^ The Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature MILITARY HISTORY CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, Manager ILonUon: FETTER LANE, E.G. (EDinbursI) : 100 PRINCES STREET ISerlin: A. ASHER AND CO. ILetpjig: F. A. BROCKHAUS i^efco Sorfe: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS JSombaa ant) (ETalrutta: MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. Srotottto: J. M. DENT AND SONS, Ltd. JJTofego: THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA All riqhi!^ reserved MILITARY HISTORY LECTURES DELIVERED AT TRINITY COLLEGE. CAMBRIDGE BY The Hon.J.W.FORTESCUE Cambridge : at the University Press " \ Cambritigr : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS PREFACE npHERE is little in these lectures, or at any rate in three out of four of them, which I have not written at greater length in other volumes. I there- fore publish them unwillingly, and in deference only to the wishes of some of my audience, whose good opinion I greatly value, and whose kindly sympathy I shall never forget. If this Uttle volume should set but one student thinking seriously as to the meaning of military history, its object will be fully ac- complished. The spelling of Indian names has been, as usual, a stumbling-block. No doubt I shall be asked why I have used the form Narbada for the more familiar Nerbuddha, and yet written Hyder Ali instead of Haidar Ali. I can only say that when the form Kalkdta (or whatever may be the Hunterian spelling) is substituted for Calcutta, I shall be prepared to plead guilty to inconsistency. J. W. F. March 1914. c\c\n. /< "^ f\ CONTENTS LECT PAGE Preface ....... v I. Military History : its scope and definition 1 II. British Military History .... 46 III. British colonial campaigns .... 99 IV. British campaigns in india .... 150 Index . . .* 201 LECTURE I MILITARY HISTORY ! ITS SCOPE AND DEFINITION When in the spring of the year 1913 my old College did me the honour to appoint me its first lecturer in Military History, I was obliged for the first time to ask myself seriously, What is military history ? I confess that I have found it very diffi- cult to furnish a satisfactory answer. Some would reply with a light heart that military history is the history of wars and warring. But what, in its turn, is war ? It has been defined as an instrument of policy for the imposition of the wiU of one community upon another by force of arms. The definition is not a bad one. But force of arms is a very vague term, and must not be taken necessarily to imply an armed force in the ordinary acceptation of the words. You wiU remember that after the French fleet had been swept by us from the seas in 1805, Napoleon, unable to attack England by any other means, decreed the exclusion of British manufactures from the Continent, and endeavoured to ruin her by shut- ting her out of her markets. This he was able to do F. M. H. 1 2 MILITARY HISTORY [lect. because his previous conquests had placed the control of many of the principal ports on the Continent in his hands. But though he strove thus to inflict his will upon England by might of arms, the armed men neces- sary for enforcing it were nothing more formidable than a smaU body of Custom-house officers. No doubt these functionaries, or some of them, carried weapons and in case of need were prepared to use them ; but they cannot be considered as a military body. None the less as an act of war the Continental System was a bitter and deadly stroke, which nearly proved successful. Is the history of the Continental System, there- fore, military history ? So far as concerns the in- vasion of Spain, Portugal and Russia to coerce those countries into the acceptance of it, undoubtedly it is. But as regards England, the power at which it was reaUy aimed, what are we to say of it ? How did we endeavour to combat it ? How does any country invariably combat the commercial restrictions of any other ? First by imposing retaliatory restrictions of her own, or engaging in a war of blockades or tarijffs, which may be called regular commercial warfare ; secondly, by the practice of smuggling, which may be called irregular commercial warfare. Is the history of a war of tariffs, then, military history ? If we answer in the affirmative there is no escape from the logical conclusion that the never- I] COMMERCIAL WARFARE 3 ceasing contest between smugglers and revenue- officers in all countries is military history. More- over, since revenue -officers are only departmental police, it follows that the external struggle between the breakers and the upholders of the law at large — between criminals and the police — is also military history. But this is to say that the history of social communities generally is military history ; and I can- not think this to have been in the mind of the generous founder of the lecturership which I have the honour to hold. But can we then lay down the general proposition that the breach — the forcible breach — of commercial regulations is not military history ? I do not think we can, if we bear in mind how Spain, in virtue of a Papal bull, excluded all other nations from com- merce with the new world, and how successive Englishmen for many generations insisted upon flouting her. Nor can we say that in many cases the conflict between supporters and breakers of the law is not military history. It is merely a question of degree. A fight between three drunken men and the police is a scuffle. A fight between three hundred men and the police is a riot. A fight between three hundred thousand and the police is civil war ; and we cannot exclude civil war from military history, for it would mean the sacrifice, among the EngHsh- speaking race alone, of the campaigns of Cromwell, 1—2 4 MILITARY HISTORY [lect. George Washington and Robert Lee. Altogether I think that we must abandon the attempt to define military history as the history of wars and warring. I feel tempted to ask in despair not " What is military history ? " but rather " What is not military history?" since all history is but the record of the strife of men for the subsistence of their bodies or the prevalence of their opinions. But we must be patient for yet a little while, and try once more. Let us begin, then, by laying it down provisionally that military history is the history of the strife of communities. This is not enough ; for communities have been known before now to fight with anathemas, and such a conflict belongs rather to the domain of religious than of military history. Shall we say then that it is the history of the strife of communities for self-preservation or expansion 1 This is open to the obvious criticism that communities have fought and will fight again for many other objects than the two above-mentioned — for a woman, for a creed, for a principle moral or political, or even for nothing at aU but from sheer force of habit. So it will be wiser for us to avoid any specification of the objects of strife, or we may find ourselves in trouble. It may be true in a sense to say that a tantrum of Madame de Pompadour cost the French their empire in North America and in India ; but it is not the whole truth, nor nearly the whole truth. Even the best and I] A DEFINITION 5 greatest of historians are but gropers in a thick darkness, and epigrams are the most deceitful of will-o'-the-wisps. Let us now, as we needs must, strengthen our definition a Httle, and say that military history is the history of the strife of communities expressed through the conflict of organised bands of armed men. I am obliged to say hands of armed men so as to exclude such a case as a duel between two or more chosen champions of quarrelling communities ; and I add the word organised so as to indicate that, below a certain stage of civilisation, there can be no military history. This is a second definition, but still imper- fect ; and I am afraid that I cannot yet improve it. It leaves a vast field for the survey of a lecturer, far vaster than I have the knowledge to cover ; and, if Trinity should endure for another ten centuries, my successors will never want material for inter- esting and instructive lectures. And let no man persuade you that the subject is trivial or un- important — that the study of war is the study of a relic of barbarism to be eschewed by the serious, the devout and the humane. I am not denying that war is a terrible — from some points of view even a hideous — thing. Since its object is to compel fa number of people to do what they do not wish, by making their lives a burden to them, it must some- times be a hideous thing. But, after all, the system 6 MILITARY HISTORY [lect. of forcing people to observe a certain line of con- duct under penalties is that upon which all human society is founded. We are all subject to it at this moment, and have been from the beginning of our lives. You remember the mother in Punch — " Go and see what baby is doing, and tell her she mustn't." " Thou shalt not " is the basis of four- fifths of the ancient code of law which is most famiUar to us, and of all other codes since. But in every community there are a certain number of individuals who answer " Thou shalt not " with a resolute '' I will " ; and these we ostracise, or imprison, or hang. We call such people lunatics or criminals, accordingly as we consider them responsible or not responsible for their actions, and we treat them as we think that they deserve ; but, if by chance their opinions should later pre- vail even for a time, we proclaim them apostles or martyrs. There is, in fact, always the danger that, when we think ourselves to be merely punish- ing a criminal, we may really be torturing a great reformer. Hence a certain proportion of folks among us shrink from this system of coercion, and would have no government at all. Others again, looking upon the existence of private pro- perty as the main reason for the existence of the policeman, would have communities share all things in common. I mention these facts to show vou I] „ LAW AND FORCE 7 that the employment of force receives from some thinkers equal condemnation, whether to impose the will of a community upon its own citizens, or upon those of some other community. But no one on that account has ventured to stigmatize the study of penal codes, and of the organisation for putting them into force, as ignoble or unprofitable. The sheriff, for instance, and his functions are approached with respect, by some historians even with awe. " Ah," say the de- spisers of military history, '' but the sheriff is an instrument for compelling obedience to the law, not the leader of a host whose business it is to slaughter and destroy." The law ! and what is the law but the formulated will which some section of the community, possibly a majority, but always in former days and frequently, even at present, a minority, seeks to impose upon the whole ? And if breakers of the law resist the sheriff or police- man, will he not if necessary slaughter them, and destroy any shelter in which they may have taken refuge ? Of course he will, and " the law " will uphold him for so doing. " But," reply the ob- jectors, " you forget that civil law is not always a mere ordinance of man ; it may have the sanction of divine authority." I speak here with all rever- ence, but how many are the armies and the leaders that have claimed that theirs was the cause of God, 8 MILITARY HISTORY [lect. and have fared forth to war in His name ? I am not speaking now of modern armies, though they too LQvariably invoke the help of the God of Battles, and call him to witness that their cause is just. Look at the Crusades on one side, look on the other at the mighty and overwhelming conquests of Islam. Look at the extinction of Christianity in North Africa ; look at the eight centuries of conflict which banished the Mohammedan faith from Spain. Look at the religious wars of Christians in Europe ; and not least at our own Puritans. Look finally at the bitter struggles of Hindu and Mohammedan in India. There was not one of these parties that did not claim, that did not for the most part heartily believe, that it was fighting to uphold the law of God. No ! in its essence there is no difference between the force that imposes the will of a man upon his neighbour, and that which imposes his will upon his enemy. In the more primitive days of England the duties of the sheriff and his posse comitatus ex- tended to foreign enemies on English soil as weU as to domestic law-breakers. Do we not to this day speak of those guilty of acts of violence as breakers of the King's Peace ; men, that is, who seek to bring about a state of war and must be suppressed by the methods of war — taken prisoners, wounded or un- wounded, and in the last resort killed ? What was I] POLICE AND SOLDIERS 9 the origin of our own standing army ? It was formed, as you doubtless know, out of a remnant of the victorious army of the Parliament which had overthrown the monarchy, a remnant which was saved from disbandment in order to overawe the turbulent of London, or in other words to serve as a body of police. It continued to be the only efficient instrument for imposing the will of the Government upon the people until 1829, when the present police-force was established. And the police are a standing army, neither more or less. The only essential difference between police and soldiers is that the former are employed mainly in the coercion of subjects of the State which levies them, while the function of the latter is to coerce the subjects of foreign states. It would not be inaccurate to say that police are soldiers against domestic enemies, and an army police against foreign enemies. And now observe that we have found a second definition of military history. It is the history of the external police of communities and nations. But external police, you may object, imphes the existence of something which, for want of a better word, we must call external law. Is there such a thing as external law ? There is a thing called the law of nations or international law, which is con- cerned chiefly, though not exclusively, with the 10 MILITARY HISTORY [lect. relations between belligerents and neutrals, but which is simply custom, and should not be called law, because there is no international police to enforce it. Any nation may defy it, if she thinks it worth while, and a great many have defied it in the past and will defy it in the future, not necessarily with any damage to themselves. The same may be said of the International Tribunal of Arbitration at the Hague. Its decrees and decisions may be excellent, and nations may bind themselves beforehand to accept them ; but nations are not remarkable for the observance of inconvenient agreements, where there is no penalty for violating them. It is a pain- ful fact, but in its relations to its neighbours every community is a law unto itself , the nature of that law being principally determined by the community's powers of enforcement. Police first, law afterwards, is the rule between nation and nation — a formula which may be rendered more tersely stiU by the phrase. Might is Right. In a sense, therefore, though not in the sense generally attached to the words, military history is the history of the law of nations, which is the law of force ; or, if you prefer it, of the law of force which is the law of nations. A revolting thought, perhaps some of you will say ! Have aU the efforts of countless generations of good and holy men to seek peace and ensue it, resulted in no greater success than this ? Let us I] SOCIETY OF FRIENDS 11 have the courage to face facts and answer boldly, Yes ; for be very sure that no piety of aspiration can dignify nor excuse the moral cowardice that seeks to evade them. You know that late in the 17th century a company of worthy and excellent men formed the settlement of Pennsylvania in North America. They were members of the Society of Friends, who would have nothing to do with war, and consequently bought their lands from the Indians instead of taking them by force or fraud. Frugal, thrifty and industrious, they soon grew wealthy, and extended their borders further and further, until they came into collision with other tribes of Indians, who one day fell upon the out- Ijdng settlers with fire and sword. In utter dismay the sufferers appealed to the Government of the province for protection ; but the Colonial Assembly would not do violence to their tenets and ignored the appeal, leaving their unhappy and inoffensive frontiersmen to be massacred. At length, goaded to desperation, the settlers came down to Phila- delphia with their arms in their hands, and threatened violence unless the Assembly voted money, for supply of ammunition, and other measures of defence forthwith. Thereupon the Assembly yielded, but still they would not openly pass a vote for the purchase of gunpowder. To save their conscience they voted money only for the purchase 12 MILITARY HISTORY [lect. of corn or other grain, which, as gunpowder is made up of grains, was sufficient warrant for the acquisi- tion of the necessary but unspeakable article. To such contemptible subterfuge are men driven who refuse to face facts. I understand the feelings of those who deplore that the government of human society should rest ultimately upon force, but I have no patience with those who pretend that it jdoes not. It can profit no man to be obliged so to shape the actions of his life that they may square with a fundamental lie. Accepting then the fact — for such I believe it to be — that the law of nations is the law of force, let us waste no time in lamentations. In the first place they are useless ; and in the second they seem to me highly presumptuous ; for what are we, or what is our knowledge, that we should aspire to correct the course of this world's governance ? Let us rather consider what is meant by the word force, as an element in the conflict of communities. Force, in the human creature, is of two kinds, moral and physical ; and in war, as Napoleon him- self said, the moral is to the physical as four to one. What is this moral force ? It is an indefinable con- sciousness of superiority. And whence does it arise ? I must summon a poet to help me with my answer. " Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control, These three alone lead life to sovereign power.'* I] MORAL FORCE 13 Self -reverence, which can be based only upon high aspirations and high ideals ; self-knowledge, which combines the courage to face facts, the patience to accept them, the constancy to turn them to good account ; self-control, the offspring of self-denial and self -discipline. We are too much inchned to think of war as a matter of combats, demanding above all things physical courage. It is really a matter of fasting and thirsting ; of toiling and waking ; of lacking and enduring ; which demands above all things moral courage. Yet let us hasten to add that, without bodily soundness and strength to resist privation, hardship and fatigue, an army is naught. And here we strike the peculiarity which makes war the true touch-stone of nations. It is the supreme test of their merits and demerits both moral and physical. By a community's art, literature, science and philosophy you may take the measure of its intellectual attainments ; through its administrative institutions and laws you may form some judgment of its political intelligence ; from the bodily structure and condition of its citizens you may form conclusions as to its physical fitness ; but of the general soundness of the body politic, of the capacity of its leaders, of the devotion of their followers, of the moral force which inspires all ages and both sexes to endure hardship and sorrow with cheerfulness, and to meet adversity 14 MILITARY HISTORY [lect. with confidence unshaken and with courage un- daunted — for all this the trial of aU trials is war. Military history is the history of these trials. Does it seem to you a small, or ignoble, or unpro- fitable thing ? But, it may be objected, this is an unfair way of putting the matter. No doubt it may be profitable to compare the political institu- tions of some effete community with those of the young, virile and vigorous communities which swept it out of existence. But the details of fire and sword, of massacre and devastation, of the blood of men and the tears of women, are they profitable ? And the elaborate principles of strategy and tactics — that is to say the bringing of the armed force up to the field of decision, and the handling of it to the best advantage when there ; with their ancillary sciences of fortification and poliorketics, that is to say, of setting up strong places and knocking them down again — are they profitable ? What are the art of war and the science of military organisation but the art and science of destruction ? Can the study of these be profitable ? Let us clear our minds of cant. What is the economy of this world, so far as we have eyes to see and intellects to understand it, but destruction and renewal, destruction and renewal ? And it is really impossible, except by our petty human standards, to distinguish the one from the other. I have seen I] DESTRUCTION AND RENEWAL 15 — and perhaps some of you may have seen the like — what we call a desert, of a thousand square miles of pumice-stone. This pumice-stone is a layer which varies from six to fifteen feet in depth ; and below it lie the trunks of gigantic trees, all black and charred, which were scathed and overthrown by the same terrific volcanic explosion which afterwards buried them in pumice. The soil must have been fertile to raise such trees ; and men lament the destruction which has made so large an area into a waste. But what they mean by destruction and waste is simply the change which has rendered it useless, so far as they can see, for purposes of producing food and exchangeable commodities im- mediately to the profit of men — that and nothing more. Whether it be destruction or renewal in the scheme of nature we cannot tell. But let us pass to the works of man, the great destroyer. What does a field of corn mean but that the plants which originally grew there have been ruthlessly destroyed to make way for those that better suit the purposes of man, and that an unknown quantity of animal life, dependent upon the plants so de- stroyed, has perished with them ? What does a herd of cattle in a field mean but the destruction of all wild cattle, till these became tame enough to await their turn of destruction for the service of man ? And as with plants and the inferior animals, 16 MILITARY HISTORY [lect. so does man deal with man. He endeavours to destroy those that do not suit his purpose, and to replace them by others. And this he does by many other methods besides those which we group under the name of war. Within the memory of living men there were many excellent but simple gentle- men who thought that what is called Free Trade would soon be adopted by every civilised country in the world, and that then wars would cease. The prediction has not been verified, nor can I see that the world would be very much the better if it had been. For commerce is not, as is generally sup- posed, a peaceful pursuit. What does successful commerce mean ? The under-selling of competi- tors ; which means in turn cheaper production than is possible to competitors. But cheap production, other things being equal, depends in these days chiefly upon two things — cheap labour, which means low wages, and the best of machinery. Who can tell how many lives have been sacrificed to low wages in the winning of any commercial competi- tion ; or how many men, women and children have been starved when machinery, either absolutely or practically new, has driven a mass of bread-winners out of employment ? And these are the casualties only on the victorious side. What have they been on the beaten side, when whole industries have been ruined ? If we could arrive at a just estimate of the I] COMPETITION AND WAR 17 casualty lists filled by commerce, I doubt greatly if they would be lower than those filled by war. Improved machinery, in the case of a great many manufactures, is as truly an engine of destruction as a torpedo or a heavy gun. It is meant to