ANGLO-ASIAN INTERCOURSE I Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp:// CONTENTS. PA6K l.-Orifcisitrthr l*rt)«ft . .3 II. -rin« iV»(»\-tiM vi iUUwttv. Mid Dr. IMyh'tt l^ien, 22iid jMMrv awl 6th J«hr. 1846 . 5 III.— Stti»aiar> 44 Omtrmmw rchititp to the KailwMy, fniui 1846 U> \KM .6 IV. KstrarU fnnu thi* ^merirmu I'bititi Siat^ frt-sn H v.- ||«Mi« of Kit Air the liicoqionitiMM at « Conipwiy to iii«kc the Kailwajr and i\>kiniar tlie rarsai Vrxmu Lands over whidi it »ai|w>« . » VI.— EmkTstkMi StetUtim frvan )H46 to 1854: Bxtrarta frnm Sir J«4b Harrey's Mtw«!i-b «f 1»47. and th« Hon. U. R. Tuuog't Artirlr an the Kaihrav .13 VII.- (oftrtaiaau ... IS J ^^ m^r^ AXGL0-A8IAN INTERCOURSE MONARCHICAL SETTLEMENT OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. •• WMtward th* foart« .»f Rmpirr tftkn H« wmy. Tb« fnit Tour •elii already \tm»U The flilh shail ckMi^ thf ^r»nw irilli the day, Tiwc'it n«l lent offnprinfr i* kirn Ua(." KlMlOP Uk.lltMJ(f. Is the JocK5AL OP Elemkntal Locomotion, to fnr back m Mawh 1H33, Sir Kichard Broun Vini drew Attention to the impor- tant subject of opening direct elemental intercourae betwivn Europv and Asia by way of the British North American )>oaM*aaiona, and plftntiui; monarchical colonies upon the vamut m^fin lands aloni; ike line. After adrertin^; to the maKnificont prospects uhith such an • iitinly DoMK viAorcT bi'twecn Great Britain and the Oriental W.irUl unfolds to \\ov ; to the circumhlancc th;il the town of Nootka, on tlic Sound of that nana, is likely in tin»c t«» bi»comc as Inrjfe as i. titioti, as the trade hptwoen it and 2(N) millions of tlie Asiatic rntv would be wonderfully preat ; and to the conclusion, warranted [>x ili«> nu-re ststistics of the ease, that the route of a pnxli^ious i"mniin c across the rc^iofis stretchini? from the serriated shores of Pugct Sound to the waters of the jjrcat lsik.> of Canada, would HH>n inundate thcui with » rast population, Christian temple*, cot- 'a::* i« rich Im domt^tic comfort, towns l>oa«linj{; the best jjifls of ciril- iK4ti >n. nnd settlements rising rapidly into centre! of knowledjie Bbil powiT; he thu6 oliservcd : — "That the enterprise — the ivscrwn or Tin Atlawtic amd •Pacific bt elemental mkaks — is a miKhtj oia ia without "doubt ; but a mijjhty result is U.> accrue, and mighty raeaos can • bi- brouyht to 0{H'rate it— The physical enorfpes of th« two •luost promisinx nations of the New world, together with tha "''•*l'^ •od power of their common parent, the freatest of tb« ■Old. To ton thia msi^niA- J«' made the meana of difl^MBg "»«5ciKe and r^li|^on, with tbt'ir attendant bleasinf^ OT«r tW k>u«t '* f. "ju^ U-urfjc-iitl" »w«i pupuluua empires in thi- ^lobe — besides cretttiii(( 9SW *M in itM way — tiod, as if in j)irf>viB»<»n fviBK»n i<^ auca J*^ beuefjciitlr Uid Up, at poiiiU neariy eqtiMiiel *»*«utible •upplie* of the »«leri*J rrqnired. In Ike iaiMMbof L " Great Britain* Cvpe Breton, aad Japan, eoal abooada, aad ■(»> " nbly it mav be diaoorered in Formoaa, aad apoa tbe WatTTf *' tbe Colamoia : if not, char een be had in both pUcci in tb# " in^ateat abundance. In another important mp«ict, hov will "this LiVB abridge the diac^nfort aad tediom of a loaf Mn " rojBge? when. lOMtead of an expanse of' water, orer wl^rh IIm " Bqucamish fjc can find no resting place, a third of the war " nball roll punt, as in peristrephic rotation, nianr tbonsaDd riewi "of the m<»«t majestic scenery of the Western Hemispherr. Vs " trust that the (Ut is not distant when operations to be followed ** by vuch results will lie riicoronsly bcfcun. and that thi* interval " will he short inLic«>d in this — as well as in other projeiu moved ** by us — OTcr which the Posterity who shall reap the adrantaces " contemplatetl, will hare to poor the sympathy <^ the detractire " reflection—' Ofurlnnati mimium ** tamtmm norimt ! ' ** 8ubaeqnent to the date of this artiela, in March 1H33. Sir Kiehaid Bronn presented a memorial to Earl Grey, then Prime liinistar. and wrote two oamphlets. sugjeestinc a goremment consolidation of the internal Elemental Transit of the country, aad makiaf the ronreyance of persons, letters, and Kda, a joint aonree of rrveaor to the State — whereby taxes and poor-rates would be re d nee d , fond cheapened, mamul labour increMed, and capital distributed, la 1835 he orf^antscd Tri Ca?«TaAL AoaicriTcaAL 8i>cimr orGaiAT Bbitai5 akd latLAKD. the most romprehensire institution ever esUblisbed in the United K infdom for the protertion aad e munrat <- ment of Hritish Afn^culture, and the production of ehaap bread <4 home wth. And in tlie year followin»j. 1h:W, he cummencrd th<^< uroccedinifs for the reriral of Scotti»h Hartmel nichu aad Scottish liarunet duties in Nora Sootia aad >'ew Bruaswii-k which are now in pron^i'ss towards a judicial iittte. On the threshold of the first deTeiopment of ttie raat project which this SvKoraia is written to proni«»!c. the laUnirs of Sir Uichard Broun in the cause of the STi»tema«tc cwloninalum of the Tacaai crown lands in North America, drew from a noble Knfiiah Baronet now no more theae encourainnff obserrations — " Ynurs is a iraad. " a ({lorious project. Ita influence extends orer a rast space b«»f h in " the old world and in the new. It must afTect the destinies of " hundreds of thousands of human beinfpi. not only now but for aces " Tct to come. It is a jjiant labour, brinfrinfi care, anxiety, and u»il ; " but an ardent mind like T0^»rs will be cheered on its onward coune " bv the hi^h feeling irhicb the consciousness of a great duly per " formed, and the bright giram of hope that ultimate •ucccm will •• crown your indomiuble efforts cannot fail to brin|^.'* >> ^^^^^ will be recollected that an American statesman, long since deceased, predicting the importance that would one day be attached to the junction of the Atlantic and IVifle Oceans' thus wrote:-— "Oa "broad grounds this work has been well chsracterised as the "mightiest erent in farour of the peaceful inUrcourae of nations "which the physical circtimstances of the globe present to the "enterprise of man. The whole world is intarested in this work. " I would not speak of it with sectional, eren national feeling ; but " if Europe is indifferent, it would be glory surpassing the oonqaest " o( kingdoms to make thb greatest entarpriae erer attempted by " knouui force entirely our own." Ifkin Btaphmm penned theae reroarka, stoaro narigation and nihrnf ■mmiiii had not began. Naithar did ha aontMn^lata » "ipi ^jiImiI route by elfwifl ■! ■■■ mvom th* 9«ttk ( (MOivttt tW c■ tW 7tb of Normber ui ib«t jmr m Co«»ittM of tbe Bnmeto of ^^r^iUad ami ^ova Seotia vm eai|K»«erMi bj a fenetak waetimm to take all the •Ccpa acodful to «ake good tke e^artcfvd rigbu offUto Onirr to tvo buUmni and a kalf adm* of tW vacaat Mil u iW roTti proritMV c( Nev ScotUad aa aaeiMiilf bottsdrd ; aad to Mlraorr tbu cod — oae vkirb altke cumcenm ike opvlrtMr, tke from- ftniX. and prare of tbe HMtbrr cuunur aad tlMr eolcay — ke ot^i- Mtcd tbe ptojert of fbnauiK, bj ifa< <>f a Joikt SrocK. Cokpa* t. a aaja traak railvaT wkirk •hotild coaaeri tiir tkrpe pn>« iaees of X^|t(H-iiia vbtch kr Mib- ■iiiru IB Jaaoarr. IM^, tu rariou* KtmilroM-u ia ike CiCT of Lnadoa : aad be aLo amt it to l>r. Tbotnaa RoiyL, late Ea^patmi Armt fir tba Govrnuarat of Caaada. aiih a i«Mt<>r rMfarata^ to iuTc bw op?aio« aa to tbr pnMlirabditv of tbr uadritakiai;. Ia rft^T to tbta coararaaicataoa. oa ibe timd of Jaaoarr. 1H4^, Dr. Rolpa wraie to Sir Kirbard aa fbttoaa :— ** I nc turn t«» yii«, aa yoa draire, **tbr Terr able ttroaprrtaa abirk >vw barr draw a ap; aad oaly " awb tbera bad brea aa aiarb prariicabUii v ia iMinaii^ tW ptvi^vvt "aa joa bare erincrd abilttj la deaicatac it. Tbrre are, kovever. ** i raaaider. taaaperaUir dtfirultN-a ia tke c oa a t rar t ioa of aadi a "lailriiad aa to« »prak of. from <4iiaate an mrU aa frooi -^'^fi^niirr " la tkr iatrnaedtati* diataaee betaeea I^e Sapenor aad Noollka ** Soaad iberr u aa eiteat of cxmutry aahfrrt u> aeveral aMiatka of **aFTvfe viateTi wbilat bHweea the \mL« of tbe Wooda aad tkc - Boekr Moaataiaa tke aurfiw* ia rt^y irrrmilar. " NV1ul»t prrtaervliac fartker iaquiriea apna the Miliieet, Sir Sarkard ^>«a obM^ed Id tbe n«M«^raal of ibe £trd U Marrb, 184ft, a pa- '»C»m|4 citpted fruw a »tr \ ori paper, beaded " Gi«AJmc Kmi- rtKE." nteatiooiaff tkat Mr Aaa M itaey, aa eati ryriaii^ Maii4awl ia that rtty. had junt pr«>po«aded a olaa fer tke luaati^itiua of a raUraa^i fnaa tbe weatera abore of Lake Krie to tke aaTif^aUe part ^ «he IVtlooibia Hirer aad mo <>rr«oa territ^irr. ii> b e co aat ib«* f^'tur laediaiB ^4 ibe Ameri<<(v. Rur««ean trade «itk China. Thr*^ •»'*th» later, vbilat or«^i|»!ed aitb the aame a»atter. be re<>etved a •o*' fnna Mr. Wiiliaai Bridcea (a ho aAeraanii> acted aa aerrrtar> («> tlM* PntOK^temK dated ibe »ith of Juaa 1H4&, aayiar. it bad tjODirn^l to bin tkat tbe prraeiit a an a vrrv faroaraUe\»p^iortaaity W A^rmiog a atirletta to carr? oat hi* (^ir V afteraardm Sir Kiekard racMTad a r^ h-tl^r fn>ia bia fneiid l>r. Kolpb, dated, 6 Jaly. I84ft« aa " k 1** '"' ^ ^""^ '"*»"''** ''••*• >'^* * '^•' to aw aa to tka p '^WiiT and exnetiienoy of coartnictiaic a railroad, a hick If ,^'«vH, aao citoncrtian our exteaaivf raluable poaaam — ^ ^ «a4»h Xortk America, miirbt, at the miae iuae, eaaara oar »an> - ?!r ■■** ««M»arrial tupreinaoT, Ht uaitiaff tke aalara of tbe Au>M«>aad tka IViAc (Wan* ' It tkaa orrarted to »e tkai tka •■xi".- -"-T-Jf.-"-^ rae«nrortlMe(iawkawo«ldoppoMabateelM-*^ ' •'• - ^*"^ *'iMMOT«>>i^ 8i»«« tfcrt twa. ko^PBfvw. my ** flMTO iirwdj drswB to thm policj aad feMibililyf fehi *' I k«r« rand witli KTMt attention Back Mrpnn. « ** tidOTsbl* MtiafiMrtioa. that oar acuto. IbrmkkUa, ** Boifkbovn. the YAirKBBa. bara actually awfe ^dl 'a"7 "ray of tbe Hm aa to mMkr ita aMoaaa ao kMnr probleMi • bmadrtd wamiaa ara bov daily ** paaMDf throarb th<* ('nit4>d Sutaa taaritory to tba abona of tbr '* FKifle Ocran : and whm I rrdrvt that a raibtMd baa ban m^ " throQKh the rnitiMi 8talM alrradr Atom 5rw York to !f«v " Orleana. a far froatar diatanr** ibaa tba one I mtm traai to «a " vadartiUlen. the objaat I tbtnk b ooa well wactby at Bhtek *' oapilaltata« Hniiab patriot*, aad Bhtiab pkUauthropialB.'* 8fiw« tba data of Dr. Rolpb'a latter aavly tm trnttf^i jtmn bare paaaed — ten jeari witbin wb*ek tiaw iipww^ nf two wtm^mt of oor people bare t i rn aa rd tba AUaatir fWoa — aad tba luMnwiac i* a brief fummary ot o t " anea of tbe tabject Tnerita : that it waa an aadertakinf well worthr " of tba countenance of the Canadian (^remBrat aad of tbe peoole " of that aad tba netcbbourinff Britiab proriaoaa ; and that tbe Me- *' ■orial i a t i siffbt raly upon that Goremneat for wbaterar pro^* " tkMi aad aid tt »i«kt be coaaiateat to render, aad wbare the rail- ** road aifki paaa throafk tba onooaewiad laada of tba Ciow% i» *' woald eoafer tka riffbt to tba Coaipaay of aaiair «bat wtt aacr** *' aary for tba parpoMa of tba liaa i^— 6. A GoranuM«l Mvv*y ^ • MiHMni a IMK. fcr tU MmmUhb «r fa*r lyiiV vilk« their owB tmmmt Ai^m^m^tn it pdriMi Im*» iwiiilj mt w at i* ^ it ; Ma balk at Imm» aarf ia tW ^ Mr. WWlMTT (rf «w Im W«ri of in tki» uwlij P^w Md tW fM p h «W 1km oiuiiUy to wur vfua bol4 II«hm of IS rtwww m 4m( tkr onr w «f arict •aniiv tW ^icj aW a^ mm; of pMMig a m iMfi «• i im y wi » ifcr F >w t> iM aa* inw^ tlMl^fr gap if i u T la tW Motkj Mnwlaiaa aa iaipnatmly a««t If a bf ail Wr aMaaa «f caatk, air, aaidl wat i i> Ihm aaurb^d ran tmAcrov uaa ai oaa wladi tW pfwaiiac fcaaas of tm ao«r rrfrrrrd tar tW p r w iert ia rd torae of tlw IW vorid, vit^ all it« iiMaaamial r«««rda» Ihm rrtrrH kaowar*8«r KirWr4 Biaaa ia aov aaftard ia pupaiJaa a Ml vlucii W kopea Aortly to iatiadaea iato P>iriiaiiar> villi tba c » a«-ama«» of tJie C i iw ^ >raa iaat> far Uw U am e f a M f puii af aoa. »r<^«t« o' tW UaitoJKiMNloto aMi I Uaito4 Kiacdbto aai of Iba l\Tr v"^**^ ^'oloaifo I aad parUyby ataaa of ff idl n ia LA»a Ngrrt., la t W way tbat IVaaaylvaaia waa aHtM Mi4 naard i»te mmi.u*;.^ •• AOb. wmmmm «■ 10 ^^^^1 t. To Itfry. in eoti« The aaaainf {rrotrrrsa of erenta during the but ten years — within « fdllowmg fi^urea, viz. : — lM«eM Artpyimi AmrmmUUmm 1844-5 4H tt^K4i*ja^ llMft-6 l« 6l».4eilU2 1*16-7 «7o . . 131.7I3JUH 1H47-8 IWI tt,xia.iau 1*48-9 Mft 1 1/Un.471 lfMO-0 94 3.1&&.<0< lMO-1 M ... 4,ii&.fia:: 1861-2 61 jaw.27a 1862-3 if Aja^Kxi i85a-4 . ... l«i I5.il7^iS inostrate the profnnui uf the Kailwar System at it unneceaaarv to enter into any lenKUtened ar|ram«nt m Mppon of what ia at>ove tknrwn out aa •ertU f«>r public tboufbt on tki* enterpriae, betworn thia time and U»e ue&t meeting t^" PaHianirat. It ouf^ht to sutnce tluit Grvnt Britain and her nobU and ftdl attai-bed ofifi^riDg the pruvincea of Nura Scotia* Naw Brunavirk. and Canada — emnhaticnliy our borne cokmiaa, and Aortlt. iH na trust, to bo thi> tranaatUntio half of tiii- B^liak monartky— hare offered to them the altcmatire eitk^r of doing tkia great votk now. or of allowing, by tkeir joint supinonaaa and coouniKi want of foresight, a jealoitu riv*! to carry out a counter- proiect wkick ma? tuperaade it altogether, or at least poatp«>ne it for an indeAaite period. For the prompt and succcaaful arcamplisUmcnt, however. »»f Sir Richard Bmun's vast scheme — which combines the eiratioa of a Hum AH roLirr as well as the making of a trunk railway- aomething in addition tct the formation of a Joint Stock Com|«a*>v is reottired. Why is colonisation in the ninctemth century otit digmned as it was tiy thv wisdom and patriotism of Kioga and CaPneta in tlu- rarly part of the •i^'Tcntconth century, and raised t.> be a national institute? Her Majesty has the other day confcm-d baronetcies U|Mm two Cnnsdian gmllcnieu. Why does, not ilw Queen confer baronetcies upon two hnndrini Ciinadian gentlenM*n. With grants of land and priTileges. IcgialatiTc and otherwiae, siniilK*" to tboae bistowcd by .lamias I. and Cliarlcs I. on the »Hcottish barv>- neU ? Again, why is the herediUry Vicaroyalty of N it w 8conjkJ»i» not rerired in the person of the senior co-heir of Sir William Ale« 11 of iht Wood EoyI of JSmf^mmL md i nrn ap— H i m wwe^wjwkutm U9W foiuKlMl amf betwcm ike GrMt LakM mJ iW Boeky Mm uia*, t^ ocWt bf«vc<« Uw Kockr MooBCMM aad t^ dborn of tk0 Panfir iarhKliaf VaaoovTer's I«£a(t aad mpM ai r orden of Bno- bK«, hariac tcrhtonal gruitB aad polhicml pnrileM, i ■lalilMfci i t* praMOt« tktir •Ktiemrat on priAciptM vkiHi akitt be m •cponJU Mm tntli tkoM wkicb attke BriUia tlv beat b«Iwmrk of tbe kv«, tibor- tifv. and eoar««tkNuJilir« of awkiad f Can ve Ct o«t ti>Ha a»d WM for the Baltic and the Crimm, and rwk the Mood aad tbe rrtrmMTf of the emjmre to cooapoae tbe atr«A« of diataat fciU | ^M jKmen, tmi eaa me dwf'^ thmt ki«tonr mxirda tbal Jaaaea L bj • l4*aUlkNi lerrr m lliiler aoraaiplwbeJ mow ia uae jean to eeWm "by Maaa oT the ^woed IB tbe 410 jMura vbirb bad elap«rd aiare tiw coa a atat of id va« §n* atUwptedP Aatan dk it may atnr be naMi tbai tbe r**-^ tioa ai vwdiaa of more importaare to Irrlaad. t'« ( expeaae ia roaad iaarra vaaM be tUjM«i.Oi)i»-uK-« bHa.rn (he B,trartad for tbe time \^n^. Tbia liok abate bai* aa .\«uiH> |>.»palatioa of two hundred millNm* at the o«e rt^d of it, aad •itl.n ,mW thi^re lailliont of UHtmli *uKierta. aad abowl foar aul. "«•« of Ameneaiiii ,^ the border* of the Grral Lakea. I- ^,'*]; ^ *«*P*«y»nv' coariet labour, aad bv attraetiag from tbe L^L^^*^ ^^^ P«» kew^ra of attod aad* drawer, of aatar ab.» ^ ••bH'UaUy |^me tbitber fr^im tbe Rritiab l*i*^da aiMe 5 of^tanuuK up the firat tod. And •iwaJtaneooBij with it may be founded a Ci?it»il Citt in kH Hifrr 8eUlemeot— where alrredr tlM»re u the nucleua of a ma. miuitiy of aboQt lO.tMIO ih>ulii~with oUnt towaa akmcr tbc Un^ wbitlarr. in addition to fttrh aettlera aa tbe frandeor and macnitiMk- of the rttU>rpriar will certainir aitnM^ fron boib Eampr a&d An*. C9r ufirr rear mar be drafird frmn all tbe infant arbooU, the S«h! Ih arhoiiU, and tbe induotnai orbonla in Kafland, Srollaod, Irr. land, and Wales. •uHi f enennM routh aa *bail prore for otlooiMtioa pnrpuam " Ike aalt of tiie earth." in«frad nf r,t/trm jrW. ia that wrgin •oti. wbiek ia deetined in futuntr to hr tbe tlientrv <«f ercuto and afvnrtea nbtrb will e^errtM* tb^ iM'cbtieiH eu«fi>4 for c«iod r.« pnuided in Jannarr IOU tW idea ti< dirm railaar rammwMt*- Mn* wiik Aaw aeri«a >4wik .Imrrwm. i«%4 ntik tketn onlr eo *mM\\ a mam «« tke atem^e aa 1 1«> enek. tkia aowilrlr kaa iW n b i l<« tipwanlaof ilA.MU«o WhiM r«tlin< tke enine vnUe «mi tW tWva and Mnrwa ct enek emu rtmU m a mkmieiiic i nekine« ikat t W .Ve«e )W4- HwriU d««<«. «u.. t^»id.4tar». in tk»» ••? tk* •*'<«.: wealtk kaa t«rm ilr}frk<^^aled to Ike e«te«f ««f |AVVtiC'«» t< ■•*^ or taai ja7.ii«» aleHnc ' Affnin. dnrinrf lUat tivnr tV^ taal im ^« ar* f%^ 11 tfkUn.l ^ • tnlMHi. for I'Vtnifi*' relief m lrWi*i».l« i*ir l*>«*rniir«. t'%pm«t4-il ful«« il«tMi»'.»* Kurtker. n»t»»tn tkn( prn<nalinn of fnr«Mitn gram, t.' tK< •-• enlnted amo«nt uf r)ai.i«iM«»i. «kiU( aiibin •*% •(«¥• «ai4 •<« «>«r l«^^ ak«?win« that the inuI »»f iknl prorin«^ |*r**l«i«T« per aera. «« '^ arera«e. I7i Imobeia of abeal and »»4 K«iabela of |^^at««ea. «*•**«< tka eorr*apon«linf ywU in the a««te of New York, with all iM •"<• raaend prneeaaea of hu*bandrT. in .mlr 1 4 Huakela ol tke fofwer and •O bnabela of the latter ! 18 I* is alrHulj wrea ymn mbm hb late SsmUmmj Sir Joka Htrvey thu« ipoke rtUtirr to SirBichaiti Broua'aproJMt oa opM- itf Uie Lef»»l«ti^« AMemblj of Nora 8«oiia :— " The period at, aai •Mhf circum«Unoe« under, which w« meet alTord m« Um opporta- " oitT of r«<^>iDmeadiDK to your continued attentioa aa nadaitakiaf • wwod in iia importance to none that haa erer eoKaced tW aotiee • of anj Colonial Legialature in anjr portion of tha jBntiah doiai- •• niona. I allude to the propoaed Railway between Haliiax aad " Qufheo. which will conatitute a moat imoortant link in that gntX " tliain of communication which ia dettinea, at no remote period, to " connect the Atlantic with the Pacific Ocean, and to condnoi to a " Bntish sea port, from thoae into which it ia now forced, that raat " rtrcara of trade not uf our weatem poaaeaaiona alone, bat of ike *' rich and extenaive wheat and grain-growing di^thcti of all Caatral • Auicrica." .Ntfinir then, as the revenue retornA show, that since 1M6 our inuio with Kun.»pe. Egypt, &c.. has iucreaaed only to the extent of i':i.l'.t:i,^iSo per annum, whilst dnrii ;; the aam« period the inrre— a to our Colonies and to the United Statea exceeda £33,000,000 par aaniim ; knowing the inaidious policy that lurks under a raihraj .^•niniuniration between Canada and the Atlantic, uf which Pofft* Uifl ID ihc Sute of Maine, instead of Halifax in Nova Scotia, ^iKiiiic the sea-board tcrminas ; anu conaidering that the N«w )'<"-/ HrntU in JuIt last made the poaitive announcement that id m California, tlM Americana had on the Parifie 'ns»t (hinT-«exea ocean ateaaMra, and thirteen ordinary steam *«««eU »ho«iac aa aggrrcate of SV>^ toaa ; \h»X the miaea ia M«-wrt aad Aa*tralia (a bi^ ia ire year*' spare caused aa augaea- ui>.« i4 |?iJ.(ii«i,UR) in the precious mctaia) are aeither aoexteaaira «» ttsrftii siiarrps y.( national wealilt as are the aabaon. cod, ^"Tna^t. *ral. wkaie. aad other FiAHaam of U*e North Parifte • vrw that tW AaM^icaa coauaerriai capital afloat on the four c«^ Uhrs IS erea aow cstiaaated at £l«.«OM»>»>. that CXaaif i»ta\ aiiktm ran W c o— t ra tt ed capable of earning ilM^ paa- fae-T. frymi (.aJway fo Halifiix ia S| dava, at cabui farM of flO f^' h«^i, unmardiate ditto, U ; and tW ail latdlHreat wrilcva »r.^ lU <^«i(ttg fonaaea of aaiioaii. wHetWr Xhrx be toarwta. »^ • -"Ml*. «M^ of w 'wx'a, or aiea of t^ worid. aiw of opiaioa, • * «» •<>rii«a 4 aori k^w a aitoRTEa rrrraa, wa • '•1 r..iiom iNa «rx a»o tons ««Ttli. WMTWitD;" IK aa r.»<^ *^ «^«»* «*«« omr graciuw S^werr^ai, oa opeM^ •• ««H^ •rMso« „f ParW»ea«, wtU coMader tlM> twe kaa ai^ '-'M •bm M^^,^ iaanaaiteof a©o4o«alwriterU-tlwagr«» f^i^i .UU br heU to ailad ao koagcr a topsc fir deW, .. .' ., ••"^ •«• aardsd cakaktx^, mt v Mi it iamlTtii iJie coa- „'^^ i«»^ai «f aat».iaal aUe«iaM«, aad ia to arttW \km ♦^ ■^••bHii^tW iaautatioM aad for«» of Joeal go*e«». ..J^» '• .Nora .Scn rv-Mke tk0 »<»bfe Mkiffm of hm fmmimmu ijT*!, Hfr Mi imwtim tfhirmr m -■■■.■i^ , x rtted ia tW Mn of botk brmaekM of tk» OHMml f wiAiIm, <« tk« nowd tktt. lakny tk» pffioa al trni tW [jn— Hmi ! Midar wfikk «• B0«r lir* arto aMoaat* tkis joiai lAiLWAf ab» oou>BiftATioa raojBCT b raf o ad ia ili iatt or la aw ta m«» i^i tkr aU«atiMi oT tka Iwperbl I tk0 MpfoH of a fival, ftw, w m I A ji . iateUt^^ Ckmcka Amd wkjf «o f B i ra aai, m a flmitiOT »Ma« of drfrMv ■IpMaai rvfakheaa tradearir* aad acsmtMi ia tW »«««eni ktm*- ■p k i u . tk« rif ht wi a a tr a rtio a of tki« BMia tmk rwlaay irmm tkr itkalie to tke Pariir viB pfow a bow widbii^ mJ tniTipnili HHapari Ikaa w» ia days of oU ^pwMt koalil* iar«wU tkr gfMi CkiaoM watt. Bff t r . at a eom u mip nmi m l a*, 4 aiH Iaa4 a^ m- JiimMUj ia ova Mtgktj Moaaivkical btaU tk» vatt#fvd i iibi| i aral porta of aMrttiaM» BaiTAta oa kolk smW^ of tk# AtkMiir BfvaaMt ' — i^'-^t :* — jt. ^^.^^1^^^^ lirnim pfaMftma of tkr aev varld ■• l« ra«a to tumUwi aad miipiad oaar tko aiilliua wmim nf tka aoor oaJ idW «ka«r madttiMi akk* waifk* down oad ditknanart tkr c4d. BrrMar. m • paaprr fiww. iaa aad oiiati4H'i*aipki ji a g a» p Bd i g a t. it awr kr w pr v« aird a* aot oaly l4* writr ap " lAwka d a m# /mpnm> W imtHi^ «p4i tkr d^dr^ poaU of rvrry aorikoaor. jatt. aad p f a^r a tia nr ia tkr load, kat to rxtirpatr caaM's wkirk arr aiilitoat ^oiait vr^. agaioil aioralit J. aarb a» ailrally kat tutai ol? ara i ft Hi aa 9kt» arrtkia tka knaad* of tkr Britiok lolaadi vkirk Kaf«^ onai^ aad at oar catro woaki fail to i toaiplwk. Aad fiaJlv. fc i n ai i kf tynit^ frar •roar ia tkr rxpaarivr rarnrifa of a KAca rf^ drvttard by IVovkloarr m to vbrr tko IHvhm T laianaini ti- ' IW frwiM aad BMltiply— rrplraiaktkr oartk aad aakdar it, ' a» t.* «««kr ^ikr- dirM* lo tkr •^^aaciwa a kWoaiaff instead of a rarpr. it aOI |a«<«r tko ka nda iaid r a to. aad karkiaavr of. tkat f«aaia|| mtfa •/ «««ladi aad Boaoo wkirk io to r«aH Ik* rWotatf rrar nf awakaid ia imi traaaHioa •Uffr Wtwrra \wm aad rtrraky akirk te ia koa oar docai tkaa oar dratiajr to oirrrp«aa. iiiDiaox. PUBLICATIONS TUK M'SIBIT OK SIB BICBLIlSD BIOTK-S PBOIBCT. vim o»rfj» or unKMUAiA. qimubkpi^xmexck. Bsracnk B. WtiMom, M u n i EaAtmm, failk* :T.1U' urm n> tie bail or T, kiSri* •W '^\ -vT