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, ,BY, ,,, , j , , ,
FRANCIS WALKEti, tf.L.S., &c.
LONDON, 1869.
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THE object of the present Catalogue is to give a complete List of
all the genera and species of Dermaptera -Saltatoria known to
exist in the collections of European and American Entomologists.
The letters a, b, c, &c.., after the species, denote the specimens now
contained in the British Museum, followed by the habitat and the
mode in which each of them was obtained ; and the absence of
these letters indicates the species which are desiderata, and there-
fore desirable to be procured for the collection.
May 1st, 1869.
Saltatoria, Latr. Serv. Hist. Orth. 293.
a. Fore wings horizontal in repose. - - GRVLLID.E.
aa. Fore wings deflexed in repose.
b. Antennae long, setaceous. Tarsi 4-jointed. - ACEIDID^B.
bb. Antennas filiform, generally rather short. Tarsi 3-jointed. LOCUSTID.E.
Fam. 1. GRYLLID./E.
Gryllides, Latr. Gen. Cr. et Ins. 1807. Gryllina, Macleay. Achetida?,
Leach, Steph. Gryllodea, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 725. Achetina,
Newm. Ent. Mag. ii. 1835. Gryllides et Hypsallomeni, Serv. Hist.
Orth. 319, 358.
a. Fore legs fossorial.
b. Hind tarsi of the usual form.
c. Tarsi 3-jointed.
Gryllotalpa, Ray, Leach, Latr., Steph., Serv., Burm., Fisch. Gryllus,
Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, 693. Acheta, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 28.
a. Fore tibiae with four teeth.
b. Fore wings not extending heyond the fourth segment of the ab-
c. Fore border of the hind femora sinuated. vulgaris.
cc. Fore border of the fore femora not sinuated.
d. Hind wings extremely small, shorter than the fore wings, hirsuta.
dd. Hind wings narrow, shorter than the abdomen. borealis ; cophta.
ddd. Hind wings as long as the abdomen. minuta.
dddd. Hind wings longer than the abdomen.
e. Body dull above.
/. Fore femora not sinuated.
(j. Prothorax moderately broad.
moderate. '-,',- " " - africana.
l r arge.j -' .'-/', -; grand is.
Piothoiax narrow! ' ' 'T' - - - - - coarctata.
ff. Fore femora sinuated.
a. Sides of the fore wings not varied with gray.
h. Prothorax narrow. ------ hexadaetyla.
hh. Prothorax moderately broad. - - - longlpennis, Scttdder.
gg. Sides of the fore wings varied with gray. - chiliensis.
ee. Body shining above. ------ nitidula.
bb. Fore wings extending to the sixth segment of the abdomen.
c. Body not blackish. longipeunis, Haan.
cc. Body blackish. - - - - - - - ornata.
a. Fore tibiae with two teeth.
b. Claws of the hind tarsi longer than the third joint.
c. Claws unequal. ------- oxydactyla.
cc. Claws equal. - mexicana.
bb. Claws of the hind tarsi shorter than the third joint.
c. Hind wings longer than the body. - - - - didactyla.
ec. Hiud wings shorter than the body. - parvipennis.
Geoffr. Ins. Par. i. 387, pi. 8, f. 1. Frisch. Ins. ii. pi. 5. Seba,
Mus. iV. pi. 89, f. 3, 4. Gryllus Gryllotalpa, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2,
693. Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 633, pi. 128, f. 3 14. Roes. Ins. Bel. ii. ;
Gryl. 89, pi. 14, 15. Deg. Ins. iii. 336, 2. Berk. Syn. i. 111. Don.
Brit. Ins. v. pi. 147. Stew. Elem. ii. 93. Turt. Syst. Nat. ii. 544.
Shaw, Gen. Zool. vi. 140. Bingley, Anim. Biog. iii. 159. Wood,
III. i. 91, pi. 33. Ratz. Forst. Ins. iii. 269. Acheta Gryllotalpa,
Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 2S. Stall, Saut. et Grill, pi. 2, f. 67. Panz.
Faun. Ins. Germ. 88, pi. 5. Kirby and Spence, Intr. Ent. i. pi. 2, f. 3.
Gryllotalpa vulgaris, Lair. Hist. Nat. Cr. Ins. xii. 122, pi. 94, f.
4; Gen. iii. 95. Steph. III. Brit. Ent. Mans. vi. Zett. Or/A. Suec.
51. Doy, Atlas, Regn. An. Cuv. pi. 81, f. 1. Charp. Hor. Ent. 83.
Blanch. Hut. Nat. Ins. iii. 34. Serv. Hist. Orth. 306. Burm. Handb.
Ent. ii. 738. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 157, pi. 9, f. 1.
a h. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection.
i. England. Presented by A. A. White, Esq.
.;', k. England.
'/. Montpellier. Presented by F. Walker, Esq.
ra o. France.
;;. Tangier. From Mr. Fraser's collection.
q, r. Tunis. From Mr. Fraser's collection.
s. Egypt. Presented by Sir G. Wilkinson.
t, u. Bagdad. Presented by W. R. Loftus, Esq.
v. Syria. From Mr. Lowne's collection.
Gryllotalpa americana, Say, MSS., Harris, Cat. Ins. Mass. 56. borealis,
Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 740. Scudder, Journ. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist.
vii. 426. brevipennis, Serv. Hist. Orth. 308. Harris. Rep. 3rd ed.
149, f. 68.
. N. America. Presented by Sir R. I. Murchison.
Catesby, Nat. Hist. N. Car. i. pi. 8. Gryllotalpa longipennis,
Scudder, Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 426 (nomen bis lectiim).
Massachusetts. Maryland.
a. N. America. Presented by Sir B. I. Murchison*
Mexicana, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 740.
Alvarado, Mexico.
hexadactyla, Perty, Del. Anim. Art. 119, pi. 23, f. 9. Serv. Hist. Orth.
307. Blanch. Hist. Nat. iii. 34. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 740.
a. Orizaba. From M. Salle's collection.
b. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection.
c. Santarem. From Mr. Bates' collection.
d f. Tejuca. Presented by the Rev. H. Clark.
g, h. Brazil. Presented by Sir C. Stewart.
i,j. Brazil. Presented by Prof. Busk.
k. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection.
oxydactyla, Perty, Del. Anim. Art. 1 18, pi. 23, f. 7. Serv. Hist. Orth. 308.
Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 740.
a. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection.
b. Demerara. From Mr. Bower's collection.
c e. Para. From Mr. Wallace's collection.
f. Para. Presented by G. Graham, Esq.
g. Para. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq.
A, i. Archidona. From Mr. Stevens' collection.
Gryllus Gryllotalpa, var., Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 633.- Gryllotalpa didactyla,
Latr. Hist. Cr. et Ins. xii. 122. N. Diet. Hist. Nat. vi. 446. Griff.
Anim. Kingd. xv. pi. 113, f. 3. Serv. Hist. Orth. 309. Burm. Handb.
Ent. ii. 740. Gryllotalpa tetradactyla, Perty, Del. An. Art. 118, pi.
13, f. 8. Blanch. Hist. Nat. iii. 34, pi. 9, f. 2.
a c. Jamaica. From Mr. Bracy Clark's collection,
rf, e. W. Indies. Presented by Dr. Pereira.
/, g. Para. Presented by Gordon Graham, Esq.
A, i. Brazil. Presented by Sir C. Stewart.
j. Brazil. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq.
k m. ? Presented by J. G. Children, Esq.
n. ? From Mr. Mather's collection.
parvipeimis, Serv. Hist. Orlh. 309. variegata, Burm. Handb. Ent. Si.
cultriger, Uhler, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. ii. 543.
El Paso.
Chiliensis, Saws. Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1861, 130.
Sav. Descr. Egypte, pi. 3, f. 3. Gryllus (Gryllotalpa) cophtus,
Haan, Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 237.
africana, Pal. Beauv. Ins. 229, pi. 2, f. 6. Serv. Hist. Orlh. 307. Schawn,
Peters' Reise Mozamb. 116. orientalis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 739.
, b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. F. Morgan.
c. Congo. From Mr. Cranch's collection.
d. Angola. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq.
e. Fantee.
/, g. S. Africa. From Mr. Argent's collection.
h. S. Africa. Presented by R. Trimen, Esq.
i. S. Africa. Presented by Earl Russell.
j. Natal. Presented by the Rev. H. Methuen.
k . Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection.
o. Natal. From Mr. Argent's collection.
p. Zoolu. From Mr. Macgillivray's collection.
q. E. Africa. Presented by Earl Russell.
r. Mauritius. From Dr. Beke's collection.
s. Ceylon. From the Rev. J. Wenham's collection.
t, u. Ceylon. Presented by Prof. Hooker.
v. Ceylon. From Dr. Thwaites' collection.
w. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templetou.
x. Corea. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher.
y. Malabar. Presented by the Entomological Club.
z. N. Bengal. From Lieut. Campbell's collection.
aa. Hindostan. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection.
bb. N. Hindostan. From Mr. Walker's collection.
cc ee. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowriug, Esq.
ff,gg. Hong Kong. Presented by Major Champion.
hh jj. China. Presented by G. T. Laye, Esq.
kk. Chousan, N. China. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.
II, mm. Interior of China. Presented by Lieut.-Col. H. A. Sarel.
nn. Japan. From Mr. Stevens' collection.
oo.. Binnah. From Mrs. Waring's collection.
pprr. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection.
ss. Australia. Presented by the Entomological Club.
it. Australia. From Mr. Stutehbury's collection.
uu. Australia. From Mr. Dring's collection,
vw. Australia. From Mr. Argent's collection.
ww. Australia.
xx. S. Australia. Presented by R. Bakewell, Esq.
yy, zz. Adelaide. From Mr. Stevens' collection.
aaa. Moreton Bay. Presented by Gibbons, Esq.
bbb. Tasmania. Presented by R. Butler, Esq.
ccc eee. Tasmania. From Mr. A. J. Smith's collection.
fff. Tasmania. From Mr. Cutler's collection.
ggg. N. Zealand. From Mr. Chuiton's collection.
hhh, N. Zealand. From Major Parry's collection.
Hi. ? Presented by J. G. Children, Esq.
jjj- ? From Mr. Shuckard's collection.
kkk, HI. ? From Mr. Walker's collection.
mmm rrr. ?
minuta, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 740.
Gryllus (Gryllotalpa) longipennis, Haan, Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez.
G. africanae simillima, multo major.
There is no distinct character, except its much larger size, to dis-
tinguish this from G. africana. The latter has some slight variations in
colour and markings, and future observations will decide whether G.
grandis is only a variety of it, or whether one or two more species may be
separated from it. Length of the body 17 19 lines.
a. Tenasserim. Presented by J. C. D. V. Packman, Esq.
6, c. Java. From Mr. Walker's collection.
d. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection.
e. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection.
Mas. Nigro-fusca, gracilis, tomentosa, subtusfulva ; caput lineis duabus
iransversis Lineolaque intermedia longitudinal* testaceis ; pedes fulvi,
femoribus posticis supra piceis ; ala anticee abdominis apicem non
atlingentes, postice et apicem versus cinerete nigro-fusco venosce, areola
striyaque basali albidis ilia maculam nigram includente ; ales pos-
ticcB cinerece, nigro-fusco venosa, abdomen longe superanles.
Male. Blackish brown, slender, tomentose, tawny beneath. Head in
front with two transverse testaceous lines, which are connected by a short
longitudinal testaceous line. Antenna) piceous. Abdominal setae beset
with long slender hairs. Legs tawny ; fore tibiae armed with four stout
black teeth ; hind femora piceous, except the under side. Fore wings
blackish brown, with a whitish streak proceeding from the base, extending
to three-fourths of the length of the abdomen ; hind part and apical part
cinereous, with blackish brown veins ; areolet at the base of the costa
whitish, including near its base a large black spot. Hind wings cinereous,
with blackish brown veins, extending much beyond the abdomen. Length
of the body 10 lines.
. Hindostan. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.
hirsuta, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 739. Gryllus (Gryllotalpa) hirsutus, Haan,
Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 237.
Java. Padang. Banjermassing.
nitidula, Serv. Hist. Or/A. 307.
a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel's collection.
b. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert's collection.
c. Moreton Bay. Presented by Gibbons, Esq.
d. e. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson.
/. Swan River. From Mr. Turner's collection.
Mas. Saturate ferrugineo -fusca, tomentosa, G. africana angustior ;
alts anticee abdominis dimidio breviores ; alas posticce abdomen paullo
Male. Dark ferruginous-brown, tomentose, narrower than G. afri-
cana. Abdominal seta3 pubescent and furnished with long slender hairs.
Legs setose ; fore tibiae armed with four stout black teeth. Fore wings like
the body in colour, less than half the length of the abdomen. Hind
wings extending a little beyond the abdomen. Length of the body
15 lines.
. N. Australia. Presented by J. R. Elsey, Esq.
cc. Tarsi 2-jointed.
Cylindrodes, G. R. Gray, Griff". Anim. Kingd. pi. 131. Brulle, Hist. Nat.
Ins. ix. Serv. Hist. Orth. 310.
Campbell!, G. R. Gray, Griff". Anim. Kingd. pi. 131, f. 15. Serv. Hist.
Orth. 310. Blanch. Hist. Nat. iii. 34. Gryllotalpa (Cylindrodes)
Campbelli, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 738.
Melville Isle, Australia.
a. Adelaide. From Mr. Argent's collection.
6. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson.
f. Swan River. From Dr. Bacon's collection.
bb. Hind tarsi flat, digitate.
c. Four anterior tarsi 3-jointed.
Tridaclylus, Oliv. Latr. Gen. Cr. et Ins. 1807. Blanch. Hist. Nat. iii. 34.
Serv. Hist. Or/A. 311. Acheta, Coqueb. Heteropus, Pal. de Beauv.
Ins. 230. Xya, Illigcr, MSS. Latr. Gen. iv. 1809. Burm. Handb.
Ent. ii. 741. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 152.
Tridactylus variegatus, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xii. 119; Gen. iv. 385. Nouv.
Diet. Hist. Nat. edit. 2. Gen. Cr. et Ins. iii. 97. Descr. Egypte, Orth.
pi. 3, f. 1. Blanch. Hist. Nat. iii. 34. Serv. Hist. Orth. 315. Brultt,
Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 197, pi. 18, f. 6. Foudras. Observ. Trid. Pan. 1829.
Leon. Duf. Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. ix. 321. Xya variegata, Charp.
Hor. Ent. ii. 741. Sav. Descr. Egypte, pi. 3, f. 1. Burm. Handb. Ent.
ii. 742. Fisch. do Waldh. Orth. Ross. 117, pi. 3, f. 3.- Ramb. Faune,
Ent. And. ii. 27. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 154, pi. 9, f. 2. Doy, Atlas,
Regn. An. Cuv. pi. 81, f. 2. Kittary, Bull. Soc. Imp. Mosc. xxii. 450,
pi. 7, f. 10, 11; 1416.
a. S. Europe. Presented by Dr. Leach.
6, c. S. Germany. Presented by Dr. Burmeister.
d. S. Europe. From Prof. Westwood's collection.
e g. Italy. Presented by A. H. Haliday, Esq.
Tridactylus apicalis, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. iv. 310, f. 1 ; Ent.
N. Amer. ed. Le Conte, ii. 239. Scudder, Journ. Boston Soc. Nat.
Hist. vii. 425. Xya apicalis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 741.
Alabama. Kentucky.
Tridactylus terminalis, Uhler, MSS. Scudder, Journ. Boston Soc. Nat.
Hist. vii. 425.
Illinois. Massachusetts. Maryland.
Tridactylus minutus, Scudder, Journ. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 425.
Heteropus africanus, Pal. Beauv. Ins. 230; Orth. pi. 2, f. 7. Tridactylus
paradoxus, Latr. Hist. Cr. et Ins. xii. 120; Gen. iii. 97. Dumeril,
Cons. Gen. pi. 25, f. 8. Serv. Hist. Orth. 314. Acheta digitata,
Cofjueh. III. Icon. Hi. 91, pi. 21, f. 9. Tridaclylus fasciatus, Perch.
Guer. Icon. pi. 54, f. 5. Griff 1 . Anim. Kingd. xv. 196, pi. 113, 5.
. Ztocr. cfe VEgypte, Orth. pi. 3, f. 2. Acheta fossor, Fa&r. ^n<,
u^/. 191. Xya fossor, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 742.
a, b. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection.
major, Scudder, Cent. Orth. Dec. Gryll.
Gryll us (Xya) japonicus, Haan, Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 238.
Xya obscura, Motsch. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. xxxix. 182. japonicus ?
cc. Four anterior tarsi 2-jointed.
Rhipipteryx, Newman, Ent. Mag. 204. Serv. Hist. Orth. 316. Xya (Rhi-
pipteryx), Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 742.
marginatus, Newm. Ent. Mag. 204, pi. 7. Serv. Hist. Orth. 317. Xya
(Rhipipteryx) marginata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 742.
a /. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection.
g. Oaxaca. From M. Salle's collection.
marginatus, Bruelle, Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 35. Brullei, Serv. Hist. Orth.
318. Xya (Rhipipteryx) notata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 742.
Xya (Rhipipteryx) notata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 742.
ater, Serv. Hist. Orth. 318.
aa. Fore legs not fossorial.
b. Head concealed.
Myrmecophila, Lair. Fam. Nat. 413. Serv. Hist. Orth. 318. Fisch. Orth.
Eur. 158. Sphaerium, Charp. Hor. Ent. 78. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii.
729. Brulle. Gryllus, Savi. Blatta, Pans.
MyrmeeophiTa acervorum, Latr. Fam. Nat. 413. Cuv. Regne Anim. ed. 5,
iii. 183, pi. 82, f. 2. Guer. Icon. pi. 54. Griff. Anim. Kingd. xv. pi.
113, f. 6. Sere. Hist. Orth. 319. Fisch. de Waldh. Or/A. Ross. SuppL
356, pi. 33, f. 4. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 160, pi. 9, f. 3. Spha?rium acer-
vorum, Ckarp. Hor. Ent. 78. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 730. Blanch.
Hist. Nat. iii. 33, pi. 9, f. 1, Gryllus myrinecophilus, Savi, Giornale
di Lett. Sci. e Arti, xvi. II. Blatta acervorum, Panz. Faun. Ins.
Germ. 68, pi. 24.
a. Tuscany. Presented by Dr. Leach.
hirticauda, Motsch. MSS. Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 357, pi. 33, f. 5.
acervorum, var. ?
bifasciata, Motsch. MSS, Fisch. de Waldh. Ortk. Ross. 357, pL 33>, f. 6.
acervorum, var. P
Tshougoueff, near Kharkoff.
ocbracea^jPiscA. Orth. Eur. 161.
Spbaerium mauretanicum, Lucas, Expl. Sci. Alg. 23, pi. 1, f. fo
bh. Head prominent.
c. Face rounded.
d. Hind tibiae witb spines,
e. Four anterior legs short or moderately long.
/. Third joint of the palpi not directly truncated*
g. Fore wings not very long.
h. Prothorax not very narrow.
i. Hind legs stout, of moderate length.
/. Hind tibiae with staut approximate spines,
k. Tarsi four-jointed.
Genus 6. AC H ETA.
Gryllus, Drury, Oliv. Acheta, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 29. Burm. Handb.
Ent. ii. 7*19. Schizodactylus, Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 162. Serv.
Hist. Orth. 320.
Gryllus monslrosus, Drtiry, Ins. ii. 81, pi. 43, f. 1. Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi.
633. Latr. Gen. 111. Acbeta monstrosa, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 29.
Stoll, Saut. et Grill, pi. 1, f. 13. Burm. Hartdb. Ent. ii. 720.
Schizodactylus raonstrosus, Blanch. Hist. Nat. iii. 31, pi. 8, f. 2. Serv.
Hist. Orth. 322.
a. Hinclostan. From Mr. Stevens' collection.
b. Bengal. Presented by W. Masters, Esq.
c e . ?
kk. Tarsi three-jointed.
/. First joint of the hind tarsi setulose.
Brachytrupes, Serv. Hist. Orth. 323. Brachytrypes, Erichson, Agassiz,
Nomencl. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 186.
In the following descriptions the number of the lateral spines of the
hind tibiae has no reference to the apical spines.
, Deg. Ins. iii. 341, 9, pi. 43, f. 9. Gryllus megacephalus,
Lefeivre, Ann. Soc. Linn. Paris, vi. 10, pi. 5, f. 4. Gryllus macro-
cephalns, Blanch. Hist. Nat. iii. 32. Brachytrupes megacephalus,
Serv. Hist. Orth. 326. Brachytrypes megacephalus, Fisch. Orth. Eur.
186, pi. 9, f. 10.
a. Sicily. From the Zoological Society's collection.
Gryllus achatinus, Stoll, Saut. et Grill, pi. 2, c, f. 8. Burnt. Handb. Ent.
\\. 735. Gryllus membranaceus, Stall, Saut. et Grill, pi. 2, c. f. 9.
Deg. Ins. iii. pi. 43, f. 9. Acheta membranacea, Drury, Ins. ii. 81,
pi. 43, f. 2. Acheta vastatrix, Afzel, Ach. Guineena, 15. Bracby-
trupes ustulatus, Serv. Hist. Orth. 326. Gryllus vastator, Burm.
Handb. Ent. ii. 735. Gryllus (Brachytrupes) achatinus, Haan, Verh.
Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 229.
Java. Padang.
a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan.
b. W. Africa. Presented by A. Swanzy, Esq.
c. d. Angola. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq.
e. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson.
/. Natal. From Mr. Stevens' collection.
g i. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection.
j m. Africa. Presented by Earl Russell.
n p. Silhet. From the Rev. Mr. Stainforth's collection.
q, r. Hindostan. From Mr. Foxcroft's collection.
s, t. China ? From Gen. Hardwicke's collection.
it. Australia.
Mas. Fulvus, sublus testaceus, B. achatino minor et gracilior ; al. bisignatus ; the head is more elon-
gated, and the hind tarsi are much more slender.
Foem. Piceus, apterus, tomentosus ; caput miens, anlice fcrrngineum ;
palpi, prothoracis latera pectusque fulva ; cerci abdomini cequilongi ;
oviductus abdominis dimidio vix longior ; pedes fuivi, crassi.
Female. Piceous, tomentose. Head shining, ferruginous in front.
Palpi tawny. Prothorax tawny along each side. Pectus tawny. Cerci
as long as the abdomen. Oviduct hardly more than half the length of the
abdomen. Legs tawny, thick ; hind tibia? with five stout spines on each
side. Wings none. Length of the body 11 lines.
Much more slender than any of the preceding species.
a. Port Essington. Presented by the late Earl of Derby.
//. First joint of the hind tarsi smooth,
m. Head not ridged.
n. Head not conical in front.
o. Oviduct very narrow.
Genus 8. GRYLLUS.
Gryllus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1748. Lair. Gen. Serv. Hist. Orth. 327. Burm.
Handb. Ent. ii. 730. Blanch. Hist. Nat. iii. Fisch. Orlh. Eur. 170.
Acheta, Fabr. Syst. Ent. 1775. Leach, Ed. Enc. ix. 119. Zett.,
Charp., Steph.
a. Fore wings and hind wings none or very small.
b. Body wholly pale, very small. ----- squamiger,
bb. Body spotted with brown, of moderate size.
c. Cerci moderately long. ------ apterus.
cc. Cerci very long. _--._-- longicauda,
aa. Fore wings as long as the abdomen or shorter. Hind wings shorter
than the fore wings or obsolete.
b. Body pale.
c. Head pale. -------- pipiens.
cc. Head brown, with pale spots. - - - - burdigalensis.
bb. Body brown.
c. Head not black. --._-- arvensis.
cc. Head black. -------- geminus.
bbb. Body black.
c. Head marked with white. ------ frontalis.
cc. Head without marks.
d. Fore wings shorter than the abdomen.
e. Body tomentose. ------- melas.
ee. Body smooth. -------- campestris.
dd. Fore wings almost as long as the abdomen. - - tristis.
aaa. Wings developed. Hind wings longer than the abdomen and than
the fore wings.
b. Body grayish red. hispauicus.
bb. Body testaceous. - ... domesticus.
bbb. Body black. - capensis.
squamiger, Fisch. Orth. Eur. 173, pi. 9, f. 8.
Acheta aptera, H.-Sch. Panz. Faun Ins. Germ. Cant. 156, pi. 19. Gryl-
lus apterus, H.-Sch. Nomencl. Ent. ii. 24. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 173.
Acheta dalmatina, var. P Deskay, Nova Acta, An. Natr. Cur. xvi. 959.
S. Europe.
longicauda, Ramb. Faune Ent. And. ii. 34, pi. 2, f. 9.
Andalusia. Algeria.
pipiens, L.Duf. Ann. Sci. Phys. Brux. vi. 315. Serv. Hist. Orth. 344.
Fisch. Orth. Eur. 175.
Gryllus burdigalensis, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xii. 124. Serv. Hist. Orth.
341. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 175. Acheta burdigalensis, Charp. Hor.
Ent. 82. H.-Sch. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. Cont. 157, pi. 13. Gryl-
lus bordigalensis, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 734.
S. Europe.
Acheta arvensis, Ramb. Faune And. 30, pi. 2, f. 7, 8. Gryllus arvensis,
Fisch. Orth. Eur. 176.
geminus, Serv. Hist. Orth. 343. burdigalensis, var. P
frontalis, Fieb. Ent. Mongr. 127, pi. 10, f. 11. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 176, pi.
9, f. 7.
Bohemia. Austria.
Acheta melas, Charp. Hor. Ent. 81 ; Germ. Zeitsch. iii. 321. Gryllus
melas, Serv. Hist. Orth. 338. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 734. Fisch. de
Waldh. Orth. Ross. 132. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 177. Lucas, Exp, Sci.
Alg. iii. 22, pi. 1, f. 7. Achela agricola, Ramb. Faune And, 32, pi. 2,
f. 6.
S. Europe. Algeria.
Gryllus (Achela) campestris, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, 695 ; Mus. Lud. Ulr.
124. Roes. Ins. Bel. ii. Gryl. 81, pi. 13. Berk. Syn. i. 112. Stew.
Elem. ii. 94. Turt. Syst. Nat. ii. 545. Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 636, pi.
129. Stall, Saut. et Grill, pi. 1, f. 4, 5. Soiv. Brit. Misc. i. pi. 64.
Don. Brit. Ins. xii. pi. 432. Bingley, Anim. Biog. iii. 161. Frisch.
Deutsch. Ins. i. pi. 1. Fisch. de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 127, pi. 24, f.
4,5. Lair. Hist. Nat. Cr. et Ins. xii. 124; Gen. iii. 98. Blanch.
Hist. Nat. iii. 32. Serv. Orth. Ear. 336. Burnt. Handb. Ent. ii.
734. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 178. Doy, Atlas, Regn. An. Cuv. pi. 81, f. 3.
Acheta campestris, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 31. Leach, Ed. Enc. ix.
119. Panz. Faune Ins. Germ. 88, pi. 8, 9. Steph. III. Brit. Ent.
Mand. vi. Charp. Hor. Ent. 87. Ramb. Faune Ent. And. ii. 30.
a d. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection.
e y. England.
h, i. France.
j. ?
Gryllus tristis, Serv. Hist. Orth. 338. Fisch. Orlh. Eur. 178.
Sardinia. Sicily.
Acheta hispanica, Ramb. Faune And. 33, pi. 2, f. 3. Gryllus hispanicus,
Fisch. Orth. Eur. 180.
Spain. Madeira.
Gryllus domesticus, Linn. Faun. Suec. 868; Syst. Nat. i. 2, 694. De
Geer, Ins. 331, pi. 24, f. 1, 2. Roes. Ins. Bel. ii. 73, pi. 12. Berk.
Syn. i. 1 11. Stew. Elem. i. 93. Turt. Syst. Nat. ii. 544. Don. Brit.
Ins. xi. pi. 409. Bingley, Anim. Biog. iii. 161. Stall, Saut. et Gryll.
iii. f. 12, 13. DeBorck, Ratving Ins. 49, pi. 1, f. 8, 9. Oliv. Enc.
Meth. vi. 634, pi. 129, f. 18. Latr. Hist. Cr. et Ins. xii. 123.
Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. ix. 177, pi. 18, f. 3. Serv. Hist. Orth. 340.
Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 33. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 733. Fisch.
de Waldh. Orth. Ross. 129, pi. 24, f. 8, 9. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 180, pi.
9, f. 9. Acheta domestica, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 29. Phil. Orth. Berol.
15. Zett. Orth. Suec. 55. Charp. Hor. Ent. 80. Panz. Faun. Ins.
Germ. 88, pi. 6, 7.
a m. England. From Mr. Stephens' collection.
n p.' England.
q. Odessa. Presented by Dr. Dowler.
r v. Bussorah. Presented by J. Doubleday, Esq.
w. Gaboon. Presented by F. Moore, Esq.
Acheta capensis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 31. Rarnb. Faune And. ii. 28, pi. 2,
f. 4,5. Cyrillo, Spec. Ent. Neap. pi. 5, f. 6. Acheta bimaculata,
Afzef. Ach. Guineens. 18. Herbst, Fuply. Arch. viii. 192, pi. 53, f. 1.
Gryllus bimaeulatus, De Geer, Ins. iii. 338, pi. 43, f. 1. Acheta
rubricollis, Stall* Saut. et Grill, pi. 3, f. 15. Gryllus capensis, Say,
Descr. Egypte, Orth. pi. 3, f. 4. Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 635. Serv. Hist.
Orth. 337. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 734. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 182.
Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 33.
a r b. Italy. From Dr. Leach's collection,
c, d. Spain. Presented by B. Frend, Esq.
f,g. Grenada. Presented by the Rev. H. Clark.
h. Syria. From Dr. Leach's collection.
i,j. Tunis. From Mr. Fraser's collection.
k. St. Helena. Presented by Major Parry.
/. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Entomological Club.
m. Gambia. From Mr. Kendall's collection.
, o. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson*
p. W. Africa. From Mr. Turner's collection.
y, r. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith.
s. S. Africa. Presented by R. M'Andrew, Esq.
t. S. Africa. From Mr. Pearson's collection.
, w. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection.
x. E. Africa. Presented by Earl Russell.
y. Cape. From Dr. Krauss r collection.
z. Abyssinia. Presented by J. C. Bowriug, Esq.
aa. Mauritius. From Dr. Beke's collection.
bb, cc. China. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.
dd. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection ,
ee. Borneo.
ff. Adelaide. From Mr. Stevens' collection.
gg. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq.
hh ;'/. Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Rev. H. Clark.
u f a! ?
Far. p Male. Head with a red patch on each side in front ; fore border
red in the middle. Eyes livid. Palpi piceous. Cerci piceous, a little
shorter than the abdomen. Fore femora red at the base. Hind legs red - T
femora with a black abbreviated stripe and with blackish oblique streaks ;
tibiae with five blackish spines on the inner side and with four on the outer
side. Fore wings lurid, extending to the lip of the abdomen ; costal space
pale cinereous.
mm. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith.
Far. ^ Female. Fore border of the head and palpi reddish piceous.
Cerci piceous, shorter than the abdomen. Oviduct piceous, rather longer
than the abdomen. Legs dark reddish. Fore wings lurid, extending very
little beyond the tip of the abdomen ; a piceous stripe near the interior
border, dilated near the base towards the costa.
n. Borneo. Presented by the Admiralty.
Var. Mas. Caput macnlis duabus obscure lividis ; femora postica sub-
striata ; alee anticce lurida-, abdomine paullo tonyiores ; alct posticce
Male. Head with a darkly livid spot on each side in front. Hind
femora with slightly marked ohlique striae on the outer side. Fore wings
lurid, a little longer than the abdomen. Hind wings not developed.
oo. Cahar. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq.
N. America.
a. Hind wings extending beyond the abdomen. - - luctuosus.
aa. Hind wings not extending beyond the abdomen.
b. Oviduct long.
c. Body stout. - >_--._ abbreviatus.
cc. Body slender. --_----- angustus.
bb. Oviduct of moderate length. - negleclus.
bbb. Oviduct short.
c. Wings long. - -_.,.--. niger.
cc. Wings short. --.-..- Pensylvanicus.
luctuosus, Serv. Hist. Qrth. 335. Si-udder, Journ. Bosl. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii.
a. N. America. Presented by W. Kirhy. Esq.
b. Canada. Presented by W. S. M. D'Urban, Esq.
c. Canada. Presented by Dr. Barnston.
abbreviatus, Serv. Hist. Orlh. Ear. 336. Scudder, Journ. Bot. Nat. Hist.
vii. 427. Acheta tripunctata, Harr. Cat. Ins. Mass. 56. Achela ab-
breviata, Harr. Rep. 3rd ed. 152, f. 69.
a. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq.
b. N. America. Presented by F. Walker, Esq.
angustus, Scudder, Journ. Bot. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 427.
Massachusetts. Cape Cuvl.
neglectus, Scudder, Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 428.
Massachusetts. Cape Cod.
Acheta nigra, Harris, Re}). 3rd. ed. 152. Gryllus niger, Scudder. Journ.
Bost. Soc. Nat, Hist. vii. 428.
Pensjlvanicus, Burnt. Handb. Ent. ii. 734.
a. N. America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq.
b e. Indiana. Presented by F. Walker, Esq.
/. N. America. Presented by W. Kirby, Esq.
g. California. From M. Hartweg's collection.
The specimen from California is in an early stage of growth, and can-
not be certainly assigned to this species.
personatus, Uhler, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil, ii. 547.
Foem. Niger, tomentosus ; caput nitens, linea transversa an gulata later i-
bus facieque fulvis ; protfwracis laterafulva ; cerci picei, abdomine
duplo breviores ; oviductus abdomine paullo longior ; pedes fulvi,
femoribus posticis pallido strigatis; alee anticae luridce, abdominis
apicem altingentes, basi carinague pallidioribus ; alre wings piceous, much shorter than the abdo-
men, with a pale luteous patch on each inner angle at the base, and with a
pale luteous streak along the rnediastinal vein, and not extending to the
tip; subcostal veins pale yellow. Hind wings rudimentary or none.
Length of the body 9 lines.
This, like the preceding species, differs from all the American Grylli
in the colour of the prothorax.
a. Consz<>. Presented by Sir J. Richardson.
b. Cape Coast.
Mas. Niger, lomentosus ; caput viltalis sex liluraque luleis, margine
antico palpisque fulvis ; antennce basi fulvte ; prothorax lituris
duabus contortis, vittis duabus lateralibus lateribusque anticin luteis ;
venter fulvo vittatus ; pedes fulvi, piceo varii, femoribua posticis oblique
strigatis supra piceis ; alte anticce picea, ubdominis apicem fere
ailing entes^ ban pallide lutete, venis snbcoslalibus costaque busialbido-
flavii ; alee pnslicce brevissima aut nullce.
Male. Black, dull. Head shining, with six luteous stripes on the
vertex, the two on each side united in front; an irregular luteous mark
between the middle stripes; ocelli luleous; fore part and palpi tawny.
Eyes piceons. Antennae tawny at the base. Prothorax with two convolute
Inteous marks on the di*-k, and with two lateral pale luteous stripes which
are less complete in front ; sides luteous in front. Pectus tawny. Abdo-
men with a tawny ventral stripe. Leys tawny; anterior femora and tibise
Varied with piceous above; hind femora piceous above, their outer sides
with pale oblique streaks; hind tibiae with six spines on the outer side and
with live on the inner side. Fore wings piceous, extending nearly to the
lip of the abdomen, pale luteous at the base ; veins in front of the
mediastinal vein and costa at the base whitish yellow. Hind wings
not apparent. Length of the body 9 lines.
a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan.
Mas. Fulvus, tomenlosus ; caput testaceum^ nitens, nigro sexstrigalum ;
prothorax vittis duabus nigris subundulatis, strigis duabus Iransverais
pillidift lanceolath arcu'ilis ; femora pustica fusro pallido slriyata ;
pedes anleriores fusco fasciati ; via anticce, abdominis apicem fere
atlingentes ; aUe postictc nullif.
Male. Tawny, tomcntose. Head testaceous, shining, with six longi-
tudinal black sireaks; the middle pair much longer than the others, united
in front; the inner pair attenuated in front; the outer pair very short;
some minute black marks in front. Eyes black. Antennae piceous, testa-
ceous towards the base. Prothorax with a broad black slightly undulating
stripe on each side: disk with a transverse lanceolate curved pale streak on
each side. Hind femora with oblique pale brown streaks ; hind tibiaB with
five spines on the outer side and with four on the inner side; anterior
femora with brown spots; anterior tibia? with brown bauds. Fore wings
extending nearly to the tip of the abdomen. Hind wings not apparent.
Length of the body 7 lines.
a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan.
Fcem. Pieens, tomentosus ; caput nitons, fulvo biplagiatum ; antenna
corpore mill to longiores ; cerci abdomine paullo long lores ; oviductvs
corpore vix brevior ; femora postica fulva slrigata ; alee anticte
abdomine breviores, basi slrigaque taitaceis, apud cos tain cinerece venis
tcstaceis ; alee posticce brevissimce out nullce. Mas. Caput fulvo
bilincatum ; alte anticce abdomine vix breviores, gutta basali costaque
basi albidis.
Female. Piceous, tomentose. Head shining; sockets of the antennae
and a patch in front of each eye tawny. Mandibles reddish, black at the
base and with black teeth. Eyes ferruginous. Antenna? much longer than
the body. Cerci a little longer than the abdomen. Oviduct nearly as long
as the body, forked at the tip. Hind femora with tawny oblique streaks ;
hind tibiae with six spines on the outer side and with five on the inner side.
Fore wings shorter than the abdomen, testaceous at the base, and with a
testaceous streak along the mediastinal vein ; costal space cinereous, with
testaceous veins. Hind wings not developed. Male. Elead with two
longitudinal tawny lines on the vertex. Fore wings nearly as long as the
abdomen ; a whitish dot at the base of the mediastinal vein ; costal space
whitish at the base. Length of the body 9 lines.
a d. Natal. From M. Gueiuzius' collection.
Foam. Piceus, tomentosus; caput nitens, facie sordide testacea; palpi
picei ; antenna corpore multo longiores ; venter lestaceo vittatus ; cerci
sordide futvi, abdomine longiores ; oviductus corpore paullo Ion yior ;
pedes poslici longi, femoribus cinereo substrigatis ; alee anticce
fnacescentes, abdominis apiceni atlingenles, picco nnivitlatce ; alec
poslicae abdomen longissime superantes.
Female. Piceous, toraentose. Head shining, tomentose along the
hind border, dingy testaceous in front. Palpi piceous. Antennas black,
much longer than the body. Abdomen beneath with a dingy testaceous
stripe. Cerci dingy tawny, longer than the abdomen. Oviduct a little
longer than the body. Hind legs elongate ; femora obliquely and
indistinctly streaked with cinereous ; hind tibia3 with six spines on the
outer side and with five on the inner side. Fore wings brownish, as long
as the abdomen, with a piceous stripe along the lateral keel. Hind wings
pellucid, extending very much beyond the abdomen ; costal streak and sub-
costal streak brown; veins white. Length of the body 10 lines.
a. Fan tec.
Mas. et fcem. Aler, robuslus, nitens ; caput margine anlico ferrugineo ;
antennae corpori tsquilonga ; ccrci ferruginei, abdomine breviores ;
oviductus abdomine pauilo longior, apice furcatus ,- femora postica
subslriata ; aloe anticce abdominis apicem attiugcntes,maris latissimee
tympano cinereo ht/alino ; alee posticce abdomen longe superantes.
Male and female. Black, stout, smooth, shining. Head ferruginous
about the mouth. Eyes piceous. Ocelli luteous. Antenna? as long as the
body. Prothorax with a slight transverse furrow and a slight transverse
impression. Abdomen piceous above. Cerci ferruginous, shorter than the
abdomen. Oviduct of the female a little longer than the abdomen. Legs
stout; hind femora indistinctly striated; hind tibiae with four stout spines
on each side. Fore wings extending to the tip of the abdomen, very
broad and with a cinereous hyaline tympanum in the male. Hind wings
pellucid, extending much beyond the tip of the abdomen ; veins white ; costa
and the subcostal streak black. Length of the body 8 10| lines.
a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan.
b. Sierra Leone. From Mr. Foxcroft's collection.
c. Congo. Presented by Sir. J. Richardson.
d. Fan tec.
e. Abyssinia. Presented by J. C. Bow ring, Esq.
Fo2in. Ferrugineus, subopacus ; caput nitens, antice lutewn piceo scxno-
tatum, plaga fronlali nigricante ; palpi testacei ; oviductus corpore
vix brevior ; pedes rufi,femoribus posticis substrigalis ; alee anticce
abdominis apicem atlingentes, striga testncea piceo marginata, spalio
subcostali cinereo venis testaceis ; alee posticce abdomen sat superantes.
Var. /3. Piceus ; caput nigrum, antice et postice ferrugineum.
Var. y. Piceus ; caput antice lividum.
Female. Ferruginous, slightly shining. Head shining, luteous
towards the fore border ; a blackish patch on the front including the luteous
ocelli and part of an anterior luteous dot ; fore part with six small piceous
marks, four transverse and two longitudinal. Eyes darkly livid. Palpi
testaceous. Oviduct nearly as long as the body. * Legs red ; hind femora
with slightly marked oblique darker streaks ; hind tibiae with six spines on
the outer side and with five on the inner side. Fore wings extending to
the tip of the abdomen ; a testaceous streak along the rnediastinal vein,
bordered with piceous in front; subcostal space cinereous, with testaceous
veins. Hind wings extending somewhat beyond the abdomen. Var. /3.
Piceous. Head black, ferruginous along the hind border and in front.
Var. y. Piceous. Head in front, eyes and ocelli livid. Cerci shorter than
the abdomen. Oviduct as long as the body. Fore wings extending rather
beyond the abdomen : a blackish subcostal streak. Hind wings extending
a little beyond the fore wings. Length of the body 8 13 lines.
G. macrurus and G. guttatus, like il, have long bind tibia?, but in these
two species the spines are much siouier. G. macrurus agrees with it also
in the prothorax, which is sliuhtly narrower in front, and in the head, which
is rather smaller than that of the more typical species.
0. Sierra Leone. Presented by ihe Rev. D. F. Morgan.
b d. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection.
. E. Africa. Presented by Earl Kussell.
Mas. Niger, nitens ; caput antico fulvinn ; palpi piceo ; abdomen basi
subtus et pectus fulva ; cerci abdomine mullo breviores ; pedes nigri-
cantes,femoribus sublus fttlvo variis, femoribus posting striyuris ; alee
anticce picece, abdomen perpautlo superantes ; nice posticce bravittimte
aut nullie.
Male. Black, shining. Fore part of the head and sockets of the
antennae tawny. Eyes, palpi and antennae piceons. Abdomen beneath
towards the base and pecius tawny. Cerci much shorter than the abdomen.
Legs blackish ; femora partly tawny beneath ; hind femora with oblique
tawny streaks; bind tibiae with five tawny spines on each side. Fore wings
piceous, extending very little beyond the abdomen ; apical part thickly
reticulated. Hind wings not developed. Length of the body 7\ lines.
The smaller spines on the hind libias of this species and their reddish
colour distinguish it from G. alratus.
-a. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection.
Mas. Testat'eus, nitens ; caput nigro fascia turn ; palpi picei ; prothorax
transverse impressus ; femora postica substrigata ; alee anticcecinerece,
abdomen paullo superantes, villa testacea, spatio subcostali diaphano ;
al(B posticta ; left winji with a pellucid stripe along the
mediastinal vein. Hind wings extending much beyond the abdomen. Length
of the body 9 lines.
a. Natal. From M. Gueinzlus' collection.
Mas. Niger, nitens ; caput lateribus, margine anlico palpisque testaceis ;
antennae picece, basi testaceee ; ihoracis latera testacea; abdomen
piceum, villa ventrali testacea; cerci testacei, abdomine wutlo
breviores ; pedes testacei, femoribus apice tibiisque basi fnhis,
femoribus poslicis supra piceis teslaceo strigatis; alee antica fuscce,
abdominisapicem attingenles^spatio subcostati tympanoque diaphanis ;
alee posticce abdomen longissime supcrantes.
Male. Black, shining. Head testaceous on each side and in front.
Palpi testaceous. Antennas piceous, testaceous at the base. Thorax testa-
ceous along each side. Pectus testaceous. Abdomen piceous, with a testa-
ceous ventral stripe. Cerci testaceous, much shorter than the abdomen.
Legs testaceous; femora at the tips and tibia? at the base tawny; hind
femora piceous above, with testaceous oblique stieaks on each side; hind
libia3 with five spines on each side. Fore wings brown, extending to the
tip of the abdomen ; subcostal space and tympanum pellucid ; apical part
thickly reticulated. Hind wings pellucid, extending very much beyond the
abdomen ; veins white. Length of the body 9 lines.
a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan.
Ma?. Niger, nitens, robusliis ; caput antice obscure rufum ; palpi picei ;
venter nonnunquam rufo unimaculatus ; pedes rw/i, crussi,fnmoribus
posticis vix strialis, spin is longis crassis ; alee anticce }pallidissime
teslacece, abdominis apicem fere attinyenles, disco pallidc cinereo ; alee
posticce brevissimcc.
Male. Black, shining, stout. Head dark red in front and beneath
except the clypens. Eyes and palpi piceous. Abdomen with a dark red
spot on the under side or wholly black. Legs red, very stout; hind femora
with very indistinct oblique striae on the outer side ; hind tibiae with five or
seven spines on the outer side and with four on the inner side ; spines very
long and stout. Fore wings very pale testaceous, extending nearly to the
tip of the abdomen ; disk pale cinereous, wings rudimentary. Length of
the body 10 11 lines.
a, b. Madagascar. Presented by F. Walter, Esq.
W. Asia.
Foem. Ater,nitens; antennce corpore breviorcs ; cerci abdominis ditnidio
longiores; oviductus abdomini cequilongus ; pedes cram', femoribus
posticis subtus rufis ; alee antica abdominis dimidio non longiores;
aloe postica minima aut nullce.
Female. Deep black, smooth, shining. Antennae more than half the
length of the body. Prothorax with a slight longitudinal furrow and with
a few slight impressions on each side. Cerci stout, more than half the
length of the abdomen. Oviduct as long as the abdomen ; valves forked at
the tip. Legs thick; hind femora dark red beneath for more than half the
length from the base ; hind tibiae armed on each side with six spines.
Fore wings about half the length of the abdomen. Length of the body
8i lines.
The shining body of this species distinguishes it from G. melas, and
the red under side of the femora from G. atratus : in the latter character
it resembles G. capensis, from which it differs in the fore wings, which are
wholly black.
a. Syria. From Mr. Lowne's collection.
8. Asia.
a. Head red. - - * - - - - erythrocephalus,
aa. Head not red.
b. Legs black.
c. Prothorax tawny about the hind angles. - spurcatus.
cc. Prothorax with two tawny lines. - interruptus.
ccc. Prothorax with a ferruginous fore border. - conscitus.
bb. Legs blackish, femora pale except at the tips. - - clams.
bbb. Legs tawny.
c. Fore wings black.
d. Head black. ------- melanocephalus.
dd. Head pale. orientalis.
cc. Fore wings piceous. ------ concisus.
ccc. Fore wings not black or piceous.
d. Fore wings dusky along the costa.
e. Hind femora distinctly streaked.
/. Size large _--_--- membranaceus.
ff. Size rather small. ------ supplicans.
ee. Hind femora not streaked.
/. Head with a band. ------ luinusculus.
//. Head not banded. ------ tenellus.
dd. Fore wings pellucid along the costa.
e. Head black.
/. Fore wings as long as the hody. ----- signifrons.
//*. Fore wings shorter than the body. - confirmatus.
fff. Fore wings shorter than the abdomen. - aspersus.
ee. Head pale. testaceus.
membranaceus, Serv. Hist. Orth. 334.
a. China? Presented by Major Gen. Hardwicke.
b. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection.
c. Borneo. Presented by the Admiralty.
erylhrocephalus, Serv. Hist. Orth. 339.
a. Ceylon.
melanocephalus, Serv. Hist. Orth. 342.
Acheta orientalis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 30 Gryllus orientalis, Burm.
Handb. Ent. ii. 735.
This may be a species of Brachytrypes.
Foem. Niger, nilens ; caput maculis duabus facieque testaceis ; palpi et
prothoracis anguli antici albido-lestacei ; venter testaceo late vittatus ;
cerci et oviduclus abdomine longiorea ; pedes testacei, supra nigri-
cantes, femoribus posticis oblique strigatis ; alee antica picece, abdo-
mine paullo breviores, apud costam diaphance testaceo venosce ; alee
poslicte abdomen lonyissime superanles.
Female. Black, shining. Head testaceous in front and with a testa-
ceous spot on each side at the base of the antenna. Eyes and ocelli testa-
ceous. Palpi whitish testaceous. Prothorax with a whitish testaceous spot
on each fore angle. Pectus testaceous. Abdomen with a broad testaceous
ventral snipe. Cerci and oviduct longer than the abdomen, the latter
tawny with black tips. Legs testaceous, blackish above; hind femora with
pale oblique streaks on the outer side ; hind tibise with five spines on the
outer side and with four on the inner side. Fore wings piceous, a liule
shorter than the abdomen; subcostal space pellucid, and with testaceous
veins. Hind wings extending very much beyond the abdomen. Lengih
of the body 7 lines.
n. Burinah. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq.
). Niger , subopacus ; caput nitens ; antenna corpore longiores ; pro-
thorax maculis duabus pnsticis luteiti valdeincisis ; cerci et oviductus
testaceous line along the lateral keel ; subcostal space pellucid, with testa-
ceous veins. Hind wings obsolete 0r rudimentary. Length of the body
5? lines.
The markings of the head and of the prothorax distinguish it from
G. miser.
a. Australia. Presented by the Flaslar Hospital.
Mas. Niger, nitens ; caput lineix sex fulvis, linea transversa angulata
facieque testaceis ; palpi pallide testacei; antenna corpora multo
longiores ; prothorax lituris lateribusque ferrugineis ; venter IPS taceo
late vittatus ; cerci fulvi, abdomini aquilongi ; pedes testacei, femori-
bus posticis piceis testacto striyatis ; alee anlicafuscescenles, abdominis
apicem attingcntes, vitla picea, apud costam diaphance albo venosce ;
alee posticce abdomen longissime superantes.
Male. Black, shining. Head with six longitudinal tawny lines on
the vertex, testaceous in front, and with a testaceous transverse angular line
between the eyes, which are piceous. Ocelli testaceous. Palpi pale testa-
ceous. Antennae piceous, much longer than the body. Prothorax ferru-
ginous along each side and with some indistinct ferruginous marks on each
side of the disk. Pectus testaceous. Abdomen piceous, with a broad testa-
ceous ventral stripe. Cerci tawny, as long as the abdomen. Legs testa-
ceous ; hind legs piceous; hind femora with testaceous oblique streaks on
the outer side, wholly testaceous beneath. Fore wings brownish, extending
to the lip of the abdomen, with a piceous stripe along the mediastinal vein ;
subcostal space pellucid, with white veins. H'ind wings pellucid, extending
very much beyond the abdomen ; costal streak and subcostal streak brown ;
veins white. Length of the body 7 lines.
a. Australia. Presented by the Entomological Club.
Fcem. Niger, nitens ; caput fasciis duabus (2a arcuala), viltis sex lateri-
busque anticis testaceis ; palpi testacei ; prothorax viltis duabus
interrupts et abbreviatis lateribusque testaceis ; abdomen testaceo
notatum et subtus vittatum ; oviductus lestaceus, apice niger, cercis
brevior, abdominis dimidio non longior ; pedes testacei, nigricante
varii, fern ori bun posticis extus ferrugineis pallido striaatis ; alee vix
Female. Black, shining. Head testaceous on each side in front; six
testaceous stripes on the vertex, the two outer pairs united on each side in
front; a narrow testaceous band between the eyes and a curved one more
in front. Eyes black. Palpi testaceous. Prothorax with testaceous sides
and with two testaceous stripes which are interrupted and much abbreviated
in front. Abdomen with small testaceous marks along each side; under
side with two lateral testaceous spots near the tip and with a testaceous
stripe. Oviduct testaceous, with a black tip, about half the length of the
abdomen, shorter than the cerci. Legs testaceous, partly blackish above ;
hind femora ferruginous and with oblique pale streaks on the outer side;
hind tibine short, with four spines on each side. Wings rudimentary.
Length of the body 7 lines.
The specimen described may not have attained its full growth, but the
markings distinguish it from the other species of Gryllus.
a. Australia. From Major Parry's collection.
Foem. Piceus, nitens ; caput teslaceo pailido bimaculatum, antice
fulvum; antenna basi fulvce, corpore longiores ; prothorax maculis
duabus discoidalibus fulvis transversis ; venter niger, basi fulvus ;
cerci ferruginei, abdomine longiorcs ; oviductus corpore vix brevior ;
pedes fulvi,femoribus posticis substrigatis ; ales anticce luridce, abdo-
minis apicem altingentes, apud costam diaphance teslaceo venosce ; alee
posticce abdomen longissime sitperantes.
Female. Piceous, smooth, shining. Head tawny on each side and in
front; a pale testaceous spot along the inner side of each eye. Palpi tawny.
Antennas piceous, longer than the body, lawny at the base. Prothorax with
a transverse tawny spot on each side in the disk. Under side of the abdo-
men black, tawny in the disk at the base. Cerci ferruginous, longer than
the abdomen. Oviduct nearly as long as the body. Legs tawny; hind
femora indistinctly streaked on the outer side; hind tibiae with five spines
on the outer side. Fore wings lurid, extending to the tip of the abdomen ;
subcostal space pellucid, with testaceous reins. Hind wings extending
very much beyond the abdomen. Length of the body 9 lines.
West Australia. In Mr. Saunders' collection.
Mas. Testaceus, tomentosus; caput piceum, strigis duabus facieque testa-
ceis ; antenna picece, basi pallide testacece, corpore mullo longiores,
prothorax maculis quatuor transversis fasciaque tenui bifurcata piceis ;
femora postica fusco pailido strigata ; alee anticce abdomen paullo
superantes, apud costam diaphance lestaceo pailido venosce.
Male. Testaceous, tomentose, paler beneath. Head piceous, shining,
testaceous on each side and in front, and with a testaceous streak on each side
extending from the hind border to the eye. Eyes black. Antennae piceous,
pale testaceous at the base, much longer than the body. Prolhorax with
two transverse piceous spots on each side, and with an intermediate slender
piceous band which is forked on each side. Hind femora with oblique pale
brown streaks on the outer side : hind tibiae with short spines on each side ;
five on the outer side, two of these very minute; three on the inner side.
Fore wings extending a little beyond the abdomen ; subcostal space
pellucid, with pale testaceous veins. Length of the body 4% lines.
The fore wings of this species extend on each side much beyond the
abdomen, and the tympanum is greatly developed.
a. S. Australia. Presented by R. Bakewell, Esq.
Fcem. Piceus, nitens, subtns albidus ; caput slrigis duabus, fascia tenui,
gulta anteriore strigam emillente, facie palpisque albidis; antenna
eorpore paullo longiorcs i prolhorax plagis duabus magnis piceo
gnttatis (ateribnsque albidis ; cerci pallide festacei, abdomine vix
breviores ; oviductus pallide luleus, abdomine longiov ; pedes pallide
testacei, strigis obscurioribus ; alee anticee villa albida, apud costam
diaphance atbido venosce ? o.l^ abdomen longe super-
antes, punctis quatuor subcoslalibus albidis ; al< posticce valde
Female. Tawny, tomentose, slender. Head with two black stripes on
the vertex ; these stripes join a large black spot in front, where there is a
prominent ridge between the eyes ; sides testaceous. Eyes small, not pro-
minent. Palpi testaceous ; third joint obliquely truncated. Prothorax
transverse, a little narrower in front, with two black stripes; in a line with
the stripes on the head ; space testaceous between the stripes and the sides,
which are nearly straight. Dorsum of the abdomen mostly piceous. Cerci
a little shorter than the oviduct, which is straight and as long as the abdo-
men and has a black tip. Legs stout, pubescent, speckled with brown ;
hind tibiae setose, very minutely serrated and with four spines on each side ;
spines on one side alternate with those on the other. Fore wings irregularly
reticulated, extending much beyond the abdomen, with four whitish points
along the scapular vein ; space between the keels and the costa pellucid,
with seven very oblique branches of the mediastinal vein (of which the
seventh is forked) and with regular transverse sectors. Hind wings
extending much beyond the fore wings. Length of the body 7 lines.
The hind tibia? are shorter than in most species of this genus and it
approaches P. continuus, which differs still more from the typical form.
Siam. In Mr. Saunders* collection.
Fcem. Testaceus, tomentosus ; caput antice subcarinatum ; palporum,
articulus 3us oblique truncatus; prothorax carinis indeterminatiSj
Lateribus subreflexis ; cerci corpore vix breviores ; oviductus abdomine
multo longior ; tibiae posticce utrinque serratce et quadrispinosce, spinis
interioribus arcuatis ; alee anticee abdomen paullo super antes ; alee
posticce valde longiores.
Female. Testaceous, tomentose. Head as broad as the prothorax,
prominent between the sockets of the antennae. Eyes prominent, slightly
and transversely elongated, narrowest in front. Third joint of the palpi
clavate, obliquely truncated, longer than the second. Antennae piceous
testaceous towards the base, very much longer than the body ; first joint
thick. Prothorax transverse, broadest in front; sides slightly reflexed;
lateral keels hardly apparent. Cerci nearly as long as the body. Oviduct
much longer than the abdomen, black at the lip. Hind tibiae serrated and
with four long wide apart spines on each side ; spines on the inner side
curved, alternate with those on the outer side. Fore wings extending a
little beyond the tip of the abdomen ; veins in the subcostal space very
oblique. Hind wings extending much beyond the fore wings. Length of
the body 11 lines.
The long spines of the hind tibiae distinguish it from the species
previously described.
a. Ceylon. From Mr. Macgillivray's collection,
Mas. Ferrugineus^ tomentosus, yracilis, fere linearis ; caput pallido sex-
lineatum, antice subcarinatum, facie fulva ; antenna: corpore plus
duplo longiores; prothorax subproductus, antice paullo angustior
lateribus pcrparum rotundalis ; venter piceo vittatus ; cerci abdomine
paullo breviores; pedes nigricante fasciati, tibiis poslicis utringue
quadrispinosis ; alee anlica abdomen longe superantes, guttis sub-
coslalibus nigricanlibus guttisque apicem versus fuscis ; ala posticce
Male. Ferruginous, tomentose, slender, nearly linear. Head promi-
nent between the sockets of the antennae, with six pale longitudinal lines
on the vertex; face tawny, shining. Eyes nearly round. Third joint of
the palpi slightly clavate, longer than the second. Antennae much more
than twice the length of the body. Prothorax a little narrower in front, a
little longer than broad ; sides very slightly rounded. Abdomen with a
piceous stripe beneath. Cerci a little shorter than the abdomen. Legs
with irregular blackish bauds; hind tibiae not serrated, with four short
spines on each side. Fore wings extending much beyond the abdomen,
with blackish dots along the scapular vein and with a few brown dots in the
apical reticulated parts ; tympanum intersected by an oblique vein; sub-
costal space pellucid, with sixteen branches of the mediastinal vein which
are more or less curved and are most slanting towards the base. Hind
wings extending beyond the lore wings. Length of the body 7^ lines.
It is narrower than nearly all the other species of the genus, and the
hind tibiae are comparatively short.
a. Ceylon. From Dr. Thwaites' collection.
Gryllns (Platydactylus) quadratus, Haan, Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind.
Bez. Ins. 234.
Gryllus (Platydactylus) Novae-Guinea, Haan, Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind.
Bez. Ins. 233.
New Gninea.
Gryllus (Platydactylus) vittatus, Haan, Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez.
Ins. 234.
Gaimardi, Serv. Hist. Orth. 366 Gryllus (Platydactylus) Gaimardi,
Haan, Verh. Nat Gesch. Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. 234.
New Guinea. Banjer massing. Australia.
Mas. Ferrugineus, tomentoms ; caput anlice sttbcarinatum et fulvo
immaculatum ; prothorax fulvo subtessellatus ; cerci abdomine non
breviores ; tibia postit-ce utrinque serrata et quadrispinosce ; alee
anticce abdomen superantes, venis ex parte maculis duabus fasciague
exteriore testaceis, tympana minima ; ales posticce valde longiores.
Var. /3. Fulvus ; prothorax testaceo subtessellatus; alee anticce
maculis fas ciaque subobsoletis. Foem. Oviductus subarcuatus, cor-
pore brevior.
Male. Ferruginous, tomentose, slightly shining. Head prominent
and with a tawny spot between the sockets of the eyes. Eyes piceous,
slightly elongated and prominent. Third joint of the palpi clavate, longer
than the second. Prothorax transverse, divided into compartments by some
tawny lines; the vertical part on each side much broader in front. Cerci
fully as long as the abdomen. Legs elongate ; hind tibia3 very long,
serrated on each side; four straight spines on the outer side alternate with
four curved spines on the inner side. Fore wings extending beyond the
abdomen, regularly reticulated towards the lips ; veins partly testaceous; a
testaceous spot on each side across the scapular vein and a testaceous band
nearer the tip; tympanum very small; subcostal space pellucid, with eleven
testaceous branches of the mediastinal vein, those near the base much more
approximate to each other and more slanting than the others. Hind wings
extending much beyond the fore wings. Var. /3. Tawny. Prothorax with
testaceous lines. Female. Like Var. /3. of the male. Oviduct slightly
curved upward, black at the tip, much longer than the abdomen. Fore
wings regularly reticulated ; transverse sectors very slanting. Length of
the body 9 1 1 lines.
Very nearly allied to P. pr&cipuus.
Amboina and Aneiteum.
a. Ceram. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection.
Mas. Piceus ; caput antice et utrinque testaceum, prolhorace paullo
anyustius ; palpi lestacei; prothorax fascia abbreviata furcala
maculisque duabus lateralibus testaceis ; cerci abdomine now
breviores ; pedes graciles, femoribus tibiisque quatuor testaceis piceo
fasciatis, tibiis posticis extus trispinosis intus unispinosis ; alee anticce
cinerece, abdomen superantes, venis piceo marginatis ; alee posticce
Male. Piceous, shining. Head tawny in front and about the eyes,
testaceous about the mouth, a little narrower than the prothorax. Eyes
elongated, rather prominent. Palpi testaceous ; third joint slightly securi-
form. Antennae very much longer than the body, tawny at the base. Pro-
thorax much broader than long, broadest in front, with an irregular furcate
abbreviated testaceous band and with two testaceous spots on each side.
Cerci about as long as the abdomen. Legs long, slender ; four posterior
femora and tibiae testaceous, with piceous bands; hind tibiae not serrated,
with three long slender spines on the outer side and with one on the inner
side. Fore wings cinereous, extending somewhat beyond the abdomen,
piceous about the veins; tympanum with two transverse veins, of which
the exterior one is much curved inward; apical part reticulated ; subcostal
space with twenty-one piceous veins, which from the first outward are
successively less oblique. Hind wings extending somewhat beyond the
fore wings. Length of the body 9 lines. ,
The very slender hind tibiae and their long spines chiefly characterize
this species.
a. Ceram. From Madame Ida Pfeifler's collection.
Fcem. Fulvus ; caput nigrum, subtus piceum; antennae corpore duplo
longiores ; prothorax nigricante punctatus et gultatus ; venter nigro
viltatus ; cerci abdomine non breviores; omductus abdomine multo
longior ; pedes anteriores picei, testaceo conspersi ; alee antica ferru-
ginetBj acuta, abdomen longe superantes, vitta flava bis interrupta ;
al(B posticce multo longiores.
Female. Tawny, shining. Head black, piceous beneath, prominent
between the sockets of the antennae. Eyes, palpi and antennae piceous.
Third joint of the palpi very slightly securiform. Antennae very slender,
full twice the length of the body. Prothorax with several blackish points
and dots; sides rounded. Abdomen with a black ventral stripe. Cerci as
long as the abdomen. Oviduct much longer than the abdomen ; tip black.
Four anterior legs piceous, stout, rather short, speckled with testaceous ;
femora at the base and coxa) testaceous. Fore wings ferruginous, acute,
extending much beyond the abdomen, with three yellow streaks along the
keel on each side; first streak before the middle; second beyond the
middle, longer than the first and than the third; transverse sectors
numerous, regular. Hind wings extending much beyond the fore wings.
Length of the body 5 lines.
The specimen described is deprived of its hind legs.
a. Celebes. From Madame Ida Pfeiffer's collection.
Mas. Sordide testaceus, tomen,tosus ; caput antlce subcarinatum, fascia
anteriore nigrajlavo trilineata ; palporum art.iculus 3us apice exca-
vatus, oblique truncatus ; antenna corpore plus duplo longiores ;
abdomen piceum, apice testaceum ; cerci abdomine vix breviores ;
tibiae posticce utrinque serratce et quinque-spinosce ; alee anticce tes-
taceo-cinerece, abdominis apicem attingentes ; alee posticce valde
Male. Dull testaceous, tomentose. Head as broad as the prothorax,
prominent between the sockets, fore part shining, with a broad black band
including three transverse yellow lines. Eyes testaceous, slightly elongated,
rather prominent, narrowest in front. Palpi testaceous ; third joint clavate,
obliquely truncated, excavated at the tip, longer than the second. Antennae
ferruginous, piceous towards the base, more than twice the length of the
body; first joint large. Prothorax transverse; sides slightly rounded.
Abdomen piceous, testaceous at the tip. Cerci testaceous, nearly as long as
the abdomen. Hind tibiae minutely serrated, and with five rather short
spines on each side. Fore wings testaceous-cinereous, extending to the tip
of the abdomen ; space towards the tip reticulated; subcostal space with
twelve oblique slightly curved veins, those towards the base very near each
other, the twelfth Corked. Hind wings extending much beyond the fore
wings. Length of the body 12 lines.
The structure of the fore wings of this species is very different from
that of P. subnotatus. The space towards the tips is much larger and the
veins near the costa are more remote from each other. It resembles
P. transversus in structure.
a. Australia. From Mr. Macgillivray's collection.
Fcem. Testaceus, gracilis, pubescens ; caput longiusculum, anlice carina-
tum, vittis tribus niyricuntibus antice connexis ; antennce articulo lo
subdilatato ; prothorax niyro subcompersus et bivittalus, lateribus
rectis ; cerci abdomine paullo longiores ; oviductus reclus, abdomine
non longior ; pedes breviusculi, sat validi,fusco conspersi, tibiis pos-
ticis utrinque setosis et quadriapinosis ; alee anticce abdomen longe
superanles, villa subcostali fusca pallido notata ; alee posticce valde
Female. Testaceous, slender, pubescent. Head slightly elongate,
very prominent between the sockets of the antennae, three blackish stripes
on the vertex, united in front. Eyes dark reddish, elongated, slightly pro-
minent. Third joint of the palpi clavate, excavated beneath, longer than
the second. Antennae blackish, pale and with blackish rings towards the
base ; first joint slightly dilated on the inner side. Prolhorax longer than
broad, slightly narrower in front, with a few black speckles and with two
black stripes; sides straight. Cerci a little longer than the oviduct, which
is straight and has a black tip and is as long as the abdomen. Legs rather
short and stout, speckled with brown ; hind tibiae setose and not serrated
on each side, four spines on one side alternate with the same number on the
other. Fore wings reticulated, extending much beyond the abdomen ;
transverse sectors oblique ; a brown stripe along the scapular vein including
various small pale marks; subcostal space pale cinereous, with irregular
transverse sectors and with ten very slanting branches of the mediastinal
vein, the tenth forked. Hind wings extending much beyond the fore wings.
Length of the body 9 lines.
This species has much affinity to P. indecorus, but recedes slill more
from the typical form of the genus. The longitudinal veins and the reti-
culation of the fore wings are more regular than they are in P. indecorus.
N. Australia. In Mr. Saunders' collection.
Country unknown.
Mas. Sordide testaceus, tomentosus ; caput antice subcarinatum, spatio
anteriore piceo ; palpi picei, articulo 3o clavato ; prothoracis latera
picea ; abdomen pieeum, subtus ferrugineum ; cerci abdomine pantlo
breviores; pedes ferruginei, tibiis posticis utrinque serratis et tri-
spinosis ; al< anticte abdominis apicem attingentes, tympano cinereo^
strigis duabus lateralibus piceis , ala; posticce valde longiores.
Male. Dull testaceous, tomentose. Head as broad as the prothorax,
prominent between the sockets of the antennae, piceous and shining from
thence to the mouth. Eyes livid, large, prominent, slightly elongated,
narrower in front. Palpi piceous; third joint clavate, longer than the
second. Antennae piceous, very slender, much longer than the body, testa-
ceous towards the base; first joint piceous, small, round. Prothorax
piceous between the keels and the sides, which are rounded; lateral part
broadest in front. Abdomen piceous, ferruginous beneath. Cercialitile
shorter than the abdomen. Legs ferruginous; hind tibiae minutely den-
tate and with three slender spines on each side; spines on one side
alternate with those on the other. Fore wings extending to the tip of the
abdomen ; tympanum cinereous ; apical part irregularly reticulated ; sub-
costal space with above twenty oblique veins, which are most approximate
to each other and most regular near the base ; a piceous streak along the
mediastinal vein to nearly two-thirds of the length. Hind wings extending
much beyond the fore wings. Length of the body 9 lines.
mm. Wings none.
n. Spines of the hind tibiae very short.
Genus 31. LARANDA.
Fcem. Corpus robustum, convexum, apterum,subtilissimepunctatum.
Caput breve, prothorace vix angustius, antice vix carinatum. Oculi sub-
elongati, sat parvi. Palporum articulus 3us clavatus, 2o longior. Pro-
thorax transversus, carinis lateralibus indeterminatis, lateribus rotundatis.
Cerci oviductu breviores. Oviductus corpori a?quilongus. Pedes robusti,
longiusculi; femora postica apice subtns nodosa; tibiae posticoe utrinque
serratae et quadrispinosae.
Female. Body stout, convex, shining, extremely minutely punctured.
Head short, hardly narrower than the prothorax, slightly prominent between
the sockets of the antennae. Eyes rather small, slightly elongated, not
prominent. Third joint of the palpi clavate, longer than the second.
Prothorax transverse : lateral keels indeterminate; sides rounded. Cerci
shorter than the oviduct, which is as long as the body. Legs stout, rather
long; hind femora with a short stout appendage beneath at the tips; hind
tibiae serrated and with four short spines on each side, spines on the one
side alternate with those on the other. Wings wholly wanting.
Fcern. Nigra ; prothorax Inteo bimaculatus ; abdominis segmentum
basale margine poslico rufescente ; tibice rufcB.
Female. Black. Eyes piceous. Prothorax with a luteous spot on
each side in the fore part of the disk. Hind border of the first abdominal
segment reddish. Cerci and oviduct piceous. Tibiae and tarsi red. Hind
femora obliquely striated on the outer side. Length of the body 9 lines.
a. Rio Janeiro. Presented by the Kev. H. Clark.
nn. Spines of the hind tibiae long.
Genus 32. ZAOBA.
Fcem. Corpus convexum, apterum, breviusculum, subpubescens.
Caput subcarinatum, thorace brevius et paullo angustius. Oculi magni,
oblongi, non prominuli. Palpi maxillares graciles, longiusculi ; articulus
3us fere linearis, 2o longior. Antennas gracillima?, corpore plus duplo
longiores. Prothorax transversus; latera valde rotundata. Cerci corpore
non breviores. Pedes longi, graciles ; tibia? postica? biseriatim quadri-
Female. Body convex, apterous, rather short, slightly pubescent.
Head ridged between the sockets of the antennae, shorter and a little
narrower than the prothorax ; face vertical. Eyes large, oblong, not pro-
minent, near the hind border. Maxillary palpi slender, rather long; third
joint nearly linear, longer than the second. Antenna? very slender, much
more than twice the length of the body. Prothorax rather broader than
long; sides very much rounded. Cerci full as long as the body. Oviduct
rather shorter than the body. Legs long, slender ; hind tibia? with four
spines on each side, those on the one side alternate with those on the other ;
first joint of the hind tarsi armed with two longspiues.
This genus perhaps belongs to the following family.
Mas. Testaceus, tomentosus ; caput carina vitlisque tribus (una inter-
lineata) anterioribus liturisque adhuc anterioribus nigricantibus ;
antenna corpore triplo longiores; thorax piceo notatus ; cerci abdo-
mine paullo longiores ; pedesfuscofasciati.
Male, Testaceous, tomentose. Head with a blackish ridge between
the eyes and with three anterior blackish stripes, the hind part of the
middle stripe interlaced ; some blackish marks on the face. Eyes tawny,
prominent. Antennae piceous, testaceous at the base, about thrice the
length of the body. Prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax with some
irregular piceous spots. Cerci a little longer than the abdomen. Legs
with brown bands on the femora and on the tibiae. Length of the body
6 lines.
The specimen described is without hind legs.
a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection.
Mas. Testacea, tomentosa ; caput nigro quinque vittatnm ; palporum
arliculus 3us subsecuriformis ; antenna picece ; prothorax nigro sub-
marginatus, fasci a nigricante indeterminata abbreviata fulvo binotata,
lateribus rectis ; mesolhorax et. metathorax nigricanle fasciati ; abdo-
men fulvum nigricante conspersum et maculatum, vitta nigricante
testaceo guttata.
Male. Testaceous, tomentose, nearly cylindrical. Head shining,
with five broad black stripes on the vertex ; middle stripe including a testa-
ceous line ; outer pair very short ; a horse-shoe-shaped black mark in front
of the middle stripe. Eyes piceous, slightly elongated, very slightly convex.
Third joint of the palpi slightly securiform, a little longer than the second.
Antenna3 piceous, testaceous at the base. Prothorax with a very narrow
black border, and with a blackish broad irregular abbreviated middle band
which contains a transverse tawny spot on each side ; lateral keels much
rounded; vertical part broadest in front; sides straight. Mesothorax and
metathorax with blackish bands, whose hind borders are dentate. Abdo-
men tawny; dorsal segments with a blackish stripe which includes a testa-
ceous dot on the hind border on each sejjment, with blackish speckles and
with transverse rows of blackish dots. Four anterior legs rather short and
stout, thickly beset with blaek bristles. Length of the body 7 lines.
a. S. Africa. Presented by Sir A. Smith.
Foem. Testacea, tomentosa ; caput striga ramosa antice furcata strigis-
que duabus lateralibus nigris ; antenna nigrcB ; prothorax fasciis
duabus nigris subinterruptis, la lata abbreviata, 2a informi utrinque
attenuata ; abdomen nigro punctatum guttatum et plagiatum ; cerci
corpore paullo longiores ; oviductus corpore paullo brevior ; pedes
nigro fasciati.
Female. Testaceous, tomentose. Head shining, with a black ramose
streak on the vertex, forked in front; a black streak on each side extending
from the eye to the face. Antennae black, about thrice the length of the
body. Prothorax with two slightly interrupted black bands; firsthand on
the fore border broad, abbreviated ; second near the hind border, irregular,
attenuated on each side. Dorsal abdominal segments with black points,
with a few black patches on each side, and with a row of black dots along
the hind border of each segment. Cerci a little longer than the body.-
Oviduct nearly as long as the body ; tip piceous. Legs with black bands,
which in the femora are interrupted beneath. Length of the body
7 lines.
a. N. Australia. Presented by J. R. Elsey, Esq.
kk. Eyes very prominent.
/. Legs stout.
Genus 33. ORBEGA.
Fcem. Corpus gracile, nitens, fere lineare. Oculi valde prominuli,
subproducti, sat magni. Palporum articulus 3us oblique truncatus, 2o
asquilongus. Protborax subtransversus, anlice paullo angustior; latera
antice latiora. Oviductus abdomine non brevior. Cerci longiores. Pedes
validi, longiusculi ; tibiae posticae utrinque serratae et quadrispinosae.
Female. Body slender, smooth, shining, nearly linear. Head as
broad as the proihorax. Eyes rather large, very prominent, slightly
elongated. Palpi slender; tliird joint obliquely truncated at the tip, as
long as the second. Prothorax slightly transverse, slightly narrower in
front above ; vertical part on each side much broader in front. Cerci longer
than the oviduct, which is as long as the abdomen. Legs stout, rather
long ; hind tibiae serrated and with four spines on each side, spines on the
outer straight, alternate with the curved spines on the inner side.
Fcem. Pallide testacea ; caput vittis quatuor fulvis inlerruplis; pro-
thorax litura cilhariformi vittisque duabus piceis ; femora postica
strigatis ; alee vix ullte.
Female. Pale testaceous. Head with four interrupted tawny stripes
on the vertex. Prothorax wilh a piceous somewhat lyre-shaped figure in
the disk and with a piceous stripe on each side. Hind femora with oblique
streaks; tibiae wilh three piceous spines on the outer side and with four on
the inner side. Wings rudimentary, with blackish stripes. Length of the
body 7^ lines.
a. ? From Mr. Macgillivray's collection.
II. Legs slender.
Genus 34. NISITRA.
Mas el fam. Corpus gracile. Caput parvum; vertex brevis ; facies
subproducla. Oculi valde prominuli. Palporum articulus 3us subclavatus.
Antennas gracillimae, corpore plus duplo longiores. Cerci abdominis
dimidio breviores. Oviductus corpore non brevior. Pedes longi, graciles;
femora postica abrupte aitenuata; tibiae posticae subserratae, quadrispinosae.
Alae aniicae abdominis apicein attingeutes, maris tympauo beue delermiuato.
Aiae posticae abdomen longe superantes.
Male and female. Body slender. Head small ; vertex short ; face
somewhat elongated. Eyes very prominent. Third joint of the palpi
subclavate. Antennae very slender, more than twice the length of the body.
Cerci less than half ibe length of the abdomen. Oviduct as long as the
body. Legs long, slender; hind femora abruptly attenuated at half the
length ; hind tibia; minutely serrated and with four spines on each side,
the spines on one side alternate with those on the other. Fore wings
extending to the tip of the abdomen. Tympanum of the male moderately
large. Hind wings extending much beyond the abdomen.
Mas et fcem. Niger ; caput antics subtusque, pectus, venter et prothoracis
latera pallide jlava ; femora subtus testacea ; alee anticce lurida, vitta
subcostali nigra ; alee posticce diaphana, nigricante late marginatce.
Male and female. Black. Head, except the vertex and the front,
pale yellow. Eyes reddish. Palpi pale yellow. Antenna black. Pectus,
sides of the prothorax and abdomen beneath pale yellow. Legs black ;
femora testaceous beneath. Fore wings lurid, black along the lateral keel.
Hind wings pellucid, broadly bordered with blackish, this hue decreasing
in breadth from the costa to the interior angle. Length of the body 6j
a. Sumatra. From Sir S. Raffles' collection.
hh. Prothorax very long and narrow.
i. Head elongated.
Genus 35.' CECANTHUS.
Gryllus, Scop. Ent. Cam. 32. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. Acheta,
Charp., Cyrillo, Pavz. Gryllomyia, Seidl. (Ecanthus, Serv. Rev.
Hist. Orth. 358.
Schaff., Icon. Ins. Ralisb. pi. 138, f. 4, 5 Semblis lutaria, Petagna,
Instil. Ent. pi. 4, f. 2 Meconema varia. Fisch. de Waldh. Orth.
Ross. pi. 8, f. 6 CEcanthus pellucens, Brulle. Hist. Nat. An. Art. ix.
174, pi. 18, f. 1. Serv. Hist. Orth. 360. Fisch. Orth. Eur. 165, pi.
9, f. 14. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 31, pi. 8, f. 3 (Ecanthus
italicus, Steph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. vi. 6. Ramb. Fuune. And. 41
Gryllus pellucens, Scop. Ent. Cam. 324 Gryllus italicus, Oliv. Enc.
Meih. vi. 32. Latr. Gen. iii. 99 Acheta Allioni? Fabr. Sp. Ins.
Acheta italica, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 32. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. 22,
pi. 17. Charp. Hor. Ent. 79. Cyrillo, Spec. Ins. Neap. pi. 7, f. 5, 6
Achela aquea? Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 192 Gryllus (CEcanthus)
italicus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 731.
a c. Italy. Presented by Dr. Leach.
d. Provence. From Prof. Westwood's collection.
f. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan.
/. W. Africa. From Mr. Fraser's collection.
N. America.
Gryllus niveus, Deg. Ins. iii. 522, pi. 43, f. 6. Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 637
(Ecanthus niveus, Serv. Ann. Sci. Nat. xxii. 135; Hist. Orth.36l.
Harris, Cat. Ins. Mass. 56 ; Rep. 3rd Ed. 154, f. 71 , 72. Fitch, 3rd
Rep. Nox. Ins. N. York, 131. Scudder, Journ. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hut.
vii. 431 CEcanthus cylindricus, Say, MSS. Harris, Cat. Inn.
Mass. 56 (Ecanthus fasciatus, Fitch, 3rd Rep. Nox. Ins. N. York,
a. N. America.
b. Mexico. From Mr. Shuckard's collection,
e, d. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection.
Gryllus bipunctatus, Deg. Ins. iii. pi. 43, f. 7. Oliv. Enc. Meth. 18
Gryllus (CEcanthus) bipunctatus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 732.
Fcem. Testaceus, gracilis ; caput subproductum, nigro trivittatum ;
palporum articulus 3us clavatus, oblique truncatus, 2o lonyior ;
antenna nigrce; prothorax subproductus, testaceo bistrigatus ; venter
niger ; oviductus niger, abdomine paullo brevior ; pedes nigri,
gracillimi, tibiis anticis basi subdilatatis, femoribus poslicis basi
testaceis, tibiis posticis extus sex-spinosis intus quinque-spinosis ; alee
anticce cinerets, reticulatce, abdomen longe superantes ; alee posticte
valde longiores.
Female. Testaceous, slender, shining. Head slightly elongated, with
three black stripes extending from the hind border, one between the eyes
and one on each side below the eyes. Eyes elongated, slightly prominent.
Third joint of the palpi clavate, obliquely truncated, longer than the second.
Antenna? black, testaceous at the base, very much longer than the body.
Prothorax slightly longer than broad, fore border and hind border testa-
ceous; two longitudinal testaceous streaks in the disk. Ventral segments
black. Cerci and oviduct a little shorter than the abdomen, the latter
black. Legs black, very slender; fore tibiae slightly dilated and excavated
on the inner side near the base ; hind femora testaceous towards the base ;
hind tibia; with six minute spines on the outer side and with five on the
inner side. Fore wings cinereous, extending much beyond the abdomen,
regularly reticulated ; mediastinal vein with nine oblique branches. Hind
wings extending much beyond the fore wings. Length of the body
1\ lines.
a. Illinois. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq.
Mas. Pallide testaceus ; caput productum ; palpi graciles, filiformes ;
antenna nigro unifasciatce ; prothorax lonqiusculus, lateribua rectis ;
pedes gracillimi) tibiis posticis biseriatim, serralis et spinosis ; alee
antics diaphancB, latissimce, abdomen longis&ime superantes ; alee
posticce valde longiores.
Male. Pale testaceous, smooth, shining. Head elongated, a little
narrower than the lore border of the prothorax. Eyes rather small, hardly
convex. Palpi slender, filiform ; third joint longer than the second.
Antenna? full twice the length of the body, black towards the base, testa-
ceous at the base. Prothorax narrower in front ; sides straight. Legs
very slender; hind tibia3 minutely serrated on each side and with a few
short slender spines beyond the middle. Wings pellucid. Fore wings
very broad, extending much beyond the abdomen ; veins very pale testa-
ceous; mediastinal vein with fourteen oblique branches; eight near the
base, approximate to each other; the other six remote from each other.
Hind wings brilliantly iridescent, extending much beyond the fore wings ;
reins white. Length of the body 6 lines.
The colour of the antennas and the broader fore wings distinguish this
species from OE. nivetts.
a. Mexico. From Mr. Shuckard's collection.
Fo3D). Pallide testaceus, gracillimus ; caput productum ; palpi graciles,
filiformes ; prothorax longus, lateribus vix excavatis ; venter nigri-
cante bivittatus ; oviductus abdomine brevior ; pedes gracillimi, libiis
posticis biseriatim setulosis ; alee antica inordinalim reticulata, nigro
quadrimaculatce, abdomen sat superantes ; alee posticce valde longi-
Female. Pale testaceous, very slender. Head elongated, rather
shorter than the prothorax. Eyes small, elongated, slightly prominent.
Palpi slender, filiform. Prothorax twice longer than broad, narrower in
fronl ; sides very slightly concave. Abdomen with two blackish stripes
beneath. Oviduct shorter than the abdomen; tip piceous. Legs very
slender; hind tibiae very minutely setulose on each side, not serrated nor
spinose. Fore wings extending rather beyond the abdomen, irregularly
reticulated above and between the branches of the mediaslinal vein, which
are also irregular ; two black spots on each side, one pair in the middle,
the other nearer the base. Hind wings extending much beyond the fore
wings. Length of the body 1\ lines.
a. Mexico. From M. Salle's collection.
Acheta flavipes, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 30.
Isle St. Thomas.
Mas. Pallide testaceus, miens, gracillimus ; palpi filiformes ; prothorax
elongalus, lateribus rectis ; pedes gracillimi^ tibiis posticis subserra-
tis ; alee anlicce diaphance, lalissimce, abdomen longe superantes.
Mas. Pale testaceous, shining, very slender. Head elongated, as
long as the prothorax. Eyes small, piceous, not prominent. Palpi fili-
tbrrn ; third joint longer than the second. Prothorax much longer than
hroad; sides straight. Legs very slender; hind tibiae very minutely ser-
rated. Wings pellucid ; veins whitish. Fore wings very broad, extending
much beyond the abdomen, not reticulated ; mediastinal vein with about
twelve oblique parallel branches. Hind wings extending much beyond ihe
fore wings. Length of the body 6 lines.
The colour of the antennae distinguishes this species from CE. vari-
Peru. In Mr. Saunders' collection.
Foem. Testaceo-albidus, gracillimus ; caput productum, prothorace paullo
brevius ; palpi filiformes, gracillimi ; antenna corpore duplo Ion-
giores ; prothorax elongatus, lateribus fere rectis ; cerci abdomine
breviores ; oviductus abdomine vix brevior ; pedes gracillimi^ tibiis
posticis biseriatim spinosis ; alee anticce alba, reticulatce, abdomen
longe superantes ; alANCHLORA, C. B. 25.
lactea, Watt. Blatt. 277.
Subgenus Leucopbsa, Walt. Blatt. 278.
Panchlora Surinamensis, C. B. 25 Pycnosulus obscurus, Scudder, Boston
Journ. Nat. Hist. vii. 424.
Panchlora (Leueophaea nigra, Watt. Blatt. 280.
Genus GYNA.
Gyna, Watt. Blatt. 266.
vetula, Watt. Blatt. 267 Panchlora Caffrorura? Stal. Ofv. K. V. Ak.
Fork. 1856.
Panchlora maculipennis, C. B. 183 Gyna maculipennis, Watt. Blatt.
268, pi. 6, f. 30.
pomposa, Walt. Blatt. 269.
Genus NAUPHCETA, C. B. 37.
Blalta Isevigata, C. B. 87 Naupho3ta circiimvagans, C. B. 37 Peri-
planeta marginicollis ? C. B. 135.
bivittata ? C. B. 37.
testacea, Watt. Blatt. 284.
Si. Thomas, West Coast of Africa.
pallida, Watt. Blatt. 286.
Paranauphreta, Watt. Blatt. 397.
Nauphceta basalis, C. B. 38.
Nauphceta circumdata, C. B. 38.
rufipes, Watt. Blatt. 400.
Nauphceta lyrata, C. B. 37.
Nauphceta bilunata, C. B. 38.
Genus PROSCRATEA, C. B. 43.
marginata, Watt. Blatt. 326.
Fam. ZETOBORID.E, C. B. 45.
Genus ZETOBORA, C. B. 45.
transversa, Watt. Blatt. 290, pi. 7, f. 34.
limbata, Watt. Blatt. 291 perspicua? C. B. 46.
castanea, C. B. 52.
Mas. Nigra ; caput antice fulvum ; antenna piceee, Jiliformes, sub-
monili formes^ corpure paullo breviores ; prothorax scaber, caput
superans, ferrugineo antice marginalus, sulcis nonnullis parvis
longitudinalibus ; ventris latera fulvo strigata ; pedes fulvi ; alte
anticcB ferruginea, abdomen longissime superantes, testaceo gutlatce,
basi nigricantes ; al< postica cinerece, striga costali nigricante.
Male. Black, smooth and shining beneath. Head small, concealed
by the prothorax, tawny towards the mouth. Eyes transversely elongated,
approximate on the vertex. Palpi tawny, nearly filiform ; third joint very
much longer than the second. Antennae piceous, filiform, submoniliform,
a little shorter than the body. Prothorax scabrous, transversely elliptical,
narrowly bordered with ferruginous in front and on each side, its breadth
about twice its length ; a few short longitudinal furrows on the disk.
Pectus tawny. Abdomen beneath with short transverse tawny streaks along
each side. Cerci black, short, lanceolate. Legs tawny, setulo'se, moderately
long and stout; hind tibiae with seven or eight spines on the outer side and
with three on the inner side. Fore wings ferruginous, very much longer
than the body, blackish and more coriaceous towards the base, adorned
except near the base with numerous testaceous dots ; longitudinal veins
forked. Hind wings cinereous, as long as the fore wings, with a blackish
costal streak. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 30 lines.
The greater length of the wings compared to that of the abdomen
distinguishes it from other species of the genus. It has most resemblance
to Z. rugosa, from which it decidedly differs in the markings of the fore
a, b. Eastern slope of the mountains of S. Mexico. From Mr. Janson's
Philobora, Watt. Blalt. 294.
Proscratea conspersa, C. B. 43.
Zetobora conspurcata, C. B. 52.
elegans, Watt. Blatt. 297.
Ouiscosoma, Watt. Blatt. 298.
Zetobora granicollis, C. B. 50 Oniscosoma castanesi, Watt. Blatt. 300.
Fam. HORMETICID^;, C. B. 54.
Genus BRACHYCOLA, C. B. 54.
Hormetica laevigata, C. B. 55.
vittata, Watt. Blatt. 330.
Minas Geraes.
Hormetica verrucosa, Watt. Blatt. 331.
Parabormetica, Watt. Blatt. 385.
Hormetica monticollis, C. B. 55.
tumulosa, Watt. Blatt. 385, pi. 12, f. 56.
Homalodemas, Stal, Ofv. K. V. Ak. Fork. 1856, xiii. 166.
exarata, Stal, Ofv. K. V. Ak. Fork. 1856, xiii. 166.
Gromphadorhina, Watt. Blatt. 333.
Gromphadorhina portentosa, Watt. Blatt. 333 Panesthia portentosa,
C. B. 182.
Dasyposoma, Watt. Blatt. 387.
Cryptocercus purictulatus, Scudder, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. vii. 420
Dasyposoma puuctulata, Watt. Blatt. 389.
U. States.
nigra, Watt. Blatt. 388, pi. 13, f. 57.
bicolor, Watt. Blatt. 388.
Genus PROSOPLECTA, C. B. 56.
Cassidodes, Watt. Blatt. 261.
Cassidodes ligata, Watt. Blatt. 262, pi. 6, f. 28.
Genus PLECTOPTERA, C. B. 56.
Ceratinoptera porcellana, Watt. Blatt. 79.
Ceratinoptera Poeyi, Watt. Blatt. 79.
Genus DIPLOPTERA, C. B. 57.
Eleutheroda, Watt. Blatt. 264.
Blatta dytiscoides, Serv. Hist. Orth. 102 Diploptera silpha, C. B. 57
Eleutheroda dytiscoides, Watt. Blatt. 265, pi. 6, f. 29.
Eleutheroda minor, Watt. Blatt. 265 Diploptera silphoides, C. B. 57.
Fam. CORYDID^E, C. B. 58.
Genus CORYDIA, C. B. 58.
nuptialis, Gerst. Arch, fur Naturg. xxvii. 113. Watt. Blatt. 338, pi. 10,
f. 46 Gueriniana, C. B. 58.
carunculigera, Gerst. Arch, fur Naturg. xxvii. 112. Watt. Blatt. 337.
Isle Luzon.
Westwoodi, Gerst. Arch, fur Nature/, xxvii. 114. Watt. BlatL 339.
senea, Watt. Blatt. 340.
Genus HYPERCOMPSA, C. B. 61.
Diaphana, Fieb. MSS. Watt. Blatt. 348.
Diaphana Fieberi, Watt. Blatt. 349, pi. 10, f. 51.
Chorisoneuridae, Watt. Blatt. 251.
Genus 1. OXYHALOA.
Oxyhaloa, Watt. Blatt. 252.
Murray!, Watt. Blatt. 253, pi. 6, f. 25.
Old Calabar.
minor, Watt. Blatt. 254.
Blatta Ferreti, Rdche et Fairm. Voy. Abyss, iii. 420, pi. 27, f. 1, 2.
Proscratea fuhiceps, C. B. 44 deusta, Thunb. Stal. Ofv. K. V. Ak.Forh.
1856, 167.
Chorisoneura, Watt. Blatt. 255.
Blatta nigrifrons, C. B. 90 Chorisoneura nigrifrons, Watt. Blatt. 256,
pi. 6, f. 26.
Blatta literata? C. B. 91 .Blatta gracilis, C. B. 92-^Chorisoneura flavo-
antennata, Watt. Blatt. 257.
Blatta discoidalis, C. S. 92.
Blatta mysteca, C. B. 91.
sordida, Watt. Blatt. 258.
Areolaria, Fieb. MSS. Watt. Blatt. 259.
Fieberi, Watt. Blatt. 260, pi. 6, f. 27.
bipunctata, Watt. Blatt. 261.
Philippine Isles.
Fam. BLATTID^E, C. B. 63.
Ectobidse, Watt. Blatt. 51 Phyllodromidae, Watt. Blatt.74 Epilamprida?,
P^att. Blatt. 147.
Genus PHORASPIS, C. B. 63.
modesta, Watt. Blatt. 161.
Genus PHLEBONOTUM, C. B. 65.
Paraphoraspis, Watt. Blatt. 163.
Paraphoraspis pallens, Watt. Blatt. 165.
Paraphoraspis notata, Watt. Blatt. 164, pi. 4, f. 18.
Ceylon. Australia.
Genus EPILAMPRA, C. B. 67.
fusca, Watt. Blatt. 170.
gracilis, Watt. Blatt. 170, pi. 4, f. 20.
cincta, Watt. Blatt. 172.
Country unknown.
punctata, Watt. Blatt. 173.
cinerascens, Watt. Blatt. 173.
The larger spots on the fore wings of this species distinguish it from
E. subconspersa and from E. adjuncta. E. conferta is much allied to
E. cinerascens, and may be a variety of E. proxima.
castanea, Watt. Blatt, 174 lucida ? C. B. 67.
socia, C. B. 76.
proxima, Watt. Blatt. 176 maculifrons? C. B. 76.
truncata, Watt. Blatt. 178.
maculata, Watt. Blatt. 179.
auriculata, Watt. Blatt. 181.
Blatta Keraudrenii, Le Guillon, Rev. Zool. 292 Epilampra ? Keraudrenii,
Watt. Blatt. 182.
Triton Bay, New Guinea.
'plana, Watt. Blatt. 183.
dilatata, Watt. Blatt. 185.
inconspicua, Watt. Blatt. 186.
Philippine Isles,
ferniginea, Watt. Blatt. 1 87.
Pfeiferfe, Watt. Blatt. 188.
badia, Watt. Blatt. 189.
agathina, C. B. 69.
superba, C. B. 191.
procera, Watt. Blatt. 192.
Buqueti, C. B. 75.
Dolesehali, Watt. BlatL 194 insueta? C. B. 202.
sabulosa, C. B. 70.
notabilis, C. B. 202.
Fcem. Picea, fusiformis, sublilissime striata, subtus testacea ; caput
testaceum, prothoracem non superuns, vertice piceo ; oculi invirem sat
remoti ; antenna testacece, nigro late fasciatce ; prothorax testaceo
marginaius, margine antico subcucullato, margine postico sub-
producto ; venter nigro vittatus et conspersus ; cerci teslacei, piceo
viltati ; pedes robusti, tibiis tarsi&que posticis supra piceis ; alee
antica coriacea, abdomen longe superantes ; alue posticce semicoriacea,
postice cinerea.
Female. Piceous, fusiform, very minutely striated, testaceous beneath.
Head testaceous, not extending beyond the prothorax ; vertex piceous.
Eyes testaceous, moderately wide apart Antennae testaceous, shorter than
the body ; a broad black band near the base composed of about twenty
joints. Prothorax longer than half its breadth, bordered very narrowly
with pale testaceous; fore border slightly hooded ; sides hardly angular ;
hind border slightly elongated. Abdomen beneath thinly speckled with
black and having a black stripe which is abbreviated at each end ; supra-
anal lamina bilobed, testaceous, except towards the base. Cerci testaceous,
lanceolate, with a piceous stripe above. Legs testaceous, stout ; spines
black at each end ; hind tibia3 and hind tarsi piceous above ; arolia large.
Wings extending much beyond the abdomen, rounded at the tips. Fore
wings coriaceous, corneous towards the base. Hind wings cinereous, semi-
coriaceous; discoidal area, except toward the tip and costal area, dark
brown. Length of the body 2123 lines; of the wings 48-50 lines.
Of the two specimens here described one has the prothorax more widened
than the other.
Singapore. Sarawak. In Mr. Saunders* collection.
Fcem. Lutescens,fusiformis,,sparse punctata, subtus nigro conspersa ; caput
prothoracem, paullo superans, vitta liluris disco anteriore strigisque
quatuor transversis nigris ; oculi invicem remoti ; palpi piceo
bimaculati; prothorax longiusculus, disco atomisque marginalibus
nigris, margine postico recto ; venter vitta apiceque nigris ; cerci{fusi-
formes, piceo strigati ; pedes crassi, breves, nigro vittati et conspersi ;
alee anticte cornea, fusco conspersa, abdomine paullo breviores ; ala
postica fusccp, semicoriaceee, apud costam cinerece fusco conspersa.
Female. Dull luteous, fusiform, smooth, shining. Head and pro-
thorax thinly punctured. Head extending a little beyond the prothorax ;
vertex marbled with black on each side of a slender stripe of the ground
hue ; disk of the front and of the face black ; face with two transverse black
streaks on each side. Eyes testaceous, wide apart. Second and third
joints of the palpi with a piceous spot on the outer side. Prothorax much
longer than half its breadth, with black speckles round the disk, which is
black; fore border truncated ; sides slightly rounded, slanting outward to
the hind border, which is straight. Pectus, under side of abdomen and legs
speckled with black. Abdomen beneath with a black stripe which towards
the tip is much dilated and occupies the whole hreadlh; supra-anal lamina
notched. Cerci fusiform, with a piceous streak on the upper side. Legs
thick, short; femora and tibiae striped with black. Wiugs a little shorter
than the abdomen. Fore wings corneous, mottled with brown ; covered
part of the right wing brown, coriaceous ; costa slightly rounded. Hind
wings brown, semicoriaceous ; costal space cinereous, speckled with brown.
Length of the body 13 lines; of the wings 22 lines.
Sarawak. In Mr. Saunders' collection.
Fo3m. Testacea, plana, longi-ovata ; caput prothoracem non superans^
plagis duabus anticis nigr is ; oculi invicem remoti ; prothorax tuber-
culatus, margins antico inciso, margine postico fere recto ^ plaga magna
fuscescente subquadrata antice incisa et utringue nigricante ; abdomen
latum, subtus nigricante bivittatum ; pedes robusti, breves ; alee anlicce
coriacece, abdominis apicem vix attingentes, lituris pallidis fuscisque ;
alts postica cinerecE.
Female. Testaceous, flat, elongate- oval, dull above, shining beneath.
Head not extending beyond the prothorax ; a black patch on the front and
another on the face. Eyes black, wide apart. Prolhorax tuberculale,
rather longer than half its breadth, notched behind the head; sides
rounded ; hind border nearly straight; a large brownish subquadrate patch
extending to the hind border, notched in front, where it is blackish on each
side. Scutellum with a blackish mark on each side. Abdomen much
broader than the thorax ; under side with two curved blackish stripes which
are connected near the tip ; supra-anal lamina bilobed. Legs stout, short;
femora with short spines. Wings hardly extending to the tip of the abdo-
men. Fore wings coriaceous, varied with pale brown and with sotue pale
testaceous spots which are partly bordered with brown, and thus having a
resemblance to the plumage of a pheasant; costa slightly rounded. Hind
wings cinereous. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 18 lines.
This species differs still more than E. varia from the typical form of
Epilampra, and the two following species are still more aberrant.
Sarawak. In Mr. Saunders' collection.
Mas. Testacea, fusiformis ; oculi invicem sat remoti; antenna fulvae,
corpore breviores ; prothorax semicircularis, sub tuber culatus, sub-
hyalinus, caput longe superans ; margine antico non truncate,
margine postico vix rotundato ; cerci breviusculi ; pedes robusti, sat
breves ; al& anticce coriacea, dense punctata, fusco notatce, abdomen
superanteSj trunco humerali basijlavo ; alee postica cinerece.
Male. Testaceous, fusiform, slightly shining above, more shining
beneath. Head smooth. Eyes black, rather wide apart. Antennse tawny,
shorter than the body. Prothorax nearly semicircular, extending much
beyond the head, thinly and minutely tuberculate, slightly hyaline ;
tubercles darker than the ground hue; fore border not truncated; hind
border hardly rounded, accompanied with short longitudinal ridges.
Abdomen notched at the tip. Styles very slender. Cerci lanceolate, rather
short. Legs rather short and thick ; femora with slender spines. Wings
extending somewhat beyond the abdomen. Fore wings coriaceous, thickly
and minutely punctured ; humeral trunk pale yellow at the base; some
brownish marks of various size like those of the preceding species; costa
slightly rounded. Hind wings cinereous, hardly coriaceous ; wings pale
testaceous. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 25 lines.
Ceram. In Mr. Saunders' collection.
Foem. Testacea, fusiformis ; caput slriga frontali nigra ; oculi invicem
remoti ; antenna nigrieantes, corpore breviores ; prothorax aspere punc-
tatus, antice rotundatus, caput sat superans, margine postico fere recto ;
cerci brevissimi ; alee anticce coriacece, dense punctatce, abdomine
breviores, costa rolundata ; ales posticee breviores, cinerece, apud
contain testacece.
Female. Testaceous, fusiform, dull above. Head with a black streak
on the front. Eyes tawny, wide apart. Antennae blackish, shorter than
the body. Prothorax extending somewhat beyond the head, rather longer
than half its breadth, roughly and thinly punctured ; fore border and sides
regularly rounded, hind border nearly straight. Supra-anal lamina notched.
Cerci very short. Legs moderataly long and stout; femora with short
spines. Fore wings coriaceous, thickly and minutely punctured, rounded
at the tips, ranch shorter than the abdomen ; costa rounded ; covered part
of right wing shining, semi-coriaceous. Hind wings cinereous, testaceous
along the costa, shorter than the fore wings. Length of the body 14 lines;
of the wings 20 lines.
a. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection.
Mas. Fulva ; oculi testacei, invicem remoti, subtus nigro marginati ;
prothorax transverse el subtilissime striatus, testaceo paltido marginatus,
margine postico producto subangulato ; abdomen testaceum, apice
integrum ; alee amplce, apice rotundatce, abdomen longe superantes ;
alee antic< basi obscuriores, area discoidali albido plagiata, striga
ranwsa picea ; ala posticce cinerece, apud costam testacece.
Male. Tawny, fusiform, smooth, shining, testaceous beneath. Head
extending a little beyond the prothorax. Eyes testaceous, wide apart,
black-bordered beneath. Antennas testaceous. Prothorax transversely and
irregularly elliptical, narrowly bordered with pale testaceous, transversely
and extremely minutely striated ; fore border truncated, arched ; hind
border elongated and slightly angular. Abdomen testaceous, entire at the
tip. Cerci moderately long. Legs rather stout, armed with stout spines.
Wings ample, rounded at the tips, extending much beyond the abdomen.
Fore wings coriaceous, darker and corneous towards the base; cliscoidal
area with some whitish patches; some of the anterior longitudinal veins
forked ; a piceous streak along the humeral trunk emitting branches along
the veins in front^ intermediate veins distinct ; transverse sectors very
regular. Hind wings cinereous, testaceous along the cosla; veins testa-
ceous. Length of the body 18 lines; of the wings 44 Hues.
Sumatra. In Mr. Saunders' collection.
Fcem. TVsteera, fusiformis ; caput prothoracem non superans, fasci
villa, linvisqueduabusanterioribusniyris ; prothorax punctis guttisque
plurimis piceis, plaga utrinque attenuata maculisque duabus posticis
nigris^ margine poslico vix producto ; venter piceo guttatus, maculis
laleralibus nigris ; al f. 3-^
Polyzosteria Geissei, C. B. 168 P. raldiviana, C.B. 168 Horraetica
chilensis^ C. B. 55 Parasphaeria ovata, Watt. Blatt. 312.
Ischnoptera linearis, C. B. 115 Parasphaeria linearis, Watt. Blatt. 314
castanea, Watt. Blatt. 315.
Fam. ANAPLECTID.E, C. B. 181.
Genus ANAPLECTA, C.B.\8\*
bivittata, Watt. Blatt. 63.
Locustides, Leach, Ed. Enc. Gryllidae, Steph. Locustariap, Lair. Zelt.
Serv. Hist. Orth. 370. Scudder Locustina, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii.
664. Fischer, Orth. Eur. 187.
The synopsis of the genera of this family is deferred to a later part of
the Catalogue in order that it may be made more complete by means of
information from Mr. Scudder, who is engaged in the publication of a
work on these tribes.
.V, De
396. Brulti
Cerberodon, Perty, Del. An. Art. 120 Listroscelis, Serv. Rev. Hist. Orth.
Cerberodon viridis, Perty, DeL An. Art. 120, pi. 23, f. 10 Listroscelis
viridis, Serv. Hist. Orth. 397.
a, b. Brazil.
c. Para. Presented by R. Graham, Esq.
d. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection.
Listroscelis armata, Serv. Rev. 64; Hist. Orth. 398, pi. 11, f. 1.
Mas. Corpus gracile, convexum, glabrum, fere cylindricum. Caput
magnum, cornu longo lanceolate oblique ascendente armatum ; frons
abrupte declivis, antice striata; facies bifoveolata: labrum longi-ovale.
Oculi parvi, fere rotundi, valde prominuli. Palpi longi, graciles, apice
incrassati. Antennae graciles, corpore mullo longiores. Prothorax elon-
gatus, sulcis duobus transversis subangulatis. Prosternum, mesosternum
et metasternum bispinosa. Abdomen angustum : sexualia parva. Pedes
graciles, longissimi ; femora quatuor anteriora biseriatim quadrispinosa ;
femora postica biseriatim decemspinosa ; tibiae quatuor anteriores spinis
quinque longis biseriatim armatae ; tibiae posticae spinis plurimis parvis bi-
seriatim armatse ; tarsi lati. Alae corpore valde longiores. Ala? anticie
angustae, confertissime reticulatae.
Male. Body slender, convex, smooth, nearly cylindrical. Head
large, perpendicular and dilated in front; a long lanceolate acute horn
ascending obliquely from between the sockets of the antennae ; fore part of
the front transversely and minutely striated ; face with two longitudinal
grooves ; labrum elongate-oval. Eyes small, nearly round, very prominent.
Mandibles large, curved. Palpi long, slender, filiform, thinly pubescent,
incrassated at the tips. Maxillary palpi about twice the length of the
labial palpi ; first joint very short; second about twice the length of the
first; third about thrice the length of the second; fourth a little shorter
than the third ; fifth as long as the fourth. First joint of the labial palpi
very short; second nearly thrice the length of the first; third very much
longer than the second. Antenna? very slender, very much longer than the
body; first and second joints incrassated. Prothorax a little longer than
broad, with two slightly angular transverse furrows. Prosternum, meso-
sternum and metasternum each armed with two slender obtuse spines.
Abdomen slender; apical appendages small. Cerci stout, lanceolate,
clothed with long hairs. Legs slender, very long ; fore coxae armed with
an acute lanceolate spine ; four posterior coxae armed with a shorter obtuse
spine ; four anterior femora with four rather short and slender spines on
each side; hind femora with ten minute spines on each side; fore tibiae
with five pairs of spines, the four first extremely long, the fifth much shorter
than the fourth ; middle tibiae with five pairs of rather long spines, which
from the first to the fifth successively decrease in length, three snorter spines
on the upper side; hind tibia? with seventeen minute spines on each side.
Tarsi four-jointed ; first, second and third joints broad ; fourth slender, as
long as the three preceding together. Wings very much longer than the
bodj. Fore wings narrow, thickly and very minutely reticulated, inde-
pendently of the transverse sectors, which are irregular and not numerous.
Hind wings with very numerous transverse sectors.
This genus and Cerberodon will form a group in the family, and may
be distinguished from the neighbouring genera by their very prominent
eyes, by the spines on the fore femora, and by the structure of the fore
Mas. Rufescente fulva ; caput nigrum, lateribus rufescente fulvis ; palpi
flavi, apice fusci ; prothorax nigro univittatus; abdomen testaceum,
nigro bivittatwn ; tibia quatuor anteriores spinis nigris apice rufis ;
al& anticcs ferruginea, fulvo venosce, basi pallidiores ; alee postica
Male. Reddish tawny. Head black, reddish tawny on each side.
Eyes tawny. Palpi yellow ; tips brown. Antennas piceous, red towards
the base ; first and second joints blackish. Prothorax with a black stripe
which is broadest in front. Pectus and abdomen testaceous, the latter
with an irregular black stripe on each side. Hind femora indistinctly
streaked on each side; four anterior femora blackish beneath, with black
spines ; spines of the four anterior tibiae black, with red tips ; spines of the
hind tibiae wholly black ; larsi piceous. Fore wings ferruginous, paler
towards the base ; veins tawny. Hind wings cinereous ; veins blackish.
Length of the body 16 lines; of the fore wings 51 lines.
a. Pernambuco. Presented by Spooner, Esq.
Anostotoma (Deinacridn) White, Grays ZooL Misc. Pi. 2, 78 ; Dieffen-
bach's New Zealand, ii. 280.
heteracantha, White, Grays ZooL Misc. Pt. 2, 71. Dieffenbach's N. Zea-
land, ii. 280. ZooL Voy. Erebus and Terror, xi. 24, pi. 5, f. 1.
o. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Dieffenbach.
b, c. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair.
d. New Zealand.
Anostostoma, G. R. Gray, Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser.2, i. 14 1. Serv. Hist. Orlh.
385 Slenopelmatus, Burm.
australasiae, G. R. Gray, Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 2, i. 143, f. 16. Serv. Hist.
Orth. 388. Duncan, Nat. Libr. xxxiv. 254, pi. 14.
a. Australia.
b. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Strange's collection.
c. Australia. Presented by the Entomological Club.
Mas. Ferruginea, subtilissime punctata ; caput nigrieans, prolhorace
paullo latins, inter antennas subcarinatum, labro flaw ; palpi
fnaxillares nigricantes, basi testacei ; palpi labiales lestacei ; abdomen
breve, fills duobus apicalibus brevisaimis ; pedes nigri, femoribus
rufis apice nigr is, femoribus posticis oblique striatis supra serratis t
tibiis triseriatim luteo spinosis.
Male. Ferruginous, very finely punctured. Head shining, blackish,
a little broader than the prothorax, slightly ridged between the antennae ;
three yellow dots representing the ocelli; labrum yellow. Eyes livid.
Mandibles tawny. Maxillary palpi blackish ; first and second joints testa-
ceous; third, fourth and fifth joints testaceous at the base. Labial palpi
testaceous. Antennae black. Prothorax transverse, with three very slight
transverse furrows, of which the first and second are interrupted. Pro-
sternum with two spines. Abdomen short, with two apical filiform
appendages which are shorter than the cerci. Legs black ; coxae and
femora red, the latter black towards the tips; four anterior coxae with a
stout spine; hind femora serrated above, obliquely ridged on the outer
side; tibiae with long stout luleous black-tipped spines which are arranged
in three series, those of the hind tibiae more numerous than the others ; four
anterior tarsi luteous in the middle and beneath ; hind tarsi luteous
beneath ; claws luteous. Length of the body 17 lines.
The hind tarsi are not so slender as those of A. Australasia.
a. ? From the collection of the Zoological Society.
cuniculator, Coguerel, A. S. E. F. 2me Ser. vi. 282, pi. 8, f. 6.
Gnathoclita, Haan, Verh. Nat. Gesch: Ned. Ind. Bez. Ins. Sauss. Rev.
Zool. 1861, 129.
Gryllus vorax, Stoll, Saut. et Gryll. pi. 4 c, f. 19, 20 Anostostoma vorax,
Serv. Hist. Orth. 389 Gnathoclita vorax, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 1861,
Surinam. Amazon Kegion.
Auostostoma crassidens, Blanch., Gay, Hist. Chile, vi.
Locusta monstrosa, Herbsl, Nat. Freun. Berl. Neue Schrift. iv. 112, pi. 1,
f. 15 Anostostoma Herbstii, Gray, May. Nat. Hist. i. 143, f. 17.
Serv. Hist. Orlh. 388.
Anostostoma tolteca, Sauss. Rev. Zool. 186J, 130.
Mas et fcem. Corpus longum, convexum, nitens, glabrum, sub-
cylindricum, apterum. Caput magnum. Palpi longi, graciles. Antenna;
longissimae. Prothorax subtransversus, margine subrerlexo. Oviductus
subarcuatus, plus minusve elongatus. Pedes robusli, longiusculi; femora
postica uniseriatim unispinosa ; tibiae quatuor anteriores biseriatim quadri-
spinosce ; tibiae postiae subdilatatae, spinis quatuor longis crassis biseriatim
Male and female. Body long, convex, shining, wingless, nearly cylin-
drical, generally smooth. Head large, generally a little broader than the
prolhorax, very convex above, slightly prominent between the antennae.
Palpi long, slender. Antennae very long, generally slender. Prothorax
slightly transverse ; border generally slightly reflexed. Abdomen elongate,
Oviduct curved upward, more or less long. Legs stout, rather long ; four
anterior femora unarmed ; hind femora with a single row of three minute
spines; four anterior with four minute spines on each side; hind tibiae
more or less dilated, with four long thick spines on each side; tarsi
The dilated hind tibiae are the most distinctive character of this
Mas. Flava, punctata ; caput maximum, carinatum, flavescente quadri-
strigatum,fronte nigra striata rufescente fasciata, facie flava, labro
palpisque fulvis, his apice piceis ; antenn ce fulvcB ; prothorax niger,
lateribus flavis ; mesothorax nigro conspersus et bimaculatus ; abdo-
men vitla maculari et segmentorum marginibus posticis nigris ; cerci
fulvi ; femora biseriatim nigro strigata ; tibiae posticce rufescentes,
Male. Yellow, shining, thinly punctured. Head extremely large,
broader than the prothorax, reddish and very convex above, keeled and
with four yellowish streaks between the eyes ; front black, transversely
striated, with a reddish band; face yellow; labrum tawny. Mandibles
black. Palpi tawny, first and second joints short; third and fourth long,
of nearly equal length; fifth longer than the fourth, subclavate, and
piceous at the lip. Third joint of the labial palpi clavate, piceous. Antenna?
tawny, very much longer than the body. Prothorax black, transverse,
broader than the mesothorax, broader in front, irregularly bordered on each
side with yellow, this hue extending for a short space along the fore border
and along the hind border. Mesothorax with a black spot on each side and
with some minute black marks. Metathorax and abdominal dorsal
segments with a row of black spots and with black bands on the hind
borders, the spots successively widening to the apical segment. Apical
appendages and cerci tawny, the former twice the length of the latter. Legs
stout, rather long ; femora with a row of interrupted black streaks on each
side ; hind femora beneath with a few denticulations on each side and
towards the tip with a single row of four minute black-tipped spines; four
anterior tibia3 with four small black-tipped spines on each side ; hind tibiae
reddish, slightly dilated, with two small black-tipped spines beneath and
with four thick piceous spines on each side, the spines on the inner side
much longer than those on the outer ; tarsi reddish. Length of the body
1821 lines.
The head of this species is very large and resembles that of Anostostoma
in structure, and it approaches much nearer than the following species to
that genus.
a. New Zealand. Presented by Miss Rye.
b. New Zealand. Presented by Capt. Stokes.
Deinacrida thoracica, While, Zoot. Voy. Erebus and Terror, xi. 25, pi. 5,
f. 2.
a d. New Zealand. Presented by Sir J. C. Ross.
e. New Zealand. (In trunks of trees). From M. Pelerin's collection.
f,g- New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair.
A, i. New Zealand. Presented by Sir A. Smith.
j m. New Zealand. Presented by Col. Bolton.
Foem. Lutea ; caput fulvum, fron te transverse striata; prothorax litura
nigra subcithariformi ; mesothorax, metathorax et abdominis segmenta
nigro marginata; abdomen compressum, mtta dorsali nigra apicem
versus dilatata ; oviductus fulvus, arcuatus, apice piceus, abdominis
dimidio longior ; pedes robusti, breviusculi, tibiis posticis subdilalatis.
Var. j8. Caput testaceum. Mas. Caput nigricans ; abdomen non
vittatum, apice nigrum.
Female. Luteous, convex, shining. Head tawny, thinly and finely
punctured, with a slight forked keel between the sockets of the antennae ;
front finely and transversely striated. Eyes slightly prominent. Palpi
tawny ; filth joint subclavate, longer than the fourth ; third joint of the
labial palpi clavate. Antennae very much longer than the body. Prothorax
transverse; sides slightly reflexed; a very slender longitudinal furrow and
with two much curved transverse furrows; several connected black marks
in the disk forming a somewhat lyre-shaped figure. Mesothorax, meta-
thorax and abdominal dorsal segments with a black band on the hind
border of each, these bands atteauated on each side. Mesothorax with a
few irregular black marks. Metathorax with a black patch on each side.
Abdomen compressed, with a black stripe which is dilated towards the tip.
Oviduct tawny, curved upward, piceous towards the tip, a little more than
half the length of the abdomen. Legs slout, rather short; femora with a
row of short oblique blackish streaks on each side ; hind femora wilh a
single row of three minute black-tipped spines near the tip ; four anterior
tibiae with four minute black-tipped spines on each side ; hind tibiae with
four long thick black-tipped spines on each side and with three minute
spines beneath. Var. ft. Head testaceous. Spines of the legs not black
at the tips. Male. Head blackish' larger than that of the female. Abdo-
men without a stripe, wholly black towards the tip. Length of the body
16 21 lines.
The stripe on the abdomen distinguishes this species from H. tho-
a. Port Nicholson, New Zealand. " In wood.'' " ' Weta ' of natives."
From Mr. Earl's collection.
6. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair,
c. New Zealand. Presented by Miss Rye.
Fuem. Fulva,punctata; capat breve, carina plana ; palpi testacei ; pro-
thorax sulco antico transverse, sulcis duobus obliquis sulcoque tenui
longitudinali ; abdomen suluris apiceque nigricantibus ; cerci fulvi ,*
oviductus piceus, subarcuatus, abdominis dimidio brevior ; pedes tes-
tucei, crassi, breviusculi, tibiis posticis rufescentibus.
Female. Tawny, convex, shining, thkily punctured. Head short, as
broad as ihe prothurax, with a slight keel which is flattened between the
sockets of the antennae. Eyes black, slightly prominent. Mandibles black
at the tips. Palpi testaceous. Antennae tawny, long, testaceous at the
base. Prothorax with a very slender longitudinal furrow, with an oblique
furrow on each side and an auterior transverse furrow. Abdomen with
blackish bands on the sutures of the dorsal segments; tip wholly blackish.
Cerci tawny. Oviduct piceous, very slightly curved, less than half the
length of the abdomen. Legs testaceous, thick, rather short ; femora with
oblique interrupted blackish streaks on each side, indistinct on the inner
side ; hind /emora beneath with a single row of three minute piceous spines
towards the tip ; four anterior tibiae with four minute piceous spines on the
outer side and with three on the inner side ; hind tibiae reddish, with four
long thick piceous spines on each side ; tarsi tawny. Length of the body
14 lines.
The shorter abdomen and much shorter oviduct distinguish it from
the preceding species.
a. New Zealand. Presented by Henry Drew, Esq.
" These insects were found in caves half a mile within. Mr. Drew
supposed them to feed upon a species of Lichen."
Foam. Fulva, cylindrica, punctata; caput nigrum, facie clypeoque
fulvis; palpi testacei ; pro thorax sulcis duobus obliquis nigricanti-
bus; abdomen longum, segmentis piceo marginatis ; oviductus sub-
arcuatus, abdomine brevior ; pedes robusti, longiusculi, tibiis posticis
Female. Tawny, cylindrical, shining, thinly punctured. Head black;
face and labrum tawny. Eyes ferruginous, prominent. Palpi testaceous;
fourth joint of the maxillary palpi longer than the third ; third joint of the
labial palpi clavate, black at the tip. Antennae piceous, tawny at the base.
Prothorax slightly transverse, with an oblique blackish furrow on each side.
Abdomen long; hind borders of the segments piceous. Oviduct slightly
curved, rather shorter than the abdomen. Legs stout, rather long ; femora
with a row of short oblique interrupted black streaks on each side; hind
femora with a single row of small black spines which from the first to the
fourth successively increase in size; four anterior tibiae with three rather
small black-tipped spines on each side, excluding the apical spines ; fore
tibiae contracted near the base ; hind tibiae slightly dilated, with four long
thick black spines on each side and with three minute spines. Length of
the body 19 lines.
Slightly narrower than ff.fgurata, to which it is closely allied.
a, b. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sinclair.
c. New Zealand. Presented by Henry Drew, Esq.
Fcem. Fulva, punctata ; caput carina subsulcata, fronte striata ; palpi
apice picei ; prothorax snlcis duobus obliquis, sulco longitudinali
tenuissimo, plaga antica picea ; abdominis segmenla piceo marginata;
oviductus vix arcuatus, abdomine paullo brevior ; pedes breves, crassi,
tibiis posticis dilatatis biseriatim quadrispinosis.
Female. Tawny, convex, shining, thinly punctured. Head not
broader than the prothorax, with a slight grooved keel between the sockets
of the antenna; front transversely striated. Eyes piceous. Mandibles with
pice6us tips. Palpi piceous at the tips ; fourth joint of the maxillary palpi
longer than the third; third joint of the labial palpi clavate. Antennae
very much longer than the body. Prothorax slightly transverse ; a very
slender middle furrow and an oblique furrow on each side ; a piceous patch
in front. Abdomen with a narrow piceous band on the hind border of each
dorsal segment. Oviduct hardly curved, a little shorter than the abdomen.
Legs short, thick; femora with a row of short oblique black streaks on each
side ; hind femora with a single row of four minute black-tipped spines
near the tip; four anterior tibiae with four small black- tipped spines on
each side ; fore tibiae contracted near the base ; hind tibiae dilated, with
four long and very stout black spines on each side. Length of the body
15 lines.
The shorter and broader hind tibiae distinguish it from H.figurata.
a. New Zealand. Presented by Capt. Stokes.
Fosrn. Testacea, angusta, punctata ; caput supra piceum, carina subfoveo-
lata, facie antica clypeoque testa ceis ; palpi labiales apice fulvi;
antennce picece, sat validce ; prothorax fasciis duabus nigris valde in-
determinatis, lateribus subreflexis ; abdomen nigricante conspersum,
apicem versus subcompressum ; oviductus subarcuatus, abdomine multo
brevior; pedes cram, tibiis posticis tarsisque ferrugineis illis sub-
Female. Testaceous, convex, narrow, shining, somewhat roughly
punctured. Head piceous, not broader than the prothorax, with a slight
grooved keel between the sockets of the antennae ; face in front, labrum and
under side testaceous. Eyes livid, small. Palpi testaceous ; fifth joint of
the maxillary palpi subclavate, as long as the fourth ; lateral palpi tawny
towards the tips. Antenna? piceous, long, rather stout, testaceous at the
base. Prothorax with two very irregular black stripes ; each of the inner
pair composed if three spots, a black middle spot between the third pair of
spots ; the outer pair speckled with testaceous, abbreviated in front ; borders
slightly reflexed. Abdomen minutely blackish speckled, slightly compressed
towards the tip. Oviduct slightly curved, much shorter than the abdomen.
Legs thick, moderately long; femora with oblique interrupted black streaks
on each side ; hind femora beneath with a few slight denticulations on each
side, and near the tip with a single row of four small piceous spines which
to the fourth successively increase in size; four anterior tibiae with four
short spines on each side ; fore tibiae compressed towards the base ; hind
tibiae ferruginous, slightly dilated, with three small spines beneath, with
three thick spines on the outer side and with four on the inner side, those
on the inner side longer than those on the outer ; tarsi ferruginous. Length
of the body 15 lines.
The shorter oviduct and the more dilated hind tibiae distinguish this
species from H. thoracica.
New South Wales. In Mr. Saunders' collection.
Fcem. Lutea, punctata ; caputpiceum, carina subfoveolata, facie labro-
que luteis ; palpi lutei, apice picei ; prothorax litura nigra subcithari-
formi, sulcis dnobus obliquis ; mesolhorax, metathorax et abdominis
segmenta marginibus posticis nigricanlibus ; abdomen compressum ;
oviductus subarcuatus, abdomine vix brevior ; pedes cram, tibiis
posticis rufescentibus subdilatatis biserialim quadrispinosis.
Female. Luteous, convex, shining, punctured. Head piceous, not
broader than the prothorax, with a slight grooved keel between the sockets
of the antennae; face and Jabrum luteous. Eyes piceous, small. Palpi
luteous; tifth joint of the maxillary palpi piceous, about one-fourth of the
length of the fourth ; third joint of the labial palpi piceous, clavate, as long
as the second. Prothorax transverse, with a black somewhat lyre-shaped
figure in the disk and with an oblique furrow on each side; borders
slightly reflexed. Mesothorax, metathorax and dorsal segments of the
abdomen with a blackish band on each hind border. Mesothorax and
metaihorax with a few black speckles. Abdomen compressed. Oviduct
slightly curved, almost as long as the abdomen. Legs thick ; femora with
oblique interrupted black streaks on each side ; hind femora with a few
denticulations on each side and with a single row of four small spines;
four anterior tibiae with three small spines on each side ; hind tibiae reddish,
slightly dilated, with four thick spines on each side, those on the inner side
much longer than those on the outer ; tarsi reddish. Length of the body
18 lines.
a. Richmond River, Australia. From Mr. Leycester's collection.
Genus 7. LICOLA.
Mas. Corpus crassum, glabrum. Caput subglobosum, prothorace
lalius. Palpi maxillares longi. Antennas corpore plus duplo longiores.
Prothorax antice latior, sulcis duobus transversis, 2o interrupto. Cerci
dense pilosi. Pedes robusti ; femora intermedia extus, trispinosa, intus
quadrispinosa ; femora postica septemspinosa ; tibise quatuor anteriores
quinquespinosae ; tibiae posticae extus quadrispinosa?, intus quinque-
Male. Body slout, convex, smooth, shining. Head very convex,
rather broader than the prothorax. Maxillary palpi long. Antenna mnch
more than twice the length of the body. Prothorax transverse, broadesi in
front, with two transverse furrows; the first very near the fore border; the
second interrupted in the middle. Abdomen with two apical valves. Cerci
thickly beset with long hairs, about one-fourth of the length of the abdo-
men. Legs stout, bristly ; fore femora unarmed ; middle femora with three
small teeth on the outer side and with four on the inner side; hind femora
with seven small spines ; fore tibise with five long spines besides those at
the tip, the two on the inner side much longer than the three on the outer
side ; middle tibiae with five spines of equal size, two on the outer side
and three on the inner side ; hind tibiae with four long spines on the outer
side and with five on the inner side. Fore wings a little longer than the
hind wings; transverse sectors regular.
Anostostoma Couloni, Sauss. A. S. E. F. 4me Ser. i. 490, pi. 12.
a. Java.
Gryllacris, Serv. Rev. Or/A.; Hist. Orth. 392. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii.717.
Gerst. Wiegm. Arch. xxvi. 245.
The following sections are chiefly copied from De Gerstacker's mono-
graph. The four long spines on each side of the fere tibiae are common to
the genus except the species of the last section, and are therefore only
mentioned when they differ slightly from the typical form.
a. Winged species. Four anterior tibis with five pairs of rather long
b. Hind wings light-coloured, mostly yellow, their transverse veins bordered
with black or brown on both sides.
c. Fore wings with black transverse veins.
lineolata, Serv. Hist. Orth. 396. Haan, Bijdragen tot der Jcennis der Orth-
optera, 219. Gerst'dcker, Wiegm. Archiv. xxvi. 250.
pardalina, Gerst. Wiegm. Arch. xxvi. 252.
a. Ceylon. From the Rev. J. Wenham's collection.
b. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Templeton.
c. Ceylon. From Dr. Thwaites' collection.
Foem. Lutea, sat gracilis ; caput supra rufum, lateribus nigris ; ocelli
Jlavi ; palpi testacei, articulis 3o 4o abdomine multo longior ; pedes longiusculi ;
\ ata poslica cinerece.
Female^ Testaceous, convex, smooth, shining. Head a little broader
than the prothorax, very convex above, slightly prominent between the
antenna? ; fore part perpendicular, transversely and very finely striated ;
three yellow dots representing the ocelli ; front piceous. Eyes prominent.
Fifth joint of the maxillary palpi a little longer than the fourth. Antenna
tawny. Prothorax transverse, with a much-rounded furrow on each side ;
borders slightly reflexed ; fore border much rounded in the middle ; sides
slightly rounded. Oviduct slightly curved upward, piceous towards the
tip, much longer than the abdomen. Legs stout, rather long; hind femora
with two rows of minute black spines, eight on the outer side, those on the
inner side fewer and more minute; hind tibia? with six small black-tipped
spines on the outer side and with five on the inner side. Wings extending
a little beyond the abdomen. Hind wings cinereous. Length of the body
18 lines; of the wings 40 lines.
Ceram or Amboina. In Mr. Saunders' collection.
Mas. Lute a, sat gracilis ; caput inter antennas planum, piceo uni-
plagiatum ; palpi testacei ; prothorax fasciis duabus nigricantibus,
la brevi informi lineam emittente ; alee pallide cinerece, testaceo
venosce, venulis transversis fuscescentibus.
. Male. Luteous, rather slender. Head hardly broader than the pro-
thorax, flat and with a piceous patch between the sockets of the antennae;
front thickly and minutely punctured. Palpi testaceous; fifth joint of the
maxillary palpi filiform, hardly longer than the fourth ; third joint of the
labial palpi capitate. Prothorax transverse, with a blackish band on the
fore border and another on the hind border; the first band short, irregular,
emitting a line to the disk. Legs stout; hind femora with four short
spines on each side ; hind tibia? with about five very minute spines on each
side. Wings pale cinereous, of equal length ; veins testaceous ; transverse
sectors brownish, numerous, regular; transverse veins along the costa of
the fore wings oblique, testaceons. Length of the body 15 lines ; of the
wings 36 lines.
a. Australia. From Mr. Darnel's collection.
Mas. Lutea, sat gracilis; caput plaga maxima nigra maculam
luteam includente ; palpi pallide flavi ; antenna corpore triplo lon-
giores ; prothorax fascia postica tenui nigricante ; pedes robusti ;
alee albidce, venis pallide testaceis, venulis transversis fuscis ; alee
anticce basi testaceo vix suffuscc.
Male. Luteous, smooth, shining, rather slender. Head very little
broader than the prothorax, with a very large flat black frontal patch,
which includes a nearly round luteous spot. Eyes black, prominent.
Mandibles black. Palpi pale yellow; fifth joint of the maxillary palpi
subclavate, longer than the fourth ; third joint of the labial palpi clavate.
Antennae very slender, about thrice the length of the body. Prothorax
transverse ; a narrow blackish band on the hind border ; a transverse fur-
row near the fore border and an oblique furrow on each side. Legs stout ;
hind femora with seven very minute black -tipped spines on the outer side
and with four on the inner side; hind tibiae with five minute black-tipped
spines on the outer side. Wings whitish, of equal length; veins pale tes-
taceous ; transverse sectors brown, numerous, regular. Fore wings with a
very slight testaceous tinge in the disk towards the base. Length of the
body 15 lines; of the wings 34 lines.
The black frontal patch distinguishes it from G. longa.
Hindostan. In Mr. Saunders' collection.
Mas. Lutea, sat angusta ; palpi pallide testacei ; prothoracis discus niger,
luteo biguttatus ; pedes robusli ; alas anticce testaceo suhtinctce,
testaceo venosce, venulis transversis fuscis; alee posticee diaphance,
venulis transversis fuscescentibus.
Male. Luteous, smooth, shining, rather narrow. Head hardly broader
than the prothorax. Eyes black, prominent. Palpi pale testaceous ; fifth
joint of the maxillary palpi subclavate, piceous at the tip, longer than the
third. Prothorax with a black disk and with slightly reflexed borders; a
luteous dot on each side near the hind border. Legs stout; hind femora
with four minute spines and one large subapical spine ; hind tibiae with
seven spines on the outer side and with six on the inner side, these spines
successively increasing in size. Wings of equal length. Fore wings with
a very slight testaceous tinge; longitudinal veins testaceous; transverse
sectors brown, regular, very numerous towards the tip. Hind wings pel-
lucid ; transverse sectors brownish. Length of the body 13 lines ; of the
wings 36 lines.
It much resembles G. amplipennis, but the head is wholly luteous and
the fore wings have no brown stripe.
a. Silhet. From the Rev. Mr. Stainforth's collection.
Mas. Fulva, pubescent ; caput breviusculum, vix latins, f route
substriata ; palpi pallide fulvi ; antenna corpore plus quadruple
longiores ; prothorax disco piceo, lateribus rectis ; abdomen filis
duobus apicalibus setosis longiusculis ; alee anliccc pallido venosce;
alee posticee cinerece.
Male. Tawny, convex, shining, pubescent. Head rather short,
hardly broader than the prothorax; front perpendicular, transversely and
very slightly striated. Eyes piceous, slightly prominent. Palpi pale
tawny; fifth joint of the maxillary truncated and slightly incrassated at
the tip, longer than the fourth ; third joint of the labial palpi clavate, sub-
securiform. Antennas more than four times the length of the body. Pro-
thorax transverse, with two transverse furrows, the hinder one curved and
joining the fore one on each side; disk mostly piceous; sides straight;
border slightly reflexed. Abdomen with two setose apical filaments, which
are nearly twice the length of the cerci. Legs stout, rather long ; hind
femora with nine small black-tipped spines on the outer side and with four
on the inner side ; these spines to the apical one successively increase in
length; four anterior tibiae with four very long spines; hind tibiae with
seven black-tipped spines on each side successively increasing in length ;
tarsi broad. Wings somewhat longer than the body ; veins pale. Hind
wings cinereous. Length of the body 15 lines; of the wings 36 lines.
Singapore. In Mr. Saunders' collection.
Foem. Testacea; caput supra globosum fusco conspersum, labro nigro ;
prothorax piceo biplagiatus ; omductus nigricans, valde arcuatus,
abdominis dimidio longior ; pedes robusti ; alas anticcs pallide
testacece ; alee posticce pallide cinerece.
Female. Testaceous, smooth, shining. Head hardly broader than
the prothorax, vaulted and speckled with brown between the eyes, flat
between the sockets of the antennae ; labrum black. Eyes prominent ; their
disks piceous. Fifth joint of the maxillary palpi brown, and very little
thicker at the tip, much longer than the fourth ; third joint of the labial
palpi clavate. Prothorax with a transverse furrow near the fore border
and with an oblique furrow on each side dividing a piceous patch; borders
slightly reflexed. Cerci and oviduct blackish; the latter much curved up-
ward, testaceous at the base, more than half the length of the abdomen.
Legs stout ; hind femora with seven minute black-tipped spines on each
side; hind tibia? with six of such spines on each side. Wings of equal
length ; reins pale testaceous ; transverse sectors numerous, regular. Fore
wings pale testaceous. Hind wings pale cinereous. Length of the body
15 lines; of the fore wings 30 lines.
a. Philippine Isles. From Mr. Cuming's collection.
Fcem. Testacea; frons nigra, striata, luleo unimaculata ; prothorax
vittis duabus luteis vittaque intermedia nigra ; oviductus rectus,
corpore paullo longior; pedes validi, femoribus tibiisque apice
tarsisque fulvis ; alee pallide cinerece , testaceo venosa.
Female. Testaceous, smooth, shining. Head rather broader than the
prothorax ; front black, very minutely striated, with a nearly round luteous
spot at a very little in front of the eyes. Eyes piceous, slightly prominent.
Fifth joint of the maxillary palpi very slightly clavate, somewhat longer
than the third. Prothorax slightly transverse, with a transverse furrow
near the fore border, with an angular furrow on each side, and with a
slender black stripe which does not extend to the hind border, and is
accompanied by two pale luteous stripes. Oviduct straight, a little longer
than the body. Legs rather stout ; hind femora with a few rows of minute
spines on each side; hind tibiae with four very minute spines on each side;
tarsi and tips of the femora and of the tibiae tawny. Wings pale cinereous,
of equal length; reins testaceous ; transverse sectors numerous, regular;
transverse veinlets along the costa of the fore wings oblique. Length of
the body 12 lines ; of the wings 26 lines.
a. Australia. Presented by Sir G. Grey.
Fcem. Testacea, angustata ; caput prothnrace perpaullo latius, litura
frontali V-formi fasciaque anteriore nigris ; palporum articulus ous
apice piceus, 4o vix brevior ; oviductus ferrugineus, arcuatus, abdo-
mine longior ; pedes robusti, breviusculi,femoribus tibiisque posticis
biseriatim sexspinosis, tarsis ferrugineis ; alee corpore multo longiores,
pallido venositu armed with numerous minute spines on each side beneath ; first
joint of the tarsi more than twice the length of the second; second more
than twice the length of the third ; fourth as long as the second. Female.
Oviduct slightly curved upward, much longer than the abdomen.
Mas. Testaceus ; palpi albidi ; prothorax piceo aut nigro bifasciatus ;
segmentorum abdominalium margines postici picei aut nigri ; pedes
piceo aut nigro fasciati, tibiis apice tarsisque pallide teslaceis.
Male. Testaceous. Mandibles with black tips. Eyes and antennae
piceous. Palpi whitish. Prothorax with a piceous or black band on the
lore border, and another on thfe hind border. Mesothorax, metathorax
and dorsal segments of the abdomen with piceous or black hind borders.
Femora and tibiae with piceous or black bands ; tibiae towards the tips and
tarsi pale testaceous. Length of the body 12 lines.
a c. New Zealand, in caves. Presented by H. Drew, Esq.
Group 3.
Fcem. Corpus altum, subcompressum, arcuatum. Caput brevissimum,
transverse substriatum. Palpi longissimi, gracillimi, articuli 3us et 4us
Eequales; 5us subclavatus, 4o multo longior. Antennae corpore triple aut
quadruple longiores. Prothoracis latera subrotundata. Cerci lougi,
graciles. Oviductus subarcuatus, corpore longior. Pedes graciles, lon-
gissimi ; femora quatuor anteriora bispinosa ; femora postica quadri-
spinosa; tibia3 anticae biseriatim quadrispinosae; tibiae intermediae biseii-
aiim trispinosae ; tibiae poslicae biseriatim spiuulosa?.
Female. Body deep, smooth, shining, slightly compressed, arched
above. Head very short, vertical in front, where it is transversely and
very slightly striated. Eyes elongated, oblique, slightly prominent.
Mandibles small. Maxillary palpi very long and slender; third and
fourih joints of equal length ; fifth subelavate, much longer than the
fourth. Third joint of the labial palpi clavate. Antenna between thrice
and four times the length of the body. Protborax slightly transverse ;
border not reflexed; sides sliahtly rounded. Cerci long, slender, beset
with long bristles, nearly one-fourth of the length of the oviduct. Oviduct
very slightly curved upward, somewhat longer than the body, Legs
slender, very long; four anterior femora with two minute spines beneath
near the tips ; hind femora with four minute spines beneath ; four anterior
tibia? with minute apical spines; fore tibiae with four and middle tibiae
with three minute spines on each side beneath ; hind tibiae with above
thirty minute spines on each side beneath (those towards the base ex-
tremely small) and with four apical spines, two of which are very long.
Foein. Testaceus ; palpi pallidissime flaw ; antennae fulvce; pro-
thorax nigricante bifasciatus ; abdominis segmenta nigricanle uni-
fasciata ; oviductus fulvus, apice piceus ; femora fasciis duabus
fuscis fasciaque apicali nigricante ; tibiae anticce nigricante bifas-
ciatce ; tibits intermedia fasciis duabus nigricantibus fasciaque
subapicali picea ; tibiae posticce picece, apice subtus testacece.
Female. Testaceous. Eyes piceous. Palpi very pale yellow. An-
tennae tawny. Prothorax with a blackish band on the fore border and
another on the hind border. Mesothorax, metathorax and dorsal segments
of the abdomen with a blackish band on each hind border. Oviduct
tawny, piceous towards the tip. Femora with two brown irregular bands
and with a more determinate blackish apical band ; fore tibiae with two
blackish bands, pale yellow towards the tips ; middle tibise with two
blackish bands and with an indeterminate piceous band nearer the tip ;
hind tibia? piceous, testaceous beneath towards the tips; fore tarsi pale
yellow. Length of the body 12 lines.
a. New Zealand. Presented by H. Drew, Esq. " These insects were
found in caves, half a mile within."
Genus 21. LIBANASA.
Fcem. Corpus glabrum, nitens, subcompressum. Caput breve.
Palpi maxillares labialibus triplo longiores; articuli 3us et 4us subae-
quales ; 5us paullo longior. Antennae longae. Prothorax longiuscnlus ;
latera valde rotundata. Oviductus arcuatus, abdomini aequilongus. Pedes
robusti, longiusculi ; femora inermia ; tibiae quatuor anteriores biseriatim
quadrispinosae, supra bispinosae ; tibiae posticae extus undecimspinosae,
intus novemspinosae.
Female. Body convex, smooth, shining, slightly compressed. Head
short, as broad as the prothorax. Eyes oval, not prominent. Maxillary
palpi about thrice the length of the labial ; third and fourth joints about
equal in length ; fifth a little longer. Third joint of the lubial palpi sub-
clavate. Antennae not less than twice the length ofihe body. Prothorax
elongate ; sides much rounded. Cerci slender, about one-fourth of the
length of the oviduct. Oviduct curved upward, as long as the abdomen.
Legs stout, rather long ; femora unarmed ; hind femora with oblique
ridges along the outer side ; four anterior tibia? with four spines along each
side and with two spines above; hind tibiae with eleven spines along the
outer side and with nine along the inner side; the four long spines and
two apical short spines as usual.
Fcem. Nigra* subtus testacea ; caput testaceum, nigro binolatum ;
antennce fulvce, basi testacece ; prothorax vittis duabus latis teslaceis
nigro unimaculatis et uniguttatis ; oviductus fulvus ; pedes testacei,
femoribus quatuor anterioribus nigro guttatis, femoribw posticis
nigro bifasciatis et oblique strigatis.
Female. Black, testaceous beneath. Head testaceous, with a black
mark on each side between the eye and the hind border. Eyes and palpi
testaceous. Antenna} tawny, testaceous at the base. Pmthorax with a
broad irregular testaceous stripe along each side, including a black spot
and a black dot. Sides of the abdomen irregularly testaceous. Oviduct
tawny. Legs testaceous ; four anterior femora dotted with black on the
outer side ; hind femora obliquely streaked with black, and with two black
bands, one of which is beyond the middle and the other apical. Length
of the body 1 1 lines.
a. Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection.
Foem. Nigra, glabra, nitens, postice attenuata ; caput maculis sex facieque
testaceis ; palpi maxiliares picei, longissimi, arliculis 3o 4o doque
aqualibus, do clavato ; antenna picece ; prothorax longus, lateribus
rotundatis ; abdomen lateribus ventreque fere erectis ; oviductus
piceus, subarcuatus, basi fulvus, abdomine longior; pedes testacei,
piceo subnebulosi, tibiis anticis biseriatim trispinosis.
Female. Black, convex, smooth, shining, tapering from the head to
the tip of the abdomen. Head with a band of four testaceous spots on the
front and with a testaceous spot on each side of the face, which is also
testaceous. Eyes livid, elongated, not prominent. Maxillary palpi piceous,
pubescent, very long; third, fourth and fifth joints of equal length; fifth
clavate. Antennae piceous. Prothorax elongated ; sides rounded. Abdo-
men tawny on each side and beneath. Cerci tawny, nearly erect. Oviduct
piceous, slightly curved, tawny at the base, rather longer than the abdomen.
Legs testaceous, slightly clouded with piceous; fore tibiae with three rather
long spines on each side. Length of the body 7^ lines.
The specimen described is mutilated,
a. New Zealand. Presented by Sir A. Smith.
Genus 22. MAC HAM ALA.
Mas. Corpus glabrum, nitens, subcompressum, fere fusiforme. Caput
inter oculos vix carinatum; frons erecta. Oculi subrotundi. Palpi maxil-
iares longi; articulus 4us 3o multo brevior ; 5us subclavatus, subarcualus,
3o longior. Prothorax longiusculus, antice angustior ; latera rotundata.
Abdomen lanceolatum ; segmentura apicale incisum. Pedes longi, graciles ;
femora aniica subtus spina una subapicali; femora intermedia subtus
bispinosa ; femora postica crassa, apices versus attenuata, subtus duodecim
spinulosa; tibiae aiiticae biseriatim trispinosae ; tibia? intermedia? triseriatim
trispinosoe; tibiae postica? biseriatim serrata? et quadrispinosae.
Male. Body convex, smooth, shining, slightly compressed, nearly
fusiform. Head slightly prominent between the eyes, vertical in front.
Eyes nearly round, slightly prominent. Third joint of the maxillary palpi
longer than the first and second together; fourth much shorter than the
third ; fifth subclavale, slightly curved, rather longer than the third. Third
joint of the labial palpi clavate, as long as the second. Prothorax rather
long, narrower in front; sides rounded. Metathorax as usual much de-
veloped. Abdomen tapering ; dorsal segments from the first to the seventh
2 E
successively decreasing in length ; eighth a little longer than the sevenlh ;
apical segment notched in the middle. Legs long, slender; femora
grooved heneath; fore femora with a subapical spine beneath; middle
femora with two spines beneath, the second subapical ; hind femora thick,
attenuated near the tips, with twelve minute spines in a row beneath : fore
tibia? with three spines on each side ; middle tibiae with three rows of
spines, three in each row; hind tibiae minutely serrated and with four spines
on each side and with two very long apical spurs ; third joiut of the hind
tarsi about one-third of the length of the second.
Mas. Sordide teslacea ; prothorax fasciis duabus nigris intus parallelis
extus deviis ; abdomen nigro maculariter quinquevittatum ; femora
postica piceo oblique slrigata.
Male. Dingy testaceous. Prothorax with two black stripes, which
are parallel to each other on the inner side, but very irregular on the
outer side. Mesothorax, metathorax and dorsal segments of the abdomen
with five macular black stripes. Hind femora with oblique piceous streaks
along the outer side. Length of the body 7 lines.
Genus 23. LICODIA.
Fcem. Corpus glabrum,nitens, lanceolatum. Caput prothorace paullo
latius, inter oculos subcarinatum ; frons erecta. Oculi elongati, extantes.
Palpi maxillares lougi; articulus 4us 3o et 5o paullo longior. Antennae
corpore plus quadruple longiores. Prothorax longus ; latera valde ro-
tundata. Oviduclus arcuatus, abdornine vix brevior. Pedes robusti,
longiusculi; femora inertnia ; tibiae quatuor anteriores triseriatira spinosse ;
tibiae postica? extus undecimspinosae, intus noveuispinosae.
Female. Body convex, smooth, shining, tapering from the head to
the tip of the abdomen. Head a little broader than the prothorax, pro-
minent between the eyes, vertical in front. Eyes prominent, nearly
elliptical. Palpi with the apical vesicle very apparent, resembling an
additional joint; fourth joint of the maxillary palpi a little longer than the
third and than the fifth ; third joint of the labial palpi subclavate. Antennae
more than four times the length of the body. Prothorax elongate ; sides
much rounded. Abdominal segments successively decreasing in length.
Cerci more than half the length of the oviduct. Oviduct curved upward,
nearly as long as the abdomen. Legs stout, rather long ; femora unarmed ;
four anterior tibiae with three rows of spines, from two to four in each
row; hind tibia? with eleven spines on the outer side and with nine on the
inner side, with two long subapical spines and with four apical spurs, two
of which are long; tarsi slender.
Foam. Picea, subtus testacea; labrum testaceum, macula basali nigri-
cante strigam emittente ; palpi paliide flavi ; prothoracis latera sub-
pallidiora ; cerci apices versus testacei ; oviductus fulvus, basi
pieeus ; pedes testacei, piceo nebulosi, tibiis posticis apice tarsisque
posticis paliide testaceis.
Female. Piceous, very shining, testaceous beneath. Labrum tes-
taceous, with a blackish basal spot, which emits a streak. Eyes blackish.
Mandibles testaceous, black at the tips. Palpi pale yellow. Prothorax
slightly paler on each side. Cerci testaceous towards the tips. Oviduct
tawny, piceous at the base. Legs testaceous, partly elongated with piceous ;
tibiae pale testaceous towards the tips ; hind tarsi pale testaceous. Length
of the body 9 lines.
a. St. Doiningo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection.
Fcem. Nigricans, subtus testacea ; caput testaceum, prolhorace perparum
latius, vertice nigricanle ; palpi maxillares pallide testacei, articulo
5o 4o paullo longiore ; prothorax strigis qualuor discoidalibus obliquis
lateribusque rotundatis indeterminate testaceis ; cerci testacei, breves ;
oviductus fulvus, subarcuatus, basi testaceus, apice piceus, abdomine
vix brevior ; pedes testacei, robusti, longiusculi, piceo nebulosi,
tibiis quatuor anterioribus biseriatim trispinosis, supra bispinosis,
tibiis posticis biseriatim octospinosis calcaribusque duobus subapic-
a lib us long is.
Female. Blackish, convex, smooth, shining, testaceous beneath. Head
testaceous, very little broader than the prothorax, blackish above, prominent
between the eyes. Eyes piceous, pear-shaped, not prominent. Palpi pale
testaceous. Maxillary palpi nearly thrice the length of the labial; fourth
joint as long as the third, a little shorter than the fifth, which, like the
third joint of the labial palpi, is subclavate. Antennae tawny, testaceous
at the base. Prothorax elongate; sides rounded, narrowly and irregularly
testaceous; two oblique testaceous streaks ou each side, converging in the
disk. Cerci testaceous, short. Oviduct tawny, testaceous at the base,
piceous at the tips, slightly curved upward, nearly as long as the abdomen.
Legs testaceous, stout, rather long, partly clouded with piceous ; femora
unarmed; hind femora obliquely ridged along the outer side; four anterior
tibiae with three spines along each side and with two longer spines above ;
hind tibiae with eight black-tipped spines along each side (these spines
successively increasing in length) and with four long spurs, two of which
are subapical and two apical. Length of the body 10 lines.
Genus 24. LUTOSA.
Fcem. Corpus robustum, glabrum, nitens, subcompressum, fere fusi-
forme. Caput breve, prothorace fere anguslius; frous erecta. Oculi ovales,
non extantes. Palpi maxillares, longi, graciles; articulus 4us 3o longior ;
5us 4o paullo longior. Antennae longse. Prothorax longiusculus; latera
rotundata. Cerci breves, graciles. Oviductus valde arcuatus, abdomine
longior. Pedes robusti, longiusculi; femora inermia; tibiae quatuor ante-
riores biseriatim trispinosae; tibiae auticae supra unispiuosae; tibiae inter-
mediae supra bispinosse; tibise posticae biseriatim novemspinosas,calcaribus
duobus subapicalibus longissimis.
Female. Body stout, convex, smooth, shining, slightly compressed,
nearly fusiform. Head short, hardly as broad as the prothorax, slightly
prominent between the eyes, vertical in front. Eyes oval, not prominent.
Palpi long, slender; fourth joint of the maxillary palpi rather longer than
the third; fifth a little longer than the fourth; third joint of the labial
palpi subclavate. Antenna? much more than twice the length of the body.
Prothorax elongate; sides rounded. Abdominal segments successively
decreasing in length. Cerci short, slender. Oviduct much curved upward,
somewhat longer than the abdomen. Legs stout, rather long; femora un-
armed ; hind femora thick, with oblique ridges on the outer side ; four
anterior tibiae with three spines on each side ; fore tibiae with one long
spine above; middle tibiae with two long spines above; hind tibiae with
nine minute spines on each side and with four very long spurs, two of
which are subapical and two apical ; tarsi slender, of the usual structure.
Fcem. Rufescente fulva, subtus testacea; caput pallide testaceum, mar-
gine postico vitlaque guttam testaceam includente nigris ; prothorax
nigricans, lateribus late pallido testaceis ; cerci, oviditcfus et pedes
teslacei ; femora quatuor anteriora piceo vittata ; femora postica fulva,
basi testacea.
Female. Reddish tawny, testaceous beneath. Head pale testaceous,
black along the hind border, and with a black stripe which extends from
the hind border between the eyes and includes a testaceous dot. Antennae
tawny, partly piceous towards the base, which is testaceous. Prothorax
blackish, broadly pale testaceous along each side. Cerci, oviduct and legs
testaceous. Four anterior femora with a piceous stripe; hind femora
tawny, testaceous towards the base; spines of the hind tibiae with black
tips. Length of the body 8 lines.
o. ? Presented by the Zoological Society.
Genus 25. LUCINA.
Fcem. Corpus convexum, opacum, fere fusiforme. Caput inter oculos
subcarinatum,protboiace angustius; frons erecta. Oculi pyriformes, valde
extantes. Palpi maxillares graciles, longissimi. Antennae graciles, longis-
simae; articulus lus longus, crassus. Prothorax sat longus; latera valde
rotundata. Abdomen thorace latius. Cerci gracillimi, corpore longiores,
setis gracillimis instruct!. Oviductus subarcuatus, corpore paullo brevior.
Pedes gracillimi, longissimi; femora postica basi incrassata; tibiae posticae
extus apices versus sexspinosae ; tarsi longi, graciles.
Female. Body nearly fusiform, convex, smooth, dull. Head narrower
than the prothorax, prominent between the antennae, vertical in front.
Eyes pear-shaped, very prominent. Maxillary palpi slender, very long.
Antennae slender, very long ; first joint long, stout. Prothorax slightly
elongated, much rounded on each side. Abdomen broader than the thorax.
Cerci very slender, longer than the body, beset with very slender bristles.
Oviduct slightly curved upward, a little shorter than the body. Legs very
slender, extremely long ; femora and four anterior tibiae without spines ;
hind femora incrassated towards the base; hind tibiae with six spines on
the outer side towards the tip; tarsi long, slender; first joint extremely
long; second and third very short.
It has some affinity to the genus Phalangopsis.
Foem. Picea ; caput antice testaceum ; venter fulvus ; tibia quatuor
anteriores testaceo bifascialce ; tibite poslicce taraique fulva.
Female. Piceous. Head in front and palpi testaceous. Eyes livid.
Vemral segments tawny. Four anterior tibiae with two testaceous bands;
tarsi and bind tibia: tawny. Length of the body 8 lines.
a. Brazil. Presented by Sir C. Stewart.
Mas. Picea, tomentosa, arcuata luteo maculata,fere fusiformis ; caput
glabrum, pallide testaceum, fronte longa erecta ; oculi vix exlantes ;
palpi maxillares testacei, longissimi, articulis lo 2oque piceis, 3o
4oque piceis subeequalibus, 5o subclavato 4o multo longiore ; antenna
nigra>, basi testacece, corpore plus quadruple longiores ; cerci abdomine
paullo longiores, pilis gracillimis instructi; pedes testacei, longis-
sirnit gracillimi, piceo fasciati, genubus unispinosis, tibiis subtus
Male. Piceous, tomentose, nearly fusiform, much arched. Head pale
testaceous, smooth, shining, as broad as the prothorax, elongate and vertical
in front. Eyes pale piceous, elongate, slightly prominept. Palpi testaceous.
Maxillary palpi full four times the length of the labial palpi; first and
second joims piceous; ihird and fourth piceous at the tips, nearly equal in
length ; fifth subclavate, much longer than the fourth. Third joint of the
labial palpi clavate, truncated, a little longer than the second. Antennae
black, testaceous towards the base, more than four limes the length of the
body. Thorax and dorsum of the abdomen mottled with various luteous
spots. Cerci a little longer than the abdomen, beset with long and very
slender hairs. Legs testaceous, very long and slender; femora and tibiae
with three piceous bands; knees with a long slender spine; tibiae with two
spines beneath; tarsi long, slender; third joint not more than one-third of
the length of the second. Length of the body 5 lines.
The description of the legs applies only to the two anterior pairs, the
specimen here mentioned having been deprived of its hind legs. It has
much affinity to the genus Zaora.
Cambodia. In Mr. Saunders' collection.
Page 1.
The distinctive characters of the Acrididae and Locustidae should be
b. Antennae long, setaceous. Tarsi 4-jointed. . LOCUSTIDAE.
bb. Antennae filiform, generally rather short. . ACBIDID^.
Page 47.
Page 52.
talitrus, Costa alcune Notizie deli Ent. deW Isola Ischia, 4.
Page 79.
Page 101.
Genus 37. NOCEKA.
Listroscelis pectinata, Gukr. Voy. Coquille, 153. Atlas, pi. 10, f. 1.
Nocera pallida, page 101.
Isle Bourou.
Page 106.
Dele 12. PHALANGOPSIS HELVOLA and references.
Page 111.
Page 136, fourth line.
For Blatta punctata read Blatta marginata.
Page 138.
Page 208.
S U M M A K Y.
This Part of the Catalogue of Derraaptera contains the Gryllidae,
a Supplement to the Catalogue of Blattanae, and the beginning of the
The Supplement to the Blattariae records the new species described
in the ' Nouveau Systeme des Blattaires, par C. Brunner de Wattenwyl,'
the most complete work hitherto published on that tribe, and which I was
not able to notice in the previous Catalogue. He describes about 378
species, and gives a synopsis of their geographical distribution in 16
regions, of which 2 are European, 4 American, 3 African, 4 Asiatic,
1 Australasian, 1 Australian, and 1 including the Isle in the Pacific and
New Zealand. He distributes the genera in eight families, and the
primary divisions are like those of De Saussure.
About 378 species of Gryllida3 are registered in this Part, and their
geographical distribution is as follows :
Europe 18
Europe and Madeira 1
Europe and W. Asia 1
Europe and N. Africa 1
Europe, N. Africa and W. Africa 2
Europe, N. and S. America, N. Africa, S. Asia, Australasia and
Australia 1
Europe and S. Asia 1
N. America * . . 35
N. America, Mexico and W. Indies 1
Mexico 12
Mexico, W. Indies and W. Coast of America I
Mexico and S. America 3
W.Indies 19
W. Indies and S. America 2
W. Coast of America
S.America 62
Africa, Mauritius, S. Asia, Ceylon, Australasia, Australia and New
Zealand 1
N.Africa 4
W.Africa 9
W. and S. Africa 3
W., S. and E. Africa . 1
W. and E. Africa 1
W. and S. Africa, S. Asia and Australasia 1
S.Africa 19
E. Africa 4
Mauritius ........... 4
Madagascar ........... 2
W.Asia 1
Central Asia 3
S. Asia 35
S. Asia and Ceylon I
S. Asia and Australasia 4
Ceylon .11
Australasia 36
Australia ........... 24
Australia and New Zealand . . . . . . . 1
New Zealand . . 1
Oceania 4
Unknown ........... 16
Anostotoma, 158, 159,
bicolor, 76, 105, 108,
125, 199
apertus, 214
bifasciata, 9
abbreviata, 17, 163
Aphlehia, 136
bilunata, 122
abbreviatus, 17, 1 12
apicalis, 7
bimaculata, 16
acervorum, 9
Apolyta, 135
biuiaculatus, 16
achatinus, 10
aptera, 14
bipunctata, 127, 141
Acheta, 1,7,9, 13,56
apterus, 14
bipunctatus, 93
Achetidae, L
aquea, 92
bisignatus, 1 1
Achetina, 1
arachnoides, 105
bivittata, 121, 136, 146,
acuminipennis, 114
aranea, 121
adusta, 131
araneiformis, 200
bivittatus, 59, 115
aenea, 126
Archegogryllus, 117
Blabera, 119
squalis, 176
Archiblatta, 121
Blaberidae, 119
sethiops, 120
arcta, 145
Blatta, 8, 126, 137, 214
afer, 115
arctata, 184
Blaltaria?, 119
aifinis, 62
Areolaria, 127
Blattida?, 127
Africana, 4, 120
Argizala, 60
bordigelensis, 14
Africanus, 7, 80
armata, 157,210
borealis, 2, 145
Agassizii, 112, 202
armatus, 157
Borneensis, 176
agathina, 129
arvensis, 14
Braehycola, 124
agitator, 61
aspersus, 39
brachyptera, 176
agricola, 14
assinailis. 22
brachypterus, 42
albicincta, 137
ater, 8, 33, 52, 74
Bracbytrupes, 10, 214
albicornis, 106
aterrima, 151, 154
Brachytrypes, 10
albilatera, 150
atra, 146
Brasiliensis,61,76, 129,
albomarginata, 154
atrata, 174
Algerica, 120
atratulus, 40
brevipennis, 3, 136
aliena, 177
atratus, 30
brevipes, 116, 201, 205
Allioni, 92
alien uata, 164
altus, 208
auriculata, 128
brunneus, 52
ambulans, 190
Australasia?, 159
Buqueli, 106, 129
Americana, 2
Australe, 135
burdigalensis, 14,25
ampla, 139
Australia?, 137
amplipennis, 179
Australica, 145
Anaplecta, 156
Australia, 59, 87, 98,
Anaplectidae, 156
113, 120, 153
Anastostoma, 195
Azteca, 113, 116, 121
Caffra, 150
angusta, 187
Caffrorum, 121
august ipeunis, 116
caliendrum, 110
angustulus, 21
Californianus, 202
angustus, 17
caliginosus, 79
annulata, 63, 105
badia, 129
Campbelli, 6
annulatus, 63
basalis, 58, 122, 188
Camptonotus, 205
annulipes, 105
basifera, 131
campestris, 15
2 F
capensis, 16, 144
concinnula, 134
capitolina, 161
concinnus, 68
capucina, 135
carbouarius, 48
concolor, 200
Carolinensis, 190
conferta, 148
Carsidava, 53
carunculigera, 125
confirmatus, 37
cassidodes, 125
congrua, 98
castanea, 122, 123, 128,
conscilus, 35
137, 155, 156
consimilis, 41, 76
cavernarum, 201
consocius, 31
cavicola, 200
conspersa, 120, 123, 138
cavicolus, 200
conspersus, 26
cephalotis, 195
conspurcata, 123
Ceratinoptera, 125, 136
contiguus, 78
Cerberodon, 157
contingens, 21
Censyi, 25
continuus, 87
Ceuthophilus, 201
coutracta, 169
Chilensis, 156, 192
conlraria, 150
Chiliensis, 4
convexa, 152
Chorisoneura, 126
Chorisoneuridse, 126
Cophtus, 4
cicindeloides, 74, 102
Cordofuna, 137
cincta, 128
coriaceus, 73
cincticollis, 136
Corydia, 125
cinctipes, 90
Corydidre, 125
cinerascens, 54, 128
Couloni, 166
cinerea, 68, 121
Couloniana, 145
cinereus, 68
crassidens, 160
cingulata, 156
cribrosa, 129
circumcincta, 138
crocinus, 75
circumcinctus, 57
crucis, 111
circumdata, 122
cruralis, 156
circumducta, 142
Cryptocercus, 124
circumvagaDS, 121
Cubaensis, 204
clara, 144
Cubensis, 139
clarus, 39
cultriger, 4
coarctata, 6
cultrigera, 4
coccinella, 125
cuniculator, 159
cognata, 137
Cycloptilum, 108
collaris, 182
cylindricus, 93
collocatus, 49
Cylindrodes, 6
Columbia, 113
Columbicus, 77
combinata, 188
combusta, 176
commodus, 45
Daihhiia, 116,205
compactus, 31
Dalmatina, 14
comparatus, 44
Dasyposoma, 124
com plus, 23, 69
decipiens, 155
concinna, 68
decora, 109
decorata, 151
Deinacrida, 158, 162
delectus, 110
Dermaptera, 1
deropeltiformis, 144
Deropeltis, 145
Desjardinsii, 102
determinatus, 19
deusta, 126
Diaphana, 126
diaphana, 136
didaetyla, 3, 112
didactylus, 112
digilata, 8
dilatata, 129
diluta, 150
dimidiata, 122
diminuens, 43
Diploptera, 125
Diplopterida?, 125
discalis, 97
discicollis, 135
discoidalis, 127, 156,1 74
discoloratus, 116
divergens, 201
Doleschali, 129
domestica, 15
domesticus, 15
dorsalis, 83, 196
dotata, 130
Dregii, 195
dubia, 187
dytiscoides, 125
Ectatoderus, 117
Ectobia, 145
Ectobidae, 127
ele^ans,40,69, 114,123
Eleutheroda, 125
Elli|)sidium, 135
elongata, 145
Eneoptera, 66, 76
Ephippigera, 201
Epilampra, 127
Epilampridae, 127
ericetorum, 136
erinaceus, 191
erytbrospilus, 49
fusiformis, 63
erythrocephalus, 34, 74
fuscus, 191
erythromelas, 193
Eurepa, 71
Euscyrtus, 115
exarata, 124
exigua, 57
Gaimardi, 85
exiguus, 57
Geissei, 156
geminus, 14
genualis, 179
gihbicollis, 146
gigantea, 119
gladiator, 187
fasciata, 68, 138, 191,
glomerina, 190
Gnathoclita, 160
fasdatus, 8, 50, 56, 68,
gracilipes, 116, 202
93, 116
gracilis, 70, 96, 126,
fascifer, 207
128, 185
fascipes, 67
grandis, 5
feraoralis, 159
granicollis, 123
feraorata, 138
granosa, 120
fenestrina, 126
Grompbadorhina, 124
Ferreti, 126
Grvllacris, 166
ferreus, 11
Gryllida?, 1, 112, 157
ferruginea, 103, 129,
Gryllides, 1
Gryllina, 1, 113
Fieberi, 126, 127
Gryllodea, 1
figurata, 162
gryllodes, 60
filifer, 206
flavicinata, 150
Gryllomyia, 92
Gryllotalpa, 1
flavicincta, 150
Gryllotalpina, 112
flavipes, 94
Gryllus, 1, 8, 9, 13,
flavo-antennata, 126
flavomargiuata, 146
Guadalupensis, 23
formosus, 94
Gueriniana, 125
fossor, 8, 113
guttatus, 27
fortipes, 26, 55
guttifrons, 196
fron tails, 14, 99, 187
guttipennis, 123
fuliginosa, 42
guttulosus, 203
fuliginosus, 42, 48, 80
Gyna, 121
fulva, 144
fulviceps, 126
fulvipennis, 23
fulvus, 12
fumigata, 175
Hadenoecus, 200
fumosa, 175
Hapitbus, 61
fusca, 119, 127
hastifera, 147
fuscicornis, 105
helvola, 106,214
fuscifrons, 170
helvolus, 83, 106
fuscipes, 116
bemelytra, 68
fusifera, 165
hemelytrus, 68
Hemideina, 160
Herbstii, 160
Hermedorfensis, 14, 15
heros, 170
heteracantba, 159
Heterogaraia, 120
Heteroganoidae, 120
Heteropus, 7
heteropus, 80
hexadactyla, 3
Heydenii, 57
hieroglypbica, 138
Himalayica, 145
hirsuta, 6
hirsutulus, 50
birsutus, 6
birticauda, 9
hirticollis, 56
hispanica, 15
hispanicus, 15
Hispinus, 115
hisirio, 135, 192
Hoevenii, 121
Homalodemas, 124
Homalopteryx, 134
Homceogvyllus, 115
Hormetica, 124, 156
Hormeticidae, 124
bospes, 56
humeralis, 140
Hypert-orapsa, 126
Hypsallumeni, 1
ignobilis, 29
Illinoiensis, 113
ineerta, 189
incisa, 208
incompta, 67
inconspicua, 129, 144
indecorus, 83
Indica, 145, 155
Indicus, 58
infumata, 136
innotabilis, 47
inquinata, 129
insignis, 55, 176-
insolita, 189
insueta, 129
insularis, 66
leucostichus, 40
lycosoides, 193
inte^errima, 146
leucostomus, 48
lyrata, 122
intermedia, 146
Lezina, 199
interruptus, 35
Libaiiasa, 208
iii versa, 137
Licodia, 210
Ischnoptera, 144, 156
Licola, 165
Italica, 92
ligata, 119, 125, 150,
Italicus, 92
Macassariensis, 134
Itara, 64
limbata, 122
Macra, 146
linearis, 54, 156
Macropatbus, 206
lineal;), 135
lineaticeps, 28
Macrocera, 186
Japonica, 106
lineatocolle, 102
macrurus, 29
Japonicus, 8, 106
lineatus, 96
inaculata, 116, 128, 136,
Javanica, 120
lineiceps, 44
154, 201
Javanus, 52
lineolata, 166
maculattis, 201
lineolatus, 56
maculicollis, 167
lineosa, 173
maculifrons, 128, 209
Listroscelis, 157, 214
inaculipennis, 121
literata, 126
maculipes, 171
Keraudrenii, 128
litbophila, 145
Madagascariensis, 32
liturata, 150, 154
Madasumma, 64
lirida, 66, 120
major, 8
Lobeda, 65
majuscula, 139
Loboptera, 155
mandarina, 120
Locusta, 160
Maoriens, 74
lactea, 121
LocustariaB, 157
mareida, 137
teta, 184
Locustidae, 157
marginalis, 25, 145, 212
lanceolata, 67
Locustides, 157
maiginata, S, 92, 122,
lanceolatus, 204
Locustina, 157
136, 145,168,214
Landreva, 55
Icevigata, 121, 124
rnarginatus, 8, 1 13
lapidicola, 201
Ion pa, 180
marginicollis, 121
lapidicolus, 201
longicauda, 14
marginifera, 150
Laranda, 88
lorigicornis, 105, 106
marginipennis, 71, 115
Larnaca, 190
longipenne, 102
marmorata, 105, 140
lata, 145
longipennis, 3, 5, 1 13
marmoratus, 105,204
latebrarum, 200
longipes, 105
Martinii, 115
latebricola, 200
longiuscula, 143
Mauritanica, 9
latens, 102
Mauritauicum, 9
lateralis, 135
lucens, 32
Meconema, 92
laiiceps, 142
lucida, 128, 137
megacephalus, 10
Latindia, 120
luctuosus, 17
Megerlei, 136
latipennis, 68, 139
lurida, 53
melanaria, 154
lalirupta, 143
luridus, 18
melanocepbalus, 34
latissima, 119, 156
lusitanicum, 110
melanophila, 146
lusitanicus, 110
melas, 14
Lebussa, 75
lutaria, 92
membranacea, 10
lepidus, 46
Lutosa, 211
membranaceus, 10, 34
Lerneca, 72
Luzara, 103
Mexicana, 3, 112, 152,
Leucopbaea, 121
lycoides, 71
Mexicanus, 57, 112,
114, 191,205
microcephalus, 106
minax, 158
minor, 41, 125, 126,
minusculus, 36, 47.214
minuta, 5, 1 II
minutus, 7, 111
misella, 138
miser, 41
mitratus, 40
mixtus, 1 13
modesta, 127
Mogoplistes, 52, 214
Monachoda, 119
monastica, 122
Monastria, 120
Monocerophora, 157
monstrosa, 9, 119, 160
monstrosus, 9
monticollis, 124
morbillosa, 90
morio, 120
inn nd a, 186
imiudus, 23
Murrayi, 126
Myrmecophila, 8
Myrinecophilus, 9
Mysteca, 127, 155
mystica, 139
nanus, 214
nasalis, 183
Nauphoeta, 121
nebulosa, 129
neglectus, 17
Nemobius, 56, 114
Nessa, 54
Nicseensis, 137
Nieti, 192
niger, 17, 202
nigerrimus, 49
nigra, 17, 121, 125,
135, 205
nigricornis, 93
nigrifrons, 126
nigrilabris, 175
nigripalpis, 108
Digripennis, 173
nigriventris, 117
nigrovarius, 70
nimbata, 122
Nisitra, 91
nitida, 155
nitidula, 6
niveus, 93
nobilis, 154, 182
Nocera, 101,214
notabilis, 28, 85, 129
notata, 8, 1 27
notatum, 127
notulata, 138
Novae Guinea?, 85
Novae Seelandiae, 155
nuptialis, 125
Nyctibora, 153
obliqua, 148,211
oblongata, 135
obscura, 8, 64, 100
obscurella, 99
obscurtis, 8, 64, 121
Oceanica, 187
Oceanicus, 114
occidentalis, 52, 145,
oceipitalis, 40
ochracea, 9
oculata, 152
CEcanthus, 92, 116
Oniscosoma, 123
opilioides, 213
Opisthoplatia, 153
Oi-ba, 151
Oibega, 89
orientalis, 4, 34, 111,
ornata, 5, 144, 151,
Ornebius, 108
Orocharis, 61
Oryctes, 113
ovalis, 66
ovata, 156
oxvdactyla, 3, 112
oxydactylus, 1 12
Oxybaloa, 126
Pacbnopteryx, 135
pacificum, 102
pallens, 42, 127
palliceps, 213
pallida, 89, 101, 122,
pallidipennis, 50
pallidula, 180
pallidus, 82, 194
pallipes, 210
palpata, 200
palpatus, 200
paludicola, 102
Fanchlora, 121
Panchloridaj, 121
Panesihia, 120, 124
Panesthidae, 120
paradoxus, 7
Paragryllus, 115
Parahormetica, 124
parallelus, 31
Paranaupho3ta, 122
Paraphoraspis, 127
Paraspha3ria, 156
Paratiopa, 153
Paratropes, 152
pardalina, 166
pardalis, 91
parilis, 20
Paroccan thus, 114
parvicollis, 133
parvipennis, 4, 112
parvulus, 43
Patersoni, 195
Patersonii, 195
patula, 143
pectinata, 214
pedestris, 13
pellucens, 92
pellucida, 135
Pensylvaiiicus, 18
Periplanela, 150, 155
Perisphosria, 156
Peris phceridx, 156
perloides, 181
personate, 180
porcelana, 125
reversa, 147
personatus, 18
porcellana, 125
Rhaphidophora, 200
perspicillatus, 40
portentosa, 124, 195
Rhaphidophorus, 204
perspicua, 122
portentosus, 195
Rliipipteryx, 8
Peruviana, 137
postica, 119, 178
rbombifolia, 151
Peruvianus, 95
posticus, 30
robusta, 117, 124, 205
Pfeiferae, 129
praecipuus, 83
robustus, 12,205
Phalanjropsis, 104, 116,
priscus, 1 17
rotunda, 151
procera, 129, 145
rubiginosa, 145
phalerata, 153
producia, 163
rubricollis, 16
Philobora, 123
Proscratea,122,l23, 126
rubrinervosa, 180
Phlebonotura, 127
Piosoplecta, 125
rufa, 145
Phoraspis, 127
proterva, 139
rufescens, 95
pbryganoides, 179
proxima, 128
rufieeps, 173
Phyllodroinia, 137,214
Pseudmnops, 135
rufipennis, 103
Phyllodromidae, 127
rufipes, 122
Phyllopalpus, 68
Phylloscyrtus, 114
pubescens, 114
rufovittatu, 155
picea, 151,200
pulchellus, 68
rugosicollis, 146
piceifrons, 180
pulcher, 69
piceiventris, 197
pulicarius, 111
picinus, 58
pumila, 107
picta, 136
pumilus, 107
picticeps, 107
punctata, 68, 128, 136,
sabulosa, 129
picticollis, 140
Sallei, 191
pilosa, 105
punctatus, 68
Salmania, 73
pilosus, 105
punctipennis, 172
saltator, 61
pinguis, 198
puuctosa, 149
Saltatoria, 1
pipiens, 14
punctulata, 124
Sartorianus, 192
plagiata, 167
puuctulatus, 116, 124
Saulcyi, 1 15
plagiceps, 27
pumicea, 177
scabra, 154
plana, 129
pusillus, 58
scabricollis, 156
Planetica, 121
pustulipes, 51
scabripes, 116, 201
Plaoeticidae, 121
Pycuosulus, 121
Scapteriscus, 112
planus, 79, 81,214
pygma3us, 25
Schizodactylus, 9
Platyblemma, 110
Scboeuobates, 205
Platyblemmus, 110
Sciubia, 110
Platydactylus, 76, 115,
scita, 18
scitulus, 62
Platyxyphus, 52
Scleropterus, 73
Platyzosteria, 154
quadratus, 61 , 84
seriptus, 202
Plectoptera, 125
Scudderi, 205
podocausta, 173
Semblis, 92
Podoscirius, 75
semialata, 120
Poeyi, 125
septentrionalis, 18
politus, 193
Rambari, 110
sericea, 64
Polyphaga, 120
ramifera, 132
serratissima, 120
Polyphagida?, 120
servilis, 57
polyspila, 133
reflexa, 154
Servillei, 76, 175
Polvzosteria, 153, 154
regina, 120
sicca, 149
pomposa, 121
reticulata, 105
sigittatus, 46
signata, 120, 135
Taprobanense, 102
signatifrons, 179
Tarasca, 144
signatipennis, 86
Tarra?a, 100
signatipes, 22
Temnopteryx, 144
Valdiviana, 156
signatus, 24, 61
tenella, 138
valida, 97
si gn if era, 169
ten ell us, 37
varia, 92, 130
signifions, 38
temiicornis, 75
varicornis, 94
siynigera, 178
tenuis, 95, 112
variegata,4, 7
silpha, 125
teres, 114
variegatus, 7, 112
silphoides, 125
termiualis, 7
varipennis, 84
similaris, 20
terrificus, 10
varipes, 72
similis, 78
tesselata, 105
varius, 86
simplex, 48
tessellata, 170, 171
vastator, 10
sirnulatrix, 153
testacea, 122
vastatrix, 10
Sinensis, 95, 148
lestaceus, 38
velatus, 110
socia, 128
tetradactyla, 3
Telutinus, 77
sordida, 73, 109, 127,
Theganopteryx, 137
venosa, 185
thoracica, 150, 162
ventralis, 65
soror, 135, 155
Thyrsoeera, 135
verrucosa, 124
spectrum, 108
tibialis, 89, 113, 164,
verticalis, 22, 128, 187
Sphaerium, 8
176 j
vetula, 121
Sphinx, 190
Ti via, 153
vicarius, 24
spurcata, 167
Tolteca, 135, 160
vicina, 150
spurcatus, 35
Toltecus, 114
vicinus, 76, 112
spuria, 137
tomentosus, 113
vilis, 138
squamiger, 14
trau si ucens, 180
vinula, 138
squamosum, 108
transversa, 122
viridis, 157
Slenopelmatus, 159, 191
transversus, 81
virginica, 144
Stollii, 119
tricaudatus, 1 15
vitrea, 139
strigata, 145
Tridactylus, 7, 113
vittata, 124, 135, 170
strigifrons, 132
Trigonidium, 102
vittatus, 57, 85, 119
strigosa, 145
tripunctata:, 17
vittipes, 168
stygia, 202
tristis, 15
vorax, 160
stygius, 202
trivittata, 136
vulgaris, 2
subaptera, 136, 154
Tropidischia, 205
subnotatus, 88
truculentus, 12
subterranea, 201
truncata, 128
subterraneus, 201
tuinulosa, 124
subverrucosa, 154
Sumichrasti, 192
Wahlbergi, 150
superba, 129
Westwoodi, 126
supplicans, 36
Surinameusis, 76, 121
Udeopsylla, 205
sylvestris, 56
Uhleri, 201
Uhleriana, 145
umbraculata, 110
Xabea, 109
unabraculatus, 1 10
xanthographus, 115
unicolor, 99, 111, 156
xanthoptera, 108
Tafalisca, 52
unigtittata, 183
xamhopterus, 108
talitrus, 214
ursina, 120
xanthostoma, 205
Talpa, 191
ustulatus, 10
Xya, 7, 8
224 INDEX.
Zetobora, 122, 123
Y. Z. Zeluboridae, 122
zonarius, 203
Yersiniana, 129 Zaora, 90 zonatus, 197
nr.T 15 1946
APR 1 4 1967 2
LD 21-10m-7,'39(402s)