^ I YALE HISTORICAL PUBLICATIONS MISCELLANY II issued under the direction of the Department of History IN conjunction with the CONNECTICUT ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES A List of Newspapers IN THE Yale University Library ; ; > '' . ^ •> tf a <* g ••* ;,.: * ♦.• .\i •• •• •- New Haven YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS MDCCCCXVI - ■( I... coptright, i916 By Yale University Press Published April, 1916 Five Hundred Copies Printed from Type PREFACE. The publishing of this list of the newspapers in the Yale University Library had its origin in a grant for the purpose to the Library by the Connecticut Academy, at the instance chiefly of the professors of the Department of History, who had long realized the great addition it would make to the working value of the collection. The list includes all the newspapers owned by the Library from the earliest issues down to those of July 1915,* as well as a large number of South American papers deposited by Professor Hiram Bingham, and a complete file of the New Haven Register, deposited by that paper. The vexed question of what consti- tutes a newspaper has been settled for this list by including all periodicals whose main design is the publishing of news of general interest, issued more or less regularly once a week or oftener. The principal exclusions for lack of general interest have been a very large nimiber of weekly organs of special interests, such as anti- slavery, trade, socialism, secret societies, etc., far too many to enumerate. As a working list rather than a bibliography was desired, it was decided that the task should be limited to the selection of the publications to be included, the making of a new collation of all the files before 1800, its consolidation with the existing records of the later files and the rearrangement and regrouping of the titles. When information as to the identities and connections of papers was not already at hand or easily accessible, no attempt was made to obtain it. Consequently there are imdoubtedly a few cases of failure to show a change of title or the connection between a paper and its continuation under a new title, and a certain number of * The only exceptions to this statement to be noted are a collection of 93 French papers of the year 1848, mostly single issues of ephemeral and socialistic publications; a collection of 88 single issues of New South Wales papers of 1875; and several hundred single issues of United States papers from all parts of the country on the occasion of the death of President Garfield. 336140 vi PREFACE. small tinnoted gaps in the runs from 1800 on, but it is not believed that these omissions will seriously interfere with the purpose of the list. The main scheme of arrangement is geographical. The United States comes first with the states in alphabetical order, followed by the rest of the world with the coimtries in alphabetical order under continental divisions, as shown in the table of contents, page vii. Under each covmtry or state are placed its cities in alpha- betical order, and tmder each city its papers in the alphabetical order of the first word of the title of the earliest issue in the Library, except in a few cases of very well known papers, where the best known name has been used with proper cross references. Where a name has changed, the new name follows the old as a subheading, a cross reference being inserted in its alphabetical place. Cross references from catchwords have been inserted in the body of the Hst when it seemed necessary, and very fully in the index. Under the title of each paper the issues are enumerated in the order of their dates, except in such cases as weekly and tri-weekly editions of daily papers, which certainly had a different set of subscribers, and were in a sense distinct papers. The issues of every such minor edition have been kept together and listed after the main paper. The date given is in every case that borne by the issue listed, except in the case of early EngHsh papers, some of which changed the date of the year on March 26th, and some on January ist. This was so confusing that the modem year-date has in every case been determined and used. The main Hst is supplemented by a title index in a single alphabet and by a series of charts showing graphically for each year the papers in the possession of the Library. This list is based on a card catalogue made originally by the late Mr. Joel Sumner Smith, who also devised the chronological charts. Mr. Smith's collations were brought down to date, and with the addition of a considerable nimiber of new titles, were prepared for the press by Mr. Arthur Head, who was employed for that purpose by the Connecticut Academy. May Humphreys. Yale University Library. CONTENTS. Page Preface v United States (Alphabetically by States) i Africa Mauritius 93 Asia China 93 India ' 94 Japan 94 Straits Settlements 95 Europe Alsace-Lorraine 95 Belgium ^ 96 England 96 France 119 Germany 121 Holland 122 Ireland 122 Italy 123 Poland 124 Russia 124 Scotland 125 Spain 126 Switzeriand 127 Wales 127 North America (except the United States) Bermuda 127 Canada 127 Guatemala 127 Mexico 128 2 viii CONTENTS. Oceanic A Page Hawaiian Islands 133 New South Wales 133 Tasmania 133 South America Argentine 134 Bolivia 134 Brazil 148 Chile 148 Colombia 150 Ecuador 152 Panama 154 Peru 154 Venezuela 163 West Indies Cuba 165 Haiti 165 Jamaica 165 Index of Titles 167 Chronological Table Synopsis 217 Charts to follow 218 A LIST OF NEWSPAPERS IN THE YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY it ' > 'J > ', I > • , ' > > > > > > ' LIST OF NEWSPAPERS IN THE YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNITED STATES. ALABAMA. ' HUNTSVILLE. Southern Advocate. Weekly. 1828. Aug. 29. Mobile. Mobile Daily Advertiser and Register. 1864. May 18. Stevenson. Jackson County News. Weekly. 1865. June 10. ALASKA. Sitka. Alaska Times. Weekly. 1870. May 28. ARIZONA. Phoenix. Arizona Gazette. 1893. Aug. I. (World's Fair edition) . 2 CALIFORNIA. CALIFORNIA. Los Angeles. j Resources of Southern California. Weekly. 1894. July 12. Monterey. Califomian. Weekly. 1846. Sept. 17. Oakland. Globe Review. Weekly. 1895. Jiily 26. Riverside. Saturday Enterprise. Weekly. 1886. Aug. 14. San Francisco. Alta California. Weekly. 1849. Oct. I. Daily : 1870. Nov. I. Argonaut. Weekly. 1884, Jan. 3 — date. Bulletin. See Daily Evening Bulletin. California Chronicle. See Daily California Chronicle. California Spirit of the Times. Weekly. 1875. Jan. 2; Dec. 25. Commercial Herald and Market Review. Every steamer day . 1868. May 22. Daily California Chronicle. 1853, Nov. 22 — 1856, Nov. 20. Daily Evening Bulletin. 1855, Oct. 8—1856, Oct. 7. Daily Evening News. 1855, Nov. I— 1856, Apr. 30. Daily Examiner. 1889. Apr. 28. 1893. (Columbian World's Fair special edition). Golden Era. Weekly. 1853, Dec. 18 — 1856, Dec. 7. CALIFORNIA— CONNECTICUT San Francisco (continued). San Francisco Call. Daily. 1897. Nov. 7, 13. San Francisco Daily Herald. 1851, Sept. 21 — 1852, Dec. 31. 1853, Nov. 17—1854, Jtine 30. San Francisco Daily Sun. See Sun. San Francisco Daily Town Talk. 185s, May 10—1856, Nov. 8. San Francisco Weekly Post. 1879. Jan. 30; Feb. 6, 13, 27. 1880. Aug. 5. Sun. Daily. 1854, Jan. 2—1856, June 30. COLORADO. Denver. Colorado Exchange Journal. Weekly. 1889. Oct. (industrial issue). Denver Journal of Commerce. Weekly. 1881. Oct. 22. Denver Tribune-Republican. Daily. 1886. July 4. Leadville. Leadville Herald Democrat. Daily. 1888. Jan. I. Pueblo. Individual. Weekly. 1896. Feb. 6. CONNECTICUT. Birmingham. Derby Transcript. Weekly. 1867, Sept. 14 — 1875, Oct. 28. Bridgeport. Bridgeport Advertiser. Weekly. 1806. Nov. 13. 4 CONNECTICUT Bridgeport {continued). Bridgeport Evening Farmer. Daily. 1887. July 23. Bridgeport Herald. Weekly. 1805. June 13. Connecticut Courier. Weekly. 1814. Aug. 3; Nov. 2; Dec. 21. 1815. Feb. 22; Mar. 22, 29; Apr. 12. 1816. Aug. 28. 1822. Nov. 13, 27. 1823. July 23. 1824. May 12. 1825. Jan. 12, Feb. 9. Connecticut Patriot. Weekly. 1827. Feb. 7. Republican Farmer. Weekly. 1810. May 23. Republican Standard. Weekly. 1840. Feb. 26. Brooklyn. Brooklyn Journal. See Windham County Advertiser. Harrisonian. Weekly. 1840. Jan. 22 — Dec. 16. (14 numbers). Windham County Advertiser. Weekly. 1828. Apr. 8; Sept. 9. Continued as: "^ Brooklyn Journal and Windham County Advertiser 1828, Dec. 2, 9. Continued as: Windham County Advertiser. 1830. Feb 3. 183 1. Nov. 9. 1833. July 18. Danbury. Danbury Democrat. Weekly. 1887. Mar. 12. Danbury Recorder. Weekly. 1828. Aug. 27; Sept. 3. Farmer's Journal. Weekly. 1792. Sept. 29. CONNECTICUT. Danbury (continued). New England Republican. Weekly. 1804. Aug. 29; Sept. 19; Oct. 17; Nov. 7. 1805. Jan. 23, 30; Mar. 13 — 27; Apr. 10 — May 15; June s; July 3—31. Republican Journal. Weekly. 1796. Oct. 31. Sun of Liberty. Weekly. 1800. Sept. 24. For continuation see entry under New- Haven. Hartford. American Mercury. Weekly. 1784. July 12 — Dec. 27. 1785. Jan. 3 — June 27; July 11 — Dec. 26. 1786. Jan. 2 — Oct. 30; Nov. 13 — Dec. 4, 18 — 25. 1787. Jan. I— June 24; July 9— Aug. 13, 27 — Sept. 3, 17, 24; Oct. 8, 22 — Nov. 12, 26; Dec. 3, 10-24. 1788. Jan. 21 — -June 2, 16 — Dec. 29. 1789. Jan. 5, 12, 26 — Dec. 28. 1790. Jan. 4 — ^June 7, 21 — Dec. 27. 1791. Jan. 3 — Dec. 26. 1792. Jan. 2, 16, 30 — Dec. 31. 1793. Jan. 7 — 1796, Dec. 26. 1797. Jan. I, 23— Dec. 25. 1798. Jan. I — 1828, Dec. 30. 1832. Jan. 2 — Dec. 10. Calendar. Weekly. 1845, Jan. 4 — 1850, Dec. 28. 1851, Jan. 4 — 1852, Dec. 30. 1856. Jan. 5 — Dec. 27. 1864, July 30—1865, Dec. 23. Connecticut Courant. Weekly. 1764. Oct. 29. (facsimile). 1765. May 6, 13; Aug. 26; Sept. 16, 30; Oct. 7, 28. 1766. Jan 6 — Feb 3; Mar. 31; May 12; Sept. 22; Oct. 20. 1767. Sept. 14, 28. 1769. Jan. 2, 30; Feb. 13; Mar. 27; Apr. 3, 17, 24; May 22; June 5, 12, 26; July 10, 31; Aug. 28; Sept. 4, II, 18; Oct. 9 — Dec. 4. 6 CONNECTICUT. Hartford (continued). 1771. Dec. 17. 1773. Feb. 9; May 11. 1774. Apr. I (extra), 12 — 26; May 24; Sept. 19, 26; Oct. 17; Dec. 12. 1775- JS'ii- 2 — 16, 30; Apr. 10, 17 [or 24]; May 8 — ^June 19; July 3. 24 — Sept. 4, 25; Oct. 16, 23; Nov. 6, 13; Dec. 4, II. 1776. Jan. 22 — Dec. 30. 1777- Jan. 6; Feb. 10, 17; Mar. 17 — Apr. 28; May 12, 19; July 28; Aug. 11; Sept. 8, 22; Oct. 28; Nov. 4, 18, 25; Dec. 16, 23. 1778. Jan. 13 — Feb. 10, 24 — Dec. 29. 1779- Jan. 5, 12; Feb. 2; Mar. 23 — May 4, 18 — Sept. 28; Oct. 12 — Dec. 14, 28. 1780. Jan. 4 — Feb. i, 15 — Mar. 7, 21, 28; Apr. 11 — June 13, 27 — Dec. 19. 1 78 1. Jan. 9 — May 15; June 5 — Dec. 25. 1782. Jan. I — Feb. 12, 26 — Mar. 5, 19 (ist leaf) Apr. 2 — Dec. 31. 1783. Jan. 7, 21 — Feb. 18; Mar. 4, 25; Apr. 15, 22; May 13, 20; June 3; July i, 18; Aug. 5; Sept. 2 — Oct. 14, 28 — Dec. 2, 23. 1784. Jan. 6 — Feb. 10, 24 — May 11, 25 — ^July 20; Aug. 3 — Dec. 28. 1785. Jan. 4 — 1846, Nov. 28. 1847. Jan. 2, 9; Mar. 27 — Nov. 27. 1848. Jan. 6. 1853, Jan. I— 1854, Dec. 30. 1857. Jan. 3 — Dec. 26. Connecticut Home. Weekly. 1890. May 22; Sept. 25 — Dec. 25. 1891. Jan. I — Dec. 26. Continued as: New England Home. 1892. Jan. 2 — 1894, Nov. 17. Connecticut Mirror. Weekly. 1809, July 10 — 1830, Dec. 25. CONNECTICUT. 7 Hartford (continued). 1831. June 25. Connecticut Observer. Weekly. 1825, Jan. 4 — 1836, Dec. 24. Connecticut Real Estate Register and Commercial Adver- tiser. Weekly. 1871. June 24. Daily Courant. See Hartford Courant. Free Soil Advocate. Weekly. 1848. Jtily 15 — Nov. 18. Freeman's Chronicle; or, The American Advertiser. Weekly. 1783. Sept. 29 — Nov. 10. Hartford Courant. Daily. 1837, Sept. 13 — 1862, Dec. 31. 1872, May 6 — date. Hartford Evening Courier. Daily. 1839. May 24. Hartford Evening Press. Daily. 1856, Feb. 27 — 1862, Mar. 31. 1864, Mar. I — 1865, Mar. 31. Hartford Telegram. Daily. 1883, Dec. 25—1884, July 25. New England Home. See Connecticut Home. New England Weekly Review. 1828, Mar. 17 — 1830, Apr. 26. Continued as: Review and Telegraph. 1837. May 27. Republican. Weekly. 1850. July 25 — Oct. 10. Times and Hartford Advertiser. Weekly. 1822. Feb. 19; 1823. Mar. II. Continued as: Hartford Times. 1828. June 30; Dec. i. 1829. Aug. 3. Continued as: Times Weekly. 1835, Jan. 5 — 1840, Dec. 26. 8 CONNECTICUT. Hartford (continued). Hartford Times. Daily. 1843. Oct. 31. Litchfield. American Eagle. Weekly. 1823. Jan. 13, 20, 27; Feb. 3, 24; Mar. 10 — 24; Apr. 14, 21 — May 5, 19; Jiine 2, 9, 23— July 7, 21— Aug. 25; Sept. 8, 29; Oct. 13, 27. Litchfield County Post. Weekly. 1828, Jan. 3 — 1829, Jan. 22. Continued as: Litchfield Enquirer. 1829, Jan. 29 — 1833, Dec. 19. Weekly Monitor. 1785. Feb. 21. Continued as: Weekly Monitor and Litchfield Town and County Recorder. 1787. Feb. 13 — June 4. Continued as: Weekly Monitor. 1787. June II — Dec. 31. Continued as: Collier's Litchfield Weekly Monitor. 1788. Jan. 7 — ^June 16. Continued as: Weekly Monitor. 1788, July 14 — 1789, June 8. Discontinued. Revived as: Weekly Monitor. 1789, Nov. 17 — 1790, Sept. 27. Continued as: Litchfield Monitor. 1 791. Jan. 10. Continued as: Monitor. 1792. Mar. 14. Witness. Weekly. 1805, Aug. 21 — 1807, June 24. Meriden. Meriden Daily Republican. 1869. Apr. 5 — Apr. 10. Meriden Literary Recorder. Weekly. 1865, May 17 — 1868, June 24. Meriden Weekly Visitor. 1867. June 13. CONNECTICUT. MiDDLETOWN. American Sentinel. Weekly. 1828, Feb. 6—1833, Aug. 7. Constitution. Weekly. 1838, Jan. 3 — 1842, Dec. 28. 1843. Sept. 6. 1846. Dec. 16. 1849. Oct. 24. 1850. Mar. 20; Apr. 24; June 12; July 31; Dec. 4. Middlesex Gazette. Weekly. 1785. Dec. 27. 1786. Jan. 3 — May i; Aug. 21 — Dec. 25. 1787. Jan. I — Oct. 8. 1792. Oct. 13. 1802, Feb. 22 — 1803, Dec. 23. 1816. Sept. 5. 1820. June 29. 1828. June 25; Sept. 17; Dec. 3, 10. 1829. Jan. 6; Dec. 23. 1830. Jan. 27. 1833. July 3; Aug. 7— Dec. 25. New England Advocate. Weekly. 1834, Jiily 30—1836, July 20. MiLFORD. Milford Sentinel. Weekly. 1876. Jan. 20 — Oct. 21. New Haven. American Eagle. 1826. May 4 (supplement). Columbian Register. Weekly. 1812, Dec. I — 1844, Dec. 28. 1846, Jan. 3 — 1911, Dec. 28. Columbian Register. Tri-weekly, 1840, Aug. 10 — 1845, Dec. 30. Continued^as : New Haven Register. 1846. Jan. I — May 2. Continued as: New Haven Daily Register. 1846, May 5 — 1864, Apr. 30. Continued as: lo CONNECTICUT. New Haven {continued). New Haven Morning Register. 1864. May 2 — ^Jtily 9. Continued as : New Haven Evening Register. 1864, July II — 1869, Dec. 31. Continued as: Evening Register. 1870, Jan. 3 — 1874, Oct. 10. Continued as: New Haven Evening Register. 1874, Oct. 12 — date. Connecticut Gazette. Weekly. 1755, Apr. 12—1757, Mar. 5. 1757. Aug. 13; Oct. I, 8. 1758. June 10; July 8, 15, 29; Aug. 8; Sept. 9, 30; Oct. 7, 21; Nov. 4 — 25; Dec. 9 — 30. 1759. Jan. 13, 27; Feb. 3; Mar. 3; Apr. 14, 21; May 5, 19; June 9; Nov. 10; Dec. i, 15. 1760. Mar. 8; Apr. 5; May 31; June 14, 21; Jvily 12; 26; Oct. 4; Nov. I, 15; Dec. 6 — 27. 1761. Jan. 3 — May 23; June 6 — 27; Aug. i — 22; Sept. 12 — 26; Oct. 10 — Nov. 14, 28 — Dec. 12. 1762. Jan 2, 16 (i leaf), 23; Mar. 6, 27 — ^Apr. 17; May i — ^June s, 19 — Sept. 18; Oct. 9 — Nov. 13, 20 (supplement only), 27 — Dec. 25. 1763. Jan. I (fragment), 8, 22; Feb. 26 — Mar. 5; Apr. 2; May 4, 7; Jime 18— July 9; Aug. 6, 13, 27; Nov. 3 (supplement only), 19 — Dec. 10. 1764. Jan. 7; Feb. 4, 18 — 25; Mar. 17; Apr. 14; July 5 — Dec. 20. 1765. July 5— Dec. 27. 1766. Jan 3 — Sept. 6, 20 — Nov. 15, 29 — Dec. 13. 1767. Jan. 12 — 24; Feb. 7 — Mar. 14, 28 — ^Apr. 18; May 2 — 16, 31; June 13— Aug. i, 15— Oct. 12, 31; Nov. 14 — Dec. 25. 1768. Jan. I, 23; Feb. 19. Connecticut Herald. Weekly. 1803, Dec. 13—1835, Apr. 21. 1841. June 19. 1843. Jan. 14. CONNECTICUT. ii New Haven (continued). Connecticut Herald and Weekly Journal. 1880, Jan. 3 — 1 90 1, Dec. 28. Connecticut Journal and New Haven Post-Boy. Weekly. 1767. Oct. 23 — Dec. 25. 1768. Jan. I — Oct. 21; Nov. 11 — Dec. 30. 1769. Jan. 6 — Mar. 31; Apr. 14 — ^June 2, 16, 30 — Nov. 3, 17; Dec. I — 29. 1770. Jan. 5 — Dec. 21. 1771. Jan. 4 — 18; Feb. i — Dec. 6. 1772. Jan. 3 — 24; Feb. 21 — ^Apr. 17; May i — ^July 10, 24 — Dec. 25. 1773- Jan. I — Mar. 19; Apr. 2 — Sept. 10; Oct. i — Dec. 31. 1774. Jan. 7 — Feb. 11, 25 — Dec. 28. 1775. Jan. 4 — II, 25 — Sept. 6. Continued as: Connecticut Journal. 1775. Sept. 13 — Dec. 27. 1776. Jan. 3 — 24; Feb. 7 — Mar. 20, 27 (last leaf) — Dec. 25. 1777. Jan. I — 1786, Dec. 27. 1787. Jan. 3 — ^Apr. 12; May 2 — ^July 25; Aug. 8 — Dec. 26. 1788. Jan. 2 — Feb. 13 (ist leaf), 20 — Dec. 31. 1789. Jan. 7 — Feb. 18; Mar. 4 — Dec. 30. 1790. Jan. 6 — 183s, Apr. 6. Connecticut Magazine. See New Haven Gazette. Connecticut Post and New Haven Visitor. See Visitor, Connecticut Volksblatt. Weekly. 1889. Mar. 16. Courier. See Daily Morning Courier. Daily Evening Union. 1873. Aug. 2, 5. 1874. June 8; Aug. 16. 1875. Mar. 4. Daily Herald. 1832, Nov. 26 — 1846, Dec. 31. Daily Morning Courier. 1843, Ju^ne 3 — 1847, June 3. Continued as: Journal and Courier. 1848. June 19. 12 CONNECTICUT. New Haven (continued). 1850, Jan. I — date. Democrat. Tri-weekly. 1845. Apr. 21 — Sept. 19. Continued as: New Haven Democrat. 1845, Sept. 22 — 1847, Apr. 20. Evening Palladium. See New Haven Palladimn. Evening Register. See Columbian Register. Examiner. Weekly. 1884. Apr. 19. Federal Gazetteer. Weekly. 1796. May 17, 31— June 14; July 26— Aug. 9, 23; Oct. 4; Dec. 14, 21. 1797. Feb. I. Herald. See Daily Herald. Jeffersonian Democrat. Weekly. 1834. June 7, 28; July 12. Journal and Courier. See Daily Morning Courier. Messenger. Weekly. 1800. Jan. 2, 9, 30 — Feb. 13, 27 — May 6, 20 — ^June 17, July 9 — 16, 30 — Aug. 20; Sept. 3, 24 — Oct. 8; Nov. 13, 27; Dec. 4, II, 25. 1801. Jan. I, 8 (ist leaf), 29; Sept. 29. 1 802. Jan. 5 — Aug. 9. Morning News. See Observer. ^ National Pilot. Weekly. 1821, Sept. 6 — 1823, Mar. 13. Continued as: Pilot. 1823, Mar. 20 — 1824, Sept. 11. New Haven Advertiser. Semi-weekly. 1829, May I — 1 83 1, Dec. 30. 1832. Jan. 3 — Apr. 27; Oct. 26. New Haven Chronicle. Weekly. 1827, Mar. 3 — 1830, Dec. 31. New Haven Examiner and Watchtower of Freedom. See Watchtower of Freedom. New Haven Gazette. Weekly. [By Meigs, Bowen and Dana]. CONNECTICUT. 13 New Haven (continued). 1784, May 13 — 1786, Feb. 9. Continued as: New Haven Gazette and the Connecticut Magazine. 1786, Feb 16 — 1789, Jan. i. New Haven Gazette. Weekly. [By Abel Morse]. 1 79 1. Mar. 9 — June 15. New Haven Morning News. Daily. 1859. Jan. I— June 30. New Haven Morning Register. See Columbian Register. New Haven News. See Observer. New Haven Palladium. Weekly. 1829, Nov. 7 — 1831. Feb. 8. Continued as: Palladium and Republican. 1833, Nov. 9 — 1835, Oct. 24. Continued as: New Haven Palladium. 1835, Dec. 22 — 1839, Sept. 28. Continued as: Evening Palladium. Tri -weekly. 1839, Oct. 4 — 1841, Feb. 22. Continued as: Daily Palladium. 1841. Feb. 25 — Dec. 24. Continued as: New Haven Daily Palladium. 1841, Dec. 27 — 1856, Dec. 31. 1870, Jan. 3 — 1891, Dec. 31. New Haven Record. Weekly. 1839, Feb. 23 — 1840, June 27, ^ New Haven Register. See Columbian Register. Observer. Daily. 1882. Oct. 12 — Dec. 2. Continued as: Morning News. 1882, Dec. 4 — 1891, April 8. Continued as: New Haven News. 1 89 1, Apr. 9 — 1893, May 31. Continued as: Morning News. 1893, June I — 1898, Dec. 31. Palladium. See New Haven Palladium. Pilot. See National Pilot. Pro Patria. 1896. Apr. 4. 14 CONNECTICUT New Haven (continued). Register. See Columbian Register. Saturday Chronicle. Weekly. 1902, Feb. 8 — 1906, May 26. Stella d'ltalia. Weekly. 1894. Mar. 17, 24. Sun of Liberty. Weekly. For earlier issue see entry under Danbury. 1801. Sept. 9. Town Talk. Weekly. 1890. Mar. 27. 1891. Mar. 5. Union. See Daily Evening Union. Visitor. Weekly. i8o2, Oct. 30 — 1803, Oct. 25. Continued as: Connecticut Post and New Haven Visitor. 1803, Nov. 3 — 1804, Nov. 8. Watchtower of Freedom. Weekly. 1832. Oct. 20. Continued as: New Haven Examiner and Watchtower of Freedom. 1833- July 27. New London. Bee. Weekly. 1797. Sept. 13, Nov. 15 — Dec. 27. 1798. Jan. 3 — ^July 25; Aug. 8 — 29; Nov. 14 — Dec. 26. 1799. Jan. 2 — 23; Feb. 6 — Apr. 24; May 8 — 29; June 12 — Oct. 16, 30 — Dec. 25. 1800. Jan. I — 1802, Jime 23. For continuation see entry under Hudson, N. Y. Connecticut Gazette and the Universal Intelligencer. See New London Gazette. New London Gazette. Weekly. 1765. Aug. 2, 23 — Sept. 13, 27 — Oct. II, 25 — Nov. 15; Dec. 20, 27. 1766. Jan. 17 — Feb. 14; May 23 — Dec. 26. 1767. Jan. 16 — 1773, Dec. 10. Continued as: Connecticut Gazette and Universal Litelligencer. 1773, Dec. 17—1774, Dec. 30. CONNECTICUT. 15 New London (continued). 1776, Jan. 12 — 1780, Oct. 17. 1781. May 18 — ^June 8; Nov. 20. 1785, Jan. 7 — 1787, May 4. Continued as: Coimecticut Gazette. 1787, May II — 1796, Aug. 11. 1797. Jan. 19; Feb. 2 — Mar. 2, 30; Apr. 13 — May 4, 11 (last leaf); June 10 (supplement only) , 28; July 12 — 26; Aug. 16 — Sept. 13; Oct. 4; Nov. 23. 1798. Jan. 3, 10; Feb. 28 — Apr. 18, May 2 — 16; June 6 — 27; July II, 18; Aug. I, 22— Sept. 5, 19; Oct. 3, 10, 24 — Nov. 28, Dec. 12 — 26. 1799. Jan. 9 — Feb. 6, 13 (supplement only) , 20 — May 27; Apr. 10, 24; May i, 29— July 17, 31; Aug. 14, 21; Sept. 4 — Oct. 16, 30. Continued as: Connecticut Gazette and the Commercial Intelligencer. 1801. July 29; Aug. 12, 26; Sept. 2; Oct. 28; Nov. 4; Dec. 2, 30. 1802. Jan. 20; Feb. 3, 17; July 2 — 16; Aug. 18; Sept. i — Oct. 20; Nov. 3 — Dec. 29. 1803. Jan. 5 — 19; Feb. 9 — Mar. 2, 23; Apr. 6 — May 11, 25 — ^Jime 22; July 20 — Aug. 10, 24; Sept. 7 — Nov. 2, 23, 30; Dec. 14. 1804. Jan. 4 — Feb. 8, 29 — ^Apr. 11, 25 — May 16, 30; June 20 — Dec. 19. 1805. Jan. 2 — Feb. 27. Continued as: Connecticut Gazette. 1805, Mar. 6 — 1823, May 16. Continued as: New London Gazette and General Advertiser. 1823, May 21 — 1828, Dec. 10. People. Weekly. 1821. Apr. 18. Republican Advocate. Weekly. 1821. May 30; June 6, 13; July 25 — Dec. 26. 1823. Apr. 9. Springer's Weekly Oracle. 1798. Apr. 7; extra, Apr. 28. i6 CONNECTICUT. American Telegraphe. Weekly. 1795- June 10. 1798. Aug. 8, 15. 1800. Mar. 13 — ^June 11. NORWALK. Norwalk Gazette. Weekly. 1830. Feb. 2. 1861. May 21. Norwich. Canal of Intelligence. Weekly. 1826, June 2 — 1828, May 21. 1829. May 27 — Nov. 18. Courier. Weekly. 1799. Nov. 13. 1807. Apr. 22. 1809. Feb. I. Continued as: Norwich Courier. 1809. Aug. 2, 9; Sept. 6. 1810. Jan. 3; Feb. 7. 1812. May 6. 1819. Apr. 28. 1824. Nov. 17. 1826. July 5- 1828. Dec. 3. 1829. Dec. 16. Continued as: Norwich Weekly Courier. 1850. Aug. 28. 1864. July 7 — Dec. 29. 1865. Oct. 26 — Dec. 7. Examiner. Weekly. 1853- Aug. 20. Native American. Weekly. 1812. June 3. (fragirient). Norwich Free Press. Weekly. 1830. Apr. 14 (last leaf). Norwich Morning Bulletin. Daily 1863, Feb. 4 — 1865, Dec. 30. CONNECTICUT. 17 Norwich (continued). Norwich Packet and Country Journal. Weekly. 1788. Oct. 2. Norwich Republican. Weekly. 1829. Aug. 26 (first leaf). 1833, June 26—1835, Apr. i. Reporter. Weekly. 1845. July 5, 19. Continued as : Weekly Reporter. 1845. Sept. 13. Seymour. Seymour Record. Monthly and semi-monthly to June 1873; thereafter weekly. 1871, May I — 1898, Dec. 29. Stonington. America's Friend. Weekly. 1807. July 22 — Aug. 12; Sept. 2, 16; Oct. 21; Nov. 11, 25; Dec. 9, 16, 24. 1808. Jan. 20, 27; Feb. 3 — Apr. 6, 27; May 18, 25; June 8, 15, 29. Stonington Semi- Weekly Mirror. 1897. Aug. 27. Stonington Spectator. Weekly. 1834. July 30. Waterbury. Valley Index. Weekly. 1869. July 30. Waterbury American. Weekly. 1852, Jan. 2 — 1859, Dec. 30. West Haven. Advertiser. Weekly. 191 1. May II — Dec. 28. 8 numbers. 1912. May 9 — Dec. 26. 8 numbers. 19 13. Jan. 2 — Dec. 24. 9 numbers. 1914. Jan. 8 — Nov. 5. 5 numbers. 1915. Jan. 22 — ^Apr. 22. 3 numbers. West Haven Budget. Weekly. 1885. July 25; Aug. i; Sept. 5; Nov. 28. i8 CONNECTICUT— DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. West Haven (continued). West Haven Journal. Semi-monthly. 1873, Oct. I — 1874, Sept. 15. West Killingly. Windham County Telegraph. Weekly. 1848, Mar. 8—1854, Oct. 26. Windham. Advertiser. Weekly. 1 818, May 7 — 1819, Mar. 4. 27 nimibers. Phenix; or, Windham Herald. Weekly. 1791. Dec. 10. 1792. Aug. 25. Continued as: Windham Herald. 1802. Nov. 25; Dec. 2. 1806. Jan. 2 — Dec. 25. 1808. Jan. 7 — Dec. 29. 1809. Jan. 12; Feb. 16. 1811. Jan. 4 — Dec. 27. 1813, Jan. 7 — 1816, Sept. 19. DELAWARE. Wilmington. Mirror of the Times and General Advertiser. Semi-weekly. 1805. Jan. 2 — Dec. 28. _^ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Georgetown. Federal Repubhcan. Tri-weekly. 1813. June 9. Washington Federalist. Tri-weekly. (Daily, 8 Dec. 1801 — 5 May, 1802). 1801, Sept. 28 — 1802, Sept. 24. 1808. Mar. 7. Washington. American Spectator and Washington City Chronicle. Weekly. 1830. Jan. 2 — 16; Feb. 13; May 22; July 17, 31. 1831. Aug. 13. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 19 Washington (continued). Daily Morning Chronicle. 1865, Nov. I — 1872, Feb. 29. Examiner. Weekly. 1813, Oct. 25 — 1816, May 27. Examiner. Tri-weekly. 1832. Sept. 12. Globe. Semi- weekly. 1831, Jan. 19 — 1834, Apr. 26. Daily edition: 1833, May 4—1845. Apr. 30. Globe. (Revived.) Daily. 1858. Feb. 10. 1872, Dec. 3 — 1873, Mar. 13. Kate Field's Washington. Weekly. 1890, Feb. 5 — 1895, Apr. 20. Moderator. Weekly. 1833. Oct. 10. National Era. Weekly. 1847, Jan. 7—1858, Dec. 30. National Intelligencer. National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser. Semi-and tri-weekly. 1802, Nov. 5 — 1803, Oct. 31. 1804. Feb. 29. 1805. Dec. 30. 1806. Jan. 3, 8, 10, 13, 22; Feb. 3, 5, 12, 21, 24, 26, 28; Mar. 3, 7, 12. 1807. Jan. 5 — Nov. 30. 1808. Mar. 9. Continued as: National Intelligencer. 1811, Nov. 6 — 1812, Oct. 31. 1814, Jan. I — 1839, Dec. 31. 1841, Jan. 2 — 1859, Dec. 29. 1861. Jan. I — Dec. 31. Daily edition: 1817. Nov. 19. 1818, Dec. 2 — 1819, Jan. 25. 20 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington (continued). 1828. Jan. 25; Feb. 14. 1829. Mar. 17. 1830. Dec. 31. 1831. Jan. 6, 11; Mar. 24; Apr. 4; May 13, 16, 19, 21, 24, 26, 27; June 13, 14, 16. 1832. Feb. II — 1843, Dec. 29. 1844. Feb. 8. 1845. Jan. II ; June 10; July 22; Sept. i — Nov. 27, 29 — Dec. 31. 1846. Jan. I — ^Apr. 30. 1847. Jan. I — Dec. 31. 1848. Mar. II — Apr. 20, 27 — May 23; June 27 — 30; July 17 — Sept. 7; Oct. 2 — Nov. 23, 25 — Dec. 30. 1849. Jan. I — ^June 30; Nov. i — Dec. 31. 1850. Oct. 22. 1851. Feb. 3. 1852. Jan. I— Aug. 31. 1853. Jan. I— June 13, 15—19, 21, 23; July 2, 3; Nov. 2 — Dec. 31. 1854. Jan. 25; Apr. 8; May 27. 1855. Mar. 9; Sept. 6. 1856. Jan. I — Dec. 31. 1857. May 18; Nov. 13, 14; Dec. 15. 1858. Jan. 4, 12, 28. «^ i860. Dec. 17, 24, 29, 31. 1 86 1. Jan. 2 — ^July i. 57 numbers. 1862. May 26, 27. 1863. Mar. 21 — ^July 16. 21 numbers. 1867. July 15. Weekly edition: 1841. June 5; July 17, 31; Aug. 7; Sept. 4. 1842. Jan. 29. 1858. Jan. 9; Mar. 20; Apr. 3; May 8, 15; June 12, 19; July 3, 24, 31; Aug. 7 — Sept. 18; Oct. 2— Dec. 25. 1859. Jan. I — 15. i860. Oct. 27; Dec. I — 15. 1861. Apr. 13. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA— GEORGIA. 21 Washington (continued). National Journal. Tri-weekly. 1826. Jan. 28; Feb. 25; Apr. 6, 27. National Republican. Daily. 1862. Jan. 3 — ^June 27. 1863, Jan. I — 1883, Dec. 31. Weekly edition: 1882. Jan. 19 — Dec. 28. Political Register. See United States Telegraph. Republic. Semi-weekly. 1857, Sept. 22 — 1858, Sept. 17. Union. Daily. 1845, May 5—1846, Apr. 30. Semi-weekly edition: 1845. May 5. Tri-weekly edition: 1846, Jan. 5 — 1849, May i. United States Telegraph. Daily. 1828, Mar. I — 1833, May i. Continued as: Political Register. 1833. May 8 — Nov. 27. Washington City Chronicle. Weekly. 1832. Dec. 22. Washington Post. Daily. 1898, Apr. 8—1899, Sept. 28. FLORIDA. Jacksonville. News. Weekly. 1846. Jan. 9, 16. GEORGIA. Augusta. Constitutionalist. Semi-weekly. 1830. Feb. 26. Daily Chronicle and Sentinel. 1863. Sept. 22. 1864, Oct. 14 — 1865, Feb. 3. 22 GEORGIA— ILLINOIS. Columbus. Daily Sun. 1863. July II. Darien. Darien Gazette. Weekly. 1828. July 22; Aug. 12; Sept. 2. Macon. Georgia Messenger. Weekly. 1828. June 14; Aug. 9, 30; Oct. 18. MiLLEDGEVILLE. Georgia JoumaL Weekly and semi-weekly. 1832. May 31. Southern Recorder. Weekly. 1828. Aug. 9; Nov. 22. Southron. Weekly. 1828. Aug. 16; Nov. 26. Savannah. Georgia Gazette. Weekly. 1766. May 28; June 4; July 2, 9; Sept. 3. Washington. Monitor. Weekly. 1809. July 29. ILLINOIS. Alton. Alton Observer. Weekly. 1837. Jan. 12; June 15. Chicago. Chicago Daily Socialist. 191 1. July 25, Sept. 9, 23, Nov. i. Chicago Daily Tribune. 1873. Jan. I— June 30. 1876, Feb. I— 1887, Mar. 31. Chicago Herald. Daily. 1893. Oct. 9. Svenska Tribunen. Weekly. 1885. July 15. ILLINOIS— KENTUCKY. 23 Chicago (continued). Westen. Daily. 1880. Oct. 31 (with polyglot supplement). Western Herald. Weekly. 1846. Oct. 7. INDIANA. New Albany. Tippecanoe Banner and Spirit of Democracy. Weekly. 1840. May 6. IOWA. Des Moines. Saturday Mail. Weekly. 1886. Dec. 18. KANSAS. Fort Scott. Fort Scott Weekly Monitor. 1875. June 17. Lawrence. Kansas Herald of Freedom. Weekly. 1855. July 8; Nov. 10, 29; Dec. i, 15. 1856. Jan. 12 — Maya; Nov. i — Dec. 27. 1857. Jan. 3 — Feb. 7, 21, 28; Mar. 14; Apr. 11 — June 27. Torek A. Advocate and Topeka Tribune. Weekly. 1893. Mar. 15. KENTUCKY. Lexington. True American. Weekly. 1845, Jidy 8 — 1846, Oct. 21. Louisville. Daily Evening News. 1861. June II. 1862. Aug. 9. Continued as: 24 KENTUCKY— LOUISIANA. Louisville (continued). Evening News. 1864. May 11; Sept. 16. Evening Bulletin. 1862. Jtily 22. Examiner. Weekly. 1847, J^me 26 — 1849, Dec. 8. Louisville Daily Express. 1862. July 21. Louisville Daily Journal. 1863. Mar. 2 — Dec. 30. 1864. Jan. I — ^June 30. 1865. Jan. II — 1867, Dec. 27. 1869. Feb. 14 — Dec. 27. 1861 — 1864. Clippings, chiefly editorials. Weekly edition: 1863. Mar. 10 — ^Apr. 21; May 5, 19 — Dec. 29. 1864. Jan. 5 — ^June 28; July 8. 1865. Jan. 17 — Dec. 12. 1866. June 14; Oct. 13, 19, 20; Dec. i. Louisville Daily Union Press. 1865. May 30 (ist leaf); Aug. 28. Maysville. Maysville Eagle. Weekly. 1831. Jan. 18. 1832. Feb. 2. Richmond. Kentucky Register. Weekly. 1896. Aug. 28. LOUISIANA. Alexandria. Pictorial Democrat. 1863. Apr. 15. New Orleans. Abeille. Abeja. Bee. Daily. 1830. May 10; Aug. 3. Bee. See Abeille. LOUISIANA. 25 New Orleans (continued). Evening Trae Delta. Daily. 1862. May 22; Aug. 26. Gazette de la Louisiane. See Louisiana Gazette. Louisiana Gazette. Daily. 1818. Mar. 19. New Orleans Daily Creole. 1857. Jan. 10. New Orleans Price-Current and Commercial Litelligencer. Weekly. 1835, Oct. I — 1842, May 14. Continued as: New Orleans Price-Current, Conmiercial Intelligencer and Merchants' Transcript. Semi-weekly. 1842, May 21 — 1861, Aug. 24. New Orleans Republican. Daily. 1867. Apr. 10 — Dec. 31. 1870, Apr. I — 1877, Jan. 21. Semi-weekly : 1877. Jan. 24 — ^Jvme 2. Weekly: 1877. Jtme 9 — Nov. 10. New Orleans Times. Daily. 1864, Jan. 3 — 1868, June 30. Picayune. Daily. 1837. Jan. 25 — Aug. 15; Sept. I — Oct. 28. Continued as: Daily Picayune. 1849, Sept. I — 185 1, Feb. 28. 1851, July I— 1852, Oct. 31. 1854, Mar. I— 1855, June 30. 1856, Mar. I — 1857, Oct. 31, 1866. Jan. 3 — Dec. 30. Opelousas. Gazette des Opelousas. Weekly. 1828. Aug. 16. 26 MAINE— MARYLAND. MAINE. Augusta. Edes' Kennebec Gazette. Weekly. 1802. June 18. Bangor. Bangor Register. Weekly. 1831. Mar. 15. BUCKSPORT. Bucksport Clipper. Weekly. 1887. July 22. Lewiston. Maine Statesman. Weekly. 1898. Jan. 15 — Dec. 24. Portland. Gazette. Weekly. 1798. Nov. 12, 26; Dec. 17 — -31. 1799. Jan. 14 — Mar. 4. Gazette of Maine. Weekly. 1828. Sept. 2, 9; Oct. 21. MARYLAND. Annapolis. Maryland Gazette. Weekly. 1760. May 15, 22. •* 1765. Mar. 14; Aug. i, 8, 22 — Oct. 10, 31. 1766. Jan. 30; Mar. 6, 13; Apr. 10; May 15; Sept. 4. Baltimore. American and Commercial Advertiser. Daily. 1862, Oct. I — 1863, Dec. 31. Baltimore American. Daily. 1883. Aug. 20. 1897. Apr. 24. Baltimore Daily Gazette. 1863, Apr. 7 — Sept. 28. 1864, Apr. 6 — 1865, Sept. 16. Continued as: Baltimore Gazette. 1865, Sept. 18—1866, Apr. 5. MARYLAND. 27 Baltimore (continued). 1866, Oct. 6 — 1869, Dec. 31. Baltimore Daily News. 1877. July 2 — Dec. 31. Baltimore Minerva and Emerald. Weekly. 1829, May 2 — 1830, Apr. 3. Continued as: Baltimore Minerva. 1830. May 8 — ^June 26. Continued as: Baltimore Minerva and Saturday Post. 1830. July 3. Baltimore Patriot. Daily. 1837, Sept. 20 — 1838, July 7. Baltimore Weekly Magazine. 1800, Jiily 5 — 1801, May 20. Baltimore Whig. Daily. 181 1. July 9 — Dec. 27. Daily Exchange. 1859, Aug. 22 — 1861, Feb. 21. Emerald and Baltimore Literary Gazette. Weekly. 1828, Aug. 9 — 1829, Apr. II. Federal Gazette and Baltimore Daily Advertiser. 1796. Jan. I — June 30. 1798, Dec. 13 — 1799, Apr. 24. 1803. July I — Dec. 30. 1806, Jan. I — 1807, Dec. 31. Federal Republican and Commercial Gazette. Daily. 1809. Jan. 18, 30. Marylandische Teutsche Zeitung. Weekly. 1821, Mar. 7 — 1822, Mar. 13. Maryland Gazette; or, the Baltimore General Advertiser. Weekly. 1785, Dec. 27 — 1786, Jan. 6. Continued as: Maryland Gazette; or, the Baltimore Advertiser. Semi- weekly. 1786. Jan. 10 — 17. Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser. Semi- weekly. 1773. Aug., no. I (facsimile). 1785. Jan. 4 — Apr. 19, 26 — May 17, 27 — Dec. 30. 28 MARYLAND— MASSACHUSETTS. Baltimore (continued). Maryland News Sheet. Daily. 1862. Mar. 19 — Aug. 14. Niles' Weekly Register. 1811, Sept. 7—1848, P'eb. 26. Republican; or, Anti-Democrat. Tri-weekly. 1803. Oct. 19 — Nov. 21. South. Daily. 1861. April 23. Easton. People's Monitor. Weekly. 1809. Sept. 2, 16; Oct. 7. Fredericktown. Frederick-Town Herald. Weekly. 1804. Mar. 24. MASSACHUSETTS. Attleboro. Attleboro Advocate. Weekly. 1882. Dec. 16. Ayer. Public Spirit. Weekly. 1874. Jan. I. Boston. American Traveller. Semi-weekly. 1827, Nov. 16 — 1833, Apr. 19. Atlas. See Boston Daily Atlas. Bay State Democrat. Weekly. 1839. Mar I — Dec. 20. Beacon. Weekly. 1884, Feb. 16—1885, Jan. 24. Boston Advocate. Weekly. 1885. July II — Sept. 19. Boston Chronicle. Weekly and semi-weekly. 1767, Dec. 21 (no. i) — 1768, Dec. 5-12 (no. 52). 1769. Feb. 9-13 (no. 66) — Oct. 23-26 ^no. 139), Boston Commercial Gazette. See Boston Gazette. MASSACHUSETTS. 29 Boston (continued). Boston Courier. Semi-weekly edition: 1829. Mar. 12. 1836, July 18 — 1840, Dec. 31. 1842. Jvily 23. Clippings of editorials from scattered numbers : 1863—1865. Boston Daily Advertiser. 1814. Sept. 7. 1819. Dec. 7. 1830. Jvdy 15. 1831. Feb. 28. 1844. June 25. 1849, Jan. 1—1853, Dec. 31. 1856, Jan. I — 1877, Dec. 29. 1886, Jan. I — 1893, Dec. 30. Weekly edition: 1862. Sept. 7 — 1867, Dec. 5. Continued as: Thursday Spectator and Boston Weekly Advertiser. 1867. Dec. 12 — 1869, Feb. 4. Continued as: Boston Weekly Spectator. 1869. Feb. II — ^April i. 1870. Jan. 6 — Dec. 29. Boston Daily Atlas. 1833. Sept. 24, 25. 1 84 1. April 27 (last leaf). 1844. June 25. Boston Daily Journal. 1862, Oct. 20 — 1863, Dec. 31. 1865. Jan. 19. Boston Daily Times. 1848. Dec. 7. Boston Daily Traveller. 1892. Mar. 19 — June i. Weekly edition published imder title: Our Country and Weekly Traveller. 1892. Mar. 19 — June 2. 3 36 MASSACHUSETTS. Boston (continued). Boston Evening Bulletin and United States Republican. Semi-weekly. 1829. Nov. 23. Boston Evening Post. Weekly. 1745. Jan. 14, 21; Mar. 18. 1751. May 6. 1765. Jan. 21; Aug. 12 — Dec. 30. 1766. Jan. 6, 20 — Feb. 24; Mar. 17 — 31; Apr. 14; May 26; Aug. 11; Oct. 6, 20. 1769. Aug. 21. Oct. 9. 1770. Oct. 22. 1773. Oct. 25. 1774. June 27. Boston Evening Transcript. Daily. 1830. July 24. 1874. Feb. 9. (reduced facsimile). 1890. Oct. I — Dec. 31. 1891. Jan. I — ^June 24. Boston Gazette. Weekly. 1735. Feb. 10-17 (no. 789); June 2-9 (no. 805), 23-30 (no. 808); Aug. 4-1 1 (no. 814). 1738. May 22-29 (iio- 959)- Continued as: Boston Gazette and the Country Journal. 1758. Jan. 16; Aug. 7. 1762. Mar. 15 — ^Apr. 12, 26 — July 5, 19 — Dec. 27. 1763. Jan. 3 — 24; Feb. 7 — May 16, 30 — Dec. 26. 1764. Jan. 2, 16 — Feb. 27; Mar. 12 — ^June 4, 25 — Aug. 27; Oct. 8, 29 — Nov. 12, 26 — Dec. 31. 1765. Aug. 5 — Oct. 14, 21 — Dec. 30. 1766. Jan. 6 — Apr. 28; May 12, 26 — ^June 2, 16, 30; July 21, 28; Aug. 18, 25; Sept. 15 — 29; Oct. 13 — 27; Nov. 10 — Dec. 22, 1767. Jan. 5, 12. 1768. Jan. 4 — Feb. 29; Mar. 14 — Sept. 12, 26 — Dec. 26. 1769. Jan. 2 — Dec. 25. 1770. Jan. I — Feb. 12, 19 (supplement only), 26 — ^Apr. 30; May 14 — Sept. 10, 24 — Dec. 24. MASSACHUSETTS. 31 Boston (continued). 1771. Jan. 21, 28; Feb. 11, 18; Mar. 4 — Apr. 8, 22 — Sept. 16; Oct. 21 — Nov. 4; Dec. 2 — 30. 1772. Oct. 5. 1773. Jan. 25; Feb. 22; Mar. 15, 29 — Apr. 12, 26 — May 3, 17; July 5— 26; Aug. 30; Sept. 20; Oct. 11— Nov. I, 22. 1774. Feb. 21 — Mar. 14, 28 — Apr. 25; May 23; June 13, 20; July 4, 18; Aug. I, 8, 22 — Oct. 24; Dec. 12. 1775. Jan. 9—23; Feb. 13—27; Mar. 20; Apr. 3—17; July 3; Sept. II, 25; Oct. 2, 16 — 30; Dec. 11 — 25. 1777- Jan. 13 — Mar. 10, 24 — June 2, 16 — Sept. 15, 29 — Dec. 29. 1778. Jan. 5 — June i, 15 — Dec. 7, 21, 28. 1781. Oct. 15, 29; Nov. 5, 12. 1782. Feb. 25; Apr. i; May 20; July 22. 1785. Jan. 10 — ^Jime 13, 27 — Dec. 26. 1786. Jan. 2 — June 19; July 3 — Dec. 18. 1787. Jan. I — Dec. 30. 1788. Jan. 7 — May 26; June 9 — ^July 7. Boston Gazette, Commercial and Political. Semi-weekly. 1801. Jan. I — Dec. 31. Continued as: Boston Gazette. 1803, Jan. 6 — 1804, Dec. 31. 1808. Jan. 4 — Dec. 29. Continued as: Boston Commercial Gazette. 1818. Jan. 15. 1829. Dec. 3. Boston Intelligencer and Evening Gazette. See Evening Gazette and General Advertiser. Boston Morning Journal. Daily. 1865. Jan. 19. Boston Morning Post. Daily. 1839. Oct. 28. Boston News-Letter. Weekly. 1704, Apr. 17-24 (no. i) — 1707, Dec. 22-29 (^^o- i93)« (photographs). 1718. Mar. 17-24 (no. 727). 32 MASSACHUSETTS. Boston (continued). 1760. Apr. 10. Continued as: Massachusetts Gazette and Boston News-Letter. 1764. Jan. 5. 1765. Aug. 8, 15, 29 — Sept. 5; Oct. 10 — Nov. 14; Dec. 6, 19. 1766. Jan. 2 — 16, 30 — Feb. 27; Mar. 13 — ^Apr. 3; May I, 15, 22; July 10; Sept. 4. Boston Patriot. Semi-weekly. 1809, Mar. 3 — 181 1, Dec. 28. 1813, Jan. 2 — 1816, Feb. 21. Continued as: Boston Patriot and Mercantile Advertiser. Daily. 1829. May 19 — ^Aug. 15. 5 numbers. Boston Post. Daily. 1 86 1. 8 ntimbers. 1862. 30 numbers. 1863. 25 numbers. 1864. 30 nimibers. 1865. 25 numbers. Boston Post-Boy and Advertiser. Weekly. 1765. Aug. 5 — Sept. 9; Oct. 7 — 21; Nov. 4 — Dec. 30. 1766. Jan. 6 — Feb. 24; Mar. 17 — ^Apr. 7, 21; May 5, 26. 1767. Mar. 23. Boston Press. 1832. Nov. 15. '^ Boston Recorder. Weekly. Recorder. 1816. Jan. 3 — Dec. 24. Continued as: Boston Recorder. 1817, Jan. I — 1824, Dec. 25. Continued as: Recorder and Telegraph. 1825. Jan. I — Dec. 3. Continued as: Boston Recorder and Telegraph. 1826, Jan. 6 — 1827, Dec. 28. Continued as: Boston Recorder and Religious Telegraph. 1828, Jan. 4 — 1830, June 30. Continued as: Boston Recorder. 1830, July 7 — 1848, Dec, 29. M\ MASSACHUSETTS. 33 Boston (continued). Merged with New England Puritan as: Puritan Recorder. 1849, May 17 — 1858, May 13. Continued as: Boston Recorder. 1858, May 20 — 1867, May 17. Merged with Congrega- tionalist as : Congregationalist Recorder. 1867. May 24 — ^Aug. 30. Continued as: Congregationalist and Boston Recorder. 1867, Sept. 5 — 1870, Oct. 27. Continued as: Congregationalist. 1870, Nov. 3 — 1882, Dec. 27. Boston Spectator, Devoted to Politicks and Belles-Lettres. Weekly. 1814, Jan. I — 1815, Feb. 25. Boston Spectator. Weekly. 1825. Jan. I — Dec. 31. Continued as: Boston Spectator and Ladies' Album. 1826. Jan. 7 — Dec. 16. Boston Telegraph. Weekly. 1824. Jan. I — Dec. 23. 1832. July 25. Boston Weekly Magazine. 1803, Oct. 29 — 1804, Oct. 20. 1816, Oct. 12— 1818, Nov. 7. 1838, Sept. 8 — 1841, Sept. 11. Boston Weekly Messenger. See Weekly Messenger. Boston Weekly Spectator. See Boston Daily Advertiser. British American Citizen. Weekly. 1887. Oct. 29. Columbian Centinel. See Massachusetts Centinel. Commonwealth and Emancipator. See Weekly Common- wealth. Congregationalist. Weekly. 1856. Nov. 28. 1857. Oct. 9. 1861. Feb. I — July 19. 34 MASSACHUSETTS. Boston (continued). 1862, Jan. 10 — 1867, May 7. Merged with the Boston Recorder. Constitutional Telegraph. Semi-weekly. 1799. Oct. 5 — 20, 29 — Dec. 21. Continued as: Constitutional Telegraphe. 1800. Jan. I — Dec. 24. Continental Journal and Weekly Advertiser. 1780. Sept. 14. 1781. Dec. 6, 14. Daily Evening Traveller. 1864. Dec. 31. Degrand's Boston Weekly Report. 1819, May 8 — 1821, May 12. Democrat. Semi-weekly. 1809. Jan. 4 — Mar. 4. Echo de la Semaine. 1898. Jan. I. Emancipator and Free American. For earlier issues see New York. Emancipator. 1842, Mar. 17 — 1844, Mar. 21. Continued as: Emancipator and Weekly Chronicle. 1844, Mar. 27 — 1845, Oct. 8. Continued as: Emancipator. 1845, Oct. 15 — 1848, Sept. 13. Continued as: Emancipator and Free Soil Press. 1848. Sept. 20 — Nov. 10. Continued as: Emancipator and Republican. 1848, Nov. 17 — 1850, Dec. 26. Evening Gazette and General Advertiser. Weekly. 1814, Aug. 20 — 1815, Aug. 12. Continued as: Boston InteUigencer and Evening Gazette. 1820, Jan. 15 — 182 1, Nov. 10. Continued as: Evening Gazette. 1821, Dec. I — 1822, Oct. 12. 1825. Apr. 2 — Dec. 31. 1826. Jan. 15 — Dec. 2. MASSACHUSETTS. 35 Boston (continued). 1827, Jan. 20 — 1830, Dec. 25. Free American. Weekly. 1841. June 10. Free Press. Weekly. 1829. Aug. 21. Independent Chronicle and the Universal Advertiser. Weekly. 1777. Apr. 3, 17 — Nov. 13, 27 — Dec. 29. 1778. Jan. I — 15, 29; Feb. 12, 26 — Mar. 12, 26 — ^Apr. 16; May 7 — -July 2, i6 — 23; Aug. 6 — Sept. 10; Oct. I — 15, 29 — Dec. 31. 1779- Js^n. 7 — Mar. 25; Apr. 15 — May 7, 20 — June 3, 17— Aug. 5, 19— Dec. 30. 1780. Jan. 6 — Feb. 3, 17 — Mar. 16, 30 — May 4, 18 — Nov. 2, 16 — Dec. 28. 1781. Nov. 22. Semi-weekly : 1794. Aug. 18. 1795- JO'ii- 12, 19, 26; Feb. 2 — May 4, 11 — Aug. 3, 10 — 31; Sept. 7, 14 — Dec. 31. 1796. Jan. 4 — May 5, 16 — Dec. 29. 1797. Jan. 2 — 26; Feb. 2 — Mar. 30; Apr. 3 — Dec. 28. 1798. Jan. I — Dec. 31. 1799. Jan. 3 — -Sept. 9, 16 — •26; Oct. 7, 14 — Dec. 30. 1800. Jan. 2 — Dec. 17. Continued as: Independent Chronicle. 1801. Dec. 21 — 1809, Dec. 28. 181 1. Jan. 3 — Dec. 30. Continued as: Independent Chronicle and Boston Patriot. 1828, Aug. 20 — -1829, Mar. 21. 1829, June 17; Dec. 26. 1830, Mar. 6 (with 2 supplements). Independent Ledger and American Advertiser. Weekly. 1778. July 13 — Sept. 14, 28 — Oct. 12; Nov. 9 — Dec. 14. 1782. Jan. 7. Liberator. Weekly. 1831, Jan. I — 1865, Dec. 29. 36 MASSACHUSETTS. Boston (continued). Massachusetts Centinel. Semi-weekly. 1785. Jan. I — 22, 29 — Mar. 2, 9 — Dec. 28. 1786. Jan. 4 — Mar. 18, 1788. Sept. 17 — Dec. 31. 1789. Jan. 3 — 24, 31 — May 2, 9 — Sept. 2, 9, 12 — Oct. 17, 24, 31 — Dec. 12, 23 — 30. Continued as: Columbian Centinel. 1791. Jan. I — 22, 29 — Mar. 30; Apr. 6 — 16, 23 — May 14, 21 — ^June 8, 16 — Sept. 14, 21 — 28; Oct. 15 — Dec. 31- 1792. Jan. 14, 21, 28 — Feb. 4, 11 — 22, 29; Mar. 3 — 10, 24; June 30; Aug. i; Sept. i, 8, 12, 19 — Oct. 3, 17; Nov. 7 — Dec. I, 8 — 29. 1793. Jime 8 — 19, 26 — Oct. 30; Nov. 6 — Dec. 28. 1794. Jan. I — Oct. 15, 22 — Nov. 5, 12 — Dec. 31. 1795. Jan. 3—1798, Dec. 29. 1799. Jan. 2 — Apr. 24; May i — ^June 5, 12 — ^July 27; Aug. 3 — Oct. 2. Continued as: Columbian Centinel and Massachusetts Federalist. 1799. Oct. 5 — Nov. 6, 13 — 20, 30 — Dec. 21. 1800, Jan. I — 1804, Sept. i. Continued as: Columbian Centinel. 1804, Sept. 5 — 183 1, Oct. 29. Massachusetts Gazette. Weekly. For earlier issues see Salem, Salem Gazette. 1785. Nov. 28 — Dec. 26. 1786. Jan. 2— July 31. _ . Semi-weekly : 1786. Aug. 22 — Dec. 29. 1787. Jan. 2 — May 25; June i — Aug. 21; Sept. 7, 11, 21 — Oct. 12, 19 — Nov. 2, 9 — Dec. 21. Massachusetts Gazette and Boston News-Letter. See Bos- ton News-Letter. Massachusetts Mercury. Semi-weekly. 1798. Aug. 10, 14, 17. 1799, Jan. 4 — 1800, Dec. 30. Continued as: Mercury and New England Palladium. MASSACHUSETTS. 37 Boston (continued). 1801, Jan. 2 — 1803, Mar. 4. Continued as : New England Palladium. 1803, Mar. II — 1813, Apr. 20. Continued as: New England Palladium and Commercial Advertiser. 1 8 13. Apr. 23 — Dec. 31. 1815. Sept. 8. 1816. Jan. 9 — Dec. 31. 1818. Jan. 2 — Sept. 26. 1824, Oct. 22 — 1827, Dec. 28. 1828. Dec. 2 (first leaf). 1829. Feb. 20; Apr. 17. 1830. Feb. 26. ' Morning Star. Weekly. 1877. June 20. Native American Republican. Weekly. 1844. Nov. 16. New England Courant. Weekly. 1723. Feb. 4-11 (no. 80. facsimile). New England Galaxy. Weekly. 1821, Feb. 9 — 1825, Jan. 14. 1829. July 24. 1830. Nov. 19 — Dec. 3. Continued as: New England Galaxy and United States Literary Advertiser. 1830, Dec. 24 — 1831, Apr. 15. Continued as: New England Galaxy. 1831, May 7 — 1832, Apr. 28. New England Palladium. See Massachusetts Mercury. New England Palladium and Commercial Advertiser. See Massachusetts Mercury. New England Puritan. Weekly. 1841, July 22 — 1849, May 10. Merged with: Boston Recorder. New England Weekly Journal. 1728. Apr. 8. (facsimile). Our Country, and Weekly Traveller. See Boston Daily Traveller. 38 MASSACHUSETTS. Boston (continued). Publick Occurrences, Both Foreign and Domestick. 1690. Sept. 25 (facsimile). Puritan Recorder. See Boston Recorder. Recorder. See Boston Recorder. Recorder and Telegraph. See Boston Recorder. Repertory, Semi -weekly. 1805, Jan. I — 181 1, Jan. 28. Continued as: Repertory and General Advertiser. 1811. July 2 — Nov. I. Thursday Spectator and Boston Weekly Advertiser. See Boston Daily Advertiser. United States Literary Advertiser, and Journal of Politics. Weekly. 1830. June 19 — Nov. 6. Merged with New England Galaxy. Weekly Chronot3rpe. 1846, May 28 — 1847, May 20. Weekly Commonwealth. 1850. July 19 — Dec. 27. Continued as: Commonwealth and Emancipator. 1 8 5 1 . Jan . 4 — ^July 1 2 . Continued as : Weekly Commonwealth. 1852, Jan. 3—1854, Sept. 23. Weekly Messenger. ^ 181 1, Oct. 25 — 1815, Oct. 13. Continued as: Boston Weekly Messenger. 1815, Oct. 20 — 1820, June 8. Continued as: Weekly Messenger. 1820, June 15 — 1831, Dec. 29. Woman's Journal. Weekly. 1884, Apr. 12 — 1886, Aug. 14. 1888. Aug. 25. Yankee. Weekly. 1813, Dec. 31 — 1814, Dec. 23. Yankee and Boston Literary Gazette. Weekly. 1828. Nov. 26. MASSACHUSETTS. 39 Cambridge. Cambridge Chronicle. Weekly. 1848. Jan. 13; Oct. 12. 1849. July 19; Dec. 27. Cambridge Tribune. 1890. June, (souvenir number) . New England Chronicle or, the Essex Gazette. Weekly. For earlier issues see Salem, Essex Gazette. 1775. May 2-12 (no. 354)— July 27-Aug. 3 (no. 366), 10-17 (no. 368) — Nov. 2-9 (no. 380), 24-30 (no. 383) — Dec. 21-28 (no. 387). 1776. Jan. 18-25 (no. 391); Feb. 1-8 (no. 393), 8-22 (no. 394); Mar. 6-14 (no. 397) — 28-Apr. 4 (no. 400). Cottage City. Martha's Vineyard Herald. Weekly. 1887, Nov. 24—1888, Oct. II. Greenfield. Greenfield Gazette and Franklin Herald. Weekly. 1828. Sept. 9, 16. Haverhill. Essex Gazette. Weekly. 1828. Sept. 6, 13; Nov. 15, 29; Dec. 6. 1832. Nov. 30. Lowell. Lowell Morning Times. Daily. 1879, Dec. 17 — 1880, Dec. 31. 1882. Jan. 2 — Dec. 30. 1883, July 2—1895, June 29. Lynn. Locomotive. Weekly. 1842. July 6. Lynn Mirror and Essex Democrat. Weekly. 1830. Mar. 6. Nantucket. Nantucket Daily Inquirer. 1844. Oct. II. 40 MASSACHUSETTS. Nantucket (continued). Nantucket Inquirer. Tri-weekly. 1846. Feb. 9. New Bedford. New Bedford Courier. Weekly. 1 83 1. May 24. Northampton. Hampshire County Journal. 1887. Oct. (quarter-centennial edition). Hampshire Gazette. Weekly. 1792. Sept. 5. 1828. July 30; Aug. 20, 27. 1886. Sept. 6. Pittsfield. Argus. Weekly. 1830. Mar. 4. Berkshire Coimty Whig. Weekly. 1842. Jan. 27; Feb. 3, 10; May 10. Plymouth. Old Colony Memorial and Plymouth County Advertiser. Weekly. 1827. Jan. 20. Continued as: Old Colony Memorial. 1827. July 28. Salem. *» Essex County Mercury. Weekly. 1863. Apr. 15. 1878. Sept. 25. Essex Gazette. Weekly. 1768. Aug. 2 (no. i) — Nov. 22-29 (i^o- 18); Dec. 6-13 (no. 20) — 20-27 (rio- 22). 1768-9, Dec. 20-27 (j^o- 23) — 1770-71, Dec. 25-Jan. i (no. 127). 1771. Jan. 1-8 (no. 128) — Apr. 30-May 7 (no. 145), 14-21 (no. 147)— July 30-Aug. 6 (no. 158), 13-20 (no. 160), 20-27 (no. 161); Sept. 17-24 (no. 165) — Oct. 22-29 (no. 170); Nov. 12-19 (iio- 173) — 26- Dec. 3 (no. 175), 10-17 (no. 177)— 23-30 (no. 179). MASSACHUSETTS. 41 Salem {continued). 1772. Jan. 7-14 (no. 181) — Feb. 11-18 (no. 186), 25- Mar. 3 (no. 188), 3-10 (no. 189), 24-31 (no. 192) — May 12-19 (no. 199), 26-June 2 (no. 201) — Dec. 22-29 (no. 231). 1772-3- Dec. 29-Jan. 5 (no. 232) — 26-Feb. 2 (no. 236), 9-16 (no. 238) — Mar. 30-Apr. 6 (no. 245), 13-20 (no. 247) — ^June 1-8 (no. 254), 15-22 (no. 256) — Dec. 21-28 (no. 283). 1773-4. Dec. 28-Jan. 4 (no. 284) — ^July 19-26 (no. 312); Aug. 2-9 (no. 315)— Dec. 20-27 (no. 335). 1774-5. Dec. 27-Jan. 3 (no. 336) — Apr. 25-May 2 (no. 353). For continuation see Cambridge, New England Chronicle: or, the Essex Gazette. Essex Register. Semi-weekly. 1818. Mar. 17. 1827. Oct. I. Observer. Weekly. 1823. Mar. 15. Continued as: Salem Observer. 1828. May 17. 1867. Sept. 18. 1868. Sept. 12. 1869. Sept. II. Salem Gazette. See also Salem Mercury. Salem Gazette. Weekly. 1781. Feb. 27; Mar. 6; Oct. 25; Nov. i, 8, 22; Dec. 6, 13—27. 1782. Jan 3 — Dec. 12, 26. 1783. Jan. 2 — Nov. 27; Dec. 12 — 25. 1 784. Apr. 8 — 1 785, Nov. 22. For continuation see Boston, Massachusetts Gazette. Salem Mercury. Weekly. 1786. Oct. 14, 28 — Dec. 30. 1787. Jan. 6 — Dec. 25. 1788. Jan. I — ^July 8, 22 — Oct. 7, 21 — Dec. 16, 30. 1789. Jan. 6, 13, 27 — Apr. 14, 28 — June 30; July 14 — Oct. 13; Nov. 3, ID, 24; Dec. 8 — 29. Continued as: 42 MASSACHUSETTS. Salem (continued). Salem Gazette. 1792. Nov. 20 — Dec. 25. 1793. Jan. I — Aug. 27, Nov. 26 — Dec. 10. 1794. Feb. II — 1796, May 31. Semi-Weekly: 1796. June 3 — Dec. 16, 23 — 30. 1797. Jan. 3— June 6, 13— July 18, 25— Dec. 29. 1798. Jan. 2 — Sept. 28; Oct. 5 — Dec. 29. 1799. Jan. I — Mar. 22, 26 — July 19, 26 — Oct. 29; Nov. 5 — Dec. 6, 13, 20 — 27. 1800. Mar. 7 — 1892, Oct. 14. Daily: 1892, Oct. 17 — 1896, Dec. 31. Salem Register. Semi-weekly. 1804, Jan. 2 — 1805, June 20. 1806. Jan. 23. 1857. Nov. 26. Springfield. Hampden Journal. Weekly. 1825. Jan. 5 — Dec. 28. Republican and Journal. 1837. Nov. 25. Springfield Daily Union. 1872, June 13 — 1878, June 29. ^ Weekly edition: 1893. Jan. 5. Springfield Gazette. Weekly. 1831, Sept. 14 — -1837, Mar. 29. 1843. Dec. 6. 1844. Oct. 30. (extra.) Springfield Republican. Weekly. 1824, Sept. 22 — 1825, Dec. 28. 1828. Sept. 10; Dec. 10. 1859, Jan. I— 1863, Jan. 17. 1866, Jan. 6 — 1871, Dec. 29. 1873. Jan. 3 — Dec. 26. 1900. Jan. 5 — Dec. 29. MASSACHUSETTS. 43 Springfield (continued). Semi-weekly edition: 1863, Sept. 9 — Dec. 30. Tri-weekly edition: i860. Jan. 2 — Dec. 28. 1862, Jan. I — 1863, Sept. 7. Daily edition: 1863, Jan. I — 1865, Dec. 30. 1873. Jan. I — Dec. 31. Stockbridge. Western Star. Weekly. 1799. Dec. 24. 1800. Jan. 7, 14 — May 13, 26 — July 14. WOBURN. Wobum Journal. Weekly. 1888. Jan. 20— Feb. 3. Worcester. Independent Gazetteer. 1801. Jan. 20; May 19; June 23. Massachusetts Spy ; or, American Oracle of Liberty. Weekly. 1775. May 3. (facsimile). Continued as: Thomas's Massachusetts Spy; or, The Worcester Gazette. 1788. Apr. 3. 1790. Mar. 4 — Dec. 30. 1 79 1. Jan. 6 — Feb. 17; Mar. 3 — 30; Apr. 14, 21; May 12 — 26; Jime 16, 23; July 7 — 21; Aug. 4 — Sept. 8, 29 — Nov. 3, 16; Dec. 15 — 29. 1792. Mar. I — 1794, Dec. 31. 1795. Jan. 7— May 13. 1797, Mar. I — 1800, Feb. 26. 1801, Jan. 7 — 1802, Dec. 29. 1805. Mar. 6 — Dec. 25. 1806. Jan. I — Feb. 12; May 7. 1807. Jan. 7 — 1820, Feb. 23. Continued as: Massachusetts Spy. Worcester Advertiser. 1823. Dec. 21. Continued as: Massachusetts Spy and Worcester County Advertiser. 44 MASSACHUSETTS— MINNESOTA. Worcester (continued). 1828. Aug. 27. Continued as : Massachusetts Weekly Spy. 1864. Jan. 6 — ^June 29. Daily edition under title : Worcester Daily Spy. 1864, Jan. I — 1865, Dec. 30. Massachusetts Teoman. Weekly. 1823, Sept. 3—1824, Aug. 25. National Aegis. Weekly. 1802, Jan. 6 — 1805, Dec. 11. 1821. July 4. 1828. June 25; Aug. 13; Sept. 17; Dec. 3,10. Continued as: National Aegis and General Advertiser. 1832. Oct. 3. Skandinavia. Weekly. 1890. Sept. 26. Thomas's Massachusetts Spy; or, The Worcester Gazette. See Massachusetts Spy; or, American Oracle of Liberty. Worcester Daily Spy. See Massachusetts Spy ; or, American Oracle of Liberty. MICHIGAN. ^ Detroit. Detroit Advertiser and Tribune. Daily. 1863. Jan. 24 — Dec. 31. Detroit Free Press. Daily. 1864, Jan. I — 1865, Dec. 31. Weekly edition: 1864, May 2 — 1865, Dec. 11. MINNESOTA. Henning. Alliance Advocate. Weekly. 1891. Sept. 17. MINNESOTA— MISSOURI. 45 Hutchinson. Hutchinson Leader. Daily. 191 2. Sept. 27; Oct. 4. Minneapolis. Minneapolis Times. Daily. 1890. Jan. I. St. Paul. Daily Pioneer Press. 1893. July 8. MISSISSIPPI. Jackson. Daily Mississippian. 1862. Dec. 14. Natchez. Natchez Weekly Courier. 1854. Mar. 13. Statesman and Gazette. Weekly. 1828. July 17; Aug. 7. ViCKSBURG. Daily Evening Citizen. 1 86 1. Jime i — Dec. 31. 1863. July 2. MISSOURI. Columbia. Missouri Statesman. Weekly. 1846. Jan. 30. Liberal. Liberal. 1886. June 3. St. Joseph. St. Joseph Daily Herald. 1888. Jan. 2. St. Louis. Breeze. Weekly. 1884. May 3. 3* 46 MISSOURI— NEW HAMPSHIRE. St. Louis (continued). Daily Missouri Republican. 1859, Jan. I — 1865, Dec. 31. Continued as: Missouri Republican. 1877. Sept. 10. Leader. Weekly. 1855. Mar. 10 — Sept. i. Missouri Gazette. Weekly. 1808. July 26. (reprint). St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Daily. 1889. Apr. 7. St. Louis Republic. Daily 1891. Dec. 23. NEBRASKA. Nebraska City. Daily Nebraska Press. 1887. May 15. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Concord. Daily Patriot. 1850. June 6— July 13. 1 85 1. June 5— July 5- Hill's New Hampshire Patriot. Weekly. ^^ 1840. Nov. 25. 1841, May 19 — 1842, Mar. 25. New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette. Weekly. 1826, Jan. 9 — 1832, Nov. 19. 1834, Mar. 31 — 1835, Dec. 28. 1837, Jan. 2 — 1840, Dec. 25. 1843, Jan- 5 — 1844, Dec. 26. Manchester. Daily Union. 1880. Nov. 15. Portsmouth. Freeman's Journal ; or, New Hampshire Gazette. Weekly, 1778. Mar. 31. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 47 Portsmouth (continued). New Hampshire Gazette. Weekly. 1760. Sept. 5. 1765. May 24; July 12; Aug. 16 — Sept. 27; Oct. 11 — Nov. 15, 29; Dec. 13 — 27. 1766. Jan. 17 — Feb. 7, 21; Mar. 14, 28; Apr. 4, Sept. 4; Nov. 7, 14. 1779. Feb. 2. 1799. Dec. 28. 1800. Jan. I — Dec. 30. 1803, Jan. 25 — 1806, May 6. , Oracle of the Day. Weekly. 1796, Jan. 9 — 1799, Dec. 21. Continued as: United States Oracle of the Day. 1 80 1. Jan. 3 — Oct. 10. Continued as: United States Oracle and Portsmouth Advertiser. 1 801, Oct. 17 — 1802, Apr. 3. Continued as: United States Oracle, (For the Country.) 1802, Apr. 13 — 1803, Sept. 13. Continued as: United States Oracle and Portsmouth Advertiser. 1803, Sept. 17. Continued as: United States Oracle, (For the Country). 1803. Sept 20. Continued as: United States Oracle and Portsmouth Advertiser. 1803. Oct. I — 15. Continued: Tuesday edition : Oracle Post. 1803, Nov. I — 1804, Feb. 21. Saturday edition : Portsmouth Oracle. 1803. Oct. 22. 1804. Jan. 14; Feb. 25 — Dec. 29. 1805. Jan. 5—1809, Dec. 30. Portsmouth Mercury and Weekly Advertiser. 1765. Sept 2, 23; Oct. 7, 14,28; Nov. 13 — Dec. 2, 16 — 30. 1766. Jan. 27; Feb. 10, 17. Walpole. Farmer's Weekly Museum: New Hampshire and Vermont Journal. 1797. Apr. II — Sept. 11; Oct. 2, 23 — Dec. 26. 48 NEW HAMPSHIRE— NEW JERSEY. Walpole (continued). 1798. Jan. 2, 23 — Mar. 27; Apr. 10 — May 8; June 5 — 26. NEW JERSEY. Bridgeton. Plaindealer. 1775, Dec. 25 — 1776, Feb. 12. (reprints). Elizabeth. Essex Patriot. Weekly. 1813. Jan. 12. New Jersey Journal. Weekly. 181 2. May 12; July 28. Continued as: New Jersey Journal and Elizabeth-Town Gazette. 1822. Oct. 22. Mount Holly. New Jersey Mirror. Weekly. 1893. Dec. 20. (7Sth anniversary number). Newark. Newark Daily Advertiser. 1832. Mar. I — Jirne 7. Sentinel of Freedom and New Jersey Advertiser. Weekly. 1828. Sept. 16; Nov. 25; Dec. 9. 1830. Feb. 23. «^ Rahway. New Jersey Advocate. Weekly. 1823. Mar. II. Trenton. Trenton Federalist. Weekly. 1828. July 28; Aug. 18; Sept. i, 15; Dec. 8, 15. True American. Weekly. 1804. May 14. 1806. Dec. I. 1807. Mar. 2. 1808. Apr. 18; Aug. 15; Sept. 19. 1809. Apr. 24. 1810. Sept. 10. NEW JERSEY— NEW YORK. 49 WOODBRIDGE. Constitutional Courant. 1765. Sept. 21. NEW YORK. Albany. Albany Advertiser. Semi-weekly. 1815, Oct. 21 — 1817, Jan. 20. Albany Argus. Daily. 1827. Jan. 25. 1828. Mar. 7; Apr. extra. 1829. Jan. 17 — 1834, Dec. 31. 1836, Jan. I — 1846, June 30. 1848. Aug. 21. Continued as : Argus. 1897. Dec. 12. Semi-weekly edition: 1828, Jan. I — 1829, May 19. Albany Atlas. See Albany Evening Atlas. Albany Centinel. Semi-weekly. 1800. July 15. Albany Daily Eagle. 1851. Sept. 2. Albany Daily Knickerbocker. 1847. Nov. 25. 1848. Mar. 24; Jvine 14; July 6, 8, 18. 1849. May 22. Albany Daily Messenger. 1849. May 21. Albany Dutchman. Weekly. 1851. Apr. 5. Albany Evening Atlas. Daily. 1840, Dec. 10 — 1 841, Apr. 17. Continued as: Albany Morning Atlas. 1841, Apr. 19 — Sept. 9. 1842, Aug. 8 — 1843, Mar. 25. Continued as: so NEW YORK. Albany (continued). Albany Evening Atlas. 1843, Mar. 28 — 1844, Feb. 14. 1845. Sept. 19 — 22; Nov. 4 — 6. 1846. Feb. 6—12. Semi-weekly edition under title : Albany Atlas. 1844, Mar. I — 1849, Feb. 23. Albany Evening Journal. 1830, Aug. II — 1832, Sept. 27. 1833. Apr. 27; Oct. 12; Dec. 11. 1834. Apr. 2; June 20. 1845, Jan. 2 — Dec. 31. 1846, July I — Dec. 31. 1847, Jan. 2—1873, Dec. 30. Albany Gazette. Semi- weekly. 1828. Sept. 12. 1829. Jan. 9. 1837, Mar. 28 — 1838, Mar. 23. Albany Gazette and Daily Advertiser. 1818. Sept. I. Albany Morning Atlas. See Albany Evening Atlas. Albany Morning Express. 1847. Sept. 13 — 1856, Mar. 22. 1874, Oct. 14 — 1877, Oct. 12. Albany Patriot. Daily. 1825. Sept. 20. Albany Register. Weekly. 1792. July 30. Semi-weekly : 1806, Oct. 10 — 1808, Dec. 30. Argus. See Albany Argus. Atlas. See Albany Evening Atlas. Balance and New York State Journal. Semi-weekly. For earlier issues see entry under Hudson, N. Y. 1809. Jan. 4 — Dec. 29. Continuedjas : Balance and State Journal. 1811. Jan. I — Dec. 24. NEW YORK. 51 Albany (continued). Journal and Telegraph. Weekly. 1832, Dec. I — 1833, Nov. 23. Sunday Press. 1873. Oct. 19; Nov. 16. BiNGHAMTON. Broome County Courier and Country Literary Gazette. Weekly. 1831. Dec. 29. Broome Republican. Weekly. 1831. Dec. 29. Brooklyn. Brooklyn Daily Eagle. 1903, Jan. I — 1909, Dec. 31. Brookljm Daily Union. 1872, Jan. 2 — 1873, Dec. 31. 1876, Jan. 3 — 1877, Feb. 17. Continued as: Brooklyn Daily Union- Argus. 1877, Feb. 19 — 1878, Dec. 31. Brooklyn Evening Star. Daily. 1827. Apr. 2 — June 30. Long Island Patriot. Weekly. 1822. May I, 8, 22; June 19; July 17; Aug. 21. Long Island Star. Weekly. 1828. Nov. 20. National Monitor. 1875. Jiily 29. Ostems Harold. Weekly. 1897. July I. Canandaigua. Ontario Repository. Weekly. 1828. Aug. 13; Sept. 10, 17. 1831. Jan. 26. Catskill. Catskill Packet. Weekly. 1792. Aug. 6 — Dec. 31. 1793. Jan. 7, 14, 28 — Mar. 25; Apr. 8 — 22; May — July 29; Aug. 13— Dec. 31. 52 NEW YORK. Catskill (continued). 1794, Jan. 7 — Aug. 4. Continued as: Catskill Packet and Western Mail. 1794, Aug. 9 — 1797, Jan. 2. Continued as: CatskiU Packet. 1797. Jan. 7 — Dec. 30. Catskill Recorder. Weekly, 1828. Sept. 5, 19; Dec. 12. FiSHKILL. New York Packet, and the American Advertiser. Weekly. 1781. Jan. 4 — Aug. 9; Sept. 6 — Nov. 22; Dec. 6 — 27. 1782. Jan. 3 — Mar. 28; Apr. 11 — Aug. 29; Sept. 12 26 — Dec. 5, 19 — 26. 1783. Jan. 23, 30; Feb. 13; Mar. 13—27; Apr. 10, 24; May I. For continuation see entry under New York. Geneseo. Livingston Republican. Weekly. 1845. Mar. II. Hempstead. Inquirer. Weekly. 1882. Feb. 2. Long Island Telegraph and General Advertiser. Weekly. 1830. May 6. Hudson. Balance and Columbian Repository. Weekly. 1801, May 21 — 1808, Dec. 27. For continuation see Albany. Balance and New York State Journal. Bee. Weekly. For earlier issues see entry under New London, Conn. 1802, Aug. 17—1803, July 5. Colmnbia Republican. Weekly. 1830. Jan. 26. 183 1. Apr. 19. Kingston. Ulster County Gazette. Weekly. 1800. Jan. 4. (reprint). NEW YORK. S3 New Brighton. Staten Islander Republican. Semi-weekly. 1895. July 13. New York. Albion. Weekly. 1822, June 29 — 1866, Dec. 29. American. Daily. See New York American. American Citizen and General Advertiser. Daily. 1801, Apr. 22 — 1802, Sept. 29. Continued as: American Citizen. 1802, Sept. 30 — •1804, Dec. 31. 1809. Jan. 10; Feb. 18. American, for the Country. See New York American. American Minerva and the New York (Evening) Advertiser. See Commercial Advertiser. American Patriot. 1841. Aug. 25. Ararat. 1891. Oct. 29 — Dec. 3. Atlas. Weekly. 1828, Sept. 20 — 1833, Oct. 26. Badger's Weekly Messenger. 1832. Feb. i; May 16; July 4, 11. City Record. Daily. 1878. Mar. 7. 1885. Feb. 2. Colored American. Weekly. 1839. Jan. 19. Columbian. Daily. 1810, Jan. 2 — 1816, June 29. Semi-weekly edition under title: Columbian, for the Country. 1810. Dec. 15 — 1812. Dec. 30. Columbian Gazetteer. Semi-weekly. 1793. Aug. 26 — Dec. 30. 1794. Jan. 2 — 23; Feb. 6 — 10, 17 — 20, 27 — Mar. 6, 13 — 24; Apr. 3 — 10, 24 — May 15, 22 — June 2, 54 NEW YORK. New York (continued). 9, 12, 19, 23, 30; July 7, 21— Aug. 7, 18; Sept. I, 8—25; Oct. 23. Commercial Advertiser. American Minerva, and the New York (Evening) Adveriser. Daily. 1794. Mar. 19 — May 31. Continued as : Conmiercial Advertiser. 1804. Jan. 2 — 10. Continued as : New York Commercial Advertiser. 1804. Jan. 12 — Feb. 28. Continued as: Commercial Advertiser. 1814. Dec. I, 7 — 8. 181 5. Feb. 10. Continued as: New York Commercial Advertiser. 1832. Sept. 20. 1835. May 7. 1846. July 23. 1898. Dec. 17. Constellation. 1831, Aug. 20 — 1832, June 23. Corrector. Semi- weekly. 1804. Mar. 28 — Apr. 26. Comrier des Etats-Unis. Semi- weekly. ^ 1830, Sept. 3 — 183 1, Oct. 15. 1893. Nov. 5, 12. Cuba. 1897. Nov. 20. 1898. Jan. 12 — Apr. 13. Daily Advertiser. 1786. Apr. II, 13, 18; Sept. 4 — 6, 8, 11, 14, 16, 19 — 27, 29 — Oct. 12, 14 — 19, 21 — 25, 27, 30; Nov. I — 7, 10—23, 25—29; Dec. I — 15, 18—22, 25—30. 1787. Jan. I — 10, 12 — Feb. 10, 13 — ^Apr. 19, 21 — -May 7, 9— II, 14— July 2, 4—7; Sept. 24, 26—28; Oct. 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, II, 16, 22, 27, 30 — Nov. 12, 15—21, 23—27; Dec. 4— 19» 21—31. NEW YORK. 55 New York (continued). 1788. Jan. 26, 28; Feb. 2, 5, 7; Apr. 8, 10; May 24; Jxine 6, 23, 25, 26; July 23 — 26, 29, 31; Aug. 2, 6, 8, 21, 25, 27; Sept. 3 — 6, 13, 15, 17, 23; Oct. I, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 17, 20, 21, 25; Nov. 3— II, 15, 18, 20, 22, 27, 28; Dec. 5, 8 — 10, 15, 17. 1789. Jan. I — Sept. 19, 22 — Oct. 12, 14 — Dec. 31. 1790. Jan. I— Mar. i, 3—15; Apr. 5 — 7, 15 — 17, 22—24, 29— May 3, 5—7, 10 — June 8, 11 — 14, 16—26, 30— July 5, 9, 10, IS, 16. 1791. Jan. I — 6, 8, 11 — Feb. 18, 21 — Mar. 11, 14 — July 2, 5- Dec. 10, 13—30. 1792. Jan. 2 — Dec. 31 1793. Aug. 28 (first leaf). 1 80 1. July 29 (first leaf). 1807. Aug. 5. Daily Graphic. 1873, Mar. 4 — 1884, June 30. Democrata. Daily. 1870. Sept. 9 — Dec. 20. Diary: or, Loudon's Register. See New York Packet. Emancipator. Weekly. 1836, Apr. 23 — 1 84 1, Dec. 3. Continued as: Emancipator and Free American. 1841, Dec. 10 — 1842, Mar. 11. For continuation see entry under Boston, Mass. Evening Post. New York Evening Post. Daily. 1801, Nov. 16 — 1805, May. 15. 1807. Jan. 3 — Dec. 30. i8o8. Mar. 14; Dec. 5, 7 — 10, 26, 28, 29. 1809. Jan. 4, 5, 12—14, 17; Feb. i, 4, 11, 13, 17, 27, 28; Mar. 2, 3. 1810. Mar. 16; Dec. 10. 1811. Jan. 5, 8, 12, 23, 24; Mar. 12 — Dec. 31. 1812. Jan. I— July 3, 6, 7, 31; Aug. 3, 4, 6, 7; Nov. 27. 1813. Jan. 2— June 30; July i, 7, 8, 20, 22; Aug. 11, 28, 31; Oct. 4, 7; Nov. 3. $6 NEW YORK. New York (continued). 1814. May 26; June 27; July 5; Sept. 24; Oct. 22, 27; Nov. I — 4, 7, 8, 10, II, 24, 30; Dec. 7, 8, 10, 21. 1815. Jan. 4, 6, 17 — 20, 25; Feb. 4; Mar. 4, 14; Apr. 4, 14, 20, 27; May 15; July 17; Sept. 6, 13, 19; Nov. 10; Dec. II, 13, 14. 1816. Apr. 4; May 8; June 18, 24; July 9; Aug. 14, 16; Nov. 18 — 21, 25 — 30; Dec. 6, 9. 1817. Jan. 14; Feb. 3, 7, 17, 27; Mar. 21, 22, 24, 26 — 28; May 9, 12—31; July 5—26; Aug. 23; Sept. 4; Nov. 3. 1818. Jan. 2 — 1821, Dec. 31. 1824, Aug. 23 — 1825, Apr. 6. 1826. July 8; Oct. 3, 4; Dec. 28. 1829. Feb. II, 12, 18, 24; Mar. 3, 6, 10; Apr. 21 1830. Nov. 17. Continued as: Evening Post. 1836, June 21 — 1837, Dec. 29. 1839. Jan. 3— June 29. 1840, Jan. 2 — 1842, Dec. 31. 1843, July I — 1846, Dec. 30. 1848. Jan. 3 — Dec. 30. 1850. Jan. 2 — ^June 29. 1851. Jan. 2— June 30. ^ 1852. Jan. 2 — 1856, June 30. 1857, Jan. 2—1859, Dec. 30. 1861. July 5. 1862. Oct. 16, 17; Dec. 3. 1864. Aug. 10. 1868. Jan. 3 — ^June 30. 1870, Jan. 3 — 1886, Dec. 31. Semi-weekly edition published under title: New York Evening Post for the Country. 1818. Nov. 26. 182 1, July 3 — 1823, Dec. 26. 1825. Feb. 18. 1828, Jan. I — 1830, Jan. 19. Continued as: NEW YORK. 57 New York (continued). Evening Post. 1857. Jan. 3— Dec. 29. 1858. Aug. 7. 1861, Jan. 4 — 1865, Dec. 25. Weekly edition : 1868. Jan. 22. Evening Signal. Daily. 1840. Jan. 9. Examiner. 1813, Oct. 25 — 1816, May 27. Examiner and Chronicle. Weekly. 1877. June 21. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. Weekly. 1855, Dec. 15 — 1878, Mar. 2. 1886, Feb. 20—1896, Dec. 31. Future. 1841. Jan. 30. Gazette of the United States. Semi-weekly. 1789, Apr. 15 — 1790, Oct. 13. For continuation see entry under Philadelphia. General Shipping and Commercial List. Semi-weekly. 181 5, May 2 — 1816, Sept. 10. Continued as: New York Shipping and Commercial List. 1816, Sept. 13 — 1820, Sept. 8. Continued as: Turner's New York Shipping and Commercial List. 1820, Sept. 12 — 182 1, Dec. 28. 1823, Jan. 7 — 1824, Dec. 29. Continued as: Shipping and Conomercial List, and New York Price- Current. 1828, Jan. 15—1857, Dec. 31. 1859. Jan. I — 1860, Dec. 29. 1870. Sept. 17. 1871. Jan. 18, Apr. 26, May 6. Grape-Shot. 1848. July I. Greenleaf' s New York Journal. See New York Journal, or General Advertiser. 58 NEW YORK. New York (continued). Harper's Weekly. 1857, Jan. 3—1902, June 28. 1903, Jan. 3 — 1906, Dec. 29. Herald, a Gazette for the Country. Semi-weekly. 1794. June 4 — Dec. 31. 1795. Jan. 3 — 17, 24; May 6, 16— June 3. 1796. Nov. 23, 29. 1797. June 7 — Aug. 23, 30 — Sept. 30. Continued as: Spectator. 1797, Oct. 4 — 1804, Jan. 7. Continued as: New York Spectator. 1804, Jan. 14 — 1865, Sept. 18. Continued as: New York Spectator and Semi-Weekly Commercial Advertiser. 1865. Sept. 21 — Dec. 28. Elustrated News. Weekly. 1853. Jan. I — Nov. 26. Independent. Weekly. 1848, Dec. 7 — 1866, Dec. 27. 1873, Jan. 2—1874, Dec. 31. 1876. Jan. 6 — Dec. 28. 1878, Jan. 3 — date. Independent Journal; or, The General Advertiser. Semi- weekly. 1784. Mar. 3; Apr. 28. 1788. June 28; Aug. 6, 9, 20; Sept. 6; Oct. 8; Nov. i. Jeffersonian. Daily. 1834. July 30; Aug. 4; Oct. 8, 28, 30; Nov. 3—5, 7, 8, ir — Dec. 31. 1835. Jan. 2—5. Jewish Messenger. Weekly. 1866, Jan. 5 — 1867, Dec. 27. 1875. Jan. I — Dec. 31. 1885. Jan. 2 — Dec. 25. 1892, Jan. I — 1894, Dec. 28. 1898. Jan. 7 — Dec. 30. NEW YORK. 59 New York (continued). John Englishman, in Defence of the English Constitution. Weekly. 1755. May 2— July 5. John Swinton's Paper. Weekly. 1884, Jtdy 13 — 1887, July 24. Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin. See New York Journal of Commerce. Journal of Commerce, Jr. Daily. 1851, Oct. 3 — 1857, Feb. II. 1864. May 26; Aug. 4. Journal of Women. 1834. Aug. 8 Kawkab America. Weekly. 1892. June 10, July i. Loudon's New York Packet. See New York Packet. Mail and Express. Daily. 1889. Apr. 29 — 30. Man. Daily. 1834. Sept. 2 — Oct. 31. 1835. Apr. 20— July 17. Military Monitor and American Register. Weekly. 1813. May 3. Morgen- Journal. Daily. 1896. Feb. 20. Morning Chronicle. Daily. 1804. Nov. 13. Morning Courier and New York Enquirer for the Country. Semi-weekly. 1833. Jan. 1—8, 15—25. 1835. Sept. 15; Nov. 13, 24; Dec. i — 11, 22 — 29. 1836. Jan. I — Apr. 15, 22 — May 6, 13, 20, 27 — June 3, 9. 1837. Jan. 20; Feb. 21, 28; Mar. 3, 14; Apr. 18 — 28; May 5 — 19, 26— July 18; Aug. 1—8, 15, 29; Sept. i, 15—26. 1838. Jan. 23; Mar, 2, 20; Apr. 17; May i, 11, 18, 22; June I, 12, 29; July 6 — 13, 20, 27 — Aug. 3, 10, 17, 21, 28 — Oct. 30; Nov. 9, 20, 27. 6o NEW YORK. New York (continued). 1839. Jan. I— IS, 22, 25; Feb. 5 — 12, 19, 26 — Mar. 8, 15, 26; Apr. 5, 9, 23; May 14—21, 28; ]\me 7, 14, 21, 28; July 2, 5, 12, 23, 26; Aug. 2, 9, 13, 23, 30; Sept. 13, 20; Oct. I, 5; Nov. 26; Dec. 6, 17—31. 1840. Jan. 7 — 21, 28; Feb. 4, 11 — 21, 28; Mar. 3, 17, 20, 27; Apr. 3 — 10, 21, 28; May 5 — 26; June 2 — ^July 7, 14, 31; Aug. 4, 14 — 22; Sept. 7, II, 18; Oct. 2, 9 — 20; Nov. 3 — Dec. 15, 22 — 29. Morning Herald. Daily. 1835. May 22, 23. National Advocate. Daily. 1813. May 26; Nov. 22. Semi-weekly edition under title : National Advocate for the Country. 1815. Mar. 10. 1825. May 3, 31. 1828. July 29; Sept. 2, 12. 1829. Jan. 9. New Era. Daily. 1839. Mar. 25. New World. Weekly. 1839, Oct. 26 — 1840, Oct. 17. New York Advertiser. Semi-weekly. 1818, Jan. 13 — 1820, Dec. 7. ^ 1822. Jan. 23. 1823. Mar. 8; Dec. 3. 1824. Aug. II. New York Advertiser, for the Country. Semi-weekly. 1831. Apr. 26. 1832. Dec. 7. 1833. Jan. i; Mar. 19, 22. New York Advertiser and Express. Semi-weekly. 1836, Nov. 3—1837, June 24. New York Advocate and Journal. Semi-weeldy. 1832. Aug. 13. 1833. May 14, 17, 28; Jime 11; July 12; Oct. 5, 8, 15 — 22; Nov. i; Dec. 3, 17 — 24, 31. NEW YORK. 6i New York (continued). 1834. Jan. 3 — 10, 17; Feb. 21; Mar. 4, 14; Apr. 4; May 13; Dec. 12. 1835. Jan. 13; Sept. 29. New York American. Daily. 1820, Mar. 8 — 1827, Oct. 31. 1828, Nov. 12 — 1829, Oct. 31. 1830. Jan. 2 — ^Jime 11; July 24 — Dec. 31. 1 83 1. Jan. 3— Dec. 31. 1832. June 13; Aug. 10. 1833. May 4—1839, Sept. 11. 1840. Jan. 22 — Dec. 31. 35 numbers. 1841. Jan. 2 — ^June 30. Semi-weekly edition under title : American, for the Country. 1820, May 17 — 1 82 1, Sept. 8. Continued as: New York American, for the Country. 1 82 1. Sept. 15 — Dec. 25. 1824. Aug. 7, II, 28; Sept. I. 1827. Sept. 7. 1831. Apr. 19; May3— 24, 31; June 3— 14, 21; July 5, 8; Aug. 26, 30; Sept. 2, 6; Oct. 11; Nov. 6, 29. 1832. June 19. 1840. Dec. 12. New York Atlas and Constellation. Wcickly. 1833. Nov. 9. New York Call. Daily. 191 1. 15 numbers. 1913. Mar. 31. New York Citizen and Round Table. See Round Table . New York Columbian. Daily. 1817. Oct. 17. i8i8. Aug. 3; Nov. 8. New York Courier. Daily. 1817. Feb. 18. New York Daily Express. 1838, Nov. I — 1840, Oct 31. 4 62 NEW YORK. New York (continued). New York Evening Express. 1840. Jan. 23 — 25, 28 — Feb. 14. Continued as: New York Morning Express. 1847, July I. 1851. May 10. 1864. Sept. 12. New York Daily News. 1 86 1. June 28 — Sept. 2. 1863. Oct. 10. 1864. Apr. 9. 1868. July 29. New York Daily Transcript. 1859, June 15 — 1862, Dec. 30. New York Daily Whig. 1838. Apr. 7. New York Day-Book. Weekly. 1848. Jan. 4 — ^July i. New York Evening Express. See New York Daily Express. New York Freeman. Weekly. 1885. May 2. New York Gazette. See Weyman's New York Gazette. New York Gazette; or, the Weekly Post-Boy. 1735. Apr. 21 — 28 (ist leaf). New York Gazette, revived in the Weekly Post-Boy. 1750. June 25; Aug. 20, 27; Sept. 3, 17, 24; Oct. i, 22, 29; Nov. 19 — Dec. 24. 1751. June 3 (supplement only) ; Sept. 23. 1752. Apr. 20. Continued as: New York Gazette ; or, the Weekly Post-boy. 1753. Sept. 3. 1754. May 20; June 17; Aug. 12; Sept. 23, 30; Dec. 9—23- 1755. Jan. 13, 20; Feb. 17; Mar. 3; Apr. 14, 21; Nov. 23; Dec. 29. 1756. Mar. I, 8; Apr. 19; May 24; Aug. 9; Sept. 6, 13; Oct. II, 25; Nov. I, 22, 29; Dec. 20, 27. NEW YORK. 63 New York {continued). 1757. Jan. 3, 10, 31; Feb. 14; Mar. 7; Apr. 4; May 23; June 21, 27; July 4, 25; Aug. i, 8, 22— Oct. 10; Nov. 21 — Dec. 5. 1758. Jan. 16; Mar. 6; Apr. 10, 17; May 22 — June 12; Dec. II. 1759- Jan. 15. Continued as: Parker's New York Gazette ; or, the Weekly Post-boy. 1759. July 2, 23. 1760. Apr. 14, 28; June 2, 9. 1 761. Mar. 5; May 7; June ii; Dec. 10. 1762. Jan. 14, 21; Feb. 25. Continued as : New York Gazette ; or, the Weekly Post-boy. 1762. May 6; July i, 8; Aug. 5; Oct. 14. 1763. July 7. 1764. July 26; Nov. I. 1765. Jan. 31; Feb. 14; Aug. 15 — Dec. 26. 1766. Jan. 2 — Feb. 20; Mar. 6, 13; May 22; Sept. 4. New York Gazette and General Advertiser. Daily. 1811. Feb. II. 1812, June 18 — 1815, June 30. 1834. Jan. I — Dec. 31. New York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury. See New York Mercury. New York Gazetteer and the Country Journal. Semi-weekly. 1785. Apr. 5; May 10; June 14; Sept. 16. New York Herald. Semi-weekly. 1802, Jan. 2 — 1816, Dec. 31. New York Herald. Daily. 1849, May 10 — 1878, June 30. 1881, Jan. I — 1887, Mar. 31. 1900, Jan. I — date. Weekly edition: 1842. Jan. 8. New York Journal. Daily. 1897. Feb. 4. New York Journal of Commerce. Daily. 1833, Jan. 3 — 1840, Apr. 30. Continued as: 64 NEW YORK. New York (continued). New York Journal of Commerce and Gazette. 1840. May I — Dec. 31. Continued as : New York Journal of Commerce. 1841, Jan. I — 1843, Dec. 30. Continued as: Journal of Conmierce and Commercial Bulletin. 1898, Feb. 3 — date. Semi-weekly edition under title: New York Journal of Commerce. 1827, Sept. 6 — 1851, Oct. I. 1865. Dec. 23. New York Journal, or General Advertiser. Weekly. 1766. May 29; Nov. 13, 27; Dec. 4 — 20 (supplement only), 24. 1767. Jan. I — Apr. 2, 16 — Dec. 24. 1768. Jan. 7; Feb. 20, 25; Mar. 3, 31; Apr. 28; May 12; Jime 9; July 7; Aug. 11, 18; Sept. i, 8, 29; Oct. 13, 20; Nov. 10 — Dec. i, 15, 22. 1769. Jan. 26; Feb. 2, 9; Mar. 9, 16, 30; Apr. 6, 20; May 4, 18; June 29; July 13, 20; Aug. 3—24; Oct. 12 — Nov. 9, 30; Dec. 7. 1770. Jan. 4, 25; Feb. i — 15; Mar. i, 22 — May 10, 24 — ^June 28; July 12 — ^Aug. 9, 23; Sept. 6, 27 — Oct. 18; Dec. 6, 13, 27. 1771. Jan. 3 — Feb. 21; Mar. 28; Apr. 11, 25; May 2, 23; June 6, 27; July 11— Aug. 15; Sept. 5 — Oct. 10, 24 — Nov. 21. 1772. Jan. 23; Apr. 2, 30. 1776. Feb. 29; Mar. 21, 28; Apr. 11 — May 9, June 6 — July 4, II — Aug. I, 22, 29. Discontinued. Revived as: New York Journal and State Gazette. 1784. May 6, 20, 27; June 10, 24 — ^Aug 5; Sept. 2, 16 — Oct. 7, 28 — Nov. 25; Dec. 9 — 30. 1785. Jan. 6, 13; Feb. 3; Mar. 10, 24; Sept. 15, 22; Oct. 27; Nov. 10. 1786. Feb. 9; Mar. 9, 30; Apr. 6; May 4, 25; Aug. 10, 24. NEW YORK. 65 New York (continued). 1787. Sept. 6, 27; Oct. 4. Continued as: New York Journal and Daily Patriotic Register. 1788. Jiily 5, 26. Continued as: New York Journal and Weekly Register. 1788. July 31; Aug. 7, 21 — Sept. 4, 18; Nov. 13. 1789. June 4; Oct. i; Dec. 31. 1790. Mar. 11; May 11; June 18. Continued as: New York Journal and Patriotic Register. Semi- weekly. 1 791. Jan. 3 — 24, 31 — Aug. 24, 31 — Sept. 28; Oct. 5 — Dec. 3, 10 — 31. 1792. Jan. 4 — ^June 20, 27 — Oct. 13; Nov. 3 — -Dec. 29. 1793. Jan. 2, 9 — Mar. 20, 27 — Apr. 24; May i, 8 — Nov. 2, 9 — Dec. 28. Continued as: Greenleaf 's New York Journal and Patriotic Register. 1795, Jan. 3 — 1800, Mar. 8. New York Mercantile Advertiser. Daily. 1833. June 12. New York Mercury. Weekly. 1755. Feb. 3 (ist leaf); Mar. 3; May [?] (last leaf); 26; Jime 16 (supplement); July 14. 1759. May 28. 1760. Mar. 10, 24; May 26. 1761. Apr. 6; July 27; Aug. 31; Sept. 7; Oct. 5, 12, 26; Nov. 2, 30; Dec. 21. 1762. Jan. 25; Feb. 15, 22; Mar. i — 15; Apr. 19; May 10, 24, 31; June 7 (last leaf); Aug. 30; Oct. 18, 25; Dec. 6. 1764. Jan. 2 — 16, 30 — Mar. 26; Apr. 9 — May 7, 21 — Sept. 17; Oct. I — Nov. 19, Dec. 3 — 31. 1765. Jan. 14 — Mar. 4, 18 — Apr. i, 29 — May 20; June 10, 24; July 8, 29 — Dec. 30. 1766. Jan. 6 — June 9, 23 — Aug. 25; Sept. 8, 15, 29 — Dec. 29. Continued as: New York Gazette ; and the Weekly Mercury. 1769, Jan. 2 (supplement only) — 1770, Dec. 31. New York Morning Express. See New York Daily Express. 66 NEW YORK, New York (continued). New York Morning Post. Semi-weekly. 1783. Nov. 7. New York Morning Post and Daily Advertiser. 1788. Aug. 22. New York Observer. Weekly, 1823, May 31 — 1867, Dec. 26. New York Packet. Semi- weekly. For earlier issues see entry under Fishkill. 1784. July I ; Oct. 28 (supplement only). Continued as: Loudon's New York Packet. 1785. Apr. 14. Continued as: New York Packet. 1785. May 26; Sept. 25. 1788. Apr. 22, 25; June 24; Aug. 5, 19; Sept. 2; Nov. 18. 1789. Feb. 13 — May 5, 7. Tri- weekly : July 2, 7— Aug. 29; Sept. 3, 5, 12—24, 29— Nov. 19, 24, 26; Dec. I — 31. 1790. Mar. II, 30. Continued as; Diary; or, Loudon's Register. 1792. Mar. 17. New York Patriot. Weekly. 1824. Aug. 3. ** New York Picayune. Weekly. 1851. May 10. New York Saturday Press. Weekly. 1865, Aug. 12 — 1866, Jan. 6. New York Shipping and Commercial List. See General Shipping and Commercial List. New York Spectator. See Herald, a Gazette for the Country. New York Statesman. Semi-weekly. 1830. Feb. 12; July 2; Aug. 20. New York Statesman and Evening Advertiser. Daily. 1822. May 16. New York Tattler. Weekly. 1866. July 7— Sept. 8. NEW YORK. 67 New York (continued). New York Times. Daily. 1852, Jan. I — date Semi-weekly edition: 1866, Jan. 2 — 1867, Dec. 31. New Tork Times Index. 1863— 1864. 1866— 1873. 1876 — date. New York Transcript. Daily. 1834. May 28; July 7, 11; Aug. 23; Oct. i, 3> 7) Dec. 8. 1835. Mar. 24 — ^Aug. 11. New York Traveller. Weekly. 1832. Mar. 29; May 3; July 5, 19. New York Tribmie. Daily. 1 841. Apr. 10 — Dec. 31. 1842. Jan. I — Apr. 9; Nov. 29. 1845, Nov. 29 — date. Weekly edition: 1841, Sept. 18 — 1847, Dec, 25. 1850. Apr. 6 — May 18; June i — Oct. 19; Nov. 2 — Dec. 28. 1851. Jan. 4, II. Semi-weekly edition : 1858, May 18 — 1862, Aug. 29. New York Tribune Index. 1875— 1906. New York Weekly Journal. 1736. Mar. 29. New York Weekly Messenger. 1832. Aug. 22. New York Weekly Museum. 1788. Oct. II. 1808. Dec. 31. 1809. July 15, 22. 1810. Jan. 13; Aug. 4, 11; Sept. i, 15, 29; Oct. 13; Dec. 20. 181 1. Jan. 4 — Dec. 28. 1812. Jan. 4 — Apr. 25; May 9 — Dec. 26. 68 NEW YORK. New York (continued). 1813, Jan. 2 — 1816, Apr. 20. New York Weekly Witness. 1874, Mar. 14 — 1876, Dec. 28. New York Witness. Daily. 1875. Nov. 6. 1877. May 31; June 21. New Yorker. Weekly. 1834, Mar. 22 — 1841, Mar. 13. 1845, Oct. II — 1847, Sept. 25. Old Countryman. Weekly. 1835, May 6; June 3. Parker's New York Gazette. See New York Gazette; or the Weekly Post-Boy. Patria. Weekly. 1892, Oct. 22 — 1898, Dec. 31. Patron of Industry. Semi-weekly. 1820, June 28 — 182 1, June 27. Plaindealer. Weekly. 1836, Dec. 3—1837, Sept. 30. Press. Daily. 1891. Dec. 4. Republic. Daily. 1874. Oct. 5 — Dec. 14. Republican Watch-Tower. Semi-weekly. 1800, Mar. 12 — 1803, July 13. Revolucion. Cuba y Puerto Rico. Semi-weekly. 1869. Apr. 17 — Oct. 13. Tri-weekly. 1869. Oct. 16 — Nov. 20. Continued as: Revolucion. 1869, Nov. 23 — 1871, Aug. 31. 1874. Oct. 17. Revolucion de Cuba. 1873. Jan. 18, Feb. 8, 21, July 26, Aug. 16, Nov. 15. Revolution. Weekly. 1868, Jan. 8— 1871, Oct. 12. NEW YORK. 69 New York (continued). Rivington's New York Gazetteer; or, the Connecticut, New Jersey, Hudson's River and Quebec Weekly Adver- tiser. 1773. Apr. 22 — ^July 22; Aug. 5, 26 — Dec. 30. 1774. Jan. 6 — ^Apr. 14. Continued as Royal Gazette. 1781. Jan. 3 — ^July 4, 18 — Dec. 29. 1783. July 30; Oct. I, 15, 29. Continued as: Rivington's New York Gazette and Universal Ad- vertiser. 1783. Dec. 3, 17. Round Table. 1863, Dec. 19 — 1869, July 3. Continued as: New York Citizen and Round Table. 1869, July 10— 187 1, Aug. 5. Shipping and Commercial List, and New York Price-Current. See General Shipping and Conmiercial List. South. Weekly. 1874. Apr. 4. Spectator. See Herald, a Gazette for the Country. Sun. Daily. 1833. Sept. 3 (facsimile). 1834. June 17— Oct. 3. 1835. Jan. I— June 30. 1837. Mar. 7. 1863, Jan. 5—1867, Dec. 31. 1870, Jan. 3 — 1886, Dec. 31. 1 89 1, Feb. 14 — date. Weekly edition: 1844. July 13. 1845. 21 nos. 1846. 18 nos. 1847. Apr. 24. Sunday Packet. Weekly. 1839. July 7. Telescope. Weekly. 1826, June 3 — 1829, May 23. 70 NEW YORK. New York (continued). Town and Country Journal; or, the American Advertiser. Weekly. 1783. Dec. II. Triglot. Semi- weekly. 1829. Dec. 26. Truth Teller. Weekly. 1825, Apr. 2 — 1833, Dec. 14. Turner's New Tork Shipping and Commercial List. See General Shipping and Commercial List. Voice. Weekly. 1890, Jan. 2 — 1892, Dec. 15. Continued as: New York Voice. 1898. Feb. 10 — ^Apr. 21. 6 ntimbers. Vorwarts ! Daily. 1898. May II. War. Weekly. 1813. Apr. 13. Weyman's New York Gazette. Weekly. 1759. Feb. 19; Apr. 2, 30. Continued as: New York Gazette. 1759. Sept. 17. 1760. July 21; Sept. 29; Oct. 20, 27, 30; Nov. 3, 17, 24; Dec. I — 29. 1761. Jan. 12, 26; Mar. 16, 30; Apr. 27; May 11 — ^Jtme 8; July 27; Sept. 14; Nov. 30. 1763. Mar. 7. 1764. Apr. 16; July 19. 1765. Dec. 23. 1766. June 9. World. Daily. i860, Jtme 14 — date. Oxford. Oxford Repubhcan. Weekly. 1834. July 9. POUGHKEEPSIE. Poughkeepsie Daily News. 1880. Oct. II. NEW YORK. 71 PouGHKEEPSiE (continued). Poughkeepsie Journal. Weekly. 1796. Jan. 13 — Feb. 3, 17, 24. Rochester. American Revivalist and Rochester Observer. Weekly. 1832, Sept. 29 — 1833, Sept. 28. Clay Bugle. Weekly. 1844. May II — Aug. 4. Rochester Daily Advertiser. 1832. Aug. 20, 31; Sept. I. Rochester Daily American. 1846. Nov. 24. 1847. Feb. 23. Rochester Daily Chronicle. 1870. May 16. Rochester Observer. Weekly. 1832. Feb. 22, 29; Mar. 7 — 28. Backet's Harbor. Sacket's Harbor Gazette. Weekly. 1820. Oct. 27. Syracuse. Onandaga Register and Syracuse Gazette. Weekly. 1830. Feb. 17. Syracuse Daily Journal. 1859. Dec. 8. To NA WAND a. Tonawanda Herald. Weekly. 1889. Oct. 3. Troy. Troy Daily Press. 1892. Dec. 7. Troy Sentinel. Semi-weekly. 1 83 1. Jan. 28. Utica. Oneida Whig. Weekly. 1842. Aug. 2. Western Recorder. Weekly. 1828. Aug. 12, 19; Sept. 16. 72 NEW YORK— OHIO. Waterloo. Waterloo Gazette. Weekly. 1818. Nov. II. NORTH CAROLINA. Fayette VI LLE. Fayetteville Observer. Weekly. 1823. Mar. 13. Newbern. Newbem Daily Progress. 1859, Sept. I — 1865, Nov. 23. Raleigh. North Carolina Standard. Weekly. 1863, May 19 — 1864, July 22. Salisbury. Western Carolinian. Weekly. 1828. Sept. 9. 1831. May 2. Tarborough. North Carolina Free Press. Weekly. 1831. Feb. 15. OHIO. Ashtabula. Western Journal. Weekly. 1828. Aug. 6, 23, 30; Sept. 13; Nov. 22, 29. Chillicothe. ChiUicothean. Weekly. 1826. Sept. I, 15, 1828. July 12. Cincinnati. Cincinnati Daily Commercial. 1863, Mar. 2 — 1865, Oct. 21. Continued as: Cincinnati Conmiercial. 1865, Oct. 23 — 1883, Jan. 3. Continued as: Commercial Gazette. OHIO. 73 Cincinnati (continued). 1883. Jan. 4 — ^July 17. Continued as: Cinciimati Commercial Gazette. 1883, July 18—1896, June 15. Cincmnati Daily Gazette. 1863. Jan. 17 — Dec. 31. 1877. Dec. 7 — 13. Cincimiati Daily Times. 1864, Jan. 21 — 1865, Dec. 30. Cincimiati Mirror. Weekly. 1835, July 25—1836, Sept. 17. Cincinnati Weekly Herald and Philanthropist. See Philan- thropist. Cist's Advertiser. Weekly. 1845, Js-^- 8 — 1846, June 24. Continued as: Cist's Weekly Advertiser. 1847, May 17 — 1851, Dec. 26. Commercial Gazette. See Cincinnati Daily Commercial. Dollar Times. Weekly. 1864. Jan. 7 — ^Dec. 29, Ohio Volksfremid. Daily. 1841. Dec. 25. Philanthropist. Weekly. 1841, Jan. 6 — 1843, Oct. 11. Continued as: Cinciimati Weekly Herald and Philanthropist. 1843, Oct. 18 — 1844, Sept. II. Cleveland. Cleaveland Herald. Weekly. 1828. June 27; Sept. 5. Cleveland Observer. Weekly. 1839, Sept. II — 1840, Mar. 11. Columbus. Ohio State Journal and Columbus Gazette. Weekly. 1830. Sept. 2. Elyria. Buckeye Sentinel and Elyria Advertiser. 1844. Nov. 12. 74 OHIO— PENNSYLVANIA. Hudson. Observer and Telegraph. Weekly. 1830. Dec. 16. 1831. Jan. 20; Feb. 3, 17, 24. Ohio Observer. 1845. Apr. 16. 1846. July 15. NORWALK. Norwalk Reporter and Huron Advertiser. Weekly. 1828. Sept. 6. Sandusky Bay. Sandusky Clarion. Weekly. 1822. Jiine 5. Warren. Western Reserve Chronicle. Weekly. 1828. Aug. 28; Sept. 4; Dec. 4. OKLAHOMA. Tahlequah. Cherokee Advocate. Weekly. 1887. Nov. 30. PENNSYLVANIA. Allentown. Unabhangige Republicaner. 1840. Oct. 7. Canonsburg. Canonsburg Herald. Weekly. 1881. Jan. 14. Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Intelligencer and State Democrat. Weekly. 1837. Dec. 7. Lancaster. Lancaster Daily Intelligencer. 1868. Aug. I. 1895. Mar. 9. PENNSYLVANIA. 75 Lewistown. Republican. Weekly. 1844. Sept. 25. Philadelphia. American. Weekly. 1880, Oct. 23 — 1891, Jan. 10. American Citizen. Weekly. 1845, Mar. 29 — 1846, Apr. 18. American Weekly Mercury. 1 7 19, Dec. 22 — 1724, Jan. 7. (reprints). 1729. Sept. II — Oct. 16, 23 — Nov. 20; Dec. 16. 1730. Mar. 26 — Apr. 30; May 7 — ^Aug. 6, 20 — Nov. 5, 26 — Dec. 29. 1731. Jan. 5 — 12, 19 — Apr. 15, 29 — Dec. 28. 1732. Jan. 4— Aug. 3. 1734. Jan. I— Dec. 31. Aurora . General Advertiser. Daily. 1798. Dec. II, 22, 28. 1799. Jan. 28; June 4; Aug. 22 — 27, 30 — 31; Sept. 7 — 21, 24 — 26, 28 — Oct. 8, II — 21, 23 — Nov. 7, 9 — 30; Dec. 3—31. Tri-weekly edition under title : Aurora for the Coimtry. 1803, Nov. 16 — 1805, Apr. I. 1809. Jan. II. City and State. Weekly. 1895. May 9—30. Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser. 1800. Jan. 24, 27. Commercial List and Philadelphia Price Current. Weekly. 1847, Jan. 2 — 1850, Dec. 28. Constitutional Union. 1862. Aug. 9. Country Porcupine. See Porcupine's Gazette. Cummings' Evening Bulletin. Daily. 1854. Feb. II. Continued as: Daily Evening Bulletin. 1863. Dec. 31. 76 PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia (continued). Democratic Press. Daily. 1814. May 3. 1828. Aug. 5, 6; Oct. 14, 15. Dunlap's American Daily Advertiser. See Pemisylvania Packet and the General Advertiser. Evening News. Daily. 1880. Dec. 3, 24, 27, 29, 1881. Jan. 7. Federal Gazette and Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. 1790. Dec. 16. Federal Gazette and Philadelphia Evening Post. Daily. 1789. Feb. 12 — 14; Mar. 16. Forney's War Press. See Press. Franklin Gazette. Daily. 1818, Feb. 24 — 1820, Dec. 30. Freeman's Journal and Columbian Chronicle. Semi-weekly. 1818. May 20. Freeman's Journal; or, North American Intelligencer. Weekly. 1791. Dec. 7. Gazette of the United States. Semi-weekly. For earlier issues see entry under New York. 1790. Nov. 3 — Dec. 29. 1 79 1. Jan. I — Dec. 31. 1792. Jan. 4 — 7, 14 — Mar. 28; Apr. 4 — May 30. Con- tinued as: Gazette of the United States and Evening Advertiser. Daily. 1794. Mar. 4, 7, 17, 18, 21, 24, 28; Apr. 21, 22, 24, 28, . 30; May 6, 8, 9, 12 — 14, 16, 17, 19, 22 — 28,30; June 2 — 4, 6, 9, II. Continued as: Gazette of the United States and Daily Evening Ad- vertiser. 1794. Jime 12 — ^July 18, 21 — ^Aug. 12, 19 — 26, 28 — 30, Sept. 2 — Dec. 31. PENNSYLVANIA. 77 Philadelphia (continued) . 1795. Jan. I — Feb. 10,14, 16 — ^June 30. Continued as: Gazette of the United States. 1795. July I — Sept. 21, 26, 28 — Oct. 26, 28 — Nov. 12, 14 — Dec. 7. Continued as: Gazette of the United States and Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. 1798. Feb. 27 — Mar. i, 3, 6, 8 — 12; Apr. 4 — 6, 9 — 14, 18—23, 27; May 1—5, 8, 10— June 7, 9— July 16, 18 — 21, 24— Aug. 3, 7 — 9, 11 — IS, 17 — Sept. 4, 19 — Dec. 4, 12, 14 — 18, 29. 1799. Jan. I — Feb. 23, 26 — Mar. 21, 25 — Apr. 24, 26 — Aug. 9, 12, 14 — Sept. 4, 6 — 7; Dec. 13. 1800. Jan. 6, 14; Feb. 14. Continued as: Gazette of the United States. 1802. June 18. Continued as: United States Gazette. 1814, Nov. 16 — 1815, Mar. 8. 1 83 1. Feb. I. (extra). 1842, Nov. 7 — 1846, June 30. Gazette of the United States for the Country. Semi-weekly. 1802, Sept. 7 — 1804, Feb. 17. Continued as: United States Gazette for the Country. 1804, Feb. 21 — 1808, Dec. 26. 1813, Jan. 2 — 1814, Dec. 31. Grund's Pennsylvanischer Deutscher. 1841. Mar. 13. Independent Gazetteer; or, the Chronicle of Freedom. Weekly. 1788. Aug. 22; Nov. 28. Keystone. Weekly. 1891. Dec. 19. Mirror of Taste and Wednesday Morning Family Mis- cellany. 1832. Mar. 28. Morning Post. Daily. 1836. Apr. 18. 4* 78 PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia (continued). National Gazette. Semi-weekly. 1791. Oct. 31 — Nov. 24; Dec. 8, 15, 26. 1792. Jan. 2, 12 — Feb. 27; Mar. 5 — 12, 19 — 22; Apr. 2 — 12, 19 — 30; May 7 — 31; Aug. i— Oct. 31; Nov. 7 — Dec. 29. 1793- Jan. 2 — Feb. g, 16 — ^June i. National Gazette and Literary Register. Semi-weekly and tri-weekly. 1820, Apr. 29 — 1835, Dec. 31. 1837. Aug. 22. 1838. Jan. 27. Daily edition: 1835, May 2—1837, Apr. 29. North American and Daily Advertiser. 1840. Dec. 29. North American and United States Gazette. Daily. 1862, Oct. 28 — 1867, June 29. Pennsylvania Chronicle and Universal Advertiser. Weekly. 1767, Jan. 26-Feb. 2 (no. 2) — 1769-70, Dec. 25-Jan. i (no. 155). 1770. Jan. 1-8 (no. 156) — 15-22 (no. 158); Feb. 5-12 (no. 161) — Apr. 2-9 (no. 169), 16-23 (no. 171) — May 28-June 4 (no. 177), 11-18 (no. 179) — July 9-16 (no. 183). 1771. Jan. 7-14 (no. 209) — Dec. 23-30 (no. 259). Pennsylvania Evening Post, and Public Advertiser. Tri- weekly and semi-weekly. 1782. May 24. Pennsylvania Gazette. Weekly. 1759. Dec. 2. 1768, Jan. 7 — 1769, Dec. 28. 1770. Jan. 4 — Mar. i, 15 — ^Apr. 19; May 3 — ^July 26; Aug. 9 — Sept. 13, 27 — Dec. 27. 1771. Jan. 3 — Feb. 7, 28 — Mar. 7, 21; Apr. 4 — Oct. 10, 24; Nov. 7 — Dec. 26. 1772. Jan. 2—1773, Dec. 29. 1774. Jan. 6 — -July 6, 20 — Dec. 28. PENNSYLVANIA. 79 Philadelphia (continued). 1775- Js-^- 25 — Mar. i, 15 — Sept. 20; Oct. 4 — 11, 25 — Dec. 27. 1776. Jan. 3— June 19; Jtily 3— Aug. 14, 28 — Sept. 4, 18 — Oct. 16, 30 — Nov. 6, 20 — 27. Continued as : Pennsylvania Gazette and Weekly Advertiser. 1779. Jan. 5 — 1 781, Dec. 26. Continued as: Pennsylvania Gazette. 1790. Apr. 21. Pennsylvania Herald and General Advertiser. Semi-weekly. 1787. Mar. 7. Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser. 1762. Jan. 14— May 6, 20; June 3, 17; July i, 15, 29; Aug. 12, 26 — Sept. 2, 16 — Nov. 4, 18 — Dec. 30. 1763. Jan. 6 — June 23; July 7 — Dec. 15, 29. 1764. Jan. 5, 19 — Feb. 23; Mar. 8 — 22; Apr. 5 — 26; May 17 — ^June 7, 28 — July 12; Aug. 23 — 30; Sept. 13 — Oct. 18; Nov. 8 — Dec. 13, 27. 1765. Aug. I — 15, 29; Sept. 12, 26; Oct. 3, 17 — Dec. 26. 1766. Jan. 2 — 30; Feb. 13, 27; Mar. 6, 13; Apr. 3, 10, 24; May 8, 22; Nov. 13. 1770. Jan. 4 — Mar. 29; Apr. 12 — ^July 12, 26 — Sept. 13, 27 — Dec. 27. 1771. Jan. 3— June 13, 27— July 18; Aug. i, 22; Sept. 5 — Dec. 19. 1772. Jan. 2 — ^June 18; Jtily 2 — Sept. 30; Oct. 14 — Nov. II, 25 — Dec. 16, 30. 1773. Jan. 6— June 2, 16 — 23; July 7—14. 28— Aug. 4, 18 — Sept. 22; Oct. 6 — Dec. 29. 1774. Jan. 5 — Dec. 28. 1776. Mar. 6 (facsimile). 1780. Jan. 5 — Oct. 4, 18 — Dec. 27. 1781. Jan. 3 — Dec. 29. 1782. May 22. 1788. Mar. 5. Pennsylvania Mercury and Universal Advertiser. Weekly and tri-weekly. 1787. Nov. 30. 8o PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia (continued). Pennsylvania Packet, and the General Advertiser. Weekly. 1772. Jan. 6— Mar. 23; Apr. 6— Aug. 31; Sept. 14 — Oct. 26; Nov. 9 — Dec. 28. 1773. Jan. 4 — Mar. 22; Apr. 5 — Oct. 18. Continued as: Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet, or, the General Advertiser. 1773, Oct. 25—1775, Dec. 20. 1776. Jan. I — Oct. 29; Nov. 19. Continued as: Pennsylvania Packet; or, the General Advertiser. Tri-weekly. 1778. July 4, 23 — Aug. 15, 20 — Sept. 17, 22 — Dec. 22. 1779. June 12. 1781. Jan. 2 — ^Apr. 7, 14 — July 24, 31 — Nov. 15, 20 — Dec. 29. Continued as: Pennsylvania Packet, and Daily Advertiser. 1787. Jan. I — Mar. 3, 6 — Apr. 6, 9 — ^June 9, 12 — Dec. 31. 1788. Jan. I — July 22, 24 — Dec. 31. 1789. Jan. I — Feb. 3, 5 — 9, 11 — 14, 17 — Dec. 31. Con- tinued as: Dunlap's American Daily Advertiser. 1793. Dec. 2 — 7. Continued as: Dunlap and Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser. 1793. Dec. 9—31. 1794. Jan. I — 30; Feb. i — 4, 6 — 19, 21 — ^June 10, 12, 16 — 20. Philadelphia Evening Journal. Daily. 1858. July 2. Philadelphia Inquirer. Daily. 1861, Jan. 2 — 1867, June 29. Philadelphian. Weekly. 1830, Nov. 26 — 1833, Oct. 3. Porcupine's Gazette. Daily. 1798. Jan. 2—5, 8—13, 17—26, 29— Feb. 13, 15—20, 26 — 27; Mar. I. Tri-weekly edition under title: Country Porcupine. PENNSYLVANIA. 8i Philadelphia (continued). 1798. Mar. 6—9, 13, 17, 22, 27 — Apr. 4, 7, 14 — 27; May 3—7, 10 — 14, 17, 26— June 4, 14 — 15, 19 — 29; July 3, 7 — 16, 19 — 23, 26 — Aug. 8, II, 16 — 20, 23 — 31; Sept. 4—7, II— Oct. I, 4—8, 11—15, 18, 23 — 26, 30 — Nov. 2, 6 — 16, 22 — 30; Dec. 4 —12, 15—24, 27, 31. 1799. Jan. I— Feb. 5, 23; Apr. 16. Poulson's American Daily Advertiser. 1806. June 14. 183 1. Feb. 8. Press. Daily, 1863, Mar. 10 — 1865, Dec. 30. 1873. J^ii- I — Dec. 30. Weekly edition under title : Forney's War Press. 1864, July 30 — 1865, Nov. 4. Continued as: Forney's Weekly Press. 1865, Nov. II — Dec. 30. 1873. Jan. 4 — Dec. 27. Progress : a Mirror for Men and Women. Weekly. 1878, Nov. 16 — 1879, May 10. Public Ledger. Daily. 1836. Mar. 25. 1893. Apr. 24. 1894. Apr. 27. Bell's Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser. 1804. Jan. 20. Saturday Courier. 1834. Mar. 29. Saturday Evening Post. 1823. Sept. 27. 1824. Mar. 20. 1825. June 25; Aug. 13; Oct. 22; Dec. 31. Saturday Pennsylvania Gazette. 1829. Mar. 28. Spirit of the Press. Weekly. 1806. Jan. 25. 82 PENNSYLVANIA— RHODE ISLAND. Philadelphia {continued). United States Gazette. See Gazette of the United States. Vorwarts!. Dated at both New York and Philadelphia. See entry under New York. Washington. Reporter. Weekly. 1828. Aug. 11; Sept. 15. Washington Patriot. Weekly. 1845. May 17. Westchester. Village Record. 1823. Mar. 5. RHODE ISLAND. Newport. Herald of the Times. Weekly. 1830, Apr. 7 — 1850, Dec. 26. 1851. Sept. 18. 1852. Jan. 6. 1853. Jan. 20, Feb. 3, 17, 24; Mar. 24, 31; May 26. 1854. Nov. 9. Newport Daily News. 1877. Sept. 3. Newport Herald. Weekly. «^ 1787, Mar. I — 1790, Dec. 30. 1791. Jan. 6 — Mar. 26; Apr. 9 — 23; May 7 — 14; June 4, 18, 25; July 23— Aug. 13; Sept. 3-17. Newport Mercury. Weekly. 1758. Dec. 19. (facsimile). 1765- Jan. 7, 21 — ^Aug. 5, 19 — Sept. 2, 16 — Nov. 4, 18 — Dec. 30. 1766. Jan. 6 — May 12, 26 — Sept. 29; Oct. 13 — Dec. 29. 1775. May 29. 1785. July 9. 1792. Nov. 19 (last leaf). 1800, Jan. 21 — 1 801, Dec. 22. 1822. Sept. 7. RHODE ISLAND. 83 Newport (continued). 1832. May 26; Aug. 11; Sept. i. 1833. Nov. 9. 1849, Jan. 6 — 1851, June 28. 1855. Feb. 10; Mar. 24; Apr. 14; May 12, 26; June 9, 30. 1859, Jan. I — 1863, Nov. 21. Rhode Island Republican. Weekly. 1805, Jan. 3 — 1806, June 26. 1809, Mar. 22 — 1820, Mar. 29. 1832, Jan. 3—1839, Dec. 25. Providence. Literary Cadet and Rhode Island Statesman. Semi-weekly. 1827. Feb. 3; May 16; Sept. 12. Literary Subaltern. Weekly. 1829, Jtily 17 — 1832, Dec. 7. Manufacturers' and Farmers' Journal and Providence and Pawtucket Advertiser. Semi-weekly. 1836. Jan. 4 — Dec. 29. 1844, Jan. 8 — 1847, Dec. 30. Microcosm. Weekly. 1829. Feb. 20. Providence Gazette and Country Journal. Weekly. 1764. Apr. 28; Aug. 18. Jan. 5, 26 — ^Apr. 27; May 11; Aug. 24. Mar. 12; Dec. 30. Jan. 24. Nov. 10. Aug. 10. Jan. 18 — Feb. i, 15 — Mar. 8; Apr. 5, 19 — June 14; July 5 — 26; Aug. 9, 23—30; Sept. 6, 27; Oct. 11, 18; Nov. I — 29; Dec. 13. May 15— July 24. June 10. Apr. 7; July 14; Oct. 13, 27; Nov. 17; Dec. i — 22. Jan. 12 — 19; Feb. i — 16; Mar. 8, 22 — May 3, 17, 31; Jime 7 — 28; ^uly 19 — 26; Sept. 6 — 13, 27; Oct. 18 — Nov. 22. 1765 1766 1767 1781 1782 1783 1784. 1786. 1787. 1788. 84 RHODE ISLAND. Providence (continued). 1789. Jan. 3 — 17, 31 — Feb. 7, 21 — Mar. 14, 28 — ^Apr. 4; May 9 — 23; June 20 — July 11, 25 — Sept. 19; Oct. 3 — Nov. 28; Dec. 19. Jan. 9 — 23; Feb. 13 — Mar. 27; Apr. 10 — 24; May 8— Oct. 2, 16— Dec. 18. Jan. I — Apr. 16, 30 — May 28; June 11 — 18; July 2—9, 23—30; Aug. 13— Oct. 15, 29— Dec. 31. Jan. 7— Feb. 11, 25— Mar. 17, 31— June 30; July 14 — Oct. 6, 20 — Dec. I, 15, 29. Jan. 19; Feb. 16 — Mar. 30; Apr. 13 — 20; May 18 — 25; June 8 — 29; Aug. 17 — 31; Sept. 14 — Oct. 12, 26 — Nov. 9, 23. Jan. 4 — Dec. 27. Continued as: Providence Gazette. 1796. June 25; July 9. Sept. 16. July 21. Jan. 4, II. Dec. 27 (fragment). Jan. 10. Jan. 23. Jan. 18, 25; Feb. 15; Mar. i, 15— May 3, 17—31; June 14 — 21; July 5; Aug. 16 — Nov. 22; Dec. 6 — 27. Feb. 28; Mar. 14; Apr. 25; May 23; June 6, 27; Aug. 15, 22; Oct. 17. Feb. 4- Feb. 3; Mar. 10; Aug. 4. Continued as : Providence Gazette and Country Journal. 1813. June 19, Oct. 23, 30; Dec. 11. 1814. Jan. I — Dec. 31. 181 5. Jan. 14 — Dec. 16. 15 numbers. 1 8 16. Jan. 6 — Dec. 31. Continued as: Providence Gazette, and Moral, Political and Com- mercial Register. 1817. June 21 — 1819, Jan. 9. Continued as: Providence Gazette. Semi-weekly, 1821, July 4 — 1823, Dec. 20. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793- 1794. 1797 1798 1800 1801 1802 1806 1807. 1809. 1810. RHODE ISLAND. 85 Providence (continued). 1824, Jan. 7 — 1825, Oct. I. Providence Journal and Town and Country Advertiser. Weekly. 1801. Apr. 8 (fragment); July 8, Nov. 18, Dec. 2 (last leaf), 16. Providence News. Daily. 1896. Jan. (industrial edition). Rhode Island American and General Advertiser. Semi- weekly. 1809. Nov. 10. Continued as: Rhode Island American, Statesman and Providence Gazette. 1829. Sept. 8. Rhode Island Country Journal and Independent Inquirer. Weekly. 1830. Sept. 10. 1833. July 6. 1842, Jan. 7 — 1843, Dec. 29. United States Chronicle, Political, Conmiercial, Historical. Weekly. 1788. Apr. 17 — 24; May 15 — Dec. 25. 1789. Jan. 29 — Feb. 26; Mar. 12 — ^Aug. 20; Sept. 3 — Dec. 24. 1790. Feb. II — Apr. 29; May 20 — Aug. 12; Sept. 9 — 23; Oct. 7 — 28; Nov. II — 18; Dec. 2 — 16. 1791. Mar. 3 — Oct. 27; Nov. 10. 1792. Jan. 5 — Mar. 8, 22 — Oct. 4, 18 — Dec. 13. 1793. Jan. 3, 24 — Feb. 14. Continued as: United States Chronicle. 1793. Feb. 21 — Sept. 19; Oct. 3 — Dec. 26. 1794. Jan. 2 — ^July 21; Aug. 14 — Dec. 18. 1795. Jan. I — Feb. 5, 12; Mar. 19 — Apr. 2, 16 — 23; May 7, 21; June 19— July 9, 30— Aug. 6, 27; Sept. 10 — Oct. 8; Nov. 5, 20; Dec. 3, 17. 1796. Mar. 3, 21; Aug. 11; Sept. 15; Oct. 20; Nov. 24; Dec. 8, 16. 86 RHODE ISLAND— SOUTH CAROLINA. Providence (continued). 1797. May 3. 1799. Jan. 3 — 24; Feb. 7 — ^Apr. 18; May 2 — July 25; Aug. 8 — 22; Sept. 5 — Dec. 26. 1800. Jan. 2 — May 15. Warren. Herald of the United States. Weekly. 1792. July 24; Aug. II. Westerly. Westerly Daily Tribune. 1894. Feb. 3 — May 3. SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston. Charleston Courier. Daily. 1839, Dec. 17 — 1846, July 21. Continued as: Charieston Daily Courier. i860, Mar. 26 — 1866, Oct. 22. Charleston Evening News. Daily. 1861. May 4 — 30. Charleston Mercury. Tri-weekly. i860, Sept. 25—1865, Feb. 4. City Gazette and Commercial Daily Advertiser. 1828. Nov. I. 1830. June 5. *^ 1832. Feb. 18. News and Courier. Daily. 1903. (centennial edition). South Carolina and American General Gazette. Weekly. 1765. Oct. 31. 1766. July 4, 11; Aug. I. South Carolina Gazette. Weekly. 1765. Oct. 26, 31. South Carolina Gazetteer and Country Journal. Weekly. 1765. Dec. 17. Continued as: South Carolina Gazette, and Country Journal. 1765. Dec. 31. 1766. Jan. 7— Feb. 18; Mar. 11; Apr. 29; May 6; Sept. 9. SOUTH CAROLINA— TENNESSEE. 87 Charleston (continued) . South Carolina Leader. Weekly. 1861. Nov. 14. Southern Patriot. Daily. 1828. May 3; Oct. 29. State Gazette of South Carolina. Semi-weekly. 1788. Jiily 21, 31; Aug. 4. Columbia. Columbia Telescope. Weekly. 1832. Dec. 20. (extra). South Carolina State Gazette and Columbia Advertiser. Weekly. 1828. Aug. 16, 23; Sept. 6, 13; Oct. 25; Nov. 29. Union Herald. Daily. 1876. Oct. 5. Due West. Due West Telescope. 1861. May 10. TENNESSEE. Chattanooga. Chattanooga Daily Gazette. 1865. Apr. 4; May 27; June 7, 23—30; Aug. 20, 26, 27; Sept. 19. Chattanooga Daily Rebel. 1863. Feb. 7— Mar. 7. Knoxville. Brownlow's Blnoxville Whig. Weekly. 1 86 1. Jan. 26 — ^June 15. Continued as: Brownlow's Knoxville Whig and Rebel Ventilator. 1863, Nov II, 18. 1864, Jan. 9 — July 23. Continued as: Knoxville Tri-weekly Whig and Rebel Ventilator. 1864. July 26, 29; Sept. 3. Continued as, Brownlow's Knoxville Whig and Rebel Ventilator. Weekly, 1864. Sept. 14 — Dec. 39, 88 TENNESSEE— TEXAS. Knoxville (continued). Daily Register. 1862. Nov. 8 — Dec. 14. 1863. Apr. 19— Jiily 15. Daily Southern Chronicle. 1863. July II, 18. Knoxville Daily Commercial. 1866. Jan. 23, 24, 29; Feb. 19, 21, 23, 26, 28; Mar. i — 3, 5 — 7, 10, 22, 23. Knoxville Register. Weekly. i860. Mar. 15. Memphis. Memphis Daily Appeal. 1863. Oct. 12 — Nov. 14. Nashville. Daily Union and American. 1865. Dec. 22, 23. Nashville Daily Press. 1864. Apr. 9. Continued as: Nashville Daily Press and Times. 1865. June 23, 27, 28; Aug. 3, 26; Nov. 18, 22—24, 27 — 28; Dec. 2, 4, 6, 7, 12—13, 15, 23. 1866. Feb. 24, 27 — 28; Mar. 10. Nashville Daily Union. ^ 1863, Nov. 24 — 1865, Dec. 31. Nashville Dispatch. Daily. 1865. June 25; Sept. 25. Republican Banner and Nashville Whig. Daily. i860. Feb. 26; Mar. i. Continued as : Republican Banner. 1866. Mar. 2. TEXAS. Galveston. Flake's Weekly Bulletin. 1864. Jan. 31. VERMONT— VIRGINIA. 89 VERMONT. Bennington. Journal of the Times. Weekly. 1829. Jan. 9, 16. Vermont Gazette. Weekly. 1786. Dec. 4. Brattleboro. Vermont Federal Galaxy. Weekly. 1802. Feb. 20. MiDDLEBURY. Topaz. Weekly. 1842. May 16; June 6 — 20; July 4 — 18. MONTPELIER. Watchman. Weekly. 1810. Aug. 2. Rutland. Herald of Vermont ; or, Rutland Courier. Weekly. 1792. Aug. 20. St. Albans. Repertory. Weekly. 1833. Apr. II. Vergennes. Vermont Aurora. Weekly. 1825. May 19. 1828. Aug. 7, 21. Windsor. Vermont Chronicle. Weekly. 1832. Jime 29; July 7, 20. 1838. May 9 — ^Aug. 22. 1842, Jan. 12 — 1855, Sept. 18. VIRGINIA. Norfolk. Norfolk and Portsmouth Herald. Tri-weekly. 1828, Apr. 16 — 1832, Aug. 6. Norfolk Democrat. Weekly. 1840. Jan 25. go VIRGINIA. Norfolk (continued). Norfolk Gazette and Publick Ledger. Semi-weekly. 1813. June 23. Norfolk Herald. See Norfolk and Portsmouth Herald. Richmond. Advertiser and Register. 1865. Jan. 15. Commercial Bulletin. Daily. 1865. May 13. Constitutional Whig. Semi-weekly. 1827. Jan. 30 — 1828, Jan. 23. 1832. Feb. 4. Critic. Weekly. 1888. July 23; Aug. 13, 20. Daily Enquirer and Examiner. 1867. Aug. 17. Evening Whig. 1865. Apr. 4 — 28. Family Visitor. Weekly. 1825. Oct. 15. Richmond Daily Dispatch. 1861, Dec. 7 — 1865, Mar. 16. Richmond Daily Whig. 1865. May 13. 1868. Aug. 12. Richmond Enquirer. Semi-weekly and tri-weekly. 1824. Oct. 19. 1828. Dec. 9. 1829. Jan. 3; Feb. 5; Mar. 3. 1832. Sept. 28 (extra). Daily edition: 1863. Feb. 12, 28; Mar. 5; Apr. 22. Richmond Examiner. Daily. 1862, Mar. 13 — 1865, Mar. 10. Richmond Times. Daily. 1865. June 21 — 22. Southern Illustrated News. Weekly. 1862. Oct. II, 25; Nov. 29; Dec. 6. VIRGINIA— WISCONSIN. 91 Richmond (continued). 1863. Mar. 14; Aug. i. Virginia Argus. Semi- weekly. 1807, Jan. 2 — 1808, May 31. Virginia Gazette and General Advertiser. Weekly. 1798. Nov. 27. Visitor and Telegraph. Weekly. 1828. Julys; Aug. 9, 23; Sept. 13. Williamsburg. Rind's Virginia Gazette. See Virginia Gazette. Virginia Gazette. Weekly. 1766. Mar. 7; Apr. 18; May 9; July 18; Sept. 26; Oct. 30. WASHINGTON. Seattle. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Weekly. 1897. Oct. 13 (special Klondike edition). WISCONSIN. Hudson. Hudson Chronicle. Weekly. 1856. Dec. 20. La Crosse. La Crosse Democrat. Weekly. 1867. Oct. 8. 1868. Sept. 9. Madison. Daily Wisconsin Patriot. 1855. Jan. 3— Oct. II. 1862. Jan. 2 — Dec. 31. Weekly edition: i860, June 30 — 1863, Dec. 26. Wisconsin Staats-Zeitung. Weekly. 1855. Jan. 12 (extra); Feb. 19; Mar. 5. Milwaukee. Milwaukee Leader. 1913, Sept. 23 — 1914, Apr. 2. Milwaukee Sentinel. Daily. 1890. June 28. i ► FORHGN NEWSPAPERS. MAURITIUS— CHINA. 93 AFRICA. MAURITIUS. Port Louis. Mauritius Gazette. Gazette de Maurice. Weekly. 1 83 1. Jan. 8 — Dec. 31. ASIA. CHINA. Canton. Canton Press. Weekly. 1836, Sept. 10 — 1839, June i. For continuation see entry under Macao. Canton Register. Semi-monthly and weekly. 1830. Jan. 4 — Dec. 18. 1834, Jan. 7—1839, Dec. 31. 1842. Sept. 13; Oct. II, 18, 25. HoNG-KONG. China Mail. Weekly. 1845, Feb. 20 — 1857, Dec. 31. Friend of China. Weekly. 1842. Nov. 3, 10. Overland China Mail. Monthly and semi-monthly. 1857. Jan. 15— Dec. 30. Macao. Canton Press. Weekly. For earlier issues see entry under Canton. 1839. July 6 — Sept. 28. Commercial. Semi-weekly and weekly. 1838, Dec. I— 1841, May 8. Shanghai. China Republican. Weekly. 1913. Feb. 7 — Oct. 31. North-China Herald. Weekly. 1850, Aug. 3— 1851, July 19. 1852, Aug. 7 — 1861 Dec. 21. 1872. Aug. 10. 94 CHINA— JAPAN. Shanghai (continued). 1877, Jan. I — 1882, Dec. 27. 1902, Jan. I — date. Shanghai Budget. Weekly. 1874. Feb. 19. Victoria. Hongkong Register. Weekly. 1847. Jan. 5 — Dec. 28. 1852. Apr. 13; June 15, 22. INDIA. Bombay. Bombay Guardian. Weekly. 1873, Nov. 8 — 1894, Jan. 20. Calcutta. Statesman and Friend of India. Daily. 1886. Mar. 31 — ^Apr. 6. Madras. Madras Times. 1897. Christmas nimiber. JAPAN. TOKIO. Tokio Times. Weekly. 1877, Jan. 6 — 1880, June 26. Yokohama. Japan Daily Herald. 1873. Mar. 14 — May 22. 8 numbers. Japan Gazette. Daily. 1872. Dec. 19. 1873. Mar. 14, 18, 20. Semi-monthly edition: 1872. Nov. 6. 1873. Jan. 23; June 21. 1875. July 24. 1876. May 23. Japan Weekly Mail. 1872, Mar. 9 — 1873, Oct. 11. JAPAN— ALSACE-LORRAINE. 95 Yokohama (continued). 1895, Apr. 6 — date. Semi-monthly edition under title: Japan Mail . 1873. Dec. 8, 24. 1874. Jan. 13 — Dec. 22. Japan Weekly Times. 1897, Mar. 27 — date. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. Singapore. Singapore Free Press. Weekly. 1835, Oct. 8—1837, Dec. 28. 1846. Apr. 2, 30. 1847. Dec. 2. 1849. Feb. 15 — Apr. 12; May 10, 24. Straits Times. Weekly. 1848. July 4—1849, May 30. EUROPE. ALSACE-LORRAINE. COLMAR. Glaneur Alsacien. 1870. Nov. 15. Supplement. MULHAUSEN. Industriel Alsacien. Daily. 1870, Oct. 15. Strasburg. Courrier du Bas-Rhin. Niederrheinischer Kurier. Daily. 1870. July s— Dec. 31. Elsassisches Volksblatt. Weekly. 1870. Oct. 9. Impartial du Rhin. Daily. 1870. Aug. 17 — Sept. 26. Niederrheinischer Kurier. See Courrier du Bas-Rhin. Republicain de I'Est. 1870. Sept. 22, 26. 96 BELGIUM— ENGLAND. BELGIUM. Brussels. Independance Beige. Daily. 1874, Jan. 1—1877, Dec. 31. Nord. Daily. i860, Jan. 31 — 1881, July 9. ENGLAND. Cambridge. Cambridge Litelligencer. Weekly. 1793. July 20—1795, Dec. 26. Carlisle. Carlisle Patriot. Weekly. 1821. Dec. 15. 1822. Sept. 7 — 28; Oct. 26; Dec. 14. 1823. Feb. I — 15. Chelmsford. Chelmsford Chronicle; or, Essex Gazette. 1 77 1. Apr. 5 — May 17. Continued as: Chelmsford Chronicle. 1771, May 24 — 1772, Mar. 27. 1783, Aug. 15—1785, Dec. 30. Derby. Derby Mercury. 1826. Mar. 8. Durham. Durham County Advertiser. 1825. Dec. 24. Leeds. Leeds InteUigencer. Weekly. 1793, Jan. 14—1795. Dec. 14. 1798, Jan. I — 1800, June 30. Lewes. Sussex Weekly Advertiser. 1755. June 30. Liverpool. Albion. Weekly. 1832. Jan. 30. ENGLAND. 97 Liverpool (continued). Liverpool Courier and Commercial Advertiser. 1832. Feb. 8. Liverpool Saturday Advertiser. 1818. Feb. 7. London. Age. Weekly. 1829, Jan. 4 — 1831, Dec. 25. Albion. 1831. June 28. Allen's Indian Mail. See Indian Mail. Anglo-American Times. Weekly. 1875, Sept. 3 — 1876, Oct. 27. Anti-Gallican Monitor and Anti-Corsican Chronicle. Weekly. 1811, July 14 — 1814, Dec. 25. Continued as: Anti-Gallican Monitor. 1815, Jan. I — 1817, Dec. 28. Continued as: British Monitor. 1818, Jan. 4 — 1823, Dec. 28. Applebee's Original Weekly Journal. See Original Weekly Journal. Atlas. Weekly. 1827, Jan. 7 — 1830, Dec. 26. 1831, July 3—1834, Dec. 28. 1836, Jan. 3—1854, Dec. 30. Baldwin's London Journal. Weekly. 1762. Jan. 2 — Aug. 28. Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle. Weekly. 1841, Jan. 3 — 1884, Mar. 15. Semi-weekly. 1884, Mar. 22 — 1885, Mar. 21. Continued as: Bell's Life in London. Daily. 1885, Mar. 23 — 1886, May 26. Bell's Weekly Messenger. 1796, May I — 1797, Dec. 31. 1798. Apr. 15 — 29; May 27; July i. 1799. Jan. 20; Mar. 10, 31; Apr. 21. 1845, July 7—1859. Dec. 26. 98 ENGLAND. London (continued). i860, Dec. 17 — 1880, Dec. 27. 1882, Jan. 2 — 1884, Dec. 29. Britannia. 1840, Jan. 4 — 1 84 1, Dec. 25. British Journal. Weekly. 1723. Jan. 5; Feb. 16; Mar. 14—30; Apr. 13, 27— Dec. 7, 21. 1724. May 23, 30; Aug. 15, 29; Sept. 19, 26; Oct. 17, 31; Nov. 7 — 21. 1725. Feb. 20. 1727. Feb. II — Dec. 30. British Merchant. Semi-weekly. 1713, Sept. 25-29 (no. 16)— 1714, July 30 (no. 103). British Monitor. See Anti-GalUcan Monitor. Certaine Informations from Seyerall Parts of the Kingdom. 1643. May 1-8 (no. 16), 8-15 (no. 17). Champion. Weekly. 1814, Jan. 2 — 1821, Dec. 30. Charles James Fox. Weekly. 1814. Oct. 3 — Nov. 7. Church-Man's Last Shift. Weekly. 1720. May 14 (no. i) — Oct. 8-15 (no. 20). Continuation of Certain Speciall and Remarkable Passages. Printed for F. Leach and Francis Coles. 1642. Nov. 26-Dec. I (no. 2i), 12-15 (no. 23), 19-22 (no. 24). 1643. Js-ri- 9~i2 (no. 27), 23-26 (no. 29), 30-Feb. 2 (no. 30), 6-9 (no. 31), 16-23 (no. 33), 23-Mar. 2 (no. 34), 16-23 (no. 37), 23-30 (no. 38); Apr. 6-13 (no. 40), 13-20 (no. 41), 20-27 (no. 42); May 6-11 (no. 44), 18-25 (no. 46); Aug. 17-25 (no. 52). Continuation of Certaine Speciall and Remarkable Passages. Printed for Walt. Cook and Robert Wood. 1643. Jan. 5-12 (no. 26), 12-19 (no. 27); Mar. 2-9 (no. 35); Apr. 6-13 (no. 40), 27-May 4 (no. 43); 25-June I (no. 50), 1-8 (no. 51). ENGLAND. 99 London (continued). Contmuation of True Intelligence from the English and Scot- tish Forces in the North. Printed by vSim. Ash and William Goode. 1644. June 8 — 17 (no. 4). Continuation of a Joumall of Passages of the Parhament, And Other Papers from the Scotts Quarters. Printed for F. L. 1646. Nov. 19 (no. 5), 26 (no. 6). Continuation of Papers from the Scotts Quarters. Printed for F. L. 1646. Nov. 5 (no. 3), 12 (no. 4). Courier. Daily. 1805. July 31. 1807, Jan. 2 — 181 1, Dec. 31. 1812, Sept. I — 1813, Dec. 29. 1814. Apr. 9, 26 — Aug. II. 181 5. Feb. 21; May 5 — ^Aug. 31. 1817. Nov. 6. 1819, Jan. 2 — 1820, Dec. 30. 1823, Oct. 31 — 1824, Dec. 31. 1826, Jan. 4 — 1827, Dec. 31. 1830. Jan. I — Dec. 31. 1831. June 23. Crisis. 1806. Apr. 17, 26. Daily Advertiser. 1734- Apr. 29. 1741. Feb. 21; Mar. 7, 19, 27. 1755. Aug. 16; ; Dec. I. Daily Courant. 1702, Aug. 10 — 1709, Dec. 31. 1715. Jan. 3 r 717, Dec. 30. 1735- June 2— -7- Daily Gazetteer. 1735- Jan. 2; Sept. I. Daily Journal. 1733- Mar. 27- —Nov. 6. loo ENGLAND. London (continued). 1736. Apr. 24; May 20, 22, 24, 25; Nov. 15, 29. 1737. Mar. 15, 17, 19. Daily Post. 1723, June 3—1724, Dec. 31. Daily Post-Boy. 1732. Jan. 28; Mar. 6, 27. 1735. June 3, 6; Sept. 9. Diary; or, Woodfall's Register. Daily. 1789. May 26. 1790. Mar. 2 — 4, 16, 30; Apr. i, 17, 27. Douglas Jerrold's Weekly Newspaper. 1846, July 18 — 1847, Dec. 25. English Chronicle. Tri-weekly. 1788, May 13-15 (no. 1355)— 1789, July 14-16 (no. 1533). Evening Advertiser. Tri-weekly. 1754. Mar. 2-5 (no. 2) — 7-9 (no. 4), 21-23 i^^- 1°) — 3°~ May 2 (no 27). 1755- Jan. 23-25 (no. 142); Mar. 6-8 (no. 160), 29-Apr. I (no. 170); July 31-Aug. 2 (no. 223); Dec. 20- 23 (no. 283). Evening Mail. 1789. July 20. Evening Post. Tri-weekly. ^ 1712. Nov. 27-29 (no. 516) — Dec. 27-30 (no. 529). 1 712-13. Dec. 30-Jan. I (no. 530) — May 2-5 (no. 583), 7-9 (no. 585)— 26-28 (no. 593); Sept. 12-15 (no. 640) — Dec. 22-24 (no. 683), 26-29 (no. 685), 29-31 (no. 686). 1 7 13-14. Dec. 31-Jan. 2 (no. 688 [687]) — May 6-8 (no. 741)- 1722. Mar. 8-10 (no. 1939), 15-17 (no. 1941), 17-20 ■ (no. 1942). Examiner. Weekly. 1808, Jan. 3 — 1863, Dec. 26. 1867, June I — 1868, Dec. 26. 1870. Jan. I — ^Apr. 23. > 1 J , ' > 1 J ENGLAND. loi London (continued). Extract of Letters. Dated at Edenburgh Apr. 14, 16, 17. Printed for Robert Bostock and Samuel Gellibrand. 1644. [Apr. 20] (no. 7). Faithfull Relation of the Late Occurences and Proceedings of the Scottish Army. Printed for Robert Bostock and Samuel Gellibrand. 1644. Feb. 21. Figaro. Weekly. 1872, Jan. 6 — 1876, Dec. 27. Flying-Post. Tri-weekly. 1712. Jan. 8-10 (no. 3321) — Feb. 21-24 (no. 3340)- 1715. June 9-11 (no. 3656); Aug. 25-27 (no. 3689); Oct. 8-11 (no. 3708); Nov. 8-10 (no. 3721); Dec. 1-3 (no. 3731), 27-29 (no. 3742). 1716. Feb. 2-4 (no. 3758); May 24-26 (no. 3806); June 21-23 (no. 3818)— 28-30 (no. 3821); July 5-7 (no. 3824), 10-12 (no. 3826), 17-19 (no. 3829), 19-21 (3830), 28-31 (no. 3835)— Aug. 7-9 (no. 3839), 11-14 (no. 3841), 18-21 (no. 3844)— 23-25 (no. 3846), 28-30 (no. 3848), 30-Sept. I (no. 3849), 6-8 (no. 3852), 11-13 (no. 3854), 13-15 (no. 3855). 18-20 (no. 3857), 20-22 (no. 3858), 27-29 (no. 3861)— Oct. 11-13 (no. 3867), 16-18 (no. 3869) —Nov. 6-8 (no. 3878), 10-13 (no. 3880)— 20-22 (no. 3884), 24-27 (no. 3886)— Dec. 27-29 (no. 3900)- 1717. Jan. 5-8 (no. 3904)— 24-26 (no. 3912); Mar. 2-5 (no. 3926). Fog's Weekly Journal. See Mist's Weekly Journal. Freeholder's Journal. Semi-weekly. 1721, Jan. 31 — 1722, Aug. 29. Gazetteer and London Daily Advertiser. 1755- May 28. Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser. 1789. Feb. 26; Mar. 6; July 21. General Evening Post. Tri-weekly. 1745, Aug. 6-8 (no. 1855) — 1747, Dec. 24-26 (no. 2218). 102 ENGLAND. London (continued). 1754. Jan. 12-15 (no. 3135)— 31-Feb. 2 (no. 3143)- 1755- July 3-5 (no. 3359); Oct. 21-23 (no. 3405). Globe. 1811. Oct. 8. 1814. Apr. 9. Guardian. Weekly. 1849, Jan. 3 — 1891, Dec. 30. Independent Whig. Weekly. 1807, Jan. 4 — 181 7, June 29. Index. Weekly. 1862. May I — Oct. 23. Indian Mail. Monthly. 1843, May 9 — 1844, Dec. 6. Continued as: Allen's Indian Mail. Semi-monthly. 1845, Jan. 4—1855. Dec. 15. Instructor. Weekly. 1808, Jan. 6 — 1809, Dec. 27. Intelligence from the South Borders of Scotland. Printed for Robert Bostock and Samuel Gellibrand. 1644. April 24 (no. 8). Intelligencer. Every Monday. 1664. Apr. 4 (no. 27), 18 (no. 31) — ^June 13 (no. 47), 27 (no. 51) — ^Aug. 29 (no. 69); Sept. 26 (no. 75) — Dec. 5 (no. 95), 19 (no. 99), 26 (no. loi). Newes. Every Thursday. 1664. Apr. 7 (no. 28); May 12 (no. 38); Nov. 3 (no. 86). 1665. May 18 (no. 38), 25 (no. 40); June 8 (no. 44) — 22 (no. 48). These papers formed a single consecutively num- bered bi-weekly; the Intelligencer had only odd and the Newes only even numbers. Ireland's True Diurnal. 1642. Jan. ii-Feb 3 (no. i). Jacobite's Journal. Weekly. 1747, Dec. 5 — 1748, Nov. 5. (photographs.) John Bull. Weekly. 1820, Dec. 17 — 1877, Aug. 18. ENGLAND. 103 London (continued). Johnson's British Gazette, and Sunday Monitor. Weekly. 1790. Feb. 7, 28 — ^June 27. Kingdomes Weekly Intelligencer, Sent Abroad to Prevent Mis-infonnation. 1642-3. Dec. 27-Jan. 3 (no. i); Feb. 28-Mar. 7 (no. 10), 14-21 (no. 12); Apr. 4-1 1 (no. 15), 11-18 (no. 16); May 2-9 (no 18), 23-30 (no. 21). 1644. June 11-18 (no. 59). Kingdoms Intelligencer. 1663. Mar. 30-Apr. 6 (no. 14); 20-27, (no. 17) — May 5-12 (no. 19); June 29- July 6 (no. 27) Lady's Gazette, and Evening Advertiser. 1789. May 5. Leigh Hunt's London Journal. Weekly. 1834, Apr. 2—1835, Aug. 22. Lloyd's Evening Post and British Chronicle. Tri-weekly. i757> July 22 (no. i) — 1762, Dec. 29-31 (no. 853). 1763, June29-July i (no. 931) — 1768, June 27-29 (no. 17 13). 1768-9, Dec. 30-Jan. 2 (no. 1793) — 1785, Dec. 28-30 (no. 4451)- London and China Telegraph. 1861. Apr. 13 — Nov. 14. London Chronicle. Tri-weekly. 1757, Jan. I (no. i)— 1765, June 27-29 (no. 1330). 1765 — 6. Dec. 31-Jan. 2 (no. 1410) — June 26-28 (no. i486); Sept. 18-20 (no. 1522) — Dec. 27-30 (no. 1565)- 1766-7. Dec. 30-Jan. I (no. 1566), 13-15 (no. 1572)— Feb. 21-24 (no. 1589); June 30-July 2 (no. 1641) — Dec. 29-31 (no. 1722). 1767-8, Dec. 31-Jan. 2 (no. 1723) — 1786, June 27-29 (no. 4619). 1786-7, Dec. 30-Jan. 2 (no. 4698) — 1822, July 13-15 (no. 9918). London Daily Post, and General Advertiser. 1736. Mar. 15, 17; May 20, 22, 25; Sept. 4, 14; Nov. 27, 30. 1 741. Feb. 24; Apr. 9. I04 ENGLAND. London (continued). London Evening Post. Tri-weekly. 1734, Apr. 18-20 (no. looi) — 1737, Dec. 29-31 (no. 1580). 1747-8. Dec. 31-Jan. 2 (no. 3146) — Dec. 29-31 (no. 3302). 1754. Apr. 11-13 (no. 4122); Nov. 16-19 (no. 4216) — Dec. 28-31 (no. 4234). 1754-5, Dec. 31-Ja.n. 2 (no. 423s)— 1756, Dec. 25-28 (no. 4546). 1756-7- Dec. 30-Jan. I (no. 4548) — Oct. 27-29 (no. 4677). 1758. Jan. 28-31 (no. 4717) — Dec. 19-21 (no. 4856). London Gazette. Oxford Gazette. Semi- Weekly. 1665, Nov. 16-20 (no. 2) — 1666, Jan. 29-Feb. i (no. 23). Continued as: London Gazette. 1666, Feb. 1-5 (no. 24) — 1668, Dec. 28-31 (no. 326). 1668-9. Dec. 31-Jan. 4 (no. 327) — ^Jan. 11-14 (no. 330), 18-21 (no. 332) — May 10-13 i^^- 364), 17-20 (no. 366), 20-24 (no. 367), 27-31 (no. 369)— July 19- 22 (no. 384), 26-29 (no. 386); Aug. 2-5 (no. 388) — Dec. 27-30 (no. 430). 1669-70, Dec. 30-Jan. 3 (no. 431) — 1678, Dec. 26-30 (no. 1368). 1678-9. Dec. 30-Jan. 2 (no. 1369) — Feb. 13-17 (no. 1382); 20-24 (no. 1384) — Dec. 24-29 (no. 1472). 1679-80. Dec. 29-Jan. I (no. 1473). i-S (no. 1474). 12-15 (no. 1477), 15-19 (no. 1478), 22-26 (no. 1480), 26-29 (no. 1481); Feb. 2-5 (no. 1483) — 19-23 (no. 1488); Mar. 1-4 (no. 1491) — 'ii-is (no. 1494), 25-29 (no. 1498); May 10-13 (no. 1511). 20-24 (no. 1514) — 27-31 (no. 1516); June 17-21 (no. 1522), 21-24 (no. 1523); July 1-5 (no. 1526) — 8-12 (no. 1528), 19-22 (no. 1531), 26-29 (no. 1533)— Aug. 19-23 (no. 1540); Sept. 2-6 (no. 1544), 6-9 (no. 1545), 23-27 (no. 1550); Oct. 4-7 (no. 1553)— II-I4 (no. 1555), 18-21 (no. 1557), 21-25 (no. 1558), 28-Nov. I (no. 1560) — 25-29 (no. 1568); Dec. 20-23 (no. i575)- ENGLAND. 105 London (continued). 1681. Jan. 10-13 (no. 1581), 27-31 (no. 1586); Feb. 28- Mar. 3 (no. 1595); Apr. 7-1 1 (no. 1606), 21-25 (no. 1610); May 12-16 (no. 1616); June 2-6 (no. 1622), 6-9 (no. 1623), 16-20 (no. 1626), 20-23 (no. 1627), 27-30 (no. 1629) — ^Jnly 14-18 (no. 1634); Aug. 1-4 (no. 1639), 15-18 (no. 1643)— Dec. 26-29 (no. 1681). 1681-2, Dec. 29-Jan. 2 (no. 1682) — 1709, June 20-23 i^o. 4551). Tri-weekly: 1709. June 23-25 (no. 4552)— July 7-9 (no. 4558), 12-14 (no. 4560)— Dec. 29-31 (no. 4633)- 1709-10, Dec. 31-Jan. 3 (no. 4634) — 1712, May ^-6 (no. 5000). 1734. Mar. 16. 1747. Sept. 15. 1748. Dec. 24. 1749. Feb. 4, 7; June 13, 20; Sept. 26, 30. 1763. Sept. 27. London Journal. Weekly. 1721. May 13 — Dec. 30. 1722. Jan. 6 — -Dec. 22. 1723. Jan. 5 — Dec. 21. 1724. Jan. 3 — Dec. 26. 1725. Feb. 13. 1726. July 2; Oct. 8 — Dec. 31. 1727. Jan. 14 — Dec. 30. 1730. May 30; June 6; July 11; Aug. 6; Nov. 21, 28; Dec. 12. 1 73 1. Feb. 13 — Nov. 20. 1735- Jan. 5— Dec. 31. London Packet. Tri-weekly. 1799, Dec. 30 — 1801, Dec. 30. 1820. Jan. 3; Apr. 29. 1821. Nov. 30. io6 ENGLAND. London (continued). London Spy and Read's Weekly Journal. See Weekly Jour- nal, or, British Gazetteer. London Times. See Times. Loyal Protestant, and True Domestick Intelligence. Semi- and tri- weekly. 1680, Mar. 12 — 1682, Mar. 20. Mail. See Evening Mail. Many Remarkable Passages from both Houses of Parliament. 1642. May 17. Mark Lane Express. Weekly. 1847, Jan. 18 — 1880, June 28. Medley. Weekly. 1 7 10, Oct. 5 (no. i)— 1711, July 30-Aug. 6 (no. 45). Semi-weekly : 1 7 12. Mar. 3 (no. i) — Jtily 2 8- Aug. i (no. 44). Mercator. Semi-weekly. 1713, May 26 (no. i) — 1714, July 17-20 (no. 181). Mercurius Anti-Pragmaticus. Weekly. 1647. Nov. 4-1 1 (no. 4). 1648. Jan. 20-27 (no. 18). Mercurius Britanicus. Weekly. 1643, Aug. 23-29 (no. i) — 1644, Jan. 4-1 1 (no. 20). Note: Sept. 5-12 (no. 3) is a manuscript copy. The last leaf (127/8) of Dec. 6-14 (no. 16), is lacking. Mercurius Clericus. 1647. Sept. 17-24 (no. i). Mercurius Fumigosus, or, The Smoaking Nocturnal. 1655. June 27-July 4 (no. 58). 1660. Jan. i8-Feb. i (no. 2); Mar. 28 (no. i). Mercurius Fumigosus, or, a Perfect Nocturnal. 1660. May 16 (no. 3). Mercurius Medicus. 1647. [Oct. 11] (no. i). Mercurius Phanaticus. 1664. Mar. 7-14 (no. i). Mercurius Poeticus. [1660. July 16.] (no. i). ENGLAND. 107 London (continued). Mercurius Politicus. Weekly. 1653. Mar. 11-17 (no. 144) — May 12-19 (no. 153), 26- June 2 (no. 155)— June 30-July 7 (no. 160), July 14-21 (no. 162), 21-28 (no. 163); Aug. 4-1 1 (no. 165), 11-18 (no. 166), 25-31 (no. 168); Sept. 15-22 (no. 171), 22-29 (iio- 172); Oct. 6-13 (no, 174) — Dec. 22-29 (iio- 185). 1653-4, Dec. 29-Jan. 5 (no. 186) — 'Dec. 21-28 (no. 237). 1654-5. Dec. 28-Jan. 4 (no. 238) — Oct. 18-25 i^o. 280); Nov. 1-8 (no. 282) — Dec. 20-27 (no. 289). 1655-6. Dec. 27-Jan. 3 (no. 290) — Mar. 13-20 (no. 301), 20-27 (iio- 302, last two leaves only), 27-Apr. 3 (no. 303)— Dec. 4-11 (no. 339), 18-24 (no. 341). 1656-7, Dec. 24-Jan. I (no. 342) — Dec. 24-31 (no. 396). 1657-8. Dec. 31-Jan. 7 (no. 398 [397]) — Feb. 11-18 (no. 403), 25-Mar. 4 (no. 405), 18-28 (no. 408) — ■ July 1-8 (no. 423), 15-22 (no. 425)— Nov. 25- Dec. 2 (no. 444), 9-16 (no. 545)— 23-30 (no. 547)- 1658-9. Dec. 30-Jan. 6 (no. 548) — Apr. 28-May 5 (no. 565); 12-19 (no. 567) — Dec. 22-29 (no. 600). 1659-60. Dec. 29-Jan. 5 (no. 601), 5-12 (no. 602). Mercurius Pragmaticus. Weekly. 1647. Sept. 14-21 (no. i); Oct. 5-12 (no. 4); Nov. 2-9 (no. 8), 23-30 (no. 11); Dec. 7-14 (no. 13), 14-21 (no. 14). 1647-8. Dec. 28-Jan. 4 (no. i6) — 11-18 (no. 18); Feb. 1-8 (no. 21) — 15-22 (no. 23); Apr. 4-1 1 (no. 2); May 2-9 (no. 6), 23-30 (no. 9); June 13-20 (no 12); Aug. 1-8 (no. 19). 1658. Aug. 30 (no. i). Mercurius Publicus. 1660. Apr. 19-22 (no. 16), 26-May 3 (no. 18). Mercurius Reformatus, or, the New Observator. Weekly. 1689. May 15 — Dec. 18. 1690. Jan. 2 — Dec. 20. 1691. Jan. 2 — Aug. 14, 28 — Oct. 24. io8 ENGLAND. London (continued). Mercurius Rusticus. 1643.' May 20. (ist week.) Middlesex Journal. Tri-weekly. 1769, Apr. 4 — 1770, Dee. 29. Mirror of the Times. Weekly. 1799, Jan. 19 — 1803, Apr. 16. Mist's Weekly Journal. 1726, June 25 — Oct. 29. 1727, Jan. 14 — 1728, Sept. 14. Continued as: Fog's Weekly Journal. 1728, Sept. 28 — 1729, Dec. 27. 1731, Jan. 2—1732, Dec. 30. 1734, Jan. 5—1736, Dec. 25. Moderate Intelligencer. Weekly. 1647. Oct. 28-Nov. 4 (no. 137) — Dec. 23-30 (no. 145). 1647-8. Dec. 30-Jan. 6 (no. 146) — Feb. 17-24 (no. 153); Mar. 2-9 (no. 155) — 16-23 (no. 157), 30-Apr. 6 (no. 159) — June 15-22 (no. 170); Aug. 17-24 (no. 179) — Oct. 19-26 (no. 188); Nov. 2-9 (no. 190) — 23-30 (no. 193). Moderator. Semi-weekly. 1710. May 22 (no. i) — Nov. 6-10 (no. 50). Morning Chronicle. Daily. 1785, Apr. 21 — 1799, June 11. ^ 1800, Apr. I — 1804, Apr. 6. 1807, Jan. I — 1833, Dec. 31. Morning Herald. Daily. 1788. May 15; July, 15, 20, 21; Nov. 19; Dec. 11 — 13, 17, 19 — 23, 25 — 29, 31. 1789. Jan. 2 — 5, 7; May 20 — 26, 28, 30; June 5 — 11. 1790. Feb. 4, 10 — 26; Mar. i — 5, 8 — 25, 27 — 30; Apr. 1—5, 7—24, 27—29; May 3—4, 5—8, 12, 13, 17 — 27, 29 — June 11; Aug. 9 — Dec. 4. 1791. Jan. 10; May 13; Nov. 22, 24, 25; Dec. 5 — 7, 10 — 20, 26 — 31. 1792. Jan. 2 — 7, II — 13, 16 — Feb. 6, 9, 10, 14 — 27; Mar. I — 9, 13 — 20, 23 — Apr. 6, 10 — 13, 16, 18 — ENGLAND. 109 London (continued). May 5, 8, 9, 11— June 21, 23—30; July 3—7, 9, 10, 13 — 25, 27— Aug. i2, 31; Sept. 4— II, 14—27; Oct. 27 — Nov. 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29; Dec. i — 4, 6—21, 25 — 31. 1793. Jan. I — 15, 17 — 21,. 23, 28 — Mar. 14, 16 — ^Apr. 2, 4, 8 — II, 13 — 20, 23 — May 9, 11 — 14, 17 — 22, 24—30; June 3-5, 7— July 2, 4, 10—19. 22— Aug. 3. 1805, Apr. II — 1806, Dec. 31. 1807. Jan. 2 — ^Apr. 9. 1809. Dec. 15. 1810. Jan. 30; Feb. 7. 1822. Nov. 12 — Dec. 30. 1823. Jan. I — Dec. 31. Morning Post. Daily. 1789. Jan. 19 — May 19. 1 80 1, June 4 — 1804, May 24. 1805. Apr. 2 — 8. 1806. Nov. 29. 183 1. June 24. Morning Star. See Star. New Budget. See Fall Mall Budget. New Weekly Chronicle. 1758. Apr. 8. Continued as: Owen's Weekly Chronicle. 1758, Apr. 15—1759, Dec. 29. Newes. See Intelligencer. News. Weekly. 1814, Dec. 4 — 1816, Dec. 29. 1818. Jan. 4 — Dec. 27. 1820. Jan. 2 — Dec. 31. 1829. Jan. 4 — Dec. 27. Observer. Weekly. 1806. Dec. 28. 1820. Jan. 3; Apr. 3, 17; Sept. 16. 1830, May 20 — 1832, Dec. 30. no ENGLAND. London (continued). Old Whig. Weekly. 1735, Mar. 13—1738, Mar. 30. Oracle. Daily. 1789, July 7 — 1790, May lo. 1791. Jan. I — Dec. 24. Original Weekly Journal. 1715. July 30. 1 7 19, May 9 — 1 72 1, May 6. Continued as: Applebee's Original Weekly Journal. 1722. Jan. 19. 1723. May 4. Owen's Weekly Chronicle. See New Weekly Chronicle. Packets of Letters from Scotland. Printed by Robert Ib- bitson. 1648. Mar. 29 (no. 2); June 13 (no. 13); Aug. 14 (no. 22), 21 (no. 23); Oct. 3 (no. 29). Pall Mall Budget. Weekly. 1868, Oct. 3 — 1895, Mar. 28. Continued as: New Budget. 1895. Apr. 4 — Nov. 8. Pall Mall Gazette. 1865, Feb. 7—1868, Dec. 31. Papers Concerning the Scots Commissioners. Printed by A. Coe. 1647. Feb. 28 (no. 5). Papers from the Scots Quarters. Printed for E. E. 1646. Sept. 24. Papers of the Resolution of the Parliament of Scotland. Printed by L C. 1647. Jan. 21 (no. i). Parliament Scout. 1643. July 20-27 (no. 5). Patriot. Weekly and semi-weekly. 1832, Feb. 22 — 1841, Dec. 30, 1843, Jan. 2 — 1845, Dec. 29. Penny Paper for the People. Weekly. 1831. Apr. 29 — July 2. 10 nos. ENGLAND. Ill London (continued). Perfect Diumall of some Passages and Proceedings of, and in Relation to the Armies in England and Ireland. First number printed by Edw. Griffin; numbers 2 — 67 by F. Leach and Edw. Griffin. 1649. Dec. 10-17 (no. i) — 24-31 (no. 3). 1649-50. Dec. 31-Jan. 7 (no. 4) — Mar. 11-18 (no. 14), 25-Apr. I (no. 16) — Dec. 23-30 (no. 55). 1650-1. Dec. 30-Jan. 6 (no. 56) — Mar. 17-24 (no. 67). Perfect Diumall of some Passages of Parliament. Printed by W. Hunt, for F. Coales, L. Chapman and L. Blaik- lock. 1650. July 15-22 (no. 324), 22-29 (no. 325). Perfect Diumall of some Passages in Parliament. Printed for Francis Coles and Laurence Blaikelock. 1643. Jime 26-July 3 (no. i), 10-17 (no. 3), 24-31 (no. 5), 31-Aug. 7 (no. 6); Sept. 11-18 (no. 9), 18-25 (no. 10). Perfect Diumall of the Passages in Parliament. Printed for Walt. Cook and Robert Wood. 1642. Dec. 5-12 (no. 26). 1643. Jan. 2-9 (no. 30) — 16-23 (no. 32); Feb. 13-20 (no. 36), 20-27 (no. 37); Mar. 13-20 (no. 41); Apr. 10-17 (no. 45), 17-24 (no. 46); May 1-8 (no. 48), 15-22 (no. 50), 29-June 5 (no. 52). Perfect Diumall of the Passages in Parliament. Printed by I. Okes and F. Leach, to be sold by Francis Coles. 1642. Nov. 28-Dec. 5 (no. 25), 19-26 (no. 28). 1643. Jan. 23-30 (no. 33)— Feb. 6-13 (no. 35), 27-Mar. 6 (no. 38), 6-13 (no. 39), 20-27 (no. 41), 27-Apr. 3 (no. 42), 24-May I (no. 46), 8-15 (no. 48), 22-29 (no. 30 [50]); June 5-12 (no. 52), 12-19 (no. 53). Pilot. 1812. July 16. Plaindealer. Weekly. 1712. Apr. 12 — ^Aug. 2. Post Boy. Tri-weekly. 1712. Aug. 12-14 (no. 2693). ' 112 ENGLAND. London (continued). 1714-15. Dec. 30-Jan. I (no. 3066) — 1717, Dec. 26-28 (no. 4434)- 1719, Mar. 24-26 (no. 4628) — 1722, Mar. 22-24 (no- Sop?)- 1724, Mar. 24-26 (no. 541 1) — 1725, Mar. 20-23 (^o- 5So6). Post Man. Tri-weekly. 1715, Jan. 1-4 (no. 11050) — 1717, Dec. 28-31 (no. 16542). Public Advertiser. Daily. 1766. June 24. 1767, Feb. 7 — 1771, July 17. 1775, Jan. 2 — 1780, Dec. 30. Public Ledger. Daily. 1760. Nov. 24 — Dec. 23. 15 nos. 1812, Jan. I — 1817, Dec. 29. Public Opinion. Weekly. 1861, Oct. 5—1885, Apr. 10. Read's Weekly Journal, or, British Gazetteer. See Weekly Journal, or, British Gazetteer. Royal Standard. Weekly. 1803. Oct. 8 — Dec. 31. St. James's Budget. See St. James's Gazette. St. James's Chronicle. Tri-weekly. 1762-3, Dec. 30-Jan. I (no. 285)— 1768, July 5-7 (no. 1149)- 1768-9, Dec. 31-Jan. 3 (no. 1224) — 1770, Dec. 27-29 (no. 1537)- 1771-2. Dec. 31-Jan. 2 (no. 1694) — Dec. 29-31 (no. 1853). 1773-4. Dec. 30-Jan. I (no. 2009) — Dec. 29-31 (no. 2166). 1777-8, Dec. 30-Jan. I (no. 2621) — 1779, Dec. 28-30 (no. 2933)- 1780-1, Dec. 30-Jan. 2 (no. 3095) — 1782, Dec. 28-31 (no. 3404)- 1784, Jan. 1-3 (no. 3561)— 1784-5, Dec. 30-Jan. i (no. 3716). 1789. June 27-30 (no. 4398) — ^July 2-4 (no. 4400). St. James's Evening Post. Tri-weekly. 1715. Dec. 3-6 (no. 81) — Dec. 29-31 (no. 92). 17 15-16. Dec. 31-Jan. 3 (no. 93) — Mar. 3-6 (no. 120); Sept. 8-1 1 (no. 201) — Oct. 23-25 (no. 220). ENGLAND. 113 London (continued). 1717. June 13-15 (no. 321)— July 27-30 (no. 340). 1720. Jan. 2-5 (no. 721) — Feb. 16-18 (no. 740); Apr. 5-7 (no. 761) — May 19-21 (no. 780); Aug. 23-25 (no. 821) — Nov. 22-24 (no. 860). 1734. Aug. 6-8 (no. 2930) — Dec. 26-28 (no. 2993). 1735. Jan. 7-9 (no. 2998)— May 6-8 (no. 3049), 15-17 (no. 3053), 17-20 (no. 3054), 22-24 (no. 3056), 24-27 (no. 3057); June 24-26 (no. 3070); July 5-8 (no. 3075), 8-10 (no. 3076), 12-15 (no. 3078), 17-19 (no. 3080), 22-24 (no. 3082), 26-29 (no. 3084). 1736. Jan. 15-17 (no. 4062) — 20-22 (no. 4064); July 13-15 (no. 4139), 15-17 (no. 4140); Sept. 14-16 (no. 4166), i8-2i (no. 4168), 23-25 (no. 4170) — 30- Oct. 2 (no. 4173); Nov. 13-16 (no. 4192). 1737. Dec. 17-20 (no. 4364). 1743, Feb. 19-22 (no. 5166); Mar. 1-3 (no. 5170) — 26-29 (no. 5181). 1745. Oct. 29-31 (no. 5584), 31-N0V. 2 (no. 5585), 5-7 (no. 5587), 7-9 (no. 5588). 1746. Mar. 25-27 (no. 5645); Apr. 3-5 (no. 5649), 8-10 (no. 5651), 24-26 (no. 5658); May 6-8 (no. 5663), 8-10 (no. 5664), 15-17, (no 5667— 20-22 (5669), 27-29 (no. 5672); July 1-3 (no. 5687), 3-5 (no. 5688); Aug. 7-9 (no. 5703), 12-14 (no. 5705), 21-23 (no. 5709)— Sept. 2-4 (no. 5714), 30-Oct. 2 (no. 5726) — Dec. 27-30 (no. 5764)- 1746-7, Dec. 30-Jan. I (no. 5765)— 1749, Dec. 28-30 (no. 6250). 1755- J^ily 29-31 (no. 7951). St. James's Gazette. Daily. 1880, May 31—1888, Dec. 31. Weekly edition issued under title : St. James's Budget. 1881, Dec. 2 — 1890, Oct. 24. 114 ENGLAND. London (continued). St. James's Journal. Weekly. 1722. July 19; Dec. 22, 27. 1723. Jan. 3 — May 18. Scotch Intelligencer, or, The Weekely Newes from Scotland and the Court. 1643. Oct. 13-17- Scottish Mercury, Relating the Weekely Intelligence from Scotland and the Court. [1643. Oct. 13.] Selector. 1799, May 5 — 1800, Dec. 28. Special Passages and Certain Informations from Several Places. 1643. Mar. 14-21 (no. 32), 28-Apr. 4 (no. 34), 25- May 2 (no. 38), 2—9 (no. 39). Star. Daily. 1788. Dec. 17. 1789. Jan. I, 17, 20, 23; Feb. 10; Mar. 11; Apr. 3. Continued as : Stuart's Star. 1789. Apr. 2 2 . Continued as : Morning Star. 1789. July 8 — II. Continued as: Star. ** 1789. Aug. 13. 1792. Jan. 14, 18; Oct. 5, Dec. 14. 1793. Jan. 8, 28, 31; Feb. i, 2. Statesman. 1809. Aug. 14. Stuart's Star. See Star. Sun. Daily. 1813. Jan. I — Dec. 31. 1831, Jan. I— 1832, Mar. 3. Times. Daily. 1789. June 12 — 27; July 7, 13 — 17, 21 — 30; Aug. 3 — 8, 12 — 21; Oct. 10, 12; Dec. 14. 1790. Feb. 8 — June 30. ENGLAND. 115 London (continued). 1791. Nov. 21, 26, 30; Dec. I, 8, 9. 1793. Jan. 26 (reprint); July 5. 1797. July 3 (reprint). 1798. Oct. 3 (reprint). 1 80 1. Apr. 16 (reprint). 1806. Jan. 10 (reprint), 13. 1807, Jan. 2 — 1822, Nov. 11. 1830, Apr. I— 1833, Sept. 30. 1838. Jan. I — date. Times Index. 1804 — 1863. 1867 — date. Times Supplements. Literary. 1902, Jan. 17 — date. Financial. 1904, July 18 — date. Engineering. 1905, Mar. i — date. Times Weekly Edition. 1877, Jan. 19 — 1878, Dec. 27. 1899, Jan. 6 — date. Tomahawk. Daily. 1795, Oct. 27 — 1796, Mar. 7. Traveller. i8io. Sept. 5. True Briton. 1723. Sept. 27. Trae Intelligence from the Head- Quarters. Printed for Nathaniel Brooks. 1650. July 30-Aug. 7 (no. 3). True Patriot and the History of Our Own Times. Weekly. 1745, Nov. 5 (no. i) — 1746, June 3-10 (no. 32). (photo- graphs) . True Sun. Daily. 1832, Mar. 5—1833, Apr. 20. Universal Spectator and Weekly JoumaL 1731. Jan. 30; Mar. 20; May 29; Aug. 21; Oct. 9. 1735. Apr. 26; May 3; Oct. 11. ii6 ENGLAND. London (continued). Weekly Accompt or Perfect Diurnal. Printed for R. Wood and John Greensmith. 1643. July 3-10 (no. i). Weekly Dispatch. 1817. Nov. 23. Weekly Intelligencer of the Commonwealth. 1653. Aug. 2-9 (no. 131). Weekly Journal, or British Gazetteer. 1715. Apr. 16; June 25; July 23; Aug. 20, 27, 31 (sup- plement only). 1719, Jan. 17 — 1720, Dec. 31. 1 72 1. Aug. 12. 'f 1723. Jan. 19; Apr. 6. Continued as: Read's Weekly Journal. 1 73 1, June 12 — 1732, Dec. 30. Continued as: London Spy and Read's Weekly Journal. 1761. July 18 — Dec. 20. Weekly Journal, or, Saturday's Post. 1720, Jan. 30 — 1723, Oct. 19. 1724. Jan. II — Dec. 26. 1725. Jan. 2 — Apr. 24. Weekly Miscellany. 1734, Jan. 4—1740,. Dec. 27. Weekly Register. *^ 1731. May 22; June 5. Westminster Journal and Old British Spy. Weekly. 1811, Jan. 5 — 1812, Dec. 26. Continued as: Westminster Journal and Imperial Weekly Gazette. 1813, Jan. 2 — 1814, Jan. i. Westminster Journal ; or, New Weekly Miscellany. 1754. May 4, II. 1755. Mar. 29; Aug. 9 — Dec. 27. Whitehall Evening Post. Tri-weekly. 1722. Mar. 1-3 (no. 543), 3-6 (no. 544), 8-10 (no. 546)— 13-15 (no. 548). 1734. Oct. 3-5 (no. 2571), 29-31 (no. 2582); Nov. 2-5 (no. 2584). ENGLAND. 117 London (continued). 1736. Apr. 17-20 (no. 2991), 20-22 (no. 2992); May 4-6 (no. 2998), 8-10 (no. 3000), 11-13 (no. 3001), 15-18 (no. 3003), 22-25 (no. 3006); June 3-5 (no. 3011); Sept. 4-7 (no. 3051); Nov. 11-13 (no. 3080). Whitehall Evenmg Post; or, London Intelligencer. Tri- weekly. 1746. Apr. 8, (no. 23); May 3 (no. 34); July 8 (no. 62); Aug. 23 (no. 82). 1754. Feb. 12-14 (no. 1249), 14-16 (no. 1250); Mar. 14-16 (no. 1262) — 19-21 (no. 1264), 26-28 (no. 1267); Apr. 4-6 (no. 1271), 9-1 1 (no. 1273), 25-27 (no. 1280). 1755. Feb. 15-18 (no. 1369), 25-27 (no. 1373), 27-Mar. i (no. 1374), 27-29 (no. 1385); May 1-3 (no. 1400); June 3-5 (no. 1414); July 22-24 (no. 1435); Aug. 26-28 (no. 1453); Sept. 18-20 (no. 1493); Oct. 2-4 (no. 1499). 9-11 (no. 1502), 16-18 (no. 1505), 25-28 (no. 1509); Nov. 13-15 (no. 1517), 15-18 (no. 1518), 27-29 (no. 1523), 29-Dec. 2 (no. 1524), 4-6 (no. 1526), 11-13 (no. 1529), 13-16 (no. 1530). 1765-6, Dec. 31-Jan. 2 (no. 3067) — 1780, Dec. 28-30 (no. 5415)- World. Daily. 1789. May 29. 1790. May II, 13—15- 1792. May 7. World : a Journal for Men and Women. Weekly. 1874, July 8—1879, Dec. 31. Manchester. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser. Weekly. 1825, Jan. I — 1827, Dec. 29. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Newcastle Chronicle. Weekly. 1790. Aug. 28. 1793. Apr. 27; Aug. 10. ii8 ENGLAND. Newcastle-upon-Tyne {continued). Newcastle Courant. Weekly. 1789, Jan. 3 — 1793, Dec. 28. Northampton. Northampton Herald. Weekly. 1831, Nov. 12 — 1859, Dec. 31. 1865, Jan. 7 — 1867, Dec. 28. Oxford. Mercurius Aulicus. Communicating the Intelligence and Affaires of the Court to the Rest of the Kingdome. 1643. Jan. 22-28 (4th week); Feb. 5-11 (6th week), 19-25 (8th week). 1644. Apr. 20 (i6thweek); Nov. 17-23 (47th week). 1645. Feb. 2-9, 23 — Mar. 2. Oxford Diurnal, communicating the Intelligence and Affaires of the Court to the Rest of the Kingdome. Printed for Henry Hall by William Webb. 1643. Jan. 1-7 (ist week). Oxford Gazette. See London. London Gazette. Reading. Henry's Winchester Journal. Weekly. 1746. Mar. 24-31 (no. 128); June 17-24 (no. 142.) Salisbury. Salisbury and Winchester Journal. Weekly. *^ 1779. Jan. 4; Oct. II. 1780. July 17. 1794. June 23. 1816, Mar. 4 — 1827, Dec. 31. Salisbury Journal. Weekly. 1746. Jvme 30; July 7; Aug. 4- York. York Chronicle. Weekly. 1772, Dec. 18 — 1773, Dec. 21. FRANCE. 119 FRANCE. Paris. Ami du Peuple. Semi-weekly. 1848. Feb. 27 — May 14. (nos. i — 21.) Ami du Roi. Daily. 1790, June I — 1792, May 4. Annales Patriotiques et Litteraires de la France. Daily. 1789, Dec. 3 — 1790, Dec. 31. Bon Sens du Peuple. 1848. Mar. 29 — Apr. 15. (nos. i — 10.) Charivari. Daily. 1832, Dec. I — 1833, Nov. 30. 1841, June 16 — 1879, Dec. 31. Concorde. Daily. 1870. Apr. I — May 9. Credit: Journal Quotidien. 1848, Nov. I — 1849, July 31. Credit: Journal Politique, Industriel et Litteraire. Daily. 1849, Aug. I— 1850, Aug. 15. Droits de rHomme. By J. Dezamy. 1848. Mar. 2 — 9. Figaro. Daily. 1872, Mar. I — 1873, Dec. 31. Gazette Nationale, ou le Moniteur Universel. See entry under Moniteur. Journal de TEmpire. See Journal des Debats. Journal de Paris. Daily. 1789, July I— 1793. Dec. 10. 1803, Dec. 23 — 1809, Sept. 30. 181 5. Jan. I — Mar. i. 1816, Nov. IS — 1819, June 8. 1837. Jan. I — Dec. 31. Journal des Debats. Daily. 1 801, Sept. 22 — 1803, Sept. 23. 1804, Jan. I — 1805, July 15. Continued as: Journal de I'Empire. 1805, July 16 — 1 8 14, Mar. 31. Continued as: Journal des Debats. I20 FRANCE. Paris (continued). 1 8 14, Apr. I — 18 1 5, Mar. 20. Continued as: Journal de TEmpire. 181 5. Mar. 25 — ^July 7. Continued as: Journal des Debats. 1815, July 9 — 1841, Dec. 31. 1842. July I — Dec. 31. 1851, Jan. I— 1853, June 30. 1868. Jan. I — Dec. 31. Journal Officiel de I'Empire Frangais. 1870. July 21 — 22. Marseillaise. Daily. 1869, Dec. 19 — 1870, Sept. 9. Messager des Chambres. 1815. July 7. Moniteur. Gazette Nationale, ou le Moniteur Universel. Daily. 1789, May 5 — 1842, May 31. Mot d'Ordre. Daily. 187 1. Feb. 3 — May 19. Napoleonien. Daily. 1848. June 12 — 24. (nos. i — 13). Organisation du Travail. Daily. 1848. June 3 — 24. (nos. i — 22). ^ Pere Duchene : Gazette de la Revolution. 1848. Apr. 10 — Aug. 24. (nos. i — 35). Petit Homme Rouge. 1848. Apr. — ^July. (nos. i — 14). Peuple: Journal de la Republique Democratique. See Representant du Peuple. Peuple de 1850. See Representant du Peuple. Presse. Daily. 1851, Jan. 1—1853, Dec. 30. Presse Republicaine. Daily. 1848. July 4 — 7. (nos. I — 4). Representant du Peuple. 1847. Oct. 14; Nov. 15. FRANCE— GERM AN Y. 1 2 1 Paris (continued). 1848. Feb. 27 — Aug. 21. Continued as : Peuple. Journal de la Republique Democratique. 1848, Sept. — 1849, June 13. Continued as: Peuple de 1850. 1850. June 15 — Oct. 13. Revolution Democratique et Sociale. Daily. 1848, Nov. 7 — 1849, June 13. Temps. 1880. Jan. I — Dec. 31. 1905, Sept. I — date. Voix du Peuple. Daily. 1849, Sept. 25 — 1850, May 14. Tours. France. Daily. 1870. Nov. 17. Versailles. Moniteur Officiel du Department de Seine-et-Oise. See Nouvelliste de Versailles. Nouvelliste de Versailles. Daily. 1870. Oct. 15 — 28. Continued as: Moniteur Ofl&ciel du Department de Seine-et-Oise. 1870, Oct. 29 — i87i,Mar. 5. (Reprints.) GERMANY. Berlin. Germania. Daily. 1875. Jan. 2 — Sept. 30. Koniglich Privilegirte Berlinische Zeitung. Daily. 1844. Apr. I — Dec. 31. Cologne. Kblnische Zeitung. Daily. 1874, Jan. 3—1875, Sept. 30. Weekly edition : 1870, Jan I — 1874, Jan. 2. 1875, Oct. I — 1877, Sept. 28. 122 GERMANY— IRELAND. Frankfurt am main. Was Neues. Semi-weekly. 1781, June 15 — 1782, Feb. 14. Heidelberg. Germania. Weekly. 1856, Jan. 2 — 1857, June 24. Tubingen. Allgemeine Zeitung. See Neueste Weltkiinde. Neueste Weltkunde. Daily. 1798. Jan. I — Sept. 8. Continued as: Allgemeine Zeitung. 1798, Sept. 9 — 1819, Dec. 31. 1855, Jan. I— 1858, Dec. 31. i860, Jan. I — 1873, June 30. HOLLAND. Amsterdam. Volk. Daily. 1900, Mar. 29 — date. Leyden. Leidsch Dagblad. 1882. June 27; Dec. 14. Nouvelles Extraordinaires de Divers Endroits. Semi-weekly. 1681. Feb. 18. 1778, Jan. 2 — Dec. 28. 1782, Jan. I — 1798, May 4. Continued as: Nouvelles Politiques. 1798, May II — 1804, Oct. 5. Continued as: Journal Politique. 1804, Oct. 23 — 18 II, Oct. 15. 1816. Jan. 2 — Nov. 26. IRELAND. Belfast. Belfast Commercial Chronicle. 1829. Sept. 23. IRELAND— ITALY. 123 Dublin. Antidote ; or, Constitutional Sentinel. Weekly. 1822. Mar. 9 — Oct. 12. Antidote ; or, Protestant Guardian. Weekly. 1822, Nov. 23 — 1823, Mar. 8. Dublin Chronicle. Tri-weekly. 1787, May 3— 1791, Dec. 31. Dublin Evening Mail. Tri-weekly and daily. 1823, Feb. 3—1882, Dec. 31. Dublin Evening Post. Tri-weekly. 1801, Jan. I — 1804, Dec. 29. 1806. Jan. 2 — Dec. 30. 1809, Jan. 3 — 1820, Dec. 30. 1822, Jan. I — 1824, Dec. 30. 1826, Jan. 3 — 1836, Dec. 31. 1838, Jan. 2 — 1839, Dec. 31. 1843, Jan. 3—1844, Nov. 12. Press. Tri-weekly. 1797, Sept. 28 — 1798, Mar. 3. Public Register or Freeman's Journal. Semi-weekly. 1763-4, Dec. 31-Jan. 3 (no. 34, vol. I). — 1766, Dec. 23-27 (no. 33, vol. IV). Star of Brunswick. Weekly. 1828, Nov. 29 — 1829, Dec. 26. United Irishman. Weekly. 1848. Feb. 12 — May 27. Warder. Weekly. 1822. Oct. 19 — Nov. 9. ITALY. Pisa. Italia. Semi-weekly. 1847, June 19 — 1848, Aug. i. Rome. Cronaca Nera. Daily. 1889. Aug. 15 — Dec. 25. 6 124 ITALY— RUSSIA. Rome (continued). Diario di Roma. Semi-weekly. 1814, July 6 — 1848, Jan. 15. Weekly edition issued under title : Notizie del Giomo. 1814, July 6 — 1848, Jan. 15. Daily edition issued under title : Gazzetta di Roma. 1848, Jan. 17 — 1849, Jan. 29. Continued as: Monitore Romano. 1849. Jan. 30— July 3. Frusta. Weekly. 1870, Nov. 20 — 1875, Apr. 30. Gazzetta di Roma. See Diario di Roma. Journal de Rome. Daily. 1881, Dec. 6 — 1885, June 30. Monitore Romano. See Diario di Roma. Notizie del Giomo. See Diario di Roma. Roman Advertiser. Weekly. 1846, Oct. 24 — 1849, Apr. 21. Venice. Gazzetta Veneta. 1760, Feb. 6 — 1761, Jan. 31. (reprints; with facsimile of the first page of the issue for Feb. 6, 1760). POLAND. Warsaw. Glos. Weekly. 1900, Jan. I — 1902, Nov. 30. RUSSIA. (The dating is that of the Russian calendar.) Moscow. Moskovskiia Viedomosti. Semi-weekly. 1817, Jan. 4 — 1812, Mar. 30. 1827, Jan. I — 1830, Dec. 31. Petrograd. Journal de St. Petersbourg. Daily. 1888. July 8— Nov. 4. RUSSIA— SCOTLAND. 125 Petrograd (continued). Novoe Vremia. Daily. 1888. Sept. 18— Oct. 16. 1893, Dec. 29 — 1894, Mar. 23. Novostd. Daily. 1891, Jan. I — 1895, Dec. 31. 1897, May 29 — 1904, Dec. 30. Peterburgskii Listok. Daily. 1893, Nov. 12 — 1894, Jan. 15. 8 numbers. Riech. Daily. 1 914, Aug. 6 — date. Russkaia Zhizn'. Daily. 1893. Dec. 1-22. 7 numbers. 1894, Jan. I — 1895, Jan. 20. Sievemaia Pchela. Tri-weekly and daily. 1825, Jan. I— 1855, Dec. 31. Viedomosti Spb. Gradonachal'stva i Stolichnoi Politsiii. Daily. 1893. Jan. 31; Sept. 15; Nov. 30. 1894. Jan. 13 — Mar. 17. 17 numbers. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh. Caledonian Mercury. Tri-weekly. 1776, Apr. 8 — 1779, Dec. 29. Edinburgh Advertiser. Semi-weekly. 1764, Jan. 3 (no. i)— 1765, May 17-21 (no. 145). 1769. June 30- July 4 (no. 575) — Dec. 26-29 (no. 626). 1 77 1. Jan. 1-4 (no. 732)— Dec. 27-31 (no. 835). 1785, Jan. 4-7 (no. 2194)— 1795, Dec. 25-29 (no. 3339)- 1798. Jan. 2-5 (no. 3550)— Dec. 25-28 (no. 3652). Edinburgh Chronicle. Semi-weekly. 1759. Mar. 22 (no. i)— July 14-19 (no. 35). Edinburgh Evening Courant. Tri-weekly. 1816, Jan. I — 1818, June 18. Edinburgh Weekly Register. 1808. Dec. 21, 28. 1809. Jan. 4; Mar. i, 8; June 7 — Sept. 20. 126 SCOTLAND— SWITZERLAND. Edinburgh (continued). Faithful Intelligencer from the Parliament Army in Scotland . 1659. Nov. 29-Dec. 3. Reveur. Weekly. 1737, Nov. 18 — 1738, May 26. Ruddiman's Weekly Mercury. 1777. Aug. 7; Dec. 31. 1778. Jan. 7 — Dec. 30. 1779. Jan. 6 — 20. Scotsman. Weekly. 1817, Jan. 25 — Dec. 27. 1818, Jan. 3 — Feb. 14; Aug. 22. Weekly Scotsman and Caledonian Mercury. 1867, June I — 1877, Dec. 15. Glasgow. Glasgow Chronicle. Tri-weekly. 1816. Feb. I — Dec. 31. Glasgow Courier. Tri-weekly, 1799. Apr. 27 — Dec. 28. 1807. Jan. I — Dec. 31. 1812. Jan. 2 — Dec. 31. 182 1. Jan. 2 — Dec. 29. Scottish Guardian. Semi-weekly. 1832. Jan. 17 — Dec. 28. SPAIN. Madrid. Hustracion Espanola y Americana. Weekly. 1871, Feb. 25 — 1872, Dec. 24. 1874, Jan. 8 — 1893, Dec. 30. SWITZERLAND. Geneva. Journal de Geneve. Weekly. 1789, Jan. 10—1793, Jan. 1.9. Semi-weekly : 1793. Feb. 18— Aug. 15. SWITZERLAND— GUATEMALA. 127 Geneva (continued). 1870. Nov. 12, i6, 18. 1876, Sept. I — 1877, Nov. 4. WALES. Swansea. Cambrian, or General Weekly Advertiser. 1817. Jan. 4 — Dec. 27. 1821. Oct. 13 — 27. 1822. May 25; Aug. 3, 10, 24 — Sept. 28. NORTH AMERICA. BERMUDA. Hamilton. Royal Gazette. Tri-weekly. 1902, Dec. 13 — 1912, Nov. 30. CANADA. Quebec. Quebec Gazette. Weekly. 1765. Jan. 24; May 23; July 25; Aug. 22; Sept. 12; Oct. 3 — 24. 1766. June 12; July 21; Aug. 11 — 25. Toronto. Mail. Daily. 1872, Mar. 30 — 1881, Dec. 31. Week. 1883, Dec. 6 — 1893, Dec. 29. GUATEMALA. Guatemala. Heraldo. Weekly. 1909, Nov. 7 — 1 9 10, July 31. Nacional. Daily. 1910, Aug. 7 — 191 1, Jan. 30. 128 MEXICO. MEXICO. Galeana. Boletin. Irregular. 1871. Nov. 17 — 29. Guadalajara. Clarin de Occidente. Weekly. 1907. Sept. 15. Defensa. Weekly, 1907. Sept. 15. Jalisco Libre. Daily. 1907. Sept. 15. Jalisco Mercantil. 1907. Sept. 15. Guanajuato. Voz de Guanajuato. Weekly. 1891. Sept. 6. Jalapa. Iris de Veracruzan. Weekly. 1907. Sept. 15. Mexico. Amigo de la Patria. Weekly. 1812, Nov. 6 — 1813, Apr. 30. Atleta. Daily. 1829, Dec. 21 — 1830, Mar. 31. Boletin Republicano. Daily. 1867, June 3 — 1868, May 2. Correo de la Federacion Mexicana. Daily. 1827. July I — Oct. 31. Correo de Mexico. Daily. 1867. Sept. I — Dec. 14. Cosmopolita. Semi-weekly. 1837, Dec. 9—1843, July 8. Daily American Star. 1847, Oct. 29 — 1848, May 30. Diario de Avisos. Daily. 1859. Jan. I— June 30. Diario de Mexico. Daily. 1805, Oct. I — 1810, Dec. 31. MEXICO. 129 Mexico {continued). Diario del Hogar. Daily. 1908. Sept. I, 2. 1909. June 16; July 4, 9- Diario Oficial. Daily. i860. Jan. I — Mar. 31. Fenix de la Libertad. Semi-weekly and daily. 1831, Dec. 7—1834, June 4. Gaceta de Mexico. Irregular. 1784, Jan. 14 — 1809, Dec. 30. Continued as: Gaceta del Gobiemo de Mexico. Semi-weekly. 1810, Jan. 2 — 1815, Dec. 30. 1819. July i; Aug. 30. 1820, Mar. 2 — 1823, Jan. 3. Gaceta del Gobiemo. Tri-weekly. 1826. Sept. 12; Oct. 17 — Dec. 30. 1827. Jan. 2 — Mar. i. Gacetilla. Diario Imparcial. 1877, Sept. 26 — 1878, Dec. 29. Gazette Ofl&cielle. See Periodico Oficial. Gladiador. Daily. 1830. Mar. 27 — Sept. 30. Globo. Daily. 1869. Jan. II — Oct. 13. Mexican Herald. Daily. 1906, Jan. I — date. Monitor Republicano. Daily. 1867. July I — Dec. 31. North American. Semi-weekly and daily. 1847, Sept. 29 — 1848, Mar. 31. Noticioso General. Tri-weekly. 1819. Jan. I — Dec. 3. Pajaro Verde. Daily. 1863, July 17—1864, July 29. 1865, Jan. 4 — 1866, Dec. 31. Periodico Oficial. Tri-weekly. 1863, July 21—1864, Dec. 31. French edition under title: I30 MEXICO. Mexico (continued). Gazette Officielle. 1863, July 21—1864, June 18. Registro Oficial. Daily. 1830. Jan. 22 — Dec. 31. 183 1. May I— Aug. 18. 1832. Apr. 17; May 9— June 30. Sol. Daily. 1823. June 15 — Sept. 14; Nov. i— Dec. 31. 1824, Jan. I — 1828, Dec. i. Tiempo. Daily. 1834. July 3— Dec. 21. 1846. Jan. 24 — ^June 7. Orizaba. Cosmopolita. Weekly. 1907. Sept. 15. PUEBLA. Flag of Freedom. Semi-weekly. 1847. Oct. 20. Minerva. Daily. 1828. Nov. 12 — Dec. 24. San Luis Potosi. Americano. Weekly. 1892. Apr. 4, 18; May 9; Sept. 5. Balanza de Astrea. Weekly. 1834. Sept. 18 — Nov. 20. Boletin Oficial. Weekly and Semi-weekly. 1837. May 6 — Nov. 12. 1842. May 7 — ^June 25; Nov. 5; Dec. 24. 1843. Jan. 8; Nov. 4. 1844. July 6 — Nov. 30. 1845. Feb. 8. 1855. Aug. 20 — Dec. 26. 1859. Jan. 5 — Sept. 8. i860. Apr. 28 — Aug. 14. 1862. Feb. 15 — Oct. 23. Contemporaneo. Daily. 1909. Nov. 5. MEXICO. 131 San Luis Potosi (continued). Correo de San Luis. Daily. 1891. Feb. 12; May 24. 1895. Feb. 18. Correo Potosino. Semi-weekly. 1880. May 5. Cronica. Semi-weekly. i860. Oct. 27 — Dec. 30. Epoca. Tri-weekly. 1847. Jan. 2 — Dec. 28. 1848. June i; Sept. 29. 1849. Jan. 2—1853, Jan. 24. Estandarte del Pueblo. 1887. Apr. 21 (extra). Estandarte. Daily. 1902. Jan. 3. 1903. Jan. 2. 1908. Sept. 3. 1909. July 17; Nov. 7. 1910. July 17. Gaceta del Gobiemo. Weekly. 1 83 1. Jan. 28 — Dec. 31. 1841. Jan. 2 — ^June 26; Dec. 18. 1842. Jan. I — Apr. 13. Garibaldi. Semi-weekly. 1861. Feb. 16 — Dec. 23. 1862. Jan. 10 — 25; Oct. 30 — Dec. 31. 1863. Jan. 3— Feb. 25. Idea. Weekly. i860, Dec. 19 — 1 86 1, Jan. 16. Idea Liberal. Weekly. 1 86 1. Aug. 25 — Sept. 12. Liberal Verdadero. Weekly and Semi-weekly. 1856. Jan. I — Sept. 23. Continued as: Liberal. 1856, Sept. 30 — 1860, Oct. 24. Obrero Potosino. Weekly. 1881. Feb. 24. 132 MEXICO. San Luis Potosi (continued). Opinion. Semi-weekly. 1835. Jan. I— Aug. 25. 1836. Feb. 5. Palabra. Weekly. 1894. June i; Sept. i. Periodico Oficial. Semi-weekly. 1885. Apr. 27 — Dec. 28. 1886, Jan. I — 1892, Dec. 30. Periquillo Samiento. Daily. 1893. Sept. 9. Potosino. Semi -weekly. 1863. Mar. 7 — July 4; Dec. 12. 1874. Apr. 26. Reforma. Semi-weekly. 1853, Jan. 29—1854, Dec. 20. 1855. Feb. 7 — Aug. II. Restauracion. Semi-weekly. i860. Jan. 4 — Apr. 18. 1864. Jan. 2 — Dec. 24. 1865. Jan. I — Dec. 24. Sombra de Zaragoza. Semi and Tri -weekly. 1867. May 18. 1870, Feb. 16 — 1874, D@G. 29. Union. Weekly. 1869. Oct. 30 — Dec. 10. 1870. May 7 — Dec. 24. 1871. Jan. 7 — Mar. 28; June 10 — Nov. 25. 1872. May 10. Union Democrata. Semi-weekly. 1873. Nov. 8—1875, Aug. 12. 1876, Dec. 28 — 1879, Dec. 27. 1880, Jan. 3 — 1881, Dec. 30. 1882, Jan. 3 — 1883, Dec. 28. 1885. Jan. 6 — Apr. 7. Yunque. Semi -weekly. 1832. Dec. 16 — 30. MEXICO— TASMANIA. 133 Tampico. Tampico Sentdnel. Weekly. 1847. Aug. 28, 31 (extra). TORREON. Nuevo Mundo. Daily. 1907. Sept. 15. Ures. Voz de Sonora. Weekly. 1856. Nov. 7. Vera Cruz. American Eagle. Semi-weekly. 1847. Apr. 3. Constitucionalista. Weekly. 1914, Dec. 12 — 1915, May 25. Zacatecas. Periodico Oficial. Weekly. 1914, Aug. 15— 1915, Apr. 17. Regenerador. Semi-weekly. 1856. Jan. 13 — Dec. 11. OCEANICA. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Honolulu. Polynesian. Weekly. 1840. June 6 — Dec. 26. 1841. Jan. 2 — ^June 5; Sept. 25 — Dec. 4. NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney. Morning Herald. Daily. 1 91 3. Nov. 25 — date. TASMANIA. HoBART Town. Omnibus. Semi-weekly. 1842. June 7 — Dec. 30. 1843. July 4 — Dec. 29. 134 TASMANIA— BOLIVIA. Hob ART Town (continued). 1863. Oct. 20 — Dec. 29. Southern Cross. Tri-weekly. 1867, May 2~i868, Feb. 19. SOUTH AMERICA. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Buenos Aires. Gazeta de Buenos Ayres. Weekly. 1810, June 7 — 181 1, Aug. 8. Gazeta de Buenos Ajrres. 1810, June 7 — 1819, Oct. 27. (facsimiles.) Continued as: Gaceta de Buenos Ayres. 1819, Nov. 3 — 1 82 1, Sept. 12. (facsimiles). Nacional. Daily. 1824, Dec. 23 — 1825, June 23. Prensa. Daily. 1911, Sept. I — 1912, June i. 1914, Mar. 30 — ^July 30; Aug. 15 — date. Registro Oficial. Weekly. 1821, Sept. 19 — 1822, Apr. 27. Telegrafo Mercantil. Semi-weekly. 1801. Apr. I — Dec. 27. (reprints.) Salta. Civico. Daily. 1892. Oct. 31. BOLIVIA. Caracoles. Verdad. 1875. Sept. 12, 17. COCHABAMBA. 14 de Setiembre. Weekly. 1882. Sept. 29; Oct. 27 — Dec. 29. 1883. Jan. 5 — Feb. 23; Mar. 16, 30; Apr. 13; May 7 — Dec. 28. 1884. Jan. 18 — Mar. 14; Apr. 16. BOLIVIA. 135 CocHABAMBA (continued). Correspondencia. Semi-weekly. 1880. Jan. 12 — Feb. 24; Mar. 19, 23; Apr. 10, 16. Democracia Pacifica. Weekly. 1862. June 20. Elector. Irregular. 1872. Dec. 27. 1873. Jan. 24; Feb. 6, 20. Heraldo. Daily. 1888. Apr. 29; July 3, 7, 12, Independiente. Weekly. 1889. Feb. 3; Mar. 3. Industria. Semi-weekly. 1889. Jan. 3. Iris. 1876. Mar. 24; Apr. 28. Progreso. Weekly. 1885. Sept. 21, 28; Oct. 16; Nov. 2, 20 — Dec. 31. 1886. Jan. 15— July 23. 1887. Jan. 22; Feb. 18; May 13. Tiempo. i860 Jime 27. Trasmision Legal. Weekly. 1856. Aug. 24; Oct. 5. Tribune del Pueblo. 1872. Dec. 26. Tunari. Tri-monthly. 1887. July 7. Union. 1875. Dec. 24. Voz de Bolivia. Irregular. 1864. Jan. I — 26; Feb. 7, 20, 27; Mar. 12, 23; Apr. 4 — 11; June 2; Aug. 6, 15. La Paz. Actualidad. Semi-weekly. 1872. Apr. 13. Artiesano Honrado. Weekly. 1887. July 12. 1888. Apr. 18, 28. 136 BOLIVIA. La Paz (continued) . Bandera Liberal. Weekly. 1908. Apr. 3; May 3. Boletin. Semi-weekly. 1865. July 19, 23; Aug. 16; Nov. 3, 15. Boletin Oficial. Tri-weekly. 1858. May 26. 1876. May 7 — ^June 6. Comercio. Tri-weekly. 1878. Jan. 22 — Feb. 26; Mar. 2 — 23, 28 — May 16, 23 — June 29; July 4— Aug. 6. 1879. Jan. 7; Oct. 28 — Nov. i, 19, 21; Dec. 10, 16, 19, 31. 1880. Sept. 28; Oct. 3. Daily: 1883. Sept. 7. 1884. May 30. 1886. Jan. 18, 20, 21; Mar. 22 — May 8, 11 — 19, 22, 25; July 6—29; Aug. 2—5, 9, II— 14; Oct. 2. 1887. Jan. 29; Apr. 28; May 31; June 17, 30; July 22, 28, 1890. July 10; Nov. 25, 26; Dec. 15. 1891. Jan. 29; Apr. 6, 9; June 30; July 2, 4; Oat. 12. 1892. Jan. 9, 12, 14; Aug. 16, 17. 1894. May. 31. 1895. May 27. 1896. July 7; Aug. 25. 1900. Feb. 20; Aug. 21; Oct. 30. 1901. Sept. 20 — 24; Nov. 15, 26. 1907. May 7; Oct. 18. Comercio de Bolivia. Daily. 1899. July 29. 1900. Dec. 15. 1901. Aug. 23. 1902. Jan. 17, 19; June 5, 7, 8, 26; July 16, 26. 1903. May 3, 9. 1904. Feb. 10, 12, 23, 25; June 11 — 24, 28 — ^July 5; Oct. 5, 11 ; Nov. 24; Dec. i, 3, 9, 24. 1905. June 18; Sept. 17; Nov. 16. 1906. Jan 14; May 5, 11, 12; June 10; Aug. 2; Oct. 4. BOLIVIA. 137 La Paz (continued). 1907. July g; Oct. 11, 22; Nov. 22. 1908. Oct. 10. Concordia. 1874. July 3. 1875. Nov. 26; Dec. 17. Confederacion. Irregular. 1880 May 28; June 5, 11, 18. Constitucional. Weekly. 1839. Oct. 23; Nov. 13 — 27. 1840. June 24; July 15; Sept. 2; Oct. 7. 1841. Mar. 4 — Apr. 8; May 20; Oct. 23. Tri-weekly: 1862. Jan. 19; Feb. 7, 18 — 23; Apr. 11; Nov. 20. 1869. Jan. 30. Cruz Roja. Semi-monthly. 1881. Mar. 30. Deber. 1884. July 4. Decalogo. Semi-weekly. 1901. June I — 8. 1902. Apr. 19. Democracia. Semi-weekly. 1875. Sept. 23. 1877. July 5— Aug. 13, 30— Sept. 6, 27— Oct. i, 8; Nov. 8— Dec. 31. 1878. Jan. 3—17, 24— Feb. 11; Apr. 4, 29— May 4; Sept. 28. 1879. Feb. 19; Apr. 13, 26; May 7, 19; June 12, 16; Sept. 23; Dec. 9, 12 — 31. 1888. Jan. 28. Democrata. Daily. 1881. July 26. 1884. Apr. 20. Semi-weekly : 1887. Oct. 15; Nov. 6. Derecho. 1908. June 8. 138 BOLIVIA. La Paz (continued) . Diario. Daily. 1904. Sept. 23; Nov. 17. 1905. June 22; Jvily II— 15. 1907. June i; Nov. 6. 1908. Mar. 25, 26. Eco de la Paz. Semi-weekly. 1864. July 9 — Sept. 14. 1865. Feb. 12; Mar. 9; Apr. 2. Eco del Ejercito. 1861. Mar. 15, Ecos Liberales. 1894. May II, 18, 29. Epoca. Daily. 1845. Aug. 20, 22, 26, 28 — 30; Sept. 2, 5, II, 17, 19, 22, 25,29; Oct. 8, 21,31; Nov. 3 — 26; Dec. I, 22 — 31. 1846. Jan. 2 — Apr. 30; May 25; June i — 18, 26, 27; July 16, 18, 24—31; Aug. 20; Sept. 1—7, 10, II, 15, 17 — 21; Oct. 6 — 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 19 — 24, 27 — 31; Dec. 4. 1847. Jan. 2 — 8, II — 20, 26, 27, 29, 30; Feb. 3 — 5, 8—13; Mar. 15, 19 — 27, 30; Apr. 12, 17, 22, 23, 26 — 28, 30— May 4, 8—12, 15, 17, 19, 25, 28— June 4, 7— 18,21,22; July 2, 6, 7, 10—14, 19, 21 — 24,27; Aug. 4 — 7, 16 — 19, 21, 27 — Sept. 2, 4 — 21; Nov. 27, 30. 1848. June 12 — Dec. 29. 1849. Mar. I — 31; June i — 30; Sept. i — 4, 17, 28; Oct. 3, 15 — 31; Dec. 24 — 31. 1850. Jan. 3, 4, 17; Feb. 21 — Mar. 4; May 28; June 8, 14, 15; Aug. 7, 9, 22; Oct. 4, 18 — 28; Nov. 25. 1851. Aug. 25. 1852. Jan. 5 — Mar. 13, 16 — ^July 28; Aug. 25 — 28; Sept. 11; Oct. 29, 30; Dec. 24. 1853. Apr. 19, 20, 23—29; May 2, 16, 24; June 13, 25— July II, 18—21, 23—30; Aug. 4, 8, 17, 19—23. 25 — 27; Sept. 19; Oct. 14; Nov. 5 — 29. 1854. Jan. 30; Mar. 8, 15; Apr. 4; May 9, 31— June 30; July 4 — 21; Sept. 2 — 20, 27 — 30; Nov. 22; Dec. II, 19, 20. BOLIVIA. 139 La Paz (continued) . 1855. Jan. 4, 8, 27; Feb. 5; Mar. 13; Apr. 11, 12, 17, 18, 26; May I, 5 — 18; Aug. i, 10; Sept. 3; Oct. i, 6, 13 — 18, 20 — 24, 26 — 29; Nov. 9, 17, 19, 21, 27; Dec. 4. 1856. Jan. 26; Mar. 11; Apr. i, 23; May 8, 26 — 28; Jiine 21, 26; July I, 2, 10, II, 15, 19, 21; Aug. 13, 20, 22, 23, 28, 30; Sept. 12. 1866. Mar. 5; Apr. 11; May 5, 14, 28 — 30; June 2 — 23, 30; July 9— Aug. I, 17—24; Sept. 4— 11, 15, 17, 22 — 29; Oct. 19. 1867. Jan. 2, 4; Feb. 19 — 24, 28 — Mar. 8, 17, 21, 26, 29, 30; May 18; July 19; Aug. 8. 1891. Apr. 7, 9 — II. 1909. Jan. 8, 9, 14; Feb. 14, 16, 21; Sept. 20. 1910. Jan. 21. Esperanza. Semi-weekly. 1857. Dec. 2, 5, II, 17, 19, 30. Estado. Tri-weekly. 1900. Aug. 10, 22, 30 — Sept. 3, 7, 22, 26, 29; Oct. 15, 18, 23 — 25; Nov. 10, 14, 17, 20, 24; Dec. 17 — 24. 1901. Aug. 8, 27; Oct. I, 3; Nov. 7, 19; Dec. 14. 1902. Jan. 27; Apr. 12, 29; Aug. 10 — Dec. 10. 1903. Dec. 20. Estandarte. Irregtdar. 1852. Mar. 18 — May 7, 16, 23; June 11; July 6 — Aug. 11; Sept. 18— Oct. 9. Gaceta del Gobiemo. Weekly. 1841. Nov. 25; Dec. II — 25. 1842. Jan. 22 — Feb. 26; Mar. 12; Apr. 9, 23 — July 19; Oct. 8 — Nov. 26; Dec. 10. Tri-weekly : 1843. Feb. 4; Mar. 4; Apr. 15; July 29; Aug. 12, 16; Sept. 21, 23; Oct. 3, 7; Nov. 28; Dec. 19. 1844. Mar. 12; Apr. 9 — 16; May 11, 16, 18; June 8 — 18, 22, 29 — July 18; Aug. 10, 22 — 27, 31 — Sept. 21, 26 — Oct. 3, 10 — 29; Nov. 5 — Dec. 14. 1859. Nov. 26. 1862. Jan. 18. 6* I40 BOLIVIA. La Paz (continued). Grito de la Libertad. Semi-weekly. 1848. Jan. 3, 20; Feb. 14; Apr. 12. niimani. 1868. Jan. i; Feb. 21. Imparcial. Daily. 1888. July 27 — Aug. 2, 10 — 17, 29 — Sept. 6, 10, 22 ; Oct. 2. 1889. Jan. 6 — 16, 18 — Feb. 9, 22 — 26, 28 — Mar. 19, 22 — 28, 30, 31; Apr. 3—6, II, 14, 17—25, 27, 30— May 8, 30 — June 9, 18, 22, 26; July 1—9, 11— 21, 24 — Aug. 3, 9 — 16, 22; Sept. 10 — 18, 21, 22, 26 — Nov. 17, 28 — Dec. I, 5 — 7, 10 — 17, 19 — 22, 27. 1890. Jan. 4 — 12, 15 — Feb. 9, 14, 25; Mar. 2, 12 — 16; Apr. 22— May I, 3, 8, 11, 27. 1891. May 12 — 16, 20 — ^June 12, 16 — 27; July i, 3, 10 — 14, 23, 24, 28, 29, 31 — Aug. 9, 12 — 22, 26, 30 — Oct. 13, 15—23, 25; Nov. 29; Dec. 18. 1892. Jan. 6, 9 — 16, 20 — 27, 30 — Feb. 12, 16 — Mar. 8, 10 — 19. 23—31; Apr. 2— June 24; July 1—23, 28, 30; Aug. 2 — 6. Tri-weekly : 1893. Jan. 15 — 21; Feb. 2 — Mar. 18, 24; Apr. 6, 21 — ^June 9, 15, 18. 1896. June 24; Sept. 23; Oct. 6. 1898. Jan. 7; Apr. 29; May 13; Sept. 16. 1899. Mar. 8. Industria. Daily. 1889. June 23; Aug. 15. Labaro. Daily. 1888. May 24 — 27; June 6, 7, 12 — 17. Liberal. Daily. 1891. Dec. 4—15, 19—31- 1892. Jan. 4 — ^June 15, 18 — Aug. 17, 24 — Sept. 22. Libertad. Tri-weekly. 1871. Mar. 30; June 15, 17; July 15; Aug. 26; Sept. 8; Oct. 11. 1872. Apr. 18. BOLIVIA. 141 La Paz (continued). Nacion. Tri-weekly. 1901. Feb. 2; June 2, 8. 1902. Jan. II. Nacional. Semi-weekly. 1873. Jan. 22, 28, 31; Feb. 7, 19; Mar. i. Daily: 1885. Mar. i; Aug. 31; Dec. 14. 1886. Feb. 17 — June 5, 9 — 12, 15 — 21, 23. Noticioso. Daily. 1870. Dec. 31. 1871. Jan. I, 6, 12, 18. Opimon Nacional. Weekly. 1865. Feb. 25. 1895. May 15. Tri-weekly : 1908. Sept. 14. Pais. Semi-weekly. 1892. July 17. 1903. Oct. 10, 31; Nov. 12. Patria. Daily. 1880. Apr. 16 — May 22, 26 — June 7, 9, 11 — 15, 18 — 21, 23, 26—30; July 2 — 29, 31; Aug. 4— 17» 19—24. 26— 30; Sept. 1—4, 9, II, 14—17. 20 — 23, 25— Dec. 24. 30- 1881. Jan. 4—30; Feb. 6, 11— 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 25—27; Apr. 19, 21. 1884. Jan. 6. 1885. Mays. Porvenir. 1892. Apr. 14. Progreso. 1885. Sept. 17. 1887. May 9; June 8. 1888. Feb. 7. Bazon. Daily. 1884. Oct. 29. 1885. Jan. r, la; Feb. 5 — Apr. 30; May 7 — Dec. 26. 142 BOLIVIA. La Paz (continued) . 1886. Jan. I — Mar. 23, 28; Apr. i, 18, 28 — ^Jiine 16; July 7 — Sept. 23; Oct. 7, 14; Nov. 8, 15, 25 — Dec. 11, 30- 1887. Jan. I — 7, 14 — Feb. 11, 17 — May 5, 20 — Aug. 26; Sept. 4 — Dec. 30. 1888. Jan. 6 — June 14. Redactor. 1868. Sept. [10]; Oct. 5. Reforma. Semi-weekly. 1876. Apr. 4. Republica. Semi-weekly. 1872. Dec. 31. 1873. Jan. 6, 10. 1874. Apr. 29. Republicano. 1870 Nov. 29. Revista. Semi-weekly. 1890. June I — 14. Revista del Norte. 1900. Nov. 24. Revista Liberal. Semi-weekly. 1902. Oct. 29. Revolucion. Daily. 1857. Oct. 3, 16, 21, 23, 29; Nov. 12. '^ Siglo Industrial. Weekly. 1887. Sept. 13. 1888. Jan. 10 — Mar. 6; Apr. 17 — May i, 15 — ^Jime 19; July 3, 19. Semi-weekly : 1892. Nov. 9. 1893. Jan. 19 — Feb. 12. Situacion. 1870. June 16. Telegrafo. Semi-weekly. 1858. Oct. 4; Dec. 8. Tri-weekly: 1859. June 16; Nov. 24, 26. BOLIVIA. 143 La Paz {continued). i860. Jan. 26; Mar. 8, 24 — ^31; Apr. 17, 24; June 21, 25; Jtily 12, 21, 28; Aug. 13. 1861. Jan. 9, 12, 26; Feb. 2 — 25; Mar. 17, 27, 31. 1862. Mar. 28; July 22. 1863. Feb. 13; Apr. 14, 17; May 28 — ^June 20, 29— July 2. 1864. Feb. 7, 25, 29; June 18; Nov. 4. Daily : 1895. July 5, 6; Oct. 30. 1896. July 7; Dec. 19. 1897. Apr. 13. 1899. May 30. Titicaca. Daily. 1877. Mar. 6 — May 17. Irregular : 1877. May 26 — ^June 12, 16, 18, 22 — 30; July 4, 15 — 28; Aug. 12, 18, 28 — Nov. 23. Trabajo. Semi-weekly. 1883. June 15 — July 24, 31 — Sept. 18, 25; Oct. 2, 16 — Nov. 13, 27, 30; Dec. 28. 1884. Jan. I — II, 18 — Feb. 5, 12, 14. Tribuna. Daily. 1893. Dec. 9. Union. Semi-weekly. 1899. Oct. 10. 1902. May 2. Union Nacional. Weekly. 1883. Nov. 4 — Dec. 15. Verdades. Semi-weekly. 1882. Aug. 31. 1884. Jan. 27. Voz de Bolivia. Tri-weekly. 1862. Oct. 30; Nov. 7, 10, 14 — 27. For continuation see entry under Oruro. Oruro. Constitucional. 1861. Dec. 28. Evolucion. Daily. 1902. Apr. II. 144 BOLIVIA. Oruro (continued). Ley. 1873. Feb. 2, 25. Nacion. Irregular. 1887. May 12 — 22; July 24, 31; Oct. 16. 1888. Jan. I, 22; Feb. 5; Mar. 11. Nueva Era. 1889. Jan. 31. Orden. Weekly. 1884. Jan. 17. Pueblo. Weekly. 1878. Nov. 14, 23. 1880. Sept. 20; Dec. 3. Redactor. 1863. Sept. 20. Tagarette. Weekly. 1886. Mar. 28. 1887. Apr. 17; May 9. Voz de Bolivia. Tri-weekly. For earlier issues see entry under La Paz. 1863. Jan. 9, 11; Feb. 24; Mar. 7 — Apr. 9, 15 — 24; May 29; July 15 Aug. 12, 27 Sept. 14, 29. For continuation see entry under Cochabamba. Voz del Pueblo. Weekly. 1888. July 22. •* POTOSI. Celage. 1849. Sept. 24. Constitucional. Weekly. 1887. Jan. 5; Apr, 8. Debate. 1876. Mar. 22; May 2. Discusion. Weekly. 1874. Aug. 5 — Sept. 2, 16. 1875. Mar. 10, 31; June 2; Sept. 29. 1876. Feb. 27; Mar. 15, 24. Evolucion. Weekly. 1892. July 3. BOLIVIA. 145 PoTOSi (continued). Gaceta Municipal. Semi-monthly. 1887. Nov. 9; Dec. 7. Garantias. Weekly. 1882. July 20 — ^Aug. 3, 17 — Sept, 7. Honra Politica. Weekly, 1887. July 16, 24; Aug. 29; Oct. 19. 1892. July 9. Opinion. 1887. Dec. 15. Pensamiento de la Revolucion. 1887. Nov. 3. Tiempo. Weekly. 1885. June 13, 20. 1887. Sept. 17. 1888. Feb. 4, 11; June 30; July 7; Dec. i. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Estrella del Oriente. Daily. 1887. Oct. 27. 1888. June 19 — 23; Nov. 5 — 10. 1889. Jan. 2 — 5, Ley. Irregular. 1887. Feb. 4, 10; Apr. 28, 30; Jime 28; July i; Aug. 11; Sept. 6, 7, 20; Oct. 21; Nov. 28; Dec. i. 1888. Jan. 12, 26— Feb. 4. Sucre. Actualidad. 1874. Oct. I, Capital. Daily. 1906. May I. 1908. Sept. 26; Oct. 22. 1909. Mar. 16. Conciencia Nacional. 1884. Mar. 21. Constitucional 1862. Aug. 22. Correo de Bolivia. Semi-weekly. 1876. Aug. 6; Sept. 22; Oct. 27. 1877. Jan. 12; Mar. 29. 146 BOLIVIA. Sucre (continued). Debates. Irregiilar. 1877. May 18; July 26 (supplement only); Sept. 9, 24; Oct. 15, 20, 29; Nov. 18 — 23, 26; Dec. 3, 7 — 14. 1888. Jan. 5, II, 18. 1899. Sept. 8. Dia. Daily. 1888. Aug. 17, 21, 22, 25 — 29, 31. 1893. July 5, 10. Eco de la Juventud. Semi-monthly. 1874. June 12. 1876. Feb. 26. Eco de Sucre. Weekly. 1 87 1. Feb. 16 — May i, 24 — Sept. 16. 1872. Jan. 13; Feb. 24; Mar. i; Apr. 10, 24; May 9 — Aug. 22; Sept. 12 — 25; Oct. 25 — Dec. 13, 28. 1873. Jan. 2 — 16, 31; Feb. 16, 25 — Mar. 13; Apr. 11; May 23 — June 30; Aug. i — 22; Sept. 13; Nov. 12, 21; Dec. 26. 1874. Jan. 9, 17; Feb. 20, 27; Aug. 28; Sept. 2; Nov. 17. 1875. Oct. 17, 21. Estrella. Weekly. 1873. Feb. 20; Mar. 8. Industria Semi-weekly, 1886. Dec. 17, 22. 1887. Mar. 19, 26; May 25; Aug. 31; Sept. 24; Nov. 5, 12. 1888. June 13, 30; July 4. Industrial. Semi- weekly. 1878. Apr. 9 — 17. Justicia. Weekly. 1887. June 8. Liberal. Semi-monthly. 1885. Jan. 10; Feb. 6, 27. Libertad. Weekly. 1887. June 17 — July 8; Aug. 12; Sept. 25 — Oct. 7, 29; Nov. 4. 1888. Mar. 9; Apr. 15 — 25; May 25; June 22; July i, 6. Ti i-weekly 1S88. Sept. 4, 6. BOLIVIA. 147 Sucre (continued). Nacion. Weekly. 1881. Jan. 1, 14 — Feb. n; Apr. 15; May6; July 15; Aug. 2 1883. Mar. 9, 24, 31; Apr. 13; May 26. Nacional. Weekly. 1850. Aug. 24. 1851. May 31. 1853. Feb. 3, 26, 27; Oct. 6; Nov. 18, 19. 1854. May 6. Obrero. Semi-monthly. 1875. July 21; Aug. 12; Nov. 18. 1876. Jan. 25. Weekly: 1876. Feb. 4, 16; Mar. 2 — Apr. 7, 21 — 30. Orden. 1864. Aug. 14. Prensa. Weekly. 1886. Apr. 2 — May 15; Oct. 15, 29; Nov. 5, 26 — Dec. 24. 1887. Jan. 15. Pueblo. 1861. Dec. 12. Weekly : 1888. Jan. II. Siglo. Tri-weekly. i860. Jan. 19. Verdad. 1865. Mar. 30. Tarija. Conviccion. 1884. May 3. Democracia. Weekly. 1880. Dec. 23. 1881. Jan. 22; Feb. 5. Eco del Sud. Weekly. • 1881. Sept. 15. Estrella de Tarija. Weekly. 1887. Jan. 15. 1888. Feb. 7. 148 BOLIVIA— CHILE. Tarija (continued). Pueblo. Semi-monthly. 1875. Nov. 18. 1876. Jan. i; Feb. i; Mar. 20; Apr. 15. 1878. Jan. 31. Weekly: 1878. Mar. 28 — May 10, 25 — July 23; Aug. 6 — Sept. 26; Oct. 10 — 26. Trabajo. Semi-weekly. 1885. July 7, 8; Nov. 7. 1886. Oct. 7. 1888. Dec. 20. BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro. Republica. Daily. 1897. Oct. 22 — 31. Rio News. Weekly. 1892, Aug. 9 — 1893, Nov. 28. CHILE. Antofagasta. Actualidad. Weekly. 1875. Feb. 6, 23. Caracolino. Weekly. 1875. July 30; Oct. I. Litoral. Weekly. 1875. Oct. 16, 23. Santiago de Chili. Araucano. Weekly. 1834, Nov. 14 — 1839, Aug. 16. Aurora. Every 6 days. 1827. July 7, 13; Aug. 8— 17. Boletin Oficial. Daily. 1837. Jime 6—7. Clave. Weekly. 1827. July 12; Aug. 9, 16, 18 (extra). Continued as : Clave de Chile. 1828, Oct. 2 — 1829, Aug. 27. CHILE. 149 Santiago de Chili (continued). Cola del Cometa. Semi-monthly. 1827. Mar. 15 — Apr. 11. Estrella de Chile. 1826. Dec. 30. Mercurio. Daily. 1913, Oct. I — date. Mercurio de Chile. 1823. Feb. 21. Patriota Chileno. Semi-weekly. 1826. Apr. 12; Sept. 2. Registro de Documentos del Gobiemo. 1827. July 10, 12. Roldepolicia. 1827. July 9. Valdiviano Federal. Semi-monthly. 1838. Apr. 15. Verdadero Liberal. Semi-weekly. 1827. July 3—13. Viva la Patria. Gazeta Ministerial. Tri-weekly. 1820. Nov. 8 — 18; Dec. 23 (Supplement) 182 1. Aug. 15, 29. Extra numbers under title : Gazeta Ministerial. 1821. Apr. 28; May 5, 10. Tacna. Boletin de Guerra del Ejercito Boliviano 1879. July 9, 26. 1880. Feb. I, 22, 29; Mar. 4, 14; Apr. 17, 28; May i, 20. Fenix. Weekly. 1845. Jan. 18. Tacneno. Irregular. 1845. Feb. I — 22. Valparaiso. Mercurio de Valparaiso. Daily. 1837. June I, 7, 10, 12; Sept. 23, 24; Oct. 24; Nov. 2; Dec. 2. 1838. Jtdy 7; Sept. 27, 29; Oct. 26. 1839. Mar. 19. I50 CHILE— COLOMBIA. Valparaiso (continued). Telegrafo Mercantil y Politico. Tri- weekly. 1826. Dec. 23. 1827. Feb. 20; Mar. 22. COLOMBIA. Bogota. Anales de la Asemblea Nacional. Daily and Semi-weekly. 1905. Mar. 22 — June 16. Comercio. Semi-weekly. 1882. Nov. 18. 1883, Apr. 4—1885, Jan. 3. 1887. May 25 — Oct. 27. Conservador. Semi-weekly. 1881, Jime 16 — 1884, Dec. 23. Correo Nacional. Daily. 1890. Sept. I — Dec. 18. 1 89 1. Jan. 4 — 1894, Nov. 17. Criterio. Daily. 1892. Mar. 16 — Oct. 10. Defensa. Semi-weekly. 1880. Apr. I — Dec. 23. Diario de Cundinamarca. Four times a week. 1869, Oct. II — 1872, Oct. 30. 187s, Nov. 2 — 1876, Oct. 31. ^ 1877, Nov. I — 1884, Dec. 30. Diario Oficial. Daily. 1864, Apr. 3 — 1899, Dec. 30. 1904, July I — 1905, June 30. Discusion. Weekly. 1852, May 22 — 1853, May 21. Epoca. Daily. 1895, Sept. 6 — 1906, Jan. 3. Gaceta de Colombia. Weekly. 1822. Sept. 15. 1828. July 24, 27; Oct. 23. 1829. Sept. 6, 13; Oct. 25 — Nov. 22; Dec. 6 — 27. 1830. Jan. 3, 24 — Apr. 18. COLOMBIA. 151 Bogota (continued). Gaceta de Cundinamarca. Weekly. 1857, Oct. 20 — 1858, Dec. 30. Gaceta de la Nueva Granada. Weekly. 1832. Feb. 12, Mar. 11, 22, July 15. Aug. 5, 12. 1833. Feb. 10, Oct. 6 — 27. 1835. Aug. 14, Sept. 25, Oct. 18. 1837. Mar. 26. 1840, Dec. 6 — 1841, Dec. 26. 1847. July II — Dec. 30. Gaceta Judicial. Semi-weekly. 1889, Oct. 5 — 1890, Apr. 26. Hechos. Daily. 1894. Jan. 18 — Dec. 31. Heraldo. Tri-weekly. 1889, July 4 — 1894, Dec. 23. Luz. Semi-weekly. 1881, Feb. 15—1884, Dec. 17. Mensajero. Daily. 1866, Nov. I — 1867, Mar. 15. Nacion. Semi-weekly. 1885, Sept. 15 — 1890, Sept. 12. Opinion. Daily. 1900, Aug. 20 — 1902, Mar. 17. Orden. Weekly. 1852, Nov. 14 — 1853, May 22. 27 nos. 1887, Jan. I — 1892, Dec. 7. Orden Publico. Daily. 1899, Nov. 14 — 1900, July 31. Registro del Estado. 1875, Jan. I — 1876, Dec. 27. 1881, Mar. 22 — 1884, Dec. 31. Rejistro Oficial. Irregular. 1861, July 26 — 1864, Mar. 31. Reporter. Daily. 1898, Oct. 6 — 1899, Mar. 24. Republica. Semi-weekly. 1893, Jtme 21—1894, Apr. 30. 152 COLOMBIA— ECUADOR. Bolivar. Telegrama. Daily. 1886, Oct. 13 — 1892, Dec. 31. Tira. Weekly. 1881, Jan. 31 — 1882, Mar. 14. Cartagena. ' Cometa de Cartagena. Weekly. 1827. Jan. 30 — Apr. 19. Gaceta de Cartagena. 1822. Feb. 16 — Sept. 14. 1824, Oct. 2 — 1825, Apr. i6. 1826. Aug. 27 — Dec. lo. 1827. Jan. 7 — Apr. 8. FUNZA. Cundinamarques. Weekly. 1861, Aug. 7 — 1863, Apr. 18. Medellin. Legion. 1883. July 24. Mensajero Noticioso. 1883. July 24. ROSARIO DE CUCUTA. Gaceta de Colombia. Semi-weekly. 182 1. Sept. 9 — 30; Oct. II — 14. 9 numbers and i supple- ment. ECUADOR. Guayaquil. Ariete. Weekly. 1838. May 12 — June i. Aurora. 1827. Feb. I. Balanza. Weekly. 1839, Oct. 5 — 1840, Jan. 16. For continuation see entry imder Quito. Resvuned at Guayaquil : 1 84 1. June 5 — Sept. 25. Chandoy. Irregular. 1839. July 24— Aug. 7. ECUADOR. I S3 Guayaquil (continued). Ecuatoriano. Daily. 1912. Feb. 6 — June 19. 14 numbers. Grito del Pueblo. 191 1. Apr. 11. Grito del Pueblo Ecuatoriano. Daily. 191 1, Dec. 27 — 1912, June 19. 22 numbers. Guante. 1911. Apr. 2, 6, 9. 1912. Mar. 8. Nacional. Weekly. 1912. Mar. 26; Apr. 6. / Patriota de Guayaquil. Weekly. 182 1. May 26 — ^July 28; Aug. 11, Telegrafo. Daily. 1911, Dec. 22 — 1912, June 19. 60 numbers. Tiempo. Daily. 1911, Dec. 28 — 1912, June 14. 21 numbers. Verdad Desnuda. 1839, June I — 1840, May 11. Machala. Correo de el Oro. 1910. Nov. 10. Palabra. Weekly. 1912. Feb. 27 — Mar. 11. Quito. Balanza. Weekly . For earlier and later issues see entry under Guayaquil. 1840, Jan. 23 — 1841, May 29. Comercio. Daily. 1911. Apr. 20, 22. Ecuador. 1911. Apr. 21. Prensa. Daily. 1911. Apr. 21, 22. 154 PANAMA— PERU. PANAMA. Panama. Correo del Istmo. Weekly. 1852, June 27—1853, Mar. 27. Estrella de Panama. Weekly. 1883. Oct. 18. 1884. Feb. 7, 14; Apr. 17, 24; May 29. 1885. July 18; Aug. I, 29; Sept. 12, 26; Oct. 3, 31; Dec. 5. 12. 1886. Feb. 27. 1887. Feb. 26; July 23; Aug. 6, 20 — Sept. 10, 24 — Oct. 15, 29; Nov. 5; Dec. 31. 1888. Jan. 21. Gaceta del Estado. Weekly. 1855, July 20—1857, Dec. 23. PERU. Arequipa. Arequipa Libre. Weekly. 1827. June 14, 28. 1828. Feb. 12; Mar. 18; Sept. 30; Dec. 2, 16. 1829. Jan. 13; Feb. 24; Mar. 10, 24; Apr. 7, 21. Maestro de Escuela. Semi-weekly. 1829. Oct. 12. Nacional. Semi-weekly. *» 1844. Nov. I, 5 — 28. 1845. Feb. 7 — Mar. 14. Pensador. Irregular. 1834. Nov. 22; Dec. 6, 10. Republicano. Weekly. 1832" Jan. 7 — Dec. 29. Revisor. Weekly. 1 83 1. Mar. 9 — Apr. 27; June 19. Ayacucho. Ayacuchano. Weekly. 1835. May 23 — Nov. 12. Democrata. Weekly. 1850, Nov. 28 — 185 1, Feb. I. PERU. 155 Ayacucho (continued). Oliva de Ayacucho. 1833. Dec. 23. Callao. Comercio. Daily. For earlier and later issues see entry under Lima. 1881, Dec. I— 1883, Oct. 22. Depositario. Irregular. 1824, Nov. 13 — 1825, Apr. 24. Cuzco. Campeon. 1835- July 30. y Censor. Irregular. 182 1. Mar. 15 — May 28. Eco de Socabaya. Irregular. 1837. Nov. 25. 1838. May 10; June i. Estrella Federal. Weekly. 1838. May 30; June 7. Intereses del Pais. Weekly. 1848, July 4— 1851, Apr. 17. Jenio del Cuzco. Weekly. 1834. Sept. 18 — Oct. 15. Libertad Restaurada. Irregular. 1839. June 5; July 31; Aug. 7. 1840. Feb. 15 — 26; Apr. i; May]26. Minerva del Cuzco. Weekly. 1829, Sept. 5—1833, Aug. 31. Pacificador de Peru. Semi-weekly. 1835. Mar. 25— July 31. Sol del Cuzco. Weekly. 1825, Jan. I — 1827, Dec. 15. Triunfo del Pueblo. Weekly. 1843, Dec. 16 — 185 1, Oct. II. 1853. Jan. I — Oct. 22. HUACHO. Peruano. For earlier and later issues see entry under Lima. 1838. Nov. 19; Dec. 6. 7 iS6 PERU. HUAURA. Pacificador del Peru. 1821. Apr. 10, 20. Jauja. Boletin. Irregular. 1834. Apr. II — May 5. Rayo de Junin. Irregular. 1835. Mar. 24. Lima. ^ Abeja Republicana. Semi-weekly. 1822, Aug. I — 1823, June 7. America. Weekly. 1862, Apr. 5 — 1864, June 25. Amigo del Pueblo. Tri-weekly. 1840. Apr. 7 — Sept. I. Andes Libres. Weekly. 182 1. July 24— Aug. 21; Sept. 18, 25; Nov. 3, 13, Anti-Argus. Irregular. 1813. Feb. II, 22; Mar. 12. Antorcha. Daily. 1834. Oct. I — II. Antorcha Peruana. Tri-weekly. 1839. May I. Argos Constitucional de Lima. Weekly. 1813. Feb. 7— Mar. 31. Argos de la Libertad. Daily. 1834. Feb. 21 — 28. Aurora Peruana. Semi-weekly. 1838. Oct. 6— Nov. 7. Bolsa. Daily. 1841, Jan. II — 1842, Aug. 31. Brujo. Weekly. 1822. [Aug. 9] — Sept. 13. Busca Pique. Irregular. 1838. Dec. 2—8. Canon. Daily. 1833. Jan. 2—4, 7—28. PERU. 157 Lima (continued). Centella. Irregular. 1834. June 13— Aug. 4. Chicote. Irregular. 1834. Feb. 9 — Mar. 18. Coco de Santa-Cruz. Irregular. 1835. Sept. 17 — Oct. 28. Comercio. Daily. 1839, Oct. 28 — 1843, Dec. 14. 1847, Jan. 2—1854, Dec. 31. 1856, Jan. 2 — 1859, Dec. 29. 1866. Jan. 2 — ^June 30. 1867, Jan. 2 — 1868, Dec. 31. 1871. Jan. 2 — Dec. 30. 1877, July 2 — 1878, Dec. 31. For continuation see entry under Callao. Resumed at Lima. 1884,. July I— 1889, July 31. 1892. Jan. 2 — June 30. 1897, Jan. I — 1904, Dec. 31. / 1906, Jan. I — 1909, June 30. Cometa. Irregular. 1822. Aug. 17 — Sept. 21. Conciliador. Semi-weekly. 1830, Jan. 9—1834, Jan. 25. Consolador. Irregular. 182 1. July 19—23- Constitucional. Daily. 1858. Apr. 3— July 31. Coracero. Iregular. 1835. Aug. 29 — Sept. 16. Correo del Peru. Weekly. 1871, Sept. 16—1878, May 19. Correo Peruano. Daily. 1845. July 22. / 1847. Jan. 27. v Cotorra. Weekly. 1822. July 14, 21; Aug. 11, 18, 21, 25; Oct. 6, 20, 27. Undated: numbers 20, 23, 25. 158 PERU. Lima (continued) 1823. Mar. 5, 22. 1837. Oct. 22 — Dec. 3. Cotorrita Peruana. 1828. Feb. 13. Cronica. Tri-weekly. 1 86 1. Jan. 4 — Mar. 12. Cronica Politica y Literaria de Lima. Weekly. 1827. June 4—25- Diario de la Tarde. Daily. 1835. Feb. 3—18, 20. Diario de Lima. Daily. 1791. June I — Sept. 30. 1822. Nov. 3 — 27. 1828. Sept. I — 30. Discreto. Weekly. 1827. Feb. 24 — ^Apr. 28. Eco de la Opinion del Peru. Semi-weekly. 1827. Aug. 6 — Sept. 13. Eco de Paucarpata. Irregular. 1838. Nov. 24; Dec. I, 12, 29. 1839. Jan. 9, 15. Eco del Norte. Semi-weekly. 1837, Feb. I— 1838, June 30. Eco del Protectorador. Semi-weekly. 1836, Aug. 20—1837, Aug. 23. Espectador. Irregular. 1832. Dec. 20. 1833. Jan. 2—24. Espia. Semi-weekly. 1834. Feb. 27 — Mar. 13. Estafeta del Pueblo. Weekly. 1827. Feb. 26— Mar. 6. Estandarte. Semi-weekly. 1836, Nov. 8 — 1837, Nov. 27. Faro. Semi-monthly. 1889, Nov. I — 1891, June i. PERU. 159 Lima (continued). Floresta. Daily. 1831. Mar. I — 18, 22 — 28. Gaceta del Gobiemo. Semi-weekly. / 1812. July II. 1821. Apr. 4, 14; May 24; July 5. 16 — Dec. 29. 1822, Jan. 2 — 1826, May 10. 1835. Feb. 28 — Dec. 19. Gaceta Judicial. Daily. 1874, Jan. 7 — 1876, June 26. Gazeta de Lima. Irregular. 1800. June 7; Oct. 25. 1801. Oct. 23, 26. 1802. Feb. 10, 17; Mar. 17; Apr. 24; Aug. 7. Genio del Rimac. Daily. 1833. Nov. 2 — Dec. 31. 1834. Jan. 2— June 23; July i— Dec. 31. 1835. J^ii- 2 — Feb. 22. Globo. Daily. 1833. Apr. 18. Guardia Nacional. Semi- weekly. 1844. Jan. 19 — Feb. 6; Mar. i, 12 — Apr. 12. niapa. Semi-weekly. 1833. May I. Imparcial. Weekly. J 1822. Nov. 2 — 30. Semi- weekly : 1838. Nov. 21, 28; Dec. 8. Imperio de la Ley. Irregular. 1836. Jan. 9 — 28. Investigador. Semi-weekly. 1813, July I — Oct. 31; Nov. 23 — Dec. 31. Continued as: Investigador del Peru. ^ 1814. Jan. I — Dec. 31. Investigador Resucitado. Irregular. 1822. Dec. 2 — 31. 1823. Jan 3— [18]. i6o PERU. Lima (continued). Iris. Irregular. 1834. Nov. 6. Juicio Nacional. Semi-weekly. 1836. Jan. 25 — Apr. 18. Lima Libre. Irregular. 1842. July 2, 7, 11; Aug. 9, 13. Limeno. Weekly. 1834, Mar. 10 — 1835, Feb. 10. Mapa. Weekly. 1843. June I — Aug. 18; Sept. 11 — Oct. 30; Nov. 13. 1844. Jan. 8; Feb. 12. Mercurio Peniano. Semi-weekly. 1791, Jan. 2—1794, Aug. 24. Daily: 1827, Aug. I — 1834, Mar. 8. Minerva Peruana. Irregular. 1807. Apr. 3, 10. 1808. Aug. 31; Sept. 5; Oct. 25 — Nov. 9, 19, 26 — 29; Dec. 5, 6. Miscelanea. Daily. 1830, June IS — 1833, Nov. 21. Monitor Peniano. Semi-weekly. 1 83 1. Feb. 23 — Apr. 12. Nacional. Weekly. *^ 1835. July 25 — Oct. 26; Nov. 14. Semi-weekly : 1850, Sept. 21 — 1851, Mar. 9. Observador de Lima. Weekly. 1825. June 7 — Aug. 16, 20, 23. Observador Imparcial. Tri-weekly. 1831. July 14; Oct. 27. Opinion. Weekly. 1838, Nov. 14—1839, Jan. 23. Opinion de Lima. Weekly. 1834. Apr. 4. Patria. Daily. 1871, July 28—1873, June 30. PERU. i6i Lima (continued). Patria en Duelo. Irregular. 1829 Apr. 8, 23; May 7, 12. 1833. June 6—17. Patria sin Duelo. 1829. June 7. Penitente. Daily. 1832, Dec. I— 1834, June 30. Peru Boliviano Irregular. 1836. Mar. 17 — May 6. Pemano. Semi-weekly. 1811. Sept. 6 — 1812, June 9. Weekly : 1826. May 13 — June 24. Semi-weekly : 1826, June 28 — 1827, Dec. 11. 1838. Aug. 25 — Nov. 6. For continuation see entry under Huacho. Resumed at Lima. 1839, Feb. 18 — 1851, Apr. 20. 1854, Jan. 4 — 1868, June 13. Weekly: 1871, Jan. I — 1873, Dec. 27. Daily: 1874, Feb. 3—1880, Dec. 18. Weekly : 1884, Jan. 5—1885, June 27. Irregular : 1886, Jan. 23 — 1900, Dec. 31. Daily: 1901, Jan. 3—1907, Dec. 31. Pemano Liberal. Semi-weekly. 1813. Oct. I — Nov. 18, 25 — Dec. 12. Prensa. Daily. 19 13, June I — date. Prensa Peruana. Semi-weekly. 1828, Jan. 29 — 1829, July i. Progreso. Weekly. 1849, July 28 — 1850, Mar. 30. i62 PERU. Lima (continued). Registro Oficial. Weekly. 1826. June 2 — Dec. 31. Rejenerador. Tri- weekly. 1835. Apr. 26 — Sept. 25. Rejistro Oficial. Irregular. 1851, Apr. 30—1853, Dec. 27. Reportorio Peruano. Irregular. 1843. Jan. 18 — Mar. 15. Republica. Weekly. 1863, Nov. 15 — 1864, June 4. Restaurador. Tri-weekly. 1839. Apr. 4, 6. Revisor. Weekly. 1827. Feb. 23 — May 30. Revista. Semi-weekly. 1840. Feb. 12 — 25. Rimac. Weekly. 1850. Mar. 16 — Nov. 2; Dec. 28. 1851. Jan. 4 — 18. Rondin de la Libertad. Semi-weekly. 1835, Dec. 31—1836, Jan. 25. Sol del Peru. Weekly. 1822. Mar. 14 — June 27. 1823. Jan. 16, 30. Telegrafo de Lima. Daily. 1827, Apr. 2 — 1838, June 30. Tribune del Pueblo. Semi-weekly. 1838, Sept. I — 1839, Dec. 27. 29 de Julio. Irregular. 1838. July 31. Verdad. Semi-weekly. 1832. Dec. 5. Verdadero Peruano. Weekly. 1812, Oct. I — 1813, Apr. 13. Veterano. Daily. 1834, Oct. 15—1835, Jan. 31. PERU— VENEZUELA. 163 Lima (continued). Veterano de Guia. Irregular. 1839. Jan. 10, 22. Voto NacionaL Daily. 1834, Nov. 3—1835, Mar. 20. Zamacueca Politica. Semi-weekly. 1859. Jan. 29— Aug. 3. PlURA. Botafuego. Irregular. 1828, Oct. 6—1829, May 16. PUNO. Constitucional. Weekly. 1851. Mar. 15 — May 10; Dec. 20. Correo Literario de Puno. Weekly. 1833. Oct. 3. Libertad. Semi-weekly. 1891. Apr. 12; May 10, 13; Sept. 16, 26. Trujillo. Concordia Peruana. Semi-weekly. 1836. July 13— Sept. 7. Constitucional Peraano. Weekly. 1823. Dec. 21, 29. 1824. Jan. 5 — Mar. 6. Nueva Dia del Peru. Weekly. 1824. July I — Sept. 25. Quipos del Chimu. Weekly. 1833. May 18, 24; June 8, 22; July 6. Redactor de Trujillo. Semi-weekly. 1838. Sept. 8, 10. Semanario. Weekly. 1842. Jan. 6 — Apr. 7. VENEZUELA. Caracas. Alba. Semi-wekly. 1829. Jan. I — Mar. 16. 1 64 VENEZUELA. Caracas (continued). Bandera Nacional. Weekly. 1837, Aug. I— 1839, Sept. 24. Colombiano. Weekly. 1823. May 3 — 1826. Nov. 29. Correo de Caracas. Weekly. 1839. Jan. 16 — Mar. 19; Dec. 24, 31. 1840. Jan. 7 — 28; May 26 — June 30; Aug. 4 — 11; Sept. i; Oct. 6, 20; Nov. 3; Dec. 29. 1841. Jan. 26; Feb. 11. Gaceta de Venezuela. Weekly. 1845. July 6 — Dec. 28. Gaceta del Gobiemo. 1827, Sept. 15 — 1829, Dec. 19. Gaceta Oficial. 1875, Jan. 2 — 1876, Dec. 30. 1877, Feb. 20 — 1878, Jan. 31. 1879. Mar. I — June 30. 1 88 1. Jan. 3 — June 30. 1884. Jan. 2 — 1901, June 29. Iris de Venezuela. Weekly. 1822. Mar. 18, 25; Apr. 22, 29; May 27. Mosca Libre. Weekly. 1820. vSept. 7, II, 21, 30; Oct. 10, 17, 31. 1830. Aug. 23. Observador Caraqueno. Weekly. 1824. Jan. I — Dec. 30. Opinion Nacional. Daily. 1883. Aug. 18. 1885. June 22. 1886. Jan. 12. Siglo. Daily. 1883. July 27. 1886. Sept. 16; Oct. 2, II, 12; Nov. 8. ClUDAD-BOLIVAR. Clarin del Totumo. Semi-weekly. 1893. Mar. 23 — Apr. 27. VENEZUELA— JAMAICA. 165 CiUDAD-BoLiVAR (continued). Reformador. Daily. 1893. Feb. II — Mar. 10. Maracaibo. Atalaya. Weekly. 1830, Dec. 5 — 183 1, Feb. 29. WEST INDIES. CUBA. Merida. Cuba: Periodico Politico. Semi-monthly, 1869, July 8 — 1872, Jan. 20. HAITI. Cap-Henri. Gazette Officielle de I'Etat d'Hayti. Weekly. 1809. Sept. 28; Oct. 12 — Dec. 7. 1810. June 14. 1811. Jan. 3—7. JAMAICA. MoNTEGO Bay. Cornwall Chronicle. Weekly, 1803, Jan. 8—1805, July 27. INDEX OF TITLES. Page Abeille, New Orleans 24 Abeja, See Abeille. Abeja Republicana, Lima, Peru 156 Actualidad, Antofagasta, Chile 148 Actualidad, La Paz, Bolivia 135 Actualidad, Sucre, Bolivia 145 Advertiser, West Haven, Conn 17 Advertiser, Windham, Conn 18 Advertiser. See Albany Advertiser; Boston Daily Advertiser; Bridgeport Advertiser; Cist's Advertiser; Claypool's American Daily Advertiser; Commercial Advertiser; Detroit Advertiser and Tribune; Durham County Advertiser; Edinburgh Advertiser; Evening Advertiser; Liverpool Saturday Advertiser; Mobile Daily Advertiser and Register; New Haven Advertiser; New York Advertiser; New York Mercantile Advertiser; Newark Daily Advertiser; Paulson's American Daily Advertiser; Public Advertiser; Rochester Daily Advertiser; Sussex Weekly Adver- tiser; United States Literary Advertiser. Advertiser and Register, Richmond, Va 90 Advocate and Topeka Tribune 23 Advocate. See Alliance Advocate; Attleboro Advocate; Boston Advocate; Cherokee Advocate; Free Soil Advocate; National Advocate; New England Advocate; New Jersey Advocate; New York Advocate and Journal; Republican Advocate; Southern Advocate. Mgis, Worcester, Mass. See National ^gis 44 Age, London 97 Alaska Times, Sitka 1 Alba, Caracas, Venzuela 163 Albany Advertiser 49 Albany Argus 49 Albany Atlas. See Albany Evening Atlas 49 Albany Centinel 49 Albany Daily Eagle 49 Albany Daily Knickerbocker 49 Albany Daily Messenger 49 Albany Dutchman 49 i68 INDEX OF TITLES. Page Albany Evening Atlas 49 Albany Evening Journal 50 Albany Gazette 50 Albany Gazette and Daily Advertiser 50 Albany Morning Atlas. See Albany Evening Atlas 49 Albany Morning Express 50 Albany Patriot 50 Albany Register 50 Albion, Liverpool 96 Albion, London 97 Albion, New York 53 Allen's Indian Mail, London. See Indian Mail 102 AUgemeine Zeitung, Tubingen. See Nueste Weltkunde 122 Alliance Advocate, Henning, Minn 44 Alta California, San Francisco 2 Alton Observer, Alton, 111 22 America, Lima, Peru 156 American, Philadelphia 75 American. See Baltimore American; Colored American; Free American; Native American; New York American; North American and Daily Advertiser; Rhode Island American and General Advertiser; Rochester Daily American; True American; Waterbury American. American and Commercial Advertiser, Baltimore 26 American Citizen, New York 53 American Citizen, Philadelphia 75 American Citizen and General Advertiser, New York 53 American Eagle, Litchfield, Conn 8 American Eagle, New Haven 9 American Eagle, Vera Cruz, Mexico 133 American, for the Country. See New York American 61 American Mercury, Hartford, Conn 5 American Minerva, New York. See Commercial Advertiser 54 American Patriot, New York 53 American Revivalist and Rochester Observer, Rochester, N. Y. . . . 71 American Sentinel, Middletown, Conn 9 American Spectator and Washington City Chronicle 18 American Telegraphe, Newfield, Conn 16 American Traveller, Boston 28 INDEX OF TITLES. 169 Page American Weekly Mercury, Philadelphia 75 Americano, San Luis Potosi, Mexico 130 America's Friend, Stonington, Conn 17 Ami du Peuple, Paris 119 Ami du Roi, Paris 119 Amigo de la Patria, Mexico 128 Amigo del Pueblo, Lima, Peru 156 Anales de la Asemblea Nacional, Bogota, Colombia 150 Andes Libres, Lima, Peru 156 Anglo-American Times, London 97 Annales Patriotiques et Litteraires de la France, Paris 119 Anti-Argos, Lima, Peru 156 Antidote; or Constitutional Sentinel, Dublin 123 Antidote; or Protestant Guardian, Dublin 123 Anti-Gallicah Monitor and Anti-Corsican Chronicle 97 Antorcha, Lima, Peru 156 Antorcha Peruana, Lima, Peru 156 Appeal. See Memphis Daily Appeal 88 Applebee's Original Weekly Journal. See Original Weekly Journal, London 110 Ararat, New York 53 Araucano, Santiago de Chile 148 Arequipa Libre, Peru 154 Argonaut, San Francisco 2 Argos Constitucional de Lima, Peru 156 Argos de Libertad, Lima, Peru 156 Argus, Pittsfield, Mass 40 Argus. See Albany Argus; Virginia Argus. Ariete, Guayaquil, Ecuador 152 Arizona Gazette, Phoenix, Ariz 1 Artesano Honrado, La Paz, Bolivia 135 Atalaya, Maracaibo, Venzuela 165 Atlas, London 97 Atlas, New York 53 Atlas. See Albany Evening Atlas; Boston Daily Atlas; New York Atlas and Constellation. Atleta, Mexico 128 Attleboro Advocate, Attleboro, Mass 28 I70 INDEX OF TITLES. Page Aurora, Guayaquil, Ecuador 152 Aurora, Philadelphia 75 Aurora, Santiago de Chile 148 Aurora, Vergennes. See Vermont Aurora 89 Aurora Peruana, Lima, Peru 156 Ayacuchano, Ayacucho, Peru 154 Badger's Weekly Messenger, New York 53 Balance and Columbian Repository, Hudson, N. Y 52 Balance and New York State Journal, Albany 50 Balanza de Astrea, San Luis Potosi, Mexico 130 Balanza, Guayaquil, Ecuador 152 Balanza, Quito, Ecuador 153 Baldwin's London Journal 97 Baltimore American 26 Baltimore Daily Gazette 26 Baltimore Daily News 27 Baltimore Gazette. See Baltimore Daily Gazette 26 Baltimore Minerva. See Baltimore Minerva and Emerald 27 Baltimore Minerva and Emerald 27 Baltimore Minerva and Saturday Post. See Baltimore Minerva and Emerald 27 Baltimore Patriot 27 Baltimore Weekly Magazine 27 Baltimore Whig 27 Bandera Liberal, La Paz, Bolivia 136 Bandera Nacional, Caracas, Venzuela 164 Bangor Register, Bangor, Me 26 Banner, Nashville, Tenn. See Republicn Banner 88 Bay State Democrat, Boston 28 Beacon, Boston 28 Bee, Hudson, N. Y 52 Bee, New London 14 Bee, New Orleans. See Abeille 24 Belfast Commercial Chronicle 122 Bell's Life in London 97 Bell's Weekly Messenger, London 97 Berkshire County Whig, Pittsfield, Mass 40 Boletin, Galeana, Mexico 128 INDEX OF TITLES. 171 Page Boletin, Jauja, Peru 156 Boletin, La Paz, Bolivia 136 Boletin de Guerra del Ejercito Boliviano, Tacna, Chile 149 Boletin Oficial, La Paz, Bolivia 136 Boletin Oficial, San Luis Potosi, Mexico 130 Boletin Oficial, Santiago de Chile 148 Boletin Republicano, Mexico 128 Bolsa, Lima, Peru 156 Bombay Guardian 94 Bons Sens du Peuple, Paris 119 Boston Advertiser. See Boston Daily Advertiser 29 Boston Advocate 28 Boston Chronicle 28 Boston Commercial Gazette. See Boston Gazette, Commercial and Political 31 Boston Courier 29 Boston Daily Advertiser 29 Boston Daily Atlas 29 Boston Daily Journal 29 Boston Daily Times 29 Boston Daily Traveller 29 Boston Evening Bulletin and United States Republican 30 Boston Evening Post 30 Boston Evening Transcript 30 Boston Gazette 30 Boston Gazette and Country Journal. See Boston Gazette 30 Boston Gazette, Commercial and Political 31 Boston Intelligencer and Evening Gazette. See Evening Gazette and General Advertiser 34 Boston Morning Journal 31 Boston Morning Post 31 Boston News-Letter 31 Boston Patriot 32 Boston Patriot and Mercantile Advertiser. See Boston Patriot 32 Boston Post 32 Boston Post-Boy and Advertiser 32 Boston Press 32 Boston Recorder 32 7* 172 INDEX OF TITLES. Page Boston Spectator 33 Boston Spectator, Devoted to Politicks and Belles-lettres ". . . 33 Boston Telegraph 33 Boston Weekly Magazine 33 Boston Weekly Messenger. See Weekly Messenger 38 Boston Weekly Report of Public Sales. See Degrand's Boston Weekly Report 34 Boston Weekly Spectator. See Boston Daily Advertiser 29 Botafuego, Piura, Peru 163 Breeze, St. -Louis 45 Bridgeport Advertiser, Bridgeport, Conn 3 Bridgeport Evening Farmer, Bridgeport, Conn 4 Bridgeport Herald, Bridgeport, Conn 4 Britannia, London 98 British American Citizen, Boston 33 British Chronicle. See Lloyd's Evening Post 103 British Journal, London 98 British Merchant, London 98 British Monitor, London. See Anti-Gallican Monitor 97 Brooklyn Daily Eagle 51 Brooklyn Daily Union 51 Brooklyn Daily Union-Argus. See Brooklyn Daily Union 51 Brooklyn Evening Star 51 Brooklyn Journal, Brooklyn, Conn. See Windham County Adver- tiser 4 Brooklyn Union. See Brooklyn Daily Union 51 Broome County Courier, Binghamton, N. Y 51 Broome Republican, Binghamton, N. Y 51 Brownlow's Knoxville Whig, Knoxville, Tenn 87 Brujo, Lima, Peru 156 Buckeye Sentinel and Elyria Advertiser, Elyria, Ohio 73 Bucksport Clipper, Bucksport, Maine 26 Budget. See Pall Mall Budget; St. James's Budget; Shanghai Budget; West Haven Budget. Bulletin. See Boston Evening Bulletin; Commercial Bulletin; Cumming's Evening Bulletin; Daily Evening Bulletin; Flake's Weekly Bulletin; Norwich Morning Bulletin. Busca Pique, Lima, Peru 156 Calendar, Hartford, Conn 5 INDEX OF TITLES. 173 Page Caledonian Mercury, Edinburgh 125 California, San Francisco. See Alta California 2 California Chronicle, San Francisco. See Daily California Chronicle. 2 California Spirit of the Times, San Francisco 2 Calif ornian, Monterey, Cal 2 Call. See New York Call; San Francisco Call. Cambrian, Swansea 127 Cambridge Chronicle, Cambridge, Mass 39 Cambridge Intelligencer, Cambridge, England 96 Cambridge Tribune, Cambridge, Mass 39 Campeon, Cuzco, Peru 155 Canal of Intelligence, Norwich, Conn 16 Canon, Lima, Peru 156 Canonsburg Herald, Canonsburg, Pa 74 Canton Press, Canton, China 93 Canton Register, Canton, China 93 Capital, Sucre, Bolivia 145 Caracolino, Antofagasta, Chile 148 Carlisle Patriot, Carlisle, England 96 14 de Setiembre, Cochabamba, Bolivia 134 Catskill Packet 51 Catskill Recorder 52 Celage, Potosi, Bolivia 144 Censor, Cuzco, Peru 155 Centella, Lima, Peru 157 Centinel. See Albany Centinel; Massachusetts' Centinel. Certaine Informations from Severall Parts of the Kingdom, London. 98 Champion, London 98 Chanduy, Guayaquil, Ecuador 152 Charivari, Paris 119 Charles James Fox, London 98 Charleston Courier, Charleston, S. C 86 Charleston Evening News, Charleston, S. C 86 Charleston Mercury, Charleston, S. C 86 Chattanooga Daily Gazette 87 Chattanooga Daily Rebel 87 Chelmsford Chronicle, Chelmsford, England 96 174 INDEX OF TITLES. Page Cherokee Advocate, Tahlequah, Oklahoma 74 Chicago Daily Socialist 22 Chicago Daily Tribune 22 Chicago Herald 22 Chicote, Lima, Peru 157 Chillicothean, Chillicothe, O 72 China Mail, Hong-Kong 93 China Republican, Shanghai 93 Chronicle. See Boston Chronicle; Cambridge Chronicle; Chelms- ford Chronicle; Daily California Chronicle; Daily Chronicle and Sentinel; Daily Morning Chronicle; Daily Southern Chronicle; Dublin Chronicle; Edinburgh Chronicle; English Chronicle; Freeman's Chronicle; or, the American Advertiser; Glasgow Chronicle; Hudson Chronicle; Independent Chronicle and Universal Advertiser; London Chronicle; Morning Chronicle; New England Chronicle; or the Essex Gazette; New Haven Chronicle; New Weekly Chronicle; Newcastle Chronicle; Penn- sylvania Chronicle and Universal Advertiser; Rochester Daily Chronicle; St. James's Chronicle; Saturday Chronicle; United States Chronicle; Vermont Chronicle; Washington City Chron- icle; Western Reserve Chronicle; York Chronicle. Chrontype, Boston. See Weekly Chronotype 38 Church-Man's Last Shift, London 98 Cine Cine Cine Cine Cine Cine Cine Cine nnati Commercial. See Cincinnati Daily Commercial 72 nnati Commercial Gazette. See Cincinnati Daily Commercial. 72 nnati Daily Commercial 72 nnati Daily Gazette 73 nnati Daily Times 73 nnati Dollar Weekly Times. See Dollar Times 73 nnati Mirror 73 nnati Weekly Herald and Philanthropist. See Philanthropist 73 Cist's Advertiser, Cincinnati 73 Citizen. See American Citizen; British American Citizen: Daily Evening Citizen; New York Citizen and Round Table. City and State, Philadelphia 75 City Gazette and Commercial Daily Advertiser, Charleston, S. C. . 86 City Record, New York 53 Civico, Salta, Argentine Republic 134 Clarin de Occidente, Guadalajara, Mexico 128 Clarin del Totumo, Ciudad-Bolivar, Venzuela 164 Clarion. See Sandusky Clarion 74 INDEX OF TITLES. 175 Page Clave de Chile, Santiago de Chile 148 Clay Bugle, Rochester, N. Y 71 Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser, Philadelphia 75 Cleaveland Herald, Cleveland 73 Cleveland Observer 73 Coco de Santa-Cruz, Lima, Peru 157 Cola del Cometa, Santiago de Chile 149 Collier's Litchfield Weekly Monitor, Litchfield, Conn. See Weekly Monitor 8 Colombiano, Caracas, Venzuela 164 Colorado Exchange Journal, Denver 3 Colored American, New York 53 Columbia Republican, Hudson, N. Y 52 Columbia Telescope, Columbia, S. C 87 Columbian, New York 53 Columbian. See New York Columbian 61 Columbian Centinel. See Massachusetts Centinel 36 Columbian Centinel and Massachusetts Federalist. See Massachu- setts Centinel 36 Columbian, for the Country. See Columbian 53 Columbian Gazetteer, New York 53 Columbian Register, New Haven 9 Comercio, Bogota, Colombia 150 Comercio, Callao, Peru 155 Comercio, La Paz, Bolivia 136 Comercio, Lima, Peru 157 Comercio, Quito, Ecuador 153 Comercio de Bolivia, La Paz, Bolivia 136 Cometa, Lima, Peru 157 Cometa de Cartagena, Cartagena, Colombia 152 Commercial, Macao, China 93 Commercial. See Cincinnati Daily Commercial; Knoxville Daily Commercial. Commercial Advertiser, New York 54 Commercial Bulletin, Richmond, Va 90 Commercial Gazette. See Cincinnati Daily Commercial 72 Commercial Herald and Market Review, San Francisco 2 Commercial List and Philadelphia Price Current 75 176 INDEX OF TITLES. Page Commonwealth and Emancipator, Boston. See Weekly Common- wealth 38 Conciencia Nacional, Sucre, Bohvia 145 Conciliador, Lima, Peru 157 Concorde, Paris 119 Concordia, La Paz, Bolivia 137 Concordia, Peruana, Trujillo, Peru 163 Confederacion, La Paz, Bohvia 137 Congregationahst, Boston 33 Congregationalist. See Boston Recorder 32 Congregationahst and Boston Recorder. See Boston Recorder 32 Connecticut Courant, Hartford 5 Connecticut Courier, Bridgeport 4 Connecticut Gazette, New Haven 10 Connecticut Gazette, New London. See New London Gazette 14 Connecticut Gazette and Commercial Intelligencer. See New London Gazette 14 Connecticut Gazette and the Universal Intelligencer. See New New London Gazette 14 Connecticut Herald, New Haven 10 Connecticut Herald and Weekly Journal, New Haven 11 Connecticut Home, Hartford 6 Connecticut Journal, New Haven 11 Connecticut Journal and New Haven Post-Boy, New Haven 11 Connecticut Magazine. See New Haven Gazette 12 Connecticut Mirror, Hartford 6 Connecticut Observer, Hartford 7 Connecticut Patriot, Bridgeport 4 Connecticut Post and New Haven Visitor. See Visitor 14 Connecticut Real Estate Register and Commercial Advertiser, Hartford 7 Connecticut Volksblatt, New Haven 11 Conservador, Bogota, Colombia 150 Consolador, Lima, Peru 157 Constellation, New York 54 Constellation. See New York Atlas and Constellation 61 Constitucional, La Paz, Bolivia 137 Constitucional, Lima, Peru 157 Constitucional, Oruro, Bohvia 143 INDEX OF TITLES. 177 Page Constitucional, Potosi, Bolivia 144 Constitucional, Puno, Peru 163 Constitucional, Sucre, Bolivia 145 Constitucional Peruana, Trujillo, Peru 163 Constitucionalista, Vera Cruz, Mexico 133 Constitution, Middletown, Conn 9 Constitutional Courant, Woodbridge, N. J 49 Constitutional Telegraph, Boston 34 Constitutional Union, Philadelphia 75 Constitutional Whig, Richmond, Va 90 Constitutionalist, Augusta, Ga 21 Contemporaneo, San Luis Potosi, Mexico 130 Continental Journal and Weekly Advertiser, Boston 34 Continuation of A Journall of Passages of the Parliament and other Papers from the Scotts Quarters 99 Continuation of Certain Speciall and Remarkable Passages 98 Continuation of Papers from the Scotts Quarters 99 Continuation of True Intelligence from the English and Scottish Forces, in the North 99 Conviccion, Tarija, Bolivia 147 Coracero, Lima, Peru 157 Cornwall Chronicle, Jamaica 165 Corrector, New York 54 Correo de Bolivia, Sucre, Bolivia 145 Correo de Caracas, Venezuela 164 Correo de el Oro, Machala, Ecuador 153 Correo de San Luis, San Luis Potosi, Mexico 131 Correo de la Federacion Mexicana, Mexico 128 Correo de Mexico 128 Correo del Istmo, Panama 154 Correo del Peru, Lima, Peru 157 Correo Literario de Puno, Peru 163 Correo Nacional, Bogota, Colombia 150 Correo Peruano, Lima, Peru 157 Correo Potosino, San Luis Potosi, Mexico 131 Correspondencia, Cochabamba, Bohvia 135 Cosmopolita, Mexico 128 Oosmopohta, Orizaba 130 178 INDEX OF TITLES. Page Cotorra, Lima, Peru 157 Cotorrita Peruana, Lima, Peru 158 Country Porcupine. See Porcupines Gazette 80 Courant. See Connecticut Courant; Constitutional Courant; Daily Courant; Edinburgh Evening Courant; Hartford Courant; New England Courant. Courier, London 99 Courier, Norwich, Conn 16 Courier. f the Hes..l. 22 LTiient Spout 2:1 ' t Diurniill 24 . 1 Diurnall 2.') ill Diurnall 211 irrlecl Diurnall 27 .Scotch Intelligenrci 2S ><p['cial Passages ;«» Weekly Accompi ;u Mcr. Aulicus, Oxf, 32 Oxford Diurnal 33 .\Icr, Pragmatieu-* 34 i6lX 1626 ALL ifeg? Chart i |6£6 lis^ ifcso >i>ij 636 I 1637 1 1636 I ifc->9 1650-74 ALL I uithful IntcUiKPncer Intelligencer St Ni-wc^ Kingdomcs Intcll. I.iiiidou Gazette Mcrcurius FutnigORUs Mrreurius Phnnutieos Mcrcurius Poeticus Mercurius PoHtirus Mer. Pragmatirus Mcrcurius Publiru^i '■ " ■ Diiirnfill IJiL all 'laelligericcr ■' Kly Intellii-chc. Post, London !:-vening Post, London Flying Post, London I r<<-lii)lders' Journal I ri Gazette liy, London :itor, London • f:itor, London ii.d W, Journal hiL'L'"a, London ■ lialer, London i'-iiy, London Man. London iiiif.s'a Eve. Post ifiies's Journal Briton, London "ir or Sat. Post. ■ iiT. or Brit. Gitz. ' liall Eve. Post "II Journal 1700 .70: i70t 1703 I70<* 170; .706 1707 1 1708 1709 .7.0 L ,7.6 .7.? Il 1720 1 725-40 ALL Chart 3 i2Zi_ 1726 'Z22_ lyga iyj5 ■73j ■ 736 I7J6 '7qj 17^6 7^7 1746 17^9 1 l!)vt-niiiK I'lisl lug. W. .luuniiil wrk Gasotip Weekly Jouninl '. Mercury, Philii JiiiiriDil, I. Mild Ulvertistjr 'ourant, I.ondoi laBt'tteer, I.itnci, ournal, London 'oBt-Boy, I-nnti, 1 Evening Post (•'» Journnl I Daily Po3t I Kx-cnine Post I (jaaette I Journal W. Jourcul I'eekly Journnl lig, Lunduii ay, London W. Journal irs's Eve. Post atriot, London ial Spectator Journal, Lond. ■ Mistclluny RegiBter, I^ontL »!l Eve. PoHt * Wincliesirr J. ry Journal . Edinhuruh 29 30 31 1750-74 ALL COUNTRIES Files of more than one week Chart 4 Ct. Courant, Htfd. 1 Ct. Ga«., New Haven 2 Ct. Jour.. New Haven 3 New London Gaaette 4 Boston Chronicle 5 Boston Evening Post B Boston Gazette 7 \ Boston News-Lettcr 8 Boston Post-Boy 9 Esaex Gazette, Salem 10 New Hampshire Gasettell Newport Mercury 12 Portsmouth Mercury 13 I Providence Gazette 14 ' Georgia Gazette 15 Maryland Gaaette Iti Maryland Journal 17 Conatitut. Courant 18 John Englishman. N. Y. 19 New York Gazette 20 New York Journal 21 New York Mercury 22 Rivington's N. Y. Gaz. 23 "■ '\ man's N. Y. Gaz. 24 A York Gazette 25 ■ risylvania Chron. 2l» nnsylvania Gazette 27 niisylvania Journal 28 r .isylvania Packet 29 ' ir. & Am. Gen. Gaz.30 arolina Gazette 31 ' ;irolina Gazetteer 32 irolina Gazette 33 iQia Gazette 34 17-^0 rtin's Lond. Jourii. Kisford Chronicle ' linburgh Advertiser Edinburgh Chronicle Evening Advertiser a] Evening Post I's Evening Post 41 ■ i'>n Chronicle 42 1 Ion Evening Poet ■13 imSpy 44 llesex Journal 'iS W. Chronicle 45 40 > inies's Eve. Post 47 "'I'- Advertiser 48 -111: Ledger I'iur Register lames's Chronicle 49 50 51 *^ patminster Journal 52 Whitehall Eve. Post York Chronicle Sussex W. Advertiser 53 51 Quebec Gazette 5G 17)1 rA->2 ""Inzzetta Veneta i7''i '7J^ WC< >7y/ vm W9 l/(.0 1761 176?, 17 6 J 1764 py^r 1766 176/ 1768 1703 1770 17/ I//-; 7/i 17 71 - .. ... - — - .. - - •» ^::. ... - 1 ... 1775-99 NEW ENGLAND Files of more than one week Chart 5 lep. Jour., Danbury, Ct, 1 "armer'a Journal 2 im. Mercury. Htfd. 3 ;"t. Courant, Htfd. 4 ■"reeman's Ch., Htfd. o V. Monitor. Litchfield Middlesex Gazette. Ct, 7 ^t. Jour., New Haven S 'ederal Gazptteer 9 \ew Haven Gazette 10 o mahawk, London ?} itehall Eve, Post 27. ftcaatk Chronicle m wcastle Courant 24 sbnrj- & W. Jour. ?-=> rid, London 2fi i du Roi. Pans 27 nalos Patriotiques 2S rnal de Paris 29 niteur, Paris yo 8 Neups, Frankfurt ;n ueste Weltkunde 32 ?enieinc Zeilung 33 uv. Extraordinuires 34 uvelles Politiquea 3.-. blin Chronicle 30 ss. Dublin 37 edonian Mercury as inburgh Advertiser 39 ddiman'^ W Mercur40 rnal de Geneve ■eta de Mesieo rio de Lima rcurio Peruano i?77 I77& I i77^ 1786 1787 17 88 1789 1790 1791 179V. 1773 7 9q r/9j '7'36 1-97 n'ls. 1799 1 .... ---■ .. _. -■ ■■ - - L 1 — 1800-24 NEW ENGLAND Files of more than one week Chart 8 :, Courier, B'port E. Rep.,Danbury. Ct. in of Liberty, Dftnb. m Mercury, Htfd. t, Courant, Htfd. t. Mirror, Htfd. inies & Htfd. Adv'r. 'itness, Litchfield [iddlesex Gaz., Ct, olumb. Reg.. N Haven t. Journal. New Haven t. Herald, New Haven [essenger, Niw Haven at. Pilot, New Haven iin of Liberty, N. Hav, isitor. New Haven ee. New London t- GaE.< New London .epublican Advocate 19 m. Tel., Newficld, Ct. 20 orwich Courier ai merica's Friend. Ct. 22 Ivertiser, Windham 23 indham Herald 24 tu Eagle, Litchfield 25 I'ston Gasette 2fi (jsittn Recorder 27 (■slim Spectator 3R oston Telegraph 2il oston W, Magazine onatitutional Tele. 31 •egrand's Bost W Rep32 'cniocrat, Boston 33 vening Guzctti- 34 idependenf Cliron. 35 'olumbian Centinel lass. Mercury lercury & N. E. Pall r. E, Palladium, Bost. 39 ioaton Patriot 40 few England Galaxy 41 Icperfory. Boniun 42 I'efkly Messenger 43 'ankee, Boston 44 akm Gazette 45 alem Register 40 pringfield Rep. 47 luBs. Spy. Worcester 48 ■lass. Yeoman, Wore. 49 »'nl. Aegis, Worcester 50 >*ew Hamp. Gazette 51 Iracle, Portsnioiilh 52 VfHtcrn Star, Mass. 53 udep. Gaz., Worcester 54 Newport Mercury 55 t. I. Republican 5li 'rovidenre Gazeti<> 57 'rovidence Journal 5S 30 30 38 1602 1803 160^- 1 IQOi l8o(. 1807 1806 leog leio — • - — — ■ -- 1 - - — - |8M 1SI2 1815 la'-* IBI5 i6i6 iBi? I6i6 i6i'? ,^2<, .ei> IS'IS .635 .Bi'V [ ~ • 1 - - . 1 - i8oo-2 4 UNITED STATES EXCEPT NEW ENGLAND Files of more than one week Chart g Mirror, etc.. Wil., DlI 1 Wash'gton Federalist -* Examiner, Wash , D- C. 3 « York AdvcTtiMCr 27 Npw York Americim Nf-w York Gazette \e«- York Herald 'Irrpnlcafs N. Y. J'l. 28 29 30 31 Si » York Observer 32 N'ew Y'ork W Miiseiin 1 33 Patron of Industry nepub'n Wateh-ToMC 34 35 Spectator. Xew York 36 Aurora, Pliila Franklin Gaz. Pliila. 37 38 Caz, of the U. S., Phila 39 1. S. ChronicI National Gaz, ,, Phila. Phila. 40 41 iSil 1812 18'3 1 ,8i<* 1 1815 ■Sit 1317 1 1318 1619 1820 1821 i&Z? 'd^i 1821- 1 j - - - 1 iSoo-24 AMERICA EXCEPT THE UNITED STATES Files of more than one week Chart io Gac tie Buenos Ayrea Hfg. Of,, Buenos Aires Vivn In Patrift. Chile Gwi-etB de Coloinbiii Pnlriota, Guftya(|uil o Tekgrnfo. ctr.. (p 134t G AmiKO, etc , Mexii-i. 7 Dinrio de Mexiro 8 Gareta do Mexico <) Noiicioflo Gen., Mex. 10 Sol. Mexico 11 Depositario. Calla" 12 Censor. Cuzco, Peru 13 Abija Uepub., Lima 14 Andes Libres, Limn 15 Anti-Arpos, Lima IG Argos. Lima 17 Bnijo, Lima 18 Coraetn, Lima 19 Cotorra, Lima 20 Diario de Lima 21 Gjic. del Gob , Lima 22 Gazeta de Lima ?3 ImparciaL Lima 24 Investijjador, Lima 25 Minerva Peruana 2(i Peruano, Lima 2V Peruano Liberal 28 Verdadero Peruano £ Ciinstitueiooal Peruana i Nueva Dia del Peru 31 Gaccta de Cartagena Iris de Venezuela Observador Caraqueiio Gaz. Off., Haili Cornwall Cli , .Tamaica go."' It 6 I607 iS'^e ifc(.9 eii leii iBij 'fi'i isi? ip 24 25 20 2y 31) 31 i8oo-24 NON-AMERICAN COUNTRIES Runs of more than one month Chart 1 1 CarliBle Patriot Anti-Gallic. Monitnr British Monitor r"hampion, London Charles James Fox I'ourier, London li^xamiiier, London iDdeppndent Whig Instructor. London John Bull, London London Chronicle London Packet Mirror of the Tim«s Morninii Chronicle MorniiiK lloraUl Morning Post Xews, London Observer, London Public Ledger Royal Standard Selector, London Sun, London Times, London Westminster Journal Salisbury & W. Jour. 24 I Journal dc Paris 20 Journal des Debats 27 Monilcur, Paris 2S Allgemeinc Zeilung 29 Nouvelles Politiques 30 Journal Politique 31 Antidote or Const. S. 32 Antidote or Prot. G- 33 Dublin Evening Mail 34 Dublin Evening Post 35 Warder, Dublin 36 Diario di Roma ;i7 Moskuvsktiu Viedom. •Hi Edinburgh Eve. Cour. 39 Edinburgh W. Register 40 Scotsman, Edinburgh 41 Glasgow Chronicle 42 Glasgow Courier 43 Cambrian. Swansi 44 ,a,;i leo. (SOI teo5 (80* 16^* i?.o'3 \-if>-: iB^'e leog i© - .. I ~ \ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I 1825-49 NEW ENGLAND Runs of more than one month Chart 12 11 15 m. Mercury, Htfd 1 ^lendar, Hartford 2 t. Courant, Htfd, 3 I. Mirror, Hartford 4 t, Observer, Htfd, 5 artford Courant li E, Weekly Rev.. Htfd 7 ree Soil Advocate S artford Times 9 liddlesex Gaz-, Cl. itchfield Co. Post itchfield Enquirer ni. Sentinel, Ct. 'onstitution, Ct. I. E. Advocate, Ct. 'olumb. Reg.. N. HavenUi ■t. Herald, N. Haven 17 't. Journal, X. Haven 18 )aily Herald 19 ). Morn. Courier 20 )emocrat, New Haven 21 lew Haven Advertiser 22 lew Haven Chronicle 23 lew Haven Palladium 24 lew Haven Record 25 • ew London Gazette 26 Wl of Intel., Ct. 27 lorwich Republican 28 I'indhiim Co. Teleg. 29 .m. Traveller, Bost. 30 ioston Courier 31 lostoD D. Advertiser 32 lostOD Spectator 33 ioston W. Magazine 'olumbian Centinel Iniancipator, Boat. ■ ve. Gazette, Boston ndependent Chron. .iberator, Boston J, E. Galaxy. Bost-.n i. E. Palladium 41 i. E. Puritan, Boston 42 ioston Recorder 43 lampden Journal 44 Veekly Chronotype 4.'* V. Messenger, Boston 4(i >alem Gazette 47 Springfield Gazette 48 ^pringf. Republican 49 iill's N. H. Patriot 50 'Jew Hampshire Patriot 51 ierald, etr., Newport 52 Newport Mercury, 11. I. 53 I. I. Republican 54 .it. Subaltern, Prov. .IS Vlfrs.' Jour., Prov. 5(i 'rovldence Gazette 57 t. I. Country Journal 5H Jay State Dem., Bi)Mt. 59 Vermont Clironiclr r.n • &-ib 1957 1038 iBiV 164 \&'*i ie^2 i9'*J ift-^'t- iS45 .9-,o 1 iB*7 le^B 18^9 t 1 i ■ • ! 1 i ' ■ i - 1 il - - 1 1! 1 ~i ! 1 1 ii 1825-49 NEW YORK Runs of more than one month Chart 13 Albany Atlas Albany Argus Albany Eve. Journal Albany Gazette Albany Morn. Express Jour. & Tel,, Albany Brooklyn Eve, Star Albion. New York Atlas, New York Cour. des ^tats-Unis Constellation, N. Y. Emancipator, N. Y. Evening Post, N. Y. Independent, N. Y. Jeffersonian, N. Y. Man. New York Morning Courier New World, N. Y, New York Advertiser New York Advocate New York American New York Express New York Day-Book New York Gazette New York Jour, of Com New York Observer New York Spectator New York Transcript New York Tribune New Yorker Plaindeater, N. Y, Ship. & Com. List Sun, New York Telescope, N. Y. Truth Teller, N. Y. Am. Revivalist, Rocli. Clay Bugle, Rochester New York Herald t82J I82fe 1827 1628 1629 ia3o 1651 163 2 1633 isst 183^ - _ , - - .... -- ... 1836 ia57 18i8 1639 18-^0 1911 18^2 i8'*3 let-* !&=»:> iei6 is'vv lem-a le'tg — " 1825-49 UNITED STATES EXCEPT NEW ENGLAND AND NEW YORK Runs of more than one month Chart 14 Globe, Wash., D- C. Nat. Era, Wash.. D. C. National Intell . D C. Union, Wash.. D C. U. S. Telegraph. D C. Politieal Register True American, Ky. Examiner, Lex., Ky. N. O. Price-Current. La Picayune, La. Baltimore Minervu Baltimore Patriot Emerald, Balto.. Md. Niles' Register, Balto. Newark D. Advertiser Cincinnati Mirror Cists' Adv'r.. Cin. Philanthropist, Cin. Cleveland Observer Am. Cit,, Pbila. Comm'c'l List, Phila. Nat. Gazette, Phila. Philadelphian U. S. Gazette, Phila. Charleston Courier Norfolk Herald, Va. Const'I Wliig, Richm, lazj 1S26 1827 IS2S 1829 1650 1651 1852 1853 la-i-i IBM 2 4 li 7 8 9 10 n rj n 14 lo Hi 17 18 19 2(1 21 22 1 _ 24 2.') 63a 1839 iQ*^ itt2 5-49 AMERICA EXCEPT THE UNITED STATES Runs of more than one month Chart 15 Nac'n'l. Buenos Ains Clave, Santiago Gaceta, Bogota Bandera, Caracas Colombiano. Caracas Gac. del Gob.. Caracas Vcrdad, Guayaquil Balanza, Ecuador Registro Ofic, Mex. viol, Mexico Tiempo, Mexico Boletin Ofic, Mex. Epoca, Mexico' Gaceta del Gob., Mex. Cosmopolita, Mexico Daily Am. Star. Mex, Fenix de la L., Mex. Araueano, Chile Republicano, Peru Ayacuchano, Peru Inlereses, Cuzco, Peru Minerva del Cuzco PaciScador de Peru Sol de Cuaco, Peru Triunfo del P.. Peru Amigo del P., Lima Bolsa, Lima Conieroio. Lima Conciliador, Lima Eco del Norte, Lima Eco del Protec, Lima Estandarte, Lima Gac del Gob., Lima Geiiio del R.. Lima Gladiador, Mexico North American, Mex. Limeilo, Lima Correo de la Fed. Mex. Mercuric Peruano Miscelanca, Lima Nacional, Peru Observador de Lima Opinion, Peru Penitente, Peru Peruano, Lima Prensa Peruana, Lima Progreso. Lima Registro Ofic., Lima Kcjenerador, Lima Reviaor, Lima Telegrafo de Lima Tribuno del P., Lima Veterano, Lima I Vote Nacional, Lima Botafucgo, Peru Gaceta de Venezuela Gaceta de Cartagena Epoca, Bolivia Gac. del Gob., Boliv 37 I e ■; e > 6 ■! ') 1 a 5 ,6) (. >e-.7 iB 5B .«>i 18H0 iS'ii 1 rt t ,' , = <,, 1 e-vt- 16<*J ^^^b .e-*7 m-ty. ....,, . — - — - ■ i - i 1 - 182 5-49 NON-AMERICAN COUNTRIES Runs of more than one month Chart i6 ^tlas, London 1 \gc, London ■d Bell's Life in Lonii, 3 Bell's W. Messenger 4 Iritannin, London 5 v.iirier. London 1> , , ,» Jerrold's W. 7 KMT. London S h;in, London 9 „ li:.ri Mail. London 10 Mien's Indian Mail 11 John Bull. London 12 LiikIi Hum's Lond .1. 13 Mark Lane Express 14 \l n|{ Chron.. Lond lij iinpton Herald 10 .■■T. London 17 ', London 18 indon 19 London 20 -^iin, London 21 ister Courier 22 irv & W. Jour. 23 ,\i I. -, London 24 CliHiviiri. Paris 25 3vmn„\ dcs Dfbats 28 Riiir.'^ent. du Peuple 27 Peuiilr. Paris 2S Mo'iiteur, Paris 21) Pi-re Duehene, Paris 30 Dublin Evening Mail 31 DuMin Evening Post 32 Star of Brunswiek 33 I'liitcd Irishman 34 Itnli:.. Pisa 35 Diurio di Roma 31) Itiuiisn Advertiser 37 Mo.kovskiia Viedm. a« Sievernaia Pchelfl 39 ^'L■ottish Guardinn Mnuritius Gazette ("aiilnn Press 42 Canton Register 43 China Mail, Honn-KoDg 44 '"iimmrToial, Macao 45 ilungkunf; Registi-r 4G Singapore Free Prpas Straiis Times Polynesian, Hawaii C'mnibuB, Tasmnnia Kiii.igl. Zeit., K.-rlin 51 Iniitiiul linion Denioiral 1 ^^^^ 1 l<. 1^27 16-C IBS'? i^Sil' leai 1633 l6^^ .B.^ • ea 1 — ,«.^b 1957 ■ B3d lOj-i ,s»o ,e... „-.. ,«.,, le^t (6*5 1816 ,e..- =.(^3 If.^tj — — 1 1850-74 NEW ENGLAND Runs of more than one month Chart 17 Derby Tr,, Birm'iii. C't. falpniJar, Htfd. Ct. Courant. Htfd- Hixrtford Courant Hartford Eve. Press Hcpublicnn, Hartford Meriden Lit. Recorder J )ur. & C , New Havm New Haven D. Pnll, Eve. Register, N. Hnven !^eB- Haven Morn, News ^Jorwicli Morn. Bull. Morwich W. Courier Seymour Reeord Waterbury American West Haven Jouniiil Windham Co. Tele noBton Courier iJosion D. Advertiser !loston Dully Jounml : Boston Post Boston Recorder <.'onti:regntionaliBt I'^mancipator, Bosl. Liberator, Boston Weekly Commonwealtli : .">alem tiazette Sprinijf. D Union •^pringf. Republican Mass. Spy, Woreesler Daily Patriot. N. H. Herald, etc., Newport 32 Mewport Mercury 33 \eriiic,iii Chronicle lejo 16^2 8j6 I86i \6hz isfei 15'Sr- 1 isfe_; ib66 1&67 186a 1B69 ,870 187' 1872 1873 ..7. 1 } 1 1850-74 NEW YORK Runs of more than one month Chart 18 Albmiy K\o. .Jouriuii Albany Morn Exprcs-s Brooklyn Daily Union Albion, New York Daily Uraphic, X. V n.. mocratB, New York U N \ . Evening Post V liv fning Post, N. \ .s Fr> Ilk Leslie's, N. V 9 Ha [jlt's Weekly 10 N V Spectator 11 III strated News, 11! In , -pendent, N, Y 13 .1, i-h Messeniier 14 .li. ■ i„id of Com, ,Ir. 15 \ Y D. Transrript 10 N V Journal of Corn 17 N \> York Observer IS N ^ .Saturday Press 19 \. , York Tattler 20 \, , York Times 21 N. V. York Tribune 22 N V Weekly Witness 23 H. lii.iilie, N. Y. 24 K. volucion, N. Y. 2o Rf vulucion de Cuba 2r. n. ..lotion, N. Y. 27 u. II, .1 Table 2S \ •i Cil 4Rd. Table 20 SI j.piiiK & Com. I.ist 30 Si n. New York ,il W urlil. New Y'ork 32 N Y, Daily New. 33 I8ti I8t2 iet.3 isfc'^ 1865 lafcfe 1S67 1868 I869 1670 ,871 .872 187J ■ev"*! — - - 1 IS50-74 UNITED STATES EXCEPT NEW ENGLAND AND NEW YORK Runs of more than one month Chart iq Ii:,ily Cal. Chruiiicle Ii ,.U Eve- Bulletin I'lilj Eve. News. Ciil- chl.-n Era, CaU .Siiii Francisco Herald San Fran. Town Talk SuD. San Francisco Dailv Morn. Ch.. D.C. Globe. Wash..D. C. National Era. D. C. N.'itional Intell.. D. C. National Repub.. D. C Republic, Wash.. D. C, Daily Chronicle. Oa, Chicago D. Tribune Kansas Her ot Freedom Louisville D. Journal Daily Picayune, La. N. O. Price-Current N. Orleans Republican New Orleans Times Amer.&Com. Ad.Md. Daily Exchange. Md. Maryland News Sheet Detroit Advertiser Detroit Free Press Daily Eve. Cit.. Miss. Missouri Republican Leader, St. Louis Newbern D. Progress N. Carolina Standard Cincinnati Comm Cincinnati D. Gaz, Cincinnati D, Times Cist's W. Advertiser Dollar Times, Ohio Commercial List, Pa. North Am. e7o iBTi .B72. 1&73 1&7'* - - - - - - - ■"" ' 1850-74 AMERICA EXCEPT THE UNITED STATES Runs of more than three months Chart 20 Mail. Toronto Eco de Sucre, Br>l Wtz de Bolivia ' i.nst., La Paa, Bol, I 111 de la Paz l.pora, Boli\"ia I riiandarie, Bolivui I L-lfgrafo, Boliviii Discusion, Bolivia Cuba, Merida, Cuba Recenerador, Mexico Di:trio de C, Bouota Diario Of,, Bogota Disi-usiun, Bogota Gar dp Cund., Bo^^ota MiMi&ajero Bogota Ordcn, Bogota Rej f K , Bogota Cundinamarques Bolctin Repub., Mex. Correo de Mexico Diario de Avisos, Mex. Diario Oficial, Mex. Giobo, Mexico Monitor Repub., Mex. Pajaro Verde, Mexico Periodico Of., (p. 129) Boletiu Of,, Mex. Epoca, Mexico Garibaldi, Mexico Liberal Verdad., Mex. Liberal, Mexico Poiosino, Mexico Refonna, Mexico ResiauratioD, Mer. Sombra de Zar., Mex. I'nion, Mexico Union Democrata, Mex. Correo del Istmo, Pan. Gac. del Estado, Pan. Democrata, Peru America, Lima Comercio, Lima Constituconal. Lima Correu del Peru Croiiica, Lima Gac Judicial, Lima Intereaea, Cuzco, Peru National, Lima Patria, Lima Peruano, Lima Progreso, Lima Hejistro Of., Lima Hepublica, Lima Itimac, Lima Triunfo, Cuzco, Peru Zamacueca, Lima fonstii., Puno, Peru 1830 18J1 laja iSiS IBS* ,Si> leih >BS7 ,a»e IBS9 1 a^o 1 4 s y 10 11 iH It 111 17 — IS 10 20 21 22 2:l 24 2.1 20 27 2S 29 3D ."^1 3? 1 33 34 35 36 37 30 30 40 41 42 43 44 4.'. 41) 47 48 40 — — 50 52 54 "in 57 5S — - ba t^bi b IB 67 lebe lafcg 1670 1850-74 NON-AMERICAN COUNTRIES Runs of more than three months Chart 21 ( ijurrier du Bas-Rhiii Impartial du Rhin Independance Beige Nurd, Brussels China Mail, Hong Kong ■ Overland China Mail I Morth China Herald Allen's Ind. Mail. L. s Bell's W. Messenger u Examiner, London 11) Figaro, London 11 Guardian, London 12 Index. London in John Bull. London 14 Loi.d & China Tele. 15 Mark Lant Express lb Pall Mall Gazette 17 Pall Mall Budget IS Public Opinion 1!) 20 World, London 21 N'orthampton Herald 22 Charivari, Paris 23 Concorde, Paris 24 Credit, Paris 2.'j Figaro, Paris 2ti Journal des Debats 27 Marseillaise 2S Mot d'Ordre, Pans 29 Prcsse, Paris 30 Peuplc de 1850 31 Voix du Peuple 32 Xouvelliste de Ver. 'S-i Moniteur OfficJel 34 Kf'ilnische Zeitung 35 Germania, Heidelburg ■SG Allgemeine Zeitung 37 DubUn Evening Mail 38 Bombay Guardian 3'J Japan Weekly Mail 4U Frusta. Rome 41 Sievernaia Pecbeia 42 Weekly Scotsman 43 niustracion Espaftola 44 Journal de Geneve 45 Omnibus, Tasmania 41; Southern Cross, Taa. 47 laso iSil 1B52 1653 .63'V 1853 1856 1657 i©59 1659 leoo . i6b' -ebi is6s iBfc-* ,ew iskt let? 1 .568 ,Bt^ 1?7o .;7i i=>7i ■ftTi =^ - 1 - — 1 1 ' — 1 ... 1875-99 UNITED STATES Runs of more than three months Chart 22 Derby Tr . Birm'm, C'l. 1 Ci.nn Home, Harifortl 2 N E. Home, HMttford 3 Murtfurd Courant 4 Ihirtford Telegram o Milford Sentinel li (I Herald, New Haven 7 lournut and Courier s Ni'w Haven Palladium New Haven Register 10 i)l)5erver. New Haven II Morn. News, N. Haven 12 Si yniour lierord \3 H.-.iPon, Boston 14 Itiision Advocate 15 H.i>.i D, Adverliser 16 H.,^t, D- Traveller 17 11, SI Eve. Transcript 18 C.ingregationalist 19 \\ Oman's Journal 20 Martha's Vine. Herald 21 l.Dweil Morning Times 22 Sjilem Gaiette 23 Springf. D. Union 24 Maine Statesman 25 Ararat, N. V. 20 \lhany Morn, Express 27 Brooklyn D. Union 28 If. ion- Argus. Bklyn. 29 fiiba. New York 30 Daily Graphie. N. Y. 31 Frank Leslie's, N. Y. 32 Harper's Weekly 33 Independent, N. Y. 34 ■Ifwiah Messenger 35 .l()hn Swinton's Paper 30 Journal of Commerce Xuw York Eve. Post 3S New York Herald 39 New York Times 40 X. Y. Weekly WitnesH 41 Patria, New York 42 Sun, New York 43 \iiice, Xew York 44 World, New York 45 New York Tribune 4ti Argonaut, San Fran. 47 San Francisco Post K.uc Field's. D. C 49 Nut Rep.. Wash., D.C. 50 Washington Post Chicago D, Tribune N Orleans Republican Baltimore D. New.'S fin. Comm. Gazette 55 American, Phila. Progress, Phila. Westerly Trib., R. I 1875 I6VD 167 7 1678 1879 leeo 1861 1S82. 1895 IBS'*' ias.5 n 1 — - - I8&fe 1867 leee lee's le^o 169' I6<>y_ 1895 ,e... ,^.^ 18.9b .9^7 i&'^a i^-i'J _ - — ; 1 1 1 ! 1 i ■ 1 — 1875-99 AMERICA EXCEPT THE UNITED STATES Runs of more than three months Chart 23 Mail, Toronto Week, Toronto 14 de Setiembre, Bol Progreso, Cocha., Bol. Comercio, Bolivia Democracia, Bolivia Imparcial. Bolivia Liberal. La Pas. Bol. Marional. Bolivia Patria. La Pa«, Bol. Raz n, La Paz. Bol. Sigl.i, La Paz. Bol. Titicaca, Bolivia Trabsjo, Bolivia Ley, Santa Cruz, Bol. Debates, Sucre, Bol. Dia, Sucre, Bol. Pueblo, Tarija, Bol. Libertad, Sucre, Bol. Rio News. Brazil Comercio, Bogota Con&ervador, Bogota Correo Nac, Bogota Critcrio, Bogota Defensa, Bogota Diario de Cundin. Diario Of., Bogota Epoca, Bogota Heraldo, Bogota Luz, Bogota Nacion, Bogota Orden, Bogota Registro del Estado Reporter, Colombia Republica, Bogota Telegranui, Bogota Tira, Boiiota Hechos, Bogota, Col Gaceiilla, Mexico Periodica Oficia! t.'nion Democrata Estrella dc Panama Comercio, Peru Correo del Peru Faro, Lima, Peru Gaceta Judicial Peruann Gaceiii Ofiiial. Vcn. 1875 I87t 1877 1876 1879 leeo IB..] lees 1 863 \e&-^ 1665 ■i ... 4 _ 11 9 - 10 11 12 13 — 14 15 16 17 18 - . 19 20 - 1 23 24 25 26 ?7 28 29 Hi) 31 _ 32 a:i 34 35 30 37 38 31) 40 41 42 43 44 45 - 46 47 48 leeb 1887 ises les^ le.'^o '891 ieS2. 1 1693 1 iB'ia ie«>5 ,8,. ,a-., 1 ,Bqe 1 16^.'. i - • - .... i 1 ! - - - 1 1875-99 NON-AMERICAN COUNTRIES Runs of more than three months Chart 24 North China Herald Bombay Guardian Tokio Times Japan Weekly Times Japan Weekly Mail IndC'pendance Beige Nord, Brussels Anglo-American Times Bell's Life in Lond. BeIVs W. Messenger 1;- rn, London < iJan, London I :i Bull, London ■\ i Lane Express I Mall Budget 1' I 'iiL' Opinion 81 James's Gazette Times, London World, London Charivari, Paris Temps, Paris Germania, Beriin KOlnische Zeitung Dublin Evening Mail Cronaca Nera, Rome Frusta, Rome Journal de Rome Journal de St. Petersb. NovOe Vremia, Pet. Novosti, Petrograd Pelersburgskii List. Russkaia Zhizn Vii-dumosti Spb \\ ickiy Scotsman IlliiTtracion, Madrid Joiirna! de Geneve 167-3 iB7b ■977 lavs IS79 1B80 1881 .esz 1685 las'* IBBS 4 5 8 15 11) 20 21 22 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 iee6 1687 i&ea 1889 ISqo isqi ^692 1893 IB'i^ 1695 1 >S9^ ' IB97 lQ9S 1999 — - igoo- ALL COUNTRIES Runs of more than three months Chart 25 N'ew Haven Regiater 1 Ct, Herald, New Haven 2 Journal & Courier 3 Sat. Chron.. New Haven 4 Advertiser, W. Haven 5 Hartford Courant 6 Brooklyn Daily Eagle 7 Harper's Weekly 8 Independent, N. Y. 9 Journal of Commerce 10 New York Herald 11 New York Times 12 f^un. New York 1^ World, New York New York Tribune Milwaukee Leader Argonaut, Cal. 14 10 Royal Gazette, BerraudalS Heraldo, Bolivia 19 Nniional, Guatemala 20 Mexican Herald 21 Constitucionaliata 22 Period. Of., Mex.(p.l32)23 Mercurio, Chile 24 Anales, Bogota 25 One, Of., Caracas 2t) Diario Of.. Bogota 27 Epoca, Bogota 28 OpinioD, Bogota 29 Orden Pub., Bogota 30 Tflegrafo, Guayaquil 31 Prensa, BuenoB Aires 32 Preasa, Lima 33 Times, London 34 Temps, Paris 35 Volk. Amsterdam 36 GloB, Warsaw 37 Novosti, Petrograd 38 Riech, Petrograd 39 China Republiran 40 North China Herald 41 Japan Weeltly Mail 42 Japan Weeltly Times 43 Morn. Herald, N.S.W. 44 Comercio, La Pas Comercio, Limn Eetado, La Paz I'l-ruano, Lima l*?oo 190. \-)OZ 1903 1901- 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 ,910 - ... _ '9'g 1913 191+ ,9, J UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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