^ j /y Leylet, Twenty-third day of the Second Month SAFAR Hejira 1324 S WEDNESDAY April Eighteenth 1906 BUSINESS SESSION AT 7:30 P. M. CEREMONIAL SESSION AT 8:15 P. M. At First Regiment Armory, N. G. C. Cor. Page and Gough Sts. BANQUET AT 11 P. M., AT THE FIESTA CAFE Corner Powell and Market Streets Under James Flood Bldg. HSS35- suzg ES SELAMU ALEIKUM ADMONITION % A #E are departing somewhat from for- ™ ** mer occasions in that The First Regi- ment Armory, corner Page and Gough Sts. (see diagram on next page), wiil be used for the Ceremonial Session, and we will then form procession headed by Music, the Officers and Candidates, and march to the Fiesta Cafe, cor. Powell and Market Sts., Under the James Flood Bldg., for the BANQUET Those who may not be able to walk can take any of the Cable Cars on Market St., but it is desired that ALL arrive at the Cafe at Eleven o'clock, P. M., and also at the same time, as the banquet will positively NOT be ready before II P. M. M In the past, there has always been some confusion toward the end of the ceremonies; and the beauties of some of the lessons have been lost to the candidates; will you not on this occasion ALL remain seated until the Temple is CLOSED? A ATTI R E Yourselves in your Full Dress, Fez and Jewels during the Ceremonies, place your Fez in your pocket during the march to the Banquet, and again resume Fez at the Cafe. THE CANDIDATES Should have their petitions properly filled out, accompanied by the Fee of $75.00, and in the hands of our Recorder, Noble James W. Anderson, No. 6 Union Square Avenue, as soon as possible, to the end that they may be passed on and elected before the Cere- monial Session. THE BANQUET at Fiesta Cafe will be held at II P. M.; there will be plenty of seats for ALL and with the usual Zem Zem it is expected the evening will go off very nicely. As each Noble enters the Armory he will receive a ticket which will later admit him to the Banquet. THE VISITING NOBLES Will be received with .open arms, provided they have their scarlet cards for 1906. 3k LOS ANGELES CARAVAN Again all Nobles are urged to make their wants known to the LOS ANGELES COM- MITTEE OF ISLAM TEMPLE, if they intend going in May; There are still a number of good rooms left at the Hotel Lankershim, but all the rooms that remain unreserved by April 20 will be returned to the Hotel Management. UNIFORM FOR LOS ANGELES It has been suggested that Islam Temple have a distinctive dress as a feature while at Los Angeles; when the Temple went to Atlantic City and also at Niagara Falls, all the Nobles and the ladies wore a Kimona, made of Pongee Silk, tied around the center with a red cord and tassel also a large red "C" worked on the back, signifying "California." This has been again adopted for Islam at Los Angeles; the cost complete is $4.50; if you desire one or more, send in your order to the Recorder before April 20, stating your height, and the number wanted. SOUVENIR BADGES The official Badges for Los Angeles will be on sale at the Recorder's office on and after April 28th 1906, at 25 cents each. TICKETS For the Los Angeles Trip will be on sale at Southern Pacific Company, No. 6 13 Market Street, after April 16, 1906. DUES There are now only a few Nobles who have not paid their dues for I 905, and unless this is done at once they will very likely be suspended. PAY YOUR DUES FOR 1906, AS THEY ARE NOW DUE. J. W. ANDERSON CEO. FILMER RECORDER POTENTATE No. 6 Union Square Avenue No. 424 Sansome Street Cor. Kearny St. Phone, Bush 293 Phone, Main 778 M ■a OFFICIAL DIVAN 1906 G EORG E FILMER Illustrious Potentate IrUNRY ASCROI Chief Rabban WH7NIAM P. HUMPH REYS A distant Rabban •OMAS L. HILL High Priest and Prophet CHARLES H. VAN ORDEN Oriental Guide THOMAS MORTON Treasurer .IA MES W. ANDE RSON Recorder JOHN H. BUKEWAY 1st Ceremonial Mas- CHa FILES JELLINEK 2d Ceremonial Master iHN A. HAMMERSMITH Marshal THOMAS TREBE1 Ji W. THORP Directors WILLIAM H. SMITH Captain of the Guard ROBERT H. MOWBRAY Outer Guard and Master of Properties ORGE FILMER, J. W. ANDERSON R. SLOAN, THOMAS T RE BELL CHARLES L. FIELD, ad vitam C. S, BENEDICT, W. P. FILMER WILLIAM EDWARDS GEOR TtJSBEE GEORGE- HABENICHT cobur: ALBERT G. LAN M. J. LINDSAY. SCHLEICHi j. l. rogers w. h. hindle george k. porter julius f. hetty alexander woodside o aston e. bao W. E. Representatives to 1 mperia] Council KNOWLES Trustees Captain Arab Patrol Chief Alchemist and Salamander 1st 2d 3d ith Asst. Asst. Asst. Ass* Alchemist Alchemist Alchemist mist and Salamander and Salamander and Salamander and Salamander ctor of Scenic Effects . . . .Imperial Porringer Inquisitor Chief Electrician .Assistant Electrician Chief of the Pyramids Official Historian JOHN W. CRE AGE Official Photographer HARRY R. BROWNE Holder of the Royal Thermometer L. R. BRYANT. M. D. ^ E. P. CANAC- MARQUIS, M. D ' Medical Directors THURLOW S. MILLER. M. D. i -Medical Directors R. E. HARTLEY. M. D. ) SAMUEL D. MAYER Musical Director and Organist UMAX WADHAM Accountant EXECUTIVE CO ston- E. Baeon H. Blakeway Bloch Breuner Buckingham Burr Conn La ma re Dinkelspiel .1 Louis L F. A. E. R. P. Theodore A. J. De 11. G. W. Clovis A. Francis Ferrier Charles L, Field M. E. Gaines Farnsworth < >rrin S. Henderson W. H. H indie Phil Jacobovics George Frisbee Charles Jellinek R. O. Kimbrough Manuel La fee I>. R. Martens Frank D. Monckton C. H. Murphy Robert W. Neal J. Paterson ['"rank C. Pague rge K. Porter Henry Ran ft T. P. Ross H. B. Schindler P. W. Sumner H. V. J. Swain Thomas Trebell Charles H. Van Orden E. C. Van Schaick Luman Wadham William E. Wehser Alexander Woodside Walla AND ELECTIVE OFFICERS JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Robert Ash, Chairman Frank H. Gould H. c. Srhacrtz- AUDITING COMMITTEE D. R. Martens, Chairman Alexander Woodside < hist on E. Bacon A. J. 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