IRLF GIFT OF "H MESSAGE OF PEACE ( Good Will to All Men ihrist Present on Earth in the Flesh, Working Signs and Wonders According to the Divine Law of Love and Wisdom of God Liithorized by the Divine Masters or Guardians of Our Race UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE DAYSTAR OF BETHLEHEM SOCIETY Head of Body of Christ PRICE IS CEINTS II those who buy this Pamphlet, help to further the Cause in setting up the Kingdom of God on Earth MESSAGE OF PEACE (Good Will to All Men) Christ Present on Earth in the Flesh, Working Signs and Wonders According to the Divine Law of Love and Wisdom of God Authorized by the Divine Masters or Guardians of Our Race UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE DAYSTAR OF BETHLEHEM SOCIETY Head of Body of Christ PRICE IS OEINTS All those who buy this Pamphlet, help to further the Cause in setting up the Kingdom of God on Earth Message of Peace PREFACE Glorious Ox- v Father, Son and ^^/ K^$^ Holy Ghost, Amen. Three Powers make Themselves manifest, controlled and directed by one Man, for the glory of God and the benefit of all mankind, whether of high or low standing in the eyes of the people and worldly minded men. The New Creation is going into effect as proclaimed in a Pamphlet called: New Creation Manifesto, published about two years ago. The New Twentieth Century Proclamation is nearing its readiness, as a monumental work and a standard for Purity of Heart and both Soul and Mind-body, especially written for the Elect Servants of God and all those that are in the Faith of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, as an Eternal Deliverer from Darkness, Priestcraft, Corrupt Government- Officials, and the like. No Popery in or out of both Church and State. God's own Holy Divine Spirit is sufficient for me. Come under Its Holy Divine Grace and live free from any Tyranny, Political Machines or any dogmatic, brutally enforced Church, or State law or laws made without God in it or on the head thereof, Who has the only right and dictatorship thereof by God's Holy Divine Consent and Seal of God's Holy Divine Sabbath Law, which is stamped in and on your forehead, as God's own and true sheep or shepherd, and still be shepherded by the Great Shepherd King of Kings, now present with you in the flesh, and worldly reign, to usher in the New Age and the New Race; to gather 3619 the Elect unto Him fov the glory of God and the benefit of all mankind now living on Earth and forever will. Amen.. So God says Amen. So I, J. Heimberger, say Amen. So let all say Amen and forever Amen.. I, J. Heimberger, authorized person among many Brethren, Sons and Daughters of God, stand forth as a mighty Factor and Benefactor of all mankind, as an universal-minded man, with equal love to all mankind, without any hatred, malice or evil-mindedness. I have laid down all warfare and false-mind concepts against any or all persons of high or low standing in worldly affairs of today. We fight not men, but the Evil One in men, the Delusive One, popping up in many forms and that sets itself in the place where God ought to be. But all men have a free will to choose between God and the Devil or Evil One, now mostly set up in the hearts of mankind; and keeping God out of His rightful uppermost place. God is Spirit and must be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth, and can appear in person if mankind is ready for Him. Then He is ready for them. If you, dear reader, make one step towards God, He does the rest of cleaning-up work in your own heart and establishes Himself in your being. I in Him and He in me or you. In unity with all Perfected Beings' in the whole vast universal system as God laid out and proclaimed throughout the ages of our now presently established Civilization on Earth, through our Lord and Master, Jesus the Christ. Following Message of Peace, and good will to all mankind, in or out of the Truth of God set up in your own heart ; having equal chances to become partakers of the Divine Life and to live a Divine Christ Jesus- life right here on earth and hereafter to come, according to the Process of Evolution of Man and Involution of God, in this great manvantara and final wind-up of all People into greater and more glorious Heights of God. Therefore be ye Perfect as God in Heaven, is Perfect, while you are yet living here on Earth. Try it and see for yourself and see if the Lord thy God is not good. Amen Read with thine own Inner Understanding, written and to be read by the Divine Self-Nature or Mind in you, Crestos, your own true Self, which has and does recognize Jesus the Christ, the Special-sent One by God, to manifest His Perfect Nature here on Earth, and no one can pass Him by. No delusion will go here! No climbing into Heaven some other way. Jesus the Christ, the only True Beloved One of God, has to be recognized, now present in the flesh, or no go. For without are dogs and live a dog's life. No longer do we need to have it any more. Recognize Christ Jesus the Only One Sent and Special Blessed One of God for service to all mankind. No intermediate state will go. Onward, upward, Christian Soldiers! to the Cross of Calvary, to die the carnal-minded man's death and to rise again, in your Lord and Master, Jesus the Christ, the Only One, the Special-Sent and Blessed One of God, to set up God's reign in your own heart and to bring it out in your own hands, so that all can see it and notice the effect it has and the good it brings to all mankind, especially to the very poor and sorely oppressed ones and those completely without God in their own heart and who never have heard of Him, the Lonely Wanderer of God, seeking to reconcile Will, and willful nature in man to God, who wants to reign in their hearts, instead of the evil-minded man, which is a mighty weapon against God. For Purity and Impurity doesn't go together and won't mix very well. So it is with God's Reign coming to our Earth and to bring it out in our hands. Two Forces cannot remain here ; one has to go as the other comes into Power and set Itself up here on Earth openly, so that all men shall know Him as He is in His Innermost God-like Nature and all mankind can and will be like unto Him if they choose rightly and live the life necessary, according to the dictates of their Universal Christ Jesus Will and Good Mind-Consciousness of God. Amen. MESSAGE OF PEACE To All People on the Face of Dear Mother Earth. Written especially for the Elect and those in the Faith in God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master, Author and Finisher of our Faith through Life's Eternal Progress, till all work is done and accom- plished through Him. By the Mercy of God alone we are permitted to live and walk upright, as God made us, but men. have many inventions through their many kinds of enchantments and ceremonial masses by their unholy Priest- hood, now set up on Earth, where God is not in it and cannot be so, either, and so are Political and Monarchial Governments, Societies, Families and individual mankind also without God, or have the Govern- mental Law of both Church and State set up in their hearts and written in their minds, nor do they bring it out in their daily life and work with their hands as heart and mind direct them to do, in harmony with the One, the Specially Blessed One, called Jesus the Christ. For we must have the same Spirit He had and manifested here on Earth about 2,000 years ago, and so again, on His Second Coming, to set up the Kingdom of God on Earth and call all them that are especially blessed by God and His Holy Administering Angels and Blessed Serv- ants of God, which are as numerous as the grains of sand on the sea- shore are to the human, mind, but there is nothing impossible to God. Unceasingly pressing forward to gather unto Himself the favored ones of God who are given him for God's own glory and benefit of all man- kind, to set up God's own Kingdom on Earth and to do His Holy Divine Will as it is done in the Heaven of Heavens, under the Supervision and Authority of the Guardians of our Race, or Arch-Angel Michael, the Power of Adjustment of God's own Righteousness through our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, who takes a stand against Unrighteousness and Allurement in both Church and State, Governments on. Earth, Families and Individual Mankind also. Judgment Doors are open now, and God's Only One Judge is here on Earth with all mankind, to do the Divine Will of God and to do Abso- lute Justice unto Himself and God and all Races, Nations, Families and Societies set up in the Nations ; also individual personalities, for the equalization of both the Rich and the Poor. All must face God and respect His Holy Divine Court, now an established fact on Earth and in working order, moved by the mighty God, called Sela, All-Powerful, All-Merciful, All-Knowing, All-Hearing, Seeing, etc. Put your claims before Him in your prayer and Desire-Nature in your own heart and seek His Holy Divine Omn, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Spirit, with is the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, spoken of by Jesus, whom He will send because He went to the Father and the Father will send Him to you for Christ Jesus' sake, Amen ; to be a beneficial, helpful and useful member in the Household of God, now set up in the Heavens and Jesus the Rightful King, who has the keys to the True Christian Hope, Faith and Charity, ready to deliver His Message, received of God, to every human being now living on Earth and ever will. Man is a free Moral Agent to choose his way in the Mighty Structure of Moralizing the World, either with or without God. Here comes the New Message, the Twentieth Century Proclamation of the King of Kings. Arise, ye men, out of your idleness, worry and thoughts which are rank, your business, and filthy lurkers ; also bring along the lame, the mangy lepers, the blind and the sick of heart. The Lonely Wandered, Mother's Darling Boy, fresh from the Foun- tain ; I hear the shepherds cry. Napoleon, his victories and his defeat. Washington, Jefferson and many others who m-ade the Star-Spangled Banner fly. And how about Lincoln! His urgent heart we need in the government today. A simple copy surely it is. But where is God to come in? The New Twentieth Century Proclamation will soon be ready and all shall know more about God, through Jesus the Christ. The Only Loved One by God and the people, who stands for Right- eousness to set up the Kingdom of God here on Earth and to do His Will as it is done in the Heaven of Heavens. Amen. God says Amen! So let all men. say Amen ! So let the Reign of Jesus Christ begin; the Millennium, or Kingdom of God on Earth, through our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, whom I, J. Heimberger am, called and chosen by God for His special mission : to usher in the New Age, called the Golden Age by some, called the Mil- lennium by others, or the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. With one word to say: God with us. Now, if we are for God and have Him in. our Church Establishment and State Affairs and Household, we then must have Him also in our hearts, in our individual life's pathway and progress and also in the family's pathway and progress, as both make up the whole, both Church and State, Societies and affairs of today on Earth, if we allow Him His place. ist In the heart; 2nd In the mind; 3rd Bring it out on. Earth and set it up with our hands as we can conceive with our human, mortal man's mind, directed from within, called the "Still Small Voice," the Voice of God speaking through the hearts of the people or human minds, who are ready to hear His calling and respond, both morally and physically, to be ready at any moihent's notice, calling out in the field for the salvation and uplift of all mankind now living on Earth under various Governments or Flags, which repre- sent their morals as a nation, family or individual, and so are their Courts, Judges, Lawyers, Doctors of Divinity and Doctors of the Physi- cal Construction of Man's Body and functions thereof. So, also, is their Church and State Machinery; both in Church and State affairs in all Governments now in full force and ready to act at a moment's notice from a spy or some one sent out to watch and prevent others from doing harm to their respective Home-Government. But no longer need it to be so, if something better is here to take its place; when God is not dethroned in a combined nation, state, family or individual of any part on Dear Mother Earth's soil, under the stars, moon and sun, equally possessed by all mankind alike. Why not lay down warfaring weapons and make peace with each other, nation, family or fellow-men on Earth? With God you can do it. Without God you can not do it. Now take your own choice and let the battle begin, between Right- eousness and Unrighteousness, Darkness and Light, Cleanliness and Filthiness. What God has cleansed, let no man call unclean. By their works you shall know them. Come out from all Ideal worship. Come only in the Great Salvation- Plan laid out by God in all its simplicity, Firmness, and Wholesomen-ess of doing its work as God has promised to Abraham and all his seed, which we are today. The First Fruits of God's Holy Divine Spirit, now manifested on Earth through the members of the newly collected Body of Christ, by God through His Holy Divine Spirit, called The Holy Ghost, which is active in this Millennium Age for the purpose of gathering in the Harvest, the Elect, in various Bodies, now an established fact on Earth. The Head thereof is Christ Jesus, an established Factor in the "Daystar of Bethlehem" Society, where God is both Supreme Ruler, Judge and Executor of His Own Law, set up and worked out by the members of abovesaid Society, which is overshadowed by God or Divine Master- Masons or Guardians of our Race and Races now living together here on Earth under" Common Protection of God or said Guardian Angels or Divine Master-Masons and Christ Jesus, the Head thereof. No blas- phemous mind or slothful heart with all its conceitedness against his fellow-men. How can a man say he loves God he cannot see with his physical eyes till he has come up in the Laws of Evolution of man and Involution of God, if he hates his fellow-man he does see with his physical eyes. Man to God and God to man ! Here we are united in many bonds, only soon to be broken again and 8 new ones to take their place. But of no avail; only for a little, while, then the rumpus comes. The downfall, as Babylon did centuries ago. Why not adopt new methods? Be Sons and Daughters of God and of Divine origin, to undergo the Process of Evolution of man and Involution of God in succession, without any hitch in the Chain that links us with the Eternal Present One now. Will you, dear Reader, stand for Him and He for you in all your troubles and trials on the Pathway of Life's Progress, which you surely sooner or later have to undergo ? No one can digest your food for you and no one can do your thinking for you and no one can take your sure Reward promised to you by God, which is Jesus the Christ, your Immortal and Everlasting King of Kings, as an Immortal and Everlasting Presence with you throughout the Chain, of Evolution of man and Involution of God. Men are weary in their hearts and minds ; sick and distressed without any one to help them, except by paying a "Big Stick's" Fee. No money, no cure of mind or physical body's defects. No brotherly Love of Jesus Christ have they in their hearts, for they deny God and the only One chosen by Him. Oh, heart of hearts ! appeal to your Greater Senses. The God of Absolute Justice, reigning in your heart and in the family life, too. Now let come the Reign of Christ in your own heart first, for a greater Expression and Civilization. Come out of the old presently established one and accept Christ Jesus as the Author and Finisher of your Faith unto Eternal Perfection, through Jesus the Christ, the Exec- utive One; the special-sent One, and Mouthpiece of God, and girded with the girdle of Venus, the Bright One and Morning Star, the Fairest of Ten Thousands to My Soul. Boundless Love awards us all and every one that lives the life neces- sary and abounds and abides with Him. Jesus of Nazareth greets you and welcomes you home, dear Brothers and Sisters, in Christ Jesus. Amen. Law and Justice shall be done on Earth as it is done in the Heaven of Heavens, theoretically and practically carried out on Earth by the mem- bers of God's own Household in the Divine Kingdom now set up on Earth and theoretically and practically carried out under its Banner and Flag of Truth and Righteousness of God. Through Jesus Christ, the Only Procedure, can it be carried out, now present with us on Earth and manifested in full Power in the flesh through the human mind to direct the hands to do as directed from above, the Upper-Mind or Christ-Mind, and become thus universal-loving by being purged from within, from the Fires of Hell which are set up on Earth in many shapes to squeeze out every drop of blood a poor mortal being has, without any true love of heart and companionship in it. Money-love is a hard god, and so is passion-love; so men know their false gods well, but how long will they nourish them, or how soon will they put them away and seek the True God an.d salvation for both body and soul? No Bucket-shops or Sweat-shops are wanted in the Kingdom of God on Earth. Christ Jesus' Love and Divine Wisdom of God will come more in demand when we are without them. Close up Wall street and open up your hearts to God ; then you will have no multi-millionaires and rich-quick societies, and living off the sweat of others ; and no isms of any kind to lead you astray and to delay the coming of God in human fleshi to help and cheer on human mortals, to overcome their oppressors and deceivers. I. 2. 3- 4. 5. 6. Will stand for this Divine Call and Decision now ready and publicly expressed by giving it out to the world as God in our own heart directs and guides us to do so, from Above, from the Father of all knowledge of what goes on here on. Earth. Judgment Awaits us all and every one, in or out of God ; of high or of low standing in worldly honors by the people and inhabitants of the Earth. Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free. There is nothing covered on that day what shall not be revealed. Jesus the Christ is present with you in the flesh, unanimously expressed for the glory of God and the benefit of all mankind. Now, will you, dear Reader, acknowledge this Divine Document and sign it with your own heart's blood, lay down your own personal life and die the carnal death, as Jesus of Nazareth has done and arose again on the third day, manifesting Himself to many Brethren; so again on His Second Coming, gathering in the Elect for the sake of going on to Eter- nal Perfection and Deliverance from all Evil and Hostile Forces mani- fested on Earth in societies and individuals? 9. 10. Creative Law we express and call out all and every on.e who is ready to stand for an active Worker and Deliverer for Poor Humanity's Sake. The Devil or Evil One has to. be slain before His Majesty. Surrender your hearts to God, for Protection and Salvation of both soul and body and unto Eternal Life to come, For He goes forth conquering in God's own. Holy Spirit and He does conquer and subdue every fiend and foe and brings all under God's own Feet and Protection by surrendering all under God's care and protection, Leading an-d Guidance of all affairs necessary in our daily life, both in Church and State government, families and individuals. Hail Thee, King of Maria, Mother of God, and all Virgin Sons and Daughters of God! No hallucination we bring! No grabbing-system we set up. No 10 money-makers needed or wanted. It is not money that saves the world from all its pain and misery it is in now. The next thing is how to get them out of all their misery and sorrows. Is there one on Earth who can? and who has the power to make this world any better as it is now in its coarse state of affairs of today? My words may be spoken very loud, but they are true. They are Spirit an-d are alive. Incomprehensible to human mind without the Divine Mind or Christ-Jesus-Mind to help and to aid. For to be thus conscious means more than to go out and earn money for butter and bread for yourself and family. With increased knowledge comes increased responsibility and activity. The first Law in Heaven is Order. Have you, dear Reader, this Order set up in. your own heart and do you manifest it outwardly? Are you proclaiming it? Are you a satisfied or sanctified being, the Holy Law of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom will follow you. Strangers we are not, for we have met before, if we take the Process of Evolution, Reincarnation, and the Law of Cause and Effect, rightly taken and rightly understood according the Divine Law of God, Father, Son. and Holy Ghost. Amen. 3. 2. i. Stands for the three Universal Powers and gives us the key to the whole universal situation in the Chemical and Al-Chemical Laboratorium. The Holy Sanctum in every man's own heart. Thrice great is he who has solved the heavy problem for all mankind alike. What sayest thou of Him? What knowest thou of thyself and thy God-like Inheritance? Have you a place in your own heart set apart for the Christian. Master to enter in? and to do His Holy Sanctuary-work in your own heart for you? The Blind to the Christ Jesus Living Truth may see if He touches them by Faith. By Faith alone we are made whole, Perfect as God in Heaven is Per- fect through the Evolutionary Process, Reincarnation and the Law of Cause and Effect. Thy faith has made thee whole. Perfect as God in Heaven is Perfect. What then of a Saviour to come to our Earth? To visit this God- forsaken habitation, to help and cheer us on and to do His Holy or Perfect Work and to Crown all Humanity with the Thrice Sacred Truth of God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Three Powers are manifest in one Man or one Being, and three Moral Laws are laid out by Him. ist The Old Testamental Laws of Moses and the Prophets. 2nd The Christ-Love and the fulfilling of the Law of your own being. 3rd To sustain it by my own Life's Blood and mind-conception and ii comprehension and benefit received thereof throughout the ages and future life to come. What knowest thou of any sunken continent? Have you any records and sure salvation that we may not be with them? There is but one way out, and that is obedience to the Divine Law implanted in our hearts and written in our minds. Behold ! I stand at the door with All Power and Might, that no one can enter in, except by paying the price and that is by giving yourself on the Altar of Universal Love, Peace and Common Wealth, both on the Spiritual and Physical Plane of Thought and Action. Skagway, Alaska, is the main Center or Headquarters of the Masters or Christian Master-Masons, not fully revealed till union is made with them by the individual ones. 8. 7. 6. 3. 2. i. In the Holy Book of Writ Corpus is written: Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself, or do not unto others as you wish not to be done by. Where is, in our History, a Race, Nation, family or individual that has complied with these Moral Laws of God? If there is, one on Earth I would like to see him personally. God knows better than any one of us what man is and what he is not when He has come in our lives and has set up the Kingdom of God in our hearts and we as individuals can bring it out in our hands and daily life's Progress, we then know better and are then more acquainted with God's great Plan of Salvation for all mankind alike. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, might and strength and possessions thou hast in thy care. Each man and woman knows God's own. Law literally, but how far each individually has fulfilled them, that is another matter ; this concerns each personally and God, to whom we owe a great Debt; and money cannot buy the Kingdom of God, nor can our Debt be paid with an earthly bank account, which is in silver and gold; nor any earthly thing will do its perfect work. Give God your own self, either with or without money, either with or without earthly possessions. The Price is paid on Calvary's Cross. There lay down before the Christian Master's Feet all your troubles, sicknesses, ailments or worldly affairs of whatever kind they may be. He can heal them. He can give you a change of heart and a new understanding. The Hope and Glory, Christ, rise in. you, and be born again to greater Heights, whence comes God Mount Zion, they say. But is not this a great Spiritual Height of Progress and Eternal Per- fection and one-ness with God Almighty, Maker of the Heaven of Heavens, now with you again in the flesh through the, First Born One, Jesus of Nazareth, Your Elder Brother, Saviour and Holy-maker, Gatherer of the Elect, 12 through God's own. Holy Divine Perfect Spirit in all mankind, when attained? No lying, cunning and cheating tongues here. God is our All in All. Steadfast, sure on the Rock, to stay. No man can move us any more from there, for we have given God a place in our hearts, to set up His Kingdom on Earth. Thy Will be done, O Lord ! not my will. Thy Will is Perfect; my will is imperfect. Therefore I seek, O Lord God, Thy Perfect Will be done in my own heart. Take out my stony heart and give me a new Spirit, God ! Thine Own True Self. Death is sure to come to all of us ; therefore I seek life Eternal right here, while I am yet on Earth. Now I want it. Now I give myself for God's great Renunciation-work on Earth and come myself and with all I have in my possession to God, to live a Righteous Life, as God has set up. Through our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the simple-minded man. Reincarnation is as true as the day is long. Now' we have to work before the night comes again and Satan is going once more to be loos- ened, while there yet is day. "The Daystar of Bethlehem" Society is ready to receive you and greet you. It is a new Establishment where the Head thereof is God, Jesus Christ your Elder Brother, ready to wait upon you through His newly estab- lished Heavenly Kingdom om Earth. Put off the old man and walk after the new man. Through One, sin came into the world, through the other it will be taken out again, by the Process of Evolution of man and In- volution of God. As man neareth God, God comes nearer to man. Men rise and fall again without having God in their own hearts and they cannot live a sanctified being's life ! Life is Love and Love is God, but in our present age this God-Love as people call it is only Passion and hatred, very selfish, fiendish, grabbing, and malicious to a high de- gree. You may build up to a Tower of Babylon, but finally you may tip over and land in a lunatic asylum. Witchcraft, Selfish Trust-Monopoly of the Earth's goods for selfish purposes without any real love in it for their broken-down multi- millionaires and poverty-stricken people. O God, look upon our conditions on Earth. Teach us how to remedy this awful existing condition. Give us Thy Holy Divine Perfect Law in our hearts. Let us demand food and shelter for the needy ones, homes for the Penniless. Let graft and sweat-shops be abolished. Incline Thine Ear to our saying, for we have been awfully oppressed by our modern oppressors, or Pharaos, you may call them. How long, O Lord, wilst Thou stay Thine Own Mighty Hand. I hear the prayer of Thine Holy Saints and Servants going up to Thee through the Only One, Him 13 Thou hast chosen. Give Thine Holy Command and let the Righteous War commence in reality, against all Falsity and Mockery, which war against God and His People on Earth. Send forth the Chieftain of them all, the Lion-hearted One, Jesus of Nazareth, the over-burdened One. Raise the Flag of Truth and Righteousness and obey the Everlasting One. Heart and hand joined together, mind obedient to our God, which works through our true, noble Christian men and women's hearts. Jesus Christ, the Possessor thereof. No Demon can enter there. Lead on, O God! to Greater Heights. Give us strength and suste- nance and courage on the way, for Thou art all I have for a staff to lean upon. No big-stick society can enter here; only Truth and Righteousness. Filthiness He cannot bear, for water and oil don't mix, neither evil and good can live together. Either the one becomes good, too, or the other becomes bad ; therefore, we must work. Work unselfishly for the Great Universal Brotherhood Cause in- Christ Jesus, our Elder Brother in God and God in Him, expressed through one man now living on Earth in full Power and Glory thereof, and Head-Servant of "The Daystar of Bethlehem" Society, where Church and State government come under one Head of God and acted upon by our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, the Eternal Blessed One and Victorious One over the Eternal Fernio or Hell. We need not stay in a self-created Hell to keep people in ignorance and superstition under the thumb-screws and false yokes laid upon them for the sake of getting rich quick at any cost of misery and miserly mastership over their fellow-men. They unite to press out the last drop of Blood a man or a woman has, for the sake of gratifying their sluggish sense-pleasures. We eat to live and not as ! some people have it, live to eat themselves to death. Unbalanced in all their doings, are they, for they have not God in their hearts. They don't care for anybody but themselves. Unkind people they are, to their fellow-men, only thinking of themselves and those few about and around them and sometimes not even that much love exists among them. Create love in your heart and mind by being permitted to serve your fellow-men out of a pure heart's desire only. Do it because it is right so to do. Doing is the Perfect Brotherhood and Sisterhood's way. Sanctified women have power over their body and mind and no man can tear them down any more, for they are in the hands of Jesus the Christ, and He puts them in the Bosom of the Father, and in Abraham's lap. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Trinity of old in the Old Testamental Law, which we are as a combined, Holy, Sanctified People by God and Baptized with the Holy Ghost, to die the carnal-minded man's death, therefore we have no more Judahism, nor ism of any kind, but God in 14 our hearts, to represent Him to all people and nations on the face of Dear Mother Earth. Come forth, ye Holy Ones of God, ye Christ Jesus Beloved. Stand up! Father Michael! Stand up, Dear Arch-Angel Michael! Sweep and clean this Earthi of all unholy things. The time is ripe for the Harvest. Where shall we bring it? At the Feet of Jesus, the Dying and Heart-broken One. Oh, Beloved of the Cross of Calvary ! There is hope for you and me. Stand aloft and watch for Him ! as the Dawn draws nigh. There is glory for you and me. There is hope for us and; all. Cheer up, those in. the Faith of our Lord and Master Jesus the Christ, now one with God or all Perfected Beings in the whole Vast Universal System. Thrice Great is He, Thrice Blessed is He, and Thrice Con- queror is He in God. Every Perfected Being' in the whole Vast Uni- versal System stands at His Side and at His Command according the Divine Perfect Holy Will and Promises of God. Now stand on the Promises of God, dear Reader! and abolish all in- fernal warfaring weapon.. War is Hell and hellish indeed in word and works, and a devil is he that invented it. God has never invented it and never will. God is Divine Love, Ail-Embracing, All-Knowing, All-Seeing and All-Hearing. No boasting here ! Lay down your warfaring weapon, both in mind and hand. Render to God what belongs to God and render to Jesus the Christ what belongs to Him. Fear not! my fair Daughter! Zion is prepared for you. Once more the Heavens are cleared up. Now comes Judgment to our Dearly Be- loved Mother Earth, which is both bought and sold on the market-place every day. Abolish wage slavery and discontentment among the people. Give them the Reign of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, author- ized by God and His Holy Saints, now standing ready for enactment and to open the Seal of God ; what should befall them and what not. One thing is sure to come. Together we have sinned and together we have to make it right again. Jesus, your Righteous King, is ready to come in as soon as you declare yourself openly for Him; that means, stand for Him in word, deed and works. Wholly consecrated. Everything you have in your possession must be laid down on the Universal Altar of Divine Love and Wisdom of God. For God is over all, represented through our Lord and Master Jesus the Christ, now present in the flesh with you again, and Head and Exec- utive Officer and First Teacher and Father o-f All Mankind in represent- ing them to God as they are, in many stages of life's Progress, from faulty to faultless flaws in them. 15 Now comes Judgment. God must be in your own heart to identify yourself with Him through Jesus, your Righteous King of Love Divine and Immortality. He has and brings it for all mankind alike, whoever is willing to live the Christ Jesus life and surrenders all, to go through with Him to the end, till all life's Problems are solved and every man, woman or child is made Holy, Perfect, as God in the Heaven of Heav- ens is Perfect. i, 2, 3, stands also -for the Three Powers Manifested on Earth: ist God ; 2nd Jesus Christ ; 3rd Men in various stages of life's Progress. Now comes the Reign, of Christ set up in the hearts and minds of the people, which is done now by the Elect, who have God's Seal on their forehead, which are 144,000 in number, and many that are in the Faith and all the rest that follow in His Footsteps and show obedience to God and live the Divine Christ Jesus' Life here on Earth in union and har- mony with God. This is the beginning of the Millennium of God and Christ Reign set up here on Earth by one man and all the rest can follow in His Footsteps until the end of all the world to come. Amen. Now is the end of the selfish, worldly-minded men, and the unselfish ones take their place under the Head of Christ and Executive Head, now established here on. Earth, which represent both Church and State gov- ernments, families and individual's life, in or out of our presently estab- lished Denominations, Societies and Churches ; God loves them all, only they have to lay down their war-faring weapon, both in heart and mind, and take Him for their Salvation, as the Author and Finisher of their Faith through the One Chosen One, now representing all Mankind on Earth and coming in their hearts to do His Perfect Work. ist As a High Priest of all Nations. 2nd As the Reincarnating Ego of all Individual Mankind. 3rd He comes as the Crowning Work and the Fulfiller of God's own Perfect Salvation-Plan and as a Witness and Testimony thereof and a Pillar and Ground-Work unto the Everlasting Kingdom of God to come, the End of all men, for men then are like God not gods, but God. Thus-minded, thus-doing, -talking and "acting and -knowing in the flesh here on Earth. God's Eternal Salvationr-Plan is once more trium- phant through the obedience of one man, now in the flesh, fully sur- rendered unto God through Christ Jesus and He has both in His Heart, in full Power, Honor, and Glory. He appears before all mankind through God's own Holy Divine Spirit upon Him as an Immortal, Everlasting Crown of Glory to be remembered by its heart- and head-minded people now living together here on Earth. Arise, ye Nations and ye People ! Take your Place in Heaven and God's Immortal Everlasting Kingdom here on Earth. Be ready and sanctified Vessels, to be filled with the Holy Ghost. Come here. My 16 Beloved. Come and take thy place in the Kingdom and Reign of God through Christ Jesus and men on Earth. All are welcome ! All are invited ! All are permitted to stay where I am staying, to Reign and Rule with God and our Lord and Master Jesus the Christ in one man fully pos- sessed, of both body, soul and mind and functions thereof. Hail Him Who sitteth upon, Earth's Throne over all Nations, Rulers and Earthly Kings ! Flash thy Light and bring them in by God's own Love and Divine Wisdom. The End of the Old Reign and the Beginning of the New is here. May ist, 1911, the Queen of Heaven took the Throne, both in Church and State Government, to receive God's own Treasury and put them in the Newly Established Household of God, called "The House of Jacob," The Home of Jesus, the only one he found, who is the next in the Kingdom of God here on Earth, to live a Perfected Christ Jesus Life here on Earth and to go on unto Eternal Perfection and ready to serve his fellow-men in return, and by so doing he can attain Eternal Perfection, and so it is for all and every one who is ready to come in and lay down all weapon of warfare, through his Holy Perfected Mission of God to all Nations and Individual Mankind, too. Throw open the Portals ! Call forth thy Harvesters of the Field ! Tell them of their Risen King, "THE DAYSTAR OF BETHLEHEM," which is our Lord and Master Jesus the Christ, which includes all man- kind, for or against Him. Pray the Lord for one morsel of Bread. One Crumb may fall of His Table, prepared for men, before the time is quite ripe. Yes, Lord ! Re- member the Itching ones, the Mangy, the Bruised, the Guilty-Con- scious ones, the False Mockers, the filthy Lurkers, etc. Stretch forth Thy Mighty Arm and receive them all, for they are Blind and much accused of by the very Rich, sorely oppressed, robbed by the Wall-street gambling-houses and their kind. Liquor traffic we don't want. The Bread-and-Butter question we do defend, the Cow of Plenty. There is enough for all and every one. Take off thy Black Hand, thou unholy one. Give to the people what belongs to them. Give to God what belongs to Him. The Earth belongs to the people by their God-given Divine Rights and the people belong to God, by the Price paid for them on Mount Calvary and on Calvary's Cross by our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. Who can deny this? In this Hour of the Day in Evolution of man and Involution of God. Both are one. One in act, word, deed and work. God is depending on the people and we are depending on God, and the only salvation is through our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, the First One out of all mankind and now living on Earth with all mankind to gather the Harvest and to bring them to God or Eternal Perfection, as God in Heaven is Perfect. * * ****** God speaks in New Tongues through His Holy Divine Spirit for His Own Glory and benefit of all mankind. Three Powers are now manifested on Earth: ist The Poor. 2nd The Rich. 3rd The Middle-Class, the smallest in number of them all. Instead of being in the majority they are in the minority. There are three qualities among all mankind : Good, bad and indiffer- ent; cold, lukewarm and real Spiritual. Ignorant of God's own Truth are the cold ones ; the lukewarm are hanging between the two states, both the cold and the Spiritual Progressed ones. My Holy Divine Law is Love Divine, Universal Christ Jesus Love, illuminated with God's own Truth, and overshadowed by Every Per- fected Being in the Whole Vast Universe and those who have made union with Them or God, as men call it. Therefore it is necessary that One is present with the people to show God's Perfect Nature; and all men can attain it if they set out for it in the proper way, according to the Old and New Testamental Laws, laid out by God through His Holy Divine Servants. God speaks today through the hearts of the people, called the "Still Small Voice," or the Voice of God, and to be thus conscious means to have put on Christ and to be God-Conscious to the Highest Degree of Eternal Perfection, we must be offered up through our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, to God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to the Universal, One God, Father of All Nations and Individual Mankind wherever they may be. He knows them and would care for them if they were Christ Jesus- Conscious and nothing ill could befall them, but without God, men walk in Error and Darkness and are the Sons and Daughters of Error and Darkness and those who are in the Light arid walk in) the Light are the Sons and Daughters of God and walk on to Eternal Perfection' and that Light which is Jesus the Christ, both man and God, and has attained Eternal Perfection in heart and mind and is now ready to bring it out in His Hands and to set it up on Earth, so all men shall know God; from the least to the greatest on Earth and be remembered by forever and ever. Amen. Selfish living will cease ; unselfish living will take its place. Purification is necessary and to have Purification of God we must live a Holy Christ Jesus Life. The first Lesson is to know that you have God's own Spirit in your own heart. Second Lesson is to be obedient to God's calling you into His Own Service unto the end of Eternal Perfection. 18 Third Lesson is to go from Glory to Glory in Harmony with your Lord and Master Jesus the Christ, the Only Begotten. One and Chosen One of God, that all may follow in His Footsteps till all have attained Perfect Salvation and Eternal Perfection through our Lord and Master Jesus the Christ, present with you. First comes the gathering of the Elect of God's own Holy Divine Spirit working through the hearts of all People who have sought God above all and everything here on Earth and ready to enter in by the Straight and Narrow Way, which is your own heart first and then the Guardians of our Race, where Jesus our Lord andi Master stands at the Main Entrance, ready to receive every new-comer and lead him to the Judgment Bars, whoever he may be, oi high or of low standing in world- ly honors, in the eyes of worldly-min-ded men. Let the Eye of the Ever-Watchful One look upon you and plead His mercy and Divine Compassionate Love. Confess your sins and empty yourself before Him with your overburdened load of sins and confess your guilt and shame, which you need not to tell any man, except to Him. He can deliver you and set you free from false and wrong con- cepts and mind-delusion, and heal both body and soul, and takes good care that you have a full pocketbook and a good job and a good meal to sit down to whenever it is time for you and your family to have it. Therefore, come and see and taste the Lord, for He is good, but sharp in His Judgment; quick in His Mercy. Plead your guilt and shame to no one, only to Him. He will receive you and lead you and guide you to Eternity. Stevenson, Merced County, California, U. S. A., is the place where the first steps are already taken to fulfill God's complete Commandments, both in the Old and the New Testamental Laws, and to usher in the New Age, the Third Dispensation, where God's Holy Divine Spirit is at the head thereof through our Lord! and Master Jesus Christ, to carry on the Work in full measure as authorized by the Divine Court in the Heaven of Heavens, and to set up the Millennium here on Earth as fully as described to the very dot of the letter in the Holy Bible. New Jerusalem at last has come and the "children of Israel" are sorely oppressed again by our modern Pharaos, but soon the command will come : Hands off ! God's Seal is upon them. The Divine Shepherd Will Say: Arch-Angel Michael demands His Own. And His Own hear His Voice and obey Him and follow Him unto the end of all the world to come. Everything that has a beginning has also an end. God has no begin- ning and no end ; therefore, we partake of the Divine Life and drink the Cup our Lord and Master drank about 2,000 years ago, and carry on the Fight for Souls in God's Eternal Kingdom now here, to be established 19 and set up by the Guardians of our Race through our Lord and Master Jesus the Christ, an Almighty God-Loving Being. Amen. Dear Brother and Sister in Christ in you an.d in all mankind, con- scious or unconscious thereof: We are an Universal Brotherhood in Christ Jesus our Lord, Protector and Authorized Person of God or Divine Perfected Being in the Whole Vast Universal System and con- cerns our little Earth and its inhabitants and the well-being of them all, set up in the mind or not. Judgment awaits all of us and every one. Mine is past and I came out in the Resurrection-Morning, from all ignorance, filthiness and evil- minded heart, and so you, dear Reader, can do the same. The Stone of Ignorance is once more rolled; away from the grave and Death has no power over Me any more. O Grave, where is thy victory ! Death, where is thy sting! In Christ Jesus we are all made One, as He is One with God and establish the Universal Christ-Jesus-Brotherhood in God Almighty, Maker of the Heaven of Heavens, here on Earth, so all mankind can partake of it and not live on bread and butter alone, but also on what proceeds out of! the Mouth of God. Amen. Come, all ye that labor in Christ Jesus' Holy name, under the Banner of Truth and Righteousness, Peace and Good-will to all mankind. Amen. 9, 10. 3, 2, i. Through the very Elect alone and in the Faith of our Lord and Master Jesus the Christ, Brethren in Christ Jesus your Lord and Master, King of Kings, I am, J. Heimberger, as an authorized, specially called and chosen One by our Lord and Master Jesus the Christ, whom no physical eyes can see, only the Inner-Sighted-Ones, the Third Eye, the Eye of God, those whom are blessed therewith. Not the Mystery-Mongers, the filthy Lurkers, the Spiritists, who sell themselves for mony and stay stationary and are not going on to their appointed work and so with the Dogmatics, Materialists, Politicians and thousands of other deceitful ways, only to delay the coming of the King of Kings and put obstacles in His Way. False Peace-Conferences without the Poor and Sorely Oppressed, the workers of the Land in it. With full and plenty for all, there is want and starvation among men. Love one another, as I loved you; and again and again I am with you. How lon.g will you delay God's will be done here on Earth and the Reign of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ to be ushered in? Brethren and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, your Eternal, Immortal Crowned King and Blessed Saviour, stands with the Sword of Truth of God in His Mighty Hand, which proceeds from His Mouth, all over the Land and Lands, and fills the Earth from shore to shore as of yore. 20 JESUS CHRIST, Our Reigning King, is once more Risen again. He descended on the most simple, uniform, God-loving, Christ-defending Man, on September 12, 1905, at Skagway, Alaska, 12 o'clock high noon, meridian time. Christ and God descended upon me. My calling and choosing came in early life, when I was merely a boy, in my parents' home, where I remained till I was 13 years of age, in Freimersheim, near Edenkoben, Reihnpfalz, Bavaria, Germany. The Close of Probation-time is ended and the Reign of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ begins in the physical body's expression here on Earth for the Glory of God and the benefit of all mankind. ist In the hearts of men. 2nd To bring it out in your mind and hands. 3rd To declare it openly and broadcast all over the Land and Lands from shore to shore as of yore. Palestine and Jerusalem are once more on the great "still" Pacific Ocean, our Forefathers and the Prophets spoke of, and which Christ Jesus, our Elder Brother and True Lion-Hearted Deliverer, from now on proclaims and upholds. i, 2, 3, stands for the Three Great Universal Powers, which we as rightful, pure-thinking, God-loving, Christ-defending citizens of all na- tions, proclaim. We abide in the Love of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ forever and ever, until the Great Day, which now already is lor those who already entered in and can conceive it in. their own hearts and minds and bring it about on Earth through the Only One Perfect Way, which leads all mankind through their hearts at the Feet of Jesus Christ, called the Inner Man, Crestos, Man's Own True Self. Therefore Jesus said: If you love God, love also Me; for He was one with God and was both, God and Man to the Height He had attained and originally came from, the Reservoir and Eternal Fountain, and re- turned again to His original State of Purity and Perfectness, as God, or All Perfected Beings are and now He is with us again to remain with us always by taking on body after body, till we have perfect physical bodies made for ourselves and return again to our Paradicical State which we ourselves prepare for ourselves, for the Future and Reigning King on Earth, therefore we as members of the Body of Christ, and "Daystar of Bethlehem" Society, where both Church and State Government come under the Head of Christ; under Christ, we undersigned understand and mean : ist The Guardians of our Race. 2nd The Man Jesus the Christ, who has attained Perfect Sonship and Godhood by being both accepted as the First-born One of our Race and Races now living on Earth, by said Divine Guardian Masters, which stands for the Power called Arch-Angel Michael, and offered up by 21 them to the Combined Power of Eternal Perfected Guardian Beings as Fathers of all Sacred Initiation, which can only be attained by paying the Price, by giving yourself on the Great Universal Altar of Renuncia- tion, for a Sacrifice for all mankind on the Altar of Divine Love and Wisdom of God, which are the Divine Master-Masons, which are as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore, ready to help mankind if they make themselves ready for Them, and welcome all mankind home to their Eternal Abode. We, as members of the Body of Christ and "Daystar of Bethlehem" Society, stand ready to help you and initiate you by compliance of the Old and New Testamental Laws. ist Through Moses and the Prophets. 2nd Through our Lord and Master Jesus the Christ, the Only One, now Head of the Amalgamated Societies. ist Called "The Daystar of Bethlehem." 2nd Called "White Throne Lodge, No. i," here on Earth, where all Business Transactions are executed by being overshadowed by God or said Divine Christian Masters, who stand for God, called Arch- Angel Michael, of the Greater Hierarchy of Divine Christian Master- Masons, Beings whom Jesus of Nazareth, as an Individual Personality and a Forerunner of our Race and Races represents, and He has re- nounced His Heavenly Home and remains with all mankind, good, bad or indifferent, to the Christ Jesus Living Truth. Some day all will get their eyes and ears opened, and will see and hear spiritually as well as physically and gladly obey God's Command- ments of the Bible and follow in the Footsteps of the Only One, Spir- itual Man I mean, the True Inner Self in his various Heights of Prog- ress and Purification and Acceptability by the Very Highest, Most Divine and Most Holy Beings in the Whole Vast Universal System and beyond the imaginary faculties of our present imperfect developed human minds, which will set all present established centers of non- purification in the shade of darkness, and charge them of non-purification and of non-attainment of the Christ Jesus Living Truth of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Amen, and declare ourselves not as one, but the only one Universal Center of both, Perfect Church and State Govern- ment. The Head thereof which is Christ Jesus, the True Representative of God or all Perfected Beings in their various states of Progress to the Great Eternal Fountain of all Truth, Light, Love and Wisdom of God, by being overshadowed and endowed with Divine Rights, to which all mankind can attain and hold their simplicity as an individual man, woman or child of God and we now, as members of the Body of Christ, consciously recognize ourselves to be so ; one with all Perfected Beings in the Whole Vast Universal System. 22 The Divine Law is enacted by coming up to the Standard and the Mark and the full measure of a man, which is 666, an Arch-Mason or Arch-Bishop, but Christ stands immeasurably higher than all this. His own Divinity gives Him 888 of the Kingdom, but now He has unlocked the Great Solar, God's Mysteries, and passed beyond the great mystic Wohre, where there is still such work going on and no Purification has seen its centers, therefore. The Righteous One as God of the gods' is Righteous and of an attain- ment as the very Highest, Most Perfect Hierarchy of Beings. I, J. Heimberger, present myself to all the world as such an Helper and True Christian Master-Mason and a Representative of God, as the Only One, now present with all mankind, to deliver them out of their present awfully oppressed state of affairs, in which no one else can help them but God and His present, new established movement, as the Head and Fountain and Beacon-Light for all mankind to go by, in both Church and State Government, Family and Individual Affairs of all our daily life and lives to come. The Close of the Old and the Beginning of the New Age are here upon us, and its new machinery prepared by God has to be put in work- ing order and set it up here on Earth, so all mankind can see the effective Motive-Power of the Great Chain of Evolution of Man and Involution of God to man,. Its details we cannot explain in this Message of Peace, Divine Love, Good Will and Eternal Perfection by God's own Plan of Salvation, thought out before the beginning of all Creation of animals and mankind unto an unendless chain of learning and side-tracking, without having with us the Greater Lights and Heroes of our Present Age. Amen. 3, 2, i, takes all Business in His Own Hands from now on, November 5, 1911- I, the undersigned, stand for God's Own Purity and Righteousness, as led from Within My Own Heart, which is the Christ Jesus Con- sciousness of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. 3, 2, i, declares Itself as the Author and Finisher of all men's Faith. I, J. Heimberger, give my personal life to God, to be publicly expressed for to bring about better conditions here on Earth and a better under- standing between God and all mankind, now living on Earth. ****** ** I, J. Heimberger, pledge myself on My Sacred Heart to stand by and with all mankind as God in my own Heart directs and guides me to do so. Amen. Not mine, but God's own Will shall and will be done here on Earth as it is done in the Heaven of Heavens. God is Just, so I present myself to be. In. His Power and Glory I shine for evermore as of yore in the True Mosaic School in old Jerusalem. 23 So again in the New Jerusalem which is to be set up in California on the great Pacific Ocean, Commonly Expressed by and for all mankind alike. God is Love, so am I. God is Divine Wisdom,, so am I. God is True, so am I, etc. All the qualities God has, a Perfected Man must have also. Therefore, be ye Perfect, as God in the Heaven of Heavens is Perfect, Meek and Lowly of Heart, and live in the Contrite Spirit; be Baptized unto Death to all sin, shame and lower degradation ; arise again in three days from the Earth to be exalted by God ; to be imputed with all Virtues He has and be permitted to use all Power He has, unselfishly, of course. As a man soweth, so shall he also reap, etc. Now My Beloved in the Christ Jesus Living Truth of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, with whom I am one and entered in communion with Him and He with Me, constantly recognized and constantly ex- plained. No Fanatic-ism or Spook-ism, nor Dogmatism here! Ignorance, Brute Force, Falsity and Superstition are dethroned here and the only Righteous One is permitted to Reign and Rule here in full Power and Glory of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. 3, 2, i, which stands for the Almighty One here on Earth and in the flesh, incarnated in one humble man, to bring about better conditions here on Earth. ist To set up the Kingdom of God on Earth. 2nd To declare it broadcast to all kindred folks who live in all lands. Three Powers I, J. Heimberger, manifest here on Earth. ist God in men. 2nd The Christ Jesus Ego and Gautama Buddha I am. 3rd A Humble, Law-abiding Citizen of All Nations I am. I love them all, good, bad and indifferent to the Christ Jesus Living Truth of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. I Defend Them All, in high or in low standing in the eyes of worldly-minded men. Virtues of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha are sublime things and both Personalities were and was inspired of God. Amen. Here I am. Here I stay. I cannot do otherwise. So help me, God. Amen. As a High-Priest of all Nations. Amen. Signed with my own Life's blood. Amen, and forever Amen. J. Heimberger, President of the Amalgamated Societies and Teaching of God and Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. 24 Called The Daystar of Bethlehem or Head of Body of Christ and Executive Office, which is the Central Office, whence all information can be gotten concerning the welfare of God's own Movement, which repre*- sents all people, in or out of it, active or not. i, 2, 3, declares itself as their Defender, good bad or indifferent. Only declare your independence and freedom of expression of con- sciousness and full deliverance from all evil which ignorance, animalism, brute force and superstition commonly express in both Church and State affairs of today in all nations on Earth. Is it not so? Yes or no, you can or must say; now decide for your- self, if you want a government with both Church and State affairs com- ing under One Head ; The Head and Executive One which is our Lord Jesus Christ, whom every human being on Earth ought to represent. Therefore, I lay down all weapon of warfare, false concepts of wordly-minded men, both of high and low standing in the eyes of all people and nations on Earth. Amen. Raise the Flag of Christ Jesus Living Truth topmost or go down to the bottom of the sea. Lower morals and lower degradation you will have for yourself. Give the people the government in their own hands ; a Government by the People, for the People, overshadowed by God, and guided and directed personally by our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Whom I, J. Heimberger, both God and Christ-Jesus-Ego manifest and represent from now on, November 5, 1911, with authority of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Amen, called the Guardians of our Race and Races now commonly living together here on Earth, or Arch-Angel Michael, the Power of All-Good, the Power of All-Adjustment or Judgment, which now is coming to our God-forsaken Earth, and hateful and despised human beings, whom God loved and gave His Only Begotten Son, whom I, J. Heimberger, both spiritually and physically represent to all nations and people on the Face of Dear Mother Earth. Amen. So help us, God. Amen.. Now let Judgment begin openly here on Earth, by the Only One at the Head thereof, sent and authorized by God, Amen, to carry on His Perfect Work among all mankind, Amen, whether they like it or not. God is our only True and Just Judge and Jesus Christ our Only Advo- cate. Why seek ye false Peace-Conferences? Why do you try to de- ceive the people with your armor-clad ships of war? Is not God able to protect them without a Hellish machine-gun? Murder we don't want. Give us God for our Inheritance. Give us Jesus Christ for our Peace-Defender, Whom God has chosen before the beginning of our Creation and present Civilization. Condemn One, you condemn them all, for we all have sinned together and together we have to make it right again. All who are ready to join this Movement must do so for himself, whether of high or of low standing among worldly men. I, J. Heimberger, in the full Faith of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, to explain in full the New Teaching of God. Amen. I accept the True Word of the Holy Script as far as I am laid by the Holy Ghost and Spirit of Truth given by God to readjust all things and to make all things new, as promised in the Holy Book of Writ by the Divine Masters, or King of Kings. Lo, I am with you even unto the End. ****** ## This time in full Power of the Law of God. Amen. The Earth's Law is fulfilled in Hail the King! One Being. Son of Maria, which stands One Being has triumphed over for Purified Lower Nature. all. Hail Thee! Calvary's Cross no more. Sanctified Being and True Calvary's Cross is Victory for Christian man, me in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Among all men and a Model or Pattern to go by, from January ist, 1912, on.. The Declaration of Independence is ready to bet given out to all man- kind. Amen, and forever Amen. So let it be to you or all mankind. Amen. Stevinson, Merced County, California, U. S. A., is a place chosen by God to set up the Paradicical State and finally to spread it over the whole Earth. Land to this effect is already in operation as far as the Plan of God is concerned in laying out the Garden-Spot of Eden, where God will dwell Personally and direct all affairs as led from Above, from the Father of all Love and Divine Wisdom. Now, my dear Readers and Comrades in the Christ Jesus Living Truth of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. The first Enlistment is to be made at the Central Office and Head- quarters of the Amalgamated Society, called "The Daystar of Beth- lehem" or Headquarters of Body of Christ, as led from Above, and each member must decide for or against it as he goes along* and sees for him- self if it is true or false. Inquiries by mail will be dealt with personally or confidentially, ac- cording to the progress made by the Inquirer, throughout the Whole Chain of Evolution of Man and Involution of God. Amen. ENDING. I, the Lord thy God, make an end to all things : Wherefore I have no Beginning and no End. Hear ye Him, I sent from the Throne of God. 26 Even Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Ego of Gautama Buddha, reincar- nated and Incarnation of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. I, the INNER SELF, will speak openly before God and all mankind, as led by the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, spoken of in St. John, 16:7-16. Which is the Holy or Perfect Spirit of the Guardian Angels of our Race and Races now living on Earth. Called Arch-Angel Michael : The Power of All Good Law. The Power of Adjustment. The Power of Judgment, now pending in the Courts of Heaven against every Race, Nation., Family and Individual Man, and their re- spective Societies and Militairism at large, Capitalism, Labor-ism, Graft and Sweat-shops, Immoralism, Priestcraft, Dogmatism, Spiritism and Socialism. 1. Truth to the Human Mind. 2. The Love-Principle in human life, implanted by God. 3. Readjustment or Common-sense Judgment. 4. God Incarnated in the Flesh in one humble man. Amen. Now what will any one or the World at Large do? Fight? or will- ingly submit to the High Decree of God, calling out all and every one to His own Judgment-Bar through His own Holy Divine Spirit, im- planted in every man, woman or child? If you hurt one of them you hurt God and invoke the Fury of the Almighty Jehovah, God, upon your head. Think well before you act, whoever you may be. I, the Lord thy God, declare it unto you. Signed and Sealed with my own Heart's Blood, I remain faithful to all mankind unto Death. Amen. J. HEIMBERGER. This is the Serpent Power Moses lifted up in the Wilderness to lead the children of Israel out of their awful oppressed state of affairs, as they were then. Now comes Christ Jesus to our little Earth to take a stand in all affairs o-f today. Who stands for Him or who stands against Him? Now declare yourself openly and alone, in your own heart. Then follow your Conscious Guidance. He will be a Pillar of Smoke to you by day and a Holy Fire by night, that surrounds you. This Spiritually taken, or Inwardly, of course. Now Jehovah, the Great Universal God, demands Righteousness of each and every one of us, in our most Inward Part of our Heart of Hearts. Thank God! The Hour of Deliverance has come! The hour of deliv- erance out of our modern Pharoas and rotten Priestcraft-system and Moloch worship man to man, and woman, to woman. 27 What a disgrace it is to our Modern Churches to be left out of the Kingdom of God. Amen. That Serpent- Power Moses lifted up in the Wilderness is lifted now! In the true Church and State affairs of today. The Christ-Home-Land-Station is to be erected at Stevinson, Merced County, California, U. S. A., where the Society has some land for the very purpose, to set up God's own Perfect Plan, practically carried out. No secretness in this. We know God is able to doi all He has promised to His own Rightful Children and we ARE His Holy Divine Perfected Servants, to carry out His own Almighty Perfect Divine Will here on Earth. Amen. This is written especially for all whom this may concern and whoever you may be, of what color, or creed you may come out from. In Christ Jesus we are all of us made as He is, One with God. Amen. And now is God Incarnated in Human Flesh especially to express Himself or the Universal Perfect Pathway, while we are living yet in the flesh. Amen. This Blessing of God has come down upon all mankind "over night" or throughout the long Era or Dark Age in which the most of men are yet living in. If you love God, love also Me, for I am in God and He in Me. By their Works you shall know them, and, as a man thinketh in his own heart, so he is. Righteousness and Unrighteousness don't go together. Therefore it is necessary to separate the he-goats from the she-goats. Now decide for yourself on what side you are : Black, Red, or White Magic. Mystics we don't want; only the sorely oppressed, true children of God, who recognize the Law and Authority of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, now present in the human Body, to establish His own Glorious Kingdom of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost as directed and guided from within my own Heart of Hearts. Brother Michael! I stand up for Thee! Thou Mighty God! Sela! Thou Mighty One! Thou Self-Styled and Self-Willed One of God All and over all ! Amen. 3, 2, i, makes a close of all unscrupulous work going on here on Earth ; by the Authority of God or said Guardian Angels, who watch by day and by night over all mankind that nothing worse than already has befallen mankind, will occur. Help surely is needed at once in all quarters of the Earth ; physically, morally and spiritually, mentally and evenly balanced by the Law of Eternal Divine Justice and Its Creator! Can I live without God in my own Heart? Can a fish live without water? So is it with common-sense man. God for man and man for God; and not: man for man, and woman for woman ! Keep the Commandments and the Statutes of God's Holy Sabbath- Law Holy Perfect, without flinching or going back on it. Love God with all thine own Heart and all the possessions thou hast and thy neighbor as thyself. Brother, will you do this daily, hourly, nay, every minute of the day? Amen. Father, Mother and Son, Three in One Being present in the flesh. Authorized by God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Philosophically explained, theoretically digested, and practically lived here on Earth and set up, so that all mankind can see it. Father: Divine Wisdom Monad. Mother: Divine Love Crestos. Son : The Inheritor of both qualities is Sonship. And our Lord and Master Jesus Christ is the Inheritor of all God has and paid the Price demanded of God; Faithful unto Death, and arose again three days later, in our present age, into Life Eternal and has Eternal Life and Immortality for all mankind. The Napoleon-Siege is over, and the Christ Jesus Loving Kingdom of God begins here, practically worked out on Earth and set up, so that all can see for themselves the Perfect Paradicical or Eden State of God as He designed it so to be. So help us, God. Amen. Remember the Holy Sabbath-Law and keep it Holy. Live it daily, hourly, minutely, and every second of the day. Praise ye His Holy Name forevermore. God is God in all ages and works wondrous ways and performs miracles according to the Divine Law of God. Amen. Father, Son and Holy Ghost sanctified this Divine Writing by the Divine Authority of His own Innermost Divine, Immortal Nature, In- herited of God. Amen. Father, Mother and Son, for these three Powers of Purity I stand and vow my full being's Life to Him and Him alone. No Demon-Power can enter my heart any more, for God stands at the Sacred Entrance with His Fiery Sword, which is His Holy Divine Al- mighty Powerful Spirit of Christ Jesus Living Truth, which I have inherited of our Righteous Immortal God: 3, 2, I, in man, Predestinated and Fore-ordained by the Almighty Father-and-Mother Nature in Heaven and of Earth, as a Rightful High-Priest and Soul-Sustainer of Eternal Life, Love and Eternity. I am washed in the Blood of Christ; on Mount Calvary I paid the Price for all mankind. On Mount Zion I claim Victory for all mankind; therefore, I raised the Flag of Truth and Righteousness, as God is Righteous and sets His Righteous Standard up here on Earth. 29 Napoleon's defeat is victory at the Cross. Oh, Holy Beloved! Oh, Almighty Bestower of all Divine Gifts ! Immortality. 1 lay down for all mankind's feet. Down with the Black Art ! Down with the Black Magic ! Down with all Murderous Devices. Down with New Babylon-Designs. Turn the Swords into Prune-hooks. Come to the Gate of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob's House. ist I mourned for you. 2nd 1 died for you. 3rd I have come to live for you. Amen.. Oh, Almighty Father-and-Mother Nature ! Oh, Almighty Father-and- Mother Design! Oh, Almighty! I am not worthy to be Thine, but take me as I am : Earth, Fire, Air and, Water, etc. The Great Cosmic, Creative God I am. Oh, men, take this Holy Divine Christmas-Gift of God and lay down all weapon of warfare against thy fellow-men. Trust in the Holy Divine Law of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. And be re-united in Christ Jesus our Lord, and offered up to God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. The Lord of Israel is a Single God, but of a threefold Nature : ist In the Universal System. 2nd In the Solar System. 3rd On Earth, expressed in all mankind. Amen, and forever amen. No palace or castle I need, only a humble, poor man's house, earned with my own hands. Honesty and Sincerity are the gifts of God and we need no battle-ships or armor-clads to attack them. Shrapnell-shot and bombs are out of date and Anarchy a thing of the past with the man who has God in his own heart. Amen. 3, 2, i, will close this Divine Message of God, and delivers it unto all men's minds and hearts. Sherwood, Mendocino County, California, U. S. A., is a historical place in the setting up of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Amen. ist The Ego of Napoleon. 2nd The Ego of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, personally taking part. 3rd Eight Souls were necessary, like as it was in Noah's time. So at the Coming of God, to readjust and establish all things in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. 3, 2, i. The True Seal of God, over the House of Jacob, the House of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Citadel of Christ Jesus Living Truth of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen, and forever amen. -30 No inquisitive or prospective mind needed to investigate. If you are not led from within your own Heart's Pure Motive Power, Good-Will- Mind, so help you, God, if you do otherwise! Curiosity-seekers are especially restricted from treading on Forbidden Ground. Take heed unto thyself and draw nigh unto thy God, whoever you may be. Amen. Inspiration of God is needed on our Dear Mother Earth and especially in this New Messiah Manvantara. Buddha My Lord ! in His new Castle and Citadel of Christ Jesus Liv- nig Truth of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Home again., through the Jungle and over the Mountain-Range, the Majestic Abode of our Lord. The abysses of Hell trodden footsore over the rough, thorny and rocky Pathway, which leads all mankind through their own sacred heart. No other way you can go. Now stop right here, sit down in the Kingdom of God, and ask yourself: Am I or am not I a Son or a Daughter of God? Listen to the Voice of the Silence. Listen to your Most Holy Divine Self, which is the Son of God. Obey Him and Him alone. So walk the straight and narrow" way till you meet your Lord, Whom you have thought as God; then you shall preciously like Him and in His Glory you will shine; and meet on the Everlasting Shore, as is promised in the Bible, which is of God, written by the Divine Spirit, which is in every man's and woman's heart. Amen, and forever amen. Marriage-life is sacred and ought to be kept Holy, according to the Divine Law of God, written in your own heart. I AM, I AM, the Great Universal Self; God-like, of course, but not Roman, Greek or any other kind, except the One, written by God. Now declare it unto me, are you right, or are you not? Stand your ground, if you can! Declare yourself right or false, openly before God and all mankind. I, the Lord thy God, I am a Single God and not jealous of you, but open the Door and declare yourself right or false. What do we need a Pope for? when God is Almighty, All-Wise, All- Knowing, -Seeing, -Hearing, etc., and endowed every human being with a Spark of His Own Divinity to identify himself with God. Do you understand this, Dear Reader? Can you comprehend it, and above all, are you obeying it daily, hourly, nay, every minute of the day? Obey your own Most Holy Inner-Self, Crestos, your Creative-Nature, God. Amen. i, 2, 3, stands for the recognition of an implanted Spark of Divine Nature in all and every human being. Now we need Teachers, who have their Inner Power Awakened and call it forth in existence for the Glory of God and the common good of all mankind. Amen. Not for what they may gain by it or attain to, but for the Righteous Way's Sake, our Master and Lord laid out for us to go by ; for each man is the Way and the Path unto himself. How far have you walked it? How far can you understand and comprehend it, and declare it unto others? Have you identified yourself with the One Chosen One of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost? Then I may say this : Come hither and take thy place in the Kingdom of God, active here on Earth, whoever you may be. Male and Female created He them. Male and Female He wants to keep them : Woman, the help-mate to her husband ; the husband, the Head of the House. No house has two heads; therefore, one house has one Head and one Vote. 3, 2, i, stands only for one Head, and this is the Head of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, which every man ought to represent and stand for, in union with God, and this Law is set up in. the Kingdom of God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Otherwise, you have Lawlessness, rioting and finally Bloodshed and Massacre, Hell in deed, word and works. Now, how can we remedy this Evil, existing in every Government on Earth? Behold ! I come quickly ! Wait patiently, thou Daughter of God ! New Jerusalem I bring. No Fake System, no Anti-Typical Govern- ment we want; in both, Church and State, but the One inaugurated by God through our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, present in the Flesh, by His Holy Divine Omn, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Divine Spirit of God. The Spirit of God. The Spirit of Righteousness. The Spirit of Perfectness. The Spirit of Everlasting Life: Peace and Happiness in our every-day life without Priestcraft or Statecraft or any Political Machinery in or out of the Spirit of God. Amen. 3, 2, i, declares Itself ready to appear openly before God and all man- kind. Amen. Signed, Sealed and Delivered unto all Mankind's Hands by God. Amen. J. HEIMBERGER, President, JOHN VANDERMARK, Secretary. For further information regarding the above Movement, kindly write to either President or Secretary, or call personally at 2216 East Thirtieth street, East Oakland, California, where answers to all inquiries will cheerfully be given. 32 TU 10664 GENERAL LIBRARY U.C. BERKELEY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY