■'■■i' ifiJaiiitiiiJi HUHug il H88l 'JU3/\inii 3i> WVJII f «/ J>J wv/ji I r«/ j^/ «'j»jnyiui " o ^ "^Aa^AINflJWV ^MIBRARYQ^ ^tllBRARYQ^ ^«!fOJI7V3JO'^ ^jnyDdo"^ ^,V\E-UNtVFR^/A h ^Yt ^lOSANCElfj^ o "^/^aJAINH 3WV ^OFCAllFOft^ jA;OFCALIF0ff^ ^ 01 A^lUBRARY^r ^OJI1VDJO>^ AWtUNIVtRJ/A o ;^fCAllFOff^ 2? .A\\EUNIVERJ/A vvlOSANCElfj> o ;lOSMCElZj> .^ >evUIBRARYa^, ^ of corn, than of a duty to restrain it. My first position is, that the agriculturists have, under any circum- r stances, the enviable advantage of always seUing their goods at home in \X^^ '^'■- a market insufficiently supplied. ^ < o ■^/.wiAiNniwv ^OfCAllFO/?^ 4? ^ v>> . ^\AE UNIVERS//, oe ^ \ ■r' %dnv3-jo"^ '^<5fOjnv3JO'^ i. xS- ^WE UNIVERJ/A =0 -r* O ^lOSANCElfj> o -^^IIIBRARYQ^ "^/^aaAINfl^WV^ ^ '^/5a]AINfl3V\V ^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ V? ^oAnvaaii-^^ ^ v"^ ^lllBRARYQr^ ^^HIBRARYQc^ ^ &AHVMn^^ ^(?Aavaan4^ ^ME•U^IIVER^//^ "