A- ii^^ ^ ^^^ o AS _^-- CO r — 33 1 = 33 3 M : ^ 4 ^ 6 M J. 7 ^^ -' 9 g =^ 3 2 S ^ * *iifiTin ii I sllilliil Si I ^ I This book is DUE on the last date stamped below mT^^ ^^^« \i U, NOV 2 7 t^ ^955 001^^ 1IEC4 ^^ €iU<^ REC'D URL-LD OEnS 19B7 Form L-9-lo(/i-10,'2.5 ._ ^ -. /^ AKDREAS: A Legend of St. Andrew EDITED WITH CKITICAL NOTES BY W. M. Baskervill, A.m., Ph.D. (Lips.), Professor of English Language and Literaturk, Vanderbilt University. L BASED ON THE MANUSCRIPT. J ' J J ' J J J J 3 J ) 3 > J J . J > J ','',11 , , > 1 , 1 '',\ y> > ' *'> '>' '',' '\' '". ^' //, '.'>' ' ]''. GINN & COMPANY BOSTON • NEW YORK • CHICAGO • LONDON 6639b Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1885, by \V. M. BABKERMLL, in the OflBce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 313.8 .t» . • ' ' ' ' • -ill « i «. t , '/ ; c' £ ' ' t C,tlCt4C C(|CI €j*t» ,« • .« < « • , „«' c e t c t t , c , , « «' I 1 1 t t « I t t , t I t c J ' I ' ' I « . < TYroCRAPHY BY J. S. CuSHlNC & Cc, BOSTON, U.S.A. Prksswork by Ginn & Co., Boston. U.S.A. 3 0.^ . 1 ■^ TO P Pg itatbers in English, THOMAS R. PRICE AND RICHARD P. WtJLKER. ;i INTRODUCTION. THE poem " Andreas " is preserved in the " Codex Vercel- ^ lensis." In 1832 tliis Codex was discovered by a German It scholar, Dr. Blume, at Vercelli, Italy. Shortly afterward ^'^ the Record Commission of London had tiie Codex tran- scribed, and in 1836 the two most important poems in it, "Andreas" and "Elene," were published, under the editor- ship of Benjamin Thorpe, as Appendix B to Mr. Cooper's report. In 1839 the historian Lappenberg, having procured a copy of this publication, sent it to Jacob Grimm, thus giving him the pleasure of seeing" "Andreas" and "Elene" for the first time. In 1840 Grimm's excellent edition of these poems appeared, which was based entirely on Thorpe's edition. These two editions were soon followed by Kemble's, which appeared in 1843, with a complete English translation. Again, in 1858, "Andreas" was published, and this time it appeared in that monumental work, " Bibliothek der Angel- sachsischen Poesie," which the brilliant (young) scholar, C. W. M. Grein, completed before his untimely death. In one very important respect the present edition differs from all the foregoing, except Thorpe's. It is based directly on the Ms. In 1884 Prof. Richard P. Wiilker of Leipzig made a minute and painstaking collation of the Ms. with the printed text, and as he did this with his own hand, the readings are believed to be thoroughly trustworthy. Soon after his return from Vercelli he sent the present editor Vi INTRODUCTION. (one of his former pupils) this collation, and on it the American edition of tlie poem is based. Grimm's, Grein's, and Kemble's editions have been freely used. The chief canon of criticism followed has been to adhere to the reading of the Ms. wherever it was possible. This has led to a wide divergence from the other editors in several places, and it is hoped that in consequence thereof a better text is here given than has heretofore existed. Till recently "Andreas" was believed to be the work of a poet Cynewulf. Who Cynewulf himself was, scholars are not agreed. Hence it matters little whether the author bore that or some other name. It is, however, of some moment to know that ''next to 'Be6wulf,' 'Andreas' and 'Elene' are the oldest and most instructive productions of Anglo-Saxon poetry."' And it is in their poetry that we get at the real life of our forefathers. In it their stubborn nationality most thoroughly shows itself. " p]ven translations become originals, from the all-pervading Teutonic spirit which was unconsciously preserved in the forms and phrases of heathen poetry."^ CONTENTS. " After the death of Christ the Apostles had divided the whole world among themselves, as scenes of missionary exertion. Matthew had visited the Mermedonians, a race of sorcerers and anthropophagi, who devoured every stranger that landed on their shores. The saint had, like all their victims, been cast into prison together with a nuiltitude of men and women, who appear to belong to his company. According to their custom they had put out his eyes, and given him to drink a potion which reduces man to the level of the beasts, and causes him to feed on grass and hay like the cattle of the field. But from this fate his faith appears to have saved him : he prays to God that he may not lose ^ Jacob Grimm. 2 j. m. Kemble. INTRODUCTION. VU the intellect by which he is enabled to glorify his Creator ; and he receives by a voice from heaven the gracious assur- ance that his prayer is heard, and that 8t. Andrew shall be sent to release hiin from his misery. To this saint a com- mand is now deUvered to set out for Mermedonia, which dangerous undertaking he at first attempts to decline ; but being rebuked by God, he manfully addresses himself to bis journey with a number of selected comrades. At the sea-shore he sees a boat with three rowers, who, being interrogated as to their country, reply that they are from Mermedonia, whither they are about to return. Andrew requests a passage, which they are willing to give, on con- dition of payment. On hearing however that the saint and his companions have no gold and silver, and are servants of Jesus Christ, the strangers agree to take them gratuitously to Mermedonia. The three rowers are in fact Almighty God and two of his angels. During the voyage Andrew is induced to relate various events in the life of his master, for the instruction of the supposed steersman and the edifi- cation of his own comrades. One of these episodes is of importance to the history of the poem. According to St. Andrew, the Jews having demanded a sign of the Saviour and a proof of his divine descent, Jesus performed a great miracle to confound them. On the walls of the temple, to left and right, were carved two images of the Seraphim^: these the Saviour caused to descend from their places, audi endowed them with speech ; he then sent them over the/ desert to the plain of Mamre, where Abraham, Isaac, anq Jacob were buried, commanding them to call the patriarchs from their graves, that they might bear witness to him. This is done, and the reanimatea remains are not dismissed to their repose till they have testified that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Son of the Living God. "A deep sleep falls upon St. Andrew and his comrades; 1 Teraphim ? VUl INTRODUCTION. during which they arc laid upon the shore of Mermedonia, when it is first revealed to them who has been the guide of their journey. Invisible to all eyes, the saint advances to the prison where St. Matthew and his companions languish. On his arrival the guards fall down dead ; sight is restored to the blind apostle, who departs with his whole company, praising (iod. The next day is the one on which, according to their custom, the cannibals assemble to slaughter and eat some of their captives ; they find the prison open, the jailers dead, and their prey escaped. Horror and despair seize upon them : they are reduced to the necessity of choosing a victim from among themselves by lot. The heavy doom falls upon an old man, a principal councillor among them, who to redeem his own life offers his voun"' son for sacrifice. But this awakens the compassion of St. Andrew, who miraculously blunts the weapons that are directed against the youth, and rescues him from death. Wliile the confusion and terror of the Mermedonians are at the highest, a fiend, watchful for opportunities to molest the servants of God, calls attention to the apostle, whom he denounces as the rescuer of St. Matthew and tlie cause of their present trouble. On this the saint is seized and imprisoned, and for several davs grievouslv tormented bv beins; dragged over the rough ways, till the flesh is torn from the bones : in his prison, devils revile and scoff him, but he defeats them by a steadfast faith, and drives them from him in con- fusion. At lengtli his patience gives way under the inten- sity of torture ; he remonstrates with God, praying for speedy death, and is told that his martyrdom is accomplished. He now calls a mighty flood, which sweeps away tlie most active of his tormentors. The rest, stricken with terror, are converted, instructed, and baptized ; and after remaining with them for a season, St. Andrew sets sail and returns to Achaia." — J. M. Kkmble. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 7rpa^«s 'AvSpeov kol MarOatov (first published by Thilo, 1847. Most accessible now in Konst. Tischendorf's "Acta apostolorum apocrypha," Leipzig, 1851). Appendix B to Mr. Cooper's Report (edited by Benjamin Thorpe). 1836. Andreas und Elene. Von Jacob Grimm. 1840. Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis. By J. M. Kemble. 1843. Bibliothek der angelsachsischen Poesie. Von C. W. M. Grein. 1858. Zur Textkritik der angelsachsischen Dichter. C. W. M. Grein in Pfeiffer's Germania, Bd. 10, p. 423. Francisci Dieterichi Commentatio de Cyne-wulfi poetae aetate. Marburger Universitats-schrift. 1859. Das angelsachsische Gedicht Andreas und der Dichter Cynewulf. Arthur Fritsche. Anglia, Bd. 2, 1879. Earle, Ten Brink, and others, discuss "Andreas" in their works on Old-English literature. '»' TRANSLATIONS. Kemble's edition contains a complete translation. Dichtungen der Angelsachsen stabreimend Ubersetzt. C. W. M. Grein. 1859. Vol. II., pp. 1-46. This Bibliography is taken from the " Grundriss zur Geschichte der angelsachsischen Litteratur." By Prof. R. P- Wiilker. Leipzig, 1885. pp. 187-189. AIv^DREAS : A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. -<>o5»;o«- I. Matthew's Lot. HW^T ! w6 gefrnnan on fyrndagum twelfe under tunglum tirdadige haeleS, ]j6odnes |'eguas : nd hira J'rym Aheg campr^denne, jionne cumbol hnfiotan, 5 sy^San hie ged^ldon, sw^ him dryhten sylf, heofona hfeahcyning, hlyt gettehte. pset wiSeron in^re men ofer eorSan, frome folctogan and fyrdhwate, r6fe rincas, ponne rond ond hand 10 on herefelda hehn ealgodon, on meotudwange. Wa;s hira Matheus sum, Abbreviations. — Gm. = Grimm. Gn. = Grein. Ettm. = Ettmiiller. K. = Kemble. Mb. = Manuscript. I. Gm. and K. gefrunon. Here, as often elsewhere, Grimm gives the Ms. reading in a footnote, though he changes the word in the text. 4. Ms. camraedenne ; K. hneoton, ^ Gn. hneotan, Gm. and -Gn. hneotan, Ms. hneotan. 5. Gm. and K- siffffan. 6. Ms. lyt. 7. Ms. f. 8. Ms. 7 = ond, and so generally in this poem. II. Ms. waes, matheus. All proper names in the Ms. begin with a small letter. Capitals are seldom found in the Ms. 2 ANDREAS : 86 mid Indium ongan godspell ^rest wordum writau wundorcra^fte ; ]>km hdlig god hlyt get^ode 15 flt on \>sst igland, ]>6^r a,Miig ]>k git elll'fiodigra dSles ne mihte blades brtican. Oft him bonena hand on herefelda hearde gescfiode. Eal waes )'jet mearcland mortSre bewunden 20 fSondes f^cne, folcstede guraena, haeleSa 68et hie ^ghwylcue ellj'^odigra dydan him id m6se metet'earfendum, j'dra )'e past fiaUind ft tan s6hte. Swylc waes paes folces freoSoldas t^cen, 30 unl^dra eafo(5, J^aet hie 6agena gesihS, hettend heorogrimme, h^afodgirame dg^ton gealgm6de gdra ordum. SyfiiSan him geblendan bitere tOsomne dryas )>urh dwolcra?ft drync unhfiorne, 35 s6 onwende gewit, wera iugepauc 12. iudeum, Ms. Gn., Gm., Zupitza, and others, print J for /before vowi'ls. After ^rest rasure. 18. Ms. and Gn. gesceode, (Jm. and K. gesceod. 23. Ms. brucouue, Gm., Gn., and K. brucauue. 7 fel upon a rasure. 25. geon- upon a rasure. 27. Gm. and K. dydon. 31. Ms. betted. 32. Ms. &geton, Gm. and K. ftguton, Gn. Sgeton. 33. Gni. and K. siifriCaii ; Ms. g(>bIondHii, (iin. and K. geblendon, Gn. geblcoiidan. 34. d in drync defaced though legible. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 3 heortan hreSre ; hyge wses oncyrred, ]>sst hie ne murndon sefter mandrfiame, haeleS heorogri^dige, ac hie hlg oud gaers for metelfiaste m68e gedrehte. II. Blinded and Cast into Prison. — His Prayer. 40 pA waes Matheus td \>&re m^ran byrig cumen in ]>^ ceastre. p^r wses cirm micel geond Mermedouia, m^nfulra hl6S, ford^nera gedrseg, sy66an dSofles J'egn geascodon se^elinges sit5. 45 ^odon him ]>^ t6g6nes gdrum gehyrsted lungre under linde, nalas late w&rou eorre aesebereud to pkm orlege. Hie ]>Am hdlgan ])^r handa gebundon ond fsestuodon f Sondes craefte, 50 hseleS hellfftse, ond his hSafdes segl abrSoton mid billes ecge. HwseSre M in br^ostura pk git herede in heortan heofonrices weard, f^ah ]>e h6 dtres drync atulne onfenge ; 6adig ond onmdd hfi mid elne forS 36. he in heortan defaced though legible. 37. Gn. murndan. 39. Gm., iGn., and K. gedrehte; ^Qn. gedrehte. See Cook's Sievers' Grammar of Old English, § 407, h. 43. Gm., Gn., and K. siffffan. After J>egn a page of the Ms. has been cut out, "But neither in the context nor in the Greek original is anything missing." Grein ; Gm. and K. leave a vacant space. 46. Gm., Gn., and K. nalaes. 61. Gm. and K. abruton, Ms. and Gn. (text) abreoton (= abreot^ ton, cf. Lye), Gn. (Gloss.) abreoton; J>a git discolored and defaced, though legible. 54. Gm. and K. &iimQd. 4 ANDREAS : 55 wyi-Sode wordum wuldres aldor, heofoniices weard, lidlgan stefne of carcerne. Him waes Cristes lof on fyrhSlocan faeste bewunden. H^ ]>& wdpende weregum tearum 60 his sigedryhten sdrgan reorde gr6tte, gumena brego, gf'omran stefne weoruda wilgeofan, cud pus wordum cwaetS : " HA m6 el}'6odige inwitwrdsne, searonet, sfiocSa^ ! d ic s^'mles waes 65 on wega gehwdm willan pines georn on m6de ; nft purh geohSa sceal d^de fremman, swd \)§i dumban n^at ! pd dna canst ealra gehygdo, meotud mancynues,m6d in lireSre. 70 Gif pin willa sie, wuldres aldor, pset m6 w&rlogan w&pna ecgum, sweordum,&swebban, ic b6o s6ua gearu t6 &dr6oganne pset pft, drihten min, engla Sadgifa, 68ell6asum, 75 dugetia d^dfruma, d^man wille. Forgif m6 t6 dre, aelmihtig god, 16oht on pissum life, py \&s ic lungre scyle, ftblended in burgura sefter billhete, purh hearmcwide heorugr^digra, 80 iat5ra l^odsceatSena, leng prdwian edwitspr&ce. Ic t6 dnum p6, middangeardes weard, m6d sta^olige, 64. Ms and ^Gn. seoffaff, Gm., 'Gn., and K. eeo'waff ; Gm. and K. slmles. 67. Gm. and K. d&da. 71. / erased after o in waerlogan, Ms. w^sepna, Gm. •wftfua, Gn. gives as Ms. wSbtna, tliou^h he places ^v&pna in the text. 73. Gm. and K. dryhtea. 80. Gn. >reowlan. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 5 faeste fyrhSlufau ond )'^, faeder engla, beorht bl&dgifa, biddau wille, 85 jiaet ]>ti m& ne gescyrige mid scildhetum, werigum wr6htsmiSum, on pone wyrrestan, dugoSa dfimend, d6a5 ofer eort5an." III. The Answer. — Public Meeting of the Cannibals. ^fter jjyssum wordum c6m wuldres t^cen h^lig of heofenum, swylce hMre segl, 90 t6 ]>km carcerne ; f^r gecySed wearS, faet hdlig god helpe gefremede. pk wearS gehyred heofoncyninges stefn wraetlic under wolcnum. wordhldoSres sw6g m^res j'^odnes ; M his magul'egne 95 under heannloean h^lo ond frdfre beadurdfum db^ad beorlitan stefne : "Ic ])6, Matheus, mine sylle sybbe under swegle. Ne b^o ])A on sefan t6 forht, ne on m6de ne murn. Ic ffi mid wunige 100 ond p6 dlyse of Jjyssum leoSubendum, ond ealle ]>§i menigo fe }'6 mid wuniaS on nearon^dum. p6 is ueorxna wang, bl^da beorhtost, boldwela fsegrost, hdma hyhtlicost, hdlegum mihtum 105 torht ontyned ; f^r pti tires m6st 85. Gn. -h&tum ? Gr. (footnote). 87. The corner edge of fol. 30 of the Ms. is gone, though the text is not damaged. 89. Gm., Gn., and K. saegl. 93. Gm. ^vord hleoffres, while sweg begins 1. 94. 99. Ms. ne ne murn. 101. Second J»e above the line by like band. 106. Ms. tires; Gn. and Gm. give as Ms. reading tyres. ANDREAS: t6 widan feoro willan brftcan. Gepola ))tHxla j'rCa ; nis seo |a-ah micel, ))aet ]>^ Wc^rlogan witebendum synne jnirh searocraeft swencan mOtan. 110 Ic ]>^ Andreas aedre onsende t6 hl6o ond t6 hr6Sre in ]>ks h^Senan burg. H6 ]>6 aiyseS of j^yssum l^odhete. Is t6 ])^re tide ta4met hwile emne mid s66e seofon ond twentig 115 nihtgerimes, fset pft of n6de m6st, sorgum geswenced, sigore gewyrSod, hweorfest of h^nSum in gehyld godes." Gewdt him ]>& se hdlga helm aelwihta, engla scyppend, t6 J^dm upliean 120 6tSelrice, — h6 is on riht eyeing, staSolfaest styrend in stOwa geiiwdm. pk waes INIatheus mickim onbiyrded niwan stefne. Nihthehu tdgl^d, lungre leorde, l^oht aefter c6m, 125 daegrfedwdma. DuguS samnade, h^Sne hildfrecan, h^apum j^rungon (gftSsearo gullon, gAras hrysedon) bolgenm6de under bordhrfioSan. "Woldon cunnian,hwaj6er cwice lifdou 130 fd \>e on carcerne clommum faiste hl6ol6asan wlc hwile wunedon, 109. Gm. and K. moton. 112. Gm. and K. Jjissiiin ; Gm. ftlysed, misprint? 116. 2Gn. aftir gewyrffod (sr. wesan). 118. Ms. ge him, Gm. and K. gewfit, Gn. ge[wat]. 119. Gm. and K. scippend. 120. Ms. effelrlce and a character that resembles 7. though it may be s. Gn. "effel rices, Ms.; effel uninflictod dative? effelrice, Edd."; Gn. "onriht, on riht, Edd." Gm. and K. effelrice. 122. Ms. DA. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. hw3'lcne hie id tete ^rest mihton aefter fyrstmearce feores ber^dan. Hsefdoii hie on rtine oud on rimcraefte 135 dwriten wiielgiifedige wera endestaef, hwffinne hie t6 m6se metepearfendum on ]>&re werj'^ode weorSan sceoldon. Cirmdon caldheorte, corSor 6Srum getang, r6Se r&sboran ; rihtes ne gimdon 140 meotudes mildse ; oft hh-a m6d onw6d under dimscftan dfiofles Mrum, })onne hie unh^dra eafeSuin gelyfdon. Hie ]>& gemfitton m6des gl^awne hMigne haele under heolstorlocan 145 bidan beadur6fne,hwaes him beorht c3-niug, engla ordfruma, unnan wolde. pa waes first dgdn frunu-ifedenne J)inggeraearces bfttan prim nihtum, swA hit wa^lwulfas ^writen hoe f don, 150 })aet hie bdnhringas ^brecan pdhton, lungre t61vsan lie and sdwle ond )7onne t6d^lan dugut5e ond geogoSe werum t6 wiste ond t6 wilpege f^ges fl^schoman. Feorh ne bemurndan 155 gr&dige gftt$rincas, hfl Ipses g&stes si6 aefter swyltcwale geseted wurde ! Sw4 hie symble yrab {ritig \>mg geh^don 133. Gm. and K. firstmearce. 136. Gm. mete J>earfenduin. 138. Gm., Gn., and K. corSer. 139. Gm. and K. gymdon. 142. Ms. and Gm. eaueSum, Gn. and K. eafeS'uin. 146. Ms. waes; Gm., Gn., and K. hwaes. 148. Ms., between J>ingge and mearces, gap without rasiire. 164. Gm. and K. bemurndon. 167. Gm. and K. simble; K. gehegdon; Ms. gehedon. 8 ANDREAS: uihtgerimes : waes him lu'od micel, piet hie tobnigdoii bl6digain eeatlum 160 lira ti^schoiuau him t6 fdcldorpege. IV. Andrew Sent to the Rescue. — His Excuses AND God's Answers. pA waes gemyndig s6 ))e middangeard gestaftelode strangum mihtum, hft he iu elll'fiodigiim yrmSum wunode, belocen leo?>ubeudum, |)e of his lufan adr6g 1G5 for Ebr^um ond Israht'lum, swyice M Jud^a galdorcritftum wi(Sst6d stranglk-e. pA. sic stefn geweai-S < geh^red of heofenum, p&r se hdlga wer in Achaia, Andreas, waes. 170 L6ode l^rde on lifes weg. pa him cirebaldum cininga wnldor, raeotud mancynnes. mAdhord onl(!'ac, weoruda drihteu ond )>us wordum ewaeS : " pft scealt feran ond friiS hedan, 175 st(Se gesf'can, juer sylfietan eard weardigaft, ^'?iel healdaS morSorcrivftum. .Sw^ is ]>&re menigo |)6aw, })8et hie nncfttSra &ngum ne willaS on ]>km fok'stede feores geunnau, 180 sytSt5an nidnfulle on Mennedonia 163. Gm., Gn., and K. -wiinado. 164. Gm. and K. s'ldredg, Ms. adreg. Of. Cook's Sievers' Old English Grammar, § 386, N. 2. 171. Gm., Gn., and K. oyniiiga. 173. Gm. and K. dryhteu. 180. Gm., Gn., and K. slffffttn. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 9 onfindaiS ffiasceaftne ; ]>&r sceall feorhgedftl earmlic ylda cwealm aefter wyrcSan. p^r ic seomian wdt j'inue sigebi'6(Sor mid J'dm l)urgwai-um l)endura fsestne. 185 NA biS fore ]n-^o niht, pset h6 on Jj&re J)6ode sceal fore h^^enra haudgewiune I'urh gdres gripe gdst onsendan el'.orffisne, bfttan |'ft ^r cvme." ^'Edi-e him Andreas agef andsware : 190 " Hfl moeg ic, dryhten rain, ofer d^op gelM fdre gefremman on feorne weg swA hraedlice, heofona seyppend, wnldres waldeud, swi ]>t worde becwist? paet maeg engel pin SaS geferau 195 of heofenum, con him holma begang, sealte st^str^amas ond swanrMe, waroSfaru(>a gewinn ond wseterbrdgan, wegas ofer wid land. Ne synt m& winas cftcSe eorlas elp^odige, ne ]'^r ^niges w^it 200 haeleSa gehygdo, ne m6 herestrieta ofer cald waeter eftSe sindon." Him ]>ii ondswarude ^ce dryhten : " flaia Andreas ! paet ]>t & woldest paes siSfaetes Sc^ne weorSan ! 205 Nis paet nneaSe eallwealdan gode 16 gefremmanne on foldwege, paet slo ceaster hider on pas cn^orisse 181. Gm., Gn., and K. sceal. 191. Gm. fore. 192. Gm. and K. seippend. 196. Ms. s ealte saestearmas, after s rasure of one letter; Gm., Gn., and K. -strednias. 198. -'Gn. widland; Gm. and K. sint. 203. Gn. Ed la. 205. K. ealvrealdan. 10 ANDREAS: under swegles gang dsetcd wyrSe, breogostdl brCme mid )>dm burgwarum, 210 gif Lit woide ])ecwi5 wuldres figend. Ne meaht J»ft )'tes si8fietes s&ne weorSan ne on gewitte t6 wdc, gif ]>ti wel pencest wis })inne waldend wy^re gehealdan, tr^owe tdcen. B<^o J>ft on tid gearu ; 215 ne maeg \>ses ^rendes ylding wyrSan. pA scealt ]>h f6re geffiran, ond fin feorh beran in gramva gripe, j'Jt'r pd gASgewinn J)urh hseSenra hildewdman, beorna beaducneft, geboden wyrSetS. 220 ScealtA ^ninga mid ^rdsege emne td morgene aet meres ende c6ol gestigau ond on eald waeter brecan ofer baeSweg. Hafa bletsunge ofer middangeard mine, ]>&i' J'ft f^re." 225 Gewdt him ]'& se hfilga healdend cud wealdend, upengla fruma, 66el sficau, middangeardes weard |'one m&rau hdm, J>^r s6Sfaestra s^wla mOton sefter lices hryre lifes br(ican. V. Andrew goes to the Shashore. — God with Two Angels Awaiting Hm. — Their Con- versation. 230 pA wfes iSferende aeSelum cempan dbodeu in burgum ; ne waes him blfiaS hyge, 210. Gm. agen9, misprint ? 213. Gm. and K. wealdend. 216. Gm. and K. fore. 219. Gn. and K. wjTffeiff, Ms. and Gm. wyrdeff. 227. Ms. weard. 230. ' Gn. eeiupuin, '^Gn. cempan. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 11 ah hS waes dnr^d ellenweorces, heard ond higerdf, nalas hildlata, gearo gftSe, fram td godes campe. 235 Gewdt him J^a on uhtan mid ^rdaege ofer sandhleoSu tO sees faruSe Jiriste on gepance ond his J^egnas mid gangan on gr^ote ; g^rsecg lilynede, bfeoton brimstr^amas. Se beorn waes on hyhte, 240 sySSan hS on waruSe widfse^me scip mddig gem^tte. p^ c6m morgen torht b6acna beorhtost ofer breomo sueowan, h^Ug of heolstre ; heofoncaudel bl^c ofer lagofl6das. H6 ]J8er hdweardas 245 })rymlice ]n-y })egnas geseah, mddiglice menn, on merebdte sittan siSfrome, swylce Me ofer s^ c6mon. pset waes dx'ihten sylf, dugeSa wealdend, See aelmihtig, mid his englum twt\m. 250 "VV^ron hie on gescirplan scipffirendum, eorlas oulice 6aliSendnm, f onne hie on flddes faeSm ofer feorne weg on cald waeter cfiohim l^caS. Hie ]>& gegrfitte s& ]>e on grfiote st6d 255 ths on faroSe, fraegn, reordade : '■ Hwanon coraon g6 c^olum liSan, m^cneftige menn, on merej^issan 233. Gm. and K. hyge-; Gn. and K. nalses. 234. K. compe. 240. Gra. and K. siffffan. 242. K. bearhtost. 243. 1 Gn. blac, ^ Gn. " no comma, for blac is a verb." 245. K. gesceawode, Gm. and Gn. geseah. There is no gap in the Ms., but this or some other word of like meaning was omitted by the scribe. 248. Gm. and K. dryhten. 255. Gn. fraegn interrogationem 1 Gm. and K. consider it a verb. 12 ANDREAS: ane i^gflotan ? hwanon oagorstr^am ofer 5^a gowcalc eowic brolite? " 2G0 Ilim j'^ ondswarode ffilmiliti god, svfX jnet ne wiste, se ))C jn^s wordes bM, hwitt se manua wees meSelhegendra, ])e M |n1er on waro8e wifijnngode : '• W6 of Marmedouia ma&gSe syndon 265 feorrau geferede ; Cls mid flAde baer on hrani-ade hOahstefn naca, snellic silfemearli snftde bewunden, dSpaet w6 I'issa Ifioda land gesdhtoii waere bewreceue, swfi. fts wind fordrM." 270 Him p^ Andreas 6a?Jm6d oncwaeS : " Wolde ic ))6 biddan, ])6h ic ])6 bSaga lyt sincweor6unga syllan meahte, )>8et ]>ti As gebrdhte brante c^ole. h6a hornscipe ofer hwseles 6(Sel 275 on ]rSire mi^giSe ; biS );6 meorS wi^i god, paet I'ft fts on Idde lifte weorSe." Eft him ondswarode a?Selinga helm of ySlide, eugla scippend : " Ne magon jj^r gewunian wtdffirende, 280 ne p^r ell'^odigo eardes brficat5, ah in J'&re ceastre cwealm pr^wiaS, ]>k ]>e feorran pyder feorh gelifedaft ; ond \>ti wilnast nft ofer wtdne mere, paet \>ti on yk f^g-fie ptne f eore spilde ? " 260. Gm., Gn., and K. selmihtig 261. Gm. and K. se, Ms. and Gn. se ffe. 262. Gm. and 'Gn. -hegendra, -Gn. and K. -hegendra. 2G.3. K. >a; Gn. wiff J>iugocle. 268. Ms. >i89. 271. Ms. Ic >e ''"»dan j,gjj ^^. Qj,^ jj„j K. J>e6h. 275. Gm. and K. hyS 282. Gm. J»ider, K. >iiflfer. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 13 285 Him ]>& Andreas dgef ondsware : " t)^sic lust liweteS on yk Ifiodmeaice, mycel m6des hiht to jwre m«ran byrig, }i6oden leofesta, gif j'A fts J'ine wilt on merefaroSe miltse gecy8an." 290 Him oudswarode engla p^oden, neregend fira, of nacan stefne : ' ' We y& 6stlice mid tm lande, )'^r j)e lust myneS 295 t6 gesficanne, syS^iau g^ Sowre gafulrijfedenne agifen habbaft, sceattas gescrifeue, swd ^ow scipweardas, dras, ofer ySbord unnan willaS." VI. Dialogue Between Andrew and God. — Continued. Him pA 6fstl}ce Andreas wiS, 300 wine J^earfende, wordum m^lde : " Nifibbe ic fcieced gold ne feohgestr^on, welan ne wiste, ne wira gespann, landes ne locenra b^aga, paet ic p6 maege lust ^hwettan willan in worulde, sw^ ]>ti worde becwist." 305 Him fd beorna breogo, \>^r M on bolcan saet, 285. Gni. and Gn. as Ms. ages. 286. K. hwfeteS. 287. ,Gm., Gn., and K. mlcel; Gm. and K. hyht; K. >^rre. 288. Ms. ffus, Gm., Gn., and K. ]>u us. 295. Gm. and K. siffffan. 298. 2Gn. ara. 300. Gn. wlnej>earfende. 30L Ms. faecedgold, Gm. f&tedgold, Gn. ffeted gold, K. faeted- gold. 14 ANDREAS: ofer waro^a geweorp wie t6 frdfre on faroSstr^te hldfes wiste ne hlutterne drync t6 dug0(5e? Is se drohtac^ Strang fdm ]'e lagoldde lange cunuaS." 315 pd him Andreas |»urh oudsware wis on gewitte wordhord onldac : " Ne gedafena^ })6, nti J'6 dryhten geaf welan ond wiste ond woruldspfide, \)set pft ondsware raid oferhygdum, 320 s6ce s^rcwide ; selre bi6 aighw^m paet h6 ^aSm^diim ellorfAsue onendwe cfttilico, swd j'ffit Crist bcl)6ad, jj^oden J'rynifffist. W6 his J'egnas synd gecoren t6 cempum. H6 is cyniug on riht 325 wealdend ond wyrhta wuldor|'rymmes, dn 6cc god eallra gesceafta, swd h6 ealle beft'hS Anes cr«fte ' hefon ond eorftan hdlgum mihtum, sigora siMost. H6 pait sylfa cwteS, 330 faeder folca gehwties, ond fts f6ran h6t geond ginne grund gftsta strfionan : ' FaraS nd geond ealle eortSan sceattas 309. Ms. beda'leS'. After this .word a small hole in the parchment. 312. Ms. hlutterne. ^ 320. Gm. and K. byff, On. byU. 323. Ms. we Is; Gm. and K. siiul. 328. Gm., Gn., and K. heofon, Ms. hefon. Cf. Beowulf, 1572, of hefene. 3.32. Ms. sceattas. Tho r is a correction from t. Gm., Gn., and K. sce^tas, Gn. as Ms. steatas. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 15 emne sw^ wide swd waster bebt fis t6 dugutSum ged6n wille." Him ))& ondswarode ece dryhten : " Gif ge syndou ])egnas paes pe J'rym khOi 345 ofer middangeard, sw^ gfi me secgaS, ond g6 gehfioldon ))8et ^ow se hillga bSad, ]>onne ic 6ow mid gefean ferian wille ofer brimstrfeamas, sw^ g6 benan sint." pa. in cfiol stigon colleufyrhSe, 350 ellenrdfe ; teghwylcum wearS on merefaroSe m6d geblissod. pd ofer \'8a geswing Andreas ongann mereliSendum miltsa biddan wuldres aldor, ond )'us wordum cwaeS : 355 " Forgife ]>& dryhten d6mweor6unga, willan in worulde ond in wuldre bl^d meotud manncynnes, swS, ]>ti m6 hafast on ])yssum siSfaete sibbe gecySed I 337. Ms. ffurfan, Gm. and K. durfon, Gm. as Ms. durfan. 342. Ms. dugudum. 344. Gm. and K. sindon. 352. Ms. DA. 354. Before 7 >us a defect in the parchment. Ms. cwaeff, Gm. and Gn. as Ms. cwaed. 356. Gm., Gn., and K. on worulde. 358. Gm. and K. J>issum; Gn. sybbe. 16 ANDREAS: VII. The Voyage. — Stoem at Sea. Gesaet him ]»d se hfilga holmwearde n^-ah A 360 aeftele be teftelum. ^*^fie ic ne hyrde jion cymlicor c6ol gehladenne heahgestr^ouuin. Haeleb insaetou, })eoduas I'rymfuUe, pegnas wlitige. pd reordode rice Jj^oden, 365 6ce aelmihtig, heht his engel gdn m^M'iie magii|'egn oud mete syllan, fWfran ft'asceaftnc ol'er flOdes wylni, I'ivt hie I'c ^aiS mihton ofer y(Sa ge|'ring drohtaS AdrC'ogan. pk gedr^fed wear8, 370 onhr^red hwjehnere ; hornfisc plegode, gldd geond gdrsecg, ond se gra&ga ra^w waelgifre wand ; wedercandel swearo, windas wSoxon, w^gas grundon, str^amas styredon, strengas guiTon, 375 w^do gewaette ; wjetoregsa st6d jirfiata J'rycSura. pegnas wurdon dcohndde ; ;enig ne w(5nde, I'ict he hfgende land begSte, j'dra J»e mid Andreas on 6agorstr6am 380 c^ol ges6hte. Nyes him cftft I'd gyt, hwft |)am sa'flotan sund wisode. Him I'd se hdlga on holmwege ofer firgel)lond Andreas j'd git, j'egn ))6odenhold, pane gessiegde 385 ricuni r&sboran, |'ft he gereordod waes. " p6 )'issa sw&seuda sOSfaest meotud 361. Before J>on 7 erased. 362. Gn. In s*ton. 367. Gn. foAsceafte. .368. Gn. hi. 384. Ms. ami ' Gn. >eodeii hald, Gm., and K. >e6dne, '^ Gn. >e6deii- A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 17 lifes l^ohtfruma 16an forgikle, weoruda waidend, ond j'e wist gife heofoulicue hlaf, swft pti hyldo wi6 mS 390 ofer firigendstr^am freode gec^'ftdest ! NA S3^ut gejn-eade j'egnas mine, geouge gfiftrincas ; garsecg hlymnieS, geofon gfeoteude ; grund is onhr^red, d^ope gedrefed ; duguS is geswenced, 395 mddigra im^gen miclum gebysgod." Him of holme oncwfeS hiieleSa scyppend : " Liet nfi geferian flotau ftserue lid to lande ofer lagufaesten, ond jjouue gebidan beornas l)ine 400 &ras on earde, hwaenne ]>ft eft cyme." Edre him \>A eorlas ^g^fon ondsware, peguas prohthearde ; pafigan ne woldon, paet hie foiieton aet lides stefnan leofne liircow ond him land curon : 405 " Hwider hweorfaS we hU\fordl6ase, geomormOde, gode orfeorme, synnnm wunde, gif we swicaS \>&? W§ bio6 laSe on landa gehw^m, f oleum fracoSe, jjonue fira beam 410 ellenr6fe aeht besittaS, hwylc hira s6lost symle geUeste hiaforde ast hilde, ponne hand ond rond 389. Ms. heofonlicne, Gm. and Gn. as Ms. -lice. 390. Gm. and K> firigenstredni. 391. Gm. and K. sint. 393. Gn. and K. geofon, Ms. and Gm. heofon. 394. Ms. dugud. 395. Gm. and K. niicliini. 396. Gn. (foot-note) of helme ? Gm. and K. sclppeod. 401. Gn. agefan, Gm. as Ms. agefan. 410. Gm. seht, Gn. and K. aeht. 411. K. selast; Gm. and K. simle. 18 ANDKEAS : on beadiiwange billum forgrunden aet niSplegan nearu J'rdwedon." VIII. Voyage Continued. — God and His Two Disciples Encourage Andrew. 415 p& roordade rtce pt'oden w^rfffist cining word stunde dh6f : " Gif \>f\ )'egn sie prymsittendes wuldorcyninges sw^ ]>(\ worde becwist rece }'& gervnu, h(l h6 reordberend 420 l^rde under lyfte. Lang is j'es siSfaet ofer fealuwne fl6d : fref ra ]'tne mtccgas on m6de. Mycel is nt\. gena \M ofer higustreara, land svviSe feorr t6 ges^'canne ; sand is geblonden, 425 grund wi6 grdotc. God ^aSe raseg heaSoliSendum helpc gefrcmman." Ongan l)fi glfiawlice gingran sine wuldorsp6dige weras wordum trymman : "Ge )'fet gehogodon, J»d g6 on holm stigon, 430 \>xt gd on f^ra folc fcovh geb'eddon ond for dryhtnes In fan d6a6 ]»r6wodoa on ^Imyrcna eSelrice, 413. Ms. foresrnnden. 410. Gm., Gn., and K. oyning. 419. Ms. Rti€. 420. Ms. and Gn. >es, Gm. and K. )>eos. 422. Gm. and K. micel. 423. Ms. feorr, K. feor; Gm. UfS. 424. Gn. siind, Ms., Gm., and K. sand. 425. Gn. (foot-note) grand ? 42''i. (ini. heado-. 430. Ms. >. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 19 s^wle gesealclon. Ic ])?et sylfa wM, J'jfit fts geseyldeS scyppeud engla, 435 weoruda dryhten. Wseteregesa sceal gej'yd oud gejn'fiatod jmrh J'ryScining lagu Idcende 116 ra wyrSan, Swa gestelde iu, ]>set w6 on s^bdte ofer warufSgewinn wseda cunnedan 440 faroSridende : fr^cne Jifihton egle 6alMa ; dagorstr^amas b^oton bordstseSu ; brim oft oncwaeS y'S 6tierre. Hwllum upp^stdd of brimes b6sme on bdtes fse'Sm 445 egesa ofer ySlid. iElmihtig j'ttr, meotud mancynues, on merej^yssan beorht b^snode. Beornas wurdon forhte on m6de ; friSes wilnedon, miltsa 16 mi'^rum. p^ s6o menigo ongan 450 clypian on cSole ; cyning s6ua arfis, engla ^adgifa ; y'Sum stilde, waeteres waelmum ; windas preade ; s^ sessade, smylte wurdon merestrSama gemeotu. pi ftre ra6d ahl6h, 455 sySt5an w6 ges^gon under swegies gang 433. After sylfa a letter erased. 434. Gm. and K. gescildeff scippend. 436. Gm., Gn., and K. -cyning. 437. On o in lacende a yellow spot, though a is legible. 438. K. >at. Misprint ? 439. Ms. ■weeda cunnedan ; Gn. and K. wada, Gm. and K. cun- nedon. 440. Gm. faroffriafende. 442. K. eft, 2 Gn. brun. ' 445. Gm. yffliff, Ms. and Thorpe -lid, Gn. as Ms. ISff. 446. Gm. and K. mancynnes. 462. Ms. windas, Gm. \vindes, Gn. as Ms. wiudes. 453. Ms. saes essade. 20 . ANDREAS : windas ond w.^gas ond \v;t'terbr6gan forhte gewordne for fr6au egesan. Foipan ic 6ow t6 s65e secgan wille, \>set n^fre forh^te(S lifgende god 460 eorl on eorSan, gif his elleu d6ah." 8w^ hl6o6rode hftlig cempa )'Sawura gepaucul, l^egnas Iti&rde eadig oreta, eorlas trymede, 6S})aet hie semniiiga sUtp ofereode 465 m66e be maeste. Mere sweoSerade, ySa ongin eft oucyrde, hrdoh holmpraeu. pA pdm hillgan weart5 £efter gryrehwile gAst geblissod. IX. The Voyage Continued. — Dialogue Be- tween God and Andrew. Ongan ]>k reordigaii n'eduni snottor, 470 wis on gewitte wordlocan onspfionn : " N^fre ic sifelidan s^lran mfitte, m^erffiftigran, ]>seH pe m6 ])ynee6, rOwend rdfran, ra?dsnotterran, wordes wisran. Ic wille )'6, 475 eorl unforcM, dnre nd gSna b6ne biddan ; )'6ah ic )'6 b^aga l^'t, sincweoi'^unga, syllan mihte, faetedsinces. Wolde ic frf'ondscipe, ))6oden )n'yraf3est, j^inne, gif ic mehte, 458. Ms. to soffe, Gm., Gn., and K. omit t6. 469. Ms. ©gan. 472. A blot on n in J»ynceff. 473. Gm., Gn., and K. rorcnrt, Ms. ro^veiid. 478. Between freond and soipe eitlier blot or rasure. 479. Ms. mehte, Gm., Gn., and K. lulhte. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 21 480 begitau g6due. paes pA gife hlfeotest Mligue hyht on heofonjn-ymme, gif J'ft lidwfirigum 14rna pinra 6st wyrSest. Wolde ic ^nes td ))6, cyner6f hseleft, craeftes n^osau ; 485 Jjaet ]>t me get&hte, nt ])6 tlr cyning oud inilit forgef, manna scyppend, hil |;ft wiegflotan woere bestfimdon, s^hengeste suud wisige. Ic wses on gifeSe in and nft 490 syxtyne siSum on si%b^te mere hrfirendum, mundum frfiorig, 6agorstr6amas : is J^ys ^ne mCi, swi ic ^fre ne geseah ^nigne mann, ])rySbeavn hjelet5, p6 gelicne 495 st^oran ofer staefnan. Strfiamwelm hwileS, bfeataS brim sta?6o ; is })es bM fulscrid, faereS fdmigheals, fugole gelicost glideb on geofone. Ic georne wdt, past ic i^fre ne geseah ofer y^Slfife, 500 on s^leodan sylllcran craeft. 483. "-Gn. este wyrUest (gnadig wirst). 486. Gm. and K. scippend. 487. Gm. and K. bestemdan. 489. Gn. (foot-note) gifeff = geofon? 490. Gm. and K. six-, Ms. syx-. 491. Beforo hrerendum r erased. Gm. and Gn. mere hrerendum. K. and Ms. merehrerendum. 495. Gm., iGn., and K. hwileff, ^Gn. hwilcff from hwelan. 496. Gm. and Gn. brimstaeiafo, Ms. and K. brim staeffo; Ms. l>es, Gm. and K. J>eos; Ms. fulscrid, Gm. and K. fulseryd. 497. Ms. and Gn. faereff, K. fareff, Gm. fereff. 498. Gm. and K. geofene. 499. 2Gn. yfflade. 500. Ms. on sa; leodaU; Gm. and K. on s& l^dan, Gn. s&- leodan. 22 ANDREAS: Is })on gelicost, swA he on landsceape stille staiule, |':er hiue storm ne maeg wind fiwecgan, ne wiytorttAdas brecan brondstaif ne ; hwiBSere on brim sneoweS 505 snel under segle. pft eart seolfa geoug, wlgendra hleo, nalas vvintrum frOd : hafast |'6 on fyrhSe faroSiaeende eorles ondsware, leghwylces canst worda for worulde wislic andgit." 510 Him ondswarode 6ce dryhteu : " Oft ))a}t ges&leS, J'ffit w6 on s&iade scipum under scealcum, ponne sc6or cymeS, brecaS ofer baeSweg brimhengestuui. Hwilum fts on yfium earfoSlice 515 gesifelet) on s^we, ]'6h we si6 nesan, frficne gefC^ran. Flddwylm ne nia?g manna &nigne ofer meotudes est lungre gelettan ; Ah him lifes geweald s6 \)e brimu bindet5, brftne y^a 520 JjyiS and Jn-eataS. H6 |)6odum sceal racian mid rihte, s6 ))e rodor tlhOf ond gefsestnode folmum sinum, worhte and wre8ede wuldras, fylde beorhtue boldwelau ; sw^ gebledsod wearS 525 engla 66el ]>mh his dues miht. ForJ>an is gesyne, s6S orgete, 601. Ms. geliccost, lansceape. 504. 1 Gn. bront^, ^Gn. brond- ; Ms. sneoweff, Gm. and Gn. as Ms. snoweff. 607. Ms. and Gn. -Ificende, Gm. and K. -lacendes. 612. After scealcum a page of the Ms. is cut out, " But there is no break in the sense." Gm. and Gn. 615. Ms. sits nesan, K. nesen, Gm. siffnesan, Gn. siff nesan. 621. Ms. and Gn. racian, Gm. and K. r&dan. 523. Ms. wuldras, Gm., Gu., and K. wuldres A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW 23 cAS oncndwen, ]>cet Jul c_vninges eart j'egen ge|)imgen Jn-ymsittendes ; for))an p^ sona s^holm oncuSow, 530 gdisecges begang, pat ])(i gife haefdes Mliges gdstes. H^ern eft ouwand, drySa gebloud ; egesa gestilde widfseSme wieg ; woedu swaeSorodon seoSpan hie oug^ton, ])aet ]'6 god hgefde 535 w£ere bewimden, s6 J^e wuldres bl&d gestaSolade strangum mihtum." pd hl6o6rade hilgau stefue cempa colleuferhS, cyning wyrSude wuldres waldend, oud J'fls wordum cwaefi : 540 '^ Wes ])ti gebledsod, brego maucyuues, dryhten lutleiid ! A ]nn ddm lyfaS ! ge n^h ge feor is ]nn uama bMig, wuldre gewlitegad ofer werpeoda, miltsum gemi«rsod. Nt%nig manua is 545 under heofouhwealfe hasleSa cynnes, paette dreeean maeg o6(5e rim wite, ht Jn-ymliee p^oda baldor, gista gfiocend, pine gife driest. Hftru is gesyne, sftwla nergend, 550 pffit pii ]'issura hysse hold gewurde ond bine geongne geofiun wvrSodest, wis on gewitte ond wordcwidum. Ic set efenealdum ^fre ne m^tte on mddsefau ni^ran snyttro." 532. Ms. ar ylJa, Gni. and K. ar y9'a, Dietrich and Gn. Sr-yUa. 535. Ms. bewunde, Gm., Gn., and K. bewunden. 539. Gm. and K. wealdend. 641. Gm. and K. lifaff. 546. Gn. (foot-note) m^ge 1 550. Ms. e in hysse upon a rasure. 552. ' Gn. wisan, 2 Gn. Teis (uninflected accusative). 5531 Ms. efen-, Gm. and Gn. a^ Ms. aefeu-. 24 ANDREAS: X. Dialogue Continued. — Andreas Gives an Account of Christ's Miracles. 555 Him |'^ of c6ole oncwaeti cyninga wuldor, friegn fromlice fruinan ond endi' : " Saga j'auces gl^aw I'Cgn, gif \>f[ cunne, lift J)8et gewurde bo werum twd'onum, ]>ist ]>& drldasan inwid|'ancum 560 ludfia cynn wiiS godes bearne dh6f hearmcwide. HaeleS unsa'lige ne ]>&r gelyfdou in hira liffrumaii. grome gealgm6de, {'set h6 god wi^re, )'6ah ]'e h6 wundra feala weorodum gec^'^de 565 sweotulra ond gesynra ; synnige iw luihton oncndwan j'aet cynebearn, s6 pe acenned \vear6 id \i\6o ond t6 hrOfire hajleSa cyuue, eallum eorSwarum. ^Selinge w^'ox word ond wisdOm, ah h6 p^ra wundra -X 570 ddm agende d&\ ifenigne fraetre pfeode beforan cjiSde." Hira pfi Andreas dgef ondsware : '• lift mihte )'a>t gewyrcSan in wer))t'ode, j'set I'ft ne geliyi'de hiJ&lendes miht, 575 gumena l<^ofost, lift h6 his gif cyi5de geond woruld wide, wealdendes beam ? 556. Gm. and On. fruma and ende, Ms. frum.iii 7 fnde; so K. 557. C)n folio 36 i there is a yellow spot toviriiig about 12 inches. gif (557), ilr- (555)), wiff (500), beanie (5()(l) defaced by spots. 562. Ms. No ? Ne? Gm., Gn., and K. no. 563. First tj in gealg- defaced by spot, tliou^h legible. 564. -duin ge- defaced by spot, though legible. K. fela; K. ge- cS^ffffe. 569. Gn. and he. 573. Ms. gewyrijan, Gm. as Ms. gej»yrffan. 576. ^Gn. glfe, 'Gn. gif n. beueficium. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 25 Sealde M duinbum gesprec ; dfiafe geliyrdon ; healtum and hreofum hyge blissode, ]>§L ]>e limsSoce lange w^rou, 580 wMge, wauhale, witum gebuiideue ; aefter burhstedum blmde gesegou ; swd h6 on grundwaige gumena cynnes manige missenllce men of d6a5e worde dwehte. Swylce h6 6ac wundra feala 585 cyner6f cytide )mrh his crseftes iniht. H6 geh&lgode for heremsegene win of wsetere ond wendau hfit beornum t6 blisse on p^ beteran gecynd. Swylce hS ^fSdde of fixum tw^m 590 ond of flf hldfura fira cynnes fif I'tisendo : f^San saetou reomigmdde, reste gef^gon w^rige sefter wuSe, wiste p^gon menn on moldan, sw3, him gemedost wses. 595 Nft |>u miht gehyran, liyse l^ofesta, hft us wiildres weard wordum ond d&dum lufode in hfe, ond purh lare sp^on t6 ]>§im fasgeran gef6an, |i&r frfio mdtou 6adige mid englum eard weardigan, 600 ]>t ]>e setter d6at5e dryhten secati." pd g6n weges weard wordhord onl6ac, beorn ofer bolcan beald reordade : " Miht )'urh. 607. Gm. and K. T)iscopas. 26 ANDREAS: ond ealdorraenu seht bes&ton mseSelh^gende. Me j'cet pincetS, 610 pset hie for jjfefstum iuvvit syredon - )mrh dfiopuc gedwolan d^ofles Idriim ; haelc'S hynfftse liyrdou tO georne wrdSum wit'iiogan. Hie s6o Wyrd beswdc, forleolc ond foil^rde. NA hie luugre seeolon 615 werige mid werigum wnece Ju'dwiau, biterne bryne ou banau faeSme." XI. Dialogue CoNTrNtrED. — An Account of the Divine Child Sought. Him ))S, Andreas dgef ondsware : " Secge ic ))6 tC> s65c, J'aet h6 swi6e oft beforan fremede folces rti^swum 620 wundor aefter wundre on wera gesiehSe ; swylee d^ogollice dryhteu gumena folcr^d fremede, swS, h6 t6 friSe hogode." Him ondswarode ae'Selinga helm : " Miht j'ft, wis haaleS, wordum gesecgan, 625 maga mdde r6f , maegen ]>^ hf cv?ide d6orm6d on digle, j)^ mid dryhteu oft, rodera rtfedend, rftne bes^ton?" Him \>§i Andreas ondsware dgef : 608. Gm. and K. -men; Gm. Aht, Gn. and K. aeht. 609. Ms. -haegende, Gm., 1 Gn., and K. hegendc, ^Gn. hegende; Gm., Gn., and K. J>yuceff. 612. Gm., Gn., and K. hinfuse. 614. Ms. and K. ferleolc. 615. Gni. and K. werige mid werigum; K. wrace, Gm. w^r&ce, Ms. and Gn. wraece. 616. On 37 6 frequent spots. 618. Gm. and K. sage ic. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 27 " Hwast frinest Ipti m$, Ma l^ofesta, 630 wordum wraetlicum oud j'6 wyrda gehwgfere j)urh snyttra crseft s06 oncniWest ? " pd git him Wedges weard wi&pingode : '' Ne fvine ic j^S for t&le ne feor o66e nSah on m6dc geman, hH se maga fremede, 640 godbearn on gruudum. Gastas liweorfon, s6hton siSfrome swegles dr^amas, engla 66el purh J)^ aeSelan miht." ^ Edre him Andreas dgef ondsware : " N^x io on ])6 sylfum s6S oncn^we 645 wlsd6mes gewit wundorcraefte sigesped geseald ; snyttrum bl6we5 beorhtre blisse br^ost iunanweard. Nft ic ]'6 sylfum seegan wille 6r ond ende, swd ic )>aes aeSelinges 650 word ond wisddm on wera gem6te purh his sylfes mA5 symle gehyrde. 631. Gm. and K. snyttru, Ms. snyttra. 633. Ms. frine . . . uu Jjurh, Gm. and K. ne >urh; Gm. and Gn as Ms. frime. 635. Ms. and Gn. -laeffe, Gm. and K. -l*de. 637. Ms. gehw^m. 638. Between afrefred and J>am stood a word or rasure ? 640. Gm. and K. hwurfon. 645. K. -crafte. 649. Ms. oor. 28 ANDREAS: XII. Andrew's Account. Oft gesamnodon stele herigeas, folc unraa?te, t6 fr^an d6me, J'^r hie hyrcnodon hdliges l^re. 655 ponne eft gew^t sefSelinga helm, beorht bhedgifa, iu bold 6(5er, ]>sev him t6g6ues God herigende, t6 pdm meSelstcde manige cdmon snotti'e sele-r^deud ; symble gef^gon 660 beornas bliSheorte burhweardes cyme. Swd gesctldo iu, paet se siged^ma f^rde, frfia railitig. Nyes |'ter folces m^ on siSfsete sinra 16oda nemne elleffne orettmaecgas 665 geteled tti-^adige ; h6 wses twelfta sylf . pa wt becdmon td l»dm cynest61e, ])^r getimbred wa^s tempel dryhtnes Mab ond horug6ap haeleftum gefr^ge, wuldre gewlitegod. Huscworde ongan 670 }>urh inwit]>anc ealdorsacerd herme hj'span, hordlocau onspfion, wrAht webbade : h6 on gewitte oncu6ow, j'set w6 sdSfaestes swas&t is duguSum cAtS, hwanon pkm ordfruman ae^elii onwdcon. H6 waes af^ded on pysse folcsceare, 685 cildgeong ficenned mid his cn^omagum : ptis syndon listen hfimsittende, faeder ond mddur, J'ses wt gefraegen habbaS )mrh mddgemynd, Mai'ia ond Joseph. Sindon him on aeSelum 65ere twegen 690 beornas geborene br6t5orsybbum suna Josephes, Simon ond Jacob.' Sw4 hl6o8rodon hseleSa rteswan, dugO(S d6mgeorne, dyrnan pdhton meotudes mihte. M&n eft gehwearf, 695 yfel endel^as, paer hit ^r ^rds. p^ se ])6oden gew^t pegna h^ape fram \»tm me8elstede mihtum geswiSed, dugetia dryhten, s^can digol land. He furh wundra feala on ))^m w^stenne 676. Gn. syndon. 679. Ms. After I in leod rasure. 682. Ms. droht'gen daeghwaemlice, K. -hwam-. 684. Gm. and K. J>lsse. 686. Gm. and K. sindon. 689. Gm. and K. sindon; K. on omitted. 690. Last e in geborene discolored ; Gm. and K. -sibbum. 691. Ms. iosephes simon 7 lacob. 695. After yfel rasure of one letter. 696. Gm. and K. hearra, Ms. heape. 698. Gn. drihteu. 30 4NDREAS: 700 craefta gccyfidc, |),iet h6 wfes C3'ning on riht ofer raiddiingeard msegenc geswicSed, waldeud ond wyrhta wuldoij'rymmes, S,n 6ce god eallra gesceafta. Swylce hd 65erra unrim cy^de 705 wundorworca on weia gesyhSe. XIII. The Story Continued. S}i56an eft gewftt 6(5re siSe getrume m3'cle, )'aet h6 in temple gestOd, wuldi'es aldor. WordhleoSor dstdg geond heahraiced ; hfdiges lAre 710 synnige ne swulgon, ]>6ah h6 s66ra sw^ feala tficna gecy^de, jnlir hie t6s6gon. Swylce h6 wrsxitlice wuudor^grsefene aulicnesse cngla siura geseh, sigora fr^a, on seles wage 715 on tw& healfe torhte gefrsetwed, wlitige geworhte. H6 worde cwaetS : ' pis is anltcnes engelcynna ])aes brSmestan mid ])km burgwarum in ))t'ere ceastre is ; Cheruphiui ond Seraphim 720 ]>{x on swegcldrfiamum syndon nemned ; fore onsyne 6can dryhtnes standatS stitSfeiiSe, stefnnm herigaS haigum hli^'oSrum heofoncyninges jn-ym, 706. Gra. and K. siffffan. 707. Gm. and K. iiiicle. 709. Ms. -rjeced, Gm. and K. -reced. 711. Gm. and Gn. tO segou. 719. Gra. et, Ms. 7. 720. Gm. and K. sindon. 722. Ms. -ferffe, Gm., Gn., and K. ferliffe, A LEGEND OF ST. ANDUEW. 31 meotiides miindbyrd. H6r ^mearcod is 725 haiigra liiw, jmrh handmaegen ^writen on wealle wuldres |)egnas.' p^ gen worde cwaeS weoruda dryhten, heofonbtilig gust, fore pdm heremaegene : ' Nil ic bebeode bfiacen setywan, 730 wundor geweorSan on wera gemange, fast ]'^os onlicnes eorSan sece wlitig of wage ond word sprece, secge soScwidnm ; \>y sceolon gelyfan eorlas on cy56e, hwaet miu ajSelo sten.' XIV. The Miracle. 735 Ne dorstc j'fi forhylmau htelendes bebod wundor fore weorodum, ac of wealle dhldop fr6d fyrngeweorc, paet h6 on foldan st6d st^n fram std,ne ; stefn sefter cw6m hlftd furh heardne, lil^oSor dynede ; 740 wordum wemde. Wrsetlic pfthte stiShycgendum strines ougin. Septe sacerdas sweotoium t^cnum, witig werede ond worde cwaeS : ' Ge synd unblede earmra gejiohta 745 searownm beswicene oS6e s61 nvton 733. Gn., after sOtJcwiclum, inserts [>8et ic com sunn godes] ; after gel S'f an [leotla rtleswan], tluis making two lines of one. But there is no gap in the Ms. 736. Ms. ahleop, Gm. and Gn. as Ms. ahleow. 740. Gm. and K. wemde, Gn. wemde. 74L Gn. onginn. 742. Ms. and Gm. (text) septe, Gm. (note) sewte, Gn. sewde, K. sewte saverdas. 743. Gm. and K. witig, Gn. witig. 744. Gm. and K. sind ; Ms. and K. earma, Gm. and Gn. earmra. 32 ANDKEAS: m6de gemyrde ; g^ monetigacS godes ece beam oiid jono j'o grund ond sund, heofoii oud eorSau oud lireo wjlegas, salte s^streamas ond swegl uppe, 750 4mearcode mundum sinum. pis is se ilea ealwalda god, ))one on fyrndaguin faederas cASon ; he Abrahame ond Isace ond lacobe gife bryttode, 755 weluni weorSode, wordnni saegde ^rest Habrahame aecSeles gepingu, paet of his cynne cenned sceolde weorcSan wuldres god. Is seo wyrd mid eow open, orgete ; magan eagum ntl 760 geseon sigores god, swegles dgend.' XV. The Account Continued. — Hatred of the Divine Child. — Command to the Stone. — Another Miracle. ^fter |)yssum wordnm wcornd hlosnode geond j'set side sel, swigodon ealle. pA \>k yldestan eft ongunnon secgan synfulle, sd8 ne oncneowan, 765 I'set hit drycraeftum ged6n wi^re, scingelAcum, j'set se scyna st&n m<^lde for mannum. MAn wridode geond beorna breost, brandh^ta niS 747. Between sund and heofon (748) a defect in the parchment. 754. Ms. locobe ; Gn. gyfe. 756 and 779. Gn. Abrahame. 761. K. yEfer >issuiii, Gni. >is.sum. 764. Gm. and K. oncne6\vuu, Gm. as Ms. -an. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 33 weoll on gewitte, weorm bl^dum f&g, 770 dttor alfaele. pier orcu^we wearS })urh teoncwide tweogende mdd, maecga misgeh3-gd morSre bewuDden. pk se peoden bebead frySweorc faran st^n str^te of stedewange 775 ond forSgfiu, foldweg tredan, grene grundas, godes gerendu l^rum Uedan on })^ leodmearce t6 Channaneuni, cyninges worde beodan Habrahame mid his eaforum tw£fem 780 of eorSseraefe ^rest fremman, l^tan landreste, leo^o gadrigean, g^ste onf6n ond geogoShdde, edniwinga andweard cuman frdde fyrnweotan, folce gecySan, 785 hwylcne hie god mihtum ongiten haefdon. GewSt he j'd feran, swd him frea mihtig scyppend wera gescrifen hsefde, ofer mearcpa^u, j'set he on Mambre becdra beorhte blican, sw^ him bebead meotud, 790 fser ]>§i lichoman lange prage 769. K. f^g. 770. Gm. aelfaile, Gn. aelfaele, Ms. alf*le; Gm., Gn., and K. [wearS], omitted in Ms. 772. Ms. misgehygd, Gm., Gn., and K. -hyd. 774. K. (on) str&te. 775. Gn. foraf gan. 776. Ms. serenSu. 780. Ms. and Gra. aerest, Gn. and K. aerist. 782. K. -hades. 783. K. ednlwinge. 785. Gn. (foot-note) god-niihtum ? 787. Gm. and K. scippend. 788. Ms., Gm., and Gn. -paSu, K. -waffu; Ms. mambre, Gm., Gn., and K. Membre. 790. After Jjser a second J»&r erased. 34 ANDREAS : heahfffidera hrA. beheled w^ron. 11 et j)fi 6fstltce upftstandan llabraham oud Isaac, ae(5eling J^riddan lacob of greote t6 godes gej'inge 795 sneomeof sliJjpe J)i^m faestan, het hiet6 )>4rasi8egyrwan, fdran t6 frean d6me ; sceoldon hie pdin folce gecySan, hw^ set frumsceafte furSum teode eor^an eallgi'ene ond upheofon, hw&r se wealdend wtere, J)e I'ffit weorc staSolade. 800 Ne dorstou ))A. gelettau leug <3wihte wuldorcyniuges word ; geweoton ]>A pk witigan |)ry mddige mearcland tredan, forkt'taii moldern wunigean open eorSscraefu ; woldon We aedre gecySan frnmweorea feeder, pk ]>set folc gewearS 805 egesan gedclod, ])&r )'d aeSelingas wordum weorSodon wuldres aldor. Hie ])k riceue het rices hyrde t6 eadwelau 6fire sifie secan mid sj'bbe swegles dreamas, 810 ond ]>-^r td widan feore willum neotan. Nft \>ti miht geh}'ran, hyse leofesta, hA he wundra worn wordum cySde, swk I'eah ne gclyfdon Idrum sinum m6dblinde menu. Ic wkt manig n(\ gyt 815 ra^-cel mifere spell, j'C sc raaga fremede, rodera ri^dend, ]>& ]>ti Aragfnan ne raiht, hreSre behabbau hygej'ances gleaw." 792. Gm. and Gn. up astaudan; K. ofslice. 798. K. cal-. 801. Gm. (as Ms.) and Gn. geweotan. 802. K. forlyeton, Gn. (foot-note) forleton ? Gn. places -wunigean at the end of this line. 807. Gm. and K. hirde. 809. Gm. and K. sibbe. 814. K. men. 815. Gm. and K. iiticei. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 35 XVI. Andrew Left Asleep at the Gates of the City. — The Vision of His Comrades. pus Andreas ondlangne daeg berede hleoSorcwidum haliges lare, 820 6S))8et hine semniuga slsep ofereode on hronrMe heofoucyninge neh. pa gel^dan Mt llfes brytta ofer yt)a gejn'sec englas sine, faeSmum ferigeau on fseder Wiiere 825 leofne mid lissum ofer lagufgesten, oSfset s^werige sl^p ofereode. purh lyftgeldc on land becw6m t6 ])&re ceastre, ])e him cining engla ]>k ])4 Aras st5igean eadige on upweg, eSles neosan. 830 Leton ]'one h^lgan be herestr:£te swefan on sybbe under swegles bleo, bliSne bklan burhwealle neh, his niShetum, nihtlangne fyrst, 6S)73et dryhteu forlet dsegcandelle 835 scire sclnan. Sceadu swe^erodon wonn under wolcnum. pa c6m wederes blaest, hMor heofonleoma ofer hofu blican. Onw6c ])k wiges heard, wang sceawode, fore burggeatum beorgas steape, 819. Ms. berede, Gm., Gn., and K. herede. 827. » Gn. lyft gelac, ^Gn., Gm., and K. lyftgelac. 828. Gm., Gn., and K. cyning. Here Gm. and K. leave a gap ; Gn. inserts after engla, [in Achaia ^r getaonode]. [Gewiton] >a >a aras[eft] siiSegean, etc. ; Ms. engla tSa, 9'a in one line with no vacant space. 831. Gm. and K. sibbe. 836. Gm. and ^ Gu. bl&st, - Gii. and K. blaest. 837. Ms. -le"ma. 36 ANDREAS : 840 hleoSu, hlifodon ; 3'mbe hdrne stSn tigeltYigaii tiafu, torras, st6don, wiudige weallas. pA, se wis oncneow, j'aet he Marmedonia mjt'g?ie hjyfde siSe ges6hte, sw4 him sylf behead, 845 ]>am him fore gescrtlf, faeder mancynnes. Gesoli he |'ft on greote gingrau sine, beornas beadurOfe, biryhte him swefan on sl&pe. He s6na ongann wigend weecean, ond worde cwaeS : 850 " Ic eow secgau ma?g s6(S orgete, Jjiet (is gyrstran diege on geofones stream ofer drwelan aeSeling ferede. In j'dm ceole waes cyuiuga wuldor, waldend weorfiode ; ic his word oncneow, 855 J)eh he his m^gwlite bemiSen haifde." Him ))d a?(5elingas oudsweorodon geonge gencwidum, gAstgerjnnm : " We ))e, Andreas, eade gecyt5a6 si6 fiserne, past ])ft sylfa miht 860 ongitan gleawltce gdstgehygdum. Us s^werige sli^&p ofereode ; ]'A e6raon earnas ofer y6a wylm on flyhte fe(5erum hremige, ts of sh^pendnm .silwli- Abrugdon, 865 mid gefean feredon flylite on lyfte 840. Ms. lileoffu. The usual stroke above u representing m is altogether wanting. Gni., Gn., and K. hleod'uiu. 845. Ms. }>S him fore gescraf, Gn. and him foregescraf, Gm. and K. foregescraf, -Gn. fore geseraf "zuvor." 847. Ms. and 'Gn. birylite, Gni. and K. birihte, -'Gn. birihte. 851. Gm. and K. gistran, Gn. gystran, Ms. gyrstran. 854. Gn. werj>e6cla, Ms. weorflTofle. 858. Ms., Gm., and K. eade, Gn. edffe. 863. Gn. [faran] on llyhte. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 37 brehtmum bliSe, beorhte ond liSe ; lissum lufodon ond in lofe wunedon, ]rxY waes siugul sang ond swegles gong, wlitig weoroda lieap ond wuldres preat. 870 €"tau ymbe teSelne englas st6don, I'cgnas ymb peoden pftsendmailuui ; heredon on hehfto hdlgan stefne dryhtna dryhteu. Dream waes on hyhte. We )'^r heahfaideras h^lige oncneowon 875 ond martyra maegen unlytel. Sungon sigedrylitne s6Sfaestlie lof dugo6 d6mgeorne ; |'t^r wais Dauid mid, eadig oretta, Essages sunu, for Crist cumen, cining Israhela. 880 Swylee we gesegon for suna meotudes aeSelum ecne eowic standan twelfe getealde tireadige hselet5. Eow pegnodon ))rymsittende baiige heahenglas — |)i\m bi5 ha?leSa well, 885 ]>e pdra blissa brGcan m6ton ! p^r waes wuldres wynn, wigendra prym, aeSelic onginn ; naes ]rSbr ^nigum gewinn. pdm bis wraecslS witod, wlte geopenad, }»e ))&ra sceal fremde weorSan, 890 hean hwearfiau, ponue heonon gangaS." 866. K. brehtum. 807. Ms. la, Gm., Gn., and K. hi. 868. Gn. (foot-note) and preposition? 879. Gm., Gn., and K. cyning. 888. After geopenad there seems to be rasure of one l»e. 889. Gm., Gn., and K. [gefeana] ; K. seal, misprint 1 890. Ms. Gm., and K. gangaff, Gn. gangeff. 66396 38 ANDREAS : XVII. The Phince of Glory Appears to Andrew. pA waes mddsefa myclum geblissod Mliges ou lire(Sre, sySfian hleoSorcwicle gingrau gehyrdon, ])aet hie God wolde onmunau sw4 mycles ofer menn eaWe, 895 ond j'set word gecwaeS wigendra hleo : " Nft ic, God dryhteu, ongiten ha3bbe, past ]>t on faroSstraete feor ne watjre, cyninga wuldur, ]>& ic on ceol gest&h ; ])eh ic on ySfare engla j'coden, 900 g^sta ge6cend, ongitan ne cftSe. Weorfi me nfi milde, meotud aelniilitig, bllSe beorht cyniug. Ic on brimstreame spraec worda worn, wdt aefter nft, hw^ me wyrSmyndum on wudubdtc 905 ferede ofer fl6das ; j'aet is frOfre gSst haileSa cynne, ]>Sir is help gearu, milts ait mairum manna gehwylcum, sigorsped geseald, ))^m |)e seceS t6 him." p^ him fore eagum onsyne wearS 910 ae^eling 665'wed in |)d ilcan tid, cining cwicera gehwaes Jmrh enihtes h&d ; ])6i he worde cwaeS, wuldres aldor : " Wes ))(l Andreas hdl mid J'ds willgedryht 891. Gm. and K. mlclum. 892. Gm. 1111(1 K. siffUan. 893. K. gehyrde. 894. Gm. and K. n»iclcs. 898. Gm. and K. wuldor. 906. Ms. paer ** help. 907. After mUts t erased. 909. Ms. werar. 910. After auffellng defect in the parcliment. 911. Gm., Gn., and K. cyiiing. A LEGEND OF bT. ANDREW. 39 ferSgefeonde ; ic )'e friSe liealde, 915 ))aet pe ne mdtou mdngeniSlan, grame gryusmiSas, g^ste gescetiSan." •Feoll ])Ci to foklau, frioSo wilnode wordum wis haile(i, winedryhten fraegn " Hfi gewoiiite ic pset, waldend lira, 920 syunig wi6 seolfne sdwla uergeud, ]>set ic ]>e sw& g6dne ongitau ne meahte on wt'egfoere, ]rSiv ic worda gesprsec minra for meotnde m^ poune ic sceolde ? " Him oudswarode ealwalda god : 925 " N6 \>ti swA swiSe synne gefremedest, swk J'fi in Achaia ondsasc dydest, pajt ]>ti on feorwegas feran ne ctiSe ne in p>a ceastre becuman mealite, ping gehegan preora nilita 930 fyrstgemearces, ibwd ic pe feran liet ofer wega gewinn. Wdst nft pe gearwor, pset ic ea(Se maeg dnra gehwylcne fremman ond fyrSran freonda uiiura on landa gehwylc, p^r me leofost bit5. 935 Aris nft hrsedlice, nM aedre ongit, beom gebledsod, sw^ pe beorlit faeder geweorSaS wuldorgifum t6 wldan aldre craefte and milite. pft in )>& ceastre gong under bnrglocan, p^r pin brdSor is. 9-40 Wdt ic INIatheus purh m^nra hand 914. Ms, Gni., and Gn. ferff gefeonde, Gn. (foot-note) fortfl 917. K. freoafo. 926. Ms. achaia. 927. Ms. and K. feor wegas. 928. Ms. mehte. 931. Ms., Gm., and ^Gn. fvega, 'Gn. and K. w?ga. 939. vnder. 40 ANDKEAS: hi'inan heorurlolgum, heafodmagu searonottum l)eseted. pft hine soean scealt, leofuL' Alysan of U\(Sra hete ond eal l)aet mancynn j)e him mid wiinige 945 elpcodigni inwitwrasnum bealuwe gebuudene. Him sceal l)6t hraSe weoreSan in worulde ond in wuldre lean, swd ie liim sylfum &r secgende w«s. Nft ]f[ Andreas scealt edre geneSan 950 in grainra gripo ; is je gftS weotod heardum heoriiswengum, seeal |in lirA, dielan, wuudinn weorfian wtettre gelicost, faran flddc bl6d. Hie ]An feoi'h ue magon deaSe gedielan, peh ])ti drype ))olie, 955 synnigra siege, pft |)get sdr ftber, ne \&i jic dhweorfan hifeSenra j'rym grim gAvgewinn, )'ffit )'ti gode svvice dryhtne |'inum. Wes ix d6mes georn ; liet ))e on gcmyndum, h(i |'iet manegum vvearS 960 fira gofrege geoud feala lauda, ])set me bysmredon bennum f.iestne weras wansaelige ; wordiim tyrgdon, sl6gon ond swungon ; syunige ue mihtou purh sArcwide s6^ gecytian, 965 ])ii ic mid ludeum gealgan pehte, 941. Ms. heafodniagii, (iin. (ttxt) hcrifodniaguiii, (Jm. (note), Gn., and K. -inagaii. 942. Ms soaro inottu, Gm., Gn., and K. searoncttuiii. Sti' 1. 64. 944. ond written out for the first time in this poem ; Ms. iiiaucynn, K. manegu. 945. K. ael-. 949. Ms N.V. 961. Ms. seel, Gm., Gn., and K. sceal; ^Gn. d&lan, ^Gn. dMed. 952. Ms. geliecost. 955. Ms. and ' Gn. siege, Gni., -Gn., and K. slage. 961. iQn. ha, ^Gn. >tet; Gn. beuduin. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 41 r6d waes Aviyrod, j'^r rinca sum of minre sklau swdt At forlet, dreor td foldau. Ic ddreah feala yrmSa ofei' eorSau ; wolde ic eow ou ))on 970 )mrh bllSne hige bysne onstellau, sw^ on ellj'eode ywed wyrSeS. Manige syndon in )iysse m&ran byrig fdra )>e ])ti gehweorfest t6 heofonleohte, ]>UYh niinne uanian, ])eah hie inorSres feala 975 in fyrndagura gefreraed habban." Gewdt him ))A se hdlga heofonas secan, eallra cyninga cining, pone cl^nan hdm eaSmedum upp ; ))&r is Ar gelang fira gehwylcum, j'^m ])e hie findan eann. XVIII. The Meeting of Andrew and Matthew. 980 p4 waes gemyndig, m6dge|)yldig, beoru beaduwe heard ; eode in burh hrat5e dnraed oretta, elne gefyrSred maga m6de i-6f, meotude getreowe, st6p on str&te, stig wisode, 985 sw^ him n^nig gumena ongitan ne mihte, ond syufulra geseon. Hsefde sigora weard on Tpkm wangstede wsere betolden 969. Gn. omits ic. 970. Gni. and K. hyge, Gn. bysen. 972. Gni. and K. siudon, J^isse. 975. K. habben. 977. Gni., Gn., and K. cyning. 982. Gn. anr&d. 985. Gn. hine 1 986. Ms. 7 synfulra ; Gm., Gn., and K. omit ond. 987. After betolden stood a word, blotted out or erased ? Gn. Mreere, Gm. and K. w&tg. 42 ANDREAS : leofne leodfruman mid lofe sinum. Hajfde |'d se aecSeling ingc])rungen, 990 Cristos eempa, carcerne iieh. Geseh lie lueftenra lil6(S a^giiidere, fore hlhiduia hyrdas standaii seofone aetsomne. Ealle swylt fornam, druroii d6ralease ; dea^ri!&s forfeng, 995 haeleS heorodeorig. pA se hAlga gebged bilwytue foeder, breostgehygdum herede on hehJSo heofoneyninges g6d, diyhteudora. Duru sona oiuirn ))urh haudluiue h^liges g^stes, 1000 end ]'ter infiode elues gemyndig haele hildedeor ; ba;(Sene swtlefon dreore druneue, deaSwaug riidon. Geseb he Matheus in ))dra mort^oredfan, haelecS higcrOfne under heolstorlocan 1005 secgan dryhtue lof, ddmweorSinga eugla peodne. He p;er dna saet geobfium geomor in pdm gnornbofe ; geseh J'S, under swegle sw^sne geferau, hrdig lirvbgne ; hyht waes geniwad. 1010 Ards j)d tOgenes, gode j'ancade, paes ]>e hie onsuude ^fre indston 995. Ms. heorodeorig, Gm., On., and K. -drcorig. 996. Gm., Gn., and K. bilwitue. 998. Gm., Gn., and K. god dryhteu dOin, -(in. godes dryhten dOin ; K. dura. 999. M(s. hail hrine. 1002. Ms. deaiS \vangriidoii, K. doAffAvaiig ridou, Gn. a, Gm. and K. ]>&r. 1011. Ms. pies ffe, K. J»ait >e. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDKEW. 43 geseon under sunnau. Syb waes gem^ne Mm )'dm gebrdSrum, blis eclniwe ; jBghwieSer 6Serne earme bej'ehte, 1€15 cystou Lie ond clypton ; Ciiste wteron begen leofe ou mode. Hie leolit ymbsciln hdlig ond heofontorht, hretior innan waes winuum dwelled. p4 worde ongan serest Andreas aeSelne geferau 1020 on clustorcleofau mid cwide sinum gretan godfyrhtne ; ssede him gAcSgeSingu, feohtan fdra monna : " Nk gel&dde of leoSobendum fram ]?dm fffistenue on friS dryhtnes tft ond hnndteontig geteled rime, 1035 swylce feowertig generede fram ni6e. 1012. Gm. and K. sib. 1016. After scan small hole in parchment. 1017. K. hreffer, Gm. lireSor. 1018. Gm., Gn., and K. ■wynnurn. 1023. Gm. and K. hider. Here a leaf of the Ms. has been cut out. 1024. K. leaves a space between gewyrht and eardes. None in Ms. 1025. Gm. and K. }>issuin. 1029. Ms. grete, Gm., Gn., and K. grette. 1030. Ms. fer}>aii, Gm., Gn., and K. *rJ>ou; Ms. crung, Gm., Gn. and K. crnuge. 1032. Ms. 7. 1035. Gm. and K. leave space of a half-line, Gn. [edc feorcundra] No vacant space in Ms. 44 ANDREAS : p^r he nt'^nige forlet under hurglocan bennum faestne on, J>^r vvifa j'A. gyt weorodes t6-eacau, dues wana fiftig forhte gefreofiode. Fa?geu wjerou stftes, 1040 lungre leordan, nalas leng bidou in ]'dm gnoruliofe gdfigel'iugo. Gewdt )'d Matheus menigo l.'edau on gehyld godes, swA hira se hdlga bebead, weorod on wilsiS wolenum bepehte, 1045 l^e l&s him scvldhdtau scytiSan c6mon mid earhfare, ealdgeniftlau. pafer )'& m6digan mid him mjecSel gehedan, treowgepoftan, itM- htc on tA hweorfau. JEgher I'&ra eorla 66rum trymede 1050 heofonrices hyht, helle witu wordum werede. Swd J'd wtgend mid him, haele6 higer6fe, hi'ilgum stefnum cempan coste cyning weoriSadon wyrda waldend, J'ses wuldrcs ne biS 1055 ^fre mid eldum ende befangen. 1036. Ms., Gm. (text), and K. nanige, Gm. (note) and Gn. n&nigne. 1037. Ms. faestne on J»aer, Gm. (note) and Gn. ond }>air, K. ne }>&t; Ms. bennu, Gn. and K. bendiiin. 1138. Gm. and K. leave space of two lialf-lines ; there is no vacant space in Ms. Ms. wana }>e fiftig, Gn. omits l>e and inserts ealra 1040. Gm. and K. leordon. 104"). Gn. J»y- 1047. Gm. and K. gehedon. 1048. Gm. and K. hweorfon; Gn. hi. 1052. Gm. and K. hyge-. 1053. K. Aveorffodon. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 45 XIX. Andrew in the City of the Cannibals. — Their Consternation at the Death of the Warders. — Lots Cast for a Victim. — Rescued BY Andrew. Gew^t him ]>& Andreas inn on ceastre glaedmdd gaugan, to J'fes )'e he gramra gemdt, fara folcmaegen, gefrt^igeu hiefde, oSjiaet he gemette be mearcpaSe 1060 standan strt'^te neah stapnl ^renne. Gesset him ])t\ be healfe, hiefde hluttre lufan, ece upgemynd eugla blisse ; 1 anon b^snode under burhlocan, hwjet him guSweorca gifeSe wurde. 1065 pa, gcsamnedon side herigeas folees frumgdras ; t6 pdm faestenne wicrleasra werod w^pnum c6mon, hsfetSne hildf recan , t6 paes ]>ti hsef tas ^r under hlinscAwan hearm j^rdwedon. 1070 Wendan ond woldon wifierhycgende, f>aet hie on elpeodiginn j'vt geworhton, weotude wiste ; him seo wen geleah, syfiSan mid corSre carcernes duru eorre sescberend opene fundon, 1075 onhliden hamera geweorc, hyrdas deade. Hie ]>k uuh}'(Sige eft gecyrdon 1057. Gm. and Gn. as Ms. gangen. 1063. Ms. eca-e. 1064. After guffweorca J>a seems to have been erased. 1068. K. to >aes >e. 1070. Gm. and K. wendon ; Ms. -hycgende. 1073. Gm. and K. siS'San , K. dura. 1075. Gm. and K. hirdas. 1076. Ms. unhygfige, Gm., ' Gn., and K. unhydige, ^ Gn. unhylffige contristalus. 46 ANDREAS: luste belorcne lA^spell beran ; saegclon ykm folce, paet y&r feorrcundra, ellroordigra, &nigne t6 14fe 1080 in carcerne cwicnc ne gemetton, ah y&r heorodreorige hyixlas lAgan gifesne on greote, gdste berofone f&gra flteschaman. pA, wearS forht raanig for j'iim farspellc folces r^swa, 1085 hean, hygegeAmor, liuugres on wenum blAtes beodgastes. Nyston beteran r^d, }'onne hie ]>Ci behlidenan him to lifnere gefeorraedou ; durupegnum wearS in ^ne ttd eallum aetsomne 1090 I'urh heard geldc hildbedd styred. pk ic hmgre gefrsegn leode t6somne burgwaru Ijannau ; beornas c6nion, wiggendra preat, wicgurn gengan on mearum m6digc mffiSelhegendc 1095 sescum deallc. pd waes call geador tA I'dm j'ingstede J'eod gesamnod ; leton him ]>k betweonum tdn wisian hwylcne hira ;jferest ASrniii sceolde t6 ftiddurpcge feorcs ongyldan ; 1100 hluton hellcrajftum hiC'Songildnm, 1077. Ms., 'Gn., and Gni. laU spell, ^Qn. and K. laffspcll. 1080. Ms. cwicne seinette, (ini. CTelcne ne gemettou, (in. cwic ne gemetton, K. cwicne ne metton. 1081. K. ac, ^ Gn. omits J»aer, ^Qn. ah J>&r; Gm. and K. hirdas ISbgon, j\Is. hyrdas lagan. 1080. K. -gaestes. 1087. Gn. belldenan. 1088. Gm. [deAde] gefeormedon. 1093. K. Aviggiiin. 1097. Ms. ta an. 44rt liole in ])iirchment 1099. Gm. and K. ongildaii 1100. Ms. Uuton '*ell a collenferhS cearegan reorde cwseS, he his sylfes suuu syllan wolde on aehtgeweald, eaforan geongne, lifes to lisse. Hie y& lac hraSe 1110 ])egou t6 pance ; ]'eod woes oflysted metes mddgeonire, n?es him t6 m&Sme wynn, hyht t6 hordgestreonum ; huugre wiferon fearle gej'reatod, sw^ se peodsceaSa hreow ricsode. pA waes riuc manig, 1115 gset hie j'aes cuihtes cweahn corSre gesdhton 1120 duguSe ond eogoSe, d^l oufengon lifes t6 leofue. Hie hmgi'e td ]>ses, haeSene herigweardas, here samnodan ceastre warena ; cyrm upp AstAh. pd se geonga ongann geomran stefne 1125 gehaefted for herige hearmleoS galan, freonda feasceaft friSes wilnian ,• ne mihte oarmsceapen fire findau freo6e aet |'&m folce, ]'e him feores wolde 1107. K. suna. sunn stands twice, first one erased. 1108. Ms. geone, Gm., Gn., and K. geongne. 1114. Gn. re6%v. 1117. Ms. wea tacen. 1122. Ms. herig ^veardas, K. hearg-. 1123. Gm. ceastrewarena, K. ceaster-. 1125. K. gehaffe-1 1128. Gn. (fout-note) freode ? 48 ANDREAS: ealdres geunnan ; haefdon /tgl^can 1130 saecce ges6hte, sceolde sweordes ecg scerp ond seAiiieard of sceuSan folme, fyrm&lum fj\g, feorh S,csigau. pd ]>xt Andrea eiirnilic pflhte I'eodbealo j'earlic t6 gejjolianne, 1135 ]>set he swA unscyldig ealdre sceolde lungre liniuin. Waes se leodhete prohtheard ; ])r3rainan sceocan m6dige iDagu|iegiuvs morfircs on Juste, woldon leninga ellenrdfe 1140 on lifim hysebeorSre heafolau gescenan, gdruni figetan. Hiue god forstdd hMig of hehSo hitftenum folce ; het w^pen wera wexe gelicost on \>km orlege eall formeltan, 1145 pf Ises seyldhd.tan sceaSan raihton, egle ondsacau, ecga j'lySum. SwA weariS Alysed of leodhete geong of gyrne. Gode ealles jjanc, dryhtna drylitne, j'ses |'e he ddra gifeS 1150 gumena gehwylcum, |)^ra ))e geoce t6 him secefi mid snytrum ; j)i^r bifi symle gearu freond unhwilen, pftni ]>c hte findan cann. 11.%. Ms. sceoMe. 446, on account of hole in the parchment the first two lines shortened. 1131. Gn. scearp. 1132. Gn. f5h. 1137. Gni. iuiil K. h'ave space for one word after Jrohtheard, ' Gn. and Ettm. }>rohthearcl [J»re6lic], -Gn. |)>earl and] }>r«)litheard. There is no gap in Ms. Ettni. J»ryinimiin ; Ms. and Gm. sceocan, Gn. and K. sce6con. 1141. Ms. and Gn a<;etan, Gm. and K. ^gedtan. 1145. Gm. and K. scyl'lhatan, /w\s. 1152. 2Gn. fk-e6d (Ms. freond). A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 49 XX. The Devil Appears and Stirs up Hatred AGAINST Andrew. p^ wass w6p haefen in wera biirgura, hlftd heriges cyrm, hreopon friccan, 1 155 msendou meteleaste, me8e stddon hungre gehaefte. Hornsalu wuDedon weste wlnrgeced, welan ne benohton beornas to IjrAcanne on ]'& bitran lid. Ges^ton searupaucle suudor t6 inne 1 160 erraSu eahtigan ; najs him t6 eSle wNnn. Fregn pa gel6me freca 66erne : " Ne hele se ]'e haebbe liolde lAre, on sefan snyttro ! Nu is s^l cuinen, j^rea orm&te ; is nt })earf mycel, 1165 ]>sst we wisfestra wordum liyran." pa for J'iere dugoSe deoful fetiwde, wann ond wliteleas hsefde weriges hiw. Ongan \>&. meldigan moi-^res brytta, belle hinca, j'one hdlgan wer 1 1 70 witierbycgende ond I'set word gecwseti : '' Her is gefered ofer feorne weg 8et5elinga sum innan ceastre, ellj'eodigra, jione ic Andreas nemnan herde ; he eow neon geseeod, 1 1 75 ]>ii he af erede of faestenue 1154. Gm. hreopun. 1155. Ms. mete leaste ineSe. 1157. Gm. and ^Gn. win-, -Gn. and K. win-. 1164. Gm. and K. mlcel. 1167. Gm., iGn., and K. weriges, ^Gn. weriges? 1169. 2Gn. hellehinca. 1171. Gm. and -Gn. gefered, ^ Gn. and K. gefered. 1175. Gm. and K. aferede. 50 ANDREAS ; manneynnes md ]>onne gemot w^re. NA ge magou eaSe oncy^djtHla wrecan on gewyrhtum ; lietaS nA spor iren ecgheard, eadorgeard sceoran, 1180 f&ges feorhhord ; gk6 fromllce, pset ge wiSerfeohteud wiges gehn;fegan." Him ])& Audreas Tigef ondsware : " Hwaet )'ft )n1stliee peode barest, baeldest t6 beadowe, wji'st ] e bt^les cweakn 1185 hA,tne in helle ; ond | ft here fysest, feSan t6 gefeohte ; eart )>ft f^g wit5 god dugoSa demend. Hwaet | ft deofles strsfel icest pine yrmtio, |)e se selmihtiga heanue gehniegde, ond heolstor besceaf, 1190 ]'8er se cyninga cining clamme belegde, ond )'C sySt5an & Sdta nemndon ))& )'e dryhtnes k demau cft(Sou." p& gyt se wiSermeda wordum l^rde folc t6 gefeohte feondes craifte : 1195 " Nft ge gehyraS hseleSa gewinnan, se pyssum herige m^st hearma gefremede. 1176. Ms. J»5n gemet, i Gn. and K gemet, Gin. and -Gn. gemet. 1178. Ms. gwyrhtuin Ijetaff (small worm-hole) spor, Gn. [w^pna], Cf. Jul. 623. 1179. K. ealdor-. 1182. Ms. 7sware, hole in parchment. 1184. Ms. baeldest, liole in parcliment, Gm. and K. bealdest; K. wast. 1185. After helle hole in parchment. 1188. Gm. and K. J'cest. 1180. -Gn. and [onl healstor. 1190. Gm., Gn., and K. cyuiiig, Gm. and K. sid'd'aa. 1191. Gn. Satan ncnidon. 1192. K. &. 1193. Gm. and K. J)a git. 1196. Ms tSyssu, Gm. and K. ]>issiiiu. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 51 pset is Andreas sS me on fitted wordum wrietlicum for wera monigo." pd. wffis beacen boden burhsittendiim ; 1200 dhleopon hildfrome heriges brehtme, ond t6 weallgeatum wigend prungon cene under cambium corSre mycle t6 })^m orlege ordum ond bordum. p4 worde cwse^ weoroda dryhten, 1205 meotud mihtum swi8.seegde his mago|iegne: " Scealt ))A Andreas ellen fremman ; ne mlh ])ft for menigo, ah plnne modsefan staSola wis strangum. Nis seo stand latu, ])set ]>e waeh-eowe witum beleegati, 1210 cealdan clommum. Cy5 ]'e sylfue, herd hige pinne, heortan staSola, faet hie niiu on ]>& msegen oncn^wan. Ne masfon hie ond ne mdton ofer mine 6st ])inne lichoman, lehtram scyldige, 1215 deaSe gedtelan, peah ]>tL drype |)olige, myrce m^uslaga. Ic pe mid wunige." XXI. Andrew's Sufferings. ^fter ]7ftm wordum c6m werod unm&te, lyswe l^rsmeoSas, mid lindgecrode bolgenmdde ; b^ron tt hrse'Se 1220 ond ]Am hdlgan p^r handa gebundon. 1197. Gm. on fliteiar. After >set a letter erased. 1212. Gm. and K. inicle. 1211. Gm. and K. hyge. 1213. After luoto before n worm-hole in parchment. 1216. Ms. myi-cc manslaga, Gn. mirce, Gm. and K. man-. 1220. Hole in parchment separates halga from n. 52 ANDREAS: Si58au geypped wjes selSelinga wynn, ond hie andweiirdne etiguin meahtou geslon siger6fne. pier wxs sec nianig on pAm wjiilwange wiges oflysted 1225 leoda duguSe ; lyt sorgodoii, hvvylc him }>aet edlean aefter wurde. Heton \>k l&dan ofer landsceare, ))ragm&kim teon, torngenlfilan, swA hie hit frecnost fiudaii meahton. 1230 l)r6gon deormAde a?fter (Ifniscriefum ymb stAuhleofto stiurcedlerhfte, efne swd wide swA wegas tAldgou enta ^rgeweorc iunan biirgum, sti'^te strinfAge. Storm upp drds 1235 aefter ceasterhofum, cirm unlytel h^Snes heriges. Waes ja^s hdlgan lie sdrbennuin soden, swftte bosteiued, bdnhCls Abrocen ; blOd y5um weoll hit of heolfre. Haifde him on innan 1240 alien untwfiodne ; waes \>set ae^ele m6d dsundrad fram synnum, Jeah he sdres swd feala deopum dolgslegum dreogan sceolde. SwS, waes ealne daeg ASj'tet a^fen c6m sigeltorht swungen ; sdr eft gew6d 1221. Hole in parchment separates {cffelin from ga; Ms. si)>]>an. 1223. Ms., Gm., and K. sec, Gn. secg. 1224. Ms. welwange, Gin., Gn., anil K. wael-. 1228. K. iTsrg-, -Gn. trag-. 1231. Ms. sta'rceflferj>}>e, K. stearcedferffo, (!ni. stearoedferhffe, Gn. staercedferhiJe. 1232. K. tolA'gon, Ms. tolagon. Gm. and Gn. t5 lagon. 1239. ' Gn. hataii heolfre, e he aer ongann, 1265 Ipadt he k ddmltcdst dryhten herede, weorSade wordum, oSj'aet wuldres gim heofontorht ouhlM. p^ c6m haeleSa ))r6at t6 p^re dimman ding, duguS unlytel, wadan wselgifre weorodes brehtme. 1247. Gm. and K. l*ddon. 1250. Ms. hige untyddre, Gm., Gn., and K. hyge, Gn. untydre. 1251. Ms. A. SA stood originally in the Ms., but S has been erased. 1255. iGn. swylc, ^Gn. swylee. 1256. Gn. hliff- ? hfeff- ? 1260. K. biace. 1264-65. Over y in }>y and again in dryhten worm-hole. Gm. ScQl (alsit), Gn. and Ettm. acol, K. aedl (in fear). 1267. Ms. and Ettm. heofon torht. After >reat letter erased. 54 ANDREAS : XXTT. Persecutions Continued. — Reviled by the Devil. 1270 Heton fit Iirne^e seSeling L^-dan in wrd(5ra geweald, w.^rfsestne haeleS. pd waes eft swA ^r ondlangne daeg swungen s^rslegum ; swA,t ySura weoll J'urh bA,ncofan, bldd lifrum swealg 1275 hS^tan heolfre ; hrti weorces ne sann wundum werig. pfi ewom w6pes hriug J'urh ))i«s beornes breost bMt iltfaran, weoll waSuman stream ond he worde cwaeS : " Geseoh nil dryhten god di'ohta?i ininne, 1280 weoruda willgeofa. pft wiest ond const dnra gehwylces earfeSsiSas. Ic gelyfe t6 j^e, niiu liflfruraa, )>.'et ])A inildheort me for l»lniim ma?genspedum, nerigend fira, niefre wille, 1285 6ce selmihtig, finforlifetan ; sw^ ic j'set gefremme, )'enden feorh leofaS min on moldan, j^aet ic, meotnd, l-inum lArnm leofwendum Ivt geswlce. pft eart gescylded wi6 sceaSan wu'pnum, 1290 ece eadfruma, eallum ])iniim ; ne lilet nft bysmrian banan manncynnes, f&cnes frumbcarn, jnirli feondes craeft leahtrum belecgau |>d |)iu lof beraS." pA J'&r aetywde se atola g&st, 1295 wrd8 w^rloga ; wtgend Ijferde for ))dm herema^gene helle dioful 1272. Ms. Tlangne. 1284. Ms. welle'? 1288. After // in lyt rasure. 1289. Ms. gescylded, (im., Gn., and K. gescyldend. 1291. Gm. and K. man-. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 55 ^werged in witum, oncl ]>aet word gecwsetS : " Slea(^ synnigue ofer seolfes mftS, folces gewinuau, nfi t6 feala reorda'8." 1300 p^ waes orlege eft onhrered niwan stefne, nl5 upp Cirks 68p8et sunne gew^it t6 sete glidan under niflan nses ; niht helmade, brfinwann oferbnBd beorgas steape, 1305 ond se h&lga waes t^ liofe l^ded deop ond d6ingeorn in ])set dimme rieced ; sceal ])onne in neadcdfau nihtlangne fyrst wierfaist T^unian wic unsj'fre. pk c6ni seofona sum t6 sele geongan 1310 atol ^gl&ca yfela gemyndig, morSres mAnfrea myrce gescyrded, deoful deaSreow duguSum bereafod. Ongan ]ni yCim hdlgan hospword sprecan ; " Hw£et hogodest ])ft, Andreas, liidercyme ))}nne 1315 on wnlSra geweald ? Hwaet is wuldor J)ln, ]>e ]>iX oferhigdum upp ilrjferdest, yk ]>t goda ftssa gilp gehn^gdest ? Hafast uti ])e Anum eall getihhad land ond leode, sw§, dyde Mreow ]?in. 1320 Cynej'rym Miof, )>t\m wses Crist nama, ofer middangeard, J>ynden hit meahte swd ; 1297. Gm. and K. a-vverged. 1304. Ms. brun, Gm., and K. brim ^vann. 1805. K. and, Ms. Oud. 1306. Ms. deop, Gni., Gn., and K. deor. After o in deop, after ofer (1304), and again over hider- (1314) liole in parchment. 1307. Gn. soeolde, Ms. sceal J»on. 1313. Ms. pn J»ain, Gm. and K. t5 }>ani. 1315. Gn. (foot-note) hw&r ? 1316. Gm. and K. -hygdum. 1317. Gn. (foor-note) gildl (cf. Jul. 146). 1321. Gn. J>euueii. 56 ANDREAS: |)one Herodes ealdre besnySede, forc6m set oampe cyninset hie l^e hn&gen gingrau set gftfie. L&taS gdres ord, earh Mtre gemgel, ingedAfan 1330 in f&ges ferfi ; gkf> fromlice, })set ge gutjfrecan gylp forbegan." XXIII. The Fiends Baffled. Hie w&ron reowe, r«fesdon on s6na gifrum gr&pum ; hine god forst6d staSulfaest steorend purh his strangan miht. 1335 SySSan hie oncneowon Cristes rAde m^re t^cen, wurdon hie pd dele on ]>kva. onfenge, forhte, fifierde ond on fleam numen. Ongan eft swd sSfer eald geniSla, helle haeftling, hearmleoS galan : 1340 ^ Hwaet wearS eow swA, r6fuin, rineas mine, liudgesteallan, pjet eow swA lyt gespeow?" Hearmsceapen Agef ondsware, fAh fyrnsceaSa, ond his fseder oncwaefi : 1322. Gn. Krodes. 1327. M.S. hna>gcii, Gm. and K. hiiS'gon, Gii. hii^guii. 1329. K. aettre. 1331. Ms. -fk-ecan, Gm., Gn., and K. -freAn. 133.''). Gm. and K. siffffan ; Ms. rade, Gm., Gn., and K. rode. Gn. "on his m^gwlite Ms. is left out by Grimm and Ktinble"; but these words are not in Ms. 1.337. Gm. and K. omit Af^rde. 1338. Gn. inserts >& after ongan; not in Ms. 1.342. Ms. hearm-, Gm., Gn., and K. earm-; Ma. 7»ware. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 57 " Ne magan we him lungre \Af) jptfaestan, 1345 swilt ]>urh searwe ; g^ pe sylfa td, \>Sbr pfi gegninga gASe findest, frecne feohtan, gif pft furSur dearst t6 fdm dnhagan aldre gene^an. We ]>e magon eat5e, eorla leofost, 1350 aet J)4m secgplegaii selre gel^ran, £er yti gegninga gftSe fremme, wiges wdman ; weald, hti pe s&\e set pdm geguslege. Utan gangan eft, ))aet we bysmrigen bendum fffistue, 1355 6Switan him his wrfficsiS ; habbaS word gearu wis pdm ^gl^can eall getrahtod ! " pd hleoJSrade hlAdan stefne witum bewi5elcd, ond pset word gecwaeS : " pft Jie, Andreas, dcl^ccraeftum 1360 lange feredes ; hwset pft leoda feala forleolce ond forl&rdest. Nft leng; ue niilit gewealdau py weorce ; ]'e synd witu |)ffis grim weotud be gewyrhtum. pA scealt werigmdd, hean, hr65ra leas, hearra }'r6wigan, 1365 sdre swvltcwale. Secffas mine t6 fdm g65plegan gearwe sindon, pd fie &niuga ellenweorcum unfyrn faca feorh aetpringan. 1344. Gm. and K. magon. 1345. Gm. and K. swylt. 1348. Ms. — aN : —— WE DE. 1351. K. geninga; Ms. freiiie. 1352. Gm. and K. J»u. Ms. and Gn. hu. 1353. Ms. Vtan, Gn. Utan, Gm. and K. uton. 1355. Gm. and K. Offwiton. 1359. Gn. ag-. 1361. After leng a line vacant without cause. 1362. Gm., Gn., and K. sind. 1368. Ms., Gm., and K. faca. 58 ANDREAS : Hw3'lc is ))8es mihtig ofer middangeard, 1370 j'ajt he pe Alyse of leocSubeudum manna cynnes ofer mine est? " Him j'tl Andreas Agef ondsware : " Hwset me eaSe seimilitig god, niSa neregend, se pe in raedum in 1375 gefjestnode f^Tnum clommum, ])fier ])fi syScSau & snsle gebnnden, in wnec wimne, wuldres blunne, sySSan ])ti forhogodes heofoneyninges word, p&r wags yQes or, ende na;fre 1380 ])iues wraeces weort5etS. pfi scealt widan feorh ecan pine yrmSu ; f>e bi6 d symble of daege on dseg drohta^ strengra." p{i wearS on fleame se ]>e pk fjfeht5o iu wi6 god geara grim me gefremede. XXIV. Andrew's Lament. — The Comfort. 1385 C6ra \)Si on uhtan mid a;rdaege hifeSenra hl66 h^liges neosan leoda weorude ; heton liedan tit ))r()litheardne ]>egn )n"iddan siSe ; woldon rminga ellenrdfes 1390 m6d geniyltau ; hit ne mihte swd. \)k wses niowinga niS onlu'ered 1373. Gn. Hwaet! me eAaCc [gcscildcffl. 1374. Ms. iiiedum, Gm., Gn., and K. uieduni. 1376 and 1378. Gm. and K. siffffau. 1377. Gn. wr^ce ? 1380. K. -wiityan, misprint ? 1382. «1 in k Ipt. of gealgan, god lifigende fyrnweorca fr6a, t6 faider cleopodest, ciniuga wuldor, ond cwtede J>us : ' Ic ]'6, fseder engla, frignan wille, 1410 lifes leohtfruma, hwset forl^test ])ti me?' Ond ic nil |'ry dagas poll an sceolde wselgrim witu ? Bidde ic, weoroda god, paet ic gdst minne ^gifan m6te, s&wla symbelgifa, on janes sylfes hand. 1415 ptL pset gehete ])urh ]nn hdlig word, ]>& ])ti As twelfe trymman ongunne, paet As heterdfra hild ne gesc6ode, 1392. K. on hete, grim, Gm. ond hete, grim, ^Gn. ond hete = O.S. hoti, -Gn. heard ond hetegrim: wses se, etc., Ms. heard ond hete grim waes se halga wer, ttc, grim beginning a new line. 1394. Gm. and K. lyhte; K. J>euden. 1397. Ms. werig fera' o^^ 1402. Gm. and Gn. benne. 1403. Ms. seono dolg swatige, Gn. seonodolg swatige, Gm. and K. seono dolgswatige. 1408. Gm., Gn., and K. cyninga. 1417. Gm. and Gn. a.s Ms. gesceolde. 60 ANDREAS: ne lices d^l lungre dtij'eoded, ne synu ne b^u on swatSe Idgon, 1420 ne loc of lieafde t6 forloro wurde, gif we j'ine lAre laestan woldon. Ne t6 frecne. Ic )'e friSe healde 1430 minre mundbyrde, maegene besette. Me is mibt ofer eall, sigorsped, geseald. S6(S J^aet gecy^eS mseuig aet meSle on J)^m myclan daege, ]>set }'aet geweorSeS, ])set j'eos wlitige gesceaft, 1435 heofon ond eorfte, hreosaS t6gadore, t^r dw&ged sie worda &nig )'e ic pui'b minne mft6 me(Slan onginne. Geseoh nA seolfes swaeSe, sw4 J'iu swdt dget ))urh bdngebrec blddige stige, 1440 licl&lan. N6 ]>e IdSes mk I'urh darocSa gedrep geddn mdtan, 1418. Gm. (note) SUedde. 1419. Gm. and K. sinu. 1422. Ms. toslowen, ai5'ro\veii, K. affroven, Gm. tdslopen, adro- pen, Ettni. tSslaveii, aj»raveu. 1425. Gtn. and K. micle. 1427. Ms. hloffrodo. 1431. Gm. and K. leave space for one or two words; Gn. [geond middanj;oard]. TIutc i.s no gap in Ms. 1433. Gm. and K. mielan. 1438. Gm. and K. agedt. 1440. 1 Gn., Gm., and K. Ifcl&lan, Ms. and "Gn. lie Iftlan. 1441. Gm. and K. mdton. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 61 \>ii ])e heardra ms^st hearma gefremedan." pd on l^st beseah leoflic cempa aefter wordcwidum wuldorcyninges ; 1445 geseh he gebldwene bearwas standan bljedum gehrodene, sw^ he ger his bl6d dget. pk worde cwffiS wigendra hleo : " Sie pe pane oud lof, peoda waldend, t6 widan feore wuldor on heofonum, 1450 J'8es j'ft me on s^re, sigedryhten min, ell{>6odigne An ne forlete." Sw& so d&dfruraa dryhten herede hMgan stefne, 68 \>set h^dor saegl wuldortorht gew&t under wd6u scriSan. XXV. God's Visit. — Miraculous Cure. 1455 pk ])§i folctogan feorSan siSe, egle ondsacan, aeSeling l^ddon t6 \>km carcerne ; woldon crsefta gehygd magorffidendes m6d oncyrran on psei'e deorcan niht. pk c6m dryhten god 1460 in jiaet hlinra^ced, haeleSa wuldor, ond ]>A wine sinne wordum grette ond frdfre gecwaeS ; faeder manncynnes, lifes l&reow, heht his lichoman hMes brftcan : " Ne scealt fti in henSum A leng 1442. Gm. and K. gefremedon. 1446. Gm. and K. agcdt. 1451. Ms. -l^te, Gm., Gn., and K. -lete. 1454. Ms. and Gm. waffu, Gn. wadu, (foot-note) waffum ? K. omits it. 1459. K. omits Ms. god. 1461. Ms. synne, Gm., Gn., and K. sinne. 1462. Gm. and K. man-. 1464. Gm. and K. hendum. 62 ANDREAS: 1465 searohfebbendra sAr ))r6wian." At-As ])Ci mffigene rdf, saegde meotude )>anc hdl of h&fte heardra wita ; nses him gewemmed wlite no wl6h of brsegle lungre dlysed, ne loc of heafde, 1470 ne bfiu gebrocen, ne bl6dig wuud licgelenge ue \&6es dit'l )>urh dolgslege (U'eore bestemed ; ac wjfis eft swd &y ]n\rh )'A aeSelan miht lof l^dende, ond on his lice trum. XXVI. The Poet's Self-Depreciation. — Renewal OF THE Story. — A Miracle. 1475 Hwaet ! ic hwile nft hfiliges Ure, leotigiddinga lof j'ffis pe worhte, worduni vvemde, — wvrd undjn'nc > ofci- mill geraet. Mycel is t6 secganne, laugsum leornung, j'oet he in life adr^ag 1480 eall jefter orde. paet scell {t'ghewra mann on moldan, ponnc ic me taelige, iindan on ferfie, \>^t fram fruman cunne eall I'A earfeSo |)e he mid elne ^dreah, grimra gtita. HwaeSre git sceolou 1465. Ms. sas, Gm., Gn., and K. sar. 1469. Ms. alysrte. 1471. Ms. lie gelenge, Gm. lice gelenge, Gn. lice lenge, K. licge- lenge. 1474. Between 7 -tkI on a letter erased. 1475. Ms. Haet, Gm., Gn., and K. Hwaet. 1476. Gm. and K. }>ses l>e ~ because. 1477. Gm. and K. vvemde = spoiled, Gn. vvemde = announced. 1478. Gm. and K. micel. 1480. Gm. and K. SigleAwra. 1 IRl. l>on. 1484. grim- on rasure, K. sceal on lytlum, Ms. sceolon. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 63 1485 lytlum sticcum leoSworda clael furSur reccan. peet is f3-i-ns8egen, hfi he weorua feala wita ge)'olode heardra bilda in j'iKre hiieSenau b^u-ig. He be wealle geseah wuudrum fsestne 1490 under saelwange speras unlytle, stapulas, standan storme bedrifene, eald enta geweore. He wiS Anne p^era mihtig ond m6dr6f maeSel gehede wis wundriun gieaw, word stunde tlli6f : 1495 " Geher p(\ marmanst^n meotudes rjedum, fore )>8es onsyne ealle gesceafte forhte geweorfiaS, ponne hie faeder geseoS heofonas ond eorSan herigea injKSte on middangeard mancynn secan ! 1500 Lt^t nfl of pinura staSoIe streamas weallan, ea inflede ; nft ]'e almihtig hdteS beofona eyning, j'aet j'u hrtedlice on ))is frjete folc for6 onsende wseter widryuig t6 wera cwealme, 1505 geofou geotende. Hwaet Jal golde cart sincgife sylla ; on pe sylf eyning wrdt, wuldres god wordum cy15de recene geri'no, ond rylite « getdenode on tyn wordum 1486. Gni., 1 Gn., and K. fyrn saegen, -Gn. fyrnsa>geii. 1487. Ms. geffolede? 1489. Ms. gseah; Ms. faestne, Gm., Gn., and K. fteste. 1490. Ms. speras, Gm., Gn., and K. sweras; Gn. saelwage, Ms. and K. sael^'^ange, Gm. s^el-. 1492. K. ajime. 1493. Ms. mod rofe, Gm., Gn , and K. modrSf. 1501. Ms., Gm., and K. eA in flede, Gn. ea inflede. 1504. Ms. wid rynig, K. widrincg. 1505. Ms. and Gm. lioofoii. On. andK. geofon ; ^Gn. hwaet! >u, etc. 1508. Gm. and K. rihte. 64 ANDREAS : 1510 iMcotud mihtum swi8, Moyse sealde, s\v:l hit s6(Sfaeste sylStian heoldou inodige uuigoj'cgnas, niAgas s5ne, godfyrhte guman losua and Tobias. Nft ])tL miht gecn^wan, )>a3t pe cyning engla 1515 gefraetwode furiSiir micle giofum geardagum j^onne eall gimma cynn. purh his hdlige htes ))ft scealt hraeSe cy^an, gif yti his ondgitan ^nige haebbe." XXVII. Effects of the Miracles. — The People Implore Help and Andrew Rescues Them. Naes J)& wordlatu wihte fon mdre, 1520 faet se st^u t6g4u ; stream tt dweoll, fleow ofer foldan ; fdmige walcan mid aferdaege eor8an pehton, rayclade merefl6d ; meodu scerpen weartS aefter symbcldiege ; sU^pe t61)rugdon 1525 searuhaibbende. Suud grunde onfeng deope gedrefed ; dugufi weariS dfyrhted J'urh ])ses flddes filer, fiege swultou geonge on geofeue, gtiSr&s fornam J)urh sealtes sweg. p^t waes sorgbyrften, 1530 biter beorJ)egu ; byrlas ne gieldon ()inl)eht)'egnas ; ])&r waes it'lcuni gendg fram daeges orde dr3'nc s6Da gcaru. 1511. Gm. and K. silSfiflfan. Thereafter rasiire. Gm. and K. inlcle. 1613. Ms. losau. 152.3. Oni. and K. iiiiolado : Ms. and K. scerpen, Gm. and Gn. scerwen; Gn. (foot-iiotrj meodu-scerAveii, Methvenjcntuni/ ? 1524. Ms. to brogdon(?) ^*'*''" h^ebbende. 1529. Ms., Gm., and K. scealtes, Ettm. and Gn. sealtes. 1530. K. beorJ>egn. 1531. After &lcuin a small spot. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 65 Weox waeteres J'rym ; weras cwAnedon, ealde sescberend, waes him At rayue 1535 fleon fealone stream, woldon feore beorgan, t6 dflusenefum drohtaS secan eorSan audwist. Him paet engel forstdd, se ]>^ burh oferbrsegd blS,cau iige, h^tan heaSowaelme ; hreoh wses })^r inne 1540 beateude brim, ne mihte beorna hl6S of }5^m faestenne fleame spdwan. Wffigas weoxon, wadu hlynsodon, flugon fJTgn^stas, fl6d }'8um weoll. peer waes ySfynde innan burgum 1545 geomorgidd wrecen gehSo m^nan, forht ferS manig fftsleoS galen. Egeslic seled eagsj'iie wearS, heardlic heret^am, hleoSor gryreltc ; |)urh lyftgelAc leges blaestas 1550 weallas ymbwurpon, wseter ra^'cladon. ^ pser wais w6p wera wide gehyred, earmlic ylda gedrieg. pk ])^y kn ongann feasceaft haeleS folc gadorigean, hean, hygegeomor, heofende spraec : 1555 " Ni\ ge magon sylfe s66 gecndwan, faet we mid unrihte ell])eodigne 1534. Ms. ut-, 2Gn. and K. utmyne, Gm. and i Gn. ut myne. 1536. K. drohtoiy. 1537. Ms. 7^vist, Gn. and K. andwist, Gm. and wist, Etttn. onwist. Upon ng in engel a brown spot. 1538. Gm. and K. lyge. 1539. Gm. and K. heaS'o^vealme. 1542. Ms. and K. wadu, Gm. and Gn. as Ms. w^udu. 1544. Ms. Innan, Gm. and Gn. as Ms. hinan. 1548. Ms. gryrellc, K. grynelic. 1549. Gm. and ^Gn. bl^stas, ^Gn. and K. blaestas. 1550. Gn. (foot-note) ymbhw^urfon^ Gm. and K. micladon. 66 ANDliEAS : on cnrcernc clommum belegdon, witebendiun ; As sGo W^rd seycSeS heard ond lietegriin, pmt is swa, cft8, 1560 is hit mvcle selre, J'ries }>e ic s6S taUge, past we hine illysan of leoSobeudum, ealle ruunOde, (Ofost is sel6st,) ond As J'one hiilgan helpe biddan, geoce ond fr6fre. XJs bi(5 gearu s6na 1565 svbb {L't'tcr sorge, gif w(^ seeaiS t6 hira." pii I'lur Andrea orgete wearS on fyrlr^locan folces gebt^ro, \>Sir wses m6digra forbeged wigendra prym. Wieter fcTStSmedon, 1570 fleow firgendstream, Add wtes on luste, 68 ]'a3t breost oferstflg brim weallende eorhnn 66 cxle. pA so iL'Seling het streanifare stillan, stormas restan ymb stilnhleo(Sn. Stop fit hr;e8et is [her]. >.'o ga]) in Ms. 1560. Gm. and K. iniclc 1565. Gm. and K. sibb. 1566. K. onjjotc. 1568. Gni., Gn., and K. insert niaegeu after mOdlgra ; no vacant space in Ms. ; Gn. (foot-note) )>a!t wtes 1 1574. Ms. yiiibe. 1575. Ms. carcern, (ini. and K. carcerne. 1576. Gni., Gn., and K. insiTt \vfcs, not in Ms. 1578. Between syiiiblc and waes gap without rasure. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 67 XXVITI. Thetu Joy. — They Recognize Andrew AS THE Messenger of the King of All Crea- tures. 1580 Wurdon burgware blifie on m6de, ferli6gefeoude, p^ wses forScuinen geoc sefter gyrae, heofon swa,8rode ; jnirh hfdiges hi«s hlyst 3-st forgeaf, brimrM gebM. p^ se beorg t6hlM, 1585 eorSscraef egeslic, ond J'ser iu foiiet fl6d fseSmian, fealewe wtegas, geotende gegrind grund eall forswealg. Nalas he p^r ySe ^ne bisencte, acli Jiffis weorodes eac J'tl wyrrestan 1590 fa folcsceacSaa feowertj'iie gewiton mid ]>y wiBge in forwyrd seeacan under eoriSan grund. pA wearS ^colm6d forht fercS manig folees on lAste, wendan lile ond wera cwealnies 1595 ]'earlra ge] inga prdge bnAgrau, sytSSan mane fd morSorscyldige gti^geltican under grund hrurou. Hie ]r^ Anni6de ealle eweedon : "■ NA is gestae, }'set ]'e s6S meotud 1581. Gm. and Gn. feihfS gefeonde. 1582. Ms. heofon, Gm., Gn., ami K. geofon. 1589. Ms. ach, K. ah; Ms. weorodes, Gm., Gn., and K. weorudes. 1590. Ms. faa. 1592. Ms. eorSan, K. eorSgrund. 1594. Ms. wendan, Gm. and K. -on. After 7 no gap, Ettm. and Gn. [wifa]. 1595. Between >earlra and gejjinga a leaf of the Ms. has been cut out. K. Jjraege. 159G. Gm. and K. sifSfSau; Ms. faa. 1598. Ms. H'e. 68 ANDREAS : 1600 cyning eallwihta craeftum wealdeS, se |)isne ^r hider onseiule fjeodum id helpe. Is nfl pearf my eel, ]>s&t we gumcystum georne In'ran." \)k se h^lga ongauu haele^ blissigean, 1605 wigendra preat wordum retan : " Ne beoft ge t6 forlite, )ieh j'e fell curen synnigra cynn, swylt J'r6wode wltu be gewyrtum ; eow i^ wuldres leoht torht outyned, gif ge teala hycgatS." XXIX. Through Andrew's Prayer the Drowned ARE RESTORED TO LlFE. — ThEY RECEIVE BAPTISM AND God's Law. — Their First Bishop. 1610 Sende ])k his bene fore beai'n godes, bsed hdligne helpe gefreraman gumena geogoSe, \)e on geofene ^r ))urh fl6des fi«cSm feorh gesealdon, |>8et ]>& g^stas gode orfeorrae 1615 in wlta forwyrd wuldre l)escj'^rede in feonda ge weald gefered wurdan. pk \>eet &rende oalwoaldan gode aefter hleofiorcwidum hAligos g&stes waes on j'anc sprecen, pfioda riifeswum ; 1620 h6t pk ousunde ealle Msan geonge of gr^ote, )>& &v geofon cwealde. 1601. Gn. hidor [este], foot-note hider on sende? 1602. Gni. and K. micel. 1603. 1 Gn. gym-, -Gn. guiiioystum. 1608. K. gewyrtum. 1615. Gn. (foot-note) [ne] in? 1616. 2Gn. goforod. 1619. Ms. ^ses^vum, Gni., Gn., and K r&swan. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 69 p4 ])&r dfostlice upp ^stddon manige on meftle mine gefr^ge eaforau uuweaxue ; ]>k wses eall eador 1625 leoSolic ond g^stlic, pfeah hie lungre ^r purh fl6des f^r feorh ^l^ton ; onfengoii fnlwihte ond freotiuwiere wuldres wedde witum dspedde, mundbyrd meotudes. p^ se m6diga h^t 1630 cyuinges cia?t"tiga ciricean getimbran, gerwan godes tempel, )'&r sic geogofi dr4s ))urh faeder fulwiht ond se Add onsprang. ])k gesamnodon secga ]'r6ate weras geond pd winburg wide ond side, 1635 eorlas dnm6de, ond hira idesa mid ; cwi^don, holdliee liyran woldon, ouf6n fromlice fiiUwilites baieS dryhtne t6 willan ond diofolgild, ealde eolhstedas, duforl^tau. 1640 pa wses mid py folce fnlwiht haefen aetSele mid eoiium ond •& godes riht ar^red, v&d on lande mid ])ftm ceasterwaruni, eirice geh^lgod. p&r se dr godes finne gesette 1645 wisfffistne wer woi'des gl^awne in })c'ere beorhtan byrig bisceop J'^m l^odum, ond geh^lgode fore pdm heremaegene 1624. K. geador. 1630. Ms. and Gm. craeftiga, K. -gra, Gn. -gan ? 1632. -Gn. fiiltuin. 1633. K. gesamnadon. 1639. K. ealh-. 1640. After foloe/and another letter erased. 1641. Over r in eorlum slight defect in the parchment. 1644. Ms. sio ar. 1645. Ms. wilfaestne i or rather s with connecting stroke. 70 ANDKEAS : ])urh apostolhild Platan nemiied J)6oduiii on pearfe ; oiul jni.ste bebfiad, 1650 ]>set hie his Ifire hestou georiie, feorhr&d fremedon. 8«gde his fftsne hige, ]>set h6 |)A goldburg ofgifan wolde, secga seledrfiam ond sincgestreou, beorht bSagselu, ond him brim))isan 1655 set s^s farot5e s6can wolde. Andrew's Return to Achaia. pset waes j'Am weorode weor t6 gepoligenne, J»aet hie se leodfruma leng ne wolde wihte gewunian. pd him wuldres god oil I'dm si8fiete sylfuin jiet^wde 1660 ond yxt word gecwsefS weoruda dryhten : " Fole of firenuni (is him fAs hyge) g&t5 geomrieude, geohSo mjeiiaS weras wif samod ; hira w6p bec6m, murnende m6d, fore sneowan. 1665 Ne seealt ])ti J'set eowde iinforl&tan on swu ntowan gefean, ah him naman ininue on ferSlocau faiste getiinbre. 1650. Ms. he his. 1651. Gm. and K. hyge. 1655. Ms. foroare. 1660. K. vveoroda. 1661. Gm., Gil., 1111(1 K. leave a space of several lines, but there is no gap in the Ms. Ms. his him. 1663. Ms. hira wop, Gin. and Gn. as Ms. hi sa fop, Gm., Gn., and K. him J»a >vop. 1664. K. moff. After this word Gm. and K. leave the space of two half-lines; Gn. [nu >u on merebate wilt ofer llOdas]. There is no gap in the Ms. KH'.T. Gm. anil K. fcrhff-. A LEGEND OF ST. ANDREW. 71 Wuna in fJiiere winbyrig, wigendra lileo, salii sinchrodeii seofon nihta fyrst ; 1670 sycSSau ))U mid mildse miure terest." p4 eft gewM di)ve siSe mddig integene v6{ Marmedonia ceastre s^can. Cristeiira weox word and wisddm, sy?i(San wuldres ]'egn, 1675 seSelcyninges ^r, eagum sdwou. Lserde ]>k ]>&, leode on geleafau weg, ti'ymede torhtlice ; tireadigra wenede to wuldre weorod unm^te t6 )'&m haigan h^m heofoua rices, 1680 ])&r feeder oud sunn oud fr6fre g4st in ]5rinnesse prymme wealdeti in woruld worulda wuldorgestealda. Swylce se liMga herigeas ]n-eade, deofulgild tddrftf ond gedwolan fylde. 1685 pJEt wa?s satane sdr t6 ge])olienue, myeel m6des sorg, j'ffit lie ]'^ menigeo geseah hweorfan higebliiSe fram helltrafum ))urh Andreas este l^re, t6 fsegeran gefean, j^ser n^fre feondes ne bi6 1690 gS,stes gramhj'diges gang on lande. pS, wserou gefylde iBfter frean d6me dagas on rime, swS, him dryhten bebead, ]){Et he )'& wederburg wuuian sceolde. Ongan hine ]>k fysan ond t6 fldte gyrwan 1695 blyssum hremig, wolde on brim|nsan 1670 and 1674. Gm. and K. siffffan. 1672. After niodig an e erased. 1676. Before / in l^rde slight defect in the parchment. 1677. Gn. tir eddigra. 1681. Gn. Jjrinesse, Ms., Gm., and K. J>rinnesse. 1686. Gm. and K. micel. 1687. Gm. and K. hyge-. '2 ANDREAS. Achaie d^re slSe sylfa gesecan, ))&r he s^wulgedM, beaducwealm, gebM. paet I'diii banan ne wear^ hleahtre bebvvorfeu, ah in helle ceafl 1700 sl6 dsette ond sy66an n6 Mh, freonda leas, fr6fre benohte. pk ic l^dan gefrajgn leoda weorode leofne Idreow t6 lides stefnan maecgas mddg^omre ; j'^r manegum waes 1705 hilt ait heortaii hyge weallende. Hie I'S, gebr6hton aet brimes n^sse on w^gl^ele wlgan unsl^wne ; st6don him \>k on dfre aefter reotan, fendon hie on yfium aiSeUnga wunn 1710 ofer seolhw^Su geseon mihton, ond Ipk weorSedon wuldres dgend, cleopodon on corSre, ond cw^don pus : '' An is ece god eaUra geseeafta, is his miht ond his ^ht ofer middangeard 1715 breme gebledsod, ond his bl&d ofer eall in heofon))ryinme h^lgum scineS wlitioe on wuldi-e t6 widan ealdre, ece mid englum. paet is aeSele cyning ! " 1696. Ms. achaie, ^Gn. and K. Achaie, Gm. ac haie, i Gn. Achaia. 1699. K. hieafre. 1700. Ms. 7 syff (hole in parchment) no, Gm. and K. siff nO, Gn. syffffan no. 170'.). (ini. wynn. 1710. Gn. (foot-note) -paffu ? 1711. Ms. weor>edon, (iui., Gn., and K. -odou. 1712. Gm. and Gn. as Ms. cw&ffon. 1715. Ms. ond. CRITICAL NOTES. CRITICAL NOTES. By following the Ms. as closely as possible this edition of Andreas has six lines less than Grein's. Then there are a few words that the editor interprets differently from the other editors. Hence, it was thought best to place all such matters under this head. Difficult or peculiar passages will be translated in the Glossary. LINE 28. )>4ra J>e . . . s6hte. "As Kemble has already shown (B. 4762), J>ara J>e (eorum qui) is generally followed by the sg." Grimm. Cf. 379, 1150; El. 1226; B. 997, etc. The pi. is likewise found: B. 98, 786; Dan. 64; El. 971, etc. 64. hu me elJ»eodige . . . seoS'aS', how for me these strangers are de- vising a chain of mischief, a net of snares. seoffaU : literally this word means to seethe, boil. It is used figuratively twice in Beowulf, where it means to he excited over, brood, pine, B. 190, 1994. In sarbennum soden, 1237, it comes nearer the original meaning. 301. Naebbe ic faeced gold . . . s'wA )>u worde becwlst, I have no acquired gold nor rich treasure, wealth of land nor abundance of locked rings nor joints of wire, that I may ichet thy desire, thy will in the world, as thou with word sayest. Grimm translates naebbe ic faeced, non attuli ; but this construction would not suit the rest of the passage, faeced I take to be, not from feccan, faeccan, but from facian ; cf facade, Oros. 3, 11 ; Bos. 75, 28. 361. gehladenne. In B. 38, of which passage this is an imitation, ■we have the infinitive, gegyrwan. This construction is not found in Beowulf, nor elsewhere in the poetry, so far as I know. For the usual construction, see 1174, March, § 449 (a). 375. w^do gewaette, the wet weeds (sails) ; loet with waters, Kemble ; waves swelled, Grein ; replebatur aquis, vadum madefiebat, Grimm ; w^do geTvaette is in apposition with strengas. For the conception, cf J>a waes be maeste merehraegla sum, segl sale faest, B. 1906. w^do 76 CRITICAL NOTES. seems to have here its original meaning, namely, something which is wound or wrapped rovnd ; cf. Shaks. Mids. N. D., II. 1, 256, "weed wide enough to irrap a fairy in"; see Skeat's Etym. Diet, under "weed " (2). Furtlier cf. Swod. -wad, cloth of the sail. For tlie form gewaette, see Cook's Sievers' Grammar of Old English, § 406. 496. beataff, 3d sg. pres. For other examples in -aff, see Jjreataff, 520, gangaff, 800. See Cook's Sievers' Old Eng. Gram. § 358. 742. Septe sacerdas, etc., It made the priests perceive through manifest tokens, etc. septe has heretofore been left unexplained ; Grimm, (irein, and Kemble changed it to se%vte; Zupitza recognized the correct form, namely, septe El. 530, sopton Dan. 446 (thougli Hunt retains sewton), and septe in this place — ; but left them in doubt. He could not decide between seppan (mit saep zusammen hangend ? ? ) and sSpan. See his edition of Elene, p. xi. seppan i.-< a denominative verb, akin to saep, root *sapa, Goth. *sapjan, O.Il.G. sewen, seppen, M.H.G. seben " wahrnehmen." See Kluge's Etym. W'b'h. 280, under "Saft"; Skeat's etymology of sap seems to be totally false, seppan is perhaps akin to sapio. Kluge leads up to seppan, but does not seem to have known this word. 819. J7us Andreas . . . berede . . . haliges lare, Thus Andrew the livelong daij made known in lofti/ words the teaching of the Holy One. berian (a denominative from baer) means literally to make hare; cf. benc-)>elu beredon, B. 1240; >a J»e me for werode wisddm bereU, who to me make a shoiv of wisdom before the people, Dan. 142. Further cf. abarian, barenian. 827-29. Kemble leaves a vacant space of two half-lines, Grimm of one, Grein prints thus : — J>urh lyft gelac on land becwom t(5 \>&re ccastre, he him cyning engla [in Achaia ^r getacnode]. [Gewiton] l^a ha aras [eft] si'Sigean eadige on upweg e^les neosan, I^ton, etc. But, as there is no gap in the Ms., it is perhaps better to arrange this jias.sago as it is found in the text. I would translate thus: Through motion through the air he came into the land, to the city, from ichich then the king of the angels arose to go away from him in blessedness on the upway, to visit his native seat. They left the holy man, etc. sffflgean, inf. of purpose, cf gewat >a neosian, B. 115; sende bodian, Bed. 3, 22 ; him is in the dat. with sid'igean, see March's Anglo-Saxon Gram- mar, § 301 [b). CRITICAL NOTES. 77 997. herede . . . god, dryhtendom, praised on high the goodness of heaven's King, his dominion. See 1. 998 (textual notes) for other read- ings. 10o(!. )>*r he n&nige forlet . . . forhte gefreoffode, There he left none under the city locks with wounds in the Jastness (prison), where of women there yet, in addition to the troop {of men) (besides the men), he/reed from fear fifty wanting one. J>e before fiftig seems to be superfluous ; n&nlge is ace. pi. ; faestne occurs again, 1489; r/'. gen. pi. faestna, Dan. 692; faestenne occurs three times, 1033, 1066, 1175. Here Grimm and Kemble leave several gaps. Grein prints this passage thus : — swylce fedwertig [eac feorcundra] < generede fram niSe : hser he nsenigne forlet under burglocan bendum fsestne, ond J^ser wifa ^a gyt weorodes to eacan S,nes wana ealra fiftig forhte gefreo'Sode. 1076. unhyffige, contristatus, Grein ; sad-minded, Kemble. For dif- ferent readings, see Textual Notes. im + hyS + ig : hyff, booty; hySan, to make booty, hence bootyless, ivithout booty. The idea is repeated in luste belorene. 1098. hwylcne hira . . . sceolde, etc., which of them should first, etc. ; cf. gebjTgde J>8es ge^veox, Gen. 483. See March, § 384. 1223. sec = secg is found twice elsewhere in Mss. See Grein's Glos- sary, under secg. 1475. As Fritzsche has already remarked, there is an evident break in the poem at this place {Anglia, Bd. 2, 441, etc.). This, he thinks, might have been due to one of two causes. The poet became indiffer- ent for a while and later finished the poem, or died and another com- pleted his work. At any rate Fritzsche is correct in stating tliat the language is not so poetic nor the original so closely followed from here on. The translation of the opening lines seem to be as follows : Lo! I noiv a rchile have been setting forth in words the teaching of the Holy One, the praise of the songs of him irho wrought them — a fate {an affair, or an allotted task??) unmistakably beyond my power. See Grimm and Kemble for different conceptions. Grein agrees in part with the above translation ; but he renders wyrd undyrne ofer min gemet doch weit iiber meine Krdfte geht das unverborgene Ereignis. 1489. He wondrously saw by the ivall, by the fortress, at the foot of the hall-plane immense spears, columns, standing storm-driven, the old work of giants. So I would translate this passage. Grein makes the following 78 CRITICAL NOTES. changes, f;«ste (for faestne), saelwage (for saBlwaiise), sweras (for speras), thus altering the passage very materially. We had this form of ftBstne in line 1037; saelwange is a compound like meodo-wang, mead-jieiil (where the mead-hall stood), 11 1044; speras, so far as 1 zxn acquainted with the word, is n.; but in the cognalu hiiiguages it is m. f., cf. (ier. speer m., Icel. spior f. For a number of words of double gender in Andreas, see Fritzsche's article in the Anglia, Bd. 2, p. 479. As to meaning, cf. speru, I my poles to try the dqyth of the water. Cot. 35, catapulta", Cot. 45, 18!) (Bosworth's Dictionary). 1523. Meodu scerpen wears', etc. llie. mead became sharp after the day of feast in// ; see below, 1530, biter boorjjogu. The mead was spilled, Kemble, Grimm retains scerpen in the te.xt, but leans to scerweu in the Notes; Grein has changed the reading to scerwen. This word occurs B. 770, but the editors are still in doubt about it. See Harrison and Sharp's edition of Beowulf, under scerwen. The form scerpen is found in the Ms. I take it as a part. adj. r sharpened, sharp, bitter, sour. e for ea is quite frequent in this poem. Exs.: agef, 572 (frequently); geseh, 714, werff, 000; niehte, 479, 928; seel, 046; scell, 1480; scerp, 1131, and scerpen. It is from the same root as scearp, sceorfan, O.H.G. screwon, scarbon, M.II.G. schar- ben. 1582. heofon swaffrode, the lamentation ceased. Grimm, Grein, and Kemble have changed the Ms. reading, heofon, to geofon; but these words continue the thought in J>a wais . . . .efter gyrne. For heofon, see Exod. 47; heofon J»ider becom (H. Z. xi., 430-31). 1658-64. Grimm, Grein, and Kemble leave a gap or two here. As the Ms. shows no vacant space, I have endeavored to get the following out of this passage : Then to him the God of (/lory appeared on the Journey, and this word spoke the Lord of hosts .■ " The people in consequence of their evil deeds (their mind is ready (for death?)) go mourning, they lament their grief men and women together; their iveeping goes hastening forth, their mourning mood etc. makes itself heard." For this construction, see J»& com morgen torht . . . ofer breonio sneoAvan, 242; }>a;t hi . . . becflm beorhte blican, 788. For becunian in Beowulf, with inf. following, (f. 11. 2366, 2553. ANNOUNCEMENTS RECENT BOOKS IN LITERATURE SCHILLER By EuGEN KiJHNEMANN, Profcssor of Philosophy in the University of Breslau, Germany. Translated by Katharine Royce. Two volumes, 8vo, cloth, 844 pages, with frontispiece, $3.00. 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