A GENERAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. V O L. J. A GENERAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. One main Object of which, isj to eftablifh a plain and permanent STANDARD of PRONUNCIATION. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. By THOMAS SHERIDAN, A. M. QUO MINUS SUNT FERENDI QUI HANC ARTEM UT TENUEM AC JEJUNAM CAVIL- LANTUR ; QUJE. NISI ORATORI FUTURO FUNDAMENTA FIDELITER JECERIT, QUICQUID SUPERSTRUXERIS, CORRHET. NECESSARIA PUERIS, JUCUNDA SENIBUS, DULCIS SECRE- TORUM COMES; ET QU/E VEL SOLA, OMNI STUDIORUM GENERE, PLUS HABET OPERIS, QUAM OSTENTATIONIS. QUINCT. L. I. C. 4. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. DODSLEV, PAEL-MALL; C, DILLY, IN THE POULTRY; AND J. WILKIE, St. PAULs CHURCH-YARD. MDCCLXXX. PREFACE. OF all the languages known in the world, the Englifli is fuppofed to be the moft difficult; and foreigners in general look upon it as impradlicable to arrive at any degree of perfccftion, either in writing or fpeakiiig it. Yet from its nature and con- ftitution, with regard to the grammatical part, it ought to be the moft eafy of attain- ment of any other; as upon examination it would appear, that it is built upon the fimpleft principles, and governed by the feweft rules, of any language yet known. la which refpedls it exceeds even the Hebrew ; hitherto fuppofed to be the moft fimple of any. With regard indeed to the pronunciation of our tongue, the obftacles are great; and in the prefent ftate of things almoft infuperablc. But all this apparent difficulty arifes from our utter negled of examining and regulating our fpeech ; as nothing has hitherto been done, either by individuals, or focieties, towards a right method of teach- ing it. Whilft the ingenious natives of other countries in Europe, particularly the Italians, French, and Spaniards, in proportion to their progrefs in civilization and politcnefs, have for more than a century been employed, with the utmoft induftry, in cultivating and regulating their fpeech ; we ftill remain in the ftate of all barbarous countries in that refpeft, having left our's wholly to chance. Whoever has a mind to attain any of thofe tongues, may arrive at the utmoft perfedion in them, by the inftrudlion of fkilful matters, and the aid of accurate grammars and didlionaries; together with various trea- tifes on the peculiar niceties and elegancies of each. But when a foreigner arrives in London, and, as the firft necefiary point, enquires for a mafter to teach him the language, to his utter aftoniftiment he is told, that there are none to be found ; and thus he is left to pick it up as well as he can, in the fame way as if he had landed among favages. This is the more furprifing, as perhaps there never was a language, which required, or merited cultivation more j and certainly there never was a people upon earth, to -whom a perfedt ufe of the powers of fpeech were fo elTentially necefiary, to fupport their rights, privileges, and all the blcffings arifing from the nobleft conltitution that ever was formed. This amazing negled has been owing to a mode of education, efta- blilhed more than two centuries ago; and which, notwithftanding a total change in every circumftance, that made luch a mode of education the moft proper for thofe times, has, to the difgrace of human reafon, and to the indelible reproach of the leuidature of this country, remained invariably the fame ever fince. On the revival of ktters, the Vol. I. [A] ftudy PREFACE. ftudy of the Greek and Roman languages, in a fhort time, became general, in the more civilized nations of Europe ; and in this they were wife ; becaule a treafure of know- ledge, the colkfted wifdom of ages, was here opened to their view, which could be ac- quired in no other way ; as their own languages were then poor and barbarous, and the works of their authors, neither fit for entertainment or ufe. Whereas in the noble works of antiquity, they found every thing necefTary to enlighten the undcrftanding, regulate the fancy, and refine the taite ; and in proportion to their progrefs in this way, they who applied themielves to thole ftudies gained a fiiperiority over the reft of man- kind, not in fame only, but in rank and fortune. Thus were they flimulated in the purfuir, not only by the pleafure attending the chafe, but by the great ends to be at- tained by it. The temples of Fame and Fortune were (hut to all, who could not make their ofix;rings in Greek and Latin. Latin particularly was the general language, in which all people of education both converfed and wrote; and became, for a confider- able length of time, the currency of Europe, as French is at this day. Our anceftors, not to be behind hand with other nations, made many endowments of fchools and col- leges, for the perpetual propagation of thole ftudies, in their days fo juftly held in the higheft eftimation. They could not look into the feeds of time, nor forefee that future generations, upon a total change of circumftances, might fuffer much by a continuation of thofe inftitutions ; or that an enlightened pofterity would not make fuch alterations in them, as a change of times might render neceflary. The change indeed, fince their days, has been fo great, that the two learned languages are fallen into utter difufe. No one now either writes, or converfes in them. Nay fo totally are they gone out of fafliion, that in order to avoid the imputation of pedantry, no gentleman muft let it appear in converfation, that he ever had the leaft tindure of thofe ftudies-, and far from contributing to any man's advancement to pofts of honour or profit, the utmoft (kill in thofe languages will only qualify perfons tor the ofEce of fchoolmafters, or private tutors. Whilft a complete maftery of the Englifii, both in writing and fpeaking, would be the fureft means of attaining thofe ends, and anfwer every other purpofe of fpeech, with regard to ornament, as well as ufe, to an inhabit- ant of thefe countries, better than a command of all the other languages known in the world. Yet fo little regard has been paid to it in either refpeft, that out of our nume- rous army of authors, very few can be feledled who write with accuracy ; and among the multitude of our orators, even a tolerable fpeaker is a prodigy. All this arifes from a wrong bias given to the mind, in our courfe of education, with regard to two material articles. The firft is, a total negledt of our own tongue, from tlie time and pains neceftary to the attainment of two dead languages. The fecond, an utter inattention to the living language, as delivered to the ear by the organs of fpeech j from making the written, as prefented to the eye by the pen, the fole objeift of inftruc- lion. With regard to the firft of thefe, it has been taken for granted, that a knowledge of Greek and Latin will of courfe produce a fufficient knowledge of our own tongue ; though it is notorious that many who liave acquired an accurate fkill in writing Latin, make PREFACE. make but a very poor figure in their Englifh ftyle. Nay it has lately been proved by a learned Prelate, in a fhort effay upon our grammar, that fome of our moll celebrated writers, ard fuch as have hitherto pafled for our Englifh Claflics, have been guilty of great folecifms, inaccuracies, and even grammatical improprieties, in many places of their moft finiflied works. Nor is this at all furprifing, when we confider that grammar has never been taii^hc amongft us as a fci-nce-, and that in learning Latin, our youth are inftrufted only in the mechanical rules peculiarly adapted to that language ; where therefore thefe do not fquare with another, they are as much at a lofs, as if they knew no rules at all. Will any of thefe, prefuming upon their knowledge of Latin, think they can mafter the French or Italian, without learning the grammars of their refpeftive tongues ? And is there not the fame reafon for examining the peculiar rules by which the Englifh is governed ? This would cenainly be done by all in the liberal line of life, were the means open to them. But the faft is, that there has been no method laid down for attaining this knowledge. Nothing worthy the name of a grammar has hitherto appeared •, and it is not many years fince a diflionary of any value was produced j which, though it mull be allowed to have been an Herculean labour, when confidered as the work of one man, yet ftill is capable of great improvement. Hence each indi- vidual is left to acquire any critical fkill in his own language, as well as he can, by his own labour. The difHculties that perpetually flart in his way, through want of fome principles and rules to guide him, foon make him weary of the fruitlcfs purfuit ; and people in general are fatisfied with copying others, or making innovations upon unfure grounds. In confequence of which, it has been in a perpetual Hate of fludluation, being left wholly to the guidance of caprice and fafhion. The learned compiler of the Englifh Didlionary, in fpeaking of our language, fays, ' That while it was employed in * the cultivation of every fpecies of literature, it has itfelf been neglefted ; fufFered to * fpread under the diredlion of chance, into wild exuberance ; refigned to the tyranny * of time and fafhion ; and expofed to the corruption of ignorance, and caprice of inno- ' vation. When I took tlie firfl furvey of my undertaking, I found our fpecch copious * without order, and energetic without rules : wherever I turned my view, there was * perplexity to be difentangled, and confufion to be regulated.' And Swift, in his let- ter to Lord Oxford, is of opinion, that the corruptions crept into our language, have more than counterbalanced any improvements it has received, fince the days of Charles the Firfl. No wonder indeed our written language fhould be in this flate, when the only article attended to, and regularly taught, is that of fpelling words pro. perly. But low as the flate of the written language is, that of the fpoken is infinitely worfe-, with regard to which, nothing has been done, even to render a right pronun- ciation of the words attainable. And with refpect to every other point, we are fo far from having any way opened for teaching a juft and graceful delivery, that even from our learning the firft elements of fpcech, we are fo wholly perverted by falfe rules, and afterwards corrupted by bad habits, that there is fcarce a polTibility of arriving c ar PREFACE. at any degree of perfeftion in the moft ufeful and pleafing art that can adorn and dignify human nature. The total negleft of this art has been produdlive of the worft confequences. It is by fpeech that all affairs relative to the nation at large, or particular focieties, are carried on. In the conduA of all affairs ecclefiaftical and civil, in church, in parliament, courts of juftice, county courts, grand and petty juries, veftries in parillies, are the powers of fpeech effcntially requifite. In all which places, the wretched (late of elocu- tion is apparent to perfons of any difcernment and tafte; more particularly in the church, where that talent is of the utmoft moment to the fupport of religion. But in general, the fpeakers confole themfelves with the thought, that they are not worfe than their neighbours: and numbers, hopelefs of arriving at any degree of excellence in that way, endeavour, as is ufual on fuch occafions, to depreciate what they cannot attain. Nay it has been gravely maintained by many writers, that oratory is not fuited to the genius of the nation, or nature of the conftitution ; and tiiat any ufe of it, in the pulpir, the ftnate-houfe, or bar, would even be improper. To this term of Oratory, from the erroneous ideas entertained of that art, they annex ftrange ccnfufed notions, of fome- thing artificial in tones, looks, and gefture, that have no foundation in nature, and are the mere inventions of man. But if the true art of oratory be only to exhibit nature drefl: to advantage-, if its objeft be, to enable the fpeaker to difplay his thouglts and fentiments, in the moft perfpicuous, pleafing, and forcible manner -, lb as to enlighten the underftanding, charm the ear, and leave the deepeft imprefiions on the minds of the hearers — Can any one but the moft vain pedant, or ftupid barbarian, fay, that fuch an art is improper for this or any other fociety in the world ? To reafon with blind pre- judice, or invincible ignorance, would be fruitlefs-, but I would beg leave to a(k all who aflert this doftrine a few queftions. Whether it would not contribute much to promote the caufe of religion, if the fer- vice of the church were always performed with propriety, and fermons delivered with due force ? Whether it would not be of fervice to the ftate, if all our fcnators, who had from nature the abilities, fliould alfo be furniftied, from art and praftice, with the habitual power of delivering their fentiments readily, in a corredt, perfpicuous, and forcible manner? And whether this would not be equally ufeful to the gentlemen of the bar? Whether it would not contribute much to the eafe and pleafure of fociety, and im- provement of politenefs, if all gentlemen in public meetings, or private company, fliould be able to exprcfs their thoughts clearly, and with an utterance fo regulated, as not to give pain to the underftanding, or ofience to the ears of their auditors ? Whether it would not greatly contribute to put an end to the odious dillinclion kept up between the fubje(fts of the fame king, if a way were opened, by which the attain- ment of the Englifli tongue in its purity, both in point of phrafeology and pronuncia- tion, might be rendered eafy to all inhabitants of his Majefty's dominions, whether of South or North Britain, of Ireland, or the other Britifii dependencies ? Whether PREFACE. Whether ic would not redound much to the honour of this nation, if the attainment of our tongue were rendered eafy to foreigners, fo as to enable them to read our excel- lent authors in the original, and converfe with the natives of thefe countries upon equal terms Whether many important advantages would not accrue both to the prefcnt age, and to pofterity, if the Engliili language were afcertained, and reduced to a fixed and per- manent ftandard ? Whether the firfl: Hep neceffary to the accomplifhment of thefe points, be not that of opening a method, whereby all children of thefe realms, whether male or female, may be inftrudled from the firfl: rudiments, in a grammatical knowledge of the Englifh tongue, and the art of reading and fpeaking it with propriety and grace-, in the fame regular way as other languages, and other arts, of infinitely lefs confequence to them, are now taught ? To compafs thefe points, and others perhaps of ftill greater confequence which may flow from them, has been the chief objedl of the Author's purfuits in life, and the main end of the prefent publication. It mufl: be obvious, that in order to fpread abroad the Englifii language as a living tongue, and to facilitate the attainment of its fpeech, it is neceflary in the firft place that a ftandard of pronunciation /liould be eftabliflied, and a method of acquiring a juft one (hould be laid open. That the prefent ftate of the written language is not at all calculated to anfwer that end, is evident from this ; that not only the natives of Ire- land, Scotland, and Wales, who fpeak Englifli, and are taught to read it, pronounce it differently, but each county in England has its peculiar dialeft, which infeds not only their fpeech, but their reading alio. All attempts to reform this by any alteration in our written language would be utterly imprafticable : And the only plan which could poffibly be followed with any profped of fuccefs, is what the Author has purfued in his Rhetorical Grammar and Dictionary. In his Grammar, he has laid open a method of teaching every thing which regards found, from the firft fimple elements, to their nioft extended combinations in words and fentences. He has pointed out the principles upon which our pronunciation is founded, and the general rules by which it is regulated. In his Didionary he has reduced the pronunciation of each word to a certainty by fixed and vifible marks; the only way by which uniformity of found could be propa- gated to any diftance. This we find efiedually done in the art of mufic by notes ; for in whatever part of the globe mufic is fo taught, the adepts in it read it exadly the fame way. A fimilar uniformity of pronunciation, by means of this Grammar and Dic- tionary, may be fpread through all parts of the globe, wherever Englifh fliall be taught by their aid. But it may be afl;ed, what right the Author has to alTume to himfelf the oiiice of a legiflator on this occafion, and what his pretenfions are to eftablifli an ubfolute ftandard in an article, which is far from being in a fettled ftate among any clafs of people ? It is Vol. I. [B] well PREFACE. well known, that there is a great diverfity of pronunciation of the fame words, not only in individuals, but in whole bodies of men. That there are fome adopted by tke uni- verfities ; fome prevail at the bar, and fome in the fcnate-houfe. That the propriety of thefe feveral pronunciations is controverted by the feveral perfons who have adopted ihem; and what right has this felf-appointed judge to determine which is the beft ? The Author allows the propriety of the objedion, and therefore thinks it necefTary to lay open the grounds upon which he puts in his claim to this arduous ofBce. There was a time, and that at no very diftant period, which may be called the Au- guftan age of England, I mean during the reign of Queen Anne, when Englifh was the language fpoken at court ; and when the fame attention was paid to propriety of pronunciation, as that of French at the Court of Verfailles. This produced a uniform- ity in that article in all the polite circles; and a gentleman or lady would have been as much alliamed of a wrong pronunciation then, as perfons of a liberal education would now be of mif-fpelling words. But on the accefTion of a foreign family to the throne, amid the many bleffings conferred by that happy event, the Englifh language fiiftcrcd much by being banithed the court, to make room for the French. From that time the regard formerly paid to pronunciation has been gradually declining ; fo that now the greateft improprieties in that point are to be found among people of fafliion ; many pronunciations, which thirty or forty years ago were confined to the vulgar, are gradually gaining ground; and if fomething be not done to ftop this growing evil, and fix a general llandard at prefent, the Englifh is likely to become a mere jargon, which every one may pronoimce as he pleafes. It is to be wifhed, that fuch a ftandard had been eftablifhed at the period before mentioned, as it is probable, that Englifh was then fpoken in its highefl flate of perfedion. Nor is it yet too late to recover it in that very flate. It was my fortune to receive the early part of my education under a mafler, who made that a material objed of inftrudion to the youth committed to his care. He was the intimate friend, and chofen companion of Swift ; who had pafTed great part of his life in a familiar intercourfe with the mofl diflinguifhed men of the age, whether for rank or genius. Eminent as he was for the purity and accuracy of his ftyle, he was not more attentive to that point in writing, than he was to exadlnefs of pronunciation in fpeaking. Nor could he bear to hear any miftakes committed by his friends in that refped, without correcting them. 1 had the happinefs to be much with him in the early part of my life, and for feveral months read to him three or four hours a day, receiving ftill the benefit of his inftrudion. I have fince had frequent opportunities of being convinced that a uniformity of pronunciation had prevailed at the court of Queen Anne, by comparing Swift's with that of many diftinguifhed perfonages who were there initiated into life ; among the number of which were the Duke of Dorfet and the Earl of Chellerfield. And that very pronunciation is ftill the cuftomary one among the defendants of all the politer part of the world bred in that reign. Upon invefligating the principles on which the pronunciation of that time was formed, I found, that though there were no rules laid down for its regulation, yet there was a fecret influence of ana- 3 logy PREFACE. logy confl:antly operating, which attraded the different words, according to their feveral claffcs, to itfelf as their center. And where there were any deviations from that ana- logy, the anomalies were founded upon the beft principle by which fpeech can be regu- lated, that of preferring the pronunciation which was the moft eafy to the organs of fpeech, and confequently moft agreeable to the ear. So far the Author has laid open bis pretenfions, upon a fuppofition that pronunciation depended only upon cuftom and fafliion. But when he adds, that he is the firft who ever laid open the principles upon which our pronunciation is founded, and the rules by which it is regulated, he hopes the claim he has laid in to the office he has undertaken, will not be confidered as either vain or prefumptuous. When we reflcft, that no evil fo great can befal any language, as a perpetual fluflu- ation both in point of fpelling and pronouncing, ic is furely a point to be wirtied, that a permanent and obvious ftandard to both fhould at fome certain period be eftablifhed : and if poffible, that period (hould be fixed upon, when probably they were in the greateft degree of perfection. Dr. Johnfon's fpelling has been implicitly followed in the prefent Di(5tionary. It Icarce deviates from that ufed by the writers in Queen Anne's reign j as he has judicioufly rejedled feveral innovations attempted fince that time by vain and pragmatical writers, who, from an afFeftation of fingularity, have attempted to intro- duce changes, upon principles which will by no means (land the teft of examination : and it might indifputably be proved, that no alterations in that refpedl, produdive of any-real benefit, can be made, without new moulding our alphabet, and making a con- fiderable addition to its charaders -, a point utterly impradicable. With regard to pronunciation, the Author has laid his reafons before the public of his having followed that which was eftabliflied at the fame sra. Thus, in both thefe articles, has he in this one work endeavoured to fix two anchors to our floating lan- guage, in orJer to keep it fteady againft the gales of caprice, and current of fafhion. In the explanatory part he has chiefly followed Dr. Johnfon -, only fometimes making life of plainer words, more adapted to the capacity of Englifh readers. As the utmoft accuracy was necefl^ary in ufing the marks of pronunciation, he has exerted fuch induftry in this refpecl, by reiterated examination of each proof flieet before ic was printed off", that he hopes there is not an error of any confequence throughout the whole. A RHE. LIST of SUBSCRIBERS. THE Right Hon. Earl of Antrim J. L. Aickenhead, Efq; R. P. Richard Aid worth, Efq; John B. Allen, Efq; Two Sets Joihua Allen, Efq; Mr. Ifrael Alleyn Arthur Annefly, Efq; Francis Annefly, Efq; Mr. Robert Armftrong Francis Arnaftead, Efq; Robert Afli worth, Efq; Attorney General of Ireland Major Aubrey B. His Grace John Duke of Bedford. R. P. His Excellency the Earl of Buckingham, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Right Hon. the Countefs of Buckingham Right Hon. Lord Bangor Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Beauchamp Right Hon. Lord Bedive Right Hon. John Beresford Right Hon. Walter HufTey Burgh William Baker, Efq; Hon. and Rev. William Beresford Rev. Dr. John Barry Mathew Bathurft, Efq; Mr. William Batterfby Rev. Edward Bayly William Baynes, Efq; John Baynes, Efq; William Baynes, Junior, Efq; Rev. Mr. Baynes Francis Bernard Beamifli, Efq; Cranfield Becher, Efq; John Belchier, Efq; Vol. 1. Mr. Bell Henry Beaufoy, Efq; Thomas Bidulph, Efq; Richard Blair, Efq; John Blakeney, Efq; Mrs. Honour Blandford Arthur Blennerhaflet, Efq; Gerald BlennerhafTet, Efq; Cornelius Bolton, Efq; Mr. Charles Bonner James Bofwell, Efq; Hugh Boyd, Efq; Rev. Dean Brocas Mr. Lawrence Brook Hon. James Brown Rev. Jofliua Brown, LL.D. Mr. Brown Robert Bullen, Efq; Mrs. Elizabeth Burdett Thomas Burgh, Efq; Phineas Bury, Efq; Hon. John Buller C. Right Hon. Earl of Charlemont Right Rev. Bifhop of Cloyne Right Hon. Jofhua Cooper. Right Hon. Earl of Cork and Orrery Right Rev. Bifhop of Cork Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Crofbic John Caillaud, Efq; John Campbell, Efq; Capt. Allen Campbell Rev. Dr, Caner Hugh Carlefon, Efq; Serjeant .at Law John Carleton, Efq; Edward Chamberlaync, Efq; Thomas Chamberlaync, Efq; [CJ Danid LIST of SUBSCRIBERS. Daniel Chambers, Efq; Mr. George Champagne, A. M. Mr. Richard Champion Rev. Thomas Chandler, D. D. Rev. Jofeph Chapman, D.D. Mr. William Charnley Monf. De Chemilly. Paris John Chcfliyre, Efq; Hon. and Rev. Mr. Cholmondeley Hon. Mrs. Cholmondeley William Chriftmas, Efq; Charles Churchill, Efq; Mr. J. A. Clarke Dr. Clement, V. P. T. C. D. Robert Clements, Efq; Mr. Lawrence Clinch Thomas Cobbe, Efq; William Cockell, Efq; Mr. William Peter Le Cocq. Guernfey Mr. Coghlan Charles Cole, Efq; Samuel Collins, Efq; John Colthurft, Efq; Henry Colthurft, Efq; Chriftopher Conron, Efq; Rev. Henry Connor. Two Sets Daniel Conner, Efq; William Conyngham, Efq; Mr. Cook Richard Cooper, Efq; Charles Henry Coote, Efq; Ifaac Corry, Efq; Mifs Corry Sir James Cotter Thomas Coutts, Efq; Mr. Lancelot Cowper Mr. Cox Rev. Dr. Cradock, Dean of St. Patrick's Mr. Richard Cranfield Arthur Craven, Efq; Robert Crifpin, Efq; Richard Croftes, Efq; Mrs. Croftes Mifs Mary Croker Sir Michael Cromie, Bart. John Crookfhank, Efq; Crofbie, Efq; Rev. Dawfon Crowe, LL.D. James Cuff, Efq; Mr. Edmond Cullen Lieut. Gen. Robert Cuningham D. His Grace the Archbifhop of Dublin Right Hon. Lord Dartrey. Two fets Right Hon. Lady Dartrey Right Hon. Sir Robert Deane, Bart. 50 Copie.s Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Devece Right Rev. Lord Biftiop of Dromore Mifs Dalton Dennis Daly, Efq; Mifs Elizabeth Judge Daras Rev. Jofeph Davie, B. D. Rev. Thomas Davies, A. M. Robert Davis, Efq; Arthur Dawfon, Efq; Rev. William Dawfon, A. M. Lady Deane Chriftopher Deey, Efq; Mr. Henry Delamain Mr. Arthur Dempfy John Deverell, Efq; Stephen Dickfon, Efq; William Dilke, Efq; ' John Dillon, Efq; Edward Dorman, Efq; Philip Doyne, Efq; Mr. Henry Durbin E. Right Non. Earl of Ely. R. P. Ifaac Ambrofe Eccles, Efq; William Eden, Efq; Ufher Edgeworth, Efq; Hon. Henry Erfkine Hon. Thomas Erfkine Rev. Caleb Evans, A. M. Simon P^wart, Efq; Simon Ewart, junior, Efq; F. Right Hon. Lord Farnham Right Hon. James Fortefcue Jofeph LIST of SUBSCRIBERS. Jofeph Farel, Efq; Mr. John Fell Edward Fitzgerald, Efq; William Fitzgerald, Efq; John P'itzgibbon, Junior, Efq; Hon. Mr. Fitzmaurice Rev. William Windfor Fitz-Tliomas Rev. George Flury Rev. William Foot Richard Foote, Efq; John Forbes, Efq; Dr. Ford. Three Sets Gilbert Ford, Efq; Two Sets Richard Ford, Efq; Rev. Dr. John Forfter William Fortick, Efq; Mr. Thomas Foftrook Rev. Dr. Fothergill, Provcft of Queen's Col- lege, Oxford Dominick Frank, Efq; Hon. Mr. Frafer. Two Sets Rev. Anthony French Peeke Fuller, Efq; G. Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Glerawlf Lord Chief Juftice De Grey — Gardiner, Efq; Luke Gardiner, Efq; David Garrick, Efq; Dennis George, Efq; Mrs. George Mr. Gibfon Rev. Dr. Goodenough George Goold, Efq; Gabriel Goldney, Efq; Thomas Goldney, Efq; Robert Gordon, Efq; Thomas Grady, Efq; Mr. John Grant Mr. Valentine Grantham Edward Burnaby Green, Efq; Godfrey Greene, Efq; Daniel Gregory, Efq; Thomas De Grey, Efq; Richard Griffith, Efq; Arthur Guinnefs, Efq; Samuel Guinnefs, Merchant H. Right Hon. Lord Headfort Right Hon. Mr. Secretary Heron Right Hon. Lady Harriet Hobart Right Hon. Lady Huntingdon Mifs Hamilton Robert Hamilton, Efq; John Dowdall Hammond, Efq; Richard Hare, Efq; Mr. Mark Harford, Junior Nicholas Harrifon, Efq; Sir Harry Harftonge, Bart. R. P. John Heard, Efq; William Heard, Efq; Rev. Benjamin Heath Mr. John Henderfon Mr. William Henning Capt. George Herry Rev. Dr. Hewetfon Hon. William Williams Hewitt, Efqj Mrs. Elizabeth Hill Mr. Jeremiah Hill James Griffith Hoare, Efq; Hon. Henry Hobart Rev. William Holcombe Peter Holmes, Efq; Rev. Mr. Hornfby James Hotchkis, Efq; Rev. Dr. Hotham Gorges Edmond Howard, Efq; Hon. Mifs Ifabella Howard. R. P. Mr. William Hunt Francis Hutchinfon, Efq; I. Right Hon. Lord Chancellor of Ireland Right Hon. Richard Jackfon Clifford Jackfon, Efq; Rev. Cyril Jackfon Mr. William Jarvis Rev. Mr. Jeans St. John Jeffreys, Efq; Denham Jephfon, Junior, Efq; Robert LIST of SUBSCRIBERS, Robert Jephfon, Efq; Thomas Gregory Johnfton, Efq; R. P. William Jones, Efq; Edward Jordan, Junior, Efq; R.P. K. Right Hon. Lord Kingfborough James Kearny, Efq; Thomas Keate, Efq; Mifs Kemp Mr. Jofeph King Mifs Knowles Ralph Knox, Efq; L. Right Rev.. Lord Bifhop of London Rev. James Lambard William Lambe, Efq; Mifs Rebecca Lane John Langford, Efq; Sir Hercules Langrifhe, Bart, James Haughton Langfton, Efq; John Lapp, Efq; David Latouche, Junior, Efq; Mrs. Latouche Rev. Dr. Laws Henry Leach, Efq^ John Lee, Efq; Rev. Dr. Lefanu Jofeph Lefanu, Efq; Mrs. Lefcvre Thomas Ltfter, Surgeon John Lloyd, Efq; John Lloyd, Efq; Rev. Richard Lloyd, A.M. Thomas Lloyd, Efq; Rev. Mr. Locke Henry Loftus, Efq; John Longfield, Efq; Mrs. Longfield Jofeph Lord, Efq; Sir Francis Lumm, Bart. Mifs Lyon. M. Right Hon. Long Milford Right Hon. Lord Molcfworth Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Mountcafhell Right Hon, Lord Mountmorres. Six Sets Ruby M'Carthy, Efq; William M'Culloch, Jnnlor, Efq; Walter M'Gwire, Efq; William M'Gwire, Efq; John Maddifon, Efq; Rev. William Major Bellingham Mauleverer, Efq; Rev. Dr. Marley, Dean of Femes Hon. Charles Marfham Marfhe's Library Richard Martin, Efq; Francis Mathew, Efq; Gorges Meredyth, Efq; John Mirehoufe, Efq; Rev. Mr. James Alockler Rev. James Mockler, LL.B. John Monck Mafon, Efq; W. T. Monfell, Efq; Mrs. Montague Alexander Montgomery, Efq; Two Sets James Montgomery, Efq; William Montgomery, Efq; Henry Moore, Efq; Hon. Harvey Morrcs. Two Sets Mrs. Moylan Rev. Robert Myddleton N. Edv.'ard Napier, Efq; Edward North, Efq; O. Right Hon. Silver Oliver Charles O'Connor, Efq; Rev. Mr. Odell William Odell, Efq ; Derby O'Grady, Efq; Hamilton O'Hara, Efq; R. P. Corn. O'Keeffe, Efq; Rev. Archdeacon Oliver John O'Neil, Efq; Michael Ormfty, Efq; R. P, William Ormfby, Efq; John Herbert Orpen, M. D. George Overend, Efq; Richard Overend, Junior, Efcj; Arthur LIST of SUBSCRIBERS. Arthur Owen, Efq; P. Right Hon. Edmond Sexton Perry, Speaker of the Houfe of Commons in Ireland Rev. Mr. Pack Monf. Robert Paris. Three Sets John Parnell, Efq; James Theobald Payne, Efq; Pryce Peacock, Efq; Samuel Pechell, Efq; Pembroke Society Cooper Penrofe, Efq; Rev. Dean Perry Rev. James Philips, D. D. Thomas Pidgeon, Efq; Jeffrey Piercy, Efq; Mifs Plummer Mifs Elizabeth Plummer James Plunket, Efq; Arthur Pomeroy, Efq; Major Powel , Rev. Richard Purcell Toby Parcel, Junior, Efq; Q: Dr. Henry Quin R. Mr. Walter Rainftop - Rev. Samuel Raftall Mr. Henry Reed Mr. Reily John Revell, Efq; Jacob Reynardfon, Efq; Thomas Roberts, Efq; Edward Roche, Efq; David Rochfort, Efq; Robert Rofs, Efq; Mr. Ryder Thomas Ryder, Efq; W. Bcauchamp Rye, M. D. R. P. S. Right Hon. Earl of Shannon Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Southwell George Sail, Merchant Mr. Francis Sandys Thomas Sarsfield, M. D. Vol. I. Sir Alexander Schomberg George Lewis Scott, Efq; Mr. Claude Scott Bryan Sheepy, Efq; Rev. Mr. Shepherd Mr. John Andrews Sheridan Rev. Martin Sherlock John Simmofts, Efq; Mr. John Simmons Mr. William Smeton Charles Smith, Efq; Mr. Jofcph Smith Rev. Nathaniel Smith, A. M. Thomas Smith, Efq; William Smith, Efq; Mr. William Smith Dr. Staker George Stannard, Efq; R. Steele, Efq; T. Steele, Efq; Mr. Francis Stephens James Sterling, Efq; Mrs. Sterling. R. P. Parfons Sterling, Efq; R. P. Sir Annefly Stewart, Bart. Sir James Stewart, Bart. Robert Stewart, Efq; Mrs. Grace St. George Thomas St. George, Efq; Rev. James Stopford Rev. Jofeph Stopford Rev. William Stopford Edward Strettell, Efq; William Stuart, Efq; Robert Stubber, Efq; Mr. Stump T. William Talbot, Efq; Mr. Tayler John Taylor, Efq; Edward Bodham Thornliill Edward Tighe, Efq; William Tighe, Efq; Mifs Jane Tindall Colonel Tonfon [D] James LIST of SUBSCRIBERS. James Topping, Efq; Rev. William Towniend, B. D. Thomas Travers, Efq; Walter Travers, Efq; Two Sets Trinity College Library, Oxon James Twigg, Efq; Rev. Benjamin Twyning V. Right Hon. Agmondefliam Vefey — — Vanburgh, Efq; Mr. Jofeph Fitwilliam Vandercom John Vaughan, Efq; Benjamin Vidor, Efq; John Ufher, Efq; Major Vyfe Philip Vyvyan, Efq; W. Right Hon. Lord Wandesford. R. P. Right Rev. Lord Bifhop of Waterford John Thomas Waller, Efq; Hon. Robert Ward Hon. Edward Ward Richard Warren, Efq; ■ Mrs. Warren Thomas Warren, Efq; William Webb, Efq; William Whately, Efq; Hamilton White, Efq; Mr. Thomas Willis Mr. Francis Wilfon James Wilfon, Efq; John Wilfon, Efq; William Woiney, Efq; John Wogan, Efq; Mr. Thomas Woodall Mr. Wyatt, Surgeon Y. — Yarker, Efq; Rev. Mr. Yarker Barry Yelverton, Efq; Mr. Frederick Yeamans M^fs Younge R.P. TABLE TABLE of CONTENTS OF THE GRAMMAR.' Paje I SECTION I. f\F fimple faundsy ------ SECT. II. Of the nature and formation of fimple founds ^ ■ - - - 6 Scheme of the Alphabet, - . _ . - - 9 SECT. III. Of Diphthongs, - - - - - - ibid. SECT. IV. Of the manner of forming certain founas, - - - - - 10 SECT. V. Of the ufe and ahufe of letters in fpelling or reprefaiting words, - - - ^3 Of Confonant Digraphs, - - - - - 20 S E C T. VI. Rules for the pronunciation of Englijh words, - _ » - 22 Of Monosyllables. Of monofyl. ending in more confonants than one, - - - - 23 Of monofyl. ending in e mute, - - - - - - 24 Of monojyl. ending in vowels that are pronounced, - - - - 25 Of tnonofyl. formed by diphthongs, - - - - - 27 Of dipbth. formed by w, ,_._._ ibid. Of diphth. formed by y, - - - - - - 28 SECT. VII. Of Difjyltables, ------- 29 Of Potyfyllables, -..---- 30 SECT. VII. Of the Art of Delivery. Of Articulation, -------3? Of Accent, ---^- -.39 Of TABLE of CONTENTS. Of Pranunciatien, - - - - - " 0/ Efiiphajis, -.---- 0/ Paufes or Stops, - . - - Of the Pitch or Management of the VoicCy - - - Of Tones, . - - - - Of the Recitation of Poetic Numbers, - - - - APPENDIX. Rules to be obferved by the natives of Ireland, in order to attain a juji pronunciation «/'Engli{h, Obfervations with regard to the pronunciation of the natives of Scotland and Wales, Explanation of the Marks ufed in the Diilionary to point out the pronunciation of the tvords. Pag^ e 41 43 - 45 - 49 51 ■ 52 |{h. 59 6i - 62 A RHE- RHETORICAL GRAMMAR ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Calculated folely for thePiirpofes of teaching Propriety of Pronun- ciation, and Juftnefs of Delivery, in that Tongue, by the Organs of Speech, Vol. I. RHETORICAL GR A M M A R, &c, I SECTION I. Of Simple Sounds. N the Eiiglifli alphabet there appear twenty-fix letters, bcdefghijklmnopqr f But this alphabet is ill calculated to reprefent the fimple founds of the Englifli tongue, as there are many of thofe founds which have no letters to ftand for their marks. Two of the confonants are fuperfluous ; c and q : c having the found either of k ox s; and q that of k before a a when pre- ceding another vowel in the fame fyllable. Two are marks of compound founds j j, which flands for dzh; and x, for ks or gz. And h is no letter, but merely a mark of afpiration. With regard to the vowels, two of them, / and u, as pronounced by us, are marks of diphthongs j and the only founds we hear of real fimple vowels are thofe of i, both in the beginning and ending of words, as in phikfophy, epitaph; and fometimes by ^/^, as in laugh, cough : of which more in its proper place. G G has two founds, one peculiar to itfelf, as in gold ; the other in common withy or/ confonant, as in oentle. The firft of thefe may be called hard, the other foft g. It has, like c, always its firft or hard found before the vowels a, o, u; in general its fecond or foft found before e, and y ; but is very dubious before /, fo as not to be reducible to any rule. However, its powers in general may be known by repeating the following fyllables, ga, je, ji or gi, go, gu, jy. Before the vowel e, it has its foft found in all words in common ufe, except gear, geefe, geld and its derivatives ; get and its derivatives ; and its hard found is to be found only in fome proper names derived from the Hebrew, or technical terms from the Greek. This letter is frequently filent. ift. When followed by an ;//, as in phlegm; zdly. By an n, ^as ill re'ign, condign; 3dly, By an /', as in light, fuglt; except where gh affumes the power of an f as in lauirh, of which more hereafter. This characSlcr is no mark of any articulate found, but is a mere fign of afpiration, or effort of the breath. This is the only power it has when fingle, and all words beginning with that letter are to be preceded by an efFort of the breath, except only the following : heir, honefi, honour, hofpi- tal, hofiler, hour, humour, humble, humbles. But it is put to a variety of other ufes wherever the defefts of our alphabet are wanted to be fupplied. United to c, ch, it ftands for the compound found tjh, as charm, pronounced tfliarm. With t, it ftands for two founds, thin and tfiin. With s for ejh, as fliall. Ch likewife ftands for k in chorus ; for y in phikfophy \ as does gh in laugh. In conjunftion with g too, it ferves to {hew that it is filent, as in thought. With fome others which ihall be confidered in treating of combined letters. J . This letter is the reprefentative of a compound found made up of ^ and %h or afpirated z. This is a difficult found to fuch foreigners as have it not in their feveral tongues ; and to enable them to pronounce it, it is only requifite to dtfire them firft to form the letter d with a vowel before it, as ed, keeping the tongue in the pofition that it has when that letter is formed ; then let them try to found the French j, which is exadly the fame found as I have called the afpirated z or e2.h, and the compound found of ed%h or dzha, will be produced. To facilitate this, it will be proper to prefent the firft of thefe to the eye, fpelt with the French _;, as thus edjc— and afterwards, in 6 order A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. 17 order to begin a fyllable with that found, which is more difficult than concluding with it, let them place the tongue in the pofition of founding ed, and without uttering the previous vowel let them run the found oi d into that of the fubfequenty followed by a vowel, as djoy [joy], djoke [joke]. This letter is never filent, and has always the fame found, which is alfo reprcfcnted by foft g, as in iejif gejiure. K K has alwaj's the fame found, reprefented alfo by hard r, as king, card. It is always filent when It precedes an n in the fame fyllable, as kiiaw, knot ; pronounced no, fiot ; and is fuperfluous when annexed to a hard c, as in lock^Jiid. L L has always one uniform found, and is never filent but when followed by an m in the fame fyllable, as balm^ pfalm. In one word only it is founded as r, colonel — pronounced curnel. M Mh alfo uniform in its found, and is never filent. N N is likewife uniform, but is always mute after m in the fame fyllable, as in hymn, condemn. When it precedes g it reprefents another fimple found to be mentioned hereafter. P This letter has always one uniform found except when joined to an /;, and then it aflumes the power of an/, as philofophy. ^ has always the power of a i, for which letter it ftands only when it precedes a u followed by fome other vowel, as in the words quarrel^ que/Hon^ antiquity ; where the two vowels are combined in a diphthong found ; or the words pique, antique, where the two latter vowels are filent, and the found of the confonant k finiflies the fyllable. This letter is always followed by a « in the French as well as in Englifli ; but the difference be- tween their ufe of it and ours confifts in this, that in the French the u is filent, and the q unites itfelf immediately with the following vowel, having the found of k. With us the u forms a diphthong with the following vowel, in the fame manner as in the word quoi, the only one in the French into which the diphthong found is admitted. This will be fufficient to point out its true pronun- ciation to foreigners. It is never filent. R This letter has always the fame found, and is never filent 5 S ftands for four different founds ; ift, Its own peculiar found, as \nfa, yes ; 2dly, z, as in rofe ; 3dly, Jh, as in paffion ; 4thly, zh, as in ofier. It has its own proper found of s always at the beginning of words. The fame at the end of words, ift. When they terminate in as, except in the monofyllable as, has, was, and the plurals of nouns ending in ea, fuch as feas, pleas, &c. idly. In all words ending in double 7}, as faultlcfs, deprefs, &c. 3dly, All words ending in is, as this, tennis; except the verb is, and the pronoun his, where it has the found of 2. 4thly, All ending in us and t>us ; as circus, genius ; cutaneous, naufeous, 5thly, When preceded in the fame fyllable by any of the pure mutes, k, p, t, or ttT and f; as locks, caps, hats, baftis, fcoffsi Vol. I. e It ,8 A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. It has the found of z, ift, When preceded in the fame fyllable by any other confonant befide the pure mutes, ^Ir and/; as blabs, beds, begs, bells, dams, &c. adiy, It has the found of z when finifhing a word preceded by the vowel e, as riches, feries ; except when preceded by a pure mute in the fame fyllable, as dates, cakes, &c. It has the found oi flj in all words eliding \nfion preceded by a confonant j as in emulfmi, expan- f:on, difpeifion, &c. And of zh in fon, preceded by a vowel ; as in occaf.on, cohefton, incljion, explojlan, ccnfufion. As alfo in all words ending \nfier, as crofier, hofier. r This letter has its own proper found at the beginning of all words, and at the end of fyllables. It has the found of s in the wtor6 fatiety. It has the found ofy& in all terminations in tion, as nation, fanclion, notion, &c. ; except when an s precedes, in which cafe it takes the found of tjh ufually marked by ch as quejlion, bajlion. Sec, In like manner t has the found of 7* in all terminations in tial, as martial, nuptial-, except when pre- ceded by an s, as in be/lial, celejlial, when it has alfo the found of ch. In pronouncing this letter the Irifli and other provincials thicken the found as was before men- tioned with regard to the d; for better, they fay betthcr ; for utter, utther, and fo on in all words of that flruflure. This faulty manner arifes from the fame caufe that was mentioned as affecting the found of the d, I mean the protruding of the tongue fo as to touch the teeth j and is curable only in the fame way. V V has always one uniform found, and is never filent. X This character ftands for two compound founds, one which has the power of ii, the other of^z. At the end of words it has always the found of ks, as in vex, tax. 1. When it is found in the firft fyllable of a word, and has the accent upon it, it has always the found of ks — as exercife, extricnte. 2. When it is followed in the next fyllable by a confonant, or afpirated /;, it has flill the found of ks wherever the accent may lie, ,as in exculpate, exhibition, exhilarate. 3. When followed by a vowel, if the accent do not immediately lie upon that fyl'able, it is ftill pronounced ks, as in executioner. 4. But if the accent be immediately upon the following fyllable beginning with a vowel, the found of X is then changed to gz ; as in example, exalt, exert, exiji, exonerate, exuberant, &c. And thus a fure rule is provided for the right pronunciacion of the letter x in all cafes, as it is to have the found of ks in every fituation except when followed by an accented fyllable beginning with a vowel; to aflift the memory in which it is onlyneccflary to have recourfe to two words fuch as ex'ecute executor. There is but one cafe in which there are exceptions to this general rule, and that is where the found of ^z is preferved in fome words contrary to the maxims above laid down ; which is only in a few derivatives from primitives that have the found of ^z in them according to rule. Thus the words exemplary from example, and exaltation from exalt, muft be founded egzemplary and egzaltation, though the accent be changed to the firft fyllable in the former, and to the third in the latter. And the fame muft be obferved with regard to all words of this clafs, Z This A RHETORICAL GRAMMA 39 Z This letter is feen in very few words of Englifli, as its power has been for the moft: part ufurped by i. It reprefents two founds ; one its own, as in razor ; the other zh, or French y, as in azure and both of thefe are fupplied by s, as in reafon, ofier. Having done with ail the confonants that appear in our alphabet, I (hall now proceed to examine fuch fimple founds as have no peculiar charaders to mark them, and are therefore reprefented by two letters. Thefe are two different founds marked by the fame combination of ih. Their nature and man- ner of formation have been already fufficiently explained ; there remains now to point out the riwht application of this mark to its tx^^o different ufes. In the beginning of words tt\ has always its afpirated found, oris formed wholly by the breath, except ift, in the pronoun thou^ and its derivatives, as thee, them., thine, their, &c. ; and 2dly, in the following monofyllabies, than, that, the, their, then, thence, there, this, thither, thou, thy, though, thus; in all which it has its vocal foond. With r or ly after it, it has always the found of tfi ; as tiiroiv, tTiwart. At the end of words /S has its afpirated found, except in the following words; to /})eath, be- neath, underneath, lureath, to feet h, booth, fmooih, to foolh. The particle ivith is fometimes afpi- rated, fometimes vocal ; afpirated before a confonant, vocal before a vowel ; as witnjland, without. And the fame is to be obferved when it is not compounded, but in its detached ftate ; as, luitt. many more, -mith all my heart. It has always its vocal found when followed by a final mute e in the fame fyllable; as in bathey breathe. When followed by a j in the lafl fy liable it has its afpirate found, as fympathy, healthy; except in the v/ords ureathy and worthy. In all other fituations of th, when in any middle fyllablcs of words, the moft general rule is, that it has the afpirate found before confonants, and the vocal before vowels; except in derivative and compound words, which retain the found of their primitives ; thus Icath/ome retains the primitive found of to loath, though preceding a confonant ; and tootlTing the original afpirate of tooth though preceding a vowel. In a few inflances th is founded as it always is in French, like a fingle /; and thefe are the words, thill, thyme, Thames, and Thomas. Sh This is the proper mark for the found which I have called ejli, to be found in J/ja/l, wijh; and wherever it appears it has invariably the fame found and is never filent. But the power of this combination is ufurped in much the greater number of words, containing the found of which it is the proper reprefentative, by the letters c t and s. By e and / in all words ervding in cial and //, a oft, foft ; founded aft, saft. /(/, 6 bold, sold. - Except gold. //■, o folk ; / mute. //, 6 droll, poll, roll., fcroll, toll, trolL, toll, joll, flroll. — 6 loll, doll, noil. ;>:/,^ 6 bomb — 6 comb — o tomb, womb ; b filent. ng^ 6 fong, ftrong, &c. ^Except tong, founded tung. >/^, u monk, fponk — munk, fpunk. »/, 6 font, front — li wont. td, b ford, fword — a chord, cord, lord — u word. ri, a cork, fork, ftork — 6 pork — u work. rn, a born, horn, corn, morn, &c. — 6 borne \_fignifying fuffercd}^ torn, worn, fworn. ;7, 6 port, fort, fport — a fhort, fnort, fort — u wort. yj, 6 mofs, glofs, &:c. Except grofs. y?, 6 cofl, loft, toft, croft, froft, — 6 hoft, ghoft, moft, poft — u doft. ^}T, 6 GotBa motlT— o botlT, fortiT, quotR, flotlT — a brotlT, clotR, frotti, trotlT, wrota — u dotS, raonttl, wortll. it, 6 bolt, colt, dolt, &c. V This vowel has always its firft found as in the words 7«//, pluclc, hurl, &c. ; except in the fol- lowing words, where it has the found of u ; hull, full, full, bujh, pujij. Of Monofyllahles ending in e mute. The e mute in monofyllables, where there is but one confonant between the vowel and e final, marks that the vowels a and / are to have their fecond founds ; o alfo in general, but there are ex- ceptions. The vowel e is feldom followed in monofyllables of that fort by a mute e ; and when it is, it has fometimes its fecond, fometimes its third found. The vowel u, followed by a mute e, has always its third found, except when preceded by an ;■, and then it has the found of o. EXAMPLES. Exceptions : ar e, bad e, [pret. of To bid,] ga pe, hav e. Exceptions : u come, fome, done, none ; where the o is pronounced like u. — o one [founded as if written won], gon'e, fhon'e. — o lofe, whofe, move, prove. — u dove, glove, love, (hove ; in which the o is founded like n. here, mere. Exceptions : e there, where. — e wer'e. pure, mule. Exceptions : o rude, rule, prude, and all preceded by an r, where the u has always the found of o. 6 But S bibe. face. i tribe. dice. 6 hole. home. A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. 25 But when e final or mute is preceded by two confonants, the accent in that cafe not being on ths vowel, but in general on the confonants, the vowel pronounced in fuch a fyllabie mufl have, ac- cording to the rule before laid down, not its fecond, but its firft (hort found. Examples. Badge, {a before r flill being lengthened, as, barge, farce ; except fcarce, where the a has the found of e) chance, pence, edge, fince, cringe, dodge, horfe (except force and worfe, u), curfe, drudge, &c. From this rule mufl: be excepted words ending in ange, as range, change, ftrange ; and thofe ending in tlie, as bathe, blithe, clothe, &c. where the vowels have their fecond found ; but in the laft cafe, tb ought to be confidered only as a fingle letter, being but a fimple found marked by two letters. Of Moncfyllabks ending in Voixds that are pronounced. ' ' No Englifti monofyllable ends in a pronounced, except the particle a itfelf. In fuch words as pea, tea, fea, plea, &c. it only marks that the vowel e which precedes it is to have its third found. The vowel e, when fingle, is never pronounced at the end of any monofyllable except in the words he, fhe, we, me, ye, and be, where it has its third found. The particle the, when em- phatic, has its third found ; at all other times its fecond, the, founded fhort. The vowel / is never ii^n at the end of any Englifli word, and is only to be found in fome tech- nical terms, and foreign words, having its place fupplied by _y, as in the words try, fry, fhy, pro- nounced alway in monofyllables with the fecond found of L The vowel ends no monofyllable but the following : bo, go, ho, I6, no, so, wo, tho' ; who, two, do ; to and fro, pro and con. The particle to has the found of u, as if written tu. U fingle never ends a monofyllable, except the word lu or /oo, fometimes fpelt in the former way, and pronounced lo. But there are many monofyllables that end in two vowels, though there be but the found of one of them uttered. Thefe I fhall call digraphs, to diftinguifh them from diphthongs. Ay has always the found of a ; as, day, pray ; except in the affirmative particle ay. Aw has always the found of a ; as, daw, saw. ; ' , . Ea has the found of e ; as, tea, sea. Ee the fame ; as, fee, thee. : Ey has the found of e; as, they, grey ; except e, key and ley. ' . ■ ;■ . le off as. He, die. Oe 6 as, doe, foe ; except fhoe. Oo o as, woo, too, coo. Ou o you — diph. thou. Ow 6 as, bl6w, glow, bow (to fhoot with), and all other monofyllables except the followinc;, in which it is a diphthong; bow (an act of reverence), cow, how, plow, now, brow, vow. Ue u as, blue, clue, &:c. ; except rue, true, where it has the found of o after r, as was be- fore mentioned. Ue after g ferves only to (how that the g is to have its hard found inflead of its foft one, as rogue, vogue ; and after q the found of/, as pique. The number of double vowels, or digraphs, to be found at the beginning of monofyllables, is not much more confiderable, as I fhall (hew in their order. Vol. I. g ■ Ai 26 ARHETORICALGRAMiMAR. Ai a aid, air, &c. ; this has always the found of the fecond a. Au a in the word aunt, a in the word aught. Aw a as in awe, awl. Ea e ear, eat, &c. Always e, except when it precedes r followed by another confonant in the fame fyllable ; as, earn', earl', eartR^, according to a rule before laid down. Ee eel, e'en (for even), e'er (for ever). Ei eight. Ey eye. Oa o oaf, oak, &c. ; always 6. Oo o ooze. Ow 6 owe, own. A diphthong only in owl. Oi, ou, are always true diphthongs at the beginning of monofyllables, as, oil, out. But the number of digraphs in the middle of monofyllables is much greater, and their founds^ r.re as follow : Ai a maid, pain, sail, &c. Always a, except faid, founded sed. Au a caught, fraud, vaunt. Except h.iunt, draught, laugh, jaunt, flaunt, ftaunch. Aw a bawl, dawn, lawn. Always a. Ay a days, prays, &c. Always a, except fays, foimded sez. Ea e leaf, fpealc, mean, &c. ; and in general when the fyllable ends in a fingle confonant, except in the following words ending in d, dead, head, lead (a metal), read (pret. of To read), bread, dread, ftead, tread, fpread, which have the found of e. ' The others in «', as, to read, plead, &c. follow the general rule. The following in r, bear, pear, to tear, wear, fwear, have the found of e. The reft in r, as dear, near, fpear, Uz. follow the general rule. In /, fvveat, threat, and great, are exceptions ; the two firft having the found of e, and the laft of e. All other in t have the third found. In k, fleak, break, have the found of e ; all otliers that of e. But when ea is followed by two confonants, it has generally the found of e, according to the law eftablifhed that the accent in that cafe is placed for the moll part on the confonants ; as, realm, dealt, search, &c. Heart and hearth have the found of a. This rule has the following exceptions. l(t. Words ending in ch, as teach, preach, which all conform to the general rule. 2dly, In y?, as beaft, feaft, &c. ; except breaft . 3dly, In th, heatiT, fheattT, wreath; and with e final, breathe. Ee always e; as, bleed, fteel, fleet, &c. ; except been, founded bm. Ei always e; as, feign, heir, &c. ; except height and Height, founded hite and flite, ^i filent. Ew u ; lewd, fiew'd, &c. Always u, except fliew'd and (hewn, pronounced fhod and fhon, as 6.. le c grief, field, fiend, &c. Exceptions: friend, fierce (founded ferce), pierce, tierce, and. slev e, pronounced siv. The preterit of verbs ending in ;V, as die, lie, makes died, lied. Oa 6 boat, load, groan, &c. Excep. broad, groat ; a. - Go o poor, food, cool, &c. Excep. hood, good, flood, wood, look, took, foot, foot, wool ; all pronounced as u — -door, floor; h — and blood, flood, as u, 5 Oa A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. 27 Ou is generally a diphtliong, as loud, gout, &c. Exceptions : cough (cof), rough (ruf), tough (tiif), fcourge, touch, yoiing, u j — four, mourn, mould, court, though, dough, fource, mould; alio — through, your, youth, wound; o — could, fhould, would ; u (/filent) — bought, brought, fought, nought, fought, thought ; a {gh filent) pronounced bat, brat, &c. Ovv has the found of 6 in bo'wl, rowl, and in all the preterits and participles of monofyllabic verbs ending in oiu, as flow'd, flown, grown, &c. except only the verbs, to cow, vow, plow, where it is a diphthong; and is fo on all other occafions, as brown, fowl, &c. Ua in guard is a digraph, the u being filent; but after g it is always a diphthong, as fquall, quart, &c. Ue is a digraph after g, as in guefs, gueft ; but a diphthong after q, as in quell. Ui a digraph in build, built, guilt, v/ith the found of 1. Qiiilt, a diphthong. Guide, guile, as if written gyide, gyile, with diphthong founds. Juice, bruife, cruife, fruit ;^ digraphs, with the found of o. Suit, as if written syot, a diphthong. W in the middle of a fyllable always forms a diphthong with the following vowel, as in fwain, twice ; and is never found but after the confonants s, t, and tlT. Y is never found in the middle of fyllables with a vowel following it in the fame fyllable, as its place in forming diphthongs in that fituatlon is always fupplied by the vowel /. Of MonofyUabks formed by Diphthongs. Two of the vowels before mentioned are in reality diphthongs, which are 1 in fight and u in -blue. But as thefe founds are in general reprefented by a fingle letter each, and have been treated of under the head of vowels, there is no occafion to fay any thing more of them here. The other diphthongs are ci, ou, and fuch as are formed by w and y. The diphthong oi is marked alfo by oy, and ou by ow ; the y and w fupplying the place of i and It at the end of words, as it has been the cuftom in writing never to let thofe vowels appear in that firuation in words purely Englifh, for no other reafon that appears but that of caprice. The only- exceptions to this rule are the pronouns /, thou., and ym. a and oy are always diphthongs, and preferve always the fame found, as broil, moift, boy, joys» Ou and nv, as mouth, owl, have alfo the fame found, and are always diphthongs except in the words before enumerated in treating of digraphs. Neither of thefe founds is ever reprefented by any other combination of letters. Of Diphtho}igs formed by \V. Wa. ■ When w precedes a, that vowel has its firft found only in the following words : waft, wag, wan, wafp, wax. In all other monofyllablcs terminated by confonants, it has cither the Ihort found of a (the fame as 6), as wad, was, wat, wa(h, watch ; or it has the full long found, according to the rules before laid down for the vowel a ; ift. When it precedes r, as war, warn j or /, as walk, wall. When the monofyllable ends in mute e, the vowel a united with w follows the rule be- fore laid down for it in its fimple ftate, and has always its fecond found ; as wage, wade,, ware. Whea 28 A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR, When IV precedes a digraph commencing with a, the fame rule is obferved as was before laid down for fuch digraph ; as, way, wail, &c. We. 71ie diphthong we follows the laws of the fimple vowel e ; before fuigle or double confo- nants it has always its firft found, as wed, weft. The only word in which this diphthong is followed by a confonant with a mute fir.al e is ivere, which is pronounced fliort with the found of lirft e, wer. It unites itfelf with the digraph ea, whofe laws it follows, as its general found is that of e- — Ex. weak, wean — before r, e ; as wear, fwCar — before two confonants, e j wealth. It precedes e with the found of e, as week, weed. With an afpirate it precedes cy in the word whey, e. Wi. This diphthong follows the laws of the fimple vowel /. Before fingle or double confonants it has the found of I, as wit, wing, wifh, &c. except as before the terminations ght, hi, and nd; as, wight, wild, wind. The pronun- ciation of Viind is controverted, as it is generally called wind, but this is againfl analogy. With the final e, it has always its fecond found ; as, wife, wine, wire. It unites with no vowel but e, and that only in the word wield. Wo. The in this diphthong has its firft found in the antiquated word wot. It is changed into u in the word won (wun), and in all words where o is followed by r; as, word, work, world, worfe, &c. ; founded as firft «, wurd, wurk, &c. Except the participles worn and /worn, 6; as alfo the word wo and its derivatives j and all words ending in e mute, as woke, wore, &c. It is o in the word womb. It unites wih a only in the word woad — with o, in woo, woof, o — wood, wool, u ; founded wud, wul — with u in would, wound (a hurt), and wound, participle of To wind, - where ou has its diphthong found. Some diphthongs formed by iv are preceded by / or tlT, in which cafe they follow the rules of the fimple diphthongs; as, twain, twang, twelve, twig, twin, twine, twirl (twerl), tlTwart. Two is no diphthong, founded to. Of Diphthc7igs formed by Y. Ya. This diphthong has the found of o in yacht, pronounced yot. It follows the rule of a before r '" y^'^^^ ya'rn j before e final in yare ; before aw in yawn, yawl. Ye. Has the found of e in the pronoun ye ; of e in the affirmation or conjundion yea ; of e in yean, year; of e in yearn, yell, yelk, yeft, yet. It is founded as i in yes, yis; and has the found of 6 in yelk, pronounced yoke of an egg. Yi. Yield. Yo. Yon. Before //, it has the found of o ; as you, your, yiiuth : except young, pronounced yung — 6 v/ith e final, as yoke, yore. 1^ never forms a diphthong but when it begins a word followed by another vowel; in the middle of fyllables or words its place is always fupplied by an / SECTION A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. 29 SECTION VII. Of Bijfyllabks. A S the pronunciation of Englifli words is ciiiefly rei^ulated by accent, it will be neceflary in the ^"^ firft place to have a precife idea of that term. Accent with us means no more than a certain ftrefs of the voice upon one letter of a fyllable, which diftinguiflies it from all the other letters in a word. In monofyllables this may be called the accented letter; in words of more fyllables than one, that which contains the letter fo diftinguiflied is called the accented fyllable. We have already feen in monofyllables the efFeiSl of accent, according as it is laid on vowels or confonants. When it is on the confonant, the vowels have uniformly their firft found, except only in the few inftanccs where the found of another vowel is fubftituted in the room of that prefented to the eye. When the accent is on a vowel, it has fomctimes its fecond, fometimes its third found, accord- ing to rules already laid down, but never its firft, excepting only the vowel or ious, the accent is on the letter immediately precedino- the con- fonant, taken into the laft fyllabl«, except only where the vowel / precedes that confonant, and then the accent is laid on that confonant ; as, hideous, pernicious, rclig'ious, propit'ious, &c, pronounced, hid'-yus, pernifli'-us, &c. On other occafions, the accent for the moft part is on the antepenult. ; as, friv'olous, glob'ulous, mirac'ulous, voluminous; — except when two confonants interfere — as, tremend'ous, concin'nous, enor'mous. The termination oui is always founded us ; and is never accented but in the French word rendez.' VDus, pronounced rondevoo. In ant. Polyfyllables in Mt have the accent on the antepenult. ; as, pred'icant, rec'reant, extrav'agant, luxuriant, Sec. Except when two confonants meet in the middle — as, appel'Iant, trium'phant, &c. — but prot'eftant has the accent on the firft. The accent is never laid on ant in polyfyllables, ex- cept in the words, confidant', complaifant'; nor on diflyllables, except in compound verbs, fuch as decant', recant', enchant'; and two nouns — a gallant', the Levant'. In ent. Polyfyllables terminating in bent, cent, dent, or any confonant preceding ent except m, forming tnent, have the accent on the confonant preceding fuch termination ; as, incum'bent, exer'cent, de- pen'dent, &c. But words terminating in meni, being in general fubftantives derived from verbs, retain the accent of their primitives, without regard to this rule; as, eftab lifhment, aflon'ifliment, embar'raffment. When the vowel / precedes any of thefe terminations, the accent is on the antepenult, either the fingle confonant preceding /' or the former of two, or three ; as, beneficent, com'pliment, &c. When / precedes ent it forms a fyllable with it ; as, obedient, lenient, diffil'ient, confen'tient, &c. Words in lent have always the accent on the antepenult. ; as, benev'olcnt, flat'ulent, purulent, &c. — except when two ll's meet; as, repcl'lent, attol'lent; to which alfo the word ex'cellent is an exception. All words in ment too, that are not derived, have the accent en the antepenult. ; as, lig'ament, tes'tament. The laft fyllable is never accented but in dilTyllables. In ejl. Words terminating in ej}, being for the mofl: part adjectives in the fuperlative degree, retain the accents of their primitives. In ijl. They are chiefly nouns, formed from other nouns or adjecllves, and retain the accent of their primitives; as, an'nalift, rationalift, mor'alift, loy'alift. In^. There arc more words in the Englifli language terminating in this letter, than in any other ; perhaps not lefs than an eighth part of the whole. ay — In difl) liable compound verbs and nouns the accent is on the laft; as, delay', difplay', array', &c. Polyfyllables have the accent on the antepenult. ; as, yes'tcrday, fac'urday, caft'away, &c. A R H E T O R I C A L G R A M M A R. 37 ^—Words ending in cy, being in general fubftantives made out of verbs, nouns, or adjeiftives, re- tain the accent of their primitives j as, appliancy, bril'liancy, in''timacy, legit'imacy, &c. Ill words not thus derived the accent is thrown back, to the fourth fyHable; as, nec'romancy, chiromancy — except where flopped by two confonants ; as, ariftoc'racy, dcmoc'racy, &c. fy Has always the accent on the antepenult, ; as, rar'efy, ed'ify, fecun'dify, &c. : and even againft the accent of the primitives in derived words; as, perfoa'ify, divcrTify — horn perTon and diverfe. The y m fy has always its fecond found. But when fy is reprefented by phy, y has its firfl found; as, philos'ophy, at'rophy ; but ftiU the accent is on the antepenult. |-y— Likewife has the accent on the antepenult. ; as, prod'igy, genearogy, etymology, &c. It has always the found of foft^, except when preceded by another^; as, fbaggy, foggy, &c. ^Ij — Words in bly, being adverbs formed from adjectives and participles, always retain the accent of their primitives ; as, prob'ably, def'picably, indefat'igably, &c. A, —The fame is to be obferved in all words ending in ly ; as, poriticly, delib'erately, inderinitely, vol'untariiy, kc. ///y— Has always the accent on the antepenult, either on the fingle confonant preceding the vowel, or on the firfl: of two ; as, big'amy, in'famy, polyg'amy, phyfiog'nomy, Dcuteron'omy, &c. They who pronounce ac'ademy inflead of acad'emy go againft analogy. tyi— 111 triiTyllables, has the accent on the antepenult. ; as, prog'eny, tyranny, cal'umny. Sec. : in polyfyllables on the fourth ; as, ig'nominy, cer'emony, mat'rimony, and all in mony, except anem'ony. Except alfo thofe ending in gony ; as, hexag'ony, cofmog'ony ; and cacoph'ony, mo- iiot'ony. In ry. ary — Takes the accent on the antepenult, in trifTyllables ; as, fug'riry, dury, fal'ary, rofemary:— * and in polyfyllables on the fourth ; as, fim'ilary, ex'emplary, cpiftolary, vocab'ulary, vul'nerary, ubiq'uitary, &c. ; except when prevented by two different confonants, as, caravan'fary, difpen'- fary, anniver'fary (yet to this ad'verfary is an exception), teftamen'tary, parliamen'tary (con/- mentary, momentary, voluntary, exceptions). Ac'ceflary, nec'efTary, &c. being only a redupli- cation of the fame letter s, follow the general rule. ery — Has for the moft part the accent on the antepenult, and it is only in the following words it i.5 placed farther back ; del'etery, mon'aflery, bap'tiftery, prcs'bytcry. This termination is always founded erry. 9ry — In triiTyllables has the -iccent on the antepenult. ; as, pleth'ory, priory, mcm'ory, &c. In polyfyllables on the fourth, or farther back ; as, probatory, cubatory, pif'catory ; dcd'ica- tory, judicatory, pacificatory, &c. ■ This rule holds except when two different confonants meet ; as, compul'fory, calefiic'tory, contradic'tory ; — and in this cafe (he following are exceptions, def'ultory, inventory, prom'on- tory, rec'eptory, per'emptory, rep'ertory, conTirtory. This termination is always founded as if written urry. Inyj-. WorJs in ^- have the accent on the antepcnuli. ; as, fan'tafy, apof'tafy, k.p'rofj', &c. : on the fourth , in epilep fy, coa'croverfy. Vol. I. k In 38 A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. In ty. Polyfyllables In /y, with the vowels e or » before it, have uniformly the accent on the antepenult, and on the laft letter of that fyllable; as, fobriety, fociety, improb'ity, acer'bity, Deity, fpon- taiieity, &c. When the letter c precedes ;Vv, it has the accent upon it, and is founded as $ ; as, verac'ity, felic'ity, feroc'ity — pronounced, veraf'ity, felif'ity, &c. When a fingle confonant precedes ;/y, it has always the accent on it ; as, timid'ity, frugaFity, extremity, barbar'ity, curiof'ity, &c. When two confonants precede it, it is on the former ; as, fcar'city, fecun'dity, abfur'dity, in- fir'mity, &c. This termination is always founded ty, with the firfl found of y. Under the foregoing terminations are included almoft all the words in the Engl ifh language. The few that belong to the other terminations, are either not reducible to general rules, or with fo many exceptions as to render them of little ufe. As they confift chiefly of monofyllables and diflylbbles, the rules before laid down for them will in a great meafyre eflablifh their pronun- ciation ; and where they are filent, the Didlionary is to be confulted. Having thus laboured through this chaos of fpelling, and reduced the apparent confufion there to fome degree of order, we fhall now emerge into a more lightfome region, where we fhall have fewer diiKculties to retard our progrefs ; I mean in treating of the art of reading, or the proper delivery of words when arranged in fentences. As this fubjeft has already been difcuffed by me in a courfe of ledures on the Art of Reading, and another on Elocution, I fliall content myfelf at prefent, with extrafting from them, fome general principles, and fome praftical rules for the attainment of that art, without any com- ments upon them ; referring thofe readers, who are defirous of entering into a more minute in- veftigation of the fubjed, to the works themfelves. SECTION vir. Of the Art of Delivery. A Jufi: delivery depends upon a due attention to the following articles : Articulation; Accent: Pronunciation: Emphafis : Paufes or Stops : Tones: and Key or Pitch of the voice. Of each of thefe in their order. And firft of ARTICULATION. A good articulation confifts, in giving every letter in a fyllable its due proportion of found, according to the moil approved cufloni of pronouncing it; and in making fuch a diftinftion be- tween the fyllables of which words are compofed, that the ear fliall without difficulty acki.ow- ledge their number ; and perceive, at once, to which fyllable each letter belongs. Where thefe points are not obfcrvcd, the articulation is proportionally defetSlive. Diftindlncfs of articulation depends, primarily, upon being able to form the fimple elements cr letters by the organs of fptcch, in the manner before dcfcribtd in treating on that fubjedl ; and A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. 39 and in the next place, in diftinguifhir.g properly the fyllables of which words are compofcd from each other ; which can only be done by a juft pronunciation. The chief fource of indiflinftnefs, is too great a precipitancy of utterance. To cure this, the moft efFeflual method will be, to lay afide an hour every day, to be employed in the pra£lice of reading aloud, in a manner much flower than is neceffary. This (hould be done in the hear- ir.2: of fome perfon, whofe office it fhould be to remind the reader, if at any time he (hould per- ceive him mending his pace, and frilling into his old habit. There is one caufe of indiftindl articulation, which operates very generally, and which arifes from the very genius of our tongue ; fo that, unlefs great care be taken, it is fcarcely poflible to efcape being afFeded by it. Every word in our language, compofed of more fyllables than one, has one fyllable accented, and thus peculiarly diftinguifhed from the reft ; and if this accented fyllable be properly articulated, the word will be fufficiently known, even though the others are founded very confufedly. This produces a negligence with regard to the pronunciation of the other fyllables ; which, though it may not render the fenfe obfcure, yet deftroys all meafure and proportion, and confequently all harmony in delivery. This fault is fo general, that I vv'ould recommend it to all who are afFe£ted by it, to pronounce the unaccented fyllables more fully than is necefiary, till they are cured of it. Of ACCENT. Accent, in the Englifli language, means, a certain ftrefs of the voice upon a particular letter of a fyllable, which diftinguilhes it from the reft, and, at the fame time, diftinguifties the fyl- lable itfelf to which it belongs, from the others which compofe the word. Thus in the word hab'it, the accent upon the b, diftinguifties that letter from the others, and thff firft fyllable from the laft. Add more fyllables to it, and it will do the fame; as, hab'itahle. In the word repute, the u is the diftinguiflied letter, and the fyllable which contains it, thediftinguiflied fyllable. But if we add more fyllables to it, as in the word rep'utable, the feat of the accent is changed to the firft fyllable, and p becomes the diftinguiflied letter. Every word in our language, of more fyllables than one, has one of the fyllables diftinguiflied from the reft in this manner; and every monofyllable has a letter. Thus, in the word hut\ the / is accented ; in ha'te, the vowel a. In cub', the b ; in cu'be the u. Hence every word in the language, which may properly be called fo,- has an accent ; for the particles, fuch as a, the, to, in, iic. which are unaccented, can fcarcely be called words, which feems to be implied in the name given to them, that of particles ; and in that ftate they are the fitter to difcharge their office, by this difterence made between them and words. So that as articulation is the eflencc- of fyllables, accent is the eflence of words ; which, without it, would be nothing more than a mere fucceffion of fyllables. Thus Ample as is the ftate of the Englifti accent, there is no article of fpecch which has occa- fioned more perplexity in thofe who have treated of it, merely by confounding it with the ac- cents of the ancients, which were quite different things. As this point has been amply dif- cuffed in the Lectures on Elocution, and the Art of Reading, the curious reader is referred to thofe works, under the head Accent. The great diftindion of our accent depends upon its feat; which may be either upon a vowel, or a confonant. Upon a vowel, as in the words, glory, father, holy. Upon a confonant, as in the words, hab'it, bor'row, bat'tlc. When the accent is on the vowel, the fyllable is Ion- ; bccaufe the accent is made by dwelling upon the vowel. When it is on the confonant, the fyllable is ftiort : bccaufe 4<5 A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. becaufe the accent is made by paffir.g rapidly over the vowel, and giving a fmart firoke of the voice to the following confjnant. Thus the words «ii^', led\ hid', rcd\ cub', are all fliort, the voice pafling quiclcly over the vowel to the confonant : but far a contrary reafon, the words, all, laid, iide, road, cube, are long ; the accent being on the vowels, on which the voice dwells fome time, before it takes in the found of the confonant. Obvious as this point is, it has wholly cfcapcd the obiervation of all our grammarians, and compilers of divEtionaries ; who, inflead of examin- ing the peculiar genius of our tongue, implicitly and pedantically have followed the Greek me- thod, of always placing the accentual mark over a vowel. Now the reafon of this praftice among the Greeks, was, that as their accents confifted in change of notes, they could not be diflinftly expreffed but by the vov/els ; in uttering which, the paffage is entirely clear for the voice to iflue, aiid not interrupted or flopped by the different pofitions of the organs in forming the confonants. But as our accent confifts in ftrefs only, it can juft as well be placed on a con- fonant as a vowel. By this method of marking the accented fyllable, oat- compilers of .dictiona- ries, vocabularies, and fpelling-books, muff miflead provincials and foreigners in the pronun- ciation of perhaps one half of the words in our language. For inftance ; if they fliould look for the word endeavour, finding the accent over the vowel /, they will of courfe found it endiavour. In the fame manner according to the fenfe of the words, the emotions of the mind, or the exertions of fancy; and can- not pofTibly be reprefcntcd by fo fmall a number as four or five marks, which are ufed as ftops : yet all this immenfe variety are Avallowed up and loft in the reading notes. Which ufually confift only of two; one annexed to the ftops which mark members of fentences, as comma, fcmicolon. Vol. I. la and 46 A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. and colon ; the other to the full flop, when the fentence is complete. By fome, the pupils are taught to elevate their voice in the former cafe, and lO deprefs it in the latter. By others, the de- preiTed note is ufed in both cafes, only differing in degree. Here tlien is to be found the true fource of the bad manner of reading and fpeaking in public, that fo generally prevails : which is, that we are taught to read in a different way, with different tones and cadences, from thofe which we ufe in fpeaking ; and this artificial manner, being ufed in- Head of the natural one, in all recitals and repetitions at fchool, as well as in reading, generally infeifls the delivery of all who afterwards fpeak in public. For they are apt to confider this fpecies of delivery, which they have been taught, as fuperior to that kind which comes of courfe, without any pains; and therefore judge it the moft proper to be ufed on all public occafions. But as there is fomething in this monotonous manner of reading, againfl which nature herfelf revolts ; when they are to deliver their own fentiments in fpeaking, each individual, not having been inflruded in the proper ufe of fuitably varied and expreffive tones, falls into a certain cant or tune, by cer^ tain elevations and depreflions of the voice, to which all fentences are fet alike; and this tune, being void both of harmony ;;nd expreflion, is at once difcordant to the ear, and difgufling to the under- ilanding. Thus has this unnatural mode of utterance, fpread itfelf in the fenate-houfe, the pulpit, the bar, and every place where public declamation is ufed ; infomuch that the inftances of a juft and natural elocution are very rare : the want of which is moft generally and fenfibly felt in our churches. Having (hewn the many abufes committed in the two mofl important articles of delivery, em- phafis and flops, it now remains to point out the remedy. The fource of thefe abufes may be farther traced, by attentively weighing the following obferva- tion — That no illiterate man ever ufes falfe emphafes, tones, or flops, in fpeaking; it is only the Fiterate, thofe that have learned to read, that can fall into errors of that fort. For, as our ideas pafs in train in our minds, and are there conne6led or divided, the illiterate man, without rule or thoutrht, exhibits them exadly as they pafs in his mind. To the idea that makes the moft forcible jmprefTion there, he gives the greateft force of expreflion in utterance; and therefore the ftrongefl cmphafis to the word which ftands as its mark. And whatever emotions are excited in him by thofe ideas, he cannot help manifefting by fuitable tones, looks, and geftures ; as thefe neceffarily proceed from an original law of his conftitution, and without pains cannot be fupprefled. Whereas the man who has learned to read, has been taught to conned or feparate his words, by arbitrary jules of flopping, which are not taken from the natural train of our ideas. He has no mark to point out the moft important word, which is therefore often negledled, or the emphafis transferred to another of lefs confequence. He is not taught to annex to his words, any part of the language of emotions, tones, looks, and geftures ; which are therefore wholly omitted, or abfurdly applied. la fliort, as in the v/hole written language there is nothing offered to the eye but letters and flops j the teacher of the art of reading thinks he has done his duty, when he has inftrudted you in the manner of fpelJing thofe letters properly, fo as form them into words ; and in the ufe of the ftops to fepa- rate fentences, and members of fentences from each other. It is here therefore the remedy is to be- fought for, by fupplying and correding what is erroneous and defc£tive in the art of reading. For it is manifett from what has been faid before, that if reading could be brought to be exadly the fame thirg as fpeaking, a juft and forcible delivery would of courfe follow, though more might be required to make it graceful and pleafing to the ear. However eafy it may appear at firft fight to put this in praftice, yet upon trial it would be found more difficult than is imagined. Confirmed bad habits in a thing which we daily pradife, can be removed only by a right method, and daily pradice according to that method. Such A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. 47 Such a method is what I am now about to lay down ; and I dare promife that whoever will pur- fue it will find efFeds from it, fuitable to the pains that he fhall take. The chief error in writing, is the manner of (lopping, different from the natural train of our ideas : and the chief defedl, the want of fome mark for each emphatic word ; which is the caufe of negiedling, or mifapplying emphafis. To get the better of bad habits arifing from thefe, I would propofe the following method. If a perfon has a mind to read any paffage corre£Hy, let him firft write it out without ftops. Let him then confider the general meaning and purport of the words, and enter into the fpirit of the fentiment. Let him afk himfelf — How Giould I deliver this, fuppofing it to be the immediate ef- fufion of my own mind ? Let him try to do this. He will not at firft be able to hit the mark, for his habitual reading tones will force themfelves upon him for fome time ; but at every trial, with that point in view, he will gain ground. It will be of great affiftance to him, if he can get a friend to hear him fentence by fentence, ftill afking him — Is that the way in which I fliould utter that fentence, fuppofing it to proceed from the immediate fentiments of my mind ? For in that cafe he may be often informed of his ufing thofe artificial tones of reading, which, from habit, may not ftrike his own ear, though they will immediately be perceived by another's. After this let him flop it, according to the method which he has fettled of fpeaking it : but let him not ufe the common flops of writing, the fight of which, would revive the ufe < f their afibciated tones ; inftead of thefe let him employ fmall inclined lines, to be placed at the top of the line behind the word, and not at the bottom ; in order as little as poflible to revive the iden. of the ufual ftops. To anfwer thia end four marks will be fufficient, as thus — For the fhorteft paufe a fmall inclined line, thus ' For the fecond, double the time of the former, two " And for the third, or full flop, three '■'■' To mark a paufe longer than any belonging to the ufual ftops, two horizontal lines, as thus =: The manner of reducing this to pradice, may be made clear by the following example ; D^early belo\ed brethren — The fcripture moveth us '' in fu^ndry places ' to acknowMegs and confeYs our manifold fins and wickednefs " and that we fhould not difleVble'' nor clo^e them ' before the face of Almighty God ' our Hea\enly Father " but confeYs them '' with- an humble ' lowly ' penitent ' and obedient heart ' to the end that we may obtain forgi\enefs of the fame '' by hi^s ' i^nfinite goodnefs and mercy '" Having fettled the ftops, let him afterwards mark each emphatic word, by placing a Hoping line inclining to th« right, over the accented letter of fuch word, as is done in the above example. To this accented f) liable let him conftantly endeavour to give the peculiar note which nature herfelf has annexed to the fentiment, and this will ferve as a key-note or regulator of the others. I would- recommerul it to him not to proceed to another paflage, till, by frequent trials, he has made him- felf m^fter of one j and his beft way of Knowing this, will be, to read it to different perfons, at different times, ftill afking them the queftion before mentioned ; and he may be pretty fure, when they are agreed in opinion, that he has accomplifhed the point. From this paflage let him pro- ceed to another ; and fo on, ftill making choice of diverfity of ftyle and matter ; and it is incon- ceivable, when once he (hall have made himfelf mafter of a few pafiages in that way, how quick his progrefs will be afterwards. But ftill he muft not indulge himfelf for fome time, in reading any thing, but with this particular view, otbcrwife his old habit will counteratl his progrefs ia the new way. But 4? A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. But it may be faid, that though h:s manner may be changed, in reading thofe paflages that are marked in the propofed way, his old habit will prevail when he reads fu( h zs are written in the cuftomary manner. To prevent this, I would advife him, after he has m.iriced any pafT-ige, and made himfelf matter of it, to read the fame paffage aloud as ufually written or printed ; and if this ftiould occafion any difference in him, from the manner he had before fettled, let him read it over and over till he has brought it to be the fame. This will make him attentive to the errors and defeiSls in the graphic art, and he yvill come gradually to neglcS thofe falfe guides, the flops; and learn to be attentive only to the main drift and fcope of each fentence. But as it will require long praflice, before he will be able to do this at fight, I would recommend it to him not to read any thing aloud, for fome time at leaft, till he has cafl his eye over it, and taken in the general fenfeof the palTage. And 1 would alfo advife him not to deliver any thing from notes in public, v.ithout ufing the marks before mentioned, till habit (hall have fettled him in the right way. This method, fimple as it is, 1 can vouch from experience, will, if properly followed, change the artificial and unafFedting, to the natural and forcible manner of utterance. And whoever can accomplifh that point, will certainly obtain the chief end of delivery, that of gaining attention, and making an imprefllon on his auditory. There is one article relative to the intonation of the flops, which, though of the utmoft import- ance to a juft and graceful delivery, has never yet been pointed out, and which, as demanding the utmoft attention, I have referved for the laft place. In the ufual method of managing the voice with refpefl to the ftops, we are only taught either to raife or lower it, according to the nature of the ftops ; but there is a third thing to be done of more frequent ufe, and as efTentially necefTary, which is, fufpending the voice before certain paufes, without any change of note. The method of pointing out to the ear the clofe of a fentence, or a full completion of the fenfe, is by a deprefled note. That of marking the members of fentences, or incomplete fenfes, is either by an elevated or fufpended note. The elevated notes (hould be chiefly appropriated to the emphatic fyllables, and {hould hardly ever otherwife precede paufes, except in notes of admiration, mterrogation, or im- paflioned difcourfe : the incomplete members of all other fentences fhould be marked only by a fuf- penfion of the voice, in the fame individual note, as if it had proceeded without interruption to the next member of the fentence. They who do otherwife, if they elevate the voice at the clofe of the fmaller members, fall into a tune or cant running through all fentences alike. If they deprefs it, they make the members appear fo many detached fentences, and deftroy that concatenation of the parts, without which the complete fenfe of the whole can never clearly be manifefted. They who have been accuftomed to make fome change of note before all ftops, will find it very difficult at firft to fufpend their voice without fuch change ; and their beft method to attain it in reading will be, at firft, to run the words of the former member, into the firft of the latter, without any paufe, attending to the note which they ufe in that cafe ; then let them try to ftop at that word in the fame note, which will be then juft frefti on the ear. But they will have a ftill more certain method, by having recourfe to the general rule before laid down, and afking thcmfelves how they would utter thole words, if they were fpeaking, not reading them. Havinn- faid all that is necefTary on the intonation of the paufes, it now remains to fay fomething on the time of their duration. In this refpeft, the great fault almoft univerfally committed, is, that ef makino- them too fhort. As every member of a fentence contains fome idea of more or lefs im- portance to the drift of the whole, there ought to be a fufficient paufe at the end of each member, to give time for each idea to make its due imprefllon on the mind, and the proportion of time in the paufe fhould be regulated, by the importance of each ideaj or by the clofer, or more remote A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. 49 conneflion which it has with the main objecl of the fentence. Paufes in difcourfe anfwer the fjme end that fliades do in pictures; by the proper ufe of which, the objeds ftand out diftimSlly to the eye; and without which, were the colours to run into one another, it would be difiicult to difcri- minate the feveral figures of the compofition. In order to get the better of this bad habit of run- ning fentences, and their members, too quickly into one another, I would recommend it to every reader to make all his paufes longer tlian is nccellary, till by degrees he brings them to their due proportion. Of tht PITCH tfW MANAGEMENT of the VOICE. Thefe are articles of the utmoft importance, to give due force and proportion to all the others. In order to be heard with fatisfaflion, it is neceflary that the fpeaker fliould deliver himfelf with cafe. But if he does not know how to pitch his voice properly, he can never have the due manage- ment of it; and his utterance will be painful to himfelf, and irkfome to his hearers. Every fpeaker, who is not corrupted by bad habits, has three pitches in his voice; the high, low, and middle pitch. The middle, is that which is ufed in common difcourfe; from which he either rJfes or falls, according as the matter of his difcourfe, or emotions of his mind require. This middle pitch, therefore, is what ought to be generally ufed, for two reafons; firft, bccaufc the or- gans of the voice are ftronger, and more pliable in this pitch, from conftant ufe : and fecondly, be- caufe it is more eafy to rife or fall from that pitch, to high or low, with regular proportion. Moft petfons, through want of fkill and pradlice, when they read or fpeak in public, fall into one of the extremes. Either through timidity and diffidence, they ufe the low pitch, in which they are rot heard at all, or with fo much trouble to the liftencr, as foon to weary attention : or, if they aim at avoiding this fault, they run into the high pitch ; which is produdive of confequences equally bad. The organs of the voice in this unufual pitch, are foon wearied j and languor and hoarfenefs enfue. And as the reafon for continuing it, will be equally ftrong during the whole difcourfe, as for the firft fetting out in it, the fpeaker muft lofe all the benefits which arife from variety, and fall into a difgufling monotony. The prevalence of this practice arifes from a common miftake in thofe who fpeak, for the firfl time, in a large room, and before a numerous auditory. They conclude it impoffible that they fhould be heard in their common pitch of voice, and therefore change it to a higher. Thus they confound two very diftin£l things, making high and low, the fame with loud and foft. Loud and foft in fpeaking, is like the_/ir/^ and piano in mufic ; it only refers to the different degrees of force ufed in the fame key ; whereas high and low, imply a change of key. So that the bufinefs of every fpeaker is, to proportion the force or loudnefs of voice to the fize of the room, and number of his auditors, in its ufual pitch. If it be larger than ordinary, he is to fpeak louder, not higher, in his ufual key, not in a new one. And whoever negleds this, will never be able to manage his voice with eafe to himfelf, or fatisfa£lion to his hearers. He who delivers himftif in a moderate pitch, whenever his fubjeS demands that he fhould rife to a higher, or fink to a lower, does it with eafe, and in due proportion ; and produces the effects which are to be expelled fro^ fuch change, and agreeable variety. Whilft he who takes a high pitch, cannot rife upon occafioii, without runi\ing into difcord ; nor fmk, with any rule of proportion to guide him. They who, to avoid this fault, run into the oppofite extreme, and begin in a lower pitch than is natural to them, err indeed on the fafer fide, Vut are equally diftant from the point of truth. It is true, it is more cafy to rife gradually and proportionally, than to dcfccnd ; but wbilft they remain in that key, it Vol. I. n will 50 A R H E T O R I C A L G R A M M A R. will appear equally unnatural, and more languid than the other; and they will be very apt, through the body of their difcourfe, to run chiefly into that key in which they had fet out. With regard to the degree of loudnefs to be ufed, the beft rule for a fpeaker to obferve, i«, never to utter a greater quantity of voice, than he can afford without pain to himfelf, or any extraordinary effort. Whilft he does this, the other organs of fpeech will be at liberty to dif- charge their feveral offices with eafe; and he will always have his voice under command. But whenever he tranfgreffes thefe bounds, he gives up the reins, and has no longer any management of it. And it will ever be the fafeft way too, to keep within his compafs, rather than go at any time to the utmoft extent of it ; which is a dangerous experiment, and never juftifiable but upon fome extraordinary emotion. For even in that cafe, the tranfgre/fing the limits in the leaft, will icarce be pardoned : for, as the judicious Shakefpear has well obferved in his inftruftion to the player. In the very torrent, tempeji, and as I may fay whirlivivd of your paJ]ion, you muj} acquire end beget a temperance that may give it fmoothnefs. In order to have a full power and command over the voice, it is neceffary that the fpeaker fhould underftand the right management of the breath ; an article of the utmoft importance to the whole of delivery, and yet which is as little known as any of the reft. The falfe rule, by which people in general are inftru£led in learning to read, that the breath is never to be drawn, but when there is a full ftop, or clofe of the fenfe, has made it exceedingly difficult to utter long fentences, efpecially to thofe who are fhort-winded. They are therefore apt to run themfelves entirely out of breath, and not to ftop till the failure of that obliges them to it, which is there- - fore likely to happen in improper places; or elfe they fubdivide the long fentence, into as many diftinift fentences, as they take times of breathing; to the utter confufion of the fenfe. For as they have been taught not to take breath, but when they make a full ftop, they habitually ufe the tone of a full ftop, whenever they take breath. It is of as much importance to a fpeaker, that he fhould have at all times a fufficient com- mand of breath, as that an organ (hould be fupplied with a proper quantity of air. In order to- this, he fliould take care always to get a frefli fupply, before he feels any want of it ; for whilftr he has fome to fpare, he recruits it with fuch eafe, that his hearers are not at all fenfible of his doing it. Whereas if he waits till he is put in mind of it, by fome degree of uneafinefs, he not only does it with more difficulty himfelf, but he may depend upon it that his hearers have alfo-' felt his uneaftnefs, and been fenfible of his difficulty. For, fo ftrong is the fympathy between the organs of fpeech and thofe of hearing, that the leaft uneafinefs in the one is immediately per^ ceived by the other. To enable a reader or fpeaker to accomplifti this point, it is only neceffary to obferve, that he may at all times fupply himfelf with any quantity of breath he pleafes, even at the fmalleft ftop, only obferving the rule before laid down, that of giving the true tone which fhould precede fuch ftop. For the note of the voice, in that cafe, fufficiently marks the nature of the paufe, with- out any reference to time, which he is at liberty to prolong at pleafure, without prejudice to the fenfe ; as the connedlion of the fenfe does not at all depend upon the length of time in the ftops, as is abfurdly imagined, but upon the tone of voice accompanying them. This circum- ftance gives the fpeaker fuch power over the paufes, as, judicioufly ufed, may contribute much to the main point in view, that of ftrongly inculcating his meaning. For, by this means, he may always proportion his paufes to the importance of the fenfe ; and not merely to the gram- matical ftruiSture of words in fentences, making like paufes to all of like ftruiSlure, without dif- tindion. For inftance, if there be any propofition or fentiment which he would enforce more ftrongly A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. SI ffrongly than the reft, he may either precede it by a longer paufe than ufual, which will roufe attention, and give it the more weight when it is delivered ; or he may make a longer paufe after it is clofed, which will give time to the mind to ruminate upon it, and let it fink deeper into it by reflexion ; or, according to the importance of the point, he may do both. He may go ftill farther, and make a paufe before fome very emphatical word, where neither the fcnfe, nor com- mon uHige would admit of any ; and this on proper occafions may produce a very powerful efFedt. Of TONES. Thus far I have confidered the feveral points, that are fundamentally and eflcntially necefr fary to every public fpeaker ; without which, he will be fo far from making any imprcflion on his hearers, that he will not be able to command their attention,, nor, in many cafes, even make himfelf underllood. Yet fo low is the ftate of elocution amongft us, that a man who is mailer even of thefc rudiments of rhetoric, is comparatively confidered as one of an excellent delivery. This very circumftance,. therefore, is a fufficient inducement to apply dofely, at leaft to the maftery of thefe points. But to fuch as (hould be defirous to extend their views fo far as to attain the nobler ends of oratory, 1 mean a power of commanding the tempers, difpofitions, and paflions of mankind, there are other points to be confidered ; to mafter which will require the clofeft attention, and infinite pains. The firft, and principal of thefe, is the article of tones ; upon the proper ufe and ma- nagement of which, all that is pleafurable, or affecting in elocution, chiefly depends. What I have hitherto faid on this fubjecl, refers only to particular notes of the voice, apper- taining to emphafis and flops, in fentences. Here I mean to fpeak of that general intonation, which pervades whole periods, and parts of a difcourfe. Tones may be divided into two kinds ; natural, and inflituted. The natural,- are fuch as be- long to the paffions of man in his animal ftate ; which are implanted in his frame,- by the hand of nature ; and which fpontaneoufly break forth, whenever he is under the influence of any of thofe paflions, Thefe form a univerfal language, equally ufed by all the different nations of the world, and equally underftood and felt by all. Thus, the tones expreflive of forrow, lamenta- tion, mirth, joy, hatred, anger, love, pity, &c. are the fame in all countries, and excite emotions in us analogous to thofe paflions,. when accompanying words which we do-not underftand. The inftituted tones, are thofe which are fettled by compact, to mark the different operations, exertions, and emotions of the intellect and fancy, in producing their ideas ; and thcfu- in a great meafure differ, in different countries, as the languages do. The former of thefe, it is evident, neither require ftudy nor pains, when we are ourfelvcs un- der the influence of any of thofe paflions, as they are neceffarily produced by them : but in at- tempting to produce them, either in delivering the impaflioned fpeeches of writers ; or in affuming them in our own difcourfes ; we fhall fail of the point,- fo far as we fail of feeling, for the time', the very paflions we would exprefs. We may indeed mimic the tones of thofe paflions, but the cheat will be manifeft,^ and not reach the hearts of the hearers. Si vis me f.ere^ doUtulum ejl primum tibi ip/i, is a well known maxim, and will hold good with regard to all the other paflions. With refpecl to the latter, it will require great pains, and much obfcrvatlon, to become maf- ter of them. When we confider that all thefe tones are to be accompanied by fuitable looks and gcfture ; not only adapted in the juftcft proportion to give due force to the kntiment, but regulated alfo 53 A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. fuch a way as to appear graceful, wc need not wonder that this fpecies of orator}- is fcarce known among us, who have never ftudied even the principles of the art. Nor is it hardly ever attempted to be put in praaice, except on the ftage ; where indeed iome degree of it is effentially neceffary. And the extreme difficulty of arriving at any degree of perfedion in it cannot be more clearly fhewn, than by recolkding how few the inftances are, of thofc who have fucceedcd even tolerably there, though it be the main objea and bufinefs of their lives. All this is the necelTary confequence of our having devoted our whole time and attention to the cultivation of the written language, and leaving thjt of fpeech entirely to chance. When wc reflea, that not only every thing which is pleafurable, every thing which is forcible and affeding in elocution, but alfo the moft material points necefTary to a fulJ and diftinacompre- henfion, even of the fenfe of what is uttered, depend upon the proper ufe of tones, and their accompa- niments'; it may well aftonifh us to think, that fuch elTential parts of language fhould in a civilized country,' and a country of freedom too, be wholly negleaed. Nay worfe— that our youth fliould not only be uninftruded in the true ufe of thefe, but in the little art that is ufed, they fhould be early perverted by falfe rules, utterly repugnant to thofe which nature has clearly pointed out to us. And how can it be otherwife, when we have given up the vivifying energetic language, ftampeJ by God himfelf upon our natures, for that which is the cold, lifelefs work of art, and in- vention of man ? and bartered that, which can penetrate the inmoft receflcs of the foul, for one which dies in the ear, or fades upon the fight? Such is our prefent ftate, and fuch it muft ever continue, till the objed be changed ; till the living language be reftored to its due rank, and fchools of rhetoric eftablifhed, as in old Greece and Rome, for teaching the nobleft, moft ufeful, and ornamental art, that ever improved and dignified human nature. Of the RECITATION of POETIC NUMBERS. In order to know the different manner to be ufed in the recitation of verfe, from that of profe, it will be neceflary to examine, in the firft place, wherein the diiFerence between profe and verfe confifts. Poetic numbers are founded upon the fame principles with thofe of the mufical, and are governed by fimilar laws. Proportion and order are the fources of the pleafure we receive from both, and the beauty of each depends upon a due obfervation of the laws of meafure, and movement. The eiTential difference between them, is, that the matter of the one confifts of articulate, of the other, inarticulate founds: but fyllables in the one correfpond to notes in the other; poetic feet, to mufi- cal bars ; and verfes, to ftrains : they have all like properties, and are governed by fimilar laws. The conftituent parts of verfe are, feet, and paufes; from the due diftribution of which, refult meafure, and movement. Feet confift of a certain number of fyllables united together, like notes in bars; and a certain number of thofe feet, when completed, according to the rules of the different fpecies of verfification, form verfes or ftrains. They are called feet, bccaufe it is by their aid that the voice as it were flops along through the verfe, in a meafured pace ; and it is therefore necefl^ary that the fyllables which mark this regular movement of the voice, ftiould in fome manner be dif- tinguiftied from the others. This diftinaion was made among the ancient Romans, by dividing their fyllables into long and fliort, and afccrtaining their quantity, by an exaa proportion in founding them ; the long, being to the ftiort, as two to one ; and the long fyllables, being thus the more im- portant, market! the movement. In Englifli, fyllables arc divided into accented and unaccented; and A RHETORICAL G R A M iM A R, 53 and the accented fyllables, being as ftrongly diftinguiflied from the unaccented, by the peculiar ftrefs of the voice upon them, are equally capable of marking the movement, and pointing out the reo-ular paces of the voice, as the long fyllables were, by their quantity, among the Romans. From not having examined the peculiar genius of our tongue, our Profodians have fallen into a variety of errors ; fome having adopted the rules of our neighbours, the French ; and others hav- ing had recourfe to thofe of the ancients; though neither of them, in reality, would fquare with our tongue, on account of an elTential difference between them. With regard to the French, they meafured verfes by the number of fyllables whereof they were compofed, on account of a conftltu- tional defecl in their tongue, which rendered it incapable of numbers formed by poetic feet. For it has neither accent, nor quantity, fuited to the purpofe j the fyllables of their words being for the moft part equally accented ; and the number of long fyllables being out of all proportion greater than that of the fhort. Hence for a long time it was fuppofcd, as it is by moft people at prefent, that our verfes were compofed, not of feet, but fyllables; and accordingly they are deno- minated verfes of ten, eight, fix, or four fyllables, even to this day. Thus have we loft fight of the great advantage which our language has given us over the French, in point of poetic num- bers, by its being capable of a geometrical proportion, on which the harmony of verfification de- pends ; and blindly reduced ourfelves to that of the arithmetical kind, which contains no natural power of pleafing the ear. And hence, like the French, our chief pleafure in verfe, arifes from the poor ornament of rhimc. Some few of our Profodians finding this to be an error, and that our verfes were really compofed of feet, not fyllables, without farther examination, boldly applied all the rules of the Latin profody to our verfification ; though fcarce any of them anfwered exadly, and fome of them were utterly incompatible with the genius of our tongue. Thus becaufe the Roman feet were formed by quan- tity, they afierted the fame of ours, denominating all the accented fyllables long; whereas I have formerly fnewn, that the accent, in fome cafes, as certainly makes the fyllable on which it is laid, fliort, as in others it makes it long. And their whole theory of quantity, borrowed from the Roman, in which they endeavour to eftablifh the proportion of long and fhort, as immutably fixed to the fyllables of words conftructed in a certain way, at once falls to the ground ; when it is fhevvn, that the quantity of our fyllables is perpetually varying with the fenfe, and is for the moft part re- gulated by emphafis : which has been fully proved in the courfe of Le6lures on the Art of reading Verfe ; where it has been alfo fliewn, that this very circumftance has given us an amazing ad- vantage over the ancients, in point of poetic numbers. The other conftituent part of verfe, confifts in paufes, peculiarly belonging to verfe, and differ- ing from the profaic. Of the poetic paufes, there are two forts ; one denominated Ctfural, the other I fhall call the Final. The cefural, divides the verfe into equal, or unequal parts ; the final, clofes it. The cefural paufe, is known to all who have any acquaintance with the nature of verfe; but the final has hitherto efcapcJ the obflrvation of all the writers upon that fubjecl. It is for that very reafon, that there has not hitherto been given an adequate idea of verfe, in contradif- tindion to profe, fince it is the ufe of this final paufe, which, on many occafions, alone marks the difference between the two. It is the line drawn between their boundaries, which can never be niiftaken, whilft it remains; remove it, and it is impo/Tiblc, in many cafes, to diftinguifh the one from the other. Do we not obferve, that verfe is written in a different way from profe ? Do we not find that in each fpecics of verfification, every line is bounded by the meafure ? that is, muft terminate, when Vol. I. o the 54 A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. the number of feet which belongs to the kind of metre, is completed. Is not this done to mark the metre diftin(flly ? And is it to the eye only that the metre is to be marked ? the eye, which, of itfelf, can form no judgment of meafure in founds, nor take any pleafure in fuch arrangement of words ; and (hall the ear, the fole judge of numbers, to which nature herfelf has annexed a delight, in the perception of metre, be left without any mark, to point out the completion of the meafure ? If it were indeed a law of our verfification, that every line fliould terminate with a flop in the fenfe, the boundaries of the meafure would then be fixed, and could not be miftaken. But when we know, that one of the greateft perfedions in our blank heroic verfe, is, that of drawing out the fenfe from one line to another, I am afraid in that cafe, if there be no mark to (hew where the mea- fure ends, it will be often carried away by the fenfe, and, confounded with it, be changed to pure profe. Nothing has puzzled the bulk of readers, or divided their opinions more, than the manner in which thofe verfes ought to be recited, where the fenfe does not clofe with the line ; and whofe laft words have a necefTary connexion with thofe that begin the fubfequent verfe. Some, who fee the neceflity of pointing out the metre, make a paufe at the end of fuch lines; but never having been taught any other paufe, but thofe of the fentential kind, they ufe one of them, and pronounce the laft word in fuch a note, as ufually marks a member of a fentence. Now this is certainly improper ; becaufe they make that appear to be a complete member of a fentence, which is an in- complete one; and by thus disjoining the fenfe, as well as the words, often confound ihe meanings 0:hers of a more enthufiaftic kind, elevate their voices, at the end of all verfes, to a higher note than is ever ufed in any of the fentential flops ; but fuch a continual repetition of the fame high note, at the clofe of every verfe, though it marks the metre diftindlly, becomes difgufting by its monotony; and gives an air of chanting to fuch recitation, extremely difagreeable to every ear, ex- cept that of the reciter himfelf; who, in general, feems highly delighted with his own tune, and imagines it gives equal pleafure to others. It was to a reader of this fort, that Caefar faid, ' If ^ you read, you fing ; and if you (ing, you fing \'ery ill.' To avoid thefe feveral faults, the bulk of readers have chofen what they think a fafer coyrfe, which is, that of running the lines one into another, without the leaft paufe, where they find none in the fenfe ; in the fame manner as they would do in fentences of profe, were they to find the fame words there fo difpofed ; by which means they reduce verfe to a hobbling kind of metre, neither verfe nor profe. In vain, to fuch readers, has Milton laboured the bed proportioned numbers in blank verfe ; his order, is turned into confufion ; his melody, into difcord. In vain have Prior and Dryden, in the couplet, fought out the riclieft rhime; the laft word, hurried precipitately from its poft, into the next line, leaves no imprefEon on the ear ; and loft in a clufter of words, marks not the relation Wtween it and its correlative, which their diftinguifhed fimilar pofts in the two verfes had given thc-m ; by which means the whole efrecl of the rhime, as well as the metre, is loft. We need not wonder, however, that the majority cf Readers (hould readily fall into this laft method, be- caufe they have all learned to read profe, and it cofts them no trouble to read verfe iikc profe. But it v/i!l be aflced, if this final paufe is neither marked by an elevation, or deprellion of the voice, how is it poflible to mark it at all ? To this the anfwcr is obvious; by making no change at all in the voice, but fufpending it in the fame individual note that would be ufed, were it to be conne(fled inftantly with the following word. This flop is what I have before defcribed under the name of the paufe of fufpenfion ; which, though eflentially necefTary to the juft recitation of verfe, has never once been thought of; nor is the management cf it to be acquired but by great atten- tion, and praiSice, according to the method before propofed. By the ufe of this pauie, the melody of verfe may at all times be preferved without interfering with the fenfe. For the paufe itfelf, per- feaiy A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. 55 fe£lly marks the bounds of the metre; and being made only by a fufpenfion, not change of note in the voice, the concatenation of the meaning is as diftindlly perceived by every auditor, as if the words had been uttered in the clofeft connection. Nor is this the only advantage gained to numbers, by tliis ftop of fufpenfion ; it alfo prevents that monotone at the end of lines, before defcribcJ, which, however pleafing to a rude, is dif- gufting to a delicate ear. For, as this flop of fufpenfion has no peculiar note of its own, but al- ways t-i'-ces that which belongs to the preceding word, it changes continually with the matter, and is as various as the fenfe. Having faid all that is necefTary of the final, I {hall now examine the crfural paufe. The cefural paufe is that which divides the verCe into equal or unequal portions; upon the right management of which, the melody and harmony of verfification, in a great meafure depend. Ths feats of the eefura moft pleafing to the ear, are either at the end of the fccond foot, in the middle of the third, or at the end of the third foot ; but it may occafionally take place in all parts of the line. The eefura is by no means eflential to verfe, as the fhorter kinds of meafure are without it; and many heroic lines, in which it is not to be found, are Hill good verfes. It is true it improves, and diverfifies the melody, by a judicious management in varying its fituation, and fo becoires a great ornament to verfe; but ftill this is not the moft important ofHce which it difcharges ; tor be- fides improving the melody of fingle lines, there is a new fource of delight, opened by it in poetic numbers, correfpondent, in fome fort, to harmony in mufic ; that takes its rife from that aft of the mind, which compares the relative pr-oportions, that the members of each verfe bear to each other as well as to thofe in the adjoining lines. The cefural, like the final paufe, fometimes coincides with the fentential, fometimes has an independent ftate ; that is, exifts where there is no flop in the fenfe. In that cafe, it is exadlly of the fame nature with the final paufe of fufpenfion before de- fcribed, and is governed by the fame laws. The feat of the final paufe points itfelf out ; but with regard to the cefural, whofe feat is vari- able, and may be in all the different parts of the verfe, confequently not fo eafily to be found there requires more to be faid. In order to find out the feat of the eefura, we are to refleft that there are fome parts of fpeech fo necclTarily connefted in fentences, that they will not admit of any disjunftion, by the fmalleft paufe of the voice. Between fuch, therefore, the eefura can never fall. Its ufual feat is. In that place of the line, where the voice can firft reft, after a word, not fo ne- ceffarily connected with the following one. I fay, not fo neceflarily, becaufe the eefura may find place, where there would be no fentential ftop, after a word which leaves any idea for the mind to left, though it may have a clofe connexion with what follows. For inftance — Of Eve,^ whofe eye '^ darted contagious fire. Now in profe, there could not properly be a comma after the word eye, from Its clofe ccnneclion with the following verb; but in verfe, remove the cefural paufe, and the metre is utterly deftroyed. Of the fame nature is another line of Milton's, relative to the fame perfon — And from about her '^ fhot darts jf defire— Pronounced in that manner, with the paufe in the middle of the line, it ceafes to be verfe; but by- placing the eefura after the word Jhot, as thus — And from about her. fhot ''' darts of defire—- The 56 A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR. The metre is not only preferved, but the expreffion much enforced, by the unexpected trochee fol- lowing the paufe, which, as it were, fhoots out the darts with uncommon force. The following line of Pope's, read thus— Ambition nrft fprung " from your bleft abodes- is no verfe, but hobbling profe. But let the ccfura be placed after the word /r/7, as thus— Ambition firfl fprung from your bleft abodes— and the metre is reftored. Of the fame kind, are two lines of Waller's, which I have feen flopped in the following manner— We've loft in him arts, that not yet are found. The Mufts ftill love, their own native place. By which pointing, the metre is deftroyed. They Ihould be thus divided ; We've loft in him " arts that not yet are found. The Mufes ftill ^' love their own native place. Unlefs a reader be much upon his guard, he will be apt to paufe, however improperly, at thofe feats of the cefura, which have been fet down as producing the fineft melody. There would be great temptation, on that account, in the following lines, and all of fimilar ftrudlure, to place the cefura wrong. As thus — The fprites of fiery " termagants inflame- Back to my native " moderation Aide — And place on good " fecurity his gold Your own refiftlefs " eloquence employ— Or crofs to plunder " provinces the main— But fuch unnatural disjunftion of words which neceflarily require an immediate union with each other, whatever pleafure it might give the ear, muft hurt the underftanding. Lines of this flruc- ture do not in reality contain any perfedi cefura ; whofe place is fupplied by two femi-paufes, or demi-cefurasj as thus — The fprites ' of fiery termagants '' inflame- Back ' to my native moderation ' Aide — And place ' on good fecurity '' his gold— Your own ' refiftlefs eloquence ' employ— Or crofs ' to plunder provinces ' the main— In all cafes of this fort, every man's own underftanding will point out to him, what words are ne- ceflarily to be kept together, and what may be feparated without prejudice to the fenfe. To recite verfe with propriety, it will be only necelTary to obferve the ^tvi following fhort rules. 1. All the words fliould be pronounced exadly in the fame way as in profe. 2. 1 he movement of the voice fliould be from accent to accent, laying no ftrefs on the inter- mediate f\llables. 3. There fliould be the fame obfervation of emphafis, and the fame change of notes on the em- phatic fyllables, as in profe. 3 . 4' ^^^ A R H E T O R I C A L G R A M M A R. 57 4. The paufes relative to the fenfe only, which I call fentential, are to be obfervcd in the fame manner as in profe; but particular attention muft be given to thofe two peculiar to verfc, the cefu- ral and final, as before defcrilied, which I call mufical paufes. The ufual fault of introducing fiiig-fong notes, or a fpecies of chanting into poetical numbers, is difagreeable to every ear, but that of the chanter himfelf. Such readers, indeed, feem generally in high raptures with their own mufic, for, according to the old obfervation, baud cuiquam injucwida quis cantat ipfe : ' No man's tune is unpleafing to himfelf.' But they ought to confider, that they are doing great injuftice to the poet's mufic, when they fubftitute their own in its room. The tune of the poet can then only be heard, when his verfes are recited with fuch notes of the voice as refult from the fentiments j and a due proportion of time obferved, in the feet and paufes, the conftituent parts of verfe. Thus far I have laid open all that is necelThry, to prevent the reader's falling into the ufual errors committed in reciting verfe, and to point out the means of attaining a juft and proper manner. But with regard to the grace and elegance of delivery, confifting in the nicer proportions both of time and tone in the feveral feet, and paufes, and the exa£t general intonation of the voice fuited to the fentiments and paffions, it is obvious that little can be done, by precept alone. Nor can we ever expedl to have this part brought to pcife^lion, till rhetorical fchools are inftituted, to teach the whole art of Elocution, in the fame manner as all other arts are. taught, by Precept^ Example, and Praclia^ Vol, I. A P P E N D I IN the preceding Grammar, the true principle upon which the pronunciation of polyfyMables fe founded, is for the nrft time laid open; and will icivc io folve all difficulties in dubious cafes, and put an end to numberlefs difputes daily held upon that fubjedt, by the different partifans of the fiifterent modes of founding words. Some have recourfe to authority ; but at prefcnr, for reafons mentioned in the Preface, that neither is, nor ought to be of any force ; and when, as it often hap- pens, one authority is balanced againft another, who ihail determine which fhall preponderate? Some have recourfe to derivation ; but not knowing on what occaiions thit operates, and when it has no influence, they fall into continual errors : and others refer to analogy, which, without being well acquainted with its laws, and the many deviations from them, is but a very uncertain diredlor. The only fure guide on this oceafjon is the terminating fyllable, which governs all others in the word, as the rudder does the Clip. To explain this by examples. It has been much difputed, whether the word fliould be pronounced con'cordance, or concor'd- ance. The advocates for the former pronunciation proceed upon a latent principle of analogy, which generally operates in words of that termination, as may be ften by having recourfe to the Grammar, p. 31. where examining the termination in ance, you will find it faid — Polyfyllables in <7>tce in general have the accent on the antepenult, or laft fyllable but two. Examp. Arrogance, elegance, fjgnifieance. Exceptions. ly?. When the primitive has its accent on the lail, the derivative has it on the pe- nult. ; as, appe'arance, affu 'ranee ; from appe'ar, aiFu're : or 2{J,y, zvhcn it is preceded by two Confo' nants, as, abun'dance, difcor'dance. Now by following the general, and not attending to the 2d rule of exceptions mentioned above, they have fallen into this error. And yet, ignorant as they might be of any rule, one would ima- gine that analogy itfelf might have fet them right in this cafe, as upon the fame ground they might pronounce the word dis'cordance, with the accent on the firft fyllable, as well as con'cordance, which no one ever attempted. The fame obfervation will hold good with regard to the word refractory, or refrac'tory. Ac'ademy, or acad'emy, is another word which has occafioned much difpute j you will iind it adjufted by looking for the termination my, p. 37. In all difputable cafes, preference has been given to that pronunciation which is moft conform- able to rule ; as certainly the Icflening as much as poffible the anomalies of any language will be a great advantage to it, as it will render the attainment of it more eafy. Thus in the difpute about the pronunciation of the word wind, whether it fliould be wi'nd or vi-'nd', the former has been adopted, upon this principle, that there is no monofyllable in the Englifh language terminating in ind in which the vowel / is not pronounced long; as, blind, rind, kind ; &c. I have often heard Dr. APPENDIX. 59 Dr. Swift fay to thofe who pronounced it fliort, in a jeering tone, « I have a great rriind to find why you call it wind.' Obfervations of this Icind might be extended to a confiJerable length ; but it would be an unne- ceflary trouble, as the Reader will find every thing relative to that matt' r adjufttd in the Grammar. Rules to be cbferved by the Natives rule is almoft univerfally broken through by the Irifh, v/ho pronounce all fuch words as if written, fuprame, fin?urc, rcplatc-, Jcc. There air eo APPEND are but two exceptions to this rule in the Englifh pronunciation, which are tlie words, there, where. In the way of marking this found, by a double <■, as thus, ee, as thelrifli never malce any miftakes, the bed method for all who want to acquire the right pronunciation of thefe feveral combinations, is, to fuppofe that ea, ei, and e attended by a final mute e, are all fpelt with a double e, or ee. Ey is always founded like a by the Englifli, when the accent is upon it; as in the words, prey, convey, pronounced pray, convay. To this there are but two exceptions, in the words key and ley, founded he, lee. The Irifh, in attempting to pronounce like the Englifh, often give the fame found to ey, as ufually belongs to ei ; thus for pr^iy, convey, they fay pree, convee. A ftrid obfervation of thefe few rules, with a due attention to the very few exceptions enume- rated above, will enable the well-educated natives of Ireland to pronounce their words exactly in the fame way as the more poliflied part of the inhabitants of England do, fo far as the vowels are concerned. The diphthongs they commit no fault in, except in the found of i ; which has been already taken notice of in the Grammar *. Where likewife the only difference in pronouncing any of the confonants has been pointed out ; which is the thickening the founds of d and t, in cer- tain fituations ; and an eafy method propofed of correcting this habit f. In order to complete the whole, I fliall now give a lift of fuch detached words, that do not come under any of the above rules, as are pronounced differently in Ireland from what they are in England. EngUJh proti. IriJ}) pron. Engl'iJ}) pron. che'arful chlr'ful Michael Ml^kil Mfkel fe'arful f^r^ul drought droth drout daor d6re fearch sa'rch s^rch' floor flore fource source sorce ga'pe gaV cufhion. cufhion gather geth'er gath'er ftrength ftrenth ftrenkth be'ard bcrd length lenth lenkth bull bdU ftj-ove ftruv flrove bufh b5fh drove druv drove pu(h pufh ten^ure te'nure pill pull ten'able te'nable pu/pit pul^pit wra'th wra'th c^lf cilf wroth wrath wroth' catch k^tch catch fa'rewel fdr'wel coarfe courfe coarfe rade r6d' courfe courfe coarfe ftr6de ftr6d' court court Ihone fhon' malice ious mallfh'us fchifm fliifm sizm pudding pudding whe'refore ' whcVfore quafli quofh quafh the'refore therefore leifure lezh'ur cla''moiir le'zhur clam'mur breadth breth brcd'th • Vid. p. II. where the true manner of pronoun cing the diphthong i is pointed out; the Irifh pro- nouncing it much in the fame manner as the French, t P. .8. Jrijb cold cowld cich is born before the due time. ABORTIVE, ab-or'-tl''. a. Brought forth be- fore the due tisne of birth ; that which brings forth nothing. ABORTIVELY, ab-6r'tiv-Iy. ad. Born with- out the due time; immaturcly, untimely. ABORTIVENESS, ab-6r -tlv-nefs. f. The ftate of abortion. ABORTMENT, db-6rt'-ment. f. The thing brought forth out of time ; an untimely birth. ABOVE, a-biv'. prep. Higher in place ; higher in rank, power or excellence ; beyond, more than ; too proud for, too high for. ABOVE, a-buv'. ad. Over-head; in the re- gions of heaven. ABOVE ALL, a-buv-a'll. In the Rrft place ;^ chief! ABOVE-BOARD, a-buv -bori In open fight y without artifice or trick. ABOVE-CITED, a-buv'-s!'-ted. Cited before.. ABOVE-GROUND, a-buv'-ground. An ex- preffion ufed to fignify,.. that a man is alive ; not in the grave. ABOVE-MENTIONED, a-buv'-men-fhund. See ABOVE-CITED. To ABOUND, a-bou'nd. v. n. To have in great plenty ; to be in great plenty. ABOUT, a-bou't. prep. Round, furrounding, encircling; near to; concerning, with regard to, relating to; engaged in, employed upon; appendant to the perfon, as cloaths, &c. ; relat- ing to the perfon, as a fervant. ABOUT, a-bou't. ad. Circularly; in circuit; nearly ; the longeft way, in oppofition to the fhort ftraight way ; to bring about, to bring to the point or ftate dcfired, as, he has brought about his purpofes ; to come about, to come to foine certain ftate or point ; to go about a thing, to prepare to do it. ABRACADABRA, ab-ra-ka-da-bra. A fuper- flitious charm againft agues. To ABRADE, ab-ra'de. v. a. To rub cfF, to wear away from thx other parts. ABRASION, A B S A B S ABRASION, ab-ra'-zhun. f. The ad of rub- bing, a rubbing ofF. ABREAST, a-b^rell'. ad. Side by fide. To ABRIDGE, a-bndj'e. v. a. To makefhorter in words, keeping ftill the fame fubftance ; to contraft, to diminifli, to cut fhort ; to deprive of. ABRIDGED OF, a-brld'-jcd. p. Deprived of, debarred from. An ABRIDGER, a-brld'-jir. f. He that abridg- es, a fhortener; a writer of compendiums or abridgments. ABRIDGMENT, a-brldj'e-ment. f. The con- tradlion of a larger work into a fmall compafs ; a diminution in general. ABROACH, a-bro'tfh. ad. In a pofture to run out; in a Hate of being difFufed or propagated. ABROAD, a-bra d. ad. Out of the houfe ; in another conntry ; without, not within. To ABROGATE, ab-ro-gate. v. a. To take away from a law in force, to repeal, to annul. ABROGATION, ab-re.-g;i'-niun. f. The ac'i of abrogating, the repeal of a law. ABRUPT, ab-rup't. a. Broken, craggy ; fud- den, without the cuftomary or proper prepara- tives. ABRUPTION, ab-rup'-fhun. f. Violent and fudden feparation. ABRUPTLY, ab-rup't-ly. ad. Haftily, without the due forms of preparation. ABRUPTNESS, ab-riip't-nefs. f. An abrupt manner, halle, fuddcnnefs. ABSCESS, ab -fefs. f. A morbid ca\ ity in the body. To ABSCIND, ab-sind'. v. a. To cut off. ABSCISSION, ab-sis'-fliiin. f. The ad of cut- ting off; the rtate of being cut off. To ABSCOND, ab-(kond'. v. a. To hide one's ft If. ABSCONDER, ab-fc6n'-dur. f. The perfon that abfconds. ABSENCE, ab'-fenfe. f. The ftate of being abfcnt, oppofed to prefence ; inattention, hced- Icffnefs, neglect of the prefent object. ABSENT, ab'-fint. a. Not prefent; abfcnt in mind, inattentive. To ABSENT, ab-fent'. v. a. To withdraw, to forbear to come into prefence. ABSENTEE, ab-fen-te'. f. A word u fed com- monly with regard to Iriflimen living; out of their country. ABSINTHIATED, ab-sIn'-tSya-ttd. p. Im- pregnated with wormwood. To ABSIST, db-slft'. v.'n. To ftand off, to leave off". To ABSOLVE, ab-z6lv'. v. a. To clear, to acquit of a crime in a judicial fenfe ; to fet {res from an engagement or promife ; to pro- nounce a fin remitted, in the ecclefiaftical fenfe. ABSOLUTE, ab'-fo-lilte. a. Complete, applied as well to perfons as things ; unconditional, as, an abfolute promife ; not relative, as, abfoluto fpace ; not limited, as, abfolute power, ABSOLUTELY, ab -fd-l-ite-ly. ad. Complete- ly, without reftriiSlion; without condition ; per- emptorily, pofitively. ABSOLUTENESS, ab'-fo-lilte-nsfs. f. Com- pletenefs ; freedom from dependance, or limits ; defpotifm. ABSOLUTION, ab-f6-]i5'-{hun. f. Acquittal; the remiffion of fins, or of penance. ABSOLUTORY, .ib '-fo-ld-tir'-ry. a. That which abfolves. ABSONANT, ab'-fo-nant. a. Contrary toreafon. ABSONOUS, ab'-f6-nus. a. Abfurd, contrary to reafon. To ABSORB, ab-farb. v. a. To fw.illow up; to fuck up. ADSORBENT, ab-fl'r-btnt. f. A medicine that fucks up humours. ABSORPT, ab-fa'rpt. p. Swallowed up. ABSORPTION, ab-fa'rp-fh.ui. f. The act of fv/allowing up. To ABSTAIN, ^b-ffi'n. v. n. To forbear, to deny one's felf any gratification. ABSTEMIOUS, ab-fte'-myus. a. Temper.ite, fober, abftinent. ABSTEMIOUSLY, abft^'-myuf-ly. ad. Tem- perately, foberly, without indulgence. ABSTEMIOUSNESS, ab-ft^'-myuf-nefs. f. The quality of being abftemious. ABSTEN- A B S A C A ABSTENTION, ab-ftin'-fhin. f. TheaAof holding off. To ABSTERGE, ab-ft^rje. v. a. To ck-anle, by wiping. ABSTERGENT, ab-fter'-jent. a. Clcanfing; hsving a cleanfing quality. To ABSTERSE, ab-fter'fe. v. a. To cleanfe, to purify. ABSTERTION, ab-fter'-fliun. f. The aa of cleanfing. ABSTERSIVE, ab-fter'-sK-. a. That has the quality of abftcrging or cleanfing. ABSTINENCE, ab'f-ty-nenfe. f. Forbearance of any thing ; fafting, or forbearance of ne- cefTary food. ABSTINENT, ab'f-ty-nent. a. That ufes ab- ftinence. To ABSTRACT, ab-ftrak't. v. a. To take one thing from another ; to feparate ideas ; to reduce to an epitome. ABSTRACT, ab'f-trakt. a. Separated from fometliing elfe, generally ufed with relation to mental perceptions. ABSTRACT, ab'f-trakt. f. A fmaller quan- tity, containing the virtue or power of a great- er j an epitome made by taking out the princi- pal parts. ABSTRACTED, ab-ftrak'-ted. p. a. Separat- ed ; refined, abftrufe ; abfent of mind. ABSTRACTEDLY, ab-ftrak'-ted-ly. ad. With abftraclion, fimply, feparate from all contin- gent circumftances. ABSTRACTION, ab-ftrak'-fliun. f. The aft of abftracling ; the ftate of being abftradted. ABSTRACTIVE, ab-ftrak'-tlv. a. Having the power or quality of abftrafting. ABSTRACTLY, ab-ftrak't-ly. ad. In an ab- ftraft manner. ABSTRUSE, ab-{lr6'fe. a. Hidden; difficult, remote from conception or apprehenfion. ABSTRUSELY, ab-ftro'fe-ly. ad. -Obfcurely, not plainly, or obvioufly. ABSTRUSENESS, ab-ftro'fe-nefs. f. Diffi- culty, obfcurity. ABSTRUSITY, ab-ftro'-fy-ty. f. Abftrufencfs; that which is abftrufe. To ABSUME, ab-fii'me. v. a. To bring to an end by a gradual wafte. ABSURD, ab-furd'. a.. Inconfiftcnt ; contrary to reafon. ABSURDITY, ab-fur'-dy-ty, f. The quality of being abfurd ; that which is abfurd. ABSURDLY, ab-furd'-ly. ad. Improperly, un- reafonably. ABSURDNESS, ab-furd'-ncfs. f. The quality of being abfurd ; injudicioufnefs, impropriety. ABUNDANCE, a-bun'-danfe. f. Plenty; great numbers ; a great quantity ; exuberance, more than enough. ABUNDANT, a-bun'-dant. a. Plentiful ; ex- uberant ; fully ftored. ABUNDANTLY, a-bim'-dant-ly. ad. In plen- ty; amply, liberally, more than fufficiently. To ABUSE, a-bu'ze. v. a. To make an ill ufe of ; to deceive, to impofe upon ; to treat with rudenefs. ABUSE, a-bu'fe. f. The ill ufe of any thing; a corrupt pradlice, bad cuftom; feducement; unjuft cenfure, rude reproach. ABUSER, a-bu'-zur. f. He that makes an ill ufe ; he that deceives ; he that reproaches with rudenefs. ABUSIVE, a-bu'-s!v. a. PracTrifrng abufe; con- taining abufe; deceitful. ABUSIVELY, a-bu'-siv-ly. ad. Improperly, by a wrong ufe; reproachfully. To ABUT, a-but'. v. n. obfolete. To end at, to border upon ; to meet, or approach to. ABUTMENT, a-but'-ment. f. That which abuts, or borders upon another. ABYSS, a-blfs'. f. A depth without bottom ; a great depth, a gulph. ACACIA, a-ka'-fha. f. A drug; a tree com- monly fo called here. ACADEMIAL, ak-ka-de'-myal. a. Relating to an academy. ACADEMIAN, ak-ka-dc'-myln. f. A fcholar of an academy or univerfity. ACADEMICAL, ak-ka-dem'-my-kil. a. Be- longing to an univerfity. ACADEMICK, ak-ku-dem'-m!k. f. A ftudent of an univerfity. C ACADE- A C C A C G ACADEMICK, ak-ka-dem'-mlk. a. Relating to a univerfity. ACADEMICIAN, ak-ka-dl-mlfh'-an. f. The member of an academy. r a-cad -de-mift, T f. The mem- ACADEMIST •mift, "J f. The mem \ oi, i. ber of ai tak"-a-dem'-mlfl:. J academy. {a-kad'-de-my, It. An or, V. or fc ak -a-dem'-my.J men, afTembly ACADEMY,"^ or, J. or fociety of uniting for the promotion of fome art ; the place where fciences are taught; a place of education, in contradiftinflion to the univerfities or publick fchools. ACANTHUS, a-kan'-tSus. f. The herb bears- foot. ACATALECTIC, a-kat4-lek'-tlk. f. A verfe which has the complete number of fyllables. To ACCEDE, ak-fe'de. v. n. To be added to, to come to. To ACCELERATE, ak-fel'-le-rate. v. a. To make quick, to haften, to quicken motion. ACCELERATION, ak-fel-]e-r4'-fhun. f. The adl of quickening motion ; the ftate of the body accelerated. To ACCEND, ak-fend'. v. a. To kindle, to fet on fire. ACCENSION, ak-fen'-fhun. f. The ad of kindling, or the ftate of being kindled. ACCENT, dk'-fent. f. The manner of fpeak- ing or pronouncing ; the marks made upon fyl- lables to regulate theii" pronunciation ; a mo- dification of the voice, expreffive of the paf- fions or fentiments. To ACCENT, ak-fent'. v. a. To pronounce, to fpeak words with particular regard to the grammatical marks or rules j to write or note the accents. To ACCENTUATE, ak-fen'-tu-ate. v. a. To place the accents properly. ACCENTUATION, ak-fen-tu-a'-fhun. f. The acl of placing the accent in pronunciation, or writing. To ACCEPT, .nk-ftpt'. v. a. to take with pleafure, to receive kindly. ACCEPTABILITY, ak-fep-ta-bll'-ll-ty, f. The quality of being acceptable. ACCEPTABLE, ak'-fep-table, a. Grateful; pleafmg. ACCEPTABLENESS, ak'-fep-table-nlfs. f. The quality of being acceptable. ACCEPTABLY, ak'-fep-ta-bly. ad. In an ac- ceptable manner. ACCEPTANCE, ak-fep'-tanfe. f. Reception with approbation. ACCEPTATION, ak-lc-p-ta'-fliun. f. Recepti- on, whether good or bad ; the meaning of a word. ACCEPTER, ak-fep'-tiir. f. The perfon that accepts. ACCEPTION, ak-fep'-fliun. f. The received fenfe of a word ; the meaning. ACCESS, ak'-fefs. f. The way by which any thing may be approached ; the means, or liberty^ of approaching either to things or men; in- creafe, enlargement, addition; the returns or fits of a diftemper. ACCESSARINESS, ak"-fa-far'-ry-nefs. f. The ftate of being acceffary. ACCESSARY, ak'-fef-far-ry. f. Hethatnot be- ing the chief agent in a crime, contributes to it. ACCESSARY, ak'-fef-far-ry. a. Joined to, ad- ditional, helping forward. ACCESSIBLE, ak-fes'-slble. a. That which may be approached. ACCESSION, ak-fes'-fhun. f. Increafe by fomething added ; the adt of coming to, or joining one's fclf to, as, acceflion to a confe- deracy; the aft of arriving at, as, the king's acceflion to the throne. ACCESSORILY, ak"-fef-fur'-ry-ly. ad. In the manner of an acceffory. ACCESSORY, ak'-fef-fur-ry. a. Joined to a- nother thing, fb as to increafe it ; additional. ACCIDENCE, ak'-fy-denfe. f. The little book containing the firlt rudiments of grammar, and explaining the properties of the eight parts of fpeech. ACCIDENT, ak'-fy-dent. f. The property or quality of any being, which may be fcparated from it, at leaft in thought ; in grammar, the property of a word ; that which happens un- forefcen ; cafualty, chance. ACCIDENTAL, dk-fy-den't.U. f. A property nonciTealiai. ACCI- A C G A C C ACCIDENTAL, ak-fy-den'tal. a. Having the quality of an accident, noncflcntial ; cafual, for- tuitous, happening by chance. ACCIDENTALLY, ak-fy-dcn'-tal-ly. ad. Ca- fually, fortuitoufly. ACCIDENTALNESS, ak-fy-den'-tal-ncfs. f. The quality of being accidental. ACCIPIENT, ak-f^'-pyent. f. A receiver. To ACCITE, ak-si'te. v. a. To call j to fum- mons. ACCLAIM, ak-kla'm. f. A fhout of praife ; ac- clamation. AC-LAMATION, ak-kla-mi'-fhun. f. Shouts of applaufe. ACCLIVITY, ak-kliv'-vi-ty. f. Thefteepnefs or flope of a line inclining to the horizon, rec- koned upwards, as, the afcent of an hill is the acclivity, the defcent is the declivity. ACCLIVOUS, ak-klf-vus. a. Rifing with a ilops. To ACCLOY, ak-klcy'. v. a. To fill up, in an ill fenfe ; to fill to fatiety. To ACCOIL, ak-koi'l. v. n. To croud, to keep a coil about, to buftle, to be in a hurry. ACCOLENT, ak'-k6-lent. f. A borderer. ACCOMMODABLE, ak-kom'-mC-dable. a. That which may be fitted. To ACCOMMODATE, ak-kom'-mi-date. v. a. To fupply with conveniencies of any kind. ACCOMMODATE, ak-kom'-mO-ddte. a. Suit- able, fit. ACCOAIMODATELY, ak-kom'-md-date-ly. ad. Suitably, fitly. ACCOMMODATION, ak-kom-mo-da'-fhun. f. Provifion of conveniencies ; in the plural, con- veniencies, things requifite to eafe or refrefh- mc-nt ; compofition of a diiFerence, reconcili- ation, adjuftment. ACCOMPANABLE, ak-kum'-pa-nable. a. So- ciable. ACCOMPANIER, ak-kum'-pH-n)''-ur. f. The perfon that makes part of the ccompany ; com- panion. To ACCOMPANY, ak-kum'-pa-ny. v. a. To be with another ai a ccmpanion; to join wi h. ACCOMPLICE, ak-kcm -plis. f. An afToci.te, a partaker, ufually in an ill fenfe j a partner, or co-operator. To ACCOMPLISH, ak-kom'-pllfh. v. a. To complete, to execute fully, as, to accomplifh a defign ; to fulfil, as a prophecy ; to adorn, or furni{h, either mind or body. ACCOMPLISHED, ak-k6m'-pllfli-ed. p. a. Complete in fome qualification ; elegant, fi- nifhed in refpect of embellifliments. ACCOMPLISHER, ak-kim'-pllfh-ur. f. The perfon that accomplifhes. ACCOMPLISHMENT, ak-k6m'-p!!(h-ment. f. Completion, full performance, perfection, com- pletion, as of a prophecy ; embellifhment, ele- gance, ornament of mind or body. ACCOMPT, ak-kount'. f. An account, a rec- koning. ACCOMPTANT, ak-koun'-tant. f. A rec- koner, computer. To ACCORD, ak-ka rd. v. a. To make agree, to adjuft one thing to another. To ACCORD, ak-ka'rd. v. n. To agree, to fuit one with another. ACCORD, ak-ka rd. f. A compaft, an agree- ment ; concurrence, union of mind ; harmo- ny, fymmetr)'. ACCORDANCE, dk-ka'r-danfe. f. Agreement with a perfon ; conformity to fomething. ACCORDANT, ak-kd'r-dant. a. Willing, in good humour. ACCORDING, ak-ka'r-dlng. p. In a manner fuitable to, agreeable to ; in proportion ; with regard to. ACCORDINGLY, ak-ki'r-d!ng-ly. ad. Agree- ably, fuitably, conformably. To ACCOST, ak-koft. v. a. To fpeak to firft, to addrefs, to falute. ACCOSTABLE, ak-kof'-t.ible. a. Eafy of ac- cefs, familiar. ACCOUNT, ak-kount'. f. A computation of debts or expences ; the ftate or refuit .o{ a com- putation ; value or eftimation ; a nanative, re- lation ; the relation and reafons of a tranfac- tion given to a perfon in authority; explana- tion, aflignment of caufes. To ACCOUNT, ak-kount'. v. a. To eflccr., A C C ACE to think, to hold in opinion; to reckon, to compute; to give an account, to aflign the caufes ; to make up the reckoning, to anfwer for practices ; to hold in efteem. jA ACCOUNTABLE, dk-koun'-tabl. a. Of(|iom an account may be required, who muft anfwer for. ACCOUNTANT, Ak-koun'-tant. a. Account- able to ; refponfible for. ACCOUNTANT, ak-koun'-tant. f. A com- puter, a man (killed or employed in accounts. ACCOUNT-BOOK, ak-kount'-b(ik. f. A book containing accounts. To ACCUPLE, ak-kip'le. v. a. To join, to link together. To ACCOURT, ak-ko'rt. v. a. To entertain with courtfhip, or courtefy. To ACCOUTRE, ak-kd'-tur. v. a. To drefs, to equip. ACCOUTREMENT, ik-ko'-tur-meat.f. Drefs, equipage, trappings, ornaments. ACCRETION, ak-kre'-fhun. f. The aA of growing to another, fo as to increafe it. ACCRETIVE, ak-kr^'-t!v. a. Growing, that which by growth is added. To ACCROACH, ak-kro'tfh. v. a. To draw to one as with a hook. To ACCRUE, ak-krd'. v. n. To accede to, to be added to ; to be added, as an advantage or im- provement ; in a commercial fenfe, to be pro- duced, or arife, as profits. ACCUBATION, ak-kd-ba'-flnm. f. Thean- tient pofture of leaning at meals. To ACCUMB', ak-kim'b. v. a. To lie at the tabic, according to the antient manner. To ACCUMULATE, ak-kd'-mu-l^te. v. a. To pile up, to heap together. ACCUMULATION, ak-ku-mu-li'-fliun. f. The act of accumulating ; the ftate of being accumulated. ACCUMULATIVE, Ak-kd'-m.]-la-tiv. a. That which accumulates ; that which is accumu- lated. ACCUMULATOR, ik-ku'-mu-ia-tur. f. He that accumulates, a gatherer or heaper toge- ther. ACCURACY, ak'-ku-ra-f\'. f. Exaflnefs, nicety. ACCURATE, ak'-kil-rat. a. Exa ADDER'S TONGUE, ad-durz-timg. f. An herb. ADDER'S-WORT, ad'-durz-wurt. L An herb-. ADDIBLE, .ad-dible. a. PolTible to beadded. ADDIBILITY, ad'-dy-b!l' ly-ry. f. The pof- fibility of being added. ADDICE, ad-dls. f. A kind of ax. To ADDICT, ad-dikt . v. a. To devote, to de- dicate ; it is commonly taken in a bad fenfc, as, he addicted himfelf to vice. ADDICTEDNESS, ad-dlk'-ted-ncfs. f. The Hate of bein^j addicted. ADDICTION, ad-d!k'-fhun. f. The acl of devoting ; the i ate of being devoted. An ADDITAMENT, ad"-dy-ta-ment'. f. Ad- dition, the thing added. ADDITION, ad-dlfh'-fliun. f. The acl of adding one thing to another; the thing add- ed; in arithmetick, addition is the reduction of two or more numbers of like kind, together into one fum or total. ADDITIONAL, ad-d;fh'-{h6-n.i!. a. . That which is added. ADDITORY, ad'-dy-tur-ry. a. That which has the power of adding. ADDLE, ad 1. a. Originally applied to e^gs, and fignifying ftich as produce nothing, thence transferred to brains that produce nothing. ADDLE-PATED, ad 1-p.i-ted. a. Having bar- ren brains. To ADDRESS, ad-drcfs . v. a. To prepare one's felf to enter upon any action ; to apply to ano- ther by words. ADDRESS, ad-drefs'. f. Verbal application to anyone; courtfliip ; manner of addrefling ano- ther, as, a man of pleafing addrefs ; flcill, dex- terity ; manner of direfting a letter. ADDRESSER, ad-drts -fur. f. The perfon that addrefies. ADDUCENT, ad-du'-fcnt. a. A word ap- plied to thofe mufcles that draw together the parts of the body. To ADDULCE, ad-dalfe. v. a. To fweeten. ADDENOGRAPHY, ad-de-ncg'-grd-fy. f. A treatife of the glands. ADEMPTION, a-demp'-fhun. f. Privation. ADEPT, a-dep t. *f. He that is completely (killed in all the fecrets of his art. ADEQUATE, ad'-e-qwate. a. Equal to, pro- portionate. ADEC^UATELY, ad'-e-kwat-ly. ad. In an adequate manser, with exaiSnefs of proper; ion. ADEQUATENESS, ad'-e-kw.it-nefs. f. The ftate of being adequate, exaflnefs of proportion. To ADHERE, ad-he re, v, n. To ftick to ; to remain firmly fixed to a party, or opinion, ADHERENCE, ad-he'-renfe. f. The quality of adhering, tenacity; fixcdnefs of i^ir.d, at- tachment, fteadijicfs. AD HE- A D I A D M ADRERENCY, ad-hc'-ren-f^-. f. The fame with adherence. ADHERENT, ad-he'-rent. a. Sticking to; united with. ADHERENT, ad-h^'-rent. f. A follower, a parti fan. ADHERER, ad-he'-rur. f. He that adhere^. ADHESION, ad-he'-zhun. f. The act or ilate of flicking to fomething. ADHESIVE, ad-he'-slv. f. Sticking, tena- cious. To ADHIBIT, ad-h!b'-b!t. v. a. To apply, to make ufe of. ADHIBITION, ad-hy-blfli'-fnun. f. Appli- cation, ufe. ADJACENCY, ad-jd'-fen-fy. f. The ftate of lying clofe to another thing. ADJACENT, ad-ja fent. a. Lying clofe, bor- dering upon fomething. ADJACENT, ad-ja'-fcnt. f. That which lies next another. ADIAPHOROUS, a-dI-af'f. f. The fame with affluence. .AFFLUENT, af '-flu-ent. a. Flowing to any part ; abundant, exuberant, wealthy. AFFLUENTNESS, af'-flu-ent-ncfs. f. The quality of being affluent. AFFLUX, af '-fluks. f. The a^ of flowing to 5 fomc place, affluence ; that which flows to any place. AFFLUXION,af-fluk'-fhun. f. The aa of flow- ing to a particular place ; that which flows from one place to another. To AFFORD, if-fo'rd. v. a. To yield or pro- duce ; to grant, or confer any thing ; to be able to fell ; to be able to bear expences. To AFFOREST, af-for-reft. v. a. To turn ground into foreft. To AFFRANCHISE, af-fran'-tflnz. v. a. To make free. To AFFRAY, af-frl'. v. a. To fright, to terrify. AFFRAY, af-fra'. f. A tumultuous aflault of one or more perfons upon others. AFFRICTION, af-fr!k'-fhun. f. The adl of rubbing one thing upon another. To AFFRIGHT, af-fri'te. v. a. To affecl with fear, to terrify. AFFRIGHT, af-fri'te. f. Terrour, fear. AFFRIGHTFUL, af-fri'te-ful. a. Full of af- fright or terrour, terrible. AFFRIGHTMENT, df-fri'te-ment. f. The im- preffion of fe.ir, terrour ; the ftate of fearfulnefs. To AFFRONT, af-frunt'. v. a. To meet face to face, to encounter ; to provoke by an open infult, to offend avowedly. AFFRONT, af-frunt . f. Infult ofFered to the face ; outrage, act of contempt. AFFRONTER, .nf-frun'-tur. f. The perfon that affronts. AFFRONTING, af-friin'-tlng. part. a. Th.-it which has the quality of affronting. To AFFUSE, af-fii zc. v. a. To pour one thing upon another. AFFUSION, af-fa'-zhun. f. The aft of af- fufing. To AFFY, af-fy'. v. a. To betroth in order to marriage. To AFFY, :\f-fy'. V. n. To put confidence in, to put trail in. AFIELD, a-fc Id. ad. To th<3 field. AFLAT, a-fi;'it'. ad. Level with the ground. AFLOAT, d-flo te. ad. Floating. AFOOT, a-fut'. ad. On foot, not on horfc- back ; in aftion, as, a dcfign is afoot. AFORE, AFT AGE AFORE, i-fb re. prep. Before, nearer in phice to any thing ; fooncr in time. AFORE, a-fo'te. ad. In time foregone or p;ifl; firft in the way ; in front, in the fore-part. AFOREGOING, a-fo re-gc-ing. part. a. Go- ing before. AFOREHAND, a-f'/rc-hand. ad. By a previous provifioii; provided, prepared, previoufiy fitted. AFOREMENTIONED, a-f6 're-men -fiiund. a. Mentioned before. AFORENAMED, i-f6''re-na-med. a. Named before. AFORESAID, a-fo're-fed. a. Said before. AFORETIME, a-fo're-tlme. ad. In time paft. AFRAID, a-fra d. particip. a. Struck with fear, terrified, fearful. AFRESH, a-frefh'. ad. Anew, again. AFRONT, a-front'. ad. In front, in direfc oppofition. AFTER, af -tcr. prep. Following in place ; in purfuit of; behind; pofteriour in time; ac- cording to ; in imitation of. AFTER, af'-ter. ad. In fucceeding time; fol- lowing another. AFTERAGES, af"-ter-a'-jez. f. Succeeding times, pofterity. AFTERALL, af'-ter-a'll. ad. At laft, in fine, in conclufion. AFTERBIRTH, if '-ter-bcrtlT. f. The fccun- dine. AF'FERCLAP, af'-ter-klap- f- Uncxpe^ed event liappening after an affair is fuppofed to be r.t an end. AFTERCOST, af'-ter-koft. f. The expence incurred after the original plan is executed. AFTERCROP, af'-ter-krop. f. Second harveft. AFTERGAME, af'-ter-game. f. Methods ta- ken after the firft turn of affairs. AFTERMATH, af'-ter-matR. f. Second crop of grafs mown in autumn. AFTERNOON, af -ter-no'n. f. The time from the meridian to the evening. AFTERPAINS, af'-ter-p-Jnz. f. Pains after birth. AFTERTASTE, af 'ter-tift. f. Tafte remain- ing upon the tongue after the draught. AFTERTHOUGHT, .af tcr-tfiat. f. Rcflcc- ticns after the ai\, expedients formed too late. AFTERTIMES, af -ter-timz. f. Succeeding times, AFTERWARD, af'-ter-w.ird. ad. In fucceed- ing time. AFTERWIT, af'-tcr-wk. f. Contrivance of ex- pedients after the occafion of ufing them is paft. AGAIN, a-gen'. ad. A fecond time, once more; back, in reftitution ; befides, in any other time or place ; twice as much, marking the fame quan- tity once repeated ; again and again, with fre- quent repetition. AGAINST, a-genft . prep. Contrary, oppo- fite, in general ; with contrary motion or ten- dency, ufed of material ailion ; oppofite to, in place ; in expeflation of. AGAPE, a-ga p. ad. Staring with eagernefs. AGARICK, ag'-a-rik. f. A drug of ufe in phyfick, and thp dying trade. AGAST, a-g.ift'. a. Amaze. AGATE, ag'-at. f. A precious ftone of the loweft clafs. AGATY, ;'ig'-a-ty. a. P.irtaking of the lis-ture of agate. To AGAZE, a-ga'zc. v. a. To ftrike with amazement. AGE, aje. f. Any period of time attributed to fomething as the whole, or part of its du- ration ; a fucceffion or generation of men ; the time in which any particular man, or race of men lived, as, the age of heroes ; the fpace of a hundred years ; the latter part of life, old age ; in law, in a man the age of twenty-one years is the full age, a woman at twenty-one is able to alienate her lands. AGED, a -jcd. a. Old, ftricken in years. AGEDLY, a -jed-ly. .id. After the manner of an aged perfon. AGEN, a-gen'. ad. Again, in return. AGENCY, a-jen-fy. f. The quality of a^ing, the ftate of being in adion ; bufincfs performed by an agent. AGENT, a -jent. a. Ailing upon, ailive. AGENT, a -jent. f. A fubflltute, a deputy, a fador; that which has the power of operating. AGGE- A G G AON AGGENERATION, ag-jen-ne-ra'-niun. f. The ftate of growing to another body. To AGGERATE, ad -je-rate. v. a. To heap up. To AGGLOMERATE, ag-glom'-me-ratc. v. a. To gather up in a ba!!, as thread. AGGLUTINANTS, ag-gld -ty-nants. f. Thofe medicines which have the power of uniting parts together. To AGGLUTINATE, ag-gld'-ty-nate. v. n. To unite one part to another. AGGLUTINATION, ag-gll-ty-na'-fliun. f. Union, cohtilon. AGGLUTINATIVE, ag-glu"-ty-na-tiv'. a. That which has the power of procuring agglu- tination. To AGGRANDIZE, ag'-gran-dize. v. a. To make great, to enlarge, to exalt. AGGRANDIZEMENT, Ig'-gran-di 'ze-mcnt. f. The (bte of being aggrandized. AGGRANDIZER, ag'-gran-di''-zur. f. The pcifo:'. thit inakjs another g.-cat. To AGGRAVATE, .ng'-gra-vate. v. a. To make heavy, in a metaphorical fenfe, as, to aggr.ivate an accufation ; to make any thing worfe. AGGRAVATION, ag-gra-va'-(hun. f. The ail of aggravating ; the circumftances which heighten guilt or calamity. AGGREGATE, ag'-gre-gate. a. ' Framed by the colleilion of particular parts into one mafs. AGGREGATE, ag'-gre-gite. f. Therefultof the conjunftion of many particulars. To AGGREGATE, ag'-gre-gate. v. a. To colleft together, to heap many particulars into one mafs. AGGREGATION, ag-gre-ga'-fhun. f. The adl of colleding many particulars into on: whole ; the v/hule compofed by the collection of many particulars ; llatc of being colkded. To AGGRESS, ag-grcfs . v. n. To commit the firfl a the manner of an alchymift. ALCHYMIST, al'-ky-mift.' f. One who pur- fues or profefles the fcience of alchymy. ALCHYMY, al'-ky-my. f. The more fublim* chymiftry, which propofcs the tranfmutation of metals; a kind of mixed metal ufed for fpoons. ALCOHOL, il'-k6-h6l. f. A high rcdified fpirit of wine. ALCOHOLIZATION, al-ko'-hol-y-za'-fhun. f. The act alcoholizing or rectifying fpirits. To ALCOHOLIZE, al-k6'-h6-llze. v. a. To redtify fpirits till they are wholly dephlegm- ated. ALCORAN, al'-kd-ran. f. The book of the Mahometan precepts, and credenda. ALCOVE, al-ko've. f. A recefs, or part of a chamber, feparated by an eftrade, in which is placed a bed pf ftate, ALDER, ALE A L I ALDER, al -dur. f. A tree having leaves re- f^mbling thofe of the hazel. ALDERMAN, al-dur-man. f. The fame as fenator, a governour or magiftrate. ALDERMANLY, al-dir-man-ly. ad. Like an alderman. ALDERN, a l-dirn. a. Made of Alder. ALE, a le. f. A liquor made by infufing malt in hot water, and then fermenting the liquor. ALEBERRY, a Ic-ber-ry. f. A beverage made by boiling ale with fpice and Uigar, and fops of bread. ALEBREWER, a'le-bro-ur. f. One that pio- fcfies to brew ale. ALECONNER, a'le-kon-ni'ir. f. An ofHccr in the city of London, whofe bufmefs ii to in- fpefl: the meafures of publick houfes. ALECOST, a'le-k6ft. f. The name of rai herb. ALEGAR, al'-le-gur. f. Sour ale. ALEHOOF, a lc-h(if. f. Groundivy. ALEHOUSE, ^le-houfe. f. A tipling-houfe. ALEHOUSEKEEPER, a'ie-houfe-kc'-pur. f. He that keeps ale publickly to fell. ALEKNIGHT, a'le-nite. f. A pot-comprinion, a tippler. Obfolete. ALEMBICK, a-lem'-bik. f. A veffel ufed in dittilling. ALENGTH, a-lenk'th. .ad. At full length. ALERT, a-lcrt'. a. Watchful, vigilant j brifk,. pert, petulant. ALERTNESS, a-lert'-nefs. f. The quality of being alert, pertnefs. ALEWASHED, ale-woCit. a. Soaked in ale. ALEWIFE, a le-wifc. f. A woman that keeps an alehoufe. ALEXANDERS, al''-lcgz-an'-ders. f. The name of a plant. ALEXANDER'S FOOT, al"-legz-an'-dcrs- fut'. f. The name of an herb. ALEXANDRINE, al-legz-an'-drln. f. A kind of verfe borrowed from the French, firft ufed in a poem called Alexander. This verfe con- fifts of twelve fyllnbles. ALEX:PHARMICK, a-lek-fy-flV-mlk. a. Thai which drives away poilbn, antidotal, 8 ALEXITERTCAL, a-lek-fy-ter'-ry-kAl. 7 ALEXITERICK, a-lek-fy-t<;-r'-rlk. j ^'' That which drives away poifoii. ALGATES, a 1-gates. ad. On any terms j al- though. Obfolete. ALGEBRA, al'-je-bra. f. A peculiar kind of arithmetick. ALGEBRAICAL, al-je-bri'-y-kal. ? a. Relat- ALGEBRAICK, dl-ja-bri' -Ik. \ ing to al- gebra. ALGEBRAIST, al-jc--bra'-ift. f. A perfon that underftands or pradtifes the fcicnce of algebra. ALGID, al'-jid. a. Cold, chill. ALGIDITY, ai-j!d'-dy-ty. f. Chilnefs, cold. ALGIFIC, al-j!f'-fik. a. That which produces cold. ALGOR, al -gor. f. Extreme cold, chMnefs. ALGORISM, al'-go-rizm. ) f. Arabick ALGORITHM, al'-g6-n'tlTm. \ words uf.d to imply the fcience of numbers. ALIAS, a'-lyas. ad. A Latin word, fignif) i.'ig otherwifc. ALIBLE, al'-libl. a. Nutritive, nourifliing. ALIEN, a'-lyen. a. Foreign, or not of the fame family or land; eflrangcd from, not al- lied to. ALIEN, a'-lyen. f. A foreigner, not a deni- fon, a ftraiiger; in law, an alien is one born in a ftrange country, and never enfranchifed. ALIENABLE, a -lyc-nabl. a. That of which the property may be transferred. To ALIENATE, d'-lye-nke. v. a. To transfer the property of any thing to another ; tov.ith- drav/ the heart or afFeftions. ALIENATE, a -lye-nate. a. Withdrawn from, firangcr to. /LIENATION, a-lyc-na'-fhun. f. The afl of transferring property ; the flatc of being alien- ated ; change of affection. ' To ALIGHT, a-lft. v. a. To come down ; to fall upon. ALIKE, a-li'ke. ad. With rcfcmblancc, in the fame manner. ALIMENT, al'-ly-mtnt. f. Nouriflnnc-nt, nu- triment, food. ALIMENTAL, al-ly-mcn -til. a. Thatwhich has A L K ALL ha? the quality of aliment, that which nou- rlfhes. ALIMENTARINESS, al-ly-jnei/-,ta-r>'-nefs. f. The quality of.being alimentary. ALIMENTARY, al-ly-men'-ta-ry, a. That which belongs to aliment; that which has the power of nourifliing. ALIMENTATION, al-ly-men-ta'-fliun.f. The quality of nourifhing. ALIMONIOUS, al-ly-mo-nyus. a. That which nourifhes. ALIMONY, al'-ly-mun-ny. f. Legal propor- tion of the hufband's eftate, which, by the fen- tence of the ecclefiaftical court, is allowed to ithe wife, upon the account of reparation. ALIQUANT, al-ly-quant. a. Parts of a num- ber, which, however repeated, will never make , up the number exaftly ; as, three is an aliquant of ten, thrice three being nine, four times three making twelve. ALIQUOT, al'-ly-quot. a. Aliquot parts of any number or quantity, fuch as will exaftly meafure it without any remainder : as, three is an aliquot part of twelve. ALISH, a -lifli. a. Refembling ale. ALIVE, a-li've. a. In the ftate of life; not dead ; unextinguifhed, undeftroyed, aci'ive ; cheerful, fprightly ; it is ufed to add an em- phafis ; as, the beft man ali\e. ALKAHEST, al'-ka-hel^. f. An univerfal dif- folvent, a liquor. ALKALESCENT, al-ka-les'-sent. a. That which has a tendency to the properties of an alkali. ALKALI, al'-ka-ly. f. Any fubflance, which, when mingled with acid, produces ferment- ation. ALKALINE, al'-ka-line. a. That which has the qualities of alkali. To ALKALIZATE, al-kal'-lv-zaie. v. a. To make alkaline. ALKALIZATE, al-kil'-l^-zlte. a. That which has the qualities of alkali. ALKALIZATION, al-kd-Iy-zi'-flian. f. The acl of alkalizating. ALKANET, al'-ki-net. f. The name of a j;lant. ALKERMES, il-ker'-mez. f. A confeaion whereof the kermes berries are the biiiis. ALL, al. a. The whole number, every one; the whole quantity, ever}' part. ALL, a 1. f. The whole ; every thing. ALL, a 1. ad. Quite, comjdctely ; altogether, wholl}'. ALL-BEARING, a 'l-be'-ring. a. Omniparous. ALL-CHEERING, a' 1-tfhe -ring. a. That which gives gayety to all. ALL-CONQUERING, d 'l-c6nk'-ke-rlng. a That which fubducs every thing. ALL-DEVOURING, a"l-de-vou'-ring. a. That which eats up eveiy thing. ALLFOURS, a l-f6"rz. f. A low game at cards, played by t%vo. ALlIhAIL, dl-hi'l. f. All health. ALL-HALLOWN, i 1-haMun. f. The time about All-faints day. ALL-HALLOWTIDE, i'l-hal'-l6-tide. f. The term near AU-Hiints, or the firft of November. ALL-HEAL, a 1-he 1. f. A fpecies of iron- wort. ALL- JUDGING, i"l-jud'-jing. a. That which has the fovereign right of judgment. ALL-KNOWING, a l-no'-ing. a. Omnifcient, all wife. ALL-SEEING, a'i-se'-Ing. a. That beholds every thing. ALL SOULS DAY, l"l-Co'\z-di' . f. The day on which fupplications are made for all fouls by the church of Rome, the fecond of No- vember. ALL-SUFFICIENT, i'l-fif-flfli'-ent. a. Suf- ficient to every thing. ALL-WISE, a 1-v/i ze. a. PolTeft of infinite wifdom. To ALLAY, al-la'. v. a. To mix one metal with another, to make it fitter for coinage ; to join any thing to another, fo as to abate its qualities ; to quiet, to pacify, to reprefs. ALLAY, al-la . f. The metal of a bafer kind mixed in coins, to harden them, that they may wear lefs ; any thing which, being added, abates the predominant qualities of that with which it is mmgled. ALLAYER, ALL ALL ALLAYER, al-la'-ur. f. The pcifon or thing which has the power or quality of allaying. ALLAYMENT, al-kV-ment. f. That which has tiie power of allaying. ALLEGATION, al-le-g;V-{hun. f. Affirm- ation, declaration; the thing alleged or af- firmed ; an excufe, a plea. To ALLEGE, al-ledzh'. v. a. To affirm, to declare, to maintain ; to plead as an excufe or argument. ALLEGEABLE, al-ledzh'-able. a. That which may be alleged. ALLEGEMENT, al-lcdzh'-mcnt. f. The fame with allegation. ALLEGER, al-ledzh'-ur. f. He that alleges. ALLEGIANCE, al-le'-jans. f. The duty of fubjeds to the government. ALLEGIANT, al-le'-jant. a. Loyal, con- formable to the duty of allegiance. ALLEGORICK, al-le-gor'-rlk. a. Not real, not literal. ALLEGORICAL, al-le-gor'-r'-kil. a. In the form of an allegory, not literal. ALLEGORICALLY, al-le-gor'-rl-kal-ly. ad. After an allegorical manner. To ALLEGORIZE, al'-le-go-rf'ze. v. a. To turn into allegory, to form an allegory. ALLEGORY, al'-le-gur-ry. f. A figurative difcourfe, in which fomething other is intended, than is contained in the words literally taken. ALLEGRO, al-le'-gro. f. A word denoting in mufick a fprightly motion. It originally means gay, as in Milton. ALLELUJAH, al-le-lo'-ya. f. A word of fpi- rltual exultation ; PraifeGod. To ALLEVIATE, al-le'-vyitc. v. a. To make light, to eafe, to foften. ALLEVIATION, al-lC-vyA'-fiiun. f. The act of making light; that by which any pain is eafed, or fault extenuated. ALLEY, al -ly. f. A walk in a garden ; a paf- fage in towns narrower than a fireet. ALLIANCE, a!-ll -dns. f. The flate of con- nection with another by confederacy, a league ; relation by marriage ; relation by any form of kindred ; the pcrfons allied to each other. ALLICIENCY, al-le'-fyen-fy. f. The power of attrading. To ALLIGATE, al'-ly-gdte. v. a. To tie ot^ thing to another. ALLIGATION, al-ly-gi'-fhun. f. The aft of tying together ; the arithmetical rule that teaches to adjuft the price of compounds, formed of feveral ingredients of difFerent value. ALLIGATOR, al'-ly-ga-tur. f. The cro- codile. This name is chiefly iifed for the cro- codile of America. ALLISION, al-llzh'-un. f. The ad of ftriking one thing againft another. ALLOCATION, al-lo-ki'-fhun. f. The act of putting one thing to another ; the admiflion of an article in reckoning, and addition of it to the account. ALLOCUTION, al-l5-ku'-lhun. f. The ad of fpeaking to another. ALLODIAL, al-l6'-dyal. a. Not feudal, in- dependent. ALLODIUM, Al-lS'-dyum. f. PofTeffion held in abfolute independence, without any acknow- ledgment of a lord paramount. There are no allodial lands in England. ALLONGE, al-lundzh'. f. A pafs or thruft with a rapier. ToALLOO, al-lo'. v. a. To fet on, to incite. ALLOQUY, al'-ld-kwy. f. The a£i of fpeak- ing to another. To ALLOT, al-lot'. v. a. To diftribute by lot ; to grant ; to diftribute, to give each hi» fhare. ALLOTMENT, al-l6t'-ment. f. The part, the fhare. ALLOTTERY, al-lot'-tl-ry. f. That whidi is granted to any in a diltribution. To ALLOW, al-lov/. v. a. To admit ; to grant, to yield ; to permit ; to give to, to p^.y to ; to make abatement. ALLOWABLE, al-low'-abl. a. That which may be admitted without contradiction ; law- ful, not forbidden. ALLOWABLENESS,al-low'-abl-n(:-fs. f. Law- fulncfs, exemption from prohibition. ALLOWANCE, a!-low'-ans. f. SanSion, li- H ceotc ; A L M A L O cence ; permillion ; an appointment for any ufe; abatement from the ftri£l rigour; a fum granted weekly or yearly, as a ftipcnd. ALLOY, al-loy'. f. Bafer metal mixed in coin- age ; abatement, diminution. To ALLUDE, al-Iu'de. v. n. To have fome reference to a thing, without the direit men- tion. ALLUMINOR, al-kV-my-nur. f. One who colours or paints upon paper or parchment. To ALLURE, al-lii're. v. a. To entice to any thing. ALLUREMENT, al-lu're-ment. f. Entice- ment, temptation. ALLLfRER, al-lu'-rur. f. Enticer, inveigler. ALLURINGLY, al-ld'-rmg-ly. ad. In an alluring manner, enticingly. ALLURINGNESS,al-lii'-rmg-nefs. f. Entice- ment, temptation by propofing pleafure. ALLUSION, al-lii'-zhun. f. A hint, an im- plication. ALLUSIVE, al-lu'-slv. a. Hinting at fome- thing. ALLUSIVELY, al-lu'-slv-ly. ad. In an allu- five manner. ALLUSIVENESS, al-ld'-siv-nefs. f. The qua- lity of being allufive. ALLUVION, al-lu'-vyun. f. The carrying of any thing to fomething elfe by the motion of the water ; the thing carried by water. To ALLY, al-ly'. v. a. To unite by kindred, friendfhip, or confederacy ; to make a relation between two things. ALLY, al-ly'. f. One united to fome other by marriage, friendfhip, or confederacy. ALMACANTER, al-ma-can'-tur. f. A circle drawn parallel to the horizon. ALMACANTER's STAFF, al-ma-can'-turz- {laf'. f. An infirument ufcd to take obferv- aticns of the fun, about the time of its rifmg and fetting. ALMANACK, a 1-ma-nak. f. A calendar. ALMANDINE, a l-man-dine. f. A ruby, coarfer and lighter than the oriental. ALMIGHTINESS, al-nn -ty-nes. f. Omni- potence, one of the attributes of God. ALMIGHTY, al-m! -ty, a. Of unlimited power, omnipotent. ALMOND, a'-mund. f. The nut of the al- mond tree. ALMOND TREE, a'-mund-tre. f. It ha* leaves and flowers very like thofe of the peach tree. ALMONDS, a'-mundz. f. The two glands of the throat ; the tonfils. ALMONER, al'-mo-ner. f. The officer of a prince, employed in the diftribution of charity. ALMONRY, al'-miin-ry, f. The place where alms are diftributed. ALMOST, al-mo'ft. ad. Nearly, well nigh. ALMS, a'mz. " What is given in relief of the poor. ALMSBASKET, a'mz-baf-klt. f. The bafket in which provifions are put to be given away. ALMSDEED, a'mz-ded. f. A charitable gift. ALMSGIVER, a'mz-glv-ur. f. He that fup- ports others by his charity. ALMSHOUSE, a'mz-hous. f. An hofpital for the poor. ALMSMAN, a'mz-man. f. A man who lives upon alms. ALMUG-TREE, al'-mug-tre. f. A tree men- tioned in fcripture. ALNAGAR, al'-na-gar. f. A meafarer by the ell j a fworn officer, whofe bufinefs formerly was to infpedt the affize of woollen cloth. ALNAGE, al'-naje. f. Ell-meafure. ALNIGHT, al-nit. f. Alnight is a great cake of wax, with the wick in the midfl. ALOES, al'-6-ez, f. A precious wood ufed in the Eafl for perfumes, of which the bed fort is of higher price than gold ; a tree which grows in hot countries; a medicinal juice extradled from the common aloes tree. ALOETICAL, il-5-et'-y-kal. a. Confifting chiefly of aloes. ALOFT, a-la'ft. ad. On high, in the air. ALOFT, a-la'ft. prep. Above. ALOGY, al-o-jy. f. Unreafonablcncfs ; ab- furdity. ALONE, a-lo'ne. a. Single ; without compa- ny, folitarv. ALONG, ALT ALU ALONG, a-long'. ad. At length ; through any fpace mcafurcd lengthwifc; forward, on- ward ; in company with. ALOOF, a-l6'f. .-id. Atadiftance. ALOUD, a-loud'. ad. Loudly, with a great noife. ALOW, a-lo'. ad. In a low place, not aloft. ALPHA, al'-fa. f. The firft letter in the Greek alphabet, anfwering to our A ; therefore ufed to fignify the firft. ALPHABET, al'-fa-bet. f. The letters, or de- ments of fpeech. ALPHABETICAL, al-fa-bet'-ty-kal. a. Ac- cording to the feries of letters. ALPHABETICALLY, al-£i-bet'-ty-kal-ly. ad. According to the order of the letters. ALREADY, dl-red'-dy. ad. At this prefent time ; before the prefent. ALS, als'. ad. Alfo. ALSO, a l-fo. ad. In a manner, likewife. ALTAR, a l-tur. f. The place where offerings to heaven are laid ; the table in Chriftian churches where the communion is adminiftered. ALTARAGE, a 1-tar-aje. f. An emolument from oblations at the altar. ALTAR-CLOTH, d'l-tur-cloth. f. The cloth thrown over the altar in churches. To ALTER, a l-tur. v. a. To change, to make otherwife than it is. To ALTER, a l-tur. v. n. To become other- wife than it was, to be changed, to fufier change. ALTERABLE, ^ 1-te-rablc. a. That which may be altered or changed. ALTERABLENESS, a 1-t^-rable-nes. f. The quality of being alterable. ALTERABLY, dl'-tl-rab-ly. ad. In fuch a manner as may be altered. ALTERANT, al-te-rant. a. Thatv/hlch h.is the power of producing changes. ALTERATION, al-te-ru-fhiin. f. Theaflcf altering or changing ; the change made. ALTERATIVE, al'-te-ra-tlv. a. Medicines called alterative, are fuch as have no immediate fcnfible operation, but gradually gain upon the conftkution. ALTERCATION, al-ter-ka'-fh'm. f. Debate, controverfy. ALTERN, al-ter'n. a. Acting by turns. ALTERNACY, al-tir'-na-fy. f. Adion per- formed by turns. ALTERNATE, al-ter'-n.'it. a. Being by turns, reciprocal. To ALTERNATE, al-ter-nate. v. a. Toper- form alternately; to change one thing for ano- ther reciprocally. ALTERNATELY, al-ter'-nit-Iy. ad. In re- ciprocal fucccffion. ALTERNATENESS, a!-tcr'-nat-nec. f. The quality of being alternate. ALTERNATION, al-t'T-ni'-fhun. f. The reciprocal fuccefTion of things. ALTERNATIVE, al-ter'-na-tiV. f. Thechoice given of two things, fo that if one be rejected, the other mufl be taken. ALTERNATIVELY, al-tcr'-na-tlv-!;-. ad. By turns, reciprocally. ALTERNATIVENESS, al-ter'-na-tlv-nes. f. The quality or ftate of being alternative. ALTERNITY, zUth'-rA-xf. f. Reciprocal fuc- ceffion, viciffitude. ALTHOUGH, al-thd'. conj. Notwithftanding, however. ALTILOQUENCE, al-tll'-ld-kwens. f. Pom- pous language. ALTLMETRY, al-t'm'-me-try. f. The art of taking or meafuring altitudes or heights. ALTISONANT, al-t!s'-s6-nant. a. High found- ing, pompous in Ibund. ALTITUDE, al'-ty-tiid. f. Height of place, fpace meafurcd upward ; the elevation of any of the heavenly bodies above the horizon ; fitu- ation with regard to lower things ; height of excellence ; highcft point. ALTOGETHER, .4l-tu-g<:th'-<:r. ad. Com- pletely, without redriclion, without excep- tion. ALUDEL, al'-ii-dcl. f. Aludcls are fubliming pots ufed in chemiftry, fitted into one anothcc without luting. ALUM, ai -h'lm. f. A kind of mineral fak, of an acid tafie. ALUM- A M A A M B ALUM-STONE, al'-lum-ftone. f. A ftonc or calx ufed in furgery. . ALUMINOUS, al-lum'-my-nus. a. Relating to alum, or confifting of alum. ALWAYS, a 1-waz'. ad. Perpetu.illy, through- out all time ; co.'iftantly, without v.oriation. AM, am'. The firft perfon of the verb To be. AMABILITY, a-mi-bU'-ly-ty. f. Lovelincis. AMADETTO, a-ma-det'-to. f. A fort of pear. AMADOT, am'-a-dot. f. A fort of pear. AMAIN, a-ma'n. ad. With vehemence, with \'igour. AMALGAM, a-mal'-gam. 7f. The mixture AMALGAMA, a-mnl -ga-ma. ^ of metals pro- cured by amalgamation. AMALGAMATION, a-mdl-ga-ma'-fhun. f. The aft or praftice of amalgamating metals. To AMALGAMATE, a-mal'-ga-mate. v. n. To unite metals with quickfilver. AMANDATION, a-man-da'-fhun. f. The acl of fending on a meffage. AMANUENSIS, a-man-u-en'-s!s. f. A perfon who writes what another dictates. AMARANTH, am'-a-rantti. f. The name of a plant; in poetry, an imaginary flower unfading. AMARANTHINE, am-a-ran'-tfiin. a. Con- fiding of amaranths. AMARITUDE, a-mar'-ry-tud. f. Bitternefs.- AMASMENT, a-mas'-ment. f. A heap, an accumulation. To AMASS, a-mas'. v. a. To collect together into o.ne heap or mafs ; to add one thing to ano- ther. To AMATE, a-ma te. v. n. To terrify, to ftrike with horrour. AMATORY, am'-a-tur-ry. f. Relating to love. AMAUROSIS, a-ma-ro-sk f. A dimnefs of fight, not from any vifible defeft in the eye, but from fomc diflcmperature in the inner parts, occafioning the rcprcfentations of flies and dufi floating before the eyes. To AMAZE, a-ma ze. v. a. To confufe with terrour ; to put into confufion with wonder ; to put into perplexity. AMAZE, a-ma ze. f. Aflonifhment, confu.Gon, cither of fear or wonder. 6 AMAZEDLY, a-ma'z-cd-ly. ad. Confufedly, with amazement. AMAZEDNESS, a-ma'z-ed-nes. f. The ftate of being amazed, wonder, confufion. AMAZEMENT, a-ma'z-ment. f. Confufed apprehenfion, extreme fear, horrour; extreme dejection ; height of admiration ; wonder at an unexpected event. AMAZING, a-ma'z-ing. part. a. Wonder- ful, aftonifhing. AMAZINGLY', a-m.Vz-lng-ly. ad. To a de- gree that may excite aftonifhment. AMAZON, am'-a-zun. f. The Amazonswere a race cf women famous for valour ; a vi- rr.go. AMBAGES, am-ba'-gez. f. A circuit of words, a multiplicity of words. AMBASSADE, am-baf-sS'de. f. EmbafTy. Net in ufe. AMBASSADOUR, am-bas'-sa-dur. f. A per- fon fent in a public manner from one fovereign power to another. AMBASSADRESS, am-bas'-sa-dres. f. The lady of an ambalTadour; a woman fent on a meffage. AMBASSAGE, am'-baf-saje. f. An embafly. AMBER, am'-bur. f. A yellow tranfparent fub- ftancc of a gummous or bituminous confidence. AMBER, am'-bur. a. Confiding of amber. AMBER-DRINK, am'-bur-drlnk'. f. Drink of the colour of amber. AMBERGRIS, am'-bur-gris. f. A fragrant drug that melts almod like wax, ufed both as a per- fume and a cordial. AMBER-SEED, am'-bur-fed. f. Refcmbles millet. AMBERTREE, am'-bur-tre. f. A fhrub whofe beauty is in its fmall evergreen leaves. AMBIDEXTER, am-by-dex'-ter. f. A man who has equally the ufe of both his hands ; a man who is equally ready to aift on either fide, in party difputcs. AMBIDEXTERITY, am-by-dcx-ter'-ry-ty. f. The quality of being able equally to ufe both hands ; double dealing. AMBIDEXTROUS, ;\m-by-dcx'-trus. a. Hav- ing A M B A M E ing, with equal facility, the uCc of either hand ; double dealing, praclifing orvboth fides. AAIBIDEXTROUSNESS, am-by-dex'-truf- nes. f. The quality of being ambidextrous. AAIBIENT, am'-bj-ent. a. Surrounding, en- com palling. AMBIGU, am'-by-gu. f. An entertainment, confifting of a medley of difhes. AMBIGUITY, am-by-gd'-I-ty. f. Doubtful- nefs of meaning ; uncertainty of fignification. AMBIGUOUS, am-big'-u-us. a. Doubtful, having two meanings ; ufing doubtful expref- fions. AMBIGUOUSLY, am-blg'-u-uf-ly. ad. In an ambiguous manner, doubtfully. AMBIGUOUSNESS, am-big'-u-uf-nes. f. Un- certainty of meaning ; duplicity of fignifica- tion. AAIBILOGY, am-bll'-ld-gy. f. Talk of am- biguous fignification. AMBILOQUOUS, am-bil'-lo-kwus. a. Ufing ambiguous expreffions. AMBIT, am -bit. f. The compafs or circuit of any thing. AMBITION, am-b!{h'-un. f. The defire of preferment or honour ; the defire of any thing great or excellent, AMBITIOUS, am-blfli'-us. a. Seized or touched with ambition, dcfirous of advancement, afpir- ing. AMBITIOUSLY, am-blih'-uf-ly. ad. With eagernefs of ad\ancement or preference. A-MBITIOUSNESS, am-blfh'-uf-nes. f. The quality of being ambitious. AAlBirUDE, am'-by-tiide. f. Compafs, cir- cuit. To AMBLE, am bl. v. n. To move upon an amble, to pace ; tomovceafily ; to walkdaintih'- AMBLE, am bl. f. An cafy pace. AMBLER, am'-bliir. f. A pacer. AMBLINGLY, am'-bling-ly. ad. With an ambling movement. AMBROSIA, am-bro'-fha. f. The imaginary food of the gods ; the name of a plant. AMBROSIAL, am-bro'-fhal. a. Partaking of the nature or qualities of ambrofia; delicious. AMBRY, am'-bry. f. The place v/hcre alms are diftributed ; the place where plate, and utcn- fils for houfekeeping, are kept. AMBS-ACE, am'z-a'fe. f. A double ace, aces. AMBULATION, am-bu-lii'-fhun. f. The aft of walking. AMBULATORY, am"-bu-fa-tur'-ry. a. That which h.as the power or faculty of walking. AMEURY, am'-bu'-ry. f. A bloody wart oit a horfe's body. ^< AMBUSCADE, am-bif-kade, f, A private- ftation in which men lie to furprife others. AMBUSCADO, am-buf-ka'-do. f. A private poll, in order to furprife. AMBUSH, am'-bufli. f. The poll where foU diers or afiaffins are placed, in order to fall un- expectedly upon an enemy ; the act of furprifing- another, by lying in wait ; the ftate of lying iit wait. AMBUSHED, am'-bulli-cd. a. Placed in am^ bufh. AMBUSHMENT, am'-bufii-ment. f. Ambufii, furprize. AMBUSTION, am-bis'-tfliin. f. A burn, a fcald. AMEL, am'-mel. f. The m.atterwlth which the variegated works are overlaid, which we call enamelled. AMEN, a-mcn'. ad. A temi.ufed in devotions, by which, at the end of a prayer, we, mean, fo be it ; at the end of a creed, fo it is. AMENABLE, a-me'-nabl. a. Refponfible, fub- jeft fo as to be liable to account. AMENANCE, a-mc'-nans. f. Coiidud, be- haviour. To AMEND, a-mend'. v. a. To correft, to change any thing that is wrong; to reform the life; to reftore pafTages in writers which the copiers are fuppofed to have depraved. To AMEND, .i-mcnd'. v. n. To grow better. AMENDMENT, a-mend'-ment. f. A change from bad for the better ; reformation of life; recovery of health ; in law, the correction of an crrour committed in a procefs. AMENDER, a-men'-dur. f. The perfon that amends any thiiig. ^I AMENDS, A M M AMP AMENDS, a-meiid'z. f. Pvccompenfe, com- penfation. AMENITY, a-men'-nl-ty. f. Agreeablenefs of fituation. To AMERCE, a-mer'fe. v. a. To punifli with a fine or penalty. AMERCER, a-mer'-fcr. f. He that fets a fine upon any mifdemeanour. AMERCEMENT, a-merY-munt. f. The pe- cunfey punifhment of an offender. AMES-ACE, a'mz-a'ce. f. Two aces thrown at the fame time on two dice. AMETHODICAL, a-me-tRid'-y-kaU a. Out of method, irregular. AMETHYST, am'-e-ttllft. f. A precious ftone of a violet colour, bordering on purple, AMETHYSTTINE, am-c-tlris'-tin. a. Refem- bling an amethyft. AMIABLE, a'-myabl. a. Lovely, pleafing, wor- thy to be loved ; pretending love, fhewing love. AMIABLENESS, a'-myabl-nefs. f. Loveli- nefs, power of raifing love. AMIABLY, a'-myab-ly. ad. Such a manner as to excite love. AMICABLE, am'-my-kabl. a. Friendly, kind. AMICABLENESS, am'-my-kabl-nes. f. Friend- linefs, goodwill. AMICABLY, am'-my-kab-ly. ad. In a friendly way. AMICE, am'-mis. f. The firfl: or undermoll: part of a prieft's habit. AMID, a-mid'. ^ prep. In the midft, middle; AMIDST, a-mid ft. i mingled with, furround- ed by ; among. AMISS, a-mis'. ad. Faultily, criminally; wrong, not according to the perfedtion of the thing ; impaired in health. AMISSION, a-mls'-Aun. f. Lofs. To AMIT, a-mlt'. v. a. To lofe. AMITY, am'-mi-ty. f. Friendfhip. AMMONIAC, am-mo-nyak. f. A gum ; a fait. AMMONIACAL, am-mS-m'-a-kal. a. Having the properties of ammoniac fait. AMMUNITION, am-mu-nlfh'-un. f. Military ftorcs. AMMUNITION BREAD, am-mA-nUh'-un- bred'. f. Bread for the fupply of armies. AMNESTY, am'-nef-ty. f. An aft of obli- vion. AMNION, am'-nyon. ) f. Theinnermoftmem- AMNIOS, am'-nyos. ^ brane with which the foetus in the womb is immediately covered. AMOMUM, a-mo'-mum. f. A fort of fruit, AMONG, a-mung'. 1 prep. Mingled with; AMONGST, a-mungft'. J conjoined with o- thers, fo as to make part of the number. AMORIST, am'-o-rlft. f. An inamorato, a gallant. AMOROUS, am'-ur-us. a. Enamoured; na- turally inclined to love, fond; belonging to love. AMOROUSLY, am'-ir-us-ly. ad. Fondly, lov- ingly. AMOROUSNESS, am'-ur-uf-nes. f. Fond- nefs, lovingnefs. AMORT, a-mo'rt. ad. Depreffed, fpiritlefs. AMORTIZATON, a-mor-ty-za -fhun. ? AMORTIZEMENT, a-mor'-tiz-ment. S ' The right or aft of transferring lands to mort- main. To AMORISE, a-mo'-rize. v. n. To alien lands or tenements to ^y corporation. To AMOVE, a-mo've. v. a. To remove from a poft or ftation ; to remove, to move, to alter. To AMOUNT, a-mou'nt. v. n. To rife to in the accumulative quality. AMOUNT, a-mou'nt. f. The fum total. AMOUR, a-mo'r. f. An afFair of gallantry, an intrigue, AMPHIBIOUS, am-flb'-yus. a. That which can live in two elements. AMPHIBIOUSNESS, Im-flb'-yuf-nes. f. The quality of being able to live in different ele- ments, AMPHIBOLOGICAL, am-f::'-b6-lodzh'-y-kal. a. Doubtful. AMPHIBOLOGY, am-fy-bol'-a-jy. f. Dif- courfc of uncertain meaning. AMPHIBOLOUS, am-flbCbo-Ius. a. TofTcd from one to another. AMPHN AMU ANA AMPHISB.^NA, am-fif-be'-na. f. A fcrpcnt fuppofed to have two heads. AMPHITHEATRE, am-fy-tlte'-atre. f. A building in a circular or oval form, having its area encompafTed with rows of feats one above another. A^IPLE, am'pl. a. Large, wide, extended ; great in bulk ; unlimited, without reftridion ; li- beral, large, without parfimor.y ; difi'ufive, not contracted. AMPLENESS, am'pl-nefs. f. Lnrgcncfs, li- beralit)'. To AMPLIATE, am'-ply-dte. v. a. To en- large, to extend. AMPLIATION, am-ply-a'-fliun. f. Enlarge- ment, exaggeration ; difiufenefs. To AMPLIFICATE, am-pllf'-y-kite, v. a. To enlarge, to amplify. AMPLIFICATION, am-ply-fy-ka'-fhun. f. En- largement, extenfionj exaggerated reprefent- ation. AMPLIFIER, am'-ply'-fi-er. f. One that ex- aggerates. To AMPLIFY, am'-ply-fy. v. a. To enlarge ; to exaggerate any thing; to improve by new additions. To AMPLIFY, am'-ply-fy. v. n. To lay one's felf out in difFufion ; to form pompous repre- fen tat ions. AMPLITUDE, ,im'-ply-tude. f. Largenefs, greatnefs ; copioufnefs, abundance. AMPLY, am'-ply. ad. Largely, liberally; co- pioufly. To AMPUTATE, am'-pu-tate. v. a. To cat off a limb. AMPUTATION, am-pd-ta'-fhim. f. The ope- ration of cutting ofF a limb, or other part of the body. AMULET, am'-u-lct. f. A charm ; a thing hung about the neck, for preventing or curing a difeafe. To AMUSE, a-mu'ze. v. a. To entertain the mind with harmlefs trifling ; to engage the at- tention ; to deceive by artful management. AMUSEMENT, a-mu'ze-mcnt. f, That which amufes, cntertainmcjit, AMXISER, a-mu'-zur. f. He that amufes. AMUSIVE, a-mu'-s!v. ad. That which has the power of amufing. AMYGDALATE, a-mlg'-da-lite. a. Made of almonds. AMYGDALINE, a-m!g'-dA-line. a. Refem^ bling almonds. An, an', article. One, but with lefs emphafis ; any, or fome. ANACAMPTICK, an-a-kamp'-t!k. a. Reflea- ing, or reflected. ANACAMPTICKS, an-a-camp'-tlks. f. The doSrine of reflected light, or catoptricks. ANACATHARTICK, an-a-ka-ttia'r-tlk. f. Any medicine that v/orks upwards. ANACHORITE, an-ak'-6-rite. f. A monk, who leaves the convent for a more folitary life. ANACHRONISM, an-ak'-kr6-n!fm. f. An er^ rour in computing time. ANACLATICKS, an-a-klat' -iks. f. The doc^ trine of refradted light ; dioptricks. ANADIPLOSIS, an-a-di-pl6'-s!s. f. Redupli- cation : a figure in rhetorick. ANAGRAM, an'-a-gram. f. A conceit arifing from the letters of a name tranfpofed fo as to form fome other word or fentence. ANAGRAMMATISM, an-a-gram'-ma-tlfm. f. The a6t or practice of making anagrams. ANAGRAMMATIST, an-a-gram'-ma-tlft. f. A maker of anagrams. To ANAGRAMMATIZE, an-a-grdm'-ma tize. v. n. To make anagrams. ANALEPTICK, an-a-lep'-tlk. a. Comforting, corroborating. ANALOGICAL, an-a-l6dzh'-y-kal. a. Ufed by way of analogy. ANALOGICALLY, an-a-16dzh'-y-kal-y. ad. In an annalogical manner; in an analogous manner. ANALOGICALNESS, an-a-l6dzh'-y-kal-ncs. f. The quality of being analogical. To ANALOGIZE, an-nal'-lo-jize. v. a. To explain by way of analogy. ANALOGOUS, an-nal'-lo-gus. a. Having analogy, having fomething parallel. ANALOGY, dn-n;il'-lo-jy. f. Rcfemblancc be- ANA A N C twccn things with regard tofomc circumflances or effcds. ANALYSIS, an-nal'-ly-sis. f. A reparation of any compound into its fcveral parts ; a folution of any thing, whether corporeal or mental, to its firft elements. ANALYTICAL, an-a-lit'-ty-kal- a- That which refolvcs any thing into firft principles ; that which proceeds by analyfis. ANALYTICALLY, an-a-l!t'-ty-kal-ly. ad. The manner of refolving compounds into the fimple conftituent or component parts. To ANALYZE, an'-:i-lyze. v. a. To rcfulve a compound into its firft principles. ANALYZER, an'-a-ly-zur. f. That which has the power of analyzing. ANAMORPHOSIS, an-a-m6r-f6'-s!s. f. De- formation; perfpeclive projedion, fo that at one point of view, it fliall appear deformed, in another, an exzA reprefentation. ANANAS, an-n;V-nas. f. The pine apple. ANAPHORA, an-.if '-6-ra. f. A figure, when fcveral claufes of a fentence are begun with the fame word. ANARCH, an'-ark. f. An author of confufion. ANARCHIAL, an-ar'-ky-al. a. Confufed, without rule. ANARCHY, an'-ar-ky. f. Want of govern- ment, a ftate without magiftracy. ANASARCA, an-a-fa'r-ka. f. A fort of drop- fy, where the whole fubftance is ftuffed with pituitous humours. ANASTROPHE,an-as'-tro-fL-.f. A figure where- by words which fhould have been precedent, are poftponed. ANATHEMA, an-attl'-e-ma. f. A curfe pro- nounced by ecclefiaftical authority. ANATHEMATICAL, an-a-tfie-mat'-y-kal. a. That which has the properties of an anathema. ANATHEMATICALLY, an-a-tfia-mat'-y- kal-ly. ad. In an anathematical manner. To ANATHEMATIZE, an-attl"-e-ma-tl 'ze. V. a. To pronounce accurfcd by ecclefiaftical authority. ANATIFEROUS, an-a-tlf'-fe-rus. a. Pro- ducing ducks. 9 ANATOCISM, an-it'-t6-s!zm. f. The accu- mulation of intereft upon intereft. ANATOMICAL, an-a-tom'-l-kal. a. Relating or belonging to anatomy ; proceeding upon principles taught in anatomy. ANATOMICALLY, an-a-tim'-I-kal-ly. ad. In an anatomical manner. ANATOiMIST, an-at'-t6-m!ft. f. He that ftudies the ftrufture of animal bodies, by means of difieftion. To ANATOMIZE, an-at'-to-mize. v. a. To diflccl: an animal ; to lay any thing open di- ftinftly, and by minute parts. ANATOMY, an-at'-to-my. f. The art of dif- feeling the body ; the doctrine of the ftructiire of the body ; the nQ: of dividing any thing ; a fkeleton ; a thin meagre perfon. ANCESTOR, an'-fef-tur. f. One from whom a perfon defcends. ANCESTREL, an'-fif-trel. a. Claimed from anceftors. ANCESTRY, an'-fcf-tr)'. f. Lineage, a ferles of anceftors ; the honour of defcent, birth. ANCHENTRY, r/n-tftien-try. f. Antiquity of a family, properly ancienty. ANCHOR, ank'-ur. f. A heavy iron, to hold the fhip, by being fixed to the ground ; any thing which confers ftability. To ANCHOR, ank'-ur. v. n. To caft anchor, to lie at anchor; to ftop at, to reft on. ANCHORAGE, ank'-ur-edzh. f. Ground to caft anchor upon ; the anchors of a fhip ; a duty paid for anchoring in a port. ANCHOR-HOLD, ank'-ur-hdld. f. The hold or faftnefs of the anchor. ANCHORED, ank'-ur-red. part. a. Held by the anchor. ANCHORET, ank'-S-ret^ If. A reclufe, a ANCHORITE, ank'-6-rite.y hermit. ANCHOVY, an-tfh6'vy. f. A little fea-fifh, much ufed by way of fauce, or feafoning. ANCIENT, a'n-flient. a. Old, not modern ; old, that has been of long duration ; paft, for- mer. ANCIENT, fi'n-fhcjit, f. The Aug or ftreamer of a fhip. ANCILNT, A N G A N G ANCIENT, a'n-flient: f. The bonrer of a riag, now enfign. ANCIENTLY, a'n-(hent-ly. ad. in old times. ANCIENTNESS , rn-fhent-nefs. f. Anti- quity. ANCIENTRY, d n-fhcnt-try. f. The honour of ancient lineage. AND, and', conjunction. The particle by which fentenccs or terms are joined. ANDIRON, and -!-run. f. Irons at the end of a fire-grate, in which the fpit turns. ANDROGYNAL, an-drog'-y-nal. a. Herma- phroditical ; partaking of both fcxcs. ANDROGYNALLY, an-dr6g'-y-nal-ly. ad. With two fexes. ANDROGYNUS, an-drog'-y-nis. f. An her- maphrodite. ANECDOTE, Jn'-ek-dote. f. Something yet unpublifhed ; fecret hifrory. ANEMOGRAPKY, Sn-a-mig'-gri-fj-. f. The defcription of the winds. ANEMOMETER, an-e-mom'-me-ter. f. An inftrument contrived to mcafure the wind. ANEMONE, an-em -o-ne. f. The wind flower. ANEMOSCOPE, an -e-mof-ko pe. f. A ma- chine invented to foretel the changes of the wind. ANENT, a-nent . prep. Concerning, about; over againft, oppofite to. ANEURISM; an -u-rlzm. f. A difeafe of the arteries, in which they become exceffively di- lated. ANEW, a-nu'. ad. Over again, another time ; ncvly, in a new manner. ANFRACTUOUSNESS, an-frak'-tftio-usnes. f. Fulnefs of windings and turnings. ANGEL, a n-jel. f. Originally a meffenger; a fpirit employed by God in human afFairs ; angel is fometimes ufed in a bad fenfe, as, an- gels of darknefs ; in the ftile of love, a beau- tiful perfon J a piece of ancient money. ANGELSHOT, i n-jel-Ihot. f. Chain {hot. ANGELICA, an-jel-y-ka. f. The name of a plant. ANGELICAL, an-jel'-y-kal. a. Refembling angels; partaking of the nature of zngcls ; be- longing to angels. ANGELICALNESS,an-jtr-ly-kd!-nes. f. Ex- cellence more than human. ANGELICK, an-jel'-lik. a. Angelical; above human. ANGELOT, an'-je-!6t. f. A mifical in.lru- ment, fomevvhat refembling a hitj. ANGER, ang'-gur. f. Anger is uneafmcfs up- on receipt of any injury ; fmart of a fore. To ANGER, ang'-gur. v. a. To provoke, to enrage. ANGERLY, ang'-gur-Iy. ad. In an angry manner. ANGIOGRAPHY, v^ng-gy-og'-gra-fy. f. A defcription of vefTels in the human body. ANGLE, ang 1. f. Th; fpace intercepted be- tween two lines interfering each other. ANGLE^ ang'l. f. An inftrument to take fifh, con.Gfting of a rod, a line, and a hook. To ANGLE, ang'l. v. a. To filh with a rod and hook ; to try to gain by fomc infinuating artifices. ANGLE-ROD, ing'l-rod. f. The ftick to which the fifliers line and hook are hung. ANGLER, ang'-glur. f. He that fifties with an angle. ANGLICISM, ang'-gly-sSzm. f. An Englift idiom. ANGOEER, ang'-go-ber. f. A kind of pear. ANGRILY, ang'-gri-ly. ad. In an angry man- ner. ANGRY, ang'-gry. a. Touched with anger j having the appearance of anger; painful, in- flamed. ANGUISH, ang'-gwifti. f. Exceffive pain either of mind or body. ANGUISHED, ang'-gw!fti-ed. a. Exceffively pained. ANGULAR, ang'-gu-lar. a. Having angles or corners. ANGULARITY, ang-gu-lar'-I-ty. f. The qua- lity of being angular. ANGULARLY, ang'-gu-lar-ly. ad. With angles, K ANGU- A N I ANN ANGULARNESS, ang'-gu-lir-ncs. f. The quality of being angular. ANGULATED, ang'-gu-li-ted. a. FormeJ with angles. ANGULOUS, ang'-gu-lus. a. Hooked, an- gular. ANGUST, an-guft'. a. Narrow, ftrait. ANGUSTATION, an-guf-t4'-fhun. f. The ad of making narrow; the ftate of being nar- rowed. ANHELATION, an-he-la'-fhi.n. f. The ad of panting. ANHELOSE, an-he-lofe. a. Out of breath. ANIENTED, an'-y-en-ted. a. Fruftrated. ANIGHTS, a-ni'tes. ad. In the night-time. ANIL, an'-ll. f. The fhrub from whofe leaves and ftalks indigo is prepared. ANILENESS, a-nl le-nefs. 7 f. The old age of ANILITY, a-nil'-ll-ty. ^ wom.in. ANIMABLE, an'-y-mabl. a. That which may be put into life. ANIMADVERSION, an-y-mad-vcV-fhun. f. Reproof, fevere cenfure; obfervation. ANIMADVERSIVE, an-y-mad-ver'-siV. a. That has the power of judging. To ANIMADVERT, an-y-mad-vert'. v. n. To confider, to obferve; to pafs cenfures upon. ANIMADVERTER, an-y-mid-ver'-tiir. f. He that pafTes cenfures, or obferves upon. ANIMAL, an'-y-mil. f. A living creature cor- poreal ; by way of contempt, we fay a ftupid man is an animal. ANIMAL, an'-y-mal. a. That which belongs or relates to animals ; animal is ufed in oppo- fition to fpiritual, ANIMALCULE, an-y-mal'-kule. f. A fmall animal. ANIMALITY, an-y-mal'-l-ty. f. The flate of animal exiftence. To ANIMATE, an'-y-mate, v. a. To quicken, to make alive; to give powers to; to encou- rage, to incite. ANIMATE, in'-y-mdte. a. Alive, pofllffing animal life. ANIMATED, dn'-y-ma-tcd. part. a. Lively; Tigorous. ANIMATION, an-y-ma'-fhun. f. The ad of animating or enlivening ; that which animates ; the ftate of being enlivened. ANIMATIVE, an'-y-ma-tiv. a. That has the power of giving life. ANIMATOR, an'-y-ma-tur. f. That which gives life. ANIMOSE, an-y-mo'fe. a. Full of fpirit, hot. ANIMOSITY, an-y-mos'-sl-ty. f. Vehemence of hatred ; paflionate malignity. ANISE, an -nis. f. A fpecies of apium or parf- ley, with large fweet fcented feeds. ANKER, ank'-ur. f. A liquid meafure the fourth part of the awm. ANKL, ank'l. f. The joint which joins the foot to the leg. ANKLE-BONE, ank'l-bdne. f. The bone of the ankle. ANNALIST, an'-na-lift. f. A writer of annals. ANNALS, an'-nalz. f. Hiftories digefted in the exaiSt order of time. ANNATS, an'-nats. f. Firft fruits. To ANNEAL, an-ne 1. v. a. To heat glafs, that the colours laid on it may pierce through ; to heat any thing in fuch a manner as to give it the true temper. To ANNEX, an-neks'. v. a. To unite to at the end ; to unite a fmaller thing to a greater. ANNEXATION, an-nek-sa'-fhun. f. Con- jundion, addition; union, coalition. ANNEXION, an-nek'-lhun. f. The ad of an- nexing. ANNEXMENT, an-neks'-ment. f. The ad of annexing ; the thing annexed. ANNIHILABLE,an-m'-hy-labl. a. That which may be put out of exiftence. To ANNIHILATE, an-nl'-h!-late. v. a. To reduce to nothing ; todeftroy; to annul. ANNIHILATION, an-ni-hy-la'-fhun. f. The adf of reducing to nothing, the ftate of being reduced to nothing. ANNIVERSARY, an-ny-vcr'-fi-ry. f. A day celebrated as it returns in the courfe of the year ; the ail of celebration of the anniverfary. ANNIVERSARY, an-ny-ver'-fa-ry. a. Re- turning with the revolution of the year i annual. ANNO ANN A N S ANNO DOMINI, an'-no-dom'-y-m. In the year of our Lord. ANNOLIS, an'-no-lis. f. An American ani- mal,- like a lizard. ANNOTATION, an-no-ta'-fliin. f. Explica- tion; note. ANNOTATOR, an'-no-ta-tur. f. A writer of notes, a coramentator. To ANNOUNCE, an-nou'nfe. v. a. To publifli, to proclaim ; to declare by a judicial fentence. To ANNOY, an-noy'. v. a. To incommode, to vex. ANNOY, an-noy'. f. Injury, molcftation. ANNOYANCE, an-noy'-anfe. f. That which annoys ; the aft of annoying. ANNOYER, an-noy'-ur. f. The perfon that annoys. ANNUAL, an -nu-al. a. That which comes yearly ; that which is reckoned by the year j that which lafts only a year. ANNUALLY, an'-nu-al-ly. ad. Yearly, every year. ANNUITANT, an-nu'-y-tant. f. He that polTefTes or receives an annuity. ANNUITY, an-nu'-y-ty. f. A yearly rent to be paid for term of life or years ; a yearly al- lowance. To ANNUL, an-nul'. v. a. To make void, to nullify ; to reduce to nothing. ANNULAR, an'-nu-lar. a. Having the form of a ring. ANNULARY, an'-nu-la-ry. a. Having the form of rings. ANNULET, an'-nu-let. f. A little ring. To ANNUMERATE, an-nu'-me-rke. v. a. To add to a former number. ANNUMERATION, an-nu-me-ra'-fhun. f. Addition to a former number. To ANNUNCIATE, an-nun'-fy4te. v. a. To bring tidings. ANNUNCIATION-DAY, an-nun-fya'-fhun- da. f. The day celebrated by the church, in memory of the angel's falutation of the blelTcd virgin; folemnjzed on the twenty-fifth of March. ANODYNE, an'-o-dyne. a. That which has the power of mitigating pain. To ANOINT, a-noint. v. a. To rub over with uncluous matter ; to confccrate by unftion. ANOINTER, a-noin-tur. f. The perfon that anoints. ANOMALISM, a-nom'-i-lizm. f. Anomaly, irregularity. ANOMALISTICAL, a-nom-a-lls'-ty-kal. a. Irregular. ANOMALOUS, a-nom'-a-lus. a. Irregular; deviating from the general method or analogy • of things. ANOMALOUSLY, a-nom'-a-lus-ly. ad. Ir- regularly. ANOMALY, a-nom'-a-ly. f. Irregularity ; de- viation from rule. ANOMY, an'-6-my. f. Breach of law. ANON, a-non . ad. Qiiickly, foon ; now and then. ANONYMOUS, a-non'-y-mus. a. Wanting a name. ANONYMOUSLY, a-non'-y-muf-ly. ad. Without a name, ANOREXY, a-no-rek'-fy. f. Inappetency. ANOTHER, an-uth'-ur. a. Not the fame; one more; any other; not one's felf; widely different. ANSATED, an'-sa-ted. a. Having handles. To ANSWER, an'-ser. v. n. To fpeak in re- turn to a queftion ; to fpeak in oppofition; to be accountable for; to give an account; to cor- refpond to, to fuit with; to be equivalent to; to fatisfy any claim or petition ; to ftand as op- pofite or correlative to fomething elfe; to bear proportion to ; tofucceed, to produce the wifhed event ; to appear to any call, or authoritative fummons. ANSWER, an'-fer. f. That which is faid in return to a queflion, or pofition ; a confutation - of a charge. ANSWERABLE, an'-fer-abl. a. That to which a reply may be made; obliged to give an ac- count ; correfpondent to ; proportionate to ; equal to. ANSWERABLY, an'-fer-ab-ly. ad. In due proportion ; ANT ANT proportion ; with proper correfpoaJcnce ; fuit- ab!>-. ANSWERAELENESS, an'-fer-abl-ncfs. f. The qunllty of being anfwerable. ANSWERER, an'-scr-ur. f. He that anfwers ; he that manages the controverfy againft one that has written firft. ANT, ant', f. An emmet, a pifmire. ANTBEAR, ant'-bcr. f. An animal that feeds on ants. ANTHILL, ant'^hiL f. The fmall protube- rance of earth in which ants make their noils. ANTAGONIST, an-tAg'-o-nlft. f. One who contends with another, an opponent ; con- trary to. To ANTAGONIZE, an-tig'-5-mze. v. n. To contend againft another. ANTANAKLASIS, Ant-:'-ni-kl:i'-sIs. f. A figure in rhetorick, when the fame word is re- peated in a different manner, if not in a con- trary fignification ; it is alfo a returning to the matter at the end of a long parenthefis. ANTAPHRODITICK, ant-d-frO-dlt'-ik. a. Efficacious againft the venereal difeafe. ANTAPOPLECTICK, Int-i-po-plek'-tlk. a. Good againft an apoplexy. ANTARKTICK, an-ta'rk-tlk. a. Relating to file fouthern pole. ANTARTHRITICK, ant-ar-tlTrit'-ik. a. Good againft the gout. ANTASTHMATICK, unt-af-mat'-lk. a. Good againft the afthma. ANTEAKT, an'-te-akt. f. A former aft. ANTEAMBULATION,an-te-am-bu-la-fliun. ■f. A walking before. To ANTECEDE, an-te-fe'de. v. a. To pre- cede ; to go before. ANTECEDENCE, an-te-fe'-denfe. f. The a>S or ftate of going before. ANTECEDENT, dn-te-fc'-dcnt. a. Going before, preceding. ANTECEDENT, an-te-fe'-dent. f. That which goes before; in grammar, the noun to which the relative is fubjoined. 5 ANTECEDENTLY, In-te-fe'-dent-ly. ad. Prs- vioufly. ANTECESSOR, an-t£-f^s'-fur. f. One who goes before, or leads another. ANTECPIAMDER, .-in'-te-tfh-'m-bir. f. The chamber that leads to the chief apartment. To ANTEDATE, an'-tg-ditc. v. a. To date earlier than the real time ; to date fomething before the proper time. ANTEDILUVIAN, an-t:-d}-kV-vyan. a. Ex- ifting before the deluge ; relating to things cx- iftiiig before the deluge. ANTELOPE, an'-tc-iope. f. A goat with curled or wreathed horns. ANTEMERIDIAN, dn-tS-me-rldzh'-an. a. Be- ing before noon. ANTEMETICK, ant-e-m^t'-lk. a. That has the power of preventing or flopping vomiting. ANTEMUNDANE, an-te-miin'-dane. a, Tiiat which was before the world. ANTEPAST, an'-te-paft. f. A fore-tafte. ANTEPENULT, an"-ti-pa-nuk'. f. Thelail fyllable but two. ANTEPILEPTICK, ant-ep-;--Iep-'tIk. a. A medicine againft convulfions. To ANTEPONE, an'-tc-p6ne. v. a. To pre- fer one thing to another. ANTEPREDICAMENT, an-te-pre-d!k'-a- mcnt. f. Something previous to the doiSlrine of the predicaments. ANTERIORITY, an-tt-ry-Or'-y-ty. f. Pri- ority ; the ftate of being befoie. ANTERIOUR, an-te -ryiir. a. Going before. ANTES, an'-tiz. f. Pillars of large dimenfions that fupport the front of a building. ANTESTOMACH,an-tc-ftum'-uk. f. A cavity that leads into the fto;nach. ANTHELMINTHiCK, an-thcl-mln'-tn'k. a. That which kills worms. ANTHEM, an -them. f. A holy fong. ANTHOLOGY, an-tlTol'-t.^. f. A colleaion of flowers ; a colleflion o/^evotions ; a col- ledion of poems. ANTHONY'S FIRE, an'-to-nyz-fJ're. f. A kind of cryfipelas. n ANTI!RAX, ANT ANT ANTHRAX, an'-ttiraks. f. A fcab or blotch which burns the fkin. ANTHROPOLOGY, an-ttTrO-pol-'-O-jy. f. The dodrine of anatomy. ANTHROPOPHAGI, an-ttTr6-p6f'-a-ji. f. Man-eaters, cannibals. ANTHROPOPHAGINIAN, .an-tHrO-pif-a- jy -nyan. f. A ludicrous word, formed by Shakefpeare from anthropophagi. ANTHROPOPHAGY, an-tlTr6-p6f'-a-jy. f. the quality of eating human flefh. ANTHROPOSOPHY, an-tlTr5-p6s'-o-fy. f. The knowledge of the nature of man. ANTHYPNOTICK, ant-h!p-not'-ik. a. That which has the power of preventing deep. ANTIACID, an-ty-is'-ld. f. Alkali. ANTICHAMBER, an'-ty-t(ham-bur. f. Cor- ruptly written for antechamber. ANTICHRISTIAN, an-t>'-kns'-tfh'm. a. Op- pofite to ChrifHanity. ANTICHRISTIANISM,an-t^-kris'-tfhI-nlfm. f. Oppofition or contrariety to Chriflianity. ANTICHRISTIANITY, dn-t^krlf-tfhdn'-i- ty. f. Contrariety to Chriftianity. To ANTICIPATE, an-tls'-fy-plte. v. a. To take fomething fooner than another, fo as to prevent him ; to take up before the time ; to foretafte, or take an impreflion of fomethine, which is not yet, as if it really was ; to pre- clude. ANTICIPATION, an-tls-fy-pa'-fhun. f. The act of taking up fomething before its time; fore- tafte. ANTICK, an'-tik. a. Odd; ridiculoudy wild. ANTICK, an'-tlk. f. He that plays anticks, or ufes odd gefticulation, a buffoon. ANTICKLY, :ui'-t!k-ly. ad. With odd pof- tures. ANTICLIMAX, in-ty-kll'-miks. f. A fen- tence in which the laft part is lower than the firft; oppofite to a climax. ANTICONVULSIVE, an-t;>-c6n-vur-slv. a. Good againft convulfions. ANTICOil,an'-ty-k6r. f. A preternatural fuel- ling in a horfe's breaft, oppofite to his heart. ANTICOURTIER, an-ty-co'rt-ycr. f. One that oppofes the court. ANTIDOTAL, an"-ty-d6'-tal. a. Having the power or quality of counteradling poifon. ANTIDOTE, an'-ty-dote. f. A medicine given to expel poifon. ANTIFEBRILE, an.ty-fc'-brilc. a. Good a- gainft fevers. ANTILOGARITHM, ^ji-ty-Iig'-a-rI:tTm. f. The complement of the logarithm of a fine, tangent, or fecant. ANTIMONARCHYCAL, an-ty-m6-iia'r-ky- kal. a. Againft government by a fingle perfoji. ANTIMONIAL, an-ty-mo'-nyal. a. Made of antimony. ANTIMONY, an'-ty-mun-ny. f. Antimony is- a mineral fubftance, of a metalline nature. ANTINEPHRITICK, an-ty-nl-frlt'-Ik. a. Good againft difcafes of the reins and kid- neys. ANTINOMY, an'-ty-no-my. f. A contradic- tion between two laws. ANTIPARALYTICK, an-ty-par-a-llt'-lk. a. Efficacious againft the palfy, ANTIPATHETICAL, an-ty-pa-tlTet',y-kd!. a. Having a natural contrariety to any thing. ANTIPATHY, an-t!p'-a-tfiy. f. A natural contrariety to any thing, fo as to fhun it invo- luntarily : oppofed to fympathy. ' ANTIPERISTASIS, an-ty'-pl-rls'-ta-sls. f. The oppofition of a contrary quality, by which the quality it oppofes becomes heightened. ANTIPESTILENTIAL, an-ty-pef-ty-len'- fhal. a. Efficacious againft the plague. ANTIPHRASIS, an-tlf '-fra-sLs. f. The ufe of words in a fenfe oppofite to their meaning. ANTIPODAL, an-ti'p'-6-dal. a. Relating to the antipodes. ANTIPODES, dn-tip'-6-des. f. Thofe people who, living on the other fide of the globe, have their feet diredly oppofite to ours, ANTIPOPE, an'-ty-p6pe. f. He that ufurps the popedom. ANTIPTOSIS, an-tip-t6'-s!s. f. A figure in grammar, by which one cafe is put for another. L ANTI- •.A NT APE ANTIQUARY, dn'-tt-kwa-ry. f. A man ftu- dious of antiquity. To ANTIQUATE, an'-t|-k%v:it£. v. a. To make obfolcte. ANTIQUATEDNESS, an'-ty-kwd-tcd-nes. f. The ftate of being obfolete. ANTIQUE, an-te'k. a. Ancient, not modern ; of genuine antiquity ; of old fafhion. ANTIQUE, nn-te'k. f. An antiquity, a re- main of ancient times. ANTIQUENESS, an-te'k-nes. f. The qua- lity of being antique. ANTIQUITY, an-tik'-kw!-ty. f. Old times; the antients ; remains of old times ; old age. AN TISCORBUTIC AL, an-t^'-fkor-bd'-ty- kil. a. Good againft the fcurvy. ANTISPASIS, an-tis'-pa-sis. f. The revulfion of any humour. ANTISPASMODICK, an-ty-fpaz-mod'-ik. a. That which has the power of relieving the cramp. ANTISPASTICK, an-ty-fpas'-tlk. a. Medi- cines which caufe a revulfion. ANTISPLENETICK, an-ty-fplen'-e-tJk. a. Efficacious in difeafes of the fplcen. ANTISTROPHE, an-us'-trO-fe. f. In an ode fung in parts, the fecond ftanza of every three. ANTISTRUiVEATICK, an-ty-ftro-mat'-ik. a. Good again!!: the king's evil. ANTITHESIS, an-tltfi'-e-sls. f. Oppofition; contrail. ANTITYPE, an'-ty-tipe. f. That which is refembled or fhadowed out by the type. A term of theology. ANTITYPICAL, an-ty-tip'-!-kal. a. That which explains the type. ANTIVENEREAL, an-ty-ve-ne'-ryal.a. Good againft the venereal difeafe. ANTLER, ant'-lur. f. Branch of a flag's horn. ANTOECI, an-to-e-si. f. Thofe inhabitants of the earth who live under the fame meridian, at the fame diftance from the equator ; the one to- ward the north, and the other to the fouth. ANTONOMASIA, an-t6-n6-ma'-fya. f. A form of fpetch, in which, for a proper name, is put the name of fome dignity. We fay the Orator for Cicero. ANTRE, an'-tur. f. A cavern, a den. ANVIL, an'-vil. f. The iron block on which the fmith lays his metal to be forged ; any thing on which blows are laid. ANXIETY, ank-si'-e-ty. f. Trouble of mind about fome future event, folicitude ; deprcffion, lownefs of fpirits. ANXIOUS, ank'-fyus. a. Difturbed about fome uncertain event; careful, full of inquietude. ANXIOUSLY, ank'-fyuf-ly. ad. Solicitoufly, unquietly. ANXIOUSNESS, ank'-fyuf-nes. f. The qua- lity of being anxious. ANY, an'-ny. a. Every, whoever, whatever, AORIST, a'-6-rIft. f. Indefinite. AORTA, a-or'-ta. f. The great artery which riies immediately out of the left ventricle of th« heart. APACE, a-pa'fc. ad. Qiiick, fpeedily ; haftily. APART, a-pa'rt. ad. Separately from the reft in place ; in a ftateof diftiniStion ; at a diftance, retired from the other company. APARTMENT, d-pa'rt-ment. f. A room, a fet of rooms. APATHY, ap'-a-ttTy. f. Exemption from paf- fion. APE, a'pe. f. A kind of monkey ; an imitator. To APE, a'pe. V. a. To imitate, as an ape imi- tates human actions. APEAK, a-pe ke. ad. In a pofture to pierce the ground. APEPSY, ap'-ep-fy. f. A lofs of natural con- codlion. APERIENT, a-pe'-ryent. a. Gently purgative. APERITIVE, a-per'-i-t!v. a. That which has the quality of opening. APERT, a-pert'. a. Open. APERTION, a-per'-fhun. f. An opening, a pafTage, a gap ; the a6t of opening. APERTLY, dp'-ert-ly. ad. Openly. APERTNESS, ap'-ert-nes. f. Opennefs. APERTURE, ap'-er-turc. f. Theaftofopcn^ ing ; an open place. APETA- A P O A P O APETALOUS, a-pet'-i-lus. a. Without flowcr- Icaves, APEX, a'-plks. f. The tip or point. APHtERESIS, a-fc'-re-sis. f. A figure in gram- mar that takes away a letter or fyllable from the beginning of a word. APHELION, a-f^'-lyon. f. That part of the orbit of a planet, in which it is at the point rc- motcfi: from the fun. APHILANTHROPY, a-fy-lan'-ttirO-py- f. Want of love to mankind. APHORIS^vT, af -6-r'zm. f. A maxim, ?.n un- conneclcd pofition. APHORISTICAL, af-o-ris'-tl-kaL a. Written in feparate unconnected fentences. APHORISTICALLY, af-^-rls'-ti-kal-Iy. ad. in the form of an aphorifm. APHRODISIACAL, A-fr6-dy-s!'-a-kal. 1 a. Re- APHRODISIACK, a-fr6-dy-si'-ak. j lating to the venereal difeafe. APIARY, a -pya-ry. f. The place where bees are kept. APIECE, a-pe fe. ad. To the part or Ihare of each. APISH, a'-pi{h. a- Having the qualities of an ape, imitative; foppilh, affected ; fdly, trifling; wanton, playful. APISFILY, a'-plih-Iy. ad. In an apifii manntrr. APISHNESS, a'-p!(h-nes. f. Mimickry, foppery. APITPAT, a-pit'-pat. ad. With quick palpi- tation. APOKALYPSE, a-pik'-a-llps.. f. Revelation, a word ufed only of the facred writings. APOCALYPTICAL, a-pok-a-Iip'-ty-kal. a. Containing revelation. APOCOPE, a-p6k'-6-pe. f. A figure, when the laft letter or fyllable is taken away. APOCRUSTICK, a-po-krus'-tlk. a. Repelling and aftringent. APOCRYPHA, i-p6k'-ry-fA. f. Books added to the facred writings, of doubtful authors. APOCRYPHAL, a-p6k'-ry-fal. a. Not ca- nonical, of uncertain authority ; contained in the apocrj'pha. APOCRYPHALLY, d-pik'-ry-ful-ly. 3d. Un- certainly. APOCRYPHALNESS, a-pik'-ry-fal-nes. f. Uncertainty. APODICTICAL, ap-5-dIk'-t;--kal. a. Demon- flrative. APODIXIS, ap-o-dlk'-sls. f. Dcmonftration. APOG^ON, ap-6-je'-6n. 1 {. A point in the APOGEE, ap'-6-jc. ^ heavens, in which the fun, or a planet, is at the greateft diftance poffible from the earth in its whole revolution. APOLOGETICAL, a-pol-d-jet'-y-kal. ) APOLOGETICK, a-p6l-6-jet'-Ik. J ^' That which is faid in defence of any thing. To APOLOGIZE, a-p6l'-l6-jize. v. n. To plead in favour. APOLOGUE, ap'-o-log. <"• Fable, {lory con- trived to teach fome moral truth. APOLOGY, a-pol'-o-jy. f. Defence, excufe. APOMECOMETRY, a-p6-me-k6m'-me-try. L The art of meafuring things at a diftance. APONEUROSIS, ;'i-p6-nii-r6'-sis. f. An ex- panfion of a nerve into a membrane. APOPHASIS, a-p6f'-4-sis. f. Afigure by which the orator feems to wave what he would plainly infinuate. APOPHLEG.MATICK, a-p6-fleg'-ma-tlk. a. Drawing away phlegm, APOPHLEGMATISM, a-pO-fleg'-ma-tlzm. f. A medicine to draw phlegm. APOPHTHEGM, a'-pd-tRem. f. A remark- able faying. APOPHYGE, a-p6f'-y-je. f. That part of a column where it begins to fpring out of its bafe ; the fpring of a column. APOPHYSIS, a-p6f'-y-sis. f. The prominent parts of fome bones ; the fame as procefs. APOPLECTICAL, a-p6-plek'-ty-kal. ?a. Rc- APOPLECTICK, a-p6-plck'-t]k. J lating to an apoplexy. APOPLEXY, ap'-6-plek.fy. f. A fudden de- privation of all fenfation. APORIA, a-p6'-ry-a. f. A figure by which the fpeakcr doubts where to begin. APORRHOEA, a-p6r-re'-a. f. Effluvium, ema- nation. AP03IOPESIS, a-pof-y-6-pc'-sls. f. A form of fpecch, by whicli the fpcakcf, through A P O A P P fome afte£iion or vehemency, breaks off his fpeech. APOSTASY, :i-p6s'-ta-fy. f. Departure from what a man has profeffed : it is generally ap- plied to religion. APOSTATE, a-p6s'-tate. f. One that has for- faken his religion. APOSTATICAL, a-pcl-tat'-y-kal. a. After the manner of an apoftate. To APOSTATIZE, a-pos'-ta-tke. v. n. To forfake one's religion. To APOSTEMATE, a-pos'-te-mate. v. n. To fvvell and corrupt into matter. APOSTEMATION, a-pof-te-ma'-fhun. f. The gathering of a hollow purulent tumour. APOSTEME, ap'-o-fteme. f. A hollow fwel- ling, an abfcefs. APOSTLE, a-p6s'tl. f. A perfon font with mandates, particularly applied to them whom our Saviour deputed to preach the gofpel, APOSTLESHIP, a-p6s'tl-(hip. f. The office or dignity of an apoftle. APOSTOLICAL, a-pof-tol'-y-kal. a. Deli- vered by the apoftles. APOSTOLICALLY, a-p6f-t6l'-y-kal-ly. ad. In the manner of the apoftles. APOSTOLICK, a-pof-tol'-llk. a. Taught by the apoftles. APOSTROPHE, a-pos'-tro-fe. f. In rhetorick, a divcrfion of fpeech to another perfon than the fpeech appointed did intend or require ; in gram- mar, the contraftion of a word by the ufe of a comma, as, tho', for though. To APOSTROPHIZE, a-pos'-tro-fize. v. a. To addrefs by an apoftrophe. APOSTUME, ap'-of-tume. f. A hollow tu- mour filled with purulent matter. APOTHECARY, a-pottt'-c-ka-ry. f. A man whofc employment it is to keep medicines for falc. APOTHEGM, ap'-&-them. f. A remarkable faying. APOTHEOSIS, a-po-tfie'-6-sls. f. Deification. APOTOME, a-p6t'-6-mc. f. The remainder or difference of two incommenfurable quantities. APOZEM, ip'-v-zvm. f. A decotlion. To APPAL, ap-pa 1. V. a. To fright, to de- prefs. APPALEMENT, ap-pa'l-ment. f. Deprcffion, impreffion of fear. APPANAGE,, ap'-pa-nije. f. Lands fet apart for the maintenance of younger children. APPARATUS, ap-pa-ra-tus. f. Thofe things which are provided for the accompli&meiit of any purpofe ; as the tools of a trade, the furni- ture of ahoufe; equipage, fhow. APPAREL, ap-par'-el. f. Drefs, vefture; ex- ternal habiliments. To APPAREL, ap-par'-el. v. a. To drefs, to cloath ; to cover or deck. APPARENT, ap-pa'-rent. a. Plain, indubi- table ; feeming, not real ; vifible ; open, dif- coverable ; certain, not prcfumptive. APPARENTLY, ap-pa'-rent-ly. ad. Evidently, openly. APPARITION, ap-pa-rish'-un. f. Appearance, vifibility ; a vifible obje£t ; a fpeclre, a walking fpirit ; fomething only apparent, not real ; the vifibility of fome luminary. APPARITOR, ap-p.V-y-tur. f. The lowclt officer of the ecclefiaftical court. To APPAY, ap-pd'. v. a. To fatisfy. ToAPPEACH, ap-pe'tlh. v. a. Toaccufe; to cenfure, to reproach. APPEACHMENT, ap-p^'tfti-mcnt. f. Charge exhibited againft any man. To APPEAL, ap-pe 1. v. n. To transfer a caufe from one to another ; to call another as witnefs. APPEAL, ap-pe'l. f. A removal of a caufe from an inferior to a fuperior court ; in the common law, an accufation ; a call upon any as witnefs. APPEALANT, ap-pel'-lant. f. He that appeals. To APPEAR, ap-pe'r. v. n. To be in fight, to be vifible ; to become vifible as a fpirit ; to exhibit one's felf before a court ; to feem, in oppofition to reality ; to be plain beyond dif- pute. APPEARANCE, ap-pc'-rans. f. The aa of coming into fight ; the thing feen ; femblanco, not reality; outfit, fhowi entry into a pL^cc A P P A P P ^ company; exhibition of the perfonton court; prefcnce, mien ; probability, likelihood, APPEARER, ap-pe -rur. f. The perfon that appears. APPEASABLE, ap-pe'-zabl. a. Reconcileable. APPEASABLENESS, ap-pe'-zabl-nes. a. Re- concijeablenufs. To APPEASE, ap-p^'z. V. a. To quiet, to put in a ftate of peace ; to pacify, to reconcile. APPEASEMENT, ap-pe'z-ment. f. A ftate of peace. APPEASER, dp-pi'-zur. f. He that pacifies, he that quiets dillrurbanccs. APPELLANT, ap-pel'-lant. f. A challenger; one that appeals from a lower to a hi^^hcr power. APPELLATE, ap-pel'-Jaic. f. The perfon ap- pealed againft. APPELLATION, ap-pcl-la'-fhun. f. Name. APPELLATIVE, ap-pel'-la-tlv, f. A n.".me common to all of the fame kind or fpecics ; as man, horfe. APPELLATIVELY, ap-pel'-lA-tlv-Iy. ad. Ac- cording to the manner of nouns appellative. APPELLATORY, ap-pel'-la-tur-ry. a. That which contains an appeal. APPELLEE, ap-pel-le', f. One who is ac- cufed. To APPEND, ap-pend'. v. a. To hang any thing upon another; to add to fomething as an accelFory. APPENDAGE, ap-pen'-dAje. f. Something added to another thing, without being ncccffary to its efTence. APPENDANT, ap-pen'-dant. a. Hanging to fomething elfe ; annexed, concomitant. APPENDANT, ap-pen'-dant. f. An accidental or adventitious part. To APPENDICATE, ap-pen'^dy-kutc. v. a. To add to another thing. APPENDICATION, Ap-pcn-d^-kV-fhun. f. Annexion. APPENDIX, ap-pen'-diks. f. Something ap- pended or added; an adjunct or concomitant. To APPERTAIN, ip-per-ta n. v. n. To be- long to as of right ; to belong to by nature. APPERTAINMENT, ap-p'r-ta'n-ment. f. That which belongs to any rank or dignity. APPERTENANCE, ap-per'-te-nans. f. That which belongs to another thing. APPERTINENT, ap-pcr'-ty-nent. a. Belong- ing, relating to. APPETENCE, ap'-P'^'-t<^'ns. 1 C Carnal de- APPETENCY, ap'-P-^-ten-fy. \ fire. APPETIBILITY, ap-pc-ti-bll'-I-ty. f. The quality of being dcfirablc. APPETIBLE, ap'-pe-tlbl. a. Defirable. APPETITE, ap'-pe-tite. f. The Jiatural dcfirs of good; the defire of fenfual pleafure ; violent longing ; kcennefs of ftomach, hunger. APPETITION, ap-pe-tis'h-un. f. Defire. APPETITIVE, ap'-pc-ttt-iv. a. That which defires. To APPLAUD, ap-pli'd. v. a. To praife by clapping tlie hand ; to praife in general. APPLAUDER, ap-pla-dur. f. He that praif^^s or commends. APPLAUSE, ap-pla'z. f. Approbation loudly expreflcd, APPLE, ap'l. f. The fruit of the apple tree; tiic pupil of the eye. APPLEWOMAN, ap'l-wum-un. f. A woman that fells apples. APPLIABLE, ap-pli'-abl. a. That which may be applied. APPLIANCE, ap-pli'-ks. f. The aft of ap- plying, the thing applied. APPLICABILITY, ap-ply-ka-bll'-y-t}'-. f. The quality of being fit to be applied. APPLICABLE, ap'-ply-kabl. a. That which may be applied. APPLICABLENESS, ap'-ply-kabl-nes. f. Fit- nefs to be applied. APPLICABLY, ap'-ply-kab-ly. ad. In fuch manner as that it may be properly applied. APPLICATE, ap'-p'y-kate. f. A right line drawn acrofs a curve, fo as to bifedl the diar meter. APPLICATION, ap-ply-ka'-fliun. f. The aft of applying any thing to another ; the thing applied ; the ail of applying to any perfon as a petitioner i the cinploymcHt of any means for M a ccrtaia A P P A P P a certain end ; intenfenefs of thought, clofe ftudy ; attention to fome particular afFair. APPLICATIVE, ap-pllk -a-tiv. a. Belonging to application. APPLICATORY, ap''-ply-ki-tur-'ry. a. Be- longing to the acl of applying. To APPLY, ap-ply . v. a. To put one thing to another ; to lay medicaments upon a wound ; to make ufe of as relative or fuitable ; to put to a certain ufe ; to fix the mind upon, to ftudy ; to have recourfe to, as a petitioner ; to ply, to keep at work. To APPOINT, ap-point'. v. a. To fix any thing; to eftablifh any thing by decree j to furnifii in all points, to eq\iip. APPOINTER, ap-poin'-tur. f. He that fettles or fixes. APPOINTMENT, ap-point'-ment. f. Stipu- lation; decree, eftablifhment; diredlion, or- der ; equipment, furniture ; an allowance paid to any man. To APPORTION, ap-po'r-fliun. v. a. To fet out injuft proportions. APPORTIONMENT, ap-po'r-fliun-ment. f. A dividing into portions. To APPOSE, ap-p6'ze. v. a. To put queflions to. APPOSITE, kp'-po-zk. a. Proper, fit, well adapted. * APPOSITELY, ap'-p6-z!t-ly. ad. Properly, fitly, fuitably. APPOSITENESS, ap'-po-^'t-nes. f. Fitnefs, ^ propriety, fuitablenefs. APPOSITION, a-p6-zlfh'-un. f. The addition of new matter; in grammar, the putting of two nouns in the fame cafe. To APPRAISE, ap-pra'ze. v. a. To fet a price upon any thing. APPRAISER, ap-pri'-zur. f. A perfon ap- pointed to fet a price upon things to be fold. To APPREHEND, ap-pre-hend . v. a. To lay hold on ; to feize, in order for trial or punifh- ment ; to conceive by the mind j to think on with terrour, to fear. APPREHENDER, ip-pra-hen'-dur, f. One who apprehends. APPREHENSIBLE, ap-prl-hen'-slbl. a. That which may be apprehended, or conceived. APPREHENSION, ap-pre-hen'-fhun. f. The mere contemplation of things ; opinion, fenti- ment, conception ; the faculty by which we conceive new ideas ; fear ; fufpicion of fome- thing; feizure. APPREHENSIVE, ap-pre-hen'-s!v. a. Quick" to underiland ; fearful. APPREHENSIVELY, ap-prS-hen'-s!v-ly. ad. In an apprehenfive manner. APPREHENSIVENESS, Ip-pri-hen'-siv-nes. f. The quality of being apprehenfive. APPRENTICE, ap-pren'-tls. f. One that is bound by covenant, to ferve another man of trade, upon condition that the tradefman fhall,. in the mean time, endeavour to inftru£l him ia his art. To APPRENTICE, ap-pren'-tis. v. a. To put out to a mailer as an apprentice. APPRENTICEHOOD, ap-pren'-tls-hud. f. The years of an apprentice's fervitude. APPRENTICESHIP, ap-pren'-tls-fhip. f. The years which an apprentice is to pafs under a mafter. To APPRIZE, ap-pri'ze. v. a. To inform. To APPROACH, ap-pr6'tfh. v. n. To draw- near locally ; to draw near, as time ; to make a. progrefs towards, mentally. To APPROACH, ap-pro tfli. v. a. To bring near to. APPRO ACFI, ap-pro'tih. f. Theaft of drawing near ; accefs ; means of advancing. APPROACHER, dp-pro'-tfliur. f. The perfon that approaches. APPROACHMENT, ap-pr6'tfli-ment. f. Ths aft of coming near. APPROBATION, ap-pr6-ba'-fliun. f. The aft of approving, or exprefling himfclf pleafed j the liking of any thing; atteftation, fupport. APPROOF, ap-prof. f. Commendation. Ob- folete. To APPROPINQUE, ap-prO-pInk'. v. n. To draw near to. Not in ufe. APPROPRIABLE, ap-pro'-pry-dbl. a. That which may be appropriated. To APR A R A To APPROPRIATE, ap-pro -pryate. v. a. To cojifign to fome particular ufe or perfon; to claim or exercife an exclufive right; to make peculiar, to annex -^ in law, to alienate a be- nefice. APPROPRIATE, ap-pro -prydte. a. Peculiar, configncd to Ibme particular. APPROPRIATION, ap-prO-pry-d'-fliun. f. The application of fomething to a particular piirpofe ; the claim of any thing as peculiar ; the fixing of a particular fignification to a word ; in law, a fevering of a benefice ccclefiaftical to the proper and perpetual ufe of fome religious houfe, or dean and chapter, biflioprick, or col- lege. APPROPRIATOR, ap-pro-pry-l'-tur. f. He that is poffeiTed of an appropriated benefice. APPROVABLE, ap-pro -vabl. a. That which merit: approbation. APPROVAL, ap-pro'-val. f. Approbation. APPRU VANCE, ap-pro'-vans. f. Approba- tion. Not in ufe. To APPROVE, ap-pr^V. v. a. To like, to be pleafed with ; to exprefs liking j to prove, to fhow ; to experience ; to make worthy of ap- probation. APPROVEMENT, ap-proV-ment. f. Appro- bation, liking. APPROVER, Ap-pro'-vur. f. He that approves ; he that makes trial ; in law, one that, confeiling felony of himfLlf, accufcs another. APPROXIMATE, ap-proks-y-mate. a. Near to. APPROXIMATION, ap-pr^k-fy-m^'-fhun. f. Appror.ch to any thing ; continual approach nearer flill, and nearer to the quantity fought. APPULSE, ap -pils. f. The act of llriking agaiull any thing. APRICOT, or APRICOCK, a'-pry-kot. f. A kind of wall fruit. APRIL, a -pril. f. The fourth moiith of the year, January counted firft. APRON, a -prun. f. A cloth hung before, to keep the other drefs clean, or for ornament. APRON, a'-pri'in. f. A piece of lead which co- vers the touch-hole of a great "\in. APRONED, a'-prund. a. Wearing an apron. APSIS, ap'-sis. f. The higher apfis is denomi- nated aphelion, or apogee ; the lower, perihe- lion, or perigee. APT, apt. a. Fit; having a tendency to; in- clined to, led to ; ready, quick, as an apt wit ; q\i?Jificd for. To APTATE, ap'-tiic. 'v. a. To make fit. APTITUDE, ap'-ti-tdde. f. Fitnefs ; tendency ; difpofition. APTLY, apt'-ly. ad. Properly, fitly; juftiy,- pertinently ; readily, acutely, as he learned his bufinefs very aptly, APTNESS, apt'-nes. f. Fitnefs, fuitablenefs ; difpofition to any thing ; quicknefs of appre- henfion ; tendency. APTOTE, ap -tote. f. A noun which is not declined with cafjs. AQUA, h'-kwL f. Water. AQUA FORTIS, 4 -kv/a-f.l'r-tis. f. A cor- rofive liquor made by diftilling purified nitre with calcined vitriol. AQUA MARINA, a'-kwa-ma-rf'-na. f. The Beryl. AQUA VITJE, a'-kwa-v!'-t:. f. Brandy. AQUATICK, a-kwit'-Ik. a. That which in- habits the water ; that which grows in the water. AQUATILE, a'-kwa-tile. a. That which in- habits the water. AQUEDUCT, A'-kwe-duct. f. A com-eyancc made for carrying water. AQUEOUS, a-kwe-us. a. Water)^. AQUEOUSNESS, a'-kwa-uf-nes. f. Water- iflinefs. AQUILINE, ak'-v/y-liae. a. Refembling an eagle ; when applied to the nofe, hooked. AQUOSE, a-kwofe. a. Watery. AQUOSITY, a-kwis -I't-y. f. Waterinefs. ARABLE, ar-abl. a. Fit for tillage. ARANEOUS, a-ra'-nyus. a. Refembling a cob- web. ARATION, a-ri'-fhun. f. The aft or pradice of plowing. ARATORY, ar'-A-tur-ry. a. That which con- tributes to tilLi.gc. ARBA- ARC A R C ARBALIST, a'r-ba-llrr. f. A crofs-bow. ARBITER, ar-b!-tur. f. A judge appointed by the parties, to whoft determination they^o- luntarily fubniit ; a judge, ARBITRABLE, a'r-bi-trabl. a. Arbitrary, de- pending upon the v/ill. ARBITRAMENT, ar-bit'-tra-ment. f. Will, determination, choice. ^ARBITRARILY, a'r-bl-tra-ri-ly. ad. With no other rule than the will ; defpotically, abfo- lutely. -ARBITRAMOUS, ar-bl-tra'-ryus. a. Arbi- trary, depending on the will. ■ARBITRARIOUSLY, ar-bl-tra'-ryus-ly. ad. Accordmg to mere will and pleafure. ARBITRARY, a'r-bi-tra-ry. a. Defpotick, ab- -folute; depen'ding on no rule, capricious. To ARBITRATE, a'r-b!-tnUe. v. a. To de- cide, to determine ; to judge of. ARBITRARINESS, a'r-bl-tra-rl-ncfs. f. De- fpoticalnefs. ARBITRATION, ar-bl-tra'-fliun. f. The de- termination of a caufe by a judge mutually agreed on by the parties. ARBITRATOR, ar-bi-tra-tur. f. An extra- ordinary judge between party and party, chofen by their mutual confent ; a governour ; a pre- fident ; he that has the power of afting by his own choice ; the determiner. ARBITREMENT, dr-bit'-tre-ment. f. Deci- fion, determination ; compromife. ARBORARY, a'r-bo-ra-ry. a. Of or belong- to a tree. ARBORET, a'r-bo-ret. f. A fmall tree or flirub. ARBORIST, a'r-bp-rift. f. A naturalift who makes trees his ftudy. ARBOROUS, a'r-bo-rus. a. Belonging to trees. ARBOUR, A'r-bLr. f. A bower. ARBUSCLE, aV-budcl. f. Any little flirub. ARBUTE, a'r-hute. f. Strawbeny tree. ARC, a rk. f. A fegment, a part of a circle ; an arch. ARCADE, ar-ki'd;. f. A continued arch. ARCANUM, ar-ka -num. f. A fecrct. ARCH, a'rtfli. f. Part of a circle, not more than the half; a building in form of a fegment of a circle, ufedfor bridges; vault of heaven j a chief. To ARCH, a'rt(h. v. a. To build arches ; to cover with arches. ARCH, a'rtfh. a. Chief, of the firft clafs^ waggifn, mirthful. ARCHANGEL, ark-a n-jel. f. One of the higheft order of angels. ARCHANGEL, ark-a'n-jel. f. A plant, dead nettle. ARCHANGELICK, ark-an-jel'-llk. a. Belong- ing to archangels. ARCHBEACON, artfti-b^'kn. f. The chief place of profpect, or of fignal. ARCHBISHOP, artfli-bifh'-up. f. A bifhop of the firfl: clafs, who fuperintends the condud of other bifnops his fuffragans. ARCHBISHOPRICK,art(h-bilh'-up-r!k. f. The ftate, pro\'ince, or jurifdiftionof an archbifhop. ARCHCHANTER, artfh-tfhan'-tur. f. The chief chanter. ARCHDEACON, artfli-de'kn. f. One that fupplies the bifliop's place and office. ARCHDEACONRY, artlh-de'kn-r>'. f. The office or jurifdiction of an archdeacon. ARCHDEACONSHIP, artfh-de'kn-fhlp. f. The office of an archdeacon. ARCHDUKE, artfh-du ke. f. A title given to princes of Auflria and Tufcany. ARCHDUCHESS, artfh-dutfh'-es. f. The fif- ter or daughter of the archduke of Auftria. ARCHPHILOSOPHER, artfli-fIl-6s'-6-fur. f. Chief philofopher. ARCHPRELATE, artfli-prcl '-ite. f. Chief prelate. ARCHPRESBYTER,artlh-pres'-bI-ter. f. Chief prefbyter. ARCHAIOLOGY, ar-ka-6l'-6-jy. f. A dif- courfe on antiquitj'. ARCHAIOLOGICK, ar-k-a-6-l6dzh'-ik. a. Re- lating to a difcourfe on antiquity. ARCHAISM, ar'-ka-ifm. f." An ancient phrafe. ARCHED, ar'-tfhed. part. a. Bent in the form of an arch. ARCHER. ARC A R G ARCHER, ar'-tfhur. f. Ho that fhoots with a bow. ARCHERY, ar'-tfhe-ry. f. The ufeof thebow; the act of {hooting with the bowj the art of an archer. ARGHES-COURT, ar'-tfhez-kort. f. The chief and molt ancient confiftory that belongs to the archbifhop of Canterbury, for the debat- ing of fpiritual caufes. ARCHETYPE, ar'-ka-type. f. The original of which any refemblance is made. ARCHETYPAL, ar'-ke-ty-pal. a. Original. ARCHEUS, ar-!ce'-us. f. A power that prefides over the animal oeconomy. ARCHIDI AGONAL, ar-ky-di-ak'-d-nal. a. Be- longing to an archdeacon. ARCHIEPIS.OPAL, ar-ky-e-p!s'-k6-pal. a. Belonging to an archbifhop. ARCHITECT, a'r-ky-tekt. f. A profeffor of the art of building; a builder; the contriver of any thing. ARCHITECTIVE, ar-ky-tek'-tlv. a. That per- forms the work of architeifture. ARCHITECTONICK, ar-ky-tek-tin'-nik. a. That which has the power or fkill of an ar- chitect. ARCHITECTURE, a'r-ky-tek-tfhur. f. The art or fcience of building ; the effect or per- formance of the fcience of building. ARCHITRAVE, a'r-ky-trlve. f. That part of a column which lies immediately upon the ca- pital, and is the lowcft member of the enta- blature. ARCHIVES, a'r-kivz. f. The places where re- cords or ancient writings are kept, ARCHWISE, a'rtfh-wize. a. In the form of an arch. ARCTATION, ark-ta'-fliin. f. Confinement. ARCTICK, a'rk-tlk. a. Northern. ARCUATE, a'r-ku-ate. a. Bent in the form of an arch. ARCUATION, ar-ku-i'-fhun. f. The act of bending any thing, incurvation ; the ftate of being bent, curvity, or crookednefs. ARCUBALISTER,ar-ku-baI'-if-tur. f. Acrofs- bow man. ARDENCY, a'r-den-fv. f. Ardour, eagernefs ARDENT, a'r-dc-nt. a. Hot, burning, fiery j fierce, vehement; pafTionate, afFedtionate. ARDENTLY, a'r-dent-ly. ad. Eagerly, af- feiftionatcly. ARDOUR, a'r-dur. f. Heat; heat of afFedion, as love, defire, courage. ARDUITY, ar-du'-i-ty. f. Height, difficulty. ARDUOUS, a'r-du-us. a. Lofty, hard to climb; difficult. ARDUOUSNESS, a'r-du-uf-ncs. f. Height, difficulty. ARE, ar'. The plural of the prefent tcnfe of the verb To be. AREA, a'-rya. f. The furface contained be- tween any lines or boundaries; any open fur- face. To AREAD, a-re'd. v. a. To advife, to direfl. Little ufed. AREFACTION, ar-re-fak'-fhun. f. The ftatc of growing dry, the aft of drying. To AREFY, ar'-re-fy. v. a. To dry. ARENACEOUS, a-re-na'-fhus. a. Sandy. ARENOSE, a-re-no'fe. a. Sandy. ARENULOUS, a-ren'-u-lus. a. Fulloffmall fand. grav( AREOTICK, a-re-6t -Ik. a. Such medicines as open the pores. ARGENT, a'r-jent. a. Having the white co- lour ufed in the armorial coats of gentlemen, knights, and baronets ; filver, bright like filver. ARGIL, a'r-jil. f. Potters clay. ARGILLACEOUS, ar-jil-li'-fhus. a. Clayey, confifting of argil, or potters clay. ARGILLOUS, ar-jil'-lus. a. Confifting of clay, clayifh. ARGOSY, a'r-go-fy. f. A large veflcl for merchandife, a carrack. To ARGUE, a'r-gu. v. n. To reafon, to offer rcafons ; to perfuade by argument; to difpute. ARGUER, a'r-gu-ur. f. A reafoner, a difputer. ARGUMENT, ar-gu-ment. f. A reafon al- leged for or againft any thing ; the fubje<£t of any difcourfe or writing; the contents of any work fummcd up by way of abflratt ; coniro- verfy. N ARGU- A R I ARM ARGUMENTAL, ar-gu-men'-til. a. Belong- ing to argument. ARGUMENTATION, ar-gu-men-tl'-fhun. f. Reafoning, the aft of reafoning. ARGUMENTATIVE, ar-gd-men'-ta-t!v. a. Confifting of argument, containing argument. ARGUTE, ar-gu te. a. Subtile, witty, fharp, fhrill. ARID, ar-rld. a. Dry, parched up. ARIDITY, a-rid'-di-ty. f. Drynefs, ficcity ; a kind of infenfibility in devotion. ARIES, a'-ryez. f. The ram, one of the twelve figns of the zodiack. To ARIETATE, a'-rye-tate. v. n. To butt like a ram. ARIETATION, a-rj-e-ti'-fhun. f. The aft of butting like a ram ; the a£l of battering with an engine called a ram. ARIETTA, a-ry-et'-ta. f. A fhort air, fong, or tune. ARIGHT, a-r!'te. ad. Rightly, without er- rour ; rightly, without crime ; rightly, with- out failing of the end defigned. ARIOLATION, a-ry-6-la-fliun. f. Sooth- faying. To ARISE, a-r!'ze. v. n. pret. arofe, part, arifen. To mount upward as the fun ; to get tip as from fleep, or from refl ; to revive from death ; to enter upon a new ftation ; to com- mence hoftility. ARISTOCRACY, a-rlf-tok'-kra-fy. f. That form of government which places the fupreme power in the nobles. ARISTOCRATICAL, a-rlf-to-krat'-ti-kal. a. Relating to ariftocracy. ARISTOCRATICALNESS, a-rlf-to-krat'-tl- kal-nes. f. An ariftocratical ftate. ARITHMANCY, a-rlt'lT-man-fy. f. A fore- telling of future events by numbers. ARITHMETICAL, a-rltlT-met'-tl-kal. a. Ac- cording to the rules or method of arithmetick. ARITHMETICALLY, A-rlttl-met'-tl-kal-ly. ad. In an arithmetical manner. ARITHMETICIAN, a-rltfi-mc-dfh'-an. f. A rnafler of the art of numbers. ARITHMETICK, a;rhR'.me-tik. f. The fcience of numbers ; the art of computa- tion. ARK, a'rk. f. A vefTcl to fwini upon the wa- ter, ufually applied to that in which Noah was preferved from the univerfal deluge; the repofitory of the covenant of God with the. Jews. ARM, a'rm. f. The limb which reaches from the hand to the fhoulder ; the large bough of a tree; an inlet of water from the fea; power, might, as the fecular arm. To ARM, a'rm. v. a. To furnifli with armour of defence, or weapons of offence ; to plate with any thing that may add ftrength ; to furnifli, to fit up. To ARM, a'rm. v. n. To take arms ; to pro- vide againfl. ARMADA, ar-ma'-da. f. An armament for fea. ARMADILLO, ar-ma-dll'-l6. f. A four-footed animal of Brafil. ARMAMENT, a r-ma-ment. f. A naval force. ARMATURE, a'r-ma-ture. f. Armour. ARMENTAL, ar-men'-tal. ) a. Belonging to ARMENTINE, a'r-men-tine. ^ a drove or herd of cattle. ARMGAUNT, a'rm-ga'nt. a. Slender as the arm ; or rather, flender with want. ARM-HOLE, a'rm-hole. f. The cavity under the flioulder. ARMIGEROUS, ar-mldzh'-e-rus. a. Bearing arms. ARMILLARY, a'r-mil-a-ry. a. Refembling a bracelet. ARMILLATED, a'r-mll-a-ted. a. Wearing bracelets. ARMINGS, a'r-mingz. f. The fame with wafte- clothcs. ARMIPOTENCE, dr-mlp'-o-tens. f. Power in war. ARMIPOTENT, ar-mlp'-6-tent. a. Mighty in war. ARMISTICE, ar'-ml-ftis. f. A ftiort truce. ARMLET, arm-let. f. A little arm ; a piece of armour for the armj a bracelet for the ARMO- A R R A R R ARMONIAK, ar-mo'-nyak, f. The name of a fait. ARMORER, a'r-mur-ur. f. He that makes ar- mour, or weapons ; he that drefies another in armour. ARMORIAL, ar-mo'-ryal. a. Belonging to the arms or efcutcheon of a family. ARMORY, a'r-mur-y. f. The place in which arms are repofited for ufe ; armour, arms of de- fence ; enfigns armorial. ARMOUR, a'r-mur. f. Defenfive arms. ARMOUR BEARER, a"r-mur-be'-rur. f. He that carries the armour of another. ARMPIT, a'rm-plt. f. The hollow place un- der the flioulder. ARMS, a rmz. f. Weapons of offence, or ar- mour of defence ; a ftate of hoftility ; war in general ; adlion, the zH of taking arms ; the enfigns armorial of a family. ARMY, a'r-my. f. A colleiSion of armed men, obliged to obey their generals ; a great number. AROMATICAL, a-ro-mat'-I-kal. > a. Spicy ; AROMATICK, a-ro-mat'-ik. ^ fragrant, ftrong fcented. AROMATICKS, a-r5-mat'-iks. f. Spices. AROMATIZATION, a-ro-ma-tl-za -fliun. f. The act of fcenting with fpices. To AROMATIZE, ar'-ro-ma-tize. v. a. To fcent with fpices, to impregnate with fpices ; to fcent, to perfume. AROSE, a-ro'ze. The preterite of the verb Arife. AROUND, a-rou'nd. ad. In a circle ; on every fide. AROUND, a-rou'nd. prep. About. To AROUSE, a-rou'ze. v. a. To wake from flccp ; to raife up, to excite. AROW, a-ro'. ad. In a row. AROYNT, a-roy'nt. ad. Ee gone, away. ARQUEBUSE, ar'-kwe-bus. f. A hand gun. ARQUEBUSIER, dr-kwc-bitf-e'r. f. A foldier armed with an arquebufe. ARRACK, ar-rak'. f. A fpirituous liquor. To ARRAIGN, ar-ra'ne. v. a. To fet a thing in order, in its place : a prifoiier is faid to be arraigned, when he is brought forth to his trial ; to accufe, to charge with faults in general, as in controverfy or in fatirc. ARRAIGNMENT, ar-rSne-mcnt. f. The ad of arraigning, a charge. To ARRANGE, ar-ra'nje. v. a. To put in the proper order for any purpofe. ARRANGEMENT, £r-ra'nje-ment. f. The a(£t of putting in proper order, the ftate of be- ing put in order. ARRANT, ar'-rant. a. Bad in a high degree, ARRANTLY, ar'-rant-ly. a. Corruptly, fhame- fully. ARRAS, ar'-ras. f. Tapeftry. ARRAUGHT, ar-ra't. ad. Seized by vio- lence. Out of ufe. ARRAY, ar-ra'. f. Drefs ; order of battle ; in- law, the ranking or fetting in order. To ARRAY, ar-ra'. v. a. To put in order ; to^ deck, to drefs. ARRAYERS, ar-ra'-urs. f. Officers, who an- ciently had the care of feeing the foldiers duly appointed in their armour. ARREAR, ar-re'r. f. That which remains be- hind unpaid, though due. ARREARAGE, ar-re'-raje. f. The remainder of an account. ARRENTATION, ar-ren-tii'-fhun. f. The licenfing an owner of lands in the foreft to inclofe. ARREPTITIOUS, ar-rcp-tlih'-us. a. Snatched away ; crept in privily. ARREST, ar-reft'. f. In law,- a flop or ftay : an arrefl is a reftraint of a man's perfon ; any caption. To ARREST, ar-reft'. v. a. To feize by a man- date from a court ; to feize any thing by law ; to feizej to lay hands on; to with-hold, to- hinder ; to flop motion. ARRIERE, ar-rye're. f. The laft body of an army. ARRISION, ar-rizh -un. f. A fmiling upon. ARRIVAL, ar-ri'-val. f. The a^ of coming to- any place; the attainment of any purpofe. ARRIVANCE,ar-ri'-vans. f. Company coming. To ARRIVE, ar~ri've. v. n. To come to any place by water ; to reach any place by travel- ling ; to reach any point ; to gain any thing ;, to happen. Td ART ART To ARRODE, ar-rode. y. a. To gnaw or nibble. ARROGANCE, ar'-ro-gans. 7 f . The aft or ARROGANCY, ar'-ro-gan-fy-. ^ quality of taking much upon one's felf. ARROGANT, ar'-ro-gant. a. Haughty, proud. ARROGANTLY, ar'-r6-gant-ly. ad. In an ar- rogant manner. ARROGANTNESS, ar'-ro-gant-nes. f. Ar- rogance. To ARROGATE, ar'-ro-gite. v. a. To claim vainly ; to exhibit unjuft claims. ARROGATION, ar-rd-ga-fliun. f. A claim- ing in a proud manner. ARROSION, ar-ro'-zhun. f. A gnawing. ARROW, ar'-rO. f. The pointed weapon which is {hot from a bow. ARROWHEAD, ar'-ro-hed. f. A water plant. ARROWY, ar'-ro-y. a. Confifting of arrows. ARSE, ar'fe. f. The buttocks. ARSE FOOT, ar's-fut. f. A kind of water fowl. ARSE SMART, ar's-fma'rt. f. A plant. ARSENAL, a'rf-nal. f. A repofitory of things requifitc to war, a magazine. ARSENICAL, ar-fen'-J-kal. a. Containing arfenick. ARSENICK, a'rf-n!k. f. A mineral fubftance ; a violent corrofive poifon. ART, a rt. f. The power of doing fomething not taught by nature and inftinit ; a fcience, as the liberal arts ; a trade; artfulnefs, (kill, dex- terity ; cunning. ARTERIAL, ar-te'-ryal. a. That which re- lates to the artery, that which is contained in the artery. ARTERIOTOMY, ar-tl-ry-6t'-td-my. f. The operation of letting blood from the artery ; the cutting of an artery. ARTERY, a'r-te-ry. f. An artery is a conical canal, conveying the blood from the heart to all parts of the body. ARTFUL, a'rt-ful. a. Performed with art ; artificial, not natural; cunning, fkilful, dex- terous. ARTFULLY, a'rt-fdl-ly. ad. With art, fkil- fully. o ARTFULNESS, art-fal-nes. f. Skill, Cun- ning. ARTHRITICK, ar-tHrlt'-'k. la. Gouty, ARTHRITIC AL, ar-tRrlt'-I-kal.i relating to the gout ; relating to joints. ARTICHOKE, a r-ty-tfhoke. f. This plant is very like the thiftle, but hath large fcaly heads fhaped like the cone of the pine tree. ARTICK, a'r-tik. a. Northern. ARTICLE, ar'-t!kl. f. A part of fpeech, as the, an ; a fingle claufe of an account, a par- ticular part of any complex thing ; term, llipu- lation ; point of time, exadt time. To ARTICLE, a'r-tlkl. v. n. To ftipulate, to make terms. ARTICULAR, ar-tlk'-u-lar. a. Belonging to thejoints. ARTICULATE, ar-t!k'-u-late. a. Diftina ; branched out into articles. To ARTICULATE, ar-tik'-u-late. v. a. To form words, to fpeak as a man ; to draw up in articles ; to make terms. ARTICULATELY, ar-tlk'-d-late-ly. ad. In an articulate voice. ARTICULATENESS, ar-tlk'-ii-late-nes. f. The quality of being articulate. ARTICULATION, ar-tlk-u-U'-fhun. f. The juncture, or joint of bones ; the act of forming words ; in botany, the joints in plants. ARTIFICE, a'r-ti-fis. f. Trick, fraud, ftra- tagem ; art, trade. ARTIFICER, ar-tif'-fl-fur. f. An artift, a manufiicSurer; a forger, a contriver; a dex- terous or artful fellow. ARTIFICIAL, ar-tl-fis'h-al. a. Made by art, not natural ; fiditious, not genuine ; artful, contrived with fkill. ARTIFICIALLY, ar-tl-fifh'-al-ly. ad. Art- fully, with fkill, with good contrivance; by art, not naturally. ARTIFICIALNESS, ar-ti-flfli'-al-nis. f. Art- fulnefs. ARTILLERY, ar-tll'-lc-ry. f. Weaponsof war; cannon, great ordnance. ARTISAN, ar-t!-zan'. f. Artift, profefTor of an arti manufadurer, low tradefman. ARTIST, A S C A S G ARTIST, a'r-tlft. f. The profcfTor of an art; a Ikilful man, not a novice. . ARTLESLY, a'rt-Ief-ly. ad. In an artlefs man- ner, naturally, fincerely. ARTLESS, a'rt-Ics. a. Unficilful, without fraud, as an artlefs maid ; contrived without fkill, as an artlefs tale. ToARTUATE, a'r-tu-ite. v. a. To tear limb from limb. ARUNDINACIOUS, a-ruu-di-ni'-fhus. a. Of or like reeds. ARUNDINEOU3, d-run-d!n'-yus, a. Abound- ing with reeds. AS, az'. conjunct. In the fame manner with fomething elfe ; like, of the fame kind with; in the fame degree with ; as if, in the fame manner ; as it were, in fome fort; while, at the fame time that ; equally ; how, in what man- ner ; with, anfwering to Like or fame ; in a reciprocal fenfe, anfwering to As ; anfwering to Such ; having So to anfwer it, in the conditional fenfe ; anfwering to So conditionally ; As for, vith refpecl to ; As to, with refpect to ; As well as, equally with ; As though, as if. ASAFOETIDA, af-fi-fet'-I-da. f. A gum or refin brought from the Eaft Indies, of a fharp tafte, and a ftrong ofFenfive fmell. ASARABACCA, af-fa-ra-bak'-ka. f. The name of a plant. ASBESTINE, az-bes'-tln. a. Something in- combuftible. ASBESTOS, az-bes'-tiis. f. A fort of native folfile ftone, which may be fplit into threa4s and filaments, from one inch to ten inches in length, very fine, brittle, yet fomewhat trad- able. It is endued with the wonderful property of remaining unconfumed in theiire, which on- ly whitens it. ASCARIDES, af-kar'-i-dcz. f. Little worms in the re. fnare ; a temptation, an enticement ; a refrtfh- ment on a journey. BAIZE, ba'z. f. A kind of coarfe open cloth* To BAKE, ba ke. v. a. To heat any thing in a clofe place; to drefs in an oven; to harden ia the fire; to harden with heat. To BAKE, ba'ke. v. n. To do the work of baking. BAKEHOUSE,, ba'ke-hous. f. A pl.ace for baking bread. BAKER, bi'-kir. f. He whofe trade is t(y bake. BALANCE, bal'-lans. f. A pair of fcales ; the ai5l of comparing two things; the overplus of weight; that which is wanting to make two parts of an account even ; equipoife ; the beat- ing part of a watch ; in aftronomy, one of the figns, Libra. To BALANCE, bal'-lans. v. a. To weigh in a balance; to counterpoife ; to regulate an ac- count; to pay that which is wanting. To BALANCE, bal -lans. v. n. To hefuate, to riuduate. BALANCER, bal-An-fur. f. The pcrfon that weighs, B.-iLASS B A L BAN EALA3S RUBY, bil'-as ro'-by. {. A kind of ruby. BALCONY, bal-ko'-ny. f. A frame of wood, or flone, before the window of a joom. BALD, bald. a. Without hair ; without natu- ral covering ; unadorned, inelegant ; ftripped, without dignity. BALDERDASH, bil-der-difh. f. Rude mix- ture. BALDLY, bild-ly. ad. Nakedly, meanly, in- eleganth'. BALDMONY, ba'ld-mun-ny. f. Gentian, a plant. BALDNESS, bi'ld-nls. f. The want of hair; the lofs of hair ; meannefs of v/riting. B ALDRICK, bi'1-drik. f. A girdle ; the zodiack. BALE, bale. f. A bundle of goods. BALEFUL, bii'le-ful. a. Sorrowful, fad; full -of mifchief. :BALEFULLY, ba'le-fdl-ly. ad. Sorrowfully, mifchievoufly. "BALK, blk. f. A great beam. BALK,bak. f. A bridge of land left imploughed. BALK, ba k. f. Djfappointment when leaft expe-ta'-fliun. f. The aft of voting by ballot. BALM, bam. f. The fap or juice of a fhrub, remarkably odoriferous; any valuable or fra- grant ointment ; any thing that fooths or miti- gates pain. BALM, ba'm. f. The name of a plant. BALM OF GILEAD, ba'm of gll'-yad. f. The juice drawn from the balfam tree ; a plant re- markable for the ftrong balfamick fcent. BALMY, bal'-my. a. Having the qualities of balm ; producing balm ; foothing, foft ; fra- grant, odoriferous ; mitigating, affuafive. BALNEARY, bal'-ne-a-ry. f. A bathing-room. BALNEATION, bal-ne-d'-fhun. f. The ad of bathing. BALNEATORY, bal"-ne-a-tur'-ry. a. Be- longing to a bath. BALSAM, ba 1-fum. f. Ointment, unguent. BALSAM APPLE, bal-fum-apl. f. An In- dian plant. BALSAMICAL, bal-fam'-i-kal. Ja. Unauous, BALSAMICK, bal-fam'-Ik. ^ mitigating. BALUSTRADE, bal-uf-tri'de. f. Rows of little pillars called balufters. BAMBOO, bam'-bo. f. An Indian plant of the reed kind. To BAMBOOZLE, bam-bo'zl. v. a. To de- ceive, to impofe upon. A low word. BAMBOOZLER, bam-boz-lur. f. A cheat. BAN, ban', f. Publick notice given of any thing ; acurfe, excommunication ; interdi£lion ; Ban of the Empire, a publick cenfure by which the privileges of any German prince are fuf- pended. BANANA TREE, ba-na'-na-tre. f. Plantain. BAND, band', f. A tye, a bandage; a chain by which any animal is kept in reftraint; any union or connexion ; any thing bound round another ; a company of perfons joined together j a particular kind of neckcloth worn chiefly by 8 . the BAN BAP the clergy ; in architecture, any flat low mould- ing, facia, face, or plinth. To BAND, band', v. a. To unite together into one body or troop ; to bind over with a band. BANDAGE, ban'-didzh. f. Something bound over another ; the fillet or roller wrapped over a wounded member. BANDBOX, ban'-boks. f. A flight box ufcd for bands and other things of fmall weight. BANDELET, ban'-d6-let. f. Any flat mould- ing or fillet. BANDIT, ban'-dit. 7 f. A man out- BANDITTI, ban-dit'-ty. 5" lawed. BANDOG, ban'-dog. f. A maftiff. BANDOLEERS, ban-d6-l^'rz. f. Small wooden cafes covered with leather, each of them con- taining powder that is a fufficient charge for a mu licet. BANDROL, ban'-drul. f. A little flag or ftreamer. BANDY, ban'-dy. f. A club turned round at bottom for ftriking a ball. To BANDY, ban'-dy. v. a. To beat to and fro, or from one to another ; to give and take re- ciprocally ; to agitate, to tofs about. BANDYLEG, ban'-dy-leg. f. A crooked leg. BANDYLEGGED, ban'-dy-legd. a. Having crooked legs. BANE, ba'ne. f. Poifon ; mifchief, ruin. To BANE, ba'ne. v. a. To poifon. BANEFUL, ba ne-ful. a. Poifonous; deftrudive. BANEFULNESS, ba'ne-fal-nls. f. Poifonouf- nefs, de{trudi\enefs. BANEWORT, b4'ne-wurt. f. Deadly night- fhade. To BANG, bang . v. a. To beat, to thump ; to handle roughly. BANG, bang', f. A blow, a thump. To BANISH, ban'-nifh. v. a. To condemn to leave his own country ; to drive away. BAN IS HER, ban'-nlfli-ur. f. He that forces another from his own countrv. EANlSHxMENT, ban'-n!{h-mtnt. f. The uA of banilhing another ; the ftale of being banifli- ed, exile. BANK, bank', f. The earth rifing on each fide of a water ; any heap of earth piied up ; a bench of rowers • a place where money is laid up to be called for occafionally ; the company of pcrfons concerned in managing a bank. To BANK, bank', v. a. To lay up money iiv a bank ; to inclofe with banks. BANK-BILL, bank'-bll'. f. A note for money laid up in a bank, at the fight of which the money is paid. BANKER, bank'-ur. f. One that trafficks in money. BANKRUPTCY, bank'-rup-fy. f. The llato of a man broken, or bankrupt; the aft of de- claring one's felf bankrupt. BANKRUPT, bank'-rupt. a. In debt beyond the power of payment. BANNER, ban'-nur. f. A flag, a ftandard ; a ftreamer borne at the end of a lance. BANNERET, ban'-ne-ret. f. A knight made in the field. BANNEROL, ban'-ne-rOl. f. A little flag or ftreamer. BANNIAN, ban-yan'. f. A man's undrefs, or morning gown. BANNOCK, ban'-nik. f. A kind of oaten or peafe meal cake. BANQUET, bank'-kwlt. f. A feaft. To BANQUET, bank'-kwlt. v. n. To feaft, to fare daintily. BANQUETER, bank'-kwi-tir. f. A feafter; one that lives delicioufly ; he that makes feafts. BANQUET-HOUSE, bank -kw!t-hous. 7 BANQIJETING-HOUSE, bank'-kwe-ting- J hou's. f. A houfe where banquets are kept. BANQUETTE, bank-ket'. f. A fmall banJc at the foot of the parapet. BANSTICLE, ban -ftlkl. f. A fmall lifli, a ftickleback. To BANTER, bAn'-tir. v. a. To play upon, to rally. BANTER, ban'-tar. f. Ridicule, raillery. BANTERER, bin'-te-rur. f. One that ban- ters. • BANTLING, bant'-llng. f. A little child. BAPTISM, hip -tlzm. f. Baptifm is given by water, ?.nd ihat prefcript form of words winch S the BAR BAR the church of Chrift doth ufe ; baptifm is often taken in Scripture for fufFerings. BAPTISMAL, bap-tiz'-mal. a. Of or pertain- ing to baptifm. BAPTIST, bap'-tift. f. He that adminifters baptifm. BAPTISTERY, bap'-tif-ter-ry. f. The place where the facrament of baptifm is adminiftered. To BAPTIZE, bap-ti'ze. v. a. To chriften, to adminifter the facrament of baptifm. BAPTIZER, bap-ti'-zur. f. One that chriftens, one that adminifters baptifm. BAR, ba r. f. A piece of wood laid crofs apaf- fage to hinder entrance ; a bolt to faften a door ; any obftacle ; a rock or bank at the entrance of a harbour ; any thing ufed for prevention ; the place where caufes of law are tried ;• an inclofed place in a tavern where a houfekeeper fits ; in law, a peremptory exception againft a demand or plea ; any thing by v/hich the ftrufture is held together ; bars in mufick, are ftrokes drawn perpendicularly acrofs the lines of a piece of mufick, ufed to regulate the beating or meafure of mufical time. To BAR, bar. v. a. To faften or fliut any thing with a bolt, or bar ; to hinder, to obftruft ; to prevent; to fliut out from ; to exclude from a claim; to prohibit ; toexcept; tohinder a fuit. BARB, ba'rb. f. Any thing that grows in the place of the beard ; the points that ftand back- ward in an arrow ; the armour for horfes. BARB, ba'rb. f. A Barbary horfe. To BARB, b.A rb. v. a. To fhave, to drefs out the beard ; to furnifh the horfe with armour ; to jag arrows with hooks. BARBACAN, ba'r-ba-kan. f. A fortification placed before the walls of a town ; an open- ing in the wall through which the guns are levelled. EARBADOES CHERRY, b;\r-ba'-dus tfher'- ry. f. A pleafant tart fruit in the Weft Indies. BARBARIAN, bar-ba'-ryan. f. A man unci- vilized, afavagc; a foreigner ; a man without pity. BARBARICK, bar-bar'-!k. a. Foreign, far- fetched. 2 BARBARISM, ba'r-bar-izm. f. A form of fpeech contrary to the purity of language ; ig- norance of arts, want of learning ; brutality, favagenefsof manners, incivility; cruelty, hard- nefs of heart. BARBARITY,' bar-bar'-i-ty. f. Savagenefs, incivility; cruelty, inhumanity, impurity of fpeech. BARBAROUS, ba'r-ba-rus. a. Stranger to civility, favage, uncivilized ; unacquainted with arts ; cruel, inhuman. BARBAROUSLY, ba'r-ba-rus-ly. ad. With- out knowledge of arts ; in a manner contrary to the rules of fpeech ; cruelly, inhumanly. BARBAROUSNESS, ba'r-ba-rif-nls. f. In- civility of manners; impurity of language; cruelty. To BARBECUE, bi'r-be-ku. v. a. A term for drefling a hog whole. BARBECUE, bar-bl-ku. f. A hog dreft whole. BARBED, ba'r-bid. particip. a. Furnifhed with armour ; bearded, jagged with hooks. BARBEL, ba rbl. f. A kind of fifii foimd in rivers. BARBER, ba r-biir. f. A man v.'ho fhaves the beard. BARBERRY, ba'r-her-ry. f. Pipperidge bufh. BARD, ba rd. f. A poet. BARE, ba re. a. Naked, without covering ; uncovered inrefpecl; unadorned, plain, fimpie; detefted, without concealment ; poor, without plenty ; mere ; threadbare, much worn ; not united with any thing elfe. To BARE, ba re. v. a. To ftrip. BARE, ba re. preterite of To BEAR. BAREBONE, ba're-bone. f. A very lean perfon. BAREFACED, ba're-faft. a. With the face na- ked, not malted ; fhamelefs, unreferved. BAREFACEDLY, bare-fd'ft-ly. ad. Openly, fliamelefly, without difeuife. BAREFACEDNESS, bare-fa'ft-ncs. f. EfFron- tcry, affu ranee, audacioufnefs. BAREFOO r, ba re-fut. a. Without fhoes. BAREFOOTED, ba're-fut-Id. a. Without fhoes. BARE- BAR BAR BAREHEADED, ba're-hed-dld. a. Uncovered ill rcfprcl. BARELY, ba're-ly. ad. Nakedly, merely, only. BARENESS, ba're-nls. f. Nakednefs ; lean- nefs ; poverty 5 meannefs of clothes. BARGAIN, bar'-gin. f. A contraft or agree- ment concerning fale ; the thing bought or fold; flipulation. To BARGAIN, ba r-gm. v. n. To make a contrad for fale. BARGAINEE, bar-gm-ne'. f. He or fhe that accepts a bargain. BARGAINER, ba'r-gin-nur. f. The perfon ■who proffers or makes a bargain. BARGE, barje. f. A boat for pleafure ; a boat for burden. BARGER, ba'r-jur. f. The manager of a barge. BARK, ba rk. f. The rind or covering of a tree ; a fmall fhip. To BARK, ba rk.v. a. To ftrip trees of their bark. To BARK, bark. v. n. To make the noife which a dog makes ; to clamour at. BARKER, ba'r-kur. f. One that barks or cla- mours; one employed in flripping trees. BARKY, ba r-ky. a. Confifting^of bark. BARLEY, ba r-ly. f. A gram of which malt is made. BARLEYBRAKE, ba'r-ly-brike. f. A kind of rural play. BARLEYCORN, baV-ly-korn. f. A grain of barley. BARM, barm. f. Yeaft, the ferment put into drink to make it work. BARMY, ba'r-my. a. Containing barm. BARN, ba rn. f. A place or houfe for laying up any fort of grain, hay, or ftraw. BARNACLE, ba'r-nakl. f. A bird like a goofe, fabuloufly fuppofed to grow on trees; a fpecies • ofiliell filTi. BAROMETER, ba-rom'-me-tur. f. A ma- chine for meafuring the weight of the atmo- fphere, and the variaiions in it, in order chiefly to determine the changes of the -.veather. BAROMETRICAL, ba-rcHmet'-trl-l:al. a. Re- lating to the barometer. BARON, bur'-r'm. f. A degree of nobility next to a vifcount ; Baron is one of the judges in the court of exchequer; there are alfo barons of the cinque ports, that have places in the lower houfe of parliament ; Baron is uf.d in law for the hufband in relation to his wife. BARONAGE, bir'-rin-ldzh. f. The dignity of a baron. BARONESS, bir'-nm-es. f. A baron's lady. BARONET, bar'-run-et. f. The lowvft de- gree of honour that is heredii.iry ; it is below a baron and above a knight. BARONY, bar'-run-y. f. That honour or lord- fhip that gives title to a baron. BAROSCOPE, bAr -rd-lkipe. f. An inftru- ment to fhew the weight of the atmofphere. BARRACAN, bar'-ra-kan. f, A ftrong thick kind of camelot. BARRACK, bar'-rak. f. Building to ledge foldiers. BARRATOR, bar'-ra-tur. f. A wrangler, and cncourager of law fuits. BARRATRY, bar'-ra-tr^. f. Foul pra^ice in law. BARREL, bar'-ril. f. A round wooden vefTel to be {topped clofe; a veffel containing liquor; any thi hollow, as the barrel of a gun; a cylinder. To BARREL, bar'-ril. v. a. To put any thing in a barrel. BARREN, bar'-rin. a. Not prolifick ; unfruit- ful, not fertile, fterile; not copious, fcanty; unmeaning, uninventive, dull. BARRENLY, bar'-rln-ly. ad. Unfruitfully. BARRENNESS, bar'-rJn-n!s. f. W.mt of the power of procreation; unfruitfulnefs, fterility; want of invention ; want of matter ; in theo- logy, want of fenfibiliry. BARRENWORT, bar -rin-wurt. f. A plant. BARRFUL, bar-ful. a- Full of obftruaions. BARRICADE, bir-ry-ka de. f. A fortification made to keep oft' an attack ; any flop, bar, ob- ftruclion. To BARRICADE, bir-ry-ka'de. v. a. To flop up a paflage. BARRICADO, bar-ry-kl'-do. f. A fortifica- tion, a bar. Eo BARRICADO, bar-ry-kit'-di. v. a. To. fortify, to bar, BAR- B A S B A S BARRIER, bar'-ryir. f. A barricade, an en- trenchment ; a fortification, or fl-rong place ; a flop, an obftruftion ; a bar to mark the limits of any place ; a boundary. BARRISTER, blr'-rif-iur. f. A perfon qua- lified to plead the caufes of clients in the courts of juftice. BARROW, bar'-jro. f. Any carriage moved by the hand, as a hand-barrow. EARSHOT, bar-fhot. f. Two bullets or half- bullets joined by a bar, and ufed chiefly at fea to cut down the mafts and riggings of fnips. To BARTER, ba'r-tur. v. Ji. To traffick by exchanging one commodity for another. To. BARTER, ba r-tur. v. a. To give .my thing in exchange. BARTER, ba r-tur. f. The aft or praflice of trafficking by exchange. BARTERER, ba'r-te-rur. f. He that trafficks by exchange. BARTERY, bu'r-te-ry. f. Exchange of com- modities. BARTRAM, ba'r-tram. f. A plant, pellitory. BASE, ba fe. a. Mean, vile, worthlefs j difin- genuous, illiberal, ungenerous ,; of low ftation, of mean account ; bafe-born, born out of wed- lock; applied to metals, without value; applied to founds, deep, grave. BASE-BORN, bafe-barn. a. Born out of wed- lock. BASE-COURT, ba'fe-kort. f. Lower court. BASE iVIINDED, ba'fe-min-dld. a. Mean fpi- rited. BASE-VIOL, bafe-vl'-ul. f. An inftrument ufed in concerts for the bafe found. BASE, bu'fe. f. The bottom of any thing ; the pedeftal of a flatue ; the bottom of a cone ; ftockings; the place from which racers or tilt- ers run ; the firing that sives a bafe found ; an old rullick play. BASELY, ba fe-ly. ad. Meanly, diflionourably; in baftardy, as bafely born. BASENESS, bi'fe-nis. f. Mcannefs, vilenefs ; vilenefs of metal ; baftardy ; deepnefs of found. BASHAW, bafh-I'. f. Among the Turks, the viceroy of a province. BASHFUL, bafti'-ful. a. Modefl,fhamefaced,fliy. BASHi-ULLY, bafli'-ful-ly. ad. TimorouHy, niodeitly. BASHFULNESS, bafli'-fal-nis. f. Modefty ; foolifh or ruftick fhame. BASIL, b^z-il. f. The name of a plant. BASILICA, ba-zll'-i-ka. f. The middle vein of the arm. BASILICA, ba-zll'-i-ka. f. The bafilick vein. BASILICK, ba-zil'-lik. a. Belonging to the ba- filica. BASILIKON, ba-zil'-y-kon. f. An ointment called alfo tetrapharmacon. BASILISK, baz -i-l!fk. f. A kind of fcrpent, a cockatrice, faid to kill by looking. He is called Bafilifk, or little king, from a comb or creft on his head ; a fpecies of cannon. BASIN, ba fn. f. A fmall vcfiel to hold water for wafhing, or other ufes ; a fmall pond ; a part of the fea inclofed in rocks ; any hollow place capacious of liquids ; a dock for repairing and building fhips ; Bafins of a Balance, the fame with the fcales. BASIS, ba'-sis. f. The foundation of any thing; the loweft of the three principal parts of a co- lumn ; that on which any thing is raifcd ; the pedeftal ; the groundwork. To BASK, bafk'. v. a. To warm by laying out in the heat. BASK, bafk'. V. n. To lie in a place to receive heat. BASKET, bas'-kit. f. A veftel made of twigs, ruflies, or fplinters. BASKET-HILT, bas'-klt-h;it. f. A hilt of a weapon {o made as to contain the whole hand. BASKET-WOMAN, bas'-klt-wum-iin. f. A woman that plies at markets with a bafket. BASS, bi s. a. In mufick, grave, deep. BASS-VIOL, bas-vi-ul. f. See BASE-VIOL. BASS, bos. f. A mat uf:d in churches. BASS-RELIEF, baf-nj-li'f. f. Sculpture, the figures of which do not ftaud out from the ground in their full proportion. .ASSET, bis' -sit. f. A game at cards. 1 ASSOON, baf-fon. f. A mufical inftrument of the wind kind, bLwn with a rccd. BASTARD, BAT 13 A V BASTARD, bas -tard. f. A pcrfon bom of a woman out of wedlock ; any thing fpurious. BASTARD, has -tard. a. Begotten out of wed- lock ; fpurious, fuppofititious, adulterate. To BASTARDIZE, bas -tar-dize. v. a. To convict of being a baftard ; to beget a baftard. BASTARDLY, bas'-tard-ly. ad. In the man- ner of a bartard. To BASTE, ba fte. v. a. To beat with a flick ; to drip butter upon meat on the fpit ; to few flightly. BASTINADE, baf-tjr-nade. If. The aft of BASTINADO, baf-ty-na'-do. J beating with a cudgel ; a Turkifh punifhment of beating an offend ;r on his feet. To BASTINADE, baf-ty-nA'de. ) v. a. To To BASTINADO, baf-ty-ni' -do. } beat. BASTION, bas'-tfhun. f. A huge mafs of earth, ufually faced with fods, Handing out from a rampart, a bulwark. BAT, bat', f. A heavy ftick. EAT, bat', f. An animal having the body of a moufe, and the wings of a bird, not with feathers, but with a fort of fkin which is extended. It brings forth its young as mice do, and fuckles them. BAT-FOWLING, bat'-fow-llng. f. Birdcatch- ing in the night-time. EATABLE, bi'-table. a. Difputable. Bat- able ground feems to be the ground heretofore in quellion, whether it belonged to England or Scotland. BATCH, batfh'. f. The quantity of bread baked at a time ; any quantity made at once. BATE, bate. f. Strife, contention. To BATE, b.i te. v. a. To lefTen any thing, to retrench ; to fmk the price ; to lefTcn a demand ; to cut ofr. BATEFUL, ba'te-ful. a. Contentious.' BATEMENT, bi' te-ment. f. Diminution. BATH, ba'tti. f. A Bath is either hot or cold, either of art or nature ; a vefTel of hot water, in which another is placed that requires a foftcr heat than the naked firo; a fort of Hebrew meafure, containing fcven gallons and fourpints. To BATHE, ba the. v. a. To wafh in a bath ; to fupple or foficn by the outward application of warm liquors ; to wafh with any thing. To BATfiE, ba'the. v. n. To be in the water. BATING, ba'-ting. prep. Except. BATLET, bat'-let. f. A fquarepiece of wood ufed in beating linen. BATOON, ba-ton. f. Aftaffor club; a trun- cheon or marfhal's ftafF. BATTAILLOUS, bat'-tO-lus, a. Warlike, with military appearance. BATTALIA, bat-tal'-lya. f. The order of battle. BATTALION, bat-tal'-lyun. f. Adivifionof an army, a troop, a body of forces ; an army. To BATTEN, bat n. v. a. To fatten, to make fat ; to fertilize. To BATTEN, bat'n. v. n. To grow fat. To BATTER, bat'-tur. v. a. To beat, to beat down ; to wear with beating ; to wear out with fer\'ice. BATTER, bat'-tur. f. A mixture of feveral ingredients beaten together. BATTERER, bat'-tl-rur. f. He that batters. BATTERY, bat'-te-ry. f. The aft of batter- ing ; the inftruments with which a town is bat- tered ; the frame upon which cannons are mounted ; in law, a violent ftriking of any man. BATTLE, bat'l. f. A fight; an encounter be- tween oppofite armies ; a body of forces ; the main body of ai army. To BATTLE, bat'l. v. n. To contend in fight. BATTLE-ARRAY, bat'l-lr-ra'. f. Array, or order of battle. BATTLE-AX, bat'l-aks. f. A weapon, a bill. BATTLE-DOOR, bat'l-dor. f. An inftrument with a round handle and a fl.at blade, to firike a ball or a fhuttlccock. BATTLEMENT, bat'1-mcnt. f. A wall with open places to look through or annoy an enemy. BATTY, bat'-ty. a. Belonging to a bat. BAVAROY, bav'-a-roy. f. A kind of cloke. BAUBEE, b.V-bc'. f. In Scotland, a half- penny. BAVIN, bav'-in. f. A flick like thofc bound up in faggots. T BAWBLF, B E B E A BAWBLE, ba'bl. f. A gew-gaw, a trifling piece of finery. BAWBLING, ba'-bllng. a. Trifling, contempt- ible. BAWCOCK, ba'-kik. f. A fine fellow. BAWD, ba d. f. A procurer or procurefs. To BAWD, bl'd. v. n. To procure. BAWDILY, ba'-di-ly. ad. Obfcenely. BAWDINESS, ba'-dy-nls. f. Obfcenenefs. BAWDRICK, ba -drlk. f. A belt. BAWDRY, ba'-dry. f. A wicked pradice of bringing whores and rogues together; ob- fcenity. BAWDY, ba'-dy. a. Obfcene, unchafte. BAWDY-HOUSE, ba'-dy-houfe. f. A houfe where trafHck is made by wickednefs and de- bauchery. To BAWL, ba'l. v. n. To hoot, to cry out with great vehemence ; to cry as a froward child. To BAWL, ba'l. v. a. To proclaim as a crier. BAWREL, ba'-ril. f. A kind of hawk. BAWSIN, ba'-sln. f. A badger. BAY, ba'. a. A colour. BAY, ba'. f. An opening into the land. BAY, ba'. f. The ftate of any thing furrounded by enemies. BAY, ba'. f. In architeiSure, a term ufed to fignify the divifions of a barn or other building. Bays are from fourteen to twenty feet long. BAY, ba'. f. A tree. BAY, ba'. f. An honorary crown or garland. To BAY, ba'. v. n. To bark as a dog at a thief ; to fliut in. BAY SALT, ba'-fa It. f. Salt made of fea wa- ter, which receives its confiftence from the heat of the fun, and is fo called from its brown colour. BAY WINDOW, ba'-wln'-do. f. A window jutting outward. BAYARD, bd'-yard. f. A bay horfe. BAYONET, bag'-un-ner. f. A fhort fword fixed at the end of a niufket. BDELLIUM, del'-Iyum. f. An aromatick gum brought from the Levant. To BE, be'. V. n. To have fome certain ftate, cci.dition, quality, as the man ii wif<; ) it is the auxiliary verb by which the verb paflive is form- ed ; to exift, to have exiftence. BEACH, be tfh. f. The fhore, the ftrand. BEACHED, be-tftied. a. Expofed to the waves. BEACHY, be'-tfhy. a. Having beaches. BEACON, be'kn. f. Something raifed on an eminence, to be fired on the approach of an ene- my ; marks erected to direct navigators. BEAD, be d. f. Small globes or balls ftrung up- on a thread, and ufed by theRomanifts to count their prayers ; little balls worn about the neck for ornament J any globular bodies, BEAD-TREE, be'd-tre. f. The nut of this tree is, by religious perfons, bored through, and ftrung as beads, whence it takes its name. BEADLE, b^'dl. f. A meflenger or fervitor be- longing to a court ; a petty officer in parifhes. BEADROLL, h^d-rh]. f. A catalogue of thofe who are to be mentioned at prayers. BEADSMAN, be'dz-man. f. A man employed in praying for another. BEAGLE, begl. f. A fmall hound with which hares are hunted. BEAK, be'k. f. The bill or horny mouth of a bird ; a piece of brafs like a beak, fixed at the head of the ancient gallies ; any thing ending in a point like a beak. BEAKED, be'-ked. a. Having a beak. BEAKER, be'-kur. f. A cup with a fpout in the form of a bird's beak. BEAL, be'l. f. A whelk or pimple. BEAM, be'm. f. The main piece of timber that fupports the lofts of a houfe ; any large and long piece of timber ; that part of a balance, to the ends of which the fcales are fufpended ; a cylindrical piece of wood belonging to the loom, on which the web is gradually rolled as it is wove ; the ray of light emitted from fome luminous body. BEAM-TREE, be'm-tre. f. Wildfervice. BEAMY, be -my. a. Radiant, fhining, emit- ting beams ; having horns or antlers. BEAN, ben. f. The common garden bean ; the horfe bean. BEAN-CAPER, be'n-ka-pur. f. A plant. To BEAR, be r. v. a. To carry as a burden ; tcy convey or carry; to carry as a mark of autho- rity j B E A B E A rity ; to carry as a mark of diftinclion ; to Cup- port, to keep from falling ; to carry in the mind, as love, hate; to endure, as pain, with- out finking ; to fufFer, to undergo ; to produce, as fruit ; to bring forth, as a child ; to fupport any thing good or bad; to behave; to impel, to urge, to puft ; to prefs ; To bear in hand, to amufe with falfe pretences, to deceive ; To bear off, to carry away by force ; To bear out, to fupport, to maintain. To BEAR, be'r. v. n. To fuffer pain ; to be patient ; to be fruitful or prolifick ; to tend, to be directed to any point ; to behave ; to be fitu- ated with refpeft to other places ; To bear up, to ftand firm without falling ; to bear with, ta endure an unpleafing thing. BEAR, be'r. f. A rough favage animal ; the name of two conftellations, called the greater •and leffer Bear, in the tail of the lefler Bear is the pole ftar. BEAR-BIND, be'r-bind. f. A fpecies of bind- weed. BEAR-FLY, be'r-fly. f. An infeft. BEAR-GARDEN, be'r-gar-dln. f. A place in which bears are kept for fport ; any place of tumult or mifrule. BEAR'S BREECH, be'rz-brltfh. f. The name of a plant. BEARS-EAR, or AURICULA, be'rz-er. f. The name of a plant. BEAR'S-FOOT, be'rz-fOt. f. A fpecies of hellebore. BEAR'S-WORT, bi'rz-wun. f. An herb. BEARD, herd', f. The hair that grows on the lips and chin ; fharp prickles growing upon the ears of corn ; a barb on an arrow. To BEARD, berd'. v. a. To take or pluck by the beard ; to oppofe to the face. BEARDED, ber'-dld. a. Having a beard ; hav- ing fharp prickles, as corn ; barbed, or jagged. BEARDLESS, berd'-lls. a. Without a beard ; youthful. BEARER, be'-rur. f. A carrier of any thing ; one employed in carrying burdens ; one v/ho wears any thing ; one who carries the body to the grave ; one wh© fupports the pall at a fu- neral ; a tree that yields its produce ; in archi- tecture, a port or brick wall raifed up between the ends of a piece of timber. BEARHERD, b^r-herd. f. A man that tends bears. BEARING, be'-rlng. f. The fite or place of any thing with rcfpedt to fomething elfe ; gef- ture, mien, behaviour. BEARWARD, fae'r-ward. f. A keeper of bears. BEAST, be ft. f. An animal diftinguilhed from birds, infeds, fifhes, and man ; an irrational animal, oppofed to man ; a brutal favage man. BEASTLINESS, be'ft-ly-nis. f. Brutality. BEASTLY, be'ft-ly. a. Brutal, contrary to the nature and dignity of man ; having the na- ture or form of beafts. To BEAT, be't. v. a.. To ftrike, to knock ; to punifli with ftripes ; to mark the time in mufick ; to give repeated blows ; to ftrike ground to rouze game ; to mix things by long and fre- quent agitation ; to batter with engines of war; to make a path by treading it; to conquer, to fubdue, to vanquifli ; to harafs, to over-la- bour; to deprefs ; to deprive by violence ; to move with fluttering agitation ; To beat down, to leflen the price demanded ; To beat up, to attack fuddenly; To beat the hoof, to walk, to go on foot. To BEAT, bet. v. n. To move in a pulfatory man- ner ; to dafli, as a flood or ftorm ; to knock at a door ; to throb, to be in agitation ; to fluc- tuate, to be in motion ; to try in different ways, to fearch ; to acS upon with violence ; to en- force by repetition. BEAT, be't. f. Stroke ;. manner of ftriking. BEATEN, be'tn. particip. from BEAT. BEATER, be'-tur. f. An inftrument with v/hich anything is beaten ; a perfon much given to blows. BEATIFICAL, be-a-tlf'-l-kal. 7 a. Blifsful. It BEATIFICK, be-a-tlf-lk. \ is ufed only of heavenly fruition after death. BEATIFICALLY, be-a-t!f'-y-kal-ly. ad. In fuch a manner as to compleat happinefs. BEATIFICATION, bi-at-y-fl-ka'-fliun.f. Be- atification is an acknowledgment made by thi; B E C BED pope, that the perfon beatified is in heaven, and therefore may be reverenced as blefied. To BEATIFY, be-at'-l-fy. v. a. To blefs with the completion of celeftial enjoyment. BATING, be'-ting. f. Corredion by blows. BEATITUDE, ba-at'-i-tude. f. Bleffednefs, felicit)', happinefs; a declaration of bleffednefs made by our Saviour to particular virtues. BEAU, bi'. f. A man of drefs. BEAVER, be'-vur. f. An animal, otherwife named the caftor, amphibious, and remarkable for his art in building his habitation ; a hat of the beft kind ; the part of a helmet that covers the face. BEAVERED, be'-vurd. a. Covered with a beaver. BEAUISH, bo'-lfh. a. Befitting a beau, foppifh. BEAUTEOUS, bd -tfhus. a. Fair, elegant in form. BEAUTEOUSLY, bu'-tfhuf-ly. .ad. Inabe.au- teous manner. BEAUTEOUSNESS, bd'-tfhus-ms. f. The (late of being beauteous. BEAUTIFUL, bii'-tj'-fdl. a. Fair. BEAUTIFULLY, bd'-ti-fdl-K. ad. In a beau- tiful manner. BEAUTIFULNESS, bu'-t!-fdl-n!s. f. The quality of being beautiful. To BEAUTIFY, bd -ty-fy. v. a. To adorn, to embellifh. BEAUTY, bd'-ty. f. That affemblage of graces, which pleafes the eye; a particular grace ; a beautiful perfon. BEAUTY-SPOT, bd'-t{'-fp6t. f. A fpot placed to heighten fome beauty. BECAFICO, bl-ka-fi-k6. f. A bird like a nightingale, a fig-pecker. To BECALM, bc-ka m. v. a. To ftill the ele- ments ; to keep a {hip from motion ; to quiet the mind. BECAME, be-ka'me. The preterite of Be- come. BECAUSE, hl-kVz. conjuna. For this rea- fon ; for ; on this account. To BECHANCE, be-tfliW. v. n. To bcial, to happen to. 2 To BECK, bek . v. a. To make a fign with the head. BECK, bek'. f. A fign with the he.^d, a nod; a nod of command. To BECKON, bek n. v. n. To make a fign. To BECLIP, be-kl!p'. v. a. To embrace. To BECOME, be-kum'. v. a. To enter into fome ftate or condition ; To become of, to be the fate of, to be the end of. To BECOME, be-kum'. v. a. To appear in a manner fuitable to fomething ; to be fuitable to the perfon ; to befit. BECOMING, be-kiun'-ming. part. a. That which pleafes by an elegant propriety, graceful. BECOMINGLY, be-kum -ming-ly. ad. After a becoming manner. BECOMINGNESS,be-kdm'-mmg-nls. f. Ele- gant congruity, propriety. BED, bed . f. Something made to fleep on ; lodging ; marriage ; bank of earth raifed in a garden ; the channel of a river, or any hollow; the place where any thing is generated ; a layer, a flratum ; To bring to BED, to deliver of a child ; To make the BED, to put the bed in order after it has been ufed. To BED, bed . v. a. To go to bed with ; to be placed in bed ; to be made partaker of the bed ; to fow, or plant in earth ; to lay in a place of reft; to lay in order, in ilrata. To BED, bed', v. n. To cohabit. To BEDABBLE, be-dab'l. v. a. To wet, to befprijikle. To BEDAGGLE, be-dagl. v. a. To bemire. To BEDASH, be-dafh'. v. a. To befpatter. To BEDAWB, bc-da b. v. a. To befinear. To BEDAZZLE, be-daz'l. v. a. To make the fight dim by too much luftre. BEDCHAMBER, bed -tfi.am-bir. f. The cham- ber appropriated tOitcfl:. BEDCLOATHS, bed'-cloz. f. Coverlets fpread over a bed. BEDDING, bed'-dlng. f. The materi.alscf abed. To BEDECK, be-dck'. v. a. To deck, to adorn. To BEDEW, be-du'. v. a. To moillen gently, as with fall of dev,: BED- BED B E F BEDFELLOW, bcd'-fil-l6. f. One that lies in the fame bed. To BEDIGHT, bi-di't. v. a. To adorn, to drefs. To BEDIM, be-d!in'. v. g. To oblcure, to cloud, to darken. To BEDIZEN, be-di'zn. v. a. To drefs out. A low term. BEDLAM, bed'-Iam. f. A madhoufe ; a mad- man. BEDLAMITE, bed'-la-mfte. f. A madman. BEDMAKER, bed'-ma-kur. f. A perfon in the univerfities, whofe office it is to make the beds. BEDMATE, bed'-mate. f. A bedfellow. BEDMOULDING, bed'-m6l-d!ng. f. A par- ticular moulding. BEDPOST, bed'-poft. f. The poft at the cor- ner of the bed, which fupports the canopy. BEDPRESSER, bed'-pref-fur. f. A heavy lazy fellow. To BEDRAGGLE, be-drag'l. v. a. To foil the cloaths. To BEDRENCH, be-drentfh'. v. a. To drench, to foak. BEDRID, bcd'-rld. a. Confined to the bed by age or ficknefs. BEDRITE, bed'-rite. f. The privilege of the marriage bed. ToBEDROP, be-drop'. v. a. To befprinkle, to mark with drops. BEDSTEAD, bed'-ftid. f. The frame on which the bed is placed. BEDSTRAW, bed'-ftra. f. The ftraw laid un- der a bed to make it foft. BEDSWERVER, bed'-fwer-vur. f. One that is falfe to the bed. BEDTIME, bed'-time. f. The hour of reft. To BEDUNG, be-dung'. v. a. To cover with dung. ToBEDUST, be-duft'. v. a. To fprinkle with duft. BEDWARD, bed'-ward. ad. Toward bed. To BEDWARF, be-dwa'rf. v. a. To make little, to ftunt. BEDWORK, bcd'-wirk. f. Work performed without toil of the hands, BEE, be', f. The animal that makes honey; an induftrious and careful perfon. BEE-EATER, be'-e-tur. f. A bird that feeds upon bees. BEE-FLOWER, be'-flow-ur. f. A fpecies of fool-ftones. BEE-GARDEN, be'-gar-dln. f. A place to f.t hives of bees in. BEE-HIVE, be'-hive. f. The cafe, or box, in which bees are kept. BEE-MASTER, be'-maf-tur. f. One that keeps bees. BEECH, be'tfli. f. A tree. BEECHEN, be'-tfliln. a. Confifting of the wood of the beech. BEEF, be'f. f. The fiefti of black cattle pre- pared for food; an ox, bull, or cow. It has the plural Beaves. BEEF-EATER, be'f-e-tur. f. A yeoman of the guard. BEEN, bih'. The participle preterite of To BE. BEER, be'r. f. Liquor made of malt and hops. BEET, bet', f. The name of a plant. BEETLE, be'tl. f. An Infed diftinguifhed by having hard cafes or fheaths, under which he folds his wings ; a heavy mallet. BEETLEBROWED, be'tl-browd'. a. Having prominent brows. BEETLEHEADED, be'tl-hed'-id. a. Logger- headed, having a ftupid head. BEETLESTOCK, be'tl-ftok, f. The handle of a beetle. BEETRAVE, b^t'-rive. BEET-RADISH, bet'-rad- BEEVES, be'vz. f. Black cattle, oxen. To BEFALL, be-fa'l. v. n. To happen to ; to come to pafs. To BEFIT, be-fit'. v. a. To fuit, to be fuit- able to. To BEFOOL, be-fo'l. v. a. To infatuate, to fool. BEFORE, bc-fo're. prep. Further onward in place ; in the front of, not behind ; in the pre- fenceof; under the cognizance of ; preceding in time ; in preference to ; prior to; fuperior to. U BEFORE, -ifli. \ f. Beet. BEG B E H BEFORE, be-fo're. ad. SooneT than, earlier in time; in time paft; in Ibme time lately pall; previoufly to; to this time, hitherto; further onward in place. BEFOREHAND, be-fo're-hand. ad. In a ftatc of anticipation or preoccupation ; previoufly, by way of preparation ; in a ftate of ac- cumulation, or fo as that more has been re- ceived than expended ; atfirft, before any thing is done. BEFORETIME, be-fo're-time. ad. Formerly. ToBEFORTUNE, be-fa r-tune. v. n. To be- tide. To BEFOUL, be-fou'l. v. a. To make foul, to foil. To BEFRIEND, be-frend'. v. a. To favour; to be kind to. To BEFRINQE, be-frlnj'c. v. a. To decorate, as with fringes. To BEG, beg'. V. n. To live upon alms. To BEG, beg'. V. a. To afk, to feek by peti- tion ; to take any thing for granted. To BEGET, be-get'. v. a. To generate, to procreate; to produce, as efFed^s ; to produce, as accidents. BEGETTER, be-get'-tur. f. He that procre- ates, or begets. BEGGAR, beg'-gur. f. One who lives upon alms; a petitioner; one who affumes what he does not prove. To BEGGAR, beg'-gur. v. a. To reduce to beggary, to impoverifli ; to deprive; to ex- hauft. BEGGARLINESS, beg'-gur-li-n!s. f. The ftate of being beggarly. BEGGARLY, b>;g'-giu--ly. a. Mean, poor, indigent. BEGGARY, beg'-gur-y. f. Indigence. Tq BEGIN, be-gin'. v.. n. To enter upon fome- thing new ; to commence any aflion or ftate ; to. enter upoji exiftence ;• to have its original; to take rife ; to come into a£l. T» BEGIN, be-gln'. v.a, Todothe firft aft of any thing ; to trace from any thing as the fuft ground ; To begin with, to enter upon. BEGINNER, be-gla'-nur. f. He that gives tlie firlt Caufc, or original, to any thing ; an u»- expericnced attcmpter. BEGINNING, be-gln'-ning, f. The firft ori- ginal or caufe ; the entiance into z£t or being ; the ftate in which any thing firft is ; the rudi- ments, or firft grounds ; the firft part of any thing. To BEGIRD, be-gerd'. v. a. To bind with a girdle; to furround, to encircle; to fliut in with a fiege, to beleaguer. BEGLERBEG, beg'-ler-beg. f. The chief go- vernour of a province among the Turks. To BEGNAW, b'--na'. v. a. To bite, to eat away. BEGONE, be-gon'. interje6l. Go .iway, hence, away. BEGOT, be-g6t'. ) The part, paffive of BEGOTTEN, b"e-got'n. \ the verb BEGET. To BEGREASE, be-gre'ze. v. a. To foil or davvb with fat matter. To BEGRIME, be-gr!'me. v. a. To foil with dirt deep imprefied. To BEGUILE, be-gy!'l. v. a. To impofc upon, to delude; to deceive, to evade; to deceive pleafingly, to amufe. BEGUN, be-gi,n'. The part, paffive of BEGIN, BEHALF, be-ha'f. f. Favour, caufe ; vindi- cation, fupport. To BEHAVE, be-ha've. v. a. To carry, to conduft. Tq BEHAVE, be-ha've. v. n. Toad, to con- dud one's felf. " - ' BEHAVIOUR, be-ha'-vyur. f. Manner of be- having one's felf, whether good or bad ; exter- ternal appearance ; gefture, manner of adion j. elegance of manners, gracefulnefs ; condud, general pradice, courfe of life; To be upon one's Behaviour, a familiar phrafe, noting fuch a ftate as requires great caution. To BEHEAD., be-hed'. v. a. To kill by cut- ting off" the head. BEHELD, be-held'.- parUcip. paffive from BE- HOLD. BEHEMOTH, bc-hem'-mith. f. The hippo- potamu-s, or river-horfe. BEHEST, bc-heft'. f. Command, precept. BEHIND. BEL BEL BEHIND, be-hi'nd. piqj. At the back of ano- ther ; on the back part ; towards the back; fol- lowing another ; remaining after the departure of fomething elfe ; remaining after the death of thofj to whom it belonged ; at a diftance from fomething going before j inferiour to ano- ther. BEHIND, bd-h!'nd. ad. Backward. BEHINDHAND, be-hr'nd-hand. ad. In a ftate in which rents or profits are anticipated ; not upon equal terms, with regard to for- wartlncfs. To BEHOLD, he-ho Id. v. a. To view, to fie. BEHOLD, b^-h5'ld. interject. See, lo. BEHOLDEN, bl-hd'ldn. part. a. Bound in gratitude. BEHOLDER, be-hol-dur. f. Spectator. BEHOLDING, be-h5''l-d!ng. a. Beholden. BEHOLDING, b^-hol-dmg. part, from the verb Behold. Seeing, looking upon. BEHOOF, bl-hd'f. f. Profit, advantage. To BEHOOVE, be-haVe. v. n. To be fit, to be meet. LTfed only imperfonally with It. EEHOOVEFUL, b^-h6'v€-ful. a. Ufeful, pro- fitable. BEHOOVEFULLY, be-hove-fdl-ly. ad. Pro- fitably, ufefully. To BEHOV/L, be-how'l. v. a. To howl at. BEING, be -ing. f. Exiftencc, oppofed to non- entity ; a particular Ibte or condition ; the per- fon exifling. BEING, be'-mg. conjunct. Since. BE IT SO, be -It-fo. A phrafe, fuppofc it to be fo ; let it be fo. To BELABOUR, be-ia'-bur. v. a. To beat, to thump. BELATvIIE, bel'-a-my. f. A friend, an inti- mate. BELAMOUR, bcl'-a-m3r. f. A gallant, con- fort. BELATED, be-ll'-tid. a. Benighted. To BELAY, be-la'. v. a. To block up, to flop the pafTage ; to place in ambufh. To BELCH, bcltfh'. v. n. To-ejea the wind from iiicfconiachj to iil'ue out by eructation. BELCH, beltfh'. f. The action of eruaation^. , a cunt term for liquor. BELDAM, bel'-dum. f. An old woman ; a hag. ToB^ELEAGUER, be-le'-gur. v. a. Tobefiege, to block up a place. BELEAGURER, bele'-gur-ur. f. One that be- fieges a place. BELFLOWER, bel'-flowr. f. A plant. BELFOUNDER, bel'-foun-di'ir. f. He whol'c trade it is to found or cafl: bells. BELFRY, bel'-fry. f. The place where the bells are rung. To BELIE, be-ly . v. a. To counterfeit, to feign, to mimick ; to give the lie to, to charge with falfehood ; to calumniate") to give a falfe- reprefentation of any thing. BELIEF, be-le'f. f. Credit given to fomething- which we know not of ourfelves ; the theolo- gical virtue of faith, or firm confidence of the truths of religion ; religion, the body of tenets held; perfuafion, opinion; the thing believed; creed, a form containing the articles of faith. BELIEVABLE, bi-le'-vibl. a. Credible. To BELIEVE, be-le'v. v. a. To credit upon the authority of another ; to put confidence in the veracity of any one. To BELIEVE, be-le'v. v. n. To have a firm perfuafion of any thing ; to exercifc the theo- logical virtue of faith. BELIEVER, bg-le'-vur. f. He that believes, or gives credit; a profeflbr of Chriftianity. BELIEVINGLY, bl-le'-vmg-Iy. ad. After ax believing manner. BELIKE, be-li ke. ad. Probably, likely, per- haps ; Sometim.es in a fenfe of irony. BELL, bcl'. f. A veflel, or hollow body of cail: metal, formed to make a noife by the a(f?ci of fome inftrument ftriking againfl: it ; it is ufed for any thing in the form of a bell, as the cups> of flowers.. BELLE, bcl'.. f. A young lady. BELLIGEROUS, bel-IIdzh'-e-nVs. a. Waging war. To BELLOVv^, bdl -16. v. n. To m.ilce a noifc as a bull j to mukc any violent outcry ;. to vc- 2 cJfcratC;,, B E M BEN ; ciferate, to clamour ; to roar as the fea, or the wind. BELLOWS, bel'-lus. f. The inftrument ufed to blow the fire. BELLUINE, bcl'-lu-ine. a. Beaftly, brutal. BELLY, bel'-ly. f. That part of the human body which reaches from the breaft to the thighs, containing the bowels ; the womb ; that part of a man which requires food ; that part of any thing that fwells out into a larger capacity ; any place in which fomething is inclofed. To BELLY, bel'-ly. v. n. To hang out, to bulge out. BELLYACHE, bel'-ly-ake. f. The cholick. BELLYBOUND, bel'-ly-bound. a. "Coftive. BELLYFUL, bel'-ly-ful. f. As much food as fills the belly. BELLYGOD, bel'-ly-g6d. f. A glutton. BELMAN, bel'-man. f. He whofe bufinefs it is to proclaim any thing in towns, and to gain attention by ringing his bell. BELMETAL, bel'-metl. f. The metal of which bells are made. To BELOCK, be-l6ic'. v. a. To fiiften. To BELONG, be-long', v. n. To be the pro- perty of; to be the province or bufmefs of; to adhere, or be appendant to ; to have relation to ; to be the quality or attribute of. BELOVED, be-luv'-ed. a. Dear. BELOW, be-16'. prep. Under in place, not fo high; inferior in dignity; inferior in excel- lence ; unworthy of, unbefitting. BELOW, be-16'. ad. In the lower place ; on earth, in oppofition to heaven ; in hell, in the regions of the dead. To BELOWT, be-low't. v. a. To treat wit"i\ opprobrious language. BELSW AGGER, bel'-fwag-g"r. f. Awhore- mafter. BELT, belt', f. A girdle, a cindure. BELWETHEK, bel'-weth-ur. f. A fheep which leads the Hock with a bell on his neck, hence, To bear the bell. Tb BEMAD, be-mad'. v. a. To make mad. To BEMIRE, bc-mi re, v. a. To drag, or in- cumber in the mire. To BEMOAN, be-m6'n. v. a. To lament, (cs bewail. BEMOANER, be-m6'-nur. f. A lamenter. To BEMOIL, be-moi'l. v. a. To bedrabblc, to bemire. _, To BEMONSTER, be-mons'-tir. v. a. To make monftrous. BEMUSED, be-mu'zd. a. Overcome with mufing. BENCH, bentfli'. f. A feat ; a feat of jufrice ; the perfons fitting upon a bench. BENCHER, ben'-tihur. f. The fenior mem- bers of the fociety of the inns of court. To BEND, bend', v. a. To make crooked, to crook ; to direct to a certain'point ; to incline ; to fubdue, to make fubmiflive. To BEND, bend', v. n. To be incurvated ; to lean or jut over ; to be fubmiflive, to bow. BEND, bend', f. Flexure, incurvation ; the crooked timbers which make the ribs or fides of a fhip. BENDABLE, ben'-dabl. a. That may be bent. BENDER, ben'-dur. f. Theperfon who bends; the inftrument with which apy thing is bent. BENDWITH, bend'-witR. f. An herb. BENEAPED, bl-ne'pt. a. A Ihip is faid to be beneaped, when the water does not flow high enough to bring her off the ground. BENEATH, be-ne'th. prep. Under, lower in place ; lower in rank, excellence, or dignity ; unworthy of. BENEATH, be-ne'th. ad. In a lower place, under ; below, as oppofed to heaven. BENEDICT, ben'-c-d!kt. a. Having m.ild and falubrious qualities. BENEDICTION, ben-6-dik'-{hun. f. Bleffing, a decretory pronunciation of happinefs ; the ad- vantage conferred by blefling ; acknowledgments for bleflings received ; the form of inftituting an abbot. BENEFACTION, ben-*e-fak'-lhun. f. The aft of conferring a benefit ; the benefit con- ferred. BENEFACTOR, ben-C-fak'-tir. f. He that confers a benefit, BENE- BEN B E R EENEFACTRESS, bcn-c-fak'-trls. f. A wo- man who confers a ben.'fit. BENEFICE, ben -e-fis. f. Advantage confer- red on another. This word is generally ufcd for all ecclei'iaftical livings. BENEFICED, bin'-c-flft. a. PolTeiTed of a benefice. BENEFICENCE, be-n^f '-I-fJnfe. f. Aaive gooJnefs. BENEFICENT, bs-ncf -i-fint. a. Kind, do- ing good. BENEFICIAL, ben-e-fllh'-al. a. Advanta:;e- ous, conferring benchts, profitable j helpiul, medicinal. BENEFICIALLY, ben-e-flili'-al-ly. ad. Ad- vantageoully, helpfully. BENEFIClALNESS,bln-e-flfh'-al-n!s. f. Ufc- fulnefs, profit. BENEFICIARY, ben-e-filh'-a-ry. a. Holding fomething in fubordination to another. BENEFICIARY, ben-e-flfh'-a-ry. f. He that is in pofTeflion of a benefice. BENEFIT, ben'-e-fit. f. A kindncfs, a fa- vour conferred ; advantage, profit, ufe; inlaw, benefit of clergy is, that a man being found guilty of fuch felony as this benefit is granted for, is burnt in the hand, and fet free, if the ordinary's commiflioner Handing by, do fay. Legit ut clericus. To BENEFIT, bin'-e-f!t. v. a. To do good to. To BENEFIT, ben -e-flt. v. n. To gain ad- vantage. To BENET, be-net'.. v. a. To enfnare. BENEVOLENCE, be-nev'-v6-lenfe. f. Dif- pofition to do good, kindnefs ; the good done, the charity given ; a kind of tax. BENEVOLENT, bl-niv -v6-lent. a. Kind, having good-will. BEi^EVOLENTNESS, be-nev'-v6-lcnt-nls. f. I he fatne with Benevolence. BENGAL, ben-gal. f. A fort of thin flight ftufF. BENJAMIN, Un'.jA.mln. f. The name of a tree. To BENIGHT, be-nitc.v. a. To furprifewith the coming on of night ; to u.,o\yc in darknefs, to embarrafs by want of light. BENIGN, be-ni nc. a. Kind, generous, liberali whokfoir.e, not malignant. BENIGNITY, be-nlg'-nS-ty. f. Gracioufnefs, a£liial kindnefs ; filubrity, wholefome quality, BENIGNLY, be-n!'ne-ly. ad. Favourably, kindly. BENISON, ben'-ni-fun. f. Blcffing, benedidion. BENNET, bcn'-nlt. f. An herb. BENT, bent', f. The ft.ate of being bent; de- gree of flexure; declivity; utmoft: power; ap- plication of the mind ; inclination, difpofition towards fomething ; determination, fixed pur- pofe ; turn of the temper or difpofition ; ten- dency, flexion ; a ftalk or grafs, called the Bent-graff. BENT, bent', part, of the verb To bend. Made crooked ; directed to a certain point ; deter- mined upon. BENTING TIME, ben'-tlng-tlme. f. The time when pigeons feed on bents before peas are ripe. To BENUM, be-num'. v. a. To make torpid ; to ftupify. BENZOIN, ben-zoi'n. f. A medicinal kind of refin imported from the Eaft Indies, and vul- garly called Benjamin. To BEPAINT, be-pi'nt. v. a. To cover with paint. ToBEPINCH, b^-pmtfh'. v. a. To mark with pinches. To BEPISS, be-pis'. v. a. To wet with urine. To BEQUEATH, be-kwe th. v. a. To leave by will to another. BEQUEST, bs-kweiV. f. Something left by will. ToBERATTLE, be-rat'l. v. a. To rattle off. BERBERRY, ba r-ber-ry. f. A berry of a fharp tafte, ufed for pickles. To BEREAVE, be-re ve. v. a. To flrip of, to deprive of; to take away from. BEREFT, bc-reft'. part. paff. of Bereave. BERGAMOT, ber'-ga-mot. f. A fort of pear, commonly called Burgamot ; a fort of eflence, or perfume, drawn from a fruit produced by in- grafting a lemon tree on a bcrgamot pear ftock ; a fort of Ihuff. X T« B E S B E $ To BERHYME, be-rl'me. v. a. To celebrate in rhyme or verfes. BERLIN, ber-Iin'. f. A coach of a particular form. feERRY, bcr'-ry. f. Any fmall fruit with many feeds. To BERRY, ber'-ry. v. n. To bear berries. BERTRAM, ber'-tram. f. Baftard pellitory. BERYL, ber'-rll. f. A kind of precious ftone. To BESCREEN, be-(kre'n. v. a. To fhelter, to conceal. To BESEECH, be-fe'tfh. v, a. To entreat, to fupplicate, to implore ; to beg, to a(k. To BESEEM, be-fe'm. v. n. To become, to be fit. To BESET, bc-fet'. v. a. To befiege, to hem in ; to embarrafs, to perplex ; to waylay, to furround ; to fall upon, to harafs. To BESHREW, be-fhro'. v. a. To wlfh a curfe to ; to happen ill to. BESIDE, be-side. I prep. At the fide of ano- BESIDES, be-si'des.j ther, near; over and above ; not according to, though not contrary ; out of, in a ftate of deviation from. BESIDE, be-si'de. "J ad. Over and above ; not BESIDES, be-si'des.J in this number, beyond this clafs. To BESIEGE, be-fe'je. v. a. To beleaguer, to lay fiege to, to befet with armed forces. BESIEGER, be-fe'-jur. f. One employed in a fiege. ToBESLUBBER, be-flob'-bir. v. a. To dawb, to fmear. To BESMEAR, be-fmcr. v. a. To bedawb ; to foil, to foul. To BESMIRCH, be-fmertfn'. v. a. To foil, to difcolour. To BESMOKE, be-fmo ke. v. a. To foul with fmoke ; to harden or dry in fmoke. To BESMUT, be-fmut'. v. a. To blacken with fmoke or foot. BESOM,bc z-um. f. Aninftrumenttofvveepwith. To BESORT, bc-U rt. v. a. To fait, "to fit. BESORT,bc-fa'rt.f.Company,attendance, train. To BESOT, bc-fot'. V. a. To inf:ituate, lo jftupify; to make to doat. BESOUGHT,be-fa't. part. pair, of BESEECH: which fee. To BESPANGLE, be-fpang'l. v. a. To adorn with fpangles, to befprinkle with fomething fhining. To BESPATTER, be-fpat'-tur. v. a. To fpot or fprinkle with dirt or water. To BESPAWL, bl-fpa'l. v. a. To dawb with fpittle. To BESPEAK, be-fpe'k. v. a. To order or en- treat any thing beforehand ; to make way by a previous apology; to forebode; to fpeak to, to addreis ; to betoken, to fhcw. BESPEAKER, be-fpe'-kur. f. He that befpeaks anything. To BESPECKLE, be-fpek'l. v. a. To mark with fpeckles or fpots. To BESPEW, be-fpu'. v. a. To dawb with fpew or vomit. To BESPICE, be-fpffe. v. a. To feafon with fpices. To BESPIT, be-fplt'. v. a. To dawb with fpittle. To BESPOT, be-fpot\ v. a. To mark with fpots. To BESPREAD, be-fpred'. v. a. To fpread over. To BESPRINKLE, bc-fprlnk'l. v. a. To fprinkle over. To BESPUTTER, be-fput'-tur. v. a. Tofput- ■ ter over fomething, to dawb any thing by fput- tering. BEST, bed', a. Moft good. BEST, beft'. ad. In the highcft degree of good- nefs; fittefl:. To BESTAIN, be-fta n. v. a. To mark with ftains, to fpot. To BESTEAD, be-fted'. v. a. To profit; to treat, to accommodate. BESTIAL, bes'-t(hil. a. Belonging to a beaft: brutal, carnal. BESTIALITY, bcf-tflial '-I-ty. f. Thequality of beafts. BESTIALLY, b.V-tfhal-ly. f. ' rutally. To BESTICK, be-fllk'. v. - 1"o ftick over with any thing. To BESTIR, be-ft'- '• v- ^- To put into vigo- rous adion. ToBESTO"*^' b'f-to'. V. a. To give, to con- fer BET BEY fcr upon ; to give as charity ; to give in mar- riage ; to give asaprefent; to apply; to lay out upon ; to lay up, to flow, to place. EESTOWER, b!r-to -ur. f. Giver, difpofer. BESTRAUGHT, b6-ftra't. parcicip. Diltraft- ed, mad. ToBESTREW, be-ftro'. v. a. To fprinkleover. To BESTRIDE, be-ltr! de. v. a. To ftride over any thing ; to have any thing between one's legs ; to rtep over. To BESTUD, bc-ftud'. v. a. To adorn with ftuds. BET, bet', f. A wager. To BET, bet', v. a. To wager, to Rzke at a wager. To BETAKE, be-ta'ke. v. a. To take, to firize ; to have recourfe to. To BETHIN K, be-ttlmk'. v. a. To recal to reflcvSlion. ToBETHRAL, bl-tlTra'l. v. a. To cnflave, to conquer. To BETHUMP, be-tfiump'. v. a. To beat. To BETIDE, be-ti'de. v. n. To happen to,. to befal ; to come to pafs, to fall out. BETIME, be-ti me. 9 ad. Seafonably, early; BETIMES, be-tlmz. 5 foon, before long time has pafied ; early in the day. To BETOKEN, bl-to'kn. v. a. Tofignify, to mark, to reprefcnt ; to forefhew, to prefignify. BETONY, bet'-t6-ny. f. A plant. BETOOK, be-tuk'. irreg. pret. from Betake. ToBETOSS, be-tos'. v. a. To difturb, to agitate. To BETRAY, be-tra'. v. a. To give into the hands of enemies ; to difcover that which has been entrufted to fecrecy ; to make liable to fomething inconvenient ; to (how, todifcover. BETRAYER, b^-tr^'-ur. f. He that betrays, a traitor. To BETRLAI, be-trlm'. v. a. To deck, to drefs, to grace. To BETROTH, b.l£NT, blan'-difli-ment. f. Aft offondnefs, expreffion of tendernef? by gefture j foft words, kind fpeeches; kind treatment. BLANK, blank', a. White ; unwritten ; con- fufcd ; without rhime. BLANK, blank', f. A void fpace; a lot, by which nothing is gained; a paper unwritten; the point to which an arrow or fnot is direiled. BLANKET, blank -it. f. A woollen cover, loft, and loofely woven ; a kind of pear. To BLANKET, blank -It. v. a. To cover with a blanket ; to tofs in a blanket. BLANKLY, blank -ly. a. In a blank manner, with palenefs, with confufion. To BLASPHEME, blaf-fe m. v. a. To fpeak in terms of impious irreverence of God ; to fpeak evil of. To BLASPHEME, blaf-fc'm. v. n. To fpeak blafphemy. BLASPHEMER, blaf-fe'-mir. f. A wretch that fpeaks of God in impious and irreverent terms. BLASPHEMOUS, blas'-fc-m'is. a. Impioufly irreverent with regard to Cjod. BLASPHEMOUSLY, bias -fJ-muf-ly. ad. Tm- pioufly, with. wicked irreverence. BLASPHEMY, blas'-fe-my. f. Blafphemy is an offering of fome indignity unto God hiitifelf. BL>V'5T,blaft'. f. A guft, or puff of wind; the found made by any inftrumentof wind mufick; the firoke of a malignant planet. To BLAST, blaft'. V. a. To ftrike v/ith fom^ fudden plague ; to make to wither; to injure, ta invalidate ; to confound, to ftrike with ter- rour. BLASTMENT, blafl'-ment. f. Sudden ftroke - of infecl'ion. BLATANT, bhV'-tant. a. Bellowing as a calf. To BLATTER, blat'-tur. v. n. To roar. BLAY, bla'. f. A fmall whitifn river lifli ; a bleak. BLAZE, blaze, f. A flame, the light of the flame ; publication ; a white mark upon a horfe. To BLAZE, blaze, v. n. To flame ; to be confpicuous. To BLAZE, bla'ze. v. a.. To publifli, to make known ; to blazon ; to inflame ; to fire. BLAZER, bla-zur. f. One that fpreads re- ports. , To BLAZON, blaz'n. v. a. To explain^ in proper terms, the figures on enfigns armorial ; to deck, to em.bellifli ; to difplay, to fet to fliow ; to celebrate, to fet out ; to blaze about, to make publick. BLAZONRY, blaz'-un-ry. f. The art of bla- zoning. To BLEACH, bletfh. v. a. To whiten. BLEAK, ble'k. a. Pale; cold, chill. BLEAK, ble k. f. A fmall river fifh, BLEAKNESS, ble k-nls. f. Coldnefs, chilnefs. BLEAKY, ble -ky. a. Bleak, cold, chill. BLEAR, ble r, a. Dim with rheum or water j dim, obfcure in general. BLEAREDNESS, ble'-red-nis. f. The ftate of being dimmed with rheum. To BLEAT, ble t. v. n. To cr}' as a fheep. BLEAT, ble t. f. The cry of a deep or lamb. BLEB, bl^b'. f. A blifter. To BLEED, blc'd. v. n. To loft blood, to run with blood ; to drop, as blood. To BLEED, ble d. v. a. To let blood. To BLEMISH, blem -ifh^ v. a. To mark with any deformity ; to defame, to tanifh, with re- fpedt to reputation. BLEMISPI, blun'-ifli. f. A mark o deformity, a fear ; rep!o.;th, dif^^race. To B L I B L O To BLENCH, blentfh'. v. n. To fhrink, to ftart back. To BLEND, blend . v. a. To mingle together; to confound ; to pollute, to fpoil. BLENT, blent'. The obfolete participle of Blend. To BLESS, bles . v. a. To make happy, to profper ; to wifli happinefs to another ; to praife ; to glorify for benefits received. BLESSED, bles -scd. particip. a. Happy, en- joying heavenly felicity. BLESSEDLY, bles'-sed-ly. ad. Happily. BLESSEDNESS, blcs'-sed-m's. f. Happinefs, felicity; fanclity ; heavenly felicity ; Divine favour. BLESSER, bles'-sur. f. He that blefTes. BLESSING, bles'-sing. f. Benediction; the means of happinefs ; Divine favour. BLEST, bleft'. part. a. Happy. BLEW, blu'. The preterite from Blow. BLIGHT, bli't. f. Mildew; .iny thing nipping, or blafring. To BLIGHT, bli't. v. a. To blaft, to hinder from fertility. BLIND, blind, a. Without fight, dark; in- tclled:ually dark ; unfeen, private ; dark, ob- fcux-e. To BLIND, blf'nJ. v. a. To make blind ; to darken ; to obfcure to the eye ; to obfcure to the underftanding. BLIND, bli'nd. f. Something to hinder the fight; fomething to miflead. To BLINDFOLD, bli'nd-fdld. v. a. To hinder from feeing by blinding the eyes. BLINDFOLD, blind-fold. a. Having theeyes covered. BLINDLY, bli'nd-ly. ad. Without fight; im- plicitly, without examination ; without juflg- ment or direftion. BLINDMAN'S BUFF, blind-manz-buf'. f. A play in which fome one is to have his eyes co- vered, and hunt out the rell of the com- pany. BLINDNESS, blf'nd-nls. f. Want of fi-ht ; ignorance, intclleflual uarknefs. BlInDSIDE, blind-side. f. Vv^eakiicfs, fo:bk'. BLINDWORM, bli'nd-wurm. f. A fmall vi- per, venomous. To BLINK, blink', v. n. To wink ; to fee ob- fcurely. BLINKARD, bl!nk'-erd. f. One that has bad eyes ; fomething twinkling. BLISS, blls'. f. The highefl: degree of happi- nefs ; the happinefs of bleffed fouls ; felicity in general. BLISSFUL, blls'-ful. a. Happy in the highcit degree. BLISSFULLY, blls'-fol-ly. ad. Happily. BLISSFULNESS, blls'-fdl-nls. f. Happi.-efs. BLISTER, blis'-tur. f. A puftule formed by raifing the cuticle from the cutis ; any fwellrng made by the feparation of a film or fkin from the other parts. To BLISTER, blls'-tur. v. n. To rife i:i blifters. To BLISTER, blls'-tur. v. a. To raifc blifters by fome hurt. BLITHE, blithe, a. Gay, airy. BLITHE Y, bli'th-ly. ad. In a blithe manner. BLITHENESS, bli th-nls. ?f. The BLITHSOMENESS, bli'th-fum-nls. \ quality of being blithe. BLITHSOME, bli'th-fum. a. Gay, cheerful. To BLOAT, bKVte. v. a. To fwell. To BLOAT, blo'te. v. n. To grow turgid. BLOATEDNESS, blo-tcd-nls. f. Turgid- nefs ; fwelling. BLOBBER, blob'-bir. f. A bubble. BLOBBERLIP, blib'-bur-llp. f. A thick lip. BLOBBERLIPPED, bl6b'-bur-lipt. ? a. Hav- BLOBLIPPED, bK^b'-lipt. Jingfwci- led or thick lips. BLOCK, blok'. f. A fhort heavy piece of tim- ber; a rough piece of marble; the wood on which hats are formed ; the wood on v/hicli criminals are beheaded; an obflrudion, a flop j a fea term for a pully; a blockhead. To BLOCK, blok'. v. a. To (hut up, to cnclofe. BLOCK^HOUSE, bl6k'-hcuf.-, f. A fortrcfs built to obftruft or block up a pafs. BLOCK-TIN, blLk'-tln'. f. Tin pure or ua- mi.xcd. Z BLOCK. B L O B L U BLOCKADE, b!ck-kade. f. A fiege caified' on by (hutting up the place. To BLOCKADE, blik-ka'de. v. a. Tofluitup. BLOCKHEAD, bl6k'-hed. f. A (lupid fellow, a dolt, a man •without parts. BLOCKHEADED, hlok'-hed'-ki. a. Stupid, dull. BLOCKISH, blok'-lfii. a. Stupid, dull. BLOCKISHLY, blok'-a'h-ly. ad. In a ftupid manner. BLOCKIS'HNESS, blok'-Iih-nls. f. Stupidity. BLOOD, bliid'. f. The red liquor that circu- lates in the bodies of animals j child; progeny; family, kindred; defcent, lineage ; birth,- high extraftion ; murder, violent death; temper of mind, ftate of the paffions ; hot fpark ; man of fire. To BLOOD, blud'. V. a. To ftain with blood ; to enure to blood, as a hound ; to heat, to cx- afperate. BLOOD-BOLTERED, blud'-bol-turd. a.Blocd fprinkled. BLOODSTONE, blid'-ftone. f. The blood- ftone is green, fpotted with a bright blood-red. BLOOD-THIRSTY, blud'-tlTurf-ty. a. De- firous to fhed blood. BLOOD-FLOWER, blud'-flowr. f. A plant. BLOODGUILTINESS, blud'-gllt'-y-nis. f. Murder.- BLOOD-HOUND, blud'-hound. f. A hound that follows by the fcent. BLOODILY, blud'-i-ly. a. Cruelly. BLOODINESS, blid'-y-nls. f. The ftate of being bloody. BLOODLESS, blud'-lls. a. Without blood, dead ; without flaughter. BLOODSHED, blud'-fhed. f. The crime of blood, or murder ; flaughter. ELOODSHEDDER, blud'-fhed-dur. f. Mur- derer. BLOODSHOT, blud'-fliit'. } a. Fill- ^LOODSHOTTEN, blud'-fhot'n. \ ed with blood burfling from its proper vefllls. BLOODSUCKER, blud'-fuk-ur. f. A leech, a fiy, any thing that fucks blood ; a murderer. BLOODY, blud'-^. a. Stained with blood; ciuel, murderous, BLOOM, hlo'm. f. A blolTom ; the ftate nf im- maturity, ,, To-BLOOM,. blo'm. v. n. To bring or yiehl blofToms; to produce,, as bloiroms; to be in a ftate of youth. BLOOMY, blo'-my. a. Full of bloom.s, flowery; BLOSSOM,, blos'-sum. f. The flower that grows on any plant. To BLOSSOM, blos'^um.- v. n. To put forth bloffoms. To BLOT, blot'-. V. a. To obliterate, to make v/riting invifible ; to eftace, to erafe ; to blur;- todifgrace, to disfigure; to darken. BLOT,^ blot'.- f. An obliteration of fomething written ;. a blur,, a fpot ; a fpot in reputation. BLOTCH, blotfh'.. f. A' fpot or puftule upoiv the fkin. To BLOTE, blo'te. v. a. To fmoke, or dry by the fmokc BLOW, bio. T, A ftroke ;• the fatal ftroke ; a- fingle action, a fudden event ; the aiTl: of a fly,, by which he lodges eggs in flefh. To BLOW, bl6'. V. n. To move with a cur- rent of air ; this word is ufed fometimes im- perfonally with It;, to pantytopuff; to breathe hard ; to found by being blov/n ; to play mufi- callybywind; tobloom, tobloflbm ; To blow over, to pafs away without efFedi ; To blow up, to fly into the air by the force of gun- powder. To BLOW, bl6', V. a. To drive by the force of the wind ; to inflame with wind ; to fwell, to pufF into fize ; to found an inftrument of wind mufick; to warm with the breath; to fpread by report; to infect with the eggs of fliej; To blow out, to extinguifli by wind; To blow up, to raife or fwell with breath ; To blow up, to deftroy with gunpowder; To blow upon, to make ftale. BLOWZE, blow'ze. f. A ruddy fat-faced wench ; a female whofe hair is ii^ diforder. BLOWZY, blow'-zy. a. Sun-burnt, high co- loured. BLUBBER, blub'-bur. f. The part of a whale that contains the oil. To BLUBBER, blub'-bur. v. n. To weep in fuch a manner as to fwell the cheeks. BLUDGEON, B L U BOB BLUDGEON, bU'id'-jun. f. A fliortftick, with one end loaded. BLUE, blu'c. a. One of the feven original co- lours. BLUEBOTTLE, bhVe-bot'l. f. A flower of the bell fliape ; a fly with a large blue belly. BLUELY, blu'e-ly. ad. With a blue colour. BLUENESS, blue-n!s. f. The quality of be- ing blue. BLUFF, bluf'. a. Big, Airly, bluftering. To BLUNDER, blun'-dir. v. n. To miflake grofsly , to err ver)- widely ; to flounder, to Humble. To BLUNDER, blun'-dur. v. a. To mix fool- ifhly or blindly. BLUNDER, blun'-dur. f. A grofs or fhame- ful miftake. BLUNDERBUSS, blun'-der-bus. f. A gun that is difcharged with many bullets. BLUNDERER, hlun'-de-rur. f. A blockhead. BLUNDERHEAD, blun'-dur-hed. f. Aftupid fcHow. BLUNT, blunt', a. Dull on the edge or point, not {harp ; dull in undeiftanding, not quick; Rough, not delicate; abrupt, not elegant. To BLUNT, blunt', v. a. To dull the edge or point ; to reprefs or weaken any apf)etlte. BLUNTLY, blimt'-ly. ad. Without fharp- nefs ; coarfely, plainly. BLUNTNESS, blunt'-n!s. f. Want of edge or point ; coarfenefe, roughnefs of manners. BLUR, blur', f. A blot, a flain. To BLUR, blur', v. a. To blot, toeffiice; to ftain. To BLURT, blurt', v. a. To let fly without thinking. To BLUSH, blufh'. v. n. To betray {hame or confufion, by a red colour in the clicek ; to carry a red colour. BLUSH, blufli'. f. The colour in the cheeks ; a red or purple colour ; fudden appearance. BLUSHY, blufli'-y. a. Having the colour of ablufh. To BLUSTER, blus'-tur. v. n. To roar, as a iiorm ; to bully, to pufF. BLUSTER, blus'-tur. f. Roar, noife, tumult; boaft-y boiflcroufnefs. BLUSTERER, blus'-t^-rur. f. A fwaggcrer, a bully. BLUSTROUS, bk'is'-trus. a. Tumultuous, noify. BO. bo. interj. A word of terrour. BOAR, bd'r. f. The male fwine. BOARD, bo rd. f. A piece of wood of more length and breadth than thicknefs ; a table ; a table at which a council or court is held ; a court of jurifdidion; the deck or floor of a {hip. To BOARD, bo'rd. v. a. To enter a (hip by force ; to attack, or make the fir{t attempt ; to lay or pave with boards. To BOARD, bo rd. v. n. To live in a houfe, where a certain rate is paid for eating. BOARD-WAGES, b6 rd-wa'-j!z. f. Wages allowed to fervants to keep themfelves in vic- tual;. BOARDER, bo'r-dur. f. One who diets with another at a certain rate. BOARISH, b6 r-lfh. a. Swinilh, brutal, cruel. To BOAST, bo ft. V. n. To diiplay one's own worth or adtions. To BOAST, bo IL v. a. To brag of; to mag- nify, to exalt. BOAST, bo'ft. f. A proud fpeech ; caufe of boa{ling. BOASTZR, bd'f-tur. f. A bragger. BOASTFUL, bOft-ful. a. Olbntatious. BOASTINGLY, b6 f-tlng-ly. ad. Olkntati- oufly. BOAT, hot. f. A velTel to pafs the water in. BOATION, bo-a'-{Lun. f. Roar, noife. BOATMAN, bot-man. . f. He that manages BOATSMAN, b6 tf-m.an. \ a boat. BOATSWAIN, bo fn. f. An officer on board a Ihip, who has charge of all her rigging, ropes, cables, and anchors. To BOB, bib'. V. a. To beat, to drub;, to cheat, to gain by fraud. To BOB, bob'. V. n. To play backward' and forward. BOB, bib', f. Something that hangs fo as to play loofe ; the words repeated at the end of a flanza ; a blow ; a Ihort wig. BOBBIN, B I B O L BOBBIN, bob'-b'.n. f. A fmall p'm of wood, v/ith a notch. BOBCKERRY, bob'-tfher-ry. f. A play among children, in which the cherry is hung fo as to bob againft the mouth. BOBTAIL, bob'-tll. f. Gut tail. BOBTAILED, bob'-tald. a. Havinga tail c^t. BOBWIG, b6b'-vv!g'. f. Afliortwig. To BODE, bo de. v. a. To portend, to be ihe omen of. BODEMENT, bo'de-ment. f. Portent, omen. To BODGE, bcd'zh. V. n. To boggle. BODICE, bod'-dis. f. Stays, a vvaiftcoat quilted with whalebone, BODILESS, bod'-y-lls. a. Incorporeal, with- out a body. BODILY, bod -i-ly. a. Corporeal, containing body; relating^o the body, not the mind ; real, adual. CODILY, bod'-i-ly. ad. Corporeally. BODKIN, bod'-kin. f. An inftrumcnt with a • fmall blade and (harp point; an inftrumcnt to • draw a thread or ribbon through a loop; an inflrument to drefs the hair, CODY, bod'-y. f. The material fubllance of an animal ; matter, oppofed to fpirit; a perfon; a human being ; reality, oppofed to reprefent- ation ; a collective mafs ; the main army, the battle ; a corporation ; the outward condition ; the main part ; a pandeft, a general collecilion ; ftrength, as wine of a good body. BODY-CLOATHS, bod'-y-cluz. f. Cloathing for horfes that are dieted. BOG, bog . f. A marfh, a fen, a moraf?. BOG-TROTTER, bog'-trot-tur. f. One that lives in a boggy country. To BOGGLE, bog 1. v. n. To flart, to fly back ; to hefitate. BOGGLER, bog'-lur. f. A doubter, a timo- rous man. BOGGY, Marfhv, fwan ipy. BOGHOUSE, bog'-houfe. f. A houfe of office. BOHEA, bo-he . f. A fpecies of tea. To iOIL, boi 1. V. n. To be agitated by heat ; to be hot, to be fervent ; to move like boilii g vvatcr: to be in hot liquor. To BOIL, boil. V. a. To feeth; to heat hy putting into boiling water ; to drefs in boiling water. BOILER, boi'-lur. f. The perfon that boils any thing ; the veffel in which any thing is boiled. BOISTEROUS, boi f-te-rus. a. Violent, loud, roaring, flormy ; turbulent, furious ; unwieldy. BOISTEROUSLY, boi'f-te-ruf-ly. ad. Vio- lently, tumiiltuoufly. BOISTEROUSNESS, boi'f-tl-ruf-nis. f. Tu- multuoufnefs ; turbulence. BOLARY, bo'-la-ry. a. Partaking of the na- ture of bole. BOLD, bold. a. Daring, brave, llout ; exe- cuted with fpirit ; confident, not fcrupulous ; impudent, rude ; licentious ; flanding out to the view ; To make bold, to take freedoms. To BOLDEN, bo Idn. v. n. To make bold. BOLDFACE, bold-fife. f. Impudence, fau- cincfs. BOLDFACED, bdld-fiH. a. Impudent. BOLDLY, boid-ly. ad. In a bold manner. BOLDNESS, bo Id-nis. f. Courage, bravery; exemption from caution ; alTurancc, impudence. BOLE, bo le. f. The body or trunk of a tree^ a kind of earth ; a meafure of corn containing fix bufhels. BOLIS, bo'-lls. f. Bolis is a great f^ery ball, fwiftly hurried through the air, and generally drawing a tail after it. BOLL, bo'l. f. A round ftalk or flem. BOLSTER, bo l-fliir. 1". Something laid in the bed, to fupport the head ; a pad, or quilt ; comprefs for a wound. To BOLSTER, bo 1-ftur. v. a. To fupport the head with a bolfler ; to afford a bed to ; to hold wounds together with a comprefs ; to fupport, to maintain. BOLT, bo It. f. An arrow, a dart ; a thunder- bolt ; Bolt upright, that is, upright as an ar- row ; the bar of a door ; an iron to fallen the legs ; a fpot or (tain. To BOLT, bo'lt. v. a. To fbut or faflen with a bolt; to blurt out; to fetter, to (hackle; to fifr, or feparate with a fieve ; to examine, to try out ; to purify, to purge. . 7 '^« BON BON To BOLT, bo It. V. n. To fpring out with fpeed and fuddennefs. BOLTER, fajl-tur. f. A fieve to fcparate meal from bran. BOLTHEAD, bo'lt-hed. f. A long ftrait necked glafs veflel, a matrafs, or receiver. BOLTING-HOUSE, bo I-tlng-houfe. f. The place where meal is fifted. BOLTSPRIT, or BOWSPRIT, b6'-fpnt. f. A maft running out at the head of a (hip, not ftanding upright, but aflope. BOLUS, bo'-lus. f. A medicine, made up into a foft mafs, larger than pills. BOMB, bim'. f. Aloudnoife; a hollow iron ball, or fhell, filled with gunpowder, and fur- niftied with a vent for a fufee, or wooden tube, filled with combuftible matter ; to be thrown out from a mortar. BOiMB-CHEST, bom'-tflieft. f. A kind of cheft filled with bombs, placed under-ground, to blow up in the air. BOMB-KETCH, b6m'-ket{h. "^ f. A kind of BOMB-VESSEL, bom'-ves -sll. ifhip, ftrong!/ built, to bear the fhock of a mortar. BOMBARD, bim -bard. f. A great gun ; a barrel for wine. To BOMBARD, bom-ba'rd. v. a. To attack with bombs. BOMBARDIER, bom-bar-de'r. f. The engi- neer, whofe employment it is to fhoot bombs. BOMBARDMENT, bim-bi rd-ment. f. An attack made by throwing bombs. BOMBASIN, bom-ba-ze n. f. A flight filken ftufF. BOMBAST, bom-baft', f. Fuftian, big words. BOMBAST, bdm-bift'. a. High founding. BOMBULATiON, bom-bu-la -fhin. f. Sound, noife. BON AR OB A, bo'-na-ro'-ba. f. A whore. BGNASLS, bo-ni'-f'is. f. A kind of buffalo. BONCHRETIEN, bOn-krct -t%cn. f. A fpe- cic<; of prar. BOND, b.'nd'. f. Cords, or chains, with which any one is bound ; ligament that holds any thing together ; union, connexion ; imprifon- ment, captivity; cement of union, caufc of Hnion ; a writing of obligation ; law by which any one is obliged. BONDAGE, bon'-didzh. f. CapUvity, im- prifonment. BONDMAID, bond'-mad. f. A woman flavc. BONDMAN, bind'-man. f. A man flave. BONDSERVANT, bond'-fer-vint. f. A flave. BONDSERVICE, bond'-fer-vis. f. Slavery. BONDSLAVE, bond'-flave. f. A man in fla- vcry. BONDSMAN, bond'z-m'm. f. One bound for another. BONDWOMAN, bond'-wum-un. f. A woman flavc. BONE, bo'ne. f. The folid parts of the body of an animal ; a fragment of meat, a bone with as much flefh as adheres to it ; To make no bones, to make no fcruple ; dice. To BONE, bone. v. a. To take out the bones from the flefh. BONELACE, bo'ne-lafe. f. Flaxen lace. BONELESS, bo ne-k"s. a. Without bones. To BONESET, bo'ne-fet. v. n. To reftore a bone out of joint, or join a bone broken. BONESETTER, bo ne-fet-tur. f. One who makes a practice of fetting bones. BONFIRE, bo'n-fire. f. A fire made for tri- umph.. BONGRACE, bo'n-gras. f. A covering for the forehead. BONNET, bon'-nlt. f. A hat, a cap. BONNETS, bcn'-nits. f. Small fails fet on the courfes on the mizz;n, mainfail, and fore- f:il. BOXNILY, bon'-ny-Iy. ad. Gaily, hand- fonicly. BONNINESS, bon'-ny-nls. f. Gayety, hand- fomenefs. BONNY, bon'-ny. a. Handfome, beautiful ; gay, merry. BONNY-CLABBER,bon-ny-klab'-bur.f.Sour butccrmilk. BONUM MAGNUM, bo -num-mag'-num. f. A great plum. BONY, bo -ny. a. Confiding of bones; full of bones, A a BOOBY, BOO B O R BOOBY, bo-by. f. A dull, heavy, ftupiJ fellow. BOOK, bo k. f. A volume in which we read or write ; a particular part of a work; the re- gifter in which a trader keeps an account ; In books, in kind remembrance ; Without book, by memory. To BOOK, bok. V. a. To regifter in a book. BOOK-KEEPING, bd'k-kep-lng. f. The art of keeping accounts. BOOKBINDER, bo k-bm-dur. f. A man whofe profeflion it is to bind books. BOOKFUL, bo k-fal. a. Crouded with undi- gefted knowledge. BOOKISH, bo -kllh. a. Given to books. BOOKISHNESS, bo -kifli-nls. f. Overfludl- dioufnefs. BOOKLEARNED, bok-ler'-nld. a. Verfed in books. BOOKLEARNING, bSk-ler'-nlng. f. Skill in literature, acquaintance with books. BOOKMAN, bo'k-man. f. A man whofe pro- feflion is the ftudy of books. BOOKMATE, bok-mite. f. Schoolfellow. BOOKSELLER, bo k-feUur. f. A man whofe profeflion it is to fell books. BOOKWORM, bo k-wurm. f A mite that eats holes in books;, a fludent too clofely fixed upon books. BOOM, bom. f. In fea language, a long pole ufed to fpread out the clue of the ftudding fail ; a pole with bufhes or bafkets, fet up as a mark to (hew the failcrs how to fteer ; a bar laid crofs a harbour, to keep out the enemy. To BOOM, bo m. v. n. To rufli with vio- lence. BOON, bo'n. f. A gift, a grant. BOON, bon. a. Gay, merry. BOOR, bo'r. f. A lout, a clown. BOORISH, bo r-ifli. a. Clownifli, ruftick, BOORISHLY, bor-IIh-ly. ad. Afteraclowni/h manner. BOORISHNESS, bd'r-Lli-nls. f. Coarfencfs of manners. To BOOT, bo't. V. a. To profit, to adv.,n- fcige J to enrich, to bqncSt, BOOT, bat. f. Profit, gain, advantage; To boot, with advantage, over and above ; • booy or plunder. BOOT, bo t. f. A covering for the leg, ufed by horfemen. BOOT of a Coach, bo'r. f. The place under the coach box. BOOT-HOSE, bo't-hoze. f. Stockings to ferve for boots. BOOT-TREE, bo't-tree. f. Wood fiiaped like a leg, to be driven into boots for ftretching them. BOOTCATCHER, bo t-katlh-ur. f. The per- fon whofe bufinefs at an inn is to pull off" the boots of pafiengers. BOOTED, bo't-id. a. In boots. BOOTH, bo th. f. A houfe built of boards or boughs. BOOTLESS, bo t- lis. a. Ufelefs, unavailing; without fuccefs. BOOTY, bo'-ty. f. Plunder, pillage; things gotten by robbery ; To play booty, to lofe by defign. BOPEEP, bo-pep. f. To play Bopeep, is to look out, and drawback, as if frighted. BORACHIO, bo-rat'-tfho. f. A drunkard. BORABLE, bo'-rabl. a. That may be bored. BORAGE, bir'-ndzh. a. A plant. BORAX, b6-raks. f. An artificial fait, pre- pared from fal armoniac, nitre, calcined tartar, fea fait, and alum, diflblved in wine. EORDEL, bor-del'. f. A brothel, a bawdy- houfe. BORDER, ba'r-dur. f. The outer part or edge of any thing ; the edge of a country ; the outer part of a garment adorned with needlework; a bank raifed round a garden, and fet with flowers. To BORDER, ba'r-dir. v. n. To confine up- on ; to approach nearly to. To BORDER, ba'r-dur. v. a. To adorn with a border; to reach, to touch. BORDERER, ba r-de-rir. f. He that dwells on the borders. To BORE, bo're. v. a. To pierce in a hole. To BORE, bore. v. n. To make a hole; to pufla for\yards to a certain point. BORE, B O T B O U BORE, bo're. ,f. The hole made by boring; the inftrumcnt with which a hole is bored ; the fize of any hole. BORE, b6 re. The preterite of Bear. BOREAL, bo'-ryil. a. Northern. BOREAS, bo -ryas. f. The north winds. BOREE, bo'-re. f. A ftep in dancing. BORN, ba rn. Come into life. BORNE, b6 rne. Carried, fupported. BOROUGH, bur'-ro. f. A town with a cor- poration. To BORROW, bor'-ro. v. a. To take fome- tliing from another upon credit ; to afk of ano- ther the ufe of fomething for a time ; to ufe as one's own, though not belonging to one. BORROWER, bor'-ro-ur. f. He that borrows ; he that takes what is another's. •BOSCAGE, bos'-kaje. f. Wood, or woodlands. EOSKY, bos'-ky. a. Woody. BOSOM, bo -zum. f. The breaft, the heart; the innermofl: part of an inclofure ; the folds of the drefs that cover the breaft; the tender af- fections ; inclination, defire ; in compofition, implies intimacy, confidence, fondnefs, as my bofom friend. To BOSOM, bo'-zum. v. a. To inclofe in the bofom ; to conceal in privacy. BOSON, bo fn. f. Corrupted from Boatfwain. BOSS, bos', f. A ftud ; the partrifmg in the midil of any thing ; a thick body of any kind. BOSSAGE, bos'-saje. f. Any flone that has a projecture. EOSVEL, boz'-vil. f. A fpecies of crowfoot. BOTANICAL, bo-tan'-i-kal. BOTANICK, bo-tan' in herbs. BOTANIST, bit'-a-nlft. f. One ftlHed-in plants. BOTANOLOGY, bo-tan-ol'-o-jy. f. A dif- courfe upc.i plants. BOTCH, bot'fh. f. A fwelling, or eruptive difcoloration of the (kin; a part in any work ill fini(hed ; an adventitious part clumfily added. To BOTCH, botfli'. v. a. To mend or patch cloaths clumfily; to put together unfuitably, or wnfliilfully ; to mark with botches, EOTCllY, bot-tfhy. a. Marked with botches. in'-i-kal. I a. Relating to I'-nlk. j herbs, flcilled BOTH, bo tn. a. The two. BOTH, ba'tS. conj. As well. BOTS, bijt's. f. Small worms in the entrails of horfes. BOTTLE, bot'l. f. A fmall vcfTel of glafs, or other matter; a quantity of wine ufuaily put into a bottle, a quart ; a quantity of hay or grafs bundled up. To BOTTLE, bot'l. v. a. To inclofe in bottles. BOTTLEFLOWER,bot'l-flow-ur. f. A plant. BOTTLESCREW, bot l-fkrci. f. A fcrew to pull out the cork. BOTTOM, bot-tum. f. The lovveft part of any thing ; the ground under the water ; the foundation,' the ground-work ; a dale, a valley ; the deepeft part; bound, limit ; the utmoft of any man's capacity ; the laft refort ; a veflTel for navigation ; a chapce, or fecurity ; a ball of thread wound up together. To BOTTOM, bot'-tum. v. a. To build up- on, to fix upon as a fupport ; to wind upon fomething. To BOTTOM, bct'-tum. v. n. To reft upon as its fupport. BOTTOMED, bot'-tumd. a. Having a bottom. BOTTOMLESS, bot'-tiim-lls. a. Without a bottom, fathomlefs. BOTTOlVIRY, bit'-tum-ry. f. The ad of bor- rowing money on a ftiip's bottom. BOUD, bou'd. f. An infea which breeds in malt. To BOUGE, bo'uje. v. n. To fv.ell cut. BOUGH, bou'. f. An arm or a large fhoot of a tree. BOUGHT, ta't. prcter. of To buy. To BOUNCE, bou nfe. v. n. To fall or fly againft any thing with great force; to make a fudden leap ; to boaft, to bully. BOUNCE, bou'nfe. f. A ftrong fudden blow; a fudden crack 6r noife ; a boaft, a threat. BOUNCER, bou'n-fur. f. A boafter, a bully, an empty threatener ; a li.ar. BOUND, bound, f. A limit, a boundary; a limit by which any excurfion is reftrained ; a leap, a jump, a fpring; a rebound. To BOW BOX To BOUND, bou nd. v. a. To limit, to ter- minate ; to reftrain, to confine ; to malce to bound. To BOUND, bou'nd. v. n. Tojump, to fpring ; to rebound, to fly back. BOUND, bou'nd. participle paflive of Bind. BOUND, bou'nd. a. Deftined, intending to come to any place. BOUNDARY, bou'n-da-ry. f. Limit, bound. BOUNDEN, bou'n-den. participle paflive of Bind. BOUNDING-STONE,bou'n-dlng-ft6ne. 1 BOUND-STONE, bou'nd-ft.ke. j A ftone to play with. BOUNDLESSNESS, bou'nd-lef-ms. f. Ex- emption from limits. BOUNDLESS, bou'nd-h's. a. Unlimited, un- confined. BOUNTEOUS, bou'n-tyus. a. Liberal, kind, generous. BOUNTEOUSLY, bo 'n-tyif-ly. ad. Libe- rally, generoufly. BOUNTEOUSNESS, bou'n-tyuf-nis. f. Mu- nificence, liberality. BOUNTIFUL, bou'n-ty-fdl. a. Liberal, ge- nerous, munificent. BOUNTIFULLY, bou'n-ty-fdl-ly. ad. Libe- rally. BOUNTIFULNESS, bou'n-ty-ful-nis. f. The quality of being bountiful, generofity. BOUNTIHEAD, bou'n-ty-hed. 7f.Goodnefs, BOUN TYHOOD, biu n-ty-hfid. ^ virtue. BOUNTY, bou n-ty. f. Generofity, liberality, munificence. To BOURGEON, bur'-jun. v. n. To fprout, to fhoot into branches. BOURN, ho rn. f. A bound, a limit-; a brook, a torrent. To BOUSE, bo'ze. v. n. To drink laviflily. BOUSY, h6-zy. a. Drunken. BOUT, bou t. f. A turn, as much of an ac- tion as is perfoiini d at one time. To BOW, bow'. V. a. To bend, or inflf ct ; to bend the body in token of rcfpeiSl; or fubmiffion ; to bend, or incline, in condefceniioni to de- prefs, to-crufh. To BOW, bow'. V. n. To bend, to fuffer flexure ; to make a reverence ; to ftoop ; to fink under prefiTure. BOW, bow', f. An a, brad . f. A fort of nail to floor rooms wicn. To BRAG, brag', v. n. To boaft,. to difplay oftentatioufly. BRAG, brag', f. A boaft, a proud exprefllon ; the thing boaftcd. BRAGGADOCIO, brag-ga-d6'-ih6. f. A puff- ing, boafling fellow. BRAGGART, brig'-gart. a. Boaftfui, vainly oftentatious. ■ BRAGGART, brag'-gart. f. A boafler. BRAGGER, brag-giir. f. A boafter. BRAGLESS, brag'-lls. a. Without a boaft. BRAGLY, brag-ly. ad. Finely. To BRAID, bra d. v. a. To weave together. BRAID, bra d. f. A texture, a knot. BRAILS, bra Iz. f. Small ropes reeved through blocks. BRAIN, bra'n. f. That colkaion of velTels and organs in the head, from which fenfe and motion arife ; the underftanding. To BRAIN, bra n. v. a. To kill by beating out the brain. BRAINISH, bra'-mfh. a. Hotheaded, furious. BRAINLESS, bra'n-lls. a. Silly. BRAINPAN, bran-pan. f. The fkuU contain- ing the brains. BRAINSICK, brri'n-slk. a. Addleheaded, giddy. BRAINSICKLY, bran-slk-ly, ad. Weakly, headily. BRAINSICKNESS, brd'n-slk n!s. f. Indif- crction, giddinefs. BRAKE, bnVk. The preterite of Break. BRAKE, bnVk. f. Fern, brambles. BRAKE, bra k. f. An inftrumcnt for dreffing hemp or flax ; the handle of a fhip's pump j a baker's kneading trough. BRAKY, bra -ky. a. Thorny, prickly, rough. BRAMBLE, bram bl. f. Blackberry buih, dew- berry bufh, rr.fpbcrry bufh ; any rough prickly fhrub. BRAMBLING, brim'-blmg. f. A bird called alfo a mountain chafiinch. BRAN, bran. f. The hufks of corn ground. BRANCH, brantfh : f. The fiioot of a tree from one of the main boughs ; any diuant article ; any part that fhoots out from the reft j a intaller B b river BRA BRA river running into a larger ; any part of a fa- mily defccnding in a collateral line; the oft- fpring, the dtfcendant ; the antlers or {hoots of a flag's horn. To BRANCH, brantfo'. v. n. To fpread in branches ; to fpread into feparate parts ; to fpeak difFufively ; to have horns ihooting out. To BRANCH, brantfli . v. a. To divide as into branches ; to adorn writh needlework. ERANCHER, brant -fhur. f. Ojie that fhoots out into branches ; in falconry, a young hawk. BRANCHINESS, brin'-tfhy-nls. f. Fullnefs of branches. BRANCHLESS, brantlh'-lis. a. Without fhoots or boughs ; naked. BRANCHY, brant -fhy. a. Full of branches fpreadin^. BRAND, brand', f. A flick lighted, or fit to be lighted ; a fword ; a thunderbolt ; a mark made by burning with a hot iron. To BRAND, brand . v. a. To mark with a note of infamy. BRANDGOOSE, brand'-gos. f. A kind of wild fowl. To BRANDISH, bran'-d!fh. v. a. To wave or fhake ; to play with, to flourifh. BRANDLING, brand -ling. f. A particular worm. BRANDY, bran'-dy. f. A ftroiig liquor diilijied from wine. BRANGLE, brang'l. f. Squabble, wrangle. To BR ANGLE, brang 1. v. n. To wrangle, to fquabble. BRANK, brank'. f. Buckwheat. BRANNY, bran'-ny. a. Having the appearance of bran. BRASIER, bra-zhur. f. A manufaflurer that works in brafs ; a pan to hold coals. BRASIL, or BRAZIL, bra-ze'l. f. An Ame- rican wood, commonly fuppofed to have been thus denominated, becaufe firft brought from Brafil. BRASS, bras', f. A yellow metal, made by mixing copper with lapis calaminaris ; impu- dence. BRASSINESS, bras'-sy-nls. f. An appearance .like braf^. BRASSY, bras'-sy. a. Partaking of brafs ; hard as brafs ; impudent. BRAT, brat', f. A child, fo called in con- tempt ; the progeny, the ©iFspring. BRAVADO, bra-va-do. f. A boafl, a brag. BRAVE, bi-a ve. a. Courageous, daring, bold ; gallant, having a noble mien ; magnificent, grand; excellent, noble. BRAVE, brave, f. A hedor, a man daring be- yond prudence or fitnefs ; a boaft, a challenge. To BRAVE, brave, v. a. To defy, to chal- lenge ; to carry a boafting appearance. BRAVELY, bra've-ly. ad. In a brave manner, courageoufly, gallantly. BRAVERY, bra'-ve-ry. f. Courage, magna- nimity ; fplendour, magnificence ; fhow, often- tation ; bravado, boafl. BRAVO, bra -v6. f. A man who murders for hire. To BRAWL, bra'l. v. n. To quarrel noifily and indecently ; to fpeak loud and indecently j to make a noife. BRAWL, bral. f. Quarrel, noife, fcurrility. BRAWLER, bra'-lur. f. A wrangler. BRAWN, bran. f. The flefhy or mufculous part of the body ; the arm, fo called from its being mufculous ; bulk, mufcular flrength j the flefh of a boar ; a boar. BRAWNER, bra -nur. f. A boar killed for the table. BRAWNINESS, bra'-ny-nls. f. Strength, hard- nefs. BRAWNY, bra'-ny. a. Mufculous, flefhy, bulky. To BRAY, bra', v. a. To pound, or grind fmall. To BRAY, bra', v. n. To make a noife as an afs ; to make an ofFenfive noife. BRAY, bra', f. Noife, found.. BRAYER, bra -ur. f. One that brays like aii afs ; with printers, an inftrum.nt lo temper the ink. To BRAZE, bra'ze. v. a. To folder with brafsi to harden to impudence,^ BRAZEN, B R E B R E BRAZEN, brazn. a. Madcofbrafs; proceed- ing from brafs ; impudent. To BRAZEN, brazn. v. n. To be impudent, to bully. BRAZENFACE, bra'zn-fufc. f. An impudent wretch. BRAZENFACED, brd'zn-fa'fl. a. Impudent, fhamelefs. BRAZENESS, bra'zn-nis. f. Appearing like brafs ; impudence. BRAZIER, bra'-zyur. f. See BRASIER. BREACH, br6 tfli. f. The aft of breaking any thing ; the ftate of being broken ; a gap in a fortification made by a battery ; the violation of a law or contraft ; difFerence, quarrel ; infrac- tion, injury. BREAD, bred . f. Food made of ground corn ; food in general ; fupport of life at large ; BREAD-CHIPPER, bred'-ifhip-ur. f. A ba- ker's fervant. BREAD-CORN, bred '-kern. f. Corn of which bread is made. BREADTH, bred'tH. f. The meafure of any plain fuperficies from fide to fide. Xo BREAK, bre k. v. a. To burft, or open by force ; to divide ; to deflroy by violence ; to overcome, to furmount ; to batter, to make breaches or gaps in ; to crufh or deftroy the ftrength of the body ; to fink or appal the fpirit ; tofubdue; tocrufli, todifable, to incapacitate ; to weaken the mind ; to tame, to train to obe- dience ; to make bankrupt ; to crack the fkin ; to violate a contrait or promife ; to infringe a . law; to intercept, to hinder the efFecl of ; to interrupt ; to feparate company ; to diffolve any union ; to open fomething new ; To break the back, to difable one's fortune; To break ground, to open trenches ; To break the heart ; to deftroy with grief ; To break the neck, to lux, or put out the neck joints; To break off, to put a fudden ftop ; To break up, to diffolve ; To break up, to feparate or difband ; To break upon the wheel, to punifh by ftretching a cri- minal upon the wheel, and breaking his bones with bats; To break wind, to give vent to wind in the body. 2 To BREAK, br^k. v. n. To part in two; to burft by dafl.ing, as wavcs pn a rock ; to open and difchargp matter ; to open as the morning ; to burll forth, to exclaim ; to b come bank- rupt ; to decline in health and ffrength ; to make way with fome kind of fuJdennefs; to come to an explanation; to fall out, to be friends no longer; to difcard ; To break from, to feparate from with fome vehemence ; To break in, to enter unexpededly ; To break loofe, to efcape from captivit)' ; To break off, to de- fift fuddenly ; To break off from, to part from with violence ; Ta break out, to difcover itfelf in fudden effeds ; To break out, to have erup- tions from the body ; To break out, to become diffolute ; To break up, to ceafe, to intermit ; To break up, to diffolve itfelf ; To break up, to begin holidays; To break with, to part friendOiip with any. BREAK, bre k. f. State of being broken, opening ; a paufe, an interruption ; a lin« drawn, noting that the fenfc is fufpended. BREAKER, bre -kur. f. He that breaks any thing ; a wave broken by rocks or fandBanks. To BREAKFAST, brek'-faft. v. n. To eat the firft meal in the day. BREAKFAST, b.r4'-faft. f. The firft meal in the day ; the thing eaten at the firft meal ; a meal in general. BREAKNECK, bre k-nek. f. Afteepplace endangering the neck. BREAKPROMISE, bre'k-prcm-is. f. One that makes a praftice of breaking his promife. BREAM, bre'm. f. The name of a fifli. BREAST, breft'. f. The middle part of the human body, between the neck and the belly ; the dugs or teats of women which contain the milk ; the part of abeaft that is-undcr the neck, between the forelegs; the heart; the confci- cnce ; the paffions. To BREAST, breil'. v. a. To meet in front. BREASTBONE, breft'-bdnc. f. The bone of the brcaft, the fternum. BREASTHIGH, breft'-hy'. a. Up to the breaft. BREASTHOOKS, breft'-hoks. f. With fhip- wrights, the compafling timbers before that IkIr- B R E B R I ■help to ftrengthen the ftem, and all the forepart of the fliip. -BREASTKNOT, breft'-not. f. A knot or bunch of ribbands worn by the women on the breaft. BREASTPLATE, breft'-plate. f. Armour for the breaft. BREASTPLOUGH, breft'-plow. f. A plough ufed for paring turf, driven by the breaft. BREASTWORK, breft'-wurk. f. Works thrown up as high as the breaft of the defend- ants. BREATH, bretfi'. f. The air drawn in and ejefted out of the body ; life ; refpiration ; re- fpite, paufe, relaxation; breeze, moving air; a fingle aft, an inftant. To BREATHE, bre'th. v. n. To draw in and throw out the air by the lungs ; to live ; to reft ; to take breath ; to inject by breathing ; to ejedt by breathing ; to exercife; to move or adluate by breath ; to utter privately ; to give air or vent to. BREATHER, bre'-thur. f. One that breathes, or lives. BREATHING, bre'-th!ng. f. Afpiration, fe- cret prayer ; breathing place, vent. BREATHLESS, bretlt'-lls. a. Out of breath, fpentwith labour; dead. BRED, bred, particip. palT. from To breed. BREDE, bre d. f. See BRAID. BREECH, brltlh'. f. The lower part of the body ; breeches ; the hinder part of a piece of ordnance. ToBPvEECH, britfh'. v. a. To put into breeches ; to fit any thing with a breech, as to breech a gun. BREECHES, brit -tflilz. f. The garment worn by men over the lower part of the body ; to wear the breeches, is, in a wife, to ufurp the authority of the hufband. To BREED, bre d. v. a. To procreate, to ge- nerate ; to occafion, to caufc, to produce ; to contrive, to hatch, to plot; to produce from one's fclf, to give birth to; to edi cate, to qualify by education; to bnng up, to taKC care of. To BREED, bre^. v. n. To bring young ; to increafe by new produftion ; to be produced, to have birth ; to raife a breed. BREED, bred. f. A caft, a kind, a fubdivifion of fpecies ; progeny, offspring ; a number pro- duced at once, a hatch. BREEDBATE, bred-bate. f. One that breeds quarrels. BREEDER, bre'-dur. f. That which produces any thing ; the perfon which brings up ano- ther; a female that is prolifick; one that takes care to raife a breed. BREEDING, fare'-dlng. f. Education, inftruc- tions ; qualifications ; manners, knowledge of ceremony; nurture. BREEZE, br^'z. f. A flinging fly. BREEZE, bre z. f. A gentle gale. BREEZY, bra -zy. ad. Fanned with gales. BRET, bret'. f. A fiih of the turbot kind. BRETHREN, breth -ren. f. The plural of Brother. BREVIARY, bre'-vya-ry. f. An abridgment, an epitome ; the book containing the daily fervice of the church of Rome. BREVIAT, bre-vyat. f. A fhort compendium. BREVIATURE, fare'-vya-ture. f. An abbre- viation. BREVITY, brev'-i-ty. f. Concifenefs, fhort- nefs. To BREW, bro'. v. a. To make liquors by mixing feveral ingredients ; to prepare by mix- ing things together; to contrive to plot. To BREW, bro'. v. n. To perform the office of a brewer. BREWaGE, bro-Idzh. f. Mixture of various things. BREWER, bro -ur. f. A man whofe profeffion it is to make beer. BREWHc;USE, bro'-houfe. f. A houfe ap- propriated to brewing. BREWING, bro'-inj;. f. Quantity of liquor brewed. , EREWIS, bra is. f. A piece of bead foiktd in boiling fat pottage, made ot faltcd meat. BRIBE, bri be. f. A reward given to pervert thi ud^meiit. To B R I B R I To BRIBE, bribe, v. a. To give bribes. BRIBER, bri -bur. f. One that pays for cor- rupt praiStices. BRIBERY, bri'-be-ry. f. The crime of taking rewards for bad praftices. BRICK, brlk'. f. A mafs of burnt clay } a loaf fhaped like a brick. To BRICK, brik'. v. a. To lay with bricks. BRICKBAT, brlk'-bat. f. A piece of brick. BRICKCLAY, brlk'-kli f. Clay ufed for making brick. BRICKDUST, brlk'-dift. f. Duft made by pounding bricks. BRICK-KILN, brik'-kil. f. A kiln, a place to burn bricks in. BRICKLAYER, brik'-li-ur. f. Abrick-mafon. BRICKMAKER, brik'-ma-kur. f. Onewhofe trade is to make bricks. BRIDAL, bri -dal. a. Belonging to a wedding, nuptial. BRIDE, bride, f. A woman new married. BRIDEBED, bride-bed. f. Marriage-bed. BRIDECAKE, bri de-kake. f. A cake diftri- buted to the guefts at the wedding. BRIDEGROOM, bride-grom. f. A new mar- ried man. BRIDEMEN, bri'de-men. 1{. The attend- BRIDEMAIDS, bride-madz.i ants on the bride and bridegroom. BRIDESTAKE, bri de-ftake. f. A port fet in the ground, to dance round. BRIDEWELL, br! de-wel. f. A houfe of cor- rection. BRIDGE, bridzh'. f. A building raifed over water for the convenience of pafl'age ; the upper part of the nofe ; the fupporter of the firings in flringed inflruments of mufick. To BRIDGE, bridzh'. v. a. To raife a bridge over any place. BRIDLE, bri'dl. f. The hcadftall and reins by which a horfe is reflrained and governed ; a re- ftraint, a curb, a check. To BRIDLE, bri'dl. v. a. To guide by a bridle ; to rcihain, to govern. To BRIDLE, bri dl. v. n. To hold up the head. BRIDLEHAND, bridl-h.'md. f. The hand which holds the bridle in riding. BRIEF, bref. a. Short, concife ; contradcd, narrow. BRIEF, bre'f. f. A fhort extrait, or epitome ; the writing given the pleaders, containing the cafe ; letters patent, giving licence to a chari- table colledlion ; in mufick, a meafure of quan- tity, which contains two ftrokes down in beat- ing time, and as many up. BRIEFLY, bref-ly. ad. Concifely ; in few words. BRIEFNESS, bref-nis. f. Concifenef;, fhort- nefs. BRIER, bri'-ur. f. A plant. BRIERY, bri'-e-ry. a. Rough, full of briers. BRIGADE, bri-gadc. f. A divifion of forces, a body of men. BRIGADIER General, br!g-a-de'r. f. An of- ficer, next in order below a major general. BRIGANDINE, brig'-an-dine. : f. Alightvef- BRIGANTINE, brig'-an-tine. S ^el, T^ch as has been formerly ufed by corfairs or pirates ; a coat of mail. BRIGHT, bri't. a. Shining, glittering, full of light; clear, evident; illuftrious, as a bright reign ; witty, acute, as a bright genius. To BRIGHTEN, britn. v.a. To make bright, to make to fhine ; to make luminous by light from without ; to make gay, or alert ; to make illuftrious ; to make acute. To BRIGHTEN, britn. v. n. To grow bright, to clear up. BRIGHTLY, bri't-!y. ad. Splendidly, with luftre. BRIGHTNESS, bri't-nis. f. Luftie, fplen- dour ; acutenefs. BRILLIANCY, bril'-lyan-fy. f. Luftre, fplcn- dour. BRILLIANT, bnl'-lyint. a. Shining, fparkl- ing. BRILLIANT, bril'-lyant. f. A diamond of the fineft cut. BRILLIANTNESS, brll'-lyant-nls. f. Splen- dour, luftre. BRIM, brim', f. The edge of any thing ; the C c upper B R I B R O upper edge of any veffcl ; the top of any liquor ; the bank of a fountain. To BRIM, brim', v. a. To fill to the top. To BRIM, brim . v. n. To be full to the brim. BRIMFUL, brim -ful'. a. Full to the top. BRIMFULNESS, brim -ful'-nls. f. Fulnefs to the top. BRIMMER, brim'-mur. f. A bowl full to the top. BRIMSTONE, brIm'-ftSne. f. Sulphur. BRIMSTONY, brlm'-fto-ny. a. Fullofbrim- ffone. BRINDED, brln'-dld. a. Streaked, tabby. BRINDLE, brind 1. f. The flate of being brinded. BRINDLED, brind Id. a. Brinded, ftreaked. BRINE, brine, f. Water impregnated with f.ilt; the fea ; tears. BRINEPIT, bri'ne-pit. f. Pit of fait water. To BRING, bring', v. a. To fetch from ano- ther place; to convey in one's own hand, not to fend ; to caufe to come ; to attrad, to draw along ; to put into any particular ftate ; to con- dudl ; to induce, to prevail upon ; To bring about, to bring to pafs, to efFedt ; To bring forth, to give birth to, to produce ; To bring in, to reclaim ; To bring in, to afford gain; To bring off, to clear, to procure to be ac- quitted ; To bring on, to engage in adlion ; To bring over, to draw to a new party; To bring out, to exhibit, to fhew ; To bring under, to fubdue, to reprefs; To bring up, to educate, toinftruft; To bring up, to bring into pr.-idice. BRINGER, bring'-ur. f. The pcrfon that brings any thing. BRINISH, bri-nlfli. a. Having the taftc of brine, fait. BRINISHNESS, bri'-niHi-nis. f. Saltnefs. BRINK, brink . f. The edge of any place, as of a precipice or a river. BRINY, bri-ny. f. Salt. BRISK, brlflc. a. Li\e'y, vivacious, gay ; pow- erful, fpirituous ; vivid, bright. BRISKET, brls'-klt. f. The brcaft of an anin^al. BPJSKLY, brllk'-ly. ad. A£tivcly, vlgoroudy. BRISKNESS, brific'-nSs. f. Livelinefs, vigour, qu'xknefs ; gaycty. BRISTLE, brls 1. f. The ftiff hair of fwine. To BRISTLE, brls 1. v. a. To ered in bridles. To BRISTLE, brls 1. v. n. To ftand erecl as briftles. BRISTLY, brls'-ly. a. Thick fet with briftles. BRISTOL STONE, brls'-t6-ft6ne. f. A kind of foft diamond found in a rock near the city of Briftol, BRIT, brlt'. f. The name of a fifh. BRITTLE, brlt'l. a. Fragile, apt to break. BRITTLENESS, brlt'l-nls. f. Aptnefs to break. BRIZE, brlze. f. The gadfly. BROACH, bro tfh. f. A fpit. To BROACH, bro tfh. v. a. To fpit, to pierce as with a fpit; to pierce a veffel in order to draw the liquor; to open any ilore ; to give out, or utter any thing. BROACHER, br6'-tfhur. f. A fpit ; an open- er, or utterer of any thing. BROAD, bra d. a. Wide, extended in breadth ; large ; clear, open ; grofs, coarfe ; obfcene, fulfome ; bold, not delicate, notreferved. BROAD CLOTH, bra'd-clo'tlT. f. A fine kind of cloth. To BROADEN, brl'dn. v. n. Togrow broad. BROADLY, bra'd-ly. ad. In a broad manner. BROADNESS, brid-nls. f. Breadth, extent from fide to fide ; coarfenefs, fulfomnefe. BROADSIDE, bra'd-slde. f. The fide of a fiiip ; the volley of fhot fired at once from the fide of a fhip. BROADSWORD, bra'd-ford. f. A cutting, fword, with a broad blade. BROADWISE, bra'd-wize. ad. According to. the diredlion of the breadth. BROCADE, bro-kd de. C A filken fluff va- riegated. BROCADED, bro-ka'-dld. a. Dreft in bro- cade ; woven in the manner of brocade. BROCAGE, bi(i'-kldzh. f. The gain gotten by promoting bargains ; the hire given for any un- lawful office ; the trade of dealing in old things. BROC- B R O 13 R O BROCCOLI, brok'-ko-ly. f. A fpecies of cabbage. BROCK, brok'. f. A badger. BROCKET, br." k'-kit.f. A red deer, hvo years old. BROGUE, brog. f. A kind of fhoej a cor- rupt dialect. To BROIDER, broi'-dur. v. a. To adorn with figures of needle-work. BROIDERY, broi -de-ry. f. Embroidery, flower- work. BROIL, broi'l. f. A tumult, a quarrel. To BROIL, broi'l. V. a. To drefs or cook by laying on the coals. To BROIL, broi 1. v. n. To be in the heat. To BROKE, broke, v. n. To contract bufiiiefs for others. BROKEN, brd'kn. part. palT. of Break. BROKEN-HEAR'i'ED, brd'kn-ha r-t'd. a. Having the fpirits crufhed by grief or fear. BROKENLY, brC. kn-ly. ad. Without any regular ferics. BROKER, bro-kur. f. A faclor, one that does bufmefs for another ; one who deals in old houfchold goods ; a pimp, a match maker. BROKERAGE, bro -kur-idzh. f. The pay or reward of a broker. ERONCHOCELE, brin'-ko-kel. f. A tumour of that part of the afperia arteria, called the Bronchos. BRONCHIAL, brcn'-kyal. a. Belonging to the BRONCHICK,br<'n-k!k. \ throat. BRONCHOTOMY, brcn-k6t'-t6-my. f. That operation which opens the windpipe by inci- fion, to prevent fufFocation. BRONZE, bro'nze. f. Brafs ; a medal. BROOCH, bro tfh. f. A jewel, an ornameat of jewels. To BROOD, bro'd. v. n. To fit on eggs, to hatch them ; to cover chickens under the wing ; to watch, or confider any thing anxioufly ; to mature any thing by care. To BROOD, brod. v. a. To chcrifh by care, to h::tch. BROOD, bro'd. f. Offspring, progeny ; ge- neration ; a hatch, the number Hatched at once ; the adl of coverin2 the eggs- BROODY, bro -dy. a. In a Ihte of fiuing on the e2:25. fe. ] baw- BROOK, bro'k. f. A running water, a rivulet. To BROOK, br.i'k. v. a. l^o bear, io endure. To BROOK, bro k. v. n. To endure, to be content. BROOKLIME, bro'k-lime. f. A fort of water; an herb. BROOM, bro'm. f. Afhrub, abcfom fo called from the matter of which it is made. BROOMLAND, br^ m-Iind. f. Land that bears broom. BROOMSTAFF, bro'm-ftif. f. The ftafF to which the broom is bound. BROOMY, br^'-my. a. Full of broom. BROTH, bratlT. f. Liquor in which flefh is boiled. BROTHEL, brith'-ll. / f. A BROTHELHOUSE, bruth'-!l-houfe dy-houfe. BROTHER, bruth'-ur. f. One born of the fame father or mother ; any one clofely united ; any one refembling another in manner, form, or profeflion ; Biother is ufed in theological lan- guage, for man in general. BROTHERHOOD^ bruth'-er-had. f. The ftate or quality of being a brother ; an afToci- ation of men for any purpofe, a fraternity ; a clafs of men of the fame kind. BROTHERLY, bruth'-er-ly, a. Natural to brothers, fuch as becomes or befeems a brother. BROUGHT, brat. part, paffive of Bring. BROW, brow', f. The arch of hair over the eye ; the forehead ; the general air of the coun- tenance ; the edge of any high place. To- BROWBEAT, brow'-bet. v. a. To de- prefs with ftern looks. BROWBOUND, brow'-bound. a. Crowned, BROWSICK, brow'-s!k. a. Dcjecled. BROWN, brown, a. The name of a colour. BROWNBILL, brow'n-bil. f. The ancient weapon of the Englifh foot. BROWNNESS, brow n-n!s. f. A brown co- lour. BROWNSTUDY, brow'n-flud'-y. f. Gloomy meditations. To BROWSE, brow zc. v. a. To eat branches, or flirubs... To B R Y BUD To BRUISE, bro'ze. v. a. To crufti or mangle with a heavy blow. BRUISE, bro'ze. f. A hurt with fomething blunt and heavy. BRUISEWORT, bro'ze-wurt. f. Comfrey. BRUIT, bro't. f. Rumour, noife, report. BRUMAL, bro'-mal. a. Belonging to the winter. BRUNETT, bri-nit'. f. A woman with a brown complexion. BRUNT, brunt', f. Shock, violence; blow, ftroke. BRUSH, brufli'. f. An inftrument for rubbing; a rude aflault, a fhock. To BRUSH, brufli'. v. a. To fweep or rub with a brufli ; to ftrike with quicknefs j to paint with a brufli. To BRUSH, brufli'. v. n. To move with hafte; to fly over, to flcim lightly. BRUSHER, brifli -ur. f. He that ufesa brufli. BRUSHWOOD, brifli'-wiid. f. Rough, flirub- by thickets. BRUSHY, brufli'-y. a. Rough or fliaggy, like a brufli. To BRUSTLE, brus'l. v. n. To crackle. BRUTAL, bro-tal. a. That which belongs to a brute ; favage, cruel, inhuman. BRUTALITY, bro-tal'-!-ty. f. Savagenefs, churliflinefs. To BRUTALIZE, brd'-ta-llze. v. n. To grow brutal or favage. BRUTALLY, bri'-tal-ly. ad. Churliflily, in- humanly. BRUTE, bro't. a. Senfelefs, unconfcious ; fa- vage, irrational ; rough, ferocious. BRUTE, bro t. f. A creature without reafon. BRUTENESS, bro't-nls. f. Brutality. To BRUTIFY, bro -tl-fy. v. a. To make a man a brute. BRUTISH, br<^'-t!fli. a. Beflial, refembling a beaft ; rough, favage, ferocious ; grofs, carjial ; ignorant, untaught. BRUTISHLY, bro'-tlfli-ly. ad. In the manner of a brute. BRUTISHNESS, br^ -t!fli-n!s. f. Brutality, nu-a;-T i;. ' BRYONY, bry -o-ny. f. A plant. . BUB, bub', f. Strong malt liquor. BUBBLE, bub'l. f. A fmall bladder of water; any thing which wants folidity and firmnefs ; a cheat, a falfe fliow ; the perfon cheated. To BUBBLE, bib 1. v. n. To rife in bubbles; to run with a gentle noife. To BUBBLE, bib'l. v. a. To cheat. BUBBLER, bub'-blur. f. A cheat. BUBBY, bub'-by. f. A woman's breafi:. BUBO, bu'-bo. f. The groin from the binding of the thigh to the fcrotum : all tumours in that part are called Buboes. BUCANIERS, buk-a-nerz. f. A cant word for the privateers, or pirates, of America. BUCK, buk'. f. The liquor in which cloaths are waflied ; the cloaths waflied in the liquor. BUCK, biik'. f. ' The male of the fallow deer, the male of rabbets and other animals. To BUCK, buk'. V. a. To wafli cloaths. To BUCK, biik'. v. n. To copulate as bucks and does. BUCKBASKET, buk'-baf-ki't. f. The baflcet in which cloaths are carried to the wafli. BUCKBEAN, biik'-ben. f. A plant, a fort of trefoil. BUCKET, buk'-kit. f. The velTel in which wa- ter is drawn out of a well ; the veflels in which water is carried, particularly to quench a fire. BUCKLE, biik'l. f. A link of metal, with a tongue or catch made to fallen one thing to another ; the flate of the hair crifped and curled. To BUCKLE, buk 1. v. a. To faflen with a buckle ; to confine. To BUCKLE, biik 1. v. n. To bend, to bow; To buckle to, to apply to ; To buckle with, to engage with. BUCKLER, buk'-lur. f. A fliield. BUCKMAST, bik'-mirt. f. The fruit or mafl: of the beech tree. BUCKRAM, buk'-rum. f. A fort of ftrong linen cloth, fiifFened with g\mi. BUCKSHORN, buks-hirn. f. A plant, BUCKTHORN, buk'-t'ncrn. f. A tree. BUCOLICK, bii-kol -Ik. a. Paftoral. BUD, bud', f. The fi-ft flioot of a plant, a To B U B U M To BUD, hud . V. n. To put forth young flaoots, or gems ; to be in the bloom. To BUD, bud . V. a. To inoculate. To BUDGE, budzh'. v. n. To ftir. BUDGE, budzh'. a. Stiff, formal. BUDGER, bud-jur. f. One that jnovesor ftirs. BUDGET, bid -j!t. f. A bag fuch as may be eafily carried ; a ftore, or ftock. BUFF, buf . f. Leather prepared from the fkin of the buffalo, ufed for waift belts, pouches, &c. a military coat. To BUFF, hif . V. a. To ftrike. BUFFALO, bif -fl-l6. f. A kind of wild bull or cow. BUFFET, buf '-fit. f. A blow with the fifr. BUFFET, buf-fjt'. f. A kind of cupboard. To BUFFET, buf'-flt. V. n. To box, to beat. To BUFFET, baf -fit. v. n. To play a box- ing-match.. BUFFETER, buf -f !-tir. f. A boxer. BUFFLE, bufl. f. The fame with buffalo. BUFFLEHEADED, buf 1-hed-id. a. Dull, ftupid. BUFFOON, buf-f(^'n. f. A man whofe profef- fion is to make fport, by low jefts and antick poftures, a jackpudding ; a man that prailifes indecent raillery. BUFFOONRY, bif-f^'n-e-ry. f. The prac- tice of a buffoon ; low jefts, fcurrile mirth. BUG, bug', f. A ftinking infedl, bred in old houfchold ftuff. BUGBEAR, big'-b5r. f. A frightful objecl, a falfe terrour. BUGGINESS, bug'-g!-nls. f. The ftate of being infected with bugs. BUGGY, bug'-gy. a. Abounding with bugs. BUGLE, bu'gl." ; f. A hunting BUGLEHORN, bu'gl-horn. \ horn. BUGLE, bu'gl. f. A fliining bead of black glafs. BUGLE, bu'gl. f. A plant. BUGLOSS, bu'-glos. f. The herb ox-tonguc. To BUILD, blld'. V. a. To make a fabrick, or an edifice; to raifc any thing on a fupport or foundation. To BUILD, blld . v. n. To depend on, to reft on. BUILDER, bll-dur. f. He that builds, an architciit. BUILDING, bll'-drng. f. A fabrick, an edifice. BUILT, bllt'. f. The form, the ftruaure. BULB, bulb', f. A round body, or root. BULBACEOUS, bul-bi'-fhus. a. The fame with Bulbous. BULBOUS, biLl'-bus. a. Containing bulbs. To BULGE, bul jc. v. n. 7'o take in water, to founder, to jut out. BULK, bulk', f. Magnitude, fize, quantity ; the grofs, the majority ; main fabrick. BULK, bulk', f. A part of a building jutting out. BULKHEAD, bulk'-hed. f. A partition made acrofs a fhip with boards. BULKINESS, bul-k!-nis. f. Greatnefsof fta- ture, or fize. BULKY, bul'-ky. a. Of great fize or ftature. BULL, biil'. f. The male of black cattle; in the fcriptural fenfe, an enemy powerful, and violent ; one of the twelve figns of the zodiack ; a letter publifhed by the pope ; a blunder. BULLBEATING, bul'-bi-ting. f. The fport of baiting bulls with dogs. BULL-BEGGAR, bdl'-beg-ur. f. Something terrible. BULL-DOG, bul'-dog. f. A dog of a particular form, remarkable for his courage. BULL-HEAD, bCil'-hcd. f. A ftupid fellow ; the name of a fifh. BULL-WEED, bul'-wed. f. Knapweed. BULL-WORT, bal'-wurt. f. Bi(hops-weed. BULL ACE, bil'-Iis. f. A wild four plum. BULLET, bul'-lit. f. A round ball of n-ictal. BULLION, bul'-Iyun. f. Gold or filver in the lum.p unwrought. BULLITION, bul-llfh'-un. f. T.hc aft cr ftate of boiling. BULLOCK, bdl'-luk. f. A young bull. BULLY, bul'-ly. f. A noify, bluftering, quar- relling fellow. BULRUSH, bul'-rufti. f. A large rufh. BULWARK, bul'-wurk. f. A fortification, a citadel ; a fecurity. BUM, bum. f. The part on which we fit; it D d is B U O BUR is ufed, in compofitlon, for any thing mean or low, as bumbailiff". BUMBAILIFF, bum-ba'-llf. f. A bailiff of the meaneft kind, one that is employed in ar- refts. BUMBARD, bom-ba'rd. f. Bombard. BUMBAST, bom-baft', f. Bombaft. BUMP, bump', f. A fwelling, a protuberance. To BUMP, bump', v. a. To makea loud noife. BUMPER, bum'-pur. f. A cup filled. BUMPKIN, bump'-kin. f. An aukward heavy ruftick. BUMKINLY, bump'-kln-ly. a. Having the manner or appearance of a clown. BUNCH, buntlh'. f. A hard lump, a knob; aclufter; a number of things tied together; any thing bound into a knot. BUNCHBACKED, buntfh'-bakt. a. Having bunches on the back. BUNCHY, bun'-tfhy. a. Growing into bunches. BUNDLE, biin'dl. f. A number of things bound together ; any thing rolled up cylindri- cally. To BUNDLE, bun'dl. v. a. To tie in a bundle. BUNG, bung', f. A ftopple for a barrel. To BUNG, bung . v. a. To flop up. BUNGHOLE, bung'-hdle. f. The hole at which the barrel is filled. To BUNGLE, bung'l. v. n. To perform clumfily. To BUNGLE, bung'l. v. a. To botch, to ma- nage clumfily. BUNGLE, bung'l. f. A botch, an awkward- ncfs. BUNGLER, bung'-lur. f. A bad workman. BUNGLINGLY, bung'-l!ng-Iy. ad. Clumfily, awkwardly. BUNN, bun', f. A kind of fweet bread. BUNT, bunt. f. An increafing cavity. PUNTER, bun'-tur. f. Any low vulgar wo- man. BUNTING, biin'-ting. f. The name of a bird. BUOY, bwe . f. A piece of cork or wood floating, tied to a weight. To BUOY, bway , v. a. To keep afloat. BUOYANCY, bway'-£n-fy. f. The quality of floating. BUOYANT, bwoy'-.int. a. Which will not fink, BUR, bur', f. A rough head of a plant. BURBOT, biir'-but. f. A fift full of prickles. BURDELAIS, bur-de-la. f. A fort of grape. BURDEN, bur'-din, f. A load; fomething grievous ; a birth ; the verfe repeated in a fong. To BURDEN, bur'-dln. v. a. To load, to in- cumber. BURDENER, biir'-dln-ur, f. A loader, an oppreflbur. BURDENOUS, bur'-dln-us, a. Grievous, op- preffivc ; ufelcfs. BURDENSOxME, bur'-dln-fum. a. Grievous, troublefome. BURDENSOMENESS, bur'-d!n-fum-n!s. f. Weight, uneafinefs. BURDOCK, bur'-dok. f. See DOCK. BUREAU, bu-ro. f. A cheft of drawers. BURG, bur'-ro. f. See BURROW. BURGAGE, bur'-g'dzh. f, A tenure proper to cities and towns. BURGAMOT, bur-ga-mot'. f. A fpecies of pear. BURGANET, or BURGONET, bur'-g5-net'. f. A kind of helmet. BURGESS, bur'-jis. f. A citizen, a freeman of a city ; , a reprefentative of a town corporate. BURGH, buF.-r6. f. A corporate town or bur- row. BURGHER, bur'-gur. f. One who has a right to certain privileges in this or that place. BURGHERSHIP, bur'-gur-ftilp. f. The pri- vilege of a burgher. BURGLARY, bur'-gla-ry. f. Robbing a houfe by night, or breaking in with intent to rob. BURGOMASTER, bur'-gS-maf-tur. f. One employed in the government of a city. BURIAL, ber'-yal. f. The att of burying, fepulture, interment ; the zQ. of placing any thing under earth ; the church fervice for funerals. BURIER, bcr'-ry-ur. f. He that buries. BURINE, bu'-n'n. f, A graving tool. BURLACE, bur'-lafe, f. A fort of gr.ipc. To BUR BUS To BURL, bur'l. V. a. To drefs cloth as ful- lers do. BURLESQUE, bur-li-fk'. a. Jocular, tending to raife laughter. BURLESQUE, bur-lefk'. f. Ludicrous lan- guage. To BURLESQUE, bur-lefk'. v. a. To turn to ridicule. BURLINESS, bir'-ly-nls. f. Bulk, blufter. BURLY, bir-l^. a.' Great of ftature. To BURN, burn. v. a. To confume with fire; to wound with fire. To BURN, burn. v. n. To be on fire ; to be inflamed with paffion ; to aft as fire. BURN, birn . f. A hurt caufed by fire. BURNER, bur'-nur. f. A perfon that burns any thing. BURNET, bur -nit. f. The name of a plant. BURNING, bur -ning. f. State of inflamma- tion. BURNING-GLASS, bur'-n!ng-glas. f. A glafs which colledls the rays of the fun into a nairow compafs, and fo increafes their force. To BURNISH, bur'-nllh. v. a. To polifli. To BURNISH, bur'-nlfli. v. n. To grow bright or glofl)'. BURNISHER, bur'-mfh-ur. f. The perfon that burnilhes or polifhes; the tool with which bookbinders give a glofs to the leaves of books, it is commonly a dog's tooth fet in a ftick. BURNT, burnt', part. paff. of Burn. BURR, bir'. f. The lobe or lap of the ear. BURREL, bur'-rll. f. A fort of pear. BURROW, biir'-ro. f. A corporate town, that is not a city, but fuch as fends burgeffes to the parliament; a place fenced or fortified; the holes made in the ground by conies. To BURROW, bi.r'-ro. v! n. To mine, as conies or rabbits. BURSAR, bur-fur. f. The trcafurer of a col- lege. ^ BURSE, burs'e, f. An exchange where mer- chants meet. To BURST, birft'. v. n. To break, or fly open ; to fly afunder ; to break away, to fpring ; to come fuddenly ; to begin an adtion violently. To BURST, burft'. v. a. To break fuddenly, to make a quick and violent difruption. BURST, burft'. f. A fudden difruption. BURST, burft'. 1 pr>rt. a. Difeafed with a BURSTEN, burft'n. ^ hernia or rupture. BURSTNESS, burft'-nls. f. A rupture. BURSTWORT, burft'-wurt. f. An herb good againft ruptures. BURT, birt'. f. A flat fifh of the turbot kind. BURTHEN, bur'-dln. f. See BURDEN. To BURY, ber'-ry. v. a. To inter, to put in- to a grave ; to inter with rites and ceremonies ; to conceal, to hide. BUSH, bufh'. f. A thick fhrub ; a bough of a tree fixed up at a door, to (hew that liquors are fold there. BUSHEL, bufh'-il. f. A meafure containing eight gallons, a ftrike. BUSHINESS, ba{h'-!-nis. f. The quality of being buftiy. BUSHMENT, bufh'-ment. f. A thicket. BUSHY, bulh'-y. a. Thick, full of fmall branches ; full of buflies. BUSILESS, blz'-zy-lis. a. At leifure. BUSILY, b!z'-zy-ly. ad. With hurry, aftlvely, BUSINESS, biz'-nis. f. Employment, multi- plicity of affairs ; an affair ; the fubjeft of ac- tion ; ferious engagement ; right of adtioii ; a matter of queftion ; To do one's bufinefs, to kill, deftroy, or ruin him. BUSK, bulk', f. A piece of fteel or whalebone, worn by women to ftrengthen their ftays. BUSKIN, bus'-kin. f. A kind of half boot, a. ftioe which comes to the midleg ; a kind of high fhoe worn by the ancient adors of tragedy. BUSKINED,' bus -kind. a. Dreffed in bufkins. BUSKY, bus'-ky. a. Woody. BUSS, bus', f. A kifs, a filute v/ith lips; a boat for filhing. To BUSS, bus'. V. a. To kifs. BUST, bull. f. A ftatue reprefcnting a man to his breaft. BUSTARD, bus'-terd. f. A wild turkey. To BUSTLE, bus I. v. n. To be bufy, to ftir. BUSTLE, bus'l. f. A tumult, a hurry. BUSTLER, bus'-liir. f. An adive ftirring man. b'usy. BUT BUZ BUSY, biz'-zy. a. Employed with earncfbief? ; buftling, aftive, meddling. To BUSY, b'z'-zy. v. a. To employ, to engage. BUSYBODY, blz'-zy-bod-y. f. A vain, mtd- dlins;, fantaftical psrfon. BUT, but', conjuiift. Except; yet, neverthe- Jcfs ; the particle which introduces the minor of a fyllogifm, now; only, nothing more than ; than ; not otherwife than ; by no other means than ; if it were not for this ; however, how- beit; otherwife than; even, not longer ago than ; yet it may be objeded ; but for, had not this been. BUT-END, but'-cnd. f. Th: blunt end of any thing. BUTCHER, bat'-tfnir. f. One that kills ani- mals to fell their Hcfh ; one that is delighted with blood. To BUTCHER, bdt'-tfaur. v. a. To kill, to murder. BUTCHERLINESS, bdt'-tfher-ly-n's. f. A butcherly manner. BUTCHERLY, but'-tfher-ly. a. bloody, bar- barous. BUTCHERY, biit'-tflie-ry. f. The trade of a hatcher; murder, cruelty; the place where blood is fhcd. BUTLER, but'-lir. f. A fcrvant employed in furnijfhing the table. BUTMENT, but'-man. f. That part of the arch which joins it to the upright pier. BUTT, but', f, The place on which the mark to be (hot at is placed ; the point at which the endeavour is diredled ; a man upon whom the company break their jefts. BUTT, but . f. A vellel, a barrel containing one hundred and twenty-fix gallons of wine. To BUTT, but', v. a. To flrike with the head. BUTTER, bit'-tir. f. An unduous fub- ftance made by agitating the cream of milk, till the oil feparates from the whey. To BUTTER, but'-tur. v. a. To fmear, or oil with butter ; to incrcafe the Ibkes every throv/. BUTTERBUMP, but'-tir-bimp. f. A fowl, ijic bittourn. ^ BUTTERBUR, but'-tur-bur. f. A plant. BUTTERFLOWER, but'-tur-flow-ur. f. A yellow flov/er of May. BUTTERFLY, bit'-tur-fly. f. A beautiful inf-cl. BUTTERIS, but'-t3-rls. f. An inftrument of fteel ufed in paring the foot of a horfe. BUTTERMILK, but'-tur-mllk. f. The whey that is fcparated from the cream when butter is made. BUTTERPRINT, but'-tur-prlnt. f. A piece of carved wood, ufed to mark butter. BUTTERTOOTH, but'-tur-tcitJi. f. The great broad foretooth. BUTTERWOIMAN, bit'-tur-wiim-un. f. A woman that fells butter. BUTTERWORT, bit'-tur-wurt. f. A plant, fanicle. BUTTERY, but'-ta-r)'. a. Having the ap- pearance or qualities of butter. BUTTERY, but'-te-ry. f. The room where pro^'i^lons are laid up. BUTTOCK, but'-uk. f. The rump, the part near the tail. BUTTON, bit'n. f. Any knob or hall; the bud of a plant. To BUTTON, but'n. v. a. Todrefs, tocloathj to faflen with buttons. BUTTONHOLE, but'n-h6le. f. The loop in which the button of the cloaths is caught. BUTTRESS, but-trls. f. A prop, a wall built to fupport another ; a prop, a fupport. To BUTTRESS, but -tris. v. a. To prop. BUXOM, buk'-fum. a. Obedient, obfequious; gay, lively, brifk ; wanton, jolly. BUXOMLY, buk'-fum-ly. ad. Wantonly, amo- roufly. BUXOMNESS, bik'-fum-nis. f. Wantonncfs, amoroufnefs. To BUY, by', v. a. To purchafe, to acquire by paying a price ; to manage by money. To BUY, by', v. n. To treat about a purchafe. BUYER, by'-ur. f. He that buys, a pur- chafer. To BUZZ, buz', v. n. To hum, to make a noifc like bees ; to whifpcr, to prate. BUZ- B Y G B Y W BUZZARD, buz'-zird. f, A degenerate or mean fpecics of hawk. ; a blockhead, a dunce. BUZZER, buz'-zur. f. A fecret whifperer. K by'. 7 prep. It notes the agent ; it notes ' t ^y* J the inftrument; it notes the Cdufe; it notes the means by which any thing is per- formed; at, or in, noting place j it notes the fum of the difference between two things com- pared ; not later than, "notmg time ; befide, noting pafiage ; near to, in prefence, noting proximity ; before Kimfelf, it notes the abfence of all others ; it is the folemn form of fwearing ; athahd; it is ufed in forms of obteftingj by proxy of; noting fubftitution. BY, by', ad. Near, at a fmall diftance ; befide, paffing ; in prefence. BY AND BY, by -and-by'. ad. In a fhort time. BY, by', f. Something not the direft and im- mediate obje6t of regard, as by the by. BY-CONCERNAIENT, by"-k6n-fern'-ment. f. An affair which is not the main bufinefs. BY-END, by -end. f. Private intercllr, fecret advantage, BY-GONE, by'-gon. a. Pafl. BY-LAW, by'-l;i'. f. By-laws are orders made for the good of thofe that make them, further than the publick law binds. BY-NAME, by'-name. f. A nickname. BY-PATH, by -pdtti. f. A private or obfcurc path. BY-RESPECT, by'-rcs-pekt'. f. Private end or view. BY-ROOM, by -rd m. f. A private room within. BY-SPEECH,' by'-fp(i't{h. f. An incidental or cafual fpeech. BY-STANDER, by'-fUn-dur. f. A looker-on, one unconcerned. BY-STREET, by'-flre't. f. An obfcure flreet. BY-VIEW, by -vu'. f. Private felf-intercflcd purpofe. BY-WALK,' bf-wa'k. f. Private walk, not the main road. BY-WAY, by'-wa'. f. A private and obfcurc way. BY-WEST, by-weft', a. Weftward, to the weft of. BY-WORD, bf-wurd. f. A faying, a pro- verb ; a term of reproach. CAB C"^AB, kab'. f. A Hebrew meafure, contain- ^ ing about three pints Englifh. CABAL, ka-bal'. f. The fecret fcience of the Hebrew rabbins ; a body of men united in fome clofe defign ; intrigue. To CABAL, ka-bal'. v. n. To form clofe in- trigues. CABALIST, kab'-a-l!ft. f. One /killed in the traditions of the Hebrews. CABALLISTICAL,kab-a-lis'-t!-kal.^a.Some- CABALLISTICK, kab-a-lls'-tlk. 5 thing that has an occult meaning. CABALLER, ka-b-il'-lur. f. He that engages in clofe deflgns, an intriguer. CAB CABBAGE, kab'-bi'dzh. f. A plant. To CABBAGE, kab'-bldzh. v. a. To fteal in cutting clothes. CABBAGE-TREE, kib'-bldzh-tre. f. A fpe- cies of palm-tree. CABBAGE-WORM, kab'-bldzh-wiirm. f. An infea. CABIN, kab'-bin. f. A fmall room ; a fmall chamber in a fliip ; a cottage, or fmall houfe. To CABIN, kab -bin. v. n. To live in a cabin. To CABIN, kab'-bin. v. a. To confine in a cabin. CABINED, kab -bind. a. Belonging to a cabin. CABINET, kib'-in-ct. f. A fet of boxes or E e drawers CAD C A L drawers for curiofities ; any place in which things of value are hidden ; a private room in which confulrations are held. CABINET-COUNCIL. kab'-in-et-kou"n-s!l. f. A council held in a private manner. CABINET-MAKER, kab"-in-et-ma'-kur. f. ' One that mnkes fmall nice work in wood. CABLE, ku'bl.- f. The great rope of a fhip to which the anchor is faftened. CACHECTICAL, ki-kek'-ty-kal. la. Having CACHECTICK, ka-kek'-tlk. \ an ill ha- bit of body. CACHEXY, ka'-kek-fy. f. Such a diftempe- rature of the humours, as hinders nutrition, and weakens the vital and animal functions. CACHINNATION, ka-kln-na'-lhun. f. Aloud laughter. CACKEREL, kak'-e-rll. f. A fifh. To CACKLE, kak'l. v. n. To make a noifeas a goofe ; fometimes it is ufed for the noife of a hen ; to laugh, to giggle. CACKLE, kak'l. f. The voice of a goofe or fowl. CACKLER, k;ik'-lur. f. A fowl, that cackles ; a teltale, a tatler. CACOCHYMICAL, ka-k6-k!m'-y-kal. 7 CACOCHYMICK, ka-ka-klm'-ik. j ^' Having the humours corrupted. CACOCHYMY, ka'-k6-k!m-my. f. A depra- vation of the humours from a found Hate. CACOPHONY, k;V-k6-f6-ny. f. A bad found of words. To CACUMINATE, ka-ku'-ml-nate. v. a. To make fiiarp or pyramidal. CADAVEROUS, ka-dav'-e-rus. a. Having the appearance of a dead carcafs. CADDIS, kid'-dis. f. A kind of t.ipe or rib- bon ; a kind of worm or grub. CADE, ka'de. a. Tame, foft, as a cade lamb. CADE, ka'de. f. A barrel. CADENCE, k^'-dens, 7f. Fall, ftateof fink- CADENCY, ki'-den-fy. i ing, decline; the fall of the voice ; the flow of verfes, or periods ; the tone or found. CADENT, ka'-dcnt. a. Falling down. CADET, ka-dct'. f. The younger brother ; the youngeft brother ; a voluntier in the army, who ferves in expedtation of a commilTion. CADGER, kad'-jur. f. A huckfler. CADI, ka -dy. f. A magiftrate among the Turks.' CADILLACK,-ka-dil'-lak. f. A fort pf pear. CiESURA, fe-fu'-ra. f. A figure in poetry, by which a fiiort fyllable after a complete foot is made 'long ; a paufe in X'erfe. CAFTAN, kaf'-tan. f. A Perfian veil or gar- ment. CAG, kag . f. A barrel or wooden veflel, con- taining four or five gallons. CAGE, ka'je. f. An inclofureof fwigsorwire, in which birds are kept ; a place for wild beafts j a prifon for petty malefadlors. To CAGE, kaje. v. a. To inclofe In a cage. CAIMAN, ka -man. f. The American name of a crocodile. To CAJOLE, ka-j6'le. v. a. To Hatter, to. footh. CAJOLER,ka-j6'-lur. {. A flatterer, awheedler. CAJOLERY, ka-jo -le-ry. f. Flattery. ' CAITIFF, ka'-tlf. f, A mean villain, a defpi- cable knave. CAKE, ka'ke. f. A kindof delicate bread ; any thing of a form rather flat than high. To CAKE, ka'ke. v. n. To harden as dough in the oven. CALABASH, kal'-a-bafh. f. A fpecies of a larger gourd. CALABASH TREE, kal'-a-bafh-tr6". f. A tree of which the fhells are ufed by the negroes for cups, as alfo for inflruments of mufick. CALAMANCO, kal-a-mank'-6. f. A kind of woollen fiuff. CALAMINE, kal'-a-mine. f. A kind of foffile bituminous earth, which being mixed with copper, changes it into brafs. CALAMINT, kal'-a-mint. f. The name of a plant. CALAMITOUS, ka-lam'-!-tiis. a. Miferable, involved in diftrcfs, unhappy, wretched. CALAMITOUSNESS, ka-lam'-i-tuf-nls. f. Mifery, difirefs. CALAMITY, ka-lam'-I-ty. f. Misfortune, caufc of mifery, CALAMUS, C A L C A L CALAMUS, k'.l'-A-mus. f. A fort of reed or fweet-fcented wood, mentioned in fcripture. CALASH, ka-lafh. f. A fmall carriage of plea- furc. CALCEATED, kdl'-fa^-tld. a. Shod, fitted with fiioes. CALCEDONIUS, kil-ffi-do'-nyis. f. A kind of precious fione. CALCINATION, kdl-fy-na'-fhun. f. Such a management of bodies by fire, as fenders them reducible to powder; chymifcal pulverization. ■ CALCINATORY,kal'-sin-na-tir-y. f. A vef- fel ufed in calcination. To CALCINE, kal-si ne. v. a. To burn in the fire to a calx, or fubilance eafily reduced to pow- der ; to burn up. To CALCINE, kil-si'ne. v. n. To become a calx by heat. To CALCULATE, kal'-kd-late. v. a. To com- pute, to reckon; to adjuft, to proje(St for any certain end. CALCULATION, kal-ku-ia'-fhun. f. A prac- tice, or manner of reckoning, the art of num- bering; the refult of arithmetical operation. CALCULATOR, kal'-ku-la-tur. f. A com- puter. CALCULATORY, kdl"-ku-la-tur'-y. a. Be- longing to calculation. CALCULE, kal'-kule. f. Reckoning, compute. CALCULOSE, k;il-kii-l6 fe. I a. Stony, grit- CALCULOUS, kal-kd-lus. < ty. CALCULUS, kil'-ku-lus. f. The ftone in the bladder. CALDRON, ki'l-drun. f. A pot, a boiler, a kettle. CALEFACTION, khUl-fik' -{hnn. f. The afl of heating any thing ; the ftate of being heated. CALEFACTIVE,kal-e-fak -tiv. a. That which makes any thing hot, heating. CALEFACTORY, kal-e-fik'-tur-y. a. Ths.t which heats. To CALEFY, kal'-c-fy. v. n. To grow hoi, to be heated. CALENDAR, kal'-In-dur, f. A regifter of the ye.;r, in which the months, and ftated times, are marked, as fcftivals on holidays. ", I ,yi ,'r S ^- A title affumed by 'H, \ ''' 2 ^^^ fucceffors of Ma- To CALENDER, kal'-In-dir. v. a. To drefs cloth. CALENDER, kal'-ln-dur. f. A hot prcf-, a prefs in which clothitrs fmooth their cloth. CALENDRER, kul'-In-drur. f. The perfon who calenders. CALENDS, kal'-Indz. f. The firft day of every month amoiig the Remans. CALENTURE, kal'-m-ture. r, A diflcmper in hot climates, wherein they imagine the fca to be green fields. CALF, ka'f. f. The young of a cow; the thick, plump, bulbous part of the leg. CALIBER, ka-le'-biir. f. The bore, the dia- meter of the barrel of a gun. CALICE, kal'-!s. f. A cup, a chalice. CALICO, kal-y-k6. f.' An Indian fluff made of cotton. CALID, kAl-Id. a. Hot, burning. CALIDITY, ka-lld'-di-t^. f. Heat. CALIF, CALIPH, homet among the Saracens. CALIGATION, ka-ly-ga'-fliun. f. Darkncfs, cloudincfs. CALIGINOUS, ka-lidzh'-y-nus. a. Obfcure, dim. CALIGINOUSNESS, ka-lidzh'-y-nuf-n!s. f. Darknefs. CALIVER, kal'-y-vur. f, A handgun, a har- qutbufe, an old.mufket. To CALK, ka k. v. a. To flop the leaks of a fhip. CALKER, ka-kur. f. The workman that flops the leaks of a fhip. To CALL, ka'l. v. a. To name ; to fummon or invite; to convoke ; to fum'mon judicially ; in the theological fcnfe, to infpire with ardours of piety ; to invoke, to appeal to; to proclaim, to publifh ; to make a Ihort vifit; to excite, to put in action, to bring into view ; to fligma- tize with fome opprobrious denomination ; To call back, to revoke; To call in, to refume money at intereft ; To call over, to read aloud a lift or mufter-roll ; To call our, to challenge. CALL, ka'l. f. A vocal addrefs; requifition ; divine vocation ; fummons to true religion ; an impulfc j C A L CAM impulfe ; authority, command ; a demand, a claim ; an inrtrument to call birds ; calling, vocation, employment ; a nomination. CALLAT, ( , ,,. ,, ^ ^ ,, CALLET,r^^^-''^-^- ^^'•""- CALLING, kal-ling. f. Vocation, profefllon, trade ; proper ftation, or employment ; clafs of perfons united by the fame employment or pro- feflion J divine vacation, invitation to the true religion. CALLIPERS, kal'-ly-perz. f. Compafles with bowed thanks. CALLOSITY, kal-l6s'-s!-ty. f. A kind of fvvelling without pain. CALLOUS, kil'-liis. a. Hardened, infenfible. CALLOUSNESS, kil'-luf-ms. f. Induration of the fibres ; infenfibility. CALLOW, kir'-lcj. a. Unfledged, naked, want- ing featlicrs. CALLUS, kdl'-lus. f. An induration of the fibres ; the hard fubftance by which broken bones are united. CALM, ka m. a. Quiet, ferenc; undilturbed, unnifHed. CALM, ka'm. f. Serenity, ftillnefs ; quiet, re- pofe. To CALM, ka'm. v. a. To ftill, to quiet ; to pacify, to appeafe. CALMER, ka m-ur. f. The perfon or thing which has the power of giving quiet. CALMLY, ka m-ly. ad. Without ftorms, or violence ; without paflions, quietly. CALMNESS, kam-nis. f. Tranquillity, fe- renity ; mildnefs, freedom from pafTion. CALOMEL, kal'-6-mel. f. Mercury fix times fublimed. CALORiFICK, kai-6-r!f'-Ik. a. That which has the quality of producing heat. CALOTTE, ka-l6t'. f. A cap or coif. CALTROPS, kal'-trops. f. An inflrrument made with three fpikes, fo that which way fo- ever it falls to the ground, one of them points upright ; a plant mentioned in Virgil's Gcor- gick, under the name of tribulus. To CALVE, ka'v. v. n. To bring forth a calf, fpokei; of a cow. J To CALUMNIATE, ka-lum'-nyate. v. a. To flander. CALUMNIATION, ka-lum-nyi'-fhun. f. A malicious and falfe reprefentaiiou of words or actions. CALUMNIATOR, ka-lum'-nya-tur. f. A forger of accufation, a flanderer. CALUMNIOUS, ka -lum'-nyus. a. Slander- ous, falfely reproachful. CALU.ViNY, kal'-um-ny. f. Slander, falfe charge. CALX, kalk's. f. Any thing rendered reducible to powder by burning. CALYCLE, kal'-ikl. f. A fmall bud of a plant. CAMAIEU, ka-ma'-yo. f. A ftone with va- rious fiffiires and reprefentations of landikiiss, formed by nature. CAMBER, klm'-bur. f. A piece of timber cut arch-wife. CAMBRICK, kam'-brik. f. A kind of fine linen. CAME, k;Vme. The preterite of To come. CAMEL, kam'-!l. f. A beaft of burden. CAMELOPARD, kam -e-l6-pard. f. An ani- mal taller than an elephant, but not fo thick. CAMELOT,7 , / ,. 5 f- A kind of fluff CAMLET, S '"" " ''■ I originally made by a mixture of filk and camels hair; it is now made with wool and filk. CAMERA OBSCURA, kam'-e-ra-Db-fkd"-rL f. An optical machine ufed in a darkened chamber, fo that the light coming only through a double convex glafs, objects oppofite are re- prefented inverted. CAMERADE, kum'-rade. f. A bofom com- panion. CAMERATED, kam'-er-a-t!d. a. Arched. CAMERATION, kam-er-a'-fhun. a. A vault- ing or arching. CAMISADO, kam-y-fa'-do. f. An attack made in the dark, on which occafion they put their fliirts outward. CAAIISATED, kam'-y-fi-tld. a. Dreffed with thcfiiirt outward. CAMLET, kam'-l!t..f. See CAMELOT. CAMMOCK, kam'-muk. f. An herb, petty whin, or rcftharrow. CAMP, CAN CAN CAMP, kamp'. f. The orJcr of tents, placed by armies when they keep the field. To CAMP, kamp'. v. n. To lodge in tents. CAMPAIGN, kam-pan. f. A large, open, level tract of ground ; the time for which any army keeps the field. CAIvIPANIFORM, kam-pan'-ny-firm. a. A term ufed of flowers, which are in the (hape of a bell. CAMPANULATE, kim-p:in'-u-Iate. a. Cam- paniform. CAMPESTRAL, kam-pes'-tral. a. Growing in fields. CAiMPHIRE, kdm'-f^T. f. A kind of refin pro- duced by a chymical procefs from the camphire tree. CAMPHIRE, kam'-fyr-trl. f. The tree from which camphire is extrafted. CAMPHORATE, kam'-fd-rate. f. Impreg- nated with camphire. CAMPION, kam'-pyun. f. A plant. CAN, kan'. f. A cup. To CAN, k.an . v. n. To be able, to have power ; it exprelles the potential mood, as I can do it. CANAILLE, ka-na'l. f. The loweft people. CANAL, ka-nal'. f. A bafon of water in a garden ; any courfe of water made by art ; a palTage through which any of the juices of the body How. CANAL-COAL, ken'-ml-kol. f. A fine kind of coal. CANALICULATED, kan-a-l!k'-u-la-tld. a. Made like a pipe or gutter. CANARY, ka-na-ry. f. Wine brought from the Canaries, fack. CANARY-BIRD, ka-n^'-ry-burd. f. An ex- cellent finging bird. To CANCEL, kan -sll. v. a. To crofs a wri- ting ; to efface, to obliterate in general. CANCELLATED, kan'-fel-la-tld. a. Crofs- barred. CANCELLATION, kan-fel-la'-fliun. f. An expunging or wipiajj out of an inftrument. CANCER, kan'-fur. 'f. A crabfilh ; the fign of the fummer fijlftice ; a virulent fwelling, or foJiC. To CANCERATE, kan'-fc-ratc, v. n. To be- come a cancer. CANCERATION, kan-fe-ra'-fhun. f. A grow- ing cancerous. CANCEROUS, kan'-fa-rus. a. Having Uie vi- rulence of a cancer. CANCEROUSNESS, kan'-fe-ruf-nls. f. The ftate of being cancerous. CANCRINE, kan'-krine. a. Having the qua- lities of a crab. CANDENT, kan'-dcnt. a. Hot. CANDICANT, kan'-dy-kant. a. Growing white. CANDID, kan'-did. a. White; fair, open, in- genuous. CANDIDATE, kan'-d!-det. f. A competitor, one that folicitcs advancement. CANDIDLY, kan'-did-ly. ad. Fairly, ingenu- oufly. CANDIDNESS, kan'-did-ms. f. Ingenuouf- nefs, opennefs of temper. To CANDIFY, k.^n'-dl-fy. v. a. To make white, CANDLE, kand'l. f. A light made of wax or tallow, furrounding a wick of flax or cotton. CANDLEBERRY-TREE, klnd'l-ber-ry-tre'. f. Sweet-willow. CANDLEHOLDER, kandl-ho'l-dur. f. He that holds the candle. CANDLELIGHT, kand'l-lite. f. The light of a candle. CANDLEMAS, kand'l-mus. f. The feaft of the purification of the BlelTed Virgin, which was formerly celebrated with many lights in churches. CANDLESTICK, kand'l-ft!k. f. The inftru- ment that holds candles. CANDLESTUFF, kand'l-ftuf. f. Greafe, tallow, CANDLE WASTER, kandl-wa'f-tur. f. A fpendthrift. CANDOCK, kan'-dik. f. A weed that ^-.ows in rivers. CANDOUR, kan'-dur. f. Gweetncfs of tem- per, purity of mind, ingenuoufncfs. To CANDY, kan'-dy. v. a. To confervc with fugar ; to form into congelations. F f . Ty CAN CAN To CANDY, kaii'-dy. v. n. To grow con- gealed. CANE, ka ne. f. A kind of ftrong reed ; the plant which yields the fugar ; a lance; arced. To CANE, ka'ne. v. a. To beat with a cane or ftick. CANICULAR, ka-nlk'-u-Iar. a. Belonging to the dog-ftar. CANINE, ka-ni'ne. a. Having the properties of a dog. CANISTER, kan'-If-tur. f. A fmall baftet ; a fmill veflel in which any thing is laid up. CANKER, kank'-kur. f. A worm that preys upon, and deftroys fruits ; a fly that preys up- on fruits ; any thing that corrupts or confumes ; an eating or corroding humour ; corrofion, vi- rulence ; a difeafe in trees. Te CANKER, kank -kur. v. n. To grow cor- rupt. To CANKER, kank'-kur. v. a. To corrupt, to corrode ; to infedt, to pollute. CANKERBIT, kank'-ur-blt. part. ad. Bitten with an envenomed tooth. CANNABINE, kan'-na-bme. a. Hempen. CANNIBAL, kan -ny-bal. f. A man-eater. CANNIBALLY, kan'-ny-bal-ly. ad. In the manner of a cannibal. CANNIPERS, kan'-ni-purz. f. Callipers. CANNON, kan -nun. f. A gun larger than can be managed by the hand. CANNON-BALL, kan'^un-ba'l. 7 L The CANNON-SHOT, kan-nun-fti6t'. I balk which are fhot from great guns. To CANNONADE, kan-n6-na de. v. n. To play the great guns ; to attack or batter with cannon. CANNONIER, kan-n6-n^'r. f. The engineer that manr.ges the cannon. CANNOT, kan -not. v. n. of Can and Not. To be unable. CANOA,7 , ,, \ f. A boat made by cut- CAi\OE,5 I ting the trunk of a tree in.o a hollow vefTel. CANON, kan'-6n. f. A rule, a law; law made by ectlefiaftical councils ; the books of Holy Scripture, or the great rule j a dignitary in cathedral churches ; a large fort of printing letter. CANONESS, kan'-6-nes. f. In popifh coun- tries, women living after the example of fe- cular canons. CANONICAL, kan-on'-y-kal. a. According to the canon ; conftituting the canon ; rega- lar, flated, fixed by ecclefiaflical laws; fpiri- ritual, ecclefiaflical. CANONICALLY, ka-non'-y-kal-ly. ad. In a manner agreeable to the canon. CANONICALNESS,ka-n6n'-y-kal-nis. f. The quality of being canonical. CANONIST, kan'-no-nlft. f. A profefTor of the canon law. CANONIZATION, kan-n6-ny-za'-fhun. f. The a£l of declaring a faint. To CANONIZE, kan -no-nize. v. a. To de- clare any one a faint. CANONRY, kan'-un-ry. 1 f. An eGclefi- CANONSHIP, kan'-un-lhip. i aftical. benefice in fome cathedral or collegiate church. CANOPIED, kan'-6-pyd. a. Covered with a canopy. CANOPY, kan -6-py. f. A covering fpread over the head. To CANOPY, kan'-6-py. v. a. To cover with a canopy. CANOROUS, ka-no'-rus. a. Mufical, tuneful. CANT, kant'. f. A corrupt dialeft ufed by beggars and vagabonds ; a form of fpeaking pe- culiar to fome certain clafs or body of men ; a whining pretenfion to goodnefs ; barbarous jar- gon ; auSion. To CANT, kant'. v. n. To talk In the jargon of particular profefiions ; to fpeak with a par- ticular tone. To CANT, kant'. v. a. To tofs or fling away, v CANTATA, kan-ta -ta. f. A fong. CANTATION, kan-ta'-fhun. f. The acl of finging. CANTER, kan'-tur. f. A hypocrite ; a fliort gallop. CANTHARIDES, k.in-tfiar'-y-dcz. f. Spanilh flies, ufcd to raife blillers. CANTHUS, kan'-ttlis. f. The corner of the eye. CAN- CAP CAP CANTICLE, kan'-t!kl. f. A fong ; the fong of Solomon. CANTLE, kan'tl. f. A piece with corners. CANTLET, kant'-h't. f. A piece, a fragment. CANTO, kan'-tO. f. A book or ftdion of a poem. CANTON, kin'-tun. f. A fmall parcel or di- vifion of lajid ; a fmall community, or clan. To CANTON, kan'-tun. v. a. To divide into little parts. To CANTONIZE, kan'-to-nize. v. a. To parcel out into fmall divifions. CANVASS, kan'-vas. f. A kind of cloth woven for feveral ufes ; folicitation upon an election. To CANVASS, kan'-vas. v. a. Tofift, to ex- amine ; to debate, to controvert. To CANVASS, kan'-vas. v. n. To folicit. CANY, ka'ny. a. Full of canes, confilHng of canes. CANZONET, kan-z6-net'. f. A little fong. CAP, kap . f. The garment that covers the head; the enfign of the cardinalate ; the top- molt, the higheft; a reverence made by un- covering the head. To CAP, kap . v. a. To cover on the top ; to fnatch off the cap ; To cap \'erfes, to name al- ternately verfes beginning with a particular letter. CAP A' PE\ kap-a-pe'. a. From head to foot. CAP-PAPER, kap'-pa-pur. f. A fort of coarfe brown ifh paper. CAPABILITY, ka-pa-bil-i-ty. f. Capacity. CAPABLE, ka -pabl. a. Endued with powers equal to any particular thin^ ; intelligent, able to underftand ; capacious, able to recei\ e ; fuf- ceptible; qualified for j hollow. CAPABLENESS, ka'-pabl-nls. f. The qua- lity or ftate of being capable. CAPACIOUS, ka-pa-flius. a. Wide, large, able to hold muoh ; extenfive, equal to great defign. CAPACIOUSNESS, ka-pa'-lhuf-nls. f. The power of holding, largen^-fs. To CAPACITATE, ka-pas -y-tate. v. a. To enable, to qualify. CAPACITY, ka-pas'-I-ty. f. The power of containing ; the force or power of the mind ; power, ability J room, fpace ; Itate, condition, character. CAPARISON, ka-par'-y-fun. f. A fort of co- ver for a horfe. To CAPARISON, ka-par'-y-fun. v. a. To drefs in caparifons ; to drefs pompoufly. CAPE, ka'pe. f. Headland, promontory ; the neck-piece of a cloak or coat. CAPER, ka'-pur. f. A leap, a jump. CAPER, ka'-pur. f. An acid pickle. CAPER-BUSH, kA'-pir-bdfli. f. This plant grows in the South of France, the buds are pickled for eating. To CAPER, ka'-pur. v. n. To dance frolick- fomely ; to £kip for merriment. CAPERER, ka -p6-rur. f. A dancer. CAPIAS, ka'-pyas. f. A writ of execution. CAPILLACEOUS,ka-pIl-la -fhus. a. The fame with capillary. CAPILLAIRE, k;'i-pll-la'r. f. Syrup of maid- enhair. CAPILLAMENT, ka-pir-la-ment. f. Small threads or hairs which grow up in the middle of a flower. CAPILLARY, ka-p!l'-h\-ry. a. Refembling hairs, fmall, minute. CAPILLATION, ka-pJl-LV'-fhun. f. A fmall ramification of veffels. CAPITAL, kap'-i-tal. a. Relating to the head ; criminal in the higheft degree ; that which af- fects life ; chief, principal ; applied to letters, large, fuch as are written at the beginning or heads of books ; Capital Stock, the principal or original itock of a trading company. CAPITAL, kap'-i-tal. f. The upper part of a pillar ; the chief city of a nation, CAPITALLY, kap -i-tal-ly. ad. In a capital mamier, fo as to affect life, as capitally con- victed. CAPITATION, kap-l-ti'-Ihun. f. Numera- tion by heads. CAPITULAR, ka-pit -u-Iar. f. The body of the llatutes of a chapter ; a member of a chap- ter. To CAPITULATE, ka-plc -u-ldte. v. n. To dr.usr CAP CAR draw up any thing in heads or articles ; to yield, or furrender on certain llipulations. CAPITULATION, ka-pit-vi-la-ftiun. f. Sti- pulations, terms, conditions. CAPIVI TREE,.ka-pe'-v^'-tre. f. A br.mxm tree. CAPON, ka'pn. f. A caftratcd cock. CAPONNIERE, ki-p5-nyer. f. A covered lodgment, encompaffed with a little parapet. CAPOT, ka-p6t'. f. Is when one party wins all the tricks of cards at the game of piquet. CAPRICE, k^-prl's. f. Freak, fancy, whim. CAPRICIOUS, ka-prlfh'-us. a. Whimfical, fanciful. CAPRICIOUSLY, kA-prifli'-i'if-l^'. ad. Whim- fically. CAPRICIOUSNESS, ka-prlfh'-uf-nis. f. Hu- mour, whimficalnefs. CAPRICORN, kap'-pry-kcrn. f. One of the figns of the zodiack, the winter folftice. CAPRIOLE, kap'-ry-ole. f. Caprioles are leaps, fuch as horfes make in one and the fame place, without advancing forward. CAPSTAN, k^p'-Mn. f. A cylinder with le- vers to wind up any great weight. CAPSULAR, kap'-fil-Ur. 7 a. Hollow like CAPSULARY, kap'-fii-ldr-y.i a cheft. CAPSULATE, kap'-fd-late. 7 a. Inclofed, CAPSULATED, kap'-fu-la-tld. S or in a box. CAPTAIN, kap'-tin. f. A chief commander ; the commander of a company in a regiment ; the chief commander of a {hip ; Captain Ge- neral, the general or commander in chief of an army. CAPTAINRY, kip'-tin-ry. f. The power over a certain diflrid, the chieftainflilp. CAPTAINSHIP, ka}i'-t!n-{h!p. f. The rank or poft of a captain ; the condition or poll of a chief commander. CAPTATION, kap-ta'-lhun. f. The plaice of catching favour. CAPTION, kap'-fliun. f. The ad of taking any perfon. CAPTIOUS, kap'-fhus. a. Given to cavils, eager to obj eft ; infidious, enfiiarina;. CAPTIOUSLY, k:'ip'-fliuf-ly. ad." With an inclination to obje6l, 6 CAPTIOUSNESS, kap'-fhuf-nis. f. Inclina- tion to obiecl ; peevifhnefs. To CAPTIVATE, kap'-tl-vate. v. a. To take prifoncr, to bring into bondage; to charm., to fubdue. CAPTIVATION, kap-t!-vu-mun. f. The aft of taking one captive. CAPTIVE, kap'-tiv. f. One taken in war ; one ■ charmed by beauty. CAPTIVE, kap -tlv. a. Made prifoner in war. CAPTIVITY, kap-t!v'-i-ty. f. Subjedlion by the fate of war, bondage ; flavery, fervitude. CAPTOR, kap'-tur. f. He that takes a prifoner, or a prize. CAPTURE, kap'-tfliur. f. The aft or prac- tice of taking any thing; a prize. CAPUCHIN, kap-d-fhi'n.- f. A female gar- ment, confifting of a cloak and hood, made; in imitation of the drefs of capuchin monks. CAR, ka'r. f. A fmall carriage of burden; cha- riot of war. CARABINE, or CARBINE, kd'r-bine. f. A fmall fort of fire-arms. CARBINIER, kar-bl-nrr. f. A fort of light horfeman. CARRACK, kar'-ak. f. A large fhip of bur- den, galleon. CARAT, 7 , , / , C f. A weight of four CARACT, ^ ' t grains; a manner of expreffing the finenefs of gold. CARAVAN, kar'-a-van. f. A troop or body of merchants or pilgrims. CARAVANSARY, k^r-a-van'-fa-ry. f. A houfe built for the reception of travellers. CARAWAY, kar'-a-wd. f. A plant. CARBONADO, kar-bo-na'-do. f. Meat cut acrofb, to be broikd. To CARBONADO, kar-bo-na'-do. v. a. To cut or hack. CARBUNCLE, ka'r-bunkl. f. A jewel Hiining in the hark; red fpot or pimple. CARBUNCLED, ka'r-bunkld. a. Set with carbuncles; fpotted, deformed with pimples. CARBUNCULAR, kar-bunk'-^-lur. a. Red like a carbimclc. CARBUNCULATION, kar-bunk-il-la -fliun. f. The CAR CAR f. Ths blading of young buds by heat or cold. CARCANET, ki'r-ka-nct. i. A chain or col- l.^r of jewels. CARCASS, ka r-kas. f. A dead body of an ani- mal ; the decayed parts of any thing ; the main parts, without completion or ornament ; in gunnery, a kind of bomb. CARCELAGE, kar'-fe-l!dzh. f. Prifon fees. CARD, ka'rd. f. A paper painted with figures, " ufed in games; the paper on which the feveral C-;. points of the compafs are maiked under the ma- riner's needle ; the inftrument with which wool is combed. To CARD, kird. v. a. To comb wool. CARDAMOM, ka'r-di-mum. f. A medicinal feed. CARDER, ka'r-dur. f. One that cards woo! ; one that plays much at cards. CARDIACAL, ka'r-di'-a-kal. i a. Cordial, CARDIACK, ka'r-dy-ak. i having tJie quality of invigorating. CARDINAL, ki'r-di-n.U. a. Principal, chief. CARDINAL, ka'r-dJ-nal. f. One of the chief governors of the church. CARDINALATE, ka'r-dy-na-l<;t. 7 f. The CARDINALSHIP, kaV-dl-nal-fhlp. i office and rank of a cardinal. CARDMATCH, ka'rd-matfli. f.. A match made by dipping a piece of a card in melted ful- phur ; a party at cards. CARE, ka re. f. Solicitude, anxiety, concern ; caution; regard, charge, heed in order to pre- fervation ; the objeft of care, or of love. To CARE, ka're. v. n. To be anxious or fo- licitous; to be inclined, to be difpofed ; to be aftlcled with. CARECRAZED, ka'rc-krazd. a. Broken with care and folicitude. To CAREEN, ka-re'n. v. a. To caulk, to (lop up leaks. CAREER, ka-rc'r. f. The ground oA whi-h a race is run ; a courfe, a race ; full fpeed, fwift motion ; courfe of adion. To CAREER, ka-re r. v. n. To run with fwift motion. CAREFUL, karc-ful. a. Anxious, felicitous, full of concern ; provident, diligent, cautious ; watchful. CAREFULLY, ka'rc-ful-ly. ad. In a manner that fhcws care ; heedfully, watchfully. CAREFULNESS, ka're-fdl-nis. f. Vigilance, caution. CARELESLY, ka're-lif-I^. ad. Negligently, heedlefsly. CARELESNESS, k.Vrc-lIs-n!s. f. Heedlefnefs^ inattention. CARELESS, ka re-lls. a. Without care, with- out folicitude, unconcerned, negligent, heed- lefs, unmindful; cheerful, undifturbed ; un- moved by, unconcerned at. To CARESS, ka-res'. v. a. To endear, to fondle. CARESS, ka-res'. f. An act of endearment, CARET, ka -ret. f. A note which fhews where fomething interlined fhould be read, as a. CARGO, ka'r-go. f. The lading of a fhip. CARIES, ka'-ryez. f. Rottcnnefs. CARIOSITY, kar-y-6s'-i-ty. f. Rottennefs. CARIOUS, ka'-ryus. a. Rotten. CARK, ka'rk. f. Care, anxiety. To CARK, ka'rk. v. n. To be careful, to be anxious. CARLE, ka'rl. f. A rude, brutal man, churl. CARLINE THISTLE, ka'r-line-tliis'l. f. A plant. CARLINGS, ka'r-lingz. f. In a fhip, timbers lying fore and aft. CARMAN, ka'r-man. f. A man whofe employ- ment it is to drive cars. CARMELITE, ka'r-mc-lrte. f. A fort of pear; one of the order of white friars. CARMINATIVE, kar-min'-a-t!v. f. Carmi- natives are fuch things as difpel wind and pro- mote infenfible perfpiration. • CARMINATIVE, kar-min'-a-t!v. a. Belong- lojiging to carminatives. CARMINE, ka r-minc. f. A powder of a bright red or crimfon colour. CARNAGE, ka'r-nidzh. f. Slaughter, havock ; heaps of flefh. G g CAR- (2 A R CAR CARNAL, ka'r-nal. a. Fleflily, not fpiritual ; luftful, lecherous. CARNA'LITY, kar-nal'-I-ty. f. FleQily luft; groffnefs of mind. CARNALLY, ka'r-nal-ly. ad. According to the flefli, not fpiritually. CARNALNESS, kar-nal-nls. f. Carnality. CARNATION, kar-na'-fliun. f. The name of the natural flefh colour. CARNELION, kar-ne'-lyun. f. A precious ftone. CARNEOUS, ka'r-ne-us. a. Flefliy. To CARNIFY, ka'r-ny-fy. v. n. To breed flefh. CARNIVAL, ka'r-ny-val. f. The feaft held in popifli countries before Lent. CARNIVOROUS, kar-nlv'-vo-rus. a. Flcfh- eating. CARNOSITY, kar-nos'-sy-ty. f. Flefhly ex- crefcencc. CARNOUS, k:\'r-nus. a. Flefhy. CAROB, ka -rob. f. A plant. CAROL, kar'-rul. f. A fong of joy and ex- ultation ; a fong of devotion. To CAROL, kar'-rul. V. n. To fing, to warble. To CAROL, kar'-rul. v. a. To praife, to ce- lebrate. CAROTID, ka-rot'-id. a. Two arteries which arife out of the afcending trunk of the aorta. CAROUSAL, ka-rou'-zal. f. A fcftival. To CAROUSE, ka-rou'z. v. n. To drink, to quaff. To CAROUSE, ka-rou'z. v. a. To drink. CAROUSER, ka-rou'-zur. f. A drinker, a toper. CARP, ka'rp. f. A pond fifli. To CARP, ka'rp. V. n. To cenfure, to cavil. CARPENTER, kaV-pm-tur. f. An artificer in wood. (^ARPENTRY, ka'r-p!n-try. f. The trade of a carpenter. CARPER, ka'r-pur. f. A caviller. CARPET, ka'r-pir. f. A covering of vari- ous colours; ground variegated with Howers; to be on the carpet, is to be the fubjecl of con- fidcration. To CARPET, ka'r-pit. v. a. To fprcad with carpets. CARPING, ki'r-p'ng. part. a. Captious, cen- forious. CARPINGLY, ka'r-p!ng-!y. ad. Cantiouf.y, cenforioufly. CARRIAGE, kar'-ridzh. f. The aa of carry- ing or tranfporting ; vehicle; the frame upon which cannon is carried ; behaviour; conduft; management. CARRIER, kar'-ry-ur. f. One who carries fomething ; one whofe trade is to carry goods ; a meffenger ; a fpecies of pigeons. CARRION, kar'-ryun. f. The carcafe of fome- thing not proper for food; a name of reproach • for a worthlefs woman ; any flefh fo corrupted as not to be fit for food. CARRION, kar-ryun. a. Relating to carcafTes. CARROT, kar'-rut. f. Garden root. CARROTINESS, kar'-rit-y-n!s. f. Rednefs of hair. CARROTY, kar'-ut-y. a. Spoken of red hair. To CARRY, kar'-ry. v. a. To convey from a place; to bear, to have about one; to convey by force ; to effc-. f. A fpecics of parfley. CELESTIAL, fe-les'-tfndl. a. Heavenly, re- lating to the fuperior regions ; heavenly, re- lating to the bleficd ftate ; heavenly, with re- fpcct to excellence. CELESTIAL, fe-les'-tflial. f. An inhabitant of heaven. CELESTIALLY, fa-les'-tllial-ly. ad.. In a heavenly manner. To CELESTIFY, fe-les'-tl-f)-. v. a. To give fomething of heavenly nature to any thing. CELIACK, fe'-lyak. a. Relating to the lower belly. CELIBACY, fel'-y-ba-fy. f. Single life. CELIBATE, fel'-y-bat. f. Single life, CELL, fel'. f. A fmall cavity or hollow place ; the cave or little habitation of a religious per- fon ; a fmall and clofe apartment in a prifon ; any fmall place of refidence. > CELLAR, fel'-iur, f. A place under ground, whereftores are repofited ; where liquors are kept. CELLARAGE, fel'-lar-ldzh. f. The part of the building which makes the cellars. CELLARIST," fel'-la-r!fl. f. The butler in a religious houfe. CELLULAR, fel'-ld-ler. a. Confining of little cells or cavities.- CELSTTUDE, fel'-fy-tddc. f. Height. CEMENT, fem'-ment'. f. The matter with which two bodies are made to cohere ; bond of union in friendlhip. To CEMENT, fc-ment. v. a. To unite by means of fomething interpofed. To CEMENT, fe-ment'. v. n. To come into conjunction, to cohere. CEMENTATION, fe-mcn-ta'-Ihun. f. The acl of cementing. CEMETERY, fem'-me-tcr-y. f A place where the dead are repofited. CENATORY, fe'-na-tur-y. f. Relating to fupper. CENOBITICAL, fe'-n6-blt"-l-luil. a. Living in community. CENOTAPH, ftn'-6-taf. f. A monument far one elfewhere buried. CENSE, ftn'fe. f. Publick rates.' To CENSE, ftn'fe. v. a. To perfume with odours. CENSER, fen'-feV. f. The pan in which in- cenfe is burned. CENSOR, fcn'-fur. f An officer of Rome who had the power of correcting manners ; one who is given to cenfure. CENSO- C E N C E R CENSORIAN, fai-fc -ryan. a. Relating to fhe ceiifor. CENSORIOUS, fin-fo'-ryus. a. AJdiclca to ccnfure, feverc. CENSORIOUSLY, fcii-fo'-ryuf-ly. ad. In a fevcre reflefting manner. CENSORIOUSNESS, fcn-fo-ryuf-n!s. f. Dif- pofition to reproach. CENSORSHIP, fen'-fur-fhip. f. The office of a ccnfor. CENSURABLE, fcn'-fu-rdbl. a. Worthy of ccnfure, culpable. CENSURABLENESS, fcn'-fu-rdbl-n!s. f. Blameablenefs. CENSURE, fen'-fhur. f. Blame, reprimand, reproach ; judgment, opinion ; judicial fen- tence ; fpiritual punifhment. To CENSURE, fen'-Ihur. v. a. To blame, to brand piiblickly ; to condemn. CENSURER, fk'-fhur-ur. f. He that blames. CENT, fent'. f. A hundred, as five per cent, that is, five in the hundred. CENTAUR, fen'-tar. f. A poetical being, fup- pofed to be compounded of a man and a horfe ; the archer in the zodiack. CENTAURY, fen'-t^-ry. f. A plant. CENTENARY, fcn'-te-ner-y. f. The number of a hundred. CENTESIMAL, fen-tes'-!-mal. f. Hundredth. CENTIFOLIOUS, fen-ty-fo -lyis. a. Having a hundred leaves. CENTIPEDE, fen'-ty-pede. f. A poifonous infeft. CENTO, fcn'-t6. f. A compofition formed by joining fcraps from different authors. CENTRAL, fcn'-tn\L a. Relating to the centre. CENTRE, fen'-tur. f. The middle. To CENTRE, fen'-tur. v. a. To place on a centre, to fix as on a centre. To CENTRE, fcn'-tiir. v. n. To reft on, to rcpofe on ; to be placed in the midil or centre. CENTRICK, len'-trik. a. Placed in the centre. CENl RIFUGAL, fen'-trif -u-gal. a. Having the quality acquired by bodies in motion, of receding from the ccjitre. CENTRIPETAL, fen-tn'p'-s-til. a. Ha"i!ig a tendency to the centre. CENTRY, f'n'-try. f. See SENTINAL. CENTUPLE, fcn'-tcipl. a. An hundredfold. To CENTUPLICATE, fen-tii'-ply-kate. v. a. To make a hundredfold. To CENTURIATE, fcn-tu'-ryatc. v. a. To divide into hundreds. CENTURIATOR, fc-n-tii-ry-5'-tur. f. A name given to hiftorians, who diftinguifh times by centuries. , CENTURION, fcn-tu'-ryun. f. A military officer, who commanded a hundred men among the Romans. CENTURY, fen'-tu-ry. f. An hundred, ufu- ally employed to fpecify time, as the fecond century. CEPHALALGY, kef '-a-la!-jy. f. The hcad- ach. CEPHALICK, fe-fal'-llk, a. That which is medicinal to the head. CERASTES, fe-ras'-tez. f. A fcrpcnt having horns. CERATE, fe'-rat. f. A medicine made of wax. CERATED, fe'-ra-tid. a. V/axed. To CERE, fe re. v. a. To wax. CEREBEL, fer'-e-bel. f. Part of the brain. CERECLOTH, fe're-clith. f. Cloth fmeared over with glutinous matter. CEREMENT, f^'re-ment. f. Cloaths dipped in melted wax, with which dead bodies were infolded. CEREMONIAL, fcr-C--m5'-nyal. a. Relating to ceremony, or outward rite ; formal obfcrv- ant of old forms. CEREMONIAL, fcr-a-mo'-nyal. f. Out- ward form, external rite; the order for rites and forms in the Roman church. CEREMONIALNESS, fer-c-mo'-ny^l-n's. f. The quality of beinu; ceremonial. CEREMONIOUS, fer-e-mo -nyus. a. Con- fifting of outward rites ; full of ceremony; at- tentive to the outward rites of religion; civil and formal to a fault. CEREMONIOUSLY, fer-c-mi'-nyuf-ly. ad. In a ceremonious manner, formally. I i CERE- C E S C H A CEREA'IONIOUSNESS, fer-e-mo-nyus-ms. f. FohdncTs of ceremony. CEREMONY, fer'-e-mun-y. f. Outward rite, external form in religion j forms of civility j outward forms of Hate. CERTAIN, fer'-tln. a. Sure, indubitable; de- termined J in an indefinite fenfe, fome, as a cer- tain man told me this ; undoubting, put paft doubt. CERTAINLY, fer'-t!n-ly. ad. Indubitably, without queflion; without fail. CERTAINTY, fer'-t!n-ty. f. Exemption from doubt ; that which is real and fixed. CERTES, ftr'-tez. ad. Certainly, in truth. CERTIFICATE, fer'-tlf'-I-ket. f. A writing made in any court, to give notice to another court of any thing done therein; any teftimony. To CERTIFY, fer'-tl-fy. v. a. To give cer- tain information of ; to give certain affurance of. CERTIORARI, fer-fli6-ra'-ri. f. A writ iffu- ing out of the ch.-incery, to calK up the records of a caufe therein depending. CERTITUDE, fer'-ti-tude. f. Certainty, free- dom from doubt. CERVICAL, fer'-vi-kal. a. Belonging to the neck. CERULEAN, fl-ru'-lyan. . 1 a. Blue %- CERULEOUS, fl-rd'-lyus. J coloured. CERULIFICK, fe-rii-lif'-lk. a. Having the power to produce a blue colour. CERUMEN, fe-ru'-men. f. The wax of the ear. CERUSE, fer'-ufe. f. White lead. CESARIAN, fl-za'-ryan. a. The Cefarian fec- tion is cutting a child out of the womb. CESS, fes'. f. A levy made upon the inhabi- tants of a place, rated according to their pro- perty ; an afleflinent ; the a. f. A mark, a flamp, a reprefentation ; a letter ufed in wri- ting or printing ; the hand or manner of writing ; a repreftntation of any man as to his perfonal qualities; an account of any thing as good or bad; the perfon with his aflemblage of qualities. . To CHARACTER, k.ir'-ak-ti!r. v. a. To in- fcribe, to engrave. CHARACTERISTICAL, kar-ak-te-ris'-t!-") kil. I CHARACTERISTICK, kar-ak-te-ris'-t!k. J a, Confiituting or pointing out the true cha- rafter. . CHARACTERISTICALNESS, kar-ak-te- ris'-tl-kll-nis. f. The quality of being pe- culiar to a character. CHARACTERISTICK, kar-ak-te-rls'-tlk. f. That which conftitutes the charafter. To CHARACTERIZE, kar'-ak-te-rize. v. a. To give a charafter or an account of the per- fonal qualities of any man ; to engrave, or im- , priiU; to mark with a particular flamp or token. CHARACTERLESS, kar'-ak-tur-lls. a. With- out a charafter. CHARACTERY, ka-rak'-t^-ry. f. Impreffion, mark. CHARCOAL, tflia'r-k6!. .f. Coal made by burning wood. CHARD, tfhard'. f. Chards of artichokes are the leaves of fair artichoke plants, tied and wrap- ped up all over but the top, in fl^raw ; Chards of beet are plants of white beet tranfpianted. To CHARGE, tfha'rjc. v. a. To entrufl, to commiflion for a certain purpofe ; to impute as a debt ; to impute ; to impofe as a tafli ; to ac- cufe, to cenfure ; to command ; to fall upon, to .-'ttack ; to burden, to load ; to fill ; to load a gun. CHARGE, tfha'rje. f. Care, trufl, cuflody ; precept, mandate, command ; conimiffion, trufl conferred, office ; accufation, imputation ; the thing entruffed to care or management; ex- pence, cofl ; onfct, attack; the fignal to fa'l K k upon C H A C H A upon enemies ; the qurunitvof powderand ball put into a gun ; a preparation or a fort of oint- ment applied to theflioulder-fp'laits and fprains of horfcs. CHARGEABLE, tfhA'r-j'ibl. a. Expcnfive, coflly ; imputable, as a debt or crime ; fubjcct to charge, accufable. CHARGEABLENESS, tfli.i'r-jabl-n!s. f. Ex- pencc, coil, coftlinefs. CHARGEABLY, tlha'r-jib-ly. ad. Expcn- fively. CHARGER, tfha'r-jur. f. A large difli ; an officer's horfe. CHARILY, tftia -ry-l)V. ad. Warily, frugally. CHARINESS, tfha -ry-nis. f. Caution, nicety. CHARIOT, t{har'-yiit. f. A carriage of plea- fure, or ftate ; a car in which men of arms were anciently placed. CHARIOTEER, tfhar-yO-te'r. f. He that drives the chariot. CHARIOT RACE, tfhar'-yut-rafe. f. A fport where chariots were driven for the prize. CHARITABLE, tfhar'-l-tabl. a. Kind in giv- ing alms ; kind in judging of others. CHARITABLY, tfhar -1-tab-ly. ad. Kindly, liberally ; benevolently. CHARITY, tfliar'-l-ty. f. Tendernefs, kind- nefs, love; good will, benevolence; the theo- logical virtue of univerfal love ; liberality to the poor ; alms, relief given to the poor. To CHARK, tfha rk. v. a. To burn to a black cinder. CHARLATAN, fha'r-ll-tan. f. A quack, a mountebank. CHARLATANICAL, fliar-la-tan'-y-kal. a. Qiiackilh, ignorant. CHARLATANRY, fna'r-la-iin-ry. f. Wheed- ling, deceit. CHARLES'S-'WAIN, t(ha'rlz-lz-wi'n. f. The northern conflellation, called the Bear. CHARLOCK, tiha r-Iok. f. A weed growing a.iiojig the corn with a yellow flower. CHARi\I, tlha'rm. f. Words or philtres, ima- gined to have fomc occult power ; fomething of power to gain the affedions. To CHARM, tfld'rm. v. a. To fortify with charms againfl- evil ; to make powerful hy charms ; to fubdue by fome fecret power ; to fubJue by pleafure. CHARMER, tdiar-mur. f. One that has the power of charms, or enchantments ; one that captivates the heart. CHARMING, tftia'r-ming. particip. a. Pleafing in the higheft degree. CHARMINGLY, tfha'r-ming-l^ ad. In fuch a manner as to pleafe exceedingly. CHARMINGNESS, tfha'r-mlng-nis. f. The power of pleafing. CHARNEL, tfha'r-nil. a. Containing fiefh or carcafes. CHARNEL-HOUSE, tfha'r-n!l-hous. f. The place where the bones of the dead are rcpofited. CHART, ka rt or tflia rt. f. A delineation of coafts. CHARTER, tflia'r-tur. f. A charter i^ a writ- ten evidence ; any writing bellowing privileges or rights ; privilege, immunity, exemption. CHARTER-PARTY, tfha r-tiir-pa'r-ty. f. A . paper relating to a contracl, of which each party has a copy. CHARTERED, tfha'r-tird. a. Privileged. CHARY, tfha'-ry. a. Careful, cautious. To CHASE, tfha'fe. v. a. To hunt ; to purfue as an enemy ; to drive. CHASE, tfha'fe. f. Hunting, purfuit of any thing as game ; fitnefs to be hunted ; purfuit of an enemy ; purfuit of fomething as defirable j hunting match ; the game hunted ; open ground flored with fuch beafls as are hunted ; the Chafe of a gun, is the whole bore or length of a piece. CHASE-GUN, tfha'fe-gun. f. Guns in the fore- part of the fliip, fired upon thofe that are pur- fued. CHASER, tfha'-fur. f. Hunter, purfuer, driver. CHASM, kiz m. f. A cleft, a gap, an open- ing; a place unfilled ; a vacuity. CHASTE, tfh;.'fl. a. Pure from all commerce of fexes ; pure, uncorrupt, not mixed with barbarous phrafes ; without obfccnity ; true to the marriage bed. To CHASTEN, tih.Vfln. v. a. punifh. To correct, to To CHE CHE To CHASTISE, tfh.'.f-ti z:. v. a. To punifli, to correct by puuifhmeat ; to reduce to order or obedience. CHASTISEMENT, tfh;ls'-t!z-ment. f. Cor- reclion, punifhment. CHASTISER, tlhif-ti -zir. f. A puniihcr, a corrector. CHASTITY, tfli^'f-tl-ty. f. Purity of the body ; freedom from obfcenity ; freedom from bad mixture of any kind. GHASTLY, tfliaff-ly. ad. Without inconti- nence, purely, without contamination. CHASTNESS, tfhi ft-ms. f. Chaftity, purity. To CHAT, tfhat'. v. n. To prate, to talk idly j to prattle. CKAT, tfhit'. f. Idle t.ilk, prate. CHATELLANY, fhat'-tel-len-y. f. The dif- triiSl under the dominion of a caftle. CHATTEL, tfhat'l. f. Any moveable pof- feffion. To CHATTER, tfiiat't.'r. v. n. . To make a noife as a pie, or other unharmonious bird ; to maJic a noife by collifion of the teeth ; to ulk idly or carclefly. CHATTER, tlhat'-tur. f. Noife like that of a pie or monkey; idle prate. CHATTERER, tfhat'-ter-rur. f. An idle talker. CHAVENDER, t(hdv'-m-dur. f. The chub, a full. CHAUMENTELLE, fho-min-tel'. f. A fort of pear. To CHAW, tflia'. V. a. To mafticate, to chew. CHAWDRON, tfha -drun. f. Entrails. CHEAP, tfhe p. a. To be had at a low rah; ; eafy to be had, not refpeiSled. To CHEAPEN, tftie pn. v. a.- To attempt to purchafe, to bid for any thing ; to IcfFen value. CHEAPLY, tfne p-ly. ad. At a fmr.ll price, at a low rate. CHEAPNESS, tflie'p-nis. f. Lownefs of price. To CHEAT, tfhet. v. a. To defraud, to im- pofe upon, to trick. CHEAT, tfhet. f A fraud, a trick, an impof- ture ; a perfon guilty of fraud. CHEATER, tflil'-tur. f. One tliat pradifcs fraud , To CHECK, tfliek'. V. a. Toreprefs, tocurb; to reprove, to chide ; to controul by a counter rtckonin?:- To CHECK, tfhck'. v. n. To ftop, to make a flop ; to clafh, to interfere. CHECK, tfiiek'. f. Repreflure, flop, rebuff; reflraint, curb, government ; reproof, a flight; in falconry, when a hawk forfakes her proper game to follow other biids; the caufc cf re- flraint, a flop. To CHECKER,? , , 7 v. a. To varie- To CHEQUER, V ' '""''] gateor diverfify, in the manner of a chefs-board, with alternate colours. CHECKER-WORK, tfhek'-er-wurk. f. Work varied alternately. CHECKMATE, tfhek-mat'. f. The move- ment on the chefs-board, that puts an end to the game. CHEEK, tfhek. f. The fide of the face below the eye ; a general name among mechanicks for almofl all thofe pieces of their machines that are double. CHEEK-TOOTH, tfhek'-tu'tlT. f. The hinder tooth or tufk. CHEER, tfhe r. f. Entertainment, provifions ; invitation to gayety ; gayety, jollity ; air of the countenance; temper of mind. To CHEER, tfhe r. v. a. To incite, to en- courage, to infpirit ; to comfort, to confole, to gladden. To CHEER, tfhe'r. v. n. To grow gay or glad- fome. CHEERER, tfhe'-rur. f. Gladner, giver of gayety. CHEERFUL, tfher'-fiil. a. Gay, full of life, full of mirth ; having an appearance of gayety. CHEERFULLY, tflier'-fal-ly. ad. Without dejection, with gayety. CHEERFULNESS, tfher'-ful-nis. f. Freedom from dejedion, alacrity; freedom from gloom- incfs. CHEERLESS, tfhe'r-lis. a. Without gayety, comfort, orgladnefs. CHEERLY, tfhc'r-ly. a. Gny, cheerful ; not gloomy. CHElULY,. CHE C H I CHEERLY, tflic'r-ly. ad. Cheerfully, CHEERY, tflie'-ry. a. Gay, fprighdy. CEIEESE, tfliez'. f. A kind of food made by prefling the curd of milk. CHEESECAKE, tlhe f-kake. f. A cake made of foft curds, fugar and butter. CHEESEMONGER, tlhc'z-mung-gur. f. One who deals in cheefe. CHEESEVAT, tfhe'z-vat. f. The wooden cafe in which the curds are preffed into cheefe. CHEESY, tfhe'-zy. a. Having the nature or form of cheefe. To CHERISH, tflier'-rlfh. v. a. To fupport, to fhelter, to nurfe up. CHERISHER, ti"her'-r!fh-ur. f. An encour.iger, a fuppoiter. CHERISHMENT, tfher'-rifh-ment. f. Encou- ragement, fupport, comfort. CHERRY, tfher'-ry. "if. Atreeand CHERRY-TREE, tflier'-ry-tre. \ fruit. CHERRY, tflier'-ry. a. Refembling a cherry in colour. CHERRYBAY, tfliar'-ry-ba. f. Laurel. CHERRYCHEEKED, tflier'-ry-tfli^kd. a. Pla- ving ruddy cheeks. CHERRYPIT, tflicr'-ry-pit. f. A child's play, in which they throw cherry-ftones into a fmall hole. CHERSONESE, ker'-f6-ne'fe. f. A peninfula. CHERUB, tflier'-ub. f. Aceleftial fpirit, which, in the hierarchy, is placed next in order to the feraphim. CHERUBICK, tflie-nV-bik. a. Angclick, re- lating to the cherubim. CHERUBLM, tfhcr'-u-bim. f. The fame as Cherub. CHERUBIN, tfher'-u-bln. a. Angelical. CHERVIL, tfher'-vll. f. An umbelliferous plant. To CHERUP, tfhtr'-up. v. n. To chirp, to i.'fe a cheerful voice. CHESS, tfhes'. f. A game. CHESS-APPLE, tfhes'-aple. f. Wild fervice. CHESS-BOARD, tflics'-bord. f. The board cr table on which the game of chefs is plaid. CHESS-MAN, tfhcs'-man. f. A puppet for chefs. To CHEW, Jtfh^'.C I tflii'. I CHESSOM, tfhcs'-fum. f. Mellow earth. CHEST, tftieft'. f. A box of wood or other materials. CHESTED, tfliefl'-tid. a. Having a chcfl-. CHESTNUT, tfhds -nut. ^ f. A CHESTNUT-TREE, tfnes'-nut-tre. j tree; the fruit of the cheflnut-tree ; the name of a brown colour. CHEVALIER, fiiev'-a-lir. f. A knight. CHEVAUX DE FRIS, fhev'-o-dc-frl 'ze. f. -A piece of timber traverfed with wooden fpikes, pointed with iron, five or fix feet long ; ufed in defending a paflage, a turnpike, or tourniquet. CHE V EN, tfliev'n. f. A river fifh, the fame with chub. CHEVERIL, tfhev'-er-5l. f. A kid, kidleather. a. To grind with, the teeth, to mafti- cate ; to meditate, or ruminate in the thoughts ; to tafte without fwal lowing. To CHEW, tfiio . v. n. T champ upon, to rumin.ate. CHICANE, fhy-ka'n. f. The art of protrafl- ing a conteft by artifice; artifice in general. To CHICANE, fhy-ka'n. v. n. To prolong a conteft by tricks. CHICANER, fhy-kS'-nur. f. A petty fophi- fter, a wrangler. CHICANERY, fliy-ka -nur-y. f. Sophiflry, wrangle. CHICK, tfhlk'. T f. The young of a CHICKEN, tflilk'-in. \ bird, particularly of a hen, or fmall bird ; a word of tendernefs ; a term for a young girl. CHICKENHEARTED, ''tfii!k"-m-ha'r-tld. a. Cov%-ardly, fearful. CHICKENPOX, tllilk'-m-piks. f. A puftulous diftemper. CHICKLING, tfluV-l!ng. f. A fmall chicken. CHICKPEAS, tfhik'-pcz. f. An herb. CHICKWEED, tfhlk'-wed. f. A plant. To CHIDE, tflii'ce. v. a. To reprove; to drive away v/ith reproof; to blame, to reproach. To CHIDE, tfhi de. v. n. To clamour, to fcold ; to quarrel with ; to make a noife. CHIDER, tihi -dur. f. A rebukcr, a reprover. CHIEF, C H C H I CHIEF, tfiij f. a. Principal, inofl eminent ; eminent, extraordinary; capital, of the fait order. CHIEF, tilie f. f. A commander, a leader. CHIEFLE5S, tftic f-lls. a. Without a head. CHIEFLY, tfhe'f-ly. ad. Principally, emi- nently, more than common. CHIEFRIE, tfhe'f-ry. f. A fmall rent paid to the lord paramount. CHIEFTAN, tfhc'f-ten. f. A leader, a com- mander; the head of a clan.' CHIEVANCE, tftie'-vanfe. f. Traffick, in which money is extorted, as difcount. chilblain; tfhU'-blan. f. Sores made by froft. CHILD, tihi Id. f. An infant, or very young perfcn; one in the line of filiation, oppofcd to the parent ; any thing the produft or cftcdl: of another ; To be with child, to be pregnant. To CHILD, tfliMd. v.». To bring children. Little ufed. CHILDBEARING, tflii'ld-be-rlng. particip. The act of bearing children. CHILDBED, tflii'ld-bed. f. The ftate of a woman bringing a child. CHILDBIRTH, tfh! Id-bertlT. f. Travail, la- bour. CHILDED, ^{hil-did. a. Furniilied with a child. Little ufed. CKILDERMASS-DAY, tlli!l'-der-muf-da'. f. The day of the week, throughout the year, an- fwering to the day on which the feaft of the holy Innocents is folemnized. CHILDHOOD, tflii'id-had. f. The flate of infants, the time in which we are children ; the time of life between infancy and puberty;' the properties of a child. CHILDISH, tfiu'l-dlfh. a. Trifling; becoming only children, trivial, puerile. CHILDISHLY, tfhi 1-dlfn-ly. ad. Inachildifli trifling way. CHILDISHNESS, tfhi l-dlfh-nls . f. Puerility, » triflingncfs ; harmleffnefs. CHILDLESS, tfni'ld-lis. a. Without children. CHILDLIKE, tfhild-Hke. a. Becoming or be- fceming a child. CHILIAEDRON, k!l-y-a-e'-dr6n. f. A figure of a thoufand fides. CHILL, tfhil'. a. Cold, that which is cold to the touch ; having the Anfation of cold ; de- prefll-d, dojc^Sed, difcouragcd. CHILL, tfhil'. (. Chilnefs, cold. To CHILL, tfhil'. V. a. To make cold ; to dc- prcfs, to dcjeft ; to blaft with cold. CHILLINESS, tfhil'-ly-nls. f. A fcnfation of fhivering cold. CHILLY, tfliJl'-Iy. a. Somewhat cold. CHILNESS, tfhll'-nis. f. Coldncfs, want of waimth. CHIME, tfhi me. f. The confonant or harmo- nick found of many correfpondent inftruments ; the correfpondence of found ; the found of bells flruck with hammers ; the correfpondence of proportion or relation. To CHIME, tfhi'me. v. n. To found in har- mony ; to correfpond in relation or proportion ; to agree ; to fuit with ; to jingle. To CHIME, tfhi me. v. a. To make to move, or flrike, or found harmonically ; to flrike a bell v/ith a hammer. CHIMERA, ky-me'-ra. f. A vain and wild fancy. CHIMERICAL, ki-mer'-n-kal. a. Imaginary, fantaflick. CHIMERICALLY, ki-mir'-rl-kal-y. ad. Vain- ly, wildly. CHIMNEY, tfh'm'-ny. f. The paffage through which the fmokc afcends from the fire in tlio houfe ; the fireplace. CHLMNEY-CORNER, tfhiV-ny-ka'r-nur. f. The firefide, the plac; of idlers. CHIMNEYPIECE, tfh!m'-ny-pes. f. The or- namental piece round the fireplace. CHIMNEYSWEEPER, tfhlm'-ny-fv/e'-pur. f. One whofc trade it is to clean foul chimnies of foot. CHIN, tfhin'. f. The part of the face beneath the under lip. CHINA, tfha-ny. f. China ware, porcelain, a fpecies of vefTels made in China, dimly tranf- parent. CHINA-ORANGE, tfhi'-ny-or'-lndzh. f. The fvvcet orange. L 1 CHINA- C H I C H O CHINA-ROOT, tflia'-ny-rot. f. A medicinal root brought originally from China. CHINCOUGH, tfliin'-kif. f. A violent and convulfive cough. CHINE, tftiine. f. The part of the back, in which th^ backbone is found ; a piece of the back of an animal. To CHINE, t&i ne. v. a. To cut into chines. CHINK, tililnk'. f. A fmall aperture loiig- wife. To CHINK, tfliink'. v. a. To fliakc fo as to rn^ke a found. To CHINK, tfliink'. v. n. To found by fcrik- ing each other. CHINKY, tlh!nk'-y. a. Full of holcs,'gaping. CHINTS, tflilnt's. f. Cloth of cotton made in India. CHIOPPINE, tfhop-pi'ne. f. A high flioe for- merly worn by ladies. To CHIP, tfhlp'. V. a. To cut into fmall pieces. CHIP, tfhip'. f. A fmall piece taken off by a cutting inftrument. CHIPPING, t(h!p'-ping. f. A fragment cut off. CHIRAGRICAL, ki-rag'-grl-kal. a. Having thi gout in the hand. CHIROGRAPHER, kl-rog'-gra-fur. f. He that cxercifcs writing. CHIROGRAPHIST, ki-rog'-gra-flft. f. Chi- rographer. CHIROGRAPHY, ki-rog'-gri-fy. f. The art of writing. CHIROR/IANCER, ki'-rd-man-fir. f. One that foretels future events by infpeiSling the hand. CHIROMANCY, ki'-ro-man-fy. f. The art of foretelling the events of life, by infpedling the hand. To CHIRP, tfh'rp'- V. n. To make a cheerful noife, as birds. CHIRP, tftc-rp'. f. The voice of birds or inf.as. ' ■ CHIRPER, t(her'-pur. f. One that chirps. CHIRURGEON, fur'-jun. f. One that cures ailments, not by internal medicines, but out- ward applications ; a furgeon. CHIRURGERY, Cur'-jc-ry. f. The art of cu- ring by external applications. CHIRURGICAL, ki-rur'-jy-kal.-) a. Belong- CHIRURGICK, ki-rur'-jlk. 5 ing to fur- gery. CHISEL, tfliiz'l. f. Aninftrument with which wood or flone is pared away. To CHISEL, tfhiz 1. V. a. To cut with a chifel. CHIT, tlhlt'. f. A child, a baby ; the flioot of corn from the end of the grain. To CHIT, tfhit'. V. n. To fprout. CHITCHAT, tflik'-tfhat. f. Prattle, idle prate. CHITTERLINGS, tfhk'-ter-lingz. f. The guts of an eatable animal ; the frill at the bofom of a fhirt. CHITTY, tfh!t'-ty. a. Childifli, like ababy. CHIVALROUS, fhlv'-al-rus. a. Relating to chivalry, knightly, warlike. CHIVALRY, fhiv'-al-ry. f. Knighthood, a military dignity ; the qualifications of a knight, as valour ; the general fyftem of knighthood. CHIVES, fhi vz. f. The threads or filaments rifing in flowers, with feeds at the end ; a fpe- cies of fmall onion. CHLOROSIS, kl6-ro-sls. f. The green-fick- nefs. ToCHOAK, tfhok. v. a. See CHOKE. CHOCOLATE, tfli6k'-ul-et. f. The nut of the cocoa-tree; the mafs made by grinding the kernel of the cocoa-nut, to be diffclved in hot v.^ater ; the liquor made by a folutlon of cho- colate. CHOCOLATE-HOUSE, tm6k'-ul-et-hous. f. A houfe where company is entertained with chocolate. CHODE, tfho'de. The old preterite from CWde. Obfokte. CHOICE, tlhoi'fe. f. The aft of choofing, elec- tion ; the power of choofing ; care in choofing, curiofity of diftindlion ; the thing chofen ; the bcft part of any thing ; feveral things propofed as objedts of eleiSion. CHOICE, tflioi'fe. a. Selecl, of extraordinary value; chary, frugal, careful. CHOICELESS, tfhoi'fe-lis. a. Withmt the power of choofing. CHOICELY, tflioi'fe-ly. ad. Curiouny, with exad choice ; valuablvj excellently. CHOICE- C H O CnOICENESS, tflioife-nis. f. Nicety, parti- cular value. CHOIR, kv/ir'. f. An nflembly or band of fing- ers ; the fingers in divine worfliip ; the part of tlie church where the fingers are placed. To CHOKE, tfho'ke. V. a. To fuffocate ; to flop up, to block up a paflage ; to hinder by ob- fh uclion ; to fiipprefs ; to overpower. CHOKE, tfhoke. f. The filamentous or ca- pillary part of an artichoke. CHOiiE-PEAR, tfhoke-per. f. A rough, harfh, unpalatable pear; any farcafm that flops the mouth. CHOKER, tfho -kur. f. One that chokes. CHOKY, tfho-ky. a. That which has the power of fuffocation. CHOLAGOGUES, kol'-a-gagz. f Medicines which have the power of purging bile. CHOLER, kol -lur. f. The bile ; the humour, fuppofed to produce irafcibility ; anger, rage. CHOLERICK, kol -Icr-rlk. a. Abounding with choler; angry, irafcible. CHOLERICKNESS, kol -ler-nk-n!s. f. Anger, irafcibility, peevifhnefs. To CHOOSE, tfho'ze. v. a. I chofe, I have chofen. To take by way of preference of fe- veral things offered ; to felesSt, to pick out of a number ; to elect for eternal happincfs ; a term of theologians. To CHOOSE, tfho'ze. v. n. To have thf power of choice. CHOOSER, tfho'-zi'ir. f. He that has the power of choofmg, elector. To CHOP, tflicp'. V. a. To cut with a quick blow ; to devour eagerly ; to menace, to cut in- to fmall pieces ; to break into chinks. To CHOP, tftiop'- V. n. Todoany ihing with a quick motion; to light or happen upon a thing. To CHOP, tfhop . v. a. To purchafe, generally by way of truck ; to put one thing in the place of another ; to bandy, to altercate. CHOP, tftjop'. f. A piece chopped off; a fmall piece of meat ; a crack, or cleft. CHOP-HOUSE, tflicp'-hous. f. A mean houfc of entertainment. C H O CHOPIN, fhO-pe'n. f. A Ertnch liquid mea- furc, containing nearly a pint of Wincheftor ; a term ufed in Scotland for a quart of wine meafure. CHOPPING, tfhop'-ping- a- An epithet fre- quently applied to infants, by way of com- mendation. CHOPPING-KNIFE, tfhop'-ping-nffe. f. A knife ufed in chopping. CHOPPY, tfhop'-py. a. Full of holes or cracks. CHOPS, tfhop's." f. Themouthofabeaftj the mouth of any thing in familiar language. CHORAL, ko-ral. a. Sung by a choir ; fing- ing in a choir. CHORD, ka'rd. f. The firing of a mufical in- flrument; a right line, whichjoins the twoend& of any arch of a circle. To CHORD, ka id. v. a. To furnifh with firings. CHORDEE, kor-de'. f. A contraflion of the free num. CHORION, ko -ryon. f. The outward mem- brane that enwraps the foetus. CHORISTER, kwer'-rls-tiir. f A fmger in the cathedrals, a fmging boy ; a finger in a concert. CHOROGRAPHER, k6-r6g'-gra-fur. f. He that defcribes particular regions of countries. CHOROGRAPHICAL, ko-rS-graf'-I-kal. a. Defcriptive of particular regionl. CKOROGRAPHICALLY, k0-r6-graf '-I-kal- ly. ad.. In a c'horographical manner. CHOROGRAPHY, k6-r6g'-gra-fy. f. The art of dcfcribing particular regions. CHORUS, ko -rus. f. A number of fingers, a concert ; the perfons who are fuppofed to be- hold what paffes in the acts of the ancient tra- gedy ; the fong between the aftruclion of perfpiration. COLDLY, ko'ld-ly. ad. Without heat; with- out concern, indifferently, negligently. COLDNESS, k6'ld-nis. f. Want of heat; un- concern ; frigidity of temper ; coynefs, want of kindnefs ; chaftity. COLE, kd'le. f. Cabbage. COLE WORT, k6'le-wurt. f. Cabbage. COLICK, kol'-lk. f. It ftriaiy is a diforderof the colon ; but loofely, any diforder of the flo- mach or bowels that is attended with pain. COLICK, kol'-Ik. a. AfFeaing the bowels. To COLLAPSE, kol-lap's. v. n. To clofe fo as that one fide touches the other ; to fall to- gether. COLLAPSION, k6l-lV-fliiJn- f- The ftate of vcffels clofed ; the "acl of clofmg or col- la|>fing. COLLAR, kol'-l'ir. f. A ring of metal put round the neck ; the harnefs faftened about the horfc's neck ; To flip the Collar, to difentangle himfclf from any engagement or difficulty ; A Collar of brawn, is the quantity bound up in one parcel. COLLAR-BONE, k6l'-lur-b6'ne. f. The cla- vicle, the bones on each fule of the neck. To COLLAR, kol'-liir. v. a. To fcizc by the pollar, to take by the throati To Collar beef, or other meat, to roll it up, and bind it hud and clofe with a firing or collar. To COLLATE, kol-la^te. v. a. To compare one thing of the fame kind with another ; to collate books, to examine if nothing be want- ing ; to place in an ecclefiaftlcal benefice. COLLATERAL, kol-ht'-tc-ral. a. Side to fide; running parallel ; diffufed on either fide; thofe that ftand in equal relation to fome an- ceftor ; not direct, not immediate ; concurrent. COLLATERALLY, kol-lat'-te-ral-ly. ad. Side by fide ; indireftly ; in collateral relation. COLLATION, kol-la'-fhun. f. The aft of conferring or beftowing, gift; comparifon of one thing of the fame kind with another ; in lav/, collation is the beftowing of a benefice ; a repaft. COLLATITIOUS, kol-la-tlfh'-is. a. Done by the contribution of many. COLLATOR, kol-la'-tur. f. One that com- pares copies, or manufcripts ; one who prefents to an ecclefiaftlcal benefice. To COLLAUD, kol-la'd. v. a. To join in praifing. COLLEAGUE, kol'-leg. f. A partner in office or employment. To COLLEAGUE, k&l-le'g. v. a. To unite with. To COLLECT, kol-lek't. v. a. To gather to- gether ; to draw many units into one fum ; to gain from obfervation ; to infer from premifes ; To Collect himfclf, to recover from furprife. COLLECT, kol'-lekt. f. Any ftiort prayer. COLLECTANEOUS, kol-lck-ta'-nyus. a. Ga- thered together. COLLECTIBLE, kol-lek'-tJbl. a. That which _ may be gathered from the premifes. COLLECTION, k6l-lek'-lhun. f. The ad of gathering together; the things gathered ; acon- feftar)', deduced from premifes. COLLECTITIOUS, kol-lck-tlfi/-is. a. Ga- thered together. COLLECTIVE, kol-lck'-tfv. a. Gathered in- to one mafs, accumulative ; employed in de- ducing confcquenccs ; a collective noun cx- preflcs COL COL prefles a multitude, though itfclf be lingular, as a company. COLLECTIVELY, Icol-lek'-tlv-ly. ad. In a general mafs, in a body, not fingly. COLLECTOR, koI-ItV-tur. f. A gatherer; a tax-gatherer. COLLEGATARY, k6l-leg'-a-ter-y. f. A per- fon to whom is left a legacy in common with one or more. COLLEGE, kol'-lidzh. f. A community ; a fociety of men fet apart for learning or religion ; the houfe in which the collegians refide. COLLEGIAL, kol-l^'-jel. a. Relating to a college. COLLEGIAN, kil-le'-jcn. f. An inhabitant of a college. COLLEGIATE, kol-le'-jet. a. Containing a college, inftituted after the manner of a college ; a collegiate church, was fuch as was built at a diftance from the cathedral, wherein a number of prefbyters lived together. COLLEGIATE, kol-le'-jet. f. A member of a college, an univerfity man. COLLET, kol'-lit. f. Something that went about the neck ; that part of a ring in which the ftone is fet. To COLLIDE, kol-lfde. v. a. To beat, to dafl), to knock together. COLLIER, kol'-yer. f. A digger of coals ; a dealer in coals ; a ihip that carries coals. COLLIERY, kol'-yer-y- f- The place where coals are dug ; the coal trade. COLLIFLOWER, kol'-ly-How-ur. f. A kind of cabbage. COLLIGATION, kil-ly-ga'-fhun. f. A bind- ing together. COLLIiMATION, kil-li-m:\'-fhun. f. Aim. COLLINEATION, kc".l-lin-y-a'-fhun. f. 1 he a£t of aiming. COLLIQUABLE, kol-llk'-wibl. a. Eafdy difl'olved. COLLIQUAMENT, kil-llk'-wa-ment. f. The fubftai.cc to which any thing is reduced by be- in!7 melted. COLLIQUANT, kol'-ly-kwant. a. Thatwhich has ,he power of melting. To COLLIQUATE, kil'-ly-kwSte. v. a. To melt, to diflblve. COLLIQUATION, k6l-!y-kwa'-fliun. f. The aft of melting; a lax or diluted ftate of the fluids in animal bodies. COLLIQUATIVE, kol-Uk'-wa-tlv. a. Melt- ing, diflolvent. COLLIQUEFACTIONjkol-lik-we-fak'-fhun. f. The acl of melting together. COLLISION, k6l-lizl/-un. f. The aft of ftriking two bodies together ; the ftate of being ftruck together, a clafh. To COLLOCATE, kc-l'-ld-kate. v. a. To place, to ftation. COLLOCATION, k6l-l6-ka'-fiiun. f. The aft: of placing ; the ftate of being placed. COLLOC'UTION, kol-lo-ku'-Ihun. f. Con- ference, converfation. To COLLOGUE, kol-lo'g. v.n. To wheedle, to flatter. COLLOP, kol'-lup. f. A fmall flice of meat ; a piece of an animal. COLLOQUY, kol'-l6-kwy. f. Conference, con- verfation, talk. COLLUCTANCY, kol-lik'-t^n-fy. f. Oppo- fition of nature. COLLUCTATION, kol-luk-ta'-fliun. f. Con- teft, contrariety, oppofition. To COLLUDE, kol-lti'de. v. n. To confpirc in a fraud. COLLUSION, kol-lil'-zhun. f. A deceitful agreement or compaft between two or more.- COLLUSIVE, kol-lu'-slv. a. Fraudulently, con- certed. COLLUSIVELY, kol-lu'-siv-ly. ad. In a man- ner fraudulently concerted. COLLUSORY, kol-lu'-fur-y. a. Carrying on a fraud by fecret concert. COLLY, k6l'-l^. f. Thefmutofcoal. COLLYRIUM, kol-le^-ryum. f. An ointment for the eyes. COLMAR, ki'l-mar. f. A fort of pear. COLON, koMon. f. A point [:] ufed to mark a paufe greater than that of a comma, and kfs than that of a period ; the grcateft and wid-ftof all the intcftincs. Q_q . COLONEL, COL COM COLONEL, kuZ-ncl. f. The chief commander of a regiment. COLONELSHIP, ku/-ncl-fh!p. f. The office or charader of colonel. To COLONISE, kol-6-m'zc. v. a. To plant with inhabitants. COLONNADE, ko!-lo-na'de. f. A periftile of a circular figure, or a feries of columns, dif- pofed in a circle ; any feries or range of pillars. COLONY, koi'-un-y. f. A body of people drawn from the mother-country to inhabit fome diftant place; the country planted, a plantation. COLOQUINTEDA, k6lM6-kwm'-tI-da. f. The fruit of a plant of the fame name, called bitter apple. It is a violent purgative. COLORATE, kol'-o-rate, a. Coloured, died. COLORATION, kol-o-ra^-fhun. f. The art or practice of colouring ; the ftate of being coloured. COLORIFICK, ka-lo-rlf'-Ik. a. That has the power of producing colours. COLOSSE, ko-los'. If. Aftatueofenor- COLOSSUS, k6''-l6s''-sus. 5 mous magnitude. COLOSSEAN, k6-l6f-fe'-an. a. Giantlike. COLOUR, kuL-lur. f. The appearance of bo- dies to the eye, hue, die ; the appearance of blood in the face j the tint of the painter ; the rcprefentation of any thing fuperfirjally exa- mined; palliation; appearance, falfefhew; in the plural, a ftandard, an enfign of war. To COLOUR, JcilMur. v. a. To mark with fome hue, or die ; to palliate, to excufe ; to make plaufible. COLOURABLE, kCil'-lur-ubl. a. Specious, pLiufiblc. COLOURABLY, kulMir-ub-ly. ad. Speci- ourty, plaufibly. COLOURED, kul'-lurd. part. a. Streaked, di- verfified with hues. COLOURING, kul'-lur-ing. f. The part of the painter's art that teaches to lay on his co- lours. COLOURIST, kul'-lir-ift. f. A painter who excels in giving the proper colours to his de- figns, COLOURLESS, kul'-lur-lls. a. Without co- lour, tranfparent. L, k6-lun/-nar. 7a.Form- LlAN,k6-lum-na'-ryan. C cd in COLT, k6''lt. f. A young horfe ; a young foolifh fellow. To COLT, ko'lt. V. a. To befool. Obfolete, COLTS-FOOT, kd'lts-fat. f. A plant. COLTS-TOOTH, kb'lts-to'tti. f. An imper- fecl tooth in young horfes ; a love of youthful pleafure. COLTER, ko'l-tir. f. The fharp iron of a plough. COLTISH, ko'l-tifh. a. Wanton. COLUMBARY, k6-lim''-ba-ry. f, A dove- cot, a pigeonhoufe. COLUMBINE, kol'-um-bme. f. A plant with leaves like the meadow-rue ; the name of a female charadler in a pantomime. COLUMN, kolMum. f. A round pillar ; any body prefling vertically upon its bafe ; the long file or row of troops ; half a page, when divided into two equal parts by a line paifing through the middle. COLUMNAR, COLUMNARIAN, columns. COLURES, ko-lu'rz. f. Twogreat circles fup- pofed to pafs through the poles of the world. COMATE, ko -mate. f. Companion. COMB, k6''me. f. An inftrument to feparate and adjuit the hair ; the top or crefl of a cock ; the cavities in which the bees lodge their honey. To COMB, ko'm. v. a. To divide, and adjuft the hair; to lay any thing confifting of fila- ments fmooth, as to comb wool. COMB-BRUSH, ke'm-brufh. f. A brufli to clean combs. COMB-MAKER, ka'm-ma-kur. f. One whofe trade is to make combs. To COMBAT, kun/-but. v. n. To fight. To COiMBAT, kum'-but. v. a. To oppofe. COMBAT, kum^-but. f. Conteft, battle, dueL COMBATANT, kun/-ba-tant. f. He that fights with another, antagonift ; a champion. COMBER, ko^-mur. f. He whofe trade is to difentangle wool, and lay it fmooth for the fpinncr. COMBINATE, kom'-bl-nke. a. Betrothed,. promifed, COMBI- C O M C O IM COMBINATION, kom-bi-na^-fliun. f. Union tor fome certain purpofc, affociation, league ; union of hodics, commixture, conjunction; copulation of ideas. To COMBINE, kum-bi ne. y. a. To join to- gether ; to link in union ; to agree, to accord ; to join together, oppofed to Analyfe. To COMBINE, kum-bi'ne. v. n. To coalefce, to unite each with other ; to unite in friend- fhip or defign, often in a bad fcnfe. COMBLESS, ko'^m-lis. a. Wanting a comb or crell. COMBUST, kom-buft^. a. A planet not above eight degrees and a half from the fun, is fjid to be Combull. CO.MBUSTIBLE, kom-bus'-tlbl. a. Sufcept- ible of fire. COMBUSTIBLENESS, kim-bus'-tlbl-nls. C Aptnefs to take fire. COMBUSTION, kom-bus'-tflaiin. f. Con- flagration, burning, confumption by fire ; tu- mult, hurry, hubbub. To COME, kilim . V. a. To remove from, a dif- tant to a nearer place, oppofed to Go ; to draw near, to advance towards j to move in any man- ner towards another ; to attain any condition ; to happen, to fall out ; To come about, to come to pafs, to fall out, to change, to come round ; To come again, to return ; To come at, to reach, to obtain, to gain ; To come by, to ob- tain, to gain, to acquire ; To come in, to enter, to comply, to yield, to become modlfh ; To come in for, to be early enough to obtain ; To come in to, to join with, to bring help ; to comply with, to agree to ;. To come near, to approach in excellence ; To come of, to proceed, as a dcfcendent from anccflors ; to proceed, as ef- fects from their caufes ; To come off, to devi- ate, to depart from a rule, to efcape ; To come off from, to leave, to forbear ; To come on, to advance, to make progrefs ; to advance to com- bat ;, to th jive, to grow big;. To come over, to repeat an act, to revolt ; To come out, to te made publick, to appear upon trial, to he difcovcred; To come out with, to give vent to ; To come to, to confent or yield ; to amount toi To come to himfclf, to recover his fenfes j To come to pafs, to be efFe£lcd, to fall out ; To come up, to grow out of the ground ; to make appearance; to come into ufc ; To come up to, to amount to, to rife to ; To come up with, to overtake ; To come upon, to invade, to attack; To come, in futurity. COME, kum'. Be quick, make no delay. COME, kum . A particle of reconciliation. Come, come, at all I laugh he laughs no doubt. COMEDIAN, kum-me'-dyan. f. A player or aclor of comick parts ; a player in general, an adrefs or a£lor. COMEDY, kom'-me-dy. f. A dramatick re-, prefentation of the lighter faults of mankind. COMELINESS, kum'-ly-nis. f. Grace, beau- ty, dignity. COAIELY, kum^-ly. a. Graceful, decent. COMER, kum'-mur. f. One that comes. COMET, komMt. f. A heavenly body in the planetary region appearing fuddenly, and again difappearing. COMETARY, kom'-me-tar-y..? a. Relating to COMETICK, ko-met''-ik. ^ ''■ comet. COMFIT, kinZ-fk. f. A kmd of fweet- mcat. COMFITURE, kum'-fl-ture. f. Sweet-meat, To COMFORT, kmn -flirt. V. a. Toflrength- en, to enliven, to invigorate ; to confole, to flrengthen the mind under calamity. COMFORT, kum^'-fiirt. f. Support, aiTifl- ance ; countenance ; confolation, fupport un- der calamity ; that which gives confolation or fupport. COMFORTABLE, kum'-fur-tubl. a. Receiv- ing comfort, fufceptible of comfort, difpcnfing comfort. COMFORTABLY, kin/-fur-tub-ly. ad. With comfort, without defpair. COMFORTER, kum'-fur-tur. f. One that adminiftcrs confolation in misfortunes ; the title of the third pcrfon of the Holy Trinity ; the. paraclete. COMFORTLESS, kun/-furt-l!s. a. Witiiout comfort. COMICAL, kcV-nil-kal. a. Railing mirth, merry, diverting; relating to comedy, befitting, comedy, caMi- COM COM COMICALLY, kom'-ml-kal-ly. ad. In fuch a manner as raifes mirth j in a manner befitting comedy. COMICALNESS, kom'-ml-kal-nls. f. The quality of being comical. COMICK, kom'-mlk. a. Relating to comedy ; raifing mirth. COMING, kum'-ming. f. The ad of coming, approach ; ft:ate of being come, arrival. COMING-IN, kum-mlng-In'. f. Revenue, in- come. COMING, kum''-muig. a. Forward, ready to come; future, to come. COMING, kum'-ming. part. a. Moving from fome other to this place ; ready to come. COMITIAL, ko-me'-fhal. a. Relating to the aflemblies of the people. COMITY, kom'-i-ty. f. Courtefy, civility. COMMA, kom'-ma. f. The point which de- notes the diftindion of claufes, marked thus [,J. To COMMAND, kum-ma'nd. v. a. To go- vern, to give orders to ; to order, to direft to be done ; to overlook, to have fo fubjeiSt as that it may be feen. To COMMAND, kum-ma'nd. v. n. To have the fupreme authority. COMMAND, kum-ma'nd. f. The right of commanding, power, fupreme authority ; co- gent authority, defpotifin ; the adl of command- ing, order. COMMANDER, kum-ma'n-dur. f. He that has the fupreme authority, a chief ; a paving beetle, or a very great wooden mallet. COMMANDERY, kum'-ma'n-dl-ry. f. A body of the knights of Malta, belonging, to the fame nation. COMMANDMENT, kum-ma'nd-ment. f. Mandate, command, order,. precept; authority, power ; by way of eminence, the precepts of the decalogue given by God to Mofes. COMMANDRESS, kum-mA n-drls. f. A wo- man veiled with fupreme authority. COMMATERIAL, kom-ma-td'-ryal. a. Con- fiding of the fame matrcr with another. COMMATER'ALITY, kcm-ma-te-ryar-!-ty. f. Reftmblance to fometiung in its matter. 2 COMMEMORABLE, k6m-mem'-mo-rabI. a. Deferving to be mentioned with honour. To COMMEMORATE, kom-mem'.-mo-rate. V. a. To preferve the memory by fome pub- lick aa. COMMEMORATION, kim-mem-mo-rl'- fhun. f. An a6l of publick celebration. COMMEMORATIVE, kom-mem'-mo-ra-dv. a. Tending to preferve memory of anything. To COMMENCE, kum-men'fe. v. n. To be- gin, to make beginning ; to take a new cha- radler. To COMMENCE, kum-men'fe. v. a. To be- gin, to make a beginning of, as to commence a fuit. COMMENCEMENT, kum-men'fe-ment. f. Beginning date ; the time when degrees are taken in a univerfity. To COMMEND, kum-mend'. v. a. To repre- fent as worthy of notice, to recommend ; to mention with approbation; to recommend to remembrance. kom-men'-dabl. ") kom'-men-dabl. j Laudable, worthy of praile. COMMENDABLY, kom'-men-dab-ly. ad. Laudably, in a manner worthy of commend- ation. COMMENDAM, k6m-m«/-dum. f. Com- mendam is a benefice, which being void, is commended to the charge of fome fufEcient clerk to be fupplied. COMMENDATARY, kom-men'-da-ta-ry. f. One who holds a living in commendam. COMMENDATION, kom-men-di'-fhun. f. Recommendation, favourable reprefentation ; praife, declaration of efleem. COMMENDATORY, kom-men'-da-tur-ry. a. Favourably reprefentative ; containing praife. COMMENDER, konvmcn'-dur. f. Praifcr. COMMENSALITY, kom-men-fal'-i-ty. f. Fcl- lowihip of table. COMMENSURABILITY, kom-men-fu-ra- blf-i-ty. f. Capacitv of being compared with another, as to thi, mcafurc, or of being mea- fured by another. COMMEN- COiMMENDABLE, C M C O M 'COMMENSURABLE, kim-men'-fi\-rabl. a. Reducible to fome common mcafurcj as a yard and a foot are meafured by an inch. COMMENSURABLENESS, Icom-men-'fu- rabl-n's. f. Commenfurability, proportion. To COMMENSURATE, kim-men'-fu-nke. V. a. To reduce to fome common meafure. COMMENSURATE, kom-mm-fu-ret. a. Re- ducible to fome common meafure ; equal, pro- portionable to each other. COxMMENSURATELY, kom-men'-fu-ret-ly. ad. With the capacity of mcafuring, or being meafured by fome other thing. COMxMENSURATION, kom-men-fu-rf/- fhun. f. Redu<5iion of fome things to fome common meafure. To COMiMENT, kom'-ment. v. n; • To an- notate, to write notes, to expound. COMMENT, kom'-ment. f. Annotations on an author, notes, expofition. COMMENTARY, konZ-mtn-ter-y. f. An expofition, annotation, remark ; a memoir ; jiar- rative in familiar manner. COMMENTATOR, kom-mcn-ta'-tur. f. Ex- pofitor, annotator. COMMENTER, kom-men'-tur. f. An ex- plainer, an annotator. COMMENTITIOUS, kom-men-tiih'-us. a. Invented, imaginary. COMMERCE, kSm'-mcrfe. f. Exchange of one thing for another, trade, traflick. To COM.AIERCE, kim-mer'fe. v,ji. To hold intercourfe. COMlMERClAL, kom-mt/-fhal. a. Relating '0 commerce or traflick. .'. >MMERE, kom'-mer. f. A common mother. Not ufcd. ToCOMMiGRATE,kom'-mi-grate. v. n. To remove by confent, from one country to ano- ther. COMMIGRATION, kom-ml-gri'-fnin. f. A removal of a people from one country to ajio- iher. COMMINATION, k6m-my-nr-Jhun, T. A threat, a denunciation of puniflimcnt; thf re- cital of God's threatenines on ftatjd davs. COMMINATORY, kom-mln'-na-tur-y. a. Denunciator)', threatening. To COMMINGLE, kom-mlng'l. v. a. To mix into one mafs, to mix, to blend. To COMMINGLE, k6m-m!ng'l. v. n. To unite with another thing. COMMINUIBLE, kom-miV-u-Ibl. a. Fran- gible, reducible to powder. To COMMINUTE, kim-m^nu'te. v. a. To grind, to pulverife. COMMINUTION, kim-m>''-nil'-fliin. f. The &&. of grinding into finall parts, pulverifa- tion. COMMISERABLE, kim-mlz'-e-rabl. a. Wor- thy of companion, pitiable. To COMMISERATE, kom-miV-a-rftte. v. a. To pity, to companionate. COMMISERATION, kim-mlz-l-rr-fhun. f. Pity, compaflion, tcndernefs. COMMISSARY, k6m'-m!f-fir-y. f. An officer made occafionally, a delegate, a deputy ; fuch as exercife fpiritual jurifdiciion in places of the diocefe, far diftant from the chief city; ?.n of- ficer who draws up lifts of an army, and regu- lates the procuration of provifion. COMMISSARISHIP, kom'-mif-fer-y-flilp. f. The office of a commifiary. COMxMISSION, kilm-mlfh'-un. f. The acl of entrufling any thing; a truft, a warrant by which any truft is held ; a warrant by which a military officer is conftituted; charge, man- date, ofiice; act of committing a crime: fins of commiffion are diftinguifhcd from fins of omiiTion : a number of people joined in a truft or office ; the ftate of that which is intrufted to a number of joint officers, as the broad feal was put into cornmilTion ; the order by which a fac- tor trades for another perfon. To COMIvIISSION, kum-mifii'-un. v. a. To empower, to appoint. ■. COMMISSIONER, kum-mlfli'-un-ur. f. One included in a warrant of authority. COMMISSURE, koin-mlih-urc. f. Joint', a place where one pr.rt is joined to another. To COMMIT, kum-nilt'. v. a. To intruft, to give m truii3 to put in any plate to be kept R r Yafcj COM C O M fafe ; to fend to prifon, to imprifon ; to pcrpe- tratL-, to do a fault. eOMMIT-MENT, kim-mrt'-ment. f. -Afl of fending to prifon ; an order for feuding to prifon. COMMITTEE, kum-mit'-t)'-. f. Thofe to whom the confideration or ordering of any mat- ter is referred, ^cither by fome court to whom it belongs, or by confent of parties. COMMITTER, kum-mlt'-tiir. f. Perpetrator, he that commits. COMMITTABLE, kum-mlt'-tlbl. a. Liable to be committed. To COMMIX, kom-mlk's. v. a. To mingle, to blend. COMMIXION, kom-mlk'-fliun. f. Mixture, incorporation. COMMIXTURE, kom-mik''s-tfhur. f. The ad of mingling, the flate of being mingled ; the mafs formed by mingling drfFerent things, com- pound. COMMODE, kom-mo'de. f. The head-drefs of women. COMMODIOUS, kom-mo'-dyis. a. Conve- nient, fuitable, accommodate; ufeful, fuited to wants or neceffities. COMMODIOUSLY, kom-m&'-dyuf-ly. ad. Conveniently ; without diftrefs ; fuitably to a certain purpofe. COMMODIOUSNESS, kom-md'-dyuf-nis. f. Convenience, advantage. COMMODITY, kom-modM-ty. f. Intereft, advantage, profit; convenience of time or place ; wares, merchandife. COMMODORE, kom-m6-do're. f. The captain who commands a fquadron of fFiips. COMMON, kom'-mun. a. Belonging equally to more than one ; having no podeflor or owner ; vulgar, mean, eafy to be had, not fcarce ; pub- lick, general ; mean, without birth or licfcent; frequent, ufeful, ordinary ; proftitutc. COMMON, kom -mun. f. An open ground equally ufed by many perfons. To COMMON, kom'-mun. v. n. To have a joint right with others in fomc common {round. COMMON LAW, k^m-mun-la'. f. Cuilr.ms which have by long prefcription obtained the force of laws, dlftinguifhed from the ftatutc law, v.'hich owes its authority to a£ls of par- liament. COMMON PLEAS, kim-min-ple-'z. f. The king's court now held in Weftminfler-hall, but anciently moveable. COMMONABLE, kim'-mun-ebl. a. What is held in common. COMMONAGE, kom'-mun-ldzh. f. The right of feeding on a common. COMMONALTY, kom'-mun-al-ty. f. The common people ; the bulk of mr.nkind. COMMONER, - fcom'-un-ur. f. One of the common people ; a man not noble ; a member of the houfe of commons ; one who has a joint right in common ground ; a fludcnt of the fe- cond rank at the univerfity of Oxford ; a prof- titute. COMMONITION, fcim'-m6-nlfli'-un. f. Ad- vice, warning. COA4MONLY, kom^-mun-ly. ad. Frequently^ ufually. COMMONNESS, k6m'-mun-n!s. f. Equal participation among many ; frequent occur- rence, frequency. To COMMONPLACE, k6m-rain-pla'fe. v. a. To reduce to general heads. COMMONPLACE BOOK, kom-mun-pirfe- bok. f. A book in which things tobe remem- bered are ranged under general heaus. COMMONS, kom'-munz. f. The vulgar, the lower people; the lower houfe of parliament,. by which the people are reprefented ; food, fare, diet. COMP.IONWEAL, kim-mun-we'l. ? COMMONWEALTH, k6m-mun-wt.lt?r'. ] " A polityy an eftabliflied form of civil life; the publick, the general body of the people ; a go- vernment in which, the fupreme power is lodged in the people, a republick. COMMORANCE, k6n/-m6-ranfe. T f. Dweli- COMMORANCY, kom'-mo-ran- fy. 5 ing, ha- bitation, refidcncc. COMMO- C O ]\1 C O M COALMORANT, kom'-mo-rant. a. Refidcnt, dwelling. COMMOTION, kom'-mo'-fhun. f. Tumult, ditl-urbance, combullion ; perturbation, difor- derofmind, agitation. COMMO TIONER, kom-m6'-(hun-ur. f. A difturber of the peace. To COMAIOVE, kim-m<*'ve. v. a. To dif- turb, to unfettle. To COMMUNE, kom'-miine. v'. n. To con- vcrfe, to impart fentiments mutually. COM.MU NIC ABILITY, kom-mii-ny-ka-bll'- i-ty. r. The quality of being communicated. COMxVIUNICABLE, kom-mu'-nj-kabl. a. That which may become the common poflef- fion of more than one ; that which may be im- parted, or recounted. COM.MUNICANT, kom-mu'-ny-kint. f. One ■who is prefent, as a worfhipper, at the cele- bration of the Lord's Supper. To COMMUNICATE, kom-md'-ny-kate. v. a. To impart to others what is in our own power ; to reveal, to impart knowledge. To COMMUNICATE, kom-mu'-ny-kite. v. n. To partake of the blcfll-d facrament ; to have fomething in common with another, as The houfes communicate. COMMUNICATION, kom-mu-ny-ka'-fhun. f. The aft of imparting benefits or know- ledge ; common boundary or inlet; interchange of knowledge ; conference, converfation. COMMUNICATIVE, kom-mu'-ny-ka-tlv. a. Inclined to make advantages common, liberal of knowledge, not fclfifh. COMMUNICATIVENESS, kim-md'-ny-ka- tiv-nis. f. The quality of being communi- cative. COMMUNION, ki'm-m^-nyun. f. Intcr- courfe, fellowihip, common pofieflion ; the common or publick celebration of the Lord's Supper; a common or publick aft ; union in the common worihip of any church. COMMUNITY, kom-mu'-ny-ly. f. The com- monwealth, the body politick ; common pof- feflion ; frequency, conimonnefs. COMMUTABILITY,. k6m-mu-ta-bIl'-:-ty.- f. The quality of being capable of exchange. COMMUTABLE, kcm-mu'-tabl. a. That may be exchanged for fomething clfe. COMMUTATION, kim-mu-ta'-fliun. f. Change, alteration ; exchange, the aft of giving one thing for another ; ranfom, the aft of ex- changing a corporal for a pecuniary punifn- ment. COMMUTATIVE, kom-mu'-ta-t.'v. a. Re- lative to exchange. To COMMUTE, kom-mu'te. v. a. To ex- change, to put one thing in the place of ano- ther ; to buy ofF, or ranfom one obligation by another. ToCOM.MUTE, kim-mu'te. v. n. To at- tone, to bargain for exemption. COiMMUTLfAL, Jcom-mu'-tu-al. a. Mutual, reciprocal. COMPACT, Ifim'-p.'ikt. f. A contraft, an ac- cord, an agreement. To COAIPACT, kom-pakt'. v. a. To join to- gether with firmnefs, to confolidate ; to make out of fomething ; to league with ; to join to- gether, to bring into a fyftem. COMPACT, kom-pakt'. a. Firm, folid, clofe,. dehfe; brief, as a compaft difcourfs. COMPACTEDNESS, kim-pak'-ted-nls. f. Firmnefs, denfity. COMPACTLY, kim-pal/t-Iy. ad. Clofely, denfely ; with neat joining. COMPACTNESS, kim-pak't-nls. f. Firm- nefs, clofcnefs, COMPACTURE, kom-pak'-tfhur. f. Struc- ture, compagi nation. COMPAGES, kom-pa'-jes. f. A fyftem of many parts united. COMPAGINATION, k6m-pa-j!-n;i'-flu'm. f. Union, ftrufture. COMPANION, kum-paa'-yun. f. One with whom a man frequently convcrfes ; a partner, an aflbclate; a familiar term of contempt, a fellow. COMPANIONABLE, kum-pan'-yO-nibl. a. Fit for good fellow/liip, focial. COMPA- C IvI C O M COMPANION ABLY, kum-paiZ-yO-ri-bly. ad. In a companronabk manner, COMPANIONSFIiP, kum-pan'-yun-fli!p. f. Company, train ; fellowfhip, afibciation. COMPANY, kum'-pa-ny. f. Pctfons affembled together ; an affcmbly of pleafure ; pcrfons con - fidered as capable of converfation ; fellowfhip ; a number of perfons united for the execution of any thing, a band ; perfons united in a joint trade or •partnerfhip ; a body corporate, a cor- poration ; a fubdivifion of a regiment of foot ; To bear company, to aflbciate with, to be a companion to ; To keep company, to frequent houfes of entertainment. To COMPANY, kum'-pi-ny. v. a. To ac- company, to be aflbciated with. Not ufed. To COMPANY, kum'-pa-ny. v. n. To afib- ciate one's felf with. Not ufed. COMPARABLE, k--ty. f. The quality of admitting to be brought by force into a narrower compafs. COMPRESSIBLE, kom-pres'-slbl. a. Yield- ing to preflurc, fo as that one part is brought nearer to another. COMPRESSIBLENESS, kom-pres'-slbl-nls. f. Capability of being preffed clofe. COMPRESSION, kcm-prefl/.un. f. The aci of bringing the parts of any body more near to each other by violence. COMPRESSURE, khm-prcih'-uT. f. The aa or force of the body prefiing againft another. To COMPRINT, k6tn-pr!nt'. v. a. To print together ; to print another's copy, to the pre- judice of the rightful proprietor. To COMPRISE, kom-prKze. v. a. To con- tain, to include. COMPROBATION, kom-pro-bi'-fhun. f. Proof, atteftation. COMPROMISE, kom'-pro-mfze. f. A mu- tual promife of parties at difterence, to refer their controverfies to arbitrators ; an adjuftment of a difference between parties by mutual corv- ceflions. To COMPROMISE, kom'-pr6-m!ze. v. a. To adjuft a compavSt by mutual concefljons, to ac- cord, to agree. COMPROMISSORIAL,c6m-pr6-mIf-f6'-ryaI. a. Relating to compromife. COMPROVINCIAL, kom-pro-vin'-fhal. f. Belonging to the fame province. COMPT, kou'nt. f. Account, computation, reckoning. Not ufed. To COMPT, kou^nt. v. a. To compute, to number. We now ufe To Count. COMPTIBLE, kou'n-tibl. a. Accountable, ready to give account. Obfolete. To COMPTROLL, k6n-tr6'l. v. a. To con- troll, to over-rule, to oppofe. COMPTROLLER, kon-tro'-lur. f. Dire^or, fupervifor. COMPTROLLERSHIP, kon-tro'-lur-fhip. f. Superintendence. A COMPULSATIVELY, kom pui'-fa-tlv-ly. ad. By conftraint. COMPULSATORY, kom-pul'-fa-tur-y. a. Having the force of compelling. COxMPULSION, kom-pul'-ftiun. f. The aft of compelling to fomething, force ; the ftate of being compelled. COMPULSIVE, kom-pil'-slv. a. Having the power to compel, forcible. COMPULSIVELY, kom-pul'-^Iv-ly. ad. By force, by violence. COMPULSIVENESS, kom-pul'-slv-nls. f. Force, compulfion. COMPULSORILY, kom-pul'-fur-y-ly. ad. In a compulfory or forcible manner, by vio- lence. COMPULSORY, kom-pui'-fir-y. a. Having the power of compelling. COMPUNCTION, kom-punk'-Ihun. f. The power of pricking, flimulation ; repentance^ contrition. COMPUNCTIOUS, kom-punk'-fhus. a. Re- pentant. COMPUNCTIVE, kom-pink'-t'v. a. Cau- fing remorfe. COMPURGATION, kom-pur-gi'-fhun. f. The practice of juflifying any man's veracity by the tcflimony of another. COMPURGATOR, kom-pur'-ga-tur. f. One who bears his teftimony to the credibility of another. COMPUTABLE, kom-pu'-tebl. a. Capable of being numbered. COMPUTATION, kom-pu-ta'-fliun. f. The act of reckoning, calculation ; the fum col- leSed or fettled by cilculation. To COMPUTE, kom-pii'te. v. a. To reckon, to calculate, to count. COMPUTER, kom-pu'-tur. f. Reckoner, ac- countant. COMPUTIST, kom'-pu-tW. f. Calculator, one fkilled in computation. CO.MRADE, kum'-rade. f. One who dwells in the fame houfe or chamber ; a companion, a partner. CON, kon'. A Latin infeparable pref ofition, which. CON CON which, at the beginning of words, figniiics union, as concoiirfe, a running together. CON, Icon', ad. On the oppofite fide, againft h another. To CON, kon . v. a. To know ; to ftudy j to fix in the memory. To CONCAMERATE, kin-kam'-c-ratc. v. a. To arch over, to vault. To CONCATENATE, kin-kat'-c-nate. v. a. To link together. CONCATENATION, kin-kat-e-na'-iliun. f. A feries of links. CONCAVATION, kon-ka-va'-fhun. f. The aiil of making concave. CONCAVE, kon'-kive. a. Hollow, oppofed to convex. CONCAVENESS, kin'-kave-ms. f. Hollov.- neis. CONCAVITY, kon-kav'-I-ty. f. Internal fur- fiice of a hollow fpherical or fpheroidical body. CONCAVO-CONCAVE, k6n-kd'-v6-kin''- kave. a. Concave or hollow on both fides. CONCAVO-CONVEX, kon-ka'-vo-kon'"- vex. a. Concave one way, and convex the other. CONCAVOUS, kon-ka'-vus. a. Concave. CONCAVOUSLY, kin-Id'-vuf-ly. ad. With hollownefj. To CONCEAL, kdn^fe'l. v. a. To hide, to keep fecret, not to divulge. CONCEALABLE, kon-ft'l-abl. a. Capable of being concealed. CONCEALEDNESS, kon-f^'-led-n!s. f. Pri- vacy, obfcurity. ■ CONCEALER, kon-fc'-lur. f. He that con- ceals any thing. CONCEALMENT, kon-fe'l-ment. f. The za of hiding, fecrefy ; the ftate of being hid, pri- vacy ; hiding-place, retreat. To CONCEDE, kon-fu'de. v. a. To admit, to grant. CONCEIT, kon-fe't. f. Conception, thought, idea-; underftanding, readinefs of apprehenfion ; fancy, fantaftical notion; a fond opinion of one's felf; a pleafant fancy; Out of conceir with, no longer fond of. To CONCEIT, kon-fi't. v. a. To imagine, to believe. CONCEITED, kon-f^'-tid. particip. a. Endow- ed with fancy; proud, fond of himfclf; opi- nionative. CONCEITEDLY, kon-fc'-tid-ly. ad. Fanci- fully, whimfically. CONCEITEDNESS, kon-fe'-tld-ms. f. Pride, fondnefs of himfelf. CONCEITLESS, k6n-fi't-l!s. a. Stupid, with- out thought. CONCEIVABLE, kon-fe'-vabl. a. That may be imagined or thought ; that may be undcr- fiood or believed. CONCEIVABLENESS, k6n-fd'-vabl-n!s. f. The quality of being conceivable. CONCEIVABLY, kon-fe'-vab-ly. ad. In a con- ceivable manner. To CONCEIVE, kc'n-fcVe. v. a. To admit into the womb ; to form in the mind ; to com- prehend, to underftand ; to think, to be of opinion. To CONCEIVE, kon-fi've. v. n. To think, to have an idea of; to become pregnant. CONCEIVER, kin-fe'-vur. f. One that un- denlands or apprehends. CONCENT, kon-fent'. f. Concert of voices, harmony ; confiftency. To CONCENTRATE, kon-filn'-trate, v. a. To drivj into a narrow compafs ; to drive to- w.-irds the center. CONCENTRATION, kon-fen-tra'-fhun. f. Colledtion into a narrower fpacc round the center. To CONCENTRE, kon-fcn'-tur. v. n. To tend to one common centre. To CONCENTRE, kon-fcn'-tur. v. a. To emit towards one centre. CONCENTRICAL, kin-feiZ-trl-kil. (a. Ha- CONCENTRICK, k6n-fw/-tr{k. ^ ving one common centre. CONCEPTACLE, k6n-fJp'-takl. f. That in which any thing is contained, a vcflel, CONCEPTIBLE, kon-fcp'-t!bl. a. Intelli- gible, capable to be underftood. T t CJKCEP- CON CON CONCEPTION, kon-{ip'-{huvt. f. The aft of CQnceiving, or quickening with pregnancy ; the ftate of being conceived ; notion, idea ; fen- timent, purpofe ; apprehcnfion, knowledge j conceit, fentiment, pointed thought. CONCEPTIOUS, kon-fep'-flius- a. Apt to conceive, pregnant. CONCEPTIVE, kon-fep'-tlv. a. Capable to conceive. To CONCERN,, kon-fern'. v. a. To relate to ; to belong to ; to afFect with fome pafllon ; to intereft, to engage by interell: ; to diilurb, to make uneafy.- CONCERN, kon-fern'. f. Bufinefs, affair; in- tereft, engagement ; importance, moment ; paf- fion, affcdion, regard. CONCERNING, kon-fcr'-ning. prep. Relat- ing to, with relation to. CONCERNMENT, kin-fern'-meut. f. The thing in which we are concerned or intcreftcd, bufinefs, intereft; intercourfe, importance; in- terpofition, meddling ; paffion, emotion of, mind. To CONCERT, kin-fert'. v. a. To fettle any thing in private, by mutual communication ; to fettle, to contrive, to adjuft. CONCERT, kon'-fert. f. Communication of defigns ; a fymphony, many performers playing to the fame tune. CONCERTATION, kon-fer-ta'-fhun. f. Strife, contention. CONCERT ATI VE, kon-fer'-ta-t'v. a. Con- tentious. CONCESSION, kon-fes'-fhun. f. The ad of yielding ; a grant, the thing yielded. CONCESSIONARY, kon-fes'-flio-ner-y. a. Given by indulgence. CONCESSIVELY, kcn-fes'-slv-ly. ad. Byway of conceflion. CONCH, konk'. f. A (hell, a fea-fhell. CONCHOID, konk'-oid. f. The name of a curve. To CONCILIATE, kon-sil'-yate. v. a. To gain. CONCILIATION, k6n-sll-ya'-{hun. f. The aiSt of gaining or Reconciling. CONCILIATOR, kcn-sil-yu'-tur. f. One that makes peace; between others. CONCILIATORY, k6n-s!l-ya'-tur-y. a. Re- lating to reconciliation. CONCINNiTY, kon-sin'-nl-ty. f. Decency, fitnefs. CONCINT>^OUS,- kon-sLY-nus. a. Becoming, pleafant. CONCISE, kdn-sffe. a. Brief, fiiort. ' CONCISELY, i:in-sl'fe-ly. ad. Briefly, fiiortly. CONCISENESS, kon-sffe-nis. f. Brevity, fhortnefs. - CONCISION, kin-slz zhun. f. Cutting off, excifion. CONCITATION, kon-fy-ta'-fliun. f. The adt of ftirring up. ^ CONCLAMATION,kin-kla-m.a'-fhun. f. An outcry. CONCLAVE, kon'-klAve. f. Private apart- ment ; the room in which the cardinals meet, or the affembly of 'the cardinals; a clofe af- fembly. To CONCLUDE, kon-kli'de. v. a. To col- left by ratiocination ; to decide, to determine"; to end, to finiffa. To CONCLUDE, kon-kl^'de. v. n. To per- form the laft aft of ratiocination, to deter- mine ; to fettle opinion ; finally to determine ; to end. CONCLUDENCY, kon-kld'-den-fy. f. Con- fequence, regular proof. CONCLUDENT, k6n-kld'-dent. a. Decifive. CONCLUSIBLE, kon-klu'-sibl. a. Deter- minable. CONCLUSION, ken-klil'-zhun. f. Deter- mination, final decifion ; colleftion from pro- pofitions premifed, confequense ; the clofe ; the event of experiment ; the end, the up- fhot. CONCLUSIVE, kin-kld'-s'v. a. Decifive, giving the laft determination ; regularly confc- quential. CONCLUSIVELY, kon-klu'-siv-ly. ad. De- cifively. CONCLUSIVENESS, k6n-klu'-slv-nis. f. Power of determining the opinion. To CON CON To CONCOAGULATE, kon-ki-ag'-gu-llte. V. a. To congeal one thing with another. CONCOAGULATION, kon-ko-ag-gd-l4^- fh'in. f. A coagulation by which cifFcrent bodies are joined in one mafs. To CONCOCT, kon-kok't. v. a. To digcfV by the ftomach ; to purify by heat. CONCOCTION, k6n-k6k'-ftiun.'f. DigeflJon in the ftomach, maturation by heat. CONCOLOUR, kon-kul'-lir. a. Of one colour. CONCOMITANCE, kon-kom'-I-tanfe. T CONCOMITANCY, kon-kom'-i-tan-fy. ^ ' Subfiftence together with another thing. COxNCOMITANT, kSn-komM-tant. a. Con- joined with, concurrent with. CONCOMITANT, kon-kom'-i-tant. f. Com- panion, perfon or thing collaterally connecSted. CONCOMITANTLY, kon-kcn/-I-tdnt-ly. ad. In company with others. To CONCOMITATE, kon-kom'-I-tke. v. a. To be connected with any thing. CONCORD, kong'-kord. f. Agreement be- tween perfons and things, peace, union, har- mony, concent of founds ; principal gramma- tical relation of one word to another. CONCORDANCE, kon-kaVdanfe. f. Agree- ment ; a book which fhews in how many texts of fcripture any word occurs. CONCORDANT, k<'m-kl''r-dant. a. Agree- able, agreeinj. CONCORDATE, kon-ki'r-date. f. A com- pa£t, a convention. CONCORPORAL, k6n-ka'r-p6-ral. a. Of the •l-me body. To CONCORPORATE,kon-ka'r-p6-rate. v.a. [ o unite in one mafs or fubftance. • N CORPOR ATION, kon-kor-po-ra'-fliiin. Union in one mafs. ^COURSE, kong'-kurfe. f. Theconflu- :ice of many perfons or things; the perfons ifrembled ; the point of junction or interfeclion <)' two bodies. CCNCREMATION,kon-kre-m-/-fliun. f. The ad of burning together. COICREMENT, kon'-krc-ment. f. The mafs fomed by concretion. CONCRESCENCE, kon-kres'-slnfe. f. The acl or quality of growing by the union of fc- parate particles. To CONCRETE, kon-kr^'te. v. n. To coa- lefce into one mafs. To CONCRETE, kon-kr^'tc. v. a. To form by concretion. CONCRETE, kon'-krOte. a. Formed by con- cretion ; in logick, not abflraft, applied to a fubjecl:. CONCRETE, kV-krete. f. A mafs formed by concretion. CONCRETELY, kin-kre'te-lj-. ad. In a man- ner including the fubjedt with the predicate. CONCRETENESS, k6n-kre'telnls. f. Coagu- lation, collection of fluids into a folid mafs. CONCRETION, kSn-kre'-fliAn. f. The &3: of concreting, coalition ; the mafs formed by a coalition of feparate particles. CONCRETIVE, kin-kre'-tiv. a. Coagu!.'.- tive. ' . CONCRETURE, kon-kre'-tflvu-. f. A mafs formed by coagulation. CONCUBINAGE, kon-ku'-bi-n'dzh. f. The act of living Vvith a woman not married. CONCUBINE, konk'-ii-bine. f. A womV.n kept in fornication, a whore. To CONCULCATE, kon-kul'-kdte. v. a. lo tread or trample under foot. CONCULCATION, kon-kul-ka'-fliun. f. Trampling with the feet. CONCUPISCENCE, kon-kd'-plf-fenfe. f. Ir- regular defire, libidinous wifh. CONCUPISCENT, kon-ku'-p!f-fcnt. a. Li- bidinous, lecherous. CONCUPISCENTIAL, kon-ku-pif-fen'-flKil. a. Relating to concupifcence. CONCUPISCIBLE, k6n-ku'-pis-s!bl. a. Im- preffing defire. To CONCUR, kon-kur'. v. n. To meet in one point ; to agree, to join in one action ; to be united with, to be conjoined; to contribute to one common event. CONCURRENCE, k6n-kur'-rcnfe. 1 f. U- CONCURRENCY, kon-kur'-ren-fy. 5 nion, alTociation, conjundtion; combination of many agents CON CON agents or circumflances ; afiiftance, help; joint right, common claim. CONCURRENT. k6n-lcu/-rent. a. Ading in conjunftion, concomitant in agcncv. CONCURRENT, kon-kuZ-ient. f. That which' concurs. CONCUSSION, kon-kis'-fnun. f. The ad of fhaking, tremefailion. CONCUSSIVE, kon-kus'-siv. a. Having the power or quality of fhaking. To CONDEMN, kon-den/. v. a. To find guilty, to doona to puniflimcnt ; to cenfurc, to blame. CONDEMNABLE, kin-dV-nabl. a. Blame- able, culpable. CONDEMNATION, kon-dem-na'-fuun. f. The fentence by which any one is doomed to punifliment. CONDEMNATORY, kon-dim'-na-tir-y. a. Pafiing a fentence of condemnation. CONDEMNER, kon-dem'-nur. f. A blamcr, a cenfurer. CONDENSABLE, kon-den'-fabl. a. That which is capable of condenfation. To CONDENSATE, kon-den'-fdte. v. a. To make thicker. To CONDENSATE, kon-den'-fate. v. n. To grow thicker. CONDENSATE, kin-den'-fate. a. Made thick, compreffed into lefs fpacc. CONDENSATION, kon-dcn-fi'-fhun. f. The act of thickening any body ; oppofite to ra- refaftion. To CONDENSE, kon-dens'e. v. a. To make any body more thick, clofe, and weighty. To CONDENSE, kon-dens'e. v. n.^ To grow clofe and weighty. CONDENSE, kon-dcnTc. a. Thick, dcnfe. CONDENSER, kon-den'-fur. f. A vcflel, wherein to crowd the air. CONDENSITY, kon-den'-si-tj-. f. The ftate of being condenfed. To CONDESCEND, kon-de-fcnd'. v. n. To depart from the privileges of fupcriority ; to confent to do more than mere juftice can re- quire; to Hoop, to bend, to yield. CONDESCENDENCE, kon-de-fJn'-denfe. f. Voluntary fubmiiTion. CONDESCENDINGLY, kon-de-fend'-ing-ly. . ad. By way of voluntary humiliation, by way of kind concefiion. CONDESCENSION, kon-di-fen'-fhun. f. Vo- luntary humiliation, defccnt from fupcriority. CONDESCENSIVE, kon-de-fen'-slv. a. Cour- teous. CONDIGN, kin-di'n. a. Suitable, d.-f.-rved, merited. CONDIGNNESS, kon-dl'n-nis. f. Suitable- nefs, agreeablenefs to deferts. CONDIGNLY, kcn-drn-ly. ad. Defervedly, according to merit. CONDIMENT, Lon'-dy-m!!::. f. Seafoning, -fauce. ^ CONDISCIPLE, kon-d!s-,, ; ;. f. A fchool- fellow. ■ ToCONDITE, kon-di'te. v. a. To pickle, to preferve by faics. CONDITION, kon-daV-un. f. Quality, that by which any thing is denominated good or bad ; natural quality of the mind, temper, tem- perament ; ftate, circumilances ; rank ; ftipu- lation, terms of compadt. CONDITIONAL, k6n-d!fi/-un-ul. a. By wry of ii.pulation, not abfolute. CONDITIONALITY, kcn-dlfIi-5-nal'-I-ty. f. Limitation by certain terms. CONDITIONALLY, k6n-difn'-un-ul-y. ad. ^Vith certain limitations, on particular term?. CONDITIONARY,k6n-d!fh'-un-ur-y. a. Sti- pulated." CONDITIONATE, kon-dlihU-nite. a. Efa- blifhed on certain terms. CONDITIONED, kon-d!fh'-ind. a. Havng qualities or properties good or bad. To CONDOLE, kon-do'le. v. n. To lanrnt with thofe that are in misfortune. To CONDOLE, kin-do'le. v. a. To bevail with .incther. CONDOLEMENT, kon-do'je-ment. f. Cricf, forrow. CONDOLENCE, kon-do'-lenfe. f. Gref for the forrows of another. CONDCLEK, CON CON CONDOLER, kon-do'-lur. f. One that com- pliments another upon his misfortunes. CONDONATION, k6n-d6-na'-fhin. f. A pardoning, a forgiving. To CONDUCE, kon-du fe. v. n. To promote an end, to contribute to. CONDUCIBLE, kon-du'-slbl. a. Having the power of conducing. . CONDUCIBLENESS, kon-diy-slbl-nis. f. The quality of contributing to any end. CONDUCIVE, kon-du'-slv. a. ' That which may contribute to any end. CONDUCIVENESS, k6n-du'-s!v-nis. f. The quality of conducing. CONDUCT, kcn'-dakt. f. Management, ceco- nomy ; the ad: of leading troops ; convoy ; a warrant by which a convoy is appointed ; be- haviour, regular life. To CONDUCT, kon-dukt'. v. a. To lead, to diredt, to accompany in order to {hew the way ; to attend in civility ; to manage, as To condudt an affair ; to head an armv. CONDUCTITIOUS, kon-duk-tW-us. a. Hired. CONDUCTOR, kcn-duk'-tir. f. A leader, one who fhews another the way by accompa- nying him ; a chief, a general ; a manager, a director ; an inftrument to direct the knife in cutting for the ftonc. CONDUCTRESS, kcn-duk'-trls. f. A woman that directs. CONDUIT, kon'-dw!t. f. A canal of pipes for the conveyance of waters ; the pipe or cock at which water is drawn. CONDUPLICATION, kon-du-ply-ki'-fhin. f. A doubling; a duplicate. CONE, ko'ne. f. A foHd body, of which the bafe is a circle, and which ends in a point. To CONFABULATE, kon-fab'-u-lAte. v. n. To tfilk eafily together, to chat. CONFABULATION, kon-fAb-u-hV-fliun. f. Eafy converfation. CONFABULATORY, k.'n-fib"-u-ld-tur'-^'. a. Belonging to talk. CONFARKKATION, kin-far- rc-a'-fhun. f. The folcmnization of marriage by eating bread together. ToCONFECT, kon-f^kt". v. a. To make up into fweetmeats. CONFECT, kon'-f<^kt. f. A fwectmeat. CONFECTION, kon-fek'-fhun. f. A prepara- tion of fruit with fugar, a fweetmeat; a com- pofition, a mixture. CONFECTIONARY, kon-fck'-(h6-ner-y. f. The place where fweetmeats are made or fold. CONFECTIONER, kon-fek-'fho-nur. f. One whofe trade is to make fweetmeats. CONFEDERACY, kon-fed'-e-ni-fy. f. League, union, engagement. To CONFEDERATE, kin-fcd'-er-ate. v. a. To join in a league, to unite, to ally. To CONFEDERATE, kon-fed'-^-ritc. v. n. To league, to unite in a league. CONFEDERATE, kin-fed'- er-'n a. United in a league. CONFEDERATE, k6n-fed'-er-et. f. One who engages to fupport another, an aUy- CONFEDERATION, kin-fed-e-rJ'-fhun. f. League, alliance. To CONFER, kon-fcr'. v. n. To difcourfe with another upon a Hated fubjeft, to con- duce to. To CONFER, kon-fer'. v. a. To compare ; to give, to beftow. CONFERENCE, kcV-fc^-renfe. f. Formal dif- courfe, oral difcuflion of any qucftion ; an ap- pointed meeting for difcuffing fome point ; com- parifon. In this lad: fenfe little ufed. CONFERRER, kin-fer'-ur. f. He that con- \'erfes ; he that bellows. To CONFESS, kon-fes''. v. a. To acknow- ledge a crime; to difclofe the fl-atc of the con- fcience to the prieft ; to hear the confefllon of a penitent, as a prieft; to own, to avow; to grant. To CONFESS, kc'n-fes'. v. n. Tomakecon- feffion, as he is gone to the prieft to confcfs. CONFESSEDLY, kJ-n-fes'-sed-ly. ad. Avow- edly, indifputably. CONFESSION, kin-fifh'^un. f. The acknow- \j u kdtimcnt CON CON ledgtnent of a crime j the a(5l of difburdening the confcience to a prieft; a formulary in which the articles of faith are comprifed. CONFESSIONy\L, k6n-fcf]/-ua-ul. f. The feat in which the confcflbr fits. CONFESSIONARY, kin-fefh'-S-ner-y. . f. The feat where the prieft fits to hear cor.- feffions. CONFESSOR, koi/-fef-fir. f. One who makes profciTion of his faith in the face of danger ; he that hears confeffions, and prefcribes penitence ; he who confcfles his crimes. CONFEST, kun-fcfl'. a. Open, known, not concealed. CONFESTLY, kin-fefl'-ly. ad. Undifputably, evidently. CONFIDANT, kon-fy-dW. f. A perfon trufled with private affairs. To CONFIDE, kon-ffde. v. n. To truft in. CONFIDENCE, k6i/-fi-denfe. f. Firm be- lief of another ; truft in his own abilities or fortune ; vitious boldnefs, oppofed to modefty ; honeft boldnefs, firmnefs of integrity ; truft in the goodnefs of another. CONFIDENT, k6i/-fi-dent. a. Affured be- yond doubt ; pofitive, dogmatical ; fecure of fuccefs; without fufpicion, trufting without limits; bold to a vice, impudent. CONFIDENT, kon'-fl-dent. f. One trufted with fecrets. CONFIDENTLY, k6n'-f!-dent-l^. ad. With- out doubt, without fear ; with firm truft ; po- fitively, dogmatically. CONFIDENTNESS, k6i/-f!-dent-n!s. f. Af- furance. CONFIGURATION, kin-fig-il-ri'-fliun. f. The form of the various parts, adapted to each other ; the face of the horofcope. To CONFIGURE, kin-flg'-iire. v. a. Todif- pofe into any form. CONFINE, k6n''-f ine. f. Common boundary, border, edge. To CONFINE, k6n-fi'nc. v. n. To border upon, to touch on diftl-rent territories. To CONFINE, kcWfi^ne. v. a. To limit; to imprifon j to rtftrain, to tie up to. CONFINELESS, kon-fi'ne-lls. a. Bound- lefs, unlimited. CONFINEMENT, kon-fKne-ment. f. Impri- fonment, rcftraint of liberty. CONFINER, kon-f f-nur. f. A borderer, one that lives upon confines; one which touches upon two different regions. CONFINITY, k6n-fii/-I-ty. f. Nearnefs. To CONFIRM, kon-ferm'. v. a. To put paft doubt by new evidence ; to fettle, to eftablifh ; to ftrengthen by new fokmnities or ties ; to ad- mit to the full privileges of a Chriftian, by im- pofition of hands. CONFIRMABLE, kon-fer'-mabl. a. That; which is capable of inconteftible evidence. CONFIRMATION, kon-fer-ma'-fliun. f. The. a6t of eftabliftiing any thing or perfon ; evi- dence, additional proof; an ecclefiaftical rite. CONFIRMATOR, kon-fer-ma'-tur. f. An at- tefter, he that puts a matter paft doubt. CONFIRMATORY, kin-ferm'-a-tiir-y. a. Gi- ving additional teftimony. CONFIRMEDNESS, kon-ferm'-ed-nls. f. Con- firmed ftate. CONFIRMER, kon-ferm'-ur. f. One that con- firms, an attefter, an eftabliftier. CONFISCABLE, kon-flfk^-abl. a. Liable to forfeiture. To CONFISCATE, kon-fls'-kate. v. a. To transfer private property to the publick, by way of penalty. CONFISCATE, kon'-flf-kate. a. Transferred to the publick as forfeit. CONFISCATION, kon-flf-ka'-flrun." f. The aft of transferring the forfeited goods of cri- minals to publick ufe. CONFITENT, kon'-fi-tent. f. One con- feffing. CONFITURE, kon'-fy-ture. f. A fweetmeat, a confection. To CONFIX, kon-f!ks^ v. a. To fix down.. CONFLAGRANT, kon-fla'-grant. a. Involved in a general fire. CONFLAGRATION, kin-H.\-gri/-fliun. f. A general fire ; it i^ taken for the fire which ftiali tonfume this world at the confummatibn. CONFLAn CON CON CONFLATION, kin-fla'-fliun. f. Theafliof blowing many inftruments together^ a cafting or meltins: of metal. CONFLEXURE, k6n -flek'-fhur. f. A bending. To CONFLICT, kon-flik't. v. n. To conteft, to llruggle. CONFLICT, kon^-fllkt. f. A violent collifion, or oppofition ; a combat, (Irife, contention ; ftruggle, agony. CONFLUENCE, kin'-fld-enfe. f. The junc- tion or union of feveral ftreams ; the a£t of crowding to a place; a concourfe ; a mul- titude. CONFLUENT, kon'-flu-ent. a. Running one into another, meeting. CONFLUX, kon'-fluks. f. The union of fe- veral currents ; crowd, multitude collected. CONFORM, kon-fa'rrh. a. Affuming the fame form, refembling. To CONFORM, kon-fa'rm. v. a. To reduce to the like appearance with fomething elfe. To CONFORM, kon-fA'rm. v. n. To com- ply with. CONFORMABLE, kon-faVmabl. a. Ha- ving the fame form, ftmilar ; agreeable, fuit- able ; compliant, obfequious. CONFORMABLY, k6n-fir'-ma-bly. ad. With conformity, fuitably. CONFORMATION, kin-for-mA'-fliun. f. The fonn of things as relating to each other ; the aft of producing fuitablencfs, or conformity. CONFORMIST, kin-fa'r-m!ft. f. One that complies with the worihip of the church of England. CONFORMITY, kon-fVr-ml-ty. f. Simili- tude, refeinblaace ; confilleiicy. To CONFOUND, kon-fou'nd. r. a. To mingle things ; to perplex ; to throw into confteriia- tion ; to ailonifh, toflupify; to dcflrov. CONFOUNDED, kon-fouVdid. part. a. Hate- ful, deteft.ible. CONFOUNDEDLY, kin-fou'n-dld-ly. ad. Hatefully, fhamefully. CONFOUNDER, kin-fou'n-di'ir. f. He who didurhs, perplexes, or deftroys. CONFRATERNITY, kin-fri-tcr'-ni-ty. f. A body of men united for fomc religiou? prir- pofe. CONFRICATION, kon-fri-ka'-fhun. f. The ad of rubbing againflr any thing. To CONFRONT, kin-front'', v. a. To ftand againft another in full view ; to ftand face to face, in oppofition to another ; to oppofc one evidence to another in open court ; to compare one thing with another. CONFRONTATION, k6n-fr6n-tr-fhun. f. The aft of bringing two evidences face to face. To CONFUSE, kon-fu'ze. v. a. Todiforder, to difperfe irregularly ; to perplex, to obfcure ; to hurry the mind. CONFUSEDLY, kon-fd'zd-ly. ad. In a mixed mafs, without feparation ; indiftinclly, one mingled with another} hot clearly, not plainly; tumultuoufly, haftily. CONFUSEDNESS, k6n-fu'zd-n!s. f. Want of diftinC^nefs, want of clearnefs. CONFUSION, kon-fu'-zhun. f. Irregular mixture, tumultuous medley; tumult; indiftinft combination; overthrow, d.ftruction ; aftonifli- mcnt, diilraiitiou of mind. CONFUTABLE, kon-fil'-tabl. a. Poffible to be difproved. CONFUTATION, kon-fu-ta'-fliun. f. The act of confuting, difproof. To CONFUTE, kon-ft'/tc. v. a. To convict of error, to difprove. CONGE, or CONGEE, k6'n-jl, f. Ad of reverence, bow, courtefy ; leave, farewel. To CONGE, ko'n-je. v. a. To take leave. CONGE-D'ELIRE, kynje-d^-te'r. f. The king's permiffion royal to a dean and chapter, . in time of vacancy, to chufc a biihop. To CONGEAL, kon-je'l. v. a. To turn, by froft, from a fluid to a folid ft-itc ; to' bind or fix, as by cold. To CONGEAL, kun-je'l. v. n* To concrete by cold. CONGEALABLE, kc'n-je'l-abl. a, Sufccptible of congelation. CONCEALMENT, kin-j^-'l-mcnt. f. The clot formed by congelation, CONGE- CON CON CONGELATION, kon-je-li'-fhun. f. State of beino; congealed, or made folid. CONGENER, kon-je'-iiiir. f. Of the fame kind or nature. CONGENEROUS, kon-jen'-sr-rus. a. Of the fame kind. CONGENEROUSNESS, kin-jen'-cr-rif-nis. f. The quality of being from the fame ori- ginal. CONGENIAL, kon-je'-nyal. a. Partaking of the fame genius, cognate. CONGENIALITY, k6n-jC-nyil'-I-ty. f Cog- nation of mind. CONGENTALNESS, kin-je'-nyal-nls. f. Cog- nation of mind. CONGENITE, kin-jo'-nlte. a. 0( the fame birth, connate. CONGER, kon'g-gur. f. The fea-eel. CONGERIES, kon-je'-ryes. f. A nKifs of fmall biodics heaped up together. To CONGEST, kon-jeft'. v. a. To heap up. CONGESTIBLE, kin-jeft'-!bl. a. That may be heaped up. CONGESTION, kon-jeft'-yun. f. A collec- tion of matter, as in abfceffes. CONGIARY, kon'-ja-ry. f. A gift diftributed to the Roman people or foldiery. To CONGLACIATE, kin-gla'-fyite. v. n. To turn to ice. CONGLACIATION, kin-glA-fya'-fhun. f Aa of changing into ice. To CONGLOBATE, kin-glo'-bate. v. a. To gather into a hard firm b.il!. CONGLOBATE, kin-glo'.bate. a. Moulded into a firm ball. CONG LOB ATELY, k6n-gl6'-bate-ly. ad. In a fpherical form. CONGLOBATION, kin-glo-ba'-ihim. f. A round body. To CONGLOBE, kon-gld'he, v. a. To ga- ther into a round mafs. To CONGLOBE, kon-glo'be. v. n. To co- alefce into a round mafs. To CONGLOMERATE, kon-glim'-i-rite. V. a. To gather into a ball, like a ball of thread. 6 CONGLOMERATE, kin-glom'-e-ret. n. ■Gathered into .a round ball, fo as that tlia fibres are difliniS ; collected, twifted together. CONGLOMERATION, k6n-gl6m-e-ra'-(hun. f. Collefiion of matter into a loofe ball ; in- tertcxture, mixture. To CONGLUTINATE, k6n-glu'-tl-nlte. v. a. To cement, to reunite. To CONGLUTINATE, kin-glu'-tl-nate: v. n. To coalefce. CONGLUTINATION, k.:,n-glil-tl-ni'-fhun. f. The ad: of uniting wounded bodies. CONGLUTINATIVE, kcn-glu'-ti-na-tlv. a. Having the power of uniting wounds. CONGLUTINATOR, kon-glu'-ii-na-tur. f. That which has the power of uniting wounds. CONGRATULANT, k6n-gr.U'-il-lant. a. Re- joicing in participation. To CONGRATULATE, kon-grat'-u-late. v. a. To compliment upon any happy event. To CONGRATULATE, gon-grat'-ii-late. v.n. To rejoice in participation. CONGRATULATION, k6n-grat-il-la'-fhun. {. The adl: of profefling joy for the happincfs or fucccfs of another ; the form in which joy is profefled. CONGRATULATORY, kon-grat''-ii-la- tur -y. a. Exprcffing joy for the good of ano- ther. To CONGREET, kon-grd't. v. n. To falutc reciprocally. To CONGREGATE, kong'-grC-gke. v. a. To coIlei5l, to afiemble, to bring into one place. To CONGREGATE, kong'-gre-gate. v. n. To afiemble, to meet. CONGREGAl^E, kong'-gre-gate. a. Colled- e^, compact. CONGREGATION, king-gre-ga'-fliun. f. A colledion, a mafs of various matters brought together ; an aficmbly met to worfliip God in publick. CON GREG ATION AL, kong-gra-galh'-un- nul. a. Publick, pertaining to a congregation. CONGRESS, kon'g-gres. . f. A meeting, a (hock, a conflict ; an appointed meeting for fcttlemcnt of affairs between different nations. CONGRES- CON CON Mcetiiiff, i CONGRESSIVE, kon-grcs'-si encountering. CONGRUENCE, kon'-grd-cnfe. f. Agree- ment, fuitablenefsof one thing to another. CONGRUENT, kon'-gru-ent. a. Agreeing, correfpondent. CONGRUITY, kon-grd'-I-t)''. f. Suitablenefs, agreeablenefs ; fitnefs ; confiftency. CONGRUMENT, kon'-grd-mcnt. f. Fitnefs, adaptation. CONGRUOUS, kon'-grd-us. a. Agreeable to, confiftent with ; fuitable to. CONGRUOUSLY, kon'-grd-uf-ly. ad. Suit- ably, pertinently. CONICAL, kon'-y-kal. 7 a. Having the form CONICK, kon'-Ik. I of a cone. CONICALLY, kon'-y-kal-y. ad. In form of a cone. CONICALNESS, kon'-y-kal-nls. f. The ftate or quality of being conical. CONICK SECTIONS, kon'-lk fek'-fhun CONTCKS, kon'-iks. f. That part of geometry which confiders the cone, and the curves arifmg from its feiilions. To CONJECT, c6n-jekt'. v. n. To guefs, to conjedlure. Not ufed. CONJECTOR, kon-jek'-tur. f. A gueiTer, a conjetlurer. CONJECTURABLE, kon-jek'-tfhd-rabl. a. Poflible to be gueffed. CONJECTURAL, kon-jek'-tfhd-ral. a. De- pending on conjecture. CONJECTURALITY, kon-jek-tfhd-ral'-i-ty. f. That which depends upon guefs. CONJECTURALLY, kon-jek'-tfhd-ral-y. ad. By guefs, by conjecture. CONJECTURE, kon-jek'-tlhur. f. Guefs, irr. perfect knowledge. To CONJECTURE, kon-jek'-tfhur. v. a. To guefs, to judge by guefs, CONJECTURER, k6n-jek'-tfhdr-ur. f. A guefitr. CONIFEROUS, ko-nlf'-e-rus. a. Such trees are con.terous as bear a fruit, of a woody fub- ftance, and a figure approachijig to that of a cone. Of this kind are fir, pine. To CONJOIN, kon-joi'n. v. a. To unite, to confolidatc into one ; to unite in marriage; to aflbciate, to connedt. To CONJOIN, kon-joi'n. v. n. To league, to unite. CONJOINT, kon-joi'nt. a. United, conneaed. CONJOINTLY, kon-joi'nt-ly. ad. In union, together. CONJUGAL, k6n'-ju-gal. a. Matrimonial, belonging to marriage. CONJUGALLY, kon'-jd-gal-y. ad. Matrimo- nially, connubially. To CONJUGATE, kin'-jd-gate. v. a. To join, to join in marriage, to unite ; to inflect verbs. CONJUGATION, kon-jd-gi'-fhdn. f. The act of uniting or compiling things together; the form of inflecting verbs ; union, afiem- blage. CONJUNCT, kon-junkt'. a. Conjoined, con- current, united. CONJUNCTION, kon-junk'-fhun. f. Union, aflbciation, league ; the congrefs of two pla- nets in the fame degree of the zodiack ; one of the parts of fpeech, whofe ufe is to join words or fentences together. CONJUNCTIVE, kon-junk'-tiv. a. Clofely united ; in grammar, the mood of a verb. CONJUNCTIVELY, kon-junk'-tlv-ly. ad. la union. CONJUNCTIVENESS, kon-junk'-tlv-n's. f. The quality of joining or uniting. CONJUNCTLY, kon-junkt'-ly. ad. Jointly, together. CONJUNCTURE, kon-junk'-tflidr. f. Com- bination of many circumftances ; occafion, cri- tical time. CONJURATION, kin-jd-ra'-fliun. f. The form or a£t of fummoning another in fomc fa- cred name; an incantation, an enchantment j a plot, a confpiracy. To CONJURE, kon-jo'r. v. a. To fummon in a facred name ; to confpire. To CONJURE, kun'-jur. v. n. To pradtifc charms or enchantments. CONJURER, kun'-jur-ur. f. An impofbrwho X X pretends CON CON pretends to fecret arts, a cunning man ; a mnn of fhrewd conjeclure.- CONJUREMENT, kin.ju'r-ment. f. Serious injunclioi^. CONNASCENCE, kon-nas'-senfe. f. Com- mon birth, community of birth. CONNATE, kon-na'te. a. Bern with sno- thcr. CONNATURAL, kcn-nat'-tu-ral. a. Suit- able to nature ; connedted by nature ; partici- pation of the fame nature. CONNATURALITY, kon-nat-u-ral'-I-ty. f. Participation of the fame nature. CONNATURALLY, kon-nat'-tu-ral-y. ad. By the adl of nature, originally. CONNATURALNESS, kon-nat'-td-ral-nls. f. Participation of the fame nature, natural union. To CONNECT, kon-nek't. v. a. To join, to link J to unite, as a cement ; to join in a juft feries of thought, as the author connedls his rcafons well. To CONNECT, kon-nek't. v. n. To cohere, to have juft relation to things precedent and fubfequent. CONNECTIVELY, kon-nek'-tlv-ly. ad. In conjundion, in union. To CONNEX, kon-neks'. v. a. To join or link together. CONNEXION, kon-nek'-fhin. f. Union, junction ; juft relation to fomething precedent or fubfequent. CONNEXIVE, kon-neksMv. a. Having the force of connexion. CONNIVANCE, kon-nf-vanfe. f. Voluntary blindnefs, pretended ignorance, forbearance. To CONNIVE, kon-ni'vc. v. n. To wink; to pretend blindnefs or ignorance. CONNOISSEUR, k6-nlf-fo'r. f. A judge, a critick. To CONNOTATE, kon'-no-tate. v. a. To defignate fomething befides itfelf. ■ CONNOTATION, kcm-n6-tr-fhun. f. Im- plication of fomething befides itfelf. To CONNOTE, kon-no^tc. v. a. To imply, to betoken, to include. CONNUBIAL, kon-nu'-byal. a. Matrimonial, nuptial, conjugal. CONOID, ko'-noid. f. A figure partaking of a cone. CONOIDICAL, k6-noi'-dy-kil. a. Approach- ing to a conick form. To CONQUASSATE, kon-kwas'-sate. v. a. To fhake, to agitate. CONQJJASSATION, kon-kwaf-fi'-fliin. f. Agitation, concuffion. To CONQUER, konk'-ur. v. a. To gain by conqueft, to win ; to overcome, to fubdue ; to furmpunt. To CONQUER, konk'-ur. v. n. To get the vidlory, to overcome. CONQUERABLE, konk'-er-abl. a. Pcff.ble to be overcome. CONQUEROR, konk'-er-ur. f. A man that has obtained a vifiory, a viftor ; one that fub- dues and ruins countries. CONQUEST, konk^-kwift. f. The ad of con- quering, fubjeftion ; acquifition by victory, thing gained ; vidory, fuccefs in arms. CONSANGUINEOUS, kon-fang-gwln'-nyus. a. Near of kin, related by birth, not affined. CONSANGUINITY, kon-fing-gwm -I-ty. f. Relation by blood. CONSARCINATION, kon-far-fy-ni'-fhun. f. The an-tem'. v..a. To defpife, to fcorn, to neglect. CONTEMNER, kon-tun'-nur. f. One that contemns, a defpifcr. To CONTEMPER, kin-tem'-pur. v. a. To moderate. CONTEMPERAMENT, kc^n-tcm'-pc-ra- mtnt. f. The degree of any quality. T* CON COM To CONTEMPERATE, kon-tem -pc-rute. v.a. To moderate, to temper. CONTEMPERATION, kon-tem-pe-ra'-ftiun. f. The ad of moderating or tempering ; pro- .portionate mixture, proportion. To CONTEMPLATE, kon-tem'-plate. v. a. To ftudy, to meditate. To CONTEMPLATE, kon-tem'-plitc. v. n. To mufe, think ftudioufly with long attention. CONTEMPLATION, kon-tem-pla'-fhun. f. Meditation, ftudious thought on any fubje£l: ; holy meditation ; ftudy, oppofed to action. CONTEMPLATIVE, kon-temp'-la-tlv. a. Given to thought, ftudious, employed in ftudy; haviiag the power of thought. CONTEMPLATIVELY, kon-tcmp'-la-t!v- ly. ad. Thoughtfully, attentively. CONTEMPLATOR,k6n'-tem-pla-tur. f. One employed in ftudy. CONTEMPORARY, kon-tem'-po-rer-y. a. Living in the fame age ; born at the fame time; exifting at the fame point of time. CONTEMPORARY, kon-tem'-po-rer-y. f. One who lives at the fame time with another. To CONTEMPORISE, k6n-tem'-p6-r!ze. v. a. To make contemporary. CONTEMPT, kon-tempt'. f. The aft of de- fpiftng others, fcorn j the ftate of being de- fpifed, vilenefs. CONTEMPTIBLE, k6n-temp'-t!bl. a. Vv^or- thy, of contempt, defcrving fcorn ; defpifed, fcorned, neglected. eONTEMPTIBLENESS, kin-tem'-tibl-nls. f. The ftate of being contemptible ; vilenefs, cheapnefs. CONTEMPTIBLY, kon-temp'-tlb-ly. ad. Meanly, in a manner deferving contempt. CONTEMPTUOUS, kin-temp'-tu-us. a. Scornful, apt to defpife. CONTEMPTUOUSLY, kon-temp'-tu-if-ly. ad. With fcorn, with defpite. CONTEMPTUOUSNESS, kon-temp'-tu-uf- nis. f. Difpofition to contempt. To CONTEND, kon-tend'. v. n. To ftrive, to ftruggle in oppofition ; to vie, to ad in cmu- ]»ition. To CONTEND, kon-tend'. v. a. To difpuie any thing, to conteft. CONTENDENT, kon-ten'-dent. f. Anta- ronift, opponent. CONTENDER, kon-ten'-dur. f. Combatant, champion. CONTENT, kon-ttnt'. a. Satisfied fo as not to repine, eafy. To CONTENT, kon-tent'. v. a. To fatisfy fo as to ftop complaint ; to pleafe, to gratify, CONTENT, kon-tent'. f. Moderate happi- nefs; acquiefcence ; that which is contained, or included in any thing ; the power of con- taining, extent, capacity ; that which is com- prifed in a writing; in this fenfe ufcd only in the plural. CONTENTED, kon-ten'-tld. part. a. Satif- fied, at quiet, not repining. CONTENTION, kon-ten'-ftiun. f. Strife, debate, conteft; emulation, endeavour to excel. CONTENTIOUS, kon-ten'-fhus. a. Quarrel- fome, given to debate, perverfe. CONTENTIOUSLY, kon-ten'-fliuf-ly. ad. Perverfely, quarrelfomely. CONTENTIOUSNESS, kon-ten'-fhuf-nis. f. Pronenefs to conteft. CONTENTLESS, k6n-tent'-lis. a. Difcon- tcnted, diflatisfied, uneafy. CONTENTMENT, kon-tent'-ment. f. Ac- quiefcence without plenary fatisfaflion ; gratlw fication. CONTERMINOUS, kon-ter'-ml-nus. a- Bor- dering upon. CONTERRANEOUS, kon-ter-ra'-nyus. a. Of the fame country. To CONTEST, kon-teft'. v. a. To difpute, to controvert, to litigate. To CONTEST, kon-teft'. v. n. To ftrive, to contend ; to vie, to emulate. CONTEST, kon'-teft. f. Difpute, difference, debate. CONTESTABLE, kin-tes''-tabl. a. Difput- able, controvertible. CONTESTABLENESS, kin-tls'-tabl-nls. f. PoiTxbility of conteft. CON CON To CONTEX, kiii-ttks''. v. a. To weave to- gether. CONTEXT, kci/-tck(l. f. The general feries of a. difcourfe. CONTEXT, kon-tckft'. a. Knit together, firm. CONTEXTURE, kcn-teks'-tfliur. f. The difpofition of parts one among another, the fyf- tein, the conllitution. CONTIGNATION, kon-tig-na'-^nun. f. A frame of beams or boards joined together ; the aiSt of framing or joining a fabrick. CONTIGUITY, k6n-ti-gi'/-!-t)-. f. Adual contaft, nearnefs of fituation. CONTIGUOUS, kon-tlg'-d-us. a. Meeting fo as to touch ; bordering upon. CONTIGUOUSLY, kon-t!g'-d-uf-ly. ad. Without any intervening fpaces. CONTIGUOUSNESS, kon-tlg'-d-uf-nls. f. Clofe connexion. CONTINENCE, kon'-tl-nenfe. iL Reftraint, CONTINENCY, kon'-tl-nen-fy. \ command of one's felf; chaftity in general; forbearance of lawful pleafure ; moderatioain lawful pleafures. CONTINENT, kon'-tl-nent. a. Chafle, ab- flemious in lawful pleafures ; reftrained, mode- rate, temperate. CONTINENT, kon'-tl-nent. f. Land not dif- jointed by the fea from other lands ; that which contains any thing. CONTINGE, kcn-t;nj''e. v. a. To touch, \o reach. CONTINGENCE, kon-tln'-jenfc. 1 f. The CONTINGENCY, k6n-t!n'-jen-fy. ^ quality of being fortuitous, accidental poffibility. CONTINGENT, kcn-tln'-jent. a. Falling out by chance, accidental. CONTINGENT, kon-tln'-jent. f. A thing in the hands of chance ; a proportion that falls to any pcrfon upon a divifion. CONTINGENTLY, k6n-tln'-jcnt-ly. ad. Ac- ci.Ientally ; without any fettled rule. CONTINGENTNESS, kon-th/-jent-nis. f. Accidentalnefs. CONTINUAL, kon-tiV-u-al. a. Inceffant, proceeding without interruption ; in law, a con- tinual claim is made from time to time, witliiu every year and day. CONTINUALLY, kot-tln'-u-al-y. ad. With- out paufe, without interruption ; without cca- fing. CONTINUANCE, kon-tln'-u-infe. f. Suc- cefTion uninterrupted ; permanence in one ftatc ; abode in a place; duration, lallingnefs; perfe- verance. CONTINUATE, k6n-th/-ii-.^tc. a. Imme- diately united ; uninterrupted, unbroken. CONTINUATION, k6n-t!n-u-d'-fliun. f. Protraction, or fucceffion uninterrupted. CONTINUATIVE, k. v. n. To tend to one point from different places. CO?>IVERGENT, kon-ver'-jent. 7 a. Tending CONVERGING, kon-ver'-jing. 5 to one point from different places. CONVERSABLE, kon-ver'-sibl. a. Qiialificd for converfation, ' fit for company. CONVERSABLENESS, kon-ver'-slbl-nls. f. The quality of being a plcafing companion. CONVERSABLY, kin-ver'-slb-ly. ad. In a cpjiverfable manner. C kon'-ver-fent. ^ a. Ac- ver' CONVERSANT, ^kon-ver'-fcnt. 5 quainted with, familiar; having intercourfe with ^any, acquainted ; relating to, concerning. CONVERSATION, kon-vcr-fa'-fliun. f. Fa- miliar difcourfc, chat, cafy talk ; a particular aa CON CON aft of difcourfing upon any fubjeft ; Commerce, intercourfe, familiarity ; behaviour, niaaiicr of a£ling in common life. Co CONVERSE, kon-ver'fe. v. n. To coha- bit with, to hold intercourfe with ; to be ac- quainted with ; to difcourfc familiarly upon any fubjccl ; to ha\'e commerce with a different fcx. CONVERSE, kon'-verfe. f. Manner of dif- courfmg in familiar life ; acquaintance, coha- bitation, familiarity ; with geometricians it means the contrary. CONVERSELY, kon-verYe-ly. ad. With change of order, reciprocally. Conversion, kon-ver'-fhun, f. change from one flats into another, tranfmutation ; change from reprobation to grace ; change from one religion to another. CONVERSIVE, kon-ver'-siv. a. Converfable, fociable. To CONVERT, kon-vei-t''. v. a. To change into another fubftance, totranfmute; to change from one religion to another ; to turn from a bad to a good life j to apply to any ufe, to ap- propriate. To CONVERT, kon-vert'. v. n. To undergo a cha:ig«, to be tranfmuted. CONVERT, kon'-vert. f. A perfon convcr^.ed from one opinion to another. CONVERTER, .kon-vert'-ur. f. One that makes converts. CONVERTIBILITY, k6n-vcr-ty-bll'-!-ty. f. The quality of being poffible to be converted. CONVERTIBLE, kon-vcr'-t!bl, a. Sufcept- ible of change, tranfmutaWe ; fo much alike as that one may be ufed for the other. CONVERTIBLY, kon-ver'-tlb-Jy. ad. Reci- procally. CONVERTITE, kon'-ver-tfre. f. A convert. CONVEX, kon^-veks. a. Rifmg in a circular form, oppofite to concave. CONVEX, kon'-vcks. f. A convex body. CONVEXED, kon-vckft'. part. a. Protube- rant in a circular form. CONVEXEDLY, kwi-vek'-fcd-ly. ad. In a convex form. CONVEXITV, kin-veks'-i-ty. C Protube- rance in a circular form. CONVEXLY, kon-vcks'-ly. ad. In a convex: form. CONVEXNESS, kon-vcks'-nls. f. Spheroidical protuberance, convexity. CONVEXO-CONCAVE, k6n'-vikf-6-k6n''- kave. a. Having the hollow on the infide, cor- refponding to the external protuberance. To CONVEY, k6n-ve'. v. a. To carry, to tranfport from one place to another ; to hand from one to another ; to move fecretly ; to tranfmit ; to transfer, to deliver to another ; to impart. CONVEYANCE, kon-vc'-anfe, f. The afl of removing any thing ; way for carriage or tranf- portation ; the method of removing fecretly j the means by which any thing is conveyed ; de- livery from one to another ; afl of transferring property ; writing by which property is tra^if- ferred. CONVEYANCER, kon-ve'-an-fur. f. A lawyer who draws writings by which property is tranf- ferred. CONVEYER, k-jn-ve'-ur. f. One who carries or tranfmits any thing. To CONVICT, k6n-v!k't. v. a. To prove guilty, to detcft in guilt; to confute, to dif- cover to be falfe. CONVICT, kon-vlk't. a. Conviacd, detefted in guilt. CONVICT, kw/-vlkt. f. A perfon caft at the bar, CONVICTION, kon-vlk'-fliun. f. Dcteaion of guilt; the adl of convincing, confutation. CONVICTIVE, kon-vlk'-tlv. a. Having the power of convincing. To CONVINCE, k6n-v!n'fe. V. a. To force another to acknowledge a contcfted pofitionj to convict. CONVINCEMENT, kon-vln'fe-ment. f. Con>i vidtion. CONVINCIBLE, k6n-vln'-slbl. a. Capable of convidion ; capable of being evideatly dif- proved-. CONVINCINGLY, kon-vln'-s!ng-ly. ad. In Aich a manner as to leave no room for doubt. A a a CQNVIN- d o o coo CONVINCINGNESS, kon-vln'-s'ng-nls. f. The power of convincing. To CONVIVE, kon-vi've, v. a. Toentertain, to feaft. Obfoletc. CONVIVAL, kon-vi'-val. "7a. Relating to an CONVIVIAL, kon-vlv'-yal.^ entertainment, fefta), focial. CONUNDRUM, ko-nun'-drum. f. Alowjelt, a quibble. To CONVOCATE, kon'-vo-kite. v. a. To call together. CONVOCATION, kon-v6-ka'-{hun. f. The adt of calling to an affembly ; an affembly ; an aflembly of the clergy for confultation upon matters ecclefialUcal. To CONVOKE, kon-vo'ke. v. a. To call to- gether, to fummon to an aflembly. To CONVOLVE, kon-voW. v. a. To roll together, to roll one part upon another. CONVOLUTED, k6n-v6-lu''-tld. part. a. Twifted, rolled upon itfelf. CONVOLUTION, kon-vo-lii'-fhun. f. The aok. f. A book in which copies are written foi" jearncrs to imitate. COPY-FIOLD, kip'-py-hald. f. A -tenure, for which the tenant hath nothing to fhew but the copy of the rolls msdc by die fteward of his lord's court. COPY-HOLDER, kop'-py-hdl-dur. f. One that is poflefTed of land in copyhold. To COPY, k'V-py. v. a. To tranfcribe, to •write after an original ; to imitate, to propofe to imitation. To COPY, kop'-py. V. n. To do any thing in imitation of fomething elfe. COPYER, kop^-y-ur. 7 f. One who copies COPYIST, kr>p'-y-M.S writing or pifturcs. To COQUET, ko-ket'. v. a. To treat with an appearance -of amorous teadernefs. COQUETRY, k6-kct-ry. f. AfFeaation of amorous advances. COQUETTE, k5-kct'. f. A gay, airy girl, who endeavours to attract notice. CORACLE, k6/-akl. f. A boat ufcd in Wales •by fifhers. CORAL, kor'-al. f. Red coral is a plant of great hardnefs and flony nature while growing in the water, as it is after long expofure to the air ; the piece of coral which children ufe as a plaything. CORALLINE, kor'-al-fne. a. Confifting of '-.V-dur. f. A plant. CORINTH, kur'-rln. f. A fmall fruit com- monly called currant. CORINTHIAN, k6-n/-tlTyan. f. Is generally reckoned the fourth of the five orders of archi- tciSure. CORK, ka'rk. f. A glandiferous tree, in all refpe£ls like the ilex, excepting the bark; the bark of the cork tree uftd for floppies ; the flopplc of n bottle. To CORK,, ka'rk. v. a. To put corks into bottles. CORKING-PIN, ka'r-kmg-pli/. f. A pin of the largcft fize. CORKY, COR COR CORKY, kyr-ky. a. Confiftingof cork. CORMORANT, ka'r-mo-rant. f. A bird that preys upon fifh ; a glutton. CORN, ka''rn. f. The feeds wlilch grow in cars, not in pods ; grain unreapcd ; grain in the ear, yet unthrefhcd ; an cxcrefccncc on the feet, hard and painful. To CORN, ka'rn. v. a. To fait, to fprinklc with fait ; to form into fmall grains. CORN-FIELD, ka'rn-fe'ld. f. A field where corn is growing. CORN-FLAG, ka'rn-fllg. f. A plant: the leaves are like thofe of the fleur-de-lis. CORN-FLOOR, ka'rn-flor. f. Thefloorwhcre corn is ftored. CORN-FLOWER, karn'-flow-ur. f. The blue bottle. CORN-LAND, k^/rn-land. f. Land appro- priated to the production of grain. CORN-MILL, ka'rn-mil. f. A mill to grind corn into meal. CORN-PIPE, ka'rn-pTpe. f. A pipe made by fiittin'g the joint of a green ftalk of corn. CORNCHANDLER, ki'rn-tfhand-K'ir. f One that retails corn. CORNCUTTER, ka'm-kut-tur. f. A man whofe profeffion it is to extirpate corns from the foot. CORNEL, ka'r-nel. CORNELIAN-TREE, kor-ne'-lyan-tre. The Cornel-tree beareth the fruit commonly called the cornelian-cherry. CORNEOUS, kaVny-us. a. Horny, of a fub- ftance refembling horn. CORNE-R, ka'r-nur. f. An angle; a fecret or remote place; the extremities, the utmoft limit. CORNER-STONE, ka'r-nur-ftd'ne. f. The ftone that unites the two walls at the corner. CORNERWISE, ka'r-nur-wize. ad. Diago- nally. CORNET, k;Vr-nit. f. A mufical inftrument blown with the mouth ; a company or troop of horfe, in this fcnfe obfolete ; the ofEcer that bears the ftandard of a troop ; Cornet of a horfe, is the loweft part of his partem that runs round the coffin. }'■ CORNICE, kaVni's. f. The high:/} projeaioa of a wall or column. CORNICLE, kdVnikl. f. A little horn. CORNIGEROUS,kar-mdzh'-e-ras. a. Horned, having horns. CORNUCOPI/E, ka'r-nd-kG"-pya. f. The horn of plenty. ToCORNUTE, kor-nii'te. v. a. To bcftow horns, to cuckold. CORNUTED, kor-nii'-tld. a. Grafted with horns, cuckolded. CORNUTO, kor-nu'-to. f. A man horned, a cuckold. CORNY, ka^r-ny. a. Strong or hard like horn, horny ; producing grain or corn. COROLLARY, kor'-o-lar-y. f. The conclu- fion ; an inference. CORONAL, kor^-o-nal. f. A crown, a garland. CORONAL, ko-ro'-nal. a. Belonging to the top of the head. CORONARY, kor'-o-ner-y. a. Relating to a crown ; it is applied in anatomy to arteries fancied to encompafs the heart in the manner of a garland. COEjONATION, k6r-6-n4'-fhun. f. The a^ or folemnity of crowning a king ; the pomp or aflembly prefent at a coronation. CORONER, kor'-o-nur. f. An officer whofc duty is to enquire, how any violent death was occafioned. CORONET, kor'-o-net. f. An Lnfcrior crown worn by the nobility. CORPORAL, kl'r-p6-ral. f. The loweft of- ficer of the infantry ; a low fea-officer. CORPORAL, ka'r-p6-rai. a. Relating to the body, belonging to the body; material, not fpiritual. CORPORALITY, kar-p6-ral'-i-ty. f. The quality of being embodied. CORPORALLY, ka'r-p6-ral-y. ad. Eodily. CORPORATE, kaVp6-ret. a. United in a body or community. CORPORATION, kor-p6-ra'-fhan. f. A bpdy politick. CORPOREAL, kor-po'-ryal. a. Having a bodv, not immaterial. B b b CORPO. COR COR CORPOREITY, kor-p6-rc'-I-tp f. Materi- ality, bodylinefs. CORPS, koV. 7 f. A body; a carcafc, a CORPSE, ka^rpfe. ^ dead bodj-, a corfe ; a bo- dy of forces. CORPULENCE, klVpu-Ienfe. ? f. Bulki- CORPULENCY, k;Vr-pu-len-fy. J ncfs of bo- dy, fle{hinefs. CORPULENT, ka'r-pil-lJ-nt. a. Flefhy, bulky. CORPUSCLE, ka'r-pi&I. f. A fmall body, an atom. CORPUSCULAR, kor-pus'-ku-ler. 7 CORPUS.CULARL\N, kor-puf-ku-la^-ryan. S a. R<;lating to bodies, comprifing bodies. To CORRADE, kor-ra'de. v. a. To rub off, to fcrape together. CORRADL^TION, kor-ra-dy-r-fhim. f. A conjundtion of rays in one point. To CORRECT, kor-rekt'. v. a. To punlfli, to chaftife; to amend ; to obviate the qualities of one ingredient by another. CORRECT, kor-rekt^ a. Revifed or finifhcd with exadnefs. CORRECTION, kor-rek'-fhun. f. Punifli- m;n% difcipline ; amendment ; that which is fubftituted in the place of any thing wrong ; reprehenfion ; abatement of noxious qualities, by the addition of fomething contrary. CORRECTIONER, kor-rek'-fhun-ur. f. A jayl-bird. Obfolete. CORRECTIVE, kor-rek'-tiv. a. Having the power to alter or obviate any bad qualities. CORRECTIVE, kor-rek'-tlv. f. That which has the power of altering or obviating any thing amifsj limitation, feftriftion. CORRECTLY, kir-rekt'-ly. ad. Accurately, exaftly. CORRECTNESS, kir-rekt'-nis. f. Accuracy, cxaclnefs. CORRECTOR, kcr-rek'-tur. f. He thit amends, or alters, by punifiiment ; he that revifes any thing to free it from faults ; fuch an ingredient in a compofuion, as guards againft or abates the force of another. To CORRELATE, kor-rC-lA'te. v. n. To have a reciprocal ichuion, as father and fon. CORRELATE, kor'-re-lute. f. One that'ftand* in the oppofite relation. CORRELATIVE, k6r-rel'-a-tiv. a. Having a reciprocal relation. CORRELATIVENESS, kor-rel'-a-tlv-nSs. f. The ftate of being correlative. CORREPTION, kor-rep'-fliin. f. Chiding, reprehenfion, reproof. To CORRESPOND, kir- ref-p6n J', v. n. To fuit, to anfwer, to fit ; to keep up commerce with another by alternate letters. CORRESPONDENCE, k6r-ref-pi:/-d^nfe. ) CORRESPONDENCY,k6r-ref-p6n'-den-ff. i f. Relation, reciprocal'adaptation of one thing to another; intercourfe, reciprocal intslligencej friendfhip, interchange of offices or civilities. CORRESPONDENT, k6r-i-ef-p6n'-den:. a. Suitable, adapted, anfwerable. CORRESPONDENT, k6r-ref-p6n'-dent. f. One with whom intelligence or commerce is kept up by mutual meffages or letters. CORRESPONSIVE, k6r-ref-pcn'-s!v. a. An- fwerable, adapted to any thing. CORRIDOR, kir-ry-do're. f. The covert way lying round the fortifications; a gallery or long ifle round about a building. CORRIGIBLE, kor'-rl-jibl. a. That which may be altered or amended ; punifliable. CORJIIVAL, kor-ri'-val. f. Rival, competitor. CORRIVALRY, kor-ri'-val-ry. f. Compe- tition. CORROBORANT, kor-rob'-o-rint. a. Ha- ving the pou'cr to give ftrength. To CORROBORATE, kcr-rob'-a-rf.te. v. a. To confirm, to eflablifh; to ftrengthcn, to make ftrong. CORROBORATION, k6r-r6b-e-r^'-fhun. f. The a(?c of ftrengthening or confirming. CORROBORATIVE, kor-rob'-o-ra-tlv. a. Ha- ving the povv^er of increafing ftrength. To CORRODE, kor'-ro'de. v. a. To eat away by degrees, to wear away gradually. CORRODENT, kor-rd'-dint. a. Having the power of'corroding or wafting. CORRODIELE, kcr-ro'-dlbl. a. Poffible to be confumi-d. CORRO- COR COS CORROSIBILITY, kir-r6-f;-b!l'-l-ty. i. Pof- fibility to be confumed by a meijitruum. CORROSIBLE, kor-ro'-slbl. a. Pofliblc to be confumed by a menftruurn. CORROSIBLENESS, kir-iO'-sibl-nls. f. Suf- ceptibility of conofion. CORROSION, kcr-r6'-zhun. f. The power of eating or Wearing away by degrees. CORROSIVE, kor-ro'-siv. a. Having the power of wearing away; ha\ing the quality to fret or ve.v. CORROSIVE, k6r-r6'-£u-. f. That which has the quality of wafting any thing away; that which has the power of giving pain. CORROSIVELY, kAr-r6'-siv-ly. ad. Like a corrofive ; witli the power of corrofion. CORROSIVENESS, kor-rS'-siv-nis. f. The quality of corroding or eating away, acri- mony. CORRUGANT, kor'-ru-gant. a. Having the power of contracting into wrinkles. To CORRUGATE, kor'-ru-gite. v. a. To wrinkle or purfe up. CORRUGATION, k6r-ru-gi'-{hun. f. Con- traction into wrinkles. To CORRUPT, kor-rupt^ v. a. To turn from a found to a putrefcent ftate, to infe£l ; to de- prave, to deftroy integrity, to vitiate. To CORRUPT, kor-rupt'. v. n. To become putrid, to grow rotten. CORRUPT, kor-rupt'. a. Vicious, tainted with wickednefs. CORRUPTER, kir-rup'-tir. f. He that taints or vitiates. CORRUPTIBILITY, kor-rup-tI-b!l'-!-ty. f. Poffibility to be corrupted. CORRUPTIBLE, kir-rup'-tibl. a. Sufcepti- bility of corruption ; polTible to be vitiated. CORfiUPTIBLENESS, kor-rup'-t!bl-n!s. f. Sufceptibility of corruption. CORRUPTIBLY, kor-rup'-tlb-lyv ad. In fuch a manner as to be corrupted. CORRUPTION, k6r-rup'-fliin. f. The prin- ciple by which bodies tend to the feparation of their parts ; wickednefs, perverfion of prin- ciples ; putrcfcencc ; matter or pus in a fore ; the means by wliich any thing is vitiate:!, de- pravation. CORRUPTIVE, k(!ir-rup'-tlv. a. Having the quality of tainting or vitiating. CORRUPTLESS, kir-rupt'-fs. a. Infufcept- ible of corruption, undecaying. CORRUPTLY, kor-rupt'-ly. ad. With cor- ruption, with taint ; vicioufly, contrary to purity. CORRUPTNESS, kir-ript'-nls. f. The qua- lity of corruption, putrefcence, vice. CORSAIR, kor'-far. f. A pirate. CORSE, ko'rfe. f. A dead body, a carcafe. CORSLET, kcrs'-let. f. A light armour for the forepart of the body. CORTICAL, kaVtE-kll. a. Barky, bJonging to the rind, CORTICA'TED, ka'r-tl-ka-t!d. a. Rcfembling the bark of a tree, j CORTICOSE, kar-tl-k6'fe. a. Full of bark. CORVETTO, kor-vct'-to. f. The curvet. CORUSCANT, ko-rus'-kant. a. Glittering by flafhes, flafliing. CORUSCATION, kd-ruf-ka'-flvin. f. Flafh, quick vibration of light. CORYMBIATED, k6-rim'-by-a-t!d. a. Gar- nifhed with branches of berries. CORYMBIFEROUS, kO-rim-bif'-fe-rus. ad. Bearinw fruit or berries fh bunches. CORYMBUS, k6-r!m'-bus. f. Amongft an- cient botanifts, clufters of berries : amongH mo- dern botanifls, a compounded difcous flower; fuch are the flov.ers of daifies, and common marygold. COSIER, ko'-zyer. f. A botcher. Obfolete. COSMETICK, koz-met'-lk. a. Beautifying. COSMICAL, koz''-mi-kal. a. Relating to the world ; rifing or fetting with the fun. COSMICALLY, koz'-ml-kal-y. ad. With the fun. COSMOGONY, ko7.-mog'-gp'-p6-lhe. 5 A citizen of the world, one who is at home in every place. COST, koft''. f. The price of any thing; charge, expence ; lofs, detriment. To COST, koft^ V. n. To be brought for, to be haid at a price. COSTAL, kos'-til. a. Belonging to the ribs. COSTARD, kos'-tard. f. A head, an apple round and bulky like the head. COSTIVE, kos'-tlv. a. Bound in the body; clofe. ' COSTIVENESS, kos'-tlv-nls. f. The ftate of the body in vA?hich excretion is obftrucied. COSTLINESS, koft'-ly-nls. f. Sumptuoufnef;, expenfivenefs. COSTLY, koft'-ly. a. Sumptuou?, expenfive. COT, kot . f. A fmall houfe, a hut, a mean habitation. COTANGENT, ko-tan'-jent. f. The tangent of an arch which is the complement of another to ninety degrees. €OTEMPORARY, ko-tem'-pC-rar-y. a. Li- ving at the fame time, coetaneous. COTLAND, kot'-land. f. Land appendant to a cottag?. COTQUEAN, kof-kwln. f. A man who bufies himfelf with women's affairs. COTTAGE, kct'-tldzh. f. A hut, a mean habitation. COTTAGER, kot'-ta-jir. f. One who lives in a hut or cottage ; one wlio lives in the com- mon, without paying rent. COTTIER, kot'-yjr. f. One who inhabits a cot. COTTON, kot^n. f. The down of the cotton- tree,; a plant. COTTON, kot'n. f. Cloth or f.uff made of cotton. To COTTON, kotV. V. n. To rife with a nap ; to cement, to unite with. To COUCH, koi/tfh. v. n. To lie down in a place of repofe ; to Ue down on the knees, as a hcall to reft ; to lie down, in ambufh ; to ftoop or bend down, in fear, in pain. To COUCH, kou'tfli. V. a. ' To lay on a place of repofe ; to lay down any thing in a ftratum ; to bed, to hide in another body; to include fe- crctiy, to hide ; to fix the fpear in the reft; Xo deprcfs the film that overfpreads the pupil of the eye. COUCH, kou'tfli. f. A feat of repofe ; a layer, or flratum. COUCHANT, kou'-tfliant. a. Lying down, fquatting. COUCHEE, ka'-fhe. f. Bedtime, the time of vifiting late at night. COUCHER, kou'tih-ur. f. He that couches or deprcfles cataraels. COUCHFELLOW, kou'tfh-fel-lo. f. Bedfel- low, companion. COUCHGRASS, kou'tfli-gras. f. A weed. ^ COVE, kd've. f. A fmall creek or bay ; a flicl- ter, a cover. COVENANT, kuv'-c-nant. f. A contraft, a ftipulation ; a compatl ; a writing containing the terms of agreement. To COVENANT, kuv'-e-nant. v. n. To bar- gain, to ftipulate. COVENANTEE, kuv'-g-nin-t^. f. A party to a covenant, a flipulator, a bargainer. COVENANTER, kuv^-e-nan-tur. f. One who takes a covenant. A word introduced in the civil wars. To COVER, kuv'-ur. v. a. To overTpread any thing with fomething elfe ; to conceal under fomething laid over j to hide by fuperficial ap- pearances ; to overwhelm, to bury ; to fhelter, to conceal from harm ; to brood onj to copu- late with a female ; to wear the hat. COVER, kuv'-ur. f. Any thing that is laid over another ; a concealment, a fcreen, a veil ; ihel- ter, defence. COVERING, kuv'-ur-lng. f. Lrefs, vef- turc. COVER- c o u c o u COVERLET, kiV-ur-IIt. f. The outermoft of the bedcloaths. COVERT, kuv''-urt. f. A flicker, a defence ; a thicket, or hiding-place. COVERT, kuv'-urt. a. Sheltered, fccrct, hid- den, infidious. COVERT-WAY, kiV/-urt-wu'. f. A fpace of ground level with the field, three or four fathom broad, ranging quite round the half moons, or other works toward the countr}-. COVERTLY, kuv'-urt-ly. ad. Secretly, clofely. COVERTNESS, ku/-urt-ms. f. Secrecy, pri- vacy. COVERTURE, kuv'-ur-ture. f. Shelter, de- fence ; in law, the ftate and condition of a married woman. To COVET, kuv'-It. V. a. To defire inordi- nately, to defire beyond due bounds ; to defire earnertly. To COVET, kuv -It. V. n. To have a ftrong defire. COVETABLE, kuv'-It-ebl. a. To be wiflied for. COVETOUS, kuv'-ve-tflius. a. Inordinately defirous; inordinately eager of money, avari- cious. COVETOUSLY, kuv'-ve-tfliuf-ly. ad. Ava- ritioufly, eagerly. COVETOUSNESS, kuv'-va-tfliuf-nls. f. Ava- rice, eagernefs of gain. COVEY, kuv'-vy. f. A hatch, an old bird with her young ones ; a number of birds together. COUGH, kof. f, A convulfion of the lungs. To COUGH, kof'. V. n. To have the lungs convulfed, to make a noife in endeavouring to evacuate the peccant matter from the lungs. To COUGH, kof'. v. a. To ejed by a cough. COUGHER, kof'-fur. f. One that coughs. COVING, ki'-ylng. f. A term in building, ufed of houfes that projed over the ground-plot ; a particular form of cieling. COULD, kud^ The imperfcwl preterite of Can. COULTER, kou'l-tir. f. The Iharp iron of the plow whkh cuts the earth. COUNX'IL, kou'n-sil. f. An aflfembly of per- fons met together in confultation ; perfons call- ed together to be confulted ; the body of pri\ y counfellors. COUNCIL-BOARD, kou'n-sIl-b6rd. f. Coun- cil-t.ible, table where matters of ftate are de- liberated. COUNSEL, kou'n-fel. f. Advice, direflion -. deliberation; prudence; fecrecy, the fecrets in- truded in confulting; fcheme, purpofe, dc- fign ; thofe that plead a caufc, the counfel- lors. To COUNSEL, kou'n-fcl. v. a. To giveadvica or counfel to any perfon ; to advife any thing. COUNSELLABLE, kou'n-fel-ebl. a. Willing to receive and follow advice. COUNSELLOR, kou'n-fcl-Iur. f. One that gives advice ; confidant, bofom friend ; one whofe province is to deliberate and advife upon publick affairs ; one that is confulted in a cafe of law. COUNSELLORSHIP, kou'n-fel-lir-fh'p. f. The office or port ef privy counfellor. To COUNT, kou^it. v. a. To number, to tell ; to reckon, to account, to confider as having a certain charafter ; to impute to, to charge to. To COUNT, kou'nt. v. n. To lay a fcheme ; to depend on. COUNT, kou'nt. f. Number > reckoning. COUNT, kou'nt. f. A title of foreign no- bility, an earl. COUNTABLE, kou'n-tabl. a. That which may be numbered. COUNTENANCE, kou'n-ta-nanfe. f. The form of the face, the fyiiem of the features, air, look ; confidence of mien, afpcd of af- furance ; afFectatioji or ill-will, as it appears upon the face ; patronage, fupport. To COUNTENANCE, kouVtc-nanfe. v. a. To fupport, to patronife, to make a (hew of ; to encourage. COUNTENANCER, kou'n-tc-nan-fur. f. One that countenances or fupports another. COUNTER, kou^n-tur. f. A falfc piece of money ui'cd as a means of reckoning ; the form on which goods are viewed and money told in a (liop. C c c COUNTER, c o u c o u COUNTER, kou'n-tur. rd. Contrary to, in oppofition to ; the wrong way ; contrary ways. To COUNTERACT, koun-tur-ak't. v. a. To hinder any thing from its effedt by contrary agency. To COUNTERBALANCE, koun-tur-baf- lanfe. v. a. To acl againft with an oppofite weight. COUNTERBALANCE, kou'n-tur-bal-lanfe. f. Oppofite weight. To COUNTERBUF, koun-tir-buf'. v. a. To impel ; to flrike back. COUNTERBUFF, koi/n-tur-buf. f. A ftroke that produces a recoil. COUNTERCASTER, kou'n-tur-kaf-tur. f. A book-keeper, a carter of accounts, a reckoner. Not ufed. COUNTERCHANGE, kou'n-tur-tfhinje. f. Exchange, reciprocation. To COUNTERCHANGE, koun-tur-tflia'nje. V. a. To give and receive. COUNTERCHARM, kou'n-tur-tfharm. f. That by which a charm is diflblved. To COUNTERCHARM, koun-tur-tfha'rm. V. a. To deftroy the effe£l of an enchantment. To COUNTERCHECK, koun-tur-t(hek'. V. a. To oppofe. COUNTERCHECK, kou^n-tur-t{hek. f. Stop, rebuke. To COUNTERDRAW, koun-tur-dra'. v. a. To copy a defign by means of an old paper, whereon the ftrokes appearing through are traced with a pencil. COUNTEREVIDENCE,koun-tur-ev'-!-denfe. f. Teftimony by which the depofition of fome Termer witnefs is oppofed. To COUNTERFEIT, kouVtur-f It. v. a. To copy with an intent to pafs the copy for an ori- ginal ; to imitate, to refemble. COUNTERFEIT, kouVtur-fit. a. Forged, fiftitious ; deceitful, hypocritical. COUNTERFEIT, kou'n-tur-fi't. f. One who perfonares another, an impoft'or ; fomething made in imitation of another ; a forgery. COUNTERFEITER, kou^n-tur-flt-ur. f. A forger. COUNTERFEITLY, kou'n-tur-fit-ly. ad. Falfely, with forgery. COUNTERFERMENT, kouVtur-fer'-ment. f. Ferment oppofed to ferment. COUNTERFORT, kou'n-tur-fort. f. Coun- terforts are pillars ferving to fupport walls fub- jeft to bulge. COUNTERGAGE, koun-tur-ga'je. f. A me- thod ufed to meafure the joints by transferring the breadth of a mortice to the place where the tenon is to be. COUNTERGUARD, kou'n-tur-gard. f. A fmall rampart with parapet and ditch. To COUNTERMAND, koun-tur-ma'nd. v. a. To order the contrary to what was ordered be- fore ; to contradift the orders of another. COUNTERMAND, kou'n-tur-mand. f. Re- peal of a former order. To COUNTERMARCH, koun-tur-ma'rtfh. V. n. To march backward. COUNTERMARCH, kou'n-tur-martfli. f. Re- troceffion, march backward ; change of mea- fures ; alteration of conduct. COUNTERMARK, kouVtur-mark. f. A fe- cond or third mark put on a bale of goods ; the mark of the goldfmiths company. COUNTERMINE, kouVtur-mine. f. A well or hole funk into the ground, from which a gallery or branch runs out under ground, to feek out the enemy's mine; means of oppofi- tion ; a ftratagem by which any contrivance is defeated. To COUNTERMINE, koun-tur-mfne. v. a. To delve a paflage into an enemy's mine ; to counterwork, to defeat by fecret meafures. COUNTERMOTION, konn-tur-m6'-ftiun. f. Contrary m.otion. COUNTERMURE, koun-tur-mu're. f. A wall built up behind another wall. COUNTERTablc. DAMNIFICK, dam-nif'-ik. a. Procuring lofs, mifchievous. To DAMNIFY, dW-ny-fy-. v. a. To enda- mage, to injure ; to hurt, to impair. DAMNINGNESS, dam'-ning-nis. f. Ten- dency to procure damnation, DAMP, damp', a. Moift, inclining to wet j de- jected, funk, deprelTcJ. DAMP, damp', f, Fo^, moift air, moifturc ; a noxious vapour exhaled from the earth ; de- jeftion, dcpreflion of fpiiit. To DAMP, damp', v.a. To wet, to moiftcn ; to deprcfs, to dijtdl, to chill, to weaken, to abandon. DAMPISHNESS, d,'mp'-ifti-n!s. f. Tendency to wetnefs, moiliure. DAMPNESS, damp'-nls. f. Moifturc, DAMPY, damp'-y. a. Dejcfled, gloomy, for- rowful. DAMSEL, dam'-zil. f. A young gentlewoman j an attendant of the better rank ; a wench, a Countr)' lafs, DAMSON, dam'-zun. f. A fmall black plum. DAN, dan', f. The old term of honour fo.- men, To DANCE, dun'fc. v, n. To rr.ove in mea- fure. To DANCE Attendance, dan'fe. v. a. To wait with fupplenefs and obfetjuioufnefs. To DANCE, dan'fe. v. a. To make to d-ncc, to put into a lively motion. DANCE, ddn'fe, f. A niction of oiw or many in concert. DANCER, dan'-fur. f. One that pr-Jlif.;, the art of dancing. DANCINGMASTER, dun'-slng-maf-tur, f. One who teaches the art of daacing. DANCINGSCHOOL. dan'-sing-ncdl. f. The fchool where the art of dar.c:ng is taught, DANDELION, dan-de-ir.un. f. The name of a plant. To DANDLE, dand'!. v. a. To fhakc a child on the knee j to fondle, to treat like a child. DANDLER, dand'-lur. f. He that dandles or fondles children. DANDRUFF, dan'-drif. f. Scurf in th- head. DANIJVVORT, Ja'ne-wurt. f. A fpecet, of elder, called ilfo itwurf-elder, or wsUvs crt. DANCJER, da'n-jur. i. Rifquc, haaarj, peril. To DANGER, dii'n-jur. v. a. To put in ha- zard, to endanger. Not in ufe, DANGERL"^S, diVn-jer-Us. .->. Without ha- zard, without rifque, * DANGEROUS, da'n-jc-rus. a. Hax.rduMf, pcrillous. Hhh DANGtR- D A R DAT DANGEROUSLY, di'n-jg-ruf-ly. ad. Hazard oully, pcrilloufly, with danger. DANGEROUSNESS, drn-je-ruf-nls. f. Dan- ger, hazard, peril. To DANGLE, da'ng-gl. v, n. To hang loofe and qui\cring ; to hang upon any one, to be an humble follower. DANGLER, da''ng-gliir. f. A man that hangs about women. DANK, dank', a. Damp, moift. DANKISH, dankMfh. a. Somewhat dank. DAPPER, dap'-pur. a. Little and adive, lively without bulk. DAPPERLING, dap'-pui-l'ng- f- A dwarf. DAPPLE, dap'l. a. Marked with various co- lours, variegated. To DAPPLE, dap''], v. a. To ftreak, to vary. DAR, da'r. J f. A fi(h found in the Se- DART, da'rt.5' vern. To DARE, da're. v. n. pret. I Durft, part. I have Dared. To have courage for any purpofe, to be adventurous. To DARE, da're. v. a. To challenge, to defy. To DARE LARKS, dd're la'rks. v.n. To catch them by means of a looking-glafs. DARE, da're. f. Defiance, challenge. Not in ufe. DAREFUL, da're-fdl. a. Full of defiance. DARING, da'-ring. a. Bold, adventurous, fearlefs. DARINGLY, da'-rlng-ly. ad. Boldly, cou- rageoufly. DARINGNESS, da'-rlng-nls. f. Boldncfs. DARK, d:'/rk. a. Without light; not of a fhowy or vivid colour ; blind ; opake ; obfcure ; ignorant ; gloomy. To DARK, da'rk. v. a. To darken, to ob- fcure. To DARKEN, da'rkn. v. a. To make dark ; to perplex ; to fully. To DARKEN, di'rkn. v. n. To grow dark. DARKLING, da'rk-llng. part. a. Being in the dark. DARKLY, da'rk-ly. ad. Ln a fituation void of )ight, obfcurcly, blindly. DARKNESS, da'xk-iils! f. Abfcncc of li^ht; opakcnefs ; obfcurity ; wickednefs ; the empire of Satan. DARKSOME, da'rk-fum. a. Gloomy, ob- fcure. DARLING, del r-llng. a. Favourite, dear, beloved. DARLING, da'r-ling. f. A favourite, one much beloved. To DARN, da'rn. v. a. To mend holes by imitating the texture of the ftlifF. DARNEL, da'r-nil. f. A weed growing in the fields. DART, dart', f. A miffile weapon thrown by the hand. To DART, dart', v. a. To throw ofFenfively; to throw, to emit. To DART, dart', v. n. To fly as a dart. To DASH, dafti'. v. a. To throw any thing fuddenly againft fomething ; to break by col- lifion ; to throw water in flafhes ; to befpatter, to befprinkle ; to mingle, to change by fome fmall admixture ; to form or print in hafte ; to obliterate, to crofs out; to confound, to make afliamed fuddenly. To DASH, dafh'. v. n. To fly ofF the furface ; to fly in flaflies with a loud noife ; to rufli through water fo as to make it fly. DASH, dafh'. f. Collifion ; infufion ; a mark in writing, a line ; ftroke, blow. DASH, dall/. ad. An expreflion of the found of water daflicd. DASTARD, das'-tard. f. A coward, apoltron. To DASTARDISE, das'-tar-dlze. v. a. To intimidate ; to dejeiSl with cowardice. DASTARDLY, das'-tard-ly. a. Cowardly, mean, timorous. DASTARDY, das'-tar-dy. f. Cowardlinefs. DATE, da'te. f. The time at which a letter is written, marked at the end or the beginning ; the time at which any event happened ; the time flipulated when any thing fliould be done j end, conclufion ; duration, continuance ; the fruit of the date tree. DATE-TREE, da'te-tre. f. A fpscics of palm. To DATE, da'te. v. a. To note with the time at which any thing is written or done. DATE- DAY D E A DATELESS, da'te-l!s. a. Without any fixed term. DATIVE, da'-tiv. a. In grammar, the cafe that fignifies the peifyn to whom any thing is given. To DAUB, da'b. v. a. To fmear with fonie- thing adliefive; to paint coarfeiy; to lay on any thing gaudily or oftentatioufly ; to flatter grofsly. DAUBER, da'-bur. f. A coarfc low painter. DAUBY, da'-by. a. Vifcous, glutinous, ad- hefive. DAUGHTER, dl'-tur. f. The female off- fpring of a man or woman ; in poetry, any de- fcendant ; the penitent of a confelTor. To DAUNT, d/nt. v. a. To difcourage, to fright. DAUNTLESS, da'nt-l!s. a. Fearlefs, not de- jected. DAUNTLESSNES, da'nt-lef-nis. f. Fear- lefnefs. DAW, da', f. The name of a bird. To DAWN, da''n. v. n. To begin to grow light ; to glimmer obfcurely j to begin, yet faintly, to give fome promifes of luftre. DAWN, da'n. f. The time between the firft appearance of light and the fun's rife ; begin- ning, firft rife. D.'W, da . f. The time between the rifing and fetting of the fun ; the time from noon to noon ; light, funftiine ; the day of conteft, the battle ; an appointed or fixed time ; a day ap- pointed for fome commemoration ; from day to day, without certainty or continuance. DA YBED, di'-bed. f. A bed ufcd for idknefs. DAYBOOK, di'-bok. f. A tradcfman's journal. D.4.YBREAK, da'-brck. f. The dawn, the iwii appearance of light. DAYLABOUR, da'-la'-bur. f. Labour by the day. DAYLABOURER, da'-Ia'-bur-ur. f. One that works by the day. DAYLIGHT, da'-lite. f. The light of the day, as oppofed to that of the moon, or a taper. DAYLILY, da-lll'-y. f. The fame with af- i^Loctl. DAYSPRING, da'-fpn'ng. f. The rife of the day, the dawn. DAYSTAR, da'-ftar. f. The morning ftar. DAYTIME, da'-time. f. The time in which there is light, oppofed to night. DAYWORK, da'-wurk. f. Work impofed by the day, daylabour. DAZIED, da'-zyd. a. Befprinkled with daifies. To DAZZLE, daz 1. v. a. To overpower with light. To DAZZLE, daz'l. v. n. To be overpowered with light. DEACON, dc'kn. f. One of the lowcfl order of the clergy. DEACONE^'SS, de'kn-n^s. f. A female officer in the ancient church. DEACONRY, d6'kn-ry. 7 f. The office or DEACONSHIP, de'kn-fn'p.i dignity of a deacon. DEAD, ded'. a. Deprived of life ; inanimate j fenfelefs; motionlefs ; empty; ufelefs; dull, gloomy; frigid; vapid; fpiritlefs ; uninhabit-. cd ; without the power of vegetation ; in theo- logy, lying under the power of fin. To DEADEN, ded'n. v. a. To deprive of any kind of force or fenfation ; to make vapid, or fpiritlefs. DEAD-DOING, ded'-do-ing. part. a. Dj- ftruclive, killing, mifchlevous. DEAD-LIFT, ded'-llft'. f. Hopelefs exigence. DEADLY, ded'-ly. a. Deftruaive, mortal, implacable. DEADLY, dcd'-ly. ad. In a manner rcfcm- bling the dead ; mortally ; implacably, irre- concilably. DEADNESS, ded'-nls. f: Want of warmth ; v/eaknefs of the vital powers ; vapidnefs of li- quors, lofs of fpirit. DEADNET TLE, ded'-nJti. f. A weed, the fame with archangel. DEAD-RECKONING, ded'-rck-nlng. f. That cfHmation or conjecture which the feamen make of the place where a flilp is, by keeping an ac- count of her way by the log. DEAF, dcf'. a. Wanting the fcnfe of hearing ;, , deprived! D E A PES d«iprived of the power of heaving; obfcurely heard. To DEAFEN, di-f'n. v. a. To deprive of the- power of hearing. DEAFLY, def'-ly. ad. Without fenfc of founds; obfcurely to the ear. DEAFNESS, dcf'-nli. f. Want of the power of hearing; unwillingnefs to hear. DEAL, del. f. Great part; quantity, degree of more or lefs ; the art or practice of dealing cards ; firwood, the wood of pines. To DEAL, de'l. V. a. To difpofe to different perfons; to diftribute cards; to fcatter, to throw about j to give gradually, or one after aoother^ To DEAL, d^'l. V. n. To traffick, to tranfacl bufinefs ; to ait between two perfons, to inter- vene ; to behave well or ill in any tranfaciion ; to a£t in any manner ; To deal by, to treat well or ill ; To deal in, to have to do with, to be engaged in, to practice ; To deal with, to treat in any manner, to ufe well or ill, to contend v/ith. To DEALBATE, dc-ai'-bite. v. a. To whiten, to bleach. DEALBATION, de-al-ba'-fhun. f. The ad of bl.aching. DEALER, de^-lur. f. One that has to do with any thing; a trader or trafficker; a ptrfon who -deals the cards. DEALING, de'-lmg. f. Prafticc, adion ; in- tcrcourfe ; meafurcs of treatment ; trailick, bu- fncfs. DEAMBULATION, de-am-bu-la'-fliun. f. The a^ of walking abroad. DEAMBULATOrV, Ue-W-bd-la-tur'-v. a. Relating to the practice of walking abroad. DEAN, dc'n. f. The fecond di^intary of a di- occfe. DEANERY, de'n-^r-y. f. The office of a dean ; thp revenue of a dean ; the houfe of a dean. DEANSHIP, de'n-fh'p. f. The ofEce and rank of a dean. J)EAR, de r. a. Beloved, darling; valuable, coitly ; fcarcc ; fad, hateful, grit\ ous. In this Jaft fenfe obfolctc. DEAR, de r. f. A word of endearment. DEARBOUGHT, dc'r-bJa. a. Purchafed at a high price. DEARL,Y, de'r-ly. ad. W^i.h great fondnefs ; at a high price. To DEARN, da'rn. v. a. To mend cloaths. -DEARNESS, d^'r-nls. f. Fondnefs, kindnefs, iove ; fcarcity, high price. DEARTH, dertf/. f. Scarcit)' which makes food dear ; want, famine ; barrennefs. To DEARTICULATE, de-^r-tlk'-u-ldte. v. a. To disjoint, to difmember. DEATH, detlf. f. The extlnflioa of life ; mortality; the ftate of the dead; the manner cf dying; the image of mortality reprefented by a Skeleton ; in theology, damnation, eter- jial torments. DEATH-BED, dettZ-bed. f. The bed to which a man is confined by mortal ficknefs. DEATHFUL, deth'-iui. a. Full of flaughter, deiiructivc, murderous. DEATHLESS, detn'-lls. a. Immortal, never- dving, DEATHLIKE, detrZ-like. a. RefemUing death, flHl. DEATH's-DOOR, detlr's-do'r. f. A near ap- proach to death. DEATHSMAN, detlr^s-man. f. Executioner, hangman, headfman. DEATHWATCH, detlr'-wotlh. f. An inft-a that makes a tinkling noife, fuperftitioudy ima- gined to piognofticate death. To DEBARK, d§-ba'rk. v. a. To difcmbark. To DEBAR, de-ba^r. v. a. To exclude, to preclude. To DEBASE, de-ba'fe. v. a. To reduce from a higher to a lower fiate ; to fink into meann'^fs } to .-idulteiate, to leflen in value by bafe auniix- tiires. DEBASEMENT, de-biVfc-m^nt. f. The a^ of debafing or degrading. DEBASER, dO-ba'-fur. f. He that debafes, he that adulterates, he that degrades anotlier. DEBATAbLE, d^-ba'tc-able. a. Difpurable. DEBATE, dc-bu'tc. f. A perfonal difpute, a coiitroverfy ; a quarrel, a conteft. T« DEB DEC To DEBATE, de-bA'i todiipute, to contcft. To DEBATE, da-ba'te. v. r to dilpute. DEBATEFUL, da-bi'te-fal a. To controvert, To deliberate : Quarrel feme, contentious. DEBATEMENT, dl-bu'te-ment. f. Conteft, controverfy. DEBATER, de-ba'-tur. f. A difputant, acon- trovertift. To DEBAUCH, dl-bi'tfli. v. a. To corrupt by lewdnefs ; to corrupt by intemperance. DEBAUCH, de-ba'tih. f. A fit of intempe- rance, lewdnefs. DEBAUCHEE, deb-O-ilie'. f. A lecher, a drunkard. DEBAUCHER, de-ba'tfh-ur. f. One who re- duces others to intemperance or lewdnefs. DEBAUCHERY, de-bi'tfli-C-ry. f. The prac- tice of excefs, lewdnefs. DEBAUCHMENT, dS-ba'tfli-ment. f. The acl of debauching or vitiating, corruption. To DEBEL, d5-bel'. " ^ v. a. To con- To DEBELLATE, de-bcl'-latc. 5 quer, to overcoms. in war. DEBELLATION, d5-be!-la'-fliun. f. The ad of conquering in war. DEBENTURE, d^-ben'-tfliur. f. A writ or note, by which a debt is claimed. DEBILE, deb'-ll. a. Feeble, languid. To DEBILITATE, dg-bilM-tAte. v. a. To make faint, to enfeeble. DEBILITATION, de-b!l-y-t.l'-{hin. f. The aft of weakening. DEBILITY, de-bil'-i-ty. f. Weakiiefs, feeble- nefs. DEBONAIR, deb-6-na're. a. Elegant, civil, well bred. DEBONAIRLY, deb-6-na're-ly. ad. Elegantly. DEBT, det . f. That which one man owes to another; t^at which any one is obliged to do or fuftcr. DEBTED, dct'-t!d. part. a. Indebted, obliged to. DEBTOR, det'-tir. f. He that owes 7o:ne- thing to another ; one that owes money ; o;ic fide of ail account book. DECACUMINATED, du-ka-ku'-ml-ni-tlJ. a. Having the top cut off. DECADE, dek'-.ad. f. The fum of ten. DECADENCY, dc-ka'-den-ly. f. Decay, fall. DECAGON, dek'-a-gon. f. A plain figure in geometry. DECALOGUE, dek'-a-l6g. f. The ten com- mandments given by God to Mofes. To DECAMP, de-kamp'. v. a. To fliift the camp, to move off. DECAMPMENT, di-kamp'-ment. f. The aft of fliifting the camp. To DECANT, de-kant'. v. a. To pour off gently, fo as to leave the fediment behind. DECANTATION, dl-kan-ta'-fliin. f. The act of decanting. DECANTER, de-kan'-tur. f. A glafs veiTll that contains the liquor after it has been poured ofi-' clear. To DECAPITATE, de-kap'-'-tate. v. a. To behead. To DECAY, de-ka'. v. n. To lofe excellence, to decline. DECAY, dc-ka'. f. Decline from the ftate of perfection ; declenfion from profperity ; con- fumption. DECA^TR, de-ka'-ur. f. That which caufd decay. DECEASE, de-fe'fe. f. Death, departure frooj life. To DECEASE, de-fe'fe. v. n. To die, to da- part from life. DECEIT, de-fe't. f. Fraud, a cheat, a fallacy ; ftratajem, artifice, DECEITFUL, di-le't-fal. a. Fraudulent, fujl of deceit. DECEITFULLY, dc-fc't-ful-y. ad. Fr.aud- ulently. DECEITFULNESS, de-le't-ful-nls. f. Ten- dency to deceive. DECEIVABLE, di-fe'v-abl. a. Subjecl to fraud, expofed to impofture. DECEIVABLENESS, de-f(i'v-abl-n!s. f. Li- ablenefs to be deceived. To DECElVf^, de-fc'v. V. a. To b*ing inte cjTour ; to delude by ftratagcni. 1 i i DECEIVER, DEC DEC DECEIVER, dl-fe'-vur. f. One that leads another i«to errour. DECEMi^ER, dc-{err/-huT. f. The hul month of the year. DECEMPEDAL, de-fein -pe-dal. a. Havhig ten feet in length. DECEMVIRATE, da-fem'-ver-et. f. The dig- nity and ofRce of the ten governors of Rome. DECENCY, de''-fen-(^^ f. Propriety of form, becoming ceremony ; fuitablenefs to character, propriety; modefty. DECENNIAL, de-fen'-nyal. a. What conti- nues for die fpace of ten years. DECENT, de'-fent. a. Becoming, fit, fuit- ab!e. DECENTLY, de'-f^nt-ly. ad. In a proper manner, with fuitable behaviour. DECEPTIBILITY, de-fep-tl-bU'-i-ty. f. Li- abkncfs to be deceived. DECEPTIBLE, de-fep'-tibl. a. Liable to be deceived. DECEPTION, de-fcp'-ftiun. f. The aft or means of deceiving, cheat, fraud ; the ftate of being deceived. DECEPTIOUS, de-fJ p'-flu'.s. a. Deceitful. DECEPTIVE, de-fip'-t!v. a. Having the power of deceiving. DECEPTORY, d^-fJ'p'-tur-y. a. Containing means of deceit. DECERPT, dc-ferp't. a. Diminifhed, talcenoff. DECERPTIBLE, de-fcrp'-tlbl. a. That may be taken off. ' DECERPTION, de-ferp'-fliun. f. The ad of leficning, or talcing off. Dh CESSION, de-fes'-fliun. f. A departure. To DECHARM, de'-tfh;'irni. v. a. To coun- teradt a ch,..iin, to dihnchant. To DEC'DE, de-si'dc. v. a. To fix the event of, to determine ; to determine a quelhon or difpu'e. DECIDENCE, des'-sy-dcnfe. f. The quality of being filed, or of falling oft ; the ad of I'all- ■ ing avviiy. DECIDER, de-s^-dar. f. One who determines caufcs ; one who detcrmiiics quarrcK. DECIDUOUS, de-sid'-u-iis. a. Ealling, not per.nnial. 8 DECIMAL, des^-i-mal. a. Numbered by ten. To DECIMATE, ,des'-Im-ate. v. a. To tithe, to take the tenth ; to punifh every tenth foldier by lot. DECIMATION, def-fy-ma'-fiiun. f. A tith- ing, a feleclion of every tenth ; a felection by lot of every tenth foldier for punifhment. To DECIPHER, dl-s'/-fur. v. a. To explain that which is written in epithets ; to mark down in charailers ; to ftamp, to marli ; to unfold, to unravel. DECIPHERER, de-sf-fer-ur. f. One who ex- plains writings in cipher. DECISION, de-slzh'-un. f. Determination of a difference ; determination of an event. DECISIVE, dl-sf-siv. a. Having the power of determining any difference ; having the power of fettling any event. DECISIVELY, de-sf-slv-ly. ad. In a con- clufive manner. DECISIVENESS, de-sf-slv-nis. f. The power of terminating any difference, as fettling an event. DECISORY, de-si'-fur-y. z. Able to deter- mine or decide. To DECK, dek'. v. a. To overfpread ; todreisj to adorn. DECK, dck'. f. The floor of a fhip ; pack of cards piled regularly on each other. DECKER, dek'-kur. f. A dreffer. To DECLAIM, dl-kla'm. v. n. To harangue, to fpeak fet orations. DECLAIMER, de-klaV-ur. f. One who makes fpeeches with intent to move the paffions. DECLAMATION, dek-kla-ma'-fliin. f. A •difcourfc addrcffed to the paffions, an harangue. DECLAMATOR, dek'-kla-mii-tur. f. A de- claimer, an. orator. DECLAMATORY, de-khln/-ma-tur-y. a. Re- lating to the practice of declaiming ; appealing to tiie paliicns. DECLARABLE, di-kla'-rabl. a. Capable of proof. DECLARATION, dek-kU-r:/-fhun. f. A pro- clamation or affirmation, publication ; an ex- plan"tion of fomethins; doubtful ; in law, de- claration is the fhewing forth of an action per- gonal DEC DEC fonal in any fuit, though 't is ufcJ fomctimes for real actions. DECLARATIVE, cl5-kla/-a-tiv. a. Making declaration, explanatory ; making proclama- tion. DECLARATORILY, de-klar''-a-tur'-i-ly. ad. In the form of a declaration, not promiffively. DECLARATORY, dC--klar'-a-tur-y. a. Af- firmative, expreflive. To DECLARE, de-kla're. v. a. To make known, to tell evidently and openly; to puhlifh, to proclaim ; to (hew in open view. To DECLARE, do-kkV're. v. n. To make a declaration. DECLAREMEKT, da-kU're-ment. f. Difco- very, declaration, telHmony. DECLARER, d6-kla'-rur. f. One that makes any thing known. DECLENSION, de-klen'-fhun. f. Tendency from a great to a lefs degree of excellence ; de- claration, defcent ; inflexion, manner of chan- ging nouns. DECLINABLE, d^-kli'-nibl. a. Having va- riety of terminations. DECLINATION, dtk-kly-ni^Z-fnun. f. De- fcent, change from a better to a worfe Ihtc, decay ; the adl of bending down ; variation from reditude, oblique motion, obliquity; va- riation from a fixed point ; in navigation, the variation of the needle from the true meridian of any place to the Eaft or Weft ; in agrono- my, the declination of a ftar we call its fliorteft diftance from the Equator. DECLINATOR, de-klf-n/^tor. ^ ^- ^"- DECLINATORY, dl-kli'n-a-tur-) . ) .nliru- ment in dialing. To DECLINE, de-klfne. v. n. To lean down- ward ; to deviate, to run into obliquities; to fhun, to refufe, to avoid any thing ; to be im- paired, to decay. To DECLINE, de-kf/ne. v. a. To bend dov/n- ward, to bring down ; to fhun, to refufe, to be cautious of; to modify a word by various ter- " mii,„>ions. DECLINE, dc-kli'ne. f. The ftate of tendency to the worl'e, diminution, decay. f DECLIVITY, de-kllvM-ty. f. Inclination or obliquity reckoned downwards, gradual defctnt. DECLIVOUS, di-kli'-vus.'a. Gradually de- fcending, not precipitous. To DECOCT, dc-kok'^t. v. a. To prepare by boiling for any uf:-, to digeft in hot water ; tck digeft by the heat of the flomach ; to boil up to a confiftence. DECOCTIBLE, dl-kik'-tibl. a. That which may be boiled, or prepared by boiling. DECOCTION, da-kok'-fliun. f. The aft of boiling any thing ; a preparation made bv boil- ing in water. DECOCTURE, de-kok'-tfhur. f. A fubftance drawn by decoiStion. DECOLLATION, d^'-k6l-la'''-ftin. f. The act of beheading. DECOMPOSITE, de'-k6m-p6z"-It. a. Com- pounded a ftcond time. DECOMPOSITION, de'-k6m-p6-ziV-un. f. The att of compounding thing already com- pounded. To DECOMPOUND, dZ-'-kom-pou'Vl. v. a. To compofe of things already compounded. DECOMPOUND, dy-kc'.m-pGu''nd. a. Com- pofcd of things or words already compounded. '■' To DECORATE, dek'-k6-r5te. v. a. To adorn, to embellifli, to beautify. DECORATION, dek-ko-ri'-lhun. f. Orna-, ment, added beauty. DECORATOR, dek'-ko-ra-tor. f. Anadorner. DECOROUS, de-ko'-rus. a. Decent, fuitable to a charadler. To DECORTICATE, da-k'ir. f. One that proves, one that teaches. DEMONSTRATORY, d§-mons'-ftra-tir-y. a. Having the tendency to demonftrate. DEMULCENT, de-mul'-fent. a. Softening, mollifying, afluafive. To DEMUR, de-mur'. v. n. To delay a pro- cefs in law by doubts and objedions ; to doubt, to have fcruples. To DEMUR, da-mu/. V. a. To doubt of. DEMUR, de-mur'. f. Doubt, hcfuation. DEMURE, de-mu're. a. Sober, decent ; grave, afFciStedly modefl. DEMURELY, de-md're-ly. ad. With af- feiSted modefty, folemnly. DEMURENESS, de-md're-n!s. f. Modcfly, fobernefs, gravity of afpecl ; affected ijiodefty. DEMURRER, de-mur'-ir. f. Akindofpaufe upon a point of difficulty in an action. DEN, den', f. A cavern or hollow running ho- rizontally ; the cave of a wild beaft ; Den may fignity either a valley or a woody place. DENAY, de-nf. f. Denial, rcfufal. Obf. DENDROLOGY, din-drol'-l6-jy. f. The na- tural hiitory of trees. DENIABLE, de-ni'-abl. a. That which may be denied. DENIAL, de-nK-al. f. Negation, refufal. DENIER, dc-nf-ur. f. A contradictor, an op- ponent ; one that does not own or acknowledge ; a refufer, one that refufes. DENIER, dl-nl'r. f. A fmall denomination of French money. To DENIGRATE, dc-ni'-grite. v. a. To blacken. DENI-- DEN D E P DENIGRATION, d'ilni-gt:/-flu'ia. f. A black- ening, or making black. DENIZATION, den'-ny-z;/-fliun. f. The atl of infranchiOne. DENIZEN,7 , , , , C f. A freeman, one DENISON, 5 ■" '^ "^'•■"- I infr^nchifed. To DENOMINATE, dJ-nom'-y-nate. v. a. To name, to give a name to. DENOMINATION, de-nom-y-na'-fhun. f. A name given to a thing. DENOMINATIVE, dC'-nom'-y-na-tlv. a. That which gives a name ; that which obtains a dif- tintl appellation. DENOMINATOR, dc-nom'-y-nJ-tir. f. The giver of a name. DENOTATION, de-no-ta'-fhun. f. The aft of denoting. To DENOTE, de-no'tc. v. a. To mark, to be a fign of, to betoken. To DENOUNCE, de-nou'nfe. v. a. To threaten by proclamation. DENOUNCEMENT, de-nou'nfe-ment. f. The acS of proclaiming any menace. DENOUNCER, de-nou'n-fur. f. One that de- clares fome menace. DENSE, da/fe. a. Clofe, compaft, approach- ing to folidity. DENSITY, den'-s!-ty." f. Clofenefs, compaft- nefs. DENTAL, den'-tal. a. Belonging or relating to the teeth ; in grammar, pronounced princi- pally by the agency of the teeth. DENTELLI, den-tcl'-li. f. Modillions. DENTICULATION, den-t!k-u-la'-{hun. f. The flatc of being fet with fmall teeth. DENTICULATED, den-tlk'-u-la-t!d. a. Set with fmall teeth. DENTIFRICE, den'-tl-frls. f. A powder made to fcour the teeth. DENTITION, den-tift'-un. f. The aft of breeding the teeth ; the time at which child- ren's teeth are bred. ToDENUDATE, dc-nu'-date. v. a. To di- vert, to ftrip. DENUDATION, dc-nu-da'-fliun, f. The aft of ftripping. To DENUDE, de-nu'de, v. a. To ftrip,. t« make naked. DENUNCIATION, da-nun-fha'-fnun. f. The acl of denouncing, a publick menace. DENUNCIATOR, de-nun-fha'-tur. f. He that proclaims any threat; he that lays ai» inform- ation againft another. To DENY, de-ny''. v. a. To conlradiiH: an ac- cufation ; to refufe, not to grant; to difown ; to renounce, to difregard. To DEOBSTRUCT, de'-6b-ftruk't. v. a. To clear from impediments. DEOBSTRUENT, de-6b'-ftrU-ent. f. A me- dicine that has the power to refolve vifcidities. DEODAND, de'-6-dand. f. A thing given or forfeited to God for pacifying his wrath, in cafe of any misfortune, by which any Chrif- tian comes to a violent end, without the fault of any reafonable creature. To DEOPPILATE, de-6p'-pl-late. v. a. To deobfliruia, to clear a paffage. DEOPPILATION, de-op-p!-la'-fliun. f. The. adt of clearing obfi:rufl;ion?. DEOPPILAT VE, de-op'-p'-la-t'v. a. Deob- ftruent. DEOSCULATION, dc-of-ku-U'-fliun. f. The aiSt of kifling. To DEPAINT, de-pa'nt. v. a. To piaure, to defcribe by colours-; to defcribe. To DEPART, de-pa'rt. v. n. To go away from a place ; to defift from a practice ; to be loft ; to defert, to apoftatife ; to defift from a refolution or opinion ; to die, to deceafe, to leave the world. To DEPART, de-pa^rt. v. a. To quit, to leave, to retire from. To DEPART, de'-part. v. a. To divide, to feparate. DEPART, de-pa^rt. f. The aft of going away ; death ; with chymifts, an operation fo named, becaufe the particles of filver are departed or divided from gold. DEPARTER, dc-pa'r-tur. f. One that refines metals by feparation. DEPARTiMENT, de-pa'rt-ment. f. Separate 7 allot- D E P D E P allvitment, bufincfs afTigncd to a particular per ("on. DEPARTURE, d3-pa'r-tfliur. f. A going away; death, deceafe ; a forfaking, an abandoning. DEPASCENT, dc-pas'-scnt. a. Feeding greed- ily. To DEPASTURE, de-pas'-tHiur. v. a. To eat Tip, to confumc by feeding upon it. To DEPAUPERATE, de-pl'-pe-rate. v. a. To make poor. DEPECTIBLE, d?-pek'-tlbl. a. Tough, clam- my. To DEPEND, dc-pind'. v. n. To hang from ; to be in a itate of fervitude or expectation ; to be in fufpenfe ; To depend upon, to rely on, to truft to ; to be in a ftate of dependancc ; to reft upon any thing as its caufe. DEPENDANCE, dl-pen'-danfe. Tf. The ftate DEPENDANCY, da-pen'-dan-fy. j of hang- ing down from afupporter; fomething hanging upon another ; concatenation, connexion, re- lation of one thing to another ; ftate of being at the difpofal of another ; the things or perfons of which any man has the dominion ; reliance, truft, confidence. DEPENDANT, de-psn'-dant. a. In the power of another. DEPENDANT, de-pen'-dant. f. One who lives in fubjeclion, or at the difcretion of ano- ther. DEPENDENCE, de-pen'-denfc. 7 f. A thing DEPENDENCY, de-pin'-d-ln-fy. S orperfon at the difpofal or difcretion of another ; ftate of being fubordinate, or fubjeft ; that which is not principal, that which is fubordinate; con- catenation, connexion ; relation of any thing to another ; truft, reliance, confidence. DEPENDENT, de-pen''-dent. a. Hanging down. DEPENDENT, de-pen'-dent. f. One fubor- dinate. DEPENDER, de-pen'-dur. f. A dependant, one that repofes on the kindncfs of another. DEPERDITION, de-per-difn'-un. f. Lcfs, deftruction. DEPHLEGMAl ION, di'-Acg-mi/'-Mn. f. Af\ op'eration which takes away from the phlegm any fpirituous fluid by repeated diftillation. To DEPHLEGM, d5-fl<5m'. Jv.a.To To DEPHLEGMATE, de-fleg'-matc. } clear from phlegm, or aqueous infipid matter. DEPHLEGMEDNESS, de-fl-ig'-med-nls. f. The quality of being freed from phlegm. To DEPICT, de-p'k''t. v. a. To paint, to por- tray ; to defcribe to the mind. DEPILATORY, de-pf-la-tiir-y. f. An ap- plication ufed to take away hair. DEPILOUS, de-pf-liis. a. Without hair. DEPLANTATION,de'-plan-ta"-fliun. f. The ait of taking plants up from the bed. DEPLETION, de-ple'-fliun. f. The zSt of emptying. DEPLORABLE, dg-pl6'-r.abl. a. Lamentable, fad, calamitous, defpicable. DEPLORABLENESS, de-pl6'-r.Abl-ni3. f. The ftate of being deplorable. DEPLORABLY, dC-pIo'-rab-ly, ad. Lament- ably, miferably. DEPLORATE, do-pld'-rate. a. Lamentable, hopelefs. DEFLORATION, dG-p!6-ri'-fliun. f. The a^ of deploring. To DEPLORE, de-plo're. v. a. To lament, to bewail, to bemoan. DEPLORER, dl-pl6'-rur. f. A lamenter, a mourner. DEPLUiMATION, de-plii-ma'-fliin. f. Pluck- ing oft" the feathers ; in furgery, a fwelling of the eyelids, accompanied with the fall of the hairs. To DEPLUME, de-pluW. v. a. To ftrip of its feathers. To DEPONE, de-p6''ne. v. a. To lay down as a pledge or fecurity ; to rifque upon the fuc- cefs of an adventure. DEPONENT, de-po'-ncnt. f. One that de- pofes his teftimony in a court of juftice ; in grammar,, fuch verbs as have no active voice are called deponents. To DEPOPULATE, dS-p6p'-u-late. v. a. To unpeople, to lay wafte. M m m DEPO- D E P D E P DEPOPULATION, de'-pop-d-U/'-fliun. f. The act of unpeopling, havock, waftt. DEPOPULATOR, de-pV-"-la-t^''i- *"• A dil"- peopler, a deftroyer of mankind. To DEPORT, dc-p6^rt. \. a. To carry, to demean. DEPORT, d^-po''rt. f. Demeanour, behaviour. DEPORTATION, de-p6r-ta'-{hun. f. Tranf- portation, exile into a remote part of the do- minion ; exile in general. DEPORTMENT, de-p6'rt-ment. f. Condiia, management, demeanour, behaviour. To £)EPOSE, de-po'ze. v. a. To Ip.y down ; to degrade from a throne ; to take away, to di- vefl ; to give teftimony, to atteft. To DEPOSE, dc-p'^ze. v. n. To bear witntfs. DEPOSITARY, de-poz'-I-ter-y. f. One with whom any thing is lodged in truft. To DEPOSITE, de-p6zMt. v. a. To lay up, to lodge in any place ; to lay up as a pledge, or fecurity ; to lay afide. DEPOSITE, de-p6z''-it. f. Any thing com- mitted to the trufl: and care of another; a pledge, a pawn, the Itate of a thing pawned or pledged. DEPOSITION, dep-p6-z!fh'-un. f. The aft of giving publick teftimony ; the ad of degrad- ing a prince from fovereignty. DEPOSITORY, de-p6z'-i-tur-y. f. The place where any thing is lodged. DEPRAVATION, dC'-pra-vi'-fhun. f. The act of making any thing bad ; degeneracy, de- pravity. To DEPRAVE, de-pra\e. v. a. To violate, to corrupt. DEPRAVEDNESS, dd-pra'vd-nls. f. Corrup- tion, taint, vitiated tafte. DEPRAVEAJENT, dc-pra've-ment. f. A vi- tiated ibte. ■ DEPRAVER, de-pra'-vur. f. A corrupter. DEPRAVITY, de-prav'-i-ty. f. Corruption. To DEPRECATE, dcp'-pre-kate. v, a. To implore mercy of ; to beg off; to pray deliver- ance from. DEPRECATION, dep-pre-ku'-fliun, f. Prayer .i:Minll evil. DEPRECATIVE, dep'-pre-ki-tlv. 7 DEPRECATORY, dkp''-pre-kk-tii/-f. 5 ^' Tliat ferves to deprecate. To DEPRECIATE, de-pre'-flike. v. a. To bring a thing down to a lower price ; to under- value. I'o DEPREDATE, dep'-pra-date. v. a. To rob, to pillage ; to fpoil, to devour. DEPREDATION, dep-pre-di'-fiiin. f. A robbing, a fpoiling ; voracity, wafte. DEPREDATOR, ULy-pr5-da-tur. f. A rob- ber, a devourer. To DEPREHEND, dcp-pr5-hend'. v. a. To catch one, to take unawares ; to difcovcr, to find out a thing. Little ufed. DEPREHENSIBLE, dep-prl-hen'-slbl. a. That may be caught ; that may be underftood. DEPREHENSIBLENESS, dep-pre-hen'-sibl- nis. f. Capablenefs of being caught ; intelli- giblenefs. DEPREHENSION, dep-pra-hen'-fliun. f. A catching or taking unawares ^ a difcovery. To DEPRESS, de-pres^. v. a. To prefs or thruftdown; to let fall, to let down; to humble, to dejeft, to fink. DEPRESSION, dg-prefti'-un. f. The aft of preffing down; the finking or falling in of a furface ; the aO. of humbling, abafement. DEPRESSOR, de-pr^s'-sur. f. He that keept or prefles down. DEPRIVATION, dep-pry-va'-ihun. f. The aft of depriving or taking away from ; in law, is when a clergyman, as a bilhop, parfon, vicar, or prebend is depofed from his preferment. To DEPRIVE, de-prfve. v. a. To bereave one of a thing ; to put out of an office. DEPTH, dep^tR. f. Deepntfs, the meafure of any thing from the furface downwards ; deep place, not a fhoal; the abyfs, a gulph of infi- nite profundity; the middle or height of a fea- fon ; abftrufenefs, obfcurity. ToDEPTHEN, dep'-^^^n. v. a. To deepen. DEPULSION, de-piir-fhin. f. A beating or thrufting away. DEPULSORY, dc-pul'-fur-y. a. Putting or driving away. To" D E R D E S To DEPURATE, dep'-u-ratc. v. a. To pu- rify, to cleanfe. DEPURATE, dcp^-u-rate. a. CleanfoJ, freed from dregs; pure, not contaminated. DEPURATION, dcp-ii-ra'-fliun. f. The act of feparatiiig the pure from the impure part of any thing. To DEPURE, Je-pu're. v. a. To free from impurities ; to purge. DEPUTATION, dep-pu-ta'-fhun. f. The aft of deputing, or fending with a fpecial com- mlilion ; vicegerency. To DEPUTE," da-pd'te. v. a. To fend with a Ipecial commiflion, to impowcr one to tranf- acl initead of another. DEPUTY, dep^-pu-ty. f. A lieutenant, a vice- roy ; any one that tranficls bufmefs for an- other. To DEQJJANTITATE, de-kwan'-tl-tate. v. a. To diminifli the quantity of. To DERACINATE, dl-ras'-fy-nate. v. a. To plucic or tear up by the roots. ToDERA'IGN, ^ ,, r v. a. To prove. To DERAIN, 5 "^ "^* i to juftify. DERAY, de-ra'. f. Tumult, diforder, noife. DERELICTION, dl-rl-llk'-fhim. f. An utter forfaking or leaving. To DERIDE, de-rfde. v. a. To laugh at, to mock, to turn to ridicule. DERIDER, de-rf-dur. f. A mocker, a fcoffer. DERISION, de-rlzh'-un. f. The ad of derid- iijg or laughing at ; contempt, fcorn, a laugh- ing-ftock. DERISIVE, de-ri -siv. a. Mocking, fcofF- ing. DERISORY, de-ri'-fur-y. a. Mocking, ridi- culing. DERIVABLE, d^-rfve-abl. a. Attainable by right of dcfccnt or derivation. DERIVATION, dh-y-vif-ihun. f. The tra- cing of a word from its original ; the tracing of any thing from its fource ; in medicine^ the drawing of a humour from one part of the body to another. DERIVATIVE, de-rlv'-i-tlv. a. Derived or taken from another. DERIVATIVE, di-ilv'-k-uv. f. The thing or word derived or taken from another. DERIVATIVELY, d^-rlv'-a-tiv-ly. ad. In a derivative manner. To DERR'E, de-ri've. v. a. To turn theco\irfe of any thing ; to deduce from its original; to conununicate to another, as from the origin and fource ; in grammar, to trace a word from its origin. To DERIVE, de-ri ve. v. n. To come from, to owe its origin to ; to defcend from. DERIVER, dc-ri've-ur. f. One that drav/s or fetches from the original. DERNIER, dern-ya're. a. Laft. To DEROGATE, der'-6-gite. v. a. To lefTen the worth of any perfon or thing, to difparage. To DEROGATE, der'-6-gate. v. n. To de- tract. DEROGATE, der'-6-gate. a. Leffened in va- lue. DEROGATION, der-6-ga'-fhin. f. A difpa- raging, leffening or taking away the worth of any perfon or thing. DEROGATIVE, de-rog'-a-tlv. a. Deroga- ting, leffening the value. DEROGATORILY, dC-rog''-a-tur'-y-ly. ad. In a detracting manner. DEROGATORINESS, d0-r6g''-a-tur'-y-nis. f. The aft of derogating. DEROGATORY, dl-rog'-a-tur-y. a. That leffens the value of. DERVIS, der'-vls. f. A Turkifh pricft. DESCANT, des^-kant. f. A fong or tune ; a , difcourfe, a difputation, a difquilition branched out into feveral divifions or heads. To DESCANT, def-kant'. v. n. To harangue, to difcourfe at large. To DESCEND, de-fend', v. n. To come from a higher place to a lower ; to come down ; to come fuddenly, to fall upon as an enemy ; to make an invafion ; to proceed from an original ; to fall in order of inheritance to a fucceffor ; to extend a difcourfe from general to particular confiderations. To DESCEND, di-fend'. v, a. To walk down- ward upon any place. DESCEND- D E S D E S DESCENDANT, d3-fcn'-dlnt. f. The off- fpriiig of an anccftor. DESCENDENT, de-fen'-dent. a. Falling, finking, coming down ; proceeding from ano- ther as an original or anceftor. DESCENDIBLE, dc-fen'-dibl. a. Such as may be defcended ; tranfmiflible by inheritance. DESCENSION, d:-fen'-{hun. f. The aft of falling or finking, defcent ; a declenfion, a de- gradation. DESCENT, da-fent''. f. The act of paffing from a higher place ; progrefs downwards ; in- vafion, hoftile entrance into a kingdom ; tranf- miffion of any thing by fucceflion and inherit- ance ; the ftate of proceeding from an original or progenitor; birth, extraflion, procefs of li- jicagc ; offspring, inheritors ; a fingle ftep in the fcale of genealogy; a rank in the fcale or order of being. To DESCRIBE, d!f-krfbe. v. a. To mark out any thing by the mention of its properties ; to delineate, to make out, as a torch waved about the head defcribes a circle ; to diftribute into -proper heads or diyjiions ; to define in a lax manner. DESCRIBER, dlf-krl'-bur. f. He that de- fcribes. DESCRIER, d!i-kri'-ur. f. A difcoverer, a deteiScr. DESCRIPTION, d!f-kriV-ihun. f. The afl of dcfcribing or making out any perfon or thing by perceptible properties ; the fentence or paf- fage in which any thing is defcribed ; a lax de- finition ; thequalitiesexprefledinadefcription. To DESCRY, dis-krf . v. a. To fpy out, to examine at a diftaiice ; to difcover, to perceive by the eye, to fee any thing diftant or abfent. DESCRY, dif-krf.'f. Difcovery, thing dif- covered. Not in ufe. To DESECRATE, des'-se-krate. v. a. To di- vert from the purpofe to which any thing is confecrated. DESECRATION, def-fc-kri'-fhim. f. The abolition of confecration. JDESERT, dez'-ert. f. Wildernefs, v/afle coun- try, uninhabited place. DESERT, dcz'-ert. a. Wild, wafte, folitar/* To DESERT, de-zert'. v. a. Toforfake; to fall away from, to quit meanly or treacheroufly ; to leave, to abandon; to quit the army, or re- giment, in which one is enlifted. DESERT, de-zert'. f Qualities or co.nduft con- fidered with refpecl to rewards or punifhments, degree of merit or demerit j excellence, right ta reward, virtue. DESERTER, tie-zer'-tur. f. He that has for- fakcn his caufe or his poft ; he that leaves the army in which he is enlifted j he that forfakes another. DESERTION, de-zer'-Ihun. f. The afl of forfaking or abandoning a caufe or poft. DESERTLESS, de-z«rt'-]is. a. Without merit. To DESERVE, de-zerv'. v. a. To be worthy of either good or ill ; to be worthy of reward. DESERVEDLY, de-zer'-ved-ly. ad. Worthily, according to defert. DESERVER, dc-zer -viir. f. A man who me- rits rewards. DESICCANTS, de-slk'-kants. f. Applications that dry up the flow of fores, driers. To DESICCATE, de-sik'-kate. v. a. Todty up. DESICCATION, de-sik-kr-fhun. f. The ad of making dry. DESICCATIVE, de-sik'-ka-tiv. a. That which has the power of drj'ing. To DESIDERATE, de-sld'-e-rate. ,v. a. To want, to mifs. Not in ufe. To DESIGN, de-zf ne. v. a. To purpofe ; to form or order with a particular purpofe ; to de- vote intentionally ; toplan, toprojeiSl; to mark out. DESIGN, de-sfne. f. An intention, a purpofe; a fcheme, a plan of adion ; a fcheme formed to the detriment of another ; the idea which an artift endeavours to execute or exprefs. DESIGNABLE, de-^i'ne-abL a. Diftinguifh- able, capable to be particularly marked out. DESIGNATION, des-slg-na'-fhun. f The aft of pointing or m.nrking out; appointment, di- rection ; import, intention. DESIGNEDLY, de-zl^nc-d-ly. ad. Purpofely, intentionally. DESIGNER, D E S D E S DESrGNER, dc-zi'-nar. f. A plotter, a con- triver ; one that forms the idea of any thing in painting or fculpture. DESIGNING, de-zi -ning. part. a. Infidious, treaciierous, deceitful. DESIGNLESS, de-zi^ne-lls. a. Unknowing, inadvertent. DESIGNLESSLY, de-zfne-lis-ly. ad. With- out intention, ignorantly, inadvertently. DESIGNAIENT, de-zfne-ment. f. A plot, a malicious intention ; the idea, or fketch of a wark. ~ DESIRABLE, de-zfre-abl. a. Pleafing, de- lightful ; that which is to be wiflied with ear- nc-ftnefs. DESIRE, de-zfre. f. Willi, eagernefs to ob- tain or enjoy. To DESIRE, de-zfre. v. a. To wifli, to long for ; to exprefs wifhes, to long ; to afk, to intreat. DESIRER, de-zf-rur. f. One that is eager af- ter any thing. DESIROUS, d!-z!^-rus. a. Full of defire, eager, longing after. DESIROUSNESS, de-zwuf-nls. f. Fulnefs of defire. DESIROUSLY, dc-zfruf-ly. ad. Eagerly, with defire. To DESIST, de-zift'. v. n. To ceafe from any thing, to flop. DESISTANCE, de-zls'-ier.fe. f. The .ad of defining, ceflation. DESISTIVE, de-zls'-tlv. a. Ending, con- cluding. DESK, defk'. f. An inclining t;ible for the ufe of writers or readers. DESOLATE, des'-so'-late. a. Without inha- bitants, uninhabited j deprived of inhabitants, laidwafta; folitary, without fociety. To DESOLATE, des'-s6-lite. v. a. To de- prive of inhabitants. DESOLATELY, des'-s6-lkc-ly. ad. Liade- folate manner. DESOLATION, dcf-f6-la'-fliun. f. Deftruc- tion of inhabitants; gloumiiiefs, melancholy i a place wafted and forfaken. DESPAIR, di'f-pi're, f. Hopelcfiicf-,-, d'ofpond- ence ; that which caufes defpair, that of which there is no hope ; in theology, lofs of confi- dence in the mercy of God. To DESPAIR, d!f-pa're. v, n. To be without hope, to defpond. DESPAIRER, dlf-pa'-rur. f. Onewithout hopf. DESPAIRINGLY, d!f-pl're-Ing-l_{'. ad. In a manner betpkening hopclefnefs. To DESPATCH, dlf-patfli'. v. a. To fand away haftily; to fend out of the world, to put to death; to perform a bufinefs quickly; t» conclude an altair with another. DESPATCH, dif-patfli". f. H.ifty execution ; exprefs, hally meflenger or mellage. DESPATCHFUL, dlf-patfli'-fill. a. Bent on hafte. DESPERATE, des'-pc-rct. a. Without hope ; without care of fafety, rafli ; irretrievable; mad, hot-brained, furious, DESPERATELY, des'-p5-ret-ly. ad. Furi- oufly, madly; in a great degree : this knk ii ludicrous. DESPERATENESS, des'-pl-rct-nls. f. Mad- nefs, fury, precipitance. DESPERATION, def-pe-ra'-Ihim. f. Hopc- lefnefs, defpair. DESPICABLE, des'-py-kabl. a. Contempt- ible, mean, worthlefs. DESPICABLENESS, des'-py-kabl-n!s. f.Mcan- ncfs, vilenefs. DESPICABLY, des'-py-kab-ly. ad. Aleanly, ford idly. DESPISABLE, dlf-pi^-zabl. a. Contemptible, regarded with contempt. To DESPISE, dlf-pl'ze. v. a. To fcorn, to contemn. DESPISER, dif-pi -zur. f. Contemner, fcorner. DESPITE, d!f-pfte. f. iMidice, anger, defi, ance ; ad of malice. DESPITEFUL, dlf-pfte-fal. a. Malicious, full of fplcen. DESPITEFULLY, dif-pi'ti-fdl-y. ad. Mali, licioufly, malignantly. DESPITEFULNESS, d!f-pftc-ful-nis. f. Ma- lice, iiate, malignity. N n n T» D E S D E T To DESPOIL, dif-poi'l. V. a. To rob, to dc- puvc. DESPOLIATION, £,ThN- D E T D E V DETENTION, dc-ten'-fiiun. f. The r.a of keeping what belongs to another ; confinement, reftraint. To DETER, dc-te/, v. a. To difcourage from any thing. DETERMENT, de-ter'-mJat. f. Caufe of difcouragcment. To DETERGE, dc-tcr je. ^ . a. To cleanfc a fore. DETERGENT, de-ter'-jent. a. That which cleanfcs. DETERIORATION, de-te'-ry6-ri''-fln'm. f. The act of making any thing worfe. DETERMINABLE, dl-ter'-mi-nabl. a. That which may be certainly decided. , DETERMINATE, dl-ter'-ml-net. a. Limited; eftabliflied ; conclufive; fixed, refolute. DETERAIINATELY, de-ter'-mi-net-Iy. ad. Refolutely, with fixed refolve. DETERMINATION, de-ter-ml-na'-lhiin. f. Abfolute direction to a certain end ; the refult of deliberation ; judicial decifion.- DETERMINATivE,de-cer'-mI-nA-t!v.a.That which uncontrollably directs to a certain end > that which makes a limitation. DETERMINATOR, dc-ter'-mi-na-tir. f. One who determines. To DETERMINE, de-ter'-min. v. a. To fix, to fettle ; to fix ultimately ; to adjuft, to limit; to influence the choice ; to refolve ; to decide; to put an end to, to deftroy. To DETERMINE, de-tir'-mJn. v. n. To con- clude ; to end ; to come to a dccifion ; to re- folve concerning any thing. DETERRATION, de'-ter-rr'-fhun. f. Dif- covery of any thing by removal of the earth. DE TERSION, de-tcr'-fhim. f. The aft of cleanfing a fere. DETERSIVE, .dc-ter'-slv. a. Having the power to cleanfc.. Dl^ TERSIVE, de-tcr'-slv. f. An application that nas the power of cleanfing wounds. To DETEST, de-teft'. v. a. To hate, to ab- hor. DETESTABLE, di-tcs'-tabl. a. Hateful, ab- h(jii\.d,. DETESTABLY, dc-tcV-tab-fy. ad. Hate- fully, abciniiwbly, DETESTATION, da-tef-ta'-fhun. f. Hatred, abhorrence, abomination. DETESTER, dc-tcs'-tir. f. One that hates. To DETHRONE, de-ttiro'ne. v. a. To divcft of regality, to throw down from the throne. DETINUE, d5-th/-u. f. A writ that lies againft him, who, having goods or chattels de- livered him to keep, refufes to deliver thciiv again. DETONATION, de-to-n^L^-fhun. f. Some^ what more forcible than the ordijiary crackling of falts in calcination, as in the going oft" of the pulvis or aurum fulminans, or the like. To DETONIZE, d^'-to-nize. v. a. To cal- cine with detonation. To DETORT, de-tort', v. a. To wreft from the original import. To DETRACT, de-trak't. v. a. To derogate, to take av/ay by envy and calumny. DETRACTER, de-trak'-tur. f. One that takes away another's reputation. DETRACTION, de-trak'-fhun. f. The a* of taking off from any thing; fcandal, ca- lumny. DETRACTORY, da-trak'-t'ir-y. a. Defa- matory by denial of defert, derogatory. DETRAC'tRESS, de-trak'-tres. f. A-cenf)- rious woman. DETRIMENT, det'-trj-mcnt. f. Lofs, da- mage, mifchief. DETRIMENTAL, det-try-men'-tul. a. Mif- chievous, harmful, caufing Iof>. To DETRUDE, de-tro'de. v. a. To thruH down, to force into a lower place. To DETRUNCATE, dc-trunk'-dte. v. a. To lop, to cut, to fhiutttn. ^ DETRUN CATION, d-i-trunk-a'-Jhuri. f. The- ait of lopping. - DE TRUSlON, de tro'-zhin. f. The ad of thrufling down. DEVAij rATlON,,de-vaf-ta'-flii!in. f. Waftc, havock. DEUCE, '■ :'r . f. Two. ToJEVeL^FE, dc-vel'-up. v. a. To diC engage D E V D E ^V engage from fomcthing that enfolds and con- ceals. ' DEVERGENCE, de-ve/-jens. f. Declivity, declination. To DEVEST, de-veft'. v. a. To ftrip, to de- prive of cloaths ; to take away any thing good ; to free from any thing bad. DEVEX, de-veks'. a. Bending down, decli- vous. DEVEXITY, de-vek'-sl-ty. f. Incurvation, downwards. To DEVIATE, de'-vyatc v. n. To wander from the right or common vvaj ; to go aflray, to err, to firu DEVIATION, d^-vy-V-fhun. f. " The a^ of quitting the right way, error ; variation from ellabliflied rule; ofFence, obliquity of conducl. DEVICE, de-vffe. f. A contrivance, a Iha- .tagem ; a defign, a fcheme formed ; the em- blem on a fhield ; invention, genius. DEVIL, dev''l. f. A fallen angel, the tempter and fpiritual enemy o/ mankind; a wicked man or woman. DEVILISH, dev'1-Ifh. a. Partaking of the qualities of the devil ; an epithet of abhorrence or contempt. DEVILISHLY, dev'l-Ifh-ly. ad. In a manner fuiting the devil. DEVIOUS, de'-vyus. a. Out of the common track ; wandering, roving, rambling ; erring, going aftray from redtitude. To DEVISE, de-vrze. v, a. To contrive, to invent ; to grant by will. To DEVISE, de-vi'ze. v. n. To confidcr, to cont''i\c. DEVISE, de-vfze. f. The ad of givingor be- queathing by will. DEVISE, de-vi'fe. f. Contrivance. DEVISER, de-vi -zur. f. A contriver, aji in- venter. DEVITABLE, dev'-i-tabl. a. Poflible to be avoided. DEVlTAlTON, de-v:-tu'-fhun. f. The ad of efcnping. DEVOID, de-voi'd. a. Empty, vacant ; with- out an. ihin^j wlieth.r good or evil. DEVOIR, de-voi^r. f. Service; aiEl oi civility or obfoquioufnefs. To DEVOLVE, de-v6lv'. v. a. To roll down; to move from one hand to another. To DEVOLVE, da-volv-. v. n. Toflill in fuc- ceffion into new hands. DEVOLUTION, dl-vo-Ur-lhun. f. The a^ of rolling down ; removal from hand to hand. To DEVOTE, de-\6'te. v. a. To dedicate, to ■confecrate; to addict, to give up to ill ; tocurfe; to execrate. DEVOTEDNESS, de-v6'-ted-nis. f. The ftaie of being devoted or dedicated. DEVOTEE, dev-v6-te'. f. One erroneoufly or fuperllitioufiy religious, a bigot. DEVOTION, de-v6'-fhun. f. Piety, acts of religion ; an aft of external worfiiip ; prayer, expreffion of devotion ; the ftate of the mind under a ftrong fenfe of dependence upon God ; an aft of reverence, refpeft, or ceremony ; ftrong afFeftion, ardent love ; difpofal, power. DEVOTIONAL, dl-vo'-lhO-aal. a. Pertaiiir ing to devotion. DEVOTIONALIST, de-vd'-fho-na-llit. f. 4 man zealQus without knowledge. To DEVOL^R, de-vou'r. v. a. To eat up ra- venoufly ; to deftroy or confume with rapidity and violence ; to fwallow up, to annihilate. DEVOURER, de-vou'-rur. f. A confumer, he that devours. DEVOUT, de-vou't. a. Pious, religious, de- voted to holy duties; filled with pious thoughts; expreflive of devotion or piety. DEVOUTLY, de-vou't-ly. ad. Pioufly, with ardent devotion, religioufly. DEUSE, du'fc. f. The devU. DEUTEROGAMY, dJ-tcr-6g'-a-my. f. A fe- cond marriajre. DEUTERONOMY, du-ter-6n'-6-my. f. Th« fecond book of the law, being the fifth book of Mofes. DEW, du'. f. The moifture upon the ground. To DEW, du'. v. a. To wet as with dew, to moiftcn. DEWBERRY, dd'-ber-ry. f. The fruit of a fpecies of bramble. DEW- D I A D I A DEWBESPRENT,di'-bc-fprent". part. Sprin- kled with dew. DEWDROP, du'-drop. f. A drop of dew which fparklcs at fun-rife. DEWLAP, du'-lap. f. The fiefh that hangs down from the throat of oxen. DEWLAPT, -du'-lapt. a. Furniflicd with dew- laps. DEWWORM, da'-wu:m. f. A worm found in dew. DEWY, du'-y. a. Rtfembiing dew, partaking of dew ; moift with dew. DEXTER, deks'-ter. a. The right, not the left. DEXTERITY, dekf-ter'-!-ty. f. Readinefs of limbs, aftivity, readinefs to obtain fkil! ; readi- nefs of contrivance. DEXTEROUS, deks'-te-rus. a. Expert at any manual employment, active, ready ; expert in management, fubtle, full of expedients. DEXTEROUSLY, deks'-t^-ruf-ly. ad. Ex- pertly, fkilfully, artfully, DEXTRAL, deks'-tral. a. The right, not the left. DEXTRALITY, dekf-tral'-I-ty. f. The ftate of being on the right fide. DIABETES, di-a-be'-tis. f. A morbid copiouf- nefs of urine. DIABOLICAL, dI-a-b6l'-!-kil.T a. Devililh, DIABOLICK, di-d-bil'-!k. i partaking of the qualities of the devil. DIACODIUM, di-a-ko^-dyum. f. The fyrup of poppies. DI ACOUSTICS, di-a-kou-'f-uks. f. The doc- trine of founds. DIADEM, di^-a-dem. f. A tiara, an enfign of royalty bound about the head of eaitern mo- narchs ; the mark of royalty worn on the head, the crown. DIADEMED, d^-a-demd. a. Adorned v/ith a diadem. DIADROM, di'-a-drom. f. The time in which any motion is performed. DLT-RESIS, dl-e'-re-bi's. f. The reparation or disjunction cf fyllables. T)IAGN0STICK, di-ag-nos'-tl:<. f. A fymn- tom by which a difcafe is di/linguiflied from others. * DIAGONAL, di-ag'-6-nal. a. Reaching from one angle to another. DIAGONAL, di-ig'-a-nil. f. A line drawn from angle to angle. DIAGONALLY," dr-p.g'-5-na]-y. ad. In a di- agonal direction. DIAGRAM, df-:\-gram. f. A delineation of geometrical figures, a mathematical fcheme. DIAL, dl -al. f. A plate marked with lines, where a hand or fhadow {hews the hour. DIAL-PLATE, df-al-plate. f. That on which hours or lines are marked. DIALECT, dr-a-lekt. f. The fubdivifion of a language ; frile, manner of expreffion ; language, fpeech. DIALECTICAL, di-a-kV-tl-kal. a. Logical, argumental. DIALECTICK, di-a-lek'-tlk. f. Logick, the art of reafoning. DIALING, di'-al-ling. f. The art of making dials ; the knowledge of fhadows. DIALIST, dr-al-lift. f. A conftrufterof dials. DIALOGIST, dl-al'-l6-jlft. f. A fpeaker in a dialogue or conference. DIALOGUE, df-a-log. f. A conference, a converfation between two or more. DIALISIS, di-al'-l-sls. f. The figure in rhe- torick by which fyllables or words are divided. DIAMETER, di-W-e-tur. f. The line which, pnffing through the center of a circle, or other curvilinear figure, divides it into equal parts. DIAMETRAL, di-am'-me-tral. a. Defcribing the diameter. DIAMETRALLY, d!-am'-ml-tral-y. ad. Ac- cording to the direflion of a diameter. DIAMETRICAL, dUm-mef'-tri-ku!. a. De- fcribing a diameter j obferving the diiedlon of a diameter. DIAMETRICALLY, dt-a-mct'-tri-k^l-^. ad. In a diametrical diredtion ; directly. DIAMOND, di'-mund. f. The moft valuable and hardelt of all the gems. DIAPASON, di-a-piZ-zon. f. A term in mu- fick ; an octave, the molt perfect concord. O o DIAPER, D I C D I E DIAPER, di^-;\-pur. f. Linen cloth woven in figures ; a napkifi. To DIAPER, df-a-pur. v. a. To variegate, to diveifify ; to draw flowers upon cldaihs. DIAPHANEITY, di-a-fa-ne''-i-ry. f. Tranf- parency, pcllucidnefs. DIAPHANICK, di-a-fan'-ik. a. Tranfparent, pellucid. DIAPHANOUS, di-af'-fa-nis. a. Tranfpa- rent, clear. DIAPHORETICK, di-i-f6-rct'-llc. a. Sudo- rifick, promoting a pcrfpiration. DIAPHRAGM, df-a-fram. f. The midrif? which divides the upper cavity of the body from the lower ; any divifion or partition which di- vides a hollow body. DIARRHOEA, di-^r-re'-a. f. A flux of the belly. DIARRHOE71CK, di-ar-ret'-lk. a. Promoting the flux of the belly, folutive, purgative. DIARY, di -a-ry. f. An account of every day, a journal. DIASTOLE, di-as'-to-le. f. A figure in rhe- torick, by which a fhort fyllable is made long ; the dilatation of the heart. DIATESSERON, d!-a-tcs'-se-ron. f. An in- terval in mufick. DIBBLE, dVl. f- A fmall fpade. DICACITY, di-kas'-si-ty. f. Pertnefs, fau- cinefs. DIBSTONE, dlb'-fldne. f. A little flone which children throw at another flone. DICE, dlTe. f. The plural of Die. See DIE. DICE-BOX, dffe-boks. f. Tne box from whence the dice are thrown. DICER, df-fur. f. A player at dice, a gamefter. To DICTATE, dlk'-iate. v. a. To deliver to another with authority. DICTATE, dik'-tate. f. Rule or maxim de- livered with authority. DICTATION, dik-ta'-fliin. f. The act or praclica of dictating. DICTATOR, dlk-tu'-tor. f. A magillrate of Rome made in times of exigence, and inveflcd with abfoliite authority ; one invefted witli ab- folutc authority ; one whofe credit or authority enables him to direiSt the cor.da£l: or opinion of other?. DICTATORIAL, dlk-ta-to'-ryal. a. Autho- ritative, confident, dogmatical. DICTATORSHIP, dik-ta'-tur-fhlp. f. Tlic office of a dictator; authority, infolent con- fidence. DICTATURE, dlk-ta'-tfliir. f. Thepfficeof a didtator. DICTION, dlk'-fhun. f. Stile, language, ex- prefiion. DICTIONARY, dlk'-fliO-ner-y. f. A book containing the words of any language, a vo- cabulary, a word-book. DID, did'. The preterite of Do ; the ftgn of the prctcr-imperfe£t tcnfe. DIDACTICAL, dUik'-t!-kal. l a. Precep- DIDACTICK, di-dak'-tlk. i tive, giving precepts. DIDAPPER, di'-dap-pur. f. A bird that dives into the water. DIDASCALICK, di-das'-ka-llk. a. Precep- tive, didadlick. DIDST, did'll. The fecond perfon of the pretcr tenfeofDo. See DID. To DIE, dy'. V. a. To tinge, to colour. DIE, dy'. f. Colour, tincture, flain, hue ac- quired. To DIE, dy^ y. n. To lofe life, to expire, to pafs into another ftate of exiltence ; to perilh, to come to nothing j in theology, to perifh everlaflingly ; to languifh with pleafure or ten- dernefs; to wither as a vegetable} to grow va- pid, as liquor. DIE, df. f. pi. DICE, diTc. A fmall cube, marked on its faces wich numbers from or.e to fix, which gameflers throw in play; hazard, chance ; any cubick body. DIE, df . f. pi. DIES, di'ze. The ftamp ufed in coinage. DIER, dy'-ur. f. One who follows the trade of dying. DIET, df-et. f. Food, vi<5tuals ; food regu- lated by the rules of medicine. To DIET, di^-it. v. a. To give food to ; to board, to fupply with diet. To D I F D I G To DIET, di'-et. V. n. To cat by rules of phy- fick ; to cat, to feed. DIET, di''-et. f. An aflembly of princes or eftatcs. DIET-DRINK, di'-ct-drlnk. f. Medicated li- quors. DIETARY, df-ct-ti-ry. a. Pertaining to the rules of diet. DIETER, di'-it-tur. f. One who prefcribes rules for eating. DIETETICAL, di-e-tet'-i-kal. ?f. Relating to DIETETICK, di-l-tet'-Ik. ^ diet, belong- ing to the medicinal cautions about the ufe of food. To DIFFER, d!f^-fur. v. n. To be diftinguifiied from, to have properties and qualities not the fame with thofe of another; to contend, to he at variance ; to be of a contrary opinion. DIFFERENCE, dlf^-fC-renfe. f. State of be- ing diilindt from fomething ; the quality by which one differs from another; the difpro- portion between one thing and another ; dis- pute, debate, quarrel ; diftindlion ; point in queftion, ground of contfoverfy ; a logical dif- tinction. DIFFERENT, dif'-fc-rent. a. Diftindl, not the fame ; of many contrary qualities; unlike, di.nimilar. DIFFERENTLY, d!f'-fe-rent-ly. ad. In a dif- ferent manner. DIFFICIL, dlf'-fl-sll. a. Difficult, hard, not eafy ; fcrupulous. Not in ufe. DIFFICULT, dlf'-f i-kult. a. Hard, not eafy ; hard pleafe, Hard I', troublefome, vexatious pccvifli. DIFFICULTLY, dif'-fi-kult-ly. with difficulty. DIFFICULTY, d!f'-fl-kul-ty. f. Hardnef?, contrariety to eafmefs ; that which is hard to accompliih; diftrefs, oppofition ; perplexity in affairs ; objection, cavil. .ToDIFFIDE, dif-frdc. v. n. To diftruft, to have no confidence in. DIFFIDENCE, dif'-f'-d'nfe. f. DiAruft, want of confidence. 6 DIFFIDENT, dlf-fl-dcnt. a. Not confident, not certain. To DIFFIND, dlf-flnd'. v. a. To cleave in two. DIFFISSION, dif-flfl/-un. f. The ad of cleaving. DIFFLATION, dlf-fla'-fhin. f. The acl of fcattering with a blafl: of wind. DIFFLUENCE, dif'-fid-^nfc. ; f. Thequa- DIFFLUENCY, d!f '-flu-en-fy. i lity of tailing away on all fides. DIFFLUENT, dlf'-flu-cnt. a. Flowing every way, not fixed. DIFFORM, dif'-form. a. Contrary to uni- form, having parts of different ftrudure, as a difform flower, one, of v.fhich the leaves are un- like each other. DIFFORMITY, dlf-fi'r-ml-ty. f. Diverfity of form, irregularity, diffimilitude. To DIFFUSE, dif-fi/ze. v. a. To pour out upon a plane; to fpread, to fcatter. DIFFUSE, dif-fi/fe. a. Scattered, widely fpread ; copious, not concife. DIFFUSED, dlf-fii'zd. part. a. Wild, uncouth, irregular. DIFFUSEDLY, d!f-fi'/zd-ly. ad. Widely, dif- perfedly. DIFFUSEDNESS, dlf-fu'zd-nls. f. Thel^ate. of being difFufed, difperfion. DIFFUSELY, dIf-fuTc-ly. ad. Widely, ex- tenfively ; copioufly, DIFFUSION, dif-fl'-zhun. f. Difperfion, the ftate of being fcattered every way ; copioufnefs, exuberance of ftile. DIFFUSIVE, dif-fu'-siv. a. Having the qua- lity of fcattering any thing every way; fcat- tered, difperfed ; extended, in full extenfion. DIFFUSIVELY, dlf-fii'-slv-ly. ad. "Widely, cxtenfively. DIFFUSIVENESS, d!f-fu'-siv-nls. f. Exten- fion, difperfion; want of concifenefs. To DIG, dig'. V. a. preter. Dug or Digged, part, pair. Dug or Digged. To pierce with a fpade; to cultivate tlie ground by turning it with a fpadt; to pierce with a fnarp point. To D I-P D I R To DING, ding', v. a. TodafIiwithvioler.ee; to imprefs with force. , . , To DING, ding', v. n. To bluflcr, to bounce, to huiF. DING-DONG, ding-dong', f; A word by which the found of bells is imitated. DINGLE, ding'l. (. A hollow between hills. DINING-ROOM, dl'-ning-r3m. f. The prin- cipal apartment, of the houfe. DINNER.,. dli/.-Wr-. A . .Th? chief, meal, the meal eaten about the middle of the day. DINNE5.tTIMEj din -nur-time. f. The time of dining. DINTj diiit'. L. A blow, a ftro.ke ; the mark made by a blow ; violence, force, power. To DINT, dint', .v.. a. Taujark with a cavity by a blow. DINUMERATION, df-nd-me-ra'-fliun. f. The acl of numbering out fmgly. DIOCESAN, di-os'-se-san. f. A bifliop as he flands related to his own clergy or flock. DIOCESS, df-o-sis. f. The circuit of every bifhop's jurifdiction. DIOPTRICAL, di-6p'-ti!-kal. 7 f. Affording a DIOPTRICK, di-op'-trik. 5 medium for the fight, aflifting the fight in the view of dif- tant objefts. DIOPTRICKS, di-6p'-triks. f. A part of op- ticks, treating of the different refradlions of the light. DIORTHROSIS-, di-or-tlTro'-sIs. f. An ope- ration by which crooked niembers are made even. To DIP, dip . V. a. To immerge, to put into any liquor J to moiften, to wet; to engage in any affair ; to engage as a pledge. To DIP, dtp'. V. n. To immerge ; to pierce ; to enter flightly into any thing ; to drop by chance into any mafs, to chufe by chance. DIPCHICK, dip'-tftiik. f. The name of a bird. DIPETALOUS, di-p I s DIS ANIMATION, dlf-an-y-mi'-fliun. f. Pri- vation of life. To DISANNUL, dlf-an-nul'. v. a. To annul, to deprive of authority, to vacate. DISANNUL?.iENT, dif-an-nul'-ment. f. The aft of making void. To DISAPPEAR, dif-ap-piV v. n. To be loft to view, to vanifli out of fight. To DISAPPOINT, dif-ap-poi'nt. v. a. To de- feat of expedation, to balk. DISAPPOINTMENT, dlf-ap-poi'nt-ment. f. Defeat of hopes, mifcarriage of expectations. DISAPPROBATION, dll-ap-pro-ba'-fliun. f. Cenfure, condemnation. To DISAPPROVE, d!f-ap-pri'v. v. a. To diflilie, to cenfure. To DISARM, diz-a'rm. v. a. To fpoil or di- vert of arms. To DISARRAY, dlf-ar-ri'. v. a. To imdrefs any one. DISARRAY, dll'-ar-rf. f. Diforder, confu- fion ; undrefs. DISASTER, dlz-as'-tur. f. The blaft or ftroke of an unfavourable planet ; misfortune, grief, mifliap, mifery. To DISASTER, dlz-as'-tur. v. a. To blafc by an unfavourable ftar ; to" afflift, to mifchief. DISASTROUS, diz-as'-trus. a. Unlucky; unhappy, calamitous ; gloomy, threatning mif- fortune. DISASTROUSLY, dlz-as'-trui"-ly. ad. In a difmal manner. DISASTROUSNESS, diz-as'-truf-nls. f. Un- luckinefs, unfortunatenefs. ToDISAVOUCH, dif-a-vou'tfn. v. a. Tore- trad profeffion, to difown. To DISAVOW, dlf-a-vow'. v. a. To difown, to deny knowledge of. DISAVOWAL, dlf-a-vow'-al. f. Denial. DISAVOWMENT, dif-a-vow'-ment. f. De- nial. To DISAUTHORISE, dif-a'-tfi6-rize. v. a. To deprive of credit or authority. To DISBAND, dif-bind'. v. a. To difmifs from military fcrvice. To DISBAND, dlf-band'. v. n. To retire from military fervice ; to feparate. ToDISBARK, dif-ba'rk. v. a. To land from a fliip. DISBELIEF, dif-ba-irf. f. Refufa! of credit, denial of belief. To DISBELIEVE, dlf-ba-lSV. v. a. Not to credit, not to hold true. DISBELIEVER, dlf-bi-ll'-vur. f. One who refufes belief. To DISBENCH, dlf-bentfh'. v. a. To drive from a feat. To DISBRANCH, dlf-brAntfh'. v, a. To fe- parate or break ofF. Tt) DISBUD, d!f-bud'. v. a. To take away the fprigs newly put forth. To DISBURDEN, dif-bur'-dm. v. a. To un- load, to difencumber ; to throw off a burden. To DISBURDEN, d!f-bur'-din. v. n. To eafe the mind. To DISBURSE, tlif-.bur'fe. v. a. To fpend or lay out money. DISBURSEMENT, dif-burs'-ment. f. A dif- burfing or laying out. DISBURSER, dif-biir'-fur. f. One that dif- burfes. DISCALCEATED, dlf-kal'-fl-l-tld. ?. Strip- ped of Ihoes. DISCALCEATION, dif-kal-fe-a'-fhin. f. The a6l of pulling oft" the faces. To DISCANDY, dif-kan'-dy. v. n. To dif- folve, to melt. To DISCARD, d!f-ka'rd. v. a. To throw out of the hand fuch cards as are ufelefs ; to dif- charge or ejeft from fervice or employment. DISCARNATE, dlf-ka'r-nate. a. Stripped of flefh. ToDISCASE, dif-ka'fe. v. a. To ftrip, to un- drefs. To DISCERN, diz-zern^ v. a. To defcry, to fee; to judge, to have knowledge of ; to diftin- guifh ; to make the difference between. To DISCERN, dlz-ztrn'. v. n. To make dif- tinclion. DISCERNER, diz-zer'-nir. f. Difcoverer, he ■ that D I S D I S that dcfciies ; judge, one that has the power of diilinguifhing. DISCERNIBLE, dlz-ze/-nlbl. a. Difcovcr- able, perceptible, diftinguifhable, apparent. DISCERNIBLENESS, dlz-zer'-nlbl-n!?. f. Vifiblencfs. DISCERNIBLY, dls-zer'-nib-ly. ad. Per- ceptibly, apparently. DISCERNING, diz-zer'-n!ng. part. a. Judi- cious, knowing. DISCERNINGLY, diz-zer'-nmg-ly. ad. Ju- diciouflv, rationally, acutely. DISCERNMENT, dlz-zern'-ment. f. Judg- ment, power of diftinguifliiBg. To DISCERP, d!f-ferp'. v. a. To tear in pieces. DISCERPIBLE, d!f-fer'-p!b!. a. Frangible, feparable. DJSCERPIBILITY, dlf-fer-py-bll'-l-ty. f. Li- ablenefs to be defl:royed"by difunion of parts. DISCERPTION, dif-ferp'-Ihun. f. The aft of pulling to pieces. To DISCHARGE, dif-tfha'rje. v. a. To dif- burden ; to difemhark ; to give vent to any thing, to let fly ; to let ofF a gun ; to clear a debt by payment ; to fet free from obligation ; to abfolve ; to perform, to execute ; to put away, to obliterate ; to divert of any office or employment; to difmifs, to releafe. To DISCHARGE, dlf-tfha'rje. v. n. To dif- mifs itfelf, to break up. DISCHARGE, dlf-tflia'rje. f. Vent, explofion, emifllon ; matter vented ; difmiffion from an office ; releafe from an obligation or penalty ; performance, execution ; an acquittance from r. debt. DISCHARGER, d!f-t(h;/r-jur. f. Hethatdif- charges in any maiintr ; he that fires a gun. DISCINCT, d!s-s!nkt'. a. Ungirded, loofely drcfTcd. To DISCIND, dls-slnd'. v. a. To divide, to cut in pieces. DJSCIPLE, dis-si'pl. f. A fcholar. DfSCIPLESHIP, dls-ifpl-fhlp. f. The ftate ^ or .funiSion of a ddllplc. : DISCIPLINABLE, diV-sy-pIIn-ebl. a. Capable of inftrudlion. DISCIPLINADLENESS, dis'-sy-plln-cbl-nls. f. Capacity of inftruclion. DISCIPLINARIAN, d!f-fy-plin-u'-ryan. a. Pertaining to difcipline, DISCIPLINARIAN, dlf-fy-pl!n-a'-ryan. f. One \vho rules or teaches with great ftridnefs ; a follower of the prefbyterian fcA, fo called from their clamour about difcipline. DISCIPLINARY, dls'-fy-plln-er-ry. a. Per- taining to difcipline. DISCIPLINE, diV-fy-pl!n. f. Education, in- ftruftion ; rule of government, order; mili- tary regulation ; a ftateof fubjedion; chaftife- ment, corredtion. To DISCIPLINE, dis'-fy-plin. v. a. Toedu- cate, to inftru