'l. f. A young woman or child.
GIRLISH, gei'-l'fn. a. Suiting a girl, youthful.
GIRLISHLY, ger'-h'fh-ly. ad. In a girlilh
GIRT, gert'. part. pafl". fiom To Gird. Sec
To GIRT, gert'. v. a. To gird, to encompafr,
to encircle.
GIRTH, gerth'. f. The band by whi.h the
faddle oi burthen is fixed upon the horfe ; the
compafs meafured by the girdle.
To GIRTH, gertli'. v. a. To bind with i
To GIVE, g!v'. V. a. pretcr. Gave, part. pafl".
Given. To bellow, to confer without any
price or reward j to pay'as a price or reward.
or in exchange -, to giant, to allow ; to yield
without refiltance ; to permit, to commifEon ;
to exhibit, toexprefs; to exhibit as the product
of a calculation ; to exhibit; to addi£t, to ap-
ply; to refign, to yield up ; To give away, to
alienate from one's felf ; To give back, to re-
turn, to rellore ; To give the hand, to yield pre-
eminence, as being fubordinate or inferior ; To
give over, to leave, to quit, to ceafe, to addict,
to attach, to conclude loft, to abandon ; To
give out, to proclaim, to publifh, to utter, to
fiiow in falfe appearance ; To give up, to re-
sign, to quit, to yield, to abandon, to de-
To GIVE, giv'. V. n. To grow moift, to melt or
/often, to thaw ; to move ; To give in, to go
back, to gi\'e way ; To give into, to adopt, to
-embrace ; To give off, to ceafe, to forbear ;
To give over, to ceafe, to aft no more ; To
give out, to piiblifh, to proclaim, to ceafe, to
yield ; To give way, to yield, to make room
GIVER, giv'-ur. f. One that give?, beftower,
diftributer, granter.
GIZZARD, glz'-zurd. f. The flrong mufcu-
lous ftomach of a fowl.
GLABRITY, gldb'-rl-ty. f. Smoothnefs, bald-
-GLACIAL, gla'-fhal. a. Icy, made of ice,
To GLACIATE, giy-fliSte. v. n. To turn
into ice.
GLACIATION, gla-M'-fliun. f. The ad of
turning into ice, ice formed.
GLACIS, gla'-sls. f. In fortification, a floping
GLAD, glid'. a. Cheerful, gay; pleafed, ele-
vated with joy; plcafuig, exhilarating; ex-
prelfing g'adnL-fs.
To GLAD, glad'. V. a. To make glad, to cheer,
to exhilarate.
To GLADDEN, glad'n. v. a. To cheer, to
delight, to make glad, to exhilarate.
GLADE, glu'de, f. A lawn or opening in a
GLADIATOR, gla-dya'-tur. f. A fword-
player, a prize-fighter.
GLADLY, glad -ly. ad. Joyfully, with mer-
GLADNESS, glad'-n!s. f. Cheerfulnefs, joy,
GLADSOME, glad'-fum. a. Pleafed, gay, de-
lighted ; caufingjoy.
GLADSOMELY, g!ad'-fum-ly. ad. With
gayety and delight.
GLADSOMENESS, glid'-fum-n!s. f. Gay-
ety, fhowinefs, delight.
GLAIRE, gla're. f. The white of an egg ; a
kind of halbert.
To GLAIRE, gla're. v. a. To fmear with the
white of an egg. This word is ftill u fed by the
GLANCE, glWfe. f. A fudden (hoot of light
or fplendour ; a ftroke or dart of the beam of
fight ; a fnatch of fight, a quick view.
To GLANCE, glan'fe. v. n. To fhoot a fud-
den ray of fplendour ; to fly off in an oblique
diredion ; to view with a quick caft of the eye ;
to cenfure by oblique hints.
To GLANCE, glan fe. v. a. To move nimbly,
to fhoot obliquely.
GLANCINGLY, glV-sing-Iy. ad. In an
oblique broken manner, tranfiently.
GLAND, gland', f. A fmooth flefhy fubftance
which ferves as a kind of drainer to feparate
fonie particular fluid from the blood.
GLANDURS, glan'-durz. f. A difeafe inw-
dent to horfcs.
GLANDIFEROUS, glan-dlf'-fe-rus. a. Bear-
ing maft, bearing acorns.
GLANDULE, glan'-diile. f. A fmall gland
ferving to the fecretion of humours.
GLANDULOSITY, glan-dd-l6s'-i-ty. f. A
colIeiSlion of glands.
GLANDULOUS, gla.n'-du-lus. a. Pertaining
to the glands," fubfifting in the glands.
To GLARE, gla're. v. n. To /hine fo as to
dazzle the eyes ; to look with fierce piercing
eyes ; to fhine oftentatio'jfly.
To GLARE, gla're. v. a. To flioot fuch fplen-
dour as the eye cannot bear.
GLARE, gla're. f.- Overpowering luftre, fpleii-
dour, fuch as dazzle the eye; a fierce piercing
GLAREOUS, gla'-ryus. a. Confiding of vlf-
cous tranfparent matter, like the white of an
e''-bus. a. Spherical, round.
GLOBULAR, glob'-u-lar. a. Round, fphe-
GLOBULE, glib'-iile. f. Such a fmall par-
ticle of matter as is of a globular or fpherical
figure, as the red particles of the blood.
GLOBULOUS, glob'-u-lus. a. In form of a
fmall fphere, round.
To GLOMERATE, glom'-tr-ate. v. a. To
gather into a ball or fphere; a bodyformsu ir.to
a ball.
GLOMEROUS, glin/-er-us. a. Gathered into
a ball or fphere.
GLOOM, glo'm. f. Imperfed darknefs, dif-
malnefs, obfcurity, defect of light; cloudinefs
of afpc£t, heavinefs of mind, fullennefs.
To GLOOM, gld m. v. n. Tofhineobfcurely,
as the twilight ; to be cloudy, to be dark; to
be melancholy, to be fullen.
GLOOMILY, g\om-y-\y. ad. Obfcurely,
dimly, without pcrfecl light, difmally ; fullenly,
with cloudy afpect, v/ith dark intentions.
GLOOMINESS, glo^m-y-nls. f. Want of light,
obfcurity, imperfect light, difmalnefs ; cloudi-
nefs of look.
GLOOMY, glo'm-y. a. Obfcure, imperfeSly
illuminated, almoft dark ; dark of complexion ;
fullen, melancholy, cloudy of look, heavy of
GLORIED, glo'-ryd. a. Illuftrious, honour-
GLORIFICATION, gl6'-ry-fi-ka''-fliun. f.
The ace of giving glory.
To GLORIFY, gl6'-ry-fy. v. a. To procure
honour or praife to one ; to pay honour or
praife in worfhip ; to praife, to honour, to ex-
tol ; to exalt to glory or dignity.
GLORIOUS, glo'-ryus. a. Noble, illuftrious,
GLORIOUSLY, gl6'-ryuf-ly. ad. Nobly,
fplendidly, illuftrioully.
GLORY, glo -ry. f. Praile paid in adoration ;
the felicity of heaven prepared Lr thofe thr.t
pleafeGod; honour, praife, fame, renown, ce-
lebrity ; a circle of rays which furrounds the
heads of faints in pidure ; generous pride.
To GLORY, gl6'-ry. v. n. To boaft in, to be
proud of.
To GLOSE, glo'ze. v. a. To flatter, to col-
GLOSS, glob'. f. A fcholium, a comment; an
interpretation artfully fpecious, a fpecious re-
prefeiitation ; fupcrficial luftre.
To GLOSS, glos'. V. n. To comment, to make
fly remarks.
To GLOSS, glos''. V. a. To explain by com-
ment ; to palliate by fpecious expofition or re-
prefentation ; to embellifli with fuperficial
GLOSSARY, gl6s'-sa-ry. f. A diaionary of
obfcure or antiquated words.
GLOSSER, glos'-sur. f. A fcholiaft, a com-
mentator; a poliflicr.
GLOSSINESS, glos'-sy-nls. f. Smooth polifli;
fuperficial luftre.
GLOSSOGRAPHER, glo£.f6g'-gra-fur. f. A
fcholiaft, a commentator.
GLOSSOGRAPHY, gl6s'-s6g'-gra-fy. f. The
writing of commentaries.
GLOSSY, gl6s'-sy. a. Shining, fmoothly po-
GLOVE, gluv'. f. Cover of the hands.
GLOVER, gluv'-ur. f. One whofe trade is to
make or fell gloves.
To GLOUT, glou't. V. n. To pout, to look
To GLOW, glo'. V. n. To be heated fo as to
fhine without flame ; to burn with vehement
heat; to feel heat of body ; to exhibit a ftrong
bright colour ; to feel paiTion of mind, or ac-
tivity of fancy ; to rage or burn as a paffion.
To GLOW, glo . V. a. To make hot fo as to
GLOW, glo . f. Shining heat, unufual warmth ;
vehemence of paiTion ; brightnefs or vividnefs
of colour.
GLOW-WORM, g!o'-wurm. f. A fmall creep-
ing infe£l with a luminous tail.
To GLOZE, glo'ze. v. n. To flatter, to
wheedle, to fawn ; to comment.
GLOZE, glo'ze. f. Flattery, infinuation ;
fpecious fhow, glofs.
GLUE, glu'. f. A vifcous body commonly made
by boiling the fkins of animals to a gelly, a
To GLEW, glu'. V. a. To join with a vifccus
cement ; to hold together ; to join, to unite, to
GLUEBOILER, gli'-boil-ur. f. One whofe
tr^dc is to make glue.
GLUER, gld'-iir. f. One who cements with glue.
GLUM, glum'', a. Sullm, fluhbornly grave.
A low cant word.
To GLUT, glut . V. a. To fwallow, to de-
vour ; to cloy, to fill beyond fuflficiency ; to
feaft or delight even tofatiety; to overfill, to
GLUT, glut', f. That which is gorged >)r
fwallowed ; plenty even to loathing and fatiety ;
more than enough, overmuch.
GLUTINOUS, gld'-tl-nus, a. Gluey, vif-
cous, tenacious.
GLUTINOUSNESS, gld'-ti-nuf-nls. f. Vif-
cofity, tenacity.
GLUTTON, glut'n. f. One who indulges
himfelf too much in eating; one eager of any
thing to excefs ; an animal remarkable for a
voracious appetite.
To GLUTTONISE, glutVize. v. a. To play
the glutton.
GLUTTONOUS, glut'n-us. a. Given to
exceflive feeding.
GLUTTONOUSLY, glut'-un-uf-ly. ad. With
the voracity of a glutton.
GLUTTONY, glut'-un-y. f. Excefs of eat-
ing, luxury of the table.
GLUY, glu'-y. a. Vifcous, tenacious, glutinouf.
GLYNN, gin/, f. A hollow between two
To GNARL, n-Vrl. v. n. To growl, to mur-
mur, to fnarl.
GNARLED, naVlld. a. Knotty,
To GNASH, nifi/. v. a. To llrike together^
to clafh..
To GNASH, nafh'. v. n. To grind or collide
the teeth ; to rage even to collifion of the teeth.
GNAT, nat^ f. A fmall winged flinging infed ;
any thing proverbially fmall.
GNATFLOWER, n.it'-flow-ur. f. The bee-
GNATSNAPPER, nat'-fnap-pur. f. A bird
fo called.
To GNAW, na^ v. a. To eat by degrees, tO'
devour by flow corrofion ; to bite in agony or
rage ; to wear away by biting ; to fret, to
wade, to corrode j to pick with the teeth.
To GNAW, nY. v. n. To cxercife the teeth..
GNAWER, na -ur. f. One that gnaws.
GNOMON, no'-inon. f. The hand or pin of
a dial.
GNOMONICKS, no-mon'-iks. f. The art of
To GO, go . V. n. pret. I went, 1 have gone.
To walk, to move Hep by ftep ; to walk lei-
furely, not run ; tojourney a-foot; to proceed ;
to depart from a place; to apply one's felf; to
have recourfe ; to be about to do; ro decline,
to tend towards death or ruin; toricape; to
tend to any acSt ; to pafs ; to move by mechan-
ifm; to be in motion from whatever caufe ; to
-be regulated by any method ; to proceed upon
principles ; to be pregnant ; to be expended ;
to reach or be extended to any degree ; to fpread,
to be difperfed, to reach further ; to contribute,
to conduce ; to fucceed ; to proceed in train or
confequence; To go about, to attempt, to en-
deavour ; To go afide, to err, to deviate from
the right, to abfcond ; To go between, to in-
terpoie, to moderate between two ; To go by,
to pafs unnoticed, to obferve as a rule ; To go
down, to be fw^llowed, to be received, not re-
je£led; To go in and out, to be at liberty;
, To go off, to die, to deceafe, to depart from a
poft ; To go on, to make attack, to proceed ;
To go over, to revolt, to betake himfelf to ano-
ther party ; To go out, to go upon any expedi-
tion, to be cxtinguifhed ; To go through, to
perform throughly, to execute, to fuffer, to un-
GO-TO, go-t.V. interject. Come, come, take
the right courfe. A fcornful exhortation.
GO-BY, go-by', f. Delufion, artifice, circum-
GO-CART, go'-kart. f. A machine in which
children are inclofed to teach them to walk,
GOAD, go'de. f. A pointed inftrument with
which oxen are driven forward.
To GOAD, go'de. v. a. To prick or drive with
a goad ; to incite, to ftimulatc, to inftigate.
GOAL, go'le. f. The landmark fet up to
bound a race ; the ftarting poft ; the final pur-
pofe, the end to which a defign tends.
GOAL, ju'le. f. An incorreil fpellin'g for jail,
which fee.
GOAR, gd re. f. Any edging fevved upon cloth.
GOAT, go te. f. An animal that feems a
middle fpecies bet^veen deer and fheep.
GOATBEARD, go'te-berd. f. A plant.
GOATCHAFER, go'te-tfhaf-fur. f. A kind
of beetle.
GOATHERD, g'/te-herd. f. One whofe em-
ployment is to tend goats.
GOATMARJORAM, go'te-miVjir-um. f.
GOATS RUE, go'ts-ro. f. A plant.
GOATS-THORN, go'ts-ttiorn. f. A plant.
GOATISH, go'te-ifli. a. Refembling a goat in
ranknefs or lull.
To GOBBLE, gob'l. v. a. To fvvallow haftily
v/ith tumult and noife.
GOBBLER, gob'-lur. f. One that devours in
GO-BETWEEN, gO-'be-twen. f. One that
tranfacts bufincfs by running between two
GOBLET, gob'-Iit. f. A bowl or cup.
GOBLIN, gob'-lln. f. An evil fpirit, a walk-
ing fpirit, a frightful phantom; a fairy, an elf.
GOD, god . f. The Supreme Being ; a falfe
god, an idol ; any perfon or thing deified, or
too much honoured.
GODCHILD, gcd'-tfliild. f. The child for
whom one became fponfor at baptifm.
GOD-DAUGHTER, god'-da-tiir. f. A girl
for whom one became fponfor in baptifm.
GODDESS, god'-dls. f. A female divinity.
GODDESS-LIKE, god'-dlf-lfke. a. Refem-
bling a goddefs.
GOD-FaVhER, god'.-fd-thur. f. The fponfor
at the font.
GODHEAD, god'-hed. f. Godfliip, divine na-
ture ; a deity in perfon, a god or goddefs.
GODLESS, god'-lls. a. Without fenfe of duty
to God, atheiftical, wicked, impious.
GODLIKE, gcd'-likc. a. Divine, rcfcmbling
a divinity.
GODLING, god'-llng. f. A little divinity.
GODLINESS, gidMy-nis. (. Piety to God ;
general obfcrvation of all the duties prcfcribed
by religion.
GODLY, god'-ly. a. Pious towards God j
good, righteous, religious.
GODLY, gcd'-ly. ad. Pioufly, righteouHy.
GODLYHEAD, god'-ly-hcd.' f. Goodnefs,
GOD-MOTHER, god'-rauth-ur. f. A woman
who has become fponfor in baptifm.
GODSHIP, god'-fhip.-f. Therunkorcharaaer
of a god, deity, divinity.
GODSON, g6d''-fun. f. One for whom one
has been fponfor at the font.
GODWARD, gid'-ward. ad. Toward God.
GODWIT, god'-wlt. f. A bird of particular
GOER, go -I'lr. f. One that goes, a runner ; a
To GOGGLE, gog'l. v. n. To look afquint.
GOGGLE-EYED, gog'l-ide. a. Squint-eyed,
not looking ftraight.
GOING, goring, f. The aft of walking ;
pregnancy ; departure.
GOLA, g6''-la. f. The fame with Cymatium.
GOLD, go Id. f. The pureft, heavieft, and
molt precious of all metals ; money.
GOLD, gi'ld. a. Made of gold, golden.
GOLDBEATER, go'ld-be-tur. f. Onewhofe
occupation is to beat gold.
Skin which goldbeaters lay between the leaves
of their metal while they beat it.
GOLDBOUND, go'ld-bound. a. Encompafled
with gold.
GOLDEN, go'ldn. a, Made of gold, con fill-
ing of gold; fliining ; yellow, of the colour of
gold; excellent, valuable; happy, refembling
the age of gold.
GOLDENLY, g.Vldn-ly. ad. Delightfully,
GOLDFINCH, gt/ld-flntfh. f. A fmging bird.
GOLDFINDER, go'ld-find-ur. f. One who
finds gold. A term ludicruouily applied to
thofc that empty Jakes. u
I'-fa-lun. } f. An cnfign, a
n' -fa-nun. \ ftandard.
f. A morbid
GOLDHAMAIER, g>7ld-h'un-mSr. f. A kini
of bird.
GOLDING, go'ld-fng. f. A fort of apple.
GOLDSIZE, g(i'ld-si^e. f. A glue of a golden
GOLDSMITH, g-yid-fmitlr. f. One who ma-
nufaiflures gold ; a banker, one who keeps mo-
ney for others in his hands.
GOME, go me. f. The black and oily grcaf*
of a cart-wheel.
GONDOLA, gon'-do-la. f. A boat much ufed
in Venice, a fmall boat.
GONDOLIER, g6n-d6-lc'r. f. A boatman.
GONE, gon'. part. pret. from Go. Advanced,
forward in progrefs ; ruined, undone ; paft ;
loft, departed ; dead, departed from life.
GONFALON, gon'-fa-li
GONORRHOEA,- gon-or-re'
running of venereal hurts.
GOOD, gud''. a. comp. Better, fupcrl. Bed.
Having fuch phyfical qualities as are expected
or defired ; proper, fit, convenient ; uncor-
rupted, undamaged ; wholefome, falubrious ;
pleafant to the tafte ; complete, full ; ufeful,
valuable ; found, not falfe, not fallacious ; le-
gal, valid, rightly claimed or held ; well qua-
lified, not deficient; fkilful, ready, dexterous ;
having moral qualities, fuch as are wifhed, vir-
tuous ; benevolent ; companionable, fociable,
merry ; not too faft ; really, ferioufly ; To
make good, to maintain, to perform, to fupply
any deficiencies.
GOOD, gud'. f. That which phyfically con-
tributes to happinefs, the contrary to evil ; mo-
ral qualities fuch as are defirable^ nrtue, right-
GOOD, gud'. ad. "Well, not ill, notamifsj
As good, no worfe.
GOOD-CONDITIONED, gad'-kon dlfli'-
und. a. Without ill qualities or fymptoms.
GOODLINESS, gud'-Iy-n!s. f. Beauty, grace,
GOODLYj gud'-ly. a. Beautiful, fine, fplen-
did; bulky, fwclling; happy, gay.
r, C GOOD-
GOODMAN, gud'-man. f. A flight appella-
tion of civility ; a ruftick term of compliment,
GOODNESS, gud'-ms. f. Defirable qualities
either moral or phyfical.
GOODS, gud'z. f. Moveables in a hoiife j
wares, freight, merchandife.
GOODY, gud'-dy. f. A low term of civility
ufed to mean pcifons.
GOOSE, go's. f. A large v/aterfowl proverb-
ially noted for fooliflinefs ; a taylor's fmooth-
GOOSEBERR.Y, go'z-ber-y. f. A tree and fruit.
GOOSEFOOT, go's-fut. f. Wild orach.
GOOSEGRASS, goVgras. f. Clivers, an herb.
GORBELLY, gi'r-bel-y. f. A big paunch, a
fwelling belly.
GORBELLIED, ga'r-bel-yd. a. Fat, big-
GORD, ga'rd. f. An inftrument of gaming.
GORE, go^re. f. Blood j blood clotted or con-
To GORE, go're. v. a. To ftab, to pierce ;
to pierce with a horn.
GORGE, gi'rje. f. The throat, the fv/allow ;
that which is gorged or fwallowed.
To GORGE, ga'rje. v. a. To fill up to the
throat, to glut, to fatiate; to fwallow, as the
fifli has gorged the hook.
GORGEOUS, ga/r-jus. a. Fine, glittering in
various colours, fhowy.
GORGEOUSLY, ga'r-juf-ly. ad. Splendidly,
magnificently, finely.
GORGEOUSNESS, ga'r-jis-nis. f. Splen-
dour, magnificence, fhow.
GORGET, ga'r-jlt. 1". The piece of armour
that defends the throat.
GORGON, gaVgun. f. A monfter with fnaky
hairs, of which the fight turned beholders to
ftone, any thing ugly or horrid.
GORMAND, ga'r-mand, f. A greedy eater.
To GORMANDIZE, ga'r-man-dize. v. ix. To
feed ravenoufly.
GORMANDIZER, gaVmaa-di'-zar. f. A
voracious eater.
GORSE, gor's. f. Furz, a thick prickly Ihrub
GORY, go'-ry. a. Covered with congealed
blood ; bloody, murtherous.
GOSHAWK, gos'-hik. f. A hawk of a large
GOSLING, goz -ling. f. A young goofe, a
goofe not yet full grown j a catkin.
GOSPEL, g6s''-pil. f, God's word, the holy
bookof the Chriftian revelation ; divinity, the-
GOSPELLER, gos'-pH-ur. f. Followers of
Wicklif, who firft attempted a reformation from
popery, given them by the Papifts in reproach.
GOSSAMER, gos'-sa-mur. f. The down of
plants ; the long white cobwebs which float in
the air about harveft-time.
GOSSIP, g6s''-sip. f. One who anfwers for the
child in baptifm ; a tippling companion ; one
who runs about tattling like women at a ly-
To GOSSIP, gos'-slp. v. n. To chat, to prate,.
to be merry ; to be a pot-companion.
GOT, got . pret. From the verb Get.
GOTTEN, got'n. part. paff. of Get.
To GOVERN, guv'-urn. v. a. To rule as a
chief magillrate ; to regulate, to influence, to-
direil ; to manage, to reftrain ; in grammar^
to have force with regard to fyntax ; to pilot,
to regulate the motions of a fhip.
To GOVERN, guv'-urn. v. n. To keep fu-
GOVERNABLE, guv'-ur-nabl. a. Submi/Tive
to authority, fubjeit to rule, management.
GOVERNANCE, guv'-ur-nans. f. Govern-
ment, rule, management.
GOVERNANTE, go-vur-ni'nt. f. A hdy
who has the care of young girls of quality.
GOVERNESS, guv'-ur-nis. f. A female in-
vefted with authority ; atutorefs, a woman that
has the care of young ladies i a diredrrfs.
GOVERNMENT, guv'-urn-ment. f. Form
of community with refpefl: to the difpofition of
the fupreme authority ; an cftabliflimcnt of le-
gal authority; adminillration of publick affairs;
regularity of behaviour; manageablenefs, com-
pliance, obfequioufnefs ; in grammar, inHu-
ence with regard to conftruftion.
GOVERNOUR, guv'-ur-nir. f. One who
has the fupreme direction ; one who is inverted
with fupreme authority in a ftate; one who
rules any place with delegated and temporary
authority ; a tutor; a pilot, a manager.
GOUGE, go'je. f. A chifT&l having a round
GOURD, go'rd. f. A plant, a bottle.
GOURDINESS, gi'r-dv-nis. i\ A fwelling
in a horfe's leg.
GOURNET, gur'-nlt. f. A fifh.
GOUT, gout', f. A periodical difcafe attended
with great pain.
GOUT, 20. f. A tafte.
GOUTVVORT, gout'-wurt. f. An herb.
GOUTY, gou'-ty. a. Afflided or difealed with
the gout ; relating to the gout.
GOWN^ gown', f. A long upper garment ; a
woman's upper garment ; the long habit of a
man dedicated to arts of peace, as divinity, me-
dicine, law; the drefs of peace.
GOWNED, gownd . a. Dreffed in a gown.
GO'WNAIAN, gown'-man. f. A man devoted
to the arts of peace.
To GRABBLE, grib'l. v. a. To grope.
To GRABBLE, grab'l. v. n. To lie proftrate
on the ground.
GRACE, gra'fe. f. Favour, kindnefs; favour-
able influence of God on the human mind ;
virtue, effect of God's influence; pardon; fa-
vour conferred ; privilege ; a goddefs, by the
heathens fupofeJ to beftow beauty ; behaviour,
confidered as decent or unbecoming ; adventi-
tious or artificial beauty ; ornament, flower,
higheft perfection ; the title of a duke, for-
merly of the king, meaning the fame as your
goodnefs or your clemency ; afhort prayer faid
before and after meat,.
GRACE-CUP, gra'fe-kup. f. The cup or
health drank after grace.
To GRACE, gra'fe. v. a. To adorn, to dig-
nify, to embellifh; to dignify or raifc by an
act of favour ; to f.ivoiir.
GRACED, gr;/ft. a. Beautiful, graceful ; vir-
tuous, regular, chaftc.
GRACEFUL, gra'fe-fdl. a. Beautiful with
GRACEFULLY, gryfc-ful-y. ad. Elegantly,
with picifing dignity.
GRACEFULNESS, gra'fe-fal-n!s. f. Ele-
gancy of manner.
GRACELESS, gra'fe-l!s. a. Without, grace,
wicked, abandoned.
GRACES, gra'-siz. f. Good graces, for favour,
is feldom ufed in the fingular.
GRACILE, gras'-Sil. a. Slender,, fmall.
GRACILENT, gras'-i-lent. a. Lean.
GRACILITY, gri-sll'-l-ty. f. Slendernefs.
GRACIOUS, gr^'-flius. a. Merciful, bene-
volent ; favourable, kind ; virtuous, good ;
graceful, becoming.
GRACIOUSLY, grr-fliuf-ly. ad. Kindly,
with kind condefcenfion ; in a pleafing manner.
GRACIOUSNESS, grr-fhuf-nis. f. Kind con-
defcenfion ; pleafing manner.
GRADATION, gra-da'-fliun. f. Regular pro-
grefs from one degree to another ; regular ad-
vance flep by flep ; order, arrangement ; re-
gular procefs of argument.
GRADATORY, grad'-a-tur-y. f. Steps from
the cloifter into the church.
GRADIANT, gra'-dycnt. a. Walking.
GRADUAL, grad'-u-al. a. Proceeding by de-
grees, advancing ftep by ftep.
GRADUAL, grad'-ii-al. f. An order of fiops.
GRADUALITY, grad-u-al'-!-ty. f. Regular
GRADUALLY, grld'-u-al-y. ad. By degrees,.
in regular progrciTion.
To GRADUATE, grad'-u-ate. v. a. To dig-
nify with a degree in the univerfity ; to mark
with degrees; to raife to a higher place in the
fcalc of metals; to heighten, to improve.
GRADUATE, gr^d'-ii-et. f. A man dignified
with an academical degree.
GRADUATION, grad-u-a'-flvun. f. Regular
progreflion by fucccflion of degrees ; ihc aCt 01"
conferring academical degrees.
GRAFF, giAi". r. Ac-.
(JRAFT, graf't. f. A ia.M branch infciud
into the ftock of another tree.
To GRAFT, graf't. v. a. To infert a cicn or
branch of one tree into the flock of another ;
to propagate by infertion or inoculation ; to
infert into a place. or body to which it did not
©liginally belong ; to join one thing fo as to
receive fupport from another.
GRAFTER, graf'-tur. f. One who propagates
fruit by grafting.
GRAIN, gra'ne. f. A fingle feed of corn -,
corn ; the feed of any frait; any minute par-
ticle ; the fmallcft weight ; any thing proverb-
ially fmall; Grain of allowance, fomething
Indulged or remitted ; the direftion of the fibres
«f wood, or other fibrous matter; died or
ftained fublbnce ; temper, difpofition, humour ;
the form of the furface with regard to rough-
refs and fmoothnefs4
GRAINED, gra'nd. a. Rough, made kfs
GRAINS, gra'nz. f. The hulks of malt ex-
haufled in brewing.
GRAINY, gra'-ny. a. Full of corn ; full of
grains or kernels.
GRAMERCY, gra-mer'-fy. inteij. An obfo-
Icte expreflion of furprife.
GRAMINEOUS, gra-min'-yus. a. Graffy.
GRAMINIVOROUS, gra-min-lv'-o-rus. a.
GRAMMAR, grnn/-mur. f. The fclence of
fpeaking corredly,_ the art which teaches the
relations of words to each other ; propriety or
juflnefs of fpeech ; the book that treats of the
various relations of words to one another.
GRAMMAR SCHOOL,'' gram''-mur-fk(^l. f.
A fchool in which the learned languages arc
grammatically taught.
GRAMMARIAN, gram-ma'-ryan. f. One who
teaches grammar, a philologcr.
GRAMMATICAL, grdm-mat'-!-kal. a. Be-
longing to grammar ; taught by grammar.
GRAMMATICALLY, gram-mat'-i-k.ii-y. ad.
According to the rules or fcience of grammar.
GR AMPLE, grWpl. f. A crab fift.
GRAMPUS, gram'-pus. f. A large fiHi of the
whJe kind.
GRANARY, gran'-a-ry. f. A ftorehoufe for
threfhed corn.
GRANATE, gran'-at. f. A kind of marble fo
called, becaufe it is marked with fmall variega-
tions like grains.
GRAND, grand', a. Great, illuftrious, high
in power; fplendid, magnificent; noble, fu-
blime, lofty, conceived or exprefled with great
dignity; it is ufed to fignify afcent or defcent
of confanguinity.
GRANDAM, gran'-dam. f. Grandmother,
one's father's or mother's mother ; an old wi-
thered woman.
GRANDCHILD, grand'- tflifld. f. The fon or
daughter of one's fon or daughter.
GRANDAUGHTER, grand'-da-tur. f. The
daughter of a fon or daughter.
GRANDEE, gran-de'. f. A man of great rank,
power, or dignity.
GRANDEUR, grand'-jur. f. State, fplendour
of appearance, magnificence ; elevation of fen-
tlment or language.
GRANDFATHER, grand'-fa-thur. f. The fa-
ther of a father or mother.
GRANDIFICK, grand-if'-ik. a. Makinggreat.
GRANDINOUS, grin'-dl-nus. a. Full of
GRANDMOTHER, grand'-muth-ur. f. The
father's or mother's mother.
GRANDSIRE, grand'-sire. f. Grandf.ithcr j
any anceftor, poetically,
GRANDSON, grand'-fun. f. The fon of a
fon or daughter.
GRANGE, gra'nje. f. A farm : generally a
farm with a houfe at a diflance Jrtm neigh-
GR.ANITE, gran'-it. f. A fione compofcd cf
fcparate and very large concretions, rudely coir.^
paclcJ together.
GRANIVOROUS, gri-niv'-vo-rus. a. Eating
GRANNAM, grV-r.amT f. Gm. d .lother.
To GRANT, gra'nt. v. a. To admit that
which is not yet proved ; to beflow fftmcthing
which cannot be claimed of right.
GRANT, gra'nt. f. The act of granting or
bcftowing ; the thing granted, a gift, a boon ;
in law, a gift in writing of fuch a thing as
cannot aptly be pafled or conveyed by word
only ; admiffion of fomething in difpute.
GRANTABLE, gra'nt-abl. a. That which
may be granted.
GRANTEE, grant-tc'. f. He to whom any
grant is made.
GRANTOR, gra'nt-tur. f. He by whom a
grant is made.
GRANULARY, gran'-il-lar-y. a. Small and
compact, refembling a fmall grain or feed.
To GRANULATE, gran'-u-lite. v.n. To
be formed into fmall grains.
To GRANULATE, gran'-ii-late. v. a. To
break into fmall mafles ; to raife into fmall af-
GRANULATION, gran-d-li'-fliun. f. The
act of pouring mehed metal into cold water,
fo as it may congeal into fmall grains ; the act
of breaking into fmall parts like grains.
GRANULE,, gran'-ule. f. A fmall compact
GRANULOUS, gran'-u-lus. a. Full of little
GRAPE, gra'pe. f. The fruit of the vine,
growing in cluftcrs.
GRAPHICAL, graf'-!-kal. a. Well delineated.
GRAPHICALLY, graf'-l-kal-y. ad. In a pic-
turefque manner,, with good defcription or de-
GRAPNEL, grip'-nll. f. A fmall anchor be-
longing to a little vtffel ; a grappling-iron with
which in tight one fliip fallens on another.
To GRAPPLE, grap'l- v. n. To contend by
feizing each other ; to conteft in clofe fight.
To GRAPPLE, grap'l. v. a. To fallen, to fix ;
to feize, to lay fail hold of.
CRAPPLE, grap'l- f- Conteft, in which the
combatants feize each other ; clofe fight ; iron
inltrument, by which one Ihip faftcns on anO'
GRAPPLEMENT, grap'l-mcnt, f. Clofe
GRASSHOPPER, gras'-hop-ur. f. A fmall
infed that hops in the fummer grafs.
GRASIER, gri'-zhur. f. See GRAZIER.
To GRASP, grafp'. v. a. To hold in the hand,
to gripe ; to feize, to catch at.
To GRASP, grifp'. v. n. To catch at, to
endeavour to feize; to ftruggle, to flrive ; to
gripe, to encroach.
GRASP, grafp'. f. The gripe or fcizure of the
hand; pofTedion, hold ; power of feizing.
GRASPER, grafp'-ur. f. One that grafp?.
GRASS, gras'. f. The common herbage of Held
on which cattle feed.
GRASS-PLOT, gras'-plot. f. A fmall level
covered with fhort grafs..
GRASSINESS, gris'-f;^-n's. f. The flate o£
abounding in grafs.
GRASSY, gras'-sy. a. Covered with grafs.
GRATE, gra te. f. Partition made with bars
placed near to one another ; the range of bars
within which bars are made.
To GRATE, gra'te. v. a. To rub or wear any
thing by the attrition of a rough body ; to of-
fend by any thing harfh or vexatious ; to form
a harfh found.
To GRATE, gra'te. v. n. To rub fo as to In-
jure or offend ; to make a harfh noife.
GRATEFUL, gri'te-fal. a. Having a due ftnfe
of benefits; pleafir.g, acccpt.iblc, delightful, de-.
GRATEFULLY, gri'te-fui-y. ad. With v.iU
lingnefs to acknowledge and. repay benefits; in
a pleafing manner.
GRATEFULNESS, gri'te-ful-nls. f. Grati-
tude, duty to benefactors ; quality of being ac-
ceptable,^ pleafantnefs.
GRATER, gra'te-ur. f. A kind of coarfe fik
with which foft bodies are rubbed to powder.
GRATIFICATION, grat-y-fl-ka'-fhun. f.
The act of pleafing ; plcafiire, delight, recom-
To GRATIFY, grit'-y-fy. v. a. To indulge,
to pleafe by compliance ; to delight, to pleafe ;
to requite with a gratification.
G il A
GRATINGLY, grCi'te-ung-ly. ad. Flarflily, |
oft'cnfively. !
gratis; gri'-tis. ad. For nothing, without
GRATITUDE, grat'-y-tude. f. Duty to be-
nciaftors \ dcfire to return benefits.
GRATUITOUS, grd-t^-y-tus. a. Voluntary,
granted without claim or merit ; afferted '.vith-
out proof.
GRATUITOUSLY, gra-td'-y-tuf-ly. ad.
Wfthout claim or merit ; without proof.
GRATUITY, gra-tu'-I-ty. f. A prefent or
acknowledgment, a recompence^
To GRATULATE, grat'-d-Ute. v. a. To
coiigi atulate, to falute with declarations of joy ;
to declare joy for.
GRATULATION, grat-u-la'-fliun, f. Salu-
tations made by exprefllng joy.
GRATULATORY, grat^'-u-la-tur'-y. a. Con-
gratulatory, exprefling congratulation.
GRAVE, grii've. f. The place in which the
dead are repofited.
GRAVE-CLOATHS, grf/ve-klSze. f. The
dfcfs of the dead .
GRAVE-STONE, graV-ftone. f. The ftone
that is laid over the grave.
To GRAVE, gra've. v. a. pretcr. Graved, part.
pair Graven. To carve in any'hard fubftance ;
to copy painting on wood or metal ; to imprtfs
deeply ; to clean, caulk, and fheath a fliip.
To Grave, gra\e. v. n. To write or deli-
neate on hard fubftances.
GRAVE, gra've. a. Solemn, ferious, fober; of
weight ; not fliowy, not tawdry -, not fliarp of
found, not acute.
GRAVEL, grav'-Il. f. Hard fand ; fandy m.at-
ter concreted in the kidneys.
To GRAVEL, ,grav'-il. v. a. To cover with
gravel ; to flick in the fand ; to puzzle, to put
to a ftand, to embarrafs ; to hurt the foot of a
horfe with gravel confined by the Ihoe.
GRAVELESS, grAc-lis. a. Without a tomb,
GRAVELLY, grav'-e-ly. a. Full of gravel,
abounding with gravel.
CRAVELY, gra've-ly. ad. Solemnly, fcii-
oully, foberly without lightnefs; without gaii-
dinefs or fliow.
GRAVENESS, gra've-ms. f. Serioufnefs, fo-
ktrmity and fobriety.
GRAVEOLENT, gra-v^'-S-lint. a. Strong
GRAVER, gra'-vur. f. One whofe bufmefs is
to infcribe or carve upon hard fubftances, one
who copies piiSlurcs upon wood or metal to be
imprcfll;d on paper ; the ftile or tool ufed in
GRAVIDITY, gra-vId'-!-ty. f. Pregnancy.
GRAVING, gri'-vlng. f. Carved work.
To GRAVITATE, grav-'-i-tate. v.n. To tend
to the centre of attraction.
GRAVITATION, grdv-I-ta'-fhun. f. Ad of
tending to the centre.
GRAVITY, gcav'-i-ty. f. Weight, hcavinefs,
tendency to the centre; ferioufnefs, folemnity.
GRAVY, gra'-vy. f. The juice that riins from
flefh not much dried by the jirc, the juice of
flefh boiled out.
GRAY, gra''. a. White with a mixture of
black; white or hoary with old age ^ dark 'like
the opening or clofe of day.
GRAY, gra'. f. A badger. ' '
GRAYBEARD, gri'-berd. f. An old man.
GRAYLING, gra'-lmg. f. The*um\)er, a fifh .
GRAYNESS, gra'-nis. . f . The qualities of
being grey.
To GRAZE, gra'ze. v. n. To eat grafs, to
feed on grafs ; to fupply grafs ; to touch lightly
on the furface.
To GRAZE, gra ze. v. a. To tend grazing cattle ;
to feed upon ; to touch lightly the furface, to rafe,
GRAZIER, gra'-zhur. f. One who feeds cattle.
GREASE, gre'fe. f. The foft part of the fat ;
a fwelling and gourdinefs of the legs, which
generally happens to a horfe after his Journey.
To GREASE, gre'zc.' v.a. To fmear or anoint
with grcafe ; to bribe or corrupt with prefents.
GREASINESS, gr^'-zy-nls. f. Oilinefs, fatijcfs.
GREASY, gr^'-zy. a. Oily, fat, unduous ;
fmeared with greafe ; fat of body, bulky.
GREAT, grate, a. Large in bulk or number;
having any quality in a high degree ; confider-
at)le in extent or duration ; important, yvcigbty ;
chief, principal ; of higli rank, of large power ;
illuftrious, eminent; noble, magnanimous; fa-
miliar, OMich acquainted ; pregnant, teeming ;
it is added in every ftep of afcending or defcend-
ing confangiiinity, as gr.cat grandfon is the fon
of my grand Ton.
GREAT, grate, f. The whole, the grofs, the
whole in a lump.
GREATBELLIED, gri'te-hel-yd. a. Pregnant,
GREATHEARTED, grite-ha'rt-Id. a. High
fpirited, undejeiSted.
GREATLY, gra'te-ly. a. In a great degree ;
nobly, itluft^ioufly; magn^nimoiifl.y, geacrouf-
Iv, bravely.
greatness; gri'te-nls. f. . Largenefs of
quantity or number; comparative quantin-;
high degree of any quality ; high place, dignity,
povixr, influence; merits magnanimity, noble-
nefe of min4 ;' grandeur, ftate, magnificence.
GREAVES, gre'vz. f. Armour for the legs.
GRECISM, gie'-sizm. f. An idiom of the Greek
GREECE, grc'fe. f. A flight of ileps.
GREEDILY, gr^'-dy-ly. a. Eagerly, raven-
cafly, Voracioufty. ■ ■ .
GREEDINESS, gre'-dy-n!s. f. . Ravenoufnef?,
hunger, eagcrnefs of appetite or defire.
GREEDY, gre'-dy. a. Ravenous, voracious,
hungry; eager, vehemently deCrous.
GREEN, grc'n. a. Having a colour formed by
compounding blue and yellow; pale, &ckly ;
fiourifhing, frefh ; new, frcfli, as a green wound ;
not dry ^ not roafted, half raw; unripe, imma-
ture, young.
GREEN, gre^n. f. The green colour ; a grafly
To GREEN, gre'n. v. a. To make grcem
GREENBROOM, gr^'n-br^m. f. This flirub
grows wfld upon barren dry heaths.
GREENCLOTH, gre'n-klatli. f. A board or
court of juftice of the king's houfehold.
GREENEYP^D, gre'n-ide. a. Having eyes
coloured with green.
GREENFINCH, gro'n-f'ntfli. f. A kind cf
bird ; a kind of ftfli.
GREENGAGE, gr^-'n-ga'^Jzh. f. A fpccles
of plum.
GREENHOUSE, grc'n-houfc. f. A houfe in
which tender plants are (heltcred.
GREENISH, gre'n-lni. a. Somewhat green.
GREENLY, gre'n-ly. a. With a grcenifli co-
lour ; newly, frelhly ; immaturcly ; wanly.
GREENNESS, g^eVnis. f. , Tl>e, quaUty of
being green ; immaturity, unripcncfs ; frefli-
nefs, vigour ; newnefs.
GREENSICKNESS, gre'n-^lk'-nb. f. The
difcafe of maids, fo called from the palcncfs
which it produces.
The turf
on which
GREENSWARD,-) „ , , .
>gre n-fward
grafs grows.
GREENWEED, greVwcd. f. Dyers weed.
GREENWOOD, gre'n-wud. f. A wood con-
fidcred as it appears in the fpring or fummer.
To GREET, grc't. v. a. To addrefs at meet-
ing; to falute in kindnefs or refpcd; to con-
gratulate ; to pay compliments at a diftance.
GREETER, gre'-tur. f. He who greets.
GREETING, gre'-tjng. f, S.alutation at meet-
ing, or compliments at a diftance.
GREEZE, gr^'z. f. A flight of ftcps.
GREGAL, grc'-gal. a. Belonging to a Aock;.
GREGARIOUS, gre-ga'-ryu?. a. Going ii;
flocks or. herds.
GREMIAL, gre'-myal. a. Pertaining to the laj;.
GRENADE, gre-ni'de. f. A little hollow
globe or ball about two ijiches in diameter,
which, being filled with fine powder, as foon as
it is kindled, flies into many (hatters ; a fmall
GRENADIER, gran-a-de'r. f. A tall foot-
foldicr, of whom there is one company in every
GRENADO, gre-na'-do. f. See GRENADE.
GREW, gro'. The preterite. of Grow.
GREY, g°r5'. a. See GRAY.
GREYHOUND, gre'-hourd. f. A tall fleet
dog that chaics jji light.
To GRIDK, gri'de. v. n. To cut.
GRIDELIN, grid'-e-l!n. a. A colour made of
white and red.
GRIDIRON, gn'lM-irn. f. A portable grate.
GRIEF, grc't". f. Sorrow, trouble for fomething
part ; grievance, harm.
GRIEVANCE, gre'-van?. f. A flate of unea-
finefs ; the caufe of uneafinefs.
To GRIEVE, greV. v. a. To afflict, to hurt.
To GRIEVE, gre V. v. n. To be in pain for
fomething paft, to mourn, to forrow, as for the
death of friends.
GRIEVINGLY, gr^'v-!ng-ly. ad. In forrow,
GRIEVOUS, gr^'v-u5. a. Affliaive, painful,
hard to be born j fuch as caufcs forrow ; atro-
cious, heavy.
GRIEVOUSLY, greVuf-ly. ad. Painfully;
calamitouny, miferably ; vexatioufly.
GRIEVOUSNESS, gr^Vif-nis. f. Sorrow,
pain. ■ '
GRIFFIN, 7 , , ., ff. A fabled ajjimal,faid
GRIFFON, S^"^ '''"d to be generated: bc-i
tween the lion and eagle.
GRIG, grtg'. f. A fmall eel ; a merry creature.
To GRILL, grll'. v. n. To broil on a grid-
iron ; to harafs, to hurt.
GRILLADE, ^ril-la'de. f. Any thing broiled
on the gridiron.
GRIM, grim. a. Having a countenance of tcr-
rour, horrible ; ugly, ill-looking.
GRIMACE, gry-mu'fe. f. A diltortion of the
countenance from habit, affectation, or inlb-
lence ; air of affedatio^i.
GRIMALKIN, grlm-mal'-kin. f. An old cat.
GRIME, grfme. f. Dirt deeply infinuated.
To GRIME, grfme. v. a. To dirt, to fully
GRIMLY, gFim'-ly. ad. I-Iorribly, hideoufly ;
iourly, fullenjy.
GRIMNESS, grim'-nls. f. Horror, frightful-
nefs of vifage.
To GRIN, grm'. v. n. To fct the teeth toge-
ther and withd-raw the lips, fo as to appear
faiiling with a mixture of difpleafurej to fix
the teeth as in anguifti.
GRIN, grin . f. The act of clofing the teeth.
To GRIND, gri nd. v. a. pret. I Ground, part.
pad'. Ground. To reduce any thing to powder
by friclion ; to fharpen or fmooth ; to rub one
againft another ; to harafs, to opprefs.
To GRIND, grfnd. v. n. To perform the a£i
of grinding, to be moved as in grinding.
GRINDER, gri'n-dur. f. One that grinds ;
the inftrument of grinding; one of the double
GRINDLESTONE, grlnd'l-ftcne. 7 f. The
GRINDSTONE, gri'nd-llone. ^ llone on
which edged inftruments are fharpened.
GRINNER, grii/-nur. f. He that grins.
GRINNINGLY, grii/-nuig-l>. ad. With a
grinning laugh.
GRIP. grip', f. A fmall ditch.
To GRIPE, grfpe. v. a. To hold with the
fingers clofed ; to catch eagerly, to feize ; to
clofe, to clutch; to pinch, toprefs, to fqueeze.
To GRIPE, gri'pe, v. n. To pinch the belly,
to give the colick.
GRIPE, gri'pe. f. Grafp, hold ; fqueeze, prcf-
fure ; oppreHion j pinching diftrefs.
GRIPES, grfps- C- Belly-ach, colick.
GRIPER, gri'-pur. C Oppreflbr, ufurer.
GRIPINGLY, gn'-plng-ly, ad. With pain
in the guts.
GRISAMBER, grls'-am-bur. f. Ufed by Mil-
ton for ambergrife.
GRISKIN, gris'-kin. f. The vertebrae of a hog
GRISLY, grla'-ly. ad. Dreadful, hortible,,
■GRIST,, grift', f. Corn to be ground ; fupply,
GRISTLE, grJs'l. f. A cartilage.
GRISTLY, gris'-ly. a. Cartilaginous.
GRIT, grit', f.. The coarfe part of meal ; oats
hufked, or coarfely ground ; fand, rough hard
particles ; a kind of foflil ; a kind of fifh.
GRITTINESS, grlt'-ty-nis. f. Sandinefs,.,the
quality of abounding in grit.
GRITTY, gr]t'-ty. a. Full of hard particles.
GRIZELIN, grlz'-lln. a. More properly Gride-
lin. Having a pale red colour.
GRIZZLE, grlz'l. f. A mixture of white and
black ; gray.
GRIZZLED, griz'id. ,i. Interfperfcd with
GRIZZLY, griz^-ly. a. Somewhat gray.
To GROAN, gro^n. v. n. To breathe with a
mournful noife, as in pain or agony.
GROAN, gro^n. f. Breath expired with noifc
and difficulty ; an hoarfe dead found.
GROANFUL, gro^n-ful. a. Sad, agonizinj.
GROAT, gra't. f. A piece valued at four
pence ; a proverbial name for a fmall fum ;
Gro.-'.ts, oats that have the hulls taken off.
GROCER, gro'-fur. f. A man who buys and
fells tea, fugar and plums and fpices.
GROCERY, gro'-iur-y. f. G rocers ware.
GROGERAM,? ,, , 5 f. Stuff woven
GROG RAM, 5 §'•''§ -'■^■"- I ^ith a large
woof and a rough pile.
GROIN, gioi'n. f. The part next the thigh.
GROOM, grd'm. f. A fervant that takes care
of the liable.
GROOVE, groV. f. A deep cavern or hollow;
a channel or hollow cut with a tool.
To GROOVE, grdV. v. a. To cut hollow.
ToGROPE, gro'pe. v. n. To feel where one
cannot fee.
ToGROPE, gro^pe. v. a. To fcarch by feeling
in the dark.
GROSS, gro's. a. Thick, corpulent ; (hame-
ful, unfeemly; intellectually coarfe; inelegant;
thick, not refined ; flupid, dull; coarfe, rough,
o.ppofite to delicate.
GROSS, gro's. f. The main body, the main
force; the buJk, the whole not divided into its
feveral parts ; the chief part, the main niafs ;
the number of twelve dozen.
GROSSLY, gro'f-ly. ad. Bulkily, in bulky
parts, coarfely ; without fubtilty, without art ;
without delicacy.
GROSSNESS, gro^f-nis. f. Coarfcncfs, not
fubtilty, thicknefs; inelegant fatnefs, unwieldy
corpulence ; wsnt of refinement ; want of de-
GROT, grot . f, A cave, a casern iQt ccclncf^
and plcafure.
GROTESQUE, gro-teiTc'. a. DilTortci of
figure, unnatural.
GROTTO, grot -to. f. A cavern or cave nj?.dc
for coolnefs.
GROVE, grc/vc. f. A walk covered by trees
meeting above.
To GROVEL, grov'l. v. n. To lie prone, to
creep low on the ground ; to be mean, to be
without dignity.
GROUND, grou'nd. f. The earth, confidcrci
as folid or as low; the earth as diftinguifhcd
from air or water ; land, covntry ; region, ter-
ritory; f;i;m, efhitc, poffeffion ; the floor or
level of the p'.ace ; dregs, lees, fseces ; the firft
ftratum of paint upon which the figmes are af-
terwards painted ; the fundamental fubftance,
that by which the additional or accidental parts
are fupported ; firll: hint, firfl tracesof an in-
vention ; the firft: principles of knowledge ; the
fundamental caufu ; the field or place of ac-
tion ; the fpace occupied bv an army as they
fight, advance, or retire ; the ftate in which
one is with refpe committed.
GUARDIAN, ga'r-dy.in. a. Performing the
office of a kind protc>£^or or fuperintendant.
GUARDIANSHIP, gar'-dyan-ihlp. f. The
oiBce of a guardian.
GUARDLESS, g.'/rd-Ils. a. Without de-
GUARDSHIP, g'/rd-fliip. f. Care, protcdion j
a king's fhip to guard the coaft.
GUBERNATION, gu-ber-na'-fhun. f. Go-
vernment, fiiperin tendency.
GUDGEON, gud'-zhin. f. A fmall fifli found
in brooks and livers; a perfon eafily impofed
on ; fomething to be caught to a man's own
GUERDON, gwer'-dun. f« A reward, a rc-
To GUESS, ges . V. n. To conjedurc, to judge
without any certain principles of judgment ; tp'
conjefture rightly.
To GUESS, gcs'. V. a. To hit upon by ac-
GUESS, ges . f. Conjefture, judgment with-
out any pofititive or certain grounds.
GUESSER, ges -sur. f. Conjefturcr, one who
judges without certain knowledge.
GUESSINGLY, g(5s'-slng-ly. ad. Conjedu-
rally, uncertainly.
GUEST, geft'. f. One entertained in the houfe
of aiiothcr ; a ftranger, one who comes newly
to refide.
GUESTCHAMBER, geft'-ifliam-bur. f. Cham-
ber of entertainment.
To GUGGLE, gug'l. V. n. To found as w.i-
ter running with intermiffion out of a narro.w
GUIDAGE, gyi'-didzh. f. Ti;e reward given
to a guide.
GUIDANCE, f. gyf-d.uis. Dircaion, go-
To GUIDE,, gyi'd. v. a. To direiS ; to go-
\ern by counfel, to inftrud ; to regulate, to
GUIDE, gyj'd. f. One who dirc' intfdi-
ous artiScc.
GUILEFUL, gy'/i-fnl. a. Wily, infidious,
mifchievouny artful ; treacherous, iecrctly mll-
GUILEFULLY, gy!'l-fd!-y. ad. Infidiouny,
GUILEFULNESS, gyfl-fil-nls. f. Secret
treachery, tricking cimning.
GUILELESS, gyii''-lis. a. Without deceit,
without infidiournefs.
GUILER, gyi'l-ur. f. One that betr.ivs into
danger by infidious pra^ices.
GUILT,- gilt', f. The ftate of a man juftly
charged with a crime; a crime, an oflencc.
GUILTILY, g!lf'-!-Iy. ad. Without inno-
GUILTINESS, gllt'-l-ni\. f. The ftate of
being guilty, confcioufnefs of crime.
GUILTLESS, gilt'-lls. a. Innocent, free from
GUILTLESSLY, gllt'-lcf-ly. ad. Without
guilt, innocently.
GUILTLESSNESS, gllt'-l^f-nis. f. Inno-
cence, freedom from crime^
GUILTY, gilt'-ty. a. Juftly chargeable with
a crime, not innocent; wicked, corrupt.
GUINEA, gh/-ny. f. A gold coin valued at
one and twenty fiiillings.
GUINEADROPPER, gln'-ny-drop-pur. f. One
who cheats by dropping guineas.
GUINE^HEN, gin'-ny-lien. f. A fmall In-
dian hen.
GUINEAPEPPER, gu/-ny-pep-pur. f. A
GUINEAPIG, gli/-ny-p!g. f. A fmall animal
with a pig's fnout.
pUISE, gyi'ze. f. Manner, mien, habit; prac-
tice, cuftom, property ; external appearance,
GUITAR, git-ta'r. f. A ftringed inftrumcnt
of mufick.
GULES, gu'lz. a. Red ; a term ulcJ in he-
GULF, gulf . f. A bay, an opcnin;; Into land ;
an abyfs, an unmenfurable depth • a whirlpoc!,
a fucking eddy; any thing infatiable.
GULFY, gul'-fy. a. Full of gulfs or whirl-
To GULL, gul . V. a. To trick, to cheat, to
GULL, gul'. f. A fea-bird; a cheat, a fraud,
a trick ; a ftupid animal, one eafily cheated.
GULLCATCHER, gul'-katfh-ur. f. A cheat.
GULLER, giil'-lur. f. A cheat, an impoflor.
GULLERY, gul'-lur-y. f. Cheat, impofture.
GULLET, gul'-llt. f. The throat, the meat-
To GULLY, gul -ly. v. n. To run with noife.
GULLYHOLE, giil'-ly-hole. f. The hole
where the gutters empty themfelves In the fub-
terraneous fewer.
GULOSITY, gu-los'-i-ty. f. Grecdinefs, glut-
tony, voracity.
To GULP, gulp , V. a. To fwallow eagerly,
to fuck down without inlermiffion.
GULP, gulp . f. As much as can be fwallowcd
at once.
GUM, gum', f. A vegetable fubftance differ-
ing from a refm, in being more vifcid, and dif-
folving in aqueous menftruums ; the flefhy co-
vering that contains the teeth.
To GUM, gum', v. a. To clofe with gum.
GUMMINESS, gum'-my-nls. f. The ftate of
being gummy.
GUMMOSITY, gum-mos'-si-ty. f. The na-
ture of gum, gumminefs.
GUMMOUS, gum'-mus. a. Of the nature of
GUMMY, gum'-my. a. Confifting of gum,
of the nature of gum; produflive of gum;
overgrown with gum.
GUN, gun', f. The general name for firearms,
the inftrunicnt from which fhot is difchargcd
by fire.
GUNNEL, gun'-ni'l. f. Corrupted from Gun-
GUNNER, giin'-nur. f. Cannonier, he whofe j
employment is to n anagc the artillery in 4
GUNNERY, gun'-nur-y. C The fciencc of
GUNPOWDER, gui/-pow-dur. f. The pow-
der put into guns to be fired.
GUNSHOT, guii'-fliot. f. The reach or range
of a gun.
GUNSHOT, gin'-fnit. a. Made by the fliot
of a gun.
GUNSMITH, gun'-fmittr. f. A man whofc
trade is to make guns.
GUNSTICK, gun'-ftik. f. The rammer.
GUNSTOCK, gun'-flok. f. The wood to
which the barrel of the gun is fixed.
GUNS TONE, gun'-flone. f. The fliot of
GUNWALE or GUNNEL of afhip. gun'-n!l.
f. That piece of timber which reaches on
either fide of the fliip from the half-deck to the
GURGE, gurdzh'. f. Whirlpool, gulf.
GURGION, gur'-dzhifi. f. The coarfer part
of meal, fifted from the bran.
To GURGLE, gur^gl. v. n. To fall or gufli
with noife, as water from a bottle.
To GUSH, gufli . V. n. To flow or ru{k out
with violence, not to fpring in a fmall ftream,
but in a large body ; to emit in a copious ef-
J ,,,{{. A kind of fca-
5S"'-'"^-J fiih.
GUSH, giifh . f. An emiluon of liquor in a
large quantity at once.
GUSSET, gus^-sit. f. Any thing fewcd on to
cloth, in order to ftrcngthen it.
GUST, guft'. f. Senfe of tafting ; height of
perception; love, liking; turn of fancy, intcl-
leftual talte ; a fudden violent blaft of wind.
GUSTABLE, gus'-tabl. a. To be tafted ;
pleafant to the taftc.
GUSTATION, guf-ta'-flu'in. f. The afl of
GUSTFUL, gift'-fal. a. Taflcful, wcll-tnflcd.
GUSTO, giis'-to. f. The relifli of any thing,
the power by which any thing excites fenfa-
tions in the palate ; intclleftiial taftc, liking.
GUSTY, gus'-ty. a. Stormy, tempertuoas.
GUT, gut', f. The long pipe reaching with .
many convolutions from the ftomach to the
vent; the ftomach, the receptacle of food, pro-
verbially; gluttony, love of gorruandizing.
To GUT, gut. V. a. To cvifcerate, to draw;
to take out the infidc ; to plunder of contents.
GUTTATED, gut'-ta-tld. a. Bcfprinkkd
with drops, bedropped.
GUTTER, gut'-tur. f. A palTage for water.
To GUTTER, gut'-ttr. v. a. To cut in fm.Ul
To GUTTLE, gut'l. v. n. To feed luxuri-
oully, to gormandife. A low vrord.
To GUTTLE, giit'l. v. a. To fwallow.
GUTTLER, gut'-liir. f. A greedy enter.
GUTTULOUS, gut'-tu-lus. a. In the form
of a fmall drop.
GUTTURAL, gut'-tu-ral. a. Pronounced in
the throat, belonging to the throat.
GUTTURALNESS, gut'-td-nll-nis. f. The
quality of being guttural.
GUTWORT, gut'-wurt. f. An herb.
To GUZZLE, guz''l. V. n. To gormandife,
to feed immoderately.
To GUZZLE, guz''l. V. a. To fwallow with
immoderate guft.
GUZZLER, guz'-lur. f. A gormandifcr.
GYBE, dzhfbe. f. A fneer, a taunt, a far-
To GYBE, dzhfbe. v. n. To fneer, to taunt.
GYMNASTIC ALLY, dzhlm-nas'-ty-kal-y. ad.
Athletically, fitly for ftrong exercife.
GYMNASTICK, dzhim-nas'-tLk. a. Relating
to athletick cxcrcifes.
GYMNICK, dzhin/-nik. a. Such as praaife
the athletick or gymnaftick excrcifcs.
G YMNOSPERMOUS, dzhim-uo-fpcr'-mis. a.
Having the feeds naked.
GYRATION, dzhl-rj'-fhun. f. The aft of
turning any thing about.
GYRE, dzhi're. f. A circle dcfctibcd by .-uiy
thirig going in an orbit,
GYVES, gyv's. f. Fetters, chams for the legs.
To GYVE, gvVe, v. a. To fetter, to fhjckle.
r. F
HA, ha''"', interjedt. An expreflion of won-
der, furprife, fudden queftion, or fudden
exertion j an exprellion of laughter, when often
HAAK, ha'ke. f. A filh.
HABERDASHER, hab'-ur-dafli-ir. f. One
who fells fmall wares, a pedlar.
HABILIMENT, ha-bll'-y-ment. f. Drefs,
clothes, garment.
To HABILITATE, hi-bil'-y-tiit. v. a. To
qualify, to entitle.
HABILITATION, ha-bU-y-ta'-fliun. f. Qi.a-
HABILITY, ha-bll'-I-ty. f. Faculty, power.
HABIT, hab'-It. f. State of any thing, as habit
of body ; drefs, accoutrement ; habit is a power
or ability in man of doing anything by frequent
doing ; cuftom, inveterate ufe.
To HABIT, hab'-It. v. a. To drefs, to ac-
HABITABLE, habM-tabl. a. Capable of be-
ing dwelt in.
HABITABLENESS, hab'-i-tabl-nls. f. Ca-
pacity of being dwelt in.
HABITANCE, hab'-i-tanfe. f. Dwelling,
HABITANT, habM-tant. f. Dweller, one that
lives in any place.
HABITATION, hdb-i-ta'-fhun. f. The aft
of dwelling, the ftate of a place receiving dwel-
lers ; place of abode, dwelling.
HABITATOR, hab'-I-ta-tur. f. Dweller, in-
HABITUAL, ha-bit'-u-al. a. Cuflomary, ac-
cuftomed, inveterate.
HABITUALLY, ha-blt'-u-al-y. ad. Cuf-
tomarily, by habit.
HABITUDE, hib'-i-tild. f. Familiarity, con-
verfc, frequent intcrcourfe ; long cuftom, ha-
bit, inveterate ufe ; the power of doing any
thing acquired by frequent repetition.
HABNAB, hab'-nab'. ad. At random, at the
mercy of chance.
To HACK, hak'. v. a. To cut into fmall
pieces, to chop ; to fpeak unreadily, or with
To HACK, hak'. v. n. To turn hackney or
HACKLE, hak'l. f. Raw filk, any filmy fub-
llance unfpun.
To HACKLE, hak'l. v. a. To drefs flax.
HACKNEY, hak'-ny.7 f. A hired horfe; a
HACK, hak''. ^ hireling, a proftitute ■,
any thing fet out for hire j much ufed, com-
To HACKNEY, hak'-ny, v. a. To pradife
in one thing, to accuftom to the road.
HAD, had'. The preterite and part. pafl". of
HADDOCK, had'-duk. f. A fea-fifh of the
cod kind.
HAFT, haft^ f. A handle, that part of an in-
ftrument that is taken into the hand.
To HAFT, haft', v. a. To fet in haft.
HAG, hag', f. A fury, a fhe-monfter ; a witch,
an enchantrefs ; an old ugly woman.
To HAG, hag', v. a. To torment, to harafs
with terrour.
HAGARD, hag'-gard. a. Wild, untamed, ir-
reclaimable ; lean ; ugly, rugged, deformed.
HAGGARD, hag'-gard. f. Any thing wild or
irreclaimable ; a fpecies of hawk.
HAGGARDLY, hag'-gard -ly. ad. Deform-
edly, wildly.
HAGGISH, hag'-gLQi. a. Of the nature of a
hag, deformed, horrid.
To HAGGLE, hag'l. v. a. To cut, to chop,
to mangle.
To HAGGLE, hag'l. v. n. To be tedious in
a bargain, to be long in coming to the price.
HAGGLER, h.ng'-l"''. f. One that cuts 5 one
that is tardy in bargaining,.
HAH, ha'', interjeft. An expreflion of fome fud-
dcn effort.
HAIL, ha le. f. Drops of rain frozen in their
To HAIL, ha'le. v. n. To pour down hail.
HAIL, ha'le. interj. A term of falutation.
To HAIL, ha'le. v. n. To falute, to call to.
HAILSHOT, hfi'le-fhot. f. Small fhot fcat-
tered like hail.
HAILSTONE, h:/l-ftone. f. A particle or
fingle ball of hall.
HAILY, hk'-ly. ad. Confifting of hail.
HAIR, ha'r. f. One of the common teguments
of the body ; a fmgle hair ; any thing proverb-
ially fmall.
HAIRBRAINED, hl'r-bri'nd. a. Wild, ir-
HAIRBELL, h^r-bcl. f. The name of a
flower, the hyacinth.
HAIRBREADTH, ha'r-bredtli. f. A very
fmall diftance.
HAIRCLOTH, haVklatiT. f. Stuff made of
hair, very rough and prickly, worn fometimes
in mortification.
HAIRLACE, hi'r-lafe. f. The fillet with which
the women tie up their hair.
HAIRLESS, ha'r-lls. a. Without hair.
HAIRINESS, ha'-ry-nis. f. The ftate of being
covered with hair.
HAIRY, ha'r-y. a. Overgrown with hair ;
confifting of hair.
HAKE, hake. f. A kind of fifli.
HAKOT, hak'-ut. f. A kind of fifh.
HALBERD, ha'l-burd. f. A battle-ax fixed
on a long pole.
HALBERDIER, h.'l-biir-dc'r. f. One who is
armed with a halberd.
HALCYON, hal'-fhun. f. A bird that is faid
to breed in the fea, and that there is always a
calm during her incubation.
HALCYON, hal'-fhun. a. Placid, quiet, ftill.
HALE, h'dle. a. Healthy, found, hearty.
To HALE, ha''l. v. a. To drag by force, to
pull violently.
HALER, h:i'l-ur. f. He who pulls and hales.
HALF, hi'f. f. A moiety, one of two equal
parts ; it fometimes has a plural fignification
v/hen a number is divided.
HALF, ha'f. ad. In part, equal.
HALF-BLOOD, ha'f-blud. f. One not born
of the fame father and mother.
HALF-BLOODED, ha'f-b!ud-!d. a. Mean,
HALF-FACED, ha''f-faft. a. Showing only
part of the face.
HALF-HEARD, ha'f-herd. a. Imperfectly
HALF-MOON, ha'f-min. f. The moon in its
appearance when at half increafe or decreafe.
HALF-PENNY, ha'-pen-ny. f. A copper coin,
of which two make a penny.
HALF-PIKE, hd'f-pike. f. The fmall pike
carried by officers.
HALF-SEAS-OVER, hr'f-fez-6'-vur. a. A
proverbial expreflion for one far advanced. It
is commonly ufed of one half drunk.
HALF-SPHERE, ha'f-sfer. f. Hemifphere.
HALF-STRAINED, ha'f-ftrand. a. Half-
bred, imperfed.
HALF-SWORD, ha'f-fird. f. Clofe fight.
HALF-WAY, haT-wi. ad. In the middle.
HALF-WIT, ha'f-wlt. f. A blockhead, a
foolifh fellow.
HALIBUT, hol'-ly-but. f. A fort of fifli.
HALIMASS, hol'-ly-mas. f. The feaft of All-
HALITUOUS, ha-lk'-ii-us. ad. Vaporous,
HALL, ha'l. f. A coiut of juftice; a manor-
houfe fo called, becaufe in it were held courts
for the tenants ; the publick room of a corpo-
ration ; the firft large room at the entrance of
a houfe.
HALLELUJAH, hal-le-Iu'-ya. f. Praife ye
the Lord. A fong of thankfgiving.
HALLOO, hal-lo'. interj. A word of encou-
ragement when dogs are let loofe on their game.
To HALLOO, hal-l6'. v. n. To cry as after
the dogs.
To FIALLOO, hal-lo^ v. a. To encourage
v/ith fhouts ; to chafe with fliouts j to call .or
fhoiit to.
To HALLOW, hal-l6. v. a. To confeerate,
to make holy ; to reverence as holy, as Hal-
lowed be thy name.
HALLUCINATION, hil-ld-fy-na'-min. f.
Ecroiir, blunder, miftakc.
HALM, hA'm. f. Straw.
HALO, h;i'-l6. f. A red ciiclc round the fun
or moon.
HALSER, ha'-fur. f. A rojre lefj than a cable.
To HALT, h-yit. V. n. To limp, to be lame ;
to (top in a march ; to hcfitate, to ib.nd dubi-
ous; to fail, to falter.
HALT, hil'lt. a. Lame, crippled.
HALT, hl'lt. f. The ad of limping, the man-
ner of limping ; a ftop in a march.
HALTER, ha'l-tur. f. He who limps.
HALTER, ha'l-tur. f. A rope to hung male-
faflors ; a cord, a ftrong firing.
To HALTER, ha'l-tur. v. a. To bind with
a cord ; to catch in a noofe.
To HALVE, ha'v. v. a. To divide into two
HALVES, ha''vz. f. Plural of half.
HALVES, ha vz. interj. An expreffion by which
anj one lays claim to an equal fnare.
HAM, ham', f. The hip, the hinder part of
the articulation of the thigh ; the thigh of a
hog falted.
HAMLET, ham'-lit. f. A fmall village.
HAMMER, ham'-mur. f. The inftrument
confifting of a long handle and heavy head,
with which any thing is forced or driven.
To HAMMER, ham'-mur. v. a. To beat with
a hammer ; to forge or form with a hammer;
to work in the mind, to contrive by intellectual
To HAA4MER, ham'-mur. v. n. To work, to
be bufy ; to be in agitation.
HAMMERER, ham'-mur-rur. f. He who works
with a hammer.
HAMMERHARD, ham'-mur-hard. a. Made
hard with much hammering.
HAMMOCPC, hW-mik. f. A fwinging bed.
HAMPER,' hamp'-ur. f. A Jar^e balkct :or
To HAMPER, hamp'-ur. v. a. Tofhackle, to
entangle ; to enfnare ; to perplex, to embar-
rafs ; to put in a hamper.
HAMSTRING, ham'-ftrlng. f. The tendon
of the ham.
To HAMSTRING, ham'-ftrhig. v. a., prctcr.
and part. paff. Hamftrung. To lame by cut-
ting the tendon of the ham.
HANAPER, han'-a-pur. f. A treafury, an ex-
HAND, hand', f. That member of the body
which reaches from the wrift to the finger's end ;
meafure of four inches ; fide, right or left ; part,
quarter; ready payment; rate, price; work-
manfhip, power or ai5t of manufacturing or ma-
king ; act of receiving any thing ready to one's
hand ; reach, nearnefs, as at hand, within reach,
ftate of being in preparation ; cards held at a
game ; that which is ufed in oppofition to ano-
ther ; tranfmiffion, conveyance ; pofl'eilion,
power ; preflTure of the bridle ; method of go-
vernment, difcipline, reftraint ; influence, ma-
nagement ; that which performs the office of a
hand in pointing ; agent, perfon employed ;
giver and receiver ; a workman, a failor ; form
or caft of writing; Hand over head, negli-
gently, rafhly; Hand to hand, clofe fight;
Hand in hand, in union, conjointly; Hand to
mouth, as want requires ; To bear in hand, to
keep in expectation, to dude ; To be hand
and glove, to be intimate and familiar.
To HAND, hand', v. a. To give or tranfmit
with the hand ; to guide or lead by the hand ;
to feize, to lay hands on ; to tranfmit in fuc-
ceifion, to deliver down from one to another ;
Hand is much ufed in compofition for that
v/hich is manageable by the hand, as a hand-
i':iw, or borne in the hand, as a handbarrow.
HAND-BASKET, hand'-baf-k!t. f. A port-
able baftct.
HAND-BELL, hand'-bel. f. A bell rung by
the h.\nd.
HAND-BREADTH, hand'- bred tR. f. A fpacc
equal to the breadth of the hand.
HANDED, hi\n'-d'd. a. With hands joined.
HANDER, han -dur. f. Tranfmitter, conveyor
ill fucceflion.
HANDFAST, hand'-faft. f. Hold, cuflody.
HANDFUL, hand'-fdl. f. As much as the
hand can gripe or contain ; a fmall number or
HAND GALLOP, hand'-gal-l"P- <"• A ^ow
eafy gallop.
HAND^GUN, hand'-gun. f. A gun wielded by
the hand.
HANDICRAFT, hdn'-dy-kraft. f. Manual
HANDICRAFTSMAN, han'-dy-kraftf-man. f.
A manufaiflurer, one employed in manual oc-
HANDILY, han'-di-!y. a. With fkill, with
HANDINESS, han'-dy-n's. f. Readinefs, dex-
HANDIWORK, han'-dy-wurk. f. Work of
the hand, produdl of labour, manufafture.
HANDKERCHIEF, hang'-ker-tfhif. f. A piece
cf filk or linen ufed to wipe the face or cover
the neck.
To HANDLE, han'dl. v. a. To touch, to feel
with the hand ; to manage, to wield ; to make
familiar to the hand by frequent touching ; to
treat in difcourfe ; to deal with, to praftife ;
to treat well or ill ; to praiSlife upon, to do
HANDLE, han'dl. f. That part of any thing
by which it is held in the hand ; that of which
ufe is made.
HANDLESS, hand'-l's. a. Without a hand.
HANDMAID, hand'-mad. f. A maid that
waits at hand.
HANDMILL, hand'-m!!. f. A mill moved by
the hand.
HANDS OFF, handz-yf '. A vulgar phrafe
for keep oft', forbear.
HANDSAILS, hand'-falz. f. Sails managed
by the hand.
HANDSAW, hand'-fi. f. A faw manageable
by the hand.
HANDSEL, han'-sil. {. The firft acT of ufiii?
any thing, the fiifl z& of any thing, the firft
aft of falc, the money taken for the firft faie.
To HANDSEL, haiZ-sil. v. a. To ufe or do any
thing the nrft time.
HANDSOME, hai/-fum. a. Beautiful, grace-
ful ; elegant ; ample, liberal, as a handfonie
fortune ; generous, noble, as a handfome action.
HANDSOMELY, hai/-fum-ly. ad. Beauti-
fully, gracefully; elegantly, neatly ; liberally,
HANDSOMENESS, h'u/-fum-ius. f. Beauty,
grace, elegance.
HANDVICE, hand'-vlfe. f. A vice to hold
fmall work in.
HANDWRITING, hand'-ri-tlng. f. A caft
or form of writing peculiar to each hand.
HANDY, hai/-dy. a. Executed or performed
by the hand ; ready, dexterous, Ikilful, con-
HANDYDANDY, han'-dy-daiZ-dy. f. A play
in which children change hands and places.
To HANG, hang^. v. a. preter. and part. paiL
Hanged or Hung, anciently Hong. To I'uf-
pend, to fallen in fuch a manner as to be fuf-
tained not below, but above ; to place without
any folid fupport ; to choak and kill by fuf-
pcnding by the neck ; to delay, to fhow aloft ;
to decline ; to fix in fuch a manner as in fomc
direiSlions to be moveable ; to furnifli with or-
naments or draperies faftened to the wall.
To HANG, hang^ v. n. To be fufpended, to
be fupported above, not belov/ ; to dangle ; to
reft upon by embracing ; to hover, to impend j
to be compaft or united ; to adhere ; to be in
fufpenfe, to be in a ftate of uncertainty ; to be
delayed, to linger ; to be dependant on ; to be
fixed or fufpended with attention ; to have a
fteep declivity ; to be executed by the halter ;
to decline, to tend down.
HANGER, hang^-ur. f. That by which any
thing hangs, as the pot hangers.
HANGER, hang'-ur. f. A fliort broad fword.
HANGER-ON, hang-ur-ii/. f. A dependant.
HANGING, hang'-lng. f. Drapery hung or
fattened againft the walls of rooms.
HANGING, hang^-!ng. part. a. Foreboding
death by the halter ; requiring to be punifhed
by the halter.
HANGMAN, hang'-man. f. The publick ex-
HANK, hank.'', f. A (kein of thread.
To HANKER, hank'-ur. v. n. To long im-
HANT, ha'nt. for Has Not, or Have Not.
HAP, hap', f. Chance, fortune; that which hap-
pens by chance or fortune ; accident, cafual
event, misfortune.
HAP-HAZARD, hap-haz,'-ard. f. Chance,
To HAP, hap'. V. n. To come by accident, to
fall out, to happen.
HAPLY, hap'-ly. ad. Perhaps, peradventure,
-4t may be ; by chance, by accident.
HAPLESS, hap'-lls. a. Unhappy, unfortunate,
To HAPPEN, hap'n. v. n. To fall out by
' chance, to come to pafs ; to light on by ac-
HAPPILY, hap'-py-ly- ^^- Fortunately, luck-
■ ily, fuccefsfully ; addrefsfully, gracefully, with-
- cut labour ; in a ftate of felicity.
HAPPINESS, hap'-py-nis. f. Felicity, ftate in
which the defires are fatisfied ; good luck, good
HAPPY, hap'-py. a. In a ftate of felicity;
lucky, fuccefsful, fortunate ; addrefsful, rea-
dy. '
HARANGUE, ha-rang'. f. A fpeech, a po-
pular oration.
To HARANGUE, ha-rang'. v. n. To make a
HARANGUER, ha-rang'-ir. f. An orator, a
publick fpeaker.
To HARASS, har'-as. v. a. To weary, to fa-
HARASS, h.ir'-as. f. Wafte, difturbance.
HARBINGER, ha'r-bln-jur. f. A forerunner,
a precurfor.
HARBOUR, ha'r-bir. f. A lodging, a place
of entertainment ; a port or haven for fhipping ;
an .-^fylum, a flielter.
To HARBOUR, ha'r-bur. v. n. To receive
entertainment, to fojourn.
To HARBOUR, ha'r-bur. v. a. To entertain,
to permit to refide ; to ftielter, to fecure.
HARBOURAGE, ha'r-bur-Idzh. f. Shelter,
HARBOURER, ha'r-bur-ur. f. One that en-
tertains another.
HARBOURLESS, hi'r-bur-lis. a. Witliout
HARD, ha rd. a. Firm, refifting penetration
or feparation ; difficult, not eafy to the intel-
lect ; difficult of accompliftiment ; painful,
diftrefsful, laborious; cruel, oppreffive, rigo-
rous ; four, rough, fevere ; infenfible, un-
touched ; unhappy, vexatious; veiicment, keen,
fevere, as a hard winter ; unre;ifl.,nable, un-
juft; forced, not eafily granted; auilere;
rough, as liquids; harfh, ftifr", conftrained ;
not plentiful, not profperous ; avaricious, fault-
ily fparing.
HARD, ha'rd. ad. Clofe, near, as hard by ;
diligently, laborioufly, inceflantly ; uneafily,
vcxatioufly, diftrefsfully ; faft, nimbly ; with
difficulty ; tempeftuoufly, boifteroufly.
HARDBOUND, ha'rd-bound. a. Coftive.
To HARDEN, ha'rdn. v. a. To make hard ;
to confirm in effrontery, to make impudent ; to
confirm in wickednefs, to make obdurate ; to
make infenfible, to ftupify; to make firm, to
endue with conftancy.
HARDENER, ha'rd-nur. f. One that makes
any thins; hard.
HARDFAVOURED, ha'rd-fa-vurd. a. Coarfe
of feature.
HARDHANDED, ha'rd-han-dld. a. Coarfe,
HARDHEAD, ha'rd-hed. f. Clafli of heads ;
a hard conteft.
HARDHEARTED, ha'rd-har-tid, a. Cruel,
inexorable, mercilefs, pitilefs.
HARDHEARTEDNESS, hard'-ha'rt-ld-nis. f.
Cruelty, want of tendernefs.
HARDIHEAD, ha'r-dy^ied. 1 f. Sloutnefs,.
HARDIHOOD, ha'r-dy-hud. J bravery. Ob-
HARDIMENT, ha'r-dy-ment. f. Courage,
ftoutnefs, bravery, a<5l of bravery.
HARDINESS, ha'r-dy-n!s. f. Hardfhip, fa-
tigue ; floutnefs, courage, bravery ; effrontery,
HARDLABOURED, hi'rd-la-burd. a. Ela-
borate, ftudied.
HARDLY, ha'rd-Iy. ad. With difficulty, not
eafily ; fcarcely, fcant ; grudgingly; feverely;
rigoroufly, oppreflively ; haifhly ; not tenderly,
not delicately.
HARDAIOUTHED, ha'rd-mouthd. a. Difo-
bedient to the rein, not fenhble of the bit.
HARDNESS, ha'rd-nls. f. Power of refift-
ance in bodies j difficulty to be underftood ; dif-
ficulty to be accomplifhed ; fcarcity, penury ;
obfcurity, profligatenefs ; coarfenefs, harfhnefs
of look ; keennefs, vehemence of weather or
feafons ; cruelty of temper, favagenefs, harfh-
nefs ; faulty parlimony, flinginefs.
HARDOCK, ha'r-dok. f. I fuppofe the fame
with Burdock.
HARDS, h'didz. f. The refufe or coarfer part
of flax.
HARDSHIP, ha^d-fhlp. f. Injury, opprefHon ;
inconvenience, fatigue.
HARDWARE, ha'rd-ware. f. Manufadures
of metal.
HARDWAREMAN, ha'rd-wire-man. f. A
maker or feller of metalline manufadtures.
HARDY, ha'rdy. a. Bold, brave, flout, daring ;
ftrong, hard, firm.
HARE, ha're. f. A fmall quadruped, remark-
able for timidity, vigilance, and fecundity ; a
HAREBEL, ha're-btl. f. A blue flower of the
bell fhape.
HAREBRAINED, ha're-brSnd. a. Volatile,
iinfettled, v/ild.
HAREFOOT, hi're-fat. f. A bird ; an herb.
HARELIP, ha're-lip. f. A fifTure in the upper
lip with want of fubftance.
HARESEAR, ha'rz-er. f. A plant.
HARIER, har'-ry-ur. f. A dog for hunting
To HARK, ha'rk. v. n. To liften.
HARK, hark', intcrj. Lift! hea ! lirten !
HARL, ha'rl. f. The filaments of flax ; any
filamentous fubflance.
HARLEQUIN, ha'r-lc-kin. f. A bufFoon who
plays tricks to divert the populace, a Jack-
HARLOT, ha'r-lut. f. A whore, a ftrumpet.
HARLOTRY, hi'r-lut-ry. f. The trade of a
harlot, fornication ; a name of contempt for a
HARM, h/rm. f. Injury, Crime, wickednefs ;
mifchief, detriment, hurt.
To HARM, ha'rm. v. a. To hurt, to in-
HARMFUL, hi'rm-ful. a. Hurtful, mifchiev-
HARMFULLY, ha'rm-fal-y. ad. Hurtfully,
HARMFULNESS, ha'rm-ful-nls. f. Hurtful-
nefs, mifchievoufnefs.
HARMLESS, ha'rm-lis. a. Innocent, innox-
ious, not hurtful ; unhurt, undamaged.
HARMLESSLY, ha'rm-lif-ly. ad. Innocently,
without hurt, without crime.
HARMLESSNESS,ha'rm-lef-nis. f. Innocence,
freedom from injury or hurt.
HARMONICAL, har-mon'-i-kal. -^ a. Adapted
HARMONICK, har-mon'-Ik. 5 to each
other, mufical.
HARMONIOUS, har-mo'-nyus. a. Adapted to
each other, having the parts proportioned to
each other; mufical.
HARMONIOUSLY, har-mo'-nyuf-ly, ad.
With juft adaptation and proportion of parts
to each other ; mufically, with concord of
HARMONIOUSNESS, har-m6'-i;yuf-nis. f.
Proportion, muficalnefs.
To HARMONIZE, ha'r-my-nfze. v. a. To
adjufl in fit proportions.
HARMONY, ha'r-m6-ny. f. The juft adapt-
ation of one part to another; juft proportion
of found ; concord, correfpondent fentiment.
PIARNESS, ha'r-nis. f. Armour, defcnfive fur-
niture of war ; the traces of draught horfes,
particularly of carriages of pleafurc.
To HARNESS, ha'r-nls. v. a. To drefs in
armour ; to fix horfes in their traces.
HARP, ha''rp. f. A lyre, an inftrumcnt ftrung
with wire and ftruck with the finger ; a con-
To HARP, ha'rp. v. n. To play on the harp ;
to touch any pailion ; to dwell vexatioufiy on
one fubjedi.
HARPER, ha'r-pur. f. A player on the harp.
HARPING IRON, haVping i-irn. f. A
bearded dart with a line faftened to the handle,
with which whales are ftruck and caught.
HARPONEER, har-po-ne'r. f. He that throws
the harpoon.
HARPOON, har-po'n. f. A harping iron.
HARPSICORD, ha'rp-fy-kurd. f. A mufical
HARPY, ha'r-py. f. The harpies were a kind
of birds which had the faces of women, and
foul long claws, very filthy creatures ; a ra-
■ venous wretch.
HARQUEBUSS, ha'r-ky-bus. f. A handgun.
HARQUEBUSSIER, har-ky-buf-fl'r. f. One
armed with a harquebufs.
HARRIDAN, har-ry-dan^ f. A decayed
HARROW, har'-ro. f. A frame of timbers
crofljng each other, and fet with teeth.
To HARROW, har'-ro. v. a. To break with
the harrow ; to tear up, to rip up ; to pillage,
to llrip, to lay wafte ; to invade, to harafs with
incurfions ; to difturb, to put into commotion.
HARROWER, har'-ro-ur. f. He who har-
rows ; a kind of hawk.
To HARRY, har'-ry, v. a. To teaze, to ruffle ;
in Scotland it fignifies to rob, plunder, or op-
HARSH, h:'/rfh. a. Auftere, rough, four;
rough to the ear ; crabbed, morofe, peevifli ;
rugged to the touch ; unpleafing, rigorous.
HARSHLY, hi'rfn-ly. ad. Sourly, auftercly
to the palate J with violence, in oppofition to
gentlenefs; fevercly, morofely, crabbedly; rug-
gedly to the ear.
HARSHNESS, ha'rfh-n!s. f. Sourncfs, auftere
tafte ; roughnefs to the ear ; ruggednefs to the
touch ; crabbednefs, peeviflinefs.
HART, ha'rt. f. A he-deer of the large kind,
the male of the roe.
HARTSHORN, ha'rtf-hirn. f. Spirit drawn
from horn.
HARTSHORN, ha'rtf-horn. f. An herb.
HARVEST, ha'r-vift. f. The feafon of reap-
ing and gathering the corn; the corn ripened,
gathered, and inned ; the produft of labour.
HARVEST-HOME, ha'r-vift-hSme. f. The
fong which the reapers fing at the feaft made
for having inned the harveft j the opportunity
of gathering treafure.
HARVEST-LORD, ha'r-vift-lard. f. Theheai
reaper at the harveft.
HARVESTER, ha'r-vlf-tur. f. One who works
at the harveft.
HARVESTMAN, haVvIft-man. f. A labourer
in harveft.
To HASH, hnfti'. v. a. To mince, to chop into
fmall pieces and mingle.
HASLET, ■), \f. The heart, liver,
HARSLET, I '" I and lights of a hog,
with the windpipe and part of the throat to it.
HASP, hafp'. f. A clafp folded over a ftaple,
and faftened as with a padlock.
To HASP, hafp^ V. n. To ftiut with a hafp.
HASSOCK, has'-suk. f. A thick mat on which
men kneel at church.
HAST, haft^ The fecond perfon fingular of
HASTE, ha'fte. f. Hurry, fpeed, nimblenefs,
precipitation ; paflion, vehemence.
To HASTE, h;Vfte. 7 v. n. To make hafte.
To HASTEN, hi'ftn.^ to be in a hurry ; to
move with fwiftnefi.
To HASTE, hi'ftc. T v. a. To pafs forward.
To Hasten, lia'ftn.5 to urge on, to preci-
HASTENER, ha'ftc-nur. f. One that haftcns
or hurries.
HASTILY, hl'i-tUy. a. In a hurry, fpeedily,
nimbly, quickly ; raftily, precipitately ; paf-
fionatc-ly, with \ xlicmencc.
HASTINESS, h^'f-ty-nls. f. Haflc, fpced;
hurry, precipitation; angry teftinefs, paflionate
HASTINGS, ha'f-tlngz. f. Peafe that come early.
HASTY, ha'f-ty. a. Qiiick, fpeedy ; paflionate,
vehement; rafh, precipitate; early ripe.
HASTY-PUDDING, haf-ty-pUJ'-dmg. f. A
pudding made of milk and flour boiled quick
HAT, hat', f. A cover for the head.
HATBAND, hat'-band. f. A {Iring tied round
the hat.
HATCASE, hat'-kafe. f. A flight box for
a hat.
To HATCH, hatfh'. v. a. To produce young
from eggs ; to quicken the eggs by incubation ;
to form by meditation, to contrive ; to fliade
by lines drawing or graving.
To HATCH, hatfh'. v. n. To be in the ftate
of growing quick; to be in a ftate of advance
towards eiFeft.
HATCH, hatfh'. f. A brood excluded from the
egg; the aft of exclufion from the egg; dif-
clofure, difcovery; the half-door; in the plu-
ral, the doors or openings by which they de-
fcended from one deck or floor of a fliip to ano-
ther ; To be under hatches, to be in a ftate of
i ignominy, poverty, or dcpreflion.
To HATCHEL, hak'l. v. a. To heat flax
fo as to feparate the fibrous from the brittle
HATCHEL, hak^I. f. The inftrument with
which flax is beaten.
HATCHELLER, hak'-lur. f. A beater of flax.
HATCHET, hatfti'-It. f. A fmall axe.
HATCHET-FACE, h.\tfh'-it-fife. f. An ugly
HATCHMENT, hitflZ-mcnt. f. Armorial
efcutcheon placed over a door at a funeral.
HATCHWAY, hatfti'-wi. f. The way over
or through the hatches.
To HATE, ha'te. v. a. To deteft, to abhor,
to abominate.
HATE, ha'-te. f. Malignity, deteftation.
HATEFUL, ha'te-ful. a. That which caufes
abhorrence; odious, abhorrent, malignant, ma-
HATEFULLY, ha'te-fCil-y. ad. Odioufly, abo,
minably ; malignantly, malicioufly.
HATEFULNESS, h;rte-ful-nis. f. Odioufacfs.
HATER, ha'-tiir. f. One that hates.
HATRED, ha'-trld. f. Hate, iU-will, ma-
To HATTER, hat'-ter. v. a. To harafs, fo
HATTER, hat'-tur. f. A maker of hats.
HATTOCK, hit'-tuk. f. A fliock of corn.
HAUBERK, ha'-bcrk. f. A coat of mail.
To HAVE, hav'. v. a. pret. and part. pafl'. Had.
To carry, to wear; to poftefs ; to obtain, to
enjoy ; to contain ; to be a hufband or wife to
another ; it is moft ufed in Englifh, as in other
European languages, as an auxiliary verb to
make the tenfes. Have the preterperfeft, and
Had the pretcrpluperfefl: ; Have at, or with, is
an exprefllon denoting refolution to make fame
HAVEN, ha'vn. f. A port, a harbour, a fafe
ftation for ftiips ; a flieltcr, an afylum.
HAVER, hav'-ur. f. Pofi"efl:or, holder.
HAUGHT, ha't. a. Haughty, infolent, proud,
HAUGHTILY, ha'-ti-ly. ad. Proudly, arro-
HAUGHTINESS, ha'-ty-n!s. f. Pride, .-irro-
HAUGHTY, Iw-ty. a. Proud, lofty, info-
lent, arrogant, contemptuous ; proudly great.
HAVING, hav'-ing. f. Pofleflion, cftate, for-
tune ; the act or ftate of pofiefling ; behavi-
our, regularity.
HAVIOUR, hil'-vyur. f. Conduft, manner^.
To HAUL, h:Vl. V. a. To pull, to draw, to
drag by violence.
H.^UL, ha 1. f. Pull, violence in dragging.
HAUAI, him. f. Straw.
HAUNCH, h.ant'fti. f. The thigh, . the hind
hip ; the rear, the hind part.
To HAUNT, \ ^;-f-\ '• ;• To frequent, to
V ha nt. ^ be much ;'.hout any
place or pcrfun; it is ufed frequently in an ill
5 H fenfe
fenfe of one that comes unv/elcome ; it is emi-
nently ufed of apparitions.
To HAUNT, hant'. v. n. To be much about,
to appear frequently.
HAUNT, hant'. f. Place in which one is fre-
quently found; habit of being in a certain
HAUNTER, hant''-tur. f. Frequenter, one that
is often found in any place.
HAVOCK, hav'-vuk. f. Wafte, wide and ge-
neral dcvaflation.
HAVOCK, hav'-vuk. interj. A word of en-
couragement to flaughter.
To HAVOCK, hav'-uk. v. a. To wafte, to
HAUTBOY, ho'-boy. f. A wind inftrument.
HAUTBOY Strawberry, ho'-boy. f. See
HAW, ha', f. Tiie berry and feed of the
hawthorn ; a hedge ; an excrefcence in the
eye; a fmall piece of ground adjoining to an
HAWTHORN, ha'-tnarn. f. The thorn tha^
bears haws ; the white thorn.
HAWTHORN, ha'-tiiarn. a. Belonging to
the white thorn ; confifting of the white thorn.
To HAW, ha', v. n. To fpeak flowly with fre-
quent intermiffion and hefitation.
HAWK, ha'k. f. A bird of prey, ufed much
anciently in fport to catch other birds ; an ef-
fort to force phlegm up the throat.
To HAWK, ha'k. v. n. To fiy hawks at fowls ;
to fiy at, to attack on the wing ; to force up
phlegm with a noife ; to fell by proclaiming in
the iheets.
HAWKED, ha'-kld. a. Formed like a hawk's
HAWKER, hi'-kur. f. One who fells wares
by proclaiming them in the ftreet.
HAWKWEED, hi'k-wed. f. A plant.
HAWSES, ha'-siz. f. Two round holes under
the fliip's head or beak, through which the
cables pafs.
HAY, ha', f. Grafs dried to fodder cattle in
in winter ; a kind of daiif e.
HAYMAKER, ha'-ma-kur. f. One employed
in drying grafs for hay.
HAZARD, haz'-urd. f. Chance, accident;
danger, chance of danger ; a game at dice.
To HAZARD, haz'-urd. v. a. To expofe to
To HAZARD, hAz'-urd. v. n. To try the
chance ; to adventure.
HAZARDABLE, haz'-ar-dabl. a. Venture-
fome, liable to chance.
HAZARDER, h:\z'-.ir-dur. f. He who hazards.
HAZARDRY, hdz'-ar-dry. f. Temerity, pre-
HAZARDOUS, haz'-ar-dus. a. Dangerous,
expofed to chance.
HAZARDOUSLY, haz'-ar-duf-ly. ad. With
danger or chance.
HAZE, ha'ze. f. Fog, mill.
HAZEL, ha'zl. f. A nut-tree.
HAZEL, ha'zl. a. Light brown, of the co-
lour of hazel.
HAZELLY, ha'z-ly. a. Of the colour of hazel,
a light brown.
HAZY, hi'-zy. a. Dark, foggy, mifty.
HE, he', pronoun, gen. Him, plur. They, gen.
Them. The man that wa» named before ; the
man, the perfon ; man or male being; male,
as a He bear, a He goat.
HEAD, hed'. f. The part of the animal that
contains the brain or the organ of fenfation or
thought; chief, principal perfon, one to whom
the reft are fubordinate ; place of honour, the
firft place ; underftanding, faculties of the
mind ; refiftance, hoftile oppoiition ; ftate of a
deer's horns, by which his age is known ; the
top of any thing bigger than the reft ; the fore
part of any thing, as of a fhip ; that which rifcs
on the top of liquors; upper part of a bed;
drefs of the head ; principal topicks of dif-
courfe ; fource of a ftream ; crifis, pitch ; it is
very improperly applied to roots.
To HEAD, hed'. v. a. To lead, to influence,
to diredl, to govern ; to behead, to kill by ta-
king av/ay the head ; to fit any thing with a
head, or principal part ; to lop trees at the top.
HEADACH, hcd'-ike. f. Pain in the head.
HEADBAND, hed'-band. f. A fillet for the
head, a topknot; the band to each end of a
HEADBOROUGH, hed'-bur-ro. f. A con-
ftable, a fubordinate conftable.
HEADDRESS, hed'-dres. f. The covering of
a woman's head ; any thing refembling a hcad-
HEADER, hed'-dur. f. One that heads nails
or pins, or the like ; the firfl brick in the angle.
HEADINESS, hed'-dy-nls. f. Hurr)', rafh-
nefs, ftubbornnefs, precipitation, obftinacy.
HEADLAND, hcd'-land. f. Promontory, cape;
ground under hedges.
HEADLESS, hed'-lis. a. Without an head,
beheaded; without a chief; obftinate, incon-
fiderate, ignorant.
HEADLONG, hed'-long. a. Rafh, thought-
lefs ; fudden, precipitate.
HEADLONG, hed'-l6ng. ad. With the head
foremoft; rafhly, without thought, precipi-
tately ; haftily, without delay or refpite.
HEADPIECE, hed'-pes. f. Armour for the
head, helmet ; underftanding, force of mind.
HEADQUARTERS, hed^'-kwaVturz. f. The
place of general rendezvous, or lodgment for
foldiers; where the commander in chief takes
up his quarters.
HEADSHIP, hed'-flilp. f. Dignity, authority,
chief place.
HEADSMAN, hed'z-man. f. Executioner.
HEADSTALL, hed'-ftal. f. Part of the bridle
that covers the head.
HEADSTONE, hed'-fldn. f. The firft or ca-
pital ftone.
HEADSTRONG, hed'-ftrcng. a. Unrcftrained,
violent, ungovernable.
HEADWORKMAN, hsd'-wir^c'-man. f. The
HEADY, hcd'-dy. a. Rafli, precipitate, hafly,
violent ; apt to afFc6l the head.
To HEAL, he'l. v. a. To cure a pcrfon ; to
rcftore from hurt, ficknefs, or wound ; to re-
concile ; as he healed all diflenfions.
To HEAL, hc'l. V. n. Togrowwtll.
HEALER, he^l-ur. f. One who cures o:
HEALING, he'l-mg. part. a. Mild, molli-
fying, gentle, afTuafive.
HEALTH, heltfi^. f. Freedom from bodily pain
or ficknefs; welfare of mind, purity, goodnefs ;
fislvation, profperity ; wi(h of happinefs in
HEALTHFUL, helth'-fdl. a. Free from fick-
nefs ; well difpofed, wholcfome, falubrious ; fa-
lutary, produdive of falvation.
HEALTHFULLY, heltli'-ful-y. ad. In health ;
HEALTHFULNESS, hcltlT^-ful-nls. f. State
of being well ; wholefomencfs.
HEALTHILY, helth'-I-ly. ad. Without fick-
HEALTHINESS, hcltfi'-y-nls. f. The Hate of
HEALTHLESS, helttr'-lls. a. Weak, fickly,
HEALTHSOME, heltR'-fim. a. Wholefome,
HEALTHY, hel'-tKy. a. In health, free from
HEAP, he''p. f. Many fingle things thrown to-
gether, a pile ; a crowd, a throng, a rabble;
clufler, number driven together.
To HEAP, he'p. v. a. To throw on heaps, to
pile, to throw together; to accumulate, to lay
up ; to add to fomething elfe.
HE APE R, he'p-ur. f. One that makes piles
or heaps.
HEAPY, he^p-y. a. Lying in heaps.
To HEAR, he'r. v. n. To enjoy the fenfe by
which words arc diftinguilhed ; to lillcn, to
hearken ; to be told, to have an account.
To HEAR, hc'r. v. a. To perceive by the car ;
to give an audience, or allowance to fpeak ; to
attend, to lifl^en to, to obey ; to try, to attend
judicially; to attend favourably; to acknow-
HE.ARD, herd'. Preterite of To hear.
HEARER, he'r-rur. f. One who attends to
any doctrine or difcourfe.
HEARING, he'r-lng. f. The ftnfe by which
founds are perceived ; audience ; judicial trial ;
reach of the ear.
To HEARKEN, ha'rkn. v. n. To liflen by
way of curiofity ; to attend, to pay regard.
HEARKENER, ha'rk-nur. f. , Liftener, one
that hearkens.
HEARSAY, heVfa. f. Report, rumour.
HEARSE, her'fe. f. A carriage in which the
dead are conveyed to the giave ; a temporary
monument fet over a grave.
HEART, ha'rt. f. The mufcle which by its
contradion and dilatation propels the blood
through the courfe of circulation, and is there-
fore confidered as the fource of vital motion ;
the chief part, the vital part ; the inner part
of any thing ; courage, fpirit ; feat of love ;
afteftion, inclination ; memory ; to be not
-wholly averfe^ fecret meaning, hidden in-
tention ; coafcience, fenfe of good or ill ; it
is much ufcd in compofition for mind or af-
KEART-ACH, ha'rt-ake. f. Sorrow, pang,
HEART-BREAK, ha'rt-brek. f. Overpower-
ing forrow.
HEART-BREAKER, ha'rt-hrek-ur. f. A cant
name for a woman's curls.
HEART-BREAKING, ha'rt -brek-Ing. a. O-
verpowering with forrow.
HEART-BREAKING, ha'rt-brek-mg. f. O-
verpowering grief.
HEART-BURNED, ha'rt-burnd. a. Having
the heart inflamed.
HEART-BURNING, ha'rt-bir-ning. f. Pain
at the ftomach, commonly from an aaid hu-
mour ; difcontent, fecret enmity.
HEART-DEAR, ba'rt-der. a. Sincerefy be-
HEART-EASE, ha'rt-cz. L Quiet, tran-
HEART-EASING, ha'rt-tz-Ing. a. Giving
HEARTEELT, ha'rt-felt. a. Felt in the con-
icicnce, felt at the heart.
HEART-PEAS, haxt-poz. f. A plant.
HEART-SICK, ha'rt-slk. a. Pained in mind ;
mortally ill, hurt in the conflitution.
HEAF.TS-EASE, ha'rtf-ez. f. A plant.
HEART-STRING, ha'rt-flrlng. f. The ten-
dons or nerves fuppofed to brace and fuftain the
HEART-STRUCK, haV-ilruk. a. Driven
to ihe heart, infixed for ever in the mind ;
flioc!:e '. with fear or difmay.
HEART-SWELLING, ha'rt-fwel-llng. a.
Rankling in the mind.
HEART-WHOLE, ha'rt-hSle. a. With the
afFedtions yet unfixed ; with the vitals yet un-
HEART-WOUNDED, ha'rt-wo n-dld. a. Fill-
ed with paflion of love or grief.
HEARTED, ha'rt-Id. a. It is only ufcd in
compofition, as hard hearted.
To HEARTEN, ha'rtn. v. a. To encourage,
to animate, to ftir up ; to meliorate with ma-
HEARTH, ha'rtti. f. The pavement of a room
in which a fire is made.
HEARTILY, ha'r-tl-ly. a. Sincerely, aaivelr,
diligently, vigoroufly ; from the heart, fully;
eagerly, with defire.
HEARTINESS, haVty-ms. f. Sincerity, free-
dom fromhypocrify; vigour, diligence, ftrength.
HEARTLESS, ha'rt-lis. a. Without courage,
HEARTLESSLY, ha'rt-lef-ly. ad. Without
courage, faintly, timidly.
HEARTLESSNESS, ha'rt-lef-nls. f. Want
of courage or fpirit, dejeilion of mind.
HEARTY, ha'rt-ty. a. Sincere, undiffembled,
warm, zealous ; in full health ; vigorous, llrong.
HEARTY-HALE, haVty-hale. a. Good for
the heart.
HEAT, he't. f. The fenfation caufed by the
approach of touch of fire ; the caufe of the fen-
fation of burning ; hot weather ; Hate of any
body under the a6lion of fire ; one violent ac-
tion unintermitted ; the flate of being once
hot ; a courfe at a race ; pimples in the face,
flulh i agitation of fudden or violent paffion j
faction, conteft, party rage ; ardour of thought
or elocution.
To HEAT, he r. v. a. To make hnt, to endue
with the power of burning ; to caufe to fer-
ment ; to make the conftitution fcTCrifti ; to
warm with vehemence of paffion or dcfirc ; to
agitate the blood and fpirits with acSlion.
To HEAT, he''t. v. n. To grow hot, to fer-
HEATER, he^-tur. f. An iron made hot, and
put into a box-iron, to fmooth and plait linen.
HEATH, he'ttr. f. A plant; a place overgrown
with heath ; a place covered with flirubs of
wh-itever kind.
HEATH-COCK, hc'tR-k'k. f. A Ir.rge fowl
that frequents heaths.
HEATH-PEAS, he'th-pk. f. A fpecies of
bitter vetch.
HEATH-ROSE, he'tlT-roze. f. A plant.
HEATHEN, h^'thn. f. The gentiles, the pa-
gans, the nations unacquainted with the co-
venant of grace.
HEATHEN, he'thn. a. Gentile, pagan.
HEATHENISH, he'th-nifh. a. Belonging to
the gentiles ; wild, favage, rapacious, cruel.
HEATHENISHLY, ha^th-nllh-ly. a. After
the manner of heathens.
HEATHENISM, he'thn-izm. f. Gentilifm,
HEATHY, he'iti-y. a. Full of heath.
To HEAVE, he v. v. a. pret. Heaved, anciently
Hove, part. Heaved or Hnvcn. To lift, to
raife from the ground ; to carry ; to caufc to
fwell ; to force up from thebreaft; to exalt,
to elevate.
To HEAVE, hi'v. v. n. To pant, to breath
■with pain ; to labour ; to rife with pain, to
fwell and fall ; to keck, to feel a tendency to
HEAVE, hc^v. f. Lift, exertion or effort up-
wards; rifing of the breaft ; effort to vomit;
flruggle to rife.
HEAVEN, hiv'n. f. The regions above, the
expanfe of the Iky; the habitation of God,
good angels, and pure fouls departed ; the fu-
preme power, the fovereigrv cf heaven.
HEAVEN-BORN, he'vn-barn. Dcfccndcd
from the celeftial regions.
HEAVEN-BRED, hcv'n-brcJ. Produced or
cultivated in heaven.
HEAVEN-BUn.T, hcv'n-bllt. Built by the
agency of the gods.
HEAVEN-DIRECTED, hev^n-dl-rek'^-tld.
Raifed tovfards the /ky ; taught by the powers
of heaven.
HEAVENLY, he/n-ly. a. Refembling hea-
ven, fupremely excellent ; celeftial, inhabiting
HEAVENLY, hcv'n-ly. ad. In a manner re-
fembling that of heaven; by the agency or in-
fluence of heaven.
HEAVENWARD, hev'n-ward. ad. Towards
HEAVILY, hev'-My. ad. With great weight ;
grievoufly, affliclively; forrowfully, with anair
of dejeiStion.
HEAVINESS, hev'-vy-m's. f. The quality of
being heavy, weight ; dejeftion of mind, de-
preffion of fpirit ; inaptitude to motion or
thought ; opprefllon, crulh, affliction ; deepnefs
or richncfs of foil.
HEAVY, hev'-vy. a. Weighty, tending ftrongly
to the center ; forrowful, dejefted, depreffed ;
grievous, oppreflive, affliftive; wanting fpirit
or rapidity of Icntiment, unanimated ; wanting
adivity, indolent, lazy ; droufy, dull, torpid ;
flow, fluggifh ; ftupid, foolifli ; burdenfome,
troublcfome, tedious; loaded, incumbered, bur-
thened ; not eafily digefted ; rich in foil, fertile,,
as heavy Lands ; deep, Gumbcrfome, as heavy
HEAVY, hcv'-vy. ad. As an adverb it is only
ufcd in Gompofition, heavily.
HEBDOMAD, hib'-d6-mad. f. A v^k, .-v
fpace of feven days.
HEBDOMADAL, heb-dim'-a-dal. 9 ^
HEBDOMADARY, heb-dom'-a-dar-y. i *
Weekly, confifting of feven days.
To HEBETATE, heb'-e-tite. v. a. To dull,
to blunt, to ftupify.
HEBETATION, heb-C-ti'-fhun. f. The aJl.
of dulling ; the ftatc of being dulled.
HEBETUDE, heb'-e-tdd. f. Dulnefs, obtufe-
nefs, bluntnefs.
HEBRAISM, he'-bra-!zm. f. A Hebrew idiom.
HEBRAIST, he-bri'-Ill. f. A man (killed in
HEBRICIAN, he-brllh'-an. f. One (kilful in
HECATOMB, hek'-a-tom. f. A facrifice of
an hundred cattle.
HECTICAL, hek'-ty-kal.7 a. Habitual, con-
HECTICK, hek^-t!k. 5 Ititutlonal ; trou-
bled with a morbid heat.
HECTICK, hek'-tik. f. An hedick fever.
HECTOR, hek''-tur. f, A bully, a bluftering,
turbulent, noify fellow.
To HECTOR, hek<-tur. v. a. To threaten,
to treat with infolent terms.
To HECTOR, hek'-tur. v. n. To play the
HEDERACEOUS, hld-er-r-fhis. a. Pro-
ducing ivy.
HEDGE, hedzh . f. A fence made round grounds
with prickly bufhes.
HEDGE, hedzh'. prefixed to any word, figni-
fies fomething mean.
To HEDGE, hedzh . v. a. To inclofe with a
hedge ; to obfl:ru<£l: ; to encircle for defence ;
to fhut up within an inclofure ; to force into a
place already full.
To HEDGE, hedzh'. v. n. To fhift, to hide
the head.
HEDGE-BORN, hedzh'-birn. a. Of no known
birth, meanly born.
HEDGE-FUMITORY, hedzh'-fu'-mi-tur-y.
f. A plant.
HEDGE-HOG, hedzh'-hog. f. An animal fet
with prickles like thorns in an hedge ; a term
of reproach ; a plant.
HEDGE-HYSSOP, hedzh'-hf -fup. f. A fpe-
cies of willow-wort.
HEDGE-MUSTARD, hedzh'-mus'-tard. f. A
HEDGE-NOTE, hedzh'-n6te. f. A word of
contempt ; a low kind of poetry.
HEDGE-PIG, hedzh'-pig. f. A young hedge-
HEDGE-ROW, hedzh'-r6. f. The feries of
trees or bufties planted for inclofures.
HEDGE-SPARROW, hedzh'-fpar'-rd. f. A
fparrow that lives in buflies.
HEDGING-BILL, hedzl/-ing-bll. f. A cut-
ting-hook ufed in trimming hedges.
HEDGER, hedzh'-ur. f. One who makes
To HEED, he'd. v. a. To mind, to regard, to
take notice of, to attend.
HEED, he d. f. Care, attention ; caution ;
care to avoid ; notice, obfervation; ferioufnefs;
regard, refpectful notice.
HEEDFUL, he'd-fdl. a. Watchful, cautious,
fufpicious ; attentive, careful, obferving.
HEEDFULLY, he'd-fdl-y. ad. Attentively,
carefully, cautioufly.
HEEDFULNESS, hd'd-fdl-nls. f. Caution,
HEEDILY, he'd-!l-y. ad. Xautioufly, vigi-
HEEDINESS, h^'d-y-ms. f. Caution, vigi-
HEEDLESS, he'd-lls. a. Negligent, inat-
tentive, carelefs.
HEEDLESSLY, he'd-l.f-ly. ad. Carelefsly,
HEEDLESSNESS, he'd-lef-nls. f. Careleff-
nefs, negligence, inattention.
HEEL, he'l. f. The part of the foot that
protuberates behind ; the feet employed m
flight ; To be at the heels, to purfue clofely,
to follow hard ; To lay by the heels, to fetter,
to fhackle, to put in gyves ; the back part of
a flocking, whence the phrafe to be out at the
heels, to be worn out.
To HEEL, he'l. V. n. To dance ; to lean on
one fide, as the {hip heels.
HEELER, he'l-iir. f. Acock that ftrikes well
with his heels.
HEEL-PIECE, he'l-pes. f. A piece fixed on
the hinder part of the flioe.
To HEEL-PIECE, he'l-pes. v. a. I'o put a
piece of leather on a fhoe-hccl.
HEFT, haft', f. Handle.
I HEGIRA, he-ji'-ra. f. A term in chronology,
fignifying the epocha, or account of time, ufed
by die Arabians, who begin from the day that
Mahomet was forced to efcape from Mecca,
July fixteenth, A. D. fix hundred and twenty-
HEIFER, hcf'-fiir. f. A young cow.
HEIGH-HO, hf-ho'. intcrj. An expreflion of
flight languor and uneafmefs.
HEIGHT, hi'te. f. Elevation above the ground ;
degree of altitude; fummit, afcent, towering
eminence ; elevation of rank ; the utmoft de-
gree ; utmoft exertion ; ftate of excellence ;
advance towards perfection.
To HEIGHTEN, hi'tn. v. a. To raife higher ;
to improve, to meliorate ; to aggravate ; to im-
prove by decorations.
HEINOUS, he'-nus. ad. Atrocious, wicked
in a high degree.
HEINOUSLY, he'-nuf-ly. ad. Atrocioufly,
HEINOUSNESS, h^'-nuf-nls. f. Atrociouf-
nefs, wickednefs.
HEIR, e're. f. One that is inheritor of any
thing after the prefent pofiefibr.
HEIRESS, e'r-is. f. An inheritrix, a woman
that inherits.
HEIRLESS, e'r-les. a. Without an heir.
HEIRSHIP, e'r-fhlp. f. The ftate, charader,
or privileges of an heir.
HEIRLOOM, e'r-lom. f. Any furniture or
moveable decreed to defcend by inheritance,
and therefore infeparable from the freehold.
HELD, held'. The preterite and part. paff. of
HELIACAL, he-li'-a-kal. a. Emerging from
the luftre of the fun, or falling into it.
HELICAL, hel'-ik-;il. a. Spiral, with many
HELIOCENTRICK, he'-ly6-fen''-trlk. a. Be-
longing to the centre of the fun.
HELIOSCOPE, he'-ly6-fk6pe. f. A fort of
telefcope fitted fo as to look on the body of the
fun, without offence to the eyes.
HELIOTROPE, h^'-ly6-tr6pc. f. A plant
that turns towards the fun, but more particu-
larly the turnfol, or fun-flower.
HELL, hel''. f. The place of the devil and w\q^
ked fouls; the place of fcparate fouls, whether
good or bad ; the place at a running play, to
which thofe who are caught are carried ; tho
place into which a taylor throws his fhrcds ;
the infernal powers.
HELLIBORE, he!'-Ie-bur. f. Chriftmas flower.
HELLENISM, hcl'-lc-nlzm. f. An idiom of
the Greek.
HELLISH, hel'-lifh. a. Having the qualities of
hell, infernal, wicked ; fent from hell, belong-
ing to hell.
HELLISHLY, htl'-llfh-ly. ad. Infiirnall^,
HELLISHNESS, hel'-llfli-nis. f. Wickednefs,
abhorred qualities.
HELLWARD, hel'-wird. ad. Towards heil.
HELM, helm', f. A covering for the head in.
war ; the part of a coat of arms that bears the
creft; the upper part of the retort; the fteer-
age, the rudder ; the ftation of government. ,
To HELM, helm', v. a. To guide, to conduct.
HELMED, hel'-mid. a. Furnifhed with ahead-
HELMET, hel'-mit. f. A helm, a head-piece.
To HELP, help', v. a. preter. Helped or Holp,
part. Helped or Holpen. Toaflift, to fupport,
to aid ; to remove, or advance by help ; to re-
lieve from pain or difeafe; to remedy, to change
for the be' ter ; to forbear, to avoid ; to pro-
mote, to forward ; To help to, to fupply with,
to furnifh with.
To HELP, help', v. n. To contribute affift-
ance ; to bring a fupply.
HELP, help', f. Afliftance, aid, fupport, fuc-
cour ; that which forwards or promotes ; that
which gives help ; remedy.
HELPER, hel'-pur. f. An aflift^nt, an auxi-
liary; one that adminifters remedy; a fuper-
numcrary fervant ; one that fupplies with any,
thing wanted.
HELPFUL, help'-fdl. a. Ufeful, that which,
gives afliftance ; wholefome, falutary.
HELPLESS, help'-lis. a. Wanting power to
fuccour one's felf ; wanting fupport or aflift-
ance ; irremediable, admitting no help.
HELPLESSLY, help'-lcl"-ly. ad. Without fuc-
HELPLESSNESS, hclp'-les-nis. f. Want of
HELTER- SKELTER, hcl'-tur-fkel'-tur. ad. In
a hurry, without order.
HELVE, helv'. f. The handle of an ax.
HEM, henv. f. The edge of a garment doubled
and fewed to keep the threads from fpreading ;
the noife uttered by a I'udden and violent ex-
piration of the breath ; interj. hem!
To HEM, him', v. a. To clofe the edge of cloth
. by a hem or double border fewed together ; to
border, to edge ; to enclofe, to environ, to
confine, to fhut.
To HEM, hem', v. n. To utter a noife by vio-
lent expulfion of the breath.
HEMIPLEGY, hem'-y-ple-dzhy. f. A palfy,
or any nervous afFeCtion relating thereunto,
that feizes one fide at a time,
HEMISPHERE, hem'-y-sfere. f. The half of
a globe when it is fuppofed to be cut through
its centre in the pliine of one of its greateft
HEMISPHERICAL, hem'-y-sfer'-lk-il. 1
HEMISPHERICK, hem'-y-sfcr'-ik. | ""'
Half round, containing half a globe.
HEMISTICK, he-mls'-t!k. f. Half a verfc.
HEMLOCK, hem'-lok. f. An herb.
HEMORRHAGE, hem'-S-rldzh. if. Avi-
HEMORRHAGY, hem'-6-ri-dzhy. S olent
flux of blood.
HEMORRHOIDS, hem'-6-roidz. f. The piles,
the emrods.
HEMORRHOIDAL, hem-e-roi'd-al. a. Be-
longing to the veins in the fundament.
HEMP, hemp', f. A fibrous plant of which
coarfe linen and ropes are made.
HEMPEN, hemp'n. a. Made of hemp.
HEN, hen', f. The female of a houfe-cock ;
the female of any bird.
HEN-HEARTED, hen'-har-l'd. a. Daftardly,
HEN-PECKED, hen'-pekt. a. Governed by
the wife.
HEN-ROOST, hen'-roft. f. The place whtre
the poultry rett.
HENBANE, hen'-bane. f. A plant.
HENCE, hen'fe. ad. or interj. From this place
to another ; away, to a diflance ; at a diftance,
in another place; for this reafon, in confa-
quence of this; from this caufe, from this
ground j from this fource, from this original,
from this ftore ; From hence, is a vitious ex-
HENCEFORTH, hen'fe-f6rth. ad. From this
time forward.
HENCEFORWARD, henfe-for'-wurJ^ ad.
From this time to futurity.
HENCHMAN, hentfh'-mAn. f. A pa~e, an
To HEND, hend'. v. a. To feize, to lay hold
on ; to croud, to furround.
HENDECAGON, hen-dek'-a-gon. f. A figure
of eleven fides or angles.
HEPATIC AL, he-pat'-I-kal.Ta, Belonging to
HEPATICK, hl-pit'-Ik. S the liver.
HEPS, hip's, f. The fruit of the dogrofe, com-
monly written Hips.
HEPTAGON, hep'-ta-gon. f. A figure with
feven fides or angles.
HEPTAGONAL, hep-tag'-6-nal. a. Having
feven angles or fides.
HEPTARCHY, hcp'-tar-ky. f. A fevenfold
HER, hur'. pron. Belonging to a female ; the
oblique cafe of She.
HERS, hucz'. pronoun. This is ufed when it
refers to a fubftamtive going before, as fuch are
her charms, fuch charms are hers.
HERALD, her'-ald. f. An officer whofc bufi-
nefs it is to regifler genealogies, adjull enfigns
armorial, regulate funerals, and anciently to
cairy meflages between princes, and proclaim
war and peace ; a precurfor, a forerunner, a
To HERALD, her'-ald. v. a. To introduce as
an herald.
HERALDRY, her'-al-dry. f. The art or office
of a herald ; blazonry.
KERB, herb', f. Herbs are thofe plants whofe
ftalks are foft, and have nothing woody in them,
as grafs and hemlock.
HERBACIOUS, her-bi'-fhiis. a. Belonging
to herbs ; feeding on vegetables.
HERBAGE, her'-bldzh. f. Herbs colkaively,
grafs, pafture ; the tythe and the right of paf-
HERBAL, her'-bal. f. A book containing the
names and defcription of plants.
HERBALIST, her'-ba-llft. f. A man fKilled
in herbs.
HERBARIST, her'-bi-rlft. f. One fkilled in
HERBELET, herb'-l!t. f. A fmall herb.
HERBESCENT, her-bes'-sent. a. Growing
into herbs.
HERBID, her'-bid. a. Covered with herbs.
HERBOUS, her'-bus. a. Abounding with herbs.
HERBULENT, her'-bu-lent. a. Containing
HERBWOMAN, hlrb'-wum-un. f. A woman
that fells herbs.
HERBY, herb'-y. a. Having the nature of herbs.
HERD, herd', f. A number of beads together ;
a company of men, in contempt or deteltation ;
it anciently fignified a keeper of cattle, a fenfe
ftill retained in compofition, as goatherd.
To HERD, herd', v. n. To run in herds or
companies ; to afTociate.
HERDGROOM, herd'-grom. f. A keeper of
HERDMAN, herd'-min. 7 f. One employed
HERDSMAN, herd'z-man.^ in tending herds.
HERE, h^'re. ad. In this place ; in the prefent
ftate ; it is often oppofcd to There.
HEREABOUTS, he'r-a-bouts. ad. About this
HEREAFTER, her-af'-tur. ad. In a future ftate.
HEREAT, her-at'. ad. At this.
HEREBY, her-bf. ad. By this.
HEREDITABLE, he-red'-lt-abl. a. Whatever
may be occupied as inheritance.
HEREDITAMENT, he-rcd'-!-ti-ment. f. A
law term denoting inheritance.
HEREDITARY, ha-red'-i'-tcr-y. a. PofTcffcd
or claimed by right of inheritance ; dcfcending
by inheritance.
HEREDITARILY, he-red'-i-ier-!-ly. ad. By
HEREIN, her-iV. ad. In this.
HEREMITICAL, her-e-mlt'-Ik-ai. a. SoIjl
tary, fuitable to a hermit.
HEREOF, lier-6v'. ad. From this, of this.
HEREON, h^r-6n'. ad. Upon this.
HEREOUT, her-ou't. ad. Outof this place.
HERESY, her'-e -fy. f. An opinion of private
men different from that of the catholick and
orthodox church,
HERESIARCH, he-re'-fyark. f. A leader in
HERETICK, her'-e-tlk. f. One who propa^
gates his private opinions in oppofition to the
catholick church.
HERETICAL, hl-ret'-ik-al. a. Containing
HERETICALLY, hc-ret'-!-kal-y. ad. With
HERETO, her-to'. ad. To this, add to this.
HERETOFORE, hcr-to-fd're. ad. Formerly,
HEREUNTO, her-un-td'. ad. To this.
HEREWITH, her-witfi'. ad. With this.
HERITABLE, her'-l-tabl. a. Capable of be-
ing inherited.
HERITAGE, her'-y-tldzh. f. Inheritance,
devolved by fuccefTion j in divinity, the people
of God.
HERMAPHRODITE, h(^r-mif'-fr6-dite. f. An
animal uniting two fcxes.
HERMAPHRODITICAL, her-m;if-fr6-d!t'-i-
kal. a. Partaking of both fcxes.
HERMETIC AL, hcr-met'-I-kal.^a. Chymi-
HERMETICK, hcr-met'-Ik. I cal.
HERMETICALLY, her-mct'-i-kal-y. ad. Ac-
cording to the hermetical or chemick art.
HERMIT, her'-mit. f. A folitary, an ancho-
ret, one who retires from fociety 10 coHtem-
plation and devotion ; a beadfraan, one bound
to pray for anotiicr.
r K HER-
HERMITAGE, her'-m!t-Idzh. f. The cell or
habitation of a hermit.
HERiMlTESS, hcr'-mlt-tes. f. A woman re-
tired to devotion.
HERMETICAL, her-mlt'-i-kal. a. Suitable
to a hermit.
HERN, her'o. f. Contraaed from HERON.
HERNIA, hL'r'-ny;\. f. Any kind of rupture.
HERO, he'-r6. f. A man eminent for bravery i
a man of the higheft clafs in any refpe<5t.
HEROICAL, he-r6'-i-kal. a. Befitting an he-
ro, heroick.
HEROICALLY, he-ro'-I-kal-y. ad. After the
wny of a hero.
HEROICK, he-rd'-Ik. a. Produaiyc of heroes;
noble, fuitable to a hero, brave, magnanimous ;
reciting the a£ls of lichees.
HEROICKLY, he-r6'-!k-ly. ad. Suitably to
an hero.
HEROINE, ber'-6-!n. f. A female hero.
HEROISM, her'-o-'zm. f. The qualities or
character of an hero.
HERON, hern', f. A bird that feeds upon f^rn.
HERONRY, hern'-ry. ^f. A place where
HERONSHAW, hern'-fha. \ herons breed.
HERPES, hcr'-pez. f. A cutaneous inflam-
HERRING, hcr'-rfng. f. A fmall fca-fifh.
HERS, hur'z. pron. The female poffeflive, as
this is her houfe, this houfe is hers.
HERSE, her'fe. f. A temporary monument
raifed over a grave ; the carriage in which
corpfes are drawn to the grave.
To HERSE, her^fe. v. a. To put into an herfe.
HERSELF, hi'ir-felf'. pronoun. The female
perfonal pronoun, in the oblique cafcs reci-
HERSELIKE, her'fe-like. a. Funereal, fuitable
to funerals.
HESITANCY, hc-/-i-tan-fy. f. Dubioufnefs,
To HESITATE, hez,'-l-tate. v. a. To be
doubtful, to delay, to paufe.
HESITATION, hcz-l-t4'-fliuri. f. Doubt, un-
certainty, difficulty madej intermiffion of
fpccch, want of volubility.
HEST, heft', f. Command, precept, injunc-
HETEROCLITE, hct^-e-ro-klKte. f. Such
nouns as vary from the common forms of de-
clenfion ; any thing or perfpn deviating from
the common rule.
HETEROCLITICAL, het'-a-rO-klk'M-kal. a.
Deviating from the common rule.
HETERODOX, hct'-er-6-d6ks. a. Deviating
from the cftablifhcd opinion, not orthodox.
HETEROGENEAL, het-er-O-ge'-nyal. a. Not
of the fame nature, not kindred.
HETEROGENEITY, het-er-6-gl-n6'-I-ty. f.
Oppofition of nature, contrariety of qualities ;
oppofite or diffimilar part.
HETEROGENEOUS, het-er-o-ge'-nyus. a.
Not kindred, oppofite or dilTimilar in nature.
To HEW, hu'. v. a. part. Hewn or Hewed. To
cut with an edged inftrument, to hack ; to
chop, to cut j to fell as with an axe j to form
or fhape with an axe j to form laborioufly.
HEWER, hi/-ur. f. One v/hofc employment
is to cut wood or ftone.
HEXAGON, hek/-a-g6n. f. A figure of fix
fides or angles.
HEXAGONAL, hekf-ag'-6-nal. a. Having
fix fides.
HEX AGONY, hekf-ag'-gun-y. f. A figure of
fix angles.
HEXAMETER, hegz-am'-e-tir. f. A verfc
of fix feet.
HEXANGULAR, hekf-ang'-gii-ldr. a. Having
fix corners.
HEXASTICK, hcgz-as'-tlk. f. A poem of fix
HEY, hi', interj. An exprefllon of joy.
HEYDAY, hi'-da. interj. An expreffion of frO"*
lick and exultation.
HEYDAY, he'-di f. A frolick, wildncfs.
HIATUS, hi-i'-tus. f. An aperture, a breach ;
the opening of the mouth by the fucccifion of
fome of the vowels.
HIBERNAL, hi-be/-nal. a. Belonging to the
HICCOUGH, hlk'-kip. f. A convulfion of
the floraach producing fobs.
To HICCOUGH, h!k'-kup
convulfion of the ftomach.
ToKICKUP, hik'-kup. v.
conxulfeJ ftomach.
HID, hid'.
V. n. To fob with
To fob ■with a
Vpsrt. pan", of Hide.
7'o HIDE, hfac. v. a. pretcr. Hid, part. pafi*.
Hid or hidden. To conceal, to wiihold or
withdraw from fight or knowledge.
To HIDE, hfde. v. n. To lye hid> tu be con-
HIDE AND SEEK, hrde-and-fc'k. f. A play
in which fome hide themfelves, and another feeks
HIDE, hi'de. f. The flcin of any animal, either
raw or drefied ; the human (kin, in contempt}
a certain quantity of land.
HIDEBOUND, hi'de-bound. a. A horfe is faid
to be hidebound when his fkin fticks fo hard to
his ribs and back, that you cannot with your
hand pull up or loofen the one from the other j
in trees, being in the ftate in which the bark
will not give way to the growth ; harfh, un-
HIDEOUS, hid'-yus. a. Horrible, dreadful.
HIDEOUSLY, hid'-yuf-ly. ad. Horribly,
HIDEOUSNESS, hid'-yuf-nls. f. Horrible-
nefs, dreadfulnefs.
HIDER, hf-dur. f. He that hides.
To HIE, hi'. V. n. To haften, togoinhafte.
HIERARCH, hf-e-rark. f. The chief of a
facred order.
HIERARCHICAL, hl-e-ra'r-ky-kal. a. Be-
longing to facred or ecclefiaftical government.
HIERARCHY, hf-e-rar-ky. f. A facred go-
vernment, rank or fubordination of holy beings ;
ecclefiaftical eftablifiiment.
HIEROGLYPHICK, hi-e-r6-gl!fMk. f. An
emblem, a figure by which a word was im-
plied ; the art of writing in piiflure.
HIEROGLYPHICAL, hi e-r6-gl!f'-!-kil. a.
Emblematical, exprcflive of fome meaning be-
yond what immediately appears.
ad. Emblematicall)-.
HIEROGRAPHY, h!-t-rog'-grif-y. f. Holy
HIEROPHANT, hr-a-r5-fdnt'. f. One who
teaches rules of religion.
To HIGGLE, hlg'1.' v.»i. To ehaffcr, to h^
penurious in a bargain ; to go felling provifions
from door to d . •
HIGGLEDY-PIGGLEDY, hik'W^-pik'l-dy.
ad. A cant word, corrupted from higgle,
whkli denotes any confuted mafs.
HIGGLER, h!g'-lir. f. One who fills provi-
fions. by retail.
HIGH, hi', a. A great way upwards, fifing
■ above ; ekvated in place, raifed aloft -, exalted
in nature ; elevated in rank or condition ; ex-
alted in fentiment ; difficult, abllrufe; boaflful,
oftentatious ; arrogant, proud, lofty ; noble,
. illuftrious; violent, tempeffuous, applied to the
wind ; tumultuous, turbulefit, ungovern;\ble ;
full, complete ; ftrong tailed ; at the moit
perfect ftate, in the meridian; far advanced
into antiquity ; dear, exorbitant in price ; ca-
pital, great, oppofed to little, -as high treafon.
HIGH, hi', f. High place, elevation, fupcrior
HIGH-BLEST, hi'-blcft'. a. Supremely happy.
HIGH-BLOWN, hi'-blo'n. Swelled much with
wind, much inflated.
HIGH-BORN, hi'-ba'rn. Of noble extraflion.
HIGH-COLOURED, hi'-kul'-lurd. Having a
deep or glaring colour.
HIGH-DESIGNING, hi'-de-si'-n!ng. Having
great fchemes.
HIGHFLIER, hi'-fli'-ur. f. One that carries
his opinions to extravagance.
HIGH-FLOWN, hi'-fl6n. a. Elevated, proud ;
turgid, extravagant.
HIGH-.FLYING, hi'-fl> Ing. a. Extravagant in
claims or opinions.
HIGH-HEAPED, hi'-h^'pd. a. Covered with
high piles.
HIGH-METTLED, hi'-mettld. Proud or ar-
dent of fpirit.
HIGHMINDED, hi'-min-dld. Proud, arrogant.
HIGH-RED, hi'-red'. Deeply red.
HIGH-SEASONED, hi'-fo'-zund. Piquant
to the palate.
HIGH-SPIRITED, hi'-fper'-It-Jd. Bold, da-
ring, infoknt.
HIGH-STOMACHED, hMlum'-mukt. Ob- '
ftinate, lofty.
HIGH-TASTED, hY-dC-t'id, Guftful, pi-
quant. .
HIGH-VICED, hY-vV(d. Enormoufly wicked.
HIGH-WROUGHT, hf-ri't. Accurately fi-
HIGHLAND, hi'-land. f. Mountainous re-
HIGHLANDER, hf-lan-dur. f. An inhabit-
ant of mountains.
HIGHLY, hY-\y. ad. With elevation as to
place and fituation ; in a great degree ; proud-
ly, arrogantly, ambitioufly ; with efteem, with
HIGHMOST, hf-muft. a. Higheft, topmoft.
HIGHNESS, hi'-nis. f. Elevation above the
furface; the title of princes, anciently of kings ;
dignity of nature, fupremacy.
HIGHT, hi'te. Was named, was called;
called, named.
-HIGHWATER, hi'-wa'-tur. f. The utmoft
flow of the tide.
HIGHWAY, hf-wa'. f. Gre.at road, publick
HIGHWAYMAN, hf-wa-man. f. A robber
that plunders on the publrck roads.
HILARITY, hll-lar'-k-y. f. Merriment,
HILDING, h!l'-ding. f. A forry, paltry, cow-
ardly fellow ; it is ufed likewifc for a mean
HILL, hil'. f. An elevation of ground lefs than
a mountain.
HILLOCK, h!l'-lok. f. A little hill.
HILLY, hll'-ly. a. Full of hills, unequal in
the furface.
HILT, hilt', n The handle of any thing, par-
ticularly of a fword.
KIM, him'. The oblique cafe of He.
HIMSELF, hun-fclf'. pron. In the nomina-
tive. He; ill ancient authors, Itfclf; in the
oblique cafes, it has a reciprocal figuification.
HIN, hln'. C A mcafufC of liquids among the
Jews, containing about ten pints,
HIND, hint', a. compar. Hinder, fiipcrl. Hind-
moft. Backward, contrary in pofition to the
HIND, hfnd. f. The fhe to a flag; a fervant j
a peafant, a boor.
HINDBERRIES, hind'-ber-ryz. f. The fame
as rafpberries.
To FONDER, hin'-diir. v. a. To obftruft, td
flop, to impede.
HINDER, hh/-dur. a. That which is in a
pofition contrary to that of the face.
HINDERANCE, hln'-drans. f. Impediment,
let, flop.
HINDERER, hm'-dcr-rur. f. He or that which
hinders or obftrufts.
HINDERLING, hln'-dur-ling. f. A paltry,
worthlefs, degenerate animal.
HINDERMOST, hin'-dur-muft. a. Hindmoft,
lafl, in the rear.
HINDMOST, hind'-muft. a. The lafl, the
HINGE, hind;z.h'. f. Joints upon which agate
or door turns ; the cardinal points of the world ;
a governing rule or principle ; To be ofF the
hinges, to be in a ftate of irregularity and dif-
To HINGE, hindzh'. v. a. To furnifh with
hinges ; to bend as an hinge.
To HINT, hint', v. a. To bring to mind by
a flight mention or remote allufion.
HINT, hint', f. Faint notice given to the mind,
remote allufion ; fuffgeflioni intimation.
HIP, hip', f. Thejointof the thigh, the flefhy
part of the thigh; To have on the hip, to
have an advantage over another; A low phrafe.
HIP, h!p'. f. The fruit of the briar.
To HIP, hip'. V. a. To fprain or fhoot the hips ;
Hip-hop, a cant word formed by the redupli-
cation of Hop.
[ilP,-hip'. intcrj. An exclamation, or calling
to one.
HiPPISH, hip' p'fh. a. A corruption of Hipo-
HIPPOCENTAUR, hip'-p5-fen'-tar. f. A fa-
bulous monfter, half horfe and half man.
HIPPOCRASS, hip'-po-kras. f. A medicated
HIPPO GRIFF, hj'p'-po-gnf. f. A winged
HIPPOPOTAMUS, hip-pot'-a-mus. f. The
river horfe. An animal found in the Nile.
HIPSHOT, hip'-fliot. a. Sprained or diflocated
in the hip.
HIPWORT, h!p'-wurt. f. A plant.
To HIRE, hire. v. a. To procure any thing for
temporaiy ufe at a certain price ; to engage a
man to temporary fervice for wages j to bribe ;
to engage himfelf for pay.
HIRE, hi re. f. Reward or recompence paid for
tlie ufe of any thing ; wages paid for fervice.
HIRELING, hfre-ling. f. One who ferves for
wages ; a mercenary, a proflitute.
HIRELING, hi're-llng. a. Ssrving for hire,
venal, mercenary, doing what is done for
HIRER, hi're-rur. f. One who ufes any thing
paying a recompence, one who employs others
paying wages.
HIRSUTE, her-fu't. a. Rough, rugged.
HIS, hiz'. pronoun pofieffive. The mafculine
pofTcllive, belonging to him ; anciently Its.
To HISS, hifs^. V. n. To utter a noife like that
of a ferpent and fome other animals.
To HISS, hifs'. V. a. To condemn by hilling,
to explode ; to procure hifles or difgrace.
HISS, hlfs . f. The voice of a ferpent ; cen-
fure, expreflion of contempt ufed in theatres.
HIST, hift . interj. An exclamation command-
ing filence.
HISTORIAN, hlf-to'-rydn. f. A writer of
facts and events.
HISTORICAL, hlf-tV-Ik-dl. 7 a. Pertaining
HISTORICK, hlf-tir'-rik. \ to hiftory.
HISTORICALLY, h!f-tor'-rik-al-y. ad. In
the manner of hiftory, by way of narration.
To HISTORIFY, h!f-tur'-y-fy. v. a. To re-
late, to record in hiflory.
HISTORIOGRAPHER, hlf-tir"-y6-graf'-ur.
f. An hiftorian, a writer of hiftory.
HISTORIOGRAPHY, hif-tor''-y6-graf'-y. f.
Tlie art or employment of an hiftorian.
HISTORY, hls'-tur-y. f. A narration of events
and faiflsdelivcrcd with dignity; narration, re-
lation ; the knowledge of facls and events.
HISTORY PIECE, h!s'-tur-y-pd's. f. A pic-
ture reprefciuing fome memorable event.
HISTRIONICAL, h!f-try-on'-y-kal. 7 a. Be-
HISTRIONICK, hif-try-6n'-!k. j fitting
the ftage, fuitable to a player.
HISTRIONICALLY, hlf-try-on'-y-kal-y. ad.
Theatrically, in the manner of a buffoon.
To HIT, hit . V. a. To ftrike, to touch with
a blow ; to touch the mark, not to mifs ; to
attain, to reach the point ; to ftrike a ruling
paffion ; To hit off, to ftrike out, to fix or de-
termine luckily.
To HIT, hit', v. n. To clafh, to collide ; to
chance luckily, to fucceed by accident j to fuC"
ceed, not to mifcarry ; to light on.
HIT. hit', f. Aftroke; a lucky chance.
To HITCH, hltfl/. V. n. To catch, to move
by jerks.
HITHE, hl'th. f. A fmall haven to land wares
out of veflTels or boats.
HITHER, hlth'-ur. ad. To this place from
fome place ; Hither and Thither, to this place
and that ; to this end, to this defign.
HITHER, hlth'-ur. a. fuperl. Hithermoft.
Nearer, towards this part.
HITHERMOST, hlth'-ur-mift, a. Nearcft on
this fide.
HITHERTO, hlth'-ur-ti. ad. To this time,
yet, in any time till now; at every time till
HITHERWARD, hIth'-ur-wArd. i ad. This
HITHERWARDS, hith'-ur-wardz. J way, to*
wards this place.
HIVE, hfve. f. The habitation or cell of bees;
the bees inhabiting a hive.
To HIVE, hi've. v. a. To put into hives, to
harbour ; to contain in hives.
To HIVE, hfve. v. n. To take flicker together.
HIVER, hfv-ur. f. One who puts bees in
HO, 7 ,/ C interj. A call, a fuddcn exclama-
HOA, j '\ tion to give notice of approach,
or any thing clfe.
HOAR, ho'r. a. "White ; grey with age ; white
v/ith froft.
HOAR-FROST, ho'r-froll'. f. The congda-
tions of dew in frofty mornings on the grafs.
HOARD, hc/rd. f. A ftore laid up in fccret, a
hidden ftock, a trcafure.
To HOARD, ho'rd. v. n. To make hoard?, to
lay up ftore.
To HOARD, ho'rd. v. a. To lay in hoards,
to hufband privily.
HOARDER, ho'rd-ur. f. One that ftores up
in fccret.
HOARHOUND, hdVhound. f. A plant.
HOARINESS, hoVy-ms. f. The ftate of be-
ing whitilh, the colour of old mens hair.
HOARSE, h6''rs. a. Having the voice rough,
as with a cold, having a rough found.
HOARSELY, ho'rf-ly. ad. With a rough harfh
HOARSENESS, ho'rf-nls. f. Roiighnefs of
HOARY, ho'-ry. a. White, whitifh ; white or
grey with age j white with froft ; mouldy,
molTy, rufty.
To HOBBLE, hob'l. v. n. To walk lamely or
aukwardly upon one leg more than the other ;
to move roughly or unevenly.
HOBBLE, hob'l. f. Uneven aukward gait.
HOBBLINGLY, h6b'-l!ng-ly. ad. Clumfily,
aukwardly, with a halting gait.
HOBBY, hob'-by. f. A fpecies of hawk ; an
Irilh or Scottifh horfe ; a flick on which boys
get aftride and ride ; a ftupid fellow. '
HOBGOBLIN, hob-gcb'-lln. f. A fprite, a
HOBNAIL, hib'-nal. f. A nail ufed in flioeing
a horfe.
HOBNAILED, hob^-nald. a. Set with hobnails.
HOBNOB, hob'-nob'. This is corrupted from
Hab Nab.
HOCK, hok'. f. The joint between the knee
and fetlock.
To HOCK, hok', V. a. To difable in the hock.
HOCK, hAk'. f. Old firong rhenifli.
HOCKHERB, hvk'-herb. f. A plant, the fame
with mallows.
ToHOCKLE, hok'l. v. a. To hamfiring.
HOCUS POCUS, ho'-kus-py-kiis. f. A juggle,
a cheat.
HOD, hod'^ f. A kind of trough in which a
labourer carries mortar to the mafons.
HODMAN, hod'-man. f. A labourer that car-
ries mortar.
HODGE-PODGE, h6dzh'-p6dzh'. f. A med-
ley of ingredients boiled together.
HODIERNAL, ho-dy-er'-nal. a. Of to-day.
HOE, ho', f. An inftrument to cut up the
To HOE, ho'. V. a. To cut or dig with a hoe.
HOG, hog . f. The general name of fwine ; a
caftrated boar ; To bring hogs to a fair mar-
ket, to fail of one's defign.
HOGCOTE, hog'-kot. f. A houfe for hogs.
HOGGEREL, hog'-grll. f. A two years old
HOG HERD, hog'-herd. f. A keeper of hogs.
HOGGISH, hog'-giflj. a. Having the qualities
of an hog, brutifh, felfifh.
HOGGISHLY, hog'-gifh-ly. ad. Greedily,
HOGGISHNESS, hog'-glfli-nls. f. Brutality,
greed inefs, felfiflinefs.
HOGSBEANS, hogz'-benz. T
HOGSBREAD, h6gz'-bred. |f>.
HOGSRIUSHROOMS, hogz'-mufh'-romz. j
HOGSFENNEL, hogz'-fen'-nll. f. A plant.
HOGSHEAD, hogz'-ld. f. A meafure of li-
quids containing fixty gallons ; any large barrel..
HOGSTY, hog'-ft^. f. The place 'in which
fwine are fhut to be fed.
HOGWASH, h6g'.w61h. f. The draff which
is given to fwine.
HOIDEN, hoi'dn. f. An ill-taught, aukward
country girl.
To HOIDEN, hoi'dn. v. n. To romp in-
To HOISE, hoi's, "t v. a. To raifc up on
To HOIST, hoi'st. \ high.
To HOLD, ho'ld. v. a. preter.Held, part. paff.
Held or Holden. To grafp in the hand, to
gripe, to clutch ; to keep, to retain, to gripe
fafl; ; to maintain as an opinion ; to confider as
good or bad, to hold in regard ; to have any
flation ; to poflefs, to enjoy ; to poflefs in fub-
ordination ; to fufpend, to refrain ; to ftop,
to reftrain ; to fix to any condition ; to confine
to a certain ftate ; to detain ; to retain, to
continue j to offer, to propofe ; to maintain ;
to carry on, to continue ; To hold forth, to
exhibit ; To b^ld in, to govern by tlie bridle,
to reftrain in general ; To hold oft-", to keep at
a diftance ; To hold on, to continue, to pro-
tract ; To holdout, to extend, to ftretch forth,
to offer, to propofe, to continue to do or fuffer ;
To hold up, to raife aloft, to fuftain, to fup-
To HOLD, ho'ld. v.n. Tofland, to be right,
to be without exception ; to continue unbroken
or unfubdued ; to laft, to endure ; to continue ;
to refrain ; to ftand up for, to adhere ; to be
dependent on ; to derive right ; To hold forth,
to harangue, to fpeak in publick; To hold in,
to reftrain one's felf, to continue in luck; To
hold off", to keep at a diftance without clofing
with offers ; To hold on, to continue, not to
be interrupted, to proceed ; To hold out, to
laft, to endure, not to yield, not to be fubdued ;
To hold togciher, to be joined, to remain in
union ; To hold up, to fupport lumfelf, not to
be foul weather, to continue the fame fpeed.
HOLD, ho'ld. interj. Forbear, ftop, be ftill.
HOLD, hc'ld. f. The aft of feizing, gripe,
grafp, feizure ; fometliing to be held, fupport ;
catch, power of feizing or keeping ; prifon,
place of cuftody ; power, influence ; cuftody ;
Hold ofa fhip, all that part which lies between
the keelfon and the lower deck j a lurking
place; a fortified place, a fort.
HOLDER, ho'Ldur. f. One that holds or gripes
any thing in his hand ; a tenant, one that holds
land under another.
HOLDERFORTH, ho'l-dur-fo'^rtlT. f. An
haranguer, one who fpeaks in pubJick.
HOLDFAST,, hd'ld-faft. f. Any thing which
takes hold, a catch, a hook.
HOLDING, ho'j-ding. f. Tenure, farm; it
fomctimes fignifics the burthen or chorus of a
HOLE, ho le. f. A cavity narrow and long,
either perpendicular or horizontal ; a perfora-
tion, a fmall vacuity ; a cave, a hollow place;
a ceil of an animal ; a mean habitation ; fome
fubterfuge or ftiift.
HOLIDAM, hol'-y-d^m. f. Bleflld lady.
HOLILY, ho'-h'-ly. ad. Pioufly, with faiic-
tity; inviolably, without breach.
HOLINESS, hd'-ly-nis. f. Sandity, piety,
religious goodnefs ; the ftate of being hallowed,
dedication to religion ; the title of the pope.
HOLLA, hol-lo'. interj. A word ufed in call-
ing to any one at a diftance.
HOLLAND, hol'-lund. f. Fine linen made in
HOLLOW, hol'-lo. a. Excavated, having a-
void fpace within, not folid ; noify, like found
reverberated from a cavity; not faithful, not
found, not what one appears.
HOLLOW, hol'-lo. f. Cavity, concavity ;
cavern, den, hole ; pit ; any opening or va-
cuity ; paffage, canal.
To HOLLOW, h6lM5. v. a. To make hol-
low, to excavate.
To HOLLOW, hol'-lo. v, n. To fhout, to
HOLLOWLY, h6l'-ia-)y. ad. With cavities;
unfaithfully, infincerely, difhoncftly.
HOLLOWNESS, hol'-l6-n!s. f. Cavity, ftatc
of being hollow ; deceit, infincerity, treachery.
HOLLOWROOT, h6l'-l6-rdt. f. A plant.
HOLLY, hol'-Iy. f. A tree.
HOLLYHOCK, h6l'-ly-h6k. f. Rofemallcw,
HOLLYROSE, hil'-lWoze. f. A plant.
HOLOCAUST, hol'-o-kaft. f. A burnt fa-
HOLP, ho'! p. The old preterite and participle
pailive of Kelp.
HOLPEN, ho'lpn. The old participle paflivc
of Help.
HOLSTER, ho'1-ftur. f. A cafe for a horfc-
man's piftol.
HOLY, ho'-ly. a, Gcod, pious, religious ; hal-
lowed, confecrated to divine ufe ; pure, imma-
culate ; facred.
HOLY-THURSDAY, hoMy-tlTurz'-dL f. The
day on which the afcenfion of our Saviour is
commemorated, ten days before Whitfuntide.
HOLY-WEEK, ho'-ly-we'k. f. The week be-
fore E after.
HOLYDAY, h6r-y-dl. f. The day of fome
ecclefiaftical feftival ; anniverfary feaft ; a day
of gayety and joy ; a time that comes feldom.
HOMAGE, hom'-idzh. f. Service paid and
fealty profeffed to a fovereign or fuperior lord j
obeifance, refpedt paid by external action.
HOMAGER, homMdzh-ur. f. One who holds
by homage of fome fuperior lord.
HOME, ho'me. f. His own houfe, the private
dwelling ; his own country ; the place of con-
ftant refidence ; united to a fubftantive, it fig-
nifies domeftick.
HOME, ho'me. ad. To one's own habitation ;
to one's own country ; clofe to one's own breaft
or affairs ; to the point defigned ; united to a
fubftantive, it implies force and efficacy.
HOMEBORN, hoW-barn. a. Native, na-
tural ; domeftick, not foreign.
HOMEBRED, hoW-bred, a. Bred at home;
not poliftied by travel, plain, rude, artlefs, un-
cultivated ; domeftick, not foreign.
HOMEFELT, ho'me-felt. a. Inward, private.
HOMELILY, ho'me-lll-y. ad. Rudely, inele-
HOMELINESS, hdW-ly-nis. f. Plainnefs,
HOMELY, ho'me-ly. a. Plain, homefpun, not
elegant, not beautiful, not fine, coarfc.
HOMEMADE, hoW-made. ad. Made at
HOMER, ho'-n.ur. f. A meafure of about three
HOAIESPUN, ho'me-fpun. a. Spun or wrought
at home, not made by regular manufadlurers ;
not made in foreign countries ; plain, coarfe,
rude, homely, inelegant.
HOMESTALL, ho'me-ftal. 9 f. The place of
HOAIESTEAD, home-fted.C the houfe.
7 ad.
home, lo-
S, ho-mo-ge'-nyal-nls.'J
a-mo-ge'-ne^-it-y. J.
;SS, ho-mo-ge'-nyuf-J
HOMEWARD, h6 me-wurd.
HOMEWARDS, ho'me-wurd
wards the native place.
HOMICIDE, hom'-y-side. f. Murder, man-
flaying ; deftruftion ; a murderer, a man-
HOMICIDAL, hom-y-sr-dal, a. Murderous,
HOMILETICAL, hom-y-let'-Ik-al. a. Social,
HOMILY, hom'-Il-y. f. A difcourfe read to a
HOMOGENEAL, h6-m6-ge'-nyal. Ta. Ha-
HOMOGENEOUS, h6-m6-ge'-nyus. J
the fame nature or principles.
nis. f. Participation of the fame principles or
nature, fimilitude of kind.
HOMOGENY, h6-m6g'-ge-ny. f. Joint na-
HOMOLOGOUS, h6-m6l'-6-gus. a. Having
the fame manner or proportions.
HOMONYMOUS, ho-mon'-y-mus. a. Deno-
minating different things ; equivocal.
HOMONYMY, ho-mon'-y-my. f. Equivo-
cation, ambiguity.
HOMOTONOUS,ho-m6t''-to-nus. a. Equable,
faid of fuch diftempers as keep a conftant tenour
of rife, ftate, and declenfion.
HONE, ho'ne. f. A whetftone for a razor.
HONEST, on'-nift. a. Upright, true, fincere ;
chafte ; juft, righteous, giving to every man his
HONESTLY, 6n'-nlft-ly. ad. Uprightly,
juftly ; with chaftity, modeftly.
HONESTY, on^If-ty. f. Jufticc, truth, vir-
tue, purity,
HONIED, hun^-nyd. a. Covered with honey ;
fwcet, lufcious.
HONEY, hun'-ny. f. A thick, vifcous lufci-
ous fubftance, which is collected and prepared
by bees; fweetnefs, lufcioufnefs; a name of
tendernefs, fweet, fweetnefs.
HONEY-BAG, hun'-ny-bag. f. The ba^ in
which the bee carries the honey.
HONEY-COMB, hun'-ny-k6m. f. The cells
of wax ill which the bee ftores her honey.
HONEY-COAIBED, hun'-ny-k6md. a. Flawed
wiih little cavities.
HONEY-DEW, hun'-ny-du. f. Sweet dew.
HONEY-FLOWER, hun'-ny-flow-ur. f. A
HONEY-GNAT, hun'-ny-nat. f. An in-
HONEY-MOON, hun'-ny-min. T. The firft
month after marriage.
HONEY-SUCKLE, hun'-ny-fukl. f. W^ood-
HONEYLESS, hu:/-ny-lls. a. Without honey.
HONEY-WORT, hun'-ny-wirt. f. A plant.
HONORARY, 6n'-nur-rer-y. a. Done in ho-f
nour ; conferring honour without gain.
HONOUR, on'rnur. f. Dignity; reputation;
the title of a man of rank ; noblenefs ; reve-
rence, due veneration ; chaility ; glory, boaft ;
publick mark of refpeft j privileges of rank or
birth; civilities paid ; ornament, decoration.
To HONOUR, on'-nur. v. a. To reverence,
to regard with veneration ; to dignify, to raife
to gre^tnefs.
HONOURABLE, 6n'-nur-ubl. a. Illurtrioup,
noble ; great, magnanimous, generous ; con-
ferring honour ; accompanied with tokens of
honour ; without taint, without reproach ; ho-
neft, without intention of deceit ; equitable.
HONOURABLENESS, 6n'-nir-ubl-nls. f.
Eminence, magnificence, gencrofity.
HONOURABLY, on'-nir-iib-ly. ad. With
tokensof honour ; magnanimoufly, generoufly;
reputably, with exemption from reproach,
HONORER, on'-nur-rir. f. One that ho-
nours, one that regards with veneration.
HOOD, hud'. In compofition, denotes quality,
character, as knighthood, childhood. Some-
times it is taken colleclively, as brotherhood,
a confraternity.
HOOD, hud', f. The upper cover of a wo-
man's head ; any thing drawn upon the head,
. and wrapping round it ; a covering put over
the hawk's eyes ; an ornamental fold that hangs
down the back of a graduate.
To HOOD, hud'. V. a. To drefs in a hood ;
to blind as with a hood ; to cover.
HOODMAN's-BLIND, hOd'-manz-birnd. f.
A play in which the perfon hooded is to catch
another, and tell the name.
To HOODWINK, hdd'-wlnk. v. a. To blind
v.ith fomething bound over the eyes j to cover,
to hide ; to deceive, to impofe upon.
HOOF, hd'f. f. The hard horny fubftancc
which compofes the feet of feveral forts of ani-
HOOK, ha'k. f. Any thing bent foas to catch
hold; the bended wire on which the b.iit is
hung for fifhes, and with which the fifli is
pierced ; a fnare, a trap ; a fickle to reap corn ;
an iron to feiae the meat in the caldron ; an in-
ftrument to cut or lop with ; the part of the-
hinge fixed to the poft ; Hook or crook, one
way or other, by any expedient.
To HOOK, ho'k. V. a. To catch with a hook ;
to intrap, toenfnare ; to draw as with a hook ;
to fallen as with a hook ; to be drav/n by force
or artifice.
HOOKED, hd'kt. a. Bent, curvated.
HOOKEDNESS, ho'-kld-nls. f. State of be-
ing bent like a hook.
HOOKNOSED, h-^k-nOzd. a. Having the
aquiline nofe rifing in the middle.
HOOF, hd'p. f. Any thing circular by which
fomething elfe is bound, particularly cafks
or barrels ; part of a lady's drcfs ; any thing
To HOOP, ho^p. V. a. To bind or enclofewith
hoops ; to encircle, to clafp, to furrour.d.
To HOOP, hA'p. V. n. To fhout, to nK.ke an
outcry by way of call or purfuit.
HOOPER, ho'-pur. f. A cooper, one that
hoops tubs.
HOOPING-COUGH, ho'-ping-kof '. f. A con-
vulfivc cough, fo called from its noife.
To HOOT, ho't. V. n. To ftiout in contempt ;
to cry as an -owl.
To HOOT, hi'i. v. a. To drive witli noife
and (houis.
/: M HOOT,
HOOT, hd't. f. Clamour, fnout.
To HOP, hop'- v-n- Tojump, to iTclp lightly ;
to leap on one leg; to walk lamely, or with
one leg Icfs nimble than the other.
HOP, hop', f. A jump, ali^tleap; a jump
on one leg ; a place where meaner people dance.
HOP, hup', f. A plant, the Sowers of which
are ufed in brewing.
To HOP, hop'. V. a. To impregnate with hops.
HOPE, hope. f. Expectation of fome gooil, an
expeiftation indijlgq^ with pleal'ujfej confidence
in a future event, or in the future conduvl of
any body ; that which gives hope ; the object
of hope.
To HOPE, ho'pe. r. n. To live in expedation
of fome good ; to place confidence in futurity.
To HOPE, ho'pe. V. a. To cxpe<^ with uefije.
HOPEFUL, ho'pe-ful. a. Full of qualities
■which produce hope, promifing 5 full of hope,
full of expectation of fuccefs.
HOPEFULLY, h6'pe-ful-y. ad. In fuch man-
ner as to raife hope ; with hope.
HOPEFULNESS, h6'pe-fdl-nls. f. Promife of
good, likelihood to fucceed.
HOPELESS, ho'pe-lis. a. Without hope, with-
out pleafmg expedtation ; giving no hope, pro-
mifing nothing pleafing.
HOPER, ho'-pur. f. One that has pleafing ex-
HOPFNGLY, ho'-plng-ly. ad. With hope,
with expedtation of good.
HOPPER, hop'-pur. f. He who hops or jumps
on one leg.
HOPPER, hop'-pur. f. The box or open frame of
wood into which the corn is put to be ground ;
a baiket for carrying feed.
HOPPERS, hop'-piirz. f. A kind of play iji
which the aitor hops on one leg.
HORAL, ho'-ral. a. Relating to the hour.
HORARY, ho'-ra-ry. a. Relating to an hour ;
continuing for an hour.
HORDE, ho^rd, f. A clan, a migratory crew
of people ; a body of Tartars.
HORIZON, ho-ri'-zun. f. The line that ter-
minates the view.
HORIZONTAL, bor-y-z6n'-taI. a. Near the-
horizon ; parallel to the horizon, on a level.
HORIZONTALLY, h6r-y-z6n'-tal-y. ad. In
a direction parallel to the horizon.
HORN, ha'rn. f. The hard pointed bodies
which grow on the heads of fome quadrupeds,
and ferve them for weapons ; an inftrument of
wind-mufick made of horn ; the extremity of
the waxing or waning moon ; the feelers of a
fnail ; a drinking cup made of horn ; antler of
a cuckold ; Horn mad, perhaps mad as a cuc-
HORNBEAK, hd'rn-b6k. 7
HORNFISK, h'/rn-fllh. \
HORNBEAM, hd'm-bem.
HORNBOOK, ha'rn-bdk.
A kind of iiih..
A tree.
A very large ftrong
a. Hoofed.
f. A kind of horned
The firll book
of children, covered with horn to keep it un-
HORNED, ha'r-nld. a. ''Fumifted with horns.
HORNER, hd'r-nir. f. One that works in
horn, and fells horns.
HORNET, hi'r-nlt. f.
flinging fly.
HORNFOOT, ha'rn-fdt
HORNOWL, ha'rn-owl
HORNPIPE, h,i'rn-plpe. f. A dance.
HORNSTONE, ha'rn-ll6ne. f. A kind of blue
HORNWORK, hi'rn-wurk. f. A kind of an-
guJar fortification.
HORNY, hd'r-ny. a. Made of horn ; refem-
bling horn ; hard as horn, callous.
HOROGRAPHY, h6-r6g'-gr.^-fy. f. An ac-
count of the hour.';.
HOROLOGE, he.'-r6-l6izh. 7 f. An infiru-
HOROLOGY, h6'-ro-l6-dzhy. \ ment that
tells the hour, as a clock, a watch, an hour-
HOROMETRY, ho-rom'-e-trv. f. The art of
meafuring hours.
HOROSCOPE, hor'-ro-fkope. f. The confi-
guration of the planets at the hour of birth.
HORRIBLE, h6r'-rlbl. a. Dreadful, terrible,
fnocking, hideous, enormous.
HORRIBLENESS, h6/-rlbl-n's. f. Dread-
fuliiefv, hitleoufnefs, terriblenefs.
HORRIBLY, hir'-rlb-ly. ad. Dreadfully; hi-
deoufly ; to a dreadful degree.
HORRID, hor'-rld. a. Hideous, dreadful,
iliock.in:j ; rough, rugged.
HORRIDNESS^, hV-rld-nls. f. Hideoufnefs,
HORRIFICK, hor-rlf'-ik. a. Caufmghorrour.
HORRISONOUS, hor-rls'-fO-nus. a. Sounding
HORROUR, hor'-rur. f. Terrour mixed with
ueteilation ; gloom, drearinefs ; in medicine,
fuch ,1 fhuddering or quivering as precedes an
ague-fit ; a fcnfc of fhuddering or flirinking.
HORSE, hor'fe. f. A neighing quadruped, ufed
in war, and draught and carriage ; it is ufed in
the plural fenfe, but with a fingular termina-
tion, for horfes, horfemen, or cavalry; fome-
thing on which any thing is fupported ; a
wooden machine which foldiers ride by way of
punifliment; joined to another fubftantive, it
fignifies fomething large or coarfe, as a horfe-
face, a face of which the features are large and
To HORSE, hor'fe. v. a. To mount upon a
horfe ; to carry one on the back ; to ride any
thing ; to cover a mare.
HORSEBACK, horT-bak. f. The feat of the
rider, the ftate of being on a horfe.
HORSEBEAN, hor'f-ben. f. A fmall bean
ufually given to horfes.
fenfe of heat, fiery ; luftful, lewd ; ardent, ve-
hement, eager, keen in defire ; piquant, acrid.
HOTBED, hot'-bed. f. A bed of earth made
hot by the fermentation of dung.
HOTBRAINED, hbt'-brand. a. Violent, ve-
hement, furious.
HOTCOCKLES, hot'-kb'klz. f. A play in
which one covers his eyes, and guefles who
ftrikcs him.
HOTHEADED, h6t'-hed-!d. a. Vehement,
violent, paflionate.
HOTHOUSE, hot'-hous. f. A bagnio, a place
to fweat and cup in ; a houfe in vrhich tender
plants are raifed and preferved from the incle-
mency of the weather, and in which fruits are
matured early.
HOTLY, hit'-ly. ad. With heat ; violently,
vehemently ; luftfully.
HOTMOUTHED, hot'-mouthd. a. Head-
ftrong, ungo\eni,able.
HOTNESS, hit^-nis. f. Heat, violence, fury.
HOTCHPOTCH, hid'zh-pod'zh. f. Amingled
hafh, a mixture.
HOTSPUR, hot'-fpur. f. A man violent, paf-
fionate, precipitate, and heady; a kind of pea
of fpeedy growth.
HOTSPURRED, hit'-fpird. a. Vehement,
rafh, heady.
HOVE, ho've. The preterite of Heave.
HOVEL, h6v'-!l. f. A fticd open on the fides,
and covered overhead ; a mean habitation, a
HOVEN, ho'vn. part. paff. Raifed, fwelled,
To HOVER, hov'-ur. v. n. To hang flutter-
ing in the air over head ; to wander about one
HOUGH, hok'. f. The lower part of the thigh.
To HOUGH, hok', V. a. To hamftring, to
difable by cutting the fi news of the ham; to
cut up with an hough or ho^-.
HOUND, hou'nd. f. A dog ufed in the chace.
To HOUND, hou'nd. v. a. To fet on the
chace ; to hunt, to purfiie.
HOUNDFISH, hou'nd-flfli. f. A kind of
HOUNDSTONGUE, hou'ndz-ting. f. A
HOUR, ou''r. f. The twenty- fourth part of a
natural day, the fpace of fixty minutes ; a par-
- ticular time ; the time as marked by the clock.
HOURGLASS, ou'r-glas. f. A giafs filled with
fand, which, running through a narrow hole,
ir.arks the time.
HOURLY, ou r-ly. a. Happening or done every
hour, frecjuent, often repeated.
HOURLY, ou'r-ly. ad. Every hour, fre-
HOURPLATE, ou'r-plate. f. The dial, the
plate on which the hours pointed by the hand
of a clock are infcribed.
HOUSE, hou'fe. f. A place wherein a man
lives, a place of human abode ; any place of
abode; places in which religious or ftudious
perfons live in common ; the manner of living,
the table; ftation of a planet in the heavens,
aftrologically confidered ; family of anceftors,
dcfccndants, and kindred, race ; a body of the
parliament, the lords or commons collectively
To HOUSE, hou'z. v. a. To harbour, to ad-
mit to refidence ; to {helter, to keep under a
To HOUSE, hou'z. V. n. To take fhelter, to
keep the abode, to refidc, to put into a houfe ;
to have an ailrologic^I rtation in the heavens.
HOUSEBREAKER, hou'f-brd-kur. f. Bur-
glar, one who makes his way into houfcs to
HOUSEBREAKING, houT-bre-k!ng. f. Bur-
HOUSEDOG, hou'f-dog. f. Amaftiffkeptto
guard the houfe.
HOUSEHOLD, hou'f-hild. f. A family living
together ; family life, domertick management;
it is ufed in the maimer of an adjedtive, to fig-
Tiify domellick, belonging to the fan.ily.
HOUSEHOLDER, hou'f-hil-d.a-. f. Mafler
of a family.
HOUSEHOLDSTUFF, hou'f-huld-ftif. f. Fur-
niture of any houfe, utenfils convenient for .1
HOUSEKEEPER, hou'r-k^-pur. f. Houfc-
holder, mailer of a family; one who lives much
at home ; a woman fervant that has care of a
family, and fuperintends the fervants.
HOUSEKEEPING, hou'f-ke-p!ng. a. Do-
melHck, ufcful to a family.
HOUSEKEEPING, hou'f-ke-plng. f. The
provifions for a family ; hofpitality, liberal and
plentiful tabic.
HOUSELEEK, hou'f-ilk. f. A pljnt.
HOUSELESS, hou'z-l!s. a. Without abode,
wanting habitation.
HOUSEMAID, hou'f-m.ye. f. A maid em-
ployed to keep the houfe clean.
HOUSEROOM, houT-rom. f. Place in a
HOUSESNAIL, hou'f-fnAle. f. A kind of fnail.
HOUSEWARMING, houT-war-ming. f. A
fcafl or merrymaking upon going into a new
HOUSEWIFE, hiiz'-w!f. f. The miftrefs of
a family ; a female ceconomift ; one fkilled in
female bufmcfs.
HOUSEWIFELY, huz'-w!f-ly. a. Skilled in
the acls becoming ahoufewifc.
HOUSEWIFELY, huz'-wlf-ly. ad. With the
oeconomy of ahoufewife.
HOUSEWIFERY, huz'-wlf-ry. f. Domeftick
or female bufmeis, management, female ceco-
HOUSING, ho'-z!ng. f. Cloth originally ufed
to keep off dirt, now added to faildles as or-
HOW, how', ad. In what manner, to what de-
gree; for what reafon, from whatcaufe; by
what means, in what ftate ; it is ufed in a fenfo
marking proportion or corrcfpondencc ; it, is
much ufed in exclamation.
HOW BEIT, how-bc'-!t. ad. Ncverthclefs,
notwithflanding, yet, however. Not now in
5 N HOW-
HOWDYE, how'-dj-yl. ad. In what ftate i>
your health.
HOWEVER, how-ev'-vur. ad. In whstfocver
manner, in whatfocver degree ; at all events,
happen what will, at leaft; neverthelel's, not-
' withltanding, yet.
To HOWL, how'!, v. n. To cry as a wolf or
• dog ; to uttjr cries in diflrefs ; to fpcak with a
belluine cry or tone ; it is ufed poetically of
any noife loud and horrid.
HOWL, how'l. f. The cry of a wolf or dog ;
the cry of a human being in horrour.
HOWSOEVER, how-f6-ev'-vur. ad. In what
manner foever ; iilthough.
HOY, hoy'', f. A large boat, fometinies with
one deck.
HUBBUB, hub'-bub. f. A tumult, a riot.
HUCKABACK, huk'-ka-bak. f. A kind of
linen on which the figures are raifed.
HUCKLEBACKED, huk'l-bdkt. a. Crooked
in the {boulders.
HUCKLEBONE, hJik'l-bOnc. f. The hip-
HUCKSTER, huks'-tur. T f. One who
HUCKSTERER, kuks'-tir-ur. J fells goods
by retail, or in fmall quantities ; a trickifli
mean fellow.
To HUCKSTER, hiiks'-tur. v. n. To deal in
petty bargains.
Xo HUDDLE, hud'l. v. a. To drefs up clofe
fo as not to be difcovered, to mobble ; to put
on carclefsly in a hurry ; to cover up in hafte ;
to perform in a hurry ; to throw together in
To HUDDLE, hud^. v. n. To come in a
crowd or hurry.
HUDDLE, hiid'l. f. Crowd, tumult, con-
HUE, hu^ f. Colour, die ; a clamour, a legal
HUFF, buf . f. Swell of fudden anger or arro-
To HUFF, huf'. V. a. To fwell, to pufF; to
heflor, to treat wi*h infolence and arrogance.
To HUFF, huf^ v.n. To blufter, to ftorm,
to bounce. f
HUFFER, huf'-fur. f. A bluflerer, a bully.
HUFFISH, huf'-flfh. a. Arrogant, infolcnt,
HUFFISHLY, huf'-f 'fh-ly. ad. With arro
gant petulance.
HUFFISHNESS, huf'-flfh-nls. f. Petulance,
arrogance, noiiy bluflcr.
To HUG, hiig'. V. a. To prefs clofe in an em-
brace; to fondle, to treat with tendernefs ; to
hold faft.
HUG, hug'', f. Clofe embrace.
HUGE, hu''je. a. Vaft, immenfe; great evert
to deformity or terriblenefs.
HUGELY, hiije-ly. ad. Immenfely, enor-
moufly ; greatly, very much.
HUGENESS, hu'je-nis. f. Enormous bulk,
HUGGERMUGGER, hug'-gur-mug'-gir. f.
Secrecy, bye-place. A cant word.
HULK, hilk'. f. The body of a (hip; any
thing bulky and unwieldy.
HULL, hul'. f. The hufk or integument of
any thing, the outer covering ; the body of a
(hip, the hulk.
HULLY, hul'-ly. a. Hu(ky, full of hulls.
To HUM, hum', v. a. To make the noife of
bees ; to make an irrarticalate and buzzing
found ; to paufe in fpeaking, and fupply the
inteiTal with an audible cmiffion of breatli; to
fing low ; to applaud. Approbation was com-
monly exprefled in publick a(remblies by a hum,
about a century ago.
HUM, hum', f. The noife of bees or infefts ;
the noife of buftling crouds ; any low dull
noife ; a paufe with an articulate found ; an
expreilion of applaufe.
HUM, hum'', intcrj. A found implying doubt
and deliberation.
HUMAN, hu'-man. a. Having the qualities
of a man ; belonging to man.
HUMANE, hu-ma'ne. a. Kind, civil, bene-
volent, good-nulured.
HUMANELY, hu-m-/ne-ly. ad. Kindly, with
good nature.
HUMANIST, hu'-ma-ni(l. f. A philolr.ger, a
HUMANITY, hu-mua'-Ic-y. f. The nature
of man ; humankind, the colleiSivc body of
mankind ; kindnefs, tendernefs j philology,
grammatical ftudies.
To HUMANIZE, hu'-ma-nfze. v. a. To
fot'ten, to make fufceptive of tendernefs or be-
HUMANKIND, hu'-man-kyr'nd. f. The race
of man.
HUMANLY, hu'-man-ly. ad. After the no-
tions of men; kindly, with good-nature.
HUMBIRD, hum'-burd. f. The humming
HUMBLE, um'bl. a. Not proud, modcft, not
arrogant ; low, not high, not great.
To HUMBLE, um'bl. v. a. To make humble,
to make fubmilTive ; to crufh, to break, to fub-
due ; to make to condefcend ; to bring down
from an height.
HUMBLEBEE, um'bl-be. f. A buzzing wild
bee, an herb.
HUMBLENESS, um'bl-nls. f. Humility, ab-
fence of pride.
HUMBLER, un/-blur. f. One that humbles
or fubdues himfelf or others.
HUMBLEMOUTHED, Wbl-mouthd. a.
Mild, meek.
HUMBLEPLANT, um'bl-plant. f. A fpecies
of fenfitive plant.
HUMBLES, um'blz. f. Entrails of a deer.
HUiMBLY, um'-bly. ad. With humility;
without elevation.
HUMDRUM, hiim'-drum. a. Dull, dronifh,
To HUMECT, hu-mek't. 7 v. a. To
To HUMECTATE, hii-mck'-tate-i wet, to
moiften. Little ufed.
HUMECTATION, hd-mek-ta'-fhvm. f. The
aft of wetting, moiftening.
HUMERAL, hu'-me-ral. a. Belonging to the
HUMID, hu'-mid. a. Wet, moift, watery.
HUMIDITY, hu-mjd'-it-y. f. Moifture, or
tlie power of wetting other bodies.
HUMILIATION, hu-mil-y-a'-fnun. f. De-
fccnt from grcatneff, ad of hwmility ; morti-
fication, external exprcffion of /in and un-
worthiiiefs ; abatement of pride.
HUMILITY, hu-mii'-It-y. f. Freedom from
pride, modefty, not arrogance ; aft of fub-
HUMMER, hum'-mur. f. One that hums.'
HUMORAL, u'-mo-rul. a. Proceeding from
HUMORIST, u'-mur-Ift. f. One who c6n-
dufts himfelf by his own fancy, one who' gra-
tifies his own humour.
HUMOROUS, u'-mur-us. a. Full of gro-
tefque or odd images; capricious, irrcgidarj
pleafant, jocular.
HUMOROUSLY, d'-mur-uf-ly. ad. Mer-
rily, jocofely ; with caprice, with whim. '
HUMOROUSNESS, i'/-mur-uf-nis. f. Fickle-
nefs, capricious levity.
HUMORSOME, li'-mur-fum. a. Pcevifh, pe'-
tulant; odd, humorous.
HUMORSOMELY, il'-mur-fum-ly. ad. Pee-
vifhly, petulantly-
HUMOUR, u'-mir. f. Moifture; the dif-
ferent kinds of moiflurc in man's body; ge-
neral turn or temper of mind ; prefent difpo-
fition ; grotefque imagery, jocularity, merri-
ment; difeafcd or morbid difpofition ; petu-
lance, peevifhnefs ; a trick ; caprice, whim»
predominant inclination.
To HUMOUR, u'-mur. v. a. To gratify, to
footh by compliance ; to fit, to comply with»
HUMP, hmnp'. f. A crooked back.
HUMPBACK, hump'-bak'. f. Crooked back,
high fhoulders.
HUMPBACKED, hump'-bakt'. a. Having a
crooked back.
To HUNCH, h'intfh'. v. a. To ftrikeorpuncK
with the fifti ; to crook the back.
HUNCHBACKED^ huntfh'-bakt'. a. Having
a crooked back.
HUNDRED, hiin'-dird. a. ConfJting of ten
multiplied by ten.
HUNDRED, hun'-durd. f. The number ten
multiplied by ten ; a company or body confin-
ing of an hundred ; a canton or divifionof a
county, confjlUng originally of tythings.
HUNDREDTH, lun/-dr!dtTT. a. The ordinal
of an hundred,
HUNG, hung'. The preterite and part. pall".
of Hang,
HUNGER, hung'-gir. f, Deflrc of food, the
pain felt from fading ; any violent defire.
To HUNGER, hung'-gur, v. n. To feel the
pain of hunger ; to defire with great eager-
ijfUNGERBIT, hung'-gur-blt. "Ja. Pain-
HtJNGERBITTEN,hung'-gur-b!tr..S ed or
weakened with hunger,
HUNGERLY, hung'-gir-lv. a. Hungry, in
want of nouriflimcnt.
HUNGERLY, hung'-gur-!y. ad. With keen
HUKGERSTARVED, hur.g'-gur-{ta''rvd, a.
Starved with hunger, pinched by want of food.
HUNGEREP. hung'-gurd. a. Pinched by
want of food.
HUNGRILY, hung'-gill-y. ad. With keen
appetice, "
HUNGRY, hung'-gry. a. Feeling pain from
want of food ; not fat, not fruitful, not pro-
lifick, greedy.
HUNKS, hunks', f. A covetous fordid wretch,
a mifer.
To Hunt, hunt', v, a. To chafe wild ani-
mals; to purfue, to follow clofe; to fearch
for ; to diretft or manage hounds in the chacc.
To HUNT, hunt', v, n. To follow the ch ace;
to purfue or fearch.
HUNT, hunt . f, A pack of hounds ; a chace ;
HUNTER, hun'-tur. f. One who chaces ani-
mals for puftime ; a dog that fcents game or
bcafts of prey.
HUNTINGHORN, hun'-ting-harn. a, A bugle,
a horn ufed to cheer the hounds.
HUNTRESS, hun'-trls. f, A woman that
follows the chace.
HUNTSMAN, hunts'-man. f. One who de-
lights in the chacc ; the ftrvant whofe office it
is to manage the chace.
HUNTSMANSHIP, hunts'-man-flilp. f. The
qualifications of a hunter.
HURDLE, har'dl. f. A texture of fticks wovea
HURDS, hurd'z. f. The refufe of hemp or fljx.
To HURL, hurl', v. a. To throw with vid-
lence, to drive impetuoufly ; to utter with ve-
hemence ; to play at a kind of game.
HURL, hurl , f. Tumult, riot, commotion;
a kind of game.
HURLBAT, hur'.'-bat. f. Whirlbat,
HURLER, hur'-Iur. f. One that plays at
HURLY, hur'-Iy if, Tumult,
HURLYBURLY, hur'-ly-bur'jy. i commo-
tion, buftle.
HURRICANE, hir -ry-kane. i f . A violent
HURRICANO, hur-ry-ka'-no, 1 ftorm, fuch
as is often experienced in the eaftern hemi-
To HURRY, hur'-ry, v, a. To haften, to put
into precipitation orconfufion.
To HURRY, hur'-ry- v. n. To move on with
HURRY, hur'-ry, f. Tumult, precipitation^
commotion, haile.
To HURT, hurt', v, a. preter. I Hurt, part,
pafl". I have Hurt. To mifchief, to harm; t«
wound, to pain by fome bodily harm.
HURTj hurt', f. Harm, mifchief; wound or
HURTER, hur'-tir, f. One that does harm.
HURTFUL, hurt'-fiil. a. Mifchievous, per-
HURTFULLY, hurt'-ful-y. ad. Mifchievoufly,
HURTFULNESS, hirt'-fdl-nk. f. Mifthic-
voufnefs, pernicioufnefs.
To HURTLE, hur'tl. v. n. To fkirmift, to
run againft any thing, to joftle.
HURTLEBERRY, hur'tl-ber-ry, f. Bilberry.
HURTLESS, hurt'-Ils. a. Innocent, harm-
lefs, innoxious, doing no harm ; receiving no
HURTLESSLY, hurt'-l.'f-ly. ad. Without
HURTLESSNESS, hurt'-lcf-nls. f. Freedom
from any pernicious quality.
HUSBAND, huz'-bund. f. The correlative to
wife, a man married to a woman ; the male of
animals ; an ceconomift, a man that knows
and 4)ra(Slifes the methods of frugality and
profit ; a farmer.
To HUSBAND, huz'-bund. v. a. To fupply
with an hufband ; to manage with frugality ;
to till, to cultivate the ground with proper ma-
HUSBANDLESS, huz'-bund-lis. a. Without
a hulband.
HUSBANDLY, huz'-bund-ly. a. Frugal,
HUSBANDMAN, huz'-bind-man. f. One
who works in tillage.
HUSBANDRY, huz'-bun-dry. f. Tillage,
manner of cultivating land ; thrift, frugality,
parfimony ; care of domeflick affairs.
HUSH, hufh'.interj. Silence ! be ftill ! no noife !
HUSH,- hufh'. a. Still, filent, quiet.
To HUSH, hufh'. V. a. To ftill, to filcnce, to
quiet, to appeafe.
HUSHMONEY, huflZ-mun-y. f. A bribe to
hinder information.
HUSK, hufk'. f. The outmoft integument of
fome forts of fruit.
To HUSK, hufk'. v. a. To llrip oft the out-
v/ard integuincnt.
HUSKED, hiis'-kld. a. Bearing an hufk, co-
vered with a hufk.
HUSKY, hus'-ky. a. Abounding in hufks.
HUSSY, huz'-zy. f. A forry or bad woman.
HUSTINGS, hus'-tingz. f. A council, a
court held.
To HUSTLE, hus'l. v. a. To fhake together.
HUSWIFE, huz'-zif. f. A bad manager, a
forry woman; an 'ccconomifl:, a thrifty wo-
To HUS"VVIFE, huz'-zif. v. a. To manage
with oeconomy and frugality.
HUSWIFERY, huz'-zif-ry. f. Management
good or bad ; management of rural bufincis
committed to women.
HUT, hut', f. A" poor cottage.
HUTCH, hutfl/. f. Acornchcfl.'
To HUZZ, huz'. V. n. To buzz, to murmur.
HUZZA, huz-z.7. interj. A fliout, a cry of
To HUZZA, huz-za'. v. n. To utter accla-
To HUZZA, huz-za'. v. a. To receive with
HYACINTH, hr'-a-sIntS. f. A plant; a kind
of precious flone.
HYACINTHINE, hl-^-sm'-ttiln. a. Made
of hyacinths.
HYADES, hf-a-dez.-^ f. A watry conftella-
HYADS, hi'-adz. 5 tion.
HYALINE, hf-a-lin. a. GlafTy cryftalline.
HYBRIDOUS, hJb'-bry-dus. a. Begotten be-
tween animals of diflerent fpecies; produci'd
from plants of different kinds.
HYDATIDES, hf-dat'-y-dez- f- Little tranf-
parent bladders of water in any part, mofi: com-
mon in dropfical perfons.
HYDRA, hi'-dra. f. A monfter with manj
heads flain by Hercules.
HYDRAGOGUES, hi'-dri-gogz. r. Such
medicines as occafion the difcharge of watery
HYDRAULICAL, hl-drd'-ly-kii. 1 a. Re-
HYDRAULICK, hl-drd'-lik.' 5 lating
to tlie conveyance of water through pipes.
HYDRAULICKS, hl-dra'-liks. f. The fci-
cnce of conveying water through pipes or con-
HYDROCELE, hi'-dro fel. f. A watery rup-
HYDROCEPHALUS, hi-drd-ftf'-fa-lis. f. A
dropfy in the head.
HYDROGRAPHER, hl-drig-gra'-fur. f. One
who draws maps of the fea.
HYDROGRAPHY, hi-drog'-gra-fy. f. De-
fcription of the v/atery part of the terraqueous
HYDROMANCY, hr-dro-mdn'-fy. f. Prc-
diiflioi; by water.
HYDROMEL, hi'-dro-mel. f. Honey .and water..
HYDROMETER, hi-drin/-me-tur.' f. An in-
flrumcnt to mcafurc the c,\t.-'nt of water.
IlYDROxMETRY, hi-drom'-me-try. f. The
a.51 of mcafuring th-; extent of water.
HYDROPHOBIA, hi-drO-fo-b^'-a. f. Dread
of water.
'HYDROPICAL, hi-drV-py-kal.7 a. Drop-
HYDROPICK, hi-drop'-plk. S l"ical, dif-
eafed with extravafated water.
HYDROSTATICAL, hi-drO-ftatM-kal. a. Re-
lating to hydroftaticks, taught by hydrofta-
HYDROSTATICALLY, hl-drS-ftat'-y-kal-y.
ad. According to hydroftaticks.
HYDROSTATIC KS, hi-dra-flat'-iks. f. The
fcience of weighing fluids; weighing bodies in
HYDROTICK, hi-drof-ik. f. Puigcr of wa-
ter or phlegm.
HYEN, hy'en. T f. An animal like a
HYENA, hy-e'-na.J wolf.
HYGROMETER, hy-grinZ-me-tir. f. An
inftrument to meafure the degrees of moitlurc.
HYGROSCOPE, hf -gro-fkOpe. f. An inftru-
ment to fliew the moifture and drynefs of the
air, and to meafure and eftimate the quantity
of either extreme.
HYM, him. f. A fpecies of dog.
HYMEN, hy'-men. f. The god of marriage j
the virginal membrane.
HYMENEAL, hlm-y-ne'-al. i f. A marriage
HYMENEAN, hlm-y-ne'-an. \ fong.
HYMENEAL, him-y-ne'-a). J a. Pertaining
HYMENEAN, him-y-ne^-an. 3 to marriage.
HYMN, him'', f. An encomiaftick fong, or fong
of adoration to fome fuperior being.
To HYMN, him', v. a. To praife in fong, to
worfhip with hymns.
To HYMN, him', v. n. To fing fongs of ado-
HYMNICK, him'-nik. a. Relating to hymns.
HYMNING, hlm'-nlng. p. a. Celebrating in
To HYP, hip'. V. a. To make melancholy, to
HYPALLAGE, hy-pal'-la-je. f. A figure by
which words change their cafes with each other.
HYPER, hr-pur. f. A hypercritick.
HYPERBOLA, h^-per'-bo-Ia. f. A term in
HYPERBOLE, hy-per'-bo-le. f. A figure in
rhetorick by which any thing is increafed or
diminifhed beyond the exadt truth.
HYPERBOLICAL, hy-per-b6l'-l^-kal.7a. Be-
HYPERBOLICK,hy-per-b6l'-ik. J long-
ing to the hyperbola ; exaggerating or extenu-
ating beyond fail.
HYPERBOLICALLY, h^-plr-bol'-l^-kal-ly.
ad. In form of an hyperbole ; with exagge-
ratioii or extcnua:ion.
HYPERBOLIFORM, h^-per-bol'-ly-farm. a.
Having the form, or nearly the form, of the
HYPERBOREAN, hy-per-bd'-ryan. a. North-
HYPERCRITICK, h^-plr-kr!t'-ik. f. A critick
exa£l or captious beyond ufe or reafon.
HYPERCRITICAL, hy-per-lcrlt'-j^-kal. a.
Critical beyond ufe.
HYPERMETER, hy-plr'-mg-tur. f. Any
thing greater than the ftandard requires.
HYPERSARCOSIS, hy-per-far-kd'-sis. f. The
growth of fungous or proud flefh.
HYPHEN, hy'-fen. f. A note of conjundion,
as vir-tue, ever-living.
HYPNOTICK, hip-not'-ik. f. Any medicine
that induces fleep.
HYPOCHONDRIACAL, hip-pd-kon-dri'-a--;
Melancholy, difordered in the imagination j
producing melancholy.
HYPOCIST, hy'-p6-sift. f. An aftringent me-
dicine of confiderable power.
HYPOCRISY, hi'p-pik'-krlf-y. f. Diffimulation
with regard to the moral or religious charafter.
HYPOCRITE, hip'-p6-krit. f. A difl'emblcr
, in morality or religion.
HYPOCRITICAL, hip-po-knV-ik-kal. i
HIPOCRITICK, hip-p6-kilt'-lk. J ^'
Diffembling, infmcere, appearing differently
from the reality.
HYPOCRITICALLY, hlp-pO-krlt'-ik-kal-y.
ad. With diflimulation, without fincerity.
HYPOGAS TRICK, h^-p5-gas'-trik. a. Seated
in the lower part of the belly. .
HYPOGEUM, hy-po-g^'-um. f. A name
which the ancient architefts gave to cellars and
HYPOSTASIS, hy-p6s^-ta-sls. f. Diftinft
fubftance; perfonality, a term ufed in the doc-
trine of the Holy Trinity.
HYPOSTATICAL, hy-p5-ftit'-y-kal. a. Con-
ftitutive, conftituent as diftincl ingredients j
pcrfonal, diftinftly perfonal.
HYPOTENUSE, hy-p6f'-e-nufe. f. The line
that fubtends the right angle of a right-angled
triangle, the fubtenfe.
HYPOTHESIS, hlp-potfi'-ttie-sis. f. A fuppo-
fition, a fyflem formed under fome principle
not proved.
HYPOTHETICAL, hi'p-p6-ttict'-ty-kal. 7
HYPOTHETICK, h!p-p6-tlTct'-tik. \ ^'
Including a fuppofition, conditional.
ad. Upon fuppofition, conditionally.
HYSSOP, hy'-fup. f. A plant. It' hath been
a great difpute, whether the hyflfop commonly
known is the fame which ts mentioned in
HYSTERICAL, hlf-tir'-ry-kil. 7 a. Troubled
HYSTERICK, hif-ter'-r!k. S with fits,
difordered in the regions of the womb ; proceed-
ing from diforders in the womb.
HYSTERICKS, hlf-ter'-rlks. f. Fits of women,
fuppofed to proceed from diforders in the womb.
If. pronoun perfonal. gen. Me, plural We,
J gen. Us. The pronoun of the firft perfon,
myfelf ; I is more than once, in Shakefpeare,
written for ay or yes.
To JABBER, dzhab'-bur. v. n. To talk idly,
without thinking, to chatter.
JABBERER, dzhab'-ber-rur. f. One who
talks inarticulately or unintelligibly.
JACENT, dzha'-fent. a. Lying at length.
lACINTH, f-a-sintti. f. The fame with hy-
acinth ; a precious ftonc.
JACK, dzhak'. f. The diminutive of John ;
the name of inftruments which fupply the place
of a boy, as an inttrument to pull ofF boots ;
an engine which turns the fpit ; a young pike ;
a cup of waxed leather ; a fmall bowl thrown
out for a mark to the bowkrs ; a part of the
mufical inftrument called a virginal ; the male
of fome animals ; a fupport to faw wood on ;
the colours or cnfign of afliip ; a cunning fellow.
JACK BOOTS, izhak'-buts. f. Boots which
fcrve as armour.
JACK PUDDING, dzhik-pdd'-dmg. f. A
zany, a merry Andrew.
JACK WITH A LANTHORN, dzliuk'-wittT-
a-lan'-turn. f. An ignis fatuus.
JACKALENT, dzhak-a-lJnt', f. A fimplc
(heepifli fellow.
JACKAL, dzhak'-kal. f. A fmall animal fup-
pofed to f^art prey for the lion.
JACKANAPES, dzhik'-an-!ps. f. A monkey,
an ape ; a coxcomb, an impertijient.
JACKDAW, dzhak-d:l'. f. A fmall fpecics of
JACKET, (fehAk'-k!t. f. A fhort coat, a clofc
JACOBINE, dzhak'-6-bine. f. A pigeon with
a high tuft ; a monk of a particular order.
JACTITATION, dzhak-ty-ti'-fhun. f. Tof-
fing, motion, reftlcflhcfs.
JACULATION, dzhak-u-li'-fliun. f. The
act of throwing miflive weapons.
JADE, dzha'de. f. A horfe of bo fpirit, a hired
horfe, a yvorthlcfs nag j a forry woman.
To JADE, dza'dc. V. a. To tire, to harafs, to
difpirit, to weary ; to overbear; to employ in
vile offices ; to ride, to rule with t)'ranny.
JADiSH, dzhu'-difli. a. Vitious, bad; un-
chafte, uncontinent.
To JAGG, dzhag'. v. a. To cut into inden-
tures, to cut into teeth like thofe of a faw.
JAGG, dzhag'. f. A protuberance or denticu-
JAGGY, dzhag''-gy. a. Uneven, denticulated.
JAGGEDNESS, dzhag'-g!d-n!s. f. The ftate
of being denticulated, unevennefs.
JAIL, dzha'l. f. A gaol, a prifon.
JAILBIRD, dzha'l-burd. f. , One who has been
in a jail,
JAILER, dzha'-lur. f. Thekeeperof a prifon.
JAKES, dzhiVks. f. A houfe of office, a pri\y.
Jalap, dzh6l'-lup. f. a purgative root.
JAM, dzhaqj'. f. A conferve of fruits boiled
with fugar and water.
JAMB, dzham''. f. Any fupporter on either
fide, as the pofts af a door.
lAMBICH, !-W-b!k. f. Verfes compofed of
a fhort and long fyllable alternately.
To JANGLE, dzhang'-gl. v. n. To quarrel,
to bicker in words.
JANGLER, dzhang'-glur. f. A wrangling,
chattering, noify fellow.
JANIZARY, dzhan'-ny-zar-y. f. One of the
guards of the Turkifh king.
JANTY, zha'n-ty. a. Showy, fluttering.
JANUARY, dzhan'-nu-er-y. f. The firft month
of the year.
JAPAN, dzha-pan'. f. Work varniflied and
raifcd in gold and colours.
To JAPAN, dzha-pan'. v. a. To varnifli, to
embellifli with gold and raifcd figures ; to black
flioes, a low phrafe.
JAPANNER, dzh'i-p.'u/-nur. f. One fkillcd
in japan work; a fhocblacker.
To JAR, dzhar'. v. n, ^o ftrike together with
a kind of fliort rattle ; to ftrike or found un-
tiineably; to clalh, to interfere^ to aft in op-
pofitipn ; to quarrel, to difpute.
JAR, dzha'r. f. A kind of rattling vibration of
found ; clafh, difcord, debate ; a ftate in which
a door unfaftened may ftrike the poftj an
earthen vcflel.
JARGON, dzhaVgin. f. Unintelligible talk ;
gabble, gibberifli.
JARGONELLE, dzhar-go-nel'. f. A fpecies
, of pear.
JASMINE, dzhes'-sa-mln. f. A flower.
JASPER, dzhas'-piir. f. A hard ftone of a
bright beautiful green colour, fometimes cloud-
ed with white,
JAVELIN, dzhav'-lin. f. A fpear or half pike,
which anciently was ufed either by foot or
JAUNDICE, dzhan'-dis. f. A diftemper from
obflruftions of the glands of the liver.
JAUNDICED, dzhan'-dlft. a. Infected with
the jaundice.
To JAUNT, dzhant'. v. n. To wander here
and there ; to make little excurfions for air or
JAUNTINESS, zhi'n-ty-n's. f. Airinefs,
flutter, genteelnefs.
JA'W, dzha'. f. The bone of the mouth in which
the teeth are fixed ; the mouth.
JAY, dzha'. f. A bird.
ICE, ffe. f. Water or other liquor made foliJ
by cold ; concreted fugar ; To break the ice,"
to make the firft opening to any attempf.
To ICE, I'fe. V. a. To cover with ice, to turn
to ice ; to cover with concreted fugar.
ICEHOUSE, ffe-hous. f. A houfc in which
ice is repofited.
ICHNEUMEN, Ik-nu'-mun. f. A fmall ani-
mal tljat breaks the eggs of the crocodile.
ICHNEUMONFLY,"lk-nu'-mun-fly'. f. A
fort of fly.
ICHNOGRAPHY, Ik-nog'-gra-fy. f. The
ICHOR, i'-kur. f. A thin watery humour like
ICHOROUS, 1 -ko-rus. a. Snnious, thin, un-
ICHTHYOLOGY, lk-tlTy-ol'-6-dzhy. f. The
dodrine of the nature of fifh,
ICICLE, f'-slkl. f. A fhoot of ice hanging
ICINESS, i'-fy-nls. f. The ftate of generat-
ing ice.
ICON, i -kon. f. A picliure or reprcfent-
ICONOCLAST, i-kon'-o-klaft. f. A breaker
of images.
ICONOLOGY, I-kd-n6l'-6-dzhy. f. The doc-
trine of picture or reprefentation.
ICTERICAL, Ik-ter'-y-kal. f. A:Biaed with
the jaundice, goodagainft the jaundice.
ICY, 1 -fy. a. Full of ice, covered with ice,
cold, froft)' ; cold, free from paflion ; frigid,
I'D, I'd. Contraded for I would.
IDEA, i-de''-a. f. Mental imagination.
IDEAL, i-de'-al. a. Mental, intelledual.
IDEALLY, I-de'-al-ly. ad. Intelledually, men-
IDENTICAL, i-den'-ty-kal. i a. The fame,
IDENTICK, i-den'-tUc. J implying the
fame thing.
IDENTITY, i-den'-d-ty. f. Samenefs, not
IDES, 1 dz. f. A term anciently ufed among
the Romans with regard to time ; and meant
the fifteenth day of March, May, July, and
Odober ; and the thirteenth of every other
IDIOCRACY, id-yok'-kra-fy. f. Peculiarity
of conftitution.
IDIOCRATICAL, id-yo-krat'-ty-kal. a. Pe-
culiar in conftitution.
IDIOCY, Jd'-y6-fy. f. Want of undcrftanding.
IDIOM, Id -yum. f. A mode of fpcaking pe-
culiar to a language or dialed-.
IDIOMATICAL, id-y6-mat'-y-kal.Ta. Pecu-
IDIOMATICK, I'd-yo-mat'-t'ik. ^ liar to a
tongue, phrafeological.
IDIOPATHY, id-y-6p'.pi-tfi^. f. A primary
difeafe that neither depends on nor proceeds
from another.
IDIOSYNCRASY, ui-y6-su/-kra-fy. f. A pe-
culiar temper or difpofition not common to
IDIOT, Id'-yut. f. A fool, a natural, a change-
IDIOTISM, id'-y6-tizm. f. Peculiarity of ex-
prertion ; folly, natural imbecillity of mind.
IDLE, i dl. a. Lazy, averfe from labour ; not
bufy ; not employed ; ufelefs, vain ; trifling,
of no importance.
To IDLE, I'dl. v. n. To lofc time in lazinefs
and inaclivity.
IDLEHEADED, i'dl-hed-dld. a. Foolifh, un-
IDLENESS, Ydl-nls. f. Lazinefs, floth, flug.
giflinefs ; omiflion of bufinefs ; trivialnefs ; ufe-
lelTnefs ; worthleffnefs.
IDLER, i'd-lur. f. A lazy perfon, a fluggard;
one who trifles away his time.
IDLY, i d-ly. ad. Lazily, without employ-
ment ; foolifhly, in a trifling manner ; care-
lefsly, without attention ; inefFeitually, vainly.
IDOL, 1 -dul. f. Animageworlhipped as God j
an image ; a reprefentation j one loved or ho-
noured to adoration.
IDOLATER, i-dol'-la-tur. f. One who pays
divine honours to images, one who worfliips
the creature inftead of the Creator.
To IDOLATRIZE, i-dol'-la-trize. v. a. To
worfhip idols.
IDOLATROUS, !-d6l'-la-trus. a. Tending
to idolatry, comprifing idolatr}-.
IDOLATROUSLY, Uol'-la-trif-ly. ad. In
an idolatrous manner.
IDOLATRY, i-dol'-la-try. f. The worfhip of
IDOLIST, i^-do-h'ft. f. A wor/hipperof images.
To IDOLISE, f-dO-liz. v. a. To love or re-
verence to adoration.
IDONEOUS, i-do'-nyus. a. Fit, proper, con-
IDYL, f-dil. f. A fmall fhort poem.
JEALOUS, dzhel'-lus. a. Sufpicious in love;
emulous ; zealoufly cautious againft difhonour ;
fufpicioufly vigilant ; fufpicioufly fearful.
JEALOUSLY, dzhel'-h'if-ly. ad. Sufpicioufiy,
JEALOUSNESS, dzhcl'-luf-nls. f. The (late
of being jealous.
5 P JEA-
JEALOUSY, dzhel-'-luf-fy. f. Sufpicion in
love ; fufpicious fear ; fufpicious caution, vi-
gilance, or rivalry.
To JEER, dzhe'r. v. n. To fcofi, to flout, to
make mock.
To JEER, dzhe''r. v. a. To treat with fcofFs.
•JEER, dzhe'r. f. ScofF, taunt, biting jeft, flout.
JEERER, dzhe'r-rur. f. A fcoffer, a fcorner,
a mocker.
■JEERINGLY, dzhe'r-ing-ly. ad. Scornfully,
JEKOVAH, dzhe-ho'-va. f. The proper name
of God in the Hebrew language.
JEJUNE, dzhe-dzho'n. a. Wanting, empty ;
hungry ; dry, unaffefting.
JEJUNENESS, dzhe-dzhd'n-nls. f. Penury,
poverty ; drynefs, want of matter that can en-
gage the attention.
JELLIED, dzhel'-lyd. a. Glutinous, brought
to a vifcous ftate.
JELLY, dzhel'-ly. f. See GELLY. Any thing
brought to a glutinous ftate ; a kind of tender
JENNETING, dzhen'-ne-ting. f. A fpecies
of apple foon ripe.
JENNET, dzhen". nit. f. See GENNET. A
Spanifh horfe.
To JEOPARD, dzhcp'-purd. v. a. To hazard,
to put in danger.
JEOPARDOUS, dzhep'-pur-dis. a. Hazard-
ous, dangerous.
JEOPARDY, dzhep'-pur-dy. f. Hazard, dan-
ger, peril.
To JERK, dzherk'. v. a. To ftrike^ with a
quick fmart blow, to lafh.
To JERK, dzherk'. v. n. To ftrike up.
JERK, dzherk'. f. A fmart quick laQi ; a fud-
den fpring, a quick jolt that fhocks or ftarts.
JERKEN, dzher'-kln. f. A jacket, a fliort
coivt ; a kind of hawk. .
JERSEY, dzher'-zy. f. Fine yarn of wool.
JESS, dzhes'. f. Short ftraps of leather tied
about the legs of a hawk, with which (he is
held on the iift.
JESSAMINE, dzhes''-s.i-m!n. f. See JAS-
MINE. A fragrant flower.
lem-a'^r-ty-tfhoks. f. Sunflower, of which
they are a fpecies.
To JEST, dzheft . v. n. To divert, to make
merry by words or a6lions; not to fpeak in
JEST, dzheft'. f. Any thing ludicrous, or
meant only to raife laughter ; the objeft of
jefts, laughing-ftock ; a thing faid in joke, not
in earneft.
JESTER, dzhes'-tur. f. One given to merri-
ment and pranks ; one given to farcafm ; buf-
foon, jackpudding.
JET, dzhet'. f. A very beautiful foffil, of a
fine deep black colour ; a fpout or flioot of
To JET, dzhet'. v. n. To fiioot forward, to
flioot out, to intrude, tojuteut- toftrut; to
jolt. /.
JETTY, dzhet'-ty. a. Made of jet ; black
as jet.
JEWEL, dzho'-il. f. Any ornament of great
value, ufed commonly of fuch as are adorned
with precious ftones ; a precious fl»ne, a gem j
a name of fondnefs.
JEWEL-HOUSE, or Office, dzo'-ll-hous. f.
The place where the regal ornaments are re-
JEWELLER, dzho'-ll-lur. f. One who traf-
ficks in precious ftones.
'JEWS-EARS, dzho'z-erz. f. A fungus.
JEWS-MALLOW, dzhd'z-mal-l6. f. An
JEWS-STONE, dzho'z-fton. f. An extrane-
ous foffil, being the clavated fpine of a very
large egg-ihaped fca-urchin, petrified by long
lying in the earth.
JEWS-HARP, dzho'z-harp. f. A kind of mu-
fical inftrument held between the teeth.
IF, if. conjundtion. Suppofe that, allow that ;
whether or no ; though I doubt whether, fup-
pofe it be granted that.
IGNEOUS, ig'-nyus. a. Fiery, containing
fire, emitting fire.
IGNIPOTENT, ig-nV-po-tcnt. a. Prefiding
over fire.
IGNIS FATUUS, ig'-nis-fat'-a-fis. f. Will
with thewifp, Jack with the lantern.
To IGNITE, ig-ni'te. v. a. To kindle, tofet
on fire.
IGNITION, ig-nifh'-in. f. The ad of kin-
dling, or of fetting on fire.
IGNITIBLE, ig'-nl-tlbl. a. Infianjmablc, ca-
pable of being fet on fire.
IGNIVOMOUS, ig-nlv'-vo-mus. a. Vomit-
ing fire.
IGNOBLE, ig-no'bl. a. Mean of birth ; worth-
lefs, not deferving honour.
IGNOBLY, ig-no -bly. ad. Ignominioufly,
meanly, difiionourably.
IGNOMINIOUS, ig-no-min -yus. a. Mean,
fliameful, reproachful.
IGNOMINIOUSLY, ig-nS-mln'-yuf-ly. ad.
Meanly, fcsndaloufly, difgracefully.
IGNOiMINY, ig'-no'-mln-y. f. 0ifgrace, re-
prop.ch, fhame.
IGNORAAIUS, ig-n6-ra'-mus. f. The in-
dorfement of the grand jur)' on a bill of indift-
ment, when they apprehend there is not fuf-
ficient foundation for the profecution ; a fooliih
fellow, a vain uninfl:ru6ted pretender.
IGNORANCE, Jg'-n5-rans. f. Want of know-
ledge, unfkilfulnefs ; want of knowledge, dif-
covered by external efFe<3: : in this fenfe it has
a plural.
IGNORANT, ig''-no-rdnt. a. Wanting know-
ledge, unlearned, uninftrufted ; unknown, un-
difcovered ; unacquainted with ; ignorantly
made or done.
IGNORANT, Ig'-no-rant. f. One untaught,
unlettered, uninftrudcd.
IGNORANTLY, ig'-nS-rant-ly. ad. With-
out knowledge, unficilfully, without inform-
To IGNORE, Ig-nS'rc. v. a. Not to know,
to be ignorant of.
IGNOSCIBLE, ig-nos'-sibl. a. Capable of
JIG, dzhig'. f. A light carelefs dance or tune.
To JIG, dzhig'. V. n. To dance carelefsly,
to dance.
JIGMAKER, dzhig''-ma-kur. f. One who
danc:s or plays merrily.
JIGUMBOB, dz!g'-gum-bob. f. A trinket, a
knick-knack. A cant word.
JILT, dzhih'. f. A woman who gives her lover
hopes, and deceives him ; a name of contempt
for a woman.
To JILT, dzhilt'. V. a. To trick a man by
flattering his love with hopes.
To JINGLE, dzhing'-gl. v. n. To clink, to
found correfpondently.
JINGLE, dzhing'-gl. f. Correfpondent founds;
any thing founding, a rattle, a bell. ^
ILE, fie. f. A walk' or alley in a church or
publick building.
ILEX, f-lex. f. The fcarlet oak.
ILIAC, il''-yak. a. Relating to the lower
ILIAC PASSION, il'-y.ik-palh'-un. f. A kind
of nervous cholick, whofe feat is the ilium,
whereby that gut is twifted, or one part enters
the cavity of the part immediately below or
ILL, iV. a. Bau inanyrefpeft, contrary to good,
whether phyfical or moral, evil ; fick, difor-
dered, not in health.
ILL, il'. f. Wickedncfs; misfortune, mi-
ILL, il^. ad. Not well, not rightly in any rc-
fpeft ; not eafily.
ILL, fubftantive or adverb, is ufed in compo-
fition to exprefs any bad qualitj' or condi-
IL, before words beginning with 1, ftands
for In.
ILLACHRYMABLE, il-lak'-kr>'-mabl. a. In-
capable of weeping.
ILLAPSE, Il-lVs- f- Gradual immiffion or
entrance of one thing into another ; fudden at-
tack, cafual coming.
To ILLAQUEATE, il-la'-qwe-ite. v. a. To
entangle, to entrap, to enfnarc.
ILLAQUEATION, Il-la-qwa-i'-(hin. f. The
ad of catching or cnfnaring j a Inare, any
thing to catch.
ILLATION, il-la'-fhun. f. Inference, con-
clufion drawn from premifes.
ILLATIVE, il'-la-tlv. a. Relating to illation
or conclufion.
ILLAUDABLE, Il-la'-dabl. f. Unworthy of
praife or commendation.
ILLAUDABLY,il-ir-dab-ly. ad. Unworthily,
without deferving praife.
ILLEGAL, il-le'-gal. a. Contrary to law.
ILLEGALITY, li-le-gal'-li-ty. f. Contrari-
ety to law.
ILLEGALLY, il-le'-gal-ly. ad. In a manner
contrary to law.
ILLEGIBLE, Il-ledzh'-Ibl. a. What cannot
be read.
ILLEGITIMACY, il-le-dzhlt'-y-ma-fy. f. State
of baflardy.
ILLEGITIMATE, il-ll-dzh!t'-tl-met. a. Un-
lawfully begotten, not begotten in wedlock.
ILLEGITIMATELY, ll-Ie-dzhk'-tl-met-ly.
ad. Not begotten in wedlock.
f. The ftate of one not begotten in wedlock.
ILLEVIABLE, Il-lev'-vy-abl. a. What can-
not be levied or exadted.
ILLFAVOURED, il-fa'-vurd. a. Deformed.
ILLFAVOUREDLY,Il-fr-vurd-ly. ad. With
ILLFAVOUREDNESS, !l-fa'-vur-dn!s. f. De-
ILLIBERAL, {l-l!b,'-ber-ral. a. Not noble,
not ingenuous ; not generous, fparing.
ILLIBERALITY, Il-llb-ber-ral'-ll-ty. f. Par-
fimony, niggardlinefs.
ILLIBERALLY, ll-llb'-ber-ral-y. ad. Difin-
genuoufly, meanly.
ILLICIT, Il-l!s'-s!t. a. Unlawful.
To ILLIGHTEN, il-lftn. v. n. To enlighten,
to illuminate.
ILLIMITABLE, !l-lW-my-tabl. a. That
which cannot be bounded or limited.
. ILLIMITABLY, Il-lim'-my-tab-ly. ad. With-
out fufceptibility of bounds.
ILLIMITED, U-W-my-tld. a. Unbounded,
ILLIMITEDNESS, il-llm'-my-ted-nls. f. Ex-
emption from all bounds.
ILLITERATE, Il-lk'-te-ret. a. Unlettered,
untaught, unlearned.
ILLITERATENESS, il-llt'-te-ret-ms. f. Want
of learning, ignorance of fcience.
ILLITERATURE, il-lit'-te-ra-ture. f. Want
of learning.
ILLNESS, U'-nls. f. Badnefs or inconvenience
of any kind, natural or moral j ficknefs, ma-
lady ; wickednefs.
ILLNATURE, ll-na'-tftiur. f. Habitual ma-
ILLNATURED, Il-na'-tfhurd. a. Habitually
malevolent j mifchievous ; untradlable ; not
yielding to culture.
ILLNATUREDLY, Il-nr-tniurd-ly. ad. In
a peevifh, froward manner.
ILLNATUREDNESS, ll-na'-tftiurd-nls. f.
Want of kindly difpofition.
ILLOGICAL, il-lodzh -Ik-al. a. Ignorant or
negligent of the rules of reafoning ; contrary to
the rules of reafon.
ILLOGICALLY, Il-16dzh'-y-kal-y. ad. In a
manner contrary to the laws of argument.
To ILLUDE, Il-lu'd. v.a. To deceive, to
To ILLUME, il-lu'm. v. a. To enlighten, to
illuminate ; to brighten, to adorn.
To ILLUMINE, ll-lu'-min. v. a. To en-
lighten, to fupply with light} to decorate, to
To ILLUMINATE, Il-lu'-my-nate. v.a. To
enlighten, to fupply with light; to adorn with
feftal lamps or bonefires ; to enlighten intel-
lef. Abfence
INELEGANCY, In-el'-e-gan-fyo of beauty,
want of elegance.
INELEGANT, m-el'-e-gant. a. Not becom-
ing, not beautiful, oppofite toelegaat; mean,
defpicable,^ contemptible^
INELOQUENT,. in-el'-6-kwent. a. Notper-
fuafive, not oratorical.
INEPT, in-ept^ a. Unfit, ufelefs, trifling,
INEPTLY, In-ept'-ly. ad. Triflir.gly, fooliflily,
INEPTITUDE, m-ep'-ty-ti'id. f. Unfitnefs.
INEQUALITY, m-l-kvral'-It-f f. Differ-
ence of comparative quantity; unevennefs, in-
terchange of higher and lower parts ; difpro-
portion to any office or purpofe, ftate of not be-
ing adequate, inadequatenefs ; change of ftate ;
urilikenefsof a thing to itfelf; difference of rank
or ftation.
INERRABILITY, In-lr-ra-bil'-It-v. f. Ex-
emption from errour.
INERRABLE, in-er'-rabl. a. Exempt from
INERRABLENESS, In-er'-rabr-nls. f. Ex-
emption from errour.
INERRABLY,. in-er'-rab-ly. ad. With fe-
curity from errour, infallibly.
INERRINGLY, in-er'-rlng'-ly. ad. Without
INERT, in-crt^ a. Dull, fluggifh, motionlefs.
INERTLY, in-ert'-ly. ad. sfuggiflily, dully.
INESCATION, In-ef-ka'-fliun. f. The ac^ of
INESTIMABLE, mres'-ty-mabl. a. Too va-
luable to be rated, tranfcending all price.
INEVIDENT, in-ev'-y-dent. a. Not plain,
INEVITABILITY,in-ev-y-ta-b!r'-!t-y. f. Im-
poflibility to be avoided, certainty.
INEVITABLE, in-ev'-vy-tabl. a. Unavoid-
able, not to be efcaped.
"IN'EVITABLY, iri-ev^vy-tib-ly. ad. With.
outpofTibility of efcape.
INEXCUSABLE, In-ekf-ku'-zabl. a. Not to
be excufed, not to be palliated by apology.
INEXCUSABLENESS, in-ekf-kd''-zAbl-nls. f.
Enormity beyond forgivenefs or palliation.
INEXCUSABLY, In-ekf-k^'-zab-lf. ad. To
a degree of gfcilt or folly beyond excufe.
INEXHALABLE, • in-iki-ha'-labl. a. That
which cannot evaporate..
INEXHAUSTED, In-ekf-ha'f-tld. a. Un-
emptied, not poffible to be emptied.
INEXHAUSTIBLE, !n-ekf-haT-t!bl. a. Not
to be fpent.
INEXISTENT, !n-egz-is' tent. a. Not having
being, not to be found in nature.
INEXISTENCE, in-egz-iV-tens. f. Wrfnt
of being, want of exiftence.
INEXORABLE, r-eks'-6-rabl. a. Not to be
intreated, not to be moved by intreaty.
INEXPEDIENCE, m-ekf-pl'-dyens. 7
INEXPEDIENCY, In-ckf-p^'-dyen-fy. S
Wantof fitnefs, want of propriety, anfuitable-
nefs to time or place.
INEXPEDIENT, in-ekf-pe'-dyent. a. Incon-
venient, unfit, improper.
INEXPERIENCE, In-ekf-pe'-ryens. f. Want
of experimental knowledge.
INEXPERIENCED, In-ekf-pe'-ryenft. a. Not
INEXPERT, in-ekf-pert'. a. Unflcilful, un-
INEXPIABLE, in-eks'-py-abl. a. Not to be
atoned ; not to be mollified by atonement.
INEXPIABLY, In-eks'-py-ab-ly. ad. To a-
degree beyond atonement.
INEXPLICABLE, m-eks'-ply-kabl. a. Inca-
cable of being explained.
INEXPLICABLY, In-eks'-ply-kab-ly. ad. In.
a manner not to be explained.
INEXPRESSIBLE^ m-ekf-pre/-s'bl. a. Not
to be told,, not to be uttered, unutterable.
INEXPRESSIBLY, in-ekf-pres^-s!b-ly. ad..
To a degree or. in a manner not to be ut--
INEXPUGNABLE, Sn-ekf-puv'-nabl. a. Im-
pregnable, not to be taken by alTault, not to be
INEXTINGUISHABLE, In-ckf-ting'-gwlfh-
abl. a. Unquenchable.
.|f. In-
j erra-
INEXTRICABLE, in-eks'-iry-kabl. a. Not
to be ciiliiUangled, not to be cleared.
INEXTRICABLY, m-cks'-try-kab-ly. ad. To
a degree of perplexity not to be difintangled.
To INEYE, m-Y. v. n. To inoculate, to pro-
pagate trees by- the infition of a bud into a
foreign ftock.
INFALLIBILITY, in-fal-ly-blZ-It-y.
bility, exemption from errouF.
INFALLIBLE, ln-fll'-l!bl. a. Privileged from
errour, incapable of miftake.
INFALLIBLY, in-fal'-lib-l^. ad. Without
danger of deceit, with fecurity from errour,
To INFAME, in fi'me. v. a. To reprefent to
difadvantage, to defame, to cenfure publickly.
INFAMOUS, in -fa-mis. a. Publickly branded
with guilt, openly cenfured.
INFAMOUSLY, In'-fa-muf-ly. ad. With open
reproach, with publick notoriety of reproach ;
fhamefully, fcandaloufly.
INFAMOUSNESS, m -fa-muf-nls.7f. Publick
INFAMY, In'-fa-my. 5 reproach,
notoriety of bad charafler.
INFANCY, In'-fan-fy. f. The firft part of
life ; firft age of any thing, beginning, original.
INFANT, h/-fant. f. A child from the birth
, to the end of the feventh year ; in law, a young
perfon to the age of one a»d twenty.
INFANTA, in-fan'-ta. f. A princefs defcended
from the royal blood of Spain.
INFANTICIDE, in-fan'-ty-side. f. Theflaugh-
ter of the infants by Herod.
INFANTILE, nZ-fan-tile. a. Pertaining to
an infant.
INFANTRY, n/-fan-try. u The foot folJiers
of an army.
To INFATUATE, In-fk'-w-ate. v. a. Toftrike
with folly ; to deprive of underftanding.
INFATUATION, In-fat-ii-d'-fhin. f. The
aft of ftriking with folly, deprivation of reafon.
INFEASIBLE, in-f6'-zible. a. Irapradicable.
To INFECT, In-fek't. v. a. To acl upon by con-
tagion, to aiFeft with, communicated qualities,
to hurt by contagion ; to fill with fomething
hurtfully contagious.
INFECTION, in-fek'-ftiuji. f. Contagion, mif-
chief by communication.
INFECTIOUS, in-ftk'-fhus. a. Contagious,
influencing by communicated qualities.
INFECTIOUSLY, in-fek'-fliiif-ly. ad. Con-
INFECTIOUSNESS, in-fek'-fhuf-ms. f. The
qur.lity of being infedious, contagioufnefs.
INFECTIVE, in-fck'-tlv. a. Having the qua-
lity of contagion.
INFECUND, in-fe-kind'. a. Unfruitful, in-
INFECUNDITY, in-fe-kun'-dlt-y. f. Want
of fertility.
INFELICITY, in-fe-lJs'-sit-y. f. Unhappi-
nefs, mifery, calamity.
To INFER, in-fer . v. a. To bring on, to in-
duce ; to draw conclufions from foregoing pre-
INFERENCE, in'-f^-rens. f. Coaclufion drawa
from previous arguments.
INFERIBLE, In-fer'-rlbl. a. Deducible from
premifed grounds.
INFERIORITY, In-fl-iyhZ-lt-f. f. Lower-
ftate of dignity or value.
INFERIOUR, in-fe'-ryur. a. Lower in place ;
lower in ftation or rank of life; lower in value
or excellency ; fubordinate.
INFERIOUR, !n-fc'-ryur. f.. One in a lower
rank or ftation than another.
INFERNAL, in-fer'-nal. a. Hellifh, tartarean,
INFERNAL, in-fcr'-ndl. f. One that comes
from hell, one exceedingly wicked.
INFERNAL STONE, In-fer'-n;"d-ft6'ne. f. The
lunar cauftick.
INFERTILE, in-ftr'-til. a. Unfruitful, not.
INFERTILITY, In-fcr-tll'-it-y. f. Unfruit-
To INFEST,, in-feft'. v. a. To harafs, to dif-
turb, to plague.
INFESTIVITY, In-fcs-tlv'-It^. f. Mourn--
fulnefs,, want of cheerfulnefs. -
•I-NFE3TRED, In-fes'-turd. a. Tlankling, in-
INFEUDATION, In-fil-dit'-fliun. f. The adl
of putting one in poffefTion of a fee or eftate.
INFIDEL, h/-fy-del. f. An unbeliever, a
mifcrrant, a pagan, one who rejedts Chrifti- :
INFIDELITY, in-fy-dEl'-'t-y. f. Want of
faith; difbelief of Chriftianity ; treachery, de-
INFINITE, In'-fy-nir. a. Unbounded, unli-
mited, inimenfe; it is hyperbolically ufcd for
- large, great.
.^INFINITELY., in'-fy-n!t-!y. ad. Without
limits, wfithout bounds, immenfely.
INFINITENESS, h/-fy-nit-n!s. f. Immen-
fity, boundkirnefs.
INFINITESIMAL, !n-fy-ny-tes'-sy-mal. a.
Infinitively divided.
INFINITIVE, in-f in'-It-tiv. a. Unconfined, be-
longing to that mode of a verb which expreflcs
the ai^ion or being indeterminately.
INFINITUDE, In-fin'-y-tud. f. Infinity, im-
menfity ; boundiefs number.
INFINITY, in-finMt-y. f. Immenfity, bound-
leflhefs, unlimited qualities.; endlefs number.
INFIRM, in-fcrm'. a. Weak, feeble, difabled
of body; weakof mind, irrefolute ; not liable,
not folid.
INFIRMARY, !n-fer'-mi-ry. f. Lodgings for
the fick.
INFIRMITY, in-fer'my-ty. f. Weaknefs of
fex, age, or temper ; failing, weaknefs, fault ;
difeafe, malady.
INFIRMNESS, in-ferm'-nls. i". Wcakntfs,
To INFIX, ln-f!ks^ v. a. To drive in, to
To INFLAME, m-fla'me. v. a. To kindle, to
fet on fire ; to kindle defire ; to exaggerate, to
aggravate ; to heat the body morbidly with ob-
^ilrutSed matter ; to provoke, to irritate ; to
.fire with paflion.
To INFLAME, in-fla'me. v. n. To grow hot,
.and painful by obftrudtcd matter.
INFLAMER, In-fla'-mur. f. The thing «
perfon that inflames.
INFLAMMABILITY, m-fium-ma-b!l'-!t-y. f.
The quality of catching fire.
INFLAMMABLE, In-flanZ-mabl. a. Eafy to
be fet on flame.
INFLAMMABLENESS, In-flam'-mabl-n's. f.
The quality of eafily catching fire.
INFLAMMATION, in-flam-mi'-fliun. f. Tlie
acl of fetting on flame ; the ftate of being in
flame; the heat of any morbid part occafioned
by obltruiSlion ; the adt of exciting fervour of
INFLAMMATORY, m-fl.W-ma-tur-y.
bitation, place of dwelling; the a6l of inhabit-
ing or planting with dwellings, ftate of being
inhabited ; quantity of inhabitants.
INHABITER, in-hab'-It-ur. f. One that inha-
bits, a dweller.
To INHALE, in-ha'le. V. a^ To draw in with
air, to infpire.
INHARMONIOUS, in-har-m6'-nyus. a. Un-
mufical, not fweet of found.
To INHERE, In-he^re. v. n. To exift in fome-
thing elfe.
INHERENT, In-he'-rent. a. Exifting in fome-
thing elfe, fo as to be infeparable from it, in-
nate, inborn.
To INHERIT, in-her'-rit. v. a. To receive
or poflefs by inheritance ; to poffefs, to obtain,
poffeffion of.
INHERITABLE, fn-her'-rit-abl. a. Tranf-
mifiibleby inheritance, obtainable by fucceffion..
INHERITANCE, in-her'-rlt-ans. f. Patrimo-
ny, hereditary poffefEon ; in Shakefpeare, pof-
feffion ; the reception of poffeilion by hereditary
INHERITOR, in-her'-rit-ur. f. An heir, one
who receives any thing by fuccefSon.
INHERITRESS, In-her'-rlt-trls. f. An heirefs,.
INHERITRIX, Jn-her'-rit-trlks. f. An heir-
To INHERSE, m-her^fe. v.a. To inclofe in
a funeral monument..
INHESION, in-h^'-zhun. f. Inherence, the
flate of exifting in fomething elfe
■ To INHIBIT, in-hlb'-lt, v. a- Torcftrain, to
hijicfer, to reprefs, to check ; to prohibit, to
INHIBITION, in-hy-b!i]/-in. f. Prohibition,
embargo ; in law, inhibition is a writ to inhi-
bit or forbid a judge from farther proceeding in
the caufe depending before him.
To INHOLD, in-ho'ld. v. a. To have inhe-
hercnt, to contain in itfelf.
INHOSPITABLE, !n-hos'-py-t:\bi. a. Af-
fording nokindnefs nor entertainment to ftran-
LXHOSPITABLY, in-hos'-py-tab-ly. ad. Un-
kindly to ftrangers.
INHOSPITALITY, In-hof-py-tal'-h-y. i
f. Want of hofpitality, want of courtefy to
INHUMAN, in-htl'-man. a. Barbarous, fa-
vage, cruel, uncompaffionate.
INHUMANITY, in-hd-mW-It-y. f. Cruelty,
favagenefs, barbarity.
INHUMANLY, !n-hil'-man-ly. ad. Savagely,
cruelly, barbaroufly.
To INHUMATE, in-h-i'-mate. 1 v. a. To bury,
To INHURiE, 'n-hu'm. ] to inter.
To INJECT, m-dzhekt'. v. a. To threw in,
to dart in,
INJECTION, m-dzhek'-fliun. f. The aft of
cafting in ; any medicine made to be injeckd
by a fyringe, or any other inftrument, into any
part of the body ; the aft of filling the vefTels
with wax, or any other proper matter, to flicw
their ftiapes and ramifications.
INIMITABILITY, In-Im'-y-ta-bll'Mt-y. f.
Incapacity to be -imitated.
INIMITABLE, in-im'-it-abl. a. Above imi-
tation, not to be copied.
INIMITABLY, in-im^-it-ta-bly. ad. Inaman-
ntr not to be imitated, to a degree of excellence
above imitation.
To INJOIN, In-dzhoi'n. v. a. To command,
to enforce by authority. See ENJOIN ; in
Shakefpeare, to join.
INIQUITOUS, ln-!k'-kwy-tus. a. Unjuft,
wicked.. 2.
I INIQ.UITY, !n-ik'-kwy-ty. f. Injufticc, un-
I r ibnai)lenefs; wickednefs, crime.
iNiriAL, In-nifh'-al. a. Placed at the begin-
ning ; incipient, not complete.
To INITIATE, in-J{h'-5te, v. a. To enter,
to inftruct in the rudiments of an art.
To INITIATE, in-lfh'-ate. v. n. To do the
firft part, to perform the firftrite.
INITIATE, m-W-k. a. Unpra^ifed.
INITIATION, in-n!{h''-{hi'-fhun. f. The
adl of entering of a new comer into any art or
INJUCUNDITY, m-dzh interven-
To INTERPOSE, In-ter-po'ze. v. a. To thrufl
in as an obftrucHon, interruption or inconve-
nience; to offer as a fuccour or relief ; topLicc
between, to make i^itervcnicnt.
6 B To
To INTERPOSE, m-ter-po'ze. v, n. To me-
diate, to act between two parties ; to put in by
way of interruption.
INTERPOSER, !n-ter-p6'-zur. f. One that
comes between others ; an intervenient agent,
a mediator.
INTERPOSITION, in-ter-po-zi(h^-in. f. In-
tervenient agency ; mediation, agency between
parties ; intervention, ftate of being placed be-
tween two ; any thing interpofed.
To INTERPRET, In-ter'-prit. v. a. To ex-
plain, to tranflate, to decipher, to give a fo-
INTER PRETABLE, In-ter'-prlt-abl. a. Ca-
pable of being expounded.
INTERPRETATION, In-terVy-ta'-fhun. f.
The act of interpreting, explanation ; the fenfe
given by any Interpreter, expofition.
INTERPRETATIVE, In-ter'-pry-ta-tlv. a.
Collected by interpretation.
INTERPRETATIVELY, In-ter'-pry-ta-tiv-
]y, ad. As may be collected by interpretation.
INTERPRETER, In-ttr'-pry-tiir. f. An ex-
pofitor, an expounder; a tranflator.
INTERPUNCTION, m-ter-punk'-fhin. f.
Pointing between words- or fentences.
INTERREGNUAi, in-ter-reg'-num. f. The
time in which a throne is vacant between the
death of a prince and acceffion of another.
INTERREIGN, In-tcr-rfe'n. f. Vacancy of
the throne.
To INTERROGATE, In-ter'-ro-gat. v. a. To
examine, to queftion.
To INTERROGATE, In-ter'-ro-gat. v. n.
To afk, t<5 put queftions.
INTERROGATION, m-ter-ro-ga'-fliun. f.
A queftion put, an enquiry ; a note that marks
a queftion, thus ?
INTERROGATIVE, In-ter-rog'-ga-tiv.a.De-
noting a queftion, exprefled in a queftionary
form of words.
INTERROGATIVE, In-ter-rog'-ga-tlv. f. A
pronoun ufed in afking queftions, as who ?
what ?
ad. In form of a queftion.
INTERROGATOR, m-ter'-ro-ga-tur. f. Art
afker of queftions.
INTERROGATORY, m-ter-rog'-ga-tur-y. f.
A queftion, an enquiry.
INTERROGATORY, in-ter-rog'-ga-tur-y. a.
Containing a queftion, exprefling a queftion.
To INTERRUPT, In-ter-rupt''. v. a. To hin-
der the procefs of any thing by breaking in up-
on it ; to hinder one from proceeding by inter-
pofition ; to divide, to feparate.
INTERRUPTEDLY, In-ter-rup'-tid-ly. ad.
Not in continuity, not without ftoppages.
INTERRUPTER, in-ter-rip'-tur. f. Hewh^)
INTERRUPTION, In-ter-rup'-fhin. f. In-
terpofition, breach of continuity ; hindrance,
ftop, obftru£tion.
INTERSCAPULAR, in-ter-fkap'-pu-lar. a.
Placed between the flioulders.
To INTERSCIND, In-ter-sind'. v. a. To cut
off by interruption.
To INTERSCRIBE. Jn-ter-(kri'be, v. a. To
write between.
INTERSECANTjIn-ter-fe'-kant. a. Dividing
any thing into parts.
To INTERSECT, in-ter-fekt'. v. a. To cut,
to divide each other mutually.
To INTERSECT, In-ter-fekt^ v. n. To meet
and crofs each other.
INTERSECTION, fn-ter-fek'-fliun. f. The
point where lines crofs each other.
To INTERSERT, In-ter-fert'. v. a. To put
in between other things.
INTERSERTION, in-ter-fer'-fhun. f. An
infertion, or thing inferted between any
To INTERSPERSE, In-ter-fper'fe. v. a. To
fcattcr here and there among other things.
INTERSPERSION, in-ter-fpir'-fhur.. f. The
act of fcattering here and there.
INTERSTELLAR, in-ter-ftel'-lar. a. Inter-
vening between the ftars.
INTERSTICE, in-ter'-ftls. f. Space between
one thing and another j time between one atl
and another,
INTERSTITIAL, m-ter-ftif}/-al. a. Contain-
ing inteiftices.
INTERTEXTURE, In-ter-tcks'-tfh'.r. f. Di-
verfitication of things mingled or woven one
among another.
To INTERTWINE, in-ter-twfne.-7v. a. To
To INTERTWIST, In-ter-twlft'. S ""'t^' l^'
twiftingone in another.
INTERVAL, in'-ter-val. f. Space between
places, interftice ; time pafling two affignable
points ; remiffion of a delirium or diftemper.
To INTERVENE, m-ter-ve'n. v. n. To come
between things or perfons.
INTERVENIENT, In-ter-vc'-nycnt. a. In-
tercedent, pafilng between.
INTERVENTION, in-tcr-ven'-fhun. f. A-
gency between perfons ; agency between ante-
cedents and confecutives ; interpofition, the
flate of being interpofed.
ToINTERVERT, !n-ter-vert'. v. a. To turn
to another courfe.
INTERVIEW, In'-ter-vu. f. Mutual fight, fight
of each other.
To INTERVOLVE, in-ter-vi'lv. v. a. T0
involve one witbin another.
To INTER.WEAVE, in-ter-we'v. v. a. preter.
Inter-wove, part. pafT. Interwoven, Inter\vove,
or Interweaved. To mix one with another in
a regular texture, to intermingle.
INTESTABLE, in-tes'-tabl. a. Difqunlified
to make a will.
INTESTATE, in-tes'-tit. a. Wanting a will.
dying without a will.
INTESTINAL, in-tes'-tln-al. a. Belonging
to the guts.
INTESTINE, in-tcs'-tin. a. Internal, imvard ;
contained in the body ; domeftick, not foreign.
INTESTINE, in-tes'-t!n. f. The gut, the
To INTHRAL, In-tttri'l. v. a. To endave, to
fha kI , to reduce to fervitudc
INTHRALMENT, In-tlTi: ;-,: -i.t. f. Scrvi-
t de, avty.
To INTHRONE, In-tRro r.. v. a. To raifc to
royalty, to feat on a throne, -
INTIMACY, !n'-ty-ma-fy. f. Clef. LmlU-
INTIMATE, h/-ty-mct. a. Inmoft, inward,
inteftine; familiar, clofely acquainted.
INTIMATE, in''-ty-met. f. A familiar friend,
one who is trufted with our thoughts.
To INTIMATE, In'-ty-mate. v. a. Tohlirt,
to point out indireftly, or not very plainly.
INTIMATELY, In'-ty-met-ly. ad. Ciofely,
with intermixture of parts j familiarly, with
clofe friendship.
INTIMATION, in-ty-ma'-fhun. f. Hint, ob-
fcure or indirecl declaration or direiTtion.
To INTLMIDATE, !n-t!m'-y-date. v. a. To
make fearful, to daflardize, to make cowardly.
INTIRE, m-ti^re. f. ^\'hole, undiminifhed,
INTIRENESS, m-ti're-nls. f. Wholenefs, In-
INTO, n/-to. prep. Noting entrance with re-
gard to place; noting penetration beyond the
outfide ; noting a nev/ ftate to which any thing
is brought by the agency of a caufe.
INTOLERABLE, In-til'-ler-abl. a. Inruf-
ferable, not to be endured ; bad beyond fuf-
INTOLERABLENESS, in-t6/-ler-abl-n!s. f.
Qiiality of a thing not to be endured.
INTOLERABLY, in-tcl'-!er-ab-Iy. ad. To
a degree beyond endurance,
INTOLERANT, In-tol'-lcr-int, a. Not en-
during, not able to endure.
To INTOMB, in-to^m. v. a. To inclofc in a
funeral monument, to bury.
INTONATION, In-to-na'-fiiun. f. Manner
of founding.
To INTONE, In-to^ne. v. n. To make a (low
protraftcd noife.
To INTORT, m-ta'rt. v. a. To twifl, to
wreath, to wring. g
To INTOXICATE, In-tiks'-|-kate. v. a. To
inebriate, to make drunk.
INTOXICATION, in-tikf-y-ku'-fhun. f. In-
ebriation, the aft of making drunk, the flate or
being drunk,
1 N T
INTRACTABLE, in-trak'-dW. a. Ungo-
vernabl?, {lubborn, obftinate ; unmanageable,
INTRACTABLENESS, In-trak'-tabl-ms. f.
Obftinacy, perverfenefs.
INTRACTABLY, !n-trak'-tib-ly. ad. Un-
managably, ftubbornly.
INTRANQUILITY, ui-tran-kvvll'-lt-y. f. Un-
quietnefs, want of rtft.
INTRANSMUTABLE, ip-trinf-mu'-tabl. a.
Unchangeable to any other fubftance.
ToINTREASURE, ia-trezh'-ur. v. a. To
lay ap as in a treafury.
To INTRENCH, m-t entn/. v. n. To in-
vade, to encroach, to cut off part of what be-
longs to another; to break with hollows j to
fortify with a trench.
INTRENCHANT, In-trentfh'-ant. a. Not to
be divided, not to be wounded, indivifible.
INTRENCHMENT, !n-trentfh'-mcnt. f. For-
tification with a trench.
INTREPID, in-trep'-id. a. Fearlefs, daring,
bold, brave.
INTREPIDITY, In-trc-p!d'-lt-j-. f. Fearleff-
nefs, courage, boldnefs.
INTREPIDLY, in-trep'-id-ly. ad. Fcnrlefly,
boldly, daringly.
INTRICACY, !n'-try-ka-fy. f. State of being
entangled, perplexity, involution.
INTRICATE, in'-try-ket. a. Entangled, per-
plexed, involved, complicated, obfcure.
To INTRICATE, u/-try-kate. v. a. To
perplex, to darken. Not in ufe.
INTRICATELY, u/-try-ket-ly. ad. With
involution of one in another, with per-
INTRICATENESS, In'-try-ket-nls. f. Per-
plexity, involution, obfcurity.
INTRIGUE, in-tre'g. f. A plot, a private
tranfadion in which many parties are engaged ;
,^ love plot ; intricacy, complication ; the com-
plication or perplexity of a fable or poem.
-To INTRIGUE, !n-tre'g. v. n. To form plots,^
to carry on private defigns ; to carry on an af-
fair of love.
JNTRIGUJER,. In-tre'-gur. f. Onewhobufies
himi'elf in private tranfa£lions, one who forms
plots, onevvho purfues women.
INTRIGUINGLY, IR-tr^'-gmg-ly. ad. With
intrigue, ivith fecret plotting.
INTRINSECAL, In-trln'-fy-kal. a. Internal,
folid, natural, not accidental.
INTRINSECALLY, In-trln'-fy-kal-y. ad. In-
ternally, naturally, really; within, at the infide.
INTRINSICK, in-trln'-slk. a. Inward, in-
ternal, real, true; not depending on accident,
fixed on the nature of the thing,
INTRINSECATE, !n-tr!n'-fe-kate. a. Per-
plexed. Obfolete.
To INTRODUCE, In-tro-du's. v. a. To con-
duct or ufher into a place, or to a perfon ; to
bring fomething into notice or praftice; to pro-
duce, to give occafion ; to bring into writing
or difcourfe by proper preparatives.
INTRODUCER, In-trC-dd'-fur. f. One who
condudls another to a place or perfon ; any one
who brings any thing into pradice or notice.
INTRODUCTION, in-trO-dik'-fliun. f. The
act of conducting or ufhering to any place or
perfon ; the aft of bringing any new thing into
notice or pradice ; the preface or part of a book
containing previous matter.
INTRODUCTIVE, in-trO-dik'-tlv. a. Ser-
ving as the means to introduce fomething elfe.
INTRODUCTORY, in-tro-duk'-tur-y. a. Pre-
vious, ferving as a means to fomething further.
INTROGRESSION, In-tra-grefii'-un. f. En-
trance, the act of entering.
INTROMISSION, in-tr6-m!(h''-un. f. The
aft of fending in.
To INTROMIT, In-tro-mit'. v. a. To fend
in, to let in, to admit, to allow to enter.
To INTROSPECT, In-tr6-fpekt'. v. a. To
take a view of the infide.
INTROSPECTION, In-trO-fpek'-fhun. f. A
view of the infide.
INTROVENIENT, m-tro-ve'-nyent. a. En-
tering, coming in.
To INTRUDE, In-tro'd. v. n. To come in
unwelcome by a kind of violence, to enter with-
out invitation or permiflion ; to encroa:h, to
force in uncalled or unpermitted.
To INTRUDE, ui-trod. v. a. To force with-
out right or welcome.
INTRUDER, In-trd'-dur. f. One who forces
himfelf into company or affairs without right.
INTRUSION, in-tro'-zhun. f. The act of
thrufting or forcing any thing or pcrfon into
any place or ftate ; encroachment upon any
perfon or place ; voluntary and uncalled under-
talcing of any thing.
To INTRUST, !n-trift'. v. a. To treat with
confidence, to charge with any fccret.
INTUITION, In-tii-ifli'-un. f. Sight of any
thing, immediate knowledge ; knowledge not
obtained by deduction of reafon.
INTUITIVE, in-t.y-lt-iv. a. Seen by the
mind immediately ; feeing, not barely believ-
ing ; having the power of difcovering truth im-
mediately without ratiocination.
INTUITIVELY, m-tu'-It-tlv-l't-. ad. Without
dedu£tion of reafon, by immediate perception.
INTUMESCENCE, In-tu-mes'-sens. 7
INTUMESCENCY, In-tu-mes'-sen-fy. 5
Swell, tumour.
INTURGESCENCE, In-tur-dzhes'-sens. f.
Swelling, the adt or ftate of fwelling.
To INTWINE, in-twfne. v. a. To twift or
wreath together; to incompafs by circling
round it.
To INVADE, in-va'de. v. a. To attack a coun-
try, to make an hoftile entrance ; to adail, to
INVADER, In-va'-dir. f. One who enters
with hoftility into the poflellions of another ;
an affailant.
INVALID, !n-vAr-!d. a. Weak, of no weight
or efficacy.
INVALID, in-va-l!'d. f. One difabkd by fick-
nefs or hurts.
To INVALIDATE, In-val'-y-date. v. a. To
weaken, to deprive of force or efficacy.
INVALIDITY, in-vi-lid'-!t-y. f. Weaknef^
want of efficacy.
INVALUABLE, in-val'-ii-abl. a. Precious
above iftimation, ineflimabJe.
INVARIABLE, !n-va'-ryabi. a. Unchange-
able, -conflant.
INVARIABLENESS, m-va'-ryibUnls. f. Im-
mutability, conftuncy.
INVARIABLY, In-va'-ryab-ly. ad. Unchange-
ably, conftaiitly.
INVASION, in-va'-zhun. f. Hoftile entrance
upon the rights or pofleflions of another, holtile
INVASIVE, in-va'-siv. a. Entering hoftilcly
upon other mens pofleflions.
INVECTIVE, in-vck'-tiv. f. A fevere cen-
fure in fpeech or writing.
INVECTIVE, in-vek'-tiv. a. Satirical, abufive.
INVECTIVELY, in-vek'-tlv-ly. ad. Satiri-
cally, abufivcly.
To INVEIGH, In-ve'. v. n. To utter cenfure
or reproach.
INVEIGHER, In-v^'-ur. f. Vehement railer.
To INVEIGLE, in-\e'gl. v. a. Topcrfuadeto
fomething bad or hurtful, to wheedle, to al-
INVEIGLER, In-ve'g lur. f. Seducer, deceiver,
allurer to ill.
To INVENT, in-vent . v. a. To difcover, to
find out ; to forge, to contrive falfely ; to feign ;
to produce fomething new in writing, or in mc-
INVENTER, in-ven'-tur. f. One who pro-
duces fomething new, a devifer of fomething
not known before ; a teller of fictions.
INVENTION, !n-ven'-fhun. f. Fiaion; dif-
covery ; adt of producing fomething new ; for-
gery ; the thing invented.
INVENTIVE, in-ven'-tiv. a. Quick at con-
' trivance, ready at expedients.
INVENTOR, in-ven'-tur. f. A finder out of
fomething new; a contriver, a framer.
IN\'ENTORIALLY,!n-ven-t6'-ryal-y. ad. In
manner of an inventory.
INVENTORY, in'-vcn-tur-y. f. An account
or catalogue of moveables.
INVENTRESS, ln-va/-tr!s. f. A female tha<
INVERSE, in''-vers. a. Inverted, reciprocal,
oppofcd to Diredt.
INVERSION, in-vcr'-fhun. f. Change of or-
der or time, fo as that the laft is firft, and firft
6 C laft;
iiaft J cbaage of place, fo as that each takes the
room of the other.
To INVERT, Jn-v^rt'. y. a. To turn upfide
down, to place in contrary loethod or order to
that which was before ; to place the laft firft.
INVERTEDLY, lo-ver'-tld-Iy. ad. In con-
trary or reverfcd order.
To INVEST, in-veft'. v. a. To drefs, to clothe,
to array • to place in polTeflion of a rank or of-
fice ; to adorn, to grace ; to confer, tg give ; to
inclofe, to furround fo as to intercept fuccours
or provifions.
INVESTIENT, ui-vcs'-tflicnt. a. Covering,
INVESTIGABLE, ln-ves'.t}'--g^bl. a. To be
fearched out, difcoverable by rational difqui-
To INVESTIGATE, hi-ves'-ty-glte. v. a. To
fearch out, to find out by ratioiial difquifition.
INVESTIGATION, m-vef-ty-gi'-fliun. f.
The aifl of the mind by which unknown truths
are difcovered; examination.
INVESTITURE, in-ves'-ty-tfliur. f. TherLght
of giving poflefllon of any njanor, ofEce, or be-
nefice ; the a6t of giving poiTeffion.
INVESTMENT, iu-veft'-mcnt. f. Drefs,
cloaths, garment, habit.
INVETERACY, Jn-vet'-ter-a-fy. f.. Long
continuance of ajjy thing bad; in pbyfiek,
long continuance of adi.feafe.
INVETERATE, hj-vet'-.ter-et. a. OJd, long
eftabliflied ; obiUnate by long continuance.
To INVETERATE, m.-vet'-tex-ate. v. a. Ta
harden or make obftinate by long continuance.
JNVETERATENESS, In-vet'-ter-et-nls. f.
Long continuance of any thing bad ; obftiaacy
confirmed by time.
INVETERATION, in-vet-tcr-a'-fU^n. f. The
ad of hardening or confirming by long conti-
INVIDIOUS, in-v!dzh-us. ^ Envious, ma-
lignant ; likely to incur or to bring hatred.
INVIDIOUSLY, !n-vidzh'-uf-Iy. ad. Malig-
nantly, enviouflyi in a manner likely to pro-
voke hatred.
INVIDIOUSNESS, In-vldzh'-Lf-aU. f. Qua-
lity of provoking envy or hatred.
To INVIGORATE, m-v!g'-g6-rate, v. a. To
endue with vigour, to ftrengthcn, to animate,
to enforce.
INVIGORATION,ln-v!g-g6-rr-fi.un. f. The
aft of invigorating; the ftate of being invigo-
INVINCIBLE, in-vln'-s!bl. a. Unconquerable, «
not to be fubdued.
INVINCIBLENESS, In-vln'-slbl-nlb. f. Un-
conquerablenefs, infuperablenefs.
INVINCIBLY, In-vV-sib-ly. ad. Infuprr-
ably, unconquerably.
INVIOLABLE, in-vi'-6-labl. a. Not to be
profaned, not to be injured ; not to be broken;
infufceptible of hunt or wound.
INVIOLABLY, In-vi'-O-lab-ly. ad. With-
out breach, without failure.
INVIOLATE, in-vl'-o-lat. a. Unhurt, un--
injured, unpolluted, unbroken.
INVIOUS, in'-vyus. a. Impaffablc, untrodden.
INVISIBILITY, iVvIz-y-bil'-it-y. f. The
ftate of being invifible, imperceptiblenefs ta
INVISIBLE, !n-¥iz''-ibl. a. Not perceptible
by the fight, not to be feen.
INVISIBLY, in-viz.'-Ib-ly. ad. Imperceptibly
to the fight.
To INVISCATE, in viV-klte. v. a. To lime,.
to intangle in glutinous matter.
INVITATION, in-vy-ta'-fliun. f. The aft
of inviting, bidding, or calling to any thing:
with ceremony and civility.
To INVITE, in-vi'te. v. a. Ta bid, to afk ta
nny place ; to allure^ to perfuade.
To INVITE, in-vi^te. v. n. To give invita^
tion, to afFord allurement.
I-NVITER, in-vf-tur. f. He who invites.
INVITINGLY, in-vi'-ting-ly. ad. In fucji i
manner as invites or allures.
To INUMBRATE, in-um'-brate. v. a. To.
{hade> to cover with fhades.
INUNCTION, in-unk'-fhun. f. The aft o£
fmearing or anointing.
INUNDATION, In-un-di'-fliun. f. The over-
flowing of waters, flood, deluge; a confluence
of any kind.
To INVOCATE, in'-v6-kate. v. a. To in-
voke, to implore, to call upon, to prav to.
INVOCATION, in-v6-k4'-niun, f.' The ad
of calling upon in prayer; the form of calling
for the afliftance or prefence of any being.
INV^OICE, in'-vols. f. A catalogue of the
freight of a fi\ip, or of the articles and price of
goods fent by a factor.
To INVOKE, in-vo'ke. v. a. To call npon,
to implore, to pray to.
To INVOLVE, In-va'lv. v. a. To inwrap, to
cover with any thing furrounding; to imply,
to comprife ; to cntwift ; to take in ; to in-
tangle ; to make intricate; to blend, to mingle
together confufedly.
INVOLUNTARILY, !n-v6l'-in-ter-!l-y. ad.
Not by choice, not fpontaneoufly.
INVOLUNTARY, in-vil'-un-ter-y. a. Not
having the power of choice ; not chofen, not
done willingly.
INVOLUTION, In-vfi-lu'-fhin. f. The ad
of involving or inwrapping ; the ftate of being
entangled, complication; that which is wrapped
round any thing.
To INURE, In-u'r. v. a. To habituate, to
make ready or willing by pradice and cuftom,
to accuft-om.
INUREMENT, In-u'r-mcnt. f. PracStice, ha-
bit, ufe, cuftojn, frequency.
To INURN, in-urn''. v, a. Tointomb, to bury.
INUSTION, In-us'-ti'hun. f. The aft of burn-
INUTILE, I'n-u'-ti'l. a. Ufelefs, unprofitable.
INUTILITY, la-u-tU'-it-y. f. Ufekffncfs,
INVULNERABLE, In-vul'-ner-abl. a. Not
to be wounded, fee u re from wound.
To INWALL, in-wa'l. v. a. To inclofe with
a wall.
INWARD, iZ-wJ-rd. 7 ad. Towards the in-
INVVyXRDS, in'-werdz. ^ ternal parts, within ;
with inflexion or incurvity, concavcly; into the
mind or thoughts.
INWARD, in'-werd. a. Internal, placed within ;
intim.ite, domcftick ; fcatcd in the mind.
INWARD, In'-wcrd. f. Any thingwithin, ge-
nerally tho bowels; intimate, near acquaint-
INWARDLY, !n'-wcrd-ly. ad. In the heart,
privately; in the parts within, internally; with
inflexion or concavity.
INWARDNESS, In'-wcrd-nls. f. Intimacy,
To INWEAVE, in-wcV. v. a. preter. Inwove
or Inweaved, part. paff. Inwove or Inwoven. To-
mix any thing in weaving fo that it forms part
of the texture; to intwine, to complicate.
To IN WOOD, in-wud'. v. a. To hide in
woods. Obfolete.
To INWRAP, in-rap'. v. a. To cover by in-
volution, to involve; to perplex, to puzzle
with difficulty or obfcurity ; to ravifli or tranf-
INWROUGHT, m-ra't. a. Adorned with
To INWREATHE, in-re'th. v. a. To fur-
round as with a wreath.
JOB, dzhob'. f. A low, mean, lucrative affair;
petty, piddling work, a piece of chance work;
a fuddcn {tab with a fharp inltrument.
To JOB, dzhob'. v. r» To (trike fuddenly with,
a fharp inftrument ; to drive in a (harp inftru-
To JOB, dzhob^ v. n. To play the ftockjob-
ber, to buy and fell as a broker.
JOB'S TEARS, dzhoV-terz. f. An herb.
JOBBER, dzhob'-bur. f. A man who fells
ftock in the publick funds ; one who does
JOCKEY, dzhok^-ky. f. A fellow that ric&S
horfes in the race ; a man that deals in horfes ;
a cheat,, a trickifh fellow.
To JOCKEY, dzhok^-ky. v. a. Tojuftlc by
riding againft one; to cheat, to trick.
JOCOSE, dzho-ko's. a. Merry, waggifh, gi-
ven to jcft.
JOCOSELY, dzho-koT-ly. ad. Waggiihly,
injeft, iagamc.
JOCOSENESS, dzho-ko'f-ms.') f. Waggery,
JOCOSITY, dzho-kos'-sit-y, ^ merriment.
JOCULAR, dzhok'-ku-lur. a. Ufed in jeft,
merry, jocofe^waggifh.
JOCULARITY, dlhik-u-lar'-It-y. f. Merri-
ment, difpofition to jeft.
JOCUND, dzhok'-kund. a. Merry, gay, airy,
JOCUNDLY, dzhok'-kund-ly. ad. Merrily,
To JOG, dzhog'. V. a. To pufh, to fliake by
a fudden pufti, to give notice by a fudden pufh.
To JOG, dzhog'. V. n. To move by fmall fliocks ;
to move on in a gentle, equable trot.
JOG, dzhog'. f. A pufh, a flight fhake, a fud-
den interruption by a pufh or fhake; a rub, a
fmall ftop.
JOGGER, dzhog'-gur. f. One who moves
heavily and dully.
To JOGGLE, dzhog'l. v. n. To fhake, to be
ill a tremulous motion.
JOHNAPPLE, dzhon'-apl. f. A fharp apple.
To JOIN, dzhoi''n. v. a. To add one to ano-
ther in continuity ; to unite in league or mar-
riage ; to dafh together, to encounter ; to afib-
ciate ; to unite in one aiSl ; to unite in con-
cord ; to a£t in concert with.
To JOIN, dzhoi n. v, n. To grow to, to ad-
here, to be continuous ; to clofc, to clalh ; to
unite with in marriage, or any other league ; to
become confederate.
JOINDER, dzhoi n-dur. f. Conjunftion, join-
JOINER, dzhoi'n-ur. f. One whofe trade is
to make utenfils of wood joined.
JOINERY, dzhoi''n-er-y. f. An art whereby
feveral pieces of wood are fitted and joined to-
JOINT, dzhoi'nt, f. Articulation of limbs,
jundure of moveable bones in animal bodies ;
hinge, junctures which admit motion of the
parts; in joinery, ftraight lines, in joiners lan-
guage, is called a joint, that is, two pieces of
wood are fhot ; a knot in a plant ; one of the
limbs of an animal cut up by the butcher ;
Out of joint, luxated, flipped from the focket,
or correfpondent part where it naturally moves ,
thrown into confufion and diforder.
JOINT, dzhoi'nt. a. Shared among many;
united in the fame pofTeffion ; combined, act-
ing together in confort.
To JOINT, dzhoi'nt. v. a. To join together
in confederacy ; to form many parts into one;
to form in articulations ; to divide a joint, to
cut or quarter into joints.
JOINTED, dzhoi'n-tld. a. Full of joints or
JOINTER, dzhol'n-tur. f. A fort of plane.
JOINTLY, dzhoi'nt-ly. ad. Together, not
feparatcly ; in a ftate of union or co-opera-
JOINTRESS, dzhoi'n-trls. f. One who holds
any thing in jointure.
JOINTSTOOL, dzhoi'nt-ftol. f. A ftool
formed by framing the joints into each ether.
JOINTURE, dzhoi'n-tfhur. f. Effate fettled
on a wife to be enjoyed after her hufband's
JOIST, dzhoi'fl. f. The fccondary beam of a
JOKE, dzho'ke. f. Ajefl, fomethingnot ferious.
To JOKE, dzho'ke. v. n. To jefl, to be merry
in words or actions.
JOKER, dzho'-kur. f. A jefter, a merry fellow.
JOLE, dzhd'le. f. The face or cheek; the
head of a fifh.
To JOLL, dzho'l. V. a. To beat the head
againft any thing, to clafh with violence.
JOLLILY, dzhol'-ly-ly. ad. In a difpofition
to noify mirth.
JOLLIMENT, dzh6r-ly-muit. f. Mirth, mer-
riment, gaiety.
JOLLINESS, dzhol'-ly-ms.^ f. Gaiety, ele-.
JOLLITY, dzhol'-ly-ty. ] vationof fpirit;
merriment, feftivity.
JOLLY, dzhol'-ly. a. Gay, merry, airy, cheer-
ful, lively; plump, like one in high health.
To JOLT, dzho'lt. V. n. -To fliake as a car-
riage on rough ground.
To JOLT, dzho'l t. v. a. 'io fhake one as a
carriage does.
JOLT, dzhu'lt. f. Shock, violent agitation.
JOLTHEAD, dzho'lt-hed. f. A great head.
a dolt, a blockhead.
JONQUILLE, dzhung-kl'l. f. A fpecies of daf-
JORDEN, dzhi/-dm. f. A pot.
To JOSTLE, dzhos'l. v. a. To juftle, to rufh
again IK
JOT, dzhot^ f. A point, a tittle.
JOVIAL, Qzho'-vyal. a. Under the influence
of Jupiter ; gay, airy, merry.
JOVIALLY, dzho'-vyai-y. ad. Merrily, gaily.
JOVIALNESS, dzho'-vyal-nis. f. Gaiety,
JOURNAL, dzhur'-nul. a. Daily, quotidian.
JOURNAL, dzhur'-nul. f. A diary, an ac-
count kept of daily tranfactions ; any paper
publiflied daily.
JOURNALIST, dzh'u'-nil-lft. f. A writer of
JOURNEY, dzhur'-ny. f. The travel of a
day ; travel by land, a voyage or travel by fea ;
paflage from place to place.
To JOURNEY, dzhur'-ny. v. n. To travel, to
pafs from place to place.
JOURNEYMAN, dzhur'-ny-man. f. A hired
JOURNEY-WORK, dzhur'-ny-wurk. f. Work
performed by hire.
JOUST, dzhou'ft. f. Tilt, tournament, mock
fight; It is now written lefs properly Juft.
To JOUST, dztiou'ft. V. n. To run in the tilt.
JOWLER, dzhow'-lir. f. A kind of hunting
JOY, dzhoy''. f. The paflion produced by any
happy accident, gladnefs ; gaiety, merriment ;
happinefs ; a term of fondnefs.
To JOY, dzhoy'. v. n. To rejoice, to be glad,
to exult.
To JOY, dzhoy'. v. a. To congratulate, to en-
tertain kindly ; to gladden, to exhilarate.
JOYANCE, dzho/-ans. f. Gaiety, feftivity.
r JOYFUL, dzhoy'-ful. a. Full of joy, glad,
JOYFULLY, dzhoy'-ful-y. aJ. With joy,
JOYFULNESS, dzhoy '-fi5l-n;'s. f. Gladncfi,,
joy- ^
JOYLESS, dzhoy '-lis. a. Void of joy, feeling
no plcafure ; giving no pleafure.
JOYOUS, dzhoy'-us. a. Glad, gay, merry;
giving joy.
IPECACUANHA, Ip-pi-kik-u-an'-a. f. Au
Indian plant.
IRASCIBLE, i-ras'-s!bl. a. Partaking of the
nature of anger, difpofed to anger.
IRE, f'rc. f. Anger, rage, pafiionate hatred.
IREFUL, 1 re-ful. a. Angry, raging, furious.
IREFULLY, Kre-fiil-y. ad. With^ire, in an
angry manner.
IRIS, i -ris. f. The rainbow ; an appearance of
light refembling the rainbow ; the circle round
the pupil of the eye ; the flower-de-luce.
To IRK, crk'. v. a. It irks me, I am weary
of it.
IRKSOME, crk -fum, a. Wcarifome, trouble-
IRKSOMELY, crk'-fum-ly. ad. Wearifomely,
IRKSOMENESS, erk'-fum-nls. f. Tediouf-
nefs, wearifomenefs.
IRON, f-urn. f. A hard, fufil, malleable metal ;
any inftrument or utenfil made of iron^ a chain,
a (hackle.
IRON, i -urn. a. Made of iron; refembling
iron in colour; harfli, fevere ; hard, impene-
To IRON, i'-iirn. v. a. To fmooth with r.n
iron ; to fliacklc with irons.
IRONICAL, !-ron'-ny-k^I- a- ExprclTing cne
thing and meaning another.
IRONICALLY, !-r6n'-ny-kal-y. ad. By th«
ufe of irony.
IRONMONGER, r-ura-mung gir. f. A dealer
in iron.
IRONWOOD, i'-urn-wdd. f. A kind of wood
extremely hard, and fo ponderous as to fink in
IRONWORT, f'-urn-wurt. f. A plant.
IRONY, i'-run-y. f. A mode of fpeech in which
the meaning is contrary to the words.
IRRADIANCE, ir-ri'-dyans. l f. Emiffion
IRRADIANCY, Ir-ra'-dyan-fy. S of rays cr
beams of light upon agi objefl: ; beams of light
To IRRADIATE, ir-ra'-dyate. v. a. To adorn
with light emitted upon it, to heighten j to en-
lighten intelleclually, to illuminate; to ani-
mate by heat or light ; to decorate with fhining
IRRADIATION, k-ra-dy-i'-fhun. f. The aft
of emitting beams of light; illumination, in-
telledual light.
IRRATIONAL, ir-rafh'-o-nal. a. Void of
reafon, void of underftanding^ abfurd, contrary
to reafon.
IRRATIONALITY, Ir-rafh-o-nal'-lt-y. f.
Want of reafon.
IRRATIONALLY, ir-rafh'-6-nal-y. ad. With-
out reafon, abfurdly.
IRRECLAIMABLE, ir-re-kla'm-abl. a. Not
to be reclaimed, not to be changed to the better.
IRRECONCILABLE, ir-rek-un-si'l-abl. a.
Not to be reconciled, not to be appeafed ; not
to be made confiftent.
abl-n!s. f. Impofiible to be reconciled.
IRRECONCILABLY, Ir-rek-un-sfl-ab-ly. ad.
In a manner not admitting reconciliation.
IRRECONCILED, Ir-rek'-un-sild. a. Not
atoned, not forgiven.
IRRECOVERABLE, {r-ri-kuv'-ur-abl. a. Not
to be regained, not to be reflored or repaired ;
not to be remedied.
IRRECOVERABLY, ir-re-kuv'-ur-ab-ly. ad,
Beyond recovery, pad repair.
IRREDUCIBLE, Ir-rt-du'-sibl. a. Not to be
Strength of argument not to be refuted.
IRREFRAGABLE, Ir-ref'-fra-gabl. a. Not
to be confuted, fuperiour to argumental op-
force above confutation.
IRREFUTABLE, Ir-r^-fu'-tabl. a. Not to be
overthrown by argument.
IRREGULAR, fr-reg^-gu-lur. a. Deviating
from rule, cuftom, or nature; immethodical,
not confined to any certain rule or order ; not
being according to the laws of virtue.
IRREGULARITY, ir-reg-gu-lar'-!t-y. ad.
Deviation from rule ; negledt of method and
order ; inordinate pradlice.
IRREGULARLY, ir-reg'-gd-lur-ly. ad. With-
out obfervation of rule or method.
To IRREGULATE, Ir-reg'-gu-lite. v. a. To
make irregular, to difordcr.
IRRELATIVE, ir-relMa-tiv. a. Having no
reference {o any thing, fingle, unconnedled.
IR RELIGION, Ir-re-Udzh'-iin. f. Contempt
of religion, in;piety.
IRRELIGIOUS, ir-re-lidzl/-us. s. Contemn-
ing religion, impious ; contrary to religion.
impiety, with irreligion.
IRREMEABLE, fr-re'-my-abl. a. Admitting
no return.
IRREMEDIABLE, ;r-re-ml''-dyabl. a. Admit-
ting no cure, not to be remedied.
IRREMEDIABLY, ir-re-me'-dyab-ly. ad.
Without cure.
IRREMISSIBLE, lr-rC'-mis''-sIb]. a. Not to
be pardoned.
IRREMISSIBLENESS, Ir-re-mls'-slbl-nis. f.
The quality of being not to be pardoned.
IRREMOVABLE, ir-re-mo'v-abl. a. Not to
be moved, net to be changed.
IRRENOWNED, lr-re-now''nd. a. Void of
IRREPARABLE, Lr-rep'-per-abl. a. Not to
be recovered, not to be repaired.
IRREPARABLY, ir-rep'-per-ab-ly. ad. With-
out recovery, without amends.
IRREPLEVIABLE, Ir-re-plev'-vy-abl. a. Not
to be redeemed. A law term.
IRREPREHENSIBLE, Ir-rep-pre-hen'-s!bl. a.
Exempt from blame.
IRREPREHENSIBLY, ir-rep-pre-hen'-slb-ly.
ad. Without blame.
IRREPRESENTABLE, Ir-rep-pn"-7.'-nt'-abl.
a. Not to be figured by any rcprefcnt-
IRREPROACHABLE, ir-re-pr6'tfli-abl. a. Free
from blame, free from reproach.
IRREPROACHABLY, ir-ri-ptd'tfh-ab-ly. ad.
\^ ithout blaniv, without reproach.
IRREPROVEAELE, Ir-rc-prd'v-dbl. a. Not
to be blamed, irreproachable.
IRRESISTIBILITY, Ir-rc-zis''-ty-bil'''-it-y. f.
Power or force above oppofition.
IRRESISTIBLE, ir-re-zl/-tlbl. a. Superiour
to oppofition.
IRRESISTIBLY, ir-rC'-zIs'-tlb-ly. ad. In a
manner not to be oppofed.
IRRESOLUBLE, ir-res'-s6-lubl. a. Not to
be broken, not to be diflblved.
IRRESOLb'BLENESS, Ir-res'-so-lubl-nls. f.
Rcfiftance to feparation of the parts.
IRRESOLVEDLY,!r-rg-za'l-ved-ly. ad. With-
out fettled determination.
IRRESOLUTE, ir-rez'-zo-lut. a. Not con-
- flant in purpofe, not determined.
IRRESOLUTELY, ir-rez'-zo-ldt-ly. ad.With-
out firmnefs of mind, without determined pur-
IRRESOLUTION, Ir-rcz-o-lu'-fhun. f. Want
of firmnefs of mind.
IRRESPECTIVE, Ir-ref-fpek'-tiv. a. Having
no regard to any circumilances.
IRRESPECTIVELY, Jr-r^f-fpck'-tK-l^-. ad.
Without regard to circumftances.
IRRETRIEVABLE, Ir-re-trl'-vdbl. a. Not
to be repaired, irrecoverable, irreparable.
IRRETRIEVABLY, ir-re-tre'-vab-ly. ad. Ir-
reparably, irrecoverably,
IRREVERENCE, lr-rev''-ver-ens. f. Want of
reverence, want of veneration ; fiate of being
IRREVERENT, Ir-rev'-ver-ent. a. Not pay-
ing due homage or reverence, not exprelling or
conceiving due v':iicrat!on or refpedl.
IRREVERENTLY, Jr-rcv'-ver-tnt-ly. ad.
Without due rcfp^-cl or veneration.
IRREVERSIBLE, ir-rc-vu'-:abl. a. Not to
be recalhd, not to be chaiigtd.
IRREVERSIBLY, Ir-re-vt/-slb-ly. ad. With-
out change, 2
IRREVOCABLY, Ir-rcv'-vrVkabl. a. Not to
be recalled, not to be brought back.
IRREVOCABLY, Ir-rev'-v6-kab-ly. ad. With-
out recall.
To IRRIGATE, ir'-ry-gate. v. a. To wet, to
moiften, to water.
IRRIGATION, ir-ry-ga'-fliun. f. The acl of
watering or moiftening.
IRRIGUOUS, ir-rig'-gu-us. a. Watery, wa-
tered ; dewy, moift.
IRRISION, ir-rlzh'-un. f. The acl of laugh-
ing at another.
To IRRITATE, Ir'-ry-tate. v. a. To provoke,
to teaze, to exafpcrate ; to fret, to put into mo-
tion or diforder by any irregular or unaccuf-
tomed conta6t ; to heighten, to agitate, to en-
IRRITATION, ir-ry-ta'-fhun. f. Provocation,
rxafperation ; ftimulation.
IRRUPTION, iT-rup'-ihun. f. The aft of any
thing forcing an entrance ; inroad, burft of in-
vaders into any place.
IS, iz . The third perfon fingular of To be, I
am, thou art, he is ; it is fometimes expreflbd
by 's.
ISCHURY, is'-ku-ry. f. A ftoppage of urine.-
ISCHURETICK, If-k.i-ret'-tlk. f. ^ Such me-
dicines as force urine when fuppreffed.
ISICLE, f-sikl. f. A pendent fhoot of ice.
ISINGLASS, f-z!ng-glas. f. A fine kind of
glue made from the inteftines of a large fifh re-
fembling a fturgeon.
ISINGLASS STONE, f-zlng-glas-ftd'ne. f. A
pure foffil, more clear and tranfparent than
glafs, of which the ancients made their win-
ISLAND, f-land. f. A tradof land furrounded
by water.
ISLANDER, f-lan-dur. f. An inhabitant of
a country furroundcd by water.
ISLE, flc. f. An iiland, a country furrounded
by water ; a long walk in a church or publick
ISOPERIMETRICAL, I-fc-pcr-y-met'-try-
kal. f. In geometry, arc fuch figures as have
equal perimeters or circumferences, of which
the circle is the greatefl.
ISOSCELES, i-sos'-se-les. f. That which hath
only two fides equal.
ISSUE, Is'-fhu. f. The ac); of pafling out ; exit,
egrefs, or paffage out; event, confequence;
termination, conclufion ; a fontanel, a vent
made in a mufcle for the difcharge of humours ;
evacuation ; progeny, offspring ; in law^, Iffue
hath divers applications, fometimes ufed for the
children begotten between a man and his wife,
fometimes for profits growing from an amerce-
ment, fometimes for profits of lands or tene-
ments, fometimes for that point of matter de-
fending in fuit, whereupon the parties join and
put their caufe to the trial of the jury.
To ISSUE, is'-fhu. V. n. To come out, to
pafs out of any place ; to make an eruption ;
to proceed as an offspring; to be produced by
any fund ; to run out in lines.
To ISSUE, is'-fhu. V. a. To fend out, to fend
forth; to fend out judicially or authoritatively.
ISSUELESS, iV-fhu-lIs. a. Without offspring,
without defendants.
ISTHMUS, is'-mus. f. A neck of land join-
ing the peninfula to the continent.
IT, it . pronoun. The neutral demonflrative ;
the thing fpokcn of before; It is ufed ludicroufly
after neutral verbs, to give an emphafis ; It is
idiomatically applied to perfons, as It was I,
It was he.
ITCH, itlh . f. A cutaneous difeafc extremely
contagious ; the fenfation of uneafinefs in the
fkin, which is eafcd by rubbing; a conflant
teafing defire.
To ITCH, itfh^ V. n. To feel that uneafinefs
in the fkin which is removed by rubbing ; to
long, to have continual defire.
ITCHY, Itfh'-y. a. Infeded with the itch.
ITEM, f-tem. ad. Alfo ; a word ufed when
any article is added to the former.
ITEM, i'-tem. f. A new article ; a hint, an
To ITERATE, It'-tcr-ate. v. a. To repeat, to
utter again, to inculcate by frequent mention ;
to do over again.
ITERANT, F/-ter-ant. a. Repeating.
ITERATION, it-ter-i'-fliun. f. Repetition,
recital over again.
ITINERANT, i-tln'-ner-ant. a. Wandering,
not fettled.
ITINERARY, i-tln^-ner-ar-y. f. A book of
ITINERARY, i-thZ-ner-ar-y. a. Travelling,
done on a journey.
ITSELF, it-felf'. pronoun. The neutral reci-
procal pronoun applied to things.
JUBILANT, dzhy-by-lant. a. Uttering fongs
of triumpii.
JUBILATION, dzho-by-la'-fhun. f. The a^
of declaring triumph.
JUBILEE, dzhd'-by-ll. f. A publick fcf-
JUCUNDITY, dzho-kun'-dlt-y. f. Pleafant-
nefs, agreeablenefs.
To JUDAIZE, dzho'-da-ize. v. n. To con-
form to the Jews.
JUDGE, dzhudzh'. f. One who is invefled
with authority to determine any caufe or quef-
tion, real or perfonal ; one who prefides in a
court of judicature ; one who has fkill fufn-
cient to decide upon the merit of any thing.
To JUDGE, dzhudzh'. v. n. To pafs fen-
tence ; to form or give an opinion ; to difcern,
to diflingiiifh.
ToJLfDGE, dzhudzh'. v. a. To pafs fentence
upon, to examine authoritatively ; to pafs fe-
vcre ccnfure ; to doom fcverely.
JUDGER, dzhudzh'-ur. f. One who forms
judgment or paffes fentence.
JUDGMENT, dzhudzh'-ment. f. The power
of judging ; the afl: of exercifing judicature ;
determination, decifion ; the quality of diftin-
guifhing propriety and impropriety; opinion,
notion ; fentence againfl a criminal ; condemn-
ation ; punifhment .infliftcd by providence ;
diftribution of juflice; the laft doom.
JUDICATORY, dzho'-dy-ka-tir-y. f. Dif-
tribution of juflice; court of juftice.
JUDICATURE, dzhd'-dy-ka-tfhor. f. Power
of dillributing juflice.
JUDICIAL, d:ihd-dlfh'-al. a. Pradifed in the
diftrlbutioii of publick. juflice; inflided on as
a penalty.
JUDICIALLY, dzho-difli'-al-y. ad. In the
forms of legal juflice.
JUDICIARY, dzho-difh'-ar-y. a. Paffingjudg-
ment upon any thing.
JUDICIOUS, dzho-dl/h'-us. a. Prudent, wife,
JUDICIOUSLY, dzho-d!fli'-uf-ly. ad. Skil-
fully, wifely.
JUG, dzhug . f. A large drinking veflll with
a gibbous or fwelling belly.
To JUGGLE, dzhug'l. V. n. To play tricks
by flight of hand; to pradlife artifice or im-
JUGGLE, dzhug'l. f. A trick by legerdemain ;
an impofture, a deception.
JUGGLER, dzhug'-glur. f. One who prac-
tifes flight of hand, one who deceives the eye
by nimble conveyance ; a cheat, a trickifh
JUGGLINGLY, dzhug'-l!ng-ly. .ad. In a
deceptive manner.
JUGULAR, dzhcV-gu-lar. a. Belonging to
the throat.
JUICE, dzho^s. f. The liquor, fap, or water
of plants and fruits ; the fluid in animal bodies.
JUICELESS, dzho'f-lis. a. Dry without moif-
JUICINESS, dzhA'-fy-nls. f. Plenty of juice,
JUICY, dzhc^'-fy. a. Moift, full of juice.
JULAP, dzho'-lup. f. An extemporaneous
form of medicine, made of fimple and com-
pound water fwectcned.
JULY, dzhd-ly'. f. The feventh month of the
JUMART, dzho'-mart. f. The mixture of a
bull and a mare.
To JUMBLE, d/.hum'bl. v. a. To mix vio-
lently and confufedly together.
To JUMBLE, dzhum'bl. v. n. To be agitated
JUMBLE, dzhum'bl. f. Confufed mi.cure,
violent and confufed agitation.
To JUMP, dzhump'. V. n. To leap, to flcip,
to move forward without ftep or Aiding ; to leap
fuddcnly ; to jolt ; to agree, to tally, to join.
JUMP, dzhump'. ad. Exadtly.
JUMP, dzhump'. f. The adt of jumping, a
leap, afkip; a lucky chance; a waiftcoat, lim-
ber ftays worn by ladies.
JUNCATE, dzhun'-kit. f. Cheefecake, a kind
of fweetmeat of curds and fugar ; any delicacy ;
a furtive or private entertainment.
JUNCOUS, dzhunk'-kus. a. Full of bul-
JUNCTION, dzhunk'-fhun. f. Union, co-
JUNCTURE, dzhunk'-tfhur. f. The line at
which two things are joined together; joint
articulation ; union, amity ; a critical point
or article of time.
JUNE, dzh/Zn. f. The fixth month of the year.
JUNIOR, dzho'-nyur. a. One younger thaiT
JUNIPER, dzhi'-ny-pur. f. A plant. The
berries are powerful attenuant?, diureticks, and
JUNK, dzhunk'. f. A fmall fliip of China;
pieces of cable.
JUNKET, dzhunk'-It. f. A Avectmeat ; a
flolcn entertainment.
To JUNKET, dzhunk'-it. v. n. To fead fe-
cretly, to make entertainments by fteahh ; to
JUNTO, dzhun'-tS. f. A cabal.
IVORY, f-vur-y. f. The tu(k of the elephant.
IVORY, f-vur-y. a. Made of ivory; pertain-
ing to ivory.
JURAT, dzho'-rat. f. A magiftrate in foms
JURATORY, dzhi^'-rit-tur-y. a. Giving oath.
JURIDICAL, dzho-rid'-dy-kal. a. Acting
in the diftribution of juftice ; ufed in courts of
JURIDICALLY, dzho-r!d'-Jy-kal-y. a. ^^'ich
legal authority.
JURISCONSULT, dzhj-iif-kon'-fwlt. f. One
wlio gives his opinion in law.
JURISDICTION, dz5-rlf-dik'-{liun. f. Legal '
authority, extent of power; diftrid to which
any authority extends.
JURISPRUDENCE, dzhd-rlf-pro'-dens. f. The
fcience of law.
JURIST, dzh^-rfft. f. A civil lawyer, a ci-
JUROR, dzhd'-riir. f. One that ferves on the
JURY, dzho^-ry. f. Jury, a company of men,
as twenty-four or twelve, fworn to deliver a
truth upon fuch evidence as fliall be delivered
them touching the matter in queftion.
JURYMAN, dzho'-ry-man. f. One who is im-
pannelled on a jury.
JURYMAST, dzhd'-ry-maft. f. So the fea-
men call whatever they fet up in the room of a
maft loft in fight, or by a ftorm.
JUST, dzhuft^ a. Upright, equitable; honeft;
exact ; virtuous ; complete without fuperfiuity
or defedt ; regular, orderly ; exactly propor-
tioned ; full, of full dimenfions or weight.
JUST, dzhuft'. ad. Exa£Hy, nicely, accurate-
ly; merely, barely ; nearly.
JUST, dzhuft'. f. Mock encounter on horfe-
To JUST, dzhuft'. V. n. To engage in a mock
fight, to tilt; topufli, to drive, tojuftle.
JUSTICE, dzhus'-tls. f. The virtue by which
we give to every man what is his due ; vindi-
cative retribution, punilhment ; right, aflertion
of right ; one deputed by the king to do right
by way of judgment.
JUSTICEMENT, dzhus'-tif-ment. f. Proce-
dure in courts.
JUSTICESHIP, dzhus'-tif-fliip. f. Ranker
office of juftice.
JUSTICIABLE, dzhuf-tifh'-abl. a. Proper
to be examined in courts of juftica.
JUSTIFIABLE, dzhus'-ty-f i-abl. a. Defenfible
by law or reafon, conformable to juftice.
JUSTIFIABLENESS, dzhus'-ty-fi-Abl-nis. f.
Reiflitude, poflibility of being fairly defended.
JUSTIFIABLY, dzhis'-ty-fi-ab-ly. ad. Right-
ly, fo as to be fupported by right.
JUSTIFICATION, dzuf-ty-fy-ka'-fhun. f.
Defence, maintenance, vindication, fupport i
deliverance by pardon from fins paft.
JUSTIFICATOR, dzhus'-ty-fy-ki-tur. f. One
who fupports, defends, vindicates, or juftifies.
JUSTIFIER, dzhus'-ty-fy-ur. f. One who
defends or abfolves.
To JUSTIFY, dzhus'-ty-fy. v. a. To clear
from imputed guilt, to abfolve from an accu-
fation ; to maintain, to defend, to vindicate ; to
free from paft fin by pardon.
To JUSTLE, dzhos'l. v. n. To encounter, to
clafh, to rufli againft each other.
To JUSTLE, dzhos^l. v. a. To pufh, to drive,
to force by rufhing againft it.
JUSTLY, dzhuft'-ly.^ad. Uprightly, honeftly,
in a juft manner; properly, exadly, accu-
JUSTNESS, dzhuft'-nis. f. Juftice, reafon-
ablenefs, equity ; accuracy, exadnefs, propriety.
To JUT, dzhut'. v. n. To pufh or fhoot into
prominences, to come out beyond the main
To JUTTY, dzhut'-ty. v. a. To fhoot out
JUVENILE, dzho'-ve-nile. a. Young, youth-
JUVENILITY, dzha-ve-nil'-It-y. f. Youth-
JUXTAPOSITION, dzhukf-ta-p6-zlfh'-un. f-
Appofition, the ftate of being placed by each>
IVY, f-vy. f. A plant.
KALENDAR, kal'-ln-dur. f. An account
of time.
KALI, ka'-!y. f. Sea-weed, of the afties of
which glafs was made, whence the word Alkali.
KAM, kam'. a. Crooked.
To KAW, ka'. v. n. To cry as a raven, crow,
or rook.
KAW, ka . f. The cry of a raven or crow.
KAYLE, ka'le. f. Ninepin, kettlepins; nine
To KECK, kek'. v. n. To heave the ftomach,
to reach at vomiting^.
To KECKLE a cable, kek'l, v. a. To defend
a cable round with rope.
KECKSY, kek'-fy. f. It is ufed in StafFord-
fhire both for Hemlock and any other hollow
jointed plant.
KECKY, kek'-ky. a. Refembling a kex.
KEDGER, kedih'-ur. f. A fmall anchor ufed
in a river.
KEDLACK, kedMa'k. f, A weed that grows
among corn, charnock.
KEEL, ke'l. f. The bottom of the Ihip.
KEELFAT, ke'l-vat. f. Cooler, tub in whifh
liquor is le; to cool.
KEELSON, ke'l-fun. f. The next piece of
timber in a lliip to her keel.
To KEELHALE, ke'l-hal. v. a. To punifh in
the feamens way, by dragging the criminal un-
der water on one fide of the (hip and up again
on the other.
KEEN, ke'n. a. Sharp, well edged ; fevcre,
piercing ; eager, vehement ; acrimonious, bit-
ter of mind.
KEENLY, ke'n-ly. a. Sharply, vehemently.
KEENNESS, ke'n-n!s. f. Sharpnefs, edge;
rigour of weather, piercing cold ; afperity, bit-
ternels of mind ; eagernefs, vehemence.
To KEEP, ke'p. v. a. To tetain ; to have in
cuftodyj to pifcfervc in a ftacc of fecurity j to
protea-, to guard ; to detain; to hold for ano-
ther ; to refcrve, to conceal ; to tend ; to pre-
fcrve in the fame tenour or ftate ; to hold in
any ftate; to retain by fome degree of force in
any place or ftate; to continue any ftate or
ac'lion; to obferve any time; to maintain, to-
fupport with neceflaries of life ; to have in the
houfc ; to maintain, to hold ; to remain in ;
not to lea^'c a place; not to reveal, not to be-
tray ; to reftrain, to with-hold ; To keep back,
to referve, to with-hold ; to reftrain ; To keep
company, to frequent any one ; to accompany ;
To keep company with, to have familiar in-
tercourfe ; To keep in, to conceal, not to tell,
to reftrain, to curb ; To keep ofF, to bear to
diftance; to hinder; To keep up, to maintain
without abatement; to continue, to hinder from
ceafing; To keep under, to opprefs, tofubdue.
To KEEP, ke''p. v. n. To remain by fome la-
bour or effort in a certain ftate ; to continue in
any place or ftate, to ftay ; to remain unhurt,
to laft ; to dwell, to live conftantly ; to adhere
ftriaiy ; To keep on, to go forward ; To keep
up, to continue undifmayed.
KEEPER, kcp-ur.f. One who holds any thing
for the ufe of another ; one who has prifoners
in cuftody ; one who has the care of parks, or
beafts of chafe ; one that has the fuperintend-
ence or care of any thing.
KEEPERSHIP, ke'p-ur-{h!p. f. OiEcc of a
KEG, kag''. f. A fmall barrel, commonly ufed
for a fifli barrel.
KELL, kel^ f. The omentum, that which in-
wraps the guts.
KEjvP, kelp', f. A fait produced from calcined
KELSON, kel'-fun. f. The wood next the keel.
To KEN, ken', v. a,. To fee at a diftance, to
di-lcryj to know.
KEN, kei/. f. View, reach of fight.
KENNEL, ken'-n!l. f. A cot for dogs; a num-
ber of dogs kept in a kennel ; the hole of a fox,
or other bcaft ; the watcr-courfe of a ftreet.
To KENNEL, ku/-nil.' v. n. To lie, to dwell :
uft-d of beafls, and of man in contempt.
KEPT, kept'', pret. and part. paff. of Keep.
KERCHIEF, ker'-tflilf. f. A head-drefs.
KERCHIEFED, ? , , / ^„ ^ a. DreiTed,
KERCHIEFT, J ^er -tfhift. | ^^^^^^^
KERMES, ker'-mez. f. A fubfrance hereto-
fore fuppofed to be a vegetable excrefcence, hut
now found to be the body of a-female animal,
containing a numerous offspring.
KERN, kern', f. Irifh foot foldier.
To KERN, kern . v. n. To harden as ripened
corn ; to take the form of grains, to granulate.
KERNEL, ker'-nil. f. The edible fubftance
contained in a fhcll ; any thing included in a
ihell ; any thing included in a hufk or integu-
ment ; the feeds of pulpy fruits ; a gland ;
knobby concretions in childrens flefh.
KERNELLY, ker'-nll-y. a. Full of kernels,
having the quality or refemblance of kernels.
KERNELWORT, ker'-n!l-wurt. f. An herb.
KERSEY, ker'-zy. f. Coarfe fluff.
KESTREL, kes'-tril. f. A little kind of buf-
tard hawk.
KETCH, ketfh'. f. A heavy (hip.
KETTLE, ket'l. f. A veffel in which liquor is
KETTLEDRUM, ket'l-drim. f. A drum of
which the head is fpreadover a body of brafs.
KEY, ke . f. An inftrument formed with ca-
vities correfpondent to the wards of a lock ; an
inftrument by which fomething is fcrewed or
turned ; an explanation of any thing difficult ;
the parts of a mufical inftrument which are
ftruck with the fingers ; in mufick, is a certain
tone whereto every compofition, whether long
or Ihort, ought to be fitted.
KEY, ka'. f. A bank raifed perpendicular for
the cafe of lading and imlading fliips.
KEYAGE, ka'-ldzh. f. Money paid for lying
at the key.
KEYHOLE, ke'-hOle. f. The perfonuion in
tlie door or lock through which the key Is put.
KEYSTONE, ke'-ftone. f. The m.iddle ftone
of an arch.
KIBE, kyi'b. f. An ulcer.ited chilblain, a chap
in the heel.
KIBED, kyl'bd. a. Troubled v.-ith kibes.
To KICK, kik'. V. a. To ftrike with the foot.
KICK, kik'. f. A blow with the foot.
KICKER, klk'-kur. f. One who ftrikcs with
his foot.
KICKING, kik'-klng. f. The ad of ftriking
with the foot.
KICKSHAW, kik'-fha. f. Something uncom-
mon, fantaftical, fomething ridiculous ; a difli
fo changed by the cookery that it can fcarcely
be known.
KID, kid', f. The young of a goat ; a bundle
of heath or furze.
To KID, kid'. V. a. To bring forth kids.
KIDDER, kld'-dur. f. AningrofTer of corn to
enhance its price.
To KIDNAP, kld'-nap. v. a. To fteal chil-
dren, to fteal human beings.
KIDNAPPER, kld'-nap-piir. f. One who fteals
human beings.
KIDNEY, kld'-ny. f. One of the two glands
that feparate the urine from the blood ; race,
kind, in ludicrous language.
KIDNEYBEAN, kid'-ny-ben. f. A kind of
pulfe in the fh.ape of a kidney.
KIDNEYVETCH, kid'-ny-vetfh.
KIDNEYWORT, kid'-ny-wurt.
KILDERKIN, kil'-der-kln. f. A fmall barrel.
To KILL, kil'. V. a. To deprive of life, to put
to death, to murder ; to deftroy animals for
food ; to deprive of vegetative life.
KILLER, k!l'-lur. f. One that deprives of life.
KILLOW, k!l'-l6. f. An earth of a blackifh
or deep blue colour.
KILN, kir. f. A ftove, a f.ibrick formed for
admitting heat, in order to dry or burn things.
To KILNDRY, k!l'-Jr?-. v. a. To dry by
means of a kiln.
KIjMBO, kiin'-bo. a. Crooked, bent, arched.
KIN, kin', f. Relation either of confanguinity
or affinity j relatives, thofe who arc of the fame
• f. Plants.
face; a relation, one rehtcd ; the fame gcjic-
rical claf>.
KIND, kvMid. a. Benevolent,' filled with ge-
neral good-will ; favourable, beneficent.
KIND, kyi'nd. f. Race, generical clafs ; par-
ticular nature; natural flats; nature, natural
determination ; manner, wa)' ; fort.
To KINDLE, kln'dl. v. a. To fct on fire, to
light, to make to burn ; to .nflame the paflions,
to cxafperate, to animate.
To KINDLE, kln'dl. v. n. To catch fire.
KINDLER, kind'-lur. f. One that lights, one
■who inflames.
KINDLY, kyi'nd-ly. ad. Benevolently, fa-
vourably, with good will.
KINDLY, kyi^nd-ly. a. Congenial, kindred;
bland, mild, foftening.
KINDNESS, kyrnd-nis. f Benevolence, be-
neficence, good will, favour, love.
KINDRED, k!n'-drid. f. Relation by birth or
marriage, affinity ; relation, fort ; relatives.
KINDRED, kin'-dr!d. a. Congenial, related.
KINE, kyfn. f. plur. from Cow.
KING, kin g^ f. Monarch, fupreme governor;
A card with the picture of a kiiig ; a principal
To KING, king'. V. a. To fupply with a king ;
to make royal, to raife to royal.y.
KINGAPPLE, king'-apl. f. A kind of
KINGCRAFT, klng'-kraft. f The ad of go-
verning, the art of governing.
-KINGCUP, klng'-kup. f. A flower,
KINGDOM, klng'-dum. f. The dominion of
a king, the territories fubjeft to a monarch ; a
different clafs or order of beings; a region, a
KINGFISHER, klng'-flfli-ur. f. A fpeclcs of
KINGLIKE, k!ng'-like. '^a. Royal, fovcreign,
KINGLY, k!ng'-ly. 5 monarchical ; be-
longing to a king; noble, augufl.
KINGLY, king'-ly. ad. With an air of roy-
alty, with fupejiour dignity.
KINGSEVIL, kingz-cM. f. Afcrofulous dif-
temper, in which the glands are ulcerated, com-
monly believed to be cured bv the touch of the
KINGSHIP, king'-fhip. f. Royalty, monarchy.
KINGSPEAR, kmg'/.fpcr. f. A plant.
KINGSTONE, klngz'-fton. f. A fifh.
KINSFOLK, klnz'-fok. f. Relations,, thof.-
who are of the fame family.
KINSMAN, kinz'-min. f. A man of the fame
race or family.
KINSWOMAN, khiz'-wiim-un. f. fing. A
female relation.
KINSWOMEN, kinz'-wlm-mm. f. plur,
KIRK, kerk'. f. An old word for a church,
yet retained in Scotland.
KIRTLE, ker tl. f. An upper garment, a gown.
To KISS, kis^ V. a. To touch with the lips;
to treat with fondnefs; to touch gently.
KISS, kis . f. Salute given by joining lips.
KISSER, kis'-iur. f. One that kiiTes.
KISSINGCRUST, kis'-sing-krulL f. Crufl
formed where one loaf in the oven touches ano-
KIT, kit', f. A large bottle; a fmall diminu-
tive fiddle; a fmall wooden veflej.
KITCHEN, kitfl/-in. f. The room in a houfe
where the provifions are cooked.
KITCHENGARDEN, kitrn'-In-gar-dln. f.
Garden in which efculent plants are produced.
KITCHENMAID, kkfh'-In-made. f. A cook-
KITCHENSTUFF, kltfh'-!a-fluf. f. The fat
of meat fcummcd ofF the pot, or gathered out
of the dripping-pan.
KITCHENWENCH,kitfh'-m-wentfh. f. Scul-
lion, maid employed to clean the inflrumcnts
of Cookery.
KITCHENWORK, k!t{h'-!n-wirk. f. Cook-
ery, work done in the kitchen.
KITE, kyfte. f. A bird of prey that infefls the
farms, and fleals the chickens ; a name of re-
proach denoting rapacity ; afiiSfitious bird made
of paper.
KITESFOOT, kyi'tf-fut. f. A plr.nt.
KITTEN, klt'n. f. A young cat.
To KITTEN, kit'n. v. n. To brin^ I'jith
young catj.
6 F T»
To KLICK, kl'ik'. v. n. To make a fmallfnarp
To KNAB, nab', nib', v. a. To bite.
KNACK, nak'. f. A little machine, a petty
contrivance, a toy ; a readinefs, an habitual
facility, a lucky dexterity ; a nice trick.
KNAP, nap', f. A protuberance, a fwellinj
To KNAP, nap', v. a. Tobite, tofarfeakfr-ort ;
To ilrike fo as to make fharp noife; like that
of breaking.
To KN APPLE, nV- \- '^- To break off with
a (harp quick noiil-,
KNAPSACK, nap'-rak. f. The bag which a
foidier carries on his back, a bag of proviGons.
KNAPWEED, nap'-wed. f. A plant.
KNAVE, na'v. f. A boy, a male child ; a fer-
vant: both thefe are obfolcte. .A pcttyrafcal, a
fcoundrel ; a card with a foidier painted on it.
KNAVERY, na'v-ur-y. f. Diflionefty, tricks,
petty villany ; mifchievous tricks or prac-
KNAVISH, na'v-Ifh. a. Diflicneft, wicked,
fraudulent ; waggifli, mifchievous.
KNAVISHLY, na'v-Ifh-ly. ad. Difiionefily,
fraudulently ; waggifiily, mifchievoufly.
To KNEAD, ne'd. v. a. To beat or mingle
any fluff or fubflance.
■ KNEADINGTROUGH, ne'd-lng-trof. f. A
trough in which the pafte of bread is worked
KNEE, ne'. f. The joint of the leg where the
leg is joined to the thigh ; a knee is a piece of
timber growing crooked, and fo cut that the
trunk and branch make an angle.
To KNEE, ne'. v. a. To fupplicate by kneeling.
KNEED, ne'd. a. Having knees, as in-kneed;
having joints, as kneed grafs.
KNEEDEEP, ne'-dep. a. Rifing to the knees ;
funk to the knees.
KNEEPAN, ne'-pan. f The fmall convex bone
oil the articulation of the knee, which ferves
as a pulley to the tendon of the mufcles that
move the leg.
To KNEEL, nc'l, v. n. To bend the knee, to
reft on the knee.
KNEETRIBUTE, nc'-trlb-ut. f. Worfhip or
obcifance fhewn by kneeling.
KNEL, ncl'. f. The found of a bell rung at a
KNEW, nu . The preterite of Know.
KNIFE, ni fe. f. plur. Knives. An inftrument
edged and pointed, wherewith meat is cut.
KNIGHT, ni te. f. A man advanced to a cer-
tain degree of military rank ; the rank of gentle-
men next to baronets ; a man of fome particu-
lar order of kni^thood; a reprefentative of a
county in parliament ; a champion.
KfJIGHT ERRANT, nite-ar'-rant. f. A wan-
dering knight.
KNIGHT ERRANTRY, mte-ar'-rant-ry. f.
The charadter or manners of wandering knights.
To KNIGHT, ni'te. v. a. To create one a knighc.
KNIGHTLY, ni'te-ly. a. Befitting a knight^
befeeming a knight.
KNIGHTHOOD, nfte-had. f. The charac-
ter or dignity of a knight.
To KNIT, nit', v. a. preter. Knit or Knitted.
To make or unite by texture without the loom j
to tie; tojoin, to unite; to contract; to tie up.
To KNIT, nit'. V. n. To weave without a
loom ; tojoin, to clofe, to unite.
KNITTER, nit'-tur. f. One who weaves or
KNITTINGNEEDLE, nit'-tlng-nedl. f. A
wire which wpmen ufe in knitting.
KNOB, nob', f. A protuberance, any part
bluntly rifing above the reft.
KNOBBED, nob'd. a. Set with knobs, ha-
ving protubennces.
KNOBBINESS, nob'-by-nls. f. Tlvc quality
of having knols; hard, ftubborn.
To KNOCK, nok'. v. n. Toclafli, to bedriverj
fuddenly together ; to beat as at a door for ad-
mittance ; To knock under, a common ex-
prefTion that demotes when a man yields or
To KNOCK, not', v. a. To affed or change
in any refpeft by blows ; to dafh together, to
ftrike, to collide with a fliarp noife ; To knock
down, to fell by a blow ; To knock on th^
head, to kill by a blow, to deftroy.
KNOCK, nek', f. A fudJcn ftrokc, a blow ;
a loud flroke at a door for admiflion.
KNOCKER,, nok'-kur. f. He that knocks;
the hammer which hangs at the door for ftran-
gers to ftrike.
To KNOLL, nil', v. a. To ring the bell, ge-
nerally for a funeral.
To KNOLL, nol . v. n. To found as a bell.
KNOT, not . f. A complication of a cord or
firing not eafily tobedifentangled ; any figure of
which the lines frequently interfeft each other;
any bond of affociation or union ; a hard part in
apieceof wood ; a confederacy, an affociation, a
fmall band; difficulty, intricacy; an intrigue,
or difficult perplexity of affairs; a clufter, a
To KNOT, not . v. a. To complicate in knots;
to intangle, to perplex ; to unite.
To KNOT, not', v. n. To form buds, knots,
or joints in vegetation ; to knit knots for
KNOTBERRYBUSH, not'-ber-ry-bOih. f. A
KNOTGRASS, not'-gras. f. A plant,
KNOTTED, not'-tid. a. Full of knots.
KNOTTINESS, n6t''-ty-nis. f. Fulnefs of
knots, unevennefs, intricacy.
KNOTTY, not'-ty. a. Full of knots ; hard,
ruggcJ ; intricate, perplexed, difficult, eni-
To KNOW, no', v. a. preter. I Knew, I have
Known. To perceive with certainty, to be
informed of, to be taught ; to diftinguifh ; to
recognife; to be no ftranger to; to converfc
with another fcx.
To KNOW, no'. V. n. To have clear and
certain perception, not to be doubtful ; to be
KNOWABLE, no'-abl. a. Poffible to be dLf-
covered or underftood.
KNOWER, no'-ur. f. One who has fkill or
KNOWING, nd'-Ing. a. Skilful, well in-
ftructed; confcious, intelligent.
KNOWINGLY, n6'-lng-ly. ad. With /kill,
with knowledge.
KNOWLEDGE, nil'-lidzh. f. Certain per-
cepcion ; learning, illumination of the mind ;
fkill in any thing; acquaintance with any fa<5l
or perfon ; cognifance, notice; information,
power of knowing.
KNUCKLE, nuk'l. f. The joints of the fingers
protuberant when the fingers clofe; the knee
joint of a calf; the articulation or joint of a plant.
To KNUCKLE, nuk'l. v. n. To fubmit.
KNUCKLED, nuk'ld. a. Jointed.
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