AVGVST ,' LIB R" A R Y OF DAVID F. WATKINS. No. # Va* t'M 9 us AVGVSTI- nes Manuell, or Jitle booke of the Contempl^oKof Chrift, or of Gods worde, whereby the remembraunce ofj(ke heauen- ly defifes whiche is falne a fleepe may be quick- ned vp agayne. js^ *^**ifc- ^^ ** ^ Printed by lohn Daye [^ dscellyng over Al- m gratia & Priuilegio RegiaB Maieftatis. The Preface. F2ta0muc$ aa tot be act in tfje miDDea of anarea , toe eaaclp be* come coID in Deairc of Ijeauenlp tlrpjtgca* anD tfjerfore toe fjaue nceDe of conri* nuall Defence, ttist tofien toe bee s&run&e atoap , toe ma? bee toa&encD to run bac&e aoa^ne to our true 5oD t|>e aouts reigne gooUneeae . J,n consiBetation tufjerof , not tf>roug|> ras|je ptt0ump tion, but for t$e great loue tat J besre to m? Sou , J t^aue bnBertaitn fyia toor&e to ^10 .3::::- , to rr: intent 3f tnig|jt altoapea |>aue toit|> me a 0f>ort anD fcsr.Bcome abnDgemmt of t$e et)o0en 0aringe0 of te ^ol? fat$er0 eoncernpng m? ofc , &E tf>e fire of te reaBpna to^erof, tfje loue of |nm mic|>t be fepnukn in me as oft as it toareH colt) in me . 300i0te me notoe J be* 0eet|je t|jee mj LorB 5oU , toljom J 0ee6e, to^om J, lane , toom ? prapae anti tooors^rP 60$ toirij mimtie anD moutlj , anD toidj all t6e potocr tf>at J am able . ^HE m?nDe beEng botoeD tmto t|jee , anD inflameD toit [ouc of t$iee, aig^png for toant cf tfjee, gapgM after $ee , anD longing onel? to 0ee t|jee t Preface. tljce, Jjatl) no pleasure in an? tl;pnc but to 0pea&e of tljee , to !;eare of t&ce , to torite of tfcee, to conferre of tfjee, anD to betjrinlte it 0elfe oftentgme0 of t&g glorpe, 00 a0 ti>e remembraunce of tljee mag be 0ome refre0l>Eng to me among fote Boe 31 call bppon moot earnectlp, bnto tl>ec to 31 erg toitl) a louue nop0e euen from ti>e bottome of mg |>art anH toljen 31 call bpon tee toerelg 31 call bpon tfjee in m? 0elfe : for 31 0l?oulti not bee at all ejccept tljou toart in me, anU except 31 toere in tl)ee t|>ou toouIDe0t not be in me Ztiou art in me, becau0e t&ou abpncct in mp mgnUe : t|>erebr Ho 3f 6noto t&ee , anU therein Bo 3( finUe tljce . Ciifjen 31 remember t&ee: 31 am at0o UeIi0t)tetJ in tljec anU bp tljee, of toijom, bv b$om, anB in roi;om all tinges be. 1JTV f Of Gods wonder- full beyng. ILojfce fil* Irfl: jjrnttcn nnti rartJi beacpnge tip all tJjpnge$ bepng not bur* tfieneo fillpnge all tfiings toitftout bepng in* clofeo , altoape0 Doing $ pet alVoapeg at red : altoape0 gatgecing > but not foj anp neetie: altoape0 feefeing> ^ pettgou miffett nothing: lou= ing $ pet not ootpng> bepng ieloug $ pet ffill in quiete * Jt repentetfi tSee & pet tfiou art not greeueo: tjiou act angcp> antr pet not out of patience * C Sou cSaungeff tSp tooo?fee0 but not i B receiucff S. Augustines cecetuea tgat tofiicfi tfiou gaff fouggt out, $ pet tgou Jjafcff neuec loft tt * ^gou act neue? neeop> ana pet tfiou tieliggteft to gapne * Cgou act tteuecco* uetous> $ pet tfiou oemautto= eft Ijfucp * 'Cgou lafljeff out togece tgou otoeU not But tofio atg oiiggt tgat t0 not tgpne i ^Boti papelt Det0 > $ pet act in noman0 tiet * 'Cijou fo?geueff tiet0> ^ pet lofeff nothing 'Cfiou act etiecp euecp toljece tBoti act : pecceiueti tftou mapeU be > fene tfiou c anlf not tie * ^jjou act no tnfiece abfent $ pet act tfiou facce of f com te tSouggte0 of tge fc>tcfceo> nap loofee tofiece tou act fatce of> Manuell. of > tjiere art tjjou nor itoap : foj togere tfjou art afafent bp grace > tgere art tfjou prefent bp fcengeaunce * >o art tljoii p:efrnt in all placc0 , $ pet canfl- fcarflp be fotinU . CSou ffanfcefl: flril togen toe foloto tljee , $ pet toe cannot ouer= tafee tgee + Cfiou goloett ail rljungs > filleff all tjiinns > i inuironeff all tfjpngeg > fur^ j mounted all tfipngs > and I fuffeinelf all ting0 , teacgeff t&e fiart0 of faitlifiill toitJiont nopfe of i too:tie0 : tlion art not Dtfle= I uereD bp places , no: alteret) bp tpnte0 > no: fubtect tjnto to $ fro Cfiou otoelleU tn fin= app:ocgable liggttofiicS neuer Bit man his fall. S. Augustines man fato > no? can fee * 8bp= dpng qutetlp in tgp felfe> tgoti goeff euerptogere about tjictoorld: fo: tljou cauff not lac cuto: DcmDeD> liicaufc rlioti art but one in ueirp tieet>e> and art made out into parted oj peete0 but bepng togole tfiou mainteineff tge tcgole > tgou fillrff tlic toliole> tijou in= ligft teneft tlic to jiole > $ tljou poITr ITr fi- tlic toliolc* ^f Of the vnspeakeable knowledge of God. A lltfiougft tSetofioletoo?lt ^ full of boo&e0 > pet could not tlipne ttnfpeaKeable fenotoledge be uttered * 5^oj in a0 mucb a0 tgou art unfpeafee* i able> "GEDEOMI Manuel!. I afale> tfiou ranft in no tariff be I put in tontpng > o? tompic- Jjendeti * Cfiou art tge : taine of goDIp liggt , anti ! fiinne of rurrlaffpng ' neffe * Cfiou art great toitg= { out quantitie > $ tFierfcne un= I meafurable * CJjoti art good i toitljout quaiitie > $ tBerfo:e tjerp gooti $ fouertinlp gooo > ' $ no man i$ gooo but tliou alone * CQJjofe teill i0 a toojfee > fo: tfiou canft fco togat tgou liffeff * CJjou paff trtateo ail tgpng0 of notging> $ bp tliinc onelptoil lialr tliou maoe tfiem * Cfiou poffeffeff ail tlie creature0 toitgout anp toant of them > tfioii gouern^ eff tgem toit&out papne> tgou . B iir ruleff S. Augustines culett t&em toitfiout toeaci* ne0> ana tfiece 10 notlinng tliar map trouble tlir otoec of tfip gouernement > from tge gigljeff ttng0 to tfie lotoelf 'Cgoii act in all place0 toitfi* out plate > tontriniing all tfipngc0 tott^out intlofure > ^ faepng p?efent euecp toBere tottfiout fettpng oj cemoupng* ^ftou act not t&e autfioj of anp null > foj tliou canfl oo none eutll * CG)icca0 tljou canfl- Do all tliing0> tliou liaff not Done anp tljpng toBecof it can fojetSinfee tfiee * 3ft i0 of tlip gootme0 1 ji a t toe be made > of tl)p infl-icc tliiit toe be pun ifljcD> ano of tljp meccp tliat toe be tieliueceo * coijofc al= miglitinrs migStineg goiiernetft> ruletg> I $ fillets all tljpngg toic& it jjatJj maoe * get meane 3 not bp t&p filling of al things > tfiat tgep conteine tfiee > but rat&er tgat tgou conteincfl- tgem * ^eitljer fillett tfiou all t&pngc0 fap parcell meale> neither i0 it in anp toife to be tfioiigfjt tgat ecfie t&png re= ceiuetg tgre atcojopng to tfie piopojtion of it oton bigne(Te> tfiat i0 to toit > tge greateff tgpnge0 mo?e> and tBegmall-- eft t5pnge0 leffe : but catfiec tgat tfiou tfjp fclfe art togole in all t|)ing0> and all tftpng0 in tfiee : tufiofe almig8tine0 imlofetg all tginge0 > $ no man can finde anp fljift to 7 B iiij fcape S. Augustines fcape from tBp potoer . 5* or Be tfiat BatB not tBp fauonr > ffcaU wuer efcape tBp tuf^ pteafute* longyng of the soule that feeleth God. mercpfitH n cal upon tBee fo: mu foule > tt>Bi*Be tBon p?e- pareff to receiue tBee tB?ougB tBe fcefire toBicB tfiou b?eatB= eff into it center into it 3 faefcecBe tBee> > 3!efu0 of j^a3aretB> anD make it fit fo? tfife> tBat tBou mapff poiTciTf tBat \nliicli tBou Baft borli mai>e and remted> tBat I map Bane tBee a$ a feale tjppontnp Bart * > moff piti= fnl Makes thee ri^htwise. JEOZTOV 5p3 ^P > ^ Manuell. ful Lo:&, K befertfi tfiee fake not fiim tfiat upon tfiee : fo: ere J coulD call bpon tfiee tftou DiDDrft botft call me $ feck me > to tfie intent that 3 tfip fcruaunt cSoulDfeefee tfiee, ^fau feeding tfiee, finor tfiee, anD tofien K tint) fount! tfiee lone tfiee . Lo:ti 3 fiaue fougfit tfiee ^ founti tfiee, $ K tiefire alfo to loue tfiee . Jncreafe mp tre= fire foi bnleffe tfiou Do fo mp life fljal ronfume in fo:rotn, % mp foulr in mourning Craunt tfierfo:e tfir tfipng 3 cranr: fo? if tfiou ftoulDQ- grue mr all rfjat cure tou maDrH, it tooulD not fuffiee tfip feruaunt > rr rrpt tgou gcur So were we. S. Augustines gene gim t&p felfe to eue tgecfoje > Jlojo tgp ftneete* neffe to me tljp fewaunt > gcatmt tfiat 31 map taff tgce fomctogat> fo? tgat 31 cannot liue toitgout tfite * d3eue me tfjp felf tecfo?e D mp (Doo> reffo?e tBp felfe tinto me * Begolo > i am in loiie toitli tfiee: $ if tgat be to Ittie> pouiT on tlip grate in to me reatfioiittSp &anti> $open tfie epe0 of tfip fajiggtneffe, tftat | map bee pet mo?e tn lone * I am bound unrli tlie lour of tgee > 31 burne in oefire of tSee> 31 am deliggteD tuitg tge ftoeete remembjaunce of tfiee * Befiolo > tofien mp ntpnoe flietlj upuiard imto tftee , m ^DANIEL: ^m nv ~~ ManuelK r V^ ~ ' tfiee , & bufietJj it felfe toitfi FA MO s.i tJjpnfepng fcpon tfjine fen= ^ fpeafeeable lotting feinoneflej tfie faroell of mp flet& i0 tfie LfT2&l Fnm 1 ! blfc bul:tienfomE ** nt * me > ^ e ft B^ p8p 1 turmopling of mp tfiougfitg ^\|)U teafetfi , tfie toeiggt of mp ML P&llIJi moztalitie and mifenrs malv Mm et^me not Dull a0 tfiep are to oo > all tJjpnge0 are PIOKI^ 1 ffiii, $ all tging0 are talme * PABDTAS^ l/gSlSjl tpp Sart glotetg> mp mpnoe yy reiopcetfi > mp memojie i0 frelfi> mine tmderffanopng i0 I ggj% Mtleare, & mp tofjole fpirite i^i 1 SS^( ' faein 5 ^"oleo toitS deftre to IMJ jr|r\ri| I f tSee , findetg it felfe rau= rat ^^^] initifible * 3Let mp fpirite tafee K toinge0 of an c^gle $ flp -^S S. Augustines tmtgotit teaffing : ILet it flpe euen til it tome to tfie beau= tie of tftp goufe> $ to tlje t$?one of tfip glo?p > $ tfiere let it be fed at tlie fitting table of tfip fieauenlp Citi= 3en0> in tSe place of fiilfeeo= pttg bp tfje plr ntif till running ffceame0 * ^gou tgat art our gope> our toelfare> $ our re= Demption > be alto our iop . tfiat ftalt be our re^ be alfo out reiopcpng . ilet mp foule fcefee tgee al, ta>ape0> $ gtaunt tfiat in feefc^ png tee it map iteuer faint* ^fOf the wretchednesse of that soule which loueth not, and seeketh not our Lord lesus Christ. Cfjiiff , no: feefeet!) 5im : it abibetfi Dip ^miferable * fee loofetg gi0 Ipfr tpme tofjicge tort not tjiee > Coo * fe r tgat care0 not to Ipue fo: tgee 11020 > i0 nothing $ goet& foj nougbt : ^e tfiat refufetS to liue tjnto tfiee, i0 alreaDp treao . ^e t&at i0 not toife to tgee toaro > i0 but a foole * , ipoff meccpfull llo:o> H peiD, graunt > ano betafee mp felfe , Dntotgee bp toftom 3 Sauej faepng, life, $ toit * SEn tgeel Doe I put mp toJjole tonfi* ( oence> truff> $ 5op^>bptobom ; 31 ffcall rife agapne > hue I agapn, $ eniop reft * Cfiee, Do In Christ BAKA," S. Augustines Ho 3 couet> lotie, ano ft>o?unp> tottg fcifiom 3 tfcall titoell > reigne>$ bebleffeD * -ftfiefotile tjjat feefeetg not > tie (ouetfi not tfire, feefeetJj $ loiietg tfie tuo?lD> feruetfj finne> t0 fiifa* iea to trice > neiiec at reff > netier ateafe * &et mp mintie feme tfite altoapeg D mo0t mercpftiU * 3let mp toapfa^ cpng be altoapeg to trauell ftnto tfieetoaro> let mp-Jjart bucne in loue of tfjee + ^p (25 ) 33D > let mp foule reft in tBee > let it rtmne out of it felf to be&oto tfiee, let it ling tfip P?apfe0 toitfi iopfulne0> and let tgiis be tfie comfort of me in mp banifljment . iLet mp mpnOe flee bnDer tfie Manuell. fljaooto of tp ft>png0> from tjje ragpng fieateg of tJje tfiougfiteg of tfii0 too?l& > llet mp gart talme it felfe in tfiee > 31 fap \tt tge great fea of mp Sart tgat ftoelletlj toi'tfi toatiess > calme tt felfe tn tfiee * > CDod toStcge art ricfie of all gooo demtie0 > tgou mott bountiful liettotoer of fieauenlp repaff geue meate to me rlint am faint > gatlin* me ap tgat am fcattereo> deliuer me tliat am in pjifon, mal\e me nrtii agapne tliat am getuen in peece0 | fl-anti at flip tioozr anti fenocfee * befeetg tj^ee tip tSe fcotoelg of tljp mercp > S. Augustines fited &0 fap dap fpjpng from | an jit an, bid tlir Doo:r to be opened fo? me to?etcfi toBicg i do iino cfxt , tgat mp foule map :| gane free paffage to come in fento tBee> to eternal life toJjiclj art tBe fountaine of liuelp toater > and to reff in tfiee , $ to be refrefijed bp f oj tfiou art tfie b?eao ano fountaine of ufe> tliou arttge ligljt of euerlaffpng b?iggt= ne(Te> tlioii art all tfipngre toBerebp tge rigfiteou0 liue loue tee. e longyng of the soule. C\ dDootgeligfitof tgefiart0 ^ tSat fee tljee > and tfie life Manuell. life of tfie fouled tgat roue tgee> ano tfie ff rengtfjettet of tjje tfiougfiteg tijat feefee tDee, gcaunt tgat 3 map fficfce to tfie golp loue of tfiee * Come 3 p?ap tfiee into mp art, ano mafee it D?on&en toitfi tfie afaounOaumeof tbppleafant* ne0> fo a0 31 map fojget tftefe tempocall tBpnge0 + 3|t i&as metS ano icfeetfi me to abioe Dots , an tfiat I fee of tfiefe ttanfito?ie t5pttg0 igi but a fo?roto to me : aU tfiat 31 fieace of tfiem > ig but a grief to me * l^elpe me > iLo?o mp E put gladneffe into mp fiact > tfiat 3f map onelp fenoto $ pofleffe tfiee> $ 31 fljal bee And sinne no more. S. Augustines bee f atiffieo * Come b-nto me ) 3[efu0 of jl^ar-etfi bifite tfip feruaunt in peace > come bnto me tfiat 3 map fee tfiee + But to nactoto i0 tfie fioufe of mp foule fo? tfiee > bntill tfiou come bnto me> it i0 cut; nou0 > ILo?o> a0 tfiou fettoto* eff * (Enlarge $ repaice it I befeecfie tfiee leaff it ope fo? famine* 3tfiatfimanptfiing0 tfiat toill miflifee tfiine epe0 * 31 fenoiv it $ confcflTc it : but tofiofljal c!cnfcit>o: totDfiom jt ctpeI0 but bnto tfiee? clenfe me fcom mp ip finnc0 * S>tocctc Cfi^iK mafeeme> 3 befeecfie tfiee gooo 3!efu> mafee me to lap atoap tfie bucoen of flelftlp oefice0 $ eartfilp [Whilestthou ISAAC hast breath Manuel!, eartljlp Iuffe toitfjout tobicft neither foule, fleflje , no: reafon can in anp one tgpng pleafe t^ee * Ceue met5egracetfiatmp5art,mp toung ^ mp boneg map p:apfe tgee . Jniarge mp mpnbe, * lift tjp tfie epefigBt of mp gart : tfiat euen toitfi tfiie ftoift conceite of mp fpirite, 3 map atteine to tFiee tBe euerlaffpng toifeoome togicB abiDeff bpon all t^nngesi . 3f befeecB tftee loofe me from tfte fetters togeretoitS 3 am C n fijacMeD, death. S. Augustines i foatfcleo , t&at 3! map leaue all tfiefe tgpngeg ano fipe me Unto tfiee, ffitfcetotfiee onelp> ano atteno Upon tfiee onelp, ^[Of the happinesse of the soule that is let loose from the prison of the body. Hlppp ijj tfje foule tttljitiie being let loofe from tfje eartfilp p?ifon>fltetfi Dp freelp into geauen> ano tfiere be= Jjoloetfi tgee ger moff ftoeete ILojo fate to fate > $ i0 no mo?e oifquieteo toitfi anp feareof oeatfi: but reioptetfi in t&e euerlaffpngne0 of in= tojruptible glo?p * j^o? tfif glojp i0 fafe 3efu0 oi /]5a5aretS it i0 fafe $ out oi perill> ano Jjentefo?t& fearetfi neither ^fe Manuell. neitfier ennnp no? Deat5 * Jt poffefletg tfiec fier mercpfuU Lo?o tofiom flje Jjatg long fougfjt $ euer loueo companipng Jjer felfe tfie quires of pfalmefinger0> it fingetg continuallp tSe fugreo fongr0 of euerlaffpng mirtg> to tfje glo?p $ p?apfe of tfip name> togicge i0 great ano toontirrfull in all tgr fort Ji . ^appp i0 ffic felotD: l^ipof tfie fteauenlp iti3en0> $ glo?iou0 i0 tfie folemnitie of all tfjcm tfiat returne from tfje fotrotoful trauell of tgi0 our pilgrimage, to te plea* fauntne0 of faeatotie , to tge lieatotie of all faziggtneffe, $ to te floure of all ejccellencie> " Hi tojjere M From that I was. S. Augustines togere tfie Ciri3en0 begold tgee conrinuallp D &o?d * jFo? tgou fo toouldeff > $ fiaff fo o?damed : tgou fpafeeft tge tojUP> and all tfipngeg tuere made * nd in tfie fame t&p great glojy > notgpng tgat map trouble tge mpnde 10 offered notgpng tgat 10 fo?= rotofull to tge eare> notgpng to tfie epe0 > but tfiat tofiicg 10 good ^ tielectable * m$at fonge0 > tugat tnftrument0> togat ^pmne0> tofiat melodte foundetfitgeretmtg ailefupa : -Cgere founde altuapes moff pleafaunt tune0> moft ftoeet melodie of 3ungel0 > $ mott toonderfull dittie0 of fonge0> togicfi are fongto tfip glo?p bp tfie Manuell. tfie fieaucnlp tngabttaunteg tmtgout all enfc * 0no tfioti gaff ojtminet! > good Jefti tfiat no 5arflwelTe> no gallpe btttenielTe fljoulo fiaue anp cotwme tmtgin tfip Kealme * ^ oj tfiere 10 mitgtc a naugfi* tie perfon> no? nauggttne0> no atwerfane noj impugnec> neitfiec i0 tBere anp tnttcr* ment of finne> no needim0> no fl)ame> no b?atolpng> no nufulTage > no tjrcufing > no feace> no onqmetneffe > no penaltie > no DoubtfulneflTe > no Violence , no Dtfco:D : but tDere i& perfect peace full of loue> continual! reiopQngano pjapfing of CDoo> carele0 reU eno> ano C itt) png S. Augustines png glaoneffe in tfje jjolp gfioff * ) goto lucfep fljouID 31 be if 31 migfit fieare tfie moft pleafauntCarol0 of tfieCiti= 3en0> anD tJjeir fugreti fong?0 aouauncpng tfie p?atfe0 of tfie foucreigne 'Crinitie tuitjj Due Jiono: But ouer 5appp fijuID 31 be> nugjir T once ntteine to Ong a fong mp ^^\ Wft> 31 fap to fing one of tfje ftoecte fongc0 of &ion to our O 3[efu the ioyes of Paradise. llitielp Iife> ing anti ape blrffrtJ Iifc> rotD> reft twtliotit trauell> Hignitte. ^1 Manuell. dignirie tm'tBoutfeare, defied toirBout loffe , BcaltBfultteffe toitBout impapring, aboum oatmee toitBout toant> lift > tontinuauncc ' cozruptton > blcflfcD^ nrffe toitgout calamitic > all gooD tBingc0 in perfect Ioue> beautie ^ beBolDing face to face , full fenotoleDge of all ' tBing0 anDin all tfipnge0: j toBere CoD0 foiiecrigtte gooD png ligBt ig gloufieD of faints : toBere tBe maieffie of Con is faeBelo, tBe muntre0 of tBe beBoltrer^ fariffieDtBeretDitBalf a0 toit^ tBe fooDe of Ipfe * CBe mo tBeu fee it> tBe mo?e tBep ot= fire mm S. Augustines fire to fee it: pet Settee tgep ittoitJjojitiufquietnefl'e* anfc fiaue tfieic fill of it toitljout tueecineg Were tfie imp* f umte of rigjjteoufneflfe cfieac= etg all men tiutJj tfie tontJec= 0110 figgt of Jiiss beatottc> anD fo tnligfttenetg all tfie Citt-- 3en0 of tfie Seauenlp fople , tSat tfiep tfiem feluetf pelD ltggt> etien tge Itg&ttfjatCDot) at5 befiigfiteti tgem > ItgSt mo?e ligfitfome t5en all tDe b?tgStne0 of otic Dapfiinne , anti tfjen tfte clearette0 of al tfie Uacce0 * ft*i tfiep tleaue to tfie tmmo?tal CDotifiead , anD tfiecebp are mafce tm= mo?tal $ incorruptible tgem^ frluc0> atcojOing to tlji$ pjo- M mife Manuell. mifeof our Lo?D ? s>auiour: .fatger, ag fo: tgofe toftom tgou gaff gmrn mr / 3 toill gaue tgrm to fat to Jjcrc J am > tat tfirp map fee mp glo:p> anO tfiat tgcp map be all om , as tfiou J^atgrc art in me , antJ K in tgce> and tfiat tgcp alfo ma be one in &0, kvngdome of heauen. OUralme of geaurn > O moff appp realme O Hralme toitjjout Ireat5> O no fucccffion of tpme bp agc0, togere tge Uap laffing continuallp tuitgout niggt tootetg not togat time mean etg The houre rhen. mm S. Augustines tofiere tfie fouliriour t&at gettetg tjje tipper Jjano 10 retoaroeo tmtfi tmfpeafeeable giftes fo? gig labour, $ Jjatfi an cucrl nffing garland frt &p< pon 5i0 noble SealJ + Mould CDoD tfiat eDB?tff of Si0 8ea^ urnlp pitte Saupng releafrd tfie burtfien of mp finned toouID commaunoe me tfie bafeft of ftt0 feruaunte0 to lap afioe tge farDell of tJji0 fleft> tgat 31 mtgfit paffe into tSe endleffe topes of 8i$ Ci= tie , to repofe mp felfe , fo a0 I migBt feeepe company toitg tge fiolp fo?t aboue> ffano before tfie glojioug ma= ieffie of mp creator toitfi bleffeo fpirite0> faefiold tfie fe^rV rap Manuell. p:efent countcnaunce of Co&> be toucgeU fritF) no frare of oeatg, reiopteinfurrtteof tgc t!ico;riiptib'lcne(re of t^e eucr= (affpng immo:tnltrie> ano bc= png linfcet! to Sim tfiat fenoto^ et all tfipnge0 > fo:go all j falintine^ of igno:aunce, no^ cffeempng all eart&lp j not boucgfaupng ^^^^ to loofce bpon tgi0 bale of taAcm teace0 o: to remember it anp i^J^, mo:e , to5crea0 our lift i0 a papnefull Ipfe, a coiruptible life, a life full of all faitter- nefle , a life tljat 10 miffres of mifcljief ^ fiantmtapd of Oell: tofjom |ium0?0 mafee to , toftompapneg abate> apres IS. Augustines apres make tufeafed > meate0 pufife fep> togom faff* pnge0 fojepine> tofiom mn?tB mafeetB ntce> tofiom ficaui- neffe confumctli > tuftom DuHetft, togom ricge0 pjanfer Dp, torfjom poticvtir pullrrjj Ootone> toBom pout& fettetg aloft > toBom age mafee0 to ffoope> tBom ficfeneffe De* fatetB > togom fo?roto tB?uff. etB tJotune > ioBom tge tieutll lapetB tatt foj > toBom tBe too?lD flattecetB> toBom tfie fleft neIigBtetB> tBere tBe foule 10 blintieO > toBett tBe tnliole man is put out of o:= dec * after all tBicB fo manp anti fo gceate mtfcBteue0 fiu* so ceedetB From canck- red rust Manuell. reeoetg cruell Deatg> $in futfj toife mafcetJ) an eno of all fcapne topeg> tfiat togen tgep be once paff > tgep map be tgougfit to Jjaue mnec bene* fin what wise God com- forteth the sorowfull soule af- ter the long mournyng therof. T) mt tofiat pjapfe0 o? ttifiat J tBanfeefgeupnge^ are toe able to rentier bnto tfiee ) JLo?d our d3ot> togo ceafeff not to comfort b?s toitB tfie toonderfull btfitatton of grace> among tfie great mife= rte0 of our mo^talttt'e : Be* tofiile 3 feare tge eno fife, tofitle 3 confioer S. Augustines feare of t5p Suffice > togile 31 tfiinfee fepon tfte fio?ro? of deat|&> to&tle 31 tfcuddec at tfie pumfltement of fjdl> togile I fenotoe not ttt& tofiat ttratt= mfte tliou tiooiT boult out $ top mp too^e0> tofiile 3! am Dttrdt! tgnozaunr tnitFi tofiat eno 31 lljall clofr tficm tip > ana tolitlr J lirtinnfer me of t&efe and manp otgec tgpnge^ to mp felfe in mp fiart : tijoii ) iLo?d ODoti of tStne acciif^ romrD pttie act itaDp at fiand to comfort me t?ettgie re= plrtufljrd Uutii manp grirfrs : $ in tSe middtff of t^efe monpngss> fo?r complnintr0> $ derpe I'tglir^ of mp liart > tliou talxdl up mp fad and fo:= rotofull By Adams Manuell. rotofull mpn&e to tfie topped of tgr ijigf) mountaines, rurtt . to te beDS of ftoeet fpiceg, putting mr in a place of paf= ture tip tge riurrss of ftocrtt toattr0, tofterr tj^ou p:rpar= . rff a table tiiuerflp furniflfri) ; againff J come> to refrrffi mp appalled fp?ig5t0 > $ to cgeatr tip mp fjeaup gart: tfijough to^icfi treinties 3 be= png at lengtfi refreQjeti> 00 ? fo:getmpmanifolDmiferie0> ^ * bepng ItfteD bp afaoue t^e beigtfi of tge eartfj, Dor tafee mp reff in t^ee tofitcg art tfie true ptact* the sweetenesse of the loue of God. 2) I begjn. Death did S. Augustines Illoue tfiee mp CD)3D> 3f lour rhrc, and mo:e $mo?e tnottld 31 fapne louc tgee ^p ILo?d CDoO tgou fapjeff of all tlic dnldiru of men > grnunr me to long foj tgee > ano to lone t^ee a0 mtit & a0 31 toouio> $ n0 mttrft a$ 31 flionID art twmeafurable* $ be lotted toitliottt me a= f uce > fpettallp of ft0 tofiom tliott li aft fo lotteD> tnliom tiio ti liaft fo fatted > $ fo: tnliom tlioti liaft made fo great and fo goodlp t^pngess D (oue tnfitcfi fwrneft etter and art nener quenched > fl) ftneet Cfi?tft> > gracious Iefu> > mp <23>3D tnfitcBe art loue tt felfe > fet me tnfiollp on fire tnttfi Manuel!. frith thpfirr, frith thr lourof tfirr , frith thp ffrrrrrnrffr , rnth fcrflroufncflr of thrr , frith likpng of thrr, toirfj iopmg anD mopflng in thrr, frith thp pinfulnrCfr $ plra^ fauntnrs, nnD frit5 thr p(ra- furr anD orlighr of thrr, clranr: thatbrpngth;.oughlp full of thr ffrrrrnrs of thp four, frholfp feniDlrDtoit^ thrflamr of affroion rofrar&rs thrr, 3 map (our thrr mpLo:D COD n\oQ ffrrrtr -E muff braton= full, frith all mp gart, toith all mp foule , teit^ all mp firrngth, frith all mp pofrrr", frith much fo:rofrr of fiai f GjraDpng of teart^, toil D if mucfi S. Augustines mtitB itarvrnrc ana mml)= ling, lianpng tlirr in mp iiarr $ in mp inoiitJi and brfoir mpne rprs alttmpeg $ in al placet , fo a0 tgere map lie no cotome in me fo? anp coinucifct o? bnclcauf loue* f Of ioye. O&toeete Ioue> > loupng ftoeeteneffe> let mp faellp eate tgee> and let mp fcotorte be fillro txntlj pleafaunt ttpne of t!iji Ioue> $ let mp mpnoe fttter fo?tg goon tuo?t0 ) cjjaritie mp Coo > ftoeet Jjonp, f noUuc milhe > tlir foooe of aungeI0> mafee me to gcotoe in tfiee tfiat 31 map eate tgee a fauojie taft act But Christ act mp Ipft fcigerebp 3f Ipue> tge fiope tfiat JJ ffufee tmto > tjje glorp tfjat I tiefire , $olo tfiou mp fiart> rule mp mpn&> gtnDc mine tinDrc^nnDnng > cgeare ftp mp Ioue> lift ftp mp foule, anti D?atoe mout of mp fpictte tfitcffetB after tee> ftp to tge toatec ffceame^ tfiat are afaoue > 3 befeecD t^ee let tge troubloufneflTe of tfie flelft ceafe * ILet tge fancier of Ian0e0> fomter0> ap?e> $ ffep gold tfieir peace * 3letti?eame0 $ famafttcall Uetielationss : let all totmge0> all ftgnco, $ tofiat foeiier 10 able topaffe> be tofjiffe * ^ea let mpneotone foule be ffiU> ano let it oner* 37 3D til paflfe tee S. Augustines paffe it felfe > not bp tginfc* pug upon it felfe > but bp tginfcpns Ijpon tDee mp dDoU> bpcaufe tfiou act in Deep Dee&e mp togole fjope $ truU * j*oj in tfiee D moft ftoeete > 0ca= ciou0> $ mercpfiill CDoti > tljr portion ano tije blouti $ tfie fleflj of euecp one of b0 * ^fien loofce tofieittge po?tion o? peece of me reignet> tpere beletie 3 mp felfe to reigne alfo lloofee tugece mp falouD bear^tfi cule> tgece tcuft 3! to beace rule to . HLooKe toSere mp flelfo i0 glo?ifieD> tgere fenoto 3 t&at 3; alfo am glo?i* ou0> $ altBougft I be a fin* nee > pet diftruff 3 not com* 1 HVLDA Manuell. communion of grace . ^ _ B altfiougb mp finne0 fo?fen& it> pet DotD mp fubffaunceres quire it * 3no altgougfj mpne otone tranfgreu*ion0 uwt me out > pet DotF) te participa* non of nature tafee me in. ^[That the word is become flesh for our hopes sake. tfie ilojtie 10 not fo tmfepntie> a0 not to loue i0 otone flefl)> 8i0 otone mem* ber0 > Jji0 otone botoellt0 > ^ruelp 3 ftoulD oefpap?e foj mpfinne0> mce0> faultt0> anti negligence0 toitgout num ber> tofiicfi 3 fiaije committeti ano implp Do commit toitli* out crating, in ftart> too:D, 3 D iitl and S. Augustines and deedc > and bp all mrnnr? that mans fcailtie can offend tn : toere it not tgat tfip too?d > mp C3od 10 become fleflje and dWlIethin t)0 * But note 31 dace not defpairc, becaufe that lir lining obedient unro tlire to tlie death , euen to thr death of thecvoffe> hath tafeen aUiap thr hanDliniti ng of ouc finne0> and naplpng tije fame to Si0 ccoffe> Jjatfj ecu* cified both finne and death * $Joto t5en> 31 loofce bac&e until a cacelcffe epe bn meanecs of him > \nho fittcth at tliii right hand and cntceatetii fo: u0, and I tfiinUe long to come unto thec upon tcmi of him, in tohom luc ace alreadn cifen (VMAZIAH ^ P * As you are, So were w( no; Manuel!. rtfcn agapne ano rruiuet> reaop mounted tip into uen> ano tgere oo fit among tge aungel0 * Co tgee be piapfe > to tgee be glocp , to tfrt be gonoi > to tee bee ^[That the more a man museth vpon God, the sweeter it is vnto hym. A/T)ft meccpfull 1,0^0 ^togicg gaff fo loueo and faueo t)0 > fo qui t kntrD $ rr = alteD 60 ipoff meccpfull lo?o> goto ftore 10 tge re- mnnbzaunce of tgee t Cge mo:e 3f tgtnfee fcppon tgee> tge mo:e ftyeete $ amiable art tgou tnto me> $ tgecfoje am .mn S. Augustines am 31 greatlp delighted mitfi | tfip goodeg * Mitfi cleare epe= figfit of mpnde > and mitfi a moff pure affection of godlp loue> accojdpng to mp fmall abilitie > do 31 incefltauntlp couet to fur fo j tfip lour, and to befiold tfip monderfull beam* tie > in tlnss place of mp pil? grimage> as long a$ 31 abide in tfiefe battle memfaens fw I am mounded mttli tlie dart of tfip loue, 3 am ^t inflamed mitfi defire of tfiee> 31 mould fapne come onto tfiee> 31 long to fee tfiee 3i mil tfierfo?e ffand uppon mp gard > and mitfi mafepngepess mill J Dug in mp fiart : pea 31 mill (ing mp mpnde > $ mitfi all mp Manuell. mp ffrengtS * 3 toill p?apfe tJjee mp mafeer $ renctoer : I toill pearte tfie ffcpe twt mp mpnde , $ be toitfi tfice in tic ftrt : fo n0 mp tiotin onrlu ll be fielti fiere in tgi0 p?e= fent mifme : but in tpou0t> in t)cfirotifne0> and in long^ png> 3f toill altoapess be tmrfi e> foj loofee tufiere tfioii mne incomparable Deficed and deate betaued treafure a> tfiere alfo ijs mp Dart * But loe mp moff gracious 3! toould confider tge glo?p of tfipne tmmeafurable good= nc0 and loupng fttndneffe> mp Dart i0 not fufficinit to doit J^o? tfjpne gono?> t^p beati)tie> for euer S. Augustines beatotie> tBp potoer> tgp glo= rp,t&propaltte> tfjpmateffp, and tfip loue ejceede all bn-- derffandpngof man0 mpnde* ilifee a0 tge fyiggtnefle of tgp glo?p i0 ineffimable : fo alfo i0 tfie graciouftte0 of tftpne euerlaffpng loue bnfpeafee* able > tojjece tlnougg tfiou adoptelrtfiofetobetfip fonne0 $ fcnittetf tfiem bnto tfiee > togom tBou fiaff created of notlipng, f That tribulations for Christes sake are to be desired in this lyfe. typ foule if toe ftould be fapne to fufferto?mente0 euerp dap > if toe tfeould be f fapne Manuell. fapne to endure euen Bell fire fo? a long tpme> tljat toe mtg&t fee Cfi?tff in gtjs glo^p, and be in company intrli ins &atnt0 : toere tt not meete toe ffjould abpde all tfie fo;= rotoe tftat coulb be> tat toe mtggt be maOe partafeerss of fo great a faenefite> anD of fo , great glorp : ILet tfte Deuil0 tfien tJoe tBetr fpigfit> Iet| tgem tempt tofitle t|jep tempt map > let faffpnges fojepine tlie boDp > let tourfe apparell greene tfie fleflj> let labour pintjje tt > let toatcfjing Ujp it fcp> let tfii0 man cat Upon me> let t&atmano? tgatman tHfquiete me > let cold mafce ' me curie together, let mp con= Ccfence i S. Augustines fcience barfce at mc> let fieate fco?cfie me> let mp JjeaD afee> let mp jjart burne> let mp ftomacfee be topnDir > let mp face loofre pale> let me be tofjolp DifeafeD > let mp life confume in fojroto > let mp peace0 toaft atoap in figg= png $ fobbpng> let cottenne0 loDge toitftin mp bone0> anD let too?me0 craule tjnDet me: fo J map cett in tfie Dap of trouble > $ tfiat toe map go up together to our people tfiat toapte foj b0 * j^o?> !lo?D tufiat glozn fijalt tlic rigjjteou0 fiaue t ^oto great flMll tlie iouof the &aint0be> tolitn euerp face u^all (I)ine a0 tfie funne : Mgen t5e . Jiaupng KACHEL 1 Manuell. Saupng fo:teo 10 people into Degree.s, fljall faegpn tomuffrr tJjem in te fepngbome of fits fattier, * rentier tfje p:omifeD retoarDr^ to ec of tjiem ar= co:opitg to ^ig( too:&e0 anD titfrrtro : grtiuttg to tfiem , fo? rartglp tgpngeg fira, uenfp tfipng0 , fo? tempo?all tgpnges euerlaffpng tpnge0, fo? fmall tfiingc0 ' great tfipnges ? Uerelp tgcn ftall Jjappineffe to Jeapco ftp full to tfie top > tc^en tjje LozD u)all bjpnggtgs &>atntr0 to tfje fig&t of eternall glo?pe, ano inahe tgem fit fcotone together in grauen, tfiat Oo& map be all in all* fHow Repent mrr S. Augustines tofierein toe be regiffered $ made free Citi5en0 * J*o? lifee a0 toe be feloto Citt3en0 of tlir ~>nintt0 and tljr jiotifljolD mepnie of COD : $ Ipfce a0 toe be tge fiepjeg of dDoo and cogep?c0 of C8?tft : fo let &0 confidec tfie Sappp copaltie of out O goto 910210110 t&pngejs are fpofeen of tgee tfiou Citie of dDod : fo^ tfiou act tfie dtoellpng place of all tfjem tfiat cetopce> tge top of tfie tofiole eartfi 10 founded Upon tftee * ^Dfiece te not in tftee anp age > no? mifecie of age 'Cfiete i0 not in tfiee anp 60 mapmed Kemember death. Manuell. mapmeo perfon, anp lame man> anp troofee batfee, no? anp mitfcapen boop * ^o? all be grotoen bp to perfect men, after tge full meafure of tfie age of G&tff . CQfiat faleffeD^ dec tfipng tan tfiere be tgen futB a life, togere tgere 10 no feace of pouertte, no? tceafee^ neffe of oifeafe : &o man i$ Sarmeo tBere, no man 10 otf= pleafeD tfiere , no man enup* et tfiece Cfiere 10 no bunt, png of touetoufnefle , no De^ fice of meate , no ambmou0 fetwing fo? Sono? anD autfio= ?ine, terei0 no ozead of tfie Deutll , no fnare of feenDe0 , no feare of fiell fire : Cfiere 10 no Deatfi neitfiec of boop e if no: I passe S. Augustines no: of fotile , but plraf aunt I tifr affurcD of immoitalittr * ijjen Iball tfiere tic no mife* ric0> tlirn (ball tftcre be no to* bates, but all tgpngeg fbalbe at agreement, betaufe all tfie faints (ball agree in one. peace and minth liolD all tliimgs together, all tlinngrs ace calme> ano quiet * ^jjere 10 tontinuall Iiglu not f tidi a0 ts noin licit , but fo mucli tfie b?igfiter a0 it 10 mucli gappper * J^o? (a0 toe reati) tliat Citie (ball nrrDc no 3>unne> no: ^oone> becaufe tfie ILojo almigfitie (ball Ibine in it, $ tfie lambe Iball be tfie ligfit of it * m$m tfie s>aintcs (ball Ibine a$ tljr Manuell. ffarreg fo? euer toitgout cttt> an& fucg as gaue tauggt manp in tfie toap of oufncDfe, mffie of tSe f&pe ftall be no mggt, no , no meeting of no papnefulm^ of fieare o? coin but tgere l^all be fucfi a temperateneg > a0 neuecepe Satfifemearegearti, no: iiart of anp man com ceiueo> faiipng onelp of tljem tliat are counted too:tgp to eniop tge fame> tofiofe nameg are to:itten in tge boofo of life * But pet it t'0 farre aboue all tgefe tfiinge0 to be in fel= tge companpeg of 3ungel0> iif ant r '' S. Augustines ana all tge geauenlp potoerg, to brfioID tlie patriavcfcrg and p?opfiete0> to fee tfie 3po= ffle0> $ aH tge S>ainte0, pea anD alfo to fee otic otome pacenteg lo?tou0 are tfiefe tgpnge0> but mut& moje olo= ?tou0 10 it, to faegolo tfie pjc^ fern countenautue of Coo> $ to fee St0 infinite b?igBtnefle* H paffpng excellent glo^pffwll tt be> togen toe fljall fee Coo in ijimfelfe > ano toSen toe ftall botg fee ano fiaue im in ouc felue0> of tofiom toe fiMlI neuet linur fene inougli thyng God requi- reth lyke vnto himselfe in vs. Manuell. GOD tge fatfjtr i0 tie> (Soo tge fonne 10 loupngntCTe, and Coti tfie Solp gfjoft 10 tfie loue of tfje f at&et $ te fonne + Cfit0 Ioiie> tSi0 cgantie ana t|ji0 Joupngm0 requicctg fome Ipfee tfipng in t)0> tfiati0 totoit> c|iarme> togcrebp toe be affociateo > $ knit unto 0oo a0 it tone tip fome alliance of feintyeo * iloue patting not foj oignitie loo&etg fo? no rtuerence * l^ee tfiat touet> commetS of fjimfelft t)ttto oD ctlj familiarlp tmto gim> toitgout anp ftare o?toitfiout anp fficfeing * 3f tfiou touet to fenoto togat tfioii louett > made togeccupon tp mpnoe iii; tJotfi JO S. Augustines ootg ntmte> foj togere loue t'0 > tgere i0 tge epe > ana in togat tgp oeliggt i0 in tgat reffetg tge tugole cogitation of tgp gact * |f tgou loneft CoD mucg > tgou alfo Jonrfl- mudi to tgin&e upon gim : if tgou loueft gim but little> tgou mii5 f fl- up o n gim but ur r p litle BIf tgou toilt fenoto $togati0tgp leafuce> fee togat it i0 tgat tgou loueff : | if tgou ti> ill not be igno?aunt of tgat togicg tgou louett > cogitation, and fo fljalt finoetgp treafuce bptDp loue and tlii) loue bp tlin mpnOe Manuel). etfi fiatfi fii0 epe0 euermoje to I Gootoaro> tofiom fie louetfi> ' toficm fie longetfi foj, tofiom fie tfiinfeetfi of > in tofiom fiee oeligfitetfi > tipon tofiom fie ! fee&etfi , in tofiom fie batletfi * 2>ucii a one a0 i0 tfiu0 iuf* pofeo> ootfi fo flng> fo reao> i and i0 fo fo?ecatting ano tir* j cumfpea in all fii0 tooo?fee0> ' a0 tfiougfi C3od toere pjefent before fii0 epe0> anD fo i0 fie ( pjefent in deeoe * !^ee p?apetfi in fucfi toife a0 if fie toere taken tip and pzefenteo before tfie fate of 0oD0 maieflrie in j fip0 fiigfie tfi^one j tofiere tfioufande0 of tfioufanoe0 Do fiim feruice> ano ten fiuntyeo tfioufand are ff anopng about 47 fiim * S. Augustines linn . ILoofee tuliat foulr lour trifitetS> tfie fame dot& it atoafec out of flrrpc * Jt mo* nifterg, foftwtij> $ toounfc tlir davfec plncc0 > unlocfcr tft tfie ftut placc0> toacmetfi tBe colD place0> meefeenetp tfie ffucdp > fumifl) > and tmpa= mat mpnde > cfiacetfi afctap ftice> b?iDletfiflelftlp affcaiott0> mamr0> refojmetfi tfie fpirtte , and e ItgJjt motton0 and art 10 no of flipprvp iioutli. it 10 p?efent * and af^ foone a0 lone 10 gone a\vap> bp and bp t&e fonlr bcgpn= nctji to Dioopc> Ipfer as a J - W -'\ m '& DANIEL: Manuell. boplpng tatoldjon coolctB if a man d?atoe atoap tge fke from tmdec it* [Of the boldnesse of the soule that loueth God. LOue 10 a great tgpng> tgrre t&ougfi tfie foule p?cacctB bolDIpof it fclfetimo CDod > and fficfeetg ffcDfaff fonto O SD * CBe foule tfiat louetg CDoti affeetS queffion0 of gim familiaclp> and tafe- ctfi counfdl of fiim in all cafc0 * 3* can tSinfer bpon notgpng dg> it can fpeafee of nbtfipng tI0> it defpifetg all otfiec tfipngc0> and it lotfietfi all ot&er tBpngt0> faupng CDod * ESHgofoeuec it mtind-- take hold. 1 S. Augustines mpnoetg > tofiatfoeuer tt fpeafeetjj > it fauouretg of loue> $ it fmelletlj of Ioue> fo toliolln liatfi tlir lour of CoD toonne it tinto gpm ^e t^at toil I liniir UnotolrDgr of CoD, let liiin lour liim . .Tti uaimr rommrtli gee to rr aonng > ing, tofiit louetg not loue of 0on tijeeDetii tgr loue of tBe foule , anD mafeetfi it tiittitttft tSerunto CDoo lou* to tfie intent to bt louetr agapne * 3fien fie loiictg fiee meanetg notfipng eI0 but to be loueD: fo? Ije fenotoetft tgat tgeptogicfieloue NAH ^f-' Manuell. all far oton affections* ?gru^ rtfi far frlfttoliollp to nothing rI0 but lour > to tfir rnD fljr map aunfttirrr lour fo: lour . 3nD tofan fljr fiarft uttrrlD fprnt firr frlfr in lour, ftoto fmall a tftpng i0 it in rrfpra of tfa rurriaffung Urratnr of rfir ftraurnlp lourt farr is grrarr ooor0 in tfir mattft to* ttornr tfir lour anD tfa lourr, brttornr tfir foulr ^ CoD, br= ttornr tfir makrr ana rfa trr* 'r-j*. arurr . 3nD prt if the foulc I lour tfirr tofiolr , to&rrt tc trfiolr i0 tfirrr i0 no toant . Lrt not tfir foulr br afrauor tofiufa lourtfi > but Jrt tjPir foulr br afrapartuhufi lourtfi ot . oule tat loutt tt REBECCA S. Augustines 10 carieo toitfi oefiroufneg , tyatoen toitlj longpng > oif= clapmet5 deferteg, ffjuttetj) tge epess of maieffie> openetfi tfie epe0 of pleafuce> fettttij gee felfe tn fafette> $ Dealers I one > tfir foti IE $ tiepartetfi afiDe from tfie boOilp fenfe0> fo a0 it feeletfi not it felfe > to tfic eno it map feele CDoO * 3no tfii0 i0 done> at fuel) tpme a$ tfir mpntre bepng allureo Untli tlir un= fpeafeeable ftoeeteneg of dDoD> dotfi after a fo?te ffeale atoap from it felfe > o? ratBec i0 iMuifljco ana flipprtli atvap from it felfe , to te entent to eniop dDoo to gee fceltggt * Christ shall make iust. fo plrafaunt, a0 lout , Lout piocumf) famt= liarirotottJj Cofc, familiar^ rir pzocurttJ) fooltmrffc, boltrc^ nrffc taff , anti raff e conrinuall gungrpng . fic foule tgat i0 furpnfrti toitlj t^c louc of OoD> can tfjinke of notgpng eI0 , no: toift not^png cI0 : but toitfi oftrn figged faprtfj : Lpfee a0 tge ^am tgicffrtS after tge toatcc fpiing0 > fo tgtrflttft mp foole afttr mu f What God hath done for man. "poz loue to mantoaro, -*- OoD came to man > OoD camt into man> anD OoD far* came IS. Augustines came man * fai loue > gee \tm0 toounded foi our finnro, auD in rliofr tiioimtir0 of cur aaiiiouc 10 tl)f fafe $ qiurtr reft of t)0 tor akcl|ince0 and flnnrrs * fir IT Do J Dtorll at eafe> anti bp Sp0 toounDe0 liaiie i a toap in unto rlir botoelle0of St0meccp * flMIjat foeuec 10 toantpng of mp felfe> tfiat oo 31 bo?oto out of tfie botoel0 of mp llojd : fo? in tliem 10 abounoaunce of mcrcp> and tliere toant no Jiolrfl fo: it to fiofre out at . Bp tge liolr of 5p0 boDp are opened to me tlir fecrete0 of Sp0 8acte> a gceate pledge of J)I0 Death did begyn. Manuell. Ins kindelp loue > euen tf,e botoel0 of tge mercp of our C5od> to&erebp tfie dap fp?png ijatJj mfited fc0 from aloft * CJjetoountre0 of Jefu0 Cg?iff are full of mercp > full of pitie > full of ftoeetneffe , $ full of loue * Cgep bo?ed Sp0 5ande0 and gi0 fcete, $ pierced i0 fide toitfi a fpeare * Bp tfiefe fiole0 map 3 taff goto ftoeet tge llo?d mp (Sod i0 > goto ftoeete and milde Se i0 in deede> and goto mercpfull See i0 to all tgat call tjppon fiim in trut> to all tat feefee ftim, and cliieflp to all tliat loue Jinn , plenteous redemp* tion 10 geuen onto 110 in "4tt S. Augustines our >nwonr . Great aboun oaunce of ftoeetneg > great plenty of grace > ant) great perfection of fcertueg 10 geuen t)0 in tlic ti)outitJr0 of our jtrfu0 ^[The remembryng of the woundes of our Lord lesus Christ. n anp foule tgougfit affaultetg me> irunne to tJje toounDe0 of CS?iff * Mfien mp fleft pjeffetg me doftme> 3! rpfe ftp agapne fap rememb^png tlie ttiounoe0 of mp Loiii > ccilien tijc oeuill Inpetli toaite foj mr> 31 flfr to tge liotnr I(r0 of tlic me rep of mp 3Lo?D> $ De oepartetfi atoap rish all. Manuell. atoap from me * 3>f tJje of If tgerie pzouoke ber0> it 10 quencSedtoitScaH= png to mpnde tge toounde0 of our &o:d tge fonne of Cod * 3n all aduerfitie0 31 finde no remedpe fo eflfeauall a0 tJje toounde0 of Cfi?iff * 3 fleepe tottfiout care > toitgout ftare> Cfijiff dped fo: &0 t j^oto 10 tfiere notj&png f o bitter to tfie deatJj> toSicb is not faliicd fap rlir deatij of Cft:iff * ^Kmutoljole Dope 10 in tge oeatg of mp ilo?d * I^i0deat8i0mpdefert> $ mp refuge > mp toelfare > lpfe> and refurrection > and te mercpfulnefle of tBe lLojd i0 mp merite> J am not pooje 67 f If Of But Christ S. Augustines of merite> fo long a0 gee tfie 3Lo?d of compaflTton0 fapletp not 00 long a0 fiee 10 mani* fold in mercp> fo long am 31 alfo manifold of Deferit0 <&$t migfitier tfiat iie i0 to faue> tfie moje am 3! tmtgout care* ^[That the remembraunce of Christes woundes is an effectuall remedy agaynst all aduersities. Tj^ iceetJpng great gaue 3 fl'n^ J-^ned, and mpne otone con* fctence findetfi me giltie of manp offences , and pet doe 3 not difpap?e, becaufe tfiat tt)fierea0 finne lintli abound-- ed> tijere liarli grace ouciv abounded * le tfiat difpap?= etfj l?fe CEDEON of tge fojgetieneg of gig finnejs, denpetfj CDod to be mercpfuU + dDreatto?ongdotlj Jje to (Bod> to&itB diffruftetjj gig meccp * j* 02 (a0 mucS as in Sim IpctJj) gee Denp= etft (Sod to be Ioupng> true, and mtggtp > tofittge are tge t8pngei5 toSewin mp tofiole Jiopr conflffetl) > tliat t0 to toitte > in te foue of fii0 adoption > in te trutB of fiiss pjomife > and in tge potoet of 8i0 redeempng * ,0oto let mp tjntoife imagination mur= mure a0 mucfi a0 it liffetB and Cap : ciliio art tlioti : goto great 10 tp glo?p r and fau tojjat deferte0 opeff tfioti | to obteine itr and J tin (I aim* Hi ftoere S. Augustines ftoere boldlp> 31 fcnoto tofiom Bf fiaue credited > tfiat fie of fijg ejtm&mg great loue fiatfi aDoprrd me to be fiis tonne > tfiat fie 10 footfifaff of pjo* mtfe > tfiat fie 10 mtgfitp tn perfo?maunte> $ tfiat fie map Do tofiat-fie itiTctli * 31 cannot 6e feared toitfi tfie multitude of mp finne0> if 3 betfiinfee me of tfie deatfi of mp llo?d> brcaufr mp finness are not able to ouermatcfi fipm * tyi$ naple0 & fit0 fpeare crp bnto me tfiat 3 am tfi?ougfilp re* conctled to Cfi?t!f , if 3 foue fipm * Longinus fiatfi opened me Cfi?i(re0 fide toitfi fii0 fpeare > and 31 am gone into it> and tfiere do I teff in TO fafetie* DAVID. fcse Manuell. fafetie !ee tJjatig afrapoe, let fttm loue : fo: loiic Dnuetfc fearc out of Doo?r0 * Cfter* 10 no remeoie fo migj^tp and cf= fcctuall agapnff tfte ftcatc of kcftcrp > ao tfic Dcatp of mp rtomncc * l^c ffrctcDctft out Jii0 armcid tpon tgc Croffr> $ Jje golDctft out fii0 gan&eg in a rraDinrs to im toner fin, ner0 Bettocene tDe armr0 of mp s>aiiiotu- mpnot g to hue anD ope * Cfiece Hal I g ffng fafrlp> tfimtoill Jcjfaltt tfiet O LOJOC , far caufe tfiow fiaff tafcrn me up > anti liaff not geuen mpne enempe0 tgep? pleafure oner me * Our &>a= uiour gatp botoeo ootwte gi0 JirnD at liis Drnrli , to fulTr ^ iiij fii0 ASA m As YOU are, S. Augustines fiijOf lietoiiea 0nt> fo often ooe toe feiffe (25 ) 2D > a0 toe tie tfi?oug5Ip toucJjeo toitj) tfie lotie musing of the soule vpon the loue of God. ^p >oule tofiicge art im nobleO tottg tfie Image of re&eemeo toit5 CB?tffe0 > faetrotDeO to fitm bp > indueo toitfi tfte Solp gacmfljefc toittj bec= ttie0 > ant) regtffreo among tfie aungelgf : iLoue tgou im tfiat gatjj loued tBee fo mucg : S>erue ftim tfiat 8at5 fecueo tfiee : S>eefee finn tfiat fee&e0 tftee : iLoue Jjtm tfiat louejs tgee> to&icfi loueo tfiee 72 and Manuel). and tofitcg 10 tfie caufe of tfip j loue * Ikee 10 tfje &efert> Be 10 tge retoaro> Ije 10 tge fruite> j ijee 10 tfie tjfe of it, fie tg tfie of it * Be rarefuH foj 10 cacefull of tfiee: bt at leafuce foj fitm> tgat 10 at lepfure fo? tfiee : be cleane toitfi Jjtm tfiat 10 cleane : be golp toitS Spm tfiat 10 ftolp ILoofee after togat fo?t tfioti ftetnelf tfip felfe totoacde0 OoD> after tfie fame fo?te gee fteto gimfeife to= tfiee > % t0 ftoeet > tneefee> attD mercpfiill : and tficcfo?e fie requiretfi to gaue tficm tfiat be ftoeete, meefee> pleafaunt $ mercpfull * loue tJjou fiim tfiat fjatD tftee S. Augustines tfirc out of tfir pudtile of miferie > $ out of tge mire of filtgpneg Cfiofe gun fo? tJip frcnD abour nil fmiDre, Uilndic alonr Unit [\rrpr touch toitS tgee togen all faple tfiee * %n tge Dap of burial toljen all tgp fl&?infce from tSee > fire toiU not fo^fak t^ee> but toiH Df s fentr tfiee from tfie ro?ing !Lton0 tat tuapte foj tfirir p?ap > and toill lead tBre t?oug!) an tmtuiotawt toun= trep > and b?png tfiee to tge ffreete0of tfte jjeaumlp S>ion > and tSerc fet tfice among tfir aungeI0 befoje tge fate of fip0 otone matelfie> tofiere tfiou Scare tlntf atmgelitall ditie : Manuell. ft fiolp> fiolp, fjolp> iOJtr I Coo of fioffeg CJjere 10 tfje | fong of mp:tg> tfie bopre of iope $ trlfare> tge bopcc of , tBanfeefgrupng anD pzapfe > ' $ tfic bopcc of magnifipng COD foz eutr * Cgerc ijs ] full meafure of fiappi* i nttttt paffpng rjrceHent glo?p> ' fuptraboundant iop> ano all gooD tfiungtjj O mp foule> ! fig5 Sartilp, defire earntfflp> j tfiat tfiou maptff conu to tfiat | cirie aboiie> tarficrof fo glon^ I ono rJipngco are fpo&rn , anD tolirnn 10 tfir habitation of all tljatmopce * Bplouetfiou ' mapeff get bp tgitger * ^o^ | tlipng 10 fiarD > norhmg is impoffible tolipmttjaf loiirrli. I ?Tfir In Christ thy sauer. n S. Augustines foule tliat lonetJi goetli bp often to tSe Jjeanenlp Je* rnfalem and runneth famir liarlp from ffreete to ff reete > Diluting the patriarfecs and |0?opgete0 > falntpng tfie Jlpofflejs > toondipng at tlir of ^artp?0 and Con= > and ga5png at the companies of the C'.irguio > ^ratten and earth and ail tfipnge0 tfiat are tn tfiem call upon me tnithont rraftng, to lone mil Lo:D CoD. ^[What the knowledge of the truth is. i0 t5e fenotoledge of trutfi t firft to fenotoe nd to endeuour to Manuell. be tgat togicge tfiou ouggteff to be > anD to amenti that tofiicft ougfit to be amenoeo + fecon&lp to fenoto an& to loue tfip maker > fo? tgat i$ te tugole fiappineffe of man * tfien goto tjnfpeafeeable tfie gratioufrnffeof C3od0 loue t0. ^ee gatfj created us of notljnng > ant) geuen U0 all that toe Jinur , But fozafnuicfi a0 toe |jaue loued tfie gift moje tfien tfte geuer> $ the creature mo:e tfientfje creato? : toe are falne into tfie tieuilgf fnare $ be= come fii0 bonoflauejf * ^J5eucr= tftr leiTe Co D being moueD toi t h companion > fent jiis fonne to retieeme fas flaues * ano hifi S. Augustines golp fptnte to mafee 00 fit0 fonne0 agapne * fe jjatjj geuen fife fonne to be tfie p?ue of out raunfome > tfie jjolp C55off a0 an affucaunce of gpg lour, ano to be fljcnt lie cefectietg fiimfelfe togole fo? b0 to bee tfie fiecitage of ouc aDoptton * 3no fo dDoD ac= ctou0 gootmeffe ano mei*cp> Bat& fo? tjecp loue ano goon toill to mantoaco beffotoed not onelp Bi0 benefited > but alfo ijimfelf bppon fiim , to iTrourc Rpm agapne > not fo mticli to liimfrffr > a0 to liinu ^o tfie intent tfiat men mtggt be bo?ne of CD ) 2D> ant) fo lofrtfi all 810 labour JN>z CoD became man foi mans fafee> tfiat fie migijt be a re= omner a0toell a0 a creato?, ana t^at man migfit bee raunfomro tuitft fip0 otone gooDe0 , anD tDat om man migfit lour an otfier tfie mo:r .COD appeared in tfie And same S. Augustines the fijnpr of man > to tlie rntir tliat bntli boop ano foulr miggt be made bleffed bp re* titling tge epe of tfte mpttDe in fji0 (Dodfiead, anti tgeepe of tfie boDp in fei0 manftoDe, fo tfiat tdfietBet man toent in oj out> gemiggtfintiefootie in Jnin lapo tip in ITojr bp luin in |ii0 Jiumaine nature* ^[What the sendyng of the holy Ghost worketh in vs. FO: our &auiour to ass bozne fo? D0 > anti cruci.- firti anD put to Deatli fo? U0> to Deftrope our Oeatli bp liio otone oeatg + 0no becaufe t^e grape of Jii0 flcfbc toa0 carted to tge topnepjeffeof tfie Croffe, and Whilest thou hast breath Manuell. ana tljere being p?effe& peloeo j fojtg tfje ftoeete toine of ig CDoogeao: ^fie Jjolp g&oft toag fent to mafce reatip tge teffelle0of men05am0> tfiat tfie neto topne mtgfit tiee put into netD t)cffcf0 : firff to fea* fon tficic fiacte0 fo? marcpng of tlje topm tijat fijoulD tier put into tiicm> ano aftrr^ toartie to fioope tfiem toell fo? leafepng Ven tfie toine toa0 poured into tfiem: tfiat i$ to toitte > to clenfe tfiem from oeliggting in finne > ano to binoe tpem from Heliggtpng in banitie J?o? tfiat is good coulft not come in > i0 ill till tijat firff rpti out png S. Augustines png in toncfcctmos oefiletjfj > and tge Deligfitpng in tmnitie fljeaoetlj out * CJje celigfit* png in twcfcetmeffe mafeetS tge fceflell fault > ant) te tie* liggtpng in uaniric mafertli it full of cranie0 * 'Co oeligfit in toicfeedneffe > iss to louc Ctnne > ana to arligJit in ua* nitie > i0 to be in (oue imtD tcanfitojie tgpngeg * C8ere= fo?e caff out tfie tSpng tgat i0 euilJ> tgat tfiou mapeU re= ceaue tfie tfipng tfiat i0 gooo* poure out fotoecmffe tfiat tljou mapeU be filleo toitS ftuemmffe * Caft out tge fpi= rite of tfie oeuill ana tfie fpi= rite of tfii0 to?lD> tgat tfiou mapeff take in tfie f pi rite of m Manuell. CDod * Cfiefpmteof tfjedeuiU tooj&etfideligjjtmtmcfeedneg, and tfie fptrite of tfje too?lde tooo?&etjj deliggt in feamtie, and tfjefe deltggtes are mill: fo? tSe one 10 a faulte of tt felfe > and te otfiec 10 tfie occafion of faulted * 5Hen tfie euiii fptrtte0 be caff out > tfien toill tJjefpimeof d3)2D come ano enter into tge ta= faernacle of tfip garte > and tooo?fee gooo Deltgfite0 > and gooo loiie, tufierebp tfie loue of tfie too?lDe ano tge loue of finne i0 djtuen atoape . ^fie loue of tfie too?loe tnticetfi men to deceaue tfiem> and tge loue of finne defiletjj and lead= etft to deatg . But tge loue as if of From that S. Augustines of dD>2D inu'ggtenetg tge mpnae> cleanfetg tge confer ente> glaodetg tge garte, ano (fcetoetg to man (Doo, workyng of him that loueth God. e in tdgome tge loue of H ficc fljall tome fcnto CD)SD> toScn gte fljall Icnnc t)5e toojltrr > and tolien lie fliall frnpc tlic to?- of flcflj map finite gart ruption to tge intent true peace > gee gatg _ ana aeOre altnajie0 lifteo tip aboue > CClgen ge fittetg* tgen gee goetg > togen gee reffetg> ojtDgatfoeuer ge Doe, gi0 gt'0 gart i0 eurrmote toitg Goo * fee ejcgojtetg all men to tge loue of Goo, ge com* nunoetg tge loue of Goo fcnto all mtn> $ in gart, toojoe, ano too?fee gre ffjrtoetg imto all men botg goto ftoeete tge loue of Goo i0, ano alfo goto euill ano bitter tge loue of tgi0 too?Ioe i0 * ^e lauggetg at tge glozp of tgi0 toojfD > ano fin&etg fault toitg tge rare of it, fl&etopng goto fonfc a follp it i0 to put a man0 truff in tgpnge0 tgat be tran* fitozie * fee marueletg at tge blpndneffe of tge men tgat loue fucg tgpnge0 3nD ge toonoemg tgat all men fo?* fafee not all tgefe tranfito?ie es G in ano XATH, With Christ to raigne. S. Augustines and fligfitfull tfipngeg * ^e tfiinfcctli tfiat all men fljould deeme tfie tfipngeg ftoeete> tofierem fie fiimfeife ftn&etj) fo good taff : tljat all men (ftould loue > tjjat toljufi fie ioiietfi : $ tfiat all men fljoiilii fae petite to tfiat tfiu fie fenotoetfi * )ftentpme0 dotfi fie faefiold CDoD, and 10 ftoeete= Jp refcelfted at tfie contempla^ tton of fipm : fo mutfi tfie moiefiappilp> a$ fiee dotfi it mo?e oftenlp * j^oj ftoeete al= toapes i0 tfiat tfipng to bee tfiougfit epon , tofiicfi is al= tnajir0 hxirrrc to be loued and Manuell. f Of the true rest of the hart. TS fcer&e tfie true reff of tfie 1 fiart> is tofien tfie fiart jg tofiolp fetlcti in fcefire ftpon tfic loue of 0o&> $ coumtg notfipng cI0> but fiatfi a cer tatne fiappu DcffgJit in tfic tgpng tfiat ge 5olDr0 gtm to> anD loiiftli in tlir fame t>r= Itgfit * 0nD if it be neuec fo litle tmt|j&?atoen from 5pm bp anp tjapne tgougfit> o? bufineffe of otJjer mattec0 : fie Spetfi fipm ajs faff a0 fie can to retucne to fiim agapne toitfi all fpeetie : accountpng it but a banifljmc nt to abpoe anptofiece el0tfientfiere * 87 CD iiii Ipfee AS.V S. Augustines Ipfee nss tljere 10 no moment tnficittn man Dotli not eniope o? bfc tlir gratiou0 tjootmrffc of d3D2D: fo ougfit tijere to bee no moment tofierem fie iTjotilti not Jjnue inm p^efent in ceincmbiannce . 0nD tfjcrf * fo^c no (mall faultc Dotfi tfiat man commit > tofio tnljcn Ijc talfeetB tottg CDoD tn p?apec> i0 fooenlpplucftt atuape from gi0 p?efence> a0 it tuece from tge epe0 of one tBat neitger fatoe pm no? geard Sim * flno tDat ijs done tofien fiee follotortii p0 ovnnenaugljtte $ unnielptBougJjte0> and p?e fercetg before dD D 2D > fome creature tBat 10 fo? 5p0 otone piofi'te o? pleafure toljcrunto tfie Yet none tell can tjje contemplation of Ju#; mpn&et0eafilp&?atoenatoap> . bp betfrinkimg> reuoluung, i o? mpndpng tije fame oftener i tgen Coo, tofiom ge muff' connnuallp remember a0 gi0 creatoj > fionour a0 Si0 re= oeemer> artende tjpon a0 8t0 samour , anti feare as gi0 iutige* ^[Whatsoeuer withdraweth the sight of the mynde from God, must in any wise be eschewed and abhorred. \iy lo foeuer tgou art tfiat v v loueff tge toojitre, toofee befoietgeetdfiitger tfioti goeff* Cfie toap tgat tljou toalfeeff is an eutU toau ano full of fojrotoe* S. Augustines fo?rotoe * Cfierfo^e > man Iraur of tfiiitc ofcm Imfinrflto fo? a togtle> ano toitfjo?a tfjp felfe from tgp trouble* Tome tliouglitrfii * Gaff atoap tjip bnrtirnfoinr c.nt0> lap a fioetfip papmfuH turmople0, faeff otne fome tpme tpon CDot> anb reff tBp felfe a tdfiile in linn t Oct tlirc into tlirtljam bri* of tliii mii u DC > fijnt out all tfipngcs faupng Oob and fucg tgpngess a0 further tge 3nopng of Dim > anD frrfte lipm, twitlj tlip Doojr falTfljut to tgee * 3Let tfip toBole gart fap buto <25>2p> 31 ftcfee tgp countcnauncr > it t0 tlip roun-- tenaunce tfiat i ff cfee > tLo?De* ^ott) tfien mp 3Lojd CDob> go to teaege tgou mp gart togere ano goto it map feefce tgee, $ togere anfc goto itmapfinde 8ere> tofirre ftaH 3 fccfo tficr tgou art gom ? O? if be tutrp togtre, togp fte J not tgce ficrct Ctrttfff tgou Dtorllrff in unnpp:ocftafalc licjfjt ^ 3nD goto fljnli 3 come at tgce tgen ? o? togo ftall iraDr me and lijung me in tgetgec tgat 3I map fee tgee tgere ? 3gapne> togat macfees o? togat ftape ftatl 3, feefee tgee fap : J neuec fato tgee mp ILo?t (D>D , 31 neuer fenrto tgp face * CQgat fljnll tgiis facre faanilfteli creature of tgpne Do moff gpgg Lo:ti > 91 togat In Christ be bold. S. Augustines tofiat fljaH Be doe : ffcall tfip feruaunt do togtcge i0 carefull fo? loue of tgee and i0 reieaeti farce from tiip pjefeme : BegolD> fie pant= etg to fee tfiee, and tfip coutt* tenaunce 10 farre from fitm * ^elongetfi to come neare t|jee> anotgp dtoellpng platet0tjn* app?otJjeabIe * !^e toould f apne finde tfiee > and fiee fenotrttfi not tfip place %ee 10 defirou0 to feefee tSee> and fenotetfi not tfip coumenaunce. ^[That the seyng of God is lost through sinne, and mi- serie founde in stead of it. J >?d> tfioii art mp 0od ^ and mp foueret0ne> $ Manuell. pet 3i neuer fatoe tftee * Cftou ftaff made me ant) matie me ncto agapne> and brffotucs all tftp goodeg fcppon me> ant) pet ftetfterto | d^ue nrt= tfiev Rnotoen tgee no? feene tBw * ^o tie lftojt> 3 made to fee Hjct , anD J not pet done tljc tljing tgat 31 toa0 made fb? * ) tojetcgeo ffatr of man > tfiat fie mutt fo^goe te tfitng fo? tofiitSe gee toa0 matie * O gard and turfed cafe a0 it toa0 * 3la$ tuijat at& fie loft > $ toft at ftatft Jje founde ? toftat t0 fo?= gone> and toftat remapnetftt fte ftatft loff faleffedneffe > to toftttfte ftee toa0 made , and founde mtfecie> to toftttfte ftee tons S. Augustines toag not made * &t tgpng to gone toitfiout togicge no* tgpngtelucfep, andtfietgpng rcmainetli togiclic of it frlfc i0 altogether tmlutlue * ipait dpd rljcn catc mmgete UjciD> tt)JitcJie tfipng Jjr note ijntb grctljfoj: anD notn Jiccentctjt) tfie fa?eat> of fo?rot> txjfitcge Jic toa0 not flint acquainted tmrb * > iio?Dc > goto long toilt tfiou fo?get ft0: fo? euec : goto long toilt tgou tiinte atoaptgpfacefcomtj0? tufien toilt tljoti looftc bacfte ano ftcarc U0 : tnljcn toilt r Jioti in= lighten out: cpc0 and (ftrtu &$ tljii face : tnljr n toilt tJiou re- ffoje tgp frlfc onto 00 1 Loolic bacdr Lozd and Deare 00 > 94 and $ I^J Manuell. and infiggtenfogj andOjetoe tfip felfe tmto u#, and reffo?e tfip felfe unto &0 , tfiat it tnap go tuell toitfi fo0 tofiicfie are fo ill beff ad toitfiout tfiee, 31 fiaue a bitterneffe at mp 8art becaufe tgou Saff fo? 5 ftueeten it agapne toitfi tfip comfo?t + g ftaue begon to feefee tfiee toitg a fiungrp ap= petite > let me not bee fent atoap from tfiee toitfiout re= paff , H am tome toitfi a Ifcarpe ffomatfee> let me not go atoape faffpng 3f come poo?e to tSee tfiat art ricfie, 31 come tojetcfied to tfiee tfiat art pitifull , let me not go atoap emptie and defpifed * S. Augustines 3lo?ti I am bototi tioton, ant) Bj cannot loofee but uotonc* toaro * 3Rapfe me tgat 31 map loofce fcptoaro * *ppne iniquities ace gone ouec mp jjeao> tgep gaue ouertofielm^ eo me > anli tfiep ouerloaoe me a0 a fytaup buctgen * Mpnoe me out > $ iwloaoe me> tgat tfy pit tout not Jn0 moutft tjpon me 'CeacB me to feefee tfiee > anD ftetoe tfip felfe to me at mp feefepng + jFo? 3( cannot feefee tgee except tfiou teacij me> noj finDe tfice ejrcrpt tftou Iftetoe tftp felfe tmto me * 5Let me feefee tftee bp longing after tgee> $ let me long after tfiee fap feefeing tgee * ilet me finOe tgee bp lotipng Harwell. toupng tfiee> ano let me loue tfiee bp findpng tBee, Gods goodnesse. T Confeire llo?o (3 tganfee x t&eefo?it)t&att5oufiaff I created me after tgtne otone mage> to t&eenUe 31 (fcould be mpnDefuU of tgee> tgtnfee tipon tfiee> $ louetDee , But tfiat image fe fo tiefateO bp tBe corruption of finne> tfiat it cannot tioe tfie tgpng fo? tofiicfie it toa0 treateo, w* cepte tfiou reneto $ refojtw it againe * 31 befeecfi tfiee ) ILojO foijtcJj geueff tfie (jnDer^ If anoing of faptB > graunt tfiat 3? map reaoilp tinder* ffanti Sato great tfiou art* rish all. S. Augustines I? tlion art ns toe beleue > ana tfiijs 10 it tfiat tot faeleue : namelp toe beleeue tgat tgou art fome one tpng> tgen tfie tofticB tfiere can notgpng be tliouglit to be ritlirr greater o? better * cCUiat art tlioii tSen ) llojtie CDoD ? C'uen tfiat one tBpng> tfien tfie toliiclic notJijuig can be tm agineo to be greater o: brtt rr> tliat t0 to fap> tlir four rrignr gootine0> tonicli toil iii0 Dr= tng of it felfe alone > $ Jintli made all otger tftpngeo of nothing * ^fiou tfierfo?e art rigfiteou0> footfifatt, bleffeD and tofiatfoeuer tging eI0 it i0 better to be then not to be . 3I5ut goto ooeff tfioti fpare 8 tlie is iust. Manuell. tfje toicfci) > frpng tftou art tofjolp and toitDout compa* rifon rigfituou0 ? 30 it b^ caufe tfjp gootmeffe 10 incom= fiiD in flic unnppiocirnfalc Iig5t toStcfic tfiou Dtoellcff in * CJcrclp , tfie 5eadfp?png from togencc t&e ffreame of t5p mrrcpflotoctg, Iprtft fjifc in tfiemoff Urcpe $ faretgulft of tgp gooDncffe * /o? al* tfiou fo togolp ant) rigttou0 : pet art tfjou alfo gentle to tlje ruiil, tiicnnfr tliou arttofiollp andcjrcct&png good: fo? tfiou Iftoultrcff be tge Icffe good if t^ou ftouldtff beare toitg no euiU /oj fattttc i0 ije tfiat trust. OTHOI mrvv S. Augustines t0 GOOD botft to good ana bad > tften ftee tftat 10 good but to tlir good onelp * 3n& better 10 &etat 10 good to tfie euill botS b|i fparpng tgcm $ alfo bp pumping dirm> tfien Sf tfiat 10 good to tBmi but in puniflnng tjicm onclp* fif catife tDrrfojt to&p tljou art imrcpftill > 10 fo? tSat tliou art tvfiolp and cjrtccD= png the delectable frui- tion of God. tmntwafurable goodneffe tofnclje paffeff all tjndcr= ffattdpng of ft art > kt tftat incrcp of tftpm come Upon me , tofticlic p?ocrrDcrti from fo SAM7EL ManuelL Co pairing aboimDamue . Lrr flint flotoc inrc me tofiitli flotoetfi out of tftee * &>pare me of tfjp mercpfulne0> ano punifoe me not bp tgp Juffice. Htoa^e notn mp foitle> and lift ftp tfiptoBole tjnDecffanos ing> $ confiDec to tfie tJttec= molf of tfip potoec goto great atio of togat fo:tc that gooo* ncffe 10 tofittSe iss Goo * J*o? if euecp ftucrall good tgpng tie or Ima We : caff in tfi u mpnoe aDuifeDIp, Boto oelectabletgat gooo tgpng i0 > tofiicg ton= tepnetg tfje pleafauntneffe of all goootSpnge0:nottnfut fo?te a0 toe finoeit in tijpngeg treateo > but a0 farre Differs rpng > a0 tijere 10 ttoene S. Augustines ttoene tlir creature and tlir mafeer * j^oj if tge Ipfe tgat to created be good t goto goat: 10 tlic (pfe tliat trcatrD it t |f tfie toelface tfiat iss created bepleaCaunt: Jiotne pleafaunt i0 tlic Welfare tliat maDe all Welfare ? |f tge toifetiome tliat conflict)) in concrui^ jnig o: (uioUipng of tJ)|nigr0 liiioUirn, tie amiable : goto amiable is tlie Un fcDomr tliat made all tliintgco of no tliim g : fiuallii> if tlirrc be manp and great pleafureiS in t5pnge0 tliat be delectable : tojjat $ 5oto great pleafure 10 tfiere in 8pm toSicSf tnade tfiofe deleaable tfiing0 : ) to&at fljall lie Iiaue> o; tuliat i0 it tliat HYLDA SALOMON S^ Manuell. tBat ge foal not Jjaue togicfi emopetfi tfitg goofc tfipng : Cecteffe Jje fljal gaue toBatfo* euer Be toil, an& $t ft all not fiaue anu tfiing tgat fietoould not Jjaue * 5^0? tBere ftall ge fiaue all good tfipnge0> botfi rppof man gatfi fene> no?eare noj souereigne good is to be sought. raungeft tfiou tfien tfnotigg fo manp tfipnge0 dD flllie man > fetfes png tfie goode0 of tfip foule $ of tfie boDp t Houe tfieone good tlipng tviiritin are all good tfipn0r0> utj Bee S. Augustines I5ee oeC(rou0 of tfie fingle good tfipngtulnc)) i0 all gootme0> ano it fufficetg * j^oj togat i0 it tgat tgou loueff D mp fleflje t togat fcefaeff tftou D mp foule : tofiatfoeuec tfiou Ioueff> it i0 tfiece: tojjatfo- euer tfiou oeficeff , it i0 tfiece* ,, If tgou fjaur a mpnDe to "j beatotie > tSere tfie rigfiteou0 ftpne a0 tge funne * Jf tjjou lifee of ftoiftne0 > ftrengtg > oj libectie of boDp> tofiere agapntt notfipng map r efiffe : tfiere tJjep ftall be Jifee tfie aungeI0of CDoo * Jta?tgeboop i0 fotwne a naturall boop> but it ftall fife a fpirituall boop> tgat i0 to toitte, fpirit* uall in potwec > but not in VZZA I So discust, dyo thou must. ICHHAtt Manuell. ftibff aunce * Jf tjiou fcrftiT a long o? Jjealtfip lpfe> tgere fijalbr firnltfifiill ctierlaffpng* ' nrffc> $ eurrlaffing Jicalrj> fulneffe * /oj tge ngfiteou0 Hue fo: rucr, and tlir reof te nggtcou0 com-- of tge ^LojD * 3f faunte: Cfiepftall be fu tofien tfie glo?p of tge appeared * BIf ti?onfeenne0 : Cfiep ftal&e made tj?onfeen toitg tBe foijon of 0oD0 fioufe * 31 f melotiie : ^ftere rlie aungfls IbaH fing unto ODD toirjiout end . Jf anp maner of pit af urr > fo it lie not twcleane : ^fie ilo?lie totU let t&em 0?infee tfieic fill of tge ffreame of fii0 plea* S. Augustines fureg * 3ff frifdome : toifedome of Cod (ball gimfelfe to tfiem * Jf Cfiep (ball loue OoD mo:e tlicn tlinnfcluejs > ano one an otlirr ass tlienu felues : and OoD (ball loue tgem mo?e tfien tfiep loue tfinnfelue0 * J^oj tfiep loue fipm tfiemfelue0> and one an otlier bp Jnm : and lie lour tli liimfelfc and tiiem bp Jipm felfe * 3(f conco^de : ^gep (ball all of tl'jem delight but in one tlipng> fo? tlirit fljalbe but one frill among tliem > and tliat fljalbe tlie frill of CDod tfieic foueraigne * 3If pofrcv j ^lienfljalbe maiflri'0 Cod 10 of of gi0 * fQi lifer a<$ Cofc can tio toj&at fie liffttg bp Jjim felft : fo fljall tfiep be able to fcotofiat thep lift bp Jjim* /o: li&c as tfirp toil not liff anp otgcr tfipng tgcn grr liff^ rdj : fo toiil Sc liff toat forurr tgrp I iff > $ f o confr^ qiirntlp tofiat focucr gpe Ipff- ctB muff ncftirs coinr to paffr. Jf Jjonoi anD riclic0 : Coti toil! mafet fiis gooD $ faptn^ full frruaiintro rulers of mucg gooDr0> pra t^ep ftalbe tftr cFiilDien of OoD/anO CoD0> anD tftru ftalbe tge gcp^cs of Cob > anD cofirp:c0 toitg Cfjiiff . O? if tfiou Dtfirt affurcD fafcrit : tfirp ffjalbr as furc that that gooD rlTatr w (ball S. Augustines ffjall nciicr faple tlinn, as tiieu are fure tlint tlirp toould neuer fojgoe it bp tgetr otone tmlles, and tfiat d3 D 2D tfieic ioucr toill ttot tafee it atoap from Jji0 Iouer0 agapnff tfieic tml0> $ tfiat tfiere 10 not anp tgpng mfgBtper tB^n CDoD to frparr.tc OotJ ant) tlirm nfun= Der + ^oto tfien> tugat $ Sot great tope t$ t|iriT> togcrr a0 10 fuclj ano fo great neffe r the muttiall loue be- twene the Saintes in heauen. ^art of man> D poo?e art > D fiart 6nac= quatnted tottfj mtferte and to?etcfiedneflfe> o? ratger ouer* USWT i Manuell. togelmed toitg miferieg : fiotu glad toouldeft tlioti be if tlion fiaddcft aboundaunce of all tfiefe tJjpngeg : ffee tp fuc* tljrff compaffe of tiijuuc tn= tuard conceit if it toere able to receaue tge iope of tins fo great Jjapppneffe ? Certeinelp if anp otliec man togom tftou louedK a0 tl)p felfe fljoiild ftatie tge fame gappp ffate > tftp iope tuould be double > be^ ratife tgou txiouldrft be a$ glad fo? lipm a$ fo? tiip felf * But if ttoo o? tg?ee o? a nom bee moe (fiould liatic tlir fame tfiing> tijou toouldeff bee a0 glad fo? euerp one of tfiem ajs fo? tlin felfe > if tliou didff loue tfiem a0 tfip felfe * saafiat 109 (OP God ge- ueth aU. 8. Augustines iop tfien ffcall tgere be in tfiat perfect loue of tfie innumec* able tilcffcD aungelss anD men, tofien none fljall loue anp otfier leffe tgen gim felfe ? fo? euerp of tgem l^albe as glafc fo? otfier0 a0 foj Stm felfe * ^oto if tfie Sart of man be fcarce able to conceiue te iope of anp one Co great a benefite> goto ft ail it be capa* ble of fo manp ano fo great iopess? 3nD tioubtlefife, fepng tJiat accojDpng a fo mucli ootg 5e reiopce of fii0 toell oopng> tfierefo?e Iifeea0 in tfiat bleffed liapppneffe euerpe man Kail initliout comparifon lour CoD moje tficn iiun felfe and all otfierss Christ ob- taineth all. Manuell. otfierg fet all together : fo alfo Ifeall fie toitgout effima* tion reiopce mo?e of dDo&0 Jjappp ffate> tfien of gig oftme and all otfiec folfee0 toitg gim * ^o?eouec if tfiep loue CD)2D tottfi all tfieic fiart> toitfi all tfjeir mpttDe, anti toitg all tijeir foule> ant) pet alltgeirfiact, allt8eicmpntie> and all tfieir foule fuffice not to loue 5pm as e is too?tgp: >ut of all lotibt> tfiep tfcall alfo reiopte toitg al tgeir gart> toitg all tgeir mpnoe> ano Uiitlj all tljeir foule : ano pet tfieic tajj)olempnfce> anti tSeictofiole S. Augustines f Of the full ioy of the eternall lyfe. fi 4DSD anfcmp llo?o> mp Dope and garteg top> tell mp foule together tljig bee tfje top tdfietrof tfiou fapeft tinto t0 fap tgp fonne : af&e> anti pe fljall receiue tfiat pour iop map be full > foj 31 Baue founts a cewatne tope tfiat 10 full ati& mo?e tgen full J?oj tufien tfie gaw t0 full > tJje mpnde full> tge foule full> and tfie tufiole man full of t$at top > pet fijall tfierr rc= manic an ouerplug of tope ttnrliour meafure * 011 tgat top tJic n > ftall not enter toliole into t)ic entoper0 of tt> it, but tgc cniopcrg ftall en ter togole into t&e top of tgeir [ Hojtr Ho?0tclltjjpferuaunt, I tell me intoarolp in mp ijart, ' together tJji0 tie tge iope tofiereinto tftofe feruaunte0 of tgpne ft ail enter, toSidfc muff enter into tfie iope of tfieir maiffer Cruelp tge iop | = that tliine elea fljall eniop , toa0 neuer feene of man0 epe> L no: jhearD of mnns care, no: * tonceaueD of man0 Bart * CSerefo^e ilo?o 3 fiaue not pet fapD o: imagined goto mucJi tfip cfiofen ftal reiopce. ClnDoubtcDip tgep (ball fo* muefi reiopce, ajs tfiep oo loue tlirr : ano tficu ft all fo much loue tfiee, a0 tBep fenoto tfiep. S. Augustines 3nd goto much (ball tlicp loue tlire ? Uriel p > no rpe Jjatfi feene , eace fieacd > no? gact conceiued in i0 Ipfe, fioto mucfi tep Ojall fenoto tfiee and louetgeein tgat Ipfe, 31 befeecfie tfiee mp CD)2D let me luioto tliee and loue tlirr > tlint 31 map lintie iope of tlire, 3nd nltliougli 31 cannot do it to tfie full in tgi0 Ipfe : pet let me p?ofite from dap to dap mttill it map come to tfie full net tfie fenotoledge of tlirr g?otoe in me iirre, tlint it map become full tlirvr. 3let tfie loue of tgee incceafe in me lirrr > tlint it map bee full tlievr : fo as mp iop map be great in jjope fiere > and ISAAC.' hendeth all. Manuell. ano full in fcee&e tfiere * > footgfaff Cod > 3 P?ap tgee let me receaue tge tgpng tgat tlioti p?omifeff> tljat mp top map be full . 3n tlir tneane tpme let mp mpntie be t8tnfe= ing upon it> let mp toting tie taliipng of it, let mp tar long fo? it> let mp moutS be fpeafepng of it> let mp foule hunger after it> let mp flefl) tSirff after it> let mp toSoIe felfe be tiefirouss of it> imtiH futg tpme a0 K map enter into tge iope of mp 3Lo?D> tfiere to continue foj euer toojltie toitfiout entK 0men glo:p> fiono:> p?apfe> and tganHe0 be geuen to Cot) alone* University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. MAR 2 2 1988