UC-NRLF B 3 507 CORE AN PRIME E . BEING . LESSONS IN COREAN ON ALL ORDINARY SUBJECTS, TRANSLITERATED ON THE PRINCIPLES OF THE "MANDAETN PRIMER," BY THE SAME AUTHOR. R E V. J O H N R S S. NEWCHWANG. SHANGHAI: MBCcCtxxyii, COREAN PRIMER LESSONS IN COKEAN ON ALL ORDINARY SUBJECTS, TRANSLITERATED ON THE PRINCIPLES OF THE "MANDARIN PRIMER," BY THE SAME AUTHOR. B E V. JOHN ROSS NEWCHWANG. shanghai: MDCCCLXXVII. INTRODUCTION. The following lessons are intended to introdace to the Corean language those desirous to prepare for the official, mercantile, and chiefly the missionary intercourse with Corea, which cannot be of distant date. The Corean words are given in the Corean alphabet in syllables, under which is the Corean pronunciation in Roman letters, and the interpreta- tion ID English, according to the Corean idiom, viz. nom. obj., verb, negative. The lessons, matter, arrangement and number., are those of my Mandarin Primer," where the English is rendered idiomatically. The transliteration is also on the principle of that Primer. And in compar- ing the two little books it will be discovered what a remarkable proportion of Chinese words bas become incorporated with the Corean language, Kipplying defects, displacing some words and used alongside of others, (as bit, " light *^ and gwang "light,,, metaphorically), like Latin and Saxon in English, Chinese being the Latin of the Coreans, through which their learning has been acquired. This comparison requires only to note the defects of the Corean alphabet and its numerous ter- minative particles. The " Corean Primer " also affords numerous examples of the ancient pronunciation of Chinese, and especially of the final consonant dropped in Mandarin, though retained in the south. As it is reported that a practised pen is engaged on, or has finished, a Corean Grammar, it is unnecessary to explain the use of the numerous and delicate particles. But as the Corean language, with no cases for its nouns or persons for its verbs, has the remarkable quality of inflexion according to the rank of the person addressed, ― superior, equal or in- ferior, ― it is deemed advisable to give the pronouns and a verb, in its various tenses, with the proper terminations affixed. Personal Pronouns. I W ne (always) We, 야 * 리 oori ,, 니^ or ^ m, possessive. Thou tl|, Tie t|, nu (addressing inferior) You l^j o| mi 질진 nimje ( ,, equal) ,, ^^|tl| nimjmL Superior always indirectly addressed by his title. He, she, it 데 di (always) They 향】 사 desci ramdul. Vebb. Boot ga、 to go. 1 Addressing superior, go (imp.) 기 ga-oo. ,, equal ,, ,, • l]'A] gashi. ,, inferior ,, I^E]" gara. (sup.) Has (he) gone? ("데 ) 았소 {di) gassol (equal) ,, ,, )t ""출 P]" gassumma ? (inf.) ,, ,, 1 Has gone (affirm.) 2 ,, ,, 3 ,, ,, He has not gone 1. t]* iff] ,, ,, 2. lytt] ,, ,, 3. if* 미 Will (he) go? 1. TJf^n)- 계니 gannuni? 3^ 소 gasso. 고슴매 gassumme. ^tj* gatda. ^ J 듕 garni upsooda. "3415:11 ,, wpsotve'. ^ Tr|- ,, upda. [amupduffga. lfx| ^apduffga gadi 2. ij- l)--cf- ^^^T:|- gapga gacH ansupda. 3. lf"C 티 i j-TT} ^^'t"] tj gadimigadiantum 5 Will go 1. "0*51 향 gagliatdapdodda. 2. l|* 3t ^"^^1 gaghatdapde. 3. ni*3t"[f" "러^ ᅡ gaghatdadura. (I know he) will not go 1.1 )• T:) * 한^: 두 "Cj" gadi ansvpdooda. 2. lyXi] ᄋ i 슴" el) ,, ansupde. ,, 3. if r) °|!;-trlE)- ,, antura. (He says be) wiUnotgol. if 3^'^\:^1:^^ 3. 못 lY 3^ 더 라 moggagJiatdadura. Unwilling to go 1. l}"^) ^^F^-^^l gcidi anhitdapdoddcu 2. Oil; 후데 " cinJcatckipde. 3. ifrj oJ*$T:]^T?l£]* " cinkatdadura. ojj and ^ are both negatives but differently used, as will be frequently seen in the lessons ; ^ is the ^ of the affirmativc-fatiire. The 2, or middle form is that in constant use, though respect to age, places parents and much older people among the 1 class ; while 3 comprises children as well as underlings. The verb to " eat ,, follows, in the middle or commonly used form ; guty material (never used alone) ; muyghulgut^ eatables. Eat (imp.) muggu^hL Have you eaten ? mughummma upmmma ? Have eaten nmghmum. Have not eaten mughumi upsowe. • Will you eat ? muggatdaclun mugdi anJcatdadun ? Will not eat. mugdi amupde. Cannot eat. mugdi mot-hummmL , Unwilling to eat. mugdi ankatdapde I will eat. mogassummS. He will eat. mogJiatdapde, The changes demanded by euphony belong to gr«ammar but one or two examples may be given as guides to the etymology of the words in the lessons. Koot of "come" is o, 1 o-oo ; 2 osJii 3 not mx, but ona. To " work " is " to do labour " ; labour is ^ il, " to do," root ^]" ha. 2 is ir kashi, but 3 is not ilhara, but ilhayuva. The Alphabet. The alphabet which begins the lessons, is spelled as the Coreans learn it, the Eoman letter-spelling being based on the absolute rule of " No one sound to any two letters, no letter with, any two sound,'" ― e, e being exceptions, as also k, p, t, (Note 2nd below). Hence each letter should be always pronounced with the same value. Occasionally u approacbes French u ; but not sufficiently near enough to warrant a separate form. Alphabet : Value. A , art N no B haxv pot (always) Ch c/'um 00 moon D dare p pan Ds lands R ran E met s son ■ made T /an G be ffSLn Is revts H Aappy U fwn it V van J iam w wan ' K can toby. L lovf Y. yard M Note 1 : The same Corean letter stands for ds and^/ for ck and ts ; for I and r. Chinese I is translated by n not by r ; and / by J or p Our w is formed by prefixing (^) to the vowel ; a and i combine to form e, and u and i to form e. 2. When closing a syllable, k、 t ()=] ᄀ are to be pronounced precisely as in English, they holding an intermediate position between d, t, &c. which are harder than in English, having the same breathing as the Chinese ; and d, t, like the Chinese, are pronounced with the tip of the tongue from the edge of the upper row of teeth, instead of from the roof of the mouth. 3. In pronouncing Up the Chinaman must make two syllables li'pu; the English speaker opening Hs lips after forming the but uttering no audible sound. The Corean keeps his lips closed on every final consonant^ permitting no breath to escape, neither vocal like the Chinese, nor inaudible like the English speaker. This renders some finals in- distinct as is the case of the final English h, t of N. 2. 4. Euphony plays strange tricks with these finals, especially with ^ which should be s, but is so only before an s. It is assimilated by the succeeding consonant, becoming English t, before d ox t; 7c before g、 k; w, before n, &c. } 우 final becomes in before n, and v before "I very rarely becomes riff. L after ^ as?, becomes I; and ^ as r after n, becomes n. 5. When /、 precedes a consonant do) it makes it very acute, like Chinese 4th tone: h after g、 in the same syllable, softens g as it does t in * the;, " thing" &c ; as in Hebrew, Gaelic, Irish. But ogal IS as readily understood as oghat 6. The 'sign in Corean before the vowel index, serves to distinguish the affix, of which it forms part, from the root which immediately pre- cedes it ; e. g. ij'H^ and 찰으도 are similarly pronounced but tbe latter points out the root which the former cannot. It is also useful in pronouncing the Roman letter, for hanga may be pronounced hm-ga. or hangm, the Corean of which is respectively Tj" & o|-. 7. The Corean alphabet, though, always in syllables, is written, not from left to right as here, but from top to bottom and right to left, like Chinese ; and the current hand in English is no more unlike the printed letter than in the Corean. There is a slight difference between the pronunciation of this Primer and that of the capital in some words, as hcinul * heaven," capital hanal; tiundi heaven and earth," capital " cMunji:, But these are not numerous, and the pronunciation of the western provinces is understood all over Corea. Newchwang, 1877. COREAN ALPHABET. NINE FINALS. giug^oj niun dighud linl mium hivb g n d r & 1 m b siud 01 s & t i ihengf i ng CONSONANTS WITH VOWELS ATTACHED. 가 1 JLJL ga gia gu ^ giu f'^^' go 、 gio N.B, ― Consonants all pronounced as in Cliinese, the romanization being on the system of my Mandarin Primer ; the vowels are also on the same principle, ~~ of a certain definite unchangeable value, the u always pro- nounced as in fuUj oo and tv standing for the other value of u. Corean o final more open than o in English long , its nearest approximation, ito always like eiv of yievj, few, ■ The double vowels o and a, form wa, oo and u, wu (luo rm), a and i, e of let, It and i, a of lame, which I write e for precision. 무륨므 # moo tniw mu mi ma 버 Hi 보보 ba bia hi biu bo bio 부붑 ho btw bu hi ba 소쇼 sa or sha sia or shia su or sku sin or shiu so or sho sio or shio soc or shoo siuo or shiw su or shu si or shi sa or ska ia or ya uo yu (ic o yo ha hia 44 hu hill ^ 、 ho hio hoo hiw hit hi ha d$a or/a dsia or jia dsn or j'u dsiu ovjiu dso or jo dsio or jio dsoo or joo dsiw or jiw dsu or ju dsi or ji dsa OTja 치^ 챠^ 처초 tsa or cha tsia or chia tsu or chu tsiii or chiu 주 tso or cho tsio or cJiio tsoo or choo tsiw or chiw tsu or chu tsi or chi tsa or cha 6 XiEssoisr I. LIBRARY. VI 도 1 쩐 t 5! 이 H 챠 ^다 7ie doeshun mal hO'ighqjia Corean words (to) learn handa want. 데 나를 ilOJHy ne narul You (for) me shiungseng teacher dejiup engage, haghannunx, wiin V 작,^ 히솥리 ne dejiup engage, ha ori. ^ 1M 주: « :슴뱌 ulmena How much han One dsooghasummcu give him? nugh niang. dais moon four taels. M t 엡은 tt^] SHt dio-oon sJiiunshengun matdangi Good teacher should ammum. degoogmal Chinese speech know. 5! 썬" 2 doeshun mal hoigi sooipda Corean speech (to) learn easy. 7 51 어기 ^^다 de ghoog mal boigi uryupda" Chinese (to) learn difficult- 51^^ 네 ATM t'^' doeshunnum mm gdji anda. Corean women even Corean letters know, ? le deghoog mal box gi sulfa. I Chinese speech learn don't want. Yl 5l^c^t 질: ^IL 지 i *v!: 디 fie doeshun mal doal haghojia handa, I Corean speech to be able want (stop). ^하 &차 뜰 6l ^나 shiunsheng chiungJmyu dur u ona. Teacher invite in (to) come. 즈시 즈라 duru wassum andsushi anclmra. In (he) has come please be seated you sit down (inferior). ^지 쩌추시 piunji handiang sudsooshi. Letter one write. 햔 ^세 tLSL handtan gun jinshero mgo. One Chinese letter write. 한탕읖 。긴 여으 로 쓰시 handiariffun unyughuro sushi. One Corean letter write. m S4i^ St| 。J: 소! h hooshi diosowa dioti ansowa. Pen goo(3, good not ? (Is the pen good). uffhi diO'OOn mug issowe. Here good ink (there) is. 이 4 어 리^ 하 !사1 yi jigonge biunbiunti mot hawe, ' This paper respectable not is. 세주^ 에。 시 sMgoog jiongeyu sushi, ofH 세칙이 "t!: 소 1ᅦ tighi shetsegi mansowe. Here books many. T:H1 힉 !시 de tseg gajiu oshu That book take come (bring). 이 한 윌 ^rn 숯) 소 i 융 1 yi haul gwan nirugi sooipso-wunu isTh one volume (to) read easy is. 9 ^슉 H a 으 1| ^소 ii 니 pan tsegi nirugi sodipso-wunu Printed book (to) read easy. $2 가 ^y. !기 。£! 。^다 hulyu siinffut hoghi uryupda. Character written (to) look at difficult. SCHOOL. ^츰 y 글: 호。 I 쥬^ shiung sung nim. jiup diang nim. gulbo ya dsoo-oo. Teacher. Assistant teacher. Reading teach (me). ffidboyura. gullillura. gulbattiura. Read (learn) that. To read. Repeat lesson. 1!: 달에 * 점이 1 식。 1 오 handarS. niangjiuni ulnie shigio. One moon wages how much ? 에 ^*식 ?!소 handare dooniang shig hmrmnda. darungun iip9o. One moon two tiaos one man; other expenses are not. 일 1! 에 추^? 1》^ 좀이니 yil niunS tsoopan don niangshig dsoommum One year (to) doorkeeper few tiaos give、 10 ne a dul isudange ollhni diosowa dioti ansowa. My son this school (has) gone to, is good or good not ? Ha 무순헨 M>Httt! 지 에 diossowe. moosoon tsegid nirumma. yijicq/a chiumhemoon nirumme^ Good. What book learn? At first 'Thousand character door" they learn. sariag da nillutda. Mengdsa nirughatda nonu nillara. Four Books all learn. Mencius must be learned. Analects learn. dehagun supjiangi wunL diomgyongun hangfwunio, shidiunun yulgtvunio. Great Learning" ten books. Golden Mean one vol. Odes ten books. KITCHEN. ^。하^^로^!!^+;!끄 heghe hun hollodsu hanna iggo. Kitchen large stove one is. 지스 §5! 다다^ ^이시 juighungut door it da. da sout pooishi. Small two are. All charcoal burn. game Jcungut jiagliungut da iida. Pots large, both, small, and, all there are. 11 >Ht| y 》! 다 sunu mi dut ge sahal itda. Three four bowls there are. 。f 。가? I * 가?/ ■> !다 yuru ghe sootgarag itdcL Good few spoons there are. 날。) <^> 앓^ 다 nil yadal sang hal gxoa changdsu itda. Seven eight pairs knives and forks are. ? t^ll 《 HP3 ^'1^ ^\}\^\ tsalboghi dedinp lirujpan da ttda. Teacups, platters, plates all are. 。쇰。 1 ft'^UliitMl^W yuric })egge shoeshohan moolgcm tldcu Good few hundreds odds and ends things are ; da gudootm All arrange 。속^ apbang saram Cook ^。|고 히시 boolpoO'igho hap hiisM. Fire light food to make. properly. boollu dna. call come. 12 조^^ 싶^ 。나^ dsohan diumshhn jiunyag. Breakfast ; tiffin : dinner. DINING ROOM, 꼴 T| 니 :£ 두디 1!:^ 하。 1^ moolghuni donwodi ganjiung hat/a dota. ThiDga all clean I want. ^2—11! 조조 가 1! ^\o]z\ guile jil dsodsosang gullSjiL hayura {Chinese^ ha) Handkerchief, to rub. Table dust (I want). 스 |XH 잘 ^hA| uijiyu ffuUejil kashi. Chair dust (I want). 5: 향 ^。! iK 훤^^ 디 VI 춤에 mStdium jimgiwa, yuldoodium dinesumme. What o'clock? Twelre o'clock past. ^이 :5!。l 첸。 h 。i!:。l 3!。Hd。l^ hdpi doiyanunya, dni doiyanunya. Food ready not ready? doeyussummi. Ready- 13 조조 >^c^ 작고 노우시 dsodsosauff daggo dsulgS iw-ooshu Table set. Food bring in. 3 —이 ^4 아" moosoon hapi issumme. What food is there? 니^ 이 m ni bdpi issumwe. goog imol gogi jijim. Rice food there is* Soup, water-flesh(fish) fried. so gogiga surrtisunij ddshi sangasunu Ox flesh underdone, again roast. 。cdr?i 가 ^지 * 하 3t 다 yang gogiga tadiu mugji viothaghdtda. Sheep-flesh burnt eat cannot. ^。M|Jll| 지지 에달^ doyaji gogi jijinunde dalgail dooura. Pig-flesh fry, • eggs put m. jingaroo dug surrura, flour • bread cut. Ml 초!! "tHWih! 쵸 4i 끓작우 naul tsowa, dainggajiway hochio, soghom, daoo. Me vinegar, cayenne, paper, salt, give. 14 tt ^어 1 소다 2h moorul dsclne scdara. Water (into) cup pour. t!^^ Mm hin toadsan sichura. White teacup wash, 쇼 ^2 자^ m^vi'n so jiodi dsarreghannun motdsarreghannun. Cow milk enough (or) not enough ? 질 나 슴버 I rK/=)^H dsarrSgha stmme. damasiu summe. Enough (it) is. Drunk (I) have (finished) 컨느 츰려 eh 골^ iwxq- hang surrura mooldog gajiona, Kang sweep. Water jar bring. shin ; gatjin ; tsoshin. Shoe ; leather shoe ; grass shoe. • XiESSOlT "V. VISITORS. M 너 를불운 ^1 tHt' 。!! 더 I ne nurul hooroondi yuruhin inde. I you called often. 15 I 나] 무어 슬허놀 2hiL^ 니 건 m moousul Jictnurragh anni onun. You why not come. 어 서끓 ne dooie isu inool ghun shittsussumme, 1 behind was, thlnj^s washing. y 께 t 리! 끗히 춤어 1 nimje sorrind dutdi mot ha yussumme. Your voice hear not (I) did. 가 Mia 슴에 5? 분。 liMI 부。 I! ᅦ nctghane ivassumme, mepboonhvu. shebooniwi. Visitors have come. how many ? three bonorablea. w) 。F 너니 야디 ^하 너니 ne anuni adi mot hanuni. You do recognise, (or) do not 아디 • adi mothamme. Recognise (I) do not? 々^하 Jli ᅬ다? 하 jUt 슴에 shinggio tagho ont. da mal tagho ivassumme, Sedanchair sitting come ? All (on) horseback have come. saioanhanun saram issupda upsupda. Servant ― man is thei^ (or) is not. 뱌부 이서 똘묘 !M 데 maboo ishu tsetclig dulgo ivassupde. Groom there Is, whip holding come, m ! j;^ 해 iniungtiup dulgo tvassvpde, (A) card bringing (one) has come. tH 땋다 하이 ^jin) narul . hoffat dapda, ddi chingou e. Me see give. All (are) friends. 데 서량^ 청삵 H ^V^^itHiA) de saramdul chiunghayu gegshirro duru oshi. Those men invite great-room in come. 데! 링 댜돌。 i« 솜버 1 desaramdul da duru wassumme. They all in have come. \ (JSgwa jiomantsu naogirul gidooroora mrushu Them a little (till) I come (to) wait invite. ^I*4H 나작네 1 규; 표 나하시 chci boon nagane dejiup hashi. Tea pour out, guests (to) drink. gge kunmodaghoo baghmhL Few large nails fix in ; 17 그^ 탸사 1 붐 녹 1 비 gxirim gurushi dashi jiogom nopge. Picture bang up still a little higher. 짝디^ KM" 어 11 빠1시 hagdi mothaghatda, nghi haghusJa. (nail) hold will not. Here fix it. BED ROOM. 곯다 우상^ Mool daoo sang siggatda. Water want face to wasb. 이^。 I yi moori ganjnmgchi mcthada. This water clean is not. mm uny 라우 neberrura binoowa, shoogun daoo. Pour out. Soap, towel want. 읊!。 1 첫하 Lief mool biuvgu do-oon moon illimira. In water jug good water is. >»h!^。l ^ 1 ^) 어 ^다 sherhmpooni shilgiungi itda. Waeh bason (on) wash stand Is. 18 r!M 다 1^ 하 데 W duoon mool dao T^iogyog haghatda mogyog hamji gagiu ona. Hot water (I) want ^hole body (to) wash. Bath-tub take come. negha gonhani yiljug doonnoopgatda piungsang gdlgo. I weary early recline. Bed make. 니 nibool onge ona. ' Matlrass turn over (come.) 줘。 이 》1식불^。쓩|^ ne jivani tsani tool pooyura. My room cold, fire light. §이도싀^하니슛더두러2|" hoon doti motkani, soot dudoorura. Fire good is not ; charcoal put on. ^ V)h! I! 툭 이 ne netl yildsugh&ni. You to- morrow very early. ! I- 서 뷸^。 wasu boot pooyiiru. Come in, fire (to) light. hat dujjia nirund ma. San oome ont» rise come. 19 I! 죽 ᄎ KM 11: 뱌 AW yUjughdni tsa hem sabal mashijia. Very early tea one cup (I) drink. >쾨뱌2|"^1:&1씬1^^。분려2)^ nitdi mara moon dadara mooii yunura. Forget dont. Door, shut. Door open. HOUSE BUILDING. ne jip jiggojid handa girrinun shegU girH/h I house built want, a ; long, thirty feet long. nuhomun hangil hdnio jivan nqpffinun Jiangil doodsa. Broad one jang half (fifteen feet) Room high one jang two feet, tuiin nuffdsa gipge hagho dialgo dsoboon gusun dioH anta. Foundation four feet deep want. Short, narrow, if it is. respectable not. 11 은^! 노하 jL ^^\^ damnn dootsong dollo hagho haggcitun hngdang. Foot of wall two rows large stones want. Outside burnt bricks ; Oi!:oHa:$:L 로하 jl 문날긋 L 효 »^ 시 anagun hulguro hagho moonnel gooniung dooshi Inside sondried bricks want (For) door opening leave. 20 뭄 숫자탑 *| ihoon nopgiiiun iibnena lialyo yumt cha ban hashi door height how much want % five feet half. 문^ 31^ 두치^ 자 이하시 moon sJiiidgissun doo chi ban dootui hashi, door posts two inches half thick. 세 t 출^ 으 > 나좌 sheghan jivool jiushi jioo-oo topjirhanda Three rooms build. J oiner saw wood ; (cut down with axe.) 바! 뚜。 1 듯쩌 앨쓘^ haramun udutle hnramma yilgoon sdgneyu ma. Partition how made ? Labourers hire come. ^장 ^며 t^t 빈돌^ A| dejiany boollu tiulmool menduriishi Smith order iron-、york to do. guUewa^ do! dogh oo saosh i oeghoog gu Ise haghushL Lock, binges buy. ' Foreign lock put in. moon darara sJiiuggiung tscmgoo hagho gapoori vpsu diutda. Window put in glass panes (put in). Glue is not (Snisbed.) tiunbands7i dio-oon jionge barushi dobe (dobie) hayura* Ceiling good paper paste on. Paper the walls. 21 성 4!: 두 1W 이 I 표 a 시 jiangpan dootupda, ghim durrushi. The Kang paper very thick, oil put on. S^cT 은^ 기묘 1|f 은 3^ 하 iL hotdmngun ^^99^9^ gidoongun gotge JiagoJu Joist (is) horizontal, posts upright (are.) 우에 If 5! 에 nongniaruooive Cross beams above, suggarrerul rafters doolde. M ilE^I 디。 I!: 니글! 구 Tiles gore steep, hi sedi rain leak not hagJie. (will). ^^이 • 놀미 Ol]: 으 If od gooltongi nopdi anumiun not yun smoke gishilta. 하 Chinaney high, not smoke (it will). iho 도 ^고 HFl^i -1-1- moonool anurodo yul^o haggurodo ywmna ? Door (to) inside open? outside open ? hagffurodo Outside yulge, opens. t 낵 클 T 츠을 Il^Yi! 돌디 digha jochoo moolghimnl doahnenduldi. He joiner work can do well. 22 ^정^ 뿌 너다가 의는 하시 wajiangi hodlu dagha uinun hashi. Bricklayer call come (to) consult' t 사 If 1H 줄 degha narul bojoo hanyu dsoolga. He me security, a, must ^ve. T 사쪽이 도무디 ^Ai-!i gonghoowa desemogi doomoodi desaram. Labour, material all his. 울리씬 1 는 ^ ^^로 짯 5L ' ooltarinun biugdanguro sakko. All round, a brick wall (must be) built. 담이 클 Tli^F 탸시아 사으시 dximi woolgndiutda ; 、 dashi sdushu Wall has fallen down, again must build. 한^ y 띤 S 5! 디 ^F3l: 다 han chiunnnianguro jitdi mothaghatda" One thousand taels build (it) cannot. 삵다 jiumiun jiung gwei Jiada. To build very, dear, (it is). 23 ILIESS 이 tT •VIII. COMPOUND. 들 3]^ Af^J- 어^ 슴뱌 vioolginnun saram tali issumim. Water-carrying-man, where is ? 데 마^ 에 이서 ^tN ᅦ de madangi isu yirhamme. He (iu) compound is, working. g 쥬 H 디 5! 츰바 mooljoo udi issuvima f Master, where is ? iHl^^t! 에 5W Oil" 슴야 de jivane itdi ansumma. He ID room is not ? 。l7;!< lKJS 데 yija naghapde. Just gone out. jiphagge saram it da. House outside, men are. tf) 이서 。^!한 다 de haggS isu irkanda . He outside is busy. 24 imdange Garden 'inegge trden how many fruit tre 시무 3!: 즘메 bnooohassumma? shimooohassumme. shilgwa namoo fruit trees tsswwm, are there ? Are (they) planted '? Tbey are planted. I! 쿰 m 3!1 5U! o. yurum Fruit metchin producing gutdo trees there are ; j、 -rl ᄂ A 크 A-i^ got pooinun gutdo iggo. Flower-producing trees there are. got gwci Flowers, poorn grass mmkoomanta. very many. 에 시 클기시 ^디 hwa loone (In) flower pots o f 늘이 planted jiugdi few, Oil 소 iHi ansowe. not a. hanuri Weather gamoora drought, gotchi flowers da all 7mru7id good (beautiful). amtal Hen nahmdang daily al eggs nannunda. lays. o .2 ft 29 lH| 동이 ^디뭇 1!: 댜 orri nungi naldi . motkanda. Duck can fly not. ^IM 쿡아지 ^디^ 저。 J 저다。 /1 다 gesani moogaji silda sookku amku da itda. Goose neck long. Male, female, all there are. LIESSO 그^ x:. WILD ANIMALS. met doyaji manta. Beyond border wild boar plentiful. jl^^ l^^l- goniung tape chijia manta. Ninguta bannermen numerous. ^ ^.r ^^-») 서^ 다 do)ig nap wore seniung hmda. 11th and 12th moons go hunting. 1!: 달 ^IM hcindal numit senmng hard. One moon more hunting return. ^은 ^tt^l 。J :하 humiin liianta anta. Tigers many not. ' 30 ^디 * 삭 r 가 C 낭이 popio jiugdi anta. Leopards few not. 。+ uyoo; salgi; iri. Fox ; wild cat ; wolf. f 자클이 J! 욺 niugoari go-oom. The N. (Ch. haodsu of dog tribe) Bear. /h^。| 크야 방 1 :5 학 samm Deer, kuya large, boglii (to) see diota. good. fist 목이 무우^ mehwa nogi moonoo itda. The in. deer (axes?) spots has. 흭 I XMK 졺이 。r ?다 toggi jkigha ; gori upda. (Ch. paodsu) small ; tail has not, 늙 뭇^; ^다 noroo Musk jiung jagha deer (?) small boori horns updcu has not. dongpigha Sables very yuru many J. dirhvuni kinds. 31 료떠^ -J i:^ imngi, 、 gwung, mooldaL Eagle ; pheasant, snipe. ♦ ♦ ♦ —— TRAVEL. VI ^에 ne 71100716 naghagluissumme. I door want to pass (=travel). 어디 기-: 슴빅 • udi gaghassumma. Whither lourney ? ^^5' 가 31 즘에 googiung gagJiassumme. Sight seeing I go. i> 우 cH】 옳나 ^\z\ sanooe olla bada bogassum. Hill top ascend sea to see. 1 뉴옳으 미 iig" san orugki diosowa ? Hill ascended easy ? 나구히 • 두됴 2^ iH 갸 ^됴하 naghoo tadoo dioh), guru gliadoo diota、 (Both) donkey back good (|4 。^1 damn gusun vpdcu Anything else there is not. ^^i 1 낼 야。 1 구^ 궈지^ gumgawg sanul gai goognmg hujia. G, mountain ?| may be visited. 구정 Sj; 츰에 googiung wasswnmi. Touring have come. ^에 톺나^ 껴 ll^! 어 보시 vialge olla monjiugha duru hoshi. Horse mount go ahead, see. hwanoonsheni isswnma vpsitmma ? Steamer is, is not (come) ? 야 에 giabanshen wassumme. Sailing sbip has come. JVIMJI 간 t 야 $1 을^ 숙지몬 ^에 guibiuri innunde hwanoonsheni soJcki ondamme. Reported it is steamer quickly come. if 는^。 1 능 이속지 ᄀ홋야 hwanoonsheni nungi sokki gamma. Steamer can quickly go. The G. mountains E. of Ngaijow crowded with temples. 39 지끗? SvHS 는한 에 jiaghun hei sangne yu hwanoon shene orooghasswnmS, Small boat call, steamer (on board go.) n! 물。 1^2«4!|"눈^!이 다^ li 머니 mimmori miruya kwanoonskeni dcwiot gammunL Tide flows steamer (will) immediately go. t 들이세 "t[!1^^3 이! 7:1^1!: 디 minmoori jvniwi kwanoonsheni qji mothanda. Tide ebbs steamer come cannot. XilESSOIsr HORSE, VI t 박고 하 1 A> 즘 ne maltagho gaghasswru I horseback go. t 。!! :장지 여오사 mar andsang jia oshi horse saddle (&) come. marandsangi tsudiussum ; jiyu tadi Saddle destroyed ; (to) saddle use it, cannot. 베 9r^et 1M ne andsang haggoom gashi. You saddle change go. 40 to] W 근 1 fiWSi 해?^ « mari ganjiungti anta jkighal, dimgdsa da ganjmngti anta. Horse clean is not. Bridle, stirrups all clean not. 뽀 머 1 눈 boglio dolliugam* Lead (him) go back. 에물 t 디시 거두 fiW^#> 사 marhengdsang soghe moolghun ; daslii gudoojl anle ganjiung kaski Stable inside, things ; again arranged not clean. +폰^ tpnl 니 shilta nena. dismiss you. 찰이 가장 mari godsang in^phuninL Spoken very often. 네 iK 정 듯지。 negha jiung dutji annuuL You obstinate hear will not. Hf 공전 주미 * jiuriil gongjiim dsooma. yOur wages (I) give, negha dibangul tsadsara. You (other) place seek. 41 7ie dcishi hanpil mal saghatda. again one horse (want to) buy. yi pil 800!mnari sanapda. This one entire horse wild. 테 i! ^ :£싀 。t!: 팍 (11 pil ammal jiung dioti anta. That one mare very good not. VI 이쿠량 I 으을 무" d 하다 ne }ji moorang marul honi moodiui hada. I this gelding (to) see fair (=tbink him good). t"^] 저디 malki kucli anta. Horse large not. YI 데를 보니^ ^로 으다 7ie dl>M^t 빅。 춤네 flL^^^^ metche nassumma. nai manta uusum luyhe niwe. How much old ? month many not ; fom' teeth. 42 q 항^ 은 H 떠 마나놈 거슴에 de han pirun nai mana mdgusumme. That one's mouth much; old he is. g 이양 f 。가 삐가 더뭍버 hW mart garhayu hamme ; ga de moolmeghsln. Horse thirsty (is) ; go him water. mal damn eyussum de gullyu dsooski. Horse perspiring him walk slowly. mal dsumme ; tsamnal madang gullyudsooshi. Horse crippled ; must daily be exercised, 하 가라 삭 ji 딜: 니지 t^j't tagho dalliura. tagho dalliji amimiun. Ride on (him). Kide on (him) don't. 4^1 ^지 。!!: 니 1 댜 sokhi gaji anunda, • Quickly walk (him) don't. ^우。 ^을 에] H haroo ulme poorul mSghmrm* One day how much grass feed ? !셋근 i: 머 yidmey gun poolnie ginmie. 10 odd catties grass feed. 43 o^vHM? 을에 ulme shooshi hongool meghimnvx ? How much millet, peas feed ? 두 시 ^a^。iii doo doe shooshi; doo doe kongxice, 2 shung millet ; 2 shung peas. !。 소 5: 냐 1 。운^ 근 n!>W j)oori tipsowe. ytl chiun gunman sasht. Straw is not (=finished). 1000 catties buy. 4시>4여!:^에。£1후1^이!1* shoosMsdl hart shemme yulme doniwa f Large millet one dan (10 pecks) how much money ? 꺄서 사시 gashi dam mar sash. Go five pecks buy. 이니。 1 핵。 +t|j2^ 니 숙ᄂ Hf ne mart niyag hcnju ; tagho dalliji inothaghe hanja. My horse ^v^ld is; Eide on him cannot. > ᅵ탑이 1]시 데롤 삭미。 I 극^ 어니 sarami garni cUrul tami upsummunu Man dare him ride is (none). 44 WALKING. 를 5 디풋하 3^ht:r nurul mitdi (With) you keep pace (I) canuot. 어^ 퓌 1 IJ: 슴미 • iiclutke taassu/ama. How have you come? 가 춤메 guru ivassumme. Walking 5!W 7nenm Many It palsvpori (jaimne, 85 li come. 같이나 ^IH- (/iriua gamma ? road walked ? 。리 1]" 머 1 ᄀ g 이 아과가 못하 dari apa ; gadi nwthaghatdcL Legs pained (wearied); go on I can't. c wasu nurul "lacka oghassnvintc, I come you meet Lave come. 45 ^어 I M] ^롬^ 어 4 메 ffireaS jiaroorul hint sitinme On road bag (I) have lost. kHiW 퍽여골 mri dupta ginriyii mod nemuda. Weather hot; on street water stinks. ^리 o 까 1^1 ffurrhju gagi dioti anta. Street to go good is not. ne de gwahange tvassumma t You him together have come % ne mil gwahavge ghapsS. I you together go. de hcmdsa gamme. He, alone, went. 농이 S 가디 댜 degha milgu nungi gil gadi motlmnda. He (is) old man can road go not. 이^ 문>^1 은동 이속지 다 yi jiulnioon saramoo" nungi sokid ghanda. This young man can quickly go. 46 INN. onun gh e gosang hayutda. You have cornel wearied (you must be). ^^춤 야 VI anagi I o oyussumvia f ne mumoorrooghasswn. Chief room , empty ? I want to stay. anagJte naghane issumm^. Chief room guest has. 어클^ 디폿하 3t 슴사 랑에 ^t?A| mumoorroodi mothaghasmm. sharange mumoorroobh. Lodge (you) cannot. Side-room lodge in. 사랑。 1 Mil m 。1!:소9^ skarafigi diosowa dioti ansowa f Side-room good, good not ? 마이" -m 루) gai mumoorrooghamtm. May be occupied. 。1 »ri!: 이 우^ 삭다 yi hangani mood an hadu. This room fair. 47 이삿디 t#Rp>HlMM yi satdi ganjiungti anuni segliut baghooshu This mat clean not; new change. 조좃 a 으지 디 5 하 WH>> dsodsotwa, uiji da itda bapsang. Table, chair, all there are. Small round table. 칭; 에 챠 I ᄀ si 5! 쟈 tsange megge sheggiung itda. Window several (pieces) glass has. ^은 ri- 무면 ^l^rj- gvnfug diumoon da moodun hada. On road inns all fair. o] 저슨 지<곤 《 jl yi gumn jiagJiun dium. This one small inn. ' :주。 츠성이 -어시 jooin shengi mooushiwa f Landlord's surname honorable ? 푯 성。 Ufeili 1 ) mot doin ; sliengi wang gewe. Flattered 1 surname wong. YI 용 이큰방 에자다 5 하)! 에 ne nungi hrn hange dsadi mot haghassumme. I can large kang sleep not. 48 an hangi issumma npsumma ? an bang upsowe. Inner room is, is not ? Inner room is not. giut hangi npsumma ? giut bangun issumme. Innkeeper's room is not % Innkeeper's room there is. damot hool ddi-ijt anasuni. But fire burn (we do) not. 불 ^람야 ^람야 구 t 다시 hool deramma marramma, gooman dooshi. Fire light or not never mUid. 평상。 a 슴바 piung sangina issumma. Bed (I) have. 골 t 이나 가지러 가시들 13 온 1=1^^ moolguni naghajiru gashi moolgun ongiuno oosJiu Things take go (away.) Things move away. ^o^f^ 로^ 여 o 시 jivcm uro diryu oshi Room put to right, 1 는풀^ 시세 수하] t 좀 tsan inool dsoosh sheshoo Jiaghassum, Col'? T"。fer want (lo) wash. 49 더운뭍 duoon mool sidta. Hot water don't want. 당부 1 ^^\^v\ 디 。ᄂ P 춤마 dambe mugsumma mugdi ansumma* Tobacco eat (smoke) eat not ? ^을골 폴픔에 mughuldsul moroomme. Eat (I) will not. t 촉에 무으술 ^i:>ll diume momsul muggulge issumma. Inn what to eat has 1 ^1 에 9"^* 수시쌀 。 diwne baboon damot soosht sal Inn food only millet do dooboowa, baitsai tssuminuni, AUo pea-curd, cabbage are. 쿄기^^다。^ 습다 goffi issupdct tipmpda ? Meat is is not ? 。H> 비 IPe^ upsupdi dalgad issupda f nungi dal saghasupda 1 None. Eggs are there ? Can fowl buy ? 50 。。K jiii 쇼 nil 다 %n mossaghassupda. yang gogi shogogi da upda. Cannot buy, mutton, beef all are not. 이 기시 둑 i ^이 a yi gushi moosoon drurmwa. This what (kind of) inn? 。1 다 iifi^lS 사 IWli 리 4*1 yi dcmot dsurum giriwe. manned dtoti mot hada. This only bye road. Traffic good not. 풀^ 샤 1 H\A 1^1 moolghun sasu nooighe pal go. Things buy (to) whom sell? nipsdl issumma ? do npsowe. Eice is there? Also is not. ^정에 이서 찰 >1시 ^^마 tsondsange isu gal gushi issumma ? The village in merchant is there '? 기; ᄀ {! 51^ jiaghun maimai issum. Small merchandise there is. nipsdl innundi umnundi diungti mot haghassum. Rice is is not, certain (I am) not. 51 네사 !]• 시쩌 기^서 사시 ne saram sMgiu gashu sashu You man send go buy. 데:! 라 、슴마 :£ 리 •a 슴에 di dora wassumina f dora wassumme. He returned come ? Keturned has. 。rq 방 4 뉴^ 소 yi diban g huhnar upsoice. 、 What a place this is ? ^"i! 청하어 21^ ^^시 jooin chiung hayuwa hemkasJn. Innkeeper call to settle accounts. neil giunge gagJiassum. To-morrow 5th watch (I) start. DIRECTION" AND POSITION. mi 어디포 뽐야 Doeshunul vdiro homma, Corea whither looks ? 5 보^ dongnamuro bomiun, H S. (=S. E.) looks. 52 동북쯤 솨 1 니악촌 f 다 dong hoog poong tsagiga mag hadu, E. N. (=N.E.) wind, cold bitter. 세남^ 불기아 마 장프다 sMmm poong hoolgigha gcijaiig Jcuda. W. S. (S.W.) wind blows very hard. 아 eHI: 은 푹에 5W arasanmi booge itda, Bussia north is. 동북 동 y 어 1 바다 dongboog dmgname hada itda. N, K, S. E, ne udi innun nghi issnm* You where are ? Here I am. 독구어 ^-1^1 34 doggoo udi innun dughi tssuni. Hatchet where is ? There it is. oir) 가^ 아 3 udi ghanun ape gamme Whither go? Ahead I go. 어: 두 후홉아 데두。 I- 후^ 에 udooro omma de dooiro ommi. Whence come? (From) behind come. 53 Li| Vl 거 "^에 이스시 lie You my dsopiunS left side ishusM. stand. ne ne You my andsuhu sit down. oopiunS right side ^^뉴^이 ^소 1:11 giutte shun sarami namowe Beside, standing men (are) many. 。ᄂ t± 시。 L^l 이스시 antsushi antsuishushi Sit down ; please sit down. 。i[ 디 。ii:^ 슴에 audi ankasswmnS. Sit, I will not. 。L!* 데가 소! i| antsuldegha upsowe. Sitting down no (room). 1 수 Mrl 서집히 1 degha noousu dsamvie. He lies down to sleep. niruansh niruanji cmni inotnim ankatda . Get up. Get up (can) not. (I will) not get np. 64 H 러。 tT 지 야 니 niruandmshi niruanji ani. Stand up. Stand up (I) can't, t| 러/] "^이 ^M" ffuriu sarami mana、 On street men many. 분^ tN "보군 W 미치 boondsoo hapde, miltiji mashi Crowds press. press don't. 。! !저 줌 미 두르시 andsu jom gidoorushi. Stand. I little stop. vn!: 저 1 두르 지못하 1다 n 한 andm, gidoorushi motkaghatda. I stand, stop cannot. ^。| %^^\ moosoon iri issumma. What business is there ? t)h)"^4 에 Jjileli 슴 degha moolsoge berigkamm. He (in) water fell. 샛 "^어 ^에 gutttu guggooru dimme. Slipping fell down. 55 ^석 irM^m miltiu nu7nudigJmswn. Pushed fell down. 동지 ih 군。 1 멋다 쎌기 9! 댜 dungjigha Stirrup ganu diutda duru diutda, gave way ; I fell down. EXCHANGE. ^이여 나 1 N?:!! guriyu nagha unghap dutgo. Street go silver-price ask. 52|lhrh 까긔^ dorrawa neghS guibiul haski. Eetum me inform. 무^ 시 tf" 당온이 ^당 。。 행。 If ^ mooushi hapdang ; uni hctpdang yang jiuni hapdang. What (is) profitable ; silver profitable (or) dollars profitable* 。。|쩡 이눅기 1:f 당지。 I! 시 yangjium nooggu hapdangfi anni. Dollars cheap, profitable sot. 이 trt 우옹 H)"^£-i ^시 yi hangi un bagocrru gasJn. This one (shoe) silver change go. . 56 o 분에^ 이! h 수。 으석 y 나 i 폰늑^ ulme domgiwa sooin sugh niang nu don noog poon. How much weight ? 50 (&) 3 taels, 4 mace, 6 cand- 이 한^ 이^ ᄂ》 이! I" yi hmi dungi menniang iwa. This one ' button," how many taels ? nugh niang nilgoop don doo boon. 4 taels, 7 mace, 2 cand. 쥐 1* 지은 머니 dse haghji un Jom tullimmum. Loose silver, a little discount. tr 낭 H 1!: 두^ 어나 han niangu han doo boon tulUmmunL One tael, one, two cand. discount* yang jiuni yug tulliinmuni. Dollars also (have) discount. 이 고 지 * 이퀴서 yi got dsu oori Jcusu. This place, weights heavy. 운이 :두^ 이 뿌^ ne uni doo pooni . poojiog. Your silver 2 cand loses. 57 이운이 « 치도 tl 못하。 1< yi uni bitchi doti mothaya. This silver quality good not. 돈이 4리 >l :슴에 doni tuWghassummS. Must bear discount. MERCHANDISE. 네ᄀ쿤 이어나 1" 클ᄀ 데 ne gunu nagha moolghun salde. You street go things buy. 무^ 들 1 dAMt 츰야 moosoon moolghun saghassumma ? What things buy ? 。。H 목이속 사삿^ 에 yang mogi wooggi dasut sa sassumme. Foreign cottons cheap five feet buy. 무순/ 1서1 ^어 춤마 moosoon shishe duru sumrm. What price enquire. 이^ o| OlHI i^tjoK J±\ yi cha yi manchi ri 에^ 이 。M^^5t^ yi bidanS, jomi isUy shang hayatda This satin, worm, is in, injury received. 이 tW IH 차치 yi gushi gwangiuchi ansowuni. This important not. 61 NUMBER. 1M 두율 서 5! Lf/I 다 숏여숏 닐 JL 。f 들 hanna ; door ; suit ; nuit ; dasut ; yusiit ; nilgo ; yaduh 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 aoop ; yul ; yiUhanna ; yuldasut ; sumool ; sunworhanna. phiurun ; shiurnnhannci, maoon ; nuwonhana, 30 31 ^ o^ll 순 o 가 I 슴 * 츠 L[ Uo shooiun ; shooiunhanm ; esoon esconhanna nirun, 50 51 &c. 60, 61 &c. 70 &c. 야? X 。i 흥일 r 살 스 fi! 각 yadiin : ahun ; yilbeg yilheg sumoarhanna. 80 &c, 90 &c. 100 121 &c. 。ffl 삼? W35?;W5l 칠? yi beg ; samheg ; sabeg ; oheg ; nioogbeg chilbeg palheg, 200 &c. 200 &a 400 500 600, 700, 800, goobeg yilchiun yilchien yilbeg ; samchiun. 900, 1000 1200 &c. 3000 &c. as in hundreds. 62 yilman ; yilman palchiun man man, 10,000 18,000 &c. myriad myriads. 콘달은 f 은날。 liTWf 동 스무야 hm damn shiurun nario jaghnn damn mmoo ahurhaio. Large moon 30 days small moon 29 has. ^^^。!몄1드1스뚜。£자1고|\1여*1다 han darun yuldassedi mmooyusse dtneyer gaghatdcu Half moon 15 26 days, after, I go. shiurun nilgoop chiug hegha itdcu 87 "sail" ships are. , LENGTH, CAPACITY, LAND, WEIGHT. 1 냥구? • 균수 sire^ 이 iw 오 gilgoo dalgoon soohioga yul pooni han chio. Long and short measure 10 fractions, oce inch. 1' 치^ 1!: 자。 111! 자。 11!:S。li yul ckigha han dsaio yul dsai han girio. 10 inch one foot. 10 feet one jang. 학 솟자이 1!: 뽀。 1 오 dasut dsai han hoio. 5 feet one (double) pace. 63 삼부! 에순 a^i^f 니오 earn beg esoon bogha yd ho. 360 paces 1 II ^ sW" ^ t 이 1 yul doigha han mano. 10 pints one peck." eg ^ 이 한셨이 O yid mart han shumio. 10 " pecks ,, 1 " bushel/' 1!^ 이 표。 lit^iLJHI!: 균。 1! yul pomi han niangio yulyut niangi Imn gunio. 10 fractions 1 oz. 16 ozs., one catty (fe) 。삶 »K 이 1!:^。!i yil heg guni han shumh. 100 catties 1 picuL 여동 히야: 은^ 을섯) tit jiaghun heyu nunghi yadun shumul shiggatdcc^ Small boat can 80 piculs hold. 으사이 >115울근이잇나« darushi ige metguni mm. Weigh this how many lbs. there are. 64 GRAIN. si^^ 특 1 여숏 ih 지 y 쌀 Lj: 댜 doeshunun deyvmt gaji nipsdl nanda. Corea 5, 6 kinds rice produces. 져§은 사탈。 Hr。f 도 모^] 금! sMuoorun sarami manads modos nipsdl mungnunda. Capital men many, all rice eat. 1>I 『읖 aH1;。1^ 어도^ ^텃 y 다 sanuhoon sarami jiughudo dsopsdl mmgnundch S. (N. mountain) men few, email millet eat 기^ 이 붙균 옥 ffidsangi^ hoolgoodso, pi giomeg. 3 vars., of small pann'icum. Buckwheat. 근일에 진ᄀ혿 ll 나 JI jiaghun mire jingalgi nagho. Wheat flour produces. ^。1 는쇼쥬 ^무 두 툭들? i!^ 다 horinun siqjoo dioonan noorooghuL 7mndin6a^ Barley (for) spirits to makes, yeast makes. 이^1흗이는먀육1|^^이^ adsuggarinun mayooga rummuni. Castor plant oil produces. 65 Uanggenxm tseng girum nammunL Sesamum fragrant oil yields. ^1|"씨에흑뮤^^이니 mogha sJm hugyooga nammunL Cotton seeds the h. oil yields. 녹듀 il* 팍굴 가이^ 우? iTg 어니 nogdoowa, paggaro gai garoo mm dimmurvL Green pea, small pea may vermicelli make. liZESSOnsr xixi. VEGETABLES ; FRUITS. 시금지 > ?상지 1, 무우 >1 지 if 푸^ shighumchi ; sengchi ; yuhmo-oo ; giuji wa ; moo^oo, Spinacb ; lettuce ; radish ; bitter turnip ; turnip. Ihl 롤말 곯? MTdlWJl 초? gajirul ; manul pangi denggaji, gochiOj dalloo. Eggplant ; garlic ; onion, cayenne, pepper, small garlic. daenun oghogi nagho wmggenun sMlgwa mechinda. Earth 5 fruits produces. Trees fruits bear. shilgwa imnge shilgwarrul ddgho. Fruit-trees fruit pluck. 66 salgoorutngi mcmjiu got pooinda he, hogshoowa. Apricot first flower opens. Pear, peach. engdo, oyaju mgwa, sliiungnoo^ hodo, dilgwangi. Cherry, plum, apple, pomegranate, walnut, "Haw," ^조^ Tlppe "。: dedk), bam, genii garemin seghaji podoo itda. Buckthorn, chestnuts, hazels. Harvest, 3 kinds grapes are. TIME. T:t»ia 적 1 차 춤? I 파이。 1 뀌 degha giidsugge wasmmme. gegi udmgge gapde. He day bef. yesterday- came. Guest yesterday went i 뇰은 TJlf 이。 나' 다 vl 。삶! 향^ onurun giururi upda neilwa hemjiung hapse. To-day leisure have not. To-morrow settle accounts. 물。 [!! 은 Vl 가 어디 LhP/t 슴에 movenun negha udi naghaghassumme. Day after-to-morrow I travel (wai^t to) go. Vl>rdifiro-)|5irt-3l:r| ne guniime dioong googi watdaghatdi. I last year China arrived in. 67 ^먼 에시! 버^석 ^하다 jiunniune skijiuri doti mothada. Year before last season good not. 금 이 7 : 본 L 한에 데굳 도삭 gumnium jiunniune hihamiun dota. This year, preceding years, compared with, good. 벙 어 찰: £oj^j:4 miung Ttmne shingwan doim handa. Next year new magistrate will come. wunje toasmmma yijia wassumme. When eome*^ Just come. 다: 슴에 4 지니롤 터춤메 damot wasmmine sokJd niritrru summS, Directly will arrive. Quickly will come. VI 다돗^ 메더 iM47^N ne damot gaghassumme degha yijia ga/pde. I directly will go. He just gone, 죠좀 이^^ 구민: 두 1 는춤 jioghom yimmiun gooman doo gliassuvi. Little while will be finished. 68 I 。iH ^!다도삭 ulme ami itda dota. Much (time) not will be ready. de^ha omn degha issummum. He come long time is. 혼 i。M¥。l4 ᅨ니! nero on guru sijiuri solcfd nirurru sumnie. Ancient come book. Time quickly come will. 후: 서 11^ 동이며 4 응 t| 못하 3trh Hooche omiun nungi nurul ungti mothaghatda. Afterwards can you agree to (I) cannot. 이유 1 켁 어 들털디 。W 못하 3!: 다 yi deme uduruldi aji mothaghatda. In future how (it may be) (I) know not hegha doda omme, Hegha diu ghamme. Sun risen come. Sun set gone. ne ildsughani gaghamm. I early will start. I! 시^。 J: 이^ 댜못: £^i3!: 춤 yilshi dongan imiun damot doraoghassum. Two hours time, in, presently will return. 69 나지 ^1 우히 뱌 악^^ ^S! 바 najigiooru wasmmma ? atsumenun hapba. Afternoon come ? Forenoon busy ; 먀창 Sfl 돗하 。나^ 는^이숫、1상11 gadsang odi mot hayutda jiun yag nari tsawe. Better come not. Evening cool. 나제진 에불혜 JI^^ 다 mje degha mlhogho hamS hool hegho gul Imh, Daylight he reads. At night fire (=lamp) lights book, looks at §1!내1!:。15:。1수다^짐"이니 hamjnd bant or/a damot dsammunu Midnight come, then sleeps. g。l 여? 다옷^ 다다 ts.M bami yudun damot moon dada gurusM. Dark it id, then door close. 이^ 이오 I 던! f 세로^ ot 한 야 yi ffiwni omun japsS o giungi omian nirurmkL 2nd watch c/hoiild sleep ; dth watch should get up. nalmadang yiri itda dalmadang hvmioonsheni handusM onmuni. Every day business is. Monthly steamer sure to come. tw 당두 w 목쟉 멓기두 * 머니 hemadang doohunsMg gogsUugdul ffudoooommunt. Yearly twice crops cut down. 70 niun niun dongji dal dongjiyu whangshangi tiundane je Jiammuni, Yearly winter solstice moon, at solstice. Emperor heaven-altar sacrifices tot^ • WEATHER. 데모 던 기슬^ 리어함 hi onungusul surriyu hamma ? Eain fall, fear of? 흐리을 ^데몸 어니데 l^KB^ 말 Jl hurioonnul ; hi ommuni hi ogi mujumun mxlgo Cloudy ; ― raining. Eained ; cleared up. wl%MiL^ 는이 ^^lU 디돗하 JL harami Jcumiun nungi Modi mothagho. Wind great can rain not. 구 f>;W 노파 도데오 1:1 못 함머나 gooroomhitchi mpado, biodi mothammurd. Clouds high rain cannot. oel 문 S。l 거무쩐 >teAl 네! ixjt^ hurioonnari gumooinmn^ banduski hioghoja hammvmL Cloudy, very dark, must rain. >i!Tfl^^>t!"tW 우 러짚함 어니 hungi haniun, handusM osrujil hammmk Lightning is, certain to thunder. 71 1=11 에는? f。lPW«§ 에는 Sf。m giuooreaun boogpoongi mcmta mnrrumenun^ munpoongi wanta. Wint'T, N. wind ranch. Summer, S. wind prevails; choo-ooyay sokki urwmd (agliatda. Cold, quickly ice walk-able. ^며많북다큔。:140|^야^ hin baram boonda, moonc naghagi diochi anta. Great wind blows, door go out good not, HF^^-Rl 가이가 3!각 bciram muggudun gai yayhntda. Wind stopped may go (out). ᄂ 2 리어들 e-l 소 f-l^lW nani udurro sowa jomi siim diokatda. Weather how ? At present good. mil btoffhassumina , anniogJiassumina. To-morrow rain or not ? luraviul honi bind garni anbochi inothagkutda, Wiud seeing, rain dare security not. 72 BODY. P 순。 1 아? 다 Ph 떠우에 P 데ᄀ e[5J 다 muri apooda miiri oowe murigil itdcs, Head-acbe. Head on hair is. S 국 사람온 P 큰이 doonggoog saramun rmri gnggo, China men hair sliave. doeshun saramun murigil doonda. Coreans hair preserve. noonjimgsin dwti mot hada Shogtung bodi mothaghassu mma. Eyes goocl not. Blind man seen have (yoxi) noL? » 자귀, Ki 칵꾀 어슨극 P 시' 당。 I ne gwigha thata. de ghusun gwi miugdiangx. Your ear good. His ear deaf. 니。 I" 곡다이 늘군。 lI 은니? I 다 ni apooda yi nulgumnun ni upda. Tooth-ache. This old man tooth has not, 사 속에 량。 mi^i 잘 *F nigha ipsoghS ttda de sarami hetdaghi jilgidcL Teeth in mouth are. That man's tongue stiff. 73 marul datdi mothughutda kogha nungi hiang nerul maggatda. Speech distinct not. Nose can fragrance, stench smell. gittsumna 11 oji apooda ne iji hankmn somm duf.da. Conglung, throat pained I this one band sUipU. 한 #4:1 수、 lb;M 손 hankiun sone dasut gajkli sonnoUiu gavuchmcm gushi moovshi nL One hand 5 fingers Point with finger point out what ? 매^ 리: 도하 ne sontqp gihla. ne darri data. Your finger-nails long^. Your legs good. jiaghun sin shhiuni bari opooja hunkiun barS, dasut gajidi. Small fcihoes on, foot pained One foot, 5 toe?. ^Af^ 팔에 폰^^ 이。 Ah:|^ tsoiisaram parenun gulbugi ttda. LabDurt'r s atra strength lias. ifl^^jl 방이휼 »1。:lvl 리^ 칵 de suram pulyubangirul buyu nentiutjck That man's arm at elbow, cut fallen down. inoghoce hande nuuda de saravi inon.emoi diang ImnJe. Neck wound received. This akin grew sores. 74 。! 사? Hf54 제사 M yi saram saljiutda de saravie wonJ ffundsang hadcu That man stout. His body vigorous is. 몸에증 WriW 지쐼 wome kun hiugdaghoo mantianta jiaghun biugdaghoo met hegyeiii. Body large bones few ; small bones several l" 】 mim 】 . maumi apooyho baildo opooda onwomi apoogho. Heart pained. Bowels pninecl all body pnlned. 혈 £1 도。 작학실 。1[가보호 차 tf 뉴-' 한 1 은 hurrido apooda hagjil ivga bone de yvgsiii hanna. Back pained. Ague has. He small- pox has, 데사 ir 쭉가슴 셋혀주 ^구^ dSoaram jooggasum bdtdiu jooghoon gooshin. He died, drowning died. ±\M t 균구^ tadiu jooghom gooshin. Burnt died. 곡? M 주 균구^ mog maiyu jooghuni gooshin. Strangled died. ^^Y^ 독 1!: 것 HTM inooggu jooghoongooshin dog-havgut mugunna. eat. 76 스서^ 주균 구선ᄂ 목^ 러 susuro jo0'jkoongooshin m)g d j'rrw . Suicide died (liroat-cnt. kare jooghoon gooshhi moglmyu jooghoovgooshin. Cut by sword died. Beheaded died. Jiuri bain y cochin. Cut-ia-l\vo died. SENSES. TOUCH. 。1 헹 WlisfttR^il^^^^ yi run huiyha dosowu doti avsoica 'manju Imhi. This kind cotton good good not? Feel see. viajidi ank aasninme, bodi manjidi mushu ne vumjidi amummi. Feci ( I ) don't want to. Look, touch don't. I touch will not. SIGHT. 무어슬 뽐야 두어슬 ^^ihtS 다 moousut bomma ? mooimd boonuvge vpda. What thing book at 1 anything to look at ia not. 76 derul yimoo bowctmim bowassunnne ne ant boyhamim" Him, have seen % Have scf^n. I not have seen. cle oegooq saratn ho>ki sarami mana boji mot htiyJiaa^xwu That forei 띠 1 ninn look at. Men many see cannot. iMi-hBW 폿하 3W guriwii ne boji viothayhutda. Obstruction, — I see cannot. nurul boltedoo boji mothaghatda boji mot haghasbvpda. You do see, see not? See cannot. hodi mashi ; bulge upsowe negha gunshi hintui moniu'S, Look don't ; seen, it should not be. I near sighted eyes. 민디보 ^못 함에 균시^ iW viiindt boji motJuunme gunshigiuvg giJii. Far see cannot, short sight spectnclos wear. ^^이 보 t 슴데。 Ll>J。|i 킥옷하 dumot nimgi boghassiim ne angiuvgi doti mot haghatdd. Then can see. Your spectacles good not. 77 HEARING. B) 소 £l ^1) Jt\ 데 f 어 lit-ej- de son du^gi data nedara bowm'a. That air hear good. You listen. 차옷하 W 고 m 정스 직옷하 W gwi inugha datdi mothaghatda gicirul gcfjavg sudi viothaghatda. Ear heavy hear cannot ear very Ui^eful not. 핵 T;W 괴^ 당。 1 degh ushi (/wi miuqdkin gi. He deaf. \]m^] tt * 으니 ne sarame martd duruni, I men speak heard. ! M 데으 1 그 It'^i 므 H wnsu, neui gid hiuriil cfuruni. You come ; your news (let rae) hear. 시?。 1 。W 데를^ 하사네 팀"。 1: 드러하 mrami isu nerul gvoun hani ; ni mat dangi durura、 Man IS you advises ; you should hear. 데: e 터뽀 a ᄂ {1。1^^3 이 tie dura bowannuni um nuni. You heard have or not? 78 ? 지못 하첫^ 에 mal dutji mothayusswnnie. Speech heard have not. Din (Mn vKtnnunde ma I dutji motkagmmmna . Din, excelling, come speech heard or not? mal durussum. Said, have heard. do boji moth/iynssumine^ do dutji mothayussumnJ, Also seen have not, and beard bare not TASTE . 이살 sMtm 시췌 yi silgwa mughuboshi wuggi dosowa dochi ansowa. This fruit taste eating good good nof? 학 i|iiifMi。J "다^ 시 3 소 muggi dosoive musshi dowa dcisut masshi issoue, Ealing good ; taste good. Five tastes arc. 시 jrtJL^ 구 Wf> ^자구 sigh)、 dalgo, stiffoo, inepgoo ddghoo. Sour, sweet, bitter, acrid, talt. 79 이 T 다 AS 슬엇 지뚱。 I!: 골^。 m 하시 j/i dasut inassul vjjt boongan gorui hitxihashi. These five tastes how distinguish ? Mix together. 칵? 1 문。; W 도 4VWMl>《 하]! :다 da tp-un issudOj da nungi masul hoon-gan mothaghatda. All month have, all can taste distinguish not. SMKLL, ^ 5。1동 이야: ^ 니。 1 짬 Ifl 야 tHA}" loi nuncfi inatuni yi chmbe matahoshi Nose can smell. This tobacco smell. iggochi hiangmi itda nmrrwne guri nenanda. This flower fragrant is summer street stinks. SICKNESS. ne avani biung ham negha avioorumoon do piunanti. My father is ill I myself very well not. 네 속속가 hhM 으 h!^ 하어 JJl ni soksokki gam ni yun chiunghayu ana. You quickly go ; doctor summon come. 80 의^ 이 ? 4 5 고 uiyuni meg bogho. Doctor pulse feels. 헛다 ilMgs 사 I [데 S。W 진터 하^^ hiutdaghi nemirmJii bopse hungi gctjang duhawS. Tongue put out to see. Illness at height. ^^^^o 후지^ 시 ieriug issum, yag jiusliL Materials are, medicine mix'. tang ijag issum muggi dwta. Liquid med. there is, taken easily. ^우^ 은들에 작마시 JL garoo yagmi moorS ta mashigo, Powderf2, water use to swallow. 하 세 »1i 먼 으 시 haroo hwan yag sJiebun mugmki. Daily pill, 3 times eal. dsobon jiune ; jiunyag hoo yog muggo. Breakfast before ; supper, ufler, med. take. tjag mugumiun bandushi dam nam'. Medicine taken , certainly perspire. 81 lM 문 에나가 지야시 W^ 사립: 무 데 swlonnn d<(U(je autsttm th^arum moonumle. His cxcelliMicv coiu't sat. Hiin examined. 쿠순^ «i 삵 jL 테 t 이 Mf*AB| iituipsooH ilsoeriU diimy Imyho derul yi bey (/end Hj)de, AVhat punishment given ? Him 200 blows beat. ??? 시 풀으 여 5 도꺽이 iloodid kid Moopd-j mocn'mn ijuniyhe doil'