-NRLF B M 315 003 1TARY FI.ORA FRYE RIGG ELEMENTARY FLORA OF THE NORTHWEST BY THEODORE C. FRYE, PH.D. PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON AND GEORGE B. RIGG, A.M. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO IOLOGY LIBRARY Q COPYRIGHT, 1914, BY THEODORE C. FRYE AND GEORGE B. RIGG. COPYRIGHT, 1914, IN GREAT BRITAIN. F. there is much confusion and duplication. We have herein given one common name for each species in so far as such are known to us, choosing the one most common or most appli- cable when there were several. To illustrate the use of the keys let us take the common large-leaved maple. Beginning on page (7) with the KEY TO FAMILIES, compare A with AA; evidently this maple falls under AA. Compare the next letter (C) under AA with its double (CC) ; this maple goes to CC, which refers to the KEY TO THE DICOTYLEDONS on page (10). There compare A with AA, to find it goes to A ; then the first letter (B) under A with its double (BB), tracing it to B, which refers to Group 3, p. n. There trace through letters in like manner to the family ACERACEAE, page 148. Comparing the plant with the family description, whose chief characteristics are in italics, it is found to agree. Since there is only one genus (ACER) in this family, no key is necessary, and it follows directly. To the right of it is the common name of the group, MAPLE. Comparing the plant with the genus description, short in this case, it is found to agree. Under it compare A with AA, tracing it to A; compare then B, BB, BBB, finding it goes to BB. Then follows W. C. E., which gives its distribution (see abbreviations, p. 5) ; then follows A. macrophyllum, the scien- tific name. In this A. is the abbreviation of the genus name, ACER ; and macrophyllum is the species name. " Large-leaved Maple " fol- lows, and is the common name of this particular maple. That the book is free from errors is not a reasonable hope on account of the great amount of detail of fact and arrangement. We would be glad to have our attention called to errors that they may be corrected in future editions. T. C. FRYE, GEO. B. R1GG. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ABBREVIATIONS 5 ENGLISH AND METRIC SCALES 6 KEY TO THE FAMILIES . . 7 GYMNOSPERMS 29 ANGIOSPERMS .... 34 Monocotyledons '34 Dicotyledons . . 7 GLOSSARY ... . 239 INDEX 249 ABBREVIATIONS C. = In the Cascade Mountains. E. = East of the Cascade Mountains. F. & R. = Frye & Rigg's Northwest Flora ; University Bookstore, Seattle. Gr. = Greek. Jap. = Japanese. L. = Latin, p. = page, pp. = pages. U. = Southwestern Oregon, and not otherwise west of the Cascade Mountains. W. = West of the Cascade Mountains. 10 CENTIMETER5 = I DECIMETER 2 ^t COMPARISON OF ENGLISH AND METRIC SCALES. CO = K 5 3^ 1, i UJ S tfi UJ r io j : ZE ^= w ? V * 1 o := M ^^^ FAMILY KEY A. GYMNOSPERMS (CONE BEARERS) Trees or shrubs, evergreen (except Larix), cone-bearers (except Taxus and Juniperus) ; leaves either needles or scales ; ovules not inclosed in an ovary. B. Fruit a red berry; leaves complanate, scattered, needle-like, flat, sharply acute or acuminate ; ovule i ; flowers dioecious, solitary, axillary. TAXACEAE (p. 29) BB. Fruit either a woody cone or a bluish berry ; leaves not agreeing with the above in all points ; ovules 2 to several on each scale ; flowers mostly monoecious, mostly several grouped together forming cones ; cones usually axillary. PINACEAE (p. 29) AA. ANGIOSPERMS (OVARY PLANTS) Trees or shrubs or herbs, mostly not evergreen ; inflorescence rarely conelike ; leaves rarely needles or scales ; ovules inclosed in an ovary. C. MONOCOTYLEDONS Herbs or one a vining shrub (Smilax), some leafless and floating ; leaves parallel-veined, or the chief veins from the base, or i-veined, or none ; flower parts in 3's, rarely in 4*3, never in 5*3 ; wood usually in bundles scattered throughout the stem; cotyledon i. D. Plants free-floating; body thalloid, without a distinct stem or leaf; roots unbranched or none. LEMNACEAE (p. 51) DD. Plants not free-floating, or if so having leaves ; leaves usually present ; stem present or the leaves tufted at base ; roots present, usually branched. E. Leaves narrow, linear or grasslike. GROUP i (p. 7) EE. Leaves none, or mere scales, or at least some of them too wide to be linear. GROUP 2 (p. 9) CC. DICOTYLEDONS Herbs or shrubs or trees, never leafless when floating; leaves netted-veined, or the chief veins from the base, or i-veined, or none; flower parts rarely in 3's, mostly in 4*3 or s's ; wood usually in a circle or in several concentric circles about a central pith; cotyledons 2. KEY TO THE DICOTYLEDONS (p. 10) GROUP 1 Monocotyledons with narrow leaves A. Plants growing in salt water near the low-tide line, submerged in the sea; leaves 3-20 dm. long, flat or folded lengthwise. NAIADACEAE (p. 34) AA. Plants not growing near the low-tide line of the sea, although sometimes growing along seashores ; leaves often not as above. B. Plants submerged in fresh or saline waters; leaves opposite or whorled, not over 5 mm. wide. C. Leaves toothed at margin, 0.4-2 mm. wide, 8-25 mm. long. Naias in NAIADACEAE (p. 34) 7 8 FAMILY KEY CC. Leaves entire. D. Leaves i mm. or less wide, 2-10 cm. long; stipules 2 cm. or less long. Zannichellia in NAIADACEAE (p. 34) DD. Leaves 2-4 mm. wide, 0.5-1 cm. long; stipules none. Philotria in HYDROCHARITACEAE (p. 36) BB. Either not water plants, or else the leaves alternate or all basal or none or rarely a few of the upper opposite; leaves often more than 5 mm. wide. E. Plants submerged or partly floating, but nothing other than the inflorescence rising out of the water. F. Plant stemless; leaves basal, terete, 1-45 mm. in diameter. Lilaea in NAIADACEAE (p. 34) FF. Plants with evident stem; leaves mostly flat, less than 1.5 mm. in diam- eter if terete. G. Leaves either with distinct dilated stipular sheath or with axillary stipules ; flowers greenish, 4 to many in an umbel-like or spikelike cluster. NAIADACEAE (p. 34) GG. Leaves with neither dilated sheath nor axillary stipules. H. Leaves equitant; flowers 10 or more in a head, monoecious, greenish or whitish. SPARGANIACEAE (p. 34) HH. Leaves not equitant; flowers 1-2 in a cluster, perfect, bright yellow. PONTEDERIACEAE (p. 51) EE. Plants not submerged nor floating, at least rising out of the water if growing in it. I. Flowers in a spadix; leaves resembling those of cat-tails. Acorus in ARACEAE (p. 51) n. Flowers not in a spadix; leaves often not as above. J. Flowers surrounded by chaffy bracts or bristles or fine hairs, and no other perianth present, or no perianth at all. K. Cat-tails; perianth of many fine hairs; flowers in a cylindric spikelike cluster 10 cm. or more long and 2-2.5 cm. in diameter. TYPHACEAE (p. 34) KK. Not cat-tails; perianth none, or of chaffy bracts, or of stiff usually serrate bristles, or of fine hairs (Eriophorum); flowers either not in spikes or the spikes smaller. L. Perianth of 1-3 chaffy bracts, or of hairs or bristles, or none at all; ovary i -celled, i -seeded; stems hollow or not so; flowers often in spike- lets. M. Flowers monoecious, each subtended by 3 chaffy bracts; fruits aggre- gated into spherical burlike heads; growing along borders of ponds in mud or shallow water. SPARGANIACEAE (p. 34) MM. Flowers mostly perfect, each subtended by 1-2 chaffy bracts; fruits rarely aggregated into spherical burlike heads; often growing on dry land. N. Leaves 2-ranked; margins of leaf sheath not united; stem hollow in nearly all species; fruit a grain. GRAMINACEAE (p. 36) NN. Leaves 3-ranked; margins of leaf sheath united; stem solid; fruit an akene. CYPERACEAE (p. 50) LL. Perianth of 6 similar chaffy bracts; ovary either 3-celled or i-celled with 3 parietal placentae, 3 to many seeded; stem not hollow; flowers not in spikelets. JUNCACEAE (p. 52) FAMILY KEY 9 JJ. Flowers with green or colored perianth which is not chaff nor hair-like nor bristle-like. O. Leaves without petiole, sheathing at base; sheath dilated and projecting as stipular points where it joins the blade; ovary superior; perianth small, green, not flower-like. JUNCAGINACEAE (p. 35) OO. Leaves often petioled, sometimes sheathing at base, but in such case the sheath not projecting as stipular points where it joins the blade ; ovary supe- rior or inferior; perianth often conspicuous and colored, flower-like even when greenish. P. Ovary superior; flowers regular. See MELANTHACEAE, LILIACEAE, and CONVALLARIACEAE (p. 52) PP. Ovary inferior; flowers regular or irregular. Q. Leaves equitant; flowers regular; stamens and style not coherent; anthers 3. IRIDACEAE (p. 65) QQ. Leaves not equitant; flowers irregular; stamens and style coherent; anthers 1-2. ORCHIDACEAE (p. 66) GROUP 2 Monocotyledons with wide leaves A. Plant with a skunk-like odor ; leaves 3-10 dm. long, oval : flowers forming a fleshy cone (spadix) 5-15 cm. long, surrounded by a bright yellow leaf (spathe). Lysichiton in ARACEAE (p. 51) AA. Plant without skunk-like odor; leaves either not oval or smaller; inflorescence not as above. B. Leaves more than 2, all basal, ovate or oval to triangular-sagittate ; petioles rather long; growing in mud or water along ponds. ALISMACEAE (p. 35) BB. Leaves not as above in all points. C. Plant submerged, although sometimes with floating leaves; flowers in spikes, inconspicuous. Potamogeton in NAIADACEAE (p. 34) CC. Plant not submerged, although occasionally growing in wet places; flowers sometimes in spikes, mostly conspicuous. D. Perianth regular ; ovary superior except in IRIDACEAE. E. Flowers enveloped by chaffy bracts and without other perianth; bracts of the perianth green or brown, less than i cm. long ; plants rushlike or grasslike. JUNCACEAE (p. 52) EE. Flowers with white or colored corolla or perianth ; perianth not chaffy, mostly more than i cm. long; plants mostly not rushlike but often grass- like. F. Ovary superior; leaves mostly not equitant; either stamens 4 or 6, or else 3 and also 3 staminodia. G. Herbs, without tendrils. See MELANTHACEAE, LILIACEAE, and CONVALLARIACEAE (p. 52) GG. Climbing shrubs, with stipular tendrils. SMILACEAE (p. 64) FF. Ovary inferior; leaves equitant; stamens 3; staminodia none. IRIDACEAE (p. 65) DD. Perianth irregular; ovary inferior. ORCHIDACEAE (p. 66) 10 FAMILY KEY KEY TO THE DICOTYLEDONS A. Trees or shrubs (including woody vines). B. Leaves opposite. GROUP 3 (p. n) BB. Leaves alternate. C. Trees. GROUP 4 (p. 13) CC. Shrubs. D. Leaves compound. GROUP 5 (p. 14) DD. Leaves simple. E. Branches with spines or prickles; leaves not evergreen. GROUP 6 (p. 14) EE. Branches without spines or prickles. F. Leaves evergreen. GROUP 7 (p. 15) FF. Leaves deciduous. GROUP 8 (p. 16) AA. Herbs. G. Stems 12 mm. or more thick, very fleshy; leaves represented by conspicuous spines. CACTACEAE (p. 155) GG. Stems either not so thick or else not fleshy; leaves not mere spines in case the stem is fleshy. H. Leaves opposite or whorled. I. Leaves compound. GROUP 9 (p. 17) II. Leaves simple. J. Plant prostrate, matted, very prickly; leaves awl-shaped, 6-10 mm. long, prickle-pointed, very dense; on sand near the seashore. ILLECEBRACEAE (p. 94) JJ. Not as above in all points. K. Plant parasitic on the branches of trees; leaves mere scales or normal, thick, mostly olive or whitish green. LORANTHACEAE (p. 78) KK. Plants not parasitic on the branches of trees; leaves various, usually normal. L. Plant densely hoary with stellate hairs, straight hairs also present; leaves ovate, entire, obtuse, at base cuneate or rounded, 1-5 cm. long. Piscaria in EUPHORBIACEAE (p. 145) LL. Plant not hoary with stellate pubescence; leaves mostly not fitting the above. M. Leaves in whorls of 3 or more, the whorls scattered along elongated stems. GROUP 10 (p. 18) MM. Leaves opposite or merely in a basal or a terminal whorl. N. Plants submerged or in water or in very wet places; leaves 2 cm. or less long, entire; submerged leaves lanceolate or' narrower; floating or emersed leaves linear to obovate; plant chickweed-like in appear- ance, slender, 5-45 cm. high or long; ovary 4-celled; styles 2. CALLITRICHACEAE (p. 146) NN. Plants not as above in all the vegetative characters. O. Stems prickly; flowers in heads; leaves 10-15 cm - long, lanceolate, sessile; flower parts in 4's. DIPSACACEAE (p. 215) OO. Either stems not prickly or flowers not in heads. P. Twining vines with palmately veined and lobed leaves. Eumtdus in MORACEAE (p. 76) PP. Not vines, or if so leaves not as above. FAMILY KEY II Q. Corolla none or of separate petals. R. Ovary and fruit superior. GROUP n (p. 18) RR. Ovary and fruit inferior. GROUP 12 (p. 20) QQ. Corolla of united petals. S. Plants with milky juice. T. Ovaries distinct but their styles and stigmas united, carpels later separating into 2 distinct fruits; stamens mostly monadel- phous; pollen united into waxy masses. ASCLEPIADACEAE (p. 181) TT. Carpels quite distinct even in flowering; stamens distinct; pollen of simple grains. APOCYNACEAE (p. 181) SS. Plants without milky juice. GROUP 13 (p. 20) HH. Leaves alternate or all basal. U: Leaves compound. GROUP 14 (p. 21) UU. Leaves simple. V. Plants without green color; either white or yellow or red or brown. GROUP 15 (p. 23) VV. Plants with green color, although also often with other colors present. W. Petals none, but calyx often petal-like. GROUP 16 (p. 23) WW. Petals present, distinct to base. X. Stamens many, at least more than 10 and twice as many as petals. GROUP 17 (p. 25) XX. Stamens 10 or fewer, or if more not exceeding twice the number of petals. GROUP 18 (p. 26) WWW. Petals present, more or less united. GROUP 19 (p. 27) GROUP 3 Trees and shrubs with opposite leaves A. Leaves compound. B. Plants vinelike, climbing by their petioles; fruit a head of akenes with plumose tails. Clematis in RANUNCULACEAE (p. 95) BB. Plants not vinelike, not at all climbing; fruit not as above. C. Leaflets entire or very nearly so; fruit i-winged. OLEACEAE (p. 178) CC. Leaflets serrate or toothed; fruit either 2-winged or a berry. D. Leaflets serrate with close regular equal projections; fruit a berry, not winged. Sambucus in CAPRIFOLIACEAE (p. 212) DD. Leaflets toothed or lobed with irregular unequal projections; fruit dry, 2-winged. ACERACEAE (p. 148) AA. Leaves simple. E. Leaves palmately veined, or with 3 or more large veins from the base. F. Vines, climbing by tendrils. VITACEAE (p. 150) FF. Not vines, erect or spreading. G. Leaves palmately lobed. H. Fruit a red drupe, not winged; flowers in cymes ; shrubs 6-30 dm. high. Viburnum in CAPRIFOLIACEAE (p. 212) HH. Fruit dry, 2-winged; flowers in racemes or fascicles; shrubs or trees. ACERACEAE (p. 148) GG. Leaves not palmately lobed, although sometimes coarsely dentate. I. Leaves acute; stipules none; petals distinct to base; fruit a capsule. HYDRANGEACEAE (p. 123) 12 FAMILY KEY II. Leaves rounded at both ends; stipules present; petals united at base; fruit a drupe. Viburnum in CAPRIFOLIACEAE (p. 212) EE. Leaves pinnately veined, with only i large vein from the base. J. Plants parasitic on trees; leaves entire, often scalelike. LORANTHACEAE (p. 78) JJ. Plants not parasitic; leaves entire or not entire, usually not scalelike. K. Leaves densely scurfy at least beneath. ELEAGNACEAE (p. 156) KK. Leaves not scurfy. L. Plants hoary, 3-6 dm. high, erect; bark ashy-gray, shreddy; leaves 2.5 cm. or less long, entire, obtuse or retuse, spatulate to obovate. Ramona in MENTHACEAE (p. 194) LL. Plants not hoary, often taller or vinelike; bark not as above; leaves various. M. Leaves scalelike, 2-4 mm. long; plants 3 dm. or less high, erect or ascending. Cassiope in ERICACEAE (p. 171) MM. Leaves not scalelike, mostly longer; plants various. N. Small creeping vine with mint odor. Micromeria in MENTHACEAE (p. 194) NN. Either not a vine or one without mint odor. O. Vines, twining or merely creeping. CAPRIFOLIACEAE (p. 212) OO. Not vines, erect or decumbent. P. Petals united; leaves entire or coarsely lobed. Q. Plants of peat bogs; leaf margin re volute; ovary superior; fruit dry. Kalmia in ERICACEAE (p. 171) OQ- Not plants of peat bogs; leaf margin plane. R. Ovary inferior; stamens all anther-bearing, as many as the corolla lobes; either fruit berry-like or plant creeping. CAPRIFOLIACEAE (p. 212) RR. Ovary superior; anther-bearing stamens i fewer than the corolla lobes, antherless stamen i; fruit dry; plant not creeping. SCROPHULARIACEAE (p. 198) PP. Petals distinct; leaves entire or serrulate or spinose-toothed. S. Twigs conspicuously 4-angled. T. Leaves entire, evergreen, obtuse or acutish. Garry a in CORN ACE AE (p. 168) TT. Leaves serrulate, deciduous, acuminate. Euonymus in CELASTRACEAE (p. 147) SS. Twigs not 4-angled. U. Leaves 3 cm. or more long, entire; stipules minute. CORN ACE AE (p. 1 68) UU. Leaves 3 cm. or less long, serrulate at least above the middle or spine-toothed or rarely quite entire; stipules either none, or large and warty. V. .Leaves serrulate above the middle, without conspicuous divergent parallel veins; flower parts in 4*5; ovary 2-celled. Pachistima in CELASTRACEAE (p. 147) W. Leaves either entire or spine-toothed near the apex, with nu- merous conspicuous straight parallel veins diverging from the mid- vein; flower parts in s's; ovary 3-celled. Ceanothus in RHAMNACEAE (p. 149) FAMILY KEY GROUP 4 Trees with alternate leaves A. Leaves compound. Sorbus in MALACEAE (p. 132) AA. Leaves simple. B. Leaves coriaceous, evergreen. C. Bark conspicuously reddish, peeling off in great patches; leaves oval or ellip- tical, 7-15 cm. long; fruit a red berry. Arbutus in ERICACEAE (p. 171) CC. Bark not conspicuously reddish, not conspicuously peeling off; leaves vari- ous. D. Leaves oblanceolate, 5-10 cm. long, 12-25 mm. wide, either entire or serrate near the tip. MYRICACEAE (p. 73) DD. Leaves not oblanceolate, often not as above in size or margin. E. Leaves either cuneate-obovate, or else lanceolate and only 1-2.5 cm. long; fruit akenes, with hairy tails 5-15 cm. long. Cercocarpus in ROSACE AE (p. 125) EE. Leaves not cuneate-obovate, not lanceolate unless more than 2.5 cm. long; fruit not akenes, not tailed. F. Leaves lanceolate, acute, entire, glabrous on both sides, not scurfy; fruit a drupe about 2 cm. long. LAURACEAE (p. 104) FF. Leaves either not lanceolate or scurfy beneath if so; fruit dry, a nut (acorn) in a cup, or else several nuts in a long prickly involucral cover. FAGACEAE (p. 75) BB. Leaves mostly herbaceous, deciduous. G. Bark plainly splitting around the trunk rather than longitudinally. H. Flowers in aments or conelike clusters, sessile; fruits grouped into a dry conelike mass; terminal winter buds none. BETULACEAE (p. 73) HH. Flowers in racemes or umbels, pedicelled; fruits separate, flesh>, drupes; terminal winter buds present. AMYGDALACEAE (p. 134) GG. Bark splitting longitudinally. I. Staminate flowers in aments and sometimes the pistillate flowers also. J. Fruit an aggregate berry, blackberry-like. Morus in MORACEAE (p. 76) JJ. Fruit dry, nutlike or conelike. K. Fruit a cup containing an acorn; leaves often deeply lobed or cleft; primary lateral veins extending into the teeth; winter buds with more than 2 scales; terminal winter buds present. FAGACEAE (p. 75) KK. Fruits in a conelike or ament-like cluster; leaves in most species shallowly if at all lobed; bud scales i to many; terminal winter buds present or none. L. Primary lateral leaf veins extending into the teeth or lobes; seed a winged nutlet; calyx present; bracts thick in fruit. BETULACEAE (p. 73) LL. Primary lateral leaf veins arching and uniting within the margins; seed hairy; calyx none; bracts thin in fruit. SALICACEAE (p. 70) n. Flowers not in aments. M. Leaves ovate, somewhat falcate, distinctly oblique at base, coarsely ser- rate, 3-veined from the base. Celtis in ULMACEAE (p. 76) MM. Leaves not as above in all the characters mentioned. N. Fruit dry, wing-margined. Ulmus in ULMACEAE (p. 76) NN. Fruit fleshy, not even angular. O. Petals 6 mm. or more long; stamens many; leaves usually distinctly serrate; winter buds covered with scales. MALACEAE (p. 132) I4 FAMILY KEY OO. Petals 5 mm. or less long; stamens 5; leaves entire or finely serrate; winter buds naked; taste of the bark characteristic. Rhamnus in RHAMNACEAE (p. 149) GROUP 5 Shrubs with alternate compound leaves A. Leaves evergreen, coriaceous, spine-toothed at margin, bunched at the stem tips; stems not prickly. Berberis in BERBERIDACEAE (p. 103) AA. Leaves deciduous or evergreen; the evergreen plants with leaves scattered along prickly stems and without spine-toothed leaf margins. B. Twigs dark-green, sharply 4-angled, very long; leaflets 3, 2.5 cm. or less long, leaves not abundant; fruit a beanlike pod. Cytisus in LEGUMINACEAE (p. 135) BB. Twigs not dark-green, not angled; leaves and leaflets various; fruit not bean- like. C. Either vines or else plants, with prickly stems. ROSACEAE (p. 125) CC. Not vines; stems not prickly. D. Leaflets 7-31; fruit red. E. Leaflets 13-31, acuminate; stem simple or very little branched; inflores- cence conical, hairy; fruit with red hairs. ANACARDIACEAE (p. 147) EE. Leaflets 7-17, acute to obtuse; stem considerably branched; inflorescence flat-topped, glabrous; fruit red, glabrous. Sorbus in MALACEAE (p. 132) DD. Leaflets 3-7; fruit red or some other color. F. Leaflets subulate to linear, sharp-pointed. POLEMONIACEAE (p. 183) FF. Leaflets not subulate nor sharp-pointed. G. Leaflets 0.4-2.5 cm. long; either the plant silky -villous or the leaflets cuneiform. ROSACEAE (p. 125) GG. Leaflets 2.5-7.5 cm. long; plant glabrous; leaflets not cuneiform. ANACARDIACEAE (p. 147) GROUP 6 Shrubs with alternate simple deciduous leaves and spiny or prickly branches A. Leaves palmately veined. B. Twigs 12-25 mm. thick; leaves 15-40 cm. wide; inflorescence terminal, con- ical, of very many flowers. Echinopanax in ARALIACEAE (p. 162) BB. Twigs 6 mm. or less thick; leaves 7 cm. or less wide; inflorescence lateral and few-flowered, or flowers solitary in the leaf axils. C. Plant prostrate, creeping. Rubus in ROSACEAE (p. 125) CC. Plant erect or spreading. GROSSULARIACEAE (p. 124) AA. Leaves pinnately veined or i -veined. D. Spines few, very stout, 1.5-5 cm. long; leaves serrate, ovate to obovate, 2.5-7.5 cm. long. Crataegus in MALACEAE (p. 132) D D . Spines more slender, often shorter ; leaves entire, usually narrower and shorter. E. Leaves 8-12 mm. long; petals white. Forsellesia in CELASTRACEAE (p. 147) EE. Leaves 12-37 nun. long; petals yellow or none. F. Flowers in heads; at least the young parts of the plant white- woolly; petals yellow. Tetradymia in COMPOSITACEAE (p. 218) FF. Flowers not in heads; young parts of the plant often mealy or pubescent but rarely white- woolly; petals yellow or none. FAMILY KEY 15 G. Petals yellow, 10-15 mm. long; leaves sometimes lanceolate, mostly acicular and about 12 mm. long. Ulex in LEGUMINACEAE (p. 135) GG. Petals none; leaves linear to obovate, 12-37 mm. long. CHENOPODIACEAE (p. 83) GROUP 7 Shrubs with alternate simple evergreen leaves and without spines or prickles on the branches A. Staminate flowers in aments; fruits in an ament-like cluster, or composed of a nut (acorn) in an involucral cup, or composed of 1-3 nuts in a very spiny involucral covering. B. Leaves oblanceolate, mostly serrate near the tip, not scurfy beneath; fruits in an ament-like cluster. MYRICACEAE (p. 73) BB. Leaves either not oblanceolate, or else scurfy beneath and the margin entire. FAGACEAE (p. 75) AA. Flowers not in aments; fruit not as above. C. Petals none or distinct to the base. D. Sepals 3 or 6; petals 3 or none; leaves with only i chief vein from the base. E. Leaves not aromatic, linear-oblong, crowded, obtuse, 4-8 mm. long, revolute at margin; stamens 2-4; ovaries 2 to several; drupe 4-6 mm. long; plant 1-4.5 dm. high. EMPETRACEAE (p. 146) EE. Leaves very aromatic, lanceolate-oblong, acute, rounded to acute at base, 5-10 cm. long, not revolute at margin; stamens 9; ovary i; drupe 20-25 mm. long; plant 3-21 m. high. LAURACEAE (p. 104) DD. Sepals 4-5; petals 4-5 or none. F. Petals none; stamens 15-25; fruit an akene, with a hairy tail 5-10 cm. long. Cercocarpus in ROSACEAE (p. 125) FF. Petals present; stamens 10 or fewer; fruit either fleshy or a capsule, not tailed. G. Leaves either densely woolly beneath, or with red hairs on the petiole and the veins beneath. Ledum in ERICACEAE (p. 171) GG. Leaves not woolly beneath, glabrous or nearly so. H. Shrub 7.5-30 cm. high; leaves sharply serrate; stamens 10; ovary 5-celled. Chimaphila in PYROLACEAE (p. 169) HH. Shrub taller; leaves entire or serrulate; stamens 4-5; ovary 2-4- celled. RHAMNACEAE (p. 149) CC. Petals and sepals both present; petals more or less united into i piece. I. Ovary inferior; leaves oval to ovate, 2.5 cm. or less long, not densely crowded. VACCINIACEAE (p. 174) n. Ovary superior; leaves often not agreeing with the above. J. Leaves lanceolate, 7.5-15 cm. long; corolla purple, 1013 mm. long, tubular or funnelform. Eriodictyon in HYDROPHYLLACEAE (p. 185) JJ. Leaves either not lanceolate or else smaller; corolla not as above in all points. ERICACEAE (p. 171) 16 FAMILY KEY GROUP 8 Shrubs with alternate simple deciduous leaves and without spines or prickles on the branches A. Leaves pinnately or palmately 3-g-parted or -divided; leaf segments subulate or linear, sharp-pointed, 8-20 mm. long. POLEMONIACEAE (p. 183) AA. Leaves not as above in all points. B. Staminate and sometimes also the pistillate flowers in aments. C. Ovary superior; pistillate flowers also in aments; flowers monoecious or dioe- cious. D. Calyx none; bracts thin in fruit; seed not winged. E. Bracts scaly; fruit a i-seeded nutlet, wax-coated or drupelike; seed not hairy; winter buds with many scales. MYRICACEAE (p. 73) EE. Bracts herbaceous; fruit a many-seeded capsule, neither wax-coated nor drupelike; seed hairy; winter buds with only i scale. SALICACEAE (p. 70) DD. Calyx present; bracts thick hi fruit; seed a winged nutlet. BETULACEAE (p. 73) CC. Ovary inferior; pistillate flowers few or solitary, not in aments; flowers monoecious. F. Nut in a spineless and either foliaceous or tubular involucre; anther cells separate; leaves velvety to the touch. Corylus in BETULACEAE (p. 73) FF. Nut either in a spiny or in a cuplike involucre; anthers 2-celled; leaves not velvety to the touch. FAGACEAE (p. 75) BB. Flowers in heads. COMPOSITACEAE (p. 218) BBB. Flowers neither in aments nor in heads, though sometimes in dense spikes. G. Leaves palmately veined or 3-veined from the base. H. Leaves more or less lobed. I. Pistils more than i; fruit either dry or else an aggregate composed of the ripened ovaries. ROSACEAE (p. 125) n. Pistil only i ; fruit a berry composed of the single ripened ovary. GROSSULARIACEAE (p. 124) HH. Leaves not at all lobed. J. Leaves somewhat falcate, very unequal at base, sharply serrate, acute or acuminate. ULMACEAE (p. 76) JJ. Leaves not falcate, equal at base, often with margin and apex not as above. RHAMNACEAE (p. 149) GG. Leaves i -veined, or pinnately veined with only i chief vein from the base. K. Petals none; leaves entire. L. Stipules present; plant not mealy; sepals petal-like or scarious or scale- like. POLYGONACEAE (p 79) LL. Stipules none; young parts of the plant often mealy; sepals herbaceous. CHENOPODIACEAE (p. 83) KK. Petals present; leaves entire or not. M. Ovary superior. N. Petals distinct to base. O. Stamens many, 25 or more; pistils often more than i. P. Fruit i or more dry pods or akenes. ROSACEAE (p. 125) PP. Fruit 1-5 fleshy drupes. AMYGDALACEAE (p. 134) FAMILY KEY 17 OO. Stamens 4-10; pistil only i. Q. Flowers solitary, terminal or in the axils, red; stamens 10; leaves lanceolate, petiole and the veins beneath red-hairy. Cladothamnus in ERICACEAE (p. 171) QQ. Flowers in clusters, white or blue; stamens 4-5; leaves not as above. RHAMNACEAE (p. 149) NN. Petals more or less united into i piece. R. Ovary and fruit 2-celled; corolla rotate; fruit a red or blue berry. Solanum in SOLAN ACE AE (p. 197) RR. Ovary and fruit 3-5-celled; corolla campanulate to urn-shaped, or when rotate the fruit dry. ERICACEAE (p. 171) MM. Ovary inferior. S. Petals distinct; twigs not 4-angled nor conspicuously green; stamens 20. MALACEAE (p. 132) SS. Petals more or less united into i piece; twigs somewhat 4-angled and dark-green; stamens 10 or fewer. VACCINIACEAE (p. 174) GROUP 9 Dicotyledonous herbs with compound leaves either opposite or in whorls A. Plants submerged or floating; leaves dissected into capillary or very narrow seg- ments. B. Leaves 5-12 in a whorl; leaf segments often with some teeth and thus stag- horn-like. CERATOPHYLLACEAE (p. 95) BB. Leaves alternate or opposite or not over 4 in a whorl; leaf segments without teeth, not stag-horn-like. C. Leaf segments all pinnately arranged on the leaf axis; leaves without bladders. Myriophyllum in HALORAGIDACEAE (p. 162) CC. Leaves repeatedly dichotomous; leaf segments not pinnately arranged on the leaf axis; leaves often with bladders. Utricidaria in PINGUICULACEAE (p. 210) AA. Plants either not growing in water, or else their leaves divided into wider seg- ments or leaflets. D. Petals distinct. E. Pistils several, in fruit each with a plumose tail 2.5-5 cm. long; leaflets not terete; plants often somewhat vining. Clematis in RANUNCULACEAE (p. 95) EE. Pistils 1-2, without plumose tail even in fruit. F. Leaves sessile, divided into terete fleshy segments from the base, thus ap- pearing to be whorled; carpels 5, united; ovary superior, i -celled; sepals 4-6 mm. long. Spergula in CARYOPHYLLACEAE (p. 90) FF. Leaves evidently not whorled; leaf segments not terete; carpels 2, loosely connected, each i-celled; ovary inferior; sepals less than 4 mm. long. UMBELLACEAE (p. 163) FFF. Leaves pinnately compound, not whorled; leaf segments not terete; carpels 5, united, each i-celled; ovary superior; sepals 2-8 mm. long. Erodium in GERANIACEAE (p. 143) DD. Petals united at least at the base. G. Ovary superior or mainly so. H. Leaves whorled. Pedicularis in SCROPHULARIACEAE (p. 198) HH. Leaves opposite. F. & R. EL. FL. 2 1 8 FAMILY KEY I. Style i, 3-lobed at apex; capsule 3-valved, 3-celled; placentae usually axial. POLEMONIACEAE (p. 183) II. Styles 2, often more or less united at base, sometimes united nearly to apex; capsule 2-valved, i-celled; placentae 2, parietal. Nemophila in HYDROPHYLLACEAE (p. 185) GG. Ovary inferior or mainly so. J. Flowers in terminal cymes; stamens 3; leaves 3-5-foliolate. Valeriana in VALERIANACEAE (p. 214) JJ. Flowers in heads; stamens 4-5; leaves various. COMPOSITACEAE (p. 218) GROUP 10 Dicotyledonous herbs with simple leaves in whorls of 3 or more scattered along the stem A. Stem square; leaves 4-8 in a whorl; fruit very deeply 2-lobed or separating into 2 distinct carpels. Galium in RUBIACEAE (p. 211) AA. Either the stem terete or else the leaves in whorls of 2-3; fruit not deeply lobed, not separating into distinct carpels. B. Plants growing in water; stem simple; stamen i. Hippuris in HALORAGIDACEAE (p. 162) BB. Plants of ordinary dry soil; stem normally not simple; stamens 2-10 (in Euphorbia only i). C. Leaves terete, 8-16 in a whorl; styles 5. Spergula in CARYOPHYLLACEAE (p. 90) CC. Leaves flat, 2-6 in a whorl; styles i or 3. D. Leaves 4-6 in a whorl, 2.5 cm. or less long, spatulate or oblanceolate; stems prostrate; styles 3. AIZOACEAE (p. 86) DD. Leaves 2-4 in a whorl, often longer, blade often widest below its middle; stems not prostrate (except sometimes in Euphorbia). E. Sepals 2-3, distinct; petals 4 or 6, distinct. Platystigma in PAPAVERACEAE (p. 104) EE. Sepals either none or 4-8 and all somewhat united into i piece; petals none or united into i piece. F. Corolla present; stamens 4-8. G. Leaves in several whorls along an elongated stem. SCROPHULARIACEAE (p. 198) GG. Leaves either not in whorls or the whorls merely basal or terminal. PRIMULACEAE (p. 175) FF. Corolla none; stamens i or 2 or 3 or 9. H. Calyx present; stamens more than i; fruit an akene, 3-angled. POLYGONACEAE (p. 79) HH. Calyx none; stamen i; fruit a capsule, 3-celled, terete or nearly so. Euphorbia in EUPHORBIACEAE (p. 145) GROUP 11 Apetalous or polypetalous dicotyledonous herbs with opposite simple leaves and superior ovary A. Petals none. B. Leaves 2-3-pinnatifid; leaf segments linear to lanceolate; pistils more than i; fruit akenes with plumose tails 2.5-3.7 cm. long. Clematis in RANUNCULACEAE (p. 95) FAMILY KEY 19 BB. Leaves not dissected; pistil i; fruit without plumose tail. C. Plants with milky juice. Euphorbia in EUPHORBIACEAE (p. 145) CC. Plants without milky juice. D. Plants with stinging hairs; stems mostly simple, erect, 4-angled, 6-21 dm. high. Urtica in URTICACEAE (p. 76) DD. Plants without stinging hairs; stems not as above in all points. E. Seeds several to many. F. Sepals 5; leaves entire or nearly so, ovate or narrower; styles or sessile stigmas 2-5. CARYOPHYLLACEAE (p. 89) FF. Sepals 4; leaves crenate to pinnatifid, often reniform to orbicular; styles and stigmas 12. G. Stamens 2 or 4; style i ; leaves not wedge-shaped at base. Synthyris in SCROPHULARIACEAE (p. 198) GG. Stamens 8; styles 2; leaves wedge-shaped at base. Chrysosplenium in SAXIFRAGACEAE (p. 118) EE. Seed i. H. Lower leaves 2-lobed, the upper entire; stem weak and slender; styles and stigmas 3. Pterostegia in POLYGONACEAE (p. 79) HH. None of the leaves 2-lobed; stem stiff or fleshy; styles or stigmas 2. CHENOPODIACEAE (p. 83) AA. Petals present. I. Sepals 2; plants without milk juice. PORTULACACEAE (p. 86) II. Sepals or calyx segments more than 2, or else plants with milky juice. J. Leaves very fleshy, thick. K. Stipules none; leaves terete or flattish; carpels distinct at least above, thus making the ovary 3-s-lobed. CRASSULACEAE (p. 117) KK. Stipules scarious; leaves terete; carpels united to the tip and thus the ovary not lobed. Tissa in CARYOPHYLLACEAE (p. 94) JJ. Leaves not fleshy, thin or coriaceous. L. Leaves entire. M. Leaves obovate, scattered along an elongated prostrate or floating stem; sepals and stamens 2-4. Elatine in ELATINACEAE (p. 152) MM. Leaves not obovate; stems often not as above; sepals and stamens usually more numerous. N. Leaves all basal; ovary i -celled; placentae 3-4, parietal; sepals and petals and stamens 5 each. Parnassia in SAXIFRAGACEAE (p. 118) NN. Leaves not all basal; ovary i-i8-celled; placentae axial or parietal; sepals and petals and stamens not always 5 each. O. Sepals 2-3; ovary 3-i8-celled; placentae parietal. PAPAVERACEAE (p. 104) OO. Sepals 4-6; ovary i-io-celled; placentae axial. P. Leaves punctate with immersed pellucid resinous glands, often with small black spots; petals yellow, often black-spotted; stamens in 3 sets in all but i species. HYPERICACEAE (p. 152) PP. Leaves not punctate, not black-spotted; petals not yellow (ex- cept in i species of Linum), not black-spotted; stamens not in sets. Q. Stem 4-angled. LYTHRACEAE (p. 156) QQ. Stem terete. 20 FAMILY KEY R. Leaves all opposite; ovary and capsule i -celled; seed not oily. CARYOPHYLLACEAE (p 89) RR. Some of the leaves alternate; ovary and capsule 2-io-celled; seed oily. LINACEAE (p. 144) LL. Leaves not entire. S. Leaves evergreen, coriaceous, ovate to orbicular; flower i, on a scape at the summit of the simple stem. Moneses in PYROLACEAE (p. 169) SS. Leaves deciduous, herbaceous, narrowed; flowers mostly more than i; stem usually branched. T. Stipules present; plant glandular- pubescent ; leaves oblanceolate. Bergia in ELATINACEAE (p. 152) TT. Stipules none; plant not glandular; leaves lanceolate to spatulate. LINACEAE (p. 144) GROUP 12 Apetalous or polypetalous dicotyledonous herbs with opposite simple leaves and inferior ovary A. Flowers in heads; heads subtended by a white involucre; involucre bracts 4-6, 6-17 mm. long; fruit a red berry. Cornus in CORNACEAE (p. 168) AA. Either flowers not in heads or else involucre not white when present; fruit not a berry, not red. B. Flowers in umbels or heads. UMBELLACEAE (p. 163) BB. Flowers neither in umbels nor heads. C. Flowers in terminal or axillary involucrate clusters. NYCTAGINACEAE (p. 85) CC. Flowers either not in clusters, or the clusters without involucre. D. Leaves entire. E. Leaves ovate to reniform, all basal, with 3-7 large veins from the base; marsh plants. Parnassia in SAXIFRAGACEAE (p. 118) EE. Leaves narrower, not all basal, with only i large vein from the base; habitat various. F. Stem 4~5-angled; leaves linear to linear-oblong; calyx tube less than i cm. long. LYTHRACEAE (p. 156) FF. Stem terete; either the leaves wider than in F or the calyx tube more than i cm. long. ONAGRACEAE (p. 156) DD. Leaves not entire. G. Leaves roundish, abruptly cuneate at base, crenate above; petals none; stems repeatedly forked; flowers mostly solitary in the upper forks of the stem. Chrysosplenium in SAXIFRAGACEAE (p. 118) GG. Leaves not fitting the above; petals 2-4; stems simple or pinnately branched; flowers in panicles or racemes. ONAGRACEAE (p. 156) GROUP 13 Dicotyledonous herbs with opposite simple leaves and sympetalous corolla A. Ovary superior or mainly so. B. Corolla regular or nearly so. C. Leaves markedly thick and fleshy; stamens more numerous than the lobes of the corolla; pistils several, simple. CRASSULACEAE (p. 117) FAMILY KEY 21 CC. Leaves not markedly thick and fleshy; stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla or fewer; pistil i and compound (except possibly in BORAGINACEAE). D. Ovary deeply 4-lobed, forming 4 separate or separable nutlets. BORAGINACEAE (p. 187) DD. Ovary deeply 2-lobed, separating or separable into 2 fleshy or dry fruits. RUBIACEAE (p. 2Il) DDD. Ovary not deeply lobed, neither separating nor separable into nutlets. E. Leaves evergreen, coriaceous; flowers terminal, solitary, or in a raceme or cyme or umbel; ovary and capsule 4-s-celled. PYROLACEAE (p. 169) EE. Leaves mostly not evergreen, not coriaceous; flowers not terminal when the leaves are evergreen. F. Style i ; stigmas 3; capsules-celled. POLEMONIACEAE (p. 183) FF. Styles 1-2; stigmas as many as the styles; capsule i-2-celled. G. Leaves entire. H. Stamens often fewer than the corolla lobes; ovary either 2-celled or else i-celled with parietal placentae. SCROPHULARIACEAE (p. 198) HH. Stamens as many as the corolla lobes; ovary i-celled; placenta central. I. Stamens alternate with the corolla lobes; plant without potato-like base. GENTIANACEAE (p. 178) II. Stamens opposite the corolla lobes; plant from small potato-like base. Trientalis in PRIMULACEAE (p. 175) GG. Leaves not entire. J. Ovary and capsule i -celled; stamens 5; leaves deeply pinnate-seg- mented. Nemophila in HYDROPHYLLACEAE (p. 185) JJ. Ovary and capsule 2-celled; stamens 2-5; leaves various. SCROPHULARIACEAE (p. 198) BB. Corolla irregular. K. Leaves all in a basal whorl. PINGUICULACEAE (p. 210) KK. Leaves not all in a basal whorl. L. Ovary 2-celled, many-seeded. SCROPHULARIACEAE (p. 198) LL. Ovary 4-celled, 4-seeded. M. Ovary deeply 4-lobed or -parted; flowers i to many in the leaf axils, or in terminal heads or spikes or racemes or panicles. MENTHACEAE (p. 192) MM. Ovary 4-celled, terete or nearly so; flowers in terminal solitary or clustered spikes. VERBENACEAE (p. 192) AA. Ovary inferior or mainly so. N. Vinelike, prostrate, evergreen; peduncles 2-flowered. Linnaea in CAPRIFOLIACEAE (p. 212) NN. Not vinelike, not prostrate, mostly not evergreen; peduncles not 2-flowered. O. Stamens 3, distinct; flowers in most species not in heads; calyx 4-toothed or -lobed, not a pappus. VALERIAN ACE AE (p. 214) OO. Stamens 4-5, their anthers united ; flowers in heads ; calyx in most species a pappus. COMPOSITACEAE (p. 2l8) GROUP 14 Dicotyledonous herbs with alternate com- pound leaves A. Plants submerged or floating ; leaves dissected into narrowly linear or filiform segments or leaflets. 22 FAMILY KEY B. Leaves often with air bladders; corolla 2-lipped; pistil i. Utrkularia in PINGUICULACEAE (p. 210) BB. Leaves without bladders; corolla of 5 similar separate petals; pistils several. RANUNCULACEAE (p. 95) AA. Plants mostly of drier habitat; leaves with wider segments or leaflets. C. Petals none or distinct to base. D. Ovary superior. E. Flowers regular. F. Pistils more than i. G. Stamens on the calyx though often near its base; stipules usually present. ROSACEAE (p. 125) GG. Stamens on the receptacle; stipules none. RANUNCULACEAE (p. 95) FF. Pistil i. H. Leaves ternately or palmately compound. I. Leaflets or leaf segments 3-5. J. Styles 2; stamens 5 or 10. SAXIFRAGACEAE (p. 118) JJ. Style i; stamens neither exactly 5 nor 10. CAP? ARID ACE AE (p. 1 1 6) II. Leaflets or leaf segments more than 10. K. Flowers white; sepals 4-6. Eschscholtzia in PAPAVERACEAE (p. 104) KK. Flowers yellow; sepals 2. RANUNCULACEAE (p. 95) HH. Leaves pinnately compound. L. Plants with mustard or turnip taste; stamens usually 6, tetradynamous. CRUCIFERACEAE (p. 106) LL. Plants without mustard or turnip taste; stamens very rarely 6, not tetradynamous. M. Flowers in spikes or racemes; stigma i; ovary simple; plants of mead- ows. ROSACEAE (p. 125) MM. Flowers solitary in the leaf axils; stigmas 2-5; ovary compound; plants of wet places. LIMNANTHACEAE (p. 146) EE. Flowers irregular. N. Stamens 5 or 10; pistil i. LEGUMINACEAE (p. 135) NN. Stamens 12 to many; pistils very rarely only i. O. Sepals 4; plants glandular-pubescent. CAPPARIDACEAE (p. 116) OO. Sepals 5 ; plants not glandular. RANUNCULACEAE (p. 95) DD. Ovary inferior. P. Flowers in compound umbels; ovary 2-celled or the 2 carpels almost separate ; fruit dry. UMBELLACEAE (p. 163) PP. Flowers in umbels; umbels in simple or compound panicles; ovary 2-5- celled; fruit fleshy. Aralia in ARALIACEAE (p. 162) CC. Petals more or less united, but sometimes only at their very base. Q. Corolla irregular. R. Sepals 4-5, more or less united; petals 5; stamens 5 or 9 or 10; pistil simple; stipules present. LEGUMINACEAE (p. 135) RR. Sepals 2, separate; petals 4; stamens 6; pistil compound; stipules none. FUMARIACEAE (p. IOS) Q. Corolla regular or very nearly so or none at all. S. Ovary superior or mainly so. T. Leaflets 3, not spinelike, not spine-tipped; styles or stigmas i or 5. FAMILY KEY 23 U. Leaflets very unequal, the lateral two very much smaller than the ter- minal one. Solanum in SOLANACEAE (p. 197) UU. Leaflets all three about the same size. V. Marsh plants; leaflets oblong to obovate, obtuse; stems 1-2 cm. thick. Menyanthes in MENYANTHACEAE (p. 180) VV. Not marsh plants; leaflets obcordate; stems less than 5 mm. thick. OXALIDACEAE (p. 144) XT. Leaflets more than 3 or spinelike or spine-tipped; styles or stigmas 1-3- W. Stigmas 3; capsule 3-celled. POLEMONIACEAE (p. 183) WW. Stigmas 1-2; capsule i-2-celled. HYDROPHYLLACEAE (p. 185) SS. Ovary inferior or mainly so; flowers in heads. COMPOSITACEAE (p. 218) GROUP 15 Dicotyledonous herbs without green color, and with alternate simple leaves or scales A. Vines, twining, white or yellow; ovary 2-celled, i-4-seeded; leaves mere minute scales or almost none. CONVOLVULACEAE (p. 182) AA. Not vines, variously colored; ovary not 2-celled, many-seeded; leaves not minute, larger. B. Leaves spatulate, covered with long glandular hairs, all basal; plants of peat bogs. DROSERACEAE (p. 116) BB. Leaves not spatulate, not covered with long glandular hairs, not all basal; plants not of peat bogs. C. Flowers irregular; stamens didynamous, inserted in the tube of the corolla; cells of the ovary i . OROBANCHACEAE (p. 209) CC. Flowers regular or nearly so; stamens not didynamous, inserted on the recep- tacle; cells of the ovary i or 4 or 5. D. Plants reddish, glabrous, 25 mm. or less high; stem not densely covered with scales; scales entire; pollen grains in 4's. Pyrola in PYROLACEAE (p. 169) DD. Not as above in all points; pollen grains simple. MONOTROPACEAE (p. 170) GROUP 16 Dicotyledonous herbs with alternate simple leaves and apetalous flowers A. Ovary and fruit superior. B. Pistils more than i, distinct. C. Plant 1-3.5 rn. high; leaves ovate-lanceolate, pinnately veined, petioled, entire, 2-3 dm. long. PHYTOLACCACEAE (p. 86) CC. Plants mostly not so high; leaves not as above in all characters. D. Stamens on the calyx; stem 2-20 cm. long; leaves rounded, cuneate at base, 4-13 mm. long, deeply 3-lobed, lobes 2-4-cleft; stipules large, 2-5- cleft. Akhemilla in ROSACEAE (p. 125) DD. Stamens on the receptacle; stems often longer; leaves not as above in all characters; stipules none, but the base of the petiole often dilated. RANUNCULACEAE (p. 95) 24 FAMILY KEY BB. Pistil only i. E. Leaves lobed, palmately veined. F. Plant 2-20 cm. high, annual; leaves cuneate at base, 4-13 mm. long, deeply 3-lobed, lobes 2-4-cleft; stipules 2-5-cleft. Alchemilla in ROSACEAE (p. 125) FF. Plant often taller, perennial; leaves mostly cordate at base, 13 mm. or more long, shall owly lobed; lobes often not entire although not again cleft; stipules entire. Heuchera in SAXIFRAGACEAE (p. 118) EE. Leaves either not lobed or else pinnately veined. G. Plant stout, erect, 1-3.5 rn. high; leaves entire, acute or acuminate at both ends, 2-3 dm. long; ovary zo-celled; fruit a purple berry. PHYTOLACCACEAE (p. 86) GG. Plant mostly not fitting the above; leaves not as above in all points; ovary i-5-celled; fruit not a berry, dry. H. Plant with a mustard or radish taste. CRUCIFERACEAE (p. 106) HH. Plant without a mustard or radish taste. I. Seeds 2 or more in each pistil. J. Plant with milky juice; ovary and capsule 3-celled; capsule 3- seeded. Euphorbia in EUPHORBIACEAE (p. 145) JJ. Plant without milky juice; ovary and capsule 2-celled; capsule many- seeded. K. Plant glabrous; leaves linear to lanceolate; flowers solitary in leaf axils. Lythrum in LYTHRACEAE (p. 156) KK. Plant white-woolly; leaves lanceolate to ovate; flowers in a dense terminal cylindrical spike. Synthyris in SCROPHULARIACEAE (p. 198) n. Seed i in each pistil. L. Plant densely hoary with stellate hairs, simple ones also present : in dry regions east of the Cascades. Piscaria in EUPHORBIACEAE (p. 145) LL. Plant without stellate hairs, often with simple ones; in either dry or moist regions. M. Leaves with sheathing stipules. POLYGONACEAE (p. 79) MM. Leaves without stipules. N. Either the akene 3-angled in cross section, or else the calyx of 6 segments. POLYGONACEAE (p. 79) NN. Akene or utricle not 3-angled in cross section; calyx never of more than 5 segments. O. Leaves entire, 3-veined from the base, lanceolate or ovate; stamens 4; style i or none. Parietaria in URTICACEAE (p. 76) OO. Leaves with not all 3 of the above characters; stamens sometimes 4; style sometimes i. P. Leaves entire; flowers bracted; bracts and sepals scarious. AMARANTHACEAE (p. 84) PP. Leaves entire or not; either the flowers bractless or the bracts not scarious; sepals green or greenish. CHENOPODIACEAE (p. 83) AA. Ovary and fruit inferior. Q. Leaves pinnately veined or only i -veined, entire or very nearly so. R. Leaves linear-setaceous. Howellia in LOBELIACEAE (p. 217) RR. Leaves wider. S. Stem terete; flowers in cymes; fruit fleshy, drupaceous. SANTALACEAE (p. 77) FAMILY KEY 25 SS. Stem 5-angled; flowers solitary in the leaf axils; fruit dry, a capsule. Ly thrum in LYTHRACEAE (p. 156) QQ. Leaves palmately veined, entire or not. T. Leaves 4-13 mm. long, cuneate at base, deeply 3-lobed, the lobes 2~4-cleft; stipules large, 2-5-cleft; stem 2-20 cm. long. Alchemilla in ROSACEAE (p. 125) TT. Leaves longer, either not cuneate at base or not deeply lobed; stipules entire or none; stem often longer. U. Leaves mostly in a basal tuft; stipules present; flowers in spikes or panicles; calyx lobes less than i cm. long; stamens 5; ovary i-2-celled; stem without ginger taste. Heuehera in SAXIFRAGACEAE (p. 118) UU. Leaves from an elongated creeping stem; stipules none; flowers solitary in the leaf axils; calyx lobes 2-6 cm. long; stamens 12; ovary 5-celled; stem with ginger taste. ARISTOLOCHIACEAE (p. 79) GROUP 17 Dicotyledonous herbs with alternate simple leaves and polypetalous flowers with numerous stamens A. Leaves tubular or pitcher-shaped, 2-6 dm. long. SARRACENIACEAE (p. 116) AA. Leaves not tubular nor pitcher-shaped, mostly less than 2 dm. long. B. Leaves either peltate or else rounded or ovate, 10 cm. or more wide, entire* mostly floating. NYMPHAEACEAE (p. 94) BB. Leaves not peltate, often not rounded or ovate, never so wide, often entire, mostly not floating. C. Leaves entire. D. Pistils more than i. E. Flowers solitary or scattered; petals with a pit on the inside; calyx of 5-6 distinct sepals; stamens on the receptacle. RANUNCULACEAE (p. 95) EE. Flowers in spikes or panicles; petals without pit; calyx 5-cleft; stamens on the calyx tube. Petrophytum in ROSACEAE (p. 125) DD. Pistil only i. F. Annual; leaves 2-6 mm. long, linear; petals 6; plants 2-5 cm. high. Canbya in PAPAVERACEAE (p. 104) FF. Annual or perennial; leaves longer, sometimes linear; petals rarely 6; plants mostly taller. PORTULACACEAE (p. 86) CC. Leaves not entire. G. Pistils more than i. H. Stamens on the receptacle; sepals distinct; stipules none. RANUNCULACEAE (p. 95) HH. Stamens on the calyx tube; sepals united at base; stipules present. ROSACEAE (p. 125) GG. Pistil only i. I. Leaves palmately veined; sepals distinct. MALVACEAE (p. 150) II. Leaves pinnately veined; sepals united at base. J. Stipules adnate to the petiole; stamens 5-10; stigma i. Horkelia in ROSACEAE (p. 125) JJ. Stipules none; stamens numerous; stigmas 3. LOASACEAE (p. 155) 26 FAMILY KEY GROUP 18 Dicotyledonous herbs with alternate simple leaves and polypetalous flowers with few stamens A. Peat bog plants; leaves all in a basal rosette, oblanceolate or spatulate, very con- spicuously glandular-hairy, red or reddish green; leaf blades not over 2 cm. long. DROSERACEAE (p. 116) AA. Not peat bog plants; leaves not as above in all characters. B. Two or more separate pistils to each flower. C. Leaves fleshy, pinnately veined or i-veined; pistils the same in number as the sepals or the petals. CRASSULACEAE (p. 117) CC. Leaves not fleshy, or if so, palmately veined; pistils only rarely the same in number as the petals or the sepals. D. Leaves either coriaceous and evergreen or else peltate; stamens 5-10, in- serted on the calyx tube. SAXIFRAGACEAE (p. 118) DD. Leaves not coriaceous and evergreen, not peltate; stamens rarely 5 or 10, inserted on the receptacle. RANUNCULACEAE (p. 95) BB. Only i pistil to each flower. E. Leaves palmately veined. F. Plants with mustard or turnip taste; pod linear; sepals 4; petals 4; stamens 6. CRUCIFERACEAE (p. 106) FF. Plants without mustard or turnip taste; pod not linear; sepals none or 5; petals 5; stamens 5 or 10. G. Flowers irregular; i petal spurred. VIOLACEAE (p. 153) GG. Flowers regular or nearly so; petals not spurred. H. Petals on the receptacle; ovary superior, 5-celled; flowers not in um- bels. Geranium in GERANTACEAE (p. 143) HH. Petals on the calyx; ovary superior or half inferior, i-2-celled; flowers not in umbels. SAXIFRAGACEAE (p. 118) HHH. Petals on the ovary; ovary inferior, 2-celled; flowers in umbels. UMBELLACEAE (p. 163) EE. Leaves pinnately veined. I. Ovary superior. J. Plants with mustard or turnip taste; sepals 4; petals 4; stamens 6. CRUCIFERACEAE (p. 106) JJ. Plants without mustard or turnip taste; sepals and petals rarely 4; sta- mens rarely 6. K. Flowers regular or very nearly so, not spurred. L. Leaves basal, linear, 2.5-7.5 cm. long, somewhat thick or fleshy; flowers in a dense head, reddish; near the seashore. PLUMB AGIN ACE AE (p. 178) LL. Leaves not as above in all characters; flowers not in a dense head. M. Sepals 2. PORTULACACEAE (p. 86) MM. Sepals 3-8. N. Leaves coriaceous, evergreen, glabrous. O. Carpels 2-4; styles or sessile stigmas 2-4. Saxifraga in SAXIFRAGACEAE (p. 118) OO. Carpels 5; style i; stigmas i or 5. PYROLACEAE (p. 169) NN. Leaves not coriaceous nor evergreen, often not glabrous. P. Leaves very fleshy. FAMILY KEY 27 Q. Petals 5, yellow; sepals 5. CRASSULACEAE (p. 117) QQ. Petals usually not 5, white; sepals usually not 5. PORTULACACEAE (p. 86) PP. Leaves not fleshy. R. Flowers axillary; stem 5-angled. Lythrum in LYTHRACEAE (p. 156) RR. Flowers in clusters; stem terete. S. Stamens 5, on the receptacle; ovules 2 in each cell. LINACEAE (p. 144) SS. Stamens 10, on the calyx; ovules numerous. Saxifraga in SAXIFRAGACEAE (p. 118) KK. Flowers irregular. T. Flowers spurred at base. VIOLACEAE (p. 153) TT. Flowers not spurred at base. U. Leaves entire; petals 3; stamens 6-8; stigmas 1-2; style i; carpels 2. POLYGALACEAE (p. 145) UU. Leaves serrate; petals 2 or 4; stamens 5; stigmas 5, sessile; carpels 5. BALSAMINACEAE (p. 148) II. Ovary inferior. V. Flowers in umbels or heads. UMBELLACEAE (p. 163) VV. Flowers neither in umbels nor in heads. W. Stem 5-angled; sepals and petals usually 6; flowers axillary. Lythrum in LYTHRACEAE (p. 156) WW. Stem terete; sepals and petals fewer; flowers usually clustered. X. Sepals 4; petals 4; stamens 2 or 4 or 8; style i; stigmas i or 4. ONAGRACEAE (p. 156) XX. Sepals 5; petals 5; stamens 10; styles or sessile stigmas 2-4. Saxifraga in SAXIFRAGACEAE (p. 118) GROUP 19 Dicotyledonous herbs with alternate simple leaves and sympetalous flowers A. Ovary superior or mainly so. B. Corolla irregular. C. Leaves with stipules; corolla not 2-lipped; stamens 10. LEGUMINACEAE (p. 135) CC. Leaves without stipules; stamens 5 or fewer. D. Leaves all basal, on upper side greasy to touch; corolla spurred at base, 2-lipped; stamens 2. Pinguicula in PINGUICULACEAE (p. 210) DD. Leaves not all basal, not greasy to the touch; corolla not spurred; stamens 2 or 4 or 5. E. Corolla 2-lipped; ovary i-2-celled. SCROPHULARIACEAE (p. 198) EE. Corolla not 2-lipped; ovary s-celled. BALSAMINACEAE (p. 148) BB. Corolla regular or very nearly so. F. Plants twining; leaves none or scattered. CONVOLVULACEAE (p. 182) FF. Plants not twining; leaves reniform, palmately veined, crenate, all basal. Nephrophyttidium'm MENYANTHACEAE (,p. 180) FFF. Plants not twining; leaves not reniform, not palmately veined, rarely crenate or all basal. G. Leaves fleshy-linear, 2.5-7.5 cm. long, all basal; flowers in dense heads; plants not far from the seashore. PLUMBAGINACEAE (p. 178) 28 FAMILY KEY GG. Either leaves not as above in all characters, or else flowers not in heads. H. Leaves very fleshy; flowers in cymes, usually yellow. CRASSULACEAE (p. 117) HH. Leaves either not fleshy or else the flowers in long narrow spikes. I. Leaves all basal; flowers in spikes; corolla scarious, veinless. PLANTAGINACEAE (p. 210) n. Either leaves not all basal or else the flowers not in spikes; corolla not scarious, veined. J. Ovary deeply 2- or 4-lobed, maturing into 2 or 4 separate or separable nutlets. BORAGINACEAE (p. 187) JJ. Ovary not deeply lobed, not maturing into separate nor separable nutlets. K. Style 3-cleft at apex; capsule 3-celled. POLEMONIACEAE (p. 183) KK. Styles or stigmas 1-2 ; capsule i-2-celled. L. Stamens opposite the corolla lobes; ovary i -celled; placenta central; style i ; stigma capitate. PRIMULACEAE (p. 175) LL. Stamens alternate with the corolla lobes; often differing from the above in some of the other characters. M. Corolla 20 mm. or more long. SOLANACEAE (p. 196) MM. Corolla 16 mm. or less long. N. Fruit a berry; inflorescence not scorpoid; style i. SOLANACEAE (p. 196) NN. Fruit a capsule; inflorescence somewhat scorpoid; styles often 2. HYDROPHYLLACEAE (p. 185) AA. Ovary inferior or mainly so. O. Vine with tendrils. CUCURBITACEAE (p. 216) OO. Not a vine; tendrils none. P. Flowers not in heads. Q. Corolla regular; stamens distinct. CAMPANULACEAE (p. 216) QQ. Corolla irregular by not being equally split between the lobes; stamens united by their anthers. LOBELIACEAE (p. 217) PP. Flowers in heads. COMPOSITACEAE (p. 218) GYMNOSPERMS (CONE BEARERS) TAXACEAE (YEW FAMILY) Shrubs or trees; not resin-bearing, evergreen. Leaves linear, alternate, short-petioled, flat, blue-green, rather sharply pointed. Cones or flower-bunches very small. Staminate cones of a few scaly bracts. Fruit a fleshy ring almost covering the one hard seed, becoming a red berry. W. C. (Gk. toxon = bow ; referring to the use of the wood.) Taxus brevifolia (WESTERN YEW) PINACEAE (PINE FAMILY) Shrubs or trees ; resinous, mostly evergreen. Leaves either needles or scales. Ovules and pollen sacs in separate cones. Staminate cones consisting of 4 to many scales. Pistillate cones consisting either of scales only, or of scales and bracts, usually dry and woody, sometimes a bluish berry. Scales bearing i to several ovules (usually 2) on the inner surface, woody or papery or fleshy. A. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3, not sheathed when in 3*5, scalelike (except sometimes in Juniperus) ; cone scales 1 2 or fewer, decussate. B. Fruit, a bluish berry; leaves often awl-shaped, often scalelike, often both forms on the same plant. JUNIPERUS (p. 30) BB. Fruit a dry woody cone; leaves all scalelike. C. Leaves 4 in a whorl; cone scales of 3 quite unlike pairs; seeds unequally 2-winged. U. C. A fine lumber tree. (Gk. leibo = to pour out, kedros = the Cedar; probably on account of the strong cedar-like odor.) Libocedrus decurrens (INCENSE CEDAR) CC. Leaves opposite; cone scales alike or nearly so; seeds equally 2-winged. D. Pistillate cones globose, their scales peltate; Staminate cones oblong, their scales ovate and not peltate. CHAMAECYPARIS (p. 30) DD. Pistillate cones oblong, their scales not peltate; Staminate cones globose, their scales peltate. W. C. E. Our best tree for shingles. (Gk. thuia = the name of a similar tree.) Thuja plicata (GIANT CEDAR) AA. Leaves alternate or in bunches of 2 to many, sheathed at the base if in 2-5- leaved bunches, linear, not scalelike (except sometimes in Sequoia) ; cone scales more than 12. E. Leaves of 2 forms; one form lanceolate, flat, 6-13 mm. long; the other form ovate or ovate-oblong, keeled, 5-7 mm. long; seeds 5-7 under each scale. U. A fine lumber tree. (Honor of Sequoyah, the Indian name of George Guess, who invented the Cherokee alphabet.) Sequoia sempervirens (REDWOOD) 29 30 PINACEAE (PINE FAMILY) EE. Leaves of only i form; seeds 2 under each scale. F. Leaves solitary. G. Branchlets not roughened by persistent leaf bases; bracts either longer than the cone scales, or else shorter and the cones erect and their scales dropping from the axis. H. Leaves flat or 4-sided, often notched at apex; leaf scars circular; mature cones erect; scales dropping from the cone axis; bract usually shorter than the scales. ABIES (p. 31) HH. Leaves flat, never notched at apex; leaf scars transversely oval; mature cone pendulous; scales persistent to the cone axis; bracts longer, than the scales. W. C. E. The most abundant lumber tree of the Northwest. (Gk. pseudos = false; Jap. tsuga = the Hemlock.) Pseudotsuga taxifolia (DOUGLAS FIR) GG. Branchlets roughened by persistent leaf-bases; bracts shorter than the cone scales; cone pedulous; cone scales persistent on the axis. I. Leaves if flat with stomates below, with i dorsal resin duct; cone scales entire, rounded. TSUGA (p. 31) II. Leaves if flat with stomates above, with 2 lateral resin ducts or none; cone scales not entire, or if so not rounded. PICEA (p. 32) FF. Leaves in bunches of 2 or more. J. Leaves in bunches of more than 5, deciduous; bunches not sheathed at base; cones solitary; pistillate cones maturing at the end of the first season. LARIX (p. 32) JJ. Leaves in bunches of 2-5, evergreen; bunches sheathed at base; staminate cones clustered; pistillate cones maturing at the end of the second or third season. PINUS (p. 32) JUNIPERUS (JUNIPER) Shrubs or trees. Leaves evergreen, sessile, awl-like or scalelike, opposite or in whorls of 3. Flower-bunches and berries small. Staminate flower- bunch oblong or ovoid; scales with 2-6 pollen sacs. Fruit a bluish berry, globose ; pistillate scales few, opposite or in whorls of 3. Seeds 1-4, bony. (Celtic name.) A. Leaves in whorls of 3, all awl-shaped; buds scaly; cones axillary; pistillate cones with smaller scales at the tip; alpine shrub, prostrate, i m. or less tall. W. C. E. J. communis (DWARF JUNIPER) AA. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3, often awl-shaped on young plants, but scale- like on mature plants; buds naked; cones terminal on short axillary branches; pistillate cones with larger scales at the tip; not alpine, erect, shrub or tree, 15 m. or less tall. B. Leaves very resinous, dark green. E. J. occidentalis (WESTERN JUNIPER) BB. Leaves not resinous, often glaucous. W. E. J. scopulorum (ROCKY MOUNTAIN JUNIPER) CHAMAECYPARIS Trees. Leaves minute, 4-ranked.' Cones small, monoecious, terminal. Staminate cone scales many, 4-ranked, with 2 pollen sacs. Pistillate cones PINACEAE (PINE FAMILY) 31 closed until mature; scales 4-12, opposite, thick, each with a central point or knob. Seeds 2-5. (Gk. chamai = on the ground, kuparissos = a cypress ; hence, low cypress.) A. Leafy twigs terete or nearly so; bark 2 cm. or less thick; leaves usually without glands. W. C. On mountains. C. nootkatensis (ALASKA CEDAR) AA. Leafy twigs much flattened; bark 25 cm. or less thick; leaves conspicuously glandular. U. A fine lumber tree. C. lawsoniana (PORT ORFORD CEDAR) ABIES (FiR) Trees. Leaves linear, often complanate, scattered, flat. Staminate cones axillary, oval or oblong-cylindric. Mature pistillate cones ovoid or oblong-cylindric ; scales incurved at their wide apex, orbicular or wider, deciduous. Lumber trees. (Latin name.) A. Most of the leaves of the sterile branches notched at apex. B. Bracts conspicuous, reflexed, much exceeding the scales; leaves slightly notched at apex, with stomates on both sides, not markedly complanate; winter buds ovoid-oblong; sapwood darker than heartwood. W. C. A. nobilis (NOBLE FIR) BB. Bracts not projecting beyond the scales; leaves distinctly notched at apex, with stomates beneath only, markedly complanate; winter buds globose; sapwood lighter in color than heartwood. W. C. E. A. grandis (WHITE FIR) AA. Most of the leaves of the sterile branches not notched at the apex. C. Leaves of sterile branches flat, often grooved above; cones 6.2-15 cm. long; cone scales narrower than 2.5 cm. D. Leaves dark-green and shining above, 1.9-3.1 cm. long; cones dark purple; cone scales slightly wider than long; bracts of cone scales rhombic or oblong- ovate, gradually narrowed into a long tip; bark of old trees 6.2 cm. or less thick. W. C. A. amabilis (LOVELY FIR) DD. Leaves pale blue-green, 2.5-4.4 cm. long; cones dark purple; cone scales longer than wide; bracts of cone scales rounded, with emarginate and long- pointed tip; bark of old trees 3.7 cm. or less thick. W. C. E. A. lasiocarpa (ALPINE FIR) DDD. Leaves pale blue-green, 5-7.5 cm. long on vigorous sterile branches, while on others sometimes only 1.9 cm. long; cones purple or green or yellow; cone scales much wider than long; bracts of cone scales obovate, with short tip at apex; bark of old trees 15 cm. or less thick. U. C. E. A. concolor (SILVER FIR) CC. Leaves of sterile branches 4-sided, not grooved above; cones 15-23 cm. long; cone scales 2.5-3.7 cm. wide. U. C. A. magnifica (SHASTA FIR) TSUGA (HEMLOCK) Trees. Leaves scattered, often complanate. Cones solitary, monoecious. Staminate cones globose. Mature pistillate cones oval to oblong-cylindric ; scales thin, suborbicular to ovate-oblong. (Japanese name.) A. Leaves complanate, flat, with stomates only on the under surface; cones 1.9- 2.5 cm. long. W. C. E. A good lumber tree. T. heterophylla (WESTERN HEMLOCK) AA. Leaves not complanate, convex or keeled above, with stomates on both surfaces; cones 1.9-7.5 cm. long. W. C. E. On mountains. T. mertensiana (ALPINE HEMLOCK) 32 PINACEAE (PINE FAMILY) PICEA (SPRUCE) Trees. Leaves mostly not complanate, 4-angled, scattered. Staminate cones oblong or oval or cylindric, long-stalked. Mature pistillate cones ovoid or oblong-cylindric. Scales thin, obtuse. Good trees for lumber and paper. (Latin name.) A. Cone scales entire, broadly ovate, rounded at apex; leaves obtuse, somewhat flat; branchlets pubescent. U. P. breweriana (WEEPING SPRUCE) AA. Cone scales not entire, mostly contracted at both ends; leaves acute or acuminate, 4-sided or somewhat rounded. B. Branchlets pubescent; leaves 4-sided, with stomates on 4 sides; cones about 5 cm. long; cone scales gradually narrowed to an acute or truncate tip; crushed leaves with decided skunklike smell. C. E. P. engelmanni (ENGELMANN SPRUCE) BB. Branchlets glabrous; leaves hardly 4-sided, usually with stomates on the upper side only; cones 5-10 cm. long; cone scales rounded at tip; crushed leaves with little or no skunklike smell. W. P. sitchensis (SITKA SPRUCE) LARIX (LARCH) Trees with many knoblike branches on their twigs. Leaves 3-4-angled, some in bunches of 10 or more on the knoblike branches, others scattered on the elongated twigs. Staminate cones globose to oblong. Pistillate cones conical to subglobose; scales slightly thickened, suborbicular or oblong-ovate. Lumber trees. (Celtic name.) A. Leaves 3-angled; branchlets and bud scales pubescent but soon become glabrous; cones 2.5-3.7 cm. long. C. E. L. occidentalis (WESTERN LARCH) AA. Leaves 4-angled; branchlets and bud scales tomentose; cones 3-7-5 cm. long. C. E. L. lyallii (WOOLLY LARCH) PINUS (PINE) Trees or shrubs. Staminate cones involucrate. Scales of pistillate cones thickened at tip, woody, tipped with a scar or protuberance. Mostly lumber trees. (Latin name.) A. 2 leaves in a bunch. B. Leaves 2.5-7.5 cm. long, all in 2's; cones 1.5-5 cm. long, remaining on the trees for 5-30 years. W. C. E. P. contorta (LODGE-POLE PINE) BB. Leaves 10-27 cm. long, often some in 3*3; cones 7-5~37-5 cm. long, dropping within 2 years. W. C. E. P. ponderosa (YELLOW PINE) AA. 3 leaves in a bunch. C. Leaves in 2*s or 3*5; cones subterminal, falling within 2 years. (See BB.) CC. Leaves all in 3*3; cones lateral, remaining 2 to many years. C. P. attenuate (KNOB-CONE PINE) AAA. 5 leaves in a bunch. D. Cones 3.7-12.5 cm. long (in P. flexilis 7-5~25 cm.), their stalks 2-7 mm. long; cone scales with prickles, thick; seeds longer than their wings (except in P. bal- fouriana); leaves 2.5-7.5 cm. long; bark whitish where smooth. E. Leaves 2.5-3.7 cm. long, persistent for 10-12 years; old bark divided into isodiametric plates; cones 8.7-12.5 cm. long, opening at maturity; prickles of cone scales on back and not at very tip, pointing away from cone axis. U. P. balfouriana (FOXTAIL PINE) PIN ACE AE (PINE FAMILY) 33 EE. Leaves 3.7-6.2 cm. long, persistent for 5-8 years; old bark divided into elon- gated plates; cones 3.7-7.5 cm. long, not opening at maturity; prickles of cone scales at tip, pointing toward cone tip. C. P. albicaulis (WHITE-BARK PINE) EEE. Leaves 3.7-7.5 cm. long, persistent for 5-6 years; old bark divided into isodiametric plates; cones 7.5-25 cm. long, opening at maturity; prickles of cone scales at very tip, pointing toward cone tip. C. E. P. flexilis (LIMBER PINE) DD. Cones 15-45 cm. long, their stalks 12-75 mm. long; cone scales with obsolete prickles or none, thin; seeds shorter than their wings; leaves 3.7-10 cm. long; bark green where smooth (or whitish in P. monticola). F. Cones 1.2-2.8 dm. long; seed ^ as long as its wing; old bark 3.7 cm. or less thick, broken into isodiametric plates; smooth younger bark whitish. W. C. E. P. monticola (WESTERN WHITE PINE) FF. Cones 3-4.5 dm. long; seed ^ as long as its wing; old bark 7.5 cm. or less thick, broken into elongated plates; smooth younger bark greenish. C. P. lambertiana (SUGAR PINE) Y. & R. EL. FL. 3 ANGIOSPERMS (OVARY PLANTS) MONOCOTYLEDONS TYPHACEAE (CAT-TAIL FAMILY) Perennial ; roots fibrous ; stems simple, terete. Leaves alternate, linear or strap-shaped, sheathing at base, flat, more or less convex on the back, parallel-veined. Flowers in terminal spikes (cat-tails}, the staminate above the pistillate. Staminate flowers among hairs ; stamens 1-7. Perianth of several delicate silky hairs. Ovary stalked ; style long. Seed i. Marsh plants. (Gk. typha = the cat- tail.) Only the following genus. (F. & R. p. 30.) TYPHA (CAT-TAIL) SPARGANIACEAE (BUR-REED FAMILY) Roots fibrous; stems erect or immersed and floating. Leaves linear, alternate, equitant below or flat, sheathing at base. Flowers sessile or peduncled, in heads, staminate heads above the pistillate. Perianth of 3-6 chaffy scales. Stamens mostly 5. Pistils i, or 2 with united styles and ovaries. Seed i. Marsh plants. (Gk. sparganon = a band ; referring to the ribbon-like leaves.) Only the following genus. (F. & R. p. 30.) SPARGANIUM (BUR-REED) NAIADACEAE (PONDWEED FAMILY) Aquatic or marsh herbs, mostly immersed, with rootstocks. Leaves alternate or opposite, sometimes all basal; blade rarely toothed or none; reduced leaves various in shape. Flowers perfect or uni- sexual, variously arranged. Perianth none, or of 4-6 distinct seg- ments, or membranous and tubular or cup-shaped. Stamens 1-2 or 4-6. Ovary 'superior ; carpels 1-6. Family too difficult for beginners, hence key only to genera. (F. & R. pp. 3i~34-) A. Growing in fresh water, or in salt marshes, but not in open tidewater. B. Leaves flat, or in a few species terete but then never more than 1.5 mm. in diameter; stem elongated. C. Leaves alternate, often wide, more than 25 mm. long when linear; pistil i. D. Leaves all linear, all alternate; stamens 2; fruit stalked. (Honor of H. B. Ruppius, a German botanist.) Ruppia (DITCH GRASS) 34 JUNCAGINACEAE (ARROW-GRASS FAMILY) 35 DD. Often with some wide leaves, often the upper leaves opposite; stamens 4; fruit sessile. (See F.) CC. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3, all linear, 8-25 mm. long; pistils more than i. E. Leaves not spiny; pistils 2-10. F. Flowers perfect, in spikes or clusters; stamens more than i. (Gk. potamos = a river, geiton = a neighbor; from the habitat.) Potamogeton (PONDWEED) FF. Flowers monoecious, axillary; stamen i. E. (Honor of G. G. Zanni- chelli, a botanist of Venice.) Zannichellia palustris (HORNED PONDWEED) EE. Leaves spiny on the margins or back or both; flowers solitary in the leaf axils; pistil i. (Gk. naias = a water nymph; from the habitat.) Naias (WATER NYMPH) BB. Leaves terete, 1-4.5 mm. in diameter, all basal; stem not elongated. W. (Meaning not determined.) Lilaea subulata AA. Growing along tide-water shores from i m. above low tide to 2 m. below it ; not in salt marshes. G. Plants growing on muddy bottom; leaves 3-15 mm. wide. W. (Gk. zoster = a belt; referring to the leaves.) Zostera marina (EEL-GRASS) GG. Plants growing mostly in rock crevices; leaves 4 mm. or less wide. (Gk. phyllon = a leaf; + spadix; inflorescence inclosed in leaf base.) Phyllospadix (SEA BASKET-GRASS) JUNCAGINACEAE (ARROW-GRASS FAMILY) Perennial marsh herbs. Leaves rushlike; blades terete or half terete at least near their base. Flowers perfect, in spikes or racemes. Perianth 3~6-parted, in 2 .very similar series. Stamens 3-6, on the base of the perianth. Carpels 3-6, more or less united until maturity. Fruit a capsule or follicle. Seeds 1-2 in each carpel. Difficult family. Key mostly only to genera. (F. & R. p. 34-) A. Leaves all basal; flowers many, bractless, in a spike or spikelike raceme; anthers oval; stigmas plumose. (Gk. treis = 3, glochis = point; some species have 3-pointed fruits.) Triglochin (ARROW GRASS) AA. Stem leafy; flowers few, bracted, in loose racemes; anthers linear; stigmas papillose or slightly fimbriate. W. C. E. (Honor of J. and J. J. Scheuchzer, Swiss botanists.) Scheuchzeria palustris ALISMACEAE (WATER-PLANTAIN FAMILY) Aquatic or marsh herbs, annual or perennial. Leaves basal; petiole long, sheathing at base; blade flat, several-ribbed, often with spreading or deflexed lobes. Scapes erect or floating. Flowers perfect or unisexual, regular, whorled, borne in terminal racemes or panicles. Calyx of 3 persistent green sepals. Corolla white 36 HYDROCHARITACEAE (WATER-WEED FAMILY) or pink, of 5 deciduous imbricate petals. Stamens 6 or more. Fruit a head or whorl of separate flat or turgid akenes. Difficult family. Key only to genera. (F. & R. p. 35.) A. Leaves not sagittate, although sometimes cordate at base; flowers in compound panicles, perfect; akenes in a whorl ; receptacle depressed. (Celtic alis = water; from the habitat.) Alisma (WATER PLANTAIN) AA. Leaves sagittate; flowers in whorls or 3 near the top of the scape, monoecious or dioecious; akenes in a head; receptacle convex to globose. (L. sagitta = an arrow; referring to leaf form.) Sagittaria (WAPATO) HYDROCHARITACEAE (WATER-WEED FAMILY) Perennial; submerged, with stem elongated. Leaves whorled, sessile, pellucid, i-veined, oblong or ovate-oblong, usually obtuse, 5-10 mm. long, 2-4 mm. wide, margin usually minutely dentic- ulate or serrulate. Flowers very rare. W. E. Only the follow- ing species. (Gk. phyllon = a leaf, treis = 3; the leaves are often in 3's.) Philotria canadensis (WATER WEED) GRAMINACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) Herbs, annual or perennial; stems terete, usually hollow, their joints closed. Leaves sheathing, with scarious ring (ligule) where blade joins sheath; sheath usually split to base on side oppo- site the blade. Inflorescence various, but its elements composed of flower groups (spikelets) of i to many flowers. Spikelets com- posed of 0-2 basal flowerless bracts (glumes) , above which are other bracts usually in pairs (the outer = lemma, the inner = palet) and each pair inclosing a flower or an abortive one. Lemma and glume often awned. Palet with back to axis (rachilla) of spikelet, opposite its lemma and often rolled up in it. Stamens 1-6, usually 3; anthers versatile. Styles 1-3, usually 2 and lateral; stigmas plumose or hairy. Fruit i -seeded, a grain. A difficult family. The key is to species usually only when of economic importance. (F. & R. pp. 36-74.) A. Grain in corn-ear-Jike cluster. MAYDEAE (p. 37) AA. Grain not in corn-ear-like cluster. B. Spikelets i -flowered, rarely 2-flowered, terete or dorsally flattish (laterally in Oryzeae) ; imperfect flower below in the 2-flowered spikelets. C. Glumes 1-2; spikelets terete or dorsally flattened, i-2-flowered. D. Glumes indurated; lemma and palet of fertile flower hyaline; stamen i. ANDROPOGONEAE (p. 37) DD. Glumes membranous; lemma and palet of fertile flower indurated; stamens 3. PANICEAE (p. 38) GRAMINACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 37 CC. Glumes none; spikelets much laterally flattened, i -flowered. ORYZEAE (p. 38) BB. Spikelets i- to many-flowered, more or less laterally flattish; imperfect flower uppermost (except HieroMoe) in spikelets of 2 or more flowers. E. Spikelets not in rows. F. Spikelets i -flowered, in racemes or spikes or panicles. G. Spikelets with 2 sterile lemmas just above the glumes. PHALAREAE (p. 38) GG. Spikelets without sterile lemmas just above the glumes. AGROSTEAE (p. 38) FF. Spikelets 2- to many-flowered, in racemes or panicles. H. Glumes usually longer than the first flower; i or more of the lemmas awned on the back or between the teeth of the bifid apex. AVENEAE (p. 41) HH. Glumes shorter than the first flower; lemma either awnless, or with i to several terminal straight or merely divergent awns. FESTUCEAE (p. 43) EE. Spikelets in 2 rows. I. Spikelet-rows on same side of rachis, forming i-sided spikes. CHLORIDEAE (p. 46) II. Spikelet-rows on opposite sides of rachis, forming balanced spikes. HORDEAE (p. 47) MAYDEAE (Corn Tribe). Stem solid. Spikelets unisexual. Stami- nate and pistillate flowers separate on the same plant. Lemma and palet thinner than the glumes. W. E. (L. zea = spelt.) We have only the following. Zea mays (COMMON FIELD-CORN) ANDROPOGONEAE (Sugar-cane Tribe). Spikelets 1-3 at each joint of the rachis, sessile or short-pedicelled, usually 3-flowered. Glumes 2, thicker than the lemmas. Lemma often hyaline, often awned, the lower often empty and glumelike. Palet usually shorter than its lemma, some- times none. Stamens 1-3. Stigma plumose. Grain unfurrowed, free. Here belongs also Saccharum officinarum (Sugar Cane). A. Spikelets in a spikelike panicle, in 2 's, all fertile; lemma awnless; stamens 1-2. E. Imperata hookeri (WESTERN BLADE GRASS) AA. Spikelets in a loose, somewhat spreading panicle, in 3's, lateral 2 sterile, central i fertile; lemma awned; stamens 3. SORGHUM (p. 37) SORGHUM Plant 0-30 dm. high. Leaves long, wide, flat. Spikelets in a large terminal panicle, in pairs at its nodes or in 3's at the ends of its branches, i sessile and perfect at each node. Glumes shining. Lemma hyaline, awned. Palet hyaline or none. Stamens 3. W. (Sorghi = the name in India.) A. Cornlike, annual. E. Cultivated for molasses. S. vulgare (SORGHUM) AA. Grasslike, perennial. W. A hay grass. S. halapense (JOHNSON GRASS) 38 GRAMINACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) PANICEAE (Millet Tribe). Spikelets in spikes or racemes or panicles, falling off singly from the ultimate branches ; fertile spikelet with i terminal pistillate flower, with or without a staminate one below it. Glumes rarely awned, the awn straight. Lemma and palet firmer than the glumes, un- awned in most. Stamens 3, rarely fewer. Grain inclosed, free, unfurrowed. A. Spikelets in i -sided spikes or spikelike racemes. B. Lemmas not awned; glumes not spiny-hispid, hence spikes or spikelike racemes not bristly. C. Annual; lower glume very small; lemma with hyaline margin, not inrolled. W. E. A bad weed in cultivated fields. (Gk. syn = with, therismos = crop; hence crop-making.) Syntherisma sanguinale (CRAB GRASS) CC. Perennial; glumes equal or nearly so; lemmas without hyaline margin, in- rolled. E. (Gk. paspalos = millet.) Paspalum distichum (JOINT GRASS) BB. Sterile lemma awned; glumes spiny-hispid, making the spikelike racemes somewhat bristly. W. E. (Gk. echinos = a hedgehog, chloa = grass; referring to the bristling awns.) Echinochloa crusgalli (BARNYARD GRASS) AA. Spikelets in open panicles, or if in a spikelike panicle this not i-sided. D. Spikelets without an involucre of bristles, in an open panicle. (Latin name of the Italian Millet.) Panicum (PANIC GRASS) DD. Spikelets with an involucre of bristles, clustered in a single dense terminal spikelike panicle. W. E. (Gk. chaeta = a bristle, chloa = grass; referring to the bristly spikes.) Chaetochloa viridis (GREEN FOXTAIL) ORYZEAE (Rice Tribe). Perennial. Spikelets laterally flat, in a loose panicle, with i terminal unisexual or perfect flower inclosed by a lemma and a palet ; lemma boat-shaped, awnless, clasping the palet by a pair of strong marginal veins, palet i-veined. Glumes none. Stamens 3. Grain fur- rowed. Oryza saliva, cultivated rice, is in this tribe. Only the follow- ing species. W. E. (Gk. omalos = resemblance, kenchros = millet ; hence millet-like.) Homalocenchrus oryzoides (RICE CUT-GRASS) PHALAREAE (Canary-grass Tribe). Leaf blades flat. Spikelets of i perfect flower with 2 sterile or staminate lemmas below it and falling attached to it. Palet o-2-veined, inclosed in fertile lemma. Stamens 2-3. Stigmas plumose. Grain unfurrowed, inclosed, free. A. Spikelets in spikelike or headlike clusters. B. Glumes equal; sterile lemmas awnless; stamens 3; plant not sweet-scented. (Gk. phalaros = brilliant; referring to the shining seed.) Phalaris (CANARY GRASS) BB. Glumes unequal, lower about $ the upper; sterile lemmas awned; stamens 2; plant markedly sweet-scented. W. (Gk. anthos = a flower, xanthos = yellow.) Anthoxanthium odoratum (SWEET VERNAL GRASS) AA. Spikelets in loose panicles. C. Plant not sweet-scented; spikelets i-flowered; sterile lemmas subulate. (See B.) CC. Plants strongly sweet-scented; spiklets 3-flowered, the lower 2 flowers stami- nate; staminate lemmas boat-shaped. (Gk. hieros = holy, chloe = grass; in Europe strewn before church doors on saints' days.) Hierochloe (HOLY GRASS) AGROSTEAE (Timothy Tribe). Spikelets with i perfect flower. Rachilla sometimes prolonged beyond the palets into a naked or plumose GRAMINACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 39 bristle. Glumes 2 (none in Coleanthus), subequal or unequal, usually as long as the lemma or longer. Palet veinless or 2-veined, but i-veined in Cinna and wanting in some species of Agrostis. Grain unfurrowed. A. Plants 2-8 cm. high; glumes none; spikelets hardly i mm. long. W. (Gk. koleos = a sheath, anthos = a flower; inflorescence much inclosed in upper leaf.) Coleanthus subtilis (MOSS GRASS) AA. Plants taller; glumes present; spikelets longer. B. Inflorescence a dense spikelike (Timothy-like) cluster. C. Lower glume 4-6 times as long as the lemma not considering awn, and at least a half longer than the upper glume; glumes awnless; lemma-awn termina.'., 3-5 mm. long. U. (Gk. gastros = stomach, eidos = like; glume is swollen at base.) Gastridium lendigerum (NIT GRASS) CC. Not as above in all characters. D. Lemma with a terminal awn 0.510 mm. long. E. Lemma with a tuft of hair at base as long as the lemma. (Honor of H. Muhlenberg, an American botanist.) Muhlenbergia (DROPSEED) EE. Lemma without a tuft of hair at base. (Gk. polys = many, pogon = beard.) Polypogon (BEARD GRASS) DD. Lemma awnless or with a dorsal awn. F. Lemma with a tuft of hair at base. (Gk. kalamos = a reed, agrostis = a grass.) Calamagrostis (REED GRASS) FF. Lemma without a tuft of hair at base, though often ciliate on the keel. G. Glumes not conspicuously compressed-keeled; inflorescence distinctly lobed and raceme-like. (Gk. agros = a field; from the habitat.) Agrostis (BENT GRASS) GG. Glumes conspicuously compressed-keeled; inflorescence a dense terete spike not or hardly lobed. H. Lemma with a dorsal awn 2-16 mm. long ; glumes united for J- their length at base. (Gk. alopex = a fox, oura = a tail; referring to the spike.) Alopecurus (FOXTAIL GRASS) HH. Lemma awnless; glumes not united. PHLEUM (p. 41) BB. Inflorescence either plainly a panicle or if spikelike the spikelets distant, and thus the spike not dense. I. Lemma with a terminal awn 0.3-20 cm. long; glumes sometimes awned. J. Lemma of fertile flower thin, membranous. (See E.) JJ. Lemma of fertile flower firm, hardened. K. Lemma awn 3-branched. (L. arista = an awn.) Aristida (3-AWNED GRASS) KK. Lemma awn not branched. L. Lemma awn twisted, persistent. STIPA (p. 40) LL. Lemma awn not twisted, deciduous. ORYZOPSIS (p. 40) n. Lemma awnless or with a dorsal awn 1.2 cm. or less long; glumes awnless. M. Lemma with a tuft of hair at base. N. Glumes with awns 2-5 mm. long, about equal; lemma 3-veined. (See E.) NN. Glumes awnless. O. Lemma i-veined; lower glume J-f as long as the upper. E. (Gk. kalamos = a reed; Vilfa = another genus of grasses; hence a reedlike Vilfa.) Calamovilfa longifolia (SAND GRASS) OO. Lemmas-veined; lower glume f to equaling the upper. (See F.) MM. Lemma without hairs at base. P. Palet half as long as its lemma or shorter, often none; glumes exceeding the lemma; stamens 3. (See G.) PP. Palet over half as long as its lemma ; glumes not exceeding the lemma (except in Cinna latifolia). 40 GRAMINACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) Q. Seed tightly inclosed by the ovary; stamen i; lemma with a very small dorsal awn. (Gk. kinna = some kind of a grass.) Cinna (INDIAN REED) QQ. Seed loosely inclosed by the ovary; stamens 2-3; lemma awnless. (Gk. spora = a seed, ballein = to cast forth; the grain is deciduous.) Sporobolus (DROPSEED) STIPA (NEEDLE GRASS) Perennial, tufted. Leaves often rolled up. Spikelets in a terminal panicle. Glumes persistent, keeled, unawned or rarely with a slender awn. Lemma narrow, rigid, convolute, with callus at base, awned ; callus bearded ; awn terminal, twisted, geniculate. Palet 2-veined. Stamens 3. Grain cylindric, included, often burying itself in the soil by the twisting and un- twisting of the awn. In dry soil. Range grasses. (Gk. stupe = tow ; from the towlike plumes of some species.) A. Awn 7.5-20 cm. long. B. Glumes 20-30 mm. long including the point, s-veined; lemma without crown of hairs at apex. E. S. comata (NEEDLE GRASS) BB. Glumes 16-20 mm. long, 3-veined; lemma with crown of hairs at apex. E. S. setigera (BEAR GRASS) AA. Awn 5 cm. or less long. C. Awn only slightly pubescent or scabrous. D. Callus acute or acuminate, about i mm. long. E. Panicle 15-35 cm. long; lemma and its callus 6-7 mm. long; palet as long as the lemma. F. Sheaths smooth; awn 3.5-6 cm. long. E. S. nelson! FF. At least the lower sheaths pubescent; awn 2-3 cm. long. E. S. williamsii EE. Panicle 5-12 cm. long; lemma and its callus about 4 mm. long; palet J as long as the lemma. W. C. E. S. columbiana DD. Callus obtuse, very short. E. S. lemmoni CC. Awn plumose. G. Ligule i mm. long or less. H. Sheaths pubescent. I. Awn smooth or rough but not pubescent. E. S. viridula (FEATHER NEEDLE GRASS) n. Awn pubescent to the second bend. E. S. elmeri HH. Sheaths glabrous. E. S. occidentalis (WESTERN NEEDLE GRASS) GG. Ligule 2-4 mm. long. E. S. thurberiana ORYZOPSIS (MOUNTAIN RICE) Perennial, tufted. Spikelets in a narrow lax few-flowered panicle; rachilla not prolonged beyond the palet. Glumes persistent, convex on the back, obtuse or abruptly acute. Lemma wide, obtuse-truncate, terminat- ing in an awn ; awn deciduous, simple, more or less bent near the base. Palet 2-keeled. Stamens 3. Grain oblong-ellipsoid, free. (Gk. oryza = rice, opsis = form.) A. Lemma densely covered with conspicuous long white hairs; panicle loose; not alpine. B. Leaf blade smooth; lemma narrowly elliptic; awn 8-12 mm. long. E. O. bloomer! GRAMINACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 41 BB. Leaf blade scabrous; lemma broadly oval; awn 3-5 mm. long. E. A good range grass. O. cuspidata (INDIAN MILLET) AA. Lemma hairs when present not dense nor conspicuous; panicle narrow (except O. kingii); alpine (except O. kingii). C. Awn of lemma 3-4 mm. long. C. E. O. exigua (SMALL MOUNTAIN RICE) CC. Awn of lemma 10-15 mm. long. D. Alpine; rays of panicle bearing 2-4 spikelets each; lemma smooth. E. O. hendersoni DD. Not alpine; rays of panicle bearing 1-2 spikelets each; lemma with short hairs on lower half. E. O. kingii PHLEUM (TIMOTHY) Perennial, erect. Leaf blades flat. Spikelets flat, in a dense cylindric or ovoid spike. Glumes almost equal, membranous, compressed-keeled, i-3-veined, abruptly pointed, the keel projecting as a point or awn. Lemma shorter and wider than the glumes, thin, hyaline, truncate or denticulate, awnless, 5-veined, inclosing the palet. Palet nearly equaling the lemma, narrow, hyaline. Stamens 3. Grain ovoid, free. (Gk. phleos = some kind of reed.) A. Spikes 1.5-3 cm. long; awn of glume 2 mm. long; plant 2-6 dm. high. W. C. E. P. alpinum (MOUNTAIN TIMOTHY) AA. Spikes 3-17 cm. long; awn of glume i mm. long; plant 4-10 dm. high. W. E. One of the best and most common hay grasses. P. pratense (TIMOTHY) AVENEAE (Oats Tribe). Spikelets in either open or spikelike panicles, 2 to several flowered. Rachilla produced beyond the upper lemma (except in Aira). Glumes 2. Lemma with tuft of hair at base, some in each spikelet awned (except Trisetum muticum) ; awn either dorsal or near the apex be- tween the lobes. Palet 2-keeled. Stigmas plumose. A. Plants 2 dm. high or less; spikelets 2-flowered, both perfect; rachilla jointed below the glumes, not prolonged beyond the upper flower. (Gk. aira = a deadly weapon; applied to a poisonous Darnel.) Aira (HAIR GRASS) AA. Plants mostly taller; spikelets 2- to several-flowered, sometimes only i perfect when only 2; rachilla jointed above the glumes (except in Holcus), prolonged be- yond the upper flower. B. Plants densely soft-whitish-hairy; spikelets falling off entire; rachilla jointed below the glumes; spikelets 2-flowered, the lower perfect, the upper staminate; awn of second flower hooklike. W. E. A common grass especially west of the Cascades, often cut for hay. It often crowds out other and better hay grasses and then becomes a weed. Sometimes wrongly called " Mesquite." (Gk. holkos = some kind of grass.) Holcus lanatus (VELVET GRASS) BB. Plants not densely soft-whitish-hairy; spikelets falling off in parts; rachilla jointed above the glumes; spikelets 2- to several-flowered (2 only in Arrhenatherum, which has the perfect flower above); awns not hooklike. C. Spikelets i cm. long or less. D. Spikelets 8-10 mm. long; lemma awned from near the base; spikelets only 2-flowered; upper flower perfect or pistillate, the lower staminate. W. (Gk. arren = masculine, ather = an awn; only the staminate flowers are awned.) Arrhenatherum elatius (TALL OAT-GRASS) 42 GRAMINACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) DD. Spikelets either less than 7 mm. long or else lemma awned from the middle or above it; spikelets 2 to many flowered; upper flower sometimes staminate or abortive, the others perfect. E. Lemma keeled, obtuse or truncate, erose at tip, awn arising at or below the middle. DESCHAMPSIA (p. 42) EE. Lemma convex, acute or shortly bifid, not erose, awn none or arising above the middle. TRISETUM (p. 42) CC. Spikelets over i cm. long. F. Perennial; awn of lemma between the teeth at apex; grain glabrous. DANTHONIA (p. 43) FF. Annual or perennial; awn of lemma dorsal; grain hairy. AVENA (p. 43) DESCHAMPSIA (HAIR GRASS) Tufted. Spikelets 2-3-flowered, shining, in a terminal panicle. Glumes keeled, the sides thinly scarious. Lemma membranous or nearly hyaline, 4-veined, obtuse or truncate, 2-4 toothed, awned ; awn fine, dorsal, arising at or below the middle. (Honor of J. C. A. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, a French botanist.) The ist and 2d are good range grasses. A. Some of the flowers projecting beyond the glumes; awn very slightly or not at all projecting beyond its lemma. W. E. D. caespitosa (TUFTED HAIR-GRASS) AA. Flowers not projecting beyond the glumes; awn projecting beyond its lemma once the lemma length or more. B. Perennial; glumes 3-6 mm. long; awn either less than 6 mm. long or straight, or both. C. Leaf blade flat; awn hardly or not at all projecting beyond the glumes; glumes i-veined, 4.5-6 mm. long; plants 1.5-4 dm. high. W. C. E. D. atropurpurea (MOUNTAIN HAIR-GRASS) CC. Leaf blade rolled up; awn projecting beyond the glume at least } the glume length; glumes 3-veined, 3-4 mm. long; plants 3-12 dm. high. W. C. E. D. elongata (SLENDER HAIR-GRASS) BB. Annual; glumes 6-8 mm. long; awn 6-12 mm. long, geniculate. E. D. calycina (OAT-LIKE HAIR-GRASS) TRISETUM (FALSE OAT) Perennial, tufted. Spikelets 2-5-flowered, in a panicle. Glumes keeled, the first the shorter, the second nearly as long as the spikelet. Lemma keeled, acute or shortly bifid, awned; awn attached above the middle, dorsal or at the base of the cleft (sometimes none in T. muticum), usually twisted at base and more or less bent. Grain smooth, unfurrowed, inclosed, free. (L. tres = 3, seta = a bristle; lemma has i awn and 2 sharp teeth.) The 3rd and 5th ar good forage grasses. A. Glumes almost equal; lemma acute, awnless or with awn about i mm. long or less. B. Glumes 6-7 mm. long; spikelets 3-flowered. E. T. muticum (BEARDLESS FALSE OAT) BB. Glumes 3-5 mm. long; spikelets 2-flowered. E. T. wolfil (WOLF'S FALSE OAT) AA. Glumes unequal, the first -f as long as the second; lemma cleft at apex, awn 4-12 mm. long. GRAMINACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 43 C. Panicle dense, 5-12 cm. long; plant 1.5-6 dm. high; spikelets 5-6 mm. long. W. C. E. T. spicatum (NARROW FALSE OAT) CC. Panicle not dense, 12-20 cm. long; plants 3-12 dm. high; spikelets 6-8 mm. long. D. Leaf sheath glabrous; lemma 5-6 mm. long, awn arising below the cleft. W. C. E. T. cernuum (NODDING FALSE OAT) DD. Leaf sheath pubescent; lemma 6-7 mm. long, awn arising at the cleft. W. C. E. T. canescens (SILVERY FALSE OAT) DANTHONIA (OAT-GRASS) Spikelets solitary or in a raceme or panicle. Glumes narrow, keeled, acute, awnless, usually as long as the spikelet. Lemma rounded on the back, awned, with 2 firm scarious terminal lobes ; awn twisted, bent, arising between the lobes. Grain glabrous, free. (Honor of Etienne Danthoine, a French botanist.) The ist and 3rd are good range grasses. A. Spikelets in a narrow close panicle, ascending. B. Callus elongate, densely hairy. W. C. E. D. intermedia (SMALLER OAT-GRASS) BB. Callus very short, with a few short hairs. W. E. D. pinetorum AA. Spikelets solitary or spreading in a loose panicle. C. Spikelets 3-10; leaf sheath only slightly hairy; apex of lemma with 2 teeth 2-3 mm. long. E. D. calif ornica (CALIFORNIA OAT-GRASS) CC. Spikelets 1-4; leaf sheath quite hairy; apex of lemma with 2 awl-like teeth 3-10 mm. long. D. Spikelets usually 2-4; lemma abruptly narrowed, 6-8 mm. long. W. C. D. americana DD. Spikelets usually only i; lemma not abruptly narrowed, 8-10 mm. long. E. D. unispicata (MOUNTAIN OAT-GRASS) AVENA (OATS) Annual or perennial. Spikelets few-flowered, rarely i-flowered, in a loose panicle ; rachilla hairy under the lemma. Glumes scarious at least at the apex, lanceolate, nearly equal. Lemma smaller than the glumes, rounded on the back, 5-n-veined, 2-cleft at the apex, awned; awn dorsal, twisted. Palet narrow, 2-toothed. Stamens 3. Grain deeply grooved. (The Latin name.) A. Lemma awn 2-4 cm. long, abruptly bent near the middle, arising near middle of lemma. W. E. Sometimes cut for hay. A. fatua (WILD OATS) AA. Lemma awn 2 cm. or less long, not or hardly abruptly bent, arising f way up lemma. B. Annual; spikelets 20-25 mm. long, 2-3 -flowered; glumes g-n-veined. W. E. This is common cultivated oats, one of our best grain crops. A. sativa (OATS) BB. Perennial; spikelets 10-15 mm. long, 3-6-flowered; glumes 3~5-veined. E. A. striata (PERENNIAL OATS) FESTUCEAE (Blue-grass Tribe). Inflorescence a panicle, spikelike or spreading. Spikelets 2- to many-flowered, very rarely i -flowered ; glumes keeled, acuminate to obtuse, shorter than the first lemma. Lemma entire to 3-cleft, awnless; awns terminal, rarely dorsal. Palet 2-keeled. 44 GRAMINACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) A. Lemma with 1-3 veins. B. Rachilla with long hairs which exceed the lemma in length; plants tall, reedlike. E. (Gk. phragmites = growing in hedges; referring to its hedgelike growth along ditches.) Phragmites communis (REED) BB. Rachilla glabrous or with short hairs which do not equal the lemma in length; plants not reedlike. C. Plant 1-2 dm. high; stems dichotomously branched; leaves crowded in dense tufts at the nodes or ends of the stems; stigma with short hairs on all sides. E. (Honor of Gen. William Munro, an English agrostologist.) Munroa squarrosa (FALSE BUFFALO-GRASS) CC. Most species taller; stems not dichotomously branched; leaves not in dense tufts along the stem; stigma plumose. D. Glumes nearly equal in length, but very unlike in form, the first narrowly linear and i -veined, the second broadly obovate and obtuse and 3-veined. (Honor of Amos Eaton, an American botanist). Eatonia DD. Glumes unequal in length, but similar in form. E. Lemmas acute or awned, the veins converging in the tip. W. E. A good range grass. (Honor of G. L. Koeler, a German botanist.) Koeleria cristata (JUNE GRASS) EE. Lemma obtuse, the veins parallel and not converging in the tip. F. Panicle narrow; spikelets 3-so-flowered; rachilla not jointed; lemma decid- uous; palet persistent. (Gk. er = spring, agrostis = a grass.) Eiagrostis (MEADOW GRASS) FF. Panicle open; spikelets 2-flowered; rachilla jointed; lemma and palet both deciduous. E. (Gk. katabrosis = an eating; because glumes and lemma have margins roughened as if gnawed.) Catabrosa aquatica (WATER WHORL-GRASS) AA. Lemma with 5 or more veins. G. Spikelets nearly sessile, in dense i-sided clusters at the ends of the few panicle branches. W. E. A very good early range grass. (Gk. dactylos = a finger; referring to the thick spreading panicle branches.) Dactylis glomerata (ORCHARD GRASS) GG. Spikelets not in dense i-sided clusters at the ends of the panicle branches. H. Spikelets as wide as long, somewhat heart-shaped. U. (Gk. briza = a grain similar to rye.) Briza minor (QUAKING GRASS) HH. Spikelets much longer than wide, not heart-shaped. I. Keels of the palet with a distinct crest or winglike appendage. (Gk. pleuron = side, pogon = beard; referring to the ciliate keels of the palet.) Pleuropogon (PLEUROPOGON) n. Keels of the palet not winged. J. Lemma somewhat keeled on the back. K. Lemma 2-toothed at apex, very rarely awnless; stigma arising below apex of ovary. BROMUS (p. 46) KK. Lemma acute or obtuse, not 2-toothed, not awned; stigma arising at apex of ovary. L. Glumes wii.h 1-3 veins. POA (p. 45) LL. Glumes with 5 or more veins; salt-'marsh plant. W. E. (Gk. distichos = 2-ranked; referring to the flattish inflorescence.) Distichlis spicata (SALT GRASS) JJ. Lemma rounded on the back, not at all keeled. M. Upper lemmas of spikelet sterile, club-shaped or hooded. (L. mel = honey; it was formerly the name of Sorghum which has a sweet pith.) Melica (MELIC GRASS) MM. Upper lemmas of spikelet either perfect, or else narrow and abortive but not club-shaped nor hooded. GRAMINACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 45 N. Lemma 2-toothed at apex, mostly awned from just below the apex; stigmas arising below apex of ovary. BROMUS (p. 46) NN. Lemma not 2-toothed at apex; lemma awn none or at the very apex; stigmas arising at apex of ovary. O. Lemma acute, often awned, not scarious at apex; lemma veins not promi- nent. FESTUCA (p. 45) OO. Lemma obtuse, awnless, scarious at tip. P. Lemma prominently s-g-veined; style present; lodicules united. (Gk. glykeros = sweet; referring to the taste of the grain.) Glyceria (MANNA GRASS) PP. Lemma obscurely 3-veined; style none; lodicules separate. (Honor of B. Puccinelli, an Italian botanist.) Puccinellia (SPEAR GRASS) POA (BLUE-GRASS) Spikelets 2-io-flowered ; panicle usually loose and spreading, rarely narrow and spikelike. Glumes acute or obtuse. Lemma delicately scarious- margined, mostly scarious-tipped, usually surrounded by a few woolly hairs. Palet 2-toothed. (Gk. poa = grass, or fodder in general.) A very diffi- cult and numerous genus. Only 7 of the most useful ones are given, and the key separates only those. (F. & R. pp. 57-61.) The wild ones are range grasses. A. Lemma with long spider-weblike hairs at base. B. Stem flat, 2-edged; panicle 1-4 cm. long, flat; lower glume 3-veined. W. E. A common lawn grass. P. compressa (CANADA BLUE-GRASS) BB. Stem terete; panicle 5-10 cm. long, not flat; lower glume i-veined. W. C. E. Common pasture and lawn grass. P. pratensis (KENTUCKY BLUE-GRASS) AA. Lemma without spider-weblike hairs at base. C. Lower glume i-veined. E. P. sandbergii CC. Lower glume 3-veined. D. Stems coarse, 6-10 dm. high; plant glaucous. E. Leaves rolled up; glumes and lemmas unequal. E. P. laevigata EE. Leaves flat or folded; glumes and lemmas nearly or quite the same length. E. P. nevadensis (NEVADA BLUE-GRASS) DD. Stem not coarse, 2-7 dm. high. F. Panicle loose, its branches spreading or ascending. E. P. wheeler FF. Panicle dense, its branches erect or very short. P. buckleyana (BUNCH REDTOP) FESTUCA (FESCUE) Spikelets 2- to many-flowered, in racemes or panicles ; flowers perfect or the upper one staminate. Glumes keeled, equal or unequal, the lower i-3-veined, the upper 3~5-veined. Lemma 5-veined. Stamens 1-3. Grain glabrous. (L. festuca = a stalk or straw ; hence applied to a straw- like grass growing in barley.) Mostly range grasses. Only 6 of the most important are given, and the key separates only those. (F. & R. pp. 62-64.) A. Annual; stamens i or 2. B. Spikelets 8-i3-flowered. F. octoflora (SLENDER FESCUE) BB. Spikelets i-4-flowered. F. microstachys (SMALL FESCUE) AA. Perennial; stamens 3. 46 GRAMINACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) C. Awn as long as the lemma or longer. (See E.) CC. Awn shorter than the lemma or none. D. Leaves narrow, involute; plants usually tufted. E. Leaf blades quite smooth; young shoots arising outside the leaf sheath. F. rubra (RED FESCUE) EE. Leaf blades scabrous at margin or in their upper portion; young shoots arising within the leaf sheath. F. Panicle rays not cushioned at base; spikelets 5-7.5 mm. long; lemma 3-3.5 mm. long. F. ovina (SHEEP FESCUE) FF. Panicle rays cushioned at base; spikelets 8-12 mm. long; lemma 6-7 mm. long. F. viridula DD. Leaves flat, wide; plants not densely tufted. F. elatior (TALL FESCUE) BROMUS (BROME) Leaves flat or nearly so. Spikelets many, 5~i5-flowered; glumes un- equal, acute, the lower i-3-veined, the upper 3-9-veined. Lemma 5-9- veined, awnless or awned from just below the tip. Palet keels ciliate. Stamens 3. Stigmas arising below the hairy cushionlike top of the ovary. Grain adherent. (Gk. broma = food ; Bromus was first the name of a wild oat.) A large genus of forage grasses of which only 10 of the most im- portant are given, and the key separates only those. (F. & R. pp. 65-67.) A. Lemma awn 0-16 mm. long. B. Lemma glabrous or merely scabrous. C. Spikelets strongly flattened. D. Lemma 6-8 mm. long; glumes scabrous toward the apex. W. E. Becomes a weed in wheat. B. secalinus (CHESS) DD. Lemma 14-16 mm. long; glumes smooth. (See HH.) CC. Spikelets terete or nearly so. E. Leaf sheath glabrous. W. E. B. inermis (HUNGARIAN BROME) EE. Leaf sheath pubescent. F. Panicle dense, erect. (See I.) FF. Panicle loose, spreading. W. E. B. racemosus (UPRIGHT CHESS) BB. Lemma hairy. G. Spikelets much flattened. H. Lemma awn 0-7 mm. long. W. E. B. marginatus HH. Lemma awn more than 7 mm. long. W. E. B. carinatus GG. Spikelets terete or nearly so. I. Lemma awn 6-8 mm. long; lower glume 3-veined. W. E. B. hordeaceus (SOFT BROME) n. Lemma awn 10-16 mm. long; lower glume i-veined. J. Annual; leaves and sheaths pubescent; lemma s-veined. E. B. tectorum (DOWNY BROME) JJ. Perennial; kaves and sheaths glabrous or pilose; lemma 7-veined. W. C. E. B. eximus AA. Lemma awn 17-25 mm. long. W. E. B. sterilis AAA. Lemma awn 35-65 mm. long. W. E. B. maximus CHLORIDEAE (Bermuda-grass Tribe). Spikelets i- to several- flowered, in spikes or racemes; spikes i-sided, digitately or racemosely arranged, rarely solitary. Lemma usually keeled, either entire and unawned or else toothed and with 1-3 straight awns. Grain unfurrowed, free. GRAMINACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 47 A. Spikelets 6-14 mm. long; lower glume about J as long as the upper including awn- point if present. B. Plants 3-18 dm. high; lemma obtuse or emarginate, not awn-pointed, i-veined, no sterile lemma above the first flower. (Gk. spartine = a cord; referring to the tough slender leaves.) Spartina (CORD GRASS) BB. Plants 1.5-4.5 dm. high; lemma 3-pointed, each point with a short awn, 3-5- veined, with 1-3 sterile lemmas above the first flower. E. (Honor of C. Boutelou, a Spanish agriculturist.) Bouteloua oligostachya (GRAMA GRASS) AA. Spikelets 2-4 mm. long; lower glume f to once as long as the upper. C. Spikes all or nearly all from the tip, widely spreading when mature; rachilla jointed above the glumes. D. Perennial; spikelets i-flowered, 2 mm. long. W. E. An excellent pasture grass, but a weed in fields. (Gk. kyon = a dog, odons = a tooth; the i-sided spike suggested a row of dog teeth.) Cynodon dactylon (BERMUDA GRASS) DD. Annual; spikelets several-flowered, 3-4 mm. long. W. E. (Ceres, the Greek goddess of the harvests, was worshiped in the town of Elusin.) Eleusine indica (YARD GRASS) CC. Spikes scattered along a common axis, rather closely applied to this axis; rachilla jointed below the glumes. E. (Honor of J. Beckmann, a German botanist.) Beckmannia erucaeformis (SLOUGH GRASS) HORDEAE (Barley Tribe). Leaf blade with a more or less well- marked pair of auriculate appendages at the base. Inflorescence a spike, with i or more spikelets at each joint of the rachis ; rachis zigzagged, chan- neled. Spikelets sessile in the alternate notches of the rachis, i- to many- flowered. Glumes awnless or awned or none. A. Spikelets solitary at each joint of the rachis. B. Spikes 4 mm. or less wide; spikelets i-flowered. U. C. (Honor of F. Lamson- Scribner, an American agrostologist.) Scribneria bolanderi (THREAD HEAD) BB. Spikes 5 mm. or more wide; spikelets 3- to several-flowered. C. Spikelets placed with edge to the rachis; glumes i, or in the terminal spikelet 2. LOLIUM (p. 48) CC. Spikelets placed with flat side to the rachis; glumes 2. D. Lemma with distinct callus at base, falling at maturity with the grain; grain adherent to the palet. AGROPYRON (p. 48) DD. Lemma without a distinct callus, persisting after the grain has fallen; grain free from the palet. E. Glumes subulate, i-veined. W. E. Cultivated for its grain. (Celtic sega = a sickle; hence a grain for cutting.) Secale cereale (RYE) EE. Glumes lanceolate or ovate. 3- to many-veined. W. E. Cultivated for grain. Our best source of flour. (L. tritum = rubbed or ground; because it was ground into flour. ) Triticum vulgare (WHEAT) AA. Spikelets 2 or more at each joint of the rachis, but often some sterile. F. Spikelets 3 at each joint of the rachis, sterile or i -flowered. HORDEUM (p. 49) FF. Spikelets 2-3 at each joint of the rachis, 2- to many-flowered. G. Glumes entire; rachis continuous, rarely breaking into pieces when mature. (Gk. elyeln = to roll up; in some species the spike is somewhat enwrapped by the leaf sheath.) Elymus (WILD RYE) GG. Glumes 2- to many-parted or -cleft; rachis jointed, readily falling into pieces when mature. (Gk. sitas = wheat or grain; likely because the plants hav wheatlike heads.) Sitanion (BRISTLY WILD RYE) 48 GRAMINACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) LOLIUM (RYE GRASS) Leaves, flat. Spikelets in a simple terminal spike, several-flowered, sessile alternate; rachis somewhat zigzag; rachilla jointed between the flowers. Glume i except in the terminal spikelet, opposite the rachis. Lemma rounded on the back, 5-y-veined, obtuse to awned. Palet 2-keeled. Stamens 3. Grain smooth, adherent. (Latin name.) A. Perennial; glumes shorter than the spikelet (less the awns); leaf sheaths shorter than the internodes. W. An early range grass. L. perenne (PERENNIAL RYE GRASS) AA. Annual; glumes equaling or exceeding the spikelets (less the awns); leaf sheaths longer than the internodes. W. Seed slightly poisonous to man. L. temulentum (DARNEL) AGROPYRON (BUNCH-GRASS) Perennial; stem erect, simple. Spikelets in a spike, closely sessile. Glumes narrower than the lemma, acute or awned. Lemma rounded on the back or slightly keeled above. 5~7-veined, obtuse to awned at apex. Palet 2-keeled, bristly ciliate on the keels. Grain pubescent at apex. Range grasses. (Gk. agros = field, pyros = wheat; they were weeds in wheat.) A. Plants densely tufted; lemma not hairy. B. Glume awns 1-2.5 cm. long; glumes 4-6 mm. long. C. Herbage pubescent; spike dense. E. A. saxicola CC. Herbage glabrous; spike loose. E. A. flexuosum BB. Glume awns either none or more than i cm. long. D. Some of the lemma awns longer than their lemmas. E. Glumes exceeding the lower lemma (less the awns); lemma awns erect, not at all divergent. E. A. richardsonl EE. Glumes shorter than the lower lemma (less the awns) ; lemma awns diver- gent or widely spreading. F. Glumes attenuate into a scabrous awn. G. Spikes 4-7 cm. long; rachis readily breaking at joints; glumes 5-8 mm. long (less the awn). C. E. A. scribneri GG. Spikes 10-25 cm. long; rachis not readily breaking at joints; glumes 10-14 mm. long (less the awn). E. A. gmelini FF. Glumes awnless. E. A. spicatum (WHEAT BUNCH-GRASS) DD. Lemma awns shorter than their lemmas or none. H. Spikelets flattened. (See FF.) HH. Spikelets terete or nearly so. I. Lower glume 3-veined. J. Leaves 3.5-9 cm. long; glumes scabrous on the keel. E. A. brevifolium JJ. Leaves 7.5-20 cm. long; glumes scabrous on the margin. E. A. biblorum H. Lower glume s-veined. K. Spikes 3-10 cm. long; glumes mostly widest above their middle. E. A. violaceum KK. Spikes 8-20 cm. long; glumes mostly widest below their middle. E. A. tenerum AA. Plants not tufted, stems from creeping rootstocks. GRAMINACEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 49 L. Lemma hairy. M. Lemma villous; spike rather dense. N. Spikelets s-7-flowered. E. A. subvillosum NN. Spikelets 7-ia-flowered. E. (See PP.) MM. Lemma puberulent; spike long and not dense. E. A. lanceolatum LL. Lemma not hairy. O. Leaves smooth beneath, pubescent above. W. E. Rhizomes medicinal. A bad weed in cultivated fields. A. repens (COUCH GRASS) OO. Leaves rough on both sides. P. Spikelets 4-7-flowered. (See KK.) PP. Spikelets 7-i3-flowered. W. E. A. occidentalis (BLUE JOINT) HORDEUM (BARLEY) Leaves flat. Spikelets in spikes, 2-3 together at a joint of the rachis, sessile or short-stalked, often only i fertile in a cluster, i-flowered, awned, lateral ones usually imperfect and short stalked. Glumes setaceous to narrowly lanceolate, rigid, persistent. Lemma lanceolate, rounded on the back, obscurely 5-veined above, usually awned. Palet shorter than the lemma, 2-keeled. Stamens 3. Grain hairy at tip, grooved, adherent. (Latin name for barley.) A. Only the central spikelet of each group fertile. B. Flower of the central spikelet plainly stalked; glumes ciliate. W. E. The barbed seeds get into the wool of sheep and into the eyes and throats of animals, sometimes even killing them. H. murinum (WALL BARLEY) BB. Flower of the central spikelet sessile; glumes not ciliate. C. Heads exclusive of awns about 5 mm. wide. D. Lemma awn of central spikelet 3.5-6 cm. long, of the lateral spikelets over half the lemma. W. E. The beards collect in the mouths of cattle, caus- ing ulcers and even death. H. jubatum (SQUIRREL-TAIL GRASS) DD. Lemma awn of the central spikelet 1.8-3 cm. long, of the lateral spikelets over half the lemma. E. Blades and sheaths of leaves glabrous. W. E. H. caespitosum EE. Blades and sheaths of leaves pilose. E. H. comosum DDD. Lemma awn of the central spikelet 0.4-1.2 cm. long, of the lateral spikelets not over half the lemma. F. Lateral spikelets with perfect flowers. E. H. boreale FF. Lateral spikelets with imperfect flowers. G. All of the glumes of each cluster tapering from the base. H. Leaf blades finely pubescent; inner glumes of the lateral spikelets about twice as long as the outer. U. H. gussoneanum HH. Leaf blades scabrous; both glumes of the lateral spikelets about the same width. W. E. H. nodosum (WILD BARLEY) GG. 3-4 of the glumes of each cluster widest above the base. I. Leaves rough above, smooth beneath; spikes 4-6 times as long as wide. E. H. pusillum (LITTLE BARLEY) II. Leaves smooth on both sides; spikes 2-3 times as long as wide. U. H. geniculatum (SEA BARLEY) CC. Heads exclusive of awns about 10 mm. wide. E. Cultivated for grain. H. distichon (2-ROw BARLEY) AA. All 3 spikelets of each group fertile. W. E. Cultivated for grain. H. hexastichon (6 ROW BARLEY) F. & R. EL. FL. 4 50 CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) Herbs, annual or perennial; rhizomes present; stems 3-angled or terete, mostly solid. Leaves attenuate, mostly basal; sheaths not split. Flowers in spikes or spikelets, small, perfect or monoe- cious or dioecious, in the axils of scales; scales imbricate, chaffy; spikes again variously grouped unless solitary. Peri- anth none or of mere bristles or scales. Stamens usually 2-3, hypogynous; anthers basifixed. Ovary i -celled; ovule i; style 2-3-cleft. Fruit an akene, lens-shaped or somewhat 3-angled, membranous or crustaceous or bony. A difficult family. Keys only to the genera. (F. & R. pp. 74-89.) A. Akenes not inclosed in a saclike structure; flowers perfect; spikelets all alike. B. Spikelets more or less flat; scales in 2 opposite rows. C. Stem nearly naked; leaves mostly basal; perianth none. (Gk. kupeiros = the ancient name for these plants.) Cyperus (CYPERUS) CC. Stem with 3 distinct rows of leaves; leaves mostly on the stem; perianth of 6-9 bristles. W. (Gk. duo = 2, leichen = a scale; the scales of the spikelets are in 2 ranks.) Dulichium arundinaceum (DULICHIUM) BB. Spikelets terete; scales imbricated all round. D. Akenes not crowned with the bulbous base of the style. E. Spikelets not a cottony mass. F. Perennial; perianth of 06 bristles. One of these is 5. occidentalis (Tule), whose stems are used for the interior of cheap life preservers. (The Latin name of the Bulrush.) Scirpus (BULRUSH) FF. Annual; perianth of a single hyaline scale between the rachilla and the akene. (Gk. hemi half, karphos = chaff; because this genus has only i inner scale while most related genera have 2 or more.) Hemicarpha (HEMICARPHA) EE. Spikelets each a white to brown cottony head of hairs 1-3 cm. wide. (Gk. erion = wool or cotton, phoros = bearing; referring to the cottony spikes.) Eriophorum (COTTON GRASS) DD. Akenes crowned with the persistent bulbous base of the style. G. Stem leafless; spikelets solitary, terminal ; perianth bristles usually present, 0-12. (Gk. elos = a marsh, chairo = to rejoice; because it grows in wet places.) Eleocharis (SPIKE RUSH) GG. Stem leafy at least at base; spikelets more than i, in an involucrate umbel. H. Akene 3-angled; perianth bristles none. U. (Gk. stenos = narrow, phyllon = a leaf; on account of the very narrow leaves.) Stenophyllus capillaris (HAIR SEDGE) HH. Akene lens-shaped; perianth bristles Q-IS, downwardly barbed. W. (Gk. rhynchos = a snout, spora = a seed ; referring to the long-beaked akene.) Rhynchospora alba (WHITE BEAK-RUSH) AA. Akenes inclosed in a saclike structure; flowers monoecious; spikes mostly of 2 kinds. (Gk. keirein = to cut; referring to the sharp leaf -edges.) Carez (SEDGE) PONTEDERIACEAE (PICKEREL-WEED FAMILY) 51 ARACEAE (ARUM FAMILY) Herbs, perennial, large. Leaves large, simple. Flowers crowded on a spadix; spathe surrounding spadix, usually conspicuous. Perianth of 4 or 6 green sepals. Stamens 4 or 6, opposite the sepals. Fruit usually berry-like. A. Leaves 7-45 cm. wide, netted-veined, with skunklike smell; spathe yellow. W. C. E. (Gk. lysis = a loosening, chiton = a mantle; referring to the loosening spathe.) Lysichiton camtschatcense (SKUNK CABBAGE) AA. Leaves 2.5 cm. or less wide, parallel-veined, without skunklike smell; spathe green. E. Rhizome medicinal. (The ancient name.) Acorus calamus (SWEET FLAG) LEMNACEAE (DUCKWEED FAMILY) Minute, stemless, floating, merely i or more flattened or spherical multicellular green bodies either with roots hanging from the under side or without them. Flowers extremely rare. Fruit a utricle. Floating on ponds or lakes. A. Thalloid shoots i-5-veined, with o-i rootlet; rootlets without vascular tissue. LEMNA (p. 51) AA. Thalloid shoots 7-i5-veined, with 2-10 rootlets; rootlets with central vascular cylinder. W. E. (Gk. spira = a cord, delos = evident; from the threadlike roots.) Spirodela polyrhiza (LARGE DUCKWEED) LEMNA (DUCKWEED) Thalloid shoots with many needle-shaped crystals in the cells. (Gk. limne = a swamp; referring to the habitat.) A. Thalloid shoots long-stalked at base, broadly oar-shaped, 6-10 mm. long, 12 or fewer connected. L. trisulca (FAIRY PADDLE) AA. Thalloid shoots sessile, elliptic-oblong, 2.5-4 mm. long, 5 or fewer connected. L. minor (SMALL DUCKWEED) PONTEDERIACEAE (PICKEREL- WEED FAMILY) ' Herbs, low; stems creeping or ascending or floating. Leaves grasslike. Flowers subtended by a leaflike spathe, perfect, mostly irregular; solitary, small, yellow. Perianth free from the ovary, corolla-like, 6-parted; segments linear; tube threadlike. Stamens 3, unequal, on the tube. Ovary fusiform; style i; stigma 3-lobed. Fruit a many-seeded capsule. E. In water or bogs. (Gk. helera = different, anther a = anther ; ours and some other species have 2 forms of anthers.) Heteranthera dubia (MUD PLANTAIN) 52 JUNCACEAE (RUSH FAMILY) JUNCACEAE (RUSH FAMILY) Annual or perennial, grasslike or rushlike. Inflorescence various. Flowers small, regular, hypogynous, persistent. Sepals 3, glumaceous. Petals 3, similar to the sepals. Stamens 6 or rarely 3; anthers introrse. Pistil 3-carpous, either i-celled or 3-celled; ovary superior; stigmas 3. Fruit a loculicidal capsule, 3-valved. Seeds 3 to many, small. Difficult family. Key only to the genera. (F. & R. pp. 90-94.) A. Leaf sheaths open; leaves never hairy, mostly not flat nor grasslike; capsule i-celled or 3-celled, many-seeded; placentae parietal or axial. (L. jungere = to bind; ropes were made by twisting together some species.) Juncus (RUSH) AA. Leaf sheaths closed; leaves often with a few large hairs, flat, grasslike; cap- sule i-celled, 3-seeded; placenta basal. (Juncus = a genus of rushes; Gk. eidos = like; hence, rushlike.) Juncoides (WOOD RUSH) *KEY DIRECT TO THE GENERA OF MELANTHACEAE, LILIACEAE, AND CONVALLARIACEAE A. Leaves not grasslike, either wider or mere scales. B. Leaves mere scales; plants very much branched, ultimate branchlets thread- like. Asparagus in CONVALLARIACEAE (p. 62) BB. Leaves not scales; branching not profuse; branches not threadlike. C. Stems scapose or none, or leaves only from near base. D. Leaves only 2 or 3. E. Perianth 25-75 rnm. long; perianth segments about equal in width ; stamens 6. Erythronium in LILIACEAE (p. 55) EE. Perianth 6-9 mm. long; inner perianth segments narrower than the outer; stamens 3. Scoliopus in CONVALLARIACEAE (p. 62) DD. Leaves more than 3. F. Plant with bulb, glabrous; leaves 12 or more times as long as wide; fruit a capsule. Camassia in LILIACEAE (p. 55) FF. Plant with rhizome, hairy at least on the inflorescence; leaves 3-5 times as long as wide; fruit a berry. Clintonia in CONVALLARIACEAE (p. 62) CC. Stems leafy, not merely so at base. G. Petals very unlike the sepals in form or size or color. H. Leaves 3 in a whorl at the top of the stem, ovate or wider. Trillium in CONVALLARIACEAE (p. 62) HH. Leaves more than 3, not in a whorl, lanceolate or narrower. Calochortus in LILIACEAE (p. 55) GG. Petals and sepals alike or very nearly so. I. Flowers not white, or if so 42 mm. long or longer. JJ in LILIACEAE (p. 56) II. Flowers greenish white, 2-23 mm. long. * These families are so poorly distinguished that it is easier to trace most of the genera direct. However, there is also a key to the genera under each family. MELANTHACEAE (BUNCH-FLOWER FAMILY) 53 J. Leaves 1-3. Unifolium in CONVALLARIACEAE (p. 62) JJ. Leaves more than 3. K. Flowers in a terminal raceme or panicle; stem not branched. L. Style i ; fruit a berry; stem 2-9 dm. high. Vagnera in CONVALLARIACEAE (p. 62) LL. Styles 3; fruit a capsule; stem 6-30 dm. high. Veratrum in MELANTHACEAE (p. 53) KK. Flowers either in a terminal umbel or else axillary; stem usually branched. See EE in CONVALLARIACEAE (p. 62) AA. Leaves grasslike, narrow. M. Plant with onion-like odor and taste. Allium in LILIACEAE (p. 55) MM. Plant without either onion-like odor or taste. N. Stem none, or scapose, or leafy only near the base. O. Plant with rhizome. P. Plant stemless; flowers in a sessile umbel; bracts of the inflorescence leaf- like, about twice as long as the flower and its stalk. Leucocrinum in LILIACEAE (p. 55) PP. Plant with stem 15-90 cm. high; flowers in a terminal raceme or panicle ; bracts of the inflorescence not leaflike, shorter than the flower and its stalk. See C in MELANTHACEAE (p. 53) OO. Plant with bulb or corm. Q. Flowers in an umbel. See BB in LILIACEAE (p. 55) OQ. Flowers in an elongated raceme or panicle. R. Styles 3; capsule septicidal. See CC in MELANTHACEAE (p. 53) RR. Style i; capsule loculicidal. See E in LILIACEAE (p. 55) NN. Stem not scapose, leafy and not only so at the base. S. Leaves very many, 50 or more, very tough and rigid, serrulate; plant with rhizome. Xerophyllum in MELANTHACEAE (p. 53) SS. Leaves few, 20 or fewer, not particularly tough nor rigid, entire; plant with bulb or corm. See H in LILIACEAE (p. 55) MELANTHACEAE (BUNCH-FLOWER FAMILY) Herbs, erect, perennial, with rootstocks or rarely with coated bulbs; stem leafy. Leaves wide or grasslike, parallel-veined but often reticulate between the large veins. Flowers solitary or in a raceme or a panicle, regular. Perianth segments 6, distinct or nearly so, usually persistent. Stamens 6. Ovary 3-celled, superior or partly inferior; styles 3, distinct or somewhat united. Fruit a capsule, mostly septicidal, rarely loculicidal. Seeds several to many, often tailed. A. Leaves narrow, linear; plants glabrous (except Tofieldia in part). B. Leaves few, 25 or fewer, not rigid, not rough-margined; inflorescence bracted. C. Stems with rhizomes; anthers 2 -celled; leaves equitant. D. Perianth segments oblanceolate; pedicels bracted near the flower; fila- ments naked; anthers round- cordate; capsule ovate, 3-beaked, septicidal. TOFIELDIA (p. 54) 54 MELANTHACEAE (BUNCH-FLOWER FAMILY) DD. Perianth segments lanceolate; pedicels bracted near the middle; fila- ments woolly; anthers linear; capsule oblong, attenuate upward, loculicidal. U. (An anagram of Anthericum, from Greek anther ikos, the supposed name of the Asphodel.) Narthecium californicum (BOG ASPHODEL) CC. Stems from bulbs; anthers cordate or reniform, i-celled; leaves not equi- tant. E. Flowers nodding, yellowish purple; perianth segments acuminate, glandless. W. C. (Gk. stenos = narrow, anthos a flower; referring to the narrow perianth segments.) Stenanthium occidentale (STENANTHIUM) EE. Flowers erect, white or yellowish; perianth segments acute or blunter, with 1-2 glands just above the narrowed base. ZYGADENUS (p. 54) BB. Leaves many, 50 or more, rigid, rough-margined; inflorescence bractless; anthers 2-celled; stem from a rhizome. W. C. E. (Gk. xeros = dry, phyllon = a leaf ; the leaves are not juicy.) Xerophyllum tenax (BEAR GRASS) AA. Leaves wide, lanceolate to broadly elliptic; stem and inflorescence pubescent; inflorescence bracted; anthers i -celled; stem from a rhizome. VERATRUM (p. 55) TOFIELDIA (FALSE ASPHODEL) Slender, mostly tufted, with rootstock. Stems simple, leafy only at base. Leaves 2-ranked, equitant, linear, grasslike. Flowers in a terminal bracted spike or raceme, perfect, usually involucrate by 3 bractlets on the pedicel. Perianth persistent; segments 3-veined, white or greenish. Stamens equaling the perianth. Capsule septicidal, 3-lobed, beaked by 3 persistent styles. In mountain marshes. (Honor of a Mr. Tofield, a little-known English botanist.) A. Involucre bracts united f or more of the distance to the apex; perianth segments 2-4 mm. long; capsule widest below the middle. W. C. E. T. intermedia AA. Involucre bracts united 5 or less of the distance to the apex; perianth segments about 6 mm. long; capsule widest above the middle. C. T. occidentalis ZYGADENUS (ZYGADENUS) Stem leafy, from a coated bulb. Leaves linear. Flowers white or yellowish, perfect or polygamous, in a terminal glabrous panicle or raceme. Perianth segments similar, with 1-2 glands just above the narrowed base. Stamens free. Styles 3, distinct. Capsule 3-lobed, the compartments not diverging. (Gk. zygos = a yoke, adenos a gland ; because some species have glands oneach perianth segment.) The 2d and 3rd are known to be poisonous to cattle. The others are so nearly like them that all are under suspicion. A. Perianth segments 8-14 mm. long. B. Glands not obcordate; perianth segments 10-14 mm. long; leaves 12-24 mm. wide. U. Z. douglasii BB. Glands obcordate; perianth segments 8-10 mm. long; leaves 4-12 mm. wide. W. E. Z. elegans AA. Perianth segments 2-8 mm. long. LILIACEAE (LILY FAMILY) 55 C. Stem leaves not sheathing; racemes usually simple; perianth segments 4-8 mm. long; capsule 8-12 mm. long. W. C. E. Z. venenosus (DEATH CAMAS) CC. Stem leaves usually sheathing; racemes usually panicled; perianth segments 2-4 mm. long; capsule 12-24 mm. long. W. C. E. Z. paniculatus VERATRUM (FALSE HELLEBORE) Tall. Leaves wide, strongly veined, plicate. Flowers in a terminal pubescent panicle, rather large, the lower mostly staminate only. Perianth segments similar. Stamens free. Capsules sessile, membranous, 3-beaked by the persistent diverging styles, septicidal. Seeds flat, margined or winged. (L. vere = true, ater = black ; referring to the root.) Poisonous, specially the roots. A. Flowers green; panicle drooping; perianth segments 8-15 mm. long. W. C. E. Medicinal plant. V. viride (GREEN HELLEBORE) AA. Flowers white; panicle erect; perianth segments 15-20 mm. long. W. C. E. V. californicum (WHITE HELLEBORE) LILIACEAE (LILY FAMILY) Herbs, perennial, with bulbs or corms or rarely with a rhizome, stems scapose or leafy, mostly simple. Flowers perfect, regular, mostly conspicuous. Perianth segments 6, distinct or united; mostly alike in color and form (not in Calochortus}. Stamens 6, or 3 of these replaced by staminodia, on the perianth or the recep- tacle. Styles none (Calochortus), or united partly or wholly. Stigmas i or 3. Ovary 3-celled, superior. Fruit a capsule, loculicidal (septicidal in Calochortus). A. Perianth segments plainly united ; inflorescence with scarious bracts ; leaves linear. B. Plants with rhizomes; perianth salverform, white, tube very narrow, segments several-veined; pedicels not jointed; anthers circinate when dry. E. Be- lieved to be poisonous to sheep. (Gk. leukos = white, krinon = a lily; the white flower is lily-like.) Leucocrinum montanum (LEUCOCRINUM) BB. Plants with coated bulbs; perianth not salverform, mostly not white, seg- ments i-veined; pedicels jointed; anthers not circinate. C. Perianth funnelform, not saccate at base, various in color. HOOKERA (p. 58) CC. Perianth broadly tubular, 6-saccate at base, deep scarlet with yellowish lobes. U. C. (Honor of J. C. Brevoort, of New York.) Brevoortia idamaia (Ida May's Fire Crackers) AA. Perianth segments distinct, or slightly united at base (some species of Allium); leaves various; plants from scaly or solid bulbs. D. Odor onion-like; flowers in a terminal umbel, on a scapose stem; inflorescence subtended by a whorl of 2-5 scarious bracts which are distinct or united. ALLIUM (p. 56) DD. Odor none or not onion-like; flowers not in umbels, or if so stems not scapose; inflorescence not subtended by a whorl of scarious bracts. 56 LILIACEAE (LILY FAMILY) E. Inflorescence distinctly a raceme or panicle, with scarious bracts; pedicels jointed; anthers versatile. F. Stem simple; inflorescence a raceme; perianth segments 3-7- veined, 17-30 mm. long. CAMASSIA (p. 61) FF. Stem branched; inflorescence a raceme or panicle; perianth segments i-3-veined. G. Stem-leaves few; perianth segments 5-10 mm. long, apparently i-veined but closely 3-veined; style short. Mountain plants, not common. (Gk. schoenos = a reed, /mow = a lily; apparently referring to the reed-like stems.) * Schoenolirion GG. Stem leaves rather numerous; perianth segments 16-20 mm. long, plainly 3-veined; style long. U. C. (Gk. chloros = green, gala milk; from the greenish white juice.) Chlorogalum pomeridianum (SOAP-ROOT) EE. Inflorescence not distinctly racemose, with foliaceous bracts or none; pedi- cels not jointed; anthers basifixed (except in Lilium). H. Perianth segments all alike; capsule loculicidal; style present. I. Leaves only 2, basal, wide; capsule 3-angled. ERYTHRONIUM (p. 60) II. Leaves more than 2, not all basal. J. Perianth segments 0.8-1 cm. long, white; stem 5-13 cm. high; leaves grasslike, not in a whorl, basal ones exceeding the stem: capsule 3-angled. W. C. E. (Probably in honor of A. J. Lloyd, an English surveyor and natu- ralist. Lloydia serotina (WHITE -FLOWERING GRASS) JJ. Perianth segments 2.5-10 cm. long, mostly not white; stem mostly higher; leaves mostly not grasslike, often in whorls, not exceeding the stem; capsule 6- angled. K. Perianth segments oblanceolate; nectary a linear groove; bulb scales lanceolate. LILIUM (p. 58) KK. Perianth segments lanceolate; nectary a shallow pit; bulb scales wider than lanceolate, very thick. FRITILLARIA (p. 59) HH. Outer perianth segments smaller then the inner, greenish; capsule sep- ticidal; style none. CALOCHORTUS (p. 60) ALLIUM (ONION) Perennial, mostly with coated bulbs, with onion-like odor. Leaves basal, linear or lanceolate. Pedicels not jointed. Perianth segments nearly equal, lanceolate to linear, i-veined, more or less gibbous at base. Stamens 6, on the base of the perianth ; anthers versatile. Ovary sessile, subglobose; style filiform. Capsule obtusely 3-lobed. Seed obovoid, wrinkled. Many flavor milk when eaten by cattle. The cultivated onion is A-. cepa. (A Latin name for Garlic.) A. Perianth segments acute or blunter. B. Perianth shorter than the stamens; bulb coat not reticulate. W. C. A. cernuum BB. Perianth longer than the stamens. C. Perianth twice as long as the stamens. D. Ovary plainly 6-crested at the summit; bulb coat not reticulate. W. E. A. crenulatum *F. &R. p. 98. LILIACEAE (LILY FAMILY) 57 DD. Ovary obscurely crested or ridged. E. Bulb coat reticulate; umbel nodding; flowers white; perianth 8 mm. long. E. A. collinum EE. Bulb coat not reticulate; umbel not nodding; flowers red or white; perianth 10 mm. long. E. A. tolmiei CC. Perianth 15 times as long as the stamens or shorter; bulb coat reticulate in some species. F. Leaves longer than the scape; perianth segments acute or obtuse, not apicu- late; bulb ovoid. G. Spathe of 2 bracts. H. Leaves about 4 mm. wide; bracts of the spathe acuminate; pedicels 8-16 mm. long; perianth segments acute, entire. E. A. watsoni HH. Leaves less than 2 mm. wide; bracts of the spathe acute; pedicels 2-4 mm. long; perianth segments obtuse, delicately denticulate. E. A. simillimum GG. Spathe of 3 bracts. U. A. tribracteatum FF. Leaves shorter than the scape; perianth segments acute or apiculate. I. Perianth segments entire, not cuspidate. J. Bulb ovoid; bulb coat not fibrous; scape 1-2 dm. high; bracts of the spathe 8-10 mm. long, acute. E. A. madidum JJ. Bulb oblong; bulb coat fibrous; scape 2.5-3.3 dm. high; bracts of the spathe 12-21 mm. long, acuminate, C. E. A. geyeri II. Inner perianth segments serrulate, abruptly cuspidate. (See M.) AA. Perianth segments acuminate. K. Scape terete or nearly so. L. Inner perianth segments serrulate. M. Perianth segments i the stamen-length or less, their tips recurved. W. C. E. A. acuminatum MM. Perianth segments twice the stamen-length, almost straight. U. E. A. bolanderi LL. Perianth segments entire. N. Ovary not crested; bulb coat not reticulate. O. Flowers dark red; scape 17-37 cm. high; bulb ovate. E. A. douglasii OO. Flowers rose color; scape 30-60 cm. high; bulb oblong. E. Grown in gardens for the edible tops. A. schoenoprasum (CHIVES) OOO. Flowers white to pinkish; scape 2.5-10 cm. high; bulb ovate. E. A. macrum NN. Ovary crested; bulb coat reticulate in some species. P. Umbels few-flowered; bulb coat obscurely or not at all reticulate; scape 7.5- 20 cm. high; bracts of spathe acuminate; flowers white or rose color. E. A. nevii PP. Umbels many-flowered. Q. Bracts of the spathe abruptly acute; scape 15-50 cm. long; flowers white or rose color. C. E. A. attenuifolium QQ. Bracts of the spathe acuminate. R. Scape 10-30 cm. long; flowers pink or crimson; bulb coat reticulate. E. A. serratum RR. Scape 25-63 cm. long; flowers white or rose color; bulb coat fibrous. (See JJ.) KK. Scape flattened, somewhat 2-edged (somewhat 3-angled below in A. vali- dum). S. Scape 30-75 cm. long, longer than the leaves; stamens exserted. C. A. validum SS. Scape 5-15 cm. long, as long or shorter than the leaves; stamens included. T. Perianth segments 15-17 mm. long, serrulate. U. A. falcifolium TT. Perianth segments 6-12 mm. long, entire. U- Perianth segments very little longer than the stamens. E. A. anceps 58 LILIACEAE (LILY FAMILY) UU. Perianth segments nearly twice as long as the stamens. V. Ovary not crested, ite cells shortly apiculate. E. A. cusickil W. Ovary 6-crested. E. A. pleianthum HOOKERA (FOOL'S ONION) Perennial ; corms with fibrous membranes, coated ; stem scapose. Leaves narrow. Flowers blue or purple or white or yellow, solitary or in a bracted umbel, on jointed pedicels. Stamens either 6, of which i is opposite each perianth segment and more or less united with it; or only 3, the 3 outer replaced by staminodia. Style persistent, about equaling the anthers; stigmas 3, short, divergent. Capsule ovate-oblong. Seeds angled. (Honor of J. Hooker, an English botanist.) A. Stamens with anthers 3, alternating with 3 antherless staminodia; anthers basi- fixed; capsule subsessile. B. Scapes 7-25 cm. high; pedicels 12-100 mm. long; capsules about 6 mm. long. W. H. coronaria (HARVEST FOOL'S ONION) BB. Scapes 30-120 cm. high; pedicels 2-6 mm. long; capsule about 10 mm. long. C. Scapes 6-12 dm. high, smooth; umbel often elongated into a dense short raceme; staminodia deeply cleft, projecting beyond the anthers; seeds usually i in each cell. W. C. H. pulcheUa (OOKOW) CC. Scape 3-6 dm. high, somewhat scabrous; umbel never elongated; staminodia entire, obtuse, about equaling the anthers; seeds several in each cell. U. H. multiflora AA. Stamens with anthers 6; anthers versatile (except in H. capitata); capsule stipi- tate (except in H. capitata). D. Perianth blue or purple or white. E. Perianth lobes from slightly longer to much shorter than the tube; perianth usually blue or purple, but sometimes white. F. Stamens in 2 rows. G. Filaments of the inner row of stamens narrow; flowers dark blue. E. H. douglasii GG. Filaments of the inner row of stamens broad; flowers light blue. H. Perianth lobes nearly as long as the tube. W. E. H. howellii HH. Perianth lobes much shorter than the tube. E. H. tricolor FF. Stamens in one row. I. Perianth 1.2-2 cm. long, the lobes slightly longer than the tube; pedicels 1-12 mm. long. U. C. H. capitata n. Perianth 2.5-3 cm. long, the lobes slightly shorter than the tube; pedicels 12-50 mm. long. U. H. bridgesii EE. Perianth lobes more than twice as long as the tube; perianth white, with green midveins; stamens in 2 rows. W. E. H. hyacintha DD. Perianth yellow, with blue midveins; stamens in 2 rows. U. H. hendersonl LILIUM (LILY) Bulbs scaly; stems leafy, simple. Leaves flat, sessile, whorled or scattered, netted-veined but the chief veins from the base. Flowers in bracted racemes or umbel-like clusters, usually large ; pedicels not jointed, with foliaceous bracts. Perianth funnelform. Stamens 6, hypogynous, included; anthers versatile, extrorse. Stigma 3-lobed. Capsule sessile, LILIACEAE (LILY FAMILY) 59 erect. L. longiflomm is the Easter Lily ; L. tigrinum is the Tiger Lily. (Latin name.) A. Flowers orange-yellow or reddish, mostly conspicuously spotted. B. Flowers nodding; perianth segments 3-3-7-5 cm. long; capsule oblong, 2.5-4 cm. long. C. Leaves oblanceolate, acute; perianth segments 3.7-5 cm. long, 8-12 mm. wide; anthers yellow; capsule short-oblong, 2.2-2.8 cm. long. W. C. L. parviflorum (WILD TIGER-LILY) CO. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, sharply acuminate; perianth segments 5-7.5 cm. long, 12-18 mm. wide; anthers red; capsule narrowly oblong, 3-7~4 cm. long. W. C. I*- pardalinum (WILD TIGER-LILY) BB. Flowers erect or nearly so; perianth segments 2.5-3.8 cm. long; capsule sub- globose, 1.2-2 cm. long. C. L. parvum (SMALL LILY) AA. Flowers white or purplish or pale yellow or red, finely spotted or spotless. D. Flowers dull purplish red outside, bright red and dotted with maroon inside. U. L. bolanderi (RED LILY) DD. Flowers white or pale lilac, becoming tinged with rose or purple when old, mostly dotted with purple or brown. E. Flowers horizontal, finely dotted with purple; perianth segments 7-S-io cm. long; anthers 10-12 mm. long. U. C. L. washingtonianum (WASHINGTON LILY) EE. Flowers erect or ascending, somewhat dotted with brown; perianth segments 4-7.5 cm. long; anthers 4-6 mm. long. U. L. rubescens (BROWN-SPOTTED LILY) FRITILLARIA (RICE-ROOT) Bulb scaly ; stem simple, leafy. Leaves flat, sessile, whorled or scattered. Flowers usually large, either solitary, or in a raceme or subumbellate cluster with foliaceous bracts. Perianth funnelform or campanula te. Stamens 6, hypogynous, included; anthers versatile, extrorse. Stigma 3-lobed or -cleft. Capsule sessile. (L. fritillus = a dice box ; referring to the spots on the flower.) A. Flowers yellow, sometimes with a slight purplish tinge, not spotted; stigma shortly 3-lobed; capsule obtusely angled. E. F. pudica (YELLOW RICE-ROOT) AA. Flowers brownish purple, more or less spotted with green; stigmas 3, linear; capsule acutely angled (except F. camtschatcensis). B. Flowers distinctly mottled; capsule acutely angled. C. Leaves mostly scattered; capsule merely acute-angled. D. Leaves 6-20, linear, not glaucous; stamens about 8 mm. long. C. E. F. atropurpurea DD. Leaves 2-4, oblong-lanceolate, glaucous; stamens about 12 mm. long. U. F. glauca CC. Leaves in i to 3 whorls, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate; capsule broadly winged. W. C. E. F. lanceolata (WHORLED RICE-ROOT) BB. Flowers obscurely mottled; capsule obtusely angled. W. C. F. camtschatcensis AAA. Flowers yellow outside, yellow and spotted with scarlet inside; stigmas 3, linear; capsule obscurely angled. U. F. recurva 60 LILIACEAE (LILY FAMILY) ERYTHRONIUM (DOG-TOOTH VIOLET) Low, from membrane-coated corm; stem scapelike. Leaves flat, smooth, tapering at base. Flowers large, solitary or in a terminal raceme. Perianth segments lanceolate, deciduous, mostly revolute, the inner usually with a callous tooth on each side of the base and a groove in the middle. Stamens 6, hypogynous. Stigma 3-lobed or -cleft. Capsule nearly sessile, obovoid, membranous. (Gk. erythros = red ; because some European species have reddish flowers.) A. Leaves mottled. B. Flowers somewhat purple specially on the inside, often with some white or yellow. C. Perianth segments acuminate, white or pinkish rose outside, golden orange deepening to purple on the inside; anthers bright yellow. W. E. revolutum CC. Perianth segments obtuse, dark purple at base, bordered with yellow above; anthers brownish. U. E. hendersoni BB. Flowers white or yellow or pink, without purple. D. Inner perianth segments with neither auricles nor scales at base; stigmas faintly lobed; leaves acute. U. E. howellii DD. Inner perianth segments with scales and sometimes with auricles at base; stigmas plainly lobed or segmented. E. Leaves acute; outer perianth segments acuminate, 3.5-5 cm. long; stigmas distinct. W. E. giganteum EE. Leaves obtuse; outer perianth segments obtuse, 2.5-3.2 cm. long; stigmas united by their edges. U. E. citrinum AA. Leaves not mottled. F. Flowers white, orange at base, often pinkish when old; outer perianth segments acuminate. W. C. E. montanum FF. Flowers bright yellow, whitish at base; outer perianth segments obtuse. G. Anthers white; flowers 2.5-3.2 cm. long. W. C. E. E. parviflorum GG. Anthers purple; flowers 3.7-7.5 cm. long. E. E. grandiflorum CALOCHORTUS (MARIPOSA LILY) Perennial, from coated bulb; stem simple or branched, leafy. Leaves linear-lanceolate, only i basal, many-veined, those on the stem clasping. Flowers in a terminal bracted raceme. Sepals 3, lanceolate, greenish. Petals 3, cuneate-obovate, wide, variously colored. Stamens 6, on the base of the perianth segments, included; anthers linear. Stigmas 3, sessile, recurved, persistent. Capsule sessile, elliptic to oblong, thin, 3-angled or -winged, mostly septicidal. (Gk. kalos = beautiful, chortos = grass. The leaves are grasslike.) A. Flowers pink or purplish or lavender, sometimes of a different color at base. B. Petals acute or acuminate. C. Petals 3.5-5 cm. long; anthers obtuse, 8-12 mm. long. D. Petals purple, hairy $ way up inside. E. C. macrocarpus DD. Petals pale blue, hairy only J way up inside. E. C. cyaneus CC. Petals 1.2-1.7 cm. long; anthers acuminate, about 4 mm. long. U. C. maweanus LILIACEAE (LILY FAMILY) 6 1 BB. Petals obtuse to truncate. E. Petals denticulate. F. Sepals ovate-lanceolate; petals often with a purple spot on each side of the scale; anthers obovate; capsule nodding. U. C. uniflorus FF. Sepals narrowly lanceolate; petals with a purple band above the gland; anthers ovate; capsule erect. E. C. longibarbatus EE. Petals entire. G. Sepals 3.2-4 cm. long, hyaline-margined on i side; anthers obtuse, 12-17 mm. long. E. C. nitidus GG. Sepals 1.2-2.1 cm. long; anthers acute, 4-8 mm. long. H. Sepals hyaline-margined on i side; petals white with dark base, with short hairs inside; petal gland transversely oblong; capsule erect. W. C. howellii HH. Sepals not hyaline-margined; petals yellowish purple, with long hairs inside; petal gland rounded; capsule nodding. W. C. C. tolmiei AA. Flowers white or yellowish, usually darker at base. I. Sepals 3.2-4 cm. long, hyaline-margined on i side; petals with an indigo spot near the center. E. C. nitidus n. Sepals 2.5 cm. long or shorter, either hyaline-margined on both sides or on neither; petals without spot other than gland (except C. elegans). J. Petals narrowly ovate, acute; pod erect. C. E. C. lyallii JJ. Petals broadly rhombic-ovate or broadly obovate, obtuse to rounded (except C. maweanus). K. Sepals somewhat yellowish inside; anthers obtuse; capsule erect. C. E. C. nuttallii (SEGO LILY) KK. Sepals not yellowish inside; anthers acuminate; capsule nodding. L. Petals yellowish at least in part. M. Petals thinly hairy on the inside, gland naked; sepals without pit at base inside; anthers acuminate. E. C. apiculatus MM. Petals densely hairy on the inside, gland more or less covered by a scale. N. Sepals with purple pit at base inside; anthers long-acuminate; stem 1.5- 2 dm. high; leaf 3-8 mm. wide. C. C. subalpinus NN. Sepals without pit; anthers abruptly acuminate; stem 2-4 dm. high; leaf 8-12 mm. wide. W. C. purdyi LL. Petals without yellow color. O. Petals acute, white or tinged with rose, sometimes purplish at base; anthers without hook at tip; capsule acute to obtuse. U. C. maweanus OO. Petals obtuse, white or greenish, sometimes with a purple spot at base; anthers without hook at tip; capsule rounded at apex. U. E. C. elegans OOO. Petals obtuse, white or greenish, without purple; anthers with hook at tip; capsule narrowly beaked. C. C. lobbii CAMASSIA (CAMAS) Perennial, with scaly bulb; stem scapose. Leaves usually basal, flat. Flowers blue to white. Perianth segments persistent. Stamens 6, on the base of the perianth, shorter than the perianth ; anthers introrse, versatile. Style filiform, apex slightly 3-lobed, its base persistent. Capsule sessile, 3-lobed and 3-angled, 3-valved. (The Indian name was Camas or Qua- mash.) The Indians gathered the bulbs for food. A. Perianth irregular; segments 3-s-veined, inner segments short-clawed at base, outer segments narrower and clawless; leaves 6-16 mm. wide; bracts of the inflo- rescence subulate. W. E. Q. quamasl* 62 CONVALLARIACEAE (LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY FAMILY) AA. Perianth regular. B. Leaves 12 mm. or less wide. C. Bracts of the inflorescence lanceolate or linear-lanceolate. D. Flowers blue or white; perianth segments usually 7-veined; capsule conspic- uously veined. W. C. C.leichtlinU DD. Flowers blue; perianth segments usually 5 -veined; capsules not conspicu- ously veined. E. C. suksdorfii CC. Bracts of the inflorescence filiform-subulate. U. C. howellii BB. Leaves 13-37 mm. wide; perianth segments 3~5-veined. E. C. cusickii CONVALLARIACEAE (LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY FAMILY) Herbs, erect, perennial, with rhizomes, never with bulbs nor corms; tendrils none. Leaves either wide or scalelike, simple, alternate or whorled or basal; wide leaves parallel-veined or with chief veins from the base. Flowers regular, perfect, variously arranged. Perianth segments 6 or rarely 4, distinct or partly united; tube 6-lobed or -toothed. Stamens 4 or 6, hypogynous or on the perianth. Ovary i-3-celled, superior; styles i or 3 ; stigma 2-3-lobed or entire. Fruit a fleshy berry or rarely a capsule. Seeds few to many. A. Leaves minute, scalelike; stem much branched; ultimate branchlets thread- like. W. E. Cultivated for its edible shoots. (The Greek name for similar plants.) Asparagus officinale (.ASPARAGUS) AA. Leaves large, foliaceous, wide; stems simple or sparingly branched; branchlets not threadlike. B. Leaves not 3, or if so not in a whorl on the stem; flowers either more than i or not terminal (except Clintonia) ; none of the perianth segments dark green. C. Perianth segments alike; fruit a berry; leaves more than 2 (except. Unifolium) ; stem plainly above ground (except Clintonia). D. Leaves all basal, gradually narrowed to a petiole; leaf blade widest above the middle. CLINTONIA (p. 63) DD. Leaves alternate and scattered along an elongated stem, or only i, either without petiole or abruptly petioled; leaf blade widest below the middle. E. Leaves 1-3, with slender petiole; perianth segments 4; stamens 4; ovary 2-celled; stem simple. W. C. (L. unus = i, folium = a leaf; because sterile plants usually have only i leaf.) Unifolium bifolium (WILD LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY) EE. Leaves more than 3, sessile or very nearly so; perianth segments 6; stamens 6; ovary 3-celled. F. Flowers many, in a terminal raceme or panicle; stem simple; leaves not oblique at base; berry i-3-seeded. VAGNERA (p. 63) FF. Flowers few, in a terminal umbel; stem branched; leaves somewhat oblique at base; berry 3- to many-seeded. DISPORUM (p. 63) FFF. Flowers few, axillary, solitary or 2 on a forked peduncle; stem simple or branched; leaves not oblique at base; berry many-seeded. STREPTOPUS (p. 64) CONVALLARIACEAE (LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY FAMILY) 63 CC. Perianth segments unlike; fruit a capsule; leaves 2; stem hardly rising above the ground. U. C. (Gk. scolex = a worm, pous = a foot; referring to the wormlike scape.) Scoliopus hallii (TWIN-LEAP) BB. Leaves 3, in a whorl near the stem tip; flower i, terminal; perianth of 3 dark green and 3 brighter colored segments. TRILLIUM (p. 64) CLINTONIA (CLINTONIA) Leaves all basal. Peduncle elongated, scapelike. Flowers white or red. Perianth segments 6, equal. Stamens 6 ; anthers versatile. Fruit a berry, smooth. (Honor of DeWitt Clinton, a former governor of New York.) A. Flowers i or rarely 2; perianth white, 16-24 mm. long; peduncle shorter than the leaves. W. C. E. C. uniflora AA. Flowers many; perianth deep rose, 8-14 mm. long; peduncle longer than the leaves. U. C. andrewsiana VAGNERA (FALSE SOLOMON'S SEAL) Stem scaly below, leafy above. Leaves wide, alternate. Perianth segments distinct, white or greenish white. Stamens on base of perianth ; anthers introrse. Ovary sessile ; cells 2-ovuled ; stigma obscurely 3-lobed. (Probably in honor of M. Wagner, a German traveler and naturalist.) A. Inflorescence a raceme, 3-2o-flowered; flowers 6-10 mm. long; perianth shorter than the stamens. B. Leaves spreading, flat; racemes 3~9-flowered; perianth twice as long as the stamens; rhizome slender. W. C. E. V. sessilifolia BB. Leaves ascending, folded; raceme 6-2o-flowered; perianth less than i$ times as long as the stamens; rhizome stout, fleshy. E. V. stellata AA. Inflorescence a panicle, many-flowered; 'flowers 2 mm. or less long; perianth longer than the stamens. C. Leaves acuminate, the lower ones with a very short petiole, not clasping. W. E. V. racemosa (WILD SPIKENARD) CC. Leaves acute, all sessile, more or less clasping. W. C. E. V. amplexicaulis DISPORUM (FAIRY BELLS) Stem branched, scaly below, leafy above. Leaves somewhat oblique. Flowers rather small, in a terminal few-flowered umbel. Perianth segments distinct. Stamens hypogynous; anthers extrorse. Ovary sessile; cells mostly 2-ovuled; stigmas i or 3. (Gk. dis = double, spora = a seed; because the cells of the ovary are 2-ovuled.) A. Leaves rounded or slightly cordate at base, not clasping; stigma 3-cleft. B. Plant much branched; perianth segments 12-22 mm. long; stamens about f as long as the perianth; berry short-beaked, nearly smooth except at beak, 3-6- seeded. W. C. D. smithii BB. Plant sparingly branched; perianth segments 12-14 mm. long; stamens about equaling the perianth; berry not beaked, papillose, 3~i8-seeded. E. D. ma jus AA. Leaves mostly cordate at base (except D. trachyandrum) , at least the lower mostly clasping; stigma entire. C. Leaves averaging about 3.7-5 cm. long; stamens more than f as long as the perianth; filaments elongated, longer than the anthers. 64 SMILACEAE (SMILAX FAMILY) D. Leaves long-acuminate; pedicels woolly-pubescent; stamens about if times as long as the perianth; berry acutish. W. C. E. D. oreganum DD. Leaves acute or short-acuminate; pedicels not woolly-pubescent; stamens about equaling or shorter than the perianth; berry beaked or obtuse. E. Leaves deeply cordate at base; stamens about equaling the perianth; ovary pubescent, obtuse. U. D. hooker! EE. Leaves rounded to cordate at base; stamens about f as long as the perianth; ovary glabrous, with short stout beak. U. D. trachyandrum CC. Leaves averaging about 2.5 cm. long; stamens J as long as the perianth; fila- ments very short, much shorter than the anthers. U. D. parvifolium STREPTOPUS (TWISTED-STALK) Stem leafy. Flowers axillary, solitary or 2 on a forked peduncle. Peri- anth segments distinct. Stamens on base of perianth. Ovary sessile; stigma entire to 3-cleft. (Gk. streptos = twisted, pous = foot ; because the peduncles are bent or twisted about the middle.) A. Flowers rotate. C. S. streptopoides AA. Flowers narrowly campanulate. B. Leaves glaucous beneath, strongly clasping at base; flowers greenish white; stigma entire. W. C. E. S. amplexifolius BB. Leaves green on both sides, not clasping, but sessile; flowers rose-purple; stigma 3-cleft. W. C. E. S. roseus TRILLIUM (TRILLIUM) Glabrous; rhizome short, tuber-like; stem short, simple, with scarious sheaths at base. Leaves netted- veined, but the chief veins from the base. Sepals lanceolate, persistent. Stamens 6, hypogynous. Ovary 3~6-angled or 3-6-lobed, 3-celled; styles 3. Fruit a capsule, 3-celled or imperfectly i-celled, berry-like. Seeds many. (L. trilix = triple ; because leaves and flower parts are in 3*5.) A. Flowers sessile. B. Leaves sessile, mottled; petals whitish; sepals obtuse; anthers white. W. T. chloropetalum (MOTTLED TRILLIUM) BB. Leaves long-petioled, usually not mottled; petals brown-purple; sepals acute; anthers dark purple. E. T. petlolatum (PURPLE TRILLIUM) AA. Flowers with peduncle 2.5-7.5 cm. long. C. Ovary 3-lobed or -angled; leaves oblong. U. T. rlvale CC. Ovary 6-angled; leaves rhombic-ovate. W. C. E. T. ovatum SMILACEAE (SMILAX FAMILY) Shrubby or herbaceous, climbing. Leaves alternate, wide, netted-veined, petioled, with stipular tendrils. Flowers small, dioecious, in axillary umbels; yellowish or greenish. Perianth segments 6, similar, distinct. Stamens mostly 6; filaments ligulate; anthers basifixed, introrse. Ovary superior, 3-celled or rarely i -celled; style very short or none; stigmas 1-3. Fruit IRIDACEAE (FLAG FAMILY) 65 a berry, globose, small. Seeds 1-6. (Gk. smile = a grater; from the prickly-rough stems of some.) U. C. Smilax californica (SMILAX) IRIDACEAE (FLAG FAMILY) Herbs, perennial. Leaves equitant, sheathing, 2-ranked, sword- like or linear, evergreen or withering in the fall. Inflorescence subtended by the spathelike bracts. Flowers showy, perfect, regular. Perianth petal-like, 6-cleft; segments in 2 series, wither- ing-persistent. Stamens 3, on the base of the j outer perianth segments; anthers extrorse. Ovary 3-celled, inferior. Fruit a capsule, 3-lobed or angled, loculicidal. Seeds few to many. A. Perianth 30-60 mm. long, white or blue; styles petal-like; style branches opposite the anthers. IRIS (p. 65) AA. Perianth 6-17 mm. long; styles filiform; style branches alternate with the anthers. B. Flowers blue, rarely whitish; filaments united to the top. SISYRINCHIUM (p. 66) BB. Flowers not blue, rarely whitish; filaments united only at base. C. Flowers yellow, with veins or stripes of black or brown or orange; scape broadly 2-winged. HYDASTYLUS (p. 66) CC. Flowers from whitish to bright purplish-red; scapes compressed but not winged. W. E. (Meaning not determined.) Olsynium grandiflorum (PURPLE STAR-GRASS) IRIS (FLAG) Rhizome horizontal. Flowers in a forked corymb, or only i ; spathe- bracts 2 or more, the inner scarious. Perianth segments clawed; outer obovate, spreading or recurved; inner narrower, erect; tube extending somewhat above the ovary. Anthers beneath the arching style-branches. Style 3-parted; base adnate to the perianth tube; branches thin, tip a wide 2-parted crest. Seeds many. (Gk. iris = the rainbow ; referring to the colors of the flowers.) A. Flowers blue or purple. B. Stem leafless; bracts largely scarious; perianth tube 6-8 mm. long. W. E. I. missouriensis BB. Stem leafy; bracts green, not scarious. C. Leaves 8-16 mm. wide; flowers 2-3; perianth tube 12-15 mm. long; capsule 3.8-4.2 cm. long. U. I. douglasiana CC. Leaves 3-5 mm. wide; flower i; perianth tube less than 10 mm. long; capsule 1.7-2.5 cm. long. W. I. tenax AA. Flowers white or yellow, sometimes striped or blotched with other colors. D. Leaves not evergreen; bracts 2.5-5 cm. long. E. Plant i-flowered; flower white; outer perianth segments 5-7 cm. long; capsule oblong. (See CC.) F. & R. EL. FL. 5 66 ORCHIDACEAE (ORCHID FAMILY) EE. Plant 2-flowered; flowers white, blotched and striped with yellow and purple; outer perianth segments 3~3-5 cm. long; capsule globose. C. I. tenuis DD. Leaves evergreen; bracts 5-7.5 cm. long. F. Flowers yellow; perianth tube less than 2.5 cm. long, funnelform; spathe bracts short-acuminate. U. I. bracteata FF. Flowers white to yellow, with blue veins; perianth tube 5-7.5 cm. long, fili- form; spathe bracts long-acuminate. U. I. chrysophylla SISYRINCHIUM (BLUE-EYED GRASS) Tufted, slender; stem 2-edged or -winged. Leaves grasslike. Flowers in a terminal umbel, or only i, mostly blue; spathe bracts 2, green or purplish, erect. Perianth segments spreading, alike, mostly aristulate. Filaments united at least at base. Stigmas filiform. Seeds 9-12. Mostly in wet grassy places. (Gk. sisyrinchion = the name of some Flaglike plant.) A. Inner bracts exceeding the flowers. B. Stem 2-3 mm. wide; perianth 12-14 mm. long, deep blue, with orange yellow eye. W. S. littorale BB. Stem 1-1.5 mm. wide; perianth 7-10 mm. long, light blue, without eye. C. S. sarmentosum AA. Inner bracts not reaching the tips of the flowers. C. Perianth 4-7 mm. long, white or pale; leaves and stem 0.5-1 mm. wide. E. S. septentrionale CC. Perianth 10-22 mm. long, dark blue; leaves and stem i mm. or more wide (except 5. occidental). D. Stem usually 2-branched. W. S. biramium DD. Stem always simple. E. Outer spathe bracts 3-7 cm. long. W. E. S. macounii EE. Outer spathe bracts 1.8-3.8 cm. long. W. E. S. occidental e HYDASTYLUS (YELLOW STAR-GRASS) Black to purplish when dry ; stem simple, scapose. Leaves linear, wider at base, somewhat equitant. Spathe bracts 2, inclosing membranous scales ; perianth segments not aristulate nor emarginate. Anthers versatile. Capsule more or less 3-angled. (Gk. hydor = water, stylos = a style ; application not clear.) A. Perianth 8-10 mm. long; leaves 1-3 mm. wide, mostly very dark in drying; anthers 2-2.5 mm. long. W. H. borealis AA. Perianth 12-18 mm. long; leaves 2-5 mm. wide, mostly not very dark in drying; anthers 3-4 mm. long. W. H. brachypus ORCHIDACEAE (ORCHID FAMILY) Herbs, perennial. Leaves parallel-veined, flat. Flowers in a spike or a raceme or solitary, very irregular. Perianth superior, of 6 segments: outer segments 3, alike or nearly so ; 2 of the inner segments alike; the third (lip) unlike the other 2, often quite different, usually larger. Stamens adhering to the style and form- ORCHIDACEAE (ORCHID FAMILY) 67 ing a column; perfect anthers 1-2. Ovary inferior; stigma con- cave, upper margin often a beak. Capsule dehiscent, usually 3-celled and loculicidal. Seeds very many, minute, mostly spindle- shaped. A. Plants without green herbage, often reddish, saprophytic or parasitic. B. Stems white; flowers white, spurless.* C. E. (Gk. cephaln = a head, anthera = anther.) Cephalanthera austinae (SNOW ORCHID) BB. Stems more or less purplish; flowers white or reddish, spurred. CORALLORHIZA (p. 69) AA. Plants with ordinary green herbage, not saprophytic nor parasitic. C. Leaf i; flower i; plant bulbous. W. E. (Honor of the Greek goddess Calypso, who once held Ulysses captive.) Calypso bulbosa (CALYPSO) CC. Leaf more than i ; flower usually more than i ; plants mostly not bulbous. D. Fertile anthers 2; lip an inflated sac. CYPRIPEDIUM (p. 67) DD. Fertile anther i; lip not saclike (except Epipactis). E. Leaves 2. F. Leaves near middle of stem, opposite. LISTERA (p. 69) FF. Leaves basal, alternate. G. Leaves orbicular; flowers spurred; lip 12 mm. long. W. C. E. (Gk. lysis = a loosening; application doubtful.) Lysias orbiculata GG. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate to oblong; flowers spurless; lip 5 mm. long, yellowish green. E. (Gk. liparos fat or shining; referring to the smooth leaves.) Liparis loeselii (SPURLESS ORCHID) EE. Leaves more than 2. H. Flower spurred; spur 2 mm. or more long. I. Stem leaves abruptly reduced to bracts; leaves withering at flowering; lateral sepals with base adhering to claw of lip; tubers rounded; spike spirally twisted. PIPERIA (p. 68) II. Stem leaves gradually reduced to bracts; leaves not withering until fruit is formed; lateral sepals free; tubers elongated, rootlike; spike not spirally twisted. LIMNORCHIS (p. 68) HH. Flowers spurless. J. Leaves without whitish spots or lines; flowers in a dense spike which is somewhat spiral; lip not distinctly saclike at base, with a hornlike projec- tion on each side near base. SPIRANTHES (p. 69) JJ. Leaves with whitish spots or lines; flowers in a loose spike or raceme which is not at all spiral; lip saclike at base, without projections near base. K. Stem leafy at least below; perianth strongly purple-veined. W. E. (The Greek name.) Epipactis gigantea (HELLEBORINE) KK. Leaves all basal; perianth not purple- veined. W. C. E. (L. per = through, amium = love; on account of reputed medicinal properties.) Peramium decipiens (RATTLESNAKE PLANTAIN) CYPRIPEDIUM (LADY'S-SLIPPER) Glandular-pubescent. Leaves large, wide, many-veined, sheathing at base. Flowers in a leafy raceme or solitary, large, showy. Sepals spreading, separate, or 2 of them united under the lip. Petals' similar to the sepals 68 ORCHIDACEAE (ORCHID FAMILY) but usually narrower; column with an anther at each side, with petal-like stamen at tip. Pollen masses 4. Stigma disklike, obscurely 3-lobed. (Gk. kypris = Venus, pedilon = a shoe; the corolla is slipper-like.) A. Stem with more than 2 leaves; lip 1.4 mm. or more long, color not as in AA. B. Lip white to rose, veined with purple. C. Flowers 1-3; sepals narrowly linear-lanceolate, brownish ; lip 3-5 cm. long. C. E. C. montanum (LARGE LADY'S-SLIPPER) CC. Flowers 1-20; sepals widely oval, greenish yellow; lip 1.7-2.1 cm. long. U. C. C. calif ornicum BB. Lip bright yellow, 1.5-3 cm. long; flowers 1-3. E. C. parviflorum (YELLOW LADY'S-SLIPPER) AA. Stem with 2 nearly opposite leaves near its middle and i small lanceolate bract above them; lip 8-13 mm. long, greenish yellow, with brown or purplish margins. E. C. fasciculatum (BROWN LADY'S-SLIPPER) PIPERIA (ORCHIS) Stem leafy-bracted. Flowers small, greenish white, in a terminal spike. Sepals and petals i~3-veined. Pollen masses 2, parallel. Stigma a small beak between the anther cells. (Meaning not determined.) A. Spur slightly longer than the lip. W. C. E. P. unalaskensis AA. Spur 2-3 times as long as the lip. B. Leaves withering at flowering time; spike 10-30 cm. long; upper sepals lanceo- late. W. C. E. P. elegans BB. Leaves withering before flowering time; spike 4-10 cm. long; upper sepals ovate. W. P. michaeli LIMNORCHIS (ORCHIS) Stem leafy. Flowers small, greenish or white, in a terminal spike. Sepals and petals 3~7-veined, free, spreading; lip entire. Pollen masses 2, parallel. Stigma beak without appendages. (Gk. limne = a swamp or pool, orchis = the old Greek name of some of these plants.) A. Flowers green or purplish. B. Spur only $-$ as long as the lip; lip linear; spike long, 1-3 dm., not dense; flowers purplish. W. C. E. L. stricta BB. Spur equaling or exceeding the lip; lip lanceolate; spike short, dense; flowers green. C. E. L. viridiflora AA. Flowers white or whitish. C. Lip linear; spike not dense. D. Lower leaves oblanceolate, obtuse; upper leaves lanceolate, acute; lateral sepals lanceolate, acute; lip 6-8 mm. long. C. E. L. sparsiflora DD. Leaves all linear to linear-lanceolate, acute to acuminate; lateral sepals ovate, acuminate; lip 12 mm. long. U. L. aggregata CC. Lip lanceolate; spike lax or dense. E. Spur shorter than the lip, or very little longer; flowers 12-14 mm. long. W. C. E. L. dilatata EE. Spur J-i longer than the lip; flowers 15-20 mm. long. W. C. E. L. leucostachys ORCHIDACEAE (ORCHID FAMILY) 69 SPIRANTHES (LADIES' TRESSES) Erect; roots fleshy-fibrous or tuberous. Stem leafy. Flowers small. Upper sepals cohering to the petals. Lip dilated, spreading. Pollen masses i pair. In wet places. (Gk. speira = a coil, anthos = a flower ; referring to the spirally twisted racemes.) A. Perianth about 8 mm. long; lip much dilated at apex, basal swellings small. W. C. E. S. romanzoffiana AA. Perianth about 6 mm. long; lip little dilated at apex, basal swellings large. W. C. E. S. porrifolia LISTERA (TWAYBLADE) Small. Leaves nearly opposite, sessile. Flowers in a terminal raceme, spurless, greenish or madder-purple. Sepals and petals nearly alike, free. Lip longer than the sepals, 2-lobed or 2-cleft at summit. Pollen masses i pair. Stigma with a somewhat rounded beak. In dense damp woods. (Honor of M. Lister, an English naturalist.) A. Raceme glabrous or nearly so; lip 2-cleft to about the middle, about 4-5 mm. long. W. C. E. L. cordata AA. Raceme densely glandular-pubescent; lip 2-lobed or merely retuse, the divisions less than the distance to the base. B. Leaves rounded to truncate at base; petals 3-4 mm. long; lip 5 mm. long; capsule ovoid. W. C. L. caurina BB. Leaves cordate to reniform at base; petals 4-6 mm. long; lip 9 mm. long; capsule obovoid. C. E. L. convallarioides CORALLORHIZA (CORAL ROOT) Saprophytes or root parasites ; roots coral-like, branched ; stems scapose, simple. Leaves sheathlike, membranous, white to red, without green. Flowers in a terminal raceme, more or less showy. Lateral sepals united at base into a short spur or a swelling. Petals about as long as the sepals, i~3-veined ; lip i-3-ridged ; pollen masses 2 pairs. In dense woods. (Gk. korallion = coral, riza = a root; on account of the knotted, fungus- covered roots.) A. Sepals and petals 6-8 mm. long; spur present. B. Sepals and petals 3-veined; spur prominent; capsule oblong-cylindric. C. Lip crenulate, with 2 lobes at base; spur wholly adnate to the ovary. W. C. E. C. multi flora CC. Lip not crenulate, with or without 2 basal lobes; spur free for its apical half. W. C. C. mertensiana BB. Sepals and petals i-veined; spur very short, wholly adnate to the ovary; lip 2-toothed or 2-lobed above the base; capsule oblong-elliptical. E. C. corallorhiza AA. Sepals and petals 12-17 mm. long, 3-veined; spur none. W. E. C. striata DICOTYLEDONS SALICACEAE (WILLOW FAMILY) Trees or shrubs; bark bitter. Leaves simple, alternate. Flowers of both sexes in aments, dioecious, naked. Stamens long, i to many. Pistil i; ovary i-celled; stigmas 2, simple or 2-4-cleft. Fruit a capsule, 2-4-valved. Seeds many, with a tuft of hairs at one end; hairs long, silky, mostly white. A. Ament scales entire; stamens i-io; flowers with 1-2 glandlike projections at base; buds with only i bud scale. SALIX (p. 70) AA. Ament scales lacerate or sharply serrate at tip; stamens 4-60; flowers with a cuplike disk at base; buds with more than i bud scale. POPULUS (p. 72) SALIX (WILLOW) Trees or shrubs. Leaves short-petioled. Staminate aments dense; stamens i-io, usually 2. Ovary sessile or short-stalked; stigmas 2, entire to 2-clef t. Capsule mostly 2-valved. (Celtic sal = near, Us = water ; referring to the usual habitat.) A. Ament scales pale yellow, deciduous. . B. Trees, with furrowed bark; leaves closely serrulate; stamens 2-9. C. Leaves without glands where petiole joins blade. D. Leaves deep green beneath when mature, narrowly lanceolate to linear- lanceolate; stipules semicordate; stamens 3-5. E. Leaves medicinal. S. nigra (BLACK WILLOW) DD. Leaves pale or glaucous beneath, even when mature. E. Leaves narrowly lanceolate or linear-lanceolate; stipules narrow; twigs strik- ingly long and pendulous; stamens 2; cultivated. W. E. S. babylonica (WEEPING WILLOW) EE. Leaves lanceolate or broadly lanceolate; twigs not strikingly long; stamens 5-9- F. First few leaves at base of twigs plainly widest below the middle of the blade; stipules reniform; petioles slender, nearly terete. E. S. amygdaloides (PEACH WILLOW) FF. First few leaves at base of twigs mostly widest at or above the middle of the blade; stipules ovate; petioles wide, plainly grooved. W. C. E. S. laevigata (SMOOTH WILLOW) CC. Leaves with glands where petiole joins blade. W. C. E. S. lasiandra (GLAND WILLOW) BB. Shrubs or trees, with unfurrowed bark; leaves remotely serrulate or entire; stamens 2. G. Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate; blade widest below the middle, entire or remotely denticulate; pistillate aments 10-20 mm. wide. 70 SALICACEAE (WILLOW FAMILY) 71 H. Leaves canescent or silky at least beneath; pedicel of capsule 0-0,7 mm. long. I. Stigma short and thick; stipules none; twigs glabrous. J. Capsule glabrous; leaves canescent on both surfaces or silky-tomentose beneath, rarely on both sides on very vigorous shoots. W. E. S. exigua JJ. Capsule pubescent; leaves appressed-silky on both sides. E. S. argophylla (SPOTTED WILLOW) II. Stigma long and slender; stipules present, acute, deciduous; twigs hoary- pubescent. W. S. sessilifolia (SILVER-LEAF WILLOW) HH. Leaves glabrous on both sides; pedicel of capsule 0.5-1.5 mm. long. E. S. fluviatilis (SANDBAR WILLOW) GG. Leaves elliptical to oblanceolate; blade widest at or above the middle, rather closely denticulate; pistillate aments 7-8 mm. wide. W. E. S. melanopsis (DUSKY WILLOW) A.A. Ament scales not pale yellow, mostly brown to black, at least the tip darker, persistent. K. Aments sessile, or their peduncles naked or merely with bracts. L. Leaves glabrous beneath; stipules present; capsule glabrous. M. Leaves glaucous, or at least distinctly pale beneath. N. Most of the leaf blades widest below the middle. W. E. S. cordata (HEART WILLOW) NN. Most of the leaf blades widest above the middle. O. Bracts below the ament oblanceolate; scales long-hairy, obtuse or rounded. W. E. S. piperi OO. Bracts below the ament lanceolate; scales glabrous, acute. E. S. mackenziana MM. Leaves deep green on both sides, never pale beneath. P. Leaves elliptic-oblong to oblong; ament peduncles 1-2 mm. long; stipules ovate to lanceolate. E. S. pseudomyrsinites PP. Leaves ovate to obovate; ament peduncles 2.5-4 mm. long; stipules lunate to broadly ovate. E. S. pyrifolia (PEAR WILLOW) LL. Leaves either hairy beneath or else stipules none; capsule hairy. Q. Leaves densely silvery-hairy beneath; style elongated; capsule silvery-hairy. R. Twigs densely covered with a bluish bloom, glabrous, brownish; stipules none or on vigorous shoots lanceolate. C. E. S. subcoerulea RR. Twigs not dense with bloom, either yellow or hairy; stipules none or on vigorous shoots lunate or reniform. S. Stamens 2; twigs yellow, glabrous; staminate aments 1.2-2.5 cm. long, their scales acute. E. S. bella SS. Stamen r; twigs brownish, hairy; staminate aments 2.5-5 cm. long, their scales obtuse. W. C. E. S. sitchensis (SITKA WILLOW) QQ. Leaves often hairy beneath but not silvery-hairy; style short (except in S. phylicifolia); capsule pubescent or tomentose but not silvery-hairy. T. Leaves glabrous on both sides, margin not revolute; style 1-1.5 mm. long. C. S. phylicifolia (TEA-LEAVED WILLOW) TT. Leaves either hairy beneath or else margin revolute; style 0-0.3 mm. long. U. Tall shrubs, 3-15 m. high, not alpine; leaves 2.5-15 cm. long; aments stout, 2.5-7.5 cm. long; capsule 7-9 mm. long. V. Capsule pubescent; scales black. W. C. E. S. scouleriana (SCOULER WILLOW) W. Capsule tomentose; scales yellow. W. S. hookeriana (HOOKER WILLOW) UU. Low shrubs, less than i m. high, alpine; leaves 0.7-4.5 cm. long; aments not particularly stout, less than 2.5 cm. long; capsule 2.5-5 mm. long. 72 SALIC ACE AE (WILLOW FAMILY) W. Stems ascending, 30-90 cm. high; leaves long-hairy beneath, 3-4.5 cm. long, 2-3.5 cm. wide, obscurely crenulate; aments 3-3.5 cm. long. E. S. vestita WW. Stems creeping, 3-10 cm. high; leaves glabrous beneath, 0.7-2.5 cm. long, 0.4-1.5 cm. wide, entire; aments 1-2 cm. long. X. Leaves 15-25 mm. long, 10-15 mm - wide; aments 1-2 cm. long, many- flowered. C. S. saximontana XX. Leaves 7-12 mm. long, 4-8 mm. wide; aments 0.5-1 cm. long, 3-6- flowered. C. S. nivalis KK. Aments on leafy peduncles. Y. Shrubs 1.5 m. or less high (except S.lemmoni, S. bardayi, and 5. macrostachya); ament scales wider than linear, obtuse or acute, brown or gray -brown or black, not reddish at tip; capsule peduncle 2-5 mm. long. Z. Stipules present, rather large on vigorous shoots (except S. wolfii); stigma entire. a. Leaves lanceolate; scales of aments black. E. S. lemmoni aa. Leaves either ovate-lanceolate or else widest at or above the middle of the blade; scales of aments not black. b. Leaves glabrate above, glabrous and glaucous beneath, crenate or serrulate. W. C. E. S. barclayi (BARCLAY WILLOW) bb. Leaves quite hairy on both sides, not glaucous beneath. c. Stipules large, ovate. W. C. E. S. commutata cc. Stipules small or none. d. Twigs ash-colored, hairy; pistillate aments 2.5-5 cm. long. E. S. macrostachya dd. Twigs yellow-brown, glabrous; pistillate aments 1-2.5 cm. long. C. E. S. wolfii ZZ. Stipules none or very small; stigma not entire. e. Erect shrubs, bog plants, alpine or low-land, 4 dm. or less high; mature leaves mostly 3-6 cm. long. W. C. E. S. myrtilloides (BOG WILLOW) ee. Depressed or creeping shrubs, rock plants, alpine, less than i dm. high ; mature leaves mostly 1-3 cm. long. f. Leaves 2-4 cm. long, pale beneath, broadly elliptic to obovate. E. S. petrophila (ROCK WILLOW) ff. Leaves 1-1.2 cm. long, deep green or slightly pale beneath, narrowly ellip- tic to obovate. C. S. tenera (SMALL-LEAVED WILLOW) YY. Shrubs 2-5 m. high; ament scales linear-oblong, acute, tawny, reddish at tip; capsule peduncle 0-1.5 mm. long. g. Leaves elliptical -oval; peduncle of ament 2-5 mm. long; twigs without bloom. E. S. bebbiana (BEBB WILLOW) gg. Leaves linear-oblanceolate; peduncle of ament 1.5-2.5 mm. long; twigs with bloom. W. E. S. geyeriana (GEYER WILLOW) POPULUS (POPLAR) Trees ; bud scales resinous. Leaves wide, petioled ; stipules minute, fugaceous. Disk cup-shaped, oblique. Staminate aments dense, pendu- lous; stamens 6-40. Pistillate aments sometimes raceme-like: ovary sessile; style short; stigmas 2-4, entire or 4-lobed. Seed hairs often very long and conspicuous. (L. populus = the common people ; planted in public places by the Romans.) A. Petiole strongly flattened laterally. B. Tree not strikingly narrow for its height; branches spreading, their angle with the stem more than 45; leaves ovate to suborbicular, short-pointed. W. E. P. tremuloides (ASPEN) MYRICACEAE (SWEET-GALE FAMILY) 73 BB. Tree strikingly narrow for its height; branches nearly erect, their angle with the stem less than 45; leaves broadly deltoid, abruptly acuminate. W. E. Common shade-tree. P. dilatata (LOMBARDY POPLAR) AA. Petiole terete or channeled, scarcely or not at all flattened laterally. C. Leaves persistently and densely white-tomentose beneath, 3~5-lobed or irregularly dentate. W. Common shade-tree. P. alba (SILVER-LEAF POPLAR) CC. Leaves glabrous or nearly so when mature, crenate or crenulate. D. Petiole 2.5-5 cm. long; leaves mostly ovate-lanceolate, rounded or subcordate at base; capsule 3-valved. W. E. Wood used in making paper. P. trichocarpa (COTTONWOOD) DD. Petiole 0.6-1.3 cm. long; leaves mostly lanceolate, rounded or obtuse at base; capsule a-valved. E. P. angustifolia (NARROW-LEAVED COTTONWOOD) MYRICACEAE (SWEET-GALE FAMILY) Shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, simple, resinous-dotted. Flowers in aments, monoecious or dioecious, naked, only i in the axil of each scale. Stamens 4-8, on the receptacle; anthers ovate, 2-celled. Ovary i -celled, subtended by 2-4 bractlets; style very short; stigmas 2, linear. Fruit a small drupelet. Seed i. Only the following genus. MYRICA Leaves oblanceolate, dentate. Staminate aments oblong or nearly cylindric. Pistillate aments ovoid or subglobose. Fruit globose or ovoid, waxy. (Gk. myrike = the name of the Tamarisk.) A. Shrub, 0.3-2 m. high; leaves deciduous, 2-5 cm. long; staminate aments 12-21 mm. long. W. M. gale (SWEET GALE) AA. Tree, 3-6 m. high; leaves evergreen, 5-10 cm. long; staminate aments 6-10 mm. long. W. M. californica (WAX MYRTLE) BETULACEAE (BIRCH FAMILY) Shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, petioled, simple; stipules fugaceous. Flowers monoecious or rarely dioecious, in aments or headlike clusters; staminate aments pendulous; pistillate aments spikelike or headlike or budlike. Flowers 1-4 in each scale axil; perianth membranous or none, entire or 2-4 toothed; stamens 2-10; style 2-cleft or divided. Fruit a nut or samara, flat or ovoid- globose, mostly i -celled and i -seeded. A. Leaves densely stiff-hairy making them velvety to the touch; pistillate inflores- cence budlike, 5-10 mm. long; fruit a nut, i cm. or more in diameter, solitary or 2-3 in a group, each inclosed in a leafy involucre; shrub. W. C. E. (Gk. korys = a helmet; referring to the involucre.) Corylus californica (HAZEL) AA. Leaves not densely stiff-hairy nor velvety to the touch; pistillate inflorescence amentlike or conelike; fruits small, many grouped together in cones or aments, without involucre; shrubs or trees. 74 BETULACEAE (BIRCH FAMILY) B. Bark often cracking in the direction of the tree circumference; lenticels elon- gated in the direction of the tree circumference; winter buds covered by imbricate scales; stamens 2, bifid; pistillate aments solitary; scales of pistillate aments thin, 3-lobed. BETULA (p. 74) BB. Bark cracking up and down the tree or not at all; lenticels not elongated in the direction of the tree circumference; winter buds inclosed by 2 scales; sta- mens 4, not bifid; pistillate aments or cones in racemes; scales of pistillate aments or cones thick, entire or erose or 5-toothed. ALNUS (p. 74) BETULA (BIRCH) Shrubs or trees. Leaves serrate or dentate, sometimes also lobed. Flowers in aments, expanding before the leaves ; aments monoecious. Staminate flowers about 3 in each scale axil, subtended by 2 bractlets ; scales entire ; perianth membranous, usually 4-toothed; filaments 2-cleft, each fork bearing i pollen sac. Pistillate flowers 1-3 on each scale; perianth none; ovary sessile ; styles 2. Fruit a nutlet or samara, small, flat. (The Latin name.) A. Branchlets not or very little warty-glandular. W. C. E. B. occidentalis (WESTERN BIRCH) AA. Branchlets very much warty-glandular. B. Shrub or small tree, 3-12 m. high; leaves sparsely pubescent; body of the fruit much narrower than the wings. E. B. microphylla (ROCKY-MOUNTAIN BIRCH) BB. Shrub, 1-3 m. high; leaves glabrous; body of fruit as wide or wider than the wings. W. C. E. B. glandulosa (PEAT-BOG BIRCH) ALNUS (ALDER) Shrubs or trees. Leaves dentate or serrate, sometimes also slightly lobed. Flowers in aments ; aments monoecious. Staminate aments fascicled, long- cylindric ; flowers 3 or 6 on each scale ; perianth mostly 4-parted. Pistillate aments oval or elliptic; flowers 2-4 on each scale; perianth none; ovary sessile; styles 2. Fruit flat. (The Latin name.) A. Leaves doubly dentate or serrate, or more or less lobed and serrate; stamens 4. B. Teeth of leaves almost equilateral triangles; tip of tooth almost a right angle, often with a gland; mature pistillate ament or cone 12-25 mm. long; leaves rusty- pubescent beneath at least on the veins. W. C. A. oregona (RED ALDER) BB. Teeth of leaves rather narrow; tip of tooth acuminate or narrowly acute, without gland; mature pistillate ament or cone 8-15 mm. long. C. Winter buds 12-13 mm. long, acuminate; leaves somewhat brown-hairy along the veins beneath; stipules oblong to spatulate, 6-7 mm. long; pistillate aments inclosed during the winter. W. C. E. A. sinuata (LATE ALDER) CC. Winter buds 6-9 mm. long, obtuse; leaves without brown hairs; stipules ovate, 12-13 mra - long; pistillate aments naked during the winter. C. E. A. tenuifolia (MOUNTAIN ALDER) AA. Leaves simply serrulate, not at all lobed; stamens 1-3; mature pistillate ament or cone 8-13 mm. long. E. A. rhombifolia (WHITE ALDER) FAG ACE AE (BEECH FAMILY) 75 FAGACEAE (BEECH FAMILY) Shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, petioled, simple, pinnately veined; stipules deciduous or none. Flowers monoecious, small. Staminate flowers in aments or heads; perianth 4-y-lobed; stamens 4-20. Pistillate flowers solitary or in clusters, each cluster of i or more subtended by an involucre of bracts which become a cup or bur; perianth 4-8-lobed, adnate to the ovary; ovary 3-y-celled; styles as many as the ovary cells. Fruit 1-3 nuts. Seed i. A. Leaves serrate or dentate or entire, not lobed; filaments many times as long as the anthers; pistillate flowers on the bases of the staminate aments. B. Leaves entire, coated beneath with yellow persistent scales; involucre inclosing 1-3 nuts, very prickly with branched prickles. C. E. (Castania is the genus of the chestnut; Gk. opsis = like; hence chestnut-like.) Castanopsis chrysophylla (CHINQUAPIN) BB. Leaves entire or serrate or dentate, without scales beneath; nuts solitary; involucre covering only the base of the nut, not prickly or at least the prickles not branched. W. (Perhaps from L. pascere = to feed; on account of the food in the acorns.) Pasania densiflora (CHESTNUT OAK) AA. Leaves often deeply lobed but in some serrate or entire; filaments not longer than the anthers; pistillate flowers not on the staminate aments; fruit a single nut (acorn), partly inclosed in a scaly cup which is not prickly. QUERCUS (p. 75) QUERCUS (OAK) Shrubs or trees. Leaves deciduous or evergreen. Staminate flowers in aments, i on each scale ; aments slender, many-flowered : perianth mostly 6-lobed : stamens 6-12. Pistillate flowers solitary: perianth adherent to the ovary : ovary usually 3-celled ; styles as many as the ovary-cells. (Celtic quer = fine, cuez = a tree ; because the sacred Mistletoe grew upon it.) Wood fine for floors and furniture. A. Leaves not lobed, entire or sinuate or serrate or dentate, evergreen. B. Leaf-blade widest above rather than below the middle; acorns maturing the first season, shell glabrous inside. W. Q. sadleriana BB. Leaf-blade widest below rather than above the middle; acorns maturing the second season, shell hairy inside. W. C. E. Q. chrysolepis (LIVE OAK) AA. Leaves lobed, deciduous. C. Leaf -lobes mostly sharp-pointed; acorns maturing the second season, shell silky-tomentose on the inside; stamens 4-6. W. C. Q. californica (BLACK OAK) CC. Leaf-lobes mostly with rounded tips; acorns maturing the first season, shell glabrous on the inside; stamens 5-10. D. Shrubs or trees, 45 m. high or less; notches of the leaf-blades rounded. W. Q. gar ry ana (WHITE OAK) DD. Shrubs, 2 m. high or less; notches of the leaf-blades mostly acute. W. C. Q. oerstediana (SCRUB OAK) 76 ULMACEAE (ELM FAMILY) ULMACEAE (ELM FAMILY) Shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, pinnately veined but often with 3-5 chief veins from the base. Flowers in lateral or axillary clusters, or the pistillate flowers solitary, small. Perianth 3-9- parted or of 3-9 distinct segments. Stamens as many as the perianth-segments and opposite them. Ovary i -celled or rarely 2-celled, superior; styles or stigmas 2. Fruit a samara or drupe or nut. Seed i. A. All flowers in clusters; fruit dry, winged; leaves with i vein from the base. W. Several eastern species cultivated for shade trees,* but none wild. (The Latin name.) Ulmus (ELM) AA. Pistillate flowers solitary; fruit a drupe; leaves with 3 chief veins from the base. E. An eastern species, C. occidentals, is sometimes planted for shade. (The Latin name of an African Lotus on account of resemblances in fruit.) Celtis douglasii (HACKBERRY) MORACEAE (MULBERRY FAMILY) Herbs or shrubs or trees; juice milky or watery. Stipules pres- ent. Flowers monoecious or dioecious; staminate flowers in panicles or spikes; pistillate flowers in spikes or heads or cymes, sometimes flowers solitary; both kinds of clusters axillary. Perianth 4-5- parted. Stamens as many as the perianth-segments. Ovary superior, i-celled; styles 1-2. Fruit various, either conelike or blackberry-like. Seed i. A. Shrubs or trees; sap milky; leaves alternate; stipules fugacious; fruit a berry. E. Berries edible. (L. morus = the name of the Mulberry.) Morus rubra (RED MULBERRY) AA. Twining herbs; sap watery; leaves opposite; stipules persistent; fruit cone- like. W. E. Fruits used in the making of beer. (L. humus = the ground; because prostrate when unsupported.) Humulus lupulus (.CULTIVATED HOP) URTICACEAE (NETTLE FAMILY) Herbs ; juice watery. Leaves alternate or opposite, simple ; pinnately veined but with a number of chief veins from the base; petioles present. Flowers monoecious or dioecious or po- lygamous, small, greenish, the clusters axillary. Perianth 2-5 cleft or -parted, or of 2-5 distinct segments. Stamens as many as the segments or lobes of the perianth, opposite them. Ovary superior, i-celled; style i. Fruit an akene. Seed i. * See Gray's New Manual of Botany. American Book Co. SANTALACEAE (SANDALWOOD FAMILY) 77 A. Perennial; herbage with stinging hairs; leaves opposite, coarsely serrulate; stipules present; flowers not involucrate. URTICA (p. 77) AA. Annual; herbage without stinging hairs; leaves alternate, entire; stipules none; flowers involucrate by leafy bracts. PARIETARIA . 179) BB. Corolla rotate. D. Style very short or none; flower parts in s's. E. (Honor of E. Swert, a Dutch bulb grower.) E. Swertia palustris (CHIKETTA) DD. Style slender, long; flower parts in 4's. FRASERA (p. 180) CENTAURIUM (CENTAURY) Low. Leaves entire, sessile. Flowers pink or white, in cymes or spikes. Calyx tubular ; segments 4-5, narrow, keeled. Corolla salverform. Stigma 2-lobed. (L. centum = 100, aurum gold or gold pieces ; referring to the medicinal value.) A. Stem 2.5-5 cm. high; leaves 2-6 mm. long, lanceolate. W. C. minimum AA. Stem more than 5 cm. high; leaves more than 6 mm. long, not lanceolate. B. Basal leaves in a rosette. W. C. umbellatum (BITTER HERB) BB. Basal leaves not in a rosette. C. Corolla lobes obtuse or retuse; pedicels mostly shorter than the flowers. W. E. C. muhlenbergii CC. Corolla lobes obtuse or acute; pedicels much longer than the flowers. D. Corolla lobes obtuse; seed globose. C. E. C. exaltatum (TALL CENTAURY) DD. Corolla lobes acute ; seed oblong. E. C. nuttallii GENTIANA (GENTIAN) Erect. Leaves opposite or whorled, entire. Flowers variously colored. Calyx tubular, 4-7-cleft. Corolla various in form. Stigma cleft into 2 lamellae. (Honor of King Gentius of Illyria, who is said to have discovered the medicinal value.) A. Corolla plicate in the sinuses, the folds more or less extended into thin teeth; perennial. B. Corolla yellow; perennial by offsets; anthers introrse. W. G. douglasiana (YELLOW GENTIAN) BB. Corolla white or blue; root perennial; anthers extrorse. C. Stem leaves 2-4 pairs; stems 2-10 cm. long. C. G. newberryi (DWARF GENTIAN) CC. Stem leaves 6 to many pairs; stems 15 cm. or more long. D. Upper leaves forming an involucre about the i-s-flowered cluster. E. Flower i. W. C. E. G. calycosa EE. Flowers 1-5. W. C. E. G. parryi DD. Upper leaves not forming an involucre. F. Corolla oblong-campanulate, its lobes narrowed at base, its appendages entire. G. Plant 3-6 dm. high; leaves lanceolate to linear, 3-veined; seed unappen- daged. U. G. menziesii GG. Plant 6-12 dm. high; leaves ovate to lanceolate, 3~7-veined; seed with acuminate appendage. W. G. septrum l8o MENYANTHACEAE (BUCKBEAN FAMILY) FF. Corolla funnelform, its lobes not narrowed at base, its appendages laciniate- toothed or -cleft. H. Stem 2-3 dm. high; leaves oblong to linear; bracts lanceolate to linear; calyx lobes linear to narrowly lanceolate; corolla 2-2.5 cm. long. E. G. af finis HH. Stem 3-6 dm. high; leaves ovate to oblong; bracts oblong to ovate; calyx lobes oblong to ovate-lanceolate; corolla 3-3.5 cm. long. E. G. oregana AA. Corolla without teeth or lobes or extended plaits in the sinuses; annual. I. Corolla 25-50 mm. long, its lobes often fimbriate or erose. J. Calyx lobes acutely keeled, 2 larger and narrower. E. G. serrata JJ. Calyx lobes not keeled, all about equal. C. G. simplex n. Corolla 5-7 mm. long, its lobes entire. K. Leaves 4-12 mm. long; calyx lobes ovate to oblong; corolla 5-8 mm. long. E. G. tenella KK. Leaves 12-50 mm. long; calyx lobes lanceolate to linear; corolla 10-17 mm. long. W. C. E. G. acuta FRASERA (COLUMBO) Leaves opposite or whorled. Flowers many, clustered. Corolla 4-parted. Stamens on the very base of the corolla. Capsule ovate. (Honor of John Fraser, an American plant collector.) A. Leaves with firm white border. B. Whole plant puberulent; corolla lobes acuminate. E. F. albicualis BB. Whole plant glabrous; corolla lobes obtuse or acute. E. F. nitida AA. Leaves not bordered. C. Leaves in whorls of 2 or 3; corolla blue-purple; capsule flattened parallel to the partition; seed globose. E. F. fastigiata CC. Leaves in whorls of 4 or 6; corolla greenish; capsule flattened perpendicular to the partition; seed oblong. E. F. speciosa MENYANTHACEAE (BUCKBEAN FAMILY) Herbs, perennial, aquatic or in marshes; rhizome creeping. Leaves basal or alternate, glabrous, crenate or j-foliolate. Flowers clustered, regular, perfect. Calyx deeply 5-parted, persistent. Corolla funnelform to rotate, 5-lobed or -cleft. Stamens 5, on the corolla, alternate with the corolla lobes. Ovary superior or half- superior, i-celled. Fruit a capsule, oval. Seeds few, flattish, smooth. A. Leaves simple; corolla lobes entire; style short or none. W. (Gk. nephros = the kidneys, phytton = a leaf, idios = peculiar; hence a peculiar kidney-shaped leaf.) Nephrophyllidium crista-galli (DEER CABBAGE) AA. Leaves 3-foliolate; corolla lobes fimbriate; style subulate. W. C. E. (.Gk. mene = a month, anthos = a flower.) Menyanthes trifoliata (BUCKBEAN) APOCYNACEAE (DOGBANE FAMILY) 181 APOCYNACEAE (DOGBANE FAMILY) Herbs, perennial; juice milky. Leaves simple, entire, opposite; stipules none. Flowers perfect, regular, the parts in s's. Calyx persistent. Corolla gamopetalous, lobed. Stamens on the corolla, as many as its lobes, alternate with them. Carpels 2, distinct, superior, adherent to the calyx at base; ovules many. Fruit of 2 follicles. Seed bearded. Only the following genus. APOCYNUM (DOGBANE) Anthers united around the stigma. (Gk. apo = from, kyon = a dog ; some species are said to be poisonous to dogs.) A. Leaves oval to orbicular; corolla lobes spreading or recurved. B. Leaves glabrous. W. E. A. androsaemifolium (SPREADING DOGBANE) BB. Leaves puberulent. E. A. detonsum AA. Leaves oval to lanceolate; corolla lobes erect. C. Calyx and bracts ciliolate. E. A. ciliolatum CC. Calyx and bracts entire, not ciliolate. D. Cymes large, many-flowered. E. A. cannabinum (INDIAN HEMP) DD. Cymes small, few-flowered. E. A. suksdorfii ASCLEPIADACEAE (MILKWEED FAMILY) Herbs, perennial; juice milky. Leaves opposite or whorled; stipules none. Flowers regular, perfect, in umbels. Calyx seg- ments 5. Corolla rotate to funnelform, 5-lobed or -cleft. Crown between stamens and corolla 5-lobed or -parted. Stamens 5, on corolla near base; filaments .monadelphous ; anthers united around the stigma. Carpels 2, superior, their ovaries and styles distinct, their stigmas united into a head. Fruit of 2-follicles. Seeds many, flattish, long-bearded. A. Leaves cordate-clasping at base; hoods of the crown between stamens and corolla without horns inside. U. (Gk. a = without, kerates = horns; they lack the stamen horns of Asclepias.) Acerates cordifolia (GREEN MILKWEED) AA. Leaves not clasping; hoods of the crown between stamens and corolla each with a horn inside. ASCLEPIAS (p. 181) ASCLEPIAS (MILKWEED) Leaves entire. (The Greek name of the god of healing ; some of the plants are medicinal.) A. Leaves white-tomentose; stem 6-18 dm. high; leaves oval to oblong. E. A. speciosa (WOOLLY MILKWEED) AA. Leaves glabrous; either the stem only 1.5-3 dm. high or else the leaves linear to lanceolate. 182 CONVOLVULACEAE (MORNING-GLORY FAMILY) B. Leaves many, in whorls of 2-6, linear to lanceolate, 7.5-15 cm. long; corolla lobes 4 mm. long. W. E. A. mexicana (WHORLED MILKWEED) BB. Leaves 6-8, opposite, rounded-ovate, 2.5-5 cm. long; corolla lobes 10 mm. long. E. A. cryptoceras (DWARF MILKWEED) CONVOLVULACEAE (MORNING-GLORY FAMILY) Herbs. Stems prostrate or twining. Leaves 'none or mere scales, alternate; stipules none. Flowers axillary, regular, the parts in 4's or 5*s. Sepals persistent. Corolla limb entire or lobed. Stamens as many as the corolla segments and alternate with them. Ovary 2-6-celled; cells i-2-ovuled; styles i or 2 or 4. Fruit a capsule or sometimes fleshy. Seed large. A. Plants green, not parasitic; leaves ordinary, wide. CONVOLVULUS (p. 182) AA. Plants red or yellow, without green, parasitic; leaves mere scales. CUSCUTA (p. 182) CONVOLVULUS (BINDWEED) Corolla campanulate to funnelform, somewhat 5 -lobed or -angled at margin. Stamens included. Capsule globose, 2-celled. Seeds usually 2. T (L. convolver e = to entwine ; they are twining plants.) A. Peduncles with 2 bracts just beneath the calyx and reaching or inclosing it; stigmas linear to ovate. B. Leaves somewhat cuneate at base; basal leaf-lobes small or none. W. C. calif ornicus BB. Leaves not at all cuneate at base. C. Leaves reniform, entire or with obscure angles, fleshy; stem trailing or creeping. W. C. soldanella (FLESHY BINDWEED) CC. Leaves not reniform, distinctly angled, not fleshy; stem mostly twining. D. Leaf lobes at base entire; peduncles often 2-flowered. W. C. occidentalis DD. Leaf lobes at base from entire to 2-3-lobed; peduncles all i-flowered. E. C. sepium (HEDGE BINDWEED) AA. Peduncles without bracts near the calyx, but often with them farther down; stigmas filiform. W. E. C. arvensis (FIELD BINDWEED) CUSCUTA (DODDER) Flowers small, whitish, in cymose clusters. Calyx 4~5-parted or -cleft. Stamens in throat of corolla. Ovary globose, 2-celled. Seeds 1-4. (The Latin name.) Those growing on crop plants are bad weeds. A. Corolla scales fringed; stigmas capitate. B. Capsule pointed. C. Flowers with pedicels; dry corolla enveloping the capsule; in fields and waste places. E. C. indecora (PRETTY DODDER) CC. Flowers subsessile; dry corolla not enveloping the capsule; in salt marshes along the coast. W. C. squamigera (SALT-MARSH DODDER) BB. Capsule globose. D. Flowers sessile; style shorter than ovary. E. C. arvensis (FIELD DODDER) DD. Flowers with pedicels; style as long or longer than the ovary. POLEMONIACEAE (PHLOX FAMILY) 183 E. Stems coarse; calyx-lobes obtuse; corolla lobes obtuse or rounded. E. C. cephalanthi (SAGE DODDER) EE. Stems fine; calyx lobes acute; corolla lobes lanceolate-subulate. C. E. C. calif ornica AA. Corolla scales crenulate; stigmas filiform. F. Calyx lobes not keeled; corolla lobes triangular, acute. W. C. epithymum (ALFALFA DODDER) FF. Calyx lobes keeled; corolla lobes ovate, obtuse. E. C. planiflora POLEMONIACEAE (PHLOX FAMILY) Herbs or shrubs. Stipules none. Flowers perfect, regular; calyx 5-lobed to -parted, persistent. Corolla 5-lobed. Stamens 5, distinct, in the corolla tube, alternate with the corolla lobes. Ovary superior; style I, j-lobed or -cleft. Fruit a capsule, j-celled, loculicidal. Seeds small. Several genera are too difficult for beginners. (F. & R. pp. 311-316.) A. Calyx distended and at length burst by the capsule; leaves opposite or alter- nate. B. Leaves opposite, entire; plant perennial; corolla salverform. PHLOX (p. 183) BB. Not as above in all of the first 3 points; corolla often not salverform. GILIA (p. 183) AA. Calyx not distended nor burst by the capsule; leaves alternate. C. Calyx teeth spine-tipped; leaves compound; stamens inserted at unequal heights in the corolla-tube. NAVARRETIA (p. 183) CC. Calyx teeth herbaceous, not spine-tipped. D. Leaves compound, pinnate; leaflets entire (except P. confertum)', stamens inserted equally high in the corolla tube; corolla rotate to funnelform. POLEMONIUM (p. 184) DD. Leaves simple, entire or pinnately or palmately dissected; stamens in- serted at unequal heights in the corolla tube; corolla salverform to funnelform. COLLOMIA (p. 184) PHLOX (PHLOX) Herbs. Leaves opposite or some of the upper ones alternate. Flowers large. Calyx 5-ribbed. (Gk. phlox = flame ; the name of some flame- colored flower.) GILIA (GILIA) Herbs or shrubs. Leaves opposite or alternate. Corolla funnelform or tubular or campanulate or salverform. (Honor of F. Gil, a Spanish botanist.) NAVARRETIA (NAVARRETIA) Herbs, annual, low. Flowers small, in headlike clusters ; clusters leafy- bracted. Calyx tube with five prominent great angles or veins, scarious between the angles ; lobes unequal. Corolla tubular-f unnelform to salver- form. (Honor of Navarrete, a Spanish physician.) 1 84 POLEMONIACEAE (PHLOX FAMILY) A. Leaves i-pinnatifid or -incised, or many leaves entire. B. Stem not viscid, slender, 2.5-15 cm. high; leaves all slender and filiform except the bracts of the head. E. N. divaricata BB. Stem very viscid, stout, rigid, 15-18 cm. high; leaves of the stem mostly la- ciniate-pinnatifid. U. N. atractyloides AA. Some of the leaves and bracts more than i-pinnatifid or -incised. C. Plant with skunklike odor, glandular-viscid. W. N. squarrosa (SKUNKWEED) CC. Plant without skunklike odor, not glandular, not viscid (except N. breweri). D. Corolla yellow; plant somewhat glandular-viscid. U. E. N. breweri DD. Corolla white or blue; plant not glandular- viscid. E. Corolla pale blue; leaf -divisions all spinose. U. N. stricta EE. Corolla white. F. Stem glabrous or glabrate except at the very top; ovules 1-3 in each cell. G. Plant 2.5-7.5 cm. high; bracts of the head with spinose lobes. C. N. minima GG. Plant 10-25 cm. high; bracts of the head with barely sharp-pointed lobes. U. N. leucocephala FF. Stem puberulent or pubescent. H. Ovules 3-4 in each cell; stem pubescent; calyx tube and base of bracts very hairy. E. N. intertexta HH. Ovule i in each cell; stem puberulent; calyx tube and bracts sparsely hairy. E. N. klickitatensis COLLOMIA (COLLOMIA) Herbs. Flowers white or yellow or purple. Calyx obpyramidal, scarious in the sinuses ; lobes erect, entire. (Gk. kolla = glue ; referring to the glutinous seeds when wet.) A. Leaves or at least the lower ones more or less dissected. B. Calyx lobes triangular- to ovate-lanceolate. C. Leaves pinnately veined; annual. W. C. C. heterophylla CC. Leaves palmately veined; perennial. C. C. debilis BB. Calyx lobes subulate; perennial. D. Stems loosely branching, often more than one from the same root; inflorescence loose. U. C. glutinosa DD. Stems usually simple but mostly several from the same root; inflorescence dense, headlike. C. C. mazama AA. Leaves entire or at most merely serrate. E. Flowers solitary in the axils. E. C. tenella EE. Flowers in clusters. F. Corolla pink, i cm. long. G. Calyx lobes aristate; flowers few in a cluster. C. E. C. arlstella GG. Calyx lobes acute; flowers many in a cluster. E. C. linearis FF. Corolla salmon-colored, 2-3 cm. long. W. C. E. C. grandiflora POLEMONIUM (GREEK VALERIAN) Herbs. Flowers clustered. Calyx not angled, not ribbed, campanulate or narrower, cleft to the middle; lobes equal, erect to spreading. Corolla regular. (Gk. polemos = war ; it is said that two kings fought over the honor of the discovery of the medicinal uses.) A. Corolla yellow, 16-20 mm. long, its lobes 3-4 times as long as its tube; plant 1.5- 4.5 dm. high. C. P. luteum HYDROPHYLLACEAE (WATER-LEAF FAMILY) 185 AA. Corolla white or cream-colored or blue or salmon-colored, various in length and in lobing. B. Leaflets 2-3-divided and thus appearing in fascicles or whorls, 2-6 mm. long. C. E. P- confertum BB. Leaflets entire, not as if fascicled, usually longer. C. Leaflets 2-12 mm. long; stem 5-30 cm. high. D. Corolla white, nearly rotate; our only annual species. E. P. micranthum DD. Corolla blue, campanulate; perennial. E. Flower violet with a yellow eye. C. E. P. elegans EE. Flower pale blue or purplish or white, without eye. F. Plants densely caespitose, 5-10 cm. high; leaflets 30-40 C. P. viscosum FF. Plants loosely caespitose, 15-30 cm. high; leaflets 9-21. W. C. E. P. humile CC. Leaflets 12-35 mm. or more long; stems often over 30 cm. high. G. Corolla salmon- or flesh-colored, 25-37 cm. wide. U. P. carneum GG. Corolla white or cream-colored or blue, less than 25 cm. wide. H. Stems 6-9 dm. high; seeds 6-13 in each cell. I. Leaflets oblong-ovate. C. E. P. occidentale n. Leaflets linear. E. P. pectinatum HH. Stems 1.5-5 dm. high; seeds 3-4 in each cell. W. P. amoenum HYDROPHYLLACEAE (WATER-LEAF FAMILY) Herbs or rarely shrubs, stipules none. Flowers various, mostly in scorpoid bractless clusters. Sepals 5, distinct or nearly so. Corolla regular, 5-lobed, rotate to salverform. Stamens 5, alter- nate with the corolla lobes, on base of corolla. Ovary superior; styles i~2. Fruit a capsule, i-2-celled, 2-4-valved. Seeds 2 to many. A. Herbs, not evergreen; leaves without balsamic resin. B. Stems elongated, leafy; flowers either not solitary or else not on basal peduncles. C. Flowers grouped in bractless inflorescences; stems and leaves often unlike those in CC. D. Style 2-lobed or -cleft at apex; leaves rarely reniform; stems leafy. E. Corolla convolute in the bud; placentae wide. F. Annual; stamens included; ovules 4-20. NEMOPHILA (p. 186) FF. Perennial; stamens exserted; ovules 4. HYDROPHYLLUM (p. 187) EE. Corolla imbricate in the bud; placentae narrow. G. Corolla deciduous, rarely yellowish and then the stamens exserted; sta- mens unequally inserted in the corolla. PHACELIA (p. 186) GG. Corolla persistent, yellow or yellowish; stamens included, equally in- serted at the very base of the corolla. EMMENANTHE (p. 186) DD. Style and even the stigma entire; leaves round-reniform, 25 mm. or less wide; stems almost leafless. W. C. (Honor of M. Romanzoff, a Russian nobleman who sent Kotzebue to Alaska.) Romanzoffia sitchensis CC. Flowers solitary in the leaf-axils; stems 5-10 cm. long, dichotomously branched; leaves entire, linear-spatulate, 1-3 cm. long. H. Styles 2, distinct to the ovary. E. (Gk. nama = a stream; probably referring to the habitat.) Nama demissum l86 HYDROPHYLLACEAE (WATER-LEAF FAMILY) HH. Style i, 2 -cleft at the apex. CONANTHUS (p. 187) BB. Acaulescent; leaves all basal; flowers solitary on basal peduncles. CAPNOREA (p. 187) AA. Shrubs, evergreen, glabrous, 9-15 dm. high; leaves glutinous with a balsamic resin, lanceolate, entire or serrate, 7.5-15 cm. long. E. (Gk. erion = wool, diktyon a net; from the hairy and reticulate- veiny under side of the leaves.) Eriodictyon glutinosum (YERBA SANTA) EMMENANTHE (WHISPERING BELLS) Low, annual. Leaves alternate. Flowers in simple or circinate racemes. Corolla campanulate. Capsule ovoid or oblong, flattish, incompletely 2-celled. Seeds 2 to many. (Gk. emmenos = a month, anthos = a flower ; said to be because the corolla is persistent.) A. Leaves entire or nearly so; corolla nearly white, without appendages inside. E. E. pusilla AA. Leaves deeply lobed or pinnatifid; corolla bright yellow, with 10 appendages inside. B. Style much longer than the ovary; ovules about n; seeds 8-10; calyx lobes linear. E. E. lutea BB. Style hardly longer than the ovary; ovules 20-40; seeds 15-20; calyx lobes linear-spatulate. E. E. parviflora PHACELIA (PHACELIA) Leaves alternate. Flowers in somewhat scorpoid clusters, blue or purple or white or yellowish. Corolla tube rotate to tubular. Placentae 2, parietal; style 2-cleft or -parted. Capsule i -celled or nearly 2-celled. Seeds 2 to many. (Gk. fakelos = a fascicle ; referring to the flower bunches.) Species too difficult for beginners. (F. & R. pp. 317-319.) NEMOPHILA (GROVE LOVER) Leaves opposite or alternate. Calyx with appendage in each sinus, en- larged in fruit. Corolla rotate to tubular. (Gk. nemos = a grove, phileo = I love ; from the shady habitat.) A. Corolla rotate, white or light blue, speckled with dark blue; leaves opposite. W. N. menziesii AA. Corolla campanulate to tubular, white or bluish, not speckled; leaves opposite or alternate. B. Leaves mostly opposite; corolla equaling the calyx, white or bluish. C. Corolla bluish, twice as long as the calyx; calyx lobes subulate. W. C. N. sepulta CC. Corolla white, less than twice as long as the calyx; calyx lobes lanceolate or wider. D. Leaves oblong; seeds mostly 6-8. E. N. pedunculata DD. Leaves ovate; seeds mostly 4. W. C. E. N. parviflora BB. Leaves mostly alternate; corolla shorter than calyx, white. E. N. breviflora BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) 187 HYDROPHYLLUM (WATER-LEAF) Leaves alternate, petioled, pinnately lobed or divided. Flowers on long naked peduncles, in terminal scorpoid clusters. Calyx without appendages at the sinuses. Corolla campanulate, with appendages inside. Filaments bearded at the middle. Seeds 1-4. (Gk. hydro = water, phyllon = a leaf ; it was supposed that each leaf had a water cavity.) A. Flowers in a dense head; peduncle shorter than the petiole; leaf lobes obtuse. E. H. capitatum AA. Flowers in a loose head or a cyme; peduncle longer than the petiole. B. Basal leaves 3~5-parted; calyx lobes glabrous on the back, ciliate with stiff hairs; leaf-lobes mostly acute. W. H. tenuipes BB. Basal leaves 5-is-parted; calyx lobes pubescent on the back, ciliate with long soft hairs. C. Leaf lobes obtuse. U. C. H. occidentals CC. Leaf lobes acute. D. Plant 4-6 cm. high. C. E. H. albifrons DD. Plant 20-40 cm. high. E. H. fendleri CAPNOREA Leaves entire, spatulate or oblong. Calyx 5-y-parted. Corolla cam- panulate to saucer-shaped. Style 2-cleft. Capsule loculicidal. Seeds 15-20, large. (Gk. kapnos = smoke; apparently from the smoke-colored leaves.) A. Corolla saucer-shaped. B. Leaves pubescent beneath. C. Pubescence appressed. E. C. villosula CC. Pubescence not appressed. E. C. hirtella BB. Leaves glabrous except on the margin. D. Calyx lobes very unequal. E. C. fulcrata DD. Calj'x lobes almost equal. E. C. pumila AA. Corolla campanulate. E. C. nana CONANTHUS Annual. Leaves alternate. Calyx sinuses without appendages. Corolla tubular-funnelform, without appendages inside. Stamens included. Seeds 10-20. (Gk. konos = a cone, anthos = a flower ; probably referring to the form of the corolla.) A. Corolla 5 mm. or less long. E. C. parviflora AA. Corolla 6 mm. or more long. E. C. aretioides BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) Herbs, annual or perennial. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite or whorled, mostly entire, hairy; stipules none. Flowers perfect, mostly blue, mostly in i-sided scorpoid spikes or racemes or cymes. 1 88 BORAGTNACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) Corolla sympetalous, 5-lobed. Stamens as many as the corolla lobes and alternate with them, on the corolla. Ovary superior, usually of 2 or 4 somewhat globose lobes with a common style from be- tween them; ovules 4 ; style entire to 2-parted. Fruit of two 2-seeded carpels or of four i-seeded nutlets. Difficult family; keys largely based upon mature fruit. Keys to species mostly omitted. (F. & R. pp. 321-330.) A. Ovary undivided, sometimes 2-4-grooved; style at tip of ovary. B. Plant hairy, prostrate, annual; leaves ovate to rounded, 4-8 mm. long; style 2-cleft or -parted. E. (Honor of C. Golden, a colonial Lieutenant- Governor of N. Y.) Coldenia nuttallii BB. Plant glabrous, spreading, perennial; leaves obovate to linear, 25-50 mm. long; style entire or none. E. (Gk. helos the sun, trope = a turn; refers to flowering at the summer solstice.) Heliotropium curassavicum (HELIOTROPE) AA. Ovary 4-cleft or -divided; style arising from between the parts of the ovary. C. Prickles of the nutlets barbed. D. Nutlets spreading, prickly all over; flowers blue. CYNOGLOSSUM (p. 189) DD. Nutlets erect, prickly on the margin and sometimes on the back; flowers variously colored. (Diminutive of L. lappa = a burr; referring to the fruit.) Lappula (STICKSEED) CC. Prickles of the nutlets hooked; flowers white. (Gk. pekteo = comblike, karyon = a nut; from the comblike margin of the nutlets of some species.) Pectocarya CCC. Prickles of the nutlets neither barbed nor hooked, or none at all. E. Nutlets attached laterally to a pyramid-like projection of the receptacle. F. Calyx with 5 wide flat lobes and 5 smaller ones alternating with them; corolla blue. E. (L. asper = rough; referring to the leaves.) Asperugo procumbens (MADWORT) FF. Calyx simply s-lobed, without the 5 smaller alternating ones. G. Lower leaves opposite. (Gk. alias = another, karyon = a nut; that is, another kind of nutlet.) Allocarya GG. Leaves all alternate. H. Flowers yellow. I. Annual; scar of nutlets ovate or oblong; throat of corolla naked or merely with hairy tufts within. AMSINCKIA (p. 190) n. Biennial or perennial; scar of nutlets very slender; throat of the corolla with prominent folds within. OREOCARYA (p. 100) HH. Flowers white. J. Stems repeatedly dichotomously branched; annual. K. Sepals distinct to the base; ventral groove of the nutlets not forked at base; most of the leaves in a basal tuft. E. (Gk. eremos = solitary, karyon = a nut. Application not clear.) Eremocarya micrantha KK. Sepals distinct to the middle; ventral groove of the nutlets forked at base; leaves scattered, not mostly basal. E. (Gk. piptein = to fall; + calyx; the upper part of the calyx is deciduous.) Piptocalyx circumscissus JJ. Stems not dichotomously branched; annual or perennial. BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) 189 L. Annual; pedicels persistent; leaves mostly in a basal tuft; nutlets keeled on both sides. PLAGIOBOTHRYS (p. 189) LL. Biennial or perennial; pedicels persistent; leaves scattered along the stem; nutlets not keeled. OREOCARYA (p. 100) LLL. Annual; pedicels deciduous (except in C. pterocarya) ; leaves scat- tered along the stem; nutlets not keeled (except some in C. pterocarya) . (Gk. kryptos = hidden, anthos = a flower; because the corolla is some- times very small.) Cryptanthe (NiE VITAS) HHH. Flowers blue or purple or pink. M. Nutlets erect; corolla tubular-funnelform; plant not conspicuously white-hairy nor silvery-hairy. MERTENSIA (p. 191) MM. Nutlets ascending to horizontal; corolla rotate or salverform; plant conspicuously silvery- or white-hairy. ERITRICHIUM (p. 189) EE. Nutlets attached by the very base. N. Raceme bractless; roots slender; flowers white or blue; corolla lobes convolute in the bud. MYOSOTIS (p. 190) NN. Raceme bracted; roots thick; flowers white or yellow; corolla lobes imbricate in the bud. LITHOSPERMUM (p. 191) CYNOGLOSSUM (HOUND'S TONGUE) Coarse, hairy, perennial. Flowers in panicled racemes. Corolla with conspicuous arching crests at the throat. Stamens included. Style in- cluded. (Gk. kyon = a dog, glossa = the tongue ; from a resemblance in the leaf.) A. Lower leaves ovate to subcordate; upper leaves wing-petioled; calyx segments ovate; corolla tube hardly exceeding its lobes. W. C. C. grande AA. Lower leaves spatulate; upper leaves sessile or partly clasping; calyx segments lanceolate; corolla tube 2-3 times as long as its lobes. U. C. C. occidentale ERITRICHIUM Leaves 2 cm. or less long. Flowers blue. Appendages almost closing the corolla-throat. Stamens included. Border of nutlets acute. (Gk. erion = wool; thrix = hair; referring to the hairy herbage.) A. Basal leaves linear-spatulate; corolla 8-10 mm. wide; nutlets wingless, the sharp edge entire; plant with short silky hairs. C. E. howardi AA. Basal leaves lanceolate to ovate; corolla 4-6 mm. wide; nutlets winged, the wing toothed or lobed; plant with long shaggy hairs. C. E. E. argenteum PLAGIOBOTHRYS (POP-CORN FLOWER) Flowers in circinate racemes. Corolla-throat conspicuously appendaged. Nutlets 3-angled, incurved. (Gk. plagios = oblique, bothros = a trench ; probably referring to the scar on the nutlet.) A. Plant pubescent to tomentose, not hispid. B. Stem simple up to the racemes. C. Basal leaves oblanceolate; calyx cleft almost to base. U. P. campestre I go BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) CC. Basal leaves linear to spatulate; calyx cleft to the middle or very little below it. U. P. shastensis BB. Stem branching from the base. D. Calyx cleft to below the middle, persistent; nutlets somewhat cross-shaped. W. E. P. tenellus DD. Calyx cleft only to the middle, soon deciduous by separating near its base; nutlets ovate. E. Plant 1-2.5 cm. high, white-hairy; nutlets 3 mm. long. W. C. P. canescens EE. Plant 2.5-5 cm. high, hairy but not white-hairy; nutlets 2 mm. long. W. C. P. nothofulvus AA. Plant hispid. F. Nutlets with transverse wrinkles; branches hispid but stem not so. (See D.) FF. Nutlets without transverse wrinkles; branches and stem both hispid. E. P. hispidus OREOCARYA Flowers white or yellow, in headlike or panicled racemes. Corolla with 10 scales or glands at base within ; throat with prominent folds within. (Gk. oros = a mountain, karyon = a nut ; probably referring to the habitat.) A. Corolla tube exceeding the calyx. E. O. leucophaea AA. Corolla tube not exceeding the calyx. B. Plant thinly stiff-hairy; inflorescence not tawny-hairy; leaves obtuse. E. O. sericea BB. Plant densely stiff-hairy; inflorescence not tawny-hairy. C. Leaves obtuse; inflorescence very dense. E. O. celosioides CC. Leaves acute, inflorescence not very dense. E. O. spiculifera AMSINCKIA (FIDDLE NECK) Coarse, hispid. Leaves oblong to linear. Flowers in racemes or spikes. Calyx persistent. Corolla salverform to funnelform; throat naked or with minute hairy tufts opposite the lobes. Nutlets 3-angled. (Honor of W. Amsinck, a German, who materially aided the Hamburg Botanical Garden.) A. Nutlets roughened with short hard points, convex or keeled on the back. B. Calyx lobes linear; plant erect. W. E. A. Intermedia BB. Calyx lobes lanceolate or ovate; plant spreading. W. E. A. lycopsoides AA. Nutlets not roughened with points, the projections rounded and smooth, nearly flat on the back, not keeled. E. . A. tessellata MYOSOTIS (FORGET-ME-NOT) Flowers in racemes or spikes. Corolla salverform to rotate; throat with small blunt crests at the base of the lobes. Stamens included. Nutlets smooth ; scar minute. (Gk. myos = of a mouse, otos = of an ear ; hence mouse-ear like, referring to the short soft leaves.) A. Corolla blue; calyx open in fruit; calyx hairs appressed, none of them hooked nor gland-tipped. B. Calyx lobes much shorter than the calyx tube. W. M. scorpioides (GARDEN FORGET-ME-NOT) BB. Calyx lobes as long as calyx tube. W. E. M. laxa (BLUE FORGET-ME-NOT) AA. Corolla white; calyx closing on fruit; calyx hairs spreading, some of them minutely hooked or gland-tipped. W. E. M. macrosperma (WHITE FORGET-ME-NOT) BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) 191 MERTENSIA (LUNGWORT) Perennial. Flowers rather large, in panicles or cymes or racemes. Calyx lobes linear to triangular, not much enlarged in fruit. Stamens included. Ovary 4-divided. Nutlets wrinkled when mature. (Honor of F. K. Mer- tens, a German botanist.) A. Plants of the seashore; nutlets fleshy, smooth and shining. W. AA. Plants not of the seashore ; nutlets dry, wrinkled when mature. M. maritima (SEA LUNGWORT) B. Plants 5-10 dm. high; leaves thin, wide. C. Leaves soft-hairy beneath, upper surface various; calyx glabrous or hairy on the back. D. Upper leaf surface stiff-hairy. E. Calyx lobes canescent. E. M. membranacea EE. Calyx lobes not canescent. F. Calyx lobes pubescent on the back. W. M. platyphylla FF. Calyx lobes glabrous on the back. E. M. paniculata (TALL LUNGWORT) DD. Upper leaf surface smooth or merely papillose. G. Calyx lobes pubescent on the back. C. E. M. subcordata GG. Calyx lobes glabrous on the back. W. E. M. leptophylla CC. Leaves glabrous on both sides or merely papillose above; calyx glabrous on the back. H. Calyx lobes either short and obtuse or triangular and acute, not longer than the fruit. I. Leaves acute, mostly sessile; calyx lobes obtuse. C. M. ambigua n. Leaves acuminate, short-petioled; calyx lobes acute. E. M. brachycalyx HH. Calyx lobes elongate, acute, much longer than the fruit. J. Leaves many, pallid, ovate, acuminate. W. C. E. M. laevigata JJ. Leaves few, green, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or acutish. E. M. infirma BB. Plants 1.5-4 dm. high; leaves narrow, thickish. K. Basal leaves numerous, their dry bases remaining on the crown of the root; root vertical, not tuberous. L. Leaves pubescent on both sides. M. Plant 1-1.5 dm. high. E. M. pubescens MM. Plant 3-4.5 dm. high. E. M. cuslckii LL. Leaves glabrous on both sides or merely with some short stiff hairs above. E. M. nutans KK. Basal leaves none; root not a taproot, tuberous or fasciculate-tuberous. N. Leaves glabrous or merely papillose above. E. M. pulchella NN. Leaves stiff-hairy above. O. Corolla tube 1-2 times as long as its limb. E. M. horneri OO. Corolla tube 3-4 times as long as its limb. E. M. oblongifolia LITHOSPERMUM (GROMWELL) Perennial. Leaves sessile. Corolla salverform or funnelform; throat pubescent or crested. (Gk. lithos = a stone, sperma = a seed.) A. Sepals 8-16 mm. long; corolla about 20-25 mm. long, bright yellow, lobes much shorter than the throat. U. L. californicum AA. Sepals 6-8 mm. long; corolla 12-16 mm. long, dull greenish-yellow, lobes about equaling the throat. W. E L. ruderale (WOOLLY GROMWELL) 1 92 VERBENACEAE (VERVAIN FAMILY) VERBENACEAE (VERVAIN FAMILY) Perennial herbs. Leaves opposite. Flowers perfect, in terminal or axillary spikes. Corolla sympetalous, regular or 2-lipped. Stamens didynamous unless only 2, on the corolla, alternate with the corolla lobes. Ovary superior, 2-4-celled ; carpels 2; ovules 4; style I, terminal; stigmas 1-2. Fruit dry, separating into 4 nutlets Only the following genus. VERBENA (VERVAIN) Stems 4-angled. Leaves pinnately veined. Flowers bracted, blue or purple or pink. (Said to be from Celtic farfaen = to remove stone. Ap- plication not clear.) A. Bracts shorter than the calyx. B. Corolla 8-10 mm. long; plant erect. E. V. stricta (HOARY VERVAIN) BB. Corolla about 4 mm. long. C. Plant erect. E. V. hastata (BLUE VERVAIN) CC. Plant spreading or ascending. U. V. prostrata AA. Bracts longer than the calyx; plant prostrate or decumbent. E. V. bracteosa MENTHACEAE (MINT FAMILY) Herbs or shrubs, erect to vinelike, stems mostly 4-angled. Leaves simple, opposite, mostly punctate; stipules none. Flowers mostly irregular, perfect, variously clustered but mostly in axillary whorls. Calyx persistent, regular to 2-lipped, 4~5-lobed, mostly veined. Corolla limb 4~5-lobed, mostly 2-lipped; upper lip entire to 2-lobed ; lower lip usually 3-lobed. Stamens on the corolla tube, alternate with the petal lobes, usually 4 ; 2 usually shorter or antherless or rudimentary or wanting. Ovary 4-lobed or -parted, superior; ovules 4-, style i, 2-lobed. Fruit of 4 nutlets. A. Herbs. B. Plants erect or merely spreading, not vinelike. C. Corolla distinctly irregular, distinctly 2-lipped in most. D. Stem villous or densely tomentose. E. Leaves acute; flowers in terminal spikes on stem and branches; stamens projecting beyond the corolla tube. F. Leaves mostly rounded at base; calyx 10- veined; corolla not dark-dotted; ovary 4-lobed. E. (Honor of Teucer, a King of Troy who first used it medicinally.) Teucrium occidentale (GERMANDER) FF. Leaves mostly cordate at base; calyx is-veined; corolla dark-dotted; ovary 4-parted. W. E. (Said to be from Nepete, a town in Tuscany, Italy.) Nepeta cataria (CATNIP) MENTHACEAE (MINT FAMILY) 193 EE. Leaves obtuse; flowers in dense axillary clusters; calyx s-io-veined; corolla not dotted; stamens included in the corolla tube. W. E. Me- dicinal plant. (Hebrew morrob = a bitter juice.) Marrubium vulgare (HOREHOUND) DD. Stem not villous nor tomentose, though often hairy. G. Calyx with a crest or protuberance on one side. SCUTELLARIA (p. 194) GG. Calyx without crest or protuberance. H. Calyx is-veined. I. Leaves not entire; leaf blades widest at or below their middle. J. Plants not aromatic; flowers in elongated spikelike clusters; all 4 stamens with anthers. K. Perennial; leaves triangular-ovate; inflorescence bracts not pecti- nate; lower lip of corolla with middle lobe crenulate. AGASTACHE (p. 194) KK. Annual or biennial; leaves lanceolate; inflorescence bracts pecti- nate; lower lip of corolla with middle lobe not crenulate. C. E. (Gk. drakon = a dragon, kephale = a head; referring to the form of the flower in some species.) Dracocephalum parviflorum (DRAGONHEAD) JJ. Plants aromatic ; flowers in flattened or round headlike clusters ; 2 stamens with anthers, 2 others from antherless to totally absent. MONARDA (p. 195) H. Leaves entire, oblanceolate to obovate. U. (Gk. pogon = a beard, gyne = the pistil; referring to the bearded style.) Pogogyne douglasii HH. Calyx 5~i3-veined. L. Leaves not cleft. M. Flowers in terminal headlike or dense spikelike clusters; calyx 10-13- veined. N. Heads elongated, spikelike. W. C. E. (German braune = quinsy, for which this was thought a remedy.) Prunella vulgaris (HEAL-ALL) NN. Heads flat. MADRONELLA (p. 195) MM. Flowers in loose interrupted terminal spikelike clusters; calyx 5- 10- veined. O. Leaf teeth sharp- pointed, not rounded; leaves narrowed at base. W. C. E. (Gk. physa = a bladder, siege = a covering; referring to inflated fruiting calyx.) Physostegia parviflora (FALSE DRAGONHEAD) OO. Leaf teeth somewhat rounded at tip; leaves rounded to cordate at base. STACHYS (p. 195) MMM. Flowers in whorls in the axils of ordinary stem leaves; calyx about 5- or i3-veined. P. Annual or biennial; upper leaves sessile; flowers purple or red; calyx about s-veined. E. (Gk. laimos = the throat; because the corolla is widely gaping.) Lamium amplexicaule (HENBIT) PP. Perennial; upper leaves petioled; flowers white or yellow; calyx about i3-veined. E. (Greek name of the honeybee; the flowers are very sweet.) Melissa offic mails GARDEN (BALM) LL. Leaves 3-cleft or some S-cleft; flowers in the axils of ordinary leaves. W. (Gk. leon = a lion;, oura = a tail; suggested by the inflorescence.) Leonurus cardiaca (MOTHERWORT) CC. Corolla regular or nearly so. F. & R. EL. FL. 13 IQ4 MENTHACEAE (MINT FAMILY) Q. Annual; leaves entire or merely slightly wavy; ovary deeply 4-lobed. TRICHOSTEMA (p. 194) QQ. Perennial; leaves toothed; ovary 4-parted. R. Plants without mint odor; 2 stamens with anthers and 2 antherless. LYCOPUS (p. 196) RR. Plants with mint odor ; all 4 stamens with anthers. MENTHA (p. 196) BB. Plants prostrate, vinelike. S. Plant with disagreeable odor; petioles 25 mm. or more long; leaves dark green; flowers in small clusters in the leaf axils. W. (Greek name for some plant of this family.) Glecoma hederacea (GROUND IVY) SS. Plant with mint odor; petioles 4-6 mm. long; leaves red-green; flowers solitary in the leaf axils. W. E. (Gk. mikros = small, meros = a division; referring to the slightly 2-lipped perianth.) Micromeria douglasii (TEA VINE) AA. Shrubs aromatic; leaves entire, spatulate to obovate. E. (Possibly French ramon = a broom of twigs; it is a low, much-branched shrub.) Ramona incana TRICHOSTEMA (BLUE CURLS) Flowers blue, in axillary panicles or cymes. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla tube narrow ; lobes somewhat similar, oblong. Stamens 4. (Gk. trichos = hair, stemon = a stamen ; the stamens are long and hairlike.) A. Calyx lobes lanceolate, acuminate; corolla tube not exceeding the calyx. W. E. T. oblongum AA. Calyx-lobes ovate-triangular, acute; corolla tube exceeding the calyx. B. Leaves acuminate, obscurely veined; corolla 6-8 mm. long. U. T. laxum BB. Leaves acute, strongly veined; corolla about 12 mm. long. W. T. lanceolatum (VINEGAR WEED) SCUTELLARIA (SKULLCAP) Bitter. Flowers blue or violet or whitish, in spikelike racemes, or 1-3 in each leaf axil. Calyx 2-lipped; lips entire, lower persistent. Corolla much exserted, glabrous inside. Stamens 4, all with anthers. (L. scutella = a dish ; referring to the appendages of the calyx in fruit.) A. Leaves or at least the lower ones somewhat serrate or dentate. B. Leaf blades widest below their middle. C. Flowers in axillary and sometimes also terminal racemes; corolla 6-10 mm. long. W. E. S. lateriflora (MAD-DOG SKULLCAP) CC. Flowers solitary in the leaf axils; corolla 14-30 mm. long. D. Leaves obtuse, 6-12 mm. long. U. S. tuberosa DD. Leaves acute, 10-37 mm. long. E. S. galericulata (MARSH SKULLCAP) BB. Leaf blades widest above middle; flowers solitary in leaf axils. E. S. nana AA. Leaves entire. E. Stem leaves obtuse at both ends; corolla 14-20 mm. long. W. E. S. antirrhinoldes EE. Stem leaves acute at base; corolla 16-25 mm. long. U. E. S. angustifolia AGASTACHE (GIANT HYSSOP) Erect, tall. Leaves serrate, petioled. Flowers yellowish or purplish or blue, in whorled clusters in spikes; spikes bracted, terminal. Calyx MENTHACEAE (MINT FAMILY) 195 slightly 2-lipped, 5-toothed. Upper lip of corolla 2-lobed ; lower lip 3-lobed. Stamens 4, lower pair shorter ; anthers 4. (Gk. agan = much, stachys = a head of wheat ; referring to the many spikes.) A. Leaves canescent and white beneath, glabrous and green above; spikes 25 mm. or less thick. E. A. urticifolia AA. Leaves glabrous and green on both sides; spikes 25 mm. or more thick. E. A. occideutalis STACHYS (HEDGE NETTLE) Flowers purple, whorled in spikes. Calyx 5-toothed. Upper lip of corolla entire or emarginate ; lower lip 3-clef t, middle lobe wider and some- times 2-lobed. Stamens 4, lower 2 longer. (Gk. stachys = a spike or head of wheat ; referring to the inflorescence.) A. Corolla tube less than ij times as long as the calyx. B. Plant soft hairy; corolla white or cream-colored with some purple on the lower lip. W. E. S. pycnantha BB. Plant rather stiff-hairy; corolla light red to purple, often spotted. C. Upper leaves sessile, lower short-petioled; leaves acute or acuminate. W. E. S. palustris (wo UNO WORT) CC. Upper leaves short-petioled, lower long-petioled; leaves obtuse or acute. W. E. S. bullata AA. Corolla tube twice as long as the calyx. D. Leaves tomentose beneath, thick; corolla about 20 mm. long. W. C. S. chamissonis DD. Leaves not tomentose beneath, thin. E. Corolla about 20 mm. long; calyx glabrous or sparingly stiff-hairy. W. C. E. S. ciliata EE. Corolla about 12 mm. long; calyx soft-hairy. W. S. pubens MONARDA (BERGAMOT MINT) Flowers variously colored. Calyx 5-toothed. Corolla glabrous inside; upper lip emarginate or entire ; lower lip 3-lobed, middle lobe larger. Anther- bearing stamens 2, usually exserted; antherless stamens or their rudiments 2 or none. (Honor of N. Monardes, a Spanish botanist.) A. Leaves oblong to ovate; stamens longer than the upper lip of the corolla; corolla not spotted, its upper lip straight; heads solitary, terminal. E. M. mollis AA. Leaves lanceolate or narrower; stamens shorter than the upper lip of the corolla; corolla purple-spotted, its upper lip curved; heads many, terminal and axillary. W. M. punctata (HORSE MINT) MADRONELLA Leaves mostly entire. Flowers purple or red or white, bracted. Calyx 5-toothed. Corolla tube as long as the calyx; throat glabrous inside; upper lip 2-cleft; lower lip 3-cleft, the lobes nearly equal. Stamens 4, equal, or the lower 2 longer, exserted. (An anagram of Monardella, the diminutive of Monarda.) A. Leaves white-tomentose or tomentulose beneath. B. Leaves paler beneath than above, veins not prominent. C. E. M. discolor 196 SOLANACEAE (POTATO FAMILY) BB. Leaves not paler beneath, veins prominent. E. M. nervosa AA. Leaves not so beneath. C. Plant somewhat canescent. U. M. villosa CC. Plant glabrous or puberulent except the inflorescence. D. Leaves not as long as the stem internodes. U. E. M. reflexa DD. Leaves mostly longer than the stem internodes. E. Plant very smooth and shining except the inflorescence; leaves obtuse. E. M. purpurea EE. Plant somewhat ashy-gray with scurfy puberulence; leaves acute. E. M. odoratissima LYCOPUS (WATER HOREHOUND) Flowers small, white or purple, bracted, whorled in dense axillary clusters. Calyx 4~5-toothed. Corolla equaling or exceeding the calyx; limb either nearly equally 4-cleft or else one of the lobes wider and emarginate. (Gk. lykos = a wolf, pous = a foot ; from a fancied resemblance in the leaves.) A. All of the leaves or all but the upper ones irregularly incised or laciniate-pinnatifid. W. E. L. americanus AA. Leaves merely serrate. B. Calyx teeth lanceolate or deltoid, obtuse or barely acutish, shorter than the mature nutlets. W. C. E. L. uniflorus (BUGLEWEED) BB. ' Calyx teeth narrow, very acute, longer than the mature nutlets. C. Leaves short-petioled; bracts about half the length of the calyx; corolla almost twice as long as the calyx. W. L. rubellus CC. Leaves sessile or very short-petioled; bracts almost as long as the calyx; corolla very little longer than the calyx. E. L. lucidus MENTHA (MINT) Erect or diffuse. Flowers purple or pink or white ; whorls axillary or in terminal spikes. Calyx lo-veined, 5-toothed. Corolla tube shorter than the calyx; limb 4-cleft, slightly irregular; upper lobe usually wider, entire or emarginate. Stamens 4, equal. (Minthe was a nymph whom the Greeks believed was changed into a Mint.) A. Stems finely retrorse-pubescent at least on the angles; flowers in the axils of ordi- nary leaves. W. C. E. M. canadensis (FIELD MINT) AA. Stems glabrous or nearly so, hairs when present not retrorse; most of the flowers in the axils of bracts. B. Leaves sessile or nearly so; flowers sessile. W. E. M. spicata (SPEARMINT) BB. Leaves petioled; flowers pedicelled. C. Calyx teeth hairy; leaves ovate-oblong to lance-oblong, acute; garden escape. W. M. piperita (PEPPERMINT) CC. Calyx teeth glabrous; leaves ovate, obtuse or the upper acute. W. E. M. citrata (BERGAMOT MINT) SOLANACEAE (POTATO FAMILY) Herbs or shrubs, sometimes vines. Leaves alternate, pinnately veined; stipules none. Flowers perfect, regular. Calyx mostly 5-toothed or -lobed. Corolla rotate to tubular, mostly 5-lobed. SOLAN ACEAE (POTATO FAMILY) 197 Stamens as many as corolla lobes, alternate with them, on the corolla tube, all equal in length and perfect. Ovary terete, superior, 2-8-celled; style i. Fruit a berry or a capsule. Seeds many. A. Corolla rotate or campanulate; fruit a berry. B. Leaves pinnate, leaflets 5 or more. C. Flowers yellow; fruit yellow or red. W. E. Cultivated. (Gk. lykos = a wolf, persikos = the peach.) Lycopersicum esculentum (TOMATO) CC. Flowers white to blue; fruit green. SOLANUM (p. 197) BB. Leaves entire to 3-foliolate. D. Flowers solitary in the leaf -axils; calyx in fruit enlarged, bladdery ; corolla campanulate; anthers distinct. PHYSALIS (p. 197) DD. Flowers in clusters; calyx in fruit not conspicuously enlarged, not bladdery ; corolla rotate; anthers closely fitted together into a cone. SOLANUM (p. 197) AA. Corolla tubular or salverform or funnelform; fruit a capsule. E. Leaves dentate; flowers solitary in the forks of the stems; capsule prickly. DATURA (p. 198) EE. Leaves entire; flowers in clusters; capsule not prickly. NICOTIANA (p. 198) PHYSALIS (GROUND CHERRY) Herbs. Leaves entire or sinuately toothed. Calyx campanulate, 5-io-angled or -ribbed, wholly inclosing the fruit. Corolla whitish or yellowish, with dark center, plicate. Stamens near base of corolla. Seeds kidney-shaped. (Gk. physalis = a bladder, from the inflated calyx.) A. Annual; leaves ovate to cordate, or rarely some lanceolate, some of them always somewhat sinuate-toothed. B. Plant glabrous or merely puberulent; calyx in fruit obscurely s-io-angled. E. P. ixocarpa (TOMATILLO) BB. Plant pubescent; calyx in fruit sharply 5-angled. E. P. pubescens AA. Perennial; leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate, entire or sinuate but not sinuate- toothed. E. P. lanceolata SOLANUM (NIGHTSHADE) Herbs or shrubs. Leaves alternate, entire to pinnate. Corolla limb plicate. Stamens on throat of corolla. (Said to be from L. solamen = quieting; the Bittersweet is mildly narcotic.) A. Plant not prickly; corolla 8-20 mm. wide; calyx in fruit not spiny, not nearly covering the berry. B. Climbing; perennial. W. E. Medicinal. S. dulcamara (BITTERSWEET) BB. Not climbing nor twining. C. Leaves pinnate; tubers present. W. E. Cultivated for the tubers. W. E. S. tuberosum (POTATO) CC. Leaves entire to 3-foliolate; tubers none. D. Annual; hairs simple; corolla 8-10 mm. wide; leaves not all entire, often rounded or cordate at base; berry green or black or yellow. E. Leaves oblong, pinnately 7~9-lobed; berries green. E. Poisonous. S. triflorum (WILD TOMATO) Ip8 SCROPHULARIACEAE (FIGWORT FAMILY) EE. Leaves ovate, merely wavy-toothed; berries black or yellow. W. C. E. The berry of the wild plants is poisonous. The Wonderberry is an edible culti- vated form. S. nigrum (COMMON NIGHTSHADE) DD. Perennial; hairs stellate; corolla 16-20 mm. wide; leaves all entire, acute or narrowed at base; berry purple. U. S. umbelliferum AA. Plant prickly; corolla 25-50 mm. wide; calyx in fruit spiny. P. Corolla white or light blue; fruit only partly covered by the calyx. G. Fruit less than i cm. long, almost covered by calyx. W. S. sisymbrifolium GG. Fruit 2 dm. or less long, very much exceeding the calyx. E. Cultivated for its edible fruit. S. melongena (EGG PLANT) FF. Corolla yellow; fruit quite covered by the calyx. E. A bad weed in culti- vated fields. S. rostratum (BUFFALO BUR) DATURA (THORN APPLE) Herbs, annual, erect. Flowers large, white or purple or violet. Calyx tubular or prismatic, circumscissile near the persistent base. Corolla plicate ; lobes acuminate. Ovary 2-4-celled. Capsule globose or ovoid. (From Dhatura, the Hindoo name.) Medicinal. Poisonous. A. Stem green; corolla white; lower prickles of the fruit shorter than the others. E. D. stramonium (STRAMONIUM) AA. Stem purple; corolla purple or violet; prickles of the fruit all of the same length. E. D. tatula (PURPLE THORN APPLE) NICOTIANA (TOBACCO) Herbs. Leaves large. Flowers white or green or purple, in terminal racemes or panicles. Calyx 5-8-cleft. Corolla plicate, limb 5-8-lobed. Ovary 2-8-celled. Seeds very small. (Honor of J. Nicot, a French Am- bassador, who early sent tobacco seed to Italy.) A. Leaves all with slender petioles; corolla limb 8-12 mm. wide; calyx teeth much shorter than its tube. E. N. attenuata AA. Leaves of some of the upper ones sessile; corolla limb 20-40 mm. wide; calyx teeth about equaling its tube. B. Leaves 2-6 dm. long. W. Cultivated for its leaf. N. tabacum (TOBACCO) BB. Leaves shorter. C. Corolla 25-50 mm. long; capsule 2-celled. U. N. bigelovii CC. Corolla 20-25 mm. long; capsule 3-8-celled. U. E. N. quadrivalvis SCROPHULARIACEAE (FIGWORT FAMILY) Herbs or shrubs. Leaves alternate or opposite or whorled; stipules none. Flowers perfect, mostly irregular. Calyx persis- tent, i-5-toothed to -divided, sometimes split. Corolla sympetalous, rarely none in Synthyris; limb 2-lipped or nearly regular, variously colored. Anther-bearing stamens 2-5, 2 often shorter, on the co- rolla, alternate with the corolla lobes; antherless stamens often present. Pistil /, entire or 2-lobed; ovary superior, i-2-celled; placenta central; style i. Fruit a capsule. Seeds few or many. SCROPHULARIACEAE (FIG WORT FAMILY) 199 A. Herbs. B. Leaves alternate. C. Vines; leaves ren if orm -orbicular, palmately veined, coarsely dentate or lobed. W. Planted along walls. (Gk. kymbalon = a cymbal; referring to the leaf form.) Cymbalaria cymbalaria (KENILWORTH IVY) CC. Leaves not as above in all points. D. Mud plants, creeping or floating; leaves glabrous, nearly all basal, entire, linear to oblong. W. E. (L. limus = mud, sella = a seat; because it is a stemless mud plant.) Limosella aquatica (MUD WORT) DD. Not as above in all points. E. Corolla spurred or saccate at base on the lower side. F. Leaves sessile; corolla spurred at base. LINARIA (p. 201) FF. Leaves short-petioled; corolla merely saccate at base. ANTIRRHINUM (p. 201) EE. Corolla neither spurred nor saccate at base on the lower side, but some- times saccate at base on the upper side. G. Calyx s-toothed or -lobed. H. Corolla rotate; anther-bearing stamens 5. VERBASCUM (p. 201) HH. Corolla tubular; anther-bearing stamens 4, rarely 5 in Pentstemon. I. Leaves entire to dentate; corolla not produced into a long projection. J. Leaf blade 0.6-10 cm. long; 5th stamen represented by a filament on the corolla. PENTSTEMON (p. 202) JJ. Leaf blade 8-25 cm. long; 5th stamen not represented at all. W. Medicinal plant. (L. digitalis = belonging to the finger; the corolla suggests a glove finger.) Digitalis purpurea (FOXGLOVE)- II. Leaves either pinnately -lobed or -parted, or else corolla produced into a long and elephant-trunk-like projection. PEDICULARIS (p. 208) GG. Calyx i-4-toothed or -lobed. K. Corolla nearly regular, rotate or short-campanulate, never yellow. L. Leaves chiefly scattered along the stem, at least the lower opposite, entire to toothed; spikes or racemes terminal or axillary; annual or peren- nial. VERONICA (p. 204) LL. Leaves chiefly basal, all alternate, toothed to divided; spikes or racemes terminal; perennial. SYNTHYRIS (p. 205) KK. Corolla distinctly 2-lipped, tubular, often yellow. M. Leaves entire to pinnately or palmately parted into 3-11 long lobes, sometimes the lobes again lobed; upper lip of corolla not elephant-trunk- like. N. Capsule few-seeded; calyx cleft down i side and apparently of 2 sepals; lips of the corolla nearly equal. ADENOSTEGIA (p. 208) NN. Capsule many-seeded; calyx cleft down i or 2 or 4 sides and appar- ently of 4 sepals or rarely of 2 sepals. O. Lips of the corolla nearly equal in length; calyx 2- or 4-toothed. ORTHOCARPUS (p. 207) OO. Lips of the corolla unequal in length; calyx 4-toothed. CASTILLEJA (p. 205) MM. Leaves either serrate and the upper lip of the corolla prolonged into an elephant-trunk-like projection, or else leaves pinnately more than iS-lobed or -parted into rather short wide lobes. PEDICULARIS (p. 208) 200 SCROPHULARIACEAE (FIGWORT FAMILY) BB. Leaves opposite or whorled. P. Calyx s-toothed or -lobed. Q. Corolla gibbous or spurred at base on lower side; seeds many. (See E.) QQ. Corolla gibbous at base on upper side; seeds few. R. Corolla deeply 2-lipped, 6-16 mm. long, blue or pink or variegated; leaves entire to lobed. COLLINSIA (p. 202) RR. Corolla obscurely 2-lipped, 2-10 mm. long, blue or white; leaves lobed to 3-5-divided. TONELLA (p. 202) QQQ. Corolla neither gibbous nor spurred at base on any side; seeds many. S. Leaves nearly all basal, entire, linear; stem leaves only 2-4. E. (Gk. chion = snow, phileo = I love; from its habitat.) Chionophila tweedyi SS. Not as above in all points. T. Calyx deeply cleft at the front or the rear or both. PEDICULARIS (p. 208) TT. Calyx about equally notched into 5 teeth or lobes. U. Flowers solitary in the leaf axils, either with 4 anther-bearing stamens and no rudiment of a 5th stamen, or else with 2 anther-bearing stamens and 2 rudimentary ones. V. Calyx 5-angled to terete, clefts between its teeth not reaching the middle; anther-bearing stamens 4, antherless stamens o; leaves often several-veined from the base. MIMULUS (p. 203) W. Calyx terete, clefts between its teeth extending to the middle or be- yond; anther-bearing stamens 2; antherless stamens 2. W. Leaves pinnately veined, 2.5-5 cm. long; corolla white or yellow, 812 mm. long; antherless stamens not forked. GRATIOLA (p. 204) WW. Leaves several-veined from the base, 1.2-2.5 cm. long; corolla red or purple, about 6 mm. long; antherless stamens forked. W. C. E. (Gk. ilys = mud, anthos = a flower; from the habitat.) Ilysanthes dubia (FALSE PIMPERNEL) UU. Flowers in terminal or axillary clusters, with 4 anther-bearing stamens and the rudiments of a sth stamen. X. Corolla greenish- or purplish-brown, 8-10 mm. long; 5th stamen rep- resented by a scale on the corolla; herbs. W. C. E. (So named be- cause reputed a cure for scrofula.) Scrophularia californica (FIGWORT) XX. Corolla often some other color, usually longer; 5th stamen a tongue- like filament on the corolla. Y. Corolla never white nor yellow; antherless stamen shorter than the others; seed winged. W. C. E. (Gk. chelone = a turtle; the corolla has the shape of a turtle head.) Chelone nemorosa (TURTLEHEAD) YY. Corolla sometimes white or yellow; antherless stamen about equal- ing the others; seed wingless. PENTSTEMON (p. 202) PP. Calyx i-4-toothed or -lobed. Z. Corolla regular or nearly so, rotate to salverform, never yellow; stamens 2. VERONICA (p. 204) ZZ. Corolla plainly 2-lipped, tubular, often yellow; stamens 4. a. Leaves entire or with a few bristle-pointed teeth at base; corolla 8-12 mm. long; seeds 2-4. E. (Gk. melas = black, pyros = wheat; referring to the seed of some species.) Melampyrum lineare (COWWHEAT) SCROPHULARIACEAE (FIGWORT FAMILY) 2OI aa. Leaves not entire, serrate or crenately dentate to pinnately divided; corolla 12-40 mm. long; seeds several or many. b. Stem without black lines near the top; leaves pinnately veined, either some of them pinnately lobed or else the upper lip of the corolla long and elephant-trunk-like; corolla white or red or purple or yellow. PEDICULARIS (p. 208) bb. Stem with fine black lines near the top; leaves merely crenate-dentate; upper lip of the corolla not elephant-trunk-like; corolla yellow. W. C. E. (Gk. rhin = a snout, anthos = a flower; referring to the compressed corolla wings.) Rhinanthus crusgalli (YELLOW RATTLE) AA. Shrubs. c. Plant with young parts glutinous, 6-18 dm. high; leaves 2.5-10 cm. long, pubescent beneath with branched hairs. U. (Gk. dis = 2, plakos = a pla- centa; the splitting of the capsule shows 2 conspicuous placentae.) Diplacus glutinosus cc. Plant not glutinous, 1-6 dm. high; leaves 0.6-5 cm. long, not pubescent be- neath with branched hairs. PENTSTEMON (p. 202) VERBASCUM (MULLEIN) Flowers rather large. Stamens unequal. Seeds rugose, not winged. (L. barbascum = bearded ; on account of its hairiness.) A. Plant densely woolly; stem leaves strongly decurrent; flowers in a dense terminal spike; filaments of 3 upper stamens hairy, those of 2 lower ones glabrous. W. E. Medicinal plant. V. thapsus (COMMON MULLEIN) AA. Plant nearly glabrous; leaves not decurrent; flowers in a loose terminal raceme; filaments of all 5 stamens hairy. E. V. blattaria (MOTH MULLEIN) LINARIA (TOADFLAX) Leaves alternate or opposite or whorled, linear or linear-oblong. Flowers in racemes or spikes, yellow or blue. Upper lip of corolla 2-lobed; lower 3-lobed. Fifth stamen represented by a gland on the inside of the corolla. (L. linum = flax, which some species resemble.) A. Perennial, pale green; flower yellow, 25-32 mm. long; seed winged. W. E. L. vulgaris (BUTTER AND EGGS) AA. Annual or biennial, green, not pale; flower blue, 6-8 mm. long; seed wingless. W. E. L. canadensis ANTIRRHINUM (SNAPDRAGON) Leaves alternate or opposite. Upper lip of corolla 2-lobed ; lower 3-lobed ; throat nearly closed. Stamens 4, 2 shorter, the 5th represented by a gland inside the corolla tube. Seed oblong, not winged. Cultivated or escaped or accidentally introduced. (Gk. anti = like, rhin = a snout ; re- ferring to the form of the corolla.) A. Annual; corolla 6-16 mm. long. B. Calyx segments 10-14 mm. long, linear; corolla purple, 10-15 mm. long. W. A. orontium BB. Calyx segments 2-4 mm. long, subulate; corolla dull purple, 8-16 mm. long. U. C. A. leptopetalum 202 SCROPHULAR1ACEAE (FIGWORT FAMILY) J. Calyx segments 4-8 mm. long, oblong; corolla dull white, 6-8 mm. long. E. A. kingii AA. Perennial; corolla 20-30 mm. long; escaped from gardens. W. A. majus (GARDEN SNAPDRAGON) COLLINSIA (BLUE LIPS) Herbs, low. Leaves opposite or whorled. Calyx 5-cleft. Upper lip of corolla 2-clef t ; lower larger, 3-lobed, its middle lobe a keel-like sac inclosing the stamens and style. Fifth stamen a gland. (Honor of Z. Collins, an American botanist.) A. Inflorescence glandular. B. Plant 5-10 cm. high; lower leaves orbicular to oblong; pedicels bent back in fruit; flowers many; calyx lobes broadly subulate, acute; seed oblong, nearly terete, not winged. U. C. C. torreyi BB. Plant 15-45 cm. high; lower leaves spatulate; pedicels erect in fruit; flowers 1-6 in a whorl; calyx lobes lanceolate to triangular, somewhat obtuse; seed saucer- shaped, winged. C. E. C. rattan! AA. Inflorescence not glandular. C. Calyx lobes 2 or more times as long as the calyx tube; pedicels erect in fruit. D. Scurfy puberulent; flowers in dense whorls in upper axils. W. C. multiflora DD. Glabrous throughout; flowers usually solitary in the upper axils. W. C. C. sparsiflora CC. Calyx lobes scarcely longer than the calyx tube. E. Leaves all linear, all entire, or a few of the lower obscurely dentate; pedicels erect in fruit. U. C. linearis EE. Leaves not all linear, at least the lower wider, nearly always at least the lower ones distinctly toothed or notched. F. Corolla 8-18 mm. long, its tube shorter than the limb. G. Corolla 8-10 mm. long; pedicels erect in fruit. W. C. C. pusilla GG. Corolla 12-18 mm; pedicels bent back in fruit. W. C. C. grandiflora FF. Corolla 5-7 mm. long, its tube longer than the limb; pedicels bent back in fruit. W. C. E C. parviflora TONELLA Herbs, annual, small. Leaves opposite. Flowers small, in axillary whorls. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla slightly gibbous at base, 5-lobed. Sta- mens 4, the 5th a rudiment. Capsule subglobose, septicidal. Seeds 2-4. (Meaning not determined.) A. Stem weak and filiform; corolla 2-3 mm. wide; ovules and seeds i in each cell. C. E. T. collinsioides AA. Stem stout; corolla 6-10 mm. wide; ovules and seeds 3-4 in each cell. E. T. floribunda PENTSTEMON (BEARDTONGUE) Perennial. Leaves opposite, sometimes partly alternate or whorled. Calyx 5-lobed. Limb of corolla 2-lipped; upper lip 2-lobed; lower 3-lobed. Stamens 4, included, 2 shorter ; 5th stamen a mere filament. (Gk. pente = 5, stemon = a stamen; because the 5th stamen is conspicuous, although antherless.) Large and difficult genus. (F. & R. pp. 346-349.) SCROPHULARIACEAR (FTGWORT FAMILY) 203 MIMULUS (MONKEY FLOWER) Flowers either solitary in the leaf axils or in terminal racemes. Calyx tubular, persistent, upper tooth usually largest. Corolla irregular to nearly regular ; tube cylindric ; limb 2-lipped ; upper lip 2-lobed ; lower 3-lobed. Stamens 4, 2 shorter. Stigma 2-lobed. Capsule obtuse, not exceeding the calyx. (Gk. mimo = an ape ; from the grinning corolla.) A. Flowers yellow. B. Leaves with 3 or more veins from the base. C. Stems leafy, not scapose, rarely only i -flowered. D. Corolla 25-50 mm. long; calyx shorter than the corolla, its lobes equal or unequal. E. Plant not viscid-hairy. F. Plants 15-60 cm. high, without rhizomes; stems more than i -flowered. G. Leaves oblong to orbicular; plant glabrous throughout or pubescent to puberulent in the inflorescence; capsule oblong; seeds oblong. W. C. E. M. langsdorfii GG. Leaves oblong-lanceolate; plant glabrous throughout; capsule obovate; seed obovate. W. M. scouleri FF. Plants 2-4 cm. high, with rhizomes; stems mostly i-flowered. C. M. alpinus EE. Plant viscid-hairy, 10-20 cm. high, with rhizomes. W. E. M. implexus DD. Corolla 8-16 mm. long; calyx shorter than the corolla, its lobes unequal. H. Stems stout, 4-angled, branching from the base. W. C. E. M. nasutus HH. Stems slender, terete, mostly simple. E. M. microphyllus DDD. Corolla 4-6 mm. long; calyx longer than the corolla, its lobes nearly equal. E. M. breviflorus CC. Stem leafless, scapose, i-flowered. C. E. ' M. primuloides BB. Leaves with only i vein from the base. I. Calyx 5-angled, s-toothed. J. Corolla 20-25 mm. long. K. Plant not viscid; hairy lines inside the corolla extending to its base; seed ovate. W. M. dentatus KK. Plant viscid; hairy lines inside the corolla not extending to its base; seed spherical. W. C. E. M. moschatus (MUSK FLOWER) JJ. Corolla 4-20 mm. long. L. Plant villous with spreading white hairs, prostrate or spreading. E. M. floribundus LL. Plants glabrous or puberulent, not villous, erect (except M. alsinoides). M. Calyx teeth distinctly unequal, 2 larger; lower lip of corolla with bright crimson spot in center. W. C. E. M. alsinoides MM. Calyx teeth equal or very nearly so; corolla without crimson spot. N. Leaves with wide petioles; corolla 10-20 mm. long. O. Calyx cylindric in fruit; capsule oblanceolate. E. M. peduncularis OO. Calyx distended in fruit; capsule oblong. E. M. pulsiferea NN. Leaves sessile but narrowed at base; corolla 6-8 mm. long. C. E. M. rubellus II. Calyx not angled, s-cleft; corolla 6-8 mm. long, under lip usually with a pair of brown spots. E. M. pilosus AA. Flowers pink or red or purple. P. Corolla 5-10 mm. long; stigma 2-lipped. 204 SCROPHULARIACEAE (FIGWORT FAMILY) Q. Plant not viscid or merely viscid-puberulent; corolla 6-8 mm. long; some of the leaves wider than linear. C. E. M. rubellus QQ. Plant viscid-pubescent with spreading hairs; corolla 8-10 mm. long; leaves linear. C. E. M. brewer! PP. Corolla 14-20 mm. long; stigma funnelform. R. Leaves elliptic or merely the upper ones ovate, acute. S. Calyx teeth subulate, about $ as long as the calyx tube. E. M. bigelovii SS. Calyx teeth triangular, acute, }-j as long as the calyx tube. E. M. nanus RR. Leaves ovate, acuminate; calyx teeth triangular-subulate. E. M. cusickil PPP. Corolla 22-50 mm. long; stigma either 2-lipped or funnelform. T. Perennial; calyx 16-30 mm. long; style glabrous. U. Upper leaves often connate; calyx 25-30 mm. long; corolla scarlet and yellow; stamens exserted. W. E. M. cardinalis Uu. Leaves not connate; calyx 16-20 mm. long; corolla rose-red and purplish; stamens included. C. E. M. lewisii TT. Annual; calyx 10-12 mm. long; style pubescent above; upper leaves often connate. U. E. M. subuniflorus GRATIOLA (HEDGE HYSSOP) Annual. Leaves entire or dentate. Flowers solitary in the leaf axils. Corolla 2-lipped ; upper lip entire to a-cleft ; lower 3-lobed. (L. gratia = a favor, from supposed medicinal value.) A. Peduncles 2-bracted under the calyx; sepals shorter than the corolla; capsule about equaling the calyx. W. C. E. G. virginiana AA. Peduncles bractless; sepals equaling the corolla; capsule much shorter than the calyx. W. C. G. ebracteata VERONICA (SPEEDWELL) Flowers white- or pink or blue. Corolla rotate ; limb 4~5-lobed. Sta- mens 2. Ovary 2-celled. Capsules somewhat flat, loculicidal. (Said to be in honor of St. Veronica.) A. Flowers in the axillary racemes; bracts of the racemes small, not leaflike; per- ennial. B. Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate; capsule distinctly flat; seeds several. W. C. E. V. scutellata (MARSH SPEEDWELL) BB. Leaves ovate to oblong-lanceolate; capsule turgid, orbicular or nearly so; seeds many. C. Stem leaves short-petioled, serrate. W. C. E. V. americana (BROOKLIME) CC. Stem leaves sessile or somewhat clasping, serrate or entire. E. V. anagallis-aquatica (WATER SPEEDWELL) AA. Flowers solitary in the axils of the upper leaves which are either foliage leaves or leaflike bracts. D. Perennial; most of the leaves opposite; inflorescence leaves much reduced, the upper bractlike. E. Lower leaves petioled, upper sessile; capsule wider than long. F. Rachis and pedicels puberulent but not glandular-hairy; corolla whitish or pale blue. W. E. V. serpyllifolia (THYME-LEAVED SPEEDWELL) FF. Rachis and pedicels glandular-hairy; corolla dark blue. W. C. E. V. humifusa EE. All the leaves sessile; capsule longer than wide. G. Leaves longer than the internodes; corolla 6-10 mm. wide. SCROPHULARIACEAE (FIGWORT FAMILY) 205 H. Stem glabrous; sepals lanceolate; corolla blue to violet. W. C. E. V. cusickii HH. Stem pubescent above, glabrous below; sepals oblong to ovate; corolla white with purplish throat. C. V. allenii GG. Leaves shorter than the internodes; corolla 5-6 mm. wide. (See B.) DD. Annual; most of the leaves alternate; inflorescence leaves normal or merely smaller. I. Flowers in the axils of reduced leaves; pedicels short; seed flat. J. Plant glabrous or merely glandular-puberulent; lowest leaves oval-oblong, toothed; petals white. W. E. V. peregrina (NECK WEED) JJ. Plant pubescent; lowest leaves ovate, crenate; petals blue. W. C. E. V. arvensis (WALL SPEEDWELL) n. Flowers in the axils of ordinary leaves; pedicels long; seed cup-shaped; petals blue; plant pubescent. E. V. tournefortii SYNTHYRIS Stem simple. Flowers white or pink or blue or purple. Calyx 4-parted. Corolla 4-cleft, rarely none. Stamens 2, rarely 4. (Gk. syn = together, thyris = a little door; referring to the closed valves of the pod.) A. Leaves reniform-orbicular; flowers in racemes. B. Petals entire. C. Scape naked except for the floral bracts, usually shorter than the leaves; calyx lobes ovate. W. C. S. rotundifolia CC. Scape with some scattered and alternate or opposite leaves, exceeding the leaves; calyx lobes lanceolate. E. S. reniformis BB. Petals laciniately incised. W. S. schizantha AA. Leaves not reniform-orbicular; flowers in spikes. D. Leaves crenulate; corolla none. E. S. rubra DD. Leaves pinnatifid; corolla whitish, nearly twice as long as the calyx. W. E. S. pinna t if ida CASTILLEJA (INDIAN PAINTBRUSH) Parasitic on the roots of other plants. Leaves entire to pinnatifid. Flowers in spikes; spikes terminal, leafy-bracted ; bracts often brightly colored. Calyx tubular, laterally flattened, the 2 lobes 2-toothed. Corolla very irregular; tube not exceeding the calyx; limb 2 -lipped; upper lip long, laterally flattened, entire; lower lip short, 3-toothed. Stamens 4, 2 shorter ; anther sacs unequal, the outer attached by its middle, the inner hanging by its end. Capsule ovoid or oblong. Seeds reticulate. (Honor of D. Castillejo, a Spanish botanist.) A. Upper bracts of the inflorescence red or purple. B. Bracts of the inflorescence entire. C. Plant villous-pubescent throughout. D. Annual; bracts linear; corolla 12-20 mm. long. E. C. exilis DD. Perennial; bracts oblong to broadly cuneate; corolla 25-30 mm. long. E. C. elmeri CC. Plant glabrous except the inflorescence; bracts scarlet. W. C. E. C. miniata BB. Bracts of the inflorescence somewhat lobed or dissected. Calyx more deeply cleft in front than behind; leaves often all entire. 206 SCROPHULARIACEAK (FIGWORT FAMILY) F. Calyx 16-20 mm. long; plant 2-3 dm. high, pubescent to base; corolla 2.5-3 cm. long. E. C. elmeri FF. Calyx 20-30 mm. long; plant 5-10 dm. high, glabrous below; corolla 4-5 cm. long. E. C. linearifolia EE. Calyx more deeply cleft behind than in front. E. C. covilleana EEE. Calyx cleft to about the same depth behind as in front. G. Corolla tube about 3 times as long as its upper lip. E. C. rubida GG. Corolla tube 1-2 times as long as its upper lip. H. Stems glabrous below; bracts crimson or white. W. C. E. C. oreopola HH. Stems not glabrous below; bracts scarlet. I. Plants ashy-pubescent. E. C. pruinosa n. Plant not ashy-pubescent. J. Plant densely glandular; leaves lanceolate to obovate. E. C. applegatei JJ. Plant net glandular or only sparingly so. K. Leaves all entire. L. Stems 3-4 dm. high; leaves oblong-linear, 5-10 cm. E. C. pinetorum LL. Stem 2-3 dm. high; leaves lanceolate. M. Leaves 2-4 cm. long; bracts entire or merely few-toothed near the apex. C. C. crispula MM. Leaves 5-15 cm. long; bracts cleft into linear lobes. (See NN.) KK. Leaves or some of them deeply lobed. N. Middle lobe of bracts wide and rounded; halves of the calyx each with 2 very shallow lobes or merely emarginate or entire. E. C. camporum NN. All segments of the bracts linear; halves of the calyx each with 2 lan- ceolate or ovate-lanceolate lobes. W. C. E. C. angustifolia GGG. Corolla tube much shorter than its upper lip. O. Stem 1-2 dm. high, from stout caudices; bracts with linear lobes. C. C. rupicola OO. Stem 3-6 dm. high, from slender rhizomes; bracts with short lobes. C. C. suksdorfil AA. Upper bracts of the inflorescence green or white or yellowish. P. Bracts of the inflorescence lobed or cleft. Q. Calyx 10-20 mm. long. R. Plant ashy-pubescent or -puberulent; corolla 10-20 mm. long. S. Inflorescence more or less pilose. E. C. fasciculata SS. Inflorescence not pilose. T. Upper leaves lobed; inflorescence not glandular; upper lip of the corolla twice as long as the lower. E. C. pallescens TT. All the leaves often entire; inflorescence somewhat glandular; upper lip of the corolla 4 times as long as the lower. E. C. rustica RR. Plant glabrous or pubescent or pilose, but not ashy. U. Calyx 2-cleft, the lobes 2-toothed or -cleft. V. Upper lip of the corolla more than twice as long as its tube. W. Pubescence soft, pilose. W. C. laevisecta WW. Pubescence harsh, stiff. E. C. lutescens W. Upper lip of the corolla less than twice as long as its tube. (Sec KK.) UU. Calyx cleft into 4 almost equal lobes; corolla 12-15 mm. long. E. C. longispica QQ. Calyx 25-40 mm. long. X. Upper lip of the corolla nearly as long as the corolla tube; corolla 25-50 mm. long. (See KK.) XX. Upper lip of the corolla about J as long as the corolla tube; corolla about 25 mm. long. E. C. pilifera PP. Bracts of the inflorescence all entire. E. C. cusickii SCROPHULARIACEAE (FIGWORT FAMILY) 207 ORTHOCARPUS (OWL CLOVER) Flowers solitary in the axils, or in a terminal bracted spike; lower lip of the corolla 3-lobed, i~3-saccate. Stamens 4, 2 shorter ; anther cells unlike, the outer attached by its middle, the inner hanging by its end. Cap- sule oblong. (Gk. orthos = erect, karpos = a fruit.) A. Leaves entire or merely 3-lobed or -segmented. B. Corolla white; lower lip purple-spotted, with 3 conspicuous teeth or lobes; leaves 5-8 cm. long. W. O. attenuatus BB. Corolla yellow or rose or purple; lower lip entire or with 3 very short teeth. C. Corolla white or yellow; leaves 2.5-5 cm. long. D. Plant pubescent or hirsute; stem usually simple ; corolla pubescent outside. E. Calyx teeth acute; corolla yellow, its lower lip about as long as the upper. E. O. luteus EE. Calyx teeth subulate; corolla white or cream-colored, its lower lip much longer than the upper. E. O. hispidus DD. Plant merely puberulent; stem usually with spreading branches above; corolla glabrous. E. O. tolmiei CC. Corolla purple or rose-colored. F. Bracts of the inflorescence not colored, all 3-cleft. W. C. E. O. bracteosus FF. Bracts of the inflorescence red or purple, entire or with 2 smaller lateral lobes. G. Leaves 5-8 cm. long, entire or 3-segmented; bracts purple, ciliate at base; calyx 8-12 mm. long; corolla 25 mm. long; capsule ovate. U. O. cuspidatus GG. Leaves 2.5-5 cm. long, all entire; bracts dull-red, glabrous; calyx 4 mm. long; corolla 8-16 mm. long; capsule obovoid. W. C. O. imbricatus AA. Leaves or some of them more than 3-lobed or -segmented. H. Corolla 4-6 mm. long, purplish. W. O. pusillus (RED ANT-WEED) HH. Corolla 10-16 mm. long. I. Corolla purplish; bracts very different from the leaves. J. Tip of upper lip of corolla hooked, puberulent; bracts obtuse. E. O. tenuifolius JJ. Tip of upper lip of corolla straight, not hooked, glandular-pubescent; bracts acute. E. O. barbatus n. Corolla white or yellowish; bracts not markedly different from the leaves. K. Perennial; lower lip of corolla i-saccate; bracts somewhat whitish or yellow- ish at the tip. C. O. pilosus KK. Annual; lower lip of corolla 3-saccate; bracts not different in color from the leaves. E. O. lacerus HHH. Corolla 20-28 mm. long. L. Bracts with white or yellow or crimson or purple tips. M. Bracts white or yellow at least at tips; corolla dull-white or purplish tipped, its upper lip glabrous; filaments glabrous. W. O. castilleoides MM. Bracts crimson or purple at least at tips; corolla crimson or purple, its upper lip bearded on the back; filaments pubescent. W. O. purpurascens (PURPLE OWL CLOVER) LL. Bracts with tips uncolored. N. Stem much branched; calyx 10-12 mm. long; its teeth lanceolate, about \ as long as the tube; corolla yellow; anthers i-celled. W. O. erianthera NN. Stem simple or with a few branches above; calyx 4 mm. long; its teeth subu- late, about as long as the tube ; corolla cream-colored or pale-rose ; anthers 2-celled. U. O. lithospermoides 208 SCROPHULARIACEAE (FIGWORT FAMILY) ADENOSTEGIA Annual. Leaves narrow, entire to dissected. Flowers in terminal leafy- bracted spikes or fascicles. Sepals apparently 2. Corolla purple or yellow. Stamens 4, 2 shorter or antherless or not present ; anther cells either pilose- ciliate or with the base and apex minutely bearded, unlike, outer attached by its middle, inner hanging by its end. (Gk. adenos = a gland, stegia = a sheath; floral leaves and bracts are tipped with glands.) A. Plant not viscid-glandular; upper calyx lobe 2-toothed or emarginate. B. Corolla purplish; anther-bearing stamens 2, rudimentary stamens 2; anthers i-celled; capsule 8-seeded. C. E. A. capitata BB. Corolla yellow; anther-bearing stamens 4; anthers 2-celled; capsule 2o-seeded. E. A. ramosa AA. Plant viscid-glandular; upper calyx lobe acuminate. U. A. viscida PEDICULARIS (LOUSEWORT) Flowers in terminal spikes or racemes. Calyx tubular. Corolla strongly 2-lipped; tube cylindric; upper lip laterally compressed; lower lip erect or ascending, 3-lobed; lobes of lower lip spreading or reflexed, middle one smallest. Stamens 4, 2 shorter. Seeds many. (L. pediculus a louse ; it was thought these plants caused lice in sheep.) A. Stem leaves alternate or opposite. B. Leaves doubly crenulate; corolla whitish or yellowish. W. C. E. P. racemosa (ELEPHANT TRUNK) BB. Leaves or some of them pinnately parted. C. Corolla whitish or yellowish. D. Basal leaves none. U. P. howellii DD. Basal leaves present. E. Leaf lobes linear; calyx 8-10 mm. long; corolla beak slender, inrolled. C. E. P. contorta (ELEPHANT TRUNK) EE. Leaf lobes lanceolate; calyx about 18 mm. long, corolla beak wide, hood- like. W. C. E. P. bracteosa CC. Corolla scarlet or purple. F. Corolla beaked. G. Stems leafy; corolla beak long, threadlike. W. C. E. P. groenlandica (BUTTERFLY TONGUE) GG. Stems scapose or with i pair of leaves; corolla beak short, conic. C. E. P. ornithorhyncha (BIRD BEAK) FF. Corolla beakless. H. Plant glabrous; stems branching; calyx 2-cleft; corolla purplish, 12 mm. long. W. C. P. parviflora HH. Plant pubescent or glabrate; stems simple; calyx s-toothed; corolla scar- let, 25-37 mm. long. U. C. P. densiflora (SCARLET LOUSEWORT) AA. Stem leaves in whorls or nearly so. W. P. menziesii OROBANCHACEAE (BROOM-RAPE FAMILY) 209 OROBANCHACEAE (BROOM-RAPE FAMILY) Herbs, erect, low, root parasites, white or yellow or brown or purple, without green; stem simple. Leaves scalelike, alternate. Flowers perfect, irregular. Calyx various. Corolla 2-lipped, 5-lobed. Stamens 4, 2 shorter, on the corolla tube, alternate with corolla lobes. Ovary superior, i-celled; style slender. Capsule 2-valved. Seeds many. A. Plant glandular-pubescent; inflorescence often not conelike; upper lip of corolla 2-lobed. B. Peduncles 2.5-20 cm. long, naked. THALESIA (p. 209) BB. Peduncles 0-2 cm. long, often with bracteoles at base of calyx or farther down. OROBANCHE (p. 209) AA. Plant glabrous; inflorescence conelike; upper lip of corolla entire. BOSCHNIAKIA (p. 209) THALESIA (CANCER-ROOT) Leaves scattered. Flowers on long bractless scapelike peduncles. Calyx nearly equally 5-cleft. Corolla long, curved, slightly 2-lipped; lower lip 3-lobed. Anther sacs mucronate at base. (Honor of the Greek philosopher Thales.) A. Flowers 1-4; calyx lobes subulate, acuminate, longer than the tube. W. C. E. T. uniflora AA. Flowers 3-20; calyx lobes triangular, acute, shorter than the tube. W. C. E. T. fasciculata BOSCHNIAKIA Parasitic on plants of the family Ericaceae. Leaves densely crowded. Flowers sessile or short-pedicelled. Calyx shorter at the back, with 3 teeth in front. Corolla swollen at base on i side ; lower lip 3-lobed or -toothed. Anther sacs blunt at base. (Honor of some Russian, a Mr. Boschniak.) A. Calyx with 2 hairlike bracteoles at base; calyx teeth subulate; corolla lips nearly equal; placentae 4. W. B. strobilacea AA. Calyx without bracteoles; calyx teeth triangular, blunt; lower corolla lip J as long as the upper; placentae 2. W. B. hooker! OROBANCHE (BROOM-RAPE) Leaves scattered. Flowers in spikes or racemes. Calyx unequally 5-toothed. Corolla strongly 2-lipped; lower lip 3-lobed. Anther sacs usually mucronate at base. (Gk. orobos = a vetch, agchone a strangler ; thought injurious to vetches.) A. Calyx lobes plainly longer than the tube. B. Pedicels 5-16 mm. long; stem simple or branched. C. Stem 5-10 cm. high; anthers woolly. W. E. O. comosa CC. Stem 20-30 cm. high; anthers glabrous or slightly hairy. E. O. californica F. & R. EL. FL. 14 210 PINGUICULACEAE (BLADDERWORT FAMILY) BB. Pedicels 0-3 mm. long; stem simple. E. O. ludoviciana AA. Calyx lobes equaling or shorter than the tubes; stem branched above; flowers nearly sessile. E. O. pinorum PINGUICULACEAE (BLADDERWORT FAMILY) Herbs, in water or on damp soil. Flowers perfect; pedicels brac- teolate. Calyx 2-5-parted. Corolla spurred at base, 2 -lipped; upper lip plicate, entire or 2-lobed; lower lip larger, 3-lobed, with a palate. Stamens 2. Ovary superior, ovoid or globose, i -celled; style short or none; stigma 2-lobed. Fruit a capsule. Seeds many. A. Terrestrial plants; leaves entire; flowers purple- violet. W. C. E. (L. pin- guis = fat; the leaves have a fatty feel.) Pinguicula vulgaris (BUTTERWORT) AA. Aquatic or marsh plants; leaves dissected or apparently none; flowers yellow. UTRICULARIA (p. 210) UTRICULARIA (BLADDERWORT) Free-floating or mud-anchoring. Leaves finely divided in nearly all, sometimes apparently none, bladder-bearing in most water species, with a few mud-covered bladders or none in mud species. Flowers yellow, con- spicuous, elevated above the water, very rare. A. Leaf segments terete, their margins entire. B. Leaves 12-25 mm. long, 2-3-pinnately segmented, very bladdery; bladders 3-4 mm. long. W. C. E. U. vulgaris BB. Leaves 4-8 mm. long, several times forked, with few or no bladders; bladders 1-2 mm. long. C. Corolla spur short, obtuse. W. C. U. minor CC. -Corolla spur conic, acute. C. U. occidentalis AA. Leaf segments flat, their margins minutely bristle-toothed; leaves 6-12 mm. long, repeatedly forked; bladders nearly always on leafless branches. C. E. U. intermedia PLANTAGINACEAE (PLANTAIN FAMILY) Herbs, acaulescent. Leaves basal. Flowers small, perfect or im- perfect, in spikes or heads; clusters terminal, on scapes. Calyx 4-parted, persistent. Corolla scarious or membranous, 4-lobed. Stamens 2 or 4, on the corolla. Ovary superior, i-4-celled; style i. Fruit a capsule, opening by a lid. Seeds i to several. Only the following genus. PLANTAGO (PLANTAIN) Flowers greenish or purplish. (The Latin name.) A. Leaves ovate. W. C. E. P. major (COMMON PLANTAIN) AA. Leaves lanceolate. B. Seeds 1-2, flat or concave on the face. RUBIACEAE (MADDER FAMILY) 211 C. Scape glabrous or slightly hairy above. W. C. E. P. lanceolata (ENGLISH PLANTAIN) CC. Scape densely woolly above. W. P. macrocarpa BB. Seeds 4-5, plump, neither flat nor concave on the face. E. P. eriopoda AAA. Leaves linear. D. Capsule 2-seeded. E. Leaves fleshy; seashore plant. W. P. maritima (SEASIDE PLANTAIN) EE. Leaves not fleshy; not particularly seashore plants. F. Bracts J-iJ as long as the calyx, not aristate. G. Scape densely woolly; bracts about as long as calyx. W. C. E. P. purshii GG. Scape glabrous to pubescent; bracts about as long as the calyx. U. P. tetrantha FF. Bracts 2-8 times as long as the calyx, aristate. H. Spikes dense; plant dark green; bracts 5-10 times as long as the calyx. W. P. aristata HH. Spike interrupted; plant light green; bracts about twice as long as the calyx. E. P. spinulosa DD. Capsule 4-seeded. I. Plant usually glabrous; leaves linear; corolla-lobes remaining open in the cap- sule; spike dense; capsule 3-4 mm. long. W. P. bigelovii n. Plant ashy-puberulent; leaves linear-spatulate; corolla lobes closing over the capsule; spike not dense; capsule 2 mm. long. C. E. P. elongata RUBIACEAE (MADDER FAMILY) Herbs, annual or perennial. Leaves simple, opposite or whorled, i-5-veined from the base. Flowers perfect, regular. Calyx 4-toothed, or limbless and thus apparently none. Corolla funnel- form to rotate, 4-lobed. Stamens as many as corolla lobes and alternate with them, on the corolla. Ovary inferior, 2-celled; styles 1-2. Fruit a capsule or berry or drupe; 2-lobed or -parted. Seeds i to many. A. Leaves opposite; stipules small, scarious. W. C. E. (Honor of A. Kellogg, an American botanist.) Kelloggia galioides AA. Leaves whorled or occasionally some of them opposite; stipules none. GALIUM (p. 211) GALIUM (BEDSTRAW) Stem 4-angled. Calyx-limb none or minutely toothed. Corolla rotate. Styles 2. Fruit of 2 somewhat spherical halves, dry or fleshy, smooth to bristly ; separating into 2 indehiscent carpels. (L. gala = milk ; some species were used to curdle milk.) A. Leaves 2-4 in a whorl but never all in 2's, i-s-veined from the base. B. Leaves 3-s-veined from the base. C. Fruit hispid with hooked hairs; leaves 12-37 mm. long; leaf margin ciliate; flowers yellowish green. W. C. G. kamtschaticum (NORTHERN WILD LICORICE) CC. Fruit either smooth or hispid with hooked hairs; leaves 25-63 mm. long ; leaf margin ciliate or not; flowers clear white. W. C. E. G. boreale (NORTHERN BEDSTRAW) 212 CAPRIFOLIACEAE (HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY) CCC. Fruit hispid with straight hairs; leaves 8-16 mm. long; leaf margin not ciliate; flowers yellowish green. E. G. multiflorum BB. Leaves i -veined from the base. D. Annual; leaves 2-4 in a whorl, if 4 then 2 of them only J-f as long as the other 2; fruit minutely hispid with hooked bristles. U. C. E. G. bifolium (TWIN-LEAVED BEDSTRAW) DD. Perennial; leaves 4 in a whorl, all 4 about equal; fruit smooth. E. Leaves flat, linear or oblong or wider, not densely crowded; plant 3-12 dm. high, diffuse or climbing. F. Plant 7-12 dm. high; leaves obtuse, often mucronate. U G. nuttallii FF. Plant 3-6 dm. high; leaves acute, not mucronate. U. C. G. bolanderi EE. Leaves awl-shaped, angular, densely crowded; plant 0.5-2.5 cm. high, de- pressed, caespitose. U. G. andrewsii AA. Leaves 4-6 in a whorl but never all in 4's, i-veined from the base; peren- nial. G. Leaves acute to rounded, 4-6 in a whorl; fruit smooth. H. Flowers 1-3 on peduncles which are solitary in the leaf axils. W. C. E. G. trifidum (SMALL BEDSTRAW) HH. Flowers in cymes, numerous. W. G. cymosum GG. Leaves acuminate or cuspidate, 6 in a whorl; fruit minutely or plainly stiff- hairy. I. Fruit covered with hooked hairs; leaves 1-2.5 cm. long. W. C. E. G. triforum (FRAGRANT BEDSTRAW) n. Fruit rough or minutely hairy but not with hooked hairs; leaves 2.5-5 cm. long. E. G. asperrimum AAA. Leaves 6-8 in a whorl but never all in 6's, i-veined from the base; fruit covered with hooked bristles; annual. J. Stems erect or ascending; fruit 2-3 mm. wide; leaves 1-2.5 cm. long. E. G. vaillantii JJ. Stems reclining; fruit 4-6 mm. wide; leaves 2.5-7 cm. long. W. E. G. aparine (CLEAVERS) CAPRIFOLIACEAE (HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY) Herbs or shrubs or trees, perennial, vining to erect. Leaves opposite, simple or pinnately odd-compound, pinnately or pal- mately veined. Flowers perfect. Calyx entire or 5-toothed, sometimes apparently none through complete adherence to the ovary. Corolla rotate to tubular, 5-lobed, sometimes 2-lipped. Stamens 4-5, on the corolla tube, alternate with the lobes. Ovary inferior, i-6-celled. Fruit a berry or drupe or capsule. A. Leaves pinnately compound; tall shrubs or trees ; fruit berrylike, black or red or yellow, 3-5-seeded. SAMBUCUS (p. 213) AA. Leaves simple. B. Leaves palmately 3-5 -veined; fruit drupelike, red or black, i -seeded; tall shrubs. VIBURNUM (p. 213) BB. Leaves pinnately veined; fruit dry or berrylike. C. Leaves coriaceous, evergreen, blade not over 2 cm. long; fruit dry, i-seeded; shrubby herb, prostrate, vinelike, creeping. W. C. E. (Honor of C. von Linnaeus the great Swedish botanist.) Linnaea americana (TWIN-FLOWER) CAPRIFOLIACEAE (HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY) 213 CC. Leaves not coriaceous, not evergreen, blade usually larger; fruit berrylike, 2-4-seeded; plainly a shrub or tree, vine to erect, often climbing or reclining. D. Corolla regular, 12 mm. or less long; ovary 4-celled; berry white, 2-seeded; leaves entire or dentate or irregularly lobed, not united at base; shrub, erect or rarely trailing. SYMPHORICARPOS (p. 213) DD. Corolla irregular, 12 mm. or more long; ovary 2-3-celled; berry red or black, 2-4-seeded; leaves entire or merely sinuate, upper pair sometimes united at base; shrubs or trees, erect or often trailing or a climbing vine. LONICERA (p. 214) SAMBUCUS (ELDER) Leaflets serrate to laciniate. Flowers small, white or pinkish, in cymes. Corolla rotate, regular. Stamens 5, on base of corolla. Ovary 3-5-celled; style 3-parted. (Gk. sambuke = a musical instrument ; said to have been made of Elder.) A. Inflorescence flat-topped; pith in i-year-old stems white or slightly brownish; berries black but gray with a bloom. W. C. E. S. glauca (TREE ELDER) A A. Inflorescence conic; pith in i -year-old stems yellowish brown. Both these have edible fruits. B. Fruit black, without a bloom; leaves blackening in drying. C. E. S. melanocarpa (BLACK ELDER) BB. Fruit bright red to yellow; leaves not blackening in drying. W. C. E. S. callicarpa (RED ELDER) VIBURNUM (ARROWWOOD) Flowers white or pink, in compound cymes, the outer flowers sometimes raylike and neutral. Calyx limb short. Corolla rotate or short-campanu- late, regular. Stamens 5. Ovary i-3-celled; style 3-lobed or -parted. (Said to be from L. mere = to tie; because the twigs of some are very pliable.) A. Leaves or some of them 3-lobed; fruit red, its stone not or hardly grooved on either face. B. Erect shrub; cyme 6-10 cm. wide, its outer flowers much larger than the others. W. C. V. opulus (HIGH-BUSH CRANBERRY) BB. Straggling shrub; cyme 1-3 cm. wide/its outer flowers not larger than the others. C. E. V. pauciflorum (SQUASH BERRY) AA. Leaves not lobed, merely dentate above the middle; fruit black, its stone grooved on both faces; cyme 4-10 cm. wide, its outer flowers not larger than the others. W. C. E. V. ellipticum (BLACK HAW) SYMPHORICARPOS (SNOWBERRY) Flowers 2-bracteolate, white or rose colored. Calyx tube spherical. Corolla short-campanulate to salverform. Stamens 5, on the corolla throat. Berry globose, white. (Gk. syn = together, phero = I bear, karpos = fruit; from the clustered berries.) A. Corolla 2-4 mm. long. B. Erect; leaves glabrous. W. C. E. S. racemosus 214 VALERIANACEAE (VALERIAN FAMILY) BB. Trailing; leaves pubescent. W. C. E. S. mollis AA. Corolla 6-12 mm. long. C. Corolla tube 2-3 times as long as its lobes ; leaves tomentulose or pubescent. C. E. S. rotundifolius CC. Corolla tube 4-5 times as long as its lobes; leaves glabrous or sparsely hairy. E. S. orephilus LONICERA (HONEYSUCKLE) Shrubs or small trees, erect to climbing. Flowers in spikes or heads or pairs. Calyx tube ovoid or nearly spherical ; limb none or slightly 5-toothed. Corolla tubular to campanulate, either oblique or 2-lipped. Stamens 5. (Honor of A. Lonitzer, a German botanist.) A. Climbing or twining or trailing, vinelike; flowers in terminal clusters; upper pair of leaves united at base. B. Flowers orange to scarlet; young stem glabrous. C. Corolla 25-40 mm. long, its tube many times as long as its lower lip; leaf margin usually ciliate. W. C. E. L. ciliosa (ORANGE HONEYSUCKLE) CC. Corolla 12-16 mm. long, its tube less than twice as long as its lower lip; leaf margin not ciliate. U. L. californica (CALIFORNIA HONEYSUCKLE) BB. Flowers pink; young stem hairy. W. L. hispidula (PINK HONEYSUCKLE) AA. Erect, the branches sometimes long and reclining on other shrubs; flowers in pairs on axillary peduncles; upper pairs of leaves not united. D. Pair of flowers or fruits subtended by narrow or minute bracts, or bractless. E. Leaves green on both sides; fruit red. F. Corolla whitish, its lobes nearly equal; leaves obtuse. W. C. E. L. utahensis (RED TWIN-BERRY) FF. Corolla dark purple, 2-lipped; leaves acute or acuminate. C. E. L. conjugialis EE. Leaves somewhat pale beneath; fruit blue-black; corolla yellowish, 2-lipped. C. L. coeiulea (EDIBLE TWIN-BERRY) DD. Pair of flowers or fruits subtended by large wide leaflike bracts; flowers yellow; fruit black. W. C. E. L. involucrata (BLACK TWIN-BERRY) VALERIANACEAE (VALERIAN FAMILY) Herbs. Leaves opposite; stipules none. Flowers usually small, perfect or dioecious, clustered. Calyx limb inconspicuous or none in the flower, often becoming prominent in fruit. Corolla some- what irregular, 5-lobed. Stamens 3, on the corolla, alternate with corolla-lobes, usually exserted. Ovary inferior, i-3-celled; style i. Fruit dry, indehiscent. Seed I. A. Annual; calyx teeth not plumose; fruit 3-celled; leaves entire to dentate; flowers white or pink or blue. VALERIA NELLA (p. 215) AA. Perennial; calyx teeth plumose; fruit i-celled; leaves entire to compound; flowers white or pink or yellowish. VALERIANA (p. 215) DIPSACACEAE (TEASEL FAMILY) 215 VALERIANELLA (CORN SALAD) Basal leaves tufted, entire; stem leaves sessile often dentate. Flowers perfect. Calyx limb short or none. Corolla nearly regular. (Diminutive of Valeriana, a related genus.) A. Stems not dichotomous; corolla white or pink; leaf margin not ciliate. B. Corolla 6-7 mm. long, rose color, the spur half as long as the tube or less; fruit strongly keeled on the back, broadly winged. W. C. E. V. congesta BB. Corolla 1-3 mm. long. C. Spur of the corolla about as long as the tube; fruit obscurely keeled on the back. D. Wing of the fruit wide, as long as the fruit body. E. V. macrocera DD. Wing of the fruit narrow, shorter than the body. E. V. mamillata CC. Spur of the corolla none or about half as long as the tube; fruit strongly keeled on the back. E. Corolla spurred. F. Fruit wingless. W. C. E V. samolifolia FF. Fruit winged. U. E. V. aphanoptera EE. Corolla spurless; fruit winged. W. C. E. V. anomala AA. Stems dichotomous; corolla pale blue; upper leaves ciliate at margin. W. V. olitoria VALERIANA (VALERIAN) Flowers perfect or dioecious or the two mixed. Calyx teeth deciduous, inrolled and hidden when in bloom. Corolla tube cylindric to obconic, not spurred. (Said to be from L. valere = to be strong ; on account of the medicinal properties of V. officinalis.) A. Leaflets of the stem leaves coarsely dentate, ovate-lanceolate to orbicular; flowers 6-8 mm. long; plant from a creeping rhizome. W. C. E. V. sitchensis AA. Leaflets of the stem leaves entire or the terminal one merely 3-cleft. B. Corolla 4-8 mm. long, its tube less than twice as long as its limb. C. Basal leaves mostly of 3-5 leaflets; divisions of the stem leaves ovate-lanceolate to orbicular; plant from a creeping rhizome. (See A.) CC. Basal leaves mostly simple and entire; divisions of the stem leaves linear to lanceolate. D. Leaves thick, entire or the segments not dentate, veins somewhat parallel; stems from an erect fusiform rhizome-root. E. V. ceratophylla (TOBACCO ROOT) DD. Leaves thin, entire or the segments dentate, veins reticulate; stems from horizontal rhizomes. C. V. sylvatica (WOOD VALERIAN) BB. Corolla 14-15 mm. long, its tube twice as long as its limb. E. V. columbiana DIPSACACEAE (TEASEL FAMILY) Herbs, biennial, rough-hairy or prickly. Leaves opposite; stip- ules none. Flowers perfect, lilac, in dense involucrate spiny heads, subtended by bracts and involucels; receptacle elongated or glo- bose. Calyx limb cup-shaped, 4-toothed. Corolla 2-lipped, 4- lobed. Stamens 4 on corolla tube, alternate with the lobes; an- thers versatile. Ovary inferior, i -celled; style filiform. Fruit 21 6 CUCURBITACEAE (SQUASH FAMILY) an akene, crowned with the persistent calyx lobes. W. E. (Gk. dipsen = to thirst; because the leaf bases of some catch water.) Dipsacus sylvestris (Teasel) CUCURBITACEAE (SQUASH FAMILY) Herbs, vines, with tendrils, perennial. Leaves alternate, petioled, palmately lobed; stipules none. Flowers racemose, monoecious, white. Calyx limb campanulate, usually 5-lobed. Corolla rotate ; limb deeply 5-lobed. Stamens 3, monadelphous. Style i, termi- nal. Fruit fleshy, becoming dry, prickly, dehiscent at the summit; Seeds, few, flat. W. E. (Gk. echinos = a hedgehog, kystis = a bladder; referring to the prickly inflated fruit.) Echinocystis oregana (WILD CUCUMBER) CAMPANULACEAE (BELLFLOWER FAMILY) Herbs. Leaves alternate, simple; stipules none. Flowers regular, solitary-axillary or racemose, white or blue or violet. Calyx 3~5-lobed. Corolla sympetalous, 5-lobed, rotate to campanulate. Stamens 5, usually free from the corolla. Ovary inferior; style i. Fruit a capsule, prismatic or terete, 2-5-celled. Seeds many, small. A. Stem leaves lanceolate or spatulate to linear, petioled or sessile, not clasping. B. Calyx lobes not over i cm. long; perennial; leaves sessile or petioled. CAMPANULA (p. 216) BB. Calyx lobes 2-4 cm. long; annual; leaves sessile. W. E. (Githago is another genus; Gk. opsis = like.) Githopsis specularioides AA. Stem leaves ovate to orbicular, sessile, clasping; annual. C. Calyx lobes triangular-lanceolate, entire; corolla rotate; capsule opening by lateral pores; seed lens-shaped. W. E. (L. speculum = a mirror; referring to the corolla of a European species.) Specularia perfoliata (VENUS' LOOKING-GLASS) CC. Calyx lobes triangular-ovate, somewhat toothed; corolla open-campanulate; capsule bursting irregularly; seed obscurely 3-angled. E. (Gk. heteros = different, kodon = a bell; referring to the 2 forms of flowers.) Heterocodon rariflorum CAMPANULA (BELLFLOWER) Flowers white or blue or violet. Calyx tube hemispheric to prismatic. Corolla campanulate. Ovary 3-5-celled; stigma 3~5-lobed. Capsule crowned by the persistent calyx lobes. (Diminutive of L. campana = a bell ; referring to the corolla.) A. Stem leaves ovate to lanceolate; corolla lobes spreading; style long-exserted. B. Stems not clustered; leaves acuminate; pedicel longer than the flower. W. C. E. C. scouleri LOBELIACEAE (LOBELIA FAMILY) 217 BB. Stems clustered; leaves acute; pedicel shorter than the flower. U. C. prenanthoides AA. Stem leaves linear or spatulate or cuneate; corolla lobes erect; style included. C. Plant puberulent; leaves all entire; basal-leaves spatulate; stem leaves mostly linear. C. E. C. scabrella CC. Plant glabrous; at least the basal leaves not entire. D. Stem leaves spatulate-oblanceolate, dentate; basal leaves similar in form to the stem leaves. W. C. piperi DD. Stem leaves linear, entire; basal leaves orbicular to cordate. W. C. E. C. rottmdifolia (BLUEBELL) LOBELIACEAE (LOBELIA FAMILY) Herbs, often with milky or acrid juice. Leaves alternate, simple; stipules none. Flowers perfect, parts in 5*5, racemose or solitary- axillary. Calyx i-lobed. Corolla-limb 2-lipped. Anthers and rarely the filaments united about the style. Ovary inferior or ^ inferior, i-2-celled; style i; stigma with a rim of hairs. Seed small. A. Plants merely of wet places, not aquatic; flowers blue. B. Leaves wavy-denticulate or some of them entire; capsule free from the calyx at its top; corolla cleft to the base on one side. LOBELIA (p. 217) BB. Leaves all entire; capsule wholly inferior. C. Calyx tube oblong or shorter; capsule short; stems creeping or diffuse, root- ing at the nodes; corolla without white or yellow center. E. (Honor of M. A. Laurenti, an Italian botanist.) Laurentia carnulosa CC. Calyx tube 10 or more times as long as wide; capsule 2-7 cm. long; stems diffuse or erect, not rooting at the nodes; corolla deep blue with white or yellow center. DOWNINGIA (p. 217) AA. Plants aquatic; submerged leaves linear-setaceous or terete. D. Submerged leaves 2-5 cm. long, all in a basal tuft; perrennial; corolla blue. LOBELIA (p. 217) DD. Submerged leaves 5-15 cm. long, scattered along an elongated stem; annual; corolla white. W. (Honor of J. and T. Howell, Oregon botanists.) Howellia aquatica LOBELIA (LOBELIA) Perennial. Leaves alternate or all basal, simple. Flowers blue, in racemes, bracted. Corolla divided to base on i side. Stamens free from corolla, monadelphous at least above ; 2 or 5 of the anthers with a tuft of hair at tip. Seeds many. (Honor of M. de 1'Obel, a Flemish botanist.) A. Aquatic; leaves all basal, terete, hollow. W. L. dortmanna (WATER LOBELIA) AA. Terrestrial; most of the leaves scattered along the stem, flat, linear to spatulate. E. L. kalmii DOWNINGIA Annual, glabrous. Leaves sessile. Flowers solitary-axillary, sessile, deep blue with white or yellow center. Corolla tube not split ; large lip 2l8 COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 3-lobed; small lip 2-lobed. Filaments and anthers united into a tube; 2 anthers with a tuft of hair at tip. Seeds many. (Honor of A. J. Down- ing, an American horticulturist.) A. Leaves acute, lanceolate to ovate; 2 lobes of the smaller lip of the corolla lanceo- late. E. D. elegans AA. Leaves mostly obtuse, lanceolate to linear; 2 lobes of the smaller lip of the corolla ovate-oblong. U. E. D. pulchella COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) Herbs or shrubs. Leaves various in form and arrangement. Flowers in heads, often of 2 kinds, their parts in 4's or 5*5; heads involucrale. Calyx limb none or cuplike, or of teeth or scales or awns or capillary bristles, often serving as a means of seed dispersal. Corolla on the calyx, tubular or strap-shaped, or else the inner tubular (disk flowers) and the outer strap-shaped (ray flowers). Stamens as many as corolla lobes, alternate with them, on the corolla tube; anthers syngenesious . Ovary i -celled, ovule i; style i ; stigmas 2 in fertile flowers. Fruit an akene. A difficult family. Keys mostly to genera only. (F. & R. pp. 372-430.) SCIENTIFIC KEY TO THE TRIBES. (See also p. 219.) A. Corollas all tubular and regular, or only the marginal ones ligulate. B. Heads rayless or radiate ; anther not tailed at base; style branches either trun- cate or tipped with an appendage. C. Heads rayless; flowers never yellow, all perfect; style branches clavate. EUPATOREAE (p. 220) CC. Heads usually radiate, very rarely both rayless and yellow; style branches rarely clavate. D. Style branches of the perfect flowers either flat or tipped with a distinct appendage; leaves mostly alternate. . . . . ASTEREAE (p. 221) DD. Style branches of the perfect flowers truncate or appendaged, but not flattened; leaves often opposite. E. Involucre not scarious. F. Pappus none or not capillary. G. Receptacle chaffy HELIANTHEAE (p. 224) GG. Receptacle not chaffy except in Gaillardia. . HELENEAE (p. 228) FF. Pappus capillary; receptacle not chaffy. . . SENECEAE (p. 232) EE. Involucre scarious; pappus none or not capillary; receptacle not chaffy except in Anthemis and Achillea. . . . ANTHEMEAE (p. 230) BB. Heads rayless (except Inula); anthers tailed at base; style branches neither truncate nor tipped with an appendage. H. Corollas not deeply cleft; receptacle not bristly (except Evax). INULEAE (p. 223) HH. Corollas deeply cleft; receptacle bristly. . CYNAREAE (p. 235) AA. Corollas all ligulate, all perfect CICHOREAE (p. 236) COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 219 ARTIFICIAL KEY TO THE TRIBES. (See also p. 218.) A. Herbs. B. Flowers either all tubular or the outer ligulate and the inner tubular; juice rarely milky. C. Pappus of capillary or plumose bristles. D. Heads radiate. E. Rays yellow. F. Heads 3-10 cm. wide; basal leaves 2-5 dm. long, 1-2 dm. wide, oblong, denticulate. INULEAE (p. 223) FF. Heads less than 2 cm. wide; leaves smaller. G. Involucre bracts in more than 2 series. . . ASTEREAE (p. 221) GG. Involucre bracts in 1-2 series. H. Rays 20-30 or more ASTEREAE (p. 221) HH. Rays fewer. . . . . . . SENECEAE ( p. 232) EE. Rays not yellow. I. Flowers appearing before the foliage leaves; staminate and pistillate flowers on separate plants; foliage leaves large, palmately lobed, all basal. SENECEAE (p. 232) II. Flowers on foliage-bearing stems, or appearing after the leaves when they are all basal; leaves not as above ASTEREAE (p. 221) DD. Heads rayless. J. Heads distinctly yellow. K. Involucre bracts white, many, almost hiding the few small yellow flowers, the most prominent feature of the head. . . INULEAE (p. 223) KK. Involucre bracts either not white, or not the most prominent feature of the head. L. Corolla deeply s-lobed. .- . ... . . . CYNAREAE (p. 235) LL. Corolla with 4-5 merely triangular teeth. M. Involucre bracts in more than 2 series. . . ASTEREAE (p. 221) MM. Involucre bracts in 1-2 series. N. Akenes not ribbed, flattish, 0-4 lateral veins. ASTEREAE (p. 221) NN. Akenes s-is-ribbed SENECEAE (p. 232) JJ. Heads not yellow; corolla often hidden in white wool or so inconspicuous that it shows little if any color. O. Leaves large, palmately lobed, squash-leaf-like. . SENECEAE (p. 232) OO. Leaves pinnately veined. P. Corolla deeply lobed CYNAREAE (p. 235) PP. Corolla with 4-5 merely triangular teeth. Q. Leaves white- woolly at least beneath. . . INULEAE (p. 223) QQ. Leaves not white- woolly. R. Akenes 5-is-ribbed or striate. . . . EUPATOREAE (p. 220) RR. Akenes flattish, 0-4- veined ASTEREAE (p. 221) CC. Pappus none, or of scales, or of rigid bristles. S. Heads radiate. T. Rays yellow. U. Receptacle chaffy. V. Leaves in most species opposite at least below; involucre not scarious HELIANTHEAE (p. 224 220 COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) W. Leaves alternate; involucre scarious. . . ANTHEMEAE (p. 230) UTJ. Receptacle not chaffy. W. Leaves opposite HELENEAE (p. 228) WW. Leaves alternate. X. Involucre gummy, not glandular-hairy, glabrous. ASTEREAE (p. 221) XX. Involucre not gummy, or merely with glandular hairs if sticky. Y. Herbage resinous, glabrous ASTEREAE (p. 221) YY. Herbage not resinous, mostly not glabrous. HELENEAE (p. 228) TT. Rays not yellow. Z. Involucre bracts scarious or scarious-margined. a. Leaves pinnately dissected or compounded. . ANTHEMEAE (p. 230) aa. Leaves entire ASTEREAE (p. 221) ZZ. Involucre bracts herbaceous throughout. b. Leaves all basal ASTEREAE (p. 221) bb. Leaves not all basal HELIANTHEAE (p. 224) SS. Heads rayless. c. Involucre gummy but not glabrous; flowers yellow. ASTEREAE (p. 221) cc. Involucre not gummy or merely glandular-hairy if sticky. d. Corolla deeply lobed; flowers rarely yellow. . . CYNAREAE (p. 235) dd. Corolla with 4-5 merely triangular teeth, e. Receptacle chaffy or hairy. f. Plants pubescent with jointed hairs. . . . HELENEAE (p. 228) ff. Plants without jointed hairs. . . . HELIANTHEAE (p. 224) ee. Receptacle neither chaffy nor hairy. g. Heads distinctly white; at least the inflorescence very glandular. INULEAE (p. 223) gg. Heads yellowish or brownish or purplish; plant usually not glandular. h. Salt-marsh plants ANTHEMEAE (p. 230) hh. Not salt-marsh plants. i. Involucre bracts scarious at least at margin. j. Leaves entire. INULEAE (p. 223) jj. Leaves not entire. .... ANTHEMEAE (p. 230) ii. Involucre bracts not scarious though sometimes burlike. HELENEAE (p. 228) BB. Rowers all ligulate; juice milky in most. . . CICHOREAE (p. 236) AA. Shrubs, k. Leaves glabrous or pubescent but not hoary. I. Flowers white or pinkish EUPATOREAE (p. 220) II. Flowers yellow ASTEREAE (p. 221) kk. Leaves hoary with white or woolly hairs. m. Pappus of capillary bristles. n. Involucre of 4-6 bracts SENECEAE (p. 232) nn. Involucre of more than 6 bracts ASTEREAE (p. 221) mm. Pappus none ANTHEMEAE (p. 230) EUPATOREAE (Boneset Tribe). Perennial. Leaves entire to den- tate. Heads rayless, all alike, 10-15 -flowered; receptacle naked, flat. Flowers perfect, fertile ; corolla tubular, regular, 5-toothed, never yellow. COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 221 Anthers without tails at base. Style branches somewhat club-shaped, obtuse. Pappus bristles capillary, in i series, scabrous to almost plumose. A. Akenes s-angled, without intermediate ridges or lines; involucre bracts nearly veinless. E. (Honor of Mithridates Eupator, king of Pontus, who first used one of these in medicine.) Eupatorium occidental e (BONESET) AA. Akenes to-ribbed or -striate; involucre bracts striate-veined. (Gk. koleos = a sheath, anthos = a flower; probably referring to the involucre.) Coleosanthus (THOROUGHWORT) ASTEREAE (Aster Tribe). Leaves mostly alternate. Heads radiate or rayless, all alike (except staminate and pistillate on separate plants in Baccharis] ; receptacle naked. Ray flowers pistillate or rarely neutral. Corolla of disk flowers nearly always yellow, regular, tubular, 4~5-lobed; style branches flat, appendaged. Anthers not tailed at base. Pappus none or various, in most species of capillary bristles. A. Rays none or very inconspicuous. B. Herbs though sometimes woody at base; hairy or glabrous, not usually sticky; heads all alike. C. Pappus of 2-8 rigid awns; involucre glabrous and shining but very gummy. GRINDELIA (p. 223) CC. Pappus of scabrous capillary bristles; involucre often glandular but then not glabrous. D. Involucre bracts in 2-6 vertical rows. (Gk. chrysos = gold, thamnos = a shrub; shrubby plants with yellow flowers.) Chrysothamnus (RABBIT BRUSH) DD. Involucre bracts not in vertical rows. E. Leaves all entire. F. Heads only i on a stem. G. Involucre glandular; plant 15-30 cm. high, white-tomentose. (See T.) Aplopappus GG. Involucre hairy, not glandular; plant 5-15 cm. high, white-puberulent to glabrous. (See QQ.) Erigeron (FLEABANE) FF. Heads more than i on a stem. H. Plant white-tomentose; involucre glandular. (See T.) Aplopappus HH. Plant not tomentose; involucre rarely glandular. I. Involucre bracts recurved at tip. (See Y.) Aster (ASTER) n. Involucre bracts appressed or erect, not recurved. J. Involucre bracts in 1-3 whorls, herbaceous; annual or biennial. (See QQ.) Erigeron (FLEABANE) JJ. Involucre bracts in 3 or more whorls, scarious, often with green tips, thin or firm; perennial. K. Leaves oblong; plant viscid-pubescent, 1.5-3 dm. high. (See Q.) Chrysopsis (GOLDEN ASTER) KK. Leaves ovate-lanceolate; plant glabrous or nearly so, not viscid, 6-9 dm. high. (See Y.) Aster (ASTER) EE. Leaves or at least the lower ones not entire. L. Teeth of the leaves spinulose-tipped. (See T.) Aplopappus LL. Teeth of the leaves not spinulose-tipped. (See Y.) Aster (ASTER) LLL. Leaves or nearly all of them entire. M. Involucre bracts recurved at tip. (See QQ.) Erigeron (FLEABANE) MM. Involucre bracts erect or appressed at tip, not recurved. (See Y.) Aster (ASTER) 222 COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) BB. Shrubs, glabrous but sticky; staminate and pistillate heads on separate plants. E. (The name of some shrub dedicated to the god Bacchu c .) Baccharis pilularis (WINE BUSH) AA. Rays yellow. N. Pappus of scales or rigid awns. O. Heads large, 10-25 mm. high, many-flowered; pappus of 2-8 rigid awns; invo- lucre bracts often gummy, often recurved at tip. GRINDELIA (p. 223) OO. Heads small, 4-6 mm. high, 2-20 flowered; pappus of 4-14 scales; involucre bracts not gummy, not recurved at tip. (Honor of the Gutierrez family of the Spanish nobility.) Gutierrezia (BROWN-WEED) NN. Pappus or most of it of capillary bristles. P. Pappus of 2 distinctly different whorls, an inner of scabrous capillary bristles, an outer of small scales or bristles. Q. Involucre bracts in several indistinct whorls, the outer distinctly shorter. (Gk. chrysos = gold, opsis = like; referring to the golden yellow flowers.) Chrysopsis (GOLDEN ASTER) QQ. Involucre bracts in 1-2 indistinct whorls, all about equal. (Gk. er = spring, geron = an old man; some early species are very hoary.) Erigeron (FLEABANE) PP. Pappus of a single whorl of bristles or else the whorls alike when more than i. R. Involucre bracts not in vertical rows; rays rarely fewer than 5; leaves various ; herbs or shrubs. S. Pappus bristles equal or nearly so; heads 3-12 mm. wide. (L. solidare = to make whole; on account of the reputed vulnerary properties.) Solidago (GOLDENROD) SS. Pappus bristles unequal; heads often more than 12 mm. wide. T. Leaves often not as in TT in all characters; involucre hemispheric or widely campanulate; herb or shrub, viscid or not. (Gk. aploos = simple; -4- pappus; the pappus is not plumose.) Aplopappus TT. Leaves spatulate to filiform, 6-25 mm. long, sessile, entire; involucre narrowly campanulate to oblong; shrub, viscid. E. Erica is a genus of heather. (Gk. meros = a part; because the leaves are heather-like.) Ericameria nana (FALSE HEATHER) RR. Involucre bracts in 3-4 vertical rows; rays 1-4; leaves narrowly linear or spatulate-linear; shrub. (See D.) Chrysothamnus (RABBIT BRUSH) AAA. Rays some color other than yellow. U. Pappus none or of scales or of small hairlike bristles or of stout awnlike bristles, in one whorl. V. Plant glabrous, 3-18 dm. high; heads many; rays white; pappus of several small scales and 2 small stiff bristles. E. (Honor of J. Bolton, an English botanist.) Boltonla occidentalis W. Plant puberulent to very hairy, acaulescent to 4 dm. high; heads few in most species; rays various; pappus of ray flowers either none or of more than 2 bristles. W. Scapes leafless and bractless; leaves obovate or spatulate, entire or obscurely dentate; pappus either none or a ring of minute bristles. W. Sometimes sown on lawns for beauty. (L. bellis = pretty; referring to the flowers.) Bellis perennls (GARDEN DAISY) WW. Scapes sometimes leafy below, bracted; leaves spatulate to linear, entire; pappus a ring of stout rough awnlike bristles. E. (Honor of D. Townsend, an American botanist.) Townsendia (TOWNSENDIA) UU. Pappus of many capillary bristles, sometimes in 2 whorls and then the outer sometimes of shorter bristles or of scales. X. Either involucre bracts or else rays not as below; akenes usually flat. COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 223 Y. Involucre bracts in more than 2 indistinct whorls; rays unequal, wider than filiform, in i whorl; pappus in i whorl. (Gk. aster = a star; referring to the radiate heads of most species.) Aster (ASTER) YY. Involucre bracts in 1-2 indistinct whorls, usually nearly equal; rays mostly filiform, in i or more whorls; pappus in 12 whorls, the outer whorl often of scales or shorter bristles. (See QQ.) Erigeron (FLEABANE) XX. Involucre bracts white, green-tipped; rays about 5, white; akenes not or hardly flattish. W. (Gk. serikos = silky, karpos = a fruit; referring to the hairy akenes.) Sericocarpus rigidus (WHITE-TOPPED ASTER) GRINDELIA (GUM-WEED) Herbs, often gummy specially on the involucre, coarse. Leaves alter- nate; stem leaves sessile to clasping. Ray flowers none or in i series; corolla yellow. Disk flowers perfect; corolla yellow. Pappus of 2-8 nearly smooth and easily separating awns or bristles. (Honor of D. H. Grindel, a Russian botanist.) Sometimes a bad pasture weed. A. Stem leaves widest at their base, acute or acuminate; heads radiate, more than 15 mm. high. W. G. integrifolia AA. Stem leaves narrowed at their base, obtuse in most. B. Heads more than 15 mm. high, radiate; plant glabrous or sparingly hirsute. W. G. oregana BB. Heads 10-15 mm. high, radiate or rayless; plant glabrous throughout or slightly chaffy. W. C. E. G. nana INULEAE (Elecampane Tribe). Herbs. Leaves entire (except Inula). Heads not radiate (except Inula). Involucre usually dry and scarious. Pistillate flowers mostly filiform and truncate. Anthers tailed at base (except Dimeresia and Adenocaulon) . Style branches naked, obtuse to truncate, unappendaged. Pappus none or of capillary bristles. A. Heads less than 2 cm. wide, rayless; basal leaves smaller than in AA; leaves often white-woolly. B. Leaves linear to oblong or obovate, not cordate at base, often woolly on both sides. C. Leaves alternate. D. Pappus none, except a few bristles on sterile flowers. E. Style and corolla lateral; plant simple or sparingly branched above, loose- woolly. U. (Gk. micros = small, pous = foot; application not clear.) Micropus californicus EE. Style and corolla terminal; plant branching from the base, appressed- woolly. U. (Gk. stylos = a column, kline = a bed; referring to the receptacle.) Stylocline filaginea DD. Pappus of capillary bristles. F. Involucre bracts many and white throughout, conspicuous and almost hiding the small group of yellow flowers within. W. C. E. (Gk. a = not, knaphalon = a lock of wool; because the heads are chaffy rather than woolly.) Anaphalis margaritacea (PEARLY EVERLASTING) FF. Involucre bracts either few or not white throughout, not so conspicuous as the group of flowers within. G. Heads dioecious or sometimes the 2 kinds on the same plant; pappus bristles of the staminate flowers swollen at tip. (The pappus bristles of the sterile flowers suggested the antennae of insects.) Antennaria (EVERLASTING) 224 COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) GG. Heads all alike, of both pistillate and perfect flowers; pappus bristles not swollen at tip. (Gk. gnaphalon = a lock of wool; referring to the heads.) Gnaphalium (CUDWEED) CC. Most of the leaves opposite. H. Pappus none or of capillary bristles; heads many-flowered; involucre bracts several to many. I. Receptacle depressed-globose, chaffy; akenes inclosed in involucre bracts. (Gk. psilos = naked, carphos = a small dry body; probably because the akenes are naked.) Psilocarphus II. Receptacle columnar, villous; akenes hardly inclosed in involucre bracts. U. (Possibly from Gk. evaxos = easily broken.) Evax HH. Pappus of stout plumose bristles; heads 2-flowered; involucre bracts 2. E. (Origin undetermined.) Dimeresia howellii BB. Leaves broadly ovate, cordate at base, glabrous and green above, white-woolly beneath; pappus none. W. C. E. (Gk. aden = a gland, kaulos = a stem; the stem is very glandular above.) Adenocaulon bicolor (SILVER-GREEN) AA. Heads 3-10 cm. wide, radiate; basal leaves 1-2 dm. wide, 2-5 dm. long; leaves pubescent but not woolly; pappus bristles capillary, rough. W. Medicinal plant. (The Latin name.) Inula helenium (ELECAMPANE) HELIANTHEAE (Sunflower Tribe). Herbs. Leaves commonly oppo- site at least below. Heads radiate or rayless; involucre not scarious; receptacle chaffy. Ray flowers yellow or white or pinkish. Disk flowers various in color. Anthers not tailed at base. Style branches of the perfect flowers truncate or tipped with a hairy appendage. Pappus none or never of capillary bristles. A. Heads radiate, i.e., with some ligulate outer flowers. B. Rays yellow. C. Disk flowers dark brown or purple. D. Upper leaves mostly not dissected, or when some are dissected the plant not glabrous; pappus of 2 to several teeth or awns. E. Receptacle in fruit conical to columnar, akenes 4-angled, not winged; leaves alternate, entire to pinnatifid. RUDBECKIA (p. 226) EE. Receptacle in fruit flat or convex; akene flat or 4-angled, often somewhat winged; leaves alternate or opposite, entire or merely dentate. F. Annual; receptacle flat; akene somewhat 4-angled; not at all winged. HELIANTHUS (p. 227) FF. Perennial; receptacle convex; akene flat, i or both edges somewhat winged. E. (Diminutive of Helianthus, a related genus.) Helianthella DD. Upper leaves nearly all of 3 leaflets; plant glabrous throughout; pappus of 2 short teeth. W. E. (Gk. koris = a bug, opsis = like; referring to the form of the akene.) Coreopsis atkinsoniana (TICKSEED) CC. Disk flowers yellow. G. Pappus either none or else not of retrorsely-barbed awns. H. Heads 2.5 cm. or more wide; involucre bracts flat or nearly so, not inclosing a ray akene; leaves often wider than lanceolate. I. Most of the leaves basal; ray flowers pistillate, fertile. J. Pappus none; leaves opposite or alternate, in some species pinnately lobed to pinnatifid. BALSAMORHIZA (p. 227) JJ. Pappus a crown of 3-10 teeth, some of which may be awn-tipped; leaves all alternate, mostly entire, never pinnately lobed. WYETHIA (p. 227) COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 225 II. Most of the leaves on the stem; ray flowers neutral; pappus of 2-6 deciduous scales or awns. HELIANTHUS (p. 227) HH. Heads less than 2.5 cm. wide; involucre bracts boat-shaped, more or less inclosing an outer or ray akene; leaves lanceolate or narrower (except Lago- phylla). K. Akenes flattened at right angles to the involucre; involucre bracts keeled on back; plants mostly viscid-glandular; pappus none except in M. madioides, of 5-8 scales. (From madi, the name in Chile.) Madia (TARWEED) KK. Akenes not flattened at right angles to the involucre; involucre bracts rounded or flattish on the back. L. Pappus none. M. Leaves of the stem pinnatifid; leaves of the branches and fascicles entire, spinulose-tipped; involucre bracts spinulose-tipped; disk flowers 10 or more; ray flowers 10 or more; most of the leaves alternate. (Gk. hemi = half, zone = a girdle; the ray akenes are swollen on one side.) Hemizonia MM. Leaves all entire, not spinulose-tipped; involucre bracts not spinulose- tipped; disk flowers 1-6; ray flowers 4-6. N. Disk flowers 1-2, fertile; akenes slightly hairy; plant 2.5-20 cm. high; most of the leaves opposite, 2.5 or less long. W. C. (Diminutive of Hemizonia a related genus.) Hemizonella durandii NN. Disk flowers 5-6, sterile; akenes smooth; plant 15-75 cm. high; most of the leaves alternate, 5 cm. or less long. E. (Gk. lagos = a rabbit, phyllon = a leaf. Application not clear.) Lagophylla ramosissima LL. Pappus present at least on the disk akenes, of 7-12 scales which are often awn-tipped. O. Upper leaves spinulose- or gland-tipped; pappus of 7-12 scales, in i whorl, often awn-tipped, its scale portion 3 mm. or less long. (See M.) Hemizonia OO. Leaves neither spinulose- nor gland-tipped; pappus of about 10 scales, in 2 whorls, not awn-tipped, inner whorl about 6 mm. long. U. (Gk. achyron = chaff, achaino = an akene; probably referring to the chaff-like pappus.) Achyrachaena mollis GG. Pappus of 2-6 stout retrorsely-barbed awns; heads 0.8-10 cm. wide. BIDENS (p. 228) BB. Rays white or pink. P. Involucre bracts almost flat, not inclosing the ray akenes; leaves narrowly linear, margins involute or revolute; heads 12-30 mm. wide; rays 3-6. E. (Gk. ble- pharon = an eyelash; + pappus.) Blepharipappus PP. Involucre bracts boat-shaped, inclosing each an outer or ray akene. Q. Heads 12-25 mm. wide; rays 8-13; basal leaves often laciniately lobed or in- cised. E. (Meaning not determined.) Layia glandulosa QQ. Heads 4-12 mm. wide; rays 1-7; leaves all entire or nearly dentate. (See M.) Hemizonia AA. Heads rayless, i.e., without ligulate flowers. R. Pappus none; heads few-flowered; flowers yellow or greenish, the staminate and pistillate often in separate heads; fruit often burlike. S. Leaves broadly lanceolate or wider, often lobed or pinnatifid; heads staminate or pistillate or with both kinds of flowers. T. Involucre neither tubercled nor spiny; fruit not a bur; staminate and pistillate flowers in the same head; plant merely puberulent or scabrous; lower leaves opposite. E. (Named from Ajuga iva, a plant with a similar odor.) Iva (MARSH ELDER) TT. Involucre of pistillate heads either tubercled or spiny, making fruit rough or burlike; staminate and pistillate flowers in separate heads; plant either hairy or all the leaves alternate. F. & R. EL. FL. 15 226 COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) U. Involucre bracts of the staminate heads united; fruit often not a bur but when so the bristles usually not hooked. V. Fruit with i whorl of prickles at the top, i-seeded. E. AMBROSIA (p. 226) W. Fruit with prickles in more than i whorl or scattered, i-4-seeded. (Honor of A. Franseri, a Spanish botanist.) Franseria (SAND BUR) UU. Involucre bracts of the staminate heads distinct; fruit a bur with 20-100 usually hooked bristles. Persistent field weeds. The burs cling to the wool of sheep, and the tails of horses and cattle. (Gk. xanthos = yellow; the Greeks secured a yellow dye from one species.) Xanthium (COCKLE BUR) SS. Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, entire or remotely serrulate; heads with perfect flowers only; involucre neither tubercled nor spiny. (See K.) Madia (TARWEED) RR. Pappus of short teeth or barbed awns; heads many-flowered, all alike; flowers yellow or brown or purple, perfect; fruit not burlike. W. Leaves all alternate; flowers purple or brown; pappus a crown of 2-4 scales. RUDBECKIA (p. 226) WW. Leaves opposite at least below; flowers yellow; pappus of 2-6 retrorsely- batbed awns. BIDENS (p. 228) AMBROSIA (RAGWEED) Leaves entire to pinnately- or palmately-divided. Heads small, monoe- cious. Staminate heads in spikes or racemes, in the upper axils and ter- minal, many-flowered; corolla 5-toothed. Pistillate heads solitary or clustered, in the upper axils, i-flowered ; corolla none. (Gk. ambrosia = food for the gods; quite inappropriate for ours.) A. Leaves all opposite, entire to coarsely and palmately 3~5-lobed or -cleft; receptacle naked; involucre of the staminate heads 3~4-ribbed; annual. E. A weed. A. trifida (GREAT RAGWEED) AA. Some of the leaves often alternate, entire to i-3-pinnatifid; receptacle chaffy; involucre of the staminate heads not ribbed. B. Annual; leaves thin, entire to 2-pinnatifid; fruit with acute teeth. E. A bad pasture weed. A. artemisiaefolia (BITTERWEED) BB. Perennial; leaves thick, i-pinnatifid; fruit with blunt teeth or unarmed. E. A. psilostachya (WESTERN RAGWEED) RUDBECKIA (CONE-FLOWER) Coarse. Leaves alternate. Heads rayless or radiate, large, on long peduncles, solitary, in the axils or terminal ; receptacle conic or convex. Ray flowers yellow or none, neutral. Disk flowers purple or brown, perfect. Pappus none or a crown of 2-4 short teeth. (Honor of C. Rudbeck> a Swedish botanist.) A. Rays present. B. Leaves stiff-hairy; pappus none; disk globose-ovoid. W. R. hirta (BLACK-EYED SUSAN) BB. Leaves finely soft-hairy; pappus of 4 irregular bractlike teeth; disk columnar. U. R. californica (MEXICAN HAT) AA. Rays none. C. Plant pubescent; leaves mostly 3~s-parted toward the base. E. R. alpicola CC. Plant glabrous or nearly so, somewhat glaucous; leaves entire or dentate. E. R. occidentalis (NIGGKR THUMB) COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 227 BALSAMORHIZA (BALSAM-ROOT) Perennial, low, with scapelike or few-leaved stems ; roots thick, resinous. Leaves entire to 2-pinnate. Heads radiate, many-flowered, 1-7 on a stem; receptacle flat or barely convex. Disk flowers perfect. (Gk. balsamon = balsam, rhiza = root; the root is aromatic.) A. Leaves entire to serrate; stems with 1-7 heads. B. Ray corolla 2-2.5 cm. long, persistent to the akenes; akenes all canescent. E. B. careyana BB. Ray corollas 2.5-5 cm. long, deciduous from the akenes; akenes all glabrous. C. Plant silvery-canescent; involucre woolly; stem leaves linear to spatulate. E. B. sagittata CC. Plant green, though pubescent to glabrate; involucre not woolly or only so at base; stem-leaves lanceolate. W. E. B. deltoidea AA. Leaves laciniately lobed to 2-pinnatifid; stems with only i head. D. Plant green, glabrous or somewhat hairy. E. Leaves deltoid in outline, entire to laciniate, not stiff-hairy; involucre more or less woolly, not stiff-hairy. E. B. terebinthacea EE. Leaves lanceolate in outline, pinnately-parted or -divided, stiff-hairy; in- volucre rarely woolly, stiff-hairy. E. B. hirsuta DD. Plant canescent or white-tomentose. F. Plant canescent with appressedor spreading hairs; leaf divisions linear. W. E. B. hookeri FF. Plant densely white-tomentose with often floccose hairs; leaf division oval or oblong. E. B. incana WYETHIA Perennial; stems usually simple, from stout root or rhizome. Heads large, i to few, all alike ; receptacle slightly convex. Ray. flowers 2-10 cm. long. Disk flowers 5-toothed. Akenes 4~5-angled. (Honor of N. J. Wyeth, an American botanist.) A. Ray corollas white to pale yellow; leaves oval to broadly lanceolate; stem stiff- hairy. E. W. helianthoides AA. Ray corollas bright yellow; leaves oblong-lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate. B. Plant sparsely stiff-hairy; involucre very stiff-hairy. W. E. W. angustifolia BB. Plant smooth and glabrous throughout; involucre glabrous. C. Basal leaves oblong-lanceolate, 17-38 cm. long, 7-10 cm. wide; upper stem leaves partly clasping. E. W. amplexicaulis (PE-IK) CC. Basal leaves lanceolate, 5-15 cm. long, 2-10 cm. wide; upper stem leaves barely sessile and not clasping. E. W. lanceolata HELIANTHUS (SUNFLOWER) Leaves simple. Heads large; receptacle flat to conic. Ray flowers neutral. Disk flowers yellow or brown or purple, perfect, fertile, 5-lobed. Akene flattish to 4-angled. Pappus of 2 scales or awns, or sometimes with 2-4 additional shorter ones, deciduous. (Gk. helios = the sun, anthos = a flower ; said to refer to the resemblance.) 228 COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) A. Annual; disk flowers brownish or dark purple. B. Leaves ovate-lanceolate or wider; rays more than 8; chaff of the receptacle 3- toothed or -cleft, not awnlike at tip; disk often over 12 mm. wide. C. Disk about 1.5 cm. wide; leaves oblong to ovate-lanceolate, 2.5-8 cm. long. E. H. petiolaris (PRAIRIE SUNFLOWER) CC. Disk 2.5 cm. or more wide; at least the lower leaves ovate or cordate, 5-17 cm. long. E. Often cultivated for beauty or seed. H. annuus (COMMON SUNFLOWER) BB. Leaves lanceolate to linear-lanceolate; rays 5-8; chaff of the receptacle not 3-toothed, narrowed into awnlike tooth; disk 12 mm. or less wide. U. H. exilis AA. Perennial; disk flowers yellow. D. Stems 1.2 m. or less high or long, often not erect; plant scabrous, without hairs; leaves entire or serrulate. E. Stems 3-12 dm. high or long; leaves acute or acuminate, entire or serrulate. E. H. nuttallii EE. Stems 1-3 dm. high or long; leaves obtuse, entire. E. H. cusickii DD. Stems 1.5-3.5 m. high, erect; plant pubescent or hirsute; leaves coarsely ser- rate or lobed. W. E. Cultivated for the tubers for stock. H. tuberosus (JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE) BIDENS (BEGGAR-TICK) Leaves opposite at least below. Heads radiate or rayless; receptacle flat or nearly so. Pappus of 2-6 teeth or awns ; awns retrorsely hispid or barbed. (L. bi = 2, dens = a tooth; the akenes of some have 2 barbed teeth.) Weeds. Akenes adhere to wool of animals and to clothing. A. Leaves usually 5-divided; plant terrestrial; pappus of 2 awns; akene and awns retrorsely barbed to base; annual. E. B. vulgata (S-LEAVED BEGGAR-TICK) AA. Leaves serrate to laciniate, or submerged and divided into many capillary seg- ments; pappus of 3-6 awns. B. Annual, terrestrial; stem erect; leaves 7-15 cm. long; rays none or not over 16 mm. long; akenes not barbed; pappus awns retrorsely barbed above only. W. E. B. cernua (NODDING BEGGAR-TICK) BB. Perennial, aquatic; stem slender and not usually erect; leaves 1-5 cm. long; rays 20-25 mm. long; akenes retrorsely barbed at margins; pappus awns retrorsely barbed to base. W. E. B. beckii (WATER BEGGAR-TICK) HELENEAE (Sneezeweed Tribe). Herbs. Heads radiate or appar- ently rayless; involucre bracts not scarious; receptacle naked except in Gaillardia. Disk flowers fertile, 4-5-toothed, tubular. Anthers not tailed at base. Style branches of perfect flowers truncate or appendaged, not flat. Pappus none or chaffy or awns or bristles but the bristles not capillary. A. Leaves opposite, except sometimes the upper. B. Leaves entire. C. Plants of salt marshes. D. Pappus none, involucre bracts not united. W. (Honor of I. H. Jaume St, Hilare, a French botanist.) Jaumea carnosa DD. Pappus of 5-10 chaffy scales; involucre bracts united to form a s-is-toothed cup. U. (Honor of Lasthenia, a pupil of Plato.) Lasthenia glaberrima CC. Plants of dry soil, not of salt marshes. COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 229 E. Involucre bracts flat; receptacle conic to subulate. U. (Honor of K. E. von Baer, a Russian botanist.) Baeria aristosa (GOLD FIELDS) EE. Involucre bracts inrolled; receptacle flat. E. (Gk. rigios = stiff; + pappus.) Rigiopappus leptocladus BB. Leaves palmately 2-s-parted. E. (Honor of J. F. Bahi, a Spanish botanist.) Baliia oppositif olia AA. Leaves alternate. F. Heads radiate. G. Receptacle not chaffy. H. Akenes 4-angled; pappus scales blunt or lacerate. I. Involucre bracts somewhat united; rays none or present; herbage floccose- woolly. ERIOPHYLLUM (p. 229) II. Involucre bracts not united; rays none; herbage viscid-pubescent. E. (Honor of G. W. Hulse, a U. S. army surgeon.; Hulsea nana HH. Akenes 5-io-ribbed; pappus scales acuminate or aristate. J. Involucre bracts erect. E. (Diminutive of Gk. aktis = a ray; probably because the rays are present, though short.) Actinella richardsoni JJ. Involucre bracts spreading or reflexed. HELENIUM (p. 229) GG. Receptacle with bristlelike chaff. W. E. (Honor of Gaillard de Meren- tonneau, a French botanist.) Gaillardia aristata FF. Heads rayless. K. Involucre bracts with white or purplish tips. E. (Gk. hymen = a membrane; + pappus; because the pappus scales are hyaline.) Hymenopappus filifolius KK. Involucre bracts green to the tips. L. Involucre bracts somewhat united; corollaslyellow. ERIOPHYLLUM (p. 229) LL. Involucre bracts not united ; corollas yellow or white or flesh-colored. (Gk. chainein = to yawn, aktis = a ray; referring to the dilated marginal corol- las.) Chaenactis ERIOPHYLLUM (WOOLLY SUNFLOWER) Floccose-woolly. Heads many-flowered ; involucre green. Ray flowers yellow, or so short that there are practically none. Disk flowers yellow. Pappus of blunt veinless chaffy scales. (Gk. erion wool, phyllon = a leaf.) A. Rays 1-3 mm. long. U. E. stachadifolium AA. Rays 10-20 mm. long. B. Akenes glabrous. W. C. E. E. lanatum BB. Akenes glandular. U. C. E. E. multiflorum HELENIUM (SNEEZEWEED) Heads many-flowered; involucre herbaceous. All flowers yellow. Akenes hairy on the ribs. Pappus scales 5-6, thin, scarious, acuminate or awn-pointed. (Said to be in honor of Helen of Troy, who used it cos- metically.) A. Leaf blades not decurrent on the stem. E. H. hoopesii AA. Leaf blades decurrent on the stem. B. Leaves dentate; heads several to many. W. C. E. Poisonous to cattle and sheep. H. autumnale BB. Leaves entire; head i. U. H. bigelovii 230 COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) ANTHEMEAE (Sagebrush Tribe). Herbs or shrubs. Heads rayless or radiate ; involucre bracts imbricated, not foliaceous, rarely herbaceous, usually dry and scarious; receptacle naked or somewhat chaffy. Anthers not tailed at base. Style branches of the perfect flowers truncate, sometimes obscurely conic-tipped. Pappus none or chaffy or scalelike or crownlike. A. Herbs. B. Rays present. C. Rays 4-6, 4-6 mm. long; receptacle chaffy. W. C. E. Medicinal plant. (Honor of Achilles, who first used it as a vulnerary.) Achillea millefolium (YARROW) CC. Rays 10 or more, 10 mm. or more long. D. Receptacle chaffy, at least toward its tip. ANTHEMIS (p. 230) DD. Receptacle naked or merely hairy. E. Leaf segments terete or nearly so; receptacle conic. MATRICARIA (p. 230) EE. Leaf segments plainly flat; receptacle flat to hemispheric. CHRYSANTHEMUM (p. 231) BB. Rays none. F. Heads sessile in the leaf axils or stem forks. U. (Perhaps L. solus = alone, vagus = wandering.) Solvia sessilis FF. Heads peduncled, either terminal on the branches or clustered. G. Salt-marsh plants; leaves fleshy. COTULA (p. 231) GG. Not salt-marsh plants; leaves not fleshy. H. Heads terminal on the leafy branches; receptacle conic. MATRICARIA (p. 230) HH. Heads in flat-topped leafless clusters; receptacle flat or hemispheric. TANACETUM (p. 231) HHH. Heads in bracted spikes or racemes or panicles, not in flat-topped clusters; receptacle flat to hemispheric. ARTEMISIA (p. 231) AA. Shrubs. ARTEMISIA (p. 231) ANTHEMIS (MAYWEED) Leaves alternate, pinnatifid or dissected. Involucre bracts scarious- margined. Ray flowers white or yellow. Disk flowers yellow. Pappus none or a mere border. (The Greek name.) A. Rays white. B. Leaves glabrous, with bad odor; rays neutral. W. E. A. cotula (DOG FENNEL) BB. Leaves pubescent, without bad odor; rays fertile. W. E. A. arvensis (FIELD MAYWEED) AA. Rays yellow; leaves somewhat tomentose. W. A. tinctoria (YELLOW MAYWEED) MATRICARIA (CAMOMILE) Herbs, annual. Leaves alternate, 2-3-dissected into narrow or filiform segments. Receptacle naked. Ray flowers white. Disk flowers yellow. Pappus none. (L. mater = mother, cara = dear ; dear to mothers from reputed medicinal properties.) A. Heads radiate. B. Rays 20-30; pappus a crown, entire or 4-toothed; akenes obpyramidal, promi- nently 3-ribbed; herbage nearly odorless. W. E. M. inodora (SCENTLESS CAMOMILK COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 231 BB. Rays 10-20; pappus none; akenes oblong, faintly 3-5-ribbed; herbage sweet- scented. W. E. Medicinal plant. M. chamomille (GARDEN CAMOMILE) AA. Heads rayless. W. C. E. M. suaveolens (PINEAPPLE WEED) CHRYSANTHEMUM (CHRYSANTHEMUM) Perennial. Leaves alternate, incised or dissected. Heads large. Ray flowers white. Disk flowers yellow. (Gk. chrysos = gold, anthos = a flower ; some species outside our range even have yellow rays.) A. Heads 1-2 cm. wide, many, corymbose; rays 10-20, about twice as long as wide; pappus a toothed crown. E. C. parthenium (FEVERFEW) AA. Heads 2.5-5 cm. wide, few, terminal; rays 20-30, 4 or more times as long as wide; pappus none. W. A very bad meadow weed. C. leucanthemum (OX-EYE DAISY) COTULA Leaves alternate. Heads many-flowered, with 2 kinds of flowers; re- ceptacle naked. Outer flowers pistillate, in 1-3 rows, apetalous. Inner flowers 4-toothed, yellow, perfect. Pappus none or a mere ring. (Gk. kotula a small cup, referring to the hollow at the base of the clasping leaves.) A. Herbage glabrous or very nearly so. W. C. coronopifolia (SALT-MARSH BUTTERHFAD) AA. Herbage pubescent. W. C. australis TANACETUM (TANSY) Perennial, aromatic. Leaves alternate, entire to dissected. Heads with i or 2 kinds of flowers ; receptacle naked. Pappus none or crownlike. (Said to be from Gk. athanatox immortal ; referring to the durable flowers.) A. Leaves 2-s-lobed or parted, but some of the leaves may be entire. B. Leaf lobes linear. E. T. capitatum BB. Leaf lobes not linear or none of the leaves lobed. E. T. nuttallii AA. Leaves pinnately-parted or -dissected into many segments. C. Herbage quite pubescent. D. Herbage silky with white hairs; heads many, 6-8 mm. wide. E. T. potentilloides DD. Herbage villous-pubescent; heads 1-8, 12-16 mm. wide. W. T. huronense (SEASHORE TANSY) CC. Herbage glabrous or very nearly so; heads many, 6-10 mm. wide. W. Medicinal plant. T. vulgare (GARDEN TANSY) ARTEMISIA (SAGEBRUSH) Herbs or shrubs, annual or perennial, bitter, aromatic. Leaves alternate. Heads rayless, small ; flowers of i or 2 kinds, white or yellowish ; receptacle naked or woolly. Outer flowers pistillate and inner perfect, or all perfect. Pappus none. (Honor of Artemisia, the wife of Mausolus.) 232 COMPDSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) A. Shrubs. B. Plant spiny; akenes with long cobweb-like hairs. E. A. spinescens (BUD-BRUSH) BB. Plant not spiny; akenes without cobweb-like hairs. C. Leaves 3~5-cleft or -parted, the lobes linear; 2-6 dm. high. D. Heads usually solitary in the axils of ordinary leaves; panicle spikelike. E. A. rigida (SCAB-LAND SAGEBRUSH) DD. Heads clustered; panicle thyrsoid. E. A. trifida CC. Leaves entire to 3-toothed or -lobed, but the lobes not linear. E. Plant 1-3 dm. high; leaves entire to 3~5-lobed, the lobes cuneate, obovate. E. A. arbuscula EE. Plant 5-20 dm. high; leaves entire to 3-toothed, the teeth triangular. E. A. tridentata (COMMON SAGEBRUSH) AA. Herbs or merely shrubby at base. F. Leaves parted or dissected into oblong or linear segments. G. Leaves glabrous or nearly so. H. Leaf lobes filiform, entire. E. A. prescottiana HH. Leaf lobes, wider, laciniate or toothed. E. A. biennis GG. Leaves pubescent. I. Receptacle woolly. J. Leaves silvery-pubescent, leaf segments short, filiform. E. A. frigida (PASTURE SAGEBRUSH) JJ. Leaves not silvery; leaf segments oblong or linear-oblong. E. Medicinal plant. A. absinthium (WORMWOOD) n. Receptacle not woolly. K. Heads 2-3 mm. wide. L. Plants 5-15 cm. high. E. A. petatifida LL. Plants 30-70 cm. high. E. A. canadensis KK. Heads 4-5 mm. wide. W. C. E. A. borealis KKK. Heads 8-10 mm. wide. C. E. A. longipedunculata GGG. Leaves tomentose, at least on the lower surface. M. Involucre glabrous or nearly so. C. E. A. discolor MM. Involucre densely pubescent or tomentose. N. Leaves with scattered fine white-resinous dots. E. A. atomifera NN. Leaves not resinous dotted. E A. ludoviciana FF. Leaves entire to cleft or lobed. O. Leaves glabrous or very nearly so on both sides. P. Herbage sweet -aromatic; 4-8 dm. high; branches not drooping; heads 30-60- flowered. E. A. aromatica PP. Herbage not sweet-aromatic; 8-16 dm. high; branches drooping; heads 15- 2o-flowered. E. A. dracunculoides OO. Leaves white-tomentose at least beneath. Q. Involucre persistently white-tomentose. (See MM.) QQ. Involucre glabrous to pubescent but green, not tomentose. R. Involucre cylindric; plant 9-15 dm. high. W. A. heterophylla (GOLDEN-ROD SAGE) RR. Involucre campanulate. S. Plant about 10 dm. high; involucre green. W. C. E. A. tilesii SS. Plant 3-6 dm. high; involucre gray-brown. E. A. lindleyana SENECEAE (Arnica Tribe). Herbs or shrubs. Heads rayless or radiate; receptacle naked (except sometimes hairy in Arnica). Anthers without tails at base though often sagittate. Style branches of perfect COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 233 flowers usually truncate or obtuse, without appendages at tip or with short ones. Pappus of capillary bristles but often deciduous; bristles many, smooth to plumose. A. Herbs. B. Most of the leaves on each plant opposite. (Said to be from Gk. arnakis = a lamb's skin; referring to the softness of the heads.) Some medicinal; many poisonous. Arnica BB. Leaves alternate or all basal. C. Leaves all basal. D. Scapes densely large-bracted; leaves wider than lanceolate, often more than 10 cm. long; flowers white or pinkish. PETASITES (p. 233) DD. Scapes naked; leaves linear to oblanceolate, 2.5-10 cm. long; flowers yellow. (Diminutive of Raillardia, a related genus.) Raillardella CC. Some leaves on the stem. E. Heads radiate. F. Annual; receptacle conic. W. E. (Gk. krokis = the nap or woolliness of cloth; the leaf -axils are hairy.) Crocidium multicaule FF. Perennial; receptacle flat. A large and difficult genus. (L. senex = an old man; referring to the hoary heads of some.) Senecio (RAGWORT) EE. Heads rayless. G. Heads 4-io-flowered. H. Leaves entire, 1-2.5 cm. long; heads about lo-flowered. W. C. E. (An anagram of Inula, another genus of this family.) Luina hypoleuca HH. Leaves coarsely dentate, 5-25 cm. long; heads 4-6-flowered. C. (It was first found on Mt. Rainier.) Rainiera stricta GG. Heads more than xo-flowered. I. Leaves palmately 5-Q-lobed or -cleft or -parted, palmately veined. C. E. (Cacalia is a related genus; Gk. opsis = like; hence resembling Cacalia.) Cacaliopsis nardosmia n. Leaves entire to pinnately compound, not palmately veined. (See FF.) Senecio (RAGWORT) AA. Shrubs. E. (Gk. tetradymos = 4-fold; because many species have just 4 flowers in a head.) Tetradymia PETASITES (COLT'S-FOOT) Perennial; rhizome thick, horizontal. Heads rayless or radiate, in a raceme or corymb, on large bracted stems, appearing before the leaves, dioecious or somewhat so; involucre herbaceous. Pistillate corolla 2-5- toothed. Pappus bristles soft, white, long. (Gk. petasos = a broad- brimmed hat; referring to the leaves.) A. Leaves reniform-orbicular, 1.5-4 dm. wide, 7-n-cleft. W. E. Petioles cooked and eaten like Rhubarb. P. speciosus (LARGE COLT'S-FOOT) AA. Leaves longer than wide, 0.5-2.5 dm. long. B. Leaves broadly sagittate, irregularly dentate to almost entire. E. P. sagittatus (ARROW-LEAF COLT'S-FOOT) BB. Leaves ovate or oblong, s-y-lobed; alpine. W. C. E. P. frigidus (ARCTIC COLT'S-FOOT) CYNAREAE (Thistle Tribe). Herbs. Leaves alternate. Heads ray- less ; involucre much imbricated. Corolla 5-cleft. Anthers tailed at base. 234 COMPOS IT ACE AE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) Style unbranched or the branches appendaged. Pappus none or chaff or stiff bristles or capillary bristles, simple or plumose A. Involucre bracts hooked at tip; leaves not spiny. ARCTIUM (p. 234) AA. Involucre bracts not hooked at tip. B. Leaves not spiny. C. Pappus at least partly of plumose bristles. D. Leaves entire or dentate; heads 1-3 cm. wide. W. C. E. (Honor of H. B. de Saussure, a Swiss botanist.) Saussurea americana (SAW-WORT) DD. Leaves pinnatifid; heads 5-10 cm. wide. W. Heads edible. (Gk. kyon = a dog; the involucre spines suggest dog-teeth.) Cynaria scolymus (ARTICHOKE) CC. Pappus none or of simple bristles or scales. CENTAUREA (p. 235) BB. Leaves somewhat spiny and often also the involucre. E. Pappus distinctly plumose. F. Heads 1-5 cm. wide; involucre bracts not fleshy; akenes not ribbed. CARDUUS (p. 234) FF. Heads 5-10 cm. wide; involucre bracts fleshy; akenes slightly ribbed. (See DD.) Cynaria scolymus (ARTICHOKE) EE. Pappus none to barbellate or fimbriate. G. Heads 6-7 cm. wide; leaves green and blotched with white. W. E. (Gk. silybos = the name of a thistle with edible stem.) Silybum marianum (LADY'S THISTLE) GG. Heads 2-4 cm. wide; leaves not white-blotched. H. Heads not subtended by bristly leaves. CENTAUREA (p. 235) HH. Heads subtended by bristly leaves, sessile. U. E. (Gk. kniso = to prick.) Cnicus benedictus (BLESSED THISTLE) ARCTIUM (BURDOCK) Tall, coarse. Leaves broadly ovate, cordate at base, 2-5 dm. long. Heads clustered; receptacle densely bristly. Pappus-bristles short, many, rough, deciduous, in i whorl. (Gk. arktos = a bear ; from the rough involucre.) A. Heads racemose, 1.5-3 cm. wide. W. A. minus (COMMON BURDOCK) AA. Heads corymbose, 2-5 cm. wide. W. A. lappa (GREAT BURDOCK) CARDUUS (THISTLE) Stout, erect. Heads rayless, all alike (or dioecious in C. arvensis}. Re- ceptacle flat, densely bristly. Flowers white or red or rarely yellowish. Pappus bristles many, long, in i whorl, united into a ring at base. (The Latin name; said to be from Celtic ard a sharp point.) A. Perennial by spreading horizontal rootstocks; heads 15-25 mm. high, dioecious. W. E. One of our worst weeds in cultivated fields. C. arvensis (CANADA THISTLE) AA. Biennial; heads larger, all alike. B. None of the involucre bracts spine-tipped, all with dilated fringed tips. W. E. C. americanus BB. Outer involucre bracts spine-tipped, inner ones not. C. Involucre bracts not at all glandular on the back. D. Involucre bracts either nearly equal or some with spreading herbaceous tips. E. Flowers cream-colored. W. C. E. C. remotifolius COMPOSTTACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 235 EE. Flowers white to red. F. Plant very white-woolly. U. C. occidentalis FF. Plant densely pubescent to glabrate. G. Inner involucre bracts with dilated tips. E. C. magnificus GG. None of the involucre bracts with dilated tips. H. Herbage pubescent, grayish or green; leaves weakly prickly; 10-30 dm. high. W. C. E. A bad weed in waste places and logged off lands. C. edulis (EDIBLE THISTLE) HH. Herbage glabrate, green; leaves strongly prickly; 6-9 dm. high. E. C. hallii DD. Involucre bracts much shorter outward, appressed. I. Heads oblong or cylindric; inner involucre bracts purplish. E. C. andersoni II. Heads wider; inner involucre bracts not or very slightly purplish. J. Stem somewhat woolly; inner involucre bracts somewhat dilated. E. C. foliosus JJ. Stem glabrous; inner involucre bracts not dilated. E. C. drummondii CC. Involucre bracts with glandular ridge or spot on the back. K. Outer involucre bracts with spines nearly equaling the body. E. C. ochrocentrus (YELLOW-SPINED THISTLE) KK. Outer involucre bracts with spines distinctly shorter than the body. L. Leaves canescent on both sides. E. undulatus LL. Leaves green above. M. Leaves conspicuously prickly. E. C. brewer! MM. Leaves with few prickles. E. C. palousensis BB. All the involucre bracts spine-tipped. W. E. Bad pasture weed. C. lanceolatus (BULL THISTLE) CENTAUREA (STAR THISTLE) Involucre bracts margined or appendaged ; receptacle bristly. Marginal flowers sometimes suggesting rays, color various. Pappus none or bristles or scales. (It is said that the centaur Chiron cured his wounded foot with these.) A. Involucre bracts spine-tipped. B. Stem not winged; corollas purplish; pappus none. W. C. calcitrapa (CALTROPS) BB. Stem winged; corollas yellow; pappus of unequal bristles or scales. W. C. meltensis (TOCALOTE) AA. Involucre bracts not spine-tipped. C. Annual; pappus of unequal bristles; corollas white or red or blue or violet. E. C. cyanus (BLUE-BOTTLE) CC. Perennial; pappus none; corollas red. E. C. consimilis CICHOREAE (Dandelion Tribe). Herbs, nearly always with milky juice. Leaves alternate, often all basal. Heads involucrate; receptacle flat or nearly so. Flowers all alike, perfect. Corolla strap-shaped, variously colored, truncate but nearly always 5-toothed at apex. Anthers sagittate- auriculate but not caudate at base. Style branches filiform minutely papil- lose, not appendaged. A. Flowers yellow or orange or saffron-colored. B. Pappus none; stem leafy, branched; flowers in panicles; akenes 2o-3o-striate. W. E. (The Greek name of some plant of the Mustard family.) Lapsana communis (NIPPLEWORT) 236 COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) BB. Pappus scalelike or of bristles which have a scalelike base; akenes not beaked. C. Pappus of 4-10 scales or bristles, simple or plumose when bristles. D. Pappus of 4-10 bristles, each arising as a continuation of an unforked scale- like or enlarged base; heads erect. E. Annual; heads nodding; involucre bracts all nearly equal except for a few very small ones outside. U. (Gk. micros = small, seris = chicory.) Microseris EE. Perennial; heads erect; involucre scales gradually shorter in successive whorls. (Diminutive of Scorzonera, a related genus.) Scorzonella DD. Pappus of 5 bristles, each arising from the fork of a 2-toothed scalelike base; heads nodding; annual. E. (Gk. oura =a tail; + pappus; because the pappus scales are awned.) Uropappus linearifolium CC. Pappus of 15-40 scales or bristles. F. Stems 5-25 cm. high, leafy; pappus bristles plumose, 15-20; leaves entire to pinnatifid; young heads nodding. Gk. ptilon = a feather; Calais is an old genus of Compositaceae. Ptilocalais FF. Stem none; pappus bristles not plumose, 20-50; leaves entire or wavy; young heads always erect. E. (Gk. nothos = spurious ; Calais is an old genus of Composi- taceae.) Nothocalais BBB. Pappus of bristles without a widened scalelike base. G. Bristles of the pappus plumose. H. Bristles of the pappus plumose to near the tip; perennial. I. Leaves stiffy-hairy on both sides; receptacle chaffy; akene long-beaked. W. C. (Gk. hypo = under, chaeris = young pigs; because pigs like the roots.) Hypochaeris radicata (CAT'S-EAR) II. Leaves glabrous or thinly soft-hairy; receptacle naked; akene beakless or nearly so. W. (Gk. Icon = a lion, odous = a tooth; referring to the leaf- teeth.) Leontodon autumnale (FALL DANDELION) HH. Bristles of the pappus plumose only near the base; akenes beakless; annual. Malacothrix GO. Bristles of the pappus not plumose. J. Plants acaulescent; leaves all basal; flowers solitary on leafless bractless un- branched scapes. K. Leaves entire or merely obscurely wavy; scape only i; heads nodding in bud; mature akene beakless, truncate. (See EE.) Scorzonella KK. Leaves or some of them lobed or pinnatifid; scapes i or more; head erect in bud; mature akene beaked or attenuate. L. Chief involucre-bracts imbricated in one series; akenes spinulose at the apex, long-beaked. W. C. E. Medicinal plant. Bad lawn weed. (Gk. taraklikos = a cathartic; from its medicinal properties.) Taraxacum officinale (DANDELION) LL. Chief involucre-bracts in several series; akenes smooth at apex, attenuate or long-beaked. (Gk. aix = a goat, seris = chicory.) Agoseris (GOAT CHICORY) JJ. Plants with evident stems; stems simple or branched, leafy or bracted; flowers i or more on a stem. M. Akenes terete or 4~5-angled, not flat. N. Pappus of an inner whorl of bristles, and an outer whorl of short teeth with 0-8 bristles among them, inner whorl deciduous; annual. E. (Gk. malache = soft, thrix = hair ; referring to the pappus.) Malacothrix NN. Pappus of bristles only and no teeth, persistent; annual or perennial. O. Pappus white; akenes somewhat narrowed at tip; leaves entire to dande- lion-like in their lobing. CREPIS (p. 238) OO. Pappus tawny or in a few almost white; akenes rarely narrowed at tip; leaves entire to shallowly toothed but not dandelion-like. HIERACIUM (p. 238) COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 237 MM. Akenes somewhat flat. P. Akenes beakless, truncate; heads so-flowered or more. SONCHUS (p. 237) PP. Akenes beaked or attenuate; heads 6-3O-flowered. LACTUCA (p. 238) AA. Flowers white or pink or blue or purple; stems leafy or bracted. Q. Pappus a crown of short blunt scales; heads sessile or nearly so, in spikes or racemes. W. Root a substitute for coffee. (From chikouryeh, its Egyptian name.) Cichorium intybus (CHICORY) QQ. Pappus of simple bristles though often scabrous. R. Flowers white; leaves and lower part of stem with long white stiff spreading hairs; leaves lanceolate to oblong, entire. HTERACIUM (p. 238) RR. Flowers not white; plant without long white stiff spreading hairs; leaves usually not as described above. S. Leaves entire, lanceolate or narrower, not sagittate at base; flowers rose- colored or pink; akene terete, neither flat nor angled. E. (Gk. lygos = a twig, desma = a bundle ; referring to the tufted rushlike stems.) Lygodesmia SS. Leaves either not entire or else sagittate at base; flowers pink or blue or purplish; akene terete or 4-s-angled or somewhat flat. T. Akene terete or 4-s-angled, not flat; pappus tawny; leaves deltoid-hastate but becoming narrower up the stem; plant 3-6 dm. high. W. C. (The Latinized Indian name for the Rattlesnake-root.) Nabalus hastatus (RATTLESNAKE ROOT) TT. Akene somewhat flat; pappus white; leaves several times as long as wide; plant usually taller. LACTUCA (p. 238) QQQ. Pappus of plumose bristles. U. Heads solitary and terminating a leafy stem, 5-10 cm. wide; leaves all entire; akene with long slender beak; flowers purple. W. E. Cultivated as a vegetable for its root. (Gk. tragos = a goat, pogon = a beard; referring to the con- spicuous tawny pappus.) Tragopogon porrifolia (OYSTER PLANT) UU. Heads in panicles or corymbs, 2.5 cm. or less wide; mostly with at least the basal leaves not entire; flowers pink or white. V. Akene tapering into a slender beak as long as the body; involucre 18-25 mm. high, is-30-flowered. E. ^(Probably in honor of C. S. Rafinesque, an American botanist.) Rafinesquia calif ornica W. Akene truncate, beakless; involucre 6-15 mm. high, 3-6-flowered. E. (Gk. ptilon = a feather ; referring to the plumose pappus.) Ptiloria SONCHUS (Sow THISTLE) Stem leafy. Leaves mostly auriculate-clasping, entire to pinnatifid, prickly-margined. Heads in corymbs or panicles; receptacle naked. Corolla yellow. Pappus of bristles ; bristles many, white, capillary, simple. (Gk. sonchos = hollow ; referring to the stem.) A. Involucre glandular-pubescent, 25 mm. high; flowers bright yellow; perennial; leaves with acute basal angles; akenes transversely wrinkled. W. E. S. arvensis (FIELD sow THISTLE^ AA. Involucre glabrous, 12-16 mm. high; flowers pale yellow; annual. B. Leaves with acute basal angles; akenes transversely wrinkled. W. S. oleraceus (COMMON sow THISTLE) BB. Leaves with rounded basal angles; akenes not transversely wrinkled. W. E. S. asper (PRICKLY sow THISTLE) 238 COMPOSITACEAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) LACTUCA (LETTUCE) Stems tall, leafy. Heads in panicles ; receptacle naked. Corolla yellow or blue or purple. Pappus-bristles capillary, soft, many. (L. lac = milk ; from the abundant milky juice.) A. Pappus brownish; flowers blue; plant 1-3.5 m. high; involucre 10-12 mm. long; leaves not prickly on the mid-veins beneath. VV. C. E. L. spicata AA. Pappus white; flowers rarely blue, mostly yellow. B. Leaves not prickly on the mid-veins beneath. C. Flowers blue; perennial; involucre 16-20 mm. long; akene and its beak about as long as the pappus. W. E. L. pulchella (BLUE LETTUCE) CC. Flowers yellow, rarely purplish; annual or biennial; involucre 8-14 mm. long; akene and its beak about as long as the pappus. D. Heads 1 2-20-80 wered; akenes i -veined on each face. W. Cultivated for eating. L. sativa (GARDEN LETTUCE) DD. Heads 6- 12 -flowered; akenes several-veined on each face; plant 1-4 m. high. E. Leaves strictly entire. E. L. saglttifolia EE. Leaves except the upper ones sinuate-pinnatifid. E. L. canadensis (WILD LETTUCE) BB. Leaves prickly on the mid-veins beneath; flowers yellow; akene about equaling its beak. W. E. A bad weed of waste places. Sometimes called China Lettuce. L. scariola (PRICKLY LETTUCE) CREPIS (HAWK'S-BEARD) Stems leafy or scapelike. Corolla yellow. Pappus bristles capillary, many, usually soft. (Gk. krepis = a sandal. Application not clear.) A. Leaves glabrous, some of them pinnatifid; stem leafy; stem leaves clasping. W. E. C. virens (SMOOTH HAWK'S-BEARD) AA. Not as above in all points. Too difficult for beginners. HIERACIUM (HAWKWEED) Perennial. Leaves sometimes all basal. Corolla white or yellow. Pap- pus of capillary bristles, scabrous. (Gk. hierax = a hawk ; it was supposed to better the vision of birds of prey.) A. Flowers white; involucre not distinctly imbricated. W. C. E. H. albiflorum (WHITE HAWKWEED) AA. Flowers yellow. Too difficult for beginners. GLOSSARY A-. Not, or without. Acaulescent. Apparently stemless, the leaf-bearing stem being very short or subterranean. Acicular. Needle-shaped. Acuminate. Taper-pointed. Acute. Merely sharp-pointed, or end- ing in a point less than a right angle. Adnate. Grown together. Akene = Achene. A small, dry, hard, i-celled, i-seeded indehiscent fruit. Alpine. Belonging to high moun- tains above the limit of forests. Alternate (leaves, branches). Singly at the stem-nodes. Ament = Catkin. A deciduous scaly spike of flowers. Angiosperms. The great group of seed plants with ovules (and seeds) inclosed by an ovary. Annual. Of only one year's duration. Anther. The part of the stamen which contains the pollen. Anthesis. The opening of the flower. Apetalous. Without petals. Apiculate. Tipped with a short and abrupt point. Appressed. Lying close and flat Arborescent. Treelike in size or form. Arcuate. Bent or curved like a bow. Aril. An appendage growing at or about the hilum of a seed. Aristate = Awned. Aristulate. Diminutive of aristate. Articulate = Jointed. Ascending. Rising gradually upward. Auricles. Earlike appendages. Auriculate. With earlike appendages. Awl-shaped. Sharp-pointed from a broader base. Awn. A bristle-like appendage. Awned. With an awn. Axil. The upper angle between a leaf and the stem. Axillary. Occurring in an axil. Axis. The central line of any body; the organ around which others are attached Barbed. With usually reflexed rigid points or short bristles like the barb of a fishhook. Barbellate. Finely barbed. Basifixed. Attached by the base. Beaked. Ending in a long narrow tip. Bearded. With long or stiff hairs of any sort; awns of grasses are some- times called beards. Berry. A fruit pulpy or juicy through- out, as a currant or a grape. Bi-. Two or twice. Bidentate. 2-toothed. Biennial. Growing from seed one year, then blooming and dying the next. Bifid. 2-cleft to about the middle. Bilabiate = Labiate. 2-lipped. Bipinnate = 2-pinnate. Pinnate, then each part again pinnate. Bipinnatifid = 2-pinnatifid. Pinnatifid, and then the parts again pinnatifid. Biternate = 2-ternate. With 3 main divisions each with 3 leaflets. Bladdery. Thin and inflated. Bract. A very much reduced leaf, specially one subtending a pedicel. Bractlet. A bract on the pedicel. Bristle. A stiff sharp hair or any very slender body of similar appearance. Bulb. A leaf bud with fleshy scales, usually subterranean. 239 240 GLOSSARY Bulbiferous. Producing bulbs. Bulblet. A small bulb. Bulbous. Bulblike in form. Caducous. Dropping off very early as compared with other parts. Caespitose. Growing in tufts. Callus. A hard protuberance; in grasses the tough swelling at the base of the lemma. Calyx. The outer set of floral en- velopes; when there is but i it is considered to be calyx. Campanulate. Bell-shaped Canescent. Grayish white with fine hairs. Capillary. Hairlike in form. Capitate. Collected into a headlike cluster ; headlike in form. Capsule. A pod; any dry dehiscent seed-vessel. Carinate. Keeled; furnished with a sharp ridge or projection on the lower side. Carpel. The pistil is composed of i or more modified leaves, each of which is a carpel. Carpous. Of or like a carpel. Caruncle = Strophiole. Catkin = Ament. Caudate. Tailed. Caudex. The persistent base of an otherwise annual herbaceous stem. Caulescent. Having an obvious leafy stem. Cauline. Belonging to a stem Cernuous. Nodding. Chaff. Small scales or bracts on the receptacle of Compositaceae; the glumes of grasses, etc. Chaffy. Furnished with chaff, or of the texture of chaff. Chartaceous. With the texture of paper or parchment. Ciliate. The edge with a fringe of hairs. Cinereous. The color of ashes. Circinate. Rolled inward from the end, like some umbrella handles. Circumscissile. Opening by a trans- verse circular line of division. Clavate. Shaped like a baseball bat. Claw. The narrow or stalklike base of some petals. Cleft. Separated by a sharp indentation half way to the mid-vein or base, or less. Club-shaped = Clavate. Coalescence. The union of parts or organs of the same kind. Cohesion. The union of one organ with another of like nature. Column. The united stamens, as in Malvaceae; or the stamens and pistils united into one body, as in Orchidaceae. Commissure. The plane of union of the two carpels in the Umbellaceae. Compound. A pistil composed of 2 or more carpels; a leaf divided into leaflets. Compressed. Flattened on two oppo- site sides. Cone = Strobilus. Congested. Crowded together. Connate. United or grown together from the first. Connective. The part of the anther connecting its two cells. Connivent. Converging, or brought close together. Contorted. Twisted together. Convoluted. Rolled up lengthwise. Cordate. Heart-shaped, with the notch basal. Coriaceous. Leathery in texture. Corm. A solid bulb. Corolla. The flowery envelope (usually showy) within the calyx. Corona = Crown. Corymb. A flat or convex flower cluster, with branches arising at different levels and blooming from the outside toward the center. Corymbose. Corymb-like. Costate. Ribbed. Cotyledons. The first leaves of the embryo. GLOSSARY 241 Creeping (stems). Growing flat on or beneath the ground and rooting Crenate. With rounded teeth. Crown. An appendage at the top of the claw of some petals. Crustaceous. Hard and brittle in tex- ture; crustlike. Cucullate. Hooded or hood-shaped. Cuneate = Cuneiform = Wedge-shaped. Cupule. A little cup; the cup of the acorn. Cuspidate. Tipped with a sharp and stiff point. Cymbiform. Boat-shaped. Cyme. Like a corymb, but blooming from the center outward. Cymose. Cyme-like. Deciduous. Applied to leaves which fall in autumn, and to a calyx and corolla which falls before fruit forms. Decompound. Several times com- pounded. Decumbent. Reclined on the ground, but the summit tending to rise. Decurrent (leaves). With bladelike extensions on the stem beneath the insertion, as in thistles. Decussate. In pairs which are suc- cessively alternate with each other. Deflexed. Bent downwards. Dehiscence. The natural opening of an anther or pod or other vessel. Dehiscent. Opening naturally. Deltoid. Shaped like the Greek letter A. Dentate. Toothed. Denticulate. Diminutive of dentate. Depauperate. Below the natural size. Depressed. Flattened, or as if pressed down from above. Di-. Two, or twice. Diadelphous (stamens). United by the filaments into two sets. Dichotomous. 2-forked. Dicotyledonous. Having 2 cotyledons. Dicotyledons. Plants which have 2 cotyledons. F. & R. EL. FL. l6 Didymous. Twin. Didynamous (stamens). 2 longer than the others. Diffuse. Spreading widely and irregu- larly. Digitate. Leaflets all borne on the apex of the petiole. Dimorphous. Of 2 forms. Dioecious = Dioicous. With stamens and pistils in separate flowers on different plants. Disk. The central region of a head of flowers, like the sunflower, as opposed to the ray or margin; a fleshy expansion of the receptacle of a flower. Dissected. Cut deeply into many lobes or divisions. Distichous. Two-ranked. Diurnal. Daily ; in 24 hours. Divaricate. Very widely divergent. Divided (leaves, etc.). Cut into divi- sions extending about to the base or the midrib. Dorsal. Pertaining to the back or outer surface of an organ. Drupaceous. Drupelike. Drupe. A stone fruit. Drupelet. Diminutive of drupe. Echinate. Armed with prickles. Elliptic = Elliptical. Oval or oblong, with the ends regularly rounded. Emarginate. Shallowly notched at the summit. Emersed. Raised out of water. Ensiform. Sword-shaped. Entire (foliar organs). The margin not at all toothed, notched, or divided. Ephemeral. Lasting for a day or less. Epigynous. Upon the ovary. Equitant. Leaves which infold each other in two ranks, as in Iris. Erose. As if gnawed. Evergreen. Holding the leaves over winter or longer until new ones appear. 242 GLOSSARY Excurrent. Projecting beyond the apex; or a tree trunk continued to the very top. Exserted. Protruding out of, as the stamens out of the corolla. Extrorse. Turned outward. Falcate. Curved like a hand sickle. Fascicle. A close cluster. Fascicled. Growing in a bundle or tuft. Fastigiate (branches). Close, parallel. Favose. Honeycombed. Fertile. Fruit-bearing; or pollen- bearing anthers. Filament. The stalk of a stamen; any slender thread-shaped append- age. Filiform. Thread-shaped. Fimbriate. Fringed. Flabelliform. Fan-shaped. Floccose. Composed of or bearing tufts of woolly or long and soft hairs. Foliaceous. Leaflike. Follicle. A simple pod, opening down the inner suture. Foveate. Deeply pitted. Foveolate. Diminutive of foveate. Free. Not united with any other parts. Fringed. The margin beset with slen- der appendages, bristles, etc. Fruit. The seed-bearing structure of a plant. Fugacious. Soon falling off or perish- ing. Fulvous. Tawny; dull yellow with gray. Fusiform = Spindle-shaped. Galea. A hooded or helmet-shaped portion of some perianths. Gamopetalous = Monopetalous = Sym- petalous. Petals united into one piece. Geminate. In pairs. Geniculate. Bent abruptly, like a knee. Gibbous. More swollen at one place or on one side than the other. Glabrate. Becoming glabrous with age, or almost glabrous. Glabrous. Smooth, having no hairs, bristles, or other pubescence. Gland. A secreting surface or struc- ture; any protuberance or append- age having the appearance of such an organ. Glaucous. Covered with a fine white powder that rubs off, like that on a fresh plum. Globose. Spherical or nearly so. Glochidiate (hairs or bristles). Barbed ; tipped with barbs, or with a double hooked point. Glomerate. Closely aggregated into a dense cluster. Glomerule. A dense headlike cluster. Glume. The chaff of grasses, in this book the outer husks or bracts of each spikelet. Gymnosperms. The great group of seed plants with ovules and seeds not inclosed in an ovary. Gynobase. An enlargement or pro- longation of the receptacle bearing the ovary. Gynoecium. The whole set of pistils. Habitat. Conditions under which a plant grows. Hastate. Like an arrowhead, but with the basal lobes pointing out- ward nearly at right angles. Hemi-. Half. Herb. A plant with no persistent woody stem above ground. Herbaceous. With the texture of common herbage; not woody nor leathery. Hermaphrodite (flower) = Perfect. Heterogamous. With 2 or more kinds of flowers as to their stamens and pistils. Hirsute. Hairy with stiffish or beard- like hairs. Hispid. Bristly ; beset with stiff hairs. GLOSSARY 243 Hispidulous. Diminutive of hispid. Hoary. Grayish white. Homogamous. A head or cluster with flowers all of one kind. Hooded = Hood-shaped = Cucullate. Hyaline. Transparent or nearly so. Hypogynous. Inserted under the pistil. Imbricate. Overlapping like shingles on a roof. Immersed. Wholly under water. Imperfect (flowers). Wanting either stamens or pistils. Incised. Cut rather deeply and irreg- ularly. Indehiscent. Not splitti-ng open. Indurated. Hardened. Inferior (ovary). Calyx grown fast to the ovary and thus apparently on it. Inflated. Turgid and bladdery. Inflexed. Bent inward. Inflorescence. The arrangement of flowers on the stem; the flower cluster as a whole. Infra-stipular. Below the stipules at base of petiole. Insertion. The place or the mode of attachment of an organ to its sup- port. Internode. The part of a stem be- tween two nodes. Interruptedly pinnate. Pinnate with small leaflets intermixed with larger ones. Introrse. Turned or facing inward or toward the axis of the flower. Involucel. An involucre of the second order. Involucrate. With an involucre. Involucre. A whorl or set of bracts around a flower or umbel or head. Involute. Rolled inward from the edges. Jointed. Composed of joints, or having joints in it. Keel. A projecting ridge on a surface, like the keel of a boat; the two an- terior petals in the Bean Family. Labiate = Bilabiate. Laciniate. Slashed ; cut into deep narrow lobes. Lanceolate. Lance-shaped. Lax. The opposite of crowded. Leaflet. One of the divisions or blades of a compound leaf. Lemma. The lower of the two bracts inclosing the flower in the grasses. Lenticular. Lens-shaped, both sides convex. Ligulate. Furnished with a ligule. Ligule. The strap-shaped corolla in many Compositaceae ; the little membranous appendage at the sum- mit of the leaf sheaths of most grasses. Limb. The blade of a leaf, petal, etc. Linear. Narrow and flat, the margins parallel. Lip. The principal lobes of a 2-lipped corolla or calyx; the odd and pe- culiar petal in the Orchidaceae. Lobe. Any projection or division (especially a rounded one) of a leaf, etc., especially when not extending more than halfway to the mid-vein or base. Loculicidal (dehiscence). Splitting down through the middle of the back of each cell. Lunate. Crescent-shaped. Lyrate. Lyre-shaped; an obovate or spatulate pinnatifid leaf with the end lobe large and roundish and the lower lobes small. Marcescent. Withering without fall- ing off. Membranous. With the texture of a membrane; thin and more or less translucent. Midrib = Mid-vein. The middle or main rib of a leaf. Monadelphous. Stamens united by their filaments into one set. 244 GLOSSARY Monocotyledonous (embryo). Having only one cotyledon. Monocotyledons. The great group of plants having only i cotyledon. Monoecious = Monoicous. With sta- mens and pistils in separate flowers on the same plant. Monopetalous (flower) = Gamopeta- lous. With united petals. Mucronate. Tipped with an abrupt short point. Mucronulate. Diminutive of mucro- nate. Multi-. Many. Muriculate. Rough with fine short hard points. Nectariferous. Nectar-bearing. Nerve = Vein. Node. The joints of a stem, from which the leaves arise. Nodose. Knotty or knobby. Nut. A hard and mostly one-seeded indehiscent fruit, as a chestnut, butternut, acorn. Nutlet. Diminutive of nut. Ob. Upside down. Obcompressed. Flattened the oppo- site of the usual way. Obcordate. Heart-shaped with small end basal. Oblanceolate. Lance-shaped with the tapering point basal. Oblong. Two to three times as long as wide, and more or less elliptic. Obovate. Inversely ovate, the broad end up. Obtuse. Blunt or round at the end. Ochroleucous. Yellowish white; dull cream-color. Ocrea. A sheathing stipule. Odd-pinnate". Pinnate with an un- even number of leaflets. Offset. Short branch next the ground which takes root. Opposite. Applied to leaves and branches when an opposing pair occurs at each node; to stamens when directly in front of the petals. Orbicular. Circular or nearly so in general outline. Oval. Broadly elliptical. Ovate. Shaped like the section of an egg with the broader end basal. Ovoid. A solid with an ovate sec- tion. Ovule. The body which becomes a seed after fertilization. Palate. A projection on the lower lip of a 2-lipped corolla closing the throat. Palet. The inner husk of grasses; the chaff or bracts on the receptacle of many Compositaceae. Palmate. Applied to a leaf whose leaflets or divisions or main ribs all spread from the apex of the petiole, like a hand with outspread fingers. Palmately lobed, cleft, parted, di- vided, etc. The varying depths of division of a palmate leaf. Panicle (inflorescence). An open clus- ter like a raceme, but more or less compound. Panicled = Paniculate. In panicles, or panicle-like. Papilionaceous. Butterfly-shaped; ap- plied to such a corolla as that of the pea. Papilla (papillae). A little nipple- shaped protuberance. Papillose. Covered with papillae. Pappus. The modified calyx limb in Compositaceae, forming a crown of very various character at the sum- mit of the akene. Parietal = Lateral. Attached to the walls, as of the ovary. Parted. Separated into parts almost to base. Pectinate. Pinnatifid or pinnately divided into narrow and close divi- sions, like the teeth of a comb. Pedicel. The stalk of each particular flower of a cluster. GLOSSARY 245 Pediceled. With a pedicel. Peduncle. A flower stalk, whether of a single flower or of a flower cluster. Peduncled. With a peduncle. Peltate. Shield-shaped; applied to a leaf, whatever its shape, when the petiole arises from the under surface. Pendulous. Somewhat hanging or drooping. Penta-. 5. Perennial. Lasting from year to year. Perfect (flower). Having both sta- mens and pistils. Perfoliate. Applied to a leaf through whose base the stem appears to pass. Perianth. The floral envelopes of the flower, especially when calyx and corolla cannot be distinguished. Pericarp. The wall of the ripened ovary, which in many cases is the wall of the fruit. Perigynium. The inflated sac which incloses the ovary in Carex. Perigynous (flower). Sepals and petals and stamens arising from the rim of a tube or cup surrounding the pistil or pistils. Persistent. Remaining beyond the period when such parts commonly fall. Petal. A corolla leaf. Petiole. The leafstalk. Petioled = Petiolate. With a petiole. Petiolulate. With a petiolule. Petiolule. The stalk of a leaflet. Pilose. Hairy with soft slender hairs. Pinnate (leaf). Leaflets along the main axis of the leaf. Pinnately lobed, cleft, parted, divided, etc. The varying depths of division of a pinnately veined leaf. Pinnately -veined. With secondary veins arising from a mid-vein. Pinnatifid. Pinnately cleft. Pistil. The seed-bearing organ of the flower. Pitted. Having small depressions or pits on the surface. Placenta. The surface of the ovary to which the ovules are attached. Plicate. Folded lengthwise into plaits. Plumose. Feathery; when any slen- der body is beset with hairs. Pluri-. Several, or many. Pod. Any sort of capsule. Poly-. Many. Polygamous. Having some perfect and some staminate and pistillate flowers on the same or on different individuals. Polymorphous. Of several forms. Polypetalous. With the petals dis- tinct. Polysepalous. When the sepals are distinct. Pome. A fleshy apple-like fruit, e.g., apple, pear, haw. Procumbent. Trailing on the ground. Produced. Extended or projecting farther than usual. Proliferous. A new branch arising from an older one, or one head or cluster of flowers from another. Prostrate. Lying flat on the ground. Pruinose. Covered with a powder resembling hoarfrost. Puberulent. Covered with almost im- perceptible fine and short down. Pubescence. Fine and soft hairs. Pubescent. With pubescence. Punctate. Dotted, either with minute holes or apparently so. Raceme. A flower cluster with one- flowered pedicels along the axis of inflorescence. Racemose. Bearing racemes; or raceme-like. Rachilla. The axis of a spikelet. Rachis. An axis bearing close-set organs; specially the axis of a spike. Radiate. Furnished with ray flowers. Radical. Belonging to the root, or ap- parently coming from the root. Ray. The marginal flower of a head or cluster when different from the 246 GLOSSARY rest, especially when ligulate; the branch of an umbel. Receptacle. The more or less ex- panded or produced end of an axis which bears the organs of a flower or the collected flowers of a head. Recurved. Curved outward or back- ward. Reflexed. Bent outward or back- ward. Regular (flower). All the parts of each whorl similar. Reniform. Kidney-shaped. Repand. Wavy-margined. Retrorse. Directed back or downward. Retuse. The apex slightly indented. Revolute. Rolled backward, as the margins of many leaves. Rhizome =Rootstock. A subterranean or creeping rootlike stem. Rib = Vein. Ringent. Gaping. Rootstock = Rhizome. Rosulate (leaves). In a rosette, or basal whorl. Rotate. Wheel-shaped. Rudimentary. Imperfectly developed, or in early stage of development. Rugose. Wrinkled, roughened with wrinkles. Runcinate. Coarsely saw-toothed or cut, the pointed teeth turned toward the base of the leaf, as in dandelions. Runner. A slender and prostrate branch rooting at the end or at the joints. Sac = Sack. Any closed membrane, or a deep purse-shaped cavity. Saccate. Sac-shaped. Sagittate. Arrowhead-shaped. Salver-shaped = Salverform. With a border spreading at right angles to a slender tube. Samara. A wing fruit, e.g., maple, ash, elm. Scabrous. Rough or harsh to the touch. Scale. A reduced leaflike body which is not green. Scape. A peduncle rising from the ground, naked or without ordinary foliage. Scapose. Scapelike; or with a scape. Scarious. Thin, dry, membranous, and not green. Scorpioid. Curved or circinate at the end. Scurf. Minute scales on the surface of many leaves. Scutellate. Saucer-shaped. Secund. One-sided, as where flowers, leaves, etc., are all turned to one side. Semi-. Half. Sepal. One of the leaves of which the calyx is composed. Septate. Divided by partitions. Septum (septa). A partition, as of a pod, etc. Sericeous. Clothed with satiny pu- bescence. Serrate. With margin cut into teeth pointing forward. Serrulate. Diminutive of serrate. Sessile. Without any stalk or petiole. Sheath. A tubular envelope, as the lower part of the leaf in grasses. Shrub. A woody perennial, smaller than a tree, usually with several stems. Silique. The pod of the Cruciferaceae. Silky. Glossy with a coat of fine and soft, close-pressed, straight hairs. Silvery. Shining white or bluish gray, usually from a silky pubescence. Simple. Of one piece; the opposite of compound. Sinuate. Strongly wavy. Sinus. The cleft or depression be- tween two lobes. Spadix. A flashy spike. Spathe. A bract which sheaths an inflorescence, specially a spadix. Spatulate. Shaped like a spatula, or druggist's spoon. Spicate. Spikelike ; in a spike. GLOSSARY 247 Spike (inflorescence). The flowers sessile on an elongated axis. Spikelet. A small or a secondary spike. Spindle-shaped. Tapering at both ends like a sweet potato. Spine. A sharp woody or rigid out- growth. Spinescent. Tipped by or degenerat- ing into spines or thorns. Spinose. Thorny. Spur. Any projecting appendage of the flower. Squarrose. Said of scales, leaves, etc., when they spread widely from the axis on which they are thickly set. Stamen. The pollen-bearing organ. Staminodium (staminodia). Abortive stamens or other bodies in the posi- tion of stamens. Standard. The upper petal of a pa- pilionaceous corolla. Stellate. Starlike; several similar parts radiating from a common center. Sterile. Barren or imperfect. Stigma. The region of the pistil which receives the pollen. Stipe. The stalk-like base of a pistil. Stipitate. Furnished with a stipe. Stipules. The appendages on each side of the base of some leaf petioles. Stolon. Trailing or reclined and root- ing shoots. Stoloniferous. Producing stolons. Strap-shaped. Long, flat, and narrow. Striate. Marked with slender longi- tudinal grooves or channels. Strict. Close and narrow; straight and narrow. Strigose. Beset with appressed, rigid bristles or hairs. Strobilus = Strobile = Cone. A cone- ike or headlike fruit, as in hop and pine. Strophiole. An excrescence or append- age at or about the hilum of a seed. Style. The beak-like prolongation of the pistil above the ovary, which bears the stigma. Stylopodium. An enlargement at the base of the style, found in Umbel- laceae and some other plants. Sub-. About, nearly, somewhat. Subulate. Awl-shaped. Succulent. Juicy or pulpy. Sucker. A shoot from subterranean branches. Suffrutescent. Slightly shrubby or woody at the base only. Superior (ovary). The ovary free from the calyx to its base. Suture. The line of junction of con- tiguous parts that seem to have grown together. Sympetalous. With united petals. Syngenesious. With stamens united by their anthers. Taproot. A stout vertical root which continues the main axis of the plant. Tawny. Dull yellowish with a tinge of brown. Tendril. A thread-shaped process used for climbing. Terete. Circular in cross section. Ternate. In 3's. Tetra-. 4. Tetradynamous. With four stamens longer than the other two. Thorn = Spine. Throat. The orifice of a gamopeta- lous corolla or calyx; the region between the tube proper and the limb. Thyrsus. A compact and pyramidal panicle. Tomentose. Clothed with matted woolly hairs. Tomentum. Matted woolly hairs. Toothed. Furnished with teeth of short projections of any sort on the margin; used especially when these are sharp, like saw teeth, but do not point forward. Torulose. Knobby; where a cylin- drical body is swollen at intervals. 248 GLOSSARY Tri-. 3. Trifid. 3 -cleft. Trigonous. 3-angled. Triquetrous. Sharply 3-angled; and specially with the sides concave. Truncate. Ending abruptly, as if cut off transversely. Tuber. A thickened portion of a sub- terranean stem or branch. Tubercle. A small excrescence. Tunicate. Invested with layers as an onion. Turbinate. Top-shaped. Turgid. Swollen; thick as if swol- len. Twining. Ascending by coiling round a support, like the hop. Umbel. The umbrella-like form of inflorescence. Umbellate. In umbels. Umbellet. A secondary or partial umbel. Unarmed. Destitute of spines, prickles, and the like. Uncinate. Hook-shaped; hooked at the end. Undulate. Wavy or wavy-margined. Unequally pinnate = Odd- pinnate. Unguiculate. With a claw or narrow base. Uni-. i. Unisexual. Having only one kind of sex organs; applied also to flowers having only stamens or pistils. Urceolate. Urn-shaped. Utricle. A small thin-walled one- seeded fruit. Valvate. Opening by valves; in the bud, meeting by the edges without overlapping. Valve. One of the pieces into which a dehiscent pod or any similar body splits. Veins. The fibrovascular strands or ribs of a leaf or other organ. Venation. The veining of leaves, etc. Ventral. Belonging to the anterior or inner face of an organ; the opposite of dorsal. Versatile (anther). Attached near the middle and turning freely on its support. Verticillate = Whorled. Vesicle. . A little bladder. Villous. Shaggy with long and soft hairs. Vine. Any trailing or climbing stem. Virgate. Wand-shaped, as a long, straight slender twig. Viscid. Glutinous, sticky. Wedge-shaped. Broad above and tapering by straight lines to a nar- row base. Whorl. A circle of leaves or other organs at a node. Whorled. Arranged in a circle. Wing. Any membranous expansion. Woolly. Clothed with long and tangled soft hairs. INDEX Family names both common and scientific are in SMALL CAPITALS. Otherwise, scientific names are in roman and common names are in italics. Abbreviations 5 Antennaria 223 Baneberry 97 Abies 31 Anthemis 230 Barbarea 112 Abronia 85, 86 Anthoxanthium 38 Barberry 102 Abutilon 151 Anthriscus 165 BARBERRY FAMILY 103 Acer 148 Antirrhinum 201 Barley 49 ACERACEAE 148 Ant-weed 207 Barnyard Grass 38 Acerates 181 Aplopappus 221, 222 Barren-wort 103 Achillea 230 APOCYNACEAE 181 Basket-grass 35 Achlys 103 Apocynum 181 Batrachium 100 Achyrachaena 225 Apple 133 Beak-rush 50 Aconitum 99 APPLE FAMILY 132 BEAN FAMILY 135 Acorus 51 Apricot 135 Bearberry 174 Actaea 97 Aquilegia 98 Bear Bush 169 Actinella 229 Arabis 115 Beard-grass 39 Adenocaulon 224 ARACEAE 51 Beardtongue 202 Adenostegia 208 Aragallus 141 Bear Grass 40, 54 Agastache 194 Aralia 162 Beckmannia 47 Agoseris 236 ARALIACEAE 162 Bedstraw 211, 212 Agrimonia 127 Arbutus 172 BEECH FAMILY 75 Agrimony 127 Arctium 234 Beggar-tick 228 Agropyron 48 Arctostaphylos 174 Bellflower 216 Agrostemma 90 Arenaria 94 BELLFLOWER FAMILY 216 Agrostis 39 Argentina 129 Bellis 222 Aira 41 Aristida 39 Bent-grass 39 AlZOACEAE 86 ARISTOLOCHIACEAE 79 BERBERIDACEAE 103 Alaska Cedar 31 Arnica 233 Berberis 103 Alchemilla 126 Arrhenatherum 41 Bergamot Mint 195, 196 Alder 74 Arrow-grass 35 Bergia 153 Alexanders 166 ARROW-GRASS FAMILY 35 Bermuda Grass 47 Alfalfa 137 Arrowwood 213 Berula 166 Alisma 36 Artemisia 231 Betula 74 ALISMACEAE 35 Artichoke 228, 234 BETULACEAE 73 Allionia 85 ARUM FAMILY 51 Bidens 228 Allium 55 Aruncus 127 Bilberry 175 Allocarya 188 Asarum 79 Bindweed 83, 182 Allotropa 170 ASCLEPIADACEAE 181 Birch 74 A Imond 134 Asclepias 181 BIRCH FAMILY 73 Alnus 74 Ash 178 Bird Beak 208 Alopecurus 39 Asparagus 62 BIRTHWORT FAMILY 79 Alumroot 121 Aspen 72 Bishop's-cap 122 Alyssum 108, 109 Asperugo 188 Bitter Cress 113 AMARANTHACEAE 84 Asphodel 54 Bitter Herb 179 Amaranthus 85 Aster 221, 223 Bitter-root 89 Ambrosia 226 Astragalus 141 Bittersweet 197 Amelanchier 133 Athysanus 109 Bitterweed 226 Ammannia 156 Atriplex 83 ,84 Blackberry 131, 132 Ammi 166 Aulospermum 166 Blackcap 132 Amsinckia AMYGDALACEAE 190 134 A vena Awns 127, 130, 43 131 Black-eyed Susan Black Haw 226 213 Amygdalus 134 Awlwort 109 Bladder Pod 114 ANACARDIACEAE 147 Azalea 173 Bladderwort 210 Anagallis 176 BLADDERWORT FAMILY 210 Anaphalis 223 Baby's Breath 122 Blade Grass 37 Andromeda 172 Baccharis 222 Bleeding-heart 105 Androsace 177 Baeria 229 BLEEDING-HEART FAM- Anemone 99 Bahia 229 ILY 105 Angelica 164 Balm 149, 193 Blepharipappus 225 Angiosperms 7, 34 BALSAMINACEAE 148 Blinks 88 Anogra 160 Balsamorhiza 227 Blite 84 Antelope Brush 126 Balsam-root 227 Bluebell 217 249 250 INDEX Blue-bottle 235 Blue Curls 194 California Poppy CALLITRICHACEAE 105 146 Chicory 236, Chimaphila 237 169 Blue-eyed Grass 66 Callitriehe 146 Chinophila 200 Blue Grass 45 Calochortus 60 Chinquapin 75 Bluejoint 49 Caltha 96 Chiretta 179 Blue Lips 202 Ca&rops 235 Chives 57 Bog Asphodel 54 Calypso 67 Chlorogalum 56 Bog Rosemary 172 Calyptridium 87 Chokecherry 135 Boisduvalia 158 Comas 61 Chorizanthe 79 Bolandra 119 Camassia 61 Chrysanthemum 231 Boltonia 222 Camelina 114 Chrysopsis 221, 222 Boneset 221 Camomile 230, 231 Chrysospleni um 119 BORAGE FAMILY Campanula 216 Chrysothamnus 221 BORAGINACEAB 187 CAMPANULACEAE 216 Chylisma 161 Boschniakia 209 Canada Thistle 234 Cichorium 237 Bouteloua 47 Canary-grass 38 Cicuta 165 Box Elder 148 Canbya 104 Cimifuga 98 Boykinia 120 Caracer-rooJ 209 Cinna 40 Brasenia 95 CAPER FAMILY 116 Circaea 161 Brassica 112 Capnorea 187 Cladothamnua 172 Bray a 108 CAPPARIDACEAE 116 Clammy-weed 116 Brevoortia 55 CAPRIFOLIACEAE 212 Clarkia 158 Briza 44 Capsella 109 Claytonia 87 Brome 46 Caraway 167 Cleavers 212 Bromus 46 Cardamine 113 Clematis 100 Brooklime 204 Carduus 234 Cleome 116 Brookweed 176 Carex 50 Clintonia 63 Broom 135 Carpet-weed 86 Clover 116, 136, 137, Broom-rape 209 CARPET-WEED FAMILY 86 138, 139, 140, 207 BROOM-RAPE FAMILY 209 Carrot 167, 168 Cnicus 234 Brown-weed 222 CARROT FAMILY 163 Cochlearia 109 Buckbean 180 Carum 167 Cockle 92 BUCKBEAN FAMILY 180 CARYOPHYLLACEAE 89 Cockle Bur 226 Buck- Brush 150 Cascara 149 Coelopleurum 167 Buckthorn 149 Cassiope 173 Coldenia 188 BUCKTHORN FAMILY 149 Castalia 95 Coleanthus 39 Buckwheat 80, 83 Castanopsis 75 Coleosanthus 221 BUCKWHEAT FAMILY 79 Castilleia 205 Collinsia 202 Bud-brush 232 Catabrosa 44 Collomia 184 Buffalo Bur 198 Catch- fly 90, 91 Colt's-foot 233 Buffalo-grass 44 Catnip 192 Columbine 98 Bugbane 95, 98 Cat's-ear 236 Columbo 180 Bugleweed 196 Cat-tail 34 Comandra 77, 78 Bugseed 84 CAT-TAIL FAMILY 34 Comarum 128 Bulrush 50 Caucalis 164 COMPOSITACEAE 218 Bunchberry 168 Caulanthus 110 COMPOSITE FAMILY 218 BUNCH-FLOWER FAMILY 53 Ceanothus 149 Conanthus 187 Bunch-grass 48 Cedar 29 Cone Bearers 7 , 29 Bunch Redtop 45 CELASTRACEAE 147 Cone-flower 226 Bupleurum 165, 167 Celtis 76 Cone Plant 170 flur C7oer 137 Centaurea 235 Conioselinum 164 Burdock 234 Centaurium 179 CONVALLARIACEAE 62 Burnet 130 Centunculus 176 CONVOLVULACEAE 182 Bur-reed 34 BUR-REED FAMILY 34 Century Cephalanthera 179 67 Convolvulus Coolwort 120, 182 121 fiuer awd ZJgps 201 Cerastium 93 Copper Bush 172 Buttercup 101, 102 CERATOPHYLLACEAE 95 Coptis 97 BUTTERCUP FAMILY 95 Ceratophyllum 95 Corallorhiza 69 Butterfly Tongue 208 Cercocarpua 131 Coral Root 69, 169 Butter head 231 Chaenactis 229 Cord Grass 47 Butter wort 210 Chaetochloa 38 Coreopsis 224 Chaffweed 176 Coriander 165 Cabbage 51, 110 Chamaebatiari a 126 Coriandrum 165 Cacaliopsis CACTACEAE 155 Chamaecy pari s Chaparral 30 150 Corispermum Corn 84 37 Cactus 155 Chelone 200 CORNACEAE 168 CACTUS FAMILY 155 CHENOPODIACEAE 83 Corn Cockle 90 Cakile 108 Chenopodium 83 Corn Salad 215 Calamagrostis 39 Cherry 135 Corn Spurry 90 Calamovilfa 39 Chess 46 Cornus 168 Calandrinia Chestnut Oak 75 Coronopus 111 California Laurel 104 Chickweed 92 , 93 Corydalis 106 California Lilac 150 CHICKWEED FAMILY 89 Cory 1 us 73 INDEX 251 Cotton Grass 50 Dog-tooth Violet 60 FAGACEAE 75 Cottonwood 73 Dogwood 168 Fagopyrum 80 Cotula 231 DOGWOOD FAMILY 168 Fairy Bells 63 Couch Grass 49 Douglas Fir 30 Fairy Cheeses 151 Cowbane 164 Douglasia 176 Fairy Paddle 51 Cow Herb 92 Downingia 217 F all Dandelion 236 Cow Parsnip 164 Draba 115 False Asphodel 54 Cowwheat 200 Dracocephalum 193 False Buckwheat 83 Crab 133 Dragonhead 193 False Bugbane 95 Crab Apple 133 Drop-seed 3( ), 40 False Flax 114 Crab-grass 38 Drosera 117 False Heather 222 Cranberry 174, 175, 213 DROSERACEAE 116 False Mermaid 147 CRASSULACEAE Crataegus 117 134 Drudeophytum Drummond Pink 166 92 FALSE-MERMAID FAMILY 146 Cream-cups 104 Dryas 127 False Oat 42, 43 Crepis 238 Drymocallis 130 False Solomon's Seal 63 Cress 108, 109, 111, Duckweed 51 Family Key 7-28 112, 113, 115 DUCKWEED FAMILY 51 Farewell-to-Spring 159 Crocidium 233 Dudleya 117 Fatsia 162 Crowberry 146 Dulichium 50 Fennel 164, 165, 230 CROWBERRY FAMILY 146 Fescue 45, 46 Crowfoot 100 Eatonia 44 Festuca 45 CRUCIFERACEAE 106 Echinochloa 38 Fever-bush 168 Cryptanthe Cuckoo Flower 189 113 Echinocystis Edible Thistle 216 235 Feverfew 231 Fiddle Neck 190 Cucumber 216 Eel-Grass 35 Field Sorrel 81 CUCURBITACEAE 216 Egg Plant 198 Figwort 200 Cudweed 224 ELATINACEAE 152 FIGWORT FAMILY 198 Currant 124, 125 Elatine 153 Filipendula 127 Cuscuta 182 Elder 148, 213 Fir 30, 31 Cut-grass 38 ELEAGNACEAE 156 Fire Crackers 55 Cymbalaria 199 Elecampane 224 Fireweed 158 Cymopterus 165 Eleocharis 50 Five-finger 126, 129 Cynaria 234 Elephant Trunk 208 Flag 51, 65 Cynodon 47 Eleusine 47 FLAG FAMILY 65 Cynoglossum 189 Elm 76 Flax 114, 144, 145 Cynomarathrum 165 ELM FAMILY 76 FLAX FAMILY 144 CYPERACEAE 50 Elymus 47 Fleabane 221-223 Cyperus 50 Emmenanthe 186 Flixweed 112 Cypripedium 67 Empetraceae 146 Floerkea 147 Cytisus 135 Empetrum 146 Flowering Fungus 171 Enchanter's Nightshade 161 Flowering Grass 55 Dactylis 44 English Ivy 162 Fool's Huckleberry 172 Daisy 222, 231 Epilobium 158 Fool's Onion 58 Dandelion 237 Epipactis 67 Forget-me-not 190 Danthonia 43 Eragrostis 44 Forsellesia 147 Darlingtonia 116 Eremocarya 188 Four-o'clock 85 Darnel 48 ERICACEAE 171 FOUR-O'CLOCK FAMILY 85 Dasiphora 126 Ericameria 222 Foxglove 199 Datura 198 Erigeron 221- -223 Foxtail 38, 39 Daucus 167 Eriodictyon 186 Foxtail Grass 39 Death Camas 55 Eriogonum 80 Fragaria 129 Deer Cabbage 180 Eriophorum 50 Franseria 226 Delphinium 98 Eriophyllum 229 Frasera 180 Dentaria 114 Eritrichium 189 Fraxinus 178 Deschampsia 42 Erodium 143 Fringe Cup 122 Devil's Club 162 Eryngium 163 Fritillaria 59 Dicentra 105 Eryngo 163 FUMARIACEAE 105 Dicotyledons 7 , 70 Eryptera 165 Digitalis 199 Erysimum 115 Gaillardia 229 Dimeresia 224 Erythronium 60 Galium 211 Diplacus 201 Eschscholtzia 105 Garrya 168 DIPSACACEAE 215 Eulophus 166 Gastridium 39 Dipsacus 216 Eupatorium 221 Gaultheria 173 Disporum 63 Euphorbia 145 Gaura 157 Distichlis 44 EUPHORBIACEAE 145 Gayophytum 161 Ditch-grass 34 Euonymus 147 Gentian 179 Dock 8( 1, 81 Eurotia 84 Gentiana 179 Dodder 182. 183 Evax 224 GENTIANACEAE 178 Dodecatheon 177 Evening Primrose 159, 160 GENTIAN FAMILY 178 Dogbane 181 EVENING-PRIMROSE GERANIACEAE DOGBANE FAMILY 181 FAMILY 156 Geranium 143 Dog Fennel 230 Everlasting 223 GERANIUM FAMILY 143 INDEX Germander 192 Helianthella 224 Indian Paintbrush 205 Geum 130 Helianthus 227 Indian Pipe 170 Giant Cedar 29 Heliotrope 188 INDIAN PIPE FAMILY 170 Gilia 183 Heliotropium 188 Indian Plum 134 Ginger 79 Hellebore 55 Indian Reed 40 Ginseng 162 Helleborine 67 Inula 224 GINSENG FAMILY 162 Hemicarpha 50 IRIDACEAE 65 Githopsis 216 Hemieva 120 Iris 65 Glaux 176 Hemitomes 170 Isopyrum 97 Glecoma 194 Hemizonella 225 Iva 225 Glehnia 166 Hemizonia 225 Ivy 147. 162, 194, 199 Globe-flower 95 Hemlock 31, 165 Globe Mallow 152 Hemlock Parsley 164 Jaumea 228 Glossary 239-248 Hemp 181 Jerusalem Artichoke 228 Glyceria 45 tfento 193 Johnson Grass 37 Glycyrrhiza 136 Heracleum 164 Joint Grass 38 Gnaphalium 224 Herald-of-Summer 159 JUNCACEAE 52 Goat Chicory 236 Heron's-bill 143 JUNCAGINACEAE 35 Goat's Beard 127 Hesperogenia 167 Juncoides 52 Godetia 159 Heteranthera 51 Juncus 52 Golden Aster 221, 222 Heterocodon 216 June Grass 44 Goldenrod 222 Heterogaura 157 Juniper 30 Golden Saxifrage 119 Heuchera 121 Juniperus 30 Gold Fields 229 Hieracium 238 Goldthread 97 Hierochloe 38 Kalmia 171 Gooseberry 124, 125 High-bush Cranberry 213 Kelloggia 211 GOOSEBERRY FAMILY 124 Hippuris 162 Kenilworth Ivy 199 Goosefoot 83 Hog Fennel 164, 165 Key to the Families 7-28 GOOBEFOOT FAMILY 83 Holcus 41 Kinnikinnick 174 Goose Tansy 129 Holodiscus 129 Knotweed 81, 82 Gonnania 118 Holy-grass 38 KNOTWORT FAMILY 94 Gorse 135 Homalocenchrus 38 Kochia 84 Grama Grass 47 Honeysuckle 214 Koeleria 44 GRAMINACEAE 36 HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY 212 Kunzia 126 Grape 150 Hookera 58 GRAPE FAMILY 150 Hop 76 Labrador Tea 172 GRASS FAMILY 36 Hop-clover 139 Lace Pod 115 Gross of Parnassus 123 Hop Sage 84 Lactuca 238 Gratiola 204 Hordeum 49 Ladies' Tresses 69 Grayia 84 Horehound 193, 196 Lady's Mantle 126 Greasewood 84 Horkelia 129 Lady's-slipper 67, 68 Greek Valerian 184 Hornwort 95 Lady's Thumb 82 Grindelia 223 HORNWORT FAMILY 95 Lagophylla Gromwell 191 Horse Mint 195 Lamium 193 GROSSULARIACEAE 124 Horse-radish 113 Lapsana 235 Ground Cherry 197 Hound's Tongue 189 Lappula 188 Ground Ivy 194 Howellia 217 Larch 32 Grove Lover 186 Huckleberry 172, 175 Larix 32 Gum-weed 223 HUCKLEBERRY FAMILY 174 Lark-spur 98, 99 Gutierrezia 222 Hulsea 229 Lasthenia 228 Gymnosperms 7, 29 Humulus 76 Lathyrus 142 Hutchinsia 109 LAURACEAE 104 Hackberry 76 Hydastylus 66 Laurel 104, 171 #oir Gross 41, 42 HYDRANGEACEAE 123 LAUREL FAMILY 104 f/oir Sedoe 50 HYDROCHARITACEAE 36 Laurentia 217 HALORAGIDACEAE 162 Hydrocotyle 165 Lavauxia 158 Hardhack 128 HYDROPHYLLACEAE 185 Layia 225 Harrimanella 171 Hydrophyllum 187 LEADWORT FAMILY 178 Haw 213 Hymenopappus 229 Ledum 172 Hawk's-beard 238 HYPERICACEAE 152 LEGUMINACEAE 135 Hawkweed 238 Hypericum 152 Leibergia 166 Hawthorn 134 Hypochaeris 236 Lemna 51 tfozeZ 73 Hypopitys 171 LEMNACEAE 51 tfeoJ-oZ/ 193 Hyssop 194, 204 Leptarrhena Heather 171, 173, 222 Leptaxis 119 HEATH FAMILY 171 Ida May's Fire Crackers 55 Leontodon 236 Hedera 162 ILLECEBRACEAE 94 Ixjonurus 193 //edpe Hyssop 204 tfedoe Mustard 111 Ilysanthes 200 Impatiens 148 Lepidium 111 Leptotaenia 165 #ed0e ATett/e 195 Imperata 37 Lesquerella 114 //edpe Parsley 164 Incense Cedar 29 Lettuce 238 Hedysarum 141 Indian Hemp 181 Leucocrinum 55 Helenium 229 Indian Millet 41 Lewisia 89 INDEX 253 Libocedrua 29 Maple 148 Mud Plantain 51 Licorice 136, 211 MAPLE FAMILY 148 Mudwort 199 Ligusticum 166 Mare's Tail 162 Muhlenbergia 39 Lilac 150 Marigold 96 Mulberry 76 Lilaea 35 Mariposa Lily 60 MULBERRY FAMILY 76 Lilaeopsis 165 Marrubium 193 Mullein 145, 201 LILIACEAE 55 Marsh Elder 225 Mullein Pink 92 Lilium 58 Marsh-locks 128 Munroa 44 Lily 58-62 Matricaria 230 Musk Flower 203 LILY FAMILY 55 Mayweed 230 Mustard 107, 110-112, Lily-of-the-V alley 62 Meadow Grass 44 115, 116 LlLY-OF-THE-VALLEY Meadow Parsnip 166 MUSTARD FAMILY 106 FAMILY 62 Meadow-rue 102 Myosotis 190 LlMNANTHACEAE 146 Medic 137 Myosurus 100 Limnanthes 147 Medicago 137 Myrica 73 Limnorchis 68 Melampyrum 200 MYRICACEAE 73 Limosella 199 MELANTHACEAE 52 Myriophyllum 162 LINACEAE 144 Melica 44 Linaria 201 Melic Grass 44 Nabalus 237 Linnaea 212 Melilot 137, 138 NAIADACEAE 34 Linum 144 Melilotus 137 Naias 35 Liparis 67 Melissa 193 Nama 185 Listera 69 Mentha 196 Narthecium Lithophragma MENTHACEAE 192 Naumburgia 176 Lithospermum 191 Mentzelia 155 Navarretia 183 Lloydia 56 MENYANTHACEAE 180 Neckweed 205 LOASACEAE 155 Menyanthes 180 Needle Grass 40 Lobelia 217 Menziesia 172 Nemophila 186 LOBELIACEAE 217 Menzies Pink 91 Nepeta 192 LOBELIA FAMILY 217 Mertensia 191 Nephrophyllidium 180 Lobularia 109 Mexican Hat 226 Neslia 109 Loco Weed 141 Microcala 179 Nettle 77 Locust 135 Micromeria 194 NETTLE FAMILY 76 Lolium 48 Micropus 223 Nicotiana 198 Lomatium 164, 165 Microseris 236 Nievitas 189 Lonicera 214 Milfoil 162 Nigger Thumb 226 Loose-strife 156 Milkweed 181, 182 Nightshade 161, 197, 198 LOOSESTRIFE FAMILY 156 MILKWEED FAMILY 181 Ninebark 128 LORANTHACEAE 78 Milkwort 145 Nipplewort 235 Lotus 140 MILKWORT FAMILY 145 Nit Grass 39 Lousewort 208 Mimulus 203 Nitrophila 83 Lovage 166 Miner's Lettuce 88 Nonesuch 137 Ludwigia 157 Mint 195, 196 Nothocalais 236 Luina 233 MINT FAMILY 192 NYCTAQINACBAE 85 Lungwort 191 Mirabilis 85 Nymphaea 95 Lupine Mistletoe 78, 79 NYMPHAEACEAE 94 Lupinus 137 MISTLETOE FAMILY 78 Lutkea 126 Mitella 122 Oak 75 Lychnis 92 Mollugo 86 Oat-grass 41, 43 Lycopersicum 197 Monarda 195 Oats 43 Lycopus 196 Moneses 169 Ocean Spray 129 Lygodesmia 237 Moneywort 176 Oenanthe 166 Lysias 67 Monkey Flower 203 OLEACEAE 178 Lysichiton 51 Monocotyledons 7, 34 OLEASTER FAMILY 156 LYTHRACEAE 156 Monolepis OLIVE FAMILY 178 Lythrum 156 Monotropa 170 Olsynium 65 MONOTROPACEAE 170 Onagra 159 MADDER FAMILY 211 Montia 88 ONAGRACEAE 156 Madia 225, 226 MORACEAE 76 Onion 56, 58 Madrona 172 MORNING-GLORY FAMILY Ookow 58 Madronella 195 182 Opuntia 156 Madwort 188 Morus 76 Orchard Grass 44 Mahala Mats 150 Mosquito-bills 177 Orchid 67 MALACEAE 132 Moss Gross 39 ORCHIDACEAE 66 Malacothrix 236 Motherwort 193 ORCHID FAMILY 66 Mallow 151, 152 Mountain Ash 133 Orchis 68 MALLOW FAMILY 150 Mountain Balm 149 Oregon Grape 103 Malva 151 Mountain Mahogany 131 Oreocarya 190 MALVACEAE 150 Mountain Rice 40, 41 OROBANCHACEAE 209 Malvastrum 151 Mountain Sorrel 80 Orobanche 209 Mamillaria 155 Mouse-ear 93 Orogenia 167 Manna Grass 45 Mouse-ear Cress 108 Orthocarpus 207 Manzanita 174 Mousetail 100 Oryzopsis 40 254 INDEX Osmaronia 134 PICKEREL-WEED FAMILY 51 Primula 176 Ovary Plants 7, 34 Pigeon-root 88 PRIMULACEAE 175 Owl-clover 207 Pigmy-weed 117 Prune 135 OXALIDACEAE 144 Pigweed 85 Prunella 193 Oxalis 144 PIGWEED FAMILY 84 Prunus 135 Ox-eye Daisy 231 Pimpernel 200 Pseudocymopterus 165 Oxycoccus 174 PINACEAE 29 Pseudotsuga 30 Oxvpolis 164 Pine 32, 33 Psilocarphus 224 Oxyria 80 Pineapple Weed 231 Psoralea 140 Oxytheca 80 Pinedrops 170 Pterospora 170 Oyster Plant 237 PINE FAMILY 29 Pterostegia 79 Pinesap 171 Pteryxia 167 Pachistima 147 Pinguicula 210 Ptilocalais 236 Pachylophus 160 PlNGUICULACEAE 210 Ptilona 237 Paeonia 96 Pink 92 Puccinellia 45 Paintbrush 205 Pinus 32 Pulsatilla 96 Panax 162 Piperia 68 Purple Marsh-locks 128 Panic-grass 38 Pipsissewa 169 Purple Mustard 110 Panicum 38 Piptocalyx 188 Purple-root 88 Papaver 105 Piscaria 145 Purple Star-grass 65 PAPAVERACEAB 104 Pitcher Plant 116 Purslane 87, 157 Parietaria 77 PITCHER-PLANT PURSLANE FAMILY 86 Parnassia 123 FAMILY 116 Pyramid Bush 128 Parrya 108 Parsley 164, 165 Plagiobothrys 189 Plains Mustard 107 Pyrola 169 PYROLACEAE 169 Parsnip 164, 166, 167 PLANTAGINACEAE 210 Pyrus 133 Partridge Foot 126 Plantago 210 Pasania 75 Plantain 36,51,210,211 Quaking Grass 44 Paspalum PLANTAIN FAMILY 210 Quercus 75 Pasque Flower 96 Platyspermum 109 Pastinaca 164 Platystemon 104 Rabbit Brush 221 Pea 142, 143 Platystigma 104 Radish 112 Peach 134 Pleuricospora 171 Rafinesquia 237 PEACH FAMILY 134 Pleuropogon 44 Ragweed 226 Pear 133 Plum 134, 135 Ragwort 233 Pearlwort 93, 94 PLTJMBAGINACEAE 178 Raillardella 233 Pearly Everlasting 223 Poa 45 Rainiera 233 Pectocarya 188 Pogogyne 193 Ramona 194 Pedicularis 208 Poison Ivy 147 RANUNCULACEAE 95 Pe-ik 227 Poison Oak 147 Ranunculus 101 Pellitory 77 Poke-berry 86 Raphanus 112 Peltiphyllum 119 POKEWEED FAMILY 86 Raspberry 131, 132 Penny cress 111 Polanisia 116 Rattlesnake Plantain 67 Pennywort 165 POLEMONIACEAE 183 Rattlesnake Root 237 Pentacaena 94 Polemonium 184 Rattleweed 141 Pentstemon 202 Polygala 145 Razoumofskya 78 Peony 96 POLYGALACEAE 145 Red Ant-weed 207 Peppergrass 111 POLYGONACEAE 79 Red Maids 87 Peppermint 196 Polygonum 81 Red-osier Dogwood 168 Peramium 67 Polypogon 39 Redroot 149 Peraphyllum 133 Pond-lily 95 Redtop 45 Petalostemon 136 Pondweed 35 Redwood 29 Petasites 233 PONDWEED FAMILY 34 Reed 44 Petrophytum 128 PONTEDERIACEAE 51 Reed Grass 39 Phacelia 186 Poorman's RHAMNACEAE 149 Phalaris 38 Weather-glass 176 Rhamnus 149 Phellopterus 167 Pop-corn Flower 189 Rhinanthus 201 Philadelphus 123 Poplar 72, 73 Rhododendron 173 Philotria 36 Poppy 105 Rhus 147 Phleum 41 POPPY FAMILY 104 Rhynchospora 50 Phlox 183 Populus 72 Rhysopterus 166 PHLOX FAMILY 183 Port Or ford Cedar 31 Ribes 124 Phoradendron 78 Portulaca 87 Rice Cut-grass Phragmites 44 Phyllodoce 173 Phyllospadix 35 PORTULACACEAE 86 Potamogeton 35 Potato 197 Rice-root 59 Rigiopappus Robinia 135 Physalis 197 POTATO FAMILY 196 Rock Cranberry 175 Physaria 114 Potentilla 129 Rock Cress 108, 115 Physocarpus 128 Powderhorn 93 Rock Pink 87 Physostegia 193 Prairie Clover 1 :i Romanzoffia Phytolacca 86 Prickly Lettuce 2:l> Tickseed 224 Valeriana 215 JFWe Sage 84 Tiger-lily 59 VALERIANACEAE 214 Whitlow-grass 115 Tillaea 117 Valerianella 215 Whorl-grass 44 Tillaeastrum 117 VALERIAN FAMILY 214 JFiW Ca&baoe 110 Timothy 41 Vancouveria 103 JFiM Cherry 135 Tissa 94 Velvet Grass 41 TFiW Cucumber 216 Toadflax 201 Velvet-leaf 151 TFiW Ginoer 79 Toad-lily 88 Venus' Looking-glass 216 IFiW Licorice 136 Tobacco 198 Veratrum 55 TFiW flye 47 Tobacco Root 215 Verbascum 201 JFitfou- 70-72 Tocalote 235 Verbena 192 WILLOW FAMILY 70 Tofieldia 54 VERBENACEAE 192 Willow-herb 158 TomatiUo 197 Vernal Grass 38 Wine Bush 222 Tomato 197 Veronica 204 TFi?i flattJe 201 Tule 50 Washingtonia 164-166 Yerba Santa 186 Tumbleweed 85 Water Celery 166 F Tumbling Mustard 111 Turkey Mullein 145 Water Cress 113 Water Hemlock 165 YEW FAMILY Youth-on-Age Turnip 112 Water Horehound 196 Turtlehead 200 Water-leaf 187 Zannichellia Twayblade 69 WATER-LEAF FAMILY 185 Zea Turin-berry 214 Water-lily 95 Zizia 166 Twin-flower 212 WATER-LILY FAMILY 94 Zostera Twin-leaf 63 Water Milfoil 162 Zygadenus THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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