2-. A PRIMEE OF THE IRISH LANGUAGE, &c. &c. * A PRIMER THE IRISH LANGUAGE, COPIOUS READING LESSONS ; USE OF THE STUDENTS THE COLLEGE OF ST. COLUMBA. DUBLIN: MOPGKS AND SMITH, GRAFTON-STKEET, BOOKSELLERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. 1845. DUBLIN : P1UNTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, BY M. H. GILL. PREFACE. THE following Primer was compiled for the use of the junior classes in the College of St. Columba : and it is now published in the hope of removing some of the obstacles which have hitherto opposed the pro- gress of beginners in the Irish language. It is not intended as a grammar, but rather as a supplement to a grammar; containing progressive lessons in spelling and pronunciation ; familiar phrases and sentences ; and a useful praxis in reading and translation. The result, it is hoped, will prove ac- ceptable both to teachers and learners, as it is be- lieved that no similar book, calculated for general school purposes, has hitherto existed. The work would have been made more complete by the insertion of additional spelling lists, including trisyllables and longer words, together with illustra- tions of the more important Gaelic idioms, and rules of construction. But the necessity of a speedy pub- M578532 VI PREFACE. lication rendered it expedient to suspend this part of the plan for the present; and the postponement of it is the less to be regretted, as Mr. O'Donovan's Gram- mar, now in course of publication at the expense of the College, will afford the means of completing the original design more perfectly, if a second edition of the present work be called for at any future period. It is necessary to state that the College of St. Columba is indebted for the following work to the joint labours of Mr.JHjoffey T . to whom the department of tuition in the Irish language has been committed, and of the Rev. Robert King. To the latter of these gentlemen are due the original suggestion and plan of the Primer, and particularly the selection and arrange-* ment of the reading Lessons. To Mr. O'Donovan, and the Rev. Dr. Todd, of Trinity College, Dublin, thanks are also due, for the trouble they have taken in reading the proof sheets, and suggesting many useful corrections. R. C. SINGLETON, Warden. Feb. 21, 1845. CONTENTS. CHAP. I. OF THE LETTERS IN THEIR SIMPLEST FORMS, ETC. PAGE Sect. 1. The Alphabet, 1 2. Sounds of the Vowels and Consonants, .... 2 3. Spelling Exercises on the preceding Rules, ... 4 4. Sounds of the long Diphthongs, 8 Spelling Exercises on the long Diphthongs, ... 9 5. Sounds of the variable Diphthongs, ib. Spelling Exercises on the variable Diphthongs, . 10 6. Of the Triphthongs, and Spelling Exercises on them, 13 7. Spelling Exercises on the Diphthongs, .... 14 Dissyllables with one Diphthong, ib. with two Diphthongs, 15 8. Short Phrases and Sentences, 16 CHAP. II. OF ASPIRATION, AND THE CHANGES PRODUCED BY IT IN THE SOUNDS OF THE LETTERS. Sect. ] . Of the Sounds of the aspirated Letters, .... 20 2. Spelling Exercises on the Aspirates. Monosyllables, 23 3. Initial Aspirates, 24 4. Short Sentences, with aspirated Monosyllables, . 26 5. Spelling Exercises. Aspirated Dissyllables, . . 27 6. Exercises in Reading, 30 CHAP. III. OF ECLI PSIS . Sect. 1. Effects of Eclipsis on the Sounds of the Letters, . 34 2. Short Sentences with Eclipsis, 35 3. Reading Lessons from Keating's History of Ireland, 39 Vlll CONTENTS. CHAP. IV. READING LESSONS. RELIGIOUS AND MORAL. PAGE Sect. 1. From Gallagher's Irish Sermons (with the Ortho- graphy corrected), 46 2. Extracts from Richardson's Irish Sermons (trans- lated from Bishop Beveridge's Discourses), with the Orthography corrected, 60 The Gloria in Excelsis, . 73 CHAP. V. READING LESSONS. CONSISTING OF SELECT PASSAGES FROM THE HISTORY OF IRELAND BY KEATING. Sect. 1. Of the Lia Fail, or Stone of Destiny, brought into Ireland by the Tuatha de Danaans, 75 2. Of the Time of the coming of the Milesians to settle in Ireland, 78 3. Of the coming of the Cruithneans, or Picts, to Ire- land; their Battle with the Inhabitants, and Removal to Britain, 80 4. Of Ollamh Fola, and the Convention, or Feis of Tarah, instituted by him, 85 5. Enumeration of the episcopal Sees in Ireland, . . 87 6. Of Niall Naoighiallach, Monarch of Ireland ; his Expedition to Scotland and France, and capture of St. Patrick, 90 7. Of the Invasion of Britain by the Picts and Scots, 93 8. That Scotia was anciently the Name of Ireland, . 95 9. Testimonies of some English Writers concerning the national Character of the Irish People, . . 99 CHAP. VI. SACRED LESSONS, CONSISTING OF PASSAGES EXTRACTED FROM THE IRISH VERSION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Sect. 1. From the Proverbs of Solomon, 101 2. St. Matthew, xviii. 21-35, 103 3. Romans, xii. and xiii 105 4. 1st St. Peter, ii 108 THE CHURCH CATECHISM, Ill PRIMER OF THE IRISH LANGUAGE. CHAPTER I. OF THE LETTERS IN THEIR SIMPLEST FORMS, ETC. SECT. 1 The Alphabet. 1. THE Irish Alphabet consists of eighteen letters, as may be seen in the following Table : FOBM. NAMES. CORRESPONDING Capital. Small. ENGLISH LETTERS. Q & a cnlm a 6 b beiuh b C c coll C O D twip d e e eabhct e F F peapn f 5 5 5F r g i i logha i L I Imp * m m mum m N n nmn n o 01 p o P P peirh P T? P puip r 8 r puil s C c ueine t U u up u h h uat)h h OF THE LETTERS The Irish names of the letters, although above given for the sake of those who may desire to see them, need not be committed to memory. They all express the names of trees. 2. Table of the most common contractions. .1. is put for eaohon, or id est. or 7 (the Latin contraction for et) is put for agup, also for ec and eo. 5 A is put for an. 4 . . . ap. t) . . . na. 4 ... aip. i) . . . nn. f . . ache. fti . . . pp. e . . . ea. K >? . . . ui. SECT. 2 0/V/?d, if, two. 15. pal, a heel, pap, excellent, plan, sound, whole, cd, is. call, beyond, over, can, time, ale, a joint. am, time, ba, cows. bap, palm of the hand. blap, taste. cao, what. oall, blind, odn, a poem. pd, under, about, pdj, leave, jann, scarce. Id, a day. Idn, full, lap, middle. ma, if. mam, handful. nd, nor. ppdp, brass. cam, crooked. cap, twist. cac, a cat. cpann, a tree. oapc, a clod. pao, length, whilst. jal, vapour. gan, without. jap, near, advantage. jap, stalk. jlac, take. jlan, clean. IN THEIR SIMPLEST FORMS, ETC. 16. $lap, green. ap, out of. I a 5, weak. bpar, a garment. lap, light (verb). cap, come. mac, a son. cape, thirst. map, as. ce, who. parm, a verse. gne, kind, form. pale, a leap. e, he, it. plae, a rod. le, with. ab, a father. len, woe. 05, with. me, I, me. an, the. pe, with. ap, our. pe, six. 17. r^? ne ? six- pi, she. ce, a person. ci, a person. cpe, through. cip, country. pel, strife. cpf, three. bi, be thou. cpiD, through. Dim, from me, of me. glic, wise. i, she, it. ip, is. im, butter. mil, honey. lin, flax, a line. mm, meal. mi, a month. pip, with him. mm, smooth. pin, that. ni, not. pmn, we. 18. ci, come. nop, manner. bo, a cow. bopo, a table. 05, young 61, drink (verb). bpog, a shoe. op, gold.^ bpon, grief. pog, a kiss. cpo, a hovel. pop, seed. DO, two. poc, a ploughshare. poo, a sod. po, very. pop, yet. poo, a passage. glop, voice. bo 5, soft. mop, great. clo, a bell. no, or. cnoc, a hill. 19. cop p, a body. DO, thy. cop, the foot. Donn, brown. B 2 OF THE LETTERS go, until, that, gob, a beak, gol, crying, gopm, blue, gopc, field, gpoo, quick, lonjj, ship. lopg, footstep. mo, my. olc, evil. opm, upon me. ope, on thee. poll, a hole, a pit. pope, a tune, popg, an eye. po, this. f on, sake, coll, pierce, conn, a wave, copo, silence. 20. cpom, heavy. cup, beginning. cpopg, a codfish. up, fresh. cpub, a paw. bun, root, bottom. cu, a hound. cum, shape. cul, the back. cup, power. _^ t>un, a fort. oul, going. glun, a knee. gup, that (conj.) pune, a pound. muc, a pig. pug, a wrinkle. pluc, a cheek. pup, a secret. pup, a lip. puo, or uo, yonder. pug, brought. cu, thou. pul, before. 21. Dissyllables. accr, with them. annpin, there. aga, with whom. annpo, here. 0:50:0, with thee. annpa, beloved. ajam, with me. 0511 p, and. an c-am, 1 , ancan, } when - olloo, formerly. appcol, an apostle. anal, breath. apan, bread. anall, hither. apip, again. anam, soul. aj^ao, out of thee. ane, yesterday. apal, an ass. anpo, woe. bagun, bacon. annpa, in the. balla, a wall. 22. baca, a stick. bpaoctn, a salmon. cpupga, a jar. capall, a horse. IN THEIR SIMPLEST FORMS, ETC. capa, a friend, capbcro, a carriage, cappdn, a reaping-hook, cdpan, a path, capog, a coat, capca, twisted, capiip, a hammer. cipoe, treasure. clam pap, strife. cnocdn, a hillock, co^ap, whisper. 23. paoa, long. pile, a poet. pocal, a word, pollap, manifest, popap, knowledge, pupap, easy, jalap, a disease, gappun, a lad. gapca, brisk, jonca, wounded, h-alla, a hall, b-aca, a hat. ingne, nails, claws. colam, a dove, c olann, the body, copcdn, a small pot. cuoog, a haddock. cum a, indifferent, cupan, a cup. Dana, bold, impudent, cap a, second. Dile, a deluge. Donap, misfortune. Dopup, a door. imp, an island, inneinn, the mind, lapca, lighted, lapoj, a blaze. licip, a letter, mile, a mile, a thousand. milip, sweet. milpe, sweetness. mine, smoothness. mime, frequent. mipe, I myself. mipe, madness. molca, praised. 24. mopdn, much, muna, unless, nopa, custom, obann, sudden, ocpap, hunger. ola, oil. olann, wool. opDog, a thumb, opap, junior, op cap, the arm. paplup, a parlour, pobal, people. poprdn, a crabfish. popca, married, poca, a pot. punann, a sheaf, pucog, a pudding, papdn, a shrubbery, pibe, a hair, pagapc, a priest. palann, salt. pdpca, satisfied, p^aodn, a herring. pgilinj, a shilling. 25. f5^5, a farmer. pirn 5 in, the chin. pODap, trotting. polap, light. OF THE LETTERS poldp, comfort. ponap, happiness. ppapdn, a purse. pponog, a spoon. puooj, a cake. pugcm, a straw rope. cam all, awhile. cipim, dry. co bap, a well. collca, pierced. u ,.^,,, < copann, a noise. 1 ~~ c a ' or * co pap, a journey, cupna, a spinning-wheel, cupa, thyself. cuplo, a leap, cuplon^, breakfast. umao, about thee. umal, obedient, umpa, about them, upldn, very full. SECT. 4. Sounds of the long Diphthongs, and Spelling Ex- ercises on them. 26. There are in Irish thirteen diphthongs, viz., ae, ai, ao, ea, ei, eo, eu, la, 10, lu, 01, ua, ui; of which the fol- lowing five, viz., ae, ao, eu, la, ua, are always long. The remaining eight are sometimes long and sometimes short. 27. Diphthongs having their first vowel long are gene- rally pronounced like dissyllables, thus: cairn, puap, Spian, are faintly sounded, as if they were written ca-iin, pu-ap, spi-an. 28. No vowels in Irish are doubled like those in the English words poor, green, &c. Nor are any final vowels suppressed in pronunciation, as those in the English words hate, strike, &c., the Irish words oile, rrnpe, pince, &c., being dissyllables. 29. The sounds of the five long diphthongs may be re- presented in English as follows : ae sounds like ai in pain, as lae, of a day. ao . . . . ecu in tear, as paop, cheap. eu . . . . a.yo in mayor, as jeup, sharp. ia . . . . ee in seer, as ciall, sense. ua . . . . ua in truant, as puap, cold. IN THEIR SIMPLEST FORMS, ETC. 30. Spelling exercises on the long diphthongs. aep, the sky. cpeuo, what. aep, an age. peup, grass. lae, of a day. geuj, a branch. pe, the moon. geup, sour. aol, lime. Tneup, a finger. aon, one. neul, a cloud. blaop, husk. paob, a rent. bpaon, a drop. peule, a star. caol, slender. peun, prosperity. oaop, dear. pjeul, a story. maol, bald. ppeup, the firmament. poop, cheap. cpeuo, a flock. beul, the mouth. ciall, sense. 31. cicm, far, distant. buan, lasting. oiap, two. cuan, a bay. 51 all, the jaw. cluap, an ear. 5picm, the sun. cpuap, hardness. mo, they. Dual, duty. iap, after- ouan, a poem. iap, a fish. puap, cold. nrnan, desire. Spuaj, hair. pian, pain. ual, coal. pi ape, a worm. pcuab, a broom. n>icm, a knife. puan, sleep. piap, west. puap, up. pi iap, the thigh. ua, a grandson. ppian, a rein. uan, a lamb. SECT. 5. Sounds of the variable Diphthongs, with Spelling Exercises on them. 32. The sounds of the variable diphthongs may be nearly represented in English as follows : 1. ai long, sounds like awi in drawing, as cdim, I am. ai short, . . . a in fang, as pail, a willow. or like i in calling, as lapaip, a light. and sometimes, but seldom, as e in herd, thus, aip, upon. 10 OF THE LETTERS 2. ea long, sounds as a in care, thus, pnap, a blackberry. ea short, . . ea in heart, . . ceapc, right. It is also sometimes obscure (See Chap. II. Sect. 1.) 3. ei long, sounds as ei in reign, thus, pem, se lf* ei short, sounds like e in wreck, . . leip, with him. 4. eo long, sounds likeyeo in yeoman, thus, ceol, music. eo short . . . ^ow in young, . . p eo, f^'s. 5. 10 long, sounds as ee in sgr, thus, pion, wine. 10 short, . . . i in mitt,' . . pi op, knowledge. 6. iu long, sounds like u in fr*we, as pciup, a helm. lu short, . . . u in young, as pium, with me. 7. 01 long, sounds as oi ingoing, as c6i\\,just. or as e in mile, as coill, a wood. 01 short, sounds like ui in 0m#, as coip, a crime. seldom like ea in head, as cpoio, a fight. 8. ui long, sounds as ui in ruin, so 01115, jfoe.. in short, ... ui in ^M/#, thus, puil, blood. 33. It is to be observed, that in some parts of Ireland the diphthong ea short, and also the long c^ are in some words pronounced nearly like ow in fowl: thus, ceann, jleann, ball, dm, are pronounced in those places keown, gloun, boul, oum ; but this pronunciation seems altogether improper, and should be carefully avoided. 34. It is also to be here observed, that the letters b, p, m, combined with ui, or aoi coming after them, are always sounded like bw, fw, mw : as puil (fwill), blood; minp (mwirr), the sea; baoip (bweesh), folly; paoi (fwee), under; maoin (mween), property. 35. Spelling exercises on the variable diphthongs. aill, a cliff. aic, a place, cam, a fine, caill, a name. cdic, where. cnaib, hemp, cpain, a sow. pail, a ring. IN THEIR SIMPLEST FORMS, ETC. 11 pdipc, a field. paipc, a part, pamc, covetousness. p^ail, a shadow. ppdio, a street, cdip, thou art. aip, backwards. aic, pleasant. bail, prosperity. cailc, chalk. 36. oean, make or do. oeap, a tear. eao, jealousy. 05, death. can, a bird, lean, misery. meao, quantity, peon, deny. pmeap, blackberry. ceao, a rope, cpeap, third. bean, a woman, bpeac, speckled. ceao, permission. 37. leac, with you. meap, swift, active, meap, estimation. Tneap, mix. neao, a nest, neapc, strength. peann, a pen. pean, old. peapc, love. peap, stand, ppeal, a scythe, ceap, heat. beic, a cry. beim, a blow. ceip, wax. came, talk. oaip, an oak. oaipc, a clod. pail, a beam. pcaip, a history. ai p, upon. bpaon, a drop. bpeaj, a lie. ceao, a hundred ; first. ceapo, a trade. ceann, a head, ceap, a last, ceapc, a hen. ceapc, right, cleap, a game, play, oealj, a thorn, oeapj, red. oeap, nice. opeam, people. peao, a whistle, peap, a man. peapj, anger. 5eal, white. 5ean, love. cleip, the clergy, ceip, a sow. oeipc, alms, eipc, listen, pei I, a feast. jeip, a swan, leip, the whole, leij, let. me 10, bulk, peip, last night. beipc, two. ceip, a basket, ceipc, a question, cleir, a feather, cpeio, believe. 12 OF THE LETTERS 38. jem, beget. leip, with him. peic, sell thou. beo, alive. ceo, a fog. ceol, music. oeop, a tear. leo, with them, leop, enough, peo, this. ciop, a comb, ciop, rent. cpion, withered. 39. pionn, fair. pi op, knowledge. liom, with me. 1 1 op, a fort. pioc, with thee. PSpiop, destruction. pioc, frost. 01 ul, sucking, piu, worthy, lul, knowledge. piu, -with them, pi up, a sister. pciup, a helm, cpiup, three persons. 40. loic, wound, coil, will, eoipc, bulk, oil, nurture, oip, east. pcoipm, a storm, cpoio, a fight. cui^, five, cuip, cause. Dull, desire, oumn, to us. ofol, pay. Diom, from me. pfon, wine, pfop, true, foe, rent, payment. Ifon, fill. ptob, a pipe, pep fob, a scratch, piol, seed, piop, down. biop, a spit. cion, love, cpiop, a girdle. coip, right, poil, a while, jloip, glory. moio, a vow. mom, turf, no in, evening, roip, search. coic, smoke. Co ill, a wood. moill, delay, poinn, portion, coip, a crime. 5010, theft. 50 ip, call. puil, an eye. puipc, a flail, cuip, incense. binlj, bellows, cluin, hear, cpuic, a harp, cu 10, a part, cuip, put. opuio, shut. opuim,.the back, ouin an oak. IN THEIR SIMPLEST FORMS, ETC. 13 ouic, to thee. puil, blood. muip, the sea. pluio, a blanket, cuic, a fall. SECT. 6. Of the Triphthongs, and Spelling Exercises on them. 41. There are in Irish five triphthongs, viz., aoi, eoi, mi, lui, and uai, which are always long. The following table exhibits the sounds corresponding to them in English. aoi answers to ee in keep, as in aoip, age. eoi . . . yeo in. yeoman, with i after it, as peoil, ico . . . . eei in seeing, as in oicul, a dial. iin . . . . iewi in viewing, as in ciuin, mild. uai . . . ui in ruin, as in cuaipc, a visit. or sometimes as i in dine, so uaic ?c /r0m thee. 42. Spelling exercises. aoi, an island. cxo ip, age. bcroip, folly. cccoi, method, caoil, the waist, caoin, gentle, cuaoi, consumption, op aoi, a druid. paoi, under. gaoil, kindred, maoil, a heap. maoin, wealth, naoi, nine, beoip, beer. ceoil, songs. eoinn, birds. peoil, flesh. peoio, jewels. peoil, sails. cpeoip, a guide. biail, an axe. oiail, a dial. ciuin, mild. buail, strike. buain, reaping. buaipe, affliction. cluam, a plain. puaim, a sound. puaip, found. juaip, danger. , from me. time. an hour. from thee. uam, uaip, 14 OF THE LETTERS SECT. 7. Spelling Exercises on the Diphthongs, lies. 43. Dissyllables with one diphthong. Dissi/lla- abcnp, say. cuce, with her. cncio, disease. cn^e, with him. cupe, care, cnmpip, time, aiplmj, a vision, aluinn, handsome, bcnle, a town, bcnne, milk, bainip, a wedding, biolctp, cresses. biopdn, a pin. bpiongloo, a vision. builtn, a loaf. cculfn, a girl. cappcnc, a rock. ceile, together, a spouse. cionup, how. cionog, a very small coin. comin, a rabbit. coipce, oats. copceim, a footstep. cpeioim, I believe. cpiona, wise. oeaptnao, forgetfulness. oeipip, haste. ouille, a leaf. ouine, a man. eaocm, the face. 44. eajna, wisdom. eapbog, a bishop, eile, other, eolup, knowledge, fame, a ring, pcnppge, the sea. paippinj, wide, pallet m 5, a cloak, peapann, land, peapoj, the beard, p^ioip, ability. popjccil, open (verb). ppeagpa, an answer, jcule, the stomach, geappcm, a hack horse, a servant. tp, prudence, glome, a glass. gualct, a shoulder. lomao, much, lon^a, a nail. laioip, strong. lapaip, a light. leanaim, I follow. leine, a shirt. leipje, laziness. maioe, a stick. Tnmom, a morning, maille, with, meaccm, a carrot, nip, &c. pars- IN THEIR SIMPLEST FORMS, ETC. 15 45. miolcoj, a midge. mumnnp, people, ncupe, shame, nomfn, a daisy. obaip, a work. 6156, youth, paipoe, a child, pioppa, a pear, piopa, a piece, poipin, a small potato. peilij, a churchyard, pjiobol, a barn, piopa, a shop. plamce, health. plaooan, a cough. plea^dn, a shell. ploine, a sirname. pluccpao, a shovel. pocaip, quiet. ppioeoj, a nightingale, pp'onann, a gooseberry bush. ppiopao, a spirit, ceajapj, teaching, ceampoll, a church, ceanga, a tongue. ciomna, a will, cm nee an, a hearth, cu lie, a flood, more, cuijpe, uctpctl, noble, uipge, water. understanding. 46. Dissyllables with two diphthongs. cunjectl, an angel. cup 5100, silver, money. cnpneip, cattle, furniture, buioeal, a bottle. caipoeap, friendship, caipledn, a castle, comneal, a candle, comleoip, a candlestick. cpoiceann, the skin, cuileog, a fly. cumneoj, a churn, oectccnp, difHcult. ooinean, foul weather. eajlcup, a church. puineoj, a window. mumeal, the neck, oipeao, so much, pdipeip, paper, pecmmoip. a sermon, pei peal, a chapel, p^piobcuip, scripture, pome an, fine weather, poipjeul, the gospel, puipeap, supper, coipmeapj, hindrance, cpionoio, the Trinity. uillean, an elbow. uipeoj, a lark. 16 OF THE LETTERS SECT. 8. Short Phrases and Sentences. 47. cia pin? 50 oe pin? 50 oe pin ope? ponccp ope. plan I ear. oean oeipip. cap an i op. ei^ aip aip. na bpip e. beip leac e. an pfop pin? ca me papoa. ca pe plan, na cpeio e. 48. 50 oe an uaip. ea pe mall, pan 50 pocaip. ip eijm oom. cap anaice liom. ca pe a^am. ca pe uaim. na oean oeapmao. ca eajla opm. ip coil liom. ma 'p coil leac. ca peapg aip. 49. ca h-aoip ouic? na li-abaip pin. Who is that? What is that? What ails you? Good fortune to you. Good bye to you. Make haste. Come up. Come back. Do not break it. Take it with you. Is that true? I am satisfied. He is well. Do not believe it (or him.) What is the hour ? It is late. Stay quietly. I must. Come near me. I have it. I want it. Do not forget. I am afraid. I wish. If you wish. He is angry. What is your age? Do not say that. IN THEIR SIMPLEST FORMS, ETC. 17 an ail tear e? ni h-ail liom e. pan liom camall. popgail an oopup. opuio an oopup. ca cape opm. peio an eeine. pu 5 pe leip e\ ea cion agam ope. ea eolup agam aip. 50. ceao mile pculee. ca pao ap po e ? ip cuma liom pin. cairn 05 oul anoip. ca pe 05 pioc. cao ip amm ouic? cao DO pmne cu? oean pin 50 ceapc. ca ouil again ann. ip po aic liom e. cionap ca pe anoip? ca pe niop peapp. Do you like it. I do not like it. Wait a while for me. Open the door. Shut the door. I am thirsty. Blow the fire. He took it with him. I am fond of you. I know it (or him.) 51. an i po oo pjianpa ? meapaim jup b'e. cfa ap leip an maioe po? ip liom pern e. cia b'e le'p mian 6. cuippao piop aip. A hundred thousand wel- comes. How far is it from this? That is little matter to me. I am going now. It is freezing. What is your name? What have you done? Do that rightly. I have a desire for it. I like it very much. How is he now? He is better. Is this your knife ? I think it is [or, that it is he.] Whose is this stick ? It is my own. Whoever has a niiiid. I will send for him. c 2 18 OF THE LETTERS oeanpao ma'p peioip. nil neapc ajam aip. cuip ope DO h-aca. geapp apdn ip im. cinnup rd cu, pan annpin 50 poll. I will do it if possible. I cannot help it. Put on your hat. Cut bread and butter. How are you ? Stay there awhile. 52. nil oeipip mop opm. ni piu biopdn e. cia h-i an cailin pin ? cia h-iao na oaomepe ? ip liompa e pin. an e pin e ? ni he pin 4. an meapan cu map pin ? ni abpaim niop mo. ma cd p-e map a oeip cu. cpeuo ip ciall oe pin ? ip Idioip an peap e. ip oeap an cailin i pin. an mfan leac gloine piona ? 53. cpeo pd a pinrie cu pin ? na peap eaopom 'p a ceine. nil aon-oume ann pin. ip jlic na oaoine fao. ip oaoine jglioca fao. coj leac e ajup pdil- ce. I am in no great hurry. It is not worth a pin. Who is that girl ? Who are these people ? That is mine. Is that it ? That is not it. Do you think so ? I say no more. If it be as you say. What is the meaning of that? He is a strong man. That is a nice girl. Do you wish for a glass of wine ? Why did you do that ? Do not stand between me and the fire. There is no person there. They are sensible people. They are sensible people. Take it with you and wel- come. IN THEIR SIMPLEST FORMS, ETC. 19 ca pe 'n am ppomne. ca 50 leop ajam oe. ip <5eup an pgian i po. ca me ap anail 50 h-iomlan. pinne pe map pin. ip olc an aimpip i po. It is dinner time. I have enough of it. This is a sharp knife. I am quite out of breath. He did so. This is bad weather. 54. ip pine e na mipe. ip eipion an ce ip oije aca. 'pi cm cf ip oeipe aca. ip pollup gup peap coip e. cuip an coipe aip a ceine. cionap ca piao 50 h-uile ? cao ip amm oe *n aic po? cao pa ap lei^ cu uaic e ? 50 oe lappap cu aip r o? 50 oe ap ice cu aip ? a pug cu an bame leac? "Rugap. 'pe po an paoo a oeip pe. He is older than I. He is the youngest of them. She is the nicest of them. It is evident that he is an up- right man. Put the kettle on the fire. How are they all ? What is the name of this place ? Why did you let him go from you ? What do you ask for this ? What did you pay for it ? Did you bring the milk ? I did. This is what he says. 20 OF ASPIRATION. CHAPTER II. OF ASPIRATION, AND THE CHANGES PRODUCED BY IT IN THE SOUNDS OF THE LETTERS. SECT. 1 Of the Sounds of Aspirated Letters. 55. The letters b, c, o, p, 5, m, p, p, c, are called muta- lle consonants, from the complete change or loss of their original sounds which they suffer in certain positions. The alterations thus introduced are effected in a two-fold man- ner, viz., either by aspiration or eclipsis : the former of these we shall now consider. 56. A consonant is said to be aspirated when the change of sound is indicated by a dot placed over it, thus b, c, 6, &c. ; or by the letter h written after it. The powers of the aspirated letters are as follows : 57. b and m joined with broad vowels, in the beginning and middle of words, have generally the sound of w, as mo bao, my boat, pronounced mo waudh ; labpaim (lowrim), I speak ; mo riiac (mo woe), my son; amain (awauin), alone. The same letters, when connected with slender vowels, or at the end of words, sound for the most part like v; as bioap (veedhar), they were; pliab (shleeuv), a mountain; mo rheup (mo veur), my finger ; lairh (lawiv), of a hand. 58. m is often silent in the middle of words, especially in the preposition com, as comappa (co-mz), a neighbour: at the end of words after a broad vowel it has a peculiar OF ASPIRATION. 21 sound like that of w, followed by a very slender sound of v, as naom (neeow'v), a saint; lam (laitfv), a hand. 59. c before or after a broad vowel has the rough sound ofgh in lough; as luc (Zugh), a mouse; mo cop (mo ghus], my foot. c connected with a slender vowel is little more than a strong aspirate sound ; as cim (heem), I see ; mo cean (mogh-yan), my head; t>eic (dyeti), ten. 60. 6 and in the beginning of a word or syllable, fol- lowed by a broad vowel, have a peculiar sound to which there is no equivalent in English. The nearest approach to it may be found in the strong guttural sound ofgh, fol- lowed by a slight sound of w in some cases, as mo 50 pc (pronounced somewhat like mogh-wortJi), my field ; mo oun (mogh woori), my fort. 6 and 5 in the beginning of words connected with small vowels, have the sound of the consonant y ; as po 6 ear-, very nice, pronounced ro yas; mo iolla (mo yilld), my servant. 61. In the middle and end of words these two aspirated letters are not sounded as consonants ; but either serve merely to modify the sounds of vowel combinations, or else are entirely suppressed in the pronunciation. ao in the beginning of uneompounded words before a broad vowel, or before the letters I, n, p, and 5, sounds like the English i in mine. Thus ccoapc, a horn, is pronounced l-urk; paoapc, sight, pronounced ri-urk; and so aopaim (i-rum), I adore; aolacaim (ilakim), I bury; caoj ( Thig\ Teigue or Thady. 62. OD is sometimes similarly pronounced ; as oocm (lan\ a caldron. 63. ao ending in a word has the obscure sound of a in as bcelao, a smell, pronounced bolla ; geappat) 22 OF ASPIRATION. )i cutting: eao sounds like ew in sinew, as pmneao, was made, pronounced (rin-you). 64. In such instances as the following, 6 and 5 are altogether silent: piaonuipe, witness, pronounced fee-a- nishe ; paio (faw-ee), a prophet ; bioim (bee-ini), I am usually ; ti^eapna (thee-ar-nd), a lord ; pi 5 (ree), a king ; aTnui$(am-wee), out; puie (seeya), sitting ; cpoioe (kree), the heart; buioe (bwee), yellow; pldnu jao (slau-noo), sal- vation ; the termination ujao being little more in sound than a lengthened u. 65. aai6, the face, is pronounced like the English word eye : this is in accordance with the preceding observations, for the word, though always spelt with a , must have been originally UDCIID, as appears from the analogy of other lan- guages, (Greek g^o ? ), &c. 66. p is altogether silent, as an peile, the festival, pro- nounced an ay-la. 67. p has the sound of ph or/J as mo pup, my lip, pro- nounced rnofoos. 68. p and r always sound like h, as a pal, his heel, pro- nounced a hall; mo rijeapna (mo heerna), my lord. 68, No primitive words in Irish are found to contain p or p ; although some words introduced from other lan- guages are improperly spelt with p, as phaipipmeac, a Pharisee, &c. ; these words ought to be written with an p. The error of the former method appears plainly in the vo- catives of these words, in which the first consonant is com- pletely silent, they being pronounced as if written with ph, as a Phaipipmij. OF ASPIRATION. 23 SECT. 2. Spelling Exercises on the Aspirates. 70. Monosyllables. balb, dumb. bi, was. cpaob, a branch. oub, black. 5ab, take. lib, with you. mapb, dead. pcub, was. pib, you. pliab, a mountain. caob, a side. u & an e gg- ace, but. Tl.jac, each. loc, a lake. luc, a mouse. TTIOC, early, nac, not. neac, any person. noc, who. noco, night, naked. oco, eight. pioco, shape. feac, aside. peace, seven. pgeac, a bush. 72. cpiao, clay. cpoioe, a heart. paio, a prophet. peao, extent. f irto, a deer, peiom, use. pleao, a feast. o, business. be etc, a bee. bo co, poor, cloc, a stone, cpioc, the end. cpuac, a rick, oeic, ten. oeoc, a drink, opuce, dew. eac, a horse, peuc, behold. f iac, a debt. pi me, wet. cold. plioco, progeny. ceac, a house. ceacc, coming, cpaco, converse, uce, the breast. 06, good luck. buo, love. be 16, will be. biao, food. bioo, let it be. buaio, victory, buioe, yellow, caoio, lamentation. 5pao, love, mo, a thing, nuao, new. pcio, a saying. pei 6, ready, ptiao, red. peao, yes. bpeaj, fine. 24 OF ASPIRATION. bpi, virtue. oea, good. oeoi, conclusion. oiai, end. DOIJ, opinion. laoj, a calf. 73. rlea, a spear. plua, a troop. , juice. , sit. , thick. i, strand. pity. uam, a cave. am, raw. cnairii, bone. oavh, an ox. ppearh, a root. gniorh, an act. 74. cair, cliaiF. car, a battle. cior, a shower. cliar, a hurdle. cpior, trembling. cpur, form. oar, colour. per, a sinew. puar, hatred. $ur, voice. ir, eat. lear, half. liar, grey. luair, ashes. , read. , a physician. na, a field, o^, perfect, pure, pig, a king. lam, a hand, naorh, a saint, neam, heaven, neirh, poison. pi am, ever, pam, pleasant. pjeim, beauty, pnam, swimming. uaim, a den. ar, a ford, bir, existence, blar, blossom, bpar, judgment. mair, good, meir, fat. pi or, a race, por, a wheel, pair, enough, pciar, a wing, pjar, a shadow, pior, peace, pnair, a thread, ppur, a stream, reir, hot. cpar, time. cua, a hatchet, cuar, a country. SECT. 3 Initial Aspirates. 75. DO bao, thy boat. a bap, his death. an bean, the woman. mo be ul, my mouth. OF ASPIRATION. 25 a blap, his taste. a blar, his blossom. a bo, his cow. mo bpac, my cloak. mo bpon, my sorrow. oo beir, to be. mo cae, my cat. a ceao, his permission. a ceann, his head. mo ciop, my comb. mo ciop, my rent. oo copp, thy body. 76. ca pao, how long. an pail, the ring. an peil, the feast. m' peap, my husband. a pip, O man. po pliuc, very wet. a pole, his hair. po puap, very cold. an puil, the blood. po jann, very scarce. mo jean, my love. mo 51 all, iny jaw. oo jlac, took. oo 5010, stole. 77. po mair, very well. po moc, very early. mo pcnpc, my field. mo peann, my pen. mo pian, my pain. a piob, his pipe. an pluc, the cheek. mo pog, my kiss. mo pope, my tune. oo pup, thy lip. mo pal, my heel a paoi, sir. a cop, his foot. mo cu, my hound. mo cuio, my portion. pa cul, backwards. a oaio, his father. o oeap, from the south. mo oeoc, my drink. mo oeip, my right hand. pa 60, twice. mo oopnn, my fist. mo oun, my fort. po oub, very black. an jpian, the sun. oo jab, seized, an jaor, the wind, oo jnar, usually. mo jpao, my love. a mac, his son, a mapc, his beef. ca meio, how much. mo meup, my finger. oo mian, thy desire. a mic, O son. oo rhnaoi, to a woman, po mop, very great, a muc, his pig. mo piup, my sister. oo plac, thy rod. o pom, since. oo ppon, thy nose, mo puil, my eye. oo puio, sat. oo rip, thy country, oo rog, took. mo roil, my will, oo ruj, gave, pa cpi, thrice. oo cuic, fell. 26 OF ASPIRATION. o rup, from the beginning. mo eaob, my side. po reir, very hot. po riu j, too thick. SECT. 4 Short Sentences with aspirated Monosyllables. 78. ca pe moc. lei 5 6am. bi oo rope, ca paib cu? ma 15 leac. maie 50 leop. ni 15 liom. puio 50 pocaip. eaipng an cloj. bail o Ohia ope. ce pin aj eeace? ni'l a piop ajam. 50 oe a clog e ? bioo pe map pin. ni'l pe peio pop. ca'p paj cu e ? o'uai me mo oaorain. cia aca bi ann ? cuiple mo cpoioe. ma 'p e oo coil e. ip cpua liom pin. na bio6 ea^jla ope. ca an leanb a gul. ip ceir an aimpip i. 79. ca meio ip piu 100 ? an paib puace ope ? ra mo pair ajam oe. ce'p leip an nj pin ? It is early. Let me alone. Be silent. Where have you been ? If you can. Very well. I cannot. Sit still. Pull the bell. God bless you. Who is that coming ? I don't know. What o'clock is it ? Let it be so. He is not ready yet. Where did you leave it ? I ate enough. Which of them was there ? Vein of my heart. If you please. I am sorry for that. Do not fear. The child is crying. It is warm weather. How much are they worth? Were you cold ? I have enough of it. Whose house is that ? OF ASPIRATION. 27 buo mair liom a beir. puio flop le mo raob. oo bi bean oeap cuge. beio me leac 50 ^oipio. ni peioip leo janabeic. nac loppaio cu niop mo ? peuc an jpian aj oul paoi. ni'l cu com aopcaliompa. ]p paoa liom a o'pan cu. an can oo buail pe e. caipbean 6am an pjian pin 0500. DO bi a jpuaj com oub le jual. ip mo an jpao ca a^am- pa ope na ca aijepan. ip mo jnao ca ajam opcpa na aippean. 50 oe aip a bpuil pib a cpaco ? ip e po an peap a cap opainn anoe. I would wish to be. Sit down by my side. He had a pretty wife. I will be with you soon. They cannot but be. Will you not eat more ? See the sun setting. You are not as old as I am. I think you staid too long. When he beat him. Shew me that knife you have. Her hair was coal black. I love you more than he. I love you more than him. What are you talking of? This is the man that met us yesterday. SECT. 5 Spelling Exercises Aspirated Dissyllables. 80. aball, an apple, aoapc, a horn. aomao, timber. ajmap, lucky. amac, out. amain, alone, only. amainn, a river, ampap, doubt, amuij, out. anbpann, feeble, aoibmn, pleasant, aoibneap, joy. apbap, corn, eapcu, an eel. apceac, within. araip, a father, baojal, danger. bacac, laine, a cripple. 28 OF ASPIRATION. balao, a smell, bealac, a way. becmnaco, blessing. beara, life, blarac, buttermilk, bliaoain, a year. 81. bponac, sorrowful, bpui^ce, boiled. buacail, a boy. buioeac, thankful, buailio, a dairy. bucnlcean, a flail, cailleac, a hag. ccroippeoil, mutton. caraip, a city. ceaccap, either. cioncac, guilty, claippeac, a harp, cliabdn, a cradle. cloioearh, a sword. eoioce, always, ever. 82. oeacac, smoke. oeivhin, certain, true. oeipbpup, a sister. oeipeao, end. oiorhaoin, idle. ooil^iop, affliction. oomam, deep. Dorhan, the world. oorhnac, Sunday. oaorccm, sufficiency, oorcap, hope. opoicioo, a bridge. oubcnpe, said. eaoac, clothes. eaoriiap, jealous. bordn, a hut. borap, a road, bpaoac, roguish. bpajao, the bosom, bpeireaiin, a judge. bpomac, a colt. coileac, a cock, coimecto, keep. coiinpaD, conversation, copmuil, like. corhrpom, just, equal, cpiarap, a sieve, cpuicneaco, wheat, cuiirme, memory, cunianj, narrow, cuppra, weary, curac, furious, oaoao, a trifle, a jot. ocnobip, poor. oarh pa, dancing, oanacc, boldness. eallac, cattle, eappac, spring. ein-neac, any one. eipje, rising, eipij, arise ! eipoeacc, audience, eocaip, a key. paicceap, fear, papac, a desert, peapram, rain, piaoain, wild, pirce, twenty, plaireap, heaven, po^laim, learning, polam, empty. 83. a smith. a goat, OF ASPIRATION. 2o leir caiopim na m-6pearnac leip na h-6ipeanncaib, ajup up b'i 6ipe pa cul DiDin Doib, map a oeip Capaoocup uoap 6peachnac i n-a cpoinic, agup Qbian, ajjjup lomao D'ujoapuib eile na ofp mopan DO ppionn- pa6u ib na m-6peacan ajup D J a n-uaiplib 50 n'a muipeupajup 50 n-a mumncip i n-Gipmn, map a njab- raoi piu, ajup map a n-glacraoi 50 cineal- ca 100, ajup map a D-cujraoi peapannpe a aiciujao, amail a Dubpamap ruap. t)o jnf pop t)occop Han- mer i n-a cpoinic ppepialcacc ap CUID and of the Irish are not the same now, and that they have not been so in time past. All that we have said about the acquaintance of the Britons with the Irish, and with regard to the circumstance that Ireland was their last place of re- fuge, is the more credible, inasmuch as Caradocus, a British author, states in his Chronicle (as well as Abian, and several other of the British authors), that many of the princes of Britain, and of their nobles, used to come, with their followers and people, to Ireland, where they were received and treated with kindness, and were given land to dwell on, as we said above. Moreover, Dr. Hanmer, in his Chro- nicle, makes particular mention of some of them. First, he says, that there was banished to Ireland by Edwin, son of Ethel- fred, a king that reigned 2 42 ECLIPSIS. oiob. Ctpo-eupa oeip gup otbpeao 50 h-Gi- pinn le Baobum, mac CCecelppeo, pi oo bi ap an m-6peacam oap b' amm Caobail- lin, an can pa haoip oo'n Uijeapna pe ceao ajup cuij oeaj ap piceao bliaona, ajup job-puaip jab- dil pip 50 jpdoac ann, a^up puaip con^nam pluai^ lep bean pe a plaireap pern amac apfp. Ct oeip pop 50 o-ranjaoap 6d ppi- onnpa 6 6hpeacam, map a ca Qpolo ajup Conan, 50 h-6ipmn, an can pa h-aoip oo'n Uijeapna mile ajup oeic 'p oa pi- ceao bliaona, ajup 50 b-puaipeaoap a n-jlacao, ajup pop caiopearh ajup cum- oac 6 Bipeanncuib. in Britain whose name was Cadwallin, in the year of our Lord 635, and that he was there kindly re- ceived, and obtained an auxiliary force of troops by which he regained his own sovereignty again. He also says, that there came from Britain two princes named Harold and Conan, in the year of our Lord 1050, and that they met with a kind reception, and further, friendship and protection from the Irish people. 103. lap nvbacao lucca na When the Egyptians were h-Bjipce 'p an ^ U1 P drowned in the Red Sea, Ruaio, an oponj oo'n the people of the country ap oorhcnpo'dn-oeip who lived after them ba- ECL1PSIS. 43 00 puagpao ouine uapal o'aipi^ce Scei- riaoac DO bf i n-a corh- nuioe eacoppa, 50 nac n-jeabao plai- reap op a j-ceann. Qp m-beir 06 ap n-a oibipc 50 n-a rpeib, cainic gupan Spainn, map ap aicij pe lomao bliaona ajup a n-oeacaoap a pliocc 1 lionmaipeacc 50 mop, a^up cangaoap ap pin i n-6ipmn. Q oeipio cuio oo na nuao-^halluib pi, 05 pcpiobao ap Bipinn, gup ab 6'n m-6pea- cain mo ip canjaoap mic TTlileao aip o-cup, ajup ip e par pa paoi- lio -pin, oo bpij 50 b-puilio lomao pocal lonann i m-6pearnaip ajup i nished a certain Scythian chieftain that was living among them, that he might not assume sove- reignty over them. Hav- ing been banished with his tribe, he came to Spain, where he lived many years, and where his posterity became very numerous ; and from that they came to Ireland. Some of the modern English, writing about Ireland, as sert that it was from Great Britain the sons of Milesius came originally, and their reason for think- ing so is, that there are several words the same in the British and in the Irish. 104. Hi lonjnao lomao po- It is no wonder that there cal oo beir lonann are many words the same in Welsh and in Irish, although it was not from ab o'n m-6pea- Britain the sons of Mile- cain canjaoap mic sius came into Ireland : pan 6hpearnaip ajup 44 ECLIPSIS. TTIileao i n-6ipmn, oo bpij jup bi 6ipe pa cul oiom oo 6hpeac- naib pe linn jac lear- cpom oa luioeao op- pa oo coipc na "Ro- itidnac no na Sajpa- nac, no 506 opoin^e eile oa n-irnpeao poipneapc oppa, lonn- up 50 o-cijoip poipne iomoa 50 n-a min- peap ajup 50 n-a mumncip ap ceiceao i n-6ipmn oiob, 50 o-cujofp uaiple na h-Bipeann peapann ap peao a g-cuapca ooib, ajup an pliocc oo cijeao uara pe linn a n-oeopuijeac- ca oo pojlamraoi an 5haoi6eil5 leo, ajup acdio bailee i n-Gi- pinn ammnijceap uaca, map a ca^paij na m-6pearnac, ajup t)un na m-6pearnac, 70. Cfjup lap o-nll- eao oo'n 6hpeacain ooib, oo bioo icmao pocal oo 'n ^ a 1Del % ap jnarujao aca because Ireland was the last refuge of the Britons in the time of every trou- ble that befel them from the invasion of the Ro- mans or Saxons, or any other people that visited them with oppression. So that there came many of the inhabitants of Britain, with their families and retainers, fleeing into Ire- land, where the nobles of Ireland gave them land during their stay ; and the Irish was learned by their children who were born during the time of their sojourn ; and there are towns in Ireland that are named after them, such as Graigue-na-Mana and Dunmanway, &c. And after their return to Bri- tain, there were many Irish words in common use among themselves, and their posterity after them. According to what we have said, it is not neces- sary to suppose that the sons of Milesius came ori- ginally from Britain, al- ECLIPSIS. 45 05 a pliocc o'a n-eip. t)o pe'p cc n-oubpamap ni h-in- rheapca 50 h-eijean- cac, ^up ab o'n m-6peacain canja- oap mic niileao aip o-cup, rap ceann 50 b-puilio pocail lon- ann i m-6pearnaip ajup i n-^aomeilj. Q r>eip Seapap, |xtn peipeao leabap o'a pcaip, jup ab 6 01- leanuib na 6peacan DO cuaio opaoire oo'n phpamc. Ip inrheap- ca jiip b'e oilean na h-6ipeann an c-oi- lean pin ap ap rpial- laoap na opaoice, oo bpi^ jup b'f 6ipe co- bap opaoioeacca lap- raip Goppa an can pin, a$up jup bi an ^aoioealg pa ceanja oo na opaoirib ceao- tliough there be some words identical in the Welsh and Irish lan- guages. Csesar says, in the Sixth Book of his History, that it was from the British Isles the Druids came to France. It is probable that the Isle of Erin was that island from which the Druids emigrated, be- cause Ireland was the source of the Druidic sys- tem of the west of Europe at that time, and Irish was the language of the Druids. 46 READING LESSONS. CHAPTER IV. READING LESSONS (RELIGIOUS AND MORAL). SECT. 1 . From Gallagher's Irish Sermons (with the Orthography corrected). 105. t)'iapp piao cpocaipe They asked for mercy when an uaip a bi pi pe pajail aca, ajup oa bpij [in puapaoap i. Qp maioin, an ua;p pop^lup pumneoja an lae, ip coip oumn puinneoja ap n-an- ma o'popjuilc, po comaip 5P a r a an Cijeapna, ajup a n-opuio a n.ajaio 506 opoc pum ajup jac carujaio. dp nio jnac oo'n mac- cipe anuaip a reio pe po an cpeao, bpeir ap pcopnaij ^-caopa ceanja a eappa6 aipce ^an riioill, ap ceipce 50 n-oeanao pi meileac no cop- pan, mupcolao an ap an an it was within their reach, and therefore they ob- tained it. In the morning, when the windows of day open, we ought to open the win- dows of our souls to the grace of the Lord, and shut them against every evil thought and tempta- tion. It is a usual thing with the wolf, when he goes into the flock, to seize a sheep by the throat, and cut its tongue out directly, for fear lest it should raise a bleating, or noise, that might awaken the shep- herd to come to its aid. rpeuoaioe, cobaip 61. beappao READING LESSONS. 47 Cao ap p o o-cujann cu capcuipne no mioirioo oo'n peap uo eile, cd bocc no uipipioll, a o" u r 5 U P tonann ao- mao o'a n-oeapnao pib, map aca an lu- arpedn. What is the reason that you shew contempt or uncivi- lity to that other person that is poor or humble, while the material of which you are both made is one and the same, namely, ashes. 106. TTld rd pipion a pcaio na n-spap, a^up cupa a b-peacao, ip pedpp eipion mile uaip no rupa, cuip a j-cdp 50 b-puil cu ao' pij no ao' phpionnpa. dec an mair leac p^eula o'p a 5 ai ^ a cpiopoai^e, cao po tn-bfonn na oaome ap lapao pe pun oiojal- cuip ? Cao ap a m-bio ap meip^e pe jpao an c-paiobpip ? Cao ap a m-bio cuc- ra oo cpaop, a^up oo jac amniian? Cao ap a m-bfo cucca oo itiionna mopa, oo ja- oaioeacc, ajup oo bpeajaib? Qcd 'oeip an paio Rijeamail, oo bpij 50 n-o4mio oeapmao oo'n bap. If he be in a state of grace, and you in sin, he is a thousand times better than you, although you be a king or a prince. But, Christian, would you learn why it is that men are inflamed with the se- cret passion of revenge ? Why they are intoxicated with the love of riches ? Why they are given to excess and to every lust ? Why they are given to swearing ? It is, says the Royal Prophet, because they forget death. (Ps. Ixxiii.) 48 READING LESSONS. Cuoap nacpmuameann Why is it, sinner, that you cu, a peacai, 50 m-beir an cholamn pin, po b-puil cu anoip 05 Deanam a n-iomao cupaim, 'na biao pi ape a^up cnuoj, paoi ceann aimpipe. 107. dra pop 6a nio cpuc- uijiop piacranup na h-upnaije, map acd, mopbacc ajup niair- eap De DO raob, ajup boccaineacr ctjup eapbuio an oume oo'n caob eile. 6heappa pe 6ib jac n'6 biap piaccanac ajaib annpa c-paojal po, a S u F an 5^ ] P PP" pinoe annpa c-paojal eile. Qca oaille na n-oaoi- neao coni mop ajup pin, 50 n-jlacaio an uile cupam po neirib oiombuan an c-pao- jail po, ajup 30 n-oeanaio neambpij DO paiobpeap piop- puioe phappcraip. do not reflect, that that body, on which you now spend so much care, shall in a short time be the food of worms. There are, moreover, two causes that give rise to the necessity of prayer, namely, the majesty and goodness of God on the one side, and the poverty and want of man on the other side. He will give you every thing that shall be needful for you in this world, and in the other world, life eter- nal. The blindness of mankind is so great, that they take all care of the transitory things of this world, and treat as worthless the everlasting blessings of Paradise. READING LESSONS. 49 je nacb-puil nio ap bir annpa' c-paojal po ip coiecinne ma an bap, oo bpi 50 piublann 50 laeraifiail eao- pamn 6 cig 50 rig, 50 b-puaoatjionn pip an c-60- map an appuio, ajup 50 o-caipn^eann lao cum na h-uaije, an uaip ip luja oo paoilio ; maipeao, 'na oiaio po ajup uile, ni puil nfo ap bir ip eupjaioe o'd n-oean- cap oeapmao, ma oo'n m-bdp. 108. Ip lonjancup mop po jan ampup, ajup jan nfo ap bir ap an c-paojala p a n-oeap- camaoio nac g-cuip- eann an bap a n-aomail ouinn. TTId oeapcamaoio pumn ap an calrham oeappaio an calarh linn, nac b-puil lonainn, ace cpe ajup luairpedn. TTId peacamaoio puap ap an aep, oeapbaio an c-aep ouinn, nac Although there be nothing in this world that is more common than death, be- cause it stalks daily among us from house to house, sweeps away young as well as old, and draws them into its pit, at the time when they least think of it ; notwith- standing, after all this, there is nothing in the world more readily for- gotten than death. This is much to be won- dered at, no doubt, since there is nothing in the world upon which we lay our eyes, that does not bring death before our notice. If we look beneath us on the earth, the earth will say to us, that there is nothing in our composition but earth and ashes. If we look up towards the air, the air will indicate to us that there is no con- 50 READING LESSONS. b-puil DO buaineap i n-dp m-beara, ace upao le pemedn jaoice. ITId oeap- camaoio uamn ap an b-paip^e, a;?jup ap na pporannaib, cuippio a n-umail ouinn 50 n-imrijeann dp n-aim- pip agup dp paojal copainn $an morugao, ap aipce an c-ppora. 1 n-aon pocal, ni puil eaob o'd o-cioneoca- maoio nac b-puil lorhcuj an bdip op ap g-coTTiaip ; mdipeao a n-airhoeoin oioeapa paba oiob po, a cd oaille na n-oaomea6 com mop ajuppin, nac b-puil nfo ap bic ip luaiue oa n-oeanaio oeapmao m-bdp. oon no 109- Cfn uaip a c dp pinnpip Qoarh 6aba, pinne pe mai jip- cip oiob ap 506 aoib- neap, a^up aip jac coppca bi a b~papp- ace cpann na tinuance in our life, but what a breath of wind possesses. If we look away from us on the sea, and on the streams, they will put us in mind that our time and our age is going by imperceptibly, like the flowing of the stream. In a word, there is no side to which we can turn, where the image of death does not meet us ; yet, in spite of every lesson and every warning, such as these, the blindness of men is so great that there is nothing at all more speedily forgotten by them than death. When God created our forefathers, Adam and Eve, he put them in possession of evey en- joyment and every fruit which was in Paradise, but the tree of knowledge READING LESSONS. 51 h-Girnearindin. lonnupnac m-bpippioip an Qirne cuip po opra, 'pe pm, gen blap oo ropra an cpamn po, cuip an bap op a 5-comaip, map pciar- 6101 n, ajup map 6am- gean a n-ajaio 506 carujaio. dec map oo connaipc an tDiabal, 50 o-nubpao cuimne an bdip opra beir umal DO t)hia, ajup ^an an airne po oo bpipeao, oibip jan Thoill an oeajpmuain- eao po ap a j-cpoio- cib, 05 oeapbu^ao ooib, nac paib baojal ap bic bdip opra, cuip a 5-cap 50 n-ioppaioip an r-uball po, oo bi cpopca opra. Qcccao e o'eipij o'cip pinnpip ap an cpeapon ajup an eapurhlacc po pinneaoap a n-aaio olije t)e ? Qcd a Chpiopoaioe jup caill- eaoap aibio na n-^pdp a cuip t)ia po n-a n-anam. Chailleaoap only. And that they might not break this commandment which He enjoined upon them, that is, that they should not taste the fruit of this tree, he set before them death as a preservative and fence against every temptation. But when the devil saw that the remembrance of death would cause them to be obedient to God, and not to break this command- ment, he banished, with- out delay, this good thought from their hearts, certifying to them, that there was no danger of death happen- ing to them, supposing they should eat this apple that was prohibited to them. But what happen- ed to our first parents in consequence of their trea, son and the disobedience with which they treated the law of God ? It was, Christian, that they lost the habit of grace with which God endued their 52 READING LESSONS. pceim neccrhoa, DO cpucuijeab leo ; an c-anam a bi 'n a peapla uapal lonnpac, DO peip lomaije a$up copamlacca t)e, gup cioneoiD an peacaD f, cum a beir oub, pmeapra, glonnmap, DO peip lorhdije agup copamlacca an Dia- bail. O'n a m-beic 'n a maigjipcpib ap an b-papprap ralmaio po, agup 'na n-oijpiDib ap phapprap neinie, Dibpeao iao lomnocc- UID ^an eappaD, jan eaoac, ap pea6 an c-paojail; agup caill- eaoap a j-ceapc ap pluiueariinup. Q n-aic a beic paop ap an m-bap, ajup ap jac cinneap ap peao a D-ceapma ap an c-pao- jal po ; map bapp pi- onnuip ap a n-eapum- lacc, cdinic cinneap ajup aiciDioe oppra pem, agup ap a pliocc 5 n a n-Diai6 : agup oa opuim pin an bap. soul. They lost the heavenly beauty that was created with them ; the soul, that was a noble shining pearl, after the image and likeness of God, sin changed, so that it should be dark, de- nied, loathsome, after the image and likeness of the devil. From being the owners of this earthly paradise, and heirs of the paradise of hea- ven, they were driven out naked, without goods, without clothing, through the wide world ; and lost their right to heaven. Instead of being free from death, and from every disease, du- ring their stay in this world ; as a punishment imposed for their dis- obedience, there came sickness and disease upon them, and upon their posterity after them, and besides this, death. READING LESSONS. 53 110. Ipuime cpuruij t)iacm oume cum 50 m-beic pe pann-pdipceac ann- pa'ngloip pioppuioe, ajup 'n-oijpe ap phappcap. Gcc cap eip an cine oaonna oo cailleamain a g-ceapc cum na h-oijpeacca po, cpe peacao Qoaim ; cap eip lao DO beic 'n a nairhoib 05 t)ia le milcib bliaoan a^up 'na pclctbumrib 05 an oiabal ; ^e phappraip oo ounca 'na n-ajaio ajup ippionn oo beic beal-popcailce po n-a ^-comaip ; an paoal a beic 05 cpeu^bail a>i De pip, a cpucuij iao, a^up 05 oeanam aopaio a^up lobaipce oo na oeirib bpeige ; cuiplinj po oeipeao mac t)e ap na plaicip; jlac colann oaonna a m-bpomn na TTlaijoine TTIuipe. Uapeipebeir cpi bliaona oeaj ap pi cio ap an c-pao^al po a m-boccameacc, F It was for this end God created man, that he be a partaker of everlasting glory. But after man- kind having lost their rights to this inheritance through the sin of Adam; after their being enemies to God and slaves of the devil for thousands of years ; the gates of Pa- radise shut against them, and hell opening its mouth before them ; the world gone astray from the true God, that cre- ated them, and offering adoration and sacrifice to false gods : at last the Son of God came down from heaven and as- sumed human flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary. After he had been thirty- three years in this world in poverty and sorrow, undergoing distress and hardships, while he taught and in- structed the people by words and by example, he suffered at length the shameful death of the 54 READING LESSONS, ajup a n-anpo, paoi buaoaipc agup paoi rpiobloio 05 pciupao poibleac pe bpiarpaib agup pe pompla, o'pu- lainj po oeipeao bap pcannalac na cpoice ; o'oppail pe e pein map loobaipc oo'n Qcaip pioppuioe, lonnup 50 n-oeanpa6 pe ap pfor- cam pip; pipb-puijeao ap aip an bpeic oa- manca cujao 'n dp n-ajaio a b-peappain Qoairh. lll.maoeip cu, a Chpiop- oaioe, 50 n-oedpna t)ia cpocaipe ap ja- oaioe na lairhe oeipe a b-ponc an bctip, cap 6ip a beic piarii pe h-olc ; ajup ^ o mb'peiDip 30 n-o^an- pao an cpocaipe ceaona opc-pa. Oc, a peacuij boicc, ni puil ajao aip pin, ace b'peioip, a^up tna cuipeann cu an c-pfop- uioeacc a cross ; lie offered himself as a sacrifice to the eter- nal Father, to make our peace with him, and reverse the judgment of condemnation passed against us in the person of Adam. If you say, Christian, that God shewed mercy to the thief on his right hand in the point of death, after his having been before in wicked- ness ; and that it may be he will shew the like mercy to you. Alas, poor sinner, you have nothing for that but " may be ;" and if you risk eternity on a "may be," you give the world to understand, that you READING LESSONS. 55 aipc pe b'peioip, beip cu le cuijpin oo 'n c-paoal, nac b-puil rneap agao ap an njloip pioppuioe, nac b-puil beann ajgao ap oo planu^ao net acapa ap bic pe piancaib Ipppinn. puaip an jaoaioe po, oei p Maom Qujuipcm, cpocaipe a b-ponc an baip, cap eip a beic piam 'na peacac, lonnap nac m-beic euoorcup ap aon n-ouine. Qcc 6 cup an c-paojail 50 o-ci an uaip po, nf leijceap aip aon n-ouine, euip an aic- pije 50 pone an baip, puaip cpocaipe, ace an c-aon j;aouiDe po, ajup map pin nf puil aobap anooccuij' 05 aon n-t>uine. 112. Chuj t)ia annp a' c-pempeacc aicne ajup opoujao oo 'n cine oaona gpao oo beic aca ap an j-co- have no regard for eter- nal glory, that you have no respect for your sal- vation, nor any concern about the pains of hell. This thief found mercy at the point of death, says St. Augustine, after having been always a sinner, that none might despair. But from the beginning of the world to this present hour, there is none read of that put off repentance to the point of death, who found mercy, but this one thief, and so no person has a cause for presumption. God in the old law gave to mankind a command- ment and injunction to love their neighbours. The Jews, through ig- 56 READING LESSONS. rhappainn. t)o riieap na luoaije cpe ain- bpiop, nacap opouig- eao an airne po ooib ace gpdo a beir aca ap a 5-cdipoe, agup gup b-peioip ooib puac a beic aca ap a ndirii- Dib. Occ lonnup 30 n-oeanpao lopaCpfopc eolup ooib a n-dic an ambpip po, ajuppolup na n-jpctp a n-ctic an oopcaoaip i n-a paba- Dap,labpai6 50 poileip a n-oiurh pip an c-paojal. 6heip op- oujao ^eneapulca ooib, nac leop ooib 5pao a beir aca ap a j-cdipoe, ace pop jup eijm ooib jpdo a beic aca ap a ndimoib, mair a 6anani a n-ajaio an uilc, ajup a beic'aj juioe ap pon na mumeipe ip mo jnt oiojbdil ooib. norance, imagined that this commandment did not order them to love any but their friends, and that they might en- tertain hatred towards their enemies. But to the end that Jesus Christ might communicate to them knowledge instead of this ignorance, and the light of grace instead of the darkness in which they were involved, he now speaks plainly to the world. He gives them a general order, that it is not enough for them to love their friends, but that they must also love their enemies, do good in return for evil, and pray for the people that do them most injury. 113. t)eappaio pib liom, jan airipap, gup nfo 0016- eanca jpao a beic You will tell me, no doubt, that it is a hard thing for us to love the person READING LESSONS. 57 ajcunn ap an ce, o'd b-puilmio cmnce puac a beic aije oppainn ; 5pdo a beic ajainn ap an ce, beip mfoclu agup nac pcopann o aon nio, oeanpao oio^bdil no ooluij oumn ; ace oeipimpe lib-pe, o'd cpuacanaio oa b-puil pe, jup ab 6iin a oeanarh ; oo bpij, 50 b-puil Cpiopc o'a opou^ao 6ib : a^up nac b-puil cup puap ajaib gan a roil oo Deanam. 114. TTld oeapcamaoio ap an ndouip innce pein, oo bpij 50 b-puil nfop mo oo claon aice cum an uilc, no cum na maiceapa, ip nio 0016- eanca po aice. Qcc md oeapcamaoio uipp- ce paoi pciupao na n-^pdp, an nio po a cd ooioeanca aice, eibio pt 6 poioeanca pocarii- who, we are certain, cherishes hatred towards us ; to love the person that makes use of re- proach and reviling to- wards us ; and who will not stop at any thing that may cause us damage or loss : but I tell you, that however hard it be, it must be done, because it is Christ that bids you do it, and that you can- not resist doing his will. If we look to nature in it- self, because it is more inclined to evil than to good, this is a hard thing for it. But if we look upon it under the gui- dance of grace, the thing that is difficult for it, it will find easy and prac- . ticable. Christ enjoins upon us nothing that is hard. He puts upon us 58 READING LESSONS. lac. Hi opouijeann Cpiopc nio ap bir ooioeanca oumn. Hi cuipeann ualac opainn nac o-cij linn a lorh- cap. no burden that is impos- sible for us to bear. 115. Hi puil oume ap bic oeapcap ap na h-do- bapaib gluaipeap e cum spao beic aije ap a ndimoib, nac j-cuip- pio cpuacan aip pein, ap 6615 a oeanca. Qn ceao aobap Diob ; gup opoaij Cpfopc ouinn a oeanam, ajup od bpij pin, 50 b-puil o'piac- aib opainn a roil oo oeanani. Qn oapa h-aobap, jup ^pdouij Cpiopc pein a ndirhoe ap an c-paojal po, agup 50 b-puil o'piac- aib opamne aicpip DO oeanarh aip. Qn cpeap dobap, an ce nac o-cujann in air earn nap o'a ndirhoib, nf b-pui- 516 pe naaiceaihndp. There is no person who considers the causes that bind him to love his enemies, that will not force himself to do it. The^r^ of these causes is, that Christ has en- joined us to do it, and that for this reason we are bound to do what is his will. The second cause is, that Christ himself loved his enemies in this world, and that we are bound to imitate him. The third c ause is, that he who forgives not his enemies, shall not obtain forgiveness him- self. 116. peac anoip, a Chpiop- Behold now, Christian, the oaioe, an connpao acd covenant that exists be- READING LESSONS. 59 eioip t)ia agup an ouine. ITId maireann cu, mairpioeap ouic. CIjup cuipeann cu-pa peala ap an j-connpao po, corn mime agup a oeip cu DO phaioip, corn mmic a^upa oeip cu, mair oumn ap b-pi- aca oo peip map rhairimio jac piaca, ajup jac cuipre nic- eap 'n ap n-aai6 ; ma bpipeann cu-pa an connpao po, ma bionn cu oanappra, cpuaoa- lac, nearhrpocaipeac pe DO corhappam, beio t)ia Dibeip^eac, DIO- jabrac, nearhrpocai- peac, lear. 1 17. Mac b-paicimiD 50 lae- rarhail luce na mionn mop, com leagca cum a peacaiD po cap eip paoipioin, ctjup DO bioDap a piarh poirlie ? Hoc b-paicimD luce na opuipe, com claon cum a' peacaio po a n-Diaio paoipioin, ajup DO bioDap a piam tween God and man. If you forgive, you shall be forgiven. And to this you set your seal as of- ten as you say the Lord's prayer ; as often as you say, forgive us our debts, as we forgive every debt and every offence that is done against us ; if you break this covenant, if you be harsh, cruel, unmerciful to your neighbours, God will be unforgiving, ruthless, and unmerciful to you. Do we not see daily, those who are in the habit of swearing, as much given to this sin after confes- sion of it as they were before ? Do we not see the profligate as much inclined to their sin after confession, as they ever were before ? Do we not see the dishonest 60 READING LESSONS. poime? "Mac b-paici- mio luce na meallco- pacca, a^upna 500015- eacra, coirh leajra CUTTICUID nag-coriiap- pan cap eip paoipmin, ajup DO biooap, a piarh poiriie? Cao e ip ciall DO po, a cdipoe ? O ! aed eapbao Dolaip DO beir oppra 6 cpoioe. t)a m-beir puarDipeac aca ap an b-peaca6, DO peip map opouijeap an airpi^e pipmneac, niop b-eajal ooib cui- cmn ann coni luac po. and thievish as much given to pilfering their neighbours' goods after confession as they ever were before it. And what is the meaning of all this, my friends ? Alas I it is that they are without contrition of heart. Had they con- ceived a just hatred of sin, such as true repen- tance implies, there would have been no fear of their falling so soon as this. SECT. 2. Extracts from Richardson's Irish Sermons (with the Orthography corrected)* 118. Ip Ttjinic biop an CUID ip meapa 05 an Dpuinj ip peapp, a$up an CUID ip peapp 05 an opuinj ip meapa, mup amm- nijeap luce an c-pao- ail po IOD. Occ an la Deijionac ciompocap an capoa; oip ann pin be ID jac uile opoc nf o'ap peiDip a pmuai- neao a luce na n-olc Oftentimes the best men have the worst, and the worst the best things, as they are called, of this world. But at the last day the scene shall be quite changed : for then all that were ill men shall have all the ill things that can be ima- gined, and nothing at all that is good, as we have READING LESSONS. 61 ni Beio aon ni maic aca: an can beio gac ni maic od B-peaoaiD o'fappuio, a$ na oaoimtS maire, a o" u F 5 an P OC n f a P biraca: mupoeapbap dp o-cijeapna oiimn, aj pao, pacpaio na pipein cum na beara poppume. Qgup ip 100 o'a n-joipreap pipein ann po map ruj me oom aipe ceanna o na pannaib oile oe'n caibioil pe, an luce a cpeioiop a n-lopa Cpfopc, agup uime pm od o-cujann pe cu- macca cum piubail a n-aireancaib, ajup a n-6pouijrib an Ci- jeapna ^an milledn, map DO pinneaoap Sacdipiap a^up Glip- ebech, ajup ap an dobappm a oeipceap 50 pabaoap apaon pf- peanca a b-pfaonaipe t)e.fcu. i. 6. already seen ; whereas, all who were good men, shall have all the good things they can desire, and nothing at all that is bad, as our Lord here assures us, by saying, "the righteous shall go into life eternal." Where, by the righteous, as I have already observed in general from the con- text, we are to under- stand such as believe in Jesus Christ, and there- fore are enabled by him to walk in all the com- mandments and ordi- nances of the Lord blameless, as Zacharias and Elizabeth did, and that reason are both said to be " righteous before God."Lu. i. 6. 119. CTn oume paiobip uo, DO bi a n-eaoac cop- That rich person that " was clothed in purple and 62 READING LESSONS. cpa, agup lin mfn, a^up ap na biaeao 50 po-pojamuil gac aon la, an uaip DO cuaio pe 50 h-pepn, nf paib aon bpaon amain uip- 56 aige na uipioo ap a leanpao bapp meoip Duine oo compao ann. 6uc,xvi. 19,24. fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day;" when was got to hell, he had not " one drop of water," not so much as would stick " to the tip of a man's finger," when dipped into it. Luke, xvi. 19, 24. 120. Qjup an ce o'd a calarh copao com h-iomaoamuil pin, nac paib pmuameao ap aon nt, ace a boil DO leijeaD piop, agup a n-oeanum niop paippinje, cum 50 m-bfao die aige i n-a D-caipceocao a lolmai- ceap ; ip beag DO paoil pe 50 pgappaD piu 50 bpar. Qcc cao DU- baipc ppea^pao t)e pip ? Q amaodin, anocc pein lapppui- 6eap h'anam ope, ann pin cia aga m-beiD na neiee DO polaip cu ? 6u. xvii. 20. Cia m-beio ? Hi pean gan ampap. t)o b'eioip 50 m-beieoip And he whose ground brought forth plenti- fully, so that he thought of nothing but pulling down his barns and building greater, that he might have where to treasure up his goods ; he little thought of ever parting with them. But what said the answer of God to him? "Thou fool, this night shall thy soul be required of thee ;" then whose shall these things be which thou hast provided ? Whose shall they be ? None of his be sure. Other peo- ple, perhaps, may enjoy them for awhile, as he did ; but he, for his part, will have no share READING LESSONS. 63 peal 05 oaomib oile map bdoap aigepean ; ace ap a pon pan, ni beio cuio ap bioe aije Diob ; nf beio aije aon cpoij oo'n ealmain, nd aon pppuille oo'n apdn, aon bpaom oo'n uipje, aon ceipe oo'n eaoac, nd aon peoip- linj o' aipgioo le n-a g-ceannac, oa b-pa^ao le n-a g-ceannac 100. t)o imrij uaio anoip an rheio oo paocpui pe ap peao a paojail, jan ap a cumap a o-cabaipc ap a n-aip 50 bpdr. t)o b'eioip 50 paib ceaj bpeaj peal ai^e, ajup an lomao o'eappao paiobip ann; ace anoip ni puil die a j-cuippeao a ceann aije, ace a meaoon lappac a^up eemeeao. t)o bi peapumn, no mameipja^upoo b'pei- oip lomao pi^eacca 50 h-iomldn peal i n-a peilb ; ace a noip ip mo cd 05 peap iapea na oeipce ipboicee ap an calmain ma aije- at all in them, not so much as one foot of land, one crumb of bread, one drop of water, one rag of clothes, nor so much as one farthing of money wherewith to buy it if he could. All that he laboured for all his life long, it is now all gone, past all possibility of being ever retrieved. He had once, perhaps, a fine house to live in, with a great deal of rich furni- ture ; but now he hath not where to lay his head, but in the midst of flames of fire. He had once farms, or ma- nors, and, perhaps, se- veral whole kingdoms, in his possession ; but now the poorest beggar upon earth hath more than he. He once had a great many friends ; but now he hath not one in all the world. He used to have gold and silver, and a great many fine things, as he thought ; but now he lives in the very extre- 64 READING LESSONS. pean ; DO bi uiriiip riiop DO cdipoe peal ai^e ; ace anoip ni puil aon capaio 'p an -paoal u lie cuge : bet gndr leip aipgeao, agup op DO beir cuge, agup lomao DO neirib bpeda, map Tneap peipean lao ; a cd pe anoip a n-oaop- bpuio naboccameapa, a n-Dic $ac uile DO 6eanao mair 66, no DO rheapao pe DO 6ean- pa6 pojnarh DO. 121. Uaipbeancap na neire po uile 50 po-jlan le ceao bpiarpaib na bpe- ire, cannup an bpei- ream a n-ajaio Dpu- inje na lairirie clT, ea- 6on, imrijiD udim-pe; oip 6 cairpiD iTTiceaco uaiD-pean an aon- mair, ip eijin Dcnb im- reacc o^ac uile rriair ap TTIOD nac m-bei6 piop maireapa aca 50 bpdc apjp. (Igup o oeip pe, a luce na nnal- lacr 50 seme pfop- puibe, uime pin beio mity of penury, in the want of every thing that can do him any good, or that he could imagine would do so. All this is plainly signified by the first words of the sentence which the judge shall pronounce against those on left hand : " Depart from me ;" for in that they must de- part from him, the only good, they must needs depart from all manner of good, so as never to know what it is any more. And he adds, "ye cursed, into ever- lasting fire ;" they will be thereby condemned also to all manner of HEADING LESSONS. 65 oamcmca cum inle pope uilc, ip pei- oip leo ruijpinno mo- cujao. CCgup ip leip po DO pdiDceap pean- naio na g-ceaopa : ap an aobap, nac b-puil aori ceuopa a pcij na amuij aca i n-a g-copp, na i n-a n-an- inannaib nac m-beio o'a b-pianao pip an b-peanaio po, map cui- peap ap D-njeapna pein a j-ceill ouinn, ancanairnijeapoumn, eagla beir a^uib poim an ce lep peioip an c-anam ajup an copp DO pspiop a n-ipepn. e. x. 28. evil, which they can any- way perceive or feel. This is called the punish- ment of sense, because all their senses, both in- ward and outward, both soul and body, shall be affected with it ; as our Lord himself also inti- mated, where he re- quires us to fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Math. x. 28. 122. Sjpioppuioreap lao a- paon an pin, an e-a- nam, agup an copp : nf oeanpuioreap a pgaoileao, na a -cup 50 neimnfo, aco beio 6a 5-cpao le jac uile peanaio agup ooiljeap ip peioip le ceaccap aca DO mocujao, no G2 They shall both be there destroyed, both soul and body, not dissolved or reduced to nothing, but afflicted with all the pain and anguish that either can be sensible of, and able to endure. As the rich man's body was so tormented in that flame, 66 READING LESSONS. o'pulanj. TTlap DO bf copp an oume paiobip uo com mop pin 6d pianao 5 p an lapaip, 50 paib pe 05 lappaio bpaoin uipge map 6eipc cum a ceanja loipgri o'puapugao, Y gan an bpaon pem ap paail al 5 e : a 5 u F jac a pacpuio cum na h-aice uo oeipeipeipje na 5-copp beio 'pan loimpjpiopceaona pin. 123. Qp an aobap pin, md'p cuma lib cao eipeo- cap 6fb 6d eip po, ap connpao poldp bup b-peacuioe beir peal ajuib, peaoaio pib oul ap bup n-ajaio a pip-bpipeao blije oe, le eaoocup i n-a ^eal- lamnaib, agup le map- lujao a anma naom- ra, agup le paillije oeanam a peipbip bup j-cpucuigreopa uile curhaccai j ; ace bioo a piop ajaib 30 o-ciub- pat)iacum bpeiceam- nuip pib urn na that he begged, but in vain, for a little water to cool his scorched tongue ; so it shall be with all that shall be there after the resurrec- tion of the body. Wherefore, if you care not what becomes of you hereafter, so you may but enjoy u the pleasures of sin for a season," you may still go on to trans- gress the laws, mistrust the promises, profane the name, and neglect the service of your Al- mighty Creator ; but " know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment," at the "great and terrible day of the Lord," and will then condemn you to that " everlasting pu- READING LESSONS. 67 po uile, an la mop uaebapac uo ap o-Ui- jeapna, agup 50 n-oaimneocaio pe an uaip pin pib cum an pionuip pfoppuioe uo, DO cualabap anoip, agup moiceocaiD pib Tnile uaipe niop rneapa ma cualabap, ajup na peaoraoi apmuameao. Qcc, jloip DO t)hid, peaouiD pib a peacnao 50 peao, rna'p ail lib pein : oip aca pib a ^-coriinuiDe a D-cal- rhain na m-beo, agup acd jac uile plige a- guib ip peiDip o'ldp- puiD, le b-peaopufoe pib pein DO congbail 6 cuicim cum Daman- ca. Uime pin gabaio comaiple upaiD DO bean aril Diob com pao c-pli^e paippmj UD DO peolup cu m bap n-Dam- anca, ajup Deanaioe piubal, 6 po amac, 'pan c-plije cumaing uo beapup pib cum na beaca pioppuije. lon- nishnient" whicli you have now been hearing of, and which you will find to be far greater than you have now heard, or can yet imagine it to be. But, blessed be God ! you are yet in a capacity of avoiding it if you will ; for you are still in the land of the living, and have all the means that can be desired, whereby to prevent you " falling into condemnation." Be advised, therefore, to make use of them while you may, that you may turn out of the way that leads to destruction, and walk for the future in that narrow path that will bring you to " life everlasting ;" that when you come to stand be- fore Christ's tribunal, you may not be set at his " left hand," and from thence go into " everlasting punish- ment," but may be found in the number of the righteous, who shall READING LESSONS. nup an cpac riocpaio cum beir ann bup peapao a laraip ca- caoipe bpeireamnuip Chpiope, nac g-cuippi- oeap pib ap a laim cli, ajup ap pin 50 peanuio gan epic, ace 50 m-beiD pib le bup b-pagdil a n-uimip na b-pfpean biap'napea- pao ap a laim 6eip, a- juppacpap ap pin cum na beaca pioppuioe. 6ct cotp 6am anoip map an g-ceaona a raipbeanao 6ib cao an beara pioppuioe IJD cum a pacpuio na pipeoin an la oeijea- nac, map t>eip an bpeiceam, acclei^pio me pin ropam 50 o-ci- 516 aimpip oile. stand on his " right hand," and go from thence into "life eter- nal." I should now, in like manner, shew what is that everlasting life, to which the righteous shall go in the last day, as the judge says, but I shall let that lie by until another occasion come. 124. Qnoip 50 o-cugao t)ia o'd jpapaib oib pmuameao 50 Dirceallac ap a j-cualabap ann po an uaip pe, ap moo 50 o-ciubpao copao uaio ann bup m-beara, a$up ann bup n-jmomapcaib cum nac m-beir baojal opaib an la oeijeanac oul cum an pionuip pioppuioe uo ap a paib me 05 cpdcc lib, ace 50 m-beic pib ollam cum oul a meapj na READING LESSONS. 69 b-fipean annp a' m-beaea pfoppuiDe. agup lappdim, po o'arcum^e aip, cpe lopa Chpiopc dp pldnuijeeoip agup dp m-bpeieeam, pibpe, agup mipe D' pajdil an Id mop uo annp a pcaio maie pin. 5^ O1 P a o" u r umlacc 66-pan, agup oo'n ac- aip, agup oo 'n Spiopao Haomea. Cfmen. 125. tD'eip ^ac neire, ip le dp g-cpeioeam a g-Cpiopc amain, cairpigreap an ^nfom DO nimio, no pinn pern DO ni e, beiu ap gabdil a b-piaondipe t)e : Oip, 516 b'e ap bic DO nfmfo annp a' pcaiD neim- lomldin pe, ma cd 50 n-oeanmaoiD e le jpd- paib, a^up le conjnam Chpiopc pein ; jioeaD map ip pinne pmne e, a cd pe po-neim-iomldn, ajup a b-paD 6 'n b-pipeancacc Deaccui^eap an oli^eao opuinn : agup uime pin 516 b'e Deij-jnfom a paoil- ceap a Deanam linn, map nac b-puil pfp.ceapc 50 h-iomldn, ni peioip meap pipedn DO beic opuinne ap a pon aj an t)ia nac b-puil cpfoc ap a cpfon- acc, nd ap a pipceapc, DO beip bpeic ap jac uile nio, ni DO peip map paoilceap a m-beic, ace DO peip map acdio 50 Deimin lonua pein : ace ni puil pinne pipceapc 50 oeimm lonndmn pein, ajup uime pn ni peiDip meap pipeancacca DO beic opainn aige-pean pa aon niD o'd b-puil londinn f 6m ; ace ip i an compopeacc aed a^ainn, 6 D ? urhlui aon mac t)e, DO bi pipeanca 50 h-iomldn, e pein cum bdip, eaoon, bdip na cpoice i n-dp ndouip-ne, agup ap ap pon, an meio DO ceanjalcap pip le cpeiDeam beooa mapeanacja3up a^a n-Deapna6 boill pipedn- ca D ? d copp-pan Diob map pin, 50 b-puil ceapc aca ap a pipeancacc pan, map gup leo pern i ; ajup 70 READING LESSONS. uime pin cpe na oeajoibpeaca pan, agup cp& na eaoap-guioe ap a pon DO geibio meap pfpean a laeaip t)e ; map ip coip odib, oo bpij gup ab f an pfpeuncacc acd aca ann-pan an pipeancace ip lomldme peaoup aon cpeacuip 'p an ooman o'pd- jail : a$up ap pon nac b-ptnl pi lonnca pem, ace ann-pan, ip leo-pan ann-pan com maic ajup oa m-beir pi lonnca pem. 126. lTlap eib pinn an leijion po 6 p6im an r-p 50 h-iomldn, ^eibmio 50 ofampac e 6 naom Pol, DO bi jan millean ann gac uile nf poipmeallac fcameap pip an b-pfpeancacc aca 'p an o^ijeaD : jmeaD DO bi a accumge opcionn ^ac uile neire a pajail 'p an cijeapna Cpiopc, jan a pfpeancacc f ^in DO be ic aije ramie o'n olijeao, ace an pipean- caco DO rij 6 cpeioeam ag-Cpfopc, an pipeancacc aca o t)hia le cpeioeam. phi. iii. 6, 9. QIC a fc-peicmio 6 ag labaipc ap od ne o'pipeancacc, D'aoin ^ne aca goipeap pe ap b-pipeancacc pem, DO ci o'n olijeao, nac b-peaoann pin DO Deanam pfpeanca, map nac b-puil pi lomldn, ajup uime fin, nt b-f aca an c-abpoal o'lappaio, no, nib ip copa pdo, nt hi amain i, ip pi an ne oile, an jne aca ajuinn cpe cpeioeam a g-Cpiopc, an pipean- cacc nac 6 Duine cij, ace o Dia, eaoon t)ia ap pldnui^ceoip, cp& cpeioearh ann. Qj po an pi- peancacc acd a n-lopa Cpiopc ag na oaoinib cpei- oeap ann, a^up DO pacap amluio ann-pan ajup leice po, map acd pi po lomldn DO niceap pfpeanca lao, agup ^eibio meap pfpeancacca a Idcaip t)^, DO peip map a oem an c-abpcal ceaona an aic BEADING LESSONS. 7l oile ; map ip cpe eapumlacc aon ouine amain oo pmneao peacaijeaca DO mopdn, map an g-ceao- na ip cpe umlacc aon ouine amain eaoon Cpiopc, oeanpuigceap pfpein oo mopdn. T2om. v. 19. 127- Cfjup an mumcip oo niceap 50 oion^malea mup po pfpeanca lonnca pei^ajuprheapcap beic pipean- ra a 5- Cpiopc, cpe na g-cpeioeam ann, map geab cap luce an pip-cpeioim uile an la oeigeanac, ip lao po na pipem oo pacpap cum na beara piop- puioe. djup ni peioip concabaipc a oeanam 6e 50 pacpaio cum na beaca pioppuioe, 6 cdpla pocal Chpiopc pern ann po o'd oeapbao ouinn. 128. Qco pop, ni leop ouinn, a cpeioeam map po, eag Cpiopc ap pon an cine oaonna 50 coiccean, ace, pa oeoio ipcoip oo ^ac uile ouine a cpeioeam gup eag pe ap a pon pein ajup ap pon a peacuioe pein 50 ppepidlca; ap moo 50 g-cuippeao ap pui- ling Cpiopc annp a' ndouip oaonna, 6a peappuin pein aicpije. Oip o cdpla 50 pdioceap 50 poleip, jup blaip Cpiopc an bap ap pon jac uile ouine, bd coip oo gac uile ouine a cpeioeam gup blaip ap a pon pe*m e. Bub. ii. 9. Cljup map nac pea- oann aom-neac po oo cpeioeam, jan aicpije DO oeanam map an ^-ceaona, ni peaoann aom-neac piop-aicpije DO Deanam pa n-a peacuioib uile, nac b-peaoann, agup nac coip DO po cpeioeam, eaoon jup edg Cpiopc ap a pon pein, ajup an pon na b-peacui6e ceaona pin pa a n-oeapna pe aicpije. ITIap po jeibmfo naom pol 05 cup a cpeioim a n-jmorh, aihdil ip beiu aj pealbugao Cpiopc DO 72 READING LESSONS. pem. Udim oom ceapao, a oeip pe, pe Cpiopc; gioeao aedim beo, ace nf me pem, ace Cpiopc acd beo lonnam ; agup an beara cdim 05 caiceam anoip 'pan colldmn, ip cpe cpeioeam rhic t)e cai- cim f, noc oo jpaouij me, agup oo cug e pem op mo pon. 5 a ^" ii- 20. 129. TTlap pogac oume DO nf airpije, agup cpeioeap 'pan c-poipgeal, ba coip 06 a meap ^up oume e pem aja b-puil pealb ap leie ann jac nio oo pmnio, ajup o' pulling Cpiopc ap pon an cimo oaonna, com mop dp oo oeanam agup o' puilmjpeao e amain ap a pon pem : agup map pin acd o'piacaib opam-pa, ajup map an g-ceaona ap jac oume oile, ni heao amain aomdil pe mo beal ? ace a cpeioeaiii ann mo cpoioe, 50 n-oedpna pe 6e pem mac an oume, cum mac t)e oo oeanao oiompa : oo ^ab ap pem mo ndoufp oaonna-pa, cum 50 m-beic poinn ajam-pa o'd ndouip oiaoa-pan. t)o coipbpeao e ap pon mo cionca pa, ajup oo cojbao puap apfp e cum mipi oo oeanam pipeanca : t)o pinneao peacao 6e ap mo pon pa cum 50 n-oean- caoioe pfpeancacc t)e 6iom-pa arm-pan: DO eaj pe cum 50 m-bemn-pe beo : agup DO ceapaoap oaoi- ne e, cum ^o m-beic ^loip agam-pa maille le tDhia 50 bpac; oip DO bi jpdo aije opam, ctjup DO cuj e pem ap mo pon. CCgup uime pin anoip 6 cdpla 50 j-cuimnijim a bap, agup oap learn, 50 b-peicim ap an g-cpoic e, ni peaouim jan ei^earh 50 h-dpo, peac uan t)e cojbap leip peacao an oomain 50 coicceann, cigup mo peacuiDepe ap leir. READING LESSONS. 73 130. CT lopa spdDaij, a uam t)e, ro^bap peacao an Domain, onopaimio cu, aopaimio ru, ed 5"p aD ajamn ope, oo aonn jup gpaouij cu pmn a j-ceao- oip, ctjup gup jpaouij cu commop pin pmn, 50 D-eugaip cu f em aip dp pon. Cao e an cuioeaoa beupam ouic, a ^hldnuijueoip po-^paoaij, pan njpao jan epic, aj^up pan mumceapoap po ? Qcd a piop ajuinn nac b-puil cu 05 lappaio nfop mo, ajup nf peaomaoio-ne mop luja DO cabaipc DUIC nd 5pd6 aip 5pd6. Q^ po uime pin, an ni cd- maoio DO eallamam, cgup acd DO pun aguinn a oeanarh pe DO congnam pein. Cf^up acdmaoio DOD juioe cum ap j-cpoioce DO lionao, a^up DO lapao nfop mo, ajup nfop mo jac aon Id pe DO jpoD pein op cionn jac uile neire, rpep an njpdo jan coim^e UD DO bf, ajupacd cu coilceac a caip- bednao Duinn. The Gloria in Excelsis. D0 ^nia annp na neamaib po-dpoa, a^up pior- cafn ap an calrham DO na odoinib 05 a b-puil oeajroil. TTlolamaoio cu, beannuijmiD cu, DO beipmio bumeacup DUIC ap pon DO mop-jloipe pein, a cijeapna, a pij neime, a 6e, a acap na n-uile-cumacc. Q Chi^eapna, a em-^in TTlbic a n-Orap, a 1OSQ Ch"RlOSU, a Uhijeapna t)ia, a uam t)e, Dean cpocaipe opainn, o'p cu rogbap peacuioe an Dom- ain, gab cujao ap n-upnaije, o'p cu puioeap ap Idim De an arap, Dean cpocaipe opuinn, oip ip cu amain acd ndomua, ip cii amain an ci^eapna, ip H 74 READING LESSONS. CTJ ariicun if aipoe, a 1OSQ CI21OSC maille leip an Spiopao Haoriica a ngloip t)e an Qcap. Qmen. oo'n Qcaip, agup oo'n ITIhac, ajup oo'n Spio- aio Naorhra ; ITlap DO bi ap o-cup, acd anoip, ajup btap 50 bpar. Qmen. READING LESSONS. 75 CHAPTER V. READING LESSONS CONSISTING OF SELECT PASSAGES FROM THE HISTORY OF IRELAND, BY KEATING. SECT. 1. OftheLia Fail, or Stone of Destiny, brought into Ireland by the Tuatha De Danann. Cujaoap Cuara De t)anann leo i n-Bipinn ceirpe peoi- oe uaiple map aca, cloc 6 Pailiap, a 5 u F T D1 ^aipmceap an 61 a pail, a 5 u r T ' D0 5^ imeQ o F a 506 pij Gipionn peirh beic 05 a rojao 6oib 50 h-aim- pp Concobuip, arhail a oubpamap pomainn ; ap uaire pop ^oiprep Imp Pail o'6ipmn ; a^up ip oo'n cloic pin jaipmceap cloc na cinearhna, oip DO bi i ^-cmeao of Jibe aic i n-a m-bfao an cloc, ouvne DO cinneat) Scuir, .1. DO piol fllileao Gap- pdine,oo beir i bplaireap na cpice pin, DO peip map laajrap 05 Hector Boethius The Thuatha De Danann brought with them into Ireland four precious ra- rities ; namely, a stone from Falias, called the Lia Fail, which used to roar under each king of Ireland upon his elec- tion, until the time of Connor, as we mentioned before. It is from it also that Ireland is called Innisfail. And it was the same stone that was called the stone of des- tiny, for it was destined for it, that wherever it should be placed, a per- son of the Scottish race, i. e. of the descendants of Milesius of Spain, should 76 READING LESSONS. i pcaip na h-Glban ; a$ be possessed of the sove- po map a oeip : reignty of that country [Ireland], as we read in Hector Boethius's His- tory of Alban [_i. e. Scot- land J. Here are his words: " Ni faUat fatum, Scoti quocunque locatum Invenient lapidem, regnare tenentur ibidem" Cmnea6pcuic,paop an pine, " The Scotic race, a noble tribe, Unless the prophecy be false, Where they find the Lia Fail, Empire there they've right to assume." Qp na meap DO cmeao The Scots being persuad- TTlun bu6 bpeu an paipowe, TTlap a B-pui^io an 6ia Pail, plaireap oo jab" ail. Scuic an buaio pin DO fceir 05 an j-cloic pin, lap njabail neipc na h-Ql- ban D' pheapgup mop mac Gapca, a^up lap 'na cup poivhe pij Qlban oo jaipm oe pern, cuipeap piop i n-odil a oeapbpdrap TTlhuipceapcai^ rhic 6ap- ca, DO piol Gipiomom, pa pi^Gipionn an ran pin, D'CC ?appui6 aip an cloc pin DO cup cuige pein i n-Qlbam pe pui6e uippe pe h-ucc CClban DO jaipm DC; ed that such power was possessed by this stone, Fergus the Great, son of Ere, having subdued the kingdom of Alban, and being determined to have himself proclaimed king, sent an embassy to his brother, Murtogh, son of Ere, of the seed of Eirevon, who was king of Ireland at that time, requesting him to send him the stone to Alban for him to sit upon at BEADING LESSONS. 77 pdinij an cloc map pin e*, ajup oo gaipmeao "Rij Qlban ap an j-cloic 6e. Q^up ip e ceao oume oap jaipmeao pi Qlban DO cineao Scuic e, ajup pop cap ceann 50 D-CUJ- caoi pioja Qlban ap cuio DO Cpuirneacuib, .1. na PICCI, pul DO pfojao Peapgup, maipeao ni pai- be aon-pij lomlan ofob jan beic pa ciop agup pa cam DO pfojaib Bipionn 6 aimpip 50 h-aimpip, a^up 50 h-aipigre 6 aimpip Bipearhom mic TYlileao aleir, lep cuipeao na picei D na h-Qlban a , amail a Deapam oa eip po a^ labaipc ap plaireap Gipiorhom, 50 plaireap an peapjupa po. t)ala na cloice, DO bt aca peal aimpipe DIOID i n-Di- ai6, 50 painij Da eip pin 50 Saspoib, ajup 50 H2 the time of his inaugu- ration ; whereupon the stone was sent to him, and he was appointed king of Alban upon it. And he was the first prince of the Scottish race who was styled king of Alban ; and, more- over, although some of the Cruithneans, i. e. Picts, before the coronation of Fergus, were styled kings of Alban, yet there was not one of them so inde- pendently king, as not to be under tax and tri- bute to the kings of Ireland, from time to time, and especially from the time of Eirevon, son of Milesius, by whom the Picts were sent out of Leinster to settle in Alban, to the reign of this Fergus, as we shall mention hereafter, in de- tailing the reign of Eire- von. As for the stone, they kept it for many successive ages, until at length it found its way into Eng- 78 READING LESSONS. b-puil i n-oiu pd'n j-ca- raoip i n-a n-gaipmreap 1^15 Sagpan, ap 'na cab- aipc a h-Qlbam 50 h-airhoeonac a TTlainip- ceap Scone, agup ip e an ceao Gaobapo pi Sampan rug leip i ; lonnup gup piopao capngaipe na cloice pin 'p an P'5 Y a " guinn anoip, .1, Seaplup, ajup i n-a acaip "Ri Sea- mup ramie DO cmeao Scuic, map a cd oo pliocc mdine, rhic Cuvpc, rhic Cujoeac, ramie 66ibeap, liiac TTIileao 6appdire, map gup gabaoap gaipm pfj na Sagpan ap an g-cloic peampdioce. land, where it remains to this day, under the throne on which the king of England is usu- ally crowned, having been brought by force from Alban, from the abbey of Scone, by Ed- ward I. king of England : so that the prediction respecting this stone has been verified in our pre- sent king Charles, and his father James (whose descent is of the Scot- tish race, namely, from 1 Mainy, son of Core, son of Lovey, of the poste- rity of Eiver, son of Mi- lesius of Spain), since they were crowned kings of England upon this stone. SECT. 2. Of the Time of the Coming of the Milesians to settle in Ireland. Q oeip Cop mac naomca Holy Cormac Mac Cuille- mac Cuillenndm, agup nain, and the Book of Conquests of Ireland, as- sert, that it was about 1300 years before Christ that the sons of Milesius came into Ireland. And ab cuaipnn cpf ce- ao oeag bliaoam poim ChRlOSUcdngaoap mic ITiileao i n-6ipinn. HEADING LESSONS. 79 ard Polychronicon ag ceacc leo ap an dipeam pin, map a o-cpdccann aip 6ipmn ; 05 po map a oeip ; ab ad- ventu Iberniensium usque ad obitum sancti Patricii sunt anni mille octingenti. Qcaio (ap pe) occ j-ceao oeag bliaoam 6 roioeacc na n-6ipionnac 50 bap pdccpaic. lonann pin pe a paoa, agup 511 p ab cuai- pim epi ceao oeaj blia- 6am pul pu^ao CT21OSU ranjaoap mic ITIileaD i n-Bipinn; oip bain an oct bliaoam oeaj a^upceiqie picic aip ceirpe ceao, 6 jem ChRlOSU 50 bap pdccpaic, DO na h-occ j-ceao oeaj bliaoam uo dipmeap Polychronicon oo beir 6 roioeacc mac \Y\\- leao i n-Bipmn 50 bap pdccpaic, ajup od peip pin acd occ m-bliaona ap cpt ceao oea^ 6 coioeacc mac FHileao i n-6ipinn 50 gem Ch'RIOSU; lonnup 50 o-cij Polychronicon agup Copmac naomra niac Cuillenam agup na the Polychronicon agrees with them in this num- ber, where it speaks of Ireland. Here are its words : [For the original quotation see the ad- joining column]. " There are," it says, "eigh- teen hundred years from the coming of the Irish to the death of Patrick." This is the same as to say that it was about thirteen hundred years before the birth of Christ, that the sons of Milesius came into Ire- land : for, subtract the 492 years from the birth of Christ to the death of Patrick, from those 1800 years which the Poly- chronicon enumerates as having intervened be- tween the coming of the Milesians into Ireland and the death of Pa- trick, and there will con- sequently remain 1308 years from the coming of the Milesians into Ire- land until the birth of 80 READING LESSONS. leabaip Cabala 50 h-ioin- lan pe ceile. Christ. So that the Polychronicon, and holy Cormac Mac Cuillenain, and the Book of inva- sions, entirely agree with one another. SECT. 3. Of the Coming of the Cruithneans or Picts to Ireland, their Battle with the Inhabitants, and Removal to Britain. Ip i b-plaiceap Giperhoin, imoppo, cangaoap Cpuic- ni, .1. Picti, pluaj DO rpiall 6'n Thracia, 50 h-6ipipn, DO pip Cop- maic mic Cuillennam i n-a paleaip, ajup gabaio cuan 05 Inbeap Slam^e. Uij Beda leip an HID po, ace amain 50 n-abaip gup ab pan lei cuaio o'Bipinn cangaoap i D-cip. Qj po map a oeip 9 p an ceao caibioil Do'n ceao leabap po pcptob DO praip eaj- laipe Sctjpan, Contigit gen- tem Pictorum de Scyihia (ut perhibent) longis navibus non multis Oceanum ingres- sam, circumagentejlatu ven- torum, extra fines omnes Britannice Hiberniam per- It was, moreover, in the reign of Eirevon, that the Cruithneans, i. e. Picts, a people of Thrace, came to Ireland (according to the account given by Cormac MacCuillenain in his Psalter), and landed in Slaney harbour. Bede agrees with this account, except that he says that it was in the north of Ireland they landed. Here is what he says in the first book that he wrote of the Church History of England. [See the adjoining column for the original Latin quotation, which will be found in Bede's Hist. Eccles. Gentis Anglorum, READING LESSONS. 81 venisse, ejusque Septentrio- nales oras intrasse^ atque inventa ibi gente Scotlorum, sibi quoque in partibus illius sedes petisse, nee impetrare potuisse. Uapla DO cmeao na b-picc ceacc 6'n Scy- .thia omuil a oeipceap, i Tn-beagdn DO lomgeap paoa 'pan oijean pe peo- Ia6 no pe peiDeao na n-jaor coi^eace leac a- Tnuij DO uile reopannuib na 6piocaine 50 h-Gipmn, ajup ap b-paail cimo Scuic pompa, DO mppa- oap ionaD corhnuioe 66ib pein ann pin, ctjup nt b-puaipeaoap. Jj 1Deao n ' i D-cuaipceapc Gipeann cangaoap i D-cfp, ace aj bun Inbip Slainje i g-cuan oca aiiiail a Dubpumap. ramie Cpiorhrann Sciar- beal DO bi i cceannup ^aijean 6 Gipearhon an uaip pin, i n-a n-Dail ann pin agup DO pinne cdip- oeap piu. Ip iao po pa caoipi Do'n cablac pin, eaDon, 5 UD a 5 u F a T ^ jac Carluan, agup ip uime lib. i. cap. 1, the trans- lation of which is as fol- lows] : " It happened that the Pictish race came from Scythia, as it is said, in a few long galleys, over the ocean, by the drift or blowing of the winds, into Ireland, passing out- side all the British coasts. And finding the Scottish race before them, they asked for a settlement there for themselves, and did not obtain it." However, it was not in the north of Ireland they landed, but, as we have said, at the mouth of the Eiver Slaney, in the har- bour of Loch Garman [Wexford bay]. And Criffan Skeeavel, who was sovereign of Leinster at that time, under Eire- von, came to meet them there, and formed a friendship with them. The leaders of this expe- dition were Gud, and 82 READING LESSONS. DO ceanjail Cpiomcann ccnpoeap piu, DO bpij 50 pabaoap oponga o'uaiplib na 6peacame, D'CC n-^oipcf Cuaea pioDJa, 05 gabdil neipc i b-pocapraib DO gac leic DO bun na Slcnnge. Ip amlaio DO bdoap an oponj pin, agup nim aip apm gac aom aca, lonnup rndo beag no mop an cpeacc DO gnfrf leo, nf abao leijeap ap bioc ^peim oo'n ocap 50 b-pa* 506 bap, a^up DO cuala Cpioiiic-ann 50 paib opaoi oeij-eolac D'CC n-joipct Upopodn i b-pocaip na j-Cpuirneac DO beapao leijeap DO pern, ajup o'ct vhumncip, a j-coinne na nniie DO bfob ap apmaib Uuac-a ptoDJa, a^up DO piappai^ DO Cpopoan cpeao an leijeap DO 6ea- nao i n-agaiD nime apm na Dpomje UD DO luai- Deamap. Cuipreap leac ap Upopoan, cpi caojao bo maol pionn D'a g-cpuD, agup cmpreap an lace DO jeabcap uara i log ap lap an ihacaipe i n-a Catliluan, his son ; and Criffan's reason for form- ing a friendship with them was, that there were certain British nobles, named Feehys, establishing themselves in Forth, on each side of the mouth of the Slaney. These people had all of them poisoned arms ; so that whatever wound they inflicted, whether it were great or small, the patient received no benefit from medicine, but inevitably died ; and CrhTan heard that there was a very skilful druid among the Cruithneans, named Trosdan, who would give him a remedy for himself and his people, against the poisoned arms of the Feehys ; and he accordingly asked Tros- dan, what cure he was to use against the poi- soned arms of the afore- said people. Get milked 150 white cows without horns, said Trosdan, and let the milk taken from READING LESSONS. 83 jcleaccap lib beir 05 compac pin, ajup pogaip car oppa ap an macaipe g-ceaona, agup gac aon 060 mumncip loiepfoeap leo, ceijeao 'p an ^o" ' a porpajao, a^up buo plan 6 om na nirhe e. t)o jniceap le Cpiomcann a n-oubaipc an opaoi, agup pojpap car Qpoa leani- nacca ap Uuacaib PIOD- ^a, a^up bpipeap ooib 50 a n-oeapg-dp ann. t>dla na j-Cpuirneac ann pin, map a ca ^ uo a 5 u F Cacluan a rhac, cuipio poinpa neapc 6aijean oo jabail, a^up map DO cua- laio Gipeamon pin, ciono- lup pluaj lionmap, ajup cij o'd n-ionpai^e, ajup map oo concaoap na Cpuirnij gan 100 pein lion cacuijre pip ceanj- laio pic ajup cdipoeap pip. Noccap Gipeamon ooib 50 paibe ouraio oo'n ic roip cuaio o' Bipmn them be put in a pit in the middle of the field where you are accus- tomed to fight with them, and provoke them to battle there, and every one of your people that is wounded by them, let him bathe in the pit, and he shall be healed from the poisoned wound. Criffan acted according to the Druid's advice, and proclaimed the battle of Ardlennachta against the Feehys, and there defeated them with bloody slaughter. As for the Cruithneans then, namely, Gud and his son Cathluan, they determine to seize upon Leinster ; and when Ei- revon heard this, he assembles a numerous army, and proceeds a- against them. But the Cruithneans, perceiving that they were not of themselves able to fight them, made peace and friendship with him. Eirevon informs them 84 READING LESSONS. a Dubaipc piu oul o'a n-aiciugao. Ip ann pin DO lappaoap Cpuirnig ap Bipearhon cuio DO na rnncub uaiple DO bi i n-aoncurha aige pein DO rrmdib na D-caoipeac reti- me leo 6'n Bappdm, Dap mapbao a b-pip, DO cab- aipc Doib pein, DO peip Beda pan ceao caibiDil Do'n ceao leabap DO praip na Sagpan, agup DO cean- jlaDap paca ^P^ lne a 5 u r Gapca oppa pein gup ab mo DO bia6 pio^acc Cpuicean-cuar, pip a pdiDceap Qlba i n-oiu, aj a pealbujao 6 bapancup pleacca na m-ban ma 6 bapanncup pleacca na b-peap, 50 epic an beaca. Cuj Bipeamon ap an n-acc pin cpiup ban ooib .1. bean 6peipi, bean agup jabup Carluan pa apo-raoipeac 66ib, bean oiob DO pein. Upialluio ann pin joCpuicean-cuar, agup DO jab Carluan neapc na cpice pin, ajup pa he ceao pigQlbanoo that there was a country north-east of Ireland, which he advised them to go and settle in. Upon this the Cruithneans asked Eirevon for some of the women who were marriageable, of those that were with him, of the wives of the chiefs who came with them from Spain, whose hus- bands had been killed (according to Bede, in the first chapter of the first book of the History of the English). And they bound themselves by the ties of sun and moon, that the sove- reignty of the Cruith- nean country, now called Alban, should be rather possessed in right of the female than the male de- scent for ever. Eire- von, upon this condition, gave them three women, namely, the wife of Bres, the wife of Buas, and the wife of Buaney. And Cathluan, who was their principal leader, took READING LESSONS. 85 Chpuirneacaib e, arhail leajcap ippalcaipChaipil, 'pan ouain cap ab eopac, " a eolca Qlban uile." one of these for himself. They then departed for the Cruithnean country, and Cathluan seized the sovereignty there, and was the first king of Al- bany of the Cruithnean race, as we read in the Psalter of Cashel, in the poem beginning " Ye learned of Alba all." SECT. 4. Of Ollamh Fola, and the Convention, or Feis, of Tarah, instituted by him. t)o jab Ollam Poola, mac Ollav Fola, son of Fiachy Finscotha, reigned over Ireland thirty years, and died in his own house. He was called Ollav Fola, because of his be- ing accomplished in phi- losophy, and wisdom, and in understanding of laws, and in settlement of statutes in Ireland in his days, and it was by him the Feis of Tara was first established in Ire- land. lonann lomoppo peipUeam- The Feis of Tara was the pac a^up piojoail coic- same as a royal conven- cionn amuil Parliament, tion, like a Parliament, map accijjuDcoirhrionol in which the nobles and piacaio Pionpcocaig pioj- acc 6ipeann cpiocao blia- jam, ajup a euj 'na riiup. Ip uime ^oipceap Ollam poola 6e, DO bpij 50 paibe 'n-a ollam a b-pili- oeacc, agup a n-eajna, ajup i n-eolup pe peac- coib, ctjup pe olijcib o'opoujao i n-6ipmn i n-a pe, ajup ip leip oo pmneao peip Uearhpac ap ccup i n-Bipmn. 86 READING LESSONS. uapal agup ollaman Gip- eann 50 Cearhpaij jaca cpeap bliaoam um Sharii- pum map a j-cleaccaoi leo peacca ajup olijre D'arnuaDugao, agup o'op- oujao, agup ppomao DO Deanam aip peancupagup ap peanoala Bipionn. Ip ann pop DO h-opouijeao lonao puioe DO jac ceann pea6na od m-bio6 op cionn na laocpuioe DO bioD aip buannacc aj pfojaib a 5 up a 5 ci^eap- naouib 6ipeann. t)o bto6 pop DO nop i b-peipUearii- pac, gibe DO DeanaD 5010, DO buaileao neac, no D'ITTV- pea6 apm aip, b6p DO rabaipc DO, agup gan neapc 05 an pfj pein, net 05 aon eile mairrheacap DO cabaipc ? p an snioiTi pin DO. t)o cleacraoi pop leo beir aip peab pe la 05 comol pul DO pui6ea6 an piajoail, map aca, cpt Id poim Shamuin, ajup cpf Id D'CX h-eipi 05 pnaomao pioccdna agup 05 cean- gal cdipoeapa pe cede. learned of Ireland used to meet every third year at Tarah, at the Feast of Samhuin ; and in which they used to reform and settle acts and statutes, and regulate the annals and records of Ireland. Here also there was a seat assigned to each of the generals who com- manded the armies in the service of the kings and rulers of Ireland. It was also a rule at the Feis of Tara, that who- soever committed a rob- bery, or struck or as- saulted any one, should suffer death, without the king himself, or any person else, having power to pardon the crime. They used also to as- semble and enjoy festi- vity together six days before the sitting of the council, that is three days before the Feast of Samhuin, and three days after it, thus confirming peace and establishing friendship with one ano- ther. READING LESSONS. 87 SECT. 5. Enumeration of the Episcopal Sees in Ireland. Qcdioceirpe h-aipoeapboij i n-Bipinn, map a ca, Gpoeapbog Gpoamaca, Ppiompaio na h-6ipeann uile, Gpoeapboj Gra- cliaCyGpoeapboo" Chaipil, ajup Gpoeapboj Uhua- ma. Ip pa'n Ppiompaio acam na h-eapbui po piop; Gap- bog; na Hlioe, no oo peip Cambden, Bapbo?; Gil na ITHpeann, .1. Uipneac, oip ip ainm oo'n Ifj aca i n-Uipneac Gil na ITIi- pean; lonann lomoppoGil ajup liaj no cloc, agup DO Bpij jup ab i an cloc pin an ceopa loip na ceir- pe coi^eaoaib o*ap bain- eao na ceicpe mipe o'ct n-oeapnao an TTlhioe, ,00 goipeao Gil na TTIfpeann of, agup joipceap leac na ^-coijeao map an j-ceao- na 6i ; 6apbo Dhuin-oa- lear-jlap, Bapbo^Chloc- cup, Bapboj Chumnipe, 6apboj Gpoacam, 6ap- boj Raua-boc, Bapboj There are in Ireland four archbishops, viz. : the Archbishop of Armagh, Primate of all Ireland ; the Archbishop of Dub- lin ; the Archbishop of Cashel ; and the Arch- bishop of Tuam. Under the primate are the following bishops : the Bishop of Meath, or, ac- cording to Cambden, the Bishop of Ail na Mireann, i e. Uishnagh ; (for Ail is the same as flag or stone, and on account of that stone being the boun- dary between the four provinces, from which were taken the four por- tions of which Meath was composed, it was called Ail na Mireann [i.e. the stone of the portions], and it was also called the provincial stone ;) the Bishop of Dun-da-leth- glas, [i. e. Down] ; the Bishop of Clogher ; the Bishop of Connor ; the 88 READING LESSONS. ij, Gapboj t)bailmocaip, Gapbog Ohoipe. Pa Qpoeapboj Oca-cliac aca Gapbo 5^^ lnne Da loca, Gapboj Peapna, Gapbog Oppaioe, Gapboj Chille-oapa. PCX CCpoeapbo^ Chaipil aca Cbille oa ij, Gapboj Innpe Caraij, Bapboj Cbille Pionnabpac, 6ap- boj Itnli^, Bapboj "Ropa Cpe, Gapboj pbuipc- laip^e, Bapboj 6eapa TDboip, Gapboj Cbluana, Bapboj Copcaije, 6ap- boj Ruip ua Caipbpe, ajup Bapboj Qpoa pep- ca. Pa Qpoeapboj Uuama aca Gapbog Cbille mictDuac, Gapboj TTlbuije-eo, Ga)>- boj GanactDum, Gapbog Cbille lapraip, Gapboj "Ropa Comain, Gapboj Bishop of Ardagh ; tlie Bishop of Eaphoe ; the Bishop ofKathLuc; the Bishop of Dalmochar ; the Bishop of Derry. Under the Archbishop of Dublin are : the Bishop of Glendalough ; the Bishop of Ferns ; the Bishop of Ossory ; the Bishop of Leighlin ; and the Bishop of Kildare. Under the Archbishop of Cashelare: the Bishop of Killaloe ; the Bishop of Limerick; the Bishop of Inniscathy ; the Bishop of Kilfenora; the Bishop of Eraly ; the Bishop of Roscrea ; the Bishop of Waterford ; the Bishop of Lismore ; the Bishop of Cloyne ; the Bishop of Cork ; the Bishop of Rosscarbery ; and the Bishop of Ardfert. Under the Archbishop of Tuam are : the Bishop of Kilmac-duagh ; the Bishop of Mayo ; the Bi- shop of Enachdun ; the Bishop of Kill-Iarthar ; READING LESSONS, 89 Chlucma Pepca, Bapboj Cleaio Conaipe, Gapboj namne, 6apbo Chille nionuac, ajup Gapbog Qile-pmn. Ip i aoip an Uijeapncr, DO peip Cambden, an can oo h-opouigeao na ceirpe apoeapboig i n-Gipmn mile, ceao, ajup oa bliaj- ain aip 6a picceao. t)o cuip me mopan eapboj ann po pfop, aip lopj Cambden, nac B-puil ap congbail anoip, na car- aoip Bapboig mnce, ace lao ap n-a ^-cup ap ccul, ajup cuio eile ap n-a j-ceanjal o'a ceile 6fob, ajup ap n-a ccup pa aon- Bapboj, map ara Ciop- mop ajup popclaipje pa aon-eapboj, Cluam ajup Copcaij pa aon eapboj eile, ajup mup pin ooib 6 pom amac. the Bishop of Roscom- mon ; the Bishop of Clon- fert ; the Bishop of Ach- onry ; the Bishop of Kil- lala ; the Bishop of Co- nainn ; the Bishop of Kill-mo-nuach ; and the Bishop of Elphin. The year of our Lord in which the four archbi- shops were appointed in Ireland, was, according to Cambden, 1 152. I have set down here from Cambden, several bishops that do not now exist, and for whom there are no episcopal cities, some of them having been suppressed, and some of them united to others, and placed under one bishop ; as, for instance, Lismore and Water- ford, under one bishop; Cloyne and Cork, also under one bishop ; and so of the rest. i2 90 HEADING LESSONS. SECT. 6. Of Nial Naoighiallach, Monarch of Ireland, his Expedition to Scotland and France, and Capture of St. Patrick. Qoipdjeapna377. caiomuiJTTieaDoinjDO piolGipiomoin, piojacoGipeann 27. m-bliaona. Qp e an Niall po DO cuaio 50 pluaij lionmap maille pip oo neapcujao agup *>o ppeamugao t)halpiaoa ajup cinneao Scuic i n-Qlbom, DO bf pa'n am pom a gabail neipc ap Chpuirneacaib o'ci n-goipri Pica; ajup ip e ceao oume cug Scotia D'amm ap Qlbain e, ap impme Dhalpiaoa, agup cinneao Scuic, ap comjioll 50 m-bo Scotia Minor, no Scotia ba luja DO beappraoi uippe, ajup Scotia Major, .1. Scotia ap mo DO joippibe o-Gipmn. Q Deip Tpo^ Nennim, u^oap 6peacnac, DO peip Cambden, jup ab pan cearpamaD h-aoip DO jabaoap na Scythia .1. cinneao Scuic pealb na h-Bipeann. Qp pollup pop a b-analuib Bipeann jup ab Qlba pa h-amm Don epic 50 h-aimpip Neill Haoi^iallac, ajup map puapaoap tDalpiaoa Scotia DO rabaipr ap Qlba, DO leanaoap pern ajup a pliocc oo'n umm o pom aleir : 5 1DeaD ^aobeil Bipeann DO coimeaDaoap an c-amm puapa- oap pompa ap an c-cpic, .1. Qlba ; ajup ip e pin jaiprmo pern ajup a pliocc 01. T^oime pin icmoppo Alba no Albania pa h.amm 61, o Albanactus an cpeap mac DO Brutus, oip ap f Qlba painic mup cuio ponna DO 6 n-a acaip. Upiup mac lomoppo DO bi 05 Brutus, DO peip Monomo- tensis, map aca Laogirius, Camber, a gup Albanactus; ajup DO pomn Brutus oileann na 6piocame moipe eacoppa, a^up 6uj DO Laogirius, Laogria, aca ap na plomneao uaio pern; ajupapoi jaipreap -d^^'a amu. READING LESSONS. 91 oo Camber, Cambria, oa n-goipceap 6peacam amu ; ajup an cpeap rmp oo Albanactus, o ccujcap Albania ap Qlboin. Ueio Niall oa eip pin 50 h-Qlbom 50 Laogria Ifa n-a pluaij, ctgup oo pmne poplongpopc innce, ajup cuip- eap cablac 50 6peacom na Ppamcge oa n-goipreap Armorica, oapccom na cpice 50 ccujaoap oa ceuo bpaijoe oo leanb uaiple leo i n-Bipinn ; a$up ip ap m-bpoiopin ccugaoap paccpuic leo an aoip a pe m-bliajam oeaj, a^up oa piaip 60, map aca Lupita ajup Darerca, a^up iomao oo bpaijoib oile ap ceann. eucap linn i m-beara phaccpuic puapamap pjpiobra i peanleabap ITIeambpuim mapaon pe beara nflocu- 6a, a^up Qbbcnn, a^up naorh oile jup ab 6peacmac Paccpuic. Q^ po bpfarpa an c-peinleabaip. Patri- cius Britto, natus in oppido Nempthor, in campo Taburno .1. Tabernaculorum, ex parentibm religiosis ortus. pacc- puic (ap pe), 6pearnac ap na bpeir pan m-baile oap ab amm Heamcop i Hlaj na b-pianboc 6 ruipcijcib cpaibceaca oiaoa. Q oeip apip pan aic ceaona na bpiarpapo. Cum Scoti de Hibernia sub rege suo Niall-naoi-giallac diver sas pro- vincias Britannice contra Romanorum imperium multum devastabant contendere incipientes aquilonalem Britannice plagam, tandem ejectis veteribus colonis ipsi Hibernienses earn occupaverunt et habitaverunt. lap napccom iomop- po iomao cpioc pan 6piocamne oo Scocaib 6 6ipe map aon pe na pij pem Niall ndoijiallac a n-ajaio plaiciop na l^orha, oo haipcceao 50 mop an 6hpio- camne leo : ap cup an leir ruaio 61 ; a^up lap n-oi- bipc na pean-poipne aipce o'dicijeaoap 6ipionoa pern innce. Q oeip an c-ujoap ceaona pan aic ceaona 50 ccainic be po cpt "Riojacca oo beir pan m-6piocam 92 READING LESSONS. Thoip, map aca Scotia, Anglia, et Britannia. Q oeip an c-ujoap ceaona gup ab pa'n ampo, ap m-beic DO Niall Naoijiallac pan eaccpa po 05 planoujao oal- piaoa i n-Qlbom DO cuaiD coblac Gipionnac oo'n aic ma paibe pacqiuic na comnuioe. Qj po bpiarpa an u 5001 p. Hoc autem tempore qucedam classis Hibernica vrcedqvit patriam in qua morabatur D. Patricius et con- sueto Hibernorum more multi inde captivi ducti sunt^ inter quos erant D. Patricius cetatis anno 16, et duce ejus sorores Lupita et Darerca. Et ductus est D. Patricius in Hiberniam captivus nono an no Nt all regis Hibernice, qui potenter 27. annis regnavit, ac Britanniam et Angliam usque ad mare quce inter Angliam et Galliam est^ vastavit. t)o cuaio (ap pe) pan am po coblac Gipionnac DO cpeacaD na cpice ma paibe an naom phaccpuic, ajup map pa gnac le h-6ipionncaib, cujaoap lomao bpaijoe leo, ajup an naom phacqiuic mapaon piu an aoip pe m-bliajam Deu^, ajup 6a piaip DO, map aca Lupita et Darerca, agup cujao naom phaopuic na bpajao an Gipinn an 9 bliaoam DO plaiciop Meill T^ijGipinn, DO bi 50 neapcmap 27 m-bliajna i b-plai- riop Gipe,a^up lep h-aipcceao an 6hpiocam Sajpapi jup an muip aca iDip Sa^poib a^up an ppamc^e. dp na bpiacpapa ap incpeiore 50 n-oeaca Niall naoi- jiallac Don 6hpeacam moip ajup jup ab neapc innce. TTleapuim pop gup ab pe linn Neill DO beic pan 6bpeacam moip 05 jabdil neipc, DO cuip cablac o'apccoinn imioll na Ppamcce, oo'n epic pe pafoceap Armorica, Da n-joipceap anoip an 6bpeacam beuj, ajup jup ab aipce CUJOD paccpuic cona 6a piaip a m-bpoiD. READING LESSONS. 93 SECT. 7 Of 'the Invasion of Britain by the Picts and Scots. Goip Uijeapncc 393. Ip pan ampo DO baoap cmneao Scuic ajup na PICCI 05 apccom a^up 05 milleao na 6peacan moipe, ajup cuipio na 6pearna ceacca 50 Honorius impip o'iappao caBpa aip, agup ni oeapna ace pcpiobao cujea oa iappa6 oppa a n-oiorcioll DO beanarh Doib pein, a 5^r cainic 6e pin 50 pabaoap na 6pearna aimpip inacian od eip pin pa leacpom na Scoc ajup na b-picc, jiDeao Da eip pin cuipio na 6peacna apip ceacca Don KOITTI, ajup DO nfo capaoio cpuaijaijiiieilap cpuao Dail no Scoc ajup na b~pice oppa. Cuipm "Roirianaij leijion DO pluaij apmra oa b-pupcacc, ajup ap poccain na 6peacan Doib, cujaoap pern ajup na Scuic ajup na PICCI IOTTIOD combliocc oa ceile ; ajup ap m-beic cuippeac Do'n c-pluaij "Romance a oubpaoap pe 6pea6na mup no clao DO Deanam eacoppa pein agup a n-Dpoc corhap- poin, agup nac paibe ap bpeir Doib pein jup cilleao Do'n Roini. Dala na m-6pearnac lap n-imceacc na Ronianac uara, cojbuio clao poo o rhuip 50 muip iDip IOD pein ajup na Scuic ajup na PICC. Qp na clop pin DO cinneao Scuic ajup DO na piccib jup cpeijeaoap na l^omanaca na 6pearna, linccio pein oppa ajup bpipceap an clao, ajup aipijreap an eip piu jup b'eijin DO na 6peacna ceacca DO cuip an cpeap peace 50 Rorndnacoib, Da iappa6 oppa ^an a leigion oa narhaio beir 05 oeanarh a luic 50 Dib- peapjac arhuil DO baoap. 6eip pin cuipio na T?onid- naca leijeon oile Da b-pupcacc, ajup ap poceain na 6peacan ooib, cujaoap pein ajup na Scuic ajup na PICCI lomaD combpliocc DO ceile, jup puajaoap na "Romanaca cap ceopumn an clo6 DO luaibiomap 94 READING LESSONS. amac lao, agup ap b-poipirin na m-&pearnac ooib amla pin, a oubpaoap na Rorhanaca nac paibe pocap ooib pein eeacc od b-pupcacc ap eaccpa ni pa mo, ajup a peacain cpeuo an moo na b-peuopaoaoip lao pein oo curhoac no oo oion oppa. dp n-imeeacc lomoppo oo pluai na Romanaij uaca oo nonpjnaoap an cloio aca o Uluip loip Qlba ajup 6peaeom oo oeannm o'obaip cloice, ajup occ ccpoijre na cije, ajup oa cpoijce oeaj oaipoe ann, oo peip Beda pan cuijeao caibioil oeag oo'n ceuo leabap oo pcaip na Sajpan. TTlap cualaoap na Scuic ajup na PICC ^up cuipeaoap na "Romanaca opuim pe ceacc o'pupcacc na m-6pear- nacapip, cuipio cpumiujao a^up coimcionol ap lomao pluaij a^up cujaio ucc ap an cclaio muppin ^up lingeao leo raipip ajup 50 ccujaoap na 6peacam uile, lonup jup b'eijm oo 6peacnaca a ccarpaca agupa napup oo rpeigean ajup oul oa n-oioean p6m pd coillceao ajup pa popaoipedca papa conac bhioo oo biao aca, ace peolmac na m-beacaoac n-allcao oo niri oo peilj leo, ajupan napm oo maip oo &hpio- cdnuib oo pjpiobaoap 50 cpucujmeil 50 Consul oo bT pan T^oirh odp b'ainm Boetius 05 lappuio pupcacca aip ; ajup ipe a oubpaoap 50 pabaoap pein a ccum- gac loip a namuio ajup an muip, oip an opeam oiob oo beapao ajaio ap an muip aj ceireao pep a namuio oo baiori 100, a^up an opeam oiob oo rilleao o'n muip oo mapbraoi leip a namuio, arhuil a oeip Beda pan cpeap caibioil oeaj oo'n ceao leabap oo pcaip na Sampan, 05 airppiocal bpiacpa na m-6pearnac 05 ea^nac pe "Romanaca ap poipneapc na Scoc ajup na b-picc oppa ; 05 po na bpiarpa ; Repellunt barbari ad mare, repellit mare ad barbaros. Inter hcec oriuntur READING LESSONS. 95 duo genera funerum ; aut jugulamur aut mergimur. I2uaiaio na bapbapca gup an muip (ap picco, 05 lab- aipc ap na Scoca ajup ap na PICCI) cillio an muip ap na bapbapca inn ; loip an oa cinneal bdip po mapbcap no baioceap pmn (ap piao) ; ap po ap lon- cuicce gup ab mop an poipneapc DO bi 05 Scoca na h-6ipe ap 6peacnaca. Q oeip Nennius peanujoap &peacnac oo peip cpoinic Speed 50 paibe leaccpom 05 Scocuib ajup 05 piccib ap 6hpioranuib le pe 6a pircic bliajam, ajup a oeip Cambden 05 ceacc leip po, Anno Domini 500 a Ccesaris ingressu Britannia Pictorum et Scotorum immanitati relinquitur. tDo paj- bao i cceann 500 bliajain a n-oiaio Ccesar oo reacc o'n 6hpiocam pa aniocc na Scoc ajup na b-picc; ajup ap loncuicre pin ap bpiapca Beda i 14 caib. oon leabap ceaona, map a n-abaip, 05 labaipc ap Gipionncaib, Revertuntur impudentes grassatores Hiberni domum post non longum tempus reversuri. Cillio (ap pe) aipjceoipe ainiuoe Gipionnaca occ ccig ap ci cillceao 50 jpoo cap anaip ; ap na bpiacpaibpi Beda ap loncuicce 50 ccugoaoip 6ipeanna puaij 50 mime oapccom na 6piocame. t)ala na m-6peacnac oa eip pin, oo baoap aimpip imcian oa noipleac ajup oa n-apccom ajScocoib agupag PICCI, lap na ccpeijean na "Romanaca. SECT. 8. That Scotia was anciently the Name of Ireland. Ip lomoa ujoaip aja puioiujao jup ab o Scotia pa h-amm o'Bipe, ajup jup ab o'Bipioncaib oo joipci cinneao Scuic. Qca Beda pan ceao caibioil oo'n ceao leabap oo pcaip na Sajjxin aja paoa jup ab i 6ipe oucao oiliop na 96 READING LESSONS. Scoc. 0X5 po map a oeip ; Hibernia proprie Scotorum patria est. Qp i Gipe oucao oileap na Scoc. CC oeip an c-ujoap ceaona, aj pcpiobao ap na naomaib, nio cij leip an nio ceaona ; Sanctus Cilianus et duo socii ejus ab Hibernia Scotorum insula venerant. Q h-Gipeann oilean na Scoc, (ap pe,) cainic Cilianus naomca ajup a 6a comcac. dp po ip loncuicre 50 ccujraof cinneao Scuic ap Bipioncaib pe lin Beda, DO niaip a ccean peace cceao blia^am oeip CR1OSO. Qj po map a oeip Jonas Qbb 05 labaipc ap Colman pan ceao caibioil, Columbanus, qui et Columba vocatur, in Hibernia ortus est: earn Scotorum gens incolit. Colman (ap pe) pe pcuoceap Columb, an 6ipe a pujao e, map an-cticijio cmeao Scuic. Cig pop Origius oo maipleic apcijoo ceirpe ceao bliajam oo CftlOSt), leip an nio ceaona. Qj po map a oeip pan oapa caibioil oo'n ceao leabap, Hibernia Scotorum gentibus colitur. Qpiao cinneao no Scoc didjeap 6ipe. Qp pollup 50 cioccion 50 rcugcdoi leip na b-ujoaippi Scotia uippi. Qg po map a oeip Ccesarius 05 pcpiobao ap Cilian naomca ; Beatus Cilianus Scotorum genere ; Cilian naorhca oo cinneao na Scoc ; a^up a oeip 50 gpoo od eip na bpiarpapa, Scotia quce et Hibernia dicitur. Qp po ap loncuicce jup ab amm o'Oipeann oo piop Scotia amuil apeao Hibernia. Uuijreap pipinne an neicepi a bpiapca Capgravius 05 pcpiobao ap Columb naomca ; 05 po map a oeip, Hibernia enim antiquitus Scotia dicta est, de qua gens Scotorum Albaniam Britannice major i proximam, quce ab eventu modo Scotia dicitur, inhabitans, originem duxit et progressum habuit. Do ^oipci analloo Scotia o'eipinn 6 b-puil cinneao Scuic acd ag diciu jao na h-Qlban READING LESSONS. 97 a r F'oT l D0 ' n &hpiocdm ap mo, agup ^aipceap ooV Qlbam Scotia anoipgo ceajrhuipeac 6 Bipmn 6b-puil a m-bunaoup agup a n-oail. Marianus Scotus ujoap Qlbanac leip po, a$ pcpio- bao aip Cilian naovhca, map a n-abaip ; Etiamsi hodie Scotia proprie vocetur ea Britannice pars quce ipsiAnglice continens ad Septentrionem vergit, olim tamen eo nomine Hiberniam notatam fuisse ostendit V.Beda, cum eScythia Pictorum gentem in Hiberniam venisse ait, ibique Scoto- rum gentem invenisse. Cap ceann 50 ccujaoap 50 Dili op Scotia o' amm ap an ccuio uo oo'n 6hpiocam aca oo'r leir ruaio oo Sha^poib caice pia, maipeao poillpijio Beda 50 n-goipri an c-amm pin o'Sipinn analloo, oip an can a oeip cmneao na b~picc DO ceacc o'n Scythia } n-Bipinn, a Deip jup ab IOD cinneaD na Scoc puapa- oap pompa innce, ajup DO bpij jup ab 6 cinneao na Scoc DO plomneao an cptoc, ap Scotia pa h-ainm 61 an can pom. Qp loncuicre a bpiapraib Ccesarius DO maip Do'n leir apcij DO cuig ceao bliajam DO CPlOSt) gup Scotia pa h-amm o'Bipinn ; aj po map a oeip : Qui de pur- gatorio dubitat, Scotiam pergat^ Purgatorium S. Fatricii intret, et de purgatorii pcenis amplius non dubitabit, ^i be cuipeapconcabaipc i b-pup^aooip, cpiallab 50 Scotia, eipje i pceac i b-pupgaooip naom paccpuic, ajup ni cuippa concabaipc a b-pianao pup^aoopa o pom amac. CC bpiarpoib an u^oaippi ap loncuicre up ab amm coiccionn o'Bipmn pa'n am pom Scotia, oip ni b-puil aonaic i n-Qlbom oa n-^oipreap pupja- Doip phaccpuic, ajup ip pollupjup ab i n-6ipmn aca an die D'O n-goipceap i. Ci^ Ccesarius leip an niD ceaona 05 p^piobao ap Boni- facius naomca map a n-abaip, Hibernia Scotice sibi K 98 READING LESSONS. nomen etiam vindicabat : quia tamen ex Hibernia ista Scotorum pars quoedam egressa est, in eaque Britannia* arva quce Picti jam habebant, consederunt, ii quidem principio a duce suo Reuda Dalreudini dicti fuerunt, ut ait V. Beda. Postea tamen Pictos inde ipsos exegerunt, et Boreale totum illud latus obtinuerunt ; eique vetus gentis suce nomen indiderunt ; ita ut Scotorum gens una fuerit, sed Scotia duplex facta sit, una vetus et propria in Hibernia, recentior alter a in Septentrionali Britannia. t)o bi pop Scotia o'amm ap Gipinn ; ^Jioeao ceana DO bpig go ccainic o'n Gipinn ceaona opong o'aipigce 50 hoipeap na &piocaine map an aicigeaoap na PICCI, oo puioeaoap map aon piu an opeampo ceana ap ccup o na ccaoipeac pem TCeuoa, .1. Caipbpe Piogpooa, a oeipceap Dalreudini .1. Oailpiaoa pfu, amuil a oeip Beda ; gioeao oo puajaoap oa eip pin na PICCI pem, ajup oo jabaoap an leircuaio oo'n epic pin uile ajup cujaoap peanainm a ccpice pem uippi, lonup jup ab aoncmneao amain Scoc acd ann ; jioeao aca 6a Scotia ann; a h-aon oiob appuio oileap; ajup an oapa Scotia aca nuaio ipm leair ruam oo'n 6piocam. tDo beipim cpi neire oo'm aipe a bpiarpoib an ujoaip po. Qn ceao ni oiob, jup ab lao na h-6ipionnaij 50 pipmneac na Scuic. Qn oapa rn, jup ab oo tDhailpiaoa oo gaipmreap Scuic i n-Qlbom ap cup, oo bpij jup ab lao oo pine gabalcup ap na PICCI ap cup i pin epic pin. Qn cpeap ni, map a oeip gup ab i 6ipe Scotia oiliop pean, a^up gup ab i Qlba Scotia nuao, agup gup ab lao Scuic oo gaipreap Scotia aip ccup 61. Q oeip Buchananus ugoap Qlbanac, ag ceaccleipan mo cceaona pan 34. leacanao pan oapa leabap oo Scaip )ia h-Qlba, map a n-abaip ; Principio cum utrique, id cst Hibernice incolce, et coloni eorum in A Ibaniam missi, READING LESSONS. 99 Scoti appellarentur, ut discrimine aliquo alteri ab alteris distinguerentur , ab initio coepere alteri Scoti Hiberni, alteri Scoti Albini vocari. t)o bpij (ap pe), 50 n-goipci ap cup Scuic o'aicijceoipib na h-Gipeann, ajup Don poipmne oo cuaiD uaca o'diciujao na h-Glban, icnnup le h-eioipoealujao eigin, 50 m-biaio oeipip eacoppa leac ap leic DO cionpjnaoap 6 cup Scoic Bipionoa DO jaipm DO Dpuinj Diob, ajup Scoic Qlba oo'n poipinn oile. Qp na bpiacpuibpi Buchananus, cuij- ??eap 6a m : an ceao m, jup ab a h-Bipinn DO cuaiD Scuic D*diciu^a6 na h-Qlban; agup an oapa nib, gup c amm D'6ipionncaib Scuic 6 cup. SECT. 9- Testimonies of some English Writers concerning the national Character of the Irish People. G po an ceipc DO beip TDaijipcip 5"> r a o" a P c ^ a sr- riac (DO bi 05 peolao pcoile i Cuimneac), ap Gipionn- cuib, an can pa h-aoip Do'n Uijeapna 1566 bliabna; " Cmneao po (ap pe), aca laioip i J-copp, ajup aca lucihap, aja m-bi inncmn poipcil apD, mcleacc jeup biop cojarhuil, nearhcoijealcac aip a m-beacaio, 05 a m-bi pulanj paocaip, puacca agup ocpaip, 05 a m-bf claonao pe Deanarh Dpuipe, biop poiceannpa pe h-doiDea6uib, buainpeapriiac i n-jpdo, Dopdpaigce i b-palcanap, biop poicpeioearhnac, biop ponnrhap ap clu o'pa^ail, biop neariipoi jioeac ap riiapla, no aip eagcoip D'pulanj. 5 ' G po pop an ceipc DO beip Stanihurst oppa, eaoon, " opeam po puilingcioc aip paocapcoib cap an uile cm^il DO oaoinib, ajup ip annam biop cldic i n-juap- accaib." Cf oeip Spencer jup ab 6 Gipionncuib puapaoap na 100 READING LESSONS. i^ aibjiceap aip ccup, ctjup oa peip pin, ni pcnb F lo r ^ceapoacca ap bie- 05 na Sajponaigib 50 b-puapaoap 6 Bipionncuib f. Qp pollup [a oeip Keating] $up ab o'anplairiop ajup o'eaccoip, ajup DO nearhcoirheao ap a n-oli jeao pe'n 05 uaccapanaib ^ a ^ a n-6ipmn cdinic lomao eap- urhla na n-jaoioiol DO pmacc jail, oip ni rheapuim 50 b-puil cmneao* pan Gopaip ap mo DO biaiD umal DO 6lieaD inaio Bipiona, Da poinnci corhrpom na Dli^eaD piu : a^up ap i po ceipc DO beip Seon Davis (pan leacanac oeujeanac oo'n ceao leabap DO pcpfob ap Gipino) oppa ; 05 po map a oeip : " Ni b-puil cinneao pa'n n^pein len' ab annpa ceapc ajup corh- rpom bpeairearhnup ni ap peapp maio Bipionoa, ajup ap mo biao papuijre ma iao le na cup a n-jmom, bioo jup ab na najaio pein DO pacao, ace 50 b-pa- ^uio Dion ajup pocap na oil jeao an c-an lappuio e aip cuip comcpom.'' SACRED LESSONS. 101 CHAPTER VI. SACRED LESSONS CONSISTING OF PASSAGES EXTRACTED FROM THE IRISH VERSION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. SECT. 1. From the Proverbs of Solomon. Seannpdioee Sholaim mic iDhaibi pij Ippdel. 1. Oea plie arm oo cieeap oipeac oo ouine, ace ip e a cpioc pin pligeeaca an bdip. 2. CCn ee pdpuigiop an boce mapluigio pe a Chpu- raijreoip ; ace an ce onopuigiop e bi cpocaipe ann oo'n bocc. 3. lompoijio ppeajpa rhacdnca peapg : ace bpop- cuijio bpiaepa bopba an peap^. 4. CIcdio puile an Cl^^BQI^NCC ann jac uile ball, 05 peucuin aip an olc ajup aip an mair. 5. Oo ni cpoioe pujac jnuip puilbip: ace le oobpon an cpoioe bpipceap an ppiopao. 6. 6'pedpp beajan maille pe h-ea^la an ClJ)h^- Q"RHQ, nd lonnmup mop agup buaiopeao maille pip. 7. Ip peapp oinneip luibionn map a m-bi jpao, na t>am biaoea ajup puae maille pip. 8. 61 plije an amaoam ofpeac lonna puilib pem : ace ip cpionna an ee eipeiop pe comaiple. 9. Ip paoa an CI^^^Ctl^HQ 6'n ccionneac : ace oo cluin pe gufoe an pipein. 10. Qn ce ouileap munao eapcuipnijio pe a anam pem : ace an ee iimluigiop DO pmacc, oo eib p^ K2 102 SACRED LESSONS. 11. lp e eajla an Ul^heQTCNQ ceajapg na h-ea^na ; ajup acd urhlacc poirhe onoip. 12. Qn uaip eaiemo pli^ee an ouine leip an o-Ul- ^h^QRNQ DO beip pe aip a ndriiuiD pein beiu pfooac pip. 13. Ca itieaD ip pedpp eajna o'pajdil na op ? ajup cuijpi o'pajdil ip copa i oo roga na aip^ioo. 14. Ip rno 6eio acmupdn a pceac an otnne cpionna, na ceao buille ann amaodn. 15. Qn c-amaoan pein, an uaip biop p6 'na coco, meapcap cpionna e ; a^up an ce opuioiop a beal, bi pe meapca 'na ouine cui^pionac. 16. 5 10 ^ e ppeajpap cuip poime a clop, ipamaodnacr ajup naipe DO e. 17. 5 1D ^'^ ^ 1o r a P CC ^F lonna cuip pein, paoilceap coip DO beic aije; ace ri a comappaa^upppionuiDpe e. 18. Qn ce aja m-bi cpuaije Do'n bocc diplijio pe oo'n Ul^^^Q^WCf ; a 5 u F a P an ni D0 beapa pe ua6 iocpui6 pe pip e apip. 19. 5 1D ^'^ Dunup a cluapa pe h-6igioni na m-bocc, comaipcpiD pe pein map an g-ceaona, ace nt cluinpij- ceap e. 20. Ueajaipj an leanb pan c-plfje ann ap coip DO imreacD : ajup an c-an biap pe aopca ni rpeigpio pe f. 21. 61 leime ceanjailce a ccpoioe lemb ; ace cuip- piD plac an pmaccuijce a b-pao uao i. 22. Qn b-paicionn eu oume Dieciollac lonna jnocui- jib ? peappuio pe a Iduaip pioj; ni a lacaip Daoine uipipiol peappap pe. 27. 5^ eu F ' ODal P amui j, a^up oean oipearhnac DUJC pdm f annpa rhacaipe ; ajup 'na DiaiD pin Dean DO rij. 28. Nd luae^dipij an uaip euicpiop DO ndrhaio, ajup nd gdipDijeaD DO cpofoe an uaip DO jeib pe euipleab. SACRED LESSONS. 103 29. Qn b-paicionn cu ouine cpionna iona bapamuil pem ? ip mo an 0615 if coip DO beie ap amaoctn na ap. 30. Ha maoiD eu pem ap an la a mapac; oip ni peioip cu cpeao oo beappao la leip. 31. Ip oileap cneaoa na capaio ; ace ip cealjac poga na namaio. 32. JJeapuio lappann lappann oile; mappoin jeapui- jiop oume jnuip a capao. 33. 616 an oume paibBip cpionna lonna cuijpm pem ; ace pcpuouij an bocr a^a m-bi cuijpi amac e. 34. (5 10 b'e ceiliop a peacuioe, ni bia bipeac aip; ace 51 b'e aorhap a^up epeijiop 100, DO eabpa pe epocaipe. 35. t)o beip ea^la an Duine pameeup le : ace an ee cuipiop Doecup annpa D-Cl^^GQRMQ biaio pe Dain- jion. II. St. Matthew, ch. xviii. w. 21-35. 21. CCp n-oul DO pheaoap 'na lonnpaio an epae pin, a oubaipe pe, Q Chl^hGGRHCC 50 a mioncaco DO oeana mo Deapbpdeaip coip a m'ajaio, ajup maiepeap me DO ? an 50 nuige peacomao h-uaip ? 22. Q Deip lopa pip, Ni abpuim pioe, ^ u r an r eaCD " maD h-uaip amain: aco, ^ p o| ^ e an peacomojao peace nuaipe. 23. CL\\ an aobappom ip copmuil pfojaco neime pe pfj aipi jee, le'p b'dill cuncap DO Deanao pe na peapb- pojaneuiDib. 24. CCjup an epae DO cionnpgam pe cuncap DO 6ea- na6, cu^ao cuije neac, D*ap 6lij pe oeic mile ealann. 25. CIjup an can nap b'eioip leip na piacapo D'foc, oo aiem a eijeapna e pem, agup a bean, ajup a clan, ajup a paib aije, DO peic, DO cum na b-piac DO 6iol. 104 SACRED LESSONS. 26. Op an dobappom ag oeanao umla oo'n e-peapb- pojancuige pin, DO lapp pe accuingio aip, 05 pao, Q cijeapna, oeana p6iiD piom, agup DO beapa me an c-iomldn ouic. 27. Qnn pin ap n-jabail qiuaige moipe cigeapna ann ojlaoic uo, DO lei pe uao e, agup DO iriaic pe na piaca 66. 28. Cfgup 05 Dul amac oo'n c-peapbpojancuij UD, puaip pe aon o'a coirhpeapbpo^ancuiDib pein, D'ap 6lij pe ceaD pfjirin : ajup ap na popoao, pug pe aip pcopnuij aip, 05 pdo, Diol piurn an nio Dlijeap cu. 29. CCjup 05 cuicim D'CC coniipeapbpojancuiD 05 a copuibpean, DO JUID pe e, 05 pa6, Dean poijio pioni, agup DO beappa me an c-iomlan DUIC. 30. QCD mop b'aill leipean pin : aco ap n-imreaco 06 DO reilg pe a b-ppiopun e, no 50 n-ioca6 pe na piaca. 31. Cf^up an cpar DO conncaoap a coimpeapbpojan- cdiDepion na neice DO pinneaD, DO jab Doiljeap pomop iao, a^up canjaoap, ajup DO poillpijeaoap o'd D-CIJ- eapna jac nib Da n-oeapnab ann. 32. Qnnpoin DO cuip a cigeapna piop aippean, a^up a Deip pe pip, Q Dpoicpeapbpojancuio, DO mair me na piaca UD uile DUIC, DO bpfj gup cuip cu impme opam : 33. djup a ne nap coip 6uicpi qiocaipe DO oeanab ap DO coimpeapbpojancuiD pein, amail ajup map DO pmne mipe cpocaipe opcpa ? 34. Ggup an n-^abdil peipge a cijeapna, cug pe DO na ceapaDoipib e, 50 n-ioca6 pe a piaca uile pip. 35. Ctjup ip map pin DO beana m'Qraip neamDupa pibpi, muna rinairpe gac aonoume agaib a oeapbpdraip 6 bup -cpoiDcib a g-cionnca. SACRED LESSONS. 105 III Romans, ch. xii. and xiii. Chap. xii. 1. Qip an dobappom pipim o'arcumge opaib, a 6eap- bpdirpeaca, cpe rpocaipe t)e, bup g-cuipp DO eabaipc 'na beoioobaipc, naomra jeanamail oo t)hia, bup peip- bip peapunca. 2. Ggup na cumaio pib pein pip an c-paojalpa ; ace cuipiD pib pein aireappac cpoca pe harnuaoujao bup ninncinne, lonnup 50 m-biao a oepb ajuib cpeao i coil ihaic, ^eanamuil, oion^rhala t)e. 3. Oip a oeipim pe jac aon eaopuibpe, cpep an n^pap DO 611506 6arh [jn ^abail pe a dip] nf DO cuijpin op cion an neire ip lomcubaio DO DO cuijpm : ace a cuigpi DO beir DO peip rheapappoacDa ariiail ap DO poinn t)ia pe 506 aoinneac miopup cpeiDirii. 4. Oip DO peip map aca lomao ball aguinn a nean- copp arham, ajup nac eanoipij arham acd 05 nd huile ballaib pin : 5. Qp map an g-ceaona, acamaoione mopan ap nean- copp a 5-Cpiopc, ajup gac aon po leir ap m-ballaib aja ceile. 6. Uime pin aip m-beie DO cioolaicib eu^parhla ajum DO peip na njpap CUJOD ouinn, map pdmeaDoip- eacD [aca ajuin, oeanam paiDeaDoipeaco] DO peip meuo an cpeioim; 7. Ho map 01 pig [aca ajuinn, cugam aipe] oo'n oipij : no an ce ceajuipgeap, CUJOD aipe DO ceajupj ; 8. Ho an ce DO beip poipceaoal uaoa [cugao aipe] 6a poipceaoal: an ce poumeap [anoeipc, poineao] i maille pe neamupcoiD; ance ajd b-puil ceanup [op cionn caic, Deanao e] maille pe ourpaco; an re DO ni cpocaipe, [oeanao i] maille pe pubacup. 106 SACRED LESSONS. 9. 6106 bup n-jpdo an ceilg. 6106 jpain a^aib aip an olc; fagup] cean^luig oon mair. 10. 6106 coil aguib 6'a ceile maille pe jpao bpaie- peamuil; 05 cabaipc onopa uaib jac aon 05 oul poiriie a ceile. 11. Na [bijio] leip^eamuil a n-gnoruijib ; [bijio] aip piucao an bup ppiopaio; 05 oeanao peipbfp oo'n Cijeapna. 12. CCj oeanao jaipoecaip cpe 66ccap; poijioeac a m-buaioeapcuib coriinuijeac a n-upnaije. 13. Qg corhpoin pipna naomaib icnna piacoanupaib; a 5 jpaoujao luco aoioeacoa DO jlacao. 14. Cabpum bup m-beannaco oo'n opeim oibpeppib: ?xibpu 16 bup m-beannaco [ooib], ajup na mallu ioe [iao] . 15. 6106 jaipoeacup opaib mapaon pip an mumncip aip a bpuil jaipoeacup, ajup bijio 05 caoi mapaon pip an mumncip oo jni caoi. 16. 5 aD naoncoil oib pe ceile. Ha [bi 516] aipoinn- cineac aco cumaio pib pein pip an n-opeim ip iple. Ha bijm jlic ann bup m-bapamluib pein. 17. Na oeanaio olc a najaio uilc aip einneac. 6106 cupam na neireann maic opaib a b-piaonuipe na n-uile oaoine. 18. TTlap peioip ^, an meio 15 oibpe 6e, bioo pioccam agaib pip na h-uile oaoinib. 19. Ct caipoe jpdoaca, na oeanaio oiojalcup aip bup pon pein, aco panaio pip an b-peip^ : otp acd pjpiobra [Ip] leampa an ofo^alcup; oo beappa me cuiciujao [uaim] a oeip an Uijeapna. 20. Uime pin oa paib ocapup aip oo namuio, cabaip biao 66 ; oa paib cape aip, cabaip oeoc 60 : oip cpe po oo oeanao ouic capnpuio cu jpfopac aip a ceann. 21. Ha beipeao an c-olc buaio ope, aco beippe buaio aip an olc pe mair. SACRED LESSONS. 107 Chap. xiii. 1. 6106 506 uile anum urhal oo na cumacoaib acd op a cionn. Oip ni b-puil cumacoa ap bie aco 6 t)hia : a^up na cumacoa acd ann, ap o t)hia oo h-opouijeao lao. 2. dip an aobappom 516 b'e ap bie cuipeap a n-ajaio a cumacoa, cuipio pe a nagaio opoaije t)e : ajup an opeam cuipeap lonna aai6 gabaio oamnugao cuca pem. 3. Oip nf bf eagla poirh uacoapandib aip pon oeij- nforhaprao aco aip pon opoic [^niomapcao]. Uime pin an mian pioc beir jan eajla an curhacoa ope? oean maic, ajup oo eabpa cu molao uao. 4. Oip ap e peapbpo^ancuioe t)e e cum oo niairea- papa. CCco od n-oeapnaio cu olc, bioo eajla ope; oip ni 50 oiorhaomeac lomcpap pe an cloioeam : oip ap e peapbpojaneuioe t)e e, 'na oiojalcoip peipje aip an ce oo jni olc. 5. Uime pin ap eigean beir urrial, ni [o'eagla] peipje amdm, aco pop aip pon comnpiaip. 6. Oip ip uime po focap pib cdnacap: oo bpij jup peapbpojancuijeaoa oo t)hia lao, 05 oeanao a n-oiccill pa nio ceaona. 7. dip an aobappom cabpuio a n-oualgup oo na huile oaoinib : canacup oo'n ce [o'ap oual] canacup; cupoum oo'n ce [o'ap oual] cupoum ; eajla pe pan ce [pe ap coip] eajla ; onoip oo'n ce [o'ap coip] onoip. 8. Ha bioo piaca 05 aom-neac opaib, aco amain pib pein oo jpaou jao a ceile : (oip an ce ^pdoaijeap a comappa oo coimlion pe an olijeao). 9. Oip na [haiceancapa], na oean aoalcpannup, na oeana ounmapbao, na oean 5010, na oean piaonuipi 108 SACRED LESSONS. bpei^e, na oeana painc ; agup gac cncne eile [6a b-puil ann], acdio 50 haie^eapp pa bpf an paio po, eaoon, jpaoaig DO comappa map cu pein. 10. Ni oeanann jpao olc oo'n comappain : aip an ao- bappom [ape] an jpao coimlionao an olfje. 11. CI^up pm, pe meap na h-aimpipe, gup micm buinn anoip mupglao o coolao : oip [ip] joipe ouin anoip ap planugao na an uaip oo cpeioeamap. 12. Oo cuaio an oioce copainn ajup oo opuio an la pinn : uime pin ceiljeam uainn oibpeaca an oopcaouip. Qjup cuipeam umainn eioeao an cpolaip. 13. Siublam 50 cubaio, amail pa 16; ni a j-cpaop na a meipje, na a peompaoofpeaco na a macnuip, na a g-ceannappaic na a o-cnur. 14. Qco cuipio umuib an Uijeapna lopaCpiopc, na bioo cupam na colla opaib a mianjupuib. IV 1st St. Peter, ch. ii. 1. Uime pm aip g-cup na b-uile amjioecoa, ajup linebla, ajup pallpaco, ajup rnuca, ajup an uile irioin- paio uaib, 2. TTlap naoioeanuib nuaio-beapca, bioo ponn aguib a m-bainne piopjlan na bpeirpe, cum beic oib 05 pap pip; 3. TTIa blaipeabaip cpeo e mfllpe an djeapna. 4. Qn d cum a b-puil pib ap o-ceaco, noc ip cloc beo, oo oiuicao 50 oeimin 6 oaomib, aco aca cojca mop- luaio, 05 t)ia, 5. CC^up bijiope map beoclocaib, cojra puap bup o-cij ppiopaoalca, bup pajapcaco naomra, cum 106- bapcao ppiopaoalca o'popdil, ap a m-biaio jean ajt)ia cpe lopa Cpiopc. SACRED LESSONS. 109 6. Uime pin aca pjpiobca pa pgpiobcuip, peuc,cuipim a Sion ppiorhcloc an cuinne, cora, mopluaio : ajup an ce cpeioeap innce ni b-puie pe naipe. 7. Qip an aobappon aca pi 'na honoip oibpe aga b-puil cpeiDearh : aco oo'n Dpuinj aca eapurhal, oo'n cloic uo DO oiulcaoap na paoip, DO pinne doc cinn an cumne, 8. CCjup cloc oilbeime, a^up cappuic cuiplib, Do'n opuing biop eapurhal, DO jeib oilbeim pa'n m-bpeicip ; cum ap h6pDuiea6 pop iao. 9. QCD ip cmeul ro^ra pibpe, pajapcaco piogoa, cineao naorhra, pobal aip leir ; lonnup 50 b-poillpeo- cao pib pubdilcioe an ce ^oip pib ap Dopcaoap cum a poluip lon^ancuij pern ; 10. Noc a nalloo nac paib bup b-pobal ,acD anoip ap pobal DO t)hia pib : a opeam nac b-puaip cpocaipe, aca pib anoip aip b-pdjdil cpocaipe. 11. Q cdipDe 5pd6ac, lappuim D'accum^e [opuib], map 6eopui6ib a^up oilirpib, pib pem DO peacnaD ap ain- iriianuib na colna, noc biop 05 carujao a n-aguiD a n'anma. 12. 6106 DeajcoinbeappdiD ajuib a meapj na ^-Cmea- 6ac: lonnap a n-dic an iciompdio DO ^nio opuib map luco mfjnidm, ^o ma6 heioip piu, ap na oeajoibpib DO cipio piao, jloip DO rabaipc DO t)hia pa la 'na b-peucpum oppra. 13. [Uime pin] bfjib urhal DO jac uile opoaijce 6aon6a, ap pon anUijeapna: ni he amain oo'n pij, map an ce agab-puil dipDceannap. 14. QCD DO na h-uacoapdnuib [map an j-ceaona], map an IUCD cuipceap UOD cum Diogalcuip ap luco na mij- niom, ajup cum molra luco na n-Deij^niorh. 15. Oip ip map pin, 05 oeanaD maiceapa Dib, ap coil le t)ia ppian DO cup pe h-ambpiop na n-oaomeao L 110 SACRED LESSONS. 16. TTlap [oaoine] paopa, a^up m map an opuinj aga b-puil an c-paoippe 'na bpac poluioce an uilc, aco map peapbpogancuijioe t)e. 17- djguiD onoip DO na huile [oaoinib]. Jpctouige na oeapbpaicpe. 6106 eagla t)e opuib. Uuguio onoip oo'n P'S- 18. Q peapbpojancui^io, [bijm] urhal oa [bup] mai^- ipcpib maille pip an uile paicceap ; ni he amain DO na [maijipcpib] maice oeajcpoioeaca, OCD pop DO na opoc [rhaijipcpib], 19. Oip (ip) ni6 po ip piu buiDeacap o'a n-iomcpui6 neac ooiljeap aip pon comnpiaip DO raob t)e, 05 pulanj na h-eagcopa. 20. Oip cpeuo [e] map a6bap molca o'a n-iomcpa pib 50 poiioec ^abail DO oopnuib opuib aip n-oeanam peacuiD Dib? aco, o'a b-puilnje pib 50 poijioeac, ajup pib aj oeanao maireapa, [ap nio] pin [o'a bpuilj t)ia buioeac. 21 . Oip ip cuige po pop DO goipeaD pib : oip DO pulluing Cpiopc map an j-ceaona aip ap poinne ag pajbail pompla ajuinn, lonnup 50 leanpao pib a lopj ; 22. Qn ce nac oeapnuio peacao, agup aj nac ppic meabail 'na beal ; 23. Qn ce nac oeapnum an-camr, a najuio na h-an- caince DO pinneao aip; nac DeapnuiD ba^ap, 05 pulanj DO ; aco cu$ [e p6m] a laim an ce DO jni bpeireamnup 50 ceapc : 24. Qn re o'lomcaip ap b-peacui jne ann a copp pein aip an g-cpann, lonnup aip m-beir Duinne mapb DO na peacuijib, 50 maippemip oo^n pipeancaco : an ce 05 ap Iei<$eapa6 pibpe pe na cpeucouib. 25. Oip DO babaip map caopcuib aip peacpam ; aco anoip DO pilleao pib 50 h-Qobaipe ajup 50 h-Bapboj bup n-anman. THE CHURCH CATECHISM. Ill THE CHURCH CATECHISM. Gabon lei^ionn ap lonpojlomra DO jac uile oume pul pacpup paoi laim Gapboic. Ceipc. Cpeuo e h-ammpe. pp. W no TT1. Ce. Ce rug an c-ammpi DUIC ? Pp. TTlo t)hia-airpe a^up mo t)hia-mcurpe ann mo baipoeao, anna n-oeapnao Diom ball oo Chpiopo, leanb t)e, ajup oipe piojacca neime. Ce. Cpeuo oo pinneaoap DO oia-airpe ajup DO 6ia- liiaicpe an c-an pin aip DO ponpa ? Pp. tDo jeullaoap ajup DO moioieaoap cpi neice ann m'ainm, a g-ceaooip, 50 n-oiulcpamn oo'n oiabal a^up o'd oibpeacaib uile, DO poimp, agup DO Diomaomeap an opocpaojailpe, ajup DO jac uile ainmianaib peacaoaca na colna. Qn oapa h-uaip 50 j-cpeiopmn jac uile aipcio- jal oo'n cpeioeam ChpiopoaiDe. Qjup a cpeap uaip, 50 j-coimeaopumn coil naomra a^upaireancatDe^ajupjo piobolumn lonnra cpe uile laecib mo beaca. Ce. Nac meapaip 50 b-puil o'piacaib ope a cpeiDearh ajup a Deanam map DO jeallaoap ap DO pon ? Pp. meapuim 50 oeimm; ajuple coiltDe, oeanpa me map pin. djup beipim buioeacup 6 cpoioe o'ap n-Qcaip neamoa, pa map DO oip opm cum na pcaioepe an c-pla- nuijre, cpe lopa Cpiopc ap Sldnaijreoip. Qjup guiDim t)ia spapa DO rabaipc 6am comnaije 'p an PCOID ceaona 50 epic mo beara. 112 THE CHURCH CATECHISM. Ce. Qirpip aipeiojail oo cpeioim. Pp. Cpeioim an-t)ia anc-Qcaip uile-cumacoac, cpur- uijreoip neime agup caiman: agup a n-lopaCpiopc aon macpan ap o-Uieapna, oo gabao 6'n Spiopao naom, DO pu^ao leip an 615 TTIuipe, o'pulaing paip paoi phoinc phioldiD, DO ceupao, DO puaip bap a^upoo h-aolaicea6; cuaio piop 50 h-ipiopn, o'eip^io apip an cpeap la 6 na mapbaib, DO cuaib puap ap neam, a^up aca na puioe ap laim 6eip t)e an Qrap uile-cumacoai^ ; ap pin ciucpa pe DO bpeir bpeire ap beooaib a^up ap mapbaib. Cpeioim pan Spiopao naomra; a naoim Bagluip cacoilice ; cu- maom na naom ; maiream na b-peacaije ; eipeip je na colna, ajup an beara mapranac. Qmen. Ce. Cpeao DO nioip o'po^luim ^o haipije annp 'na h-aipciojail pe DO cpeioim ? Pp. CC g-ceaooip, poglamaim cpeioeam a n-t)ia an c-Qraip, DO cpurui^ me pein, a^up an paojal inle. Qn oapa h-uaip, cpeioeam a n-tDia an FDac o-puap- jail me, agup an cineao oaonna uile. Qn cpeap uaip, cpeioeam a n-t)ia an Spiopao naom- ra oo naomaio me, a^up pobal cogra t)e uile. Ce. Q oubpaip jup geallaoap DO Oia-airpe ajup DO t)ia-maicpe ap DO pon 50 j-coirheaopa aiceanca t)e. hup 6am cia a lion ? Pp. a oeic. Ce. Cpeuo 100 pin ? ppeagpa. Qn ceaona DO labaip t)ia 'pan b-picea6 caibioil o'Gcpooup, ajpao. Ipmipi anUijeapnaootDhia, noc DO cpeopmj rupa amac ap calam na h-6$ipce, ap ci^ na oaoippe. I. Mi biaio t)ia ap bir eile ajao am lacaippe. II. Hi Deana cu ouic pein lomaij ap bic gpabalca, no copamlacc aon neice, aca a b-plaiciop puap, no pa THE CHURCH CATECHISM. 113 calam pop, no ann fa n-uip^e paoi an calam, ni claonpu cu piop cuca, ni aopocaip 100 : oip mipi an djeapna DO t)hia, ip tDia euorhap me, ci o'peucam peacaio nu n-airpeac ap an j-cloinn up an cpeap, ajup an ceacpu- mao glun oo'n opoinj puaruijeap me, c^up caipbeanaim cpocaipe oo milcib oo'n luce a gpaouijeap me, ajup a coirheaoap m'aiceanca. III. Ni raibeopaip amm an Uijeapna oo t)hia 50 oiomaom : oip ni rheappuio an dgeapna an ce oo beir neimcioncac oo beip a amm 50 oiomaom. IV. Cuimni la na Saboioe oo congmail naomca. Se laere paoipeocap cu, ajup oeanpuip a b-puil 0500 le oeanarh, aco ipe an peaccmao la Saboio an Ci^eapna oo t)hia, ni oeana cu obaip ap bir ann, cu pein, a^up oo mac, ajup o'm^ean, c'o^lac, a^up oo banojlac, c'eal- lac, ajup an coimijreac aca caob ipcij ooc ooippib : oip oo pinne anCi^eapna a pe laecib nearh a^up calam, an paip^e, agup an uile mo aca lonca, a^up oo comnaio pe an peaccmao la : uime pin oo beannuij an Ci^eapna la na Saboioe agap oo naomuij e. V. Onopui^ c'araip agup oo maraip, lonnnp 50 m-bao paoa oo laere ap an o-calam noc oo beip an dgeapna oo t)hia ouic. VI. Wi oeana cu ounrhapbao. VII. Hi oeana cu aoalcpannap. VIII. Hi oeana cu 5010. IX. Mi beapa cu piaonuipe bpeije a n-a^aio oo com- appan. X. Mi pamceoca cu cij oo corhappan, ni painceoca cu bean oo comappan, no ojlac oo corhappan, no a banojlac, no a 6am, no a apal, no enni ip le oo com- appain. L 2 114 THE CHURCH CATECHISM. Ce. Cpeuo DO jni eu o'poglaim go'ppepialca le n-a h-aiceancaibpe ? pp. poglamaim 6a mo ; mo oualgup DO t)hia, agup mo oualgup oom comappam. Ce. Cpeao e oo oualgup oo t)hia ? pp. 'Se mo oual^up oo tDhia cpeioeam ann, eajla beir opm poime, a gpaoujao le mo cpoioe uile, le m'mneinn uile, le m'anam uile, a^up le mo neapc uile ; a aopao, buioeacup oo rabaipc 06, mo 6015 uile oo cup ann, jaipm aip, a amm naomra a^up a pocal o'ono- pao ; agup peipbtp oo oeanam 50 pippmeac oo ap peao mo beara uile. Ce. 5 oe Do oual^up ooc comappam ? Pp. Qpe mo oualgup oom comappam, a jpaoujao map me pein, ajup oeanam oo na huile oaomib map ba mian learn lao oo oeanam 6am. TTVaraip ajup mo mdraip oo jpuougao, o'onopao, ajap 6'popcacc. Onoip agup urhlaco oo rabaipc oo'n T2i, ajup o'a bpuil a j-ceannap paoi. Rle pein o'umlujao oom uile pciupuij- reoipib, reajap^roipib, aooaipib ppiopaoalca ajup maigipcpib. Hie pein o'lomcap 50 h-uipipiol, a^up 50 h-uppamac oo gac uile oume ap peapp na me pein. (5 an Dio^bdil a oeanam o'aomeac le bpeirip na le jniom. 6heic pipmneac ajup ceapc an m'uile connpao. 5 an mailip na pua6 beir an mo cpoioe. ITIo lama oo congmail o piocao agup o 5010, ajup mo ceanga o opoccainc, o bpeij, agup o p^annail. ITIo copp oo conjmail a meap- apoacc, a pocpaioeacc, a^up a n-^eanmnai^eacc. 5 an maoin oaoineao eile oo pancu^ao na o'lappaio ; ace pojlaim a^up pao6ap oo oeanam cum mo beacao'pajail 50 cneapoa, ajup oeanam map ip oual 6am ann pa pcaio beara pin cum ap mian le t)ia mo aipm. Ce. ITIo lemib mair, bioo a piop po ajao, nac b-puil THE CHURCH CATECHISM. 115 ap DO cumap na neicepe DO 6eanarh uaic F eln > na piobal a n-uireanccnb t)e agup peipbip DO 6eanavh DO, gan a papa ppepialcapan, aip a g-cairpip pojlaim ^aipm DO oeanarh jac uile am le h-upnaij Durpaccai$, uime pin leij 6am a clop, an b-peaouip opaio an Ci- eapna DO pa6. Ppe. dp n-Qeaip a ca ap nearh, naomrap h-ainm. Cigeao DO piojacD. Oeancap DO roil ap an calarb, map nfreap ap nearh. Cabaip 6uinn anoiu ap n-apan laerea- muil. Ctjup mair buinn ap ^-cionca, map mairmtone 66ib DO cioncai^eap 'n ap n-agaio. CCjup na cpeopuij inn cum ca^aijre ; aco paop inn o olc. Gmen. Ce. Cpeao lappaip aip t)hia pa n-upnai^pe ? Pp. lappaim aip mo Chijeapna t)ia ap n-Qcaip neamba, cio6laicreoip jac uile rhairip, a ^papa DO cup cujam pem,a5up cum jac uile 6ume, cum 50 n-oea- nam aopao DO, peipbip DO, ajup umlacD DO, map apcoip Duinn. CCjup ^uiDim t)ia 506 uile neire DO cabaipc Duinn ara piacoanac o'ap n-anmannaib mapaon a^up oap j-coppuib ; ajup 50 m-beic pe cpocaipeac Duinn, ajup 50 maicpeaD Duinn ap b-peacaioe; ajup^o m-bao i a roil ap pabccil, ajzjup ap ^-copainc ann jac uile con- rabaipc ppiopaiD a^up colna : agup 50 ^-cuimoeocaD inn o jac uile peacaD, ajup rhoploccaib, agup o'p namaiD ppiopaoalca ajup o bap pioppaioe. CCjup aca DOIJ a^am 50 n-Deana po o'a rpocaipejOjap D'O maireap, cpe ap D-Ci^eapna lopa Cpiope, ajup ap an aobap pin Deipim, Qmen. ^ Ceipr. Cia lion SacpaimenceaD DO opouij Cpiopo an Gagluip? Pp. t)ha Shacpaimemc amain aca 50 jeneapalca piaccanac cum planui^re, eaoon, 6aipcea6, a^up Sui- peap an Uijeapna. 116 THE CHURCH CATECHISM. Ce. Cpeao cuigippe leip an b-pocalpa Sacpaimenc? Pp. Cuijim comapca poipimiollac popaicpi spap innrheooonac agup ppiopaoalca cabaipce ouinn, DO opouijCpiopc pern, map plije le b-pa^amaoio na jpapa ceaona, agup map geall cum a n-oeapbra ouinn. Ce. Ca meio pann a Sacpaimemc ? pp. Oha pann : an comapca poipimiollac popaicpe, a o" u P 5P a r a wmeooonac Spiopaoalca. Ce. Cpeao e comapra poipimiollac no poipm a baip- 016? pp. Uip^e, ann a m-baipoeap a peappa a n-amm an- Qrap, ajup an mic a^up an Spiopaio naoim. Ceipc. Cpeao i an jpap innrheooonac ajup ppiopa- oalca ? pp. 6dpcum peacaiOjajupair^em 50 pipeancacc; oip ap m-beir ouinn 6 naouip beipre a b-peacao, ajup'n ap j-cloinn oibpeip^e, oeancap leip po clann na n-^pap oinn. Ce. Cpeao lapprap ap peappannaib a biap cum a m-baipore ? Pp. Qicpije le a o-cpeijio peacao : ajup cpeioeam, le -cpeioio 50 oionjmalca jeallamna t)e oeancap ooib 'pan c-pacpaimemc uo. Ce. TTIaipeao cpeao uime a m-baipoeap leimb,an can cpe na n-oige nac b-peaouio lao pin oo coimlionao ? Pp. Qp an aobap 50 n-jeallaio 100 apaon le na m-bannai ; ajup aca o'piacaib oppca f em, an c-an cioc- puio cum doipe, an jeallam pin oo coimlionao. Ce. Cpeao pa'p h-opouijeao Sacpaimeinc puipeip an Ui^eapna ? Pp. Chum Q-naccuimne loobapca baip Chpiopc, a^up na caipbe oo jeibmio o'a bpij. Ce. Cpeao e an pann poipimeallac, no comapca, pui- peip an Uijeapna ? THE CHURCH CATECHISM. 117 pp. Qpdn ajup pfon, DO aicnio an Cijeapna DO Ce. Cpeao e an pann mnmeooonac, no an ni6 DO com- apraijeap leo ? Pp. Copp ajup puil Chpiopc, DO jlacrap ajup jab- rap 50 Deiihin agup 50 oeapbra le na cpeiomiD a pui- peap an djeapna. Ce. Cpeao IOD na caipbeaoa DO n-oeancap pannpaip- ceac pinn leip an c-pacpaimemcpe ? pp. HeapcujaD ajup bearujao ap n-anman le copp ujup le puil Chpiopc, amail map neapcuijreap ajup beojuioreap ap g-cuipp leip an apan ajup a b-pion. Ce. CpeaD lappcap ap an opumj DO 7:15 cum puipeip an Ui^eapna ? pp. lao pern DO pcpuoao, an b-puil airpeacap pipin- neac oppra pa na b-peacaioe DO pmneaoap, 05 cup pompa 50 oionjmalca beaca nua6 DO caiceaiii, a^up cpeioeam peapmac DO beic aca a D-cpocaipe t)e, cpe Chpfopc, le cuiriine buiDij a bdip, ajup a beir a j-cap- rannacc le gac uile 6ume. THE END. In the Press, and shortly will be published \ in 8t?o., A GRAMMAR OF THE IRISH LANGUAGE, FOR of tf) IN THE COLLEGE OF ST. COLUMBA. BY JOHN O'DONOVAN, ESQ. Dublin : HODGES AND SMITH, Grafton-street, Booksellers to the University. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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