THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Commodore Byron McCandless THE HISTORY OF THE * - Ancient aufr Ijonorabk ARTILLERY COMPANY, [REVISED AND ENLARGED] FROM ITS FORMATION IN 1637 AND CHARTER IN 1638, TO THE PRESENT TIME; COMPRISING THE BIOGRAPHIES OF THE DISTINGUISHED CIVIL, LITERARY, RELIGIOUS, AND MILITARY MEN OF THE COLONY, PROVINCE, AND COMMONWEALTH. BT THE LATE ZACHARIAH O. WHITMAN, A. M. BOSTON, MASS. Qetorib 4 ^ ' IV for the common good. Two Histories, more exactly descriptive of the past successive generations of the New England people, could not probably be compiled from the archives of existing institutions. To the Colonial and Provincial eras, with their characters and events, the public mind is ever intently turned. Every chronicle and tablet, every inscription found upon hearth-stone or tomb-stone, leads us, as by a new path, through the forest of American settlement. The College educated, the Pulpit encouraged, the Militia defended ; des- pondency brightened into confidence, and the few have now become a great nation. Well may present and future members take an hon- est pride in connecting themselves, by succession, with the Pilgrim, the Provincial, and the Soldier of the Revolution. To the native soil of their native home let them cling, with fonder, more filial affection, than if it were classic ground ; seeing it was consecrated by the nobler spirit of Christian freedom and philanthropy. In adopting the large size type, the Committee are compelled to exclude the list of Preachers, other than of the Artillery Company, which, as stated, pp. 69 70, the compiler had prepared. A few trifling omissions of matter, irrelevant to our history, have also been found necessary in order to confine the book to a convenient limit. Since the compiler's death, the Roll has been continued to the pres- ent time, avoiding extended biographies of the present members, as a point of propriety, unless they have held a commission in the Com- pany, or high military rank. The compiler's biography was written by one of the Committee. If, in the opinion of any member, past or present, aught should have been said or omitted, it will be borne in mind that the subject is one of much delicacy, and the Committee would assume no re- sponsibility in the premises. The work is a public work, and can- not authorize any recommendation on the part of the institution, except that which results from its historical merit as a chronicle of men and things passed away leaving some worthy mementos to their descendants. SAMUEL A. ALLEN, ^ GEORGE M. THACHER, > Committee. GEORGE H. WHITMAN, ) Boston, May 12th, 1842. HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT AND HONORABLE ARTILLERY COMPANY. A PRINTED history of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, has long been an object interesting and desirable. Several attempts have, at different pe- riods, been made to transmit to posterity what could be gleaned from its records ; but so detached and imperfect were the materials, that to discover and trace the mili- tary events connected with them was a labor no one was willing to undertake. A sketch of its history was published in 1820. Since that time many errors in fact, and many new facts, have been discovered, which have induced the original compiler to revise the same, and, by a different arrangement, to present a more authentic history. This Company was the first regular organized com- pany in America. It may be considered the germ from which all our military character in New England, if not in the United States, has sprung ; and to the for- mation of this Company may, therefore, justly be at- tributed the decided superiority of the New England Militia. Most writers upon the early history of our country have confined themselves to ecclesiastical affairs. Every particle of information respecting the private character of the first planters, especially those who were members of this Company, becomes valuable. Our venerable forefathers, driven by religious persecution from their 2 native land to these uncivilized shores, brought with them a spirit of freedom, which two hundred years 'have not extinguished which has been transmitted to their D descendants improved by education, ennobled and brightened by constant exercise, and, like genuine ore, has not only been purified from its accompanying dust and dross, but lost nothing of its original solidity or value. To use the words of a distinguished son of one of the earliest patriots of the revolution, the people of New England " were always free" They were pious, brave and enterprising. Surrounded by savage tribes, who were jealous and treacherous, they were obliged to be on the alert, and while piety sanctified the cause, necessity nerved the arm, to defend their infant Com- monwealth. As no regular military force accompanied the first settlers, or planters, they formed voluntary military as- sociations for defence, commonly stiled "bands," or " train bands." These voluntary associations consti- tuted the whole military before it assumed any regular organization by the Government of the Colony in the year 1644. On the 7th of 10th month, 1636, there were seven of these bands, viz : the band of Boston, led by Capt. John Underbill, with Edward Gibbons as Lieutenant, and Robert Hardinge as Ensign ; the band of Dorchester, led by Capt.* Israel Stoughton, with Nathaniel Duncan as Lieutenant, and John Holman as Ensign ; the band of Charlestown, led by Capt. Rob- ert Sedgwick, with f as Lieutenant ; the band of Watertovvn, led by Capt. William Geinson, or Jennison ; the band of Newton, led by Capt. George *I find the name .Ezekiel only in a solitary ancient copy of the Roll ; in all other Rolls there is no Christian name. I presume Israel is the true Christian name. t The former edition gives Francis Norton as Lieutenant of this band in 1636 ; but erroneously, for Norton did not leave New Hampshire till 1641, and then came to reside in Charlestown. Cooke, with William Spencer as Lieutenant ; the band of Saugus, led by , in which Daniel Haugh, or Howe, was Lieutenant, and Richard (by some Robert) Walker was Ensign ; and the band of Ipswich, led by Capt. Daniel Dennison, with Richard Davenport as Lieutenant. These are all the names of officers transmitted to us ; all of whom are among the primary members. Although they had selected the most experienced, learned and skilful, as leaders, they found their scattered situation, and deficiency in tactics and discipline, rendered them unequal and unable, not- withstanding their courage, to cope with an artful foe. It is proper here to give all the information we pos- sess relative to the Honorable Artillery Company of London, of which the Ancient and Honorable Artillery may be considered as originally a branch. The follow- ing was obtained by the friendly aid of Rev. J. S. J. Gardiner, D. D. of Boston, previous to his death on a visit to England, and afterwards transmitted to the com- piler. It is a letter from Petty Vaughan, Esq., of Lon- don, who acquired his information from a Mr. White then a member and is as follows. London, July 17th, 1 830. Sir The Artillery Company, London. A vol- untary band made up of respectable men, and in time of peace rather a skeleton to be filled up when occasion requires. They have occasional drills during peace. Was originally a branch of St. George's Guild,* from which other corps have also sprung. One in Ireland and perhaps that in Boston. The Company have funds from estates, which defray their expenses of music, &c ; but Mr. White could not state whence they were originally derived. The Artillery Company had a char- ter granted in Henry VIII reign, which is given at * Guild Johnson's Dictionary says (Saxon) a society; a corporation, a fra- ternity, and quotes Cowell. 4 length in Woods-Bovvmans Glory, printed two hundred years ago, and a very rare book. On the accession of each King, a warrant is granted to last during his reign, and is now promised by William IV. The King has the power of appointing the Captain General, and has usually nominated himself. He may also ap- point the Colonel, but that officer with the rest are usually elected by the Company, which may be about 1000 strong. The Duke of Sussex is the present Colonel, and was elected. When the warrant by a new King is granted a fresh set of Rules are printed. This may be some months hence, when Mr. White (17 or 18) of Artillery Place, Finsbury, has promised a copy. Highmore's History of the Artillery Company, published about thirty-seven years ago, contains an ac- count of it from its commencement ; but is a scarce book. A subsequent letter of February 18th, 1831, inclosed the following as a copy of the " Rules and Orders " of the Honorable Artillery Company originally made in 1658, severally revised and amended to the year 1830. PREAMBLE. By virtue and in pursuance of the authorities with which the Honorable Artillery Company has been invested by the Patents and Warrants of His Majesty's Predecessors, and is invested by the Royal Warrant of His present Majesty King William the IV., dated ihe twenty-first day of August, 1830, whereby His Majesty is gra- ciously pleased to declare himself Captain General* of the Company, and his Illustrious Brother, Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, the Colonel ; and confirming the immemorial rights and usages of the Company to make Laws for its own government, the following Articles were, at a General Court held for that purpose at the Armory House, on the eighteenth day of November, 1830, ap- proved, and declared to be the Rules and Orders thereof. * While George IV. was Captain General, the Lord Mayor of London, for the time being, was President. ARTICLE I. That this Company do consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Colonel, Lieut. Colonel, Major, Chaplain, Ad- jutant, Physician, Two Surgeons, Quarter Master, and Sergeant Major, Eight Battalion Companies, Two Flank Companies, (viz. : Grenadiers and Light Infantry,) a Yager, an Artillery, an Archers, and a Veteran Company. ARTICLE II. That the Veteran Company do consist of not more than thirty members, and be honorably distinguished in being com- posed of members admitted into it by the Court of Assistants, on the recommendation of the Military Committee. ARTICLE III. That the Company be governed by a Court of Assistants, consisting of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Major, and Adjutant ; twenty-four elective Assistants, the Lord Mayor, the Aldermen, and Sheriffs, of the City of London, for the time being. ARTICLE IV. That no person in future be admitted an honorary member of the Court of Assistants. ARTICLE V. That the military affairs of the Company be regu- lated by a Committee, consisting of the Field Officers and Adjutant, subject to the control of the Court of Assistants. ARTICLE VI. That all elections be by ballot. ARTICLE VII. That a General Court be annually held, the first Thursday in December, for the affairs of the Company, and the choice of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, twenty-four elect- ive Assistants, and Officers for the year, viz., Colonel, (when not especially appointed by the Crown,) Lieutenant Colonel, Major, Chaplain, Adjutant, Physician, Two Surgeons, Quarter Master, and Sergeant Major: likewise for the Servants of the Company, viz, a Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Messenger. ARTICLE VIII. That, twenty-eight days previous to the annual General Court, each Company shall deliver, by its commandinor Officer, to the Secretary, the names of three members thereof, to which the Court of Assistants may add twelve other names: and these conjunctively, shall be returned to the General Court, for the election of twenty-four, to serve on the Court of Assistants for the year ensuing. And if any six members be desirous of making any alteration in the Civil Chiefs, Field Officers, Staff, or Servants, of the Company, a list of names for such alterations, signed by them, shall be delivered to the Secretary twenty-eight days previous to the annual General Court. ARTICLE IX. That the Court of Assistants may convene a special General Court, whenever it shall think expedient. ARTICLE X. That if one eighth, but in no case less than thirty 6 members of the Company shall be desirous of having a special General Court convened, they shall give notice, in writing, to the Court of Assistants, specifying the subject on which such Court is to meet ; and no special General Court shall be convened under any other authority, unless the Court of Assistants shall refuse or neglect to comply with the said requisition, for the space of twenty-one days : in which case the said requesting members may direct the Secretary to summon the General Court, and when sixty members are assem- bled they may proceed to business. The summons, convening the special General Court, to be, in all cases, delivered or sent to all the members, at least seven days prior to the time appointed for holding the Court, and to specify the subject to be taken into consideration : and no. other matter shall be discussed than what shall be expressed in such summons. ARTICLE XI. That, for preserving due decorum in the proceed- ings and deliberations of the General Courts, the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Field Officers shall preside, according to rank ; and, if none of the above attend, the Court shall choose a Chairman. That no person be permitted to speak to one question more than twice, unless called upon to explain. All motions to be delivered to the Chairman, in writing, and decided by the holding up of hands, unless, on a previous motion, it be agreed to determine any particular question by ballot. If two members demand a divis- ion, it shall be allowed ; those voting against the question shall with- draw. That no Protests be received. That no Court be adjourned or dissolved, without a question for that purpose. That no business be permitted at the annual General Court, after the ballot shall have commenced, except the election of the Officers of Companies, and the declaration of the ballot. ARTICLE XII. That no motion shall be made at any annual Gen- eral Court, to alter or rescind any rule or order of the Company, unless the summons for such Court shall specify the alteration in- tended to be made. And if one eighth, but in no case Jess than thirty members shall be desirous of altering or rescinding any such rule or order, at any annual General Court, and shall give twenty- eight days notice, in writing, to the Secretary, the Court of Assist- ants shall cause the same to be specified in the summons for such annual General Court. ARTICLE XIII. That, as often as there shall happen to be four vacancies of elected members of the Court of Assistants, a General Court shall be called to fill up the same; and, in case any Civil Chief, Officer, or Servant of the Company (mentioned in the seventh Article) shall die, resign, or be discontinued, the Court of Assistants shall, from time to time, proceed to fill up such vacancy for the re- mainder of the year ; and shall order any vacancy that may happen in any Company, to be filled up by the members of such Company, subject to their approval, as to the regularity of election. ARTICLE XIV. That no change whatever shall be made in any part of the Regimentals of the Company, except with the approba- tion of the Court of Assistants, upon the recommendation of the Military Committee, or by the votes of two thirds of the members present at a General Court. ARTICLE XV. That any Gentleman desirous of becoming a member, shall be recommended to the Court of Assistants, by five members of the Company, to whom he is well known : which recom- mendation shall be delivered in writing to the Court, specifying the name, age, place of abode, and occupation, of the candidate, and whether he has been a member of any other and what Corps ; and if approved, his name and description shall be put up in writing by the Secretary, in the Court room aud some other conspicuous place in the Armory house, until the next Court shall assemble; the sum- monses to be underwritten, " to ballot for the candidate," mention- ing his name and description, and the Corps (if any) to which he belonged ; that he, with one of the members recommending, shall attend such Court, when, if he be of proper appearance, and doth satisfy the Court that he is well affected to His Majesty and the Constitution, that he will be obedient to all the Rules and Orders of the Company, and will attend his duty upon every occasion when he shall be summoned for that purpose, the Court may proceed to ballot. Gentlemen under twenty-one years of age must produce the approbation of their parents or guardians. ARTICLE XVI. That no person shall be entitled to vote upon any occasion until he has been a member six calendar months. ARTICLE XVII. That members under twenty-one years of age shall be designated Cadets, and not be allowed, during such minori- ty, to vote at a General Court, nor be eligible to sit upon the Court of Assistants, nor be elected officers. ARTICLE XVIII. That the Court of Assistants be empowered to expel any member who shall recommend a person under a fictitious description, and the members so recommended. ARTICLE XIX. That every gentleman, at his admission, do pay three pounds fifteen shillings to the Company, five shillings to the Secretary, two shillings to the Messenger, and two shillings for charitable uses. ARTICLE XX. That every member do pay, to the person ap- pointed to collect the same two pounds two shillings per annum, (in 8 advance) commencing from Michaelmas 1831 ; that no person shall have a right to vote at a General Court, or be chosen into any office, until he has paid the same, it having been demanded ; and, on re- fusal to comply, he shall be summoned before the first Court of Assistants after Lady-Day, to answer for such neglect or refusal ; and, if he do not then pay or attend the said Court, they are em- powered to expel him the Company. ARTICLE XXI. That, if any member be guilty of any act which affects the peace, honor, or prosperity, of the Company, the Court of Assistants, on proof thereof, are empowered, to censure, fine, or expel him : subject to an appeal to a General Court. ARTICLE XXII. That whoever may be elected Secretary, or Collector, or appointed to any other place of trust, shall, within twenty-eight days after his election, give such security as the Court of Assistants may think proper, and in default thereof the appoint- ment shall be void. That the accounts of the Company be audited, at least once a year, to Michaelmas : and the state thereof reported to the annual General Court in December following. ARTICLE XXIII. That the Court of Assistants be empowered to fine, suspend, or discharge, any of the servants of the Company who shall misbehave or neglect their duty, and shall report the same to the next General Court. ARTICLE XXIV. That the Court of Assistants be empowered to make any Rules or Orders they may see necessary, which are not contrary to the Orders of a General Court ; and such Rules and Or- ders shall be immediately printed and distributed to all the mem- bers of the Company. ARTICLE XXV. That the Officers be chosen separately, by ballot, by the respective Companies, at the annual General Court in Decem- ber, immediately after the ballot for the Chiefs, Field Officers, Court Assistants, and Servants, of the Company, during the scrutiny ; and that those engaged upon the scrutiny be allowed to ballot in their respective Companies by proxy ; and that all elections of officers of companies shall be reported to the next meeting of the Court of As- sistants, for their approval as to the regularity of such elections. ARTICLE XXVI. That no person belonging to any other military corps shall be an officer of this Company, or a member of the Court of Assistants thereof. ARTICLE XXVII. That if any member withdraw himself from this Company, he shall not be re-admitted but on paying the usual fees of admission ; and, if he does not assign sufficient reason to the Court of Assistants, he shall also pay the arrears of subscription from the time he withdrew. 9 ARTICLE XXVIII. That in cases of public emergency, or of im- portance to the honor and interest of the Company, wherein decision is required before the Court of Assistants can be regularly convened, the Court of Assistants may assemble without summons, and when five are met they are empowered to order the members to assemble under arms, or to issue any other orders that the urgency of the case may require, and shall give directions for a special Court of Assist- ants being summoned to meet within three days to consider of their proceedings. Several of the first planters had belonged to the Hon- orable Artillery Company in London, and probably de- sired to establish a branch of it in the place of their adoption, as well as to benefit their infant Colony, which then consisted of only fifteen towns, viz. Salem, Charlestown, Boston, Cambridge, Dorchester, Roxbury, Watertown, Medford, Ipswich, Newbury, Hingham, Concord, Weymouth, Dedham and Lynn. " Many of the first Fathers of New England justly deserved the character of being shining ornaments of the Church of Christ, as well as the strongest bulwarks of civil socie- ty ; they were noble instances of sublime piety and mar- tial accomplishments : they were equally qualified to adorn the Church by their exemplary virtue, and de- fend it by their valour." They, therefore, such as the leaders and officers of the voluntary train bands before mentioned, and the principal magistrates and citizens, formed a new military association, and as early as 1637, met for improvement in discipline and tactics. Of the associates in 1637, the names of only twenty- four have been preserved. A petition was addressed to Governor Winthrop for a charter of incorporation ; but it appears they did not meet with success in their first application. Gov. Win- throp says : Mo. 12, 1637, " Divers gentlemen and others, being joined in a military Company, desired to be made a corporation, &c. But the Council, consid- ering [from the example of the Pretorian band among 10 the Romans, and the Templars of Europe] how dan- gerous it might be to erect a standing authority of mili- tary men, which might easily, in time, overthrow the civil power, thought fit to stop it betimes. Yet they were allowed to be a Company, but subordinate to all authority." Another writer, using nearly the same words, adds, " thus were the chief rulers of the country not only ready to espy, but timely prevent any incon- veniency that might in aftertimes arise." It is also supposed that the government were averse to granting a charter, because many of the most conspicuous of the members, or applicants, were warm adherents of the famous Mrs. Hutchinson, and the constituted authorities being her opponents were unwilling to grant the peti- tion. In the records of the government of the Colony, now preserved in the Secretary's office, is found under date of 17th 3d month 1638, the following notice of the Company : " The Military Company of Boston may present two or three to the Council, to choose a cap- tain out of them." Also, " Captain Keayne and the Military Company have power to exercise where they please, and to make use of so many of the common arms as they need ; and a warrant from any of the Council is sufficient for the delivery of them unto Cap- tain Keayne, or such as he shall appoint." They were therefore permitted to continue their voluntary associa- tion ; but men who had braved the dangers of the winds and waves for conscience sake, and whose firm- ness, courage, and piety were a shield and protection in every emergency, were not to be shaken in their resolutions or baffled in their enterprises. By perse- verance they obtained a charter ; which, as extracted from the original records of the Colony, March 17th, 1638, O. S. reads thus: . 11 " Orders for the Military Company, made by the Governor and Council, and confirmed by the General Court. " Whereas divers Gentlemen and others, out of their care of the publick weal and safety, by the advancement of the military art, and exercise of arms, have desired license of the Court to join themselves in one Company, and to have the liberty to exercise themselves, as their occasions will best permit ; and that such liberties and privi- leges might be granted them, as the Court should think meet, for their better encouragement and furtherance in so useful an employ- ment; which request of theirs being referred unto us of the Stand- ing Council, we have thought fit, upon serious consideration, and conference with divers of the principal of them, to set down and or- der herein as followeth : " Imprimis. We do order, that Robert Keayne, Nathaniel Dun- can, Robert Sedgwick, William Spencer, Gentlemen, and such others as are already joined with them, and such as they shall from time to time take into their Company, shall be called the Military Company of Massachusetts. " 2dly. They or the greater number of them, shall have liberty to choose their Captain, Lieutenant, and all other officers. Their Cap- tain and Lieutenant to be always such as the Court or Council shall allow of; and no officer be put upon them, but of their own choice. " 3dly. The first Monday in every month is appointed for their meeting and exercise ; and to the end that they may not be hindered from coming together, we do hereby order, that no other training in the particular towns, nor other ordinary town meetings, shall be ap- pointed on that day ; and if that day prove unseasonable for the ex- ercise of their arms, then the sixth of the same week is appointed for supply. This not to extend to Salem, or the towns beyond, nor to Hingham, Weymouth, Dedham, nor Concord.* * In the early records of the Company, and transcript rnade in pursuance of Daniel Henchman, the commander's orders, and under date of 1702, is incor- porated another article numbered 3d and insetted between 3d!y and 4thly of the Charter as here printed, viz : " None of the said Military Company, (except such as shall be officers in any other train baud in any particular town,) shall be bound to give attendance upon their ordinary trainings." Snow, in his History of Boston inserts this as an original part of the Charter ; but he took it from the Charter as printed then for the use of the members from their records rather than looking at the records of the Colony. The first By-laws adopted 1657 seem to be founded on such an article, but it is presumed none such ever existed. It was a custom adopted rather at the commencement of the Company and so handed down, until, by tradition and use, it became merged or interpolated in the Charter. It is however an important privilege of the Company, going to exempt all citizens, 12 " 4thly. They have liberty and power to make orders amongst themselves, for the better managing their military affairs ; which or- ders are to be of force, when they shall be allowed by the Court or Council ; and they may appoint an officer to levy any fines or for- feitures, which they shall impose upon any of their own Company, for the breach of any such order, so as the same exceed not twenty shillings for any one offence. " Sthly. The said Military Company are to have one thousand acres of land, (in some such place as may not be prejudicial to any plantation,) to be granted by the Court to some of the said Com- pany, for the use of the present Company, and such as shall succeed in the same ; to be improved by them within a time convenient, for providing necessaries for their military exercises, and defraying of other charges, which may arise by occasion thereof. " Gthly. The said Company shall have liberty, at the time before appointed, to assemble themselves for their military exercises, in any town within this jurisdiction, at their own pleasure; provided al- ways, that this order or grant, or anything therein contained, shall not extend to free the said Company, or any of them, their persons or estates, from the civil Government and jurisdiction here estab- lished. -*v " JOHN WINTHROP, Governor. " THOMAS DUDLEY, Dep. Governor." Under the sanction of the government of the Colony, the Company was first organized by electing, on the first Monday of June, 1638, Capt. Robert Keayne, as Commander, Daniel Haugh,* or Howe, Lieutenant, and Joseph Weld, Ensign. Lewis, in his recent his- tory of Lynn, says, " 1638. First Monday of June. The Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company organ- ized. In the afternoon, between the hours of three and four, there was very great earthquake. People found it difficult to stand, and furniture and chimneys were thrown down. Shocks were repeated for several weeks, &c." It is worthy of remark here, and the fact is otherwise liable to duty, from doing such duty in companies, within whose bounds they may reside ; and as such has always received such construction. * This name is spelt in old rolls and list of officers Haugh, but it undoubtedly means Lieut. Daniel Howe of Lynn. 13 substantiated by tradition, among the oldest members, that they rarely have known an Artillery Election day without rain during some part of it. The subsequent history of the Company, will proceed chronologically as it regards the Roll, introducing as much biography of its members as can be gleaned, and at the end of the year such important acts or facts concerning the Com- pany generally, or the militia of the State, as have any connexion therewith, or may be interesting. The first anniversary was therefore celebrated in June 1638, though the voluntary association had existed, as before remarked, for a year or more previous. 1637. CAPT. ROBERT KEAYNE. The first on the Roll, and first named in the Charter. Where he was born, and when, is unknown. He was by profession a merchant tailor, and came from London, in company with his brother in law, Rev. John Wilson, first minister of the first Church founded in Boston. He was probably somewhat advanced in age, since his only son and child, Benjamin, is enrolled among the members admit- ted 1638. He had been, previous to his emigration, a member of the Honorable Artillery Company in Lon- don. As he was admitted to the freeman's oath, at the Court, Mav, 1636, we conclude he arrived the autumn previous. He was received into Boston Church, March 20th, 1635-6. Of the sixty-two admitted freemen the same day, he was one of the four who had the title Mr., the prefix of respect. We have already noticed him as being the person to whom, by order of the Court, the persons disarmed on account of Mrs. Hutchinson's difficulties, were to surrender their arms ; he was there- fore strictly orthodox, and adhered to the party of Gov. Winthrop. He must have been wealthy before he left London, for he was one of the forty-two who raised by 14 subscription 1,800, as an encouragement of the Plan- tation at Plymouth, 7th April, 1624, by which its life was preserved. Capt. Keayne was the first Commander of the Com- pany, elected June, 1638, and again elected its Captain, 1647, on its tenth anniversary. We have no evidence that he sustained any military office higher in rank than Captain. Many important offices and trusts were com- mitted to his charge, both in town and State affairs. In all the earliest town meetings in Boston, Capt. Keayne took an active and leading part, and was their Deputy in the General Court, 1638, they holding four courts in a year, and doing all their business generally in a few days. He was also their Deputy at the first Court, 1639. In 1642 and ever after, the Deputies were elected for a year, and he again served as Deputy in 1645-6-8 and 9, in which station his activity and use- fulness were equally conspicuous. He became a man of large property, distinguished for his piety and be- nevolence ; and in every plan for improvement or enter- prise, for building up the church, the town, the college, or colony at large, Robert Keayne's name appears as a patron. So eminently useful were his services, and he stood so high in the estimation of the Government, that in May, 1639, a grant of four hundred acres of land had been made to him, when others, of no larger quan- tity, were made to several gentlemen of the first rank in the Colony. His industry must have been great ; for, in addition to his private affairs and public duties, he was in the habit of taking minutes of the various and almost per- petual church proceedings, several of which, with ser- mons he* heard, taken in short hand, or in substance, are preserved in the Historical Library of Massachu- setts, all in his own hand writing. This was an early custom among our forefathers, but it is difficult to de- 15 cipher them, on account of the loss of the key ; never- theless they have been of great use to the antiquary. His name appears spelt differently, being sometimes spelt Cane, Cayne, Kene, Keene, Keine, Keaine. His house was situated at the south-west corner of State and Washington Streets, opposite the then market, upon which the Old State House now stands, and there probably stood his shop.* Notwithstanding this excellent character, we learn he did not comply in all things with the rigid morality of his puritanical brethren. He was, in 1639, com- plained of before the General Court for great oppres- sion. Winthrop gives the following account of the matter, under date of month 9th, 1639. "At a General Court holden at Boston, great complaint was made of the oppression used in the country, in the sale of for- eign commodities ; and Mr. Robert Kaine, who kept a shop in Boston, was, notoriously above others, observed and complained of; and, being covenanted, he was charged with many particulars : in some, for taking above six pence in the shilling profit ; in some, above eight pence ; and in some small things, 'above two for one : and being hereof convict, (as appears by the records,) he was fined 200, which came thus to pass. The deputies considered, apart, of his fine, and set it at 200 ; the magistrates agreed but to 100. So, the Court being divided, at length it was agreed, that his fine should be 200, but he should pay but 100, and the other should be respited to the further consideration of the next General Court. By this means the magis- trates and deputies were brought to an accord, which otherwise had not been likely, and so much trouble might have grown, and the offender escaped censure. For the cry of the country was so great against oppres- *See Book of Possessions ; and Suow's History of Boston, p. 117. 16 sion, and some of the elders and magistrates had de- clared such detestation of the corrupt practice of this man (which was the more observable, because he was wealthy, and sold dearer than most other tradesmen, and for that he was of ill report for the like covetous practice in England, that incensed the deputies very much against him.) And sure the course was very evil, especial circumstances considered : 1st. He be- ing an ancient professor of the gospel : 2d. A man of eminent parts : 3d. Wealthy, and having but one child : 4th. Having come over for conscience sake, and for the advancement of the gospel here : 5th. Having been formerly dealt with and admonished, both by private friends and also by some of the magistrates and elders, and having promised reformation ; being a member of a church and commonwealth now in their infancy, and under the curious observation of all churches and civil States in the world. These added much aggravation to his sin, in the judgment of all men of understanding. Yet most of the magistrates (though they discerned of the offence clothed with all these circumstances) would have been more moderate in their censure : 1st. Be- cause there was no law in force to limit or direct men in point of profit in their trade : 2d. Because it is the common practice, in all countries, for men to make use of advantages for raising the prices of their commodi- ties : 3d. Because (though he were chiefly aimed at, yet) he was not alone in this fault : 4th. Because all men through the country} in sale of cattle, corn, labour, &c., were guilty of the like excess in prices : 5th. Be- cause a certain rule could not be found out for an equal rate between buyer and seller, though much labour had been bestowed in it, and divers laws had been made, which, upon experience, were repealed, as being neither safe nor equal. Lastly, and especially, because the law of God appoints no other punishment but double resti- 17 tution : and, in some cases, as where the offender freely confesseth, and brings his offering, only half added to the principal. After the Court had censured him, the Church of Boston called him also in question, where (as before he had done in the court) he did, with tears, acknowledge and bewail his covetous and corrupt heart, yet making some excuse for many of the particulars, which were charged upon him, as partly by pretence of ignorance of the true price of 'some wares, and chiefly by being misled by some false principles, as: 1st. That if a man lost in one commodity, he might help himself in the price of another : 2d. That if, through want of skill or other occasion, his commodity cost him more than the price of the market in England, he might then sell it for more than the price of the market in New England, &c. These things gave occasion to Mr. Cot- ton, in his public exercise the next lecture day, to lay open the error of such false principles, and to give rules of direction. Some false principles were these : 1st. That a man might sell as dear as he can, and buy as cheap as he can. 2d. If a man lose, by casualty of sea, &c., in some of his com- modities, he may raise the price of the rest. 3d. That he may sell as he bought, though he paid too dear, &,c., and though the commodity be fallen, &,c. 4th. That, as a man may take the advantage of his own skill, or ability, so he may of another's ignorance or necessity. 5th. Where one gives time for payment, he is to take like recom- pense of one as of another. The rules for trading were- these: 1st." A man may not sell above the current price: i. e. such a price as is usual in the time and place, and as another (who knows the worth of the commodity) would give for it, if he had occasion to use it; as that is called current money, which every man will take, &-c. 2d. When a man loseth in his commodity for want of skill, &c., he must look at it as his own fault or cross, and therefore must not lay it upon another. 18 3d. Where a man loseth by casualty at sea, or &c., it is a loss cast upon himself by providence, and he may not ease himself of it by casting it upon another ; for so a man should seem to provide against all providences, &.C., that he should never lose : but where there is a scarcity of the commodity, there men may raise their price ; for now it is a hand of God upon the commodity, and not the person. 4th. A man may not ask any more for his commodity than his selling price, as Ephraim to Abraham, the land is worth so muck The cause being debated by the church, some were earnest to have him excommunicated ; but the most thought an admonition would be sufficient. Mr. Cotton opened the causes which required excommunication, out of that in 1st Corinthians, v, 1 1th. The point now in question was, whether these actions did declare him to be such a covetous person, &c. Upon which he showed, that it is neither the habit of covetousness, (which is in every man in some degree,) nor simply the act, that declares a man to be such, but when it ap- pears, that a man sins against his conscience, or the very light of nature, and when it appears in a man's whole conversation. But Mr. Keaine did not appear to be such, but rather upon an error in his judgment, be- ing led by false principles ; and besides, he is otherwise liberal, as in hospitality, and in church communion, &c. So, in the end, the church consented to an admonition. Upon this occasion a question grew, whether an admo- nition did bar a man from the sacrament, &c. Under date of 3d mo. 13th, 1640, Winthrop says: " This first Court there fell some difference between the Governor* and some of the Deputies about a vote, upon a motion to have the fine of 200 imposed upon Mr. Robert Keaine to be abated. Some would have had it at 100 others at 100 marks, others at 50, and * Keayne, in his will, says, Winthrop was prejudiced against him, but changed his opinion on the matter shortly before his death, and designed to have moved the Court for restitution of the fine. 19 because the Governor put the lowest to the vote first, whereas divers called for the highest, they charged the Governor with breach of order, whereupon he grew into some heat, professing that he would not suffer such things, &c. The Deputies took this as a menacing^ and much offence they took at it ; but the next day he cleared his intention to them, and all was quiet." Dud- ley, who was brother-in-law to Keayne, was Governor at this election in the room of Winthrop, he having de- clined a reelection that year from the republican prin- ciple of a rotation in office. The Colony Records I. 276, May session, 1640, say, "Mr. Robert Keayne had 120 of his fine remitted him; so that there remains only 80 to be paid by him." From the foregoing we may conclude that Capt. K. was not added to the list of martyrs, nor his judges or persecutors canonized as saints. How sur- prising that grave Governors and Legislators, learned Divines and pious Christians, should waste their time and abuse their talents upon such absurd and trifling subtleties. It may seriously lead us to doubt both their sanctification and justification, when they could spend their time about such metaphysical nonsense. But it is always the case when a Theocracy has the supremacy ; for it is necessary, as soon as the religious fever has reached its height, to furnish some aliment to keep up the tone, and none other is so nutritious as regulating each others' private concerns and characters. A sort of espionage is tolerated and encouraged, which pros- trates all freedom of thought and action, and every liberal feeling, while it gives the chief actors great eclat, and enhances their claims to superior holiness. We should remember that empty vessels always produce the loudest sound. Unhappily, Keayne fell under obloquy again : a less probable, though more ingenious accusation was pre- 20 ferred, of which a very particular relation is here ex- tracted from Savage's edition of "Winthrop. At a ses- sion of the General Court, month 2o. 22o. 1642. " There fell out a great business upon a very small occasion. Anno 1 636, there was a stray sow in Boston, which was brought to Capt. Keayne : he had it cried divers times, and divers came to see it, but none made claim to it for near a year. He kept it in his yard with a sow of his own. Afterwards one Sherman's wife, having lost such a sow, laid claim to it, but came not to see it, till Capt. Keayne had killed his own sow. After being showed the stray sow, and finding it to have other marks than she had claimed her sow by, she gave out that he had killed her sow. The noise hereof being spread about the town, the matter was brought before the elders of the church as a case of offence ; many witnesses were examined, and Capt. Keayne was cleared. She not being satisfied with this, by the in- stigation of one George Story, a young merchant of London, who kept in her house, (her husband being then in England,) and had been brought before the Gov- ernor upon complaint of Capt. Keayne as living under suspicion, she brought the cause to the inferior Court at Boston, where, upon a full hearing, Capt. Keayne was again cleared, and the jury gave him 3 for his costs, and he, bringing his action against Story and her for reporting about that he had stolen her sow, recov- ered 20 damages of either of them. Story upon this searcheth town and country to find matter against Capt. Keayne about this stray sow, and got one of his wit- nesses to come into Salem Court and to confess there that he had foresworn himself; and upon this he peti- tions in Sherman's name, to this General Court, to have the cause heard again, which was granted, and the best part of seven days were spent in examining of witnesses and debating of the cause ; and yet it was not deter- 21 mined, for, there being nine Magistrates and thirty Deputies, no sentence could by law pass without the greater number of both, which neither Plaintiff nor Defendant had, for there were for the Plaintiff two Magistrates and fifteen Deputies, and for the Defendant seven Magistrates and eight Deputies, the other seven Deputies stood doubtful. Much contention and earn- estness there was, which indeed did mostly arise from the difficulty of the case, in regard of cross witnesses, and some prejudices (as one professed) against the per- son, which blinded some men's judgments that they could not attend the true nature and course of the evi- dence. For all the Plaintiff's witnesses amounted to no more but an evidence of probability, so as they might all swear true, and yet the sow in question might not be the Plaintiff's. But the Defendant's witnesses gave a certain evidence, upon their certain knowledge, and that upon certain grounds, (and these as many and more, and of as good credit as the others,) so, as, if this testimony were true, it was not possible the sow should be the Plaintiff's. Besides, whereas the Plaintiff's wife was admitted to take her oath for the marks of her sow, the Defendant and his wife (being a very godly, sober woman) was denied the like, although propounded in the Court by Mr. Cotton, upon that rule in the law [blank] he shall swear he hath not put his hands to his neighbour's goods. Yet they both in the open Court solemnly, as in the presence of God, declared their innocency, &c. Further, if the case had been doubtful, yet the Defendant's lawful possession ought to have been preferred to the Plaintiff's doubtful title, for in equali jure melior est conditio possidentis. But the Defendant being of ill report in the country for a hard dealer in his course of trading, and having been for- merly censured in the Court and in the church also, by admonition for such offences, carried many weak >v minds strongly against him. And the truth is, he was very worthy of blame in that kind, as divers others in the country were also in those times, though they were not detected as he was ; yet to give every man his due, he was very useful to the country, both by his hos- pitality and otherwise. But one dead fly spoils much good ointment. " There was great expectation in the country, by occasion of Story's clamours against him, that the cause would have passed against the Captain, but falling out otherwise, gave occasion to many to speak unreverently of the court, especially of the magistrates, and the report went, that their negative voice had hindered the course of justice, and that these magistrates must be put out, that the power of the negative voice might be taken away. Thereupon it was thought fit by the Governor and other of the magistrates to publish a declaration of the true state of the cause, that truth might not be con- demned unknown. This was framed before the court brake up : for prevention whereof, the Governor ten- dered a declaration in nature of a pacification, whereby it might have appeared, that, howsoever the members of the court dissented in judgment, yet they were the same in affection, and had a charitable opinion of each other ; but this was opposed by some of the Plaintiff's part, so it was laid by. And because there was much labouring in the country upon a false supposition, that the magistrate's negative voice stopped the Plaintiff in the case of the sow, one of the magistrates published a declaration of the necessity of repealing the same." Savage, in a valuable note on the foregoing, adds the following : " Frequent animadversions are found in our records on cases of real or supposed overcharge for labour an4 commodities. A ludicrous one, mentioned by Hubbard, 248, is more satisfactorily stated in our records of the Colony, I. 250. at a General Court, 22d 23 of 3d mo. 1639: 'Edward Palmer, for his extortion, taking 1137 for the plank and wood work of Boston stocks, is fined 5, and censured, to be set an hour in the stocks.' Afterwards the fine was remitted to ten shil- lings. The remainder of the sentence, I fear, was executed. Our Ipswich chronicler is almost facetious about this part : he ' had the honor to sit an hour in them himself, to warn others not to offend in like kind.' " " The unhappy subject of this controversy was ex- posed to very general blame, and several particular complaints. I have seen an original affidavit of Thomas Wiltshim, that for work done at Capt. Keayne's house, there was due to the deponent 38 shillings, and that Keayne sold him a piece of broadcloth, * which he said was Spanish broadcloth, and delivered for payment to this deponent at seventeen shillings per yard, the which cloth this deponent showed to Henry Shrimpton, and he said it was not worth above ten shillings per yard, for it was but cloth rash, and so said goodman Read, and his wife showed a waistcoat of the same kind of cloth, which cost but nine shillings per yard, and in this deponent's judgment was better cloth. Such was the dangerous form and matter of judicial investigations in the early days.' ' This controversy about the old sow was not ended here. At May session of the new General Court, 1 643, Story again petitioned for a rehearing of the cause, and there being much excitement in the country at the for- mer court's decision, and in regard of "the negative voice " which had grown out of it, leading to much de- bate and discussion in writing, the elders were called in, as they usually were consulted in every important affair, and, though siding with Keayne's party, not being able to appease the minds of the people, with all their great power and influence, the Court seemed inclined to hear 24 the cause again. Winthrop says this " caused others to be much grieved to see such a spirit in godly men, that neither the judgment of near all the magistrates, nor the concurrence of the elders and their mediation, nor the loss of time and charge, nor the settling of peace in court and country could prevail with them, to let such a cause fall, (as in ordinary course of justice it ought,) as nothing could be found in it, by any one testimony, to be of criminal nature, nor could the matter of the suit, with all damages, have amounted to forty shillings." The magistrates and elders appear to have been willing the cause should go either way. "Now that which made the people so unsatisfied, and unwilling the cause should rest as it stood, was the 20 which the Defendant had recovered against the Plaintiff, in an action of slander, for saying he had stolen the sow, &c., and many of them could not distinguish this from the principal cause, as if she had been ad- judged to pay 20 for demanding her sow, and yet the Defendant never took of this more than 3, for his charges of witnesses &c, and offered to remit the whole, if she would have acknowledged the wrong she had done him. But he being accounted a rich man, and she a poor woman, this so wrought with the people, as being blinded with unreasonable compassion, they could not see, or not allow justice her reasonable course. This being found out by some of the court, a motion was made, that some who had interest in the Defendant would undertake to persuade him to restore the Plaintiff the 3, (or whatever it were,) he took upon that judg- ment, and likewise to refer other matters to reference which were between the said Story and him. This the court were satisfied with, and proceeded no further." This sow business had started other questions, but of their tedious details, however much they engrossed the time of these sapient legislators, it is needless to speak. 25 The efforts of this obscure woman, the power of that unruly member, which in that sex so often kindles a wide conflagration from a small spark, seem almost in- credible Story was, probably, an unsuccessful rival in trade. The mediators designated by the Court, who put an end to this disgraceful proceeding, were, proba- bly, Major-General Gibbens and Major William Ting, Deputies from Boston, members of the same church and of the Artillery Company. Many members of the Company were then church members. Thus this first great law-suit in Boston began and ended. There were then no lawyers, except poor Lechford ; but as he, soon after, had to fly back to England, to avoid starva- tion, and is not mentioned in the whole affair, we pre- sume he had no hand in the business. After two years intermission, Keayne was elected a Deputy from Bos- ton, with Gibbens and Hawkins, four of the five next years, serving as Speaker (one day) at the opening of the October session, 1646. Capt. Keayne had witnessed the rapid increase of the Company, predicted its beneficial effects, and labored to promote its welfare. He continued through life to en- courage his associates ; in the decline of life, with anxi- ety savr its decay ; and dying, warned his companions of the obstacles they would meet, and left them in his will not only valuable legacies, but a text-book, which, if his successors conform to it, will ensure the prosperity of an institution that has ever been a favorite of the pub- lic, and an ornament to the State. August 1st, 1653, he began to write his will, which, although consisting of about one hundred and fifty folio pages of fine writing, "is all in his own hand." After making a profession of his faith, he regulates his funeral ceremonies, when, it seems, the institution of which he had been the founder, occupied his thoughts ; for he says : 26 " As for my burial, I shall not desire any great outward solemni- ties to be used, further than that which shall be decent and civil, as becomes Christians ; knowing that extraordinary solemnities can nothing add to the gain or benefit of the deceased ; yet, having been trained up in military discipline from my youngest years, and having endeavored to promote it the best I could, and since that God hath brought me into this country, and seeing he hath been pleased to raise me as a poor instrument to lay the foundation of that noble so- ciety of the Artillery Company in this place, that had so far pros- pered by the blessing of God, as to help many with good experience in the use of their arms, and more exact knowledge in the military art, and have become a nursery to raise up many able and well expe- rienced soldiers, that have done some good service for their country ; therefore, to declare my affections to that exercise and to the society of soldiers, I shall desire to be buried as a soldier, in a military way, if the time and place of my decease and other occasions may suit ; thereunto which I leave to the discretion of my executors and friends." He then provides for his debts, makes a valuation of his estate, and divides the principal part between his wife and son, and having revoked a former will, goes on to make several donations to build a market-place, a conduit, a town-house, a library, and an armoury ; and in describing particularly how they should be built, among other things, he says : " A room for the elders to meet in and confer together, when they have occasion to come to town for any such ends, as I perceive they have many there in the same building, which may also be a room for an armoury, to keep the arms of the Artillery Company, and for the soldiers to meet in when they have occasion." Capt. Keayne then makes a donation of 300, to build an exchange, and again notices the Company thus : "Apd if a convenient large room in one of the buildings before mentioned, be separated and set apart for an armoury, and the meet- ings of the Artillery, if there it be thought convenient, or if some other place be provided for that use more convenient, with the offi- cers of that Company's advice, I am not strict for the very place, so 27 they have content in it ; though yet I think the very heart and secured part of the town, and no out or by-place, is the most fit for a magazine for arms, because of the danger of surprising them. The place they now use will fit to scour and clean the arms in, and also to lay them up and keep them in, which will be a comely sight for strangers to see, and a great ornament to the room, and also to the town, where the soldiers may arm themselves when they go to exercise. Such a place being provided, I give and bequeath five pounds for the encouragement of that Company, to be laid out in pikes and bandaliers* for use of such soldiers of that Company that live in other towns, so far as it cannot be convenient for them to bring their arms with them ; or, if the officers of that Company do know any other thing that the Company wants, that will be more useful for the general good of the Company, than what I have men- tioned, that will continue, and not be spent or consumed in the use, then I am willing that the whole or any part of this legacy may be so disposed of, taking in the advice and consent of my executors in the same." Page 132. " Item. I give and bequeath further to the Artillery Company of Boston, five pounds more towards the erecting of a platform, planked underneath, for two mounted pieces of ordnance to stand upon, a greater and a smaller, with a shed of boards raised over it, to keep them dry, and preserve them from the sun and weather, and this to be raised in the most convenient place in the training place in Boston, where it shall be most fit for that use ; and where, at convenient distance, against some hill or rising ground, there may be a good butt, or kind of bulwark raised of earth, that may receive the shot of great guns, and may be free from endanger- ing any that may unexpectedly pass by or behind the butt, in case they should overshoot ; which butt may be cast up or digged at the bottom of a hill, without any charge, by the Company themselves, in two or three of their training days; and my end in this is, that the Company may be trained up, or so many of them as desire it, in the use, exercise and experience of the great ordnance, as they are in their muskets ; that they may learn how to exercise, load, mount, level, and fire at a mark, &c., which is as needful a skill for a soldier, as the exercise of their ordinary arms. I suppose the country will willingly lend the Company two such pieces for so good * " Bandalicrs, (bandolleers from bandouliers, French,) are wooden cases, covered with leather, each of them containing a charge of powder for a musket, of which every musketeer usually wore twelve, hanging on, a shoulder-belt or collar." 28 a use as this is, if the town itself have none such to spare, and will give them a barrel of powder or two to encourage them to begin a service that will be so singularly useful to their country. Their bul- lets will be, most of them, found and saved again, if the hill or butt against which they shoot be not so low and narrow that they over- mount and shoot aside at random. Now, as many of that Company are officers, which desire to learn that art of gunnery, so needful for every Captain and officer of a Company to be experienced in, they may enter their names to be scholars of the Great Artillery, and to agree that every one that enters his name may give so much for entry, and so much a year afterwards, as you do at the Artillery, which money will serve to lay in provision of powder, shot, spunges, budge- barrels,* common baskets, and some allowance to the master gun- ner, that shall take pains to instruct them, if there cannot be some skilful and sufficient man found, that will think the honor of the place to instruct such a society in so noble a service recompense sufficient, that they have an opportunity not only to exercise their own skill, but to do good to their country and to willing scholars, that so thirst after experience, as the Captain and rest of the officers of the Small Artillery do freely expend their time to instruct others in the best skill themselves have attained, and look at it as reward enough, that their pains is accepted and the Company edified by it. Besides, there being many shipwrights and gunners that resort to this country, who have good skill in this art, and the Company I doubt not upon their request might have their help, services and direction herein, and he that is chosen to this place may have the title of the Captain of the Great Artillery, or Master Gunner, and there may be a time appointed, once in a week or fortnight, for the scholars to meet and spend two or three hours, either forenoon or afternoon, for their instruction in it. Now, all that meet cannot expect to make every one a shot, for that would prove too great a charge and expense of powder, but every one must take their turn, and two or three at a meeting to make one shot apiece, or but one man two shots at one time, and the rest may obtain as much by the manner of their performing it, as if they had done it themselves. " And for further encouragement to help on this exercise, besides the five pounds given before towards the platform, and the other fiv e * " Budge-barrel, (from bouge, French a bag and barrel,) a tin barrel, to hold gunpowder, containing about oue hundred and thirty pounds, having a case of leather made fast over the head, to prevent the powder from taking fire ; used on board ships." 29 pounds for pikes, &c., I give and bequeath two heifers or coics* to the Captain and officers of the First Artillery Company, to be kept as a stock constantly, and the increase or profit of these cows yearly to be laid out in powder, bullets, &LC. for the use of the exercise of the Great Artillery; only the stock at no time, or the value of it, not to be diminished, and then to be delivered to the Captain that shall then have the command of that Company, or whom himself and offi- cers shall appoint, when the platform and butt is finished, and two pieces mounted thereon, with all materials thereto belonging, fit to exercise with, when a Master or Captain of the great ordnance is chosen, a convenient company of soldiers entered for scholars, as between ten and twenty, and all things settled in a good posture for the beginning and continuance of that exercise. But if the Artillery Company shall neglect to accomplish this before expressed, above two years after my decease, then these three legacies, viz, first, the five pounds, and the two cows, to be void, and to be to the use of my executors ; but if the things before mentioned be accomplished, and this new Company do go on, as I desire it may, then my will is, that the Captain, with the consent of the Company, may appoint some able man, either of the Company or otherways, that shall give bond to my executors or administrators for these two cows, or the value of them at the time of delivery, that the stock shall be preserved, and the increase or benefit of them only to be disposed of for the use of this new Company. And if this Company should break off and not continue their exercise, then the two cows to be returned to my ex- ecutors, or some of my administrators, for his use, or the just value that they are worth at the time of their first delivery. Now, any man that shall have the cows to keep will be willing to give such bond, if the Company order it so. In case that exercise should fall to the ground, for the two first five pounds I desire no bond, nor any return of it, though the Company should not continue any longer. " I would make it my dying request to our First Artillery Com- pany ,t if there should be such a Company in being when it shall please God to take me out of this miserable world, many knows * Winlhrop states, in his Journal, a cow to be worth from 25 to 30, in the year 1636; most probably they had fallen in value more than one half. tThe appellation of Great Artillery, or the First Artillery Company, wa probably used by Capt. Keayne by way of distinction, and refer to grants, or the contemplation of them, which were made by the General Court, several years after the charter of the Ancient and Honorable, with somewhat similar privileges, to Essex, Middlesex, &c. ; but there is no account of any Company being regularly; organized under them. 30 what my earnest endeavors and desires hath been to promote and encourage what I could, for out of this small Company the Lord hath raised up many a well experienced soldier, that hath done good ser- vice, and have been of good esteem, both here and in our native country, and therefore my grief is the more to fear their sometime flourishing and highly prized Company, that when the country grows more populous, this Company should grow more thin, and ready to dissolve for want of appearance ; but some are wary, and think they have got experience enough, so they begin to neglect ; but my request is, that the entries, quarterages, and fines for late and non-appearance, which last hath been too long neglected, and will not be well with the Company till it be taken up again, especially seeing the greatest part of the Company consist now of men in our own town, and we never had better nor more constant appearance than when fines were duly taken ; may be preserved and kept in stock to lay out in powder, arms, bandaliers, for the use of the Company, and in canvas to make resemblances of trenches, half moons, re- doubts, forts, &c., common baskets, and such like necessary imple- ments for some special military service that might be performed once or twice a year, which would be a singular help to the ordinary ex- ercise, and would add much, not only to the encouragement, but to the experience both of officers and soldiers, in some military exer- cises, which without such helps cannot be taught nor performed. And these means would be far better employed, and to greater satis- faction and content of the Company, in such things, than to be wast- ed and spent in eating and drinking, and needless invitations, as it hath been for a long time, both to my own, and to the grief and of- fence of several of the Company, which hath occasioned some to leave the Company, and others to be unwilling to pay their quarterages. Seeing the whole stock is still consumed, and the Company rather idle than othervvays, which hath been a chief thing to hinder many other profitable exercises, for want of means to bear the charge of them, and will in time be the overthrow and dissolution of the Com- pany, if it be not prevented, which hath made the Artillery Company in London so to flourish for so long a time together; but the stock of the Company well managed, whereby they have done great things, end have been able to perform many exercises (though changeable) both for the delight of all the beholders, and the great benefit and experience of the soldiery, and to the increase of their number. And indeed I had in my purpose several other legacies to have be- stowed on this Company for their encouragement, and example of others, and have them in readiness and of some consequence, but the small appearance of the Company and the declining of it daily, 31 which cannot be but a great discouragement to the Captain and officers that command them, as also to the soldiers that do appear, and causes a kind of complaint instead of esteem in them that be- hold them, make me fear the final dissolution of it, and so all gifts will sink with it and come to nothing, hath been the cause of alter- ing my resolution; though I know a skilful commander, though he have a body of men but four files, six deep, which is but twenty-four soldiers, that I would add further, if he had but half so many, but two files, six or eight deep, with them he may perform such variety of exercises, not only for the postures, but the several motions, doublings, facings, common marches, wheelings, yea, such variety of forms of battles, and several kinds of firings and charges, as should not only be delightful, but very useful and gainful to those that are exercised ; and not only for two or three training days, but have matter enough to exercise them for several years, which I should hardly have believed, did I not know it to be true, and have seen it with my own eyes. Yet, notwithstanding, what comfort or credit can a Captain have to go into the field with six or twelve sol- diers, and under the name of an Artillery or Military Company. It would be my rejoicing if there could be any means thought on or used to increase and encourage this Company, that is and may be so honorable and advantageous to the whole country. That it may re- main and continue still in splendor and esteem, increasing and not declining ; but all things have their changes." Capt. Keayne gives, also, other legacies, such as to the town of Boston, to Harvard College, 250 to the poor members of the church where he worshipped, and a legacy for the establishment of a free school, as he says, " to help training up of some poor men's children of Boston, that are most forwardly and hopeful in the knowledge of God and of learning, not only in the Latin tongue, but also to write and cypher." He has never yet had a street, lane or alley, even in the by parts of the town, named for him, notwithstanding his very large and liberal donations ; but there is mention on their records, about two years after, of the " select- men being authorized, by vote of the town, to claim and receive the legacy of Capt. R. Keayne, deceased, for the benefit of the town." Nor did Harvard College re- 32 member, till recently, his legacy,* among the long list of benefactors. He gave, it seems, to the poor of that church which had persecuted him, and no doubt Mrs. Sherman and her posterity reaped the benefit, with others, of his liberality. This institution and Harvard College have survived two centuries, and are the two oldest incorpo- rations, to say nothing more, in America. The poor we have always with us, according to divine appointment, but Keayne was for looking to the wants of future gen- erations. He did not, in his will, forget his friend Gib- bens and others, and gave his reasons for giving to the poor. He has left a most convincing answer to the cavils of his persecutors, in his generous patronage of what was to be of use when his name and place of burial should be forgotten. He was said to be a cov- etous man, but subsequent generations deserve re- proach, for not even a simple stone marks the silent place of his interment. His liberality in his will, for a free school, was not his only gift therefor. At the end of the first volume of Boston Records, in the margin, 12th of the 6th month, (August) 1636, his name is the seventh (after the Governor, Deputy Governor, three assistants, and the husband of the famous Mrs. Hutchinson,) in a subscription of 50 toward that ob- ject. There were forty-five subscribers, nineteen of whom are on the roll of the Company. The donation for a free school was probably the foundation, or one of the first instances of encourage- ment, of the present Latin Grammar School in Boston, which has long been, notwithstanding several severe attacks, one of the greatest ornaments of the city ; and while it continues to be fostered and cherished by the wise and good, will afford the brightest hopes and pros- pects of diffusing knowledge and literature. Ought not * President Quincy's History of Harvard. 33 the present generation to venerate such forefathers, who seem to have lived only to be useful to posterity ? He did not finish writing this will until the 28th of December, 1653. He died at Boston, March 23d, 1655-6. His inventory amounted to 2427 12 1 his debts and funeral expenses to 274. The will was approved May 2d, 1656, but his estate was not finally settled until January 29th, 1683, when, both his execu- tors being dead, administration was granted to Colonel Nicholas Paige, and Anna his wife, grand-daugh- ter of the deceased. From this circumstance, and the fact that the General Court, in 1659-60, granted 500 acres of land to Ann Cole, grand-daughter of R. Keayne, deceased, " in consequence of his liberal do- nations to the country," I infer he had a daughter who deceased before him, and that she was the wife of Sam- uel Cole, Ar. Co., one of the charter members. She is in other places called " a rich heiress," and " sole heir." We must now quit this eminent patron of the institu- tion. Never will it happen, so long as the institution exists, that his memory or worth will be forgotten. Had the Company strictly adhered to his dying counsel, practised the economy he recommended, and exhibited his punctuality, they would have been more flourishing. The legacy of the two cows, estimated at 20, by adding interest, would now amount to a large sum. About the time Keayne wrote his will, the Com- pany began to decline ; for we find, for the first ten years, 278 members are enrolled, and only 47 during the next ten years ; nor did it materially revive or increase until 1670, as only 73 members were ad- mitted from 1658 to 1669, inclusive; but from that period to the arrival of Andross, 1686, it appears to have flourished and increased. As King Charles I. was beheaded January 30th, 1649, and Cromwell's party in power, many of the first planters returned to their native 34 land, and but few, comparatively, emigrated hither. Several of the Company, as will appear in the sequel, became officers in Cromwell's army. The scarcity of money, and consequent depression of trade and increase of poverty, while it hindered many from embarking in the settlement of the infant colony, drove, also, many hence, which will more naturally account for the Com- pany's declension. MAJOR-GENERAL ROBERT SEDGWICK, the second on the roll, and third named in the charter, was a gentle- man of education and distinction. He had been a member of the Artillery Company in London, and one of the first who came to settle in the colony. He was admitted freeman, March 9th, 1636-7. Charlestown, in the County of Middlesex, was the place he selected for his residence, and his exertions to promote the in- terest and welfare of that town, as well as the colony at large, rendered him one of the most conspicuous per- sons of the time. It appearing he was concerned in trade in those days, leads us to suppose he was a mer- chant by profession. He was many years Deputy from Charlestown in the General Court, and a member when the charter was granted. He devoted his talents and property to secure the safety of the town, and super- intended the building of the first fortifications there y paying a considerable portion of the expense out of his own private property. He was the leader of the first train-band formed in the town 1636 and thence, on the first regular organization of the militia of the col- ony, in 1644, appointed the first Sergeant Major of the Middlesex Regiment, and afterwards promoted to the highest military rank in the colony, being elected Ser- geant Major-General 1652 which office he held one year. Johnson says, " he was brought up in London's Artillery Garden, and furthered with sixteen years' ex- 35 perience in New England, beside the help of a very good head-piece, being a frequent instructer of our Ar- tillerymen," &c. ; and again " the cost he hath been at in helping on the discipline of his regiment hath profited much." Sedgwick was a man of enterprising spirit, since we find his name associated with John "Winthrop, junior, in the direction and establishment of the first furnace and iron works in this country, in 1643-4.* The vio- lent capture of a King's ship, by Capt. Stagg, under commission from Parliament, in Boston harbor, caused the General Court, in 1645, among other things, " to secure all ships which should come as friends into our harbor, commission was given to Major Gibbens for Boston, and Major Sedgwick for Charlestown, to keep the peace in the said towns, and not to permit any ships to fight in the harbor, without license from authority," ^ Whether those who intended to return to England, and gain employment in Cromwell's service, or the Par- liament's service, "were desirous of recommending themselves by carrying evidence of a relaxation of the rigor of our laws, or at least of their own exertions to obtain it," or that it may be attributed rather to the na- tive liberality of sentiment of more noble minds, a peti- tion, signed by Emanuel Downing, Nehemiah Bourne, Robert Sedgwick, Thomas Fowle, and others, was pre- sented to the General Court, J " for the abrogation, or alteration, of the laws against the Anabaptists, and the law that requires special allowance^ for newcomers re- siding here ;" but it was abruptly " ordered that the laws in their petition mentioned shall not be altered or explained at all." We may hence conclude that Sedg- * Lewis' Hist. Lynn, p. 85; Winth. Journal, II. p. 213, and Savage's note. t Winth. II. p. 247. $ Col. Rec. vol. III. p. 50; Winth. II. p. 265, and note. II A person would hardly suppose this meant a tax. 36 wick was not so much of a bigot as many of the first emigrants. He was, however, admonished for the like "jsailty" for which his friend Capt. Keayne suffered so much persecution in church and state, viz, " taking the money-worth for his goods," or, as thus styled, " taking more than sixpence in the shilling profit ;" but as he was one of those whom Winthrop classes probably among those " not found out," he was let off by an ad- monition only. To be suspected of an offence was tantamount to a conviction in a legal way, in those days, and may have given rise to the mode of bringing actions in Massachusetts, afterwards, " upon suspicion of debt."* Gen. Sedgwick went to England, where, it is said, some of his descendants reside, and was employed by Cromwell in 1654. In that year, he, with Leverett, succeeded with little difficulty, in expelling the French from Penobscot. " He was engaged in the great expe- dition against the Spanish West Indies, when Jamaica was taken. There he died, May 24th, 1656, having, as appears from Thurloe's State Papers, V. 138, 154, just been advanced to the rank of Major General by the Protector."! He was held in great repute by his cotemporaries,t and was thrice elected to command the Company, viz, 1640, 1645, and 1648. His son William was admitted a member, 1666, and his son Robert in 1674. Hon. Theodore Sedgwick, son of Benjamin, a distinguished lawyer, and Judge of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, (born at Hartford, Conn., in May 1746, * I have seen, in the record of prisoners committed to jail in Boston, even since the Revolution, entries to that effect. t Not having this book, nor having been able to see it, or Lord II. Lempriere, 612, or Edwards' Hist, of West Indies works quoted by Farmer my information respecting him after he left Boston is very limited. $ Gen. Sedgwick was an early donor to Harvard College, giving them two small shops in Boston see Book of Donations. 37 and died at Boston, Jan. 24th 1813,) was one of his descendants. CAPTAIN JOSEPH WELD, Roxbury. This name, in the oldest roll, appears Capt. Weld, but in the list of annual officers elected is Capt. Joseph Weld. He was the first person elected as Ensign of the Company, 1638. He was freeman, 1636, and died October 7th, 1646, leaving a widow, Barbary, who after married Anthony Stoddard, of Boston. He was the first Captain of the Roxbury Band, and died while sus- taining that office. He was Deputy from Roxbury in 1636, and five years after; so he must have been a Representative when the charter was granted. He lived in Roxbury, was by profession a merchant, and was brother of the famous and bigotted Rev. Thomas Weld, the first minister of Roxbury. The wife of La Tour, in 1644, having commenced an action against Capt. Bayley, Captain of the ship, who brought her from London by a six months' voyage to Boston, and recovered 2000 damages; and the Captain having also commenced an action for his freight, in which he was unsuccessful, and Capt. Weld, who was one of the jury who tried the case, being in London, Bayley was persuaded or advised to attach Capt. Weld, together with Stephen Winthrop, the Gov- ernor's son, and Recorder of the Court who tried the case ; and they were forced to find sureties in a bond of 4000, to answer him in the Court of Admiralty. Bayley was eventually obliged to give over this suit ; and then he procured out of Chancery a ne exeat regnos (that they should not depart the realm) against them ; but the cause being heard, they were discharged, he losing his charges and they theirs. Weld, Winthrop, and Thomas Fowle, the owner of the ship, all petitioned the General Court for indemnity, but in vain. Win- 38 throp gives a more particular account, II. 247-8, anno 1643. The inventory of his estate amounted, as return- ed by his widow, to 2028 11 3 no inconsiderable sum in those days. The famous Mrs. Hutchinson, on her banishment, was committed to him, then a Deputy, at his house in Roxbury. MAJOR THOMAS SAVAGE, of Boston, tailor, came to New England as early as 1635 ; admitted freeman May 25, 1636 being then twenty-nine years old. His name is the fourth on the roll, and probably was the youngest man of the first associates, and survived them all, con- tinuing an active member forty-five years, and until his death. He was the first Orderly Sergeant of the Com- pany, and elected Lieutenant twice, 1641 and 1645 and five times elected and served as their Commander, namely, in 1651, 1659, 1668, 1675, and 1680; having sustained the highest offices in the gift of the Company the largest number of years, and filled the office of Captain, the last time, after he was 73 years of age. He represented Boston, as Deputy, in 1654, and eight succeeding years, except 1658; also, was Deputy for Hingham in 1663, and Andover in 1671, '77 and '78. He was Speaker of the House of Deputies in 1659 and 1671. He was elected an Assistant, 1680 and 1681, and died February 14th, 1681-2, aged 75, while in that office.* By his first wife, Faith, (who died Feb. 20th, 1652,) daughter of William and the celebrated Mrs. Ann Hutchinson, he had seven children 1st, Habijah, Ar. Co. 1665; 2d, Thomas, Ar. Co. 1665; 3d, Hannah; 4th, Ephraim, Ar. Co. 1674; 5th, Mary; 6th, Dyoni- sia ; 7th, Perez. By his second wife, Mary, daughter of Rev. Zachary Symmes, of Charlestown, (whom he * Major Savage's grave-stone, in the Chapel ground, says "Died February 15th, 1681-2." 39 married Sept. 15th, 1652,) he had, 8th, Sarah; 9th, Richard ; 10th, Samuel ; 1 1th, Samuel 2d ; 12th, Zach- ariah; 13th, Ebenezer, Ar. Co. 1682; Uth, John; 15th, Benjamin, Ar. Co. 1682; 16th, Arthur; 17th, Elizabeth; 18th, Elizabeth 2d eighteen in all. Maj. Savage's will is dated June 28th, 1675, and was ap- proved Feb. 23d, 1681-2; and therein John Hull and Isaac Addington are made overseers, and his sons, Thomas, Ephraim and Ebenezer, executors. His in- ventory, April 20th, 1682, amounted to^3447 8 7 debts, to 644 8 6 ; and it appears he was a very large landholder. He was one of the founders and members of the Old South Church, 1669. " These legal records," says Snow,* " furnish the best of testimony concerning the extent of individual wealth, and the manners of the times. Such things ex- isted in other places as much, perhaps, as in Boston, but a knowledge of them is not on that account less necessary to those who would be familiar with the dis- tinguishing traits of our ancestors." It is not meant that the following is literally a description of Savage's mansion, but is given as extracted from the same au- thor. " We find in the principal houses a great hall, ornamented with pictures and a great lantern, a velvet cushion in the window-seat, which looks into the gar- den. On either side is a great parlor, a little parlor or study. These are furnished with great looking-glasses, Turkey carpets, window-curtains and valance, pictures and a map, a brass clock, red leather-back chairs, and a great pair of brass andirons. The chambers are well supplied with feather beds, warming-pans, and every other article that would now be thought necessary for comfort or display. The pantry is well filled with sub- stantial fare and dainties, prunes, marmalade, and * History of Boston, by Doct. C. H. Snow, p. 143 a very valuable work. 40 Madeira wine. Silver tankards, wine-cups, and other articles of plate, are not uncommon ; the kitchen is completely stocked with pewter, copper and iron uten- sils. Very many families employed servants, and in one we see a Scotch boy, valued among the property, and invoiced at 14." Major Savage was one of those who became tinctured with the doctrines of his first wife's mother ; and there- fore was included among others of her adherents, who were disarmed by order of Court, and delivered their arms to Capt. Keayne ; but he, with some others, probably are included in the recantation, in 1637, for he was a military officer and the fourth on the roll of members associated 1637, and consequently a charter member, though not specially named ; and Court nor Council would have given a charter to an association containing any who had signed the obnoxious petition, unless they had recanted. John Oliver, Samuel Cole, John Underbill, Robert Harding, and probably William Park and John Audlin, were in similar circumstances. Winthrop says: "At this Court, (1637) divers of our chief military officers, who had declared themselves favorers of the famalistical persons and opinions, were sent for, and being told that the Court, having some jealousy of them for the same, and therefore did desire some good satisfaction from them, they did ingenuously acknowledge how they had been deceived and misled by the pretence, which was held forth, of advancing Christ, and debasing the creature, &c., which, since they had found to be otherwise, and that their opinions and practice tended to disturbance and delusions ; and so blessed God, that had so timely discovered their error and danger to them." Major Savage is first noticed on the list of officers of the Company by the title of Sergeant, then by Ensign ; from thence we conclude he was made Ensign of the 41 - Boston Band, when Gibbens was Captain. At the organization of the militia, 1644, no other officer is named of that Band, but a Lieutenant, apparently Savag, without a Christian name ; but he was styled in our list a Lieutenant before, and soon after he ap- pears as Captain of the Boston Band. He was pro- moted Sergeant-major, when he was made com- mander of the expedition against King Philip. He was also one of the subscribers towards the founding of the free school in Boston, and served in many offices for the benefit of his adopted town. This early associate, but survivor of Keayne and his compatriots, lived to see the Company, he had assisted in founding, increase and flourish beyond his most san- guine expectations. Tfie reputation it had acquired must, in the decline of life, have been to this distin- guished member a source of pleasure ; for it is a re- markable fact, not only transmitted to us, his successors, but felt and observed by all at this day, that the longer any person remains attached to the corps as a member, the more his love and- affections are placed upon it : and the sportive pride of youth creates in old age the strongest desire to transmit to posterity this venerable institution of our ancestors. Five of Maj. Savage's sons were members, and their posterity have many of them not only followed the military example of their ancestor, but succeeded to his military honors. The same badge of commander, " a leading staff" or " pike," which was five times graced by the hand of Maj. Sav- age, has been transferred by the Chief Magistrate of the Colony or Province to a son once, a grandson once, another grandson three times, and a great grandson once, in addition to the "half pike" he twice bore as Lieutenant, which each successively bore before he arrived at the command. Although the standard was not entrusted to his care as an Ensign, yet many of his 6 42 descendants had the charge of it. The grandfather of the present generation honored our roll by his name, but the military ardor which once shown conspicuous in the family, is now apparently lost in the literary distinc- tion of the descendants. In 1653 Maj. Savage attached the Iron Works at Lynn, for the amount owed to him and Henry Webb. Savage obtained for himself 894 2, and Webb 1351 6 9. We hence conclude he became a merchant by profes- sion, and that this put a period to that establishment. Maj. Savage was Commander in Chief of the Mas- sachusetts forces, in the beginning of King Philip's war. LIEUT. DANIEL HAUGH, so* spelt on the oldest roll and list of officers ; but undoubtedly means Lieut. Daniel Howe, of Lynn, that part now called Saugus. He was admitted freeman, 1634, and was Representa- tive from Lynn, 1636 and 1637, and consequently a Deputy when the charter was granted, and stands fifth on the roll. He was elected the first to the office of Lieutenant of the Company, 1638. In the addenda of Savage's edition of Winthrop, I find his commission as Lieutenant of the Lynn train band, which, as a sample of the commissions issued in those days, is here given : " 1636, 16th 4th mo. To Lieutenant Howe, of Sagus, and to the military officers and company there : Whereas we have formerly given you command of the trained band in Sagus, we do hereby require you to see them duly exercised according to the orders of court, and we do also require you, the military company there, that you diligently attend with your complete arms, at such times and places as your said Lieutenant shall appoint, and that all you, the officers and soldiers of the said company, be obedient to all such commands as by au- thority of this place or order from us you shall receive 43 from him, so as you may be well trained and fitted for such future service as you may be called unto ; hereof not to fail. " HENRY VANE, Governor, " Jo. WINTHROP, Deputy." Lieutenant Howe attained to the title of Captain, probably as master of a vessel. Our ancestors were pe- culiarly accustomed to give every man his highest mili- tary or civil title, a custom not altogether abrogated in the country towns at this time, and it is no where men- tioned as applied to him. He was probably by profes- sion an husbandman, as most of the early settlers of Lynn were. " He," says Lewis, " was master of a vessel, and re- moved to New Haven." A portion of the people of Lynn had an idea of removing to Long Island, and un- der Capt. Howe sailed, in 1640, and effected a lodg- ment at Scout's Bay, in the western part of the island, but the Dutch laid claim to it, and sent men to take possession, who sat up the arms of the Prince of Orange on a tree. Capt. Howe removed their arms, and an Indian drew instead thereof an "unhandsome face." This conduct highly incensed the Dutch Governor, Wil- liam Keift, whom Mr. Irving, in his humorous History of New York, denominates William the Testy. The Dutch, he says, were sorely vexed by the enormous plantations of unions, which the Yankees planted for Artillery, so close their domicils. ENSIGN THOMAS HUCKEN. The sixth on the roll, and consequently a member when the charter was granted, was Ensign of the Company, 1639. That in- defatigable antiquarian, Doct. Farmer, nor myself, can find any information respecting him. He spells his name Huckin, but it is Hucken on the roll and list of officers. Barnes, who transcribed the roll first, and corrected it in 1680 or 81, might have mistaken the 44 name. Probably he died early after the Company was organized, and Barnes might have inserted his name, upon the recollection of Maj. Savage or some old mem- ber living at the time. I find in II utchinson, the first pages of his history, in' describing the election of offi- cers in England, by the charter, 13th May, 1628, towards the last, the name of Thomas Hutchins, as one of the Assistants elected. He might have emigrated, and soon returned as some did, and being a member of the corporation in England, would therefore not neces- sarily appear among those made freemen in New Eng- land. As no very obscure persons were elected to office in the early period of the Company, I am inclined to think it should be Hutchins, as above ; though no mention of him is made elsewhere. COL. JOHN OLIVER, Boston, freeman, 1634, was the seventh on the roll, and a charter member. It is sup- posed he was brother of Elder Thomas Oliver, and that his title was derived in England. He was Deputy from Boston, at October General Court, 1637 also March Court, 1637-8, and in May Court, 1638 was a col- league of Keayne as Deputy, therefore was a Repre- sentative when the charter was granted. He never sustained any office in the Company, but probably had been of the Artillery Company in London. He removed to Newbury, and died there in 1642, probably aged, for his children and widow are noticed. There is a will of a John Oliver. Suf. Rec. 1641.* His widow, Jo- * He was elected Representative, in the room of William Aspinwall, Oct. 6th, 1637, who had been turned out ; but the same Court " dismissed him from being a Deputy, for justifying the seditious libel, called a remonstrance or libel." The town did not se,nd others in their stead, but the next Court he was elected again. He was one of the persons disarmed by the order of Court, as before stated, and must have been one of those who made their recantation ; for he was not excluded the next Court, and otherwise wonld not have been included among the charter members. 45 anna, married William Gerrish, of Newbury, April 17th, 1644, and had eleven children by him. LIEUT. JOSEPH HEWES, the eighth on the roll, a char- ter member, was probably of Lynn. SAMUEL COLE, ninth on the roll, and a charter mem- ber, desired to be made freeman, October, 1630, the same year he emigrated. He is probably the person called Poole by Prince, and Coole by Savage, and has the prefix of distinction in that list. He was probably the father of Ann Cole, the granddaughter and sole heiress of Kcayne, before mentioned. He set up the first house of entertainment, or inn, in Boston, March, 1633-4. His house where he lived was on the west side of Merchants' Row, midway from State Street to Faneuil Hall, and there he kept this tavern, which will be remembered as the first in the town, probably in America, and in which Lord Ley said " he could be as private there as he could have been at the Governor's own house." He probably came over with Winthrop. He is recorded- as No. 42, and his wife, Ann, No. 43, as members of the first Church. She died soon after their arrival. Snow, in his history of Boston, says he is the one in the name of Richard, who figures so demurely by the side of his wife, in the Peep at the Pilgrims. His will is dated Dec. 21st, 1666, and was approved the February after. Cole was one of those disarmed by order of court, and must have been one of those who recanted.* He was frequently one of the Selectmen of Boston. *Cole is the first member who appears without a military title prefixed. As he has in the list of freemen the prefix of respect, (Mr.) and that being sparingly ap- plied by the first emigrants, we may infer he was highly respectable. He may have sustained some commission in England, but of that we can only conjecture. The largest number by far, until recently, have been private citizens, who never held any military commission ; and in my researches it is evident, that at all pe- riods of the history of the Company many are found who joined while private citi- 46 LIEUT. COL. ISRAEL STOUGHTON, tenth on the roll, and a charter member, was admitted freemen, 1633,* and was Representative from Dorchester (where he lived) from 1634 to 1636 inclusive, and elected an As- sistant, 1637, and continued in that office until his re- turn to England, in 1644. He was therefore an Assist- ant when the charter was granted, and was elected commander in 1642. He was leader or Captain of the first train band in Dorchester, 1636, and had Nathaniel Duncan for his Lieutenant. His name has been given heretofore as Ezekiel, because on the first list of offi- cers and roll it was blank, and on a subsequent roll, together with a printed list of the Captains of the Com- pany published in an old Almanack previous to the revolution, 1 found the name Ezekiel. I am convinced of the error, and have corrected it. He was chosen Assistant seven years in? succession, and left out on ac- eount of his absence in England, " about his private occasions ;" but we soon find him appointed a Lieu- tenant Colonel in Rainsburrow's regiment, in the Par- liament's service, in time of the civil wars. He died at Lincoln, in England, 1645. His will, dated in London, July 17th, 1644, was approved in Boston, 1646, by which he gave 300 acres of land to Harvard College, He was commander of an expedition, in 1637, against the Pequod Indians, which resulted in a sanguinary con- flict, and many prisoners were taken, and some of them, zens, and afterwards became officers, thus gaining the appellation of JVursery, or School for Officers. A mistaken opinion has been adopted by some, that none but officers, or such as had been, should be admitted. The practice originally and in an unbroken succession of years, settles the right and expediency conclusively. * Fanner says, he was among the leading and influential men in the early period of the Colony. He gave great offence to the Court, in 1634, by the publication of a book wherein he affirmed the power of the Governor to be but ministerial, and! otherwise opposed and slighted the power of the Magistrates. He was called to. account for the offence, and although he had the modesty to confess his fault, and desired that thfc book might be burnt, he was disabled for three years from bearing any public office. 47 Winthrop says fourteen boys, were sold afterwards as slaves, in Providence Isle. It is no wonder such bigoted zealots in religion should act sometimes like barbarians. Stoughton, however, did not arrive until after this san- guinary battle had been fought and won, by Capt. Underbill. CAPT. JOHN UNDERBILL, the eleventh on the roll, came to New England in 1630, was admitted freeman, May 18th, 1631, and member of the first Church in Boston, where he resided, No. 57. He was one of the Deputies from Boston, at the first General Court, wherein Representatives from the several towns attend- ed, 1634. In 1636 he was Captain of the train band in Boston, being the first person who commanded the Boston militia, and, in the first settlement of the Colony, was of high repute and very serviceable, but a singular character. It is said he was eccentric in many things, and, in whatever he did, ran to excess. In religion he was an enthusiast, in practic^ a debauchee. He was one of the persons disarmed, but undoubtedly is alluded to by Winthrop, as one who recanted, and thus was permitted to become a charter member. He never sus- tained any office in the Company, probably because he was principally engaged in the different wars against the Indians, and commanded several expeditions against them, or, more probably, by reason of his religious troubles, which follow. " Among* the antinomians who were banished from Boston, and took refuge in these plantations,t was Capt. John Underbill, in whose story will appear some very strong characteristics of the spirit of the times. He had been a soldier in the Netherlands, and was brought over to New England by Governor Winthrop, to train the * Extracted from Farmer's edition of Belknap, p. 23 most of which is, almost verbatim, Winthrop's account of the man and matter, t Dover, N. H. 48 people in military discipline. He served the country in the Pequod war, and was in such reputation in Boston, that they had chosen him one of their Deputies. Deeply tinctured with antinomian principles, and possessed of an high degree of enthusiasm, he made a capital figure in the controversy ; being one of the subscribers to a petition in which the Court was censured, with an indecent severity, for their proceedings against Wheelwright. For this offence he was disfran- chised. He then made a voyage to England ; and upon his return petitioned the Court for three hundred acres of land, which had been promised him for his former services, intending to remove after Wheelwright. In his petition he acknowledged his offence in con- demninor the Court, and declared ' that the Lord had brought him O ' O to a sense of his sin in that respect, so that he had been in great trouble on account thereof.' On this occasion, the Court thought proper to question him concerning an offensive expression, which he uttered on board the ship in which he came from England, ' that the government at Boston were as zealous as the Scribes and Pharisees,, and as Paul, before his conversion.' He denied the charge, and it was proved to his face by a woman who was passenger with him, and" whom he had endeavored to seduce to his opinions. He was also questioned for what he had said to her concerning the manner of his receiving assurance, which was, ' that having long lain under a spirit of bondage, he could get no assurance, till at length, as he was taking a pipe of tobacco, Ike spirit set home upon him an abso- lute promise of free grace, with such assurance and joy, that he never since doubted of his good estate, neither should he, whatever sins he might fall into.' This he would neither own nor deny ; but objected to the sufficiency of a single testimony. The Court committed him for abusing them with a pretended retraction, and the next day passed the sentence of banishment upon him. Being allowed the liberty of attending public worship,* his enthusiastic zeal broke out in a speech, in which he endeavored to prove ' that the Lord was pleased * The prison was early established in the rear of where the old Court-house now stands; hence, the street was then called Prison-lane, then Queen-street, and now Court street. The first, and then only, church, was where Joy's buildings now stand, and was within the square upon which the limits of the prison- yard extended. King's Chapel, afterwards erected, was also within the square. Prisoners having the liberty of the yard, were thus enabled to attend worship on Sundays. One of the most effectual arguments for extension of the limits was, that, as other denominations might be committed, they ought, in conscience, to be allowed to worship in more orthodox churches. Prisoners under sentence of death were also forced to attend meeting; but that practice has been silently done away. 49 to convert Saul while he was persecuting, so he might manifest him- self to him while making a moderate use of the good creature to- bacco ; professing withal, that he knew not wherein he had deserved the censure of the Court.' The elders reproved him for this incon- siderate speech ; Rev. Mr. Cotton told him ' that though God often laid a man under a spirit of bondage while walking in sin, as was the case with Paul, yet he never sent a spirit of comfort but in an ordinance, as he did to Paul by the ministry of Annanias; and therefore exhorted him to examine carefully the revelation and joy to which he pretended. " The next Lord's day, the same Capt. Underbill, having been privately dealt with, upon suspicion of incontinency with a neigh- bor's wife, and not barkening to it, was publicly questioned, and put under admonition. The matter was, for that the woman being young, and beautiful, and withal of a jovial spirit and behavior, he did frequent her house, and was divers times found there alone with her, the door being locked on the inside. He confessed it was ill, because it had an appearance of evil ; but his excuse was, that the woman was in great trouble of mind, and sore temptations, and that he resorted to her to comfort her; and that when the door was found locked, they were in private prayer together. But this practice was clearly condemned also by the elders ; affirming that it had not been of good report for many of them to have done the like, and they ought in such case to- have called in some brother or sister, and not to have locked the door, &c. They also declared that once he procured them to go visit her, telling them that she was in great trouble of mind ; but when they came to her (by surprise,) they perceived no such thing. " These proceedings, civil and ecclesiastical, being finished, he re- moved out of their jurisdiction, and after a while came to Dover, where he procured the place of Governor, in the room of Burdet. LEY, Boston. (JOHN) HARRISON, Boston; freeman 1641. The Christian name is blank in the old roll, and Edward was adopted in the last edition. 1 am much better per- suaded it should be John, and by better evidence. CAPT. JOHN HULL, Boston; freeman 1632. He was son of Robert Hull, and father of Capt. John, Ar. Co. 1660. It is an error in the first edition to assign any of the Company's offices to the John Hull of this year ; they belong exclusively to John of 1660. He never sustained any other office except Sergeant. His inven- tory dated 30th 5 mo. 1670 total 82 12. He died July 28, 1666, aged 73. MA.I. THOMAS CLARKE, Boston ; freeman 1638 ; mer- chant. He was Captain of the Boston Militia, and suc- ceeded Major Lusher as Sergeant-major, 1672. He was elected a Deputy from Boston, 1651, and the seven succeeding years, and again in 1663, and the next fol- lowing nine years eighteen years in all; and was Speaker of the Hotfse of Deputies a part of the year 1751. In 1662, he represented some other town, and was again Speaker; also was Speaker in 1665, 1669, 1670 and 1672. In 1673, he was elected an Assistant, and continued in that office until his decease, March 13th, 1683. Farmer says he was Assistant only five years. He was one of the two Deputies (to his honor be it remembered) who entered their dissent against the law of 1656, punishing with death all Quakers who should return to Massachusetts after banishment. He was one of the four (1664) to whom the charter was delivered for safety.* Upon the division of the Suffolk Regiment, 1680, Boston constituted the first Regiment, under Clarke, * Major Clarke, in behalf of Massachusetts Colony, accompanied the King's . Commissioners to Manhadoes, surrendered August 2?th, 1664- 11 82 and that part of Suffolk now the County of Norfolk, was created a new Regiment, under William Stoughton. At the same time, Essex and Middlesex Regiments were divided also. In 1653, he, with Thomas Lake, acting as attornies of David Yale, conveyed the beautiful es- tate late belonging to Gardiner Greene, Esq. said to contain two acres, more or less, and extending to Sud- bury street, to Hezekiah Usher, for the use of Capt. John Wall, of London, mariner. Major Clarke's will was dated May 1680, and proved March 22d, 1682. He was buried, says an old Almanack, March 19th, 1683, with military honors. He was Sergeant of the Company, and twice elected Lieutenant, 1639 and 1651 ; and twice Captain, in 1653 and 1665. Major John Richards was his executor. His wharf was near Hancock's wharf. Clarke street derives its name from him. CAPT. THOMAS HAWKINS, Dorchester, afterwards of Boston ; freeman 1639. He was a merchant and ship master. He was a Deputy in 1639, from Dorchester probably ; and in 1644 was colleague Deputy from Boston with Gibbons. He came to this country in the fleet with Winthrop. He was jointly concerned with Gibbons in helping La Tour, and commanded about 70 men, who joined in the expedition under him as Com- mander-in-Chief, in 1643, He would not gratify La Tour by breaking neutrality and fighting D'Aulney, but gave leave to his men to volunteer, who burnt his mill and some standing corn, and returned safely to Boston with his ships, bringing 400 moose skins and 400 bea- ver skins. He died abroad, about 1654. He was elect- ed Lieutenant of the Company 1642, again 1643, and Captain 1644 ; being the only instance known of the like in the Company. He was doubtless distinguished for other valuable qualities besides his enterprise. His 83 inventory, taken July 26th, 1654, speaks of a house, barn, and 180 acres of land at Dorchester, over the water, which I take to be South Boston, valued at 257 ; house and land at Boston, 200 ; one half ship Perigrine, in England, 75 the whole inventory, 900. He had a son, Thomas, Ar. Co. 1649. MAJ. NEHEMIAH BOURNE, Boston, shipwright ; free- man 1641. He went to England in the winter of 1644-5, and was. appointed a Major in Col. Rainsbur- row's Regiment, in the Parliament's service, during the civil wars. He returned to his wife and family in 1645, and again went to England about the end of the year, but came back again and settled here. Previous to procuring this appointment, and probably to ingratiate himself with Cromwell's party, he signed the petition to the General Court, with Sedgwick, Fowle, and others, for the abrogation of the laws against the Anabaptists and tax on new-comers, which were so peremptorily refused by the government of Massachusetts. MAJ. WILLIAM TING, Boston, merchant ; freeman 1638 ; was elected Deputy from Boston, September Court, 1639 ; also for the years 1640, '1, '2, '3, '7 in all, six years ; and Treasurer for the Colony from 1640 to 1644. He was Captain of the Military Band in Braintree- where he probably lived when the volun- teer Band was formed first, being at an earlier date at the organization of the Militia, 1644. He was brother of the first Edward Tyng, and his name is so spelt by Farmer, though in many places I find it according as here given from the old roll. He was Ensign of the Company in 1640. He died January 18th, 1653, leav- ing'an estate appraised at 2774 14 4. He was one of the Commissioners from Massachusetts Colony, who es- tablished the confederation of the New England Colo- nies, in 1643. Having gone to England, Richard Russel 34 was chosen Treasurer in his stead. Savage says, " the titles of several of his books show an estimable curiosity in the possessor." He left no family. His "house, one close, a garden, one great yard, and one little yard before the hall windows, bounded on the street that goes to the dock southwards. This sets him on the tongue of land between Brattle and Washington street, now known as Market Row." Johnson speaks of him, as " being endued by the Lord with a good understand- ing sometime Treasurer of the country." RICHARD PARKER, Boston, merchant ; freeman 1641. EDWARD BENDALL, Boston, merchant ; freeman 1 634. He had three sons Freegrace, Ar. Co. 1667 ; Reform and Hopefor. The dock where Faneuil Hall now stands, was then used for a cove for shipping, was the seat of the principal mercantile business, and called Bendall's Dock. His brick house was situated near the dock, somewhere between Gibbons and Samuel Cole's tavern probably about where the " bite of Logan" now is, and his warehouse was there. This cove was after- wards called the Town Dock. He was an early mem- ber of Boston Church, being No. 77 ; and it is pre- sumed he came with Winthrop. Administration on his estate was granted May 2d, 1682, to William Phillips, senior, which makes it probable he lived to an advanced age. Great credit is due to him for his successful en- terprise, in 1642, in raising the ship "Mary Rose,* which had been blown up and sunk, with all her ord- nance, ballast, much lead, and other goods." " The Court gave the owners above a year's time to recover her, and*free the harbor, which was much damnified by her ; and they having given her over, and never at- *This incident is related by Winthrop, among the multitude of the judgments. It was attributed to the sin of the crew's not leaving the ship on Sunday to attend meeting. She was sunk near the channel, by Charlestown. 85 tempting to weigh her, Edward Bendall undertook it upon these terms, viz : if he freed the harbor, he should have the whole ; otherwise, he should have half of all he recovered. He made two great tubs, bigger than a butt, very tight, and open at one end, upon which were hanged so many weights as would sink it to the ground, (600 wt.) It was let down, the diver sitting in it, a cord in his hand, to give notice when they should draw him up, and another cord to show when they should re- move it from place to place, so he could continue in his tub near half an hour, and fasten ropes to the ordnance, and put the lead, &c. into a net, or tub. And when the tub was drawn up, one knocked upon the head of it, and thrust a long pole under water, which the diver laid hold of, and so was drawn up by it ; for they might not draw the open end out of water for endangering him, &c." Savage adds, in a note, " If the diving-bell had by ingenious or philosophical men been earlier in- vented, I doubt that no instance of its successful appli- cation can be found before this." Bendall also deserves to be remembered for his liber- ality in becoming surety for Stephen Greensmith, as before related. He was one of those disarmed. JOHN COGGAN, Boston, merchant; freeman 1653. He set up the first shop in Boston, March 4th, 1633-4, on the lot purchased of Mr. Wilson, the minister, viz : at the northwest corner of State and Washington streets, now owned by Joseph Coolidge, Esq. March 10th, 1651, he married Martha, the widow and fourth wife of Gov. Winthrop, and the marriage ceremony was per- formed by Gov. Endicott. This was also her third husband. He died in 1658. He left a good estate, whereof 500 acres of land in Woburn were valued at 10. John Coggan was an early donor (1652) to Harvard College. 86 JOHN GORE, Roxbury ; freeman 1637; died June 4th, 1657. The late Gov. Gore is believed to be a de- scendant of this family. VALENTINE HILL, Boston ; freeman 1640 ; merchant. He married a daughter of Gov. Eaton, of New Haven. He was Representative from Dover, whither he had re- moved, in 1652 to 5, also 1657. He died in 1662. WALTER BLACKBORNE, freeman 1639. CAPT. EDWARD HUTCHINSON, Boston ; freeman Sep- tember 3d, 1634 son of the famous Mrs. Ann Hutch- inson, and one of those disarmed on her account. He was Deputy from Boston in 1658. He was Lieutenant of the Company, 1654, and Captain 1657. He came over with his parents, in company with Rev. John Cot- ton, or about the same time. His father had lived at Alford, in the neighborhood of Boston, England, and was of good reputation, and had a good estate. His mother, says Mr. Cotton, " was well beloved, and all the faithful embraced her conference, and blessed God for her fruitful discourses ;" but the two great errors she inculcated, and which created such disturbance and persecution, were, " that the Holy Ghost dwells person- ally in a justified person ; and that nothing of sanctifi- cation can help to evidence to believers their justifica- tion." He was sent, with Leverett, on an embassy to the Narragansett Indians, in 1642, and commanded a com- pany in the expedition into the Nipmug country, at the commencement of King Philip's war, in 1675, under his brother-in-law Savage, and was wounded in an en- gagement with the Indians, four or five miles from Brookfield, on the 2d of August, and died of his wounds at Marlborough, 19th August, 1675, aged 67. Elisha, his eldest son and administrator on his estate, Ar. Co. 1660 also other sons. Thus, he who with his mother 87 was persecuted, poured out his blood in the service of that uncharitable country. His will appears dated Au- gust 24th, and proved the same month, 1675. I have in vain sought to account for this discrepancy ; the figure 2 before 4 may have been improperly copied in the re- cord. His inventory amounted to 745. " To his honor, he entered his dissent against the sanguinary law in 1658, for punishing the Quakers with death on their return to the colony after banishment." CAPT. JAMES JOHNSON, Boston, glover ; freeman 1636. He was a member of the Boston Church, and married a daughter of Elder Thomas Oliver, and had several sons. He was Lieutenant of the Company, 1658. COL. GEORGE COOKE, Cambridge ; freeman 1636. He was Deputy from Cambridge in 1636, 1642 to '5, and Speaker of the House, October session, 1645. In 1636, he was Captain of the first volunteer Train-band in Cambridge, and had William Spencer for his Lieu- tenant. He retained that office at the organization of the Militia, 1644. He commanded the Artillery Com- pany in 1643, and while its Captain was sent by the Court, with Atherton and Edward Johnson and forty soldiers, to Putuxet, near Providence, who arrested Gorton and most of his adherents, and brought them to Boston. Winthrop gives a long detail of the military pomp and ceremony on their return. After some years' residence in New England, he became dissatisfied with America, and returned to his native country. He be- came a Colonel in the Parliament's army, during the civil wars, and served in Ireland. Savage says, " he probably died in Oliver's service." MAJ. ELEAZER LUSHER, Dedham ; freeman 1638 ; husbandman. He was elected Representative 1640, and twelve years after; and Assistant 1662, and ten years following, and died in that office, November 13th, 1672. He was Captain of the Military Band in that town, 1644, and succeeded Gen. H. Atherton as Ser- geant-major of the Suffolk Regiment, in 1656, which office he also held at the time of his decease. He was Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1646, and elected Lieutenant 1647. Johnson says, " he was one of a nimble and ac- tive spirit, strongly affected to the ways of truth, one of the right stamp, and pure metal, a gracious, humble, and heavenly-minded man." Dedham was commenced in settlement, Sept. 1635, but little progress was made till July, 1637, when John Allin, their minister, Lusher and ten others, bringing re- commendations, were at the same time admitted towns- men, and they gave a more decided character to the place than all others. Lusher was one of the founders of the first church there, and long continued one of their chief town officers, "and," says Worthington, * " maintains an eminent rank among the founders of the town,"* " He was a leading man all his life time, and directed all the most important affairs of the town. The full and perfect records which he kept, the proper style of his writings, above all, the peace and success of the plantation, which had the wisdom to employ him, are good evidences of his merit, and that his education had been superior to all other men, (Mr. Allin excepted.) " He was an influential and useful member of the House of Deputies. When Charles II. was restored to the English throne, great fears began to be entertained in the colony, that its charter and liberties might be violated by the new administration. In 1660, a large committee was appointed to consider the perilous state of affairs then existing, and advise the General Court in the measures to be adopted. Maj. Lusher was one of * Among the most respectable town histories I have met with, is Worthington's History of Dedham. 89 that committee.* He was one of the commissioners, with Danforth and John Leverett, to repair to Dover to allay the discontent and settle differences, which event- uated in success. His death is noticed in the church records, as quoted in Dexter's Century Sermon, thus: " Maj. Eleazer Lusher, a man sound in the faith, of great holiness and heavenly mindedness, who was of the first foundation of this church, and had been of great use (as in the Com- monwealth, so in the church,) especially after the death of the reverend pastor thereof, (Allin,) departed this life Nov. 13th, 1672." It seems he gained the name of " nimble-footed Captain." " The following saying was repeated frequently, by the generation which immedi- ately succeeded Lusher. ' When Lasher was in office, all things went well ; But how they go since, it shames us to tell.' " This applied particularly to town affairs, especially schools, which greatly degenerated. His will was dated Sept. 20th, 1672, and proved Jan. 28th, 1672-3. .He was a large landholder, but his inventory I have not found. His widow died soon after, for her inventory appears Feb. 6th, 1672-3, 507 1911. CAPT. RICHARD SPRAGUE, Charlestown, freeman 1631, came to Salem, New England, with Gov. Endicott, in 1628, and had removed to Charlestown and com- menced the settlement there previous to the arrival of Gov. Winthrop and his associates, in the fleet. He was a Captain of the Charlestown band, and elected Ensign of the Ar. Co. in 1659, and Lieutenant in 1665, and represented Charlestown as Deputy in 1 644 and 1 659 to 1666. He died Nov. 25th, 1668. The descendants of the Sprague family are found in various towns in Plymouth County and in Rhode Island, and a genealogy * Notice of this is found under Edward Johnson, ante. 12 90 of them was published by one of them, Hosea Sprague, of Hingham, in 1828. The Hon. Peleg Sprague is a descendant. By his last will he gave to Harvard College J 32 ewe sheep, with their lambs, valued at 30. This was one of the earliest donations to that " school of the Prophets." LIEUT. RALPH SPRAGUE, Charlestown, freeman 1631, a brother of Richard, and accompanied him to this country, and went with him to settle Charlestown in 1629. He was the first person chosen to the office of constable at Charlestown, 1630. He was also a military officer there. He represented that town as Deputy, 1635 and afterwards, in the whole, nine years, and was a Deputy when the charter was granted. SAMUEL HALL, Maiden. He is probably the one who, with Oldham and others, in 1633, travelled westward and first discovered Connecticut, or, as it was then called, "the Fresh River," and died at Maiden, 1680. He was undoubtedly the ancestor of the Halls in Bos- ton, Medford and vicinity. CAPT. ABRAHAM PALMER, Charlestown, freeman 1631. He was Deputy from Charlestown at the first General Court, in 1634 and four years afterwards, and conse- quently when the charter was granted. He was a mili- tary man, for in the addenda of Winthrop, under date of 4 mo. 18th, 1636, " We granted Mr. Palmer a demi- culverin in exchange for a sacre, of Mr. Walton's, which was ready mounted at Castle Island, being, by the opin- ion of Mr. Pierce and some others, better for us than the demi-culverin. We had 100 wt. of shot, and some wires and sponges into the bargain." He is probably the last person who appears as signer of the instructions to Gov. Endicott, dated London, May 30th, 1628, and in one place I think is named as an Assistant, chosen in England. I have also met with the title of Capt. as ap- 91 plied to one of that name, presuming it must have been his title in England. JAMES BROWNE, Charlestown, freeman, 1634. We have thus arrived at the close of the year 1638, during which fifty-eight persons became members. The names of the clergymen who preached the Court and Artillery election sermons are not preserved, but as it has been almost invariably the custom for the Com- mander to nominate the clergyman of his own parish, some classmate or college friend, or the clergyman of his native town, under whose ministry he was educated, I conclude Keayne nominated his own minister and brother-in-law, the pious John Wilson, first minister of Boston. 1639. MAJ. ROBERT THOMPSON, Boston. He was an inhab- itant of Boston sometime, and his name appears fre- quently in ancient records, in connexion with grants of lands. In spelling his name I find the p often omitted. His military title was undoubtedly gained in England. He, with Willoughby, was an overseer and trustee of the famous will of Edward Hopkins. COL. RAINSBURROW, Boston, 1639. This name I find spelt variously. There is no Christian name on the old roll. He was a relative of Gov. Winthrop. He returned to England and was appointed to be Captain of a troop of horse, intended for Ireland, and also Gov- ernor of Worcester. He was highly favored by Crom- well, and was Colonel of a regiment in the parliament's service, with Israel Stoughton as Lieut. Colonel, Nehe- miah Bourne as Major, John Leverett as Captain, and William Hudson as Ensign, all of the Massachusetts Colony, and members of this Company, as officers un- 92 der him. Lord Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, p. 3219, gives an account of his death in 1648. ROBERT CHILD, Boston, physician. On the old roll nothing appears except a surname, not very legible, which 1 called Chidley, in the first edition, and subse- quently supposed it might be Maj. John Child, but I cannot be certain he ever came to this country. After reviewing the old roll, I think I may read it Chidle, and, with strong probability of now being correct, have adopted the name of the famous Dr. Robert Child, the only name I can find that at all corresponds. If it was him, he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from Padua, came twice to New England, and gave consid- erable disturbance to the government. He is spoken of as a young man, and might be one of the petitioners for the grant of Lancaster, 1 644. This Dr. Child was greatly persecuted by the colonial government for pre- suming to petition parliament, was fined and confined more than once, and his study broken open and papers taken away, every hindrance placed in his way to pre- vent his going to England to present his petition but at last he presented it, but was unsuccessful. He proba- bly died in England. Winthrop gives a long account of his case. Farmer inserts the name John Chidley, upon my suggestion. When he signed the famous pe- tition, 1646, Winthrop gives his name Childe. MAJ. GEN, SIR JOHN LEVERETT, Boston, merchant, freeman 1640. He was son of Elder Thomas Leverett, and came with his father to New England at the same time with Rev. Mr. Cotton, and was admitted to the Boston Church July 14th, 1639. He was Clerk of the Ar. Co. several years, Sergeant, elected Lieutenant 1648, and Commander three times, viz. 1652, 1663 and 1670. We find him first mentioned on the roll and list of offi- cers with the title of Lieut., then Capt., &c. probably 93 in the militia. In 1663 he was elected Maj. General of the Colony, and again, in 1666, successor of Gen. Den- nison. He seems to have spent most of his life in the service of the colony, for he was chosen Deputy from Boston, 1651, '2 and '3 again 1663, '4 and '5, and was Speaker of the House part of the year 1651, also in 1663 and 1664, as Farmer says. In 1665 he was chosen from the House of Deputies to be an Assistant, and continued elected to 1670. He was chosen Deputy Governor 1671 and- 1672, and Governor 1673 to 1678, and died in that office, March 16th, 1679. He went to England in 1644-5, and was appointed a Captain in Rainsbur- row's regiment, but returned to Boston. He received the order of Knighthood from Charles II. in 1676. He suppressed that title, or the knowledge of it, during life, his previous republican employments and the genius of our colonial government made him wisely conceal it. He was in England at the restoration, advocating the interest of the colony, which may have made his talents and influence known to the king, who afterwards hon- ored him, when in his highest colonial dignity. He was one of the four persons, 1664, to whom the patent or first charter was delivered by the General Court, to be kept safe and secret, together with a dupli- cate, who were directed to dispose of them as might be most safe for the country. Gov. Bellingham was one of them, Capt. Thomas Clark and Capt. Edward John- son, both members, the other two. His son Hudson, Ar. Co. 1656, and grandson Hon. John, Ar. Co. 1704, and several of his descendants, have been members. His will and codicil are dated March 15th, 1678-9, wherein he names his grandson John, to be brought up in learning. His son Hudson, the father of John, had a double portion. He left six daughters, and had a very large landed estate. His 94 mansion house, during the life of his father, was at the south-east corner of Court Street, and his father's, which he afterwards occupied, with a garden on the east side of where the old or first meeting house stood, had State Street on the north, and the marsh of Mr. Winthrop on the south. That part of Congress Street north of Water Street was long called Leverett's Lane or Street, in remembrance of father and son. The dis- order of which he died was the stone, as appears by an interleaved Almanack of that year. His picture, in military costume of that day, his sword, collar, gloves, &c. are preserved in the Essex Historical Library, at Salem. " The Governor, under the old charter," says Hutch- inson, " although he carried great porte, (so does the Doge of Venice,) yet his share in the administration was little more than any one of the Assistants. The weighty affairs of the war, and the agency, during his administration, conducted with prudence and steadiness, caused him to be greatly respected." His funeral was splendid, as appears by the order of procession, and not unlike that of royalty in England. He was sent, with Edward Hutchinson, on an em- bassy to Miantonomoh, Sachem of the Narragansetts, in 1642. He also had a military command under Sedg- wick, in expelling the French from Penobscot, in 1654. He was one of the Commissioners to repair to Dover, in company with Lusher and Danforth. He wore long hair, but is the first Governor that is painted without a long beard. He laid it aside in Cromwell's court. Harvard College Records, 3d mo. 10th day, 1649, con- tains the paper drawn up by the Governor and magis- trates, against "longhair," the following is the pre- amble : " Forasmuch as the wearing of long hair, after ' the manner of ruffians and barbarous Indians, has begun to invade New England, contrary to the rule of 95 God's word, which says it is a shame for a man to wear long hair, as also the commendable custom generally of all the godly of our nation, until within these few years ; &,c. &.c." " Order of march at the funeral of Gov. Leverett, who died 16th March, 1678, and was buried the first day of the next year, 25th March, 1679 : Mr. John Joyliff, Mr. James Whitcomb, Mr. William Tailer, Mr. Ricljard Middlecot to carry each a Banner Roll at the four corners of the Hearse. To march next before the Hearse, as followeth : Mr. Samuel Shrimpton, or in his absence, Capt. Clap to carry the Helmet. Mr. John Fairweather to carry the Gorget. Mr. E. Hutchinson Brest. Mr. Charles Lidget Back. Mr. Sampson Sheafe one tace. Mr. John Pinchon one tace. Mr. Dummer, in case. Capt. Nich. Page one Gauntlet. Capt. J. Carwin one Gauntlet. Lt. Edw. Willys the Target. Capt. Ed\v. Tyng the Sword. Mr. Hezekiah Usher one Spur. Mr. Peter Sargeant one Spur. Capt. William Gerrish, to lead the Hearse per the Racis and Return Waite (as Groom) per the headstall. Mr. Lynde, Mr. Saffin, Mr. Rock, N. Green to carry Banners mixt with the Banner Roles above." His concern in trade with Gibbons, wherein several ships and cargoes were lost, must have been consider- able ; but he was a secret partner in one ship only ; they lost above 2000. He was also appointed one of the Commissioners to the Dutch Governor of New York, (Stuyvesant,) and commander of the forces con- templated to be raised in case of war with them, in 1653. He was a Captain of a troop of horse in Crom- well's service, in 1656. MIDDLEWAITE. This name is almost unintelli- gible on the old roll. I think it should be John Mussel- white. If it was, then he was of Newbury, 1635 ; came from Beaverstock, in Wiltshire ; was admitted free- 96 man 1639, and died January 30th, 1670. This name, written Mussettwhit in the Colony records, and Mussil- loway in the Newbury records, has now become Sil- oivay, and is thus spelled by his descendants, who are in the vicinity of Newbury.* BRIDEMORE. This name is also unintelligible, nothing appearing but a badly written surname. I think it was Capt. Sebastian Bridgham, of Rowley, who lived in 1636 at Cambridge, and was Captain, of the Rowley Band in 1644, and Representative in 1646 and 1647. Johnson speaks of such a man. ROBERT SAMPSON. The Christian name is adopted on slight evidence. THOMAS OWEN, Boston, in 16^1. It appears he es- caped from Boston prison in 1641, " where he had been put for notorious suspicion of adultery." He was sen- tenced " at a Quarter Court at Boston, 7th of 7th mo. 1641, for his adulterous practices, (and) was as censured to be sent to the gallows with a rope about his neck, and to sit upon the ladder an hour, the rope's end thrown over the gallows, and so to return to prison." Sarah Hale, wife of William Hale, his paramour, was sentenced to the like, and after to be banished. Sev- eral men and women, who were concerned in his es- cape to Noddle's Island, especially Maverick, were severely fined. Owen also was fined 20, and if not paid in a week, to be severely whipped. Among other things, Hale, the husband, was admonished to take heed of the like concealment. Seven of the persons concern- ed have the title or prefix of respect. This suspicion must therefore have originated among the better sort of people. ENSIGN FRANCIS WILLOUGHBY, Charlestown; freeman ?">* * Coffin. 97 1640. He was Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1643. He was Deputy from Charlestown 1642, 1646 and 1649. Cho- sen an Assistant 1650, 1651, 1664; elected Deputy Governor 1665 to 1671, and died while holding that office, April 4th, 1671 leaving a wife, Margaret, who after married Capt. Lawrence Hammond, (Ar. Co. 1666,) and she died February 2d, 1683. He left sev- eral children, according to Farmer, and a large estate for those times, being 4050 5 4. Willoughby favored the Anabaptists, for Leverett is said to have succeeded him, on account of his liberality in religious matters, especially his opposition to the persecutions of the Bap- tists, which toleration in those days rendered him un- popular. He had the prefix of respect when admitted freeman. CAPT. JOHN ALLEN, Charlestown ; freeman June 2d, 1641 ; Representative 1668. He had the prefix of respect. CAPT. WALTER HAINES, Sudbury; freeman 1640 in the former edition Andrew Harris. There is no Christian name on the old roll, and the surname will much better read Haines, although very badly written. The name is spelt by Farmer Haynes, which is the most correct ; yet I have endeavored to adhere as nearly as possible to our original roll. Walter Haynes was free- man 1640, and Representative 1641, 1644, 1648, 1651 ; one of the Selectmen of Sudbury ten years, and died February 14th, 1665. ANTHONY STODDARD, ESQ. Boston, 1639; admitted freeman 1640. He married, for his second wife, Bar- bary, widow of Capt. Joseph Weld, and she dying be- fore him, he had a third wife, and a large family of children. Many of his descendants have been celebrat- ed Ministers in New England. He was Representative from Boston in 1650, also in 1659, 1660 and 1666, and ]3 98 eighteen successive years afterwards. He was a linen draper by occupation, and allowed to become a towns- man August 26th, 1639, and 27th of January following 100 acres of land was granted him at Mount Wollaston. He was admitted to the freeman's oath May 13th, 1640. On 18th March, 1649-50, he was chosen Recorder of Boston. He being a Constable of Boston, 1641, was required to take a person into custody at one of the Courts in Boston till the afternoon, " and said withal to the Governor Sir, I have come to observe what you did ; that if you should proceed with a brother otherwise than you ought, I might deal with you in a church way. For this insolent behavior he was committed, but being dealt with by the elders and others, he came to see his error, which was, that he did consider that the magis- trate ought not to deal with a member of the church before the church had proceeded with him. So, the next Lord's day, in the open assembly, he did freely and very affectionately confess his error, and his con- tempt of authority ; and being bound to appear at the next court, he did the like there to the satisfaction of all. Yet, for example's sake, he was fined 20 shillings, which, though some of the magistrates would have had it much less, or rather remitted, seeing his clear repent- ance and satisfaction in public, left no poison or danger in his example, nor had the Commonwealth or any per- son sustained danger by it." THOMAS FOWLE, Boston, merchant. His estate was a house and garden on Washington street, five estates north of Griffith Bowen's, at the north corner of Essex street. He removed to Braintree, and had children born in Boston and there. He figures as a man of much notoriety in Winthrop, having, on account of his liberal sentiments, been a constant thorn to the civil and ecclesiastical rulers of the colony. The first that I 99 find of him is, that he was owner of the ship attached when Weld and Stephen Winthrop were arrested in England, as before recited. In 1646, he, with Doct. Childe, John Smith, David Yale, petitioned to Parlia- ment, complaining of the distinctions in civil and church estate here, and that they might be governed by the laws of England ; this petition, that they " as free born subjects of England, were denied the liberty of subjects, both in church and commonwealth, themselves and their children debarred from the seals of the covenant, ex- cept they would submit to such a way of entrance and church covenant, as their consciences would not admit, and take such a civil oath, as would not stand with their oath of allegiance, or else they must be debarred of all power and interest in civil affairs, and were sub- jected to an arbitrary government, and extra-judicial proceedings, &c." Fovvle and Doct. Childe do not appear to have ever taken the freeman's oath, and this may account for the fact. A similar petition was pre- sented to the General Court, but the consideration thereof, as well as a law to permit non-freemen to vote,"* were deferred to another session. Fowle also, with Sedgwick and others, petitioned for the abrogation of the laws against Anabaptists and the tax on new- comers, which was unsuccessful. On the eve of his departure for England, after having been fined and imprisoned for the above petition, he was stayed again at the Governor's warrant, (Winthrop) as also Doct. Childe, said " to be the chief speaker" who said " they did beneath themselves in petitioning us," and appealed to England. The hearing was continued with much spirit and acrimony. " In conclusion, Fowle and one Smith were committed to the Marshal for want of sureties, and the rest were enjoined to attend the * None were allowed to be freemen but church members of the orthodox sect, and none but freemen to vote, or eligible to office. 100 Court when they should be called. So they were dis- missed, and Mr. Fowle, &c. found sureties before night." The trial proceeded, and in the subsequent pages of Winthrop we may find the long contested ar- gument, pro and con. Childe was fined fifty pounds, and Fowle forty pounds, " for persisting thus obstinately and proudly in their evil practice." They were offered to have their fines remitted, if they would but acknowl- edge their fault ; but they remained obstinate. Their appeal was received, but refused acceptance, and not permitted to be read to the court. " Surprise," says Savage, " almost equals our indignation at this exorbi- tant imposition ; for in this very year Fowle was asso- ciated with Winthrop as one of the Selectmen of Boston. All these petitioners, but Maverick, left the country, 1 believe." In 1648, Fowle is spoken of (by Winthrop) thus: " For God had brought him very low, both in his estate and reputation, since he joined in the first petition."* There is no reason, as Winthrop thinks, to attribute this to a judgment of God ; it is far more easy to account for his becoming poor by losses at sea, heavy fines, im- prisonment, delays, expenses, &c. THOMAS COYTMORE, Charlestown; freeman 1640; Representative 1640 and 1641 ; died on the coast of Wales, December 27th, 1645. Martha, his widow, mar- ried Gov. Winthrop. In the former edition, I supplied the Christian name wanting on the old roll, by inserting Isaac, from the circumstance of Isaac's having been ap- pointed by the town of Boston " to see to the carriages and wheels of the Great Artillery, &c." The name is spelt Coitmore on the old roll. SAMUEL BENNET, Lynn, carpenter. A pine forest, in the northern part of the town, still retains the name of * See Boston Records. 101 Bennet's Swamp. . He resided in the western part of Saugus, and when the towns were divided, the line passed through his land, eastward of his house, so that afterwards he was called an inhabitant of Boston.* He was indicted at the Quarterly Court at Salem, July 5th, 1645, "for saying, in a scornful manner, he neither cared for the town, nor any order the town could make." He was a workman in the iron works', and had to prose- cute for his wages, which were large. CAPT. HERBERT PELHAM, Cambridge. He came to New England 1639 ; was admitted freeman 1645 ; elect- ed an Assistant 1645, when Stoughton went to England, and continued in that office five years, and probably re- turned to England in 1649, as after that he was left out of the Board of Assistants. Johnson styles him " a man of courteous behaviour, humble and heavenly minded." He was probably bred a lawyer in England, and was one of the original cor- poration of the Society for the propagation of the Gos- pel among the Indians, and one of its chief founders. f He was of the same family with the Duke of Newcastle, and probably was Captain of the first volunteer train band in Sudbury. " He was the first Treasurer of Har- vard College, appointed by the government before the charter," says Savage. " He had been of the Com- pany in England, 1629," Hubbard, 122, and in the common stock of the colony advanced 100. He came over in 1639, and had his house burnt down at Cam- bridge 1640, from which he and his family narrowly escaped. Winthrop calls the discovery by a neighbor's wife, who heard her hens at midnight make a noise, *See Lewis's History of Lynn, 25. tThis Society was incorporated by act of Parliament, 1649. Herbert Pelham and Maj. Robert Thompson, Ar. Co. 1639, were two of the original sixteen Se,Ject- men, or Directors of that institution. 102 and awaked her husband, a special providence of God. In his journal he has another singular providence or judgment related immediately after, which, although in no way applying to Pelham, is here given to show his aversion to the Episcopalians. The Episcopalians were as much persecuted as any class of Christians in the early part of New England History, and in Massachu- setts continued neglected as regards all office or influ- ence. Randolph's letters afterwards complain of their being neglected in the administration of affairs. They seem to have made their way, amidst the confusion of tongues, to the elevated standing they now hold in the community and nation, without effort. A learned Con- gregational divine, of modern days, and he was orthodox and catholic, too, in spirit, once said in my hearing " The Church of England is the ark of safety r after all the bulwark of protestantism." " About this time there fell out a thing worthy of observation. Mr. Winthrop, the younger, one of the magistrates, having many books in a chamber where there was corn of divers sorts, had among them one wherein the Greek Testament, the Psalms and the Common Prayer, were bound together. He found the Common Prayer eaten with mice, every leaf of it, and not any of the two others touched, nor any other of his books, though there were above a thousand." Then he adds, " quere, of the child at Cambridge, killed by a cat." Savage, in a note, observes : " It is apparently introduced as a point- ing from Heaven against the service of the Episcopal Church, but is susceptible of an harmless explanation; the mice, not liking psalmody, and not understanding Greek, took their food from an- other part of the volume. Our age will believe that the book, which alone was injured among a thousand, was fortuitously attacked by these humble mischief makers. The succeeding paragraph, omitted by the former editor, is nearly of equal value, whether true or not. If the cat had been in Winthrop's library, she might have prevented the stigma on the Common Prayer."* *I recently discovered a volume of pamphlets, wherein the 4th of July Oration, in Boston, by the Hon. Harrison Gray Otis, was bound, and had been served in the tame way. I attributed to the mice, in that case, a very high degree of taste ; or that, being connoiseure, they, approved highly of the orator and matter. 103 Pelham was one of the Massachusetts Commissioners of the United New England Colonies, in 1646. After his return -to England he might have again visited this country, if the following extract from the Boston News Letter, printed August 19th, 1826, be true. It says, " this gentleman was one of the early settlers in Cam- bridge, prior to 1660, and a large proprietor to the first division of the lands there, in 1665. A few acres of it were recently called Pelham's Island. Subsequently he made larger purchases of real estate, and permitted the poorer people to cut off the original growth of timber on 100 acres of it. He must have been considered as holding high rank in society ; for his son Edward, who graduated at college in 1673, was placed at the head of his class ; and this same son inherited all his estate in the then Colony of Massachusetts. He returned to Eng- land before 1672, for his will was dated in January of that year, at Ferrer's, in Brewer's Hamlet, in the county of Essex, where he died. His will was proved at Lon- don, in March, 1676. Some of his posterity are citizens of the United States, at this day." HENRY SALTONSTALL, physician, son of Sir Richard, graduated at Harvard College in 1642, and must of course have been a member of the Ar. Co. before he entered, or while a student there. He went to England, and thence to Holland, in 1644, received the degree of M. D. from the University at Padua, in Italy, October, 1649, and a degree at Oxford, England, June 24th, 1652. CAPT. RICHARD BRACKET, Boston, freeman 1636. He was dismissed from Boston Church to Braintree, 1642, and ordained Deacon, July 21st, 1642. He was the third Captain of the militia in Braintree, and Town Clerk many years. He died March 3d, 1691, aged 80. ROBERT LONG, Charlestown, freeman 1635. 104 JOHN GREEN, Charlestown, freeman 1642, was born in London, and came to New England 1632. He was an elder of the church, and died April 22d, 1658. See Alden's Collection of Epitaphs. 2 Coll. Hist. Soc. II. 179. His son Jacob, Ar. Co. 1650. CAPT. RICHARD DAVENPORT, arrived at Salem with Gov. Endicott, in September, 1628, where he resided until 1 642. He was born 1 606, and was Deputy from Salem in 1637. He was admitted freeman 1634, and was with Underbill, Turner, and Jennison, as an En- sign in Endicott's expedition against the Indians, to revenge Oldham's murder. In 1636 we find him Lieu- tenant of the first volunteer train band, in Ipswich, un- der Dennison, where it is probable he resided a short time. He was a military man of distinction, in the first settlement of the colony, and was engaged in many enterprises* against the Indians, yet he never held any office in the Ar. Co. higher than Sergeant, probably because of his absence on duty. The first settlers in and near Boston, for their de- fence, built a fort, (afterwards called Castle William, now Fort Independence,) with mud walls, which stood some years. This was in July, 1634. Capt. Nicolas Simpkins, Ar. Co. 1650, was the first Commander, and then a Lieut. Monish (Lieut. Richard Morris) for a short time. The mud walls having gone to decay, it was rebuilt with pine trees and earth, under the super- intendence of Capt. Davenport, who was appointed to command it. When that decayed, which was within a little time, there was a small castle built with brick walls, which had three rooms in it a dwelling room below, a lodging room over it, the gun room over that, wherein were six guns, called sacker guns, and over it * He was wounded in the sanguinary battle with the Pequods, 1737, under Underbill. 105 upon the top three lesser guns : thus it remained July 15th, 1665, when it is related of Davenport, that, weary of severe duty, he slept in a room separated from the powder magazine by a thin board partition, and while asleep was killed by a flash of lightning, no material damage being done to the building. 1640. LAWRENCE LITCHFIELD, Scituate, in 1646. DAVID YALE, Boston ; freeman 1640. He was de- scended from an ancient and wealthy family in Wales. He had sons born in Boston, where he resided as late as 1651. He was brother of Thomas Yale, the founder of Yale College. He was a merchant. Savage says, " he was probably driven from Massachusetts by the in- tolerance of the age, for his estate here was sold by his attorneys." This estate was where the elegant mansion and garden of Gardiner Greene, Esq. now stands, and extended east as far as Sudbury street. Thomas Clarke and Thomas Lake, Boston merchants, were his attor- neys. He is frequently mentioned by Winthrop. COURTNEY. CAPT. WILLIAM HUDSON, Boston ; freeman 1640. He was born 1619, says Farmer of course was only twenty-one years of age when freeman, and member of Ar. Co. the youngest man who had then joined. The first heard of him is, that he left his wife and family and went to England, in the winter of 1 645-6, and was ap- pointed an Ensign in Rainsburrow's regiment, in the Parliament service ; but he, like Leverett anti Bourne, became sick of Oliver's service, and returned home to his family. (Leverett was his Captain.) His return may have been expedited by the circumstance of " a sad business which fell out this year (1645) in Boston. One (Hudson) of the brethren of the church there, be- 106 ing in England, in the Parliament service, about two years, had committed the care of his family and business to another of the same church, (a young man of good es- teem for piety and sincerity, but his wife was in England,) who in time grew over familiar with his master's wife, (a young woman no member of the church." Being caught in her chamber, under suspicious circumstances, they were both tried for their lives. The jury acquitted of adultery, then punishable with death, but convicted of adulterous behavior. This was sorely against the will and wishes of the church and state, both elders and magistrates. But the legal or technical distinction, that it required two witnesses to convict, probably acquitted. They were sentenced to sit on the gallows, with a rope round their necks, an hour, and then to be whipped, and pay 20 fine, each. " The husband (although he condemned his wife's immodest behavior, yet) was so confident of her innocency in point of adultery, as he would have paid 20 rather than she should have been whipped; but their estate being but mean, she chose rather to submit to the rest of her punishment, than that her husband should suffer so much for her folly. So he received her again, and they lived lovingly together." Hudson may be the person called Hodson in the list of those intending to come over with Winthrop. Snow, in his History of Boston, says : " The wardrobe of Mrs. Hudson exhibited as many articles of finery as usually deck a modern toilet." He was appointed afterward a commissioner to King Philip, at Taunton, in 1670, in company with William Davis and Thomas Brattle. He was elected Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1653, 1656, and 1660, and Captain 1661. Administration on his estate was granted September 9th, 1681, to Col. S. Shrimpton. There is a very ancient, grave-stone of " Capt. William Hutson," to be found in 107 the Chapel burial-ground, whereon nothing is legible, excepting that he died aged sixty. RALPH ORY. MAJ. GEN. JOHN HUMFREY. Spelt erroneously Hum- phrey in the former edition. He was chosen Deputy Governor of the Massachusetts Company at their second meeting in England, but did not come to New England till 1634,* and was chosen an Assistant from 1632 to 1641, and consequently was an Assistant when the charter was granted. He was bred a lawyer, in Eng- land, and married the Lady Susan, daughter of the Earl of Lincoln, and they with their six children went to re- side on their farm at Lynn, at a place called Swamp- scot, which was laid out by order of court in 1632. It contained 500 acres. The bounds extended a mile from the seaside, and run to a great white oak by the rock, and included a spring south of the oak, and lay between Forest river and the cliff. Lewis says the venerable white oak is still standing, and gives a description in poetry. He was admitted a member of the Salem Church, January 16th, 1638. Mr. Humfrey immedi- ately entered on the duties of an Assistant, having been chosen before his arrival ; and soon after built a wind-mill on Sagamore Hill. He was one of the six of the original purchasers of the Massachusetts, March 1 9th, 1 627, from the Council of Plymouth. A Royal Charter was necessary. This passed the seals, March 4th, 1628. The annual elec- tion of officers by charter being the last Wednesday in Easter Term, on the 13th of May, 1628, they chose their Governor, Deputy Governor and Assistants, among whom was Mr. Humfrey, being the fifth named. En- * It seems he contemplated coming in the fleet with Winthrop, for his name is second in the second column of emigrants intending to come over, ad appears in the Addenda to Savage's edition. 108 dicott was immediately dispatched, who was appointed their Governor in the plantation, and arrived the same year at Salem. His instructions are dated London, May 30th, 1628, and Humfrey's name, among others, is signed thereto. In 1641, the General Court made him a grant of 250, probably in consequence of his having had his house, barn, corn, hay, &c. burnt, 1640, by the carelessness of one of his servants, and blowing up of gunpowder. The servant was severely punished, being doomed to serve his master, without wages, 21 years. VVinthrop seems to attribute this disaster to a remarkable providence, because Humfrey was inclined to go to Providence Isle for the Lords of Trade. He was extremely unfortunate in his family after he went back to England. "2dof 4th mo. 1641. At this General Court, or Court of Elections, it was ordered that John Humfrey, Esq. be Sergeant-major General." He was therefore the first person who held that office ; and none other is mentioned until the organization of the Militia, in 1644, when the venerable and much honored Thomas Dudley was chosen to that office by the Legislature. He was appointed, with Capt. Nathaniel Turner, in 1636, to lay out the bounds of Ipswich. His eldest son, John, joined the Ar. Co. 1641. He was not a church mem- ber, and is the only exception of any person made a freeman or holding office who was not. Lewis, in his History of Lynn, has drawn the outlines of his character so well, that, with small abridgement, it is here inserted : " Mr. Humfrey was a native of Dorchester, in Dorsetshire, Eng- land, a lawyer, and man of considerable wealth and good reputation. He was one of the most influential in promoting the settlement of the colony, and the people of Massachusetts will ever regard him as one of their earliest and most efficient benefactors. He was one of the original patentees of the colony, and the Treasurer of the Company 109 at Plymouth, in England ; and by his exertions many donations were obtained, and many persons, among whom were some of the minis- ters, were induced to emigrate. Such was the respect in which he was held, that when the formulary for the constituting of free- men was in debate, an exception was made in favor of c the old planters,' and ' Mr. Humfrey.' In discharging the duties of an As- sistant in the General Government, he devoted his time and energies for seven years to the service of the State, and seems not to have been surpassed in devotedness to her welfare. But with all his honors and possessions, a shade of dissatisfaction had spread itself over his prospects, which his numerous misfortunes contributed to darken. The disappointment of the Bahamas must have been se- verely felt, by a mind so ambitious of honor as his appears to have been ; and it is not improbable that he experienced a secret chagrin at seeing the young and uninformed Henry Vane promoted to the office of Governor, above one whose years, knowledge, and services, entitled him to precedence. It is probable, likewise, that his affec- tion for his wife, whose hopes were in the land of her nativity, had some influence in determining his conduct. Living so far removed from the elegant circles in which she had delighted, and having lost the sister (the Lady Arabella) who might have been the companion of her solitude, the Lady Susan was weary of the privations of the wilderness, the howling of wild beasts, and the uncouth manners of the savages, and had become lonely, disconsolate, and homesick. She had been the delight of her father's house, and glittered in all the pride of youth and beauty, in the court of the first monarch in Europe, was now solitary and sad, separated by a wide ocean from her father's home. The future greatness of America, which was then uncertain and ideal, presented no inducement to her mind to counterbalance the losses which were first to be endured ; and the cold and barren wilderness of Saugus, populated by its few lonely cottages, round which the Indians were roaming by day, and the wolves making their nightly excursions, had nothing lovely to offer to soothe her sorrows or elevate her hopesl What the misfortunes and disappointments of Mrs. Humfrey had begun, her importunities completed. He sold the principal part of his farm to Lady Moody, and returned to England with his wife, on the 26th October, 1641. They were much censured for leaving their children, but their inten- tion of visiting the Bahamas, and the approaching inclemency of the season, rendered it imprudent to take them, and they undoubtedly intended to return or send for them. That Mr. Humfrey possessed deep sympathies, his letters sufficiently evince ; and it would be ex- tremely uncharitable to suppose that the Lady Susan was without 110 the endowments of maternal love. A woman of high feelings and keen sensibilities the daughter of an English Earl and, according to Mr. Mather's own account, of ' the best family of any nobleman then in England,' it cannot be supposed that she was destitute of those affections which form the characteristic charm of her sex. The emotions of the heart are not always regulated by rule, and disap- pointment sometimes makes sad havoc with the best feelings of our nature. They embarked from King's Beach, near Black Will's Cliff. The misfortunes which afterward befell some of the children, inflict- ed a wound on the heart of the affectionate father from which he never recovered." Gen. Humfrey died in 1661. Gov. Winthrop well knew his worth. Speaking of his discontent, and in- tention of removal at the close of 1639 " among whom the chief was John Humfrey, Esq., a gentleman of special parts of learning and activity, and a godly man, who had been one of the first beginners in pro- moting of this plantation, and had labored very much therein. He being brought low in his estate, and hav- ing many children, and being known to the Lords of Providence, and offering himself to their service, was accepted to be the next Governor." He never bore any office in the Ar. Co. There is a biographical sketch of him in the Boston Commercial Gazette, printed Au- gust 31st, 1826. CAPT. JAMES OLIVER, Boston; freeman October 12th, 1640. He was son of the worthy Elder Thomas Oliver. He was chosen Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1651, Lieutenant 1653, and Captain in 1656, and a second time in 1666. He was a Selectman of Boston in 1653, by the title of Cornet, and may have been an officer in Capt. William Davis's troop of horse. In 1675, many Indians, " who had subjected them- selves to the English, were hurried down to Deer Island, where they remained during the winter," and suffered severely. "On the 10th of September, at nine o'clock Ill at night, (such was the alarm of the people,) there gathered together about forty men, some of note, and came to the house of Capt. James Oliver ; two or three of them went into his entry to desire to speak with him, which was to desire him to be their leader, and they should join together, and go and break open the prison, and take one Indian out thence and hang him. Capt. Oliver, hearing their request, took his cane and cudgel- ed them stoutly, and so for that time dismissed the company, which had he in the least countenanced, it might have been accompanied with ill events in the end." He was a member of the Old South Church. MAJ. SAMUEL SHEPHERD, Cambridge spelt by Far- mer Shepard freeman 1636. He was brother of the Rev. Thomas Shepard, and arrived in New England October 2d, 1635. He was Representative from Cam- bridge, 1639, 1640, 1644 and 1645. He returned to England, and in 1658 was a Major, living in Ireland. Probably he was an officer in Oliver's service. JOHN FRIEND, Salem ; carpenter. He was admitted a tmvnsman in Boston, 50th March, 1640. His family, in 1637, consisted of eleven persons. He died 1655-6. Winthrop, in one of his letters, 1 636, mentions a John Friend ; whence I should conclude he was then in England. WENTWORTH DAY. HENRY LOOKER, Sudbury ; freeman 1643. This name on the old roll reads (blank) Lucar. Farmer thinks it should be spelt Lukar, but from him I am disposed to think the person meant was Henry Looker. This name may have been also altered, and Loker, of the present day, may mean the same. FRANCIS LYALL, Boston in 1638 ; barber. He kept opposite where the Old South now stands, and without 112 doubt is the Francis Lisle spoken of by Snow, 118, and also the person who went with Rainsburrow, Stoughton, Bourne, Leverett and Hudson to England, and served in the Parliament's army. Winthrop speaks of him by the name of Lioll, as " surgeon of the Earl of Man- chester's Life-guard," and says that they all returned " save the surgeon." Snow, in a note, seems to con- jecture that " he was the Barber-chirurgeon, who lost his life in a snow-storm, while on his way to Roxbury, to draw a tooth ;" but the supposition is erroneous. FRANCIS COSEN. Farmer spells it Cosin. THOMAS LECHFORD, ESQ. The old roll has the name Lachford, Boston, lawyer. He was the first lawyer who emigrated to New England, and intended or hoped to get a living by his profession. He was in Boston as early as 1638, and came from Clement's Inn. In the Colony Records, I. 294, " is this curiosity in legislative and judicial economy :" At a Quarter Court, Dec. 1st, 1640, "Mr. Thomas Lechford, acknowledging he had overshot himself, and is very sorry for it, promising to attend his calling, and not to meddle with controver- sies, was dismissed." " Yet the very calling, by which he sought to earn his daily bread, was that of an attor- ney, and the following year, finding that his labor as a scrivener would not maintain him, the poor lawyer (in 1641) returned to England." It seems he printed, on his return, 1642, a pamphlet of 80 pages, called Plain Dealing, or Nevves from New England, which hardly seems to deserve the full malediction Gov. Hutchinson has bestowed upon it. The work is exceedingly scarce, one copy being in the Ebeling collection, in Harvard College library, and another in the hands of Francis Baylies, Esq. of Taunton. Savage, from whom I gain all my information, says " it is remarkable, that a con- siderable part of this valuable matter is in a beautiful 113 ancient manuscript, in the archives of our Historical Society. From the peculiar spelling, sometimes more correct than in the printed volume, and from the use of short hand in several of the notes, it appears to me to be the autograph of Lechford. His description of our ancient forms of trial is interesting : ' Twice a year, in the said great Quarter Courts, held before the General Courts, are two grand juries sworn for the jurisdiction, one for one Court and the other for the other ; and they are charged to inquire and present offences, reduced by the Governor, who gives the charge, (generally,) un- der the heads of the ten commandments. Matters of debt, trespass, and upon the case, and equity, yea, and of heresy also, are tried by a jury, which, although it may seem to be indifferent, and the magistrates may judge what is law and what is equal, and some of the chief ministers inform what is heresy, yet the jury may find a general verdict, if they please ; and seldom is there any special verdict found by them, with deliberate arguments made thereupon, which breeds many incon- veniences. The parties bo warned to challenge any juryman, but because there is but one jury in court for trial of causes, and all parties not present at their swear- ing, the liberty of the challenge is much hindered, and some inconveniences do happen thereby. Juries are returned by the Marshal ; he was at first called the Beadle of the Society. Seldom is there any matter of record, saving the verdict, many times at random taken and entered, which is also called the judgment The parties in all cases speak themselves, for the most part ; and some of the magistrates, where they think cause requireth, do the part of advocates, without fee or reward.' ' Hutehinson calls him " a discontented attorney," and says "he left England about the year 1637, being dis- satisfied with the ecclesiastical government, and having 114 \ made himself obnoxious by his opposition to Episcopacy. When he came to New England, he says, he found every church member a bishop ; and not inclining to become one himself, he could not be admitted a free- man among them. The court took the advantage of an offence of another nature, his going to the jury and pleading with them out of court, and debarred him from pleading any man's cause besides his own. He became, in England, a zealous Episcopalian." Boston, in the early settlement of the country, was not very congenial to lawyers ; for as late as January, 1687, there were only two lawyers there, one of whom had recently come from New York. LIEUT. JOSEPH COOKE, Cambridge, freeman 1636. He came from Earle Colne, or its vicinity, to New England, in October, 1635, and was Deputy 1636 to 1 640, and consequently a Representative when the char- ter was granted. LIEUT. ROBERT TURNER, Boston, shoemaker, free- man 1634. He had seven sons born in Boston, one of which, Ephraim, was of the Ar. Co. 1663. Died about 1651, as is inferred from the Probate Records. CAPT. CHRISTOPHER STANLEY, Boston, tailor, admit- ted freeman 1641. The name of Stanley stands on the old roll without any Christian name or title. Meeting ac- cidentally with the name of Thomas Stanley, I adopted it. From this, Lewis has considered it as the Thomas of Lynn. I prefer the evidence in favor of Christopher. He was a considerable landholder in Boston, in various parts of the town, and died April, 1649. JOHN HURD, Boston, tailor, freeman 1640. He had children, and died September 23d, 1690. CAPT. THOMAS MARSHALL, Lynn, in 1635, freeman 1641, tailor. He was Representative from Lynn in 1659, 1660, 1663, 1664, 1667 and 1668. I find that at the Quarterly Court, November 29th, 1659, "Thomas Marshall, of Lynn, is allowed by this Court, to sell ' strong water to tramllers, and alsoe other meet provis- ions.' He acquired his title of Captain from Oliver Cromwell, in whose wars he was a soldier, and was a man of great frankness and hospitality." Mr. John Dunton, in his Journal, says, " About two of the clock I reached Capt. Marshall's house, (which is half way between Boston and Salem ;) here I staid to refresh nature with a pint of sack and a good fowl. Capt. Marshall is a hearty old gentleman, formerly one of Oliver's soldiers, upon which he very much values him- self. He had all the history of the civil wars at his fingers' end, and, if we may believe him, Oliver did hardly any thing that was considerable without his as- sistance ; and if I'd have staid as long as he'd have talk'd, he'd have spoil'd my ramble to Salem."* He died the 23d of December, 1689, leaving a widow and several children. He accompanied Capt. Bridges, in his embassy to D'Aulney in 1645, by the title of Ser- geant. In 1658, Lieut. Thomas Marshall was authorised by Court " to perform the ceremony of marriage, and to take testimony in civil causes." There was a Thomas Marshall, of Boston, shoemaker, who was a Representative from Boston in 1650, but I think he was not a member. HENRY DUNSTER. This name appears without a Christian name on the old roll. 1 can find no trace of any other surname than Henry ; for it is by no means improbable that a man situated as he was, a candidate for the ministry, one of the church militant, should be a * Dunton was a facetious traveller, and speaks, it is said, very accurately of men and manners in those days. I have only met .with extracts of his Journal. 116 X member of the Ar. Co. One of hjs successors, Presi- dent Quincy, gave a toast at one of the Ar. Go's anni- versary dinners, very nearly in these words : " The memory of our pious ancestors of New England, who, while they professed to do all things by the spirit, never neglected ' to bare the arm of flesh.' ' A custom has prevailed in the Company, time immemorial, for the preacher of the day to ask the blessing at the anniver- sary dinner, and for the President of Harvard College to return thanks ; if the latter is absent, it devolves on the oldest or most distinguished clergyman present. Once I have known this done by Bishop Cheverus, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Massachusetts; and once by Bishop Inglis, Episcopal Bishop of Nova Scotia. He came to New England in 1640, freeman in 1641. He owned and resided on his estate in Boston, at the northeast corner of Court Street, now owned by Hon. P. C. Brooks. He probably continued an active mem- ber but a short time, for he was inducted to the office of first President of Harvard College, August 27th, 1640. He resigned that station October 24th, 1654.* Hutchinson thinks he was obliged to resign his presi- dentship on account of his having made a profession of his belief in antipoedo baptism. He died at Scituate, February 27th, 1659, and was buried at Cambridge. He left a widow, but no children. JOHN GUTTERIDGE, Boston, tailor, was admitted mem- ber of the Church, 1642. He is probably the same per- son whom Savage, from the Colony Records, calls John Guttering, admitted freeman in 1642. ENSIGN HENRY PHILLIPS, Dedham, freeman 1638. Worthington says, " He came to Dedham from Water- town, and was solicited to become a candidate for the ministry ; he chose, however, to be a candidate in an- * History of Dedham, 42. Hutohinson, also. 117 other place, but some events prevented his settlement in any town, and he became, as our Church Records say, a discouraged and broken-hearted Christian. Ma- ther inserts his name among the ministers, and as a resident of Dedham. I find no man by the name of Phillips, who could be alluded to, excepting the Mr. Phillips above mentioned, and who had a dispute with the inhabitants, about the cow commons." He was an Ensign of the militia in Dedham, and in 1657 resided in Boston. Probably he was the Repre- sentative of Hadley, in 1672. He was probably the pious Phillips who accompanied Humfrey to England, in 1641, and to whose earnest prayers Winthrop seems to assign the saving of the ship during a perilous storm. When living in Dedham, it was in that part which sub- sequently composed a part of Wrentham. LIEUT. JOSHUA FISHER, Dedham, freeman 1640, died November 14th, 1645. He was a Lieutenant of the Dedham militia. He built the first saw mill in Ded- ham, 1664. CAPT. DANIEL FISHER, Dedham, lawyer, brother of the preceding, was admitted freeman 1640. He was Captain of the militia there, and Representative from 1658 to 1682, except the years 1659 and 1670 Speaker of the House of Deputies, 1680 elected an Assistant, 1683 and died at Dedham, November, 1683, while in that office. Administration on his estate was granted November 29th, 1683. His inventory was 530 13 7. " He was admitted into Dedham Church in 1639, the record of which is in these words : ' Daniel Fisher ap- peared to the Church a hopeful, Christian young man, and was easily and gladly received.' From that time, he was employed in much of the business in the planta- tion. In his time, the notable tyranny of Sir Edmund Andros, the Governor of the Colony, had less plausible 118 pretexts, than those measures which produced the war of separation. In its then feeble state, it was more in- sulting to oppress, and it was more dangerous to resist. But danger would not deter a brave man and a patriot, like Capt. Fisher, from doing his duty." "In February, 1681, Randolph, the agent of King James in the colony, exhibited articles of high misde- meanor against a faction, (so called by Randolph,) in the General Court, to the Lords in Council. Among these men thus selected to be the victims of royal indig- nation, was Capt. Fisher. June 14th, 1682, Randolph wrote to the Earl of Clarendon, that a quo warranto Had issued against the colony charter, and that a warrant had been sent out to carry Thomas Danforth, Samuel Nowell, Daniel Fisher, and Elisha Cook, to England, to answer for high crimes and misdemeanors, and inti- mates that the prosecution which his papers and evi- dence would support, would make their faction tremble. Jr " Capt. Fisher was Speaker of the House at this time, and was, we must believe, a man of great in- fluence therein, otherwise he would not have been so much noticed at the British court. Indeed, in such a time, his high spirit and resolute mind would not permit him to be a timid and wavering man. He lived not to witness the capture of Sir Edmund Andros, and the other associates of his tyranny, at Fort Hill, in April, 1 689, and an end put to their oppressions by that event. But it must be remembered that he contributed much to cherish that firm spirit of resistance, which produced that change, and which early taught what a brave and united people might do. Many of the descendants of this gentleman have been respectable, and have inherit- ed his high and patriotic spirit. I relate one anecdote, which illustrates the character of this family, and the spirit of the times. It was told me by the Hon. Eben- ezer Fisher, of this town, late one of the Council, a 119 descendant of Capt. Fisher. When Sir Edmund was captured on Fort Hill, by the Bostonians, he surrender- ed, and went unarmed to Mr. Usher's house, where he remained under guard for some hours. When the news of this event reached Dedham, Capt. Daniel Fisher, the son of the proscribed patriot, then dead a stout, strong man, possessing his father's hatred of the tyrant, and his resolute spirit instantly set out for Boston, and came rushing in with the country people, who were in such a rage and heat as made all tremble again. Nothing would satisfy the country party but binding the Gov- ernor with cords, and carrying him to a more safe place. Soon was Capt. Fisher seen among the crowd, leading the pale and trembling Sir Edmund by the collar of his coat from the house of Mr. Usher, back to Fort Hill. History has informed us of this incident in that revolu- tion, but it has never informed us who took the lead of the country people, and who had the honor of leading the proud representative of a Stuart Prince, the op- pressor of the colony, through the assembled crowd, and placing him in safe custody at the fort." " The gentleman here noticed, was likewise much employed in the various affairs of the town. Did any enterprise require a hardy and skilful agent, he was the man most likely to be selected. In 1663, he, with an- other, went through the wilderness, in search of a tract of good land, which a vague rumor had hinted was about twelve miles from Hadley. He had the honor of being sent ambassador to King Philip, to negotiate a treaty for his lands at Wrentham." Mr. Dexter, in his century sermon, says " he was learned in the law." The late amiable and distinguished Fisher Ames was de- scended maternally from him. 120 1641. ENSIGN JOHN MANNING, Boston, was Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1648. This name was spelt Mutinying t in 14th century. CAPT. ROBERT BRIDGES, Lynn; freeman 1641. He went to England soon after, and returned with J. Win- throp, Jr. in 1643. We find him, immediately after, concerned in the iron-works at Lynn, in which he had a large share, and had his house near them. Winthrop having inspired him in that undertaking, was the proba- ble cause of his coming back again with him. He lived to see this speculation or enterprise fail, and the property sold to pay Savage's attachment, notwithstanding the vast money expended and great encouragement given by the colonial government. Suits were protracted against this company for 20 years. Hubbard says, " that, instead of drawing out bars of iron for the coun- try's use, there was hammered out nothing but contention and law-suits." Lewis says they continued in operation on a small scale for more than an hundred years. The heaps of scoria are nearly overgrown with grass, and are called " cinder banks." He was Captain of the Lynn Train-band at the organization of the militia in 1644, and must have been the successor of Capt. Daniel Howe. He also sustained the office of Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1642, and Lieutenant 1644. Johnson says, " he was endued with able parts, and forward to im- prove them to the glory of God and his people's good." In 1644, and two following years, he was Deputy from Lynn, and in 1646 was Speaker of the House of Representatives. In 1647 he was elected an Assistant, in which office he continued until his death, at Lynn, 1656. His house was burnt down, 2d mo. 28th, 1648. He was appointed by the New England Confederation to negotiate between them and D'Aulney, and carried 121 the ratification of the treaty on their part in 1646. He joined with the Governor and Assistants, 1649, and signed " a protestation against the prevailing custom of wearing long hair, after the manner of ruffians and bar- barous Indians"* 11 On Sunday, July 20th, 1651, three men of the Bap- tist persuasion, from Rhode Island, named Clark, Cran- dall and Holmes, went to the house of one Witter,f at Svvampscot, where Mr. Clark began to preach. On hearing this, Capt. Bridges, the magistrate, sent two constables to apprehend them, as disturbers of the peace. In the afternoon, they were taken to Mr. Whiting's meeting, where they refused to uncover their heads. Mr. Bridges ordered a constable to take off their hats, when one of them attempted to speak, but was prevent- ed. At the close of the meeting, one of them made some remarks, after which they were taken to the An- chor tavern, and guarded through the night. In the morning they were sent to Boston, and imprisoned." v * This accounts why wigs became so prevalent in New England. No man conld have any personal dignity, or respect shown him, without wearing a huge white wig, a three-cornered scraper, (hat) a pair of creaking shoes, with ponderous silver or gold buckles. t .Many singular presentments of the Grand Jury arose in Lynn, about this time. The town was indicted in 1647, " for want of a staff for the constable." Mathew Stanley was indicted " for winning the affections of John Tarbox's daughter with- out consent of parents," fined 5, with 2s. 6d. for fees; and one Pinion, " for swearing that all his pumpkins had turned out squashes" fined; the Court said : " Let no man make a jest at pumpkins." Roger Scott was indicted for sleeping in sermon time, and at the next court was whipped. It was the custom in Lynn, then, to have a person go about the meeting-house to wake the sleepers. He bore a long wand, at one end a ball, to knock the heads of the men, and at the other end a fox's tail, to brush the ladies' faces. Witter was indicted for saying no man ought to stay in meeting to see a child christened. The town of Lynn passed an order, in 1651, that no one should wear great boots, gold or silver lace or buttons, or silk hoods, ribbons or scarfs, under penalty of ten shillings. This puts me in mind of a story from the old records of Plymouth Colony in those days, when Kingston, formerly a part of Plymouth, was incorporated as a town; and a question arising about the division of town property Plymouth had erected a gal- lows, and whose it should be excited much debate; at last, Plymouth solemnly voted, that nobody should be hung on their gallows but Plymouth people. 16 122 In 1644, Capt. Bridges, by order of the General Court, had " the care of two great guns" belonging to the town of Lynn. This town, and Salem, in 1645, petitioned the General Court for liberty to form an In- dependent Company, which was granted, and to be called " Ye Military Company of Lynn and Salem." ADAM OTLEIT, Lynn, in 1642 spelled Ottley by Lewis. He married a daughter of Maj. Gen. John Humfrey. CAPT. JOSHUA HOBART, Hingham son of Edmond Hobart, and brother of Rev. Peter, first minister of Hingham freeman 1634; Representative in 1643, and served in that office 25 years, and was elected Speaker of the House in 1674. He died July 28th, 1682. This name was erroneously printed Hubbard in the former edition. He appears to have been one of the principal ring- leaders in the famous military quarrel in Hingham, in 1645, which disturbed the train-band, the town and church there, and, finally, the General Court and elders, for a long time, and finally resulted in fining all parties,* not exempting his brother, the minister. Capt. Joshua was fined 20, being the highest punishment imposed on any of them. This quarrel arose about the election of one Bozoun Allen to be the first Captain of the train-band there ; a more full account whereof will be given under his name. Capt. Hobart, probably in conse- quence of the severity of the court upon him in this busi- ness, was not only promoted to be Captain when Allen removed to Boston, but, on the 20th March, 1655, "by a joint consent and general vote of the town, freed from *This resulted very much like Knickerbocker's account of a Dutch trial in New York, where both parties were fined, and the constable ordered to pay the costs. The total amount of the fines, in this case, imposed on the Hingham delinquents, being 90 in number, was 155 10. 123 paying any rates for the public charge of the town dur- ing the time that he is chief officer of the town for the exercise of the military company." This famous affair did not prevent him or Allen, who was also a Deputy, from sitting and acting thereon in the House of Deputies at the time, and, we have reason to think, in the case itself. JOHN HU.MFREY, Junior, Lynn, was the eldest son of Gen. John Humfrey, Ar. Co. 1640. He probably re- turned to England, and died there. A letter of attorney, in 1684, was sent to a Mr. Humphrey, to appear and answer for the province concerning Andros' troubles, and may mean the same person. JOHN SEVERNE, Boston; freeman 1637. THOMAS BARKER, Weymouth ; freeman 1640. The old roll has no Christian name, but says, " Barker of Weymouth." CAPT. WILLIAM TORREY, Weymouth ; freeman 1642. In 1644, he was Lieutenant of the Train-band of that town, under Capt. W. Perkins, and became afterward his successor. He was Deputy from Weymouth from 1642 to 1649, excepting 1646 and 1647, and again Representative 1679, 1630, 1681, 1682, and 1683. Johnson says, " he was a good penman and skilled in the Latin tongue, usually Clarke of the Deputies." November 30th, 1683, is the following short and pithy vote : " The Deputies consent not, but adhere to their former bills. William Torrey, Cler." His will is dated May 15th, 1686, proved July 2d, 1691, and his inven- tory 360 10 6 of which, houses, land, and meadow, 260. ENSIGN JEREMIAH HOWCHIN, Boston, tanner ; freeman 1640. There is some variety in both Christian and surname ; thus Jeremy is adopted by Farmer, and 124 most frequently by the Boston records and in the list of freemen ; but I like not a nickname, unless from neces- sity, by which people are often vulgarly known the true name is far preferable. The surname is also vari- ously spelt ; thus Honcliin, by Farmer ; Howchems, in the Colony Records ; but, after all, there was such a man as Jeremiah Howchin. He was Representative from Hingham from 1651 to 1659, excepting 1656, and Deputy from Salisbury in 1663. He was admitted a member of Dorchester Church in 1639, where he may possibly have resided a short time. But the fact is, he set up and owned a large tannery at the corner of Court and Hanover streets, where Concert Hall now is, and there had an extensive tannery and his tan-pits. He was a Selectman of Boston, 1653.* NATHANIEL HOWARD, Dorchester, freeman 1643. ENSIGN (JOHN) ENDUED. The name of Ensign En- dred appears on the old roll very plain, but I gain no information of him, and the Christian name is adopted on slight evidence. JOHN COLLINS, Boston, shoemaker, freeman 1646, a member of the Boston Church.f COL. STEPHEN WINTHROP, Boston, freeman 1636, * In the course of this history the reader will find many men Representatives of towns other than where they resided. The second charter that of William and Mary, 1692 put an end to this custom. The various local interests of individuals in new townships, their proximity to the seat of government, and the consequent saving of travel and attendance, no small burder^on new or small towns or states, afterwards introduced this custom. The gentleman here named being a tanner, peregrinated about the country for hides to tan, and no doubt made many friends where he went; hence his honest, familiar name of Jeremy; and perhaps he had a remarkable chin. The act abolishing the privilege of having non-resident Rep- resentatives, passed in 1694. 1 1 suppose this should be Edward Collins, who lived in Cambridge, was Dea- con of the first church there, and Representative from Cambridge sixteen years, yiz. from 1654 to 1670, excepting 1661. He had a very respectable family. I adopted the surname, John, wl.elly from conjecture, and finding a John Collins, of Boston, who was a church member. 125 was the 5th son and 8th child of Gov. Winthrop, by his 3d wife. He was Representative from Portsmouth, N. H., 1644. He went to England with his brother-in-law, Rainsburrow, and lived in the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, and commanded a regiment in Cromwell's service, and was a member of Parliament in his time, for Scotland. He was the Recorder of the Court in Bos- ton, which tried Capt. Bayley's case against the Lady La Tour, and was arrested at his suit, on his return to England, at the same time that Capt. Weld (one of the jury) was, and forced to find bail in 4,000, as we have related under Capt. Weld. " He was much trusted by the Protector. He succeeded General Harrison, who troubled Cromwell so much with his anticipation of a kingdom of the saints." He died early, for, May 20th, 1659, by Suff. Prob. Rec., Judith, his wife, in England, is styled " relict of Stephen Winthrop." He had chil- dren born in Boston. Col. Stephen was admitted member of the Boston Church, March 1 6th, 1 633 ; he was born probably in 1621, and must therefore have been admitted before he was thirteen years old. The following extract from Winthrop, vol., 1. p. 125, refers to him and his younger brother, Dean. " Among other testimonies of the Lord's gracious presence with his own ordinances, there was a youth, of fourteen years of age, (being the son of one of the magistrates,) so wrought upon by the ministry of the word, as for divers months, he was held under such affliction of mind, as he could not be brought to appre- hend any comfort in God, being much humbled and broken for his sins, (though he had been a dutiful child, and not given up to the lusts of youth,) and especially for his blasphemous and wicked thoughts, whereby Satan buffetted him, so as he went mourning and languishing daily ; yet attending to the means, and not giving over prayer, and seeking counsel, &c. he came at length to 126 be freed from his temptation, and to find comfort in God's promises ; and so, being received into the con- gregation, upon good proof of his understanding in the things of (Jod, he went on cheerfully in a Christian course, falling daily to labor, as a servant, and as a younger brother of his did, who was no whit short of him in the knowledge of God's will, though his youth kept him from daring to offer himself to the congregation. Upon this occasion it is not impertinent (though no credit nor regard be to be had of dreams in these days) to report a dream, which the father of these children had, at the same time, viz. that, coming into his cham- ber, he found his wife (she was a very gracious woman) in bed, and three, or four of their children lying by her, with most sweet and smiling countenances, with crowns, upon their heads, and blue ribbons about their sleeves. When he awaked, he told his wife his dream, and made this interpretation of it, that God would take of her children, to make them fellow heirs with Christ in his kingdom." GEORGE PALMER, Ipswich. I find no other informa- tion concerning him. JOHN MYLAM, spelt on the old roll, Milam, Boston, cooper, freeman 1636, was admitted a member of Bos- ton Church, 1635. THOMAS PARIS, Cambridge, freeman 1637, physician, and was Surgeon to Capt. George Cooke's Company. This name is erroneously spelt Parris, in the former edition. JOHN HARDIER, Braintree. JOHN TOWNSEND. (SAMUEL) NORDEN, Boston, admitted freeman 1 666. Of this name I have doubts, there being nothing on the old roll but Nudon. 127 JOHN MOUSALL, Charlestown, born 1596, came early to New England and settled at Charlestown, and was admitted freeman 1634. He was Deputy in 1635. Probably removed to Woburn. This name is spelt Mushell, in the Colony Records. JOHN WESTGATE. He probably returned to England, for there is a letter from such a man, dated Harlestone, England, 5th of 2d mo. 1653, to Mr. Thomas Lake. See Hutchinson, vol. I. 209, and Rev. Increase Mather. From this circumstance I should judge him to be a man of note. He lived in Boston. JOHN BIGGS, Boston, freeman 1634; went to Ips- wich 1635. 1642. ADAM WINTHROP, Boston, freeman 1641. He was the first son of Gov. Winthrop, by his third wife, Mar- garet, daughter of Sir John Tindal, knight, and his sev- enth child, and was born in England, April 7th, 1620, and died August 24th, 1652, aged 32. His wife was Elizabeth Glover, and his son Adam was of the Ar. Co. 1692. MATTHEW CHAFFY, Boston, ship-carpenter, freeman 1637. He was admitted a member of Boston Church, 1636. His name appears on the old roll, Chafey, and his descendants write the name C/iqffee. WILLIAM PATTEN, Cambridge, freeman 1645, died December 10th, 1668. This name stands on the old roll, Pattin, without any Christian name ; and Nathaniel was undoubtedly a son of his. NATHANIEL DUNCAN, JUN. Dorchester, son of the charter member. THOMAS GLOVER, Dorchester, was probably son of the Assistant, John. 128 CAPT. HOPESTILL FOSTER, Dorchester, freeman 1639, Deputy 1652, and continued Representative from Dor- chester 20 years. He was Ensign of Dorchester train band in 1644, and afterward its Captain. His son, John, designed the arms of the Colony of Massachu- setts an Indian, with a bow and arrow, &c. LAWRENCE SMITH, Dorchester, freeman 1643. LIEUT. RICHARD WAY, Dorchester, freeman 1643. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1667, and its Lieutenant 1671. Will dated Boston, January 2d, 1696. His wife, Han- nah, was sister of Col. P. Townsend, Ar. Co. 1674; died November, 1732, aged 92. , JOHN BLAKE, Dorchester, freeman 1644. There was a John Blake, a member of the Old South Church, probably the same. THOMAS RAWLINS, Boston, carpenter, freeman 1631; died March 15th, 1660. CAPT. RICHARD WOODDE, Boston, freeman 1644, brewer. His name thus appears on the old roll and list of officers, but elsewhere I find the name spelt Woode, Woody, Woodee, Wood, and Wopddy. He was elect- ed Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1667, Lieutenant, 1669, and Captain in 1677. He was alive to witness a will in 1680, and there is administration on his estate, and inventory, May 6th, 1681, amount 1090 19, debts 400. His house and lot of land are appraised at 570, and 1500 acres of land at Quinnebaug (Plainfield) at 30. He must have been an active member 35 years before he was elected Captain. JOHN WOODDE, Lynn, as early as 1630, freeman 1640. He was probably a junior brother of the pre- ceding, and may be the same mentioned in Felt's An- nals of Salem, p. 172, as of Salem. There was a John Woode, of Boston, who died 1669-70. 129 MICHAEL PEPPER, Roxbury. MAJ. GEN. EDWARD TYNG, Boston in 1639, merchant, was admitted to the Boston Church, and to the oath of freeman, in 1641. He was Representative from Boston, 1661 and 1662, and elected an Assistant, 1668 and thirteen years afterwards. He died in that office, Dec. 28th, 1681, at Dunstable, whither he had removed, aged 81, and was buried in the Chapel burial-ground, Boston, where there is now the tomb, which is (says Capt. Tyng,) the property of the Waldo family. His will is dated August 5th, 1677, and proved January 19th, 1681. I presume it should read 1681-2. He speaks therein of " old age."* He is said to have been Colonel of the Suffolk Regiment, but no such office was known till after his death ; he might have held a Colonel's com- mission, under the king, however. He was chosen by the General Court, Major General, after Leverett, but what year, I am uncertain, or whether he ever acted under it. He had two wives, and children by both. He was the son of Maj. William Ting, Ar. Co. 1638. He had a son, Edward, Ar. Co. 1668, and Jonathan, Ar. Co. 1670. He served as a Constable, in Boston. I suppose him to be one of the four purchasers of the tract, on the Kennebec River, called the Plymouth Company. RICHARD STEWART. I can find no information re- specting him. CAPT. ANDREW BELCHER, of Sudbury in 1640, Cam- bridge 1646. He was the grandfather of Gov. Belcher. HUMPHREY BRADSHAW, Cambridge. ROBERT SELLING. As I can find no trace of him, I am strongly led to think the name on the old roll is mistaken for Lieut. Robert Seely, or Siely, in the Pequot * Suff. Prob. Rec. 17 130 war, who was of Watertown, and freeman 1631, and may be the Capt. Siely killed in a battle with the In- dians, December 19th, 1675. ABRAHAM ADKINS spelt by Farmer, Atkins. JOHN COLE, Boston. Lewis thinks he was of Lynn, there being such a person there in 1642 ; but I rather suppose him to be a son of Samuel Cole, Ar. Co. 1637. John Cole, of Boston, is said to have had sons, viz. John, born 1643, and Samuel, born 1646. There was a John Cole, a school-master, in Boston, 1684 who kept the first free writing-school in town and was much beloved and respected as such. WILLIAM SHEPARD erroneously spelt Shephard in the first edition. Jo si AS EVANS. Farmer spells the Christian name Josiah, but I prefer to follow the old roll. 1643. CAPT. HUGH PRITCHARD, Roxbury ; freeman 1642. His name on the old roll appears only Capt. Pritchet. This mistake may have originated from the mode of pronouncing it, and Barnes had to make up that roll from the best information, in 1680, which he could obtain. He was Deputy from Roxbury, 1643, 1644, and 1649. He appears to have been of Glouces- ter, and a Selectman there, 1645. He was Captain of the Roxbury Train-band in 1644, according to Johnson. The following seems different ; for Winthrop says, 1647, 26th of mo, : " Capt. Welde of Roxbury being dead, the young men of the town agreed together to choose one George Dennison, a young soldier come lately out of the wars in England which the ancient and chief men of the town understanding, they came together at the time appointed, and chose one Mr. Prichard, a godly 131 man, and one of the chief of the town, passing by their Lieutenant, fearing lest the young Dennison would have carried it from him ; whereupon much discontent and murmuring arose in the town. The young men were over strongly bent to have their will, although their election was void in law, (George Dennison not being then a freeman,) and the ancient men over voted them above twenty, and the Lieutenant was discontented be- cause he was neglected, &c. The cause coming to the court, and all parties being heard, Mr. Prichard was allowed, and the young men were pacified, and the Lieutenant." Pritchard was sent, in 1643, with Hum- phrey Atherton, on an embassy to the Narragansett and Niantick Indians. THOMAS BELL, Roxbury ; freeman 1636. JOHN SCARBOROUGH, Roxbury; freeman 1640. He was killed by the discharge of a gun, June 9th, 1645. CAPT. PETER OLIVER, Boston, merchant ; freeman 1640. He was son of Elder Thomas Oliver, and broth- er of Capt. James, Ar. Co. 1640, and was an eminent merchant. His' will, which is a curious one, speaks of several sons, and none of age is dated April 8th, 1670, and approved May 5th, 1670. Maj. Savage was a witness to it. He was one of the founders of the Old South Church in Boston, May 1669. He is erroneously stated as having been L. L. D. in the former edition. He was chosen Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1658, and its Captain in 1669, and therefore died while in command. His grandson, Capt: Nathaniel Oliver, was of the Ar. Co. 1717. He was a Selectman of Boston 1653, by the title of Cornet ; he also may have been an officer in Capt. VV. Davis's troop of horse. JOHN BUTTON, Boston ; freeman 1634. He was one of the persons disarmed by order of court, 1637. His 132 house and land were near the present Chelsea ferry- ways. RICHARD BARTHELEMEY, Salem ; admitted to the church July 31st, 1640 ; freeman 1641, and died 1646. CAPT. FRANCIS NORTON, Charlestown ; freeman 1642. " After the death of C apt. Mason, his widow and execu- trix sent over Francis Norton as her general attorney, to whom she committed the whole management of the estate. But the expenses so far exceeded the income, and the servants grew so impatient for their arrears, that she was obliged to relinquish the care of the plan- tation, and tell the servants that they must shift for them- selves ; upon which they shared the goods and cattle. Norton drove above an hundred oxen to Boston, and there sold them for 25 sterling per head, which, it is said, was the current price of the best cattle in New England at the time. Norton did not return to New Hampshire, but took up his residence in Charlestown." He was of Pascataqua in 1631. About the year 1641, he removed to Charlestown. In 1644, he was Lieuten- ant of the Charlestown Train-band, and was promoted Captain thereof, as successor to General Sedgwick. He represented Charlestown in 1647, 1650, 1652 to 1661, excepting 1656 and 1657. He was elected En- sign of the Ar. Co. 1647 ; Lieutenant 1650, and Cap- tain twice, 1652 and 1655. He was, says Johnson, " a man of a bold and cheerful spirit, well disciplined and an able man also one of a cheerful spirit, and full of love to the truth." He died July 27th, 1667. JOHN HILL, Dorchester, blacksmith ; freeman 1642. CAPT. JOHN WEBB, Chelmsford ; freeman 1636. He removed and settled at Chelmsford, which he represent- ed in 1663, 1664 and 1665 ; was a Captain, and a man of wealth ; he died October 16th, 1668. His name ap- 133 pears in the records, John Webb, alias Evered. He sold his seat in Chelmsford to Edward Colburn. LIEUT. ROBERT WRIGHT, Boston, and had children born there. RICHARD CUTTER, Cambridge; freeman 1641. LIEUT. JOSHUA HEWES, Roxbury ; freeman 1634; Deputy from Roxbury 1641 . This name is spelt Hughes in the former edition ; it is scarcely legible on the old roll. He was elected Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1654. He was one of the undertakers in the famous iron-works, before mentioned. I suppose him to be the Lieutenant of the Roxbury Train-band, who was superseded by Capt. Pritchard, and finally acquiesced. HENRY MADS LEY, Braintree sometimes spelt Mods- ley, Maudsley, and Moseley. WILLIAM ROBINSON, Dorchester ; freeman May 18th, 1642. WILLIAM ASPINWALL, Boston; freeman April 3d. 1632, and has the prefix of respect. He probably came over in the fleet with Winthrop, for he was on a jury Sept. 28th, 1630. He was elected a Deputy from Bos- ton, September General Court, 1637, and was immedi- ately rejected by the Court for his having signed the famous petition about Wheelwright, This petition he drew up, and his name was included among those per- sons disarmed. He was banished for his famalistical opinions, and went to Rhode Island, and was the first Secretary of that Colony. In 1642, mo. 1st, 27th, Win- throp says : " Mr. William Aspinwall, who had been banished, as is before declared, for joining with Mr. Wheelwright, being licensed by the General Court to come and tender his submission, &c, was this day re- conciled to the Church of Boston. He made a very free and full acknowledgment of his error and seduce- 134 ment, and that with much detestation of his sin. The like he did after, before the magistrates, who were ap- pointed by the court to take his submission, and upon their certificate thereof at the next General Court, his sentence of banishment was released." He was chosen one of the first Deacons of the first Church in Boston, at the time of its organization, Au- gust 27th, 1630. After his return he was a notary pub- lic in Boston. His dwelling house and estate was situ- ated on the main (Washington) street, three doors above the barber's shop opposite the Old South, and extended from the main, or High street, to the common ; and we find the name of Bomsted near him. In 1644, it ap- pears he went on a voyage of discovery to Delaware river, and their pinnace was fired upon by the Swedish fort. Of this he made great complaint to the Dutch Governor, and particularly that they were forced " to weigh anchor on the Lord's day." He is said to have removed to Watertown, and his name frequently spoken of as belonging to Dedham. He had several children born in Boston. He finally went back to England, probably before 1653, and died there. It has been ascertained by Savage that he published several works in England, among which, says he, " I have seen a very curious tract, entitled A brief De- scription of the Fifth Monarchy or Kingdom that is shortly to come into the World ; the Monarch, Subjects, Officers and Laws thereof, and the surpassing Glory, Amplitude, Unity and Peace of that Kingdom, &c.' And in the conclusion there is ' added a Prognostic of the time when the Fifth Kingdom shall begin, by Wil- liam Aspenwall, N. E.' Its title-page is garnished with several texts of Scripture, distorted in the usual style of that day. l London ; printed by M. Simmons, and are to be sold by Livewell Chapman, at the Crown in Pope's-head- Alley, 1653.' It contains fourteen pages. 135 After showing ' that there is such a thing to be expect- ed in the world as a fifth monarchy,' from Daniel's vision, fulfilled in part by the execution of Charles I, he anticipates a farther progress from the destruction of all other kings ; ' and then, these four monarchies being destroyed, the fifth kingdom or monarchy follows imme- mediately.' Proceeding through his inquiries of the * Sovereign, (Jesus Christ,) subjects, officers, and laws of that kingdom,' his fanatical vaticination favors us with ' some hint of the time when the kingdom shall begin,' which he had wit enough to delay so long, that the event might not probably injure the credit of the living soothsayer. ' Know therefore, that the uttermost durance of Antichrist's dominion will be in the year 1673, as I have proved from Scripture in a brief chron- ology, ready to be put forth.'* Cromwell, whose power was just then preparing to be established, knew well the dangerous tendency of such jargon, unless when used by himself; but though he applied the civil arm to many other dreamers of King Jesus, I believe he left the New England seer to the safety of oblivion or contempt. A more useful work, with a well written preface by him, was two years after printed in London, by the same printer, for the same Chapman, with the ludicrous prac- nomen ' An Abstract of Laws and Government,' &c, collected and digested by John Cotton, of Boston, in N. E., in his lifetime presented to our General Court, * and now published after his death by William Aspen- wall.' This evidence of his talents is preserved in I. Hist. Coll. V. 187. The respectable family bearing this name in our times, is not descended from him, but Peter Aspinwall, from Lancashire, in England." I find the following short writ, in 1650, described by Hutchinson, in this form, by which it appears he was brief in judicial proceedings, if he was prolix in the religious nonsense of the day viz : 136 "To the Marshal or his Deputy: " You are required to attach the goods or lands of William Ste- vens, to the value of .100, so as to bind the same to be responsible at the next Court at Boston, 29th of the 5th month, to answer the complaint of Mr. James Astvvood, in an action of debt to the value of <50, upon a bill of exchange ; and so make a true return hereof under your hand. Dated 29th 2d month, 1650. " per curiam, " WILLIAM ASPINWALL." This brevity is exceeded only by the warrant of an Indian magistrate, in the early settlement of the country, viz: " I, Hihondi, You, Peter Waterman, Jeremy Thvvackit, Q,uick you take him, Fast you hold him, Straight you bring him, Before me. Hihondi." FRANCIS CHICKERING, Dedham ; freeman 1640. . He was Representative of that town in 1644 and 1653. He was chosen one of the first Deacons of the first Church there, 1650, and he delayed some time to accept his appointment, on account of his affection and relation to Mr. Phillips, in England. He was the ancestor of the Chickerings of that town, and those removed thence. He was the largest landholder in town, in his day. JOHN PLYMPTON, Dedham probably the same with the John Plumton, admitted freeman in 1643. BENJAMIN SMITH, Lynn; freeman 1641, and was born 1612. EDWARD FLETCHER, Boston, cutler, was admitted member of the Boston Church, and freeman, 1640. JOHN GURNELL, freeman 1643. This name appears Gumall on the old roll, but I am inclined to believe it is Gurnell, for no trace can be found of any Gumall. 137 THOMAS JONES, Dorchester ; freeman 1658 ; Deputy at the March session, 1638, and consequently a member when the charter was granted. WILLIAM WARE, Boston ; freeman 1643, admitted a townsman of Boston January 31st, 1653, and died Feb- ruary llth, 1658.* JOHN DAVIS, Boston, joiner ; member of the church 1635. JAMES BROWNE, Boston; freeman 1636. SAMUEL TITTERTON. I cannot find any trace of him. ENSIGN JOHN BARRELL, Boston, cooper ; elected En- sign of the Ar. Co. 1656 ; died August 29th, 1658. JOHN BERNARD, Cambridge ; freeman 1635. MATHEW BRIDGE, Cambridge. THOMAS BRIDGE, Cambridge, in 1648. [Omitted in the last edition.] LIEUT. ROBERT TURNER, Boston ; freeman 1634 ; elected Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1661, and Lieutenant 1662. LIEUT. RICHARD COOKE, Boston, tailor; member of the Church 1634; freeman 1635. He was Representa- tive of Dover, N. H. in 1670. His will is dated 10th mo. 18th, 1673, proved December 25th, 1673, wherein he left a legacy to Harvard College. He was the father of the celebrated Elisha Cooke, of Boston; and his grandson, Elisha Cooke, jr. of no less historic fame, who was of the Ar. Co. 1699. CAPT WILLIAM DAVIS, Boston; freeman 164o. He was Captain of a troop of horse, in Ninigret's war. He was a merchant of celebrity ; by some he is represented * I am at a loss to distinguish what additional privilege townsman would give, which a freeman had not. I presume this must have been the ancestor of the Rev. Professor Ware. 18 138 as an apothecary,* probably because he first imported drugs and medicine on a considerable scale. He repre- sented Springfield in 1652; this arose from the cir- cumstance of his having married, 1644, Margaret, the daughter of William Pynchon, the Assistant, the founder and leading inhabitant of that town. He was probably the Representative of Haverhill, 1668. He was Commis- sioner to King Philip, at Taunton, in 1671, in company with William Hudson and Thomas Brattle, and was join- ed with Gen. Leverett, afterwards Governor, as a Com- missioner, united with the Connecticut Commissioners, to the Dutch Governor, Stuyvesant, of New York, 1653. He accompanied the brave Capt. Thomas Lake, in his expedition to Kennebec, 1 676 probably their joint in- terest in that quarter was " an exciting cause" and with him escaped at a back door, when the Indians had gained the fort, to the water's side, where Lake fell. Davis was wounded, but made his escape. This was rather a disastrous affair. Hutchinson, in a note, says, " Davis was afterwards of the Council for Massachu- setts Province" but I cannot find any corroborating evidence. That he deserved to be there, is true. Capt. Davis was elected Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1652, Lieutenant in 1659 and 1663, and twice as Captain, in 1664 and 1672. His will is dated May 17th, 1676. There is a tomb- stone in the Chapel burial-ground, Boston, which says, Capt. William Davis, died 1675,f JE . The tomb-stone was repaired by his great grand- son, Edward Davis, with Connecticut free stone, which is very perishable, and is now almost illegible. His son, Maj. Benjamin Davis, was of the Ar. Co. 1673. He stands at the head of the founders and members of the Old South Church. *The Boston Church Records style him apothecary. t The discrepancy of the year may be accounted for by the architect who re- paired the same, or his posterity not being accurate antiquarians. 139 1644. CAPT. JOHN SMITH, Boston, tailor ; admitted member of the Church, 1638. He was a native of Ireland. LIEUT. JOHN TUTTLE, Ipswich in 1637 ; was Repre- sentative, 1644. THEODORE ADKINSON. He came from Bury, in Lan- cashire, 1634, and settled at Boston, and died in August, 1701, aged 90. He was a felt-maker, by trade, and is the ancestor of the distinguished family of that name, in New Hampshire. He was one of the founders and members of the Old South Church. LIEUT. NATHANIEL WILLIAMS, Boston, laborer ; free- man 1640; member of the Church, 1644. CAPT. HENRY BRIDGHAM, of Dorchester in 1641, Bos- ton 1644; freeman 1643. He was chosen Constable, of Boston, 1653, and was a Captain of militia. His will is dated 1670, proved 2d mo. 13th, 1671. Inventory 3608 19. He had several children. MAJ. JOHN RICHARDS, Dorchester. He came into the Colony in low circumstances, as Randolph says he was a servant ; yet he became an opulent merchant in Boston. He married Elizabeth, the widow of Adam Winthrop, May 3d, 1654. He again married, Ann Win- throp, the sister of Gen. Waitstill Winthrop, as appears by the deed of marriage covenant. This may account for his being promiscuously styled as of Boston and Dorchester. He was a Captain of militia, and suc- ceeded Thomas Clark as Sergeant-major of the Suffolk regiment, in 1683, which office he retained through Andross's administration, until 1689. He was Treas- urer of Harvard College, 1672 to 1685. He was Judge of the Superior Court in 1692; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1665; Lieutenant 1667 and 14370 being twenty-six years from his first becoming a member. 140 He was admitted to the second Church in Boston (I. Mather's) 1664, and was Representative for New- bury in 1671, '2 and '3 for Hadley in 1675, and Bos- ton in 1679 and 1680, and was Speaker. In 1680 he was elected an Assistant, to 1686, when the usurpation of Andross commenced. He was appointed one of the first new Council under the charter of William and Mary, 1 692, and continued in that office to his death, which happened at Boston, April 2d, 1694. He had been employed with Dudley, as agent in England, but remained steady to what was called the country interest. He bequeathed his widow all her property back, and 100 more, and also 100 plate and household stuff. He gave also legacies, 100 to Harvard College, 100 to the town of Boston, and 100 to the second Church, and also numerous other legacies. He left a very large estate. His will was approved by the Probate Court, but his widow, like most women who marry rich old men in their decline, to grasp more to buy a new hus- band, appealed to the Governor and Council, then the Supreme Court of Probate, but by them the will was ratified, May 31st, 1694. John Foster, Esq. of Boston, Ar. Co. 1679, was one of his executors. I have never yet heard that his name is remembered, commencement days, by the College, nor has Boston yet named a street, lane or alley, after him. He must have been quite aged, allowing him to be only 21 years old when he joined the Company. I have not been able to find any description of his character, except what results from his official stations and wealth. JOHN READ, Braintree; freeman 1640. I suppose him to be the eminent lawyer spoken of by Hutchinson. HUGH WILLIAMS, Boston; freeman 1642. LIEUT. MOSES PAINE, Braintree; freeman 1647; Lieutenant of Militia, and Representative from that town, in 1666 and 1668. 141 CAPT. THOMAS CLARKE, Jr, Boston, shop-keeper son of Major T. Clarke, Ar. Co. 1638 Representative from Boston 1673, '4, 5 and '6. His son-in-law, Col. N. Byfield, was of Ar. Co. 1679. His will was proved July 10th, 1678. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1662 Cap- tain 1673. In the former edition the title Major is erroneous. LIEUT. THOMAS ADAMS, Braintree, 1642; freeman 1643 ; removed to Concord 1646 afterward to Chelms- ford, where he was the first Town Clerk ; Representa- tive 1673 died July 20th, 1688, aged 76. ROBERT WILLIAMS, Roxbury, husbandman; freeman 1638; came from Norwich, in England, "and is the common ancestor of the divines, civilians, and warriors of this name, who have honored the country of their birth." The family estate at Roxbury belonged to his descendants in 1826. THOMAS ROBERTS, freeman 1645. HENRY FARNAM probably the Henry Firnum free- man 1645 sometimes spelt Farnham. NATHANIEL MANWARRING. HENRY KIBBY, Dorchester ; freeman 1642 on the old roll, Kebby. Died July 10th, 1661. RICHARD RUSSELL, Charlestown ; freeman 1641. He came from Herefordshire, England, with Maud, his wife, 1640 ; Representative 1642, and several years, and Speaker of the House. In 1659 he was an Assistant, and continued in that office sixteen years, until his death, May 14th, 1676, aged 65. He succeeded Capt. Bridges as Treasurer of the Colony. His grave-stone, in the old burial-ground in Charlestown, says " Who served his country as Treasurer more than treble ap- prenticeship." He was therefore in public life more 142 than thirty years. He gave a legacy of 100 to Har- vard College, but little thereof was ever realized. LIEUT. WILLIAM PHILLIPS, Charlestown, in 1640; freeman ; afterwards removed to Boston. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1655 ; Lieutenant 1657. His will is dated Sept. 9th, 1683. ENSIGN ROBERT HALE, Charlestown ; a founder of the Church there in 1632, and Deacon ; freeman 1634. Ensign of the Train-band. He died July 19th, 1659. JOSHUA TODD ; freeman 1639. JOHN BAKER, Boston, 1640 husbandman ; freeman 1641 ; removed to Nevvbury ; member of the Boston Church. DEANE WINTHROP, ESQ. Boston ninth child and sixth son of Gov. John Winthrop born March 16th, 1623; freeman 1665. He was concerned in the set- tlement of Groton, which was probably named in honor of his father, whose paternal seat was in Groton, in Suffolk, England. He died at Pulling Point, March 16th, 1704, aged 81. WILLIAM BURCHAM. GEORGE CLIFFORD. JOHN ARNOLD, Cambridge; freeman 1635 Arnoll on the old roll. HERMAN AD WOOD, freeman 1645. Farmer says Harman Atwood. ROBERT CROSSMAN, Taunton. ROBERT WARE, husbandman; freeman 1647 Ded- ham, in that part now Wrentham. Will, Feb. 25th, 1698, speaks of "his great age." GEORGE FAIRBANK, Medfield. Administration May 31st, 1683. 143 GEORGE BERSTOW, Scituate. ENSIGN THOMAS WELLS, Ipswich; freeman 1637. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1644. Died in October, 1666. ANDREW DUEN, Natick. (JOHN) WOODBRIDGE. On the old roll there is no Christian name. I have strong reason to believe it was John, brother of the first graduate at Harvard College ; born at Stanton, in Wiltshire, in 1613; came to New England in 1634 ; settled at Newbury as a planter, and was Town Clerk ; but, becoming a preacher, he was ordained at Andover, October 1645, their first minister. He went to England in 1647 ; returned in July, 1663, and took up his residence in Newbury ; an Assistant in 1683, and acted as a magistrate till his death, March 17th, 1695. Wells and Harris, of Ipswich, his neighbors, joining just before and after, is strong corroboration that he was the person. To a person of his surname is to be attributed the origin of paper money. Hutchinson says his name was Woodbridge, a New England man, and calls him the projector , about 1690. Snow men- tions a Mr. Woodbridge, school-master in Boston in 1644. ANTHONY Harris, Ipswich. EDWARD LARKIN, Charlestown ; freeman 1640. Had children. THOMAS PHILLIPS. ISAAC WALKER, Boston, merchant; freeman 1646. Lieutenant Isaac Walker, Ar. Co. 1676, probably his son. Member of the Old South Church. JOHN BUTLER, Boston; freeman 1635; physician; administration Oct. 5th, 1682. ANTHONY FISHER, Dedham that part now called Wrentham freeman 1645; perhaps brother of Joshua 144 and Daniel, before mentioned. He died at Dorchester, about 1670. Inventory, 359 5 2. DAVID KELLY, Boston ; had children. PETER SALTON STALL, youngest son of Sir Richard, of VVatertown. It is from this son that the Saltonstalls in Haverhill descended Col. Richard, Ar. Co. 1733, a grandson of Peter. RALPH FOGG, Salem; freeman 1634. He died in London, 1674. We have thus described the characters of the distin- guished members of the Company, during the first years of its establishment ; by which the reader can obtain a just conception of the views, manners and principles of the first settlers of the Colony. Two hundred and forty-five have been noticed, borne on the roll in eight years under the charter, of all occupations and profes- sions ; distinguished citizens, municipal officers, dea- cons, and almost all church members ; widely scattered in the Colony and adjacent parts. The popularity and usefulness of the Artillery Company must have been widely extended, when composed of such venerable and efficient materials. Then, its origin was from the most laudable motives, its increase most rapid, and conse- quently its usefulness became extensive. Indeed, all its first members were the most distinguished and hon- orable men in the country. Gov. Winthrop, although at first somewhat averse to granting the charter, be- came its decided friend ; for Stephen, Adam and Deane, three of his sons, as they respectively came of age, were members. The first regular organization of the Militia of Mas- sachusetts having taken place during 1644, it is proper to give a more comprehensive view thereof; since that fact is intimately connected with the Company, and most of the officers of the volunteer train-bands, and the militia, were members of it. The knowledge they there acquired, and disseminated through the militia at large, rendered the institution a Nursery of Soldiers a name which it long deservedly retained. The scattered situation of the voluntary train-bands, and the necessity of union and concert induced the General Court to organize the militia in 164i, for the purpose of being in a ready posture for emergencies. The emulation of the people was excited to aid the gov- ernment by training frequently the citizens, and the lib- eral contributions in labor and money to effect a strong bulwark of defence. Great exertions were made every where, to render the militia efficient, and even boys un- der sixteen were instructed in various exercises ; all males were enrolled at sixteen. The soldiers were to do duty eight days in every year, for the neglect of wKich, an individual incurred a penalty of five shillings per day ; none being exempted but " timorous persons" for the honor of the age, it is recorded, they were " few." A day's duty was a whole day of constant, laborious exercise, not a few hours spent in parade. The Legislature labored to avoid high titles ; yet, order they knew was necessary, and therefore enacted that there should be but one general officer in the Col- ony, with the title of Major General, or Sergeant-major General, commonly so called ; to be annually chosen by the Legislature, or Governor and magistrates, who were a standing council in peace and war, and commis- sioned under the great seal of the Colony. John Hum- frey had been Sergeant-major General several years before, but the office was merely nominal and honorary. One Major General sufficed for the whole State, in all its vicissitudes, for nearly one hundred and fifty years. The Colony was divided into four Counties, and, to exhibit to posterity that " they remembered from whence 19 146 they came, were called Suffolk, Norfolk, or Northfolk, Essex and Middlesex." That part called Norfolk is now principally within the limits of the State of New Hampshire. It was further enacted, that in each of these four Counties there should be a regiment, to be commanded by one officer, whom they styled Sergeant- major. The officers of the several companies were to be chosen from the major vote of the soldiers, and were installed into their office by the Sergeant-major. It ap- pears by the Colony Records, that when a company had elected officers, the election was communicated to the General Court, and they approved or disapproved ; and probably the ceremony of installation then took place. It is presumed no other commissions were given, unless such an order from the Governor and Deputy as that described under C apt. Daniel Howe may be so consid- ered. The ornaments or badges of the officers, were extremely simple ; for, even at the commencement of our Revolution, different colored ribbons were the dis- tinguishing badges of office. Our ancestors were stu- dious to avoid every thing which tended to excite the vanity of the officers, both as it regards titles and deco- rations. The Sergeant-majors were elected by the Captains and subalterns in the respective regiments ; but how they were installed, or whether they were com- missioned, remains an uncertainty. This was the man- ner in which the militia was first organized, and the system was adhered to until the arrival of Andros, in 1686.* The General Court, in 1644, elected as Sergeant- Major General, the much honored Thomas Dudley, *J-Iutchinson says: " Upon the division of the Colony into Regiments, Colonels and Lieutenant Colonels were appointed to each Regiment. This lasted but a short time; ever after they had one field officer only to every Regiment, a Ser- geant-major and a Major General for the whole. He was chosen by the freemen." I presume there was no such officer in the Colony before the new charter as Col. or Lieut. Col. in its Militia. 147 Esq, whose name is subscribed to the Company Char- ter as Deputy Governor. He never was a member, but many of his descendants have been. His faithfulness in office, great zeal in the affairs of the colony, distinguish- ed military talents, and " love of the truths of Christ, led the people to choose him as their Major General, although he was far stricken in years." Capt. John Johnson, of Roxbury, was appointed Surveyor General of Arms ; his duty was to visit the towns, and see they kept their stock of ammunition. The bands of Nor- folk, viz. Salisbury, Hampton and Haverhill were at first joined with the Essex regiment, and no account is preserved of their original organization. The follow- ing exhibits a Roster of the other regiments as far as can now be ascertained, viz : Suffolk Regiment. Towns. Dorchester, Edward Gibbens, Captains. Humphrey Atherton. Sergeant-major. Lieutenants. Roger Clap. Ensigns. Hopestil Foster. Roxbury, Weymouth, Braintree, Ilingham, Boston, Cambridge, Watertown, Sudbury, Concord, Woburn, Maiden, Reading, Charlestown, Hugh Pritchard. William Perkins. William Tyng. Bozoun Allen, vacant. Middlesex Robert Sedgwick O George Cooke. William Jennison. Herbert Pelharri. Simon Willard. Edward Johnson. Joseph Hill. Richard Walker, vacant. Joshua Hewes. William Torrey. Anthony Eames. Thomas Savage. Regiment. , Sergeant-major. Daniel Gookin. Hugh Mason. Edmund Goodenow. John Whitman. Thos. Cakebread. Timothy Wheeler. Francis Norton. Richard Sprague. Salem, Newbury, Essex Regiment. Daniel Dennison, Sergeant-major. William Hathorne.* Thomas Lathrop. Gerrish. Greenleaf. William Dixie. 'Those in Italics were not members. 148 Lynn, Robert Bridges. Rowley, Bridgham. Ipswich, vacant. Vacant by the death of Lieut. John Whittingham. Gloucester, Wenham, Andover, had made no election. These regiments were by law to assemble by turns once in each year. Winthrop describes a great train- ing in Boston, in 1639. " The two regiments in the Bay were mustered at Boston, to the number of 1000 soldiers, able men, and well armed and exercised. They were led, the one by the Governor, who was General of all, and the other by the Deputy, whe was Colonel, &LC. The Captains, &c., showed themselves very skilful and ready in divers sorts of skirmishes and other military actions, wherein they spent the whole day." Here was collected for the first and only time the whole body of the Massachusetts militia. Johnson, (whom Savage thinks " is chiefly valued for his military array of the people in their several settlements,"} gives us many interesting particulars respecting the charac- ters of the officers of that day. Beside those already occasionally introduced, he says of Simon Willard " he was a Kentish soldier;" of Hathorne, he "was bold and worthy a man of undaunted courage ;" Greenleaf " ancient and experienced." He then adds respecting the whole, " also some of our chief helps, both for church work, military and Commonwealth's work " A troop of horse was raised about this time ; Capt. Wil- liam Davis is named as its commander : " it was a fre- quent thing for the officers to turn troopers, when their own regiment is not in exercise, for the encouragement of others." 1645. MAJ. GEN. DANIEL GOOKIN, Cambridge, emigrated with his father, in 1621, from the County of Kent to Virginia, where, in consequence of religious persecu- 149 tions he came to New England in 1644. He was ad- mitted a freeman May 29th, 1644. It was unusual for so speedy admission to freedom. The New England Missionaries of 1642 induced his removal. The Mng- nalia regards him as one of the " constellation" of con- verts made by Thompson. " Gookins was one of them : by Thompson's pains," " Christ and New England, a dear Gookins gains." He was admitted to Boston Church same year, whence he was dismissed to Cambridge September 3d, 1648 ; Representative from Cambridge in 1649, and Speaker 1651 ; Assistant 1652 to 1686, and died March 19th 1687, aged 75. He left children. He succeeded William Spencer as Lieutenant of the Cambridge Train-band, and on Capt. George Cooke's departure was elected Captain ; thence promoted to be Sergeant-major of Middlesex regiment. He command- ed the first regiment of Middlesex on the division in 1680, and Peter Bulkley of Concord the second, and llth May 1681 succeeded Gov. Leverett as Sergeant- Major General, being the last person elected to that office under the old Charter. He never sustained any any office in the Ar. Co. " He had been," says John- son, " formerly a Kentish soldier, and a very forward man to advance martial discipline, and withal the truths of Christ ; and was drawn hither from Virginia, by having his affections strongly set on the truths of Christ, and his pure ordinances." He was thirty-five years a magistrate, and sustained many important offices, among which was licenser of the printing press in Cambridge, and general superin- tendent of the Indians. " His reputation," says Savage, " in the present age stands justly higher than it did dur- ing a part of his life, when his benevolent attempts to serve and save the Indians were misinterpreted, much 150 obloquy was uttered against him, and he said on the bench of justice, that he was afraid for his life in walk- ing the streets." He died poor, his inventory being only 323 3 11. He was in disposition lively and active, which, united with generosity, prompted him to noble actions. Al- though somewhat tinctured with party spirit, both in religion and politics, yet he was a firm, dignified repub- lican, and prized as invaluable religious freedom. As a magistrate he held the sword of justice with effect, to protect the rights of his brethren ; and as a soldier, was ever ready to wield the same sword against the enemies of his country. Piety and morality shone conspicuous in his character ; he had firmness in a just cause to stem the torrent of popular invective, and convince his op- ponents of the wisdom and integrity of his conduct. CAPT. ELIAS STILEMAN, Salem; freeman 1642. He was admitted to the church 18th August, 1639, and re- moved to Portsmouth, 1659, which he represented seven years. He was Counsellor under President Cutt, 1680 ; Secretary of New Hampshire, and served as Captain in the militia. His residence was sometime at Great Island, now New Castle. He died in 1695. THOMAS VENNER, Salem, wine-cooper ; was admitted t6 the church 1637 ; freeman 1638, when he probably lived in Boston. He returned to England, and became a preacher to a sect of enthusiasts called Fifth Monarchy men, who raised an insurrection, which was suppressed by the civil power, when Venner, with twelve of his followers, who declared themselves invulnerable, was executed, in January, 1661. CAPT. JOSHUA SCOTTOW, Boston, merchant ; freeman 1639. He was a Captain of militia ; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1657. He was the author of two tracts, published in Boston in 1691 and 1694. He is said to have died 151 1698. His name appears in a controversy, 1665, be- tween the Court and the King's Commissioners, as ap- pears by Hutchinson. He was an ancestor of the learned antiquarian, Hon. James Savage, maternally. He was a founder of the Old South Church. WILLIAM WALE. THOMAS RASHLEY, Boston ; member of Boston Church 1640, and is called a student. He was of Exeter, N. H. in 1646 ; minister of the first Congre- gational Church in Gloucester, 1 640 ; probably he con- tinued there but a short time, as the Rev. Richard Blyn- man was settled over the same church the next year. CAPT. ISAAC JOHNSON, Roxbury; freeman 1635; Captain in Roxbury, and their Representative, 1671 ; Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1666, and Captain in 1667. He was one of the six Captains slain by the Indians in taking Narragansett Fort, Dec. 19th, 1675. A short will of his is dated June 28th, 1675. Inventory, 579 12 6. JOHN BOWLES, Roxbury ; freeman 1640. WILLIAM LYON, Roxbury ; freeman 1666 ; died in 1692. ROBERT HINSDALE, Medfield, (Dedham originally,) freeman 1638; a founder of the church, Nov. 1638, and removed to Deerfield. DANIEL KIHAM, (Kilhen on the old roll.) CLEMENT KOLDOM, Lynn, miller; born 1622, and died April 8th, 1675; spelt Coldom on the old roll. CAPT. THOMAS LATHROP, (Lothrop,) Salem ; free- man 1634 ; Lieutenant of the Salem Train-band, under Hathorne, in 1644, and his successor as Captain ; Rep- resentative 1647, 1653 and 1664, from Salem. He re- moved to Beverly, and was a founder of the church 152 there, 1 667, and represented Beverly four years. He was many years Captain, and sustained that office in Philip's war, when, with more than sixty of his men, he was killed in battle, near Deerfield, Sept. 18th, 1675. Increase Mather calls him " a godly courageous com- mander." He left a widow, but no children. CAPT. ISRAEL STOUGHTON, Dorchester son of Lieut. Col. Israel Stoughton. JOHN HUTCHINSON. HENRY PARKER. 1646. JOHN SHAW, Boston ; had several children ; died July 23d, 1687. EDMUND JACKSON, Boston ; freeman 1636 ; shoema- ker, and constable. He died in 1683, having had four wives and fifteen children. CAPT. JOHN CAPEN, Dorchester ; freeman 1634 ; Cap- tain of militia; Deacon 1656; Representative 1671, 1673 to 1678. He died April 4th, 1692, aged 80. CAPT. WILLIAM CLARKE, Ipswich, one of the first settlers, 1633 ; freeman 1631. Lewis supposes he was of Lynn. WILLIAM BLAKE, Dorchester ; freeman 1638. Some think he was one of the first settlers of Springfield. There was a William Blake of Milton, husbandman, whose will appears Sept. 30th, 1703. MAJ. BRIAN PENDLETON, born 1599; came early to New England, and settled at Watertown ; freeman 1634 ; Selectman of Sudbury, where he resided ; Rep- resentative of Watertown several years, and when the charter was granted. He was a Captain of militia ; removed to Portsmouth, which he represented in 1654, '8, '60, '1, '3 ; Major of the military forces at Saco; by 153 order of the Court ; purchased a neck of land at the mouth of Saco river, 1658 ; removed thither 1665 ; re- turned to Portsmouth in 1676 ; appointed a Counsellor under President Danforth, 1680, in which, or the next year, he died. JOHN RUGGLES, Roxbury ; freeman 1637 ; died about 1658. Some say this person was of Milton, and a hus- bandman. CAPT. GEORGE BARBER, Medfield ; Representative 1668, '9 and '82, in which place he was the principal military officer. WILLIAM PARSONS, Boston, joiner; freeman 1645; admitted to the church 1643 ; died January 29th, 1702, aged 87. RICHARD WITHINGTON, Dorchester; freeman 1640. Whittington on the old roll. He was ordained Deacon March 1st, 1669. EDMUND BOWKER, Salem; died March, 1666. RICHARD HARRISON. CAPT. ROBERT HARDING, Boston; freeman 1631; (Selectman.) HUGH GUNNISON, Boston; admitted to the church 1634; freeman 1636. His estate was situated at the head of the cove, Dock square, near Elm street. He probably was of Kittery 1652, and Representative of Wells 1654. He had several children born in Boston. He was one of the persons disarmed, 1637. He was a servant to Gov. Bellingham, say the Boston Church Records. EDWARD PRESTON, Boston. NATHANIEL NEWGATE, Boston son of John. CAPT. ROGER CLAP, born in Saleom, Devonshire, England, of respectable parents, April 6th, 1609, and 154 embarked with the Rev. Messrs. Maverick and Warham, at Plymouth, among the first company that settled this side of Salem. He, with his friends, were set on shore at Nantasket (Hull) by the captain of the ship, May 30th, 1630. With difficulty they reached the mouth of Charles river, in an open boat, where but few English were to be found. At first they contemplated settling near Watertown ; but, upon receiving advice from Gov. Winthrop, removed to Dorchester. In his memoirs,* written by himself, Capt. Clap says : " Planting time being over, shortly after, provisions were not to be had for money. When I could have meal and water and salt^ boiled together, it was so good, who could wish better ? In our beginning, many were in great straights for want of provisions for themselves and their little ones. Oh ! the hunger that many suffered, and saw no hope, in an eye of reason, to be supplied, only by clams, and muscles and fish. We quickly built boats, and some went a fishing ; but bread was with many a very scarce thing ; and flesh of all kinds was scarce." Capt. Clap was admitted freeman 1634; a founder of the Church in Dorchester, in 1630, and continued a member sixty years. Lieutenant of the Dorchester Train-band in 1644 ; afterwards Captain. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1655. He died February 2d, 1690-1, aged 82. In 1665, immediately after the death of Davenport, the General Court appointed Capt. Clap to the com- mand of Castle William, which office he held until, foreseeing the approaching political troubles, and being aged, he resigned, 1686. After the new charter, the command became a sinecure, and was usually assigned the Lieut. Governor. This fort was burnt down, March 21st, 1672-3, while he commanded, but was immedi- * Printed by his descendants, a few years since. t Hasty-pudding. 155 ately rebuilt. It is said of him, that his soldiers were considered and treated as of his own family, and none were permitted to be enlisted but pious, as well as brave men. He was Representative from Dorchester 1652, fourteen years. So greatly was he beloved by the pious people of Dorchester, that, in the year 1676, "when taken sick, they kept a day of fasting* and prayer to beg his life of God, and, when he recovered, a day of thanksgiving." It appears he was owner of a large landed estate in North-Hampton, where one of his sons settled, and be- came their Captain of Train-band, ruling Elder, and Representative. The respectable family of his name there are his descendants. His grave-stone, in the Chapel ground, is standing, on which his name is plainly legible. He was buried with much pomp ; the military officers, probably the Ar. Co., preceding the corpse ; the Governor and General Court following the relations as mourners, and the guns firing at the castle. His descendants have been numerous in Dorchester and vicinity. " In his natural temper he was of a cheerful and pleasant disposition, courteous and kind in behaviour, free and familiar in his conversation, yet attended with proper reservedness, and he had a gravity and presence that commanded respect." 1647. ROGER WILLIAMS, Massachusetts, in 1630. He is the person who requested to be made freeman Oct. 19th, 1630, and probably was the early settler of Windsor, Conn. There is no other of the name, except the fa- mous Roger Williams of Rhode Island. THOMAS BUMSTEAD, Boston ; freeman 1640. His will was proved August 4th, 1677. His grave-stone, in *As to fasting: Morton's Memorial, p. 99 and note "Smith relates that the religious services, in the early settlement, were from eight to nine hours." 156 the Granary ground, says, " Thomas Bumsted, died June 22d, 1677." This name is sometimes Bomsted, in the book of possessions. His estate was opposite the burial- ground, a valuable portion of which has remained in the family ever since, and was lately the residence of Maj. Thos. Bumstead, Ar. Co. 1764. The elegant blocks of Hamilton and Bumstead place stand on his land, also the Masonic Temple. Winthrop says, (1644) " A private matter or two fell out about this time, the power and mercy of the Lord did appear in them in an extraordi- nary manner. A child of one Bumstead, a member of the church, fell from a gallery in the meeting-house, and broke the arm and shoulder, and was also commit- ted to the Lord in the prayers of the church, with earnest desires, that the place where his people assem- bled to his worship might not be defiled with blood, and it pleased the Lord also that this child was soon per- fectly recovered." One thing is very singular in this person, viz. his second daughter was Mary, the wife of Ambrose Dawes, and his third Mary also, the wife of Samuel Bosworth. JOHN HANSETT, Braintree, 1644 Hansell on the old roll. CAPT. JOHN HILL, Boston, merchant ; admitted to the Boston Church 1645; freeman 1646; Captain of militia. An original grantee of the mill-pond lands and mill. The Mill Creek is traced to this grant, July 31st, 1643. ABRAHAM BUSBY, freeman 1650. GILES PIERSON. The same so appears on the old roll. I think, however, it should be Giles Payson, of Roxbury, freeman 1631 ; Deacon there, who died Feb. 28th, 1689, aged 78. 157 1648. THOMAS RICHARDS, ESQ. Boston ; freeman 1645. A donor to Harvard College. SAMUEL OLIVER, Boston, brother of Capt. James and Peter, before named ; member of the Boston Church 1642. He was drowned March 27th, 1652. PETER BRACKETT, Braintree ; freeman 1643 ; Bracket on the old roll, probably a son of Capt. Richard Bracket, Ar. Co. 1639, and went with his father to Braintree, of which town he was Representative in 1644, '5, '6, 1653, 1660, 1 662. He then returned to Boston ; was a found- er of the Old South Church, 1 669, and one of their first Deacons. Representative of Scarborough, Me. 1673 and '4. SAMUEL CARTER, Charlestown ; freeman 1647. JACOB SHEAFE, Boston ; came from Canbrooke, in Kent, Eng. He died March 22d, 1658, and his tomb- stone stands in the Chapel ground ; that says, died in 1 653 the figure 3 was probably 8, originally. He was the ancestor of the distinguished family of Sheafe, in New Hampshire. JOHN COLE, Lynn, in 1641 ; died Oct. 8th, 1703. CORNET NICHOLAS DAVISON, Charlestown, merchant. WILLIAM STITSON, Charlestown ; freeman 1633 on the old roll Stidson. He was Deacon there, and Rep- resentative 1667 to 1671. THOMAS SQUIRE, freeman 1634. CALEB FOOTE ancestor of Hon. Caleb Foote, of Salem. 158 1649. CAPT. JOHN CARNES, Boston. No such name is on the old roll. In Barnes's list, as made out, no officers appear that year, but the name of John Games was inserted at some after date, if we regard the autograph and ink ; I have seen a printed list of Captains in an old Almanack, which has his name as Captain this year. I also obtained some traditionary information which corroborates the fact. There was a Capt. John Carnes, an officer of the Navy, about this time ; and as he was of the Parliament's Navy, and is said to have been in Boston at the time, it seems probable that he was elect- ed Captain of the Ar. Co. If he was, it is the first in- stance, rarely resorted to, of a man's being elected to any office the year of his admission. In modern times it is more common, but seldom to any other office than Commander, and always some very distinguished indi- vidual. THOMAS HAWKINS probably son of Capt. Thomas, Ar. Co. 1638 ; died young. STEPHEN PAINE, Braintree ; freeman 1653 probably brother of Lieut. Moses, Ar. Co. 1644. 1650. CAPT. BOZOUN ALLEN, Hingham ; freeman 1641 ; merchant ; came from Lynn, England, and settled at Hingham, 1638. Representative 1643, eight years. Lincoln, in his valuable History, says : " He was often a Deputy, a military officer, and an influential citizen of Hingham." His son, Bozoun, was of the Ar. Co. 1676. 3d mo. 14th, 1645 : " This Court fell out a troublesome business. The town of Hingham, having one Eames their Lieutenant sev.en or eight years, had lately chosen him Captain, and had presented him 159 to the Standing Council for allowance ; but, before it was accom- plished, the greater part of the town took some light occasion of offence against him, and chose one Allen Captain, and presented him to the magistrates. But the magistrates, considering the injury that would hereby accrue to Eames, (who had been their chief com- mander so many years, and had deserved well in his place, and that Allen had no other skill, but what he learned from Eames,) refused to allow of Allen, but willed both sides to return home, and every officer to keep his place, until the Court should take further order. Upon their return home, the messengers, who came for Allen, called a private meeting of their own party, and told them truly what an- swer they received from the magistrates, and soon after they appoint- ed a training-day, (without their Lieutenant's knowledge,) and being assembled, the Lieutenant hearing of it, came to them, and would have exercised them, as he was wont to do, but those of the other party refused to follow him, except he would show them some order for it. He told them of the magistrates' order about it ; the others replied, that authority had advised him to go home and lay down his place honorably. Another asked, what the magistrates had to do with them ? Another, that it was but three or four of the magis- trates, and if they had been all there, it had been nothing, for Mr. Allen had brought more for them from the Deputies, than the Lieu- tenant had from the magistrates. Another of them professeth he will die at the sword's point, if Re might not have the choice of his own officers. Another (viz. the Clerk of the Band) stands up above the people, and requires them to vote, whether they would bear them out in what was past, and what was to come. This being assented unto, and the tumult continuing, one of the officers (he who had told them that authority had advised the Lieutenant to go home and lay down his place) required Allen to take the Captain's place ; but he not then accepting it, they put it to the vote, whether he should be their Captain. The vote passing for it, he then told the Com- pany, it was now past question, and therefore Allen accepted it, and exercised the Company two or three days, only about a third part of them followed the Lieutenant. He, having denied in the open field, that authority had advised him to lay down his place, and putting (in some sort) the lie upon those who had so reported, was the next Lord's day called to answer it before the church, and he standing to maintain what he had said, five witnesses were produced to convince him. Some of them affirmed the words, the others ex- plained their meaning to be, that one magistrate had so advised him. He denied both. Whereupon the Pastor, one Mr. Hubbert, brother to three of the principal in this sedition, was very forward to have 160 excommunicated the Lieutenant presently, but upon some opposi- tion, it was put off to the next day."* Eames thereupon complained to the Deputy Governor and other magistrates, who sent a warrant for three of the Hobarts, but the minister, their brother, got to Bos- ton before them, and complained against the complain- ants, as tale-bearers, &,c, and " taking it very disdain- fully that his brethren had been sent for by a constable," used "high speeches," and " so provoking, as some of the magistrates told him, that, if it were not for respect to his ministry, they would commit him." Others were afterwards sent for, and all were bound over to appear at the next Court of Assistants. The elders were sent for to Hingham and try to pacify matters, and Winthrop finally was tried before his brother magistrates for mal- administration ; but he managed so discreetly and with so much humility, that he was acquitted honorably. This famous riot, contempt of authority, and interfer- ence of priestcraft, was finally subdued, and all parties, Captain, Lieutenant, the whole Train-band, and even the Minister, were fined ; total of persons, 95 fines, 155. Allen held the Captaincy, and the Lieutenant paid 5 fine, and became reconciled to his supercedure. Allen and Hubbert, both Deputies at the time, acted as such before the General Court, in the trial of their own case. He removed to Boston, and there died, Sept. 14th, 1652. His will was dated at Boston, Sept. 9th, 1652, and proved June, 1653. Inventory, 1653. ZACHEUS BOSWORTH, Boston; freeman 1636; died July 28th, 1655. His house was at the south-west cor- ner of School street. He was disarmed, 1637. WILLIAM COTTON, Boston, butcher ; freeman 1647. Winthrop, vol. II. p. 221. 161 CAPT. NICHOLAS SIMPKINS, Boston. In the Addenda of Winthrop, mo. 5th, 14th, (1636,) " Nic Simpkins brought before the Governor and J. Winthrop for brav- ing the Lieutenant Morris, and telling him in public that he lied, &c. ' He confessed the words, but refused to acknowledge it a fault, or to ask his pardon in the mer- cate place. So we committed him. 16th, upon his submission and acknowledgment that he had done ill, we took his bond in 20 to appear at the next Court, and left him at liberty. Besides he was ill, and we feared he would grow distracted, &c." I suppose he was then Ensign, or Sergeant, at the fort, under Morris, for he became afterward the Captain thereof. GEORGE HALSET. JACOB GREEN, Charlestown ; freeman 1 650 ; Repre- sentative 1677 son of John, Ar. Co. 1639. 1651. LIEUT. JAMES DAVIS, Boston; freeman 1635; mari- ner ; member of the church. 1 believe this person to be the " Mr. Davies, a rich merchant," spoken of by Hutchinson. WILLIAM LUDKIN, Hingham, 1637; freeman 1638; was drowned, near Boston, March 27th, 1 652. STRONG FURNELL, Boston; freeman 1643. SIMON TUTTLE, Ipswich ; died January, 1692. Artillery Election Sermon, 1651, by John Cotton, Boston. 1652. CORNET WILLIAM HASEY, Boston ; Rumney Marsh, yeoman, on whose estate there appears an administra- tion in Suff. Prob. Rec. Farmer thinks this is William Hersey, of Hingham, freeman 1638 ; but the name is very plain on the old roll. 21 162 THOMAS EDSALL, Boston. HENRY EVANS, Boston, husbandman; freeman 1645. A member of the Boston Church. ALEXANDER ADAMS, Boston; freeman 1648; ship- wright ; married Mary, sister of Tristram Coffin. ISAAC ADDINGTON, Boston; freeman 1650. Father of Isaac Addington, the Assistant. This Christian name is Israel on the old roll probably a mistake. LIEUT. HENRY ADAMS, eldest son of Henry, the great ancestor of the Adams family, was of Braintree, 1640, but removed to Medfield, 1649, where he was Town Clerk, and Representative in 1659, 1665, 1674 and '5; Lieutenant of the Train-band there. Mather, in his history of Philip's war, says he was killed at his own door by the Indians, Feb. 21st, 1676, whose wife was soon after accidentally killed by an Englishman. His descendants living in Medfield relate the same tradition. Administration in 16J6. Inventory, 407 6 5. WILLIAM PADDY, Boston, merchant. Farmer says, Plymouth and Boston. Inventory, 545. A grave- stone was dug up from the north side of the old State House, near the centre door, and bones found near it, while the city were repairing the building, June 1 8th, 1830. The inscription is all in capital letters, viz: " Hear sleeps That Blessed one o whose lief God help us all to live That so when tiem shall be That we this world must lieve We ever may be happy With blessed William Paddy." On the other side : " Hear lyeth. The body of Mr. William Paddy, Aged 58 years. Departed this life August 1658."* WILLIAM AUBREY, Boston, merchant. He married a daughter of Secretary Rawson, in 1653. SAMUEL HUTCHINSON, Lynn in 1637. * See a full account in Columbian Centinel, June 19th, 1830. 163 1653. JONATHAN GILBERT. This name Kilbert on the old roll, without any Christian name. I suppose the per- son intended is Jonathan Gilbert, mentioned under 1646, Mather's Indian Wars from 1614 to 1675, pages 61, 63 ; and also in Hutchinson I. 171. no VMIM CAPT. THOMAS LAKE, Boston, merchant ; freeman 1641. A member of the 2d Church, Boston. He was eminent in his profession. He was joint owner of the island of Arrowsick, in Maine, where he had a house and occasionally resided, near which he was killed by the Indians ; see Hubbard's Indian Wars, 41, 42. It appears he commanded an expedition against the In- dians, cheerfully embarking therein, but was the first victim. His bones long remained unburied, but were afterwards discovered, and now repose on Copp's Hill, where his grave-stone says : " An eminently faithful servant of God, and one of a public spirit, was pre- viously slain by the Indians at Kenebec, August 14th, 1676, and here is interred, March 13th, following." He left several children at Boston. His inventory (April 14th, 1677) 2445 7 5. En- sign of the Ar. Co. 1660 ; promoted Lieutenant 1661 ; Captain 1662, being the only instance of such regular promotion, and was again Captain, 1674. He was ancestor of the late Sir Bibic Lake. EVAN THOMAS, Boston, vintner; freeman 1641 ; died August 25th, 1661. 1654. JOHN SEVERNE, Boston ; freeman 1637. ENSIGN ELIAS MAVERICK, Charlestown, 1643; free- man 1633. His will speaks of his being of Winnesimett and Boston. Inventory, Nov. 6th, 1684, 820 15 0. 164 He died at Charlestown, says his grave-stone in the old Charlestown burial-ground, Sept. 8th, 1684, aged 80. PETER DUNCAN, Dorchester, son of the charter member. LIEUT. WILLIAM AVERY, Dedham, physician. There is a will of William A very, Suff. Prob. Rec. 1680, book- seller on the back says, now of Boston, formerly of Dedham. He died in Boston. Representative of Spring- field 1669. RICHARD FAIRBANKS, Boston 1637 ; freeman 1634. He was disarmed in 1637 ; removed to Dedham. Artillery Election Sermon, 1654, by Thomas Thacher, Weymouth. 1655. THOMAS BELL, JR, Boston probably son of Thomas, Ar. Co. 1645. ENSIGN JOHN WEBB probably son of John, Ar. Co. 1643. Artillery Election Sermon, in 1655, by Peter Hobart, Hingham. 1656. CAPT. DANIEL TURELL, Boston in 1646, anchorsmith ; died Jan. 23d, 1699. His son, Daniel, Jr, was of the Ar. Co. 1674. ENSIGN WILLIAM BEAMSLEY, Boston ; freeman 1636 ; admitted to the church 1634; died Sept. 29th, 1658. In the Boston Church Records he is styled laborer. Artillery Election Sermon, in 1656, by Richard Ma- ther, Dorchester. 1657. It does not appear that any members were admitted during the year, and few during the years immediately 165 previous and after. It will be recollected that this was during the Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell. The Commonwealth in England furnished better employ- ment for men of military talents, than the wilderness of New England. Possessed, as the Dissenters were, of Church and State, few inducements offered to emigra- tion, and more returned to England than came to New England. Whether the Company adopted any by-laws, agree- able to the provisions of their charter, at the time it was incorporated, it is impossible to determine. It is pre- sumed that Keayne, their patron and founder, was their lawgiver and oracle, during his life ; but, he dying, March 23d, 1656, they saw the necessity, soon after, of establishing rules; and, in September, 1657, it appears it was accordingly so done. None appear to have been sanctioned by the Governor and Council, or General Court, until September, 1677, and they appear to be the only ones ever sanctioned or approved by the Govern- ment, until recently ; and, as the Company record of them is lost, and many years they had been overlooked and forgotten, they are now extracted from the Colony Records : " It is ordered by the Artillery Company in Boston, September 7th, 1657 " 1st. That whereas there is an agreement to order, that every member of the Company is to pay four shillings per year for their quarterages, into the hand of their Clerk ; that whatsoever is due from any of the Company, shall be paid within one month into his hands who is the present Clerk. " 2d. It is further ordered by the Company, that for the time to come, every one who is a member of the Company, shall pay into the hands of the Clerk, upon the election days, or before, his quar- terages for the year past. "3d. It is further ordered by the Company, that the training days for this Company be five yearly, and they to be on the first Mondays of April, May, June, September, and October, yearly; and that every officer and soldier is to appear at their colours by eight of the 166 clock in the morning; and if the Monday prove foul, the Friday after is appointed. " 4th. It is further ordered by the Company, that if any shall neg- lect to appear in arms four training days together, and not give an account of it to the satisfaction of the Company, he shall then pay to the Company what is due, both for fines and quarterages, and have his name put out of the rolls, and no more to be accounted a member of the Company. "5th. It is further ordered by the Company, that if any be chosen to any office in the Company, and hath not borne an higher office in the Company before, and shall refuse to hold the office he is chosen to, he shall pay what arrears he is behind to the Company, and have his name put out of the Company's roll, and no longer be acknowl- edged a member of the Company. " 6th. It is further ordered by the Company, that the Clerk, with- out any further order, shall have full power to distrain for any fine, or quarterages, due to the Company, which shall be unpaid one month after they are due. " 7th. It is further ordered by the Company, that the Clerk shall, every training day, bring the book of the Company's Orders into the field, that it may be there, not only to call over the Company, but to enter any who is admitted, and enter any orders which shall be made. " 8th. It is further ordered by the Company, that the Clerk's ac- counts yearly, shall, after the day of election, and before the next training day in September, be audited by those who were commis- sioned officers the year past, with the Captain and Clerk new chosen, that accounts may be delivered into the new Clerk's hands. " 9th. It is further ordered by the Company, that whereas no town training is to be upon Artillery days, yet the Commander of the Ar- tillery may have liberty to request so much favor of any Captain, and he not be a transgressor of the order, to grant it to meet with his Company upon such days with the Artillery, for the better help- ing forward of discipline in the Company. " 10th. It is further ordered by the Company, that a perfect list shall be taken of members of the Company, and being perfected, shall be called over every training day. It is also desired by the Com- pany, that these several orders may be presented by Major Atherton to the Council for their approbation of them, that so they may carry more authority with them." " April 5th, 1675. It was then voted by the Artillery Company, that the orders of the Company be presented by Thomas Clark, Esq, to the General Court, or Council, for their confirmation. JOHN MORSE, Clerk." 167 " The Court, having perused the above written orders of the Artil- lery Company, do allow and approve thereof. Attest : EDWARD RAWSOJJ, Secretary." The foregoing rules may be considered as the found- ation of many customs, which have been transmitted even to the present day, and have been adhered to by the Company, without a knowledge of their origin. They had slumbered among the old records gf the Col- ony, until accidentally discovered by the compiler. Artillery Election Sermon, for 1657, by Henry Flint, Braintree. 1658. HUDSON LEVERETT, Boston, son of Gov. Leverett, was born 1640. LIEUT. NATHANIEL REYNOLDS, freeman 1665 spelt Reinolls in the old roll. THOMAS JOY, Boston, carpenter ; freeman 1665 ; re- moved to Hingham, and died in 1677 or '8. Winthrop, while speaking of Doct. Child's arrest, 1646, says : " There was also one Thomas Joy, a young fellow, a carpenter, whom they had employed to get hands to the petition ; he began to be very busy, and would know of the Marshal, when he went to search Dand's study, if his warrant were in the King's name, &c. He was laid hold on, and kept in irons about four or five days, and then he humbled himself, confessed what he knew, and blamed himself for meddling in matters belonging not to him, and blessed God for these irons upon his legs, hoping they should do him good while he lived. So he was let out upon reasonable bail." He built and owned the Hingham mills. To his will he made his mark. His son Samuel was of the Ar. Co. 1665. He had an estate near Hancock's wharf. In 1659, the Town-house is mentioned in the records of Boston : 168 " Thomas Joy was the carpenter who built the Town- house, and a final settlement was made, January, 1G61, when he received 680, whereby all contracts with him were performed. This was double the amount of Capt. Keayne's calculation." This Town-house was where the old State House now stands, in State street. RICHARD BAKER, Dorchester; freeman 1642; mem- ber of the church 1639. HENRY MESSINGER, Boston ; freeman 1665 ; joiner ; administration on his estate May 5th, 1681. Simeon Messenger, Ar. Co. 1675, was probably his son. JOSEPH BELKNAP, Boston; freeman 1669. He had seven sons Joseph, Jr, Ar. Co. 1692, when he must have been living. A member and founder of the Old South Church. RICHARD PRICE, Boston; freeman 1665. CAPT. RICHARD GRIDLEY, Boston ; freeman 1634 ; Captain of militia. We suppose his house was near Purchase street, Gridley lane being in that vicinity. He had several sons, some with singular names, such as Belief, and Tremble. He was a subscriber for the en-, couragement of the first free school in Boston, August 12th, 1636. JOSEPH ROCK, Boston ; freeman 1652 ; Constable of Boston 1653, and has the prefix of respect. A member and founder of the Old South Church. CAPT. JOHN SUNDERLAND, Boston ; had sons born there in 1640 and 1646. WILLIAM DINSDALE, Boston ; freeman 1657. JAMES MAVERICK, Boston. CAPT. JOHN ALLEN, Charlestown. SIMON LYNDE, Boston, merchant ; had nine sons and two daughters. 169 RICHARD WOODCOCK, Boston ; died Nov. 12th, 1662. Artillery Election Sermon, for 1658, by John Mayo, Boston. 1659. LIEUT. HUGH DRURY, Boston in 1646. COL. RICHARD WALDRON on the old roll, Major W alder. I have no reason to doubt of its intending the distinguished Major Richard Waldron, from Somerset- shire, England, 1635, who settled at Dover, which he represented at Boston 22 years, from 1 654 ; he was Speaker of the House several years ; Captain, and afterwards Major ; one of the first Counsellors of the province of New Hampshire, 1680, and President 1681, on the death of John Cutt. He was killed by the In- dians, June 27th, 1689, in their attack on Dover, when he was 80 years old. He had numerous children. " The Waldron family," says Farmer, quoting an ancient manuscript letter, " is supposed to be descend- ed from an ancient family in Devonshire, the seat of which was granted by the Crown of England to Richard Walderand, in 1 1 30 ; and to prove the identity of the names, the writer cites Skinner's ^Etymologicon Lin- gua? Anglicanae, as follows : Walarand, olim Pranomen, nunc cognomen, ab Anglo-Sax. Walpian, volvere, et Rand, et Scutum, volvere Scutum, i. e. Clypeum, hue illuc circumagit. Waldron autem cognomen contrac- tum est, a Walarand." Artillery Election Sermon, for 1659, by John Norton, Boston. 1660. ' IU- ' < MAJ. GEN DANIEL DENNISON, son of William, of Roxbury, disarmed 1 637, and who died an old man in 1 653-4 probably brother of the William who had the contest with Capt. Pritchard for the Captaincy of Rox- 23 170 bury. Gen. Dennison was born in England, 1613; was of Cambridge 1633; freeman 1634, when he re- moved to Ipswich, where he afterwards lived and died. He was therefore very young when first a Deputy from Ipswich, 1635, and was continued a Deputy eight years ; Speaker in 1649 and '51. He was Assistant 1653, and twenty-nine years, and died in that station, Sept. 20th, 1682, aged 70. He was Captain of the first volunteer Train-band of Ipswich, 1636; in 164i, became the first Sergeant- major of Essex Regiment; Sergeant Major General, 1653, as successor to Sedgwick. He was elected also to that office in subsequent years. He married Pa- tience, a daughter of Gov. T. Dudley. He was Cap- tain of the Ar. Co. 1660, the first authentic instance of electing a person Commander the year of his admission. He is fondly commemorated by Hubbard, the historian, under whose spiritual guidance he lived, and who preached his funeral sermon. In 1646, he was sent, with Dudley and Hathorne, to treat with D'Aulney ; and, in 1651, he was a Com- missioner in the arduous duty of bringing the people of Maine under subjection to the Massachusetts. He was several years one of the Commissioners of the Massachusetts at the Congress of the Confederated New England Colonies. His judgment was much relied upon in the difficulties between New Haven and the Dutch. His name is also found in the troubles con- cerning the Quakers, 1657. He is spoken of by high authority, as one of the few " popular and well princi- pled men in the magistracy." Savage says : " The moderate spirit, by which he was usually actuated, had not a general spread, yet the continuance of his election to the same rank for many years, where his sympathy was not, in relation to the controversy with the Crown, in unison with that of the people, is evidence of the 171 strong hold his virtues and public labors had acquired." The " Irenicon, or Salve for New England's Sore," of which he was the author, displays his accomplishments as a scholar. Johnson observes, he was " a godly faith- ful man, which is the fountain of true validity ; a good soldier, of a quick capacity, not inferior to any of the chief officers ; his own Company are well instructed in feats of warlike activity." CAPT. JOHN HULL, Boston; freeman 1649; son of Capt. John, Ar. Co. 1638. " He was," says Mather, " the son of a poor woman, but dutiful to and tender of his mother, which Mr. Wilson, his minister, observing, pronounced that God would bless him, and although he was then poor, yet he should raise a large estate." No other colony attempted to coin money but Massachu- setts, and in 1 652 the first money was struck, and for thirty years contained the same date. There was no other impression than N. E. on one side, and XII. VI. or III. on the other, viz : silver coins of shillings, six- pence, and three-pence pieces. " It is certain," says Hutchinson, " that great care was taken to preserve the purity of the coin. In 1651, the Court ordered that all pieces of money should have a double ring, with this inscription : Massachusetts, and a tree in the centre, on . one side, and New England, and the year of our Lord, on the other side. It did not obtain currency any where, otherwise than as bullion, except in the New England Colonies. The Mint Master, John Hull, raised a large fortune by it. He was to coin the money, of the just alloy of the then new sterling English money ; and for all charges which should attend melting, refining and coining, he was to be allowed to take fifteenpence out of every twenty shillings. The Court were afterwards sensible that this was too advantageous a contract, and Mr. Hull was offered a sum of money by the Court to 172 release them from it, but he refused. He left a large estate. Samuel Sewall, Ar. Co. 1679, who married his only daughter, received with her, as was commonly re- ported, thirty thousand pounds in New England shil- lings." It is said, that when dressed for the wedding, and in presence of the guests, her father placed her in his large scales, and piled on the silver shillings in the other until they weighed her down. This marriage happened Feb. 14th, 1658. Capt. Hull was Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1663 ; Lieu- tenant 1664; Commander 1671 and 1678. He must have been 54 years old when last its Captain. He con- tinued a member to his death. He was one of those persons who, like his father, kept a book in which he took minutes of the sermons preached at the Court and Artillery Elections, in short hand mostly, and the preach- er's name, text, and place of residence ; to the preser- vation of which we are now indebted for the knowledge of that list in the earlier years. I observe on the blank leaves, quotations from Erasmus, Sophocles, Aristotle, &c ; whence I conclude, since some quotations are in Greek, that he was a great student and reader in the ancient languages. I have one of these books, consist- ing exclusively of Court and Artillery Election Sermons, which is of the pocket size, and originally fastened by brass clasps, in which are numerous quotations from the above authors, and from Scripture, and arranged under heads like the following : " Memento se esse mortalem," " be courageous," " be humble." One of his max- ims, written in English, apparently in the quivering hand of old age, is " The affairs of our estate are come to that pass, that though we be bound to feel them, we have no leisure to report them." This volume contains these verses : t -N " He that will grateful here to all be thought, Must give, accept, demand, much, little, nought." 173 Capt. Hull was Representative* for Wenham, 1668 j for Westfield, 1671 to 1674, and Salisbury, 1679. He was Treasurer of Massachusetts 1676, an Assistant 1680, and died Sept. 29th, 1683, aged 59. The Boston News Letter says a John Hull died at Boston Oct. 1st, 1683, aged 59. This must be the day of his burial. He was one of the principal founders of the Old South Church in 1669, and continued a member there during life. He gave a legacy of 100 to Harvard College. ZACHARIAH PHILLIPS, Boston ; was killed by the In- dians at Brookfield, August, 1675. LIEUT. MATHEW BARNARD, Boston ; freeman 1673. LIEUT. DANIEL TURIN. Artillery Election Sermon, for 1660, by Samuel Whiting, Lynn. Printed. 1661. LIEUT. WILLIAM HOWARD, Boston, merchant ; came from the city of London. His will was proved Nov. 15th, 1725, and therein is called glover, late of London, now of Boston. CAPT. JOHN PEASE, probably removed to Elifield be- fore 1684. GEORGE MAY, freeman 1665. ROBERT SANFORD, Boston in 1650; freeman 1652; sometimes spelt Sampford. EDWARD PAGE. Artillery Election Sermon, for 1661, by Samuel Ward,f Ipswich. * This could not be his father, of the Ar. Co. 1638, for he died July 28th, 1663, aged 73. t Farmer questions whether this Christian name should be Samuel* I give it on the authority of the Hull and Sewall manuscript. See John Hull, ante. 174 1662. WILLIAM CLEMENTS, Cambridge in 1636. JOHN CONEY, Boston ; died Dec. 24th, 1690 ; some- times spelt Conney. RICHARD BARNARD, Boston ; died Dec. 20th, 1706. GEORGE NOWELL, probably son of Increase, of Charlestown. CAPT. ANTHONY CHECKLEY, Boston, merchant ; an- cestor of the graduates of this name at Harvard College. Ensign of the 'Ar. Co. 1680; Lieutenant 1683. His will, 1704, proved Dec. 31st, 1708. Col. Samuel, Ar. Co. 1678, was his son. NATHANIEL HUNN, Boston. JOSEPH GRIDLEY, Boston, brick-maker, son of Capt. R. Gridley, Ar. Co. 1658, and father of Capt. R. Grid- ley, Ar. Co. 1695. His will was proved April 14th, 1687. BELIEF GRIDLEY, Boston, brother of the preceding. SETH PERRY, Boston, born 1639 ; son of Arthur Perry, Ar. Co. 1 638 ; the Town drummer and first Company drummer. He was a member of the Old South Church. RETURN WAITE. Artillery Election Sermon, 1662, by John Higginson, Salem. 1663. ENSIGN EPHRAIM TURNER, Boston; freeman 1666; son of Lieut. R. Turner, Ar. Co. 1640. Artillery Election Sermon, 1663, by Thomas Shepard, Charlestown 1st Samuel, XXII. 14th. 175 1664. DAVID SEWALL. JOSEPH TURNER, Boston ; probably son of Lieut. R. Turner. Artillery Election Sermon, 1664, by James Allen, Boston Joshua I. 9th. 1665. CAPT. HABIJAH SAVAGE, Boston ; eldest son of Maj. Thomas, Ar. Co. 1637 ; born at Boston, August 1st, 1638; graduated at Harvard College 1659; admitted freeman 1665; Captain of militia, and died in 1668 or 9. He married Hannah, a daughter of Hon. Edward Tyng, May 8th, 1661. He had four children, the two last daughters, twins, 1667, August 27th. LIEUT. COL. THOMAS SAVAGE, Boston, shop-keeper ; second child of Maj. T. Savage, and brother of the pre- ceding ; born May 28th, 1640; died July 2d, 1705, aged 65. He had nine children. His will mentions his sons, Thomas, Ar. Co. 1693; Habijah, Ar. Co. 1699, and Arthur, Ar. Co. 1738. Thomas Fitch and B. Pemberton, both of the Ar. Co. appraisers. He left but small estate. There was an inventory, March 24th, 1714-15, which I presume to be his, wherein his house and land are appraised at 900. A member of the Old South Church. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1681. He was a militia officer in Boston, and rose to the rank of Lieut. Col. of the Boston Regiment, 1702, in which office he died. He was also an officer in Sir William Phipps's expedition to Canada, 1690-91, and commanded a regiment. CAPT. HUMPHREY DAVIE, Boston, brazier ; freeman 1665 ; spelt by Farmer, Davy. Representative of Bil- lerica from 1666 to '9, and for his services received, by 176 vote of the town, the present of " a fat beast." He represented VVoburn in 1678, and was Assistant from 1679 to '86. Administration on his estate, December 29th, 1718. HEZEKIAH USHER, Boston ; son of H. Usher, Ar. Co. 1638; born at Cambridge, June, 1639 ; died at Lynn, July llth, 1697, and buried at Boston, in the Chapel ground. He left a long and curious will. CAPT. JOHN MILLS, Boston ; member of the first church; requested to be freeman 1630, and made free- man 1632 or '3, there being two of that name. Two of his children were named Joy and Recompense. He may have been the John Mills, Town Clerk of Brain- tree in 1653. SAMUEL JOY, Boston ; born in 1639 ; son of Thomas, Ar. Co. (JOHN) TAYLOR, Cambridge ; freeman 1651 ; died at Cambridge, Sept. 7th, 1683, aged 73. This name was omitted in the former edition. It may have been the James Taylor, of Boston, freeman 1683 ; Representa- tive 1689 and 1693; but he probably was too young to be the person intended. JONATHAN SHRIMPTON, Boston ; probably brother of Henry Shrimpton, of Bednall Green, near London, and uncle of Col. Samuel, Ar. Co. 1670. The Militia of Massachusetts in 1665, says Hutchin- son, were " about 4000 foot, and 400 horsemen might be in the lists, but aged and infirm were excused." Artillery Election Sermon, 1665, by Increase Mather, Boston Ephes. VI. llth. 1666. JOHN PAINE, Ipswich ; went to Nantucket, where he died, July 13th, 1677 ; sometimes spelt Payne. 177 THOMAS SNAWSNELL, Boston in 1665 ; spelt by Far- mer, Snowsell. CAPT. BENJAMIN GIBBS, Boston, merchant; admitted to the 1st church July 13th, 1662. He had several child- ren born in Boston. He was a donor of 50 to Harvard College, in 1673; a founder and member of the Old South Church. Josselyn speaks of his new house as being a stately edifice/ which, it is thought, will stand him in little less than 3000, before it be fully finished. THOMAS WATKINS, Boston 1652; died December 16th, 1689. THOMAS SANDFORD, admitted freeman 1637, by the name of Sampford, or his son. CAPT. THEOPHILUS FRARY, Boston in 1657; son of John Frary of Medfield ; was a cordwainer ; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1674 ; Lieutenant in 1675; Captain 1682. Representative of Boston 1689 to 1695, and 1699 ; the whole delegation of Boston that year having been elect- ed for some particular purpose. He died October 17th, 1700. A founder and member of the Old South Church, and violently opposed to the Episcopal Church. Wor- ship according to their forms had not been attempted in public, until Andross's arrival. Our forefathers abhor- red all sects but their own, and the Episcopalians equally with Catholics. In 1688, Randolph endeavored to es- tablish worship in that form, and wrote in pressing terms to the Bishop of London on the subject. Hutchinson, in a note, observes: "A dispute happened at the grave of one Lilly. He left the ordering of his funeral to his executors. They forbad Mr. Ratclifle, the Episcopal minister, performing the service for burial. Neverthe- less, he began. Deacon Frairey interrupted him, and a stop was put to his proceeding. Frairey was com- plained of, and besides being bound to his good be- havior for twelve months, it was thought the process 23 178 would cost him 100 marks." " Moody* s letter to Ma- ther:" "Among other complaints against Sir E. An- dross, this was one, " that the service of the Church of England had been forced into their meeting houses." " This was an equivocal expression. Sir Edmund had made use of a meeting-house for the church service, against the wills of the proprietors, but after their ser- vice was over, and compelled no Congregationalist to join with him. Indeed, he threatened to shut up the doors, if he was refused, and to punish any man who gave two pence towards the support of a non-conformist minister." Capt. Frary is the man here intended. He was elect- ed Deacon of the Old South Church, Nov. 5th, 1685; and no doubt that is the meeting-house referred to. If Andross had never done any thing worse than introduce the Episcopal mode of worship, his name would not have been covered with so much obloquy. The. worthy Deacon could not foresee, that in less than 100 years, that same Church would be indebted to the liberality of King's Chapel for the privilege of worship ; for, while the British, in the Revolutionary war, made a riding- school, or circus, of the Old South, the congregation mingled with their Episcopalian brethren. THOMAS HULL, Boston. This may have been a brother of Capt. John Hull, the Assistant. His inven- tory, 167 1 6, appears in 1670. RICHARD JENCKS, Boston ; admitted to the 2d church October, 1682. HUGH CLARKE, Watertown in 1640; admitted free- man 1660, and died at Roxbury, July 20th, 1693. CAPT. LAWRENCE HAMMors 7 D, Charlestown ; freeman 1666; Captain of militia; Representative of C. 1672, for six years. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1670, Lieutenant 179 1672. He died at Boston, July 29th, 1699. His in- ventory appears on the SufF. Prob. Rec. Nov. 6th, 1699. WILLIAM SEDGWICK, Boston; son of the charter member. ENSIGN TOBIAS DAVIS, Roxbury, yeoman ; died in 1690. DANIEL BREWER, Roxbury; freeman 1634; died January 9th, 1689, aged 84. CAPT. PHILIP CURTIS, Roxbury, where he was Lieu- tenant of militia. He was slain in battle by the Indians, at Hassanamesset, Grafton, Mass., Nov. 9th, 1675. He acted as Lieutenant, under Capt. Henchman, in the ex- pedition against King Philip's Indians, when he was slain. He was a brave soldier. Artillery Election Sermon, 1666, by Edmund Browne, Sudbury Luke III. 14th. In September, 1666, a Sermon was preached before the Company, at Charlestown, by Rev. John Higginson of Salem, from Exodus, XV. 3d. Sermons were preach- ed other than on their Anniversary, in June, as follows: In 1669, Sept. at Charlestown, by Thomas Thacher of Boston, from Psalms, LX. 4th ; in 1670, Sept. at Charlestown, by Zachariah Whitman of Hull, from Heb. XIII ; in 1677, Sept. at , by Urian Oakes, of , from Eccles. IX. 1 1 th, which was printed, and is now before me. In recurring to old Almanacks, 1 find the following: For years 1674, '9, '80, '3, '6, say " Artillery Election at Salem," first Monday of July. Those for 1674, '9, '83, '5, '6, say Artillery Election at Cambridge," 2d Monday of September. Those for 1679, '83, '94, '6, to 1710, except 1706, '14, '15, 17, say " Artillery Election at Boston," 1st Monday of June. Tully's Almanack for 1699, May 30th, being the last Tuesday, says, "Artillery Election, Concord;" and 1st Monday in June, says, " Artillery Election, Boston." 180 The custom of monthly trainings had not then be- come obsolete, and it is probable they were all called election days, and that in June the anniversary election of officers. No notice appears of their being called so after this period. It is most probable they had a ser- mon, or religious services, every training day, at first, especially a sermon in September. These training days are now called field days, and they have no re- ligious exercises, except the annual election sermon, in June. They hence must have trained in ancient times, except in June, in any of the towns of the colony, or province, as convenience dictated. In modern times, they are confined to Boston, excepting short excursions in the vicinity. 1667. ENSIGN FREEGRACE BENDALL, Boston, merchant ; born at Boston, 1636 ; was the eldest son of Edward Bendall, Ar. Co. 1638. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1676. ENSIGN WILLIAM KENT, Boston ; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1673, and died June 9th, 1691. JOHN RATCLIFFE, bookseller. ENSIGN GEORGE BROUGHTON, is mentioned by Hub- bard, Indian Wars, as of Salmon Falls River in 1675. CAPT. NATHANIEL WILLIAMS, Boston, born 1642 ; son of Lieut. Nathaniel, Ar..Co. 1644; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1684, Lieutenant 1693. A member of the Old South Church, and elected Deacon Oct. 15th, 1693. SAMUEL BOSWORTH, Boston ; son of Zacheus, Ar. Co. 1650; married the second daughter of Thomas Bomsted, Ar. Co. 1647. " After forty years," says Hutchinson, " the greatest part of our first emigrants had finished their pilgrimage, and were arrived at the place of their everlasting abode. 181 Some of them lamented their being born too soon to see New England in its most flourishing state. This will be the case with their posterity, for many generations." Artillery Election Sermon, 1667, by Samuel Dan- forth, Roxbury Exodus XVII. 1 1th. 1668. THOMAS FOSTER, Boston; member of the church 1640; freeman 1642; styled in the church records, gunner. LIEUT. JOHN CRAFTS, or Craft, Roxbury ; born 1630 ; married 1654, and died Sept. 3d, 1685. EDWARD TYNG, JR, Boston ; second son of Maj. Gen. Edward, Ar. Co. 1642. He was one of Sir E. Andross's Council, 1687 ; appointed Governor of Annapolis, and was taken prisoner on his passage to that place ; carried into France, where he died. JOSEPH LYALL, Boston, lawyer, (sometimes spelt Lisle,) son of Francis, Ar. Co. 1640 ; born in Boston, 1642. Artillery Election Sermon, 1668, by John Wilson, Medfield Luke XIX. 42d. 1669. EDWARD SHIPPEN, Boston ; ancestor of Judge Ship- pen ; removed to Philadelphia, where he became their first Mayor, under the City Charter of 1701. JAMES RUSSELL, ESQ, Charlestown; freeman 1668; son of the Hon. Richard Russell, Ar. Co. 1644; born Oct. 4th, 1640, at Charlestown. Representative 1679; Assistant 1680 to 1686 ; one of President Dudley's Council; a member of the Council of Safety, 1689; one of the two who signed the order to have Castle Island delivered up, and appears one of the leading 182 men in the operations of that day. A Counsellor under the new charter, 1692 ; also a Judge, and Treasurer of Massachusetts. His wife was Maybel, daughter of Gov. Haynes. He died April 28th, 1709, aged 68. Artillery Election Sermon, 1669, by Samuel Torrey, Weymouth Psalms LXXII. 2d. 1670. COL. SAMUEL SHRIMPTON, Boston ; born in Boston, 1643; freeman 1673; was an eminent merchant of Boston. He was elected an officer of militia when a private of this Company ; and his military talents must have been great, for at that period (a thing unusual) he was (1672) Ensign of the Ar. Co., and promoted Lieu- tenant 1673. He was very active in the revival of the Company, after Andross's usurpation, and made the Colonel of the Suffolk Regiment, April 20th, 1689 the first person in that station after the abolition of the office of Serjeant-major, as commander of a regiment. Captain of the Ar. Co. 1694, the twenty-fourth year of his membership. He died while in the office of Colonel, Feb. 5th, 1698, aged 55. He was one of Sir E. Andross's Council in 1687, and one of the Council of Safety on his deposition, 1689. It appears he was a great landholder. He was buried Feb. 14th, with great solemnity. " Vir patriae* clarus." He was an ancestor of Gen. William H. Sumner, Ar. Co. 1819. COL. JONATHAN TYNG, Woburn, (by some of Dun- stable,) born at Boston, Dec. 15th, 1642. He was one of Sir E. Andross's Council in 1687 ; a magistrate and man of influence. He married the daughter of Heze- kiah Usher, for his first wife, and Judith, his second, survived him, dying June 5th, 1736, aged 99. He died * Says an old Almanack. 183 Jan. 1 9th, 1 724, aged 82. His children lived in Tyngs- boro' and Chelmsford, Mass. The following is extract- ed from the News Letter, No. 1043, one of the first newspapers in New England : " Woburn, Lord's Day, Jan. 19th, 1723-4. We were here entertained with a very loud memento mori. The Hon. Col. Jonathan Tyng, Esq, walking to the place of public worship in the afternoon, expired as soon as he got into his seat, during the time of the first prayer, aged 81. His faith and holiness were so apparent, that we were persuaded he was conveyed to the assembly of the first born in Heaven, to bear a part with them in glorifying their Creator and Redeemer." COL. ELISHA HUTCHINSON, Boston, merchant ; born 1641 ; was the eldest son of Capt. Edward, Ar. Co. 1638 ; admitted freeman 1668; Representative of Bos- ton in 1680, &c. ; Assistant in 1684, '5, '6 ; one of the Council 1689, and under the new, or Provincial Charter in 1692, and continued in the Council to his death, Dec. 10th, 1717, in his 77th year. He was a Captain of the Boston Militia ; Sergeant-Major of the Regiment, as successor of John Richards, and vt$s the last person who ever sustained that office. On the reorganization of the Militia, he was Major of the Suffolk, Boston, Regiment, under Col. Shrimpton; in 1694, Lieutenant Colonel, and, 1699, Colonel, which office he held till 1703. He was Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1671 ; Lieuten- ant 1674; Captain 1676. He continued a member through the troubles of Andross's administration, and was the principal and leading character who caused the re- suscitation of the Company afterwards, being chosen, in the autumn of 1690, to command a second time, until the next regular anniversary election. A third time commander, in 1697, and continued a member 47 years, to his death. 184 His wife was a daughter of Major Clarke, an eminent merchant, whose store, &c, at the North End, long con- tinued in the family by the name of Hutchinson's Wharf. His house was in the North square. This part of the town, about his day, became the " Court End" where the heaviest shipping laded and unladed, and the most extensive business was transacted. His son Thomas was of the Ar. Co. 1694, and grandfather of Governor Hutchinson, of Revolutionary fame. He was in London, 1688, and joined in a remon- strance to King James II. He had been commander at Castle William, and sustained that office when Dudley arrived, but was removed to make way for the new order of things, and succeeded by Lieut. Gov. Povey after which, and until the Revolution, that office was a sine- cure. He was one of the Commissioners, with Towns- end and Leverett, to Port Royal, in 1707; commander of the Colonial forces when the new charter arrived, having so disposed of them as to cover the eastern fron- tier, after the destruction of York, and having his head- quarters at Portsmouth. THOMAS NORMAN. He may have been a son or grandson of Richard N. of Salem, who came to N. . 1627, and died there, 1683. Artillery Election Sermon, 1670, by John Oxen- bridge, Boston. 1671. JOHN LOWLE, Boston, cooper. He is probably the son of Percival Lowle, who came from Bristol, Eng- land, a merchant, and settled atNewbury. John Lowle appears to have been of Boston in 1 655, and died June 7th, 1694 ; administration on his estate Sept. 27th, 1694. He had a son, John. This name is now spelt Lowell ; from Percival, the Rev. Charles, D. D. of Boston, and 183 i the Hon. John, a distinguished lawyer of Boston, and farmer of Roxbury, (quondam rebel,) are descended. ENSIGN THOMAS THACHER, JR, Boston; son of Rev. Thomas, first Minister of the Old South Church ; En- sign of the Ar. Co. 1 675, and died at Boston, April 2d, 1686. CAPT. JOHN WING, Boston, mariner ; born in Boston, 1637; son of Robert. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1677; Lieutenant 1682; Captain 1693. He took an active part in the resuscitation of the Company after Andross's usurpation, and continued a member to his decease. Farmer thinks that he died Feb. 22d, 1704 ; but I find a will of John Wing, master mariner, of Boston, in the Suff. Prob. Rec., dated Feb. 24th, 1701, and proved March the 1 2th, 1 702-3. His inventory, by H . During, Ar. Co. 1682, and J. Marion, jr, Ar. Co. 1691, apprais- ers, amounts to 125 15. He was a member of the Old South Church. NEHEMIAH PIERCE, Boston ; son of John, of Dorches- ter; born 1639; died in 1691. ENSIGN JOHN MORSE, Boston, shop-keeper ; Clerk of the Ar. Co. in 1675, when the first Rules were made; probably the son of John, one of the earliest settlers of Dedham, and born 1639. LIEUT. GEN. JOHN WALLET,* Boston ; admitted while a private citizen, and soon after has the title of Ensign, probably a militia officer. His name appears afterwards as a bondsman ; as Lieutenant, 1678 ; then Captain, Major, and Colonel. I suppose he held all the offices in the Boston militia. He was elected Major of the Boston Regiment, 1699, and soon after Colonel. The office of Major he held probably as commander of a 1 * I strongly believe he might be a relative of the regicide who fled to this coun- try, lived in fear, and died in obscurity, in the interior of Massachusetts. 94 !86 i . regiment, under Gov. Phipps, against the French and Indians in Canada, in 1690; he commanded the first expedition against them, Feb. 12th, 1689. He rose to be Lieut. General of his Majesty's forces against them, and is the only person on the roll that -ever sustained that rank. He commanded the Company three times : 1679, 1699, and 1707; in the two last, he is styled Lieut. General. He must, therefore, have been an ac- tive member at least 36 years, and exerted himself in its revival. He continued a member to his death, Jan. llth, 1712. *' At the first election," under the new charter, says Htltchinson, " it was ma< DAVID JESSE, Boston, goldsmith, died before 1706. CAPT. JOHN GERRISH, Boston, grandson of William, the Captain of the first Train-band, of Newbury. His -grave-stone, in the Chapel ground, is not legible, ex- cept the name. EDMUND KNIGHT. HENRY JONES. COL. THOMAS FITCH, Boston, merchant ; Captain of militia, 1700; Major of Boston regiment, 1712; Lieut. Colonel and Colonel, 1717; when he resigned is not known. Treasurer of the Ar. Co. also Lieutenant 1705; Captain 1708, 1720 and 1725; Representative and Councillor. He was long a very useful member of the Ar. Co A member of the Old South Church. His will, proved June 30th, 1736, " bequeaths 300 to Harvard College, for the education of scholars of good capacities for the work of the ministry." His inventory amounted to 2040 15 3, which may not be valued in depreciated currency. The expenses of his funeral were enormous, being 162. He was buried in his tomb, No. 19, Chapel ground, now the property of the Peirce family, who descended from him in the female line. COL. EDWARD WINSLOW, Boston, goldsmith, proba- bly the son of Edward, of Boston, mariner. He was a Captain of militia ; Major of Boston regiment, April, 1729; Colonel, 1733; Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1711 ; Captain, 1714 and 1729. A member of the Old South Church, and undoubtedly connected with the Winslows of Plymouth Colony. Col. Winslow was born 1669, and died 1753, aged 83. He was the first Sheriff of Suffolk, of whom we have any knowledge. The office of Sheriff was unknown in Massachusetts until 1692, and was appointed by the King till the Revolution. CAPT. JONATHAN POLLARD, Boston. Will, proved August 9th, 1725, speaks of his house in Brattle street. Inventory 2,000. WIGGLESWORTH SwEETsm, Boston, tailor, in King street. Administration, 1745. WATERHOUSE FERNLY. PETER WYER. SILENCE ALLEN, Boston, cordwainer. CAPT. PENN TOWNSEND, JR, Boston, son of Col. Penn, Ar. Co. 1674. Captain in the militia. He graduated at Harvard College, 1693. EDWARD OAKES, Boston, shopkeeper. LIEUT. BENJAMIN GUSHING. 241 The Records mention a revision of the By-Laws, by the Company, Boston, Sept. 2d, 1700. By them the Company were governed many years, with trifling alter- ations. Most of the orders made, 1 657, were preserved, and those introduced as new, are as follows : "Imprimis. That the successors of Robert Keayne, Nathaniel Duncan, merchants ; Robert Sedgwick, gentleman ; and William Spencer, merchant, and such as are by them admitted into the Ar- tillery Company, are declared and allowed to be the present mem- bers of said Company ; and such as from time to time they shall admit, shall enjoy the privileges and grants that have been, or that may be, given and allowed to them; and as they have been, so shall continue to be called, the Military Company of the Massachusetts. " 12th. That hereafter the training days shall be annually, the election day, being the first Monday in June, the first Monday in September, the afternoon of the first Monday in October, the after- noon of the first Monday in April, and the whole day on the first Monday in May. " 13th. That the drummers beat in season, each training day, and be at the place of parade, the whole days at eight of the clock in the morning, and on the half days at one, on the penalty of two shillings and six pence fine, to be paid to the Clerk, for the use of the Company ; and the Sergeants to appear at the place of parade, before nine of the clock on the whole days, and by two on the half days, on the penalty of one shilling, to be paid as aforesaid ; and every soldier that appears not at the place of parade, ready to be drawn up by nine in the morning on the whole days, and by two on the half days, shall pay six pence, unless his excuse be allowed by the Company. " 14th. That every soldier belonging to the Company, not under obligations to any of the companies of militia in Boston, shall, for every day he omits or neglects to appear in arms in said Company, pay one shilling, fine ; and the officers of the other companies in Boston, that do or may belong to this Company, shall be liable to the like fine. " 15th. It is further agreed, not only by former grants, but with the consent of the several commanders of the militia of Boston, that out of the several companies of the town of Boston, there may be listed forty soldiers, and no more, belonging to said companies, which shall be excused from any fine or penalty, on common train- ings ; always provided, they appear on each of the Artillery training 31 242 days, or for default to pay six shillings fine, for the use of the Company. " 16th. That every one that is admitted into the Company, at his listing shall not pay less than one shilling entrance money to the Clerk, towards bearing the charge of the Company. " 17th. That if any of the forty persons that shall be accepted by the Company, and are excused from common trainings, be chosen into any place that excuses them from training in the other military companies, they shall then, if they continue in the Artillery Com- pany, be no longer under the penalty of six shillings for non-appear- ance, but liable to the fine of one shilling, as others under the like circumstances, and that others may be admit^d in their room to make up the number of forty, as aforesaid. " 18th. That upon reasonable request of any member of the Company, they may have their dismission granted. " 19th. That such as now, or hereafter shall be accounted mem- bers of the said Company, shall subscribe to these articles ; the further to oblige themselves, and especially with respect to their subjecting themselves to the Clerk's power ex qfficio of distraining for fines, that any shall neglect or refuse to pay." Artillery Election Sermon, 1700, by Benjamin Wads- worth, Boston Isaiah III. 2d. Printed. 1701. GEORGE DRIVER. CHRISTOPHER MYNGS. THOMAS GODFREY. THOMAS FOSTER, Boston, brazier, father of Thomas, 1718. FRANCIS CLARKE. ANTIPAS TOREY. JOHN COOKSON, Boston, gunsmith. CAPT. NATHANIEL OLIVER, Boston and Chelsea ; grandson of Capt. Peter, Ar. Co. 1643 ; Captain of militia; Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1717. He died at Chelsea, Jan. 1st, 1769, aged 87. He graduated at Har. Col. 1701. A member of the Old South. 243 Artillery Election Sermon, 1701, by Ebenezer Pern- berton, Boston Luke III. 2d. Printed. 1702. COL. SIR CHARLES HOBBY, Boston ; son of William Hobby, of Boston, merchant. He obtained the order of knighthood for his fortitude at the time of the earth- quake in Jamaica.* " He was a candidate to supplant Gov. Joseph Dudley; and Gov. D.'s enemies prevailed upon him to go to England and solicit for the govern- ment. He was recommended to Sir H. Ashurst, the friend and agent of the colony, who at first gave en- couragement of success. Hobby was a gay man, a free liver, and of very different behaviour from what one would have expected should have recommended him to the clergy of New England ; and yet such is the force of party prejudice, that it prevails over religion itself, and some of the most pious ministers strongly urged in their letters, that he might be appointed their Governor instead of Dudley." He had returned from England without success, in 1710, and had command of one of the Massachusetts regiments raised to take Port Royal. He was senior officer, and the expedition resulted in the surrender of the place. He was the third instance of being chosen commander the year of admission, and 1713. At one time he owned and occupied a large house in King street, consumed by the great fire in 1711. His mansion house was in Marlborough (Wash- ington) street. His inventory, 1715, mentions six slaves, valued at 300. His estate was represented insolvent, May 5th, 1716. His lady survived him. A fine portrait of Sir C. said to have been taken in Lon- don by the celebrated Sir Peter Lely, is now (1833) in the possession of a descendant of Mr. John Colman, * Hutchinson intimates, " for the further consideration of jSOO." 244 who married the sister of Sir C. in Cambridge, Mass. Sir C. died in London, in 1714. COL. EDWARD HUTCHINSON, Boston, merchant; born in Boston ; was son of Col. Elisha, Ar. Co. 1670 ; Cap- tain of militia ; Major of Boston Regiment ; Lieut. Col. 1717 ; Colonel in 1729, and resigned 1733. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1711 ; Lieutenant 1713; Captain in 1717, 1724 and 1730. He was a very useful member to his decease. Representative ; one of the five Trustees of the first bills of credit, or paper money, issued by the Provincial Government, 1714. His will was proved April 24th, 1752. HON. WILLIAM DUMMER, ESQ, Boston. Lieut. Gov- ernor under Shute. During his troublesome adminis- tration we hear little of him ; the salary was small, and the office nominal. In 1720, the Court reduced the annual grant from 50 to 35. " Mr. Dummer had so much spirit, that he enclosed the vote in a letter to the Speaker, acquainting him that, 'having the honor to bear the King's commission for Lieutenant Governor of the Province, and having been annually more than 50 out of pocket in that service, he did not think it for his honor to accept of their grant.' ' In 1722, the admin- istration devolved upon him, Gov. Shute having left the province for England, and he acted as Commander-in- Chief until the arrival of Gov. Burnet. " Having spent some time in England, knowing what conduct would be approved of there, and well acquainted with the tempers of his countrymen, he very prudently aimed rather at an easy administration, than at any thing great and striking acting in the most common affairs by advice of Council." In 1725, a favorable treaty with the Eastern Indians, " his pacific measures and accom modation or suspension of some of the controverted points," and his favoring a Synod of the clergy, which, 245 having been laid aside several years, had reduced their influence, rendered him popular at home, but incurred the displeasure of Shute, and of royalty. Gov. Burnet arrived and assumed the duties of his office in 1728, but dying, Sept. 7th, 1729, Dummer reassumed the admin- istration, until superseded by Lieut. Gov. Tailor, shortly before Gov. Belcher's arrival in 1730. He then re- tired to private life. He was Captain of the Ar. Co. 1719, while Lieut. Governor. He never sustained any office in the militia. In his will he gives two legacies to Harvard College, viz : 66 136; also, 133 6 8. From his funeral ser- mon, by Rev. Mather Byles, I presume he was a mem- ber of Hollis street Church, from the Appendix of which the following is extracted : " Boston, Oct. 10th, 1761. Departed this life, aged 83,* the Hon. William Dummer, Esq, and on the 16th his funeral was attended with every mark of respect due to so eminent a person. Scarce any one ever passed this life with a more unspotted character, or per- formed its various duties with more universal esteem. In the gayest scenes' of youth, he was preserved from the destructive paths of vice ; and in maturer age, was a shining example of the most amiable vir- tues. The wise, incorrupt, and successful administration of Mr. Dummer, will always be remembered with honor, and considered as a pattern worthy the imitation of all future Governors ; uninfluenced by party prejudices, superior to all mercenary attachments, he dis- covered no passion in his public character, but love to his country, and fidelity to his royal master. He retired to enjoy private life, with the approbation of a good conscience, and the applause of his coun- try. In his domestic character, he appeared the affectionate hus- band, the indulgent master, the benevolent friend. Inspired with a profound veneration of the Supreme Being, firmly attached to the religion of Jesus ; he received its doctrines with submission, attend- ed its institutions with reverence, and practised its precepts with uniformity. At his death, he left a great part of his estate to pious *Gov. D. is said to have died aged 82 see Hist, of Harvard College, p. 198. He bequeathed the income of 100 sterling to the two Hollis Professors in Har- vard College, to he equally divided between them, and 50 sterling to be laid out in books for the Library. Dummer Academy, at Newbury, was founded by him. 246 and charitable uses. Having served his generation, by the will of God, he fell asleep in a joyful expectation of a resurrection to eter- nal life." BENJAMIN SIMPSON, Boston ; member of the Old South Church. OLIVER WILLIAMS. CAPT. TIMOTHY CLARKE, Boston ; Captain of militia. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1706; Representative; in- ventory 1725. JOHN Mico, Boston, merchant. Inventory 1719 11230 17 0. WILLIAM KEEN, Boston. JOHN NICHOLS, Boston, merchant. Will dated Dec. 7th, 1710. EDWARD LYDE, ESQ, Boston, merchant; Naval Offi- cer of the port. His father-in-law, Gov. Belcher, was ordered by the King to remove him from that office, though he performed the duties to universal acceptance ; but he was obliged to obey, or lose his own office: THOMAS PALMER, Boston. THOMAS NEWTON, Boston, lawyer ; Secretary of New Hampshire. His Majesty's Attorney General for Massachusetts Bay, 1704 ; Deputy Judge, and Judge of the Admiralty ; Comptroller of the Customs, and for many years one of the chief lawyers of Boston. He was born in England, June 10th, 1660, being Whitsunday, and died at Portsmouth, N. H., May 28th, 1721, (Whitsunday) aged 60. He was educated in England, and beloved, both there and here ; one who carried himself just and well in every station, being affable, courteous, and circumspect, of strict devotion towards God, ex- emplary for family government, as well as humanity to all. A lover of all good men, and therefore the more lamented at his death. His funeral was attended by the Governor, his Majesty's Council, with other principal gentlemen.* 'Extracted from the Boston News Letter of June 5th, 1721. 247 He lived in Queen (Court) street, and was an Epis- copalian. He signed the remonstrance to the Queen, respecting Dudley's arbitrary conduct as Governor. ENSIGN SIMEON STOOD ARD, JR, Boston, shop-keeper; son of Simeon, Ar. Co. 1675. Inventory, 1732, 1892 190. A member of the Old South. LOVET SANDERS. CALVIN GALPINE, Boston ; administration to his wife, 1729. SETH DWIGHT, Boston. JOHN SOAMES, Boston. CAPT. JOHN GEORGE, Boston, merchant. Will proved Nov. 27th, 1714. I suppose him a founder of the first Baptist Church in Boston, and who suffered persecu- tion. A member of the Old South Church. CAPT. THOMAS SMITH, Boston, merchant, Esquire. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1713 ; Lieutenant 1715 ; Captain 1722. Administration to his widow and son, 1741 . In- ventory, 5743 10 3 among which was 145 ounces of silver plate. A member of the Old South Church. CAPT. ADINO BULFINCH, Boston, sail-maker ; came from England in 1680. His son graduated at Harvard College, 1718. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1715. His will, proved June 1 7th, 1 746, speaks of his being advanced in years. Ancestor of Charles Bulfinch, Esq, long a Selectman of Boston. CAPT. EDWARD MARTYN, Boston, merchant. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1710; Lieutenant 1712; Captain 1715. He probably died young. A will appeared, dated May 1st, 1717, wherein he gives the improvement of all his estate to his wife, to bring up his children. The first account was 17601 18 1 ; debts, 10439 5 0. His 248 tomb, No. 10, Copp's Hill, is now called "Martyn's tomb." ISAAC SPENCER. Artillery Election Sermon, 1702, by Benjamin Col- man, Boston Heb. XL 33d. Printed. 1703. THOMAS LEVERETT, Boston ; probably son of Hudson^ Ar. Co. 1656. AMBROSE VINCENT, Boston. WILLIAM CLARKE, Boston; member of O. S. Church. THOMAS NEWTON, Boston; son of Thomas, 1702. JOSEPH CALLENDER. CAPT. THOMAS BAKER, Boston. WILLIAM IVORY. JOSEPH BRISCOE, Boston. LIEUT. JOHN BAKER, Boston, brazier ; brother of Thomas. A member of O. S. Church. ISAAC QUEENOICAULT. * . WILLIAM FRARY, Boston ; probably son of Theophi- lus, Ar. Co. 1666. WILLIAM HUTCHINSON, Boston; brother-in-law to T. Palmer, Ar. Co. 1702. Representative 1721, but died during the year, with the small-pox, by inoculation. Hutchinson, the historian, to whom he was nearly re- lated, says : " He was a gentleman of a very fair char- acter, sensible, virtuous, discreet, and of an independent fortune. He began his political life at a time when persons, thus qualified, were wanted for the service of their country, to moderate the passions of those who were less temperate, and who had the lead in the House. In general, he adhered to the popular party. Longer 249 experience might have convinced him, that he would have shown his gratitude to his constituents more by endeavoring to convince them that they were running to an extreme, than by encouraging the same extremi- ties himself." In another place, Hutchinson says that he caught the infection in the General Court.* He graduated at Harvard College, 1702. HENRY LLOYD, Boston. HENRY BRIDGHAM, Boston, tanner. Artillery Election Sermon, 1703, by Grindall Rawson, Mendon Ephes. VI. Jlth. Printed. If 04. LIEUT. JOHN LEVERETT, Cambridge ; son of Hudson, Ar. Co. 1656; grandson of Gov. John, Ar. Co. 1639; graduated at Harvard, 1680. He was one of the Col- lege Corporation and tutors, and elected President thereof, 1707, while Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. He first studied theology, and preached occasionally several years; but finally studied law, and practised in the courts. He represented Cambridge, and was Speaker, 1700; also Judge of Probate; one of the Council; Judge of the Superior Court, 1702, which office he held when elected President. His grandfather seems to have predicted his elevation as a scholar. Dignity and integrity were his official traits, and popular ap- plause his reward. His public employments abroad were, Commissioner to Port Royal 1707, and 1704 on an Indian negotiation. His death was sudden, May 3d, 1724, dying, as is supposed, sleeping, without a struggle. "His qualifications" for the Presidency "were not only eminent in degree, but singularly various. He had a great and generous * Hutchinson, pp. 245 and '6. 32 250 soul. His natural abilities were of a very high order. His attain- ments were profound and extensive. He was well acquainted with the learned languages, with the arts and sciences, with history, phi- losophy, law, divinity, politics ; and such was his reputation for knowledge of men and things, that, in almost every doubtful and difficult case, he was resorted to for information arid advice. " To his wisdom and knowledge, he added great firmness, resolu- tion, and energy of character. His great abilities being consecrated to the service of God and of his generation, he was never deterred by difficulties or dangers from any undertaking, which Providence seemed to impose upon him. He was liberal and catholic in his sentiments and feelings ; and though, among the various institutions of the Commonwealth, he had the preservation of its religious estab- lishments greatly at heart, he did not place religion so much in par- ticular forms and modes of worship, or discipline, as in those sub- stantial and weighty matters of the fospel, righteousness, faith, and charity." iO I. .T'J.lii.1 " For forty years," says Dr. Colman, " he has shown in this place and in the eyes of this Society, in near a meridian lustre. The young saw him and hid themselves, and the aged arose and stood up. Then men gave ear to him, and waited and kept silence at his counsel." Flynt's Funeral Oration ascribes to him Aristotle's words to Plato '-'Hicjacet homo, quern non licet, non decet, im- piis vel ignorantibus laudare." His literary merits pro- cured him honors from abroad, particularly a member- ship in the Royal Society of London. JONATHAN LORING, Boston, member of Old South Church. THOMAS SALTER, Boston, trader. Inventory, 1714, 12187 9 10. A member of the Old South. ENSIGN JOHN SALE, Boston, innholder. Ensign of the Ar. Co, 1719. In the News Letter, " June 12 to 19, 1704," is the fol- lowing : " Capt. Thomas Hutchinson, Captain ; Capt. Adam Winthrop, Lieutenant; and Mr. John Noyes, 251 Ensign; officers of the Honorable Artillery Company, have caused the printing of the Election Sermon." Artillery Election Sermon, 1704, by Henry Gibbs, Watertown Psalms XLIV. 6th. Printed. 1705. None admitted members this year. Artillery Election Sermon, 1705, by Thomas Bridge, Boston Daniel XI. 32d. Printed. 1706. SAMUEL GREY. WILLIAM TILLEY, Boston ; member of O. S. Church. CAPT. DANIEL EPES, Salem, son of Daniel, of Ips- wich; born March 24th, 1649. Graduated at Harvard College in 1669, and died while Councillor, Nov. 23d, 1722, aged 73. CAPT. JOHN SMITH, Boston, merchant. Administra- tion 1706. Artillery Election Sermon, 1706, by Roland Cotton, Sandwich Math. XI. 12th. 1707. LIEUT. RICHARD BILL, Boston, merchant. His wife was the daughter of Maj. Davis, Ar. Co. 1673. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1716; Lieutenant, 1720. There is an inventory, 1757, of the Hon. Richard Bill, Esq. ENSIGN BENJAMIN ELIOT, Boston, bookseller. Will proved Dec. 8th, 1741. I suppose him grandson of the Indian Apostle. JOSEPH HUBBARD. BENJAMIN PEMBERTON, Boston, member of the O. S. Church. 252 CAPT. EZEKIEL LEWIS, Boston; Representative nine years; graduated at Harvard College, 1695. Member of the Old South. WILLIAM WHITCOMB. LIEUT. RICHARD HALL. EDWARD BROMFIELD, ESQ, Boston, merchant. Will proved 1734. Representative. Member of the Old South. Artillery Election Sermon, 1707, by Cotton Mather, Boston Heb. XII. 4th. 1708, JAMES DAVIE, ESQ, Boston, merchant. LIEUT. WILLIAM LOWDER, Boston, merchant, living in 1726. In the administration to his son, 1736, he is styled innholder. Lieut, of Ar. Co. 1723. AMES ANGIER, Boston, son of Rev. Samuel, of Reho- both and Waltham ; born at Rehoboth, June 29th, 1681 ; graduated at Harv. College, 1701 ; brother of Rev. John, of E. Bridge water. He was the first master of the school at the corner of West and Common streets, established about 1717. Artillery Election Sermon, 1708, by Samuel Danforth, Taunton Heb. XII. 4th. Printed. 1709. COL. FRANCIS WAINWRIGHT, Ipswich, merchant ; graduated at Harv. College, 1686 ; a magistrate, and Colonel of militia ; died Aug. 3d, 1711. He was second in command in the unsuccessful expedition against Port Royal. CAPT. JOSEPH HILLER, JR, Boston ; graduated at Harv. College, 1705. Administration, 1753; buried in 255 the Chapel ground. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1718; Lieu- tenant, 1719. SAMUEL GERRISH, Boston, auctioneer. Administra- tion to his son, 1741. Successor of Capt. Ballentine, as Register of Deeds in Suffolk, 1735. Member of the Old South. JOHN ELLIS. BRATTLE OLIVER, Boston, merchant, living in 1731. A member of the Old South. CAPT. JOHN HUNT, Boston, trader. Member of O. S. Church. CAPT. JAMES SMITH, JR, Boston, merchant, Esq ; died August 5th, 1 769, aged 82 ; grave-stone in the Chapel ground; member of the Old South. Artillery Election Sermon, 1709, by Ebenezer Pem- berton, Boston. 1710. ARIEL WALLER, ESQ, Boston, merchant; probably son of Gen. John, Ar. Co. 1671. Will proved August 3 1 st, 1 759. Member of the Old South. COL. WILLIAM TIDCOMB. He was at the siege of Louisburg, in 1745. Hutchinson says, " Maj. Tidcomb's readiness to engage in the most hazardous part of the service was acknowledged and applauded. He survived the siege, was Colonel of a regiment when Gen. John- son was attacked by Dieskau, and then lost his life in the service of his country." "He was killed," says Farmer, "in the French war, 1755." ROBERT CALFE, JR,* Boston, merchant ; after, of Rox- bury. Author of " More Wonders of the Invisible * Farmer doubts whether Jun'r is properly added. I find it so on the old roll. The surname is now Calef. 254 World," printed in London, 1700. He dare not print or publish the book then in New England. " The friends of common sense and humanity, at this time, found a powerful advocate in Mr. Robert Calfe, a mer- chant of Boston. He, like Reginald Scot, breasted the current of popular opinion, and incurred the resent- ment of the Mathers. His book, a perusal of which is ^so refreshing, was burnt in the yard of Harvard College, by the hands of the President of that institution. Calef published his (book) work in England, in 1700, and it has lately been republished in Salem.* Josiah Caleb, Ar. Co. 1806, is a descendant. He died at Roxbury, April 13th, 1719. Inventory March 14th, 1721. GEORGE ROBINSON, Boston, carver. Died Aug. 1737. Artillery Election Sermon, 1710, by Increase Mather, Boston Joshua I. 7th. Printed. 1711. JOHN EUSTACE, Boston, housewright. His will was proved April 10th, 1722; his son, John, executor. NATHANIEL WHEELER. SAMUEL HAUGH, Boston. Farmer says he was grand- son of Rev. Samuel, of Reading. ENSIGN BENJAMIN BRIDGE, Boston, tailor ; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1728; died about June, 1739. EPHRAIM FENNO, Boston. A member of O. S. Church. JOHN GIBBONS, Boston, apothecary; graduated at Harv. College, 1706; son of William, Ar. Co. 1691. One of the founders of Trinity Church, 1734. *See Boston Monthly Magazine, S. L. Knapp, Esq, Editor, under " Witchcraft." What would the Mathers have thought, if they could have looked forward one century, to witness the repnblicalion of their " devilish book," in the very village where the murders they had caused were committed, under the cloak of law and religion ? And yet it was a peace-offering to the remains of those martyrs, and excited no other sentiment than derision at the enormous folly of priestcraft. 255 ENSIGN NATHANIEL.SGOODWIN, Boston ; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1724. A member of the Old South Church. JONATHAN WILLIAMS, Boston, merchant; living in 1726. THOMAS PHILLIPS, Boston, innholder. Will, 1726. EBENEZER LOWELL, Boston, cordwainer. He died in 1711, aged 36. He was the father of Rev. John, of New- bury, and grandfather of Hon. Judge John, of Boston. CAPT. SAMUEL GREEN, Boston, printer; his father was printer of Harv. College, for fifty years ; born March 6th, 1648 ; died July, 1690. A member of Old South Church. EZEKIEL WALKER, Boston. Member of O. S. Church. BARRAT DYER, Boston, cooper. He presented a clock to new brick church.* His will was proved Dec. 21st, 1753, but his estate was insolvent. WILLIAM PARKMAN, Boston, mast-maker. Adminis- tration to his son, 1730. Inventory, 1323 5 8. RICHARD HONEYWELL, Boston, master mariner; (Hunnewell;) died Nov. 27th, 1742, aged 61; grave- stone on Copp's Hill. He was the son of Ambrose, Ar. Co. 1695. ENSIGN JAMES TILESTON, Boston, housewright ; a founder of the second Church, Boston. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1723. He died prior to February, 1740. CAPT. JOHN GOLDTHWAIT, Boston; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1730. JAMES VARNEY, Boston, bricklayer. COL. ESTES HATCH, Dorchester. Inventory 1760. He married a daughter of Rev. Mr. Rolfe, of Haverhill, whose life, then six or eight years old, was saved by his * See Ware's Historical Discourses. 256 maid servant, who, when the Indians attacked that town, 1708, jumped out of bed and hid his two daugh- ters under two large tubs, in the cellar.* JEREMIAH BELKNAP, Boston ; member of the Old South Church. Artillery Election Sermon, 1711, by Nehemiah Wal- ter, Roxbury Acts V. 39th. 1712. COL. WILLIAM TAILOR,! Dorchester. He resided in Boston, and had a country seat in Dorchester. He com- manded one of the regiments raised to take Port Royal. In the fall of 1 71 1, Col. Tailor arrived with her Majesty's commission as Lieut. Governor of Massachusetts. The next year he joined the Ar. Co. and was made Captain. He was in England in 1721 ; and was sent, with Spen- cer Phipps, as Commissioner to treat with the " Six Nations," Indians, at Albany, and " empowered to promise a bounty for every scalp, if they would go out against the enemy, (French,) but they met with little success."! He died while Lieut. Governor, at Dorchester, March 8th, 1732, aged 56. He was Deacon of the first Church in Boston, and member of the Old South Church. The inventory of his estate was real, 8282 ; personal, 1084 19 3, of which there was 177 ounces of silver plate. The following is an obituary notice of him :|| " The corpse of the Hon. William Tailor, Esq, Lieut. Governor of * Col. Hatch died before her, and she married Rev. Mr. Checkley, Sen'r, of Boston. t Tailor, his own hand-writing to the Company book. t He favored the private Bank party, and Hutcliinson says he was " a gentleman of no great fortune, and whose stipend from the government was trifling." A pro- ject of the kind had been started in London, 1684; "but this is not generally known in America, a gentleman of Boston is the reputed father of it." II New England Journal, Boston, March 13th, 1732, No. 260. 257 this Province, was interred at Dorchester, with great honor and re- spect. The bells of this town (Boston) were tolled from eleven o'clock to five. The cannon of his Majesty's Castle William, of which he was the Leloved Captain, were discharged at their funeral distance, the flag being half raised. The pall was supported by liis Excellency Gov. Belcher, the Hon. William Dummer, Addington Davenport, Thomas Hutchinson, Elisha Cooke, and Adam Win- throp, Esq's. The funeral was attended by a great number of gentry in their coaches, &c." ,n i ,~rr -'.( I nrh id ; n rb:'~itlti'ff . 1 *'\1 " SAMUEL OAKES, Boston, saddler ; -administration 1733. SAMUEL DURHAM. CAPT. JOHN GREENOUGH, Boston, shipwright. En- sign of the Ar. Co. 1717; Lieutenant 1718 ; Captain 1726. His will was proved Nov. 14th, 1732. He had sons in the Ar. Co. 1740 and 1744, and two daughters. ' O LIEUT. COLONEL DANIEL GOFFE, Boston, merchant. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1734. Administration 1742. An officer of militia, and, I suspect, a field officer of Boston Regiment. In 1740, he manifested his good will to Harvard College by bequeathing to it 200 ; but his estate proving insolvent, this legacy was not paid. JOSEPH ESSEX, Boston, jack-maker. Administration on his estate, 1719. His trade, like that of a pewterer, and some others, is extinct. LIEUT. COL. DANIEL HENCHMAN, Boston, bookseller ; grandson of the valiant Capt. Henchman, in King Philip's war, Ar. Co. 1675, and son of Hezekiah, 1692. He was long distinguished as an extensive bookseller in Cornhill. To the Old South Church he gave, in his will, 66 134. An officer of militia ; Major of Boston Regiment 1742; afterwards its Lieut. Colonel. Lieu- tenant of the Ar. Co. 1733, and Captain on its first centennial anniversary, 1738, and in 1746. While Commander, he ordered the Company records to be transcribed, and most of Barnes's transcript of 1780, 33 258 especially the roll and list of officers, are preserved, and in some instances, corrected and brought down to that period. He continued all his life much attached to the Company. He lived to enjoy, in its youthful vigor, the shade of the great elm tree on the Common, which his grandfather planted. The following is an obituary of him: * " Last Wednesday night, died here, Daniel Henchman, Esq, one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for Suffolk, and many years Deacon of the (Old) South Church in this town, Overseer of the Poor, &c. He was esteemed one of the most noted and eminent booksellers and stationers on this continent. We hear his remains are to be interred this afternoon." " First Monday in March, 1761," says the Regimental book, then kept by Col. Dawes, " he was buried, not being in commission, yet the Officers of the Regiment all walked in procession before the corpse." His will gives all his estate, after his wife's decease, to his son-in-law, Thomas Hancock, Esq, and wife. In 1742, he presented Harvard College with 100 ounces of silver, and again, in 1747, 250, old tenor. Artillery Election Sermon, 1712, by Peter Thacher, Weymouth .1st Sam, XVIII. 14th. 1713. JAMES ALFORD, Boston ; son of Capt. Benjamin, 1671. CAPT. FRANCIS PARNELL, Boston, merchant ; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1720 ; Lieutenant 1721. He died sud- denly, at Boston, October, 1 724. Artillery Election Sermon, 1713, by Sampson Stod- dard, Chelmsford 1st Sam. II. 30th. 1714. COL. JOHN ALFORD, Charlestown ; son of Capt. Ben- jamin, 1671. He was of his Majesty's Council, and * Boston Gazette and Country Journal, March 2d, 1761. 259 laid the foundation of the Alford Professorship in Har. Col. He died at Charlestown, September, 1761, aged 76. He was " a gentleman of considerable estate, and highly respected in his public and private character." CAPT. JOHN WHEELWRIGHT, Boston, merchant. Rep- resentative ; Naval Officer, 1737, at Boston. In 1721, one of his Majesty's Council. LIEUT. NATHANIEL BALSTON, Boston. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1726; Lieutenant 1728. GILLAM PHILLIPS, ESQ, Boston ; son of Samuel, Ar. Co. 1693. Died Oct. 17th, 1770, aged 75. CAPT. BENJAMIN GERRISH, Charlestown. Died 1750, tiged 64 ; grave-stone in Charlestown. JONATHAN BARNARD. ENSIGN SAMUEL HOLYOKE, Boston. Clerk of the Ar. Co. and Ensign, 1729. Senior writing-master of the town school in Queen (Court) street. Died March 16th, 1768. LIEUT. JOHN DARRELL, Boston. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1737. His will was proved Dec. 3d, 1746. Dea- con of West Church. JOHN HOLYOKE, Boston ; brother of Samuel. CAPT. EDWARD PELL, Boston, painter. He drew the plan of the "New Brick," late Dr. Lathrop's, meeting- house, in Middle street, " said to be the handsomest in the province." One of the founders of that church. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1722 ; Lieutenant 1726. His will, 1735, was proved March 22d, 1736. Inventory, real estate, 1 130 2 4J ; personal, 3567 7 9J. * BENJAMIN HILLER. THOMAS CHAMBERLAIN, Boston. JOHN ELIOT. 260 CAPT. JAMES GOOCH, JR, Boston, merchant. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1733. Will dated 1732, proved June 5th, 1738. Artillery Election Sermon, 1714, by Joseph Sewatt y Boston Rev. XIX. 14th. 1715, JAMES WRIGHT. Artillery Election Sermon, 1715, by Joseph Stevens, Charlestown Isaiah II. 4th. 1716. EBENEZER THORNTON, Boston, ^ SAMUEL TOWN SEND, Boston, THOMAS JACKSON. COL. WILLIAM DOWNE, Boston, shop-keeper. He often appears as executor, guardian, &c. ; but his ap- pointment to such trusts is plenary evidence of his in- tegrity and ability. Judging from his inventory, he was either a saddler or upholsterer. His mansion house was at the North End ; for partition of that estate was made between two of his grand-children, Abigail and Rebecca Cheever, in 1766. He joined the Ar. Co. a private cit- izen, and after several years, his military talents became known, and he was elected an officer of militia in Bos- ton. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1725; Lieutenant 1727, and after that is styled Lieut. Downe. Oct. 20th, 1727, he was chosen one of the Committee to go to Dunsta- ble, now Nashua, and survey the Company farm ; he took a plan, and was gone eleven days. So late as 1725, the Indians infested Dunstable, and probably it was not safe to venture on an exploring ex- pedition thus far in the interior before that period. It took Downe and the Committee three days at least to 261 go and three to return. Several Committees had been chosen to effect the object before, but none had ven- tured to accomplish it. How greatly has the state of things changed in the lapse of a century ! Then, it was but a forest, the rivers well stocked with fish, and the haunt of savages, who were loth to quit privileges so valuable to them, now, changed to the busy hum of a large village the site of valuable factories. The fish have been driven from their native element, and the In- dians are unknown. What would Downe have thought, had any one suggested that, a century hence, one might start from Boston in the morning, dine on the rich pro- fusion of a thronged hotel, survey a farm of 1000 acres, and sleep at home in peace, at Boston ? The story to him would be enchantment. By charter, the Company were to have 1000 acres of land, and on the 8th of the 8th month, 1641, " a Com- mittee of the General Court was appointed to accom- pany Mr. Oliver,* to see the Artillery land laid out, and make return to the next Court ;" but nothing more ap- pears, until May 6th, 1657, about the time they adopted their first Rules. The Records of the Colony, page 259, say : " In answer to the petition! of the Artillery Company of Boston, 500 acres, part of the 1000 acres formerly granted them, and laid out by John Sherman, near unto Concord river, where it comes near Shawsheen river, being four hundred rods in length, and two hundred in breadth, (describing the lines,) is allowed and confirmed to them; and it is further ordered, that the other 500 acres be laid out next the 500 acres already laid out, at the head line between Concord and Cambridge, if free from other grants." The following is what is referred to in the preceding extract : " At a General Court held at Boston, 10th 3d mo, 1643 Shawshin is granted to Cambridge with- out any condition of making a village there. And the land between them and Concord is granted to them, all, save what was formerly * This was Col. John Oliver, a charter member. t This petition is not preserved, and the Company record of it is lost. 262 granted to the Artillery Company, or others, provided the Church and present Elders continue at Cambridge."* The next we find upon the subject, is in Liber 3, page 730, Colony Records, October 15th, 1673, at a second session of the General Court, held at Boston, as follows : " Artillery of Boston, their farm laid out Sept. llth, 1673, 1000 acres of upland and meadow, and is from a red oak tree marked A, by a gully side on the bank of Meri- mac river, on a straight line west by south, one mile and three quar- ters, by marked trees, unto a pine at B, by a meadow called Spec- tacle Meadow, from B to C, and about the meadow to D, taking in those first patches of meadow, which meadow is estimated at thirty acres ; from D to E by the brook, called Spectacle Brook, which brook, running into Nashaway river, from E to F, by Nashaway, or Watananock river, in Merimac river. The Court therefore approve of this return ; and do further grant the Artillery Company, as an addition, the quantity of 500 acres more. The grant being made about thirty years since. Provided that the 500 acres be laid out in some convenient place next adjoining the plantation now granted them." Whether the foregoing may be considered as two distinct and sep- arate grants of 1000 acres, or whether the latter was a grant made by the Court to make good a failure in the title to the former, as having been granted or located to other persons, is rendered doubt- ful by the imperfect records of the times. It does not appear the Company received any benefit from the grant, or in any way im- proved the 1000 acres last mentioned, until March 8th, 1715-16, when, under the command of Capt. Edward Martyn, they " voted to lease the 1000 acres in Dunstable for eleven years ; on condition that a house and barn should be built thereon, an orchard of 120 apple trees planted, and the lessee to deliver the Company one bar- rel of good cider, yearly, &,c." Immediately after the expiration of this lease, Col. Downe and the Committee were sent to survey the premises. This farm is situated at the confluence of the Nashaway and Merrimac, and in June, 1830, was visited by me in company with an aged and respectable inhab- itant,t who was a surveyor. None of the marked trees, or their stumps, were to be found. A remnant of the old orchard (apple trees) was found. Some doubt existed as to " the red oak tree at a gully side," there being two, a smaller and larger, and two gully * This notice of the grant escaped my notice, if it was there, when examining the Colony Records, and first attracted my attention in Farmer's History of Bil- lerica, page 25. t Mr. Lund. 263 sides. The larger tree appeared the most probable, as the division fence commenced a rod or two beyond it and the larger gully, and continued in a straight line over to Spectacle Meadow, and my com- panion informed me that dividing fence had not varied within forty years. If this latter line or bound be correct, the tract contained at least 1200 acres. Our ancestors gave large measurement. On ar- riving at Spectacle Meadow, we found it to resemble the plan, and about the quantity, but the land in the vicinity almost a pine barren, with here and there a few houses. On arriving at the bridge cross- ing the brook which leads from the lower Spectacle Meadow, we ob- served a humble dwelling, and a man chopping wood at the door, who approached us, and seeing we had books and papers, and hear- ing our conversation, became alarmed, as if we had come to look up the title and take his land. It was some time before we could pacify him. On our describing the brook as Spectacle Brook, he immedi- ately commenced cutting off the outside bark of a young oak tree standing near the road and brook, about six feet from the ground, and then repaired to the house and obtained his dame's old spectacle bows, without glasses, and nailed them over the spot where he had shaved the bark, saying, the brook is now fairly christened. The appearance of the spectacles was extremely ludicrous. He had just finished when his wife came out, yelping like a dog, and a fine fam- ily tete-a-tete took place. This tract of land is still known, and called "the Artillery Farm," though much subdivided. A large factory, called the Jackson Cot- ton Factory, stands on a part of it. There is also near the spot a neat Unitarian Church and a thriving village. But to return to Col. Downe. In 1732 and 1744, Captain of the Ar. Co. He was a Captain of militia ; Lieutenant Colonel of Boston regiment ; and Colonel, 1744, which office he held in 1746. He had no con- cern in the Rutland lands, but took a strong interest in the company finances, and served on committees to make a better investment and appropriation of them. His improvement of the finances was according to Keayne's design, and laid the second stone in the foun- dation of their present prosperity. Treasurer of the Ar. Co. May 1st, 1738, and probably till his death. *Capt. Ballentine and Joseph Hiller were his bondsmen as Treasurer. 264 He died at Boston, June 3d, 1753, aged 67. His widow, Sarah,* administered on his estate. His son, William Downe, Esq,f died 1747-8, January. He had been many years one of the Selectmen, and in other town offices was a faithful servant, but he never had any office in the provincial government. Probably he was not ambitious, except to be useful, and it is but a just tribute to his memory to say he was a distinguished and good man in his sphere. A few years since, his grave-stone, with those of his wife and children side by side, in good order, struck the visiter with pleasant, yet solemn veneration. They were situated a little to the north-west of the car-house, but the ruthless hand of improvement has demolished them. His first inventory amounted to 1717 15 0, in which is included his mansion house and land and ware- house, at the north end, 733 6 8; 186 oz. 16 pwts. wrought silver, and pair of silver shoe and knee buckles, 62 12 9| ; horse, chaise, saddle and bridle, 17 ; and a negro boy, 40. His second inventory, 389 14 8, in which his farm at Lunenburg, where his oldest son lived, is valued at 233 6 8 ; eighty acres of land in L. at 56; wood lot in L. 48 acres, 53 68. His gold rings (probably presents, as a pall bearer) and gold but- tons, are valued at 9 14 8. He died, therefore, worth about $10.000, a goodly fortune in those days; but his real estate has passed to other hands, his personal has evaporated, and his family become obscure, or extinct. WILLIAM PELL, Boston, peruke maker; brother of Edward, Ar. Co. 1714. JAMES HALSEY, Boston, mathematical instrument * I presume this to be his second wife since it appears he married Hannah, a daughte^of Samuel Appleton, of Ipswich, who was a Major in King Philip's war. See Farmer's Appendix to Register. t There was a grave-stone, near Col. D's, of William Downe, Esq, aged 40, who died May 6th, 1759. 265 maker ; a founder of the New Brick Church ; Deacon, 1735, and their ruling Elder the last person chosen in that church. I suppose the office had become nominal, or that he was too bashful to be perched up in so con- spicuous a seat for the sole purpose of watching, lest the boys and girls should wink at each other. It seems, however, the Church " voted," August 22d, 1 739, unan- imously, to " desire Mr. James Halsey to take his proper place, in the Elder's seat." His will was proved Jan- uary 2d, 1767. Artillery Election Sermon, 1716, by Joseph Baxter, Medfield Rom. VIII. 37th. 1717. BENJAMIN GRAY, Lynn. GRAFTON FEVERYEAR, Boston, barber. Will dated 1751 ; proved April llth, 1755. JAMES HILL, Boston, peruke maker. Will dated April llth, proved May 29th, 1746. COL. EPHRAIM HUNT, Rehoboth ; Representative. CAPT. JOSEPH HUBBARD, Boston ; died suddenly, April, 1768. JOHN GIBBONS, Boston, merchant. Administration, October, 1725. Inventory, 449 16 1. LIEUT. SAMUEL BARRAT, Boston. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1722. CAPT. EBENEZER BRIDGE, Boston, blacksmith ; Cap- tain of militia; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1731 ; Lieuten- ant, 1738. Inventory, 1747. Artillery Election Sermon, 1717, by Thomas Blowers, Beverly 1st Samuel XVI. 18th. 266 * 1718. SAMPSON DEWER. JONATHAN SEWALL, Boston; son of Maj. Samuel, 1679. CAPT. JOHN GERRISH, JR, Boston, merchant; son of Capt. John, 1700. Administration, 1737. A member of the Old South. JOHN EYRE, graduated at Harv. College, 1718. Re- sided in Portsmouth, N. H. MAJ. SAMUEL SEWALL Boston, bookseller ; eldest son of Maj. Samuel, Ar. Co. 1679 ; married Rebecca, daugh- ter of Gov. Dudley; settled in Brookline. He was born in Boston, June 1 1th, 1678. Author of " Sewall's Journal" a manuscript began in 1698, and continued with minute particularity for many years, in fair chirog- raphy. " There is scarcely an ordinary transaction, but what is minuted with particular care, even the number and age of his domestic ani- mals, together with those of >his relations, and the manner of their ultimate disposal. The author appears to have been a man of great observation, education, and purity of style.* The orthography, with few limitations, corresponds with the English language of the present day. Beside his customary habit of writing the occurrences of the day, he carried on an extensive correspondence with several distin- guished merchants, as well as literary men, in London. These let- ters were all transcribed with his own hand, and afford a perfect key to the manner of transacting business at a very remote period. They show that he possessed a large property, both in America and England." An officer of the militia ; Major of Boston regiment, 1 733, but probably did not hold that office long. In 1734 he was elected Captain of the Ar. Co. He died at Brookline, Feb. 27th, 1751, aged 72. He made a list of the preachers, &c. at the Elections, and says, * Extracted from the Boston News Letter, January, 1826. 267 " a memorandum taken out of my grandfather Hull's character book, of several that did preach the Artil- lery and Election Sermons." He was a member of the Old South Church, and. elected a Deacon, Sept. 16th, 1663. He carefully preserved his grandfather Hull's and father's papers. CAPT. NATHANIEL CUNNINGHAM, Boston, merchant ; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1727; Lieutenant, 1730; Cap- tain, 1731. He lived in Cross street, owned land there, and a large real estate in Boston, among which was a pasture, at Barton's Point. His will was proved Janu- ary 21st, 1748. His nephew, James, Ar. Co. 1761. An administration account was settled July 17th, 1761, stated in old tenor currency as 3705, and also in law- ful money as 494, by which we may accurately esti- mate the value of the depreciated currency. CAPT. SAMUEL RAND, Boston, physician ; Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1731 ; officer in the militia. I suppose him an ancestor of the late Dr. Isaac Rand, of Boston. His will was dated January 9th, proved Feb. 21st, 1748. His grave-stone was recently standing in the Granary ground. A member of the Old South Church. WILLIAM LEE, Boston, shipwright, a founder and Deacon of the New Brick. He was " a noted ship builder;" lived at the north end; died March, 1769, aged 90. LIEUT. ERASMUS STEPENS, Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1739. CAPT. DANIEL PECKER, Boston, tallow chandler; Lieu- tenant of the Ar. Co. 1729; an officer in the militia. His will was dated June 7th, proved Oct. 16th, 1750. He was Chairman of the Assessors, 1770. There was another Daniel Pecker, a tallow chandler, whose will was proved March 6th, 1776-7. Grave-stone in the 268 Granary, says died March 4th, 1777, aged 60. One of these persons was a founder of the New Brick Church, and the last may have been the member of the Ar. Co. SAMUEL BASS, Boston, tanner. Will proved 1766. Member of the Old South Church. CAPT. ANDREW CUNNINGHAM, JR, Boston, merchant; brother of Capt. Nathaniel, father of Maj. James C. Ar. Co. 1761, and grandfather of Maj. Andrew, Ar. Co. 1786. This name was often pronounced Kinnicum. Inventory 1752. There was an Andrew C. merchant, upon whose estate administration was granted March 18th, 1774. CAPT. JOHN BUTTOLPH, Boston, wine cooper ; son of Nicholas, Ar. Co. 1694; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1732. Administration 1739, Inventory 1746, and a will found 1750. CAPT. JOHN GOLDTHWAIT, Boston ; probably son of Capt. John, 1711 ; alive in 1737. CAPT. JAMES PECKER, Boston, physician. In his will, styled wharfinger. Founder of the New Brick Church. He died at Boston, April 30th, 1734, after a lingering illness, very much lamented. Inventory, real and per- sonal, 2873 10 3. Grave-stone in the Chapel ground. Member of the Old South Church. LIEUT. JAMES FOSDICK, Boston, paver ; Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1740. His will 1773, speaks of advanced age ; proved 1776. ZECHARIAH THAYER. CAPT. BENJAMIN WHITE. THOMAS FOSTER, Boston, son of T. Foster, Ar. Co. 1701 ; died previous to May 1st, 1752. There was a Thomas F. Deacon of the West Church. JOSHUA LORING. 269 CAPT. JOSEPH RUSSELL, Boston, printer. Died Sep- tember, 1767, aged 74. SIMEON ROGERS, Boston. OBADIAH PROCTER. CAPT. RICHARD BULKLEY, Boston. ROBERT PROCTER, brother of Obadiah. The number of the militia of Massachusetts in 1718, was sixteen regiments of foot, and fifteen troops of horse in all 15000. Sailors, 3493. Tons of shipping, in Boston and Salem, 25406. Artillery Election Sermon, 1718, by John Barnard, Marblehead Rev. III. 21st. 1719. SOLOMON BLAKE. Artillery Election Sermon, 1719, by John Webb, Boston Eccles. VIII. 8th. In 1720 and 1721, no members were admitted. Artillery Election Sermon, 1720, by Thomas Symmes. Bradford 1st Chron. XII. 33d. Printed. Artillery Election Sermon, 1721, by Thomas Prince, Boston Ps. CXXI1. 6th. 1722. CAPT. NATHANIEL GREEN, Boston ; Representative. Will July, 1736, proved Nov. 5th, 1737. CAPT. SAMUEL GREENWOOD, Boston, merchant. His will says, shipwright. Administration to his widow and son Samuel, March 23d, 1741. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1724. A member of the O. S. Church. CAPT. JOSEPH WHITE. 270 Artillery Election Sermon, 1 722, by William Cooper, Boston Ps. XLV. 3d, 4th, 5th. 1723. CAPT. JAMES CAREY, Boston. Died Nov. 21st, 1745, aged 60 ; grave -stone in the Granary. Artillery Election Sermon, 1723, by Thomas Fox- craft, Boston 1st Chron. V. 18th, 20th. 1724. CAPT. WILLIAM WARD. ENSIGN JEREMIAH BELKNAP, Boston, leather-dresser. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1738. Inventory 1751. A mem- ber of the O. S. Church. CAPT. THOMAS EDWARDS, Boston, gold-smith. En- sign of the Ar. Co. 1747; Lieutenant 1750; Captain 1753. He did not command until the 30th year of his membership. Up to this time, that honor was sparingly conferred upon young members. He died at his house in old Cornhill, which was appraised at 600. Will proved 1755. COL. THOMAS TILESTONE, Dorchester, Esquire. Col- onel of the 1st Regiment in Norfolk, then part of Suf- folk. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1725. Will proved 1745. CAPT. THOMAS WISWALL, Dorchester. Will 1752. COL. SAMUEL SWIFT, Milton, lawyer. Colonel of a regiment of militia. Ancestor of Dr. Foster Swift, sur- geon in the U. S. Army, and father of Gen. Swift, late of the Engineer Corps, U. S. Army. CAPT. CHRISTOPHER MARSHALL, Boston. Captain in the expedition to Cape Breton. Administration 1745. STEPHEN PAINE. Artillery Election Sermon, 1724, by Ebenezer Thayer, Roxbury 1st Tim. VI. 12th. 271 1725. RALPH SMITH. SAMUEL JONES. MAJ. JOHN CHANDLER, Worcester, husbandman. He came from Woodstock, Conn. He was Judge of the Common Pleas, afterwards Chief Justice, and sustained the offices of Sheriff, Judge of Probate, Register of Deeds, County Treasurer, and Clerk of the Courts; also Major in the militia. His descendants have been distinguished. JOHN ASHLEY, Boston, shopkeeper. Administration, 1739. THOMAS W 7 ELLS. NICHOLAS BELKNAP. EDWARD DURANT. COL. JOHN PHILLIPS, Boston, merchant; born June 22d, 1 70 1 ; a descendant of Rev. George, one of the earliest ministers in Massachusetts, and grandfather of the late Hon. John Phillips, Mayor of Boston. An offi- cer of militia ; he rose regularly to be Colonel, and died when Colonel, Representative, and Commander of Castle William. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1740; Lieuten- ant, 1744; Captain, 1747 and 1759. He succeeded Col. Downe, as Treasurer of the Ar. Co. 1749, many years. "April 19th, 1763* Exchanged this life for a better, our dear and well beloved John Phillips, Esq, Colonel of the Boston regiment. His commission was from Gov. Pownal, April 4th, 1758." The following character of him was abridged from the public paper : " Departed this life, aged 62, John Phillips, Esq, who for many years was Deacon of the Church in Brattle street, Overseer of the * Copied from a letter of Col. Thomas Dawes, to Hon. John Phillips ; and a perusal of the letter was favored me by Thomas W. Phillips, Esq, his son. 272 Poor, &c. A gentleman, who, from principles of virtue and true humanity, employed all his time in doing good ; who, with uncom- mon pleasure and indefatigable diligence, devoted himself to the service of the community. His inflexible integrity gained and se- cured him the confidence of all. He was never so happy as in pro- moting some benevolent purpose for the happiness of others, or in relieving distress. He sustained the important trusts, with which he was invested, with becoming dignity, and discharged the duties re- sulting from each to universal acceptance. His charity and domestic virtues rendered him amiable, and all around him happy. In the hour of his departure he was truly happy in the reflection, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not by carnal wisdom, but by the grace of God, he had his conversation in the world. " The funeral was attended by a great number of the relatives by the Governor, His Majesty's Council, the clergy, the magistrates and the principal merchants, and others of the town, followed by a num- ber of ladies in chariots; and the commissioned officers of the regi- ment, whereof the deceased was Colonel, walked in procession before the corpse, with a number of non-commissioned officers of the sev- eral companies, who appeared under arms ; and also the new Artil- lery Company, with a piece of cannon, all of them marching in funeral order, with the proper appendages of military mourning. During the procession, minute guns to the number of sixty-two, (the age of the deceased,) were fired. The corpse being deposited in the family vault, three volleys were fired by the companies under arms ; an4 the whole ceremony was performed with the greatest decency and good order, amidst a large concourse of spectators." He married a daughter of Elisha Cooke, Jr ; had six children one was Lieut, William, Ar. Co. 1762. Artillery Election Sermon, 1725, by Samuel Check- ley, Boston 2d Samuel, XXII. 35th. 1726. COL. BENJAMIN POLLARD, Boston, son of Capt. Jona- than, Ar. Co. 1700, and grandson of William, 1679. He was for thirteen years Sheriff of Suffolk. He is said to have been the first American gentleman who made the tour of Europe. Upon his return, he introduced many improvements observed abroad. He organized 273 i the first Fire Society, and introduced the use of the bayonet, (derived from JBayonne, in France, where they were first manufactured or invented.) The Cadets, un- der him as Commander, were the first corps in America which appeared in public with a bayonet. He died at Boston, Dec. 24th, 1756, aged 61. Will proved Janu- ary 21st, 1757. He was probably the first Commander of the Cadets. The origin of the Cadet corps is thus related : The Governor of Massachusetts was about to proceed to the lines to meet the Governor of a neighboring province, but there was no escort. Col. Pollard, with other mem- bers of the Ar. Co. and several young gentlemen, vol- unteered as a cavalry escort. During their journey, they formed the determination of raising a corps espe- cially as an escort, or body guard, for the Governor. After their return, about the year 1754, a petition was presented to incorporate a company of Cadets. Capt. Thomas Edwards, then commanding the Ar. Co. fear- ing that the privileges to be granted them would inter- fere with his own company, strongly remonstrated to the Legislature against their petition until they could be heard, in order that similar privileges might be granted them. Probably upon a hearing, the business was adjusted ; for the Cadet corps was soon after or- ganized, and many members of the Ancient joined them. This circumstance, and the fact that Col. Pollard, the supposed founder of that corps, was long a member of the Ar. Co. leads us to trace the origin of the Cadets to the Ancient Company. The present Independent Cadets are their successors. The Ar. Co. formed the funeral escort at the interment of Ex-Governor Shirley, buried from the late mansion house* of Judge Paine, in Federal street, in 1771, when Hutchinson was in the chair. The Cadet Company was then probably for a *Now the site of Fourth Baptist Church, and Corinthian Hall. 35 274 time disorganized. It made its appearance the year following, however, under the command of Col. John Hancock, afterwards Governor. The Cadet Corps, like the Ar. Co. did not meet during the revolution, but were revived about the same time, 1786. HENRY GIBBS, Boston, merchant; a member of the O. S. Church; son of Rev. Henry, of Watertown; graduated at Harv. College, 1726, and died at Boston, Feb. 17th, 1759, aged 50. COL. BARTHELEMEW GEDNEY, Boston, wharfinger. His tomb is in the Chapel ground. Administration, 1754. Artillery Election Sermon, 1726, by John Swift, Framingham Acts X. 7th. 1727. NATHANIEL HODGDON. HENRY WHEELER, Boston; a founder of the "New Brick." JOHN HELYER, Boston; died 1739, aged 54; buried in the Granary. INCREASE GATCHEL, Boston, schoolmaster. I have seen a quit claim deed of his in 1727. LIEUT. JOHN SALTER, Boston, brazier. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1743, Lieutenant 1751. LIEUT. JABEZ HUNT, Boston. Adjutant of Boston regiment; Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1743. JOSEPH DOWDING. THOMAS SIMPKINS, Boston, brazier; a descendant of Capt. Nicholas, 1650; living in 1736. JOHN GREENLEAFE. JOB COIT, Boston, cabinetmaker ; died Jan. 12th, 1741, aged 49; grave-stone, North burial-ground. 275 LIEUT. WILLIAM NICHOLS, Boston, joiner; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1739. EDWARD MARION, Boston, blacksmith ; a son of Sam- uel, or John, Ar. Co. 1691. He died March 20th, 1771 ; grave-stone in the Chapel ground. BENNET LOVE, Boston, bookseller. JAMES DAVENPORT. JOHN SMITH, Boston, merchant; son of Thomas, 1702. CAPT. DAVID MASON, Boston, upholsterer. Died July 19th, 1746, aged 43; grave-stone in the Granary. CAPT. JOHN HOBBY, Boston, master mariner ; proba- bly a son of Sir Charles, 1702. A militia officer. DDDSON KILCUP, Boston; son of Roger, 1684. THOMAS FLEET, Boston, printer. Inventory of his estate, 1759. "We have in the History of Printing* some relation of Thomas Fleet He continued printing in Pudding lane (Devonshire street) till 1731 ; he then hired a handsome house in Cornhill, north corner of Water street, which he afterwards purchased and occupied. He erected a sign of the Heart and Crown, which he never altered ; but after his death, when crowns became unpopular, his sons changed the crown for a Bible, and let the Heart remain. Fleet's new house was spacious, and contained sufficient room for the accommodation of his family and the prosecution of his printing business, besides a convenient shop, and a good chamber for an auction room. [Albeit in those times the printers were the principal auctioneers.] He held his vendues in the evening, and sold books, household goods, &/c. as appears by his advertisements. In August, 1742, he thus adver- tises : ' A Negro woman to be sold by the printer of this paper ; the very best negro woman in this town, who has had the small po^, and the measles, is as hearty as a horse, as brisk as a bird, and will work like a beaver.' " Fleet was a man of wit and worth. RICHARD MORTIMORE. * By Isaiah Thomas, Esq. This extract is made from the Boston News Letter, of Dec. 23d, 1826. 276 Artillery Election Sermon, 1727, by William Wal- dron, Boston 2d Samuel X. 12th. 1728. COL. SAMUEL THAXTER, Hingham, husbandman ; Representative, 1697, and ten other years; Colonel of the Hingham regiment of militia, and Captain of the Ar. Co. the year he joined. " He was* a grandson of Deacon Thomas Thaxter, the first per- son of the name in Hingham and in this country. Col. T. was born August 1st, 16G5. He is not supposed to have inherited a very large estate, but by his industry and enterprise he became one of the most wealthy, and, for a long series of years, the most influential citizen. Before the settlement of our venerable GAY in the ministry, two other candidates were heard by the parish. One of the gentlemen received a vote nearly unanimous to become the pastor of the town. Tradition says that Col. T. was opposed to the candidate. Mr. Fisk, the candidate, replied to the Committee of the town that he could by no means consent to settle here, with the consent of every other individual of the parish, so long as -an individual so respectable as Col. Thaxter was opposed to him." Fisk did not settle there. SAMUEL MILLER. Artillery Election Sermon, 1728, by Ebenezer Gay, Hingham Zech I. 8th. Printed. 1729. MAJ. GEN. WILLIAM BRATTLE, Cambridge. Gradu- ated at Har. Col. 1722. Captain of the Ar. Co. 1733. For many years Major General of the Province, and in that capacity presided on the Common on the Election day, June, 1774 ; received the resignations of the old, and commissioned the new officers, notwithstanding the Lieut. Governor was present, the Governor being ab- sent at Salem it being decided that the Lieut. Gov- * Manuscript letter of Solomon Lincoln, Esq, author of the valuable History of Hingham. 277 ernor held no authority over the militia, while the Gov- ernor was alive and in the Province. Jan. 16th, 1762, he was Brig. General, and one of his Majesty's Council. CAPT. HUGH MCDANIEL, Boston, rope-maker. A distinguished free-mason ; a very active, benevolent, intelligent man ; much respected for his integrity and virtues. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1741 ; Lieutenant 1747; Captain 1750. Real estate, 916 134, under incum- brance, and finally insolvent. He died March 29th, 1770, aged 64, and his grave-stone is in the Chapel ground. EDWARD EMERSON, JR, Boston ; born May 8th, 1702. SAMPSON SALTER, Boston ; died April, 1778. His son, Richard, kept a splendid toy-shop, and was called Dicky Salter. Dr. Byles, finding Dicky was paying his addresses to a young lady of his church, made a pastoral visit, and asked her how far she had got in her Psalter ? To which she instantly replied " As far, sir, as ' blessed is the man.' ' KNIGHT LEVERETT, Boston, goldsmith. I suppose a son of President Leverett. Administration August 3d, 1753. CAPT. JONATHAN WILLIAMS, JR, Boston, merchant ; son of Jonathan, 1711. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1742 ; Lieutenant 1748; Captain 1751. He was a Deacon. His dwelling house was in Cole lane. He was Mode- rator of the famous Boston town-meetings, in Novem- ber and December, 1773, respecting Tea. He died March 27th, 1788. He was buried in his tomb, now the property of Col. Bradford's heirs, in the Granary. CAPT. SAMUEL ADAMS, Boston, Esquire. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1737. A member of the Old South. He died about March, 1748. 278 Artillery Election Sermon, 1729, by William Welstead, Boston Isaiah LV. 4th. No members were admitted during 1730 and 1731. Artillery Election Sermon, 1730, by John Hancock, Lexington Prov. XXI. 31st. Artillery Election Sermon, 1731, by James Allin, Brookline Ephes. VI. 12th, 13th. We will now give some further account of the Com- pany lands. The General Court, May session, 1717, made good the additional grant of 500 acres, by grant- ing one half of a reservation of 1000 acres, belonging to the government in the township of Rutland, Wor- cester county. The Indians continued to infest those parts, and, in 1724, committed depredations in that township. The grant is as follows : "The following order passed the House of Representatives read concurred, viz : Upon the petition of Edward Hutchinson, Habijah Savage, John Ballentine, Jr, Edward Winslow, and Jona- than Pollard, in behalf of the Artillery Company in Boston, praying that 500 acres of land which are reserved to the Province in the township of Rutland, may be granted to said Company, to satisfy a grant made to them by the General Court, Oct. 15th, 1673 Order- ed, that 500 acres of the 1000 acres reserved to the Province in the township of Rutland, be granted in answer to this petition ; but so, that John Burrill, Esq, to whom the other 500 acres is granted, have the choice at which end to lay out his grant. " Consented to. SAMUEL SHUTE, Governor." This grant made the Ar. Co. owners of one moiety of said 1000 acres in common with the heirs of Hon. John Burrill, deceased, and the Ar. Co. April 7th, 1729, appointed Capt. Wm. Ward, Thomas Smith, and Col. B. Pollard, to make partition, which was mutually agreed upon, May 1st, 1729. No sooner had they be- come possessed of their lands in Rutland, than they were taxed. Deriving little benefit therefrom, April, 279 1731, they appointed a Committee, who reported, " that it was expedient to sell and dispose of the 1000 and 500 acre grants." A petition was accordingly presented, and at June session, 1731, the following passed, viz: "In the House of Representatives, June 14th, 1731. Read, and ordered, that the prayer of the petition be granted ; and that the Ar- tillery Company within mentioned be, and hereby are fully author- ized and empowered in due form of law, to make and execute a good deed or deeds of conveyance of the two tracts of land within mentioned ; the produce thereof to be vested in such other real estate as may be most for their advantage, the income thereof to be applied to and for providing necessaries for their military ex- ercises, and defraying the other charges that may arise by occasion thereof. " June 16th, 1731. Consented to. J. BELCHER, Governor." The Ar. Co. in 1737, sold their lands in Rutland, but to whom, and for how much, the records do not show. The Dunstable lands were, however, sold to Col. Blan- chard, and a mortgage taken as security ; and, after the mortgagor's death, long continued in dispute ; until a suit thereon was commenced in the United States Court for the District of New Hampshire, and judgment ren- dered in their favor. Finally, Col. Blanchard's heirs paid off the incumbrance, 1789. 1732. CAPT. JOSHUA CHEEVER, Boston. From his inven- tory, June, 1753, and the fact of the mansion estate of Col. William Downe being divided between his two grand-children, I suppose him the son-in-law of Col. Downe, and that he died before his father-in-law, who took care of his minor children. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1736 ; Captain 1741. He was probably brother to Ezekiel, Ar. Co. 1733. CAPT. EBENEZER STOKER, Boston, merchant.* En- * See his character, in Boston Gazette, June 1st, 1761. , 280 sign of the Ar. Co. 1744; Lieutenant 1746; Captain 1 749. He died May 22d, 1 76 1 , aged 63. He possess- ed a large property, 1900 10 1, lawful money; his dwelling house in Union street, 800 ; post-chariot and horses, together with two negro boys, are mentioned. His tomb is in the Chapel ground. He was a Deacon. JOSEPH GOLDTHWAIT, Boston, (alive 1784.) EDWARD BROMFIELD, JR, Boston, merchant ; son of E. Bromfield, Ar. Co. 1707, and grandson of Edward, 1679. Representative. He died April 19th, 1756. A member of the Old South. WILLIAM RAND, Boston, physician. Member of the Old South. CAPT. THOMAS HUBBARD, Boston, merchant, Esquire. Graduated at Har. Col. 1721 ; Representative 1746, fourteen years ; Speaker ten years ; Treasurer of Har. College. He died 14th January, 1773. Deacon of the Old South 1739, and resigned 1764. JOSIAH CARTER. THOMAS BAKER. CAPT. CALEB LYMAN, Boston, shop-keeper ; born in Northampton, Sept. 17th, 1678. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1735; Captain 1739. Deacon of a church, and wealthy. He died at Weston, Mass. Nov. 1 9th, 1742, aged 65, after twelve weeks' sickness ; and his funeral sermon was preached by William Williams. His will gives the New North Church 500. His tomb, in North (Copp's Hill) burial-ground, No. 28, says that he died Nov. 17th, aged 64. He made a very bold excursion up Connec- ticut river in 1704, as far as Coos county spelt by Hutchinson, Cohas against the Indians. He went alone, with five friendly Indians, and, after nine or ten days, came upon the enemy, and killed seven out of nine two only escaped, wounded. 281 Artillery Election Sermon, 1732, by Oliver Peabody, Natick 2d Sam. I. 18th. Printed. 1733. COL. JOHN WENDELL, Boston, merchant, (probably son of Abraham, of Albany, and born there, and nephew of Col. Jacob, 1733.) The firm Jacob, or John Wen- dell &, Co. kept a large warehouse in Merchants' Row. More business was done and wealth accumulated in Merchants' Row, than in any other street of equal ex- tent in Boston. I presume he was Colonel of Boston Regiment. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1734 ; Captain 1 740. He does not appear to have sustained any public sta- tion. From some facts, I think he did not continue in the copartnership. Administration 1 762 ; his estate was appraised at 959 7 2, but was probably insolvent. CAPT. EZEKIEL CHEEVER, Charlestown. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1736. He graduated at Harvard College 1733. A Representative and Councillor. I suppose him a descendant of Ezekiel, of Boston, who died 1709, aged 94 the school-master of the principal gentlemen. CAPT. JOHN ENDICOTT. LIEUT. COL. JOHN CARNES, Boston, pewterer. This trade was then profitable and reputable, now extinct. He was born in Boston, April 3d, 1698. His father was a Captain in the British Navy. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1745; Captain 1748 ; an officer in the militia, and Lieut. Colonel, in which office he died, March 4th, 1760, after a few days' confinement with a fever. " The officers walked at the funeral before the corpse." In- ventory, 1852 16 10, lawful currency, among which is his mansion house and land in Ann street, 1000. His tomb is No. 8, Copp's Hill. Francis Carnes, Esq, Har. Col. 1 805, was a descendant, as I am informed. There is now remaining in the family of Carnes, in Boston, a 282 picture representing this ancestor as commanding a company on Boston Common. I suppose it was the Ar. Co. on Election day. A member of the Old South Church. CAPT. HENRY BERRY, Boston. Deacon of West Church. Administration 1760. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1742. CAPT. JOSEPH FITCH, Boston ; probably son of Col. Thomas. 1700. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1741. ENSIGN THOMAS GOODING, Boston. CAPT. WILLIAM SALTER, Boston. Administration 1754. ENSIGN JOHN GRANT. WILLIAM WILLIAMS. BENJAMIN CLARKE, Boston. Member of Old South Church. LIEUT. COL. JOHN SYMMES, Boston. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1749; Lieutenant 1752; Captain 1755 and 1761. He was Major, and, on the decease of Lieut. Col. Games, Lieut. Colonel of Boston Regiment, in which office he died, Feb. 27th, 1764. He was buried under arms one company and the officers of the regi- ment preceded the corpse. Member of the Old South. GAPT. JAMES DAY. EPHRAIM BAKER. EDWARD VAIL, Boston, baker. Died July, 1749. ENSIGN EPHRAIM COPELAND, Boston, tailor. Admin- istration 1766. Member of the Old South. SAMUEL JACKSON. COL. RICHARD SALTONSTALL, Haverhill, lawyer ; born at Haverhill, June 14th, 1703; great-grandson of Sir Richard. He graduated at Harvard College 1722. He 283 , was a scientific and practical farmer. At the early age of twenty-three he received a commission as Colonel of one of the Essex Regiments. His son Richard was the fourth in succession of that family who had filled the office. He was chosen Commander of the Ar. Co. 1737, and of course presided at the first centennial celebration, and undoubtedly selected for that occasion. The approach of that event began, the year previous to his admission, to stimulate many enterprising merchants and public characters to join, that the reputation of the corps might receive their support on that occasion, and they gave its prosperity an impetus which it deserved. Col. Saltonstall was a Judge of the Superior Court at the time. He, on that occasion, selected one of the first clergymen in the State, and, although an old man, he gave one of the best and most appropriate discourses ever delivered before the Company. In his judgment, a veteran should preach before a veteran corps. Judge Saltonstall was Chairman of the Committee for settling the boundary line between Massachusetts and New Hampshire, which had always been in contention, 1737. "He was a man of talents and learning; an accomplished officer, and peculiarly distinguished for hospitality and liberality. His address was polished, affable, and interesting ; his disposition kind and affec- tionate, and he was extremely beloved by all who knew him. He left three sons and two daughters. Abigail married Col. Watson, of Plymouth, and died soon after marriage, without children ; and Mary married Rev. Moses Badger, of the Episcopal Church in Providence, R. I." He was appointed Judge 1736, and sustained his station on the bench with dignity and honor until his decease, Oct. 20th, 1756. The family of Saltonstall to this day remain, sustaining the reputation of their ancestors. Hon. Leverett Saltonstall, of Salem, and 284 the wife of Hon. Judge Merrill, of Boston, are of that family. EBENEZER SWAN. CAPT. JOHN CODMAN, Charlestown. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1745. Ancestor of the Codmans in Boston and Dorchester. LIEUT. BENJAMIN HALLOWELL, Boston, shipwright. Will proved Jan. 5th, 1737-8. CAPT. ISAAC WHITE, Boston. CAPT. HABIJAH SAVAGE, JR, Boston, Esquire. Grad- uated at Harvard College 1723; son of Lieut. Col. H, Savage, 1699. Will proved Sept. 23d, 1746. JOSEPH DYAR. ZECHARIAH FITCH. ; , > JOSEPH POMROY. COL. JACOB WENDELL, Boston, merchant ; son of John and Elizabeth, and born at Albany, Aug. 5th, 1691. He married Sarah Oliver, daughter of James and Mary, at Boston, August 12th, 1714. Their issue was four sons and nine daughters. The late Hon. Oliver Wendell, of Boston, was his youngest son. He was many years Selectman of Boston, and, in 1634, gave 50 toward the erection of a market. His mansion house was at the corner of School and Common streets, and he built a new house between that and the present Latin School. My grandfather worked as journeyman under the late Col. T. Dawes, upon that building. While examining it, the following recollection of Col. W. was recited by the old gentleman : " Col. Wendell was a man of great personal dignity. His dress was rich, being a scarlet embroidered coat, gold-laced cocked hat, embroidered long waistcoat, small clothes with gold knee buckles, silk stockings with gold clocks, shoes and large gold or silver 285 brfckles, as the importance of the occasion or business required ; full ruffles at the bosom and wrists, and walking with a gold-headed cane. His numerous workmen dined at the same hour as his family, but in separate rooms; when meals were ready, Col. W. would uniformly take a chair and ask a blessing and return thanks, standing in the front entry, between the rooms. It must have been an imposing spectacle to see a merchant of those days, in such costume, walking the exchange, in King street." At the great fire in Boston, he was a great sufferer. Large collections were made in other provinces to aid the sufferers. He refused any part of the contributions. Upon a final dividend among the sufferers, it was found that there was about 60 left, which could not easily be divided. It was appropriated to purchase, for his daugh- ter, Margaret, an eight-day clock, &c. Lieut. Colonel of Boston Regiment, 1735, and Colonel, 1736, which office he held, 1743; Captain of the Ar. Co. 1735 and 1745, and remained a prominent member to his de- cease. Inventory real estate, 10233 6 8; lands, in Berkshire county, 1466 14 8. He died Sept. 7th, 1761, aged 72, and was buried in his family tomb, in the Chapel ground. The officers of the regiment all walked in procession before the corpse, though he was not in commission when he died. The following is taken from an obituary. "Died here, the Hon. Jacob Wendell, Esq, who for many years was Overseer of the Poor,* Colonel of the regiment, one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, and Council. As a merchant, he was early distinguished, not only by the largeness of his dealings, but also by his probity and honor, which soon created him an exten- sive reputation in the commercial world ; and, as he had many op- portunities of employing the poor, encouraging the industrious tradesman, and advancing those who were entering upon the world, so no man could improve such apportunities with greater pleasure. The indigent and distressed were often and largely relieved by his alms. With great cheerfulness he aided every project for the com- mon good. * Boston Gazette and Country Journal No. 337, Sept. 14th, 1761. 286 "His family remember, with the tenderest feelings, how much4ie endeared himself in every domestic relation. His friends cannot forget his openness of heart, his readiness to oblige, the freedom and cheerfulness which appeared at his hospitable board. Through a long course of years, he gave a constant and exemplary attendance upon all the offices of Christian piety, expressing upon all occasions a regard for every thing relating to it." CAPT. SAMUEL WATTS, Chelsea, yeoman, grandson of Col. P. Townsend, 1674; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1735; Captain, 1742. One of His Majesty's Council. LIEUT. THOMAS DOWNE, Boston; probably son of Col. William. LIEUT. NAT>HAN CHEEVER. CAPT. JOHN PECKER. WILLIAM WARNER. WILLIAM COCK, Boston, master mariner; insolvent, 1736. THOMAS CLARKE. CAPT. DANIEL BELL, Boston, merchant ; died about 1791. DANIEL TUCKER. ENSIGN THOMAS PRATT. Artillery Election Sermon, 1 733, by Nathaniel Ap- pleton, Cambridge James IV. 1st. Printed. 1734.* CAPT. DANIEL EPES, JR, son of Capt. Daniel, 1706. GEAR COFFIN. NATHANIEL THAYER, Boston, leather dresser ; alive, 1772. * March 12th, 1734. There was a town meeting respecting the erection and improvement of the Mall. This may be considered the first considerable effort for that object. See the Boston Commercial Gazette, September, 1826. 287 COL. JOHN CHANDLER, Jr, Worcester, eldest son of Maj. Chandler, 1725, and, like his father, was Judge of the Common Pleas, Justice and Clerk of the County Courts, Sheriff, Judge of Probate, Register of Probate and Deeds, and County Treasurer ; Representative, Coucillor, and Colonel of the Worcester Regiment; Captain of the Ar. Co. 1736. His son, John, succeed- ed him as Judge of Probate. Col. C. was a man of great influence and respectability. He died August 7th, 1762, aged 68. CAPT. ELNATHAN JONES. COL. JOSEPH DWIGHT, Brookfield; Speaker of the House, 1749 ; Colonel of a regiment, of Worcester County; Councillor; Captain of the Ar. Co. 1743. MATTHEW BARNARD. ANDREW SYMMES. ENSIGN JOHN BENNET, Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1750. LIEUT. SAMUEL PRATT, Chelsea, tanner; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1748; Lieutenant, 1753 during which year he probably died. Atillery Election Sermon, 1734, by Charles Chaun- cey, Boston Judges XVIII. 27th-28th. Printed. 1735. ABRAHAM BELKNAP. MAJ. JOHN WENDELL, JR, Boston, merchant. I sup- pose the son of Col. John, 1733. His will was proved August, 1772. He was buried in his tomb, No. 55, Granary. Artillery Election Sermon, 1735, by Hull Abbot, Charlestown Exodus XV. 3d. Printed. 288 1736. JAMES WRIGHT, son of James, Ar. Co. 1715. CAPT. JOHN WELCH, Boston, carver. He lived at West Boston. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1751 ; Lieuten- ant, 1754; Captain, 1756. He died Feb. 9th, 1789, aged 78. In the front range of tombs, Chapel ground, there is " John Welch, Tomb." " His wife died 1736, aged 19." ENSIGN AARON BOARDMAN, Boston, tinman. Will proved 1754. DANIEL WATTS. COL. NATHANIEL THWING, Boston; father of Maj. Thwing, 1761. "April 17th, 1768, Col. Thwing, of this town, was seized with an apoplectic fit, in the street, as he was returning home from public worship, and now lies at the point of death." " He died Monday, 18th. He was a' gentleman well respected; formerly one of the Selectmen ; in the late war, (old French war,) Colonel of a provincial regiment, and in every action conducted with approbation."* Artillery Election Sermon, 1736, by Peter Clarke, Salem 1st Corinth. XVI. 13th. Printed. 1737. MAJ. MOSES DESHON, Boston, auctioneer; originally a carver; an Assessor, 1770. COL. JOSEPH BLANCHARD, Dunstable, now Nashua ; born Feb. llth, 1705. A great speculator in lands, and purchased the Artillery farm, in Dunstable. He was a mandamus councillor, of New Hampshire ; appointed 1740, and sustained the office until his death, in 1758, * Extract from an old newspaper. 289 April 7th, aged 53. In conjunction with Rev. Samuel Langdon, D. D. he published a map of New Hamp- shire, in 1761. He was appointed Judge of the Sup. Court of New Hampshire, in 1749, which office he held till his decease. He commanded a regiment of 500 men, ten companies, raised in N. Hampshire, in 1755, and was engaged in the French war, at Crown Point. LIEUT. TnoiMAS DROWNE, Boston ; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1753; Lieutenant, 1756. Snow, p. 245, speaks of a Deacon Drowne, as the ingenious artist who made the figure in bronze which surmounts the cupola of the Old Province House. If so, he was a brass founder* Artillery Election Sermon, 1737, by William Williams, Weston Eccles. IX. 18th. Printed. 1738. LIEUT. SAMUEL HALEY. JOHN DANIEL. CAPT. JOSEPH EDWARDS, Boston ; son of John, 1699 ; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1754, JACOB EMMONS, Boston. COL. JOSEPH JACKSON, Boston, distiller. Major of Boston Regiment 1758; Colonel 1761 to 1763. He succeeded Col. Phillips as Treasurer of the Ar. Co. 1763, and continued in that office till the Revolution. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1746; Lieutenant 1749; Captain 1752. His will disposes of his portrait to his son Joseph. The first inventory was 3535 14, and second, 3144 19 5, stocks principally. He died at Boston, April 10th, 1790, aged 83, (tomb-stone in the Chapel ground,) and was buried though not in commission under arms, by the Ar. Co. It is on this occasion that a band of music was first used, but it was paid for by the family of the de- ceased. A member of the O. S. Church. 37 290 CAPT. ARTHUR SAVAGE, Boston ; a descendant of the charter member. Will proved Feb. 8th, 1765. Mem- ber of the O. S. Church. SENDAL WILLIAMS. COL. WILLIAM TAYLOR, Boston ; probably Colonel of Milton Regiment. Died at Milton, Feb. 16th, 1789, aged 75. His tomb is in the Chapel ground. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1756; Lieutenant 1759; Captain 1760. Artillery Election Sermon, 1738, by Benjamin Col- man, D. D. Boston Isaiah XL 10th. Printed. 1739. GAPT. RALPH HART, Boston, shipwright. Captain of the Ar. Co. 1754. Died March 14th, 1776, aged 77 grave-stone on Copp's Hill. His son and grandson were noted shipwrights, and built the Constitution frig- ate, " Old Ironsides." CAPT. THOMAS SAVAGE, Boston, merchant; second son of Lieut. Col. Habijah S. 1699 ; was born in Bos- ton, Jan. 5th, 1711. Captain of militia, and died Dec. 19th, 1760. The officers of the regiment walked at the funeral. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1752 ; Lieutenant 1755 ; Captain 1757. " He was the grandfather of the learned Antiquary of New England," and author of the valuable notes in the last edition of Winthrop's History of New England. Inventory, 7122 6 4J, lawful cur- rency, his real estate at the North End and Long wharf, over 2000. SAMUEL SALTER, JR. CAPT. JOHN STORER. MAJ. SAMUEL GOODWIN, Charlestown; died 1802, aged 86. JOHN WALDO, Boston, merchant. A founder of the "New Brick." 291 ENSIGN WILLIAM SIMPKINS, Boston ; son of Thomas, 1727. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1757. CAPT. JAMES BUTLER, Boston ; buried in the Granary. JOHN FRANKLYN, Boston, tallow chandler ; relation of Dr. Benjamin ; was Post Master, and died at Boston, 5an. 30th, 1756, aged 67. Dr. F. was chosen Colonel of the Philadelphia Regiment, February, 1756. ENSIGN THOMAS EDES, Boston, printer. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1762. Artillery Election Sermon, 1739, by Samuel Mather, Boston 1st Sam. XVII. 31st. Printed. 1740. CAPT. JOHATHAN GARY, Boston. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1 762. He died Dec. 29th, 1 801 , aged 85. His grave-stone, on Copp's Hill, says " he was a Univer- salist," probably one of the first converts of the Rev. Mr. John Murray, and a founder of the first Universalist Church. The first Universalists in Boston were Trin- itarians and believers in the Atonement. Much oppo- sition was shown to Murray. At one of his early meet- ings, the Orthodox besmeared their meeting-house seats with wheel grease ; but the late Hon. Rufus King very coolly wiped it off for himself and the ladies in the pew with his white handkerchief. On another occasion, Murray preached in the Old South ; neither party were allowed to take the pulpit ; so Mr. Murray held a dis- putation with the Old South minister, Rev. John Bacon, afterwards of Stockbridge ; and some of the hearers pelted Murray with eggs. Upon his return from meet- ing, his garments much spotted, he was asked how he was treated : " Oh, very well, 1 have been treated witti Bacon and eggs." THOMAS BAXTER. 292 MAJ. NEWMAN GREENOUGH, Boston, Esquire. Major of Boston Regiment. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1755; Lieutenant 1757 ; Captain 1758. His will, proved Feb. 23d, 1781, speaks of " advanced age." Fireward 1770. ENSIGN JOSEPH BRADFORD, Boston, glazier. Will proved 1787. : ^ JOHN NICHOLS. BENJAMIN GOLDTHWAIT, Boston, trader. Died March, 1782. JOHN HYLAND. ENSIGN JOHN ADAMS ; supposed of Braintree. Will proved 1761. Artillery Election Sermon, 1740, by Mather By les,* Boston 1st Sam. XVII. 45th. Printed. 1741. THOMAS SNOW. i JOHN DIXWELL, Boston, jeweller. His father, John, was a goldsmith. I suppose he was grandson of one of King Charles's judges. He died May, 1749. JOHN MILLIKEN. Artillery Election Sermon, 1741, by Samuel Phillips, Andover Judges V. 18th. Printed. 1742. JOSEPH BUTLER. LIEUT. NATHAN BLODGET. 'to fcl- * Dr. Mather Byles was the first Congregational Minister who appeared in the pulpit at Boston in a gown with bands. His congregation considered it popery. He appeared in the forenoon habited thus; in the intermission, the deacons, &c. waited on him, and he was obliged to lay it aside, or preach to bare walls. This dress was sent a present to him by the Archbishop of Canterbury, with whom he is said to have corresponded. The year following, there came an order from the British government, for all the Judges to sit on the bench clothed in scarlet cloaks and large white wigs. 293 BENJAMIN CHURCH, Boston, physician ; father of the famous Dr. B. Church ; was a violent Whig at the com- mencement of the Revolution, but when the tug of war came on, became a Tory. An Assessor, 1770. He graduated at Harvard College 1727. LIEUT. JOSEPH BELKNAP, Boston; son of Jeremiah, 1724. Died at Dover, N. H. August, 1797, aged 81. A member of the O. S. Church. CALEB PHILLIPS. THOMAS JOHNSTON, JR. Artillery Election Sermon, 1742, by John Taylor, Milton Prov. XVI. 32d. 1743. CAPT. JACOB HURD, Boston, merchant. Died at Hal- ifax, N. S. aged 71. He was one of the first settlers there. There was one of the same name, of Roxbury, whose inventory appears 1758. KENELM WIN SLOW, JR. CAPT. JOHN GORE, Boston, painter. An officer of the Boston militia. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1758. His tomb is No. 2, Granary, (repaired 1772.) He was the father, I suppose, of the late Gov. Gore. In May, 1743, Halberts were first used by the Sergeants; and it was decided that the Captain, or presiding officer, had a right to make, or introduce, any motion. In 1743, Lieut. Col. D. Henchman, afterwards Commander, intro- duced a motion to have a duplicate of the Records, and gave a book for the purpose. The transcript, however, was not completed until 1750. Through the similar foresight of Major Thomas Savage, in 1780, Nathaniel Barnes, Clerk, was ordered to make " a list of all the officers' names of this Company, which have been since their first settlement, as far as any account is to be found thereof, &c. ;" and which list was completed September, 1681. To the fidelity of Barnes we are indebted for the preservation of the roll of jnembers 294 and list of officers in the early years of the Company. To Hench- man we are no less indebted for the preservation of Barnes's doings, and the records up to 1750. Much of the original is lost ; Hench- man's copy is, however, entire. The Ar. Co. paid the Clerk <4 for this transcript. At the same time the Company, having somewhat declined in annual admissions, a resolution was passed, " that the colours (standard) be hung out upon our training days, at Major Henchman's corner, (the south corner of State street and old Cornhill,) and the place of pa- rade to be the Town House." The lower floor of the State House, (now the Post Office,) recently stores and offices, was then an open area. The custom of placing the standard there in the morning, to remain as a notification for the training, until the Company was formed, was long adhered to. After Faneuil Hall Armory was estab- lished there which Boston was obliged to furnish for the Company, having received Keayne's donation for the purpose the Ar. Co. held their meetings and formed there. The Lieutenant was detach- ed with a platoon, to bring the standard to the parade. This cere- mony was abolished in 1795. It was a stormy day, and the colors were then brought from Henchman's corner, for the last time, by Capt. Joseph Eaton. Gen. Arnold Welles, who commanded in 1812, when a boy, served his time in that store, and had the charge of the colors, and from him the account was received. The zeal and talents of several commanders, for a series of years, preserved the ancient respectability of the institution. As most of the members resided in Boston, most of the commanders were se- lected from among them ; but the election of Col. Thaxter, 1 728 ; Gen. Brattle, 1733; Col. Chandler, 1736; Col. Saltonstall, Hon. Samuel Watts, and others, show the Company occasionally elected distinguished men from various parts of the country. Artillery Election Sermon, 1743, by William Hooper, Boston Gal. VI. 14th. 1744. CAPT. JOHN COMERIN, Boston, trader. Inventory 1762. THOMAS GREENOUGH, Boston, mathematical instru- ment maker. Will dated 1785. ISAAC CAZNEAU. CAPT. THOMAS STODDARD, Boston ; probably grand- son of Anthony, Ar. Co. 1639. He commanded a com- 295 pany against the Indians, and there is extant a printed sermon on the occasion of their departure, by Rev. Samuel Checkley. He died April 12th, 1763, aged 64. His grave-stone stands on Copp's Hill. ENSIGN JOSEPH GALE, Boston, upholsterer. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1758. Will proved 1774. Artillery Election Sermon, 1744, by Joseph Parsons, Bradford 2d Sam. XVII. 8th. Printed. 1745. ENSIGN JEREMIAH BELKNAP, JR, Boston ; son of Jer-' emiah, 1724. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1763. A mem- ber of the O. S. Church. JOHN WEST, Boston, merchant. Administration 1750. JOHN WILSON. CAPT. BENJAMIN RUSSELL, Boston, housewright. His will names his sons, Benjamin, Ar. Co. 1788, John, 1792, Thomas, (possibly 1769,) and five others. He died July 9th, 1760, aged 63, grave-stone in the Granary. BENJAMIN WALCOTT, Boston, blacksmith. WILLIAM BAKER. JOHN BUTLER, Boston, cooper. Died June, 1748. CAPT. JOHN WENDELL, 3d, Boston. JOSEPH SHERBURNE. CAPT. ENEAS MACKAY, Boston. Many members of the Ar. Co. took an active part as officers in the siege of Louisburg, this year. Artillery Election Sermon, 1745, by Thomas Pren- tice, Charlestown Isaiah LXIII. 1st. 1746. ALEXANDER HILL. JOHN AUSTIN. 296 SAMUEL SWIFT, Boston, lawyer ; son of Col. Samuel, 1724. Will proved June, 1776. He graduated at Har- vard College 1735.* COL. SAMUEL HENDLEY. MAJ. SAMUEL LIVERMORE, (Watertown ;) Major of 1st regiment militia. THOMAS LAWLOR, Boston. Artillery Election Sermon, 1746, by Nathaniel Walter, Roxbury 2d Tim. IV. 7th, 8th. Printed. 1747.f THOMAS MARCH. CAPT. ONESIPHORUS TILESTONE, Boston, housewright. Selectman. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1759; Lieutenant 1760; Captain 1762. His mansion was in Purchase street, opposite his wharf, which still bears his name. He died Nov. 27th, 1771, aged 61. Inventory 1772 mansion, 633 6 8 ; wharf and flats, &c. 2533 6 8 ; other real estate, tools, &c. 4113 4 0, lawful money. Tomb No. 5, Granary. JONATHAN LOWDER, Boston ; son of William, Ar. Co. 1708. Administration 1769. Member of the Old South Church. THOMAS RAYMOND. COL. JOSIAH EDSON, JR, Bridgewater, yeoman. He was a wealthy, intelligent farmer many years Select- *The Register of 1772 states that there were ten Barristers in Boston, and that the whole number of Lawyers in Massachusetts Province then was fifty-one. t This year, the Council books of records were burnt, in the Court House, Nov. 17th, 1747. A mob set fire to the house of Col. T. Hutchinson, in North square, in which his valuable papers were destroyed. This was a great loss in the early history of New England. At this time the militia were called out to suppress the mob, and were notified by beat of drum. This had been the early mode of noti- fying trainings ; it was also the only mode of calling the people together for re- ligious services, until bells came into fashion in Boston. 297 man and Representative. He commanded the Bridge- water regiment, 1772. He was one of the King's Man- damus Council, at the Revolution. Doubting the pro- priety and ability of resisting tiie mother country, he was stigmatised as a Tory. The good people of B. be- ing nearly all Whigs, assembled to tar and feather the old man ; and the mob (several hundred) collected in the evening, and began their tumultuous march. The veneration they had always borne him, served to curb their passions as they approached, and it was found, when within half a mile of his house, that the mob had imperceptibly dwindled to ten ; who stopped to consider what was to be done, and, awed by his amiable charac- ter and dignity, concluded quietly to return to their homes, leaving the old gentleman to enjoy his opinions without molestation. He was Judge of the Common m ni ^u r* Jrleas, Plymouth County. JOHN EDWARDS, JR. CAPT. JOSIAH WATERS, Boston, painter. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1760; Lieutenant 1763; Captain 1769. Administration 1785. A member of the O. S. Church. CAPT. W T ILLIAM HOMES, Boston, silversmith ; father of Lieut. William, 1766. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co, 1761 ; Captain 1765. His place of business and abode was in Ann street. A Fireward in 1770. A member of the O. S. Church. O * Artillery Election Sermon, 1747, by William Hobby, Reading Ps. LXXVIII. 9th, 10th. Printed, .1; ~~ not 1748. EDWARD COWELL, JR. So tenacious had the Ar. Co. been of their privileges, that few instances are found of interference. April 1 st, 1748, was appointed for a town meeting in Boston ; 298 but, it appearing that that day was one of the charter field days, " the meeting was declared null and void, as being contrary to the Artillery charter." A similar in- stance like to have occurred during the late Mayoralty of President Quincy, the warrant having been made out ; but that efficient officer, discovering the coinci- dence, immediately countermanded it. Artillery Election Sermon, 1748, by Samuel Dunbar, Stoughton Heb, XI. 32d, 34th. Printed. 1749. WILLIAM MORE, Boston. Member of the Old South Church. il (ii^ilH) l3i>;>ilh The Ar. Co. found themselves embarrassed by the Assessors of Boston taxing the Company funds. Having reluctantly paid taxes for three years, they, by their Committee, all venerable past Command- ers, petitioned the Legislature to direct the taxes to be refunded; and that in future their property should not be subject to taxation. This petition contains much spirit, in claiming their rights, and pat- riotism in the public service. It was thereupon, " in Council, June 15th, 1749, read, and ordered, that the prayer of this petition be granted, and that the aforementioned taxes, imposed on the Treas- urer of the Artillery Company aforesaid, be remitted ; and it is hereby declared that the donations made, or to be made, to said Company, shall be exempt from all taxes whatsoever, until this Court shall or- der otherwise. "In the House of Representatives Read and concurred. "J. DWIGHT, Speaker. " Consented to. S. PHIPS, Governor." Artillery Election Sermon, 1749, by Ellis Gray, Bos- ton Micah IV. 3d, 4th. 1750. COL. JOHN LEVERETT, Boston, Esquire ; a descend- ant of Gov. J. Leverett ; Lieut. Colonel of Boston regi- ment, 1772; afterwards Colonel, and resigned 1773. Administration July, 1777. 299 BRIG. GEN. ISAAC ROYAL, Medford; Brig. General, 1761, being the first of that title among Americans. He founded the Professorship of Law, in Harv. College ; left this country April 16th, 1775 r and I presume died in England, as his will was dated at Kensington, ng r land. THOMAS NEWMAN. Artillery Election Sermon, 1750, by Andrew Eliot, Boston 2d Chron. VI. 7th, 8th. 1751. THOMAS HUBBART. JOHN COBURN, Boston, merchant ; died January, 1 SOS, aged 78. JOHN BRIDGE. CAPT. DANIEL GOOKIN, Boston, bookseller; a de- scendant of Maj. Gen. Gookin, 1645. Inventory, 1752. NATHANIEL BAKER. Artillery Election Sermon, 1751, by Samuel Cooper, Boston 2d Kings V. 1st. Printed. 1752. ENSIGN SAMUEL TORREY, JR, Boston, merchant; Clerk of the Ar. Co. ; Ensign, 1765. He died Nov. 18th, 1768, aged 42. Tomb in the Granary. A mem- ber of the O. S. Church. Artillery Election Sermon, 1752, by Ebenezer Bridge, Chelmsford Acts X. 1st, 2d. Printed. No members were admitted in 1753. Artillery Election Sermon, 1753, by Samuel Cooke, Cambridge 1st Sam. XVII. 38th, 39th. 300 1754. MAJ. GEN. WILLIAM HEATH, Roxbury, yeoman ; son of William. At the age of twenty-nine, when a private citizen, he joined the Ar. Co. 1754. His memoirs* say, that his becoming a member recommended him to the Colonel of the first regiment in Suffolk, and he was ap- pointed Captain of the company injloxbury, and rose to be Colonel. It has been frequently said by old mem- bers, that Gen. Heath, and other Roxbury and Dor- chester members, used to walk into Boston, with their guns, &c. to attend drill meetings. The Ar. Co. then had no armory. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1768 ; Cap- tain, 1770. Gen. Heath was one of the first five general officers appointed in the revolutionary army, at Cambridge, Feb. 9th, 1775. During the war he continued active in the cause of his country, and his memoirs exhibit a detailed account of his various and important services. On disbanding the army, Gen. Heath retired as a Major General. His writings, under the signature of " A Mili- tary Countryman," were productive of much good. He was a Representative, 1761, from Roxbury; Senator and Councillor, 1791-2. His patriotic services induced his fellow citizens to propose him for Governor, or Lieut. Governor, but he was always unsuccessful until 1806, when he was elected Lieut. Governor. He de- clined, however, to accept, and refused to be qualified. Gen. Heath was chosen by the people, 1812, an Elector of President, and was President of the College of Elect- ors, the whole of whom voted for De Witt Clinton. On this electoral ticket he was run in opposition to Ex- President Adams, and considered his success as the happiest victory in his life. * Written by himself ; containing much information relative to the war of the Revolution. 301 In 1768, several regiments of British troops were in Boston. On a field day, under command of Capt. Heath, then Lieutenant,* it appearing probable that the Ar. Co. would not leave the Common until after the roll-call of the troops, their commanding officer sent orders that he must retire without beat of drum, and that there must be no firing at the deposit of their standard. The Company opposed a compliance ; but Lieut. Heath, conceiving it his duty to comply with the orders of a superior officer in his Majesty's service, marched to Faneuil Hall in silence, and without firing. This ap- peared to some of the members an infringement of their privileges. One Hopestill Capen, then Orderly, resent- ed it so highly, that he went to the top of his house, and fired his musket three times, and even many years after would not vote for Gen. Heath. No one can doubt the patriotism of Gen. H. ; he was guided by that dis- cretion which ever ought to characterize a commander. He lived to an advanced age, and died universally la- mented. His funeral was attended by the Ar. Co. though he had ceased to be a member, from respect to his amiable character and patriotism. He was a genuine republican, affable in his manners, and firm in his prin- ciples. CAPT. DANIEL JONES, Boston ; Deacon of West Church. COL. DAVID MASON, Boston. A founder and first Captain of " the Train of Artillery," attached to Boston Regiment, founded about 1763, and who paraded with one cannon only at the funeral of Col. John Phillips. It was formed soon after the Cadets, and the present South End Artillery are their successors. Capt. Mason served under Col. Knox, as his Lieut. Colonel, in a ' j 'f ' \ ? * It was customary before the Revolution, and so continued until recently, to give the Lieutenant the privilege of command one field day during the year. 302 regiment of artillery in the Continental Army. Gen, Knox was a bookbinder, and pursued that occupation, opposite the west end of the Town (Old State) House; and was a founder of a corps of Grenadiers in Boston, among whom he acquired the first rudiments of military tactics. When promoted, Col. Mason succeeded him as Colonel, and was an able officer. COL. THOMAS DAWES, JR, Boston, bricklayer. Born at Boston, August 5th, 1731. One of the first great mechanics of Boston. His mansion was in Purchase street, near Capt. Tileston's. He was father of the late venerable Judge Dawes. He commenced his military career as Adjutant of Boston Regiment, and commanded the central militia company, whose place of parade was behind the first Church, or Cornhill square. During his command of that company he introduced an improvement in music. Before that time no martial music was used on training days but the drum. He employed a man, with but one eye, who played the clarionet, and he caused him to march about eight paces in front. Marigolds were then used as cockades. He was Major of Boston Regiment, 1771, under Col. Erving; Lieut. Colonel under Col, Leverett; and in 1773, Colonel, which office he held till the Provincial Government was abolished. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1761, Lieutenant 1765, Captain 1766 and 1773. Upon the adoption of the State Constitution, he be- came an intimate friend of Hancock, and began to fig- ure in public life ; for which his talents, industry, wealth and patriotism well qualified him. He was Representa- tive, Senator and Councillor. In private life he was active, firm, charitable and affable. He was Deacon of O. S. Church, 1786. I shall never forget his venerable appearance, grave deportment, rich dress and silver 303 locks, when constantly on the Sabbath he walked up the broad aisle. Early impressions identified him with true piety. He died* at Boston, January 9th, 1809. There is a neat white marble monument over his tomb, in the Chapel ground. CAPT. BENJAMIN ANDREWS, Boston. JOSEPH MANN. CAPT. THOMAS CARNES, Boston ; son of Lieut. Colo- nel John, 1733. Artillery Election Sermon, 1754, by Samuel Porter, Sherburne Rom. XII. 18th. 1755. HENRY PERKINS. FRANCIS WHITMAN, Boston, shipwright ; living in 1760. WILLIAM HYSLOP, Brookline. ISAAC DECOSTER. MAJ. EDWARD CARNES, Boston, ropemaker; son of Lieut. Col. John, 1733. He was probably the last Major of Boston Regiment before the revolution ; En- sign of the Ar. Co. 1766; Lieutenant 1769. He died in August, 1782. CAPT. SAMUEL DYER. CAPT. SAMUEL WHITWELL, Boston. An officer of the Revolution. Died at Boston, June, 1801, aged 84. CAPT. JOHN JOY, Boston, housewright. CAPT. SAMUEL BARRETT, Boston, sailmaker ; proba- bly grandson of Lieut. Samuel, 1717. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1766; Captain 1771 ; and on the first field day, Sept. 2d, 1771, " a new stand of colours was pre- sented the Ar. Co. by him." He was Deacon of the *He died January 2d, 1809, says O. S. Catalogue of Church Members. 304 New North Church an industrious and pious man. He died August 25th, 1798. Monday, Sept. 3d, 1798, the Ar. Co. completed the field day duty by attending his funeral, with side arms, in uniform. During the Revo- lution, there were some attempts to revive the Com- pany. In 1783 and 1784, there were several meetings, which failed of success. Capt. Barrett acted as Clerk, and preserved a regular record of their doings, attested by him, and the names of persons present. This paper, after his decease, was found, and the hand-writing prov- ing genuine, has been inserted among the records. BARNABAS CLARKE. CAPT. SAMUEL BALLARD. CAPT. JOHN FORSYTH, Boston. CAPT. BENJAMIN PHILLIPS, Boston. Died at Lincoln, May, 1792, aged 76. Artillery Election Sermon, 1755, by Thaddeus Mac- carty, Worcester Ps. LXVIII. 30th. 1756. SETH BLODGET. BENJAMIN BROWN, JR. ENSIGN JONAS CLARK, Boston, Esquire. Ensign of the Ar. C. 1770. BENJAMIN DOLBEARE, Boston, merchant. Will, proved 1787, speaks of advanced age. JOHN WOODS. CAPT. NATHANIEL RIDGEWAY. CAPT. JONATHAN GARY, Boston ; son of Jonathan, 1740. MAJ. WILLIAM BELL, Boston, bricklayer, or house- wright. Lived in Hawkins street. Deacon of the sec- 305 ond (New Brick) Church. JLnsign of the Ar. Co. 1767 ; Lieutenant 1771 ; Captain 1774 ; and he reassumed the command in 1786. He presented the Ar. Co. with two espontoons, which, after the Revolution, were adopted as the baton of office for the Commander and Lieuten- ant, instead of the leading-staff, or pike, and half-pike. After the battle of Lexington, the people were all actively engaged in resisting the arbitrary power of Great Britain. Many members were engaged in the war, as Continental officers, and those who were not were so dispersed as to render meetings impracticable. To illustrate, however, the feelings and conduct of the people of that day, an anecdote, related by a bystander, is here introduced : In 1775, before the Ar. Co. suspended its meetings, the Common was occupied by the British army, and the Ar. Co. were refused ad- mittance. Capt. Bell, therefore, marched to Copp's Hill. Soon after the bridge over Charles river was built, there was a complaint against the street at the foot of this hill. It was supposed the pro- prietors of that part of the hill enclosed from Snowhill street, ought to repair the wharf and street at their own expense. This led to en- quiry, in town meeting, to whom it belonged ; some one said it be- longed to this Company. Col. Jackson, their Treasurer, was sent for, and declared that he considered it their property, a mortgage upon it to them having long since run out, and that Capt. Bell, with the Company, had taken possession of it in 1775. Capt. Bell was then interrogated by Col. Dawes, the Moderator : Why did you march your Company to Copp's Hill ? Answer : I was prohibited from entering the Common ; conceiving this hill to be the property of the Company, I marched them there, as a place no one had a right to exclude them from. Question by Moderator : Supposing a party of British troops should have been in possession of it, and should have forbidden you entrance, what would you have done? Answer: I would have charged bayonets, and forced my way as surely as I would force my way into my dwelling house, if taken possession of by a gang of thieves. The late Col. William Tudor, who was then present, said : " Mr. Moderator, the hill clearly belongs to that Com- pany, and I wish they would execute a quit-claim deed of it to me for a fair price." The mortgage was discharged afterwards, and the street repaired by the town. 39 306 A senior Captain of a regiment, before the war, rank- ed as Major. It was thus Capt. Bell gained his rank. He was a strict disciplinarian, and tenacious of adhering to the most ancient ceremonies. The Ar, Co. are prin- cipally indebted to him for its revival ; and, being ad- vanced in years, he was elected an honorary member, and continued such to his death. It was not unusual, in those days, for men of seventy years of age to do active duty. Deacon Bell was admired for his firmness and integrity in private life ; the services he rendered to this institution place him among its most distinguish- ed patrons. CAPT. ROBERT JENKINS, 3d, Boston, merchant. He was Clerk of Trinity Church. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1769; Lieutenant 1772; Captain 1790. He died at Boston, August 20th, 1797, aged 63, and was buried from his house in Summer street, the Ar. Co. in uniform and side-arms, preceding the corpse. His widow mar- ried the late Deacon Grant. CAPT. SAMUEL RIDGEWAY, JR, Boston ; brother of Capt. Nathaniel, 1756. JAMES BENNETT. CAPT. JOHN DEMING, Boston, merchant. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1771. A member of the O. S. Church. COL. EDWARD PROCTOR, Boston. A revolutionary officer. Tomb No. 16, Copp's Hill. Grandson of Ed- ward Porter, 1699. DANIEL BOYER, Boston. Member of O. S. Church. Sept. 6th, 1756, it was " voted that every member of this Company have a bayonet fitted to his firelock, as soon as may be." Artillery Election Sermon, 1756, by Ebenezer Pem- berton, Boston Heb. XI. 34th. Printed. 307 1757. SAMUEL EMMES. JOHN HEAD, Boston. JOHN SOLEY. Artillery Election Sermon, 1757, by Samuel Check- ley, jr, Boston Isaiah XIII. 4th, 5th. 1758. NATHANIEL LORING, Boston, merchant. Inventory 1770. CAPT. EDWARD JACKSON. v f ; COL. NATHANIEL BARBER, JR, Boston, merchant. A revolutionary officer. CAPT. EDWARE LYDE, Boston, merchant. Refugee ; son of Capt. Edward. JOHN DOWNE. CAPT. WILLIAM MURRAY. i *iv; CAPT. WILLIAM BOARDMAN, Boston. RICHARD BOYLSTON, Charlestown. Died June 30th, 1809, aged 85. CAPT. MOSES PECK, Boston. Died March, 1801, aged 83. Member of the O. S. Church. CAPT. DAVID JENKIN. CAPT. JAMES CUNNINGHAM. THOMAS DEERING. THOMAS SYMMES, Boston ; only son of Lieut. Col. John, 1733. CAPT. DAVID SPEAR, Boston, cooper. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1768. Artillery Election Sermon, 1758, by Thomas Bar- nard, Salem Isaiah LIV. 16th, 17th. Printed. 308 1759. CAPT. JOB WHEELWRIGHT, Boston, cooper. Admin- istration 1770. ENSIGN JOHN SKINNER. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1772. PETER VERSTILE, Boston, merchant ; living in 1774. ENSIGN JOSEPH GALE, JR, Boston ; son of Joseph, 1744. LIEUT. CHRISTOPHER CLARK, Boston, merchant. MAJ. RICHARD BOYNTON, Boston. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1764; Lieutenant 1767. Deacon. Died March, 1794, aged 74. CAPT. SAMUEL SIMPSON. JOSIAH SALISBURY, Boston, merchant. Deacon of the O. S. Church, 1794, and wealthy. He was one of the last who wore the old cocked hats. It was always known if he had money to let, without asking him ; for if he had, he always wore the front peak of his hat high up when he walked down to the Exchange, and low down was always sad foreboding to borrowers. He died May2d, 1318. Artillery Election Sermon, 1759, by Amos Adams, Roxbury Matt. X. 34th. Printed. 1760. CAPT. BENJAMIN EDES, Boston, printer, of the firm of Edes & Gill; son of Thomas, 1739. COL. ANDREW SYMMES, JR, Boston, merchant. Died April llth, 1797, aged 62. LIEUT. JACOB HOLLAND. ENSIGN MOSES PITCHER, Boston. Member of the O. S. Church. 309 LIEUT. WILLIAM DAWES, Boston. Tomb in the Chap- el ground. Artillery Election Sermon, 1760, by Josiah Sherman, Woburn Ps. CXL. 6th. 1761. COL. THOMAS MARSHALL, Boston, tailor ; son of Capt. Christopher, 1724. Major of Boston Regiment 1765, and Lieut. Colonel 1767 to 1771. Captain of the Ar. Co. 1763 and 1767. Col. Marshall died at Weston, Mass. Nov. 18th, 1800. The following obituary ap- peared Nov. 26th, 1800 : " His unblemished morals, even from early youth, have done honor to the Christian religion, which he firmly believed and publicly pro- fessed. The first and principal part of his life was spent in Boston, where he was a worthy and useful citizen, fair in his dealings, to the needy, helpful to his friends, generous to strangers, hospitable to all, courteous in his municipal offices, faithful in his military character, distinguished. In the Revolution, Col. Marshall com- manded a regiment ; displaying his love to his country by his zeal in her cause, and personal bravery. He settled in (Weston,) where, retired from the bustle of the world, he has uniformly practised the social and relative duties ; and his numerous friends and relatives, particularly his very respectable widow, can testify with great sensi- bility, that his path of life has resembled ' the rising light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day.' " MAJ. JAMES CUNNINGHAM, Boston, painter ; born at B. April 24th, 1721 ; father of Maj. Andrew, 1786. Major of Boston Regiment, 1767 to 1771. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1764; Captain 1768. Died at B. June 5th, 1795. CAPT. JEREMIAH STIMPSON. SANDERSON WEST, Boston. Will proved 1770. MAJ. NATHANIEL THWING, Boston ; son of Col. N. T. 1736. 310 CAPT. MARTIN GAT, Boston, brass founder; son of Rev. Dr. Ebenezer, of Hingham. Captain of militia. He was included in the absentee act. He lived, how- ever, to realize the benefits of a free government. I had frequent opportunities of hearing him converse. It was not for want of love for his country that he became a Tory, but, having large property, and fearing the ability to resist with success the power of the mother country, were the causes of his adopting that side, as many of the most considerate men in the country did from like motives. The period has arrived when we can look back and with candor attribute to many of that class good motives for their conduct. He secretly wished for his country's success. His latter days were spent in retirement, and the pleasures of the family circle, in which he appeared amiable and happy. Lieu- tenant of the Ar. Co. 1770; Captain 1772. He died January, 1 809, aged 82, and was buried in his tomb, No. 6, Granary. He was a Fireward in 1770, and Dea- con of West Church. JOHN WEBB, JR, Boston, merchant. LIEUT. COL. JOSEPH WEBB, Boston, trader ; brother of John. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1773. An officer in the Revolution. Will dated in 1787. Soon after the establishment of the Cadets, and " Train of Artil- lery," a Company was formed among the students in Harvard Col- lege. They applied to Gov. Hutchinson for arms, but, as they were mostly opposed to the mother country, he reluctantly yielded to their request, and avoided, as long as possible, to sign an order for their delivery. These young heroes, not discouraged, procured wooden guns, and were reviewed (using them) while the Superior Court was in session at Cambridge, by the Judges, &-c. This corps was " super- seded" during the Revolution, revived during the administration of Gov. Gerry, and abolished by President Quincy. The institution of the Cadets and " Train of Artillery" probably served to lessen admissions into the Ar. Co., and as it had been de- clining, a Committee was chosen " to consider some method for the 311 advantage and unity of the Company." April field-day, 1761, the two following resolutions were adopted : " 1st. That when any person offers himself for admission, he shall be publicly proposed, and stand candidate one term ; that so, none may be admitted but persons of good repute, who are able and wil- ling to attend on training days, and bear their part of the expense. "2d. That the members of the Company duly attend their duty on training days, study for peace, unity and good order among them- selves ; that so they may encourage the officers of the militia and other suitable persons to join them, and support the credit and use- fulness of the Company, always keeping to those good and whole- some rules, by which the Company has subsisted for 123 years." These resolutions, adopted while Col. William Taylor was Com- mander, produced the desired effect ; for, upon comparing the roster of Boston Regiment, of 1770, with the roll, we find that, of the forty- four commissioned officers of the regiment, including the " Train of Artillery," every officer, field, platoon, or staff, excepting one Lieu- tenant and five Ensigns, were members of the Ancient. It is proba- ble they reverted back to Keayne's advice. Artillery Election Sermon, 1761, by Jason Haven, Dedham Prov. XVI. 32d. Printed. 1762. LIEUT. WILLIAM PHILLIPS, Boston ; born August 29th, 1737; merchant; youngest son of Col. John, 1 725. Married Margaret, daughter of Col. Jacob Wen- dell, and died December, 1771. THOMAS STEVENSON, Boston. After failing in trade, he was long a Constable, and lived to a venerable age, being one of the last who kept up the ancient dignity of that office. COL. ADINO PADDOCK, Boston, chair-maker. Lived in Tremont street, opposite the .Granary burial-ground, the venerable elms in front of which he planted. He was a British Colonel. Fireward 1770. He succeeded Capt. Mason as Commander of the " Train of Artillery," 1668. Under Paddock, who was a complete Artillery- man, this Company became a celebrated military school, 312 t and furnished many excellent officers in the revolution- ary army, some unknown. He was a Loyalist, or Tory, and left the town when the British troops evacuated it, and never returned. He was afterwards appointed Gov- ernor of one of the British W. I. islands, where he died. Most of the Ar. Co. were high Whigs. Col. P. was in- cluded in the absentee act. His real estate was 2531 17 6, lawful money; personal, only 71 5 7. His adver- tisements in the newspapers of that day, say, " at his shop in Longacre, Common street." In one, he offered " a guinea reward for the detection of the person who hacked his trees in front of his shop as said trees were planted and cultivated at considerable expense." CAPT. CALEB CHAMPNEY, Dorchester. Died June, 1803, aged 63. On the records, May 3d, 1762, we find the following, ^among other propositions : "" 1st. That the Company for the future break up at Faneuil Hall, should leave be obtained of the Selectmen for that purpose. " 3d. That the Governor, Council, &,c. be invited, on the Anni- versary Election of Officers as formerly, to dine at Faneuil Hall. The expense to be paid as usual. " 3d. The Governor, Council, &c. after the election of officers, to be invited and entertained as usual, (at Faneuil Hall,) the ex- pense to be equally paid by the commissioned officers for the year ensuing." Artillery Election Sermon, 1762, by Samuel Locke, Sherburne. 1763. ELIAS DUPEE, Boston. He kept a school in Boston during the siege, gratuitously. LIEUT. HOPESTILL CAPEN, Boston, shopkeeper. This person showed resentment at Gen. Heath's complying with the orders of the British officers. He died March 2d, 1807, aged 76 grave stone on Copp's Hill. 313 v MAJ. JOHN PERKINS, JR. A revolutionary officer. LIEUT. BENJAMIN EUSTISS, Boston, housewright. His father was a housewright. He was the father of the late o Gov. Eustiss. The name was, originally Eustace, and he was a descendant of John, Ar. Co. 1711. Artillery Election Sermon, 1763, by Thomas Balch, Dedham Daniel IV. 35th. Printed. 1764. ENSIGN JOHN BROCAS, Boston, sailmaker. Adminis- tration 1770. He died aged 67. MAJ. GEN. JOHN WINSLOW, Marshfield, husbandman. Captain of the Ar. Co. 1765. He was grandson to Gov. Josiah Winslow, of Plymouth Colony, and early in life became a military character. In 1740, he commanded a company in the regiment sent to Cuba. He was Maj. General in the British line, and had the chief com- mand of several expeditions to Kennebec, and of the provincial forces at Fort Edward, in 1757. Hutchin- son says " he was younger brother to Capt. Josiah, and possesses the same martial spirit." He was Judge of the Common Pleas, and died at Hingham in April, 1774, aged 71. His portrait, with those of his ancestors, are in the Mass. Historical Library. His sword is now transmitted in the family. His bravery was proverbial, and his reputation as an officer excellent CAPT. LEVI JENNINGS. WILLIAM HICKLING, JR. MAJ. THOMAS BUMSTEAD, Boston ; a descendant of Thomas, 1764; lived on the ancestral estate, and died May 8th, 1 828, aged 88. A member of the O. S. Church. CAPT. JOHN OSBORN, JR, Boston. Artillery Election Sermon, 1764, by Samuel Wood- ward, Weston Gen. XIV. 14th. 314 1765. CAPT. THOMAS ADAMS, Boston, printer. Died Sept. 9th, 1796, aged 53. Tomb No. 39, Granary. TIMOTHY THORNTON, Boston, paver. Will proved 1770. CAPT. JOHN WELLS, Boston ; father of John, 1792. CAPT. WILLIAM HEATH, Boston, sailmaker. CAPT. SAMUEL SELLON, Boston, farrier. Tomb in the Chapel ground. COL. THOMAS CRAFTS, JR, Boston ; an officer in the Revolution. He read the Declaration of Independ- ence from the balcony of the Old State House, first in Boston.* JOHN LEIGHTON. LIEUT. SAMUEL GRIDLEY, Boston; died Oct. 1801, aged 67. LIEUT. GEORGE TROTT, Boston. LIEUT. EDWARD TUCKERMAN, Boston, baker ; Repre- sentative ; died July 17, 1818, aged 78. CAPT. JONATHAN STOOD ARD, Boston ; died January, 1790. One of the five founders of the first Universalist Society in Boston, 1785. LIEUT. WILLIAM ROGERS. CAPT. CHRISTOPHER MARSHALL. CAPT. DIMOND MORTON, Boston ; brother of Hon. Perez. LIEUT. COL. WILLIAM PERKINS, Boston; officer in the Revolution ; Captain of Castle Island, formerly Cas- tle William, now Fort Independence. Died Oct. 27th, 1802, aged 60. * See Thatcher's Medical Journal, p. 55. 315 MAJ. NATHANIEL HEATH, Boston. LIEUT. ZEPHANIAH HARTT, Boston, shipwright; died 1791. MAJ. EPHRAIM MAY, Boston ; Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1773; died May, 1797, aged 69. Tomb No. 124, on the Common. LIEUT. COL. SAMUEL BRADLEY, Boston ; elected Lieut. Colonel of Boston Regiment Oct. 10th, 1797; died July 30th, 1798, in commission, and was buried under arms. CAPT. WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM. CAPT. SARSON BELCHER. LIEUT. DAVID WHEELER, JR. CAPT. CLEMENT COLLINS, JR, Boston ; died Septem- ber, 1798, aged 65. WILLIAM TORREY, Boston, baker. Inventory, 1769. CAPT. JOHN STUTSON, Boston ; Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1774; housewright. ENSIGN ASA STODDARD, Boston, bricklayer; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1774. Administration, 1787. CAPT. EBENEZER TORREY, Boston ; resided at Lan- caster several years. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1787. He died March 14th, 1828. In 1811, he presented the Company with a new standard. He made a will about that time in which he gave them $750 in bank stock ; his children having all deceased and grandchildren being well off, but some young members of that day made remarks relative to the old members who attended the drill meetings regularly, to see the younger mem- bers exercise, enjoying the scene, and hovering about the Company in the field also. These remarks hurt their feelings, broke up the custom, and coming to his ears, he made a new will and gave the legacy to others. 316 A solemn warning to those who make themselves too officious before they have, by long service, become acquainted with the customs. He was buried in his tomb, No. 4, Granary. The Ar. Co. attended his funeral. LIEUT. SAMUEL SEARLE, Boston, tailor. A revolu- tionary officer, and Lieutenant in Col. Crafts' regi- ment. Artillery Election Sermon, 1765 ; by Gad Hitchcock, Pembroke. Printed. 1766. BENJAMIN ROMANS, Boston; died 1802, aged 61. JONATHAN FARNAM, JR, Boston, hairdresser. LIEUT. COL. JOHN POPKIN, JR, Boston ; died at Maiden, May 8th, 1827, aged 85. He was father of Rev. John, the learned Professor of Greek in Harvard College. A revolutionary officer and long an officer of the customs. After he was eighty years old he walked into Boston from Maiden to the custom-house. LIEUT. WILLIAM HOMES, JR, Boston, silversmith in Ann street ; member of the O. S. Church. A man of small stature, pious, amiable, and much beloved. A few days before his death he was a -witness in the Supreme Court, on the trial of the Price will contro- versy between Trinity Church and King's Chapel ; it was a severe cold day, and the old gentleman never went out of his house after. He died Feb. 1 825, aged 83. Artillery Election Sermon, 1 766 ; by John Brown, Hingham. In 1767, no members admitted. Artillery Election Sermon, 1767, by Daniel Shute, Hingham Eccles. IX. 18th. Printed. 317 1768. LIEUT. CHARLES WILLIAMS, Boston. CAPT. NATHANIEL WATERMAN, Boston. MAJ. WILLIAM DAWES, JR, Boston. Member of the Old South. CAPT. WILLIAM HOOGS, Newton ; removed to Can- ada, and in crossing the lakes was drowned, with his whole family. CAPT. JACOB WILLIAMS, Boston, merchant, was shipwrecked on the coast of Africa, and one of the survivors who reached Macao after great suffering, as related in Saunders's Journal. He went to Vermont, where he died at an advanced age in 1821 or 2. MICHAEL HOMER, Boston ; died at Hopkinton aged 69. JOHN GREENLEAFE. SAMUEL CONDON, Boston, Clerk of Ar. Co. ; died March 12th, 1775, aged 28. CAPT. JOHN NEWALL, Boston, cooper; died 1792, aged 54. CAPT. ISRAEL LORING, Boston. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1790; died at Dover, Mass. Dec. 1820, aged 79. CAPT. JOHN HASKINS, Boston. CAPT. JOHN SKILLIN, JR, Boston, shipwright ; died July, 1801, aged 63. JOHN FULLERTON, Boston, distiller. Administration 1793. SETH ADAMS, Boston. Member of the Old South. CAPT. ELISHA EATON, Boston. 318 April 8th, 1768, a Committee, appointed the September preced- ing, " to consider what plan may be most expedient to raise the rep- utation, secure the interest, and save the expense of said Company," reported : " It appears to the Committee that the extraordinary ex- penses attending the officers of said Company, have been very dis- couraging to its members, as well as to many who have an inclina- tion to join it. It also appears that a very great saving may be made in the expenses." They then suggest, that enquiry ought to be made, what the funds are, or ought to be, (surprising oversight!) and, " supposing them to amount to <500, recommend that the interest, or $100, be annually appropriated to assist the officers in the anniver- sary expenses." They then say, " that the expense of the evening (anniversary) be paid by the newly elected officers," in certain pro- portions ; " that the Sergeants entertain the Company in their re- spective turns, as formerly, and to make no other provision than is proposed by the plan annexed, which is thought to be fully suffi- cient, viz : " 9 bottles that is, two gallons wine, Q 9s 4d " 8 gallons of > half hundred lemons, 10 8 Punch, ) rum and sugar, 068 "Biscuit, 048 " 10 Ibs. cheese, 068 1 16 " If souring is scarce and dear, then the Sergeants to provide wine only, that the sum of .1 16s be not exceeded." In the Boston Chronicle, Feb. 1768, we find: "In the brigantine Abigail, Capt. Stevens, from London, came two beautiful brass field- pieces, three-pounders, with the Province arms thereon, for the use of the 'Train of Artillery' of the Regiment of this Town. They were cast from two old pieces, which were purchased, some time since, by the General Court of this Province." These were after- wards probably the pieces named the Hancock and Adams. Artillery Election Sermon, 1768, by Jonas Clark, Lexington 2d Chron. XVII. 16th. Printed. 1769. MAJ. JOSHUA LORING, Boston. A member of the O. S. Church. Sheriff of Suffolk, April, 1775. Town Major. What office this was, I am ignorant ; but, as he was a Tory, it was probably an office created during 319 " the siege," by Gov. Gage. He left Boston with the British troops, March, 1776. CAPT. JOSEPH PIERCE, Boston, merchant. A founder and second Captain of the Grenadiers ; Gen. Henry Knox was 2d Lieutenant. His store was on the north side of State street, and in an old picture of the State House, taken before the Revolution, his name appears on a sign. Representative. Member of the Old South Church. He became poor, and died at Boston, Jan. 1st, 1828, aged 82. COL. JOSIAH WATERS, JR, Boston, merchant ; son of Capt. Josiah, 1747. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1787 ; Captain 1791 ; for several years Treasurer, and exerted himself to place the finances in good order. He col- lected many facts, for a history, but never published them. The manuscript is lost. The older members used to speak of it as containing important facts, as well as anecdotes of members, now preserved in the imperfect recollection of survivors. In 1 804, Col. Wa- ters proposed to establish a Military Library, but it was never carried into effect. There is no doubt it would be highly useful and honorable, and, by small exertion, an extensive collection of military works of standard worth might be made. He was a member of the Old South Church. ENSIGN JOHN F. OSGOOD, Boston. Administration 1792. JOSEPH CROSWELL. JOHN ARNOLD, Boston, cabinet maker. Administra- tion, 1784. CAPT. MANAS SEH MARSTON, Boston, cooper. Will proved 1791. CAPT. JOHN BARTLETT, Roxbury; father of Dr. 320 Thomas, 1792. Died 1823 or '4. For several years he was blind. JOHN GRANT, JR, son of John, 1733. THOMAS SHERBURNE, JR. ENSIGN THOMAS RUSSELL, Boston, brazier; son and executor of Capt. Benjamin, 1740. Maj. Benjamin, 1788, and John, 1792, were his brothers. CAPT. JOHN SIMPKINS, Boston, upholsterer ; descend- ant of Capt. Nicholas, 1650 ; grandson of Thomas, 1727, and son of William, 1739. The last surviving member admitted previous to the Revolution, and he died a member, Dec. llth, 1831, aged 91. Deacon of the New North Church many years, and an active old gentleman. He left a handsome estate. His mansion was near Brattle street Church. '"' 'i i I'^jut PITT *flTi Artillery Election Sermon, 1769, by Phillips Payson, Chelsea Ps. CXLIV. 1st. 1770. COL. JOHN BOYLE, Boston, bookseller. Captain of the Cadets. i CAPT. WILLIAM MILLER. LIEUT. DANIEL REA, JR, Boston. House in Quaker lane (Congress street.) Died December, 1798, aged 87. Artillery Election Sermon, 1770, by Samuel Still- man,* Boston 2d Tim. II. 3d. Printed. 1771. CUTHBERT INGLESBY, Boston. Removed to Vermont. MARTIN BICKER, Boston, merchant. ' Artillery Election Sermon, 1771, by Eli Forbes, Brookfield Exodus XV. 3d. Printed. * The first of any other sect, than Congregational, who ever preached before the Ar. Co. 321 1772. CAPT. ABRAHAM HUNT, Boston. MAJ. JOHN HINKLEY, Boston, auctioneer. Adminis- tration 1787. CAPT. EDWARD KNEELAND. STEPHEN WHITNEY, JR. MAJ. OBADIAH WITHERELL, Boston, miller. A revo- lutionary officer, and living in Kennebec County, Maine, in 1825. DANIEL NEAL. . JOHN SPEAR, Boston. An officer in the Revolution. He died at Boston, April 14th, 1824, aged 75. The Post Boy, of May llth, 1772, announces the following officers, as appointed by the Governor, in the Corps of Cadets, viz : John Hancock, Captain, with the rank of Colonel. William Coffin, Lieutenant, with the rank of Lieut. Colonel. Daniel Hubbard, Ensign, with the rank of Major. Artillery Election Sermon, 1772, by Nathaniel Rob- bins, Milton Ps. CXXII. 8th. Printed. 1773. JEREMIAH BUMSTEAD, Boston. Member of the Old South Church. CAPT. JOSEPH EATON, Boston, hatter. He claimed the honor " of hauling down the first British colors," at the commencement of the Revolution. He was a republican* to such an enthusiasm as to express the wish never to live beyond the age of seventy-five, and his de- sire was granted. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1795. He died in 1825, and the Ar. Co. attended his funeral in citizen's dress. * Still hU annual toast, Election day, was " May the Medford Brooks be swelled higher by 50 per cent. 41 322 " All recollect an old gentleman who died last year,* an honorary member of the A. and H. Artillery, whose arm, on parade days, was completely covered with strips of lace. This same man once loaded a cannon in State street, to keep the regulars from landing, was one of the ' unknown Indians' who threw the Tea overboard, took an oath, forty years before his death, never to taste a drop of ardent spirits, which, it is said, he never violated; wore a cocked hat, and was a hatter by trade. He styled himself 'General.'" Some fur- ther anecdotes of this eccentric man may be amusing. He was small in stature, and lean in flesh as well as purse. In the latter part of life, he would buy his fore quarter of poor lamb out of a butcher's cart, and start from his shop. The Police Court lay in his way home. He would hitch it on to some nail on the brick wall of the old Court House, if he saw the Constables bringing up a lot of vagabonds for trial, walk in and sit till the boys would tell him his larnb was roasted by the sun and basted by the flies, when he would start in a jerk, as if from a dream, and travel homeward. In his early days, he was a rogue. To repeat his own story, he once set his little furnace with coal in the street, to heat his hat iron, on April fool day, a coal-cart passed by, a sturdy yeoman crying *' charcoal," whose face was equally as black. Eaton caught a live coal from his furnace and threw it into the coal-cart. The man drove on, crying loudly. The boys soon began to gather, and bawl out : " Mister, your coal-cart is on fire." " Darn it," said he, " you aint agoing to make an April fool of me, Gee up, Elder who-haw, Deacon charcoal !" Thus he went on through the principal streets, and would not look behind, amidst the shouts of laughter of Eaton, and the rest of the urchins ; his cart, in full blaze, at last was arrest- ed by the Police officers and firewards. WILLIAM WALKER, Milton. LIEUT. STEPHEN GORE, Boston, leather-dresser. CAPT. WILLIAM TODD, JR, Boston, housewright. Died August IBth, 1822, aged 75. Tomb No. 101, on the Common. SAMUEL BELKNAP, Boston, shopkeeper. Died July, 1821, aged 70. SAMUEL WILD. * Boston News Letter, April 1st, 1826. 323 JOHN HOWE, Boston, turner. An officer of Artificers in the Revolution. Died November, 1823, aged 93 Artillery flection Sermon, 1773, by Simeon Howard, Boston Gal. V. 1st. Printed. 1774. CAPT. NATHANIEL CALL, Boston^ housewright. Enr sign of the Ar. Co. 1791. Captain of Artificers in the Revolution. He lived in Green street, and died much beloved, August 18th, 1827, aged 82. Tomb No. 64, on the Common. CAPT. JOSEPH SPEAR, JR, Boston. A Captain in Craft's Regiment. THOMAS S. BOARDMAN, Boston, hatter. Died April 26th, 1828, aged 76. LEMUEL ROBINSON, Dorchester. A revolutionary officer. CAPT. JOHN WISE, Boston, BRIG. GEN. JACOB GILL, Milton. A revolutionary officer. Elected Brig. General of the 1st Brigade, then comprising Boston and the eastern part of Norfolk, and 1st Division, August 21st, 1797, and during his contin- uance in office, Boston was constituted a Legionary Brigade. Artillery Election Sermon, 1774, by John Lathrop, Boston Rom. XII. 18th. Printed. In June, 1774, the Ar. Co. held their election, when the late Dr. John Lathrop delivered an excellent and patriotic discourse. It is related, that while Dr. Lathrop preached, British troops were in the vicinity, and a sentry was placed on the pulpit stairs, lest any thing rebellious should be expressed. One fact the compiler remembers, viz : to have heard Dr. L. say, when he was accused of advancing sentiments inimical to his country, that no one certainly could doubt his patriotic spirit, for he had preached republicanism with a British 324 sentry, armed, on the pulpit stairs, to watch what he said ; but he did not mention the occasion. No Artillery Sermon was preached after 1774, until June, 1787. April, 1639, upon the restoration of order, Boston was organized into a Regiment by itself. Some field officers may have been omit- ted, and some dates of their commissions may be incorrect. I have given the year when I first found the titles applied to them. All of them were members of the Ar. Co. except two, down to the Revolu- tion. From 1689 to the Revolution, the Province of Massachusetts had only one Major General, and two only of these are known to me, Wait Winthrop, appointed after Andross was deposed, and Wil- liam Brattle, of Cambridge. From April 3d, 1775, the Ar. Co. held no regular meetings, until August, 1786. The intention of reviving it was kept alive, but no effectual measures were taken until the summer of 1786, when Ma- jor Bell, the Commander, elected June, 1774, convened the surviv- ing members. Several of the officers and non-commissioned officers of 1774, had died ; the Company therefore voted, that Capt. Bell should remain in command until the next anniversary, June, 1787 ; and they promoted the surviving officers regularly, filling vacancies from the ranks. No admissions, therefore, took place during the intermission. It was observed by Capt. Eaton, 1773, that, on its revival, fifteen was the utmost number in the ranks. They soon after appeared with full ranks; and, therefore, a few should never be discouraged in their exertions to transmit the institution to posterity. The increase, on its revival, is remarkable, fifty-three members be- ing admitted in one year, among whom were many ornaments to the town and State. After the war, Massachusetts fell into a great apathy in military affairs. The fortifications of Fort Hill were permitted to decay, and much complaint was made. Such was the want of military ardor in the metropolis, that the Executive, on the general election, 1786, were escorted by the Roxbury Artillery, under Major Spooner. The Centinel observes, that on that day Boston could not furnish twenty- five men to wait upon the Executive, and that there was not a single commissioned officer, or soldier. The Executive was escorted by the Roxbury Artillery, July 4th, and on Commencement day following. A sharp rebuke was published in the Centinel, July 5th, 1786, purport ing to be an extract of a letter dated Roxbury, viz : " Our spirited Company was once more called upon to act in a military character yesterday, and accordingly marched into our luxurious metropolis. I conclude, however, that this will be the last time we shall be called upon, as I am told the ladies of the capital, seeing the effeminacy of 325 the gentlemen of Boston, have come to a resolution to embody, equip themselves in uniform, and form a brilliant military company." These sarcasms touched the pride of Bostonians, and several mil- itary associations were formed. Shays' insurrection in the autumn, also, awakened the citizens. These things had a happy effect in the second revival of the Ar. Co. The records, Oct. 27th, 1786, speak thus upon the subject : " His Excellency the Captain General, by the gentlemen Selectmen of Boston, applied to the Company (Ar. Co.) for their aid in the present emergency of public affairs. The Company immediately voted their readiness to exert themselves, in every thing in their power, to support the Government of the Com- monwealth, and to hold themselves in readiness, on the shortest no- tice, to turn out in defence of the same." They were reviewed at Faneuil Hall, the Saturday following, by the Governor, when they appointed a Committee, agreeable to his Excellency's request, " to find gentlemen who, upon the present emergency, would accept of the command of the several companies of the militia of Boston." The persons recommended by the Committee, accepted their ap- pointments. The Ar. Co. made all the necessary arrangements for active service ; Col. Waters was appointed Adjutant, and John War- ren, M. D. Surgeon to the Company. The firmness and wisdom of the government, the prompt and energetic measures adopted, pro- duced the most happy effects; for the insurrection was speedily crushed, before it had accumulated strength or unity sufficient to endanger essentially the public welfare. The present Corps of Independent Cadets, a revival of that found- ed by Col. Pollard, was re-organized by a resolve of the Legislature, Oct. 21st, 1786; and the late amiable and courteous Samuel Brad- ford, Esq, elected Commander. Before the Revolution, they were officered by a Colonel, Lieut. Colonel, and Major; and by the new organization, still preserved, a Lieut. Col. Commandant, a first and second Major, and an Adjutant with the rank of Captain. A Com- pany of Light Infantry, called the Republican Volunteers, was insti- tuted, and also a Light Infantry Company, whose first Commander was Hon. Harrison G. Otis. These two corps are extinct. In rival- ship to the Volunteers, the recent Company of Independent Fusil- liers (originally called Massachusetts Fusilliers) was organized, which has survived, under the name of Hancock Light Infantry. Capt. William Turner was their first Captain ; Capt. Joseph Laugh- ton, second ; Capt. John Brazier, the third. The Fusilliers were created by resolve of the Legislature, and had the exclusive privilege of four commissioned officers. Their uniform is elegant, and has but little varied. 326 The Centinel, Nov. 18th, 1786, observes : " The late commotions in this State have awakened that spirit of military ambition, which so nobly distinguished us in 1774 and 1775. In all parts of the country, troops and companies of horse and foot are raising. In this town (Boston) which, a few weeks since, had to lament the want of a single company of soldiery, besides the standing militia, can now produce four companies, almost the whole of which are completely disciplined and equipped, viz : the Ancient and Honorable," &.c. as above. " The Massachusetts Fusilliers is also now forming with rapidity. Such a military spirit, through our Commonwealth, must afford the highest satisfaction to every sincere friend and well-wisher to our independence, and fully justifies the observation, that while Massachusetts can boast of citizens, who profess a knowledge of military affairs, and understand the use of arms, they can have noth- ing to fear from foreign or domestic foes." Sept. 4th, 1786, " for the first time since the commencement of the late Revolution," says the Centinel, " the A. and H. Artillery Company, commanded by Maj. Bell, paraded at the State House in this town, and, preceded by a band of music, marched into the Com- mon, where they performed a number of military exercises; after which, they marched to Faneuil Hall, discharged a volley of small arms, and finished the day much to their honor and the credit of the town. It was gratifying to the real friends of this country, to see our aged citizens, some of whom were nearly seventy years of age, equipped in the accoutrements of soldiers, and setting an example to the younger part of the community, that, should their country re- quire their aid in the field, they might be found ready disciplined and fit for immediate service." The ancient respectability of the Ar. Co. attracted public atten- tion. Many, who had borne high commissions in the Continental Army, enrolled their names, and militia officers, generally, joined it. The Company was revived at an important crisis, " and had the honor," say their records, " of leading in the military duties of the day the insurrection under Daniel Shays." 1786. MAJ.^GEN. JOHN BROOKS, Medford, physician, the first member admitted after the revival, was born at Medford, June 6th, 1752. Having received the prepar- atory education of that period, he studied medicine with a respectable physician at Medford, and commenced 327 practice at Reading, at the age of twenty-one ; but he relinquished it from 1775 to 1783, when he returned from the public service, with a well-earned fame, and resumed his professional pursuits in his native town and vicinity, and for years practised with reputation and success. In 1781, he received the honorary degree of A. M. at Yale College, and in 1787, at Harvard, where, in 1810, he was further complimented with the degree of M. D. and in 1816, of L. L. D. In 1786, he was elected a Fellow, and afterwards a Counsellor, of the Mass. Med. Society. In 1793, he was chosen a mem- ber of the Am. Acad. of Arts and Sciences. In 1795, he was one of the Medical Committee of the University on the Boylston prize questions. During the Revolution, his benevolent endeavors to ameliorate the calamities of war, pointed him out as a proper presiding officer of the society of Free Masons in the Massachusetts line of the army, and in 1780 he pronounced an oration at West Point, in the presence of Gen. Washington, and before the largest assembly of that fraternity which had ever convened.* In 1787, he delivered the first oration before the Society of Cincin- nati, of which he was many years President ;f 1792, an address to the Middlesex Medical Association ; 1795, a discourse before the Humane Society ; 1800, an eulogy at Medford, on the character of Gen. Washington ; and, 1 802, the annual dissertation to the Mass. Med. Society. Gen. Brooks began his military life by commanding a company t>f volunteers, raised in Reading, at the com- mencement of the Revolution. He marched to Con- cord, at the head of his company, and participated in * About 5000 walked in procession at the laying of the corner stone of the Bun- ker Hill Monument, and at the laying the corner stone of the Masonic Temple, in Common street, including all grades and orders. t Only three other orations have been delivered in Massachusetts, before that Society, viz: Gen. Hull, 1788; Dr. S. Whitwell, 1789, and Col. William Tndor, 1790. 328 the battle of Lexington. He was afterwards appointed Major in a regiment of Minute Men, and, at the age of twenty-two, a field officer in the Continental line, and rose to the rank of Lieut. Colonel. At the close of the war he was discharged, with the brevet commission of Colonel.* The regiment was first called Jackson's Regiment, after their Colonel, and gained the camp name of the bloody eighth, the fast in, and the last out of battle. This regiment took a distinguished part in the battle of Saratoga, and was then, and during most of the war, commanded by Col. Brooks. After the evacuation of Boston, he marched to New York, and was actively engaged in the battle of White Plains. In the memorable battle of Monmouth, he was Adjutant General of the advanced column of the army. When Baron Steuben was made Inspector General, Lieut. Col. Brooks, at the recommendation of Washington, (who had before recommended him to the Provincial Con- gress for as high a commission as they could, consist- ently with his age, give,) was appointed an Inspector General under the Baron. Upon the organization of the militia, after the war, he was appointed Major General of the Middlesex Division, Which office he held ten years. In the sup- pression of the insurrection under Shays, he was actively engaged. During the late war with Great Britain, 1812, Gen. Brooks sustained the arduous and important office of Adjutant General of Massachusetts, which office he held until 1816, when he was elected, by 49,578 of his fellow citizens, Governor. Seven years successively he filled the Chair of State, with dignity, impartiality and energy, when he voluntarily declined. When the Federal Constitution was adopted by Mas- sachusetts, Gen. Brooks was in the Convention. He *The Confederation could give no other pay than honor. 329 was first Marshal of Massachusetts, appointed by Wash- ington. When Gen. Washington accepted the office of Lieut. General of the American Armies, by the appoint- ment of President Adams, he selected John Brooks as his first Brig. General. He has also sustained the of- fices of Representative, Senator, Councillor, and Elec- tor of President and Vice President. It may be asked, why enumerate these things ? It was asked at the can- vass for his first election as Governor, tauntingly by his opposers, Who is John Brooks ? An obscure indi- vidual, was the answer from the same press. His modest mind made no pretensions to excellency, self-taught, he won his way by worth of character, purity, fortitude, prudence not parsimony, for he was poor, nor creep- ing servility, he always maintained an erect attitude, and never bent his brow to a plebeian's girdle, except in kindness. He was possessed of a nobleness of mind too large to do a little thing, and too elevated to do a mean one. His townsmen, his warmest friends, com- plained at his acceptance of the Gubernatorial Chair, for it deprived them, in a degree, of his kind and valu- able medical assistance, and it was not unfrequent that he was called, after laborious service at the Council Chamber in Boston, to visit and comfort his sick neigh- bors an act he was never too much fatigued to per- form, gratuitously. The Ar. Co. have twice been honored by him as Commander, 1787, 1794; and he continued a member to his decease. It is not from want of inclination, that that we do not enlarge upon the virtues and services of this patriot of the Revolution. In the language of the Rev. Mr. Deane, in his Artillery Sermon, 1816, the first public appearance of Gen. Brooks as Governor : " Here we behold the wise and virtuous ruler in the midst of his subjects ; like the father of a family, inspiring love and respect by his presence, deriving the strength of his 330 government from his sacred regard to their happiness, and receiving from them the homage of the heart, and not of compulsion." He had two gallant sons ; one was a distinguished officer in the U. S. Army the other fell gloriously fighting the battle of his country on Lake Erie. He probably caught a severe cold, while attending the funeral of his successor, Gov. Eustiss, whom he survived but a few days. He died at Medford, March 1st, 1825, aged 73, and was buried March 3d following, without ostentation. The travelling was very bad. Medford appeared clad in mourning all busi- ness was suspended the shops were closed. His body was carried into the meeting-house, which was filled by his townsfolk, of all ages and both sexes, and strangers of distinction. Above ninety of the Ar. Co. under Col. Gibbens, in citizen's dress, attended his funeral. It was solemn to see them march, single file, up the broad aisle, and stop to take a last look of their beloved member ; and the sacred tear started involuntarily from the firm- est of them, as they moved onWard. A well-written character of him is in the Centinel of March 5th, 1 825 ; also, Quarterly Review, XIV. 1842. CALEB DAVIS, ESQ, Boston. Deacon. Speaker of the House 1780. Died July 6th, 1797, aged 59. Tomb No. 123, on the Common. CAPT. JOHN LUCAS, Boston, baker. In old age he married a celebrated preceptress of Hingham Academy ; but, with all her accomplishments, she failed to render him happy. He gave, in his will, to Judge Dawes an estate in Court street, worth $ 10,000, for his early friendship. COL. JOHN MAY, Boston, merchant. An owner of May's Wharf. Whence he derived his title of Colonel, is unknown. Representative, and many years a Select- man. 331 MAJ. ROBERT DAVIS, Boston, merchant. BRIG. GEN. JOHN WINSLOW, a native of Boston ; born Sept. 29th, 1753, and educated a merchant. His father's name was Joshua, and, as Col. Edward, 1700, had a son of that name, I conclude he was his grandfather. His father died before he arrived of age, and left him to launch forth on the world to seek his fortune. Col. Edward's portrait, in elegant military costume, is now preserved in the family. At the age of twenty-two he entered the Revolutionary Army, as Deputy Paymaster General, and rank of Lieu- tenant, in the Northern Department. He joined the army at Quebec, under Gen. Montgomery, and was in the battle. June 8th, 1777, he received a commission as Captain of Artillery, and was placed under the com- mand of Maj. Ebenezer Stevens, late a Maj. General in New York. He was in the battle which resulted in the capture of Burgoyne, and one of those who took the account of stores, &c. found in his camp ; and also had the charge of many prisoners. He was afterwards sta- tioned at West Point, and White Plains. When the American Army was retreating, under Gen. Wooster, from Quebec, and the enemy close upon their heels, he saved the public chest, and lost his own baggage and wardrobe, as valuable as any officer's in the line. He was thus left destitute of clothing, not having sufficient to change his linen for thirty-five days. He received, on the settlement of his accounts as Paymaster the foot of which was $865,700 81 a certificate from the Paymaster General, wherein his conduct was highly ap- proved ; and, it was said, he was almost the only Pay- master who had faithfully accounted for the public moneys. He was at the battle of Ticonderoga, and when the army, under Gen. Sinclair, retreated from that place, he again saved the books and property en- 332 trusted to his care, and lost most of his own. He was soon after relieved, and settled his second account $104,518. Nov. 5th, 1778, he was honorably discharged, at his own request. When the militia of Boston was organ- ized, he was elected a Major, and soon Colonel. March 21st, 1799, he was elected Brig. General of ihe Legion- ary Brigade. In 1809, he was chosen Maj. General, but did not accept, ajid immediately resigned his office of Brig. General. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1788; Captain 1792 and 1798. He was many years Fire- ward, and President of the Board of Health Treasu- rer of the Ar. Co. and Cincinnati, and often Repre- sentative. In 1810, he lost his property by an un- expected failure, and his embarrassments continued during life. His integrity and honor were never ques- tioned, and the people placed him, seven years succes- sively, in the responsible office of County Treasurer, to his death, Nov. 29th, 1819. The fidelity with which he discharged its duties, induced his constituents to pro- nounce him the best Treasurer that had ever filled the office. As a neighbor and friend, he was zealous and char- itable frequently employed by the rich to bestow their secret alms upon the virtuous poor. He was not, by talent or education, a great man, but formed by nature an upright one. The numerous instances of being guardian, referee, &c. prove his integrity. He was prompt, but prudent ; rigid, but not austere ; independ- ent, yet popular ; shrinking from public honors, yet de- serving them ; fearless in the discharge of public, social and moral duties, yet amiable and beloved by all. The composure with which he met his troubles, and even saw the approach of death, show the sterling value of his heart and mind. He never communicated his trou- bles, because it might disturb others ; but rather suffer- 333 ed them to gnaw upon him in secret, while the world supposed him cheerful. In his family, he was spotless, kind and affectionate ; his fireside was the seat of hos- pitality, his home the mansion of happiness. He was buried in his tomb, near the centre of the Chapel ground, the Ar. Co. in citizen's dress, preceding the corpse. CAPT. WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM. LIEUT. COL. JOSHUA FARRINGTON, Boston. Died at Trinidad, February, 1792. CAPT. ALEXANDER HODGDON, Boston. Died atDed- ham, 1797, aged 56. Treasurer of State, 1787. ISAAC DAVENPORT. LIEUT. WILLIAM BROWN, Boston, merchant ; resided at the famous " Green Stores," once a place of exten- sive business. Deacon of Hollis street Church. Rep- resentative and Senator. A man of common education, but of strong mind ; popular and much respected. Al- though not a frequent or elegant speaker, yet his mild manner and perfect knowledge of human nature, ren- dered him a powerful legislator. He long prevented the erection of South Boston Free Bridge, while his in- genuity circumvented his adversaries, and obtained the bridge above, near his own property, and originated the building of Front street.* BRIG, GEN. AMASA DAVIS, Boston, merchant. Cap- tain of the Ar. Co. 1795, while Colonel. Quarter-Mas- ter General of the State many years. A gentleman of fortune, given to hospitality. There is a tradition that the Ar. Co. presented him with a sword. On the anni- versary which closed his year's service, he presented, by the hands of his daughter, Miss Catherine Davis, the Ar. Co, with an elegant standard, that presented by Capt. Barrett being defaced. He died at Boston, Jan. 30th, * 1841, Harrison Avenue. 334 1825, aged 82, and the corps attended his funeral, in citizen's dress. LIEUT. JOHN COOLIDGE, Boston. SAMUEL EMERY. RICHARD GARDNER. CAPT. WILLIAM BOARDMAN, JR, Boston, merchant. ANDREW OLIVER, Boston. Member of O. S. Church. LIEUT. ZECHARIAH HICKS, Boston, saddler. Lieu- tenant of the Ar. Co. 1791. Representative. He is now living, (1842) one of the oldest inhabitants, highly respected. THOMAS NEWELL, JR. SAMUEL GREENOUGH, Boston. He died at Dorches- ter, August 22d, 1796, aged 48. .^ f JAMES LANMAN, Boston. Deacon. JONATHAN BALCH, Boston, pump and block maker. Owner of Balch's wharf. A member of O. S. Church. CAPT. HENRY PRENTISS. CAPT. JOSEPH COFFIN BOYD, Boston, merchant. Re- moved to Portland, where he was Captain of the Vol- unteers, and died May, 1 823, aged 63, while Treasurer of Maine. LIEUT. SAMUEL HASTINGS, Boston, painter. Mem- ber of O. S. Church. LIEUT. RUSSELL STURGISS, Boston, merchant. Died Sept. 7th, 1826, aged 76. CAPT. SAMUEL TODD, Boston, housewright. He lived in Cole Lane (Portland street.) Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1793, Captain 1797. He was the first armorer who took charge of the company equipments in Faneuil Hall. He died a member at an advanced age, March 31st, 1815. 335' Tomb No. 101, on the Common. The Ar. Co. at- tended his funeral in citizen's dress. He was much be- loved. CAPT. THOMAS WELLS, Boston. JONAS CLARKE MINOTT. CAPT. JOHN JOHNSTON, Boston ; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1788, Lieutenant 1790. SAMUEL GORE, Boston, painter ; brother of Gov. Gore. He was one of the mechanics, who obtained, secured and sent out of Boston, when in the hands of the British, at the commencement of the Revolution, the only two cannon then in the country, except what had been brought here by the British. He was one of those who on 16th Dec. 1773, proceeded to the tea ships, at Liverpool (then Griffin's) wharf, and destroy- ed their cargoes.* He died at Boston, Nov. 16th, 1831, aged 80. CAPT. JOHN BRAZER, Boston, shopkeeper, (some- times miscalled Major.) Third Captain of the Inde- pendent Fusilliers; Engign of the Ar. Co. 1794. He was an excentric character, a violent partizan, wealthy, and a great patron of the drama. He was the princi- pal originator of the 2d Universalist Church, School street, and died at Boston, May 7th, 1828, aged 75. CAPT. JOSEPH FORD, Boston ; died Nov. 1797, aged 56. CAPT. TURNER PHILLIPS, Boston, merchant; brother of Major James, 1790; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1789, several years Chairman of the Selectmen. He died at Boston, Sept. 13, 1836, aged 81 ; a very intelligent and respectable citizen, who held various offices of responsibility, public and private. * Col. Centinel, Nov. 26th, 1831, obituary. 336 MAJ. ANDREW CUNNINGHAM, Boston, merchant, son of Capt. James, 1761, was born in Boston, Feb. 16th, 1760. The latter part of his life he confined himself to the business of insurance. He was many years a Fireward. How he gained his military title I am una- ble to state. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1789; Cap- tain, 1793. The year following Gen. Brooks was se- lected to succeed him, and wished his services as Order- ly, and the Company accordingly chose him. He died at Roxbury, August, 1829, aged 69. HON. JOHN AVERT, JR, ESQ, Boston, Secretary of State from 1780 to 1806. He graduated at Har. Col. 1759. Deacon of West Church, and died at Boston, June 7, 1806, aged 67. PEPPERELL TYLER, Boston. MAJ. GEN. BENJAMIN LINCOLN, a native of Hingham, yeoman ; born Jan. 23d, (O. S.) 1733, in the house in which he died.* His father had the sarne name, a far- mer, which occupation Gen. L. followed till more than forty years old. He enjoyed no advantages of early ed- ucation, proportioned to the eminence which he attain- ed. The native force and perspicuity of his mind, and his happy disposition, contributed to his superiority over multitudes. He owed something to culture, and much to circumstances. He was many years Town Clerk, Magistrate, and Representative 1773, '4, '5, '88, '9. His first military office was Adjutant of the 3d Regi- ment in Suffolk, July, 1755, and he was Lieut. Colonel January, 1772, when the war broke out. He was a member of the Provincial Congress assembled in 1775, at Concord, Cambridge and Watertown, and a sincere, determined, though temperate Whig. Upon the news of the battles of Lexington and Con- * Extracted from a pamphlet, said to have been written by President Kirkland. See the Hist. Coll. of Mass, and Lincoln's Hist, of Hingham. 337 cord, he summoned the military under his command, with a view of repairing to the scene of action. The return of the royal troops to Boston the same night, prevented his marching. He was appointed a Briga- dier, February, 1776, and Maj. General in May, and much employed in disciplining the militia. On the 2d of August following, he was appointed to command the troops of the State doing duty at and near the harbor of Boston. The impression entertained of his military tal- ents, and his influence with the militia, led the General Court, in September, to give him the command of the regiments to be raised by the State to reinforce the army under the Commander-in-Chief, at New York and New Jersey, which had now become the seat of the war. Feb. 1 1th, he arrived at Gen. Washington's camp. The Commander-in-Chief, while at Cambridge and Boston, had become acquainted with him, and recommended him to Congress as an excellent officer, whom it was desirable to place in the Continental line. Accordingly, soon after he joined the army in February, 1777, he was created a Major General by Congress. The calm cour- age and good judgment of Lincoln were always evident. He was first attached to the Northern Army, under Gen. Schuyler, and afterwards under Gen. Gates. He was severely wounded, during the campaign, in the leg, which caused his removal first to Albany, and after- wards to Hingham. He was not able to take the field till August 7th ; his restoration was not complete, how- ever, till long afterwards. No inconsiderable share in the success of the North- ern Army, in the capture of Burgoyne, had been al- ways ascribed to Gen. Lincoln. His excellent character as a man, and his military reputation, induced the Del- egates from South Carolina to request Congress to ap- point him to the chief command in the Southern depart- ment. He arrived at Charleston early in December, 338 1778. His campaigns in the Southern department were meritorious, but unsuccessful, and ended in the surren- der of Charleston, May 12th, 1780, when he was taken prisoner. He was admitted to his parole, and in the summer returned to Hingham. In November following he was, to his great joy, exchanged. On the commencement of the campaign of 1781, Gen. Lincoln joined the army under Washington, occu- pying the high grounds on the North River, with a view to operations against New York. Before the end of the summer, the plan of the campaign was changed, and the movements of the army directed against Lord Cornwallis, in Virginia. Our General commanded a central division at the siege of Yorktown, and had his full share oT the honor of that brilliant and auspicious event. The articles of capitulation stipulated for the same honors in favor of the surrendering army as had been granted to the garrison of Charleston. Gen. Lin- coln was appointed to conduct them to the field where the arms were deposited, and receive the customary submission. Oct. 31st, 1781, he was chosen Secretary at War, with power to retain his rank in the army, residing at Philadelphia, till October, 1783, when he resigned. Having thus laid down the load of public cares, he re- tired with heartfelt pleasure to the repose of private life. His military service had not increased his property, and he resumed his farm. Neither his circumstances nor disposition would permit him to be idle. Although he had intended to avoid any public employments, he was persuaded to take command of the first Division of the Militia of the State. He was willing, with other distinguished officers of the late army, to make a con- siderable sacrifice to preserve to the community the benefit of the military knowledge acquired by the ex- perience of the war. 339 In 1786-7, the insurrection took place in Massachu- setts. Gen. Lincoln was appointed to command the militia between four and five thousand detached to restore order. He was selected as Commissioner, with others, in negotiations with different Indian tribes, and in one with the Creeks, 1789, on the Southern frontier, he had the pleasure of meeting Gen. Washington, for the first time since 1783, stopping at Mount Vernon on his way. His aid was solicited in framing the first mil- itia law of the United States, and when the Committee had the subject under consideration, he introduced a clause to preserve the ancient privileges and customs of such independent corps as were then created by charter or otherwise. Gen. Blount, of Carolina, one of the Committee, was vehemently opposed to any such clause, when Gen. Lincoln stated the origin and claims of the Ancient and Honorable. Blount, in a passion and with a sneer, exclaimed " And, pray, who in h 1 commands this Ancient and Honorable ?" Gen. Lin- coln calmly replied " Your very humble servant." This put Blount and his adherents to silence, and the clause was included in the act. Thus the original charter, usages, and privileges of the Ar. Co. are con- firmed by Congress. In April, 1787, Gen. Lincoln had a plurality of votes for Lieut. Governor, and was elected by the Legislature. He was a member of the Convention for ratifying the new Constitution, and in 1789 was made Collector of Boston, which office he held till within two years of his death, when his earnest desire to resign was complied with by Mr. Jefferson. In this station he acquitted him- self with judgment, fidelity and success, never forgetting his allegiance to the government, and never giving cause to any to complain of the insolence of office. The University gave him, in 1780, the honorary de- gree of Master of Arts. He was one of the first mem- 340 bers of the Am. Acad. of Arts and Sciences, and the Mass. Hist. Society, who have an elegant portrait of him, in military costume ; and he contributed in their collections published. He was President of the Cin- cinnati from its foundation to his decease, and Com- mander of the Ar. Co. June, 1788. " The interval between his resignation as Collector and his death, passed in much serenity. He daily experienced the increasing weight of years, but without any severe pain. After a short attack of disease, he expired on the 9th May, 1810, aged 77 years. "In Gen. Lincoln's character, strength and softness, the estimable and amiable qualities, were happily blended. His mind was quick and active, yet discriminating and sound. He displayed a fund of thought and information, derived from select, though limited reading, from careful observation of men and things, and from conversation, He was patient and cool in deliberation ; in execution, prompt and vigorous ; conspicuous for plain, strict, inflexible integrity, united, however, with prudence, candor, a liberal and compassionate dispo sition. He had, it was said, by constitution, strong passions, but they were so disciplined by reason and religion, and qualified and counteracted by good sentiments and generous feelings, that they never betrayed him into any extravagance, nor suffered him to give way to any impulse of anger. He knew how to exercise command without exciting aversion. Paying deference to the rights and feel- ings of others, whether present or absent, his own were not likely to suffer injury or insult. He was always an early riser, temperate in his habits, frugal without parsimony, diligent and methodical in his business. He believed in the preponderance of good in the human condition ; often mentioning particularly the resources and comforts accommodated to the successive periods of life, as affording proofs of the goodness of the Creator. He thought gratitude, acquiescence and hope a tribute, at all times due to a wise and benevolent Provi- dence. He was called to encounter adversity in different forms ; some of which were of a nature to dishearten an ordinary man ; but his fortitude and equanimity never forsook him, and he always main- tained an erect attitude. "As a military commander, he was judicious, brave, determined, indefatigable. His distinguished merit in this character was never denied ; whilst all have not agreed in opinion upon some of his plans in the Southern command. Being a soldier of the Revolution, he had to anticipate the effect of experience, and might commit mis- takes. He was surrounded by difficulties : he met extraordinary dis- appointments in his calculations upon supplies and succors. In the principal instances which issued unfortunately the storming of Sa- vannah and the siege of Charleston he had but a choice of evils ; and which ever way he decided, the course rejected would have seemed, to many persons, more eligible. He had true courage, with- out rashness. His calmness in danger seemed like unconcern; but he affirmed that he never was exposed without feeling deeply inter- ested in his own life and the lives of others. " In civil functions, he took the plain way of probity and patriot- ism, not despising popular favor, but never pursuing it as an end, and never thinking it an equivalent for the sacrifice of principle. By the change of political parties in the Commonwealth, his agency in sup- porting the laws and suppressing the insurrection came, at one time, to be considered as demerit, and the office of Lieut. Governor, when held by him, was, by this sinister influence, deprived of the limited salary which the Second Magistrate of the State had always before received. He was a Federalist of the Washington school. From 1801, the party which had opposed the Federal Administration, held the supreme power. He experienced the sense entertained by the community of his services, in being suffered to retain his office of Collector. " Religion exerted its full influence over the mind and conduct of Gen. Lincoln. He was a Christian of the anti-sectarian, catholic, or liberal sect, firm in his faith, serious and affectionate in his piety, without superstition, fanaticism, or austerity. He was from early manhood a communicant, and for a great part of his life a Deacon of the Church. He never shunned an avowal of his belief, nor feared to appear what he was, nor permitted the reality of his convictions to remain in doubt. But, avoiding ostentation and bitterness, think- ing the excellence of the tree more apparent in the fruit than the leaves, and being a good man the best proof of being a good Christian, he was able to reconcile fidelity to his religion with the spirited and graceful exercise of his military functions and all the offices of civil and social life. Amidst the license so common in armies, no pro- fane expression or irreverent sally escaped his lips; and no stain came upon the purity of his life. " The person and air of Gen. Lincoln betokened his military vo- cation. He was of middle height, erect, muscular, with open, intel- ligent features, a venerable and benign aspect. His manners were easy and unaffected, but courteous and polite. lie delighted in children, and made himself loved by them. He admitted young per- sons of merit to his intimacy ; let them into his sentiments on inter- 342 esting subjects, and was forward to aid their reputation and advance- ment in the world. He had a high relish for the pleasures of con- versation, in which he hore his part with good sense, delicate raillery, anecdote, and always a moral vein. His house was the seat of real hospitality. The accession to his income, during the last twenty years of his life, was applied to a decent provision for his advancing age, to the increase of his charities, and to the benefit of his numer- ous family. He twice made a distribution of considerable sums among his children. As they had good habits, and knew the use of property, he thought it was unnecessary to leave their claims to be answered by his executor. He lived in great conjugal happiness with the wife of his youth more than fifty-five years, and had sons and daughters, in whom, and in their descendants, he found the greatest solace. May the principles and virtues of such men be ex- emplified in successive generations in our country, that the blessings purchased by the wisdom and valor of the fathers may be inherited by the children to the latest time." LIEUT. EDWARD CURTIS. COL. EBENEZER BRATTLE. CAPT. THOMAS CLARK, Boston, merchant ; son of Rev. Jonas, of Lexington, grandson of Ensign Jonas, 1756 ; was born at Lexington, Sept. 27th, 1759. The first time Capt. C. put on a military coat, was to join with the Cadets in firing a salute on the news of the capture of Burgoyne's army. The custom had been, when a new Governor arrived from England, to present the Cadet corps with a new standard. When Gov. Gage arrived, Hancock was Commander of the Cadets, and Gage presented a standard; but, as soon as he found out the spirit of Hancock, he dismissed him from the command, and ordered a new choice. The Company met and disbanded themselves by vote, and returned the standard to Gov. Gage. In this the Tories joined with the Whigs. After this, the members occa- sionally met. Afterwards, a new company of volun- teers was raised; Col. Henry Jackson was Captain, Benjamin Hichbon Lieutenant, and Perez Morton En- sign called the Independent Company, and went to 343 Newport, R. 1. on service. Capt. Clark belonged to them. He joined the Ar. Co. on its revival ; was elect- ed its Lieutenant 1792, Captain 1796, and many years Clerk, till 1809. Upon the death of the venerable William Cooper, Town Clerk of Boston half a century, there were nu- merous popular candidates, of both parties. This cre- ated a warm struggle. Capt. Clark had become infirm, and realized little from his business of auctioneer, to support his large family. Just before the election, a few friends suggested him as a candidate, with little hope of success ; but no sooner was his name announced, than the Ar. Co. members and past members rallied to his support, from all parties, and elected him by a decided majority over all. After that, he was elected without opposition until the organization of the City Govern- ment, when he was Assistant Clerk. He had a salary, $750, and the perquisite of marriage publishment fees, said to amount to $1000 annually. He died at Boston, May, 1832, aged 72. Soon after the revival of military spirit, 1786, a company of Cav- alry was. raised in Boston, and the first commander was Rufus G. Amory, Esq, a distinguished lawyer in Boston. This company, however, was long ago disbanded. Another troop of horse was soon raised, called the Boston Dragoons, which was recently disbanded : their first Commander was Capt. Henry Purkitt, a cooper, who had served as a Sergeant in Pulaski's corps of Cavalry, in the Revolu- tion. As the population and wealth of the metropolis increased, the disposition to institute other corps may be attributed to the military ambition excited by the public ceremonies of the Ar. Co. No Artillery Election Sermon this year, (1786.) 1787. CAPT. WILLIAM DALL, Boston, merchant. Died Sept. 18th, 1829, aged 76. CAPT. JOHN GREEN, Boston. Died at Cambridge- port, June 24th, 1826, aged 67. 344 WILLIAM SHATTUCK. JOHN FENNO, Boston. Member of O. S. Church. CAPT. JEREMIAH WILLIAMS. LIEUT. EZRA WHTNEY, Boston. MAJ. WILLIAM BIRD. CAPT. WILLIAM CALL. CAPT. LEMUEL GARDNER, Boston, cooper. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1792; Lieutenant 1799; Captain 1803. He lived at a time of prosperity among mechanics in Boston, who, earning their money easy, lived gener- ously. He belonged to a set, very hospitable, whose sideboards were loaded with plate, and who brought up their families in expensive style. They were enterpris- ing, ready to promote all public improvements, firm friends, carried a great sway in public, sung good songs, and seldom had a heavy heart or felt want. A member of the Old South Church. DAVID HATCH. PHINEAS DANA. BENJAMIN COBB, JR, Boston. Admitted a member of the church while young. He was a worthy, industrious and respectable man, having a large family. CAPT. PETER PARKER. Artillery Election Sermon, 1787, by John Clarke, Boston Isaiah IV. 5th. 1788. MAJ. JOHN BRAY, Boston, cooper, was born in Bos- ton, August 4th, 1761, and served apprentice at Boston and Charlestown. He had twelve children, one of whom was the compiler's first wife. Commencing life poor, he acquired by his industry an independence. He 345 was a culler and packer of fish having, at one time, eighteen journeymen and apprentices on Spear's wharf, which he owned. As one of the three weighers and gangers in the Custom House, who were then paid by fees, I have heard him say that his share, on one oc- casion, was $750 for a month. After Gen. Lincoln re- signed, he was removed by his successor, for his politi- cal opinions, and lived at ease on his income. Having had small advantages of education, which he always lamented, he balanced it by providing the best education for his children. He was passionate, but never vindic- tive, and his sudden transitions were peculiar. His house was the hospitable resort of old and young, whose en- joyment he delighted to witness, and he was charitable and kind to his poor neighbors. In August, (1821,) he, attended by his wife, was robbed on the Medford Turnpike, by the notorious Martin, of 14 and his gold re- peating watch, which led to his discovery. Martin rode up to his chaise on horseback, presented a horse-pistol to his breast^ and de- manded his money and watch, which he gave him. Mrs. Bray wore a gold watch also, and she asked if he wanted hers, when he an- swered, he robbed gentlemen only. Maj. B. became anxious to have him reprieved, his sentence commuted, or even pardoned, and was much distressed at the idea of his testimony being the means of taking life. On the day of execution he had determined to visit him ; his family remonstrated, and watched him, yet he eluded their vigilance, and was prevented by some acquaintance from rushing into the crowd around the scaffold. He had, up to this time, been cor- pulent ; but, before his death, he became extremely emaciated. His mind, also, was greatly shaken. Conviviality was no longer agreea- ble to him, and the pleasures of company were so irksome, that his festive board was less frequently spread, until wholly laid aside. The only civil office he ever held was that of Select- man. He was a founder of the North End Artillery, called the Columbian Artillery, and elected its first senior Lieutenant. He succeeded Col. R. Gardner as its Captain, and was promoted Major of the Sub-legion 44 346 of Artillery. This office he held but one year. He was Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1793 ; Lieutenant 1798, and con- tinued a valuable member to his death. He desired that his funeral should be private. He left a valuable prop- erty, and died August 12th, 1829, aged 68. If J were to indulge my own feelings and they are certainly disinterested, for my wife, his daughter, died long before him I should stop to pay a tribute of affection to his memory ; for he was ever a generous, open-hearted opponent a firm and lasting friend ; and many acts of benevolence and sympathy, with his disin- terested advice and confidence, endeared him to me. LIEUT. ELIJAH WILLIAMS. ELISHA SIGOURNEY, Boston, merchant. A man of strong mind and high sense of honor scrupulously hon- est, indefatigable in business. Many of his acts of kind- ness were so abruptly* communicated as to be unthank- fully received. He was in his day much relied upon for his judgment, and died highly esteemed. He directed that his funeral should be private, in the morning, before breakfast, and he was buried accordingly, on one of the islands. He was a descendant of a French refugee Protestant of that name, who came to Boston about 1686. CAPT. FRANCIS GREEN, Boston. An Assessor. An officer in the Revolution. He died Sept. 2d, 1831, aged 81. COL. PETER GREEN, Boston ; brother of Francis. An officer in the Revolution, probably the graduate at Harvard College, 1766. JOSIAH ELLIOT. CAPT. SAMUEL PRINCE, Boston, tailor. A man of amiable disposition. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1794. MAJ. JOSEPH HALL, JR, Boston, lawyer ; one of Gen. 347 Broofcs's staff. He graduated at Har. Col. 1781. Rep- resentative ; Sheriff of Suffolk from 1818 to '25, and Judge of Probate an office more congenial to his feel- ings, and in which he long displayed accuracy, upright- ness, intelligence and kindness. He never attempted to shine as a politician, though the companion of Sulli- van, Gore and Dexter ; but his temperate course never failed to be viewed with approbation. ENSIGN JOSEPH LOVERING, JR, Boston, tallow-chand- ler. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 179V Representative many years ; Selectman, and wealthy. He is, 1842, the oldest member on the roll. CAPT. JOSEPH LORING, Boston, jeweller; father of Col. Joseph, 1792. MAJ. BENJAMIN RUSSELL, Boston, printer ; fifth son of Capt. Benjamin, 1740 ; was born in Boston, in Court street, then called Prison lane, Sept. 13th, 1762, (by some accounts Sept. 30th.) When quite a lad, he joined the army of the Revolution, as a common soldier, and was in the campaigns on the North River, but did not serve out the war. Upon his return, he set up the newspaper called the Columbian Centinel, and contin- ued the editorship more than forty years, till Nov. 1st, 1828, after fighting manfully the Adams cause for the Presidentship. A complimentary dinner was given him by his brother editors and printers. In early life, he also printed almanacks, and was in moderate circum- stances ; but his peculiar talents as editor gained him much celebrity, and gave his paper extensive circula- tion. His editorial remarks and summary of news were sought after by all, as the most to be relied upon. He was a self-taught man, and enjoyed much esteem among his fellow citizens. He is the second oldest member now on the roll. He was a Delegate at the Conven- 348 tion of 1 820 ; Representative twenty-four years, Sena- tor and Councillor. MAJ. GEN. EBENEZER THAYER, JR, Braintree, yeo- man. He might have been chosen Major General by the Legislature, but did not accept. He was Sheriff of Norfolk. ABRAHAM WILD, Boston, merchant. MAJ. SAMUEL SWAN, Medford. One of Gen. Brooks's staff. Died at Medford, November, 1825, aged 76. MAJ. GEN. WILLIAM HULL, Newton, lawyer, was born at Derby, Conn. June 24th, 1753, and died at Newton, Mass. Nov. 29th, 1825, aged 72. He gradu- ated at Yale College, 1 772. In the Revolution he rose to the rank of Colonel. After the war, he returned to Newton, and practised law with reputation, and be- came wealthy. He was long a leading man in the Mas- sachusetts House and Senate, and appointed by Presi- dent Jefferson the first Governor of Michigan Territory, where he removed, 1 805. On the breaking out of the war with England, (1812,) he was appointed a Brig. General in the U. S. Army. He had sustained the office of Major General of the Middlesex Militia, upon Gen. Brooks's resignation, 1796. His disastrous cam- paign in Canada, which resulted in the surrender of the U. S. Army under his command, August 15th, 1812, brought him to a Court Martial, like Admiral Byng, and he was by them sentenced to be shot for cowardice, (1814,) but recommended to mercy on account of his brave revolutionary services, and pardoned accordingly. He returned, and spent the remainder of his days in retire- ment at Newton. He published a series of letters before his death, in vindication of his conduct. This develop- ment of facts, and other mysterious circumstances attend- ing his trial, restored his fame in a great measure, and he was very generally accounted a sacrifice to political in- 349 trigue. In delicacy to the feelings of a valuable mem- ber, hereafter appearing on the roll, and whose own political life and character has ever been marked by a high sense of probity and honor, we forbear to rake open the ashes of the dead, which a further illustration of the facts might warrant, but leave posterity to judge impartially for themselves. Gen. Hull was a distant re- lation of the brave Commodore Hull. Captain of the Ar. Co. 1789; a distinguished member of the Cincin- nati, He was counsel for the Ar. Co. in their suit to recover the Dunstable lands, a man of urbanity and gentlemanly deportment. MAJ. THOMAS CURTIS s, Boston, merchant. Died Nov. 26th, 1823, aged 59. Artillery Election Sermon, 1788, by David Osgood, Medford Isaiah IV. 5th. Printed. 1789. CAPT. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Boston, hatter. Removed to Maine. CAPT. MICHAEL HOMER, Boston, bricklayer. Died Oct. 28th, 1828, aged 66. Son of Michael, 1768. DANIEL REA, 3d, Boston, cooper; son of Daniel, 1770. WILLIAM WHITTEMORE, West Cambridge, manufac- turer. By a patent for sticking the teeth for factory cards, &c. he accumulated a large property. Senator from Middlesex, and Delegate at the Convention of 1820. CAPT. BELA CLAPP, Boston ; father of Lieut. William, 1820. Member of the O. S. Church. JOHN BAXTER, Boston, merchant. JOHN BONNER, Boston. 350 CAPT. JONAS S. BASS, Boston, tanner. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1797; Captain 1800. He died at B, September, 1 834, aged 72. CAPT. JOSEPH CLARK, Boston. Artillery Election Sermon, 1789, by Thomas Bar- nard, Salem Isaiah XI. 13th. Printed. 1790. MAJOR JAMES PHILLIPS, Boston, ropemaker. His father, Isaac, was a merchant. Major P. was born in B. May 14th, 1767, the youngest son of the sixth genera- tion, from Peregrine White the first born male child in Plymouth Colony, by his grandmother's side. His title was gained by being Brigade Quarter Master to Gen. Winslow. He was brother of Capt. Phillips, 1786. He became Superintendent of the Alms-house, and af- terwards Clerk of the Overseers. In his old age hav- ing brought up a large family, this office afforded a scanty living, but he never lost his habit of pleasantry. For fifty years he has enlivened the social meetings of the Company ; his peculiar eccentric songs of " Con- tentment," " The Parson who'd a remarkable foible," " Gafler Gray," &c, were always enthusiastically re- ceived. His venerable white locks, peculiar tone and gravity of manner, will long be remembered. He pos- sesses an amiable disposition, frank manners great benevolence and purity. He is now an " active mem- ber" in tapping his " Barrel of Beer" every Anniver- sary. He was a judicious and efficient Fireward. En- sign of the Ar. Co. 1798, Captain, 1802. His tomb No. 94, on the Common, was built and owned jointly by him and his friend Col. D. Messinger. Sero in ccdum redeant. LIEUT. ASA FULLER. 351 ENSIGN JOHN G. DOUBLED AY, Boston. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1796. ENSIGN JEREMIAH KAHLER, Boston, a native of Ger- many, once an eminent merchant in Boston, " of great activity in business, and one who took a lively interest in all our institutions.* He remained an honorary as- sociate in the Ar. Co. till his death. He was always charitable while he had the means, and ever ready in acts of friendship. Editors were often indebted to him for translations from the Gazettes of his native coun- try. Reverses of fortune did not impair his habits of industry, nor his power of being useful, though they limited his sphere of employment. He enjoyed the esteem of numerous acquaintance, and his memory is respected." Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1795. He died at Boston, Feb. 2d, 1829, aged 86, extremely poor. CAPT. JOSEPH COWDIN, Boston, son-in-law of Gen. Davis, 1786. EBENEZER LITTLE BOYD, Boston, merchant, a broth- er of Capt. Boyd, 1786. Having for years engaged in business on Long Wharf, he became a Baptist, was or- dained a preacher, and removed from Boston. Artillery Election Sermon, 1 790, by Jonathan Homer, Newton 1st Chron. XII. 33d. Printed. 1791. CAPT. SHUBAEL BELL, Boston, housewright. Deputy Sheriff and Jailer. A man of great generosity and hu- manity, a zealous Episcopalian, and many years a Warden of Christ's Church, supporting his favorite wor- ship during the long period of feebleness in that society after the death of Doct. Walter. He was the principal founder of St. Mathew's Chapel, at South Boston. He was very indutrious, but negligent of his charges and died poor. In early life he married, but his wife soon 352 dying, he lived a widower until far advanced in years when he married again, but never had children. He was distinguished as a Free Mason, one of the first Knights of Malta and Knight Templars in New Eng- land. He died at B. much lamented in 1819. CAPT. JOHN GARDINER, Boston, lawyer. LIEUT. ROBERT BALL, Boston. SAMUEL PERKINS, Boston, painter, son of Lieut. CoL William, 1765; Representative from B. He is now a member, residing at Roxbury. LIEUT. JOHN PECK, Boston, merchant. He devised the plan of filling up the Mill Pond, and owned largely therein, but not realizing his sanguine expectations in a ready sale, he became involved, and removed to Ken- tucky. WILLIAM WALTER, Boston, merchant, son of Rev. Doct. W. A Representative. Artillery Election Sermon, 1791, by Samuel Parker, D. D. Boston. 1792.* CAPT. RICHARD AUSTIN, Boston, pewterer. This trade had been a lucrative branch of manufactures, but about this time began to go out of fashion. The better sort of people used pewter platters, spoons, plates, por- ringers, &,c, and it was a mark of poverty nof to see a dresser abundantly furnished with pewter ware. New England housewives considered it a display of luxury. Capt. Austin was a man of strict honesty and honor as well as liberality. When his trade declined he entered into copartnership with George Blanchard hereafter mentioned. Mr. Austin, deeply in debt, suffered the * It is impossible, by the negligence of the Clerk, to distinguish from 1792 to 1795, inclusive, what year each member was admitted. 353 latter part of his life much depression. But no creditor ever imprisoned him, and he was always respected. Having married a lady whose father was wealthy he never knew want. He had no children. He was long seVerely afflicted with the stone, of which he died, after an ineffectual operation, 1817. Although the lack of offspring the misfortunes of business the treachery of his partner and the severity of bodily pain, cast a secret gloom over his warm heart, yet he always wore the same cheerful countenance, and died with great forti- tude and resignation. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1800. He died a member, but was buried privately according to his request. If this be a tribute of respect, it is im- partial, since in his failure, the compiler lost all his property. WILLIAM COOLIDGE, Boston, an ingenious machinist. CAPT. JONATHAN LORING, JR, Boston, housewright. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1801, Lieutenant 1807. He was frequently elected to important town offices; Repre- sentative. He died at B. August 29th, 1 834, aged 67. JOSHUA THOMAS, Boston, physician. CAPT. THOMAS WALDRON SUMNER, Boston, house- Wright, was wealthy and retired to Brookline where he cultivated a small but good farm. He was employed as a draftsman, superintendant or referee respecting building contracts, and for several years was a Boston Representative. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1799, and con- tinues a member. When the Ar. Co. were embar- rassed he gave the largest sum towards its liberation, viz. $50 50. ENSIGN JOHN HOWE, JR. Boston, turner, son of John, 1773 ; Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1802; died May, 1828. LIEUT. GEORGE SINGLETON, JR, Boston, cooper ; the first 2d Lieutenant of the Columbian Artillery. When 15 354 Bray was made Major, Singleton, a good officer and thriving mechanic, was superseded, and his spirits were so mortified that he became dissipated and soon died poor, leaving a large family. WILLIAM BASS. JOHN S. LOWELL, Boston, merchant, died at Bom- bay, Dec. 1796, aged 27. COL. DANIEL MES SINGER, Boston, hatter, son of Daniel, a farmer in Wrentham, where Col. M. was born June 27th, 1768. He was first an officer in the militia, founded the Light Infantry Corps, called the Winslow Blues,* and was long their first Captain, a good disci- plinarian and that corps flourished under his command. Upon the organization of the Light Infantry companies in Boston into a Sub-legion, he was elected Major and continued in that station until the Legionary Brigade was reorganized as the 3d Brigade of 1st Division, 1 809, when the Light Infantry companies were distrib- uted among the three regiments ; the Fusilliers and Washington Light Infantry assigned to the first the Boston Light Infantry to the second, and soon after the New England guards were formed. The Winslow Blues were assigned to the third; the Rangers, at first Light Infantry, now Riflemen, were soon added. Col. M. was chosen first as Lieut. Col. Commandant of the third Regiment and held that office until a law was passed to conform to a law of the United States, giving all Lieut. Colonels Commandant a brevet commission. Regiments thereafter were organized by having a Col- onel, &c. agreeable to the more ancient method. Upon the resignation of Gen. A. Wells of 3d Brigade he was chosen to succeed him but declined, and Gen. Sullivan being elected he resigned. He was Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1800, Captain * Named in honor of their patron Gen. J. Winslow. 355 1804, and 1810, and always an active and useful mem- ber. He was Delegate in the Convention of 1820, an intelligent and valuable member of the Mass. Char. Mechanic Association. He was repeatedly chosen a Representative and Senator of Suffolk. His modest diffidence in his abilities induced him to decline higher honors, civil and military. He had a musical voice and pleasant manner, which endeared him to his com- panions, who delighted in his old fashioned songs of My Friend and Pitcher, Green grmv the rushes Oh, To- morrow, &,c. We may justly say he has been an orna- ment to the Boston mechanics universally esteemed' at the present time and through a long life. % OLIVER GRIDLEY, Boston, died at Providence, R. L 1831. ROBERT HOMES, Boston, grandson of Capt. William, 1747. HUMPHREY CLARK, Boston, tailor ; a man of amiable disposition. He acquired a handsome property by honest industry, but lost it by the fluctuation of affairs, and with it his energy. He had an excellent wife and virtuous, intelligent offspring. The education he had given them was their capital, where there could be no failure. One of his sons, an accomplished merchant, received a present from the insurance offices for his intrepidity in saving a ship and cargo from England at sea. Mr. Clark was messenger to the Board of Health, and finally spent the last years of his life in solitude at Danvers, and died May 7th, 1829, aged 67. COL. NEHEMIAH FREEMAN, Boston; an officer in the U. S. Army, and rose to be Colonel. He long commanded at Fort Independence, but left the army ; many young officers so swiftly rose beyond him in the road of promotion, and became prison keeper in Bos- ton, and soon after died. 356 JOHN WELLS, Boston, coppersmith, brother of Thomas, 1811; was Deacon of the New North Church, and a Representative. He died Oct. 14th, 1832, aged 69. " He was an honest man in the truest sense." COL. JOSEPH LORING, JR, Boston, son of Joseph, 1788. He was a dashing Cornhill shopkeeper. Hav- ing failed in business and changed his politics, disap- pointed in not sustaining a commissioned office, he became a violent partizan and first Captain of the Washington Light Infantry. By his temper he kept the whole Brigade in a continual ferment. At a Brig- ade Muster he marched on to the parade with his two subalterns, four sergeants and music without a single private. For this he was tried by a Court Martial but acquitted ; the doings of the Court were disapproved by Gen. Elliot, who ordered it, and by the voice of dis- interested men. He was never contented with his rank if the highest ; would neither be satisfied to have his Company considered Infantry or Light Infantry, and was ever at variance with his brother officers. At length he was again tried by a Court Martial, broken, and disqualified from holding any office in the militia. Yet he had the address to obtain in high party times a Colonel's commission in the U. S. Army in the war of 1812. He reaped no laurels, and was one of the first officers dropped upon the return of peace. After this he became an officer in the custom-house. His rest- less temper finally let him down to insignificance. After his disgrace harmony was restored, and from that time there has been no lack of subordination or im- provement in the Boston militia. BENJAMIN GOLDTHWAIT. GIDEON BATEY, Boston, merchant. SAMUEL HAMMOND, Boston, cordvvainer, born in Lin- 357 coin, and his original Christian name was Asa. He became wealthy, and died at B. Nov. 1838, aged 71. CAPT. EDMUND BOWMAN, Boston, cordwainer, born in Lincoln, 1771. He came with Hammond (preced- ing) poor boys to Boston, and for a while succeeded in business, but being a more convivial companion and possessed of a melodious voice, he never accumulated property. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1803; Captain, 1807. He was an excellent drill officer, and during his command the Ar. Co. was better instructed than they had been for many years. His display on the election day when he resigned (1808) was accurate and brilliant, prepared and executed with the most per- fect ease. He was so poor when chosen that he de- clined the office. The expenses of a commander then exceeded $100. Yet his friends insisted on his accept- ing, agreed to pay all his expenses, and gave him the most liberal support. During the embargo he was master of a special revenue cutter in Boston harbor, and soon after died, leaving an interesting family. THOMAS BARTLETT, Boston, apothecary, son of Capt. John, 1769. He long kept the sign of the Good Sa- maritan in Old Cornhill, which originally was -painted with " a Priest passing by on the other side." This was soon erased, because the painter had copied the portrait and costume of the Rev. Dr. Walter of Christ Church, with his full wig so exactly that travellers were wont to recognize the likeness, probably too near a re- semblance in another point of view. CAPT. SAMUEL THWING, Boston, baker. THOMAS GREEN. DUDLEY WALKER, Boston, shopkeeper. JOHN OSBORN, Boston, merchant; died Aug. 1819. LIEUT. JOHN S. LILLIE, Boston. 358 SAMUEL HILL, Boston; died 1796, aged 27 en- graver. SAMUEL WATTS, Boston, sailmaker. GEORGE MAKEPEACE, JR, Boston, merchant. JOHN WINNECK. JOHN HAYWARD. MAJ. GEORGE BLA.NCHARD, Boston, truckman. He was rough in speech and haughty in manners, but accumulated a valuable property, principally in real estate, and lived in a degree of splendor. * * * * ******* Gen. Winslow appointed him his Brigade Major by which he gained his title. He was Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1801 ; Captain, 1805; Ensign, 1811 ; Treasurer of the Ar. Co. and Represen- tative several years. About 1810, he entered into copartnership with Capt. Austin, before spoken of, as a broker. His acquaintances placed large sums in their hands on their single security as bankers, and they gained general confidence. Suddenly they failed, and his real estate, valued at fifty thousand dollars, which had been free of incumbrance was attached. Very little personal property was ever found and no explana- tion given. Blanchard was suspected, and committed to prison, but after severe examination permitted to take the poor debtor's oath. The Ar. Co. lost nothing by him as Treasurer by the vigilance of his successor, but the Washington Benevolent Society lost the whole of their large funds. He lived, as it were, in obscurity, till December 17th, 1820, when, after eating a lobster supper, he retired to bed and never awoke. He was 49 years old when he died, and was buried privately. Tomb No. 127, on the Common. ZECHARIAH SEAVER. JONATHAN KILTON, Boston, baker. 359 LIEUT. JOHN WHEELWRIGHT, Boston, merchant. An effective officer of the customs, much beloved. When Gen. Jackson's reign commenced, he was displaced, or " reformed ;" but the citizens immediately elected him Representative. DANIEL COWDIN, Boston. JOSEPH BAXTER, JR, Boston, merchant. Died at Fayette, Maine, September, 1828, aged 59. ENSIGN NAHUM PIPER, Boston, merchant. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1805. ENSIGN OLIVER HOLDEN, Charlestown. Represent- ative. THOMAS NEIL. COL. ROBERT GARDNER, Boston, merchant. He lived in the Vernon house, in Charter street. Captain of the Ar. Co. 1799. He was born in Boston, and married Sarah, daughter of Gilbert Dench, Esq, of Hopkinton, Mass. He was the founder and first Captain of the Columbian Artillery, then Lieut. Colonel in the Legion- ary Brigade on its formation. Having had a family quarrel with General Winslow, who married his cousin, he changed his politics from violent Federalist, and joined with Joseph Loring, in his military quarrels. He was cashiered by a Court Martial, being deprived of the privilege of holding office in the militia. He was then appointed an officer in the U. S. Army, and made a Commissary of prisoners of war ; but, having failed as a merchant and auctioneer, and being displaced from the Commissary department, and the office of Secretary of the Board of Health, he removed, with the remains of his family, to Washington, where he soon died suddenly, in the street. He was above the middle stature, of a noble form, open and fair countenance. Although of a generous and free spirit, his temper was too much tine- 360 tured with pride and passion. He was the compiler's only uncle, by the mother's side. ROWLAND FREEMAN, Boston, merchant. Died April, 1820. WILLIAM GREENOUGH, son of Maj. G. 1740. MAJOR CHARLES CLEMENT, Boston, housewright. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1804. JOHN RUSSELL, Boston, printer; brother of Major Benjamin R. 1788 ; was long one of the firm which printed the Gazette. He retired to private life at Bath, Maine, where he died, August 23d, 1831, aged 70. CAPT. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Boston, cabinet maker. He never held office in the militia. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1802 ; Captain 1806. He was, in early life, a steady, industrious, modest man, having peculiar talents as an officer. The offices of the Ar. Co. were almost forced upon him by his friends, who wished to advance him in society. He became intemperate, lost his prop- erty, and died in Boston almshouse, a few years after, neglected and forgotten. He had been an excellent husband and father, but his wife and children totally neglected him, even in his last moments. He lived in a day of unprecedented prosperity and dissipation, that swept off, in its fatal current, many of the best mechan- ics, as well as others. RUFUS DAVENPORT, Boston, merchant. He invested his property in the grand speculation at Cambridgeport, and failed. His creditors would not take his lands, and he remained years a prisoner on the limits. He became almost insane against imprisonment for debt. His assi- duity in the poor debtor's cause made many avoid him for his importunity. He died about 1838, his cause having prevailed. WILLIAM JACKSON, Boston, tallow-chandler. 361 JAMES HARRISON, Boston, merchant; accumulated a large property, and removed to Charlestown, where he died, poor. He was a Baptist Deacon, philanthropic, much esteemed, and a distinguished Free-Mason. SAMUEL TOWN SEND, Boston. CAPT. EPHRAIM PRESCOTT, Boston, shopkeeper. He went to China, where he procured a large punch-bowl (ten gallons) to be made, with the Company's name, &c. thereon ; but, dying on the passage homeward, the intended present did not come to the knowledge of the Ar. Co. for many years. It was preserved by his widow, who became poor. Nearly thirty years afterwards, it was accidentally discovered and purchased by Hon. Jonathan Hunnewell, for $15, and presented by him to the corps. It ha&been kept with great care, and is used only on the anniversary. CAPT. JOSHUA EATON, Boston. DAVID W. CHILD, Boston, merchant. A man of wealth; Alderman and Representative. Died Feb. 1st, 1830. A member of the O. S. Church. Artillery Election Sermon, 1792, by Joseph Eckley, D. D. Boston Ps. LXXXV. -llth; 1793, by Peter Thacher, D. D. Boston Judges XVIII. 7th;* 1794, by Samuel West, D. D. Boston 2d Tim. II. 3d; 1795, by JohnT. Kirkland, D. D. Boston Ps. LXXVI. 10th ; 1796, by William Bentley, D. D. Salem Prov. XXX. 5th, 6th. All printed. 1796. LIEUT. BENJAMIN COATES, Boston, merchant. En- sign of the Ar. Co. 1803 ; Lieutenant 1808. He died Dec. 2d, 1827, aged 61. * Samuel Parker, Boston, is the first instance since the settlement of the country, of an Episcopal clergyman preaching an Election Sermon. He preached the Court Election Sermon in 1793. 46 362 CAPT. SOLOMON PHIPPS, Charlestown. Died Feb. 16th, 1822, aged 66. JOHN P. DUNCKLE, Charlestown, Constable. ANDREW DUNLAP, JR, Boston, brewer. CAPT. JOHN MILLER, JR, Boston. MAJ. AMASA STETSON, Boston, merchant. Major of a Sub-legion, and cashiered by the same Court with Col. R. Gardner. JOTHAM BARNES, Boston, merchant. SETH ADAMS. EDWARD BRINLEY, Boston. JOHN KENNEDY, Boston, merchant. ENSIGN WILLIAM JEPSON, Boston, ^ousewright. En- sign of the Ar. Co. 1806. LIEUT. COL. PETER OSGOOD, Boston, bricklayer, was born at Lancaster, 1771. He removed to Boston 1790, with his schoolmate, Col. Whitney, with whom he com- menced business. He was Captain of militia, Major of a Sub-legion, and Lieut. Col. Commandant of the 2d Reg- iment, which office he held till the peace, 1815. Lieu- tenant of the Ar. Co. 1806 ; Captain 1809. He failed, and was supported by the industry of his wife. He owed his military distinction to his neutrality in politics. He died about 1833. ENSIGN ELIJAH DAVENPORT, Boston, merchant; brother of Rufus, 1795. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1804. A member of the O. S. Church. WARD JACKSON, Boston, housewright. Deacon of the 3d Baptist Church, PETER OILMAN. CHARLES NOLEN, Boston, merchant. Removed to Philadelphia, and died March 20th, 1838, aged 70. EDWARD B. WALKER, Boston, hatter. 363 COL. JONATHAN WHITNEY, Boston, bricklayer, was born at Lancaster, March 27th, 1771, and served his time at Claremont. In 1790 he removed to Boston, and commenced partnership with Col. Osgood, which continued many years. They did extensive business, but, before their dissolution, failed. Whitney became dejected, and there was danger of his becoming a loss to his family and society ; but he entered into the stone and lime business, which was very profitable, and again acquired property. He married a daughter of Capt. Stetson, 1765, and their family was well educated and highly respectable. For many years he would not ac- cept any commission in the militia, until, in high party times, he was elected a Captain of one of the Ward Companies, by one vote. The election was contested, and he thereby induced to accept. He was promoted Major of the 2d Regiment, and succeeded Osgood as Lieut. Colonel, and when the State law was altered, he received the brevet commission as Colonel. He was a superior officer to Col. Osgood, a man of sound judgment and strong mind. He was repeatedly Repre- sentative, and one of the warmest Federalists of the day. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1807; Lieutenant 1810; Cap- tain 1813; and was always strongly attached to the in- stitution. A man of great benevolence but his charity was not ostentatious. He chose the private way of ad- vice and encouragement in business to his unfortunate brother mechanics. He died at Brookline, in the spring of 1839. BENJAMIN WEST, Boston, merchant ; son of Rev. Mr. West, of Hollis street Church, where he became a Dea- con. A man of unblemished character. He died at Charlestown, N. H. March 25th, 1829, aged 53. In June, 1796, at the Anniversary printed cards of invitation were first used for invited guests. 364 Artillery Election Sermon, 1797, by Henry Ware, Hingham 1st Cor. XII, 25th, 26th. 1798. ENSIGN DEXTER DANA, Boston, merchant. Ensign 9 * O of the Ar. Co. 1808 and several years Clerk. He fail- ed, but being discharged from his creditors, commenced business as a grocer and failed again. Soon after he became deranged, and was removed to Portland, where he lived with his family several years, supported by his brothers, and died poor, Oct. 1 822, aged 50. DAVID DEVENS, Charlestown, merchant. DAVID STETSON. CAPT. MELZAR HOLMES, Charlestown, merchant, was born in Kingston. He was enterprising in business, an excellent officer, and one of the founders and Captain of the Warren Phalanx. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1805; Captain 1808. When the election day for his resignation occurred, (1809,) old Faneuil Hall was un- dergoing repairs and enlargement, (doubled in width and raised one story,) and the Ar. Co. dined in the Ex- change Coffee-House. After dinner, the rain poured in torrents, and the Company exchanged badges in the large area in the centre. The spacious galleries were crowded to excess. That elegant orator, Gov. Gore, presided. Capt. Holmes became, soon after, embar- rassed by the restrictive measures of the U. S. Govern- ment. His enterprise then led him to the West Indies, where he fell a victim to the prevailing fever. JOSEPH CALLENDER, JR. Boston, shopkeeper. He took advantage of the Bankrupt Act, and became a grocer, and brought up a numerous family. Clerk of the Ar. Co. one year. He died May, 1823, aged 60, A member of the Old South Church. 365 JOSHUA GARDNER, JR, Boston, brother of -Capt. Lemuel, 1787, died 1799, aged 58. Artillery Election Sermon, 1798, by Nathaniel Thay- er, Lancaster, Prov. XVI. 32d. Printed. 1799. CAPT. THOMAS OLIVER LARKIN. JOSIAH MARSHALL, Boston, merchant; Alderman; Representative; died suddenly in 1841. fi'i BENJAMIN HALE, Boston. EDWARD GOODWIN, Charlestown. Artillery Election Sermon, 1799, by William Emer- son, Harvard, (Boston) Ps. CXLIX. 6th. Printed. - 1800. HENRY MESSINGER, Boston, hatter. Brother of Col. M. 1792. HENRY BRAZER, Boston. In May, 1800, while Col. R. Gardner commanded the Ar. Co. it was voted, that there should be a fourth officer chosen at the next election, with the rank of Second Lieutenant, and to be called the Adjutant. Upon consultation with his Excellency and the oldest members, the project of having a fourth officer was, at the next meeting in the Senate Chamber of the Old State House, reconsidered. Col. G. was at this time Captain of the Columbian Artillery. This Company was formed about the year 1799, and from the circum- stance of their officers being selected from the Ar. Co. we may trace their origin to it. We may also trace the origin of other light corps in Boston in the same manner ; for, as observed in the commencement of this work, the Ar. Co. was the source from which the mili- tary character of New England may be traced. The 366 Washington Light Infantry was founded soon after by Col. Joseph Loring, jr, and Lieut. Ezra Davis, mem- bers of the Ar. Co. Artillery Election Sermon, 1 800, by David Kellogg, Framingham Judges VII. 18th. 1801. SAMUEL DOWNER, Boston, merchant. MAJOR SAMUEL LARKIN, Boston. Removed to Ports- mouth, N. H. auctioneer. CAPT. JOHN BINNEY, Boston, merchant. Captain of the North End Artillery. Captain in the U. S. army in the war of 1812. Alderman and Representative. He died Sept. 30, 1838, aged 58. SAMUEL BRIGHT, Boston. ISAIAH LUCAS. LIEUT. RICHARD EDWARDS, Boston, merchant ; after- wards auctioneer. Now lives in N. York City. He is uncle to Major E. of the Ar. Co. 1822. ENSIGN ISAAC P. SIMPSON, Boston, mason. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1809. MAJOR ASA HATCH, Boston. Major of a Sub-legion; cashiered by the same Court with Col. R. Gardner. LIEUT. EZRA DAVIS, Boston, merchant ; first Ensign of the Washington Light Infantry. SAMUEL BILLINGS, Boston, merchant ; Alderman, Representative, Senator. JOHN B. HAMMATT, Boston, upholsterer. He resided with his family about ten years at Alexandria, D. C. GEORGE NOBLE, Boston, merchant. CAPT. SAMUEL WILLIAMS, Boston. LIEUT. JEREMIAH GARDNER, JR, Boston, housewright 367 Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1 809. He became poor, re- moved to Hingham, and died May 15th, 1826, aged 51. ENSIGN JAMES BIRD, Boston, housewright. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1810. He died May, 1835, aged 63. ABRAHAM BUTTERFIELD. DANIEL G. INGERSOLL, Boston, jeweller. THOMAS HILLYARD. Artillery Election Sermon, 1801, by John S. Popkin, Boston Neh. IV. 18th. 1802. ENSIGN LEVI MELCHER, Boston, merchant. Armorer, and Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1814. LIEUT. JACOB HALL, Boston, distiller. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1813, and Treasurer several years. Al- derman, Representative, Senator and Councillor. Artillery Election Sermon, 1802, by Abiel Abbott, Haverhill Ephes. V. 29th. Printed. 1803. JOSHUA B. WOOD,, Boston. The division order of Gen. Elliot for creating the Washington Light Infantry, is dated July 7th, 1803, and their first officers were elected July 29th, viz. Blake, Captain ; Joseph Loring, Jr, Lieutenant, and Ezra Davis, Ensign. Blake did not accept, and Au- gust 14th, 1803, the Company elected Joseph Loring, Jr, Captain, and Davis, Lieutenant, and Edmund Mun- roe, Ensign. Artillery Election Sermon, 1803 ; by Jedediah Morse, D. D. Charlestown Ps. LXXV1I. 5th. Printed. 368 1804. WILLIAM MARSTON, Boston, merchant. This man possessed a most savage temper. He was repeatedly prosecuted for high-handed assaults and batteries. One instance is characteristic of his disposition. He had a small, indigent girl, of tender years, a servant in his family, whom he repeatedly whipped, for small faults, severely, until she was so intimidated as to shudder in his presence. This man was a violent anti-mason. He died at Woonsocket Falls, August 8, 1836, aged 58. Artillery Election Sermon, 1804; by Joseph Tuck- erman, Chelsea Matt v XL 19th. Printed. 1805. LIEUT. NATHANIEL BROWN, Boston. DAVID FORSAITH, Boston, shopkeeper, afterwards auctioneer. Died suddenly in the street, April 9th, 1824, aged 52. NATHANIEL CLARKE, Boston. CAPT. THOMAS L. CHASE, Boston, shopkeeper. An officer in the U. S. Army, 1812. CHARLES DAVIES, Boston, coppersmith. Artillery Election Sermon, 1805; by Thaddeus M. Harris, D. D. Dorchester 2 Peter, I. 10th, llth. Printed. 1806. CAPT. WILLIAM HOWE, Boston, tinman ; was born July 9th, 1782, in the mansion house of his grandfather in Marshall's Lane, which was built in 1701, and on which is now seen a coat of arms in the brick work. Capt. Howe first joined the Winslow Blues, and was a 369 promising officer. When a vacancy of Captain occurred by the promotion of Col. Messinger, they superseded Capt. H. on account of his strictness in discipline. He immediately left that corps and joined the Ar. Co. who made him their Orderly, and in 1812, Ensign, and Cap- tain, 1814. He removed from the State. SAMUEL WALDRON, Boston, housewright. CALEB EDDY, Boston, merchant ; son of Benjamin, master mariner, and cousin to the compiler's mother. Alderman. He married an accom- plished young lady of fortune. After paying his ad- dresses to her a considerable time and she giving him no convenient opportunity to offer his hand, he made bold to do it at a party of their numerous young friends. She replied with composure she would take thirty days to consider of it. When the time expired, another party had collected,, and he reminded her of its expira- tion and requested an answer. She replied, Sir, you know, as a merchant, that every note payable at given time, has three days' grace. Here the subject again was dropped. When the grace had expired, she placed herself at his disposal without further importunity. Thus was this singular and courteous courtship begun and ended. A very enterprising and popular citizen and an excellent man. MAJ. THOMAS DEAN, Boston, printer, afterwards broker, of the celebrated firm of Gilbert & Dean. He passed through various misfortunes in business which he bore with firmness, and ever had the reputation of strict integrity. He was indefatigable in his industry, and had a large and interesting family. But a sad mis- fortune among his numerous circle of promising chil- dren was too much for his benevolent heart. He died somewhat suddenly of a violent fever, leaving his family 47 370 poor. He was second Major, 2d Regiment, 1809-10. Lieut, of the Ar. Co. 1812 ; Captain, 1819. In September, 1819, the Ar. Co. were desirous of expressing their veneration for the surviving members, admitted before the Revolu- tion. It was ascertained that only fifteen were living. Maj. Thomas Bumstead, the oldest person on the roll, invited all those in Boston or its vicinity to his house. Eight attended ; their ages were as fol- lows. Maj. Bumstead, 79; Capt. John Simpkins, 79 ; Lieut. William Homes, 78 ; Capt. Joseph Pierce, 74 ; Mr. Samuel Belknap, 68 ; Capt. Joseph Eaton, 70 ; Capt. William Todd, 72, and Capt. Nathaniel Call, 74. To whom in a body, the Ar. Co. under command of Maj. Dean, paid the usual salutes, and were then invited to partake of the hospitality of Maj. B. in company with the above named ancient members. The following anecdote was related by Maj. B. at the time. " On the day when the news of Gen. Burgoyne's defeat arrived, some, doubtful of the authenticity of the fact, denied it. A number of the Ar. Co. being present, one of them offered a bet, which was accepted. In the afternoon when the report was satisfac- torily confirmed, the members assembled at Maj. B.'s to drink the punch. It was prepared in a large china bowl, which held ten gal- lons." From this bowl the Company partook on this occasion. Maj. Dean died Sept. 9th, 1826, aged 48. The Ar. Co. attended his funeral in citizen's dress. LIEUT. HENRY FOWLE, Boston, block and pump maker ; died at Boston, March, 1837, aged 70. CAPT. DAVID FRANCIS, Boston, bookseller. A foun- der and first person Lieutenant of the Rangers. Rep- resentative. CAPT. WILLIAM BOWMAN, Boston, hatter. He kept in Ann Street and flourished in business, but having failed lost all exertion, but was addicted to no vice. He became so poor that he was ragged and would sleep on the floor near the stoves of the Court House in win- ter. In this situation he was discovered one cold morning, by a jury who had been out all night, and some of which were members of the Ar. Co. his former associates. They interested themselves in his condi- 371 tion, and obtained for him a commission as Ensign in the army of 1812. He immediately repaired to Sack- ett's Harbor, engaged in several battles on the lines, and by his cool bravery rose to the rank of Captain. Upon the restoration of peace he returned to Boston, and resumed his occupation. He died at Cambridge- port, 1820. LIEUT. ROBERT FENNELLY, Boston, apothecary, highly respected. He acquired a handsome estate, but had no children. Lieut, of the Ar. Co. 1815. Alderman. Representative. He died Sept. 22d, 1828, aged 53. He was Warden of Christ's Church, but joined the Baptists. While Warden, the minister and church members, male and female, met at his house. He had just obtained a demijohn of old wine to compound into medicine, and had unfortunately placed it beside a similar demijohn of ipecac in the shop below. His wife mistook the right vessel and the whole church were physicked thoroughly before the mistake was discovered. This was shortly previous to his change of sentiment. JONATHAN KILHAM, Boston, tailor. JOHN PICKENS, JR, Boston, merchant. BENJAMIN FULLER, Boston, shopkeeper. JOHN BANISTER, Boston, cooper ; removed to New Orleans, and died there about 1 824. BENJAMIN CLARK, Boston, cooper. HENRY HUTCHINSON, Boston, sailmaker ; died at Boston, July 1 7th, 1 833, aged 70. JAMES PENNIMAN, Boston, shopkeeper. ANDREW SIGOURNEY, Boston, merchant ; Treasurer of the Ar. Co. and of the town, also Representative, and much employed as executor, guardian, &c. In many respects he resembled his relative of Ar. Co. 1788. 372 He died somewhat suddenly, August, 1820. He was a descendant of one of the French Refugee Protestants. CAPT. THOMAS C. LEGATE, Boston. An officer in U. S. Army, 1812. WILLIAM COFFIN, JR, Boston, merchant. JOSIAH CALEF, Boston, merchant ; descendant of Robert Calfe, Jr. Ar. Co. 1710; a man of great phi- lanthropy. STEPHEN BEAN, Boston, lawyer ; graduate of Dart. Coll. 1798; died at B. Dec. 10th, 1825, aged 53. CAPT. CASWELL BEAL, Boston, tailor ; born at Hing- ham : Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1813. A man of lively disposition and amiable. He died at N. Orleans of consumption, 1819. Artillery Election Sermon, 1 806, by James Kendall, Plymouth 2d Chron. XXXII. 5 8th. Printed. 1807. CAPT. GEORGE WELLES, Boston, jeweller ; was born June 14th, 1784, at Hebron, Conn, called Pump town, because the inhabitants loaded and fired a pump at the British during the Revolution. He came to Boston a poor boy, and became wealthy. He was married, but had no children. He had the reputation of being a good disciplinarian, but was given to intrigue, and su- perseded when candidate for Major. Lieut, of the Ar. Co. 1814 ; Captain, 1820. He died at Framingham of a rapid consumption, May 6th, 1827, aged 43, and was buried in Connecticut. CAPT. SAMUEL T. ARMSTRONG, Boston, printer. He resided some years at Charlestown. Captain of the Warren Phalanx. He was Deacon of the Old South Church. Alderman, Mayor, and Representative. He 373 became wealthy, but had no children. Lieut. Gover- nor in 1833. PETER CON ANT JR, Boston, trader, afterwards school- master. JAMES R. KNIGHT, Boston, merchant ; died at Green- wich, N. York, May 22d, 1824, aged 43. CALEB KNIGHT, Boston, brother of James. WILLIAM ABRAMS, JR, Boston. JOSEPH TUCKER, Boston, housewright; died June 20th, 1 824, aged 55. ENSIGN TERENCE WAKEFEILD, Boston, apothecary. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1815. Artillery Election Sermon, 1807, by Thomas Bald- win, D. D. Boston Mark XIII. 7th. Printed. 1808. ASA WARD. Boston, merchant. 7 7 Artillery Election Sermon, 1 808 ; by Leonard Woods, Newbury Heb. II. 10th. Printed. 1809. EPHRAIM FRENCH, JR, Boston, trader. MESHACK SHATTUCK, Boston, silk dyer. In a fit of melancholy he was drowned from Charles River Bridge, leaving a wife and family. May 18th, 1819, a Committee was chosen to ascertain the rights and privileges of the Company, secured by their charter ; and to apply to the Legislature (if they thought proper) to insert in the militia law a clause, denning their rights, to prevent all disputes with the officers of the militia, or any other company. One Capt. Gleason, insisted that by virtue of his commission he had a right to membership. On a field day, while the members were parading in upper Faneuil Hall, he appeared on the stairs. The Commander expectingjsuch an occurrence placed Gen. J. Winelow as sentinel 374 on the stairs. Gleason was hailed and refused a pass. He attempted to proceed, when the' General charged, throwing open his pan. Gleason said, I will pass. The General said, " You must then enter at the muzzle and come out at the touchhole." Gleason sneaked off, and thus the controversy ended. The last clause of the 10th Section and whole of llth Section of the Militia Law passed by Congress, May 8th, 1792, were introduced at the instigation of Gen. B. Lincoln with special reference to the Ar. Co. viz. " And whereas sundry corps of Artillery, Cavalry and Infantry, now exist in several of the said States, which by the laws, customs, or usages thereof, have not been incorporated with, or subject to, the general reg- ulations of the militia. Section llth. Be it further enacted, That such corps retain their accustomed privileges, subject nevertheless, to all other duties required by this act, in like manner with the other militia." Artillery Election Sermon, 1 809 ; by John Foster, Brighton Prov. XXIV. 6th. Printed. 1810. EZRA WHITNEY, JR, Boston, son of Ezra, 1787. LIEUT. COL. ELEAZAR G. HOUSE, Boston, printer. Publisher of the first edition of this History. COL. DANIEL L. GIBBENS, Boston, grocer ; born in B. Nov. 16th, 1786, and served his time at Braintree. He commenced business poor, with a numerous family. By his industry and frugality he accumulated property and advanced in respectability. He was a man of kind and tender feelings, very hospitable, and urbane in his manners. A sincere friend of pure morals and integri- ty. Ensign on the organization of the Boston Militia, 1809-10, and promoted regularly to be Colonel of the 2d Regiment. Captain of the Ar. Co. 1824. He was a good officer, without ostentation. Indeed, all his es- sential characteristics were generous, and more solid than specious. Representative several years. COL. WILLIAM KING, Boston, hatter; brother-in-law of Col. Gibbens. Ensign of militia. He received a 375 commission in the U. S. Army, 1812, and rose to be Captain. Upon the return of peace, he commenced business at Sackett's Harbor ; became President of a Bank, and Colonel of a regiment of New York militia. He died at Niagara, May or July, 1 829, of apoplexy. Representative in the New York Legislature. LIEUT. COL. MICHAEL ROULSTONE, Boston, glazier. Lieut. Col. of the 2d Regiment. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1818. He was inclined to corpulency, and took great pride in his military office. A facetious friend (Lieut. Redman) advised him, when elected Lieut. Colonel, to purchase a new belt, made of India rubber. CAPT. NATHANIEL HEARD, Boston, cordwainer. LIEUT. THOMAS REDMAN, Boston, paper-stainer. A man of generosity and wit. CAPT. SILAS WHITNEY, JR, Boston, truckman ; inn- keeper at Charlestown, where he died, January, 1824, aged 43. ENSIGN JOHN WHITNEY, Boston, truckman ; brother of Silas. He was Steward's deputy for Har. College, and died at Cambridge, June 21st, 1826, aged 41. MAJ. SAMUEL CURTIS, Boston, leather-dresser. Ma- jor in the 3d Regiment. He died October 21st, 1820, aged 45. CAPT. THOMAS O. DRAYTON, Boston, bricklayer. Re- j x re- moved to Ohio. ABRAHAM WOOD, Boston, shopkeeper. Died at Northboro', July, 1821, aged 35. CAPT. JOHN DODD, Boston, merchant ; born at Hoi- den, Nov. 25th, 1779; served his apprenticeship in Vermont. His brothers, Silas, 1816, and Benjamin, 1817. He had a melodious, powerful voice, possessed an elegant taste and critical judgment in music. Mem- 376 her of the Handel and Haydn Society, and he did much to improve the style of church music. His excellent songs, glees, catches, &c. were the life of the convivial circle, and delight of the anniversaries. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1817. EDWARD GRAY, Boston, housewright. Removed to New York city. COL. BENJAMIN LORING, Boston, bookbinder ; born at Hingham. He rose regularly from an Ensign of militia to be Colonel of the 2d Regiment. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1816; Captain 1818, and many years Treasurer. He was a bachelor, but universally popular and justly esteemed, and there was as much of a bene- diction in his countenance as in that of the late Presi- dent Kirkland. ENSIGN EDWARD CHILDS, Boston, livery stable keep- er. Died August 22d, 1826, aged 43. LIEUT. ZACHERIAH GARDNER WHITMAN, Boston, law- yer ; eldest son of Hon. Benjamin Whitman, descended from John, freeman 1638, one of the first planters and proprietors of Bridgewater. He was born at Provi- dence, R. I. Feb. 10th, 1789, and graduated at Harvard College 1807. He waded through much social trouble, but his biography may be best summed up by saying, that Freemasonry, this ancient corps, Episcopacy, and Antiquarianism, were the objects of his unwearied favor. The manuscript of the History, left at his decease, was given by his widow to the Ar. Co. together with seven volumes of Anniversary Artillery Sermons, the most perfect collection extant. The Company generously acknowledged this donation by $100 in return. Lieut. W. died at Boscawen, N. H. where he resided the last nine years, March llth, 1840, aged 51, of disease of the heart. He was Lieutenant of the corps 1819, and Clerk several years. His prospects brightened near the 377 close of life, and, though hasty in temperament, he was always a man of good motives and strict integrity. His body was brought to Boston, and buried under St. Matthew's Church, of which he had been a strong sup- porter. Many of the Company, though the notice was short, attended his funeral. He was Ensign in the mil- itia 1 809. His laborious research and patient hope to render this edition a valuable work of history and biog- raphy to the Company and the country, will remain a rich legacy to his children. CAPT. EBENEZER OSGOOD FIFIELD, Boston, trader. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1 804. JAMES HOOPER, Boston, tailor ; born in England. LIEUT. COL. JOSEPH JENKINS, Boston, housewright. Officer of militia ; Lieut. Colonel of the 3d Regiment. He was a reflective and self-taught man very industri- ous, and had a numerous family. Misfortunes in busi- ness rendered him poor. He then entered into a large contract with the U. S. Government to build their Cus- tom-House and other public buildings at New Orleans, and became independent. Alderman, Representative, and a distinguished Free-mason. CAPT. JAMES B. MARSTON, Boston, painter. Officer of militia. Died August 23d, 1817. WILLIAM CUTTER, Boston, rope-maker. Died Octo- ber, 1822, aged 41. For several years the Ar. Co. had encroached upon their funds, by annually appropriating a larger sum than the income to defray anni- versary-expenses. Their uniform, blue and buff, had become totally different from that of the militia, which reduced those who joined to the necessity of providing two uniforms. The older members ex- erted themselves to keep the institution alive. At the anniversary, 1810, only thirty-two appeared in the ranks. A stand of arms, with complete accoutrements, and new badges for the officers, were pur- chased. They also changed the uniform to conform to that of the 48 378 militia officers. They were aided by liberal donations from distin- guished citizens of the town, amounting to $802 25 ; the remainder was taken from the funds, to restore which, the fee of admission was increased from $5 to 615; and Col. Daniel Messinger, then com- manding the 3d Regiment, was, for the second time, called to com- mand. Notwithstanding the increased expense of membership, and the diminished state of the productive funds, the experiment of changing the uniform had a beneficial effect ; for, at the next meet- ing, upwards of twenty gentlemen, mostly militia officers, were pro- posed, and from that time a large proportion of militia officers have been members. Little patronage was received from the 1st Regi- ment. Some thought that political prejudices silently had an effect ; but the Ar. Co. for many years, have never suffered the distinctions of party to enter their ranks. The question is never asked, to what party does the candidate belong? but, is he a gentleman and a sol- dier ? The members always hare been, and now are, of different po- litical sentiments; and it is a subject of congratulation and pride among them, that they are united, confining their emulation to the more noble object of advancing the common welfare. It is hoped the glory of the institution will never be tarnished by any party distinction. A company of Cavalry was raised this year in Boston, called the Hussars. Their uniform was brilliant. The Hon. Josiah Quincy was their first Captain ; but, in a few years, they were disbanded. Artillery Election Sermon, 1810, by Charles Lowell, Boston Sara. X. 12th. Printed. 1811. CAPT. ROBERT CLARK, Boston, shopkeeper. Officer of militia. In 1812, he received a subaltern's commis- sion in the U. S. Army, and rose to a Captaincy. He died in the service, on the frontiers. ENSIGN THOMAS WELLS, Boston, bookbinder ; son of Capt. Thomas, 1786. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1819. He died at B. Dec. 31st, 1829, aged 49. A man of un- assuming manners, great purity, and much beloved, CAPT. JOSEPH LEWIS, Boston, baker. A man of quick, discerning mind, and public spirit. Represent- ative. 379 HORATIO GATES WARE, Boston, grocer. DANIEL L. WARE, painter ; brother of the preceding. LIEUT. JOSEPH D. ANN ABLE, Boston, housewright, and grocer. LIEUT. MOSES WATSON, Boston, housewright. CAPT. ISAIAH ATKINS, Boston, tinman. CAPT. JOSHUA SIMONDS, Boston, printer. Died sud- denly, Jan, 29th, 1825, aged 45. CAPT. FRINK STRATTON, Boston, grocer and auc- tioneer. COL. WILLIAM FERNALD, Charlestown, leather-dress- er. Colonel of the Charlestown Regiment, and died Dec. 15th, 1834, aged 53. DAVID W. BRADLEE, Boston, wine merchant. Many years Armorer of the Ar. Co. A man of a noble, phil- anthropic spirit. Member of the Board of Health. He died March, 1833, aged 68 wealthy. BRIG. GEN. ARNOLD WELLES, Boston, merchant ; born in Boston, Sept. 21st, 1761. He commanded the Cadets several years. At the reorganization of the militia of Boston as a Brigade, he was made Brig. Gen- eral ; and by his zeal and military accomplishments, re- stored harmony among the troops, and gave them an exalted character for discipline. He commanded with great ease and readiness. In 1811, while Brig. Gen- eral, he joined the Ar Co. ; was chosen its Captain, and the Company advanced in correct discipline. He grad- uated at Har. College in 1780. He declined all public offices, except in the military. The latter part of his life he was President of an Insurance office, and devoted himself to literary pursuits. He possessed an ample for- tune, but had no children, and died of the croup, March 2d, 1827, aged 65. For some time previous to his death he was almost perfectly blind. 380 " A life* of uprightness and integrity, a most benevolent devo- tion to the interest of individuals and the numerous societies with which he was connected, while his health would permit, will long be gratefully remembered. In his extensive connection with the militia of the Commonwealth, his correctness and courtesy in periods of difficulty, afforded him many proofs of attachment and respect from his associates, which, next to a faithful discharge of duty, gave him the highest satisfaction. He died in the firm hopes and faith of a Christian, and has gone, we humbly trust, to receive the promised reward." CAPT. ANDREW ROULSTONE, Charlestown, wheel- wright. Captain of Artillery there. Brother of Michael, 1810, and John, 1812. LIEUT. COL. GEORGE SULLIVAN, Boston, lawyer ; son of Gov. Sullivan, and gained his title by being his Aid- de-Camp. He graduated at Har. College in 1801, and was Secretary to Hon. James Bowdoin, Minister to Spain. He was several years, after his return, in the practice of law ; the first person elected Lieutenant of the New England Guards, and afterwards their Com- mander. He was Judge Advocate of the 1st Division. He married a daughter of Lieut. Gov. Winthrop. Rep- resentative and Senator. He now resides in the city of New York. 1 Artillery Election Sermon, 1811, by Horace Holley, Boston Neh. IV. 14th, 18th. 1812. CAPT. GEORGE WHEELER, Boston, merchant. Third Captain of the Winslow Blues. He died May 24th, 1823, aged 44. CAPT. JOHN ROULSTONE, Boston, truckman ; son of George, a coppersmith, and born at Boston. When the Oxford army was raised, during the administration * Columbian Centinel, March 3d, 1827. 381 of the elder Adams, he was appointed a Lieutenant. He was Lieutenant of the Dragoons, when formed. Commander of the Ar. Co. 1815. He had the reputa- tion of being a good officer. His changeable disposi- tion induced him to set up a riding-school, and here he was in his element. Mounted on an elegant steed, prancing among his female scholars, giving lessons on the road, you would certainly think him the Grand Seignor. (Tomb No. 138, on the Common.) COL. JOSHUA B. PHIPPS, Charlestown, grocer. Col- onel of militia. CAPT. ASA RICHARDSON, Boston, grocer. He was born in Billerica, and rose from poverty to affluence. He committed suicide, from insanity, Dec. llth, 1833. He was much respected. Aged 51. CAPT. JOHN PARK, Boston, painter. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1820. CAPT. PHILIP CURTIS, Boston, merchant. Ensign of the Ar. Co. 1816. Soon after marriage he was af- flicted with lingering sickness, and died August 20th, 1825, aged 39. He was buried at Sharon, where he was born. The Ar. Co. attended his funeral, in citi- zen's dress, as far as the South burial-ground. He was active, intelligent, a zealous friend and lively com- panion. CAPT. LUKE-RICHARDSON, Boston, hair-dresser ; born at Woburn, of obscure and indigent parents, who bound him, a poor boy, an apprentice to a barber. He was faithful, intelligent, industrious and discreet. When of age, he set up for himself, without friends or capital. His habits of frugality soon enabled him to purchase a decayed estate of small value, near the Boylston Mar- ket, where he set up the sign of the " Rose." He early married a young woman of humble station, but by her 382 virtues she made his days happy, except she bore him no child for about twenty years. She dying, he again married, and had several children ; but the scene was reversed, his property began to dwindle, and he died at Medford, April llth, 1830, aged 50. He was a Captain of militia, and afterwards of the Dragoons. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1818. LIEUT. ROBERT G. MITCHELL, Boston, merchant. Removed to Havana. LIEUT. ELNA HAYT, Boston, ivory-turner. Died at Savannah, Georgia, Jan. 17th, 1821, aged 33. ICHABOD ROLLINS CHADBOURNE, Boston, lawyer. Graduated at Dartmouth, 1808. Settled at Machias, Maine. LIEUT. COL. DANIEL DUNTON, Boston, merchant. Lieut. Colonel of 1st Regiment. Ensign of the Ar. Co. J817. He died Dec. 1st, 1820, aged 35 of consump- tion. LIEUT. HENRY S. WALDO, Boston, shopkeeper. LIEUT. COL. ABNER BOURNE, Boston, merchant; born at Middleboro', Mass. Dec. 4th, 1780. At an early age he entered his father's store, and was there employed until about seventeen ; when he chose to learn the trade ot a carpenter, but did not pursue the business. He was married, Nov. 28th, 1801 ; went to New Bedford to reside, and engaged in the dry and West India goods business. He removed to Boston in about three years, and pursued the dry goods business for about ten years. During this time he was connected with a voluntary fire company, and also became much interested in military matters. He was stationed at South Boston, as Adju- tant of the Regiment, until he left the city and removed to Brunswick, Maine, in 1817. He was Treasurer of the Ar. Co. and the Handel and Haydn Society, (insti- 383 tuted March 30th, 1815.) He was agent for the cotton and woollen factory in Brunswick, about eight years. After a lapse of about twelve years, he returned to Bos- ton, and died June, 1840. LIEUT. COL. JOHN LANGDON SULLIVAN, Boston, mer- chant. Aid-de-Camp to his father, Gov. S. and a man of enterprise. He removed to New York city. CAPT. JOHN FROTHINGHAM, Charlestown. EZRA REED, Boston, bookseller. JOHN CHILDS, Boston, sailmaker. JOSHUA BELCHER, Boston, printer. LIEUT. JAMES RUSSELL, Boston, shopkeeper. ENSIGN OTIS HOWE, Boston, jeweller. Removed to Portsmouth, N. H. Died October, 1825, aged 37. CAPT. DVAID MOODY, Boston, housewright. A dis- tinguished architect and engineer in the improvement of Lowell. Representative from Boston, and died in 1832, aged 50. EPHRAIM DANA, Boston, merchant ; brother of Dex- ter, 179S. June, 1812, the Ar. Go. presented their Commander, Brig. Gen. Arnold Welles, then at the head of the Brigade, an elegant sword,* as a testimony of their respect a reward for his exertions to pro- mote the interest of the institution, and for " his brilliant military services, whereby the discipline of the Company had been so greatly improved." The Ar. Co. on their field day, Oct. 4th, 1812, then under command of Major Benjamin Russell, as Captain a second time, marched to Medford, and encamped for the night. During the war, a Company of Riflemen was formed in Boston, whose first officers were Hon. Samuel P. P. Fay, of Cambridge, Captain; John Wheelwright, Ar. Co. 1792, Lieutenant; and Phin- eas Upham, Ensign. This company was disbanded soon after peace. A company, consisting of masters and mates of vessels in Boston, *The Sword of State, worn by Gov. Sullivan, and purchased of his heirs. 384 was also formed, and called the Sea Fendbles. They adopted an uniform suitable to their profession, and had two twelve-pounders. They were armed with swords and pikes, and acted as Artillery. Their first Commander was Nehemiah W. Shillings. They were attached to the Boston Brigade, but not included in the Battalion of Artillery, and were recently disbanded. Artillery Election Sermon, 1812, by Eliphalet Porter, D. D. Roxbury Heb. XI. 32d, 34th. Printed. 1813. CAPT. SAMUEL B. FORD, Boston, merchant; born in Wilmington, and died on his passage from South Carolina to Boston, August 23d, 1821, aged 36. JOHN BLUNT, Boston, grocer ; removed to the West. BRIG. GEN. JOHN TARBELL, Cambridge, Deputy Sheriff. HENRY SPEAR, Boston, printer ; died August 1828, aged 39, in New York. DANIEL WISE, Boston, cordwainer and innkeeper. ENSIGN GEORGE BARRELL, Boston, trader. He had the peculiar talent of magnifying this subaltern office by the splendor of his dress, his vast consequence to the militia, and his never condescending to notice offi- cers of less grade than Brig. General. He unfortunately was superseded, and removed to the South LIEUT JOHN L. PHILLIPS, Boston, painter. He could not trace any connection with any Phillips before named. He never held office in the militia, but was Lieut, of the Ar. Co. 1820. A very industrious, intel- ligent and substantial mechanic. Representative." Artillery Election Sermon, 1813; by John Pierce, D. D. Brookline Ps. CXXII. 6 9th. 385 1814. LEVI BARTLETT, Boston, merchant ; born in Salis- bury, N. H. ; Treasurer of the Ar. Co. Representa- tive. LIEUT. SAMUEL W. KENDALL, Boston, merchant ; son of Rev. Samuel, of Weston ; removed to New York and died January, 1821. SAMUEL K. WHITE, Boston, shopkeeper. LIEUT. CHARLES SPENCER, Cambridge, trader. LIEUT. CHRISTOPHER GORE, Boston, painter. En- sign of the Ar. Co. ENSIGN CHARLES C. GRAY, Cambridge ; removed to St. Louis, Missouri, and died January 26th, 1 820. CHARLES A. DENNETT, Boston, merchant. JOHN TYLER, Boston, merchant. LIEUT. ETHAN ALLEN GREENWOOD, Boston, lawyer. He graduated at Dart. Coll. 1 806. He became a por- trait painter, and long the Overseer of the N. E. Mu- seum. He removed to Hubbardston, and was Senator. THOMAS ROBINSON, Boston, shopkeeper. JONAS PROUTY, Boston, painter ; independent but childless ; universally beloved for his unobtrusive phi- lanthropy, and amiable temper. He was long an in- valid, though a man of regular habits, and studious to promote his health by travelling. He died suddenly, Dec. 18, 1828, aged 47, of apoplexy. ELEAZER NICHOLS, Boston, housewright. WILLIAM EAGER, Boston, merchant ; (original name Welcome.) COL. LUSHER GAY, Cambridge, merchant; born at Dedham ; a descendant of Maj. Lusher, 1638 ; Colonel 49 386 of the Cambridge Regiment ; Lieut, of the Ar. Co. 1 822 ; removed to Albany. LIEUT. JOHN M. MARSTON, Boston, merchant ; Consul. LIEUT. COL. BENJAMIN HUNTINGTON, Boston, broker. Lieut. Col. of militia. HEMAN FAY, Boston, merchant. JOHN KENDRICK, Boston, merchant; died Sept. 17th, 1834, aged 49. CAPT. ASA TISDALE, Boston, hatter. This gentle- man was very tall, erect, and broad shouldered. On the return of peace, 1815, there were numerous militia vacan- cies. An election took place on the same day in nearly thirty com- panies. By way of joke it was proposed to elect Tisdale. The Ann Street Company elected him Captain, and the Federal Street Com- pany elected him Ensign. The Committee where he had been chosen Captain waited on him first and he accepted, brought in his dozen of wine, and with his fellow boarders, much enjoyment was had. Before the first Committee had retired, the second arrived, tendering him the office of Ensign. Nobody said any thing of the previous election. Tisdale, really puzzled what to say, ordered in another dozen of wine, and prepared, with much solemnity, to give his answer, which was, that he felt highly honored, but could not accept ; he was again urged by all the motives the ingenuity of the Committee could suggest. Tisdale coolly and dryly answered that he had just accepted of the office of Captain, and he did not see how he could, with his great size, cover more space than that commission required. ASA TAYLOR, Boston. EBENEZER GOODRICH, Boston, organ builder. He died at Boston, May 13th, 1841, aged 58. By accident it was discovered, (1816) that no records had been made for four years. The deficiency was supplied by recollection, and the preservation of reports. On the 14th of July, 1814, Capt. William Howe issued orders to call the Company together on the 18th following. The United States were then at war with Great 387 Britain, and Boston was threatened with invasion. Several members were absent on duty by order of the Commander-in-Chief. All necessary measures were taken to put the Company in readiness, and they continued during the autumn of the year to exert themselves to maintain their ancient character for patriotism. Capt. Howe issued an order organizing the Company : Ensign Levi Melcher r who held no commission, was ordered to perform the duties of Lieu- tenant ; and the fourth Sergeant, Mr. Thomas Wells, the duty of Ensign. The four oldest active members, not in commission, were made Sergeants. This order was promptly complied with. Several who had formerly been members rejoined, and Capt. Howe, at their request, applied to the Commander-in-Chief for a commission. Caleb Strong was Governor, and Maj. Gen. John Brooks, Adjutant Gen- eral. Capt. Howe was advised not to take a written commission, as that would render him a junior Captain and a junior officer to Capt. Wells his Lieutenant ; but relying on the ancient usages of the Com- pany, to hold himself in readiness, subject to his Excellency's orders, through the Adjutant General, to act near his Excellency's person, or where necessity should require. This was considered most agreeable to the dignity and practice of the Ar. Co. in former times. Capt. Howe performed his duty at this important period with great honor to himself, and exactness of discipline. The official returns of the Sergeants on guard were not exceeded in correctness by any of the militia on duty, and probably not by any regular troops. The Ar. Co. performed their regular field duty during this period,. in ad- dition to the extra duty imposed by the crisis. On the 7th of De- cember, 1814, the apprehension of danger having subsided, Capt. Howe issued his orders restoring the Company to a peace establish- ment. Before the spring campaign opened, peace was concluded, which superseded the necessity of further extraordinary exertions. Artillery Election Sermon, 1814; by Samuel Gary, Boston 2d Sam. XXIV. 16th. Printed. 1815. CAPT. EPHRAIM HARRINGTON, Roxbury, bricklayer. Representative 1838. Artillery Election Sermon, 1815; by Francis Park- man, Boston Matt. X. 34th. 388 .". 1816. LIEUT. COL. FRANCIS SOUTHACK, Boston, baker. Lieutenant Colonel of the militia. He died at Boston, about 1835. DAVID ANDREWS, Boston, merchant; removed to Providence, R. I. ; he died at Boston, May, 1831, aged 40. CAPT. NATHANIEL RICHARDS, JR, Boston, innkeeper. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1822 ; removed to Hingham. BRIG. GEN. HENRY A. S. DEARBORN, Roxbury ; son of Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn of Maine. He resided when young at Portland, and came to Massachusetts when his father was appointed Collector of Boston. He owned an elegant seat at Roxbury called Brinley Place. On his father's being appointed a Major General in the U. S. Army, he was made Collector, which office he filled with great ability and integrity. He was removed at the commencement of Gen. Jackson's presidency, and immediately chosen a Representative from Rox- bury, then Senator and Councillor, and elected to Congress, 1831. He was Brigadier General of the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, and Captain of the Ar. Co. 1816. In 1 830, he received the honorary degree of Master of Arts, in Har. Col. A member of the Am. Acad. of Arts and Sciences, one of the Delegates from Roxbury at the Convention of 1820, and appointed Adjutant General, 1834-5. CAPT. EZEKIEL JONES, Boston, jeweller; died July 14th, 1826, aged 38. CAPT. NATHAN EATON, Boston, cordwainer ; born at South Reading, and died August 31st, 1828, aged 46. CAPT. JOSIAH WILKINS, Boston, trader ; removed to Mobile where he was Alderman. 389 COL. THOMAS HUNTING, Boston, merchant, born at Belchertown, Sept. 25th, 1790. Colonel of the third Regiment. Adjutant of the Ar. Co. 1823; Captain, 1827. He was long an active and useful member of the Financial Committee. He was of modest manners amiable temper, industrious habits, and was rarely known to make a mistake in military affairs. Repre- sentative from 1834 to '41. Alderman many years. Treasurer of the Ar. Co. CAPT. EDWARD BUGBEE, Boston, hair dresser. CAPT. EPHRAIM WHITNEY, Boston, truckman, brother of Silas and John, 1810. He died at St. Barts, April 23d, 1821, aged 34. CAPT. JAMES N. STAPLES, Boston, wine merchant. He was Clerk, and long a very useful member of the Finance Committee. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1823. CAPT. IRA BROWN, Boston. Removed to N. York. LIEUT. SILAS DODD, Boston, merchant; brother of John, 1810 ; died abroad May 28th, 1821. LIEUT. PLINY SMITH, Boston, butcher. CAPT. MICAH B. BACON, Boston, housewright. Re- moved to the West. January 23d, 1816. The Ar. Co. finding their financial concerns again in a low state, voted to petition the Legislature for aid. The Joint Committee unanimously reported in their favor. Their report substantially was to purchase the arms and accoutrements, and loan them thereafter, the Company keeping them in repair ; but their re- port was negatived, and their petition, for the first time, was not granted. Heavy as their burthens were, they soon raised by sub- scription, $700, which freed them from embarrassment. Since that time, a Committee of Finance, annually elected by ballot, superin- tend the finances, and while that Committee rigidly adhere to the examples before them, the Company can never be in a like condi- tion. Unparalleled success has marked their way thus far, for under the present arrangements, a large sum has been added to the pro- 390 ductive capital, and the annual expenses gradually lessened, and in time must be comparatively nothing. We ought to reflect, that the selfish motive of present gratification is not worthy to be cherished by a member of this ancient institution. We are bound to transmit to posterity that which has descended to us enlarged and improved. The $700 above alluded to was raised among the members, except- ing a donation of $100, from Lieut. Gov. Phillips. This gift was not the Jirst nor second of like amount, bestowed on this institution by that benevolent, Christian, and patriotic friend of his country. Artillery Election Sermon, 1816; by Paul Dean,* Boston Rom. XIII. 4th. Printed. 1817. LIEUT. BENJAMIN DODD, Boston, merchant ; brother of John, 1810, and Silas, 1816. ENSIGN JOHN CONANT, Boston, trader. Died at Lou- isville, Ky. September, 1822. LIEUT. CHARLES W. GAYETTY, Boston. LIEUT. SIMON GARDNER, Boston, printer. A propri- etor and editor of the Boston Commercial Gazette. He died of a brain fever, April 15th, 1824, aged 34. CORNELIUS BRIGGS, Boston, cabinet-maker, Roxbury. LIEUT. ALFRED CURTIS, Boston, merchant; brother of Philip, 1812. Removed to New York. WILLIAM PALMER, Boston, merchant. His business led him to New Orleans, the graveyard of New England, where he fell a victim to the yellow fever. MAJ. GEN. EBENEZER MATTOON, born at Amherst, August 19th, 1755.f His ancestors came from Scot- land, in 1662. His grandfather, Deacon Eleazer, moved from Northfield, with his son Ebenezer, to Amherst, then * This was the first Universalist minister chosen by the Ar. Co. t The author of this memoir is unknown; the letter following was received in answer to a letter from the compiler, requesting information relative to the nu- merous stations he had been called to fill. 391 called East Hadley, in 1734, and was one of the first settlers of the town. He died in 1765, aged 79. Eben- ezer, the father of Maj. General M. was a respectable farmer in Amherst ; he died in 1806, aged 87. Eben- ezer, the subject of this memoir, was admitted into Dart- mouth College, a member of the Phi-Beta-Kappa So- ciety while there. After the examination in College, preparatory to the degree of A. B. February, 1776, the country being in alarm, and a heavy loss being sustained by the defeat and death of Gen. Montgomery, young Mattoon, with three of his classmates, volunteered their services, and obtained permission from the College to join the army in Canada. Although the army was in a broken situation, yet he connected himself with a regiment of N. Hamp- shire troops, enlisted for one year. Col. Budle, who commanded this regiment, and his Adjutant, were soon after arrested for malconduct, so that the command de- volved on Lieut. Col. Wait, who appointed Mattoon his Adjutant, which office he held until the army retreat- ed to Ticonderoga. At that time, the regiment, origi- nally 450 men, was so reduced by action, fatigue, and capture, as not to contain more than 120, including officers. Personally worn down by the small-pox, the camp disease, and the toils of a soldier's life, he obtain- ed a furlough, and returned to Amherst, to enjoy the kindness and quiet of home. His ill state of health did not permit him again to join his regiment. Partially recovering his health, he was chosen, in 1777, a Lieu- tenant of militia in his own town, and was immediately ordered to Ticonderoga. He was in St. Clair's retreat from that place, July, 1777. In August following, he was detached by Gen. Lin- coln, in a company of Artillery, commanded by Capt. Furnival, in the Continental line, the militia being fearful of entering the service under Continental offi- 392 cers. After some difficulty, Lieut. Mattoon succeeded in enlisting 48 men, who joined the company with him under Capt. F. Gen. Lincoln, who was now at Pawlet, in Vermont, was directed to join the grand army, under Gen. Gates, at Bemis's Heights. In the last action at that place, on the 7th of October, Capt. Furnival's com- pany was engaged. Being closely pressed, the Infantry gave way, and the fortune of the day seemed to be lost. At this juncture, an old soldier, with a long hunting gun, came near to Lieut. Mattoon, who said to him " Well, Daddy, do you mean to leave us so?" "No," said he, " I will give them one gun more." At this moment, a cluster of officers was discovered about twelve rods distant, and a General officer at their head. The old man fired, and the General officer pitched forward and grasped the horse's mane ; they were immediately en- veloped in smoke. The old man said " I have killed that officer, lefriim be who he will." This officer was Gen. Frazier. The subject of these memoirs has never doubted these facts, notwithstanding any testimony to the contrary given by Gen. Wilkinson and others ; and more especially as the Rifle corps, spoken of by Gen. Wilkinson, was at that time more than eighty rods dis- tant from the spot where Gen. Frazier fell. At the close of the campaign, January following, Lieut. Mat- toon returned once more to his father's house. The next spring he was detached as a Lieutenant in the mil- itia, and joined Col. Wade's regiment at Rhode Island, and was in the action there, and retreat. At the close of that year, 1778, he left the service. , t He was Representative from Amherst, and Captain of the militia there. In 1785, he was chosen Major, and in 1787 Colonel of the 4th Regiment ; 1792, Brig. General of the 1st Brigade, 4th Division; 1797, ap- pointed by the Legislature Major General of that Divis- ion, which office he resigned, 1816, and was appointed 393 by Gov. Brooks as his successor in the office of Adju- tant General. The next year he was admitted and cho- sen to command the Ar. Co. In 1792, 1796, 1820 and 1832, he belonged to the Massachusetts College of Electors of President. Senator in 1795 and 1796; Sheriff of old Hampshire twenty years. He was a member of the sixth and seventh Congress of the Unit- ed States. November, 1817, he was seized with vio- lent ophthalmia, which terminated in his utter loss of sight. On the following June, he bade farewell to all public employment. When the Convention was called, in 1 820, to revise the Constitution of Massachusetts, he was induced to take his seat as a member of that body ; to deliberate and act in that assembly, composed of the ablest jurists, the profoundest politicians, and the most tried patriots. Thus has terminated the military and political career of one, whose brow has been deservedly decked with so many martial and civil honors. "AMHERST, July 5th, 1828. "Zach. G. Whitman, Esq. " Dear Sir : I herewith enclose you a sketch of my life. Not being able to write myself, a friend of mine undertook to be my amanuensis. . When he came to copy it, he added some of his own reflections, which appear to be improper to come from me. Several friends have examined it, among which was Dr. Swift, who insisted upon my forwarding it, as it is. I have complied with their wishes, upon this express condition that it be submitted to your judgment and friendship, whether to retain or expunge it, as you may think proper. " There is one circumstance omitted, which I should like to have inserted in its proper place. The next morning after the battle of the seventh, Gen. Lincoln's Aid-de-Camp being engaged in writing, he requested me to mount one of their horses, and ride with him to the lines. I did so, and soon found his object was to reconnoitre the enemy's position. As he proceeded along the lines, he received from the enemy a constant stream of fire from cannon and musketry ; but he was so intent upon his object, that he appeared totally insen- sible to his perilous situation. Being anxious for his safety, (and 50 394 probably more so for my own,) I observed to him, that his life was too valuable to the army to be thus hazarded. I had scarcely fin- ished the sentence, when he was struck with a ball, that shattered his ancle, and deprived the army of his services for a long time. " 1 am, &c. E. MATTOON." Gen. Mattoon was a scientific and practical farmer ; a man of quick discernment, discriminating judgment, independent frankness. When invited to join the corps, he replied, " that although an old man, he should be proud to shoulder his gun again in the ranks of that Company." He entered with his peculiar zeal into the cause of the institution; and to his personal exertions, in a great degree, may be attributed the reintroduction of field-pieces. At what period they abandoned the use of great guns, is not known ; but probably in 1691. In 1810, the project was started, to apply to the Legis- lature for field-pieces; but, as the report contained other suggestions of expensive improvement, the plan was relinquished. Gen. Mattoon, however, was not permitted to enjoy the fruits of his own labor. He was heard to observe, on the ^election day, when he was to have resigned the badges of Commander, and in the ceremonies of which he could not partake, that it was one of the most mel- ancholy days he had ever been called to spend, as he had calculated with no small degree of pride on that day. The Governor and Council transmitted the following General Or- ders to the Company : In Council, July 3d, 1817. The Military Committee of Council, to whom was referred a petition from a Committee of the Hon. and Ancient Artillery Company, appointed for that purpose, requesting a loan of a pair of brass field-pieces, that thereby they may be restor- ed to the ancient situation of the Company, (as its name imports;) as well as to assist them in acquiring a correct knowledge in the ex- ercise of Artillery, united to their present improvements in Infantry, respectfully report : That his Excellency be advised to direct the Quarter-Master General to loan to the A. and H. Artillery Company 395 a pair of brass six-pound cannon, completely equipped for field ser- vice, and to supply said Company, for the use of said cannon, the usual quantity of ammunition as directed by law for other Companies of Artillery within the Commonwealth. In Council, July 3d, 1817. This report is accepted, and by the Governor approved. ALDEN BRADFORD, Sec'yofthe Com'th. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. General Orders. Head Quar- ters, Boston, July 12th, 1817. The Commander-in-Chief having, on the 3d instant, been advised by the Honorable Council, to direct the Quarter-Master General to loan to the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company a pair of brass six-pound cannon, completely equipped for field service, and to sup- ply said Company with the usual quantity of ammunition as is direct- ed by law for other Companies of Artillery within the Common- wealth : His Excellency accordingly directs the Quarter-Master General to furnish by loan the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company with two pieces of cannon of the description above men- tioned, together with complete equipments for the same, for field service, and in every respect to comply with the above written ad- vice of Council. The cannon thus loaned to be kept at the Labora- tory in Boston, and when not in use to be under the care of the Quarter-Master General. By his Excellency's command. WILLIAM H. SUMMER, Aid-dc-Camp. In the beginning of the Revolution, the Americans had no Artil- lery. While the troops were assembling in the neighborhood of Boston, and the British had shut up the town, so that nothing could enter or depart without their inspection, these field-pieces were de- posited, in the gun-house at the South End. Samuel Gore, Ar. Co. 1786, with two others, laid a plan to obtain and convey them to the American army. They privately, at night, removed a board from the gun-house, whereby they entered, dismounted these pieces, and secreted them in a load of manure, to be carried out of town. The next day, the British unsuspectingly suffered the countryman to pass with his load, and they were triumphantly carried to the American camp. They were eminently serviceable to our army at the com- mencement of the war, during which they were in many engage- ments, and were taken and retaken several times. They were chris- tened by the patriotic names of Hancock and Adams. At the close of the war, they remained the property of Massachusetts, and were confided to the care of the Ar. Co. After the peace, they were or- namented with the following engraving : " The Hancock. Sacred 396 to liberty. This is one of the four cannon which constituted the whole train of Field Artillery, possessed by the British Colonies of North America at the commencement of the war, on the 19th of April, 1775. This cannon, and its fellow, belonged to a number of citizens of Boston ; were used in many engagements during the war. The other two, the property of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, were taken by the enemy. By order of the United States, in Con- gress assembled, May 19th, 1788." The piece called Adams, had the same engraving upon it. It was split, in target practice, under Capt. G. Wells. The Governor and Council afterwards gave both pieces to the Bunker-Hill Monument Association, to be placed in the Monument. The State still fur- nishes two six-pounders to the Company, with apparatus complete. CAPT. SAMUEL DAVIS, Boston, merchant. BRIG. GEN. THOMAS H. BLOOD, Sterling, hatter. Representative and Senator, Brig. General of the 2d Brigade, 7th Division, of Militia. A Delegate at the Convention of 1820. LIEUT. JOHN BUTTERFIELD, Boston. CAPT. FRANCIS WYMAN, Cambridge, trader. Died December, 1 83 1 , aged 45. NATHANIEL BRYANT, Boston, cabinet-maker. While the Ar. Co. was commanded by Gen. Dearborn, an elegant sword was presented by a Committee of past Commanders, on the Common, Election day, June, 1817, to his Excellency Gov. Brooks, in testimony of their esteem and respect. This sword and its para- phernalia cost nearly $200, raised principally by subscriptions among the members. It appears, May 26th, 1817, the inventory of equipments of the Ar. Co. was valued at $2515 82, and that their stand of arms was 64. The productive funds of the Company consisted of 24 shares Union Bank, Boston, $2400, and a certificate of United States seven per cent, stock, of $400. These stocks were then much above par. The funds are now ( 1842) $3950. The stand of arms, &c. in 1821, were 100 ; Gen. Lyman gave the knapsacks, and a new standard was given. Artillery Election Sermon, 1817, by Daniel C. Saun- ders, D. D. Medfield 2d Chron. XVII. 10th. Printed. 397 1818. CAPT. BENJAMIN JV1. NEVERS, Boston, livery stable keeper. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1827. LIEUT. EBENEZER W. NEVERS, Boston, wood wharf- inger, (brother of the preceding.) He died at Boston, August 17th, 1838, aged 47. LIEUT. COL. DANIEL BROWN, Boston, printer. Lieut. Colonel of 2d Regiment. LIEUT. ROBERT SOMERBY, Boston, jeweller. Died at Roxbury, August 20th, 1821, aged 27. \ Artillery Election Sermon, 1818, by Henry Colman, Hingham Ps. CXXXVII. 5th, 6th. Printed. 1819. LIEUT. GEORGE W. THAYER, Boston, merchant. BRIG. GEN. WILLIAM SULLIVAN, Boston, lawyer; son of Gov. Sullivan. Graduated at Harvard College 1792, and became eminent in his profession. He was a man of popular talents, and a polished gentleman. Repre- sentative ; Senator ; Major of the Cadets ; but his diffi- dence induced him to resign when offered the Colonelcy of that corps. After several years he was selected by the field officers of the Boston Brigade for their Com- mander, and reluctantly accepted. Delegate at the Convention of 1820. He was author of some useful school books ; devoted himself to literature of late years, and died about 1 838. BRIG. GEN. WILLIAM H. SUMNER, Boston, lawyer ; only son and Aid-de-Camp of Gov. Sumner ; was born in Boston, July 4th, 1780; a descendant of Col. S. Shrimpton, 1670, and William Hyslop, 1755. He grad- uated at Har. Col. 1799. Representative. He succeed- 398 ed Gen. Mattoon as Adjutant General. Captain of the Ar. Co. 1821, and is now a gentleman of fortune. LIEUT. COL. SAMUEL SWETT, Boston, lawyer. Grad- uated at Har. Col. 1 800 ; afterwards engaged in mer- cantile and literary pursuits, and was wealthy. He was Aid-de-Camp to the Governor, by which he gained his title, and first Captain of the New England Guards. Representative. LIEUT. COL. RUEL BAKER, Boston, painter ; born at Sudbury. Lieut. Colonel of the 3d Regiment ; Lieu- tenant of the Ar. Co. 1824. MAJ. BENJAMIN WINS LOW, Boston, merchant. One of the Brigade staff. MAJ. GEN. ELIJAH CRANE, Canton, yeoman. He never sustained office in the Ar. Co. having joined it when advanced in years, solely to encourage the militia. His first office was Cornet of Cavalry, from which he rose to Major General of the 1st Division, and served in commission 21 years, or, to use his own expression, "till he was free." He died February, 1834. CAPT. PETER L. R. STONE, Boston, merchant. MAJ. GEN. NATHANIEL AUSTIN, Charlestown, mer- chant. Captain of the Warren Phalanx; Maj. General of the Middlesex Division. Sheriff of Middlesex; Rep- resentative ; Senator ; Councillor. CAPT. EZRA HAWKS, Boston, tinman. TIMOTHY Rix, Boston, merchant. Removed to Ha- verhill, N. H. LIEUT. COL. BENJAMIN T. PICKMAN, Boston, mer- chant ; born in Salem. Aid-de-Camp to the Governor ; Representative, Senator, and President of the Senate. He died of apoplexy, March 21st, 1835, aged 45. LIEUT. GEORGE STEARNS, Boston, trader. 399 In 1819, the Ar. Co. printed a list of members, from 1638. This list was made as perfect as possible, and the thought of compiling a History was suggested. In the course of preparing the sketch, many additions and corrections were made to that list, and it was again printed, still imperfect. It was then ascertained that 134 were offi- cers, who had no titles. Nearly as many now remain in this work, for whom no correct title can be discovered. The Rules adopted 1819, were approved by the Governor and Council, viz : Council Chamber, Feb. llth, 1820. The Committee of Council, to whom was referred the Rules and Regulations of the A. and H. Artillery Company, the same having been laid before the Executive for approbation, according to ancient charter and usage, respectfully report, that they have examined the same, and nothing therein being found objectionable, they recommend that the same be approved by His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable Council. Which is submitted. SAMUEL P. P. FAY, Per Order. In Council, Feb. llth, 1820. This report is accepted, and by the Governor approved, ALDEN BRADFORD, Sec'y of the Com'th. After the State Constitution went into force, the Boston Militia formed one Regiment, with a Colonel, &c. Colonelcies were soon abolished, and another Major added, till 1816, when Congress re- stored them, and the State created, by brevets, Lieut. Colonels, to be Colonels, &,c. In 1798, Boston and Chelsea Militia were a Le- gionary Brigade, under a Brig. General ; Infantry, four Companies each, formed Sub-legions ; Light Infantry and Artillery, each a Sub- legion. The Sub-legion was under a Major, and all under a Lieut. Colonel. In 1810, Boston and Chelsea formed three Regiments, or the 3d Brigade, abolishing the title Legionary, the Infantry being apportioned to them the Artillery being a separate Battalion. The Major Generals have been, for the 1st Division Benjamin Lincoln, Hingham, elected April 3d, 1786. Henry Jackson, Boston, elected Feb. 18th, 1792. Simon Elliot, Boston, elected June 18th, 1796. Elijah Crane, Canton, elected June 16th, 1809. Aaron Capen, Dorchester, elected 1830. John S. Tyler, Boston, elected Feb. 4th, 1834. Edward W. Bradley, Dorchester, elected . Appleton Howe, Weymouth, elected 1839, 1841. At first, the Ar. Co. re-elected eminent members to offices before sustained, which is now uncommon. Maj. Savage and Col. Town- send were Lieutenants twice, Captains five times ; Gen. Gibbons Captain four times ; seven persons have been twice Captains, and 32 once Captains who were never Subalterns. The only names of 400 officers of the Ar. Co. now lost, are the Lieutenant and Ensign of 1649, and the Ensign of 1741. Since 1810, there have been founded The "New England Guards;" " City Guards," now "City Greys;" " Pulaski Guards," 1836 ; " Washington Phalanx," first Capt. Kurtz, 1841 ; " High- land Guards," 1837; "National Lancers," Cavalry, 1836, under the patronage of Gov. Everett, who presented them a standard the most efficient and best furnished corps in the State ; " Rangers," now " Rifle Rangers ;" " Mechanic Riflemen ;" " La Fayette Guards ;" " Montgomery Guards." The three corps last named, with the " Winslow Blues," have been disbanded since 1810. Artillery Election Sermon, 1819, by Thomas Gray, Roxbury Rom. XI. 13th. Printed. 1820. ENSIGN SAMUEL A. BELKNAP, Boston, jeweller. ANDREW G. WINSLOW, Boston, merchant, son of Gen. John, 1786. Clerk of the Ar. Co. He died at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, Oct. 1832, of the Asiatic cholera. BRIG. GEN. NATHANIEL GUILD, Dedham, house- wright. Brigadier General of the 2d Brigade, 1st Division. BRIG. GEN. THEODORE LYMAN, JR, Boston, mer- chant ; born in Boston, Feb. 22, 1792. He graduated at Harvard College, 1810. Aid-de-Camp to the Gov- ernor. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1821, under Gen. Sumner. He had no practical knowledge of military tactics, when he accepted that office. By the unex- pected absence of Gen. Sumner one drill meeting, the command devolved upon him. His ill success disap- pointed the numerous members present. He dismissed the Company early, and during the week following studied most earnestly upon his duty. On the next drill meeting he again commanded, and the contrast was strikingly evident. Such was the deserved reputa- tion he gained, that at the next anniversary he was 401 elected Commander and chosen Brigadier General of the Boston Militia,. No person ever commanded the Boston troops with more distinguished fame. An en- thusiasm and improvement in a new system of discipline and tactics which he infused into the whole body drew from men of high military fame the most decided approbation. The praise of the Marquis La Fayette, who had qn opportunity of witnessing his talents, was spontaneous and unequivocal. He continues a very useful member and possessing a fortune, he has not been sparing in his liberal donations to the Ar. Co. or the militia generally. Representative from Boston, Senator, and Mayor of Boston. COAXES EVANS, Boston, trader. CAPT. EPHRAIM DODGE, Boston, innkeeper. First Commander of the Militia of South Boston, upon that section being set off as a Company by itself. CAPT. PETER MACKINTOSH, JR, Boston, shopkeeper, afterwards schoolmaster. A distinguished Commander of the Boston Light Infantry. CAPT. BENJAMIN DARLING, Boston, plumber and gla- zier. He commanded the Winslow Blues. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1825. MAJ. ALEXANDER HAMILTON GIBBS, Roxbury, mer- chant, born at Boston, August 2d, 1791. Lieutenant of the Fusilliers, and afterwards first Captain and foun- der of the " Norfolk Guards " at Roxbury, from which he was promoted Brigade Major of the 1st Brigade, 1st Division. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1821, Captain, 1823. The following is an obituary notice of him.* " Died in this city, March 5, 1827, Alexander H. Gibbs, Esq. aged 35, suddenly of a pleurisy. Society has lost a very valuable * Boston Patriot ; Chronicle, and Palladium of March 9th, 1827. 51 402 member. He was a public spirited, active citizen, always prompt to perform his whole duty as was exhibited in his zeal in several of our military associations, in his punctual and energetic performance of duty as an Engineer in our new Fire Department, and in the faith- fulness to the government and urbanity to the citizens, with which he always conducted as an officer of the customs. At the early age of thirty, he was elected to the command of the Ar. Co. In all the relations of private life he was uniformly exemplary, a kind and judi- cious father ; a faithful and affectionate husband ; a generous, true, and constant friend. His well proportioned, athletic, and graceful form, gave to human view a prospect of long life, and a few days since he was in the midst of us, full of health, activity and useful- ness ; but God has changed his countenance, and sent him away, as we humbly trust and believe, to receive the reward promised to the faithful and just." He was a member of St. Paul's Church, and upon his decease the Rev. Mr. Potter preached an excellent funeral sermon. COL. SAMUEL H. PARKER, Boston, bookseller. Cap- tain of the Winslow Blues, Colonel of the 3d Regi- ment, Adjutant of the Ar. Co. 1822. He enlivened every circle in which he met with his chaste and delight- ful songs. LIEUT. WILLIAM W. CLAPP, Boston, the talented editor of the Evening Gazette ; son of Capt. Bela, 1789. MAJ. STEPHEN FAIRBANKS, Boston, saddler, after- wards dealer in hardware. Brigade Major under Gen. Sullivan. Representative, President of the Mass. Char. Mechanic Association. LIEUT. COL. CALEB HARTSHORN, Boston, hatter; came from Walpole, Mass. Captain of the Fusilliers ; Lieutenant Colonel of Boston Regiment. He became insane about the year 1 838, and recovered. MAJ. MARTIN BRIMMER, Boston, merchant. He graduated at Harvard College, 1814. When in college he commanded the University Corps. Captain of the Rangers, and Brigade Major under Gen. Lyman. Cap- 403 tain of the Ar. Co. 1826. Representative and Alder- man. CAPT. GEORGE A. HODGES, Boston, merchant ; born at Salem. COL. THADDEUS PAGE, Boston, grocer. Col. of Bos- ton Regiment ; died January 27, 1837, aged 49. COL. JOSEPH S. PORTER, Charlestown, cordwainer; Captain of the Columbian Guards ; Colonel of the Charlestown Regiment ; removed to New York. LIEUT. CHRISTOPHER A. BROWN, Charlestown, shop- keeper. MAJ. JAMES TALBOT, Dedham, shopkeeper. One of Gen. Crane's staff. CAPT. JOHN MUZZY, Boston, grocer* CAPT. CALVIN HATCH, Boston, tailor. ENSIGN WILLIAM H. HUNT, Boston, housewright; died at Montreal, Sept 29th, 1824, aged 30. LIEUT. COL. NEHEMIAH WYMAN, Charlestown, butch- er. Captain of the Warren Phalanx ; Lieutenant Col- onel of the Charlestown Regiment. He resigned his Lieutenant Colonelcy and again commanded his favor- ite corps and restored its discipline and numbers. Artillery Election Sermon, 1 820 ; by John Codman, D. D. Dorchester Jer. IV. 6th. Printed. 1821. COL. WILLIAM BEACH, Gloucester. Representative. Colonel of militia. Delegate at the Convention, 1820. CAPT. BREWSTER REYNOLDS, Boston, grocer. ENSIGN ISAAC M. HAWES, Charlestown, trader. LIEUT. COL. ELIAB W. METCALF, Cambridge, prin- ter to Har. University. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1824 ; 404 Lieut. Colonel of militia ; Representative ; died Nov. 27th, 1835, aged 54. MAJ. GEN. MICAH M. RUTTER, East Sudbury, yeo- man ; Deputy Sheriff of Middlesex, and rose regularly to the command of the Middlesex Division as successor to Gen. N. Austin. Representative ten years ; Senator ; died at Wayland (East Sudbury) May 8, 1837, aged 58. COL. ISAAC KURD, JR, Concord, manufacturer or innkeeper. Colonel of the 3d Regiment, 1st Brigade. He died about 1828. COL. ROBERT ROBINSON, Lynn, cordwainer. Col- onel of militia. COL. ARTEMAS CONANT, Stow, trader. Colonel of militia. COL. WILLIAM BALDWIN, East Sudbury, yeoman. He succeeded Col. Conant. COL. JOSEPH BDTTERFIELD, Tyngsboro', trader. Di- vision Inspector. Representative. MAJ. SAMUEL A. COBURN, Dracut, innkeeper. MAJ. JOHN KEYES, Concord, lawyer. Representa- tive ; Senator six years ; Judge Advocate ; Delegate at the Convention, 1 820. He graduated at Dart. College in 1809. LIEUT. COL. WILLIAM BUTTRICK, Pepperell. Rep- resentative five years. LIEUT. COL. DRURY FAIRBANKS, Sudbury. CAPT. WILLIAM ADAMS, Chelmsford. Captain of a well disciplined Rifle Company. CAPT. EBENEZER EATON, Dorchester, innkeeper. MAJ. ABRAHAM GATES, Marlboro'. MAJ. WILLIAM A. BANCROFT, Townsend, yeoman. Brigade Major. 405 i DOCT. WILLIAM INGALLS, Boston. Professor of Anatomy in Brown University ; graduated at Har. Col. 1790. LIEUT. COL. THOMAS C. AMORY, Boston, merchant. He commanded the Cadets. Representative. CAPT. WILLIAM TUCKER, Boston, merchant. COL. DANIEL SHATTUCK, Coocord, trader. Repre- sentative and Senator. CAPT. RICHARD BRACKET, Chelsea* MAJOR SAMUEL BURR, Concord, trader. Aid to Gen. Austin ; Representative. Died in 1 832. LIEUT. MOSES GRAGG, Dedham, innkeeper. Caval- ry officer. CAPT. SILAS PIERCE, Boston, grocer. CAPT. SAMUEL DOGGETT, Roxbury, merchant. LIEUT. COL. JONATHAN A. RICHARDS, Roxbury. Rep- resentative. ENSIGN STEPHEN S. DAVIS, Roxbury, trader. CAPT. SAMUEL L. ABBOT, Boston, merchant. Cap- tain of the Winslow Blues. LIEUT. GEORGE M. GIBBENS, Boston, grocer; broth*- of Col. Gibbens, 1810. Died October, 1830, aged 34. CAPT. WINSLOW LEWIS, Boston, merchant. He commanded the Sea Fencibles. Representative; Al- derman. He commanded the Artillery detachment on the CC anniversary of the Ar. Co. LIEUT. AMOS SUMNER, Boston, tailor. CAPT. SOLOMON LOUD, Boston, cabinet-maker. Cap- tain of the Washington Light Infantry. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1827. Died January, 1833, aged 45. 406 COL. LEVI BATES, Weymouth, trader. Colonel of militia. Representative five years. COL. CHARLES M. DOMETT, Boston, saddler. Colo- nel of militia. Died previous to 1838. CAPT. ISAAC DAVIS, Boston, shopkeeper. Captain of the Boston Dragoons. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1831. He was lost in the steamboat Lexington, on the night of the 13th January, 1840, on her passage from New York to Stonington ; only 4 or 5, out of 150 pas- sengers, escaped. " His heart was the seat of kind and generous affections, and he was delighting himself with the thoughts of home,* on that sad night, when sudden- ly, with a hundred others, he had but the fearful alterna- tive of the burning flame or the suffocating wave." LIEUT. LEWIS BAILEY, Boston, merchant. Died January, 1834. COL. FRANCIS PEABODY, Salem, merchant. He com- manded the Salem Regiment. Representative; LIEUT. COL. JAMES HAMILTON, Framingham. Found- er and first Captain of a Light Infantry Company there. Lieut. Colonel of militia. He kept the celebrated Ex- change Coffee-House, in Boston. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1823. He removed to New York city. CAPT. ELIPHALET WHEELER, Framingham. Second Captain of the Light Infantry there. CAPT. HENRY FOWLE, JR, Boston, block and pump maker ; oldest son of Henry, 1 806. CAPT. NATHAN HOBBS, Boston, jeweller. LIEUT. FREDERICK GOULD, Boston, clothier. COL. SILAS STEWART, Boston, grocer ; succeeded Col. Domett. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1826. *See Dr. Sharp's excellent Artillery Sermon, 1840, CAPT. WALTER FROST, Boston, coach-maker. BRIG. GEN. JOSIAH S. FISHER, Dedham ; succeed- ed Gen. Guild. Representative. Died October, 1828, aged 38. MAJ. THOMAS J. LOBDELL, Boston, merchant. He commanded the South End Artillery, and the Battalion. LIEUT. COL. HARRISON G. OTIS, JR, Boston, lawyer; oldest son of Hon. H. G. Otis. Graduated at Harvard College 1811. He commanded the Cadets. He died on a journey among his friends, of apoplexy, at Spring- field, January, 1827. A young gentleman of great promise. CAPT. JOHN ELLIOT, Boston, grocer. Died Septem- ber, 1832, aged 48. COL. JOHN F. BANISTER, Boston, cooper; oldest son of John, 1 806. Colonel of the 3d Regiment. Adjutant of the Ar. Co. 1828. MAJ. ALFRED ALLEN, Walpole, now Charlestown, merchant. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1829. A staff officer under Gen. Guild. MAJ. FREEMAN FISHER, Dedham, merchant. A staff officer under Gen. Guild. COL. PRENTISS HOBBS, Boston, wood wharfinger. Colonel of 3d Regiment. Representative nine years. COL. JAMES BROWN, Framingham. MAJ. GEN. SALEM TOWNE, JR, Charlton, yeoman. Colonel of militia ; Major General of the Worcester Division. Representative and Senator. LIEUT. WILLIAM HOOTEN, Boston, sailmaker. BRIG. GEN. JOHN TEMPLE WINTHROP, Boston, lawyer; born May 14th, 1796 ; a descendant of the first Governor of Massachusetts. He graduated at Harvard College in 1815. Colonel of the 2d Regiment, and succeeded Gen. Lyman in the Brigade. Adjutant of the Ar. Co. 1824; Captain 1 825. Representative. His name is altered to John Temple James Bowdoin. CAPT. EDDY FAIRBANKS, Roxbury. CAPT. EDWARD L. SCOTT, Boston, master mariner. He commanded the Sea Fencibles. LIEUT. COL. JOHN BRAZER DAVIS, Boston, lawyer; grandson of Capt. Brazer, 1786, and son of Lieut. Davis, 1801. He graduated at Har. College in 1815, and was a Tutor. Editor of the Chronicle and Patriot. Aid-de-Camp to Gov. Lincoln. Representative five years. He died at Boston, December, 1832. "He was a gentleman of great promise in his profession, and has been much distinguished in our public affairs for one of his years." CAPT. WILLIAM HARVARD ELIOT, Boston, lawyer. He gaduated at Harvard College in 1815. Aid-de-Camp to Gen. Lyman. He was a young gentleman of pleas- ant temper, amiable manners, and enterprising spirit. By the death of his father, Samuel Eliot, Esq. a pol- ished gentleman of the old school he became possessed of an ample fortune. He projected the building of the Tremont Hotel. He was selected, though very young, to succeed Hon. H. G. Otis as Mayor of the City, sev- eral unsuccessful attempts having been made to effect an election.' It was expected his popularity would unite the contending parties. While the electioneering cam- paign was going on, and just preceding the ballot, the following appeared in the Courier, Dec. 8th, 1831 : " A third candidate (Lyman and Wells) now formally presented for our suffrages, is Mr. William Harvard Eliot, a gentleman whose popularity with all classes of citizens will ensure him a very consid- erable vote. Of the many good qualities which have given him this 409 popularity, and justified his friends in bringing his name before the public, we are prepared to speak cheerfully and liberally. * * * " Alas ! The voice of praise and the commendations of friend- ship have no power to recall the breath that is gone, nor can the re- cital of claims to public honors and distinctions ' provoke the silent dust, or soothe the dull, cold ear' of the dead. Well may we ex- claim, in the language of Burke, ' What shadows we are ! What shadows we pursue !' Our pen refuses all other office, than to blot out nearly all that we had written as useless and unavailing ; for be- fore we had finished our contemplated task, the subject of our recom- mendation ceased to be a candidate for the honors that his friends and fellow-citizens were preparing to bestow. William H. Eliot is dead. That short sentence comprises all that can now be said of him, in connection with the topics discussed in this article. His merits deserve a different notice, but the present moment is to affecting and here we stop." LIEUT. WILLIAM WHITNEY, Concord, blacksmith. LIEUT. EDWARD WATSON, Boston, jeweller. Died about 1839. CAPT. NATHANIEL SNOW, Boston, master mariner. He commanded the Sea Fencibles, and died at B. / Artillery Election Sermon, 1821, by Edward Everett, Prof. Har. Col. Ps. CXXVI. 10th. 1822. CAPT. AMOS B. PARKER, Boston, bookbinder. Died March, 1833, aged 37. MAJ. GEN. JOHN S. TYLER, Boston, merchant. Prin- cipal founder and first Commander of the City Guards. He rose regularly to be Maj. General of 1st Division, Adjutant of the Ar. Co. 1827 ; Captain 1832. He was born at Guilford, Vt. 1796, and was an excellent disci- plinarian. LIEUT. WILLIAM A. DICKERMAN, Boston, merchant. Removed to New York. Lieutenant of City Guards. CAPT. HENRY HUGLE HUGGEFORD, Boston, lawyer. 53 410 He graduated at Bar. College in 1817. Deputy Sheriff. Clerk of the Ar. Co. He succeeded Gen. Tyler as Com- mander of the City Guards. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1828. He became insane in 1840, having lost his prop- erty. He was a generous, firm, useful and honorable man, and died at Worcester, April 1, 1841, aged 42. CALVIN WASHBURN, Boston, merchant. CAPT. RUSSELL GLOVER, Boston, master mariner. Captain of the Sea Fencibles. Removed to New York city. CAPT. WILLIAM L. SMITH, Boston, grocer. Captain of the South End Artillery. Removed to Lexington. CAPT. WILLIAM L. FOSTER, Boston ; son of Rev. Edmund, of Littleton. Captain of U. S. Infantry, 1812. He died June llth, 1822. He appeared in the ranks on the first Monday of June, 1822. COL. SAMUEL JACQUES, Charlestown, merchant. Di- vision Inspector. Representative. CAPT. DANIEL GOODENOW, Cambridge, innkeeper. He raised and first commanded a well disciplined Light Infantry Company, at Cragie's Point. He removed to New Hampshire, and lastly to Windsor, Vt. A gentle- man of benevolent, convivial feelings. CAPT. OTIS B. PRESCOTT, Cambridge. Removed south. CAPT. GENET HOLBROOK, Boston, grocer. Died Nov. 21st, 1826, aged 31. He added much to the festivities of the Company by the taste and purity of his songs. LIEUT. COL. EBENEZER NEAL, Lynn. Militia officer. COL. DANIEL N. BREED, Lytfn, innkeeper. Colonel of militia. ENSIGN JOSHUA C. BATES, Boston, trader. 411 CAPT. SAMUEL HOBBS, Weston, tanner ; brother of Col. P. Hobbs, 1821. Representative. JOHN H. PEARSON, Boston; born in Wilmington. AR enterprising merchant, and most estimable man. MAJ. Louis DENNIS, Boston, mason. Major of 2d Regiment. An excellent officer and estimable citizen. Adjutant of the Ar. Co. 1833 ; Captain, 1838. .He was born at Hardwick, Mass. Feb. 8, 1799. He com- manded the Fusilliers, and again when their name was changed to Hancock Light Infantry. LIEUT. ASA CLARK, Boston, glazier. LIEUT. COL. ELI AS KINGS LEY, Boston, plaisterer. CAPT. JOHN RUGGLES, Cambridge, victualler ; Cap- tain of Light Infantry. CAPT. DANIEL T. CURTIS, Cambridge, leather-dres- ser. A very industrious, frugal and temperate man. He had acquired property, and had several children. He fell among gamblers, who stripped him in four weeks of all he possessed. In pursuit of them he was found hanging to a bed-post at Providence Hotel. Sus- picions arose of his being murdered. CAPT. GEORGE JOHNSON, Lynn. LIEUT. JACOB H. BATES, Cambridge. LIEUT. CHARLES EVERETT, Cambridge. Represen- tative. COL. SAMUEL LEARNED, Watertown, housewright ; born at W. March 9th, 1789. Colonel of militia, Lieu- tenant of the Ar. Co. 1825; Captain, 1828. He died of the Asiatic cholera in 1832, at Whitehall, Vt. COL. ELISHA STRATTON, Watertown, innkeeper. He succeeded Col. Learned. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1826. 412 CAPT. JAMES GARLAND, Boston, housewright. CAPT. FRANCIS ALDEN, Dedham, innkeeper. JOSIAH W. HOMES, Boston, merchant; died Dec. 1833, aged 40, while Armorer. DANIEL MESSINGER, JR, Boston, hatter; oldest son of Col. M. 1792. ELISHA KING, Boston, shopkeeper. MAJ. MARSHALL B. SPRING, Watertown, lawyer ; graduated at Har. College, 1812. An officer of the Cadets. Representative. He died Sept. 17th, 1825, aged 33. " The worth of this young man was such," says his obituary, " that the town attended his funeral at the meeting-house, and a sermon was preached." CAPT. JOHN FARRIE, JR, Boston, lawyer ; son of John, cooper, Boston. He was distinguished by school honors in his youth, and educated a lawyer without a col- lege education. He possessed the qualities which make the useful citizen, was social, liberal, energetic, and public spirited. Captain of the Winslow Blues, and their Treasurer, extricating them from heavy embarrass- ments. Assistant Clerk of the Senate. He died Oct. 13th, 1826, aged 32, of rapid consumption. He never had an enemy, was dutiful and affectionate, in all re- lations, ever doing good offices. He dined with his father and family on the day of his death. Fully per- suaded of the near approach of death, he heard with perfect composure his physician apprize him of his situ- ation ; conversing with his friends without alarm, and died giving directions respecting a cause of his client. He was never married. Although no public notice had been given of his funeral, it was attended by a long procession, composed of the Bar, the Ar. Co. and vari- ous societies. COL. FRANCIS B. FAY, Southboro', yeoman ; repre- 413 sented that town, 1830; removed to Chelsea and was Representative ; Senator, 1 842. CAPT. DANIEL HASTINGS, 2o, Boston, housewright. LIEUT. REUBEN VOSE, Boston, shopkeeper. BR*G. GEN. JOSIAH L. C. AMEE, Boston, sailmaker. Colonel of the 3d Regiment ; Brig. General, August 3d, 1836. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1835. CAPT. AMOS H. HASKELL, Boston, bookbinder. CAPT. REUBEN CARVER, JR, Boston, trader. LIEUT. EDDY FAIRBANKS, Roxbury. LIEUT. SUMNER FULLER, Boston, soap boiler ; mem- ber of O. S. Church. CAPT. NICHOLS TOWER, Cohasset, trader. CAPT. CHARLES HUBBARD, Boston, sign painter. CAPT. JAMES SHARP, Boston, cabinet maker. COL. HENRY S. KENT, Boston, trader; succeeded Col. Stewart. MAJ. ABRAHAM EDWARDS, Cambridge, lawyer ; grad- uated at Har. College in 1819. Brigade Major. Ad- jutant of the Ar. Co. 1825; Captain, 1842. Repre- sentative from Brighton and Cambridge. He com- manded the " Mass. Guards " at Cambridge. He was born in Boston, Sept. 7th, 1 798. Artillery Election Sermon, 1822; by John G. Pal- fray, Boston Jer. VI. 16th. 1823. CAPT. THADDEUS B. BIGELOW, Cambridge ; gradu- ated at Har. College, 1820. CAPT. THOMAS HAVILAND, Boston, plaisterer. ENSIGN BENJAMIN TRUE, Boston. 414 ABRAHAM WILD, ESQ, Boston, lawyer ; graduated at Har. College, 1 809 ; oldest son of Abraham, 1 788. He died suddenly, Sept. 30th, 1 825, aged 35. ENSIGN WILLARD PARTRIDGE, Boston. CAPT. THOMAS P. CARVER, Boston, trader ; brother ofCapt. C. 1822. CAPT. WILLIAM H. HOWARD, Boston, iron founder. CAPT. ELIJAH PACKARD, Boston, machinist. CAPT. LUTHER PARKER, Boston, truckman. Captain of the Dragoons. CAPT. ALEXANDER PARRIS, Boston, architect. Cap- tain of U. S. Artificers, 1812. CAPT. EDMUND LONGLEY, Boston, blacksmith ; died 1832. LIEUT. THOMAS HARBACK, JR, Boston, grocer. ENSIGN CLARENDON WHEELOCK, Shrewsbury. ENSIGN ISAAC T. DUPEE, Boston, apothecary. CAPT. WILLIAM C. STIMPSON, Boston, druggist. Captain of the Winslow Blues. LIEUT. COL. JOSIAH QUINCY, JR, Boston, lawyer; son of the President of H. Col. ; graduated at Har. College, 1821 ; Captain of the Ar. Co. 1829. Lieu- tenant of the B. L. Infantry, and Aid to Gov. Lincoln. He was born in Pearl Street, Boston, January 17th, 1802, and President of the Senate, 1842. His ready wit and talent at presiding are preeminent. ENSIGN JAMES SINCLAIR, Boston, housewright. COL. SAMUEL WARD, Shrewsbury.; LIEUT. COL. JOHN B. BATES, Plymouth, mason. MAJ. JOSEPH W. NEWELL, Charlestown. 415 CAPT. JAMES HUNT, Boston, housewright. Captain of the Mechanic Riflemen and Winslow Blues. Lieu- tenant of Ar. Co. 1837. LIEUT. NATHANIEL GREENE, Boston, printer. Post- master. CAPT. SERIAH STEVENS, Boston, machinist. Captain of the Pulaski Guards. Artillery Election Sermon, 1823 ; by John S. J. Gar- diner, D. D. Boston Acts X. 1st, 2d. Printed. 1824. CAPT. DERASTUS CLAPP, Boston, auctioneer. CAPT, PARKER H. PIERCE, Boston, merchant; Cap- tain of the Boston Light Infantry. An excellent offi- cer; Adjutant of the Ar. Co. 1826; Captain, 1830; born at Little Compton, R. I. Dec. llth, 1794. The Ar. Co. performed escort under his command at the Second Century Celebration of Boston. CAPT. JOSEPH CONVERSE, Boston, grocer. CAPT. JOHN T. DINGLEY, Boston, hatter. CAPT. STEPHEN WILEY, Charlestown, stable keeper. Captain of the Dragoons. Representative. CAPT. EDMUND F. DIXEY, Marblehead, tailor ; offi- cer of Cavalry in Salem ; removed to Worcester. CAPT. AMOS BRIDGES, Holliston. Captain of Light Infantry. CAPT. NATHANIEL L. HOOPER, Marblehead, mer- chant. Graduated at Har. College 1819. Captain of Light Infantry. CAPT. ELISHA WINSLOW, Boston, merchant. MAJ. WYMAN RICHARDSON, Woburn, lawyer. Grad- uated at Har. College 1804. Died in 1841. 416 LIEUT. COL. ABIJAH ELLIS, Hopkinton. Captain of a Rifle Company; Lieut. Colonel of militia ; Lieuten- ant of the Ar. Co. 1834. ENSIGN JOHN T. GLEASON, Boston, merchant, CAPT. JOSIAH WHEELWRIGHT, Boston, merchant. He died Nov. 19th, 1826, aged 25, in consequence of fa- tigue, at a Division Review at Dedham. A very amia- ble young man, recently married. ENSIGN JOSEPH V. HEATH, Boston, shopkeeper; grandson of Gen. Heath, 1754. CAPT. CHARLES BRACKETT, Newton, butcher. Cap- tain of Cavalry. Artillery Election Sermon, 1824, by James Walker, Charlestown Ps. XX. 5th. 1825. CAPT. MARTIN WILDER, Boston, blacksmith. Cap- tain of Artillery in Watertown. His father, who had twenty-one children, lived in Hingham, where he was born. He married in 1 841 . Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1 830 ; Armorer. COL. WILLIAM B. ADAMS, Marblehead. Officer in the U. S. Army, 1812. Collector of the port of M. Captain of Light Infantry ; Lieut. Colonel of the Salem Regiment. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1830; Captain 1 83 1 . Representative. CAPT. GILLAM B. WHEELER, Boston, housewright. LIEUT. JOHN A. BOUTELLE, Boston, glass-cutter. Re- moved to New York. COL. AMOS S. ALLEN, JR, Boston, innkeeper. Colo- nel of 1st Regiment. CAPT. GEORGE PAGE, Boston, housewright. 417 Nov. 10th, 1825 Fire in Court street. The offices of Gen. Win- throp, the Commander, and Z. G. Whitman, Clerk, were burnt, con- taining a transcript of the records, with a corrected roll of the Ar. Co. from its foundation, and a list of officers and preachers of the annual sermon. The Ar. Co. had paid Mr. Whitman $125 for transcribing it. Gen. Winthrop immediately gave the Company a new folio book. The old records in Mr. W.'s office, being on the lower floor, were saved. It took ten years to complete the second transcript, which is deposited in the Athenaeum. Artillery Election Sermon, 1825, by Nath'l L. Froth- ingham, Boston 1st Mac. IV. 38th, 40th. Printed. 1826. LIEUT. JOHN DORR, Charlestown, tailor. MAJ. EZRA STONE, Cambridge, glass-cutter. CAPT. ISAAC STONE, Watertown, yeoman. ENSIGN EDWARD DANA, Watertown, trader. MAJ. GEORGE W. ADAMS, Boston, lawyer ; oldest son of President J. Q. Adams. Graduated at Har. College 1821. Successor of Capt. Huggeford, in the City Guards ; Brig. Major. He was drowned on his pas- sage to New York, near Hurl-Gate. LIEUT. JAMES HENRY, Boston, housewright. LIEUT. RICHARD W. HIXON, Dorchester, CAPT. DAVID DALEY, Cambridge. MAJ. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE MOUNTFORT, Boston, trader. Removed to New York city. CAPT. DANIEL TISDALE, Boston. ENSIGN CALVIN TAYLOR, Boston, innkeeper. MAJ. WILLIAM C. TYLER, Boston, merchant ; brother and Brigade Major of Gen. Tyler. Artillery Election Sermon, 1826, by Francis W. P. Greenwood, Boston Isaiah XLI. 22d. Printed^ 53 418 1827. CAPT. WILLIAM LINGHAM, Roxbury, miller. COL. ABRAHAM BIGELOW, Natick, yeoman. COL. NATHAN ADAMS, Hopkinton, yeoman ; succeed- ed Col. Bigelovv in the militia. MAJ. SAMUEL LYNES, Boston, housewright. Captain of the Washington Artillery ; Major of the Battalion. MAJ. JONATHAN AMORY, JR, Boston, (now N. York,) merchant. Major of the Independent Cadets ; Lieu- tenant of the Ar. Co. 1829. CAPT. OTIS DRURY, Natick ; merchant, Boston. CAPT. THOMAS SIMPSON, Boston, broker ; born at Portsmouth, N. H. CALEB STRONG WHITMAN, Boston, physician ; M. D. at Har. College, 1831 ; brother of Z. G. W. 1810. MAJ. GEN. SAMUEL CHANDLER, Lexington, innkeeper. An officer in the U. S. Army, 1812. Colonel of militia ; Lieutenant of Ar. Co. 1828; Brig. General Dec. 12th, 1834, and Major General of the Middlesex Division, Feb. 13th, 1835. Captain of Ar. Co. 1836. Senator of Middlesex, and is now Sheriff. Amiable in dispo- sition, noble in appearance, upright and deliberate. Artillery Election Sermon, 1827, by John Brazer, Salem Ps. CXXV11. 1st. 1828. JOHN MARSHALL WARD, Boston, merchant ; son of Chief Justice Ward. MAJ. DAVID LEE CHILD, Boston, lawyer. Sub-mas- ter of Latin School. Graduated at Har. College 1817. An officer in the Spanish Patriot service, South Amer- ica. On his return he commanded the Fusilliers, and 419 was Brigade Major. Representative ; Editor of a news- paper, and now engaged in the manufacture of beet sugar, in the interior. CAPT. WILLIAM CARLTON, Boston, tinman. ENSIGN LUTHER B. WYMAN, Boston. CAPT. WILLIAM TILESTONE, Cambridge, stable keep- er. Captain of Light Infantry. CAPT. JOSIAH DUNHAM, JR, Boston, rope maker.. First Captain of the Pulaski Guards, 1836. CAPT. LOWELL PRATT, Boston, iron founder. LIEUT. FRANCIS H. P. HOMER, Boston, trader. THOMAS J. LELAND, Boston, butcher. CAPT. WILLIAM HAYDEN, Boston, painter. CAPT. JOHN DAY, Boston, silversmith. CAPT. HENRY F. ALEXANDER, Boston. LIEUT. EBENEZER N. STRATTON, Boston ; son of Capt. S. 1811. CAPT. JONAS DAVIS, Roxbury. COL. WILLIAM H. SPOONER, Roxbury, shopkeeper ; grandson of Gen. William Heath, 1754. Colonel of militia; Adjutant of Ar. Co. 1829. He commanded the highly disciplined "Norfolk Guards," 1841. Rep- resentative. LIEUT. JOSEPH MERRIAM, JR, Lexington, trader. MAJ. GEN. AARON CAPEN, Dorchester, yeoman ; suc- ceeded Gen. Crane. Removed to Gardiner, Maine. BRIG. GEN. THOMAS TAYLOR, Quincy, yeoman. Brig. General of 1st Brigade, 1st Division. Representative; Deputy Sheriff. LIEUT. COL. BENJAMIN L. SAUNDERSON, West Cam- bridge, yeoman. Lieut. Colonel of militia. 420 COL. ARTEMAS DRYDEN, JR, Holden, machinist. CAPT. BILLINGS SMITH, Cambridge, grocer. LIEUT. ARAB BAYLEY, Watertown, cordwainer. LIEUT. COL. AMOS H. LIVERMORE, Watertown, yeo- man. CAPT. WILLIAM D. LOWNES, Roxbury, machinist. LIEUT. HENRY J. BAXTER, Lowell, tailor. COL. AMASA G. SMITH, Boston, housewright, after- wards merchant. Colonel of the 2d Regiment ; Lieu- tenant of Ar. Co. 1831, and commander 1837. He was born at Barre, Mass. March 13th, 1801. He first com- manded the Light Infantry Regiment of Boston, and was a soldier of high reputation, and a man of the kind- est disposition. LIEUT. COL. DANIEL D. BROADHEAD, Boston, mer- chant. COL. THOMAS LIVERMORE, Watertown, yeoman; brother of Lieut. Col. Amos. He commanded a regi- ment of Artillery. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1834. A church member. MAJ. WILLIAM FOSTER OTIS, Boston, lawyer; broth- er of Lieut. Col. H. G. Otis, jr, 1821. He graduated at Har. Col. 1821. Judge Advocate; Representative. BRIG. GEN. THOMAS DAVIS, Boston, merchant. Colo- nel of the 1st Regiment; Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1831; Captain 1835; Brig. General 1834. He was born at Holden, Mass. June 2d, 1796. His father, Thomas D. was a revolutionary soldier. He was the founder and first Captain of the National Lancers, founded in June, 1837. BRIG. GEN. ABIJAH THOMPSON, Woburn. Colonel of Artillery. 421 CAPT. CEPHAS HOUGHTON, Waltham, wheelwright. Captain of Light Infantry. He removed to Warner, N. H. and became a wealthy and scientific farmer. CAPT. URIAH B. STEARNS, Waltham, yeoman. CAPT. JEFFERSON DODGE, Waltham, blacksmith. CAPT. ROBERT M. BALDWIN, Waltham, yeoman. LIEUT. CONVERS SMITH, Waltham, yeoman. LIEUT. GEORGE W. DANIELS, Waltham, blacksmith. NATHANIEL SHERMAN, Boston, housewright. CAPT. FRANCIS BRINLEY, JR, Boston, lawyer. Grad- uated at Har. Col. 1818. He commanded the "Rifle Rangers." Removed to Bangor and Providence. MAJ. FRANCIS HOLDEN, Boston, grocer. COL. MARSHALL P. WILDER, Boston, merchant. Colonel of a Regiment in New Hampshire. A distin- guished horticulturalist. Artillery Election Sermon, 1828 ; by John Pierpont, Boston 1st Cor. IX. 7th, 1st clause. Printed. 1829. GEORGE H. WHITMAN, Boston, lawyer ; brother of Lieut. Z. G. 1810; graduated at Har. College, 1827. His baptismal name was John Winslow. Clerk of the Ar. Co. from 1833 to 1842. Born at Boston, Feb. 10, 1808. Author of a Prize Essay on a Congress of Na- tions to settle international disputes without war, LIEUT. SUMNER CROSBY, Boston, tailor. LIEUT. JOHN EATON, Boston, stereotyper. Adjutant of Ar. Co. 1831. CAPT. SAMUEL S. PERKINS, Boston, housewright. JAMES W. CONVERSE, Boston, merchant ; brother of Capt. Converse, 1824. 422 COL. JOHN P. BIGELOW, Boston, lawyer; son of Hon. Timothy Bigelow of Groton. He graduated at Harvard College, 1815. Division Inspector. Repre- sentative seven years. Secretary of Massachusetts. He commanded the Medford Ind. L. Infantry. LIEUT. JOSIAH S. CLARK, Watertown. LIEUT. ISAAC P. CLARK, Watertown. LIEUT. JOSEPH LOPEZ, Cambridge. LIEUT. COL. JOHN P. CLAPP, Dorchester, lawyer ; a descendant of Capt. Roger, 1 646. COL. JOSEPH B. TOWLE, Roxbury. COL. JAMES JACQUES, yeoman ; Representative from Wilmington. LIEUT. EDMUND PARKER, JR, Woburn. CAPT. JOHN C. MANN, Boston, iron founder. BRIG. GEN. PRENTICE SABIN, Putney, Vermont, yeo- man ; Representative in the Vermont Legislature, and sustained several municipal offices. He was a man of enterprise, and attended the Brighton market with val- uable droves of cattle and horses, and had accumulated property, but became deranged and poor. LIEUT. EPHRAIM B. PATCH, Woburn. CAPT. LYMAN GOODNOW, Boston, paver ; died Nov. 13th, 1839, much respected and lamented.* MAJ. AARON DAVIS CAPEN, Dorchester, schoolmas- ter; nephew and Aid to Gen. Capen, 1828. He grad- uated at Har. College, 1827. He obtained medals for manufacturing wine from native grape, at Mechanics' Fair, Boston, 1840-1. Born Dec. 5th, 1805. LIEUT. JONES EASTABROOKS, Brighton, innkeeper. * Vide Dr. Sharp's valuable Artillery Sermon, 1840. 423 CAPT. DANIEL F. HUNTING, Boston, truckman. Cap- tain of the Dragoons. LIEUT. COL. PETER DUNBAR, Boston, truckman. Born at Easton, 1801. Lieut. Colonel of the 1st Reg- iment. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1833, and com- mands the Lancers, 1840 obtained the cannon medal, 1841. LIEUT. HIRAM HARRIS, Boston. CAPT. EDWARD CODMAN, Boston, grocer. Captain of the Boston Light Infantry. CAPT. RUSSELL STURGIS, Boston, merchant, grand- son of Lieutenant Russell, 1786; educated a lawyer. His name was originally Nathaniel. Adjutant of the Ar. Co. 1830. CAPT. JOHN C. PARK, Boston, lawyer; graduated at Har. College, 1824; Clerk of the Ar. Co. He commanded the City Guards. Representative. ENSIGN HENRY HUMPHREYS, Dorchester. CAPT. GEORGE W. CRAM, Boston, housewright. Artillery Election Sermon, 1829; by Bernard Whit- man, Waltham 1st Cor. X. 15th. Printed. 1830. COL. FREDERICK W. LINCOLN, Canton, iron founder. BRIG. GEN. LUCAS POND, Wrentham. Brigadier General of the 2d Brigade, 1st Division. Representa- tive. BRIG. GEN. PRESTON POND, Wrentham, brother of preceding. Representative. MAJ. JOSEPH W. LYON, Needham. CAPT. WARREN GLOVER, Dorchester. BRIG. GEN. SAMUEL AVERY, Marblehead, printer; 424 Major of Artillery. Brig. General 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 1837. LIEUT. COL. ROBERT C. WINTHROP, Boston, lawyer, brother of Gen. J. T. Winthrop ; graduated at Har. College, 1828. He commanded the Boston Light In- fantry. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1833. Representa- tive five years, and Speaker of the House 1 838-9. Aid to Gov. Everett in 1836, and chosen member of Con- gress, 1841. RUFUS F. BROOKS, Boston, tailor. CAPT. IRA GIBBS, Boston, wood-wharfinger. MAJ. JOEL POWERS, Boston. JOSEPH W. J. NILES, Boston, shopkeeper. CAPT. ISAAC COOK, JR, Boston, brewer ; died 1831-2. CAPT. HENRY W. KINSMAN, Boston, lawyer ; grad- uated at Dart. College, 1822. Captain of the City Guards. Representative five years removed to New- buryport. Senator, 1841. Collector of the Port of N. COL. EBENEZER W. STONE, Roxbury, merchant tailor in Boston ; Adjutant of the Ar. Co. 1832 ; Lieu- tenant, 1 837 ; Division Inspector. Born in Boston, June 10th, 1801. Captain of Ar. Co. 1841. Repre- sentative from R. 1839. A skilful officer and very amiable man. MAJ. CHARLES D. FIELD, Roxbury. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1832; removed to New York. LIEUT. COL. JONATHAN CHAPMAN, JR, Boston, law- yer ; graduated a distinguished scholar at Har. College, 1825. Captain of the Rifle Rangers. Aid to Gov. Everett ; Mayor of Boston. ENSIGN MILTON HOLDEN, Boston, grocer, brother of Major Holden, 1828. 425 CAPT. JOSEPH LEONARD, Boston, jeweller. Captain of the Dragoons. CAPT. STEPHEN TITCOMB, Boston. CAPT. GILES T. CROCKETT, Boston, trader. .CAPT. EDWARD BLAKE, Boston, lawyer; graduated at Har. College, 1824. Captain of Boston Light In- fantry. President of the City Council. COL. SETH J. THOMAS, Boston, hatter. Colonel of 3d Regiment. Representative from Charlestown, 1842. MAJ. JUDAH ALDEN, Duxbury, yeoman. An officer in the Revolution. Admitted an Honorary Member. STEPHEN DINSMORE, Boston. CAPT. THOMAS GOODWIN, Boston. Captain of the Washington Artillery. MAJ. TRUMAN R. HURLBURT, Boston. Artillery Election Sermon, 1 830 ; by Caleb Stetson, Medford Rom. XIII. 7th. Printed. 1831. COL. EDWARD GORDON PRESCOTT, Boston, lawyer ; son of Hon. William Prescott ; graduated at Har. Col- lege in 1 825. Colonel of the 2d Regiment ; Captain of the Ar. Co. 1833. He was born at Salem, January 1st, 1804, became an Episcopal Clergyman, and set- tled in New Jersey. LIEOT. WILLIAM TEWKSBURY, Boston. MAJ. BENJAMIN H. NORTON, Boston, printer ; Major of 1st Regiment. LIEUT. COL. JOSHUA SEWARD, Boston, clockmaker. LIEUT. COL. IVERS J. AUSTIN, Boston, lawyer ; son of Hon. J. T. Austin. Lieut. Colonel of 2d Regiment. Judge Advocate. 51 426 MAJ. JOB TABER, Boston, housewright ; officer of the Fusilliers ; Major of Regiment of Light Infantry ; after- wards merchant. Lieutenant of Ar. Co. 1838. Born in Vassalboro', Maine, Jan. 1801. LIEUT. WARREN WILD> Boston^ broker. COL. ABRAHAM B. PRITCHARD, Charlestown, leather- dresser. Adjutant of the Ar. Co. 1836. Colonel of Light Infantry ; removed to Brooklyn, N. Y. LIEUT. COL. JAMES DEWIRE, Boston, housewright. COL. BELA GREENWOOD, Brighton, yeoman. Cap- tain of the Watertown Artillery ; Colonel of Artillery. Church member. COL. OLIVER W. PRESTON, Charlestown. LIEUT. CHARLES K. WHITNEY, Boston, fruiterer. LIEUT. JOHN F. EDWARDS, Boston, housewright. ENSIGN WILLIAM H. CHAMBERLAIN, Boston, butcher. COL. JOHN L. WHITE, Boston, innholder. Artillery Election Sermon, 1831 ; by Samuel Barrett, Boston Ps 1 . II. llth. Printed. 1832. CAPT. BENJAMIN BROWN, Marblehead. EPHRAIM P. WHITMAN, Boston, merchant. GEORGE W. LOWELL, Boston, housewright. LIEUT. COL. HORACE BACON, Cambridge. Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, Boston. Postmaster at Roxbury. MAJ. CHARLES SAUNDERSON, Charlestown. Consta- ble. Lieutenant of Ar. Co. 1840. Obtained the best musket shot medal, 1841. MAJ. GEN. EDWARD W. BRADLEY, Boston, merchant. 427 MAJ. JOHN HOPPIN, Boston, wood-wharfinger. Ma- jor of Artillery, MAJ. JOHN H. EASTBURN, Boston, City Printer. Aid to Gen. Tyler. He was original proprietor of the " Atlas," and publisher of this edition of the History. CAPT. JOSEPH C, BROADHEAD, Boston, merchant Brigade Q. M. CAPT. JOHN Y. CHAMPNEY, Boston, housewright. Captain of Fusilliers. Died April 20th, 1836, aged 27. CAPT. WILLIAM S. COOK. CAPT. JOHN D. HATNES, Brighton. CAPT. JOHN DAVIS, Newton, innkeeper. CAPT. WILLIAM R. STACEY, Boston, cabinet-maker, LIEUT. WALTER W. UPHAM, Boston. LIEUT. JAMES. H. FOSTER, JR, Boston, merchant. MAJ. JOHN M. ROBERTSON, Charlestown, shipwright. CAPT. THOMAS O. BRACKETT, Charlestown. Officer of Traders' Bank, Boston, one of the most invincible friends of the Ar. Co. of modern times. LIEUT. ENOCH PERKINS, Watertown. ENSIGN WARREN DAVIS, Boston, trader ; brother of Gen. T. Davis, 1828. CAPT. LEVERETT R. BRADLEY, Boston. LIEUT. COL. CHARLES WARREN, Brighton. CAPT. NATHANIEL P. SNELLING, Boston, tailor. Sec- ond Captain of Mechanic Riflemen. Died May, 1841, aged 33. LIEUT. JOHN J. LORING, Boston, merchant. Adju- tant of Beverly Regiment. Clerk of the Ar. Co. MAJ. LEVI LINCOLN, Worcester, lawyer; son of Hon. 428 Levi, Lieut. Governor of Massachusetts. He graduat- ed at Har. College 1802, and practised law in Worces- ter. Representative 1817; Speaker of the House; Lieut. Governor of Massachusetts 1823, and durino-the 7 O year appointed Judge of the S. J. Court. In 1 825 he was chosen Governor. Judge Advocate. He was a firm friend of the militia. He received the degree of L. L. D. at Harvard, and was a member of the Am. Acad. of Arts and Sciences. A Delegate at the Con- vention of 1820. Representative in Congress till April, 1841, when he was appointed Collector of Boston. LIEUT. HENRY BAILEY, Boston, hatter. CAPT. GILMAN HOOK, Dorchester. COL. JOSEPH PORTER, Dorchester, (Milton.) ENSIGN JOHN A. BARNACOAT, Charlestown. ENSIGN SIMON H. BARRETT, Maiden. ENSIGN GEORGE W. SMITH, Boston, grocer. Artillery Election Sermon, 1832 ; by Charles W. Up- ham, Salem Ps. CVII. 7th. Printed. 1833. COL. WILLIAM B. PARKER, Needham. COL. JOHN W. LYON, Needham. MAJ. EBENEZER W. CALEF, Boston, shopkeeper. COL. EDWARD BROWN, JR, lumber merchant, Cam- bridge. MAJ. SAMUEL KNOWER, Roxbury, trader. Brigade Q. M. ; Lieutenant Ar. Co. 1835. Removed to New York. CAPT. W T ILLIAM WYMAN, Lowell. Representative. CAPT. THOMAS C. HOLLIS, Boston. First Captain of Mechanic Riflemen. 429 CAPT. ROBERT T. ALDEN, Boston, sailmaker. BENJAMIN F. EDMANDS, Boston, bookseller. LIEUT. JOHN E. HUNT, Boston, innkeeper. COL. CHARLES A. MACOMBER, Boston, merchant. Adjutant of Ar. Co. 1835, and Captain 1839. He was born at Easton, Mass. June 24th, 1807. Commanded the "City Guards," and the same corps again under the name " City Greys." Chosen Colonel of Boston In- fantry Regiment, 1841. A very accomplished soldier. The Guards, or Greys, were long the best disciplined corps in Boston. COL. FRANCIS R. BIGELOW, Boston, merchant ; broth- er of CoL J. P. Bigelow, 1829. Adjutant of the Ar. Co. 1834; Lieutenant 1836. Colonel 2d Regiment, 1836. CAPT. RICHARD S. FAY, Boston, lawyer ; son of Col. S. P. P. Fay, of Cambridge. He graduated at Har- vard College 1825. BRIG. GEN. GRENVILLE T. WINTHROP, Boston, law- yer. Graduated at Columbia College 1827. He com- manded the Independent Cadets and Fusilliers. Rep- resentative from Boston 1834. Captain of the Ar. Co. 1834. Representative from Watertown 1840. Twice chosen Brig. General. A gentleman of great liberality, and kind, social manners. ENSIGN DAVID DAVIS, Boston, broker. CAPT. DAVID Low, Boston, saddler. Died, 1840. COL. JAMES EASTABROOKS, Boston and Worcester. ENSIGN THOMAS DWIGHT, Boston, lawyer; gradu- ated at Harvard College, 1827. Born at Springfield, Sept. 27th, 1807. ENSIGN GIDEON KEITH, BOSTON. LIEUT. ISAAC CARY, Boston, bank-note printer. 430 Lieutenant of Ar. Co. 1839. Born in Hon. J. Quincy's mansion, Quincy, June 25th, 1802. CAPT. WILLIAM S. BAXTER, Boston, commanded the " Montgomery Guards ;" disbanded by Gov. Ever- ett. Armorer. LIEUT. STEPHEN RHOADES, Boston, hatter. LIEUT. COL. EDWARD F. HALL, Boston, auctioneer. PATRICK FLETCHER BRADLEE, Boston, gauger. MAJ. ALBERT McKiNDRY, Dorchester. CAPT. ELIPHALET GLIDDEN, Chelsea. CAPT. JOSEPH SANGER, Watertown. Captain of- Artillery. At the Anniversary, June 3d, 1833, the Ar. Co. voted $200 from their fund towards the erection and comple- tion of the Bunker Hill Monument. Artillery Election Sermon, 1 833 ; by James Thomp- son, Salem Sam. IV. 22d. 1834. CAPT. EZRA WESTON, JR, Boston, lawyer ; gradu- ated at H. Col. 1829. City Marshal. SAMUEL K. BAYLEY, Boston, auctioneer. MAJ. SAMUEL H. MANN, Lowell, lawyer. Judge Advocate. Died 1839. CAPT. SILAS JOHNSON, Boston, trader. CAPT. JOHN PEASLEY, Boston. CAPT. OLIVER DYER, Boston, trader. LEVI WHITNEY, Boston, grocer. COL. WILLIAM R. HUDSON, Boston, iron founder. LIEUT. COL. REUBEN LOVEJOY, Boston, stabler. 431 STUDSON LEACH, Boston, housewright. ENSIGN JAMES B. NASON, Boston, trader. LIEUT. THOMAS MOULTON, Boston, bricklayer. LIEUT. CHARLES TRULL, Boston, distiller. WILLIAM SOUTHER, Boston, bookbinder. ALEXANDER MCGREGOR, Boston, innkeeper. TIMOTHY S. NICHOLS, Boston, painter. MAJ. GEORGE F. R. WADLEIGH, Boston, trader. Brigade Q. M. ENSIGN AMOS C. MANN, Boston. MAJ. CHARLES GUSHING PAINE, Boston, lawyer ; graduated at H. Col. 1827. Major of Light Infantry Regiment. Commander of Rifle Rangers. HENRY DAVIS, Boston. Born April, 1803. JOSIAH W. ALEXANDER, Boston, housewright. DAVID H. KANE, Boston, broker. LIEUT. SAMUEL F. BARTOLL, Boston, painter. ENSIGN MATTHIAS M. MOORE, Boston, painter. LIEUT. FRANCIS ALLEN, Boston, housewright. Artillery Election Sermon, 1834; by Frederick H. Hedge, West Cambridge Rom. VIII. 19th. Printed. 1835. CAPT. JONAS PARKER, Dedham, painter. MAJ. WILLIAM B. PERKINS, Boston, merchant; suc- ceeded Maj. Hoppin as Major of Battalion ; Adjutant of Ar. Co. 1841. Born in Bristol, Maine, Sept. 28th, 1812. CAPT. CHARLES S. LAMBERT, Boston, sailmaker. First Captain of the Highland Guards. Adjutant of Ar. Co. 1842. 432 CAPT. CALVIN S. RUSSELL, Boston, printer. LIEUT. COL. NEWELL A. THOMPSON, Boston, law- yer; Adjutant of the Ar. Co. 1838, Lieutenant, 1841. Born in Uxbridge, Dec. 20th, 1808. Lieut. Colonel of Light Infantry Regiment. BRIG. GEN. AURORA W. OLDHAM, Pembroke, yeo- man. Brig. General 1st Brigade, 5th Division. Lieu- tenant of Ar. Co. 1836. GEORGE F. GWINN, Boston, barber; formerly of Salem. JESSE F. JENNINGS, Boston, innkeeper. Died 1836. JOHN GREEN, JR, Boston, painter ; Representative. Born in Boston, Dec. 3d, 1789. Twice Captain of the " Soul of Soldiery," an association of non-com- missioned officers, formed in 1805. DAVID S. PAIGE, Boston. LIEUT. NATHANIEL TUFTS, Maiden, tinman. LIEUT. PORTER CROSBY, Boston. LIEUT. THACHER BEAL, Boston, mason. LIEUT. ROBERT H. CLOUSTON, Boston ; housewright. CAPT. SELDEN CROCKETT, Boston. ENSIGN WILLIAM E. EVANS, Boston, watchmaker. CAPT. ELIJAH DOE, Boston, stable keeper. Captain of Boston Artillery. MAJ. CHENERY ABBOTT, Holden. MAJ. JOSEPH HARRINGTON, JR, Roxbury, teacher; graduated at Har. College, 1833. Aid to Gen. Brad- ley ; afterwards Clergyman at Chicago, 111. COL. FISHER A. KINGSBURY, Weymouth, lawyer. LIEUT. ZIBA B. PORTER, Brighton, innkeeper. 433 ENSIGN STEPHEN O. COPELAND, E. Bridgewater, yeoman. CAPT. REUBEN MOORE, Concord. COL. JOSHUA GOULD, Boston. Colonel of 3d Regi- ment. LIEUT. WILLIAM C. CHRISTIE, Charlestown. BRIG. GEN. EBENEZER L. BARNARD, Worcester. Brig. General 1st Brigade, 6th Division. Representa- tive. LIEUT. COL. GEORGE W. RICHARDSON, Worcester, lawyer; graduated at H. Col. 1829. Aid to Gov. Davis. MAJ. EDWIN CONANT, Worcester, lawyer ; graduated at H. Col. 1829. Brigade Major. CAPT. EDWARD LAMB, Worcester ; druggist, Boston. LIEUT. COL. WILLIAM S. LINCOLN, Worcester, law- yer; son of Gov. Lincoln. Lieut. Colonel of Light Infantry. Removed to Alton, Illinois, 1839. MAJ. GEN. AARON S. GIBBS, West Boylston. Maj. General 6th Division, 1838. LIEUT. COL. ANDREW L. MCFARLAND, Worcester, lawyer. Aid to Gov. Davis; died June 25th, 1836. WILLIAM ALLINE, Boston ; officer of the Customs. LIEUT. HENRY W. RIDGEWAY, Boston, merchant. LIEUT. CHARLES W. CUMMINGS, Boston, black- smith. Artillery Election Sermon, 1835 ; by John G. Pal- frey, D. D. Professor in Har. College Rev. III. 2d. Printed. 434 1836. MAJ. MELZAR SAMPSON, shipwright, Medford. COL. WILLIAM MITCHELL, Boston, trader. Colonel of 1st Regiment. Lieutenant of Ar. Co. 1839. Major of Light Infantry Regiment. CAPT. WRIGHT S. KEYES, Boston, grocer. LIEUT. JOHN P. CALDWELL, Boston, apothecary. CAPT. WILLIAM G. FULLICK, Boston, painter. LIEUT. COL. JOHN W. BOYD, Boston, merchant. Lieut. Colonel of 2d Regiment. ENSIGN LEVI HAWKES, JR, Cambridgeport, tinman ; relative of Capt. Ezra, ante. MAJ. EDWARD ANTILL TAPPAN, Boston, merchant. Aid to Gen. Amee. Brigade Major. Major of Light Infantry Regiment. LIEUT. JONATHAN PIERCE, Boston, pump and block maker. LIEUT. SETH E. BENSON, Boston, merchant. CAPT. JOHN GORDON, Boston, victualler. CAPT. ANDREW CHASE, JR, Roxbury, housewright. Captain of Roxbury Artillery. ENSIGN WILLIAM C. BARRETT, Maiden, silk dyer. LIEUT. AUGUSTUS L. BARRETT, Maiden, silk dyer. MAJ. SAMUEL A. ALLEN, Boston, trader. Brigade Major. Adjutant of Ar. Co. 1839. Author of the humorous and spirited circular in behalf of the Lan- cers, occasioned by the riot in 1 842. MAJ. GEN. JAMES D. THOMPSON, New Bedford, merchant. Representative. LIEUT* COL. JAMES H. COLLINS, New Bedford. 435 LIEUT. RICHARD N. BERRY, Boston, merchant. THEODORE WASHBURN, Boston, housewright. ENSIGN WILLIAM P. BROWN, Boston, housewright. HON. EDWARD EVERETT, Boston. Graduated at Har. College 1811 ; Tutor. Ordained at Brattle st. Church Feb. 9th, 1814; dismissed March 5th, 1815. Professor of Greek Literature, Har. College. Member of Con- gress eight years. Governor of Massachusetts. Hon- orary member of Ar. Co. Minister to England. Artillery Election Sermon, 1838; by Chandler Rob- bins, Boston Luke III. 14th. Printed. 1837. CAPT. STEPHEN STIMPSON, Maiden, trader. He ob- tained the rnusket shot medal, 1840. Captain of the Maiden Light Infantry. LIEUT. GEORGE KIMBALL, Boston, soapstone manu- facturer. MAJ. ROBERT COWDIN, Boston, lumber merchant He was born Sept. 18th, 1806 at Jamaica, Vt. Lieu- tenant of Ar. Co. 1841. NOAH BUTTS, Charlestown. ERASTUS COLEMAN, Boston, innkeeper. ABEL CUSHING, JR, Boston, merchant. COL. JOSEPH HOLBROOK, Boston. COL. HENRY K. OLIVER, Salem, teacher. Colonel of Salem Regiment. Lieutenant of Ar. Co. 1838. MAJ. GEN. WILLIAM H. MOSELEY, Northampton. SAMUEL HATCH, Boston, auctioneer. MAJ. SAMUEL ABBOT LAWRENCE, Boston, merchant. MAJ. CHARLES J. F. ALLEN, Boston, appraiser. 436 MAJ. J. DANA ADAMS, Boston, clerk. Died at the West, 1840-1. LIEUT. JOSEPH SMITH, Boston ; came from N. Jersey. JAMES NEWELL, Boston. CORNET JONATHAN HEATH, Boston, livery stable keeper. LIEUT. EZRA FORRESTALL, Boston. ENSIGN EPHRAIM L. SNOW, Boston. Merchant in New York. JARVIS BRAMAN, Boston ; born at Holden. JOHN HOLTON, Boston, truckman. CAPT. FRED. CAMBRIDGE, Boston, leather-dresser. This year, Queen Victoria, on her accession, appointed her uncle, Augustus Frederick Duke of Sussex, to be Captain General of the Hon. Artillery Company, London an office of no emolument, but of same rank as Field Marshal, and only held by the Sovereign, or person nearest in rank. Artillery Election Sermon, 1837; by Artemas B. Muzzey, Cambridge Rom. XIII. 3d, 4th. Printed. 1838. AMOS LAWRENCE, ESQ, Boston, merchant. Admit- ted an Hon. member for his liberal donation of ,$200. Representative. HON. THOMAS L. WINTHROP, Boston, merchant. Graduated at Har. Col. 1780. A gentleman of ample fortune, descended from the first Governor of Massa- chusetts. Representative ; Senator ; Lieut. Governor of Massachusetts several years, when he retired from public life. He had a large family, and three of his sons were members, viz : John Temple, 1 822 ; Robert C. 1830 ; Grenville T. 1833. He made a donation of $ 100 to the Ar. Co. Died February, 1841. 437 MAJ. JAMES H. BLAKE, Boston, merchant. City Mar- shal. Major of Independent Cadets ; brother of Capt. Edward, 1830. COL. JULIUS C. STEELE, Boston, grocer. Colonel of 2d Regiment. CAPT. JOHN K. CORBETT, Hingham. ARTEMAS WHITE, Boston, blacksmith. LIEUT. EBENEZER MAY DORR, Boston, merchant. CAPT. CALEB S. ROGERS, Boston. Removed to New Hampshire. CAPT. JOHN B. ELLINWOOD, Boston. Removed to New Hampshire. MAJ. GEN. APPLETON HOWE, Weymouth, physician. Major General of 1st Division 1839, and again (under new law) 1841. Graduated at Har. Col. 1815. Sen- ator from Norfolk 1841 and 2. Born at Hopkinton, Mass. Nov. 26th, 1792. He is much esteemed as a citizen, physician, and soldier, being a man of correct judgment and amiable disposition. His father was a clergyman in Hopkinton. Captain of Ar. Co. 1 840. MAJ. THOMAS C. WEBB, Weymouth, grocer. Aid to Gen. Howe. Became a leather dealer in Boston 1841, when Orderly of Ar. Co. WlLLARD W. CODMAN, Boston, dentist. EZRA TRULL, JR, Boston, distiller. WILLIAM HOWE, 3d, Boston, hatter. EDWARD HOLBROOK, JR, Boston, merchant. JOHN W. WARREN, Boston, physician. LIEUT. COL. EDWARD CAZNEAU, Hingham. In June of this year, the Company celebrated, with unusual spirit, their CC Anniversary. About 170 members were present. The "Vanguard of the Veterans" (Maj. B. Russell and others) attracted special attention. The State fired a salute of 200 guns in the morn- ing. Thomas Power, Esq, composed an Ode, which was sung by the Handel and Haydn Society ; and Mr. Lothrop's Sermon was much admired. The most remarkable " toast" was Col. R. C. Winthrop's : " Ballots and Bullets the paper currency and metallic basis of a free people ; the former can only be saved from depreciation by keeping an abundant supply of the latter to redeem it." The invit- ed guests were numerous the speeches good the dinner excellent the day auspicious. The celebration was in all respects worthy of the occasion. The Common was unusually thronged, as if the remi- niscence of the long and eventful past animated the people. Artillery Election Sermon, 1838; by Samuel K. Lo- throp, Boston Deut. IV. 32d. Printed. 1839. LUKE THOMAS, Boston, butcher. LIEUT. COL. AUGUSTUS ADAMS, Charlestown and Cambridge. LIEUT. FREEMAN L. CUSHMAN, Boston, carpenter ; successor to Col. Bourne, as City Land Agent. LIEUT. COL. THOMAS HUGHES, Boston, merchant. Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1841, and Captain of the In- dependent Cadets. Born at Boston, Nov. 16th, 1805. SAMUEL COOPER THACHER, Boston, merchant ; son of Hon. P. O. Thacher. LIEUT. NOAH LINCOLN, JR, Boston, wood-wharfinger. LIUET. WILLIAM EATON, Boston, wood-wharfinger. DUDLEY HALL, Boston, merchant. \ NATHANIEL H. HENCHMAN, Boston, merchant. MAJ. GEORGE M. THACHER, Boston, merchant. Ad- jutant of Ar. Co. 1840. Staff of Gen. Howe. Son of Hon. P. O. Thacher; born at B. March 5th, 1809. CHARLES EVERETT, JR, merchant. Removed to 111. 439 GEORGE S. WILLIS, Pittsfield. BENJAMIN F. CROSS, Boston. HON. MARCUS MORTON, Taunton, lawyer. Judge S. J. Court. Lieut. Governor and Governor of Massa- chusetts. In June, 1839, the By-laws were revised and reprinted with the Roll. An original discourse, printed by Samuel Green, 1679, by Rev. John Richardson, Newbury, in 1675, Artillery Election, June 10th, was found among the papers of the late Rev. Dr. Osgood, of Medford. David Osgood, M. D. of Boston, presented it, with others of more recent date, to the Ar. Co. and the Company reprinted it. The regular Sermon, that year, was (June 3d) by Rev. S. Phillips, of Rowley. Probably, owing to the excitement of King Philip's War, the corps adjourned the election to June 10. Artillery Election Sermon, 1 839 ; by Otis A. Skinner, Boston Neh. IV. 14th. Printed. 1840. MAJ. WILDES P. WALKER, Boston, merchant. Aid to Gen. Howe. CHARLES H. STEARNS, Boston. LIEUT. JOHN B. DALE, Boston, U. S. Navy. LIEUT. ASA LAW, Boston, machinist. Artillery Election Sermon, 1840; by Daniel Sharp, D. D. Boston Titus III. 1st. Printed. 1841. CAPT. ROYAL DOUGLASS, confectioner, Cambridge- port. Lieutenant of Ar. Co. 1842. NELSON P. ANGELL, Boston. EDWARD R. BROADER s, Boston, bookseller. Oct. 19th, 1841, the Independent Company of Cadets observed their Centennial Anniversary. Rev. S. K. Lothrop delivered an ex- 440 cellent Address, which was beautifully printed by Maj. Eastburn. At the election, January, 1842, a standard was presented to this corps by its past members and officers. Artillery Election Sermon, 1841 ; by Calvin Hitch- cock, Randolph Matt. V. 38th 41st. Printed. 1842. BRIG. GEN. HENRY DUNHAM, Abington, shoe-dealer. COL. ALBERT WHITMARSH, Abington, shoe-dealer. LIEUT. CHARLES MAYO, Boston, lawyer ; born Feb. 10th, 1809, atBrewster. Artillery Election Sermon, 1842; by J. S. C. Abbot, Nantucket. PART II. A REVIEW OF THE CUSTOMS WE will now explain some of the rights, customs, and privileges of the Company. Their name by the char- ter was the Military Company of the Massachusetts. Probably the names of " the Artillery Company " and " the Great Artillery," originated by the introduction of field pieces. The charter has never been revised by the General Court. The oldest printed sermon (that of U. Oaks, June 3d, 1672) was delivered "on the day of the Artillery Election" All the sermons printed down to 1708, are said to be delivered before the Artillery Company, but this sermon is delivered before the Honourable Artillery Company. This style in the title page is uniformly the same until 1738. Symmes, in his address to the Company, (sermon 1720) says he shall conclude, &c. with an address to the gentlemen of the Ancient and Honourable Company. Williams, in 1737, once introduces the words Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company. Dr. Colman's Century Sermon, 1738, says "preached before the Honourable and Ancient Artillery Company." From that period all the sermons printed are preached before the Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company. The Legislature in their grants of the Company land, speak of them as the Artillery Company ; the same phra- seology is preserved in the oldest records of the Com- pany. The first mention on record of their using the word Honourable is in 1743. Nor does it appear they introduced the words Ancient and Honourable, except- 56 442 ing once in 1762, long after they had been styled so by the people, in their records till 1786, when the Com- pany was revived after the Revolution. The Legisla- ture in their Militia Laws have since confirmed that name to them. It is therefore probable they retained the name of Artillery, after they had relinquished the use of it, by common consent. The addition of Hon- ourable was applied by the people on account of the many distinguished men who had belonged to and commanded it ; and for the great benefit and service the institution had rendered the community. This name for the same reason they continue to merit ; and the word Ancient has been added by common consent and usage since the expiration of their first century. A custom has prevailed in the Company from its first origin, that every member should sign the Company book, and procure two bondsmen. In former times they were undoubtedly held responsible, not only for the good conduct, but the payment of fines and assess- ments due from him for whom they became bound. In modern times the latter part of this obligation has been in substance done away, it being thought the honor of each member was pledged to his brethren, and that honor was of stronger obligation than a sealed instru- ment. None have ever been allowed as bondsmen ex- cepting members, and thus in such parts of the roll as have been lost, we are able with tolerable accuracy to supply the deficiency. The attachment to each other, which has ever existed among the members, may also be attributed to their being mutually bound. This attachment has not only been evinced by the mutual interchange of friendship, patronage in business, but zeal to promote their private happiness, and has extend- ed to a combined effort in warning the exposed, reliev- ing the unfortunate and reclaiming the imprudent. When the Company was formed, a great proportion 443 of the members held no commissions. The number of trainbands, or corps, were few : as the country increased in population and new bands were formed, new officers were wanting, many of whom were selected from this Company. It was the only school where the military art was to be learned; and private citizens, by the knowledge here obtained, were made the most conspic- uous candidates for office. The militia companies of later times not unfrequently selected their officers from private citizens in the corps. From 1810 to 1820 two colonels, four majors, eleven captains and twelve subal- terns were made from private soldiers, either in the militia, or United States Army. From the first organization they have exercised the right of admitting private citizens, and this right openly exercised and always claimed has been acquiesced in by all. The Legislature for two centuries have known it, and tacitly or expressly confirmed it ; tacitly, by never forbidding or restraining it ; expressly, by con- firming all the ancient rights and privileges of the insti- tution, although not defining them. The militia laws since the Revolution are sufficient to establish the right, even if undisturbed custom was not sufficient. In 1 700, it became a permanent regulation, that forty privates might be admitted, and the number was the product of mutual agreement between all parties interested. This number was adhered to, until to conform to the militia laws, in 1 798, sixty-four was establishe'd as the number, and in 1840, two-fifths. March 29th, 1813, some doubts having arisen as to the exercise of the power in the extent then supposed to exist, and as a cautionary measure, a Committee was chosen " to take into consideration the subject of admitting hereafter members into the Company, who do not hold, or who have not held commissions." Their report says, 444 " Your Committee have carefully examined the ancient charter, and the practice of the Company under the same from its first estab- lishment to the present time, and the result of their investigation is : that the charter imposes no restraint on the Company in their freely receiving as members all such persons, as they may choose to admit ; and the records prove that at every period of its existence, a large proportion of its most active and useful members have consisted of those who have not held commissions, but who have by their exer- tions in its cause, and their martial spirit, most essentially contrib- uted to its welfare and honor." ARNOLD WELLES, Per Order. This right was attempted to be disturbed by some militia officers, not members, who enrolled those mem- bers within their bounds who had not held commis- sions, and notified them for trainings; they paid no attention to the notifications, excepting to inform the Company ; but the captains who had enrolled them did not proceed further, to try the question at law. Although there is reason to believe that the aged and infirm, with distinguished men occasionally, and those who resided at a distance, were considered as honorary members in the early age of the Company ; yet no par- ticular regulation on the subject is recorded until 1760, when it was voted " that those gentlemen, that have had the honor to receive the badge as Captains of this Company, may continue their names on the Clerk's book, and be called over every Muster day, if they think fit, and not be subject to a fine for non-ap- pearance." Honorary members appear to have been created, by vote, immediately after the revival, 1786 ; but their rights or duties were not defined, until a ques- tion arose respecting their voting. May, 1812, the Company decided, " that all honorary members, who pay the anniversary assessment, are entitled to vote." In the present regulations the same principle is extended to the admission of honorary members (of high military rank) who had not previously been active members. 445 From the above vote in 1760, we perceive also another custom which had been handed down from the first ; viz. calling the roll on field-days, wherein every member was called by all his titles. This practice was rigidly adhered to until within a few years. It was the custom to bring the Company book upon the field, not only thereby to call the roll, but that all votes and orders might then be entered ; for all the records previous to the Revolution appear to be made as on a field-day, and none at drill meetings. On the parade, of a field- day, was the place where the names of members with their bondsmen were signed. These field-days, or training-days, were originally every month, but they were afterwards (1657) reduced to five, and recently to two. The anniversary of election of officers has invariably been the first Monday in June. In the early history of the Company they were required to perform a whole day's duty on each field-day ; in process of time, 1700, they performed a whole day's duty in May and September ; and but half a day's duty in April and October. The field-day in April was considered the day of inspection. In later times a whole day's duty is seldom required, except on emergencies, or encamp- ments.* The mode of notifying the Company for field-duty has been peculiar. They were notified in all instances by the fifes and drums, through the principal streets in Boston. The displaying the standard at the south cor- ner of State Street and Cornhill was for a time an aux- illiary method of giving notice ; but the old method was in use in 1 820. About 70 or 80 years ago, it was the custom in the forenoon, previous to their muster- ing, for Ichabod Williston, long celebrated as the Com- pany drummer, between the hours of eleven and one, * In 1834, the Corps visited Newton ; 1835, encamped at Worcester ; 1838, visited Salem. 446 to march down Middle Street to Winnesimet Ferry, beating the troop, unescorted, excepting by an innumer- able company of boys. On his arrival at the Ferry, he beat the roll three times, shouldered his drum and went his way. This was called the first drum ; which became a bye-word among the workmen in the ship-yards, who when they began to feel the want of their forenoon grog and luncheon, used to ask each other, if it was not time to beat the fast drum. Formerly the Company mustered on the lower floor of the Old State House, which was called training in the town-house. When on the march, at stated periods, Williston would beat a long roll, following it with twice two strokes and a flam. After the Massacre, March 5th, 1770, this Company used to parade with two drums and two fifes, and the militia companies with one. All adopted the quick time, which had never been practised in Boston, before the British troops came in 1768. The slow time was afterwards occasionally resorted to for a change, and on escort duty. Common time was not then known or practised. Espontoons were also intro- duced at this time ; previously the Captain and Lieu- tenant carried pikes or half pikes. The pike had a shaft which was several feet longer than those of the espontoons, headed with a sharp pointed, polished steel quadrangular blade, eight or ten inches in length, and on the foot was a large brass ferrule. The Sergeants always carried halberds, and were never armed with swords until the Company adopted the addition in 1790. The receiving of the standard on a field-day, and depositing it after firing, to close the duties of the day, are ceremonies which were long and scrupuously observed. It was provided in the original charter, that no other Company should train within certain limits on either of the field-days of this Company. In former times this 447 right was claimed and maintained with great precision. The Company however authorized their Commander for the time being, (1657) to permit other companies to assemble and perform duty in conjunction with the Artillery Company. The right was claimed in its fullest extent at all times ; and even as late as the autumn of 1 808, when the Company was paraded in upper Faneuil Hall, under Capt. Melzar Holmes; the Winslow Blues were found to be assembling in their armory for a drill Capt. Holmes sent a message to them to disperse, and after a conference between the Commander of the Blues and Col. Messinger, their former Commander, a member of the Ar. Co. an order was given dismissing the Winslow Blues until another day. Of late years the Company have not enforced this right. The en- forcement of such a right must necessarily breed con- tention, and it is anxiously hoped that the harmony which exists among the several corps so honorable to them, will not be disturbed, either by the impolitic en- forcement of the right on the one side, or a wanton violation of it on the other. Ever since 1786, the Ar. Co. have annually, in April or May, ap- pointed a meeting specially for selecting their officers for the year ensuing. It is probable this custom of caucussing for officers must have existed previously, since it was then practised by those who had been members before the Revolution. The records are totally silent on the subject, except one instance, May, 1760, where the Company voted that the old commission officers wait on Gen. William Brattle, and request him to lead the Company the following year. At this caucus, the senior officer present presides, and a balloting takes place for a new Commander, and whoever is chosen by a majority is waited upon immediately by a Committee, and his answer obtained. The other offices are then filled in succession, until the organization is complete. The proceedings are kept secret until the form of an election takes place on the field election day ; and any member di- vulging the names of candidates or proceedings, is liable to imme- diate expulsion. The public curiosity is frequently excited to know who are to be the new officers. These caucusses frequently occupy 448 several evenings, not unfrequently till past midnight, and on one oc- casion within the compiler's memory, nine different persons were selected for a Commander, all of whom refused ; the caucus contin- ued four nights and one afternoon. Although there frequently are sharply contested ballots, yet it has never been known that any alter- ation has taken place from the caucus arrangements ; all the oppos- ing candidates, with those absent, cheerfully acquiescing except in one case of the Clerk, in 1832, when, by the connivance of the newly elected Commander, votes were secretly printed and distributed for another person. The dishonorable trick was not discovered till the members had unconsciously elected a Clerk they did not intend. The Company duty and ceremonies of Election day have occa- sionally varied and been altered, by reason that they were transmit- ted wholly by oral tradition. Many have desired that they should be collected and printed as a future guide. The Company assemble in the morning, at an early hour, at their Armory, in uniform. Being paraded, they partake of a collation, recently adopted, to prevent the practice of leaving the meeting-house during the services. They then march to the State House, where the invited guests assemble. About twelve o'clock, the Company escort the Governor, Lieut. Governor and Council, with the Legislature, (when they had a sum- mer session, who always adjourned upon the occasion,) and the invited guests, to the First Church, where a sermon is preached. The services being closed, they escort his Excellency and other guests to Faneuil Hall, where their annual dinner is provided. At dinner, the Captain presides at the head of the centre table ; on the right of the Captain his Excellency is seated ; on the left, the Preacher, who invokes the blessing ; and next on the left, the Presi- dent of Harvard University, who, if a clergyman, returns thanks. The other officers preside at the foot of each table. In fair weather, the table is dismissed about four o'clock, and his Excellency with the guests retire. The Company then march to their allotted square at the north-western corner of the Common, where they commence the public ceremonies of the day by calling the roll of active and honorary members, according to seniority ; they then ballot for officers for the year ensuing. The votes are counted on the drum-head, and when declared the drummer beats the roll three times for the Captain, twice for the Lieutenant, and once for the Ensign. His Excellency and the Council are then in- formed of the election, and their approbation is requested. The Company then repair to the State House, and escort the Governor, Lieut. Governor, Council and invited guests within the square. On his Excellency's entering the square, a salute of thir- 449 teen guns is fired by the detachment of Artillery. He is then es- corted to the Chair of State, in the centre of the western side, sup- ported by the civil department on his right, and military on his left ; and the Company pay the usual standing and marching salutes. They then perform such evolutions as the Commander chooses to exhibit, and then the old Commander wheels the wings inward, form- ing three sides of a square, when he affectionately takes leave of his brother officers and soldiers, and inculcates the spirit of subordi- nation. The Company being again formed in line, in open ranks, the music playing common time, the Captain marches from the right-as far as the centre, when he turns to the right and proceeds to the Governor, to resign the insignia of his office. When the Captain has arrived at the centre and turned to the right, the Lieutenant commences marching to the right of the Company, to assume the command. The last word of command given by the old Commander is carry arms ; at which position they remain until he has saluted his Excellency and resigned his badges ; when the Lieutenant may ease the position of the men, remembering to bring them to the shoulder and support, as the old Captain returns to the ranks. The old Commander, having arrived at about eight paces distance from the Governor, halts and pays the standing salute, and advancing a little, addresses him, concluding by delivering the espontoon to his Excellency ; he then uncovers and listens to what the Governor shall say, which being finished, he covers, comes to the right about face and marches, quick time, through the centre to the rear, where he is divested of his sword and ornaments, and putting on the accoutre- ments of the new Commander, who by this time has left his post and retired to the rear, takes his place in line as a common soldier. When properly prepared, the new Commander, the music playing quick time, marches through the centre directly to his Excellency, halts when eight paces distant, and uncovers. When advanced a little, the Governor addresses him, usually in the purport of a written commission, and concludes by placing in his hands the espontoon, which he receives as soon as he is covered and pays the standing salute, and then replies to his Excellency in such manner as the oc- casion may dictate. Upon coming to the right about face, the music common time, he marches to the centre of the Company. The Lieu- tenant gives the word, present arms when he has approached to about twenty paces distance from the standard ; when he arrives close in front of the standard, he pays the marching salute and turns to the left ; at the same time he turns to the left, the old Lieutenant commences marching to his post on the left of the Company. 57 450 The first word of command given by the new Commander is shoulder arms. After a moment of rest, the old Lieutenant marches to the centre and turns to the left, common time, and proceeds to his Excellency, to whom he resigns in a similar manner as the old Commander, and returns in quick time to the rear. The new Lieu- tenant proceeds, quick time, to his Excellency, as the new Command- er had done, where he is commissioned in a similar manner, and hav- ing received the badge of his office, marches in common time to the centre, salutes, and, turning to the right, marches to his post on the left of the Company, who present arms when he is about twenty paces distant from the standard. The old Ensign then resigns his office in a similar way, by proceeding directly from his post, and de- livering the standard to the Governor. Having returned to the rear of the centre, the new elected Ensign proceeds, and is commissioned in the same manner ; places the standard in the socket, faces the Company, and when twenty paces distant from his post, he waves the standard at the same time they present arms. When the old officers severally march up, the Company should be at carry arms ; when they return they should be at support arms. When the newly elected officers severally march up to be commis- sioned, the Company should be at carry arms; and when they return the Company should present arms. The espontoon is considered the commission of the Captain and Lieutenants, the same as the pike and half pike were formerly, and the standard was the commis- sion of the Ensign. The old Sergeants then repair through the centre to the new Com- mander, and resign their offices by delivering their halberds to the new Commander, (the drummer receives them,) and they salute, un- cover, and address the Commander, through the Orderly, and,are addressed by him in a manner similar to the ceremony before re- lated in regard to commissioned officers. They then return through the centre to the rear, and exchange places and accoutrements with the new Sergeants, who repair to the new Commander, and he trans- mits to them the halberds, and qualifies them. His Excellency is then informed that the Company is duly organized, and the Com- manden closes the duty of the day by paying the usual standing and marching salutes. His Excellency is then escorted to his residence, and the Company return to Faneuil Hall, where the fatigues of the day are forgotten in the pleasures of the festive board. The Company have always considered it improper for the Lieut. Governor to officiate and receive the badges of the old officers and commission the new, 451 when there was a Governor in the actual discharge of that office. Previous to the Revolution, nothing upon the subject is found on record ; yet the surviving mem- bers admitted before, strongly affirm the position here stated, as that which was transmitted to them from times long past. From the testimony of an elderly gen- tleman of great accuracy, the following information is derived. " At the election, June, 1774, Gov. Gage, with the General Court at Salem, to which place the seat of Government was transferred from Boston, by order of the British Parliament, as part of the punish- ment of the town of Boston for suffering the East India Company's tea to be destroyed in the harbor. The commissions of the officers were exchanged by the Hon. William Brattle, Esq, Major General throughout the Province. It was expected that this duty would be per- formed by Lieut. Gov. Oliver, but on deliberation it was determined that he held no military rank while the Gov- ernor was in the Province. Gov. Hutchinson had done that duty when only Lieut. Governor, but it was after Gov. Pownal's departure, in 1760, and previous to Gov. Barnard's arrival. He was then considered Command- er-in-Chief of the Province." At the election, June, 1790, the Governor (Hancock) being indisposed, did not attend the services of the day ; but the Lieut. Governor and Council did. The weather was stormy. " The Company proceeded to elect their officers for the year ensuing in the hall, after which the commissioned officers repaired to the house of his Ex- cellency the Commander-in-Chief, with the officers elect, where the former resigned the badges, and the latter received them from his Excellency." This cere- mony was interesting and solemn. The compiler was informed by an old member (Maj. J. Bray) that Gov. Hancock was so indisposed that he was bolstered up in 452 his bed, and that the officers repaired to his sick cham- ber, and the ceremony was performed at his bed-side. June 3d, 1799, and June, 1835, the badges were re- signed to, and the newly elected officers invested by, the Lieut. Governor. No mention is made on record of the Governor during the day, in 1799. It is supposed, however, that Gov. Sumner was dangerously sick at his residence in Roxbury, for he died June 7th, 1799 and was buried June 12th. In the arrangement of the pro- cession there was at first sonle difficulty about the place assigned the Company, being nearly last ; but finally a higher place was assigned them, which was satisfactory.* If the ceremony is not performed by the Governor, the oldest Major General in the State present performs the duty. On the field day April 7th, 1729, the Company being under arms, the record says : " Whereas the commissioned officers of this Com- pany, were absent by illness, and other avocations, the Company by handy vote, made choice of Lieut. Col. Habijah Savage to lead and exercise the Company for this day ; which he accordingly accepted," and the day's duty was performed under him. Col. Savage was then a field officer in commission and a soldier in the ranks of the Com- pany ; hence it is inferred, that the highest commissioned officer present always commands, and the Sergeants may supply the vacan- cies according to seniority. If all the commissioned officers should be absent, a Sergeant in the Company cannot lead them, but they must by hand vote select a Commander for the time being, who must be of the rank of a field officer, if one be present, and the Sergeants may fill the other subaltern offices according to seniority. On the same principles, if the old Captain should have deceased, or is absent or confined by sickness, on Election day, the badge of office, the espontoon, must be resigned by a past Commander to the Governor, usually the oldest present, and even if he is not in uniform. This ought to be done by appointment of the Company. So likewise if the Lieutenant and Ensign, or either of them is absent. When Gen. Mattoon was confined by the loss of his eye-sight, the badge of * At the funeral procession in Boston, in honor of the late President Harrison, the Ar. Co. were first; the Scot's Char. Soc. founded about 20 years after, were placed next. Hon. Lieut. Col. J. Quincy, jr, was Chief Marshal. 453 his office was resigned by Gen. J. Winslow, the oldest past Com- mander living, except his Excellency, in citizen's dress. The Company have not frequently promoted an offi- cer without his first returning to the ranks and serving one year at least as a private; there are, however, some instances to the contrary, as the reader has seen in the course of this History. May 8th, 1761, it was voted, "that whoever may be Captain of this Company, a Captain in the militia shall not be obliged to serve otherwise than Lieutenant, and a Lieutenant in the militia otherwise than as Ensign, and an Ensign in the militia shall not serve as a Ser- geant unless a field officer leads the Company." This vote shows how rigidly the Company adhered, in former times, to ancient ceremonies and rank. A custom has also been transmitted, of having what are called squad meetings. At first, it might appear to some that they sprang from the usage, long since ex- tinct, of meeting on the evening of a field day at some officer's house, as often mentioned in the old records, for business, and to consult for the Company's welfare ; this may be their origin, but the connection cannot now be traced. As practised immediately before and after the Revolution, they were not a meeting of the whole Company, but only about a seventh part. The officer at whose house they assembled, usually in the winter, was the Commander for the evening. When assem- bled, they practised in his parlor, the facings, wheelings, and manoeuvres, generally without arms; and when that duty was over, sat down to talk over the affairs of the Company, and canvass the pretensions of candidates for office at the next election. The evening's duty was occasionally interspersed with anecdotes, merriment and songs, and closed with a frugal repast. This having be- come expensive, the Company, 1819, were induced to 454 regulate the subject ; the report of the Committee there- on says : " That a squad meeting was originally intended to promote social intercourse, to converse upon subjects tending to the interests of the Company, and for the furtherance of its military reputation, and not for the purposes of extravagance and luxury." The convivial meetings, now discontinued wholly, served to cement the friendship of members ; so also have the respectful attentions paid the dead. When a member dies, they always attend the funeral. When one who has been an officer in the Company, but had previously ceased to be a member, dies, they attend in the same manner. When a past Commander, being a member, dies, they have paid some additional marks of respect, the Company attending and preceding the corpse, without arms or uniform. When an officer dies in commission, he is buried under arms ; and when a non-commissioned officer dies, the Company, in uniform but not under arms, precede the corpse. When the de- ceased has in his life time requested these ceremonies to be omitted, or it is not agreeable to his relations, the Company who attend walk as citizens only. What the uniform of the Company was when it was founded, 1637, or whether they had any uniform, is now unknown. There is a tradition that originally the officers and members all wore large white wigs ; but there is nothing certain as to that point. The most ancient color of the uniform is thus alluded to in Dr. Colman's Cen- tury Sermon, in 1738, page 27, where he says : " Our scarlet and crimson can boast no proved valor equal to their HARDY BUFF. Our children, it may be, would be frighted to see the dress and aspect of one of their great-grandfathers on such a day as this. They put on courage and it clothed them, and they took on then an authority, which together with their righteousness was their crown and diadem. The Captains awed their families and neighbours by their gravity and piety, as well as frighted their enemies by their boldness and firmness. The natives trembled when they saw them train, and old 455 as well as young stood still and reverenced them, as they passed along in martial order." In a note to the words crimson and scarlet, published with the sermon, the learned Dr. C. says : " A very proper dress for officers and others in the militia, in my eye ; for I think soldiers should array themselves in a distinguishing habit on their day of training, if they can well afford it ; and so far as I can remember, or have been informed, our fathers did so ; so that I could not mean any re- flection on the present dress of the gentlemen in arms, as some have been ready to take the words. And as to the present expense, I know not whether it be much more than our fathers' buff and ribbands were in their day. And if it be, I suppose the present officers and soldiers have as good estates to bear it, and many of them much greater ; though the land is poor and in distress, through want of a medium for trade, &,c." From the foregoing, we conclude the most ancient uniform was blue coats, with buff underclothes ; and that scarlet or crimson was substituted for blue about 1738, since Dr. C. seems to speak as if it were recently adopted. Common report speaks of the dress of the Company as very rich, such as a scarlet coat, crimson silk stockings, with large gold clocks, and shoes with silver buckles ; also a large cocked hat trimmed with gold lace. Sept. 2d, 1754, the Company voted " in future to appear on train- ing days with white silk hose ;" and Sept. 6th, 1756, " that every person admitted into this Company, for the future, shall provide for themselves, and appear on each of our training days, with a blue coat and a gold-laced hat." April 2d, 1770, voted, " that every member of this Company furnish himself with a pair of white linen spatter- dashes, against the next Artillery Election day." In May following, the buttons were fixed upon to be white, and the straps or knee bands black ; black buttons for the spatterdashes were first intro- duced August 4th, 1786. July 28th, 1772, "the Company met to consider of some method to raise the spirit and reputation of the Company, and keep up the honour they have so long sustained ;" and they agreed to come into an uniform, viz : " blue coats and lappels, with yellow buttons, the cock of the hat to be uniform with the rnilitia officers wigs and hair to be clubbed ;" and, soon after, they fixed the uniform of the music to be, a white cloth coat, with blue lappels, trimmed with blue and white lining; white linen waist- coat and breeches, and a cap covered with white cloth and trimmed with gold binding." Thus the uniform remained, until the meetings of the Company were suspended by the Revolution. In January, 1787, the Company adopted a permanent uniform, 456 viz : " coats, deep blue cloth and faced with buff, and straps on the shoulders to secure the belts, with hooks and eyes at the skirts, the buttons plain yellow, double washed. 2d. Buff vest and breeches; buttons uniform with the coat. 3d. Plain black hat, with black buttons, loop and cockade ; cocks to be soldier-like and uniform as possible. 4th. White linen spatterdashes, to fasten under the foot and come part up the thigh, with black buttons, and black garter to buckle below the knee. 5th. White stocks. 6th. Bayonet and pouch belt white, two and a half inches wide, to be worn over the shoulders. 7th. Pouches to be uniform. 8th. The hair to be qued. 9th. Guns to be as near uniform as possible. 10th. White ruffled shirts, at wrist and bosom. The music's uniform to be the same as the Com- pany, the coats being reversed." This continued the uniform, with trifling alteration, for twenty-three years; the Company, however, dispensed with ruffles (at the wrist) 1798. The uniform was altered and precisely arranged, August, 1810, when the following was adopted, viz : " Chapeau de bras, ornamented with a fantail cockade, silver loop and button, and a full black plume eighteen inches long. 2d. Coat deep blue superfine cloth, with red facings and white linings ; blue shoulder straps, edged with red ; two silver laced button-holes each side of the collar ; diamond on the skirts ; and white convex buttons, stamped with the arms of the State and the word Commonwealth. 3d. Waistcoat white Mar- seilles, single breasted, with a standing collar. 4th. Smallclothes fine white cassimere, with white metal buttons on the knees. 5th. White stock. 6th. Gaiters fine white linen, to come up to the knee-pan over the smallclothes, with black buttons ; a black velvet knee-strap, with a white buckle ; the shoes to be short quartered and tied ; long hair, to be braided and turned up, and the whole to wear powder ; to be worn on the Anniversary. 7th. On other field days, stock to black, and the gaiters to be of fine black cassimere, with black buttons, of the same length with the white, and worn in the same manner. In 1819, the plume was changed to white, ten inches long. On common field days the commissioned officers wore military boots in- stead of gaiters. Thus have all the varieties and changes of uniform been presented the reader that can now be ascertained. In June, 1820, a Committee reported upon the expediency of al- lowing such members as hold commissions to appear in the ranks in the uniform of the corps to which they may belong. This report, being an ample exposition of what the Company was designed for, we have substantially extracted from the records. " The Committee, desirous, if so great a change as was contem- 457 plated should be made in the appearance of the Company, that a cor- respondent effect should be produced in the community, have unof- ficially conferred with some of the most influential members of the Civil Government of the State, and with many military officers, who are not now members of the Company. Besides, the Committee con- sidered the public as having a direct interest in the question ; for the Company have never regarded themselves as a private association, claiming particular privileges for their own advantage ; but, as a public institution, invested with the greatest powers, for the advance- ment of the most important public benefits. From the preamble of the charter, it is to be inferred that the grantees were members of dif- ferent companies, who were desirous of advancing the military art by introducing an uniformity of discipline throughout the Province. It also appears, that their petition was viewed in so favorable a light by the government, that their request was not only complied with, but that the authority of appointing its officers was expressly relinquished by the General Court and Council, and the power of choosing them granted to the Company. Such a privilege as this would not have been conferred by an arbitrary government, but upon such individ- uals as the government itself leaned upon for support. The extent of the confidence of the Council in them, is to be inferred, as well from the elective privilege aforenamed, as from the authority which was given them to assemble in any town within the jurisdiction. Their military standing and importance is to be deduced from the fact, that their services in the companies to which they belonged were considered so indispensable, that those were ordered not to assemble on the days appointed for the Company meeting. It would seem also, from the prohibition upon towns not to hold their meetings upon the days of the Company training, that the grantees and their asso- ciates were not only of importance as military men, but that, like those who now sustain military offices, they were persons possessed of important useful influence in the political concerns of the coun- try. Surely great value must have been attached to an institution, to which was given such high and unusual privileges, and to which was added a grant of land, to aid it in the accomplishment of its public objects. " The patriotic spirit evinced by the founders of the Company, has since exhibited itself in various periods of its history. This was suc- cessfully appealed to by Gov. Bowdoin, at the time of the insurrec- tion, in 1786. Their conduct on that, and several other occasions, was highly exemplary ; and it is with no small degree of pride and pleasure, in looking over the rolls and records of the Company, that the Committee find that those who have succeeded to the immuni- se 458 ties and honors of the original grantees, have been possessed of sim- ilar influence and character. That such has ever been the case, is evident from its history ; and its records discover that its utility has been the foundation of the continued patronage of the government, shown to it in additional grants of land by the Legislature; their re- mission of taxes on its property, and the distinguished honors annu- ally conferred on it by the Executive. " The Charter of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company contains principles which are now considered as vital in our political institutions. " The annual election of its Company officers, from the highest to the lowest, and their return to the ranks, obeying the will of their successors in authority, at the expiration of their term of service, is an archetype of the elective rights guaranteed to us by the charter of our civil government ; and from the practice of this Company in the choice of its officers for a century and an half, our statesmen were convinced, that by extending the elective franchise to the Militia, its strength, influence and respectability would be increased. Their wisdom has been proved in both cases. The elective principle as applicable to civil rulers, has been adopted in every State ; but those who had never seen the principle of the election of military officers practically illustrated, nor witnessed its salutary effects, retained the power of appointment in the Executive authority. The elective principle, as applied to military officers, may be reckoned among the chief causes why men of more distinction and intelligence have accepted of commands in the Militia of this State than in others where it is not admitted, and, consequently, why we have a better Militia than in those where the officers are appointed by the Execu- tive authority. " The reverence which is felt for one of the first establishments of our ancestors, the particular advantage which the country has de- rived from it, and its general influence, the Committee think, will ever cause its character to be respected ; while the pride of charac- ter, which distinguishes its members, they hope will prevent it from degenerating into an institution of useless ceremony, for the amuse- ment of holiday admirers. Though this should not be the effect of design, it might arise from that inertness in its members, which would content itself with upholding the Company to its former re- spectable footing, notwithstanding the public exhibitions of other companies should demonstrate that its relative importance was lost. " The Company should have, for its chief objects, the attainment and diffusion of military knowledge. It should be able to teach the learned and instruct the skilful. It is denominated " the Military 469 Company of Massachusetts ;" and as such it should take and keep the lead of all the military companies and associations in the State ; and on its days of election and public parade, it should exhibit, as they are discovered, all new improvements in exercise and manoeuvres. It should be the tribunal, to which all officers should appeal, for cor- rect decisions upon theoretical points ; and soldiers, for practical illustrations of them. When the Company shall aim at these ob- jects, it may be presumed that the increased share of public atten- tion which it will receive, will be usefully bestowed ; and that the officers of all grades, and corps of the militia, will be desirous of joining it; and thus, as a school of officers, it will have an impor- tant influence in producing an uniformity of drill and discipline in all the divisions of the State. " Among the reasons why the Company Roll is not larger, it is thought, the by-law prohibiting the admission of any person into it who is not twenty-one years old, may be reckoned. " There are two other principal reasons, which have operated to prevent the enlargement of the Company Roll. The first is, that other Companies discover more ambition and military ardor than ours, which is composed of older men, who do not possess their activity of muscular action, and who have served so long as to have lost the excitement of novelty. The second, that the Company, as at present conducted, does not offer sufficient attractions to those, who are thus advanced in age, as well as in military experience, to induce them to purchase new uniforms, and subject themselves, in addition, to, the payment of a heavy annual assessment. Upon these objections, the Committee were of opinion, that if the second can be removed, as many younger men would become members of the Company, its esprit du corps would, of itself, be sufficient to obviate the first. " Your Committee will not discuss the public advantages which would arise from establishments for the drilling of officers. As those are well known, it is sufficient for them to observe, that in almost every petition which has been presented to the General Court, for the amendment of the militia law, this has been enumerated among the most important of those which have been named. The popular sentiment, therefore, as well as the sound judgment of the commu- nity, is in favor of such a modification of it. The Company, accord- ing to the spirit of their charter, may anticipate the amendment of the law, by making the Company what it was designed to be at its institution, a school of, and for officers, with confidence that its efforts will be encouraged by the Legislature. But, to make it as extensively useful as its powers admit, the objection of many 460 officers, which arises from the expense of providing a new uni- form, and paying a considerable annual assessment besides, must be obviated. For it cannot be supposed by any one, that if the Gen-; eral Court should adopt any plan for drilling the officers of the mili- tia, either in regiments or brigades, that they would require them to provide a separate uniform for the purpose. " A fear was entertained, that if the uniform of the Company was changed, the identity of the Company would be lost to the public ; and it was observed, that though such changes might be becoming in younger institutions, yet, as the dignity of ours consisted in its antiquity, its distinguishing characteristic by a change of uniform would be lost. But, as the Company have already had four, and, as it is supposed, six different uniforms, it was concluded that the ob- jection weighed less against the proposed alteration in this, than it would against a change of uniform in any other Company. " There was also another objection, arising from the singularity of the appearance which the Company would present if the plan was adopted, which occurred to almost every one, upon its first promul- gation. The Company, it is supposed, was first uniformed in 1738, and for a long time it was the only uniformed Company in the State. In 1772, when they adopted a new uniform, considering themselves as a Company of officers, they had distinct regard and reference to that worn by the militia. And in 1810, the uniform then worn was entirely laid aside, and that which was established for the field and company officers of the Militia Infantry, upon the same principle of convenience and accommodation, was adopted by the Company. In searching its history, your Committee have, besides these, found continued instances of a disposition in the Company to meet the views and wishes of the militia officers, who, until within a few years back, it must be inferred from the records, have had the principal regulation of the Company affairs. In one instance, a Committee was appointed ' to wait upon the field officers of the regiment, to know if they, either of them, would take the command of the Com- pany the ensuing year.' This vote was passed in 1772, and shows that until that time, at least, the Company was chiefly composed of militia officers. Since that period, very great changes have taken place in our military as well as civil institutions. Our militia is not now confined to Artillery, Cavalry and Infantry Corps ; but Light In- fantry, Grenadier and Rifle Companies have been established. As these are composed of such as voluntarily enlist into them, they are generally distinguished for the beauty of their dress, the excellence of their discipline, and the extent of their military attainments. Can any good reason be offered, then, why the officers of these companies, 461 as well as others, should not be admitted into the Company, without being at the expense of providing new uniforms ? " The objection under consideration, arising from the singularity of the appearance which the Company would present, it is admitted might be urged with great propriety against any other company than this ; for they consist principally of privates ; whereas, this is prin- cipally composed of officers. " Upon the whole, then, the Committee are unanimously of opin- ion that the proposition submitted to their consideration should be adopted, and that the following alterations in the rules and regula- tions of the Company should accordingly be made : " Members of the Company who hold, or who have held commis- sions in the militia, may appear in the uniform of their respective offices ; provided, that the commissioned officers of the Company only shall be permitted to wear in it the insignia of their militia offices. " The number of officers of the Company shall be proportioned to the number of its active members, and shall be fixed previous to the election of officers annually. " The members of the Company shall wear a herring-bone, or the number of them to which they are entitled by the rules of the Com- pany, at all times, on their military coats, as a badge of membership. " Officers of the militia, though under the age of twenty-one years, may be admitted into the Company as members." September 6th, 1820, the above Report was unanimously adopted ; the entrance money was reduced from fifteen to ten dollars, since reduced to five dollars. In October, 1841, it was voted to adopt for the Infantry the Con- tinental uniform, as the same appears in Washington's portrait in Faneuil Hall. In 1839, all fines were abolished. The proceeds of the Company lands were not invested in stocks till after the Revolution Part of their funds had at times been in- vested in mortgages of Copp's Hill and certain lands in Charlestown Square ; also, Col. Blanchard's mortgage ; also, in bonds of individ- uals. Mortgages, however, proved injurious to the Company, not being able to command the interest when due and needed. Invest- ment in stocks has been attended with many facilities and little loss. The Clergy have always taken a strong interest in the welfare of the Company, with the exception of the Rev. John Pierpont. They have been ever welcome guests on its anniversary ; but they have become so numerous, the invitations are confined to the preachers of 462 its sermon. Annually, in April, a clergyman in the State, without regard to religious sentiments, is nominated by the Commander to preach the ensuing Election Sermon. The Commander of right nominates, and the Company have never negatived the nomination. The commissioned officers for the year are the Committee to wait on the Chaplain and request a copy of the sermon for the press. Formerly, the field officers of Boston Regiment, and the Treasurer, were of this Committee. Once more, in review of their friendly ser- vices, for two centuries, we, the present members, would record the thankful recollection of the past Preachers. From June 5th, 1731, to this day, the custom has been to present the preacher fifty copies of his sermon. Many learned and patriotic discourses have been delivered* and printed, and preserved in the historical and literary archives. From the talents and influence ex- erted on this occasion, many bright ornaments of the Church have been brought into public notice and deserved distinction. And, finally, many excellent Odes have been written for the Anniversary, by McLellan, Power, and others but we have only room for one, composed by Rev. N v L. Frothingham, D. D. and sung at the Church, June, 1841 : SONS of the free, be true to glory, And be that glory true and wise! O heed your noble fathers' story! O see the waiting nation's eyes! That story fires the world already With generous deeds for freedom done; Those eyes pursue the westering sun, To watch you with their gazes steady. Stand close ye chosen line, And vindicate your birth! March on! your banner'd stars shall shine A blessing o'er the earth! No spoil that's won by fraud or plunder E'er swell the treasures of your State! No wars, with fratricidal thunder, Storm out your place among the great! Let master-skill, and patient labor, And heaven's own gifts, your store increase; And be the strength of honest peace For fiery shot and bloody sabie. Stand close, &c. * April 20th, 1682, Dr. Sprat preached the Election Sermon before the Artillery Company in London, at St. Mary Le Bow Sir William Prichard being President; Sir James Smith, Vice President; Sir Andrew .Treasurer. Text from Luke: " He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one." 463 Ye late were few, that now are many; Ye late were weak, that now are strong; Beyond the ridgy Alleghany, From sea to sea ye roll along. O keep the brother-bond forever, That knits your numbers into one! Be sure your praise is all undone, Should jealous feuds that Union sever. Stand close, &c. Let knowledge wear her crown upon her! Your cry go forth : more light! more light! And every spot that marks dishonor Fade off from all your 'scutcheons white! Through glowing suns and sleety weather, Let weal or adverse fates befall, Together hark to God's great call, And rise and reign, or sink together. Stand close, &c. Set high the throne of heavenly Order; Revere the shield and blade of Law; From central point to farthest border, Beheld with love, obeyed with awe. Unruly factions ne'er mislead you! Calm as the angel Michael stood, Keep at your feet hell's ruffian brood, With right to arm, and God to speed you! Stand close ye chosen line, And vindicate your birth! March on! your banner'd stars shall shine A blessing o'er the earth. A pattern of the Continental uniform, adopted last autumn, was beautifully made by Lieut. Col. E. W. Stone, Commander, and the member for whom it was prepared was requested to wear it on the coming anniversary. Owing to the embarrassments of the times, its general adoption was postponed. May 10th, 1842, died in Boston, Zechariah Hicks, a past member, aged 87. " Upright and ho'norable in his dealings." University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. It/lff.^ SRLF QL OCT 1 8 :WABLE APR 26JI995 RECEIVED 8Ut I Ii5 MM MAY 31 1986 TIA. j fama.n 258 History of the A5 4Vf5 9 Anci 1842 Honorable Artillery Company UA 258 A54W59 1842 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY