OFFICERS' MANUAL By MAJOR JAMES A. Moss 24th U. S. Infantry FIFTH EDITION (Revised and Enlarged) PRINTED APRIL, 1917 Being a service manual consisting of a compilation in convenient, handy form, of "Customs of the Ser- vice" and other matters of a practical, worth-knowing nature things of value and assistance to the inex- perienced most of which can not be found in print, but must be learned by experience often by doing that which we should not do or by failing to do that which we should do. SALES AGENTS: THE U. S. CAVALRY ASSOCIATION, FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, and THE GEORGE BANTA PUBLISHING CO., MENASHA, Wis. $2.50, postpaid. C, Suggestions whereby "OFFICERS' MANUAL" may more complete or otherwise improved in any ACay, -will be thankfully received. C, The author is especially desirous of getting ideas, "Kinks" of a practical, worth-knowing nature anything that anyone may have found by experience to be a con- venience, to systematize things, to save time and labor. C. Questions on "Customs of the Service" or any other subject about points not covered in the Manual will be gladly answered. Permanent address: c/o The Adjutant -General, U. S. Army, War Department, Washington, D. C. Press of THE GEO. BANTA PUBLISHING Co. Menasha, Wis. Copyright 1911 by J. A. Moss y&t fln*>*v * ^*^ ^ / &* 358431 "He gains wisdom in a happy way, who gains it by another's experience." PLAUTUS. "No man's personal experience can be so -val- uable as the compared and collated expe- riences of many men." MAURICE. PREFATORY REMARKS THIS Manual is a compilation of "Customs of the Service" and other matters of a practical, worth-knowing nature things of value and assistance to the inexperienced most of which can not be found in print, but must be learned by experience often by doing that which we should not do or by failing to do that which we should do. The idea of the publication of the book originated in the need the author himself, when a subaltern, often felt for such a Manual a feeling shared and heard ex- pressed time_and again by fellow-officers. Although the manuscript was prepared with much care, patience, and labor, the author realizes the Man- ual is far from perfect, and will merely say he has made an honest, sincere effort to place in the hands of our subalterns, in simple, convenient, and useful form, infor- mation the need of which he often felt during the early days of his experience as an officer, and the pos- session of which would have saved time and trouble to himself and others, avoided the commission of er- rors, and given a feeling of confidence and satisfaction instead of one of uncertainty and discomfort. NOTE: Formerly this manual consisted of two parts the book proper and the supplement pamphlet, the former containing matter not subject to change by War Department orders or Army Regula- tions, while the latter consisted of matter subject to such change. However, beginning with this lot of manuals the supplement has been discontinued and any reference thereto that may be made in^the manual proper should, therefore, be disregarded. August 17, 1914. COMMENTS FROM ARMY OFFICERS Lieutenant-General ARTHUR MacARTHUR: "'Officers' Manual' contains a great deal of useful information regarding routine duties and customs of the service. The work bears the stamp of thought and painstaking preparation. It is a pleasure to have the opportunity of expressing appreciation of the commendable result achieved." General J. FRANKLIN BELL, Chief of Staff, U. S. Army: "A very valuable compilation, conveniently arranged, and in condensed form, of knowledge which is very useful to young and inexperienced officers. The manual will be invaluable to any young officer who really wants to start his career by doing his duty thoroughly and intelligently." General F. O. AINSWORTH, Adjutant General, U. S. Army: "A book that will be invaluable to the young officers of the Army and useful to a good many of the older ones." Colonel H. L. SCOTT, Superintendent U. S. Military Academy, West Point, New York: "An exceedingly valuable book for the inexperienced as well as a very valuable book of reference for all officers." General THEODORE W. WINT, Commanding Army of Cuban Pacification: "A very valuable book which should be in the possession of all officers of recent appoint- ment,, and which should also be of valuable assistance to many officers of longer service." General LEONARD WOOD: "A most useful book to young officers and a handbook of reference to many others." Lieutenant-Colonel ROBERT L. HOWZE, Commandant of Cadets, U. S. M. A. West Point; N. Y. : " 'Moss's Officers' Manual' fills a long-felt want and every officer of the Regular Army and the National Guard, from the Lieutenant-General down to the junior second lieutenant, should have a copy." General CHARLES B. HALL, Commandant U. S. Infantry and Cavalry School, Signal School and Army Staff 'College: x "It is a source of much satisfaction that we have at last a book that tells all of us old and young, the general officer as well as the lieutenant and the noncommissioned officer just what we want to know and exactly how to do the things we wish to do. None of us are too old to learn and all of us can read 'Officers' Manual' with profit." General WILLIAM CROZIER, Chief of Ordnance, U. S. Army: "A very useful book for young officers." General J. M. LEE: "A book that will prove of great advantage to all officers of our army, whether Regulars of Volunteers. I certainly commend the Manual for its completeness in every detail it is American and for Americans. 'Officers' Manual' should be adopted by the War Department." General WILLIAM S. McCASKEY: "I thin*, so much of this Manual that I hope every officer, regardless of rank, will secure a copy. Everyone can find within its covers something that will instruct and appeal to them. It is a fitting crown piece to the excellent manuals we already have." General THOMAS H. BARRY, Assistant Chief of Staff, U. S. Army: "The book should prove useful to young officers just entering the service and the older subalterns who are looking for a convenient summary of the subjects treated." General E. A. GARLINGTON, Inspector General, U. S. Army: "A veritable vade mecum for youngsters and a useful aide-memorie for any officer of what- ever grade. No staff officer or*company commander should be without a copy." General F. D. GRANT: "It is full of information which will be most valuable, especially for young officers, but all officers 'would do well to have the Manual for use as a book of reference and a guide in all official work." General C. F. HUMPHREY, Quartermaster General, U. S. Army: "A most excellent book for young officers, company commanders, and others." General C. F. HUMPHREY, Quartermaster General, U. S. Army: "It is excel- lent, and I believe will be of inestimable value to all officers in the service." General WILLIAM H. CARTER: "The book contains, in convenient form, a mass of detailed information and advice which should serve to relieve a young officer of the embarrassment which so frequently arises from doubt as to what is expected of him in particular situations." General FREDERICK FUNSTON: "A most useful book, not only for officers just entering the service, but also for many of the rest of us. In my opinion, it will be found most helpful to officers both of the Regular Army and the Militia." General A. W. GREELY : "An exceedingly valuable contribution to our military literature. The need of such a book has long been evident, and it should be found in the library of every officer of the Army and the National Guard." General W. P. HALL: "A most excellent publication a book valuable to every officer in the Army and the National Guard." COMMENTS FROM NATIONAL GUARD OFFICERS General THOMAS J. STEWART, Adjutant General, Pennsylvania: "A very valuable book for National Guard Officers. It contains in very condensed, convenient form, much valuable and important information, presented in such a way as to make the study of it pleasant." General J. CLIFFORD R. FOSTER, Adjutant General, Florida: " 'Officers' Manual' is in a class by itself, as it gives so much information that the citizen soldier seeking military knowledge is always puzzled to find." General J. LAUCK, Adjutant General, California: "The best book of its kind ever published and should be in the hands of every officer of the National Guard. It gives in concise form the very information we want." General GEORGE H. HARRIS, Commanding General, District of Columbia: "A most excellent book, whose study I have recommended to every officer of the National Guard of the District of Columbia. The officer who does not possess a copy of 'Officers' Manual' lacks a very material part of his equipment." General THOMAS W. SCOTT, Adjutant General, Illinois: "It fills a long-felt want among officers of the National Guard." General CHARLES J. ANDERSON, Adjutant General, Virginia: "A book of so much merit that I have recommended its use to the officers of this State." General A. B. CRITCHFIELD, Adjutant General, Ohio: "A Splendid publi- cation which I cheerfully recommend to anyone interested in military matters." General S. W. HARRIS, Adjutant General, Georgia: An invaluable work above criticism and indispensable to a complete military library. I have recommended its use for the guard officers of Georgia." General ORTIS HAMILTON, Adjutant General, Washington: "I consider this Manual one of the most valuable publications that can be placed in the hands of an officer of the Organized Militia, and I have ordered a number for the officers of the State." General JAMES A. De ARMOND, Adjutant General, Missouri: "However great the value of 'Officers' Manual' may be to the subaltern of the Regular Army, it is, I believe, of much greater value to the National Guard officer, giving as it does, in concise form, the very information desired and needed by him. The Military Board of the State has recommended a copy be issued to every staff officer and organization commander of the Guard." COMMENTS FROM ARMY OFFICERS ON DUTY- WITH THE NATIONAL GUARD General CHARLES KING, Wisconsin National Guard: "It should be on the desk of every company in the Organized Militia. It deals with a thousand things our officers would like to know and in sure and simple form tells them. In many states the aim of the officers is to 'Do it as it is done in the Regular Army,' and I have never yet seen a book that in so many points and ways could help them as does 'Officers' Manual.' " Colonel B. W. LEVELL, Adjutant General, Arizona: "This book should be in the hands of every officer of the National Guard." Colonel JAMES JACKSON, National Guard, Oregon: "A valuable book of instruction for officers of the National Guard. It should be in the library of every officer of the Organized Militia." Major. C. W. ABBOTT, National Guard, Rhode Island: "A splendid, excellent book. It should be in the hands of all of our National Guard officers." Colonel C. A. DEMPSEY, National Guard, Virginia: "A most excellent volume that should be in the library of all military men. I shall recommend that all Militia officers of this State procure a copy of this valuable book." Major J. A. OLMSTEAD, National Guard, Iowa: "Full and complete in every detail a whole library of military information the condensed experience of some of our best Regular officers." Capt. CHARLES B. ROGAN, National Guard, Tennessee: "A veritable dic- tionary of things and matters pertaining to the service. It fills a great want. I have recommended that the book be issued to the officers of this State." General CHARLES L. COOPER, National Guard, Colorado: "It is excellent and is just what is needed for officers of the National Guard. I have recommended its issue to our officers." Lieutenant-Colonel WILLIAM GERLACH, 'National Guara, Minnesota: "Full of ripe and valuable experience. To officers of the Organized Militia it offers a ready means to obtain information of inestimable value to them at home and in active service. If distributed broadcast among the State troops it would answer a thousand and one questions asked by them." Lieutenant-Colonel H. G. CAVENAUGH, Natijnal Guard, Delaware: " 'Officers' Manual' contains more real information for young officers than any book I have ever seen. It certainly fills a long-felt want. I have recommended its use for the officers of the National Guard of this State." COMMENTS FROM SERVICE PUBLICATIONS THE ARMY AND NAVY JOURNAL: "We know of no other single volume which contains so large a fund of admirably classified information of daily practical value to the young officer as is assembled within the covers of this interesting book. The things which the subaltern should do are set down in plain and simple terms and by studying them the most inexperienced newcomer in the service will find his path made clear and easy. There is hardly a question or a situation that might occur to a young officer for "which there is not a direct, lucid solution in this modest little book. Moreover, there is a wealth of information in the work that will command the interest of the civilian reader who wants to know about Army organization, adminis- tration, usage, and the customs of -the service. While the Manual is a valuable, handy book that should be in the hands of every subaltern of the Regular Army, it will be especially interesting and instructive to officers of the National Guard, of the Philippine Scouts, the Philippine Constabulary, and the Cadet officers at the military schools." THE ARMY AND NAVY REGISTER: "There is an originality in ^Officers' Manual' worthy of special mention. A thousand and one practical suggestions, and worth-knowing ideas are carefully boiled down, classified, arranged, and indexed, for instant reference, in one neat, handy, clever volume. It is a volume of meat and essence, packed -with good things a real nutshell volume-^ kind of pigeon-hole adviser a sort of hard-nut cracker answering at once questions that daily confront our subalterns. The book is indispensable to officers just appointed and to subal- terns who may be acting as adjutants, quartermasters, commissaries, company com- manders, exchange officers, recruiting officers, prison officers, aides-de-camp, etc." TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I SUGGESTIONS TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED. Arms and Equipment Reports Pay Transportation and Mileage Allow- ances Customs Affecting Those Just Entering the Service General Hints and Suggestions Regarding Punctuality, Messing, Money Matters, Military Courtesy, Treatment 9! Soldiers, etc. Personal Library War Department and Military Infor- mation Division Libraries Relations With Civilians and National Guardsmen. CHAPTER II HOW TO SUCCEED IN THE ARMY. A Few General Common Sense Principles, Which If Followed, Will Spell Suc- cess In Any Walk of Life A Message To Garcia. CHAPTER III REMARKS ON THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. The General Staff Corps Composition of the Regular Army Composition and Functions of The Various Departments Classification of Enlisted Men Composition of the Post, the Regimental and the Battalion Noncommissioned Staffs Composition and Duties of The Line Authorized Strength of Various Units, etc. CHAPTER IV THE MILITIA OF THE UNITED STATES. Composition and Organization When It May Be Called Forth Annual Allot- ments Annual Maneuvers Militia Officers Attending Garrison Schools Pay By The Federal Government. CHAPTER V RELATION OF THE MILITARY TO THE CIVIL. Dual Amenability of Officers and Soldiers Use of The Army In Aid of The Civil Power Military Reservations Powers of Post Commanders Civil Jurisdiction On Military Reservations The Writ of Habeas Corpus The 59th Article of War Taxation Citizenship Residence and Domicile Voting. CHAPTER VI THE POST ADJUTANT. General Duties Relations With The Commanding Officer Dress and Bearing War Department Orders and Army Regulation Paragraphs Affecting Adjutants Customs of the Service Affecting Adjutants Business Routine of The Office Paper Work and Correspondence-^-Reports, Returns, Estimates and Requisitions To Be Sub- mitted To and By The Adjutant Forms of Usual Orders Labor-Saving Devices and Conveniences Useful Forms, Including Pass Lists. CHAPTER VII THE POST QUARTERMASTER. General Duties Care of Property Reports, Returns, Estimates, and Requisi- tions Loss of Funds Rubber Stamps Labor-Saving Devices and Conveniences. CHAPTER VIII THE POST COMMISSARY. Same as Post Quartermaster. CHAPTER IX THE POST RECRUITING OFFICER. Usual Duties Reports and Returns To Be Made Army Regulation Paragraphs and War Department Orders Affecting Recruiting Officers. CHAPTER X THE POST EXCHANGE OFFICER. Same as Post Recruiting Officer, Chapter IX. CHAPTER XI THE POST PRISON OFFICER. Same as Post Recruiting Officer, Chapter IX. CHAPTER XII ARTILLERY DISTRICT AND POST ORDNANCE OFFICERS. Same as Post Recruiting Officer, Chapter IX. CHAPTER XIII THE POST ENGINEER OFFICER; THE POST ARTILLERY ENGINEER; and THE DISTRICT ARTILLERY ENGINEER. Same as Post Recruiting Officer, Chapter IX. . CHAPTER XIV THE POST SIGNAL OFFICER. Same as Post Recruiting Officer, Chapter IX. CHAPTER XV THE COMPANY. Usual Duties of The Company Officers and Noncommissioned Officers Proper Treatment of Noncommissioned Officers Usual Barrack Regulations Arrangement of Bunks, Lockers and Equipment At Inspection Contentment and Harmony Man- agement of The Company Mess The Library and Amusement Rooms Rewards and Privileges Property Responsibility How To Prevent Sale of Clothing Camp and Garrison Equipage Rubber Stamps Forms of Usual Orders The Company Fund Books and Records Meaning of "In Line of Duty" Instruction of Recruits, In- cluding Military Deportment and Appearance, How To Deliver A Message, How To Appear As A Witness Before A Court-Martial, etc. CHAPTER XVI PAPER WORK. An Exhaustive Treatment of The Subject With Simple Suggestions For Sav- ing Time and Labor, -'Including Model Remarks on Muster and Pay Rolls. CHAPTER XVII DISCIPLINE. What It Consists Of General Principles What Experience Has Shown To Be The Best Ways To Obtain and Maintain Discipline. CHAPTER XVIII AIDES-DE-CAMP. Requisites of A Successful Aide Usual Duties Relations With His Chief Requisites ot A buccesstui j Reports Forms of Visiting Cards. CHAPTER XIX POST ADMINISTRATION. General Principles Relations Between Post Commander and Staff "Model" Rules and Regulations for The Government of A Post The Post Bakery. CHAPTER XX CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE. A Complete Treatment of All Official and Social "Customs of the Service,' Giving Their Origin and Significance Words to The Army Calls Army Slang. CHAPTER XXI FIELD SERVICE. Twenty-six Pages of Practical, Worth-Knowing Information On This Impor- tant Subject. CHAPTER XXII THE POST ATHLETIC OFFICER. Same as Post Recruiting Officer, Chapter IX. CHAPTER XXIII THE POST RANGE OFFICER. Same as Post Recruiting Officer, Chapter IX. CHAPTER XXIV OFFICER IN COMMAND OF THE MACHINE-GUN PLATOON Same as Post Recruiting Officer, Chapter IX. CHAPTER XXV THE SUMMARY COURT. Usual Procedure Customs Regarding. CHAPTER XXVI INSPECTION OF SMALL-ARMS PRACTICE Sanre as Post Recruiting Officer, Chapter IX. CHAPTER XXVII THE SURVEYING OFFICER. Usual Duties Suggestions Regarding Completion of Papers. CHAPTER XXVIII MILITARY ATTACHES. Requisites of A Successful Attache General Duties Relations To The Am- bassador or Minister Customs Affecting Attaches Visiting Cards and Stationery. CHAPTER XXIX THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF THE ARMY AND PROFES- SIONAL STUDY. General Scope of Our Educational System Course of Reading and Study. CHAPTER XXX ESPRIT DE CORPS. Definition How Created and Postered. CHAPTER XXXI EMPLOYMENT OF THE REGULAR ARMY. In Time of War In Time of Peace As A Posse Comitatus As An Aid To The Civil Authority For the Protection of Government Property Under Martial Law Under Military Government. CHAPTER XXXII THE USE OF THE ARMY FOR RELIEF PURPOSES IN PUBLIC CATASTROPHES. Nature of Obligation How to Proffer Assistance Gratuitous Issue of Sup- plies Orders About Firing on People Seizure of Private Property for Public Use Relief Work. CHAPTER XXXIII RIOT DUTY. Legal Side: The Military Subordinate To The Civil When The Regular Army May Be Called Out For Riot Duty When the Militia May Be Called Out For Riot Duty Liability To Acts Done In Obedience To Orders The Seizure, Use, and De- struction of Private Property Firing Upon Mobs Arresting -Rioters in Private Houses Difference Between A Felony and A Misdemeanor Arrest of Officers and Enlisted Men On Riot Duty Habeas Corpus Relations With Civil Authorities- Conduct Toward Civilians. Tactical Side: Assembling of Militia Organizations Leaving The Armory Marching To The Scene of Trouble Dispersing or Attacking A Mob Attacking Houses and Barricades Defense of Houses, Railroads, etc. Riot Strategy. CHAPTER XXXIV APPOINTMENT, PROMOTION, AND RETIREMENT OF OFFICERS. How Made Regulations Regarding. CHAPTER XXXV MISCELLANEOUS. Publication of Books and Articles By Officers Officers Engaging in Business Inspection by Customs Officials of Baggage, etc., Upon Return from Foreign Service The Philippine Tariff Law Returning From The Philippines Via The Eastern Route Form For Proceedings of (a) Board of Officers, (b) Post Council of Administration, (c) A Council of Administration, (d) A Board To Determine Whether A Soldier's Service Has Been Honest and Faithful Forms of Depositions and Certificates Weights of Articles Usually Taken into the Field Weights, Dimensions, and Capaci- ties of Tents Weight of Rations Capacities of Wagons and Standard Railroad Cars Allowance of Water Ration of Forage Power of Attorney Form of Con- tract Form of Will Declaration of Independence Patents Copyrights Domestic and Foreign Weights and Measures Arrangements For Reception or Dance Recipes For Punches How To Take Care of Uniforms Pay of Officers and Men Pensions Hints For A Philippine Outfit Words To Patriotic Airs Nomenclature of A Horse, Saddle, and Bridle Army Signal Code. INDEX Letters refer to paragraphs and numbers to pages. "Sup." means Supplement. ABBREVIATIONS IN: Military titles 239C Paper work 101 Preparation Muster and Pay Rolls. Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 113 Absence without leave under A. W. 32 & 33, 224 Acetylene lamps ISA Acre , 473A ADDRESSES: Of all officers 48B ; 238D On envelopes 24A; 238B, C & D ADDRESSING: Communication to the office and not the individual 238B Officers | See "Titles" under "Cus- Soldiers f toms of Service" Adjutant See Post Adjutant. Adjutant General's Department: Composition ..Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 33 Duties 56C Advice, seeking 34D Affidavits, form 455 AIDES-DE-CAMP: Aiguillettes, how worn ....Sup. Chap. XVIII, Par. 118 Blank forms Sup. Chap. XVIII, Par. 123 Calls, etc 253(7) Chief of Staff, relations to 248B Correspondence 254 Drill Regulations Sup. Chap. XVIII, Par. 122 Duties 250A Frankness 249B Insignia.. Sup. Chap. XVIII, Par. 118 Loyalty 249A Paymaster's Manual Sup. Chap. XVIII, Par. 120 Pointers 252 Presentation of guests at recep- tions 254(15) Reference books Sup. Chap. XVIII, Par. 124 Relations to the General 250 A Reports, personal 250B Requisites of '. 248 A Signing letters ^ 254A Spelling of "Aide-de-Camp". . .Sup. Chap. XVIII, Par. 18 (foot note) Stationery 255 Usefulness 251 Visiting cards 255 War Department orders, circulars and decisions ....Sup. Chap. XVIII, Par. 119 Wife of General 249C Aiguillettes, how worn Sup. Chap. XVIII, Par. 118 Airs, National 490 Alaska, equipment 18B Allowance of Officers Sup. Chap. I, Par. 16 Amenability, dual 71 "America" 490 American History, study of 38 (foot note); 383A American Wars, Early, books on.... 41 A Message to Garcia 51 Alcoholic drinks.. Sup. Chap. X, Par. 85 A Ammunition : How obtained.. Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 To be taken into field 336; 353 Analyzing communications 95(1) Animals, Pack, capacity of 464 Annotation 100B Announcement of marriage. .. .26 (note) Appointment of: Noncommissioned Officers 178B Officers 436 Arm Racks 187 (foot note) ARMS AND EQUIPMENT: Enlisted men, care of 235 Officers: Dismounted 13E General remarks 16 Mounted 13B Rubber cape and rubber boots.. 15C Uniforms 13H War Department orders, circulars, and decisions regarding ...Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 153B "Arms of the Service" 60D Arms, how obtained Sup. Chap". XV, Par. 99 ARMY, ORGANIZATION OF: Adjutant General's Department : Composition Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 33 Duties 56C Aide-de-Camp 64A "Arms of the Service" 60D Army Corps 65A Artillery Districts 61F Authorized strength Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 30 Battalion 63C Battalion Field and Staff 63F Battalion Noncommissioned Staff 60B Battalions of Engineers 60D ; 61 A Battalion Staff 63F Battery, use of term 63B Battle commands 62B INDEX. ARMY, ORGANIZATION OF (Cont'd) : Brigade 64E Brigadier-Generals ..64E & G; Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 31 Cavalry organization ..Sup. Chap. Ill, Parts 47 & 48 Chaplains 58C; Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 45 Chief of Staff 55B Coast Artillery Corps: Duties 61 C Geographical organization 61 E Tactical organization 62E; Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 47 & 50 Coast Artillery N. C. Staff 59G Commander-in-Chief 55A Company 63 A & B Contract Surgeons 64C Corps, Army 65. A Corps of Engineers: Composition.. Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 42 Duties 57F Departments, Geographical 65C Divisions, Geographical 65C Division, Tactical 64F Employment of the Regular Army. 395 Engineer Battalions, organization.. ..Sup. Chap. Ill, Pars. 47 & 49 Engineer Dept. See "Corps of Engineers" Enlisted M?n: Classification 59 E & 60 C Retired 59B Field and Staff 63H Field Artillery, organization ..Sup. Chap. Ill, Pars. 47 & 51 Field Officers 63G Fire Commands 62C General Staff: Act of Congress, creating 55B Composition. .Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 32 Duties 56B Indian Scouts 58D Infantry, organization Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 47 Inspector General's Dept.: Composition. .Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 34 . Duties 56D Judge Advocate General's Dept. Composition. .Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 35 Duties 56E Lance Corporals 59E Line, the 60 C & D; 61 B; Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 47 Lieutenant General, appropriate command for 65A Major Generals 64 F & G; Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 31 Medical Department: Composition. .Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 39 Duties 57C Mine Commands 62C Noncommissioned Officers 59E Officers, Retired 59A Ordnance Department: Composition. .Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 41 ARMY, ORGANIZATION OF (Cont'd): Duties 57E Pay Department: Composition. .Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 40 Duties 57D Personal Staff 64A Philippine Scouts 65E Porto Rico Regt. of Infty 65D Post N. C. Staff, 59 F; Sup. Chap. Privates 59E Quartermaster's Department: Composition. .Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 37 Duties 57A Rank and File 59C Regiment 63D Regimental Field and Staff 63H Regimental Staff 63E&I Regimental N. C. Staff 60A Regular Army 55D Retired Officers 59A Retired Enlisted Men 59B Scouts, Indian 58D Scouts, Philippine 65E Signal Corps: Composition. .Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 43 Duties 58A Squadron 63C Staff, the 60C Strength Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 30 Subsistence Department: Composition. .Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 38 Duties S7B Surgeon, the 64B The Line 60C&D;61I> The Staff 60C Troop, use of term 63B U. S. Military Academy 58 B; Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 44 Veterinarians 64D War Department 55C West Point ....See "U. S. Military Academy" ARMY REGULATIONS: Adjutants Sup. Chap. VI,* Par. 56 Aides-de-camp Sup. Chap. XVIII, Par. 119 Artillery District Ordnance Officer Sup. Chap. XII, Par. 92 Commissary.. Sup. Chap. VIII, Par. 76 Company Commanders ..Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 97 Engineer Officer. ... ..Sup. Chap. XIII Officers, just appointed Sup. Chap. I, Par. 28 Ordnance Officer, Post Sup. Chap. XII, Par. 92 Paragraphs, amended, revoked, and interpreted ....Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 156 Paragraph most violated 240C; Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 112 Prison Officer Sup. Chap XI Quartermasters Sup. Chap. VII, Par. 65 ARMY REGULATIONS (Cont'd). Recruiting Officer Sup. Chap. IX. Par. 80a Signal Officer Sup. Chap. XIV Army School of the Line Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 140 Army, use of in aid of civil: As a posse comitatus, prohibited Relief purposes, in public catas- trophes 401 Riot duty 408 Army Corps 55 Army List and Directory 48B Army Medical School Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. ISO Army Signal School ..f... Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 141- Army Slang 306 Army Staff College . . . ....... '.., Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 142 Army Transport Regulations, para- graphs amended, etc 7. ..Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 169 Army War College Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 149 "Army Toast to the Bride" 304A Army Transports. .Sup. Chap. I, Par. 15 Arrest of Officers 86(3) ARRIVAL AT STATION: Calls 20A Reporting for duty 19D Telegraphing arrival 18G Art of War: Books on 34; 381 Definition of 33B Articles of War: 32d and 33d 224 54th and 55th 345 59th 78 Artillery Districts 61F Artillery District Ordnance Officer: Duties 168 Returns, War Dept. orders, circu- lars, and decisions.. Sup. Chap. XII "At Homes" 25A Assuming Command, making changes 35 Athletics: Apparatus, company 201B Athletic field 362 Athletic officer 356 Field days 357 Post 356 A True Copy 243C(8) Attention to, calling and inviting 23 7 C Attention to details 32D Attention to be paid certain people at dances, etc 26 B-E Attorney, power of 464 Austro-Prussian War 40B B Badges.... Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 153A Baggage Allowance Sup. Chap. I. Par. 16, 17, 17a Bags, Cedar 478(b) Bakery, Post 280 Ball or Reception of General Nature: Invitation to 25B Management, etc 474 Private ball 25D Bands: Outside engagements, etc 29! Playing on certain occasions 288B Baptizing under regimental colors. .. .304B Barrack Regulations 188 Barrel, No. Ibs. in 472 Barricades Attack of 428 Construction of 431 Basket System 112A Battalion 63C Battalion Field and Staff 63F Battalion N. C. Staff 60ff Battalion of Engineers 60D ; 61A Battalion Staff ^ . 63F Battery, use of term 63B Battery Mechanics' School Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 151 Battle Commands 62B Bedding, supply of 16A Bedding and Professional Books, Shipment of 18F Bedding Roll, Officers' 331 Beneficiary, designation of..., Sup. Chap. I, Par. 1 1 Bibliography, Military 37A Billiard Table 199A Birth, changing date of 440 Blackboard 178 (foot note) BLANK FORMS: Adjutant : Local H7 War Dept Sup. Chap. VI, Par. 61 Commissary.. Sup. Chap. VIII, Par. 78 Company : Local 125, 127, 182, 197, 206 War Dept.. .Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 107 Engineer Officer Sup. Chap. XIII, Par. 95 Ordnance Officer ...Sup. Chap. XII, Pars. 87, 88, 92b Pass Lists 133 Prison Officer: Local 167 War Dept... Sup. Chap. XI, Par. 86 Quartermaster : Local 146 War Dept.. Sup. Chap. VII, Par. 70 Recruiting Officer Sup. Chap. IX, Par. 81 Signal Officer Sup. Chap. XIV BOARD OF OFFICERS: General : Additional proceedings 453 Exhibits 452 Evidence 452 Form 449 How written 452 INDEX. BOARD OF OFFICERS (Cont'd) : Minority reports 453 Money value 453 Number of copies 453 Paper kind, folding, etc 452 Signing proceedings 453 Uniform 302 On Examination 452 (Note) On Retirement 452 (Note) On Soldier's Service ...458 Boer War, books on 43 ; 385(i) Books: Case for 115D Delivery 89(5) For company library 199 of, for personal library 37 A On: Applied tactics 46 Art of War 39; 44; 380 Austro- Prussian War 40 Boer War 43; 385 (i) Boxer Troubles 43 Chinese Campaign, 1900 43 Chino- Japanese War, 1894 43 Civil War 41; 384; 387 Crimean War 40 Early American Wars 41 Etiquette 25B Food 199 Fortification 45 ; 386D Franco-German War 40; 385 (h) Frederick the Great, Wars of 39 India 449 Italian War, 1859 40 Manchuria 446 Map reading 45 Memoirs 42; 386 (f) Memory . ~ 1 76 Messing troops 199 Mexican War 41 ; 384 (d) Mind power 176 Minor Wars 43 Napoleonic Era 384(g) ; 387 Organization 386(e) Psychology of crowds 423A Russo- Japanese Wars 44; 385(i) Russo- Turkish War 41 Spanish-American War 43; j84(f) Staff rides 45 Strategy 385 (b) Supply 45; 386 (c) Tactical rides 45 Tactics 46; 38ba Topography 45 Transport 45 Travel 449 A War game 45 War of 1812 384(c) Will, the 176 Purchase of, from Secy. Service Schools, Ft. Leavenworth, In- fantry Association, and Cavalry Association 37B Of reference: Adjutant Sup. Chap. VI Par. 60 BOOKS (Cont'd): Aides-de-camp ......Sup. Chap. XVIII, Par. 124 Commissary Sup. Chap. VIII, Par. 77 Company Commander Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 109 Quartermaster Sup. Chap. VII, Par. 66 Publication of 440 To be read immediately upon join- ing 383 Transportation of ... ...18 F; Sup. Chap. I, Par. 17 Used in Garrison Schools Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 139 To be gotten upon appointment. . . . 382 (foot note) Boots, heels to front at funerals 294C "Boxer Troubles," books on 43 Boxes, capacity of 473 Box Lockers 194 Bridle, nomenclature of 492 Briefing 98a; 242(3) Brigade 64E Brigadier General: Abbreviation of term 239C Appointment 438 Appropriate command 64E; 65G Duties 64G How addressed 289(4) Orderly for 87(9); 88(10) British-Boer War, books on 43; 385(i) Brooms: How obtained. .Sup. Chap, XV, Par. 99 Improvised 353 (foot note) Bug exterminators 477 Bugle calls, words to 305 Buildings: Attack of 429 Defense of 430 Bulletin board 180 (foot note); 227 Bunks, Field 351 Bushel, weight of 472 Business, officers engaging in 440 Buttons, gilt 478 (Note 3) "By Command" 237B "By Order" 96(5); 237B Cablegrams 19B Cadets: Appointment, etc 58B How addressed 290(7) Visiting card 309 Calendar year Sup. Chap. I, Par. 27 "Calling attention to" 237C Calls, words to 305 Calls : Aboard ship 253 (d & f) ; 285D Affecting Aides 253(7) After receptions, teas, "At Homes". 25A Before going on leave, or detached service 285 A Civilian visitors calling on C. O. . .285C INDEX. CALLS (Cont'd): Detached service, calls upon return from 284A&B Dinner and party 24E In Washington 20B On: Civil officials by new C. O 305 A Civil officials, New Year's 386A Commanding Officer 20 A ; 283 B Newcomers _ 21E; 24F Officers joining during one's ab- sence from post 284B People at meals v 284 Post and other commanders 31D Recently promoted officer joining station to wait arrival of com- mand 284C Visitors 283A On reporting for duty 19D; 20A Party and dinner 24E Returning promptly 21E Upon return from leave or detached service 284A&B Visiting officers calling on C. O...285B When made, and uniform worn 283 A Camp: Making of 346 Police of 352 Regulations 347 Selection of site 345 Shelter tent, inspection of 19: Camp Equipage, company 212, 336 Campaign Badges Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 153A Candles, how obtained Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Canvas roll, officers 331 Capacity of: Boxes 473 Pack animals 464 Railroad cars 464 Tents 462 Wagons 464 Cap, removal of, in offices of C. O. and Adjt 87(6) Cape 15B Captain, duties 172 ; 175 Carbon copies Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 11 Carbona and carbon tetrachloride 481 Card Record System 97 (foot note) Cards See "Visiting Cards" Card party, invitation to 24C Care of: Arms, clothing, etc 235; 478 Feet 355 Property left in post 343 Shoes 481 Cars, railroad, capacity 464 Cavalry, organization Sup. Chap. Ill, Pars. 47 & 48 Cavalryman thrown from horse 294B Certificates and affidavits, forms 455 Changes upon assuming command.... 35A Channels of communication 237A Chaplains : Appointment 437 How addressed 290(6) Status and duties 47C Charges under A. W. 32 & 33 224 Check on: Clothing 205 Papers 89(6); 113A Checks made payable to office, not to individual 238B Chief Musician: Extra pay, treatment of 299 A How addressed 291F Chiefs of squads 187 Chief of Staff 55B Chigers, cure for 333 Chinese Campaign, 1900, books on... 43 Chino-Japanese War, 1894, books on.. 43 Christening under regimental colors.. 304B Christmas dinners 329B Cigars, number admitted without duty 442 ; 444 A Citizenship 80 Civil Officials, calling on 305 A; 386A Civil, relation to military 71 Civil Service Examinations 227 Civil War, books on. 41 ; 384 ; 387 Civil War Veterans, how addressed, uniforms on occasions of cere- mony 291B Civilian clothing 15D Civilians, relations with 48C Clerks : Adjutant's office 90 Company 188 Club, Officers' 27A Clothing: Care of 235; 478 Civilian 15D How obtained. .Sup. Chap. XV, Pan. 99 Sale of, and check on 205 Club study 387 Coast Artillery Corps : Duties 61C Geographical organization 61 E Tactical organization 62E; Sup. Chap. Ill, Pars. 47 & 50 Coast Artillery N. C. Staff 59G Coast Artillery School Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 143 Coat hanger 478(1) Code, signalling 493 Coins, foreign value in American money 474 Collar insignia 479 Collars, military 480 Colors definition kept at colonel's quarters saluting at reviews.. 300 Command, best way to govern 258 Commander of the Guard 272 Commander-in-Chief of Army 55 A Commanding Officer: Calls on by: Civilian visitors 285C Officers reporting for duty ..19D; 20A INDEX. Visiting officers 28SB Cap, removal of, in office 87(6) "Desires," "wishes" 237D; 302C Duties, staff, etc 258 Office hours 261 Orderly 92 "Reporting to" 87(7) Seeing Adjutant before speaking to C. O 86(2) Commissary See "Post Commissary" Committees, etc., for dances and re- ceptions 474 Communication, channels of 237 A Communications See "Papers" COMPANY: Administration of 172 Addressing officers 232A Ammunition.. Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Amusement room and library ...<.. 199 Appearance 229 Arm racks . .T. 187 (foot note) Arms Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99. Arms, care of 235 Athletic apparatus 201B Barrack regulations 188 Bathing 187 ("General") Billiard table 199A Blanks, local.. 125; 127; 182; 197; 206 Blackboard 178 (foot note) Books and records 221 Books of reference Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 109. Box lockers 194B Brooms Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Bulletin board ... 180 (foot note) ; 227 Camp equipage 212 Camp, shelter-tent, inspection of.. 192 Candles Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Captain, duties 172; 175 Care of clothing, arms, etc 235 Carpenters' tools 201 C Charges, A. W. 32 and 33 224 Check on clothing .205 Chiefs of squads, duties 187 Civil service examinations 227 Clerk 188 Clothing : Care of 235 How obtained Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Sale of and check on 205 Command of 1 72 Command, relinquishing of 227 . Company clerk 188 Company fund 215 Composition and use of term... 63 A & B Contentment and harmony 195 Council, company proceedings. .. .219 Council of administration, proceed- ings 454 Courtesies 230 Court-martial : Appearance of witnesses before.. 23 3 Trial by 202 Crimes against nature 225 COMPANY (Cont'd): Debts 203 Delinquency list 201D Delivery of messages 232 Deportment 229 Disciplinary punishments 202B Drills 226 Drunken and obscene men 203 Duties of: Captain 172 & 175 Chiefs of squads 187 Company clerk 188 First sergeant 176 & 180 Lieutenants 173 & 175 Mess sergeant 185 N. C. O. in charge quarters 185 N. C. O. in charge squad room.. 187 Q. M. sergeant 185 Room orderly 188 Duty, in line of 225 Enlisted men taking civil service ex- aminations 226 [uipage: Camp and garrison 212 Field 336 (See Sup. Chap. XV. Par. 99) Equipment, care of 235 Equipment, soldiers', prices of ar- ticles.. Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 154 Estimates and requisitions Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 110 Extra fatigue 202B Fire arms . . , 190B ; 275 A First sergeant, duties 176; 180 Fuel ...Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Fund, company 215 Gambling 189B Garden seeds.. Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Government of 172 Grindstone 213 Guard duty, instruction in 236 Hand cart 213 Harmony and contentment 195 Ice...... Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Illuminating supplies Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 "In line of duty" 225 Inspection of : Shelter-tent, camp 192 Quarters 193; 236 Inspections 204 Instruction, means of, left to com- pany commander 258A Instruction of recruits 227 Intrenching tools, prices .....Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 155 Lance corporal, not N. C. O 176 (foot note) Laundry 191 Library and Amusement room 199 Lieutenants, duties 173; 175 Liquor 189A Lockers 190A; 191; 194 Lye Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Marriage of enlisted men 223 A INDEX. COMPANY (Cont'd): Matches Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Mess 195 Mess Sergeant, duties of 185 Messages, delivery of 232 Military courtesies arid customs affecting recruits 230 Military deportment and appear- ance 229 Mops Sub. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Noncommissioned Officers: Appointment 178C Authorized to confine enlisted men 178B Chiefs of squads, duties 187 Duties, general 178 Firs^ sergeant, duties 176; 180 Forbidden to act as barbers 178 A General qualifications 176 In charge of quarters .185 In charge of squad room 187 Mess sergeant, duties 185 Qualifications 176 Q. M. sergeant, duties .....185 Reduction and resignation 179 Treatment of 177 Obedience 234A Oil Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Orders 214 Ordnance stores, how obtained.... Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Ordnance returns, personal prop- erty 227 Ordnance stores, prices Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 154 Payment, manner of 233 Payment of debts 203 Pool tables 199A Post regulations affecting company commanders 264 Prices, articles soldiers' equipment Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 154 Privileges and rewards 201 D Privileges, withholding 203 Property book .222 Property responsibility 204 Punishments, disciplinary 202B 8. M. sergeant, duties 185 . M. supplies, prices ....Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 154 Quarters, inspection of 193 Rations Sup. Chap. XV. Par. 99 Records and books 221 Recruit, instruction of 227 Regulations, barrack 188 Relinquishing command 227 A Reports, returns, etc Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 110 Rewards and privileges 20 ID Room orderlies 188 Rubber stamps 213 Rules and regulations, barrack 188 Sale of clothing 205 Salute, nature of... 227 (The Recruit) COMPANY (Cont'd): Saluting, by soldiers 230 A Sapolio Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Saturday morning inspection 204 Scrubbing brushes Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Shelter-tent roll 192 ; 194 Shoemakers and tailors 223B Slate, how to clean 477 Soap Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Stamps, rubber 213 Stationery Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Summary Court sentences read to company 203 (note) Supplies, requisitions for Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 97 Table ware, prices ....Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 154 Tailors 223B Tents, shelter, pitching of 192 Toilet, how to clean 477 Toilet paper Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Trials by court-martial 202 Urinals, how to clean 477 Venereal diseases 223C War Dept. orders, circulars, and decisions affecting Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 97 Weapons, carrying 190B; 275A Withholding privileges 203 Witness, appearance before court- martial 233 Company fund 215 Compass 332 Complimentary concerts 288 "Compliments, presenting" 302D Concerts, complimentary 288 Contentment, harmony: Company 195 Post 259A Contract, form of 464 Contract Surgeons 64C Conveniences, Adjutant's office Ill Copies: Duplicate, triplicate, etc 243 A "Official," "True" 243(8) To be kept 240B Copyrights 471 Corps, Army 54A Corps of Engineers: Composition. ..Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 42 Duties 46F Correspondence: Post regulations 277 See "Paper work" Correspondence book, how kept 97 Council, proceedings: Administration, company 454 Administration, post 453 Company 215 Courtesy See "Military courtesy Courts of inquiry 302 INDEX. Courts-Martial : Appearance of witness before 233 Customs regarding 300 Marking envelope, G. C. M. proceed- ings 238C See "Summary Court." Crimean War 40 Crimes against nature 225 Cross reference . . 100A Cubit 473A Cuff holder 480(7) CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE: Adjutants, customs affecting: Addressing adjutant before seeing C. O : 86(2) Detailing men on extra and special duty T : 87(5) Entertaining officers reporting for duty 86(4); 87(8) Inspector General, reception of.. 87(8) Logical promoter of cheerfulness, entertainments, etc 86(1) Orderly for : Generals 87(9); 88(10) Inspector-General 86(8) Placing Officers in arrest 86(3) Removing cap in Adjutant's office 86(6) "Report to the commanding offi- cer," meaning of 86(7) Army slang 306 "Army Toast to the Bride" 304A Attention to, calling and inviting. .237C Attention to be paid certain people at dances, etc 26B-E Balls, invitations 25B & D Bands : Outside engagements, etc 29i Playing on certain occasions 288B Baptizing under regimental colors. .30 Boards of officers 302 Boots, heels to front at funerals 294C "Bride, Toast to" 304A Bugle calls, words to 305 "By order," "By command". 96(5) ; 2371 "Calling attention to" 237C Calls : Aboard ship 253 (d & f) ; 285D Affecting Aides 253(7) After card parties 24C After receptions, teas and "At Homes" 25A Before going on leave or D. S. ..285 A Civilian visitors, on C. 285C Recent West Point graduates upon returning to the Academy. 285 B (note) Dinner and party 24E In Washington 20B New Year's Day, on C. O. ; on governors and mayors 286A New Year's Day on President of U. S 286C Civil officials by new C. 305A CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE (Confd) : Calls (Cont'd) : On: Civil officials, New Year's 286A Commanding officer 19D ; 20A Newcomers 21 E People at meals 284 Post and other commanders... 31D; 285B Recently promoted officers join- ing station to await arrival of command 284C Visitors 283A On reporting for duty 20 A & B Party and dinner 24E Returning promptly 21E; 24F Upon return from leave or D. S. . 284B & C Visiting officers, on C. 285 B When made and uniform worn.. 283 A Cap, removal of in office of C. O. and Adjutant 87(6) Card parties, invitation to 24C Cavalryman thrown from his horse. 294B Chief musician: Extra pay, treatment 299A How addressed 291F Christening under regimental colors 304B Christmas. See "Holidays." Civil officials, calling on 286A ; 305 A Civil War veterans, how addressed. 29 IB Colors kept at Colonel's quarters. .301 Complimentary concerts 288 Compliments, presenting 302D Commanding officer: Calls on, by: Civilian visitors 285C Officers reporting for duty..!9D ; 20A Visiting officers 286 A Cap, removal of in office 87(6) "Desires," "wishes" .....237D; 302C Reporting to 87(7) Seeing Adjt. before speaking to 86(2) Concerts 288 Courts-Martial 300 Daily "Matinee" 304G Dances: Dress to be worn at 293B General 26B-E Gloves 304D Invitations 25B & D Management of 474 On certain holidays 329a Ba Paying attention to certain peo- ple 26B-E Soldiers' dances led by officers. . .303B Dancing old year out and new one in 286B Definition of "Customs of Service" 282 "Desires," the commanding officer 237D; 302C Detail of extra and special duty men by Adjt 87(5) INDEX. CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE (Cont'd) : Dinner: Calls 24E Dress 293C Invitations 23A Seating guests at 326 Special, soldiers' 329B Dismissed officers, how addressed.. 290(8) Distinguished guests, reception of .287 A Dismounting before addressing un- mounted superior 31C "Dough Boy" 320 Dress for dinners 293C Driving on left of senior 302A Enlisted men, how addressed 291C-H Enlisted men, use of term 291 I Escorting girls 26F February 22 .) 288B ; 329B ; Chap. VI, Fourth of July j Par. 62 (February). First sergeants, customs affecting. . 176 Flag: Definition of saluting 300 Folding of 297 A Position at half-staff 329A To and from half-staff 323 Fourth of July See "Holidays." Funeral : Guard of honor 324 Mounted officer or soldier 294C Order 102D Soldier's troops commanded by senior N. C. O., etc 294C Taps, three volleys 315 Garrison courts 302 "General" : Abbreviation of 239C Use of term in conversation and correspondence 239C; 289(4) Generals, orderly for 87(9); 88(10) General, remarks on "Customs of Service" 282 Gloves. See "White gloves." Guard of honor over remains 324 .Guard Mount, "Sounding off" 322 Guests : At receptions 327 Seating of, at dinner 326 Half-staff, position of flag at 329 A Holidays : Bands playing 288B Designation of National ........ ....Chap. VI, Par. 62 (February) Special dinners 329aB Horses: Cavalryman, thrown from 294B Regulating gait m posts 303D "How" 320 "Infantry" 320 Insignia of rank, significance of ..323 Insignia, why worn on left breast.. 318 Inspector-General, reception at post, orderly for 87(8) International salute 318 Introductions, titles used: Lieutenants 289(1) CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE (Cont'd): Medical officers 290A Militia officers 290B Navy and Marine officers 392(7) "Inviting attention to" 237C Invitations. See "Invitations." Judge-Advocate 300 Knock, official 303A Ladies, saluting them 295C Lieutenants addressed as "Mister," etc 289(1) "Matinee," daily 304G Medals, why worn on left breast... 318 Medical officers, how dressed 290 A Mess Call, words to 305 Messages, delivery of 302D Military funerals. See "Funerals." Military weddings. See "Weddings" under "Customs of the Service." Militia officers, titles of 290B "Mister," use of, in addressing: Army officers 289 Chief musicians 291F Muster 296B National holidays. See "Holidays." National salute 318 Naval officers, how addressed 291J New Year's reception of President 286C Noncommissioned Officers: How addressed : Chief musician 29 1 F Coast Artillery 291H In general 291 C & D Resignation of 165 Officers: Arrest of 86(3) Entertained by Adjutant 86(4) How addressed. See "Titles." Resigning at end of leave 295 B Official knock 303A Orderly for: Generals 87(9) Inspector-General 87(8) Judge- Advocate 301 A Origin of: "Dough Boy" ....320 Firing three volleys over graves. 315 Hoisting flag to peak before low- ering 323 "How" 320 "Infantry" 320 Insignia of rank 323 International Salute 318 Medals and other insignia 318 Parades and reviews 322 President's Salute 319 Removing glove when sworn 318 Salute to the Union 319 Saluting 317 "Sounding off" at parade and guard mount 322 Sounding of Taps at funerals. .. .316 Payment of troops 233B ; 302B Pledges 323 Post N. C. staff 260C INDEX. CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE (Cont'd) : "Presenting compliments" 302D Presents 298A President's New Year's reception to Army and Navy 286C President's Salute 319 Professors at West Point, how ad- dressed 290(7) "Punch, The th Infantry" 303C Receiving distinguished guests 287 A Receptions : Calls after 25A In honor of distinguished guests.. 287 A Introductions at 26A Invitations 19E Leaving cards 25A ; 314E Presenting guests . .' 254(15) President's New Year's reception to Army and Navy 286C Removal of cap when presented .296 A Treatment of guests at 327 Wearing gloves 304D "Recruit," drinking to health of 304B Regimental courts 302 Regimental mess 328 Regimental staff, resignation of 297B Removing gloves when sworn 318 Reporting for duty: At post 19D In Washington 20B Reports, receiving at Retreat 263 (foot note) "Report to Commanding Officer," means "Report to the Adjt." . .87(7) Resignation of: Officers at end of leave 295B Regimental staff 297B Reveille, words to 305 Reviews, origin of 322 Riding on left of senior 302A Ridin. 212: 336 Officers' 22C; 331 Soldiers' 330 Field glasses: .Part of officers' equipment 13C How obtained 332 Field Officers 63G FIELD SERVICE: Ammunition 336 ; 353 Articles to be taken into the field by: Officers ".331 Soldiers 330 Articles of War, 54 & 55 345 Baggage allowance and transporta- tion of same. .Sup. Chap. I, Par. 17a Bedding roll 331 Brooms, improvised ...353 (foot note) Bunks 351 Camping 345 Camp, police of 352 Canvas roll 331 Care of feet 355 Chigers, cure for 333 Commissary 334 Compass 332 Equipage 212; 336 Equipment: Officers 331 Soldiers 330 Feet, care of 355 Field desk 337 Field glasses 332 Field Service Regulations, orders, circulars, and decisions Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 167 Forage , 336 Incineration pit 350 Kitchen pits 349 Kitchens 348 Loading wagons 353 Marches 343 Medicine for: Animals 336 Men 332; 339 Mess chests, officers' 341 Messing: Officers . 340 Soldiers.. Sup. Chap. XXI, Par. 133 Officers' mess 340 Ovens 351 Personal equipment: Officers' 331 Soldiers' 330 Pits, kitchen 349 Police of camp 352 Preparation before taking field 330 Prisoners and sick 340 Property left behind, care of 343 FIELD SERVICE (Cont'd) : Quartermaster 334 Rations 335 Reports and returns 339 (note) Sick and prisoners 340 Sinks, construction of 347 Tentage 33! Tents, transportation of 354 Transportation 335 Wagons, loading of 353 Warm, how to keep 334A Water 352 Weights of articles usually taken in- to field 460 Wood 351 War Dept. orders, circulars, and de- cisions.. Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 167 Field Service Regulations, parts amended, etc Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 167 "Field and Staff" 63H Fifty-ninth Article of War 78 Files: Miscellaneous 116 Personal orders 34C Fire-arms, carrying of 190B ; 275A Fire commands 62C Firing on mobs 414 First impressions 21C First Sergeant 176 & 180 Fiscal year Sup. Chap. I, Par. 27 Flag: Definition of saluting 300 Folding of 297A Position at half-staff 329 A To and from half-staff 323 Floors, polishing 477 Forage: Allowance Sup. Chap. I, Par. 19 Ration of 464 To be taken into field 336 Foreign coins, value in American money - 474 Foreign languages, translation of 48A Foreign service: Alaska 18B Cablegrams 19B Customs regulations 440 Extra pay Sup. Chap. I, Par.9 Household effects to be taken to Philippines 17A Returning from Philippines via India 447 Siberia 446 Suggestions, Philippines 486 Forethought 32C Forms . . .' See "Blank forms" Forms of: Company fund book 215 Contract 464 Depositions and certificates 455 Power of attorney 464 Will 465 Writ of habeas corpus 419 INDEX. Forms of proceedings: Company council 219 Company council of administration. 454 Board of officers, general 449 Board of officers, on soldiers' ser- vice 458 Examining board 452 (Note) Post council of administration ....453 Retiring board 452 (Note) Fortification, books on 45; 386D Fourth of July: Band playing 288B Special dinners 329B Franchise, right of 81 Franco-German War, books on. ..40 ; 385 (h) Frederick the Great, Wars of, books on 39 Fuel and light allowance Sup. Chap. I, Par. 20 Fuel, how obtained Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Fund, company 215 Funds, loss of 142 Funeral : Boots, heels to front 294C Guard of honor over remains .....324 Order 102D Soldier's troops commanded by senior N. C. 294C Taps, three volleys, etc 316 G Gambling 189 (foot note) Garcia, A Message to 51 Garden seeds, how obtained Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Garrison Courts 302 Garrison Schools for Officers Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 138 General : Abbreviation of 239C Use of term in conversation and cor- respondence 239C; 289(4) See "Lieut.-General," "Major-Gen- eral" and "General Officers." General Courts-Martial: Appearance of witness before ....233 Customs regarding 300 Marking of envelope containing proceedings 238C General officers: Appointment 438 Number Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 31 Orderly for 87(9) ; 88(10) General Staff Corps: Act of Congress creating 55B Composition.. Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 32 Duties 56B Gloves See "White Gloves" Gold lace and braid, care of 478(2) Gossip 27C Government publications Sup. Chap. I, Par. 29 Grafton Case 72 Grain, how to determine quantity of. 473 Growling and Whining 28B Guard duty: Commander of the Guard 272 Guard report book 270 Instruction of recruit in 236 Musician of Guard 91 Officer of the Day 269 Old Guard pass 277 Persons entitled to inspect- the guard 272 Uniform 268 "Visit of Guard and Sentinels". .. .271 Guard mount, "Sounding off" 322 Guard of honor over remains 324 Guests : Presenting at receptions 254(15) Seating at table 326 H Habeas Corpus, writ of 78 ; 419 Haberdashery 15E Half-staff, flag at 329A Hand 473A Hanger, coat and trouser 478 Harmony and contentment: Company 195 Post 259A Hay, how to determine quantity of.. 473 Heads of people, going over 35 C History: American, study of.. 38 (foot note) ;383A Of United States 383A Suggestions on reading 388 Holidays : Bands playing 288B Designation of National Chap. VI, Par. 62 (February) Special dinners 329B Horse equipments obtainable from Ordnance Dept. Sup. Chap. I, Par. 2a Horse, nomenclature of 491 Horses: / Regulating gait in post 303D Thrown from 294B Transportation of by Q. M. Dept. Sup. Chap. I, Par. lOa Household effects : For foreign service 17B Shipment of.... Sup. Chap. I, Par. 17 Supply (initial) 17 A Houses : Attack of .429 Defense of 430 "How" 320 How to succeed in the Army 49 Hunting trouble 28A Ice, how obtained Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Illuminating supplies Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Illegal orders 247 Impressions, first 21C Incineration pit 350 Inclosures 98(5); 241B INDEX. India, returning from Philippines via. 447 Indian Scouts 58D "Indoors," meaning of 230B Indorsements : Correct spelling of word. . . .' 241 B In general 98B Post of Manila 96(6) "In duplicate," "In triplicate" 243A Infantry: Meaning of term 320 Organization. ..Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 47 "In line of duty" 225 Industry and perseverance 32B ; 49 Insignia, why worn on left breast. .. .318 Insignia of rank, significance 323 Inspections: Persons entitled to inspect guards.. 272 Post 260B Saturday Morning object, etc 204 Thoroughness of 236 Inspector-General, reception of at post and orderly for 87(8) Inspector-General's Dept. : Composition. .Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 34 Duties 56D Inspector of Small Arms Practice ...372 Instruction companies turned over to company commanders for certain time 2S8A Insurance of life and property 22B Interlineations to be initialed 243(9) Intrenching tools, prices Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 155 Introductions: Strangers at social function? 26A Titles used See "Introductions" under "Customs of Service." Inventions, patents on 470 Invitations: Ball or reception of general nature. 25B Card party 24C Dances 25D Dinner 23A How answered 24B Not accepting until called on by sender 284D Receptions, teas, "At Homes".... 25A Wedding 25E Wedding breakfast 24D Inviting attention to 237C Italian War, 1859, books on 40 Janitor 94 "Jr.," authority to drop 440 Judge Advocate General's Dept. : Composition. .Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 35 Duties 56E K "Kicking" 28A Kitchens, camp 348 Kitchen pits 349 "Knocking" 28A Knock, official 303 A Knots, shoulder, care of .' 478(2) Labor saving devices, Adjt.'s office.. Ill Ladies, saluting ' 295C Lance corporal: Not N. C. 176 (foot note) Definition 60E Land-grant roads Sup. Chap. I, Par. 12 Chap. VII, Par. 64 Laundry 191 Leave, calls before going on and after returning from 285 A Leave, officers' Sup. Chap. I, Par. 27 Leave in case of officers returning from foreign service 444 B Leave year Sup. Chap. I, Par. 27 Letters : How begun 2391 Unnecessary words 238G Signing by: Adjutants 95(4) ; 96(5) Aides 254A In general.. 237 A&B ; 239B ; 243.(10) Library: Company 199 Military Information Div. : Manila 47 Washington 47 Personal 37A Post 278B War Dept 47 Lieutenants : Appointment of 436 Duties 173; 175 How addressed 289 Lieutenant-Colonel, how addressed. .289(4) Lieutenant-General : Abbreviation of term 239C Appropriate command 65 A How addressed 289(4) Rank of 55B Life Insurance 22B Light and fuel Sup. Chap. I, Par. 20 Limited Retired List, "Retirement". .438 Line, the 49C&D; SOB Liquor, exclusion of, from: Company 189 ("General") Post 275A Loading of wagons 353 Lockers 190A; 191; 194B Loss of funds 142 M Machine-Gun Platoon, Officer in com- mand of 371 Major-General : Abbreviation of term 239C Appropriate command 64F; 65C Duties 64G How addressed 289(4) Malt, sale of in post exchanges Sup. Chap. XI, Par. 85a Management of dances and recep- tions 474 Manila, post of 96(6) Manuals, paragraphs amended, etc... ....Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 158 INDEX. Maneuvers 388 Military Courtesy (cont'd) : Map Maneuvers 38: Instruction of recruits in 230 Map Problems 388 Keeping step with senior and re- Map Sketching and Map Reading, maining on his left 51B books on 45 Officers saluting on meeting and on Marches, regulations governing 343 receiving reports 30B Marking property, Q. M 140 Riding on left of superior 31 B Marriage, announcement of, cards 26 (Note) Military education Marriage of enlisted men 223 A See "Educational System, etc." Martial law, employment of Army Military funerals See "Funerals" under 398 Military history : Matches Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Books on .37-39 "Matinee," daily 304G Of America, study of Measures: 38 (foot note); 383A Domestic 471 Of United States 383A Japanese 473 Suggestions on reading 388 Philippine 472 Military Information Div. Libraries, Medals why worn on left breast 318 Washington and Manila 47 Meddling in others' affairs 28A Military Memoirs 42; 386(0 Medical attendance Military, relation to civil ............ 71 %..Sup. Chap. I, Par. 22 Military reservations, jurisdiction Medical Department : over 74&76 Composition.. Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 39 Military subordinate to the civil 408A Duties 57C Military titles See "Titles" Medical School Military weddings. See "Weddings" Sup. Chap. XXVII, Par. 150 under "Customs of Service." Medical Officers, how addressed 290 A Militia: Medicine for: Attendance of officers at Army Animals 336 schools 69A Men 332; 339 On riot duty 408 Megaphone 91 Organization, etc 67 Memoirs, military 42 ; 386 (f) Regulations governing, paragraphs Memorandum slips 112B amended, etc Memory, improvement of 176 Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 157 MESS: Relations with 48C Officers: Titles 290B In field 340 Visiting cards 310 In garrison 27A&B Mimeograph USA Soldiers : Mine commands 62C In railroad traveling Minor Wars, books on 43 Sup. Chap. XXI, Par. 133 Minority reports 453 In garrison 195 Misdemeanor, definition of 418 Message: Mistake most frequently made in How to deliver 232 paper work 240C To Garcia 51 "Mister," use of in addressing : Mess, company 195 Chief musicians 29 IF Mess chest, officers' 341 Officers 289 Mess, officers' 27A&B Mobile Army, composition of 55D Mess Sergeant 185 Mobs: Messing troops traveling by rail.... Attack of 427 Sup. Chap. XXI, Par. 133 Composition of 423 Method and system 33C Firing on 414 Metric system 472 See "Riot Duty." Mexican War 41; 384(d) Money, foreign 474 Mileage and transportation Money matters 29 B Sup. Chap. I, Par. 12 Money orders made payable to office, Military attaches 376 not to individual 238B Military courtesy: Mops Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Calling on post and other com- Mounted Service School manders 31D Sup. Chap. XXVII, Par. 144 Deference to seniors 31 A Musician of Guard 91 Dismounting before addressing un- Muster and Pay Rolls: mounted superior 31C General principles, rubber stamps.. 244 Extends to all occasions 30A Model remarks Index to performance of other Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 114 duties 30B Post regulations 278A INDEX. Muster and Pay Rolls (Cont'd) : Preparation of Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 113 Typewriter, use of Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 113 (foot note) Usual mistakes in preparation of Pay Rolls Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 113a Muster, customs regarding 296B N Name, changing 440 Napoleonic Wars, books on 39; 387 National airs 490 National Guard See "Militia" National holidays. See "Holidays." National Salute 318 Navy, use of titles in: Chaplains 292(6) Chief warrant officers 292(9) Commander and higher grades 291J Doctors 292(4) Introductions 292(7) Lieutenant-commander and lower grades 291J Midshipmen 292(8) Naval and assistant naval con- structors 292(5) Officers in command of ships 292(2) Paymasters, asst. and past asst. paymasters 292(3) Surgeons, medical inspectors, etc. 292(4) Warrant officers 293(10) New arrivals, entertainment of . 21 A Newspapers 34A New Year's Day: Calling on C. O. ; civil officials ; dancing old year out, new year in 286 A President's reception to Army and Navy 286C Special dinners 329B Noncommissioned officers : Appointment of 186C Carrying out orders 1 78A Chief of squads, duties 187 Confining soldiers 178B Duties, general 178 First sergeant 176; 180 Forbidden to act as barbers, etc...!78A General qualifications, etc 176 How addressed : Chief musician 291F Coast Artillery 291H In general 291C&D In charge of quarters 185 In charge of squad room 187 Mess sergeant 185 Post Noncommissioned Staff: Composition 60F - Customs, affecting 260C Q. M. sergeant 185 Reduction and resignation 179 School .... Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 137 Nomenclature of: Horse 491 Saddle . ...492 Obedience.. 234A; 246(7); 247(10); 413 Officer in command Machine-Gun Platoon 371 Officer of the Day: Post regulations 269 Reports at retreat 263 (foot note) Officers: Allowances Sup. Chap. I, Par. 16 Appointment, promotion, and retire- ment 436 Arrest of 86(3) Debts 29B&C Engaging in business 440 Entertainment of, by Adjt 86(4) ; 87(8) Field equipment 331 How addressed : In third person, by soldiers 232 A See "Titles" under "Customs of Service." Mess chest 341 Number in Army Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 31 Post regulations 262 Register 262 Relations with civilians and Mil- itia 48C Resignation at end of leave 295 B School.... Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 138 Sending for, by Adjt 83C; 84A Uniform See "Uniform" War Dept. orders regarding exam- ination ....Sup. Chap. XXXIV, Par. 152 OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED: Addresses of all Army officers 48B Advice, seeking 34D Allowances of officers Sup. Chap. I, Par. 16 Application for quarters 21 B Arms and equipment : General remarks 16 Outfitting 13 Army List and Directory 48B Arrival at station : Reporting for duty 19D Telegraphing 18G Attention to details 32D Bedding and professional books.... 18F Beneficiary, designation of Sup. Chap. I, Par. 11. Books : List of, for library 39 Purchasable from Secy. Army Service Schools, Infty. Asso- ciation, and Cavy. Association.. 37 B Transportation of 18F To be gotten at once.. 382 (foot note) To be read at once 383 Cablegrams 19B Calls : In Washington 20B On commanding officer 20 A Returning 31E Civilian clothing 15D Civilians and Militia, relations with..48C INDEX. OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED (Cont'd) : Debt 29B&C Deference to seniors 31 A Designation of beneficiary Sup. Chap. I, Par. 11 Details, attention to 32D Dictionary, foreign languages 48A Dinner invitations 23A Don'ts 35 Dress, punctiliousness 16C; 32D Drinking f. 29A Enlisted men, treatment of 33A; 172 (The Captain) ; 246(8); 393A Entertainment 21A Field equipment 22C First impressions 21 C Foreign languages, translation of.. 48A Forethought 32C Gossip 27C Government publications Sup. Chap. I, Par. 29 Growling and whining 28B Horse equipments 13B Household effects 17A&B Hunting trouble 28A Industry and perseverance 3; Insurance of life and property 22B Invitations (See "Invitations") "Kicking," "Knocking" 28 A Library: Military Information Div., Wash- ington and Manila; War Dept. 47 Personal 37 Life insurance 22B Meddling in others' troubles 28A Messing 27A&B Method and system 33C Mileage and transportation Sup. Chap. I, Par. 12 Military courtesy: Deference to seniors 31A Dismounting before addressing unmounted superior 31C Extends to all occasions 30A General remarks 30A Index to performance of other duties 30B Keeping step with senior and re- maining on his left 31B Officers saluting on meeting and on receiving reports 30B Riding on left of superior 31B Money matters 29B Officers' mess (club) 27A Orders, legal, obedience to 247(10) Orders, personal 34C Orders, standing, familiarization with 22A Ordnance Dept., prices of arms and equipments 13G Paper work 33D a *Model voucher" Sup. Chap. I, Par. 10 OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED (Cont'd) : How drawn, foreign, etc Sup. Chap. I, Par. 9 Second lieutenants' Sup. Chap. I, Par. lOa Perseverance and industry 32B Personal equipment 13C Personal library 37A Personal orders 34C Post gossip 27C Post society neglect of, for town society 22D Prices, Q. M. uniforms, Manila uni- forms Sup. Chap. I, Par. 5 Professional books: List of, for library 37A Purchase from Secretary Service Schools, Inf. Association and Cav. Ass'n 37B Transportation of 18F; Sup. Chap. I, Par. 17 Promptness 32A Publications, service 34A Punctuality 31E Quarters, application for 21 B Reports Sup. Chap. I, Par. 7 Reporting for duty 19D Rubber goods ISC Saluting 30B Scrap book 34C Seeking advice 34D Service publications 34A Social customs of the service 22D Society, post neglect of for town society 22D Soldiers, treatment of. See "Treat- ment ot soldiers" Standing orders, familiarization with 22A Stationery 18E System and method 33C Telegraphing arrival at station 18G Translating 48A Treatment of soldiers 33A; 172 /The Captain); 246(8); 393A Transportation and mileage Sup. Chap. I, Par. 12 Trouble, hunting 28A Uniforms 13H; 14A Visiting cards. See "Visiting cards." War Dept. publications Sup. Chap. I, Par. 29 Whining and growling 28B Underwear 16A Officers, self-improvement 175 Officers engaging in business 440 Officers' Mess (club) .'. . 27A&B Officers' Mess, field 340 Officers' Register 266 "Official copy" 243(8) Official knock 303A Official mail, registration of 238F Oil, how obtained Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Old Guard pass 277 INDEX. Orderly for : Commanding officer 92 Generals 87(9); 88(10) Judge- Advocate 301 A Inspector-General 86(8) Orders: Company 214 For sentinels 274A General principles 101 Index to v 116 Perfunctory transmission of 178A' Personal file 34C Post and regimental 102 Regarding examination of officers.. ....Sup. Chap. XXXIV, Par. 152 Standing, familiarization with 20 A Ordnance Department : Composition. . .Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 41 Duties 57B Prices of stores Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 154 Purchase of stores by officers Sup. Chap. I, Par. 26 Stores, how obtained Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Ordnance officer See "Post Ordnance Officer" and "Artillery District Ord- nance Officer." Ordnance return for personal horse equipment Sup. Chap. I, Par. 2a Ordnance return, personal property of Co. Comdr 227 Ordnance stores, how obtained Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Chap. XXXV, Par. 154 Organization, books on 386E Organization of the Army .... See "Army, Organization of" Organization of Militia 67 Ovens, field 351 Overcoat ISA Pack animals, capacity 464 Papers : Accomplishing in duplicate, etc.... 243 A Addressing to office, not to the in- dividual 238B Analyzing 95(1) Check on 89(6); 113A Delivery of, Adjutant's* office 89(5); 261 (foot note) Official copy 243(8) Signing of: By Adjutants 95(4); 96(5) By Aides 254 In general. 237A & B ; 239 B ; 243(10) PAPER WORK: Abbreviations in: Paper work .' 101 Military titles 239A Address of all officers 238D Addressing communications : To office, not individual 238B To War Department 238D Adjutant's office 95 PAPER WORK (Cont'd) : Aides 254 Analyzing communications 95(1) Annotations 100B Army Regulations, paragraph most violated ..240C; Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 112 "A true copy" 243(8) Attention, "calling" and "inviting". 23 7 C Briefing 85; 242(3) "By command" 237B "By order" 96(5); 237B Calling attention to 237C Card system 97 (foot note) Channels of communication 237A Check on papers 89(6); 113A Commanding officer, "desires," "wishes" 237D Communications, signing of 95(4); 96(5); 237A&B Copies : Duplicate, triplicate, etc 243(5) "Official," "True" 243(8) To be kept 240B Correspondence : Adjutant's office 95 Aides 254 In general ..237; Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. Ill Correspondence book, how kept. ... 97 Cross reference ,. 100 A Descriptive lists 2-*? A "Desires," the commanding ofT.cer.237D Document file 97 "Duplicate" 243A Enclosure 85(5) Endorsements : Correct spelling 241B Correspondence book 98B Post of Manila 96(6) Envelopes, addressing of: G. C. M. proceedings 238C Social 24A To office and not to individual. . .238B Envelopes, enclosing of to civilians 238E Errors most frequently made 240C Estimates See "Reports, etc." "General," use and abbreviation of term 239B&C; 289(4) Honor, I have the 238 How to learn paper work 33D Inclosure 98(5); 241B Indorsements : Correct spelling 241B Correspondence book 98B Post of Manila 96(6) "In duplicate," "In triplicate" 243A Interlineations to be initialed 234(9) Inviting attention to 237C Letters: How begun 239B Signing by: Adjutants 95(4); 96(5) Aides 254A In general.. 237 A&B; 239B ; 243(10) Unnecessary words 238G INDEX. PAPER WORK (Cont'd) : PAPER WORK (Cont'd) : Memorandum slips ........ . ...... 112B Suoerfluous words ...... ..238G Mistake most frequently made ..... 240L Telegraphing 244B Muster and pay rolls: The commanding' VfficeV "desires'," General principles ; rubber stamps "wishes" .................... 237D , : , ....... , ................... 244 "Through military channels". .237*; 24 IB Model remarks ................ Titles, abbreviation of ............. 239A ...... Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 114 True copy ................... 243(8) Preparation of , Unnecessary words . , ............. 238G ....... bup. Chap. XVI, Par. 113 Verifying statements by soldiers. . .240B Usual mistakes in preparation of "Wishc-s," the commanding officer.. 237D pay rolls. .bup. Chap. XVI, Far. 113 A p ara( j e Orders: Meaning of term, to be held daily, Company .... ................ 214 etc .............. 110 (foot note) General principles ............. 101 Object ........................... 260 A Index to ...................... 116 Origin .......................... 322 Post and regimental ............ 102 "Sounding off" .................. 322 Papers: Passes, different systems, etc ...... 276B Accomplishing in duplicate, etc. ..243 A p_ cc i; cfo 177 Addressing to office, not to ..... ' S .................... ' ..... individual .................... 238B Analyzing .................... 95(1) . Check on ............... 89(6); 113A Patriotic songs .................. 490 Delivery of, Adjutant's office ...... Pa y: , .......... 89(5); 261 (foot note) A2- del vo cher.. .Sup. Chap. I, Par. 10 Official Copy ................. 243(8) Officers, how drawn, foreign service Signing of: , ............ Sup. Chap. I, Par. 9 By Adjutants ......... 95(4); 96(5) Of officers and men .............. 484 By aides . . ., ................. 254A Second lieutenants' .............. In general. .237A&B; 239B ; 243(10) ............ Sup. Chap. I. Par. lOa Pay and muster rolls : Pay and Muster Rolls : General principles, rubber stamps. 244B General principles; rubber stamps.. 244 Model remarks ................ Model remarks ......... ......... ........ Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 114 ....... Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 114 Preparation of ................. Post, regulations about ........... 278 A ........ Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 113 Preparation of ................... Usual mistakes in preparation of ...^ ...Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 113 pay rolls .................... Typewriter, use of ............... ...... Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 113A Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 113 (foot note) Post regulations about correspond- Usual mistakes in preparation of ence ..... ................... 277 pay rolls.. Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. 113A Rank after signature .............. 239B Pay department: Registration, official mail ......... 238F Composition. ..Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 40 Respectfully, I would ............. 238A Duties ........................... 57F) Reports ......................... Payment, how conducted ...... 233 ; 302B See under "R," "Reports, re- Pay table .......................... 484 turns, estimates, and requisi- Penetration of rifle ................. 461 tions*." Pensions .......................... 486 Rubber stamps: Perseverance and industry ...... 32B ; 49 Adjutant's office ......... 100C; 111 A Personal effects, shipment of ---- ____ 18F Commissary ................... 1 52C Personal equipment : Company ................ 213; 244 Care of ..................... 235; 478 For papers received ............. 100C Officers' ......................... 331 Muster and pay rolls ........... 244 Prices of articles of (soldiers').... Post of Manila ................ 96(6) ....Sup. Chap. XXXII, Par. 154 Quartermaster ................ 142 Soldiers' ................... 235 ; 330 Signature, copy .................. 243B Personal library .................... 37A Signing of papers by: Personal orders, file of ............. 34C Adjutant ............... 95(4) ; 96(5) Personal staff ...................... 64A Aides ......................... 254A Pest exterminators ................. 477 In general... 237 A&B; 239B ; 243(10) Philippine Scouts .................. Stamps, postage, for official mail..238F ..... 65E; Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 52 Stationery: Philippine service. See "Foreign Service." Aides-de-camp ................. 255 Philippine tariff .................... 443 Officers just appointed .......... 18E Pigeon-hole box ................ ... 1 16 Pits, kitchen ....................... 349 INDEX. Pledges 323 Plumbing fixtures Sup. Chap. XIX, Par. 126 Policing of: Camp 352 Post (duties of police officer, etc.). 267 Polishing floors 477 Pool table 199A Porto Rico Regiment of Infantry.... 65D POST ADJUTANT: Annotation 100B Army Regulations Sup. Chap. VI, Par. 56 Basket system 112A Books, case for USD Books of reference Sup. Chap. VI, Par. 60 Blanks: Local 117 War Dept....Sup. Chap. VI, Par. 61 Business routine of the office 88 "By order" 95 (4? Case for books USD Check on papers 89(6); 113A Clerks 90 Commanding officer's orderly 92 Conveniences Ill Correspondence book . . . 97 Customs of the Service, affecting.. 86 Daily transaction of routine busi- ness with commanding officer.. 85B Delegated authority 83C Delivery book 89(5) Document file 97 Dress and bearing 84B Duplicating device USA Duties 82 Electric bells 115C Entertaining new comers 21 A File case for books USD Files, miscellaneous 116 Forms : Local 117 War Dept...Sup. Chap. VI, Par. 61 Index of orders 116 Janitor 94 Labor-saving devices Ill Megaphone 91 Memorandum slips 1 12B Mimeograph 115A Musician of the Guard 91 Necessary knowledge 84E Office hours 261 Orders : Local 101 War Dept...Sup. Chap. VI, Par. 55 Paper work and correspondence 95 Pass lists 133 Post of Manila 96(6) Post regulations 261 "Presenting compliments" 84A Printing press 114 Promoter of contentment, etc 82B Relations with C. 83A POST ADJUTANT (Cont'd) : Reports, requisitions, returns Sup. Chap, VI, Par. 62 Rubber stamps 100C ; 111A Sending for officers 83C; 84A Sergeant-Major 88B Signing papers 95(4) ; 96(5) Talking outside about official busi- ness 84C Telephone clerk 93 Tickler 112C Typewriter 1 15B War Dept. orders, circulars, and decisions - Sup. Chap. VI, Par. 55 POST ADMINISTRATION: Administration of post 257 Adjutant 261 Athletics 325 Bakery.. 279; Sup. Chap. XIX, Par. 127 Commander of the Guard 272 Commanding officer, general duties, etc 257 Command of post 257 Commissary 262 Contentment and harmony 259A Correspondence 277 Damage to plumbing 273A Enlisted men, regulations regarding 275 Extra and special duty men : 276 A General regulations ." 272 Government of post 257 Guard duty 269 Guard report book 270 Harmony and contentment 259 A Inspections, command and post ...260B Library 278B Muster and pay rolls 278A Officers 262 Officer of the Day 269 Officers' Register 262 Old Guard pass 277 Orders for sentinels 274 A Organization commanders 264 Parades, reviews, etc 260A Passes 276B Pay and muster rolls 278A Police regulations 267 Post Noncommissioned Staff 260C Post regulations 261 Post school 279 Post Treasurer. See "Bakery." Prisoners 274B Quartermaster 261 Receiving reports at Retreat forma- tion 263 (foot note) Rules for government of post ....261 School 279 Servant question regulated, 75 (Foot note) Soldiers, regulations regarding ....275 Staff 259B Summary court .266 Uniform 268 "Visit of Guard and Sentinels" ...271 Weapons 275A INDEX. Post Artillery Engineer; Duties 170 Returns, War Dept. orders, circu- lars, and decisions Sup. Chap. XIII Post Athletic Officer: Athletic field 362 Duties 356 Field days 357 Post Commissary: Army Regulations, War Dept. or- ders, circulars, and decisions . . ..Sup. Chap. VIII, Pars. 75 & 76 Blank forms. Sup. Chap. VIII, Par. 78 Books of reference Sup. Chap. VIII, Par. 77 Duties 151 Field 334 Funds, loss of 152 Messing troops traveling by rail . . .... Sup. Chap. XXI, Par. 133 Office rules and regulations 262 Post regulations 262 Purchase of stores by officers Sup. Chap. I, Par. 24 Reports, returns, requisitions Sup. Chap. VIII, Par. 79 Rubber stamps 152C War Dept. orders, circulars, and de- cisions. .Sup. Chap. VIII, Par. 75 Post Council of Administration, pro- ceedings 453 Post Engineer Officer: Duties 170 Returns. War Dept. orders, circu- lars, and decisions, Army Regulations, paragraphs Sup. Chap. XIII Post Exchange Officer: Duties 160 Reports Sup. Chap. X, Par. 85 Sale of alcoholic drinks Sup. Chap. X, Par. 85a War Dept. orders, circulars, and decisions... Sup. Chap. X, Par. 84 Post Exchange Regulations, pars. amended, etc Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 170 Post gossip 27C Post Noncommissioned Staff: Composition ....48F; Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 46 Customs affecting 260C Post of Manila: Rubber stamps 96(6) System of indorsements 96(6) Post Ordnance Officer: Duties 168 Returns, War Dept. orders, circu- lars, and decisions Sup. Chap. XII Post Prison Officer: Army Regulations pars. ; reports, returns, estimates, and requisi- tions Sup. Chap. XI Duties 166 Post regulationssregarding prisoners 274B Post Quartermaster: Army Regulations, pars Sup. Chap. VII, Par. 65 Blanks, local 146 Books of reference Sup. Chap. VII, Par. 66 Duties 140 Damage to plumbing, etc 273 A Estimates and requisitions . . . .Sup. Chap. VII, Pars. 71 & 73 Field 334 * Forms, local 146 Funds, loss of 142 Land-grant roads Sup. Chap. VII, Par. 64 Loss of funds 142 Messing troops traveling by rail . . Sup. Chap. XXI, Par. 133 Office rules and regulations 261 War Dept. orders, circulars, and decisions.. Sup. Chap. VII, Pap. 63 Post regulations 261 Property, marking of 140 Purchase of stores by officers Sup. Chap. I, Par. 25 Records .Sup. Chap. VII, Par. 67 Reports, requisitions, returns Sup. Chap. VII, Par. 71 Requisitions and estimates ..Sup. Chap. VII, Pars. 71 & 73 Rubber stamps 142 Post Range Officer .364 Post Recruiting Officer: Blank forms, reports and returns ; War Dept. orders, circulars, and decisions ; Army Regulations . . Sup. Chap. IX Duties 159 Post Schools for soldiers ....Sup. Chap. XXVII, Par. 136 Post Signal Officer: Duties 171 Returns; War Dept. orders, circu- lars, and decisions ; Army Reg- ulations Sup. Chap. KIV Power of attorney 464 "Presenting compliments" 302D Presenting guests at receptions ...254(15) Presents 298A President's New Year's reception to Army and Navy 286C President's Salute 319 Prices: Articles of soldiers' equipment, etc. Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 154 Ordnance Dept. stores Sup. Chap. I, Par. 4 Q. M. D. uniforms, etc Sup. Chap. I. Par. 6 Uniforms in Manila ....." Sup. Chap. I, Par. 5 Printing Press 114 Prisoners: Disposition of before going into field 340 Post regulations 274B Prison officer. See "Post Prwon Officer" INDEX. Private, status of 59E Privileges : Granting 201D Withholding , 204 Proceedings : Board of officers, general 449 Board of officers, on soldiers' ser- vice f 458 Company council 219 Company council of administration. 454 Examining board 452 (Note) G. C. M., mailing 238C Post council of administration ....453 Retiring board 452 (Note) Professional books. See "Books." Professional Study and Reading. See "Educational System, etc." Professors at West Point, how ad- dressed 290(7) Promotion of: Enlisted men 178C; 436(2) Officers 438 Promptness 32A Property: Care of, when left in post 343 Company book 222 Marking of: Company 204(1) Q. M 140 Responsibility 204 Seizure, use and destruction of, on active duty 420 Property book, company 222 Psychology of crowds, book on 423 A Publications, service 34A Publication of books 440 Punch : Recipes 476 "The th Infantry" 303C Punctuality 31E Punishments : Application of 246(9) Disciplinary 202B Object of 245 Quarters : Application for 21B Company, inspection of 193 Quartermaster. See "Post Quarter- master." Quartermaster's Department : Composition... Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 37 Duties 57A 8. M. Sergeant, company 185. . M. Sergeant, company 185 Sup. Chap. XXXII, Par. 154 Railroad cars, capacities 464 Railways, defense of 431 Range officer 364 Range of rifle 461 Rank, insignia, significance 323 Rank and file 59C Ration : How obtained.. Sup Chap. XV, Par. 99 Of forage 464 Ration (cont'd) To be taken into field ............ 355 Weight ......................... 463 Reading. See "Educational System, etc." Receiving distinguished guests ...... 287 A Receptions. See "Receptions" under "Customs of the Service." Recipes, punches, etc ............... 476 Recruit, instruction of .............. 227 Recruiting Officer. See "Post Re- cruiting Officer." Reduction of noncommissioned officers 179 Regiment .......................... 63D Regimental court .................... 302 Regimental mess .............. 328; 391A Regimental Field and Staff ......... 63H Regimental N. C. Staff ............. 60A Regimental Staff: Composition .................. 63E & I Resignation ...................... 297B Register, officers' .................. 262 Registration, official mail ........... 238F Regular Army: Authorized strength ... Sup. Chap. Ill Composition of .................. 55D Employment of: As posse comitatus ......... 73 ; 395 On riot duty ................... 408 Public catastrophes ............ 401 Regulations Governing Militia, pars. amended, etc ........... ..... ..... Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 157 Relations of military to civil ......... 71 Relations with civilians and national guardsmen 48 C Relinquishing command of company. .227 A Removing cap in Adjt.'s office ...... 87(6) Reporting for duty: At post ......................... 19D In Washington ................... 20B Peports, receiving at retreat 263 (foot note) Reports, returns, estimates, and requi- sitions : Adjutant ...... Sup. Chap. VI, Par. 62 Aides-de-Camp ................... 250B Commissary. Sup. Chap. VIII, Par. 79 Company.... Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 110 Detached service .......... 339 (note) Engineer Officer ........ Sup. Chap. XIII, Par. 93 General principles ................ 241A Individual, ordnance horse equipment ............. Sup. Chap. I, Par. 2 Officers just appointed ........... ............ Sup. Chap. I, Par. 7 Ordnance officers ................ ..... Sup. Chap. XII, Par. 87-8-9 Ordnance returns for personal horse equipment. . .Sup. Chap. I, Par. 2a Ordnance return, personal prop- erty of Co. Comdr ............ 207A Prison officer ---- Sup. Chap. XI, Par. 86 Quartermaster ................... ...Sup. Chap. VII, Pars. 71 & 73 Recruiting officer ................ .......... Sup. Chap. IX, Par. 82 Signal officer ......... Sup. Chap. XIV INDEX. Requisitions. See "Reports." Reservations, military, jurisdiction over 74 & 76 Residence and domicile 80 Resignation of: Officers, at end of leave 295D Noncommissioned officers 179 Regimental staff officers 297B Retired enlisted men 59D Retired officers 59A Retirement of officers 438 Retiring boards, proceedings of 452 (Note) Retreat, receiving reports at.. 263 (footnote) Returns. See "Reports, etc." Reveille, words to 282 Reviews and parades, origin 298 Reviews, object of 239 Rewards and privileges 184D Riding on left of superior 24 A ; 280 A Riding, regulation of gait in post....280H Rifle, weight, range, penetration 461 RIOT DUTY: Army Regulations on subject 423 Arrest of: Officers and soldiers on riot duty 418 Rioters 417 Assembling of Militia 423 Attacking: Barricades 428 Houses 429 Mobs 427 Barricades Attack of 428 Construction of 43 1 Bluffing mobs 432 Camp grounds 42 1 Civil control of troops 412 Cowards make up mobs 423 Curfew ..434 Difference between felony and mis- demeanor 418 Dispersfng mobs 427 Firing by troops on riot duty ....414 Habeas corpus 419 Haranguing mobs 432 Houses : Attack of 429 Defense of 430 Quelling riots at beginning 422 "In time of peace prepare for war" 421 Leaving the armory 425 Legal side 408 Liability for acts done in obedience to orders 413 Marching to scene of trouble 425 Military subordinate to civil 408 Ministers 434 Mobs composed of cowards 423 Nature of duty 408 Property : Must be respected 420 Seizure, use, and destruction of.. 420 Public meetings 434 Railways, defense of 431 Relations with civilians 420 Ruffian element 432 Saloons, closing of 433 RIOT DUTY (Cont'd) : Strategy '. 433 Supposed case 41 1 Tactical side 421 Theaters and other places of amusement 434 Traffic routes 432 Troops not to be separated too much 432 When the Militia may be called out. 411 When the Regular Army may be called out 410 Room orderlies 172 Rubber cape and boots 15C Rubber stamps: Adjutant 100C; 111 A Commissary 152C Company lOOc; 213; 244 For papers received 100C Muster and pay rolls 244 Post of Manila 96(6) Quartermaster 142 Russo-Japanese War, books on.. 44, 385(i) Russo-Turkish War 41 Saber: Not worn at dances 304C Placing officers in arrest 86(3) Saddle, nomenclature of 492 Saddlers' School Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 151 Sale of clothing 205 Salute : International 318 Nature of 227 (The Recruit) Origin of 317 President's 319 To the Union 319 Saluting: By soldiers 230 A Ladies 295C Officers, on meeting and making re- ports 30B Sapolio, how obtained Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Saturday morning inspection 204 Schools: Attendance of Militia officers 58A Books used in garrison school .... Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 139 Coast Artillery Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 143 Engineer.. Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 148 Enlisted men's -Sup. Chap. XXIX, Pars. 136; 258 Field Engineer Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 141a For bakers and cooks Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 147 For farriers and horseshoers Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 146 For saddlers and Field Artillery battery mechanics Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 151 Medical.. Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 150 INDEX. Schools (Cont'd) : Mounted Service Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 147 N. C. O...Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 137 Of the Line Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 140 Signal School Sun. Chap. XXIX, Par. 141 Staff College Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 142 War College Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 149 Scouts, Indian 58D Scouts, Philippine ....65E; Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 52 Scrap Book 34C Scrubbing brushes, how obtained .... . Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Seeking advice 34D Sentinels, orders for 274A Sergeant-Major : Artillery, duties Sup. Chap. VI, Par. 58 Post, duties 88B Servant question, regulating, 75 (Foot note.) Service publications 34A Shelter-tent: Camp, inspection of 192 Contents of roll 192 Folding of 194A Shipment of property Sup. Chap. I, Par. 17 Ships, calling aboard 253(d & f) ; 285D Shirts 480(7) Shoemakers and tailors, soldiers act- ing as 223B Shoes: Care of 482 Stetson 479(5) Trees 479(5) Shoulder knots and straps, care of . .478(2) Siberia, returning from Philippines via 446 Sick : Disposition of, before going into field : 340 Officers 263A Soldiers 190C Signal Code 493 Signal Corps : Composition. .Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 43 Duties . 58A Signal Officer. See "Post Signal Officer." Signal School Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 141 Signature: Copying 243B Legible 35C Signing papers: By adjutant 95(4); 96(5) By aides 254A In general ..237 A & B; 239B; 243(10) Sinks, camp 347 Slang 306 Slate, how to clean 477 Small-Arms Firing Regulations, pars, amended, etc Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 168 Small-Arms Practice, inspector of. 372 Soap, how obtained Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Social Customs of the Service. See "Customs of the Service." Social etiquette, book on 25B Social functions, dress to be worn. . . . 293 B & C Society, post neglect of, for that of town 22D Soldier, use of term 2911 Soldiers. See "Enlisted Men." "Sounding off" 322 Songs, patriotic 490 Span 473A Spanish-American War, books on... 43; 384(f) Spanish-American War Veterans, how addressed 29 1 B Special full dress 14D Special and extra duty men: Custom, Adjt.'s office in detailing 87(5) Lance corporal not N. C. O 176 (foot note) Post regulations 276 A Spots, how removed 481 Squadron 63C Staff College ....Sup. Chap. XXVII, Par. 142 Staff rides 387 Staff, the 60C Stains, how removed 481 Stamps, registration for official use. .238F Stamps, rubber. See "Rubber stamps." Standards, definition 300 Standing orders, familiarization with.. 22A Star Spangled Banner 490 Stationery: Aides-de-camp 255 How obtained Sup. Chap. I, Par. 21 ; Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Officers just appointed 18E Strategy, books on 385B Strength of Army Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 30 Study. See "Educational System, etc." Subordination of military to civil 408A Subsistence Dept. : Composition. .Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 38 Duties 57B Purchase of stores Sup. Chap. I, Par. 24 Success in the Army 49 Suggestions to ladies going to Phil- ippines 486 Suggestions to officers just appointed. See "Officers just appointed." Summary Court: Customs regarding 302 Officer 371 Post regulations 266 Publishing sentences to companies. 203 (note) Supply, books on 45; 386c Surgeon, the 64B Surgeons: Appointment of 437 How addressed 290 A; 292(4) Surveying officers 37 A System and method 33C System of Military Education. See "Educational System, etc. Sweater for field service 334A Table manners 27B Tableware, prices ....Sup. Chap. XXXII, Par. 154 Tactical ride 387 Tactical walk 388 Tactics, books on 46; 385A Tailors and shoemakers, soldiers act- ing as 223B Taps: At funerals 316 Words to 305 Tariff, Philippines 443 Taxation 80 Teas, calls and cards 25A ; 314E Telegraphing 244B Telegraphing arrival at station ISO Telephone Clerk 93 C For' field service . .. 335 ; 354 Transportation of, in field 354 See "Shelter tents." Weights, dimensions and capaci- ties 462 Thanksgiving. See "Holidays." The commanding officer "desires, ' "wishes" 237D ; 302C The Line 60 C & D; 61B The Staff 60C The Star Spangled Banner 490 "The Three Cheers" 32: Three volleys at funerals 315 "Through military channels" 237; 2411 Ticklers H2C Titles. See "Titles" under "Customs of the Service." "Toast to the Bride" 304A Toilet, how to clean 477 Toilet paper, how obtained .........Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 99 Topography, books on 45 Training School for saddlers ......Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 151 For bakers and cooks Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 147 For farriers and horseshoers Sup. Chap. XXIX, Par. 146 Translation for War College Division, General Staff 48A Transportation and mileage Sup. Chap. 1, Par. 1. Transportation, field 325 Transport, Regulations, Pars, amended etc... Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 169 Transports Sup. Chap. I, Par. 15 Travel allowance to be posted on Co. bulletin board 227 Travel, book on .............. ..... -449A Treasurer, Post ........... 279 (Bakery) Treatment of soldiers .............. 33A; 172 (The Captain) ; 246(8) ; 393A Tree, shoe ........................ 479(5) Trials by court-martial ............. 202 Troop, use of term ---- .............. 63B Trouble, hunting ................... 28A Trouser hanger .................... 478 Trumpet calls, words to ............ 305 Typewriter : Adjutant's office .................. H5B Purchase from Co. funds ......... ......... Sup. Chap. XV, Par. 100 Use in preparing certain papers... ....Sup. Chap. XVI, Par. Ill u Umbrellas, custom regarding ........ 295A Underwear, supply (initial) ......... 16 A 15B ceoVV......... ............. 478 For calling ....................... 283A For courts and boards ........... 30! For dances, etc .................. 293B Order: . Chap/ XXXV, Pan 153B War Dept ...... Sup. Chap. I, Par. I Overcoat . .. ................ ..... ISA Post regulations ................. 268 Prices in Manila ................ ......... ..Sup. Chap. I, Par. 5. Q. M. G. prices... Sup. Chap. I, Par. 6 Special full dress, or "Evening uniform" .................... 14D Supply, initial .................... 14 A When not with troops ............ 294 A Unlimited Retired List, Retirement. .438 Urinals, how to clean .............. 477 Use of the Regular Army. See "Reg- ular Army." U. S. Military Academy ..... ... ..... ..... 58B; Sup. Chap. Ill, Par. 44 Venereal diseases ................ 223 C Visiting cards. See "Visiting cards under "Customs of the Service' Visiting ............................ 25C "Visit of guard and sentinels" ..... .271 Visitors calling on C. ....... 285 B & C Volunteer officers (Ex.), how Volleys',' three at funerals ........... 315 Voting ............................ 81 w Wagons : Capacities ....................... 464 Loading of ................. "Wagon soldier" .......... 320 (foot note) Walking on left of superior ......... 302A INDEX. War College Sup. Chap. XXIV, Par. 149 War Department: Functions 55C Library 47 War Dept. publications Sup. Chap. I, Par. 29 War Department Regulations Govern- ing Militia, pars, amended, etc. Sup. Chap. XXXV, Par. 157 War game 388 Warm, how to keep in field 334A War of 1812, books on 384(c) Wars of Frederick the Great 39 War of Secession, books on.. 41; 384; 387 Washington, reporting for duty and calling 20B Washington's Birthday: Band playing 288B Special dinners, soldiers' 329B See "Holidays." Water: Purity, etc. 352 Quantity required for men and ani- mals 464 Weapons, carrying of, in: Company 190B Post 275 A Weddings, see "Weddings" under "Customs of Service." Wedding invitations: Answers to (wedding breakfast, wed- ding ceremony) 24D ; 25E Form of 308; 313 Weights: Articles usually taken into the field 460 Domestic 471 Japanese 473 Philippine 472 Rations 463 Tents 462 West Point. See "U. S. Military Academy." Whining and growling 21B White gloves: At social functions 304D Kind .304E Removal of, G. C. M 318 When attending distinguished per- sons 304F White uniform, price in Manila .... Sup. Chap. I, Par. 5 Whitewash 477 Will, form of 465 "Wishes," the commanding officer . . . 237D; 302C Withholding privileges 203 Witness before courts-martial: Appearance, demeanor, etc 233 Wood, in field 351 Words to trumpet calls 305 Writ of habeas corpus 78 ; 419 Y Year leave, fiscal, calendar Sup. Chap. .1, Par. 27 Yen 474 Young Officers' Don'ts 35 OFFICERS' MANUAL CHAPTER I SUGGESTIONS TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) ARMS AND EQUIPMENT A War Department orders require officers to have the following: MOUNTED OFFICERS B Horse Equipments. Saddle, complete; saddle blanket, saddle cloth, bridle, halter, watering bridle, nose bag, saddle bags, lariat, picket pin, currycomb, horse brush and surcingle. (See Supplement, Chap. I, Par. 2.) C Personal Equipment. Blanket, canteen, meat can, knife, fork, spoon, tin cup, saber belt, spurs, field glass, watch, compass, note- book, and pencils. D Arms. Saber, revolver, and ammunition. Staff officers and those acting as such will, when the nature of their duty requires it, carry a dispatch case to be furnished by the Ordnance Department on memorandum receipt. (See Supplement, Chap. I, Par. 3.) Medical officers are not required to provide themselves with field glass, revolver, and ammunition. Mounted chaplains are equipped as staff officers, but without arms. DISMOUNTED OFFICERS E Personal Equipment. Blanket, canteen, tin cup, meat cup, knife, fork, spoon, haversack, saber, belt, field glass, watch, compass, note- book, and pencils. F Arms. Saber, revolver, and ammunition. Q For Ordnance Department prices of arms and equipments, see Supplement, Chap. I, Par. 4. UNIFORMS H The uniform regulations are published from time to time in War Department orders, copies of which may be obtained upon ap- plication to The Adjutant General, U. S. A., Washington^ D. C. Request should also be made for copies of all orders and circulars modifying the uniform order. (See Supplement, Chap. I, Par. 1.) 14 CHAPTER I A The uniforms you should get will depend, as suggested bek>w, on whether your first service is to be in the United States or in the Philippines. KIND 1. Full Dress 2. Dress j. Olive Drab 4. Khaki 5. White 6. Overcoat IF IN U. S. 1 (best quality) 1 blouse, 2 pair trousers. 2 blouses; 2 pair breeches (one best and one medium quality) Same as olive drab None One IF IN PHILIPPINES None None None The khaki is prescribed for habitual use in the Philippines and for summer use in U. S. 2 blouses, 2 pair breeches. Buy more upon reaching Manila, where good khaki uniforms can be purchased much cheaper than in the United States. Purchase some upon reaching Manila, where they are much cheaper than in the United States. 1 One You may return to the United States in winter. B For prices of khaki and white uniforms, caps, etc., in Manila, see Supplement, Chap. I, Par. 5. C It is thought the olive-drab and khaki uniforms that an officer can purchase from the Quartermaster's Department at such reason- able cost are plenty good enough for target practice and other rough garrison use and for ordinary field service. For prices see Supple- ment, Chap. I, Par. 6. Sigmund Eisner, Red Bank, N. J., a Government clothing con- tractor, makes officers' olive-drab and khaki uniforms at very reason- able cost. A price list and measuring blank will be furnished upon application. D Special Full Dress or "Evening Uniform." Get a special full dress and wear it at all formal evening social functions. It is not considered good form to wear the dress uniform on such occasions either the special full dress, the full dress, or the mess jacket should be worn. The special dress is by far the most comfortable, becoming, and dressy uniform garment we have. Although the uniform order prescribes dark blue for the special full dress, the author has known officers to have the regular civilian evening dress coat converted into a special full dress coat. At night, which is the only time that the special full dress is ever worn, it is almost impossible to distinguish between dark blue and black. Civilian evening dress trousers are, of course, worn with the converted coat. (How- ever, the uniform order prescribes that the special full-dress trousers for line officers shall have no braid or stripes along the legs). Civilian evening dress coats will be converted into special full-dress coats by any first-class military tailor at about the following cost, which includes embroider- ing the sleeve insignia: 2nd Lieut., $7; 1st Lieut., $9; Captain, $10. In this manner a special full-dress uniform can be procured at comparatively small cost. 1 However, the Philippine suits do not as a rule fit well. It is, therefore, sug- gested that you have John G. Haas, of Lancaster, Pa., or some other first-class military tailor in this country make you a suit of white to take along as a model, and have it reproduced in the Philippines. TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 15 A Overcoat. The overcoats furnished by the Quartermaster's De- partment are very satisfactory, and many officers wear them. ( They cost $15.11. The buttons must be changed in order to have the over- coat conform to the officers' pattern. Buttons for officers' overcoats can be obtained from any of the military dealers at about this cost: Large buttons, $1.25 per dozen; small buttons, 50 cents per dozen. These prices are for the very best quality. Sigmund Eisner, Red Bank, N. J., a Government clothing con- tractor, makes a very good officers' overcoat. Price: $22 to $35. B Cape. While a cape is at times a very convenient thing to have, it is not a necessity, and it is suggested that you delay getting one until you feel that you can afford it. C Rubber Cape and Rubber Boots. Get a rubber cape and a pair of rubber boots. A slicker is very desirable for mounted service and can be ob- tained from the Q. M. D. D Civilian Clothing. The kind and quality of civilian clothing one should get depend upon these circumstances: (a) Location of station; (&) Extent to which you intend to go into society; (c) What you have been accustomed to in the way of dressing. However, for the officer of limited means, the following is sug- gested: 1 One evening dress. (While it is sometimes convenient to have a Tuxedo, it is not at all necessary. Wait until you have been in the service awhile and have a little money saved up before getting one.) 2 Get two business suits, but do not buy from the high-priced, fashionable tailors. As a rule, ready-made clothing pur- chased from any of the first-class clothiers in New York or any other large city, and altered to fit, will answer every purpose. But be sure to go to the best first-class clothier you can find. In view of the fact that the average officer wears his civilian clothing so little and consequently keeps it so long, you should not buy exaggerated or ultra styles they go out of fashion much quicker than the moderate styles. (NOTE: Officers returning from the Philippines often make the mistake of purchasing civilian clothes in Japan or in Hong Kong. The author has not yet seen an officer who did so that did not regret it. The material is good and the clothes ludicrously cheap, but the workmanship is generally poor, and the cut entirely out of style, so that when you reach the States you are ashamed to wear your Nagasaki or Hong Kong suits.) E With regard to collars, shirts, gloves, ties, and other articles of haberdashery, it is suggested that you go to some first-class, well- known haberdasher, get hold of a bright clerk who understands his business, tell him what you want, and let him assist you as to colors, designs, and styles. 16 CHAPTER I A Underwear, Bedding, Etc. Your wardrobe should consist of about the fpllowing: UNDERWEAR: f 10 pair socks Summer: { 10 pair drawers 1 10 undershirts f 8 pair socks Winter: -) 6 pair drawers L 6 undershirts 3 pair lisle thread gloves 8 white shirts (See paragraph D, plage 304, re- ( 12 pair cuffs garding white washable chamois j 3 dozen white collars gloves.) 1 dozen handkerchiefs 1 pair regulation buckskin gloves 8 hand towels 4 night shirts, or four suits pajamas 2 bath towels 1 pair blankets 2 pair shoes (1 pair black, 1 pair tan) 2 comfortables 1 pair overshoes And the usual toilet articles. These articles are considered necessaries the purchase of more of them, or of other articles not named, would entail an additional expense, which can well be postponed until new articles are needed. B Attention is invited to the business directory of military deal- ers, clothiers, etc., in the back part of the Supplement. All the firms whose names appear in this directory are reliable, well-known con- cerns. GENERAL REMARKS / As a rule young officers, especially those from West Point? load themselves down with lots of things that are not at all neces- sary, thereby joining their regiments very much in debt. Do not let the dealers talk you into buying silk pajamas, fancy socks, lavender- colored gloves, Waterbury watches, etc. 2 While young officers who have only their pay should econo- mize as much as possible, they should under no circumstances do so by getting inferior uniforms they should economize instead on their club bills, amusements, etc. To endeavor to economize by buying inferior uniforms and other articles of equipment is not only false economy, but it is false economy of the worst kind. The only way to really economize on your dress and equipment is to get the very best and then take proper care of it. The life of uniforms and other arti- cles of equipment can be prolonged materially by proper care. See "How To Take Care of Uniforms; Suggestions Regarding Various Articles of Equipment," page 478. The officer who thinks nothing of running up a big bill at the club or of spending $5 or $10 for an evening or two of pleasure, but who endeavors to save a few dollars on his dress, has distorted ideas of economy and a warped conception of what is rightly expected of him. C Remember that while it is true "The clothes don't make the man," it is also true, as the world is constituted, that, right or wrong, they go a long way to influence the impression that others get of TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 17 him. In material, style, and fit your clothes should always suit the occasion. Do not buy "shoddy" clothing and articles of equipment. To dress neatly and properly is something you owe your position, your associates, and the men you command it is something you owe yourself. Furthermore, there is a great deal of personal satisfaction in wearing clothes that fit well and look well. Perhaps a genius can afford to be careless about his dress, but the ordinary mortal can not. Are you a genius? There is nothing in this world that looks more shabby than a shabbily dressed officer. Never wear soiled collars or cuffs, mussy or spotted clothes, soiled trousers, tarnished insignia or braid, old shoulder straps, frayed saber knots, etc. Keep your clothes clean and pressed, your insignia bright, and renew your trouser stripes, shoulder straps, braid, and saber knots as often as may be necessary to have them always bright and fresh. You would not allow your soldiers to wear mussy, soiled, -or tarnished articles of dress and you should not do so yourself. Think this over. 3 If practicable, pay cash for all purchases, thus getting the usual cash discount of ten per cent or so. If you have not the money but can obtain it from some relative or friend, or from some bank at 6 or 8 per cent interest, do so borrowing only such amount as may be absolutely required to pay for necessary purchases. Buying for cash will cause you to limit your purchases to needed articles. A Household Effects. Before purchasing any household effects it is generally better to write to the adjutant of your station and ascer- tain what articles can be bought near the post, and whether the prices are reasonable. It is sometimes possible to get chairs, tables, lamps, etc., from the quartermaster on memorandum receipt. Ascer- tain from the adjutant what you will be able to get from the quarter- master, and what it will be necessary for you to buy. It is suggested in furnishing your quarters at first that you merely consider your necessities as a soldier, getting a comfortable bed, a rug or two, four or five chairs, a table or two, inexpensive curtains for windows, and a few more essential articles. Do not get anything else until after you have been at your station long enough to decide to your own satisfaction exactly what more you require, and have the money to pay for the same. B In case your first service be the Philippines, you will find wicker chairs, bamboo tables, and floor mats very reasonable in Manila. It is suggested that the following-named articles be brought from the United States: 1 chiffonier 1 iron washstand 1 2 size iron or brass bedstead and springs 1 mirror 1 mattress for same 1 bowl, 1 pitcher, and 1 soap dish 1 mosquito bar (all enameled ironware) 1 pillow f 1 Rochester standing lamp, with addi- 1 blanket tional wicks and chimneys 6 sheets 1 desk, with a good lock 6 pillow cases 18 CHAPTER I The Quartermaster iron bedsteads (new pattern) are handsome, comfortable, and durable. They can be purchased from the Depot Quartermaster, Manila, for about $4.00. A For tropical service, where electric light is not available, an acetylene table lamp is recommended by officers who have used them. Calcium carbide is now easily obtainable in all parts of the world. A small attachable acetylene lamp, the "Columbia Watchman's Lamp, Pin- kerton Model," sold at $3.50, by the Hine-Watts Mfg. Co., 16 East Randolph St., Chicago, 111., is recommended as a most useful and convenient article. It can be made fast by means of clamps, to a chair, bed post, etc. At Camp Keithley, Mindanao, and at two or three other posts in the Philip- pines, oil stoves for heating quarters have been found most convenient and com- fortable during certain months of the year. See "Suggestions To Ladies Going To The Philippines," Page 486. B Alaska. As a rule, officers designated for service in Alaska load up with a lot of heavy clothing, shoes of various kinds, etc., that they find unsuited when they go to use them. Officers who have served in Alaska say that all the articles of clothing that one needs can be gotten from the Quartermaster's Department. It is, however, recom- mended that a good supply of reading matter, amusements, and games be taken along to while away the long winter evenings. The excep- tional list for commissaries is almost unlimited. C REPORTS. See Supplement, Chap. I, Par. 7. D Pay. See Supplement, Chap. I, Par. 9. E Stationery. Graduates from West Point should, before leaving get from the quartermaster a few sheets of letter paper, some penalty envelopes, and a few official telegraph blanks. These articles may also be obtained upon request to the quartermaster of any post. See Sup- plement, Chap. I, Par. 21. F Bedding and Professional Books. Upon being assigned to sta- tion, graduates of the Academy should write to the quartermaster at West Point, without delay, and request that their bedding and pro- fessional books be sent to their stations. [FORM OF LETTER] THE QUARTERMASTER, , LAFAYETTE, LA., 1 July, 1906 West Point, New York. Sir:-* I have the honor to request that my bedding and professional books be shipper to me ct Fort Missoula, Montana. Very respectfully, JOHN A. SMITH, 2nd Lieut.. 24th Infantry See Supplement, Chap. I, Par. 16. G Telegraphing Arrival at Station. The day before reaching your station, you should telegraph for transportation to meet you at the depot: In case you have no official telegraph blanks an ordinary com mercial telegraph blank may be used by indorsing thereon, over your official signature, "I certify that this telegram is on official business, and necessary for the public service," or "Official Business, Government rate" The telegram and the certificate should be explained to the operator See Supplement, Chap. I. Par. 13. TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 19 A TRANSPORTATION AND MILEAGE. See Supplement. Chap. I, Par. 12. Cablegrams. The Editors of the Army and Navy Journal and g the Army and Navy Register very generously offer that any officer or enlisted man in the Army may leave the address of his family or friends at the Army and Navy Journal office, New York, or at the Army and Navy Register office, Washington, D. C.,- and use their cable address "Armynavy, New York" or "Register, Washington," in connection with the Woman's Army and Navy League Code. For example : Lieut. Smith wishing to send the following telegram to his wife, Mrs. John A. Smith, S3 South Park Road, Topeka, Kansas: "Can do nothing until further advice from you. Smith," uses twenty words. Instead he need only cable four, as follows: "Armynavy, New York. Imagine. Smith." First having registered Mrs. Smith's address at Army and Navy Journal, and also registering word "Smith" (His^* cable signature). Cablegrams addressed to Armynavy, New York, and signed "Smith" will be telegraphed from New York to Mrs. Smith by the Army and Navy Journal. If "Smith" wishes to send the same cablegram to a number of persons he need only to furnish their addresses to the Army and Navy Journal, and a copy of the cablegram will be forwarded to each person. If "Smith" wishes to send separate cablegrams to different persons, he should then register the signature word for each person and each person's address. For example: Register word "Smith" for Mrs. John A. Smith, 53 South Pnrk Road, Topeka, Kansas; "Brown" for John Brown, 110 Main Street, Cincinnati. Ohio; "Jones" for William Jones, 500 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, California. Cables can sent thus: "Armynavy, New York. Imagine. Smith. Armynavy, New York. Abaft. Brown. Armynavy, New York. Accord, Jones." Any signature word can be selected that has not already been selected by others. The cipher cable message will be forwarded by the Journal or the Register by telegraph in the United States, and the cost of the telegrams will be collected by the Telegraph Company from the receiver of the message. Every word in a cablegram, including address and signature, is charged for, and all cablegrams must be prepaid. A copy of the cable code can be obtained from the Editor of the Journal or from the Woman's Army and Navy League, Washington, D. C., at a cost of fifty cents. C ALLOWANCES OF OFFICERS. See Supplement, Chap. I, Par. 16. Arrival at Station. Upon arriving at your station look up the adjutant at once and ascertain from him the custom at this particular post about officers reporting to the commanding officer. (This in- formation may very properly be obtained in advance by letter.) At some posts the commanding officer desires the arriving officer to call at once in civilian clothing, at his office or quarters, depending upon where he happens to be, and to report formally at the office next morning in uniform, with side arms. After having reported officially to the commanding officer, you should then call on your captain, at his quarters, the company office, or wherever he happens to be, introduce yourself to him, and ascertain the nature of the company duties that will be required of you. It is considered better form to make this call in uniform, but the call should be made without delay. When reporting to the commanding officer and also when report- ing to your captain, be sure to have with you a copy of your assign- ment order, and present the same when in the act of reporting. 20 CHAPTER I v \ A Some commanding officers expert officers to call at the house also, after having reported officially at the office, while others do not expect this. If during the official call at the office, the commanding officer should intimate in any way that he would be pleased to have you call at his quarters, you should, of course, do so. Many officers of experience think the reporting officer should make a social call at the commanding officer's quarters whether or not the latter intimates such pleasure. In short, it is one of th^many points concerning which there is no uniformity of custom, ana- .'irx : during the official call, the commanding officer does not intimate that he-should be pleased to have you call at the house, you should ascertain frSHa^ae adjutant the custom in the matter at this particular post and thejicomply with it. Should there be no established custom, it is suggested, in order to be on the safe side, that you make a social call on the commanding offi- cer at his quarters the first evening after your arrival. If one is to err in matters of this kind, it is always better to err on the safe side At the ^ Army Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, officers reporting for duty, whether married or single, are expected to make a social call on the Commandant and also on the Post Com- mander, as soon as practicable after arrival. Some married officers call on the Commandant and the lady members of his family with their wives and the adult members of their families, while others call alone. The custom of making this social call on the commanding offi- cer also obtains at West Point, N. Y., and Fort Riley, Kans. Whether a married officer reporting at a post with his family should be accompanied by his wife and the adult members of the family, in making the first social call on the commanding officer, is a matter that each one must decide for himself. It is thought, how- ever, if the wife of the commanding officer be elderly, and particularly if the commanding officer himself be a man of years and high rank, it would be but an act of courtesy for the officer, his wife, and the adult members of the family to call as a mark of deference to the age and position of the commanding officer and his wife. See A, page 283. B "It is customary for officers who are ordered to Washington for duty to report at the War Department in civilian clothes, although some very few officers who are very punctilious about such matters report in uniform, with side arms. After report- ing officially, the officer is expected to call socially at the residences of the Secretary of War, the Assistant Secretary of War, the Chief of Staff, and the chief of his own corps. It is also customary to call on the chiefs of bureau that one knows personally. Sometimes this courtesy is extended to other general officers of prominence. In mak- ing these calls on the officials named and their families, married officers are accom- panied by their wives, and the calls should be made without unreasonable delay, whether or not it is the social season. During the social season, that is. from about December 1 until Lent, care should be taken to learn and observe in each case the "calling day" of the mistress of the house. Outside of the social season calls may be made any day of the week, from about 4:30 *to 6:30 o'clock in the afternoon. The same hours for calling obtain during the social season. In Washington society it is not customary to call in 'the evening except on people with whom one is on intimate terms. The frock or cutaway should be worn when calling during the social season; outside of the social season the sack coat may be worn. If not known, the proper number of cards to be left in each case should be ascertained before calling. Officers are also expected to call and leave their cards at the White House. Married officers need not be accompanied by their wives in making this call. Very TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 21 often the wives go to the White House alone to leave with the attendant at the door their cards and that of the husband. The absence of the President from Washington is supposed to be a matter of common knowledge and, therefore, it is considered better form not to call at the White House when he is absent, although it would be per- fectly good form to call if the mistress of the White House were in Washington and the President were known to be absent. Officers or their wives, when desiring to pay their respects personally to the wife or family of the President, should write a note to the social secretary at the White House, stating his or her desire in. the matter. If the wife of the President desires to receive such officer or his family, they will be so notified and an appoint- ment made. Officers calling by appointment on the President or upon any member of his family in the afternoon should wear the prescribed uniform with side arms. A Entertainment. It is customary for the adjutant to see that provi- sion is made for your entertainment until you can get settled in your own quarters, which you should do just as soon as possible. As a rule, you will be able to get a bunk, some bedding, a chair or two, a lamp, bucket, and table from the quartermaster on memorandum receipt, for use until you can get your household effects. Do not fail to show your appreciation of the hospitality extended by those who have entertained you. Be sure to call at the house within a week after you leave. After leaving send your hostess a book, a box of candy, or some other inexpensive remembrance. B Application for Quarters. (See Supplement, Chap. I, Par. 18). Ascertain from the quartermaster what quarters are available for assignment to you, and then submit a written application of this tenor: FORT MISSOULA, MONT., 3 October, 1906. THR ADJUTANT. Sir: I have the honor to request that quarters No. be assigned to me. A copy of the order assigning me to duty at this station is attached hereto. Very respectfully. JOHN A. SMITH. . 2nd Lieut., 24th Infantry. C Orient Yourself and Familiarize Yourself as Soon as Possible with the Geography and Topography of the Post and Surrounding Country, also with the source of the water supply. Examine a map of the post and vicinity and then get some officer to accompany you on a walk or two, pointing out the various buildings, boundaries of the reservation, topographical features, etc. Ascertain from "Military Reservations, etc. Title and Jurisdiction," a copy of which can be found in the adjutant's office, the conditions under which the reservation was acquired by the Federal Government. D First Impressions. A young officer upon joining is the cyno- sure of all eyes, and the impression that he then makes will go far toward guiding his brother officers and others in their present and future conduct toward him. So be natural and courteous in your deportment; punctilious about social and official matters; particular about your dress, and, above all things, avoid being "fresh." Some youngsters are prone to believe that, as a matter of fact, they really know more than their seniors. Should you ever believe this, take the advice of a friend, and be sure to break the news to your seniors gently. 22 CHAPTER I E Calling. It is the custom for all officers to call upon you within a few days after your arrival. Be sure to keep track of these calls and return them within a week. You can not be too careful about this matter, for it is one concerning which most officers are sticklers. Not only does promptness in making: and returning calls save time and trouble, but it also produces a good impression. In large posts especially, it is not expected, nor is it desirable that officers should regularly exchange calls with everyone, but the younger officers should call on the field officers at least once every six months. A Familiarization with Standing Orders. Read the post, company, regimental, and other orders on file in the company office, familiariz- ing yourself with all orders in force. Likewise, when changing sta- tion, an officer should at once familiarize himself with the orders in force at his new post. Remember, however, that no file of orders or other records should ever be taken from the company office without the captain's authority. B Insurance of Life and Property. Every young officer should carry life insurance, and the Army Mutual Aid Association is recom- mended. The energies and resources of the Association are devoted to caring for the widows, children, and relatives of deceased brother officers. Information regarding rates, etc., can be obtained upon ap- plication to the Secretary and Treasurer, Army Mutual Aid Associa- tion, Washington, D. C. Should you desire to insure your household effects, communi- cate with the Secretary and Treasurer, Army Co-Operative Fire Asso- ciation, Fort Leavenworth, Kans. Field Equipment. Supply yourself as soon as practicable with a complete field outfit. See chapter on "Field Service," page 330. Social Customs of the Service. You can not observe with too much care the social customs of the service the customs that are so essential to good fellowship, and the contentment, harmony, and hap- piness of the garrison. See "Customs of the Service," pnge 282. Young officers stationed near towns and cities sometimes make the mistake of neglecting post entertainments for town or city society. Regret for such a course is generally brought home sooner or later. It is suggested that neither be entirely neglected for the other. In our social intercourse there are many little conventionalities which, although of no apparent intrinsic importance, are in the eyes of the world an index to character and breeding, and these conven tionalities no gentleman can afford to ignore. The author has known young officers who were very careless about observing the simplest forms of polite society, and, as a natural and just consequence, not only did people soon stop extending social courtesies to them, but the officers in question also, early in their careers, made for themselves the reputatipn of lacking the elements of well-bred and considerate gentlemen, and of being deficient in social education. While speaking one day to one of crur most prominent and sue- TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 23 cessful generals, the writer asked him what advice he would give a young, ambitious officer just beginning his career, and he replied, "One of the first things I should tell him, would be, 'Familiarize your- self with the conventionalities and amenities of life know the proper thing to do and do it at the proper time.' Men, as a rule, do not realize the importance of this in our present" scheme of civilization." Such were the words of a successful general a thorough soldier, a man of strong convictions and a gentleman of high ideals. What he said, therefore, must not be misconstrued as savoring of subser- viency or sycophancy it is merely manly deference to your equals, your elders and your superiors a genteel consideration of your fel- low beings treating others as you would have them treat you. This line of conduct is especially important in the Army where we all live like one big family where we are, sooner or later, so dependent upon one another for our own happiness and contentment. While it is true that a knowledge and a practice of the niceties and courtesies of life are of little or no value on the field of battle, it must also be remem- bered that we spend very nearly our entire lives in garrison. Gentility and true politeness should never be mistaken for weak- ness or servility. The following practices are strictly observed in all well-regu- lated society, both in the Army and in civil life: A I Dinner invitations should be answered within twenty-four hours. It is considered an incivility to permit a dinner invitation to lie on your desk three or four days awaiting an answer. It is very annoying to a hostess not to receive an answer until the last minute, not only because it may prevent her from asking other and more polite people, but also for other obvious reasons. One who fails to acknowledge the receipt of a dinner invitation is rightly considered ill-bred and ungentlemanly. A dinner invitation should always be answered decisively. To say, for instance, "Mr. Smith would be very happy to accept Mrs. Jones' kind invitation for dinner on Tuesday evening, January tenth, at eight o'clock, if his company is not ordered into the field before that time," would be an unforgivable liberty. An invitation is answered in the same person in which it is written. Thus: Captain and Mrs. John Smith request the pleasure of Mr. Robert E. Jones' com- pany at dinner on Thursday evening, January tenth, at eight o'clock. (Answer) Mr. Robert E. Jones accepts with pleasure (or regrets that a previous engagement prevents his acceptance of) Captain and Mrs. John Smith's kind invitation to dinner on Thursday evening, January tenth, at eight o'clock. Garrison, January tenth. Dear Mr. Jones: Garrison, January 3, 1908. We will be very glad to have you dine with us very informally on Wednesday, the tenth, at seven o'clock. Cordially yours, MARY A. SMITH. 24 CHAPTER I (Answer) Dear Mrs. Smith: Garrison, January 4, 1908. I shall be very glad to dine with you and Captain Smith on Wednesday the tenth, at seven o'clock. I regret that a previous engagement to dine with Mrs. Corbin on January tenth makes tt impossible to accept your kind invitation for that evening. Cordially yours, ROBT. E. JONES. A The envelope containing the answer to an invitation extended by a husband and wife should always be addressed to the wife. Letters to persons in the post are usually addressed, "Garrison." B The general rule about answering invitations, is that they should be addressed to the person in whose name they are extended. Thus: Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Dear Captain Ross: June i, 1909 Mother wishes me to say that she would be very glad to have you dine with us on Wednesday evening, June $th, at eight o'clock. Sincerely yours, GLADYS HOYLE. (Answer to the mother). Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, My dear Mrs. Hoyle: June i, /pop. It will give me much pleasure to dine with you on Wednesday evening, June $th, at eight o'clock. Thanking you for your kind thought of me, I am, Sincerely yours, JAS. A. ROSS. C 2 An invitation to a card party should always be answered with the same promptness as a dinner invitation. A host-ess wishes to make up her tables as soon as possible, but this can not be done until she has received answers to all the invitations sent out. A call is always made after a card party, or any other form of entertainment to which one is invited. D 3 In case an invitation be received to a wedding breakfast, an acceptance or regrets should always be sent. This should be done even though the wedding breakfast be evidently of a more or less general nature, and does not call specifically for an answer. E 4 Dinner and party calls, whether or not the invitation was accepted, should be made within one week after the function. F 5 Make it an invariable rule to call promptly upon new arrivals in the post, and also return promptly all calls made upon you. G 6 Never be late at a dinner such action is most inconsiderate of your hostess, who has made all preparations to have the meal served promptly at the designated hour. When attending a dinner given in honor of some one who is not a house guest of your host or hostess, do not leave before the guest of honor has gone. TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 25 7 It is customary to leave cards (one for each person re- ceiving) at receptions, teas, and "At homes," and to make calls within one week after the functions. It is not customary to answer "At home" cards or invitations to receptions and afternoon teas, unless an answer is requested. However, if one can not attend, it is proper, although not customary in all places, to send cards, by mail or messen- ger, so that they will arrive the afternoon of the function. In case the invitation is extended in the name of the hostess alone, one card is sent; if in the name of hostess and husband, two cards; and if in the name of hostess, husband, and daughter, three cards that is, one card for each person in whose name the invitation is extended. (Note: It is not considered good form to write "Regrets," "Accepts," or "Declines" on cards. B 8 Should it be impossible to accept an invitation to a ball or reception of a general nature, which invitation has been sent by an acquaintance whose card is inclosed, a note of regrets should be written the acquaintance, and should the invitation require an answer, a reply couched in the same terms as the invitation should be sent the proper person. An excellent book on etiquette, entitled "Social Manners and Usages," can be obtained from Harper & Bros., New York, for $1.25. C 9 If upon visiting a post, you should stop with friends, after you leave write promptly a note of thanks informing your host or hostess of your safe arrival home and expressing anew your pleasure at the hospitality enjoyed. Of course, a similar note would be written if you visited friends in civil life. However, in either case, prevailing custom does not require the writing of such a letter when your stay has been very brief less than forty-eight hours, for instance. To send your Jiostess a little remembrance in the form of flowers, a book, a box of candy, or some other inexpensive gift, would be a thoughtful act of gentility. D JO Invitations to private balls and dances should always be ac- knowledged promptly, the form of reply varying according to the form of the invitation, as in the case of dinner invitations. E ii An invitation to a "home wedding" should be acknowledged soon after its receipt by a note in the third person either accepting or declining. An invitation to a church wedding, unless accompanied by a card inviting one to a wedding reception at the house later, re- quires no formal acknowledgment, but after the bride and groom are established in their home, a call, if in the same city, or cards sent by post, if from a distance and no present is sent, is a general, though not an obligatory, custom- In such a case cards would be sent to the father and mother of the bride and to the bride and groom also. A bachelor, to acknowledge such an invitation (when no wed- ding present is sent), places two of his cards in an envelope which is addressed, for example, "Mr. and Mrs. John A. Smith." If married, two cards of the husband and one of the wife are inclosed. 26 CHAPTER I The cards to the parents should be sent promptly after receiv- ing the invitation, but those to the bride and groom should not, of course, be sent until after the wedding. Some people, however, make it a rule not to send the cards to* the parents until after the wedding. If the invitation to a church wedding incloses "At home" cards of the bride and groom, the same rule obtains. If there is inclosed a card to a wedding reception following the ceremony at the church, a note in the third person should be sent to the parents or the person in whose name the invitation is sent. NOTE. An announcement of a marriage should be acknowledged by cards sent to the person or persons making the announcement. A set of cards for the bride and groom should be inclosed, unless an "At home" card of the bride and groom is inclosed with the announcement, in which case the cards for them are sent to their address instead. A If you take a stranger (man or woman) to a reception or any other function or gathering of any kind, make it your special business to see that your friend meets people. The author has seen young offi- cers take strangers to receptions and not introduce them to anyone, thus placing the strangers in a stupid, embarrassing position. B If you attend a dance given in some one's honor be sure to ask the guest of honor for a dance; if it be a dinner, reception, or card party, pay the guest of honor some attention during the function. Of course, you should always pay your hostess, too, proper attention. Also be sure to pay some attention to visiting girls and the lady mem- bers of the families of officers just joining the garrison. C At hops and other social functions pay the wife of the command- ing officer, especially if she be an elderly woman, the attention to which her position entitles her. Also pay some attention to any guests she may have. D If you attend a hop after a dinner party, be sure to ask ^ your hostess for a dance and also, if possible, dance with the other ladies of the dinner party. E If any officers or ladies, especially if elderly, whom you know are present at a dance merely as spectators, speak a few words to them during the course of the evening. F If invited, for instance, to a dinner or card party, and if you know of any girl who has been invited, but who probably has no escort, ask her if you may have the pleasure of escorting her. In fact, it would be very thoughtful and genteel to ask the hostess by telephone or some other informal way whether you could be of assistance to her in looking after any of her lady guests that may not have escorts. If you see that a girl has come to a dinner or card party unat- tended, ask her during the course of the evening if you may have the pleasure of seeing her home. TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 27 Such little acts of thoughtfulness are always appreciated by your hostess (to whom you are, as a matter of fact, under social obligation) as well as by the girls themselves. Aside from the fact that such acts of thoughtfulness will mark you as a gentleman of refined instincts, they are no more than what is justly and fairly expected of you by the hostess who asks you to her home to break bread at her table. A Officers' Mess (Club). If one is maintained at your station, it is for many reasons desirable, and in some sense it is a duty, to be- long to it. B Messing. Officers just starting their career should be most careful to make arrangements for messing which will enable them to live with the quiet dignity becoming their station. An officer's pay is given him for this purpose; it is sufficient to cover his ex- penses, and he owes it to the service to dress and live, though simply, yet always "like a gentleman." NOTE. One should be very careful about his table manners. Those who, owing to the lack of early advantages, are not familiar with table and other conven- tionalities should keep their, eyes open and observe those who are, and then follow their example. Holding the knife and fork in some unusual way, conveying food to the mouth with a knife, making peculiar noises with the mouth while eating, failing to place the knife and fork on his plate when one is through all of these and similar things cause people to talk about a person and ridicule his table manners. In this connection it may be remarked that whenever anything is passed you by another person at the table you should always relieve him of the digh before helping yourself -do not help yourself while he is holding the dish as a waiter would hold it. C Gossip. The germ of gossip may be likened unto the germ of cancer as the latter contaminates and rots the healthy flesh so the former contaminates and rots the social fabric, harmony, and happi- ness of the post. No good can 1 possibly come from gossiping, while harm almost invariably follows. Good breeding, culture, refinement, and manhood should forbid gossiping. It is not expected that every one in a garrison shall be congenial. That would be too much to expect of human beings; but those who are uncongenial should each go their way' and let one another alone, before their faces and behind their backs. Indeed, in the army "Silence is golden." As pertinent to this subject, the following is quoted from The Crimes of the Tongue, by William George Jordan: "The second most deadly instrument of destruction is the dyna- mite gun the first is the human tongue. The gun merely kills bodies; the tongue kills reputations and ofttimes ruins characters. Each gun works alone; each loaded tongue has a hundred accomplices. The havoc of the gun is visible at once. The full evil of the tongue lives through all the years, even the eye of Omniscience might grow tired in tracing it to its finality. "The crimes of the tongue are words of unkindness, of anger, of malice, of envy, of bitterness, of harsh criticism, gossip, lying, and scandal. 28 CHAPTER I "At the hands of the thief or murderer few of us suffer, even in- directly. But from the careless tongue of friend, the cruel tongue of enemy, who is free? No human being can live a life so true, so fair, so pure, as to be beyond the reach of malice or immune from the poisonous emanations of envy. The insidious attacks against one's reputation, the loathsome innuendoes, slurs, half lies by which jealous mediocrity seeks to ruin its superiors, are like those insect parasites that kill the heart and life of a mighty oak, So cowardly is the method, so stealthy the shooting of the poisoned darts, so insignifi- cant the separate acts in their seeming, that one is not on guard against them. It is easier to dodge an elephant than a microbe. "Scandal is one of the crimes of the tongue, but it is only one. Every individual who breathes a word of scandal is an active stock- holder in a society for the spread of moral contagion. He is instantly punished by Nature by having his mental eyes dimmed to sweetness and purity, and his mind deadened to the sunlight and glow of char- ity. There is developed a wondrous, ingenious perversion of mental vision by which every act of others is explained and interpreted from the lowest possible motives. They become like certain carrion flies, that pass lightly over acres of rose gardens, to feast on a piece of putrid meat. They have developed a keen scent for the foul matter upon which they feed. "One of the most detestable characters in all literature is lago. "lago still lives in the hearts of thousands, who have all his despicable meanness without his. cleverness." A Scouting For Trouble. Should there be any trouble between any of your fellow officers over a matter that does not concern you, do not make the mistake of getting yourself embroiled by taking sides, especially if the officers are your superiors. The officer who does so is playing the part of a busybody, a meddler he is hunting trouble he is going out of his way to find it, and, ofttimes, he will find much more than he bargained for. As a rule, sufficient troubles of our own come to us sooner or later, without our going out scouting for them. B Growling and Whining. Don't be a growler there is nothing so tiresome and boring as a chronic "kicker," an inveterate "knocker." People are always sorry to see him come and are always glad to see him go. Remember this: Unless you are ready and ABLE to build up, don't tear down. The author once heard one of our most prominent generals remark, and with so much truth, "Show me a chronic 'knocker' and I will show you a man who is a public nuisance and who has never done anything" One sometimes hears an officer growling about the amount of work he has to do, complaining he has more than his share, etc. Re- member, your time is not your own it belongs to the Government, who pays you for it. Whatever you do, do not speak ill of your regiment or any of your fellow officers in the presence of outsiders, civilians or military, and don't criticise officers or orders in the presence of enlisted men. TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 29 Akin to growling is whining. If admonished by your captain or your commanding officer, do not go around telling everybody about it the chances are they are not at all interested in the matter, and fur- thermore, such action is puerile. A Drinking. Excessive drinking in the Army, like excessive drink- ing in civil life, almost invariably leads to trouble, and often ruin. If you feel like taking a drink do so, it matters not who may be present, but do not so far forget yourself as to drink to excess. Reck- less drinking is neither manly, military, nor gentlemanly, and is always a drain on the purse and body. A good rule, even for moderate drinkers, is, never to touch a drop of liquor when on, or about to enter upon, any duty. B "Money Matters and Debts' Not only can a sober and frugal officer and all officers should be sober and frugal live well, dress well, and enjoy life on the pay of a second, lieutenant, but, if a bachelor, he can also save money. By all means avoid getting into debt the curse of many a young officer live within your means. It is a well-known fact that dur- ing the last few years the court-martial of nearly every officer tried in the Army has been due directly or indirectly to their living beyond their means. Avoid debt as you would a pest, and if in debt, get out of it as soon as you possibly can. "Bone check book" in every way possible until you do not owe a single cent. If, however, you are so unfortunate as to be in debt, send every one of your creditors a remittance every month, it matters not how small the amount. Remember, the men who sold you goods on credit are entitled to some consideration from you, and a monthly remit- tance, no matter what the amount may be, will show that you have not forgotten them, and that you are trying to pay your bills. Almost without exception creditors are very patient and considerate with debt- ors who show a desire to pay their bills. The writer knows of an instance where a young officer joined his regiment several hundred dollars in debt, and at the end of every month he would send his credit- ors $50 or $60 in $5 and $10 checks. At the end of fourteen months or so he received a very complimentary letter from one of his old creditors, whom he had just finished paying $120 in $5 and $10 checks, to the effect that he always knew what to expect of the officer, for the checks came regularly at the end of every month, and he was not at all worried about the bill that the officer thus showed him that he was trying hard to pay his debts, and that he reckoned the officer among his most reliable customers. C Collection of Debts by the War Department. The War Depart- ment will not undertake the collection of private debts from officers or enlisted men. However, as an incident of its duty to maintain the standard of excellence of the Army, it will take disciplinary action in the case of an officer, when his failure, through misrepresentations or otherwise, to meet just financial obligations, scandalizes the service, or holds it up to the view of the public in that light. As a rule credit- 30 CHAPTER I ors should make their complaints to the post or regimental commander of the officer, or to the company commander of the enlisted man. It is believed that in the case of an unsatisfied judgment, which judgment has been obtained in a court of competent jurisdiction, the proper procedure would be for the creditor to lay the 'entire matter before the post or the regimental commander of the officer, and the officer's refusal to satisfy such a judgment would most probably be considered conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman. The Adjutant General of the Army should not be appealed to unless the creditor is not able to get satisfaction otherwise. The pay of an officer may be withheld on account of an indebtedness to the United States admitted or shown by the judgment of a court, but not otherwise, unless upon a special order issued by direction of the Secretary of War. The last part of this provision can not be construed separately but in connection with the first part, and can not be interpreted as empowering the Secretary of War to stop the pay of an officer to satisfy private debts or claim for alimony. Sec. 2382, Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocate General of the Army, Revised Edition, 1001. However, if a final judgment has been obtained in the case of a private debt or of alimony, the disciplinary aspect of the case will be recognized by the War De- partment upon complaint. A Military Courtesy. (See "Honors, Courtesies and Ceremonies," Army Regulations; also, "Honors," Drill Regulations.) Courtesy among military men is indispensable to discipline; respect to superiors will not be confined to obedience on duty, but will be extended on all occasions. (A. R.) B "All officers salute on meeting, and in making or receiving offi- cial reports. Military courtesy requires the junior to salute first, but when the salute is introductory to a report made at a military cere- mony or formation to the representative of a common superior as for example, to the adjutant, officer of the day, etc. the officer making the report, whatever his rank, will salute first; the officer to whom the report is made will acknowledge, by saluting, that he has received and understood the report. * * * " (A. R.) When not on duty the salute between officers is usually accom- panied by a verbal salutation. It is frequently noticed that older officers are now more punc- tilious about saluting when they meet than are those of brief serv- ice. Second lieutenants and all other officers, r even though classmates or intimate friends, should salute each other on meeting with the same correctness as though they were many grades apart. It is merely a question of good military manners, and furthermore it should be remembered that the military salute is the mark and privi- lege of the military man that it is a bond uniting all officers and sol- diers in a common profession, marking the fact that above them there is an authority that both recognize and obey the Country! General Orders No. 183, 1901, Division of the Philippines, states: "In all armies, the manner in which military courtesies are ob- served and rendered by officers and soldiers is the index to the man- ner in which other duties are performed." A junior is not justified in failing to salute a senior because the TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 31 latter does not acknowledge the salute properly or because of a griev- ance he may have against the senior. An officer can not be too careful about returning the salutes of those under him, and he should not do so with a cigar or pipe in his mouth this is unmilitary and impolite. The subject of military courtesy is covered thoroughly in Noncommissioned Officers' Manual and in Privates' Manual, by the author. See Advertising Directory in back of Supplement. A In his Suggestions to Young Officers, Captain Sargent says: "Offi- cers take precedence according to rank as laid down in the Regula- tions, and this precedence extends to your social life, to the mess, and to the club. When a senior enters the club, it is just as much an act of official courtesy as it is a social one to offer him a chair and a paper, to defer in a manly way to his rank. "For the same reason, if you are out drilling your company, never pass across the front of a company commanded by a senior so as to cause him to halt or mark time until you are out of the way. You might be a little in advance of him, and so have what is com- monly termed the right of way, but it would be a courteous thing to do if you took a little longer route and avoided delaying him. "I do not mean that there should be a servility or fawning to- wards a superior officer such a course is detestable; but that there should be a deference, which in official intercourse should be marked." If late at a recitation in the officers' school, always make your excuses to the instructor before sitting down. If an officer senior to the instructor enters the recitation room, even though there be but little difference in their rank, all the student officers should stand at attention. If a senior officer enters a room in which you are without side arms and wearing your hat, remove your hat. If seated you would, of course, rise. B When walking or horseback riding with a senior, remain on his left, and if on foot, keep step with him. Likewis-e, if riding in a car- riage with a superior, always sit on his left. C The Army Regulations require a mounted officer to dismount before addressing a senior not mounted. D Should you visit the headquarters of a military command or a military post, ^do not fail to call upon the commander thereof as soon as practicable and register your name as required by Army Regulations. E Punctuality. Punctuality is one of the cardinal requisites of a good soldier. Cultivate the habit of being punctual make it an* in- variable rule always to be at the appointed place three or four minutes before the time ordered. Get Into the habit of being punctual. 32 CHAPTER I A Promptness. Always act promptly, never putting off until to- morrow what can be done today. Procrastination has thwarted the advancement of many a bright, able officer. Get into the habit of being prompt. B Industry and Perseverance. In the profession of arms, as in all other professions, officers ultimately take standing according to efficiency and merit. Efficiency requires time, labor, and preseverance. Of course, ability such as was possessed by Napoleon, Wellington, Grant, Lee, and other geniuses is not to be acquired, but the officer of average ability may educate himself to a capability, if not to com- mand an army, then a regiment, and if not a regiment, then at least a company. Great and extraordinary intellects may win laurels and stand high in their professions with but little labor, but such geniuses are very rare the average mortal, without inspiration or natural gift, can hope to gain success only through industry and perseverance. C Forethought. Forethought, a most valuable asset, is really an acquired trait. Get into the habit of cultivating it it is astonishing how this quality can be improved with practice. D Attention to Details. Get into the habit of paying attention to details. It is a well-known fact that some of our greatest generals owed their success in a large degree to their strict attention to details. A famous English general once remarked, "I attribute my success to the fact that I attended in all things in the first instance to small details; but it is the fashion now to think that small details are not essential. My theory and practice have been exactly the reverse. I maintain the small details are essential. Every great intellect can bring details to a successful result, but without details intellect can do nothing. That is the principle I have tried to incul- cate in the spirit and sentiments of the army, and to this day, when I go about to inspect the regiments, I look to these small details as much as I used to do formerly. I believe them to J>e the rudiments and ground work of our services, ' and upon them we must build those enlarged views, those enlarged requirements." Of course, it' goes without saying that one who has subordinates that are charged with certain duties, should not attend to details to such an extent as to interfere with and pester those under him he should confine himself to general instructions, leaving the details to the subordinates, who should be held strictly responsible for results. However, one must not forget it is a well-established principle that it is the duty of an officer or noncommissioned officer who gives an order to see it is obeyed; carrying out orders received does not end in their perfunctory transmission to subordinates, but one must per- sonally see that orders so transmitted are made effective. E Your Dress. Always be sure to turn out in the regulation uni- TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 33 form, with your clothing properly brushed, cleaned and pressed, and every article of your equipment shipshape. Above all, avoid slouchiness. A Treatment of Soldiers. Young officers sometimes run to one of two extremes in the treatment of their men they either, by undue familiarity or otherwise, cultivate popularity with their men; or, they do not treat them with sufficient consideration the former course will forfeit their esteem; the latter, ensure their dislike, neither of which result is conducive to commanding their respect. Treat your soldiers with proper consideration, dignity, and jus- tice remember they are members of your profession, the difference being one of education, rank, command, and pay but they are men, like yourself, and should be treated as such. Under no circumstances should you ever swear at a soldier not only is this taking a mean, unfair advantage of your position, but it is also undignified, ungentlemanly and unmilitary. It is even more improper for you to swear at a soldier than it is for a superior to swear at you in the latter case the insult can be properly resented; in the former, it must be borne in humiliating silence. Remember, that if by harsh or unfair treatment you destroy a man's self-respect, you at the same time destroy his usefulness. Familiarity is, of course, most subversive of discipline, but you can treat your men with sympathetic consideration without being familiar with them. See page 172 (The Captain) and also 246 (8). In dealing with enlisted men, do not use the same standard of intellect and morals that apply in the case of officers. And remember, too, that a thing that may appear small and trivial to an officer may mean a great deal to an enlisted man study your men, learn -their desires, their habits, their way of thinking, and then in your dealings with them try to look at things from their standpoint also. In other words, in your treatment of your men be just as human as possible. B One of our ablest officers has given this definition of the Art of War: 1-5 is learned from books; 1-5 is common sense; 3-5 is knowing men and how to lead them. C System and Method. Get into the habit of being systematic and methodical. A systematic and methodical man can accomplish in a given time two or three times as much as a man of equal intelli- gence who is not systematic and methodical. Make for yourself the reputation of being careful, systematic and methodical. D Paper Work. The only way to learn Army paper work is to do it, thus acquiring a practical, working knowledge of the subject. Ask your captain to let you act as company clerk for two or three months go to the company office and study carefully the Correspondence 34 CHAPTER I Book, the retained Muster and Pay Rolls, etc. Also study the subject of "Correspondence" in the famy Regulations. See Chapter XVI, Page 237, on "Paper Work." A Service Publications. Young officers, when joining the service, should become members of the Military Service Institution and of the Infantry, or Cavalry or Artillery Association. (Infantry and Cavalry officers should belong to both the Infantry and the Cavalry Association.) Officers should also subscribe to either the Army and Navy Journal or the Army and Navy Register. In this way an officer keeps posted on the best current thought and ideas in the Army he sees what his brother officers are doing and keeps in touch with the personnel of the service. The Saturday edition of The Evening Post, New York ($1.50 per year), devotes considerable space (usually a whole page) to Army news. The Tribune, New York (daily, including Sunday edition), $8 per year, devotes more space to Army news than any other daily of New York. The following-named newspapers make more or less a specialty of Army and National Guard news: Baltimore Sun; Kansas City Star; Leavenworth Times; Bos- ton Evening Transcript; Chicago Inter-Ocean; Boston Globe ; Brooklyn Daily Times; Brooklyn Eagle; Standard Union (Brooklyn); New York World; New York Times; New York Press ; Philadelphia Ledger ; Philadelphia Inquirer ; Pittsburgh Press ; Washington (D. C.) Evening Star; Washington (D. C.) Post. B Quite often matters come up that officers complain are not cov- ered in the Army Regulations, in some of the Staff Department Man- uals, or in some other way, while, as a matter of fact, the very things in point are so covered. The trouble is, some people do not know where to find things hence, spend your first few months in the service learning what subjects the Army Regulations, the Staff Department, Manuals, etc., contain, so that you will know they exist and will be able to find them when the occasion arises. In this connection it is suggested that you subscribe to "Army Amendments," a quarterly publication that will keep "posted" up to date your Army Regulations, Manual of Guard Duty, the Manuals of the various Departments, and several other War Department publi- cations. See Advertising Directory in back part of Supplement. C Personal Orders. Keep a file of all company, post, regimental, department division, and War Department orders affecting you. You will find such a file not only most interesting, but also very convenient for reference in years to come. (A Weis Scrap Book, No. 105, is recommended for the purpose.) D Seeking Advice. In case you wish advice on any subject go to either the adjutant or your company commander either will gladly assist you. When no officers are at hand, you should not feel back- ward or ashamed to ask old soldiers, especially noncommissioned officers, concerning matters you do not understand. Although you TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 35 may have more "book-learning" than the old soldier, he knows more about soldiers and soldiering than you will know for several years to come. A When Assuming A New Command, Do Not Be Top Hasty About Making Changes. Probably the greatest administrative officer the Army has ever had said to the author one day, "In assuming a new command I always make it a rule to go slowly in changing things my predecessor has done. He probably had good reasons for his acts, and after you have been in command awhile and gotten familiar with conditions your views may be quite different from what they were at first." B Don't Go Over Heads of People. In giving instructions or in doing or getting things be careful not to go over the heads of people there is nothing that will rile the average man more than this. In this connection it may also be said that you should not get a company clerk, a clerk in the adjutant's office, or any other soldier occupying a similar position to do any clerical or other work for you without first speaking to the officer under whose immediate directions the man is working. C Legible Signatures. Of late years there has been considerable just criticism of the illegible signatures of many officers, especially youngsters. Illegible signatures are often a source of annoyance, in- convenience, and exasperation to others. Although a person may write more or less illegibly, there is no excuse for illegible signatures, which can be avoided so easily by the exercise of a little care and pains. The Following Extracts from "THE YOUNG OFFICER'S DON'TS" are Considered Worthy of Perusal: DON'T, on joining your regiment, lose sight of the fact that you are now a young officer, and, therefore, no longer an old cadet. Your immediate seniors will be disposed to speedily remind you of the change, should it ever escape your memory. DON'T assert yourself or your accomplishments. They will be the more appreciated when lonnd out by others, .and so, perhaps, will you. DON'T affect a superiority over your brother officers, either as regards knowledge or ignorance. Prigs and ignoramuses are alike intolerable; but the latter predominate. DON'T, however poor you may be, dress shabbily. DON'T affect any singularity in dress. This is a monopoly of great men who, presumably, desire to bring themselves down to the level of ordinary mortals. Knowing this instinctively, men will try to find a reason for your peculiarities, should you cultivate any, 36 CHAPTER I and unassisted by you, may possibly jump at conclusions to your disadvantage. DON'T, if you are well off, perpetually boast about the large- ness of your purchases. Nothing is more offensively vulgar than telling people "what you gave" for this or that, and the chances are that you are only advertising your own folly and gullibility. DON'T sneer at anybody, either openly or behind their backs. It is bad manners and uncharitable; even men with ridiculously bad memories will not readily forget your having done so. DON'T be captious. Your elders always think they know bet- ter than you, and, without being sycophantic, it is graceful to be silent rather than contradict them flatly. It is also politic. DON'T forget small debts. The shilling borrowed at pool is apt to be sooner forgotten than the sovereign lent at a race meeting by the borrower. DON'T openly despise a man, of your own or any other stand- ing, whom you feel to be your inferior. Depend upon it there is something at which he can beat you handsomely, and he will leave no stone unturned till he does it. DON'T recite your personal experiences too frequently, or with wearying detail. Unsolicited anecdotes of personal prowess have, as a rule, more charm for the teller than for his audience some of whom politeness may alone prevent from capping them. DON'T do nothing because there is nothing to do. The human machine is a poor contrivance, when it stops running because nobody happens to have replenished its hopper. DON'T parade a want of interest in things which may be en- gaging the attention of your brother officers. Rightly or wrongly, they will expect your sympathy, and will resent its denial. DON'T allow yourself to have any tricks of manner, or habit, if you can help it. DON'T set undervalue on pedigree or family connections. NOBLESSE OBLIGE should be your patrician motto. Remember Lord St. Leonards' answer to the snob who reminded him that his father was a barber. "Had your father been a barber," was the rejoinder, ''you would have been a barber too." There is no need to proclaim yourself a born gentleman, if you behave as such. DON'T, as you value your existence, give men a handle to call you a toady. He who forces himself into the friendship of his superiors loses forever the esteem of his equals; and, under a dynasty that knows not Joseph, will realize how hearty the dislike and con- tempt of his comrades can be. DON'T rely upon what is termed "pull" for promotion and advancement. Your own exertions will procure you a solid esteem, infinitely more useful than the recommendation of men in high places, bestowed (begrudgingly more often than not) upon ydur father's son TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 37 DON'T be overanxious to kick down the ladder by which you may have climbed. Men who have done you a good turn at any time remember it and its direct bearing on your success long after they and it have faded from your mind. DON'T talk loud at mess, or monopolize the conversation bv telling stories which, though possibly new to you, may be well known to your elders. These are the privileges of senior officers, and your turn will come. DON'T, by any chance, mention a lady's name at mess. This rule is as good as it is old, and can not be too strictly adhered to. DON'T use strong language at mess. Rudeness from a boy's lips becomes an insult from a man's, and its consequences are pro- portionately serious. Personal Military Library A The list of books given on pages 39-47 is intended as an aid to young officers who may desire to accumulate a useful military library without an unnecessary expenditure of time and money. The list is not a bibliography of the wars and other subjects considered, but has for its object the naming of a limited number of works which are known to possess military value and interest. Cir. 6, Division of Militia Affairs, March 31, 1911, gives a list of books suggested as a guide for a Militia library. See Chapter XXIX, page 379, "The Educational System of the Army and Professional Study." B The books named, or any other professional works, foreign or domestic, now in print, may be obtained from The Secretary, Army Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, at a considerable saving in some cases over the usual retail rates. Also, The U. S. Infantry Association, Washington, D. C, and The U. S. Cavalry Association, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., have excellent book departments through which any books, domestic or foreign, can be obtained at the regular selling price. It is suggested that officers order their books, magazines, and periodicals for both themselves and their companies, through these associations, which are thus enabled to make a profit without any cost on the part of the purchaser. MILITARY HISTORY 1 All study of war, strategy, tactics, military supplies and transport, and every other branch, brings us sooner or later to the study of Military History. For professional purposes the descriptions of campaigns and *In the preparation of this subject valuable assistance was received from Captain Arthur L. Conger, 29th U. S. Infantry. (Note: The Annotated Guide of American History, published by Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, is a most excellent reference book which gives the scope, character, and comparative worth of books on American history). 38 CHAPTER 1 battles found in general histories, as well as in a good many so-called military histories, are of little value. We require either the work of a competent trained historical writer, who is at the same time possessed of sufficient professional knowledge and ability to point out both the facts of importance and the deductions to be drawn from them, or else the necessary documents, records, orders, messages, diaries, etc., to enable us to study the facts for ourselves and deduce our own lessons therefrom. llie systematic writing of military history was first begun by Napoleon I, who established a War Department Historical Bureau charged with writing histories of the campaigns of his time. 1 This was aban- doned, however, at the restoration of the French monarchy. The Ger- mans were next to undertake the systematic writing of military his- tory. An historical section of the German Great General Staff was founded about 1870, and its first great work, "The History of the Franco-German War of 1870-71,"* was published soon after the conclu- sion of that war. This was followed by a series of "Monographs on War History," of which forty-four have appeared up to the present time. The earlier volumes are devoted to the Prussian Wars of '64, '66, the Napoleonic Wars and wars of Frederick the Great. The latter volumes, however, havebeen devoted to studies of the Boer War and the Russo-Japanese War.* More recently a series of "Studies in War History and Tactics" have been undertaken, five volumes of which have appeared thus far, dealing with such subjects as "The Movement of an Army in Campaign ;" "The Withdrawal from Battle;" "Success in Battle" and "The Fortress in Wars of the Time of Napoleon and Wars of Our Own Time." Other publications deal with subjects of less general interest, such as the his- tory of the German Army. The above works are published as the work of the General Staff, the names of the writers not being given. As might be expected, all works dealing with wars in which Germany has taken part, are written with a strong bias, and with a view to con- serving and fostering the prestige and esprit of the German Army. Other wars are discussed with a fair degree of accuracy and impartiality, though it is to be regretted that references to sources are infrequent. In 1899 an historical section of the French General Staff was formed and began the publication of a monthly magazine, Le Revue d'Histoire, devoted to studies of the Franco-German War of 1870, earlier French wars, including those of Napoleon, and recent foreign wars, including the Boer and Russo-Japanese wars. 1 Some of these have been published under the title "Memorial du Depont de la Guerre." 1 Translated, but out of print and hard to obtain. The volumes on the Boer War and two of those on the Russo-Japanese war, have been translated and published in English. TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 39 Most of these studies have since been republished in book form, including a history of the Franco-German War of 1870, and the campaigns of 1800 and 1805 (not yet completed.) These publications differ from the German in that the names of the writers are given and all important documents available are published in full. The general staffs of the Holland and Belgian armies have recently established "Historical Sections" modeled on the French plan. The Rus- sian General Staff likewise has an historical section. The British General Staff has no historical section but an officer (Colonel Maurice) was recently detailed to write "An Official History of the South African War." In the United States Army little attention has thus far been given to the study or of military history, but Congress has provided for its study in the "Official Records of the War of the Rebellion," the most complete set of documents ever published regarding any war. As can be readily surmised from the foregoing, there is comparatively little in English, with the exception of a few translations, of great value on modern European wars. THE WARS OF FREDERICK THtf GREAT (Books marked with an asterisk are out of print, but second-hand copies can be obtained.) A Carlyle's "Frederick the Great" is the standard work in English. The battles have been collected and published separately in "Carlyle's Battles of Frederick the Great," by Ransome, but the whole of Car- lyle's works is of interest to the military student. THE NAPOLEONIC WARS Rose's "Napoleon I." Fournier's "Napoleon I." "The Cambridge Modern History," }- Good general histories. Vol. IX, "Napoleon." Jomini's "Life of Napoleon." "Napoleon As A General," by Count Wartenburg; a valuable mili- tary estimate. "Napoleon Bonaparte's First Campaign." 1 "The Marengo Campaign." > by Sargent. "The Conquest of Prussia." "The Campaign of Poland." by F L Petre "Napoleon and the Archduke Charles." "History of the Peninsular War." Napier. (Considered by some as the best military history ever written.) "1815 Waterloo," by Houssaye. (Translated from the French.) "Campaign of 1815," by James. + "History of the Waterloo Campaign," by Ropes. 40 CHAPTER I There are numerous memoirs which are interesting as throwing light on the customs, personalities, morale of the armies, etc., though of slight specific historical value, such as those of Baron de Marbot, 1 Mac- Donald, Oudinot, Le Jeune, Rapp, Segur and Meneval, but among the best of these the memoirs of St. Cyr have unfortunately not been trans- lated, and the translation of Marmont's Memoirs is out of print. The so-called St. Helena Memoirs, by Las Casas, Gourgand, Monthalon, etc., have little historical reliability, but are of interest as giving Napoleon's later criticisms on his own campaigns. The "Correspondence of Napoleon" (32 vols.), published by direction ot Napoleon III, 1858-1869 (in French), forms the real basis for the study of the Napoleonic campaigns, taken in connection with the more recent publications of the French and German general staffs. THE CRIMEAN WAR A "THE WAR IN THE CRIMEA/' by Hamley. An excellent work. Concise and accurate. Kinglake's "History of the Crimean War." Student edition, by Clarke. THE ITALIAN WAR OF 1859 B "Magenta and Solferino" Wylly (London). THE AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR Hozier's "Seven Weeks' War." An excellent work. Wagner's "The Campaign of Koniggratz." A study of the Austro- Prussian conflict in light of the American Civil War. THE FRANCO-GERMAN WAR C *"The German Official Account." A voluminous and costly work. It is the standard work on which all other histories of this war must necessarily be mainly founded." *BORBSTAEDT'S "HISTORY OF THE FRANCO-GERMAN WAR." An excel- lent work but it ends with the fall of Strassburg and the annihilation of the French regular armies. "The Franco-German War," by Von Moltke. A brief history, good in the original, but the English translation contains a number of minor inaccuracies. "The Franco-German War" Maurice. (By German officers cor- responds to our "Battles and Leaders of the Civil War"). The following translations from the German do not pretend to be histories, but throw considerable light on certain phases of the operations : "With the Royal Headquarters," by Von Verdy. 1 Memoirs of Baron de Marbot is an extremely interesting work which throws much light upon the military methods and life in the armies of Napoleon. TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 41 "Blumenthal's Journal of the Wars of 1886 and 18/0-71." "Twenty-four Hours of Von Moltke's Strategy." ) r? -,. TT "Tactics of the Future." j p From the French point of view nothing of consequence on' the Franco-German War has yet been written in English or translated, but Bonnal's "Froeschwiller" and "Manoeuvre de St. Privat" as well as the French General Staff History, are excellent works recommended for those who read French. Lebautcourt's "L'Histoire de la Guerre de 1870-71" is probably the best general history of the war. A good impartial account as well as a valuable military criticism is found in the Russian General Von Woyde's "Causes of Success and Failure in the Franco-German War;" this work is pub- lished in both French and German, but not yet in English. Von Moltke's correspond- ence, recently published by the German General Staff, throws much new light on this campaign. THE RUSSO-TURKISH WAR Greene's "Russian Campaigns in Turkey." An excellent work. "The Russo-Turkish War" Maurice. "Army Life in Russia" Greene. EARLY AMERICAN WARS Parkman's "Montcalm and Wolfe." A deeply interesting history of the "Old French War." Fiske's "History of the American Revolution." An excellent work. Lossing's "Field Book of the War of 1812." A large volume, minute in many details, and somewhat discursive. An excellent account of the War of 1812 can be found in Adams' "History of the United States, from 1801 to 1817," and in McMaster's "History of the People of the United States." "War of 1812" Johnston. "Naval War of 1812" Roosevelt. THE MEXICAN WAR *"History of the Mexican War," by Major General C. M. Wilcox; Church News Pub. Co., Washington; 1892. A good military history. "The War With Mexico," by Brigadier General R. S. Ripley; Harper, I\ T . Y., 1849; 2 volumes. A good military history in a more popular style than the above. "Autobiography of General Winfield Scott," Sheldon, N. Y., 1864; 2 volumes. Has been severely criticised, but has great interest for the military student. "General Scott," by Brigadier General M. I. Wright. "General Zachary Taylor," by Major General O. O. Howard. The last two volumes are popular biographies published by Appleton, New York, 1892-94, in the "Great Commander" series. Price, $1.50 each. THE CIVIL WAR OF 1861-64 The "Official Records of -the Union and Confederate Armies in the War of the Rebellion" (128 volumes and atlas), published by Act of Con- 42 CHAPTER I gress at a cost of nearly three million dollars and distributed free of charge to field officers pi the Army and members of Congress and their friends, is now out of 'print, but a set will be found in the post library of nearly every military post in the United States, and sets with the atlas may be obtained from second-hand book dealers for from $15 to $40. The best general history of the Civil War is "Abraham Lincoln ; A History," by Nicolay and Hay, 10 volumes; The Century Co. "The Campaigns of the Civil War," 13 volumes, Scribner's, form the best introduction to the study of particular campaigns. "A Bird's Eye View of the Civil War." by Dodge, gives a brief summary of events of the War. Baker & Taylor, New York, $1. Other histories are : "History of the Civil War in America," by the Comte de Paris; 4 volumes (to the spring of 1864, only). "Story of the Civil War," by J. C. Ropes, 2 volumes. (1861 and 1862, only). "Life of Stonewall Jackson," by Henderson (English). Strong Southern bias and unreliable. "Grant's Virginia Campaign in 1864," by Atkinson (English). Good. Memoirs 1 Many memoirs have been published, of which only a few will be mentioned here. "Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant" is an exceptionally able and care- ful work and should be in the library of every officer. The memoirs of Sherman and of Sheridan are of great interest on account of the prominent part in events taken by these generals. "McClellan's Own Story," "Johnston's Narrative" and "Advance and Retreat," by Hood, are mainly controversial in character, and the two last are particularly unreliable. "From Manassas to Appomattox," by Long- street, is an excellent work, but written with a strong bias. Two memoirs have appeared recently which have a special value because written after years of careful study of the campaigns in which the writers participated. These are: "Military Reminiscences of the Civil War," by Cox (2 volumes, Scribner's), and "Military Memoirs of a Confederate," by Alexander (i volume, Scribner's, $4 net). The latter presents a searching and fear- less analysis of each of the great campaigns. It is one of the ablest and most valuable books on the Civil War. ^'Battles and Leaders of the Civil War" (4 volumes; The Century Co.) contain numerous short stories, originally published in the Century Magazine, which are mainly controversial or anecdotal and of slight historic or military value. Some of the many illustrations are, however, excellent. NOTE. An excellent and fairly complete bibliography of the Civil War will be found in the "Literature of American History, American Library Association. Annotated Guide." (Edited by J. N. Tamed.) TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 43 THE CHINO-JAPANESE WAR OF 1894 "The China-Japan War," by Vladimir, Scribner's. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR Lodge's "History of the War With Spain." An ably written book, but produced almost contemporaneously with the events whi^h it describes, and, consequently, not free from inaccuracies. The "Fight for Santiago," by Stephen Bonsai. A readable narra- tive, but the military criticisms are of little value. "In Cuba With Shafter," by Miley. A concise narrative, supposed to reflect to a considerable degree the views of General Shafter. "The Cuban and Porto Rican Campaigns," by Richard Harding Davis. "Battles and Capitulation of Santiago de Cuba," by Lieut. Jose Miiller y Tejiero. "The Campaign of Santiago," by Sargent. The best history of the war written so far. (3 vols.) MINOR WARS *Sprague's "History of the Florida War." Malleson's "History of the Indian Mutiny of 1857." (The "Sepoy War.") Forbes' "History of the Afghan Wars." Stevens' "With Kitchener to Omdurman." Churchill's "The River War." "War Path and Bivouac, or the Conquest of the Sioux," by Finerty. While this book scarcely rises to the dignity of history, it gives a readable and reliable account of the Sioux War of 1876-77. "Narrative of the Field Operations Connected With the Zulu War of 1879." Carter's "Narrative of the Boer War." (The First Boer War). Maurice's "Military History of the Campaign of 1882 in Egypt." "History of the Soudan Campaign." Colvile. THE CHINESE CAMPAIGN OF 1900 "China and Allies." Landor. "Reports on Military Operations in South Africa and China," pub- lished by the Military Information Division, Adjutant General's Office. (Now War College Division, General Staff.) "America With the Chinese Expedition." Daggett. THE BOER WAR "German General Staff Account." 2 vols. Best work in print on subject. Should be carefully read by every military student. 44 CHAPTER I "The History of the Boer War," by Cunliffe; 2 vols. (about 650 pages each)". An excellent account with many illustrations. Originally published at $10, now sold for $2. "The Times History of the War in South Africa;" 5 yols., illustrated (about 350 pages each). A very complete account originally published at $50, but second-hand copies can now be had for about $10. "History* of the War in South Africa 1899-1902," by Maurice (semi- official account) ; not yet completed. Three volumes have appeared thus far (about 500 pages each), with a box of excellent maps to accompany each volume. It is sold at $10 per volume, including the maps. "The Great Boer \Var," by Conan Doyle. An excellent brief history. "The Second Boer War," by Wisser. "Reports on Military Operations in South Africa and China,** pub- lished by the Military Information Division, Adjutant General's Office. (Now War College Division, General Staff.) THE RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR Two volumes of the German Official Account have thus far been translated into English and form the best general history so far as they go. Other volumes will appear soon. The report of U. S. Army observers have been published by the War Department in numerous volumes and contain valuable information for the study of this war. The same may be said if Sir Ian Hamilton's "A Staff Officer's Scrap Book;" 2 volumes (about 350 pages each). Among the many monographs and accounts of special operations may be men- tioned : "The Siege and Fall of Port Arthur," by Bartlett the best English narrative of the siege. "The Battle of Mukden" a summary by the German General Staff, published by Hugh Rees, London, 1906; 72 pages; $1.50 (good maps). "The Battle of Shaho," the same. "Lessons of the Russo-Japanese War," by De Negrier; Hugh Rees, London. "The Truth About the War," by Tarbuno. WORKS COVERING SEVERAL HISTORICAL EPOCHS "Annals of the Wars of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries," by Cust. This work includes the campaigns of Marlborough, Frederick the Great, and Napoleon, besides giving a good account of the "Old French War," the Revolution, and the War of 1812. It is a valuable work, and can be purchased at a very reasonable price., VARIOUS WORKS PERTAINING TO THE ART OF WAR General Works on the Art of War. "On War," by Clausewitz ; translated from the German by Colonel Gra- ham; published by Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., London. 3 volumes. TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 45 Although written nearly a century ago this book remains the standard work on the art of war and is one which every officer who wishes to become master of his profession should know thoroughly. "The Conduct of War," by Von der Goltz ; translated from the Ger- man by Colonel Dickman ; published by Franklin Hudson, Kansas City, Mo. A valuable and concise statement of the principles of strategy. "The Nation in Arms," by Von der Goltz; translated from the German by Von Donat; published by Hugh Rees, London. An im- portant supplement to the above. "The Development of Strategical Science During the igth Century," by Von Caemmerer; translated from the German by Von Donat; pub- lished by Hugh Rees, London. A valuable work, especially if studied after or in connection with those given above. "Napoleon's Maxims of War." Many translations exist of this mili- tary classic which every officer should know. "Operations of War," by Hamley. This book was published forty years ago and gives numerous historical illustrations of the main principles of strategy, taken chiefly from Napoleonic campaigns. Although some- what out of date and inexact as to the facts of some of the campaigns cited, this work remains a valuable introduction to the subject of strategy. A work on the same order, but greatly superior, by Von Verdy, has just been published in Germany, of which it is hoped that an English translation will soon be published. "Modern War," by Derrecagaix, a work on the same plan by a French writer. "The Duties of The General Staff," by Von Schellendorf, translated for the British General Staff, London. The best introduction to the study of military staff duties and of the problems which confront the higher commanders in campaign. Fortification. "Applied Principles of Field Fortification," by Captain J. A. Wood- ruff, is a brief but good introduction to this subject. Military Topography and Sketching. "Individual and Combined Military Sketching," by Cole and Stuart; published by the Cavalry Journal, Fort Leavenworth, Kans. "Military Topography" (including Map Reading, Surveying and Sketching), by Sherrill. "Noncommissioned Officers' Manual," by Moss, contains excellent chapters on map-reading and map-sketching, presenting the subjects in a simple, practical way. Supply and Transport. "Lines of Communication." , & "Military Transport." by Furse ' "Notes on the Supply of an Army;" translated by Captain Kendell and Colonel Sharpe. No subject connected with the art of war is of greater importance than this, but there is little thus far printed on it in English. Every officer should investigate deeply this subject in books and out of them. 46 CHAPTER I Tactics The study of tactics is best pursued by (a) reading general works on the subject, such as those cited below; (b) studying and solying tactical problems; and (c) studying military history. These three lines of study should go hand in hand and when possible be supplemented by participating in tactical and staff rides, maneuvers, and war games. (See Chapter XXIX, page 379, "The Educational System of the Army and Professional Study.") The standard modern work en tactics is by Balck, a German writer, published in 6 volumes, only one of which, "Infantry Tactics," has been translated into English. Other works on tactics, recommended are: "Tactical Principles," by J. Burde; published by Hugh Rees, London, 1908. "A Summer Night's Dream," anonymous; published by Franklin Hudson, Kansas City, Mo. "Inquiries into the Tactics of the Future," by Fritz Hoenig; trans- lated by Reichmann and published by Franklin Hudson, Kansas City, Mo. "Etudes sur le Combat," by Ardant du Picq. (French.) "Notes on Field Artillery for Officers of All Arms," by Captain O. L. Spaulding, Jr. i. "Cavalry Studies from Two Great Wars," by Bowie, Koehler and Davis. "Cavalry in Future Wars," by Bernhardi. Works on Applied Tactics "Tactical Principles and Problems," by Hanna; 453 pages, $2.50. An interesting and thorough discussion of marches, advance and rear guards, combats, outposts, and other ordinary operations of small com- mands of infantry and cavalry. This book is highly recommended. "Studies in Minor Tactics," by instructors in the Military Art Department, Army School of the Line. This book deals with small forces, from a small patrol up to and including a regiment. "Letters on Applied Tactics," by Griepenkerl; American translation by Earth; published by Franklin Hudson, Kansas City, Mo. This work deals with the reenforced brigade. The following three works deal with an infantry division: "Studies in the Leading of Troops," by Von Verdy (Franklin Hud- son). "Tactical Divisions and Orders," by Buddecke (Franklin Hudson). "Selected Problems Relating to the Conduct of a Division" (by Gizycki and Fitzman) ; privately printed at the Army Service Schools for use in the Staff College, but for sale to Army officers. The following are of special interest to cavalry officers: "Conduct of a Contact Squadron," by de Biensan. TO OFFICERS JUST APPOINTED 47 "Studies in Applied Tactics," by Von Alten ; translated by Earth and published by Franklin Hudson, Kansas City, Mo. "Cavalry in Service," by Pellt-Narbonne ; translated by Legard and published by Hugh Rees, London. (Studies based on the employment of the German Cavalry at the outbreak of the Franco-German War of 1870-71). Miscellaneous "History of the Indian Mutiny of 1857," (the Sepoy Rebellion), by Malleson. "History of the Afghan Wars," by Forbes. "Narrative of the Field Operations connected with the Zulu War of 1879-" "Narrative of the Boer War," by Carter (First Boer War). "Military History of the Campaign of 1882 in Egypt," by Maurice. "History of the Soudan Campaign," by Colvile. "With Kitchener to Omdurman," by Stevens. "The River War," by Churchill. "Forty-one Years in India," by General Lord Roberts. "History of the Florida War," by Sprague. "War Path and Bivouac," by Finerty (Sioux War of 1876-77). "Chief Joseph, His Pursuit and Capture," by Howard. The War Department and the Military Information Division Libraries Upon direct application to the Librarian of the War Department officers may obtain such books in the War Department Library as are not necessary for reference purposes in the library rooms. Books so obtained can be retained thirty days from date of their receipt, at the expiration of which period they will be returned by registered mail to the Librar- ian of the War Department. The officer must prepay the registry fee. Transfers of any volume to an officer serving at the same post may be made for a period of fifteen days, in which case the librarian will be promptly advised. (Instructions of the officer in supervisory charge of the library). Under the same conditions books may be obtained from the Military Information Division Library (War College Division, General Staff). Catalogues of books on hand in both libraries may be found in the Post Library. Library of the Military Information Division, General Staff, Manila, P. I. Officers serving in the Philippines Division can get books from this library on conditions similar to those on which publications can be obtained from the War Department Library. 48 CHAPTER I A The War College Division of the General Staff is always glad to avail itself of the services of officers who are good translators of any foreign language. Officers doing translation work receive credit for the same on their efficiency .record. Officers wishing to secure profes- sional books or papers for translation should communicate with, "The Chief, War College Division,, General Staff, Washington, D. C." A dictionary for use in connection with translation work, is us- ually furnished, if asked for. NOTE: The War Department has published a splendid French-English Military Technical Dictionary (Document No. 95), by Capt. Willcox, a copy of which would probably be furnished you upon application. B The Army List and Directory, a pamphlet published the 20th of every month, gives the names of the commissioned personnel of the various departments, staff corps and regiments, and also the names and addresses of all officers of the Army, active and retired. It can be ob- tained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at IS cts.- a copy, or $1.50 a year. C Relations with Civilians and National Guardsmen. It may be said that there is a feeling amongst some civilians, and a feeling that is not in some cases entirely without foundation, that some Army offi- cers are at times inclined to hold themselves aloof from civilians to the extent of appearing snobbish. The officer whose manners excite such criticism is lost to his sense of responsibility to himself and to the service. To be courteous and considerate, in speech and manner, in all social, business, and official relations with civilians, is incumbent upon all officers. It is to be remembered that our Regular Army is essentially the people's Army and that it exists only by their good will and pleasure; that it is the people who created the Army and that it is the people who maintain and support it. With regard to our citizen soldiery, officially known as the Organized Militia, and popularly called the National Guard, not only should a feeling of comradery cause us always to -extend to them a sympathetic hand, but it is really a part of our duty to help them in every way possible. Under the present law, our next war, should it be one of any magnitude, will be fought to a great extent by the Organ- ized Militia; and it is therefore our duty to assist, instruct, and en- courage them by willingly and freely giving them the benefit of our experience and training as professional soldiers by letting them have the benefit of the knowledge and information, practical and theoreti- cal, that we have acquired at the expense of the Government. For the promotion of closer affiliation between the Regular Army and the Organized Militia, see Cir. 28. D. M. A., '09. HOW TO SUCCEED IN THE ARMY 49 CHAPTER II HOW TO SUCCEED IN THE ARMY Make Yourself Useful that's the way many of our most prominent men in the army and in civil life have succeeded. HOW TO MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL / WHATEVER You Do, it matters not how unimportant, Do THOR- OUGHLY WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART AND SOUL as if your very life depended on it and then look for something else to do. Almost any officer can do a thing fairly well. Many can do a thing very well. A few can do a thing superbly well. But the one who, through zeal, energy, enthusiasm, patience, and persistence, STAMPS EVERYTHING HE DOES WITH His PERSONALITY. MAKING IT INDIVID- UAL AND DISTINCT, is the one who, in the Army like in every other field of human endeavor will succeed. Such a man can't help but succeed you might as well try to stop the waters of Niagara as to stop him from succeeding. 2 Do NOT CONFINE YOURSELF TO DOING ONLY WHAT You ARE TOLD TO Do only what your captain, your commanding officer, the Army Regulations or general orders tell you to do Do MORE THAN You ARE TOLD TO Do. There are always other things to be done HUNT FOR THEM (you'll be able to find them) AND DO THEM. 3 Do NOT PROCRASTINATE- whenever you have something to do. Do IT, and DO IT at once don't put it off ! Make it an invariable rule at the very beginning of your career never to put off until to-morrow what you can do to-day. 4 Always endeavor to ANTICIPATE THE WISHES OF YOUR SUPE- RIORS, putting yourself in their place and doing what you would have your subordinates do for you. 5 When directed to do a thing, if you can't do it at first, do not then report you can't do it, but TRY SOME OTHER WAY, and keep on TRYING SOME OTHER WAY until you have either succeeded or have exhausted every possible means you can think of. It is really aston- ishing how comparatively few things in this world can not be done, if one only tries hard enough to d o them. 50 CHAPTER II And when given a task by the commanding officer or any other superior, do not pester him by continually reporting what you are doing, the difficulties that are being encountered, getting his opinion about this and that, etc. Remember, it is the RESULT that your superior wants the result that it is "up to" YOU to accomplish he doesn't want his time taken up and his patience tried in the manner stated, by sharing your troubles, etc. probably he has some of his own. So, unless absolutely necessary in order to get some point cleared which can be cleared only by the superior himself, or to have some obstacle overcome which can be overcome only by the superior himself, keep away from him until you are ready to "deliver the goods." 6 Do not confine yourself to THINKING, to DREAMING. It is not enough to have ideas ideas alone mean nothing they must be put into effect. One idea that is carried out, that is given body and form one idea that assumes definite, tangible form and bears concrete results, is worth a million ideas that are born but to die. Get into the habit of following things up, of "camping on a fellow's trail." If, for instance, you wish to get something from the Quartermas- ter's Department, or if you wish to have the Quartermaster's Department do something for you, don't stop when your request goes in, but keep the matter before you as "unfinished business" until you have gotten what you went after, or it becomes very evident that the article can not be gotten or the thing can not be done and remember, as stated before, that there are comparatively few things in this world that can not be done, if you only try hard enough. The making of a request is only the beginning unless you follow it up it may (and often does) mean nothing. Remember, the man who succeeds in this world is the man who ATTRACTS ATTENTION and the man who ATTRACTS ATTENTION is the man who DOES THINGS not the man who TALKS about doing things. It is safe to say any young officer who follows the above prin- ciples will not only, in the course of time, become generally and favor- ably known throughout the Army, but he will also ultimately rise to a position of prominence and influence: It may be a long time per- haps five, ten, or even fifteen years before your efforts are fully recognized and rewarded, but don't be discouraged remember this has been the experience of some of our greatest generals and our greatest railroad presidents, merchants, bankers, and other recognized leaders, but that's the way they succeeded. Pertinent to this subject the following is reproduced by kind permission of the author, Mr. Elbert Hubbard: HOW TO SUCCEED IN THE ARMY 51 A MESSAGE TO GARCIA. In all this Cuban business there is one man stands out on the horizon of my memory like Mars at perihelion. When war broke out between Spain and the United States, it was very necessary to com- municate quickly with the leader of the Insurgents. Garcia was some- where in the mountain fastnesses of Cuba no one knew where. No mail nor telegraph message could reach him. The President must secure his cooperation, and quickly. What to do! Some one said to the President, "There's a fellow by the name of Rowan will find Garcia for you, if anybody can." Rowan was sent for and given a letter to be delivered to Garcia. How "the fellow by the name of Rowan" took the letter, sealed it up in an oil-skin pouch, strapped it over his heart, in four days landed by night off the coast of Cuba from an open boat, disappeared into the jungle, and in three weeks came out on the other side of the island, having traversed a hostile country on foot, and delivered his letter to Garcia, are things I have no special desire now to tell in detail. The point I wish to make is this: McKinley gave Rowan a let- ter to be delivered to Garcia; Rowan took the letter and did not ask, "Where is he at?" By the Eternal! there is a man whose form should be cast in deathless bronze and the statue placed in every college of the land. It is not book learning young men need, nor instruction about this and that, but a stiffening of the vertebrae which will cause them to be loyal to a trust, to act promptly, concentrate their en- ergies ; do the thing "carry a message to Garcia !" General Garcia is dead now, but there are other Garcias. No man, who has endeavored to carry out an enterprise where many hands were needed, but has been well-nigh appalled at times by the imbecility of the average man the inability or unwillingness to concentrate on a thing and do it. Slip-shod assistance, foolish inat- tention, dowdy 'indifference, and half-hearted work seem the rule; and no man succeeds, unless by hook or crook, or threat, he forces or bribes other men to assist him; or mayhap, God in His goodness per- forms a miracle, and sends him an Angel of Light for an assistant. You, reader, put this matter to a test: You are sitting now in your office six clerks are within call. Summon any one and make this request: "Please look in the encyclopedia and make a brief memorandum for me concerning the life of Correggio." 52 CHAPTER II Will the clerk quietly say, "Yes, sir," and go do the task? On your life, he will not. He will look at you out of a fishy eye, and ask one or more of the following questions: Who was he? Which encyclopedia? Where is the encyclopedia? Was T hired for that? Don't you mean Bismarck? What's the matter with Charlie doing it? Is he dead? Is there any hurry? Shan't I bring you the book and let you look it up yourself? What do you want to know for? And I will lay you ten to one that after you have answered the questions, and explained how to find the information, and why you want it, the clerk will go off and get one of the other clerks to help him try to find Garcia and then come back and tell you there is no such man. Of course, I may lose my bet, but according to the Law of Average, I will not. Now if you are wise you will not bother to explain to your "assistant" that .Correggio is indexed under the C's, not in the K's, but you will smile sweetly and say, "Never mind," and go look it up yourself. And this incapacity for independent action, this moral stupidity, this infirmity of the will, this unwillingness to cheerfully catch hold and lift, are the things that put pure socialism so far into the future If men will not act for themselves, what will they do when the benefit of their effort is for all? A first mate with knotted club seems neces- sary; and the dread of getting "the bounce" Saturday night holds many a worker to his place. Advertise for a stenographer, and nine out of ten who apply can neither spell nor punctuate and do not think it necessary to. Can such a one write a letter to Garcia? "You see that book-keeper," said the foreman to me in a large factory. "Yes, what about him?" "Well, he's a fine accountant, but if I'd send him up town on an errand, he might accomplish the errand all right, and, on the other hand, might stop at four saloons on the way, and when he got to Main Street, would forget what he had been sent for." HOW TO SUCCEED IN THE ARMY 53 Can such a man be entrusted to carry a message to Garcia? We have recently been hearing much maudlin sympathy ex- pressed for the "down-trodden denizen of the sweat-shop" and the "homeless wanderer searching for honest employment," and with it all often go many hard words for the men in power. Nothing is said about the employer who grows old before his time in a vain attempt to get frowsy ne'er-do-wells to do intelligent work; and his long patient striving with "help" that do nothing but loaf when his back is turned. In every store and factory there is a constant weeding-out process going on. The employer is constantly sending away "help" that have shown their incapacity to further the interests of the business, and others are being taken on. No matter how good times are, this sorting continues, only if times are hard and work is scarce, the sorting is done finer but out and forever out, the incompetent and unworthy go. It is the survival of the fittest. Self-interest prompts every employer to keep the best those who can carry a message to Garcia. I know one man of really brilliant parts who has not the ability to manage a business of his own, and yet who is absolutely worthless to anyone else, because he carries with him constantly the insane sus- picion that his employer is oppressing, or intending to oppress him. He can not give orders, and he will not receive them. Should a mes- sage be given him to take to Garcia, his answer would probably be, "Take it yourself." To-night this man walks the streets looking for work, the wind whistling through his threadbare coat. No one who knows him dare employ him, for he is a regular firebrand of discontent. He is im- pervious to reason, and the only thing that can impress him is the toe of a thick-soled No. 9 boot. Of course I know that one so morally deformed is no less to be pitied than a physical cripple; but in our pitying, let us drop a tear, too, for the men who are striving to carry on a great enterprise, whose working hours are not limited by the whistle, and whose hair is fast turning white through the struggle to hold in line dowdy in- difference, slip-shod imbecility, and the heartless ingratitude which, but for their enterprise, would be both hungry and homeless. Have I put the matter top strongly? Possibly I have; but when all the world has gone a-slumming I wish to speak a word of sym- pathy for the man who succeeds the man who, against great odds, 54 CHAPTER II has directed the efforts of others, and, having succeeded, finds there's nothing in it, nothing but bare board and clothes. I have carried a dinner pail and worked for days' wages, and I have also been an employer of labor, and I know there is something to be said on both sides. There is no excellence, per se, in poverty; rags are no recommendation; and all employers are not rapacious and high-handed, any more than all poor men are virtuous. My heart goes out to the man who does his work when the "boss" is away, as well as when he is at home. And the man who, when given a letter for Garcia, quietly takes the missive, without asking any idiotic questions, and with no lurking intention of chucking it into the nearest sewer, or of doing aught else but deliver it, never gets "laid off," nor has to go on a strike for higher wages. Civiliza- tion is one long anxious search for just such individuals. Anything such a man asks shall be granted; his kind are so rare that no em- ployer can afford to let him go. He is wanted in every city, town and village in every office, shop, store and factory. The world cries out for such; he is needed, and needed badly the man who can carry a message to Garcia. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY 55 CHAPTER III REMARKS ON THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) (Every young officer should read "The Story of the Soldier," by General For- syth, D. Appleton & Company, New York, Publishers. A book of intense interest, giving the early history and traditions of the Regular Army.) A By the Constitution of the United States the President is Com- mander in Chief of the Army. This power is confided in him to be exercised at his discretion, but is habitually exercised through the War Department. B The Act of Congress approved February 14, 1903,t establishing the General Staff Corps and creating a Chief of Staff, terminated the office of Commanding General of the Army. The Chief of Staff is detailed by the President from the officers of the Army at large not below the grade of Brigadier General, and under the direction of the President, or of the Secretary of War under direction of the Presi- dent, has supervision of all troops of the Line and of the Adjutant General's, Inspector General's, Judge Advocate General's, Quarter- master's, Subsistence, Medical, Pay and Ordnance Departments, the Corps of Engineers, and Signal Corps, and perform such other mili- tary duties, not otherwise assigned by law, as may be assigned to him by the President. The Chief of Staff may or may not be the senior officer of the Army. C The War Department, whose head is called the Secretary of War, has, under the supervision of the President, the care and control of the Army. The affairs of the Army are administered through the General Staff Corps, and various Bureaus or Departments, known as The Adjutant General's, Inspector-General's, Judge-Advocate Gen- eral's, Quartermaster's, Subsistence, Medical, Pay, Ordnance, Engineer, Signal, and Insular. D The Regular Army consists of the General Officers, the Gen- eral Staff Corps, the Bureaus or Departments enumerated above, the U. S. Military Academy, the Chaplains, the Post Noncommissioned Staff, the Coast Artillery Corps, the Field Artillery, the Battalions of tPublished in G. O. 15, H. Q. A.. 1903. 56 CHAPTER III Engineers, the regiments of Cavalry and of Infantry, the Indian Scouts, the Retired Officers, the Retired Enlisted Men, and the Porto Rico Regiment of Infantry. See Supplement, Chap. III. The Philippine Scouts form a part of the Army of the United States, but not of the Regular Army. Note. The Mobile Army consists of the Infantry, Cavalry, Field Artillery, and such troops as may be assigned to complete prescribed tactical organizations of these three arms. A The authorized Strength of the Army. Sup., Chap. Ill, Par. 30. B The General Staff Corps is charged with the preparation of plans for the national defense and for the mobilization of the military forces in time of war; the investigation of all questions affecting the effi- ciency of the Army and its state of preparedness for military opera- tions; the rendition of professional aid and assistance to the Secretary of War and to general officers and other superior commanders, and the acting as their agents in informing and co-ordinating the action of all the different officers who are subject to the supervision of the Chief of Staff. See Supplement, Chap. III. Par. 32. C The Adjutant General's Department is the bureau of orders, correspondence, and records of the Army. All orders and instructions emanating from the President of the United States, the Secretary of War, the Chief of Staff, or any officer with a command equal to or greater than a brigade, are communicated to troops and individual.', in the military service through this department. The office of The Adjutant General of the Army is the repository for the records of the War Department relating to the history of every officer and soldier in the Army (regular and volunteer), and to the movements and operations of troops, the records of all appointments, promotions, resignations, deaths, and other casualties. The prepara- tion and distribution of commissions, etc., pertain to this office, which also has charge of the recruiting of the Army and of the records of the volunteer armies and of the pension and other business of the War Department connected therewith. Sup., Chap. Ill, Par. 33. D The Inspector General's Department exercises, by inspections, general observation over all matters pertaining to the efficiency of the Army, the condition and state of supplies of all kinds, of arms and equipments, of the expenditure of public property and moneys, and the condition of accounts of all disbursing officers, of the conduct, discipline, and efficiency of officers and troops. Sup., Chap. Ill, Par. 34. The Judge Advocate General's Department is the bureau of mili- tary justice. The head of the Department is known as the Judge THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY 57 Advocate General, and is the custodian of the records of all general court-martial, courts of inquiry, and military commissions. Sup- plement, Chap. Ill, Par. 35. A The Quartermaster's Department is charged with the duty of providing the Army with transportation, animals, forage, fuel, clothing, camp and garrison equipage, barracks, store-houses, and* other build- ings. This Department furnishes all the supplies needed in the Army, except subsistence stores, ordnance stores, medical supplies, and signal and engineer supplies. It attends to all matters connected with military operations which are not expressly assigned to some other bureau of the War Department. Supplement, Chap. Ill, Par. 37. B The Subsistence Department supplies the Army with the means of subsistence, and is charged with the expenditure of funds appro- priated for subsisting the enlisted men and for purchasing articles kept for sale to officers and enlisted men. Supplement, Chap. Ill, Par. 38. C The Medical Department is charged with the supervision of the sanitary condition of the Army, the care of the sick and wounded, the physical examination of officers and enlisted men, the management and control of military hospitals, etc. It is the most independent of all the staff departments, planning its own hospitals, transporting its own sick and wounded in the field and supplying its own medicines, litters, blankets, instruments, etc. Supplement, Chap. III. Par. 39. D The Pay Department has charge of the supply and distribution of and accounting for funds for the payment of the Army. Sup., Chap. Ill, Par. 40. E The Ordnance Department is charged with supplying the Army, by purchase or manufacture, with arms, equipments, ammunition and everything else pertaining to the fighting material. It also establishes and maintains arsenals and depots for the manufacture, repairing and safe-keeping of ordnance stores, and provides horse equipments and field outfits for soldiers, such as haversacks, canteens, tin cups, meat ration cans, knives, forks, and spoons. Supplement, Chap. Ill, Par. 41. F The duties of The Engineer Department or Corps of Engineers corrlprise reconnoitering, surveying and map- making for military pur- poses, including the construction and repair of fortifications, the plan- ning and superintendence of defensive or offensive works in the field, and the construction of military 'roads and bridges. Many officers of the Corps are detailed to take charge of river and harbor improve- 58 CHAPTER III ments, constructing breakwaters, opening channels for the naviga tion of rivers, superintending the erection of important public build ings, etc. Vacancies in the grade of second lieutenant are filled from the graduates of West Point standing highest in their classes. Supple- ment, Chap. Ill, Par. 42. A The Signal Corps is charged with the construction, repair, and operation of military telegraph and telephone lines and cables, field telegraph trains, balloon trains, aeroplanes, etc. The Chief Signal Officer has supervision of the instruction in military signaling and telegraphy prescribed by the War Department, and he is also charged with the procurement, preservation, and distribution of the necessary supplies for the Signal Corps and for the lake and sea coast defense. Supplement, Chap. Ill, Par. 43. B The United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, constitutes an independent command. The body of students at the Academy is known as the United States Corps of Cadets. The Cadets constitute a part of the Army, but are not officers, they rank next be- low veterinarian, taking precedence over all noncommissioned officers of the Army. Graduates are commissioned as second lieutenants. Supplement, Chap. Ill, Par. 44. C The Chaplains are clergymen with military commissions, by virtue of which they have charge of the spiritual welfare of soldiers. By law they are charged with holding appropriate religious services for the benefit of the commands to which they may be assigned for duty; with performing appropriate religious services at the burial of officers and soldiers who may die in such commands, and with the instruction of the enlisted men in the common English branches of education. They are commissioned officers. Although eligible to be detailed as members of general courts-martial and other duties required of officers, their duties in practice are confined mostly to those of a religious nature and to the superintendence of the Post Schools. Supplement, Chap. Ill, Par. 45. D The Indian Scouts are enlisted for periods of three years and are discharged when the necessity for their service ceases. Their principal duties consist in scouting in the territories and Indian country. The number now authorized is 75, and they are apportioned among sev- eral departments west of the Mississippi. They form a part of the Regular Army. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY 59 A Retired Officers are those who have been retired from active service. They are a part of the Regular Army, being subject to the rules and articles of war, for a violation of which they may be court- martialed. See "Retirement," page 438. B Retired Enlisted Men are those who have been retired after thirty years' active service either in the Army or the Marine Corps and Army (either as volunteers or regulars). Service in the War of the Rebellion and actual service in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippine Islands counts double in computing the thirty years. Their pay is 75 per cent of the pay they were receiving when retired. They also receive commutation of clothing and subsistence at the rate of $9.50 per month, and commutation of fuel, light, and quarters at the rate of $6.25 per month. They are a part of the Regular Army. C There are two general classes of men in the Army, viz: Com' missioned Officers and Enlisted Men. The Enlisted Men constitute the Rank and File as that term is now generally understood. 1 D The Commissioned Officers exercise a certain authority over others, by virtue of a commission issued to them by the President of the United States. E The Enlisted Men are divided into two general classes: Pri- vates and Noncommissioned Officers. Those who exercise no authority, except as may be given them temporarily by an immediate superior, are termed Privates; those given warrants by virtue of which they exercise a limited authority are termed Noncommissioned Officers and are called Sergeants and Corporals. Privates performing the duties of corporal in order to have their capacity tested for such position, are called Lance Corporals' F The Post Noncommissioned Staff consists of ordnance, post com- missary, and post quartermaster sergeants who are appointed by the Secretary of War, after due examination. Supplement Chap. Ill, Par. 46. G The Coast Artillery Noncommissioned Staff consists of the master electricians, the engineers, the electrician sergeants (1st and 1 Wilhelm's Military Dictionary and Gazetteer and Webster's Unabridged Dic- tionary, define RANK and FILE, as, "The body of soldiers constituting the mass of the army, and including corporals and privates. In a more extended sense, it includes sergeants also, excepting the noncommissioned staff." This, however, is not the present usual acceptation of the expression. A Lance Corporal is not a noncommissioned officer. (Opinion of the T. A. G. and Secretary of War, July, 1896). 60 . CHAPTER III 2d class), the sergeants-major (senior and junior grade), the master gunners, and the firemen. A The Regimental Noncommissioned Staff consists of the Regi- mental Sergeant-Major, the Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant, the Regimental Commissary-Sergeant, and two Color-Sergeants, appointed by the Regimental Commander. B The Battalion Noncommissioned Staff consists of the Battalion Sergeant-Major, appointed by the Regimental Commander upon the recommendation of the Battalion Commander. In the Engineers and Field Artillery, the Battalion Noncommis- sioned Staff consists of the battalion sergeant-major and the battalion quartermaster-sergeant. C The officers and enlisted men of the Army, are divided into two grand divisions, viz.: The Staff and The Line. The clothing, food, transportation, armament, payment, medical attendance, inspection, administration of justice, means of communi- cation, etc., are provided through the Staff, a large portion of the duties in this connection, however, devolving also at times upon officers of the Line. The Staff consists of the General Staff Corps and the depart- ments known as the Adjutant General's, Inspector General's, Judge Advocate General's, Quartermaster's, Subsistence, Medical, Pay, Ord- nance, Engineer (called Corps of Engineers), and Signal (called Signal Corps). Although staff officers are eligible to command- according to rank, they shall not assume command of troops unless put on duty under orders which specially so direct, by authority of the President. (A. R.) Officers of the Pay and Medical Departments can not exercise command except in their own departments. (A. R.) Nor can pro- fessors at the U. S. Military Academy exercise command. D The Line does the active work, such as marching, fighting, cam- paigning, etc., and consists of the Cavalry, the Field Artillery, the Coast Artillery, the Infantry, and the (three) Battalions of Engineers, 1 which, with the exception of the last named, are called the Arms of the Service. For the organization of The Line of the Regular Army, see Sup- plement, Chap. Ill, Par. 47. Section 7 of the Act of Congress approved March 2, 1899, provides that the BATTALIONS OF ENGINEERS and the officers serving therewith shall constitute a part of the LINE of the Army. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY 61 A The primary duties of the Battalions of Engineers, however, are to construct saps, mines, pontoons, military bridges, etc., and to superintend working parties on military roads and fortifications, etc. B The Line also furnishes garrisons for fortified and unfortified posts and in time of peace is occupied with drills, studies, and other matters which tend to the conservation of the organization, instruc- tion and discipline of the various arms. C The Coast Artillery Corps is charged with the care and use of the fixed and movable elements of land and coast fortifications, in- cluding submarine mine defenses. D The Field Artillery is the artillery which accompanies an army in the field and includes light artillery, horse artillery, siege artillery, and mountain artillery. E The Coast Artillery is organized upon a geographical basis. The various organizations of the mobile army, regiment, company, etc., are based upon the number of men or horses which can be controlled tinder various conditions. However, the Coast Artillery tactical organi- zations are entirely independent of the number of individuals in them and depend upon local defensive conditions and material. F There are at present (July, 1911) 24 fortified harbors on the United States coast, each of which constitutes an Artillery District commanded by an officer known as the Artillery District Commander. This officer commands all of the artillery defenses of his district and also the troops of other arms assigned to duty in connection with the fixed defenses. This does not include any part of the mobile army, which may also be assigned to the duty of defending a fortified city from the land side, but it does include what are known as artillery sup- ports assigned to the defense of the immediate rear of the works. In each harbor there are several forts, in some cases as many as nine. These different forts, however, form no part in the tactical organization of the Coast Artillery, as in some cases a single battle command or even fire command extends over several forts, and in other cases there are several battle or fire commands at a single fort. A separate fort usually means that simply a portion of the defenses are separated by water from some other portion. G The duties of an Artillery District Commander are of the char- acter of those of a general officer, and in time of serious war there is 62 CHAPTER III no doubt that all of the large districts would be commanded by artil- lery officers of that rank. But under present Coast Artillery organiza- tion there is no officer of rank higher than a colonel, except the Chief of Coast Artillery, and all of the districts are commanded by colonels or officers of lesser rank. A An Artillery District Commander is assisted in the discharge of his duties by a District Staff, consisting of an Adjutant, Quarter- master, Ordnance Officer and Artillery Engineer, who are placed on the "Unassigned list." Each district is allowed by War Department orders a certain number of unassigned officers for district staff duty. If there are not enough unassigned officers to a district, the extra staff officers are appointed from the regular post officers. B In each district there are one or more Battle Commands. The Battle Commander's duties are wholly tactical and he is the senior in the chain of purely tactical artillery command. He commands all of the artillery defenses bearing upon a single channel of approach. The Battle Commander should be a colonel. C Each Battle Command consists of two or more Fire Commands and Mine Commands. The Fire Commander is usually a major or lieutenant colonel and commands a group of batteries. Each of these batteries is commanded by a Battery Commander, usually a captain or a lieutenant. The normal battery is commanded by a captain, but batteries of less than four small caliber guns would be the proper command of a lieutenant. D Coordinate with the fire command is the Mine Command. The Mine Commander commands the mine fields and the rapid-fire bat- teries assigned to their defense. In each case the importance of the command, number of guns, etc., determines the proper rank of its commander. E For administrative purposes the Coast Artillery Corps is divided into companies. As a rule each company means a single battery. Each Battle Commander has searchlights for searching purposes and most Fire Commanders and Mine Commanders have separate lights for illuminating the targets which are assigned to them by the Battle Commander. Battery commanders have lieutenants in their batteries who perform the duties of Range Officer and Emplacement Officer; Fire and Mine Commanders have Communication Officers, and Battle Commanders have Communication and Searchlight Officers. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY 63 A The Company is the smallest constant fundamental unit and is divided into Squads, two or three Squads forming a Section and two Sections forming a Platoon. B The term Company is used in speaking of the Infantry, Coast Artillery, and Engineers. In the Field Artillery this unit is called a Battery and in the Cavalry, a Troop. 1 C The Battalion 2 (called Squadron in the Cavalry), which is the tactical unit of instruction and is the proper command for a major, consists of four companies. A Lieutenant Colonel may be appropriately assigned to the com- mand of any part of a regiment larger than a battalion, or to the command of a battalion in the absence of its major. (A. R. 247, '10). D *The Regiment, which is the administrative unit in the Cavalry and Infantry and is the proper command for a colonel, consists of three battalions. E The Colonel is assisted in the discharge of his duties by the Regimental Staff, which consists of three captains detailed for four years and known as the Adjutant, the Quartermaster, and Com- missary. F Each Major is assisted in the discharge of his duties by a Bat- talion Adjutant (a first lieutenant) and a Battalion Quartermaster and Commissary (a second lieutenant), who are termed the Bat- talion Staff, and who, with the Major, constitute the Battalion Field and Staff. G Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, and Majors, are called Field Officers. 8 H The Field and Staff of a regiment consists of the colonel and the regimental staff, the lieutenant colonel, and the three majors. The chaplain and such medical officers as may be on duty with the regiment are carried on the regimental return under the heading of "THE FIELD AND STAFF," and in a broad sense may be considered as forming a part thereof. See Supplement, Chap. Ill, Par. 47, "Regimental Organization Staff." I The chaplain and the medical officer or officers on duty with ^he designation "COMPANY" as used in the Army Regulations applies to troops of cavalry, batteries of field artillery, and companies of infantry and coast artillery, and bands of all arms. 2 The designation "BATTALION" as used in the Army Regulations applies to squadrons of cavalry. 3 All officers from MAJOR to COLONEL, inclusive, whether of the line of staff corps, are regarded as FIELD OFFICERS. See G. O. 198, '08. 64 CHAPTER III a regiment, are in practice considered staff officers of the Colonel, but the term Regimental Staff as used in the Army Regulations means the Adjutant, Quartermaster, and Commissary. Although the Battalion Adjutants and the Battalion Quarter- masters and Commissaries are accounted for on the returns of the Regimental Field and Staff, they form no part of it. A An Aide-de-Camp is an officer detailed as confidential attendant upon a general officer, and who, on occasions, may represent the gen- eral officially and socially. The Aides-de-Camp of a general officer constitute his Personal Staff. The senior medical officer on duty at a post is designated The Surgeon. C Physicians employed from civil life under contract with the Surgeon General, to perform the duties required of commissioned medical officers, are termed "Contract Surgeons." 1 D The Veterinarians are charged with the care and treatment of all sick or injured horses and mules. They also instruct the com- pany farriers in the proper care of horses and in the principles of horseshoeing. They have the pay and allowances of second lieu- tenants. 3 Supplement, Chap. Ill, Pars. 48 and 51. E A Brigade consists of two or three regiments of the same or different arms, organized under one command, and is the proper com- mand for a brigadier general. F A Division consists of two or more brigades, usually including several arms of the service, and is the proper command for a major general. G There are no duties that specially pertain. to the grade of Briga- dier General and Major General their duties are incidental to the command they may have. J The eligibility of a contract surgeon for duty is the same as that of a first lieutenant of the Medical Corps, except in so far as it is limited by the fact that he is not a commissioned officer. A contract surgeon is accordingly not eligible for detail on courts-martial, but may prefer charges against enlisted men and may be detailed on councils of administration, and as post treasurer, etc. ; he may also witness pay- ments to enlisted men. (A. R.) 'Veterinarians rank next after second lieutenants. They are entitled to receive the customary salute from enlisted men (Circular 18, H. Q. A., 1902). Veterinarians are not eligible for detail on courts-martial, or any other duty which is expressly required by law to be performed by commissioned officers, but they may be detailed as ^members of councils of administration, and (when no commissioned officer is available) they may serve as exchange officers or post treasurers, and may witness payments to enlisted men (Cir. 30, H. Q. A., 1901). THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY 65 A An Army Corps consists of two or more divisions organized under one command, and is the proper command for a lieutenant general. The grade of lieutenant general does not exist in our Army at present (1911), major general being the highest grade. B The territory occupied by the Army of the United States is divided into geographical divisions called Divisions and Departments, that are commanded by general officers who are assigned thereto by direction of the President. The commander of a division or of a department comman.rls all the military forces of the Government within its limits, whethei of the line or staff, which are not specially excepted from his control by the War Department. C The geographical division of territory for military purposes in- cludes Divisions, Departments, Districts, and Sub-Districts. Divisions are generally commanded by major generals, departments by major generals or brigadier generals, districts by brigadier generals, and sub-districts by colonels or lieutenant colonels. An Artillery District, as a tactical unit, is a subdivision of the coast line, including the personnel assigned to duty in connection with the fixed defenses thereof. D The Porto Rico Regiment of Infantry, consisting of two bat- talions of four companies each, forms a part of the Regular Army. The field officers, consisting of one lieutenant colonel and two majors, are detailed for four years from regular officers not b^low the rank of captain. Vacancies in the grade of second lieutenant may be filled by the appointment of citizens of Porto Rico. The officers have the same rank, pay, rights, and allowances as officers of the same grade in the Regular Army, except with regard to promotion, which is made according to seniority within the regi- ment. - See Supplement, Chap. Ill, Par. 51a. E The Philippine Scouts form a part of the Army of the United Stares, but not of the Regular Army. The authorized organization of companies, troops, battalions, and squadrons must be the same as in the Regular Army. 66 CHAPTER III The officers are detailed for periods of four years, the majors being appointed from the captains of the line of the Regular Army and the captains from the first lieutenants of the Scouts. The lieutenants are selected from enlisted men of the Regular Army, from officers or enlisted men of Volunteers who served sub- sequent to April 21, 1898, and also from native3 of the Philippines who by their services and character show fitness for command. Sup., Chap. ITT, Par. 52. THE MILITIA OF THE UNITED STATES 67 CHAPTER IV THE MILITIA OF THE UNITED STATES (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) The Militia of the United States consists of every able-bodied male citizen between 18 and 45 years of age, and is divided into / The Organized Militia, comprising the regularly enlisted, or- ganized, and uniformed Militia of the various States, Territories and the District of Columbia, known as The National Guard, or otherwise. 2 The Reserve Militia, comprising all able-bodied male citizens between the ages of 18 and 45 who do not belong to the Organized Militia. The Vice President of the United States, judicial and executive officers of the Government, Congressmen, postmasters, mail clerks, custom house officers and clerks and certain other clases are exempt from service in the Militia, nor can any member of any well-recog- nized religious sect or organization at present organized whose creed forbids participation in war and whose religious convictions are against war, be compelled to serve in the Militia or Volunteers of the United States. Since January 21, 1910, the organization, armament, and disci- pline of the Organized Militia must be the same as that of the Regular Army. However, any organization that has been in continuous ex- istence since May 8, 1792, having any special customs or usages, will be allowed to retain them, but will be subject to all other duties rer quired of the other Militia. In case of invasion, threatened invasion, rebellion or inability to enforce the laws of the Union with the regular forces at his com- mand, the President may call forth such of the Militia as he may deem necessary. Only in these cases can the President call out the Militia. The President, however, is the sole judge of the existence of an exigency justifying the calling out of the Militia. The President's orders for calling forth the Militia would be issued through the gov- ernors of the States or Territories concerned, and in the case of the Militia of the District of Columbia, through the commanding gen- eral thereof. The President may specify in his call the period for which ser- vice is required, either within or without the territory of the United Staf-es, provided no officer or enlisted man be held in service beyond the term of his existing commission or enlistment. Whenever it becomes necessary to raise troops in addition to 68 CHAPTER IV the Regular Forces, the Organized Militia shall be called into serv- ice in advance of any volunteer forces. In case of war quotas of the number of men needed would be apportioned amongst the different States according to their respec- tive representative populations, and the War Department would then make requisitions accordingly upon the governors of the States. When called into the service of the United States only such ol the Militia as is deemed physically fit for military service shall be ac- cepted. In such States as have adopted the standard of physical exam- ination for enlistment and reenlistment prescribed by the Secretary of War, the Militia would be considered "fit for military service," and would be accepted without examination. The officers would not be required to stand a mental examina- tion. Should any officer or enlisted man, upon being called forth for service, refuse or neglect to present himself for muster, he would be courtmartialed. While in the service of the United States the Militia receive the same pay and allowances as Regulars, and are subject to the Rules and Articles of War. However, the majority membership of courts-martial for the trial of officers or enlisted men must be composed of Militia officers. The annual appropriation made by Congress for the maintenance of the Organized Militia under Section 1661, Revised Statutes, is apportioned amongst the various States according to representation in Congress. After it shall appear from the reports of the inspections made annually, by officers detailed by the War Department, that the Or- ganized Militia of a State is sufficiently armed, uniformed and equipped for active duty in the field, the Secretary of War is authorized, on requisition of the Governor of the State, to pay to the Quartermaster General thereof, or to such other officer of the Militia of the State as the Governor may designate, so much of the State's allotment as shall be necessary for the payment, subsistence, and transportation of such portion of the said Organized Militia as shall engage in actual field or camp service for instruction. A State's annual allotment may also be used for the promotion of rifle practice, including the acquisition, con- struction, maintenance, and equipment of shooting galleries and target ranges; for the hiring of horses and draft animals for the use of mounted troops, batteries, and wagons; "for forage for the same, and for such other incidental expenses in connection with encampments, THE MILITIA OF THE UNITED STATES 69 maneuvers, and field instruction, as the Secretary of War may deem necessary. The appropriation is also available for the purpose of sup- plying arms, uniforms, equipment, materials of war, publications, and such other supplies as are furnished to the Regular Army by any bureau of the War Department. The annual appropriation made by Congress, under the Act of May 27, 1908 (Section 13 of the Militia Law), is apportioned among the various States according to the organized enlisted strength of the mili- tia as shown by the reports of the inspection made by officers of the Regular Army in the spring of each year under Section 14 of the Mili- tia Law. The amount of this appropriation is specified by the Act of Congress to "not exceed two million dollars in any fiscal year." This appropriation is to enable the Secretary of War to procure, by purchase or manufacture, and to issue to the Organized Militia under such regulations as he may prescribe such of the United States service uniforms and accessories and such other accouterments, equip- ments, uniforms, clothing, equipage, and military stores of all kinds required for the Army of the United States as are necessary to arm, uniform, and equip all of the Organized Militia. Under the authority conferred upon him by Congress, the Sec- retary of War has decided that the issues to be made from this appro- priation shall be limited to articles needed for the equipment of en- listed men for field service. Upon application of the governors, it is customary for the War Department to detail officers of the Regular Army to attend encamp- ments of the Organized Militia for the/ purpose of instructing the officers and men. It is also customary for retired officers of the Army to be de- tailed for permanent duty with the Organized Militia of the various States. Upon the request of the governors of the several States and Ter- ritories concerned, officers of the active list of the Army may be assigned to duty as inspectors and instructors of the Organized Mili tia in. numbers not to exceed one to each regiment and separate batta- lion of infantry or its equivalent of other troops. (G. O. 33 March 11, 1911.) According to the present (July, 191 1) policy of the War Depart- ment, one officer will be detailed with the Militia of every State and Territory, the detail to last two years and be subject, upon the request of the governor, to renewal for two years more. The officers so 70 CHAPTER IV detailed extend from the grade of first lieutenant to that of colonel. In addition to these officers, a number of officers on the retired list are also detailed for duty with the Organized Militia. Whenever Army maneuvers, camps of instruction or coast defense exercises are held for the Regulars, the War Department al- ways invites a certain part of the Organized Militia to participate. The Militia so participating receives the same pay, subsistence, and transportation as the Regulars, but they are not considered as being in the service of the United States and consequently are not subject to the Articles of War. The law prescribes that each State or Territory furnished with material of war under the provisions of the Militia Law, shall have required, during the calendar year next preceding each annual allot- ment of funds, that every company, troop, and battery of its Organized Militia not excused by the governor, should during the year: (1) Participate in practice marches or go into camp of instruction for at least 5 consecutive days; (2) Assemble for drill and instruction or for target practice not less than 24 times; (3) Be inspected by an officer of the Organized Militia or the Regular Army. A Upon the recommendation of the governors, officers of the Or- ganized Militia may be authorized by the War Department to attend and pursue the regular course of instruc-tion at garrison schools for officers; the Army School of the Line, the Signal School, and the Army Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kans.; the Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va.; and the Army Medical School, Washington, D. C. Before entering these schools they must stand a physical examina- tion and also the mental examination prescribed by the War Depart- ment. They must also be between 21 and 35 years of. age and of sound health, good moral character, and must have belonged to the Organized Militia at least one year. Furthermore, they must wear their uniforms and sign an agree- ment to attend and pursue the prescribed course of study and conform to the rules and regulations of the school. While attending these schools they receive the same travel allow- ances and commutation of quarters as officers of the Regular Army and commutation of subsistence at the rate of $1 per day. RELATION OF THE MILITARY TO THE CIVIL 71 CHAPTER V RELATION OF THE MILITARY TO THE CIVIL (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) In times of peace officers frequently live and perform their duties in places and under circumstances which require that they shall be familiar with the laws governing their official conduct in relation to the civil communities by which they are surrounded. The principle that military authority is subordinate to the civil may be taken as a reminder of the fact that an officer or soldier in taking upon himself the additional responsibilities and obligations of the military profession,* can not thereby di- vest himself of his civil responsibilities as a citizen. See 408A. While the military state is fully governed by its own code, those living in that state are not thereby relieved of civil re- sponsibility for their civil acts. "From the. nature and source of their respective jurisdic- tions civil and military courts can never have concurrent juris- diction in the strict sense of the term. The same act or omis- sion, however, may give rise to both a military and a civil trial, but the offense in each case is distinct and separate, one having been created by the Articles of War and the other by the com- mon law, or by statute in the state or district within whose territorial limits it was committed." (Davis' Mil. Law, p. 43.) Thus, an officer kills another officer and is tried and ac- quitted by "a civil court, he may still be tried by a military court, not for the actual killing, but for a violation of one or more of the Articles of War, as, for instance, the 2ist or the 72 CHAPTER V 6 ist, or 62d, or any other which may have been violated in the actions which led to the homicide. So, also, a soldier might be tried by a police judge for drunkenness and disorderly conduct in a city, having committed a breach of municipal law, and again be tried by court-martial for absence without leave, or conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. The difference between these offenses committed is well illus- trated by the fact that one item under the Executive order lim- iting punishments provides a limit of punishment for a man tried under the 62d Article of War, where drunkenness and dis- orderly conduct have caused the offender's arrest and convic- tion by the civil authorities at a place within ten miles of his station. NOTE. In the case of Homer E. Grafton v. The United States, on appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States from the Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands, the court has held, notwithstanding the general doctrine heretofore obtaining in regard to the question of dual jeopardy where officers or soldiers have been tried by civil as well as military courts, that a man could not lawfully be tried for the same offense by two courts of the same sovereignty. In other words, that a soldier tried for homicide by a military court under the 62d Article of War could not be again placed on trial by a court of the Philippine Islands for the same offense, the courts of the Philippine Islands deriving their sole jurisdiction from the sovereignty of the United States. This same rule would be applicable where a soldier tried by a court- martial was again tried for the same offense by a United States court. However, in its opinion the Supreme Court said: "It may be difficult at times to determine whether the offense for which an officer or soldier is being tried is, in every substantial respect, the same offense for which he had been previously tried." It is therefore, of coarse, impossible to lay down any rule for the deter- mination of the question at this time, but it suggests the extreme importance of attaching military jurisdiction where an offense has been committed, before the civil jurisdiction can take over the case; and all military officers having authority in the premises should be careful, where an offense has been committed by a soldier to at once prefer charges and thus originate military jurisdiction, subject to the later consideration of the case, perhaps, by the civil courts. The Grafton case was published in full in Cir. 43, W. D., 1907. It is not within the scope of this article to enter into a minute discussion of the various matters which will be touched upon, and officers should consult and study, as part of their professional education, the very able treatises on the relations RELATION OF THE MILITARY TO THE CIVIL 73 of the military to the civil, to be found in Davis's Military Law and Winthrop's Military Law and Precedents ana Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocate General. From the last-men- tioned work all quotations in this article not otherwise credited are taken.- Our subject will be considered under the following heads : I. THE USE OF THE ARMY IN AID OF THE CIVIL POWER. II. MILITARY RESERVATIONS. III. CIVIL JURISDICTION ON A MILITARY RESERVATION. IV. THE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS. V. THE 59TH ARTICLE OF WAR. VI. TAXATION. VII. CITIZENSHIP. VIII. RESIDENCE AND DOMICILE. IX. VOTING. I. THE USE OF THE ARMY IN AID OF THE CIVIL POWER While any citizen, as such (and this includes military persons), may seek to quell a disturbance or a riot, and assist in preserving the peace, or in the arrest of one committing a crime in their presence, no officer or soldier in his military capacity, may do so excepting on a military reservation, or where the offenders are military persons, other- wise than as provided in the Army Regulations (Paragraph 493-8, '10). Should conditions arise requiring prompt action as provided for in Paragraph 496, A. R., '10, the officer on whom the responsibility rests should very carefully consider the facts of the case, and be certain that he is acting in accordance with the regulations referred to. The military forces of the United States can not be used as a posse comitatus, nor can they be used, except by the authority of the President, for the maintenance of order in a State or for the up- holding of the State laws. Where the interests of the United States are not involved, the military may not take action, except under orders originating with the President. This can not be better expressed than in the following quotation : "In case of civil disturbance in violation of the laws of a State, a military commander can not volunteer to intervene 74 CHAPTER V with his command without incurring a personal responsibility for his acts. In the absence of the requisite orders he may not even march or array his command for the purpose of exerting a moral effect, or any effect in terrorem; such a' demonstration, indeed, could only compromise the authority of the United States, while insulting the sovereignty of the state." (See Davis Mil. Law, Chap. XVIII., Winthrop's Mil. Law and Free., pp. 1347 et seq, Digest of Op. J. A. G.'s, Sec. 483-493 and Appendix B.) II. MILITARY RESERVATIONS "The Congress shall have power * * * to exercise exclusive legislation, in all cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places pur-- chased by the consent of the Legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock- yards, and other needful buildings * * * ." (Article 1, Section 8. Constitution of the United States.) Under this section of the Constitution, the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, for legislation implies jurisdiction, exists over all military reservations which have been purchased with the consent of the State Legislature. This is also the case where the United States has reserved exclusive jurisdiction, over a reservation previously estab- lished, in the Act of Admission of a State. A number of our military reservations, however, have been ac- quired in other ways. Where this has been the case, the states have generally "ceded jurisdiction" to the United States over the land com- prised in the reservation. The cessions of jurisdiction differ in their terms and in the ex- tent of the jurisdiction reserved by the state. In some cases exclusiv jurisdiction is granted; in others, the right to serve criminal and civil process, concurrently with the United States, is reserved. Again, as in Kansas, the right to tax railroads and corporations on the reservation is reserved, and finally there have been cases where general concurrent jurisdiction with that of the United States has been reserved. Where this is the case, it has been held that the cession of jurisdiction was RELATION OF THE MILITARY TO THE CIVIL 75 of no value to the United States. Of course over reservations situated in the Territories, the jurisdiction of the United States is paramount. Where an officer is in command of a military reservation he should familiarize himself with the circumstances under which the reservation was established, and with the jurisdiction, if any, reserved to a state. This may be done by consulting the post history, which should be kept at every post, or by consulting the laws of the state in which the post is situated, or by examining a book published by the War De- partment, entitled "Military Reservations, National Military Parks, and National Cemeteries." All unauthorized persons coming on a military reservation are trespassers and ma'y be removed, by military force if need be, but the use of force should be no greater than is required to effect the removal. Attention is invited in this connection to Par. 212, A. R., '10. "A post commander can, in his discretion, exclude all persons other' than those belonging to his post from post and reservation grounds, but should he admit everybody, except one individual against whom no charge of wrongdoing existed, such action would be considered an abuse of discretion on the part of the commander." 1 "Whoever shall go upon any military reservation, army post, fort, or arsenal, for any purpose prohibited by law or military regulation made in pursuance of law, or whoever shall re-enter or be found within any such reservation, post, fort, or arsenal, after having been removed therefrom or ordered not to re-enter by any officer or person in command or charge thereof, shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both." (Sec. 45, Chap. 321, Act of March 4, 1909). The unlawful cutting or injury of trees on a Government reser- vation is made penal by United States Statutes. Where on a military reservation persons are found injuring or cutting trees, they should be put off the reservation, and the department commander notified and fur- nished with such data as may be obtainable as to the identity of the alleged culprits, and with the evidence against them. Where it is found that damage has been done and the perpetrators not caught in the act, every effort should be made to obtain evidence in the case, and the *In regulating the servant question at posts, circulars of this tenor have been issued: "Gertrude Smith is hereby prohibited from entering or remaining on the reservation. Should she be employed at any time on the reservation, she will be at once discharged and directed to leave the post." 76 CHAPTER V department commander notified. The removal of felled or fallen trees, or grass, etc., cut on a reservation, by an unauthorized person is a lar- ceny, and the offender may be punished under the statute. (The removal or "asportation" m.ay be technical, such as the placing of the wood or Tiay upon a wagon.) In cases of this kind, the nearest representative of the U. S. Department of Justice should be notified and furnished with the evidence secured. Of course, when trespassers are Dut off a reservation they should not be allowed to take with them any property of the United States. "Squatters and other trespassers and intruders may, and should be expelled, by military force if necessary, from a military reservation. But persons when they have been suffered to own and occupy buildings on a reservation should be allowed reasonable time to remove them. If not removed after due notice the same should be removed by the military. Material abandoned on a reservation by a trespasser on vacating, may be lawfully utilized by the commander for completing roads, walks, etc." (See Winthrop's Mil. Law and Free. pp. 1368-1370. Dig. of Op. J. A. G.'s, see index "Reservations" and "Cession of Jurisdiction.") III. CIVIL JURISDICTION ON A MILITARY RESERVATION. Where the United States has exclusive jurisdiction over a reser- vation, the state laws do not run and no service of civil or criminal process may be had excepting such as proceeds from the Federal Courts. Where the United States has not exclusive jurisdiction, and no cession of jurisdiction has been made by the "state, the laws of such state run on the reservation as they do in all other parts of the state; in this case the service of process must be allowed except where such interference and jurisdiction of the state would destroy or impair the effective use of the reservation for the purpose designed, considering it as an instrumentality for the execution of the powers of the United States Government. Where the right to serve process has been reserved by a state, such process can only be the result of acts committed outside of the reservation, and obedience will be given by all persons on the reserva- tion to such process. Where it amounts to an arrest of a military per- son, the commanding officer will permit him to be removed by the civil power, unless at the time he be awaiting trial by a military court RELATION OF THE MILITARY TO THE CIVIL 77 or serving a sentence of the same. In this case the commanding officer will inform the civil authorities of this fact and decline to surrender the prisoner. The civil authorities should receive notice, however, of the expiration of the term of confinement of the soldier in order that they may take such measures after his release to vindicate the law as they see fit. Where the process takes the form of a writ of subpoena or of a summons to appear before a court, a commander should assist the court by granting permission, if need be, to an officer or soldier, to absent himself from the command in order to comply with the process, or in the case of a prisoner who is needed as a witness, by sending him when he is wanted, under proper guard. There is no method laid down for the service of civil process on an officer or a soldier. Where such process is to be obeyed the manner of service can not, from a military point of view, be questioned, but much trouble may be avoided if the process server is familiar enough with military requirements to apply in the first place to the commanding officer for guidance or assistance. "A civilian may legally be arrested without a warrant as well by a military person as by any citizen where he commits a felony, or a crime in breach of the public peace in such person's presence; or where, a felony having been committed, such person has probable cause for believing that the party arrested is the felon. In a case of such an ar- rest at a military post, the arresting officer or soldier should use no unnecessary violence, should disclose his official character and inform the party of the cause of his arrest, and should deliver him as soon as reasonably practicable to a civil officer authorized to hold and bring him before a court or magistrate for disposition." Where the crime is committed on a reservation by a civilian he should at once be arrested and turned over with a statement of the case to the nearest civil authority, for trial by the Federal courts; he may be held in the guardhouse for only such intervals as may be abso- lutely necessary. Where a soldier commits murder (a crime not punishable by court-martial in time of peace) on a military reservation, he may be confined in the guardhouse until, after communication with the nearest United States attorney, he shall be turned over to the civil authorities Process in civil suits issuing from the Federal courts and from state courts where such service is permissible, must be accepted and 78 CHAPTER V obeyed by the military on a military reservation as it would be elsewhere Any defense there may be should be submitted to the civil courts. (See Winthrop's Mil. Law and Free., pp. 1402-1405. Dig. of Op. J. A. G.'a, see index "Reservations.") IV. THE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS. A writ directed to the person detaining another, and command- ing him to produce the body of the prisoner at a certain time and place, with the day and cause of his caption and detention, to do, submit to, and receive whatsoever the court or judge awarding the writ shall con- sider in that behalf. This writ has many variations and issues for a number of purposes. We are only concerned with the case where the writ is issued to an officer and affects the body of one lawfully held by military authority. In all cases where the writ is served, the officer to whom it is addressed will make a respectful return. If the writ issues from a Federal court or judge, return will be made and the person held produced at the time and place required. If the writ issues from a state court or judge, the person will not be produced, but return will be made giving the reason for not complying with the writ. As the question is fully treated in the Manual for Courts-Martial, and forms for the re- turns given, it is unnecessary to go more deeply into the matter in this article. (Davis' Mil. Law, Chap. XVII. Winthrop's Mil. Law and Free., see index "Habeas Corpus." Dig. of Op. J. A. G.'s, see index "Habeas Corpus.") V. THE 59th ARTICLE OF WAR. "When any officer or soldier is accused of a capital crime, or of any offense against the person or property of any citizen of any of the United States, which is punishable by the laws of the land, the commanding officer, and the officers of the regiment, troop, battery, company or detachment to which the person so accused belongs, are required, except in time of war, upon application duly made by or in behalf of the party injured, to use their utmost endeavors to deliver him over to the civil magistrate, and to aid the officers of justice in apprehending and securing him, in order to bring him to trial. If, upon such application, any officer refuses or willfully neglects, except in time of war, to deliver over such accused person to the civil magistrates, or to aid the officers of justice in apprehending him, he shall be dismissed from the service." 59th A. W. Thf provisions of this Article are only applicable in time of peace It will bt observed that the offense must be against the person or prop- RELATION OF THE MILITARY TO THE ClVIL 79 erty of an individual, and has been held not applicable in a case of vio- lation of a statute, such as introducing liquor into the Indian country. "The commanding officer, before surrendering the party, is en- titled to require that the 'application' shall be sufficiently specific to identify the accused and to show that he is charged with a particular crime or offense which is within the class described in the Article. It has been further held that without a compliance with these require- ments, the commanding officer can not properly surrender nor the civil authorities arrest, within a military command, an accused officer or soldier. Where it is doubtful whether the application is made in good faith and in the interests of law and justice, the commander may de- mand that the application be especially explicit and be sworn to; and in general the preferable, and indeed only satisfactory course will be to require the production, if practicable, of a due and formal warrant or writ for the arrest of the party. The application required by the Article should be made in a case where the crime was committed by the party before he entered the military service equally as when it was committed by him while in the service. The Article does not apply to offenses committed on land where the United States has exclusive (excepting that the service of process may have been reserved) jurisdiction. In cases where the military courts have concurrent jurisdiction, the requirements of the Article will not obtain if "the military jurisdiction has already duly attached (by means of arrest or service of charges with a view to trial) in which case the prisoner may be surrendered or not as the proper authority may determine." The ordinances or by-laws of a city or town are a part of the "laws of the land" within the meaning of this Article. Where the commander has reason to believe that to deliver the accused to the civil authority would result in his being exposed to mob violence, he can only seek refuge in the supposition that the demand is not made in good faith and require all the formalities. It is a case for the use of common sense and firmness. An officer or soldier accused, though he may be willing and may desire to surrender himself, should not in general be permitted to do so, but should be required to await a formal application. The United States is entitled to the service of its officers and men and in the absence of the formal application there is no authority which warrants this service being avoided by the voluntary act of the accused. (See Davis* Mil. Law, pp. 456-461. Winthrop's Mil. Law and Free., pp. 1071- 1081. Dig. of Op. J. A. G.'s, sees. 94-105.) 80 CHAPTER V VI. TAXATION. "An officer or soldier of the Army, though not taxable officially, may be and often is taxable personally. He is not taxable by a state for his pay, or for the arms, instruments, uniform clothing, or other property pertaining to his military office or capacity, but as to house- hold furniture and other personal property, not military, he is (except where stationed at a place under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States) equally subject with other residents or inhabitants to taxation under the local law.'* On the other hand, those who are exempt from taxation as dwelling in places under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States are not entitled to enjoy any of the privileges of the citizens of the state such as the privilege of voting, or the use of the public schools, etc. (See Winthrop's Mil. Law and Free., pp. 1401-1407. Dig. of Op. of J. A. G.'s, see index "Tax.") VII. CITIZENSHIP. An officer or a soldier does not lose his citizenship by entering the Army. However, he subjects himself to trial without jury for any military offense committed in the service, and he may forfeit the privilege of voting, depending on the state law of his domicile. He also surrenders for the time being, as far as the military service may require, his rights of personal liberty. VIII. RESIDENCE AND DOMICILE. 1 What is meant by the "residence" of a person in the military service depends entirely upon the kind of residence contemplated whether it be "residence" for voting, for divorce, for process, for homestead rights, for school privileges, for taxation, for questions ot probate, etc. and in every case the question must bt determined by local law. Whether, for instance, an officer or a soldier stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, is a legal resident of Kansas for any of the purposes stated, or for any other particular purpose, depends on the laws of the State of Kansas. "Legal residence" and "Domicile" are practically synonymous. "Residence" vw generally used in the sense of "Legal residence." I RELATION OF THE MILITARY TO THE CIVIL 81 The "domicile" of an officer or soldier who entered the service at or after majority, is the same as the one he had when he entered the Army, provided, of course, he has not in the meantime changed it. The "domicile" of an officer or soldier who entered the service as an unemancipated minor is the same as that of his parent when the officer or soldier became of age, wherever the parent may at that par- ticular time have been domiciled. The general rule of laws is that the domicile of the father estab- lishes the domicile of the child. A person in the Army can neither gain nor lose domicile by reason of his presence or absence while in the service. Of course, any officer or soldier who wishes to change his domicile may do so, but acquisition of a new domicile must be accomplished by a volun- tary and positive act that is, by taking the proper and appropriate steps to do so, always bearing in mind the fact that the question of domicile is one to bo regulated by state and not federal law. IX. VOTING. Officers and soldiers may vote at their domicile, provided the local laws permit them to do so. Whether a military man may vote in the state in which he may be stationed depends, as stated above, on the local law of residence. This is true for voting at federal, state and municipal elections. For instance, an officer or soldier in the Regular Army stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kans., can not vote in Kansas, even though he be a citizen of that state, because the statutes of Kansas specifically so state. 82 CHAPTER VI CHAPTER VI (See "Post Administration," page 257) THE POST ADJUTANT (Set Corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) DUTIES A The proper performance of the duty of Adjutant, like the proper performance of any other duty, requires work and attention to busi- ness. The Army Regulations are silent regarding the duties of post adjutant, but the duties prescribed for the regimental adjutant are also incumbent upon the post adjutant in so far as they apply to posts. He commands the Post Noncommissioned Staff. The Adjutant is the commanding officer's mouthpiece through him is the channel of communication with all the officers and enlisted men of the command. Under the direction of the commanding officer he issues all orders, makes all reports and returns, keeps all records and rosters and has charge of all correspondence pertaining to the adminis- tration of the post. He is assisted in this work by a Sergeant Major and as many clerks as may be necessary. He should endeavor at all times to exert the influence belonging to his station in sustaining the reputation, discipline, and harmony of the command. B It is really a part of an Adjutant's duty to be pleasant and agreeable and to do all in his power to promote the contentment of the command it is a part of his duty to serve the command in every way that he can. By virtue of his position and the various means he has at hand in the way of clerks, printing press, etc., there are many things an Adjutant can do with very little effort, which will contribute to contentment and cor- diality, and in effect do a great deal to oil the official machinery of the command, reducing friction and jar to a minimum. For example, if many officers of the command transfer their pay vouchers to certain local banks, he can have the necessary indorsement printed on the pay vouchers; he can also have the pay vouchers of the officers made out every month by the clerks in the Adjutant's office and have official envelopes printed THE POST ADJUTANT 83 with the address of the chief paymaster of the department; he can fur- nish officers absent from the regiment on detached service printed forms for the monthly reports required by Army Regulations to be made to the Adjutant and The Adjutant General of the Army (see page 129), to- gether with official envelopes containing the printed address of the Adju- tant and of The Adjutant General of the Army; he can have prepared the mileage vouchers of officers just joining and those returning from mile- age trips and have them waiting for the officers, in envelopes addressed to the Chief Paymaster of the Department; he can have forms printed for the reports required by officers going on leave for ten days or more and see that copies are delivered to them a day or two before they leave; he can have delivered to officers just joining copies of the post orders of a general nature (e. g., the orders about school, drills, serv- ice calls, etc.). A Relations with the Commanding Officer. His relations with the commanding officer are close and confidential, and he should give his chief his entire, unqualified support. His loyalty should be absolute, and under no circumstances should he ever, by act or word, criticise the action of the commanding officer, no matter how much he may himself, personally, disapprove of the same. As the relations that the Adjutant bears to the commanding officer are in many respects the same as those that an aide-de-camp bears to his chief, see chapter "Aides-de-Camp," page 248. B Important. The Adjutant should remember he is not the com- manding officer and under no circumstances should he appropriate or appear to appropriate the powers of that officer. However, an officer to whom a certain amount of authority cannot be delegated, and who is not allowed to assume a certain amount of responsibility, is not fit to fill the position of Adjutant and should be relieved at once. C In cases of delegated authority, e. g., to what extent may the Adjutant send for officers in the name of the commanding officer there should always be a distinct understanding between the Adjutant and the commanding officer. In this connection it may be remarked, an officer should never be sent for to come to the office if it can be helped. Some Adjutants have a habit of sending for officers in a most promiscuous way, to the annoyance, inconvenience, and loss of time of the latter. 84 CHAPTER VI Very often the sending of a brief note will obviate the necessity of an officer's reporting at the Adjutant's office. A Whenever officers are sent for by the Adjutant he should always be extremely careful to say (through the orderly), for instance, "The Adjutant presents his compliments and says the commanding officer would like to see Captain Smith in the office as soon as convenient." Of course, all orders, verbal or otherwise, should be given in the name of the commanding officer, even though on routine business which has been delegated to the Adjutant. A violation of this rule will always cause trouble and friction. B Dress and Bearing. In neatness and correctness of dress and in soldierly bearing, he should be faultless, setting an example to the rest of the command. He should cultivate soldierly qualities and amiability, and should be just, pleasant and courteous to everyone, performing his duties with partiality to none and fairness to all. C He should never talk outside about the official business of the office this is not only unbusiness-like, undignified and unmilitary, but it is also a betrayal of official confidence which almost invariably leads to pernicious results. Nor should he ever criticise the conduct of other officers. D As the Adjutant occupies an office which is regarded in the service as representing accuracy, method, and precision, and as he is often required to call the attention of officers to the violation of, and non- compliance with, regulations and orders, he can not himself be too careful and punctilious. Two of the most essential qualities required in a good Adjutant are tact and common sense. E Necessary Knowledge. An efficient Adjutant must have a gen- eral knowledge of the administrative duties of all the other staff officers and the company commanders, and. a special knowledge of his own duties. He must be a close student of the Army Regulations, the Drill Regulations, the Manual of Guard Duty, the Courts-Martial Manual and the manuals of the various staff departments and should read care- fully all War Department, Division, and Department orders. Under no circumstances should the Adjutant permit any other officer of the com- mand to be better informed than he is in these subjects. Unless the THE POST ADJUTANT 85 Adjutant is well posted in the duties of his office, he can not command the respect and enjoy the confidence of his fellow officers. By study, application, and observation he should inform himself upon all points of military usage and etiquette and on proper occasions aid with his advice and experience the subalterns of the command, especially those just joining. A War Department Orders and Army Regulation paragraphs af- fecting Adjutants. Sup., Chap. VI, Par. 55. B The Daily Transaction of Routine Business with the Command- ing Officer. About 10 o'clock A. M., the Adjutant presents the Con- solidated Morning Report to the commanding officer for signature, after which all papers in the "Commanding Officer" basket (see "The Four- Basket System," page 112A) are submitted, the Adjutant briefly ex- plaining each as it is placed before the commanding officer. No paper should be submitted: First Unless the Adjutant has carefully scrutinized the same and has familiarized himself with every paragraph in the Regulations and every order that may be referred to in the communication. Second Unless he knows that all orders and Regulations on the subject have been complied with. The safest plan is to look up invari- ably the Regulations on the subject, and see that all conditions required have been fulfilled, especially regarding allowances, etc., in case of estimates and requisitions. About 11:30 A. M., or just oefore the commanding officer leaves the office for the forenoon, the Adjutant should again submit to him all papers that happen to be in the "Commanding Officer" basket. . In case of requisitions, estimates, clothing schedules, etc., see that all dates have been filled in and that the commanding officer's rank has been entered below where he is to sign. Of course, different commanding officers have different ways of transacting business ; ascertain the wishes of your commanding officer and then comply with them. Some commanding officers, for instance, let their Adjutants open all mail addressed to "The Commanding Officer," and permit them to enter on purely routine papers the usual indorsements, while other commanding officers desire to open their own official mail and write their own indorsements in all cases, or direct the Adjutant 86 CHAPTER VI what to write. Again, some commanding officers let their Adjutants issue orders of routine nature without first seeing the manuscript, while other commanding officers wish to see the manuscript first or to write the orders themselves. However, if the proper relations of confidence exist between the commanding officer and the Adjutant, it is thought the former should allow the latter as much latitude as possible in matters of this kind, thus not making the Adjutant feel that he is merely a clerk. In matters of this kind, as well as in all others, ascertain the wishes of the commanding officer and then comply with them. CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE AFFECTING ADJUTANTS 1 Cheerfulness, harmony, and contentment are important fac- tors in the discipline and efficiency of a command, and the Adjutant should do everything possible to promote them. By custom of the service he is regarded as the logical promoter and leader of entertain- ments, dances, etc. 2 Enlisted men and civilian attaches desiring to speak to the commanding officer, first see the Adjutant. It is also the prevailing custom for officers, except members of the staff, who wish to see the commanding officer at his office, first to address themselves to the Adjutant, older officers by usually ask- ing, "Is the commanding officer occupied?", and younger officers, "May I see the commanding officer?" 3 The Adjutant wears his saber when placing officers in arrest. 4. Whenever an officer reports for duty, the Adjutant usually arranges for his care until he gets settled temporarily or permanently. If the officer has just entered the service, the Adjutant should write him a friendly letter before he reports for duty, and in a kindly and diplomatic manner convey to him such information as may relieve him from the embarrassment of uncertainty regarding the custom at that particular post of reporting to the commanding officer for duty, etc., and when the officer arrives, the Adjutant or some other officer should meet him at the station. This makes his reporting easier and such courtesies are usually gratefully appreciated. So, likewise, if soldiers of other commands, especially those of other arms of the service or of the staff corps, are casually at a post, THE POST ADJUTANT 87 the Adjutant should make it his special business to see that they are properly cared for. Very often there is a tendency to "run it" on casuals, especially if they belong to another branch of the service. 5 Before detailing men on special or extra duty, it is cus- tomary to ascertain from their company commander whether there are any military reasons why the details should not be made, and in other cases, unless by roster, orders should not specify individuals by name, e. g., "The Commanding Officer, Co. 'A,' 24th Infantry, will send a detachment consisting of one noncommissioned officer and six privates, etc." 6 Officers not under arms usually remove their caps upon entering the Adjutant's Office. This is proper not only because one gentleman should always remove his cap upon entering the office of another, but the Adjutant's Office is, in effect, the commanding officer's office. Regarding officers returning from drills, courts-martial, etc., with side arms, the prevailing custom seems to be for them to remove their caps upon entering the office of the Adjutant. It is not usual for the officer of the day to remove his cap while in the Adjutant's Office on business not connected with his duties as officer of the day, although some officers make it a rule to do so. If in the commanding officer's office and the official relations are relaxed, the prevailing custom is to remove the cap. 7 The expression often used in orders to "report to the com- manding officer" means to "report to the Adjutant," regardless of the relative rank of the officer reporting and the Adjutant. 8 In case of strange officers coming to a post, the Adjutant is by custom the logical person to see that they are properly enter- tained and looked after. An inspector general is usually met at the station by the Adjutant or some other officer, and a private reports to him as orderly. For reception of general officers and other distinguished officials, see page 287A. 9 When an officer of the command is appointed brigadier general, a sergeant (in some regiments a corporal) is ordered with- out delay to report to him for duty as orderly as long as he is in the post. 88 CHAPTER VI 10 When a general officer comes to a post, a sergeant is at once ordered to report to him for duty as orderly. (In some regiments a sergeant reports as orderly to a major general and a corporal to a brigadier general.) A BUSINESS ROUTINE OF THE OFFICE Everything about the Adjutant's Office should be indica- tive of system, order and neatness, and the business of the office should be transacted in a prompt, systematic and busi- ness-like manner. The duties of the sergeant major, the clerks, the telephone orderly, the janitor, and all others con- nected with the office should be clearly defined and every one made to live up to the requirements thereof. See Supplement, Chap. VI, Par. 57. THE SERGEANT MAJOR B / Under the direction of the Adjutant he has immediate charge of all books, records, and papers pertaining to the office. 2 In the clerks' office he is the representative of the Adjutant and his orders must be obeyed without question. j He will keep the Army Regulations posted and every Mon- day morning place on the Adjutant's desk for signature all books requiring the signature of the Adjutant or the commanding officer. Should either of these officers go on leave or be ordered to a new station, he should see that all books are presented to them foi signature before they leave. 4. All orders and communications of a routine nature for or- ganization commanders will be delivered to the first sergeants at First Sergeants' Call. However, communications, etc., of an impor- tant nature or requiring action without delay, will be delivered direct to the officer by the orderly and duly signed for. Orders, circulars, etc., of a routine nature that are to be shown to officers will be sent around before noon. Officers will indicate by writing their initials on back of paper that they have seen same THE POST ADJUTANT 89 5 A receipt will be obtained for all communications delivered to officers, for which purpose a delivery book ruled as follows will be used. WHEN R ECEIVED INITIALS OF HOUR DAIE Capt. A. Smith, Com- missary 24th Inf. Lieut. I. C. Jones Detail for Officer of the Day, Dec. 9, '03. Com. No. 1219, Par. 9, S. O. 10, c. s. post. G. 0. 312, W. D. 1906. 12 00 M. 1.15 P. M. Dec. 8. '03 Dec. 8, '03 A. S. I. C. J. At some posts all orders, circulars, and communications for organization com- manders and for officers, are placed in large heavy envelopes that are kept in pigeon holes labeled with the names of the various organization commanders and officers. Every morning, except Sunday, about 11 o'clock officers' call is sounded, when all officers repair to the Adjutant's office, examine their envelopes and receipt for the contents on an attached slip of paper the size of the envelope and which is ruled as follows : DATE HOUR SIGNATURE 6 A check will be kept on all communications that are to be returned to or through the office, or that are to be answered. This may be done by means of the Adjutant's "Tickler" (see page 112C) or a memorandum book, ruled as follows: NUMBER OF COMMUNICATION TO WHOM DELIVERED OR MAILED TO BE RE- TURNED OR ANSWERED BY RETURNED OR ANSWERED 100 Capt. Jones . Tan. 5. Jan. 10 Jan. 8 7 The Sergeant Major will regulate daily all clocks in the office, obtaining the correct time, when practicable, from the West- ern Union or the Postal Telegraph office. 8 In case of officers casually at post, the dates of arrival and departure will be entered on the Morning Report. 90 CHAPTER VI 9 The daily maximum and minimum temperature, obtained from the Morning Report of the Plospital Corps Detachment, will be noted on the Morning Report. 10 In case of change in the uniform in which the old guard is to march off, the Sergeant Major will cause the old and new officers of the day to be notified. // A record will be kept of all blank forms, pamphlets, etc., sent from the office. 12 Whenever a letter is written, an order published, a com- munication received or verbal instructions given, requiring future action on the part of the office or some one else to or through the office, a check will be made against such action. 13 Every time the Sergeant Major enters the office of the Adjutant for whatever purpose, he will empty the "Out" basket. (See "Four-Basket System," page 112A.) 14. His bell call is one short ring. Regarding the duties of Artillery Sergeants Major (senior and junior grades), see Supplement, Chap. VI, Par. 58. GENERAL All books, pamphlets, etc., will be plainly marked, "Adju- tant's Office," or "Office of Commanding Officer," as the case may be, and no books, pamphlets, maps or records of any description will be taken from the office without the permission of the Adjutant, and in every case the article will be charged against the proper person. CLERKS / All clerks and other persons on duty in the Adjutant's Office are prohibited from furnishing any information whatever on subjects pertaining to the business thereof. 2 The office hours for the clerks will be from 7:30 a. m. to 12 m., and from 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. All clerks will report promptly at 7:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. In case of emergency the work will be pushed through without regard to hours. 3 Only the necessary office work for that day will be done on Sundays and holidays, and in the absence of work requiring immediate attention, the clerks will be excused on holiday afternoons. 4 No clerk will leave the office without first obtaining per- mission from the senior noncommissioned officer present, reporting his destination and probable duration of absence. THE POST ADJUTANT 91 5 All bells will be answered promptly. In case of the absence of the clerk rung for, the next junior in rank shall answer the call. The bell calls are as follows: 6 Loud talking, whistling, singling and other unnecessary noises are forb'idden. MUSICIAN OF THE GUARD / Immediately after marching on guard the musician of the new guard will proceed to the Adjutant's Office, reporting to the Adjutant: "Sir, Musician , Company, , re- ports as musician of the new guard." After having received his in- structions from the Adjutant, he will relieve the musician of the old guard, receiving from him any special instructions that he may have. 2 After having been relieved by the musician of the new guard, the musician of the old guard will report to the Adjutant, "Sir Musican , Company , reports having been re- lieved as musician of the old guard." 3 The musician of the guard will sound the first call for all formations, schools of instruction, etc., except for reveille, as follows: First: On the parade ground, about fifty yards in front of the Adjutant's Office. Second. At such place or places as those concerned can hear the call. The Assembly will be sounded about fifty yards in front of the Adjutant's Office. At some posts, all calls are sounded through a megaphone, resting on a ver- tical, revolving axis. 92 CHAPTER VI 4 The musician of the guard will remain at the Adjutant's Office from the time he marches on until taps, and from breakfast until the time he marches off. 5 The sounding of all calls will be regulated by the clock in the Adjutant's Office. 6 The bells will be answered promptly and in case the musi- cian of the guard be absent, his bell will be answered by the janitor. In the absence of the janitor, his call will be answered by the musi- cian of the guard. The musician's call is one long ring; the janitor's one long and one short. 7 All communications will be delivered promptly, and the ini- tials of the receiver obtained in the delivery book, with the hour and date of receipt. 8 Except in urgent cases, communications will not be delivered to officers in the afternoon or at any time while they are at meals. 9 The musician of the guard will at all times wear the uniform of the guard. 10 The instructions of the commanding officer's orderly re- garding the receipt and delivery of messages will also be observer by the musician of the guard. COMMANDING OFFICER'S ORDERLY / If necessary, the new orderly will ascertain from the old orderly the correct way of reporting to the commanding officer, which will be done as prescribed in the Manual of Guard Duty. 2 He will report to the commanding officer at his office soon after guard mount. 3 He will receive orders, from no one except the commanding officer.. (M.G.D.) 4. When ordered to carry a message, he will be careful to de- liver it exactly as it was given to him. (M.G.D.) If a message be not understood, he will ask that it be repeated. He will acknowledge the receipt of orders by saying, "Yes, sir." 5 After having delivered a message or returned from an er- rand, he will always report accordingly to the commanding officer. For THE POST ADJUTANT 93 example, "Sir, the commanding officer's message has been delivered to Cap- tain Smith" 6 At every mess call, if in attendance on the commanding officer, he will report to him, "Sir, mess call has sounded." He will be allowed one hour for each meal. 7 To be relieved at 9 o'clock p. m., he will report to the com- manding officer, "Sir, it is 9 o'clock." 8 He will sleep in his company quarters, and will report at the commanding officer's quarters at 7 a. m. Q His call will be one short ring, and when rung for he will enter the commanding officer's office without knocking. JO He may be granted a pass from 9 o'clock a. m., the day of marching off, to noori the following day. The pass will be made out by the Adjutant and will excuse the soldier from all intervening duties. II He will call the attention of his successor to these instruc- tions. TELEPHONE CLERK / The telephone clerk will sleep in the telephone office. 2 He will be in the office from immediately after breakfast until noon, and from 1 :00 P. M. until supper. 3 The musician of the guard will remain in the telephone office and answer all calls, from supper until taps. (Between taps and reveille, the main telephone should be connected with the telephone in the guard house, so that the post may be gotten at once any time during the night.) 4. Just before going to dinner, the telephone clerk will report to the sergeant major who will designate one of the clerks to remain in the telephone office until I o'clock. 5. In case of going on pass, the telephone clerk will give the sergeant major due notice, to the end that one or more of the clerks may be designated to look after the telephone. 6 All the metal parts of the telephone instruments will be pol- ished and kept bright. 7 All official messages received will be repeated back to the send- er, and all messages sent will be repeated back to the telephone clerk. 8 The names of all persons receiving official messages at the other end of the line will be noted on the messages. 94 CHAPTER VI 9 In case of any trouble with the line or the instruments, the Signal Officer will be notified at once. 10 In case anyone wishes to speak to some member of the gar- rison, the telephone clerk will fill out a notification slip and turn the same over to the sergeant major for delivery. [FORM] TELEPHONE OFFICE FORT HARRISON, MONT. Time Mr Telephone No wishes to speak to 11 Telephone calls will be answered promptly and all business, official and unofficial, will be transacted with courtesy. 12 Enlisted men are prohibited from smoking in the telephone office. 13 The telephone clerk will leave the office and close the door when the telephone is being used by an officer or a member of an offi- cer's family. 14 His bell call is two short rings. JANITOR / He will look after the furnace and have general charge of the policing of the Administration Building, keeping the offices of the com- manding officer, the adjutant, the quartermaster and the sergeant major in a clean and orderly condition. 2 The desks in particular will be kept in a neat and orderly condition, and care will be taken not to misplace any papers that it may be necessary to move. 3 The offices will be in proper condition by 7 :30 A. M. 4 The lavatory and water-closet will be thoroughly cleaned daily; special attention being given to the urinals. Brass door knobs, metal parts of urinals, etc., will be kept polished, and the window panes will be kept clean. THE POST ADJUTANT 95 5 Great care against accident will be exercised in operating the furnace. 6 The temperature will be noted frequently, and the offices and other rooms will be properly ventilated, lowering the windows from the top. 7 The janitor will go to his meals 30 minutes before mess call. 8 His bell call is one long and one short ring. PAPER WORK AND CORRESPONDENCE (See "Paper Work," page 237.) 1 Keep your Army Regulations posted up to date and get into the habit of referring to them whenever there comes up a new matter, or one concerning which the slightest doubt exists, always analyzing the paragraphs involved and taking special care to see that all their requirements are fulfilled. For instance, in the case of an application for appointment as ordnance sergeant see : (a) Whether the applicant has served at least eight years in the Army; including four years as a noncommissioned officer. (b) If he is less than 45 years of age. (c) That the application is in the applicant's handwriting. (rf) That the application states the length and nature of mili- tary service, and for what time and in what organizations service has been rendered as a noncommissioned officer. (e) That the company commander has indorsed on the ap- plication the character of the applicant and his opinion as to his intelligence and fitness for the position. 2 When a communication has been returned through the Adju- tant's Office to an officer for certain data, analyze carefully all indorse- ments and see that all the information called for is furnished before the paper is returned to higher authority. 3 Whenever reference is made to certain paragraphs in the Army Regulations or Jo certain orders, invariably look up the paragraphs or orders referred to. 4 In the case of correspondence with officers under the command of the commanding officer, papers are always signed by the Adjutant, and if some such expression as "The Commanding Officer desires/' etc., or "I am directed by the Commanding Officer," etc., does .not appear in the body of the communication, then the letter should end fc- ex- 96 CHAPTER VI ample, "By order of Major Jones: John A. Smith, 1st Lieut., 1st In- fantry, Adjutant. Communications to superiors or to other post commanders are signed by the commanding officer. 5 In practice, whether communications forwarded, referred or transmitted tp civilians, especially the civil authorities, are signed by the commanding officer or the Adjutant, depends upon circumstances. In case of ordinary inquiries, etc., from civilians, the Adjutant usually signs the answer, omitting "By order," etc. Communications addressed to the civil authorities are generally signed by the commanding officer answers to clerks or other subordinates being signed by the Adjutant, omitting "By order," etc. Some commanding officers, however, follow the rule of signing all communications addressed to parties not under their command or direc- tion. A recruiting officer, so far as his rendezvous and party are con- cerned, exercises command correlative with that of a post commander consequently, communications forwarded, referred or transmitted to recruiting officers not under the direction of the commanding officer, should be signed by the commanding officer. For the signature of papers by the regimental adjutant, in the absence of the regimental commander, see Supplement, Chap. VI, Par. 58a. 6 While Adjutant of the Post of Manila, with a permanent garri- son of about two thousand soldiers, the author used rubber stamps ex- tensively and followed with great success the excellent, business-like pro- visions of G. O. 39, Headquarters Divison of the Philippines, 1902: "In referring papers the usual form of indorsement will be omitted, except when special instructions are necessary. For example, a communication indorsed by stamp or in writing, 'To the Quartermaster,' 'To the Sur- geon,' 'To the Commanding Officer, Co. ,' etc., preceded by the usual caption, showing source from which it emanates or comes, and date, is a sufficient indication, direction and authority without signature, for action by the officer to whom it is referred, the presumption being that it would not be sent to him unless the subject matter was within his knowledge and he is able to promote the inquiry, furnish the information or explain the facts indicated by the character and context of the com- munication. When reference is merely for the purpose of giving in- formation, 'the paper to be returned,' the notation will be framed ac- THE POST ADJUTANT 97 cordingly and the paper may be 'Returned, contents noted,' without signature, the office stamp or caption being presumptive evidence that the communication has been seen by the proper officer." By following this system in all routine indorsements of trans- mission, return, etc., the clerical work of an office can be greatly re- duced and simplified. Instead of saying, for example, "Respectfully forwarded to the commanding officer, 24th Infantry, for transmission to the Commanding Officer, Co. "A," 24th Infantry. By order of Col- onel McKibbin: Jas. A. Moss, Adjutant, 24th Infantry. Adjutant," (31 words), say "To the Commanding Officer, 24th Infantry, for trans- mission" (8 words), using two rubber stamps "To the Commanding Officer, 24th Infantry" and "for transmission." Have rubber stamps reading "for remark," "for necessary action," "to note and return." However, whenever special instructions are to be given, the in- dorsement should be signed "By order," etc. 7 Great caution should be exercised in using disciplinary lan- guage in communications addressed to officers not under the jurisdic- tion of the commanding officer. 8 It is not necessary to return by formal indorsement all re- ports, returns, and other communications that may be received with errors, or incomplete. The Adjutant may return the papers informally to the officers concerned, in person, or by means of an attached memorandum. Not only does this save the Adjutant's office and also the officer concerned useless paper work, but it also expedites the transaction of business. THE CORRESPONDENCE BOOK . The Correspondence Book is the book used by all administra- tive units and officers below department headquarters 1 for the purpose of making a record of every item of correspondence that should be recorded. In connection with the Correspondence Book is kept a Docu- ment File which contains: / The original documents or communica- tions that may be retained, and carbon, letter-press or other copies of all letters, indorsements or telegrams that may be or may have been sent in regard to the same. 2 Copies of all letters, indorsements or telegrams originating in the office. Whenever a paper is withdrawn from the document file a charge slip should be inserted in its stead, stating briefly by whom withdrawn and the date of withdrawal. General Remarks. First of all, the printed instructions on the card-record system is explained in G. O. 92, 1909. 98 CHAPTER VI inside front cover of the Correspondence Book should be carefully read and digested and an understanding of the system involved should be acquired. It should be borne in mind the object of this book is to enable the future seeker for information to obtain it with ease, exactness, and completeness. Entries in the Correspondence Book. Each entry consists of: / The serial book number. 2 The date of receipt. 3 The name of the writer. 4 A very brief synopsis of the subject. 5 Notation of number of inclosures, if any. (If any inclosures are added, withdrawn or filed in the office, the fact should be stated. In case of very important inclosures, copies should be made and filed.) 6 The action taken on the paper. In recording the names of commanding officers or staff officers only the official, and not the personal name, should be entered. Thus, "The Adjutant General, Dept. of California," not "Major John R. Jones, Adjutant General, Dept. of California." The synopsis includes the date and place, but the location of Division, Department Headquarters, etc.. whose locations are fixed, need not be entered. "HQ Dept Calif," for instance, would be sufficient. The location of a regimental headquarters, however, would be entered, as it is not a fixed place. A Good briefing is very rare. As a rule, the tendency is to in- clude too much in the synopsis. It is impossible to lay down any exact rule as to what should or should not be included in the synop- sis judgment must be used in deciding, but much can be done by thought and care. The action always shows the disposition made of the paper and includes the date of reference, transmission, forwarding or return. No communication should be entered a second time, unless, for special reasons, it should become necessary or desirable to transfer a remote entry to one of current date, or unless additional space should be required to continue the record. If a communication that has al- ready been entered be returned, "Received Back (such date)," and other necessary data should be added to the previous entry. How- ever, should it become necessary to enter the same communication a second time, the s'econd entry should be headed, "Continued from page " B Indorsements must not be entered in the Correspondence Book, but merely a notation ("Doc.") of fact of entry in the Document File should be made, copies of the indorsements being entered in this file. THE POST ADJUTANT 99 To enter in full in the Document File all indorsements on a paper reaching the office, would be a useless cumbering of records and a waste of labor. Only indorsements of an important nature should be entered in full. Common sense and good judgment must be used. For instance, mere routine indorsements of reference that have no material bearing on the case, should not be entered, and, as a rule, even indorsements bearing on the case, can be greatly condensed Example: 4TH INDORSEMENT War Department, Washington, 1 January, 1906. Respectfully returned to the Commanding General, Dept. of Dakota, approved. By order of the Secretary of War: H. P. McCAIN, Adjutant General. STH INDORSEMENT HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF DAKOTA, St. Paul, Minn., 3 Jany., 1906. Respectfully transmitted to the Commanding Officer, Fort Missoula, Montana. By command of Brigadier General Bubb: ALBERT TODD, Major and Adjutant General. 6TH INDORSEMENT POST OF FORT MISSOULA, MONTANA, 6 Jany., 1906. Respectfully transmitted to the Commanding Officer, Co. "A," 24th Infantry. By order of Major Smith: JOHN A. MOORE, 1st Lieutenant, 24th Infantry, Adjutant. Simply the following entries would be necessary in the Post Correspondence Book: Reed back 4 Jany '06. Transmitted C O Co "A," 24 Inf 5 Jany '06. "Doc." The following entries in the Document File would be sufficient: W D 1 Jany '06, Appd; HQ D Dak 3 Jany '06, Transmtd. However, copies of indorsements of a material nature should be filed in full in the Document File whether or not they originate in 100 CHAPTER VI the office and proper notation of fact of filing made in the Corre- spondence Book. A Cross Reference. By cross reference is meant the notation of records so that all other records connected therewith will be in- dicated sufficiently for reference, each as to all others. B Annotation is the noting of numbers, dates, memoranda, etc., of other records and other data as to inclosures, action, etc., necessary to a complete chain of reference. Inclosures to certain indorsements are marked, "Inc. 1, 1st Indt.," "Inc. 1, 2nd Indt," etc. Every inclosure received with a paper is stamped with the same office mark and number as the paper itself. If any inclosures are added, withdrawn or filed, the proper notation should be made below the indorsement of the office making the addition, abstraction, or filing. The office numbers of letters, or of important indorsements re- ceived from the AGO, Auditor's Office, Dept. HQ, etc., should be noted. C Every office should be provided with a rubber stamp for stamp- ing papers with date of receipt and office number. The stamp of an office inferior to that of a department headquarters should be simple in design. The following, for instance, is suggested for a company: No. Co. "A" 24th Infty. Rec'd. Received Back (Actual Size.) ("Received Back," is a separate stamp which is used, of course, only when the paper has been received back.) These office marks should follow the indorsement made in the company office and not be placed at the top of the first fold or some other conspicuous place, such places being reserved for the AGO Div. HQ, Dept. HQ, etc. Whenever a paper is received back, "Received back (such date)," is noted at the bottom of the indorsements which sent it out. In case of any inclosures, the "Received Back" notation should show definitely what original inclosures are received back with the paper and also what new inclosures, if any. Thus, "Received Back, 5 Jany., THE POST ADJUTANT ' 10? '06. Original Inclosures 1 and 3 2 inclosures 1st InJt. ?nd 1 T rc., 2d Indt." Abbreviations. In order to save labor and space, abbreviations, with periods generally omitted, should be used as much as possible, but proper judgment must be exercised and care taken not to sacrifice clearness to abbreviation. AGO USA AGO D Dak Ch Stf P Div Ch QM Dept Dak HQ 24 Inf are correct, because clear. D Cal may be mistaken for D Col and vice versa hence D Calif and D Colo should be used. In this as in all other matters pertaining to records, it should be borne in mind that the entries should be perfectly clear to those delving into them in the future. ORDERS 1 Orders are numbered serially beginning with the year or the establishment of a new command. It is customary to note on the first number of a new series the last number of the preceding series. Thus "G. O. No. 192 is the last of the 1904 series," would be noted on the first of the 1905 series. Whenever a corrected order is issued, the following should be written at the top of every copy, "Corrected Copy; please destroy copies previously sent." If for any reason a serial number should be skipped i. e. the order be not issued it is customary to publish a skeleton order so as to make the file complete. For example, if G. O. No. 52, Headquar- ters Department of California, should not be issued, the following would be published: HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 12 May, 1906. GENERAL ORDERS, No. 52. NOT ISSUED. For the general principles regarding orders see the Field Service Regulations. The following are the usual forms of garrison orders: ^Since Dec. 31, '10, the issue of circulars by the War Department has been discontinued. While the order on the subject, G. O. 231, '10, applies only to the War Department, the Army at large will without doubt gradually follow suit, although the practice of sending out memoranda from post headquarters will doubtless continue, so as not to burden the files of orders with various matters that continually come up in post administration, but are of such a nature that they should not be included in formal orders. 102 CHAPTER VI A Aaanming Command FORT MISSOULA, MONT., 1 January, 1906. GENERAL ORDERS, No. 1. The undersigned hereby assumes command of Fort Missoula, Montana. JOHN R. SMITH, Major, 1st Infantry. (In case a staff is to be announced, the order would continue, "and announces the following staff: Adjutant Quartermaster " etc.) Fourth of July FORT MISSOULA, MONT., 3 July, 1905. GENERAL ORDERS, No. 16. 1. To-morrow, July 4th, being a national holiday, all duty except the guard and necessary police will be suspended. 2 At reveille the band will play national airs and the garrison flag will be hoisted to the top of the flagstaff, during which the national salute of 21 guns will be fired. 3 At 9 o'clock A. M. the command will be paraded in the form of a square and the Declaration of Independence read, after which the band will play "The Star Spangled Banner." 4 At noon the salute to the Union will be fired, consisting of one gun for every state, during which the band will play "America," "Hail Columbia" and other national airs. By order of MAJOR SMITH: JAMES A. ROSS, 1st Lieutenant, 1st Infantry, Adjutant. (For Declaration of Independence, see page 466). C Fire. There will be fire drill at 3 o'clock p. M. to-day. The band quarters will be the objective. D The funeral of the late John Smith, Private Co. "A," 1st Infantry, will take place to-morrow. N 1st Call, 9.50 A. M., Assembly, ten minutes later. Uniform The commanding officer Co. "A," 1st Infantry, will furnish the necessary pall- bearers and escort and is charged with all other details relating to the funeral. All officers* and enlisted men not on duty will attend. The companies will be marched to the hospital by the first sergeants and the sergeant major will then assume command of the battalion. The flag will be displayed at half-staff from 9.50 A. M. until the remains are taken from the post. "Sometimes the order reads, "All officers are invited to attend." See page 294C. THE POST ADJUTANT 103 A Inspection. The troops of this command will be paraded for inspection to- morrow, the 2nd instant. Formation: Battalion, on the general parade. 1st Call, 8.20 A. M. Assembly, 8.30 A. M. Uniform 1 The inspection will be preceded by a review. Immediately following the in- spection, the barracks will be inspected by the commanding officer. B Memorial Day. To-morrow being Memorial Day, all duty except the guard and necessary fatigue will be suspended. The command will be formed at 9 o'clock A. M. and marched to the cemetery, where the following exercises will take place: 1 Dirge, by the band. 2 Prayer. 3 "My Country, 'Tis of Thee," by the band. 4 "Nearer, My God, to Thee," by the band, during which the graves will be decorated with flowers. 5 "The Star Spangled Banner," by the band. 6 Benediction. 7 Taps. Uniform C Muster and Inspection. The troops of this command will be inspected and mustered to-morrow, the 30th instant. Formation : a Battalion. 1st Call, 8.20 A. M. Assembly, 8.30 A. M. Uniform* All enlisted men will attend except the guard, the sick, the overseer of pris- oners, the clerks in the adjutant's office, the baker and one cook and one room orderly in every company. *In case of Cavalry*, add: Arms (Rifle, saber, revolvers). Saddles (Full pack or stripped). 2 Or, by companies on their respective parades. The Post Noncommissioned Staff will be mustered in front of the adjutant's office and the Hospital Corps Detachment in front of the hospital. In case of Cavalry, see Inspection order. 104 CHAPTER VI A Payment. The troops of this command will be paid by Captain Smith, pa] master, at 1 o'clock P. M. to-day, in the following order: 1 Hospital Corps Detachment. 2 Post Noncommissioned Staff. 3 N. C. S. and Band, 24th Infantry. 4 Company "B," 24th Infantry. 5 Company "A," 24th Infantry. 6 Company "C," 24th Infantry. 7 Company "D," 24th Infantry. Uniform . . B Practice March. 1 The troops of this command, except the band, the Post Noncommissioned Staff and one noncommissioned officer and six privates from each company (to be left as guard) will proceed with ten days' rations at 7 o'clock A. M., 16 August, 1905, on the practice march prescribed by Par. 1, G. O. 2, 1905, Hdqrs. Department of Dakota. 2 The following tentage and field equipage will be allowed: 3 The surgeon, the assistant hospital steward and privates of the Hospital Corps will accompany the command. 4 The following named officers will constitute the staff on the march: Adjutant and Recruiting Officer. , Quartermaster and Commissary. , Signal Officer, Ordnance Officer and Engineer Officer. , Surgeon. 5 Captain , Lieutenant the butcher, the chief baker and the exchange steward will remain at the post. 6 For purposes of messenger service, courier duty, etc., the following-named men, at their own request, will be mounted on bicycles and armed with revolvers: etc. Their blanket rolls will be carried on the wagons. 7 All men to be discharged while the troops are on the march and who do not intend to reenlist will he left behind. Their names will be submitted to this office without delay. 8 The descriptive lists of all men remaining at the post, including those in the hospital, will be submitted to the adjutant not later than noon, August 14. 9 Men remaining behind will be attached to the band for rations. To provide for the better subsistence of the men left behind, it is suggested that company commanders turn over to the adjutant 75 cents for each man. THE POST ADJUTANT 105 10 The adjutant, quartermaster, commissary, exchange officer, post treasurer and officer in charge of the post garden will submit to this office without delay the names of the men in their respective departments who should remain at the post. 11 The barracks and premises will be left in a clean and orderly condition, and the noncommissioned officers left behind will be charged with the care and preservation of all property. A Belief and Appointment of Quartermaster. Lieutenant John A. Smith, 1st Infantry, is relieved as quartermaster and will transfer all records, funds and prop- erty pertaining to that office to Captain Samuel Jones, 1st Infantry, who is hereby appointed quartermaster. B Relinquishing Command. The undersigned hereby relinquishes command of the post of Fort Missoula, Montana. C Washington's Birthday. To-morrow, the 22d instant, being the Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington, all duty, except the necessary guard and fatigue, will be suspended at this post. The troops of the command will be paraded at 10 o'clock A. M., when the Declaration of Independence will be read. First Call, 9.50 A. M. Assembly, ten minutes later. Uniform : Habitual. SPECIAL ORDERS D Extra Duty, (a) Detail. Private William Jones, Co. "A," 1st Infantry, is detailed on extra duty as teamster in the Quartermaster's Department and will report at once to the quartermaster for duty. (fr) Belief. Private William Jones, Co. "A," 1st Infantry, is relieved from extra duty as teamster in the Quartermaster's Department and will report to his company commander for duty. (c) Detail and Relief. Private William Jones, Co. "A," 1st Infantry, is detailed on extra duty as teamster in the Quartermaster's Department, vice Private Samuel King, Co. "B," 1st Infantry, who is relieved. Private Jones will report without delay to the quartermaster and Private King to his company commander. (d) Retroactive. 1 Artificer Samuel Jones, Co. "A," 1st Infantry, having been employed continuously as mechanic in the Quartermaster's Department since 1 January, 1905, is hereby detailed on extra duty as mechanic in that department, to date from that day. 2 The verbal orders of the commanding officer of 1 January, 1905, detailing Private Samuel Jones, Co. "A," 1st Infantry, on extra duty as butcher in the Subsistence Department, vice Smith, relieved, are hereby confirmed and made of record as of that date. 106 CHAPTER VI A Leave of Absence, (a) Leave of absence for three days, effective 3 Octo ber, 1905, is granted 1st Lieutenant Paul Jones, 1st Infantry. (&) Leave of absence for ten days, effective about 3 October, 1905, with permission to apply to the proper authority for an extension of ten days, is granted 1st Lieutenant Paul Jones, 1st Infantry. B Post Council of Administration, (a) In compliance with Par. 313, A. R., the Post Council of Administration, consisting of Captain H. C. Moon, 24th Infantry, Captain R. O. Beene, 24th Infantry, and Captain N. K. Ross, 24th Infantry, will, meet at 10 o'clock A. M. to-morrow, 31 December. (&) The Post Council of Administration, consisting of, etc., will meet at 10 o'clock A. M. to-morrow, 15 December, to recommend a scale of prices at which tailoring shall be done at this post. C Remittance of Summary Court Sentence, (a) The unexpired portion of the confinement part of the Summary Court sentence in the case of Private Samuel Jones, Co. "A," 1st Infantry, approved March 4, 1903, is remitted and he will report to his company commander for duty. (&) The sentence in the case of Artificer Henry W. Page, Co. "C," 24th In- fantry, approved 16 October, 1902, being in excess of the maximum punishment al- lowed by law, one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) of the fine imposed is remitted and will be refunded to the soldier on next pay roll of his company. D Travel, (a) In compliance with authority contained in an indorsement dated Headquarters Department of Dakota, 10 January, 1905, Corporal Charles Pickle, Company "M," 24th Infantry, will proceed to join his company at Fort Missoula, Montana. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and die Subsistence Department the necessary subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary in the military service. (&) Pursuant to telegraphic instructions from The Adjutant General, U. S. Army, under date of 6 September, 1902, Recruit Hans Hansen, Company "I," 22nd Infantry, now at his post, will proceed to Fort Crook, Nebraska, r< porting upon arrival to the Commanding Officer at that post. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department will furnish in advance commutation of rations for one day at $1.50 per day, it being impracticable to furnish cooked or travel rations after the first day. The travel enjoined is necessary in the military service. (c) Pursuant to instructions from Headquarters Department of Dakota, dated January 10, 1905, Captain John A. Smith, 1st Infantry, will proceed to join his company at Fort Missoula, Montana. The travel enjoined is necessary in the military service. E Fire Orders 1 The fire brigade at this post will be composed as follows: FIRE MARSHAL THE POST ADJUTANT 107 ASSISTANT FIRE MARSHALS FIRST DETACHMENT Charged with extinguishing fire. Four (4) N. C. O.'s and thirty privates Co. " ." LADDER DETAIL One (1) N. C. O. and fourteen (14) privates Co. * ." AXE AND BUCKET DETAIL One (1) N. C. O. and twelve (12) privates Co. " ." 4 Axe men. 6 Bucket men. 2 Lantern men. HOSE CARRIAGE No. 1 DETAIL One (1) N. C. O. and fourteen (14) privates Co. " ." 2 Tongue men, who act as nozzle men. 8 Drag rope men. 2 Hydrant men. 2 Couplers. HOSE CARRIAGE No. 2 DETAIL One (1) N. C. O. and fourteen (14) privates Co. " ." 2 Tongue men, who act as nozzle men. 8 Drag rope men. 2 Hydrant men. 2 Couplers. SECOND DETACHMENT (Under the immediate command of Lieut ) Charged with preventing spread of fire to neighboring buildings. Six (6) N. C. O.'s and thirty (30) privates Co. " ." THIRD DETACHMENT (Under the immediate command of Lieut ) Charged with the rescue of property from burning or endangered buildings Six (6) N. C. O.'s and fifty (50) privates Co. " ." FIRST AID DETACHMENT (To report to the Fire Marshal) Two (2) members of the Hospital Corps, with litter and first aid pouches. II. The fire marshal is charged with the management of all fires which may occur at his post, and will be respected and obeyed accordingly. He will make a careful inspection of his post at least once a month, with the object of making sure that the following precautionary measures have been carried out: All chimneys thoroughly cleaned before setting up stoves and starting fires in them for the winter. All flues and pipes examined, to see that woodwork is not exposed, that the stove-pipe apertures have proper thimbles; that proper protection is provided where pipes pass through or into lathed and plastered walls; that walls are protected with tin or zinc where stove-pipes pass near them and that stove- pipe joints are not drawn apart or loosened. 108 CHAPTER VI No fire or lights (other than the stable lanterns) allowed in any stables. No fires in unoccupied buildings. That the fire apparatus is kept in good order. In case of the absence of the fire marshal, the senior assistant present will act as fire marshal and in the name of the commanding officer will call upon officers present to act as his assistants. In the event of the absence of the fire marshal and both assistants, the senior officer present will act as fire marshal and in the name of the commanding officer will call upon officers present to act as his assistants. III. In case of fire the alarm will be given immediately by the person dis- covering it; if a sentinel, by discharging his piece and calling "Fire," and adding the number of his post; if not a sentinel, by calling "Fire! Firel" The musician of the guard will at once sound fire call, which will be taken up by the musicians of the garrison. The retreat gun will be discharged by the commander of the guard. The adjutant will report to the commanding officer, the quartermaster will repair to the Q. M. Storehouse; Post N. C. Staff officers to their respective store- houses; sergeant-major and clerks in adjutant's office to post headquarters. The officer of the day will proceed to the guard house and give such instructions as may be necessary. The post plumber, supplied with wrench and plumber tongs, and all field musicians will at once report to the fire marshal. IV. The fire marshal will be held responsible for the discipline, drill and equipment of the entire fire brigade; he will inspect the fire apparatus once every two weeks, and will have a "Fire Drill" on or about the fifteenth of every month. V. When fire call is sounded all prisoners who may be at work under sen- tinels will at once be returned to the guardhouse, and, if fire is not in the immediate vicinity, locked in their cells. If the fire is at the guardhouse, or in immediate vicinity, so that the guardhouse is in danger, all prisoners will be at once taken to the company barracks farthest from the fire and left there under guard. The guard, except one N. C. officer and three privates, will proceed at once to the scene of the fire and report to the fire marshal, who will instruct them as to their duty. All organizations or portions of same not mentioned above will form at their respective parade grounds and stand at ease. All organizations at. such a time are subject to the orders of the fire marshal. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary equipment. All instructions necessary for the execution of this order not herein specially mentioned will be given by the fire marshal. VI. The fire apparatus will be kept at the hose house and when the alarm is given, the various details will proceed to that place immediately, obtain their appro priate apparatus, and report to the fire marshal at the fire. Service and Boll Calls The following service and roll calls will take effect January 1, 1911: Reveille 1st Call 5.15 A. M. Marches followed by reveille 5.30 A. M. Assembly 5.25 A. M. THE POST ADJUTANT 109 Mess Call (Breakfast) 5.45 A. M. (Police of barracks and premises immediately after breakfast.) Sick Call Drill 1st Call Assembly Recall 6.30 A. M. (Daily except Saturdays and Sundays) 6.35 A. M. 6.45 A. M. 7.15 A. M. Setting-up, calisthenic, athletic and gymnastic exercises under the immediate charge of the noncommissioned officers and under the superintendence of 2d Lieu- tenant , 24th Infantry. Fatigue Call Guard Mounting Drill 7.30 A. M. 1st Call 7.50 A. M. Assembly 8.00 A. M. 1st Call 8.20 A. M. Assembly 8.30 A. M. (Daily except Saturdays and Sundays) 1st Call 9.20 A. M. Assembly 9.30 A. M. Recall 10.15 A. M. Drill , (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) 1st Call 10.35 A. M. Assembly 10.45 A. M. Recall 11.30A.M. Becall from Fatigue Drill 11.30A.M. (Tuesdays and Thursdays) 1st Call 10.35 A. M. Assembly 10.45 A. M. Recall 11.45 A. M. All company officers, except the Officer of the Day, will attend the 9.30 and the 10.45 A. M. drills and the parades. One officer will attend retreat with every company. (See foot note, page 263). 1st Sergeants' Call Mess Call (Dinner) Fatigue Call 12.00 M. 12.15 P. M. 1.00 P. ic. 110 CHAPTER VI Eecall from Fatigue 5.00 P. M. Mess Call (Supper) 5.30 P. M. Parade, daily except Saturdays and Sundays, 1st Call, 40 min- utes before sunset. Assembly, 30 minutes before sunset.* Retreat, Saturdays and Sundays. 1st Call, 15 minutes before sunset. Assembly, 10 minutes later. Retreat at signal from the Adjutant. Tattoo 9.30 P. M. OaU to Quarters 10.45 P. M. TapB 11.00 P. M. Saturday Inspection 1st Call 8.20 A. M. Assembly 8.30 A. M. Beginning Saturday, and every alternate Saturday thereafter, Inspection will be in the heavy marching order. Guard Mounting on Saturdays, 1st Call immediately after In- spection and Assembly 10 minutes later. Fatigue Call on Saturdays, immediately after First Call for Guard Mounting. All Extra and Special Duty Men will attend two drills each week and all inspections and ceremonies, unless excused by the commanding officer. During the drill hours the company musicians will practice under the direction of the Adjutant. Officers' School Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 1.30 to 2.30 P. u. Machine Gun Drill Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 2.40 to 3.30 P. M. Signal Drill Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 2.40 to 3.30 P. M. Non-Commlssioned Officers' School (under one of the company officers) Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 2.40 to 3.30 P. M. r>u..*/.h rn Q^ av , Morning Service, 10 A. M. Church Call Sundays, Evenin | Service, 6:30 P. M. "Paragraph 440, Army Regulations, 1904, construed in connection with para- graph 202, Army Regulations, means that a parade is required to be held daily, except Sundays, unless, in the opinion of the commanding officer, the weather is so inclement, or other conditions are such as to make it impracticable; and that a parade will be held on Sunday, only when, in the opinion of the commanding officer, there is a special necessity tor doing so. "The word 'parade,' as used in paragraph 440, Army Regulations, means the ceremony of parade as prescribed in the authorized drill regulations." (War Dept Decision, May 26, 1906.) It may be added, the custom of the service is not to hold parades on Saturdays. THE POST ADJUTANT 111 LABOR-SAVING DEVICES AND CONVENIENCES Not only can much time and labor be saved, but also the work of the office can be greatly simplified and systematized by the use of conveniences in the way of rubber stamps, mimeographs, wire baskets, file cases, pigeon-hole boxes, etc. A Rubber Stamps. Self-inking stamps (that is, those mounted on metal frames) are considered the most satisfactory, the impressions always being clear, clean-cut, uniform and well aligned. A clerk should be especially charged with keeping the frames oiled, the let- ters clean and the pads inked. B Rubber Stamps Usually Used in an Adjutant's Office. (Required for on Form 60, Q. M. D., Estimate for Regular Supplies.) 1. HEADQUARTERS 24TH INFANTRY, Fort Harrison, Mont. Received 2. Respectfully forwarded to the Adjutant General, Department of Dakota. 3. Respectfully returned to the Adjutant General, Department of Dakota. 4. Respectfully returned to the Chief Quartermaster, Department of Dakota. 17 SEPT., 1906 14. Fort Harrison, Mont. (Dating Stamp) Received 5. To the Quartermaster. 15. Respectfully forwarded to the Chief 6. To the Commissary. Quartermaster, Department of Dakota 7. To the Surgeon. 16 ' Rec ' d back Hd rs ' 24th Inf ' 8. To the Commanding Officer, Co. ," l7 ' ' ; -Indorsement, 24th Infantry. For * Harrison, Mont. 9. For remark. 18. Colonel 24h Infantry,- Commanding. 10. For transmission. 19. Captain and Adjutant, 24th Infantry, 11. For necessary action. Adjutant. 12. To note and return. 2Q AppROVED 13. Indorsement HEADQUARTERS 24TH INFANTRY, 21. DISAPPROVED. Fort Harrison, Mont. 112 CHAPTER VI A The Four-Basket System consists of four ordinary wire or wicker office baskets kept on the Adjutant's desk and marked: "In," "Commanding Officer," "Hold," and "Out." All mail, pass lists, and other incoming matter are* placed n" basket. the "In" basket. in All papers requiring office marks, the typewriting of indorse- ments, or other action in the sergeant major's office, as well as all communications ready for mailing, delivery, etc., are placed in the "'Out" basket, which is emptied by the sergeant major from time to time during office hours. The sergeant major places in the "In" basket all papers re- quiring the signature of the commanding officer or the Adjutant Papers for the signature or other action of the commanding of- ficer are placed in the "Commanding Officer" basket by the Adjutant. Communications which can not be acted on at once, first have entered upon them the proper office marks and are then placed in the "Hold" basket. The contents of this basket must be examined daily. Under no circumstances should papers be allowed to lie around loose on the Adjutant's desk each and every paper should be placed in its proper basket and made fast with a paper weight. B Memorandum Slips. Whenever the Adjutant thinks of some- thing requiring action, but which can not be done at the time, he should at once note the same on a piece of paper which should be placed in the proper basket. Matters, for instance, concerning which he wishes to speak to the commanding officer at some future hour should be placed in the "Commanding Officer" basket. It is a very good thing for the Adjutant to get into the habit of devoting two or three minutes each morning immediately after reach- ing his desk to thinking of, or recalling, things that should be done that day or at some future time and then making out the proper memorandum slips. C An Adjutant's "Tickler." A card-system "Tickler," designed by the author to be used: Primarily, in connection with the prompt THE POST ADJUTANT 113 rendition of all reports, returns, estimates and requisitions required of post commanders by Army Regulations and War Department Orders; Secondarily, as a suspended file, to recall at the proper time things to be done or matters to be considered at any time in the future. For example: (a) Periodical and other reports and returns to be rendered to or by the office. () Communications that should be returned to or by the office. (c) Information that should be furnished to or by the office. (d) Orders, letters and verbal directions requiring ac- j tion by the office or by subordinates. A If, for instance, communication number 100, that should be returned to the office not later than the 20th of the month (Novem- ber), is mailed Captain John A. Smith, on the 10th, then fill out and file in front of the "20" guide card, a card like this: Number of Communi- cation To Whom sent When To be returned by Remarks TOO Capt. John A. Smith Nov. 1 Nov. 20 On the morning of the 20th, when the "19" guide card is re- moved from in front and placed in rear, the check card will show up. If the communication has not yet been returned, just keep on advancing the filing date of the check card until the paper does return. An alphabetical list of the names of the persons to whom communications are sent should be kept (preferably by means of cards), with the filing dates of the check cards opposite each name. For instance, after Captain Smith's name would be noted, "November 20." In this manner, should the communication be returned before Nov. 20, by reference to the alphabetical list the filing date can be ascertained at once and the check card found and removed from the file without having to look over the check cards of several dates. A supply of check cards with proper heading should be printed, mimeographed or hectographed. See Supplement, Chap. VI, Par. 59. 114 CHAPTER VI (ADJUTANT'S TICKLER.) (Obtainable from the Quartermaster's Dept. See Cir. 9, Q. M. G. O., '10, page 72). 1. Officer of the Day del 2. Officer of the Guard detail 3. Telegraphic report of -enlistments during \vrek, by Recruiting Officer (n*,inlhjtl,e Adjutant), to A. G.. U. S. A'. Telegram A. . 0., March 26, t'J03. (l-'orm: Adjutant General, tt'suhinyton, I). C.. Knlittmentt past week: ".4" To be submitted only when any enlistments have heen made 1'osi Hdqrs. K>limnte of Clotliing and Printing Press. A printing press purchased from the regi- mental fund or otherwise, is a great convenience for printing pass lists, blank forms for periodical reports required by post or regi- mental headquarters, programs of concerts, etc. THE POST ADJUTANT 115 A Duplicating Device. In case it be not possible to get a printing press, a good first-class duplicating device can be made to answer the same purpose in most cases. The mimeograph does not always give satisfaction, and the Neostyle is very expensive. An excellent device for duplicating in a small way and economically, is the Daus Tip Top Duplicator, made in four sizes and sold by The Felix F. Daus Dupli- cator Co., Ill John St., New York. Size No. 1, with a printing sur- face of 8^4 by 13 ins., costs $7.50. Typewriter. It goes without saying that now-a-days no office is complete without at least one typewriter, which can usually be ob- tained from the Quartermaster's Department on memorandum receipt. C Electric Bells. (Usually obtainable from the Signal Corps.) The offices of the commanding officer and the Adjutant should be equipped with electric bells, so that the sergeant major, the clerks, orderlies and others can be gotten without having to hollo for them. A code of rings should be devised whereby each man shall have an individual call. D File-Case for Reference Books. A flat file-case, made after the one represented in the following cut, is fastened to the wall, back of the Sergeant-Major's desk. (Border is made of 1 inch mater- ial and partitions 1 inch material : receptacles 2\ in- ches deep; the rods "A" and "B" extend out \ inch from face of case; the grooves are 2 inches deep and \\ inches wide.) 116 CHAPTER VI Indices of Current Orders and Circulars. A convenient and satisfactory way of keeping indices of all current orders and circulars is by means of cards, as shown in this cut: h ^.... __ At" -.-. Falcon and Other Files with Alphabetical Indices. Papers fre- quently referred to are made readily accessible by being filed in Falcon or other files with alphabetical indices, and kept in convenient places. Pigeon-hole Box. A box with a number of pigeon-holes labeled, for instance, as follows, is a great convenience: 1 Memorandum Receipts 7 Personal Orders 2 Receipted Bills 8 3 Money Matters 9 4 Answered Letters 10 5 Unanswered Letters 11 6 In Abeyance Catalogues, Price Lists, etc. Newspaper Clippings Memoranda Miscellaneous THE POST ADJUTANT 117 A Useful Forms. The following forms can be used to great ad vantage in an Adjutant's Office: ..190 Detail: For Officer of th Day to-morrow: 34th Infantry. Itt. LJtvt. 24th hftniry, AJfaltnl. Opened Half Folded Folded 118 CHAPTER VI (1) Fort Harrison, Moat., 190$. The Commanding Officer, Co. " ," 24th Infantry. The following absentees were reported on the guard report ths date Retreat . : Eleven p. m. inspection Reveille By order of the Commanding Officer: Captain and Adjutant, 24th Infty., Adjutant. (2) MEMORANDUM. For the Information of Company Commanders.. NAME. I BANK. I DELINQUENCY. j DATE. Fort Harrison, Montana. To the Commanding Officer, Co 24th Infantry, 190 , Byorderof r> lit Lieut. Adjutant, with i action noted in the proper column. ..... 24thlnft'y. i Ordnance Officer THE POST ADJUTANT 125 - 37/8 ins. : POOL SLIP Date 19 SIGN NAME, NUMBER OF GAMES, AND AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY AFTER FINISHING. Name No. of Games. Amount $ .9 Name No. of Games Amount $ Name No. of Games Amount $ Name No. of Games Amount $. Name No. of Games Amount $ V (To be kept on the wall or in some other convenient place in the pool room. The slips are perforated, as indicated, so that they may be easily torn off and assorted, every man's slips being kept together. The slips are returned upon payment.) 126 CHAPTER VI A V OFFICERS WILL PLEASE SIGN THEIR INITIALS "OPPOSITE THEIR NAMES, THUS INDICATING THEY HAVE READ THE PAPER HEREWITH Major Harris " Jones " Smith Captain Adams Barker etc. First Lieut. Anderson -" Baxter etc. Second Lieut. Allen Booze etc. To contain in rank groups and alphabetically arranged the names of all the officers in the Post. This slip Is attached to circulars, etc., to be shown to the offi- cers of the command. THE POST ADJUTANT 127 Port Harrison, Montana, _-._., ....... ..... - 190 . owes the amounts indicated and has made satisfactory arrangements for the payment thereof: Post Exchange, $rr:jrr*t Post Laundry. $ _ , Company Tailor. $ ______ , --- *... -, ........ ~ Company Barber, $ __ , - -- ......... --.' -------- Coropinj Rarbcr To the best of my knowledge and belief ..._ .......................... __ ....... ____ . _______ owes no other leunaryman, tailor or barber. 1st Sergt."co~" ~~". 24th "l^Hy. clearance flip must t* attached to the Certificate of Discharge bo- itted to the Commanding Ortioer (or signature NOTE: This lore it ii diilimitted Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 190 . Received from the fund of Troop G, Ninth Cavalry the sum of . dollars for . Voucher No. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas ................. 190 .. Paid to the fund of Troop G, Ninth Cavalry the sum of .................. Voucher No. . dollars on account of (See bottom page 216.) 128 CHAPTER VI Fort Harrison, Mont., ..IQI The Chief Paymaster, Dept. of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn. Sir: In compliance with A. R. 1281, IQIO, I have the honor to inform you that I have this day transferred my pay account for the month of , IQI to Respectfully, ....24th Infty. < -- 334- (For the convenience of the officers of the command, printed envelopes, addressed t< the Chief Paymaster of the department, should be furnished with these blanks.) THE POST ADJUTANT 129 A FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS : : , 190 The Adjutant, 24th Infantry, Madison Barracks, N. Y. Sir: In compliance with paragraph 834, A. R., I have the honor to report as follows: ADDRESS FOR NEXT MONTH: DUTY: SICKNESS or INJURY: Very respectfully, ins. Mil (Slips like this, and also some reading, "The Adjutant \/ General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.," should be printed on the regimental press, and furnished, with properly printed addressed envelopes, to .officers absent on detached service.) 130 CHAPTER VI Check Card FOB '*> l /. N.C.S.9**,. <* '. <**". _ * '"-.: *. " -c:....^ S* ""If t. -r: /. ~ -r: i. -tf . - "H-:. 10. - "I" /'. - -r- (1 " "V < * '/. 1 THE POST ADJUTANT 131 Fort Harrison^ Mont. 1908 The Commanding Officer directs that Captain and Adjutant, 24th Inftrv. Adjutant. 4 ins . (Another convenient blank is the same as the above, iubstituting "Mmo- randum for" for "The Commanding Officer directs that.") 132 CHAPTER VI COMMANDING OFFICERS. N. C. S. and Band 1st Battalion 2nd Battalion 3rd Battalion . Company A B C etc. Det. H. C (To paste on memoranda to be shown to organization commanders.) FIRST SERGEANTS. Received for communication to their Company Com- manders. A B C , etc. Det. H. C (To paste on memoranda.) NOTE: Another useful form is same as the preceding, except "Received for communication, etc. is left off. THE POST ADJUTANT 133 * 2 CJtf 2. 8. ^ A 3 fc I {_ 7, V .-< k 1 fc v 10.. l^_ (^ 11 *! -= 1 ^=4 I 1* L ; f M, r ^ > 16. f Approved -.24tli ihfajn c y , .ranted: on/er of. cbwv cb. ^/A Infantry, Adjutant. Notts. 1. The names to bom-ranged alphaWliunlly, non-cotnmisiond officers first. 2. Men on pas* r nt.excu|i from inUi vwiing dutms, unless, sosutsd in th column of remarks. I. This mark (X) after a name, indicates permission to wear civilian clothes. 134 CHAPTER VI Pass List Clerks in the Adjutant's Office. NO NAME RANK. Authorized Absence. Departed. Returned. ' Remarks. 1 From To 1 IX" x* 3/" ^ " ^" i 3 4l" - I/ " < "#. 7% >** V*T ,4 \ s* ^-< * ExcuseH from all intervening. By Order of Colonel Captain 24th Infantry. Adjutant. THE POST ADJUTANT 135 List, Hospital Corps, U S Army. Wo Name. Bank. AulhorilJ 4ttnc Departed. Returned. Remarks. From To < |y , . A/ - ~T. <^w-+ < 4"- JX." _ el/ ' . x-4 ifa \ A proved : ' Granted : By order of Colonel..., , Oapt an j . ? I :. O \ O ^ 3 5 * S ik N I I r- 3 1 11 * ?0 hJ hH n [ H X > ^ C/3 v, " % to fe "* N^^K s 2 ^ r^- 1 ^ o ^ HH H P^ I * P . P 3' r^- t| W j? ^ 3 5 1 THE POST ADJUTANT 137 Extra and Special Duty List. Company " ," 24th U. S. Infantry. Extra Duty. No. | Name. Rank. How Employed. Authority. 1 P/ , 1r-j-> i" *->* SB. 1 t 9|0 3 4 5 Special Duty. 1 1 a 4 6 6 -!_ 8 Fort Harrison, Mont., Respectfully submitted to the Adjutant. __. 190... 24th Infantry, Comd'g Company. (Post Commanders usually require a list of extra and special duty men to be submitted to them weekly generally every Sunday morning. However, the author considers this practice unnecessary, as all the information conveyed by these lists is already of record in the Adjutant's office, although perhaps in a somewhat different form.) 138 CHAPTER VI Report of Non-Commissioned Officers' School, Co. " - 24th Infantry. Period: From ..- ..._ .-to ... .-...,.,. ... ^..... IttO DATE. 190.., n. MonMnf. ^ 24th Infant^. mpany. TROOP G, NINTH CAVALRY Fort Leavenworth, Kas 190 .. Please deliver to the following merchan- dise, with itemized statement, and charge the same to the ac- 190.. count of Troop G, Ninth Cavalry: (Note: There should be about 3 more lines.) Very respectfully, Captain, Ninth Cavalry, Commanding Troop. Note: This order should be retained and mailed to "Com- manding Officer, Troop G, Ninth Cavalry," at the end of each month, together with bill for entire month's purchase. This order is not good unless signed by a commissioned officer as Commanding Troop. Only orders so signed will be valid on all others payment will be refused. 6 ? 1 3 1 ll | ^s ^ ies of men ork has satisf actor c , 8 ^ ! !| 1 N II 11 a s !f ? children especially \ 1 % H ?. a iol 0> * M M H i a B 1 H b O o> 3 . s t. c 1 5 i \ 5 H ^ ! i 1 i S o i S 1 g ti 1 1 C- i Average daily attendance 5 i ~ SO | a Average daily attendance X i il s g a 3 X H f! k |J ! r ; x i e r .0 Books of Reference, Maps, etc., to be kept in the Adjutant's Office; Blank Forms to be kept on hand; Reports, Returns, Requisi- tions, etc., to be made by, to or through the Adjutant. See Supple- ment, Chap. VII. 140 CHAPTER VII CHAPTER VII THE POST QUARTERMASTER (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) DUTIES The proper performance of the duty of Quartermaster, like the proper performance of any other duty, requires work and attention to business. Study carefully and master completely the Quartermaster's Manual and everything in the Army Regulations pertaining to the Quartermaster's Department. Study also Cir. 7, Q. M. G. O., '09, and Cir. 9, Q. M. G. O., '10. Make it a fundamental principle and an invariable rule, never to issue or loan property of any description without obtaining a receipt for same and never disburse money except for material purchased or services rendered to the government in accordance with lawful authority, which must always be in writing, as a copy must be filed with vouchers, unless the authority emanates from the Quarter- master General's Office. Unless cash is paid at the time of purchase, supplies should never be sold to officers except on written order, which should be filed and kept until payment is made. Payments made on the last of the month for supplies purchased during the month, are considered "cash sales." All property in use in the Quartermaster's Department should be plainly marked, "Q. M. D.," and all tables, chairs and other arti- cles of wood furniture out on memorandum receipt should be branded "Q. M. D." A Quartermaster should familiarize himself with his property, know exactly where it is, and keep everything in his storehouse sys- tematically. He should keep his property in good condition, and by making timely requisitions have material and spare parts on hand for making necessary repairs. He should study the needs of the post or com- mand with which he is serving, so that his requisitions will call for just such articles as he needs, and will omit the thousand and one articles that are not needed. THE POST QUARTERMASTER 141 A Quartermaster should keep his mules, harness, wagons, and other field supplies in the very best condition, with the necessary spare parts and repairs for same always on hand. He should make a daily inspection of the animals, harness, wagons, stables, forage, storehouses, and shops, and a monthly in- spection of the wagon train ready to go into the field. Special atten- tion should be paid to the shoes of the animals and the Quarter- master should be able to give directions in common sickness or ordi- nary injury. He should also make frequent rounds of the post, ex- amining the fences, bridges, roads, ditches, etc. The wagon train should be drilled in parking, not only in one or more lines, but in a circle, square, to the front, rear, or either flank, so that in case of attack, the train may be quickly placed in a shel- tered position, if any is available. In order to be able to judge of -the value of services rendered the Government by civilian employees and others, Quartermasters should endeavor to become familiar with the amount and quality of work done by good mechanics in the various trades, which can be done by personal observation ,jn shops, by inquiry of contractors, the study of books on building and engineering, etc. (Hodgson's "Build- ers' Guide" gives good information as to carpenters, masons, etc.) By carefully inspecting all supplies that come under his ob- servation, watching animals feeding, noting their condition, etc., by closely studying specifications, consulting contractors, mechanics, and dealers, a Quartermaster can soon get a general idea of good and bad material, becoming sufficiently familiar with the standard quali- ties of fuel, forage, straw, lumber, hardware, paints, etc., to act in- telligently in the inspection of supplies purchased or otherwise re- ceived. Advantage should be taken of every opportunity to observe and study the construction of temporary buildings of all classes. Lumber, mining and railroad construction camps, and other temporary habita- tions furnish useful lessons in the construction of animal sheds, mess and bunk houses. Quartermasters should be familiar with the various routes ot travel, so as to be able to issue transportation re- quests and bills of lading correctly. Study the trunk lines of the United States, the railroad guide and distance table, local time tables, 142 CHAPTER VII and also make inquiries amongst the local railroad officials. Special attention should be given to the matter of land-grant roads. Finally, whatever duty a Quartermaster has to do, he should perform to the best of his ability, without fear or favor, having al- ways in view the best interests of the service. Loss of Funds. The usual and accepted course to be pursued by a Quartermaster, commissary or other disbursing officer, in the event of loss by fire, theft or otherwise, of public funds for which he is accountable, is to promptly make request of the proper authority for the appointment of a surveying officer to investigate and report upon the circumstances of such loss and to make any suggested recommendation. One copy of the report, duly approved by the commanding officer, is then forwarded to The Adjutant General, U. S. Army, with all other available data, with the request that the matter be submitted to the Secretary of War with the view that the neces- sary steps be taken to secure Congressional relief. Where funds have been destroyed by fire and the ashes can be collected, it should be done and the same forwarded to the U. S. Treasury for the possible identification and redemption of some por- tion. If identification should be found possible, a check for the amount so redeemed would be sent the accountable officer. Rubber Stamps Usually Used in the Quartermaster's Office: (Required for on Form 60. Q. M. D. Estimate for Regular Supplies.) OFFICE POST QUARTERMASTER, Fort Harrison, Mont., 190 Transportation furnished on this order for. from to Via .... (Indorsement on travel orders.) (Routing nearly always shown on order; required when transportation issued to officers.) THE POST QUARTERMASTER 143 2 (a) WAR DEPARTMENT Post of Fort Harrison, Mont. OFFICIAL BUSINESS. (b) Penalty for private use to avoid payment of postage $300 (For penalty envelopes, etc.) 3 (a) REGULAR SUPPLIES. (b) INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. (c) Army Transportation, (d) BARRACKS AND QUARTERS. (e) Shooting Galleries & Ranges, (0 Clothing & Equipage, (g) Hospitals, (h) Military Post Exchanges. (i) WATER & SEWERS, MILITARY POSTS. (i) Hospital Stewards Quarters (k) Roads, Walks, Wharves & Drainage (On money papers to show appropriations.) Tariff (Rate stamp, for bills of lading.) 144 CHAPTER VII No stop over privileges permitted to holder of this request. (On transportation requests.) FORT DES MOINES, IOWA. 7 Item No 8 Appropriation Fiscal Year 19 For use on Vouchers A and B Fiscal year ending June 30, 1906. (On face and brief of cash papers.) PUBLIC PROPERTY Q. M. Dept., U. S. A. (On all Q. M. property, before issue.) THE POST QUARTERMASTER 145 10 OFFICE OF QUARTERMASTER, RECEIVED ISSUED (Showing dates of receipt and issue of property 11 (B=L. to Agent Last Carrier igo Skipping office notified igo (Used on property received book., 12 Public Property (or U. S. Property.) (Used on all B-L except shipment of personal effects.) 13 In addition to the above, the stamps shown in Pars. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 (a<5^&) n, 14, 16, 17 and 23, beginning page 152, changing "Com- " "" , , , , , missary" to "Quartermaster" wherever necessary. 146 CHAPTER VII BLANK FORMS THAT MAY BE USED TO ADVANTAGE. No FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, 1909. Post Quartermaster: " Please deliver to quarters No.... Ibs. Hard Coal, Furnace Ibs. Hard Coal, Egg Ibs. Hard Coal, Nut Ibs. Soft Coal cord Hard Wood, sawed and split cord Hard Wood, sawed only cord Kindling gallons Mineral Oil NOTE. THREE DAYS must be allowed for filling FUEL orders. 2687 Ibs. soft coal, or 1700 Ibs. hard coal equal ONE cord HARD WOOD. (For table of allowances, see other side.) THE POST QUARTERMASTER 147 REQUEST Fort Leavenworth, Kas., 190 To the Quartermaster: OFFICE of the QUARTERMASTER ..190 Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 190.... Received from Post Q M the following articles, same to be added to memorandum receipt on file: Referred to: Quartermaster. Fort Leavenworth, Kas., 190 Returned to the Quartermaster: -3V2 ins- ( These forms are intended for use in a very large post). Note: These are two different forms. 148 CHAPTER VII FORT LAWTON, WASHINGTON 19 Quartermaster: Please issue to me and charge on my memorandum receipt the follow- ing articles for use of Credit Slip. Quartermaster's Office, Fort Lawton, Wash. Sir: You have this day been credited on your memorandum receipt as follow Captain and Quartermaster Third Infantry, Quartermaster. 31 ins THE POST QUARTERMASTER 149 1 6 26 51 76 On Hand t 2 6 27 52 77 3 6 28 53 78 4 6 29 5* 79 5 30 55 80 6 7 4 31 56 81 6 32 57 34 82 8 33 58 34 83 1 9 12 34 59 34 84 10 35 60 30 85 11 2 36 61 86 12 i. 37 62 87 13 4 38 63 88 14 e 39 64 16 89 15 7 40 65 90 . 16 4 41 66 91 17 4 42 67 92 18 2 43 68 93 19 t 44 69 94 20 45 70 95 21 46 71 96 22 47 72 97 23 48 73 98 24 49 74 99 25 50 75 100 On Mem- orandum St Article : Chairs, barrack. 5 ms. A V (Attach to trunk) A Q. M. DEP'T. FORT LAWTON, WASH. No. 98 (Given to owner) 3 CO Q. M. DEP'T. FORT LAWTON, WASH No.... ....98 ns. A (A loose leaf file to be kept in connection with the memorandum receipts which are numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., according to the numbers of the build- ings in which the articles are. A separate sheet . . to be kept for each article out on Memo, receipt.) V (Where posts are distant from a city, and the baggage of officers and men has to be delivered at a large station, a baggage check like this, used by agreement with the baggage agent, is a great convenience in checking bag- gage from post to baggage room.) MEMORANDUM RECEIPT FOR SUPPLIES IN USE. 190. I acknowledge to have received from the Quartermaster, at the following articles for use of I am responsible for said supplies and will produce the same when called upon to do so by proper authority. Axes Hods coal Axes, fire. Hoes, garden. MrtMorc r^'tr-A Pots, mustard. Barrels, ash. Hose, assorted, feet. Ranges, cooking. Tnlrwollo mon. Blowers, grate. Knives, bread. Saucers. Boats, gravy. Boilers, assorted. Bowls. Bowls, chopping. Knives, butcher. Knives, table. Ladders, fire. Ladles, soup. Saws, meat. Scales and weights. Screens, door. Screens, fire. Boxes, pepper. Brushes, dust. Buckets, fire. Lamps, desk. Lanterns. Litters, hand. Lockers, box. Screens, porch. Screens, window. Scuttles, coal. Sets, carving. sorted. Carts, hand. Cases, pillow. Cases, telescope. Chairs, barrack. Lockers, wall. Mats, cuspidor. Mats, door, cocoa. Mats, door, wire. Mattresses. Shades, window. Sheets, bed. Shovels, fire. Shovels, L. H. Shovels, scoop. Chairs, office. Cleaners, flue. Cleavers. Clocks, office. Cords and Tassels, trumpet. Mills, coffee. Nozzles, hose. Openers, can. Padlocks. Pans, bake. Shovels, S. H. Sieves, flour. Skillets. Skimmers. Spades. Covers, mattress. Cots G M Pans, dish. Spittoons. Cruets, vinegar. Cups, sponge Pans, frying. Pans sauce. ....... Spoons, mustard. Spoons, table. Cups, tea. Cutters, meat. Desks, field. Desks, office, assorted. Paulins. Pickaxes. Pillows. Pins, tent, large. Spoons, tea. Steel, carving. Squares, assorted. Stands, fire. Dippers, assorted. Dishes, pickle. Dishes, vegetable. Elbows, stovepipe. Extinguishers, fire. Flies, wall tent. Forks, meat. Pins, tent, small. Pins, shelter tent. Pipe, stove, joints. Pitchers, syrup. Pitchers, water. Plates, dinner. Plates, meat. Steamers, with covers. Stools, mess. Stoves, tent. Stoves, heating. Stoves, laundry. Tables, assorted. Tables, mess. Forks, table. Graters, assorted. Griddles. Plates, soup. Pokers, fire. Poles, ridge wall tent. Tables, office. Tents, common. Tents, conical wall. tent. ..,. .. Hatchets, assorted. ,.....' Poles, ridge, hospital tent Heaters, iron. Poles, shelter tent. Tents, wall. Poles, conical wall tent. Tongs, fire. Poles, upright wall tent. Trumpets mon tent. TmV>1r Poles, upright hospi- Pot, coffee. No... (Number of building in which the articles arc). THE POST COMMISSARY 151 CHAPTER VIII THE POST COMMISSARY x (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) DUTIES The proper performance of the duty of Commissary, like the proper performance of any other duty, requires work and attention to business. Study carefully and master completely the manual for the Sub- sistence Department and everything in the Army Regulations per- taining to the Subsistence Department. Study the Hand Book of Subsistence Stores, which among other things, describes the care and preservation of subsistence stores. There are two cardinal rules which every Commissary should observe: / Take a careful inventory personally of stores once every month, as required by Army Regulations. 2 Keep a cash sales book, in which all cash sales are entered daily. Examine this book daily, see that it is correctly kept, and each day receive from the commissary sergeant the cash from sales of the preceding day, and deposit them in the office safe. He should check all commissary papers personally, and not take the word of the commissary sergeant that they are correct. A childish confidence in commissary sergeants has caused more than one officer to put his hand in his pocket and pay out good money to satisfy the demands of a heartless auditor. He should go over all requisitions carefully to see that he does not ask for more of any article than he needs; also to see that he is asking for everything that is really necessary. 1 For the proper method of messing troops traveling by rail, the expenditure of liquid coffee, money, etc., see Supplement, Chap. XXI, "Field Service," Par. 133. 152 CHAPTER VIII He should try to avoid getting the commissary loaded up with articles for which there is no demand. When he finds he has a lot of supplies for which there is no demand, he should get authority to ship them away. If serving in the tropics he should be especially careful to see that all stores are protected from dampness and that there is a good current of air in the storerooms. Vinegar barrels should be fre- quently examined and the hoops kept tight to avoid leakage. If there are no hydrants, or sufficient fire apparatus at the post, he should be careful to see that fire buckets and barrels filled with water are kept in the storerooms, or in their immediate vicinity, for used in case of fire. No credit sales should be made to officers except on written orders. (Charge sales slips, Form 60, are used for this purpose). A Loss of Funds. For action to be taken in case of the loss of public funds, see "Loss of Funds," page 142. B Books of Reference, Maps, etc., and Blank Forms to be kept on hand, and Reports, Returns, Estimates and Requisitions to be made by the Commissary. See Supplement, Chap. VIII, Pars. 75, 76, 77, 78, 79. C Rubber Stamps Usually used in the Office of the Commissary. (Required for on Form SO, the stamps desired being described on back of requisition, under "Remarks.") 1. Office of the (Qomrnissarg, ee Iftoinee, $oooa. (Letterhead) THE POST COMMISSARY 153 Indorsement. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSARY, Fort Wright, Wash., .., 190 Respectfully (For indorsements.) (a) No. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSARY, Fort Wright, Wash., Received Mo. Ojffice of Commissary , JUN 2 4 1906 Ft. , Iowa. (On all communications received.) 154 CHAPTER VIII . 4 ' THE COMMISSARY. (b) FORT HARRISON, MONT. (To fill in blanks, etc.) 5 (a) FEB 1 * 1903 Dater.) Fort Harrison, Mont. Commutation of rations paid in cash on this order from ... '..t o inclusive Amount : $.... Commissary. THE POST COMMISSARY 155 (b), Fact noted on order retained by soldier. (c) Commutation of rations paid * to men on this order rom ipo to Jpo both days inclusive, at per day each. Total amount paid $; Paid by Paid t ipo Travel rations issued to .-. men on this order for days from ; ipo to ipo both days inclusive. Funds for the purchase of liquid coffee paid to same number of men for like number of days at 21 cents each per day. Total amount paid $ Paid by cash. Paid ipo, No Subsistence furnished. (Indorsements on travel orders.) 156 CHAPTER VIII PAID (For use on bills, blotters, etc.) (*) Colonel 2 ist Cavalry, Commanding. (*>) Captain & Commissary, llth Cavalry, Commissary. ( d ) Commissary Sergeant 24th Infantry. (For signature 11 Commissary General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. Chief Commissary, Department of Missouri, Omaha, Nebr. (Addresses.) Currency Subsistence of the Army 1903. (Money Papers.) THE POST COMMISSARY 157 13 filed herewith (Authority.) 14 A TRVE COPY: (For true copies of orders and other papers.) 15 16 Duplicate ( a ) Carried forward < b ) Brot. forward (Pass books, etc.; 17 CHIEF COMMISSARY DEPT. OF DAKOTA. ST. PAUL MINN. 18 STORES (Invoices and receipts of stores.) 19 Property (Property Papers.) 158 CHAPTER VIII 20 Sub Voucher JJo ................................ to Voucher Jtfo ............................................. , ^Abstract of (D isbursements, pertaining to ^Account Current of ist Lieut. of. .......................................... . ...... j Commissary } for the month of. ........................... ........................... > iqo (Indorsement on sub- vouchers.) The rate of pay to Civilian Employees does not exceed $60.00 per month, the circum- stances of their service make issue of rations necessary, and the terms of their engage** ment provide for such issue. (Remark on abstract of Issues to Civilian Employees.) JUNE 12 1906 (For marking on boxes or packages date of receipt of stores.) 23 In addition to the above, a stamp of the name of the commissary and a set of month stamps, on a band similar to a dater. THE POST RECRUITING OFFICER 159 CHAPTER IX THE POST RECRUITING OFFICER (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, ij any.) The proper performance of the duty of RECRUITING OFFI- CER, like the proper performance of any other duty, requires worK and attention to business. CORRESPONDENCE WITH DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS In nearly all departments it is customary for the Recruiting Officer to communicate direct with the Adjutant General on mat- ters of a purely recruiting nature. For instance, a man can not be enlisted for an organization at another post without first getting authority from the Adjutant General of the Department, which i done by wire, direct. Thus: ADJUTANT GENERAL, Army Building, St. Paul, Minn. Authority requested enlistment John A. Morris for Twenty-fourth Infantry. SMITH, Recruiting Officer. The answer would be sent 'to the post commander, who is -the one to issue the necessary transportation order. Blank Forms to be kept on hand, and Reports and Returns to be made; War Dept. orders and Army Regulation Pars, affecting Recruiting officers. Sup., Chap. IX, Par. 80-1-2. 160 CHAPTER X CHAPTER X THE POST EXCHANGE OFFICER 1 (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) The proper performance of the duty of POST EXCHANGE OFFICER, like the proper performance of any other duty, requires work and attention to business. Special attention should be paid to the details of stock, accounts, sales, and collections. The success of an exchange depends on the business in- stinct of, and the care and intelligence exercised by, the officer in charge, and also upon the absolute honesty of all employ- ees. If dividends are to be declared, the exchange as consti- tuted to-day must be run as a business proposition, pure and simple, on strictly commercial lines. As the officer in charge can not be present at all times, he must be certain that his representative, the exchange steward, is honest, trustworthy, industrious and devoted to making the exchange a success. The following suggestions are based upon experience in con- ducting an exchange, both at a frontier post and at one near a city: A bookkeeper is indispensable if the exchange is a large one with several departments, but the exchange officer should understand thoroughly the system of bookkeeping used. Exercise great care and pains in the selection and purchase of stock, both as to quality and quantity. Endeavor to find out what will sell before making large purchases. What will sell well at one post will prove to be deadstock at another. It is a safe rule to handle staples and then only the best. Be careful about not overbuying seductive offers of slightly reduced prices on "deals" are apt to catch the unwary. However, good deals on nonperishable staple articles are good investments. Get rid of shelf worn and old stock "shelf stickers" at a sac- rifice, if necessary. The money received is of more value than the old stock. Mark them down and run them off as "Special." Sell them at below cost, if necessary, as even 75% of the cost price turned over profitably will pay for the balance lost. 1 In starting a new exchange it is a good plan for organizations to "buy in" in shares equal to their maximum authorized strength, each share to cost one or more dollars, and the dividends to be declared so much per share. THE POST EXCHANGE OFFICER 161 Do not assume because the exchange is an established thing that everybody knows all about the line of goods handled. Occa- sional circulars and price lists properly distributed will increase patronage surprisingly. Require all credit sales to be made on a written order, same to be returned with the bill at the end of the month. This will prevent many unpleasant disputes. Send a bill with every credit sale on delivery. On the market there are duplicating or triplicating devices that permit this without any trouble. The retained bill can be used to enter the charge on the proper books. Require parties making special orders for things not in stock, to bear expense of return, if found unsatisfactory, as the exchange makes nothing on those orders as a general thing. Be obliging. If you do not keep an article in stock, let it be known that you operate a mail order department and that you will be glad to handle orders of any kind. The profits on this class of goods may be small but the "residents of the post will learn to rely on the exchange. Get catalogues from well-known concerns of their goods and allow them to be used by customers. Remember that the majority of persons that look through a catalogue see something that they need. You thereby increase your sales. .Arrange the stock neatly. A well-appearing exchange will induce buyers. Sell articles at a less price than in the neighboring stores and market places for you thereby increase your sales in number and value and the stock is turned over quickly. Keep a private account of all cash received and paid out. A memorandum book, which should be kept with the cash, will do. Balance this book and count your cash daily, if possible. If not, it should be done at least twice a week. Compare the amount shown with the amount called for by the regular cash book. This will save you paying out money to make up losses either due to your or the bookkeeper's failure to record the transaction. Besides it is a good check. The amount of cash kept in the exchange should be reduced to a minimum. If possible, there should be two safes one for the steward's exclusive use for till change, jewelry, papers, etc., the other for the exclusive use of the Exchange Officer, who, alone, should know the combination. The combination of the steward's safe should be in the possession of no one but the steward. If necessary, write to several Exchange Officers for sets of blank forms which they may be using and from these select those which suit your conditions best. An inventory of stock in the amusement room and restaurant should be taken each night by the steward, as the amount of stock handled is usually small. 162 CHAPTER X Take a careful inventory of all departments on the last of the month and compare same with amount shown on stock book. Accept deposits of money. Its use will more than offset the trouble of handling it. Discount all bills that allow same. It is a source of profit and amounts to a good deal in the course of a year. Study some simple treatise on double-entry bookkeeping un- less the same is in operation in the exchange. If the latter is the case, you can easily learn the system by taking some previous month's accounts and studying what is done with the various entries in the journal. The double entry is the best system for an exchange. It permits one to tell at any time what the various departments are doing, and the gain or loss at the end of month. The following books are usually kept journal, cash book ledger, stock book, invoice book. The journal, or day book, contains a record of all the trans- actions of the exchange, all sales, purchases, cash received and dis- bursed. From it these transactions are transferred or posted to the ledger or cash book, as the case may be, and as each entry in the former requires two in either of the latter, it is usual to note for reference the pages to which transferred in the latter, in the margin in red ink as follows: 144, the top figure, refers to the debtor. 215, the bottom figure, the creditor. The page of the journal is noted opposite the entry made in the cash book or ledger. The cash book contains all transactions where cash is paid out or received. This book should be made so as to have separate columns on both the debtor and creditor sides, for billiards, lunch counter or restaurant, merchandise and deposits and a total column at the end. The sum of the various columns check the total column. This form is suggested as it is a great help in making out the monthly and semi-annual reports. It will have to be ordered made. The ledger contains the accounts of every person dealing with the exchange, for each department, for bills receivable and bills payable, fixtures, loss and gain, and the capital or stock account. The only kind of bills receivable handled usually by an exchange are the orders issued by the company commanders to the men. Bills payable are the brass checks issued in exchange for the former. 1 The first is an asset and the latter a liability. 1 Some of the larger Exchanges use a printed, autograph due bill or trade check instead of the brass check, as experience has shown that brass checks are very easily counterfeited. At Fort Riley, Kans.. and Fort Leavenworth, Kans., coupon books are used, which, it is claimed, completely preclude all possibility of counter- feiting. THE POST EXCHANGE OFFICER 163 Fixtures include the necessary furniture and articles used in the exchange, such as stoves, safes, show cases, etc. Repairs to build- ings are sometimes placed under this head. The fixtures should be reduced in value each month until the value shown on the account is about one-third of the cost, which usually represents what they would bring if sold. The stock book shows the number of each article on hand at the close of business, together with its cost and selling price. The form below has been found to be a very good one. Names of articles \ d") a 1 p h a b e tically a r r a n g ed with price in red ink (2 inches) (1 in.) No. Lbs. No. (Written as required) Am. Ford. (i") a") Sales on 1st (Block lines) Balance Sales on 2nd Balance , *-* V g i tf \^ ! Sales on 31st Balance Inventory Difference A loose leaf system similar to the Q. M. property return is a very pood form of stock book, as certain articles which are slow sellers will not require new leaves. 164 CHAPTER X When entries of goods received are to be made, make them in red ink on the "balance" line, placing below them the total then shown on hand. The daily sales sheets are entered in this book. Both invoices and sales sheets should have stamped on them date of entry in stock book for any future reference. Sales sheets show every article sold either for cash, credit checks or credit account. They are made out by the steward, sub- mitted daily to the officer in charge and then after entry in stock book are filed as part of records. Invoices are left on desk file until ar- rival of shipment; goods are then checked, bill entered in journal and stock book and the invoice then pasted in invoice book, having noted date of payment on it. Carbon copies should be kept of all letters sent and the answers thereto should be filed therewith. These copies should be filed alpha- betically according to the names of the persons or firm addressed. Letters received can be conveniently pasted in a book similar to invoice book, and all receipts should be so kept. Bank check book should be similar in form to the U. S. Treas- ury check books with stub showing number, date, for what amount and to whom drawn. Keep an account in some good New York bank as these checks are not ordinarily subject to exchange. Use the canceled bank checks after they are returned from the bank as vouchers to the cash account, numbering them with the voucher number when issued. If any question arises reference to the account and invoices will show the expenditures. This saves time and the constant worry over receipts. Many business houses do not furnish receipts when payment is made by check and are apt to ignore a request for a receipt, After inventory is entered in stock book, compare it with the amount shown as on hand. The difference should be more than cov- ered by the excess cash on daily sales sheet. If not, something is wrong. Either a mistake has been made in the entries in stock book or the man in charge of store is not turning in all money received. The stock book is one of the most difficult ones to keep. Insist that it be kept correctly. Require the bookkeeper to take a trial balance on the 10th and 20th of the month in addition to closing books at end of month. Constantly keep posted by examining the books yourself. In some exchanges a balance statement book is kept in addition to the post exchange council book. The latter will answer for both. The monthly statement should show the result of the month's work, giving the assets, liabilities, loss or gain, worth of exchange and amount, if any, to be returned to the organizations as dividends The bills receivable are usually collected by the Exchange Officer at the pay table. Arrange them in the order that the men appear on the pay THE POST EXCHANGE OFFICER 165 roll, and be sure to have sufficient funds for change. If business is good, about $100 per company will be necessary. Have an assistant call the amount of the orders which should be marked on the upper check with colored pencil so as to be easily seen. Unredeemed checks should be de- ducted from the dividend. Mistakes are easily made at pay table and hard to correct afterwards. Arrange such checks on the various departments as to convince yourself that all proceeds are turned in; see that the stock book is accurately kept and exercise the greatest care in handling the funds of the exchange. The Exchange Officer should, of course, be thoroughly familiar with the Post Exchange Regulations, and everything in the Army Regulations pertaining to exchange matters. Reports to be made, War Dept Orders and Supplement, Chap. X. 166 CHAPTER XI CHAPTER XI THE POST PRISON OFFICER (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) The proper performance of the duty of PRISON OFFICER, like the proper performance of any other duty, requires work and attention to business. It is sometimes customary to make paroled prisoners sign a statement of this tenor: FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANS., May 12, 1909. In consideration of this parole I will go only to such places as may be necessary in order to do the work assigned to me. I will report back to the guardhouse at recall from fatigue, both in the morning and evening, or when my work is completed, if before recall. I further pledge my word that I will not attempt to escape from con- finement. NAME WITNESS The Prison Officer should always be witness to the signing of the parole. The signing of a pledge simplifies and facilitates con- viction in case the parole is broken. In placing a prisoner on parole the Prison Officer should explain the nature of a parole and caution the prisoner as to what will consti- tute breaking it. Charges under the 62nd Article of War may be preferred against a prisoner for escaping or attempting to escape from the guardhouse or from military custody. (See Digest of Opinions, J. A. G., Sections 159 and 1057.) However, it is not always customary to prefer charges in such cases. When the guardhouse is inspected on the last, of the month, the Prison Officer should, be present. He should also be present at all other formal inspections. In forwarding applications from prisoners for clemency, favors, etc., the Prison Officer should verify all statements made in such ap- plications. He should see that no loose pieces of iron, etc., are left in any of the cells. He should examine daily, by actual test, all window bars and should see that no articles not properly belonging to the guardhouse are allowed to remain in or about the premises. Paroled prisoners should be given, whenever practicable, the most agreeable work, and they should also be allowed as many privi- leges as possible, thus making the parole a thing to be sought by all prisoners. The guardhouse should be made just as unattractive, disa- greeable and unpopular as possible, especially for old offenders. Whenever practicable military convicts, garrison prisoners, prisoners awaiting result of trial, prisoners awaiting trial, casual pris- oners, and paroled prisoners should be separated in the guardhouse. THE POST PRISON OFFICER 167 A Useful Blank Form Requisition for Subsistence Stores for issue ' O O u I!- 1 8 o rf h A 208 CHAPTER XV Designate one day each week for the condemning of clothing. 7 Every Saturday morning, after inspection, check up the cloth ing of two or three men selected at random. 8 Men should invariably be punished for selling, giving away, or negligently losing their clothing. The list on the preceding pages affords a handy, convenient way of keeping a check on the clothing in the possession of the members of the company. Only such articles as are likely to be sold are given socks, white gloves, white collars, etc., are, therefore, omitted. "R" means received; "C" condemned (or otherwise authorized to be dropped). The amount of clothing on hand at any time may be obtained by merely subtracting the total of the "C" columns from the total of the "R" columns. In the case here given, on January 10, 1908, Pvt. John A. Smith was issued the articles indicated; on February 15 he drew the additional articles noted; on March 1 the company commander con- demned the articles stated; the amount of clothing then in Private Smith's possession is shown on the line, "On hand." The company commander might initial all articles authorized by him to be dropped. The clothing lists may be kept in the possession of the chiefs of squads, or in the company office, in charge of the company clerk. "The. Record of Clothing Inspection" book (Moss-Dalton) affords a simple and accurate way of keeping a check on the clothing in possession of soldiers. For sale by The U. S. Infantry Association, Washington, D. C. Price $1. IN THE MATTER OF THE PROCEDURE TO BE TAKEN IN SECURING EVIDENCE AGAINST PURCHASERS OF UNI- FORM CLOTHING, ETC., from enlisted men, and in prosecuting such purchasers, the following steps (resulting most successfully in convictions in several cases) were pursued by Captain J. J. Bradley, 14th Infantry, Judge Advocate, Department of the Columbia: First, it was found that the undivided attention of an officer in entire sympathy with the object and willing to heartily co-operate in the undertaking was essential, and one should be detailed on special duty for that purpose. Second, the names and exact descriptions of the locations of those engaged in the business of buying clothing, etc., from soldiers should be obtained, to be used when applying for Search Warrants THE COMPANY 209 and Warrants of Arrest. This information may be obtained by in- quiries among company commanders, enlisted men and civilians, by reference to records of trials by summary courts for violations of the 17th Article of War, and by passing and visiting (incog.) the places suspected. Third, having learned who the offenders are, decide upon two or three of the principal ones for prosecution, whose convictions would have the most deterrent effect upon others. Property owners who have something at stake should be selected rather than those who have nothing. Saloon keepers should be avoided, if possible. The conviction of two or three well selected, vigorously prosecuted habitual offenders will be more effective in breaking up the traffic than attempts at conviction of a number of doubtful or occasional offenders. Fourth, if the offender is positively known to have certain cloth- ing that can be identified as having been unlawfully purchased by him, and the witnesses are available to testify to his having purchased it while they were in uniform, an application for a Search Warrant should be made and the clothing seized. If the offender selected is known to have clothing unlawfully purchased, but the evidence is not available for identifying such, nor the fact of its purchase, evidence may be procured by having one or more enlisted men in sympathy with the undertaking take certain marked articles to the offender to sell or pledge to him, such sale or pledge furnishing a specific offense to set forth in the application for a Search Warrant, and the evidence of such sale can be used before both the grand jury for the indictment and the petit jury on trial. In making the application of the Search Warrant, state the full name of the offender, give an accurate description of the premises to be searched, and give a list of all the articles of clothing, arms, accoutrements, etc., that the offender can possibly have unlawfully purchased from the soldiers or that may be found upon his premises, and seize all, but limit the prosecution to those articles that can be positively identified by witness as to who are available to testify to the offender purchasing them. In the application for Search Warrants and Warrants of Arrests by the officer making the complaint, after specifying the particu- lar features on which the applications are based, the following should be included: "The affiant further states that he believes that the said 210 CHAPTER XV h'ds at divers other times than on the date above set forth, purchased other articles of clothing, etc., to wit: hats, caps, etc., etc., (naming them), from soldiers in the military service of the United States contrary to law." This is very important. Fifth, to obtain the Search Warrant. Do not apply to local or State authorities for it, but go to the United States Commissioner of the District or to the United States Judge. If there is an United States District Attorney near consult with and work through him. Section 3748, Revised Statutes, confers a right to search, but Article IV, Amendments to the Constitution, requires that a warrant shall issue in every case of search. The Criminal Procedure of ths State Code is followed, and upon probable cause, etc., the United States Commissioner or United States Judge will issue such warrants. The entire proceedings should be before the United States Court, aided by the United States District Attorney. A charge of violating Section 5438 is a sufficient one upon which to base an application for a Search Warrant and Warrant of Arrest. Violations of other sections, such as receiving stolen property, etc., may be presented to the grand jury when asking for indictments. Sixth, having procured the Search Warrants and Warrants of Arrest, obtain the name of the marshal or deputy who is to serve them and request him to call upon the Commanding Officer for assis- tance in serving the warrants. The officer making the investigation and such other officers and enlisted men as may be necsssary should be detailed, also an officer designated by the Commanding Officer, to receive the property seized under Section 3748 Revised Statutes, enough being detailed to collect and guard the property until it can be removed. When more than one place is to be searched, efforts should be made to keep the fact of searches from becoming known, and when the search is begun, of that fact reaching the other places. Make all the searches in the same day, if possible. Immediately before making a search a soldier may be sent to the place to sell an article of clothing, so this article may be seized before it can be hidden or removed. In the execution of the search warrant the officer detailed accompanies the marshal and points out the articles to be seized, turning them over to the enlisted men to col- lect and guard. A receipt for all clothing seized should be given to the marshal that he may make his return on the writ. THE COMPANY 211 The clothing is then taken to the post, each article tagged with the name of the party from whom seized, the date and all marks of identification found upon it, and stored in a safe place. The clothing thus seized, if properly marked, will lead to the identification of the owners. Seventh, in the preliminary hearing before the United States Commissioner, proof of one violation of Section 5438, Revised Statutes, is sufficient. At this time do not expose witnesses to attempts of offenders to induce them to desert or swear falsely. The identity of witnesses being kept secret as long as possible. Eighth, to prepare the evidence for the grand jury it will be necessary to find the owners of the property seized, for use as wit- nesses. In this will be experienced the greatest difficulty, even on offer- ing immunity from trial, unless some method has been followed when issuing clothing to insure its being properly marked so it can be identified. That which can be identified as having belonged to desert- ers may be charged as bought from them. A list of witnesses (civil and military), is furnished the United States District Attorney, who will cause them to be suspended. Transportation in kind can be furnished officers and men under paragraph 75, Army Regulations, 1911. It should be made to appear to the grand jury that the cases presented are not isolated nor rare ones, but samples of what are regular and frequent practices by those accused, of buying and receiv- ing in pledge Government property, that a considerable amount was recovered in the seizures, and that those accused knew that they were purchasing from soldiers. The clothing seized should be exhibited, and the soldier who sold the clothing as witnesses. By consulting with the United States District Attorney, con- cerning the counts to be presented, information may be obtained from him as to how little evidence the grand jury will require to bring in the indictments. Even at this time it is not advisable to unduly expose witnesses. The United States Court has decided in case of United States vs. Hart, that the clothing of the soldier while in the service is pub- lic property; and in case of United States vs. Smith that Revised 212 CHAPTER XV Statutes 3748, 1242 contain a rule of evidence; that is, that the bare possession of the property of the United States is prima facia evidence that it has been sold or pledged; that is a rule which a jury has a right to construe as supplying evidence in the case. It is not necessary to prove the soldier had no rights to sell his clothing, because it adds nothing to the declaration of the law. The following sections of the Revised Statutes bear on this subject: SEC. 3748. The clothes, arms, military outfits, and accoutrements furnished by the United States to any soldier shall not be sold, bartered, exchanged, pledged, loaned or given away; and no person, not a soldier, or duly authorized officer of the United States, who has possession of any such clothes, arms, military outfits, or accoutrements, so furnished and which have been the subjects of any such sale, bar- ter, exchange, pledge, loan or gift, shall have any right, title, or interest therein; but the same may be seized and taken wherever found by any officer of the United States, civil or military, and shall thereupon be delivered to any quartermaster, or other officer authorized to receive the same. The possession of any such clothes, arms, military outfits, or accoutrements by any person not a soldier or officer of the United States shall be presumptive evidence of such a sale, barter, exchange, pledge, loan or gift. SEC. 5438. * * * * * every person who knowingly purchases or receives in pledge for any obligation or indebtedness from any soldier, officer, sailor, or other person called into or employed in the military or naval service, any arms, equipments, ammunition, clothes, military stores, or other public property, such soldier, sailor, officer, or other person not having the lawful right to pledge or sell the same, every person so offending in any of the matters set forth in this section shall be imprisoned at hard labor for not less than one nor more than five years, or fined not more than one thousand nor less than five hundred dollars. CAMP AND GARRISON EQUIPAGE. Experience has shown that a company of 65 men needs about the following articles of camp equipage: 10 axes and helves 6 shovels, S. H. 65 bedsacks (call for 70) 6 spades 9 camp kettles (3 large, 3 small, 3 medium) 1 tent, common, complete with poles, etc. 1 desk, field 9 tents, conical wall, complete with poles, etc. 1 hand litter 65 shelter tents, with pins and poles 10 hatchets and helves 2 tents, wall, with flies, poles, pins, etc., complete. 10 mess pans 2 trumpets 10 pickaxes and helves , 2 trumpet cords and tassels 65 field cots (call for 70) 1 5 whistles 6 shovels, L. H. 1 field range, complete THE COMPANY 213 Not Strictly Necessary, but Useful in Permanent Camp 6 buckets, G. I. 1 handcart 4 ash cans 4 chairs, folding, camp 4 water barrels 1 table, folding, camp 1 portable latrine 1 lantern for each tent, if possible to 2 rakes, steel get them 4 brooms, stable, hickory 1 set camp fire irons with a dozer 1 inkstand "S" hooks 2 G. I. tubs for laundry Lots of extra canvas is very desirable 1 ruler Requisitions for Supplies. See Supplement, Chap. XV, Par. 98. Grindstone. A small grindstone about six inches in diameter, to sharpen kitchen knives, etc., is a convenience. Potato Parer. An economical potato parer, which not only saves time, but also wastes less of the potato than paring by hand, can be put to good use in the kitchen. Handcart. If the company has not a handcart, effort should be made to get one from the Quartermaster's Department. A hand- cart is one of the greatest conveniences that a company can have. Not only is it always at hand for the transportation of rations, cloth- ing and other supplies drawn by the company, but it can also be used continually around the company for various purposes. RUBBER STAMPS USUALLY USED IN A COMPANY. (a) ............ Indorsement Company "I," 24th Infantry, Fort Missoula, Mont., 190 (For other stamps, see pages 100C and 244). 214 CHAPTER XV M PROPERTY OF Co. "A," 24th Infantry. Used for stamping company property. (d) CO. "A," 24TH INFANTRY, FORT MISSOULA, MONT. Used mostly on envelopes. ORDERS. The following are the usual forms of the company orders gen- erally issued: COMPANY "I", 24TH INFANTRY, FORT MISSOULA, MONT., January 1, 1908. ORDERS No. 1. Artificer. Artificer John A. Smith is relieved from duty as artificer, and Private Henry Jones appointed in his stead. ROBERT E. JACKSON, Captain, 24th Infantry, Commanding Co. Company Clerk. Private John A. Smith is detailed on special duty as company clerk. Company Cook. (a) Private John A. Smith is relieved as company cook, and Private Henry Jones appointed in his stead. (b) The verbal orders of the company commander of November 5, 1907, appointing Private John A. Smith company cook, are confirmed and made of record. Company Tailor Private John A. Smith is detailed on special duty as company tailor. First Sergeant. First Sergeant John A. Smith is relieved as First Sergeant, and Sergeant Henry Jones is appointed in his stead. Lance Corporal. Private John A. Smith is appointed lance corporal. He will be obeyed and . respected accordingly. Musician. (a) Private John A. Smith is appointed musician. (b) Musician John A. Smith is relieved as musician and returned to duty as private. Quartermaster Sergeant. Sergeant John A. Smith is relieved as Quartermaster Sergeant, and Sergeant Henry Jones detailed in his stead. THE COMPANY 215 THE COMPANY FUND Different officers entertain different opinions as to the management of the company fund. See Supplement, Chap. XV, Par. 100. While the fund should be economically administered, it is not thought good policy to hoard up a large fund for the com- pany commander's successor to spend on men who, perhaps, were not in the company when the money accrued. The company commander should bear in mind that he is only the cus- todian of the company fund it belongs to the men of the company. Some company commanders follow the excellent practice of keeping the company fund book in the company office, where any member of the company who may wish to see it may do so, and of posting a statement of the fund on the company bulletin board the end of every month. A company commander should not keep on hand more money than is necessary to meet the current cash demands that are made upon him; the bulk of the fund should be kept in the bank. In fact, the best plan is to pay everything by check. The ordinary 6 quire, ruled, account book about 8 x 14 is a conve- nient size book in which to keep the company fund account and the pro- ceedings of the company council. Larger books are awkward and unsuitable. It is best to have the same book cover many years, like all company books. They should be labeled on back and on front cover, latter show- ing years until filled, thus: Company Council Book and Company Fund Account. Company "M," 13th Infantry. April 1, 1897, to The Moss-Dalton Company Council Book is recommended as being by far the best book for the purpose. It is only about 4x8 inches, weighs but a few ounces and has the headings, usual proceedings, etc., printed. Sold by the U. S. Infantry Association, Washington, D. C. Price $1. 216 CHAPTER XV Like all such books, it should open or begin with the conven- tional statement of what the book is, which, in this case, should be in tlie center of page 1, and is the same as that on front cover. The requirements of orders, regulations, ordinary business rules, care and exactness, should be observed in keeping the accounts of company funds. The expenditures, and record of same, should re- ceive the careful attention of the officer himself, and not be in great part turned over to any other person. Accounts are kept by months, and this certificate, "The above account is correct and just" signed with name, rank, duty, date and place, should follow each month or change of custodian. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1 Par. 1242, A. R., '10, requiring that "Money accruing from the ration and savings account of an organization will be spent only for food," makes it necessary to keep the receipts and expenditures on account of the company mess separate from other funds. 2 Entries for receipts should state date of entry, from whom (per- son or firm), what for, for what period (in case of savings, post exchange and bakery dividends, pay from boarders, etc.), and amount. Should a receipt not be for a period, but only for a single transaction, the date of the receipt also should appear, if different from the date of entry. 3 Entries for expenditures should show date of payment, to whom paid, what for, and amount ; all briefly, but with essential points covered, and with care and exactness. 4 To facilitate inspection by post, or battalion commanders or others, the vouchers should be put in proper shape and filed in proper order. Every voucher should be folded to convenient size for handling, being pasted on proper size paper, if necessary, and indorsed; for instance, thus on the first fold: No. 6 JANUARY 7, 1911, $50 5 There should be a voucher for all moneys received, from whatever source, and for all moneys expended. For example, in the case of company pool collections, when the money is turned over to the company com- mander, a voucher of this tenor should also be turned in : THE COMPANY 217 Madison Barracks, N. Y., January 7, 1911 Turned over to Capt. John Smith, fifty dollars ($50), collections from the company pool table for December. H. A. JONES, Q. M. Sergt. Co. "C." 24th Infantry. Under rare circumstances, especially in the field, it sometimes happens that it is not practicable to get a receipt for money expended. In such case the officer should certify to the expenditure, using his certificate as a voucher. Caution: When receiving a company fund, always obtain from the former custodian a certified statement showing: (a) All bills that the company owes, (b) all amounts due the company, and (c) a list of out- standing checks. If the company owes no bills, if nothing is due the com- pany, and if there are no outstanding checks, these facts should be stated. This certified statement should be made on the proper page in the company fund book. 218 CHAPTER XV THE ACCOUNT CURRENT The following table shows how the company book fund should be kept and the proceedings of the company council written: Captain John Brown, 24th Infantry, in account with the 1905 You. RECEIPTS Ration Funds Other Funds June 1 Cash on hand May 31, 1905: 700 00 100 00 June 4 1 Dividend post exchange, Fort Wm. McKinley, P. I., for May, 1905 50 00 June 6 2 Board of Co. tailor, April 5 00 June 8 3 Expenditure for typewriter Feb. 22 1904, disallowed. Letter Adj. Gen., U. S. A., March 20, 1905 20 00 June 10 4 Contribution from members of com- pany for music rolls 10 00 June 15 5 Commissary Savings for May 27 00 June 20 6 Dividend post bakery, Fort Mc- Dowell, Cal., for fourth quarter, 1904 25 00 June 30 7 Dividend post bakery, Fort Wm. McKinley, second quarter, 1905 Total 20 00 180 777 00 00 I certify, that the foregoing account for the month of June, 1905, is correct and just, and that of the amount for which I am accountable Seven Hundred Dollars, {$700) is deposited with the Army National Bank, to the credit of the Company Fund, Co. "C," 24th Infantry, and One Hundred and Fifty-nine Dollars ($159), in cash is in my personal possession. JOHN A. SMITH, JULY i, 1905. Captain, 24th Infantry, Commanding. I certify, that in accordance with the requirements of the Army Regulations I have this date inspected the foregoing account for the period from April I, to June 30, 1905, inclusive, and find it correct with the following exceptions: None. The certificate of the company com- mander was examined, and the cash in his personal possession verified. S. R. HARRIS, JULY 15, 1905. Major, 24th Infantry. THE COMPANY 219 Company Fund of Company "C," 24th Infantry, for June, 1905. 1905 Vou. EXPENDITURES Ration Funds Other Funds June 2 1 California Meat Market, S. F., Cal., for fresh meat as per bill dated Jan. 1, 1905 10 00 Tune 10 2 John Green $2.00, John White $2.00, Co. cooks, extra pay for April 4 00 June 11 3 Subsistence Dept. Stores bought May 50 00 June 13 4 Baxter & Co., Manila, fresh vege- tables, per bill dated May 15 12 00 June 15 5 Manila News Co., periodicals, per bill dated May 30 5 00 June 20 6 John Green Co. cook, extra pay for January, 1905 2 00 June 30 7 Marshall & Co., Manila, P. I., 3 sacks potatoes, $6.00; 2 sacks turnips, $4.00; 50 Ibs. cabbage, $5.00. (This because receipt, but no bill, is on hand 15 00 Tune 30 Cash on hand 684 00 175 00 777 00 180 00 MADISON BARRACKS, N. Y., July i, 1905. The company council of administration, convened by verbal orders of the company commander met this date and audited the foregoing ac- count for the month of June, 1905, which it found correct, with proper vouchers in support of each receipt and expenditure. The council examined the certificate of the company commander on the preceding page and verified the cash balance in his personal possession. ROBT. E. GRANT, U. S. LEE, 2nd Lieut., 24th Intfy. Capt., 24th Infantry Recorder President. NOTE: When the council consists of less than the three officers it is customary to note, "Only officer (or officers) on duty with company." 220 CHAPTER XV Transfer of Company Fund. FORM OF RECEIPT MADISON BARRACKS, NEW YORK, /any. i, ign. Received from 1st Lieut. John A. Smith, 24th Infantry, the fund of Co. "A," 24th Infantry, amounting to $500, as follows : Bank . '. . . . . . $450.00 Cash 50.00 $500.00 James Jones, Captain, 24th Infantry. To transfer a company fund that is deposited in a bank, it is merely necessary to write the cashier of the bank a letter of this tenor : / have the honor to inform you that I have this day transferred the Company Fund, Co. "C," 24th Infantry, to Capt. John Smith, 24th Infan- try, who will from now on have authority to draw against the fund. His signature appears below. Or, a check for the amount in the bank may be drawn in favor of, and turned over to, the relieving officer. No purchase should ever be made by the mess sergeant or any- one else without the written authority of the company commander in every case. See page 138. When deposited in a bank, the company fund should be deposited, for instance, as, "Company Fund, Co. 'C/ 24th Infantry," and all checks drawn against the fund should be signed, for instance- Company Fund, Co. "C," 24th Infantry, John A. Smith, Captain, 24th Infantry. THE COMPANY 221 BOOKS AND RECORDS 1 The following books and records are required by Army Regu- lations to be kept in every company: / Morning Report which shows the exact status of every mem- ber of the company. Changes that have occurred since the preceding reports are noted in figures and by name. 2 Sick Report, on which are entered the names of all enlisted men requiring medical attention and such officers as are excused from duty because of illness. 3 Duty Roster. A form on which is kept a record of all de- tails for service in garrison and in the field, except the authorized special and extra duty details. For instructions regarding rosters, see "Rosters and Detachments," Manual of Guard Duty. 4. Order File, consisting of a file of all orders received and issued. 5 Company Fund Book, in which are entered all receipts to, and expenditures from the company fund, together with the proceed- ings of the Company Council of Administration. 6, The Company Target Records consist partly of a series of sheets bound by the loose-leaf plan, one for each soldier, on which are entered his record practice and qualifications for each season of his three years' enlistment. Another part of the Company Target Record is given to a record of the collective fire and the figure of merit of the company. 7 Correspondence Book, with index, in which is entered with ink or indelible pencil a brief of each item of correspondence in re- spect to which a record is necessary and a notation of the action taken thereon. (See page 97). 8 Document File, containing the original documents or com- munications when these are retained, and carbon, letter press or other legible copies of all letters, indorsements or telegrams sent with regard to same. The file also contains similar copies of all let- ters, indorsements or telegrams originating in the company office. (See page 97). Q Descriptive List, Military Record and Clothing Account, on 1 The "Moss-Dalton Company Records" are modern, up-to-date loose-leaf books embodying the latest ideas in record books. See Advertising Directory of Supplement. 222 CHAPTER XV which is kept a full description of every man, including the date of enlistment, personal description, a record of deposits, trials by court- martial, etc., also clothing allowances due soldier and amounts due U. S. for clothing drawn. The clothing account of every soldier is balanced June 30 and December 31 of each year, and when his service with an organization is terminated. Every year the War Department publishes a general order giving the clothing allowance for the next fiscal year. 10 A Record of Sizes of Clothing for every man in the company as ascertained by measurements. See Supplement, Chap. XV, Par. 108. The keeping of the following books, although not required by Regulations, will greatly facilitate and systematize company admin- istration: / Delinquency Book, in which are noted disciplinary punish- ments awarded by the company commander. (Cards may be used- instead.) 2 Memorandum Book, in which are entered court-martial sen- tences, sicknesses, stoppages for losses of ordnance stores, camp or garrison equipage, and all other data necessary to make out the muster and pay rolls. (Or a card or slip may be kept for each man, all the necessary data for the muster and the pay rolls being noted thereon.) 3 Property Book, in which are entered all ordnance and quar- termaster stores in the possession of the members of the company. Get from the quartermaster's department, or some other source, a blank book of suitable size and dimensions. Beginning with number one, number the pages consecutively, entering on each page alpha- betically a list of the stock kit of a soldier, i. e.: Quartermaster Property: Barrack Bags; Bed Sacks; Bedsteads, Iron; Card Holders; Mattresses; Mattress Covers; Mosquito Bars; Pillows; Pillow Cases; Sheets; Shelter-Tent Halves; Shelter-Tent Pins; Shelter-Tent Poles; Shelter-Tent Ropes; Trumpets; Trumpet Cords and Tassels; Trunk Lockers. Ordnance Property: Rifle, Caliber .30; Revolver, Cal. .38; Bayonet; Bayonet Scabbard; Adapters; Blanket Roll Straps; Canteens, Tin; Canteen Straps, Web; Canteen-Haversack Straps; Cartridge Belts, Web; Cartridge Belt Suspenders; Cartridge Boxes, McKeever; Cartridges, Cal. .30; Cartridges, Cal. .38; Cleaning Rods, Brass; Forks; Front Sight Covers; Gun Slings; Haversacks; THE COMPANY 223 Knives; Meat Cans, tin; Pouch for First- Aid Packet; Revolver Hols- ters; Screw Drivers; Small Arms Oiler, B. & T.; Spoons; Tin Cups; Waist Belt, Russet. Rule also a column for the signature of the soldier in whose possession the articles are. Soldiers are given company numbers corresponding to those of the pages. When a soldier's kit is turned in, a red line is drawn through his signature when the kit is re- issued the signature of the new man appears below, thus preserving a complete history of each kit. The number of the rifles in the company are entered consecu- tively in the back of the book, opposite each being the company number of the soldier to whom it is issued. However, it is suggested that whenever practicable a "Moss- Dalton" record book to be used for this purpose. See Advertising Directory of Supplement. THINGS OF INTEREST TO COMPANY COMMANDERS A Marriage of Enlisted Men. There is no law to prevent the marriage of enlisted men, but when they marry without the consent of the company commander they may forfeit extra privileges which are sometimes granted to married soldiers. For instance, it may ex- clude the wife from residence within the garrison. (Remarks of A. G. and C. G. A. on various cases from 1884 to 1902.) A soldier who marries without the permission of his Regimental Commander may also be denied reenlistment. Married soldiers who are good and worthy men are usually permitted to sleep out of quarters, on or off the reservation, but at- tending all calls and formations; draw rations separately and occupy available vacant quarters. B Soldier Shoemakers and Tailors. It is not seen why a soldier who happens to be a shoemaker or tailor can not justly and without cause of complaint (on part of civilians), after having performed his military duties, do outside work and take pay for it. His rights to live are just as sacred to him, and his wife and children are just as dear to him, and their support just as important to him as they should have been had he not enlisted. Besides a soldier's rate of pay is small. (Ruling of War Dept. Sept., '92.) C Venereal Diseases. Young soldiers disabled, or about to be- come disabled by reason of venereal disease should be encouraged by 224 CHAPTER XV officers and noncommissioned officers to report sick and effect an early cure they should be taught mildly the pernicious effects of such diseases, etc. (Surgeon General and A. G. O.) Enlisted men who contract venereal diseases and report them- selves to the post surgeon for treatment will be allowed a reasonable time for recovery, provided their previous good service and character so warrant; but men who are found to be incurable and men who fail to report for treatment will be discharged on S. C. D. (Decision Sec'y of War, Oct., '95). Discharge for venereal diseases should not be without honor and there should be no objection to the reenlistment of a man dis- charged for such disease if he has entirely recovered. If it is consid- ered in the interest of the service to discharge him rather than retain him until recovery he should be given the usual discharge on S. C. D., but there is no authority for indorsing the nature of tne disease upon the soldier's discharge. Charges Under the 32nd and 33rd Articles of War Arising Out of the Same Absence. The offenses described in the 32nd and 33rd Arti- cles of War are not the same, and therefore, to try a soldier who was absent during a certain number of hours from his troop, battery, etc., under the 32nd Article of War, and also under a separate charge for fail- ing to repair at the fixed time to the place of parade, etc., the parade having taken place during the time covered by the charge under the 32nd Article of War, would not be illegal. A soldier might be absent without leave and violate the 32nd Article of War at a time when his absence would not lead to a violation of the 33rd. Where a man is absent without leave at a time when, through such absence, he misses parade or some other fprmation, it is an aggravation of the offense and justice would require that the punishment should be heavier. This result is obtained by charging under the 33rd Article of War as well as under the 32nd Article. While this view applies in principle to all cases of absence without leave, in practice common sense and good judgment would lead, in the case of an 'extended absence, to the merging of the offense under the 33rd Article of War in the offense charged under the 32nd Article of War. Opinion Judge Advocate General, Sept. 6, 1905. Where the absence without leave is of short duration, it would there- fore be entirely proper to prefer charges for absence without leave under the 32nd Article of War and for the several absences under the 33rd THE COMPANY 225 Article of War. On the other hand, if the absence without leave is of extended duration, it would be better practice to omit charges for absence from the ordinary roll calls during the absence. Crimes Against Nature. Formerly it was the policy of the War Department to discharge without honor, upon conclusive presentation of the facts, soldiers guilty of sodomy or other crimes against nature, thus avoiding the scandal of a public trial. However, the present policy is not to discharge such men without honor, but instead to bring them to trial. "In Line of Duty." The expression "In Line of Duty" is a very comprehensive term; it does not mean a status of actual present per- formance of some specific military duty, but it relates to a condition under which military duty may be regularly performed, in contradis- tinction to a condition inconsistent with the performance of any ordinary duty such, for instance, as the condition of being on leave of absence. It is not, therefore, necessary in order to be "In Line of Duty," that a soldier should, at the time of an injury, be engaged in the execution of a specific act of military duty, but he must not be doing something quite unconnected with duty and inconsistent with his proper military function. "It is just to assume that all diseases contracted or injuries received while an officer or soldier is in the military service of the United States, occur in the line of duty, unless the surgeon knows first that the disease or injury existed before entering the service; second, that it was contracted while absent from duty on furlough or otherwise; or, third, that it occurred in consequence of willful neglect or immoral conduct of the sick man himself." (Opinion of the Sur- geon General, May n, 1893, approved by the Secretary of War.) Injuries received under the following conditions and through no fault or negligence of the injured, and not as a result, directly or indirectly, of any unlawful or unauthorized act were held to be "In Line of Duty": 1 On pass, including hunting pass. 2 While bicycle riding, which was indulged in as an athletic exercise. 3 In a game of baseball, played by permission, as part of ath letic exercise. 4 In athletic sports properly indulged in. 5 While in confinement for a military offense. 6 While on sick furlough. 226 CHAPTER XV (NOTE: It is the practice of the War Department to consider a soldier on pass as being "In Line of Duty," but when on regular furlough as "Not in Line of Duty." However, it has been held a soldier on furlough may be "In Line of Duty," as when en route to his station, or when during his furlough he is, in compliance with orders, on his way to a place to report his whereabouts.) Injuries received under the following conditions were held to have been received "Not in Line of Duty": / In rough play or friendly scuffle. 2 By the accidental discharge of a pistol, the personal prop- erty of a fellow soldier, who was at the time trying to sell it to the party injured, in violation, in fact, of a post order forbidding the use or production of arms other than those furnished by the Government. 3 The result of an unlawful or unauthorized act as a direct or contributory cause. 4 Through the soldier's gross carelessness. 5 Illicit fornication. 6 A soldier on pass assaulted a policeman and was shot. 7 In a civilian game of baseball outside of military reservation, while on pass, and accepting compensation for services. (For a full discussion of the subject, see 1617- 1625, Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocate General). Drills. Company drills naturally become monotonous. The monotony, however, can be greatly reduced by repeating the drills under varying circumstances. In the manual of arms, for instance, the company may be brought to open ranks and the officers and ser- geants directed to superintend the drill in the front and rear ranks. As the men make mistakes they are fallen out and drilled nearby by an officer or noncommissioned officer. Or, the company may be divided into squads, each squad leader drilling his squad, falling out the men as they make mistakes, the men thus fallen out reporting to a designated officer or noncommissioned officer for drill. The men who have drilled the longest in the different squads are then formed into one squad and drilled and fallen out in like manner. The variety thus introduced stimulates a spirit of interest and rivalry that robs the drill of much of its monotony. It is thought the instruction of a company in drill is best at- tained by placing special stress on squad drill. The noncommis- sioned officers should be thoroughly instructed, practically and theo- retically, by one of the company officers and then be required to in- struct their squads. The squads are then united and drilled in the school of the company. THE COMPANY 227 Enlisted Men Taking Civil-Service Examinations. The ap- proval of the Secretary of War is necessary before an enlisted man can take a civil-service examination. (Rule V, Par. 3, Civil-Service Rules.) Should the applicant succeed in securing a certification for appointment, the present practice of the War Department seems to be to grant a discharge either by purchase or "in the interest of the United States," the principle evidently being that a man's service in the civil service is of more value to the Government than as an enlisted man. However, each case is considered separately and judged on its own merits. In case of temporary absence of the Company Commander,, he should leave a memorandum suggesting the character he would like to have given to men to be discharged during his absence. A Relinquishing Command. Upon relinquishing command' of a company, be sure to sign up all books. Close up all property ac- countability. The retained Ordnance Returns are the personal prop- erty of the company commander and may very properly be taken away by him. (Decision A. G. O. Dec. 10, 1907.) However, he must leave certified copies with the company (Cir. 84, '09). Posting Travel Allowances on Company Bulletin Board. As a convenience and an accommodation to the members of the company, it is a good plan for the company commander to get from some paymaster the distances from the post to the various places of enlistment of the differ- ent men in the company, and post this information, together with the travel allowances, on the company bulletin board, or place it in the pos- session of the company clerk from whom the men may get the information when wanted. This prevents persons around the post who cash final statements, from imposing upon the soldiers in regard to travel allowances. Cleaning Slate and Urinals. See page 477. THE RECRUIT. 1 The life of the recruit is generally the most trying part of a soldier's career the work and requirements being new and strange, 1 For instruction of Coast Artillery recruits in certain subjects, see SUPPLE- MENT, Chap. XV, Par. 101. The instruction of privates in guard duty, military courtesy, outpost duty, care of arms, etc., is covered in detail in "Privates' Manual." See SUPPLEMENT, page 145. 228 CHAPTER XV they seem to him in many ways useless and at times even degrading. Some recruits, for instance, misunderstand the nature of the salute, and failing to see any necessity therefor, are averse to saluting officers. It should, therefore, be explained to them that in all armies of the world, all officers and soldiers are required to salute each other when- ever they meet or pass, the subordinate saluting first. This salute on the part of the subordinate is not intended in any way as an act of degradation or a mark of inferiority, but it is simply a military courtesy that is as binding on the officer as it is on the private. It is a bond uniting all in a common profession, marking the fact that above them there is an authority that both recognize and obey the Country! Indeed, by custom and by regulations, it is as obligatory on the ranking general of the army to return the salute of the recruit, as it is on the latter to give it. The recruit is, of course, ignorant of all military matters, but he is usually willing to learn and will submit without complaint to more hours of instruction than ever afterwards in his military career. Much of his unsoldierly conduct and awkwardness from which he frequently reaps humiliation through harsh and ill-consid- ered correction is the direct result of ignorance for which lie is in no way responsible. He should not be left to absorb a knowledge of military propriety from contact with older soldiers (whose habits and manners in this regard too often furnish very poor examples), but his ignorance should be removed by patient and systematic in- struction. As a rule, an infantry recruit is given instruction about three hours a day for thirty days or so, before being taken up for guard, police or other duty; cavalry and artillery recruits generally require longer periods of instruction. The several daily periods of instruction should not exceed 45 minutes each if they do, the recruit's mind will become tired and his attention will lag. Recruits should be instructed by noncommissioned officers especially fitted for the work, who, 'if practicable, should be placed on such duty permanently. The following general scheme of instruction .is merely given as a guide. FIRST TEN DAYS Individual Instructions Without Arms. Setting-up exercises salutes with the hand, marchings, etc. THE COMPANY 229 Barrack Regulations. The regulations of the company con- cerning the conduct of men in barracks will be explained. Post Orders. All post orders regarding the conduct of en- listed men will be read and explained. A Articles of War. All provisions affecting -enlisted men to be carefully explained, and the consequences of their violation made clear. Special attention to be invited to Articles 47 and 48, regarding desertion, emphasizing the disgraceful, ignominious nature of the offense, the conviction of which involves the forfeiture of the rights of citizenship and the incapacity to hold office under the United States. (Sec. 1996 and 1999, Rvd. Sts.) Conviction of desertion also forfeits all right to pension which the soldier might otherwise have. (G. O. 80, '08, page 8.) Army Regulations. Such paragraphs as immediately affect en- listed men, especially the general requirements of governing each soldier's responsibility for the safe-keeping and care of all articles of clothing and equipment issued him. Soldiers are forbidden by law to sell clothing issued them and anyone buying such clothing is also liable to punishment under the statute, while officers are empowered to seize summarily any gov- ernment clothing or other property in the possession of civilians. The money value of the clothing allowance and the time and manner of settlements to be explained. Military Deportment and Appearance. The recruit is no longer a civilian but a soldier. He is, however, still a citizen of the United States and by becoming a soldier also he is in no way relieved of the responsibilities of a citizen; he has merely assumed in addition thereto the responsibilities of a soldier. For instance, if he should visit the adjoining town and become drunk and disorderly while in uniform, not only could he be arrested and tried by the civil authori- ties, but he could also be tried by the summary court at his post for conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Indeed, his uniform is in no way whatsoever a license for him to do anything contrary to law and be protected by the Government. Being a soldier, he must conduct himself as such at all times, that he may be looked upon not only by his superior officers as a soldier, but also by the public as a man in every way worthy of the uniform of the American soldier. 230 CHAPTER XV Whether on or off duty, he should always look neat and clean, ever remembering that in bearing and in conversation he should be every inch a soldier shoes must be clean and polished at all times; no chewing, spitting, gazing about, or raising of hands in ranks he should know his drill, his orders and his duties he should always be ready and willing to learn all he can about his profession he should never debase himself with drink. The subject of military deportment and appearance is covered thoroughly in Privates' Manual. See Advertising Directory of Sup- plement. A Military Courtesies and Customs. An officer will be saluted at all times of the day and night. Always look toward the person saluted and keep the head up. On the approach of an officer an enlisted man will assume the position of attention and salute. In saluting he will face the officer and keep the hand up until the salute is returned, or until it is seen that he is not observed. When outside of barracks uncovered, salute; being seated out of doors, stand at attention and salute. When without arms, salute with the hand farthest from the officer. Being armed with saber, not drawn, salute with the hand. If mounted, salute with the right hand. If the saber be drawn, salute with the "present saber." Armed with the rifle, always salute with the rifle. If on post, present arms. Indoors, armed and uncovered, cover, stand at attention and salute. B The Army Regulations say: "Indoors, an unarmed enlisted man uncovers and stands at attention upon the approach of an officer; he does not salute unless he addresses or is addressed by the officer." According to custom, the term "indoors" is interpreted as meaning military offices, barracks, quarters and similar places it does not mean such places as stores, storehouses, riding halls, stables, post exchange buildings, hotels, places of amusement, depots and exhibition halls, etc. In such places an unarmed soldier remains either covered or uncovered, according to the custom of the place, and whether or not he salutes depends upon circumstances, the occasions for saluting being determined by common sense and military spirit. THE COMPANY 231 For instance, an enlisted man riding in a street car, or in tKe act of purchasing goods in a store, or eating in a hotel, would not salute unless addressed by the officer. However, in the case of a soldier occupying a seat in a crowded street car, if he recognized a person standing to be an officer, it would be but an act of military courtesy for him to rise, salute, and offer the officer his seat. When an officer approaches a number of enlisted men out of doors and not in ranks, the word "Attention" will be given by some one who perceives him, when all stand at attention and all salute. * It is customary for all to salute at or about the same instant, taking the time from the soldier nearest the officer. When unarmed the colors are saluted by uncovering with the right hand and placing the cap on the left shoulder. If armed, the hat is not removed. Explain the paragraph in the Army Regulations regarding the "Star Spangled Banner." Officers are saluted, and men will salute, whether in uniform or not. A mounted soldier dismounts before addressing an officer not mounted. When walking with an officer always keep a pace or two to his left and rear. Several soldiers together in a room on the approach of an officer, the one who first sees him will command "attention," when all will uncover and arise. The same thing will be done if several soldiers are walking to- gether, except that they do not halt nor uncover; all salute. Men actually at work will not stop it on the approach of an officer unless addressed by him. A soldier will always salute an officer before and after address- ing or being addressed by him. If an officer enter a room where men are at meals "attention" will be called, upon which the men will cease eating, but will not arise. In entering an office, knock on the door; when told to come in, enter, taking off the hat (if unarmed), close the door and remain just inside the door until asked what is wanted; then go within a 1 In some regiments it is customary for only one (a noncommissioned offi- cer if there be one present) to salute for the group, but this is contrary to Regula- tions and should not be done. 232 CHAPTER XV short distance of the officer, stand at attention, salute and make known your request in as few words as possible. On completion, salute, face toward the door, and go out, being careful to close the door. A In speaking to an officer use the third person, as "Does the Captain want his horse this morning?" "Private Smith would like to speak to the Captain about his furlough," etc. (Note. After the conversation has commenced, it is not customary for the speaker to use the third person instead of the pronouns "I" and "me." However, an officer is always addressed in the third person and never as "you.") In speaking to an officer of an enlisted man, use the proper title, as "Sergeant Smith," "Corporal Jones," "Private Wilson." "No, sir," "Yes, sir," "I don't know, sir," etc., should always be used in answer to direct questions. When told to do a thing by an officer, acknowledge by saying "Yes, sir," or by saluting, depending upon circumstances. When a soldier is told to do a thing, he should always report when through to the officer giving the directions. Never leave an officer to whom you have been ordered to re- port, without first ascertaining if he is through with you. In addressing a noncommissioned officer always prefix his title Thus, "Sergeant Smith" or "Corporal Jones." Complaints must never be made directly to the captain unless the recruit has the captain's permission to do so, or the first sergeant refuses to have the matter reported. If dissatisfied with his food, clothing, duties, or treatment, the facts should be reported to the first sergeant, with the request, if necessary, to see the captain. (The subject of Military Courtesies and Customs is covered in greater detail in "Privates' Manual," by the author. General agents: The U. S. Infantry Association, Washington, D. C., and The Post Exchange, Fort Wm. McKinley, P. I. Price, 50 cents per copy, postpaid. Liberal discount on quantity.} B To Deliver a Message. When an enlisted man receives a mes- sage, verbal or written, from an officer for delivery, he will, in case he does not understand his instructions, ask the officer to repeat them, saying, for instance, "Sir, I do not understand; will the Captain please repeat?" When he has received his instructions, and understands them, he will salute, .and say: "Yes, sir," execute an about face, and proceed immediately to the officer for whom the message is intended. THE COMPANY 233 He will halt three or four paces directly in front of the officer, and if the officer be junior to the officer sending the message, he will say, "Sir, Captain Smith presents his compliments," etc., and then deliver the message, or, "The commanding officer presents his compliments to Lieutenant Smith and would like to see him at headquarters." If the officer sending the message be much junior to the one receiving it, the soldier will not present his compliments, but will say, for instance, "Sir, Lieut. Smith directed me to hand this letter to the Captain," or "Sir, Lieut. Smith directed me to say to the Captain," etc. As soon as the message has been delivered, the soldier will salute, execute an about face, and proceed at once to the officer who sent the message, and will similarly report to him, "Sir, the Lieutenant's message to Capt. Smith has been delivered," etc., and leave. Before leaving always ascertain whether there is an answer. See page 3O2D, regarding the expression, "presenting compliments." A To Appear as a Witness Before a General Court-Martial. The uniform is that prescribed, with side arms and gloves. Proceed to the court room and remain outside. When you are notified that you are wanted, enter the room. Then take off your cap and right hand glove, and raise your right hand above your head, palm to the front, to be sworn. After the judge advocate reads the oath, say, "I do" or "So help me God." Then sit down in the chair indicated by the judge advocate. Do not cross your legs, but sit upright. When asked, "Do you know the accused? Tf so, state who he is," answer, "I do; Corporal John Jones Co. 'B,' 1st Infantry." Be sure you thoroughly understand every question before you start to reply, an- swering them all promptly, in a loud, distinct, deliberate voice, and confining your answers strictly to the questions asked and telling all you know. When the judge advocate says "That is all," arise, salute him, execute an about face, and leave the room. B To be paid. As soon as the company is formed in column of files, take off your right-hand glove, and fold it around your belt in front of the right hip. When your name is called, answer "Here," promptly and in a good, clear tone ; step forward at once and halt directly in front of the paymaster, who will be directly behind the table; salute him. When he spreads out your pay on the table in front of you, count it quickly, take it up with your ungloved hand, execute a left or right face and leave the room and building, unless you wish to deposit, in which 234 CHAPTER XV case, you will remain in the hall outside the pay room, until the com- pany has been paid, when you enter the pay room. Men wishing to deposit money with the paymaster, will always notify the first sergeant before the company is marched to the pay table. A Obedience is the first and most important principle to be im- pressed upon and inculcated into the mind of the recruit it is the mainspring, the very soul and essence of all military duty. It is said a famous general once remarked every soldier should know three things "First, obedience; second, obedience; third, obedience" Cheerful, earnest and loyal obedience must be paid by all sub- ordinates to the orders of their superiors. A soldier should obey first and if aggrieved complain afterward. B All duty should be performed cheerfully and willingly. Soldiers are sometimes required to perform duties that are not pleasant for instance, doing guard duty on a cold, rainy night, when tired and sleepy; digging ditches or cleaning up dirt and filth that have ac- cumulated around the barracks, kitchens, quarters, etc.; scrubbing floors, polishing stoves, cleaning knives, forks, pots, etc. However, by doing everything required of him in a cheerful manner, a soldier will soon earn the respect of his comrades and the commendation of his officers. Privates must respect and obey their noncommissioned officer? and recognize their authority under all circumstances. Even if the noncommissioned officer be at fault, this gives the private no ag- gressive rights. If, for instance, a noncommissioned officer should strike a private justly or unjustly, this would not give the private the right to strike back. The private should at once make complaint to the captain, who will see that justice is done him. If the principle of soldiers taking grievances into their own hands were recognized, the Army would soon become a mob. C The recruit should be taught the different ranks of officers and noncommissioned officers, the authority they possess and the respect due them. If in ignorance of any matter relating to his privileges or any- thing else, the recruit should apply to a noncommissioned officer of his company, preferably the one in charge of recruits. If not satisfied with the information thus received he should then go to the first sergeant. THE COMPANY 235 SECOND TEN DAYS Individual Instruction with Arms. Bayonet exercises, manual of arms, loadings, firings and marchings. Nomenclature of the Rifle. The names of all the various parts of the rifle and their functions to be explained also the manner of dismounting and assembling the same. (See pamphlet, Description and Rules for the Management of, issued by the Ordnance Depart- ment.) Care of Clothing, Arms, and Other Equipment. These articles are given the recruit by the Government for certain purposes and he has, therefore, no right to be in any way neglectful and careless of them. Arms not to be taken apart without the special permission of the company commander in each case. Cleaning material to be purchased by soldiers explain place and manner of purchase only authorized preparations to be used. It is easier to prevent than to remove rust. Explain manner of cleaning rifle also use of cosmic oil, pom- ade, emery paper and burnisher. Oil to be used only to remove rust or after firing or when going out in damp or rainy weather. When occasion for its use has passed, it should be carefully wiped off so as not to collect dust and sand. To remove rust, apply oil with rag and let it stand for a while so as to soften rust weapon then wiped clean with dry rag. To prevent dust and rust in bore, a good, strong gun string should be frequently used. All articles of brass to be kept brightly polished. Never put away arms and equipment before cleaning. (The subject of Care of Clothing, Arms and Other Equipment, is covered in greater detail in Privates* Manual, by the author. General agents: The U. S. Infantry Association, Washington, D. C., and The Post Exchange, Fort Wm. McKinley, P. I. Price, 50 cents per copy, Postpaid. Liberal discount on quantity.) Repetition of such parts of previous instruction as may be necessary. 236 CHAPTER XV THIRD TEN DAYS Guard Duty. Instruction in the duties of sentinels by recitation in the Manual of Guard Duty and practical illustrations of posting sentinels, saluting on post, challenging, etc. (The Subject of Guard Duty is thoroughly covered in the form of questions and answers, in Private's Manual, by the author. General Agents: The U. S. Infantry Association, Washington, D. C., and The Post Exchange, Fort Wm. McKinley, P. I. Price, 50 cents per copy, postpaid. Liberal discount on quantities'). INSPECTION OF BARRACKS The Saturday morning and other formal inspections of barracks should be most thorough. Places behind brooms in corners; places behind doors and under staircases, boxes, lockers, shoes, mats, table covers, spittoons, etc. and also places on top of high shelves, vertical lockers and other similar places, should be examined for dirt a few clothes bags should be selected at random and examined for dirty shoes, whiskey bottles, and other ar- ticles that soldiers have a way of thus hiding; all drawers, lockers, and boxes should be opened and the Morning Report, the Correspondence Book and other records laid out and opened for inspection; the interior of the ice box should be scrupulously clean and smell sweet and fresh; all rooms should be properly ventilated and all window panes clean and unbroken ; a few knives, forks, spoons, cups, saucers and plates should be selected at random and closely inspected and the same should be done with a few of the cooking utensils ; all faucets and toilet flushes should be tried and the stove and furnace closely inspected; the urinals and the slate slabs of the shower baths should be clean and free from all smell; all metal door knobs, faucets and other metal parts around the barracks should be properly polished. See page I77A. PAPER WORK 237 CHAPTER XVI PAPER WORK (See "Paper Work and Correspondence," page 95.; (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) In 1896 the major general commanding the Army remarked, "There is but one safe rule for military correspondence and the transmission of orders, and that is through military channels." A most important rule for company clerks, sergeants major and others Who are charged with the execution of paper work, is, Be systematic and always do your work as it comes up never postpone it. A Correspondence between the line and the various staff bureaus should pass through the Adjutant General's Department. Communications are signed as follows: (a) Between officers exercising correlative commands, * > P st commanders by the officers themselves. (b) Between an inferior and a superior by the inferior, the communication being addressed to the Adjutant General or the adjutant of the superior. (c} Between a superior and an inferior in same com- mand by a staff officer of the former. B Directions, instructions, orders, etc., signed by the staff officer of a general officer are signed, for example, "By command of Brigadier General Smith;" those signed by the staff officer of an officer below the rank of brigadier general are, "By order," etc. However, this practice does not seem to be consistent, for we say "By order of the Secretary of War," and "By direction of the President." C The expressions "Calling attention to," "Your attention is called to," etc., "The commanding officer directs that your attention be called," etc., ^re admonitive in character. The expressions "Inviting attention to," "Your attention is invited to," etc., "The commanding officer directs your attention be invited," etc., are not of an admonitive nature. D The expressions, "The commanding officer desires," etc., "The commanding officer wishes," etc., are tantamount to "The command- ing officer directs," etc. ' 238 CHAPTER XVI A In some regiments it seems to be the practice for enlisted men to use the expression, "I would respectfully, etc.," while officers use the ex- pression, "I have the honor," etc. In other regiments both forms are used by enlisted men. The author does not see the force of the contention that the expression "I have the honor, etc," should be restricted to officers, as the degree of honor in address- ing correspondence to a superior is naturally inverse to the rank of the writer. For example, it would seem a greater honor for a private to have the opportunity and privilege of addressing a general than for a colonel to do so. B Official communications and envelopes should be addressed to the OFFICE and not to the individual, thus: "The Adjutant General, Headquarters, Department of Dakota," "The Adjutant, Fort Missoula, Montana," "The Commanding Officer, Company 'A,' 24th Infantry," etc., and not to "Major John Smith, Adjutant General," etc. So likewise should checks and postal money orders pertaining to official matters be made payable to the OFFICE and not to the indi- vidual, thus: "Pay to the order of the Chief Paymaster, Dept. of Dakota," or to "The Paymaster, Kansas City, etc." It is astonishing how many officers fail to do this and how much trouble and annoyance it causes in the Army. C The envelope containing G. C. M. proceedings to be forwarded to the convening authority, should be plainly marked "G. C. M. Pro- ceedings." D All communications intended for the action of the War Depart- ment should be addressed to "The Adjutant General, War Depart- ment, Washington, D. C." A letter to any officer in the army addressed, "Care of The Adju- tant General, U. S. A., Washington, D. C.," will be forwarded. E Whenever writing to civilians for information of an official nature, always inclose an addressed penalty envelope for reply. F Stamps for foreign official mail and official registered mail can be obtained from the quartermaster. G There is a tendency in the Army to burden letters and official documents with the rank and regiment of the officers referred to in the text. It is rarely necessary in ordinary official correspondence to give more than the officer's rank and name. Thus, "Captain Smith has frequently invited attention to the needs," etc. There is no use writing, "Captain John A. Smith, 15th Cavalry, has frequently," etc. If, however, it be not perfectly evident who the officer is, his full name, rank and regiment should be mentioned once; after that his PAPER WORK 239 title and last name alone need be given. In writing to a post com- mander concerning one of his officers, it is hardly necessary to desig- nate the latter (certainly never more than once) by full name and regiment. In other words, ordinary official correspondence should riot be burdened with the repetition of titles usual and necessary in a formal order or in court-martial proceedings. Thus it seems almost ridiculous to write in the body of a letter: MAJOR FRANK A. EDWARDS, 4th Cavalry, Military Attache, Rome, Italy. The address on the envelope might bear all of this; the letter itself might better commence: MAJOR FRANK A. EDWARDS After that "Major Edwards" is quite sufficient to designate this officer. A It is not uncommon for officers of experience to begin an offi- cial letter addressed to another officer, with the title of the latter in- stead of with "Sir." Thus, an official communication to Lieutenant John R. Smith, would begin, "Lieutenant;" one to Captain Jas. A. Corbin, "Captain," and so on. B Formerly it was quite common for officers to begin official let- ters to The Adjutant General of the Army, the Quartermaster General or the head of any other War Department bureau, as "General," in- stead of "Sir," and some few of the older officers still do so. An officer's rank and regiment always appear below his signature in official or semiofficial communications, but not in personal letters, unless, of course, there is some reason why the officer should wish to establish his identity. For instance, in writing to dealers, in order to let them know he belongs to the Army in writing to strangers, so as to give them the same information and thus enable them to address him by proper title in their answer in writing to officers of the Army or civilians who may not recall him readily. In the last case the rank and regiment may be placed in parentheses. C Some officers, and also certain editors and writers in civil life, always write out in full military titles, using the forms "General," "Colonel," etc., instead of "Gen'l," "Col.," etc., on the ground that the full spelling possesses a certain suggestion of courtesy and good form that is lacking in the abbreviation. 240 CHAPTER XVI According to the practice of The Adjutant General's office it is considered better form to spell out titles in full in all formal com- munications, although sometimes, on account of their length, the words "Brigadier General," "Major General," "Lieutenant Colonel," and "Lieutenant," are abbreviated "Brig. Gen'l.," "Maj. Gen'l.," "Lieut. Col.," and "Lt," or "Lieut.," but it is preferable to spell them out in full. Except colloquially, or sometimes in the body of a com- munication where the formal use of the full title would seem un- necessary, the office never uses the term "General" alone, but it is always "Lieutenant General," "Major General" or "Brigadier Gen- eral." A It is also the practice of The Adjutant General's office to omit the hyphens in the designations "Adjutant General," "Quartermaster General," "Commissary General," "Inspector General" and "Judge Advocate General" (not Adjutant-General, etc.) B Make it an invariable rule to keep carbon or other copies of all letters, telegrams, and other official communications sent. In forwarding letters from enlisted men, officers should verify the statements made therein. Keep your Army Regulations posted up to date and before for- warding any paper read carefully the paragraphs on the subject and then see that all requirements are fulfilled. Letters and indorsements requiring answers should be carefully analyzed and the constituent parts requiring answers should be an- swered categorically. C A faithful compliance with the two foregoing paragraphs takes time, patience and labor, but in the long run saves much extra paper- work and trouble. It is really astonishing how many communications are returned to officers for compliance with certain indorsements or with certain paragraphs in the Army Regulations. In this connection, it may be remarked the paragraph in the Regulations that is violated the most is the one requiring officers who fonvard communications to indorse thereon their approval or disapproval, with remarks. See Supplement, Chap. XVI, Par. 112. D The following are some of the errors most frequently committed in paper work: PAPER WORK 241 1 Persons who are the first ones to receive communications, fail to brief them as required by Army Regulations. 2 Fourth-fold indorsement slips are added in the wrong place. 3 Papers that should be compared are carelessly compared or not compared at all before being submitted. 4 Court-martial charges are laid under the wrong Article of War. 5 Reports, returns, estimates, requisitions and other blanks that are prepared for an officer's signature, do not contain his rank, regiment and office held after the place for signature. Return promptly all papers that should be returned. If directed to complete a paper, return a communication or do anything else without delay or by a certain time and if it be impossible to do so, then the office concerned should be so notified without delay, with a full explanation. Thin, transparent paper should not be used in writing letters on which indorsements are to be placed, but should such letters be re ceived, then before indorsing paste stiff paper on fold. A Returns, Reports, Estimates and Requisitions. / Before filling out a blank form read carefully all notes thereon, and all Army Regu- lation paragraphs and orders on the subject. 2 All columns on forms must be filled in. When, owing to the absence of the necessary information or for any other reason, columns or headings can not be filled in, "Unknown" or a dash should be entered. 3 When periodical reports are required they should be ren- dered whether or not there be anything to report. 4 One or more diagonal lines should be drawn through the blank space after the last entry on estimates, requisitions and pass lists. B Miscellaneous. / "INDORSEMENT" and "INCLOSURE" (not "Endorsement" and "Enclosure") are the forms used in the Army Regulations. 2 The term "Through Military Channels" is really not a definite, exact statement and should be used very rarely on papers going up. "The Military Channel" to The Adjutant General, U. S. Army, for example, may be direct or through Department Headquarters. 242 CHAPTER XVI There are cases, of course, where the use of the term would be proper, but they are rare. If a paper is forwarded through military channels, saying so is useless. 3 A letter is always briefed in the first office in which it is received. The brief is always on the first fold, which, beginning at the top, is apportioned about as follows: (a) About li inch space for office stamp of A. G. O., Div., Dep't., etc.; (b) Office, place and date of letter; (c) About 1 inch space; (d) Name of writer and rank (in case of commanding officers and staff officers, only the official designation should appear); (tf) About 1 inch space; (/) Briefest synopsis of contents (only a general idea of the subject); (g) Remaining space, upper part for enumeration of in- closures lower, for office marks. The inclosures should be noted serially, by number and indorsement. When the brief is typewritten, ruling is unnecessary, but when a pen is used, a and / should be followed by a red line clear across, and c and e spaces should have a short, red line across the middle. A 4 In making out Descriptive Lists, the following should be borne in mind: (a) In case a noncommissioned officer is to be dis- charged during his absence on detached service, the company commander should note on the Descriptive List whether it is desired his warrant be continued in force upon reenlist- ment. (b} When a man is transferred to another organization, evidence of previous convictions by court-martial within the last year and during the present enlistment, if any, should accompany the Descriptive List. Also, if he has been absent without leave, the number of days absent should be noted, as not only does he forfeit his pay and his clothing allowance during such absence, but the PAPER WORK 243 time must be made up, nor does the time absent count in computation of time for retirement. (c) When men on extra or special duty are transferred to another organization at the same post, the fact, with num- ber, date, etc., of order, should be stated. (d) Special care should be taken to note with detail and accuracy all former service, especially foreign service. This information should also be noted with equal care and detail on a soldier's discharge certificate, for it affects directly a soldier's retirement after thirty years' service- (rf) Erasures of entries on a descriptive list or descriptive and assignment card are prohibited. All changes made in original entries thereon will be duly authenticated by the signature of the officer making the changes. Under no circumstances will slips of paper be pasted or attached to a descriptive list or descriptive and assignment card. (Cir. 12, 1910). A 5 Papers made out in duplicate, triplicate, etc., are marked in the lower left-hand corner, "In Duplicate," "In Triplicate," etc. 6 In case an original paper has been lost and it becomes neces- sary to make another, the new one is marked "Duplicate." B 7 Whenever a signature is copied, (Sgd.) or (Sig.) is written before the same. C 8 When practicable, true copies. of papers should be made by another officer .than the one interested. A "true copy" may be made by anyone, but an "official copy" can be made only by the officer having authority to issue the order, or by an officer through whom the issuing authority may issue orders, e. g., chiefs of staff, adjutants general, aids and adjutants. 9 Interlineations should be initialed by the one who makes them. 10 Papers submitted for signature should always contain the rank, regiment, and official designation below the place where the officer is to sign. 11 A clerk or anyone else who typewrites anything, should al- ways read the paper carefully before submitting it. 12 Always compare carefully before submitting them, all papers requiring comparison. 244 CHAPTER XVI THE MUSTER AND THE PAY ROLLS. A Read carefully and intelligently and then comply with all the notes on the rolls. Enter on the Muster Rolls, everything affecting in any way the status or record of every member of the company during the period covered. (Note: However, only in case of sickness at date of muster, is the fact noted on the muster rolls). Enter on the Pay Rolls, only such facts as affect the sol- diers' pay. These rubber stamps can be used with advantage in the prepara- tion of the Muster and the Pay Rolls: 1. Stop $ per S. C. 4 . Fort Leavenworth, Kan. 2. Co. B, 2 4 th Infty. (Dat / r ; fofda^iasTpayment, etc.) 3. Captain Smith. 6. Capt. 24th Infantry (Name of paymaster) Commanding Co. B See "Rubber Stamps" in Index. For instructions regarding the preparation of the MUSTER and the PAY ROLLS, see SUPPLEMENT, Chap. XVI. B Telegraphing. See "Telegraphing," Army Regulations. When numbers are used in reference to dates, designation of organi- zations, etc., they should be written in words and not expressed in figures. Telegrams to The Adjutant of the Army should be addressed "Ad- jutant General, Washington, D. C." In the case of telegrams to the Adjutant General, the Chief Quar- termaster or the Chief Commissary of a department, it is not neces- sary to add, "Department of ." Such telegrams should 'be addressed thus, for instance: "Adjutant General, Governor's Island, New York." The last name of the officer sending a telegram, followed by his rank, or office designation, is generally sufficient. Thus : "Smith, lieutenant," "Harris, adjutant," "Jones, Commanding' 1 - (in case of a post or other commander.) DISCIPLINE 245 CHAPTER XVII DISCIPLINE (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) Discipline may be defined as "The preservation of order, the prevention of all kinds of offenses and the faithful perform- ance of every kind of duty without delay or interruption." Kautz's Customs of the Service. Drill, routine, strict attention to details, proper rewards and the invariable admonition or punishment of all derelictions of duty, are the best methods of attaining good discipline. In maintaining discipline, it must be remembered the ob- ject of punishments should be two-fold: (a) To prevent the commission of offenses, and (b) to reform the offender. They should, therefore, in degree and character depend upon the nature of the offense. Punishment should not be debasing or illegal, and the penalty should be proportionate to the nature of the offense. If too great it tends to arouse sympathy, and foster friends for the offender, thus encouraging a repetition of the offense. A distinction, therefore, should be made be- tween the deliberate disregard of orders and regulations, and offenses which are the result of ignorance or thoughtlessness. In the latter case the punishment should be for the purpose of instruction and should not go to the extent of inflicting un- necessary humiliation and discouragement upon the offender. In the administration of discipline the following principles should be observed : / Every one, officers and soldiers, should be required and made to perform their full duly. If the post commander, for instance, re- quires the company commanders to do their full duty, they will re- quire their noncommissioned officers to do their full duty, and the 246 CHAPTER XVII noncommissioned officers will in turn require the men to do the same. 2 Subordinates should be held strictly responsible for the proper government and administration of their respective commands, and all changes or corrections should be made through them. j Subordinates should have exclusive control of their re- spective commands and all orders, instructions and directions, af- fecting their commands, should be given through them. 4. If, in case of emergency, it be not practicable to make cer- tain changes or corrections, or to give certain orders, instructions or directions, through the subordinates, they should be notified at once of what has been done. 5 After a subordinate has been placed in charge of a certain duty, all instructions pertaining thereto, should be given through him, and all meddling and interfering should be avoided. Interference by superiors relieves the subordinate of responsibility, and causes him to lose interest, become indifferent, and do no more than he is obliged to do. 6 The certainty of reward and appreciation for meritorious conduct; should equal the certainty of punishment for dereliction of duty. 7 It is the duty of an officer or noncommissioned officer who gives an order to see that it is obeyed; carrying out orders received by him does not end with their perfunctory transmission to sub- ordinates this is only a small part of his duty. He must personally see that the orders so transmitted are made effective. 8 The treatment of soldiers should be uniform and just, and under no circumstances should a man be humiliated unnecessarily or abused. Reproof and punishment must be administered with dis- cretion and judgment, and without passion; for the officer who loses his temper and flies into a tantrum has failed to obtain his first tri- umph in discipline. He who can not control himself can not control others. 9 Punishment should invariably follow derelictions of duty; for the frequency of offenses depends, as a general rule, on the degree of certainty with which their commission is attended with punish- ment. When men know that their derelictions and neglects will be observed and reproved, they will be much more careful than they would 8 be otherwise that's human nature. DISCIPLINE 247 10 Obedience the cardinal principle of all discipline may be denned as submission to the lawful orders of superiors. Men can not be punished for refusing to obey illegal orders. The question then arises, who is to judge of the legality of the order? It is evident that if all officers and soldiers are to judge when an order is lawful and when not, the captious and mutinous would never be at a loss for a plea to justify their insubordination. It is therefore an established principle, that unless an order is so manifestly against law that the question does not admit of dispute, the order must first be obeyed by the inferior, and he must only subsequently seek such redress against his superior as the law allows. If the inferior disputes the legality before obedience, error of judgment is never admitted in mitigation of the offense. 248 CHAPTER XVIII CHAPTER XVIII AIDES-DE-CAMP (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) The proper performance of the duty of AIDE-DE-CAMP, like the proper performance of any other duty, requires work and atten- tion to business. A Requisites of a Successful Aide-de-Camp. A man's suc- cess as an Aide-de-Camp his usefulness to his general de- pends upon two things ; his intelligence and professional abil- ity, and his tact. If he combines both in a high degree his success is assured under almost all conditions ; if he has only the former he will be a useful officer to a hard-working gen- eral, but not an ideal Aide-de-Camp; if serving with a general who occupies himself with merely routine affairs, his ability may count for little in the absence of tact. This quality, tact, is the oil which makes the official machine run smoothly, even when the parts are badly worn and ill-adjusted; it is the lubri- cant which diminishes the jar and friction of heavy bodies working in contact. If this quality is important to all the members of a staff, it may be said without exaggeration that the Aide-de-Camp is especially charged with the diffusion of its soothing influence. B The Chief of Staff. An Aide's relations with his general's chief of staff often present some difficulties, especially if both are men of character and decided ideas. It is more the duty of the former than of the latter to take pains to keep these relations agreeable. An Aide may often keep secrets from the chief o. staff, but rarely from his general; the relations of the chief of staff may be strictly official with the general those of the Aide are always personal as well. A chief of staff may sometimes resent what he considers the prepon- derating influence of the Aide with the general, and, considering the AIDES-DE-CAMP 249 greater intimacy of the latter's relations, it is his business to avoid any such appearance of predominating influence. His tact and good sense can never be shown better than by disposing of this feel- ing before it becomes pronounced in the mind of any other member of the staff. A Loyalty. It is needless to say that an Aide's loyalty should be absolute. No word or act of his should ever betray a weakness or a foible of his chief to even the most intimate friend or relative. Honor demands this as well as prudence, for the intimacy permitted him with his chief makes him the repository of a confidence which the outside world does not share. Some generals are regarded by the public as military heroes. An Aide may find that for him, worship is replaced by admiration, respect, and love, much more lasting and useful sentiments; but he should always be very sympathetic toward the hero-worship of those more distantly placed. It is the duty of an Aide-de-camp to study his chief's imper- fections, prejudices, and foibles, if he have such, that he may the bet- ter understand, protect and serve him. B Frankness. While it is the duty of an Aide to be agreeable, he should not descend to servility; often an Aide is called upon to say most difficult and disagreeable things to his chief. He should be sure that he is right and then not hesitate, even if he knows that his advice will be distasteful or lead to an angry outburst. The intimacy of his relations demands sometimes that he should, in loyalty, give the sort of advice which a chief of staff may not offer. These occasions are most rare, but when they occur they should be met unflinchingly. It has been said more than once that a char- acteristic of General Grant's staff officers, as differing from those of several other generals, was the frank way in which they gave their opinion when asked and their freedom in differing with their chief. This is worthy of being pondered over by young Aides-de-camp. General Grant was a great and successful general; but he listened to the opinions of others even if he did not accept them; he encouraged his staff to say what they really thought rather than to agree with his own ideas. C The General's Wife. The position of an Aide with regard to his general's wife is sometimes said to be difficult. It may be, de- 250 CHAPTER XVIII pending on the tact of all concerned. The simplest way to look at this question is that the Aide should be animated by a feeling of per- sonal attachment to his chief if he has not that feeling he ought not to remain his Aide; the wife, then, of that chief is preeminently the woman whom he should wish to serve in all the ways that a gentleman may serve a lady. This principle being accepted, its application is purely one of good manners and thoughtfulness on both sides. A Duties. With the exception of the paragraphs of Army. Regu- lations which prescribe that Aides or other members of the staff shall be placed in charge of small arms target practice at division and de- partment headquarters, the Army Regulations are silent on the sub- ject of the duties of Aides. The duties of Aides are what their chiefs make them, some generals giving their Aides considerable work, others requiring them to do very little. An Aide is always on duty and this duty is always personal and always official. The limits of this personal and official service can not and need not be denned, since they are coincident and con- tinuous. This double relation of personal and official service which an Aide-de-camp bears to his chief is one of the most delightful im- aginable between soldiers who esteem each other and one of the most instructive to a young officer serving with an able man. Whether in battle or at a ball, whether at the desk or at the table, in company or alone, an Aide's first thought should be his chief's safety, reputation and pleasure. Any general who continually abuses this relationship, by requiring servile attention, would find his Aide, if the latter was a man of character, applying for his relief. There should, however, be no failure on the Aide's part to promptly perform any service sug- gested by the general. Likewise should the Aide refrain from any expression of dislike of the duty or service suggested. An appli- cation for relief, on the grounds referred to above, should be in writing, but should contain no reference to this abuse of the relation- ship. If, however, the general requested a full explanation of the reasons for the application, it would not be improper for the Aide to inform him, in a respectful manner, of his reason for applying for relief. B Personal Reports. Immediately upon reporting for duty, make to The Adjutant-General, U. S. A., and to the adjutant of your regi- ment the report required by Army Regulations and thereafter ren- AIDES-DE-CAMP 251 der on the last day of each month to the same offices the report required by the Regulations. See Supplement, Chap. XVIII, Par. 125. Usefulness. As far as it is possible for one human being to think for another, an Aide should think for his chief, especially in matters of detail. An officer can not be a good Aide without initia- tive in thought and in action he should cultivate and get into the habit of doing things without being told he should devote time, at- tention and thought to anticipating the needs and wishes of his chief, making it his special business to think of things and to do things that will add to his chief's comfort and save him from worry and annoyance, thus relieving him from details, that his mind may be free to attend to larger matters in short, an Aide should make him- self useful. For instance, if going on a trip of inspection: / Before leaving: (a) See that the report required by the Army Regula- tions is made to the next higher commander. See Sup- plement, Chap. XVIII, Par. 125. () Make an itinerary of the proposed journey, giving the hours of arrival and departure at the principal points en route and furnish copies to the chief of staff, the adjutant general and others who should have copies. (c) Give the necessary directions for forwarding mail. 2 Take along a railroad time table and familiarize yourself with the hours of arrival at and departure from the principal points en route. j If connections are to be made at any point, ascertain the hour of departure, station, etc., of the connecting train. 4 If government transportation is to be used at destination, telegraph ahead for the same. 5 If provision is to be made for meals or quarters at a post notify the commanding officer in advance of the number in the party, and if there are any ladies, that fact should be stated. 6 Look after getting the railroad transportation, street car and ferry tickets and any other transportation that may be necessary. With some generals, when going on a journey of any kind the aide takes along enough cash to defray all expenses (transportation, meals, street care fare, tips, etc.) for both himself and his chief, and upon return to their station submits an itemized expense account to the general for reimbursement. If the aide has not enough cash available before beginning the journey, he should so inform the general. 252 CHAPTER XVIII 7 See that the general's baggage is checked and properly cared for. In case there is more than one piece of baggage, note on the back of each check the article checked. 8 See that copies of the daily papers published at the principal places en route are gotten for your chief. p Take along in your valise: ( ' Henry Jones, Captain, 24th Infantry, Judge-Advocate. Upon hearing from the president of the court, the judge-advocate then notifies the members about the uniform. If all the members of the court are stationed at the same post as the judge-advocate, they are gen- erally notified by a memorandum circular sent around by an orderly. If not so stationed, they are notified by letter. The court decides the uniform after the first session. The Manual for Courts-Martial requires that the judge-advocate and the accused shall stand during the reading of the order convening the court and the arraignment. It is customary for the counsel also to stand. Some judge-advocates follow the polite custom of saying "Thank you" to officers as they are leaving the witness stand. The right hand glove is always removed before being sworn. See page 318. A It is customary for a soldier to be detailed as orderly for the judge- advocate, just before and during the trial, and while on such duty it is customary for him to wear the uniform of the court, with side arms and gloves. B Although there is nothing in military law, orders or regulations prohibiting a member of a G. C. M. from disclosing the findings of the court before the same shall have been published by the proper authority, it is a well-defined custom of the service, built up by the action of high-minded officers, not to divulge the findings prior to their publication. This custom is so well defined and so generally observed that it is a question whether its disregard, especially in an important case, would not constitute an offense. The president of a court-martial is obliged by military laws and usage to vacate that position when another member of the same court becomes the officer highest in rank by promotion. (T. A. G. April 10, 1900.) 302 CHAPTER XX Garrison Courts-Martial, Regimental Courts-Martial, and Courts of Inquiry. It is customary for the members of garrison courts-mar- tial, regimental courts-martial and of courts of inquiry, following the practice of general courts-martial, to wear sabers. The practice is based on the fact that by regulation garrison courts-martial. regimental courts-martial and courts of inquiry follow the same procedure as general courts-martial, which includes the minor rules and customs of a general court. ' The judge-advocate, the accused, his counsel, and the witnesses, are governed by the same rules and customs that prevail in the case of general courts-martial. Summary Court. The summary court officer wears the uniform of the command, without side arms, and those appearing before him wear the same uniform without side arms. Some summary court officers follow the polite custom of saying "Thank you" to officers as they are leaving the witness stand. One of the clerks in the adjutant's office is charged with doing the clerical work of the summary court. Boards of Officers, as stated in G. O. 169, '07, "hold their sessions in such uniform as the board shall decide." However, it is customary for the boards of officers usually convened in posts to investigate fires, determine whether a soldier's service has been honest and faithful, etc., to wear the uniform of the command, without side arms, and those appearing before the board, therefore, appear in the same uniform, with- out side arms. MISCELLANEOUS A A junior walks, rides or drives on the left of a senior and in the first case always keeps step with him. B It is customary for troops to be paid under side arms. All officers attending payment, except the paymaster, wear sabers. C "I desire," "I wish," and similar expressions, when used by the commanding officer, or, "The commanding officer desires," etc., when used by the adjutant, are tantamount to orders. D In delivering verbal messages from a senior to a junior, or one officer to another of the same or nearly the same rank, soldiers use the form, "Captain Jones presents his compliments to Lieutenant Smith, and says," etc. Formerly a junior officer never "presented his compliments" to a senior, but the prevailing custom at present is as stated. (See Par. B, page 232). CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE 303 A One knock before entering a room is considered "the official knock" and is a signal for everyone within to come to attention. B Formal dances given by soldiers are sometimes opened by offi- cers and ladies dancing the first dance, C In one or two regiments, a regimental punch, "The Infantry Punch," the recipe for which has been handed down for many years, is served on all regimental social occasions and every year the officers send out regimental New Year's remembrances in the form of special cards. D In some commands, the riding of public horses about the post, by either officers or enlisted men, at gaits faster than the trot, is for- bidden. E At military weddings the bridegroom, best man and ushers wear side arms, and the bride cuts the wedding cake with her hus- band's sword. In marching out of the church, the bridegroom, the best man and the groomsmen offer their right arm to the bride, the maid of honor, and the bridesmaids, thus avoiding the entanglement of sabers and dresses, and leaving the left hand free to carry the cap, which is held with the visor pointing left oblique. Sometimes the decorations are so arranged that during the mar- riage ceremony the bride and groom stand under the national colors and the regimental colors of the groom, crossed. At some feiv weddings that the author has heard of, the follow- ing feature constituted a part of the ceremony: Tire members of the bridal party take their places as here indicated After the ceremony has been performed and the married couple start to leave, the groomsmen draw sabers and cross them aloft, the couple passing beneath. All then return sabers and follow out as usual. 304 CHAPTER XX A "The Army Toast to the Bride," usually preceded by some ap propriate remarks welcoming her into the Army, is drunk by hav- ing the best man and groomsmen draw their sabers together, at the command, "1. Draw, 2. Saber," and then crossing them above the bride's head, after which the glasses, passed by a waiter, are taken in the left hand. The toast may be concluded with, "How!" B A very pretty old Army custom that one sometimes sees, is the baptizing and christening of a baby under the regimental color of its father, the function taking place at home, with something to drink to the "recruit V health. C It is now the prevailing custom for officers attending dances in full-dress not to wear the saber that is to say, only the belt and slings are worn. (The reason for this is that in dancing the saber is in the way, not only getting entangled with your partner's dress, but also striking and otherwise inconveniencing others). D Some officers wear white kid, white chamois, white silk or white lisle-thread gloves when attending receptions, dances and other social functions in dress uniform, without side arms, but the preponderance of custom seems to be not to wear gloves, although before the Spanish - American War just the reverse was the general custom. To wear white Berlin gloves at such functions savors of the bourgeois it is much better to wear no gloves at all. When attending a social function in full dress or in special full Iress, white kid gloves should be worn. The ordinary white Berlin glove should never be worn at social functions, as it is in no way a dressy glove in fact, it is quite the contrary. A very satisfactory dressy and economical glove is the white washable chamois glove, which can be gotten from the Mark Cross Co., 253 Broadway, New York, or any other first class glove dealer, at a cost of about $1.50 a pair. These gloves should be washed on the hand, with luke warm water and castile soap. The Warnock Uniform Co., 19 West 31st St., New York, handle an excellent imported chamoisette glove that is fully as satis- factory as the chamois glove. Price $1 per pair. F It is customary for aides-de-camp and other officers who may be in attendance on distinguished persons to wear white gloves when in dress uniform, without side arms. G At some posts there is a daily "matinee" of officers at the adju- tant's office that is, the officers gather informally at the adjutant's office for a few minutes soon after guard mount, exchange saluta- tions, discuss current topics, etc. At other posts it is sometimes customary to sound officers' call at a given hour, when all officers repair to the adjutant's office to receive orders, etc. CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE 305 A Some officers upon joining as commanding officer of a post, situated near a town or city, call officially on the mayor. Should the place be the capital of the State, a call is also made on the governor. In making this call, the commanding officer is accompanied by the adjutant, or by the entire staff. This idea of furthering a feeling of cordiality between the military and the civil, is excellent, and should be encouraged. A general officer, or the commanding officer of troops passing through Honolulu, to or from the Philippines, might, for example, very properly call on the Governor. WORDS TO THE ARMY TRUMPET CALLS Reveille: I can't get 'em up, I can't get 'em up, I can't get 'em up in the morning; I can't get 'em up, I can't get 'em up, I can't get 'em up at all; Corp'rals worse than the privates ; Sergeants worse than the corporals; Lieutenants worse than the sergeants, And the capt'ns the worst of all. Mess Call: Chorus I can't get 'em up, I can't get' 'em up, etc. Soup-y, soup-y, soup, Without a single bean; Pork-y, pork-y, pork, Without a streak of lean; Coffee, coffee, coffee, Without any cream ! (Or, the weakest ever seen!) Sick Call: Stable Call: Come and get your quinine, come and get your pills. Oh I come and get your quinine, come and get your pills Come all who are able and go to the stable, And water your horses and give 'em some corn; For if you don't do it, the Col'nel will know it, And then you will rue it, sure as you're born. Taps: Fades the light; And afar Goeth day, Cometh night; And a star Leadeth all, Speedeth all To their rest. Love, good night. Must thou go Whep the day And the night Leave me so ? Fare thee well; Day is done, Night is on. Another Version. When your last Day is past, From afar Some bright star O'er your grave Watch will keep, While you sleep With the brave. 306 CHAPTER XX ARMY SLANG B-ACHE to complain. BEANS the commissary sergeant. BEAN-SHOOTER a commissary officer. BELLY-ACHE to complain. BLACK STRAP liquid coffee. BLIND sentenced by court-martial to forfeiture of pay without confinement. BOB-TAIL a dishonorable discharge, or a discharge without honor; to be "bobtaile'd" to be dishonorably discharged or to be given a discharge without honor. BONE to study; to try; to cultivate. BONE BOOTLICK ON to cultivate the favor of. BOOTLICK to flatter. BOW-LEGS cavalrymen. BUCK-PRIVATE a term sometimes used in referring to a private. BUCKING FOR URDERLY giving clothing and accoutrements extra cleaning so as to compete for orderly. BUNKIE a soldier who shares the shelter of a comrade. BUST to reduce a noncommissioned officer to the grade of private. BUTCHER the company barber. CANNED HORSE canned beef. CHIEF name by which the chief musician of the band is usually called by the enlisted men. CIT a civilian. CITS civilian clothes. C. O. commanding officer. COFFEE COOLER one who seeks easy details away from troops; one who is always looking for an easy job. COLD-FEET fear, lack of courage (to have cold feet is to be afraid, to lack courage). COMMISSARIES groceries. CRAWL to admonish. DOG-ROBBER name by which the enlisted men call a soldier who works for an officer. (An offensive term, the use of which generally results in trouble.) DOUGH-BOY infantryman. DOUGH-PUNCHER the baker. DUFF any sweet edible. FILE a number on the lineal list. FOGY ten per cent increase of officers' pay for each five years' service. FOUND to be found deficient or wanting in anything, especially an examination. FRENCH LEAVE unauthorized absence. Absent on French leave absent with- out authority. GOLD BRICK an unattractive girl. GOLD FISH salmon. GOAT junior officer in post, regiment, etc. GOATY awkward, ignorant. GUARDHOUSE LAWYER a soldier with a smattering knowledge of regulations and military law; quite loquacious and liberal with advice and counsel to men in the guardhouse or other trouble. HARDTACK hardbread, biscuits. HIKE a march; to hike, to march. HIVE to discover, to catch. CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE 307 HOBO the provost sergeant. HOLY JOE the chaplain. HOP a dance. How form of salutation in drinking, meaning "Here's to your health," "My regards," etc. I. C. condemned by an inspector. JAW-BONE credit (to get things on "jaw-bone," to buy on credit). JUMP to admonish. K. O. the commanding officer. MAJOR name by which the sergeant-major is usually called by the enlisted men. MULE-SKINNER a teamster. NON-COM noncommissioned officer. O.-D. the officer of the day. O. G. the officer of the guard. (Rare). OFFICERS' Row^ the row f houses where the officers and their families live. OLD ISSUE an old soldier. OLD FILE an old officer. ON OFFICIAL TERMS not to be on speaking terms except officially. ON THE CARPET called before the commanding officer for admonition. OPENERS cathartic pills. ORDERLY BUCKER a soldier, who, when going on guard, strives by extra neat- ness of appearance to be designated as orderly for the commanding officer. ORDERLY ROOM company office. PILLS the hospital steward, sometimes used in reference to the surgeon. PUNK light bread. Q. M. the quartermaster. Q. M. D. quartermaster's department. RANKED-OUT to be compelled to vacate by a senior, as "to be ranked-out of quarters." RED-TAPE official formality; that is, the close or excessive observance of forms and routine in the transaction of business. REGIMENTAL MONKEY the drum major. RE-UP to reenlist at once. ROOKIE a new recruit. SAND-RAT an officer or soldier on duty in the rifle pit at target practice. SAW-BONE the doctor. SHAVE-TAIL a new second lieutenant. So called after the young, unbroken mules in the Quartermaster's Department ("Shave-tails"). SHUTTERS camphor or opium pills. SINKERS dumplings. SKY-SCOUT the chaplain. SKY-PILOT the chaplain. SLAP-JACKS pan cakes. SLUM a stew of meat, potatoes and onions, mostly potatoes and onions. SOAP SUDS Row the laundresses' quarters. SOLDIER, TO To soldier, to serve ; also to shirk. SOLDIERS' ONE PER CENT one hundred per cent. SOW-BELLY bacon. STARS AND STRIPES beans. 308 CHAPTER XX STEIKER a soldier who works for an officer. TAKE-ON to re-enlist before the expiration of three months after discharge. THE OLD MAN term sometimes used by officers and soldiers in referring to the commanding officer; sometimes used by soldiers in referring to their company com- mander. To TAKE ANOTHER BLANKET same as "Take-on." TOP SERGEANT first sergeant. YELLOW-LEG cavalryman. YOUNGSTER a young officer (a first or second lieutenant.) WAGON-SOLDIER light or field artilleryman. WIND-JAMMER a trumpeter or bandsman. WOOD-BUTCHER company artificer. VISITING CARDS AND WEDDING INVITATIONS There is no general, settled form for visiting cards and wedding invitations, except, as a rule, according to comparatively recent cus- tom, below the rank of captain the name is prefixed by "Mr.," and with the rank of captain and above, by the military title. However, some of our older officers who are well posted on such matters, do not think this recent custom is in accord with good military usage, believing that on anything as formal as a visiting card or a wedding invitation, a lieutenant, just as does a captain or a colonel, should have his rank appear: thus LIEUTENANT WILLIAM BRONSON LIVINGSTON, Twenty-fourth United States Infantry. The stocks of Black, Starr & Frost, and Tiffany & Co., show the following forms to be in use to-day: CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE 309 MR. JOHN A. SMITH LIEUTENANT TWENTY-FOURTH INFANTRY, UNITED STATES ARMY. CAPTAIN JOHN A. SMITH TWENTY-FOURTH INFANTRY, UNITED STATES ARMY. CAPTAIN JOHN A. SMITH COAST ARTILLERY CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY. JOHN A. SMITH NOTE. For other forms of visiting cards, see pages 255-6. Many officers who are very particular about such matters, prefer the forms on the following page. 310 CHAPTER XX LIEUTENANT JOHN A. SMITH TWENTY-FOURTH UNITED STATES INFANTRY CAPTAIN JOHN A. SMITH TWENTY-FOURTH UNITED STATES INFANTRY Personally, the author prefers the two forms above. CAPTAIN JOHN A. SMITH INFANTRY PAYMASTER UNITED STATES ARMY MAJOR JOHN A. SMITH UNITED STATES ARMY (RETI RED) Visiting Cards in the National Guard. Regarding the use and form of visiting cards amongst officers of the National Guard, usage is very unsettled, the customs and the forms in the different States CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE 311 and also in different organizations of the same State, differing ma- terially. In some regiments visiting cards with military titles are seldom, if ever, used, while in other regiments they are used on all occasions of an official or military character, and also on other occa- sions, when for any reason it is desirable that one's rank and regiment should be known, e. g., in attending receptions or making social visits when away on duty as escort to the President, governor or other public personage; when visiting Army posts or armories of other organizations, etc. The following forms, selected from cards used in three or four of the leading National Guard organizations of the country, are con- sidered in good taste: COLONEL JOHN ALFRED SMITH 7TH REGT., N. G., N. Y. CAPTAIN JOHN ALFRED SMITH ADJUTANT RECT., N. G., N. Y. CAPTAIN JOHN ALFRED SMITH 2ND LIEUTENANT, ?TH REGT., N. G., N. Y. 312 CHAPTER XX CAPTAIN JOHN ALFRED SMITH COMPANY A, IST REGT., INFANTRY NATIONAL GUARD OF PENNSYLVANIA MR. JOHN ALFRED SMITH COMPANY A, IST REGT. INF., N. G. P. MR. JOHN ALFRED SMITH ARMORY MADISON AVE. AND 94TH ST. COMMANDING NEW YORK SQUADRON "A," N. G., N. Y. MAJOR JOHN ALFRED SMITH FIRST LIEUTENANT, SQUADRON "A' N. G., N. Y. CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE 313 MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM HENRY FAIRFIELD REQUEST THE HONOR OF YOUR PRESENCE AT THE MARRIAGE OF THEIR DAUGHTER LILLIAN FENSMITH TO MR. WILLIAM BRONSON LIVINGSTON LIEUTENANT, UNITED STATES AR MY ON TUESDAY THE FIRST OF JULY AT TWELVE O'CLOCK AT TRINITY CHURCH CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS Although this is the form that appears to be most commonly used at present, many officers who are particular about such matters, prefer the form, for example, "Lieutenant William Bronson Livingston, Twenty-fourth United States Infantry." 314 CHAPTER XX Visiting Cards. Social etiquette regarding visiting cards is about the same in the Army as in civil life, being: A One card to be left for each person called on, whether at home or out for instance, if calling on an officer, his wife, daughter, and guest, four cards should be left; in case the person called on is out, it is customary with some people to fold one corner of the card to indicate the call was made in person. The leaving of one card folded in the middle signifies the call was intended for everyone in the house. It is, however, considered better form to leave one card for every person. Whenever calling on an officer who has just joined be sure always to leave your card whether or not the officer is in. Remember he is receiv- ing numerous callers and the leaving of your card will enable him to keep track of your call otherwise, he must rely on his memory and may over- look it. B When calling on a young lady who is a guest a card should also be left for the lady of the house and her husband, whether or not you have ever met them. C When one of two persons who are calling together has no cards, it is permissible for the one to write his name in pencil on the cards of the other. D In case of calls on persons who are sick, "To inquire" or "Kindly inquiry" is usually written on the card; in case flowers or other re- membrances are sent, "Best wishes for a speedy recovery," or some similar sentiment, may be written on the card; in the case of a call after a recent death in the house, "Deepest sympathy." As an ac- knowledgment of a "Deepest sympathy" card, the receiver may send his mourning card with p. r. (pour remercier), written in the lower left hand corner. After a death, visiting cards maybe sent with some such statement as this written thereon in ink: "Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your kind inquiries and favors during my hour of trouble." E When attending a reception, a tea or an "at home," it is cus- tomary to leave the proper number of cards (one for each person receiving) in the hall or other suitable place. In this connection it may be stated at large receptions it is neither necessary nor desirable to say good-bye to the host and hostess before leaving. Upon ap- proaching the person doing the introducing always give your name CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE 315 in a slow, distinct voice, although you may be fairly well acquainted with him. A Whenever going away for any length of time, cards with "P. p. c." (pour pendre conge to take leave) written in the lower left corner should be left with everyone in the post with whom you have close personal or official relations, and such cards should also be mailed to near-by friends on whom it is not possible to call. It is sometimes customary to write your destination on the lower or upper part of the card. With intimate friends this less formal expression may be used: "Good-bye. Sorry not to have seen you before leaving." B If the privileges of a club have been extended to you while on a visit, just before leaving the place post one of your "P. p. c." cards on the club bulletin board. "To the President and members of the Army and Navy Club," foi example, or some similar remark, is sometimes written on the card in addition to "P. p .c." C When paying calls in a strange city or neighborhood, write your temporary address on your card. D In calling at a hotel, write on the card sent up, or left, the name of the person for whom it is intended, thus making sure that it will be delivered to the proper person. THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN PRACTICES IN THE SERVICE Firing Three Volleys at Military Funerals. In the funeral rites of the Romans the casting of the earth THREE times upon the coffin constituted "the burial.". It was customary among the Romans to call the dead THREE times by name, which ended the funeral cere- mony, after which the friends and relatives of the deceased pronounced the word "Vale" (farewell) THREE times as they departed from the tomb. So that to-day, when a squad of soldiers fires THREE volleys over a grave, they are, in accordance with this old Roman custom, bidding their dead comrade "Farewell," THREE times. The number THREE was doubtless selected by the Romans because of its symbolical and mystical signficance, 3, 5, and 7 being so considered in all recorded history. We have, for instance, the Holy Trinity, the Three Graces, the frequent recurrence of THREE in the Masonic ritual, etc. In the old Army it was customary in some regiments when a soldier was absent from roll call for the first sergeant to call the absentee's name again THREE times at the end of the roll. It is really interesting to note to what extent the number THREE enters our daily lives: Boys start their races by "One, two, 316 CHAPTER XX THREE Go!;" the baseball fan says "THREE strikes and out!;" a ship before leaving her berth blows her whistle THREE times and gives the same number of whistles as a salute when passing another ship at sea; the enthusiast gives his "THREE cheers!" etc. Sounding Taps at Military Funerals. This practice involves a deeply felt sentiment "rest in peace." In the daily life of the soldier the sounding of taps at 11 o'clock p. m., signifying "Lights out," an- nounces the end of the day, implying that the cares and labors of the soldier are ended for that day. So does the sounding of taps at his funeral signify the end of his day the "Lights out" of his life his "rest in peace." There is no other call so beautiful, so significant, so replete with associations of comrades dead and gone there is no other call that arouses so much sentiment, so many emotions in the soul of the soldier as the sounding of "Taps." Indeed, "Fades the light; And afar Goeth day, Cometh night ; And a star Leadeth all To their rest." It is known that the custom of sounding taps at military fun- erals obtained in some regiments during the Mexican War, and there is an impression in some quarters that the practice existed prior to that time, it having been formally inaugurated at West Point about 1840. However, be that as it may, it is evident that the custom in its present form did not become general until after the Civil War, as the following from the regimental history of the old 2d Artillery shows: During the Peninsular Campaign in 1862 a soldier of Tidball's battery "A" of the 2d Artillery was buried at a time when the battery occupied an advanced position, concealed in the woods. It was unsafe to fire the customary three rounds over the grave, on ac- count of the proximity of the enemy, and it occurred to Captain Tid- ball that the sounding of Taps would be the most appropriate cere- mony that could be substituted. The custom thus originated was taken up throughout the Army of the Potomac, and finally confirmed by orders. CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE 317 The Practice of Saluting. 1 With the hand. (a) The custom is supposed by some to have come from a Roman practice dating back to the Borgias, or even earlier. In those days assassination was so common by the dagger that inferiors com- ing into the presence of superiors were required to raise the hand, palm to the front, thus showing there was no dagger concealed in it. Time and custom have modified the requirement to the present method of saluting. (b) There are others who are inclined to this view: From the beginning of time inferiors have ' been required to uncover before their superiors, and equals to acknowledge each other's presence by some courtesy. It was not so very long ago when a sentinel saluted not only with his gun but by taking off his hat also (viz, in the British army during the Revolution). Complicated headgear like the bearskin and the helmet could not be readily removed, and the act of removing the hat degenerated into the movement of the hand to the visor as if the hat were going to be removed, and finally became conventionalized as at present. (c) And there are those of a romantic turn of mind who favor this version: In the days of the jousts and tournaments, after the crowning of the Queen of Love and Beauty the knights passed in re- view before her throne. Each as he drew near raised his mailed right hand to shade his eyes a chivalric way of intimating that he would be dazzled by her beauty. This knightly homage passed on down the ages to become the soldier's salute. 2 With the saber. The practice comes from the custom during the Crusades, of knights, when receiving orders, always to call upon God to witness their assumption of the duty imposed, by raising the sword to the lips and kissing the cross formed by the guard and body of the weapon. Originally the sword was inverted when kissed that is to say, the guard was up and the point down. The dipping of the saber point in saluting signifies submission. NOTE. In the personal salutes is also seen the survival of the custom ^of the saluter placing himself unarmed in the power of the saluted. The touching or removal of the cap, dropping the point of the sword, presenting arms, firing cannon and small arms, manning yards, etc., symbolize the removal of the helmet, giving up the weapon, exposing the crews, abandoning the guns, etc.) 318 CHAPTER XX Removing the Right Hand Glove When Sworn as a Witness Before a Court-Martial. The raising of the hands and eyes to heaven in taking an oath is of great antiquity, being a sort of prayer. The head was bared because of respect for Deity, to whom appeal was made. After Christianity developed and the Bible was printed, oaths were taken by placing the bare hand on the book, head uncovered, during the administration of the oath, and at its completion the persons swearing kissed the Bible; all this reverently in an appeal to Deity to witness the obligation taken. This ceremony was introduced in this country and continued until twenty or thirty years ago. But the Bible was not always at hand and the general custom has reverted to the raising of the bared right hand with the head uncovered. The practice of removing the right hand glove comes from the fact that in olden tifnes all criminals were branded in the palm of the right hand, and consequently, in order to ascertain whether a witness was a criminal, all witnesses wearing gloves were required to bare the right hand before being sworn. Medals and Other Insignia are worn on the left breast because it was the shield side of the Crusaders, and furthermore, because it was near the loyal heart that the knight placed his badge of honor and fealty to his king. Twenty-one Guns the International Salute. This practice, like many of our others, we got from ihe British. A proposition originating with the British Government and adopted by the United States August 18, 1875, provides for "Salutes to be returned gun for gun," the British salute at that time consisting of 21 guns. So, that is the reason why our international salute consists of twenty-one guns. The question now arises, "Why did the British select the particular number twenty-one?" Originally zvar-ships fired salutes of seven guns, the number seven, "The Sacred Number," having probably been selected because of the mystical and symbolical significance given it in the Bible as well as among the principal nations of antiquity. The origin of the mystical and symbolical significance is doubtless astronomical or rather astrolo- gical, viz, the observation of the seven planets and the phases of the moon changing every seventh day. In the Bible we find the Creation was completed in seven days; every seventh year was sabbatical and the seven times seventh year ushered in the jubilee year, etc. CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE 319 Although by regulation the salute at sea was seven guns, shore batteries were allowed to fire three guns to the ships one. The dif- ference was due to the fact that in those days sodium nitrate, which easily deliquesces, was largely used in the manufacture of powder and consequently the powder easily spoiled at sea, whereas it could be better kept on land, where three times as many guns were, therefore, prescribed. The multiplier, three, was probably selected because, like seven, it has been from remote antiquity, a number of mystical and symbolical significance. After potassium nitrate, which is not as perishable as sodium nitrate, came into general use in the manufacture of powder, and it was not, therefore, so difficult to keep powder at sea. the number of guns for the naval international salute was raised to equal the number of guns given by land forces that is twenty-one. By common agreement, the international salutes of all nations are now 21 guns. International salutes grew out of custom and usage, and therefore have a basis similar to that of the common law of England. The custom began with the requirement of strong nations to exact from foreign vessels acts of submission, even by force, {mt in the 17th century the question of ceremonial became a matter of negotiation and frequently of hostility between the states of Europe. Although saluting was originally forced upon the vessels of smaller nations to compel them to recognize the superiority of the greater, in the final recognition of the principle of equality between nations it became customary to render salutes "gun for gun." Twenty-one Guns the Presidential Salute. The Presidential salute has not always been 21 guns. For instance, in 1812 and 1821 it was the same as the number of states, i. e., 18 and 24, respectively, which was also our international salute. In 1821 the President and the Vice President received the same number of guns. Before this time the Vice President had received only 15 guns. Since 1841 the President has received a salute of 21 guns and the Vice President 17. The "Salute to the Union," commemorative of the Declaration of Independence and consisting of one gun for each State, is fired at noon on July 4 at every post provided with suitable artillery. The salute at present (July, 1911) consists of 46 guns. 320 CHAPTER XX Dough Boy. The following versions are given of the derivation of the expression "Dough Boy" a$ meaning "Infantryman": / In olden times, when infantrymen used to clean their white trimmings with pipe-clay, if caught in the rain the whiting would run, forming a kind of dough hence the sobriquet "dough boy." 2 The tramp of infantry marching in mud sounds as if their shoes were being worked and pressed in "dough." 3 From "Adobe" (mud) then "Dobie" the idea being In- fantrymen are the soldiers who have to march in the mud; hence the expressions used in the sixties and early seventies in referring to in- fantrymen as "Dobie crushers," "Dobie makers" and "Mud crushers." 4 However some Infantrymen think they are called "Dough boys" because they are always "kneaded" (needed), while other In- fantrymen think they are so called because they are the "flower" (flour) of the Army. (Probably loyal infantrymen think this for the same reason that good artillery- men say artillerymen are called "Wagon soldiers" because they are the ones who al- ways "deliver the goods.") Meaning of the Word "Infantry." The Infantry is the oldest of the "arms" into which armies are conventionally divided. The word "Infantry" comes from a Latin word meaning child, boy, servant, foot soldier foot soldiers being formerly the servants and followers of knights. It is said that in German reviews the Infantry always comes first and is greeted by the Emporer as "My children," the "Mes enfants" of the French hence "Infantry," an assemblage of children. How. The expression "How, " used by Army men in drinking, 's equivalent to the expressions "Here's to your health," "My best regards," etc. There is a humorous version of the significance of "HOW" to the effect H O standing for water, the HO stands for ^ water and the W stands for whiskey i. e. "^ water and */ 2 whiskey." Some think it is merely the Indian corruption of "How d'ye do?" the usual salutation of the white man, abbreviated by the Indian into "How," and taken up and used by officers and soldiers who in the early days of frontier service were thrown in constant contact with the Indians. However, on the other hand, there are others who believe the expression is derived from the Indian language direct. Colonel H. CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE 321 L. Scott, Superintendent of the U. S. Military Academy, and a recog- nized authority on the Indian language, says: "The word has been widely used by the Indians of many tribes 'having different spoken languages. The earliest reference is from Alexander McKenzie (discoverer of the McKenzie River), 1789. speaking of the Cree Indians, p. 71: He then sits down and the whole company declare their approbation and thanks by uttering the word 'ho.' The next reference is found in Bradbury's Travels in the In- terior of North America, 1809-1811. This book has been reprinted in Early Western Travels, edited by Reuben Goldthwaite, vol. V., 116: Whenever their performance (Ricarees, Mandans, Gros Ventres of the Missouri singing) ceased the termination was extremely abrupt by pronouncing the word 'how' in a quick elevated tone. Consult also Alice Fletcher's Indian Songs. Century Magazine, vol. XXV, p. 421, and Archaeological and Ethnological papers, Peabody Museum, No. 5. "Governor I. I. Stevens in Pac. R. R. Report, vol. 12, part 1, p. 75, 1853, Among the Assinniboines 'My remarks seemed to make a very favorable impression and were received with every mark of respect. Their approbation was shown as each paragraph was inter- preted by the ejaculation 'how' a common word answering every purpose of salutation, approval, concurrence. "Dr. Washington Matthews in his able monograph on the Hi- datsa Indians, written probably about 1868, has, p. 147, 'H-a-o,' a word used to denote approbation, gratification, agreement, assent a greeting. It is common to many Indian languages. It is usually written 'how* by travelers, the same as the English word 'how.' It is difficult to determine the best mode of spelling. Mr. Riggs in his Dakota dictionary writes it 'hao' and 'ho,' both of which forms are used here also, although the Tidatsas rarely say 'ho.' I have heard it myself with the above signification used among the Indians of the Southern Plains sometimes with the form 'ehow, ehow' 'thanks; among the Kiowas, Comanches, Kiowa Apaches, Caddos, Wichitas and Delawares, Southern Cheyennes and Arapahoes in Oklahoma. "The above references show the use of the word on the plains from the Saskatchewan River to the Rio Grande, from 1789 at least until the present day. The following from Colonel Rodenbough's book From Everglade to Canon with the 2nd Dragoons, p. 55, is an account of the origin of the use of the word how in the Army: 322 CHAPTER XX "Coacoochee, a chief of the Seminoles in Florida, was invited to meet Col. Worth at Fort Cummings near Big Cypress Swamp in Florida, March 5, 1841. Coacoochee came to the meeting and for cer- tain reasons was treated with great consideration On this occasion originated the expression 'Hough/ which, as an army senti- ment, has been uttered by countless lips from the Gulf of Mexico to the St. Lawrence, from the Atlantic to the Pacific; and even the banqueting halls of foreign lands have not been strangers to the little word, so full of joyous memories to the American soldiers, although few know when, how, or where it was coined. "Coachoochee, observing that the officers of the garrison used certain expressions, such as 'Here's luck!' 'The Old Grudge!' etc., before drinking, asked Gopher John, a negro interpreter, what they said. John was puzzled but finally explained by saying, **It means. How D'ye do!' Whereupon the chief with great dignity lifted his cup, and, elevating it above his head, exclaimed in a deep guttural and triumphant voice, 'Hough!' "The word was at once adopted by the officers of the Infantry and Second Dragoons, and its use has spread rapidly through the whole Army." "Sounding Off" at Parade and Guard Mount. At parade and at guard mount when the adjutant gives the command, "Sound off," it is customary for the band to' play three chords or nourishes, called "THE THREE CHEERS," before beginning to play the march and marching up and down in front of the command. After the band has returned to its place and finished playing the march, the "THREE CHEERS" are again sounded. This practice comes from the following custom that obtained during the Crusades: Soldiers that had been selected to go on the Crusades were often formed in line with troops not so selected. The band would march past and countermarch only in front of the soldiers designated for Crusade service, thus signaling out and dedicating to the cause these particular men. It is very probable that the assembled populace did considerable cheering during this part of the ceremony and it is quite likely that "THE THREE CHEERS" are symbolical of that cheering. Parades and Reviews originated in the days of feudalism when rulers, as a suggestive display of their strength, were wont to parade their soldiers in the presence of other rulers. CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE 323 The Practice of Hoisting The Flag to the Peak of the Flag- Staff before Lowering it to and from Half-Staff comes from the Navy, where the flag is invariably saluted when hoisted and also before being lowered. The saluting position of the flag is at the peak of the flag- staff hence the flag must be raised to that position before it can be saluted upon being placed at half-staff or lowered therefrom. Pledges. In case an officer commits an offense while under the in- fluence of liquor or drug, which renders him liable to trial by court-mar- tial, his commanding officer, under a well recognized custom of the service, sometimes either refrains from preferring charges, withholds charges which may have been preferred, or withdraws such charges, in consid- eration of the accused officer's giving his word of honor in a written signed pledge that he will abstain for the future or for a certain period, from the use of such intoxicating liquor or drug. Such a pledge is held to be so sacred that a violation of it has always been recognized as conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentlemen, in violation of the 6ist Article of War. FORM OF PLEDGE. MADISON BARRACKS, N. Y., January i, 1911. I, John A. Smith, Major, 4Oth Infantry, in consideration of not having charges preferred against me (or of the withdrawing of charges preferred against me) for drunkenness on duty (or drunkenness to the scandal of the service), of which I am guilty, do hereby give my word of honor and pledge my commission that I will abstain from the use of alcoholic liquor as a beverage or otherwise, except when prescribed as medicine in ^case of sickness by a physician, for the period of years (or for the rest of the time that I am in the service). In some cases the following is added: My signed resignation from the service as an officer of the Army, without date, is hereby inclosed and in the .event that I shall break this pledge the date may be inserted in this resignation and it may be forwarded. JOHN A. SMITH, Major, 40th Infantry. Significance of Our Insignia of Rank. The second lieutenant stands on the level ground, looking up to his superiors at varying al- titudes above him. He begins to climb toward the top, his first step being the lower bar of the fence, which position is typified by the one bar of the first lieutenant. Upon reaching the top of the fence, the officer wears two bars, which represent the bottom and the top bars of the fence, from which point of vantage he can now survey the field. From the fence, the officer must climb to the branches of the oak, 324 CHAPTER XX the tree of might and strength. It is a long climb and symbolizes the marked difference that exists between the company and the field officer. The gold oak leaf on the major's shoulder strap symbolizes this position. The next step is to the tallest tree of the forest, the straight, towering silver poplar, with no branches for many feet from the ground. Although this point of vantage is somewhat higher than that of the oak, it is not materially so, and the duties and responsibili- ties of the position are about the same. The officer is now among the silver leaves of the poplar, which fact is typified by the silver leaf of the lieutenant-colonel. The silver eagle of the colonel symbolizes the bird that soars above the top of the towering poplar. The next step is the greatest of all: To the stars up in the firmament, far, far above the eagle's flight, which position is typified by the star on the general officer's shoulder strap. This description of the significance of our insignia of rank is, of course, merely a romantic explanation. Guard of Honor Over Remains Lying in State. Practice re- garding the details of this custom is not uniform. The following statements are based on what was done in the cases of the remains of President Garfield, Generals Grant and Lawton, Secretary of State John Hay and several other persons of less note: The number of .sentinels, never less than two, depends upon the prominence of the deceased. These diagrams show various num- bers of sentinels and their disposition: /* 0* ORDINARY 40 *>SKCT O \ L PERSON C CPEAT PROMI *0 NTGARFIELD V if l,2,3,4 FIE'_D OFFICERS. Sentries are represented thus. Q-> , and the dotted lines indicate the line of march of the public. The guard is always under the command of an officer, the en- listed personnel consisting of as many noncommissioned officers and privates as may be necessary. In the case of dignitaries the sen- CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE 325 tinels may be officers. 1 In the case of an officer serving with troops, men of his command are selected for the duty, and preferably men who have shared personal danger with him or who are attached to him. In other cases, the only things considered in selecting the guard, are soldierly bearing, steadiness and discipline. The sentinels, in full dress, are posted as soon as the casket, flags, flowers, etc., are arranged and before the doors are opened to the public. They always face the casket, and remain at parade rest, with the head bowed. (If in a church, they always face the altar.) During the hours that the public is excluded from the build- ing, the sentinels may appear in dress uniform and may be allowed to sit and walk they would then be relieved every hour. Overcoats may be worn if the weather is sufficiently cold and the building can not be kept warm. When there are no people around, the sentinels might very properly be allowed to stand at ease. The usual instructions for the sentinels are to allow no one to interfere with or touch the casket, and to see that the public do not stop, but that the line moves on continuously. One or more non- commissioned officers should exercise general supervision over the line of passing people, and see that it does not stop. Sentinels are relieved every thirty minutes. Sometimes bay- onets are fixed and other times not- In case of mounted troops, the sentinels are posted with the saber drawn. The sentinels render no salute whatsoever. Sometimes the sentinels present arms when the pallbearers are leaving the room with the casket. An atmosphere of silent dignity should surround the remains of the honored dead, and consequently the sentinels should be re- lieved in silence, the commands being murmured. The corporal and sentinels should move to and fro at trail and the sentinels do not port arms in exchanging post. In coming to the order, the rifle is gently lowered to the floor. The old sentinel comes to attention as the new one halts at his left, and faces about at the murmured com- mand of the corporal, the new sentinel side-stepping into the old sen- tinel's place as soon as the latter marches away. When the pallbearers take their places at the handles just before the signal "Raise" or "Lift," is given the sentinels stand re- lieved. They may, if it be so desired, march out immediately in rear of the casket and join the escort outside. 1 This was the case with the remains of General Grant, President Carnot (of France) and Queen Victoria. 326 CHAPTER XX Seating Guests at Dinner. If a dinner is given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A, then Mr. A sits at the right of the hostess, and Mrs. A at the right of the host, irrespective of the social, political or official importance of Mr. and Mrs. A. (Although it is the prevailing custom to place the "guests of honor" on the right of the host and hostess, it should be said that when there are present persons of considerably greater prominence than the "guests of honor," it is thought that the" former should be given precedence. Abroad the rank of individuals determines the position at table, regardless of the "guest of honor," unless the latter be a great celebrity. In Washington and other large cities the American usage is giving way to that of the rest of the world.) If a dinner is not given in honor of some particular person, then, when military and civil officials are present, the hostess places the most important civil functionary on her right and the highest ranking officer on her left, or vice versa, depending upon circumstances, which the occa- sion alone can decide. Their wives should have the corresponding seats of honor next to the host. For example, in the Philippines a Department Commander would be given precedence over a Provincial Governor, and ordinarily a post commander would be given precedence over a presidente. Department Commanders should rank next to Commissioners, Colonels next to Provincial Governors, and other field officers (not commanding posts) next to presidentes. Common sense and custom must be exercised in determining precedence, but in a gathering of civil and military officials this general principle should always be borne in mind : In our form of government the military is subordinate to the civil; so, where the positions of a military and of a civil official are so nearly the same in importance as to cause doubt as to precedence, it is always safer to give precedence to the civil official. The other civilians, the officers and the ladies should be assigned to seats according to rank or position, social or official, (ladies and gentle- men alternating) from the two ends to the center of the table, but the hostess must use good judgment and consider the congeniality oi neighbors. It goes without -saying that when natives in the Philippines are invited to dinner, there can be no discrimination in assigning them seats. If no ladies are present, as for instance, at a military dinner, the host might select an officer of his own rank ordinarily an intimate friend or the senior officer present, and place him at the opposite end of the table. Then the host would assign the highest in rank to the seat on his right, the next to the seat on his friend's (or senior's) right, the third on his left, the fourth on his friend's (or senior's) left, etc. If an Army officer were governor of a province, he would ordinarily, at a "stag" dinner, CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE 327 place the highest civil functionary at the other end of the table; No. 2 civil at his right, No. 3 civil at his left; Nos. i and 2 Army, at the right and left of the civil functionary, etc., alternating officers and civilians with due regard to importance, but being careful to arrange neighbors that will probably be congenial. The hostess should be served first, or, in her absence, the host the latter is always served first with the wine. The reason being that the hosts are thus able to see that everything is as it should be before being served to the guests. * The servant should then pass to the hostess' right and down that side around and back up the other side, helping the guests in regular order irrespective of sex or rank. If there are two serving the same dish, they should both repair to the hostess and then pass around the two sides simultaneously. If two servants are passing the different parts of the same course, one proceeds as above and the other follows. If the table is not long but is round, the seating and serving con- form as nearly as possible to the principles above cited. At even small dinners of eight people it is customary to use "place cards" on the table at each napkin, neatly written : "Mrs. Blue," "Colonel Yellow," etc. "Place cards" should always be used at large dinners so as to avoid confusion. At very formal and rather large dinners, the gentlemen, on entering the host's home are handed by the maid at the door, a small envelope inclosing a card bearing in writing the name of the lady to be escorted by him to dinner. It becomes his duty to seek her "place card" and draw back and push up her chair. At very large dinners for men a diagram of tables and seats showing the place of each guest is prepared for consultation by guests before entering the dining hall. Great confusion and endless wandering about might otherwise result. See "Dinner" in the index. Treatment of Guests at Receptions. At a reception no one in par- ticular can be served first it is a case of "First come, first served." Soon after the guests pass the receiving line they are shown to the dining room where they are served and looked after by the assistants and attendants. x The Romans did likewise but with them it was done to prove to their guests that food and drink were not coisoned. 328 CHAPTER XX Special attention should always be paid to persons of prominence. See "Receptions" in the index. The Regimental Mess. The main purpose of a Regimental Mess is to^promote cordiality, comradeship and esprit de corps, and while such a mess is social in its nature, the meals, especially dinner, are in a way semi-official functions. In order to give a Regimental Mess the proper atmosphere, it should be the repository of regimental trophies and regi- mental souvenirs collected during the service of the regiment. The Regimental Mess in our Army is not a general and established institution as it is in European armies ; consequently our mess customs are not uniform. In most European regimental messes, particularly the English and German, there is considerable formality, especially at dinner, where the English wear the mess jacket and the Germans their double breasted frock coats or full dress if distinguished guests' are present, toasts are made to the sovereign and others, and many customs observed. The following is the consensus of opinion of various officers who have been in regimental messes both in this country and abroad : The colonel (or the senior officer) presides and sits at the head of the table, the lieutenant colonel on his right, the adjutant on his left, the other officers being 'seated on both sides of the table according to rank. The caterer sometimes sits at the end of the table opposite the presiding officer.' Dinner is a formal meal, everyone wearing .the uniform prescribed. The members of the mess assemble at some convenient place and await if necessary the arrival of the presiding officer. They follow him into the mess and take their seats when he takes his. Should he know that he will be late, he ordinarily sends word to the officers not to wait for him, but to proceed with the meal. Should he arrive during the meal, everyone rises and remains standing until he has taken his seat, and likewise when he leaves the table, those who remain, rise, This, of course, applies to all meals. The cloth is considered "removed" wlien the presiding officer receives his cup of coffee; this ends the "formal" part of the meal, and smoking is in order. Before the cloth is "removed" no officer may leave the table without making his excuses to the presiding officer. At very important dinners no officer may leave the table until the presiding officer himself sets the example. In case a junior officer is late at dinner he should, before taking his place at table, approach the presiding officer with a gentlemanly word of apology for his lateness. This, however, is not necessary at the informal meals of breakfast and luncheon. Should the presiding officer so desire, it would not be amiss to invite the regimental chaplain, by a mere inclination of the head, to say grace before dinner. Should a bishop or prelate be present as a guest, he might be invited to say grace. Guests should be introduced to the presiding officer before the meal. Breakfast and lunch are informal meals and all officers come and go at their own pleasure, within the hours fixed for the meals, wearing the uniforms that may be required by their various duties. See "A," page 391. CUSTOMS OF THE SERVICE 329 REGULATIONS FOR A REGIMENTAL MESS. (Compiled from those of two regimental messes.) 1. All officers of the regiment (which includes the chaplain) and the surgeons on duty with the regiment, are eligible to membership. 2. Breakfast and lunch being informal meals, will be served from 6:30 to 8:30 a. m. and from 12 m. to 1:30 p. m., and may be partaken of individually, each officer selecting the hour most convenient. The dress will be that prescribed for the day's duty. 3. Dinner will be served at p. m., and the mess jacket will be worn. 4. Political, personal and religious discussions and the criticism of Borders, are interdicted as being contrary to the spirit of the occasion. Officers will also refrain from conversation that may possibly be misinterpreted by servants in the room. 5. Officers having guests will notify the steward in advance, and, in order that proper attention may be shown them, will present them to the senior officer immediately upon his arrival. 6. Expenses, except for liquors and tobaccos, will be divided pro rata, and guests will be paid for by their entertainers. 7. The office of caterer will rotate monthly amongst the members of the mess. 8. Those who are late will be served with the course then in progress, unless unavoidably detained, in which event, after having made his excuses to the presiding officer, the latter remarks, "Let the gentleman be served with the first course." 9. No orderlies, messengers, etc., will be allowed to enter the mess during meals. A Flag at Half-Staff. The exact position of the flag at half-staff is not fixed in the Army Regulations, the Manual of Guard Duty, or the Navy Regulations, nor has it ever been defined in orders. In practice the position of the flag at half-staff is as follows : (a) In the case of a cylindrical iron flag-stctf, the middle of the hoist 1 is half way between the top of the top-staff and the band to which the top of the guy anchors are fastened ; (fc) In the case of a flag staff with cross-tress, the middle of the hoist is half way between the top of the top-staff and the top of the lower-staff; (c) In the case of a flag-staff of one piece, the middle of the hoist is half way between the top of the flag-staff and the foot of the flag- staff. B Special Dinners. On Christmas day, Thanksgiving, July Fourth, and sometimes February 22, special dinners are served to the soldiers, in many cases the dining rooms being appropriately decorated. As a rule the decorations remain during the whole of Christmas week and a special dinner, but not as elaborate as the Christmas dinner, is served New Year's day. The company commander and the lieutenants of the company, accompanied by the lady members of their families as well as by others, visit the dining room and kitchen just before the dinner is served. In some few companies the soldiers are permit- ted to invite their wives and other ladies to dinner. In some commands the post commander, accompanied by his staff, other officers and some of the ladies of the garrison, visit all the dining rooms and kitchens just previous to the dinner hour. At some posts the soldiers give a dance that evening or the evening before, in the post hall or in the barracks. *The dimension of a flag that extends along the flag-staff is called the "hoist," while the other dimension is called the "fly." In case of a flag that is fastened to a staff, like a guidon, for instance, the dimensions are called the "pike" and the "hoist." When a flag-staff consists of two parts or sections, the upper part is called the top-staff (or topmast) and the lower part the lower-staff (or lower- mast or main- mast). The term "staff" is military, while the term "mast" is naval or nautical. 330 CHAPTER XXI CHAPTER XXI FIELD SERVICE 1 (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) Just what and how much should be taken into the field in the way of equipment and personal effects depends upon the kind and amount of transportation available, the nature and probable duration of service, climatic conditions and other considerations. The general tendency, however, is to take along a lot of unnecessary plunder the matter should be given careful thought, and nothing except what is absolutely necessary should be carried. In time of peace, under ordinary circumstances, a com- pany commander receiving orders to take the field with his company, should at once make the following preparations re- garding rations, transportation, equipage, blanks in field desk, etc. 2 : Personal Equipment of Enlisted Men Have the first sergeant inform the men as to what equipment they are to take, arid cause them to pack up the rest. The men should be informed as to what they will carry on their persons and what they will send by wagon or rail. 1 For War Department Orders regarding arms and equipments for troops and field training of troops, see SUPPLEMENT, Chap. XXI, Par. 129 ^The order directing a company commander to take the field usually specifies the number of rations, amount and kind of tentage, the number of rounds of ammu- nition to be carried by the men and to be carried by transportation, and the trans- portation to be furnished. The order should also show the destination, time of departure, probable duration of absence and the nature of the duty to be performed. FIELD SERVICE 331 Officers' Equipment and Personal Effects. (See Supplement, Chap. XXI, Par. 131.) v A piece of canvas this shape ID 0_ [H or Folded &anke,t The flap A folds over the mattress; B buckles over on the top of D, which is folded over the mattress; C, on which are pockets for toilet articles, etc., is buckled over on the top of the other flaps. The whole is then rolled into as small a roll as possible and strapped or roped. The pillow, blankets, towels, extra underwear, etc., are car ried in the roll. The canvas can be made into a hammock or a sleep- ing bag. (Some officers piefer a piece of canvas of rectangular shape, i. e., cut away at the corners like the above piece). An officer's canvas bedding roll may be purchased from the Quartermaster's Department (Cir. 22, 1909, and 3, 1910). Cost, $6.28. The Q. M. clothing roll costs $3.12. A piece of canvas or matting about 3x6 feet is very convenient to cover the floor of the tent near the cot. The following list of articles is, of course, subject to curtail- ment, depending upon personal taste and the available transportation, climatic conditions, probable duration of field service, etc.: Bath tub, rubber. Blankets. Bucket, G. I. and dipper (or a folding rubber bucket). Camp chair and table, folding. Candles. Candlesticks. Can opener. Cards, playing. ^ Carry-all, with pockets for whisk broom, tooth brush and pow der, hair comb and brush, shaving materials, etc. 332 CHAPTER XXI Chocolate should be carried when amount of food is limited because of lack of transportation or for other reasons. Clothing extra shirts and trousers. Clothes hooks which can be attached to tent pole. Coat, i extra. Cold cream, if winter fine for chapped lips, etc. Comb and brush. Compass. Corkscrew. Cot, G. M. Diary. Some officers make it a rule always to keep a diary while in the field. It is very convenient to refer to afterwards as to dates, etc., when various things have occurred. Emergency ration. It's a good plan to have always in your kit one emergency ration. Field glasses. 1 (The Goerz Army and Navy Binoculars, manu- factured by the C. P. Goerz American Optical Company, 317-323 East 34th St., New York, are recommended, being especially constructed for hard field service. The large field of these glasses enables one to see in the early morning and in the evening when the light is too faint to use the ordinary field glass. Having a very large field, they are easy to hold steady. They are sold to Army and National Guard officers at the same price that the Government pays.) First aid packet. Flannel shirt. Footgear (boots, shoes, rubber boots, or what not, according to nature of duty). Handkerchiefs. Hatchet (small). Housewife, with needles, pins, thread, buttons, etc. Lantern with lantern candles (or a folding lantern). Map of the country to be traversed. Matches. Medicine. A pocket aluminum medicine case, weighing three or four ounces, with tubes containing some such medicines as: / Tablets of aloin, belladonna, strychnine, and capsicum, to be taken at night to relax bowels by morning. 2 Acetanilid, extremely, antiseptic; internally, for fever. 3 Aspirine in capsules. For rheumatism, 5 grains every 5 hours. 1 Field glasses may be purchased from the Signal Corps. FIELD SERVICE 333 5 Squib's Mixture, in tablet form, for cramps and diarrhea. 6- Ipecac tablets, to induce vomiting in case of poisoning, etc. 7 Compound cathartic pills (of the pharmacopoeia. ) 8 Quinine. 9 Morphia and atropin for surgical pain. (Tablets should not be over ^ grain of morphine and 1-120 of atrophine.) 10 Capsicum, nux vomica, and ipecac, digestant. IT Heroin tablets (gr. 1-24). For coughs. Such a case can be obtained from any large drug store. It is also well to take along a roll of zinc oxide plaster for abrasions, cuts, blisters, etc.; also, some sodium hyposulphate "Hypo" for chigers. Bacon fat is also excellent for this purpose. Mirror, hand. Money. $20 or $25, depending upon circumstances, financial and otherwise. If you have a bank account, it might be well to carry two or three blank checks. Odometer for use on one of the wagons. Overcoat in case of possibility of chilly evenings. Pillow (with colored pillowcase). Pocket knife. Poncho (or rubber cape or mackintosh. In the cavalry, a pommel slicker). Razor, with strop, shaving soap (Williams, stick), and brush Reading matter. Rope about 12 feet of 4-inch rope to be tied to upright poles near top of tent to hang clothes on. Scissors. Shoes one extra pair. Shoe laces (two or three extra pair). Slippers. Soap (toilet and laundry). Toilet soap in tin box. Sponge, large (in oil-silk bag). Stationery, etc., including a fountain pen, pencils, carbon-dupli- cating notebook, ordinary notebook, postage stamps, paper fasteners, assorted rubber bands. Also a pencil with one red end and the/other blue. One of the various Field Message Books might prove useful. Sticking plaster (zinc oxide adhesive plaster, in spool form, is the best). Tobacco. Toilet paper. 334 CHAPTER XXI Tooth brush and powder. Towels (face and bath). Trousers, 1 pair. Underwear (shirts, drawers and socks). Wash basin, tin or rubber. Watch. (A small watch, worn in a leather bracelet, is recom mended). Whisk broom. Whiskey (or brandy), if desired. A ball of twine, a few screw eyes and hooks and a few nails and tacks might not be amiss. A In cold weather, it is most important both for comfort and health that the extremities be kept warm at night. A sweater with high rolling collar, a pair of heavy woolen socks and a woolen knitted nightcap are excellent for this purpose, being equivalent to two or three blankets. In mosquito time, a mosquito head-net should be taken along. Under certain conditions the following might be taken in an officer's kit: A hollow-handle tool set. Tent-pole hooks. Combination knife (the "H. H. H." knife made by Oscar Bar- nett, Newark, N. J., is very good). Portable shower bath ("The Gorrien," made by the Plant Rub- ber Co., Minneapolis, Minn., is very good.) Field Quartermaster and Commissary If necessary, designate one of the lieutenants to act as quarter- master and commissary. If wood and forage are to be purchased and other expenses incurred, the necessary arrangements as to blanks, etc., must be made. For blanks that should be carried along, see Supplement, Chap. XXI, Par. 132. If checks are to be issued, then a check book must also be carried. In addition to the above a memorandum book should be carried in which each voucher as to amount of purchases, cost, services, etc., should be entered also the actual issues and expenditures made daily in fact, a journal of all transactions which will require reports to be FIELD SERVICE 335 Allowance of fuel per day for 100 men: Hard wood, 2 cd. ft. 3 in. Soft wood, 3 cd. ft. 11 in. Allowance of forage and straw: Hay, 14 Ibs. each animal. Straw, 3i ibs. each animal. Grain, 9 Ibs. each mule; 12 Ibs. each horse. All vouchers for rent for camping ground must state time the ground is occupied (for example, from 1 to 4, July, 1903). Transportation Ascertain what transportation you will have. If wagon, have it report to you as early as practicable for your personal inspection, at which the post quartermaster should be present. If rail or water transportation is to be furnished, obtain the necessary transportation requests from the quartermaster and the liquid coffee money from the commissary. The cars should be inspected before the troops embark and also after they disembark, and their condition noted. For field allowance of transportation and the amount of supplies to be carried, see "Manual for Quartermasters Serving in the Field." Tentage If the order does not state the amount and kind of tentage to be taken, get this information from the adjutant. If conical or wall tents are to be taken, they should be pitched and inspected as soon as drawn from the quartermaster. The tent pins should be carried in a box or in sacks and not in the tents. A tent fly or a paulin (with upright and ridge poles) should be carried for shelter over the kitchen. Rations Ascertain how many days' rations you are to take and then con- sult the first sergeant, the quartermaster sergeant and the cooks as to what articles of the ration are to be taken. If there is sufficient transportation, soft bread should be taken for the first two days. The rations should be drawn and taken to the company as soon as practicable, so as to be on hand in ample time to be loaded when the transportation reports. The quartermaster sergeant should be charged with this. 336 CHAPTER XXI If, before returning, rations are to be drawn from some other commissary, do not fail to get your ration certificate (Form 27, Sub. Dept.), from the post commissary. For method of messing troops traveling by rail, see Supplement. Chap. XXI, Par. 133. Forage The amount of forage should be cut down to the lowest neces- sary amount. As a rule teamsters and quartermasters want to load up with extra forage. Ammunition If the order does not state how much ammunition is to be taken, ascertain the amount from the adjutant. Medicines for Animals A supply of the veterinary medicines commonly used for colic, burns, etc. Equipage Consult the first sergeant and the quartermaster sergeant about the matter. Generally the following articles would answer for a com- pany of 65 men: 1 field range, or two buzzacotts. 8 camp kettles. 8 mess pans. 1 pot rack. 6 buckets, G. I. 3 lanterns. (If you can get them, 1 for each tent.) 6 axes and 6 extra helves. 6 camp hatchets and 4 extra helves. (The axes and hatchets should be provided with leather covers that protect the edges and also prevent damage to other articles with which they may be packed.) 4 picks and 1 extra helve. 3 shovels, S. H. 2 spades. i Sibley stove and pipe to every tent in winter. The following articles should also be carried: Some 4-inch and J-inch rope. A saw. Ratchet brace and assorted bits (including a screw-driver bit). A file. FIELD SERVICE 337 Lanterns. One ball twine. Rivets. An assortment of 6, 10, 20 and 60 penny nails. A spring balance which will weigh about 200 Ibs. is an excel- lent thing to carry along can be used in verifying weights of beef, forage, stores, etc., preventing disputes that usually arise from "guess ing" at weights. Field Desk Have the company clerk pack the field desk, which should al- ways contain these articles: 1 Army Regulations, Field Service Regulations, and Drill Regulations. 2 Manual for Courts-Martial and Manual of Guard Duty. 3 Quartermaster's Manual. 4 Field Morning Report. 5 Descriptive Lists, Military Records, and Statements of Accounts (with latest clothing order.) 6 Sick Report. 7 Duty Roster. 8 Property Book. 9 Memorandum Book for data for muster and pay rolls. 10 General Orders and Circulars, War Dept, since publica- tion of last Army Regulations. Master Rolls. Descriptive Lists. /j Certificate of Disability for Discharge. 14 Inventory of Effects of Deceased Soldiers. 75 Special Descriptive List of Deserters. 16 Record of Previous Convictions, Summary Court. // Statement of Service. 18 Company Return. 79 Return of Casualties in action (to be taken only in case of expected action). 20 Special Field Return. 21 Furloughs. 22 Discharge (honorable and without honor). 23 Final Statements. 24 Ration Returns. 338 CHAPTER XXI 25 List of Soldier's Allotments. 26 Soldier's Allotments to be Discontinued and to Expire. 27 Pa> Rolls. 28 Survey Blanks. < 29 Inventory and Inspection Reports. 30 Mucilage. 31 Envelopes. 32 Rubber erasers. 33 Ink eraser. 34 Pins and paoer fasteners. 35 Tape. 36 Ink (red and black), pens, penholders and pencils. 37 Sealing wax. 38 Blotting paper. 39 Rubber bands. 40 Ruler. 41 Paper pads plain and also carbon-duplicating. 42 One or two blank books. 43 Letter paper and legal cap paper. 44 Candles. 45 Matches. The correspondence book may he kept in a memorandum book and transferred to the permanent records upon return to post. What other books and blanks are to be carried will depend upon what reports and returns may be required, ihe probable duration of the field service and other circumstances. If, for instance, the company is to be out from May 1 to July 15, several men are to be discharged and reenlisted; telegrams are likely to be sent and transportation requests issued; and an ordnance return to be submitted, then the fol- lowing additional articles are to be carried: / Official telegram blanks. 2 Transportation Requests. 3 Railroad Guide. 4 Descriptive and Assignment Cards. 5 Enlistment papers. * 6 Special Tri-monthly Report, recruiting service. 7 Physical Examination .of Recruits. 8 Statement of Charges. (Q. M. D.) 9 Return of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores (with retained copy of last return). FIELD SERVICE 339 10 Receipt Invoice for Transfer of Ordnance Property in the Field. // Abstract of Expenditures (Ordnance;. 12 Statement of Charges (Ordnance). IS Addressed Penalty Envelopes foi Return of Ordnance Stores. NOTE. The only periodical reports or returns made by an officer in command of a detachment on detached service, are the muster rolls (Feb. 28, Apr. 31, June 30, Aug. 31, Oct. 31. and Dec. 31) and the pay rolls (monthly). No other reports or returns are rendered unless required by special instructions. Medicines If no surgeon is to accompany the command the following medicines should be taken along, the directions being plainly marked on each package : Doses Use 1 oz. Brifk cathartic Medicines Magnesium sulphate Compound cathartic pills Castor oil Camphor and opium pills Squibb's Mixture Bismuth powders Aromatic spirits of ammonia Whiskey Potassium chlorate Tincture of iodine Brown Mixture Quinine sulphate tab- lets (3 grains) to 3 pills to 1 oz. Cathartic Bland cathartic; in diarrhea, etc. 1 to 2 pills 30 to 90 drops 10 to 30 grains 30 to 60 drops i to 1 oz. Saturated solution (All that water will dissolve) Paint over surface 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls 1 to 4 tablets used dys- For diarrhea and entery Intestinal colic and diarrhea Indigestion and diar- rhea Stimulant to the heart; used in heat ex- haustion Stimulant As a gargle for sore throats For inflammations, con- tusions, bruises, etc., where the skin is not broken Bronchitis For colds, malaria 1 fever tonics, etc. 34C CHAPTER XXI Copaiba pills Carbolized vaseline 1 to 3 pills Emollient Gonorrhea and other inflammations of the urinary tract, also sub-acute and chron- ic-bronchitis Dressings in sores and skin affections A.mmonia or soap lini- ment Morphine sulphate Potassium bromide Pepsin Mustard plaster Powdered Ipecac Mint tablets Sodium salicylate Phenacetin External use Sprains, bruises, etc. i to I grains To relieve pain 10 to 15 grains To quiet the system and produce sleep 10 to 30 grains Indigestion External use Counter-irritant 30 grains To produce vomiting in case of poisoning 1 to 2 tablets Sour stomach 1 to 3 tablets Rheumatism 3 to 5 grains For headache and fev- ers. Combined with salol for influenza Dressings: Sublimated gauze, bandages, first-aid packets, ab- sorbent and safety, splints, iodoform, adhesive plaster and pins (com- mon), cotton, cotton batting. Funda Take along the company fund check book and about $50 in cash from the company fund. Maps If possible, take along a map of the country to be traversed. Sick and Prisoners 1 Make arrangements about leaving behind the sick and general prisoners. In the cavalry and artillery provision must be made for the horses, if any, to be left behind. Sometimes men to be discharged while the troops are on a prac- tice march and who do not intend to reenlist, are left at the post. The descriptive lists of all men. remaining at the post, including those in the hospital, must be left with the proper officers. Officers' Mess Detail a soldier to cook for the mess and designate one of the lieutenants to run the mess. The officer in charge should get a supply of subsistence stores and arrange for the necessary messing outfit, including table, camp chairs, etc. 1 In the field the construction of sinks, chopping of wood, hauling of water, etc., are usually done by prisoners, when there are any. Each company sends the necessary guard to get prisoners and to guard them while with the company. OFFICERS' MESS CHEST. (Designed by Capt. Robert Alexander, U. S. A.) All measurements given are interior. (Depth of tray, not in- cluding thickness of bot- ins.) * terior painted gray.) (Made of white pine, 94 inch thick. Partitions H inch thick. Corners rein- forced handles at ends Yale padlock and key ex CONTENTS. (Agate Ware.) 2 Baking pans (two sizes, so that one will fit into the other.) 1 Can opener. 6 Cans, with screw tops (cans in which Lowney's commissary candj comes). 1 Corkscrew. 1 Coffee pot (small). 6 Cups, with handles (3 ins. deep; 3JH$ ins. diam.) 6 Cups, without handles (conical shape, 3^ ins. high; 2% ins. diam. at top). 8 Forks, table. 1 Fork, iron, long. 1 Frying Pan. 1 Gridiron, wire, 1 Knife, meat. (Continued following page.) 342 CHAPTER XXI CONTENTS. (Agate Ware Continued.) 8 Knives, table. 1 Meat cleaver. 1 Pepper box. 1 Pitcher, small. 6 Plates (8& ins. diam.) 6 Plates (7 ins. diam.) 1 Platter (14 x 11 ins.) 1 Platter (12 x 8H ins.) 6 Ramekin dishes (5H ins. diam.; 1 in. deep). 1 Saltseller. 6 Soup bowls (5# ins. diam.; 2y 2 ins. deep;. 1 Soup ladle. 1 Spoon, iron, long. 10 Spoons, large. 8 Spoons, small. 3 Vegetable dishes (three sizes so that they will fit into one another). NOTE. A camp kettle, a mess pan or two, a table cloth and a dozen napkins should also be taken along. FIELD SERVICE 343 Special Field Return Submit the Field Return as required by Army Regulations. Care of Property to be Left Behind A reliable noncommissioned officer and one or two reliable pri- vates should be left behind to look after the barracks and the property not taken along. A company order should be issued making one of them responsible for all the property, and arrangements should be made about their mess during the absence of the company. As many articles of personal property as possible that are to be left behind are packed in the lockers, everything surplus being plainly marked with the owner's name and then packed in clothing boxes. Mattresses, pillows, sheets, pillowcases, lamps, etc., should be turned in to the quartermaster or left stored in the company quarters depending upon the probable length of field service. All surplus ord- nance should be carefully packed and locked or sealed. The company quarters and premises should be policed, the win- dows fastened, the doors locked and the keys turned over to the per- son to be in charge of the quarters. MARCHES In time of war, protection for troops on the march is provided by means of Advance Guards, Flanking Parties and Rear Guards. The average march for infantry is from 15 to 20 miles a day; for cavalry, from 20 to 25, and for artillery from 15 to 25. When practicable, marches should begin in the morning 1 after the men have had their breakfast, and the following general rules should be observed: / The canteens should be filled before the march begins. 2 Infantry should march about 3 miles an hour; cavalry about 5, alternating the walk and trot and occasionally dismounting and leading for short distances; the artillery about 4, the walk being the habitual gait. 3 The pace at the head of the column must be steady and the column must be kept closed up throughout its length. 1 If considerable distance is to be marched without water, the start should be made late in the afternoon and continued until night and then again early the next morning, halting before the sun gets hot. 344 CHAPTER XXI 4 After the first half or three-quarters of an hour's march, the command should be halted for about fifteen minutes to allow the men to relieve themselves and to adjust their clothing and accoutrements. 5 After the first rest, there should be a halt of ten minutes every hour. Immediately upon halting, the company should be cautioned, "Any man wishing to relieve himself, do so at once" otherwise some will wait until the halt is nearly over. 6 Indiscriminate rushing for water upon halting should not be allowed one or more men from every squad should be designated to fill the canteens of the squad. 7 No man should be allowed to leave the ranks without per- mission of his company commander. Men allowed to fall out on account of sickness should be given notes to the surgeon. If a man be very sick a noncommissioned officer or reliable. private should fall out with him. 8 Whenever a stream is forded or any obstacle passed, the head of the column should^be halted a short distance beyond, so as to enable the rest of the column to close up. 9 In crossing shallow streams, the men should be kepj: closed up and not allowed to pick their way. 10 All men should be made to keep their places in column. // A lieutenant or the first sergeant should march in rear of the company to look after stragglers. 12 Nibbling while actually marching should be prohibited. 13 When the troops march for the greater part of the day, a halt of an hour should be made about noon, near wood and water, if practicable. 14 The halt for the night should be made in plenty of time to allow tents to be pitched, supper cooked, etc., before dark. 75 Since marching at the rear of the column is more disagree- able and fatiguing than marching at the front, organizations should take daily turns in leading. 1 1 See "Marches" in the Infantry, the Cavalry and the Artillery Drill Regula- tions, in Field Service Regulations and in the Army Regulations. See also "The March in Campaign," in Munson's Military Hygiene. FIELD SERVICE 345 ARTICLES OF WAR ART. 54. Every officer commanding in quarters, garrison or on the march, shall keep good order, and, to the utmost of his power, re- dress all abuses or disorders which may be committed by ^ny officer or soldier under his command; and if, upon complaint made to him of officers or soldiers beating or otherwise ill-treating- any person, disturbing fairs or markets, or committing any kind of riot, to the disquieting of the citizens of the United States, he refuses or omits to see justice done to the offender, and reparation made to the party injured, so far as part of the offender's pay shall go toward such reparation, he shall be dismissed from the service, or otherwise pun- ished as a court martial may direct. ART. 55. All officers and soldiers are to behave themselves or- derly in quarters and on the march; and whoever commits any waste or spoil, either in walks or trees, parks, warrens, fish ponds, houses, gardens, grain fields, inclosures, or meadows, or maliciously destroys any property whatsoever belonging to inhabitants of the United States (unless by order of a general officer commanding a separate army in the field) shall, besides such penalties as he may be liable to by law, be punished as a court martial may direct. In time of war protection for troops in camp is provided by means of Outposts. The art of laying out camps is called castrametation. The following conditions must be considered in the selection of camp sites: / Location. 2 Water, wood and grass. 3 Sanitation, and in time of war, defense and safety. Camps should be on slightly sloping ground, well drained and subject to sunny exposures. Sandy or deep, gravelly soil is desirable, but muddy rivers, ponds, swamps, made ground, alluvial soil and en- closed ravines must be avoided. In time of war all hills and eminences near by should be occupied by pickets. When camp is established for an indefinite period, drain- age should be attended to at once. Each tent should have a shallow 346 CHAPTER XXI trench dug around it and the company and other streets ditched on both sides, all the trenches and ditches connecting with a ditch that carries the water from the camp. All surface drainage from higher ground should be intercepted and turned aside. In front of every camp of a permanent nature, there should be a parade ground for drills and ceremonies, and the sanitary condi- tions of the camp should be carefully considered. In camping for the night on a fordable stream that is to be crossed, always cross before going into camp; for a sudden rise or the appearance of the enemy might prevent the crossing the next morning. Whenever windstorms are expected, the tent pegs should be secured and additional guy ropes attached to the tents. If the soil be loose or sandy, stones or other hard material should be placed under the tent poles to prevent their working into the soil, thus leaving the tent slack and unsteady. When the soil is so loose that the pegs will not hold at all, fasten the guy ropes to brush, wood or rocks buried in the ground. Tents may be prevented from blowing down by being made fast at the corners to posts firmly driven into the ground, or by passing ropes over the ridge poles and fastening them to pegs firmly driven into the ground. While trees add very much to the comfort of a camp, care should be exercised not to pitch tents near trees whose branches or trunks might fall. In a hostile country the capability of defense of a camp site should always be considered. , r Making Camp The command should be preceded by the commanding officer or a staff officer, who selects the camp site, and designates, by plant- ing stakes, the lines of tents, the positions of the sinks, guard -tent, kitchens, picket line, etc. After the companies are marched to their proper positions and arms are stacked, the details for guard and to bring wood, water, dig sinks, pitch tents, handle rations, etc., should be made before ranks are broken. Immediately upon reaching camp and before the men are allowed to go around, patrolling sentinels should be established to prevent FIELD SERVICE 347 -v men from polluting the camp site or adjoining ground before the sinks are constructed. Sentinels should be posted over the water supply without delay. As soon as the tents have been pitched and the sinks dug, the camp should be inspected and all unnecessary sentinels relieved. The tents should be pitched and the sinks dug simultaneously. If the weather is at all threatening or if it is intended to camp more than one night, all tents should be ditched. Should the troops reach camp before the wagons, the companies may be divided into squads and set to work clearing the ground, gathering fire wood, collecting leaves, grass, etc., for beds, etc. The moment a command reaches camp its officers and men usually want to go here and there under all sorts of pretexts. No one should be allowed to leave camp until all necessary instructions have been given. Officers should not be allowed to leave camp without permission from the commanding officer, and enlisted men should not be per- mitted to leave camp without permission of their company com- manders. Sick call should be held as soon as practicable after the tents have been pitched. Retreat roll call should always be under arms, an officer being with each company and inspecting its arms. Construction of Sinks The sinks must be dug immediately upon reaching camp their construction must not be delayed until the camps have been pitched and other duties performed. The number of sinks should be reduced to a minimum each company should not be permitted to have its own sink there should be one sink to each battalion. The exact location of the sinks should be determined by the commanding officer, or by some officer designated by him, the following considerations being observed: / They should be so located as not to contaminate the water supply, and should be on the leeward side of the camp. 2 They should not be placed where they can be flooded by rain water from higher ground, nor should they be so placed that they can pollute the camp by overflow in case of heavy rains. 3 They should be as far from the tents as is compatible with convenience if too near, they will be a source of annoyance; if too 348 CHAPTER XXI far, some men, especially at night, and particularly if affected with diarrhea, will defecate before reaching the sink. Under ordinary circum- stances, a distance of about 75 yards is considered sufficient. 4. The sinks and the kitchens should always be widely separated, and when practicable should be on opposite sides of the camp. The size of the sink will depend on the length of time the camp is to be occupied. If it be for only one night, a trench about two feet wide and two feet deep will be sufficient, its length depending upon the number of men to be accommodated; a length of about twenty feet being sufficient for a company of one hundred men. If the camp is to be occupied for several days, the sink should be about six feet deep, three feet wide at the top and two feet at the bottom. The soil from the trench should be piled to the rear, from where it can be scattered as needed over the deposits. The seat may be formed by placing a good stout pole on the edge, about 18 inches above the ground, and supported at each end by forked posts. The sink should be hidden from s view by brushwood stuck into the ground and a roof of boughs should be constructed to keep off the sun. At least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, the police party should cover the bottom with a slight layer of loose earth. Better still, each man should be made to cover his own defeca- tion with earth, ashes or lime. As a general rule, one soldier for every sink should be especially detailed to see that the defecations are properly covered and that all other rules pertaining to the sinks are obeyed. Lime or crude petroleum, if available, should be spread over the deposits, petroleum being especially good to keep flies away. When the sink is filled to within two or three feet of the surface its use is to be discontinued and earth thrown in and packed until a slight mound is made above it. All sinks should be filled in before marching. See "The Sanitary Administration of the Camp," in "Munson's Military Hygiene." Kitchens The following are simple methods of constructing camp kitchens: 1 Dig a hole about two feet deep, in which build a fire and keep it burning until the hole is full of hot ashes; put what is to be cooked in covered pans which are placed in the hole and covered with ashes, on top of which keep a fire burning briskly. FIELD SERVICE 349 2 Dig a trench in the direction of the wind, of a width a little less than the diameter of the kettles and about one foot deep at the end from which the wind is blowing, continuing this depth for four or five feet and then gradually decreasing it until the surface of the ground is reached. Build a fire in the deep part of the trench; be- ginning a short distance from the deep end of the trench, place the kettles over the fire touching one another, stopping up with dry sod the chinks made by the roundness of the kettles, so that the space underneath will form a flue. 3 Dig a trench about two feet wide, one foot deep and five feet long; at each end drive into the ground a forked stick, of equal heights and place upon them a stout sapling, from which suspend the kettles 4 In clay soil, preferably on the slope of a hill, dig a hole about three feet square and two feet deep; from one side of the hole, and about one foot below the surface of the ground, run a lateral shaft about one foot square and six feet long, sinking a vertical shaft at the end; connect the lateral shaft with the surface of the ground by three equidistant holes, over which the kettles are placed. As a precautionary measure against setting the camp on fire, all dry grass, underbrush, etc., in the immediate vicinity of the kitchen should be cut down. In case of a fire in camp, underbrush, spades, shovels, blankets, etc., are used to beat it out. Gunny sacks dipped in water are the best fire fighters. Burning away dried grass and underbrush around exterior of camp is a great protection against fire from outside. KITCHEN PITS Pits of convenient size should be constructed for the liquid refuse from the kitchens. Solid refuse should be burned either in the kitchen fire or at some designated place, depending upon whether the camp is of a temporary or permanent nature. Unless the camp be of a very temporary nature, the pits should be covered with boards or material in order to exclude the flies. All pits should be filled in with earth before breaking camp. 350 CHAPTER XXI The Incineration Pit used by the National Guard of Pennsylvania, and shown in the following diagram, affords an excellent, simple and economical way of disposing of camp waste and offal, tin cans and dish-water included: FIELD SERVICE 351 Description. The pit is about 4 l / 2 feet long, l l / 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep at one end and 2^ at the other. It is partially filled with stones, the larger ones on the bottom and the smaller on the top. At one end of the pit the stones extend a little above the surface, and slope gradually toward the other end until the fire pit is reached ten inches below the surface of the trench. Over the fire pit, about five inches above the ground, is placed a crab or a piece of boiler iron, on which is boiled all the water for washing dishes, etc. The fire pit is only about one- half of the stone surface, as the radiated heat keeps the rest of the stones hot, causing all dish and slop water to evaporate quickly. Any tin cans that may be thrown into the fire pit are removed after a short exposure to the heat and placed in a trench especially dug for the purpose. Ovens A simple camp oven may be constructed as follows: Place horizontally a barrel with iron hoops in a hole of proper width and of a depth equal to about one-fourth of the diameter of the barrel; except at the open end, which is to be the mouth, cover the barrel with six or eight inches of wet earth, preferably clay; fill the bottom of the barrel with mud until an even floor is formed; cover all the mud with several inches of sand, earth, etc.; make a flue of two or three inches in diameter at the further top end of the barrel, then light a fire in the barrel and keep it burning briskly until all the staves are burned out and the earth is well hardened. See "Bakery Facilities," page 174, "Munson's Military Hygiene," and "Field Baking Expedients," Manual For Army Bakers (1910), page 74. Bunks Place a number of small poles about seven feet long close to- gether, the upper ends resting on a cross pole about six inches in diameter and the lower ends resting on the ground; or, the poles may be raised entirely off the ground by being placed on cross poles sup- ported by forked stakes at the corners; on the poles place grass, leaves, etc. Wood The firewood should be collected, cut and piled near the kitchen. Dry wood is usually found under logs or roots of trees. If wagons are not heavily loaded, it is sometimes a good plan to bring a few sticks of dry wood from the preceding camp, or to pick up good wood en route. 352 CHAPTER XXI Water Precautionary measures should always be taken to prevent the contamination of the water, and a guard from the first troops reach- ing camp should be placed over the water supply. Water used for drinking purposes should be gotten from above the camp, and places below this point should be designated for watering the animals, bathing and washing clothes. In the field it is sometimes necessary to sterilize or filter water. The easiest and surest way of sterilizing water is by boiling. Boiled water should be aerated by being poured from one receptacle to an- other or by being filtered through charcoal or clean gravel. Unless boiled water be thus aerated it is very unpalatable and it is with difficulty that troops can be nade to drink it. Filtration merely clarifies it does not purify. The following are simple methods of filtration: / Dig a hole near the source of supply so that the water may percolate through the soil before being used. 2 Sink a barrel or box into, the ground, the water entering therein through a wooden trough packed with clean sand, gravel or charcoal. 3 Place a box or barrel in another box or barrel of larger size, filling the space between with clean sand, gravel, moss or charcoal, and piercing holes near the bottom of the outer barrel and near the top of the inner. The filter thus constructed is partly submerged in the water to be filtered. See also page 97. 4 Bore a small hole in the bottom of a barrel or other suitable receptacle, which is partly filled with layers of sand, gravel, and, if available, charcoal and moss. The water is poured in at the top and is collected as it emerges from the aperture below. The amount of water used by troops is usually computed at the rate of five gallons for each man and ten gallons for each animal per day. For a full discussion of the purification of drinking water, see "Water," Munson's Military Hygiene. Police of Camp The proper and efficient police of a camp is of the greatest im- portance, and the following regulations should be enforced: / Company commanders will maintain neatness and proper sanitary conditions within their respective organizations. FIELD SERVICE 353 2 The officer of the day is charged with the general policing of the camp, utilizing prisoners and fatigue parties for the purpose. 3 Company commanders will make daily inspections of their company quarters, kitchens and sinks. 4 The company streets will be swept daily, and the intervening spaces between tents carefully policed. 5 All tents will be swept out daily. 6 All bedding will be sunned daily. 7 The condition of the outskirts of the camp will be given close attention, being kept free from all refuse. 8 In fair weather, every morning after breakfast the tent walls will be looped up. In cold weather the tent walls will be raised dar- ing the absence of the occupants at drill or other duty. Q Every night at tattoo and also during wet weather the tent ropes will be slackened. They will be tightened again at reveille or when the weather clears. LOADING WAGONS The property to be loaded should be carefully inspected before any is loaded, to see that everything is in good order and properly boxecl, crated or tied. Large heavy boxes should be avoided. The following general rules must be observed: / Heavy stuff must go on the bottom (and forward rather than rear) and light stuff on top thus, heavy articles will not crush light ones "and the centre of gravity will be nearer the axles, making the turning over of the load more difficult. 2 Things needed first upon reaching camp must be placed on top or in rear. The following method of loading a wagon is in accordance with the general principles cited above: Ammunition. Ordinarily just back of the forward axle. In case of possible need, however, the ammunition should be placed where it could be gotten at immediately. Axes, Spades, Shovels, and (Unhandled) Picks. Should be out- side of wagonbed, in leather pockets or strong bags, or stood on end at rear of wagon. They should not be placed between the sides of the wagon and the load. 1 Brooms can be improvised by tying together a number of small twigs of equal length. The leafy branches of trees will answer the same purpose. * Poles supported by forked uprights are convenient for drying and sunning garments and bedding. 354 CHAPTER XXI Blanket Rolls. If to be carried on wagon, they should be rolled tightly and left straight not tied in a circle and loaded on top, crosswise. Buzzacott Oven. On back of wagon, resting on end on feed box and secured by rope or chain. Camp Kettles and Buckets. Under the wagon, suspended from the reach pole. Field Desk. To be placed on or near bottom and well forward, as it is seldom required early. Field Range. On bottom, at rear end of wagon. Forage. If to be carried on wagon, in front of ammunition. Lashing. Use two pieces of 54-inch rope about 75 feet long, passing over load first from front to rear diagonally, and finally se- cured by being tied to rings on the rear bolster standards never to the end gate rods. The rope should be passed through strong hooks securely clinched to the body of the wagon, and not passed around the ends of the bows. Mess Tables (with folding legs.) To be stood on end at rear end of wagon. Officers' Bedding Rolls. To be on top of load. Rations. Surplus rations (not required for next camp) in bot- tom of wagon, between ammunition and ration box. Bacon should be on the bottom of wagon, where the grease will do no harm. Ration Box. Next to field range, toward front of wagon. After the field range has been unloaded, the ration box is readily accessible and need not be unloaded. At every camp the ration box should be restocked for the next camp. Sibley Stoves. Slung on chain, just outside of feed box and below the Buzzacott oven. Stove Pipe. Should be crated and lashed on in rear of a wagon. Tentage. Should be rolled and not folded, except in places where absolutely necessary and placed across wagon, on top of boxes, etc. (Attention is invited to the fact that canvas becomes unserv- iceable more from handling and transportation than from wear when in actual use in sheltering troops). The tents, properly dried out, should be laid out smoothly on the ground; the part of the wall appearing uppermost should be FIELD SERVICE 355 folded over toward the peak of the tent; that underneath should be (by lifting the lower part of the tent) in like manner folded under and toward the peak; then by commencing at the peak, at the final folding, the wall of the tent will appear on the outside of the com- pleted roll. Ropes not required for securing the bundle should be folded inside. Tent Pins. On top, in sacks. Tent Poles. Should be tied with a rope and placed just inside the bows so as to extend above the wagon bed side; or carried in two iron hooks suspended from side ol v/agon bed, about four feet apart. NOTES / Pots and Kettles. Should be in gunny sacks so as not to dirty everything. a The Quartermaster-Sergeant should ride on one of the wagons. 3 A Noncommissioned Officer should personally superintend the loading of every wagon, the same noncommissioned officer always having charge of the same wagon. 4 The Jockey Box should be left entirely for use of teamster, and in which should be kept wrench, grease, spare bolts, mule shoes, etc. 5 A detail of men, the size of which depends upon the number of wagons, should accompany the train. Often the guard, or old guard performs this duty, but it is preferable to detail men who know how to meet emergencies such as a wagon tipping over on a hillside, wagons requiring repacking, mule down and hurt, etc. THE CARE OF THE FEET The feet should be kept clean and the nails cut close and square. An excellent prevemative against sore feet is to wash them every night in hot (preferably salt) water and then dry thoroughly. Rubbing the feet w'th hard soap, grease or oil of any kind before starting on a march is also good. Sore or blistered feet should be rubbed with tallow from a lighted candle and a little common spirits (whiskey or alcohol in some other form) and the socks put on at once. Blisters should be perforated and the water let out, but the skin must not be removed. A little alum in warm water is excellent for tender feet. Two small squares of zinc oxide plaster, one on top of the other, will prevent the skin of an opened blister from being pulled off. Llnder no circumstances, should a soldier ever start off on a march with a pair of new shoes. 356 CHAPTER XXII CHAPTER XXII THE POST ATHLETIC OFFICER {See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.} GENERAL DUTIES The proper performance of the duty of POST ATHLETIC OFFICER, like the proper performance of any other duty, requires work and attention to business. The Post Athletic Officer has general charge of all athletics at the post, including gymnasium work. His management of them will depend not only upon his tact and his knowledge of athletics, but also upon the scope -which is allowed him by the commanding officer, and upon the enthusiasm which he can inspire in the company officers and men. He should endeavor, as far as possible, to avoid a feeling amongst the men that athletics is a drill, for the moment men so re- gard it, just that moment they may begin to do it in a perfunctory way. Skill and tact must be used in creating rivalry among the var- ious organizations, and everything possible should be done to bring into the competitions as many men as possible. Handicaps, the bar- ring of former winners from certain events, and awarding prizes will do much toward accomplishing these ends. He should encourage amongst the officers and the enlisted men of the command such games as tennis, golf, quoits, polo, baseball, football, skating, snowshoeing, swimming, etc. The exercises should be short (from 15 to 20 minutes) and con- stantly varied so that interest may not lag. He is also charged with the preparation of the program for the various field days, and he also looks after all apparatus, the grounds, etc. The Post Athletic Officer should be thoroughly familiar with all the rules of the Amateur Athletic Association, and he should study the standard authorities on athletics. ( A copy of the rules of the Amateur Athletic Association can be obtained from A. G. Spalding & THE POST ATHLETIC OFFICER 357 Bros., New York, or almost any other athletic dealer, at a cost of about 25 cents.) li is thought the be" s t" r e sutf s ai^^oBtain e d when the plan of instruction is based on these general principles: 1 The strength of the soldier is determined by the strength of his weakest physical part hence, every effort should be made toward strengthening the weak points of the soldier and not toward increasing the power of muscles already strong. 2 Everything possible should be done to produce all-around athletes, and not specialists in particular lines or in a limited number of athletic exercises hence, exercises which result in moderate benefit to many are preferable to those which result in great benefit to only a few. 3 With a view to obtaining the best results for the greatest number, contests should be so arranged and managed as to arouse interest and friendly rivalry between squads, platoons, companies and battalions, rather than between individuals consequently special at- tention should be given to team work, and to team competition. 4 Whenever practicable, instruction should be held out of doors, and the directions contained in "Koehler's Manual of Calis- thenics," pages 1-4, under the headings, "Advice to Instructors" and "Hygiene," should be carefully followed. 5 The mind must be put into the work, and the will power con- centrated upon the exercises, that the muscles may feel the strain. This is the fundamental principle of successful physical training. Field Days. Every effort should be made to give the day the air of a holiday, devoted to amusement and recreation, and whenever practicable, music should be furnished for the occasion. The contests on the various field days should be of a progres- sive nature, sufficiently limited to avoid being tiresome, varied to such an extent as to afford diversion and amusement, and of a kind to arouse emulation, friendly rivalry and general interest in physical culture, while at the same time developing muscular strength, agility and endurance in performing functions pertaining to legitimate mili- tary training. As far as possible the contests should be conducted in accord- ance with the rules of the Amateur Athletic Union, and as far as practicable the officials should be those prescribed by these rules. 358 CHAPTER XXII In planning and in managing field days, the Post Athletic Offi cer should try to forget that he is ordering a lot of soldiers he should act on the principle of handling 2 !ot of athletes bclongirg *o differ ent clubs, regarding each organization as a club. A system of handicapping conforming to the Amateur Athletic Union rules should apply, and in addition to the open handicap events there should be a separate set of events open to maiden entries, 01 men who have .not been placed in these events in former competitions All details should be carefully prearranged so that the pro- gram will be carried out without any hitch or delays between events that is to say, by foresight and otherwise everything possible should be done to inject life, snap and vim into the program. SAMPLE ORDER FOR A FIELD DAY GENERAL ORDERS, No. ... 1. In compliance with General Orders No. 121, current series, Department of Texas, Field Day will be held at this post on December 30, 1907. The following named officers are detailed as officials for the dav.: Referee: Major , Qth Infantry. Judges: Major , Qth Infantry. Major , 3d Field Artillery. Captain , Qth Infantry. Starter: Captain , Qth Infantry. Time-keepers: ist Lieut , Qth Infantry. ist Lieut , Qth Infantry. Clerk of the course: ist Lieut , Battalion Adjutant, Qth Infantry. Inspectors: Captain , Qth Infantry. Captain , Qth Infantry. Captain , 3rd Field Artillery. Scorer and reporter: ist Lieut , Battalion Adjutant, Qth Infantry. THE POST ATHLETIC OFFICER 359 The following events will be contested for, the value in points for 1st, 2d, and 3d place and number of entries per company or bat- tery being set after each: ATHLETICS FOR ALL TROOPS. Place Place Place Entries 1st 2nd 3rd 1. 100 yard dash 2 1 J4 1 2. 120 yard hurdles, 10 hurdles 2 ft. 6 in. high 3 1^ 1 1 3. Relay race 5 2 1 Teams of four men from each battalion, one man to be posted at scratch and others at 110 yard intervals. The message to be car- ried by relays to a point 440 yards from scratch. Relays must start from mark. Message must not be passed before mark is reached. Running pass permitted. 4. Litter bearer's race: 4211 Uniform : Olive-drab breeches, woolen shirt, leggins, and regu- lation shoes for both men. Hats not required. Supposed wounded man, weight not less than 140 pounds, to be placed on ground 75 yards from scratch. Contestant to run to man, pick him up and carry him back to scratch. Wounded man to have his legs strapped to gether, and to render no assistance. Body not to be stiffened. 5. Pitching single shelter tent: 5311 Uniform: Olive-drab breeches, woolen shirt, leggins, campaign hat and regulation shoes. Teams to consist of two (2) enlisted men placed on line, rear rank man on right, right heel of front rank man marking positions of front tent pole. Each man to be equipped with blanket roll consisting of shelter half, pole, pins and guy rope not fastened in eyelet. Roll to be made up in presence of judges, according to para- graph 486, Infantry Drill Regulations, 1904. Tent to be pitched accord- ing to paragraph 570, Infantry Drill Regulations, 1904. Signal for start- ing, a pistol shot. Tent to be buttoned. Blanket to be neatly folded and placed in entrance of tent, each man's blanket on his side of tent. MILITARY EVENTS FOR INFANTRY ONLY. 1. Blank cartridge race: 4211 Uniform: Olive-drab breeches and shirt, leggins, service cap, regulation shoes, belt with bayonet in scabbard. Five blank cartridges on small sheet of paper, five yard intervals, to be brought one at a 360 CHAPTER XXII time and placed in clip, left on ground at scratch at side of rifle. After last cartridge has been placed in clip, the clip to be inserted in magazine, rifle loaded and fired in air as signal of completion. 2. Equipment race: 5 3 1 1 Competitors to be on stretch dressed in olive-drab breeches, olive-drab shirts and issue stockings. Shoes to be placed on ground at scratch; legeins at 2O-yard mark; olive-drab t>louse and cap at 40-yard mark; belt, bayonet and scabbard (bayonet to be out of scabbard) at 6o-yard mark; five rounds blank ammunition and clip (ammunition not in clip) at 8o-yard mark, rifle with bolt taken out and apart at loo-yard mark. At pistol shot, competitor puts on his shoes, fully. lacing same, then runs to 20-yard mark, puts on his leg- gins, fully lacing same; then runs to 40-yard mark, puts on his cap and blouse (blouse to be fully buttoned and hooked); then runs to 6o-yard mark, puts on his belt and places bayonet in scabbard; then runs to 8o-yard mark, inserts five blank cartridges in clip and places clip in cartridge box; then runs to loo-yard mark, assembles bolt,, puts bolt in rifle and returns to scratch; inserts clip in magazine, loads and fires his rifle as signal of completion. All things pre- scribed to be done at a certain mark, must be completed before start- ing for .the next mark. 3. Competitive squad drill: 10 5 2^ 1 Squad to consist of one corporal and seven privates, to be drilled by the corporal in the manual of arms and bayonet exercise as laid down in authorized drill regulations for infantry. Each competing squad to be allowed five minutes. Uniform: Olive-drab blouse, breeches, leggins, regulation shoes, service cap, belt with bayonet in scabbard, and rifle. MILITARY EVENTS FOR ARTILLERY ONLY. 1. Section contests: 10 5 1 Teams to consist of one composite section from each battery. At start, section to be placed in park, harness disposed of as in field, paragraph 298, drill regulations. Horses to wear halter and to be tied to wheels. Chief of section's horse tied to gun wheels. Caisson, corporal's horse tied to caisson wheels. Squad, consisting of chief of section, caisson corporal, six drivers and five cannoneers, to fall in in front of pole. Chief of section and drivers on the right. At pistol shot, section to harness, drivers and cannoneers to mount and section to proceed to mark 100 yards in advance of start, unlimber and fire THE POST ATHLETIC OFFICER 361 one shot. Sights will be set for deflection 924, range 1,750 yards Quadrant sight to be set for same range, and angle of sight to be 304. All corrections for difference in, level of wheels etc., to be made. (Piece to be laid for range only.) Section will go into action as prescribed in drill regulations. Caisson to be in its prescribed place, and guns and caissons prepared for action. Before the start, the section will be at "March Order:" muzzle covers, sight covers, etc., on as prescribed. Time to be taken from starting shot to first shot fired by piece. After finishing, each section to be inspected by judges and penalties in seconds given for each defect in harnessing and irregularity in sight seeing, laying, or position of carriages. Fire will be to the front. (Action front.) 2 Driving contest : 5 3 o i Caisson and limber fully harnessed, to drive at trot and gallop over figure 8 course, the figure 8 to be 100 yards long, a*:d wheel course to have six inche's clearance on both sides. Course 10 be marked by twelve stakes. Five seconds to be added to the time of thr run for each stake knocked down. Any athletic - dress may be worn in events Nos. i, 2 and 3 in athletics for all troops. Whenever blank cartridges are prescribed, the competitors will be furnished same by organizations to which they belong. In "Events for Infantry only" and in "Athletics for all Troops," no one man will be permitted to enter more than one event. In "Events for Artillery only," it is discretionary with battery commanders as to whether, or not more than one man will enter more than one event. A list of all entries from each company and battalion will be submitted to the officer in charge of post athletics by noon of Decem- ber 29, 1907. Each organization will have a team captain, either an officer or a noncommissioned officer, who will be responsible that all con- testants from his organization are- present at the beginning of the meet, and that in each event all contestants report promptly to the clerk of the course as the event is called. On the day of the meet all duties at the post, except the neces- sary guard and fatigue, will be suspended. On this day guard mount will be as follows : ist Call at 8 a. m., Assembly at 8:05 a. m. The meet will start at 8:30 a. m., and be held on the parade ground. The band will furnish appropriate music for the occasion. In case of inclement weather, the field day will be held on the first good day after January 1, 1908. 362 CHAPTER XXII NOTES. 1 When prizes are given they should be announced in the order, after each event. 2 The order should be issued at least two weeks before hand so as to allow the contestants sufficient time for training. Construction of an Athletic Field. The following diagram shows an athletic field that has been used with most satisfactory -esults: 500-Y out the writs and mandates of the courts. This is equally a suspension of the civil authority as is the inability of the judges to perform their usual duties. As to the manner of performing the duties that arise under martial law, in most cases there will exist a hearty cooperation be- tween the civil and the military authorities. While the civil authori- ties have been forced from their wonted duties, yet they should be consulted for advice and suggestions. When acting as "an aid to the civil" the military asks the civil authorities what they wish done, and then the military do it, only, of course, in their own way. Under martial law the military may and generally will ask opinions of the civil authorities regarding measures tending to restore tranquillity This, however, is advice merely. Under martial law the military generally continues in existence all civil powers possible, such as the various departments, fire, police, sanitation, etc. The military makes use of all the customary methods of municipal business, using the officialdom of municipal government, because the military is not familiar with such work and it will seldom be in sufficient force to handle all the civil duties in a disturbed com- munity. This is also in keeping with the general idea of martial law, that there should be as little upsetting of the customary run of affairs as possible. The duty of the military is to bolster up the civil authority and as speedily as possible restore the usual conditions. The legal responsibility of officers under martial law is exactly the same as when the troops are being used "in aid of the civil." Necessity is the measure of responsibility here as in every other occasion of the use of the military. What was said above as to responsibility applies equally here and applies equally well to every phase of military action that we are here discussing. 5th. Under Military Government. Military Government arises only in time of war but it may con- tinue after war has ceased. It relates to the power and duties of a belligerent as a governor. It is the government applied to occupied enemy territory. This may be either foreign territory or our own territory where the status of belligerency exists, as in certain sec- tions during the civil war. This form of government is "exercised by the military com- mander under the direction of the President, with the express or 400 CHAPTER XXXI implied sanction of Congress." * Its limitations are practically the Laws of War. But there is this thought that officers should bear in mind the responsibility of officers here is the same as in other forms of the use of the military. If in exercising military government an officer unnecessarily injures a loyal citizen of our country he will be held responsible. 2 He might not be held responsible for injuries to an enemy, for it is doubtful if any court would ever hear complaints from an enemy. But his responsibility to those who have the right to sue in the established courts of this country is the same as stated above. Hence here, as elsewhere, necessity is the measure of an officer's re- sponsibility. The above is a discussion of the use of the Regular Army. The measure of responsibility, however, is the same for the Militia in its several uses as above described for the regular forces. The legality of the use of the Militia in regard to the manner of its calling out when done by a state, must be measured by the laws of the state. When called into use by the federal government the militia becomes federal forces and subject to the law as given in this chapter. 1 Ex parte Milligan. 4 Wall. 2 Mitchell v. Harmony. 13 Howard. An excellent book, "The Laws and Customs of Riot Duty," by Colonel Byron L. Barger, N. G. Ohio, is recommended to all National Guard officers. See Chapter XXXIII, page 408, on "Riot Duty." THE ARMY FOR RELIEF PURPOSES 401 CHAPTER XXXII THE USE OF THE ARMY FOR RELIEF PURPOSES IN PUBLIC CATASTROPHES. (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) Nature of Obligation. On occasions of great public catastro- phes, such as fire, flood, earthquake, etc., beyond the power of the civil authorities to properly alleviate, it is not a legal duty of the Army to offer assistance, but there may be a moral obligation to do so. There is no authority, general or otherwise, for the use of the Army in such emergencies the only justification is an absolute neces- sity to protect life and alleviate human suffering. Custom alone has sanctioned the action of commanding officers in offering assistance under such circumstances, but each case is a special one and must be solved by the commanding officer himself, who in all such cases acts on his own responsibility. In all cases where discretion and good judgment have been displayed, the War Department, and when necessary the Congress, has accorded approval and support. How to Proffer Assistance. Proffer of aid should be made to the chief administrative official of the town or city, and, except in very grave emergencies involving loss of life or other great, immediate and irreparable disaster, no action should be taken without the ex- pressed wish of said officials. When time permits such aid should be tendered in writing, and in all cases should be so recorded at the ear- liest practicable moment. Art. IV., Sec. IV. of the Constitution provides that "The United States shall protect each one of them [the states] against invasion, and on application of the legislature, or of the ex- ecutive (when the legislature can not be convened), from domestic violence." This article is the only one which authorizes the use of the forces of the general government in time of peace to assist a state 402 CHAPTER XXXII government, or a municipality within a state, in case of any kind ot domestic violence. A public calamity, such. as flood, fire, earthquake or pestilence, in itself is not "domestic violence" in the terms of the articles, but might be productive of violence by rendering powerless the civil au- thorities and tempting the lawless element of our population to commit crimes of violence. A commanding officer of troops, who has proffered assistance to the civil authorities should report at once his action in full to the War Department, through the next higher commander, by telegraph, including his communication to the state executive, and should request orders. He should also immediately take steps to assure his posi- tion by communicating with the executive of the state, informing him that the troops have been employed in the manner stated, at the request of, or after the acceptance of proffered services by the civil authorities at the place of calamity; that the troops are there without legal sanction and must be withdrawn unless the executive, by his action, obtains constitutional authorization for their further use under Art. IV., Sec. IV. of the Constitution; that he has communicated his action to the War Department and awaits orders from the same, by which he must regulate his future conduct; that he desires to assist the local authorities in every way, but is totally without police power unless the status of the troops be determined in the proper manner; that he will give a reasonable time to the executive for obtaining the action of the federal government, and that he is unwilling to remain longer without legal status. His action is then complete and he may abide by the later orders of his immediate superior or of the War Department. The troops should be directed thereupon to render assistance but not to assume police authority, relying on the moral effect of their presence to preserve order, until proper instructions may have been issued by the proper commander. (NOTE. The local civil authorities have no power to clothe troops or indi- viduals of the army with power to act as police or sheriff's posse, nor does their request for assistance legalize in any way the presence or action of troops.) Report of Action. Such emergent action on the part of a military commander should be immediately reported by telegraph to superior authority, with a clear statement of the extent of disaster, the services rendered, the probable length of duty, "etc. THE ARMY FOR RELIEF PURPOSES 403 Gratuitous Issue of Supplies. A commanding officer has no authority to issue rations,, medicines, clothing, and other government property to sufferers. An effort should be made to obtain special authority by telegraph. If all communication is cut off, the command- ing: officer must use his own judgment and take the chances the assumption of such responsibility shows the quality of the man. When the necessary authority has been obtained supplies issued are dropped on the certificate of the issuing officer without receipt, as expended by order of the Secretary of War, who must, of course, look to Congress for relief, as was done in the case of the San Francisco disaster. Status of the Army. Until the executive or legislature of a state shall have made the request required in Art. IV., Sec. IV, of the Constitution, the army has no legal status. Its use for any purpose except relief would, as a principal, be pernicious. For example, tjie local civil authorities could not properly request the aid of troops, nor could such aid be proffered by the military commander to suppress a serious riot or sedition, though such riot or sedition might result in an exceedingly disastrous fire or other public calamity. Aid in this or any other case should be limited to relief of the helpless suf- ferers of the calamity. The wishes of the civil authorities should be carried out as regards relief of persons and salvage of property, but the army should not usurp the police power until its status is legalized as provided for in the Constitution. It can then cooperate with the civil authori- ties in the manner prescribed by law and regulations. Of course, the civil authorities can exercise no authority what- soever over the troops, nor should they under any circumstances be permitted to interfere in any way with the manner of their em- ployment. Having received from ^the civil authorities the purpose and object they would like to have accomplished (which should al- ways be given in writing, but if that be not practicable, then in the presence of witnesses), the military commander alone 'Is to be the sole judge of the best mode and means of accomplishing the duty required of him. Where the case is one such that the President has under the Constitution and the U. S. laws authority to intervene (e. g., to protect 404 CHAPTER XXXII federal property, insure the transmission of U. S. mail, etc.), and one in which, by reason of broken communication with higher authorities, it is impossible to obtain authority, the military commander must de- termine whether the case is of sufficient gravity to warrant his inter- vening. While the exercise of discretion is demanded when it comes to protecting railroad trains carrying the U. S. mails or otherwise protecting federal interests in what we may call an indirect manner, there can be no question of the duty imposed upon the military in a case of emergency to directly protect government property. Thus, for instance, it becomes an immediate duty to protect a sub-treasury of the United States, a post office, or a custom house. A garrison may therefore be established in one of these, even where no other action is deemed advisable. Whenever the military commander is unwilling to conform to the wishes of the supreme civil official, as expressed personally or through certain designated assistants, the army should be prompt!* withdrawn, and in no event should it remain on such duty beyond a time of recognized necessity. A command should be withdrawn invariably on the initiative of the military commander, remembering it is better to be a day early rather than an hour late in restoring settled forms of government. All power exercised has its origin in civil officials, and, apart from the first grave emergencies, no specific duties should be assumed except after discussion, and under a definite agreement which should always be reduced to writing. Military Regulations. When important duties are assumed un- der such agreement, specific military regulations for their perform- ance should be published to the command, copies being furnished the civil administration chief and also posted for public information and guidance. Orders about Firing on People. This is a very delicate sub- ject and one that should be handled with the greatest judgment and discretion. The army having no legal status, excepting as above stated in regard to federal property, strict orders should be given against firing on any person, even for the prevention of crime, though assistance short of killing or maiming individuals could be rendered the civil authorities to protect life and prevent crimes of violence to persons. THE ARMY FOR RELIEF PURPOSES 405 Until properly vested with police power, each individual of the Army must understand that he stands as any other citizen, amenable to prosecution in a civil suit for damages and amenable to trial for commission of crime by either a civil or a military court for any action committed by him, and that violence to the individuals is done in such cases not under legal orders, but only on his own responsibility. The power to take life would be limited to the right of a pri- vate citizen under similar circumstances. The request of local civil authorities would in no way modify the legal status of the Army so as to permit firing on persons for rioting, looting or for any other reason. After the status of the Army has been properly legalized as provided for in Art. IV., Sec. IV. of the Constitution, troops can be ordered to fire on persons committing crimes of violence. Under such conditions the duties and powers of the civil government de- volve, temporarily, upon the army, and among such is that of police authority. The clearest statement bearing on such cases that the author knows of is by Tiedman, in his "Limitation of Police Power:" "If there be any valid ground of justification in the taking of human life, it can only rest upon its necessity as a means of protection to the community against the perpetration of dangerous and terrible crimes by the person whose life is to be forfeited." In short, the same conditions which would justify a policeman in firing on civilians, or in taking their lives, would equally justify the soldier, when acting as a policeman, in taking similar action. Seizure of Private Property for Public Uses. The extent of a public calamity would determine the propriety of seizing private property for the relief of sufferers. There is no right, constitutional or legal, for such seizure, but a commanding officer might be justified in so doing if he could thereby prevent death or suffering among the victims of the calamity. He would do so on his own personal responsibility, with the full knowledge that, in case he were not relieved by public contribu- tion or otherwise, he would become personally liable for his acts. Such seizure, if made, should be limited to the minimum neces- sary for the relief desired, and receipts for supplies, and certificates of services, in cases of transportation or labor requisitioned, should 406 CHAPTER XXXII always be given. Such receipts and certificates should be given in as full detail as possible; for they will be used subsequently in the settle- ment of claims. Liquor, if there should be fear of this being distributed and resulting in riot, should be carefully guarded and its sale or gift pre- vented. It should never be destroyed unless abandoned or in danger of falling into the hands of a mob, and when destroyed the destruction as far as possible should be made the subject of careful memoranda having in view the claims which are sure to arise later. If there should be any destruction or requisition of property, those charged therewith should receive detailed instructions, in writing if possible, as to just how far they are to go. They should also be informed of the reason for requisitioning or destroying the property. Receipts with full detail should be given for property destroyed. Relief Work. Such supplies as may have been requisitioned from private stores, those gratuitously issued by the federal govern- ment, and such as may have been contributed, should be issued daily to sufferers in quantities necessary for their temporary subsistence. The locality should be districted, each district being placed for relief and other purposes, under the command of an officer of suitable rank. A central supply depot should also be designated and placed under the charge of a competent officer. Proper staff officers should be designated at headquarters to manage the various bureaus of relief, sanitation, hospitals and police, when this power is exercised. Each district commander should make the .most efficient dis- tribution of the troops under his command for the purposes which he is required to execute; he should establish relief stations at central points and designate officers in charge of them, giving them general instructions as to their duties; he should establish a service of sani- tation and public health in his district, organizing dispensaries and temporary hospitals if necessary, and assigning military surgeons and volunteer civil physicians and nurses; he should send in reports of his actions, with estimates of number of refugees and requests for necessary supplies, so that the needs of his district may be supplied from the central distributing station. In general, he would obtain transportation and send an officer for supplies, rather than wait till they were sent him. THE ARMY FOR RELIEF PURPOSES 407 Inspectors. Military inspectors should be appointed in such numbers as to keep the command fully informed as to conditions, etc. They should report verbally and in a body at fixed hours so that all inspectors may be familiar with the conditions in other dis- tricts, and especially as to relief extended, evils corrected, precau- tions taken, etc. Where commanders can not cover the whole area satisfactorily, suitable districts should be assigned to competent offi- cers with full power to act. Complaints. Al! complaints, of whatever character, should be patiently heard. When they are reduced to writing, or on verbal representation when serious, investigations by inspectors, preferably those authorized to administer an oath, should be immediately made and the substance of the report furnished to the complainant. Public confidence, a factor of extreme importance, is ensured by prompt correction of existing evils and proper publicity of official investi- gation. Main Lines of Action. In brief, complete subordination to civil authority, considerate action toward the distressed, the prompt arrest and transfer to the civil authorities of criminals actively dis- turbing the public peace, are the main lines of action and principles underlying successful active administration by the Army of relief in public disasters. The Principal Qualities Needed in an Officer in All Cases of Public Calamity are good judgment and tact, energy, zeal and in- sensibility to fatigue, consideration for sufferers and for his own troops, and more than all, initiative and a willingness to accept responsi- bility. (NOTE. Those wishing to go into this subject more fully should read "Federa\ Aid in Domestic Disturbances" a War Department publication.) 408 CHAPTER XXXIII CHAPTER XXXIII RIOT DUTY 1 (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) General Considerations. Riot Duty is without doubt the most disagreeable, distasteful, obnoxious and unsatisfactory duty that an officer may. ever be called upon to perform. The liability of officers and enlisted men to civil action and criminal prosecution for acts performed in the execution of their duty: the submission to insults from men, women and children, and, some- times, even to bodily attack by women; the use of dynamite by rioters, and, especially in the case of the Organized Militia, the injection of local politics into tactical considerations all these things conspire to make Riot Duty most distasteful and disagreeable to the soldier. How- ever, there is no duty more vitally important than that of suppressing lawlessness that threatens, as riot often does, the stability of our institu- tions and the safety of our homes. Because of its nature on the one hand and its importance on the other, it is a subject that should receive the care- ful thought and consideration of all military men. The subject of Riot Duty possesses two separate and distinct sides : The LEGAL SIDE and the TACTICAL SIDE. THE LEGAL SIDE The Military Subordinate to the Civil. In this. country the mili- tary is normally subordinate to the civil. A Considering the military power (Regulars, Militia, and Volunteers) as an organization, this means that the military power is created by the civil authorities ; that after organization it is subject to the laws enacted by the civil authorities and can be disbanded by the civil authorities; that it can not, of its own initiative undertake any action, and espe- cially none to enforce the laws or suppress disorder, or to aid the civil 1 In the preparation of this chapter extracts were freely made from "The Rela- tions of the Milita-ry to the Civil Authority," by General Chas. B. Hall, U. S. Army, "Street Riot Duty," by General Albert Ordway, N. G., D. C., "Legal and Tactical Considerations Affecting the Employment of The Military In The Suppression of Mobs," by Lieut. R. W. Young (Journal'Military Service Institution, June, 1888), and the U. S. Army Regulations. "-The Law and Customs of Riot Duty," by Colonel Bryon L. Bargar, N. G., Ohio, the most complete work ever published on the subject, was also consulted. The article was carefully reviewed by General C. B. Dougherty. N. G., Penna., one of the leading authorities of this country on riot duty. RIOT DUTY 409 authorities in the enforcement of law or the suppression of disorder, but that any action taken can be pursuant only to the procedure estab- lished by the civil authorities; that the military power can neither declare war nor make peace, but the civil authorities alone possess that power; that the military must always be kept in subjection to the laws of the country; that the law alone governs and to it the military must yield. Considering the individual officers and soldiers who unite to con- stitute the military power, the military being subordinate to the civil means that an officer or soldier in taking upon himself the additional responsibilities and obligations of the military profession, can not or- dinarily divest himself, as an individual, of civil responsibility to other citizens and criminal responsibility before the courts of the country for his private individual acts; that, if a member of the Regular Army, he is liable to civil and criminal prosecution also, for his official acts in the performance of his military duties. However, the laws of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Wisconsin, Alabama, the District of Columbia, and several other states provide that no officer of their Militia shall be held liable to civil or criminal prosecution for his acts* while rendering aid to the civil authority. 1 But officers and soldiers of the Regular Army and also of the Militia of States that have no laws giving them immunity from prosecution, should remember this: As long as you act within the scope of your authority, or do not show "malice, corruption or cru- elty," this law of the civil authority to which you are required to sub- ject yourself will protect you; remember also that the Supreme Court of the United States has decided that in order to obtain judgment against an officer for acts alleged to have been done while on duty, the burden of proof is upon the party complaining to show that the officer exceeded his authority ; and remember, too, that his acts are presumed to be legal. To overcome this presumption it is necessary to show that the officer or soldier committed more than an error of judg- ment it must be shown that he committed a malicious and willful error. There are, however, occasions when the fundamental principle of subordination of military power to civil authority is either modified or suspended. It is modified when civil authority calls military force to its aid; it is suspended when civil authority declares martial law. *It must be remembered, however, that even though there may be a State law conferring immunity upon officers and soldiers for their acts while on duty in aid of the civil, such a law does not shield them from responsibility for acts committed through malice or with corrupt intent. Otherwise officers and soldiers on such duty could commit rape, arson, theft and what not, with impunity. 410 CHAPTER XXXIII When The Regular Army May Be Called Out For Riot Duty. "In all cases of civil disorder or domestic violence, it is the duty of the Army to preserve an attitude of indifference and inaction till ordered to act by the President. * * * * In a case of civil dis- turbance in violation of the laws of a state, a military commander can not volunteer to intervene with his command without incurring a per- sonal responsibility for his acts. In the absence of the requisite orders he may not even march or arra}' his command for the purpose of exerting a moral effect or an effect in terrorem; such a demonstration indeed could only compromise the authority of the United States while insulting the sovereignty of the State." (Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocate General of the Army, 1901 Edition.) Troops of the Regular Army may be ordered out for riot duty under the following conditions: i. By the President. a. If requested by any State and if after investigation the facts warrant it. If the legislature is in session, the request must be made by that body; if not in session, then the governor may make the re- quest. b. If property of the United States is being endangered or de- stroyed, or if the rioters are interfering with the execution of Federal Laws or with the mails of the United States. Of course, in this case the troops would confine themselves absolutely to matters affecting the Federal Government. 2. By the Commanding Officer of Troops under the circumstances cited in (&), provided the emergency is so imminent as to render it dangerous to await instructions requested through the speediest means of com- munication. In this case the commanding officer will at once report in detail, by the quickest way his actions to The Adjutant General of the Army and the Adjutant General of his Department. Any person employing any part of the Regular Army in riots except under these conditions is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, will be punishable by a fine not exceeding $10,000, or imprisonment not exceeding two years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. After the troops have been called out, the military alone must decide how its power shall be used the civil merely says what it RIOT DUTY 411 wishes done; the military decides how it shall be done. Under no cir- cumstances can Regular troops act under any civil officer. A Supposed Case. Let us suppose that a riot has broken out in a city and that, having assumed proportions beyond the control of the civil author- ities and the Militia of the State, the governor (the legislature not be- ing in session) has called upon the President for the assistance of Regular troops. .The President, after satisfying himself that the con- dition of affairs warranted it, would issue liis proclamation command- ing the rioters to disperse and order to the scene of disturbance the troops most available. In the absence of any specific instructions to the contrary, the commanding officer of the troops would march his command to the vicinity of the trouble and then report his arrival to the civil officer calling for assistance, and request of him a written report of what he desires accomplished; if a written statement can not be obtained, then a verbal one should be required and made in the presence of witnesses. The power of the civil officer ends here and he can not interfere in any way with the manner in which the troops operate, nor give them any orders, nor make any suggestion the com- manding officer is bound to accept the military officer is the sole judge of how the end desired by the civil shall be accomplished. The commanding officer should ascertain from the civil authorities what steps, if any, have been taken to protect the gas-works and gas-mains, the water-works and water-mains, engine houses, etc., to guard the gun stores and ammunition and explosive factories. Everything possible should be done at once to prevent arms and ammunition from falling into the hands of the rioters and if it is found impossible to defend a gun- store, armory or other place containing arms and ammunition and it is feared that these supplies may fall into the hands of the rioters, then meas- ures should be taken to render the arms useless (which may be done by removing important parts). When The Militia May Be Called Out For Riot Duty. (a) Within Its Own State. It may be called out by such civil officers of the State as may be authorized by the laws to do so. In some states only the governor can call out the Militia, while in others, various county, city or town authorities, civil magistrates, the sheriff, and other civil officers may do so; and in others, the local military com- mander may call out the troops if, in his own judgment, the danger appears sufficiently great. 412 CHAPTER XXXIII Militia officers should familiarize themselves with the laws of their respective States on this point so that they may know when called upon that the call is made in a legal manner. However, the officer having been legally called out, he can not question the reason or the necessity for the call he has no alternative but to obey and whatever he may order his troops to do in obedience to such call must be done by all subordinate officers and soldiers, all of whom have nothing whatsoever to do with or question whether the call was made in a legal manner the order to them is purely a military order, and must> be obeyed with- out question. It is vitally important that officers and soldiers should familiarize themselves with all their local State laws on the subject of the military in aid of the civil. As a rule these laws are embodied in the regulations for the military force of the State. (&) Outside Its Own State. The Militia may be called out by the President of the United States upon application of any other State. Militia so called out is then in the service of the United States and is governed by the same laws and regulations as those by which the Regular Army is governed. Civil Control Of The Troops. (a). Regular Troops. After the troops have been ordered out and the commanding officer has ascertained from the civil authorities the ends they~desire accomplished, the military alone must decide how its power shall be employed. While the commanding officer should do all in his power to promote harmony and cooperation between the military and the civil, .. he is not required to accept any suggestions even, much less instructions, from the civil as to how the troops shall be handled and the end desired attained. (&) The Militia. In some States there are detailed regulations governing the Militia when on riot duty. All Militia officers should familiarize themselves with the laws and regulations of their respec- tive States and they should not wait until ordered out on riot duty before doing so. However, should a State have no specific laws or regulations on the subject, the regulations of Massachusetts, which cover the subject most thoroughly, may be followed with safety. They are: "Par. 2298. The civil officer is not authorized to interfere in any way with the formation or details of the force, the military officer being held responsible for the success of the operations to be under- taken; and it is for the latter, and for him alone, to judge in what RIOT DUTY 413 manner the troops shall effect the object which the civil officer has indicated, and to direct the force in the execution of the service in "Par. 2299. While the instructions of the civil officer are given in general terms to accomplish a particular purpose, and the mode and means are within the discretion of the military commander, the latter, to prevent misunderstanding, should request to have his in- structions reduced to writing." Liability For Acts Done In Obedience To Orders. It is a prin- ciple of law that no subordinate can be punished for refusing to obey an illegal order, and it is also true that both the superior who gives such an order and the subordinate who obeys it lay themselves liable to civil and military prosecution. However, the courts have held that "except in a plain case of excess of authority where at first blush it is palpable to the commonest understanding that the order given is illegal, a military subordinate should be held excused, in law, for acts done in obedience to the orders of his commander." While it is true that soldiers can not be punished for refusing to obey illegal orders, the question arises, who is to judge of the legality of the order? It is evident that if all officers and soldiers are to judge when an order is lawful and when not, the captious and mutinous would never be at a loss for a plea to justify their insubordination. It is therefore an established principle, that unless an order is so manifestly against law that the ques tion does not admit of dispute, the order must .first be obeyed by the inferior, and he must only subsequently seek such redress against his superior as the law allows. If the inferior disputes its legality before obedience, error of judgment is never admitted in mitigation of the offense. The Seizure, Use And Destruction Of Private Property. It is sometimes necessary to seize, use. or destroy private property. For instance, it may be necessary to seize food or means of transportation for the troops, to convert the nearest available material into barri- cades, or to destroy a building occupied by rioters. If the danger is great or the necessity urgent, the commanding officer should not hesitate. While it is true that he may thus render himself liable to civil action, he need have no fear if he has not exercised his power in a corrupt or malicious manner. Whenever practicable receipts in detail should be given for sup- plies and property seized and transportation or labor requisitioned 414 CHAPTER XXXIII such receipts will assist materially in adjusting the claims that are sure to follow. Firing By Troops On Riot Duty. A riot may be defined as "An unlawful assemblage of people of threatening attitude, acting in concert, with disorder and violence and determined to accomplish some injury to persons or property in spite of any resistance which may be offered," and under the law the killing of any participant in the riot is clearly justifiable, if the riot can not be suppressed fyy less violent means. The question whether a person killed was a participant is settled by the rule of law that "those present at the commission of a riotous felony are principals," and is put beyond all question if the proper officer has commanded the assembly to disperse before the firing was ordered. After the troops have been called out for riot duty, the question of firing upon rioters is purely a tactical question a question to be decided by the immediate commander of the troops, according to his judgment of the situation. However, at all times and under all circumstances, must the firing be under absolute control of the immediate commanding officer, with whom rests the responsibility of determining whether the situation pre- sented is such as to warrant such a severe course as firing on the rioters. By giving selected sharpshooters general instructions to fire on rioters throwing missiles at, or firing upon, the troops, the commanding officer does not in any way lose control of the firing, nor is he in any way relieved of responsibility. The strictest kind of orders should be given that no one shall fire a single shot except upon an order from an officer. (Of course, in indi- vidual cases of self-defense soldiers would not have to wait for orders to fire.) (a) Under the law any citizen has the right to use the force neces- sary in order to prevent the perpetration of a felony, or to arrest a felonious culprit. (6) Par. 498 of the 1910 Army Regulations says, "Single selected sharpshooters may shoot down individual rioters who have fired upon or thrown missiles at the troops." 1 With the exception of the statements (a) and (&), there is nothing else definite and specific in the Army Regu- 1 However, this does not give the commanding officer an unqualified right to have selected sharpshooters shoot down rioters the responsibility still remains with him to determine whether such a course of procedure is justified by the situation that confronts him. RIOT DUTY 415 lations, in law books or elsewhere, as to the circumstances under which the commanding officer may give the command to fire. 1 These are the general principles of the common law on the subject: 1. The justification allowed by the common law to the taking of life in cases of riot is limited to the necessity of the case; 2. The infliction of death or bodily harm is not a crime when it is done "for the purpose of suppressing a general and dangerous riot which can not otherwise be suppressed;" 3. The taking of life can only be justified by the necessity for protecting persons or property against various forms of violent crime or by the necessity of dispersing a riotous crowd which is dangerous unless dispersed." From this, therefore, we see that the fundamental question for the immediate commanding officer to decide is whether the taking of life is NECESSARY for the effectual performance of the duty imposed upon him. In deciding this question he must, of course, exercise the judgment of a man of some discretion and prudence, upon the facts as they appear to him at that time, and not as they may appear to others in the light of subsequent events. He must bring to the solution of the question an honest determination to do his duty; he must not act "from recklessness or a love of power or to gratify any passion ;" he must not be influenced by a desire to retaliate or to inflict punishment. He must also bear in mind that the mere use of insulting or abusive words is not of itself enough to justify extreme force. It has been well said by Sir Charles J. Napier that, "The Government has a right to expect the troops to bear some insult from a mob ; strength should not be waspish and put forth to act hastily." Remember that an officer who is by law authorized to suppress a mob is by the nature of things given discretionary power and can not, there- fore, be held responsible for errors of judgment or mistakes of law, as long as he acts in good faith and without malice, corruption or cruelty, and keeps within the scope of his authority. 1 NoTE. It should be remarked that the provisions of the U. S. Army Regula- tions on the subject of riot duty apply to the Organized Militia only if it be in the ser- vice of the United States, or if such Regulations have been embodied in the laws and Militia regulations of the State. But where, as is more frequently the case, the pro- visions of the U. S. Army Regulations have not been embodied in the laws of the State, they are only of indirect benefit to the Militia. Should criminal or civil suit, for instance, be brought against an .officer of the Militia who had acted in accord- ance with the U. S. Army Regulations, the officer would have the opportunity to justify his act by showing that it was a course recognized as proper to be pursued by those who are looked upon as experts in such matters, viz. the officers of the Regular Army.' 416 CHAPTER XXXIII Remember also that it has been held by the courts of law that an officer who acts "amid the noise and danger, the uncertainties and per- plexities of the field of action, must not be judged by facts as they appear in the calm, judicial atmosphere of the forum." Having decided that it is necessary to fire upon a mob, the officer in command should, if practicable, first call upon the mob to disperse, as this will afford the innocent persons who from idle curiosity or other motives almost invariably form a part of mobs, an opportunity to withdraw. However, circumstances may be such as to make the giving of such notice impracticable for example, in the case of an aggressive mob attacking the troops, or in the case of a mob engaged in a felony that prohibits the waste of time. However, when it becomes necessary to fire upon a mob; it is merciful to make the fire short, relentless, and effective. Under no cir- cumstances should blank cartridges ever be fired, nor should the troops ever fire over the heads of the rioters such tactics-almost invar- iably give the mob a courage and confidence that only aggravate the situation. In view of the fact that the tendency, especially on the part of inexperienced troops, is to fire high, the firing should be delivered kneeling, and by volleys, as this form of fire not only enables better fire discipline but it also has a very demoralizing effect on the mob. While the taking of human life under the conditions cited does not involve legal responsibilities, it entails moral responsibilities, and the order to fire should not be given unless it is clearly evident that the end desired can not be attained in any other way. No more firing should be employed than is necessary to accomplish the object in view that is, if in the opinion of the commanding officer the firing of two or three men or a squad can accomplish his purpose, then only two or three or a squad are ordered to fire ; if in his opinion the whole company is necessary in order to accomplish his purpose, then the whole company is ordered to fire. Remember, whatever the number firing may be, all firing must cease the very instant it is no longer necessary the very instant the commanding officei's object has been accomplished. The commander of the troops must always bear in mind these three things : i st. As the use of force is only justified by the necessity of the occasion it follows that only so much force should be used as the neces- sity of each case requires and that force should not be continued longer than is absolutely necessary. RIOT DUTY 417 2d. Under no circumstances should troops attempt to punish anyone as stated in Par. 498, of the 1910 Army Regulations, "Punish- ment belongs, not to the troops, but to the courts of justice." 3d. Every endeavor should first be made to induce or force the rioters to disperse before ordering the troops to fire on them. Now, to sum up what has been said on this subject: The law and the Army Regulations give only four concrete cases where troops may fire on rioters: 1. To prevent the perpetration of a felony, if it can not be stopped otherwise. 2. To arrest one who has committed a felony, if he can not be ar- rested otherwise; 3. In case any individual rioter fires upon the troops, he may be shot down. 4. In case any individual rioter throws missiles at the troops, he may be shot down. Remember, however, that this does not relieve the commanding offi- cer from the exercise of sound discretion and the responsibility of using no more force than is necessary to accomplish the desired end. Whether he be called on to disperse a riotous assembly engaged in committing crimes or to protect life or property from attack by such a body, the question will in each particular case be whether it is necessary to take life to properly discharge his duty. No set of rules exists which governs every instance or defines before- hand every contingency that may arise. Arresting Rioters In Private Houses. If, during the actual pro- gress of a riot, a rioter commits a felony or breach of the peace, or a felony is committed and there is reasonable grounds to believe a par- ticular rioter has committed it, a member of the Regular Army or Militia who is present on riot duty may, without warrant, arrest the rioter at once. If the rioter, after committing a felony, flees to a pri- vate house he may be pursued and an entrance may be forced, to make the arrest, but as a matter of lawful caution, a demand for the sur- render of the culprit should be made before forcing an entrance. If necessary to force an entrance, before doing so the person seeking to make the arrest should. announce to the inmates his official character and his business and demand admission, unless it is quite certain these are already known, in order that, knowing his official character, there 418 CHAPTER XXXIII may be no resistance to him. If, however, an interval of say a num- ber of hours or a day elapses between the commission of the felony and the effort to apprehend, then a warrant should be obtained from the civil authorities, and the civil authorities, supported by the troops, would have every power to make the arrest. Disposition of Persons Arrested. Civilian prisoners should always be turned over to the civil authorities without unnecessary delay. Should it not be practicable to turn the prisoner over to the civil authorities im- mediately he may be detained by the military so long, and so long only, as the necessity of the situation requires. These restrictions upon the detention of civilians as prisoners by the military do not apply where by the declaration of martial law the ( ivil power has been superseded by military authority. Difference Between a Felony and a Misdemeanor. A felony may generally be defined as an offense that is punishable by imprisonment in a penitentiary or state prison for example : homicide, assault with a dangerous weapon, highway robbery, burglary, larceny, rape, arson. Crimes that are not punishable by imprisonment in a penitentiary or state prison may be generally defined as misdemeanors for example, drunkenness, disorderly conduct, carrying of concealed weapons, tres- passing, violations of city ordinances. Arrest of Officers and Enlisted Men. During their tour of duty in aid of the civil authorities, officers and enlisted men, of either the Regular Army or the Organized Militia, can not, with the two excep- tions stated below, be arrested or compelled to answer the process of civil courts on account of any act committed during such tour of ser- vice. (However, they may be served with summons in a suit for dam- ages). Any other rule of law would expose the military power to practical nullification at the hands of the civil courts. The two exceptions. (a) In the case of a writ of habeas corpus requiring a mili- tary officer to produce in court the body of a prisoner; (&) When an officer or an enlisted man, acting outside the scope of his military duties, commits an offense mentioned in the 59th Article of War, which reads, "When any officer or sol- dier is accused of a capital crime, or of any offense against the person or property of any citizen of any of the United States, which is punishable by the laws of the land, the commanding officer, and the officers of the regiment, troop, battery, com- RIOT DUTY 419 pany, or detachment, to which the person so accused belongs, are required, except in time of war, upon application duly made by or in behalf of the party injured, to use their utmost en- deavors to deliver him over to the civil magistrate, and to aid the officers of justice in apprehending and securing him, in or- der to bring him to trial." However, the commanding officer should not turn the accused over to the civil authorities unless the application, or accompanying evidence, identifies him to the satisfaction of the officer, and until the latter is convinced after careful investigation, that the application is made in good faith and in the interests of law and justice. Habeas Corpus. It must be remembered that the writ of habeas corpus is in no way suspended or modified just because troops, either Regular or Militia, are acting in aid of the civil authorities, and th^.t respectful return must be made to all such writs. Form of Return. In re John Doe (Writ of habeas corpus Return of Respondent) To the (Court or Judge). The respondent, Major John Smith, 24th U. S. Infantry, upon whom has been served a writ of habeas corpus for the production of John Doe, respectfully makes return and states that he holds the said John Doe by authority of , under the fol- lowing circumstances: (State orders under which the troops are serving, cause of arrest, and reasons for holding the prisoner in custody. Give the circumstances as fully as possible so as to enable the court to determine the question of jurisdiction). Wherefore without intending any disrespect to this Court, but for the reason that he is advised and believes that said writ, under the circumstances, should not be enforced, and that this Court has no jurisdiction in the premises and in obedience to the order this respondent respectfully declines to produce to this Court the body of said John Doe ; or, However, in obedience to the said writ of habeas corpus the respondent herewith produces before the Court the body of the said John Doe, but for the reasons set forth in this return prays this hon- orable court to dismiss the said writ. JOHN SMITH, Major, 24th U. S. Infantry, Officer in Charge of Prisoners. 420 CHAPTER XXXIII If an officer of the Regular Army had in custody a rioter that he had arrested, but had not yet turned over to the civil authorities, and if he were served with a writ of habeas corpus by a Federal court, he would at once obey the writ, produce the body in court and make return, setting forth the reasons for restraining the rioter. He would report, by wire, the fact of such service direct to The Adjutant Geneal of the Army and the Adjutant General of the Department, as required by A. R. 1016, '10. If the writ were issued by a State court, the officer would at once tele- graph The Adjutant General of the Army and the Adjutant General of the Department that such a writ had been served. If the rioter were held for an offense against the United States, respectful return should at once be made showing cause of detention, claiming that the State is with- out jurisdiction to issue the. writ, and asking that same be dismissed, but the body need not be produced. If the rioter were held for an offense against the State the court would doubtless have jurisdiction and return should be made and the body produced after being so advised by superior authority. If an officer of the Organised Militia had in custody a rioter that he had arrested but had not yet turned over to the civil authorities, and if he were served with a writ of habeas corpus by either a Federal court or a State court, he would at once report the matter by wire to proper superior authority, make return and produce the body. Relations With the Civil Authorities. In their relations with the civil authorities officers should always be courteous, obliging and cheer- ful, showing at all times a disposition to assist and cooperate. Conduct Toward Civilians on the part of both officers and en- listed men should be courteous and considerate, except, of course, when civilians affiliate with the rioters, in which case they should be treated accordingly. Private Property must be respected. In case of injury, destruc- tion or appropriation by individuals, the guilty parties may be made to make reparation from their pay, as provided for by the 54th Article of War. 1 Should it be impossible because, for instance, of indifference on 1 Every officer commanding in quarters, garrison, or on the march, shall keep good order, and, to the utmost of his power, redress all abuses or disorders which may be committed by any officer or soldier under his command; and if, upon complaint made to him of officers or soldiers beating or otherwise illtreating any person, disturbing fairs or markets, or committing any kind of riot, to the disquieting of the citizens of the United States, he refuses or omits to see justice done to the offender, and repara- tion made to the party injured, so far as part of the offender's pay shall go toward such reparation, he shall be dismissed from the service, or otherwise punished, as a court- martial may direct. 54th Article of War. RIOT DUTY 421 the part of the company officers and the men, to ascertain the names of any members of their company that have appropriated, injured or destroyed any property, damages might very properly be assessed against the entire organization. Camp Grounds. Although military necessity might require a commanding officer to camp on grounds against the wishes of the owner, it must be remembered that the commanding officer has no legal right to do this, and that it should not be done whenever avoidable. THE TACTICAL SIDE "In Time of Peace Prepare for War." This injunction is quite as valuable in a local as it is in a national sense. In every city where Militia is stationed, the commanding officer of the troops should divide the city into military districts, detailing officers to map the various dis- tricts, submitting with their maps descriptions of the streets, buildings, character of the inhabitants, means of barricading or other resistance by a mob, points of advantage, quickest and least exposed avenues of ap- proach, with plans as to the best disposition of troops, whether acting offensively or defensively, etc. The locations of all armories, -police stations, engine houses, gas plants, electric-light plants, water-mains, hydrants, gun stores, explosive factories, etc., should be plainly indicated on the map and plans to protect them should be formulated. The heights and material of buildings, their strategic importance, if any; whether flat or pitched roofed, with or with- out openings in party-walls and other peculiarities of construction, etc., should be noted. The ranges from all important buildings to all points commanded by them and the points at which gas and water can be shut off should also be indicated. Signal stations at various points should be selected and a system of rapid communication with the armories, headquarters, police stations and other points should be devised. A cipher code should be adopted. The question of getting troops from outside the city in case of se- rious trouble should also be considered and a plan for their debarkation should be prepared. Public buildings should not be without facilities for lighting and for procuring water in case the shutting off of the water and the lighting facilities. In order to provide for the certain and rapid assembly of the troops at the armory a system of notification should be adopted. The plan of 422 CHAPTER XXXIII ringing bells has the disadvantage of notifying the rioters as well as the Militiamen and consequently should not be adopted. A good plan is for every captain to divide his company into squads, each under the charge of a noncommissioned officer, who is to carry at all times with him a Hst of his squad and their addresses and telephone numbers, the squads being grouped geographically so that there will be no loss of time in warning them. When the company is ordered to assemble the captains notify the squad leaders, who in turn at once notify the members of their respective squads. The Importance Of Quelling Riots In Their Incipient Stage. Mobs are, by their very nature, peculiarly liable to dejection or elation; they sneak into their hiding-places or swarm into the streets directly as they fail or succeed. Without discipline they can neither be checked in the excesses that follow victory, nor rallied from the discouragement that follows defeat. Victorious or temporized with, the rioter finds a thousand venal wretches at his back ; beaten, or energetically handled, he is deserted by his erstwhile friends. The fact that there are in society so many professional agitators, so many anarchists, socialists, thieves, cut-throats, vagabonds, and ruffians, who, with the instinct of the vulture, will seek the field of prey on the one hand, and on the other, with the instinct of the rat, desert the sinking ship, renders it absolutely necessary that the mob shall not be trifled with to the extent even of permitting them to seem to be victorious for a single day. Mobs are cowards at first. They only gain courage as they find that those whose duty it is to suppress them are themselves cowards. A mob is not to be feared when it is first aroused. It is only as its passion for carnage is whetted by taste of blood, or its greed for pillage is gratified, that it becomes dangerous. Upon whom- soever devolves the duty of suppression, let this be his first effort: Check at the very beginning ; allow no tumultuous gatherings ; permit no delay ; a few stern resolute words ; if these be not heeded, then strike resolutely, boldly ; let there be no hesitation ; if necessary, take life at the outset. It will be more merciful to take one life than to suffer the mob to take the lives of many later. Nothing so emboldens a crowd as passive resistance and it should never be allowed. Any man in a crowd, on a roof, or at a window, who is seen to fire a shot, throw a stone or other missile, or assault a soldier should be shot down by a sharpshooter. RIOT DUTY 423 Mobs As A Rule Are Made Up of Cowards not necessarily physi- cal cowards but moral cowards moral cowards because of their conscious- ness of being in the wrong, of being lawless. The most cowardly members of a mob are generally in the rear, which is, therefore, the weakest, the most vulnerable part. Having neither discipline nor organization, the very moment a break is started, the rest will follow like so many sheep. The logical point to attack mobs, is, therefore, the rear and flank. If it be not practicable to send a part of the command to attack in rear, practically the same result can be obtained by dispatching, if practicable, sharpshoot- ters to the roofs or upper stories of houses, from which they can pick off rioters in the rear of the mob. The picking off of a few rioters there will generally cause others to flee and they in turn will be joined by the rest of the mob. Attention is invited to the fact that although a number of persons in the front of a mob might be killed and wounded, the rest would not be able to get away because the crowd in rear, many of whom would not even know what had happened in front, would act as a barrier, while, of course, those in front would not flee in the direction of the main body of soldiers. A "The Crowd ; A Study of The Popular Mind," by Gustave Le Bon, is a very in- teresting Book. It is a foreign publication, but can be gotten through Tice & Lynch, 18 Beaver St., New York. Cost, 85 cts. Army Regulations. "After having been called into action against a mob the troops are governed by the general regulations of the Army and apply military tactics in respect to the manner in which they shall act to accomplish the desired end. It is purely a tactical question in what manner they shall use the weapon with which they are armed whether by fire of musketry and artillery or by the use of the bayonet and saber, or by both, and at what stage of the operations each or either mode of attack shall be employed. This tactical question will be decided by the immediate commander of the troops, according to his judgment of the situation." (Par. 498, A. R., 1910). Assembling of Militia Organizations. If there are indications that the Militia may be called out, a detachment should be quietly kept in the armory to guard the building against surprise and if necessary, to protect the assembly of the troops. If a call is made for the troops, this armory guard should be deployed a sufficient distance from the building to protect it on every side and to prevent unauthorized persons from approaching. Should the crowd become hostile or threatening the guard should be reen- forced as rapidly as possible. 424 CHAPTER XXXIII Should th.e command be ordered out unexpectedly and the pre- caution just cited therefore not taken, the police authorities should at once send a squad of policemen to the armory to perform the duties described until the arrival of enough soldiers to relieve them. There should be two methods of calling out troops: (a) By verbal orders to individuals, sent through their squad leaders; (&) by a prescribed signal on the fire-alarm bells, to be used only in case of emergency. Every man -should take with him from home sufficient food for a day, in order to provide against contingency. Uniforms, arms, and equipments should always be kept in the armory; otherwise men in uniform attemoting to reach the armory might be waylaid by rioters. After the troops are assembled in the armory, the company should be carefully inspected to see that every .man is properly equipped that he has been supplied with ball cartridges, 1 that his canteen is filled with water, that his rifle is in perfect order, etc. The commanding officer of all the troops should assemble his officers and explain to them the nature of the duty he has been or- dered to perform and outline the manner in which he intends to carry out his orders. He should caution his officers against the use of intoxicants and give strict orders that all enlisted men must keep out of saloons and not drink intoxicants. Before leaving the armory special care must be taken to see that the ammunition supply has been looked after. Since it is always probable that in a general riot, troops will have to attack barricaded buildings, the command should in such cases be supplied with axes, crowbars, ropes, sledge hammers, short ladders, bags of pow- der (6 to 10 pounds) and hand grenades. Every company commander should give to his men some general instructions and precautions, especially about firing upon people. Attention should be called to the following fire discipline rules from the Drill Regulations: a. Never fire unless ordered. b. Never exceed the number of cartridges indicated. c. Never fire after the command or signal, cease firing. d. Always fire at the named objection; if so situated as to be unable to see the objective, do not fire. 1 Guard cartridges, instead of the regular ones, are more suitable for riot duty, although troops might very advisably be supplied with both. RIOT DUTY 425 e. Always aim at the bottom line of the objective; if it be a line of men, aim at the feet; if a clump of trees, aim at the junction of the tree trunks and ground. The men should also be instructed about respecting private property and treating all law-abiding citizens with proper courtesy. A detachment commanded by an officer should be detailed to remain at the armory after the troops leave. Leaving The Armory. Should there be a hostile or threatening crowd in the street at the exit of the armory, the troops, consisting, for instance, of four companies, may make their exit and form as follows: A company in columns of squads, at port arms, with bayonets fixed, and rifles loaded, is formed facing the exit; just as soon as the doors are thrown open the company marches forward, Nos. 1 and 2 (front and rear file) of the first squad turning to the right and forming "single rank, and Nos. 3 and 4 doing the same, to the left, at the same time clearing the street; as soon as the second squad has passed the first squad, it separates in a similar manner; the second squad is followed by the third, and so on, until the entire company is out. As soon as the space in front of the exit has been cleared, the second company marches out in column of squads, forming line crosswise of the street (i. e. at right angles to the armory), to the right or left; it is followed by the third, which forms line crosswise of the street, to the left or right; the fourth company then follows, forming line along the curb line, on the opposite side of the street; the first company is in the meantime assembled along the curb line near the exit, between the second and third companies, the four companies thus forming a hollow square, which may be marched by forming the first and fourth companies in column of squads, with the second and third facing the same direction. Sometimes it might be possible to work a ruse on the mob and have the command leave the armory by an exit of which the crowd knows noth ing, but under no circumstances should the exit be so made as to sho\i timidity. It is much better to come right out and face the mob with deter- mination, giving it, if necessary, a severe lesson, which at this junction may prevent much trouble later on. Marching To The Scene Of Trouble. The troops should, of course, be marched through the streets without music or colors, and if the riot be local and at a considerable distance from the armory, the command should be marched in column of squads by the least 426 CHAPTER XXXIII frequented streets, so AS not to create excitement and inteifere with public traffic. However, if the riot is of a general nature, the troops should be marched upon whatever streets military policy may require. A squad of police should accompany each body of troops for the pur- 1 ' , (- riu-v in. iv march in the line of tile closers or in side the hollow square, sallying forth from time to time to make such arrests as may be necessary and returning with their prisoners. When approaching the scene of trouble, the hollow square for- mation just described (or some other suitable formation) should be as- sumed, the front and rear companies extending from curb line to curb line, ami selected sharpshooters walking on both sidewalks so .is to he ahle to cover the windows and roofs on the opposite side of the street These sharpshootefl should he under tlu- command of ;ui olViccr especially titled u< work and, if so instructed, they should shoot down anyone firing or throwing missiles at the troops. The sharpshooters must be constantly on th,- \\ .itching the roofs .iml windows on the opposite side. .uul. .it a halt, sei/e any prominence atloulmg them a \ic\\ >" :'v mo 1 ' Chcy mu>t not tire until individually ordered, unless ot special instructions have heen given to the con- trary. During a general engagement they may be instructed to pick off the leaders. The knowledge that sharpshooters are present with special in- structions to shoot the leading spirits among the aggressors, would have a salutary effect. When the troops do not assume the hollow square formation, competent nOttCOmmitSioned Officer! 01 MleCted privates, should march on both flanks of every company to keep an observant eye for any overt act c< the troops, and they should be to pick out and fire upon the offending rioters. The act committed against the troops, however, should be of sufficient aggravation to warrant tlu rioter being fired upon. In t movement along the streets, in the face of opposition, the troops are not to be crowded, as a repulse of those in front might lead to a ble slaughter and confusion. The advance should be made by successive companies or platoons at considerable intervals, those not actually en- gaged being kept under cover as much as possible. There must always be advatvc and icai |Utrdl and Rankin| piftta, \\hich should he in force and which should march in streets parallel to the street of main attack. will result in outflanking the crowd, and will lessen the casualties from a heavy column proceeding along a single street RIOT DUTY 427 Skirmishers should be advanced and instructed to slip along the sidewalks and thus protect themselves by the projections from the build ings. When an advancing column is fired upon from a house, the house .honld IK- i. -i.c.l .MM! the i inters captured or driven therefrom. Small bodies of troops should be detached from the main column to enter the buildings. \vliii-li nu\ he done by llic front, the back, (he side or roof. The hack is apt to be unguarded; to enter from the top, either from the roof <>r through the party- wall of the top story, possesses the advantage of gen- erally catching the occupants unaware, and of enabling the attacking I-. 11 Iv to light doun i.ilhci Ih. in up The sidewalks being protected on one flank and being more elevated than the street, are places of vantage, and when a small body of troops is advancing along a wide sheet, they should march along the sidewalks in preference to the middle of the street. Under no circumstances should a crowd be permitted to stand on the sidewalks while troops are marching through the streets. If troops arc hcing moved to the scene of trouble by rail, the train should be stopped at a distance, where the command can be disembarked and formed without confusion. Should the engineer decline to obey the commanding officer's orders in this respect, the train should be seized immediately. It would be suicidal to attempt to unload troops and to form companies in the midst of an ugly mob. When troops are approaching by train a community to wln< -h tliev have been ordered for riot duty, a number of sharpshooters should be placed on the pilot, as well as on the tank, of the engine, and on the tops of the coaches, with instructions to fire upon any person com- mining an overt act against the troop train. When ncaring the scene of di.slni bain e. the h.iin .li.mld 1 slowed down, and if there is any reason to believe that dynamite may have been placed on the track, two or three flat cars should be placed in front of the engine. Dispersing Or Attacking A Mob. Upon approaching a mob to be dispersed, halt .it a point from which its position can b<- observed and reconnoitred, and then form your plans for dealing with it. If the mob stait io adv.mca on you, keep it at a distance by rifle fire, if neces- sary. If the mob is im lined to be timid and n ndel ei mi ned, the appeal ance of a military force, espe< i.dly il e, pupped with a Catling gtm or two, may induce it to listen to the order to disperse. 428 CHAPTER XXXIII Mounted troops armed with ax handles or sticks are very ef- fective in dispersing mobs. Water from a fire hose may sometimes be used with good results. The use of the butt of the rifle on the toes of the front rank of a timid mob has been known to work well. We will now consider these cases in which the mob refuses to disperse: 1. The mob being in an open street, without barricades, and not occupying houses. Although the Army Regulations state, "As a gen eral rule the bayonet alone should be used against mixed crowds in the first stage of a revolt," it is thought that only if the mob be very timid or the troops be numerically stronger should dismounted sol- diers be brought in immediate contact with a mob, lest they should be crushed and disarmed by mere weight of numbers. In any event, whenever dismounted troops are brought in immediate contact with the mob, a support or reserve should be held at a convenient distance. After determining how many troops are necessary to hold the mob in check, the balance of the command is divided into two de- tachments, which move down the streets parallel to the one held by the mob and on each of its flanks; the detachments come in on the flanks of the mob by alternate streets so as not to fire into each other, and, if possible, a squad is sent to attack the mob in rear. The flank- ing and rear detachments should begin their work first, after which a determined advance or a volley or two on its front will end the work. Whenever it becomes necessary to fire on a mob, sharpshooters should, if practicable, as stated before, be dispatched to the roofs of houses from which they can pick off rioters in the rear of the mob. Mobs are cowardly and the rearmost portion is the most cowardly. If a break can be started in the rear of the mob, and the picking off of a few rioters there will generally do this, the rear members will at once begin to flee and will be joined by the rest. In some cases women and children, a number of the former car- rying babes in their arms, have been placed at the head of the mobs. In such cases the mob should be attacked in rear. A small force can almost always completely demoralize the rear of a mob, and mobs should, whenever practicable, be so attacked. 2. The Mob Being Entrenched by Means of Barricades. Direct attacks of barricades should never be made until all other means of capturing them have failed or are evidently useless. A reconnaissance should be made to determine whether the barri- RIOT DUTY 429 cade can be attacked in the rear or on the flanks. If necessary, houses may be destroyed in order to give a direct access to one of the flanks. Barricades may also sometimes be made untenable by infantry fire directed from the windows and tops of near-by houses. Again, condi- tions might be such that the barricaded position could be cut off and isolated while the work of suppressing the riot in other parts of the city proceeded. If, however, it becomes necessary to make a direct attack on a barricade, artillery is indispensable. The artillery is supported by the infantry designated to make the assault, and which is kept under cover as much as possible. The artillerymen are protected from the fire of rioters on overlooking houses by improvised epaulements. Sharp- shooters properly stationed prevent any return fire from the barricade and any attempt by its defenders to repair breaches. Detachments of infantry are started from the first available house on each side of the street, fighting their way from house to house until they reach the houses flanking and overlooking the barricade. When they have reached that point the infantry in support of the artillery makes a di- rect assault on the barricade unless it has been abandoned by this time. An enterprising commander, with a small force of courageous men, may sometimes surprise and capture a barricade in the night by watching the opportunities offered through lack of discipline and improper guard duty on the part of its defenders. Captured barricades are immediately removed or destroyed. Attack of Houses. A house occupied by rioters may be either avoided, isolated or attacked, depending upon circumstances. Avoided. If a house is occupied as a place of refuge and does not annoy the passage of troops ordered to a designated point for a spe cific purpose, it is better to avoid the house by marching around it. Isolated. However, if a house so occupied would be a menace in the rear of the troops, or an obstacle to their retreat in case of defeat, it would be better to isolate or blockade it, or the square in which it is located. Attacked. But if a house is occupied as a place of refuge or de- fense by defeated rioters, or as a flank defense of a barricaded posi- tion or as a vantage ground for fighting; or if for any other reason it becomes necessary to dislodge the occupants, the house must be at- tacked. A direct attack should never be made if it can be avoided, but if made the interior defenses should first be destroyed by artillery fire. 430 CHAPTER XXXIII If the houses occupied are a part of a block of houses, possession is gotten of the first unoccupied house in the block. If the roofs are flat, the first occupied house is attacked by way of the roof, gain- ing access through the scuttles or by cutting holes in the roof. If the roofs are steep, holes are made through the walk of the top story. It is infinitely better to fight downward than upwards, and the latter should not be attempted if there is any way of avoiding it. Hand grenades or light dynamite bombs dropped down the roof scuttles or chimneys are good preliminaries to the descent of the troops. After getting into a house, there must be no pause in the attack; the defenders must be closely followed from room to room and floor to floor until resistance ceases or they have been driven into the hands of the troops in the streets. The first house attacked having been cleared the next adjoining is attacked in the same manner, an'd so on until they are all cleared. Let us now take the case in which all the houses in a block are occupied and it is necessary to make a direct attack on one of them in order to get a foothold from which to attack the others as described. If the houses on both sides of the street are occupied by rioters, it is better to attack from the rear, in which event the attacking party is protected by sharpshooters stationed in the rear of the house back of the one attacked. If only the houses on one*side of the street are occupied, then the sharpshooters are stationed in the houses on the opposite side. Troops attacking a house should, if possible, always approach from the right and keep close to the wall, as this will compel the de- fenders to expose a large part of their own bodies in order to fire, thus affording a better target for the sharpshooters in the building opposite. To force an entrance into a house under these conditions, small bags of gunpowder nailed against the doors and windows, and ex- ploded, are very effective, but, of course, artillery is the best means with which to open a passage into a block of houses. A very strong door, even if barred and bolted, can be blown open by ten pounds of powder. A rifle bullet fired into a lock will generally destroy it. The Defense of Houses. In preparing a building for defense, first of all it should be supplied with water, and food, and means of lighting, and facilities for extinguishing fire: Then as many of the RIOT DUTY 431 entrances as possible should be closed, and all the outer doors and windows of the basement and first floor should be barricaded with fur- niture, mattresses, piles of books, and any other available material. The loopholes should be so high that they can not be used from the outside, boxes and chairs being employed by the defenders to enable them to use the loopholes. If the building is accessible from adjoining buildings, the roof should be occupied and the partition walls on each floor loopholed. In extreme cases the stairways should be demolished and ladders substituted, all interior doors and partitions loopholed and long halls or passageways barricaded. If the building to be defended is isolated, a first or outer line of defense should be provided for by means of trenches and of barri- cades constructed on all avenues of approach and at such distances away that neither dynamite nor fire can be used against the building; and all surrounding buildings that command the fronts and entrances to the house defended should be occupied as a second or interior line of defense. A reserve should occupy the house itself to protect, if necessary, the retreat of the outlying troops and to assist in the defense of the building in case the other troops are driven in. This general principle should govern the defense of isolated buildings: No building should be defended from within itself until all its outlying defenses have been forced. The first defense should be made outside and at considerable distance from the building, the building itself being regarded as the last refuge of the defenders. A defense of a building must always be most obstinate and des- perate, as capture usually means annihilation. Construction of Barricades. Barricades may be constructed by plankings filled with earth, dung, stones; wagons and carriages, their wheels removed, filled with earth, etc. ; alternate layers of paving stones and earth, with the steep side toward the enemy, and with ditch and pits ; barrels, boxes and bales of merchandise; casks filled with stones; counters, trees, signs; rolls of carpet and matting; sacks filled with earth, etc. Barricades should be located at elevated points so as to command the street in front, and at the middle of the block because at the end they would be more easily turned. The buildings at the flanks of barricades should be loopholed and garrisoned. Defense of Railways. Passenger Stations and Freight Depots may be defended in .the man- ner above described for other buildings. 432 CHAPTER XXXIII The Rolling Stock, especially loaded freight cars, should be placed in mass on parallel tracks and then treated as a building, being de- fended in the same manner that is, the first line of defense being at some distance from the mass of cars. Open or flat cars should be placed on the outer tracks and at the ends of each line of cars, with bales of hay, barrels or boxes of merchandise on them forming breastworks. The Tracks may be best guarded by constantly running back and forth a locomotive with open cars attached to its front and rear, car- rying sharpshooters and a detachment of troops. In order to guard against dynamite on the tracks, a couple of unoccupied flat cars should precede the first car carrying troops. Troops Not To Be Separated Into Small Detachments and The Avoidance of Promiscuous Clashes. Care must be taken not to divide the troops into small detachments and send them out on various missions, as this may result in their being defeated in detail by the rioters. It must also be borne in mind that small, promiscuous clashes between the troops and rioters really accomplish nothing, and merely tend to excite the rioters and urge them on to acts of lawlessness. Traffic Routes. In the case of express and similar strikes, where stores are to be transported through the city, "traffic routes" should be established that is, certain streets should be thoroughly guarded and patrolled, and all traffic confined to these routes. Never Harangue A Mob. It almost invariably has a bad effect on them it generally does nothing but incite them. If you have occasion to address them, do so in a calm, firm, resolute manner, catching, if pos- sible, the eyes of those who are nearest to you show them, make them feel, by your speech and manner that you are not vindictive and you are not anxious to punish anyone, but you mean business and that you are going to do just exactly what you say. Never Try To Bluff A Mob. Never threaten to do things you do not intend to do, or that you can not do, or that you know would be illegal if you did do them. Should your "bluff" be called, the mob would then neither respect nor fear you and the result would probably be that the mob would become more lawless and outrageous. The Ruffian Element Of A Community always takes advantage of a riot to commit acts of lawlessness, and frequently they cause more trouble than anyone else. These people are entitled to absolutely no con- sideration and should be handled with a severe hand. RIOT DUTY 433 It is said that in the railroad riots of 1877, the most extensive riots that have ever occurred in this country, not 15 per cent of the railroad em- ployees were participants or sympathizers with the mob, which consisted almost entirely of roughs, tramps, pickpockets, thieves and unknown men. RIOT STRATEGY In case of a general riot, the troops should not be divided into numerous small detachments to quell minor disorders at various scat- tered points. Detached engagements without decisive or material results do nothing but exhaust the troops and encourage the rioters. Militia officers stationed in cities should study its strategic points and in case of a general riot the troops should be concentrated as rapidly as possible at these points, instead of being scattered through- out the city. In occupying strategic points the mass of the troops should be concealed as much as possible until the time of action arrives, so that their sudden appearance may come as a surprise. By means of detectives, or scouts in civilian clothing, the com- manding officer should keep himself constantly informed of the move- ments and purposes of the rioters. VARIOUS MEASURES Closing Saloons. Not only do saloons afford opportunity for intoxication and consequent disorders, but they also offer a place for rioters to congregate, talk and plan. Except under martial law, the commander of the military forces has no authority to order the closing of saloons, unless, of course, such authority is given him by the laws of the State. This must, as a rule, be done by the civil authorities, and in some States there are laws requiring that all saloons shall be closed during riots. In States where no such, laws have been enacted, the matter is discretionary with the civil authorities, and should the military commander consider the closing of saloons advisable, he should request the civil authorities to issue the necessary orders. Whenever a saloon keeper harbors disorderly crowds that become a menace to the public peace, the commanding officer in person or a duly authorized officer should visit the saloon with a detachment of soldiers and notify the proprietor that the place is a disorderly one, and that unless he rid his place immediately of all disorderly and undesirable characters, and then maintain it in a peaceful, orderly, law-abiding manner, he, the 434 CHAPTER XXXIII officer, will close the place (or have the place closed by the civil author- ities, or lay the matter before the proper authorities with a view to having his license rescinded, depending upon the law of the State.) As soon as practicable after the command arrives, saloon keepers should be instructed not to sell liquor to soldiers. If, however, they should do so after such instructions have been given, then steps should be taken to have the saloons closed. s Public Meetings, especially at night, are almost invariably a source of trouble. They afford splendid opportunity for trouble-making oratory. They should be prohibited, but, as in the case of closing saloons, the order must come from the civil authorities. Theaters and other Places of Amusement may or may not be permitted to remain open, depending upon circumstances, but if per- mitted, the managers should be instructed that no sentiments antagonistic to the restoration of peace and order will be tolerated, and should these instructions be disregarded, the place should be closed by the civil au- thorities. Curfew. It is sometimes necessary for the civil authorities to issue orders requiring all persons without permits to repair to and remain in their homes after a certain hour at night. Curfews are, at best, very obnoxious and annoying to the inhabitants and, should they be neces- sary, they should be enforced as considerately as is consistent with the end desired. It should be remarked in this connection that, as a matter of policy, no more hardships than are absolutely necessary should be imposed upon the inhabitants of the community. Unnecessary hardships will only tend to create public sentiment against the military and, in many cases, arouse sympathy for the rioters. Ministers, from the pulpit and otherwise, are very often able to assist materially in restoring law and order, and, when necessary, their good offices should be sought. However, should a minister endeavor to assist the rioters in any way, he should then be treated like any other rioter. In Conclusion Let it be said: I. Under no circumstances should an officer of the Organized Militia (or of the Regular Army) ever allow his command to be placed RIOT DUTY 435 on riot duty except by competent authority, nor should he ever allow himself to be persuaded to do police duty, by any civil officials except those who by law are authorized to place him on such duty. 2. The conduct of both officers and men should at all times and under all conditions be such as to inspire the confidence of all law- abiding citizens and promote respect for the military. 3. From the very beginning everything should be done to create public sentiment in favor of the restoration of law and order. 4. In dealing with mobs offensive measures are better than de- fensive ones and should always be adopted, if warranted by the size of the military force. Defensive measures generally give mobs heart and courage. 5. In facing a mob all officers must exercise good judgment, coolness and courage, and remember first, last and always, that under no circumstances should a mob ever be . temporized with. While no more force than is necessary should be used, mobs should be handled with a strong, firm, decisive, relentless hand. The officer who tem- porizes with a mob is sure to meet with disaster. 436 CHAPTER XXXIV CHAPTER XXXIV APPOINTMENT, PROMOTION AND RETIREMENT OF OFFICERS (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) All appointments and promotions of officers are made by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. APPOINTMENTS The second lieutenants of the army are appointed from / Graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y. A man must be at least 21 years old before he can be commissioned as an officer. The course at West Point being one of four years, the minimum age for admission of cadets is 17. Vacancies in the grade of second lieutenants existing on July 1 of each year are filled from the graduates of the Academy. In case there are more graduates than vacancies, the extra men are appointed as additional second lieutenants. 2 Enlisted Men of the Army. All vacancies existing on July 1 of each year, after that year's graduates of the Military Academy have been commissioned, may be filled by the appointment of en- listed men of the Army whose fitness for advancement shall have been determined by competitive examination. A soldier to be eligible to compete for appointment to the grade of second lieutenant must be a citizen of the United States, unmarried, between 21 and 30 years of age. He must also be physically sound, of good moral character and must have served honorably not less than two years as an en- listed man. To be eligible for appointment, the candidate must make a general average of at least 75 per cent, in the competitive examina- tion and not less than 65 per cent, in any one subject. Relative rank in appointments is determined b}' relative standing in the examination. 3 Civil Life. Any vacancies that may exist after the appoint- ment of the successful competitors amongst the enlisted men may be filled by the appointment of civilians, as follows: APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS 437 (a) Honor graduates of institutions of learning at which army officers are detailed as professors of military science, whose students have exhibited the greatest application and proficiency in military training and knowledge, not to exceed ten for any one year. Such ' graduates are not required to undergo any mental examination, but each must be recommended by the army officer on duty at the insti- tution of the applicant. Those of this class who may be appointed second lieutenants will be so appointed in advance of other appointees from civil life. (6) Such civilian applicants as may be designated by the Pres- ident and may pass the prescribed competitive examination. \ (c) In the Coast Artillery Corps such vacancies may be filled by the appointment of mechanical, electrical or civil engineers who are graduates of the universities, colleges or technical schools of the country. They may be designated by the War Department and must pass the prescribed competitive examination prior to appointment. The Surgeons of the Army enter the service, subject to the examination prescribed by law, with the rank, pay and allowances of first lieutenants of cavalry. After three years' service they receive the rank, pay, and allowance of captain. The Chaplains (who are commissioned officers) enter the Army with the rank, pay, and allowance of first lieutenant, mounted. After seven years' service they are given the rank, pay and allowances of captain, mounted. From time to time the President selects for pro- motion to the grade of major, chaplains having not less than ten years' service, in the grade of captain, who have been commended as worthy of special distinction for exceptional efficiency. The. number so promoted can not at any time exceed fifteen. No candidate can be appointed as chaplain unless he is a regu- larly ordained minister of some religious denomination; is in good standing in such denomination; is recommended for appointment by some authorized ecclesiastical body, or by not less than five accred- ited ministers of the same; is not over 40 years of age and passes a satisfactory examination as to his moral, mental and physical qualifications. For appointments and details in the Adjutant General's Depart- ment, the Quartermaster's, the Subsistence, Inspectors General's, the Judge Advocate General's, Pay and Ordnance Departments and the Signal Corps, see Supplement, Chapter III. 438 CHAPTER XXXIV Appointment to the grade of brigadier general is generally made by selection from the Army, and usually from the colonels, although the President may appoint any one he wishes, even a private soldier or civilian. (His right to do so is his constitutional authority to fill an office "the appointment to which is not otherwise provided for in the Constitution." There is no restriction made by law limiting his power of appointment in this case.) Promotion of every grade below the rank of brigadier general throughout each arm, corps or department is made according to seniority in the next lower grade of that arm, corps or department. All officers below the rank of major are examined, mentally and physically, for promotion, except that in the Medical Corps majors also are examined. Should an officer fail in his physical examination and be found incapacitated for service by reason of physical disability contracted in line of duty, he is retired with the rank to which his seniority entitles him. Officers may be "wholly retired" on account of disability not incident to the service, in which case their names are dropped from the rolls of the Army with one year's pay. Should an officer fail on the mental examination he is sus- pended from promotion for one year, when he is reexamined, and in case of failure on such re-examination, he is honorably discharged with one year's pay, except that in the Medical Corps first lieutenants and captains who may fail on examination for promotion are at once honorably discharged with one year's pay. However, majors who may fail on their examination for lieutenant colonel, are not honorably dis- charged, but are continued in the service as majors. Retirement. Officers may be retired under one of these con- ditions: (a) By operation of law upon reaching the age of 64. (&) Upon their own application, after forty years' continuous service (c) Upon their own application, in the discretion of the President, after thirty years' continuous service. (d) After forty-five years' service or upon reaching the age of 62 years, in the discretion of the President, (e) On account of disability contracted in line of duty. (f) By special act of Congress. (The only cases of retirement by special act of Congress, are when the Presi- dent is authorized to appoint certain men from civil life to certain grades in the Army and to retire them at once). Retired officers receive 75 per cent of the pay of the rank held when they are retired. Officers retired by operation of law upon APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS 439 reaching the age of 64, are placed upon the Unlimited List. Retired officers less than 64 years of age are placed upon the Limited List, which consists of not more than 300. Upon reaching the age of 64, officers on the Limited List are transferred to the Unlimited List. Officers retired by special act of Congress are not placed upon the Limited List. Officers may be wholly retired on account of dis- ability not incident to the service, in which case their names are dropped from the rolls of the Army with one year's pay. Retired officers, like retired enlisted men, are subject to the rules and articles of war and may be court-martialed for violation thereof. Any officer of the Army below the grade of brigadier general who served with credit in the Civil War as an officer or as an enlisted man in either the Regular or Volunteer forces, who may be retired on account of wounds or disability incident to the service, or on account of age or after forty years' service, may, in the discretion of the Pres- ident, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, be placed on the retired list of the Army with the rank and retired pay of one grade above that actually held by him at the time of retirement. No officer holding a rank above that of colonel can be retired, except for disability or on account of age until he shall have served at least one year in such rank. 440 CHAPTER XXXV CHAPTER XXXV MISCELLANEOUS (See corresponding chapter in SUPPLEMENT for additional matter and changes, if any.) Publication of Books and Articles. The authority of the War Department for an officer or a soldier to publish a book or an article of any kind, is not necessary. However, should such book or article contain matter of a nature considered sub- versive of good order and military discipline, this would be cause for action by the Department. Officers Engaging in Business. With the exception of A. R. 603, '10, which pro- hibits officers from furnishing supplies or services to the Government, there is nothing in law or in the Army Regulations on this subject, which is a matter entirely within the regulation of the War Department. It is quite common for officers to make in- vestments and sometimes to engage passively in reputable business that in no way interferes with the proper performance of their duties. However, there is con- siderable doubt of the propriety of an officer's engaging actively in business, even though such act in no way interfered with the proper performance of his military duties. Of course, should an officer engage in a disreputable or fraudulent business, or should he use his official position to further an undertaking of any kind, he would lay himself liable to trial under the 61st or 62nd Article of War. On the ground that retired pay is hardly sufficient for an officer to support himself and family, retired officers are permitted to engage actively in business, and a number of them do this. Dropping "jr" After Name. If an officer or enlisted man, in the case of the death of his father, for instance, wishes to drop the "jr" after his name, it is only necessary to write to The Adjutant General of the Army, stating the circumstances of the case and requesting authority to drop the "jr." The Adjutant General of the Army may give such authority. Changing Name. An officer desiring to have his name changed may do so by going before a court and procuring the necessary judicial decree and then notifying The Adjutant General of the Army of same, with the request that the proper changes be made on the records of the War Department. An enlisted man desiring to have his name changed may do so by applying to The Adjutant General of the Army, through his company commander, setting forth in his letter all the circumstances of the case. Changing Date of Birth. An officer or enlisted man desiring to have changed the date of his birth as recorded in the War Department, may do so upon application to The Adjutant General of the Army, furnishing with his application a copy of his birth certificate or baptismal record, or an affidavit of parent. Information Regarding Inspection by Customs Officials of Baggage, etc., upon return from Foreign Service. The following instructions were issued by the Treasury Department, February 4, 1910: MISCELLANEOUS 441 NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. Paragraph 709, appearing in the free list of the present tariff act, governing passengers' baggage, is as follows: 709. "Wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles, and similar personal effects of persons arriving in the United States; but this exemption shall only include such articles as actually accompany and are in the use of, and are necessary and appropriate for the wear and use of such persons, for the immediate purposes of the journey and present comfort and convenience, and shall not be held to apply to merchandise or articles intended for other persons or for sale: PROVIDED, That in case of residents of the United States returning from abroad, all wearing apparel and other personal effects taken by them out of the United States to foreign countries shall be admitted free of duty, without regard to their value, upon their' identity being established, under appropriate rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but no more than one hundred dollars in value of articles purchased abroad by such residents of the United States shall be admitted free of duty upon their return." Foreigners are entitled to bring in free of duty such articles as are in the nature of wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles, and similar personal effects accompanying the passenger and necessary and appropriate foi- his or her wear and use for the purposes of the journey and present comfort and con. venience, and are not intended for other persons nor for sale, without regard to the one hundred dollars limitation. Citizens of the United States may have this privilege, provided it is shown to the satisfaction of the Collector's representative on the pier, subject to the Collector's approval, that they are bona fide residents of a foreign country. BAGGAGE DECLARATION. Passengers should observe that on the sheet there are two forms of declaration; the one printed in black is for returning residents of the United States; the one in red, for all persons other than residents of the United States. The senior member of a family, if a passenger, may make declaration for the entire family. Ladies traveling alone should state that fact in their declarations and entries in order that an expeditious examination of their baggage may be made. The exact number of pieces of baggage, including all trunks, valises, boxes, packages, and hand bags of any description accompanying the passenger, must be stated in the declaration. The forms above mentioned will be distributed to passengers during the early part of the voyage by an officer of the ship. When a passenger has prepared and signed the declaration, the coupon at the bottom of the form must be detached and the form given to the officer of the ship designated to receive the same. Declarations spoiled in the preparation must not be destroyed, but turned over to the purser, who will furnish a new blank to the passenger. After all the baggage and effects of the passenger are landed upon the pier, the coupon which has been retained by the passenger must be presented at the Inspector's desk, whereupon an Inspector will be detailed to examine the baggage. Passengers must acknowledge in person, on the pier, their signatures to their declarations. Passengers who, for any reason, desire the examination of their baggage 442 CHAPTER XXXV postponed, may have all or any part thereof sent to the appraiser's store by making a request therefor to the officer taking their declaration. RESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Residents of the United States must declare all wearing apparel, jewelry, and other articles, whether used or unused, on their persons, in their clothing, or in their baggage, which have been obtained abroad by purchase or otherwise, with the foreign cost or value of the same. They shall state, as well, all wearing apparel, jewelry, or other articles taken out of the United States, which have been remodeled or im- proved while abroad so as to increase their value, the said statement to include the cost of such improvement. By stating the value of all declared articles in United States money, and packing the same so as to be easily produced for examination (and in one trunk if practicable), passengers will expedite the appraisement and passing of the same upon the pier. Whenever practicable, passengers should present the original receipted bills for foreign purchases. Residents of the United States are allowed one hundred dollars' worth of articles in the nature of personal effects at their present foreign value, free of duty, provided they are not intended for other persons, or for sale, or to be used in business, and are properly declared. Use does not exempt from duty wearing apparel or other articles obtained abroad, but such articles will be appraised at their present value. Residents of the United States may also bring with them free of duty all wearing apparel and other personal effects taken by them out of the United States which have not been remodeled or improved abroad so as to increase their value. Residents of the United States must not deduct the one hundred dollars exemption from the value of their wearing apparel or other articles obtained abroad by purchase or otherwise. Such deduction will be made by customs officers on the pier. GOODS OTHER THAN PERSONAL EFFECTS. Household effects of .persons or families from foreign countries will be admitted free of duty if actually used abroad by them not less than one year, and not intended for any other person nor for sale. Such effects should be declared whether the passenger be a foreigner or resident of the United States. Articles intended for other persons, for use in business, theatrical apparel, properties, and sceneries, must also be declared by passengers, whether foreigners or residents. CIGARS AND CIGARETTES. All cigars and cigarettes must be declared, and are not included in the one hundred dollars exemption. Each passenger over eighteen years of age is entitled to bring in, free of duty and internal-revenue tax, either SO cigars or 300 cigarettes for his or her bona fide individual personal consumption. DUTIES OF CUSTOMS OFFICERS. Passengers dissatisfied with values placed upon dutiable articles by the customs officers on the pier may demand a re-examination, but application therefor should be immediately made to the officers there in charge. If for any reason this course is impracticable, the packages containing the articles should be reft in customs custody and application for reappraisement made to the collector of customs, in writing, MISCELLANEOUS 443 within ten days after the original appraisement. No request for reappraisement can be entertained after the articles have been removed from customs custody. Government officers are forbidden by laws to accept anything but currency in payment of duties, but, if requested, will retain baggage on the piers for twenty- four hours to enable the owner to secure the currency. Passengers are advised that to offer or give gratuities or bribes to customs officers is a violation of law, and customs officers who accept gratuities or bribes will be dismissed from service, and all parties guilty of such offense are liable to criminal prosecution. Any discourtesy or incivility on the part of customs officers should be reported to the collector at the custom-house, to the deputy collector or the deputy surveyor at the pier, or to the Secretary of the Treasury. BAGGAGE FOR TRANSPORTATION IN BOND. Upon application to the customs officer in charge on the pier, baggage intended for delivery at ports in the United States other than the port of arrival, or in transit through the United States to a foreign country, may be forwarded thereto without the assessment of duty at the port of arrival, by the various railroads and express companies, whose representatives will be found on the pier. Passengers desiring to have their baggage forwarded in bond should indicate such intention and state the value thereof in their declarations, before any examinaton of the baggage has been made. SEALSKIN GARMENTS. An act of Congress of 1897 expressly forbids the importation into the United States of garments made in whole or in part of the skins of seals taken in the waters of the North Pacific Ocean, and unless the owner is able to establish by competent evidence and to the satisfaction of the collector that the garments are not prohibited they can not be admitted. Under sections 2802 and 3082 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, arti- cles obtained abroad not declared are subject to seizure, and the passenger liable to criminal prosecution. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Washington, February 4, 1910. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. INFORMATION REGARDING THE PHILIPPINE TARIFF LAW. Under the present tariff law, articles the growth, product, or manufacture of the United States, upon which no drawback of customs duties has been allowed thereon, are admitted into the Philippine Islands from the United States free of duty; and articles, the growth or product of or manufactured in the Philippine Islands from materials the growth or product of the Philippine Islands or of the United States, or of both, or which do not contain foreign materials to the value of more than twenty per centum of their total value, upon which no drawback of customs duties has been allowed thereon, are admitted into the United States from the Philippine Islands free of duty; rice excepted absolutely, and also excepting sugar, tobacco, and cigars in excess of certain amounts fixed by law. In the case of articles sent froifi the United States to the Philippines, by freight or express, the manufacturer, seller or consignor, is required to make and oign on the invoice, both the original and the duplicate, this certificate, which may be printed, written, typewritten or stamped : "I hereby certify that the above-described articles are of the growth, product or manufacture of the United States or its possessions, and that no drawback of 444 CHAPTER XXXV import duties has been or will be claimed thereon, and that this invoice is true and correct in all particulars." Both the original and duplicate invoices are sent to the consignee direct. However, if the articles are sent by mail and are valued at less than $10, no certificate is required either in the Philippine Islands or in the United States; but if valued at $10 or more the shipper must make the same certificate as in the case of freight or express shipments, but the original invoice should be addressed to the Post- master, Manila, and the duplicate to the consignee of the package. In the case of articles sent from the Philippines to the United States, by freight or 'express, a certificate of origin must be executed by the shipper and for- warded by him direct to the Collector of Customs at the port of entry. Blank forms for this purpose may be obtained from the Philippine customs officials. Articles which do not comply with the requirements of the law for free entry, although they may have been bought in either the Philippines or the United States, are dutiable, and invoices are required for such goods over $100 in value. A Each passenger over eighteen years of age may bring into the United States from the Philippines 50 cigars or 300 cigarettes free of duty and without a certificate of origin. For cigars or cigarettes in excess of those quantities a certificate of origin will be required. The internal revenue tax must be paid on all cigars and cigarettes regardless of their number. Although under the law, the number of cigars that can be imported annually into the United States free of duty is limited to 150,000,000, at present there is no limit placed on the quantity that the passenger may bring with him into the United States duty free. Cigars and cigarettes that are to be brought into the United States should be bought in the Philippines out of bond, thus avoiding the unnecessary payments of the Philippine internal revenue tax, but the passengers should see that stamps for the United States internal revenue taxes have been affixed in the Philippine Islands, else they will be detained in the United States in order to have such stamps attached. Cigars and cigarettes can not be imported into the United States by mail, and officers serving in the Philippines should not send cigars or cigarettes by mail to friends in the United States. Cigars and cigarettes should always be sent to the United States by freight or express, accompanied by a certificate of origin, packed in boxes of not less than 500 cigars in each box and in quantities of not less than 3,000 in a single package, with the stamps for the United States internal revenue tax affixed thereto. RETURNING FROM THE PHILIPPINES VIA THE EASTERN ROUTE. (Nearly all the information here given was obtained from officers who made the trip in 1908.) B War . Dept. Instructions. The Division Commander is authorized to grant leaves of absence under the provisions of Par. 51, A. R., to officers under orders to return to the United States, who may desire to return via the Eastern route, and to grant them permission to return that way. The leave so granted is limited to the amount accumulated on full pay. It is distinctly understood that the Government shall be put to no more expense on account of an officer's returning by way of the Eastern route than it would cost to bring him back to his station in the United States on a transport via San Francisco. A. G. O. Feby. 16, '07. Scout officers may also be granted such leaves of absence. A. G. O. Sept. 11, '07. MISCELLANEOUS 445 An officer on duty in the Philippines, under orders to return to the United States with his regiment, who is granted a leave of absence with permission to return via Europe or any other indirect route, is entitled to actual expenses from Manila to San Francisco and to the actual amount (payable by the Quartermaster's Department) that it would have cost the Government to transport him from San Francisco to his proper station in the United States. He would be entitled to foreign service pay up to the date of arrival of his regiment in the United States. An officer of the staff corps or any other officer not on duty with troops, would be entitled to actual expen- ses from Manila to San Francisco and to mileage from San Francisco to his proper station in the United States, and to foreign service pay up to the date of his arrival in the United States. An officer in the United States, under orders for foreign service, joining his regiment in the Philippines, on leave via Europe, would be entitled to foreign ser- vice pay from the date of sailing of his regiment from San Francisco. He would also be entitled to actual expenses from San Francisco to Manila and to the actual amount that it would have cost the Government to transport him from his station to San Francisco. . A staff officer or any other officer not serving with troops would be entitled to foreign service pay from the date of his sailing and to mileage from his station to San Francisco and to actual expenses from San Francisco to Manila. (See Circular 11, 1905 and Circulars 58 and 77, 1910.) An officer thus going or returning from duty in the Philippines on leave, is credited with thirty days' detached service to cover the time necessary to perform the travel between the Philippines and the United States. (A. R. 60, 1910.) A Passport, which is an absolute necessity in Siberia and Russia (and Turkey) can be obtained upon application to the Governor General of the Philippines. Letters. It is suggested if the officer expects to come in contact with either British, Russian or other Army officers, that a letter "To Whom it May Concern" be obtained from the Commanding General, Philippines Division, to the effect that the officer, who has been serving in the Philippines, is on his way to the United States, and that the Division Commander would appreciate any courtesies that might be extended him en route by any foreign Army officer. The author knows of one former commanding general of the Division who was always glad to give such letters. The Expense of a Trans- Siberian trip from Manila to New York can, with com- fort, be limited to the following: Manila to London, via Hong Kong (various routes to Harbin) and Mos- cow (1st class steamer; 2nd class R. R.) $272 (1st class R. R. from Mani3a to Moscow is $85 more, i. e. $357). London to New York about ^ 90 $362 A first-class ticket throughout from Manila to New York ($100 berth from London to New York included), via Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tientsin, Newchwang, Dalny, Mukden, Harbin, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Berlin, Cologne, Paris, and Lon- don, costs $479.50. First-class Manila to Harbin, second-class Harbin to London, with $100 passage across Atlantic, costs $408.75. Cook & Son advise that first-class transportation be used on Chinese and Trans-Siberian railroads. About the minimum that one can allow for hotel bills, tips, etc., is $5 a day for each day from Manila to New York. Thos. Cook & Son, 16 Desvoeux Road, Hong Kong, China, will gladly furnish any desired information regarding rates, connections, etc., and Warner, Barnes & Co., Manila, or Shewan, Tomes & Co., Hong Kong, will furnish schedules, maps, etc. of 446 CHAPTER XXXV the Trans-Siberian Railroad. It may be said in this connection that time and money are generally saved by patronizing Thos. Cook & Son. Arrangements Regarding Money Matters en route should be given careful atten- tion before leaving the Philippines, and it is suggested that American Express Com- pany travelers' checks be gotten from the International Banking Corporation, Manila. These checks, which can be obtained at a very reasonable rate, are in convenient denominations of $10, $20, $50, etc., and are accepted the world over in almost all hotels, large stores and banks, the same as cash. In case of loss by theft or other- wise, the purchaser is, without unnecessary delay or red tape, reimbursed by the Express Company. Furthermore, the American Express Company, if so desired, looks after the care and forwarding of its patrons' mail. However, some officers advise Shanghai Banking Corporation letters of credit. Our Missionaries in China and other foreign countries are generally very kind and willing about furnishing information, extending courtesies, etc. to their fellow- countrymen. Usual Itinerary Via Siberia. Manila to Hong Kong, 2J4 days; stop over about a week, making excursions to Canton, Macao, etc. ; Hong Kong to Shang- hai, 2H days; Shanghai to Hankow, 600 miles up the Yangtze, 3 1 /-> days; Hankow to Pekin, 700 miles by rail (with connections, count on about 5? days from Shanghai to Pekin) ; Pekin to Mukden via Newchwang, (from there a run of about 200 miles south may be made to Port Arthur) and Liaoyang, about 1 1 A days, which includes stopping over one night in a railroad hotel. (It is sometimes possible to catch a steamer to Dalny from Taku;) Mukden to Harbin, 22 hours; Harbin to Moscow, about 10 days; Moscow to St. Petersburg, 18 hours; St. Petersburg to Berlin, 24 hours ; Berlin to Paris, 24 hours. NOTE. An Army transport may be taken from Manila to Nagasaki, about 5 days, thence to Vladivostok, [about 2Y 2 days] Harbin, etc. the time of actual travel from Vladivostok to Paris or London, being l2> l / 2 days). Battlefields. A captain of some seventeen years' service who made this trip in the early fall of 1908, suggests that only two battlefields be visited Port Arthur (at least three days accommodations very satisfactory) and Liaoyang (about two days accommodations poor). Not only are they very accessible and cover all points of professional intersts, the lessons they teach being considered the quintessence of modem combat, but they also stand today practically as they were during the campaigns, the entrenchments, redoubts, pits, etc., being very nearly intact, and even the places where shells fell being clearly marked by craters. Guides. Japanese guides can be gotten through our missionaries. However, it is not always easy to get one that can speak good English. Books and Maps. One should be thoroughly familiar with the War Depart ment publications containing the reports of our military observers, especially those on Port Arthur (Kuhn) and Liaoyang (Morrison and Reichmann). Hamilton's "Scrap Book" should also be read. These books should be read before one leaves the Philippines. Maps are, of course, necessary in order to study the battlefields care- fully and intelligently and those contained in our War Department publications are considered excellent. Baggage. If any trunk at all is carried it should be only a steamer trunk, but it is better to travel with nothing but hand baggage. In Europe especially, the baggage allowance is very limited (about 66 Ibs.) and the charge on extra weight is MISCELLANEOUS 447 exorbitant, while the amount of hand baggage that can be taken into a car is almost unlimited. If one expects to ride over any of the battlefields a pair of riding trousers, leggins, spurs and gloves or gauntlets should be taken along. There is no special reason why one should be encumbered with uniforms. The Best Time to Make the Trip is probably the early fall. The greatest objection to making the trip in winter, is that blizzards and snow might interfere seriously, if not altogether, with one's visiting the battlefields. SUGGESTED ITINERARIES VIA INDIA. From Manila to Singapore, via Hong Kong (stop over about a week for side trips to Canton, Macao, etc.); or from Zamboanga to Singapore, via Borneo (side trip from Singapore to Java ; 48 hours to Batavia ships daily fare about $50 round trip) ; Penang, Rangoon, Mandalay, Calcutta, Darjeeling (in Himalayas en route to Thibet, hill station of Bengal wonderful view of Everest, Kanchanjanga and Snowy Range, highest in the world) ; Calcutta, Benares (the Sacred City of the Hindoos, and considered by many the most interesting spot in India), Lucknow (has large garrison), Cawnpore (espe- cially interesting from a military standpoint), Agra (Taj Mahal, the gem of Indian architecture; also Fort Agra), Delhi (has large garrison); (side trip to Simla; if time permits, one should also visit from Delhi, Lahore, the home of Kipling, proceeding thence to Bombay if desired, via Jaipur, Ajmere and Ahmadabad) ; Jaipur, Bombay, Colombo (from which point trips can be made to Kandy and Matale), Port Said, Cairo (from which point a trip up the Nile is made to Luxor and Assouan), Alexandria or Port Said (from the latter one may go on to Naples or to Genoa ; from the former, to Marseilles), and then to Paris, sailing for New York from either Le Havre or Cherbourg. NOTE. If the ocean travel for the whole trip is via North German Lloyd, one may, instead of landing at Naples, Genoa or Marseilles, continue to Bremen with- out extra cost, and then proceed to Paris by rail). From Cairo or Alexandria one might take the Khedivial Line to Constantinople, without extra cost, and then proceed to Paris by rail. If it is desired to visit Madras, the trip should be made from Bombay about 36 hours by rail thence by rail to Tuticorin, thence by boat, a short trip, to Colombo. From Cairo or Alexandria one might the Khedivial line to Constantinople, stopping at Smyrna and at Piraeus long enough to go to Athens ; from Constantinople take the express through Belgrade to Budapest and Vienna. This Itinerary is also Suggested: From Manila to Zamboanga by inter-island transport ; Zamboanga to Manado, Celebes, by Coast Guard Cutter or North German Lloyd ($25) ; thence by North German Lloyd or Royal Dutch Mail, via ports in Celebes and Borneo, to Soerabaya, Eastern Java (about $100) ; thence by rail to Batavia (about $40), from where there are daily boats to Singapore. Rest of itinerary same as other. Books Suggested. Wallace's Malay Archipelago, Scidmore's Java and Van Bemmelen's Dutch East Indies. All these books can be obtained from Kelly & Walsh, Hong Kong or Singapore. Expense of Trip. The author knows of an officer who spent four and one-half months returning to the States via India, with every reasonable comfort, at a -total cost of about $1,350 about $10 a day which included first-class transportation throughout. Not only is it a saving to get all your ocean travel via the same line, but it is also a decided convenience as regards the forwarding of baggage. The expense of such a trip is reduced somewhat when two or more are traveling together, the guide and carriage fe ** II. . . r , , , - depth, 1 3-4 ft.) load - Wl11 hold 75 rations. Four-Mule Escort Wagon (the standard wagon), on good roads, loads should not SUSF^htVi? . ft '' exceed 3,000 pounds; for average conditions, 2,500 pound*. WlQin, O 1-S It. t WIT*** , , depth, 1 3-4 ft. Will hold 65 rations. PACK ANIMALS Under favorable conditions a pack animal can carry a load of about 250 pounds. However, when long or hard marches are to be made the load should not be much in excess of 200 pounds. DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITIES OF STANDARD RAILROAD CARS Day coach 3 men to 2 seats, 42 men to 45 men. Pullman standard sleeper 14 or 16 sections. Tourist sleeper 12, 14 or 16 sections, 3 men to a section. Freight car (box) length, 34 to 36 feet; capacity, 40,000 to 60,000 pounds. Flat car length, 34 to 36 feet; width, 8 feet 6 inches. Gondola or coal car length, 34 to 36 feet; width, 8 feet 5 inches. Palace stock car length, 36 to 40 feet; capacity, 16 to 20 head. Improved stock car length, 36 to 40 feet; capacity, 20 to 24 head. Ordinary stock car length, 30 to 34 feet; capacity, 16 to 20 head. ALLOWANCE OF WATER The daily allowance of water for a horse at rest is about six gallons; when at work, from eight to twelve gallons; for a man, one gallon for all purposes. One gallon of fresh water weighs 81-2 pounds, approximately 1 pint to 1 pound. RATION OF FORAGE Horse 14 Ibs. hay and 12 Ibs. oats, corn or barley. Mule 14 Ibs. hay and 9 Ibs. oats, corn or barley. To each animal 3 Ibs. of bran may be issued in lieu of that quantity of grain. POWER OF ATTORNEY (General form.) Know all men by these presents, that I, John A. Smith, of Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas, do hereby make, constitute and appoint John Doe, of New Orleans, Louisiana, my true, sufficient and lawful attorney for me and in my name to (here state in plain terms the subject-matter of power), and to do and perform all neces- sary act in the execution and prosecution of the aforesaid business in as full and ample a manner as I might do if I were personally present. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 1st day of January, 1908. Witnesses : Robt. A. Harris. JOHN A. SMITH (Seal). J Jas. B. Robinson. FORM OF CONTRACT Agreement entered into between the Robert Smith Publishing Co. of Wash- ington, D. C. f and John A. Smith of Fcrt Leavenworth, Kansas. ARTICLE I. The Robert Smith Publishing Co., in consideration of the agree- ments hereinafter stated, agrees to (insert in full the subject matter of the agreement). *A circle or a rectangle made with a pen, and with the word "Seal" written in it, is a "Seal." MISCELLANEOUS 465 ARTICLE II. The Robert Smith Publishing Co. further agrees to, etc. ARTICLE III. John A. Smith, in consideration of the above agreements, agrees to (insert in full the' subject matter of the agreement). ARTICLE IV. It is mutually agreed that either party may put an end to this agreement by one month's notice thereof. In witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, this 1st day of January, 1908. Attest: ) THE ROBERT SMITH PUBLISHING CO., John Doe. Per Robert Smith, President. Henry Smith. I JOHN A. SMITH. FORMS OF A WILL ,, (a) I, John A. Smith, of Fort Leavenworth, State of Kansas, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and testament, that is to say: First I will and direct that all just debts that may exist against me at my decease shall be settled. Second. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Mary Smith, the sum of five thousand dollars, same being in lieu of all her 'dowry rights in my personal estate; also all my household furniture. Third. To my son, Andrew J. Smith, I give and bequeath the sum of one thousand dollars. And lastly, all the rest, residue and remainder of my personal estate I give and bequeath to my esteemed friend, Captain Henry R. Jones, his heirs and assigns forever. I hereby* appoint Samuel Sherman, of New Orleans, La., the sole execute, of this, my last will and testament I hereby revoke all former wills by me made. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and peal, at Fort Leaven- worth, aforesaid, this first day of January, nineteen hundred and eight. JOHN A. SMITH (Seal). Signed and sealed by said John A. ") Smith, who at the same time pub- lished and declared the same as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us, who, in his presence, and in the presence of each other, and at his request, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses, j Robert A. Harris, of Fort Leavenworth, Kans. Jas. B. Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo. Arthur Coles, of Leavenworth, Kans. (fr) The following form, to be written in the testator's own handwriting, is the simplest there is : FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANS., December 25, 1908. This is my last will and testament, revoking all previous wills made by me: First I give and bequeath to, etc. Second I hereby direct, etc. Third I hereby appoint my brother, John R. Smith, executor of this, my last will and testament. HENRY J. SMITH. 466 CHAPTER XXXV DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. A Declaration by the Representatives of the United States of America in Congress Assembled. (July 4, 1776.) When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of man- kind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalien- able rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any Form of Government becomes destruc- tive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpa- tions, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. MISCELLANEOUS 467 He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, un- comfortable and distant from the Depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for oppos- ing with manly firmness his invasion on the rights of the people. He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exer- cise; the State remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. He has endeavored to prevent the Population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreign- ers; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers He has made Judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has created a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our People, and eat out. their substance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislature. He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation- For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: For protecting them, by a mock trial, from Punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States : 468 CHAPTER XXXV For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world: For imposing Taxes on us without Consent: For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury: For transporting us beyond the Seas to be tried for pretended offenses: For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neigh- boring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies: For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the loves of our People. He is at this time transporting large Armies of Foreign Mer- cenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow-Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the exe- cutioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free People. Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British breth- ren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We MISCELLANEOUS 469 have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and mag- nanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably inter- rupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Ab- solved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, es- tablish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Inde- pendent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declara- tion, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. The foregoing declaration was, by order of Congress, engrossed and signed by the following members: JOHN HANCOCK. NEW HAMPSHIRE: Josiah Bartlett, Wm. Whipple, Matthew Thornton. MASSACHUSETTS BAY: Saml. Adams.. John Adams, Robt. Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry. RHODE ISLAND: Step. Hopkins, William Ellery. CONNECTICUT: Roger Sherman, Sam'el Huntington, Wm. Williams, Oliver Wolcott. NEW YORK: Wm. Floyd, Phil. Livingston, Frans Lewis, Lewis Morris. ' St ckton> Jno ' Wi therspoon, Fras. Hopkinson, John Hart, PENNSYLVANIA: Robt. Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benja. Franklin, John Morton, Geo. Clymer, Jas. Smith, Geo. Taylor, James Wilson, Geo. Ross. DELAWARE: Cesar Rodney, Geo. Read, Tho. M'Kean. MARYLAND: Samuel Chase, Wm. Paca, Thos. Stone, Charles Carroll of Carrollton. VIRGINIA: George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Th. Jefferson, Benj. Harrison, Thos. Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton. NORTH CAROLINA: Wm. Hooper, Joseph Hawes, John Penn. SOUTH CAROLINA: Edward Rutledge, Thos. Heyward, Junr., Thomas Lynch, Junr., Arthur Middleton. 470 CHAPTER XXXV GEORGIA: Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, Geo. Walton. Resolved, That copies of the Declaration to be sent to the several assemblies, conventions and committees or councils of safety, and to the several commanding officers of the Continental Troops: That it be PROCLAIMED in each of the UNITED STATES and at the HEAD of the ARMY. (Journals of Congress, 1.396.) PATENTS The Right of Officers and Soldiers to Their Inventions. An officer or a soldier has as much right to his inventions as has any private citizen, these rights being limited only by the general rule of patent law as to relations of employer and employee that is, where an employee is engaged, in time and at the expense of his employer, and using his employer's tools to develop any invention, the employer has a right to use this invention in his own works, but he has no right to authorize third parties to manufacture or use said inventions. It is, therefore, evident that only in the rarest instances has the Government any right whatsoever to the patented inventions of any of its officers or soldiers, and even then such rights are of a limited nature only. How to Apply for Patent. If you have made an invention that you wish to have patented, the first questions which will naturally arise are: / Is the invention patentable? 2 Is it worth the expense of demonstrating its utility and obtaining a patent; for an invention may be new and patentable and at the same time worthless from a financial standpoint. Having determined that your invention is worth the expense of testing its efficiency and procuring a patent, it is often advisable, before Roing to much expense in demonstrating its utility, to ascertain whether it is patentable ; for if not, the time, money and labor expended in reducing it to practice will be lost. Preliminary Examination. Generally the inventor has not the experience and knowledge of Patent Law necessary to determine whether an invention is patentable, nor has he the facilities for making the examination upon which a sound opinion must be based. He must, therefore, employ an agent or attorney to examine and report as to whether a patent can probably be secured for his invention. Victor J. Evans & Co., Victor Building, Washington, D. C., are a reliable firm, which is recommended. They issue carefully compiled literature that contains much valuable information regarding Patents, Trade Marks, and Copyrights. A pamphlet, "Rules of Practice in the U. S. Patent Office," can be obtained upon application to the Com- missioner of Patents, Washington, D. C. A sketch or model of the invention, accom- panied by a description of its mode of operation, must, of course, be furnished the agent or attorney. A fee of about $5 is generally charged for this preliminary search. If, after the preliminary examination, it is thought the invention is patentable the application for the patent is then made. If the invention is patentable Victor J. Evans & Co., do not charge anything for the preliminary search. The Cost, in ordinary cases, is : First Government fee $15.00 Draughtsman's fee (one sheet of drawing, about 10x15 inches) 5.00 Attorney's fee, about 35.00 Final Government fee, payable at any time within six months after the patent has been allowed 20.00 Total about . MISCELLANEOUS 471 This, of course, includes the preliminary examination. In complicated cases requiring several drawings and considerable study on the part of the attorney, the cost is greater. Should the application be finally rejected by the Patent Office or should the inventor decide to abandon it, the final Government fee of $20 need not be paid. COPYRIGHTS. As an essential prerequisite to obtaining copyright protection, the law requires that before the application can be filed the book or other article must be published under the copyright notice, which is "Copyright, 19.., by " and that within a reasonable time after such publication two copies thereof as published must be de- livered at the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. An applica- tion for copyright protection must be made simultaneously with or preceding the for- warding of the copies, the application not being complete until the copies are received. The Government fee for copyright is one dollar. An attorney is not absolutely essential, but the employment of one is advised to avoid, delay and assure compliance with the law's technicalities. The attorney's fee is nominal, usually $5.00. DOMESTIC WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Apothecaries' Weight: 20 grains = 1 scruple; 3 scruples = 1 dram; 8 drams = 1 ounce; 12 ounces = 1 pound. Avoirdupois Weight (short ton): 27 11-32 grains = 1 dram; 16 drams = 1 ounce; 16 ounces = 1 pound; 25 pounds = quarter; 4 quarters = 1 cwt. ; 20 cwt. = 1 ton Avoirdupois Weight (long ton): 27 11-32 grains = 1 dram; 16 drams = 1 ounce; 16 ounces = 1 pound; 112 pounds = 1 cwt.; 20 cwt. = 1 ton. Troy Weight: 24 grains = 1 pennyweight; 20 pennyweights = 1 ounce; 12 ounces 1 pound. Circular Measure : 60 seconds = 1 minute ; 60 minutes = 1 degree ; 30 de- grees = 1 sign; 12 signs = 1 circle or circumference. Cubic Measure: 1728 cubic inches 1 cubic foot; 27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard; 128 cubic feet = 1 cord. A pile 8 feet long, 4 feet high, 4 feet wide = 1 cord. Square measure: 144 square inches = 1 square foot; 9 square feet = 1 square yard; 30 1-4 square yards = 1 square rod, pole or perch; 40 square rods = 1 rood; 36 square miles (6 miles square) = 1 township. 1 acre = 160 sq. rods. 1 acre = 4840 sq. yards. 1 acre = 43560 sq. feet. 640 acres = 1 sq. mile. A plot of ground 209 feet square also a plot 70 yards square, contains a little more than an acre. A ten-acre lot is equal to a space about 200 x 250 yards. Dry Measure: 2 pints = 1 quart; 8 quarts = 1 peck; 4 pecks = 1 bushel; The bushel (Winchester) contains nearly 2150.42 cubic inches, and is a cylinder meas- ure 18 1-2 inches across and 8 inches deep. Liquid Measure: 4 gills = 1 pint; 2 pints = 1 quart; 4 quarts = 1 gallon; 311-2 gallons = 1 barrel. A standard U. S. Gallon =231 cubic inches, and contains 8.33 pounds of pure water at 62 degrees F. 472 CHAPTER XXXV A cubic foot of pure water at 62 degrees F. = 62.32 pounds. A liquid quart is about 6-7 of a quart of dry measure. Long Measure: 12 inches = 1 foot; 3 feet = 1 yard; 5 1-2 yards = 1 rod or pole; 40 rods = 1 furlong; 8 furlongs = 1 statute mile; 3 miles = 1 league. Land Measure: 7.92 inches = 1 link: 100 links = 1 pole; 4 poles = 1 chain; 80 chains = 1 mile = 8 furlongs. Mariner's or Nautical Measure: 6 feet = 1 fathom; 120 fathoms = 1 cable length; 7 1-2 cable lengths = 1 mile; 5280 feet = 1 statute mile; 6088 feet = 1 nautical mile or knot; 1 knot equals 1.11 statute miles. Paper Measure : 24 sheets 1 quire ; 20 quires = 1 ream (480 sheets) ; 2 reams = 1 bundle; 5 bundles = 1 bale. Note: A book in which each sheet is folded into 2 leaves is a folio; into 4 leaves, a quarto, or 4-to; 8, an octavo, or 8-vo; 12, a duodecimo, or 12-mo; 16, a 16-mo; 24, a 24-mo; 32, a 32-mo. NUMBER OF POUNDS IN A BARREL. Flour, 196. Beef, pork or fish, 200 ; Salt, 280. CYLINDERS FOR LIQUID MEASURES. Diam. Height 1 pint 3# 3 1 quart 3# 6 1 gallon 7 6 NUMBER OF POUNDS IN A BUSHEL. Wheat 60 pounds White beans 60 pounds Corn in the ear 70 " White Potatoes 60 Corn shelled 56 " Sweet Potatoes 55 Rye 56 " Onions 57 " Buckwheat 48 " Turnips 55 Barley 48 " Com Meal 48 Oats 32 f Bran 20 " Peas 60 " Salt. Weight per bushel as adopted by different States ranges from 50 to 80 pounds. Coarse salt in Pennsylvania is reckoned at 80 pounds, and in Illinois at 50 pounds per bushel. Fine salt in Pennsylvania is reckoned at 62 pounds, in Ken- tucky and Illinois at 55 pounds per bushel. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OF THE PHILIPPINES. pulgada (12 lineas) , 927 inch. pie 11.125 vara 33.375 inch ganta 8796 gallon caban 21.991 " libra (16 onzas) 1.0144 Ib. av. arroba 25.36 " " catty (16 tael) 1.394 " " pecul (100 catty) 139.48 " " METRIC SYSTEM. Measure of length, 1 metre = 39.37 inches = 1.09 yards = .00062 mile Measure of surface, 1 are = 100 sq. metres = 119.6 square yards. MISCELLANEOUS 473 Measure of capacity, 1 litre = .908 quart (dry measure), = 1.056 quart (liquid or wine measure). Measure of Weight, 1 gram = 15.432 grains, = .03527 ounces, = .0022 Ibs. Note: Myria means 10,000; kilo, 1,000; hecto, 100; deka, 10; deci, 1-10; centi, 1-100; milli, 1-1000. CAPACITY OF BOXES. A cubic yard contains 21.69 bushels, barrell = 24 x 16 x 28 inches, bushel = 16 x 16.8 x 8 inches, peck = 8 x 8.4 x 8 inches. gallon = 8 x 8 x 4.2 (dry). 6 x 6 x 6.42 (liquid), quart = 4 x 4 x 4.1 (dry). 4 ,x 4 x 3.61 (liquid). TO DETERMINE THE QUANTITY OF GRAIN OR HAY. Corn. 2 cubic feet sound, dry corn in ear will make 1 bushel shelled corn. To determine the number of bushels of shelled corp in crib of corn in the ear, multiply together the interior length, breadth and height of the crib in feet and divide by 2. Oats. A nose bag of good oats weighs about 25 3-4 Ibs. To determine ap proximately the number of bushels of oats in a bin, multiply together the inteiio. length, breadth and height in feet, and multiply the result by .8047. To determine the number of bushels a wagon will hold, apply the same rule. Hay, loose, allow 5 Ibs. to a cubic foot. In stock, allow 8 Ibs. to a cubic foot. Baled, allow 11 Ibs. to a cubic foot. Wagon load of stock hay, allow 450 to 500 cubic feet to a ton. Wagon load of new-mown hay, allow 700 cubic feet to a ton. Straw, allow 10 to 12 Ibs. to a cubic foot. A MISCELLANEOUS VALUES. 4 inches make one hand, used in measuring horses. 9 inches make one span, used in sacred history. 18 inches make one cubit, used in sacred history. 6 feet make one fathom, used in measuring depths. 1 acre = 160 sq. rods; 1 acre = 4840 sq. yds ; 1 acre = 43560 sq. ft. 640 acres = 1 sq. mile. A plot of ground 209 feet square also a plot 70 yds. square contains a little more than one acre. In case of limited space, a regiment of Infantry can be camped in a ten acre lot that is, in a space about 200 x 250 yds. JAPANESE WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Bu 1 inch Koku 4.96 bushels Ken 6 ft. Sho 1.6 quarts Shaku 11.93 ins. To 2 pecks Sun 1.793 ins. Se 0245 acre Catty or Kin 1.31 Ibs. Tan 25 acre Kwan 8.28 Ibs. Tsubo 6 sq ft. 474 CHAPTER XXXV APPROXIMATE VALUE OF FOREIGN COINS IN AMERICAN MONEY. Bolivar (Venezuela) 19 cts. Colon (Costa Rica) 46 cts. Crown (Austrian) 20 cts. Crown (British) $1.20 Crown (Denmark, Sweden. Norway) 27 cts. Drachma (Greece) 19 cts. Florin (Netherlapo^. ) 40 cts. Franc (France, Belgium, Switzerland 19 cts. Gourde (Haiti) 96 cts. Lira (Italy; 19 cts. Louis (France) $2.00 Mark (Finland) 19 cts. Mark (Germany) 24 cts. Milreis (Brazil) 55 cts. Milreis (Portugal) $1.08 COMMITTEES OF ARRANGEMENT FOR LARGE RECEPTION OR DANCE. The chairman of each committee will apportion the various duties among the members of his committee as he deems best. r'enny (England) 2 cts. Peseta (Spain) 19 cts. Piaster (Turkey) 04 cts Pound 100 piasters (Egypt) $4.94 Pound (England) $4.86 Ruble (Russia) 51 cts Rupee (India) 32 cts. Shilling (England) 24 cts. Sol (Peru) 49 cts. Sucre (Ecuador) 49 cts. Tael (China) Varies in value from about 55 cts. to about 75 cts., depending upon the Province and upon the market value of silver. Yen (Japan) 50 cts. INVITATION COMMITTEE. Chairman. Secretary. DUTIES. To obtain, prepare and mail invitations to guests asked for by contributors ; keep alphabetical lists of same; receive and note acceptances and declinations and inform other committees on application of number of guests expected; certify bills to Secretary, Finance Committee, for payment. FINANCE COMMITTEE Chairman. Secretary. DUTIES. To confer with invitation committee as to number of guests; prorate expense between contributors proportional to pay of the individuals; collect assessments and pay bills certified by all committees, and render accounts of expenses to Chairman of Invitation Committee for information of contributors. COMMITTEE ON DECORATIONS. Chairman. DUTIES. . To be responsible for interior lights and heating; to procure proper articles (or interior and exterior decorations suitable to the occasion and arrange same in MISCELLANEOUS 475 place with artistic effect, and after close of entertainment return to respective owners any borrowed articles. Confer with Secretary, Finance Committee, before contracting any indebted- ness and certify bills to him for payment. RECEPTION COMMITTEE. DUTIES. To make presentations on evening of reception ; to provide proper exterior lighting; confer with Invitation Committee as to number of guests expected; to provide transportation for guests ; provide attendants in dressing rooms and arrange for checking wraps, etc., receive guests and guide them to dressing rooms and assembly room ; show general attention to all ; reduce as far as possible congestion, and in a general way promote sociability. COMMITTEE ON MUSIC, DANCING PROGRAM AND FLOOR MAN- AGEMENT. DUTIES. Secure music for occasion ; prepare program ; print dancing programs and cause distribution of same to guests ; have dancing floor properly .waxed and see that it is thoroughly cleaned ; look after the ventilation and the temperature of the hall ; avoid delays and, as far as possible, take advantage of every opportunity to provide guests with partners by introducing strangers, and assist in promoting sociability. Certify to the Secretary of Finance Committee bills for expense of payment. 1 Whenever a reception and dance are given in honor of an incoming or- ganization 'the floor managers should make it their special business, during the reception particularly, to see that those attending meet the newcomers. Officers attending the dance should make it a special point to dance with and otherwise pay attention to the ladies of the incoming organization. The author has attended such receptions and dances where these details were neglected and as a result the affairs were "cold frosts." In a way, this is the most important of all the committees it requires more savoir-faire, more unselfishness than any other committee. Its members can not, of course, fill their programs and still be able to perform their duties properly. They should not, as a rule, fill more than half of their program. A good plan is for one- half of the committee to engage only the even-numbered dances and the other half, the odd-numbered ones, the time when free to be devoted to looking after girls with- out partners, introducing people and otherwise promoting sociability. The music selected is an important factor in determining the success of a dance. Popular, catchy airs that inspire good cheer, life and action, should be selected. Good suggestions in this connection can always be gotten by consulting ladies and officers who are known to have good taste about such matters. It is thought the best results are obtained by having short dances (about four minutes each), with intermissions of about the same length of time, encores of about two minutes being freely given. 476 CHAPTER XXXV COMMITTEE ON REFRESHMENTS. DUTIES. Confer with Invitation Committee as to number of guests; provide refresh- ments and all servants and equipment necessary to serve guests, and arrange for guiding guests to refreshment rooms and stands; certify bills to Secretary, Finance Committee, for payment. (NOTE. Whenever punch and lemonade are served, arrangements should also be made to serve plain water, as there are quite a number of people who drink only plain water at dances. RECEIVING LINE IN ORDER. 2 3 Etc Members of receiving line are requested to be in position promptly at recep- tion hour, 9 p'clock p. m. One copy of this list has been furnished to every one concerned. RECIPES FOR PUNCHES. (Note: Only the very best ingredients should be used.? 1. Champagne Punch. (a) To 1 quart-brick lemon water ice, add 3 quarts American champagne and 1 quart Apollinaris. (ft) Juice of 24 lemons ; 2 jiggers creme de vanilla ; 10 tablespoons of sugar; 2 jiggers benedictine; 2 jiggers curacoa ; 4 bottles champagne ; 2 jiggers maraschino; 3 bottles Tansan or other mineral water; 2 jiggers syrup ; J bottle rum. Let cinnamon steep in rum. If wanted strong, substitute J4 bottle XXX brandy instead of rum. (<:) Considered by connoisseurs as "The Elixir of Life," (For forty people, more or less.) 3 Ibs. loaf sugar (or rock candy) ; 4 large cups strong black tea, made, straine d, cold; 1 gallon brandy; 2 quarts rum; 6 oranges, juice only; 6 lemons, juice only. 4 quarts water ; \ pint chartreuse ; 1 pint benedictine ; pint curacoa. All the above mixed several days in advance. (It may be bottled and kept indefinitely.) When the time comes, add: 1 large cube ice; 1 bottle maraschino cherries; 2 cans sliced pineapple ; 6 sliced lemons, removing seeds ; 4 quart bottles champagne. 2. Rum Punch. 2 quarts New England rum; Juice of 4 oranges; 1 quart rye whiskey. Juice of 4 lemons. 1 quart plain water. 3 tablespoonsful sugar. Serve cold. MISCELLANEOUS 477 3. Whiskey Punch. (a) 2 quarts rye whiskey; Juice of 6 lemons; 1 quart sherry wine ; Sugar to taste ; 1 quart Apollinaries ; Serve with lump of ice. (&) To five gallons good whiskey add three pounds of sugar, dissolved in ten gallons water; add two quarts port wine; three quarts rum and five dozen lemons. Oranges or other fruit to suit taste. To be thoroughly mixed. If ice is to remain in punch long enough to dissolve, amount of water should be reduced correspondingly. 4. Sauterne Punch. 2 quarts white whine. \ pint lemon juice; 2 quarts Apollinaris ; Sugar to taste. 5. Claret Punch. 2 quarts claret; 2 quarts Apollinaris; \ pint lemon juice; Sugar to taste. 6. Claret Cup. (For twelve persons.) 3 bottles claret ; 4 tablespoons granulated sugar ; 1 tumbler rye whiskey; Juice of 4 lemons and 2 oranges, and slice 2 or 3 oranges in the bowl. TO POLISH FLOORS. (a) Scrub with lye and water, using a hard brush; at the same time using sapolio, which is applied directly by rubbing the cake on the floor; (6) After the floor has dried thoroughly, put on a coat of shellac (light orange) ; (c) After the shellac 'has dried, put on a coat of liquid granite ("A") ; (d) After the granite has dried thoroughly (takes about 36 hours), wax the floor with Johnson's wax. GOVERNMENT WHITEWASH. Slack one-half bushel of lime with boiling water, keeping it covered during the process. Strain it and add a peck of salt dissolved in warm water, three pounds ground rice put in boiling water and boiled to a thin paste, one-half pound of pow- dered Spanish whiting and a pound of clear glue dissolved in warm water. Mix these together and let the mixture stand for several days. Keep the wash thus prepared in a kettle or portable furnace, and when used put it on as hot as possible. PEST EXTERMINATORS The Waltham Chemical Co. of Waltham, Mass., make exterminators of rats, mice, moths, bed bugs, roaches, fleas, ants, lice, etc. Their exterminator powders are well spoken of. They cost $6.75 per dozen cans. In ordering it is necessary to state for which insect the powder is to be used. CLEANING SLATES AND URINALS. Mineral oil is not necessary in cleaning slates and urinals. Frequent washing with soap and water is all that is necessary to keep the porcelain, glazed earthen- ware and marble in a sanitary condition. Urinal stalls are the most offensive fixtures in a toilet room, on account of the slate slabs becoming saturated with urinary salts, and both the slabs and urinals should be thoroughly washed when offensive with a weak solution of muriatic acid and water; 1 part of acid to 15 parts of water, applied with a mop and then rinsed off with water. The muriatic acid can be gotten from the hospital and is not injurious to the hands. 478 CHAPTER XXXV HOW TO TAKE CARE OF UNIFORMS; SUGGESTIONS RE- GARDING VARIOUS ARTICLES OF EQUIPMENT 1. Coats, Blouses and Trousers: (a) When not in use should be kept on hangers. The best coat hanger on the market to-day is "The Tourist," (price 35 cts.) The best trouser hanger (will hold six pair of trousers) is "The Portable Mili- tary Trouser Hanger," price $1.00. Both for sale by The Warnock Uniform Co., 19 West 31st St., New York. (b) Large paper hags. "Wayne Cedar Wardrobes," are excellent for preserving coats, blouses and trousers. They are practically air- tight, thus protecting the cloth from both dust and moths and the gold lace and braid from tarnishing. Sold by The E. A. Armstrong Mfg. Co., 315 Wabash Ave.. Chicago. Til., Price, uniform size, 75 cts; over- coat size, $1. NOTES. 1. In cutting blouses a mistake that tailors often make, especially in case of men with wide hips, is not to allow enough material for the circumference of the skirt, with the result that the lower ends of the garment in front only partially over- lap, giving a -Raring effect, which looks very bad. When ordering a blouse be sure to caution the tailor about this and if your instructions are not heeded, do not accept the blouse. 2. In ordering blue trousers, always order one or two extra pair of stripes to replace soiled stripes they cost about $1 a pair. There is nothing that looks worse than soiled trouser stripes 3. The best and most attractive button for the white vest worn with the special full dress, are those sold by Henry V. Allien & Co., 734 Broadway, New York. They are extra fine quality gold plate with coat of arms separate and applied on, and cost $2 per dozen. The same button, but coat size, sells at $3 per dozen. 2. Gold Lace and Braid, Shoulder Straps and Knots to retain their luster must be protected from the air. There is nothing more de- structive to gold lace, shoulder straps, belts, etc., than the fumes of sul- phur and gas, and especially is this so at posts where soft coal is burned. Aiguillettes, shoulder knots and dress belt should be wrapped in the black tarnish proof paper used by military tailors to protect gold lace from the action of the air, and then placed in the air-tight boxes in which these articles come from the dealers. The lace and braid on coats and the shoulder straps on blouses not in use for several days or more, should be carefully wrapped with the paper just described, which is pinned in such a way as to protect the lace and the shoulder straps from the air as much as possible. In fact, when practicable articles of the uniform MISCELLANEOUS 479 containing gold lace or braid should always be packed in a trunk or box as nearly air-tight as possible. The full-dress cap should be wrapped in the same kind of paper and kept in a specially made tin box that is as nearly air-tight as possible. The M. C. Lilley & Co., Columbus, Ohio, make an excellent tin cap box that sells at $1.10. Black tarnish proof paper can be obtained from The Warnock Uni- form Co., 19 West 31st St., New York, at 50 cts. a quire. Water or moisture will not injure gold lace and braid, provided it is thoroughly dried without delay. But under no circumstances should such articles be stored away in a moistened condition. 3. Collar Insignia. While, as a rule, the collar insignia fur- nished by our military dealers are satisfactory, the handsomest (al- though perhaps a little more expensive) insignia are made by Bailey, Banks & Biddle, Philadelphia, Pa., who will gladly send you a catalogue upon request. The Warnock Uniform Co., makes letters and crossed rifles with an ingenious hook attachment. These look especially well on white uni- forms. 4. Auxiliaries of the Uniform. In buying collar insignia, shoul- der straps, gold-lace saber knots, gloves and other auxiliaries that so to speak, really put "the finishing touches" on the uniform, get the best. It is a mistake to attempt to economize on such articles. At the very best the amount you would save would be small and does not warrant the purchase of mediocre articles when the best last so much longer and look so much better more dressy, more chaste. At first the two classes of goods may look about the same, but after brief use the difference is very marked. 5. Shoes when not in use should be treed. The best shoe tree is the "R. P. K." aluminum tree, sold by J. and J. Slater, 1121 Broadway, New York, Price $1. The Stetson Shoe Co. (Factory, South Weymouth, Mass.; offices, 7 Cortlandt St., New York), make a marching shoe that is constructed on scientific lines. It is the shoe used by the West Point Cadets. A descriptive pamphlet will be sent upon application. 6. White Gloves. Lisle gloves are washed in the regular way, but the white chamois gloves recommended on page 304E should be washed as there explained. There is no better white lisle glove than that sold by the Cadet Store, West Point, N. Y. Price, 58 cts. a pain 480 CHAPTER XXXV 7. White Collars and Cuffs. Use a plain soft bosom shirt, with detachable cuffs. Of course, with the special full dress the regular evening dress shirt must be worn. The Warnock Military Collar is by far the most satisfactory white collar there is. It is about 1J4 inches high and is fastened to the collar of the coat by means of four small buttons, which should be inserted when the blouse is made, although it may be done later. For sale by The Warnock Uniform Co., 19 West 3ist., New York. Price: Buttons 75c a set (4) ; Collars, $2.50 per dozen. The -"Washburne" cuff holder is the best the author has ever seen the name is stamped on the fastener. Price 10 cts. For sale by The Warnock Uniform Co., 19 West 31st St., New York. 8. Always keep on hand a good, first-class whisk broom and a bottle of Carbona or carbon tetrachloride (obtainable from any first class drug store) for removing stains. 9. If the man who works for you does not know how to press and clean clothes, have him learn. If he can not, or does not wish to learn, then arrange with the company tailor or some one else to clean and press your clothes for so much a month. It is generally possible to get clothes cleaned and pressed very reasonably in an Army post. Notes. (a) Gold braid on the sleeves of coats must be dried soon after the pressing; otherwise the moisture from the damp ironing cloth will tarnish the braid. (&) In ironing clothes the utmost care must be taken that the iron is not too hot. If the iron be too hot, the cloth will have a worn, shiny appearance that can not be removed. (c) The person who presses your clothes should be especially cautioned about these matters. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS Be careful not to have rubber goods in the same closet with gold lace, gold braid, shoulder knots and shoulder straps, and nor should any of these articles ever be stored with camphor rubber goods and camphor will tarnish them. However, moth-balls will not tarnish them. It may be said in this connection that some tailors consider good gum camphor superior to moth balls furthermore, the smell left in the clothes by the gum camphor is not disagreeable, but on the contrary it is quite pleasant. MISCELLANEOUS 481 Lockers and other receptacles in which uniforms are stored must be free from dust they should be wiped off occasionally with a cloth wrung out of soap suds. Uniforms not in use should be brushed, aired and sunned once a month. A part of every officer's wardrobe should consist of an A-l whisk broom and a first-class clothes brush with good, stiff bristles. Uniforms should be dried thoroughly, brushed and properly folded before being stored away the number of folds should be reduced to a minimum. Wetting gold lace or braid or moistening same in pressing the sleeves of the coat, does not injure it, provided it is thoroughly dried without delay. Under no circumstances should gold lace or braid be put away in a moistened condition; for, if it is, it will invariably tarnish. Before uniforms are put away they should always be carefully examined and any missing buttons, tears or stains should be attended to at once. Occasional pressing helps to preserve and freshen garments it puts new life into the cloth. It is considered quite "swell" to crease the trousers only in front. Tailors usually remove stains with a rubber made by rolling tightly a piece of woolen cloth of some kind, about 2 inches wide, until the roll is about an inch in diameter. Rings in removing stains may be avoided by rubbing until very nearly dry. Ordinarily benzine is a good stain remover in case of grease spots but its use is more or less dangerous. It should be used in an opened room or out of doors and never near a fire or lights. "Carbona," which can be purchased in almost any drug store, is excellent for removing stains and it is perfectly safe. Carbon tetrachloride (Merck's) is much cheaper than "Carbona," and about equally as good. It retails at 45 cts. a pint. In bulk it can be bought from almost any large drug store for about $2.40 a gallon and in quantities of 5 gallons or more, about $2 a gallon. Rust or ink stains can be removed with a solution of oxalic acid. Apply rapidly and rinse at once with plenty of fresh water; this is most important otherwise it will probably discolor the material. Sweat stains can not be removed. However, the color can be partially restored and the material cleaned with a solution of ammonia and water 1-3 liquid ammonia, 2-3 water. 482 CHAPTER XXXV The shine that is sometimes left from pressing is caused by leaving the iron on too long or using an iron that is too hot. This shine, if the cloth is not scorched, may be removed by "spong- ing," i. e., by placing a piece of damp muslin cloth on the material and then applying the iron only long enough to steam the surface of the garment. Grease and oil stains on white trouser stripes can be removed with benzine, naphtha or gasoline, applied with a stiff nail brush. Stains of rust and ink can be removed by means of oxalic acid (2 ounces of oxalic acid to I pint of water dissolves quickest in warm water applied with cloth or brush then rinsed thoroughly with plain water and sponge). After the stripes have dried, apply English pipe-clay, rubbing with the cake itself; then rub in uniformly with woolen cloth rubber rub vigorously then brush off surplus pipe-clay. The Care and Preservation of Shoes. Shoes should at all times be kept polished, by being so kept they are made more pliable and wear longer. Shoes must withstand harder service than any other article worn, and more shoes are ruined through neglect than by wear in actual service. Proper care should be taken in selecting shoes to secure a proper fit, and by giving shoes occasional attention much discomfort and complaint will be avoided. Selection. A shoe should always have ample length, as the foot will always work forward fully a half size in the shoe when walking, and sufficient allowance for this should be made. More feet are crippled and distorted by shoes that are too short than for any other reason. A shoe should fit snug yet be comfortable over ball and instep, and when first worn should not lace close together over instep. Leather always stretches and loosens at instep and can be taken up by lacing. The foot should always be held firmly but not too tightly in proper position. If shoes are too loose, they allow the foot to slip around, causing the foot to chafe; corns, bunions, and enlarged joints are the result. Repairs. At the first sign of a break shoes should be repaired, if possible. Always keep the heels in good condition. If the heel is allowed to run down at side, it is bad for the shoe and worse for the foot; it also weakens the ankle and subjects the shoe to an uneven strain, which makes it more liable to give out. Shoes if kept in repair will give double the service and comfort. Shoe Dressing. The leather must not be permitted to become hard and. stiff. If it is impossible to procure a good shoe dressing, MISCELLANEOUS 483 neat's-foot oil or tallow are the best substitutes; either will soften the leather and preserve its pliability. Leather requires oil to preserve its pliability, and if not supplied will become brittle, crack, and break easily under strain. Inferior dressings are always harmful, and no dressing should be used which contains acid or varnish. Acid burns leather as it would the skin, and polish containing varnish forms a false skin which soon peels off. spoiling the appearance of the shoe and causing the leather to crack. Paste polish containing turpentine should also be avoided. Perspiration. Shoes becoming damp from perspiration should be dried naturally by evaporation. It is dangerous to dry leather by artificial heat. Perspiration contains acid which is harmful to leather, and shoes should be dried out as frequently as possible. Wet Shoes. Wet or damp shoes should be dried with great care. When leather is subjected to heat, a chemical change takes place, although no change in appearance may be noted at the time. Leather \vhen burnt becomes dry and parched and will soon crack, through like pasteboard when strained. This applies to leather both in soles and uppers. When dried, the leather, should always be treated with dressing to restore its pliability. Many shoes are burned while on the feet without knowledge of the wearer by being placed wh'ile wet on the rail of a stove or near a steam pipe. Care should be taken while shoes are being worn never to place the foot where there is danger of their being burned. Keep Shoes Clean. An occasional application of soap and water will remove the accumulations of old dressing and allow fresh dressing to accomplish its purpose. Directions For Polishing. Russet calf leather should be treated with great care. Neither acid, lemon juice, nor banana peel should be used for cleaning purposes. Only the best liquid dressing should be used and shoes should not be rubbed while wet. Black calf shoes should be cleaned frequently and no accumula- tion of old blacking allowed to remain. An occasional application of neat's-foot oil is beneficial to this leather, and the best calf blacking only should be used to obtain polish. Liquid Dressing. Care should be taken in using liquid dressing. Apply only a light even coat and allow this to dry into the leather before rubbing with a cloth. When sufficiently dry to rub, a fine powdery 484 CHAPTER XXXV substance remains on the surface. This, when rubbed with a soft cloth, produces a high polish that lasts a long time and which is quickly re- newed by an occasional rubbing. Too much dressing is useless and injurious. (Quartermaster General's Office, June 16, 1889). Remember 1. A uniform that has been worn some, even if of only mediocre material, if pressed and clean, looks much better than a new, expensive uniform that is soiled and mussy. 2. By taking proper care of your uniforms and other articles of equipment not only will they always appear neat, , clean and dressy, but they will also last much longer in other words, it is economy to take proper care of them. PAY. (The Pay Bill is published in (5. O. 80, '08). OFFICERS. Yearly Monthly Daily $11,000 $916.67 $30.56 8,000 666.67 22.22 Brigadier General ff 6,000 500.00 16.67 Colonel 4,000 333.33 11.11 Lieutenant Colonel 3,500 291.67 9.72 Major 3,000 250.00 8.53 Captain 2,400 200.00 6.67 First Lieutenant 2,000 166.67 5.56 Second Lieutenant . . . . : 1,700 141.67 4.72 1. An officer's pay is increased 10 per cent for every five years' service, until the total increase reaches 40 per cent, after which the increase ceases. However, by law, the maximum pay of a major is $4,000 ; a lieutenant colonel, $4,500 and a colonel $5,000. 2. Officers serving outside the United States, except in Porto Rico and the Hawaiian Islands, receive an increase of 10 per cent on their pay proper. 3. Retired officers receive three-fourths' pay of their grade at date of retirement. 4. In case an officer below the grade of major, who is required to be mounted, provides himself with suitable mounts at his own expense, he receives in addition to his pay $150 per annum for one mount, and $200 for two. 5. The lieutenant general may select two aides and a military secretary, who shall have the rank, pay and allowances of a lieutenant colonel while so serving. 6. An aid to a major general is allowed $200 per year in addition to the pay of his rank, not to -be included in computing the service increase. 7. An aid to a brigadier general is allowed $150 a year in addition to the pay of his rank, not to be included in computing the service increase. 8. An acting commissary of subsistence is allowed $100 a year in addition to the pay of his rank, not to be included in computing the service increase. MISCELLANEOUS 485 ENLISTED MEN. Per Month. 1. Private Infty., Cavy., Arty., Signal Corps (2nd Class, Musician, Trumpeter $15 2. Private, Hospital Corps 16 3. Ist-Class Private Engineers, Ordnance, Signal Corps, Hospital Corps .... 18 4. Corporal Infty., Cavy., Arty., Wagoner, Artificer, Farrier, Blacksmith, Sad- ler, Mechanic (Field Arty.) 21 5. Corporal Engineers, Ordnance, Signal Corps, Hospital Corps; Chief Me- chanic (Coast Arty.) ; Private (Band) 24 6. Sergeant Infty., Cavy., Arty., Hospital Corps; Stable Sergt. ; Co. Q. M. Sergt., Infty., Cavy., Arty., Cook; Corporal (Band), Fireman 30 7. 2nd-Class Electrician Sergt. ; Sergt., Engineers, Ordnance, Signal Corps, Band; Co. Q. M. Sergt., Engineers; Color Sergt.; Drum Major 36 8. Junior Sergt. Major; Squadron and Battalion Sergt.-Major ; Battalion Q. M. Sergt., Field Arty.; Master Gunner; Chief Trumpeter; Principal Musi- cian 40 9. Senior Sergt. Major ; 1st Class Electrician Sergt.; 1st Class Sergt., Sig. Corps ; Post Ordnance Sergt. ; Post Q. M. Sergt. ; Post Commissary Sergt. ; Regtl. Q. M. and Commsy. Sergts. and Regtl. Sergt.-Major. ; Bat- talion Sergt.-Major and Battalion Q. M. Sergt., Engineer; First Sergt... 45 10. 1st Class Sergt., Hospital Corps 50 11. Engineer 65 12. Master Electrician; Chief Musician 75 The following receive additional monthly pay: 1. Horseshoer, Casemate Electrician, Observer (1st Class), Plotter, $9; Chief Planter, Chief Loader, Observer (2nd Class), Gun Commander, Gun Pointer, $7; Mess Sergt., $6; Expert Rifleman, $5; Sharpshooter, 1st Class Gunner, $3; Marks- man, 2nd Class Gunner, Certificate of Merit, $2. 2. Privates, musicians and trumpeters who re-enlist within three months after expi- ration of their first enlistment are given a bonus of three months' pay. 3. Enlisted men serving outside of the United States, except in Porto Rico and the Hawaiian Islands, receive an increase of 20 per cent on their pay proper. 4. Retired enlisted men receive three-fourths of their pay at date of retirement and also $6.25 per month as commutation of fuel and light and $9.50 as commuta- tion of clothing and rations. Pay. 1st Enlistment. Additional Pay by Enlistments. 2nd and 3rd. 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th. $75 $4 $4 65 4 4 50 4 4 45 4 4 40 4 4 36 4 4 30 3 3 24 3 3 21 3 3 18 3 3 16 3 1 15 3 | 1 486 CHAPTER XXXV Pensions. An enlisted man disabled by a wound, injury or disease incurred in the line of duty, is entitled to a pension of from $6 to $100 per month, depending upon the degree of disability. (An officer of the Regular Army thus disabled is retired on three-fourths' pay). The widow of an officer or an enlisted man whose death resulted from a cause incurred in line of duty, is entitled to a pension without regard to her financial status. The rate of pension depends upon the rank of the deceased at the time the death cause was incurred, without regard to subsequent promotion, and ranges from $12 per month in the case of the widow of a private or noncommissioned officer, to $30 per month in the case of the widow of a lieutenant-colonel or any officer of higher rank, with $2 additional for each legitimate child under the age of sixteen. A widow who remarries is deprived of a pensionable status. The legitimate children under the age of sixteen of an officer or enlisted man who died of a disability incurred in line of duty, and who left no widow, or whose widow remarried or was otherwise deprived of a pensionable status, are entitled to a pension, the rate of pension depending upon rank when death cause originated. The mother of an officer or enlisted man who died from a wound, injury or disease incurred in line of duty, and who left no widow or minor child, under the age of sixteen surviving, is entitled to a pension of from $12 to $30 a month, provided such mother is without other means of support than her own manual labor or the con- tributions of others not legally bound to support her. When the mother of such an officer or enlisted man is dead, the father may be entitled to a pension under the same conditions. There is no limitation as to the date of filing of pension claims in the cases cited above, and it is entirely optional as to whether or not an attorney shall be em- ployed in connection with a claim for i pension. A person wishing to file a pension claim himself, should address, "The Commissioner of Pensions, Washington, D. C." SUGGESTIONS TO LADIES GOING TO THE PHILIPPINES (These suggestions are given as the result of the experiences of three Army women.) Before Sailing: All women and children should be vaccinated at least one month before sailing. On either end of every trunk should be pasted a white label with your name in black letters about four inches high. Thus, "JONES," "SMITH," etc. On The Transport: Take along a pair of blue or amber glasses to protect your eyes against the tropical glare of the water. A warm wrap or two, taken along as hand baggage, is often a con- venience and a comfort. It is not an uncommon thing to strike damp, chilly days on the Pacific. Warm clothing is often needed as far as Honolulu, the amount depending on time of year, but it is always cool MISCELLANEOUS 487 for a few days out from San Francisco, and more than that in returning to the States. It is a good plan for those who have 'children to take along a gener- ous supply of talcum powder. Children suffer a great deal from the prickly heat and salt baths. While talcum powder can be gotten from the transport commissary, the demand is so great that it sometimes runs out. In The Philippines : Furniture, Bed Furnishings, etc. To begin with, don't take along fine expensive clothing, furniture, silver, china, glass, table linen or any- thing else that it would break your heart to have damaged or broken. And, also, don't take along any photographs you value. Not only will they fade, but the roaches will very likely damage them. Let your furniture be of the simplest and as little as possible. Iron or brass bedsteads are preferable. Have mosquito nettings to fit and the springs well varnished so as not to rust. Mattresses and pillows according to personal taste. Plenty of sheets and pillows cases and a few blankets, both cotton and woolen. Mosquito netting, of a fine mesh is a necessity, but it is hard to get in the Philippines. Native mats are used instead of ordinary rugs, but better still are the inexpensive washable cotton rugs that one can get in the United States. Not only are they easily washed and sunned, but they do not become oily and musty the way the mats often do. Neither curtains nor hangings are needed as a rule, but white wash curtains of the sash variety are at times an aid to privacy. Take along some good lamps with a supply of extra wicks and chim- neys. The Rochester lamp gives an excellent light, but it also gives out a great deal of heat. Acetylene lamps have been used with satisfaction by many. (See A, page 18). Carry with you a generous supply of inexpensive table linen and some plated silver do not take along any solid silver. Be sure to have a liberal outfit of cooking utensils these articles are difficult to replace. And have in the outfit an ice-cream freezer and a coffee mill. An iron or other strong washstand, a plain chest of drawers and some mirrors, small and large, will add greatly to comfort. (The mirrors in Manila have a way of making the features look distorted.) A few wicker chairs, rocking and ordinary, can be purchased very reasonably in Manila. 488 CHAPTER XXXV An American washboard and a galvanized tub are a great protection against the rapid wearing of the clothes by beating with paddles, the native method. Take along three or* four washboards, (preferably glass ones, as they are durable and do not rust) and a couple of galvanized tubs. The Filipino flatiron, a large affair filled with charcoal, is better adapted than ours is to warm climates, and it is almost impossible to make the native use any other kind. While the regular American sewing machine is a great convenience, it will rust readily and in the damp climate of the Philippines the wooden part will warp. One can buy in Manila, for from $7 to $10, a good Singer sewing machine especially made for that trade, and which answers every purpose. Get your needles put up in tin tubes, which are thus protected from rust. Thread, pins, safety-pins and hair pins are all necessary articles, and should be carefully protected against dampness. Dress. As regards dress, an ample supply of thin underwear and of white and light colored wash material for every day use, and of kimonos, or wrappers, is imperative. As the heat induces extra perspiration, extra washings are required, and from a third to a half more clothing will be needed in the Islands than in the States. White is preferable for steady wear, as it can be boiled, but colors can be worn and are a great relief to the ojmni-present white. Colored dresses can be kept bright and fresh by using "Easy Dye" of various colors. The use of "Easy Dye," which should be gotten in the States, is very simple, being used the same as blueing in the rinse water after washing. A few evening gowns or some little more dressy than those for every-day wear will be needed. In Manila more dress is required. One needs high and low waists of varying thickness, and the same variation in skirts. These latter are usually short, as the floors have to be oiled to keep down the ants, and long skirts get much soiled and worn. Silk and taffeta ribbons do not keep well, cracking badly, and should be protected, when not in use, by rolling in paper and keeping in tin. However, satin ribbon does not crack. It is well to take along a large supply of corsets and lacings, and plenty of canvas shoes of various colors white, gray, tan, etc. Leather shoes are very little worn by ladies. Lay in a supply of bianco and also a good supply of colored prepara- tion (tan, gray, etc.) for your canvas shoes. MISCELLANEOUS 489 Hats and gloves are little used, but one has to have something on the trip and for traveling in the islands, and they are worn in Manila. A sup- ply of silk or lisle-thread gloves is recommended. They are very convenient when shopping, riding, driving, etc., in the sun. General : People in Manila can get many articles such as are noted above, the shops being quite up-to-date. In the provinces, one can do fair shopping at Iloilo and Cebu. For your portly male relatives make them bring ten or a dozen suits of underclothing or nainsook or some other thin variety, in the large sizes easily obtainable in the States. It is difficult to get such things in the Philippines, and the lack of them brings trials to the helpmeet; or- dinary sizes can be had in the Q. M. D. 490 CHAPTER XXXV THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER. (Key of A) Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming. Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there. Cho. Oh, say, does that star spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? On the shore dimly seen thro' the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream. Cho. 'Tis the star spangled banner; oh long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! Oh, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand Between their loved home and wild war's desolation; Blessed with vict'ry.and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land Praise the pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: "In God is our Trust!" Cho. And the star spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. AMERICA. (Key of G.) My Country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of Liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From every mountain side. Let freedom ring. My native country, thee Land of the noble free, Thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills. Thy woods and templed hills. My heart with rapture thrills, Like that above. Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the .trees, Sweet freedom's song; Let mortal tongues awake, Let all that breathe partake, Let Rocks their silence break, The sound prolong. Our fathers' God, to thee, Author of Liberty, To thee we sing; Long may our land be bright, With freedom's holy light, Protect us by thy might, Great God, our King. MISCELLANEOUS 491 Points of the Head. 17, Fetlock or pastern 31', The root of the dock 1 Muzzle joint. or tail. 2, Nostril. :t, Forehead. 4, .T;iw. 18, Coronet. 19, Hoof or foot. 20, Heel. Hind quarter. 31, The hip joint, round, or whirlbonc. 5, Poll. fhet Body or Middle piece. 32, The stifle joint. 33, 33, Lower thigh or 6, C, Cn-st. 21 Withers. 22, Hack. gaekin. 34, The quarters. pipe. Fo.r flimHn- 23, 23, Ribs (forming together the bar- rel or chest). 35, The hock. 36, The point of the ho. k. 37, The curb place. 8, 8, Sl-oulrlcr blade. !), Point of shoulder 21, 24, The circumfer- ence of the chest 38, The cannon bone. 39, The back sinew. 10. Bosom or breast. at this point. 40, Pastern or fetlock 1, 11, Truunrm. called the girth. joint. 2, Klhow. 25, The loins. 41, Coronet. 3, Forearm (arm). 20, The croup. 42, Hoof or foot. 1 Knee- 27, The hip. 43, Heel. r,, CM, nun l.uuc. 0. Hack sinew. 28, The flank 29, Sheath 44, Spain-plac. 45 Chet-uut. Diseases of the Horse. 1, Caries of the lower 9, Fistula in the with- 20, Contrarted or ring jaw. crs. foot of a foundered 2, Fistula of the parotid 10, Saddle gall. horse. duct. 11. Tumor of the el- 21, Capped hock. 3, Bony excrescence or bow. 22, Malandcrs. exostogls of the 12, Induration of the 23, Spavin. lower jaw knee. 24, Curb. 4, Swelling by pressure 13, Clap of tlio back 25, Swelled sinews. of the bridle. sinews. 20, Thick leg. 5, Poll evil. 14, Malandcrs. 27, Grease. C, Inflamed parotid 15, Splint. 28, A cni.-k in front ,.f gland. 10, Uingliono. the foot, . all. .1 . ,,w 7, Inflamedjugularvein 17, A tread upon the crack. 8, Fungus tumor, pro- coronet. din-cd by pressure of 18, fjuitlur. tho collar. l:i, Sunderaeli S1J Rat-tu . 29, Quart.-r crark. SO, Vmml I..TIM , 492 CHAPTER XXXV A, Pommel. B, Cantle. C, Sidebar. B, E, Spider (quarter straps). F, Spider (or girth-strap) ring. G, Oincha. H, Cincha strap. Cincha ring. , Cincha-rinjf safe. K, Stirrup loop. L, Stirrup strap. M, Stirrup tread. N, Stirrup hood. P, Shield. Q, Stud. R, R, Rings. S, S, Saber stops. T, Staple. 0,0, a, a, Coat straps. VOMENCLATtTRE OF THE BRIDLE Headstall A, Crownpiece. B, Brow band. C, Ornament. D, D, Cheek piece E, Throatlatch. Bit. F, F, Mouth piece. G, Por. H, H, Branches. I, I, Rein rings. K, Curb strap. R, Reins. Link: L, Liuk strap. M, Link snap. MISCELLANEOUS 493 SIGNAL CORPS, U. S. ARMY. Army Code Card. The Myer System for U. S. Army and U. S, Navy Signaling (Prescribed by G. O. No. 32, A. G. O., 1896). A 22 j 1122 S 212 2112 T^ 2121 T . 2 C 121 T, .221 U 112 D 222 M 1221 V 1222 E .... 12 N ..11 W 1121 F 2221 O 1211 X 2122 G 2211 P 1212 Y Ill H .... 122 1211 z 2222 I . 1 R .211 tion 1112 NUMERALS. 1 ,...1111 2 ... ,..2222 3 ....1112 4 ... 2221 5 ....1122 6 ... 2211 7 ....1222 8 ... 2111 9 ....1221 ... 2112 ABBREVIATIONS. a after n , .not ur 5 . the with h have u .you y yes CONVENTIONAL SIGNALS. End of a word 3 End of a sentence 33 End of a message 333 2122 2122 3 numerals follow (or) numerals end. sig. 3 signature follows Error 12 12 3 Acknowledgment, or "I < under- stand" 22 22 3 Cease signaling ...22 22 22 333 Wait a minute 1111 3 Repeat after (word) 121 121 3 22 2 (word) Repeat last word 121 121 33 Repeat last message ...121 121 121 333 Move a little to right 211 211 3 Move a little to left 221 221 3 Signal faster 22123 To Call a Station. Signal its call letter until acknowledged; if the call letter be not known, signal "E" until acknowledged. To Acknowledge a Call. Signal "I understand" (22 22 3), follow by the call letter of the acknowledging station. To Break or Stop the Signals from the Sending Station. Signal 12 12 12 con- tinuously. To Start the Sending Station. Signal 121 121 3 22 3, followed by the last word correctly received; tne sender will resume his message, beginning with the word indicated by the receiver. 9 To Acknowledge the Receipt of a Message. Signal 22 22 3, followed by the per- sonal signal of the receiver. Each station should have its characteristic call letter, as Washington, W. and each signalist his personal signal, as Jones, Jo. TAPS. Advertising Directory The firms whose names appea J in this Directory are all first- class, reliable concerns that the author recommends. The approved portable typewriter - for field use is the light, compact CORONA This unique machine is used in the military or- ganizations of nearly every country in the world. It will handle all forms up to 8% ins. wide and down to a postage stamp. It will write in two colors, cut clean stencils and make excellent carbon copies. Its aluminum frame makes Corona practically in- destruc table, and as a French officer expressed it, "the machine has proved to us that it will withstand as much hardship as the toughest soldier." . Weight 6 Ibs. With carrying case 9 Ibs. (Case measures lOin. x Iliin.x4iin.) Price complete $50.00 Corona Typewriter Co., Inc. Groton, N. Y. TROPHIES AND PRIZES For Military, Athletic and Sporting Events Of Quality as Designed and made for the U. S. Army and Navy, West Point Academy and U. S. Naval Academy Catalogues and Information upon Request BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE CO. Diamond Merchants, Jewelers, Silversmiths, Goldsmiths, Heralists PHILADELPHIA Outdoor Equipage MEYER'S MILITARY SHOPS Riding Breeches and Habits TAILORS F Street, between 13th and 14th Sts. N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. Complete Outdoor Equipage Ready to Wear For Men, Women and Children RIDING BREECHES, PUTTEE LEGGINS, . NORFOLK JACKETS, HUNTING CLOTHES, BOOTS AND SHOES, MIDDY BLOUSE AND SKIRTS, TENTS AND SLEEPING BAGS, RIDING SKIRTS AND NORFOLK JACKETS, MOCCASINS Write for Catalogue Visit Our Camp Rooms When in Washington RIDABOCK & COMPANY 149-151 West 36th St., New York U. S. Army, National Guard Officers' Uniforms and Equipments Military School Uniforms and Equipments Military Training Camp Outfits Military Supplies, Military Textbooks IndividuaKDepartments and Workshops for the Respective Grades of Uniforms USED BY UNCLE SAM'S EXPERT RIFLEMEN Hoppe's Nitro Powder Solvent No. 9 Trade Mark Registered For Cleaning High Power (Springfield) Rifles, Revolvers and Firearms of All Kinds A compound that will remove the residue of any high-power powder, including Black Powder. It will neutralize any residue and loosen metal fouling and leading that may be left in the barrel after cleaning, and prevent Pitting. No. 9 is the only Rifle-cleaning Solvent that will remove Rust, Metal Fouling and Leading. For cleaning the .22 cal. Rifles, Revolvers and Automatic Pistols it has no equal. Nitro Powder Solvent No. 9 is endorsed by the most prominent Riflemen in America. Used by U. S. Rifle Teams, and at Buenos Ayre, Argentine Matches. No Rifle- man or Quartermaster's Department should be with- out it. Sold by Sporting Goods Dealers and at Post Exchanges FRANK A. HOPPE, Sole Manufacturer, Station 0, Philadelphia, U. S. A. A NEW PERIODICAL The International Military Digest The United States stands at the beginning of a new epoch in its inter- national and military relations. The great war now waging in Europe brings home sharply the realization of the fact that, in a few of the fundamentals and many of the details of modern military science, we in America still bear the relation toward Europe of pupil and teacher. The Literature of No army officer can be expected to subscribe to more than one or two of the eight or ten journals of military *-..., Q UUcLU U11C Ul tWU IP* LUC tA&HL Ui l^ll j \JUliiaia Wl LUXJUAjr tary acier science published in this country; nor to the even more important and much more numerous journals published in Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, etc. nM- T i. 4.- i The International Military Digest offers the officer a happy J International so l u tion of this particular problem. It essays a field of current bibliography now practically untouched, viz., material in military science in all languages and in every country, and does so not merely by indexing this material but by once summarizing it for the reader and directing him to the latest periodical source for it. c^ ,/r r> , Stated simply, the scope and purpose of the Digest is to Scope and Purpose digest in brief abstract form a n the contents of the seventy odd journals of military science, both American and foreign, which are of any professional importance. These abstracts are not critical, but concise, readable, impartial and informative summaries, varying in length from 100 to 500 1 words, according to the length and importance of the article abstracted. Citations are given in each case directing the inquirer to the source of the abstract where the full text of the article may be found. The Digest aims in no sense to supplant any existing military periodical, but to supplement and render more valuable all of them. ~ , . , KT . The arrangement of the material in each issue is alpha- betical or cyclopedic, with copious cross-references in related topics. The material of the monthly issues is "cumulated" or consolid- ated quarterly into a single alphabet, making each quarterly issue one of approximately two hundred pages, facilitating in this way immediate ready refer- ence through the year. At the end of the year these quarterly issues are again "cumulated" into a single alphabet. Every issue of the Digest is, in effect, a "current cyclopedia" of military science, while the annual volume (of approxi- mately eight hundred closely printed pages) becomes automatically an invalu- able cyclopedia of the military progress of the year in every branch of the service and in every country. tfA-t. i e* a Of tne professional standing of the Digest we can only say that both its editors are well known professionally, being pro- fessors at the United States Military Academy at West Point. Subscription, including quarterly and annual cumulations $5 A YEAR The International Military Digest 241 West 37th St., New York City Established 1854 UNIFORMS For U. S. ARMY and NATIONAL GUARD Officers and Enlisted Men UNIFORMS Independent Military Organizations UNIFORMS Military Training Camps UNIFORMS Boys Military and Society Clubs UNIFORMS Official National Outfitter Boy Scouts of America SIGMUND EISNER CO. Red Bank, N. J. New York Office,. 103 Fifth Avenue B. PASQUALE COMPANY 115-117 Post St. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. The Only Manufacturers of Army and Navy Equipments and Uniforms on the Pacific Coast 'Quality and Fit Guaranteed" (Write for Catalogue) RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO *> 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW /.UG201382 RECEIVED Bl JUL 1 2 19bZ CIRCULATION Del* i AUG08199E -J- AUTO. DISC. mN u;-i 1992 JUli /^IDOIIf ATIOM yinOULMi iui>i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 12/80 BERKELEY, CA 94720 s YC 62847 358431 16* UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY