University of California Berkeley ELLIOTT ELAINE HENDERSON Jes' Plain Black Fo'ks POEMS COMPOSED BY ELLIOTT ELAINE HENDERSON AUTHOR OF THE FIRST AND SECOND EDITION OF "Plantation Echoes" "Soliloquy of Satan" "Dis, Dat an* Tutter" "Humble Fo'ks" "Darky Meditations" "Uneddeekayted Fo'ks" SPRINGFIELD, OHIO DEDICATION. This book is most respectfully dedicated to the following named gentlemen, who were among the first to give encouragement to my literary effusions. Mr. Geo. S. Anderson Mr. Sinclair Berdan Mr. Wm. Standart Mr. W. T. Huntsman Mr. Fred W. Reama Mr. Frank Bolger Mr. Nicholas Neuhausel Hon. R. A. Bartley Mr. G. B. Steitz Mr. Fred H. Kratt C. M. Feibach Mayor Brand Whitlock Prof. J. E. Ecker Mr. A. Kaufman Mr. J. M. Stoddard Mr. R. J. Free Mr. Geo. B. Eyssen Mr. W. A. Steddy Mr. G. W. Tanner Mr. Oliver S. Bond Mr. W. M. Booker Hon. D. W. Camp Dr. W. G. Dice Dr. O. Landman Mr. O. C. Conlisk Dr. Lewis F. Smead Mr. M. Jeffery Probate Judge O'Donnell Dr. Todd Dr. W. Sallume Dr. W. G. Gardner Dr. R. H. Vollmayer Dr. Whiteham Dr. W. W. Brand Dr. D. H. Fisher Dr. F. W. Alter Mr. Geo. P. Wells Dr. Roll Dr. J. M. Morgan Dr. P. I. Mulholand Mr. H. S. Reynolds Mr. J. D. Biggers Dr. Wm. Wickmam Dr. Edwin D. Tucker Dr. A. T. Barnum Dr. G. B. Booth Hon. Edward Ford Mr. Arthur B. Laskey Dr. P. J. Bidwell Prof. Wm. Guitteau, Supt. Public Schools Mr. W. A. Spencer, 1st National Bank Dr. J. H. McVay Hon. Harry E. King Mr. E. C. Law Mr. Wm. E. Volmayer Dr. J. O. Denman Mr. H. D. Whitcomb Mr. Sidney E. Aftcl Mr. Gco. M. Jones Hon. A. C. Stevenson Hon. E. D. Potter Dr. W. A. Oowing Mr. August Schade Gen. J. K. Hamilton Mr. C. A. Seiders Dr. Geo. Denman Mr. W. H. Sargent Mr. H. Geddes Hon. Geo. C. Bysrt Mr. A. Klem Mr. Morrow. Wells Fargo Co. Hon. P. A. Coen Mr. David Armstrong Hon. Wm. Wallbridge Dr. Charles W. Moots Dr. Leatherman Hon. F. J. Reynolds Attorney Tracy DE BES' STATE IN DE LAN'! Ah comes from ol' Verginnee, De bes' state in de Ian'! Whah fo'ks hain't skyahd to meet you, Hain't erf raid to shake yo' han'. Dey's jes' plain an' ol' fashion, Dey don't put on no airs, Wid fo'k's dat do, you bet yo' life Dey's got no time to spare. Why down in ol' Verginnee, Why, it's "eome in! howdee-you-doo !" Hab er bite ob sumpun, fo' yo' journey you pursue ! Jes' stay long ez you mine to, You needn' pay er cent ! Jes' make yo'se'f one ob us An' we all, will feel content! An' feed yo ' ? lawd er massy chile ! Dey don't know when to stop! It's hab some mo' dat hog head, brudder, Hab er nudder chop ! Den f us ' ting yo '11 hyah ol ' uncle, say, Chile, is yo' skyahd to eat? Ef you don't eat up all ah pass, You'll i'sult ol' Uncle Pete! Den nex' hyah comes ol' granny Wid some egg pone jes' lak golM Some mustard greens wid bacon An' some good ol' fat hog jowl! An ' by de time she 's f otchd yo ' Plenty chicken, plenty gobbler, Be jinks yo' hain' got room ernuf To stuff down apple cobbler. Poordy soon yo'll see ol' granny, Sof 'ly steal out in de kitchen, Tain't long fo' she's totein' back, Jes' er rahin' back jes' er switchin,. Den ol' uncle ejacerlates, "Sho'ez ah'sborn to die"! Sookeeryah, Looey Jane, Whah am mah Rock an' Rye"! Den granny kinder teasin' lak Pokes out er dimmejohn. An' uncle clahs his tho'at dat sounds Bout lak er cracked fox horn. An' says, "dis takes all de kinks Out de back ! So pass yo goards An' hab jes' er smack"! It's good fo' de rich, It 's good f o ' de po ' ! Go back in de kitchen Lizea Fotch us all some mo'. Dat's de way dem fo'kses treat yo', Dey want to see yo' joy yo'se'f ! Eat an' drink jes all yo' mine to Long ez anyting is lef '. Yo' bet dey's allus got er barrel ob Grub eroun' de shanty! Summer, winter, spring er fall, You nebber find it scanty You go to chu'ch, to Sunday meetin', Ebbry body wants to meet yo ' ! Dey don't wait fo' yo' to speak fus' But dey tote right up an' greet yo' Dey don't stan' off er lookin' lak Yo' was some alligator, Erf raid to git up close to yo', Lak yo 's er spile pertayter. Yo'll find dem zackly lak ah tells yo' Ez ol' fashion ez de dickens! Don't kyah ef yo's ez poh ez snakes, Er rich ez Peter Diggens! It hain't yo' clothes dey's lookin' at, Ner at yo' eddeerkayshen. But good hoss sense an' propah ways Whut wins dey admiration! Ahs been up hyah in dis hyah state, Ah spec' poord nah fow years er so. Deez fo'kses to git quainted wid, Dey sho' Gawd knows am mos' powful slo' Ah kaint git use to dem at tall, Dey ac's too ristercrattic fo' me. Ahd rudder be bodderd wid yaller jackets Er stung in de ankle Wid er bumble bee ! Dat's why yo' dadd an' me's sich pallies.z Kaze de fus ' time dat ah struck diss town, Er stranger, he walked up to me, Says' howd doo brudder which way's yo's bound ? Why he jes' made me feel right dah We'd bofe been 'quainted forty yeahs. It did mah ol' heart so much good, Ah mus, hab drapped some joyful tears ! Ah knowed right dah, yo' daddy's Some de ol' Verginnee stock! When he frowed his mouf wide open, An' he den commenced to talk. Zackly lak dem fo'ks down yonder, It was, ' ' come go home wid me ! We'll fill up de pots an' skillets Fill yo' up till yo' kain't see ! Ef dey all was lak yo' daddy, Wid er smile an' frenly han', Dog mah cats, an' string terbaccer! Ah don't bleeb ahd leeb diss Ian'. Kaze he's jes' de sort o' pusson Dat can make yo' feel at home, Till yo' feel jes' lak er settlin' down, Wid feelin's not to roam! THE CAPTIVATING MISTAH BONESGET! De atmosphere am sumptuous, Radder copeyess, don't you tink? How's you been pair boilin' Since ah seed you las ', Miss Pinnk ? Is yo' health been aggerfortess In de aspec' ob refrain? In de hope dat youse been tollable, Does distort me much in vain. Yes, de air am very fertile, Mistah Bonesett, sumptuous, too ! De stravergance ob de wedder Some whut renders me ah boo ! But mah health seems perpendickler Ah' er li'l bit obtoose, Dat prevents de fermentation Ob mah makin', any skewce ! Well ah's powful glad to know Miss Pinnk, Youse been so copperrottic ! An' yo incandessent feelin's Habent lef you narerocottic ! But de season am specific, Fo' de good ol' times renew So we'll tote into de ball room An' bofe dance er step er two! Why dat meets all mah compunctions, Mistah Bonesett, to er tittle ! Ah jes' hopps plum over sally, When ah hyahs er screetchin' fiddle. Does ah hoi' mah train petightly? Is ah lookin' pickerdilly? Miss Pinnk, youse sho ' disastrous ! You am sho' er flouncin' lilly! GRISPUS ATTUCKS! Ye sons of Adam's mighty race, Unfettered by God's munificent grace, Have ye forgot that noble sire, Who filled with patriotic fire, Struck first the blow for freedom's cause To abbrogate the tyrant's laws? If such there be let him be shunned, By every loyal patriot son! He is not fit for freedmen's clan, Who forgets the deeds of such a man! 1 Heaven hath decreed through Adam's fall, Each race for a sr)ell must bear the thrall. Through blood and tears it must be freed, by brave magnanimous, generous deeds. Hear ye ! the cry from thralldom 's plain, " Arise ye slaves, shake off thy chains!" While tryants tremble, cringe and groan, Dismayed they totter on their thrones! Against tyranny, that great revolt, Rushed like the mighty thunder bolts, And like a Vesuvius in eruptive state, It left the foe most desolate! Liberty, the invigorating elixir sweet! Descended from heav'n's mercy seat, The boon for which all mankind thrives, Bought by tne blood of countless lives, Inspired that act which broke the spell, For which brave Crispus Attucks, fell. Well didst he strike ! This martyr brave, Couldst he but rise up from his grave Behold his country disenthralled, In majesty and sweet content, 'Mid scenes most glorious, eloquent, Filled with an unctuous holy joy To sweeter dreams he could lie down, Through evening shades pass to yon shore Receive the well earned martyr's crown. Who was this man whose deeds we trace? He was of Ethiopia's race, Whose sons have suffered, bled and died, To help make this land unified ! Ye sons of Ethopia's race, Arise with dignity and grace ! Since from beneath the chastening rod Ye have been raised by mighty God, Heaven expects thee to help rear, The mighty structure building here! His body sleeps beneath the sod, O'er which no tyrants cohorts trod. Though dead, yet he is more alive Than when on earth he did here strive. The blow he struck for freedom's band. Still goes resounding through the land. To those unborn it shall proclaim " Liberty for all" in Heaven's name. His deeds shall shine like that great light Which bursts from Pisga's lofty height. The encircling gloom cannot obscure It 's light that shines for ever more. 10 So let His deeds your souls inspire ! Filled with a patriotic fire, First, last and always, ever be, A negro ! Proud of your ancestry ! Liberty enthroned the great jubilate Is sung by the Angels as they congregate, Around the portals of the Lord And strike their harps with one accord! Yv'rite with a vigor, with a fire, The name of this redoubtable sire ! Upon the page ascribed to those, Who died to lift a nation's woes! 11 OH MY! OH MY! Hain't yo ' glad dat summah 's come ? Oh my! Oh my! You can hyah de birds chatter, you can hyah de bees hum, Oh my ! Oh my ! An' de air am balm, an' de air am sweet, An' de wild flow'rs hoppin'-up 'bout yo' feet. While de sun up yondah am er fro win' down heat, Oh my ! Oh my ! Meadows green an' sof ez down! Oh my ! Oh my ! Spreadin' out all 'bout de town, Oh my! Oh my! Tears lak dey to er niggah say, 4 'Prow yo' hoe an' shubbel erway Loaf an' wollow de live long day, Oh my ! Oh my ! De tayter craps am sproutin ' fine ! Oh my ! Oh my ! Melluns soon'll be on de vine, Oh my ! Oh my ! Sugah corn an' all sich stuff, Buddah beans all in er puff, Man hain't ah done said ernuff? Oh my ! Oh my ! Dat's de time dat seems to me, Oh my ! Oh my ! Whut de preechahs call de juberlee ! Oh my ! Oh my ! Tings am skrunkshess, tings am gran'! Sumdeeleress on ebbry han' Lak dem 'cross Jordan on de udder stran', Oh my ! Oh my ! 12 DARKY OPTIMISM. Yo' needn't watch diss ol' man, Out de corner ob yo ' eye, When yo' see him er totin' Wid er dirnmeejohn ob rye ! Jes' git out de way An' keep to you'se'f Kaze yo' not ergwine to git None diss stuff ob uncle Jeff! Ahs been down to de white fo'ks Er hoein' de tayter patch! Er diggin' an' er weedin' An' er shubblin' lak de scratch. An' de sun done roas' me Till ahs dry ez er skinch! Ahs got to hab somepun Fo' diss niggers th'oat to quench! Ah bahly can tote Long down de lane jes' now! But lemmee tas'e mah toddy An' ah '11 sho' yo' all how, To kick up yo' heels An' honp ercross de picketts, An' out run de lead houn' Er strippin' thoo de thicketts! 13 Some how nudder, Tears de older ah's er gittin', Toddy am de only ting, Dat seems to make me fittin'! An' dey hain't no tellin' Whut diss ol' man kain't do, Fum buttin' down an ox To heistin' up er mule er two! So ah drinks mah toddy, An' ah drinks mak licker! It makes me mo' pow r 'ful An' ah gits erbout quicker- DE FRACAS IN DE CHOIR. Ob all de tings dat happen, fo'ks In er com'cal sort o' way, An' one gawd knows ah won't fo'git Ef ah out live Jobe's day, It tuck place, way back yonder In Eighteen Sebenty-three, Jes' shortly after comin' back Mahse'f fum Tennersee. De kayshun was er funer'l One Sunday at dechu'ch. De dead man in de coffin Was de good ol* Deacon Perch. De Pawson axd me ef ah wouldn't Tote up in de choir, An' play on de merlodein, To he'p sing sot Siss Merryor. De chu'ch was packed wid black fo'ks Honey, way back to de doh. Befo' ah takes mah tex de Pawson Said, we'll sing some mo'! Ah said den to de choir, Rise up an ' sing Hawk fum de Tomb ! Merryor, she got mad an' said, We won 't sah ! ah presume ! She said, we's gwine to sing de chune Dat ah's done picked out hyah ! Den after dat, we'll rise an' sing, Sum udder, after prah. Say, hoi' on sister, nex' ah said, Why does you disagree? ' ' Shet up ! she sklaimed, how dah you sah ! To frippertate wid me !" IS "Ef you don't lak sah, what ah's said. You swallertail eyed fool, Pucker up yo'se'f real tight An' git down fum dat stool! You kain't play dat ting any way, You jes' can make it squeak 1 Er gittin' up dah an' tryin' to play Youse full ob gall an' cheek." Ah said, be kam now sistah. Er git out ef you don't lak it! Kaze ah's de leader hyah today, Hyah's Deacons fo' to back it! Den when de choir got up to sing She didn't budge an' inch, An' 'fused to he'p when she was axd To git up fum de bench. Dey sung de fus' an' secon' verse, De Pawson tuck his tex, An' all de time Merryor She fussed at me in er vex, Said she, "wait till ah gits you Ah '11 kick yo' insides out! You hambone hippercritt scoundrel, You kain't dictate me er bout!" Ah said, "now big foot Susan, We all knows you is here." Now ef ah's you, ah would keep still, Don't lak er monkey 'pear! Yo' voice sounds lak er worried dog Dat's pestered wid de itch. You squall way bove de udders An' youse nebber got de pitch! 16 Dat struck her lak er bumb shell, She narly tuck mah jacket! Ef some one hadn't held her down, Right dah, she'd raised er rackett! Aldoh she got er li'l kam, She still was feelin' warm! Ah knowed when serbices was out, She's gwine to raise er storm. De Pawson got thew preachin', An' we sang, " Bless be de Tie", "Take Down yo' Harps Fum de Willers", "Don't Let de Chariot Pass You By"! Ah nex struck up de funeral march, Real solemn, lak, an' slo', An' when ah thought de corpse was out Ah struck out f o ' de doh ! But good Lawd! fo' ah got ha'f way, Dah stood Merryor waitin', Er puffin' an' pusspirein', Lak some big black sheep er blatein' She weighed ah specks free hunded An' she's stronger den an' ox, Ah bet mah coon skin jacket, She stood six feet in her sox ! She yelled "you pizen skunk, Whut am dat youse done said to me? You am done pusseefied me An' done 'suit mah diggerneetee ! She struck out lak er lightnin' bolt, Lawd ! how ah hopped erside ! An' sklaimed, "now see hyah sistah, Diss ting mus' be recterfied!" 17 "Recterfy de debil", All ah d'sahs, to knock you down"! Buss you twix de eye balls, Wid you wipe up diss hyah groun ' ! Ah let you know you hain't er gwine To pusseecute Merryor Whose one de pillahs ob diss chu'ch An' leader ob dis choir- Ah didn't zackly sprint, but say, Ah didn 't lose no time ! When you is skyahd, ah allus said, "To run it am no crime"! De Lawd he gimmee two good legs, An' ah can use 'em, too! Dey hain't much diffunce in mah Speed An' dat ob er kangeroo! She come at me er fly in', Lak er big puzsimmon bear ! Ah lift up bofe mah hoppahs An' out run er Belgian hare! Ah knowed ef her big carcuss Ebber drapped erpon dis nigger, Dey wouldn't been er nuff grease lef ', To oil er muskett trigger ! Dey's one de Deacons grabbed her But she toh loose fum her jacket, She hollered, "go way deacon, Ah hain't thew wid diss hyah rackett!" Ah made er bee line fo' de doh, But right dah on de stairs, Dah stood de weepin' mourners, An' de husky big pall bears. 18 But right on thew, sum how ah went, Sum how ah got outside, Sum whut out ob bref mahse'f, But glad to save mah hide. Ah nebbah seed er woman Wid so much fat in mah life, Jump up an' use her foots so fas', In er fracas an ' er strife ! To me it am er riddle, An' it beats de ol' sam patch, How ah got out ob sich er squabble, Widdout er single scratch. But she made me do sum dodgin', Was wuss den maulin' rails, An' made me hop an' run so fas', Dat de blackes' would tarnd pale! 19 THE OLD VETERANS. Doff your hats and bow your heads The Old Veterans are passing by ! Battled scarred, their days far spent, Life's eventide fast draweth nigh. Warriors bold, gallant and brave. They faltered not, they new no fear, Where e'er their captain led the way. They sallied forward, with a cheer. Decrepit, haltingly they go, Like tottering children, step, by step ! Within their eyes still is the glow of patriotism, That has not slept. The world has heard their belching guns, The rattle of their musketry, Behold their dashing, cavalcades, Fight! That a nation might be free! Their deeds are mighty as the sea, And shine bedazzling as the sun ! An inspiration to all men Who've struggled, since the world begun. They fought for that approved by God! Truth and right, justice for all! And heav'n and earth rejoiced as one w hen burst the nation's bond and thrall! Christ shed his blood on Calvary, That man might be redeemed from sin. The deeds of those who nobly died With that great deed are truly kin. 20 Through rivers of blood through rivers of tears, These conqueroring heroes, marched and slaved, Like Ceasar's men, faced hell's fierce fires, But not for once were they dismayed. Yes, they are passing 1 One, by one. The great creator, Lord of all, Angels and men drop tears and pause, When these true patriot, heroes fall* Salute these veterans one and all! Who await their summons, await their call. Tribute and praise to those who fought, To make supreme our National Law. 21 MUTUALITY. Good evenin' Miss Sofeeyah! Ah hopes you palpertates wid pleasure. Ef mah eyes, dey don't deceive me, Youse an' allerbaster treasure. Ah presippertates de proverb Dat ah may hab yo ' consent To obskort you home diss evenin' Ah '11 recept de consequent! To me yo' eyes am charmin' Ez de dazzlin' muskerdine. You woo me lak de wattermillun Danglin' on de vine 1 Yo' voice am music to mah ear Lak de cackle ob de hen. De utmos' ob de bruptness. Miss, ah hopes you comperhen'. Yo' language Mistah Ringworm's Way beyond mah skoppertee. Ah feels dat you am inconseer An' dat you flatters me. De dictum ob de circumstance Don't 'low me to protrude, Fo' fear befo' yo' joocy eyes Ah might 'pear somewhut rude. Don't let dat frustercate you' Miss, Mah words ob love don't disconstrue. Ah wood disdain to flatter so, When sieh ez diss pertains to you! Me sanies de humble bee an' de catterpiller De Billy goats an' de bobb tail rabbitts DP tumble bug an' de snappin' turtle, Ah's got mah tricks an' got mah habits. 22 But it's onterial, beyond de mutton. Dat copeyess ez mah language 'pears, You need hab no timmillertee You needn' hab no doubts an' fears. Recep' me please in mah reques' Dat ah may tote erlong wid you An' ef de circumstance propels We will diss subjec' mo' pursue. Ah grants yo' ques', wid sweet delight! An' 'cep' all dat you say, wid glee ! An' ef you takes me by de arm, Dey '11 be no annermosertee. 23 AN OLD FASHION DARKY PRAYER. Oh Lawd hab mussy On diss po' ol' nigger, Whose feckted wid de gout An' de biles an' de stiggers! Mah foots am got bunyons Mah foots am got corns, Oh Lawd diss nigger's road Seems er wilderness ob thorns! Ah's stung lak er yaller jacket, Stung lak er bee, Wid trials an' tribyoolayshens Thick ez acorns on de tree ! De burden ahs er totem's Gittin' hebbier an' bigger, Good Lawd hab mussy On diss po ', ol ', nigger ! Trouble come erlong, An' ah meets him face to face! Ah takes out, an' ah tinks Ah's outstripped him in de race. But ol' man troubles Too soople fo' me! He 's swifter on de wing. Den er fresh born bumble bee ! Lawd, yo' know How diss nigger hab tried, To keep peace in de fam'ly At mah humble fireside. But hyahs er big knot On de back ob mah head, Whah ah was hit by Mandy, It's er wonder ah hain't dead! 24 How long, good Lawd, How long, how long, Mus' ah stan' diss hyah pester Mus' ah stan' diss wrong? Jobe nebber seed de day Dat he ebber stood so much, Ez diss ol' man dat's gittin' erbout, Er hom)in' on er crutch ! Ah nebber stole er chicken, Ner ah nebber stole er goose ! Ah nebber stole er millen, Ner been in de callerbooce ! Ah nebber drunk no whisky But once in mah life An' ah nebber got vexsayshess nuff To kick erbout mah wife ! Oh, Lawd, Oh, Lawd, Come down in mah hut! An' he'p dis po' ol' nigger Out de valley an' de rutt! Jes' bus' open de doh An' tote right in, Fotch all yo' famly An' fotch all yo' kin. 25 THE CLOSE OF DAY. Soft, soft the day Prom earth takes flight, From unknown heights Slips down the night While sweet strains float From heavenly choirs Fond Holy hands Light up the stars. The flowers droop Their petals close, Bird, beast and man Seek sweet repose Calm and serene All nature sleeps, While heavenly hosts Quiet vigil, keep. 26 HAIN'T YO' GLAD DIS AM TANKSGPIBBIN' Wake up ! Wake up ! Betsy Speer! Haint you glad Tanksgibbin's hyeer? Hopp eroun' diss shanty, An' don't be fraid to hussel! Leave off yo' hoops, An' leave off yo' bussel! Hain't yo' glad diss am Tanksgibbin'? Hain't yo' glad We bofe am libbin'? Hain't no gal can beat yo' siss. Honey, give yo' ol' man jes' one kiss Den we'll bofe go, Git bizzy in de kitchen! Fo' possum an' tayters, Mah stummick am er itchin'. Hain't yo' glad diss am Tanksgibbin'? Hain't yo' glad We bofe am libbin'? Don't yo' tink in diss ol' shanty, Vittells am skace, Ner vittells am scanty. Diss ol' man am boun' to keep, Grubb fum chittlins, Plum down to sheep. Hain't yo' glad diss am Tanksgibbin'V Hain't yo' glad We bofe am libbin '? 27 Ah gits pestibberess Wid bofe foots flingin' When Betsy gits to hunimin', When Betsy gits to singin '. Makin' pumpkin pie An' fixin' up de batter, Possum, sweet tayters Fo' de great big platter. Hain't yo' glad diss am Tanksgibbin'? Hain't yo' glad We bofe am libbin'? Thanksgibbin' am de day, Fo' de bes' tings to eat. Dat sots yo' er tinglhr Fum yo' stummick to yo' feet. Somepun lak de feas' Ob ol' Bellshazzar, Dat's fitthi' fo' er king, Lak Nebberkernazzar ! Hain't yo' glad diss am Tanksgibbin'f Hain't yo' glad We bofe am libbin'f EXTEMPORANEOUS. Gennemen, an' ladies, Mah words am few! Mah corns am er hurtin', An' mah bunyons, too. Ahs been boddered wid de gout Fo' de las' six weeks! An' ohs got er case ob 'ralliger, Umph ! in bofe ob mah cheeks ! Ah feels, kinder stuffy, Kaze ah eat up while ergo, Two chickens, forty biscuits, An' er pot ob greens er so! An' beside ah eat er possum Dat was frowed in fo dissert, So ah hain't much fit fo' talkin', Ah hain't feelin' quite so peert! But dat's needer hyah, Ner dat's needer dah. Skewces hain't de ting, Dat yo' fokses want to hyah. So ah '11 jes' break off An' come to mah tex, Ef yo'll jes' bah er minute Till ah wipes off mah specks ! Ah's little skyahd ah's bit off Li'l' mo' den ah can chew. In risin' up dis evenin' Fo' to try to redress you. Ah didn't hab no idea It was sich er job ez diss, Kaze ef ah had, it's sartin, Hyahs one nigger yo 'd er miss. 29 Still ah won't ac' er fool An' try to wiggle out de traces, Erspeshly after peerin' In so many dazzlin' faces! De Tom cat am de Tom cat De Billg goat am ol' Billy, Ah '11 try to reach de summit But it sho ' am powf ul hilly ! De worl am trabblin' mighty fas', Lak de lightnin' dat's er flashin', Yo' tink some time she gwine to stop, But on she keeps er dashin', Diss am de time ob 'vancement, Cullahd fo'kses whah's yo gwine? Times got too fas' fo' walkin', Umph ! De white fo'ks gone to flyin'! We now can take ah stool an' set, 'Neef de fig an' juniper tree! An' ef we desah, lak Zackess, Git up ez high ez he. De risin' tide ob progress Am reachin' sich er score, Till de struggles masteekayted, Ebbryting is honkkeedore. We am er part an' paresoil Ob dis Ian' ob liberty, Dat am so frussterkayted Wid sich sassferritertee An' when ah counts de minutes, An' de seconds to er dot, Ah feels lak gittin' up runnin', Till mah ankles bofe git hot! 30 Oh Dove ob Peace, Whah am yo' roostin'? Flop down ! Yo 's welcome Yo ' am no nuisance ! De fracas an' strife Bofe run lak er steer, When yo' floop yo' wings An' drap down hyeer! Ah tanks yo' gennemen an' ladies, Wid er feelin' mos petight, Fo' all diss hyah pomppossitee Dat fellissertates mah sight. Let de yaller., dog rejoiceecate Wid de rabbitts an' de Billy goat. Ah wont grumble, tall Ef it's jes' poke chops Er an' ol' fat piece ob shoat! Oh roary boreree Alice 1 Oh sunlight ob de sunlight, Fling down yo' rays ob silver An' make diss Ian' shine bright. Wave on an' flutter to de breeze, Dat banner ob de stars, May possum an' tayters Chicken an' poke chops An' egg pone, ebber be ours! 31 WISHED AH D RODE MAH HOSS Revised. Rode on dat dah leetric kyah ! Wished ahd rode raah boss ! Scared me wussan den er bah ! Wished ahd rode mah boss ! Nebbah seed sich runnin', son Swo ' we 's fly in ' to de sun, Thought diss darky's days was done. Wished ahd rode mah boss ! Gee! dat ting sho' split de ah! Wished ahd rode mah boss ! Lak er highferlootin' stab ! Wished ahd rode mah boss ! Ebbryting was blurred in sight ! Dust flew higher den er kite, Couldn' tell de lef ' fum right ! Wished ahd rode mah boss ! When she struck eroun' de kyrve, Wished ahd rode mah boss ! All loss mah head an' loss mah nerve, Wished ahd rode mah boss ! Umph"! she kyahd us down de line ! No hobo could stuck behine. Ef he had, he'd gone stone bline ! Wished ahd rode mah boss ! Now an ' den she 'd sortah reel ! Wished ahd rode mah boss ! Chilled mah blood fum head to heel ! AVished ahd rode mah boss ! Taw erbout er powful prah, Gawd knows ! Ah made one righ dah ! Ahd drudder been ridin ' on mah ol' gray mah ! Wished ahd rode mah boss ! 32 When she made dat lunge Wid er crickertee crack ! Wished ahd rode mah hoss ! Good Lawd ! Ah hollered ! She's gwine to leeb de track! Wished ahd rode mah hoss ! She wobbled lak er tea cup Only hitin' high places. Karin' lak er race hoss in new traces! Till it looked lak de debbil'd Done busted loose her braces ! Wished ahd rode mah hoss ! When dat fellah stopped dat kyah ! Wished ahd rode mah hoss ! In less den er jiffy Ah hopped out ob dah ! Wished ahd rode mah hoss! Ah wouldn't ride no mo' Ef dey'd let me ride free! 01' Susan's fas' ernuf fo' me! Ef she am way behine In er sprintin' bee ! Wished ahd rode mah hoss ! 33 BEFO' DE REGLAH PERCEEDINS. Befo' we expedite tonight De proceeds ob procedure, Ah desahs to f otch up 'f o ' yo ' all Annuddah kind ob feature. It pains me much to larn some f ac 's Erbout er suttin' pawty, Who am done been erkewzed by one Ob dulgen in much toddy! De fac's to me 'pears somewhut sprite An' tippifies er lickrisii drop ! Read de sign in de rabbitt 's foot ! Behold which way de rooster flopp ! Whahfo' de law in Brackstone says " Don't 'cep de combattillertee ! But raddah specify dahfo' To prove de inability!" Mah comment 'pon de fac's am diss De circumstances ob diss case Am swallowed up wid lots ob doubt ! De fac's an' figgers pro an' con Debolves on yo' to fotch 'em out ! De verbeality seems to me To hopp skipp jump beyon'd er f razzel ! But ah don't 'poze yo' all shall make De law