'■'> ::^'>>;'' OF A PR1:MER| E N G LI S ft VE R S E Corson' ¥';•;:"■ mM THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES I" This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. - ' "AY * ,93, I ^„, , . STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, X L ' ' Primer of English Verse state normal school, LOS AKGH^-EB. -:-OAL CHIEFLY IN ITS /ESTHETIC AND ORGANIC CHARACTER BY HIRAM CORSON, LL.D. Professor of English Literature in the Cornell University ^', BOSTOxN, U.S.A. PUBLISHED BY GINN & COMPANY 1893 (.'OI-VRK.MT, 1891, »v IIIKAM CORSON. All Ri(.ht> Rksehvep. Tvf^.tAriiv tv I ^ rt-Miisr. 9i Cn., TlniTOfj, t'.S.A. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PACES Poetic Unities ;.nd their Origin 1,2 Enforcing, Fusing, and Combining Principles uk Poetic Unities 3-31 a. Accent 3, 4 b. Melody 4-21 c. Harmony and Rhyme ; 21-31 Effects produced by Exceptional and Varied Metres.. 32-34 Effects produced by a Shifting of the Regular Ac- cent, AND by Additional Unaccented Syllables. . 35-50 Examples of Organic Variety of Measures 51-68 From Shakespeare 5 '-56 " Tennyson's ' Princess ' 56-63 Tennyson's ' Idylls of the King ' 63-68 Some of Tennyson's Stanzas 69-86 The Stanza of ' In Memoriam ' 69-77 " ' The Two Voices ' 78, 79 I'he Palace of An ' 79-S4 " " " 'The Daisy' and of 'To Rev. F. D. Mau- rice* 84-80 iii iv TABLE OF CONTENTS. PACES The Spenserian Stanza 87-107 The I'ictorial Adaptcdncss of the Spenserian Stanza 100-106 The Si'ENSERiAN Stanza as employed by Subsequent Poets 108-133 Thomson's 'Castle of Indolence' 109-111 Shelley's ' Laon and Cythna ' 1 1 1 -1 1 7 Shelley's * Adonais ' 1 1 7-1 20 Keats's ' Eve of St. Agnes ' 1 20- 1 25 Byron's * Childe Harold ' '-5-»3' Tennyson's ' Lotos- Eaters ' ' 32i • 33 The Influence of the Spenserian Stanza on Oiiikk Modes of Stanza Structure 1 34-142 The Sonnet •43-i85 (JENFJIAL REMARKi O.N ULANK VeRSE... 186-I92 Milton's Bi^nk Verse 193-220 Postscript on Some Blank Verse since Mu.ton 220-226 Index 227-232 A PRIMER OF ENGLISH VERSE. oXKc POETIC UNITIES AND THEIR ORIGIN. THE principal coefficients of poetic expression are Rhythm, Metre, Stanza, Rhyme, Assonance, Alliteration, Melody, and Harmony, which seem to be all due, when they are vital and organic, to the unify- ing action of feeling or emotion. When strong feeling is in any way objectified, a unifying process sets in. The insulated intellect, in its action, tends rather in an opposite direction — that is, in an analytic direc- tion. It matters not upon what feeling or emotion is projected, or with what it is incorporated ; it will be found that in all cases it is unifying or, to use a word coined by Coleridge, esemplastic, in its action. If we look at a landscape coldly or indifferently, we may be cognizant of its various elements or phases ; but there is little or no effort to grasp it as a whole, and to subject all its elements to some principle of harmony or fusion. At another time, when our feelings are active, and the intellect is in a more or less negative state, there will be a spontaneous and, it may be. a quite unconscious effort to ujiify that same landscape, I 2 POETIC VXITIES AXD THEIR ORIC/.V. to subject all its clcmcnlb u. .mmuc principle of har- mony — to fuse the primal units, so to speak, into one complex unit. It may be that the landscape is composed of very incongruous elements ; but even then, the feelings, if abnormally active, by reason of some associations either of pleasure or pain, or from some other cause, may project upon it a light or a shade that will bind together its otherwise inhar- monious features. Now as soon as feeling is embodied in speech, and to the degree to which it is embodied, we find that speech is worked up, more or less distinctly or em- phatically, into unities of various kinds. The primal unit, the unit of measure, we call /;i'stincr nf twn fe^iL or measures, is Called *^^^ftimctcr ; of tliiix^ a trime.ter; of four, a tetrameter; of five, a jjcntameter; of six, a hexameter; and so on. An xa pentameter may be indicated as a "^xa; an ax tetrameter, as a ^ax\ an xxa tetrameter, as a ^xxa; an axx dimeter, as a 2axx\ and so on. A stanza consisting of four' 5.17; verses, that of Gray's ' Klegy,' for example, may be indicated as 4 (5.171). A sonnet may be indicated as 14(5^77); the Spenserian stanza, as tS(5477) I Gxa. l>. MF.r.oiiv. The lusin;^ or combining principle or agency of a verse is Aftlody. We often meet with verses which scan, as we say, all right, and yet we feel that they have no vitality as verses. This may, in most cases, be ' Tlii* i» I inclher in Us mirth ; Listening tlie wliilc, where on the heap ot stones The white breast of the sea-lark twitters sweet. — Brovvninc's yanifs Lff's H'i/t. VII. Among tin Rocks. With heart a.s cahn as lakes that sleep. In frosty moonlight glistening; Or mountain rivers, where they creep Along a channel smooth and deej). To their own far-off murmurs listening. Wordsworth's Memory (7th Sianza). And Arthur came, and labouring up the pass. All in a misty moonshine, unawares Had trodden that crowned skeleton, and tiit- skull IJrake from the nape, and from the skull the crown Rolled into light, and turning on its rims. Fled like a glittering rivulet to the tarn : And down the shingly .scaur he plunged, and caught. And set it on his head, and in his heart fk-ard murmurs. Lo. thou likewise shalt be king. — Tensvsoss Elaine. The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks : The long day wanes : the slow moon climbs : the deep Moans round with many voices. — Tennyson's Ulytses. The mountain wooded to the peak, the lawns And winding glades high uj) like ways to Heaven. The slender coco's droojjing crown of plumes, The lightning flash of insect and of bird. The lustre of the long convolvulu.ses That coiled around the stately stems, and ran Kv'n to the limit of the land, the glows And glories of the broad belt of the world. All these he saw ; but what he fain had seen He could not see, the kindly human face. Nor ever hear a kindly voice, but heard PRINCIPLES OF POETIC UNITIES. 7 The myriad shriek of wheeling ocean-fowl. The league-long roller thundering on the reef, The moving whisper of huge trees that branched And blossomed in the zenith, or the sweep Of some precipitous rivulet to the wave, As down the shore he ranged, or all day long Sat often in the seaward-gazing gorge, A shipwrecked sailor, waiting for a sail : No sail from day to day, but every day The sunrise broken into scarlet shafts Among the palms and ferns and precipices ; The blaze upon the waters to the east ; The blaze upon his island overhead ; The blaze upon the waters to the west ; Then the great stars that globed tliemselves in Heaven, The hollower-bellowing ocean, and again The scarlet shafts of sunrise — but no sail. — Tennyson's Enoch A rden. Now came still evening on, and twilight gray Had in her sober livery all things clad : Silence accompanied : for beast and l)ird. They to their grassy couch, these to their nests. Were slunk, all but the wakeful nightingale : She all night long her amorous descant sung : Silence was pleased. Now glowed the firmament With living .sapphires : Hesperus, that led The starry host, rode brightest, till the Moon, Rising in clouded majesty, at length Apparent queen, unveiled her ])eerless light. And o'er the dark her silver mantle threw\ — Paradise Lost, iv. 598-609. Immediately the mountains huge appear Emergent, and their broad bare backs upheave Into the clouds ; their tops ascend the sky : So high as heaved the tumid hills, so low Down sunk a hollow i)ottom broad and deep. Capacious bed of waters : thither they \ g ENFORC/XG, FUSING, AND COMBINING Hasted with glad precipitance. uproUed As drops on dust conglobing from tlie dry ; Part rise in crystal wall, or ridge direct. For haste ; such Hight the great command impressed On the swift Hoods : as armies at the call Of trumiK't (for of armies thou hast heard) Troop to their standard, so the watery throng. Wave rolling after wave, where way they found. If steep, with torrent ra|)ture, if thro' plain. Soft-ebbing; nor withstood them rock or hill. Hut they, or under ground, or circuit wide With seriK-nl error wandering, found their way. And on the washy ooze deep channels wore.* — I'aradise Lost, vii. 385-303. Light thickens, and the crow Makes wing to the rooky wood : Ciood things of clay begin to dr()oi)and drowse. Whiles night's black agents to their preys do rouse. — Shakkspeare's Macbeth, 3. a. 50-53. Not poppy, nor mandragora. Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world. Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep Which thou owedst yesterday. — Siiakksi-f.akk's Othello, 3. 3. 330-333. The busy larke. mess-iger of daye. Saluelh in hire song the morwe gray ; And fyry I'hebus ryseth up so bright. That al the orient laugheth of the light. And with his stremes dryeth in the greves The silver drojK'S, hongyng on the leeves. — Chaiichm's I' T , 1493-1498 (llarleian le«l). Such pass.'i^cs as these the .studciil .should memo- rize, .ind fre(|iiently repeat, if he would tullivate a sense of melody and harmony ' .Sec (.l In Ron the s^)crcs ful .sadly in arest ; In jfoth the schann" spore into the side. Ther seen men who can juste and who can rydc ; Ther schyvcrcn schaftes u|K)n schccldcs tlukke: Mr fcclcth thiirf^h the herte-s|>on the prikkf. Up sprinjjen s|HTes twenty foot on hij,;htc ; (Jut goon the .swcrdi-s .is ilw sil\,i-t tirii;titc PRINCIPLES OF POETIC UNITIES. n The helmes thei to-hewen and to-schrede ; Out brest the blood, with sterne stremes reede. With mighty maces the bones thay to-breste. He thurgh the thikkeste of the throng gan threste. Ther stomblen steedes stronge, and doun goon alle. He rolleth under foot as doth a balle. He foyneth on his feet with his tronchoun. And he him hurtleth with his hors adoun. — C. T., 2601-18. The alliteration in this passage is organic ; that is, it is an inseparable part of the expression. The general character of Chaucer's alliterations is shown in the following verses or bits of verses. Though simple and unobtrusive, they make, here and there, a flitting contribution to the melody of his verse, without, in the least, obtruding themselves upon the consciousness of the reader : smale foweles maken mclodye 1:9;^ to seken straunge strondes 1:13; And though that he were worthy he was wys And of his port as meeke as is a mayde 3 : 68, 69 ; Al ful of f resshe flowres whyte and reede 3 : 90 ; And frenssh she spak ful faire and fetisly 4: 124; A manly man to been an Abbot able 5: 167; whan he rood men myghte his brydel heere Gynglen in a whistlynge wynd als cleere And eek as loude as dooth the Chapel belle 5 : 169-171 ; She hadde passed many a straunge strem 14:464; fful longe were his legges and ful lene 17 : 591 ; ffulfild of Ire and of Iniquitee 28 1940; ther daweth hym no day 48: 1676; With hunte and horn and houndcs hym bisyde 49 : 1678 ; Thebes with hisc olde walles wydc 54: 1880; With knotty knarry 1 The first number indicates the page of the Six- Text Print of the 'Canterbury Talcs,' and the second number the verse. ,j IlXfORC/XC. FUS/XG, AND COMB/XING barcync trees olde 57:1977; The open werre with woundes al biblcdde 58 : 202 ; Armed ful wel with hcrtes stierne and stoutc 62:2154; Hir body wessh with water of a welle 65 : 2283 ; And for to walken in the wodes wilde 66 : 2309 ; oon of the fyrcs queynte And quyked agayn 67 : 2334, 5 ; Of faire yonge fresshe Venus free 68 : 2386 ; As fayn as towel is of the brighte sonne 70:2437; to the paleys rood ther many a route Of lordes 71 : 2494 ; His hardy herte myghte hym hclpe naught 76:2649; His brest to- brosten with his sadel bowe 77:2691; That dwelled in his herte syk and soore 80 : 2804 ; That in that selue groue swoote and grenc 8 ] : 2860-; The gretc toures se we wane and wende 86:3025; His rode was reed hisc cyen greye as goos 95 : 3317 ; sat ay as stille as stoon 100:3472; by hym that harwed helle lOi :35i2; so wilde and wood 3517; I am thy trewe verray wedded wyf 103:3609; He wepeth wcyleth maketh sory cheere He siketh with ful many a sory swogh 104:3618, 19; Wery and weet as beest is in the reyn 118:4107; And forth she sailleth in the sake see 144 :445 ; !•> that the wilde wawes wol hire dryue 144:468; tellen |)lat and pleyn 158:886; She lightc doun and falleth hym to feete 165: 1104; His fader was a man ful free 191:1911; fful many a mayde bright iji hour 192 : 1932; He priketh thurgh a fair forest, 1044; Hy dale and eek by downe 193 19H6; And priketh oner stile and stoon 194:1988 Toward his weildyng walkynge by the weyc 257 3216; ffortune was first freend and sitthe foo 279 3913: In pacience ladde a ful symjile l^f 283:4016 Which causelh folk to dreden in hir dremes 286 : 41 19; PRINCIPLES OF POETIC UNITIES. 13 His herte bathed in a bath of blisse 370: 1253; the foule feend me fecche 380: 1610; With scrippe and tipped staf ytukkcd hye In euery hous he gan to poiire and prye 386:1737, 38; as light as leef on lynde 441 : 121 1 ; To lede in ese and hoolynesse his lyf 453:1628; He wepeth and he wayleth pitously 466 : 2072 ; Seken in euery halke and euery heme 511:1121; That swich a Monstre or merueille myghte be 517:1344. These examples will suffice to show the character of Chaucer's alliterations. The greater part of them may have been written unconsciously by the poet ; his sense of melody often attracting words with the same initial or internal consonants, as well as asso- nantal words, — all contributing, more or less, to the general melody and harmony. Feeling, according to its character, weaves its own vowel and consonantal texture. It was Spenser who first, to any extent, exhibited organic alliteration. Alliteration, as employed in Anglo-Saxon poetry,^ and in the ' Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman,' being, as it is, constantly kept up, is generally a mere mechanical device ; and where it is organically employed, it loses, in consequence of its constant use, its effect as an exceptional consonantal melody. ' Professor Earle, in his ' Philology of the English Tongue,' says, in somewhat high style, ' The alliteration of the Saxon poetry not only gratified the ear with a resonance like that of modern rhyme, but it also had the rhetorical advantage of touching the emphatic words; falling as it did on the natural summits of the construction, and tingeing them with the brilliance of a musical reverberation.' 1 4 h.\JORC/XG, J- USING. AXD COMB/X/XG There is not much of it in the poor poetry of the interval of nearly two hundred years between the death of Chaucer and the appearance of the * Faerie Queene ' ; and, probably, if the 'Faerie Qucene ' had not been written, alliteration would have been a much less notable feature of English Poetry. Only a poet with the rare metrical sensibility of Sjienser could have taught subsequent poets its subtler capa- bilities. Readers of modern poetry are, perhaps, not generally aware of what a great, though secret, power, alliteration is, in all the best poets from Spen- ser to Tennyson. I do not mean to say that its effect is not felt ; for if it were not, what would be the good of it } but the source of the effect is not generally obser\ed. Shakespeare employs alliteration, as he does every other element of expre.s.sivenes.s, that is, just where he should employ it, and nowhere else. It some- times gives the toning to an entire passage ; while at the same time it does not obtrude itself upon the consciousness; as, for e.\amj)lc. in the speech of Oberon to Puck, in ' A Midsummer-Night's Dream,' 2. \. 148-164 : My gentle Puck, come hither. Thou remcmhercst Since once I «>at upon a |)roui()ntory. And heard a uit-rmaid on a dolphin's back Utterin>{ such (julcet and harmonious breath That the ru^Je >ea grew civil at her>onj{ And pertain hilars shot ojaUIy from their spheres. To hear the sea-maid"s nuisic. I'uck. 1 rcmcmljcr. Obe. That very lime I .saw. but thou couldst not. Flying between the cold moon and the earth. PRINCIPLES OF POETIC UNITIES. 15 Cupid all armed : a certain aim he took At a fair vestal throned by the west, And loosed his love-shaft smartly from his bow, As it should pierce a hundred thousand hearts : But I might see young Cupid's fiery shaft Quenched in the chaste beams of the watery moon, And the imperial votaress passed on In maiden meditation, fancy-free.^ But to determine its full importance as an element of melody, there should be a careful noting of all its more incidental effects throughout his plays, such as these, for example : As if an angel rtVopped dos^n from the clouds, To turn and wind a fiery Pegasus, And witch the world with noble horsemanship. — I Henry II'. 4. i. 108-110. //arry to Harry shall, /lot /^orse to //or.se, Meet, and ne'er part, till one ^i'rop down a corse. — 4. I. 122, 123. And deeper than did ever plummet sound I'll e. But \\\v\\ it is she cannot tell. — On the other side it seems to l)e. Of the huge, broad -brca-sted. old o.ik-trec. PRINCIPLES OF POETIC UNITIES. 19 The form of this stanza is quite perfect. Note the suggestiveness of the abrupt vowels in the first verse, the abatement required for the proper elocution, in the second verse, the prolongable vowels and sub- vowels of the third, and then the short vowels again in the fourth. Then note how the vowels in the last verse swell responsive to the poet's conception ; and how encased they are in a strong framework of con- sonants. The night is chill ; the forest bare ; Is it the wind that moaneth bleak ? There is not wind enough in the air To move away the ringlet curl From the lovely lady's cheek — There is not wind enough to twirl The one red leaf, the last of its clan, That dances as often as dance it can, Hanging so light, and hanging so high, On the topmost twig that looks up at the sky. Note the effect imparted by the running on of the three verses in reply to the question, ' Is it the wind that moaneth bleak ? ' And then the effect of the monosyllabic words in the verses that follow, their staccato effect being heightened by the dissyllabic words that add to the number of light syllables. In every verse of ' Christabel,' the number of accents, and, consequently, the number of feet, are regularly four ; but the number of syllables varies from seven to twelve, the xa rhythm being changed sometimes to the axx or xxa. ^ But the variation in the number of syllables is not made arbitrarily or for the mere ends of convenience, but in correspondence with some 20 ENFORCrXG, FUS/A'G, AXD CO.MBLXING transition in the nature of the imagery or passion. The two following xxa verses, descriptive of the castle-gate, are admirably suggestive of the massive- ness and strength of the gate, and of the image of the bold knights on their spirited steeds, issuing through it : The gate that was ironed within and without. Where an army in l>attle array had marched out. The vowel melody of the following verses is most suggestive : Outside her kennel, the mastitToId Lay fast asleep, in moonshine cold. The mastiff old did not awake. Yet she an angry moan did make I And what can ail the mastiff jjitch? Never till now she uttered yell Heneath the eye of Christabel. Perhaps it is the owlet's .scritch : For what can ail the mastiff Ijitch? •Sweet Christal)c-I her feet doth hare. And, jealous of the listening air. They steal their way from stair to stair. Now in glimmer, and now in gloom ; And now they jkxss the IJaron's room. As still as death with stifled hreath! And now have reathcd her chamher door; And now doth ('ict^ldinc press d«)wn The rushes of the chamber floor. The moon shines dim in the o|)cn air, And not a moonbeam enters here. Hut they without Its light can see The chamber carved so curiously. Car\-ed with figures strange and sweet. All made nut of the carver's brain. PRINCIPLES OF POETIC UNITIES. 21 For a lady's chamber meet : The lamp with twofold silver chain Is fastened to an angel's feet, The silver lamp burns dead and dim ; But Christabel the lamp will trim. She trimmed the lamp, and made it bright, And left it swinging to and fro, While Gerakline in wretched plight Sank down upon the floor below. So much, for the present, in regard to the first two unities I have named, foot and verse, into which feel- ing moulds language ; and the enforcing and fusing or combining agencies of these, namely, accent and melody. c. Harmony and Rhyme. The fusing and combining agencies of the stanza,^ the third unity I have named, are, i. Harmony; 2. Rhyme. We often meet with stanzas, the individual verses of which are sufficiently melodious, but all the verses when taken together, of which the stanzas are com- posed, are deficient in harmony, and consequently there is little or no fusion. The esemplastic power 1 Stanza is exclusively applied to uniform groups of rhymed verses; but it can be with eciual propriety applied to the varied groups of blank verses, as will be shown in the section on blank verse. For the proper appreciation of the individual verses in Milton's blank verse, they must be read in groups — a group sometimes beginning within a verse and ending within a verse. These groups are due to the unifying action of feeUng, just as much as regular rhymed stanzas are; and, indeed, often more so. " The Italian called it stanza, as if we should say a resting- place." — VviTVV.iin\M, Art of English Poesie,Q(\. 1589, b. ii. c. 2. . . . " So named from the stop or halt at the end of it. . . . Cognate with English ' stand.' " — Skeat's Etymological Dictionary. •>•> KNFOA'CIXG, Fi'SING, AND COAfB/AING of the writer's teeling was not strong enough, did not extend beyond the individual verse. In such case, a stanza is but an arbitrary group or succession of verses, and not a vital unity. The second combining agency of the stanza I have named, is Rhyme. (Rhyme is the likeness, with a difference, — unity in variety, — of final words of two or more verses. If they are monosyllabic words, their vowels and the con- sonants which follow them are alike (as pronounced, of course, not necessarily as spelled), while the consonants which precede them are unlike, the like- ness and the imlikeness constituting a harmony : hills, rills ; hall, wall ; then, again ; mead, reed ; thought, caught ; banks, ranks ; chance, trance ; peers, years ; change, grange ; where two consonants jirecede, one may be common to both words, as breeze, freeze ; phrase, praise ; play, flay. The common letter is generally / or r. If the rhyming words are dissyl- labic or trisyllabic, the vowels of their accented syl- lables, and the consonants or syllables which follow them, are in unison, while the consonants or syllables which precede them, are not : ojiinion, dominion ; docile, fossil ; rehearsal, universal ; allotted, besotted ; studied, bloodied. Wf)rds pronounced alike, though they differ in spelling anil signification, cannot be saiti to rhyme. They arc simply identical. There is no variation to make a harmony. Such words as the following, for example : air, heir ; berry, bury ; cent, scent, sent ; cite, sight, site; climb, clime; cygnet, signet; eye. I ; fain, feign ; and numerous others.) PRINCIPLES OF POETIC UNITIES. 23 Rhyme is an agency which can be more easily employed than harmony, and it may be employed by a poet to cover a multitude of sins of melody and harmony. In writing blank verse, the poet has to depend upon the melodious movement of the individ- ual verses, pause-melody, and the general harmony or toning. / It is only when a poet's feeling is all- embracing, is sufficiently sustained, that he can suc- ceed in writing blank verse, with the fullest success. Rhyme, while it is an important combining agency of the stanza, is also an enforcing agency of the indi- vidual verse. Hence, the second verse of a rhyming couplet must be slightly stronger than the first, in order to support the enforcement imparted by the rhyme. In humorous poetry, a ludicrous effect is often secured by the poet's advisedly making the verse on which rhyme falls, too weak to support it. Butler frequently does this in his ' Hudibras.' The rhyme emphasis of a verse is, of course, in propor- tion to the nearness of the verse to that with which it rhymes. If it is far separated from it, the empha- sis will be more or less neutralized. In CoUins's ' Ode on the Passions,' there are adjacent, alternate, and remote rhymes. Any one reading this Ode must feel the different degrees of the rhyme-emphasis, resulting from the different degrees of nearness or remoteness of the rhyming verses. In the first six- teen verses, the rhyming verses are adjacent, and one rhyme is a double rhyme (fainting, j^ainting) : When Music, heavenly maid, was young. While yet in early Greece she sung. 24 ENFORCING, FUS/NG, AND COM n LYING The Passions oft, to hear her shell. Thronged around her magic cell, Kxulting, trembling, raging, fainting, I'ossest beyond the Muse's painting; IJy turns they felt the glowing mind Disturbed, delighted, raised, refined; Till once, "tis said, when all were fired. Filled with fury, rapt, inspired. From tiie supporting myrtles round They snatched her instruments of sound ; And, as they oft had heard apart Sweet lessons of her forceful art. Each, for madness ruled the hour. Would ])rove his own expressive power. Then follow three quatrains, — the rhymes being alternate, — and in jiassing to them the reduction of the rhyme-emj)hasis is felt at once : First Fear, his hand, its .skill to try, Amid the chords bewildered laid. And back recoiled, he knew not why, F'en at the .sound himself had made. Next Anger nished ; his eyes on fire In lightnings owned his secret stings; In one rude clasii he struck tiie lyre. And swept with hurried hand the strings. With woful mea,sures, wan Despair, Low .sullen sounds, his grief beguiled, A solemn, strange, and mingled air; Twas .sad by fits, by starts 'twas wild. The ne.xt ten ver.scs, twenty-ninth to thirty-eighth inchisive, descriptive of Hope, are particularly inter- esting, as illustrating rhyme-emi)hasis. The fir.st and the tenth verses rhyme together, but they are so remote PRINCIPLES OF POETIC UNITIES. 25 that the rhyme-emphasis on the tenth verse is quite neutralized. There are very few readers that would spontaneously retain the final sound of the first verse when they arrived at the final sound of the tenth. The second and third verses rhyme, and the rhyme is a double rhyme (measure, pleasure), and the emphasis is consequently strong. Then there are four verses rhyming alternately, the rhyme-emphasis being, in consequence, a little lighter; then the next two verses rhyme together, and the rhyme-emphasis is a little stronger again. The rhyme-scheme being abbcdcdcca. But thou, O Hope, with eyes so fair, What was thy dehghtful measure ? Still it whispered promised pleasure. And bade the lovely scenes at distance hail ! Still would her touch the strain prolong, And from the rocks, the woods, the vale, She called on Echo still thro" all the song ; And, where her sweetest theme she chose, A soft responsive voice was heard at every close, And Hope enchanted smiled, and waved her golden hair. The entire Ode affords an admirable study of this feature of Prosody, and also of the emphasis secured by the varied length of verses, about which I shall speak further on. When a rhyme is repeated a number of times, the emphasis gathers up to a certain point. Beyond that, it would pester the ear, and lose its effect ; in other words, it would be neutralized more or less by a monotonous iteration. If the rhyme is double, the emphasis is, of course, still more marked. Mrs. Browning is fond of the 26 EXFORC/NG, fCS/XC, AXD COM/i/X/XG double rhyme, and employs it with great effect in some of her shorter poems ; in ' Cowper's Grave,' for example : It is a place where poets crowned may feel the heart's decaying, It is a place where happy saints may weep amid their praying: Yet let the grief and humbleness, as low as silence languish ! Earth surely now may give her calm to whom she gave her anguish. O poets ! from a maniac's tongue wjis poured the deathless singing I O Christians I at your cross of hope, a hopeless hand was clinging ! O men I this man in brotherhood your weary path l^eguiling. Groaned inly while he taught you peace, and died while ye were smiling. Robert Hrowning is a great master of rhyme ; and his poetry aboimds in every variety of rhyme-effect. His poem ' Of Pacchiarotto, and how he worked in Distemper,' and his 'Flight of the Duchess' afford remarkable and surprising examples of double and triple rhymes. The I-lnglish ear is not so accustomed to the double rhyme as is the Italian ear, and the poet who employs it in serious verse, must employ it with the best artistic taste and judgment. Its emphasis is too jjronounccd. It is employed with the best effect, as an exceptional rhyme, and for some sjiecial emj)hasis. Hyron so employs it in his ' Don Jium,' as he does also the triple rhyme, which is .still more emphatic. In all the more reckless stanzas of ' Don Juan,' that is, when the j)oet plays with the feelings, often to the extent of tloing an irreverent violence to them, the PRINCIPLES OF POETIC UNITIES. 27 double rhyme comes out ; when the tone softens, and becomes more serious, it is not employed to the same extent ; it is sometimes not employed at all, often for a number of stanzas. In fact, the double and triple rhymes, throughout the poem, indicate a reduction of true poetic seriousness. Take, for example, a stanza like the following, descriptive of life, in ' Don Juan,' Canto XV. St. 99 ; its tone does not admit the double rhyme : Between two worlds life hovers like a star, "Twi.xt night and morn, upon the horizon's verge. How little do we know that which we are ! How less what we may be ! The eternal surge Of time and tide rolls on, and bears afar Our bubbles ; as the old burst, new emerge, Lashed from the foam of ages ; while the graves Of empires heave but like some passing waves. Or take the three following stanzas descriptive of things sweet. Canto i. St. 123-125. There's a tender- ness of sentiment in the first which excludes entirely the double rhyme, as Byron uses it : 'Tis sweet to hear the watch-dog's honest bark Bay deep-mouthed welcome as we draw near home ; 'Tis sweet to know there is an eye will mark Our coming, and look brighter when we come ; 'Tis sweet to be awakened by the lark, Or lulled by falling waters ; sweet the hum Of bees, the voice of girls, the song of birds. The lisp of children, and their earlie.st words. But in the next stanza, the general tone is less serious, and it is especially marked by the double rhyme which crops out at the end: 28 EXFORC/A'G, Fi'SIXG, AXD CO.Ufi/X/XG Sweet is the vintage, when the showering grapes In Bacchanal profusion reel to earth, Purple and gushing : sweet are our escapes From civic revelry to rural mirth ; Sweet to the miser are his glittering heaps, Sweet to the father is his first-born's birth. Sweet is revenge — especially to women. Pillage to soldiers. i)ri/e-money to seamen. In the next stanza, he carries the unseriousness still further, and it is still more marked by the double rhyme, the last one embracinj^^ two j)airs of words : Sweet is a legacy, and passing sweet The unexpected ileath of some old lady Or gentleman of seventy years complete, Who've made ' us youth ' wait too — too long already For an estate, or cash, or country-seat. Still breaking, but with stamina so steady That all the Israelites are fit to mob its Next owner for their double-damn'd post-obits. In the descrij)ti<)n ol Don Juans mother, in the First Canto, this unseriousness is carried to an ex- treme of recklessness, which is exhibited in frecjuent triple rhymes. The description extends over twenty stanzas or more. Take for exnmnlo thi* following: Her favorite science was the mathematical. Her noblest virtue w.is her magnanimity; Her wit (she sometimes trird at wit) was Attic all. Her serious sayings darkened to sul)limit\ ; In short, in all things she w.xs fairly what I call A protligy — her morning dress w.xs dimity. Her evening, silk, or. in the smiimer, muslin, \iii! i.ihcr stuffs, with which I u..ii*i ^t u pu7/ling. ' PRINCIPLES OF POETIC UNITIES. 29 Oh ! she was perfect past all parallel — Of any modern female saint's comparison ; So far above the cunning powers of hell, Her guardian angel had given up his garrison ; Even her minutest motions went as well As those of the best time-piece made by Harrison : In virtues nothing earthly could surpass her, Save thine 'incomparable oil,' Macassar! 'Tis pity learned virgins ever wed With persons of no sort of education. Or gentlemen, who, though well born and bred, Grow tired of scientific conversation ; I don't choose to say much upon this head, Tm a plain man, and in a single station. But — oh ! ye lords of ladies intellectual. Inform us truly, have they not \\&\\-pccked you all? It will be found interesting, in reading ' Don Juan,' to note the part played by the double and triple rhymes, in indicating the lowering of the poetic key — the reduction of true poetic seriousness. What might be called the moral phases of the verse of ' Don Juan,' are, throughout the entire poem, extremely interesting. Some of Byron's most powerful writing is found in 'Don Juan'; some of his tenderest; and the possible flexibility of the English language is often fully real- ized. But when he wrote this poem, his better nature was more or less eclipsed ; but wherever it asserts itself, we feel its presence in the moulding of the verse, as much as we do in the sentiments expressed. From what has been said of the double and the triple rhyme, as employed by Byron, in hfs ' Don Juan,' it must not be inferred that these are \.\\c pecul- iar functions of these rhymes. They may serve to ^O EXFORC/XC, FUSIXG, AXD COMBIXIXG emphasize the serious as well as the jocose. The stanzas quoted from Mrs. Hrowning's ' Cowper's Grave' show this. The form in which Hood's ' Bridge of Sighs ' is cast, is worthy of notice, in this connec- tion. The verse is axx; and to add to the liveliness of the expression, the rhymes are, in most cases, triple rhymes, as, 'unfortunate,' 'imi)ortunate ' ; 'tenderly,* •slenderly'; 'scornfully,' 'mournfully'; 'brink of it,' 'think of it,' 'drink of it,' etc. Such a form might seem at first view to be very ill chosen. Hut every reader of sensibility must feel that the rhythm and the rhyme, in this case, serve as a most effective foil to the melancholy theme. It is not unlike the laugh- ter of frenzied grief. Shakespeare understood the enforcement secured through rhyme as fully as he did every other element of impassioned expression. He knew the effect of iterated rhyme, and knew, too, just how far it could be carried without self-neutralization. In Titania's address to the F"airies in 'A Midsum- mer-Night's Dream,' ^ i. 167-177, the same rhyme is re})eated a number of times in successive verses, with a gathering emphasis which accords well with the enthusiasm of the speaker : Be kind and courteou.s to thi.s gentleman ; Hl>e. And starry pole : Thou also tnatCst the nii^ht. Maker omnipotent, and thou the day, SHIFTING OF THE REGULAR ACCENT. 37 Which we, in our appointed work employed Have finisli^d, happy in our mutual help And mutual love, the crown of all our bliss Ordain'd by thee ; and this delicious place For us too large, where thy abundance wants Partakers, and uncropt falls to the ground. But thou hast promised from us two a race To fill the Earth, who shall with us extol Thy goodness infinite, both when we wake, And when we seek, as now, thy gift of sleep. ' In this passage it will be at first observed that all the lines are not equally harmonious ; and upon a nearer examination it will be found that only the fifth and ninth lines are regular, and the rest are more or less licentious with respect to the accent. In some the accent is equally upon two syllables together, and in both strong. As ^&- Thus at their shady lodge arrived, both stood. Both turned, and under open sky adored The God that made both sky, air, earth, and heaven. * In others the accent is equally upon two syllables, but upon both weak : a race To fill the Earth, who shall with us extol Thy goodness infinite, both when we wake, And when we seek, as now, thy gift of sleep. ' In the first pair of syllables [of a verse] the accent may deviate from the rigor of exactness, with- out any iinpleasitig diinitiution of Jiarniojiy, as may be observed in the lines already cited, and more remark- ably in this : Thou "also niad'st the night, Arcrker omnipotent, and thou tlie day. 38 SHIFTING OF TIIL KEGULAK ACCENT. The Doctor confounds harmony with uniformity, and does not at all recognize the lac^ that variety is as essential to harmony as is unity. Ikit the most surprising thing is that he is entirely deaf to the special expressiveness of variety in verse. He continues : ' But excepting in the first pair of syllables, which may be considered as arbitrary, a poet, who, not hav- ing the invention or knowledge of Milton, has more need to allure his audience by musical cadences, should seldom suffer more than one aberration from the rule in any single verse.' This is equivalent to saying that a poet,- not having the invention or knowledge of Milton, cannot afford to sacrifice music by admitting irregular accents — music, of course, according to the Doctor, depending on uniformity of accent, all deviations from uniformity marring the music, but being necessary, occasionally, as a blessed relief ! The Doctor has still further condemnation to j>ro- nounce upon the passage quoted : ' There are two lines in this passage more remark- ably inharmonious : tlii.s delicious place For us loo large. u>Jiere Hiy al)Uiulancc wants Partakers, and \\\\q\o\>\ falls to the j^round. 'Here the third pair of syllables in the first, and fourth pair in the second, verse, have their accents retrograde or inverted ; the first syllable being strong or acute, and the second weak. The (ietriment, ivliich he viea.oire suffers by this inversion of the acecnts, i»; votnetimi-^ k*^s perce|itiblt'. when the verses are SHIFTING OF THE REGULAR ACCENT. 39 carried one into another, but is remarkably strikmg in this place, where the vicious verse concludes a period.' Now the ripple which makes the last verse ' vicious,' Partakers, and uncropt/rt//j to the ground, not only contributes to harmony, but imparts a pecu- liar expressiveness and suggestiveness to the verse. To take up again the interrupted sentence : * The detriment which the measure suffers by this inversion of the accents, is sometimes less perceptible, when the verses are carried one into another, . . . and is yet more offensive in rhyme, when we regularly attend to the flow of every single line. This will appear by reading a couplet, in which Cowley, an author not sufficiently studious of harmony, has com- mitted the same fault : I His harmlesfj life / Does with substantial blesstjdness/ abound, And the iibft wings of peac^V^^r him round. ' In these the law of tnetj'e is very grossly violated by mingling combinations of sound directly opposite to each other, as Milton expresses it in his Sonnet to Henry Lawes, by cominitti)ig short and long, and setting one part of the measure at variance with the rest. The ancients, who had a language more capa- ble of variety than ours, had two kinds of verse ; the iambic, consisting of short and long syllables alter- nately, from which our heroic measure is derived ; and the trochaic, consisting in a like alternation of long and short. These were considered as opposites, and conveyed the contrary images of speed and slow- ness ; to confound them, therefore, as in these lines, 40 SHI FT IXC OF THE REGUIAR ACCENT. is to deviate from the established practice. Rut, where the senses are to judge, authority is not neces- sary ; the ear is sufficient to detect dissonance ; nor should I have sought auxiliaries, on such an occasion, against any name but that of Milton.' All this is sufficiently dreary. What a noble pair of ears Johnson reveals in the whole passage quoted! It does not appear in any of his criticisms that he ever thought of verse as having an end beyond itself. With him, the object of verse was not the expression of impassioned and spiritualized thought, but to be — verse ! He regarded English verse, which is accentual, under the conditions of classical verse, which is quan- titative — made so by its being recited, or chanted, in time. Quantity, in classical verse, is a fixed thing ; a long syllable is invariably long, and equal to two short ones ; and a short syllable is invariably short. But in accentual verse, the same monosyllabic word may be an accented {i.e. may receive the ictus), or an unaccented syllable, in a verse — the word ' and,' for examj)le, which might be supposed to be always an unaccented syllable : Each leaning on their elbow.s and their hips. — Shakesphakk's / 'tHus and Adonis, 44. Yet hath lie been mv captive and my slave. — Id. 101. So were he like him and by Venus' side. — rd. 180. In the ff)llowing verse, the same word, 'you,' is accented and unaccented : You leave us: you will sec llic Kiiine. — Tknnvsoh's /. M. xcviii. i. SHIFTING OF THE REGULAR ACCENT. ^j So in the following passage from ' The Princess,' the words * fight ' and ' strike ' are each accented and unaccented, in the same verse : yet whatsoever you do, Fight and tight well; strike and strike home. O dear Brothers, the woman's Angel guards you, etc. V. 399. The 1st foot is ax; the 2d, xa\ the 3d, ax\ the 4th, xa. Even ' to ' before the infinitive may receive the ictus : That 'gainst thyself thou stick'st not to conspire. — Shakespeare's Sonnet, lo. 6. In the very next verse it is unaccented : Seeking that beauteous roof to ruinate. So much by way of introduction to the subject of this chapter. Spenser, sometimes, for a special enforcement, either logical or aesthetic, introduces an ax foot into his xa verse, where, by employing the same words, in a slightly different order, he might have preserved the regular xa movement — an evidence that the ripple in the stream is not arbitrary, but responsive to the poet's feeling. Warton, in his 'Observations on the Faerie Queene,' indicates how verses, in which such significant ripples occur, can be made smooth or ' correct ' according to the notions of the school of criticism to which he and Johnson belonged ; but the special enforcement se- cured by the ripple is then lost. 42 SHIFTING OF THE REGULAR ACCEXT. As an example of iin effective exceptional foot, take the last of the following verses : At length tlicy came into a forest w yde, Whose hideous horror and sad treniblinjj sownd. Full griesly seemd : Therein they long did rydc, Yet tract of living creature none they fownd, Save Heares, Lyons, and Buls, which romed them arownd. — 3. I. 14. ' Lyons ' is an ax foot, which could have been avoided by a transposition of the words ' Beares ' and ' Lyons,' thus : Save Lyons, Beares, and Buls, which romed them arownd. But the poet is presenting a picture of savage wild- ness, and his feeling caused him to break the equable flow of the verse by an inversion of the regular xa foot. Any one in reading the verse, first, as it is given in the ' F"acrie Queene,' and then with the xa movement preserved, will feel at once how much more suggestive the former reading is, of the special pictorial effect aimed after, than is the latter. In the last verse of the following stanza, the poet employs two xxa, instead of three xa, feet, and thus secures a strongly imjiassioned emphasis (the stanza expresses the lament of Una for the loss of her com- panion, the Red-Cro.ss Knight, when she meets with the friendly lion) : ' The Lyon, Lord of evcrie beast in field,' Quoth she, * his princely pujs.sance doth abate. And mightic proud to humble wcake does yield, ForgftfuII tit aery wheel. Nor stayed, ti'! "'1 Nipli;Ut.s' top lie lights. An effective emphasis is also secured through the initial ax feet, 'Down from' and 'Throws his.' The movement of the verse could hardly be finer. And a lightsome repose is secured through the last three words, 'top he lights,' which is aided by the heavy word ' Niphatcs.' and even by the alliteration of the /, in '-tes' top SHIFTING OF THE REGULAR ACCENT. 45 that sea-beast Leviathian, which God of all his works Created hug^j^ that swifn the ocean stream. — p. L. i. 202. Of the effective verse, 'Created hugest,' etc., ef- fective because it labors in its movement. Dr. Bentley remarks, 'This verse has accents very absonous [!]. To smooth it, I take the rise from v. 196, ejecting the four lines intermediate : In bulk like that Leviathan," whom Ood the vastest made Of all the kinds that swim the ocean stream.' Cowper, who appreciated the morale of Milton's verse better than the learned and audacious ' emend- ator,' says of this verse : ' The author, speaking of a vast creature, speaks in numbers suited to the subject, and gives his line a singular and strange movement, by inserting the word Jingest where it may have the clumsiest effect. He might easily have said in smoother verse, Created hugest of the ocean stream, but smoothness was not the thing to be consulted when the Leviathan was in question.' Of the great fishes, Milton says, in the description of the fifth day's creations : part, huge of bulk, Wallowing unwieldy, enormous in their gait, Tempest the ocean. — P. L. vii. 411. Hugeness and unwieldincss could hardly be better suggested than they are, first, by the character of the _^5 SHIFT rXG OF THE REGULAR ACCENT. words themselves, and, secondly, by the movement of the verse, the first two feet of which are axx and xax\ or, the scansion mijjht be, wallow ling unwield|y enorm|, an ax and two xxa feet ; ' unwieldy ' should receive the downward inflection, and should be followed by a pause ; so that the word is in effect an xax. The initial word ' Tempest,' used as a verb, is in itself most expressive ; and being ax, it is emphasized by receiving an exceptional ictus. Dr. Hentloy does not suggest any mode of smoothing these verses ! So he with difficulty and labour hard .Moved on, with difficulty and labour he. — P. L. ii. loai, lojj. The fourth foot of each of these verses is an xxa ('-ty and la-'). A suggestion of struggle is imparted by the exceptional feet which is helped by the repe- tition of the phrase, ' with difficulty and labour.' Much of the perfection of the verse of the ' Para- dise Lost,' both in respect to its music and its rhyth- mical movements, its pause-melody, and the melodious distribution of emphasis, was due, no doubt, to some extent, to Milton's blindness, which, ui the first place, must have rendered his ear more delicate than it would otherwise have been (it was naturally fine and had been highly cultivated in early life, through a study of music), and which, in the second place, by its obliging him to dictate his poem instead of writing it silently with his own hand, must have been one cause why the movement of the verse so admirably conforms to its pr()j)er elocution. SHIFTING OF THE REGULAR ACCENT. 47 Every appreciative reader of the ' Paradise Lost ' must recognize 'the beautiful way the poet has of carrying on the thought from line to line, so that not only does each line satisfy the exactions of the ear, but we have a number of intervolved rings of harmony. Each joint of the passage, when it is cut, quivers with melody.' Mr. Abbott, in the section of his ' Shakespearian Grammar' devoted to Prosody, starts with a state- ment which is apt to convey, which does convey, a very false notion ; a notion, too, which Mr. Abbott himself appears to entertain. He says: 'The ordinary line in blank verse consists of five feet of two syllables each, the second syllable in each foot being accented. We both I have fed | as well | and we | can both Endure | the win | ter's cold | as well \ as he.' — J. C. I. 2. 98,99. That's quite true. But what he next says involves a false idea: 'This line,' he says, 'is too monotonous and formal for frequent use. The metre is therefore varied,' — therefore varied, that is, to get rid of the monotony ; — ' sometimes ( i ) by changing the position of the accent, sometimes (2) by introducing trisyllabic and monosyllabic feet.' ' It would be a mistake,' he continues, ' to suppose that Shakespeare in his tragic metre introduces the trisyllabic or monosyllabic foot at random.' Certainly it would. A great metrical artist never does anything at random. ' Some sounds and collection of sounds,' Mr. Abbott continues, ' are pe- culiarly adapted for monosyllabic and trisyllabic feet.' The last sentence indicates what he means when he says that ' it would be a mistake to suppose that 48 SHIFTING OF THE REGULAR ACCENT. Shakespeare in his tragic metre introduces the tri- syllabic or monosyllabic foot at random.' He means, as he shows in the next sentence but one, that there is a law of slurritig or suppression, by which extra light syllables are forced into, or got over, in the enunciation of the verse. It is of course important, at the outset, to determine this law ; but it is not particularly important in itself. Now, why is it im- portant } It is imjjortant to determine it, in order to determine what are, and what are not, significant departures from the even tenor oi the verse — signifi- cant dcpurturca — that is, departures with an emotional or a logical meaning. The true metrical artist, or the true artist of any kind, never indulges in variety for variety's sake. That Shakespeare was a great metrical artist will hardly be disputed. And Alfred Tennyson is a great metrical artist. One remarkable feature of his verse is, the closeness with which the standard, the modulus of the verse, is adhered to, while there is no special motive for departing from it. When he does depart from it, he secures a special, often signal, effect. All metrical effects are to a great extent relative — and relativity of effect depends, of course, upon having a standard in the mind or the feelings. In other words, there can be no variation of any kind without some- thing to vary from. Now the more closely the poet adheres to his standard, — to the even tenor (modulus) of his verse, — so long as there is no logical nor icsthetic motive for departing from it, the more effective do his departures become when they are sufficiently motived. All non-significant dei)artures weaken the SHIFTING OF THE REGULAR ACCENT. 49 significant ones. In other words, all non-significant departures weaken or obscure the standard to the mind and the feelings. The same principle holds in reading. A reader must have a consciousness or sub-consciousness of a dead level, or a pure monotony, by which or from which to graduate all his departures ; and it is only by avoiding all non-significant departures that he imparts to his hearer a consciousness or a sub-con- sciousness of his own standard. If, as many ambitious readers do, he indulge in variety for its own sake, there is little or no relativity of vocal effect — there is no vocal variety, properly speaking, but rather vocal chaos. There should never be in reading a non- significant departure from a pure monotony. But elocution is understood by some readers, especially professional readers, to mean cutting vocal capers, as good penmanship is thought by professional writing- masters to consist in an abundance of flourishes. And so, in order to secure the best effects, there should never be in verse non-significant departures from the normal tenor of the verse. And great metrical artists do not make such departures. The normal tenor of the verse is presumed to represent the normal tenor of the feeling which produces it. And departures from that normal tenor represent, or should represent, variations in the normal tenor of the feeling. Outside of the general law, as set forth in Abbott's 'Grammar,' of the slurring or suppression of extra light syllables, which do not go for anything in the expression, an exceptional foot must result in emphasis, whether intended or not, either logical or 50 SHIFTING OF THE REGULAR ACCENT. emotional. And it the resultant emphasis is not called for, the exceptional foot is a defect in the verse, entirely due, it may be, to a want of metrical skill. It is like a false note in music. But a great poet is presumed to have metrical skill ; and where ripples occur in the stream of his verse, they will generally be found to justify themselves as organic; i.e. they are a part of the expression. The slightest ripple in the flow of the verse is that caused by an inversion of the normal xa foot ; but, as shown in the following examples, it has always a more or less ai)preciable effect, generally as impart- ing a logical emphasis — an emphasis of an idea. It should be added that when a verse begins with an ax foot, the second accent is felt to be somewhat stronger, from the fact that it is preceded by two unaccented syllables ; for example, in the following verse from ' Romeo and Juliet' (5. i. 70) : Need and oppression starveth in thine eyes. The stress upon the second syllable of ' oppression ' impresses as stronger by reason of the two preceding unaccented syllables, 'and' and 'op-.' Again, xxa and axx feet, if organic, more generally impart a moral emphasis; that is, they are exponents of feel- ing. It should be added that exceptional feet are more emphatic in what I call, in my ' Introduction to the Study of Shakespeare,' the recitative (or metrp- bound ) form of Shakespeare's ver.se, than they are in the more spontaneous form, for the reason that in the recitative form, the sense of rhythm and metre is stronger. V. EXAMPLES OF ORGANIC VARIETY OF MEASURES. IN the following verses from Shakespeare, the exceptional ax, axx, and xxa feet, while being elements of melody and harmony, by imparting variety to uniformity, result in emotional emphases, or, sometimes, logical emphases. Cankered with peace, to part your cankered hate : — Romeo and "jfiiliety i. i. 102. The repetition of the word ' cankered ' is also effec- tive here. As is the bud bit with an envious worm. — Id. I. I. 157. The alliteration ' bud bit,' and the abrupt word ' bit,' help the effect of the inversion. Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs ; Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes ; Being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers' tears : — Id. I. I. 196-198 Gallop apace, yo\i fiery footed ?,ittA%, — Id. 3. 2. I. That T\xnaway''s eyes may wink, and Romeo Leap to these arms, untalked of and unseen. — Id. 3. 2. 6, 7. Some word there was, worser tiian T)balt\s death, — Id. 3. a. 108. 5» 52 ORGANIC VARIETY OF MEASURES. By leaving earth ? Comfort me, counsel me. — Id. 3. 5. aoo. Oh, bid me leap, rather than marry Paris, — A/. 4. I. 77. C/'t'^ w^. ,^/7v /«£'.' Oh, tell nt)t me of fear ! — Id . 4. I. 121. Green earthen pots, bladders and musty seeds, Refimants of packthread and old cakes of roses, — Id. 5. 1.46, 47. Art thou so ba.sc and full of \vrelchedne.ss. And fear'st to die? famine is in thy cheeks, A^ r. Prologue, 3. Carry them here and there ; jumping o'er times, — A/., Prologue, 99. Genlly to hear, kindly to judge our play. ■^ —/ ■> —Id. 1. a. ai. Are mv discourses dull? barren my wit? — Id. a. 1. 91. (Jf credit infinite, highly beloved, — /(/. 5. 1. 0. And gazing in mine eyes, feeling my pulse, ° —A/. 5. I. a43. Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold. — As Voii Like It, i. 3. na. Which, like the to.id. iii^ly and venomous, — Id. 1. 1. 13. Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks. Sermons in stones, and good in every thing. — Id. a. t. 16, 17. anon a careless herd Full of the pasture, jumps along by him ■' ' — /d. T. 1. 53. Therefore my age is as a lusty winter. Frosty but kindly : ■' ' -rd. a. 3. S3. Siehim like furnace, with a woeful ballad * * —Id. a. 7. 148. ORGANIC VARIETY OF MEASURES. 55 Full of ?,tr2.nge oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon's mouth. — Id. 2. 7. 150-153. But, mistress, know yourself: down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting, for a good man's love : — /, and t'verhead, The abrupt vowels and final abrupt consonants of the initial words, ' Struck up,' aid the effect. Petulant she spoke, and at herself she laughed ; The abrupt vowel and consonant in ' Pet-' aid the effect of the initial axx. he started on his feet, Tore the King's letter, snowed it ^own, and ren/ The wonder of the loom thro' warp and woof From skixX. to sk'\x\. ; but ' No ! ' Roared the ?-ough King, ' you shall not ; we ourself Will crush her pretty maiden fancies rink rt'eep, until the habits of the slave, The sins of emptiness, gossip and spite And slander, die. jg ORGANIC VARIETY OF MEASURES. She ended here, and beckoned us : the rest Parted; and, glowing full-faced welcome, she Began to address us, and was moving on In gratulation, till as when a boat Tacks, and the slackened ^M\/laps, all her voice Faltering and buttering in her throat, she cried, My brother. I would be that for ever which I seem Woman, if I might sit beside your feet, elegies And quoted odes, and jewels five-words-long That on the stretched forefinger of all Time sparkle for ever : An extra effect is imparted to the effect of the nx foot, ' Sparkle,' by the additional light syllable '-er ' of ' ever,' before the break. I learnt more from her in a fi;ush. Than if my brainpan were an empty hull. And every Muse tumbled zl science in. The abrupt word ' in ' receiving; the ictus, adds to the effect of the cjx foot, ' tumbled.' once or twice I thought to roar To hreak my c\\ain, to <,\\ake my mane: but thou. Modulate me, Soul of wincing wiwicry ! While the great organ almost burst his pipes, Groaning for power, and ro//iiig thro' the court A/ong mc/odious tluinder to the jound Of Jolemn pjalms, and .rilver /ilanies. There while we stood beside tlie fount, and watched Or .seemed to watch the ddindng bubble, api)roached Melissa. ORGANIC VARIETY OF MEASURES. 59 Here the exceptional foot is an xax. And up we came to where the ri\ er sloped To plunge in cd.iaraci, shattering on (Jlack blocks A (breadth of thunder. we wound About the cliffs, the copses, out and in, Hammering and clinking, cha.ttering stony names Of shale and hornblend, rag and trap and tuff, Amygdaloid and trachyte, //// t/ie Sun Grew broader toward his death and fell, and all The rosy heights came out above the lawns. Note with what beauty the italicized verses come in after the 'stony names.' Then she ' Let some one sing to us : lightlitr move - The ;«inutes fledged with wusic : ' So sweet a z/oice and vague, fatal to men, Not vassals to be beat, nor pretty babes To be dandled, no, but living wills, and sphered Whole in ourselves and owed to none. hoof by hoof. And every hoof a knell to my desires. Clanged on the bridge ; For blind rage she missed the plank, and rolled In the river. Out I sprang from glow to gloom : There whirled her white robe like a (blossomed (branch Hapt to the horrible fall : a glance I gave. No more ; but woman vested as I was, Plunged ; and the flood drew ; yet I caught her ; then Oaring one arm, and bearing in my left The weight of all the hopes of half the world, Strove to buffet to land in vain. The metrical effects of this passage are especially notable. Note effect of the xxa foot, ' In the riv-,' 6o O/iGAXIC VARIETY Ol- MEASURES. coming in without a pause, after the prolongable word ' rolled ' ; the alliterations in the third verse ; the initial ax feet of the fourth, sixth, and seventh verses ; the very effective xxa foot, '-ribble fall,' in the fourth verse ; the suggestion of struggle in the two ax feet of the last verse. A little space was left between the horns. Thro' whicli I clambered o'er at top with pain, Dropt OH the sward, and up the linden walks. Note, too, the effect of the abrupt words, ' Dropt ' and ' up.' I heard the /JufTed /Pursuer ; at mine ear . IhtbhUti the nightingale and heeded not. And jecre/ /augh/er /ick/ed a// my sowl. above her drooped a lamj), And made the single jewel on her ^row Ihirn like tlie m\slic tire on a m;ist-head, Prophet of storm. and close behind her stood Eight daughters of the plough, stronger than men. As of some fire against a stormy cloud. When the wild peasant rights him.self, the rick Flames, ami his anger reddens in the heavens ; her bre.xst, lliaten with some great passion at her heart, Palpitated, her hand shook, and we heard In tlie dead hush the jjapers that she held Piistle : tliey to and fro Eluctitatetl, as flowers in storm, some red, some |)ale, and the wild birds on the light Das/t ///^///selves ttcat/. ORGANIC VARIETY OF MEASURES. gj Or, falling, protomartyr of our cause, Die : She, ending, waved her hands : thereat the crowd Muttering, dissolved : While I listened, came On a sudden the weird seizure and the doubt : Breathing and sounding (beauteous (battle, comes With the air of the. tru/m^tt round him, and leaps in Among the women, snares them by the score, /7fl'/'/'^r^(^/andy7ustered, wins, tho' y\\\. Beyond his horse's crupper and the bridge, Fell, as if dead ; As if the Hower, That blows a globe of after arrowlets. Ten thousand-fold had grown, /lashed the fx^rc^ j//ield, All sun ; Geraint and Enid. And watch his mightful hand striking great blows the pang That makes a man, in the sweet face of her Whom he loves most, lonely and miserable. The Prince's blood spirted upon the scarf, Dyeing it ; And out of town and valley came a noise As of a //road ^rook o'er a shingly ^ed Brawling. The voice of Knid, Yniol's daughter, rang Clear thro' the open casement of the Hall, Singing ; and thrice They clashed togLllic;-. ami thrice they brake their spears. Then each, disluirsed and drawing, Ia.shed at each So often and with such blows, that all the crowd ITondered, liut while the sun yet beat a dewy blade. The sound of many a heavily galloping hoof Smote on her ear. and turning round she .saw Dust, and the points of lances bicker in it. 65 ORGANIC VARIETY OF MEASURES. And none spake word, but all sat down at once, And ate with tumult in the naked liall, Feeding like horses when you \\eax them ieedi. ; He spoke : the brawny spearman let his cheek Bulge with the unswallowed piece, and turning stared; Merlin and Vivien. And after that she set herself to gain Hiiii, the most famous man of all those times, Merlin, She took the helm and he the sail ; the boat Drove with a sudden wind across the rfeeps, But since you name yourself the summer fly, I well could wish a cobweb for the gnat, That j-ettles, <^eaten (Jack, and (beaten (Jack Settles, till one could yield for weariness : She ceased, and made her lithe arm round his neck Tighten . But Vivien, gathering somewhat of his mood. And hearing ' harlot ' muttered twice or thrice. Leapt from her session on his Zap, and stooA Stiff as a viper frozen ; loathsome sight. How from the rosy Zips of /ife and /ove, Flashed the bare-grinning skeleton of death! White was her cheek ; sharp breaths of anger puffed Her fairy nostril out ; She mused a little, and then, clapt her hands Together, with a wailing shriek, and said : Stabbed through the heart's affections to the heart! Seethed like a kid in its own mother's milk! Killed with a word worse than a life of blows! The initial ax in three successive verses imparts an abrupt passionate emphasis to the speech. 56 ORGANIC VARIETY OF MEASURES. And ever overhead Bellowed the tempest, and the rotten branch Snapt in the rushing of the river-rain Above them ; and in change of ^/are and .^Voom Her eyes and neck flittering went and came ; Lancelot ami Elaine. And Arthur came, and labouring up the pass All in a misty moonshine, unawares Had trodden that crowned skeleton, and the skull Brake from the nape, and turning on its rims FU-d like a gWUering riv\\\ct to tlic /"arn : She watched their arms far-off sparkle, until they rt'ipt below the e »uch An not the world can praJM- loo Voicis.' What the i)oct, in the ' In Memoiiani ' aimed to avoid, in ' The Two Voices ' he aimed to secure, namely, a close emphasized stanza. The poem con- sists, in great part, of a succession of short, epigram- matic arguments, pro and con, to which the stanza is well adapted. It is composed of three short verses — 4-ra — all rhyming together. The terminal rhyme- emphasis, to which the shortness of the verses also contributes, is accordingly strong, and imparts a very distinct individuality to each and every stanza. The following stanzas from the opening of the poem, afford sufficient illustrations of the adaptedness of the stanza to the theme : A .still .small voice .spake unto me, ' Thou art .so full of misery. Were it not better not to be ? ' Then to the still small voice I .said : ' Let me not cast in endless shade What is so wonderfully made.' To which the voice did urge rejjly : ' To-day I .saw the dragon-fly Come from the wells where he did lie. ' An inner impulse rent the veil Of his old husk : from head to tail Came out clear jjlates of sapi)hire mail. ' He dried his wings : like gauze they grew : Thro' crofts and pastures wet with dew A living flash of light he flew.' SOME OF TENNYSON'S STANZAS. yc^ I said, ' When first the world began, Young Nature thro' five cycles ran. And in the sixth she moulded man. ' She gave him mind, the lordliest Proportion, and above the rest, Dominion in the head and breast.' Thereto the silent voice replied : ' Self-blinded are you by your pride : Look up thro' night : the world is wide. ' This truth within thy mind rehearse, That in a boundless universe Is boundless better, boundless worse. ' Think you this mould of hopes and fears Could find no statelier than his peers In yonder hundred million spheres ? ' It spake, moreover, in my mind : ' Tho' thou wert scattered to the wind, Yet is there plenty of the kind.' Then did my response clearer fall : ' No compound of this earthly ball Is like another, all in all.' To which he answered scoffingly : ' Good soul! .suppose I grant it thee, Who'll weep for thy deficiency?' The Stanza of 'The Palace of Art: In lines sent with the poem to a friend, the poet calls it ' a sort of allegory ' ... of a soul, A sinful soul possessed of many gifts, . . . That did love Beauty only, (Beauty seen In all varieties of mould and mind,) And Knowledge for its Beauty ; or if Good, 8o SOAfE OF TENNYSO.V'S STANZAS. Good only for its Beauty, seeing not Tiuit Beauty, Good, and Knowledge, are three sisters That dote upon each other, friends to man, Living together under the same roof. And never can be sundered without tears. And he that shuts Love out, in turn shall he Shut out from Love, and on her threshold lie Howling in outer darkness. . . . The lordly pleasure-house, the palace of art, which this beauty-worshipping Soul built for herself, was, she says, full of great rooms and small, all various, each a perfect whole from living Nature, fit for every mood and change of her still soul. Some .were hung with arras (tapestry), in which were inwoven land- scapes, marine views, sacred, legendary, and mytho- logical designs, etc. These pictures constitute a prominent feature of the poem ; and it is evident that the poet adoj^ted the stanza employed by reason of its pictorial capabilities. It is a close stanza, having an abrupt but, at the same time, a strangely reposeful cadence. It consists of four xa verses : the first is pentameter, the second, tetrameter, the third, pentameter, again, and the fourth, trimeter. The rhyme-scheme is alnib. Now, in quatrains, consisting of verses of equal length, the rhymes being alternate, the rhyme-enforcement of the third and the fourth verses, is about equal, imless one of the rhymes be on a broader vowel than the other. In the stanza before us the poet has secured an extra enforcement of the final ver.se by making it shorter by two feet than the first and third, and shorter by one foot than the second. Its exceptional SOME OF TENNYSON'S STANZAS. gl length alone enforces it ; and being shorter, the rhyme-emphasis is increased, because the rhyming words are brought closer together. It is felt that it would not have served the poet's purpose to have enforced it by making it longer than the other verses ; for a sweeping close would thus have been imparted to the stanza, inconsistent with the repose of his pictures, and with the general repose of the poem. But to say thus much is to say very little indeed of this remarkable stanza. The melody of individual verses, the harmony which blends them into stanzas, and the whole atmosphere of the poem, belong almost exclusively to the domain of feeling, and are quite beyond analysis. But the subtle adaptation of the stanza to a pictorial purpose must be distinctly felt by every susceptible reader. Tennyson has made it forever as peculiarly his own as he has made the stanza of ' In Memoriam.' No future poet, certainly, will ever use them so organically. 'The stanza of "The Palace of Art,'" says Peter Baync, ' is novel, and it is only by degrees that its exquisite adaptation to the style and thought of the poem is perceived. The ear instinctively demands, in the second and fourth lines, a body of sound not much less than that of the first and third ; but in Tennyson's stanza, the fall in the fourth line is com- plete ; the body of sound in the second and fourth lines is not nearly sufficient to balance that in the first and third ; and the consequence is, that the ear dwells on the alternate lines, especially on the fourth, stopping there to listen to the whole verse, to gather up its whole sound and sense. I do not know whether 82 SOME OF TENNYSON'S STANZAS. Tennyson ever contemplated scientifically the efifect of this. I should think it far more likely, and indica- tive of far higher genius, that he did not. But no means could be conceived for setting forth, to such advantage, those separate pictures, " each a perfect whole," which constitute so great a portion of the poem.' The following are some of the picture-stanzas, ' each a perfect whole ' : One seemed all dark and red — a tract of sand, And some one pacing there alone. Who paced forever in a glimmering land. Lit with a low large moon. One showed an iron coa.st and angry waves. You seemed to hear them ciiml) and fall And roar rock-thwarted under i)cllowing caves, Beneath the windy wall. And one, a full-fed river winding slow By herds upon an endless plain, The ragged rims of thunder brooding low, With shadow-streaks of rain. And one, the reapers at their sultry toil. In front they bound the sheaves. Behind Were realms of upland, prodigal in oil. And hoary to the wind. And one, a foreground black with stones and slags. Beyond a line of heights, and higher All barred with long white cloud the .scornful crags. And highest, snow and fire. And one, an English home, — gray twilight poured On dewy pastures, dewy trees. Softer than sleep — all things in order stored, A haunt of ancient Peace. SOME OF TENNYSON'S STANZAS. 83 Or the maid-mother by a crucifix, In tracts of pasture sunny-warm. Beneath branch-work of costly sardonyx Sat smiling, babe in arm. Or in a clear-walled city on the sea. Near gilded organ-pipes, her hair Wound with white roses, slept St. Cecily ; An angel looked at her. Or thronging all one porch of Paradise, A group of Houris bowed to see The dying Islamite, with hands and eyes That said, we wait for thee. Or Mythic Uther's deeply-wounded son ^ In some fair space of sloping greens Lay, dozing in the vale of Avalon, And watched by weeping queens. Or hollowing one hand against his ear. To list a footfall, ere he saw The wood-nymph, stayed the Ausonian king 2 to hear Of wisdom and of law.^ Or over hills with peaky tops engrailed,* And many a tract of palm and rice. The throne of Indian Cama ^ slowly sailed A summer fanned with spice. Or sweet Europa's mantle blew unclasped From off her shoulder backward borne : From one hand drooped a crocus : one hand grasped The mild bull's golden horn. It is well known that Tennyson has been a deep student of the art of form and color. But if this 1 King Arthur. ^ Numa Pompilius. » /.<•. from the Nymph Egeria. * Indented. & The Hindu god of Love, son of Vischnu, represented as ridinj^ on the back of a parrot. 84 SOME OF TENNYSOX'S STANZAS. were not known, it would be naturally inferred by any appreciative reader of ' The Palace of Art.' The student of verse should memorize these pic- ture-stanzas, and often repeat them, if he would finally appreciate their subtler merits. The Stanzas of ' The Daisy ' and ' To Rev. F. D. Maurice: The stanzas of the two graceful little poems, ' The Daisy' and 'To the Rev. Y. 1). Maurice,' are inter- esting. The following are their first stanzas: O Love, what hours were thine and mine. In land.s of palm and .soutliern pine; In lands of i)alm, of oranj.;e-l)lo.s.som. Of olive, aloe, and maize and vine. Come, when no graver care.s employ, God-father, come and see your boy : Your ijre.sence will be sun in winter. Making the little one leap for joy. The first three verses of each are4;rrt, the third verse having an additional light syllable. The rhyme- schemes are the same in both : the first, second, and fourth verses rhyme together. The third verse is non-rhyming. A strong rhyme-emphasis consequently falls on the last verse of each stanza, an emphasis not reduced by any other rhyme. The last verse of the stanza of 'The Daisy' is further enforced, and a playful effect is imparted to it, by the penultimate xxa ; and the enforcement of the last verse of the .stanza of the other poem, and the jilayful effect, arc carried still further, by its being composed ol two SOME OF TENNYSON'S STANZAS. 85 axx and an axa feet. The additional light syllabic of the third verse of the stanza of each poem impresses as an anticipation of the rhythmical dance in the last verse. Tennyson always adheres very strictly to his verse- schemes, whatever they are, and never departs from them unless there be a very special emotional motive for a departure. In these two poems there is no departure whatever, and the skill shown in strictly maintaining, throughout, the exceptional feet, in the final verses of the stanzas, is admirable, especially in those of the poem 'To the Rev. F. D. Maurice.' The following are the final verses of the stanzas of the latter poem. The two axx and the axa feet come out in each with an apparent spontaneity: Making the little one leap for joy. Thunder ' Anathema,' friend at you. (Take it and come) to the Isle of Wight. Close to the ridge of a noble down. Garrulous under a roof of pine. Tumbles a breaker on chalk and sand. Glimmer away to the lonely deep. Emperor, Ottoman, which shall win. Dear to the man that is dear to God. Valor and charity more and more. Crocus, anemone, violet. Many and many a happy year. For delicacy of sentiment and playful grace, ' The Daisy ' is unsurpassed. The beauty of the three 86 • SOME OF TENNYSON'S STANZAS. Stanzas, which are somewhat of a higher strain, de- voted to Milan Cathedral and the outlook from its roofs, could hardly any further go. The brilliant rhyme-vowel of the first stanza is very effective : Milan, O the chanting quires. The giant windows' blazoned fires, The height, the space, the gloom, the glory! A mount of marl)Ie, a hundred spires! 1 climbed the roofs at break of day ; Sun-smitten Ali)s before me lay. I stood among tlie silent statues. And statued pinnacles, mute as they. How faintly-flushed, how phantom-fair. Was Monte Rosa, hanging there A thousand sliadowy-pencilled valleys And snowy dells in a golden air. VII. THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. THE Spenserian stanza calls for a special presen- tation and analysis, as it is one of the noblest of stanzas employed in English poetry, and includes within itself the greatest variety of the elements of poetic form. No English poets have surpassed Spenser, in a melodious marshalling of words. The following stanzas, descriptive of the Bower of Bliss, have been frequently cited in illustration of this : Eftsoones they heard a most melodious sound, ■^ Of all that mote delight a daintie eare, Such as attonce might not on living ground, Save in this Paradise, be heard elsewhere : Right hard it was for wight which did it heare, To read what manner musicke that mote bee ; c For all that pleasing is to living eare Was there consorted in one harmonee ; Birdes, voices, instruments, windes, waters, all agree : The joyous birdes, shrouded in chearefull shade Their notes unto the voice attempred sweet ; Th' Angelicall soft trembling voyces made To th' instruments divine respondence meet ; The silver sounding instnmients did meet With the base murmure of the waters fall ; The waters fall with difference discreet, 87 88 THE SPENSER/AN STANZA. Now soft, now loud, unto the wind did call ; The gentle warbling wind low answered to all. — 3. la. 70, 71.' As another example, take the following stanza from the description of the abode of Morpheus : And more to lulle him in his slumber soft, A trickling streame from high rock tuml)ling downe. And ever-drizling raine upon the loft, Mixt with a murmuring winde, much like the sowne Of swarming Hecs did cast him in a swowne. No other noyse, nor peoples troublous cryes. As still are wont V annoy the walled towne. Migiit there i)c heard; hut carelesse Quiet lyes • Wrapt in eternall silence farre from enimyes. — I. t. 4'. The Spenserian stanza is composed of nine verses, eight of them being t^xa, or heroic, and the ninth 6xa, or an alexandrine. It has been common with Spenser's critics to speak of his stanza as being the Italian ottava rima, with the alexandrine added. John Hughes, who edited Si)enser's Works, with Life, etc., in 1715, says: 'As to the stanza in which the "Faerie Queene " is written, though the author cannot be commended for his choice of it [he does not tell us why], yet it is much more harmonious in its kind than the heroic verse of that age ; it is almost the same with what the Italians call their ottnva riuia, which is u.sed both by Ariosto and Tasso, but improved by Spenser, with the addilif)n of a line more in the rld'^.-, of the ' In locating stan/as, quoted from the •Faerie Queene,' the first number will refer to the l>ook, the scconil to the canto, and the third number, ur numbers, tu the stanza or ttanzas. THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. 89 length of our alexandrines.' When he says 'it is almost the same with what the Italians call the ottava rima,' he means, as he himself shows, that it differs from it only in having the additional line. And Thomas Warton, in his ' Observations on the Faerie Queene,' says, ' Although Spenser's favorite, Chaucer, made use of the ottava rivia, or stanza of eight lines, yet it seems probable that Spenser was principally induced to adopt it, with the addition of one line, from the practice of Ariosto and Tasso, the most fashionable poets of his age. But Spenser, in choosing this stanza, did not sufficiently consider the genius of the English language which does not easily fall into a frequent repetition of the same termina- tion ; a circumstance natural to the Italian, which deals largely in identical cadences.' Here we have a number of misstatements. Both Hughes and Warton regarded the Spenserian stanza as the ottava riuia of the Italian poets, with an extra line ; and Warton makes the additional mis- statement that the ottava riina was used by Chaucer. Now the eight verses to which Spenser added a ninth, are not the ottava rinia at all, for the reason that they are differently bound together by the rhyme-scheme, and that makes all the difference in the world. We could as well say that any stanza consisting of four ^xa verses, is the same as the stanza of Tennyson's 'In Memoriam.' In the ottava ritna there are but two rhymes in the first six lines, the rhyme-scheme being: abababcc. Such a rhyme-scheme, especially in the Italian, with -its great similarity of endings, is ' too monotonously iterative ; ' and the rhyming coup- QO THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. let at the close seems, as James Russell Lowell expresses it, 'to put on the brakes with a jar.' Fairfax employs the ottava rima in his translation of Tasso's 'Jerusalem Delivered'; and j:jreat as is the poetical merit of this translation, the reader soon tires of the rhyme-scheme, the avera<;e resonance of which is illustrated by the following stanza. Where the vowels of the rhyminpj words are all brij^ht or broad, the resonance is still greater than in this stanza : Her cheeks on which this streaming nectar fell. Stilled thro' the limbeck of her diamond eyes, The roses wliite and red resembled well, Whereon the roary May-dew sprinkled lies. When the fair moon first bliishcth from her cell. And l)reathcth balm from opened Paradise ; Thus sighed, thus mourned, thus wept this lovely queen, And in each drop bathM a grace unseen. — Ilk. iv. 75. It sometimes happens that the rhyme in the con- cluding couplet is on the same vowel as is one of the rhymes in the sestet. In such case, the ear is still more pestered with identity of sound. The following stanzas, and there are many such, afford examples of this: It was the time when 'gainst the breaking Day Rebellious iN'ight yet strove, and still rcjjined ; For in the Kast appeared the Morning gniy. And yet .some lamps in Jove's high I'alace siiined. When to Mount Olivet he took his way, And .saw (as round about his Kycs he twined) Night's shadows hence, from thence the Morning's shine, This briglit, that dark ; that Earthly, this Divine. — Uk. xviii. bl. la. THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. 91 Such as on Stages play, such as we see The Dryads painted, when wild Satyrs love, Whose Arms half naked ; Locks untruss^d be, With Buskins laced on their Legs above, And silken Robes tuckt short above their knee ; Such seemed the Silvian Daughters of this Grove, Save that in stead of Shafts and Boughs of Tree, She bore a Lute, a Harp, or Cittern she. — Bk. xviii. st. 27. In the last stanza, the rhyme of the concluding couplet is a continuation (by chance, no doubt) of the rhyme of verses i, 3, and 5.' There are many other stanzas of this kind. But the poet, and not the stanza, is here responsible. The Epilogue to Milton's ' Lycidas ' is strictly fashioned after the ottava riina of the Italians, except that the rhymes are not female rhymes. Such rhymes would not suit the tone of the poem. Thus sang the uncouth swain to the oaks and rills, While the still morn went out with sandals gray : He touched the tender stops of various quills,^ With eager thought warbling his Doric lay : ^ And now the sun had stretched out all the hills, ^ And now was dropt into the western bay. At last he rose and twitched his mantle blue : To-morrow to fresh woods and pastures new. The Elegy having come to an end, the ottava rima is employed, with an admirable artistic effect, to mark ^In this lay ' the tender stops of various quills' had been touched; i.e. there had been changes of mood and minute changes of metre in it (Masson). 2 ' Doric lay ' : pastoral elegy ; so called because the Greek pastoral poets, Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus wrote in the Doric dialect. 3 i.e. their shadows; 'majoresque cadunt altis de montibus umbta: ' (Virgil's Ed. i. 84). 92 THE SPENSERIAX STAXZA. off the Epilogue in which Milton drops the character of a bereaved shepherd, and speaks in his own person. Byron was fond of the ottava rima, and wrote in this stanza 'Don Juan' (1976 stanzas), ' Beppo ' (99 stanzas), ' Morgante Maggiore' (86 stanzas), and the 'Vision oi Judgment' (106 stanzas); in all, 2267 stanzas, comprising 18,136 xa pentameter verses. The demands which it makes on the rhym- ing capabilities of the language, he meets with a surprising facility. Those capabilities are more fully exhibited in 'Don Juan' than in any other production in English poetry. To return to the Spenserian stanza : If Spenser was indebted to any one for the eight lines of his stanza, he was indebted to his master Chaucer, who, in the ' Monk's Tale,' uses an eight- line stanza with a rhyme-scheme identical with that of the eight heroic lines of the Spenserian stanza, that scheme being ababbcbc. Chaucer also uses this stanza in his 'ABC (a Hymn to the Virgin), in ' L' Envoy de Chaucer a liuk- ton,' and in ' Ballade de Vilage sauns Peynture.' The Envoy to his 'Conipleynte of a Loveres Lyfe ' (or, the Complaint of the lilack Knight) is also in this stanza. The following is a stanza from the ' Monk's Tale," according to the Ellesmere text : All.us, fortunt;! ^lic thai wliylom \v;us Drcdful to kiii^^cs and to i-mpcrourcs, Now ^aurelh ' al tlio prplc on hir, alla.s! And she that helmed was in starke stoures,* ' Gaurcth : gautk. • Starke stuurcs : tn'tre ronttsts. THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. q^ And wan by force tounes stronge and toures, Shal on hir heed now were a vitremyte ; ^ And she that bar the ceptre ful of floures Shal bere a distaf, hir cost for to quyte.'- By this rhyme-scheme, the couplet, instead of being at the end, is brought in the middle, where it serves to bind together the two quatrains. That is, in fact, what the eight verses are, namely, two quatrians, with the last line of the first and the first line of the second rhyming together. To these the poet added as a supplementary harmony, and in order to impart a fine sweeping close to his stanza, the alexandrine, making it rhyme with the second and fourth verses of the second quatrain. James Russell Lowell, in his ' Essay on Spenser,' happily remarks, ' In the alexandrine, the melody of one stanza seems forever longing and feeling for- ward after that which is to follow. There is no ebb and flow in his metre more than on the shores of the Adriatic, but wave follows wave with equable gainings and recessions, the one sliding back in fluent music to be mingled with and carried for- ward by the next. In all this there is soothingness, indeed, but no slumberous monotony ; for Spenser was no mere metrist, but a great composer. By the variety of his pauses — now at the close of the first or second foot, now of the third, and again of the fourth — he gives spirit and energy to a meas- ^ Vitremyte : ' I suppose it to be a coined word, formed on the Latin vitream mitram, expressing, literally, a glass head-dress, in com- plete contrast to a strong helmet.' — Ski-:at. "^ Ilir cost for to quyte: to pay for her expenses. 94 THE SPEXSERIAN STAXZA. lire whose tendency it certainly is to become lan- guorous. He knew how to make it rapid and passionate at need, ..." The following exposition of the rhyme-scheme addresses to the eye the evolution of the rhyme- emphasis, which culminates in the alexandrine : I a 2 b 3 8 c 9 ^ The rhyme which falls on the seventh verse is a third rhyme, with a resultant accumulated rhyme- emphasis; and the rhyme which falls on the alexan- drine is a second rhyme, but the rhyme-emphasis is increased by reason of its being an adjacent rhyme. The alexandrine receives additional emphasis from its exceptional length. The jjoet, also, frequently, perhaps generally, imparts to it a special vowel and consonant melody, cmjiloys it for expressing what- ever is lengthened out, or is of a continuous char- acter, and renders it in various ways exceptionally vigorous. The alexandrine of the following stanza affords a good illustration of this. (The poet comjxires the vile brood which issued from the maw of the mon.ster Error, after the Red Cross Knight had .slain her in her den, and which beset him on every side, to gnats molesting a shepherd, in the evening, while watching his tiock.) THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. 95 As gentle shepheard in sweete eventide, When ruddy Phebus gins to welke in west, High on an hill, his flock to vewen wide, Markes which doe byte their hasty supper best ; A cloud of cumbrous gnattes doe him molest, All striving to infixe their feeble stinges. That from their noyance he no where can rest ; But with his clownish hands their tender wings He brusheth oft, and oft doth mar their murmurings. — I.I. 23. To the regular enforcements received by the alex- andrine from rhyme and extra length, are added those of alliteration and the most suggestive melody. First, there is the effect of the repetition of * oft,' and the reversed order of the two verbs with the qualify- ing adverb (brusheth oft, and oft doth mar) ; then the transition from the vowel in * mar,' through the vowel in * their ' (= e + u), to the two li's in ' murmurings,' which effect is heightened by the reduplication of the syllable ' mur ' : He brusheth oft, and oft doth mar their murmurings. The climacteric vowel is the broad a in ' mar,' which suggests the dash of the ' clownish hands,' into the ' cloud of cumbrous gnattes ' ; and the muffled cadence of the verse suggests their retreat. The entire stanza is a wonder of melody and har- mony, culminating in the alexandrine. Take it, for all in all, it is, perhaps, the most per- fect stanza in the ' Faerie Oueene.' The following are good examples of alexandrines to which special enforcements have been imparted. The entire stanza to which each belongs should be read, in order to appreciate its full effect. 96 THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. — I. 5- a8. A streame of cole-black blood forth gush6d from her corse. Whose bridle ninij with golden bels and bosses brave. — I. a. 13. adowne his courser's side The red bloud trickling staind the way, as he did ride. — I. a. 14. the Hashing fier Hies, As from a forge, out of their burning shields ; And streames of purple bloud new die tiie verdant fields. — I. a. 17. He pluct a bough ; out of whose rift there came Smal drops of gory bloud, that trickled down the same. — 1. a. 30. Wiiom all the people followe with great glee. Shouting, and clapi)ing all their hands on hight. That all the ayre it fills, and flies to heaven bright. — 1.5. 16. their bridles they would champ, And trampling the fine element would fiercely ramp. High over hills and lowe adowne tiie dale. She wandred many a wood, and measured many a vale. — 1.7. a8. Athwart his brest a bauldrick brave he wore. That shind, like twinkling stars, with stones most pretious rare. — I. 7. 39. Large streames of blood out of tiie truncked slock Forth gushed, like fresh water streame from riven rocke, — I. 8. 10. The neighbor woods arownd with hollow nuuniur ring. — I. 8. II. Who, all enraged with smart and frantick yrc, Came hurtling in full Hers, and forst the knight retire. — I. 8. 17. Doth roll adowne the rocks and fall with fearefull drift. — 1.8. 77. They let her goc at will, and wander waics unknowne. — I. 8. 4y. And all al)out it wandring ghostes did wayle and howle. — I. 9. 33- With in( I ) note her lowd salutes the mounting larkc. — I. II. 51. So downe he fell, and like an heaped mountaine lay. — I. II. 54- THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. 97 As fayre Diana in fresii somers day Beholdes her nymphes enraunged in shady wood, Some wrestle, some do run, some bathe in christall flood, — I. 12. 7. At last they heard a home that shrilled cleare Throughout the wood that ecchoed againe, And made the forrest ring, as it would rive in twaine. 2. 3. 20. The mortall Steele despiteously entayld Deepe in their flesh, quite through the yron walles. That a large purple streame adowne their giambeux ^ falles. — 2. 6. 29. That is the river of Cocytus deepe. In which full many soules do endlesse wayle and weepe. — 2. 7. 56. That all the fields resounded with the ruefuU cry. -2.8.3. He built by art upon the glassy See A bridge of bras, whose sound hevens thunder seemed to bee. — 2. 10. 73. They reard a most outrageous dreadfuU yelling cry, — 2. II. 17. Like a great water flood, that tombling low From the high mountaines, threates to overflow With sudden fury all the fertile playne. And the sad husbandman's long hope doth throw Adowne the streame, and all his vowes make vayne ; Nor bounds nor banks his headlong mine may sustayne, — 2. II. 18. the Boteman strayt Held on his course with stayed stedfastnesse, Ne ever shroncke, ne ever sought to bayt His tyrfed armes for toylesome wearinesse. But with his oares did sweepe the watry wildernesse. Till, sadly soucing on the sandy shore, He tombled on an heape, and wallowd in his gore. 2. 12. 29. — 3. 4. 16. And in the midst a little river plaide Emongst the pumy stones, which seemd to plaine With gentle murmure that his cours they did restraine. — 3- 5- 39- * Leggings, greaves. 98 THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. Ne ever rests he in tranquillity, The roring billowes beat his bowre so boystrously. Like ' a discoloured snake, whose hidden snares Through the greene gras his long bright burnisht back declares, — 3. II. 28. his shield, Which bore the Sunne brode blaztjd in a golden field, — 5- 3- »4- Sometimes, but rarely, and chiefly in the later books, the poet uses double rhymes in the sixth, eighth, and ninth verses, and the rhyme-emphasis falling on the alexandrine is, in consequence, very much increased, as in the following examples : So downe the clifFe the wretched Gyant tumbled ; His battred ballances in pecces lay. His timbred bones all broken rudely rumbled : So was the high-aspyring with huge ruine humbled. — J. a. 50. There Marincll great deeds of armes did shew. And through the thickest like a Lyon flew. Rashing off iiclmcs, and ryving plates asonder. That every one his daunger did eschew : So terribly his dreadfull strokes did thonder. That all men stood amazed and at his might did wonder. - 5- 3- 8 In the following it is still stronger, by reason of the broader vowel in the rhyming words : Full many deeds of amies that day were donne. And many knights unhorst, and many wounded, As fortune fell ; yet little lost or wonne ; But all that day the greatest prayse redounded To Marinell, whose name the Heralds loud resounded. -5.3.6. Such rhyme-emphasis, such a ' vol<5e de resonnance,' is too stunning, and could not be borne very long. ' I'M. 1596; Like to a (cd. 1590). THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. gg See, also, 5- 3- 9 ; 5- 4- lo ; 5- 4- 1 5 ; 5- 5- 37 ; 5- > 40 ; 5. 6. 14 ; 5. 7. 29 ; 5. 7. 32 ; 5. 7. 42 ; 5. 8. 7 ; 5. 9. 9; 5. 9. 10; 5. 9. 24; 5. 10. 7; 5. II. 50. Attention should be called to another point in the passage quoted from Warton. He says : ' Spenser, in choosing this stanza, did not sufficiently consider the genius of the English language, which does not easily fall into a frequent repetition of the same ter- mination ; a circumstance natural to the Italian, which deals largely in identical cadences.' To this objection it may be replied, in the words of Beattie, that the English language, ' from its irregularity of inflection, and number of monosyllables, abounds in diversified terminations, and consequently renders our poetry susceptible of an endless variety of legitimate rhymes.' In Italian poetry, the great majority of the rhymes are female rhymes, that is, rhymes in which two syllables, an accented and an unaccented one, corre- spond at the end of each line. The unaccented syllable will sometimes be all through the stanza, sometimes a, sometimes e, sometimes /. The conse- quence is, that the ear, the English ear, at any rate, is terribly pestered by a constant recurrence of the same sound. For example, here are the rhymes of the first five stanzas of the first canto of the ' Orlando Furioso ' of Ariosto : amori, mori, furori ; canto, tanto, vanto ; Trojano, Romano. tratto, matto, fatto ; rima, prima, lima ; concesso, promesso. prole, vuole, parole ; nostro, vostro, inchiostro ; sono, dono. lOO THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. evoi, voi, suoi; apparccchio, vccchio, orccchio; poco, loco. innamorato, lasciato, tomato; lei, trofci, Pircnei; Lamagna, campagna. Christopher North takes Warton up on the opinion quoted, in his characteristic way : ' A language,' he says, ' like the Italian, so open that you cannot speak it without rhyming, is the very worst of all — for rhymes should not come till they are sought — if they do, they give no pleasurable touch — " no gentle shock of mild surprise" — but, like intrusive fools, keep jingling their caps and bells in your ears, if not to your indifference, to your great disgust -:- and you wish they were all dead. Not so with the fine, bold, stern, muscular, masculine, firm-knit, and heroic lan- guage of England. Let no poet dare to comjilain of the poverty of its words, in what Warton calls " iden- tical cadences." The music of their endings is mag- nificent, and it is infmite. And we conclude with flinging in the teeth of the sciolist, who is j^rating perhaps of the superiority of the German, a copy, bound in calf-.skin, of Walker's Rhyming Dictionary, for the shade of S])cn.ser might frown while it smiled, were we to knock the blockhead down with our vel- lum volume of the " I'^aerie Queene." ' The Pictorial Adapteoness of the Spenserian Stanza. From the strong individuality of the stanza, due to its compact and well-braced structure, and its fine, sweeping close, wc might decide, a priori, as lo its THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. loi signal adaptcdness to elaborate pictorial effect ; and this adaptedness the reader of the ' Faerie Queene ' soon comes to feel. . A great gallery of pictures, running through a wide gamut of coloring and tone, many of them pos- sessing a satisfying unity within the limits of a single stanza, might be collected from the ' Faerie Queene.' In ' Observations, Anecdotes, and Characters, of Books and Men : by the Rev. Joseph Spence,' Pope is represented as saying : * After my reading a Canto of Spenser two or three days ago to an old lady between seventy and eighty, she said that I had been showing her a collection of pictures. She said very right ; and I know not how it is, but there is some- thing in Spenser that pleases one as strongly in one's old age as it did in one's youth. I read the " Faerie Queene " when I was about twelve, with a vast deal of delight ; and I think it gave me as much when I read it over about a year or two ago.' (Ed. of 1820, pp. 86, %•]) 'The true use of him is as a gallery of pictures which we visit as the mood takes us, and where we spend an hour or two at a time, long enough to sweeten our perceptions, not so long as to cloy them. ... as at Venice you swim in a gondola from Gian Bellini to Titian, and from Titian to Tintoret, so in him, where other cheer is wanting, the gentle sway of his measure, like the rhythmical impulse of the oar, floats you- lullingly along from picture to pic- ture.' — James Russell Lowell. A fine illustration of pictorial effect, to which the structure of the stanza contributes, is the description I02 ^^^E. SPENSERIAN STANZA. of Prince Arthur, ' in comijlete steel,' in whom the poet meant should be embodied all the several virtues represented by the several knights. ' In the person of Prince Arthur,' he says, in his letter to Sir Walter Raleigh, 'I set forth magnificence in particular; which virtue, for that ... it is the perfection of all the rest, and containeth in it them all, therefore in the whole course I mention the deeds of Arthur applyable to thai virtue which I write of in that book.' The forsaken and disconsolate Una wanders m^ny a wood, and measures many a vale, in search of her long-lost knight, from whom she has been separated by the wiles of Archimago. At Ia.st she chaunced, by good hap, to meet A goodly kniglit, fairc marching by the way. Together with liis Stiuyre, arrayed meet : Hi.s glitterand armour shined far away, Like glauncing light of Phoebus brightest ray; From to]) to toe no place appeared bare. That deadly dint of .steel endanger may. Athwart his brea.st a bauldrick brave he ware. That shind, like twinkling stars, with stones most pretious rare. The alexandrine glistens like the baldrick it de- scribes. And in the midst thereof one pretious stone Of wondrous worth, and eke of wondrous mights. Shajjt like a Ladies head, e.xceeding shone. Like Hesperus emongst the le.sscr lights. And strove for to ama/c the weaker sights : Thereby his mortal blade full comely hong In yvory sheath, ycar\''d with curious slights, Whose hilts were burnisht gold, and handle strong Of mollier perle ; and buckled with a gulden tong. THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. 103 His haughtie Helmet, horrid all with gold, Both glorious brightness and great terror bredd : For all the crest a Dragon did enfold With greedie pawes, and over all did spredd His golden winges : his dreadful! hideous hedd, Close couched on the bever, seemed to throw From flaming mouth bright sparckles fiery redd. That suddeine horrour to faint hearts did show ; And scaly tayle was strctcht adowne his l^ack full low. Upon the top of all his lofty crest, A bounch of heares discolourd diversely. With sprincled pearle and gold full richly drest, Did shake, and seemd to daunce for jollity, Like to an almond tree ymounted hie On top of greene Selinis all alone. With blossoms brave bedecked daintily ; Whose tender locks do tremble every one At everie little breath that under heaven is blowne. — 1. 7. 29-32. A rhythmical zephyr creeps through the last two verses. Here is a pretty little picture of a hermitage and a chapel, in a dale, on the skirts of a forest, that may be hung under the larger picture of Prince Arthur. It is a picture of which all the elements mingle in one sweet impression : A little lowly Hermitage it was, Downe in a dale, hard by a forests side. Far from resort of people that did paS In traveill to and fro : a little wyde There was an holy chappcll edifyde, Wherein the Hermite dewly wont to say His holy thinges each morne and eventyde : Thereby a christall streame did gently play. Which from a sacred fountaine wellCid fortli alway. — I. I. 3^. I04 THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. Observe how the ' crystal stream ' flows through the alexandrine. And the alliterations, unobtrusive as they are, contribute not a little to the melodious and harmonious blending of the features of the pic- ture : ' /itt/e /ow/y,' ' ^/own in a ^-/ale,' 'f^.xfxovc\ resort of people,' ' /ravel /o,' ' cryj/al jA^eam ' ; in the last verse there is an effective alternate alliteration of / and zi\ 'fountain it'clledybrth ahi'ay.' Leigh Hunt, in his ' Imagination and Fancy,' presents ' A Gallery of Pictures from Sjienser,' to each of which he has attached its character, and the name of the painter of whose genius it reminded him. For these pictures, the student must turn to the 'Faerie Queene.' As given by Hunt, their subjects, characters, and the painters they suggest are : Charissa ; or. Charity. Character, Spiritual Love; painter, Raphael, (i. lo. 30, 31.) Hope. Character, Sweetness, without Devoted- ness ; painter, Correggio. (3. 12. 13.) Marriage Procession of the Thames and Mcd- way. Character, Genial Strength, Grace, and Lux- ury; painter, Raphael. (4. 11. 11, 12.) Arion. (4. II. 23.) Sir Guyon binding Furor. Character, Super- human P2nergy and Rage; jiainter, Michael Angelo. (2. 4. 14, 15.) Una (or Faith in Distress). Character, Loving and Sorrowful Purity glorified. (May I say, that I think it would take Raphael and Correggio united to paint this, on account of the excpiisite chinro-scurof Or might not the painter of the Magdalen have it all to himself i*) (1.3. l-y.) THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. IO5 Night and the Witch Duessa, taking Sansjoy in their chariot to ^sculapius to be restored to life. Character, Dreariness of Scene; Horridness of As- pect and Wicked Beauty, side by side; painter, Julio Romano, (i. 5. 28-32.) Venus in search of Cupid, coming to Diana. Character, Contrast of Impassioned and Unimpas- sioned Beauty — cold and warm colors mixed ; painter, Titian. (3. 6. 17-19.) May. Character, Budding Beauty in male and female ; Animal Passion ; Luminous vernal color- ing ; painter, Titian. (7. 7. 34.) An Angel, with a Pilgrim and a fainting Knight. Character, Active Superhuman Beauty, with the finest coloring and contrast ; painter, Titian. (2. 8. 3-5-) Aurora and Tithonus. Character, Young and Genial Beauty, contrasted with Age, — the acces- sories full of the mixed warmth and chillness of morning; painter, Guido. (i. 11. 51.) The Cave of Despair. Character, Savage and For- lorn Scenery, occupied by Squalid Misery ; painter, Salvator Rosa. (i. 9. 33-36.) A Knight in bright armor looking into a Cave. Character, A deep effect of chiaroscuro, making deformity visible ; painter, Rembrandt, (i. i. 14.) Malbecco sees Hellcnore dancing with the Satyrs. Character, Luxurious Abandonment to Mirth ; painter, Nicholas Poussin. (3. 10. 44, 45.) Landscape, with Damsels conveying a wounded Squire on his Horse. Character, Select Southern Elegance, with an intimation of fine architecture ; I06 THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. painter, Claude. (Yet ' mighty ' woods hardly be- long to him.) (3. 5. 39, 40.) The Nymphs and Graces dancing to a shepherd's pipe ; or, Apotheosis of a Poet's Mistress. Charac- ter, Nakedness without Impudency ; Multitudinous and Innocent Delight; K.xaltation of the principal person from circumstances, rather than her own ideality; painter, Albano. (6. 10. 10-12, 15, 16.) Whoever reads these selections, however little susceptibility he may have to organic literary form, can hardly fail to be sensible, to some extent, of the adaptedness of the stanza to the pictorial effect. Certainly no other structure of stanza would con- tribute so much to this effect. And the roominess of the stanza allows of a detailed working-up of a picture. To tune the sensibilities to the subtlest elements of poetic form, one need not go outside of the wide domain of the 'Faerie Queene.' In the Preface to his ' Fables, Ancient and Mod- ern, tran.slated into Verse from Homer, Ovid, Hoccac- cio, and Chaucer,' John Dryden says, 'We must be children before we grow men. There was an Fn- nius, and in process of time a Lucilius, and a Lucre- tius, before Virgil and Horace: even after Chaucer there was a Spenser, a Harrington, a Fairfa.x, before Waller and Denham were in being : and our fiinn- bcrs were in their nonas;e till these last af^peared.' ! And in his Dedication of 'The Rival Ladies' to Lord Orrery, he says : ' Hut the e.xcellence and dig- nity of rhyme 7vere never fully known till Mr. Waller taui^ht it ; he first made writing easily an art, first showed us to conclude the sense, most commonly THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. 107 in distichs, which in the verse of those before him runs on for so many lines together, that the reader is out of breath to overtake it. This sweetness of Mr. Waller's lyric poesy was afterwards followed in the epic by Sir John Denham in his ' Cooper's Hill,' a poem which, for the majesty of the style, is and ever zvill be the exact standard of good writing.'! Verily, John Dryden perpetrated more rhetorical nonsense than any other literary critic that ever lived. ^ 1 ' It was a firm belief of the writers of the period [of the Restora- tion] that then for the first time was the art of correct English versi- fication exemplified and appreciated. It was, we say, a firm belief of the time, and indeed it has been a common-place of criticism ever since, that Edmund Waller was the first poet who wrote smooth and accurate verse, that in this he was followed by Sir John Denham, and that these two men were reformers of English metre. " Well-placing of words, for the sweetness of pronunciation, was not known till Mr. Waller introduced it," is a deliberate statement of Dryden himself, meant to apply especially to verse. Here, again, we have to sepa- rate a matter of fact from a matter of doctrine. To aver, with such specimens of older English verse before us as the works of Chaucer and Spenser, and the minor poems of Milton, that it was Waller or any other petty writer of the Restoration that first taught us sweetness, or smoothness, or even correctness of verse, is so ridiculous that the currency of such a notion can only be accounted for by the servility with which small critics go on repeating whatever any one big critic has said. That Waller and Denham, however, did set the example of something new in the manner of English versification, — which " some- thing " Dryden, Pope, and other poets who afterwards adopted it, regarded as an improvement, — needs not be doubted. For us it is sufficient in the meantime to recognise the change as an attempt after greater neatness of mechanical structure, leaving open the question whether it was a change for the better.' — Dryden, and the Literature of the Restoration, by Daviu M.\sson. VIII. THE SPENSERIAN STANZA AS EMPLOYED BY SUBSEQUENT POETS. TIIIC many groat Knglish poets who have em- ployed the Spenserian stanza bear witness to the estimation in which it has been held. But in no other poet do we find the peculiar musig which an educated car enjoys everywhere in Spenser. * The harmonies interwoven through the whole stanza, and each line elaborated with reference to the whole, the meaning and the music being incomplete, both sus- pended, as it were, till revealed by the expected close, that very expectation being among the ele- ments of the poet's power.' Thomson employs the stanza in his 'Castle of Indo- lence ' ; Shenstone, in his 'Schoolmistress'; lieattie, in his 'Minslrol'; Hums, in his 'Cotter's Saturday Night'; Campbell, in his 'Gertrude of Wyoming'; Sir Walter Scott, in his ' Don Roderick ' ; Wordsworth, in his 'Female Vagrant' ('Guilt and Sorrow') and ' Stanzas written in my pocket-copy of Thom.son's "Castle of Indolence'"; Shelley, in his 'Revolt of Islam ' and his ' Adonais ' ; Keats, in his ' Kve of St. Agnes' ; Croly, in his ' Angel of the World,' and his 'Paris, in 1815'; Lord Hyron, in his 'Childe Harold'; Tennyson, in the opening of his ' Lotos- Eaters,' etc. 108 THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. lOQ Space will not allow adequate examples to be given from all these poets; but the student of verse who is interested in noting the varied tones which the same instrument may have under the hands of different performers, due, in part, to the different song which was in each when he wrote, should read (aloud, of course) the first book, at least, of the * Faerie Queehe,' and then the above- mentioned poems. "^ An indispensable condition of the appreciation of poetic forms is a well-cultivated voice. Without a proper vocal rendering, no poetry, worth reading, can be duly appreciated. The articulating thought may be got through silent reading; but the indefinite, informing spirit can be reached, if reached at all, only through a proper vocal rendition of the verse. Thomson's ^Castle of Indolence' Thomson, in his 'Castle of Indolence,' has, perhaps, most successfully reproduced Spenser's softness and dreaminess of tone. The following stanzas afford good illustrations : 2. In lowly dale, fast by a river's side. With woody hill o'er hill encompassed round. A most enchanting wizard did abide, Than whom a fiend more fell is nowhere found. It was, I ween, a lovely spot of ground : And there a season atween June and May. Half prankt with spring, with summer half imbrowned, A listless climate made, where, sooth to say, No living wight could work, ne car^d even for play. no THE SPENSERIAX STAXZA 3- Was nought around but images of rest : Sleep-soothing groves, and quiet lawns between : And flowery beds that slumbrous influence kest. From poppies breatiied ; and beds of pleasant green, Where never yet was creeping creature seen. Meantime, unnumbered glittering streamlets played, And hurled every where their waters sheen ; That, as they bickered through the sunny glade. Though restless still themselves, a lulling murmur made. 4- Joined to the prattle of the purling rills Were heard the lowing herds along the vale. And flocks loud bleating from the distant hills, And vacant shepherds pilling in the dale; And, now and then, sweet Thiloniel would wail, Or stock doves plain amid the forest deep. That drowsy rustled to the sighing gale ; And still a coil the grasshopper did keei) ; Yet all these sounds yblent inclined all to sleep. 5- Full, in the passage of the vale, above, A salile, silent, solemn forest stood. Where nought but shadowy forms was seen to move. As Idless fancied in her dreaming mood ; And u]) the hills, on either side, a wood Of blackening j^ines, aye waving to and fro. Sent forth a sleepy horror through the blood ; And where this valley winded out, below. The murmuring main was heard, and scarcely heard, to tlow. 6. A pleasing land of drowsy-head it was. Of dreams that wave before the l>.df-shut eye ; And of gay castles in the clouds that pass. For ever flushing round a summer-sky : There eke the soft delights, that witchingly AS EMPLOYED BY SUBSEQUENT POETS. Ill Instil a wanton sweetness throu<;h the breast; And the cahn pleasures always hovered nigh ; But whatever smacked of noyance, or unrest. Was far, far off exoelled from this delicious nest. Shellefs ' Laon and Cythna.^ In the Preface to ' Laon and Cythna,' better known as 'The Revolt of Islam,' Shelley says: 'I have adopted the stanza of Spenser (a measure inex- pressibly beautiful), not because I consider it a finer model of poetical harmony than the blank verse of Shakespeare and Milton, but because in the latter there is no shelter for mediocrity : you must either succeed or fail. This perhaps an aspiring spirit should desire. But I was enticed, also, by the brilliancy and magnificence of sound wJiicJi a mind that has been nourished upon musical tho?ights, can produce by a just and harmonious arrangement of the pauses of this measure.' 'The Revolt of Islam' is more genuinely and intensely lyrical in its character than is any other poem in which the stanza is used. The poem is the expression of a lofty, aspiring, but feverish and much-bewildered spirit, who, at times, brings out of the instrument employed all its capabili- ties of 'brilliancy and magnificence of sound.' But the reader of ' The Revolt of Islam ' cannot but feel that the instrument was constructed for the expression of other states and attitudes of mind and feeling than are generally exhibited in this poem. I I 2 THE SPENSERIAy ST.IXZA John Todhuntcr, in ' A Study of Shelley,' remarks : ' In choosing the Spenserian stanza for his great visionary poem, Shelley challenges comparison with Spenser himself, and with Byron ; and it cannot be said that he appears to advantage in this comparison. . . . Compare the impetuous rapidity and pale intensity of Shelley's verse with the lulling harmony, the lingering cadence, the voluj^tuous color of Spenser's, or with the grandiose majesty of Byron's. The stanzas of the " Faerie Oueene " have some- thing of the wholesome old-world mellowness of Haydn's music ; those of " Laon and Cythna " something of the morbid fever of Chopin's; . . . In " Adonais," indeed, a poem on which he be- stowed much labor, he handles the stanza in a masterly manner, and endows it with an individual music beautiful and new; and even "Laon and Cythna" is full of exquisite passages, in which the very rhymes lend wings to his imagination, and become the occasion of sweet out-of-the-way modes of expression, full of ethereal poetry of the most Shelleyan kind.' The first fifteen .stanzas of Canto I afford good examples of Shelley's use of the stanza in ' The Revolt of Islam.' The |)ause-melody constitutes an imjiortant element of the general aesthetic im|)ressi()n ; and the frequent extra end-syllables, resulting in female rhymes, are skilfully employed, and often with fine musical effect. The poet, from ' the peak of an aerial j)romontory,' bcholfls. in the air. ' an Kagle and a Serpent wreathed in fight ' ; AS EMPLOYED BY SUBSEQUENT POETS. I 1 3 When the last hope of trampled France had failed Like a brief dream of unremaining glory, From visions of despair I rose, and scaled The peak of an aerial promontory, Whose caverned base with the vext surge was hoary ; And saw the golden dawn break fortli, and waken Each cloud, and every wave : — l^ut transitory The calm : for sudden, the firm earth was shaken, As if by the last wreck its frame were overtaken. So as I stood, ^ one blast of muttering thunder Burst in far peals along the waveless deep. When, gathering fast, around, above and under, Long trains of tremulous mist began to creep. Until their complicating lines did steep The orient sun in shadow : — not a sound Was heard ; one horrible repose did keep The forests and the floods, and all around Darkness more dread than night was poured upon tlie ground. Hark ! 'tis the rushing of a wind that sweeps Earth and the ocean. See ! the lightnings yawn Deluging Heaven with fire, and the lashed deeps (flitter and boil beneath : it rages on. One mighty stream, whirlwind and waves upthrown. Lightning, and liail, and darkness eddying by. Tiiere is a pause — the sea-birds, that were gone Into their caves to shriek, come forth, to spy What calm has fallen on eartli, what light is in the sky. For, where tlie irresistible storm had cloven That fearful darkness, the blue sky was seen Fretted with many a fair cloud interwoven Most delicately, and the ocean green, Berkeath that opening spot of blue serene. Quivered like burning emerald : calm was spread On all below ; but far on high, between Earth and the upper air, the va.st clouds fled. Countless and swift as leaves on autumn's tempest shed. 1 As 1 Stuud thus. — FuK.MAN. I 14 THE SPENSERIAN STANZA For ever, as the war became more fierce Between the whirlwinds and tlie wrack on high That spot grew more serene ; bhie light did pierce The woof of those white clouds, which seemed to lie Far, deep, and motionless ; while tliro" the sky The pallid semicircle of the moon Past on, in slow and moving majesty ; Its upper horn arrayed in mists, which soon Hut slowly Hed, like dew beneath the beams of noon. I could not choose but gaze ; a fascination Dwelt in that moon, and sky, and clouds, which drew My fancy thither, and in expectation Of what I knew not, I remained : — the hue Of the white moon, amid that heaven so blue. Suddenly stained with shadow did appear; A speck, a cloud, a shape, approaching grew, Like a great ship in the sun's sinking sphere Beheld afar at sea, and swift it came anear. Even like a bark, which from a chasm of mountains. Dark, vast, and overhanging, on a river Which there collects the strength of all its fountains. Comes forth, whilst with the speed its frame doth quiver, Sails, oars, and stream, tending to one endeavour ; .So, from that chasm of light a wingt-il P'orm On all the winds of heaven approaching ever Floated, dilating as it came : the storm Pursued it with fierce blasts, and lightnings swift and warm. A course precipitous, of dizzy .si)eed, .Suspending thought and breath ; a monstrous sight! For in the air do I behold indeed An Kagle and a .Serjient wreathed in figlit : — And now relaxing its impetuous flight. Before the aerial rock on which I stood. The K.igle, hovering, wheeled to left and right, Ancl hung with lingering wings over tlic flood, And startled with its veils tlie wide air's solitude. AS EMPLOYED BY SUBSEQUENT POETS. 11$ A shaft of light upon its wings descended, And every golden feather gleamed therein — Feather and scale inextricably blended. ^ The Serpent's mailed and many-coloured skin Shone thro' the plumes its coils were twined within By many a swollen and knotted fold, and high And far, the neck receding lithe and thin, Sustained a crested head, which warily Shifted and glanced before the Eagle's steadfast eye. Around, around, in ceaseless circles wheeling With clang of wings and scream, the Eagle sailed Incessantly — sometimes on high concealing Its lessening orbs, sometimes as if it failed. Drooped thro' the air, and still it shrieked and wailed, And casting back its eager head, with beak And talon unremittingly assailed The wreathed Serpent, who did ever seek Upon his enemy's heart a mortal wound to wreak. What life, what power, was kindled and arose Within the sphere of that appalling fray! For, from the encounter of those w^ondrous foes, A vapour, like the sea's suspended spray Hung gathered : in the void air, far away, Floated the shattered plumes ; bright scales did leap. Where'er the Eagle's talons made their way. Like sparks into the darkness ; — as they sweep. Blood stains the snowy foam of the tumultuous deep. 1 I suspect the period at the end of this line and the pause at the end of the preceding one should change places. I leave matters as Shelley left them, because there may have been no oversight, the present construction being possible; but it would be more clearly sequent to read the passage thus : ' A shaft of light descended on the eagle's wings, and every golden feather in them gleamed. Feather and scale being blended inextricably, the serpent's mailed and many- coloured skin shone through the plumes,' etc. — Forman. Il6 THE SPENSERIAN STANZA Swift chances in that combat — many a check, And many a change, a dark and wild turnmil : Sometimes the Snake around his enemy's neck Locked in stiff rings his adamantine coil, Until tlie Eagle, faint witii pain and toil. Remitted his strong flight, and near the sea Languidly fluttered, hopeless so to foil His adversary, who then reared on high His red and burning crest, radiant with victory. Then on the white edge of tiic bursting surge. Where they had sunk together, would the Snake Relax his suffocating grasp, and scourge The wind with his wild writhings ; for to break That chain of torment, the vast bird would shake The strength of his unconquerable wings As in despair, and with his sinewy neck. Dissolve in sudden shock those linked rings, Then soar — as swift as smoke from a volcano springs. Wile baffled wile, and .strength encountered strength. Thus long, but unprevailing : — the event Of that jwrtentous fight appeared at length : Until the lamp of day was almost spent It had endured, when lifeless,* stark, and rent. Hung high that mighty Serpent, and at last P'ell to the sea, while o'er the continent. With clang of wings and .scream the Kagle i)ast. Heavily borne away on the exhausted blast. And with it fled the tempest, so that ocean And earth and sky shone thro' the atmosphere — Only, 'twas strange to see the red commotion Of waves like mountains o'er the sinking s|)here Of sun-set sweej), and their fierce roar to hear Amid the calm : down the steep path I wound To the sea-shore — the evening was most clear And beautiful, and there the sea I found Calm as a cradled child in dreamless slumber iiound. ' I.iftless i.s cither an oversight or meant \n imply rxhnuitfii merely, as wc learn further on that the snake was still alive. — l''oR.MAN, AS EMPLOYED BY SUBSEQUENT POETS. 11/ English poetry affords no better illustrations of the capabilities of the Spenserian stanza, mentioned by Shelley, in the passage quoted above, than these stanzas afford. Shelley's '■ Adonais.' After reading the first canto of ' The Revolt of Islam,' which will be sufficient, in order to feel the moulding spirit of the verse, the student should read ' Adonais,' the elegiac tone of which he will feel to be in very decided contrast to the tone of the former poem. ' Adonais,' too, exhibits capabilities of the Spenserian stanza not exhibited, to the same extent, by any other poem written in this stanza. Every reader, in passing from ' The Revolt of Islam ' (great as are the peculiar merits of its verse) to the ' Adonais,' must feel that the employment of the Spenserian stanza, in the service of the lofty elegiac tone of the latter, is far more successful than its employment as an organ of the tumultuous spirit of the former poem. The following stanzas afford a sufficient evidence of this : II. Where wert thou mighty Mother, when he lay. When thy Son lay, pierced by the shaft which flies , In darkness? Where was lorn Urania When Adonais died? witii veiltid eyes, "Mid listening Echoes, in her Paradise She sate, while one, with soft enamoured breath. Rekindled all the fading melodies. With which, like Howers that mock the corse beneath. He had adorned and hid the coming bulk of death. Il8 THE SPENSERIAN STANZA XIV. All he had loved, and moulded into thought. From shape, and hue, and odour, and sweet sound, Lamented Adonais. Morning sougiu Her eastern watchtower. and her hair unbound. Wet with the tears whitli should adorn the ground. Dimmed the aerial eyes that kindle day ; Afar the melancholy thunder moaned. Pale Ocean in unquiet slumber lay. And the wild winds flew around.' .sobbing in their dismay. The alexandrine of this stanza has a special effec- tiveness by reason of its two exceptional feet, the third foot 'flew arotmd,' being an xxn, and the fourth, 'sobbing,' an ax. In reading the verse, the voice should be well filled out on 'wild winds,' accelerated on ' flew a-,' and brought down strongly on ' round ' ; the exceptional ictus on ' sob- ' is effective. I'eter Bayne quotes this stanza in his 'Tennyson and his Teachers,' and remarks of it : 'If absolute perfection could be asserted of any human thing, that stanza might be called perfect ; utterly faultless, at once in feeling, imagery, diction, and rhythm.' XVIII. Ah, woe is mel Winter is come and gone. But grief returns with the revolving year; The airs and streams renew their joyous tone ; The ants, the bees, the swallows, re-appear ; Fresh leaves and flowers deck the dead Seasons' bier; The amorous birds now pair in every brake. And build their mossy homes in field and brere ; And the green lizard, and the golden snake. Like unimpri.soned flames, out of their trance aw.ikc. ' ' .Around,' accnrrlinf; to Mr*. Shelley's editions; l-'orman's edition Hm • round,' wliith i» less effective. AS EMPLOYED BY SUBSEQUENT POETS. 1 19 XIX. Through wood and stream and field and hill and Ocean A quickening life from the Earth's heart has burst, As it has ever done, with change and motion, From the great morning of the world when first God dawned on Chaos ; in its stream immersed, The lamps of Heaven flash with a softer light ; All baser things pant with life's sacred thirst, Diifuse themselves, and spend in love's delight The beauty and the joy of their renewed might. XXXI. Midst others of less note, came one frail Form,i A phantom among men ; companionless As the last cloud of an expiring storm Whose thunder is its knell ; he, as I guess. Had gazed on Nature's naked loveliness, ActcEon-like, and now he fled astray With feeble steps o'er the world's wilderness. And his own thoughts along that nigged way. Pursued, like raging hounds, their father and their prey. XXXIII. His head was bound with pansies overblown. And faded violets, white, and pied, and blue ; And a light spear topped with a cypress cone. Round whose rude shaft dark ivy tresses grew Yet dripping with the forest's noonday dew, Vibrated,"^ as the ever-beating heart , Shook the weak hand that grasped it ; of that crew He came the last, neglected and apart ; A herd-abandoned deer, struck by the hunter's dart 1 Shelley here alludes to himself. 2 Note the effect here of the exceptional ictus, ami of the pause after this initial word. I20 THE SPENSERIAN STANZA LIV. That Light whose smile kindles the Universe, That Beauty in which all things work and move. That Benediction which the eclipsing Curse Of birth can quench not, that sustaining Love Wiiich through the web of being blindly wove By man and beast and earth and air and sea, Burns bright or dim, as each are mirrors of The fire for which all thirst ; now beams on me. Consuming the last clouds of cold mortality. LV. The breath whose might 1 have invoked in song Descends on me; my spirit's bark is driven, P'ar from the shore, far from the trembling throng' Whose sails were never to the tempest given : The massy earth and sphered skies are riven ! I am borne darkly, fearfully, afar ; Whilst burning through the inmost veil of Heaven, The soul of Adonais, like a star. Beacons from the abode where the Eternal are. Keats' s ' Eve of St. Agnes.' In what Tctcr l^aync call.s ' her linperiiifj, lovinj]^, particularizing mood,' Imagination finds amj^lc scojk* in the roomy and elaborately wrought Spenserian stanza ; and the adaj)tability of the stanza to this mood, is in no other poem better illustrated than it is in Keats's ' Kvc of St. Agnes.' ' Keats takes in this poem,' says Sidney Colvin, ' the simple, almost threadbare theme of the love of an adventurous youth for the daughter of a hos- tile house . . . and brings it deftly into association AS EMPLOYED BY SUBSEQUENT POETS. 121 with the old popular belief as to the way a maiden might on this anniversary win sight of her lover in a dream. Choosing happily for such a purpose the Spenserian stanza, he adds to the melodious grace, the "sweet-slipping movement," as it has been called, of Spenser, a transparent case and directness of construction ; and with this ease and directness combines ... a never-failing richness and concentration of poetic meaning and suggestion.' Of these high merits the following stanzas afford signal illustrations : r. St. Agnes' Eve — Ah, bitter chill it was! The owl, for all his featliers, was a-cold ; The hare limped trembling through the frozen grass. And silent was the flock in wooly fold ; Numb were the beadsman's fingers while he told His rosary, and while his frosted breath, Like pious incense from a censer old. Seemed taking flight for heaven without a death Past the sweet Virgin's picture, while his prayer he saith. II. His prayer he saith, this patient, holy man. Then takes his lamp, and ri.seth from his knees. And back returneth, meagre, barefoot, wan. Along the chapel aisle by slow degrees : TI.e sculptured dead on each side seem to freeze, Emprisoned in black, purgatorial rails : Knights, ladies, praying in dumb orat'ries. He passeth by ; and his weak spirit fails To think how they may ache in icy hoods and mails. * > The monuments in the chapel aisle are brought before us, not by any effort of description, but solely through our sympathy with the shivering fancy of the beadsman. — Sidney Colvin. 122 THE SPEXSERIAN STANZA IV. The ancient Beadsman heard the prelude soft ; And so it chanced, for many a door was wide. From hurry to and fro. Soon, up aloft. The silver, snarling trumpets "gan to chide : The level chambers, ready with their pride. Were glowing to receive a thousand piests : The car\tl'd angels, ever eager-eyed. Stared, wiiere upon their heads tlie cornice rests. With hair blown back, and wings put cross-wise on their breasts.' A fine effect is secured by the pause after the initial word ' Stared,' of the ei^^hth verse. The word should be read with a downward inflection. The emphasis upon it is increased by its receiving an irrcf^ular ictus. The alexandrine is one of the best, and most picturesque, in the poem. .xxiv. A ca.sement high and triple-arched there was, All garlanded with carven imageries Of fruits, and Howers, and bunches of knot-grass, And diamonded with panes of quaint device, Innumerable of stains and splendid dyes, As are the tiger-moth's deep-damasked wings ; ^ And in the midst, "mong thousand heraldries. And twilight saints, and dim emblazonings, A shielded scutcheon blushed with blood of queens and kings.' ' Even into the sculptured heads of the corbels in the hanqucting- hall the poet strikes life. — Sidney Colvin. 2 A gorgeous jihrasc which leaves the widest r.mgc to the colour- imagination of the reader, giving it at the same time a suflkient clue liy the simile drawn from a particular specimen of nature's l)la/.onry. — Sidney Colvin. • The word 'Mush' makes the colour seem to come and go, while the mind is at the same time sent travelling from the maiden's cham- ber on thoughts of her lineage and ancestral fame. — SIDNEY CoLVIN. AS EMPLOYED BY SUBSEQUENT POETS. 123 XXV. Full on this casement shone the wintry moon, And threw warm gules on Madeline's fair breast, As down she knelt for heaven's grace and boon ; Rose-bloom fell on her hands together prest, And on her silver cross soft amethyst. And on her hair a glory like a saint : ^ She seemed a splendid angel, newly drest, Save wings, for heaven : — Porphyro grew faint. She knelt, so pure a thing, so free from mortal taint. XXVI. Anon his heart revives : her vespers done, Of all its wreathed pearls her hair she frees ; Unclasps her warmed jewels one by one ; "^ Loosens her fragrant bodice : by degrees Her rich attire creeps rustling to her knees : Half-hidden, like a mermaid in sea-weed. Pensive a while she dreams awake, and sees. In fancy, fair St. Agnes in her bed. But dares not look behind, or all the charm is fled. XXVII. Soon, trembling in her soft and chilly nest In sort of wakeful swoon, perplexed she lay. Until the poppied warmth of sleep oppressed Her soothed limbs, and soul fatigued away Flown, like a thought, until the morrow day; 1 Observation, I believe, shows that moonlight has not the power to transmit the hues of the painted glass as Keats in this celebrated passage represents it. Let us be grateful for the error, if error it is, wljich has led him to heighten by these saintly splendors of colour, the sentiment of a scene wherein a voluptuous glow is so exquisitely attempered with chivalrous chastity and awe. — Sidney Colvin. - When Madeline unclasps her jewels, a weaker poet would have dwelt on their lustre or other visible qualities; Keats puts those aside, and speaks straight to our spirits in an epithet breathing with the very life of the wearer — ' her warmed jewels.' — Sidney Colvin. 124 THE SPENSERIAN STANZA Blissfully havened both from joy and pain : Clasped like a missal where swart Paynims pray ; Blinded alike from sunshine and from rain. As though a rose should shut, and be a bud again. XXX. And still she slept an azure-lidded sleep. In blanched linen, smooth and lavendered, While he from forth the closet brought a heap Of candied apple, quince, and plum, and gourd, With jellies soother than the creamy curd. And lucent syrups tinct with cinnamon. Manna and dates, in argosy transferred From Fez ; and spicclid dainties every one. From silken Samarcand to ccdared Lebanon.' Probably no English poet who has used the Spen- serian stanza, first assimilated so fully the spirit of Spenser, before using the stanza, as did Keats ; and to this fact may be partly attributed his effective use of it as an organ for his imagination in its ' lingering, loving, particularizing mood.' His early friend, Charles Cowden Clarke, who introduced him to Spenser, de- .scribes his rapturous enjoyment of the ' Faerie Oueene.' And another of his friends, Charles Armitage Brown, states that the earliest awakening of his poetical genius was due to Spen.scr. ' In Spenser's fairyland he was enchanted, breathed in a new world, . . . enamoured of the stanza, he attempted to imitate it, ' When Lorenzo sprc.-ids the feast of tiainties beside Ills sleejiing mistress, we are made to feel how those ideal and rare sweets of sense surround and minister to her, not only with their own natural richness, l>ut with the associations .ind the homage of all far countries whence they have been gathered — ' From silken Samarcand (o ccdared I.«banon.' — Sidney Colvin. AS EMPLOYED BY SUBSEQUENT POETS. 125 and succeeded. . . . This, his earhest attempt, the " Imitation of Spenser," is in his first vokime of poems, and it is pecuHarly interesting to those acquainted with his history.' Byron's ' Childe Harold.' But no EngHsh poet has used the Spenserian stanza with the grand vigor with which Byron has used it in his ' Childe Harold.' His impetuous spirit imparts a character to the stanza quite distinct from its peculiar Spenserian character. Even the stanzas in which his gentler and more pensive moods are embodied, bear little or no similarity to the manner of Spenser. The two following stanzas, which were inspired by the battlefield of Albuera, are good examples of the Byronic vigor : Hark ! heard you not those hoofs of dreadful note ? Sounds not the clang of conflict on the heath .-' Saw ye not whom tjie reeking sabre smote, Nor saved your brethren ere they sank beneath Tyrants and tyrants' slaves ? — the fires of death. The bale-fires flash on high : — from rock to rock Each volley tells that thousands cease to breathe ; Death rides upon the sulphury Siroc, Red Battle stamps his foot, and nations feel the shock. Note, in this stanza, the unobtrusive but suggestive effect of the alliteration which occurs in each and every verse : * hark,' ' heard,' ' hoofs ' ; ' clang of con- flict ' ; ' saw,' ' sabre,' ' smote ' ; ' saved,' ' brethren,' ' sank,' ' beneath ' ; ' tyrants and tyrants' slaves ' ; ' bale-fires flash,' 'rock to rock ' ; ' tells that thousands cease to breathe ' ; * the sulphury Siroc ' ; ' stamps his foot,' 'feel the shock.' These alliterations are all 126 THE SPEXSRRIAX STAXZA taken up into the general effect, and leave no sense of trick or artifice. And there are some effective ones in the stanza which follows : ' Restless it rolls, now fixed, and now anon flashing alar " ; ' destruction,' ' deeds are done ' ; * morn,' ' meet ' ; 'to shed before his shrine.' Lo ! where the giant on the mountain stands. His blood-red tresses deepening in the sun, Witii death-shot glowing in his tierv hands, And eye that scorcheth all it glares upon. Restless it rolls, now fixed, and now anon Flashing afar — and at his iron feet Destniction cowers to mark what deeds arc done ; For on this morn three potent nations meet. To shed before his shrine the blood he deems most sweet. — Canto i. st. 38, 39. And the following, descriptive of a Spanish bull- fight (alliteration is also in these an important element of effect ; and so too are the exceptional ictus on the initial words of some of the verseS : ' Hounds with one lashing spring the mighty brute ' ; ' Sudden he stops' ; ' Streams from his flank ' ; * Vain are his weapons ' ; ' Staggering, but stemming all ' ; ' Wraj)s his fierce eye ' ; ' Sheathed in his form ' ; ' Slowly he falls ' ; ' Hurl the dark bulk') : Thrice sounds the clarion ; lo! the signal AiFls, The den ex])ands. and Kxpectation mute Ga|)cs round the silent circle's peojiled walls. Bounds with one lashing spring the mighty brute. And, wilding staring, spurns, with sounding foot, The .sand, nor blindly nishes on his foe : Here, there, he jjoints his threatening front, to suit His first attack, wide waving to and fro His angry tail ; red rolls his eye's dilated glow. AS EMPLOYED BY SUBSEQUENT POETS. izy Sudden he stops ; his eye is fixed : away, Away, thou heedless boy! prepare the spear: Now is thy time to perish, or display The skill that yet may check his mad career. With well-timed croupe the nimble coursers veer ; On foams the bull, but not unscathed he goes ; Streams from his flank the crimson torrent clear : He flies, he wheels, distracted with his throes ; Dart follows dart ; lance, lance ; loud bellowings speak his woes. Again he comes ; nor dart nor lance avail, Nor the wild plunging of the tortured horse ; Though man and man's avenging arms assail, Vain are his weapons, vainer is his force. One gallant steed is stretched a mangled corse ; Another, hideous sight! unseamed appears. His gory chest unveils life's panting source ; Though death-struck, still his feeble frame he rears ; Staggering, but stemming all, his lord unharmed he bears. Foiled, bleeding, breathless, furious to the last. Full in the centre stands the bull at bay. Mid wounds and clinging darts, and lances brast. And foes disabled in the brutal fray : And now the Matadores around him play. Shake the red cloak and poise the ready brand : Once more through all he bursts his thundering way — Vain rage! the mantle quits the conynge hand. Wraps his fierce eye — His past — he sinks upon the sand! Where his vast neck just mingles with the spine. Sheathed in his form the deadly weapon lies. He_ stops — he starts — disdaining to decline : Slowly he falls, amidst triumphant cries, Without a groan, without a stmggle dies. The decorated car appears — on high The corse is piled — sweet sight for vulgar eyes — Four steeds that spurn the rein, as swift as shy. Hurl the dark bulk along, scarce seen in dashing by. — Canto i. St. Ixxv.-lxxix. 128 THE SPENSERIAN STANZA Some of Byron's finest stanzas were inspired by the sea. The following has the sweep of the surge in it : Once more upon the waters! yet once more! And the waves bound beneath me as a steed That knows his rider. Welcome, to the roar! Swift be their guidance, wheresoe'er it lead! Though the strained mast should quiver as a reed, And the rent canvas fluttering strew the gale, Still must I on ; for I am as a weed. Flung from the rock, on Ocean's foam, to sail Where'er the surge may sweep, the tempest's breath prevail. — Canto iii. st. ii. The stanzas descriptive of the ball at Hr'ussels, and of the battle of Waterloo, are among the most spirited in ' Childe Harold ' : There was a sound of revelry by night. And Belgium's capital had gathereil then Her Beauty and her Chivalry, and bright The lamps shone o'er fair women and brave men ; A thousand hearts beat happily ; and when Music arose with its voluptuous swell. Soft eyes looked love to eyes which .spoke .igain. And all went merry as a marriage-bell ; But hush! hark! a deep .sound strikes like a rising knell! Did ye not hear it ? — No ; 'twas but the wind Or the car rattling o'er the stony street ; On with the dance! let joy be unconfincd : No sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet To chase the glowing Hours with flying feet — But, hark! — that heavy sound breaks in once more, As if the clouds its echo would repeat ; And nearer, clearer, deadlier than before! Arm! Arm! it is — it is — the cannon's opening roar! AS EMPLOYED BY SUBSEQUENT POETS. 1 29 Within a windowed niche of that high hall Sate Brunswick's fated chieftain ; he did hear That sound the first amidst the festival, And caught its tone with Death's prophetic ear ; And when they smiled because he deemed it near, His heart more truly knew that peal too well Which stretched his father on a bloody bier, And roused the vengeance blood alone could quell : He rushed into the field, and, foremost fighting, fell. The alliteration in the alexandrine of this stanza is effective. And there was mounting in hot haste : the steed, The mustering squadron, and the clattering car. Went pouring forward with impetuous speed, And swiftly forming in the ranks of war ; And the deep thunder peal on peal afar ; And near, the beat of the alarming drum Roused up the soldier ere the morning star ; While thronged the citizens with terror dumb, Or whispering, with white lips— 'The foe! They come! they come!' — Canto iii. st. xxi.-xxiii. xxv. But even finer than these are the stanzas descrip- tive of a thunderstorm in the Alps. They could only have been written out of a most inspiring sympathy with the storm. The chords of the instrument are struck with an unerring vigor : The sky is changed! and such a change! O night, And storm, and darkness, ye are wondrous strong. Yet lovely in your strength, as is the light Of a dark eye in woman! Far along. From peak to peak, the rattling crags among. I30 THE SPENSEJilAX STANZA Leaps the live thunder! Not from one lone cloud, But every mountain now hath found a tongue, And Jura answers, tlirough her misty shroud. Back to the joyous Alps, who call to her aloud! And this is in the night : — most glorious night! Thou wcrt not sent for slumber! let me be A sharer in thy fierce and far delight, — A portion of the tempest and of thee! * How the lit lake shines, a phosphoric sea, And the big rain comes dancing to the earth! And now again 'tis black, — and now, the glee Of the loud hills shakes with its mountain-mirth. As if they did rejoice o'er a young earthquake's birth. — Can(o iii. St. xcii. xciii. In contrast with the impetuous spirit eriibodied in all the preceding stanzas, is the gentle mood which informs the following stanza, descriptive of a quiet night-scene on Lake Lcman : It is the hush of night, and all between Thy margin and the mountains, dark, yet clear, .Mellowed and mingling, yet distinctly seen. Save darkened Jura, whose capt heights appear Precipitously steep ; and drawing near. There breathes a living fragrance from the shore. Of flowers yet fresh with childhood ; on the ear Drops the light drip of the suspended oar. Or chirps the grasshopper one good-nigiit carol more. — Canto iii. tt. Uxxvi. Perhaps the most delicious stanzas in ' Childe Harold' are those descriptive oi the fountain of Kgeria : ' The thundcr-stcjrm to which these lines refer occurred on the 13th of June, 1816, at inidnifjht. I have seen, aiming the Acmceraunian mountains of t. him.iri, stvcral more terrible, but none more beautiful. — liVKoK'h i\'oU. AS EMPLOYED BY SUBSEQUENT POETS. 131 Egeria ! sweet creation of some heart Which found no mortal resting-place so fair As thine ideal breast ; whate'er thou art Or wert, — a young Aurora of the air, The nympholepsy of some fond despair; Or, it might be, a beauty of the earth. Who found a more than common votary there Too much adoring; whatsoe'er thy birth, Thou wert a beautiful thought, and softly bodied forth. The mosses of thy fountain still are sprinkled With thine Elysian water-drops ; the face Of thy cave-guarded spring, with years unwrinkled. Reflects the meek-eyed genius of the place. Whose green, wild margin now no more erase Art's works ; nor must the delicate waters sleep. Prisoned in marble ; bubbling from the base Of the cleft statue, with a gentle leap The rill runs o'er, and round, fern, flowers, and ivy, creep. Fantastically tangled ; Here the alexandrine is not sufficient to fill out the measure of the poet's musing on the creeping ferns and ivies, and so it runs uninterruptedly on into the middle of the first verse of the next stanza : The rill runs o'er, and round, fern, flowers, and ivy creep. Fantastically tangled ; the green hills Are clothed with early blossoms, through the grass The quick-eyed lizard rustles, and the bills Of summer-birds sing welcome as ye pass ; Flowers fresh in hue, and many in their class. Implore the pausing step, and with their dyes Dance in the soft breeze in a fairy mass ; The sweetness of the violet's deep-blue eyes. Kissed by the breath of heaven, seems coloured by its skies. — Canto iv. st. cxv.-cxvii 132 THE SPENSERIAN STANZA Tennyson's ' Lotos-Eaters' The first five stanzas of Tennyson's ' Lotos- Eaters ' are Spenserian, and they are quite unique in charac- ter. One familiar with the * Faerie Queene ' and with all other poems in the literature in which the stanza is used, might read these five stanzas many times without thinking of their being Spenserian in con- struction. All the prolongable vowels of the language predominate ; and many of these are encased in a framework of prolongable consonants. A long-drawn time, and a peculiar toning are thus imparted to the verse, which subserve most effectively the theme of the poem. The following is the third stanza : The charmed .sunset lingered low adown In the red West: through mountain clefts the dale Was seen far inland, and the yellow down Bordered with palm, and many a winding vale And meadow, set with slender galingale ; A land where all things always seemed the same! And round a!)out the keel with faces i^ale. Dark faces pale against that rosy flame. The mild-eyed melancholy Lotos-eaters came. The many examples which have been given of the Spenserian .stanza, from Spenser, Thomson, Shelley, Keats, Hyron, and Tennyson, bear testimony to its almost unlimited capabilities. Hut a comjiaratively small part of those cai^abilities have been illustrated. There is certainly no other group of rhyming verses in the literature, which surj)asses it in cajxibilities. This stanza, the dramatic blank verse of Shakespeare, in its most advanced development, and the epic blank AS EMPLOYED BY SUBSEQUENT POETS. 133 verse of Milton, with its unlimited capacity of varied grouping, are the noblest poetic forms which have been developed in English literature. . After reading the several poems enumerated, written in the Spenserian stanza, the student may not be able to formulate very distinctly his impressions of the differences in tone, color, and moulding-spirit which they exhibit ; but it is not necessary that he should do so. The important thing is that he have a decided consciousness of these differences ; he may then rest content with a very general formulation of them, or with no formulation at all. The tendency toward a precipitation of what is held in solution, in a poetical composition, and a crystallization of it into the abstract, needs no special encouragement in these days. One aim of literary culture should be, to make the con- crete, as far as possible, a direct language ; rather than to regard it as a foreign language to be translated into the more familiar language of the intellect. The spiritual nature can be vitalized only through the con- crete, and the personal — through a sympathetic assimilation of these. Without a susceptibility to form, no one can come into the most intimate rela- tionship with a product of poetic genius. He may know its articulating thought ; but its essential life is something other than that. IX. THE INFLUENCE OF THE SPENSERIAN STANZA ON OTHER MODES OF STANZA-STRUCTURE. SPENSKR'S effective use of the ale.\andrine caused this verse to be used by many succeeding i)oets as a final verse to their stanzas, for the purpose of securing a strong terminal emphasis, and of imparting a long-drawn-out close. Two professed imitators of Spenser employ it, Phineas Fletcher, in his ' Purple Island ' (1633, but written some years earlier), and Giles Fletcher, called 'the Sjienser of his age,' in his 'Christ's Victory and Triumi)h ' (1640). The stanza of the ' Purjile Island ' is composed of seven verses, six being S-t'r/, and the seventh an alexan. drine. The rhyme-scheme is alkilh'cc. The last three verses rhyming together, the resulting rhyme-emphasis mars the emphasis-.symmetry of the stanza, es|)ecially when the rhymes are double rhymes, as they frequently are. For example (the poet is describing the happi- ness of the shepherd's life) : His bed of wool yields safe aiui (|uit't slcc'iis, While by his side his faithful spouse hath place; His little son into his bosom creeps, The lively picture of his father's face : Never his huml)le house nor state torment him : Less he could like, if less his (iod had sent him ; And when he dies, green turfs, with grassy tomb, content him. "34 INFLUENCE OF THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. 1 35 The terminal rhyme-emphasis here is too pronounced, and makes the stanza lop-sided ; the rhymes have a thumping effect which is almost ludicrous. ' The stanza of ' Christ's Victory and Triumph ' is composed of eight verses, seven being 5 xa, and the eighth, an alexandrine. The rhyme-scheme is ababbccc. The emphasis-symmetry of the stanza is somewhat better than that of the 'Purple Island,' by reason of the fifth verse receiving a second rhyme, which serves to graduate somewhat the rhyme-emphasis of the stanza. The following stanza is a little above the average in merit : Witness the thunder that mount Sinai heard. When all the hill with fiery clouds did flame, And wandering Israel, with the sight afeard, Blinded with seeing, durst not touch the same. But like a wood of shaking leaves became. On this dead Justice, she, the Living Law, Bowing herself with a majestic awe. All heaven, to hear her speech, did into silence draw. Sometimes the rhyme in the last three verses is on the same vowel as that of one of the rhymes of the first five, and the assonance is felt to be exces- sive ; and worse, still, the rhyme (evidently by chance) in the last three verses is sometimes a con- tinuation of one of the first five. The following stanza affords an example of this, in which there is also a repetition of a final word (wore) : About her head a cypress heaven she wore. Spread like a veil, upheld with silver wire. In which the stars so burnt in golden ore. As seemed the azure web was all on fire : 136 INFLUENCE OF THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. But hastily, to quench their sparkling ire. A flood of milk came rolling up the shore, That on his curded wave swift Argus wore. And the immortal swan, that did her life deplore. There is too much of a good thing here in the way of rhyme. Double rhymes also occur in the last three verses of stanzas, in ' Christ's Victory and Triumph,' which have the thumjiing effect illustrated by the stanza given from the other poem. The rhyme-schemes of both poems are quite arbi- trary. There is no justification of the accumulated rhyme-emphasis at the end of the stanzas. Milton, who was a lover of Spenser, and, as is evident, caught from him many metrical effects and graces, has some beautiful alexandrines in liis ode 'On the Morning of Christ's Nativity.' In the stanza employed, fine effects arc secured through the varied metres and the disposition of the rhymes. The verse is regularly xa. The first, second, fourth, and fifth verses are tri- meter (3;r^). The third and si.xth are pentameter {^xa). The seventh is tetrameter {^xa). The eighth is hexameter or alexandrine {dxa). Each metre in the stanza derives some effect from the other metres, the theme-metre being 3,177. The rhyme-scheme is aabccbdd. The structure of the stanza, and the beauty and effectiveness of the closing alexandrine are well illu.s- trated by the following stanzas : INFLUENCE OF THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. 137 V. But peaceful was the night, Wherein the Prince of light His reign of peace upon the earth began : The winds with wonder whist, Smoothly the waters kist, Whispering new joys to the mild ocean. Who now hath quite forgot to rave. While birds of calm sit brooding on the charmed wave. IX. When such music sweet Their hearts and ears did greet, As never was by mortal finger strook ; Divinely warbled voice Answering the stringed noise, As all their souls in blissful rapture took : The air. such pleasure loth to lose. With thousand echoes still prolongs each heavenly close. XVI. But wisest Fate says No This must not yet be so ; The Babe yet lies in smiling infancy « That on the bitter cross Must redeem our loss, So both himself and us to glorify : Yet first, to those ychained in sleep, The wakeful trump of doom must thunder through the deep.^ XX. The lonely mountains o'er, And the resounding shore, A voice of weeping heard and loud lament ; From haunted spring, and dale Edged with poplar pale. The parting Genius is with sighing sent ; With flower-inwoven tresses torn. The nymphs in twilight shade of tangled thickets mourn. 1 This reminds uf the fine verse in 'Paradise Lost,' i. 177: 'To bellow through the vast and boundless deep.' 138 IXFI.UENCE OF THE SPEXSEK/AX S/AXZA. The stanza of Milton's elegy ' On the death of a fair infant,' and of ' The Passion,' distinctly reflects the Spenserian stanza. It is composed of six 5.17/ verses and an alexandrine, the rhyme-scheme being (thabbic. The following is the fifth stanza of the elegy : Yet can I not persuade me thou art dead, Or that thy corse corrupts in earth's dark womb, Or that thy beauties lie in wormy bed Hid from the world in a low-deIv6d tomb ; Could Heaven for pity thee so strictly ' doom ? Oh no! for something in thy face did shine Above mortality, that showed thou wast divine. This is a much superior stanza to the stanza of Phineas Fletcher's * Purple Island,' and of Giles Fletcher's ' Christ's Victory and Triumj^h,' the rhyme- schemes of which are abahccc and ababbccc, respec- tively. One of Pojie's alexandrines, a qtiite Spenserian one, should he noticed here. It occurs in his trans- lation ^of the ' Odyssey,' in the description of the labor of Si.syphus (Hk. xi. 735-738); and note the mono- syllabic second verse, with its suggestive aspirates. The exceptional ictus on the initial word ' Thunders ' of the alexandrine, is also effective : With many a weary step and many a groan, L')) the high hill he heaves a huge round stone : The huge round stone, resulting with a iiound. Thunders impetuous down, and smokes along the ground. ' Mrictly : strmlly, narrowly ; rtlcrrnn; lu ' luw dclvcil luiiib.' INFLUENCE OF THE SPENSER TAN STANZA. 139 This is certainly not what Pope, in his 'Essay on Criticism ' {v. 356), calls 'a needless alexandrine/ That, like a wounded snake, drags its slow length along. One other offspring of the Spenserian stanza must be noticed — an unworthy one — namely, that of Matthew Prior's ' Ode on the battle of Ramillies ' (1706). It is composed of two quatrains, with inde- pendent alternate rhyme-schemes, and a couplet of a pentameter and an alexandrine, the rhyme-scheme being ababcdcdee. By adding a verse to the Spen- serian stanza, Prior thought that he ' made the num- ber more harmo7iio7is.'' Guest remarks (* History of English Rhythms,' Vol. 2, p. 394) : ' Had he stated facility to be his aim, he had shown more honesty. He has escaped the difficulties of Spenser's stanza, but at the same time has sacrificed all its science and not a little of its beauty.' Doctor Johnson speaks of Prior's stanza as ' an uniform mass of ten lines thirty-five times repeated. . . . He has altered the stanza of Spenser, as a house is altered by building another in its place of a different form.' It will be found worth while to read some of these thirty-five stanzas, along with some of Spenser's, in order to feel very distinctly the difference between an organic structure of verse and a mechanical one. One of the most notable lyrical stanzas in English poetry, in which a final alexandrine is employed in the service of the lyrical gush, is that of Shelley's ' Ode to a Skylark.' I40 INFLUENCE OF THE SPEXSEKIA.V STANZA. The stanza of this beautiful ode is composed of five verses. The rhythm of the first four is ax, and the metre is trimeter, the third and fourth verses being catalectic or defective (that is, the last foot lacks the light syllable). The fifth verse is an alex- andrine {6xa), the rhythm being the reverse of that of the other verses. This verse also receives a second rhyme, rhyming*\vith the second and fourth verses of the stanza, — the rhyme-scheme being ababb. Here, then, are nearly all the means of enforcement em- ployed upon the concluding verse: i. It is double the length of the other verses (more than double that of the second and fourth) ; 2. Its rhythm is the reverse of that of the other verses ; 3. A second rhyme falls upon it ; 4. The ])oet has, in most cases, imparted to it an extra vowel and consonant melody. The effect of the ode, when read aloud, is that of a succession of strong gu.shes of feeling. To revert to what has been said in regard to the unifying action of feeling : the stronger, more impet- uous, more lyrical the emotion of the jioet, the more compact will be the resultant unities ; the rhythm, which is a succession of the primal unities, will be more marked ; verses will be more strongly individu- alized by means of melody and rhyme, and other means to which attention has been called ; and stanzas will be more clo.sely bound together by means of harmony, rhyme, etc. As poetical emotion descends and thought ascends, these unities, where the form is organic, not mechani- cal, become looser, so to speak, until, as in Shake- speare's more mature dramatic blank verse, their INFLUENCE OF THE SPENSERIAN STANZA. 141 outlines arc quite lost, and the language is little more than faintly throbbing prose. I- Hail to thee, blithe spirit! Bird thou never wert, That from heaven or near it, Pourest thy full heart, In profuse strains of unpremeditated art. II. Higher still and higher From the earth thou springest. Like a cloud of fire The blue deep thou wingest, And singing, still dost soar, and soaring, ever singest. XII. Sound of vernal showers On the twinkling grass, Rain-awakened flowers. All that ever was Joyous, and clear, and fresh, thy music doth surpass. XXI. Teach me half the gladness That thy brain must know ; Such harmonious madness Through my lips would flow, The world should listen then as I am listening now. The analyses which have been presented of some of the more important stanzas of English poetry, will enable the student, it is hoped, to analyze other stanzas, and to show their peculiar capabilities. The organic character of a stanza must, of course, first be felt. A cold-blooded analysis avails nothing. \4- hVFI.UENCE OF THE SPENSERIAX STAXZA. The true object of an analysis is to discover some of the secrets of an effect previously experienced. But a stanza may have been arbitrarily adopted. Even then, its want of adaptedness to the theme must first be felt ; and it will be the object of analysis to show that it is a ready-made, ill-fittinj; vesture, rather than an organic form moulded by feeling. X. THE SONNET. ENGLISH Poetry is indebted to the Italian for one of its most important art-forms, which, under various modifications, has been employed by several of the greatest of English poets for the embodiment of some of their subtlest feelings, and noblest and most spiritualized thoughts. In his sonnet on the ' Sonnet,' Wordsworth, the greatest of English Son- neteers, says : with this key Shakespeare unlocked his heart ; . . . a glowworm lamp. It ciieered mild Spenser, called from Faery Land To struggle with dark ways ; and when a damp Fell round the path of Milton, in his hand The thing became a trumpet, whence he blew Soul -animating strains — alas, too few"! And in another of his sonnets, he says : to me, In sundry moods, 'twas pastime to be bound Within the Sonnet's scanty plot of ground : Pleased if some Souls (for such there needs must be) Who have felt the weight of too much liberty. Should find brief solace there, as I have found. After setting forth the strict rules to which the sonnet is subject, Archbishop Trench asks: 'What 143 144 THE SONNET. are the advantages which the sonnet offers to com- pensate for the difficulties which it presents, for the restraints which it imposes? Why has the sonnet been, with poets at least, I speak not now of their readers, so favourite a metre ? They have, in the first place, felt, no doubt, the advantage of that check to diffuseness, that necessity of condensation and con- centration which these narrow limits impose. Often- times a poem which, except for these, would have been but a loose nebulous vajjour, has been com- pressed and rounded into a star. . . . The sonnet, like a Grecian temple, may be limited in its scope, but like that, if successful, it is altogether jicrfect.' The greatest of the Italian sonnet writers are Petrarch, Dante, Tasso, Ario.sto, Michel Angelo, and Vittoria Colonna ; and to these masters we must look for the best types of this poetical structure. And it will be found that those sonnets, in English poetry, which conform most closely to these types, in form and function, are, in general, the most satis- fying, though it will be seen that many of the noblest English sonnets violate, in some respects, the Italian sonnet legislation, while .securing the peculiar art- effect of the sonnet. That jjeculiar art-effect, in its best and deepest form, is well, though somewhat loftily, expressed in the sestet of a sonnet by Theodore Watts, entitled ' The Sonnet's Voice. A metrical lesson by the sea- shore ' : Yon silvery l)illo\vs l)reakinj^ on iIil- hcach Fall back in foam beneath the star-shine clear. The while my rhymes are murmuriny in your ear A restless lore like that the billows teach ; THE SONNET. 1 45 For on these sonnet-waves my soul would reach From its own depths, and rest within you, dear. As, through the billowy voices yearning here Great Nature strives to find a human speech. A sonnet is a wave of melody : From heaving waters of the impassioned soul A billow of tidal music one and whole Flows in the ' octave ' ; then, returning free, Its ebbing surges in the ' sestet ' roll Back to the deeps of Life's tumultuous sea.^ The perfection to which the sonnet has been brought, in the land of its birth, and its extensive use by all grades of poetical ability, testify to the intrinsic value of it as a poetical organ, and the high estimation in which it has for centuries been held. And this high estimation, while it has resulted in many ' a thing of beauty ' which will be ' a joy forever,' has also resulted in the production of thousands of worthless specimens, by poetasters who made of it a literary plaything. In the production of a sonnet of triumphant success, heart, head, and hand must be right. If they are not, there is no other poetical form which is such a tell- tale, and which so reveals all the shortcomings and disqualifications of its author. ' Apart from all sanc- tioris, the student of poetry knows that no form of verse is a surer touchstone of mastery than this, which is so easy to write badly, so supremely difficult to write well, so full both of hindrance and of occasion ' First published in the London Atheturum, September 17th, 1881, and quoted in preface (p. xxi) of Sonnets of Three Centuries.' Edited by T. Hall Caine, London, 1882. 146 THE SONNET. in all matters of structure and style ; neither any a more searching test of inspiration, since on the one hand it seems to provoke the affectations of ingenuity, and on the other hand it has been chosen by the greatest men of all as the medium for their most intimate, direct, and overwhelming self-disclosures.' ^ ' The steadiness of hand and clearness of mind re- quired for rounding into the invariable limit of fourteen iambic lines some weighty matter of thought or delicate subtlety of feeling is not easy to overrate.'* The first requirement of a sonnet is that it consist of fourteen 5 xa verses. The second is, that these fourteen verses be ^;;^'V7///W7//j' divided into an octave and a sestet (the former subdivided into two quatrains, the latter into two tercets) ; which organic divisions must have distinct rhyme-schemes, as exponents of their separate functions. Furthermore, the rhymes in the sestet must not clash in any way with those in the octave. Their vowels should be different, and so should their consonant framework, otherwise the dis- tinctness of the two rhyme-schemes is somewhat reduced. Hut there are hundreds of English .sonnets which have the two distinct rhyme-schemes required, while there is no turn or change in the subject-matter of the sestet from that of the octave. In such case they are without any organic significance. They have nothing to do with the constitution of the poem. The poet has simply adopted the normal number of verses ' Tht Westmittiter Rn'inv, January, 1871, p. 78. ' • (Jur Living Poets, An I'juay in Crititisni,' l»y H. Huxtun Korman, l> 209. THE SONNET. 147 and the rhyme-schemes of a poetical art-structure, which are not called for by the character of his composition. Tomlinson ^ gives the three types (according to the order of the rhymes) to which the greater number of the best Italian sonnets conform. The rhyme-schemes of the three types are the fol- lowing, those of the octaves being the same in all : Type I. abbaabba cdecde Type II. abbaabba cdcdcd Type III. abbaabba cdedce He shows that a large proportion of the sonnets of Petrarch, Dante, Michel Angelo, Tasso, Ariosto, and Vittoria Colonna, conform to one or other of these three types. The departures from them are chiefly the following : A very small number of sonnets have their oc- taves in alternate rhyme : abababab; the rhymes of the second quatrain being sometimes reversed, abab- baba. The exceptional rhyme-schemes of the sestets are the following: cdccdc cdddc c cdeedc cdedec cde ced cde ecd I'The Sonnet: its Origin, Structure, and Place in Poetry. With original translations from the sonnets of Dante, Petrarch, etc., and remarks on the art of translating. By Charles Tomlinson, F.R.S.' London, John Murray, 1874. 148 rilE SONNET. But the number of sonnets whose sestets exhibit one or other of these exceptional rhyme-schemes is comparatively small. After noting the metrical arrangements of 760 sonnets, by the above-named poets, he remarks : ' The conclusion to be drawn from these statements is, that the Italian sonnet is a poem of regular con- struction. It is not what some of our best English poets make it, namely, a short continuous poem, run- ning through, from the first line to the last, in almost any order, and winding up with a couplet ; but built up of parts or quatrains, the Basi, or bases, of the structure ; and of tercets, or Volte, turnings or roads to which the hasi point. Moreover, each quatrain has its peculiar office or function, as well as each tercet, and hence they should be kept distinct, and not be run into each other, — (as distinct as the sepa- rate parts of the Greek choral ode, which has been supposed by some to be the parent of the regular Italian sonnet ;)the first quatrain being equivalent to the strophe, the second to the antistrophe ; the first tercet to the epode, and the second tercet to the antipode.' The great luiglish poets who have most con- formed to the normal Italian type, in the rhyme- schemes, and in observing a distinction in the functions of the octaves and the sestets, have not generally made the subdivisions of these (the quatrains and the tercets) di.stinct in function. This extreme of organic elaboration is not found in many English sonnets. It evidently docs not suit the English genius. There is, it must be admitted, a certain THE SONNET. 1 49 artistic satisfaction in such strictness of workman- ship ; but this strictness is more than compensated for, in the greatest EngHsh sonnets, by the high quality of the thought and feeling, in the two main divisions, taken as wholes. When the functions of these are kept distinct, there is an all-sufficient severity of form. When this severity is carried further, the danger is, if the subject-matter is not of a sufficiently high quality, that of the result, when most successful, may be said what Ovid says of the silver doors of the palace of the Sun, ' inateriem supcrabat optis,' the workmanship surpassed the material. Matthew Arnold, in his Address as President of the Wordsworth Society, 1883, after speaking of Wordsworth's spiritual passion, when he is at his highest, continues: 'A second invaluable merit which I find in Wordsworth is this : he has something to say. Perhaps one prizes this merit the more as one grows old, and has less time left for trifling. Goethe got so sick of the fuss about form and technical details, without due care for adequate contents, that he said if he were younger he should take pleasure in setting the so-called art of the new school of poets at naught, and in trusting for his whole effect to his having something important to say.' ^ 1 Eckermann, Gesprdche mii Goethe, ii. 260-262 : ' Es ist immer ein Zeichen einer unproductiven Zeit, wenn die so ins Kleinliclie des Technischen geht, und eben so ist es ein Zeichen eines unproductiven Individuums, wenn es sich mit dergleichen befasst . . . Ware ich noch jung und verwegen genug, so wiirde ich al)sichtlich gegen alle solche technische Grillen verstossen . . . aber ich wiirde auf die Hauptsache losgehen, und so gute Dinge zu sagen suchen, dass jeder gereizt warden sollte, es zu lescn und auswendig zu lernen.' 150 THE SOXXET. There is not imjilied in these remarks any depre- ciation whatever of the importance of elaboration of form, without which, impassioned or spiritualized thought could not be adequately expressed. What is meant to be condemned is the mere etiquette of form, — a conventional, not an organic technique. A number of sonnets will now be jiresented from Milton, Wordsworth, and other poets, which conform more or less strictly to the three Italian types, the octave rhyme-schemes of which are all abba abba called in Italian, rivia eliiusa (shut up or enclosed rhyme) ; and the sestet rhyme-schemes are : i . rima iucatenata, interlaced or interlocked rhymes, ede ede (variations of which are cde dec and ede ccd)\ 2. rima alternata, alternate rhymes, cde ded. Type I. ABBA ABBA CDE CDE. This is regarded as the truest Italian type, and it certainly conforms best with the idea of the sonnet. The interlaced or interlocked rhymes of the sestet are the best adapted to what is the proj)er function of this division of the sonnet; for the reason that the rhyme- emphasis of this scheme is the most evenly distributed, each verse on which a rhyme falls being a third verse from that with which it rhymes. The (|uieter the subsidence of the thought and feeling in the sestet, the more agreeable the final imjiression generally is. Adjacent rhymes j)resent a more or less sensible check to this subsidence, whether they close or arc within the sestet. THE SONNET. 151 To Cyriack Skinner. (Milton.) Cyriack, whose grandsire ^ on the royal bench Of British Themis,'^ with no mean applause, Pronounced, and in his volumes taught, our laws, Which others at their bar so often wrench ; To-day deep thoughts resolve with me to drench In mirth that, after, no repenting draws ; Let Euclid ^ rest, and Archimedes pause. And what the Swede intend, ■* and what the French. To measure life learn thou betimes, and know Toward solid good what leads the nearest way ; For other things mild Heaven a time ordains. And disapproves that care, though wise in show, That with superfluous burden loads the day. And, when God sends a cheerful hour, refrains. * Many of Wordsworth's so-called sonnets,' says Tomlinson, ' are not sonnets at all, according to the Italian definition ; but it must also be added, that whenever he submits to that definition, whether con- sciously or not, and has some respect for the har- mony of the form, the thought becomes more sharply defined and elaborated, and the result is not only Wordsworth's best sonnet, but an English sonnet deserving of the name. If I were called upon to justify this statement by an example, I should be dis- posed to cite the sonnet to Haydon. It is regularly ^ Whose grandsire : Sir Edward Coke, Chief Justice of England. Skinner's mother was a daughter of Sir Edward. 2 Themis : the goddess of law and justice. ' Skinner was fond of mathematical studies. * Intend (ed. 1673) : what the Swede and what the French intend. The Swede, Charles X. (Charles Tiustavus), was carrying on war with Poland, and the French with the Spaniards in the Netherlands. 152 THE SOS' NET. built up according to the first type — the second quatrain terminates in a full point, and the tercets in alternate rhyme ^ lead happily to a noble conclusion.' To R. B. Haydon, Esq. High is our calling, Friend! — Creative Art (Whether the instrument of words she use, Or pencil pregnant with etheteal hues) Demands the ser\ice of a mind and heart. Though sensitive, yet, in their weakest part Heroically fashioned — to infuse Faith in the whispers of the lonely Muse. While the whole world seem.s adverse to desert. And, oh, when Nature sinks, as oft she may. Through long-lived pressure of obscure distress, Still to be strenuous for the bright reward. And in the soul admit of no decay. Brook no continuance of weak-mindedness — Great is the glory, for tlie strife is hard I - Four of the six beautiful sonnets which Longfellow prefixed to his translation of Dante's ' Divina Com- ' The rhymes of the tercets are not alternate but interlaced or inter- locked, cde tde. 2 Sending this sonnet to Ilaydon on Dcccinl>cr 2i, 1815, Words- worth said it * was occasioned, I niiKht say inspired, hy your last let- ter.' In Haydon's letter of November 27, the following occurs: "I have benefited anrl have been supported in the troul)les of life by your poetry. I will bear want, pain, niisiTV, and blindness; but I will never yield one step I have gained on the road I am determined to travel over.' Prof. A'nif,'/it''s Note. 'No new books worth sending for but "Haydon's Life," which is as pathetic and strange as Rousseau's.' — R. M. .Mihus'i Ltlter to C. J. MafCarthy. O.t. iSth, iSjj. THE SONNET. 153 media ' ^ belong to Type I. The following is the second of the two prefixed to the ' Inferno.' The Divina Commcdia is conceived of as a vast minster, with its sculptures and statues, and elaborate emblematic devices, which uprose from the poet's agonies and exultations, his tenderness, his hate of wrong. How strange the sculptures that adorn these towers! ^ This crowd of statues, in whose folded sleeves Birds build their nests ; while canopied with leaves Parvis and portal bloom like trellised bowers. And the vast minster seems a cross of flowers! But fiends and dragons on the gargoyled eaves Watch the dead Christ between the living thieves, And, underneath, the traitor Judas lowers! Ah! from what agonies of heart and brain. What exultations trampling on despair. What tenderness, what tears, what hate of wrong. What passionate outcry of a soul in pain. Uprose this poem of the earth and air. This mediaeval miracle of song ! The following is the second of the two prefixed to the ' Purgatorio. ' This sonnet is in the strictest accord- ance with the Italian type. Each quatrain and each tercet is distinct and has its own function. There are no sonnets in the language more perfect than this in their workmanship, nor more perfect, aesthetically. The rhyme-effect could not be finer, especially that from the vowel e, in the sestet. 1 The two examples of Type I., and the one example of Type II., are given with the kind permission of the publishers, Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., of Boston. 154 THE SONNET. With snow-white veil and garments as of flame. She stands before thee, who so long ago Filled thy young heart witii passion and the woe From wliich thy song and all its splendors came ; And while with stern rebuke she speaks thy name. The ice about thy heart melts as the snow On mountain heights, and in swift overflow Comes gushing from thy lips in sol)s of shame. Thou makest full confession ; and a gleam. As of the dawn on some dark forest cast. Seems on thy lifted forehead to increase ; Lethe and Eunoe — the remembered dream And the forgotten sorrow — bring at last That perfect pardon which is perfect peace. Type II. ABBA ABBA CDC DC D. When the Assault was intended to the City.} (Milton.) Captain, or Colonel,'^ or Knight in Arms, Whose chance on the.se defenceless doors may seize. If deed of honour did thee ever jilease.^ Guard lliem, and him within protect from liarms. ' '" On his don when ye citly expeded an assault" is the original heading of the sonnet in the copy of it, by an amanuensis, among the Cambridge MSS., as if the sonnet had actually been posted or nailed up on the outside of Milton's door. This title was afterwards deleted by Milton himself, and the other title sul)stituted in his own hand; but the sonnet appeared without any title at all in the edilinns of 1645 and 1673.' — Mass(jn. ' Colonel : to be pronounced in three syllables, col-o-nel. * Also spelt (oronel, Holland's " I'liny," bk. xxii. c. 23; which is the .Spanish form of the word, due to substitution of r for /, a common linguistic change; whence also the present pronunciation curnel.' — SKtAT's Etymological Dictionary. ' As it stands in the edition of 1673, and also in the rambri\iv, k.t.X. v. 167, and the guests were so affected that they declared it would be an unworthy deed to reduce to ruin a place so renowned as the birthplace of illustrious men. — repeated, i.e. recited, sung. — Keightley. * Sad : qualifies Electra. 156 THE SONNET. The thought that our hearts are divorced from Nature, and her ministrations, is set forth in the first quatrain, and enforced by sjiecial instances, in the second — the two quatrains putting the reader in full and distinct possession of it. In the sestet, the poet expresses his preference for a heart open to the con- soling and cheering influences of the great mother, even if it were the heart of a pagan, having faith in the Nature-deities of Greece and Rome. This sonnet ranks with the noblest in the litera- ture, both in its matter and in its aesthetic merit. The last two verses are grandly melodious. The world i.s too much with us ; late and .soon, (K^ Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers; // Little we see in Nature that is ours ; P. V^e have given our hearts away, a sordid Ijoon!' '^- This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon ; 0L» The winds that will be howling at all hours, », And arc up-gathcrcd nowJike sleeping flowers;^ For this, for everything, we are out ol tune ; "^ It moves us not. -^ Great God! I'd rather be *~ A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn ; q^ So might I, standing on this plc;i.sant lea, c 1 Have glimp.ses that would make me less forlorn ;oL Have sight of Proteus rising ' from the .sea ;0- i Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn. »' The following is the first of the two sonnets pre- fixed to Longfellow's translation of the ' Inferno' : Oft have I seen at some cathedral door A laborer, pausing in the dust and heat, I^y down his burden, and with reverent feet Knter, and cross himself, and on the floor Kneel to repeat his paternoster o'er; ' Have si^ht of TroteuB coming frum the sea. 1807. THE SONNET. 1$? Far off the noises of the world retreat ; The loud vociferations of the street Become an undistingiiishable roar. So, as I enter here from day to day, And leave my burden at this minster gate. Kneeling in prayer, and not ashamed to pray, Tlie tumult of the time disconsolate ^ To inarticulate murmurs dies away. While the eternal ages watch and wait. Type III. ABBA ABBA CDE DCE. On his being arrived at the age of twenty- three. (Milton.) How soon hath time, the subtle thief of youth, Stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year! My hasting days fly on with full career. But my late spring no bud or blossom shew'th.^ Perhaps my semblance might deceive the truth,^ That I to manhood am arrived so near, And inward ripeness doth much less appear That some more timely happy spirits enduHh. Yet be it le.ss or more, or soon* or slow. It shall be still in strictest measure even ^ To that same lot ® however mean or high. Toward which time leads me and the will of heaven. All is,'^ if I have grace to use it so. As ever in my great taskmaster's eye. 1 The reference here is, perhaps, to our Civil War. 2 Shew'th : to be pronounced shooth. 3 He appeared younger than he really was. In his Second Defence of the people of England, he says : ' Though I am more than forty years old, there is scarcely any one to whom I do not appear ten years younger than I am.' * Soon : adj. early. 6 Still : ever; even : equal in proportion. ' Lot : station in life. ' .Ml is, etc. : All depends upon my employing it as feeling myself to be under the eyes of my great Task-Master. — KticHriKV. 158 THE SO. WET. Sonnets variously Irregular, but having the True Sonnet Character. A number of sonnets will now be given which exhibit various departures from the normal Italian types, but which all realize, to a greater or less degree, the idea of the sonnet, and produce its pecu- liar artistic imj^ression, more or less distinctly — that is, the impression derived from organic octave and sestet divisions, the octave division presenting, com- pletely and distinctly, a basal thought or fact, from which proceeds, in the sestet, a corollary iji the form of a sentiment, or retiection, or conclusion of some kind, such as would be suggested, by the thought or I fact, to a flexible, and sensitive, and poetic mind. As has been just said, the sestet is a species of corollary, that is, a little crown or garland, as the word signi- fies, bestowed upon the thought in the octave. The question to be asked, in judging what purjjorts to be a sonnet, is, does it adequately meet the above conditions."* It may not meet them, and yet be a very beautiful composition ; but it is not a sonnet, in the strict special sense of the term. The sonnets which follow illustrate the fact that the ideal type of the sonnet may be variously modi- fied (not really dejiarted from), and yet the distinctive character of the sonnet may be jjreserved, and its di.stinctive artistic effect produced. The Klizabethan sonnet cannot be said to be a modification of the son- net proper, as its organic construction is different, and the resultant artistic effect is different. THE SONNET. I 59 In the following sonnet, by Wordsworth, the octave rhyme-scheme is abbabaab, instead of the normal abbaabba, the as and the b's being interchanged in the quatrains. Each quatrain is kept distinct, and has its own function — the first characterizing the rule-bound poet, the second advising a vital art which has its own inherent law, and follows it, regardless of outside and traditional authority and criticism. The first tercet sets forth the freedom and boldness of the meadow-flower, in unfolding its bloom ; the second represents the forest-tree as owing its grandeur to its own divine vitality. This is a very pleasing sonnet. A Poet! He hath put his heart to school, Nor dares to move unpropped upon the staff Which Art hath lodged within his hand — must laugh By precept only, and shed tears by rule. Thy Art be Nature : the live current quaff, And let the groveller sip his stagnant pool. In fear that else, when Critics grave and cool Have killed him. Scorn should write his epitaph. How does the Meadow-flower its bloom unfold? Because the lovely little flower is free ' Down to its root, and, in that freedom, bold; And so the grandeur of the Forest-tree - Comes not by casting in a formal mould But from its own divine vitality. In the following sonnet, by Wordsworth, the rhyme- scheme of the octave is ababcbcb, the dominant and somewhat indistinct b rhyme (none, upon, tone, gone) imparting a tone well adapted to the theme. The turn which the thought takes in the sestet is in the l6o THE SONNET. happiest manner of Wordsworth's sonnets. The entire sonnet is very distinctly Wordsworthian in thought and feeling. Most sweet is it with un-uplifted eyes To pace the ground, if path be there or none. While a fair region round the traveller lies ™ o \ — Which he forbears again to look u|)on ; Pleased rather with some soft ideal scene. The work of Fancy, or some happy tone Of meditation, slipping in between The beauty coming and the beauty gone. If Thought and Love desert us, from that day Let us break off all commerce with the Muse : With Thought and Love com])anions of our way, Whate'er the senses take or may refuse, The Mind's internal heaven shall shed her dews Of inspiration on the humblest lay. Hood's beautiful sonnet, entitled 'Silence,' has a most satisfying artistic effect ; the artistic effect, too, peculiar to the sonnet, notwithstanding that it ends with a couplet. The couplet-rhyme, too, is a strong one, falling, as it does, on a long o, encased, in both rhyming words, in prolongable sub-vowels, ;//, //, and /, //. Hut in this particular case, one would have to be a bigoted stickler for the established legislation of the sonnet, to condemn this violation of an im|)ortant sonnet rule. Rather, it must be felt that the final word 'alone,' in itself, and also as emphasized by the rhyme, contributes to the general imj^ression aimed after. The rhyme-scheme is abhaabba ciicdcc. In the octave, physical silence, if the e.\i)ression be allowed, is presented — the mere ab.scnce of all sound : the silence of the grave, of the depths of the sea, of THE SONNET. l6l the wide desert where no life is found ; in the sestet, what may be called moral silence is presented — the silence which is deepened to the human spirit, and made 'self-conscious,' as it were, by human associa- tions, and by sounds which intensify the sense of desolation. The impression of solitude and silence is deepened by presenting to the mind green ruins and the deso- late walls of antique palaces where man hath been, on the principle set forth by De Quincey, in his remarks on the effect of the expressions, ' amphitheatre of woods,' ' amphitheatre of hills ' : 'In the word theatre is contained an evanescent image of a great audience — of a populous multitude. Now this image — half withdrawn, half flashed upon the eye — and combined with the word hills or forests, is thrown into powerful collision with the silence of hills — with the solitude of forests ; each image, from reciprocal con- tradiction, brightens and vivifies the other. The two images act and react, by strong repulsion and an- tagonism.' ^ The sonnet, while being a beautiful composition in itself, is an admirable illustration of the functions of the two main divisions of the sonnet, — the sestet crowning the thought presented in the octave, — anoint- ing it, so to speak. There is a silence where hath been no sound. There is a silence where no sound may be. In the cold grave — under the deep, deep sea, Or in wide desert where no life is found, 1 ' Theological Essays and Other Papers,' Boston, i86o, vol. ii. Milton, p. io8. 1 62 THE SONNET. Which hath been mute, and still must sleep profound ; No voice is hushed — no life treads silently, But clouds and cloudy shadows wander free. That never spoke, over the idle ground : But in green ruins, in the desolate walls Of antique palaces, where man hath been. Though the dun fox, or wild hyjena, calls. And owls that flit continually between, Siiriek to the echo, and the low winds moan, There the true Silence is, self-conscious and alone. Some readers might regard the last verse as an alexandrine ; but, in effect, when i)roperly read, it is a pentameter verse. The voice should make a down- ward wave upon ' true,' the new idea, should go up on Silence is,' and down on the syllabic ' con ' ; the last foot, ' alone,' should be read on a lower key, and the voice should be well filled out upon it. Wordsworth's sonnet on Milton, written in London, September, i8o3, is one of his noblest sonnets. The poet invokes his great predecessor f)n the throne of English poetry, as one whose lofty sjMrit luigland needs, to lift her out of the base materialistic and utilitarian interests, the commonplace worldlincss, in which she is absorbed, and to inspire her with nobler aims.^ This is the basal thought presented in the octave — an octave remarkable for the closely packed ' The Rev. F". W. Robertson, in a lecture on Wordsworth, 1853, remarks that the first qualilicatioii fur appreciating putlry is unworKlli- ncss, aii'ladiis: ' IJy wurldliness I mean ciitaiij^kiiRiit in tlic temporal and visible. It is the spirit of worldliness which makes a man love show, splendor, rank, title, and sensual enjoyments; and occupies his atten- tion, cliicfly or entirely, with conversation rcspcclinj^ merely |)assin^ events, and passing aci|uaintances.' THE SONNET. 1 63 elements included in its structure. And the many- pauses required in its vocal expression, serve to exhibit the strong fervor of the invocation. For the proper reading of it, at least nineteen pauses are required. The quatrains are not kept distinct. In the sestet, the invocation is justified by the exalted character presented of the invoked, the sense of which is regis- tered in the versification of the first tercet, which has a grandeur of movement, and there is a certain charm in the subsidence of that grandeur in the second tercet. The rhyme-scheme is abbaabba cddcce. Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour: England hath need of thee : she is a fen Of stagnant waters: altar, sword, and pen, Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower, Have forfeited their ancient English dower Of inward happiness. We are selfish men; Oh ! raise us up, return to us again ; And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a Star, and dwelt apart ; Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea : * Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free, So didst thou travel on life's common way. In cheerful godliness ; and yet thy heart The lowliest duties on herself did lay. In connection with this sonnet, the following, which is addressed to Coleridge, should be read. It was also written in London, September, 1802, and was * O mighty-mouthed inventor of harmonies, O skilled to sing of Time or Eternity, God-gifted organ-voice of England, Milton, a name to resound for ages. — Tennyson. 1 64 THE SONNET. prompted by the same state of thinj^s. The rhyme- scheme is the same : abbaabba cddecc. Though the matter of the first quatrain runs over, one foot (' Or groom') into the second quatrain, and the matter of the second quatrain into the first tercet, one foot and a light syllable, xax ('Delights us'), each quatrain and each tercet has its own function, and the full artistic effect of the sonnet organization is produced. Wordsworth seems to have been fond of this running over, a foot or two, of one division of the sonnet into another, and the effect is often good. It is so in this sonnet addressed to Coleridge : O Friend! I know not which way I must look F"or comfort, being, as I am, opprest. To think that now our Life is only drest For show ; mean handy-work of craftsman, cook. Or groom! — We must run glittering Uke a Hrook In the open .sunshine, or we arc unljjcst : The wealthiest man among us is the best : No grandeur now in nature or in l)ook Delights us. Rajjine, avarice, expense. This is idolatry ; and these we adore : Plain living and high thinking are no more: The homely beauty of the good old Cause Is gone ; our peace, our fearful innocence. And pure religion breathing household laws. The last four verses are nolile in sentiment and beautiful in expression. ' Plain living and high thinking,' and ' pure religion breathing household laws,' have become familiar (|U()tations. In a letter to Alexander Dyce (1^33), Wordsworth writes : ' . . . Though I have written so many [son- nets], I have scarcely made up my own mind upon THE SONNET. 1 65 the subject. It should seem that the sonnet, Hke any- other legitimate composition, ought to have a begin- ning, a middle, and an end ; in other words, to con- sist of three parts, like the three propositions of a syllogism, if such an illustration may be used. But the frame of metre adopted by the Italian does not accord with this view ; and, as adhered to by them, it seems to be, if not arbitrary, best fitted to a division of the sense into two parts, of eight and six lines each. Milton, however, has not submitted to this ; in the better half of his sonnets the sense does not close with the rhyme at the eighth line, but overflows into the second portion of the metre. Now, it has struck me, that this is not done merely to gratify the ear by variety and freedom of sound, but also to aid in giving that pervading sejise of intense 7mity in which the excellence of the sonnet has ahvays seemed to me mainly to con- sist. Instead of looking at this composition as a piece of architecture, making a whole out of three parts, I have been much in the habit of preferring the image of an orbicular body, — a sphere or a dew-drop. All this will appear to you a little fanciful ; and I am well aware that a sonnet will often be found excellent, where the beginning, the middle, and the end are distinctly marked, and also where it is distinctly sepa- rated into tzvo parts, to which, as I before observed, the strict Italian model, as they write it, is favorable. Of this last construction of sonnets, Russell's upon " Philoctetes " is a fine specimen ; the first eight lines give the hardship of the case, the six last the consola- tion, or \\\Q. per contra.' What is italicized, in the above quotation, makes (cr 1 66 THE SONXF.T. it appear quite evident that Wordsworth often ad- visedly ran the subjeet-matter of the octave over into the sestet, for the purpose stated ; ^ but whether that purpose was always secured thereby, is ques- tionable. At any rate, where the subject-matter of the octave runs over into the sestet a foot or two, the true sonnet effect is not sensibly marred, as can be seen by some of the sonnets presented. On the Lord General Fairfax at the Siege of Colchester. (Milton.) abbaabba cddcdc Fairfax, whose name in arms throiijj;li Europe rings, Killing eacii mouth with envy or witii praise, Antl ail her jealous monarchs with amaze. And rumours loud that daunt remotest kings ; Thy firm unshaken virtue ■' ever brings * See the sonnets beginning with the following lines: ' Festivals have I seen that were nut names'; ' Toussaint, the most unhappy man of men'; ' (Jreat men have l)ecn amung us; hands that iicnncd'; 'It is not to he thought of that the Flood'; 'There is a hundage worse, far worse, to bear'; 'Nuns fret not at their convent's narrow room'; 'Fond words have oft been spukcn to thee. Sleep'; ' .\mong the mountains were we nursed, loved .Stream'; 'Dear to the Loves, and to the Graces vowed.' In the following, the subject-matter ends within the eighth verse: ' Is it a reed that's shaken by the wind'; 'Degenerate Douglas I nh, the unworthy Lord'; 'Six thousand vet- erans practised in war's game'; ' Clarkson ! it was an obstinate hill to climb.' There are numerous others of this kind. In the sonnet, l)eginning ' I watch, and long have watched, with calm regret,' the (jctavc suliject-matter extends through the ninth verse, and yet the true sonnet effect is not entirely niarred, though objection may be made to including the ninth verse in another rhyme-scheme. ' Virtue : valor, and there is also implied in the word Fair- fax's purity of life. Milton pronounced a eulogy u|)on I'airfax, in *ii» ' Second Defence u( Uie I'cunlc of llngUnd ' •. ' Nor would it be THE SONNET. 1 67 Victory home, though new rebellions raise Their Hydra heads, and the false North 1 displays Her broken league to imp their serpent-wings. yet a nobler task awaits thy hand (For what can war but endless war still breed?) Till truth and right from violence be freed, And public faith cleared from the shameful brand Of public fraud. In vain doth valour bleed. While avarice and rapine share the land. To Catherine Wordsworth. (Wordsworth.) abbaacc a dedede Surprised by joy — impatient as the Wind 1 turned to share the transport — Oh! with whom But thee, deep buried in the silent Tomb, That spot which no vicissitude can find ? right to pass over the name of Fairfax, who united the utmost forti- tude with the utmost courage; and the spotless innocence of whuse life seemed to point him out as the peculiar favorite of Heaven. Justly, indeed, may you be excited to receive this wreath of praise; though you have retired as much as possible from the world, and seek those shades of privacy which were the dehght of Scipio. Nor was it only the enemy whom you subdued, but you have triumphed over that flame of ambition and that lust of glory which are wont to make the best and the greatest of men their slaves. The purity of your virtues and the splendor of your actions consecrate those sweets of ease which you enjoy, and which constitute the wished-for haven of the toils of man. . . . But whether it were your health, which I prin- cipally believe, or any other motive which caused you to retire, of this I am convinced, that nothing could have induced you to relinquish the service of your country, if you had not known that in your suc- cessor liberty would meet with a protector, and England with a stay to its safety, and a pillar to its glory' (Translation by Robert Fellowes). 1 And the false North : the English Parliament affected to regard the entrance of Hamilton's army into England in support of the Royal cause as a breach of the Solemn League and Covenant between the two nations. Displays, etc. : it would seem as if in poetic vision he behcKl the North spreading out a copy of the Covenant she had broken, 1 68 THE SONNET. Love, faithful love recalled thee to my mind — But how could I forget thee? — through what power, Even for the least division of an hour. Have I been so beguiled as to be blind To my most grievous loss? — That thought's return Was the worst pang that sorrow ever bore. Save one, one only, when I stood forlorn. Knowing my heart's best treasure was no more ; Tiiat neither present time, nor years unborn Could to my sight tiiat heavenly face restore. Tomlinson says of this sonnet that it ' has a strong Petrarchan flavour. Although loose in structure, it reads like a good, but free, translation of one of the early sonnets in the Morte.^ By ' loose in struc- ture,' he probably means that the subject-matter of the octave runs over into the ninth verse. That of the sestet begins with the fourth foot of the ninth verse. This looseness of structure does not, however, sensibly impair the true sonnet impression or effect. The same may be said of the concluding sonnet of the series on the River Duddon, entitled ' After- thought,' in which the subject-matter of the octave runs over three feet and a light syllable (3.rrt-|-.r) into the ninth verse. Verily, this sonnet 'justifies its own structural form.' Matthew Arnold, in his Address as President of the Wordsworth Society, 1883, says: 'Milton was, of course, a far greater artist than Wordsworth ; probably, also, a greater force. Jkit the spiritual passion when, as in the magnificent sonnet of farewell to the River Duddon, to be cut up to imp the wings of the Hydra of rebellion. Imp is to Rraft; anparc to (iril the gcxlf. — Coriotanui, i. i. 260. THE SONNET. 171 To the Lord General Cronnvell, May, 16^2, on the pro- posals of certain ministers at the committee for propaga- tion of the Gospel. Cromwell, our chief of men, who through a cloud Not of war only, but detractions rude, Guided by faitli and matchless fortitude. To peace and truth thy glorious way hast ploughed, And on the neck of crownM Fortune proud Hast reared God's trophies, and his work pursued. While Darwen 1 stream, with blood of Scots imbrued. And Dunbar field,'- resounds thy praises loud. And Worcester"'s laureate wreath : yet much remains To conquer still ; Peace hath her victories No less renowned than War : new foes arise. Threatening to bind our souls with secular chains. Help us to save free conscience from the paw Of hireling wolves,*^ whose Gospel is their maw. 'The effectiveness of Milton's sonnets,' says Mark Pattison, * is chiefly due to the real nature of the character, person, or incident of which each is the delineation. Each person, thing, or fact, is a mo- ment in Milton's life, on which he was stirred ; some- times in the soul's depths, sometimes on the surface of feeling, but always truly moved. He found the sonnet enslaved to a single theme, that of unsuccess- * Darwen stream : where Cromwell defeated an army of Scottish royalists under the Duke of Hamilton, in August, 1648. See ' Crom- well's Letters and Speeches,' edited by Carlyle, Letter 64. 2 Cromwell gained a great victory over the Scottish army at Dunbar, September 3, 1650, and a decisive victory over the royal army, at Wor- cester, September 3, 1651. 'After a long flow of perspicuous and nervous language, the unexpected pause at " Worcester's laureate wreath," is very emphatical and has a striking eft'ect.' — Thomas Warton. " Hireling wolves: the Presljyterian clergy is here meant. 172 THE SONXET. fill love, mostly a simulated passion. He emancipated it, and as Landor says, " gave the notes to glory." And what is here felt powerfully, is expressed directly and simply. ... It is a man who is speaking to us, not an artist attitudinizing to please us.' And Lord Macaulay, in his ' Essay on Milton,' says of the sonnets : ' Traces, indeed, of the peculiar char- acter of Milton, may be found in all his works ; but it is most strongly displayed in the sonnets. Those remarkable poems have been undervalued by critics who have not understood their nature. They have no epigrammatic point. There is none of the ingenu- ity of Filicaja ^ in the thought, none of thp hard and brilliant enamel of Petrarch in the style. They are simple but majestic records of the feelings of the poet, as little tricked out for the public eye as his diary would have been. A victory, an expected attack upon the City, a momentary fit of depression or exultation, a jest thrown out against one of his books, a dream which for a short time restored to him that beautiful face over which the grave had closed forever, led him to musings which, without effort, shaped themselves into verse. The unity of sentiment and severity of style which characterize these little pieces, remind us of the Greek Anthology, or perhaps still more of the Collects of the ICnglish Liturgy. The noble poem on the massacres of Pied- mont is strictly a collect in verse.' ' An Italian lyric poet, born in Florence in 1642, and died there in 1707. Mataulay, in his' Review of the Life and Writings of Adilison,' speaks of him as ' a poet with wliuin Huileau could nut sustain a compari- son,' and as ' the greatest lyric poet of modern time*.' THE SONNET. 1/3 Byron's fine sonnet on Chillon has three rhymes in the octave, abbaacca, a new rhyme being introduced into the second quatrain instead of the regular b rhyme of the first. The rhymes of the sestet are alternate, dcdcde. There are but few sonnets in the literature which realize more distinctly the sonnet idea, or impart a fuller artistic satisfaction : Eternal Spirit of the chainless Mind.' Brightest in dungeons. Liberty! thou art, For there thy habitation is the heart — The heart which love of thee alone can bind ; And when thy sons to fetters are consigned — To fetters, and the damp vault's dayless gloom. Their country conquers with their martyrdom, And Freedom's fame finds wings on every wind. Chillon! thy prison is a holy place, And thy sad floor an altar — for 'twas trod, Until his very steps have left a trace Worn as if thy cold pavement were a sod, By Bonnivard! May none those marks efface! For they appeal from tyranny to God. The rhyme-scheme of the octave of the following sonnet by Wordsworth is the same as that of the preceding sonnet by Byron, abbaacca. The rhyme- scheme of the sestet is quite abnormal, ddcffc. The rhyme ce is the same as the aa rhyme in the octave. This identity may have been accidental ; or the poet may have advisedly carried the aa rhyme into the sestet for a special artistic effect. It seems that he did. The last verse of the octave and the last verse of the sestet both end with ' heard by thee ' ; and the repetition is felt to be artistic. In the latter, the 174 '^'^^ SONNET. word * neither " should be emphasized, and the voice should drift down on the remainder of the verse. As has been said, an adjacent rhyme in the sestet, whether internal, or at the close, has not, generally, a good effect, as its emphasis presents a check to the quiet subsidence of the thouj^ht in the sestet. In the sonnet before us the first two verses of the sestet rhyme together, and the enijihasis which the rhyme imparts to the word ' left,' which really expresses the pivotal idea of the sonnet, is felt to be artistic, as is also the new double-rhyme in the second quatrain, ' striven,' ' driven.' The structure of the sonnet is of the very highest artistic merit. Thought of a Briton on the subjugation of Sivitzer/and. Two Voices are there ; one is of the sea. One of the mountains ; each a mighty Voice : In both from age to age thou didst rejoice, They were tliy chosen music. Liberty! There came a Tyrant,' and with holy glee Thou fouglil'st against him ; but hast vainly striven: Thou from thy Ali)ine holds ^ length art driven. Where not a torrent murmurs, heard by thee. Of one deep bliss thine ear hath been bereft : Then cleave, Oh, cleave to that which still is left ; For, high-souled Maid, what sorrow would it be That Mountain Hoods should thunder as before. And Ocean bellow from his rocky shore. And neither awful Voice be heard by thee! Mark Patti.son, after defining what is regarded as the most perfect form of the sonnet, says: ' How far ' A Tyrant : Napulcon Bunapartc, who invaded .Switzerland in 1802. THE SONNET. 1 75 any given specimen may deviate from type without ceasing to be a sonnet, is as impossible to decide as it is in botany to draw the line between a variety and a distinct species. Perhaps we may say that success is the best test, and that a brilliant example justifies its own structural form. Or we may look for legis- lative sanction in consent, and demand compliance with those rules which the majority of poets agree to respect. " The mighty masters are a law unto them- selves, and the validity of their legislation will be attested and held against all comers by the splendour of an unchallengeable success." ' Of this the above sonnet is a signal illustration. The question in regard to any irregular sonnet should be, does it realize successfully the idea and the peculiar artistic effect of the normal type of this poetic form t Mrs. Browning's ' Sonnets from the Portuguese' Of Mrs. Browning's forty-four exquisite ' Sonnets from the Portuguese,' but three, namely, the first, fourth, and thirteenth, can be said to realize, with any distinctness, the idea and the peculiar artistic effect of the sonnet proper. Though they all ex- hibit the rhyme-scheme of the Italian type, abba abba cdcdcd, they do not exhibit, even in the loosest form, the required organic divisions — they are not ' built up of parts or quatrains, the Basi, or bases, of the structure ; and of tercets, or Volte, turnings or roads to which the basi point.' In their rhyme-schemes, they have taken on the exterior semblance of what 1/6 THE SONNET. orf^anically they are not. They are the most beau- tiful love-poems in the lang^uage, but they cannot be classed as sonnets. The three following, the twenty-eighth, the thirty-eighth, and the forty- second, of the series, are examples, extreme, per- haps, of their general character, with the three exceptions named. My letters all dead paper. . . . mute and white ! — x. And yet they seem aUve and quivering i'- Against my tremulous hands which loose the string ^ And let them drop down on my knee to-night. "*■ This said, ... He wished to have me in his sight '^ Once, as a friend : this fixed a day in spring V To come and touch my hand ... a simple thing, ir- Yet I wept for it ! — this. . . . the paper's light, ... Said, Dmr, / love thee: and 1 .sank and quailed As if God's future thundered on my i)ast : This said I am iliinc — and so its ink has paled i_ With lying at my heart that beat too fast : C- And this . . . O love, thy words have ill availed, If, what this said, I dared repeat at last ! First time he ki.ssed me. he but only ki.s.sed <> The fingers of this hand wherewith 1 write, ' And ever since it grew more clean and white, ... Slow to world-greetings . . . quick with its ' Oh. list,' When the angels sjjcak. A ring of amethyst I could not wear here plainer to my sight, ' Than that first kiss. The second passed in height The first, and sought the forehead, and half mi.sscd. Half falling on tiie hair. O beyond meed! Tliat wa.s the chrism of love which love's own crown, With sanctifying sweetness, did precede. The third upon my lips wa.s folded down In perfect purple state ! since when, indeed, I have jjcen jiroud and said, * My Love, my own.' THE SONNET. 1 77 How do I love thee ? let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and Ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday's Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right ; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise ; I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith ; I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints, — I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life ! — and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death. As there is no shift in the thought, in these compo- sitions, after the eighth verse, they do not call for two distinct sets of rhyme-schemes, certainly not the rhyme-schemes of the sonnet. They are felt to be purely arbitrary. The three quatrains and a couplet of the Shakespearian sonnet would have suited better the general character of the ' Sonnets from the Portu- guese.' They are, in fact, fourteen-verse stanzas, in a continuous treatment of the same theme — 'waves of a prolonged melody.' The three above-named sonnets, the first, fourth, and thirteenth, of the series, which meet the condi- tions of the sonnet proper, are the following. Of the first, the subject-matter of the octave runs over into the ninth verse, ending with 'A shadow across me.' The fourth and the thirteenth are strictly regular, so strictly, that not only the octaves and sestets are dis- tinct in function, but, what is not usual in English sonnets, their subdivisions, the quatrains and tercets, 1/8 THE SONNET. are likewise so. The tercets of the thirteenth are, however, united in j^rammatical construction, but there is a shift in the thought. I thought once how Theocritu.s had .sung Of the sweet years, the dear and wisheil-for years, Who each one in a gracious liand appears To bear a gift for mortals, old or young : And, as I mu.sed it in his antique tongue. I saw in gradual vision through my tears. The sweet, sad years, the melanclioly years. Those of my own life, who by turns had tlung A shadow across me. Straightway I was 'ware. So weeping, how a mystic Shape did move Behind me, and drew me backward by the hair: And a voice said in mastery while 1 strove. * Guess now who holds thee?' — * Death ! " I .said. HiU there. The silver answer rang . . . ' Not Deatli. hut Love.' Thou hast thy calling to .some palace floor, Most gracious singer of high poems ! where The dancers will break footing from the care Of w.itching uj) thy jiregnant lips for more. And dost thou lift tiiis iiouse's hitch too poor For hand of thine? and canst thou think and bear To let thy music drop here unaware In folds of golden fulness at my door ? Look up and see the casement broken in. The bats and owlets builders in the roof! My cricket chirps against thy mandolin. Hush I call no echo up in further proof Of desolation I there's a voice within That weeps . . . as thou nuist sintj . . . alone, aloof. And wilt thou iiave me l;ushion into si)eecli The love I bear thee, finding words enough. And hold the torch out, while the winds are rough, Uctwcen our faces to cast light on each ? — THE SONNET. 1 79 I drop it at thy feet. I cannot teach My hand to hold my spirit so far off From myself . . . me . . . that I should bring thee proof In words, of love hid in me out of reach. Nay, let the silence of my womanhood Commend my woman-love to thy belief, — Seeing that I stand unwon, however wooed, And rend the garment of my life in brief, By a most dauntless, voiceless fortitude. Lest one touch of this heart convey its grief. Shakespeare' s Sonnets. The so-called sonnets of Shakespeare, which con- sist of three quatrains {each with its distinct set of alternate rhymes) and a couplet, are a law to them- selves, and are entirely exempt from the legislation of the sonnet proper. The rhyme-scheme is, abab cdcd efef gg. The thought developed in the three quatrains leads up to its consummation, or climax, or application of some kind in the couplet, the conclud- ing verse receiving the strongest rhyme-emphasis, and clinching the whole. There is often a shifting of the thought in the third stanza, the couplet sum- ming up all. The artistic effect is always distinct and satisfying — far more so than is that of loosely constructed compositions which have taken on the outward semblance of the sonnet proper, without having its organic character. Such sonnets, when turned to after reading a number of Shakespeare's, especially impress us as misbegotten. XVITI. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate : l8o THE SONNET. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date : Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed ; And every fair from fair sometimes declines, By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed ; But thy eternal summer shall not fade. Nor lose ])ossession of that fair thou owest.' Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade. When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st ; So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see. So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. XXIX. When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes, 1 ail alone bcweep my outcast state. And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries. And look upon myself, and curse my fate. Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, Featured like him, like him with friends possessed, Desiring this man's art, and tliat man's scojje, Willi what I most enjoy contented Iciust ; Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, Majjly I think on thee, and then my state. Like to the lark at break of day .arising From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate: For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings That then I .scorn to change my state with kings. x.\x. When to the sessions of sweet silent thought I .summon up remembrance of things past. I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought. And with old woes new wail mv dear time's waste: Then tan 1 drown an eye, unused to flow. For |)recious friends hid in death's dateless'^ night, ' That fair thou nwcsl : tliat l.. miv i!i,,ii |.i>sscsscsl. ' Date-lets : tnJItit, THE SONNET. l8l And weep afresh love's long since cancelled woe, And moan the expense ^ of many a vanished sight : Then can I grieve at grievances foregone, And heavily from woe to woe tell o'er - The sad account of fore-bemoaned moan. Which I new pay as if not paid before. But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, All losses are restored and sorrows end. XXXIII. Full many a glorious morning have I seen Flatter the mountain tops with sovereign e3-e. Kissing with golden face the meadows green. Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy ; Anon permit the basest clouds to ride With ugly rack on his celestial face. And from the forlorn world his visage hide, Stealing unseen to west with this disgrace : Even so my sun one early morn did shine. With all-triumphant splendour on my brow ; But, out, alack! he was but one hour mine. The region cloud hath masked him from me now. Yet him for this my love no whit disdaineth ; Suns of the world may stain ^ when heaven's sun staineth. LV. Not marble, nor the gilded monuments Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rime ; But you shall shine more bright in these contents Than unswept stone, besmeared with sluttish time. 1 Moan the expense : Schmidt explains expense as loss, but does not ' moan the expense ' mean pay my account of moans for ? The words are explained by what follows : Tell o'er The sad account of fore- he moaned moan Which T new pay as if not paid before. — DowDEN. ^ Tell o'er : count over. * Stain : become dim. I 82 THE SOXXET. When wasteful war shall statues overturn, And broils root out the work of masonry. Nor Mars his sword nor war's quick fire shall bum The living record of your memory. 'Gainst death and all-oblivious enmity Shall you pace forth ; your praise shall still find room Even in the eyes of all posterity That wear this world out to the ending doom. So. till the judgment that yourself arise.' You live in this, and dwell in lovers' eyes. Spenser's Amoretti. The Amoretti of Spenser consist, as do the sonnets of Shakespeare, of three quatrains and a cpui)let, but the quatrains arc interlaced by the rhyme-scheme, it being abab bcbc cdcd cc. That is, the last rhyme of the first stanza is continued in the first and third verses of the second ; and the last rhyme of the second stanza is continued in the first and third verses of the third. This reiteration of rhymes contributes to the ardency of the expression ; but it is often felt to be too much of a good thing, especially when the rhymes arc double or female rhymes. Happy, ye leaves! when as tho.se lilly hands, Which hold my life in their dead-doing might. Sliall handle you, and iiold in loves soft bands. Lyke captives trembling at the victors sight. And happy lines! on which, with starry liglit. Those lamjiing'^ eyes will deigne sometimes to look, And reade the sorrows of my dying spright. Written with te.ires in harts clo.se-blecding book. ' Till the judgment that yourself arise : till the decree of the judg- ment day that you arise from the dcaf * The Death of Zoroas, an I'lRyptian astrunomcr, who was killcl in Alexander's first battle with the Persians,' and other pieces Sec Walton's ' History of Knj^liiih I'oetry,' GENERAL REMARKS ON BLANK VERSE. 1 89 consciousness as is always present in Surrey's. War- ton remarks, in his * History of English Poetry,' ' To the style of blank verse exhibited in Surrey, he added new strength, elegance, and modulation. In the disposition and conduct of his cadencies, he often approaches to the legitimate structure of the improved blank verse.' The first tragedy in blank verse was * Gorboduc ' (or, * Ferrex and Porrex '), the joint production of Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville. It was acted before Queen Elizabeth, at Whitehall, in 1561. Its blank verse, like that of Surrey, exhibits only occasional shiftings of the regular accent, and extra unaccented syllables; here and there an enjambei}ient and a broken verse; no excursions of the thought from the metre ; and though there are passages of connected lines, each line is generally felt as a distinct unit in the series. It may be said that Marlowe did more in the way of indicating the dramatic capabilities of blank verse, by freeing it from some of the fetters in which it had been bound, than of realizing those capabilities on the higher planes of expression to which Shakespeare carried them. He certainly did not do all that John Addington Symonds credits him with, in his ' Shake- speare's Predecessors in the English Drama.' There is not, generally, in his plays, that sanity of mind and heart, that well-balanced and well-toned thought and genuine passion, to have brought out the higher capabilities of the verse. The student could not be referred to any passage in his plays, which would better serve, perhaps, to 1 90 GENERAL REMARKS ON BLANK VERSE. represent his blank verse in its best estate, than the first scene of the fifth act of his ' Edward the Second,' in which the king, after his deposition, reluctantly gives up his crown to the Bishop of Winchester and the Earl of Leicester. The scene in Shakespeare's ' Richard the Second,' in which Richard is represented under similar circumstances (4. i. 162-318), should ])e read in connection with this, for the purpose of comparing Shakespeare's earlier blank verse with Marlowe's best. The scene in ' Edward the Second,' in which the king is put to death, the fifth of the fifth act, also contains some of the best verse which Marlowe wrote. The blank verse of ' Tamburlaine ' is more high- sounding, indeed, than that of ' Edward the Second ' ; but it is in ' Ercles' vein, a tyrant's vein,' — pompous and passionless. Thought and passion must be per- fectly honest, in order to be subtly plastic. Tambur- laine and the Jew of Malta are monsters, in their several ways ; and much of what they are made to say, ' o'ersteps the modesty of nature.' ' The work begun by Marlowe, of bringing blank verse into a conformity with the demands of dramatic ' It should be remembered that the exaggeration of high-sounding language of which Marlowe has been accused was, in i>art at least, intentional, and was meant to supply some of the resonance that the ear would miss in the absence of rhyme. This is plainly stated in the prologue to • Tamburlaine,' Part i. : From jiKt{i"K veini of rhymiiiB muther wiu, Anil inch conceit at clownaK' kccpi in pay, We'll lead you to the italely tent of war, Where you nhall hear the Scythian 'ranihurlaine, Threatening the world with hi|{h-arnc William Tancock's edition of Marlowe's ' Edward the Second.' Introd., p. vi. GENERAL REMARKS ON BLANK VERSE. 191 thought, was carried on and perfected by Shake- speare ; and the evolution of this wonderful organ of dramatic expression can be traced in his plays, from a more or less monotonous alternation of unaccented and accented syllables, the thought metre-bound or couplet-bound, up to an operation of the perfect law of liberty ; the flexibility and the continuity of the thought, and the vivacity and the fluctuations of the feelings resulting in all manner of variations upon the theme-forms, — shiftings of the regular rhythmical accent, extra end-syllables, constant breaks in the verse, weak endings of verses, upon which the voice cannot press, but must move on without a pause, an interweaving of verses and, as a consequence, a sinking of the metre, to a greater or less extent, accelerations and retardations of movement, which way the thought and feeling sway it, etc., etc. See the following passages : Love's Labor's Lost, 2. I. 13-34; Two Gentlemen of Verona, 2. 7. 1-38; Midsummer Night's Dream, 4. i. 108-124; Richard the Third, i. i. 1-41 ; Romeo and Juliet, 2. 2. 1-190; 3. 2. 1-31 ; 4. I. 77-88; 4. 3. 36-58 ; King John, 3. 3. 19-55; I Henry IV., i. 3. 1-302; 4. i. 97-110; Julius Caesar, 3. i. 254-275; 3. 2. 78-234; Troilus and Cressida, i. 3. 75-137; Hamlet, i. 2. 129-159; Othello, I. 3. 158-168; 2. 3. 169-178; 3. 3. 347- 357; 451-460; 3.4. 55-75; 4. 2. 47-64; 5- 2. 338- 356; King Lear, i. 4. 318-332; 2. 4. 89-120; 4. 6. 11-24; Macbeth, i. 5. 16-59; 4- i- 48-61; Antony and Cleopatra, 4. 14. 1-54; 5. 2. 76-92; Coriolanus, 3. 3. 120-135; Cymbcline, 3. 2. 50-70; Winter's Tale, I. 2. 1-465; 3. 2. 23-46; 176-203; 4. 4. 112- 192 GENERAL REMARKS ON BLANK VERSE. 129; Tempest, i. 2. 1-501; 5. i. 33-57. The num- bering of the Hnes is that of the Globe Shakespeare. Dramatic blank verse has never, perhaps, attained to more organic forms than are exhibited by the second scene of the first act of 'The Winter's Tale,' and the second scene of the first act of ' The Tempest.' These two scenes every student of Shakespeare should read again and again ; should memorize, indeed, as the perfection, humanly speaking, of dramatic lan- guage-shaping. T XII. MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. HE two grand features of Milton's blank verse, are 1. The melodious variety of his cadences closing within verses ; this being one of the essentials of ' true musical delight ' which Milton mentions, in his re- marks on ' The Verse,' ' the sense variously drawn out from one verse into another ' ; and 2. The melodious and harmonious grouping of verses into what may, with entire propriety, be called stanzas ^ — stanzas which are more organic than the uniformly constructed stanzas of rhymed verse. The latter must be more or less artificial, by reason of the uniformity which is maintained. But the stanzas of Milton's blank verse are waves of harmony which are larger or smaller, and with ever-varied cadences, according to the propulsion of the thought and feeling which produces them, which propulsion may be sustained through a dozen verses or more, or may expend itself in two or three. No other blank verse in the language exhibits such a masterly skill in the variation of its pauses — pauses, I mean, where periodic groups, or logical sections of groups, terminate, after, or within, it may be, the 1 See note, p. 21. 193 194 M//./O.V'S BLA.Vk' r/-:A'SlL. first, second, third, or fourth foot of a verse. There are five cases where the termination is within the fifth foot. The following table exhibits the various parts of verses, in the order of their numerical rank, after which pauses occur. The variations of the regular foot (xd), in these parts of verses, are also shown, the accented syllable being often shifted, and un- accented syllables being often added. These varia- tions are not arbitrary, but, when properly read aloud, in their connection, will be found to be organic ; that is, they have a logical. or an aesthetic significance. It has been seen, in a former chapter, how these varia- tions were misunderstood and condemned by Dr Johnson and other critics of the eighteenth century. 3 '" 587 2 xa . 497 2 xa 1 .« ' 242 3 ^a 1 X 198 xa \ X . 184 4 xa '49 xa 116 ax 1 xa 78 ax \ 2xa 75 ax \ xa \ X 5' ax 1 2 xa 1 X 26 at 23 ax \ ^ xa 18 2 xa 1 XX '5 2 xa 1 xxa «3 xa 1 xxa 1 xa '3 xa 1 xxa 8 xa 1 .11 8 ' Wherever a (mal a or U4 occurs, the •; »yllable fulluw i the pause in the ftuccceiling K''""] ) or tcction o f aRr III)) MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. 195 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 4xa \ X ■2 ax \ xa axx I r« xa I xnz I r . ax I ;t";ra | xa \ x 3 A'<« I XX xax \ 2 xa ax\ xa \ xxa xa I xxa I 2 ra ax\ X . xa I .r.ra! | avz | a- ax I xi-« rtjr I xa I ;rjr . axx \ s xa axx I «r ax\ 2 xa \ xxa axx ax \ xa \ ax \ xa xxa \ 2 xa 2 xa \ ax\ xa ax \ ;i xa \ X xa \ ax\ X . xxa 1 xa I X . xxa I X xa \ ax Of the 2355 pauses, where periodic groups, or logical sections of groups, terminate, 587 (almost exactly one-fourth of the whole number) occur after T^xa} This section of verse may be regarded as a secondary metrical theme to the primary, 5 xa, other sections being, in their turn, variations upon this. 1 The whole number of pauses after the third foot is 696, there being 75 {ax I 2xa), 13 {2xa \ xxa), 13 {xa \ xxa \ xa), 5 {2ax \.xa), 2 (ax I xa I xxa), and i {xxa \ 2xa). 196 AflLTON'S BLANK VERSE. Examples of the Several Kinds of Pauses or Stops. And chiefly Thou, O Spirit, that dost prefer Before all temples the upright heart and pure. Instruct me, for Thou know'st ; — i. 19. Or hear'st thou rather, ])ure ethereal stream. Whose fountain who shall tell ? So thick a drop serene hath quenched their orbs, Or dim suftusion veiled. On to their morning's rural work they haste. Among sweet dews and flowers ; — V. ; All night, the dreadlcss Angel, un|)ursued. Through Heav'ns wide champain held his way. till morn. Waked by the circling hours, with rosy hand Unbarred the gates of light. — iii. 8. — iii. a6. -vi.4. 2 xa : on his right The radiant image of his glory sat. His only Son : Freely we serve. Because we freely love. a.s in our will To love or not : Others on silver lakes and rivers bathed Their downy bre.i-st. 2 xa \ x: Rut if death Hind us with after-bands, what profits the Our inward freedom ? — iii. 64. — V. 540- - vil. 438. — ix. 76a. MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. 1 97 where highest woods impenetrable To star or sun-light, spread their umbrage broad, And brown as ev'ning ! — ix. 1088. How didst thou grieve then, Adam, to behold The end of all thy offspring, end so sad, Depopulation ! 3 jra I r: his doom is fair. That dust I am, and shall to dust return. O welcome hour whenever ! His starry helm unbuckled showed him prime In manhood where youth ended. others, whence the sound Of instruments, that made melodious chime. Was heard, of harp and organ ; xa I x: They astonished, all resistance lost. All courage ; Hell saw Heav'n ruining from Heav'n, and would have fled Affrighted ; Her long with ardent look his eye pursued, Delighted ; Yet oft his heart, divine of something ill. Misgave him : 4ra: These, lulled by nightingales, embracing, slept, .Vnd on their naked limbs the flowVy roof Showered roses, whicii the morn repaired. — xi. 756. — X. 771. •xi. 246. — xi. 560. — vi. 839. — vi. 869. -ix. 398. — ix. 846. — IV. 773. 198 MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. So under fier\' cope together rushed Both battles main, with ruinous assault And inextinguishable rage. They plucked the seated hills with all their load, Rocks, waters, woods, and, by the shaggy tops Uplifting, bore them in their hands. xa\ So on this windy sea of land, the Fiend Walked up and down alone, bent on his prey: Alone : the careful plowman doubting stands. Lest on the threshing-Hoor his hopeful sheaves Prove chaff. He celebrated rode Triumphant through mid Hcav'n. into the courts And temple of his Mighty Father throned On high ; in his own image he Created thee, in the image of God Express ; ax\ xa: Celestial tabernacles where they slept Fanned with cool winds ; Saw where the sword of Mirliacl smote, and felled Squadrons at once : Unfeign^(l Hallelujahs to thee sing Hymns of liigh praise : And the third .sacred morn began to shine Dawning through Heav'n. — VI. 317. — \\. 646. — m. 44a. — IV. 985. — VI. 891. — vii. 518. — V. 655. — VI. 951. — VI. 745. vi. 749. MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. 1 99 He on his impious foes right onward drove. Gloomy as night : that milky way, Which nightly as a circling zone thou seest Powdered with stars. — vi. 832. — vii. 581. This is one of the most beautiful cadences in the ' Paradise Lost.' See, also, vii. 63 1 ; viii. 314, 389 ; ix. 394, 434, 465, 578; X. 185, 304, 412, 789, 880; xi. 152, 240, 465, 495 ; xii. 537, etc. ax I 2 xa : The bold desiijn Pleased highly those infernal states, and jov Sparkled in all their eyes. On a green shady bank profuse of flow'rs, Pensive I sat me down ; for those Appointed to sit there had left their charge. Flown to the upper world ; Thus was the applause they meant Turned to exploding hiss ; In th' midst an altar as the land-mark stood, Rustic, of grassy sord.^ though here thou see him die Rolling in dust and gore. So may'st thou live till, like ripe fruit, thou drop Into thy mother's lap, or he with ease Gathered, not harshly plucked ; — XI. 537. » Sward. Shakespeare's ' W. T.,' ' greene-sord ' (ist Folio), iv. 4. 1 57. — ii. 388. • viii. 287. — X. 422. — X. 546. — XI. 433- — xi. 460. 200 MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. till in his rage Pursuing whom he late dismissed, the sea Swallows him with his host ; — xii. 196. This is also a beautiful and very effective cadence. It occurs seventy-five times. ax I xa I x: Into this wild abyss the wary Fiend Stood on the brink of Hell and looked a while, Pond'ring his voyage ; — H. 919. And in their motions harmony divine So smoothes her charming tones, that God's own ear Listens delighted. part huge of bulk Wallowing unwieldly. enormous in their gait, Tempest the ocean ; With burnished neck of verdant gold, erect Amidst his circling spires, that on the grass Floated redundant. nor stood much in awe Of man, but fled him, or with countenance g^im Glared on liim passing. On the ground Outstretched he lay, on the cold ground, and oft Cursed his creation ; High in front .idv.-inccd. The brandished sword of Ciod before ihem blazed Fierce as a comet ; ax\2xa\ x: who wont to meet So oft in festivals of joy and love Unanimous, .xs sons of one great sire Hymning th' Eternal Father; — V. 637. — VII. 413. — IX. 503. — »• 7M. X. 853. — xil. 634. — vi, 96. MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. 20I Whence hail to thee, Eve, rightly called mother of all mankind, Mother of all things living ; — xi. i6o. a different sort From the high neighboring hills, which were their seat, Down to the plain descended. those few escaped Famine and anguish will at last consume, Wandering that watery desert. ax: With parted spears, as thick as when a field Of Ceres ripe for harvest waving bends Her bearded grove of ears, which way the wind Sways them ; nor is it aught but just That he who in debate of truth hath won Should win in arms, in both disputes alike Victor ; who him defied, And at his chariot-wheels to drag him bound Threatened ; Thus they in lowliest plight, repentant, stood Praying ; Studious they appear Of arts that polish life, inventors rare. Unmindful of their Maker, though his Spirit Taught them ; ax\ ^xa: Encroached on still through your intestine broils, Weakening the sceptre of old Night : xi. 576. — XI. 779. — iv. 983. — VI. 124. — vi. 359- — XI. 2. — xi. 612. — 11. looa. 202 MILJ OX'S BLANK VERSE. Yet not the more Cease I to wander where the Muses haunt Clear spring, or shady grove, or sunny hill, Sniit with the love of sacred song ; All Heav'n, And happy constellations on that hour Shed their selectest influence I As (iod in Heav'n Is centre, yet extends to all, so thou Centring receiv'st from all those orbs ; However, 1 with thee have fixed my lot, Certain to undergo like doom. The voice of God they heard Now walking in the garden, by soft winds Brought to their ears, while day declined : would either not accept Life oflTered, or soon beg to lay it down, Glad to be so dismissed in peace, 2 xa I XX : Turning our tortures, into horrid arms Against the torturer; That golden sceptre, which thou didst reject. Is now an iron rod, to bruise and break Thy disobedience. adorned With what all Earth or Heaven could bestow To make her amiable! 2 xa I xxa : Hail, holy Light, oflfspring of Heav'n first-born. Or of th' Eternal coetcrnal beam. May I express thee unblamed.^ — III. 29 — vm. 513. — u. 109. — IX. 953. — X. 99. — XI. 507. — it. 64. — V. 888. — viii 4(14 — lU. 3. MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. 203 Food not of Angels, yet accepted so, As that more willingly thou couldst not seem At Heaven's high feasts to have fed : — V. 467 arms on armour clashing brayed Horrible discord, and the madding wheels Of brazen chariots raged ; yet oft they quit The dank, and rising on stiff pennons tow'r The mid aerial sky : the spirit of Man Which God inspired, cannot together perish With this corporeal clod! He looked, and saw a spacious plain, whereon Were tents of various hue : Then through the fiery pillar and the cloud God, looking forth, will trouble all his host, And craze their chariot-wheels : xa I xxa I xa : Cherubic songs by night from neighboring hills Aerial music send ; And now their mightiest quelled, the battle swerved, With many an inroad gored ; all the ground With shivered armour strewn, and on a heap Chariot and charioteer lay overturned. And fiery foaming steeds ; the crested cock, whose clarion sounds The silent hours, and th' other whose gay train Adorns him, coloured with the florid hue Of rainbows and starry eyes. VI. 211. — Vll. 442. — X. 786. — XI. 557- — xu. 210. ■V. 548. — vi. 387. — VI. 391. vii. 446. 204 MILTON'S BLAXK VERSE. xa I xxa : Twixt host and host but narrow space was left (A dreadful interval), and front to front Presented, stood in terrible array, Of hideous length. Forthwith from council to the work they flew ; None arguing stood ; Whence heavy persecution shall arise On all who in the worship persevere Of spirit and truth ; xa\xx: and th" ethereal mould Incapable of stain would soon expel Her mischief, and purge o(T the baser fire Victorious. o'er which the mantling vine Lays forth her purple grape, and gently creeps Luxuriant : What meant that caution joined. If ye be found Obedient ? and now went forth the morn Such as in highest Heav'n, arrayed in gold Emjjyreal ; — VI. 107. — W. 508. — «l«-533. — II. 143. — iv. a6o. — V. 514. — VI. 14 for what avails Valour or strength, though matchless. (|uclled with pain Which all subcUics. and makes remiss the hands Of mightiest? — vi. 459- At his command th' uprooted hills retired Kach to his place; they heard his voice, and went Obsequious : - vi. 783. MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. 20$ \xa \ x: and joys Then sweet, now sad to mention, through dire change BefaU'n us unforeseen, unthought of; — ii. 821. Son of my bosom, Son who art alone My word, my wisdom, and effectual might, All hast thou spoken as my thoughts are ; — iii. 171. Forth flourished thick the clustering vine, forth crept The smelling gourd, upstood the corny reed Embattled in her field, and th' humble shrub, And bush with frizzled hair implicit. One came, methought, of shape divine, And said, Thy mansion wants thee, Adam ; 2 ax I xa : My Author and Disposer, what thou bidst. Unargued, I obey ; so God ordains ; God is thy law, thou mine ; — vii. 323. — viii. 296. -iv. 637. The words ' God,' ' thy,' and ' mine ' receive the stress. Nor yet in horrid shade or dismal den, Nor nocent yet, but on the grassy herb Fearless, unfeared, he slept. — ix. 187. The prefix ' un-,' of ' unfeared,' receives the stress. axx \ xa: and as they went, Shaded with branching palm, each order bright, Sung triumph, and him sung victorious King, Son, Heir, and Lord, to him dominion given, Worthiest to reign. — vi. 888. ?o6 .)///. 7 O.V'S BLANK VERSE. But Adam with such counsel nothing swayed, To better hopes his more attentive mind Labouring had raised ; now Conscience wakes Despair That skimbcrcd, wakes tlie bitter memory Of what he was, what is, and what must be Worse ; in his right hand Grasping ten thousand thunders, which he sent Before him, such ;is in their souls infixed IMagues. — X. I013 — iv. 26. — vi. 8^8 But if thou think, trial unsougiit may tind Us both securer than thus warned thou seem'st. Go: Redouble then this miracle, and say. How cam'st thou speakabic of mute; and how To me so friendly grown above the rest Of brutal kind, that daily are in sight ! Say ! — ix. 566. xa I xxa I .r: For hot, cold, moist, and dry, four chami)ions fierce Strive here for ma.stVy, and to battle bring Their embryon atoms ; — ii. 900. Nor was his ear less pealed With noises loud and ruinous (to compare Great things with small) than when Bellona storms With all her batt'ring engines bent, to raze Some capital city ; — li. 994. unsavVy food perhaps To spiritual natures ; - V. 40J. MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. 20y With adverse blast upturns them from the south Notus and Afer black, with thund'rous clouds From Serraliona. dx I xxa \ xa \ x: Abashed the Devil stood, And felt how awful goodness is, and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely ; I to thee disclose What inward thence I feel, not therefore foil'd, Who meet with various objects, from the sense Variously representing ; 3 ;m I XX : That thou art happy, owe to God ; That thou continuest such, owe to thyself; That is, to thy obedience : but anon Down cloven to the waist, with shattered arms And uncouth pain fled bellowing. xax I 2 xa : and with the setting sun Dropt from the zenith like a falling star, On Lemnos, th' JEgean isle : my constant thoughts Assured me, and still assure : — X. 703. — viii. 610. — V. 522. — vi. 362. — i. 746. — V. 553- This might be scanned as xa \ xxa \ xa. But, according to the construction, the other is better. ax\ xa \ xxa : and forthwith light Ethereal first of things, quintessence pure. Sprung from the deep, and from her native east To journey through the aery gloom began. Sphered in a radiant cloud ; — vii. 247. — X. 117. — V. 407- — •• «39- — vi. 86. 20S MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. xa I xxa I 2 xa : I heard thee in the garden, and of thy voice Afraid, being naked, hid myself. xxa I xa : Therefore what he gives (Whose praise be ever sung) to Man in part Spiritual, may of* purest Spirits be found No ingratcful food : ax I X : As far as Gods and heav'nly essences Can perish ; xa I xxa I xa \ x: The banded PowVs of Satan hasting on With furious expedition ; ax I xxa : with grave Asp<5ct he rose, and in his rising seemed A pillar of state : ax I xa I XX : Not Spirit.s. yet to heav'nly Spirits briglit Little inferior : xax : nigh foundered on he fares. Treading the soft consistence, half on foot. Half flying; axx I 3 xa : but Eve Undecked save with herself, more lovely fair Than Wood-JMym|)h, or the fairest (".oddess feigned Of tlirec that in mount Ida naked strove. Stood to entertain lier guest from Heav'n. - y- 383. 'of: may have the force of 'by,' the antecedent being ' found'; or, ibc .nntrcc'lcnt may be ' food,' the mciniiiR Ixiiij^, ' may be found no inf^ratcful food of purest .Spirits.' Tlw furmi r is the belter. — u. 30a. — iv. 36a. — ii. 943. MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. 209 axx ax: he together calls, Or sevVal one by one, the regent pow'rs, Under him regent ; ax \ 2 xa \ xxa : These as a line their long dimension drew, Streaking the ground with sinuous trace ; axx: Pleasing was his shape, And lovely : never since the serpent kind Lovelier : ax I xa I ax | xa : In thy pow'r It lies, yet ere conception, to prevent The race unblest, to being yet unbegot. Childless thou art, childless remain ; xxa \ 2 xa: So both ascend In the visions of God. — V. 698. — vii. 481. — IX. 505. — X. 989. — XI. 377. The word 'visions' is trisyllabic. The remainder of the verse is ' It was a hill,' 2xa. 2 xa \ ax \ xa: larger than whom the sun Engendered in the Pythian vale on slime. Huge Python, and his i^ow'r no less he seemed Above the rest still to retain. — X. 532. ax \ ■^ xa \ x: This having learned, thou hast attained the sum Of wisdom ; . . . , ... only add Deeds to thy knowledge answerable ; — xii. 582. 2IO MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. xa \ ax \ X : Both have sinned : but thou Against Ood only ; The stress should be on the word ' God.' xxa \ xa\ x: Unskilful with what words to pray, let me Interpret for him, me his Advocate And propitiation. xxa I x: (not so thick swarmed once the soil Hedropt with blood of Gurgun, or the isle Ophiusa) ; xa I ax: Was she thy God, that her thou didst obey Before his voice ? — X. 931. — XI. 34. — X. 5»8. — X. 146. The word ' his " receives the stress. To appreciate these varied sections of verses as contributin}^ to the general melody and harmony of the verse, and to the special melody and harmony of the groups to which they severally belong, an entire book, at least, of the ' Paradise Lost,' should be read aloud at one time. Hut no single reading is sufficient for the appre- ciation of the higher forms of verse, whatever those forms may be, any more than a single rendering, or a single hearing, of a production of the higher music is sufficient for its api)reciati()n. A long familiarity is required for securing all the effects, consciously or unconsciously provided for, by the poet and the musical composer. The second of the two grand features of Milton's blank verse I have mentioned, is the melodious and MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. 211 harmonious grouping of verses into periods or stanzas — larger or smaller waves of harmony, according to the propulsion of the thought and feeling which pro- duces them. The fusion of many of the larger groups is some- what due to what may be called theme vowels and consonants ; certain vowels and consonants domi- nating throughout a group, and giving it a special vocal character, but not often so dominating as to be brought to the consciousness of the reader or hearer. There is much subtle initial and internal alliteration of consonants, which may pass entirely unnoticed, but which, nevertheless, contributes to the general melodious and harmonious effect of a group. This may be largely attributable to a fact already alluded to, that strongly esemplastic feeling, in the expression of itself, attracts certain vocal elements which best chime with, and serve to conduct, it. In the following examples, I have given, generally, groups of average length, which the student can readily hold together, rather than long-sustained groups, of which the ' Paradise Lost ' abounds in notable examples. As Matthew Browne [W. B. Rands], in his ' Chaucer's England,' remarks : 'The power of taking a long sweep before coming to a pause, and then beginning again with a spring from the pausing-point, is a well-known characteristic of the best poetry. It is a characteristic of which we had the last viagnificettt example in Milton.' After citing Book i, 576-587, he adds: 'This is only a portion of the sentence, which in its complete form extends over seventeen lines of Milton's text 212 MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. [571-587] ; but it will suffice to exhibit to the least accustomed j^erson, especially if he will read it out loud, what is meant by length or strength of poetic flight. It will be observed in reading it, that the voice is kept in suspense, held as it were in the air over the theme, and cannot come suddenly to a cadence.' The student should memorize all the examples given, and afterwards frequently repeat them aloud, until he completely feel the flow, and continuity, and melodious cadence of each : Him llie Almiji;lity Power Hurled headlong flaming from th" ctlicrx-al sky. With hideous ruin and combustion, down To bottomless perdition, there to dwell In adamantine chains and jicnal fire. Who durst defy th' Omnipotent to arms. — >• 43-49- He scarce had finished, when sucli murmur filleii Th' assembly, as when lioilow rocks retain The sound of blust'ring winds, which all night long Had roused the sea, now with hoarse cadence lull .Seafaring men o'erwatched, whose bark i)y chance Or pinnace anchors in a craggy bay After the tempest. — ii. 384-390. Then of their session ended they bid cr)- With tnmipets' regal sound the great result : TowVds the four winds four sjieedy Chrnibim Tut to their mouths the sounding alchemy Hy henild's voice ex|)lained ; the hollow abyss Heard far and wide, and all the host of Hell With deaPning shout returned them loud acclaim. MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. 213 In discourse more sweet (For eloquence the soul, song charms the sense) Others apart sat on a hill retired, In thoughts more elevate, and reasoned high Of providence, foreknowledge, will, and fate, Fixed fate, free-will, foreknowledge absolute. And found no end, in wandVing mazes lost. "• 555-561. Far off from these, a slow and silent stream, Lethe, the river of oblivion, rolls Her watry labyrinth, whereof who drinks Forthwith his former state and being forgets — Forgets both joy and grief, pleasure and pain. — ii. 582-586. Through many a dark and dreary vale They passed, and many a region dolorous, O'er many a frozen, many a fiery Alp, Rocks, caves, lakes, fens, bogs, dens, and shades of death — A universe of death, which God by curse Created evil, for evil only good, Where all life dies, death lives, and nature breeds, Per\-erse, all monstrous, all prodigious things, Abominable, inutterable, and worse Than fables yet have feigned, or fear conceived, Gorgons and Hydras, and Chimeras dire. — ii. 618-628. I fled, and cried out Death ! Hell trembled at the hideous name, and sighed From all her caves, and back resounded Death ! On a sudden open fl)-. With impetuous recoil and jarring sound, Th' infernal doors, and on their hinges grate Harsh thunder, that the lowest bottom shook Of Erebus. — ii. 787-789. — ii. 879-883. 214 MILTON'S BLANK' rEKSE. No sooner had th' Almighty ceased but — all The multitude of Angels, with a shout Loud as from numbers without number, sweet As from blest voices, uttering joy — Ik-avcn rung With juljilee, and loud Hosannahs filled Th' eternal regions. Sweet is the breath of Morn, her rising sweet, With charm of earliest birds ; pleasant the Sun, When first on tliis delightful land he spreads His orient beams, on herb, tree, fruit, and flower, GlistVing with dew ; fragrant the fertile Earth After soft showers ; and sweet the coming on Of grateful Evening mild ; then silent N'ight, With this her solemn bird, and this fair iMoon< And these the gems of Heaven, her starry train : But neither breath of Morn, when she ascends With charm of earliest birds ; nor rising Sun On this deligiitful land : nor herb, fniit. flower, (ilist'ring with dew ; nor fragrance after showers : Nor grateful Evening mild ; nor silent Night. With this her solemn bird ; nor walk by Moon. Or glitt'ring star-light, without thee is sweet. How often, from the stec]) Of echoing hill or thicket, have we heard Celestial voices to the midnight air. Sole, or responsive each to other's note, .Singing their great Creator ! — «»• 344-349- — iv. 641-6S6. — iv. 680-684. At once on the eastern cliff of Paradise He light.s, and to his proi)er shape return.s, A seraph winged ; six wings he wore to shade His lineaments divine: the pair that clad Each shoulder broad came mantling o'er his breast With regal ornament ; the middle paii Crirt like a starry zone his waist, and round MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. 21 5 Skirted his loins and thighs with downy gold And colours dipt in Heaven ; the third his feet Shadowed from either heel with feathered mail, Sky-tinctured grain ; like Maia's son he stood And shook his plumes, that heavenly fragrance filled The circuit wide. 275-287. Meanwhile in other parts like deeds deserved Memorial, where the might of Gabriel fought. And with fierce ensigns pierced the deep array Of Moloch, furious King, who him defied, And at his chariot-wheels to drag him bound Threatened, nor from the Holy One of Heaven Refrained his tongue blasphemous, but anon Down cloven to the waist, with shattered arms And uncouth pain fled bellowing. — vi. 354-362. They astonished, all resistance lost. All courage ; down their idle weapons dropt ; O'er shields, and helms, and helmed heads he rode Of Thrones and mighty Seraphim prostrate. That wished the mountains now might be again Thrown on them, as a shelter from his ire. vi. 838-843. On Heavenly ground they stood, and from the shore They viewed the vast immeasurable Abyss Outrageous as a sea, dark, wasteful, wild, Up from the bottom turned by furious winds And surging waves, as mountains, to assault Heaven's highth, and with the centre mi.\ the pole. — VII. 210-215. There was a place. Now not, the' sin, not time, first wrought the change. Where Tigris at the foot of Paradi.se Into a gulf shot under ground, till part Rose up a fountain l)y the Tree of Life : In with the river sunk, and with it ro.se 2l6 MILTON'S BLANK' VERSE. Satan, involved in rising mist, then sought Where to lie hid ; sea he had searched and land From Eden over Pontus, and the pool Mxotis, up beyond the river Ob ; Downward as far antarctic : and in length West from Orontes to the ocean barred At Darien, thence to the land where flows Ganges and Indus : thus the orb he roamed With narrow search, and with insjjcction deep Considered every creature, wiiich of all Most opportune might ser\'e his wiles, and found The serjJent subtlest beast of all the field. — ix. 69-86. So saying, through each thicket, dank or dry. Like a black mist low creeping, he held on His midnight search, where soonest he might find The serpent : him fast sleeping soon he found. In labyrinth of many a round .self-rolled. His head the midst, well stored with subtle wiles: Nor yet in horrid shade or dismal den, Nor nocent yet, but on the grassy herb Fearless, unfeared, he slept. — ix. 179-187. Thus .saying, from her husband's hand her hand Soft she withdrew, and, like a wood-nymph light, (Jread or Dryad, or of Delias train, Hetook her to the groves ; but Delia's self In gait surpassed, and godde.ss-like deport. Though not as she with bow and (|uiver armed. lUit with such gardening tools a.s Art, yet rude, (iuiltless of fire, had formed, or Angels brought. — ix. 38$-39«' As one who, long in populous city pent. Where hou.ses thick and sewers annoy the air, Forth issuing on a summer's morn, to breathe Among the pleasant villages and farms Adjoined, from each thing met conceives delight — MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. 21/ The smell of grain, or tedded grass, or kine. Or dairy, each rural sight, each rural sound — If chance with nymph-like step fair virgin pass, What pleasing seemed, for her now pleases more. She most, and in her look sums all delight. ■IX. 445-454. So spake the Enemy of Mankind, enclosed In serpent, inmate bad, and toward Eve Addressed his way — not with indented wave, Prone on the ground, as since, but on his rear, Circular base of rising folds, that towered Fold above fold, a surging maze ; his head Crested aloft, and carbuncle his eyes ; With burnished neck of verdant gold, erect Amidst his circling spires, that on the grass Floated redundant. — IX. 494-503. On the other side, Adam, soon as he heard The fatal trespass done by Eve, amazed, Astonied stood and blank, while horror cliill Ran through his veins, and all his joints rela.xed : From his .slack hand the garland, wreathed for Eve, Down dropt, and all the faded roses shed. — ix. 888-893. Immediately a place Before his eyes appeared, sad, noisome, dark ; A lazar-house it seemed, wherein were laid Numbers of all diseased, all maladies Of ghastly spasm, or racking torture, qualms Of heart-sick agony, all feverous kinds, Convulsion.s, epilepsies, fierce catarrhs, Intestine stone and ulcer, colic pangs, Demoniac phrenzy, moping melancholy. And moon-struck madness, pining atrophy, Marasmus, and wide-wasting pestilence, Dropsies, and asthmas, and joint-racking rheums.- Dire was the tossing, deep the groans ; Despair Tended the sick, busiest, from couch to couch ; 2l8 MILTON'S BIAXK VERSE. And over them triumphant Death his dart Shook, but delayed to strike, though oft invoked With vows, as their chief good and final hope. — X'- 477-488: 489-493- High in front advanced. The brandished sword of (lod before them blazed Fierce as a comet ; which with torrid heat, And vapour as the Libyan air adust, Began to parch that temperate clime ; whereat In either hand the hastening Angel caught Our lingering parents, and to the eastern gate Led them direct, and down the clitTas fast To the subjected plain — then disappeared. — xii. 632-640. Coleridge, in the third of his ' Satyrane's Letters,' gives an account of his visit with Wordsworth to the poet Klopstock. In the course of their conversation, Klopstock talked of Milton and Glover, and thought Glover's blank verse superior to Milton's. 'W and myself expressed our surprise; and my friend gave his definition and notion of harmonious verse, that it consisted {the English iambic blank verse above all) in the apt arrangement of f>anscs and cadences, and the siueep of ivhole paragraphs, with many a winditu; bout Of linkhi sweetness long drawn out, and not in the even flow, much less in the prominence or antithetic vigor of single lines, which were indeed injurious to the total effect, except where they zoere introduced for some specific purpose. Klopstock as- sented, and said that he meant to confine Glover's superiority to single lines.' lie probably had not MILTON'S BLANK VERSE. 219 appreciated any English blank verse beyond the in- dividual line, if even so much as that. Here we have what was probably the first true characterization of Milton's blank verse given in 1798 or 1799. Mr. John Addington Symonds has worked up this characterization in his article on the blank verse of Milton in the ' Fortnightly Review,' December i, 1874, pp. 767-781, in which he states that ' the secret of complex and melodious blank verse lies in preserving the balance and proportion of syllables while varying their accent and their relative weight and volume, so that each line in a period shall carry its proper burden of sound, but the burden shall be differently distributed in the successive verses.' Dc Quincey, in a somewhat humorous passage in his essay entitled * Milton vs. Southey and Landor,' says : ' You might as well tax Mozart with harshness in the divinest passages of " Don Giovanni " as Mil- ton with any such offence against metrical science. Be assured, it is yourself that do not read with un- derstanding, not Milton that by possibility can be found deaf to the demands of perfect harmony. You are tempted, after walking round a line threescore times, to exclaim at last, " Well, if the Fiend himself should rise up before me at this very moment, in this very study of mine, and say that no screw was loose in that line, then would I reply, ' Sir, with submis- sion, you are '" "What!" suppose the Fiend suddenly to demand in thunder, " What am I .' " "Horribly wrong," you wish exceedingly to say; but, recollecting that some people are choleric in argument, you confine yourself to the polite answer, 220 SOA//-: B/.AXK VERSE SLVCE MILTON. " that, with deference to his better education, you conceive him to lie;" — that's a bad word to drop your voice upon in talking with a fiend, and you has- ten to add, "under a slight, a ?r;;j' slight mistake." Ay, you might venture on that opinion with a fiend. Hut how if an angel should undertake the case ? and angelic was the ear of Milton. Many are the primd facie anomalous lines in Milton ; many are the sus- picious lines, which in many a book I have seen many a critic peering into with eyes made up for mischief, yet with a misgiving that all was not quite safe, very much like an old raven looking down a marrow bone. In fact, such is the metri.cal skill of the man, and such the perfection of his metrical sen- sibility, that, on any attempt to take liberties with a passage of his, you feel as when coming, in a forest, upon what seems a dead lion ; perhajjs he may not be dead, but only sleeijing ; nay, perhaps he may not be sleeping, but only shamming. And you have a jealou.sy, as to Milton, even in the most flagrant case of almo.st palj)able error, that, after all, there may be a plot in it. You may be put down with shame by some man reading the line otherwise, reading it with a different emjjhasis, a different caisura, or, perhaps, a different suspension of the voice, so as to bring out a new and self-justifying effect.' Postscript on Somk Blank Vkksr since Milton. In regard to the blank verse produced since Milton, space will allow a reference only to some of the best. Sir Henry Taylor, in his letter to Sir John Her.schel, SOME BLANK VERSE SINCE MILTON. 221 August 26, 1862 ('Correspondence,' edited by Pro- fessor Dowden), is hardly just in his estimate of it: ... 'for more than a hundred years the art of writ- ing anything but the heroic couplet seems to have been lost, . . . and when our verse ceased to clank this chain, it rose into lyrical movements of some force and freedom, but to me it seems never to have recov- ered the subtle and searching power and consonantal pith which it lost in that fatal eighteenth century, when our language itself was dethroned and levelled. The blank verse of Young and Cowper in the last century, or (with the exception of occasional pas- sages) of Southey and Wordsworth in this, is, to my mind, no more like that of the better Elizabethans than a turnpike road is like a bridle path, or a plan- tation like a forest.' Just what he meant to convey by the comparisons with which this extract concludes is not entirely evi- dent ; but that a too sweeping condemnation is in- volved of the blank verse produced since the Eliza- bethan era is evident enough. The blank verse of Cowper's ' Task ' is admirably adapted to the theme, which did not admit of a more elaborate style of verse. (The first ninety-five verses of ' The Winter Morning Walk ' afford a good speci- men of it.) Cowper saw further than any one before him had seen, into the secrets of the elaborate music of Milton's blank verse, and availed himself of those secrets to some extent — to as far an extent as the simplicity of his themes demanded. Whether^ he could have treated loftier themes in blank verse in- volving more of those secrets, is another question. 222 SOME BLANK' VEKSE SINCE MILTON. There are passages, however, in liis translations of the ' Iliad ' and the * Odyssey ' which indicate that he might well have done so, and make one regret that he wasted his time on Homeric translation. The blank verse of Southey's ' Roderick, the Last of the Goths ' has great merit as narrative verse, and is worthy of careful study. The variations on the theme-metre, and the resultant pause melody, show not only great metrical skill, but a moulding spirit which is quite a law to itself, and beyond mere skill. Wordsworth's ' Yew Trees ' is a bit of masterful blank verse which ranks with the very best in the language. His ' Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey,' which announced the advent of a new gospel of poetry, have a charm j)eculiarly their own — a prevailing tone which is a radiation of the feeling embodied. The verse of his 'Nutting' and ' Michael ' has a simjilicity and directness, and an easy go, which are very charming. The blank verse of • The Prelude ' and ' The Excursion ' is unequal in merit, there being a good deal of subject-matter in both compositions of a quality not demanding other than a prose expression ; but they abound in speci- mens of blank verse of a high order. The blank verse of Shelley's ' Alastor ; or, the Spirit of Solitude' has an animated majesty which readers the least regardful of verse must feel and enjoy to some extent. The opening invocation to ' Karth, ocean, air, beloved brotherhood ! ' extending to the forty-ninth verse ; the verses enumerating the solemn places which the Poet's wandering stej) had visited (106-128); those descriptive of ' the ethereal SOME BLANK VERSE SINCE MILTON. 223 cliffs of Caucasus ' ; of the cavern which ' ingulphcd the rushing sea,' and its windings which the Poet's boat pursued ; of the forest which he explored, ' one vast mass of mingling shade, whose brown magnificence a narrow vale embosoms' (351-468), are especially to be noted. But the verse throughout is very noble. Effective extra end-syllables crop out occasionally. The blank verse of Matthew Arnold's ' Sohrab and Rustum ' illustrates his own definition of the grand style, given in his essay ' On translating Homer ' : ' I think it will be found that the grand style arises in poetry wJieJi a 7ioble nature, poetically gifted, treats ivith simplicity or zvith severity a serious subject.' A very comprehensive definition. If he had said, 'When one poetically gifted,' etc., omitting 'a noble nature,' the definition would have been imperfect. Simplic- ity and severity, in the treatment of a serious subject, demand a noble nature. They must be the expres- sion of the poet's own moral constitution. In a poem which is largely the product of literary skill, and is not truly honest (the feeling being more or less affected), there is quite sure to be, in places, a greater or less strain of expression. High art (which is more than technique, and insist involve the personality of the artist) is characterized by the absence of strain. ' Sohrab and Rustum ' is absolutely without the slight- est strain. Some readers may feel that there is too much of artistic restraint in it. Who reads this measure, flowing strong and deep. It seems to him old Homer's voice he hears. ^ ^ Edith M. Thomas's sonnet 'After reading Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum.' 224 SOME BLANK' J'ERSE S/.VCE Jf/LTON. The cadence of the poem, which sets in at the 36th verse from the end, ' So, on the bloody sand, Sohrab lay dead,' has a sweet solemnity to which the move- ment of the verse contributes much. The abundant extracts given in Section V. of this book, from Tennyson's ' Princess ' and ' Idylls of the King,' as examples of organic variety of measures, are sufficient to show his triumphant skill in the writ- ing of blank verse. And the extract from his ' Enoch Arden,' on pages 6 and 7, is a notable exami)le of it. His blank verse, too, has its own distinct character. It gives out no echoes of any of his great predeces- .sors, so far as my own ears have heard. It is an expression of his own jKietic temperament. Already in his ' Timbuctoo,' which took the Chan- cellor's medal at the Cambridge Commencement in 1829, when he was in his twentieth year, he showed a remarkable mastery over this most difficult form of verse. But notwithstanding the high excellence of all the blank verse he has written, there is none, jjerhaps, superior to that of his ' Morte d'Arthur,' first j)ub- lished in 1842 (many years before the original ' Idylls of the King' were published), and afterwards incorpo- rated in the concluding Idyll of the series, 'The Pass- ing of Arthur.' It is eminently noble. All things considered, the greatest achievement of the century in blank verse, is Robert Browning's 'The Ring and the liook.' I don't mean the greatest in bulk (although it is that, having 21,134 verses, double the number of the 'Paradise Lost'); I mean the greatest achievement in the effective use of blank SOME BLANK VERSE SINCE MILTON. 225 verse in the treatment of a great subject — really the greatest subject, when viewed aright, which has been treated in English poetry — vastly greater in its bear- ings upon the highest education of man than that of the ' Paradise Lost.' Its blank verse, while having a most complex variety of character, is the most dra- matic blank verse since the Elizabethan era. Hav- ing read the entire poem aloud to classes every year for several years, I feel prepared to speak of the transcendent merits of the verse. One reads it with- out a sense almost of there being anything artificial in the construction of the language ; and by artificial I mean put consciously into a certain shape. Of course, it ivas put consciously into shape ; but one gets the impression that the poet thought and felt spontaneously in blank verse. And it is always verse — though the reader has but a minimum of metre consciousness. And the method of the thought is always poetic. This is saying much, but not too much. All moods of the mind are in the poem, expressed in Protean verse. Many other of Browning's poems (and they rank with his greatest productions) are in blank verse which, in each, has its own distinctly peculiar char- acter. Among these should be especially noted, 'How it strikes a Contemporary' (1855), 'An Epistle containing the strange medical Experiences of Kar- shish, the Arab Physician' (1855), 'F'ra Lippo Lippi' (1855), 'Andrea del Sarto' (1855), 'The Bi.shop orders his Tomb at St. Praxed's Church' (1845), 'Bishop Blougram's Apology ' (1855), 'Cleon' (1855), 'A Death in the Desert' (1864), 'Caliban upon Setebos' (1864), 226 SOME BLANK' VERSE SINCE MILTON. 'Mr. Sludge the Medium' (1864), ' Balaustion's Ad- venture' (187 1). All of these, with four exceptions, were published some years before Sir Henry Taylor pronounced his verdict upon the later blank verse. The verse of each is unique in character, and of eminent merit. But no one, however trained in verse, could appre- ciate it through a single reading. There are too many subtle effects provided for to be got at once. He who adequately appreciates the verse of these poems, must regard Robert Browning as one of the greatest masters of language-shaping. INDEX. Abbott, E. A., quoted on Shake- speare's verse, 47. ' ABC," Chaucer's, stanza of, 92. Accent, 3; effects secured by the shifting of, 35-50. ' Adonais,' Shelley's, the stanza of, 117-120. ' Afterthought,' Wordsworth's, on the river Duddon, 169. Alexandrines, specially enforced, of Spenser's ' Faerie Queene,' 96- 98. Alliteration, an important element of English verse, 9 ; examples of, from Chaucer, 10-13 ; from Shake- speare, 14, 15 ; from King James's Bible, 16; from Tennyson, 16- 18. ' Amoretti,' Spenser's, 182, 183. Ariosto, referred to, as a sonneteer, 144, 147. Arnold, Matthew, quoted on Words- worth, 149; on Wordsworth's son- net, 'Afterthought,' 168, 169; blank verse of his 'Sohrab and Rustum,' 223, 224. ' Ballade de Vilage sauns Peynture,' Chaucer's, stanza of, 92. Bayne, Peter, quoted on the verse of Tennyson's 'Maud,' 69; on the stanza of ' The Palace of Art," 81, 82; on a stanza of Shelley's 'Adonais,' 118. Beattie, James, quoted on English rhymes, 99; the stanza of his ' Minstrel,' 108. Bentley, Dr. Richard, his want of appreciation of Milton's verse, 45. Blank verse, general remarks on, 186; Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey's, 188; Nicholas Grim- oald's, 188, 189; of Norton and Sackville's ' Gorboduc ' ; of Mar- lowe's ' Edward the Second ' and ' Tamburlaine,' 189, 190; Shake- speare's, 191, 192; Milton's, 193- 220; blank verse since Milton, 220-226. ' Bridge of Sighs,' Hood's, its double and triple rhymes, 30. Browne, Matthew, quoted on blank verse, 211, 212. Browning, Mrs. E. B., her use of the double rhyme, 25, 26; her 'Son- nets from the Portuguese,' 175- 179. Browning, Robert, example from, of melody, 5, 6; a master of rhyme, 26; the blank verse of his ' Ring and the Book,' and of other poems, 224-226. Burns, Robert, his ' Cotter's Satur- day Night,' 108. Butler's ' Hudibras,' 23. Byron, Lord, his use of the ottava rima in ' Don Juan," etc., 92; of Spenser's stanza, in ' Childe Har- old,' 125-131 ; his 'Sonnet on Chillon,' 173. 227 228 INDEX. Campbell, Thomas, his ' Gertrude of Wyoming," io8. 'Castle of Indolence," Thomson's, the stanza of, 109-111. Chaucer, Geoffrey, example from, of melody, 8 ; his use of allitera- tion, 10-13; '*i*^ 'Monk's Tale' stanz;i, the basis of Spenser's, 92 ; example of, 9a, 93; other of his poems in which the stanza is used, 93. ' Childe Harold,' Byron's, stanza of. 125-131. Chillon, Byron's sonnet on, 173. ' Christabel,' Coleridge's, its melody, i8-ai. Christopher North (Prof. John Wil- son), quoted on Mnglish rhymes, 100. ' Christ's Victory and Triumph,' Giles Fletcher's stanza of, 135, 136. Coleridge, S.T., i ; quoted on verse, 18 ; his subtle sense of melody, as exhibited in 'Christabel,' 18-21. Collins, William, his ' Ode on the I'assions' as a rhyme study, 23-25. Colonna, Vittoria, referred to as a sonneteer, 144, 147. Colvin, Sitlney, quoted on Keats"s 'Eve of St. Agnes," 120, 121, 122, i»3. '^4- * Compleyntc of a Ixveres Lyfe," Chaucer's, stanza of Envoy to, 9a. Cowlcf, Abraham, Dr. John5on"5 stricture on his verse, 39. Cowpcr, William, his appreciation of Millon"s verse, 45; the blank verse of 'The Task," 221, 222. '(Jnet, 164, 165. Earle, I'rof. John, quoted on the alliteration of Anglo-Saxon poetry, 13 (note). Eckermann's ' Gespn'iche mit Goethe," quotation from, on lit- erary form, 149. ' Flnvoy, L", de Chaucer \ Bukton,' stanza of, 92. ' Eve of St. Agnes," Keats's, stanza of, iao-125. Exceptional feet in Shakespeare's verse, examples of, 51-56; in Tennyson's ' I'rinccss' and " Idylls of the King," 56-68. ' Faerie Queene," Spenser"s, stanza of, 87-107. Fairfax, Edward, stanza of his Tas- so's "Jerusalem Delivered," 90, 9«- Fairfax, Thomas, Ix)rd, Milton"s sonnet and eulogy upon, i66, 167. Feeling, its unifying action, i, 2. 140, Feet in English verse, 3. 4. Female rhymes, Italian, 99, loa INDEX. 229 ' Ferrex and Porrex ' (or, *Gor- boduc"), first English tragedy in blank verse, 189. Filicaja, Vincenzo, 172. fletcher.Giles, stanza of his ' Christ's Victory and Triumpli,' 135, 136. Fletcher, Phineas, stanza of his ' Purple Island," 134, 135. 'Flight of the Duchess,' Browning's, its double and triple rhymes, 26. Forman, H. Buxton, quoted on the sonnet, 146. Formulation of impressions, 133. Garnett, Richard, note by, on Mil- ton's sonnet ' To Mr. Lawrence," 169. George, A. J., note by, on Words- worth's ' Afterthought," 169. 'Gertrude of Wyoming," Campbell's, 108. Goethe, quotation on literary form, from Eckermann's ' Gesprache mit Goethe,' 149. 'Gorboduc' (or, 'Ferrex and Por- rex'), first English tragedy in blank verse, 189. Gray, Thomas, 4. Grimoald, Nicholas, his blank verse, 188, 189. Guest, Edwin, quoted on stanza of Prior's ' Ode on the battle of Ramillies," 130. Harmony and rhyme, the fusing and combining agencies of the stan- za, 21, 22. Haydon, R. B., Wordsworth's son- net to, 152. Hood, Thomas, the double and triple rhymes of his ' Bridge of Sighs,' 30; his sonnet on ' Silence,' 160-162. Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey, introduced the sonnet into Eng- lish literature, 183 ; his blank verse, 188. ' Hudibras,' Butler's, 23. Hughes, John, quoted on Spenser's stanza, 88, 89. Hunt, Leigh, his gallery of pictures from Spenser's ' Faerie Queene,' 104-106. Italian female rhymes, 99, 100. ' In Memoriam,' Tennyson's, stanza of, 70-77. Johnson, Dr. Samuel, his ' Essay on Milton's versification," 35-40 ; con- founds harmony with uniformity, 38. Jonson, Ben, stanza of elegy in his ' Underwoods,' 70. Keats, John, his use of Spenser's stanza, 120-125. Keightley, Thomas, notes by, on Mil- ton's sonnets, 155, 157, 167, 168. King James"s Bible, alliteration in, 16. Latham"s method of metrical nota- tion, 4. Literary culture, true aim of, 133. Longfellow's Dante sonnets, 153, 154. 156. ' Lotos Eaters,' Tennyson's, Spen- serian stanzas of, 132. Lowell, J. R., quoted on the alex- andrine of Spenser's stanza, 93, 94; on the pictorial character of the ' Faerie Queene,* loi. ' Lycidas,' Milton's, epilogue of, an ottava rima, 91, 92. Macaulay, T. B., quoted on Milton's sonnets, 172. '30 INDEX. Marlowe, Christopher, his blank verse, 189-191. Masson, David, quotation from his essay on ' Drvden and the litera- ture o( the Restoration,' 107 ; note W. 154- ' Maurice, To the Rev. F. D.,' Ten- nyson's, its stanza, 84, 85. Melody, the fusing agency of a verse, 4 ; examples of, 5-8 ; consonantal, 9-18. Metre.effects produced by variations of. 32-34. Michelangelo, referred to as a son- neteer, 144. 147. Milton, John, Dr. Johnson's stric- tures upon his blank verse, 35-40; his use of exceptional feet, 44-46; perfection of his verse due some- what to his blindness, 46 ; epilogue to his ' Lycidas,' an otlava rttna stanza, 91, 92; the sunza of ode ' On the morning of Christ's nativ- ity,' 136, 137 ; of his elegy ' On the death of a fair infant,' 138 ; son- nets: 'To Cyriac Skinner,' 151; ' When the assault was intended to the city," 154, 155 ; ' On his be- ing arrived at the age of twenty- three,' 157 ; * On the Lord General Fairfax at the siege of Colchester," 166, 167; 'To Mr. Lawrence,' 169, 170; * To the Lord General Crom- well, May, 165a,' 171; eulogy on the I .'ird General Fairfax, 166, 167 ; his bl.mk verse, 193-2^0 ; its two grand features, 193; the variety of its pauses, 194. 195; examples of the several kinds of pauses or stops, 196-aio ; examples of verse groups (mm the Paradise Ix)St,' aia-ai8. ' Monk's Tale,' Chaucer's, example of kianza of, 9a, 93. Monosyllabic words, their use in ex- pressing strong passion, 43 ; ref- erences to illustrative passages in Shakespeare's Flays, 43. ' My Sister's Sleep,' D. G. Rossetti's, stanza of, 70. ' Ode on the Passions,' Collins's, a good rhyme study, 23-25. ' Ode to a Skylark,' Shelley's, stanza of, 139-141. Ottava rima, used in Fairfax's I I asso, 90, 91 ; m epilogue to Milton's 'Lycidas,' 91, 92; in Byron's ' Don Juan," ' Beppo,' ' Morgante Maggiore," and ' Vis- ion of Judgment," 92. ' Palace of Art,' Tennyson's, its stanza, 81-84. Pattison, Mark, quoted on Milton's sonnets, 171, 172; on the normal type of the sonnet, 174, 175; on Milton's distinction in the history of the sonnet, 183-185. Petrarch, referred to as a sonneteer, 144, 147. Pictorial adaptedness of the stanza of Tennyson's ' Palace of Art,' 80- 83; of Spenser's stanza, 100-106. Po|>e, Alexander, quoted on picto- rial character of the ' Faerie Queene,' loi ; an alexandrine verse of, 138. Prior, Matthew, stanza of his ' Ode on the battle of Ramillics,' 139; Dr. Johnson's opinion of it, 139. ' Purple Island,' Phineas Fletcher's, stanza of, 134, 135. Reading, a condition of good, 49. ' Revolt of Islam,' Shelley's, the stanza of, 111-117. Rhyme, a combining agency of the stanza, aa; definition of, aa; ar. INDEX. 231 enforcing agency of the individual verse, 23 ; the emphasis imparted by, illustrated, 23-25 ; Byron's use of double rhymes, in ' Don Juan,' 26-29; Shakespeare's use of, 30, 31; examples of Italian female rhymes, from Ariosto, 99, 100; Warton, Beattie, and Christopher North, quoted on English rhymes, 99, 100. Rhythm, defined, 2. Robertson, Rev. F\ W., quoted, on worldliness, 162. ' Roderick," Southey's, the blank verse of, 222. Rossetti, D. G., stanza of his ' My Sister's Sleep,' 70. Scott, Sir Walter, his ' Don Roder- ick,' 108. Selden's ' Table Talk,' passage from, on verse, 18. Sestet of a sonnet, its function, 158. Shakespeare, examples from, of melody, 5, 8 ; his use of allitera- tion, 14, 15 ; of reiterated rhyme, 30, 31 ; exceptional feet in his verse, 51-56; his Sonnets, 179- 182; blank verse, 191; passages referred to, in his Plays, illustrat- ing the progressive stages of his blank verse, 191, 192. Shelley, P. B., his use of Spenser's stanza, in his ' Laon and Cythna ' and 'Adonais,' 111-120; stanza of his ' Ode to a Skylark,' 139-141 ; blank verse of his 'Alastor; or, the spirit of Solitude,' 222, 223. Shenstone's ' Schoolmistress,' 108. 'Sohrab and Rustum,' Matthew Arnold's, blank verse of, 223, 224. Sonnet, The, treated, 143-185; diffi- culties of its composition, 145, 146 ; its structure, 146; its rhyme schemes, 147; sonnets variously irregular, 158-175. ' Sonnets from the Portuguese,' Mrs. Browning's, 175-179. Southey, Robert, varied metres of his ' Curse of Kehama,' 32 ; the blank verse of his ' Roderick,' 222. Spenser, Edmund, his use of allitera- tion, 13 ; of exceptional feet, 41- 43; his stanza treated, 87-107; examples of his melodious mar- shalling of words, 87, 88; the Italian ottava rima, not the basis of his stanza, 88, 89 ; his indebted- ness to Chaucer for his stanza, 92 ; its pictorial adaptedness, 100- 106; its employment by subse- quent poets, 108-133 '< '*s influence on other modes of stanza struc- ture, 134-142 ; his • Amoretti,' 182, 183. Stanza, defined, 21 (note). Symonds, John Addington, his esti- mate of Marlowe's blank verse, 189 ; quotation from, on the secret of complex and melodious blank verse, 219. Tasso, Fairfax's translation of his ' Jerusalem Delivered,' 90, 91 ; referred to as a sonneteer, 144, 147. Taylor, Sir Henry, quoted on blank verse, 221. Tennyson, Alfred, examples of the melody of his verse, 5, 6, 7 ; his use of alliteration, 16-18 ; exam- ples from his ' Morte d'Arthur' of exceptional feet, 43, 44; from his ' Princess' and ' Idylls of the King," 56-68; the stanzas of 'In Memoriam,' 'The Two Voices," The Palace of Art,' ' The Daisy." and ' To the Rev. F. D. Maurice," 112 mDEX. analyzed, 69-86 ; his use of Spen- sor's suinz.i. 111 ' Luios Eaters," 13a ; blank verse in his ' Princess ' and ' Idylls of the King,' vj\ Thomson, James, his use of Sjjen- scr's stanza, in 'The C;isile of Indolence,' 109-111. TodhuntLT.John, quoted on Shelley's use of Spenser's stanza, iia. Tomlinson, Charles, quoted on the structure of the sonnet, 148; on Wordsworth's sonnets, 151, 152; on sonnet ' To Catherine Words- worth,' 168. Trench, R. C, quoted on the son- net, 144, 145. Triple rhymes, 29, 30. ' Two Voices, The," Tennyson's, its stanza, 78. Unifying action of feeling, i. 2. 140. Variety of measures, examples of, 51-68. ' Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman," alliteration of. 13. Voice, a well-cultivated, required for the appreciation of poetic forms, log. Vowels as an element of melody, 18. Waller, Edmund, Dryden's estimate of his verse, 106, 107. Warton, Thomas, quoted on Spen- ser's stanza, 99; note by, on Mil- ton's sonnet to Cromwell. 171. Watts, Theodore, 'The Sonnet's Voice,' by, 144. 145. Wilson, Prof. John (Christopher North), quoted on English rhymes, loo. Wordsworth, William, varied metres of his ode on ' Intimations of Immortality,' 32-34; sonnets: 'To R. B. Haydon. Esq.,' 152; ' The world is too much with us,' »5S. 156; 'A Poet I he hath put his heart to school,' 159; 'Most sweet it is with un-uplifted eyes," 160; 'Milton,' i6a, 163; 'O Friend ! I know not which way I must look," 163, 164; 'To Cath- erine Wordsworth,' 167, 168; ' Afterthought,' 169 ; ' Thought of a Hriton on the subjugation of Switzeriand,' 173, 174; letter to Alexander Dycc on the sonnet, 164, 165; blank verse of ' Vew Trees,' ' Lines com|x>scd a few miles above Tintem Abbey,* 'Nutting.' 'Michael,' 'The Prel- ude,' and ' The Excursion,' aaa. ADVERTISEMENTS. BOOKS IN HIGHER ENGLISH. Introd. Price Alexander : Introduction to Browning $1.00 Arnold : English Literature l-fiO Bancroft : A Method of English Composition .50 Cook : Sidney's Defense of Poesy 80 Shelley's Defense of Poetry 50 The Art of Poetry 1.12 Newman's Aristotle's Poetics 30 Addison's Criticisms on Paradise Lost 00 Bacon's Advancement of Learning 00 Corson : Primer of English Verse 1.00 Emery : Notes on English Literature 1.00 English Literature Pamphlets : Ancient Mariner, .05 ; First Bunker Hill Address, .10 ; Essay on Lord Clive, .15 ; Second Essay on the Earl of Chatham, .15. 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