"DA Burrow A few anecdotes -aid observations relating to Oliver Cromwell [HE IBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 'A 'N 'asnjojAs ^^^ U3QNI9 X31KdWVd A F E W ANECDOTES AND OBSERVATIONS RELATING TO OLIVER CROMWELL AND HIS FAMILY; Serving to rectify feveral Errors concerning Him, publiflied by NICOLAUS COMNENUS PAPADOPOLI, In his HISTORIA GYMNASII PATAVINI. By a MEMBER of the ROYAL SOCIETY, and of the SOCIETY of AN TIQJJ ARIES, of LONDON, L N D O N: Printed for J. WORRAL L, at the Dove in BelI-Yard 5 near Lincolns-Inn. M,DCC,LXIIL [ 3 ] DA A F E W ANECDOTES AND RELATING TO LIVER CROMWELL AND HIS FAMILY. NICOLAUS COMNENUS PAPADOPOLI, in his Hiftoria Gymnafii Patavini (Venetiis 1 726,) Tom. 2. Lib. 2. cap. 50. pa. 306, 307. fe<5t. 241. fub anno 1658, aiferts " That Oliver Cromwell ( cassa probavit plerunque malis Coniiliis malos Auc- ' torum Exitus refpondere. Ut ut fit, OLIVERIUS 3 " natalem [ 5 ] " natalem inopiam Adolefcens auxit lafcrvia et luxu " ac diuturnis Peregrinationibus^ quaruin Partem " PATAVIO dedif., biennio fait em bonis hie artibus " addiclus : Hinc in Britamiiam regreflus eo anno " QUO, Jacobo mortuo, Carolus Rex fuffcctus eft." He then proceeds " Ducla Cantabrigian Uxore, cc Hue impellente, ad gerendam rempublicam fenfim tc ac diffimulanter acceffit &c." Then He gives his Character; concluding it with a Doubt whether He acknowledged any Deity but his own Intereft ; and yet allows that He had Virtues mixed with his Im- piety and Vices, and wonderful Endowments of Mind. After which, He runs over his public Ac- tions and his Exerciie of Government, till his Death $ which He fixes to have happened on the qth of the Ides of September, 1658, at upwards cf Sixty Years of Age. I don't mean to enter into any minute Criticifms upon this Gentleman's Account. Therefore I will not pretend to difcufs " whether Oliver's ambitious " Views were or were not promoted by the Infti- " gation of his Wife -," only obferving in general, " that there feerns to be * no fufficient Foundation 4 ^C'D i n ^ L. L/ URL JAN 3 6 ; 967 Form L9-50w-7,'54(5990)444 A 001 435120 9