GIFT OF Dean Frank H. Probert Mining Dept AMERICAN SCIENCE SERIES ADVANCED COURSE INORGANIC CHEMISTRY BY IEA REMSEN Professor of Chemistry in the Johns Hopkins University FIFTH EDITION, REVISED NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1899 MM* OEPI. QlffI DEAN FRANK H f DEPT. Copyright 1889, 1898, LLi V/t:/: HENRY HOLT'e v C ROBERT DRUMMOND, Printed by Electrotyper, D G. F, CLASS, NEW YORK. NEW YORK. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. IN the preparation of this book I have been much encouraged by the cordial reception which has been given my earlier text-books, both in this country and abroad.' While those earlier works are intended to form a series of which the present volume is the most advanced member, it has little in common with the lower mem- bers except the general method of treatment. An occa- sional paragraph from the "Briefer Course" has been incorporated, but the two books are quite distinct. In classifying the elements the periodic system has been adopted, and this has been pretty closely adhered to. In order to secure as logical treatment as possible it has been thought best not to give detailed descriptions of apparatus and specific directions for the preparation of substances, in the text proper. By avoiding these the attention can be better directed to the principles involved and a clearer conception of these principles will be formed, than when the attention is distracted by the reading of such details. On the other hand, full descriptions of apparatus and processes will be found in the Appendix ; and these, it is believed, will be of service to the teacher in the lecture-room, as well as to the student in the laboratory. The feature of the book which perhaps most distin- guishes it from others is the fulness with which general relations are discussed in it. Attention is constantly called to analogies between properties of substances and between chemical reactions, so that the thoughtful student will, it is hoped, be led to look upon the sub- stances and the reactions not as independent of one another, but as related in many ways, and thus forming iii ir PREFACE. parts of a system. All thinking chemists have no doubt at times an indistinct vision of a perfect science of Chemis- try yet to come, in which the relations of the parts will be clearly seen, and in which much that now appears of little or no importance will be recognized as significant. The subject cannot as yet, however, be treated as if that perfection had been reached. Much progress has been made of late years in the classification of the facts, and it is of prime importance to the student that general rela- tions should be pointed out for him as clearly as possible. Of course in the classification of facts the end is not reached. In every case of chemical action there are certain features which call for much deeper study than is usually given to them. For the most part chemists have been content to know what chemical changes take place when two or more substances are brought into action, and have paid much less attention to the accom- panying phenomena ; and yet it is evident that, in order to get a clear conception of the nature of the chemical act, it is necessary that we should learn all we possibly can in regard to that act. Of late years more and more attention has been given to the study of the phenomena accompanying chemical changes ; and a clearer view has been gained regarding chemical action. A great field of study is thus opened, which bears to the science of Chemistry as a whole somewhat the same relation that Physiology bears to Biology, while the study of chemical substances and their changes as usually carried on is in the same way the counterpart of Morphology. Neither of the parts taken separately is Chemistry in the fullest sense. It will never be pos- sible to study Chemistry without taking up and working with chemical substances ; but as knowledge grows, more and more attention will surely be given to chemical action. In this book considerable space is devoted to the discussion of the results obtained in the latter kind of study. Some, no doubt, will hold that even more prominence should have been given to this side of the subject. Indeed I shall be glad if some of those who use the book become interested in the new problems, PREFACE. V and go further into their study. It has not, however, appeared to me advisable, considering the purposes for which this book has been written, to discuss them more fully. The subject of the Constitution of Chemical Compounds receives a due share of attention. Constitutional for- mulas are not, however, used recklessly as though they were provided by nature ready-made ; but the effort is made to keep clearly in mind the facts which they ex- press so that they may be used intelligently. In this connection I may call special attention to the way in which the constitution of the so-called double salts of the halogens is treated. To those who have not care- fully looked into the evidence, the formulas used will perhaps appear too speculative. I should be sorry to err in this direction. For some time past the view put forward has seemed to me to be justified, and I find that others whose judgment I respect have held the same view at least in regard to some of the compounds in question. As, generally speaking, these compounds are treated inadequately, and as they are commonly regarded as inexplicable, I propose soon to present, in the proper place, the evidence upon which my present view rests, when it will, I think, be found that the evidence is fully as strong as that upon which our views concerning the constitution of most compounds are founded. IRA EEMSEN, BALTIMORE, March, 1889. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. THE call for a new edition of this book has given me an opportunity to make some desirable changes, and to correct those errors to which my attention has been directed by others or which I have myself discovered. The revision is based upon the labors of a very consid- VI PREFACE. erable number of readers who have given me the benefit of their criticisms, and I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all those who have aided me. Should any one using the new edition discover errors in it, I shall be thankful to be informed of the fact. It seems fair to say that I have heard only words of com- mendation in regard to the general plan and spirit of the book. IRA EEMSEN. BALTIMORE, Decembw 6, 1889. PREFACE TO FIFTH EDITION. DURING the eight years that have passed since the second edition of this book was published a number of minor corrections have been made in it from time to time. It has now, however, been subjected to a thorough revision, and it is hoped that this new edition will be found to contain everything that can fairly be looked for in a book of its size. A new Appendix has been added containing much information concerning the properties of a large number of compounds which are necessarily treated briefly or not at all in the text. It may not be inappropriate to mention the fact that the book has been well received not only in this country, but in England and, in Germany, a German translation having appeared shortly after the publication of the first American edition. IRA EEMSEN. BALTIMORE, February 21, 1898. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL CHANGE EARLIEST CHEMICAL KNOWLEDGE LAW OF THE INDESTRUCTIBILITY OF MATTER LAW OF DEFINITE PROPORTIONS LAW OF MULTIPLE PROPORTIONS THE ELEMENTS. PAGE Matter and Energy Chemical Change Physical Change Physics and Chemistry Earliest Chemical Knowledge Alchemy Chemistry as a Science Lavoisier's Work Law of the Inde- structibility of Matter Conservation of Energy Early Views regarding the Composition of Matter Elements Chem- ical Action Chemical Affinity Chemical Compounds and Mechanical Mixtures Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Chemical Changes Law of Definite Proportions Law of Mul- tiple Proportions Combining Weights of the Elements The Elements, their Symbols and Atomic Weights Symbols of Compounds Chemical Equations The Scope of Chemistry Chemical Action accompanied by other Kinds of Action, . . 1 CHAPTER II. A STUDY OF THE ELEMENT OXYGEN. Historical Occurrence Preparation Physical Properties Chem- ical Properties Burning in the Air and Burning in Oxygen Phlogiston Theory Lavoisier's Explanation of Combustion Kindling Temperature Slow Oxidation Heat of Combustion Heat of Decomposition Chemical Energy and Chemical Work-Oxides, 28 CHAPTER III. A STUDY OF THE ELEMENT HYDROGEN. Historical Occurrence Preparation Physical Properties Chem- ical Properties Comparison of Oxygen and Hydrogen, ... 40 vii viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. STUDY OP THE ACTION OP HYDROGEN ON OXYGEN. PAGB Burning of Hydrogen Method of Dumas Eudiometric Method Calculation of the Results obtained in exploding Mixtures of Hydrogen and Oxygen Determination of tho Volume of Water Vapor formed by Union of Definite Volumes of Hydrogen and Oxygen Heat evolved in the Union of Hydrogen and Oxy- gen Applications of the Heat formed by the Combination of Hydrogen and Oxygen Oxyhydrogen Light Velocity of Combination of a Mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen Sum- mary, 49 CHAPTER V. WATER. Historical Occurrence Formation of Water and Proofs of its Composition Properties of Water Chemical Properties of Water Water as a Solvent Solution as an Aid to Chemical Action Natural Waters What constitutes a Bad Drinking Water Purification of Water, 57 CHAPTER VI. CONSTITUTION OP MATTER ATOMIC THEORY ATOMS AND MOLECULES- CONSTITUTION VALENCE. Early Views The Atomic Theory as proposed by Dalton Use and Value of a Theory Atomic Weights and Combining Weights Molecules Avogadro's Law Distinction between Molecules and Atoms Molecular Weights Deduction of Atomic Weights from Molecular Weights Exact Atomic Weights determined by the Aid of Analysis Molecular Formulas Constitution Valence Replacing Power of Elements, ... 68 CHAPTER VII. OZONE ALLOTROPY NASCENT STATE HYDROGEN DIOXIDE. Occurrence Preparation Properties Relation between Oxygen and Ozone Ozone in the Air Allotropy Varying Number of Atoms in the Molecules of one and the same Element Nascent State Hydrogen Dioxide or Hydrogen Peroxide Properties Occurrence in the Air Characteristic Reactions Thermochemical Considerations, . ... 85 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER VIII. CHLORINE HYDROCHLORIC ACID. PAGE Historical Occurrence of Chlorine Preparation Weldon's Proc- essElectrolytic Process Properties Different Kinds of Action Chlorine Hydrate and Liquid Chorine Applications of Chlorine Hydrochloric Acid Historical Study of the Action of Hydrogen upon Chlorine Preparation Properties Chemical Action of Hydrochloric Acid, 96 CHAPTER IX. COMPOUNDS OP CHLORINE WITH OXYGEN AND WITH HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN. General Principal Reactions for Making Compounds of Chlorine with Hydrogen and Oxygen Chloric Acid Properties Hypochlorous Acid Chlorous Acid Perchloric Acid Gen- eral Compounds of Chlorine with Oxygen Constitution of the Compounds of Chlorine with Hydrogen and Oxygen Comparison of Chlorine and Oxygen, 113 CHAPTER X. ACIDS BASES NEUTRALIZATION SALTS. General A Study of the Act of Neutralization General Statements Definitions Comparison of the Reaction between Acids and Hydroxides, and between Acids and Chlorides Other Similar Reactions Distinction between Acids and Bases Metals or Base-forming Elements Constitution of Acids and Bases Constitution of Salts Basicity of Acids Acidity of Bases- Salts Acid Properties and Oxygen Nomenclature of Acids Nomenclature of Bases Nomenclature of Salts, 127 CHAPTER XI. NATURAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE ELEMENTS THE PERIODIC LAW. Historical Arrangement of the Elements Connection between the Position of the Elements in the Natural System and their Chemical Properties Plan to be followed, 147 CHAPTER XII. THE ELEMENTS OF FAMILY VII, GROUP B: FLUORINE CHLORINE BROMINE IODINE. General Bromine Occurrence Preparation Properties Chem- ical Conduct of Bromine Uses of Bromine Hydrobromic CONTENTS. PACK Acids Properties Compounds of Bromine with Hydrogen and Oxygen Compounds of Bromine and Chlorine Iodine Occurrence Preparation Properties Hydriodic Acid lodic Acid Iodine Pentoxide or lodic Anhydride Anhydrides, or Acidic Oxides Periodic Acid Periodates Constitution of Periodic Acid Constitution of lodic Acid and the Oxygen Acids of Bromine Compounds of Iodine with Chlorine Compounds of Iodine with Bromine Fluorine Occurrence Properties Hydrofluoric Acid Constitution of Hydrofluoric Acid and the Fluorides Compound of Fluorine with Iodine- Tabular Presentation of the Compounds of the Members of the Chlorine Family with Hydrogen, with Oxygen, with Hydrogen and Oxygen, and with One Another Relative Affinities of the Elements of the Chlorine Group Family VII, Group A . 160 CHAPTER XIII. THE ELEMENTS OP FAMILY VI, GROUP B : SULPHUR SELENIUM TELLURIUM. Introductory Sulphur Occurrence Extraction of Sulphur from its Ores Properties Uses of Sulphur Compounds of Sulphur with Hydrogen Hydrogen Sulphide, Sulphuretted Hydrogen Properties Action of Hydrogen Sulphide upon Solutions of Salts, Use in Chemical Analysis Hydrosulphides Hydrogen Persulphide Compounds of Sulphur with Members of the Chlorine Group Selenium Occurrence Properties Hydro- gen Selenide Tellurium Occurrence Properties Hydro- gen Telluride, 185 CHAPTER XIV. COMPOUNDS OF SULPHUR, SELENIUM, AND TELLURIUM WITH OXYGEN AND WITH OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN. Introductory Sulphuric Acid Pure Sulphuric Acid Tetrahy- droxyl Sulphuric Acid Normal Sulphuric Acid Disulphuric Acid, Pyrosulphuric Acid Sulphurous Acid Hyposulphurous Acid Thiosulphuric Acid Other Acids of Sulphur Per- sulphuric Acid Constitution of the Acids of Sulphur Com- pound of Sulphur with Oxygen Sulphur Dioxide Sulphur Trioxide Acid Chlorides of Sulphur Thionyl Chloride Sulphtiryl Chloride Chlorsulphuric Acid, or Sulphuryl- hydroxyl Chloride Compounds of Selenium and Tellurium with Oxygen and with Oxygen and Hydrogen Selenious Acid Selenic Acid Selenium Dioxide Acid Chlorides of Sele- nium Tellurious Acid Telluric Acid Oxides of Tellurium Sulphotelluric Acid Family VI, Group A . .206 CONTENTS. xi CHAPTER XV. NITEOGEN THE AIK ARGON. PAGE Nitrogen General Occurrence of Nitrogen Preparation Prop- erties The Air Analysis of Air Argon, 248 CHAPTER XVI. COMPOUNDS OF NITROGEN WITH HYDROGEN WITH HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN WITH OXYGEN, ETC. General Conditions which give Rise to the Formation of the Sim- pler Compounds of Nitrogen RelatioDs between the Principal Compounds of Nitrogen Ammonia Composition of Am- monia Ammonium Amalgam Metallic Derivatives of Am- monium Compounds and of Ammonia Structure of Ammoni- um Compounds Hydraziue Hydroxylamine Triazoic Acid Nitric Acid Red Fuming Nitric Acid Nitrous Acid Hy- ponitrous Acid Nitrous Oxide Nitric Oxide Nitrogen Tri- oxide Nitrogen Peroxide Nitrogen Pentoxide Structure of the Compounds of Nitrogen with Oxygen and Hydrogen Compounds of Nitrogen with the Elements of the Chlorine Group Compounds of Nitrogen with the Members of the Sulphur Group, 260 CHAPTER XVII. ELEMENTS OP FAMILY Y, GROUP B: PHOSPHORUS ARSENIC ANTIMONY BISMUTH. THE ELEMENTS AND THEIR COMPOUNDS WITH HYDROGEN. General Phosphorus Occurrence Preparation Properties Ap- plications of Phosphorus Compounds of Phosphorus with Hydrogen Phosphine, Gaseous Phosphuretted Hydrogen- Arsenic Occurrence Preparation Properties Arsine, Ar- seniuretted Hydrogen Antimony Occurrence Properties Applications of Antimony Stibine Methods of distinguishing between Arsenic and Antimony Bismuth Occurrence Com- pounds of the Members of the Phosphorus Group with the Members of the Chlorine Group Phosphorus Trichloride Phosphorus Pentachloride Arsenic Trichloride Compounds of Antimony and Chlorine Bismuth and Chlorine Double Salts, 294 CHAPTER XVIII. COMPOUNDS OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE PHOSPHORUS GROUP WITH OXYGEN AND WITH OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN. Introduction Phosphoric Acid, Orthophosphoric Acid Proper- ties Pyrophosphoric Acid Metaphosphoric Acid Phosphor- xii CONTENTS. PAGE ous Acid Hypophosphoric Acid Hypopliosphorous Acid- Phosphorus Peutoxide, Phosphoric Anhydride Phosphorus Trioxide or Phosphorous Anhydride Phosphorus Suboxide Phosphorus Tetroxide Constitution of the Acids of Phos- phorus Phosphorus Oxychloride Arsenic Acid Arsenious Acid Arsenic Trioxide Arsenic Pentoxide Sulphides Arsenic Disulphide Arsenic Trisulphide Arsenic Pentasul- phide Antimonic Acid Antimony Trioxide Salts of Anti- mony Antimony Tetroxide Antimony Peutoxide Antimony Trisulphide Antimony Pentasulphide Constitution of the Acids of Arsenic and Antimony Oxychlorides of Antimony Oxides of Bismuth Salts of Bismuth Bismuth Dioxide Bismuth Peutoxide Bismuth Trisulphide Bismuth Oxy- chloride Family V, Group A Vanadium Vauadic Acid Tantalum Columbium Didymium Boron General Oc- currence Preparation Properties Boron Trichloride Boron Trifluoride Boric Acid Salts of Boron Nitrogen Boride, . 321 CHAPTER XIX. CAKBON AND ITS SIMPLER COMPOUNDS WITH HYDROGEN AND CHLO- RINE. Introductory Occurrence of Carbon Diamond Graphite Amor- phous Carbon Coal Diamond, Graphite, and Charcoal are Different Forms of the Element Carbon Chemical Conduct of Carbon Compounds of Carbon with Hydrogen, or Hydrocar- bons. Conditions under which Hydrocarbons are formed Number of Hydrocarbons Homology, Homologous Series- Cause of the Homology among Compounds of Carbon Other Series of Hydrocarbons Marsh Gas, Methane, Fire-damp Ethylene, Olefiant Gas Acetylene Simpler Compounds of Carbon with the Members of the Chlorine Group, 357 CHAPTER XX. SIMPLER COMPOUNDS OF CARBON WITH OXYGEN, AND WITH OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN. General Relations between the Compounds of Carbon with Hy- drogen and Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Preparation Proper- tiesRelations of Carbon Dioxide to Chemical Energy Respiration Carbon Dioxide and Life Energy Stored up in Plants Carbonic Acid and Carbonates Carbon Monoxide Formic Acid Carbonyl Chloride, Phosgene, 376 CHAPTER XXI. ILLUMINATION FLAME BLOW-PIPE. COMPOUNDS OF CARBON WITH NITROGEN AND SULPHUR. Introduction Illuminating Gas, Coal Gas Flames Kindling Temperature of Gases Miner's Safety-lamp Structure of CONTENTS. xiii PAGE Flames Blow-pipe Causes of the Luminosity of Flames Bunsen Burner Compounds of Carbon with Nitrogen and with Sulphur Cyanogen Hydrocyanic Acid, Prussic Acid- Cyanic Acid Carbon Bisulphide Sulphocarbonic Acid, Thio- carbonic Acid Oxysulphides Sulphocyanic Acid Constitu- tion of Cyanogen and its Simpler Compounds, 394 CHAPTER XXII. ELEMENTS OP FAMILY IV, GROUP A : SILICON TITANIUM ZIRCONIUM CERIUM THORIUM. General Silicon Occurrence Preparation Silicon Hydride Titanium Zirconium Thorium Cerium Compounds of the Elements of the Silicon Group with those of the Chlorine Group Silicon Tetrachloride Silicon Hexachloride Silicon Tetrafluoride Constitution of Fluosilicic Acid Titanium Tet- rachloride Titanium Tetrafluoride Zirconium Tetrachloride Thorium Tetrachloride Thorium Tetrafluoride Compari- son of the Chlorides of Family IV with those of Fainity V Compounds of the Members of the Silicon Group with Oxygen, and with Oxygen and Hydrogen Silicon Dioxide Properties Uses Silicic Acid Polysilicic Acids Disilicic Acids Trisilicic Acids Titanium Dioxide Zirconium Dioxide Thorium Dioxide Silicides Family IV, Group B, . . . .409 CHAPTER XXIII. CHEMICAL ACTION. Retrospective Classification of Reactions of the Elements and Compounds Studied Kinds of Chemical Reactions Direct Combination Direct Decomposition Metathesis The Cause of Chemical Reactions An Ideal Chemical Reaction Influ- ence of Mass Reactions may be complete if one of the Prod- ucts formed is Insoluble or Volatile Thermochemical Study of Aflinity Value of Thermochemical Measurements Heat of Neutralization Avidity of Acids Other Methods for De- termining the Avidity of Acids Study of Chemical Decom- positions Dissociation Electrolysis Electrolytic Dissociation Relations between Specific Heat and Atomic Weights Ex- ceptions to the Law of Specific Heats Raoult's Method for the Determination of Molecular Weights Determination of the Extent of Dissociation of a Dissolved Substance, .... 426 CHAPTER XXIV. BASE-FORMING ELEMENTS GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. Introductory Metallic Properties Order in which the Base-form- ing Elements will be taken up Occurrence of the Metals Extraction of the Metals from their Ores The Properties of Xiv CONTENTS. PAGE! the Metals Compounds of the Metals Chlorides Forma- tion of Salts in General General Properties of the Chlorides The so-called Double Chlorides and similar Compounds of Fluorine, Bromine, and Iodine Different Chlorides of the same Metal Oxides Differen-t Oxides of the same Metal Hydroxides Decomposition of Salts by Bases Sulphides Hydrosulphides Sulpho-salts Nitrates Chlorates Sul- phatesCarbonates Phosphates Silicates, 455 CHAPTER XXV. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY I, GROUP B : THE ALKALI METALS : LITHIUM SODIUM POTASSIUM RUBIDIUM CvESIUM AKMONIUM. General Potassium Occurrence Preparation Properties Po- tassium Hydride Potassium Fluoride, Chloride, Bromide, Iodide Properties Applications Potassium Hydroxide Potassium Oxide Potassium Hydrosulpbide Potassium Sul- phide Potassium Nitrate Applications Gunpowder Potas- sium Nitrite Potassium Chlorate Potassium Perchlorate Potassium Periodate Potassium Cyanide Potassium Cyanate Potassium Sulphocyanate Potassium Sulphate Primary, or Acid, Potassium Sulphate Sulphites Carbonates Acid Potassium Carbonate Phosphates Potassium Silicate Rubi- dium Caesium Sodium Occurrence Preparation Proper- ties Applications Sodium Hydride Sodium Chloride So- dium Hydroxide Oxides Sodium Peroxide Sodium Sul- phantimonate Sodium Nitrate Sodium Sulphate Sodium Thiosulphate Sodium Carbonate Properties Applications The Le Blanc Process for the Manufacture of Sodium Carbon- ate Ammonia Process for the Manufacture of Soda Manu- facture of Soda from Cryolite Mono-Sodium Carbonate, Pri- mary Sodium Carbonate Sodium-Potassium Carbonate Phosphates Sodium Metaphosphate Di-sodium Pyro-anti- monate Sodium Borate Sodium Silicate Lithium Lithium Phosphate Lithium Carbonate Lithium -Chloride Ammo- nium Salts Ammonium Chloride Ammonium Sulphocyan- ate Ammonium Sulphide Ammonium Nitrate Ammonium Carbonate Sodium-ammonium Phosphate Reactions of the Members of the Sodium Group which are of Value in Chemical Analysis Flame Reactions and the Spectroscope, 482 CHAPTER XXVI. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY II, GROUP A : GLUCINUM MAGNESIUM CALCIUM STRONTIUM BARIUM [ERBIUM]. General Calcium Sub-Group Calcium Occurrence Prepara- tion Properties Calcium Chloride Calcium Fluoride Cal- cium Oxide Calcium Hydroxide Bleaching-powder Cal- CONTENTS. XV PAGE cium Carbonate Applications Calcium Sulphate Calcium Phosphates Calcium Silicate Glass Mortar Calcium Sul- phide Calcium Nitride Calcium Carbide Strontium Occurrence and Preparation Properties Compounds of Strontium Barium Occurrence and Preparation Properties Barium Chloride Barium Hydroxide Barium Oxide Barium Peroxide or Dioxide Barium Sulphide Barium Nitrate Barium Sulphate Barium Carbonate Phosphates of Barium Reactions which are of Special Value in Analysis Magnesium Snb-Group Gluciuum Occurrence and Prepara- tion Properties Compounds of Glucinum Glucinum Chloride Glucinum Hydroxide Glucinum Sulphate Glu- cinum Carbonate Weak Basic Character of Gluciuum Mag- nesium Occurrence Preparation Properties Applications Compounds of Magnesium Magnesium Chloride Mag- nesium Oxide Magnesium Sulphates Magnesium Carbonate Phosphates Borates Silicates Magnesium Silicide Re- actions of Magnesium Salts which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis Erbium General, 527 CHAPTER XXVII. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY III, GROUP A : ALUMINIUM SCANDIUM YTTKIUM YTTERBIUM SAMARIUM HELIUM. General Aluminium Occurrence Preparation Properties Applications Aluminium Chloride Chloroaluminates, or Double Chlorides of Aluminium and analogous Compounds Aluminium Hydroxide Aluminates Aluminium Oxide Aluminium Sulphate Basic Aluminium Sulphates Alums Potassium Alum, Potassium-Aluminium Sulphate Ammo- nium Alum, Ammonium-Aluminium Sulphate Sodium Alum Aluminium Silicate Kaoline Clay Ultramarine Por- celain Earthenware Reactions of Aluminium Salts which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis Other Members of Family III, Group A Scandium Yttrium Ytterbium Sa- marium, Terbium, and Gadolinium Helium The Boron- Aluminium Group in General 563 CHAPTER XXVIII. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY I, GROUP B : COPPER SILVER GOLD. General Copper General Forms in which Copper occurs in Nature Metallurgy of Copper Properties Applications Alloys Cuprous Hydride Cupric Hydride Cuprous Chloride Cupric Chloride Cuprous Iodide Cuprous Hydroxide Cu- prous Oxide Cupric Hydroxide Cupric Oxide Other Oxides of Copper -Cupric Sulphate Cupric Nitrate Cupric Arseuite Cupric Carbonates Cyanides of Copper Cuprous Sulpho- xvi CONTENTS. PAGE cyanate Cupric Sulphocyanate Cuprous Sulphide Cupric Sulphide Copper-plating Reactions which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis Silver General Forms in which Silver occurs in Nature Metallurgy of Silver Properties Allotropic Forms of Silver Alloys of Silver Argentous Chloride Silver Chloride, Argentic Chloride Silver Bromide and Iodide Application of the Chloride, Bromide, and Iodide of Silver in the Art of Photography Silver Triazoate Silver Oxide Other Oxides of Silver Sulphides of Silver Silver Nitrate, Argentic Nitrate Silver Cyanide Silver Sulpho- cyanate Berates of Silver Reactions which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis Gold General Forms in which Gold occurs in Nature Metallurgy of Gold Properties- Alloys of Gold Chlorides of Gold Chlorauric Acid Cyan- auric Acid Auric Hydroxide Gold Sulphide, 587 CHAPTER XXIX. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY II, GROUP B : ZINC CADMIUM MERCURY. General Zinc General Forms in which it occurs in Nature- Metallurgy Properties Applications Alloys Zinc Chloride Zinc Hydroxide Zinc Oxide Zinc Sulphide Zinc Sulphate Zinc Carbonate Reactions which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis Cadmium General Preparation and Properties Cadmium Sulphide Cadmium Cyanide Analyti- cal Reactions Mercury General Forms in which Mercury occurs in Nature Metallurgy of Mercury Properties Appli- cationsAmalgams Mercurous Chloride Mercuric Chloride, or Corrosive Sublimate Mercurous Iodide Mercuric Iodide Mercurous Oxide Mercuric Oxide Mercurous Sulphide Mercuric Sulphide Mercuric Cyanide Mercurous Nitrate Mercuric Nitrate Compounds formed by Salts of Mercury with Ammonia Reactions which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis, 616 ELEMENTS OF FAMILY III, GROUP B : GALLIUM INDIUM THALLIUM. General Gallium Compounds of Gallium Indium Compounds of Indium Thallium Compounds of Thallium, 635 CHAPTER XXX. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY IV, GROUP B: GERMANIUM TIN LEAD. General Germanium Tin General Occurrence Metallurgy Properties Applications Alloys Stannous Chloride Stan- nic Chloride Stannous Hydroxide Stannic Hydroxide Metastannic Acid Stannous Oxide Stannic Oxide Stannous CONTENTS. xvii PAGE Sulphide Stannic Sulphide Stannous and Stannic Salts Reactions which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis Lead General Forms in which Lead occurs in Nature Met- allurgy Properties - Applications Lead Chloride Lead Tetrachloride Lead Iodide Lead Hydroxide Oxides of Lead Lead Suboxide Lead Oxide Lead Sesquioxide Lead Per- oxide Red Lead, Minium Lead Sulphide Lead Nitrate Lead CarbonateLead Sulphate Reactions which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis Lanthanum Cerium Didymium, Praseodymium and Neodymium, 638 CHAPTER XXXI. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY VI, GROUP A. CHROMIUM MOLYBDENUM TUNGSTEN URANIUM/ General Chromium General Forms in which Chromium occurs in Nature Preparation Properties Chromous Chloride Chromic Chloride Chromous Hydroxide Chromic Hydroxide Chromic Oxide Chromic Sulphate Chrome-Alums Chromic Acid and the Chromates Potassium Chromate Po- tassium Bichromate Chromium Trioxide Relations between the Chromates and Dichromates Sodium Chromate and So- dium Dichromate Barium Chromate Lead Chromate Chromium Oxychloride, Chromyl Chloride Reactions which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis Molybdenum General Occurrence and Preparation Properties Chlorides Oxides Molybdic Acid and the Molybdates Lead Molyb- date Phospho-inolybdic Acid Tungsten General Occur- rence and Preparation Properties Chlorides Oxides Tungstic Acid and the Tuugstates Silico-tungstic Acids- Uranium General Occurrence and Preparation Properties Chlorides Oxides Uranous Salts Urauyl Salts Uranates, 657 CHAPTER XXXII. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY VII, GROUP A : MANGANESE. General Forms in which Manganese occurs in Nature Prepara- tion and Properties Manganous Chloride General Remarks concerning the Oxides Manganous Oxide Mnnganous Hy- droxide Manganous-manganic Oxide Manganic Oxide Mangenese Dioxide Manganites Weldou's Process for the . Regeneration of Manganese Dioxide in the Preparation of Chlorine Sulphides Mangauous Cyanide Mauganous Car- bonate Mangauous Sulphate Manganic Sulphate Manganic Acid and the Manganates Permanganic Acid and the Per- manganatesPotassium Permanganate Reactions which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis, 678 xviii CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXIII. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY VIII, SUB-GROUP A : IRON COBALT NICKEL. PAGK Oeneral Iron Introductory Forms in which Iron occurs in Nature Metallurgy Varieties .of Iron Steel Properties of Iron Ferrous Chloride Ferric Chloride Cyanides Potas- sium Ferrocyauide Ferrohydrocyaiiic Acid Ferric Ferro- cyanide, or Prussian Blue Potassium Ferricyauide Ferri- hydrocyauic Acid Ferrous Ferricyanide Nitroprussiates Ferrous Hydroxide Ferrous Oxide Ferric Hydroxide Fer- rous-ferric Oxide Soluble Ferric Hydroxide Ferric Oxide Ferrous Sulphide Ferric Sulphide Ferrous Carbonate - Ferrous Sulphate Ferric Sulphate Ferrous Phosphate Fer- ric Acid Iron Disulphide Iron Carbonyls Reactions which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis Ferrous Compounds Ferric Compounds Cobalt General Occurrence and Prep- arationProperties Cobaltous Chloride Cobaltous Hydrox- ide Cobaltous Oxide Cobaltic Hydroxide Cobalt Sulphide Cyanides Smalt Compounds of Ammonia with Salts of Cobalt Nickel General Occurrence and Preparation Prop- erties Alloys Other Applications of Nickel Nickelous Chloride Nickelous Hydroxide Nickelic Hydroxide Cyan, ides Reactions of Cobalt and Nickel which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis, 691 CHAPTER XXXIV. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY VIII, SUB-GROUP B: RUTHENIUM RHODIUM PALLADIUM. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY VIII, SUB-GROUP C : OSMIUM IRIDIUM PLATINUM. General The Platinum Metals Metallurgy Ruthenium Prop- erties Chlorides Oxides Osmium Preparation Properties Chlorides Oxides Rhodium Iridium Preparation Properties Chlorides Oxides Palladium Preparation Properties Palladium Hydrogen Chlorides Oxides Plati- num Preparation Properties Applications of Platinum Alleys of Platinum Chlorides Chlorplatinic Acid Cyanides Hydroxides and Oxides Sulphides Compounds with Am- monia The Platinum Bases, 719 APPENDIX I. CONTAINING SPECIAL DIRECTIONS FOR LABORATORY WORK. Introduction, 733 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER I. Chemical Change caused by Heat Chemical Changes can be effected by an Electric Current Mechanical Mixtures and! Chemical Compounds Other Examples of Chemical Action, . 784 CONTENTS. xix EXPEKTMENT8 TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTEB H. PAGE Preparation of Oxygen Measurement of the Volume of Gases Determination of the Amount of Oxygen liberated when a known Weight of Potassium Chlorate is decomposed Physical Properties of Oxygen Chemical Properties of Oxygen Oxy- gen 5s used up in Combustion The Products of Combustion weigh more than the Body burned, 740 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTEB III. Preparation of Hydrogen Something besides Hydrogen is formed Determination of the Amount of Hydrogen evolved when a Known Weight of Zinc is dissolved in Sulphuric Acid Hydro- gen is purified by passing through a Solution of Potassium Permanganate Hydrogen passes readily through Porous Vessels Diffusion Chemical Properties of Hydrogen Prod- uct formed when Hydrogen is Burned Reduction, .... 751 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTEB IV. Composition of Water Eudiometric Experiments Oxyhydrogen Blow-pipe, .../>. 760 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER V. Organic Substances contain Water Water of Crystallization- Efflorescent Salts Deliquescent Salts Purification of Water by Distillation 763 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTEB VI. Method of Dumas Method of Victor Meyer, 765 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER VH. Ozone Hydrogen Dioxide, 767 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTEB VIII. Preparation of Chlorine Chlorine decomposes Water in the Sun- light Chlorine Hydrate Formation of Hydrochloric Acid Preparation of Hydrochloric Acid 768 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER IX. Chloric Acid and Potassium Chlorate Perchloric Acid, .... 772 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER X. Neutralization of Acids and Bases ; Formation of Salts Study of the Products formed, . . 774 FOR CHAPTER XI., 776 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XII. Preparation of Bromine Hydrobromic Acid Iodine Iodine can be detected by Means of its Action upon Starch -paste Action of Sulphuric Acid upon Potassium Iodide lodic Acid, Hydrofluoric Acid, 776 XX CONTENTS. EXPERIMENTS~TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XIII. PAGE Properties of Sulphur Hydrogen Sulphide, 779> EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XIV. Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid Sulphurous Acid and Sulphur Dioxide Sulphurous Acid is a Reducing Agent Sulphur Tri- oxide, 781 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XV. Preparation of Nitrogen Analysis of Air, 784 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XVI. Preparation and Properties of Ammonia Ammonia burns in Oxy- gen Ammonia forms Ammonium Salts with Acids Compo- sition of Ammonia Preparation and Properties of Nitric Acid Nitric Acid gives up Oxygen readily, and is hence a good Oxidizing Agent Metals dissolve in Nitric Acid, forming Nitrates Nitrates are decomposed by Heat Nitrates are sol- uble in Water Nitric Acid is reduced to Ammonia by Nascent Hydrogen Nitrous Acid Nitrous Oxide Nitric Oxide Nitrogen Trioxide Nitrogen Peroxide, 78$ EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XVII. Phosphorus Phosphorus abstracts Oxygen from other Substances Phosphine Arsenic Arsine Marsh's Test for Arsenic Antimony Stibine Bismuth Phosphorus Trichloride Phosphorus Pentachloride, . 79ft EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XVIII. Phosphoric Acid Arsenic Acid Reduction of Arsenic Trioxide Sulphides of Arsenic Sulphides of Antimony Oxychlorides of Antimony Basic Nitrates of Bismuth Boron, 801 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XIX. Carbon Bone-black Filters Charcoal absorbs Gases Carbon combines with Oxygen to form Carbon Dioxide Carbon re- duces some Oxides when heated with them Hydrocarbons, . 80 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XX. Carbon Dioxide is formed when a Carbonate is treated with an Acid Preparation and Properties of Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide is given off from the Lungs Formation of Carbon- ates Preparation and Properties of Carbon Monoxide Carbon Monoxide is a Good Reducing Agent, 80S EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXI. Coal Gas Oxygen burns in an Atmosphere of a Combustible Gas Kindling Temperature of Gases The Blow-pipe and its Uses Cyanogen 807 CONTENTS. xxi EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXH. Silicon Silicon Tetrafluoride and Fluosilicic Acid Silicic Acid, . 810 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXIV. Chlorides, Bromides, and Iodides Hydroxides Sulphates Re- duction of Sulphates to Sulphides Carbonates, 812 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXV. Potassium Salts Sodium Salts 816 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXVI. Calcium Salts Magnesium and its Salts, 817 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXVII. Aluminium Chloride, a 818 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXVIII. Copper and its Salts Silver and its Salts, 818 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXIX. Zinc and its Salts Mercury and its Salts, 819 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXX. Tin and its Compounds Lead and its Compounds, 819 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXXI. Chromic Acid and the Chromates, 820 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXXII. Manganese and its Compounds, 821 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXXIII. Iron and its Compounds, 821 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXXIV. Platinum, 821 Conclusion, 821 APPENDIX II. Note Atomic Weights Melting-points and Boiling-points of the . Elements Melting-points, Boiling-points, and Solubilities of Inorganic Substances Weights of Gases at and 760 mm. Pressure Approximate Composition of a number of Alloys Freezing-mixtures Table of Weights and Measures Com- parison of the Twaddell Scale with the Baume and Gay-Lussac Scales, 823 A TEXT-BOOK OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. CHAPTER I. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL CHANGE EARLIEST CHEMI- CAL KNOWLEDGE LAW OF THE INDESTRUCTIBILITY OF MATTER LAW OF DEFINITE PROPORTIONS LAW OF MULTIPLE PROPORTIONS THE ELEMENTS. Matter and Energy. The sensible universe is made -up of matter and energy. It is difficult to give satisfactory definitions of either of these terms, but, in a general way, it may be said that matter is anything which occupies space, and energy is that which causes change in matter. It requires but little observation to show that there are many kinds of matter, and apparently many kinds of energy. As examples of the different kinds of matter we have the many varieties of rocks and earth, as granite, limestone, quartz, clay, sand, etc. ; the plants and their fruits ; the substances which enter into the composition of animals; and innumerable manufactured products. As examples of the different forms of energy, we have heat, light, motion, etc. Under the influence of the forms of energy the forms of matter are constantly undergoing change. Everywhere these changes are taking place. Changes in position and in temperature appeal most directly to our senses, and are most easily studied. But there are many other kinds of change which are of the highest importance. Thus there are electrical changes, manifestations of- which we see in thunder-storms ; there are magnetic changes which may be studied to some ex- tent by means of the magnetic needle ; and there are, further, what are called chemical changes which affect the composition of substances. (1) 3 " , INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Chemical Change. For the purpose of study it is con- venient to distinguish between two classes of changes in matter, the difference between which can best be made clear by means of examples. Consider the changes in- cluded under the head of fire. We see substances de- stroyed by fire, as we say. They disappear as far as we can determine by ordinary observation. When iron is ex- posed to the air a serious change takes place. It becomes covered with a reddish-brown substance which we call rust. If the piece of iron is comparatively thin, and it be allowed to lie in the air long enough, it is completely changed to the reddish-brown substance, and no iron as such is left. If the juices from fruits, as from apples, be allowed to stand in the air, they undergo change, becom- ing sour, and a somewhat similar change takes place in milk. If a spark be brought in contact with gunpowder there is a flash and the powder disappears, a dense cloud appearing in its place. In the changes referred to the substances changed dis- appear as such. After the fire, the wood or the coal, or whatever may be burned, is no longer to be found. The rusted iron is no longer iron. The gunpowder after the flash is no longer gunpowder. Changes of this kind in which the substances disappear and something else is formed in their place are known as cJiemical changes. Physical Change. There are many changes taking place which do not affect the composition of substances. Iron, for example, may be changed in many ways and still remain iron. It may become hotter or colder. Its position may be changed, or, as we say, it may be moved. The iron may be struck in such a way as to give forth sound. It may be made so hot that it gives light. When, for example, it becomes red-hot, it can be seen in a dark room. A piece of iron may be changed further by connecting it with what is known as a galvanic bat- tery. A current of electricity then passes through it, and we can easily recognize the difference between a piece of iron through which a current of electricit} r is passing and one through which no current is passing. The former when brought into certain liquids will at once change PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. 3 their composition, while the latter will not cause such change. Finally, when a piece of iron is brought in con- tact with loadstone, it acquires new properties. It now has the power to attract and hold to itself other pieces of iron. In all these cases, the iron is changed, but it re- mains iron. After the moving iron comes to rest, it is exactly the same thing that it was before it was moved. After the iron which is giving forth sound has ceased to give forth sound, it returns to its original condition. Let the heated iron alone, and it cools down, ceasing soon to give light, and presenting no evidence of being warm. Remove the iron from contact with the galvanic battery, and it loses those properties which are due to the current of electricity. In time, the iron which is magnetized by contact with the loadstone loses its magnetic properties. It then no longer has the power to attract other pieces of iron ; and does not difler from ordinary iron. While iron has been taken as an example, other sub- stances undergo similar changes. These changes which do not affect the composition of the substances are called physical changes. Physics and Chemistry. According to what has been said, we have two classes of changes presented to us for study : (1) Those which do not affect the composition of sub- stances, or physical changes. (2) Those which do affect the composition of sub- stances, or chemical changes. That branch of science which has to deal with physical changes is known as PHYSICS. And that which has to deal with chemical changes is known as CHEMISTRY. Everything that has to do with motion, heat, light, sound, electricity, and magnetism, is studied under the head of Physics. Everything that has to do with the composition of substances is studied under the head of Chemistry. It is, however, impossible to study these two subjects entirely independently of each other. When- ever a chemical change takes place, it is accompanied by physical changes ; and in order that the former may be clearly understood, a study of the latter is necessary. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Earliest Chemical Knowledge. Those substances which are most abundant and most widely distributed in nature were, of course, the first known and studied ; and the same is true of those chemical changes which occur most commonly and produce the most striking effects. Simply by observing those things which surround us and those changes in composition which take place naturally, a considerable amount of chemical knowledge might be gained, and indeed the earliest knowledge of chemistry was acquired in this way. It was not, however, until men came to experiment upon the substances which they found in nature, that knowledge of chemical changes made rapid progress. Since then an enormous amount of knowledge has been gained, and every year the stock is increased by new discoveries, until the field appears almost boundless. Alchemy. One of the first and one of the most power- ful incentives to experiment upon chemical substances was the desire to transform ordinary metals like lead into gold. As will be seen farther on, there was no good reason to suppose that transformations of this kind could not be effected, indeed there were good reasons for sup- posing them possible. For many hundred years men worked with this object in view, and, though they did not succeed in accomplishing that which they undertook, they did add greatly to our knowledge of the action of chemical substances upon one another, and they laid the foundation of what has since become the great science of chemistry. The work done by the alchemists was neces- sary to prove that the transformations of matter which they tried to effect cannot be effected. The problem which they tried to solve was strictly a chemical prob- lem, and the work they did was chemical work. Chemistry as a Science. While the alchemists accumu- lated a vast amount of knowledge of chemical facts, they did not, strictly speaking, build up the science of chem- istry. It was only when chemists came to study the facts in their relations to one another, and when they were en- abled to trace connections between them ; when they suc- ceeded in discovering that certain general truths hold LAVOISIER 8 WORK. 5 good for all cases of chemical action ; when, in short, the fundamental laws of chemical action were discovered it was then that knowledge became science. It is impossible to say definitely when chemistry became a science. From the unorganized state to the organized there was a gradual transition. But it is certain that the labors of the French chemist Lavoisier contributed largely to making chemistry what it is to-day, and it is common to refer to his work as the beginning of the science. Lavoisier's Work. What distinguished Lavoisier's work most markedly from that of his predecessors was the way in which he used the balance for the purpose of studying chemical changes. The balance had been used to a considerable extent by earlier workers and results of value had been reached by them, but Lavoisier suc- ceeded by means of it in explaining some important Chemical phenomena which had long been the subject of ^tudy. His first investigation, the results of which were published in 1770, was on the transformation of water into earth. It was generally believed that water is trans- formed into earth by boiling, because it was a matter of common observation that, whenever water is boiled for a time in a glass vessel, a deposit of earthy matter is formed. In order to decide whether such transformation takes place or not, Lavoisier boiled some water in a closed vessel which he weighed before and after the boil- ing ; and he found that the vessel decreased in weight by a certain amount. He also determined the weight of the deposit formed in the vessel and found that this was exactly equal to the loss in weight of the vessel. He also showed that there was just as much water after the experiment as before. He therefore concluded that what his predecessors had held to be a transformation of water into earth was nothing but a partial disintegration of the glass vessel caused by the action of the boiling water. What had appeared mysterious became clear and sim- ple. Having succeeded so well in this experiment, La- voisier proceeded to study other chemical changes in the same way, and soon he was able to give a perfectly satis- 6 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. factory explanation of the process of combustion which for a long time had been a subject of study. The ex- planation and the experiments which led to it will be taken up later. Suffice it to say here that the essential feature of the work consisted in the fact that the sub- stances which entered into action and those formed during the action were all carefully weighed, and it was found, in every case, that the weight of the substances formed was exactly equal to the weight of the substances which acted upon one another. Law of the Indestructibility of Matter. While, as has been stated, chemists before Lavoisier had used the balance, they do not appear to have been very strongly impressed by the importance of the weight of sub- stances. They seem tacitly to have held that matter can be destroyed. Lavoisier's work, however, showed that whenever matter apparently disappears, it continues to exist in some other form. If it were possible to an- nihilate matter or to call it into being, it would be of little or no value to weigh things. Innumerable experi- ments which have been performed since Lavoisier's time have confirmed the view that matter is indestructible. The first fundamental law bearing upon the changes in composition which the different forms of matter undergo is the law of the indestructibility of matter. While, if we think of it, we can scarcely conceive that this great law should not be true, we must not forget that the only way in which its truth could be established was by ex- periment. The law may be stated thus : Whenever a change in the composition of substances takes pt,ace the amount of matter after the change is the same as before the change. According to this, and assuming that the law has al- ways held good, it follows that the amount of matter in the universe is the same to-day as it has been from the beginning. Transformations are constantly taking place, but these involve no increase nor decrease in the total amount of matter. Conservation of Energy. Just as matter is neither cre- ated nor destroyed, so it has been made probable that COMPOSITION OF MATTER. 7 the total amount of energy is unchangeable. One of the greatest discoveries in science was the recognition of the fact that one form of energy can be transformed into others, and that in these transformations nothing is lost. We now know that for a certain amount of heat we can get a certain amount of motion, and that for a certain amount of motion we can get a certain amount of heat. We know that a similar definite relation exists between heat and electrical energy, and between these and chemical energy. We know, for example, that a definite amount of heat can be obtained by burning a definite amount of a given substance, and we know also that with a definite amount of heat we can produce a definite amount of chemical change. Modern investigation has shown that all the different forms of energy are convertible one into the other without loss. This great fact is generally spoken of as the law of the conservation of energy. Trans- formations of energy are taking place constantly, as transformations of matter are, but the total amount in each case remains the same. Early Views regarding the Composition of Matter. The fact that first impresses one in studying the various forms of matter found in the earth is their great variety. We find an almost infinite number of kinds of matter, and the question at once suggests itself, of what are these things composed? This question has long been asked, and it will be long before an entirely satisfactory answer is reached. Still, much more is now known in regard to the subject than was known in past ages, and some progress is constantly being made towards a solu- tion of the problem. At first, men attempted to answer the question, as they attempted to answer all important questions, by what is known as the speculative method ; that is to say, they took the facts, as far as they knew them, into consideration, and they endeavored by purely mental processes to furnish an explanation. They were on the whole much bolder in the use of the imagination than the scientific men of the present are, or rather they do not appear to have had as great respect for facts as men now have, and, as a consequence, we find that some 8 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. extremely curious speculations were indulged in. One of the most prominent views in regard to the composi- tion of matter was that put forward by Aristotle. Ac- cording to this view, all forms of matter are made up of four elements, earth, air, fire, and water ; and the vari- ous forms differ from one another in the proportions of these elements contained in them. Aristotle evidently had in mind the fundamental properties of the four ele- ments, rather than the elements themselves, and his idea was that these fundamental properties are found in dif- ferent proportions. Instead of meaning that water as such was contained in substances, he meant that the properties of cold and moisture were met with in sub- stances, and so on for the other elements ; fire repre- senting heat and dryness ; earth, cold and dryness ; and air, heat and moisture. Afterwards it was pointed out that besides the four fundamental properties represented by the four elements, each substance has a special prop- erty of its own which distinguishes it from all others. This was called the quinta essentia, or fifth essence, from which our modern word quintessence is derived. The four or five elements of the older philosophers were, as will be seen, imaginary things. They represented ideas rather than tangible substances. Elements. As experimenting upon chemical substances advanced further and further, the fact impressed itself more and more strongly upon investigators, that, of the large number of substances known, some can be con- verted into simpler ones by chemical action and some cannot. In other words, some substances like water can be broken down by various methods into two or more others of different properties, and these when brought together again under proper conditions form the original substance. In the case of water, the action of an electric current breaks it down or decomposes it, and two gases, hydrogen and oxygen, are formed from it. Elaborate experiments have shown that the weight of water decomposed is exactly equal to the weight of the hydrogen plus that of the oxygen obtained, and that when the hydrogen and oxygen are brought together ELEMENTS. 9 again under proper conditions exactly as much water is formed as was originally decomposed. It appears, there- fore, that water consists of at least two simpler sub- stances. A similar conclusion is reached by a study of by far the largest number of the substances with which we have to deal. On the other hand, no treatment to which hydrogen and oxygen have been subjected has, as yet, effected their decomposition. They can be made to combine with other substances, as, for example, with ^ach other, and thus form more complex substances, but noth- ing simpler than hydrogen has ever been obtained from hydrogen, and nothing simpler than oxygen has ever been obtained from oxygen. Whether the decomposition of these substances will ever be effected is a question which cannot be answered. All that we know is that at present they cannot be decomposed. We therefore speak of them as elements, meaning by the term, that, with the means now at the disposal of chemists, it is impossible to get simpler substances from them. There are at present about seventy substances known which are called ele- ments for the same reasons that hydrogen and oxygen are called elements. It is quite possible that the num- ber may be increased in the future, and it is also quite possible that the number may be decreased. New ele- ments will in all probability be discovered, and prob- ably some of the substances now included in the list of elements may eventually be shown to be capable of decomposition. The view at present held in regard to the forms of matter which go to make up that part of the universe which comes under our observation is that they are all composed of the seventy elementary substances. Many of them, like water, are composed of only two elements ; others of three ; and still others of four, five, six, and more ; but most of them are comparatively simple, and rarely does any one contain more than four or five ele- ments. Of the seventy elements known, only about twelve enter into the composition of most things with which we commonly have to deal. The others occur in .relatively small quantity. 10 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Chemical Action. In the last paragraph it was stated that most substances can be decomposed, and that under proper conditions the elements combine. We must now inquire more carefully into the meaning of these expres- sions. Among the elements are the well-known sub- stances lead, iron, and sulphur. If some finely divided iron is brought in contact with sulphur, apparently no action takes place. If the two are put in a mortar and mixed no matter how thoroughly, there is no evidence of action. The mixture has, to be sure, a different ap- pearance from that of either constituent, but still both substances are present, and can be recognized by various methods. If, for example, a little of the mixture is ex- amined with the aid of the microscope, particles of iron and of sulphur will be recognized lying side by side. If, further, the mixture is treated with the liquid, carbon disulphide, which has the power to dissolve the sulphur but not the iron, the sulphur will be dissolved while the iron will be left unchanged. Finally, if a dry magnet is introduced into the mixture, the iron will adhere to it, and by careful manipulation the two constituents can be separated. These facts furnish evidence that both iron and sulphur are present in the mixture in unchanged condition, just as sugar and sand are present in a mixture of these two substances. If now the mixture of sulphur and iron is heated in a dry test-tube, marked changes will take place, and there will be formed a black sub- stance entirely different from either of the elements em- ployed in the experiment. Carbon disulphide can no longer extract sulphur from it. The magnet can no longer pick out the iron, and under the microscope one homogeneous substance is seen instead of the two ele- mentary substances. If the experiment is performed with proper precautions, the amount of matter after the action will be found to be exactly the same as before the action. A serious change has taken place, but no change in the amount of matter. The act is one of chemical com- bination, and the substance formed is called a chemical compound. A few other examples will aid in making the conception of chemical combination clear. When a bit CHEMICAL ACTION AND AFFINITY. 11 of phosphorus is brought in contact with a little iodine action takes place at once ; the two elements combine, losing their own characteristic properties and forming a compound with properties quite different from those of the constituents. When the gases hydrogen and oxygen are brought together and a spark is passed through the mixture an explosion occurs, and, in place of the gases, the liquid, water, is formed. When sulphur burns in the air the product formed is a pungent gas. It has been shown that the act consists in the combination of the sulphur with the gas, oxygen, which is contained in the air. All these cases are examples of chemical combination. But chemical action may be of the opposite kind, that is to say, instead of being combination, it may be decomposition. Thus, water which is formed by the chemical combina- tion of hydrogen and oxygen may, by proper methods, be decomposed into the same elements. We may con- veniently think of that which causes elements to combine as an attractive force exerted between the elements. Now, when some power which can overcome this attrac- tion is brought to bear upon a compound, decomposition takes place, and the elements are, as we say, set free. When, for example, an electric current is passed through water, the power which holds together the hydrogen and oxygen is overcome and bubbles of the one gas rise from one pole of the battery and bubbles of the other gas rise from the other pole. This is a simple example of chemi- cal decomposition. Again, when the substance known as red oxide of mercury or mercuric oxide is heated to a sufficiently high temperature a colorless gas is given off from it, and globules. of mercury are formed at the same time. The gas, as will be shown later, is oxygen, so that from the red oxide of mercury, which is a chemical com- pound of mercury and oxygen, we get, by heating, the two elements in the free state. In this case, heat over- comes the chemical attraction which, in the compound, holds the elements together. Chemical Affinity. It is evident from what has already been said that there is some power which can hold sub- stances together in a very intimate way, so intimate that 12 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. we cannot recognize them by ordinary means. We do not know what causes the sulphur and iron to combine, but we do know that they combine. Similarly, we do not know what causes a stone thrown in the air to fall back again, but we know that it falls back. It is true we may say that the cause of the falling of the stone is the attrac- tion of gravitation, but this does not give us any real in- formation, for, if we ask what the attraction of gravitation is, we can only answer that it is that which causes all bodies to attract one another. We may also say, and do say, that the cause of chemical combination is chemical affinity. But in so doing we only give a name to something about which we know nothing except the effects it pro- duces. All the chemical changes which are taking place around us may, then, be referred to the operation of chemi- cal affinity. If this power should cease to operate, what would be the result? Nature would be infinitely less complex than it now is. All complex substances w r ould be resolved into the elements of which they are com- posed, and, as far as we know, there would be only about seventy different kinds of substances. All living things would cease to exist, and in their place there would be three invisible gases, and something very much like char- coal. Mountains would crumble to pieces, and all water would disappear giving two invisible gases. The pro- cesses of life in its many forms would be impossible, as, however subtle that which we cpll life may be, we cannot imagine it to exist without the existence of certain com- plex forms of matter ; and, as regards the life process of animals and plants, most complex chemical changes are constantly taking place within them, and these changes are essential to the continuance of life. Chemical, Compounds and Mechanical Mixtures. The substances formed by chemical combination of the ele- ments are called chemical compounds. Most substances found in nature are made up of several others. Wood, for example, is very complex, containing a large number of distinct chemical compounds intimately mixed together. Some of these can be isolated, but it is impossible to isolate them all wHh the* means at present at our com- CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS AND MECHANICAL MIXTURES. 13 mand. Most of the rocks met with are also quite com- plex, and it is difficult to isolate the constituents. If we look at a piece of coarse-grained granite, we see plainly enough that it contains different things mixed together, and if it be broken up we can pick out pieces of different substances from the mass. If we now examine a piece of each of the different substances thus picked out of the granite, it appears to be homogeneous, i.e. we cannot recognize the presence of more than one kind of thing in -any one piece. If the piece is carefully selected it may be powdered finely in an agate mortar, and some of the powder examined with a microscope without the presence of more than one substance being recognized. We are &ble to isolate three substances from granite by simply breaking it up and picking out the pieces of different kinds. We might therefore conclude that granite con- sists of three substances. This is true, but it is not the whole truth. For it is possible by proper means to get simpler substances from each of the three already sep- arated. This is, however, a much more difficult process than the separation first accomplished. To effect the sep- aration of each of the three constituents of granite into its elements requires more powerful means. Substances must be brought in contact with them which act upon them, changing their composition, i.e. act chemically upon them, and high heat must be used to aid the action. By skilful work it is, however, possible to separate the three components of granite into their elements. From the above it is evident that substances may be united in different ways. They may be so united that it is a simple thing to separate them by mechanical processes. Or they may be so united that it is impossible to separate them by mechanical processes. By a mechanical process is meant any process which does not involve the use of heat, electricity, or chemical change. Thus, the mechan- ical process made use of in the case of granite consisted in picking out the pieces. The separation of the parti- cles of different sizes by means of a sieve is a mechanical process. The separation of two liquids which do not mix with each other is a mechanical process. Complex sub- 14 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. stances which may be separated into their components by purely mechanical processes are called mechanical mix- tures. Thus granite is a mechanical mixture of three chemical compounds. Similarly, most natural substances are more or less complex mixtures of chemical com- pounds, or, much more rarely, of elements. Air, for ex- ample, is a mechanical mixture consisting mainly of the two elements nitrogen and oxygen. It is not always an easy matter to distinguish between mechanical mixtures and chemical compounds, as there are mixtures which it is extremely difficult to subdivide into their components, and there are, on the other hand, chemical compounds which are extremely unstable. Generally, however, the differ- ence is recognized without serious difficulty. Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Chemical Changes. In general there are two ways in which chemical changes may be studied. Substances may be brought together under a variety of conditions and, if action takes place, the properties of the product or products may then be studied and compared with those of the substances brought together. In the early periods of the history of chemistry the study was almost wholly of this kind. This is called qualitative study. But we may go farther than this, and take into consideration the weights or masses of the substances we are dealing with. We should then be studying the changes quantitatively. We have already seen that by means of the quantitative method Lavoisier placed the law of the % indestructibility of matter upon a firm basis, and that he also succeeded by the use of this method in explaining a number of important chemical changes, particularly combustion. By further use of this method other laws of the highest importance to the science of chemistry were soon brought to light. Law of Definite Proportions. The fact that sulphur and iron combine chemically when a mixture of the two is heated has been referred to. The question whether they combine in all proportions is one which can be answered only by a quantitative study of the process. If the pro- cess were to be studied for the first time the method of procedure would be this : We should mix the elements LAW OF DEFINITE AND OF MULTIPLE PROPORTIONS. 15 in different proportions and, after the action, we should determine whether any of either of the elements is left in the uncombined state ; and, further, by decomposing the product, we should determine whether it always contains the elements in the same proportions. The problem, in this case, is by no means a simple one, but it has been repeat- edly worked over with the greatest possible care, and, as the result of the work, the conclusion is justified that the product always contains the elements in exactly the same proportions. Similar work has been done for most other chemical compounds known, and the general conclusion known as the law of definite proportions has been drawn. This law may be stated thus : A chemical compound always contains the same constitu- ents in the same proportion by weight. The truth of this general statement or law has not al- ways been acknowledged by chemists. At the beginning of this century a celebrated discussion on the subject took place between Proust and Berthollet. The discussion led to a great deal of careful work which tended to con- firm the law, and since that time it has not been seriously doubted. About twenty years ago a Belgian chemist, Stas, by a long series of probably the most painstaking and accurate chemical experiments ever performed, showed that in the compounds which he worked with there was no variation in composition that could be detected by the most refined methods of chemistry. In the pres- ent state of our knowledge it appears that the law of definite proportions is a law in the strictest sense. Law of Multiple Proportions. It does not require a very extended study of chemical phenomena to show that from the same elements it is possible in many cases to get more than one product. Thus iron and sulphur form three distinct compounds with each other. Tin combines with oxygen in two proportions. The elements potassium, chlorine, and oxygen combine in four different ways, form- ing four distinct products. Nitrogen and oxygen form five products. In the early part of this century the Eng- lish chemist Dalton by a study of cases like those men- tioned was led to the discovery of another great law of 16 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. chemistry known as the law of multiple proportions* Many substances had been analyzed before his time, and the percentages of the constituents determined with a fair degree of accuracy. He examined, first, two gases, both of which consist of carbon and hydrogen. He determined the percentages of the constituents, and found them to- be as follows : Olefiant gas, 85.7 per cent, carbon and 14.3 per cent, hydrogen. Marsh gas, 75.0 per cent, carbon and 25.0 per cent, hy- drogen. On comparing these numbers, he found that the ratio of carbon to hydrogen in olefiant gas is as 6 to 1 ; whereas in marsh gas it is as 3 to 1 or 6 to 2. The mass of hy- drogen, combined with a given mass of carbon, is exactly twice as great in the one case as in the other. There are, further, two compounds of carbon and oxy- gen, and in analyzing these the following figures were obtained : Carbon monoxide, 42.86 per cent, carbon and 57.14 per cent, oxygen. Carbon dioxide, 27.27 per cent, carbon and 72.73 per cent, oxygen. But 42.86 : 57.14 :: 6 : 8 and 27.27 : 72.73 :: 6 : 16. The mass of oxygen combined with a given mass of carbon in carbon dioxide is exactly twice as great as the mass of oxygen combined with the same mass of carbon in carbon monoxide. These facts and other similar ones led to the discovery of the law of multiple proportions, which may be stated thus: If two dements A and B form several compounds with each other, and we consider any fixed mass of A, then the different masses of B which combine with the fixed mass of A bear a simple ratio to one another. By way of further illustration we may take the three compounds which iron forms with sulphur. In one of these, approximately 7 parts of iron are in combination with 4 parts of sulphur ; in a second, 7 parts of iron are in combination with 6 parts of sulphur ; and in the third, 7 of iron are in combination with 8 of sulphur. The figures COMBINING WEIGHTS OF THE ELEMENTS. 17 '4, 6, and 8 bear a simple ratio to one another which is 2:3:4. The five compounds of nitrogen and oxygen contain 7 parts of nitrogen combined with 8, 16, 24, 32, and 40 parts of oxygen respectively. The figures repre- senting the parts by weight of oxygen combined with 7 parts by weight of nitrogen are in the ratio 1:2:3:4:5. In the compounds formed by the elements chlorine, potassium, and oxygen the proportions by weight are represented in the following table : Chlorine. Potassium. Oxygen. 35.18 38.82 15.88 35.18 38.82 31.76 35.18 38.82 47.64 35.18 38.82 63.52 It will be observed that the ratio between the chlorine and potassium remains constant, but that the mass of oxygen varies regularly from 15.88 to 63.52 ; the masses bearing to one another the simple ratio 1:2:3:4. The law of multiple proportions like the law of defi- nite proportions is simply a statement in accordance with what has been found true by experiment. Although discovered by Dalton at the beginning of this century and put forward upon what appears now to be only a slight basis of facts, all work since that time has con- firmed it, and it forms to-day one of the corner-stones of the science of chemistry. Combining Weights of the Elements. A careful study of the figures representing the composition of chemical compounds reveals a remarkable fact regarding the rela- tive quantities of one and the same element which enter into combination with different elements. The propor- tions by weight in which some of the elements combine chemically with one another are stated in the following table : 1 part Hydrogen combines with 35.18 parts Chlorine. 1 " " " " 79.34 1 " " " " 125.89 35.18 parts Chlorine combine " 38.82 79.34 " Bromine " " 38.82 125.89 " Iodine " " 38.82 Bromine. Iodine. Potassium. 18 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 15.88 parts Oxygen combine with 64.91 parts Zinc. 15.88 " 15.88 " 15.88 " 64.91 Zinc 34.10 39.76 Magnesium Calcium 136.39 Barium 24.10 b9.76 Magnesium. Calcium. 136.39 Barium. 31.83 31.83 Sulphur. 31.83 " 31.83 It will be seen that the figures which express the rela- tive quantities of chlorine, bromine, and iodine that combine with 1 part of hydrogen also express the rela- tive quantities of these elements that combine with 38.82 parts of potassium. So also the figures which ex- press the relative quantities of zinc, magnesium, calcium, and barium that combine with 15.88 parts of oxygen also express the relative quantities of these elements that combine with 31.83 parts of sulphur. Now, an examination of all compounds known has shown that hydrogen enters into combination with the other elements in the smallest proportions ; it is therefore taken as unity in stating the relative quantities of the other elements which enter into combination. The weight of another element that combines with 1 part by weight of hydro- gen may be called its combining iveight. Thus, according to the above, the combining weights of chlorine, bromine, and iodine are respectively 35.18, 79.34, and 125.89. Similarly 38.82 is the combining weight of potassium, as it expresses the weight of potassium that combines with the above quantities of chlorine, bromine, and iodine. Thus for every element a number can be se- lected, such that the proportions by weight in which the element enters into combination with others can be con- veniently expressed by the number or by a simple multiple of it. These numbers are the combining weights. It is not by any means an easy matter to determine which numbers are most convenient for all circumstances ; and if the selection is to be determined solely by con- venience, there may be differences of opinion as to what is most convenient. We shall see a little later that, while the numbers primarily express the combining SYMBOLS AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF THE ELEMENTS. 19 weights and nothing else, and are based solely upon a study of the composition of chemical compounds, they have come to have a deeper significance which will be explained in due time. They are now called atomic iveights because for strong reasons they are believed to express the relative weights or masses of the minute in- divisible particles or atoms of which the various kinds of matter are assumed to be made up. The atomic theory, as it is called, will be treated of farther on, and the re- lation which exists between the theory and the figures called the atomic weights will be discussed at some length. For the present it will be best to use the figures as expressing the combining weights, and as being en- tirely independent of any speculations regarding the con- stitution of matter and the existence of atoms. The Elements, their Symbols and Atomic Weights. It has already been stated that there are about seventy elementary substances known, but that of these only a small number enter into the composition of common things to any great extent. It has been calculated that the solid crust of the earth is made up approximately as represented in the subjoined table : Oxygen 47.13$ Silicon 27.89$ Aluminium 8.13$ Iron... 4.71$ Calcium 3.53$ Magnesium 2. 64$ Sodium 2.68$ Potassium . 2.35$ While oxygen forms a large proportion of the solid crust of the earth, it forms a still larger proportion (eight- ninths) of water, and about one-fifth of the air. Carbon is the principal element which enters into the structure of living things, while hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen also are essential constituents of animals and plants. Nitrogen forms about four-fifths of the air. In representing the results of chemical action, it is con- venient to use abbreviations for the names of the elements and compounds. Thus, instead of oxygen we may write simply O ; for hydrogen, H ; for nitrogen, N ; etc. These symbols are used in expressing what takes place when sub- 20 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. stances act upon one another. Very frequently the first letter of the name is used as the symbol. If the names- of two or more elements begin with the same letter, this letter is used, and some other letter of the name is added. Thus, B is the symbol of boron, Ba of barium, Bi of bismuth ; C is the symbol of carbon, Ca of calcium, Cd of cadmium, Ce of cerium, Cl of chlorine, Cr of chromium, Cs of caesium, Cu of copper. In some cases the symbol is derived from the Latin name of the ele- ment. Thus, the symbol of iron is Fe, from the Latin ferrum; for copper Cu, from cuprum; for mercury Hg> from hydrargyrum; etc. The names themselves are formed in a variety of ways. Chlorine is derived from the Greek ^/Vc^po?, which means- yellowish-green, as this is the color of chlorine. Bro- mine comes from /?pc3/*o, a stench, a prominent charac- teristic of bromine being its bad odor. Hydrogen comes, from vdoop, water, and ysreiv, to produce, signifying that it is a constituent of water. Similarly nitrogen comes- from virpov, niter, and yeveiv, to produce, nitrogen be- ing one of the constituents of niter. Potassium is an element found in potash, and sodium is found in soda. Some elements have been named after the country in which they were first discovered. Thus we have gallium, discovered in France ; scandium, discovered in Sweden ; germanium, discovered in Germany. Tantalum was so called on account of the long-continued difficulties ex- perienced in isolating it when it was discovered. Colum- bium received its name from the fact that it occurs in the mineral columbite, and this owes its name to the fact that it was first found in the United States of America. Below is given a table containing the names of all the elementary substances now known, together with their symbols and atomic weights. The names of those which are most widely distributed, and form by far the largest part of the earth, are printed in SMALL CAPITALS. The names of those which are rare are printed in italics. SYMBOLS AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF THE ELEMENTS. 21 Element. Symbol. ALUMINIUM Al Antimony Sb Argon A Arsenic As Barium Ba Bismuth Bi Boron B Bromine Br Cadmium Cd Ooesium Cs CALCIUM Ca CARBON C Cerium Ce CHLORINE Cl Chromium Cr Cobalt.. Co Columbium Cb Copper Cu Erbium E Fluorine F Gadolinium Gd Gallium Ga Germanium Ge Glucinum Gl Gold An Helium He HYDROGEN H 'Indium In Iodine I Iridium Ir IRON Fe Lanthanum La Lead Pb Lithium Li MAGNESIUM Mg Manganese. . . , Mn Mercury Hg Atomic Weight. 26.91 119.52 (?) 74.44 Element. Molybdenum Neodymium Nickel NITROGEN . . . . Symbol. .... Mo .... Nd .... Ni N 136.39 Osmium.. Os 206.54 OXYGEN . o 10.86 Palladium.. Pd 79.34 111.10 Phosphorus Platinum .... P Pt 131.89 POTASSIUM. K 39.76 Pi~aseodymium. . . Pr 11.92 JiJiodium Rh 139.10 35.18 Rubidium Ruthenium .... Rb Ru 51.74 Samarium.. Sm 58.49 Scandium... Sc 93.02 63.12 Selenium SILICON .... Se Si 165.06 Silver Ag 18.91 SODIUM . .. Na 155.57 69.38 Strontium Sulphur . . .... Sr .. S 71.93 Tantalum Ta 9.01 Tellurium Te 195.74 Terbium. . Tr (?) 1.00 Thallium Thorium .... Tl Th 112.99 Thulium Tm 125.89 Tin Sn 191.66 Titanium Ti 55.60 Tungsten W 137 59 Uranium u 205.36 Vanadium .... V 697 Ytterbium Yb 24.10 Yttrium. .. Y 54.57 Zinc . ... Zn 198.49 Zirconium.. . ,. Zr Atomic Weight. 95.26 139.70 58.24 13.93 189.55 15.88 105.56 30.79 193.41 38.82 142.50 , 102.23 84.78 100.91 149.13 43.78 78.42 28.18 107.11 22.88 86.95 31.83 181.45 126.52 158.80 202.61 230.87 169.40 118.15 47.79 183.43 237.77 50.99 171.88 88.35 64.91 89.72 The symbols of the elements represent not only the names but relative quantities. Thus O stands for 15.88 parts by weight of oxygen ; N for 13.93 parts by weight of nitrogen ; and hydrogen being that element which enters into combination in the smallest relative quantity, it is taken as the basis of the system, or H stands for 1 part by weight of hydrogen. What the symbol O really means then is that the quantity of matter repre- sented by it is 15.88 times as great as the quantity of matter represented by the symbol H ; and the quantity of matter represented by N is 13.93 times as great as that represented by the symbol H ; and so on through the list. The figures do not represent absolute but relative masses. There are very serious difficulties encountered in determining the combining weights of the elements, and in regard to several given in the above table there is 22 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. considerable doubt as to the accuracy. Those of the ele- ments with which we most frequently have to deal have, however, been determined .with great care. Work in this field is being constantly carried on, and every year our knowledge in regard to the combining weights becomes more and more accurate. Symbols of Compounds. As the elements enter into combination in the proportion of their respective combin- ing weights or simple multiples of these weights, it is an easy matter to represent the composition of compounds by means of the symbols. Thus hydrogen and chlorine combine in the proportion of their combining weights to form the compound hydrochloric acid. The compound is represented by the symbol HC1, which signifies that the compound contains hydrogen and chlorine in the proportion of 35.18 parts of chlorine to 1 part of hydro- gen. So the symbol ZnO means a chemical compound consisting of 64.91 parts of zinc and 15.88 parts of oxygen ; HCN means a compound made up of 1 part of hydrogen, 11.92 parts of carbon, and 13.93 of nitrogen. Whenever the symbols of the elements are placed side by side with no sign between them, as in the above examples, the re- sulting symbol means that the elements are in chemical combination. But, as has been pointed out, elements may combine in more than one proportion. In one of the two compounds of carbon and oxygen the elements are combined in the proportion of their combining weights, and the compound is represented by the symbol CO ; in the other compound the elements are combined in the proportion of twice the combining weight of oxy- gen to the combining weight of carbon, and the com- pound is represented by the symbol CO 2 . The three compounds of iron and sulphur to which reference has already been made are represented by the symbols FeS, Fe 2 S 3 , and FeS 2 . The first represents a compound in which the elements are combined in the proportion of their combining weights, or 55.60 parts iron to 31.83 parts sulphur ; the second represents a compound in which the elements are combined in the proportion of twice the combining weight of iron (2 X 55.60 = 111.20 SYMBOLS OF COMPOUNDS- CHEMICAL EQUATIONS. 23 parts) to three times the combining weight of sulphur (3 X 31.83 = 95.49 parts) ; and the third represents a com- pound in which the elements are combined in the pro- portion of the combining weight (55.60 parts) of iron to twice the combining weight (2 X 31.83 = 63.66 parts) of sulphur. The four compounds of potassium, chlorine, and oxygen above mentioned are represented by the sym- bols KC1O, KC1O 2 , KC1O 3 , and KC1O 4 , the meaning of which will be clear from the explanation just given. By means of such symbols all chemical compounds can be represented, and they represent not only what elements are contained in the compounds, but in what proportions the elements are combined. They represent facts which have been determined by experiment. Knowing the act- ual weight of one constituent of any compound we can calculate by the aid of the symbol the actual weights of the other constituents and of the compound itself. Thus, if we know the actual weight of the chlorine con- tained in a quantity of potassium chlorate, KC1O 3 , we can calculate how much potassium and how much oxygen are contained in that same quantity, and also what the quantity of potassium chlorate is. Suppose, for example, we know that in a certain quantity of potassium chlorate there is contained 25 grams of chlorine, and it is desired to know how much potassium and how much oxygen there are in this quantity, and also what the quantity of potassium chlorate is. We know that the compound KC1O 8 is made up of 38.82 parts of potassium, 35.18 parts of chlorine, and 3 times 15.88, or 47.64, parts of oxygen, the whole making 122.28 parts. The solution of the following equations in proportion will give the quantities desired : 35.18 35.18 35.18 25 38.82 : weight of potassium ; 25 47.64 : " " oxygen ; 25 121.64 : " " potassium chlorate. Chemical Equations. In dealing with cases of chemi- cal action it is desirable to express by means of the symbols which represent the elements and compounds what takes place. In general, a chemical change is called 24 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. a chemical reaction, and these reactions are of three kinds : (1) Two or more elements or compounds may unite directly to form one product. This is called combination. The following examples will suffice. When mercury is kept boiling in the air for a time it becomes covered with a layer of a red substance which is a compound of mercury and oxygen represented by the symbol HgO. Magnesium burns in the air and forms the compound MgO. Hydro- chloric acid, HC1, combines directly with ammonia, NH 3 , and forms the compound known as ammonium chloride, NH 4 C1. Water, H 2 O, combines directly with lime or cal- cium oxide, CaO, to form slaked lime or calcium hydrox- ide, CaO 2 H 2 . To represent these facts, the symbols of the elements or compounds which act upon each other are written with a plus sign between them, and the sign of equality is written before the symbol of the product. The chemical equations which represent the above-men- tioned chemical reactions are : Hg +0 -HgO; Mg + O = MgO ; H 2 O + CaO = CaO 2 H 2 . In reading the equations the plus sign is generally ren- dered by and, and the sign of equality by give. The first equation should accordingly be read, " Mercury and oxy- gen give mercuric oxide ;" but it represents besides this fact the exact relations which exist between the quantities of the elements and the compound which take part in the reaction. (2) The second kind of chemical reaction is decomposi- tion or the opposite of combination. Examples are fur- nished by the decomposition of mercuric oxide into mer- cury and oxygen by heat ; of potassium chlorate into potassium chloride and oxygen by heat ; of water into hydrogen and oxygen by the electric current ; and of cal- cium carbonate or limestone, CaCO 3 , into lime or calcium oxide, CaO, and carbon dioxide, CO 2 , by heat. These re- actions are represented by the following equations : CHEMICAL EQUATIONS THE SCOPE OF CHEMISTRT. 25 HgO =Hg +0; KC1O 3 = KC1 + 3O ; H 2 = 2H +0; CaCO 3 = CaO + CO 3 . The expressions 3O and 2H mean respectively three times the combining weight of oxygen and twice the com- bining weight of hydrogen, the figure being generally used in this way when the element is not in combination. It is, however, sometimes written the same as if the ele- ment were in combination, as will be explained later. (3) The third kind of chemical reaction is that in which two or more compounds give rise to the formation of two or more others ; or an element and a compound may act in such a way as to give another compound and another element. This is called double decomposition or metathesis. The following cases will serve as exam- ples : Sulphuric acid, H 2 SO 4 , acts upon potassium nitrate, KNO 3 , or saltpeter, forming potassium sulphate, K 2 SO 4 , and nitric acid, HNO 3 ; nitric acid, HNO 3 , acts upon sodium carbonate, Na 2 CO 3 , forming sodium nitrate, NaNO 3 , carbon dioxide, CO 2 , and water, H 2 O ; hydro- chloric acid, HC1, and zinc, Zn, give zinc chloride, ZnCl 2 , and hydrogen. These facts are represented as below : H 2 S0 4 + 2KN0 3 = K 2 SO 4 + 2HNO 3 ; 2HN0 3 + Na 2 C0 3 = 2NaNO 3 + CO 2 + H 2 O ; 2HC1 +Zn =ZnCl 2 +2H. In the expressions 2KNO 3 , 2HNO 3 , 2NaNO 3 , and 2HC1, the large figures placed before the symbol of the com- pounds signify that the quantities of the compounds repre- sented by the symbol are to be multiplied by the figure. Thus, HC1 stands for 1 + 35.18 = 36.1.8 parts of hydro- chloric acid ; but 2HC1 stands for 2(1 + 35.18) = 72.36 parts ; 3HC1 stands for 3(1 + 35.18) = 108.54 parts ; etc. The Scope of Chemistry. A complete study of chem- istry would involve the study of the action of all the elements upon one another under all possible circum- stances, and a study of the action of all compounds upon one another and upon the elements under all cir- 26 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. cumstances. This indicates that the field is almost boundless ; and if the facts were not related among one another, if every time a reaction is studied we are to ex- pect something entirely different from all other reactions, the task would be practically hopeless. Fortunately a great many general facts are known, and reactions which at first seem to have no connection are by careful study shown to be related. Thus the study is very much sim- plified and made interesting. It must be our purpose to study the facts in as systematic a way as possible, and to be constantly on the alert to detect relations. The habit of comparing a new reaction with others already studied should be cultivated. In this way light will come out of the darkness, and the subject will gradually become clear. While the simplest way to begin the study of chemistry is by a consideration of the elements, the subject is com- plicated by the fact that we cannot readily obtain these elements without the aid of substances which have not been studied, and of processes which are incomprehen- sible. There are, however, two elements that occur in nature in enormous quantities, that can be obtained in the iincombined condition quite easily. As the kinds of action which they exhibit are of great importance and well calculated to give an insight into the nature of chemical action in general, we may profitably begin our study of chemical phenomena by a study of these two elements. They are oxygen and hydrogen. In learning the main facts in regard to these two elements we shall learn a great deal that will be of importance in enabling us to understand other chemical phenomena ; we shall begin to learn how to study things chemically ; and we shall thus prepare ourselves for a systematic study of the science of chemistry. Chemical Action accompanied by other kinds ol Action. Whenever a chemical change takes place it is accom- panied by other changes and, in order to gain a com- plete knowledge of the phenomenon, these other changes must be studied. Thus when sulphuric acid acts upon zinc the chemical change is represented both qualitatively and quantitatively by the equation CHEMICAL REACTIONS. 21 Zn + H 2 SO 4 = ZnSO 4 + 2H. In studying the reaction, the first thing to do is to learn the nature of the substances formed, and the relations between the substances which act upon each other and the products. This may be called the purely chemical study of the reaction. But much more can be learned in regard to it by careful observation. In the first place, we must take into account the fact that a solid and liquid here react to form a solid and a gas ; and the ques- tion suggests itself, does this change to the gaseous con- dition exert any influence on the reaction, or is this a fact of no special importance ? Again, it will be observed that accompanying the chemical change there is a marked rise in temperature, and we naturally inquire whether the quantity of heat evolved is* definite for definite quantities of the substances, and, if so, what relation exists be- tween them. There are still other changes which must be taken into account in order to get a complete knowledge of a chemical reaction, but, as yet, the study of the other changes has not been taken up in a general way, and our information in regard to them is comparatively limited. Within late years much progress has been made in the study of the heat changes which accompany chemical changes. It has been found that every chemical change gives rise either to an evolution or to an absorption of heat, and that for definite quantities of the same sub- stances under the same circumstances the same amount of heat is evolved or absorbed. The special study of the heat changes connected with chemical changes is called thermochemistry. A consideration of the facts and laws of thermochemistry is of assistance in dealing with chemi- cal reactions, and some attention will be paid to the sub- ject in this book. CHAPTER II. A STUDY OF THE ELEMENT OXYGEN. Historical. The older chemists considered air to be a simple substance, but the experiments of Priestley (1774) and Scheele (1775) showed that the air contains two gases only one of which has the power to support combustion ; and they succeeded independently of each other in show- ing that oxygen is a distinct substance. The discovery of oxygen had a very important bearing on the work of Lavoisier on combustion, and it was he who gave the name oxygen (or oxygene) to the gas, for the reason that he supposed it to be the essential constituent of all those chemical substances which are known as acids, the word being derived from the Greek ogvcr, acid, and yeveiv, to produce. While this is generally true, it has since been found that there are other elements which have the power to give acid properties to the substances into the composition of which they enter, and, therefore, the name is misleading. Occurrence. Oxygen is the most widely distributed and most abundant element of the earth. It forms, as has been stated, about 47 per cent of the solid crust of the earth ; eight-ninths of water ; and about one-fifth of the air. It occurs also in combination with carbon and hydrogen, or with carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen in the substances which go to make up the structure of liv- ing things, whether vegetable or animal. Besides this it forms a part of most manufactured chemical products. Preparation. Notwithstanding the abundant supply of oxygen in nature it is not a simple matter to get it in the free or uncombined state from most substances found in nature. As it forms eight-ninths of water, and water consists of only hydrogen and oxygen, the idea suggests itself at once that it may be made by the decomposition (28) OXYGEN PREPARATION. 29 of water. This can be accomplished without serious difficulty by means of an electric current, and both hy- drogen and oxygen obtained in this way ; but the method is expensive and more complicated than others which are available, and therefore it is not commonly used for the purpose. In the air the two gases nitrogen and oxygen are mixed together in the proportion of 1 volume of oxygen to 4 volumes of nitrogen. Here then, too, as in water, we have an enormous supply, but it is difficult to separate the oxygen from the nitrogen in such a way as to leave it uncombined. This can, however, be accom- plished, and a method is now in practical use on the large scale for the purpose of preparing oxygen from the air. The method is based upon the fact that when barium oxide, BaO, is heated in a current of air it takes up oxygen and is converted into barium dioxide, BaO 2 ; and when the pressure upon the dioxide is sufficiently diminished, it is decomposed into the oxide, BaO, and oxygen, as represented in the equation By this means the oxygen can be extracted from the air and obtained in the free condition. Among substances which occur in nature and which can be used for the preparation of oxygen, manganese dioxide or pyrolusite, also called the black oxide of man- ganese, MnO 2 , is the most important. It gives off a part of its oxygen when heated to a comparatively high tem- perature. It has been shown that the decomposition is represented by this equation : As will be seen, only one-third of the oxygen contained in the dioxide is thus obtained in the free state. A simi- lar method is that used by Priestley when he discovered oxygen. It consists simply in heating mercuric oxide, HgO, when it is decomposed as represented thus : HgO = Hg + O. The substance potassium chlorate, KC1O 3 , is manufac- tured on the large scale for a variety of purposes and is, 30 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. therefore, easily obtained. It gives up its oxygen when heated. At first the decomposition represented by this equation takes place : 8KC10 3 = 5KC1O, + 3KC1 + 4O. The products are potassium perchlorate, KC1O 4 , potas- sium chloride, KC1, and oxygen, one-sixth of the total oxygen being given off in the first stage. This part of the decomposition takes place readily, and at a comparatively low temperature. If, after it is complete, the tempera- ture is raised considerably higher, more gas is given off and the change represented by the equation KC1O 4 = KC1 + 4O is accomplished. The final result is, therefore, the setting free of all the oxygen contained in the chlorate. This- fact is represented thus : KC10 3 = The best method for use in the laboratory for the preparation of oxygen consists in heating a mixture of equal parts of coarsely powdered manganese dioxide and potassium chlorate. This mixture gives up oxygen very readily under the influence of heat. Potassium chlorate alone requires to be heated to a temperature of over 350 C. to effect its decomposition, but when mixed with manganese dioxide the decomposition takes place at about 200 C. The manganese dioxide does not lose any of its oxygen under the circumstances. Other substances, such as ferric oxide, copper oxide, etc., may be used with similar effect. No satisfactory explanation of the action of these substances has been given. Recent experi- ments have shown that, when manganese dioxide is used, oxygen, chlorine, and potassium permanganate, KMnO 4 , are first formed. The permanganate is de- composed by heat, yielding the manganate, K 2 MnO 4 , the dioxide, and oxygen ; and, finally, the manganate is decomposed by chlorine, yielding potassium chloride, the dioxide, and oxygen. Physical Properties. Oxygen is a colorless, tasteless, inodorous gas. It is only slightly soluble in water, 100 OXYGEN CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. 31 volumes of water at dissolving 4.1 volumes of oxygen. It is slightly heavier than air, its specific gravity is 1.10563, and 1 liter under 760 mm. pressure and at tem- perature weighs 1.429 grams, while a liter of air weighs 1.2932 grams. In dealing with chemical elements and compounds which are gaseous, it is customary to use hydrogen instead of the air as the standard for specific gravity. While the specific gravity of oxygen in terms of air is 1.10563, in terms of hydrogen it is 15.88, or, in other words, a given volume of oxygen weighs 15.88 as much as the same volume of hydrogen under the same conditions. Under a pressure of 50 atmospheres and at a temperature 118 it is condeDsed to a liquid of specific gravity 0.978. Liquid oxygen is a pale steel- blue transparent and very mobile liquid which boils at 181.4 at ordinary pressure. When the pressure is reduced or removed, evaporation takes place so rapidly that a part of the oxygen is often frozen to a white solid. Chemical Properties. At ordinary temperatures oxy- gen does not act readily upon most other things, as can be clearly shown by putting a variety of substances in the gas without'heating them. If they are left for a con- siderable time some evidence of change will be observed, but generally the change is extremely slow unless the temperature is raised. At higher temperatures, different for different substances, it combines with all the elements except fluorine, and it acts readily upon a large number of compounds. Its action is generally accompanied by an evolution of heat and light, and the process under these circumstances is called combustion. This action may be illustrated by first heating and then introducing into vessels containing oxygen, sulphur, charcoal, iron in the shape of a steel watch-spring, and a bit of phos- phorus. The phenomena observed show that chemical action takes place, but they do not show what is formed. It is evident that in each case light and heat are evolved, and that the substances introduced into the oxygen are changed to other things. In the case of phosphorus the light given off is very intense, while in that of carbon and that of sulphur it is only slight. In 32 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the vessel in which the burning of the iron takes place a reddish-brown substance is deposited, while in that in which the phosphorus is burned dense white fumes are formed and at first the product is partly de- posited upon the walls of the vessel in the form of a white powder that looks like snow. After standing for some time over water it disappears and the water evi- dently contains something in solution. A thorough study of the reactions above mentioned has shown that they consist in the chemical combination of oxygen with the substances burned. The light and heat are results of the chemical action. The reactions are represented by the following equations : /t/ # With sulphur, 8 + 2O = SO a ; " carbon, C + 2O = CO, ; " iron, 3Fe + 4O = Fe 3 O 4 ; " phosphorus, 2P + 5O = P 2 O 5 . The products are sulphur dioxide, SO 2 , a colorless pungent gas ; carbon dioxide, CO 2 , a colorless gas ; mag- netic oxide of iron, Fe 3 O 4 , a reddish-brown substance ; and phosphorus pentoxide, P a O 5 , a white solid which dis- solves in water. Burning in the Air and Burning in Oxygen. One can- not well help noticing a strong resemblance between the burning of substances in the air and in oxygen ; and the question naturally suggests itself, Are these two acts the same in character, or is there a difference between them ? To answer this question, we must burn the same substances in pure oxygen and in air, and determine whether the same products are formed in the two cases, and at the same time whether anything else is formed. If we should make this comparison in any case, we should find that, whether a substance burns in the air or in pure oxygen, the same product is formed, and nothing else. It is therefore certain that the act of burning in the air is due to the presence of oxygen. But substances do not burn as readily in the air as in oxygen, and some which burn in oxygen do not burn in the air. This is PHLOGISTON THEORY. 33 due to the fact that only about one-fifth of the volume of the air is oxygen, while most of the remaining four-fifths consists of an extremely inactive element, nitrogen, which takes no part in the process of burning. Phlogiston Theory. Fire in its various forms is one of the longest known chemical phenomena. From the earli- est times it has attracted the attention of men and has been the subject of speculative and experimental study. It was one of the elementary substances of Aristotle, as has already been stated. The first comprehensive theory covering all cases of combustion was that put forward by Stahl and known as the pMogiston theory. According to this, every combustible substance contains something, called phlogiston, which escapes in the process of burn- ing. It was repeatedly pointed out that some substances grow heavier by burning, or rather that the products of combustion weigh more than the substance burned. This can be shown to be true in the case of zinc by placing some turnings of the metal on one pan of a bal- ance and determining the weight. If now the metal is burned it will change almost completely to a white pow- der, and this will weigh more than the zinc. If an ordinary candle is placed on one pan of a bal- ance and a glass vessel open at both ends and filled with large pieces of sodium hydroxide or caustic soda is sus- pended directly over the candle in such way that the smoke from the candle must pass upwards through the tube, and a similar tube is suspended over the other pan of the balance, and equilibrium is then established, it will be found that the pan on which the candle is placed will gradually grow heavier and sink as the candle burns away. The explanation of this is simply that the gases which are formed by the burning of the candle are re- tained by the caustic soda, and they weigh more than the candle from which they were formed by combustion. Facts like those mentioned were known when the phlo- giston theory was held, but they do not appear to have made a very strong impression upon chemists. Chemists were at all events not able to give a satisfactory explana- tion. This remained for Lavoisier. 34 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Lavoisier's Explanation of Combustion. When Lavoi- sier began his work oxygen was unknown, but it was discovered soon afterward ; and this discovery was of the highest importance for the explanation of the phenome- non of combustion. Lavoisier showed that when a sub- stance is burned in oxygen or in the air, some of the gas is used up. He then weighed the substance burned, the oxygen used up, and the product formed, and found that this relation holds good : Weight of Sub- , Weight of Oxygen Weight of stance burned used up Product formed. Having established this relation in a number of cases, it followed that the process of combustion consists in the chemical combination of oxygen with the substance burned. There was no longer room for the hypotheti- cal phlogiston, and since that time it has not occupied a place in the thoughts of most chemists. Combustion. By the term combustion in its broadest sense is meant any chemical act which is accompanied by an evolution of light and heat. Ordinarily, however, it is restricted to the union of substances with oxygen, as this union takes place in the air, with evolution of light and heat. Substances which have the power to unite with oxygen are said to be combustible, and substances which have not this power are said to be incombustible. Most elements combine with oxygen under proper con- ditions, and are therefore combustible. Most compounds formed by the union of oxygen with combustible sub- stances are incombustible. For example, the sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, magnetic oxide of iron, and phos- phorus pentoxide, formed when sulphur, carbon, iron, and phosphorus are burned in oxygen, are incombustible. They contain oxygen and they cannot combine directly with more. Kindling Temperature. We have seen that substances do not usually combine with oxygen at ordinary tempera- tures, but that in order to effect the union the tempera- ture must be raised. If this were not the case, it is plain that every combustible substance in nature would burn up, KINDLING TEMPERATURE SLOW OXIDATION. 35 for the air probably supplies a sufficient quantity of oxygen for this purpose. Some substances need to be heated to a high temperature before they will combine with oxygen ; others require to be heated but little. If we were to sub- ject pieces of phosphorus, of sulphur, and of carbon to the same gradual rise in temperature, we should find that the phosphorus takes fire very easily, only a slight elevation of temperature being necessary ; next in order would come the sulphur ; and last the carbon. If we were to repeat these experiments a number of times, we should find that the phosphorus always takes fire at the same temperature, and a similar result would be reached in the case of sulphur and carbon. Every combustible substance has its kindling temperature ; that is, the tem- perature at which it will combine with oxygen. Below this temperature it will not combine with oxygen. If a piece of wood should be heated to its kindling tempera- ture all at once, it would burn up as rapidly as it could secure the necessary oxygen ; but the burning does not usually take place rapidly, for the reason that only a small part of it is at any one time heated to the kind- ling temperature. Watch a stick of wood burning, and see how, as we say, " the fire creeps " slowly along it. The reason of the slow advance is simply this : Only those parts of the stick which are nearest the burning part become heated to the kindling temperature. They take fire and heat the parts nearest them, and so on gradually throughout the length of the stick. Slow Oxidation. Substances may combine slowly with oxygen without evolution of light. Thus, if a piece of iron is allowed to lie in moist air, it becomes covered with rust. The rust is similar to the substance formed when iron is burned in oxygen. Both are formed by the union of iron and oxygen. Magnesium burns in the air and forms a white compound containing oxygen. It burns with increased brilliancy in oxygen, forming the same compound. If left in moist air for some days or weeks, it becomes covered with a layer of the same white substance. If this is scraped off, and the magnesium again allowed to lie, it will again become covered 36 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. with a layer of the compound with oxygen, and this may be continued until the magnesium has been completely converted into the same substance that is formed when it burns in oxygen or in the air. Many other cases of slow oxidation might be described, some of which, such as the decay of wood, are constantly taking place. The most important illustration of slow oxidation is that which takes place in our bodies, for, as we shall see, the food of which we partake undergoes a great many changes, some of the substances uniting with oxygen, and thus keeping up the temperature of our bodies. This, however, is done without evolution of light. We take large quantities of oxygen into our lungs in the act of breathing. This acts upon various substances pre- sented to it, oxidizing them to other forms which can easily be got rid of. More will be said in regard to the breathing process of animals and plants when the sub- ject of carbon and its compounds is taken up. Heat of Combustion. What is the chief difference be- tween combustion, as we ordinarily understand it, and slow oxidation? As far as can be judged by a cursory examination, it is that in the former there is an evolution of light and much heat, while in the latter there is ap- parently but little heat evolved and no light. Remem- bering that the reason why a body gives light is that it is heated to a sufficiently high temperature, the problem resolves itself into a question of heat. What difference, if any, is there between the quantity of heat given off when a substance burns, and when it undergoes slow oxidation without evolution of light ? Experiment has shown that there is no difference. In one case all the heat is given off in a short space of time, and therefore the temperature of the substance becomes high and it emits light. In the other the heat is given off slowly and con- tinues for a much longer time, and therefore the tem- perature of the substance does not get high, as surround- ing substances conduct off the heat nearly as rapidly as it is evolved. If, however, we were to measure the quantity of the heat, we should find it to be the same in both cases. HEAT OF COMBUSTION. 37 We can measure the heat given off or absorbed in a chemical reaction by allowing the reaction to take place in a vessel called a calorimeter, so constructed as to prevent loss of heat, and containing a known weight of water. The temperature of the water is noted at the beginning of the operation and at the end. A quantity of heat is generally stated by giving the number of grams of water which it will raise one degree (Centigrade) in tem- perature. The quantity of heat necessary to raise a gram of water one degree in temperature is the unit used in heat measurements. It is called the calorie. If we say that the quantity of heat evolved in any reaction is 250 cal- ories (written generally 250 cal.), this means simply a quantity of heat capable of raising the temperature of 250 grams of water one degree or of one gram of water 250 degrees in temperature. Sometimes it is convenient to use a larger unit. The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water one de- gree serves the purpose. This is the large calorie. To distinguish it from the smaller one it is written with a capital. Thus, 250 Cal. means 250 large calories. The large calorie is obviously 1000 times greater than the small calorie. To repeat, then : by the heat of combustion of a sub- stance is meant simply the quantity of heat given off when a certain weight of the substance combines with oxygen. In order to avoid confusion it is necessary to have an agreement in regard to the weight of substance which shall be used as the standard. This may be a gram or any other weight, but for the purposes of chem- istry it is most convenient to take weights in proportion to the combining or atomic weights. Thus, by the heat of combustion of carbon is meant the quantity of heat evolved by the combination of 11.92 grams of carbon with 2 X 15.88 = 31.76 grams of oxygen. By the heat of combustion of sulphur is meant the quantity of heat evolved in the combination of 31.83 grams sulphur with 2 X 15.88 = 31.76 grams oxygen, etc. Not only is the heat of combustion the same whether 38 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the union with oxygen takes place slowly or rapidly, but the heat evolved in any given chemical reaction is always the same, and chemical action is always accom- panied by an evolution or absorption of heat. Heat of Decomposition. Just as it is true that a definite quantity of heat is evolved when two or more elements combine chemically, so also it is true that in order to overcome the force which holds these elements together the same quantity of heat is absorbed. Thus, the heat of formation of mercuric oxide, HgO, is 30,660 cal.; or, in other words, when 198.49 grams of metallic mercury and 15.88 grams of oxygen combine, 30,660 calories of heat are evolved. Now, we have seen that when heat is applied to the compound it is decomposed into its elements. To effect this decomposition, as much heat is absorbed as was evolved in the formation of the com- pound. Chemical Energy and Chemical Work. Any substance which has the power to unite with others can do chemical work : it possesses chemical energy. Thus, all combustible substances can do work. In uniting with oxygen heat is evolved, and this can be transformed into motion. In the case of the steam-engine, the cause of the motion is the burning of the fuel, which is a chemical act. We thus see that the source of the power of the steam-engine is chemical energy. Substances, on the other hand, which have no power to combine with others have no power to do chemical work, or they have no chemical energy. So far as power to combine with oxygen is con- cerned, water is a substance of this kind, as is also car- bon dioxide, the gas formed when carbon is burned in oxygen. In order that they may do work by combining with oxygen, they must first be decomposed, and their constituents put together in some form in which they have the power of combination. This decomposition of carbon dioxide and water is taking place constantly on the earth. All plant-life is dependent on it. The products of the action, i.e., the different kinds of wood, have chemical energy, they can do chemical work. This power to do work has been acquired from the heat OXIDES. 39 of the sun, which is the main force used in decomposing the carbon dioxide and water. We have thus a trans- formation of the sun's heat into chemical energy, which is stored up in the combustible woods. The quantity of heat which is given off in burning wood is believed to be exactly equal to the quantity of heat used up in its formation* Oxides. The compounds of oxygen with other elements are called oxides. To distinguish between different ox- ides, the name of the element with which the oxygen is in combination is prefixed. Thus, the compound of zinc and oxygen is called zinc oxide; that of calcium and oxygen, calcium oxide; that of silver and oxygen, silver oxide; etc. When an element forms more than one com- pound with oxygen, suffixes are used to distinguish between them. Thus in the case of copper there are two oxides which have the composition represented by the symbols Cu 2 O and CuO. The former is known as cuprous oxide and the latter as cupric oxide. That oxide which contains the smaller quantity of oxygen in com- bination with a given quantity of the other element is designated by the suffix ous ; that which contains the larger proportion of oxygen is designated by the suffix ic. In other cases the number of combining weights of oxygen contained in the compound is indicated by the name. Thus, manganese dioxide is MnO 2 ; sulphur tri- oxide is SO 3 ; etc. CHAPTER III. A STUDY OF THE ELEMENT HYDROGEN. Historical. Hydrogen was discovered as a distinct substance by Cavendish in 1766, although it had been observed as an inflammable gas before that time. Occurrence. It occurs to some extent in the free con- dition, and issues from the earth in small quantity in some localities. It is, for example, a constituent of the gases which escape from the petroleum wells in Pennsylvania. It has also been shown to occur in enor- mous quantities in the atmosphere of the sun. On the earth it occurs chiefly, however, in combination in water, of which it forms 11.11 per cent. It occurs also in most substances of animal and vegetable origin, such as the various kinds of wood and fruits, and the tissues of all animals. In these products of life it is contained in combination with carbon and oxygen or with carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. Preparation. The simplest way, theoretically, to pre- pare hydrogen is by the decomposition of water by the electric current. It has already been stated that when an electric current is passed through water the two gases oxygen and hydrogen are liberated. But this method is less convenient and more expensive than other methods which are available, and it is therefore used only under special circumstances. It is particularly well adapted to the preparation of small quantities of pure hydrogen. Some elements when brought in contact with water at the ordinary temperature decompose it and set hydrogen free. The two most easily obtained elements which act in this way are sodium and potassium. If a small piece of potassium is thrown upon water, a flame is observed at once. If sodium is used, it is seen to form a small (40) HYDROGEN- PREPARATION. 41 ball which moves about on the surface of the water with a hissing sound, but under ordinary circumstances no flame is observed. By applying a flame to the ball something takes fire and burns. By filling a good-sized test-tube with water and inverting it in a larger vessel and bringing a small piece of sodium wrapped in a piece of filter-paper below the mouth of the tube, the sodium will rise to the top of the tube when released, and it will then be seen that a gas is evolved which gradually depresses the water in the tube. A similar experi- ment with potassium gives a similar result. The gas given off in each case is hydrogen. By evaporating off the water left in the vessel there will be found in each case a white substance of marked chemical properties. That formed with the potassium is known as potassium hydroxide, or caustic potash, and has the composition represented by the symbol KOH ; that formed with the sodium is known as sodium hydroxide, or caustic soda, and is represented by the symbol NaOH. The reactions which take place between potassium and sodium and water are represented by the equations E + H 2 O = KOH + H ; and Na + H 2 = NaOH + H. Half the hydrogen of the water which is decomposed is replaced by the potassium or the sodium, as the case may be. These reactions are partly described by say- ing that the potassium or sodium is substituted for half the hydrogen in the water, and the act is called sub- stitution. This is a very common kind of chemical ac- tion, and we shall constantly meet with it in the course of our study. The reaction is one of double decomposition or metathesis, two substances acting upon each other to form two others. The cause of such a reaction is to be sought for in the different degrees of attraction exerted by the elements upon one another. In general terms, if two compounds AB and CD are brought together, and the element A has for C a stronger attraction than A for B, and B has for D a stronger attraction than it has for 42 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. A, then reaction will take place, to some extent at least, according to the equation AB + CD = AC+BD. The action may be modified by a number of circum- stances which will be treated of in due time. It is evi- dent, however, now that a very important problem for the chemist to solve is the determination of the attrac- tion which the elements exert upon one another. It is extremely difficult to make these determinations, but something can be learned in regard to them by a study of the changes in temperature which accompany them. The attraction is not proportional to the heat evolved, for reasons which will be pointed out later, but there is some relation between them. Some substances which decompose water slowly at the ordinary temperature do so readily at a higher tempera- ture. This is true, for example, of iron. At ordinary temperatures it decomposes water, as is seen in the for- mation of a coating upon it when left in contact with water. At higher temperatures when the iron is red- Lot it decomposes water very readily, and hydrogen may be made in quantity by this means. In the laboratory the iron may be heated in a gun-barrel or in a porcelain tube. When steam is passed over it the decomposition represented in this equation takes place : 3Fe + 4H 2 O = Fe 3 O 4 + 8H. The iron combines with the oxygen and liberates the hydrogen. Carbon, in the form of charcoal or coal, may be used in a similar way to effect the decomposition of water and the liberation of hydrogen. At a high heat the re- action takes place mainly as represented thus : C + H 2 = CO + 2H. A mixture of two gases, carbon monoxide and hydrogen, is thus formed. This mixture is the essential part of the gas which has of late years come into such extensive HYDROGEN PREPARATION. 43 use under the name " water-gas." This is formed by passing steam over highly heated anthracite coal. By far the most convenient method for making hydro- gen consists in treating a metal with an acid. Among the metals best adapted to the purpose are zinc and iron, and indeed zinc is almost exclusively used. As will be seen later, acids are substances that contain hydrogen, and are characterized by the property that they give up this hydrogen very easily and take up other elements in the place of it. Among the common acids found in every laboratory are hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, and nitric acid. The chemistry of these compounds will be treated of in due time ; but, as we shall be obliged to use them before they are taken up systematically, a few words in regard to them are desir- able in this place. Hydrochloric acid is a compound of hydrogen and chlorine. It is a gas which dissolves easilv in water. t/ It is this solution which is used in the laboratory, and which is manufactured in enormous quantities in connec- tion with the manufacture of soda or sodium carbonate. Its chemical symbol is HC1. In commerce it is not uncommonly called " muriatic acid." Sidphuric acid is a compound of sulphur, oxygen, and hydrogen in the proportions represented by the formula H 2 SO 4 . It is an oily liquid and is frequently called " oil of vitriol." It is manufactured in very large quan- tities, as it plays an important part in many of the most important chemical industries. Nitric acid is a compound containing nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen in the proportions represented by the formula HNO 3 . It is a colorless liquid, though, as we get it, it is commonly colored straw-yellow. When a metal, such as zinc, is brought in contact with hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, an evolution of hydro- gen takes place at once. The reactions are as repre- sented in these equations : Zn + 2HCl = ZnCl 2 +2H; Zn + H 2 SO 4 = ZnSO 4 + 2H. 44 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Each combining weight of zinc liberates and replaces two combining weights of hydrogen. The action between iron and these two acids is of the same character : Fe + 2HCl = FeCl 2 +2H; Fe + H 2 SO 4 = FeSO 4 + 2H. The hydrogen obtained from acids by the action of metals is not pure, but it can be purified by treatment with appropriate substances. That obtained by the de- composition of water by the electric current is pure. Physical Properties. Hydrogen is a colorless, inodor- ous, tasteless gas. That made by the action of acids on zinc or iron has a somewhat disagreeable odor which is due to the presence of other gases in small quantity. It is not poisonous, and may therefore be inhaled with im- punity. We could not, however, live in an atmosphere of hydrogen, as we need oxygen. It is the lightest known substance. Its specific gravity in terms of the air standard is 0.06926. A litre under. 760 mm. pressure and at weighs 0.089873 gram. Under Oxygen it was stated that in chemistry hydrogen is commonly taken as the standard of specific gravity, and that, hydrogen being unity, the specific gravity of oxygen is 15'. 88. The gas is only slightly soluble in water. 100 volumes of water take up 1.93 volumes of hydrogen. The fact that hy- drogen is lighter than the air is shown by opening a vessel which contains it and turning the mouth of the vessel upward. The gas escapes at once, and in a very short time no evidence of its presence can be obtained. Light vessels as, for example, soap-bubbles or collodion- balloons filled with the gas rise in the air, and it is used for the purpose of filling large balloons. Hydrogen has been converted into the liquid form under a pressure of 20 atmospheres at a temperature of 234. 5. Its boiling-point under ordinary atmospheric pressure is 243.5. Hydrogen passes readily through porous substances, or it diffuses rapidly. This can easily be demonstrated in the case of porous earthenware and paper. It HYDROGEN-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. 45 also passes readily through, some metals, as iron and platinum, when heated to redness. There is a direct re- lation between the specific gravity of gases and the rate at which they diffuse. The lower the specific gravity the more rapid the diffusion. The law governing these phenomena is : The rate of diffusion of gases is approximately inversely proportional to the square roots of their specific gravities. The specific gravity of hydrogen being 1 and that of oxygen nearly 16 (15.88), the rate of diffusion of oxy- gen is approximately ^ that of hydrogen. If hydrogen is on one side of a porous wall, and oxygen on the other, the hydrogen will pass through the wall so much more rapidly than the oxygen that there will be an accumulation of hydrogen on one side of the wall, and if the vessel were closed there would be in- creased pressure on that side. The ready passage of gases through porous walls is a matter of great impor- tance in connection with the ventilation of dwellings. Most of the materials used in building are porous and permit the passage of gases through them in both direc- tions, and change of air is secured in this way to some extent. Chemical Properties. Under ordinary circumstances, hydrogen is not a particularly active element. It does not unite with oxygen gas at ordinary temperatures, but, like other combustible substances, it must be heated up to the kindling temperature before it will l)urn. If a lighted match is applied to it, it takes fire at once. The flame is colorless or slightly blue. Generally the flame is somewhat colored in consequence of the presence of foreign substances ; but that it is colorless when the gas is burned alone can be shown by burning it as it issues from a platinum tube which is itself not chemically acted upon by the heat. Although the flame is not luminous it is intensely hot, as can be .seen by inserting into it a coil of platinum wire, which will at once become red-hot and emit light accordingly. The burning of hydrogen in the air, like the burning of other combustible substances in the air, consists in a 46 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. union of the gas with oxygen. This has been shown to be true by most elaborate experiments on the combus- tion of hydrogen in oxygen and in the air. On the other hand, substances which burn in the air are extinguished when put in a vessel containing hydrogen. This is- equivalent to saying that a substance which is uniting with oxygen does not continue to unite with oxygen when put in an atmosphere of hydrogen, and does not combine with hydrogen. The fact is expressed by say- ing that hydrogen does not support combustion. Thi& can be shown by holding a vessel filled with hydrogen, with the mouth downward, and inserting into it a lighted taper supported on a wire. The gas takes fire at the mouth of the vessel, but the taper is extinguished. Ordinarily we say that hydrogen burns in oxygen,, but, as the act consists in the union of the two gases, it would seem probable that oxygen will burn in an at- mosphere of hydrogen. This can be shown to be true by a proper arrangement of apparatus. If we were surrounded by an atmosphere of hydrogen we should probably speak of oxygen as a combustible gas in the same way that we now speak of hydrogen as a combus- tible gas. It can easily be shown that, when hydrogen is burned either in oxygen or air, water is formed. The simplest way to show this is by holding a glass plate or some other incombustible object a short distance above a flame of hydrogen. It will be seen that drops of water are condensed upon it. Hydrogen combines with many other elements besides oxygen, and forms some of the most important and in- teresting compounds, such as hydrochloric acid, HC1 ; sulphuretted hydrogen or hydrogen sulphide, H 2 S ; ammonia, NH 3 ; marsh gas, CH 4 ; and all the acids. On account of its affinity for oxygen it is used very exten- sively in the laboratory for the purpose of extracting oxygen from compounds containing it. Thus, when hydrogen is passed over heated copper oxide, CuO, it combines- with the oxygen to form water, and the coppel COMPARISON OF OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN. 47 is left in the free or uncombined state. The reaction is represented thus : CuO + 2H=H 3 + Cu. A similar reaction takes place when hydrogen is passed over highly heated oxide of iron, Fe a O 3 : Fe 2 O 3 + 6H = 2Fe + 3H 3 O. The removal of oxygen from a compound is called reduction. Reduction is therefore plainly the opposite of oxidation. Any substance which has the power to abstract oxygen is spoken of as a reducing agent, just as any substance which has the power to add oxygen to a substance, or to decompose it by the action of oxygen, is called an oxidizing agent. A number of metals have the power to absorb a large quantity of hydrogen when they are heated to red heat in the gas. This phenomenon is shown most strikingly by palladium, which under the most favor- able conditions takes up something more than 935 times its own volume of hydrogen. The gas is given up at elevated temperature in a vacuum. When it absorbs hydrogen, palladium undergoes marked changes in properties. Its volume is increased, and its magnetic and electric properties are also changed. It was sug- gested by Graham, who first observed this phenomenon, that the hydrogen held in combination by the palladium is something quite different from ordinary hydrogen, and that it must have some properties like those of the so-called metals. He therefore called the combined hydrogen hydrogenium. Comparison of Oxygen and Hydrogen. Hydrogen and oxygen are different kinds of matter, just as heat and electricity are different kinds of energy. Heat can be converted into electrical energy, and electrical energy into heat, but one element cannot by any means known to us be converted into another. They are apparently entirely independent of each other. The question will therefore suggest itself, whether, in spite of their ap- 48 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. parent independence, there is not some relation be- tween the different elements which reveals itself by similarity in properties ? It will be found that the ele- ments can be separated into groups or families accord- ing to their properties. There are some elements, for example, which in their chemical conduct resemble oxy- gen markedly. These elements constitute the oxygen family. So far as hydrogen is concerned, however, it stands by itself. There is no other element which con- ducts itself like it. If we compare it with oxygen, we find very few facts which indicate any analogy between the two elements. In their physical properties they are, to be sure, similar. Both are colorless, inodorous, tasteless gases. On the other hand, oxygen combines readily with a large number of substances with which hydrogen does not combine. Oxygen, as we have seen, combines easily with carbon, sulphur, phosphorus, and iron. It is a difficult matter to get any of these elements to combine directly with hydrogen. Further than this, substances which combine readily with hydrogen do not combine readily with oxygen. The two elements ex- hibit opposite chemical properties. What one can do the other cannot do. This oppositeness of properties is favorable to combination ; for not only do hydrogen and oxygen combine with great ease under proper condi- tions, but, as we shall see later, it is a general rule that elements of like properties do not readily combine with one another, while elements of unlike properties do readily combine. CHAPTER IV. STUDY OF THE ACTION OF HYDROGEN ON OXYGEN. Burning of Hydrogen. Attention has already been called to the fact that, when hydrogen burns, water is formed. It is now necessary that this reaction should be studied more thoroughly with the view of discover- ing, as far as possible, exactly what takes place. One of the first questions to be answered is what relation exists between the weights of the hydrogen burned, the oxygen used up in the burning process, and the water formed ? But to weigh gases accurately and to collect small quantities of water and weigh it are by no means simple operations, and a great deal of work has been done upon the problem under consideration. No good method has been devised for the quantitative study of the combination of hydrogen and oxygen by ordinary combustion. On the other hand, very accurate experi- ments on the subject have been made in three other ways, a brief account of which will now be given. Method of Dumas. The first accurate experiments on the combustion of hydrogen are those of Dumas. The method employed by this chemist was as follows : He passed carefully purified hydrogen over heated copper oxide and collected the water formed. The reaction involved is that represented by the equation CuO + 2H = H 2 O + Cu. The weight of the oxygen that entered into combi- nation with hydrogen was obtained by weighing the vessel containing the copper oxide before and after the experiment. The loss in weight represented the weight of the oxygen which had been abstracted. The water was collected by passing the gases formed through an empty glass vessel in which most of the water was con- densed, and then through tubes containing molten caus- tic potash and phosphorus pentoxide, substances which (49) 50 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. have a marked power to absorb water and hold it in combination. In nineteen experiments he obtained a total amount of water weighing 945.439 grams, and the total amount of oxygen used in the formation of this amount of water was 840.161 grams. According to these results the ratio between hydrogen and oxygen in water expressed in percentages is : Oxygen 88.864 Hydrogen 11.136 100.000 Morley with great pains proceeded as follows: He weighed comparatively large volumes of oxygen in the form of gas ; he then weighed hydrogen after it had been absorbed by palladium. The hydrogen being expelled from the palladium, it was brought together with the oxygen, with which it was caused to combine by means of electric sparks. The water thus formed was carefully collected and weighed. Twelve experiments gave results that agreed closely with one another. The mean of these shows that hydrogen and oxygen combine in the ratio of 1 part of hydrogen to 15.8792 parts of oxygen. Dumas' result expressed in the same way is 1 : 15.961. Eudiometric Method. When hydrogen and oxygen are mixed at ordinary temperatures no chemical change takes place, and the two gases may be left in contact with each other indefinitely without chemical action. If, however, a spark is brought in contact with the mixture violent action takes place, accompanied by a flame and explosion. The action consists in the sudden combination of the two gases to form water. It may be illustrated in a number of ways : most simply by filling soap-bubbles with the mixture of the two gases and ap- plying a flame to them. The explosion which ensues is harmless. Plainly, to study the combination of hydrogen and oxygen by exploding a mixture of the gases will require special precautions. It can be carried out by the aid of the eudiometer (from evdia, good air, and jteTpor, a measure, an instrument for determin- HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN EUDIOMETRIC METHOD. 51 ing the purity of air). The eudiometer is simply a tube graduated in millimeters and having two small platinum wires passed through it at the closed end, nearly meeting inside and ending in loops outside, as shown in Fig. 1. The eudiometer is filled with mercury, inverted in a mercury trough, and held in an upright position by means of proper clamps. For the purpose of the experiment a quantity of hydrogen is passed up into the tube, and its volume accurately measured. About half this volume of oxygen is then introduced and the volume again accurately determined, and after the mixture has been allowed to stand for a few minutes a spark is passed between the wires in the eudiometer by connecting the loops with the poles FIG. 1. of a small induction coil or with a Leyden jar. Under these circumstances the explosion takes place noise- lessly and with little or no danger. If the interior of the tube was dry before the explosion, it will be seen to be moist afterwards, and a marked decrease in the vol- ume of the gases is also observed. That water is the product of the action has been proved beyond any possi- bility of a doubt, over and over again. As the liquid water which is formed occupies an almost inappreciable volume as compared with the volume of the gases which combine, the decrease in volume represents the total volume of hydrogen and oxygen which have combined. Now, if the experiment is performed with the two gases in different proportions, it will be found that only when they are mixed in the proportion of 2- volumes of hy- drogen to 1 volume of oxygen do they completely dis- appear in the explosion. If there is a larger proportion of hydrogen present, the excess is left over; and the same is true of the oxygen. It will thus be seen that when hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water, they do so in the proportion of 2 volumes of hydrogen to 1 volume of oxygen or more accurately 2.0008 to 1. 52 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Calculation of the Results Obtained in Exploding Mix- tures of Hydrogen and Oxygen. Having determined that whenever hydrogen and oxygen combine, they do so in the proportion 1 volume oxygen to 2 volumes hydrogen, and that when they combine the volume of liquid water formed measures so little as to amount to nothing in the measurements, we know that whenever a mixture of hy- drogen and oxygen is exploded, no matter in what propor- tions they may be present, the volume of gas which disap- pears as such consisted of 2 volumes of hydrogen and 1 volume of oxygen, or, in other words, one-third of the volume which disappears was oxygen and two-thirds hydrogen. Take this example : A quantity of hydrogen corresponding to 60 cc. under standard conditions is in- troduced into a eudiometer ; 40 cc. of oxygen are added* "What contraction will there be on exploding the mixture ? Plainly the 60 cc. of hydrogen will combine with 30 cc. of oxygen. The 90 cc. of gas will disappear, and 10 cc of oxygen will remain uncombined. From a total vol- ume of 100 cc., therefore, we get a contraction to 10 cc. One-third of the contraction represents the oxygen and two-thirds the hydrogen. Determination of the Volume of Water Vapor formed by Union of Definite Volumes of Hydrogen and Oxygen. The experiments which have been described enable us to draw the conclusion that hydrogen and oxygen combine in certain proportions by volume and by weight, and that a definite weight of water is formed ; further, that the volume of liquid water formed when the two gases combine is inappreciable as compared with that of the gases. The question remains to be answered, what relation exists between the volumes of the combining gases and that of the water in the form of vapor ? This can be determined by causing the gases to combine in a eudiometer at a temperature sufficiently high to keep the water in the form of vapor. The simplest arrange- ment for accomplishing this is that shown in Fig. 2. A long eudiometer, the upper half of which is divided into three equal divisions marked on the outside, is filled with mercury and inverted in a bath of mercury. It is HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN WATER VAPOR. 53 then surrounded by a large tube or jacket arranged as shown in Fig. 2. This is connected through the cork at the lower end with a vessel from which a current of steam can be obtained. The steam is passed through the jacket until the temperature of the mercury has reached that of the steam. A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in the proportions in which they combine, viz., 2 of hydrogen to 1 of oxygen, is then introduced into the eudiometer so that it is filled to the third mark. This must be somewhat above the level of the mercury in the bath, so that the gases in the eudiometer shall be under diminished pressure. On now passing the spark the gases unite and the water which is formed remains in the form of vapor, as the temperature inside the eudiometer is nearly that of boiling water, and the vapor is un- der diminished pressure. It is found that the volume of the water vapor is less than that of the gases introduced into the eudiometer. In order to secure the same press- ure as that under which the gases were measured, the eudiometer must be lowered until the height of the mercury column in it is the same as it was before the explosion. On now measuring the volume of water vapor, it will be found to be two-thirds that occupied by the uncombined gases. Therefore, 2 volumes of hydrogen combine with 1 volume of oxygen and form 2 volumes of water vapor. It is an interesting fact that these simple relations exist between the volumes of the combining gases and the volume of the product. We shall see that similar relations hold good in the case of other gases ; and the following gen- eral statement is based upon a great deal of careful study : FIG. 2. 54 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. When two or more gaseous substances combine to form a gaseous compound, the volumes of the individual constituents as well as their sum bear a simple relation to the volume of the compound. This is known as the law of combination by volume. As will be seen farther on, it has a most important bear- ing upon some of the fundamental ideas held in regard to the constitution of matter. Heat Evolved in the Union of Hydrogen and Oxygen. To get as complete a knowledge as possible of the reaction which takes place between hydrogen and oxygen we have still to determine the amount of heat evolved. The heat evolved in burning a gram of hydrogen can be deter- mined, and from this we can calculate the heat of forma- tion of water which, according to what was said on page 37, is the amount of heat evolved by the combination of 2 grams of hydrogen with 15.88 grams of oxygen. We are to determine the value of x in the equation [H 2 , O] = x cal, which expresses in thermochemical language the fact that when 2 grams of hydrogen combine with 15.88 grams of oxygen x calories of heat are evolved. The determination is made by burning a known weight of hydrogen in a vessel surrounded by water and arranged in such a way that all the heat is absorbed by the water. Experiment has shown that when 1 gram of hydrogen is burned 34,180 calories are evolved. Or, [H 2 , O] = 68,360 cal. No other substance gives as much heat as this in propor- tion to the weight used. Applications of the Heat formed by the Combination of Hydrogen and Oxygen. To burn hydrogen in the air is, as we have seen, a simple matter, but to burn it in oxy- gen requires a special apparatus to prevent the mixing of the gases before they reach the end of the tube where the combustion takes place. The oxyhydrogen bloiv-pipe answers this purpose. This may be constructed in sev- OXYHYDROGEN BLO W-PIPE OXYHYDROGEN LIGHT. 55 eral ways, but the simplest is that represented in Fig. 3. It consists of a tube through which a smaller tube passes. The hydrogen is admitted through a and the oxygen through b. It will be seen that they come together only at the end of the tube. The hydrogen is first passed through and lighted ; then the oxygen is passed through slowly, the pressure being increased until the flame ap- pears thin and straight. It gives very little light but is intensely hot. Iron wire, steel, copper, zinc, and other a FIG. 3. metals burn in the flame with ease. Platinum vessels are made by melting the platinum by means of the oxy- hydrogen flame. Oxyhydrogen Light. When the oxyhydrogen flame is allowed to play upon some substance which it cannot melt or burn, the substance becomes heated so high that it gives off an intense light. The substance commonly used for this purpose is quicklime. Hence the light is often called the lime-light. It is also known as the Drummond light. The hydrogen is first allowed to pass through the stop- cock, and lighted, when the oxygen is admitted. The flame plays against the piece of lime, and from this the light is given off when it has acquired a high tempera- ture. Coal-gas may be used instead of hydrogen, and it is generally used. Cylinders of compressed coal-gas and of oxygen can be bought, and the gases so prepared are used for the purpose of projecting pictures upon screens in illustrating lectures and for other similar purposes. Velocity of Combination of a Mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen. When a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen ex- plodes, the action appears to take place instantaneously throughout the mass. Whether this is really so or not can be determined only by experiment. The action cer- 56 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. tainly takes place with great rapidity, and a special apparatus is necessary in order to study the rate of transmission. This subject has been studied by ex- ploding the mixture in long tubes arranged with little movable pistons at various distances. When the explo- sion reached these points the fact was indicated by motion of the pistons. The result showed that the action is not instantaneous though extremely rapid. The rate of transmission is about 2500 metres per second. Summary. In our study of the action of hydrogen on oxygen, we have learned : (1) the relations between the weights of the two gases which act upon each other ; (2) the relations between the volumes of the combining gases ; (3) the relations between the volumes of the com- bining gases and that of the water vapor formed ; (4) the amount of heat evolved when a given weight of hydrogen combines with oxygen ; and (5) that the act of combina- tion of the two gases does not take place instantaneously though with great rapidity. It remains for us to study more carefully the product formed. This is water. CHAPTER V. WATER. Historical. Water was long considered an elementary substance until, towards the end of the last century, the discovery of hydrogen and oxygen, and of the nature of combustion, led to the discovery of its composition. Occurrence. Besides the form in which water occurs in such enormous quantities in the earth, it also occurs in forms and conditions which prevent its immediate recognition. Thus all living things contain a large pro- portion of water, which can be driven off by heat. If a piece of wood or of meat is heated, liquids pass off, and by purification these can be shown to consist mainly of water. The proportion of water in animal and vegetable substances is very great. If the body of a man weighing 150 pounds were to be put in an oven and thoroughly dried, there would be only about 40 pounds of solid mat- ter left, most of the rest being water. Water also occurs in another form in which it does not easily reveal its presence. This is as water of crystalliza- tion. Many chemical compounds found in nature and manufactured are found to give off water when heated. If, for example, the zinc sulphate formed in the prep- aration of hydrogen from zinc and sulphuric acid is dried by exposure to the air or by pressing between lay- ers of filter-paper, it will be found that, when heated in a dry tube, it gives off water, and at the same time changes its appearance. The same is true of gypsum which is found in nature, and of copper sulphate or blue vitriol. In this last case the loss of water is accompanied by a loss of color. After all the water is driven off, the powder left behind is white. Many compounds when deposited from solutions in water in the form of crystals combine with definite quan- (57) 58 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. titles of water. This water is not present as such, but is held in chemical combination. Hence the substance does not appear moist, though it may contain more than half its weight of water. This water of crystallization is, in some way which is not understood, essential to the form of the crystals. If it is driven off, the crystals generally crumble to pieces. Some compounds combine with dif- ferent quantities of water under different circumstances, the form of the crystals varying with the quantity of water held in combination. Compounds differ greatly as regards the ease with which they give up water of crystallization. In general, it is given off when the compound containing it is heated up to the temperature of boiling water. But some com- pounds give it up by simple contact with the air. This is true of sodium sulphate or Glauber's salt, which con- tains a quantity of water of crystallization represented by the formula Na 2 SO 4 . 10H 2 O. If some of the crystals are allowed to lie exposed to the air they undergo a marked change in the course of an hour or two. They lose their lustre and gradually crumble to pieces. Sub- stances which lose their water of crystallization by sim- ple contact with the air are said to be efflorescent. Some compounds if deprived of their water of crystal- lization will take it up again when allowed to lie in an atmosphere containing moisture. As the air always con- tains moisture, it is only necessary to expose such com- pounds to the air in order to notice the phenomenon. It is well shown by the compound calcium chloride, CaCl 2 . This substance has a remarkable power of at- tracting water and holding it in combination. If a few pieces are exposed to the air it will be noticed that they soon have a moist appearance, and if they are allowed to lie long enough they will dissolve in the water which is absorbed from the air. Substances which absorb water from the air are said to be deliquescent. Formation of Water and Proofs of its Composition. If we had not already learned, in studying the action of hy- drogen upon oxygen, that water is composed of these two gases, we should first subject it to analysis. For FORMATION OF WATER. 59 this purpose we should have to bring it under the influ- ence of a number of reagents and study its conduct. If we should pass an electric current through it in the proper way, we should observe that a gas rises from each pole. By placing each pole under the mouth of an inverted tube filled with water the gases are easily collected. When one of the tubes has become full of gas the other one will be only half full. An examination will show that the gas in the tube which is filled is hydrogen, whereas that in the one which is half filled is oxygen. By decomposition of water by means of the electric cur- rent, then, there are obtained two volumes of hydrogen for each volume of oxygen. We already know the rela- tive weights of equal volumes of the two gases, so that we can easily calculate the relative weights of the gases obtained in the experiment. The ratio of the weights of equal volumes of hydrogen and oxygen is 1 : 15.88. Therefore, if we have 2 volumes of hydrogen combined with 1 volume of oxygen, the ratio between the weights is 2 : 15.88 or 1 : 7.94 Although we know from the ex- periment referred to that hydrogen and oxygen are ob- tained from water in certain proportions, it does not fol- low that this is the composition of water. For it may be that other elements besides hydrogen and oxygen are contained in it, and it may be also that all the hydrogen and oxygen are not set free by the action of the electric current. We might determine whether either of these possibilities is true or not by decomposing a weighed quantity of water, and weighing the hydrogen and oxygen obtained from it. If we should find that the sum of the weights of hydrogen and oxygen is equal to the weight of the water decomposed, this fact would be evidence that only hydrogen and oxygen are contained in water, and that they are present in the proportions stated. The same thing can be satisfactorily proved by causing hydrogen and oxygen to combine, or by effecting the syn- thesis of water. How this may be done has already been pointed out. It was shown, in the first place, that by burning hydrogen in oxygen water is formed. This proves that water consists of hydrogen and oxygen, but 60 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. it does not furnish any proof as to the relation between the quantities of the gases which combine. It is a quali- tative synthesis. Other methods were described, the ob- ject of which was to show in what proportion by weight and by volume hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water. These methods are examples of quantitative syn- theses. The results proved that to form water hydrogen and oxygen combine in the proportion of 1 volume of oxygen to 2 of hydrogen ; and it therefore follows that the decomposition of water which is effected by the elec- tric current is complete. Properties of Water. Pure water is tasteless and in- odorous, and in small quantities colorless. Thick layers are, however, blue. This is seen by filling a long tube with carefully purified water, and examining it by transmitted light, when it appears blue. Some mountain lakes also have a marked blue color. When cooled, water contracts until it reaches the temperature of 4. At this point it has its maximum density. If cooled below this it expands, and the specific gravity of ice is somewhat less than that of water. Hence ice floats on water. If this were not so there would be great danger in cold climates that the water in the streams would freeze solid. As it is, the lower layers of water are protected by the ice and the cold water just below it, which are poor conductors of heat. Water can be cooled down below its freezing temperature, or 0, if it is kept perfectly quiet, protected from the air, or cooled in capillary tubes. Water thus cooled down will suddenly solidify when disturbed, and then its tempera- ture rises to 0. Water boils at 100 under 760 mm. pres- sure. Increased pressure raises the boiling point, and decreased pressure lowers it. Chemical Properties of Water. Water is a very stable chemical compound. An indication of the attraction ex- erted by the hydrogen for the oxygen is given in the great evolution of heat when the two combine. In order to decompose it by heat, as much heat must be added as is evolved when it is formed. At high temperatures it is decomposed into its elements. The decomposition CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF WATER. 61 begins at 1000 and is half complete at 2500. This kind of gradual decomposition of a compound by heat is called dissociation. It is a common phenomenon in chemistry, and farther on we shall have occasion to study it more fully. As has been seen, water is decomposed completely by an electric current, and partly by contact with sodium and potassium at ordinary temperatures, and by iron and carbon at higher temperatures. It combines directly with a large number of substances in the form of water of crystallization, and with others to form definite chemical compounds called hydrates or hydroxides. Thus the oxides of potassium, K 2 O, and of sodium, Na 2 O, combine with water with evolution of much heat to form the compounds potassium hydroxide, KOH, and sodium hydroxide, NaOH, which, it will be re- membered, are also formed by the action of the elements potassium and sodium on water with liberation of hydro- gen. The reactions between the oxides and water are represented by the equations K 2 O + H 2 0=2KOH; Na 2 O + H 2 = 2NaOH. Similarly, lime or calcium oxide, CaO, acts upon water with evolution of heat, as is observed in the process of slaking. The change is like that which takes place with potassium and sodium oxides ; and is represented thus : CaO + H 2 = CaO 2 H 2 [or Ca(OH)J. The product represented by the symbol Ca(OH) 2 is known as calcium hydroxide or slaked lime. In the same way barium oxide, BaO, forms barium hydroxide : BaO + H 2 O = BaOJI 2 [or Ba(OH)J. We shall meet with many examples of this kind of action in our study of chemical reactions, and we shall see that the hydroxides form two of the most important classes of compounds, known as acids and bases. The hydroxides of potassium, sodium, calcium, and barium are, for example, bases ; while certain hydroxides con- 62 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. taining sulphur, nitrogen, and carbon are acids, such as sulphuric acid SO 2 (OH) 2 , nitric acid NO 2 (OH), and car- bonic acid, CO(OH) 2 . It is not believed that water as such is contained in these hydroxides. Nevertheless, when heated many of them give off water. Thus, when heated to a red heat, calcium hydroxide is decomposed into the oxide and water according to the equation Many substances which contain hydrogen and oxygen act in the same way. This is due to the great sta- bility of water even at elevated temperatures. As the temperature becomes higher and higher the attraction between the constituents of the compound becomes weaker and weaker. When a point is reached at which the attraction of the hydrogen for the oxygen is greater than that required to hold the constituents together, a rearrangement takes place, and compounds which are stable at the higher temperature are formed. Water as a Solvent. With a great many substances water forms unstable compounds, the nature of which cannot at present be explained. These unstable com- pounds are called solutions. It is known that many solids, liquids, and gases when brought into water disappear and form colorless liquids which look like water. Some give colored liquids of the same color as the substance dissolved, and others give liquids which have a color quite different from the substance dissolved. On the other hand, there are many substances which do not form such compounds with water or which, as we say, are insoluble in water. In a solution the particles of the substance dissolved are in some way attracted and held in combination by the particles of the liquid. If a very small quantity of substance be dissolved in a large quantity of water and the solution thoroughly stirred, the dissolved substance is uniformly distributed through- out the liquid, as can be shown by refined chemical meth- ods. That the dissolved substance is everywhere present in the solution can be shown further by the aid of certain dye-stuffs, as, for example, fuchsine. A drop of a concen- WATER AS A SOLVENT. 63 trated solution of the substance brought into many gallons of water imparts a distinct color to all parts of the liquid. An experiment of this kind gives some idea of the extent to which the division of matter can be carried. For it is evident that in each drop of the dilute solution there must be contained some of the coloring matter, though the quantity must be what we should ordinarily speak of as infinitesimal. While there seems to be no limit to the extent to which a solution can be diluted and still retain the dissolved substance uniformly distributed through its mass, there is a limit to the amount of every substance that can be brought into solution, and this varies with the temperature, and, in the case of gases, with the pressure. Some substances are easily soluble, others are difficultly soluble. When the solutions are boiled the water simply passes off and leaves the dis- solved substance behind, if it is a non-volatile solid. If, however, the substance in solution is a liquid, a par- tial separation will take place, the extent of the separa- tion depending largely upon the difference between the boiling-points of the water and the other liquid. A com- plete separation of two liquids by boiling is difficult and in most cases impossible. If, finally, the substance in solution is a gas, it generally passes off when the solution is heated, though in some cases water is given off leaving the gas in solution, which of course then becomes more concentrated. When a certain concentration is reached a solution of the gas passes over. It is probable that in these cases the gas is in a condition of chemical combination with the water. Solutions, in general, seem to differ from true chemical compounds in some important particulars, and also from mere mechanical mixtures. Definiteness of composition appears to be characteristic of chemical compounds, or, at least, it is characteristic of a large num- ber of compounds which we call chemical compounds. But solutions have no definite composition. We can dis- solve any quantity of a substance from the minutest par- ticle to a certain fixed quantity, and the solutions formed are uniform and appear to be just as truly solutions as that which contains the largest quantity which can be 64 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. held in combination. On the other hand, in a mere me- chanical mixture the constituents may be present in all proportions, while this is not true of solutions. The sub- ject of solution is under investigation, and it has been made highly probable that some substances, when dis- solved, are partly or wholly broken down into smaller parts charged with positive and negative electricity re- spectively. These smaller parts are called ions. Solution as an Aid to Chemical Action. When it is desired to secure the chemical action of one solid sub- stance upon another, it is generally necessary to bring them together in solution. One reason why they do not act readily when mixed in the solid condition is to be found in the fact that, under these circumstances, their particles remain separated by sensible distances, no matter how finely the mixture may be powdered. If, however, the substances are dissolved, and the solutions poured together, the particles of the liquid move so freely among one another that they come in intimate contact, thus facilitating chemical action. Many substances which do not act upon one another at all when brought together in dry condition act readily when brought together in solution. It is believed that this is due principally to the splitting of the compounds into ions by the action of the water. These ions being free are capable of acting upon other ions which may be brought into the same solution. This idea will be developed farther on in other connections. Although it is highly probable, hen, that when a reaction takes place in a water solution the water itself plays a very important part, the reaction is generally represented by an equation in which the water does not appear. Of course, such an equation is imperfect, but it answers cer- tain purposes quite satisfactorily, and may be used with- out danger of confusion. Thus, when hydrochloric acid acts upon zinc, hydrogen is liberated and zinc chloride is formed. What we call hydrochloric acid in the labo- ratory is the liquid which is formed by the absorption of hydrochloric acid gas, HC1, by water. When this liquid is used, however, the chemical act which makes itself NATURAL WATEES. 65 known to us is that which gives hydrogen gas and zinc chloride in solution. Apparently this reaction is inde- pendent of the water, and it may be represented thus : Zn + 2HC1 = ZnCl a + 2H. Sometimes such reactions are written as follows in order to express the fact that water is present, though, as will be observed, no attempt is made to tell what part the water plays : Zn + 2HC1 + Aq = ZnCl 2 + 2H + Aq ; or Zn + 2HC1 + H 2 O = ZnCl 3 + 2H + H 2 O. There is no objection to this, certainly, but it is ques- tionable whether, considering the purposes for which chemical equations are used, this increases their value. Natural Waters. All water found in nature is more or less impure or, in other words, contains something in so- lution. In the first place, waters which are exposed to the air dissolve some of the gases of which the air is composed, as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. Again, natural waters necessarily are in contact with the earth, they always dissolve some of the earthy substances ; and, finally, many waters come in contact with animal and vegetable substances and dissolve some- thing from these. The water which is carried up as vapor from the surfaces of natural bodies of water is approximately pure. When this is precipitated as rain it dissolves certain substances from the air, and the first rain that falls during a storm is always more or less contami- nated. In a short time, however, the air becomes washed and the rain which falls thereafter is approximately pure water. If it remains in contact with insoluble rocks, as, for example, quartzite or sandstone, it remains pure, and mountain-streams which flow over sandstone beds are, in general, the purest. Water which flows over limestone dissolves some of this and becomes " hard." A similar change is brought about in water by contact with gyp- sum and magnesium sulphate. The condition of hard- ness will be taken up more fully under calcium and magnesium compounds. The many varieties of mineral 66 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. springs have their origin in the presence in the earth of certain substances which are soluble in water. Among those most frequently met with in solution in natural waters are carbonic acid, sodium carbonate, sodium sul- phate or Glauber's salt, sodium chloride or common salt, magnesium sulphate, iron carbonate, and sulphuretted hydrogen. Effervescent waters are those which contain a large quantity of carbonic acid in solution and give off carbon dioxide gas when exposed to the air. Chalyb- eate waters are those which contain some compound of iron in solution ; sulphur waters contain the gas, sulphu- retted hydrogen. Common salt occurs in large quantities in different parts of the earth. As it is easily soluble in water, many streams contain it ; and as most streams find their way to the ocean, we see one reason why the water of the ocean should be salt. As streams approach the habitation of man they are subjected to a serious cause of contamination. The drainage from the neighborhood of human dwellings is very apt to find its way into a near stream. The sub- stances thus carried into the stream undergo decompo- sition and give rise to the formation of larger or smaller quantities of new products some of which have the power to produce disturbances when taken into the system, and others to produce disease. This condition of things is most strikingly illustrated by the case of a large town situated on the banks of a river. It frequently happens that the water of the river is used for drinking purposes, and it also frequently happens that the water is contami- nated by drainage. Biver water when once contaminated by drainage tends to become pure again by contact with the air, the change consisting largely in the slow oxida- tion of the substances which are of animal or vegetable origin, and their conversion into harmless products. If water is to be used for drinking purposes, however, it is not well to rely too much upon this process of purifica- tion. So much has of late years been said about drinking- water that excessive alarm has been created, and water is no doubt frequently held responsible for sickness with which it has nothing to do. In some places the war against the water supply has been carried so far that those who PURIFICATION OF WATER. 67 can afford it drink only artificially purified and distilled water. It is undoubtedly well to be cautious, but it is possible to be too cautious. What Constitutes a Bad Drinking Water. A good drink- ing water should be free from odor and taste and should not contain anything which can act injuriously upon the system. It is, however, difficult to decide by chemical means whether the water contains anything injurious or not, as there may be a very minute quantity of an ex- tremely injurious substance, for example a disease germ, present, and chemical analysis would be powerless to de- tect it. On the other hand, water which is very consid- erably contaminated by sewage may be harmless, and yet the latter might be pronounced " bad " and the former " good." The rule generally adopted by chemists in dealing with water is to pronounce any water danger- ous which is contaminated by sewage. Such contamina- tion can generally be detected by analysis or by analysis and inspection of the sources. Purification of Water. Impure water may become purer by natural methods as has been stated, and it may be rendered fit for drinking purposes by filtering through such substances as charcoal, sand, spongy iron, etc. A filter, no matter of what it may be made, will not, how- ever, remain efficient for any length of time, as the sub- stances contained in the impure water are retained by it and, after a time, it becomes a source of pollution in- stead of a purifier. For refined work in chemistry pure water is prepared by distilling natural waters. The process of distillation consists in boiling the water and then passing the steam through a tube or system of tubes surrounded by cold water. Thus the steam is con- densed, and the distilled water is approximately pure. Of course, it is necessary that the tubes in which the con- densation takes place should be of such material that water does not act upon it to any extent. The materials used are glass, block tin, and platinum. Chemically pure water is a very rare substance even in the best chemical laboratories. The slight impurities present in ordinary distilled water are not, however, of special importance under ordinary circumstances. CHAPTER VI. CONSTITUTION OF MATTER-ATOMIC THEORY-ATOMS AND MOLECULES CONSTITUTION VALENCE. Early Views. In early times two views were held re- garding the ultimate constitution of matter. The first was, that matter is infinitely divisible that there is no limit to the process of subdivision ; the other was, that there is a limit to the divisibility that when certain in- conceivably small particles are reached the process must stop. These small particles were called atoms, meaning indivisible. As long as the constitution of matter was merely a subject of speculation, the atoms remained with- out a physical basis and were only metaphysical con- ceptions. The facts which come under our ordinary ob- servation do not furnish any evidence for or against the existence of atoms ; and, though we discuss the subject indefinitely, little or no progress can be made without re- fined observations on the properties of matter. So it was, that until the beginning of the present century the atomic theory remained practically what it was when first pro- posed, and as such it was of no value to chemistry. The Atomic Theory as proposed by Dalton. We have seen how Dalton, at the beginning of this century, dis- covered the law of multiple proportions. This law, as well as that of definite proportions, required explanation. The questions to be answered are : (1) Why do the ele- ments combine in definite proportions ? (2) Why, when elements combine with each other in more than one way, do the relative quantities which enter into combination in the different cases bear simple relations to one another ? and (3) What is the significance of the figures represent- ing the combining weights ? Dalton saw that the facts re- ferred to could be explained by the atomic theory, while, on the theory that matter is infinitely divisible, they (68) THE ATOMIC THEORY. 69 appear to be inexplicable. It is only necessary to assume that each element is made up of particles which are not divisible in chemical processes, and that these particles, or atoms, have definite weights. The atoms of any one element must be supposed to have the same weight, while the atoms of different elements have different weights. Now, when chemical combination takes place, Dalton supposed that the action was between the atoms. The simplest case is that in which combination takes place in such way that each atom of one element combines with one atom of another ; but, besides this kind of com- bination, we may have that in which one atom of one ele- ment combines with two atoms of another, or two of one may combine with three of another, etc. Suppose two elements A and B, the weights of whose atoms are to each other as 1 : 10, are brought together, and they combine in the simplest way, i.e., one atom of one with one atom of the other, then it is plain that in the compound AB the elements will be contained in the proportion of 1 part of A to 10 parts of B, whether a small or a large quantity of the compound is formed, and no matter in what pro- portions the elements are brought together. If they should be brought together in the proportion of their atomic weights (1 : 10), then no part of either element will be left uncombined after the act of combination has taken place. If, however, a larger proportion of either element is taken than that stated, then the quantity of the one which is in excess of this proportion will be left uncom- bined. This is in accordance with what we know takes place, and it is a conclusion drawn from the theory. No matter how many atoms of A we may take, the same number of atoms of B will be required to combine with all of them. But each atom of B weighs 10 times as much as each atom of A, therefore the total mass of B which enters into combination must be 10 times that of A with which it combines. It may be, however, that these same elements can form other compounds with each other. If A and B represent the atoms of the elements and we assume these atoms to be chemically indivisible, then the other compounds must be represented by such 70 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. symbols as AB A^B, AB^ A^B, A^B^ etc., which repre- sent compounds in which 1 atom of A is combined with 2 atoms of B ; 2 of A with 1 of B ; 1 of A with 3 of B ; 3 of A with 1 of B ; 2 of A with 3 of B ; etc. : or they also represent compounds in w r hich 1 part by weight of A is combined with 20 parts by weight of B ; 2 parts of A with 10 of B ; 1 of A with 30 of B ; 3 of A with 10 of B ; 2 of A with 30 of B ; etc. It is therefore clear that, if the atomic theory as put forward by Dalton is true, the elements must combine according to the laws of definite and multiple proportions ; and it appears that the figures which represent the combining weights of the elements must either bear to one another the same relation as the weights of the atoms, or, at all events, the atomic weights or the relative weights of the atoms must be closely re- lated to the combining weights, as will be pointed out more clearly presently. Use and Value of a Theory. The relation of a theory to facts is very simple, but is frequently misunderstood. The relation may be conveniently illustrated by the case under consideration. By a careful investigation of a number of chemical compounds it was shown that in each of them the same elements always occurred in the same proportion. This led to the belief that this is true of every chemical compound, and after further investigation which, as far as it went, showed the surmise to be correct, the law of definite proportions was proposed. This law is simply a statement of what has been found true in all cases examined. It involves no speculation. It is a statement of fact. It may be said that the statement or law must be open to some doubt for the reason that all possible cases have not been examined, and it may not hold true for some of these unexamined cases. The reply to this is that it has been found true in a very large num- ber of cases and in all cases which have been investigated. It is true for the present state of our knowledge, and that is all we can demand of any law. Again, further investi- gation led to the discovery of the law of multiple propor- tions, which is also a statement of what has been found true in all cases investigated. It, like the law of definite ATOMIC WEIGHTS AND COMBINING WEIGHTS. 71 proportions and in the same sense, is a statement of fact. But having gone thus far, we now ask, what is the ex- planation of these laws? We simply know the facts what is the explanation ? By experiment we cannot go beyond these facts, but it is possible to imagine a cause and then proceed to see whether the imagined cause is sufficient to account for the facts. This is what Dalton did. He imagined that matter is made up of atoms of definite weights, and that chemical combination takes place in simple ways between these atoms. This imag- ined cause is the atomic theory. It is not a statement of anything found by investigation. It is not a statement of an established fact. It may or may not be literally true, but at all events it is the best guess that has ever been made as to the cause of the fundamental laws of chemical action, and it furnishes a very convenient means of interpreting the facts of chemistry. Since the atomic theory was first proposed it has been accepted by nearly all chemists. It has been of great value in suggesting methods of work, and has contributed largely to the ad- vance of chemistry. Any theory which is in accord- ance with the facts and leads to the discovery of new facts is of value, whether it should eventually prove to be true or false. At the same time a false theory may do much harm, as it may lead men to misinterpret the facts which they observe, and thus retard progress. Atomic Weights and Combining "Weights. If the atomic theory is true the atoms of each element must have defi- nite weights, and the determination of these atomic weights must evidently be of great importance. By analysis of compounds we can only determine the pro- portions by weight in which the elements combine with one another. Can we in this way determine the atomic weights ? In the first place, it is clear that it is out of the question to think of determining the absolute weights of the atoms, and all that we can possibly do is to deter- mine their relative weights. As of all the elements hy- drogen enters into combination in smallest relative quan- tity, its atomic weight is taken as the unit of the system, and the problem before us is to determine how many 72 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. times heavier the atoms of the other elements are than that of hydrogen. If every element combined with hydro- gen in only one proportion the problem would be a com- paratively simple one. Thus the three elements chlorine, bromine, and iodine combine with hydrogen, forming only one compound each. On analysis these are found to contain respectively 1 part of hydrogen to 35.18 parts of chlorine ; 1 " " " 79,34 " " bromine; and 1 " " " 125.89 " " iodine. There is no reason for believing that in these compounds the elements are combined in any but the simplest way, i.e., that each atom of hydrogen is combined with one atom of chlorine to form hydrochloric acid, etc. If this is true, then the atom of chlorine must weigh 35.37 times ; that of bromine 79.76 times; and that of iodine 126.54 times as much as that of hydrogen, or, in other words, the atomic weights of chlorine, bromine, and iodine are respectively 35.37, 79.76, and 126.54. It will, however, be observed that there is no evidence as to whether the elements in these compounds are combined in the simplest way or not. It is possible, as far as we know, that one atom of hydrogen may combine with two or three of chlorine, or that one of chlorine may combine with two or three of hydrogen. As there is, however, no evidence upon this point the simplest assumption is made. If we take the case of oxygen the problem is more com- plex. In water the elements are combined in the propor- tion of 7.94 parts of oxygen to 1 part of hydrogen, and from this we should naturally conclude that the atomic weight of oxygen is 7.94 ; but further study shows that this conclusion is not justified. Hydrogen and oxygen form a second compound known as hydrogen dioxide or hydrogen peroxide in which there are 15.88 parts of oxy- gen to 1 of hydrogen. This may be explained in the terms of the atomic theory by assuming that water is represented by the formula HO, and hydrogen dioxide by HO 3 . But it may be that the atomic weight of oxygen is 15.88, and then water must be represented by the MOLECULES- AVOGADRO'S LAW. 73 formula H 2 O, and hydrogen dioxide by HO. Simple analysis of the compounds is not sufficient to enable us to decide between these possibilities. It is, therefore, evi- dent that in order to determine the atomic weights some- thing besides the determination of the composition of compounds is necessary. The figures representing the combining weights found in this way will, however, either be identical with the atomic weights or will bear a simple numerical relation to them. Molecules. Investigation of certain phenomena of light, of electricity, of liquid films and the conduct of gases has led physicists to the conclusion that matter is not continuous, but made up of small particles, which are called molecules. A gaseous molecule is defined as " that minute portion of a substance which moves about as a whole, so that its parts, if it has any, do not part company during the motion of agitation of the gas." It would be out of place here to present the physical facts upon which the molecular theory rests. Suffice it to say that it is the only theory which has been found adequate to account for the behavior of gases. Avogadro's Law. The fact that gases conduct them- selves in the same way under the influence of changes in temperature and pressure can only be explained by as- suming that equal volumes of all gases and vapors contain the same number of ultimate particles or molecules at the mme temperature and pressure. This is a deduction from the well-tested molecular theory of gases. It was, however, originally put forward by the Italian chemist Avogadro from a study of chemical as well as of physical facts, and a little later it was sug- gested as probable by the French physicist Ampere. It is therefore generally spoken of as Avogadro's law, and sometimes as Ampere's law. Absolute proof of its truth cannot be given, but it is in thorough accordance with a la*rge number of w T ell-known facts, and it is undoubtedly true, if the molecular theory of matter is true. It may therefore be considered as furnishing a solid foundation for further conclusions bearing upon the problem of the determination of the atomic weights. 74 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Distinction between Molecules and Atoms. If we con- sider any chemical compound, as water or hydrochloric acid, it is evident that the smallest particle or the mole- cule of the compound must be made up of still smaller particles. Thus, the smallest particle of water must con- tain smaller particles of hydrogen and oxygen, and the smallest particle of hydrochloric acid must contain smaller particles of hydrogen and chlorine. These smallest par- ticles of the molecules are the atoms. The molecules of the compounds are, according to this view, made up of the atoms of the elements. Similarly the elements them- selves are, for good reasons which will be presented, be- lieved to consist of molecules which are in turn made up of -atoms of the same kind, though in a few cases the molecule of the element is identical with the atom. The difference between a compound and an element then is, in general, that the molecule of the compound consists of atoms of different kinds, while the molecule of an ele- ment consists of atoms of the same kind or, in a few oases, of one atom. Generally the atoms do not exist in the free or uncombined state, but, if they are set free by chemical action, they unite to form molecules. The fol- lowing may serve as a definition of the conception of atoms at present held by chemists : Atoms are the indivisible constituents of molecules. They are the smallest particles of the elements that take part in chemical reactions, and are, for the greater part, incapable of existence in the free state, being generally found in combi- nation with other atoms, either of the same kind or of differ- ent kinds. It cannot be too strongly emphasized that the views held in regard to the relations between molecules and atoms are based upon an enormous amount of painstak- ing study of facts, and in order fully to comprehend their value a study of most of these facts would be necessary. These views have gradually become firmly established as knowledge of the facts has grown more and more pro- found. Accepting them, we are now to see how they aid us in the problem with which we are dealing, viz., the determination of the atomic weights. MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. 75 Molecular Weights. If equal volumes of gases contain the same number of molecules at the same temperature and pressure, it is only necessary to determine the weights of equal volumes of gases to learn the relative weights of their molecules. Thus, if we weigh a liter of each of three gases, and find that the weights are to one another as 1 to 2 to 3, then it follows that the relation between the weights of the molecules of these gases is expressed by these figures, or, in other words, the mole- cule of the second gas is twice as heavy ; and that of the third gas is three times as heavy as that of the lightest. The determination of the relative weights of the mole- cules of substances which either are gaseous or can be converted into gases resolves itself simply into a deter- mination of the weights of equal volumes. In represent- ing the molecular weights we may use any figures which are most convenient, provided only that they bear to one another the relations determined by experiment. If, however, we call the atomic weight of hydrogen 1, then our system of molecular weights must be based upon this, and the molecular weight of a compound should state how much heavier the molecule is than an atom of hydrogen. Thus, if we say that the molecular weights of water and hydrochloric acid are respectively 17.88 and 36.18, we mean that, if the hydrogen atom weighs 1, then the weights of the molecules of water and hydrochloric acid are represented by the figures given. Now, if the molecule of hydrogen were identical with the atom or, in other words, if the molecular weight were equal to 1, then the adjustment of the system of molecular weights to the atomic weight of hydrogen would be perfectly simple. It would only be necessary to determine the weight of a given volume of hydrogen and compare the weights of equal volumes of other gases with it. If the weight of a certain volume of any compound should be found to be 10 times that of an equal volume of hydrogen, it would follow that the molecular weight of the compound is 10. But the molecule and atom of hydrogen are not identical, as can be shown without difficulty. When a given vol- ume of hydrogen combines with chlorine it combines with 76 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. an equal volume of this element, and the two volumes which combine form an equal volume of the compound hydrochloric acid. These facts may be graphically repre- sented as follows : combine and form 1vol. HC1 2 volumes of - hydrochloric acid gas. 1vol. HC1 1 j Now, bearing in mind Avogadro's law that equal vol- umes of all gases contain the same number of molecules, it follows that if, in the volume of hydrogen taken, there is any finite number of molecules, say 100, then in the same volume of chlorine there must be 100 molecules, and in the two volumes of hydrochloric acid gas obtained there must be 200 molecules of the compound. There- fore, from 100 molecules of hydrogen and 100 molecules of chlorine there are formed 200 molecules of hydro- chloric acid. But in each molecule of hydrochloric acid there must be at least one atom of hydrogen and one atom of chlorine, and in the 200 molecules there must be at least 200 atoms of hydrogen and 200 atoms of chlo- rine. Now, these 200 atoms of hydrogen have come from the 100 molecules, and the same is true of the chlorine. It, therefore, follows that each molecule of hydrogen and each molecule of chlorine must consist of at least two atoms. Or, we may say that, if there is one atom of hydro- gen in the molecule of hydrochloric acid, then there are two atoms of hydrogen in the molecule of hydrogen. The assumption that the molecule of hydrogen is twice as heavy as the atom is found to satisfy every require- ment of the present state of our knowledge. From the above, the following rule for the determination of molec- ular weights is deduced : Determine the specific gravity of the substance in terms of hydrogen and multiply the DEDUCTION OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS. result by ,2. Tims the specific gravity of water vapor in terms of hydrogen is 8.94, or, in other words, a given vol- ume of water vapor weighs 8.94 times as much as the same volume of hydrogen. But the molecular weight of hydrogen being 2, that of water must be 17.88. As the specific gravity of gases is frequently stated in terms of the air standard, it is desirable to know the relation be- tween these figures and those based upon hydrogen. The specific gravity of hydrogen as compared with air is .06926 ; when taken as the standard it is represented by 1. But 1 -f- 0.06926 is 14.44 ; therefore, to convert the specific gravities on the air standard into those on the hydrogen standard it is only necessary to multiply by 14.44. Thus the specific gravity of water vapor, air be- ing the standard, is 0.623. To find its specific gravity, hy- drogen being the standard, multiply by 14.44. Now 0.623 X 14.44 is very nearly 9. This being the specific gravity, the molecular weight is obtained by multiplying by 2. Of course, we should reach the same result by multiply- ing the specific gravities in terms of air directly by 28.88. Below are given the molecular weights of a few elements and compounds which have been determined by the method just described : Name. Sp. Grav. H = 1. Molec. Weight. Molecular Formula. Hydrogen 1 2 Ho Nitrogen 13 93 27 86 N 2 Water 8 94 17 88 H 2 O Hydrochloric acid 18 09 36 18 Hen Ammonia , 8 46 16 93 NH 3 7 96 15 92 CHd Carbon monoxide , 13 90 27 80 CO Carbon dioxide 21 84 43 68 CO 3 Deduction of Atomic Weights from Molecular Weights. The determination of molecular weights does not neces- sarily carry with it the determination of the atomic weights. It is plain from what has already been said that a knowledge of the molecular weight of an element does not convey a knowledge of its atomic weight. If, 78 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. for example, we learn that the molecular weight of nitro- gen is approximately 28, we have no means of judging from this what the atomic weight is. It is plainly nec- essary to know of how many atoms each molecule of nitrogen is made up, and to learn this is not a simple matter. It is easier to determine the atomic weight of an element through a study of its compounds. Suppose it is desired to determine the atomic weight of oxygen. We first determine the molecular weights of a number of compounds which contain oxygen, and then analyze these compounds. We then see what the smallest figure is that is required to express the weight of the oxygen that enters into the composition of the molecules, and this figure is selected as the atomic weight. The mo- lecular weights and the composition of several oxygen compounds are given in the following table : Compound. Mol. Wt. Approx. Composition. Water 17.88 2 parts hydrogen, 15.88 Carboii monoxide 27.80 11.92 carbon, 15.88 Carbon dioxide 43.68 11.92 carbon, 31.76 Nitric oxide 29.81 13.93 nitrogen 15.88 Nitrous oxide 43.74 27.86 nitrogen, 15.88 Sulphur dioxide 63.59 31.83 sulphur, 31.76 Sulphur trioxide 79.47 31.83 sulphur, 47.64 oxygen. oxygen. oxygen. oxygen. oxygen. oxygen. oxygen. The figures in the third column are of course determined by analysis, an example of the methods used having been given in the chapter on water. Stated in ordinary lan- guage, the figures in the case of carbon monoxide mean that the molecule of this compound weighs 27.80 times as much as the atom of hydrogen, and the 27.80 parts of matter are made up of 11.92 parts of carbon and 15.88 parts of oxygen. Considering now the composition of the com- pounds in the table, it will be seen that the smallest mass of oxygen which enters into the composition of any of the 'MOLECULAR FORMULAS. 79 molecules weighs 15.88 times as much as the atom of hydrogen. We find twice this mass as in carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide ; and three times as in sulphur tri- oxide, but no smaller mass. Now, if we should examine all compounds of oxygen which can exist in the form of gas or vapor we should find the same thing true ; that is to say, the smallest mass of oxygen which enters into the composition of molecules is 15.88 as great as that of the atom of hydrogen. The conclusion is therefore drawn that 15.88 is the atomic weight of oxygen. The possi- bility that the atomic weight of oxygen is less than this figure is not excluded. It may be that in the simplest oxygen compounds now known there are two or more atoms of this element in the molecules. But in the total absence of evidence on this point all we can do is to accept the figure 15.88 as in perfect accordance with all our knowledge of oxygen compounds. In this way the atomic weights of all elements which form gaseous compounds or compounds that can be con- verted into vapor have been determined ; and the deter- minations made in this way are regarded as the most reliable. Exact Atomic Weights determined by the Aid of Analy- sis. By determining molecular weights it is possible to decide approximately what figure represents the atomic weight of an element, but the methods employed in making determinations of molecular weights are liable to slight errors, and therefore the atomic weights obtained directly from the molecular weights deviate slightly from the true figures. In order to determine the atomic weights with the greatest possible accuracy, the most refined methods of chemical analysis are brought into play, and the figures in the table on page 21 have been determined in this way by a combination of a study of the specific gravity of gases and by the most careful analyses, together with some other methods which will be taken up later. Molecular Formulas. The symbols of chemical com- pounds first used were intended to express simply the composition of the compounds, and this can be done as was explained in Chapter I. by adopting a system of 80 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. combining weights of the elements. According to the theory explained in the last chapter the smallest particle of every compound is a molecule, and each molecule is made up of atoms. It appears, therefore, desirable for the sake of uniformity that the symbols used to repre- sent chemical compounds should represent molecules. Where the molecular weight of a compound, the atomic weights of the elements of which it is composed, and its composition are known, there is no difficulty in represent- ing it by a molecular formula. Thus, the molecular weight of ammonia is found by experiment to be approxi- mately 17, and the 17 parts are made up of 14 parts of nitrogen and 3 parts of hydrogen. The atomic weight of nitrogen is found by the method which has just been described to be very nearly 14. Therefore the mole- cule of ammonia weighing 17 parts is composed of 1 atom of nitrogen weighing 14 parts and 3 atoms of hy- drogen weighing 3 parts. The composition of the mole- cule is therefore represented by the* formula NH 3 . Simi- larly the composition of the molecule of water is repre- sented by the formula H 2 O ; that of hydrochloric acid by HOI ; that of marsh gas by CH 4 ; etc., etc. Every formula now in use is intended to represent a molecule of the compound for which it stands. In regard to the molecular weights of compounds that are not gaseous nor convertible into vapor, Avogadro's method is plainly of no avail. Methods have, however, been devised which are applicable to a number of these (see Chapter XXIII). Constitution. When hydrochloric acid is formed, we conceive that each atom of hydrogen combines with one atom of chlorine, and that the molecules of the resulting compound are made up each of an atom of hydrogen and an atom of chlorine. What the act of combination con- sists in we do not know. We simply know that something very remarkable takes place, and that as a consequence the hydrogen and chlorine cease to exist in their original forms. It is idle at present even to speculate in regard to the character of the change. The fact of union is ex- pressed by writing the symbols of the elements side by side without any sign between them, as HC1, or; some- VALENCE. 81 times, it is convenient to use a line to indicate chemical union, thus : H-C1. According to the molecular theory the molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen, as represented by the formula H 2 O, and the question now suggests itself whether all three atoms are in combination with one another or whether each of the hydrogen atoms is in combination with the oxygen atom, but not with each other, as represented by the formula H-O-H. So too in the case of ammonia, the molecular formula of which is NH 3 , the question sug- gests itself : Are the three atoms of hydrogen in combi- nation with the atom of nitrogen, but not with one an- / H other, as represented in the formula N^-H ? It is ex- Mi tremely difficult to answer such questions, but, at the same time, certain facts are known which enable us to draw probable conclusions. Formulas which express the composition of molecules and at the same time express the relations or the connections which exist between the atoms are called constitutional formulas. These constitu- tional formulas are very frequently used at present, but sometimes without a sufficient basis of facts to justify them. Whenever they are used in this book, the rea- sons for them will be stated as fully as may appear nec- essary. Valence. The formulas of the hydrogen compounds of chlorine, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon, all determined by the same method, are C1H OH, NH 3 CH 4 . A consideration of these formulas and of many similar ones has led to the belief that the atoms of different ele- ments differ in their power of holding other atoms in combination. The simplest explanation of the composi- tion of the compounds above represented is that the atoms of chlorine, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon differ in their power of holding hydrogen atoms in combination. Hydrogen and chlorine combine in only one way, 1 atom of chlorine combining with 1 of hydrogen ; 1 of oxygen 82 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. combines with 2 of hydrogen; 1 of nitrogen with 3 of hydrogen ; and 1 of carbon with 4 of hydrogen. The limit of the combining power of the atom of chlorine is reached when it has combined with one atom of hydro- gen. And as one chlorine atom can hold but one atom of hydrogen in combination, so one atom of hydrogen can hold but one atom of chlorine. Either the hydrogen atom or the chlorine atom may be taken as an example of the simplest kind of atom. Any element like hydro- gen or chlorine is called a univalent element ; an element like oxygen whose atom can hold two unit atoms in combination is called a bivalent element ; an element like nitrogen whose atom can hold three unit atoms in com- bination is called a trivalent element ; and an element like carbon whose atom can hold four unit atoms in combina- tion is called a quadrivalent element. Most elements be- long to one or the other of these four classes, though there are some which can hold five, six, and even seven unit atoms in combination. These are called quinqui- valent, sexivalent, and septivalent respectively. Valence is defined as that property of an element by virtue of which its atom can hold a definite number of other atoms in combination. In the formation of com- pounds the valence of the elements determines how many atoms of any element can enter into combination with any other. The atoms are sometimes spoken of as hav- ing bonds which are graphically represented by lines. Thus, a univalent element is said to have one bond, as represented by H-, C1-, etc. ; a bivalent element is said to have two bonds, -O-, -S-, etc. ; .a trivalent element three, -N- ; and a quadrivalent element four, -C-. Of course, this is merely a symbolical representation of the idea that each atom has a definite power of combining with others. It is further said that when the atoms unite these bonds become satisfied. Thus when one atom of hydrogen unites with one of chlorine, the bond of each is regarded as uniting with the bond of the other, and this is represented by the symbol H-C1. So too, when two atoms of hydrogen unite with one of oxygen, the com- REPLACING POWER OF ELEMENTS. 83 TT pound is represented in this way : H-O-H or O-" 10 substances directly, and disappear as such, and the light and heat are caused by the act of combination. Dry liquid chlorine, at its boiling temperature (33. 6) does not act on potassium, sodium, or aluminium. The action of chlorine upon ink, flowers, and cotton- print illustrates its power to bleach. It is important to notice that if the colored objects be introduced dry into dry chlorine the action does not take place. Moisture is generally essential to the bleaching by chlorine. Chlorine acts directly upon some dye-stuffs, converting them into colorless substances. In other cases it has been shown that the destruction of the color is due to the action of oxygen, which is set free from water by chlorine. In direct sunlight chlorine decomposes water according to the equation This decomposition can be illustrated by filling a long tube with a solution of chlorine in water, and in- verting it in a shallow vessel containing some of the same solution. If this is placed in the direct sunlight, bubbles of gas will be seen to rise in the tube and these will collect at the top, while the color of the solution, which was at first greenish-yellow like that of chlorine, will disappear. The gas which collects in the upper part of the tube is oxygen. The disintegrating action of chlorine upon substances of animal and vegetable origin may be illustrated by moistening a piece of filter-paper with some oil of turpen- tine, and introducing it into a vessel of chlorine. A flash of light is seen, and a dense black cloud is formed. The black substance is mainly carbon. Oil of turpen- tine is a compound of carbon and hydrogen. Chlorine abstracts the hydrogen from the carbon, leaving the latter mainly in the uncombined state. If the chlorine is allowed to act slowly upon the oil of turpentine and similar organic substances, the chlorine is substituted atom for atom for the hydrogen, and a series of so-called substitution-products is obtained. "102 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Chlorine dissolves readily in water and forms a solu- tion known as chlorine water. It has the odor and color of the gas, and it is frequently used in the laboratory instead of the gas. From what has been said it is evi- dent that it must be kept protected from the sunlight, or decomposition will take place, resulting in the forma- tion of hydrochloric acid and oxygen. Different Kinds of Action. A careful study of the dif- ferent kinds of action exhibited by chlorine shows that they may be classified under three heads : (1) First it acts by direct combination with elements as in the experiments with antimony and copper, and, as will be shown, with hydrogen and many other elements. Just as the compounds of oxygen with other elements are called oxides, so the compounds of chlorine with other elements are called chlorides. Thus the compound of antimony and chlorine, SbCl 3 , is called antimony chlo- ride ; that of zinc and chlorine, ZnCl 2 , is called zinc chloride ; etc. In case an element forms more than one compound with chlorine, the names used to distinguish between them are similar to those used for oxides. Mercury forms two chlorides which have the composi- tion represented by the formulas HgCl and HgCl 2 . The one with the smaller proportion of chlorine is called mercurous chloride , and the one with the larger propor- tion of chlorine is called mercuric chloride. So, too, there are two chlorides of iron which correspond to the formulas FeCl 2 and FeCl 3 . The former is called ferrous chloride, and the latter ferric chloride. (2) The second kind of action of chlorine is that which is called substitution. This was referred to in connec- tion with the action of chlorine on the oil of turpentine. The general character of this kind of action may be ex- plained by the aid of the following example. There is an important compound of carbon and hydrogen called benzene, which has the formula C 6 H 6 . When chlorine is passed through this compound, which is a liquid, a gas is given off which can easily be shown to be hydro- chloric, acid, HC1. This action continues until there is no hydrogen left in combination with the carbon, but in DIFFERENT KINDS OF ACTION OF CHLORINE. 103 place of the benzene there is now a compound of the formula C 6 C1 6 . This has been shown to be the final product of a series of reactions represented by the fol- lowing equations : C 6 H 6 + Cl, = C.H t Cl +HC1; C,H 6 C1 + Cl, = C,H,Cl a + HCl; C.H.C1, + Cl, = O.H.01. + HC1 ; C.H 3 C1 S + Cl, = C.H,C1 4 + HC1 ; C e H,Cl. + Cl, = C 6 HC1, + HC1 ; C 6 HC1 6 + Cl, = C.C1, + HC1. In each stage one atom of chlorine is substituted for an atom of hydrogen, but the hydrogen does not escape as such. It combines with chlorine and passes off in the form of hydrochloric acid. (3) The third kind of action is that noticed in bleach- ing, which depends upon the decomposition of water and the escape of oxygen as already explained. This action does not take place in the dark, but does take place readily in the direct sunlight. We have, however, seen that when oxygen acts upon hydrochloric acid under proper conditions water is formed and chlorine set free. It appears, therefore, that, under some cir- cumstances, this reaction is possible : 2HC1 + O = H 2 O + Cl, ; and, under other circumstances, this one : H 2 O + Cl, = 2HC1 + O. These facts appear to be contradictory* What part the sunlight plays is not known, though it is well known that it is capable of producing a great variety of chemical changes. We shall soon see that it is only necessary to allow it to act for an instant upon a mixture of hydrogen and chlorine to cause them to combine with violence. Then, too, the various processes known under the genera] name of photography depend upon chemical changes brought about by the sunlight. Leaving out of consid- eration this kind of action, the decomposition of hydro- chloric acid by oxygen and that of water by chlorine can 104 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. be explained by a consideration of the heat relations, The heat evoIVed in the formation of 1 molecule of water in the gaseous form is 58,069 cal., while that absorbed in the decomposition of 2 molecules of hydrochloric acid is 44,002 cal. Therefore, the reaction, 2H<21 + O = H 2 O + 01,, is accompanied by Vn evolution of heat. It is exo- thermic, and can take place without the addition of energy from without. If water is formed as a liquid, the heat evolved for 1 molecule is 68,357 cal., while that evolved by the formation of 2 molecules of hydrochloric acid in solution is 78,630 cal. Therefore, the heat evolved in the formation of hydrochloric acid in solu- tion is greater than that required to decompose water, and this reaction takes place. This does not, however, explain what part the sunlight plays in the process. Chlorine Hydrate and Liquid Chlorine. When chlo- rine gas is passed into water cooled down almost to the freezing-point, crystals appear in the vessel. These con- sist of chlorine and water as represented by the formula Cl -f- 5H 2 O ; or, assuming that it is formed by the com- bination of the molecules of chlorine with water, the formula should be written Cl a + 10H 2 O. It gives off chlorine at the ordinary temperature and, if allowed to stand, undergoes complete decomposition into chlorine and water. If gently heated the chlorine is given off rapidly. This fact was taken advantage of by Faraday for the purpose of subjecting the gas to high pressure and low temperature. For this purpose he placed some of the hydrate in a strong glass tube of the form repre- sented in Fig. 6. The com- pound was put in the part of the tube marked db, and the other end, c, then sealed. The arm ab was warmed by dip- ping it in warm water, while the other arm was placed in Fl0 - 6 - a freezing mixture. Under these circumstances the chlorine is given off from the hydrate, but being unable to escape from the tube the HYDROCHLORIC ACID. 105 pressure is increased to such an extent that at the low temperature the gas assumes the liquid form. Applications of Chlorine. Chlorine is used very exten- sively in the arts, particularly for the purpose of bleach- ing. It is also used for the manufacture of a large num- ber of compounds which contain chlorine, the principal ones being bleaching powder or calcium hypochlorite, and potassium chlorate. If used in sufficient quantity chlorine is an excellent disinfectant and deodorizer. By far the largest quantity of the chlorine manufactured is converted into bleaching powder or calcium hypochlo- rite, as this can be conveniently transported, and the chlorine can be obtained from it when desired. It is only necessary to expose it to the air to effect a partial decomposition accompanied by a liberation of chlorine ; and the addition of hydrochloric or sulphuric acid causes it to give it up completely, as will be shown farther on. This bleaching powder is now used almost exclusively instead of chlorine gas for bleaching. HYDEOCHLOKIC ACID. Historical. Hydrochloric acid was first prepared in large quantity by Glauber in the seventeenth century, and his description is not unlike those which one fre- quently reads nowadays referring to some patent medi- cine. The method of preparation used by him was the same as that used at present, viz., the action of sulphuric acid upon common salt. Study of the Action of Hydrogen upon Chlorine. If hy- drogen and chlorine are brought together in the dark no action takes place, no matter how long they are allowed to stand together. If, however, the mixture is put in diffused sunlight, gradual combination takes place ; and if the direct light of the sun is allowed to shine for an instant on the mixture, explosion occurs, and this is the sign of the combination of the two gases. The same sudden combination is effected by applying a flame or spark to the mixture, or by illuminating it in- 106 INORQANIC CHEMISTRY. stantaneously with the light from burning magnesium or an electric light. On comparing these facts with those learned in studying the action of hydrogen on oxygen a marked difference is evident. Hydrogen and oxygen do not combine either in the dark or the direct sunlight, but only when a spark is brought in contact with the mixture. Another way in which hydrogen can be made to combine with chlorine is by introducing a jet of burning hydrogen into a vessel containing chlorine. The hydro- gen will continue to burn, but the character of the flame will change completely, and above the vessel white fumes will be observed. This burning of hydrogen in chlorine is entirely analogous to the burning of hydro- gen in oxygen. It is simply an act of combination of the two gases, in each case, accompanied by an evolution of light and heat. And just as oxygen can be burned in hydrogen by a proper arrangement of apparatus, so chlorine can also be burned in hydrogen. To determine the relation between the volumes of hy- drogen and chlorine which combine with each other and the volume of the product formed is more difficult than in the case of hydrogen and oxygen, mainly for the rea- son that chlorine acts upon mercury and is dissolved by water. It is necessary to proceed indirectly. Instead of causing hydrogen and chlorine to combine, hydrochloric acid is decomposed and the volumes of the hydrogen and chlorine obtained are determined. One method of effecting this consists in decomposing hydro- chloric acid by an electric current in an apparatus like that referred to in connection with the decom- position of water. As chlorine is, however, soluble in water, the apparatus is filled with a saturated solution of common salt to which a strong solution of hydro- chloric acid in water is added. On passing a fairly strong current, the hydrochloric acid is decomposed, hydrogen being given off at one pole and chlorine at the other. For a given volume of hydrogen the same volume of chlorine is liberated, which makes it ap- pear probable that hydrogen and chlorine are combined PREPARATION OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID. 107 in hydrochloric acid in the proportion of volume to volume. For the purpose of further studying the volume re- lations, the following experiment is of value. A tube is filled with hydrochloric acid gas. A small piece of po- tassium is then introduced, when decomposition takes place as represented in the equation The gas left in the vessel is hydrogen, as can easily be shown. On measuring its volume it is found to be just half that of the hydrochloric acid gas decomposed. Taking this fact into consideration with the fact that whenever hydrochloric acid is decomposed by an electric current equal volumes of hydrogen and chlorine are ob- tained, it appears that in the formation of hydrochloric acid gas 1 volume of hydrogen combines with 1 volume of chlorine to form 2 volumes of hydrochloric acid, a fact which was referred to in the chapter on the Atomic Theory. The weight of the hydrogen is found to bear to the weight of the hydrochloric acid the proportion 1 : 36.18. In other words, in 36.18 parts of hydro- chloric acid there are 35.18 parts of chlorine and 1 part of hydrogen. Preparation. For the preparation of hydrochloric acid in the laboratory as well as on the large scale, ordinary sulphuric acid is poured upon common salt. Two reac- tions may take place between these substances, depend- ing largely upon the amount of sulphuric acid used. If the two substances are brought together in the propor- tion of the weights of their molecules or their molecular weights, the principal reaction is the one represented in the following equation : NaCl + H 2 S0 4 = NaHS0 4 + HC1. In this case the atom of sodium of the molecule of sodium chloride is substituted for one atom of hydrogen in the molecule of sulphuric acid, while the hydrogen and chlorine unite to form hydrochloric acid. If, on the other hand, the substances are brought together in the 108 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. proportion of 2 molecules of sodium chloride and 1 molecule of sulphuric acid the principal reaction is the following : 2NaCl + H 2 S0 4 = Na 3 SO 4 + 2HC1. Properties. Hydrochloric acid is a colorless trans- parent gas, and has a sharp penetrating taste and smell. Inhaled it produces suffocation. It is extremely easily soluble in water, 1 volume of water at ordinary temper- atures dissolving 450 times its own volume of the gas, and at 0, 500 times. The solution of the gas in water is what is generally called hydrochloric acid. So great is the at- traction of the gas for water that it condenses moisture from the air ; hence, although the gas itself is quite color- less and transparent, when it comes in contact with the air dense white clouds are formed, which are not formed if it is kept from contact with the air, as can easily be shown by filling glass vessels with the gas. Hydrochloric acid does not burn and does not support combustion. This is equivalent to saying that it does not combine with oxygen under ordinary circumstances, and that sub- stances which combine with the oxygen of the air do not combine with hydrochloric acid. On the other hand, we have seen that under some circumstances oxygen does act upon hydrochloric acid and cause an evolution of chlorine. The gas is comparatively easily condensed to the liquid form. When a concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid in water is heated, gas is given off, but if a dilute solution is heated water is given off. In either case, when the composition of the liquid is that represented by the formula HC1 -f- 8H 2 O, it boils under the ordinary pres- sure of the atmosphere unchanged. If the pressure is lowered the composition of the liquid which passes over in the process of distillation changes, so that it contains a larger percentage of hydrochloric acid the lower the pressure becomes. This fact seems to show that the liquid of the composition HC1 + 8H 2 O, which boils unchanged at the temperature 110 under the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere is not a chemical compound. HYDROCHLORIC ACID. 109 On the other hand, it certainly does not conduct itself like most ordinary solutions of gases. There is a definite compound of hydrochloric acid with water called hydrochloric acid hydrate, which has the composition HC1 -|- 2H 2 O. This is formed by pass- ing hydrochloric acid gas into the concentrated aqueous solution cooled down to 22. Under these circum- stances the hydrate separates in the form of crystals. Commercial hydrochloric acid is a yellowish liquid, the color being due to the presence of impurities, such as iron and organic substances. The solution is obtained in the factories in which " soda " or sodium carbonate is made. This is an extremely important substance in the arts. It does not occur in nature, but is manu- factured from common salt. In the process most com- monly used salt is first converted into sodium sulphate, Na 2 SO 4 , by treating it with sulphuric acid. Hydro- chloric acid is necessarily given off. When the factories were first established in England, the gas was allowed to escape as a waste product, but the effects produced by it upon the vegetation of the surrounding country were so injurious that a law was passed prohibiting the manufacturers from allowing the gas to escape. It is now collected by causing it to pass through towers so constructed as to expose a large surface of bricks or sandstone plates over which a current of cold water is constantly kept flowing. This water dissolves the hy- drochloric acid, and the solution collected below is commercial hydrochloric acid. In this way enormous quantities of the acid are produced, but its uses are nu- merous and it always commands a price. Pure hydrochloric acid is a solution of the pure gas in pure water. It is colorless, and when concentrated it gives off fumes when exposed to the air. The solution when heated gives off a large part of the gas contained in it, and by boiling it can all be evaporated. Chemical Action of Hydrochloric Acid. If the action of hydrochloric acid towards the elements should be studied systematically it would be found that many of them act by simply taking the place of the hydrogen, as has 110 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. already been illustrated in the preparation of hydrogen by treating hydrochloric acid with zinc when this reac- tion takes place : Zn + 2HC1 = ZnCl 2 + H 2 . With iron the reaction is : Fe + 2HC1 = FeCl 2 + H 3 ; with tin : Sn + 2HC1 = SnCl a + H 2 ; with potassium : K + HC1 ' = KOI + H, or K a + 2HC1 = 2KC1 + H 2 ; with sodium : Na a + 2HC1 = 2NaCl + H 2 ; with calcium : Ca + 2HC1 = Ca01 2 + H 3 ; etc., etc. On the other hand, there are many elements which do not act in this way towards hydrochloric acid. Sul- phur, nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, and boron may be taken as examples. These elements do not act upon hy- drochloric acid at all. We might, therefore, divide the elements into two classes : (1) those which act upon hy- drochloric acid setting hydrogen free and forming chlo- rides ; and (2) those which do not act upon hydrochloric acid. Again, when hydrochloric acid acts upon the oxides of those elements which have the power to liberate hydro- gen from it, it forms the same chlorides as are formed when the element alone acts, but instead of hydrogen being liberated water is formed. Thus when the acid acts upon zinc oxide, ZnO, the reaction takes place thus : ZnO + 2HC1 = ZnCl 2 + H 2 O ; CHEMICAL ACTION OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID. .111 with lime or calcium oxide, CaO, it is : CaO + 2HC1 = CaCl a + H a O ; with potassium oxide : K 2 O + 2HC1 = 2KC1 + H 2 O ; etc., etc. In these reactions there are two forces at work tending to effect the change. There is, first, the affinity of the element, which is combined with oxygen, for chlorine, and> second, the affinity of the hydrogen for oxygen. "We should, therefore, naturally expect hydrochloric acid to act more readily upon the oxides than upon ele- ments, and it has been found that this is the case. If the so-called hydroxides of those elements which act upon hydrochloric acid be brought in contact with the acid, action takes place even more readily than with the oxides, and the products are the same. Thus potas- sium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid give potassium chloride and water : KOH + HC1 = KC1 + H 2 O ; calcium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid give calcium chloride and water, thus : Ca(OH), + 2HC1 = CaCl a + 2H 2 O ; aluminium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid give alumin- ium chloride and water, thus : Al(OH), + 3HC1 = A1C1, + 3H 2 O ; etc., etc. There are then elements which act upon hydrochloric acid liberating hydrogen and forming chlorides ; and the oxides and hydroxides of these elements act upon hydrochloric acid forming chlorides and water. The elements which act in this way are commonly called metals or, for reasons which will be discussed farther on, base-forming elements. If those elements which do not set hydrogen free from 112 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. hydrochloric acid are treated directly with chlorine, they generally combine with it to form chlorides. But these chlorides differ markedly from the chlorides of the met- als, especially in their conduct towards water. Two ex- amples will suffice for the present. Phosphorus forms a chloride of the formula PC1 3 , known as phosphorus- trichloride. In contact with water it undergoes decom- position according to this equation : PC1 3 + 3H 3 = PO 3 H 3 + 3HC1 ; so, too, the chloride of boron, BC1 3 , undergoes the same kind of change : BC1 3 + 3H 2 O = BO 3 H 3 + 3HC1. Similarly, the other chlorides of the elements of this class tend to pass into the oxides or hydroxides when brought in contact with water. Those elements which do not act upon hydrochloric acid setting hydrogen free and forming chlorides are generally called non-metals or, for reasons which will appear later, acid-forming elements. The chlorides of the acid-forming elements are generally decomposed by water and the corresponding oxides or hydroxides are formed. In general terms, the oxide of a base-forming element or of a metal is acted upon by hydrochoric acid, a chloride and water being formed ; and the chloride of an acid-forming element or of a non- metal is acted upon by water, a hydroxide, or oxide, and hydrochloric acid being formed. We shall have many illustrations of the opposite chemical character of these two classes of elements, and we shall see that many of the most important and characteristic chemical reac- tions are associated with these differences. CHAPTER IX. COMPOUNDS OF CHLORINE WITH OXYGEN AND WITH HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN. General. As has been seen, chlorine combines very readily with hydrogen, and hydrogen with oxygen, and the products are stable compounds. On the other hand, chlorine cannot be made to combine directly with oxygen. By indirect processes they can be combined, but the compounds undergo decomposition easily, yield- ing back the chlorine and oxygen contained in them. Before taking up the compounds of chlorine and oxygen, however, it will be best to discuss, as far as may be necessary, the compounds of chlorine, hydrogen, and oxygen which are more easily made, and from which the oxides are made. Principal Reactions for making Compounds of Chlorine with Hydrogen and Oxygen. One of the principal reac- tions made use of for the preparation of compounds of chlorine, oxygen, and hydrogen consists in treating po- tassium hydroxide with chlorine. The strong affinity of chlorine for potassium shown by the decomposition of hydrochloric acid by potassium would lead us to expect that when chlorine acts upon potassium hydroxide, po- tassium chloride, KC1, would be formed : KOH + 01 = KC1 + O + H. But it also has a strong affinity for hydrogen, so that hydrochloric acid would be formed as well as potassium chloride : KOH + 2C1 = KC1 + HC1 + O. The oxygen can, however, combine with potassium chloride and form compounds, KC1O, KC1O 2 , KC1O 3 , and (113) 114 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. KC1O 4 ; and hydrochloric acid, if formed, would com> bine with potassium hydroxide, thus : KOH + HC1 = KC1 + H 2 O. When potassium hydroxide is treated with chlorine we may therefore expect to obtain potassium chloride, KC1 ; some compound containing potassium, chlorine, and oxygen ; and water. Experiment has shown that the action takes place as we should expect, and that the compound of potassium, chlorine, and oxygen is differ- ent according to the conditions of the experiment. If the solution of caustic potash is warm and concentrated the product is richer in oxygen than when the solution is dilute and cold. With the concentrated solution the reaction takes place thus : 6KOH + 3C1 2 = 5KC1 + KC1O 3 + 3H 2 O. While five atoms of potassium appear in the form of the chloride, one appears in the form of an oxygen com- pound, KC1O 3 , potassium chlorate, which we have already had to deal with in connection with the preparation of oxygen. With the dilute solution of caustic potash the reaction takes place thus : 2KOH + Cl a = KC1 + KC1O + H 2 O. The oxygen product in this case is potassium hypocMo- rite, KC1O. Potassium chlorate, KC1O 3 , and potassium hypocMorite, KC1O, bear the same relation to two compounds, HC1O 3 and HC1O, that potassium chloride, KC1, and sodium chloride, NaCl, bear to hydrochloric acid. But we have seen that hydrochloric acid can easily be obtained from sodium chloride by treating it with sulphuric acid. Potassium chloride undergoes the same change when treated with sulphuric acid. Indeed, we shall see that nearly all compounds containing sodium or potassium give up these metals when treated with sulphuric acid, and take up hydrogen in the place of them. CHLORIC ACID. 115 Treating potassium chloride with sulphuric acid this reaction takes place : 2KC1 + H 2 S0 4 = K 2 S0 4 + 2HCL Similarly, treating potassium chlorate with sulphuric acid, this reaction takes place : 2KC1O 3 + H a SO 4 = K 8 SO 4 + 2HC1O 3 . The compound HC1O 3 is called cUoric acid. Further, when potassium hypochlorite is decomposed by sul- phuric acid under proper circumstances, it undergoes the same kind of decomposition : 2KC10 + H 2 SO 4 = K 2 SO 4 + 2HC1O. The compound HC1O is called hypochlorous acid. Chloric Acid, HC1O 3 . The preparation of chloric acid from potassium chlorate is accomplished by treating a water solution of the chlorate with fluosilicic acid, H 2 SiF 6 , with which potassium forms an insoluble com- pound. The reaction which takes place is represented thus: 2KC1O 3 + H a SiF 6 = K 2 SiF 6 + 2HC1O 3 . The compound K 2 SiF 6 is known as potassium fluosili- cate. It will be observed that this reaction is of the same general character .as that represented above as tak- ing place between potassium chlorate and sulphuric acid. The difference between the two reactions is that potas- sium fluosilicate is insoluble in water, while potassium sulphate is soluble. By using fluosilicic acid, therefore, a solution of chloric acid is obtained free from other sub- stances, provided just enough of the fluosilicic acid is added to form potassium fluosilicate with all the potas- sium. This solution is unstable, and if heated above 40 the chloric acid undergoes decomposition according to the equation 4HC1O, = 01, + 3O + 2HC1O 4 + " 116 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Properties. Chloric acid acts upon metals in the same general way that hydrochloric acid does. It gives up its hydrogen and takes up metal in its place forming com- pounds like potassium chlorate, KC1O 3 , sodium chlorate, NaClO 3 , etc. In consequence of the ease with which it gives up oxygen, it is used extensively for the prepara- tion of oxygen, and for the purpose of adding oxygen to other substances, or as an oxidizing agent. Potassium chlorate and other compounds of similar character de- rived from chloric acid are used in the manufacture of fire- works.* Hypochlorous Acid, HC1O. The formation of potas- sium hypochlorite, KC1O, by treating caustic potash with chlorine has been mentioned. A similar reaction is em- ployed on the large scale in the manufacture of bleach- ing powder or " chloride of lime." This consists in treating slaked lime or calcium hydroxide with chlo- rine. The action is represented thus : 2Ca (OH) 2 + 2C1 2 = Ca(ClO) 2 + CaCl 2 + 2H 2 O. The compound Ca(ClO) 2 known as calcium hypochlorite is derived from hypochlorous acid by replacing two atoms of hydrogen in two molecules of the acid by one atom of the bivalent metal calcium ; ggjg gives Ca(gg) or Ca(ClO),. ., J Just as a mixture of potassium chloride and potassium hypochlorite is formed when potassium hydroxide is used, so apparently a mixture of calcium chloride and calcium hypochlorite is formed when calcium hydroxide is used. This point will be discussed to some extent under the head of Calcium Hypochlorite (which see), when it will be shown that there are good reasons for * Great care is necessary when working with potassium chlorate, as with many substances it forms explosive mixtures. Treated with con- centrated acids it undergoes rapid and violent decomposition. HYPOCHLOBOUS ACID. 11? believing that the product called bleaching powder is a distinct chemical compound and not a mixture of the chloride and hypochlorite. For our present purpose, however, it may be considered as such a mixture, for under most circumstances it acts as if it were. When treated with sulphuric acid or hydrochloric acid, bleach- ing powder gives up hypochlorous acid first, and then chlorine. The character of the action will be clear by considering first the conduct of the corresponding potas- sium compounds. When a mixture of potassium hypo- chlorite and potassium chloride is treated with dilute sulphuric acid, the hypochlorite is decomposed with liberation of hypochlorous acid and formation of potas- sium sulphate : 2KC1O + H 2 SO 4 = K 2 SO 4 + 2HC1O. At the same time the sulphuric acid acts upon the chlo- ride liberating hydrochloric acid : 2KC1 + H 2 SO 4 = K 2 SO 4 + 2HC1. But when hydrochloric acid and hypochlorous acid are brought together they react as represented in this equation : HC1O + HC1 = H 2 O + C1 2 . So that the result of treating a mixture of hypochlorite and chloride with sulphuric acid is the liberation of chlorine : KC1O + KC1 + H 2 SO 4 = K 2 S0 4 + H 2 O + C1 2 . With bleaching powder the reaction is : Ca(01O) 2 + CaCl 2 + 2H 2 SO 4 = 2CaSO 4 + 2H 2 O + 201,. Hypochlorous acid can also be made by passing chlo- rine gas into water in which mercury oxide is suspended. The reaction is : HgO + H 2 O + 2C1 2 = HgCl 2 -f 2HOCL 118 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The concentrated solution of hypochlorous acid has a peculiar odor suggesting that of chlorine. It is the odor which is familiar as that of bleaching powder or chloride of lime. The acid undergoes decomposition very readily, forming chlorine and a compound of chlorine and oxygen. A solution of the acid bleaches about as well as chlo- rine, and when bleaching powder is used for bleaching it is largely the hypochlorous acid set free from the hypo- chlorite which effects the desired changes. Like chloric acid, hypochlorous acid is an excellent oxidizing agent, and is used in the laboratory in this capacity. Chlorous Acid, HClOa. Although a substance of this composition is not known, a number of compounds have been made which are closely related to it. Such, for example, are the compounds potassium chlorite, KC1O 2 , silver chlorite, AgClO 2 , etc. Potassium chlorite is formed when a solution of chlorine dioxide, C1O 2 , in water is treated with a solution of potassium hydroxide. ' From the solution of the potassium compound, the silver com- pound can be made by adding a solution of silver nitrate. Perchloric Acid, HC1O 4 . When the preparation of oxygen by heating potassium chlorate was considered, it was pointed out that in the first stage of the decompo- sition a reaction of this kind takes place : 2KC10 3 = KC1 + KC10 4 + 2 . The compound KC1O 4 , or potassium perchlorate, can be separated from the chloride by treating the mixture with cold water in which the chloride is easily soluble, while the perchlorate is practically insoluble. From the per- chlorate, perchloric acid can be made in the same way that chloric acid is made from potassium chlorate, by treating with fluosilicic acid (see preparation of chloric acid). Perchloric acid is, however, much more stable in concentrated solution than the other oxygen compounds of chlorine, and if the perchlorate is treated with sul- phuric acid, perchloric acid can be obtained from the mixture by distillation. . ; i > COMPOUNDS 0V CHLORINE GENERAL. 119 Pure perchloric acid, HC1O 4 , can be obtained in the form of a colorless fuming liquid. It is a dangerous sub- stance to deal with, as it produces bad wounds when brought in contact with the flesh, and is very unstable and explosive. In contact with combustible substances in gen- eral it causes explosion in consequence of the ease with which it gives up oxygen and converts the combustible substances into gaseous products. A hydrate of the formula HC1O 4 + H 2 O or H 3 C1O 6 is known. Further, there are some facts known that point to the existence of a second hydrate of the formula HC10 4 + 2H,0. General. From the above it will be seen that the com- pounds of chlorine with hydrogen and oxygen form a series, the members of which bear a simple relation to one another. Beginning with hydrochloric acid the series is as follows : Hydrochloric acid, .... HC1 Hypochlorous acid, .... HC1O Chlorous acid, HC1O 3 Chloric aid, HC1O 3 Perchloric acid, . . . . . HC1O 4 The successive members differ from each other by one atom of oxgen, the ratio between the hydrogen and the chlorine remaining the same throughout the series. While the compounds differ markedly from one another in many ways, they have some common features. Upon metals, and their oxides and hydroxides, all the members of the series act in general in the same way that hydro- chloric acid does, the result being the formation of products which do not contain hydrogen, but do contain a metal in the place of the hydrogen. We have examples of these compounds in potassium chlorate, KC1O 3 , cal- cium hypochlorite, Ca(ClO) 2 , potassium chlorite, KC1O 2 , and potassium perchlorate, KC1O 4 . All these compounds belong to the class called salts, which will presently be taken up. On the other hand, while there is a class of elements upon which hydrochloric acid does not act, the 120 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. oxygen compounds of the above series will in many cases act upon these elements and convert them into oxides. Thus sulphur and phosphorus, which are not acted on by hydrochloric acid, are converted into oxides by the oxygen compounds of chlorine. Finally, the addition of oxygen to hydrogen and chlo- rine decreases the stability of the compound. Hydro- chloric acid, for example, is characterized by great stability, while hypochlorous acid, HC1O, as well as all the other members of the series, is characterized by instability. The larger the proportion of oxygen, how- ever, the greater the stability of the compound. The most stable member of the series of oxygen compounds is perchloric acid. Another fact that is worthy of special notice is that the metal derivatives or salts of these acids are more stable than the acids themselves. Many of them can be heated to a comparatively high temperature without undergoing decomposition. This is most marked in the case of the perchlorates. It will be remembered that in decomposing potassium chlorate for the purpose of mak- ing oxygen the change takes place in two stages. In the first, potassium perchlorate is formed. In order to de- compose this, however, the temperature must be raised considerably higher than that which was required to effect the breaking down of the chlorate. Compounds of Chlorine with Oxygen. The compounds of chlorine with oxygen are : Chlorine monoxide, C1 2 O, and chlorine dioxide, C1Q 2 . The first or chlorine monoxide, C1 2 O, is formed by the action of chlorine on dry mercury oxide : HgO + 2C1 2 = HgCl a + Cl t O. It is a gas which can easily be condensed to the liquid form. The specific gravity of its vapor gives the molec- ular weight corresponding to the formula C1 2 CX It is extremely unstable, breaking down under the influence of heat into chlorine and oxygen. With water it forms hypochlorous acid, thus : COMPOUNDS OF CHLORINE WITH OXYGEN. 121 Cl a O+H a O = 2HOCl. A substance formed by treating a mixture of arsenic trioxide, As 2 O 3 , and potassium chlorate with nitric acid and by other methods has been described as a greenish- yellow gas which can be condensed to an extremely un- stable liquid ; and it is generally referred to under the name chlorine trioxide, the formula C1 2 O 3 being ascribed to it. The most careful investigation of this substance has, however, shown that it is not chlorine trioxide, but a mixture of chlorine dioxide with varying quantities of chlorine or free oxygen. Chlorine dioxide, C1O 2 , is a greenish-yellow gas of great instability. It can be condensed to a liquid which boils at + 9. It is always one of the products of the action of concentrated sulphuric acid upon potassium chlorate, and is formed in consequence of the decomposition of the chloric acid which is first set free : 2KC1O 3 + H 2 S0 4 = K 2 S0 4 + 2HC1O, ; 6HC10 3 = 2HC10 4 + 2H 3 O + 4ClO a a . When moderately dilute hydrochloric acid acts upon potassium chlorate a greenish-yellow gas is formed which has been called euchlorine. It is a mixture of chlorine and chlorine dioxide, formed thus : 2KC10 3 + 4HC1 = 2KC1 + 2H 2 O + 201O a + C1 2 . Combustible substances burn in chlorine dioxide with violence. This action can be shown by putting a few small pieces of phosphorus under water in a glass vessel, and upon this a little potassium chlorate. If now a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid are added through a long narrow tube or pipette, the phosphorus will be seen to burn under water. This is due to the liberation of chlo- rine dioxide, and the action of this compound upon the phosphorus. When a solution of chlorine dioxide in water is treated with potassium hydroxide, potassium chlorite, KC1O 2 , is formed (see p. 118). 122 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Constitution of the Compounds of Chlorine with Hydro* gen and Oxygen. To determine the constitution of un- stable compounds which, when they break down at all, are almost completely disintegrated is difficult, and in many cases impossible. Our knowledge of the constitu- tion of the oxygen acids of chlorine is for this reason extremely limited. Regarding the series of these com- pounds and comparing their composition with that of hydrochloric acid, it would appear that they are com- pounds of hydrochloric acid with different amounts of oxygen. But we have seen that chlorine and hydrogen are univalent elements, as is shown in hydrochloric acid, H-C1. If each of the atoms in the molecule of hydro- chloric acid is doing all it can in holding the other atom in combination, then, plainly, it is impossible for the molecule to take up oxygen directly and form a com- pound of the formula H-C1-O or O-H-C1. On the other hand, it is possible to conceive of the atoms chlo- rine, hydrogen, and oxygen as being unite'd in such a way that hydrogen and chlorine shall be univalent and oxygen bivalent. This is represented in the formula Cl O H. Further, extensive study of compounds con- taining hydrogen and oxygen has made it appear ex- tremely probable that in them the hydrogen is generally in combination with oxygen as represented in the above formula, and as is represented also in the formulas of such compounds as potassium hydroxide, K O-H, O H calcium hydroxide, Ca < QTT > aluminium hydroxide, /O-H Al^-O-H , etc. All the reasons for this cannot possibly X 0-H be made clear without a knowledge of a great many facts which must be acquired gradually. As regards such hydroxides as those just referred to, the views expressed in the formulas given are certainly simpler than any others which have been proposed, and they are not con- tradicted by any known facts. Assuming then that in the acids of chlorine the hydrogen is in combination with oxygen, or that the compounds are hydroxides, we CONSTITUTION OF COMPOUNDS OF CHLORINE. 123 have the formulas H-O-C1, H-O-C1O, H-O-ClO a , and H-O-C1O 3 for the four compounds. If, however, chlo- rine is univalent the additional oxygen cannot be in direct combination with the chlorine, and the only way in which the constitution of these compounds can be represented on the assumption that hydrogen and chlorine are univalent and oxygen bivalent is this: H-O-C1, H-O-O-C1, H-O-O-O-C1, and H-O-O-O-O-C1. These formulas have been used for some time, but strong opposition has been raised to them and they are now rapidly losing ground. They represent compounds in which oxygen atoms are in combination with oxygen atoms. But judging by the conduct of hydrogen dioxide and ozone, this kind of combination is a very unstable one. The acids of chlorine are unstable enough, but the one which contains the most oxygen is the most stable, and this we should hardly expect if the oxygen atoms are arranged as shown in the above formulas. This is not a fatal objection to these formulas, but it makes them, at least, appear improbable. The view which now finds most support is based upon the conception that the valence of chlorine towards oxy- gen and towards oxygen and hydrogen, or towards hy- droxyl as the group O-H is called, varies from univa- lence to septivalence ; that it is univalent in hydrochloric acid and in hypochlorous acid, trivalent in chlorous acid, quinquivalent in chloric acid, and septivalent in perchloric acid. This is shown in the formulas O O H-O-C1, H-O-C1=O, H-O-C1 and H-O-C1=O. From a study of other similar compounds these com- pounds are regarded as derived from hydroxides, thus : Chlorous acid,O=Cl-O-H, is supposed to be formed from the hydroxide Cl^ OH by loss of water ; chloric acid \OH 124 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. from the hydroxide C1(OH) 5 by loss of two molecules of water : C1(OH) 5 = C1O 2 (OH) + 2H 2 O ; perchloric acid from the hydroxide C1(OH) 7 by the loss of three molecules of water : C1(OH) 7 = ClO 3 (pH) + 3H 3 O. When the acids are dissolved in water it is quite prob- able that in many cases the hydroxides are formed, but being unstable they cannot generally be isolated. The hydrate of perchloric acid, HC1O 4 + H,O(H 3 C1O 6 ), ap- pears to be such a compound. It probably has the con- stitution represented by the formula O 2 C1(OH) 3 . From the compound C1(OH) 7 a series of compounds can be derived by successive losses of one molecule of water, as here shown : C1(OH) 7 - H 9 = OC1(OH) 5 ; OC1(OH) 6 - H,0 = 2 C1(OH) 3 ; and O a Cl(OH) 3 - H a O = 3 C1(OH). The second and last products are the hydrate and the compound known as perchloric acid. While the evidence in favor of this view presented by these compounds themselves is very slight, the view is strongly supported by the conduct of certain analogous derivatives of the element iodine, which in many respects conducts itself like chlorine. Comparison of Chlorine and Oxygen. The power of chlorine to combine with other elements is nearly as great as that of oxygen. It combines with all other ele- ments except fluorine, but does not form quite as great a variety of compounds as oxygen. Oxygen combines with several elements in three or four different proportions, but chlorine rarely combines in more than two propor- tions with one element. While in general chlorine and oxygen conduct themselves in the same way, there is a COMPARISON OF CHLORINE AND OXYGEN. 125 very important difference between them, to which atten- tion has already been called indirectly. There are some elements towards which oxygen has a stronger affinity than chlorine ; and there are others towards which chlo- rine has a stronger affinity than oxygen. The former are the non-metals or acid-forming elements ; the latter are the metals or base-forming elements. The difference is shown most readily by the fact that the chlorine com- pounds of the acid-forming elements are converted by water into oxygen compounds or hydroxides, while the oxides or hydroxides of the base-forming elements are converted into chlorides by the action of hydrochloric acid. This distinction is not a sharp one which can easily be made, for the conduct of an element is to a con- siderable extent dependent upon conditions, particularly of temperature, and a distinction which holds good under one set of conditions may possibly not hold good under another set. Still the above statements in regard to the conduct of the metals and non-metals towards chlorine and oxygen are in accordance with well-marked tenden- cies of the two classes of elements, as will appear more clearly. Chlorine and oxygen being in general similar elements we should not expect them to combine readily with each other. Although they do combine indirectly in a number of proportions, none of the compounds are stable. There is a marked difference between these compounds and hydro- chloric acid as regards the ease with which they are formed, and also as regards their stability. A marked difference between chlorine and oxygen is also to be found in their relations to hydrogen. While one volume -of chlorine combines with one of hydrogen to form two volumes of hydrochloric acid gas, one volume of oxygen combines with two volumes of hydrogen, the three vol- umes of gas condensing to two volumes of water vapor. So^also while, as we say, one atom of chlorine combines with one atom of hydrogen, one atom of oxygen com- bines with two atoms of hydrogen. What the difference between a bivalent and a univalent element consists in is 126 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. not known, but that the difference is something deep seated appears from the marked difference in conduct between chlorine and oxygen in combining with hy- drogen. CHAPTER X. ACIDS BASES NEUTRALIZATION-SALTS. General One cannot deal with chemical phenomena without constant reference to acids, and in the course of our study thus far a number of substances belonging to this class have been met with. It is now time to inquire what features these substances have in common which lead chemists to call them all acids. What is there in common between the heavy, oily liquid, sulphuric acid, the colorless gas, hydrochloric acid, and the unstable compounds chloric and hydrochlorous acids? To un- derstand the common features requires some knowl- edge of a class of substances to which attention has already been given. These are substances like caustic potash and caustic soda, or potassium and sodium hy- droxides which are called alkalies, which are the most marked representatives of the class of substances known as bases. These two classes, acids and bases, have the power to destroy the characteristic properties of each other. When an acid is brought in contact with a base in proper proportions, the characteristic prop- erties of both the acid and the base are destroyed. They are said to neutralize each other. They form new products which are said to be neutral, which means that they have not the properties of an acid nor those of a base. This act of neutralization is an extremely im- portant one, with which we have constantly to deal in chemical operations. A Study of the Act of Neutralization. The fact hav- ing been learned that acids and bases neutralize one another, the next thing to do is to study the act of neu- tralization as carefully as possible, and learn what chemi- cal changes are involved in it. For this purpose we (127) 128 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. should select a number of acids and a number of basest and study their action upon one another. We may take sulphuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acids ; and potassium,, sodium, and calcium hydroxides. We know from many analyses that have been made that the composition of these substances is as follows : - + Hydrochloric acid, HC1 Nitric acid, . . . . - HNO 3 Sulphuric acid, H 2 SO 4 Potassium hydroxide, .... KOH Sodium hydroxide, . . . . . NaOH Calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH) 2 The first question to be answered is whether, in order to effect neutralization, definite quantities of the sub- stances are necessary. To decide this, solutions of the acids and of the bases should be prepared and allowed to act upon one another in different proportions. But how shall we determine whether the solutions we are- working with are acid, basic, or neutral ? It has been found that all acids have the power to change the color of certain substances. For example, the dye litmus is blue. If a solution which is colored blue with litmus is treated with a drop or two of an acid, the color is changed to red. If now the red solution is treated with a few drops of a solution of a strong base, the blue color is restored. There are many other substances which change markedly in color by the addition of acids or bases. These facts furnish a means of recognizing whether a solution is acid or basic. Now, suppose that to a carefully measured quantity of one of the acid solutions a few drops of blue litmus is added. It will at once turn red. On adding slowly a solution of one of the bases the color will remain red as long as the solution is acid, but the instant it is basic it will turn blue. By noticing when the change in color takes place, it is pos- sible to determine exactly how much of a certain basic solution is required to neutralize the quantity of the acid solution taken. If it is found in the case studied that NEUTRALIZATION. 129 to neutralize 20 cc. of the acid solution 30 cc. of the basic solution are required, then, using the same solutions, it will be found in every experiment that the same quanti- ties are required to effect neutralization, or that the change of color takes place whenever these proportions are reached. And no matter how the quantity of one of the liquids is varied, the quantity of the other required for neutralization varies in the same proportion. A great many experiments of this kind have been performed with many different acids, and what is true in one case has been found true in all. It appears, therefore, that tfie act of neutralization is a definite one, loJiich takes place be- tween definite quantities of acid and base; that for a certain quantity of base a certain quantity of acid is required to effect neutralization, and vice versa. The next question to be answered is, What is formed when the acid and base are neutralized ? To determine this, larger quantities of acids should be neutralized with bases, and the substance or substances- formed should then be studied. If hydrochloric acid is neu- tralized with sodium hydroxide a solid product, sodium chloride, is formed. The action takes place according to the following equation : HC1 + NaOH = NaCl + H 2 O. Hydrochloric acid and calcium hydroxide act thus : 2HC1 + Ca(OH) 2 = CaCl 2 + 2H 2 O. Nitric acid acts upon the three bases mentioned above as represented in these equations : HNO 3 +KOH =KN0 3 + H 2 O ; HNO 3 +NaOH = NaNO 3 + H 2 O ; 2HN0 3 + Ca(OH) 2 = Ca(NO 3 ) 2 + H 2 O. Sulphuric acid acts upon these same bases thus : H 2 S0 4 +2KOH = K 2 S0 4 + 2H 2 O ; H 2 SO 4 +2NaOH = Na SO 4 + 2H 2 O ; H,S0 4 + Ca(OH) 2 = CaS0 4 + 2H 2 O. 130 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The reactions which take place in these cases are typi- cal of all reactions between acids and bases. One of the products formed is always water, the other is a com- pound which is without acid and basic properties, or which is neutral and differs from the acid in that it contains some other element in place of the hydrogen. This other element is the one which in the base is in combination with hydrogen and oxygen as a hydroxide. The simplest case is that of hydrochloric acid and either potassium or sodium hydroxide : HC1 + KOH = KC1 +H 2 0. As has already been stated (see p. Ill), we have here two forces operating to bring about the change : (1) the ten- dency of hydrogen to combine with hydroxyl (OH) to form water; and (2) the tendency of chlorine to unite with potassium. A similar statement may be made in regard to every reaction between an acid and a base. General Statements. Considering the facts treated of in the last paragraph, it appears : (1) That an acid contains hydrogen ; (2) That a base contains a metal ; (3) That when an acid acts upon a base the hydrogen and metal exchange places ; (4) That the substance formed by substituting hydro- gen for the metal of the base is water ; (5) That the substance obtained from the acid by sub- stituting a metal for the hydrogen is neither an acid nor a base, but is generally neutral. The last statement is subject to some modification, for reasons which in some cases are clear but in others are not apparent. It is true that in some cases after substi- tuting a metal for the hydrogen the substance has an alkaline reaction, and in other cases an acid reaction. Definitions. We have already seen that hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid act upon certain metals, as iron and zinc, and that the action consists in giving up hy- drogen and taking up metal in its place. The products REACTION BETWEEN ACIDS AND BASES. 131 of this action are the same in character as those formed by the action of acids on bases. An acid is a substance containing hydrogen, which it easily exchanges for a metal, when treated with a metal itself, or with a compound of a metal, called a base. A base is a substance containing a metal combined with hydrogen and oxygen. It easily exchanges its metal for hydrogen when treated with an acid. The products of the action of an acid on a base are, first, water, and, second, a neutral substance called a salt. In the examples above cited the products KNO 3 , po- tassium nitrate ; NaNO 3 , sodium nitrate ; Ca(NO 3 ) 2 , cal- cium nitrate ; K Q SO 4 , potassium sulphate ; Na 2 SO 4 , sodium sulphate ; CaSO 4 , calcium sulphate, are salts. The rela- tions between them and the acids from which they are derived will be easily recognized on comparing their formulas with those of the acids. Comparison of the Reaction between Acids and Hy- droxides, and between Acids and Chlorides. The reac- tion between acids and hydroxides, or, as it is generally spoken of, between acids and bases, is quite similar in character to that which takes place between some acids and chlorides. This is illustrated by the reaction be- tween sulphuric acid and sodium chloride, represented by the equation 2NaCl + H 2 SO 4 = Na u SO 4 + 2HC1. Here, as when the hydroxide is used, the acid is neutral- ized and the salt, sodium sulphate, Na 2 SO 4 , is formed. The other product, however, is hydrochloric acid instead of water. For the sake of closer comparison the two reac- tions may be written thus : NaOH , H ) Qn _ Na ) Qn , HOH . NaOH + H f SU < - Na f M NaCl , H ) Na ) so , HC1 NaCl ' - H f ^ = Na f ^'< + HC1. The two reactions are thus seen to be of the same general character. That with the chloride does not take place 132 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. as readily as that with the hydroxide, and therefore is not as general. There are many acids which have not the power to decompose chlorides as sulphuric acid does ; whereas, in general, any acid is neutralized by any me- tallic hydroxide. In some cases this reaction is an ener- getic one accompanied by a great evolution of heat ; in others the reaction is not at all energetic. Both acids and bases differ very markedly from one another in some property which is spoken of in a vague sort .of way as the strength. For the present it is sufficient to recog- nize that this difference is similar to the difference no- ticed between elements. Hydrogen and chlorine, for example, differ markedly in their power to act upon other substances, and chlorine is spoken of as the more energetic or active element. Other Similar Reactions. There are many other reac- tions like those which take place between acids and chlorides, and between acids and hydroxides. Another example is furnished by the sulphides and hydrosuphides, which are compounds that in some respects resemble oxides and hydroxides. The reactions which take place between the sulphur compounds and acids, and between the oxygen compounds and acids, are entirely analogous, as shown in the following equations : K 2 S + 2HC1 = 2KC1 + H 2 S ; K 2 O +2HC1 =:2KC1 +H 2 O; CaS + H 2 S0 4 = CaS0 4 + H 2 S ; CaO + H 2 S0 4 = CaS0 4 + H 2 O ; KSH +HC1 =KC1 + H 2 S; KOH +HC1 =KC1 +H 2 O; Ca(SH) 2 + H 2 S0 4 = CaS0 4 + 2H 2 S ; Ca(OH) 2 + H 2 S0 4 = CaS0 4 + 2H 2 O. The product formed in place of water is the correspond- ing compound of sulphur, H 2 S. It will be observed that the hydrosulphides, or compounds which have the general composition MSH, neutralize the acids in the same sense that the hydroxides do. If hydroxides were not known, our conceptions of acids might easily be based upon the DISTINCTION BETWEEN ACIDS AND BASES. 133 relations of compounds to the hydrosulphides, and the substances now classed with the acids would be classed with them upon this basis. As we go on we shall see that there are other reactions of the same general character. Distinction between Acids and Bases. Although there is no difficulty in distinguishing between most acids and most bases, there are some compounds which act some- times in one way and sometimes in the other. Sulphuric acid, nitric acid, and hydrochloric acid always act as acids, and sodium and potassium hydroxides always act as bases, but some substances which are generally basic will under some circumstances act as acids, and some which act as acids will occasionally act as bases. What is the standard? How shall we tell whether a sub- stance is an acid or a base ? We may take a pronounced acid, such as hydrochloric acid, and say that any hy- droxide which has the power to neutralize this acid and form with it a salt shall be called a base ; and in the same way we may take a pronounced base, like potas- sium hydroxide, and say that any hydroxide which has the power to neutralize this shall be called an acid. Having made the division in this way, it would be found that a few substances would be included in both lists, or, in other words, some substances which are basic toward hydrochloric acid are acid toward potassium hydroxide. As an example, we may take aluminium hydroxide, A1(OH) 3 . This neutralizes hydrochoric acid and forms aluminium chloride according to the equation A1(OH) 3 + 3HC1 = A1G1, + 3H 2 O. But it also neutralizes potassium hydroxide according to the equation A1(OH) 3 + 3KOH = A1(OK) 3 + 3H 2 O. It may be said in regard to this case, as in regard to most other cases of the kind, that the hydroxide in ques- tion is basic toward nearly all substances toward which potassium hydroxide is basic ; whereas it is acid toward only three or four of the most energetic bases. Bearing 134 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. in mind, then, the fact that there are some exceptional cases, it may be said that the distinction between acids and bases is easily recognized. Metals or Base-forming Elements. The question, What is a metal ? may fairly be asked. But unfortunately it is by no means an easy matter to give a satisfactory answer to the question. We can give examples of metals, such as iron, zinc, silver, calcium, magnesium, etc. ; but when we attempt to find the distinguishing features of these substances we are somewhat at a loss to state them. In general, it may be said that to the chemist any element is a metal which with hydrogen and oxygen forms a base, or a product which has the power to neutralize acids. In general, any element which has the power to enter into an acid in the place of the hydrogen is called a metal, or is said to have metallic properties. This is the sense in which the word metal is used in this book. A better, though a longer, name for the metals is base-form- ing elements. Constitution of Acids and Bases. As has been pointed out, the bases are hydroxides, and these hydroxides are regarded as derived from water by the replacement of the hydrogen by metals. Examples of the hydroxides of univalent, bivalent, and trivalent metals were given in a previous chapter (see pp. 83-84). Similarly, the acids which contain oxygen are regarded as hydroxides, or as derived from water, as was stated when the sub- ject of the constitution of the acids of chlorine was under consideration. This view is illustrated by the following formulas of some of the more common acids : Nitric acid, (HO)NO, Sulphuric acid, (HO) 2 SO 2 Phosphoric acid, . . * , .- . (HO) 3 PO Carbonic acid, .... . . (HO) 2 CO Metaphosphoric acid, .... (HO)PO 2 Nitrous acid, . (HO)NO Arsenious acid, (HO) 3 As Hypochlorous acid, .... (HO)C1 Perchloric acid, (HO)CIO, CONSTITUTION OF ACIDS AND BASES. 135 There are three classes of acids represented in this list: (1) those with one, (2) those with two, and (3) those with three atoms of hydrogen in the molecule. Or, considering the compounds as hydroxides, these classes are : (1) those derived from one molecule, (2) those de- rived from two molecules, and (3) those derived from three molecules of water by replacement of half the hydrogen by something else. It is interesting to observe, also, that this something which replaces the hydrogen is in most cases an element in combination with oxygen or, if it is not in combination with oxygen, it has the power to take up more oxygen. Thus hypochlorous and arsenious acids are regarded as derived from water by the replace- ment of hydrogen in water by chlorine and arsenic as shown thus : H-O-C1 and H-O-)As. But, in each case, H-0/ the element which is in combination with hydroxyl has the power to combine with oxygen. Hypochlorous acid forms the products (HO)CIO, (HO)C1O 2 , and (HO)C1O 3 , while arsenious acid forms arsenic acid (HO) 3 AsO. We may consider water as forming the connecting link between the oxygen acids and bases. If A stands for any acid-forming element, and B for any base-forming ele- ment, then the general formula of a base is B(OH), and that of an oxygen acid A(OH) or O X A(OH), in which O x stands for some number of oxygen atoms from one to three or four. We should then have these relations : Water. Acids. I. B'(OH) HOH (O X A)'(OH) II.B"(OH), ggg (O x Ar(OH) 2 HOH III. B /// (OH) 3 HOH (O X A) /// (OH) 3 HOH In these general formulas B" means any bivalent metal, and B //7 .any trivalent metal; and (O X A)" means any 136 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. group of atoms which has the power to hold two hydroxyl groups in combination, and is therefore bivalent like (O 9 S), and (O X A)'" means a trivalent group like (OAs). Constitution of Salts. The view held in regard to the constitution of salts is based directly upon those held in regard to the constitution of acids and bases. It is believed that when an oxygen acid acts upon a base the action takes place as represented in the following equation : O 2 N-O-|H + H-0|-K = O 3 N-O-K + H-O-H ; or in this : 2 N-|0-H + H|-O-K = O 2 N-O-K + H-O-H. In either case the salt formed appears as the acid, the hydrogen of which has been replaced by the metal. "Whether the hydroxyl of the base unites with the hydro- gen of the acid, or the hydroxyl of the acid unites with the hydrogen of the base, cannot be determined ; and, as far as the constitution of the salt is concerned, it evidently makes no difference. The case stands thus : For reasons partly pointed out above, the bases are regarded as hydroxides ; for similar reasons the acids are also regarded as hydroxides. Now, when an acid acts upon a base water and a product which differs from the acid in having the metal of the base in place of its hydro- gen are formed. The simplest interpretation of this reaction is that given above. A case in which there appears to be no room for doubt as to what takes place is that of hydrochloric acid and a simple base like sodium hydroxide : Cl-H + H-O-Na = CINa + H-O-H. It is highly probable that the reaction between acids and bases is always of this character. Basicity of Acids. In working with acids and bases it is noticed that some acids have the power to form but BASICITY OF ACIDS. 137 one salt with a base like potassium hydroxide, while others have the power to form two or more salts with such a base. Thus, for example, hydrochloric acid, HC1, and nitric acid, HNO 3 , can form but one salt with potas- sium hydroxide, and the reactions are represented in the following equations : KOH + HC1 = KC1 + H 2 O ; KOH + HNO 3 = KN0 3 + H 2 O. If only half the quantity of base which is required to neutralize the acid is added, half the acid remains un- changed, and on evaporating the solution the excess of acid will pass off. So also, if only half the quantity of acid which is required to neutralize the base is added, half the base will remain unchanged. On the other hand, if an acid like sulphuric acid is taken, it is found that this has the power to form two distinct salts with potassium hydroxide, in one of which there is twice as much of the metal as in the other. The reactions are represented thus : KOH + H 2 SO 4 = KHSO 4 + H 2 O ; 2KOH + H 2 SO 4 = K 2 S0 4 + H 2 O. If to a given quantity of sulphuric acid only half the quantity of potassium hydroxide which is required to neutralize it is added, the first reaction takes place ; but if the act of neutralization is complete the second reac- tion takes place. An acid of this kind can, further, form one salt with two bases, in which one of the hydrogen atoms of the acid is replaced by one metal and the other by a second metal. The different properties of the two kinds of acids re- ferred to are ascribed to differences in constitution. .In the molecule of hydrochloric acid, as in that of nitric acid, there is but one atom of hydrogen according to the views at present held. If, therefore, the act of neu- tralization takes place in each molecule it is complete, and the salt is said to be a neutral or normal salt. In sulphuric acid, however, there are two atoms of hydrogen 138 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. in each molecule, and either one or both of these may be replaced. If only one is replaced, a salt of the general formula MHSO 4 is obtained. This is still an acid, while also partly a salt. It is in fact an acid salt or a salt acid. Acids like hydrochloric and nitric acids have not the power to form acid salts. They are called monobasic acids. While acids like sulphuric acid, which can form two salts with one base, one of which is acid, are called dibasic acids. Monobasic acids are those which contain but one re- placeable hydrogen atom in the molecule. Dibasic acids are those which contain two replaceable hydrogen atoms in the molecule. Similarly, there are tribasic acids, like phosphoric acid, H 3 PO 4 , arsenic acid, H 3 AsO 4 , etc. ; tetrdbasic acids, like pyrophosphoric acid, H 4 P 2 O 7 ; pentdbasic acids, like peri- odic acid, H 5 IO 6 ; etc., etc. The higher the basicity of the acid the greater the variety of salts it can yield. Acidity of Bases. Just as we speak of monobasic, dibasic, tribasic acids, etc., so we distinguish between bases of different acidity. Thus there are the monacid bases, like potassium and sodium hydroxides, KOH and NaOH ; diacid bases, like calcium and barium hydoxides, Ca(OH) 2 and Ba(OH) 2 ; triacid bases, like aluminium and ferric hydoxides, Al(OH) 3 -and Fe(OH) 3 ; etc., etc. If a monobasic acid acts upon a monacid base, one molecule of one forms a salt with one molecule of the other, and, in general, no other reaction between the two is possicl-j. If a monobasic acid acts upon a diacid base two reactions are possible, just as when a monacid base acts upon a dibasic acid. Thus, when, for example, hy- drochloric acid acts upon zinc hydroxide, Zn(OH) 2 , two reactions are possible : Zn(OH) 2 + HC1 = Zn < g^ + H 2 O; Zn(OH) 2 + 2HC1 = ZnCl 2 + 2H 2 O. The compound ZnCl(OH) is still basic, just as the salt KHSO 4 is still acid, and it is called a basic salt. Simi- SALTS. 139 larly, a triacid base can form three salts with a monobasic acid as, for example, in the case of bismuth hydroxide and nitric acid, in which three reactions are possible : ( OH ( N0 3 Bi J OH + HNO 3 = Bi^ OH + H,O; OH OH Bi j OH ( N0 3 OH + 2HN0 3 = -Bi\ N0 3 + 2H 2 O; OH (OH OH ( N0 3 , OH + 3HN0 3 = Bi-| N0 3 + 3H 2 O. ( OH ( N0 3 The salts Bi j fojj\ and Bi j Q^ 2 are basic salts or basic nitrates of bismuth, while the salt Bi(NO 3 ) 3 is the neutral or normal salt. Salts. From the above it appears that there are three classes of salts : (1) Normal salts, which are derived from the acids by replacement of all the acid hydrogen atoms by metal atoms ; (2) Add salts, which are derived from the acids by replacement of part of the hydrogen by metal atoms ; and (3) Basic salts, which are derived from the bases by neutralization of part of the basic hydroxyl by acids. Normal salts are generally neutral ; or, if by a neutral substance is meant one which has not the power to form salts with acids nor with bases, then the expres- sion normal salt is synonymous with neutral salt. But, strange to say, some normal salts have what is called an acid reaction, and others have an alkaline or basic reac- tion. Thus a normal salt of a weak acid with a strong base as sodium carbonate, Na 2 CO 3 , has an alkaline reac- tion. So also a normal salt of a strong acid with a weak base may have an acid reaction, as in the case of copper sulphate, CuSO 4 . As generally used, the expression neu- tral salt means a salt which exhibits neither an acid nor an alkaline reaction. In naming acid salts various methods are adopted. In the case of a dibasic acid, the only distinction necessary is between the acid and the normal salts. The expres- 140 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. sions acid potassium sulphate and normal potassium sul- phate mean, of course, the salts which have the formulas KHSO 4 and K 2 SO 4 , and there is no danger of confusion. We may, however, use the names mono-potassium sul- phate and di-potassium sulphate, or primary and secondary potassium sulphates. The last names are convenient and readily convey to the mind the nature of the salt spoken of. Just as dibasic acids yield primary and second- ary salts, so tribasic acids yield primary, secondary, and tertiary salts. For example, phosphoric acid yields three classes of salts : primary phosphates, of the general formula MH 2 PO 4 ; secondary phosphates, of the general formula M 2 HPO 4 ; and tertiary phosphates, of the general formula M 3 PO 4 . The phosphates of the first two classes are called, in general, acid phosphates. The tertiary phosphate is identical with the normal phosphate. In naming basic salts there is no difficulty in the simplest cases. Thus, tak- ing the three bismuth nitrates the formulas of which are given above, the one of the formula Bi j /QTT\ is called the mono-nitrate ; that of the formula Bi < XTT *' a , the di- nitrate; and that of the formula Bi(NO 3 ) 3 , the tri-nitrate or normal nitrate. There are many cases which are much more complicated than any of those referred to above. Thus, there are basic salts formed by dibasic acids and diacid bases, by dibasic acids and triacid bases, etc. There is, for ex- ample, a basic copper carbonate formed by the partial neutralization of two molecules of copper hydroxide, Cu(OH) 2 , by one molecule of carbonic acid, CO(OH) 2 . The relations will be seen by the aid of the following equation, in which the structural formulas of copper hy- droxide and of carbonic acid are used : OH , HO, ^s\ ^^-004 OH Cu< OH The salt is basic. ACID PROPERTIES AND OXYGEN. 141 Acid Properties and Oxygen. Almost all those sub- stances which are called acids contain oxygen, as, for example, nitric acid, HNO 3 ; sulphuric acid, H 2 SO 4 ; phos- phoric acid, H 3 PO 4 ; silicic acid, H 2 SiO 3 ; carbonic acid, H 2 CO 3 ; boric acid, H 3 BO 3 ; etc. The presence of oxygen in acids was recognized by Lavoisier. As he showed its presence in acids to be general, and as he found that several elements and some compounds are con- verted into acids by combination with oxygen, he con- cluded that this element is an essential constituent of all acids, and therefore called it oxygen, a name which, as already stated (see p. 28), means the acid-former. Ac- cording to Lavoisier, hydrochloric acid, like other acids, contained oxygen, and this view prevailed for many years. As has been pointed out under the head of Chlorine, many investigations were undertaken with the object of determining whether this element does or does not con- tain oxygen, the result being to show that in chlorine, and consequently in hydrochloric acid, there is no oxygen. Several acids are now known which are like hydrochloric acid in this respect, but the latter is the best known ex- ample. Similar compounds are hydrobromic acid, HBr; hydriodic acid, HI ; and hydrocyanic acid, HON. The number of these acids is, however, quite small, and it is undoubtedly true that, of the compounds which we com- monly call acids, by far the larger number contain oxygen as an essential constituent. Further, some com- pounds which are basic can be converted into acids by introducing oxygen into them. On the other hand, there are many compounds which do not contain oxygen which exhibit reactions entirely analogous to those of the acids. There are for example compounds containing sulphur which combine with sul- phides, and others containing chlorine which combine with chlorides in much the same way that the oxygen acids combine with oxides, and the compounds formed are analogous to ordinary salts, only they contain sulphur or chlorine in place of oxygen. Thus, there is a compound of arsenic and sulphur of the composition H 3 AsS 4 , known as sulpharsenic acid, which is analo- 14:2 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. gous to the oxygen compound arsenic acid, H 3 AsO 4 . When arsenic acid is treated with potassium hydroxide, KOH, this reaction takes place : H 3 As0 4 + 3KOH = K 3 As0 4 + 3H 2 O. So, too, when sulpharsenic acid is treated with potassium hydrosulphide this reaction takes place : H 3 AsS 4 + 3KSH = K 3 AsS 4 + 3H 2 S. As many such sulphur compounds are decomposed by water yielding the corresponding oxygen compounds, and as most such reactions must be studied in solution in water, a good reason for the fact that they are not as numerous as the oxygen acids will be seen. Just as sulphur acids act upon sulphur bases to form sulphur salts, so there are what may be called chlorine acids which act upon chlorine bases to form chlorine salts. For example, there is a compound, H 2 PtCl 6 , known as chlorplatinic acid, which with chlorides forms well- marked salts : H 2 PtCl 6 + 2KC1 = K 2 PtCl 6 + 2HC1. The product formed in the reaction represented by this equation is known as potassium chlorplatinate. The reaction is analogous to the following, in which oxygen compounds take part : H 2 Pt0 3 + 2KOH = K 2 Pt0 3 + H 2 0. In the chlorine compounds two atoms of the univalent element chlorine take the place of each atom of the biva- lent oxygen. Many such compounds are known ; but in working with them the same difficulty arises that was referred to above in speaking of the sulphur compounds ; many of the chlorides which are capable of forming chlorine salts are decomposed by water and converted into oxygen acids. Therefore, if we start with a chlorine acid and work in water solution the probability is that NOMENCLATURE OF ACIDS. 143 the product obtained will be an oxygen compound. The fact that the oxygen acids are the most prominent is partly to be ascribed to the fact that water is in such general use as a solvent. The analogous solvent for the sulphur compounds would be liquid hydrogen sul- phide, H 2 S, but at ordinary temperatures this is a gas, and it is, therefore, impossible to work with the sulphur compounds under conditions analogous to those under which we work with the oxygen compounds. The same statement applies to the chlorine compounds for which the analogous solvent would be liquid hydrochloric acid, HC1, not the solution of the gas in water. Nomenclature of Acids. The names of the acids of chlorine illustrate some of the principles of nomenclature in use in chemistry. The acid of the series which is best known is called chloric acid. In naming acids the suffix ic is always used in naming the principal member of a group of acids containing the same elements. This is seen in the names hydrochloric, sulphuric, nitric, phos- phoric, silicic, carbonic, acetic, etc. If there are two acids containing the same elements, that one of the two which contains the smaller proportion of oxygen is given a name ending in ous. Thus we have the two series : Chloric acid, . . HC1O 3 Chlorous acid, . . HC1O 2 Sulphuric acid, . H 2 SO 4 Sulphurous acid, . H 2 SO 3 Nitric acid, . . . HNO 3 Nitrous acid, . . HNO 2 Phosphoric acid, . H 3 PO 4 Phosphorous acid, H 3 PO 3 For most cases which present themselves this method of naming will suffice, but in others the number of acids known is larger than two, as, for example, in the series of chlorine acids. In such cases recourse is had to prefixes. If there is an acid known containing a smaller proportion of oxygen than the one whose name ends in ous, it is generally designated by means of the prefix hypo, which is derived from the Greek vno, signifying tinder. Thus there are the following examples' : Hy- pochlorous acid, HC1O ; hyposulphurous acid, H 2 SO Q ; hyponitrous acid, H 2 N 2 O 2 ; and hypophosphorous acid, 144 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. H 3 PO 2 . It will be seen on comparing the formulas of these acids with those above given that they differ from them in a very simple way. In the series of chlorine acids there is one which con- tains a larger proportion of oxygen than chloric acid. It is called perchloric acid, the Latin prefix per signifying here very or fully. Similarly there is a perbromic acid and a permanganic -acid. Other cases arise, but they are of a more or less special character, and the compounds are given special names according to circumstances. Nomenclature of Bases. As pointed out above, a base is a compound of a metal with hydrogen and oxygen. The bases are commonly known as hydroxides ; and in order to distinguish between the hydroxides of the differ- ent metals, the names of the metals are put before the name hydroxide, as in naming the oxides and chlorides. Thus, as has been seen, caustic soda, NaOH, is called sodium hydroxide, etc. It is necessary in some cases to- distinguish between two hydroxides of the same metal. This is done by using the suffixes ous and ic in the same sense as they are used in naming oxides and chlorides. Thus ferric hydroxide has the composition Fe(OH) 3 , and ferrous hydroxide the composition Fe(OH) 2 ; cuprous hy- droxide is Cu(OH), and cupric hydroxide Cu(OH) 2 , etc. These compounds are sometimes called hydrates, and there are some good reasons for using this name, as will be more fully shown in a later paragraph. On the other hand, compounds in which water as such is re*- garded as present are called hydrates, and there is- danger of confusion if the same name is used to desig- nate what are believed to be two entirely different classes of compounds. As examples of hydrates we have salts with their water of crystallization, chlorine hydrate, C1 9 + 8H 2 O ; hydrochloric acid hydrate, HC1 + 2H 2 O ; etc. While some of the compounds which are commonly regarded as hydrates should probably be classed with the hydroxides, there seem to be two classes, and it is there- fore desirable to have two names. Nomenclature of Salts. Theoretically every metal caji yield a salt with every acid. The salts derived from a NOMENCLATURE OF SALTS. 145 given acid receive a general name, and this general name is qualified in each case by the name of the metal contained in the salt. Thus, all the salts derived from nitric acid are called nitrates ; all the salts derived from chloric acid are called chlorates ; the salts of sulphuric acid are called sulphates ; * the salts of phosphoric acid are called phosphates; * etc. So too, further, the salts of chlorous acid are called chlorites; those of nitrous acid, nitrites ; those of sulphurous acid, sulphites ; etc., etc. It will be noticed that the final syllable of the name of the salt differs according to the name of the acid. If the name of the acid ends in ic, the name of the salt de- rived from it ends in ate. If the name of the acid ends in ous, the name of the salt ends in ite. To dis- tinguish between the different salts of the same acid, the name of the metal contained in it is prefixed. Thus, the potassium salt of nitric acid is called po- tassium nitrate, the sodium salt is called sodium ni- trate ; the calcium salt of sulphuric acid is called calcium sulphate ; the magnesium salt of nitrous acid is magne- sium nitrite ; the calcium salt of hypochlorous acid is calcium hypochlorite ; etc., etc. If a metal forms two salts with the same acid in one of which the valence of the metal is lower than in the other, the one in which the valence of the metal is lower is designated by means of the suffix ous, while the one in which the valence of the metal is higher is designated by means of the suffix ic. Thus there are two series of salts of iron which correspond to the two chlorides FeCl 2 and Fed,. In one series the iron appears to be bivalent, in the other trivalent. Examples are, Fe(NO 3 ) 2 and Fe(NO 3 ) 3 ; FeSO 4 and Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 8 ; etc. Those salts in which the iron is bivalent are called ferrous salts, as ferrous nitrate, ferrous sulphate, etc. ; and those in which it is trivalent are called ferric salts, as ferric nitrate, ferric sulphate, etc. Similarly there are two series of copper * Strictly speaking, the salts of sulphuric acid should be called sul- phurates, and those of phosphoric acid phosphorates, but for the sake of euphony and convenience these names are shortened to the above forms. 14:6 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. salts known as cuprous and cupric salts ; and two series of mercury salts known as mercurous and mercuric salts. If the salts of hydrochloric acid were named in ac- cordance with the principle just explained, they would be called hydrocMorates, and this name is sometimes used for complex salts, but in the case of the salts of the metals it will be observed that these are identical with the products formed by direct combination of the metals with chlorine. Thus, hydrochloric acid and zinc act as represented in the equation Zn + 2HC1 = ZnCl, + H 2 ; while zinc and chlorine act thus : Zn + 01, = ZnCl,. In each case the same product, ZnCl 2 , is formed. But these compounds of metals with chlorine are called chlo- rides, as has already been explained. Hence for these cases the name hydrocJdorate is unnecessary. The name hydrate to which reference was made in a paragraph above suggests a salt of hydric acid. Potas- sium hydrate signifies the potassium salt of this acid or of water. In one sense this is a proper name for the compound. It is water in which a part of the hydrogen is replaced by a metal, and it is in this respect like a salt. While, however, there is an unmistakable analogy between the formation of a metallic hydroxide from water and that of a salt from an acid, it appears, on the whole, wise not to class water with the acids nor with the bases, but rather to regard it as the connecting link between the two classes. We shall see later that the similar compounds hydrogen sulphide, H 2 S, and hy- drogen selenide, H 2 Se, have much more marked acid properties than water. When treated with metallic hy- droxides they form salts of the general formulas M,S and M a Se. CHAPTER XI. NATURAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE ELEMENTS THE PERIODIC LAW. Historical. It has long been known that simple rela- tions exist between the atomic weights of some elements which resemble one another closely. Thus chlorine, bromine, and iodine are very similar elements. Their atomic weights are 35.18, 79.34, and 125.89 respectively. It will be seen that the atomic weight of bromine, 79.34, is approximately the mean of those of chlorine and iodine. We have 35.18 + 125.89 = Q() 53 2 A similar group is that of sulphur, selenium, and tellu- rium, which resemble one another as closely as chlorine, bromine, and iodine do. The atomic weights are S = 31.83, Se = 78.42, and Te = 126.52. W T e have here I *u* + i*.n , Other groups are those of phosphorus, 30.79, vanadi- um, 50.99, and arsenic, 74.44 : 30.79 + 7444 = g261; lithium, 6.97, sodium, 22.82, and potassium, 38.82 : ..." 6.97 + 38.82 = 22m a (147) 148 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. In 1863-64 J. A. E. Newlands called attention to the fact that if all the elements are arranged in a table in the order of their atomic weights, beginning with that one which has the lowest atomic weight and ending with that one which has the highest atomic weight, provided they are arranged horizontally in groups of seven, placing the eighth under the first, the ninth under the second, etc., then similar elements would fall in the same perpen- dicular line. Newlands' arrangement was quite imper- fect, and it required considerable modification in order to make it appear at all satisfactory. In 1869 and 1870 two papers appeared, one by D. Mendeleeff and the other by Lothar Meyer, in which these relations are treated in a masterly manner, and it was then seen that one of the most important laws of chemistry had been discovered. Everything learned since then has only made it appear more and more certain that the law which is known as the periodic laiv is a fundamental law of chemistry. Arrangement of the Elements. Mendeleeff and Lothar Meyer have proposed several arrangements for the pur- pose of making clear the connection between the proper- ties and atomic weights of the elements. Those which have proved most useful will first be given, and then the connection between the atomic weights and properties will be discussed briefly. The different arrangements are to be regarded only as different ways of expressing the same law, and no one of them is perfect. The inves- tigation of the relations between the atomic weights and the properties of the elements has not yet been pushed far enough to justify a final opinion as to the character of the relations, but it has nevertheless reached a stage in which we are justified in stating that these relations are general and deep-seated. MENDELEEFF'S TABLES OF THE ELEMENTS. 149 TO oo'oi QO't^ WTO O O og . tJ "I 1 fc 1 S* SJf 1 1 s's g OS (JJ o II II II II 1 1 5 S2 Ao . i "^ SB ^~ OS 1 I ** ^ P, W o 1 * * O II fe " : S ii ii ii i II H 1 1 1 M 8 g 5 1 1 II TO MM ila o II 03 g II OJ 02 II n 1 II o i i TO B TO I rf 4 O II II P-l ** 2 ll II c, 3 a6 II g m II ^ 02 II 5 oo S II II S 1 oo 00 Oi 1 HH II II ^ II 10 - S w o JSS II II H O OT ii 3 1 n 1 H 1 fe Oi z> ,_, I 'i o II PQ II II J s ii TO II i II .0 II 1 j j i 3 1 "* 1 > c II II ii 3 a " S ; II o 1 6 M 1 1 ^ TO TO OS ^ 1-4 It i 1 0* x & i : W 5z os n ^ II TO' II ' *" o II 'So 1 3^ II 3 II M " 3 Sg 1 ^ 1 1 _ ,,, TO ** CO l> 00 S S 02 150 INOEGANIG CHEMISTRY. MENDELEEFF'S TABLE II. I I. II. III. IV. V. VI. R a O I. Li = 7 K 39 Rb 85 Cs 133 - - - - RO II. Be = 9 Ca 40 Sr 87 Ba 137 R 3 3 III. B = ll Sc 44 Y 89 La 138 Yb 173 RO, IV. (H 4 C) C = 12 Ti 48 Zr 90 Ce 142 Th 231 R a 6 V. (H 3 N; N = 14 V 51 Cb 94 Di 146 Ta 182 _ _ RO, VI. (H a O) O = 16 Cr 52 Mo 96 W 184 U 240 R 3 7 VII. (HF) F = 19 Mn 55 _ _ RO 4 Fe 56 Ru 103 Os 192? VIII. Co 58 Rh 104 _ _ Ir 193 - Ni 59 Pd 106 Pt 195 R a O I. H = l Na=23 Cu 63 Ag 108 Au 196 RO II. Mg 24 Zn 65 Cd 112 Hg200 _ R a O, III. Al 2? Ga 69 In 113 Tl 204 RO 2 IV. (H 4 R) Si 28 Ge 72 Sn 118 Pb 206 R.,0 6 V. (H 3 R) P 31 As 75 Sb 120 Bi 209 RO 8 VI. (H a R) S 32 Se 79 Te 125? _ _ R,0 T VII. (HR) 01 35.5 Br 80 I 127 - - - - - - In the above tables the approximate atomic weights are used instead of those which have been determined and calculated with the greatest care. For most pur- poses in the laboratory the approximate figures answer well enough, and they are most commonly used. In the following table of Lothar Meyer the refined atomic weights (as calculated by Meyer and Seubert) are used. The difference between the two sets of figures is in most cases very slight. The atomic weights adopted in this book are those calculated by F. W. Clarke (see " The Constants of Nature," Part V, 1897). MEYERS TABLE OF THE ELEMENTS. 151 S 85 " sf 5 S s s a 152 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. In Mendeleeff's Table I the elements are arranged in horizontal lines, beginning with lithium. When the eighth element in the order of the increasing atomic weights is reached it is found that it is very much like lithium. It is sodium. If this is placed below lithium, and the next six elements in the same horizontal line, when the fifteenth element is reached, it is found like the eighth to be similar to lithium. Up to and includ- ing manganese there are twenty-one elements excluding hydrogen. These fall then naturally into three series of seven members each, and placing these horizontally, those elements which fall in the same perpendicular lines have the same general character. This is seen most strikingly in Group I, in which lithium, sodium, and potassium fall, and in Group Y, in which nitrogen, phosphorus, and vanadium fall ; but there is no difficulty in recognizing the similarity in the other groups. The three elements following manganese, viz., iron, nickel, and cobalt, are very much alike, and they certainly do not belong in Groups I, II, and III, while the next element, copper, has some properties which ally it to the members of Group I. The next six elements fall in Groups II to VII, and are evidently in place, and the six following fall in Groups I to YI, and are also in their proper places, as far as their properties are concerned. After molybdenum in the sixth series comes a blank which means that there is no element to fill that place, but that probably there is one undiscovered which has the atomic weight approximately 100, and has properties which are similar to those of manganese. Then follow three elements which resemble one another as closely as iron, nickel, and cobalt do. These do not belong in Groups I, II, and III, but form a small independent group. These two groups of three elements occur at the end of the fourth and sixth series respectively. We should therefore expect to find a similar group at the end of the eighth series. No such group is known, however, though at the end of the tenth series, where we should look for the next similar small group, there are the three elements iridium, platinum, and osmium. The elements ARRANGEMENT IN MENDELEEFF'S SECOND TABLE. 153 of series 2 beginning with lithium and ending with fluo- rine differ in some respects quite markedly from all the other elements, as will be seen when they are taken up. Beginning with sodium, it will be seen that there are two series of seven elements and a short series of three ; then again two series of seven and a series of three ; and, although the following series are imperfect, it is not difficult to recognize that the same general ar- rangement of the elements holds good to the end. A series of seven elements is called a short period ; while two short periods with the accompanying three similar elements constitute what is called a long period. In MendeleefFs Table II the long periods are ar- ranged in perpendicular lines, each long period begin- ning and ending with a short period and having a side group of three elements in the middle. Thus in the column beginning with potassium there is, first, the short period potassium to manganese, then the side group iron, cobalt, nickel, and then the short period copper to bromine. In this table similar elements occur in the same horizontal lines. Thus in one line there are lithium, potassium, rubidium, and caesium ; in another sulphur, selenium, and tellurium ; and in another chlo- rine, bromine, and iodine. The symbols at the top of each column in Table I have reference to the general formulas of the compounds which the elements in each group form with oxygen and with hydrogen. Beginning with Group I, the general formula of the oxygen compounds of the members of this group is B 2 O, in which B represents any element of that group ; the general formula of the oxygen compounds of the members of Group II is BO ; and so on. It will be observed that the oxygen compounds grow more and more complex from Group I to Group VII. Writing BO, BO 2 , and BO 3 with doubled formulas, thus : B 2 O 2 , B 2 O and B 2 O 6 , the series of oxygen compounds is represented as below : B 9 0, B 2 2 , B 2 3 , B 2 4 , B 2 6 , B 2 O 6 , B 2 O 7 . 154 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. As regards the general formula of the oxygen com- pounds of the members of Group VIII, it must be said that it does not in general correspond to the composition EO 4 . Osmium and ruthenium do, however, form the oxides OsO 4 and EuO 4 . There is also regularity in the composition of the hy- drogen compounds. Beginning with Group VII, those members which combine with hydrogen form compounds of the general formula EH, as, for example, C1H, hydro- chloric acid ; FH, hydrofluoric acid ; etc. Those mem- bers of Group VI which combine with hydrogen form compounds of the general formula EH 2 , as, for example, water, H 2 O, and hydrogen sulphide, H 2 S. The maxi- mum power of combining with hydrogen is met with in Group IV, in which occur the elements carbon and sili- con. These form the hydrogen compounds CH 4 and SiH 4 . The members of Groups I, II, and III do not readily form compounds with hydrogen. A few are known, but they are quite unstable. The hydroxides vary in composition from the simple form E(OH) to E(OH) 7 . While in the first four groups well-marked examples of the hydroxides E(OH), E(OH) 2 , E(OH) 3 , and E(OH) 4 are found, in the fifth group the hydroxides have not the general formula E(OH) 5 , though several of them have the formula OE(OH) 3 , as phos- phoric, arsenic, and antimonic acids, which are respec- tively OP(OH) 3 , OAs(OH) 3 , and OSb(OH) 3 . These may be regarded as derived from the hydroxides of the gen- eral formula E(OH) 5 by loss of water : K(OH) S = OE(OH) 3 + H,0. Hydroxyl derivatives of the members of Group VI corresponding to the general formula E(OH) 6 are known, as, for example, the so-called hydrate of sulphuric acid, S(OH) 6 . The maximum hydroxides of Group VII should have the general formula E(OH) 7 , but those known do not correspond to this. The nearest approach to it is found in crystallized periodic acid, H 5 IO 6 , which may be LOTHAR MEYER'S ARRANGEMENT. 155 regarded as derived from the hydroxide I(OH) 7 by loss of one molecule of water, thus : I(OH), = OI(OH). + H,0. The arrangement of Lothar Meyer is a continuous one. The elements are arranged on a spiral beginning with lithium and ending with uranium. The divisions are such that when the two ends of the table are brought together on a cylinder, the line ending with fluorine will join that beginning with sodium ; that ending with nickel will join that beginning with copper ; and so on. In other respects the arrangement is much like that in Mende- leefF s Table I. "What Mendeleeff calls a Group, Lothar Meyer calls a Natural Family, while those elements which fall in the same horizontal line are said to form a series. Now, each natural family falls into two groups indicated by the letters A and B placed above. Thus the first natural family falls into Group A, consisting of lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and caesium, and Group B, consisting of copper, silver, and gold. Family II falls into Group A, consisting of glucinum, magnesium, cal- cium, strontium, barium, and perhaps erbium, and Group B, consisting of zinc, cadmium, and mercury ; etc. The members of each group in a family resemble one another much more closely than they resemble the members of the other group. * The figures at the bottom of the table of Lothar Meyer refer to the valence of the elements in each group. Judging by the composition of the oxides and hydrox- ides, the valence increases from 1 to 8 from Families I to VIII. But the valence of the elements in each family varies according to conditions. Thus the valence of the elements of Family IY is generally 4, as shown in the. compounds CH 4 , CC1 4 , CO 2 , SiH 4 , SiCl 4 , SiO 2 , etc. ; but they may also appear as bivalent elements, as seen in the compound CO. So too, while the elements of Family V are quinquivalent, as in PC1 5 , NH 4 C1, etc., they may also be trivalent, as in PC1 3 , NH 3 , etc. What we call valence does not then appear to be an 156 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. unchangeable property of the elements, but a property Avhich may change according to conditions. It appears further that a given element may have one valence tow- ards one element and another valence towards another element. This is most strikingly seen on comparing the formulas of the hydrogen compounds of the ele- ments of Families V, VI, and VII with those of their oxygen compounds. The members of Family VII com- bine with hydrogen in only one proportion, and that is the simplest possible. Towards hydrogen these elements are univalent, and their valence towards hydrogen is con- stant. On the other hand, they combine with oxygen and with hydroxyl in several proportions, and judging by the composition of these compounds, the valence tow- ards oxygen varies from 1 to 7. The members of Family VI are bivalent towards hydrogen, and their hy- drogen valence is constant ; but they combine with oxy- gen and hydroxyl in several proportions, and the compo- sition of the compounds indicates that their valence towards oxygen varies from 2 to 6. The hydrogen val- ence of the members of Family V is 3, while the oxygen valence varies from 1 to 5. Finally, the hydrogen val- ence of the members of Family IV is 4, while the oxygen valence varies from 2 to 4. As regards the hydrogen valence of the members of Families I to III, but little is known. These elements do not generally combine with hydrogen, though some of them do. 'Towards oxygen their valence is fairly constant, though some variations are observed as in the case of copper and mercury. Judging then by the composition of the compounds, we are justified in making a distinction between the hydrogen-valence of some elements and their oxygen- valence. While the former is constant, the latter is sub- ject to variations. In those cases in which there is a marked difference between the hydrogen-valence of an ele- ment and its maximum oxygen-valence, the maximum valence towards chlorine is greater than the hydrogen- valence and less than the maximum oxygen-valence. This is shown in the case of sulphur ; the formulas of its THE ELEMENTS IN THE NATURAL SYSTEM. 157 hydrogen compound and of its highest compounds with chlorine and oxygen being respectively SH 2 , SC1 4 , SO,. Prom this it appears that the maximum valence of sul- phur towards hydrogen is 2, towards chlorine 4, and towards oxygen 6. Connection between the Position of the Elements in the Natural System and their Chemical Properties. The changes in composition of the oxygen and hydrogen compounds and of the hydroxides from Family I to VII have been referred to. Another fact of great impor- tance is that the elements of Group I are the most strongly marked base-forming elements, while those of Group YII are the most strongly marked acid-forming elements. Passing in either direction the character of the elements becomes less pronounced, until in the mid- dle (Group IV), elements which form neither strongly marked acids nor strongly marked bases are found. Thus, beginning with sodium, this element forms a strong base, magnesium forms a weaker base, the hy- droxide of aluminium is a still weaker base. Beginning, on the other hand, with chlorine at the other end of the same series, its hydrogen compound is a strongly marked acid ; that of sulphur is an acid, but less marked in char- acter than hydrochloric acid ; that of phosphorus has no acid properties, nor has that of silicon. The hydroxides of these four elements have acid properties. Each one, however, forms several acids, and it is difficult to com- pare them, as some of those of chlorine are strongly marked and others not, as we have seen. Some very interesting variations in properties are also noticed in passing from one end of a group of a natural family to the other. Thus in Group B, Family VII, the activity of the elements grows less from fluorine to iodine, or, as we commonly say, fluorine is the strongest ele- ment in the group, and then follow, in order, chlorine, bromine, and iodine. 158 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The remarkable relations above referred to are summed up in the periodic law : The properties of an element are periodic functions of the atomic weight. It appears that if an element has a certain atomic weight it must have certain properties, and that if the atomic weight is known the properties can be stated, just as, if the properties are known, the atomic weight can be approximately stated. When the law was first stated, Mendeleeff predicted the discovery of certain ele- ments to fill some of the vacant places in the table. At that time the elements gallium, Ga, scandium, Sc, and germanium, Ge, were not known. Not only was their discovery predicted, but their properties were clearly stated years before they were brought to light. Within the last few years these three elements have been dis- covered, and a remarkable agreement is observed be- tween their properties as determined by observation and as foretold by Mendeleeff by the aid of the periodic law. The relations between the atomic weights and proper- ties will appear more and more clearly as our study of the elements proceeds. The natural arrangement of the elements suggested by the periodic law is adopted in this book. The elements hydrogen, oxygen, and chlo- rine were studied at the outset in order to illustrate the methods of studying chemical problems, and as exam- ples of chemical elements in general. It is, however, now time to take up the elements systematically, and to learn what may be necessary in regard to them in order to get as clear a notion as possible of the facts and prin- ciples of the science of chemistry. Plan to be followed. The most systematic method of procedure in studying the elements would be to begin with Family I, Group A (see Lothar Meyer's Table, p. 151), then to take up Group B of the same family ; and so on in order, ending with Family VIII. It seems better, however, to begin with Family VII ; to follow with Families VI, V, and IV ; and then to take up in order Families I, II, III, and VIII. The main reason THE ELEMENTS IN THE NATURAL SYSTEM. 159 for this is that it is impossible to study most of the mem- bers of Families I, II, III, and VIII without a knowl- edge of several of the elements of Families VII, VI, V, and IV, while these last families can be studied with only slight reference to the others. It is proposed then to begin with Group B, Family VII, the members of which are very much like chlorine. The only member of Group A of this family is manganese. While man- ganese resembles the members of the chlorine group in some respects, it has other properties which ally it to the so-called base-forming elements. So also the mem- bers of Group A, Family VI, are like the members of the oxygen or sulphur group, but they are also allied to the base-forming elements. A similar difference is observed between the members of Groups A and B, Family V. While the plan above sketched takes into considera- tion the greater number of the analogies of the elements, there are other analogies which are not brought out. Thus, as will be seen in due time, the elements alumin- ium, chromium, manganese, and iron are analogous in some respects, but by following the plan sketched they will be taken up in different groups. This appears to be justified, however, when we consider the entire conduct of these elements, and do not confine ourselves to a study of only a few reactions which, being useful for some purposes, have been studied more carefully than others which from a scientific point of view are perhaps just as important. CHAPTER XII. THE ELEMENTS OF FAMILY VII, GROUP B: FLUORINE-CHLORINEBROMINEIODINE. General. The elements of this group are commonly called the halogens. The best known member of the group is chlorine, which has already been treated. Al- though fluorine is in general like the other members of the group, it differs from them in some respects, and it certainly is not as much like them as they are like one another. While chlorine, bromine, and iodine accom- pany one another in nature, fluorine compounds are not generally found in company with compounds of the other elements of the family. In those cases in which chlorine, bromine, and iodine are found together, chlorine is gen- erally present in largest quantity, and iodine in smallest quantity. Fluorine and chlorine are gases under ordi- nary conditions, while bromine is a liquid and iodine is a solid. Fluorine, bromine, and iodine form with hy- drogen the compounds hydrofluoric acid, HF, hydro- bromic acid, HBr, and hydriodic acid, HI, which are analogous to hydrochloric acid. All these com- pounds are gases which have marked acid properties. With oxygen, fluorine does not combine, whereas chlo- rine, bromine, and iodine combine with it in a number of proportions, as has already been seen in the case of chlo- rine. Among themselves these elements also form some compounds : thus bromine and chlorine form the com- pound BrCl; iodine forms the compounds IC1, IC1 3 , IBr, and IF 5 . It appears from this that the valence of iodine towards bromine is 1, towards chlorine 3, and towards fluorine 5. Towards base-forming members the elements of this group are univalent, as shown in such compounds as NaCl, KBr, CaCl a , KI, etc. They, however, appear to (160) BROMINE: OCCURRENCE-PREPARATION. 161 have a valence greater than 1 in some compounds known as double salts. These can be explained satisfactorily only by assuming that in them the element is in combi- nation with itself and has a valence greater than 1. BROMINE, Br (At. Wt. 79.34). Occurrence. This element occurs in nature in com- pany with chlorine. Chlorine, as has been stated, occurs mostly in combination with sodium, as sodium chloride, or common salt. In several of the great salt-beds bromine occurs in the form of sodium bromide, NaBr, and in some places it occurs as magnesium bromide, MgBr 2 . The chief source of bromine is the mother-liquors from the salt works. When a solution containing a large quantity of sodium chloride and a small quantity of bro- mide is evaporated, the chloride is first deposited, and from the mother-liquors the bromide mixed with chlo- ride is deposited. The great beds at Stassfurt are par- ticularly rich in bromides, and a great deal of bromine is made from the salts which occur in this locality. Preparation. Bromine can be prepared from the bromides in the same way that chlorine is made from the chlorides : by first treating with sulphuric acid, thus lib- erating hydrobromic acid, and then treating with man- ganese dioxide, or, better, by mixing the bromide with manganese dioxide and treating the mixture with sul- phuric acid. The reaction is represented by the equation 2NaBr + MnO 2 + 2H 2 SO 4 = Na 2 SO 4 + MnSO 4 + 2H 2 O + Br 2 . Or it may be represented as taking place in different stages. First the sulphuric acid would liberate hydro- bromic acid from the bromide, and this would act upon the manganese dioxide thus : MnO 2 + 4HBr -= MnBr 2 -f 2H 2 + Br 2 . But sulphuric acid would act upon manganous bromide, MnBr 2 , thus : MnBr 3 -f H 2 S0 4 = MnS0 4 + 2HBr ; 162 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and the hydrobromic acid would then again react with manganese dioxide, etc. Another method for the preparation of bromine de- pends upon the fact that chlorine has the power to set bromine free from its compounds. If, therefore, a solu- tion containing a bromide is treated with manganese dioxide and hydrochloric acid, the chlorine which is formed from the hydrochloric acid will act upon the bromide and bromine will be given off. This method is used at Stassfurt. Properties. Bromine is a heavy, dark-red liquid at ordinary temperatures. If exposed to the air it is con- verted into a vapor of a brownish-red color. It boils at 58-58.6, and at 7.3 it is solid. It has an extremely disagreeable odor, to which fact it owes its name (from flpcdfiios, a stench). From carbon disulphide at 90 it crystallizes in fine dark-red needles. Its properties are similar to those of chlorine. It acts violently upon organic substances ; attacking the skin, and the membranes lining the passages of the throat and lungs. Wounds caused by the liquid coming in contact with the skin are painful and serious, and it must there- fore be handled with great care. Like chlorine, bromine is dissolved by water, one part dissolving in 33.3 parts at 15. The solution, which has a reddish color and the odor of bromine, is called bro- mine tvater. At a low temperature bromine forms with water a compound in every way analogous to chlorine hydrate, wz., bromine hydrate, Br 2 -|- 10H 2 O. This de- composes when left in contact with the air at ordinary temperatures. Chemical Conduct of Bromine. Bromine acts chemi- cally like chlorine. It was pointed out that chlorine acts in three different ways : (1) By direct addition ; (2) by substitution; and (3) by liberating oxygen from water, as in bleaching and other oxidizing processes. Bromine is capable of acting in all three ways. It com- bines directly with base-forming elements or metals, as iron, aluminium, potassium, etc. ; also with the acid- forming elements, as sulphur, phosphorus, etc. It com- HYDROBROMIC ACID. 163 bines with hydrogen almost as readily as chlorine does. With oxygen it does not combine directly, and in this respect also it is like chlorine. It acts upon compounds containing hydrogen almost as readily as chlorine does, replacing the hydrogen and forming bromine substitution-products. Thus benzene, C 6 H B , yields the products C 6 H 5 Br, C 6 H 4 Br 2 , C 6 H 3 Br 3 , C 6 H 2 Br 4 , etc., and the hydrogen which leaves the com- pound passes off in combination with bromine in the form of hydrobromic acid. It bleaches like chlorine, partly by direct action and disintegration of the organic dye-stuffs, partly by action upon water, liberating oxygen. A solution of bromine in water left exposed to the direct sunlight loses its color and becomes acid in conse- quence of the decomposition of the water, as in the case of chlorine : Br 2 +H,O = or 2Br a + 2H 2 O = 4HBr + O 2 . Uses of Bromine. Bromine and its compounds are used in photography, medicine, and to some extent in the manufacture of coal-tar colors. It is manufactured in large quantity, and a good proportion of it is manu- factured in the United States. According to the official report the production of bromine in the United States in the year 1896 amounted to over 500,000 pounds. Hydrobromic Acid, HBr. The only compound which bromine forms with hydrogen alone is hydrobromic acid. This is in all respects very much like hydrochloric acid. It is set free from bromides by the action of sulphuric acid, but owing to its instability it acts upon the sul- phuric acid, causing decomposition. The elements hy- drogen and bromine are not held together as firmly in hydrobromic acid as hydrogen and chlorine are in hy- drochloric acid. Consequently, if hydrobromic acid is brought together with certain substances which contain oxygen it gives up its hydrogen to the oxygen. This is 164 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. seen in the conduct towards manganese dioxide. But towards this substance both hydrochloric and hydro- bromic acids act in essentially the same way. Sulphuric acid does not, however, give up its oxygen as readily as manganese dioxide, and the difference in the stability of the hydrogen compounds of chlorine and bromine is seen very clearly in their conduct towards sulphuric acid. Hydrochloric acid does not act upon sulphuric acid at all. Hydrobromic acid acts according to the following equation : 2HBr + H 2 SO 4 = 2H 2 O + SO 2 + Br 2 . The action consists in the decomposition of the hydro- bromic acid into bromine and hydrogen, and the subse- quent action of the nascent hydrogen upon the sulphuric acid thus : 2HBr = 2H + Br 2 ; and H 2 S0 4 + 2H = 2H 2 + S0 2 . The hydrobromic acid acts here, then, as a reducing agent, and the sulphuric acid as an oxidizing agent. It is plain that hydrobromic acid cannot be made in pure condition by the action of sulphuric acid upon a bromide. Some of the hydrobromic acid, to be sure, escapes the action of the sulphuric acid, but at best it is always mixed with the compound SO 2 , or sulphur dioxide, which is a gas, and with bromine. It can be made by passing a mixture of hydrogen and bromine over heated finely divided platinum. An ap- paratus has been devised for making hydrobromic acid in this way in quantity. It can also be made by allowing bromine to act upon an organic compound containing hydrogen. Substitut- ing action takes place and hydrobromic acid is given off. Thus, if a compound of the formula C 10 H 22 were used, the reaction would be represented in this way : HTDROBROMIC ACID. 165 The product C 10 H 21 Br, or the bromine substitution- product, would not be volatile at ordinary temperatures, and therefore only the hydrobromic would be given off. The method most commonly adopted in the labora- tory consists in treating phosphorus with bromine and water. In all probability the bromine acts first upon the phosphorus, forming the product PBr 3 or PBr 5 accord- ing to the proportions of the substances used. Both these substances are decomposed by water, the first forming phosphorous acid and hydrobromic acid, accord- ing to this equation : ( Br HHO P^ Br + HHO = PO 3 H 3 + 3HBr, ( Br HHO or PBr 3 + 3H,0 = PO 3 H 3 + 3HBr ; the second forming phosphoric acid and hydrobromic acid : PBr 5 + 4H 2 O = P0 4 H 3 + 5HBr. The gas thus formed can be freed from bromine by passing it through a tube containing phosphorus. Properties. Hydrobromic acid is a colorless gas which forms fumes in contact with the air in consequence of its attraction for moisture. It dissolves in water in large proportion. The solution conducts itself much like hy- drochloric acid. When boiled a compound of definite composition passes over under ordinary conditions. It corresponds to the formula HBr -f- 5H 2 O, but here, as with the hydrate of hydrochloric acid, the composition changes with the pressure. With metallic hydroxides or bases, hydrobromic acid forms bromides, as hydro- chloric acid forms chlorides : KOH + HBr = KBr + H 2 O. Compounds of Bromine with Hydrogen and Oxygen. With hydrogen and oxygen bromine forms compounds which closely resemble those which chlorine forms with the same elements. They are : Hypobromous acid, 166 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. HBrO ; bromic acid, HBrO 3 ; and perhaps perbromic acid, HBrO 4 . Hypobromom acid, HBrO, is made by reactions which are entirely analogous to those used in making hypo- chlorous acid. When bromine acts upon a dilute solu- tion of sodium or potassium hydroxide, reaction takes place thus : 2KOH + Br a = KBr + KBrO + H 9 O. So also bromine vapor acting upon slaked lime or cal- cium hydroxide forms a compound similar to bleaching powder. Hypobromous acid has not been prepared in pure condition owing to its instability. Bromic acid, HBrO 3 , is not known in pure condition. Its salts are made in the same way as the chlorates are ; the principal reaction made use of for the purpose being that between bromine and concentrated potassium hydroxide : 3Br a + 6KOH = 5KBr + KBrO 3 + 3H 2 O. The decompositions of the bromates are much like those of the chlorates. As regards the existence of perbromic acid there is some doubt. It is stated by one observer that he ob- tained it by treating perchloric acid with bromine : HC1O 4 + Br = HBr0 4 + 01. Others have not succeeded in getting it in this or in any other way. Compound of Bromine and Chlorine. When chlorine is passed into liquid bromine it is absorbed in large quantity. If the process is carried on at a low tempera- ture the product BrCl is formed. Above 10 it under- goes decomposition. Although it is unstable, there is no good reason for regarding this substance as anything but a chemical compound. There are many chemical compounds known which are less stable than this. IODINE: OCCURRENCE-PREPARATION". 167 IODINE, I (At. Wt. 125.89). Occurrence. Iodine, as has already been stated, occurs in company with chlorine and bromine in nature, but in smaller quantity than these. The relative quantity in sea water is extremely small. The sea plants, however, assimilate it, and the ashes of these plants contain a considerable quantity of compounds of iodine. It also occurs in small quantity in the great beds of soda salt- peter, or sodium nitrate, which are found in Chili, South America. It occurs in small quantity in combination with silver, and also in combination with lead and with mercury. Preparation. The method of obtaining iodine from its salts is like that used in making chlorine and bromine from the chlorides and bromides. It consists in treat- ing the iodides with sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide. 2KI + MnO 8 + 2H 2 SO 4 = K 2 SO 4 + MnSO 4 + 2H 2 + I 2 . The iodine, although solid at the ordinary tempera- ture, is easily volatilized, and if the mixture mentioned is heated, iodine vapor passes over and may be con- densed in appropriately arranged vessels. On the large scale iodine is obtained mostly from sea- weed. On the coasts of Scotland, Ireland, and France the sea- weed which is thrown up by storms is gathered, dried, and burned. The organic portions are thus de- stroyed, and the mineral or earthy portions are left be- hind as ashes. This incombustible residue is called kelp. It contains a small percentage of potassium iodide, from .5 to 2 per cent according to the sea- weed used. The dried weed was formerly burned in cavities dug in the earth, but of late years the process has in some places been much improved, and the yield in kelp increased. In Scotland the iodine is liberated by means of sul- phuric acid and manganese dioxide. In France, how- 168 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ever, this is effected by passing chlorine into the solution containing the iodide. If too little chlorine is used all the iodine is not separated ; if too much, a compound of iodine and chlorine is formed, or an iodate, in conse- quence of the oxidizing action of the chlorine on the iodine. The iodine which occurs in Chili saltpeter, NaNO 3 , is in the form of sodium iodate, NaIO 3 , and iodide, Nal, and to some extent as magnesium iodide, MgI 2 . Most of the iodine now in the market is made from this ma- terial, and the competition created in this way has led to a careful study of the process for obtaining iodine from kelp. Sea- weed is now collected from certain parts of the ocean where it grows in large quantity, vessels being sent out for the purpose. Properties. Iodine is a grayish-black crystallized solid. At ordinary temperatures it is volatile. Accord- ing to the most reliable determinations it melts at 113-115, and boils at 250. The vapor has a violet color when mixed with air. When in pure condition it is intensely blue. At temperatures considerably above the boiling point the specific gravity of iodine vapor is such as to show that its molecular weight is approximately 254, or twice the atomic weight. As the temperature is raised, however, the specific gravity is lowered, until, finally, at a very high temperature, it becomes about half what it is at lower temperatures. This is accounted for by supposing that at the lower temperatures the molecules of iodine consist of two atoms each, while as the temperature is raised these molecules are gradually broken down, so that at the temperature at which the lowest specific gravity is reached the iodine vapor consists of free atoms, or the atoms and molecules are then identical, and the specific gravity is therefore only half what it is when the mole- cules consist of two atoms. Iodine has a characteristic strong taste. It acts upon the mucous membranes, but much less energetically than chlorine or bromine. It colors the skin yellowish- HYDRIODIC ACID. 169 brown, and acts as an absorbent, causing the reduction of some kinds of swellings. It dissolves slightly in water, easily in alcohol, and easily in a water solution of potassium iodide. The solution in alcohol is known as tincture of iodine. It -dissolves also in carbon disulphide, CS 2 , and in chloro- form forming solutions which have a beautiful deep violet color. In general, iodine conducts itself chemically like bro- mine and chlorine, only it acts in almost all reactions less energetically than the other two elements. It com- bines directly with a number of elements, as with hydro- gen, sulphur, phosphorus, iron, mercury, etc. In pres- ence of water it acts as an oxidizer just as chlorine and bromine do, but less energetically. Thus it oxidizes sulphurous acid, H 2 SO 3 , to sulphuric acid, H 2 SO 4 : H 2 S0 3 + I 2 + H 2 O = H 2 S0 4 + 2HI. As a substituting agent it does not act as readily as chlorine and bromine, though iodine substitution-prod- ucts are made in large quantities, particularly in con- nection with the manufacture of dye-stuffs. Iodine is used extensively in the dye-stuff industry, in photography, and in medicine. One factory in Scotland makes on an average 60 tons of iodine a year. Hydriodic Acid, HI. The affinity of hydrogen for iodine is less than for bromine, and therefore hydriodic acid cannot be made pure by treating an iodide with sulphuric acid. The hydrogen of the hydriodic acid acts upon the sulphuric acid very readily, and according to the conditions the following reactions may take place : H 2 S0 4 + SHI = 4H 2 + SH 3 + 41, ; H a S0 4 + 6HI = 4H 2 + S + 31, ; H 2 S0 4 + 2HI = 2H 2 + S0 2 + I 2 . On treating potassium iodide with sulphuric acid, therefore, there may be formed, in addition to hydriodic 170 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. acid and free iodine, sulphur dioxide, sulphur and hydro- gen sulphide. The method adopted for the preparation of hydriodic acid is like that used for the preparation of hydrobromic acid. It consists in treating phosphorus with iodine and water. The reactions involved are of the same kind as those which were discussed under hydrobromic acid. The iodine probably acts at first on the phosphorus, forming a compound of phosphorus and iodine, which then in turn is decomposed by the water. The reactions which generally take place are those represented by the following equations : P +31 = PI 8 ; PI 3 + 3H a O = P0 3 H 3 + SHI. Hydriodic acid is a colorless transparent gas like hy- drochloric and hydrobromic acids. It also like these dis- solves in water in large quantity, and when brought in contact with the air it forms dense white fumes. When boiled the water solution conducts itself like those of hydrochloric and hydrobromic acids. The liquid, which boils at 127 under the ordinary atmospheric pressure, contains 57 per cent hydriodic acid. If the solution of the gas in water is allowed to stand, decomposition be- gins in consequence of the action of the oxygen of the air. The hydrogen is oxidized to water and the iodine is set free, coloring the solution brown. When heated, the gas begins to decompose at 180, and at higher temperatures the decomposition takes place rapidly. The products are simply hydrogen and iodine. In consequence of the ease with which hydrio- dic acid breaks down, yielding free hydrogen, it is an ex- cellent reducing agent, and it is frequently used in the laboratory for the purpose of extracting oxygen from substances. Its action upon sulphuric acid has already been spoken of. The reason why it acts so well is that the hydrogen is separated from the iodine with little ex- penditure of energy, and the hydrogen thus separated is in the nascent state, or, as is believed, in the atomic state. IODIC ACID. 171 lodic Acid, HIO 3 . This compound is strictly analo- gous to chloric and bromic acids, but differs from them in being much more stable. It can be made by treat- ing iodine with strong oxidizing agents, as, for example, concentrated nitric acid. It is also formed very easily by passing chlorine through water in which iodine is suspended, when hydrochloric acid and iodic acid are formed, as represented in this equation : I 2 + 5C1 2 + 6H 2 O = 2HI0 3 + 10HC1. The reaction is probably somewhat more complicated than it appears from this equation, for when chlorine acts upon iodine a compound of the two elements is first formed. Iodine trichloride is decomposed by water thus : 2IC1 3 + 3H 2 O = 5HC1 + HIO 3 + 101. Iodine monochloride is also decomposed by water, giv- ing iodic acid, hydrochloric acid, and free iodine : 10IC1 + 6H 2 O = 10HC1 + 2HIO 3 + 4I 2 . Whether these chlorides of iodine are formed or not, the prime causes of the formation of iodic acid when chlorine acts upon iodine in water are the oxidizing power of the chlorine and the affinity of iodine for oxygen. When iodine is dissolved in an alkali the reaction which takes place is the same as that which takes place with chlorine and bromine under like circumstances. A mixture of the iodide and iodate is formed : 6KOH + 3I 2 = 5KI + KIO 3 + 3H 2 O. Iodic acid is a crystallized solid, which when heated to 170 loses water and is converted into iodine pent- oxide, I 2 O 5 : 2HI0 3 = 1,0. + H 2 O. 172 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Its salts have the general formula MIO 3 , though it alsa forms salts MH(IO 3 ) 2 and MH 2 (IO 3 ) 3 . It gives up its oxygen readily and is therefore a good oxidizing agent, just as hydriodic acid is a good reducing agent. Iodine Pentoxide or lodic Anhydride, I 2 O a . This com- pound is formed, as was stated in the last paragraph, by heating iodic acid to 170. It is a white solid which is easily soluble in water, forming iodic acid. It is de- composed when heated to 300. It will be observed, therefore, that this compound of iodine and oxygen is very much more stable than any of the compounds of chlorine or bromine and oxygen ; and it is interesting to note that as the affinity for oxygen increases, that for hydrogen decreases. In the group chlorine, bromine, and iodine, chlorine has the strongest affinity for hydro- gen and the weakest for oxygen, while iodine has the strongest affinity for oxygen and the weakest for hydro- gen. We shall presently see that fluorine, which does not unite with oxygen, has a stronger affinity for hydro- gen than chlorine has. Anhydrides, or Acidic Oxides. An oxide which, like iodine pentoxide, forms an acid when dissolved in water, or which forms salts by treatment with basic hydroxides, is called an anhydride or acidic oxide. The oxides of the base-forming elements form bases when dissolved in water, and they are, therefore, called basic oxides. As examples of acidic oxides or anhydrides, there may be mentioned besides iodic anhydride, sulphuric anhydride, SO 3 ; sulphurous anhydride, SO 2 ; phosphoric anhy- dride, P 2 O 6 ; carbonic anhydride, CO 2 . When dissolved in water these oxides are converted into acids as repre- sented in these equations : S0 3 + H 2 = H 2 S0 4 ; S0 2 +H 2 = H 2 S0 8 ; P 2 5 + H 2 = 2HP0 3 ; C0 2 + H 2 = H 2 C0 3 . Silicic anhydride, SiO 2 , is an example of an acidic oxide which does not dissolve in water, but which does form salts when treated with basic hydroxides : PERIODIC ACID. 173 SiO 2 + 2KOH = K 2 Si0 3 + H a O. As examples of basic oxides or oxides which when treated with water yield bases, the following may be taken : calcium oxide, CaO ; potassium oxide, K 2 O ; ba- rium oxide, BaO. As has already been shown, when treated with water these are respectively converted into calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH) 2 ; potassium hydroxide, KOH; and barium hydroxide, Ba(OH) 2 . There are, however, many basic oxides which do not dissolve in water, but which, nevertheless, have the power to neu- tralize acids and form salts. This is true, for example, of aluminium oxide, A1 2 O 3 , lead oxide, PbO, manganous oxide, MnO, cupric oxide, CuO, etc. The action of such oxides upon acids takes place as represented below : A1 2 3 + 3H 2 S0 4 = A1 2 (S0 4 ) 3 + 3H 2 ; PbO + 2HN0 3 = Pb(N0 3 ) 2 + H 2 ; MnO + 2HC1 = MnCl 2 + H 2 O ; CuO + H 2 S0 4 = CuS0 4 + H 2 O, Periodic Acid, H 5 IO 6 . This acid is analogous to per- chloric acid. Its salts are formed by oxidation of iodates or by heating iodates, just as perchlorates are formed by heating chlorates. The simplest way to make a peri- odate is to pass chlorine into a solution containing so- dium hydroxide and sodium iodate, when a reaction takes place which is at least partly represented by the following equation : NaIO 3 + 3NaOH + C1 2 = Na 2 H 3 IO. + 2NaCl. The salt Na 2 H 3 IO 6 is difficultly soluble in water, and therefore separates from the solution. From the sodium salt the corresponding silver salt, Ag 2 H 3 IO 6 , can be ob- tained, and when this silver salt is treated with nitric acid it is converted into the simpler salt, AgIO 4 , which is evidently derived from the simpler acid, HIO 4 : 2A&H.IO. + 2HNO S At 2AgNO 3 + 4H S O + 2AgIO.. 174 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The acid when separated from its solutions is a crys- tallized solid which has the composition H 6 IO 6 . When heated it undergoes decomposition, losing water and oxygen, and yielding iodic acid. It cannot, however, bo converted into a compound of the composition HIO 4 , for the loss of water is always accompanied by a loss of oxygen. Like iodic acid, periodic acid is a good oxidiz- ing agent in consequence of the ease with which it gives up its oxygen. Periodates. Periodic acid yields a large number of salts the connection between which and the acid does not appear clear at first sight. A few examples will suffice for the present purpose : KIO 4 , Na 5 IO 6 , Ag 3 IO 5 , AgJA, Zn,I,O n . Constitution of Periodic Acid. The complicated salts of periodic acid are apparently inexplicable on any other theory than that they are derived from acids which are closely related to the hypothetical acid I(OH) 7 . This i now commonly regarded as normal periodic acid. It, however, breaks down into the ordinary form of the acid by loss of water. The relation is expressed thus : H 2 0. The salts Na 2 H 3 IO 6 , Na 5 IO 6 , and others of the same kind are derived from this acid by replacement of one or more of the hydrogen atoms by metallic elements. The acid of the formula H 5 IO 6 can also be imagined to break down into H 3 IO 5 and water thus : ,. roH OH OH OH = I OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH CONSTITUTION OF PERIODIC ACID. 175 The salt Ag 3 IO 5 and similar known salts are plainly derived from this hypothetical acid H 3 IO 5 . Finally, the acid H 3 IO 6 can also be imagined to break down into HIO 4 and water thus : = I O OH and the salts like KIO 4 are derived from this hypo- thetical acid. It appears, therefore, that the assump- tion of the fundamental normal acid, I(OH),, is com- petent to explain the existence of the salts which are derived from the acids H 5 IO 6 , H 3 IO 5 , and HIO 4 . More complicated acids can be formed by the loss of water from two or more molecules of any one of these simpler acids. Thus, if from two molecules of the acid H 3 IO 6 one molecule of water is taken, an acid of the formula H 4 I 2 O 9 would be formed ; or if two molecules of the acid H 6 IO 6 lose one molecule of water, the acid H 8 I 2 O n would be formed. These relations are made clear by the equations here given : 21 < O O OH = (HO) 2 2 I-0-I0 2 (OH) 2 + H 2 ; OH OH 'O OH 21 H - (HO) 4 OI-0-IO(OH) 4 OH OH A salt of the formula Ag 4 I 2 O 9 , and another of the for- mula Zn 4 I 2 O n , are known. The former is derived from the acid H 4 I 2 O 8 , the latter from the acid H 6 I,O n , by the substitution of four bivalent atoms of zinc for the eight atoms of hydrogen. There are many more complicated 176 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. salts than those mentioned, but they can all be satisfac- torily explained by the assumption that they are related to the normal acid I (OH) 7 , in which iodine is septivalent. The existence of the periodates, the ease with which they can be explained by the above method, and the apparent impossibility of explaining them on the assumption that iodine is univalent, form an exceedingly strong argument in favor of the view that iodine is septivalent in these compounds. Constitution of Iodic Acid and the Oxygen Acids of Bromine. The conclusion reached in regard to the con- stitution of periodic acid makes it appear highly probable that perchloric acid has a similar constitution, and this view is now commonly accepted, as was stated when the acid was discussed. Applying a similar method to iodic acid, it appears probable that this is derived from the acid I(OH) B by loss of water : = I0 2 (OH) + 2H 2 0; or r OH OH (O ! S 1 OH + HO* S< OH = (HO) 2 OSSO(OH) 2 + 4H 2 OH HO I An acid formed in this way would have the formula DISULPHURIC ACID. 219 H 4 S 2 O g , and the salt K 3 HS 2 O 8 is the tertiary potassium salt of this acid. Disulphuric Acid, Pyrosulphuric Acid, H 2 S 2 O 7 . This compound, which is also known by the names fuming sulphuric acid and Nordhausen sulphuric acid, is closely related to ordinary sulphuric acid, and is made from it by treating it with sulphur trioxide, the two combining directly, as represented thus : H 2 SO 4 + SO 3 = H 2 S a O 7 . It is made by distilling ferrous sulphate which is not perfectly dry : 4FeS0 4 + H 2 = 2Fe a O 3 + 2SO 2 + H a S a 7 . A so-called solid sulphuric acid is now manufactured by a process which will be referred to under Sulphur Triox- ide. It is essentially disulphuric acid. Disulphuric acid, as it is found in the market, is gen- erally a thick liquid which gives off dense fumes when exposed to the air, and breaks down completely into sul- phur trioxide and sulphuric acid when heated. When pure it crystallizes in large crystals which melt at 35. It is believed that the relation between disulphuric acid and ordinary sulphuric acid should be expressed by these formulas : *ro >so = s - -, H0 \OH HO/ Or the formula of the acid may be written thus : 2 S-OH This relation is similar to that believed to exist between the normal acid S(OH) 6 and the acid H 4 S 2 O 8 (see p. 218). 220 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Disulphuric acid forms normal salts of the general for- mula M 2 S 2 O 7 and acid salts of the general formula MHS 2 O 7 . When heated the normal salts break down, yielding ordinary sulphates and sulphur trioxide : M 2 S 2 O 7 = M 2 SO 4 + S0 3 . When an acid sulphate like KHSO 4 is heated to a sufficiently high temperature it breaks down into water and a disulphate : 2KHS0 4 = K 2 S 2 7 + H 2 0. Sulphurous Acid, H 2 SO 3 . While no acid of the formula H 2 SO 3 is known in the free condition, a large number of salts which are derived from this acid are known. They are made by treating a water solution of sulphur dioxide with bases, and therefore it is believed that the solution contains the acid which is formed by the action of sulphur dioxide on water, thus : S0 2 + H 2 = H 2 S0 3 . It is, however, so unstable that it breaks down into the dioxide and water at every attempt to isolate it. The dioxide, as has been stated and as will be shown more fully, is formed by the burning of sulphur and by the reduction of sulphuric acid. The acid forms a number of unstable hydrates, apparently of complicated com- position. Owing to their great instability, however, the Investigation of these substances is extremely difficult and unsatisfactory. Sulphurous acid takes up oxygen readily and is thus transformed into sulphuric acid. It is only necessary to allow a solution to stand for a time to find that the odor of the gas disappears and that sulphuric acid is then present in the solution. Sulphurous acid is frequently used in the laboratory as a reducing agent. Its action in this way has been illustrated in the method for the ex- traction of selenium from selenious acid (see p. 203). The reaction in this case is represented thus : SULPHUROUS ACID. 221 H 2 Se0 3 + 2S0 2 + H 2 O = Se + 2H 2 SO 4 ; or H 2 SeO 3 + 2H 2 S0 3 = Se + 2H 2 SO 4 + H 2 O. Another illustration of its power as a reducing agent is -shown in its action upon iodic acid. When it is added to a solution containing iodic acid, HIO 3 , iodine separates, the reaction taking place in accordance with the follow- ing equation : 2HI0 3 + 5H 2 SO 8 = H 2 + 5H 2 SO 4 + I 2 . If sulphurous acid is added to the liquid in which the iodine is suspended further action takes place, the iodine being reduced to hydriodic acid, thus : H 2 S0 3 + H 2 + I 2 = H 2 S0 4 + 2HI. This reaction takes place only in dilute solution. Con- centrated sulphuric acid acts upon hydriodic acid and is reduced by it, as we have seen. Towards some sub- stances sulphurous acid acts as an oxidizing agent, and is itself reduced to lower forms, as hyposulphurous acid, H 2 S,,O 4 , and hydrogen sulphide. This has been illustrated in the action of hydriodic acid upon sulphuric acid. It is also illustrated in the action of zinc upon sulphurous acid in the presence of hydrochloric acid, when this re- action takes place : 3Zn + 6HC1 + H 2 SO 3 = 3ZnCl 2 + 3H 2 O + H 2 S. Treated with zinc alone the acid sodium salt, NaHSO 3 , is reduced as shown in the following equation, a salt of hyposulphurous acid, H 2 S 2 O 4 , being formed : Zn + 4NaHSO 3 = ZnSO 3 + Na 2 SO 3 + Na 2 S 2 O 4 + 2H 2 O. Sulphurous acid when heated in a sealed tube breaks down into sulphuric acid and sulphur : 3H 2 S0 3 = 2H 2 S0 4 + H 2 + S. This kind of decomposition is also characteristic of the "222 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. salts of the acid with the alkali metals, as, for example,, sodium sulphite : 4Na a SO 3 = 3Na 2 S0 4 + Na 2 S. In fact, whenever an alkali salt of any of the oxygen acids of sulphur is heated the tendency is towards the formation of the sulphate, all the oxygen in the salt going to form sulphate ; and the other elements in excess of what may be needed for the sulphate arranging them- selves in other forms. Just as the sulphites take up oxygen to form sul- phates, they also take up sulphur to form thiosulphates. The two reactions appear to be perfectly analogous : Na 2 SO 3 + 0=Na 2 S0 4 ; Na 2 SO 3 + S = Na 2 S 2 O 3 (or Na 2 SO 3 S). t Sulphurous acid forms two series of salts, the normal sulphites of the general formula M 2 SO 3 , and the acid sulphites of the general formula MHSO 3 . These are un- stable, though not as markedly so as the acid itself. When treated with most acids they are decomposed,, yielding sulphur dioxide instead of sulphurous acid. The decomposition of sodium sulphite with hydrochloric acid is represented by the equation Na 2 SO 3 + 2HC1 = 2NaCl + H 2 O + SO, ; with sulphuric acid thus : Na 2 S0 3 + H 2 S0 4 = Na 2 SO 4 + H 2 O + SO 2 . The sulphites, like sulphurous acid, combine readily with oxygen, tending to pass over into the sulphates, and, as has been remarked, they also tend to unite with sul- phur to form the thiosulphates. Hyposulphurtfus Acid, H 2 S 2 O 4 . This acid is also called hydrosulphurous acid, but the name hyposulphurous acid is more in accordance with the nomenclature adopted for the other acids, and is now preferred. But little is THIOSULPHURIC ACID. 223 known of the compound. It is formed by reduction of .a salt of sulphurous acid by treating with zinc, when this reaction takes place : Zn + 4NaHS0 8 = ZnSO 8 + Na a SO. + Na a S a O, + 2H a O. The free acid cannot be obtained from this sodium salt, .and notwithstanding the fact that it has been the subject of a number of elaborate investigations there is still some doubt as to the composition of the salt, the dis- coverer still claiming that it has the composition repre- sented by the formula Na a SO a , according to which it is to be referred to an acid of the formula H 3 SO a . Hyposulphurous acid, like sulphurous acid, combines readily with oxygen, and passes first into sulphurous and then into sulphuric acid. Its reducing action is stronger than that of sulphurous acid. It is decomposed by standing in the air, yielding first thiosulphuric acid, H 2 S 2 O 3 , and then sulphur dioxide, sulphur, and water. Hyposulphurous acid, so far as composition is con- cerned, occupies a position between thiosulphuric acid, H 2 S 2 O 3 , and pyrosulphurous acid, H 2 S a O 6 , which latter is related to sulphurous acid in the same way that disul- phuric or pyrosulphuric acid, H 2 S 2 O 7 , is related to sul- phuric acid. The relations between hyposulphurous, thiosulphuric, and pyrosulphurous acids are shown in the table below : H,S 2 3 ; IW) 4 ; H a S 2 0, Thiosulphuric Acid, H 2 S 2 O 3 . This acid was formerly, and is still by many, called hyposulphurous acid. Its formation, or the formation of its salts by the addition of sulphur to the sulphites, has been mentioned, and the analogy between this reaction and that of the formation of sulphates by the addition of oxygen to sulphites has been commented upon. It may be regarded as sulphuric acid in which sulphur has been substituted for one atom 224 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. of oxygen, and hence the name thiosulphuric acid is appropriate, whereas the name hyposulphurous acid suggests at once a compound similar to sulphurous acid, but containing less oxygen, and is therefore inappro- priate. Sodium thiosulphate is formed together with the pentasulphide by the action of sulphur upon sodium hydroxide : GNaOH + 12S = 2Na 3 S 6 + Na,S a O 3 + 3H a O. The sulphides of the alkali metals pass over into the corresponding thiosulphates by the action of oxygen. Thus the pentasulphide is changed when exposed to the air in aqueous solution. The action consists in a sub- stitution of three atoms of oxygen for three of sulphur : Na 2 S 5 + 30 = Na 2 S 2 3 + 38. Sodium thiosulphate is formed, further, by the action of iodine upon a mixture of sodium sulphide and sodium sulphite : 21 = > 2NaI. The acid itself is very unstable, breaking down into sul- phur dioxide, sulphur, and water (see p. 190). By acids its salts are decomposed in a similar way with evolution of sulphur dioxide and separation of sulphur, which appears suspended in the liquid in a very fine state of division. With hydrochloric acid the decomposition takes place thus : Na 2 S 2 O 3 + 2HC1 = 2NaCl + SO 2 + S + H 2 O. When heated the thiosulphate of sodium breaks down according to the rule stated in speaking of the decompo- sition of the sulphite by heat. All the oxygen goes to the formation of the sulphate, and the elements left over OTHER ACIDS OF SULPHUR. 225 in excess of what is required for the sulphate unite to form another compound, thus : 4Na 2 S 2 O 3 = 3Na 2 SO 4 + Na 2 S 5 . Other Acids of Sulphur. Of the other acids of sulphur but little need be said here. As was stated on page 208, these acids form a series the members of which are closely related to one another. The series is as follows : Dithionic acid, ....... H 2 S 2 O 6 Trithionic acid, ....... H 2 S 3 O 6 Tetrathionic acid, ...... H 2 S 4 O 6 Pentathionic acid, . . . . . . H 2 S 5 O 6 Dithionic Acid, or a salt of the acid, is made by passing sulphur dioxide into water having finely powdered man- ganese dioxide in suspension. This reaction takes place : MnO 2 + 2SO 2 = MnS 2 O 6 . The product is the manganese salt of dithionic acid, and from this other salts can be prepared. The free acid breaks down readily into sulphuric acid and sulphur dioxide : So, too, when a salt of the acid is heated it breaks down, forming a sulphate and sulphur dioxide : K 2 S 2 6 = K 2 S0 4 + S0 2 . Trithionic Acid, H 2 S 3 O fl , or its potassium salt, is formed by treating a solution of acid potassium sulphite, KHSO 3 , with "flowers of sulphur," when reaction takes place thus: 6KHSO 3 + 28 = 2K 2 S 3 6 + K 2 S 2 O 3 + 3H 2 O. "When the dry potassium salt is heated it is de- 226 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. composed, yielding the sulphate, sulphur dioxide, and sulphur : Similarly, when treated with acids, decomposition takes place with evolution of sulphur dioxide, separation of sulphur, and formation of sulphuric acid : H 2 S 3 6 = H 2 S0 4 + SO, + S. Tetrathionic Acid, H a S 4 O 6 , is made from salts of thio- sulphuric acid by treating them with iodine. Thus with sodium thiosulphate the reaction is 2Na 2 S 2 O 3 + 21 = Na 2 S 4 O 6 + 2NaI. The acid is moderately stable, so that a dilute solution can be boiled without undergoing decomposition. When the concentrated acid is heated, however, it breaks down into sulphuric acid, sulphur dioxide, and sulphur : H 2 S 4 6 = H 2 S0 4 + S0 2 + 28. Pentathionic Acid, H 2 S B O 6 , is formed by the action of hydrogen sulphide upon a solution of sulphur dioxide in water. Persulphuric Acid, H 2 S 3 O e , is formed by dissolving the oxide S 2 O T in water, the oxide itself being formed by subjecting a mixture of sulphur dioxide and oxygen to the silent discharge in an ozone tube (see p. 85). The potassium salt of persulphuric acid is easily obtained by subjecting to electrolysis a saturated solution of acid potassium sulphate. Constitution of the Acids of Sulphur. The existence of the oxide SO, and of the iodide SI, seems to show that sulphur is sexivalent towards oxygen and towards iodine. Considering, further, the facts presented under the head of Periodic Acid (which see), which can only be explained satisfactorily by the aid of the assumption that the differ- ent varieties of periodic acid are derived from the normal acid I(OH),, and the analogous facts presented under Sul- CONSTITUTION OF THE ACIDS OF SULPHUR. phuric Acid, which lead to the belief that this acid is de- rived from the normal acid S(OH) 6 , the arguments in favor of the sexivalence of sulphur in sulphuric acid are seen to be strong, though not conclusive. On the other hand, if sulphur is sexivalent in sulphur trioxide and in sulphuric acid, it is quadrivalent in sulphur dioxide and sulphur tetrachloride, and bivalent in hydrogen sulphide and sul- phur dichloride. But if sulphur is sexivalent in sul- phuric acid the constitution of the acid must be repre- OH rented by the formula H-O-S-O-H or S4 H . Of O course such a formula as this involves the hypothesis that when an oxygen atom is combined with only one other atom two valences or affinities are brought into play, and in regard to this we have very little if any evi- dence. It may be said, however, that if oxygen which is thus combined is replaced by univalent atoms its place is always taken by two of these, indicating that whatever the power may be which holds the oxygen atom in combination, that same power can hold two chlorine atoms, etc., and it is convenient to use the double line to indicate the existence of this power. The view expressed by the above formula in regard to the structure of sulphuric acid has been tested experi- mentally by methods which appear somewhat compli- cated, but the principle involved can be easily explained. If the formula is correct, then both hydroxyl groups bear the same relation to the sulphur, and so also do the two hydrogen atoms. Whether one or the other of these hy- drogen atoms be replaced by another atom or group of atoms, the same product should result. Or, if one of the hydrogen atoms is replaced by one group and the other by another group, it should make no difference in which order the two groups are introduced. The product should be the same in the two cases. Thus, suppose one hydro- gen atom is replaced by a group X, and the other by Y, the product should be represented by the formula 228 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. o o II II Y-O-S-O-X in one case, and by X-O-S-O-1 in the II II O O other case. But if the formula given for sulphuric acid is correct the two compounds are identical. By methods which involve the use of apparently complex organic compounds the two hydrogen atoms have been thus re- placed by two different groups, first in one way and then in the reverse order ; and the two products have been found to be identical. Further, it has been shown that when the two hydroxyl groups of sulphuric acid are re- :C1 placed by chlorine, forming the compound SK Cl, and the chlorine atoms then replaced by certain groups of atoms, these groups are in direct combination with sul- phur and not with oxygen. All the evidence points to the conclusion that the view represented above is correct, In attempting to determine the constitution of sulphur- ous acid a new difficulty arises. Just as hydrogen which is in combination with oxygen is replaceable by metals, or is acidic, so, also, is hydrogen which is in combination with sulphur. It is possible, therefore, to conceive of two arrangements of the atoms composing sulphurous acid, both representing dibasic acids. One of these ar^ H i rangements is this, O=S-O-H, in which the sulphur is II O O n represented as sexivalent ; the other is this, H-O-S-O-H, in which the sulphur is represented as quadrivalent. The facts that sulphurous acid is formed so readily by simple contact of sulphur dioxide with water ; that it breaks down as readily into sulphur dioxide and water ; and that it takes up oxygen and sulphur so readily to form sulphuric and thiosulphuric acids, seem to speak in favor of the second of the above formulas. But, on the CONSTITUTION OF THE ACIDS OF SULPHUR. 229 other hand, certain facts established in the study of the organic derivatives of sulphurous acid form a strong ar- gument in favor of the first formula. It is possible by means of reactions with certain compounds of carbon to replace one of the metal atoms in a sulphite in such a way ( E as to produce a compound of the formula S< ONa, the conduct of which is such as to show that in it the group B is in direct combination with sulphur. As the com- pound is formed apparently by direct replacement of a sodium atom in the sulphite it appears that this sodium atom was in combination with sulphur. Further, when the second sodium is replaced by the group B a com- (K pound of the formula S-< OB is obtained, in which it (o, appears that one of the groups is in combination with sulphur and the other with oxygen. Now, it is possible (01 by starting with the compound S -< 01, which is made, as (o we shall see, by replacing one oxygen atom of sulphui dioxide by two chlorine atoms, to introduce in the place of the two chlorine atoms two groups, OB, and thus ob- (OB tain the compound S-< OB, which plainly has the same (o composition as the one represented by the formula (E S-< OB, but it has a different constitution. It was found (o, by experiment that the two compounds have different properties, and it seems probable, therefore, that the two formulas given represent the structure of the two com- pounds. As the one which has one group B in combina- tion with sulphur is obtained from sodium sulphite by replacement of sodium, the conclusion seems to be justi- fied that sulphurous acid has the constitution represented 230 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. H f TT i j -n- by the formula O=S=O or SK OH, which may also be 6 i* i TT written O 2 S hydrochloric acid would be given off, leaving calcium chloride : Cl O TT The result, therefore, of treating the hydroxide C/aSe< OH chloride of selenious acid of the constitution Cl OH ' 244 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and that the second should be represented by the for. mula -rr_/ni 2 \>Se Nitric acid, NO 2 (OH) (Nitrous anhydride), f 1 ^ 3 Nitrogen peroxide, NO 2 (N 2 O 4 ) Nitrogen pentoxide, ) v r| (Nitric anhydride), j 2 * Besides the above there are the basic compounds, hydroxylamine, NH 2 (OH), ammonia, NH 3 , and hydrazine, N 2 H 4 ; and with water ammonia probably forms the hydroxide NH 4 (OH), which is a base. In addition to these there is a compound of nitrogen with hydrogen of the formula N S H. This is a strong acid. (See Triazoic Acid.) And of the same composition as hyponitrous acid but differing from it in properties is nitramide, N 2 H 2 O 2 , the relation of which to hyponitrous acid is not yet quite clear. With the members of the chlorine group nitrogen forms a few compounds which are characterized by marked instability. So unstable are they that they ex- plode violently when simply touched. The chloride of nitrogen explodes with terrific violence when the direct rays of the sun are allowed to shine upon it. With sul- phur, nitrogen forms two compounds. With sulphur, hydrogen, and oxygen, however, nitrogen forms a number of compounds, one of which has already been referred to in connection with the manufacture of sulphuric acid. This is the so-called nitrosyl-sulphuric acid which is formed by the action of a mixture of the peroxide, NO,, 266 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and the monoxide, NO, on sulphurous acid, oxygen, and water. In studying the compounds of nitrogen, it will be best to begin with the end products, ammonia and nitric acid. Ammonia, NH 3 . The conditions under which ammonia is formed have been mentioned. The chief source at present is the " ammoniacal liquor" of the gas-works. This is the water through which the gas has been passed for the purpose of removing the ammonia, and it contains ammonia, or ammonium hydroxide, NH 4 (OH), in solu- tion. By adding hydrochloric acid to this solution the salt ammonium cJdoride, NH 4 C1, is formed. This is the well-known substance sal ammoniac. It appears that this name has its origin in the fact that common salt or sodium chloride, NaCl, was formerly called sal armenia- cum, and that afterward, through a misunderstanding, ammonium chloride came to be known by the same name which underwent change to the form sal ammoniacum, or sal ammoniac. When the ammoniacal liquor is treated with sulphuric acid, ammonium sulphate is formed. From one or the other of these salts it is a simple matter to obtain ammonia. For this purpose it is only necessary to treat the salt with some strongly basic compound, as, for example, potassium or sodium hydroxide, or calcium hydroxide. Thus, when a solution of potassium hydrox- ide is poured on ammonium chloride or sulphate the strong penetrating odor of ammonia is at once noticed. The first reaction probably results in the formation of ammonium hydroxide, thus : NH 4 C1 +KOH =NH 4 OH + KC1 ; (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 + 2KOH = 2NH 4 OH + K 2 SO 4 ; 2NH 4 C1 + Ca(OH) 2 = 2NH 4 OH + CaCl 2 ; (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 + Ca(OH) 2 = 2NH 4 OH.+ CaSO 4 . But the ammonium hydroxide breaks down very readily into water and ammonia, which escapes as a gas : Further, ammonia can also be made by bringing AMMONIA. 26? nascent nitrogen and nascent hydrogen together, as, for example, by heating a mixture of iron filings, potassium nitrate, and potassium hydroxide. Under these circum- stances the iron sets hydrogen free from the hydroxide, and nitrogen from the nitrate, and they unite to form ammonia. The formation of ammonia by reduction of nitric acid can be shown by treating some granulated zinc with dilute sulphuric acid, and while the action is in progress adding nitric acid drop by drop. The nitric acid is thus reduced, and the ammonia which is formed remains in combination with the sulphuric acid as am- monium sulphate. Other interesting modes of formation of ammonia are by the action of electric sparks on nitro- gen in the presence of water, and, in general, by the evaporation of water : N 2 + 2H 2 O = NH 4 N0 2 . The product ammonium nitrite is always found in the air in small quantities. In the laboratory ammonia is prepared by treating ammonium chloride with slaked lime or calcium hydrox- ide. The two are mixed in the proportion of two parts of slaked lime to one of ammonium chloride, placed in a flask and gently heated, when the ammonia is given off at once. It is frequently more convenient to heat a strong aqueous solution of ammonia, such as is found in every chemical laboratory. Such a solution when gently heated readily gives off ammonia. Ammonia is a colorless, transparent gas with a very penetrating, characteristic odor. In concentrated form it causes suffocation. Its specific gravity is 0.589; that is to say, it is but little more than half as heavy as air. . A liter of the gas under standard conditions weighs 0.7635 gram. It can easily be compressed to the liquid form by pressure and cold. When the pressure is re- moved from the liquefied ammonia it passes back to the form of gas, and in so doing it absorbs a great deal of heat. These facts are taken advantage of for the arti- 268 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ficial preparation of ice. This application will be clear from the following explanation and Fig. 10. An aqueous solution of ammonia saturated at is brought into the strong iron cylinder A, and then gently warmed, while the vessel B is cooled by cold water. The gas given off from A passes though the bent tubes into B, where it is condensed to a liquid. The cylinder A is now placed in a ves- sel of cold water, and the water which is to be frozen is placed in a cylinder D, and this into the hollow space E in the vessel B. The liquid ammonia passes rapidly into the form of gas which is ab- sorbed in the water in A, while at the same time so FIG. 10. much heat is absorbed that the water in D is frozen. Ammonia does not burn in the air, but does burn in oxygen with a pale yellowish flame. It is absorbed by water in very large quantity. One volume of water at the ordinary temperature dissolves about 600 volumes of ammonia gas, and at about 1000 volumes. The sub- stance with which we commonly have to deal under the name of ammonia is a solution of ammonia in water. It is called " spirits of hartshorn" in common language. The solution has the odor of the gas. It loses all its gas when heated to the boiling temperature. The solution shows a strong alkaline reaction, and has the power to neutral- ize acids and form salts. The conduct of the solution is, in fact, strikingly like that of sodium and potassium hydroxides, and it is believed that in the solution there is contained a compound of the formula NH 4 (OH), known as ammonium hydroxide, and formed by the direct action of ammonia upon water. If this is true, then the action of ammonia upon acids is to be explained as follows : Ammonium hydroxide is analogous to potassium hydrox- ide, but differs from it in that it contains the group of atoms NH 4 in place of the atom K. In some way this AMMONIUM SALTS. 269 group plays in the salts formed by ammonia the same part that the elementary atom potassium plays in the salts of potassium, and just as the latter are called potas- sium salts, so the former are called ammonium salts. According to this the ammonium salts are salts which contain the group NH 4 , known as the ammonium group, in place of the hydrogen of the acids. They are formed by direct combination of ammonia with the acids, or by the action of ammonium hydroxide upon acids. The analogy between the action of ammonium hydroxide and that of potassium hydroxide upon acids is clearly shown by the aid of the following equations : K(OH) +HC1 =KC1 +H 2 O; NH 4 (OH) +HC1 = NH 4 C1 +H 2 O; K(OH) + HN0 3 =KN0 3 +H 2 O; NH 4 (OH) + HN0 3 = NH 4 N0 3 + H 2 O; 2K(OH) + H 2 S0 4 = K 2 S0 4 + 2H 2 O ; 2NH 4 (OH) + H 2 S0 4 = (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 + 2H 2 O. The formation of the ammonium salts by direct action of ammonia, NH 3 , upon acids is represented in the fol- lowing equations : NH 3 +HC1 = + HNO 3 = NH 4 NO 3 ; The strong tendency of ammonia to combine directly with acids is shown by bringing two uncovered vessels, one containing a solution of ammonia, and the other a solution of hydrochloric acid, near each other. A dense cloud will at once be noticed, if the solutions are concen- trated. This is due to the direct combination of the gases which escape from the solutions. While the assumption of the existence of the group ammonium, NH 4 , in the ammonium salts is of great ser- vice in dealing with these salts, and while this assump- tion appears to be entirely justified by the facts, no compound of this composition has as yet been isolated. 270 INORGANIG CHEMISTRY. The name ammonium is given to the hypothetical com- pound on account of the fact that it evidently plays the part of a metallic element, and it is customary to give such elements names ending in ium. While, further, it is generally believed that the compound ammonium hydroxide, NH 4 (OH), is formed when ammonia dissolves in water, the compound itself has not been isolated, owing to its instability and tendency to break down into ammonia and water. On the other hand, some very in- teresting derivatives of this hydroxide have been isolated. There is one of these which is derived from the hydrox- ide by the replacement of the four hydrogen atoms of the ammonium by groups of carbon and hydrogen atoms. This compound is stable and can be isolated as a hydroxide of the general formula NE 4 (OH), in which E 4 represents the groups of carbon and hydrogen atoms. It acts almost exactly like potassium hydroxide. Composition of Ammonia. By oxidation under the proper conditions it is possible to convert the hydrogen of ammonia into water and leave the nitrogen in the free state. As water and nitrogen are the only products formed, and the quantity of oxygen used up in the oxida- tion is equal to the quantity of oxygen found in the- water formed, it follows that nitrogen and hydrogen are the only elements contained in ammonia. When electric sparks are passed for some time through a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen, some ammonia is formed. Conversely, when electric sparks are passed for a time through ammonia, nitrogen and hydrogen are obtained. If, in the oxidation of a known weight of ammonia, the water formed and the nitrogen left uncombined are accu- rately determined, it will be found that in ammonia the elements are combined very nearly in the proportion of fourteen parts by weight of nitrogen to three parts by weight of hydrogen. Further, the molecular weight determined by the method of Avogadro is approximately 17. There- fore, the molecular formula of ammonia is NH 3 , the atomic weight of nitrogen being 14. The proportion by volume in which the two elements COMPOSITION OF AMMONIA. 271 combine can be determined by the following method : A glass tube closed at one end and provided with a glass stop- cock at the other is filled with pure chlorine gas. By means of a small funnel attached to the open end a little of a strong aqueous solution of ammonia is slowly introduced into the tube. Reaction takes place at once between the chlorine and the ammonia, according to the equation and the hydrochloric acid unites with ammonia to form ammonium chloride : The entire change is therefore represented by the equa- tion 4NH, + 301 = N + 3NH 4 C1. Hydrogen and chlorine combine in equal volumes, as we have already learned. Now, if we start with a measured volume of chlorine, and add ammonia to it until it is all used up, we know that the volume of hydrogen which has been extracted from ammonia is equal to the volume of chlorine with which we started. If we measure the volume of nitrogen left over, we know the volume of the nitrogen which was in combination with a volume of hydrogen equal to that of the chlorine originally taken. This experiment has been tried repeatedly, and it has been found that the ratio of the volume of nitrogen to that of the hydrogen with which it was combined is as 1 to 3. The tube being full of chlorine at the beginning of the experiment, it will be found to be one-third full of nitrogen at the end. Therefore, in ammonia 1 volume of nitrogen is combined ivith 3 volumes of hydrogen. The experiment just referred to will perhaps be better 272 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. understood by the aid of the accompanying diagram. The chlorine in the tube may be represented as made up of three equal parts or volumes. Each volume of chlorine combines with an equal volume of hydrogen, leaving the nitrogen uncombined. The volume of nitro- gen left is only one third of that of the chlorine, or for three volumes of chlorine there is one volume of mitrogen : combine with leaving Therefore in ammonia the gases nitrogen and hydrogen are combined in the proportion of 1 volume of nitrogen to 3 volumes of hydrogen : Volume relations in ammonia. Another question in regard to the volume relations remains to be answered, and that is : When nitrogen and hydrogen unite in the proportions above stated, how many volumes of ammonia gas do the four volumes of AMMONIUM AMALGAM. 273 the constituents form ? It is not possible to determine this by direct combination of the two gases, but am- monia can be decomposed into its constituents by con- tinued passage of electric sparks through it. When this is done it is found that after the decomposition the gases occupy twice the volume which was occupied by the ammonia. It appears, therefore, that when hydrogen and nitrogen combine to form ammonia the volume is reduced to one half, or, what is the same thing, when three volumes of hydrogen combine with one volume of nitrogen the four volumes form two volumes of ammonia gas. The above facts have already been commented upon in speaking of the combination of gases in general ; and it has been shown that chlorine, oxygen, and nitrogen combine with hydrogen in entirely different ways : (1) 1 volume of chlorine combines with 1 volume of hydrogen to form 2 volumes of hydrochloric acid gas. (2) 1 volume of oxygen combines with 2 volumes of hydrogen to form 2 volumes of water vapor. (3) 1 volume of nitrogen combines with 3 volumes of hydrogen to form 2 volumes of ammonia gas. What the cause of these differences is we do not know. In some way these facts are directly connected with the law of Avogadro that equal volumes of all gases contain the same number of molecules, and with the power of the atoms of chlorine, oxygen, and nitrogen to combine with one, two, and three atoms of hydrogen respectively. When one atom of chlorine unites with one atom of hydrogen the result is a molecule. So also when one atom of oxygen unites with two atoms of hydrogen, and when one atom of nitrogen unites with three atoms of hydrogen, the result in each case is a molecule, and, ac- cording to the law of Avogadro, a gaseous molecule whether it consists of one atom or a hundred atoms oc- cupies the same space. Ammonium Amalgam. A very curious substance which appears to consist of mercury and ammonium is formed when a solution of ammonium chloride is treated with a compound of sodium and mercury 274 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. known as sodium amalgam. The action is thought to take place thus : 2NH 4 C1 + Na 2 Hg = 2NaCl + (NH 4 ) 2 Hg. The product, ammonium amalgam, is unstable, break- ing down very soon into ammonia, hydrogen, and mer- cury. It will be referred to again and somewhat more fully under the head of Mercury. Metallic Derivatives of Ammonium Compounds and of Ammonia. Ammonia acts upon a number of metallic salts, forming with them complex derivatives which in some cases appear to be ammonia, and in others am- monium, in which one or more hydrogen atoms are re- placed by metal. Thus mercuric chloride, HgCl 2 , acts upon ammonia, forming a compound of the formula HgClNH 2 . This appears to be ammonium chloride in which two hydrogen atoms are replaced by a mercury atom, or as mercuric chloride in which one chlorine atom is replaced by the group NH 2 , known as the amide group. According to the latter view the structure of Cl this compound is represented by the formula Hg<^-rr . Similarly, copper chloride, CuCl 2 , forms a compound the composition of which is represented by the formula CuCl 2 .2NH 3 . It seems probable that this is ammonium chloride in which two hydrogen atoms are replaced by an atom of copper, C u <>jT 3 ni- There are many such compounds, particularly of the metals mercury, copper, cobalt, and platinum. The structural formulas above given are to be regarded merely as suggestions. Experi- mental evidence in favor of them is lacking. Structure of Ammonium Compounds. In ammonia ni- trogen is unquestionably trivalent. But what takes place when ammonia acts upon water, upon hydrochloric acid, and upon acids in general? What structure is to be ascribed to the ammonium compounds? The view generally held is that in the ammonium compounds ni- trogen is quinquivalent. According to this, ammonia is an unsaturated compound, and when brought in contact STRUCTURE OF AMMONIUM COMPOUNDS. 275 with water, hydrochloric acid, etc., it saturates itself. The conception is represented thus : H = N^ HN0 3 = H H H ; H 01 H H H ; H OH H H H H [NO 3 In all the resulting compounds the nitrogen is believed to be quinquivalent. It must be confessed that, while this is a convenient hypothesis, further evidence for or against it is desirable. One objection which may be raised to it is this. It is assumed that when the stable compound hydrochloric acid acts upon ammonia the hydrogen separates from the chlorine and both combine with nitrogen ; but for nitrogen alone chlorine has very little attraction. This objection may not be a real one. It may be shown that, while chlorine has for nitrogen alone very little attraction, it has great attraction for nitrogen which is in combination with hydrogen. Hydrazine, N 2 H 4 . A compound closely related to am- monia and ammonium has recently been prepared by a complicated method which cannot be explained here. This is known as hydrazine. Its composition and mo- lecular weight are represented by the formula N 2 H 4 . A large number of derivatives of hydrazine are known, and have been studied exhaustively. From what has been learned in regard to them it appears that the constitution of hydrazine is represented by the formula J,** Accord- 276 INOEGANIC CHEMISTRY. ing to this it bears to ammonia a relation similar to that which hydrogen peroxide is believed to bear to water : OH 3 NH 3 OH NH 2 Hydrazine is a liquid that boils at 113.5 in a current of hydrogen. It acts upon acids much as ammonia does, forming the hydrazine salts. Hydroxylamine, NH 2 (OH). This compound is pre- pared by reducing nitric acid : NO 2 (OH) + 6H = NH 2 (OH) + 2H 2 O. It can also be prepared by reduction of nitric oxide : 2NO + 6H = 2NH 2 (OH). Hydroxylamine is a solid consisting of leaflets or hard needles. It melts at 33.05, and boils at 58 under a pressure of 22 mm. When the water solution is evap- orated, both ammonia and hydroxylamine pass over with the water. Its salts are easily obtained by treating the solution with acids : NH 2 (OH) + HC1 = NH 3 (OH)C1 ; NH 2 (OH) + HNO 3 = NH.(QH)NQ,, From the method of formation and the composition it appears that these salts are ammonium salts in which one hydrogen of the ammonium is replaced by hydroxyl. They should therefore be called Jiydroxyl-ammonium salts. One of the most characteristic properties of hydroxyl- amine is the ease with which it breaks down into ammonia, nitrogen, and water : 3NH 2 OH = N 3 + NH 3 + 3H 2 O. If brought in contact with compounds capable of reduc- tion, it reduces them, the nitrogen in these cases gener- ally combining with oxygen to form nitrous oxide, N 2 O. The reduction of cupric oxide, CuO, takes place accord- ing to the equation 2NH 2 (OH) + 4CuO = N 2 O + 2Cu 2 + 3H 2 0. NITRIC ACID. 277 By nascent hydrogen hydroxylamine is reduced to ammonia. Triazoic Acid, N 3 H. This compound, which is also called hydrazoic and hydronitric acid, can be made by a number of reactions involving the use of complex organic substances. A simpler method consists in passing am- monia gas over heated metallic sodium, and then passing nitrous oxide, N a O, over the resulting product, which is sodium amide. The following reaction takes place: NH 2 Na + N 2 = N 3 Na + H 3 O. By dissolving in water the sodium salt thus formed, treating with dilute sulphuric acid, and distilling, a solu- tion of the acid is obtained. The compound is a color- less liquid that boils at 37. It has a fearfully penetrat- ing odor, and produces bad effects upon one who inhales it. It is a strong acid resembling hydrochloric acid. It, as weljl as some of its salts, is extremely explosive. Its ammonium salt formed by direct union with ammonia is interesting as it has the composition N,NH 4 or N 4 H 4 . Nitric Acid, HNO 3 . This important chemical compound was first made, though not in pure condition, about the ninth century by distilling saltpeter, copper sulphate, and alum. The name nitric acid has its origin in the fact that the compound is formed from niter. In German it is called Salpetersdure, which literally translated is saltpeter acid. It has already been stated that the salts of this acid, particularly the potassium and sodium salts, occur very widely distributed in the earth, and that there is a great accumulation of the sodium salt in South America, whence the name Chili saltpeter. Wherever organic matter, particularly that of animal origin, under- goes spontaneous decomposition in the presence of basic substances, nitrates are formed, probably in consequence of the action of an organism known as the nitrifying fer- ment. This process of nitrification has already been re- ferred to in a general way. It is one of great importance for the welfare of the human race, and indeed of most 278 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. living beings, as by its aid the useless nitrogenous sub- stances of dead plants and animals are converted back into the useful nitrates which in the soil aid the pro- cesses of plant growth. Nitric acid can be formed by the action of electric sparks on nitrogen and oxygen in the presence of water. It is also easily formed by the action of oxidizing agents on ammonium compounds. Nitric acid is always prepared by treating potassium or sodium nitrate with concentrated sulphuric acid. When sodium nitrate is treated with sulphuric acid action takes place thus : NaNO 3 + H a SO 4 = NaHSO 4 + HNO 3 . The salt formed in this way is primary sodium sulphate, or acid sodium sulphate. If sufficient of the saltpeter is present and the temperature is raised, a second reaction takes place, resulting in the formation of normal sodium sulphate : NaN0 3 + NaHSO 4 = Na 2 SO 4 + HNO 3 . But the temperature required for this reaction is so high that a considerable part of the nitric acid is decomposed. In the preparation of nitric acid, therefore, the first re- action is the one used, and for this purpose the sub- stances are brought together in a retort in the proportion of their molecular weights (about equal weights), and the retort gently heated. The nitric acid distils over slowly, and is condensed by cooling the receiver. On the large scale the acid is made by bringing Chili saltpeter and concentrated sulphuric acid together in cast- iron cylinders or retorts. Nitric acid is a colorless volatile liquid. It begins to boil at 86, but at this temperature it undergoes partial decomposition into nitrogen peroxide, water, and oxygen : 2HNO 3 = 2N0 2 + H 2 + O. It undergoes the same change slowly when exposed to the direct rays of the sun. In consequence of this de- NITRIC ACID. 279 composition the distillate collected in the manufacture of nitric acid, and, in general, whenever the acid is distilled, always contains a considerable percentage of water, and is colored more or less yellow by the nitrogen peroxide present. In order to abstract the water from ordinary nitric acid it is mixed with concentrated sulphuric acid and slowly distilled ; but even under these circumstances the product is colored in consequence of some decomposition, and it also contains some water. By conducting carbon dioxide gas through the gently warmed acid the nitrogen peroxide can be removed, and in this way an acid con- taining about 99.5 per cent of the compound HNO 3 has been obtained. Pure nitric acid is a very active substance chemically. It gives up its oxygen readily and is itself thus reduced to other compounds of nitrogen and oxygen, or of nitro- gen, oxygen, and hydrogen, as has already been pointed out. When it acts upon the metals it forms nitrates, metal atoms being substituted for the hydrogen. Accord- ing to the conditions, nitrogen peroxide, NO 2 , nitrous acid, HNO 2 , nitric oxide, NO, nitrous oxide, N 2 O, nitro- gen, hydroxylamine, NH 2 (OH), and, finally, ammonia are formed by reduction of the acid. The formation of am- monia and of hydroxylamine by reduction of nitric acid has already been specially referred to. Of these reac- tions, that which gives nitric oxide, NO, is the one which commonly takes place on treating metals with nitric acid. The oxides NO 2 and N 2 O 3 are themselves readily reduced to nitric oxide. If the element upon which the acid acts has not the power to replace the hydrogen, the action consists in oxidation. This is shown in the action of strong nitric acid upon tin, phosphorus, carbon, sulphur, etc. In each case the highest oxidation-product is formed. Tin is converted into normal stannic acid, Sn(OH) 4 ; phosphorus into phosphoric acid, PO(OH) 3 ; carbon into carbon di- oxide, CO a ; and sulphur into sulphuric acid, SO 2 (OH) 2 . It disintegrates carbon compounds very readily, convert- ing them into their final products of oxidation. In con- tact with the skin it causes bad and dangerous wounds. 280 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Upon some stable compounds of carbon it acts forming so-called nitro-compounds, very much as chlorine acts upon them forming chlorine substitution-products, as was explained under Chlorine. The formation of a nitro- compound takes place as represented in the equation C.H. + HO.NO, = C 9 H S .NO, + H.O. The compound C 6 H 6 is benzene, and the compound C 6 H B .NO 2 is nitro-benzene. The acid mostly used in the laboratory has the specific gravity 1.2 and contains 32 per cent nitric acid, HNO 3 . The commercial acid contains about 68 per cent of the acid. When a mixture of nitric acid and water is boiled under the ordinary atmospheric pressure it loses either water or nitric acid until it contains 68 per cent of the acid which passes over. This does not correspond to any definite hydrate of nitric acid, though it approxi- mates the composition required by normal nitric acid, N(OH) B , or HNO 3 + 2H 2 O, and it is probable that this hydrate is the chief constituent of the mixture. Nitric acid is a strong monobasic acid, forming salts of the general formula MNO 3 , all of which are soluble in water. Because nitric acid is a strong acid, and all normal nitrates are soluble in water, nitric acid is one of the best solvents. On the other hand, the acid forms basic salts, some of which are difficultly soluble or in- soluble in water. An example of such insoluble basic (N0 3 U nitrates is the nitrate of bismuth of the formula Bi < OH , (OH which is to be regarded as bismuth hydroxide one-third neutralized by nitric acid. There are some apparently complex salts of nitric acid which are derived from the normal acid, N(OH) 5 , as, for example, the salt HPb 3 O 6 N, which should probably be expressed thus, N -I O -p-, , [O.Pb.OH being a basic lead salt of the normal acid. There are, -RED FUMING NITRIC ACID NITROUS ACID. 281 further, some salts which are derived from the acid NO(OH) 3 , which is formed by abstracting one molecule of water from normal nitric acid : N(OH) 6 = NO(OH) 8 + H,0. By far the largest number of nitrates, however, are ' de- rived from the acid of the formula HNO 3 . Ked Fuming Nitric Acid is formed in the manufacture of nitric acid from saltpeter and sulphuric acid if the temperature is raised to a sufficient extent to cause the acid sulphate to act upon the nitrate : NaN0 3 + HNaSO 4 = Na 2 SO 4 + HNO 3 . At this temperature the nitric acid undergoes consider- able decomposition. The nitrogen peroxide formed is absorbed by the nitric acid, and the product thus ob- tained is the red fuming acid. It acts more energetically than nitric acid, and finds some applications in the lab- oratory and in the arts. When heated it gives off nitrogen peroxide, and if diluted with water it is changed to ordinary nitric acid, as nitrogen peroxide is decom- posed by water, forming nitric acid and nitric oxide or nitrous acid, according to the temperature of the water. Nitro-Tiydrochloric Acid or Aqua Regia is a liquid formed by mixing concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acids. It was called aqua regia because it can dissolve gold, the king of the metals. The active power of this liquid as a solvent of metallic substances is due to the fact that it gives off chlorine, and a compound of nitrogen, oxygen, and chlorine which readily gives up its chlorine. This compound has the composition represented by the formula NOC1, and it is best designated by the name nitrosyl chloride. The product of the action, of mtro-hydrochloric acid upon a metal is the correspond- ing chloride. Nitrous Acid, HNO 2 . When certain salts of nitric acid are reduced they yield the corresponding nitrites. Thus, when potassium nitrate is heated with metallic lead this reaction takes place : KNO 3 + Pb = KNO a + PbO. 282 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Indeed, if potassium nitrate is heated alone it loses oxygen and is converted into the nitrite : 2KN0 3 = 2KN0 2 + O 2 ; but the reaction is not complete, and the salt thus ob- tained always contains more or less nitrate. If an attempt is made to isolate nitrous acid from a nitrite the product is the anhydride, nitrogen trioxide, N 2 O 3 . Thus, if sulphuric acid is added to potassium nitrite the following reaction takes place : 2KN0 2 + H 2 S0 4 = N 2 3 + H 2 O + K 2 SO 4 . It may be that the first action is the liberation of nitrous acid, and that this then breaks down by loss of water. The two reactions are represented thus : 2KN0 2 + H 2 S0 4 = 2HNO 2 + K a SO 4 ; 2HNO 3 = N a 3 + H 2 0. A certain analogy will be observed between this action and that which takes place in the action of potassium hydroxide upon an ammonium salt, when ammonium hy- droxide is probably first given off, and then breaks down into ammonia and water. Salts are known which are derived from normal nitrous acid, N(OH) 8 , but most of the nitrites are derived from the acid of the formula NO(OH), which is to be regarded as formed from the normal acid by loss of one molecule of water : N(OH) 3 = NO(OH) + H 2 O. Hyponitrous Acid, H 2 N 2 O 2 . The sodium salt of this acid is made by reducing sodium nitrite in solution by means of sodium amalgam : 2NaN0 3 + 8H = Na 2 N,O a + 4H a O. The acid can also be made by oxidation of hydroxyl- amine. It is a solid consisting of white crystalline plates. It is very explosive when freed from water. In water solu- NITROUS OXIDE. 283 tion it is much more stable, but at the ordinary tempera- ture it breaks down gradually, the principal products being nitrous oxide and water : It would appear from this that nitrous oxide, N 2 O, bears to hyponitrous acid the relation of an anhydride, but salts of the acid cannot be obtained from nitrous oxide directly. The molecular weight of hyponitrous acid in solution has been determined, and the result shows that the acid has the double formula H 2 N a O 2 . Its structure is probably to be represented by the for- N(OH) mula II N(OH) Nitrous Oxide, N 2 O. This compound can be obtained by reduction of nitric acid, and is sometimes formed in considerable quantity when copper is treated with the concentrated acid, though when made in this way it is always mixed with a large proportion of nitric oxide. The best way to make it is to heat ammonium nitrate, NH 4 NO 3 , which breaks down into nitrous oxide and water : NH 4 N0 3 = N 2 -f 2H 2 O. In the same way we have seen that ammonium nitrite breaks down into free nitrogen and water when heated : NH 4 N0 2 = N 2 + 2H 2 0. In these reactions we see exhibited the tendency of hydrogen and oxygen to combine at elevated tempera- tures. At ordinary temperature this tendency is not strong enough to cause a disturbance of the equilibrium of the parts of the compound. As the temperature is raised and the equilibrium thus disturbed/the affinity of the hydrogen for the oxygen asserts itself. The two elements combine to form water, and the decomposition above represented takes place. Nitrous oxide is a colorless, transparent gas which has 284 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. a sweetish taste and odor. Its specific gravity is 1.527. It is somewhat soluble in water ; one volume of water at dissolving somewhat more than its own volume of the gas. It supports combustion almost as well as pure oxygen. Some substances which burn in oxygen do not, however, burn in nitrous oxide. Sulphur which burns in oxygen is extinguished in nitrous oxide, unless it is previously heated to a high temperature. To under- stand the action of this compound in supporting com- bustion it must be borne in mind that, when anything burns in oxygen, the oxygen molecules must first be broken down into atoms before the combination can take place. Thus, when carbon and oxygen are brought to- gether we have at first a condition represented by these symbols : the question as to the condition of the carbon being left open. When the temperature is raised to a sufficiently high point the condition is represented thus : O + O + C; and now the reaction takes place : o + o + c = co 2 . In the act of burning in free oxygen, therefore, there is always a certain resistance to be overcome. Now, when a combustible substance is brought into a gas which gives up its oxygen easily the condition is much like that in free oxygen. If the temperature is raised the gas is de- composed, and the oxidation then follows. In the case of nitrous oxide this decomposition takes place : and this oxygen in the atomic condition effects the oxi- dation. When inhaled, nitrous oxide causes a kind oi intoxica- tion, which is apt to show itself in the form of hysterical laughing. Hence the gas is called laughing gas. In- NITRIC OXIDE. 285 haled in larger quantity it causes unconsciousness and insensibility to pain. It is therefore used ex- tensively to prevent pain in some surgical operations, particularly in extracting teeth. When subjected to a low temperature and high pres- sure the gas is easily liquefied, and enclosed in properly constructed metallic cylinders the liquid is now sent into the market. In order to get the gas it is only necessary to open the stop- cock of the cylinder. When the liquid comes in contact with the air it rapidly turns to gas, and the temperature is very much lowered in consequence. This causes a part of the liquid to solidify. Nitric Oxide, NO. This is the most stable compound of nitrogen and oxygen, and is the common product of the reduction of nitric acid. Thus, when nitric acid acts upon copper and other metallic elements the chief product is generally nitric oxide, though, as we have seen, the reduction may be carried farther. The prin- cipal action in the case of copper is represented thus : 8HNO, + 3Cu = 3Cu(N0 3 ) 3 + 2NO + 4H,O. Considering the ease with which nitric acid gives up its oxygen, and the ease with which copper takes up oxygen, it is probable that the copper abstracts oxygen directly from the acid as represented thus : 2HNO 3 + 3Cu = CuO + H,O + 2NO. In this case the copper oxide would at once form copper nitrate with the excess of nitric acid : 6HNO 3 + 3CuO = 3Cu(NO 3 ) 2 + 3H 2 O. Or, combining the two equations, the total action is rep- resented in the same way as it is above. The nitric acid must not have a specific gravity higher than 1.2, and the temperature must be kept down, otherwise the reduc- tion of the nitric acid is carried farther and considerable nitrous oxide is formed. 286 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. It is possible that to some extent the hydrogen liber- ated from the acid may act as a reducing agent, thus- causing the formation of the lower oxides of nitrogen, as, for example, 2HN0 3 + 6H = 2NO + 4H a O. A good method for making pure nitric oxide consists in treating ferrous chloride, FeCl 2 , with saltpeter. The re- action is represented thus : 3Fe01 2 + KNO 3 + 4HC1 = 3FeCl 3 + KC1 + 2H 3 O + NO. The reducing action is here effected by the ferrous chloride, FeCl a , which tends to pass over into ferric chloride, FeCl 3 , in the presence of hydrochloric acid, and anything which has the power to take up hydrogen. With hydrochloric acid alone it does not form ferric chloride, but if any reducible compound is present ac- tion takes place thus : 2FeCl 2 + 2HC1 + O = 2FeCl 3 + H 2 O. In the above reaction saltpeter furnishes the oxygen, and it is consequently reduced and breaks down, yielding nitric oxide, while the potassium forms potassium chlo- ride with chlorine. Nitric oxide is a colorless, transparent gas. Its most remarkable property is its power to combine directly with oxygen when the two are brought together. The act of combination is not accompanied by the appear- ance of light, though heat is evolved. In the reaction which takes place at ordinary temperatures nitrogen peroxide, NO, , is formed : NO + O = NO 2 . The product is a colored gas, and the change of the color- less nitric oxide to this colored product can therefore easily be recognized. This reaction is, further, the chief cause of the reddish-brown fumes seen when nitric acid acts upon metals and other elements. At a low temper- ature some nitrogen trioxide is formed when oxygen acts upon nitric oxide. NITROGEN TRIOXIDE. 287 From what has already been said, it will appear that in nitric oxide the oxygen and nitrogen are more firmly united than in the other oxides. Most burning sub- stances are extinguished when introduced into it, though a few when heated in it to a high temperature extract all or a part of the oxygen. Zinc and iron extract half the oxygen and convert nitric oxide into nitrous oxide. Potassium and sodium decompose it, leaving the nitrogen free. A curious reaction by means of which it is possible to separate nitric oxide from other gases takes place, when the oxide is passed into a solution of ferrous sulphate, FeSO 4 . Under these circumstances an unstable dark- colored compound is formed, which appears to have the composition FeSO 4 -|- 2NO. When the solution contain- ing it is heated the pure gas is given off. By nascent hydrogen nitric oxide is reduced to am- monia and hydroxylamine. Nitrogen Trioxide, N 2 O 3 . This oxide is formed by ad- dition of oxygen to nitric oxide at low temperatures ; by decomposition of the nitrites by means of acids ; and by the combination of nitric oxide with the peroxide at a temperature below 21. The gas given off when nitric acid is reduced with starch or arsenious oxide, As a O 3 , appears to be a mixture of nitric oxide and the peroxide. Pure nitrogen trioxide is a liquid of an indigo-blue color. At a temperature below it undergoes partial decom- position into" nitrogen peroxide and nitric oxide : With cold water nitrogen trioxide undergoes decomposi- tion accompanied by an evolution of nitric oxide. Pos- sibly this reaction takes place : 3N,O 3 +H a O = 2HN0 3 + 4NO. By treating the oxide with a solution of sodium hydrox- ide or potassium hydroxide the corresponding nitrite is formed : 2KOH + N,O 3 = 2KNO 2 + H,O. 288 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Nitrogen Peroxide, NO 2 . When nitric oxide and oxygen are brought together in the proportion of 2 volumes of the former to 1 volume of the latter they combine com- pletely to form nitrogen peroxide. These relations will be readily understood when it is borne in mind that 2 molecules of nitric oxide require 1 molecule of oxygen to effect the change, as is shown in the equation The compound is most easily obtained by heating lead nitrate, when nitrogen peroxide and oxygen are given off, and lead oxide remains behind in the vessel : Pb(NO 3 ) 2 = PbO + 2NO 2 + O. If the gases are passed through a tube surrounded by a freezing mixture the peroxide is condensed to the form of liquid, while the oxygen passes on. When perfectly dry the peroxide is easily solidified. It acts energetic- ally upon compounds which have the power to take up oxygen. When treated with water it undergoes decom- position. If the temperature is low, nitrous and nitric acids are formed : 2N0 2 + H 2 O = HNO 2 + HNO 3 . If the water is hot, however, the products are nitric acid and nitric oxide : 3NO 2 + H 2 O = 2HNO 3 + NO. The nitric oxide thus formed will take up oxygen from the air and yield nitrogen peroxide again, and this, in contact with hot water, will be decomposed, forming nitric acid and nitric oxide, until all the peroxide is con- verted into nitric acid. The determinations of the specific gravity of the gas from the peroxide show that at low temperatures the molecular formula is N a O 4 , but that when the tempera- ture 150 is reached the molecule is represented by the formula NO 2 . The compound appears therefore to undergo gradual decomposition or dissociation by heat, so that until the temperature 150 is reached the gas is a mixture of the compounds N a O 4 and STRUCTURE OF COMPOUNDS OF NITROGEN. 289 Nitrogen Pentoxide, N 2 O 5 . This compound, which bears to nitric acid the relation of an anhydride, is formed by passing chlorine over silver nitrate and con- densing the product. The reaction takes place thus : 2AgN0 3 + 01, = N,0 5 + 2AgCl + O. It is also formed by treating nitric acid with phosphorus pentoxide, P 2 O 6 , a compound which has a very marked power to unite with water. The action is represented thus : 2HNO 3 = NA + H 2 O. The pentoxide is a crystallized substance, which readily decomposes into nitrogen peroxide and oxygen. In con- sequence of the ease with which it gives up its oxygen it acts violently upon many oxidizable substances. With water it forms nitric acid : NA + H 2 = 2HNO,. Structure of the Compounds of Nitrogen with Oxygen and Hydrogen. Our knowledge of the structure of the compounds with which we have just been dealing is un- satisfactory. There is at present no way of deciding whether in a compound like nitrous oxide, for example, the oxygen is in combination with both nitrogen atoms : there are no reactions of the compound which throw any light upon this question. Similar difficulties are met with in connection with the other compounds of nitrogen and oxygen. As was remarked on page 264, the simplest view which can be held in regard to these oxides is that in them the nitrogen is univalent, bivalent, trivalent, quadrivalent, and quinquivalent, a view which is ex- pressed by the following formulas : ^ N=O 0=N=0 >0, N=0, 0, 0=N=0, These formulas are, however, purely speculative and represent nothing known to us. But if the valence of 290 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. nitrogen can vary in this way, we may also conceive that the oxygen is univalent in all the compounds except nitrous oxide. Thus nitric oxide may be represented by the formula N-O, nitrogen peroxide by N < Q, etc. On the other hand, there is an unmistakable tendency on the part of the elements to act either with even valences, as 2, 4, 6, etc., or with odd, as 1, 3, 5, etc. This is beauti- fully shown by the members of the chlorine group and those of the sulphur group. It has been pointed out that the relations between the compounds of chlorine, bromine, and iodine can be explained, by assuming that these elements are univalent, trivalent, quinquivalent, and septivalent ; and that the relations between the compounds of sulphur, selenium, and tellurium can be equally easily explained by assuming that these elements are bivalent, quadrivalent, and sexivalent. In the case of nitrogen and the elements belonging to the same group we should naturally expect to find a similar law of com- position holding good. As far as the hydroxyl deriva- tives, represented by nitrous acid and nitric acid, are concerned, the same regularity is observed as in the case of sulphur. In nitric acid the nitrogen is probably quin- quivalent, and in nitrous acid trivalent. Further, in ammonia nitrogen is trivalent, while it is probably quin- quivalent in the ammonium compounds, as has been pointed out (see p. 275). It is clear that nitrogen tends to act either as a trivalent or quinquivalent element. "Whether it ever acts as a univalent element it is impos- sible to say, for, while the existence of the compound N 2 O seems to show that it does, this same compound may be explained on the assumption that 111 it the ni- N trogen is trivalent, as shown in the formula || >O; and N indeed there is no difficulty in assuming any desired valence for the nitrogen. Taking the compound nitric oxide, there seems to be no escape here from the con- clusion that the nitrogen is bivalent if the oxygen is bi- valent ; and the compound forms a striking exception to STRUCTURE OF COMPOUNDS OF NITROGEN. 291 the rule above referred to that the valence of an element generally changes from odd to odd or from even to even. It may be said that this compound is unsaturated, and that one of its bonds is unemployed, a condition which may be symbolized by this expression, -N= O, but this does not help us out of the difficulty, and, further, this conception is not in accordance with the fact that nitric oxide takes up one atom of oxygen to form nitrogen per- oxide, NO 2 . And then the question arises, What is the structure of this last-mentioned compound ? Should it be represented thus : O=N=O? If so the nitrogen is quadrivalent. But it passes readily into the form N 2 O 4 . It may be that this act consists simply in the union of the two molecules by means of the fifth bond of quin- quivalent nitrogen, the structure of the resulting mole- cule being represented thus : I . All this is, how- ever, almost pure speculation, and, at the present stage of our knowledge of the subject of structure, the above formulas have very little value. Still it must not be forgotten that the structure of all chemical compounds is a legitimate subject of investigation. When we come to the acids of nitrogen it is seen, as has already been pointed out, that these can be explained very satisfactorily by the aid of the same hypothesis that served so well in dealing with the acids of iodine and of sulphur. Nitric acid is to be regarded as derived from the maximum hydroxyl compound of quinquivalent nitrogen, known as normal nitric acid, by loss of water ; and in a similar way nitrous acid is to be regarded as derived from the maximum hydroxyl compound of tri- valent nitrogen, or normal nitrous acid, by loss of water. A few salts are known which appear to be derived from the normal acids, but for the most part all the hydrogen atoms of these normal acids are not replaceable by metals, and the formation of salts generally involves a breaking down of the compound into water and the com- mon form of the acid. Compounds of Nitrogen with the Elements of the Chlo- rine Group. Notwithstanding the ease with which chlo- 292 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. rine combines with most elements, and the stability of the compounds which it forms with them, its compound with nitrogen is extremely unstable. It can be made by the action of chlorine on ammonia, and by decomposing a solution of ammonium chloride by means of an electric current. In the latter case chlorine is liberated at one of the poles and then acts upon the ammonium chloride : NH 4 C1 + 601 = 4HC1 + NCI,. It appears that when chlorine acts upon ammonia differ- ent products are formed by successive replacement of the hydrogen atoms of the ammonia by chlorine, thus : NH 3 + C1 2 = NH,C1 + HC1 ; NH 2 C1 + Cl, = NHC1 2 + HC1 ; NHCl a + C1 2 = NC1 3 + HC1. According to this, the trichloride of nitrogen is the final product of the substituting action of chlorine upon am- monia. The compound is an oil, which undergoes de- composition very readily. It is, indeed, one of the most explosive substances known. It is decomposed by heat, and especially by contact with certain substances, among which are oil of turpentine and caoutchouc. It is slowly decomposed by water, though, probably owing to the slight affinity of nitrogen for oxygen, the decomposition does not take place as readily as that of the compounds of sulphur and chlorine. Direct sunlight causes explo- sion of the chloride. When ammonia is treated with iodine reactions take place similar to those which take place with chlorine. The products are the iodides of nitrogen, the final product of the action being the tri-iodide, NI 3 . These compounds, like the corresponding chlorine compounds, are extremely explosive. The simplest way to prepare them is to place a little powdered iodine on a filter and pour concentrated ammonia over it. The substance should be made in only very small quantities at a time. "When dried it decomposes with violent explosion by contact even with soft substances ; and it will also ex- COMPOUNDS OF NITROGEN WITH SULPHUR, ETC. 293 plode if left entirely undisturbed. The different com- pounds called nitrogen iodide are slowly decomposed by water. Compounds of Nitrogen with the Members of the Sul- phur Group. Nitrogen combines with sulphur forming two compounds, N 4 S 4 and N 6 S 2 , both of which are well characterized. Among the most interesting compounds containing sulphur and nitrogen is that which has been referred to as nitrosyl-sulphuric acid in connection with the account of the manufacture of sulphuric acid. It is formed by the action of sulphur dioxide on fuming nitric acid : also in the manufacture of sulphuric acid by the action of sulphur dioxide, water, and oxygen upon a mixture of nitrogen peroxide and nitric oxide : 280, + H.O + N,0, + 20 = 280,; and by the action of the nitrogen peroxide upon sul- phuric acid : 2N0 2 + S0 g < = 80,< +HNO a . When treated with water it breaks down into sulphuric acid and nitrogen trioxide. It will be remembered that, in order to prevent loss of oxides of nitrogen in the sul- phuric acid factories, the gases are brought in contact with concentrated sulphuric acid in the Gay Lussac tower before being allowed to escape. The oxides form with sulphuric acid compounds similar to nitrosyl-sulphuric acid, and when these are diluted with " chamber acid " and heated by the hot gases from the sulphur furnace the oxides of nitrogen are given up. CHAPTER XVII. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY V, GROUP B : PHOSPHORUS ARSENIC ANTIMONY BISMUTH. THE ELEMENTS AND THEIR COMPOUNDS WITH HYDROGEN. General. The elements of this group bear to nitrogen very much the same relations that the members of the sulphur group bear to oxygen, and those of the chlorine group bear to fluorine. In general they form compounds of the same character and of similar composition. At the same time gradations in properties are noticed in passing from one end of the group to the other. Like nitrogen, the elements of the group are strongly marked acid-formers, though this character grows less marked from nitrogen to bismuth. Antimony is both an acid- forming and a base-forming element, while bismuth is more basic than acid. The stability of the hydrogen compounds decreases from nitrogen to antimony ; while bismuth does not form a compound with hydrogen. Ammonia, as we have s"een, is strongly basic ; the cor- responding compound of phosphorus and hydrogen has weak basic properties, while those of arsenic and anti- mony have no basic properties. These hydrogen com- pounds correspond in composition to ammonia. They are : NH 3 : PH 3 AsH 3 SbH 3 With chlorine they all form compounds corresponding to nitrogen trichloride, and phosphorus and antimony form compounds in which they are quinquivalent, while (294) ELEMENTS OF FAMILY V, GROUP B. 295 bismuth forms a chloride, Bi 2 Cl 4 , in addition to the tri- chloride. The compounds referred to are : Bi 2 Cl 4 NC1 3 : PC1 3 AsCl 3 SbCl s BiCl 3 PC1 5 SbCl 6 They all form two oxides corresponding to nitrogen tri- oxide and pentoxide : N 2 3 : P 2 3 As 2 3 Sb 2 3 Bi 2 O 3 N 2 6 : P 2 5 As A Sb 2 5 BiA No one of the elements of the group forms as great a variety of compounds with oxygen as nitrogen does. Antimony, however, forms the oxide Sb 2 O 4 , correspond- ing to nitrogen peroxide, N 2 O 4 ; and bismuth forms the oxide Bi 2 O 2 or BiO, corresponding to nitric oxide, NO. The hydroxyl compounds or acids, like those of nitro- gen, are related to the maximum hydroxyl compounds of the elements with the valence 5, and to the maximum hydroxyl compounds of the elements with the valence 3. That is to say, they may be regarded as derived from a hydroxide of the general formula M(OH) B , and another of the formula M(OH) 3 . Where M is nitrogen these acids break down to the forms NO 2 (OH) and NO(OH) by loss of one or two molecules of water. In the case of the elements of the phosphorus group, however, the breaking down is not generally carried as far as with nitrogen. The general rule is the same as in the sulphur and chlo- rine groups : the normal acid breaks down to form com- pounds containing the same number of hydrogen atoms as the hydrogen compounds of the elements. Thus the hydroxyl derivatives of chlorine generally break down to form compounds containing one atom of hydrogen, or the same number that is contained in the hydrogen compound, hydrochloric acid, thus: Cl(OH), yields C1O 3 (OH) ; C1(OH) 6 yields GLO a (OH), etc. So, also, in the sulphur group, S(OH) 6 yields SO 9 (OH),, etc., the number of hy- drogen atoms in the common form of the acid being the same as that in the hydrogen compound of sulphur, SH a . 296 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. This rule does not hold good for nitrogen, for the tendency here is to break down to compounds contain- ing one atom of hydrogen. On the other hand, phos- phorus, arsenic, and antimony follow the rule, the principal acids of these elements containing three atoms of hydrogen in the molecule. As already stated, there are two series of these represented by the following for- mulas : H 3 P0 3 H 3 As0 3 H 3 Sb0 3 H 3 PO 4 H 3 AsO 4 H 3 SbO 4 Besides the above, however, phosphorus forms several other acids. The principal ones bear simple relations to the acid H 3 PO 4 , which is called orthophosphoric acid. The simplest view in regard to the acid of phosphorus of the formula H 3 PO 4 , and the corresponding compounds of arsenic and antimony, is that it is derived from the corresponding normal acid by loss of one molecule of water. Thus, normal phosphoric acid is P(OH) 5 . By loss of one molecule of water this yields ordinary or orthophosphoric acid : P(OH) 5 = PO(OH) 3 + H 2 0. Normal phosphorous acid is P(OH) 3 . Whether or- dinary phosphorous acid has this structure is a ques- tion very difficult to answer at present. By loss of another molecule of water orthophosphoric acid is con- verted into metaphosphoric acid, which in composition corresponds to nitric acid. Its formation is represented thus : PO(OH) 3 = P0 2 (OH) + H 2 0. The series of phosphorus acids, H 3 PO 2 , H 3 PO 3 , and H 3 PO 4 is strongly suggestive of the series of sulphur acids, H 2 SO 2 , H 2 SO 3 , and H 2 SO 4 , and of the series of chlorine acids, HC1O, HC1O 2 , HC1O 3 , and HC1O 4 . Arsenic and antimony also form acids corresponding to metaphosphoric acid, known respectively as metarsenic and metantimonic acids. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY V, GROUP B. 297 By elimination of one molecule of water from two molecules of ordinary phosphoric acid there is formed an acid H 4 P 2 O,, known as pyrophosphoric acid, which bears to ordinary phosphoric acid much the same rela- tion that pyrosulphuric or disulphuric acid bears to ordinary sulphuric acid : /OH SO/ >0 + H 3 0. /OH PO-OH = \ H /OH PO/OH ^-(Jl \rm" \OH Ordinary arsenic and antimonic acids yield corre- sponding derivatives known as pyroarsenic and pyroanti- monic acids. The elements of the phosphorus group form compounds with oxygen and chlorine known as the oxy chlorides, which in general resemble the oxychlorides of the members of the sulphur group. Examples of these compounds are phosphorus oxychloride, POC1 3 , anti- mony oxychloride, SbOCl, and bismuth oxychloride, BiOCl. Phosphorus oxychloride is readily decom- posed by water, forming phosphoric and hydrochlo- ric acids : ( Cl HOH ( OH PO^ Cl + HOH = PO^ OH + 3HC1. ( Cl HOH ( OH The oxychlorides of antimony and bismuth are not completely decomposed by water. This is in accordance with the fact to which attention has been called that the chlorides of the acid-forming elements are in general easily decomposed by water and converted into hydroxyl compounds, while the chlorides of the base-forming ele- ments are not readily decomposed in this way, but, on the contrary, their oxides and hydroxides are, as a rule, 298 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. readily converted into chlorides by hydrocliloric acid Elements which, like antimony and bismuth, play the part of base-formers and acid-formers form stable oxy chlorides. Of the elements of this group phosphorus occurs most abundantly in nature, arsenic and antimony next, and bismuth least abundantly. Arsenic and bismuth occur to some extent in the uncombined condition. Phosphorus and antimony occur in combination. All the elements of the group find applications in the arts, either as the elements or in the form of compounds. PHOSPHORUS, P (At. Wt. 30.79). Occurrence. The name phosphorus is derived from the Greek 0c3?, light, and (pspeiv, to carry, on account of the fact that it always gives light and takes fire very easily. The element occurs in nature in the form of phosphates derived from orthophosphoric acid, H 3 PO 4 . The chief of these is calcium phosphate, Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , which is the principal constituent of the minerals phosphorite and apatite, and of the ashes of bones. The phosphates, like the nitrates, are widely distributed in the soil and are of fundamental importance in the process of plant life. The phosphates found in the bones are taken into the animal body in the food. All plants used as food contain small quantities of the phosphates which they get from the soil. The phosphates taken into the body are partly given off in the excrement and urine, and it was in an examination of urine made in the hope of finding the philosopher's stone that phosphorus was first discovered in 1669. At present phosphorus is made almost entirely from bones. Preparation. Besides the phosphates, considerable quantities of organic materials are contained in bones. When the bones are burned the organic materials pass off for the most part in the form of carbon dioxide, water, and volatile compounds containing nitrogen, and the so- called mineral or earthy portions, the chief constituent of which is tertiary calcium phosphate, or phosphoric PHOSPHORUS: OCCURRENCE- PREPARATION. 299 acid in which all the hydrogen is replaced by calcium, remain behind. As calcium is bivalent and there are three atoms of hydrogen in the molecule of phosphoric acid, H 3 PO 4 , the simplest way in which all the hydrogen atoms of the acid can be replaced by calcium is that represented by the formula Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , the six atoms of hydrogen in two molecules of the acid being replaced by three bivalent atoms of calcium. The problem now is to isolate the phosphorus from this calcium phosphate. The salt is insoluble in water, and there is no simple way by which the phosphorus can be set free from it. When it is treated with sulphuric acid calcium sulphate which is difficultly soluble is deposited and phosphoric acid is set free and remains in solution. The reaction is represented as follows : Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 + 3H 2 SO 4 = 2H,PO t + 3CaSO 4 . The calcium sulphate, or gypsum, is allowed to settle and is then filtered off and washed. The solution of phosphoric acid is evaporated until it has the specific gravity 1.325 to 1.5. Then it is mixed with coarsely- ground wood charcoal, coke, or sawdust, and carefully dried in a cast-iron pot or muffle furnace. In this pro- cess the orthophosphoric acid, H 8 PO 4 , is converted into metaphosphoric acid, HPO 3 , H 3 P0 4 = HP0 3 + H 2 ; and in case sawdust is used this is changed, so that the resulting mixture consists of charcoal and metaphos- phoric acid. This mixture is next subjected to distilla- tion in clay retorts, when the metaphosphoric acid is re- duced according to the following equation : 2HP0 3 + 60 = H 2 + 6CO + 2P. The phosphorus passes over in the form of vapor, and is collected under water. The crude phosphorus thus obtained must be subjected to a cleansing process before it can be used. For this purpose it is pressed, while in the molten condition under water, through chamois leather, or it is distilled again from iron retorts ; or, still better, it is treated with chromic acid as follows : It is fused under water, then a little potassium or sodium 300 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. bichromate in solution is added, and afterwards an equiv- alent proportion of sulphuric acid, and the whole al- lowed to stand for two hours or more. The phosphorus is then washed with hot water, and after being si- phoned off it is filtered through canvas bags. The phosphorus is then cast into sticks in tin tubes. In this form it generally comes into the market. At the time of the last report available there were manufactured in one year about 1200 tons of phospho- rus in two factories, one of which is in England and the other in France. Quite recently phosphorus has been manufactured to some extent in Sweden. Properties. Ordinary phosphorus is colorless or slightly yellowish, translucent, and at ordinary tempera- tures it can be cut like wax, but it becomes hard and brittle at low temperatures. It melts at 44, and boils at 290. It is insoluble in water. When kept under water for any length of time in dispersed light it be- comes opaque, crystalline on the surface, and yellow. It is soluble in carbon disulphide, and crystallizes when deposited from this solution. It gives off fumes in con- tact with the air, and emits a pale light which is known as a phosphorescent light. It is very poisonous, the in- halation of the vapor in small quantities causing very serious disturbance of the system. The workmen in the factories where phosphorus is made or used are fre- quently affected by phosphorus-poisoning. Among the prominent symptoms is gradual decomposition of the bones. When taken into the stomach phosphorus also acts as a poison and causes death. When heated in the air it takes fire at 50. It also takes fire by rubbing, and it must be handled with the greatest care, as wounds caused by it are dangerous and difficult to heal. When it burns in the air it is converted into the pentoxide, P 2 O 5 , which is also the product of its combustion in oxygen, as we have seen. It combines also with other elements directly, frequently with evolution of light. Thus, when it is brought together with chlorine, bromine, and iodine, it forms the compounds PC1 3 , PBr 3 , and PI 3 . It also combines with sulphur. When a piece is put in water and the water boiled, a part of the phosphorus PROPERTIES OF PHOSPHORUS. 301 passes over, and if the water vapor is condensed in a glass tube in a dark room, it is seen to be phosphores- cent. This furnishes a convenient method for its detec- tion, as, for example, in a case of suspected poisoning by phosphorus. Owing to its strong tendency to combine with oxygen, it abstracts the element from some of its compounds. Thus, if a solution of phosphorus in carbon disulphide is added to a solution of copper sulphate, metallic cop- per is thrown down, while at the same time copper phosphate and a compound of copper and phosphorus are formed. When phosphorus is left for a long time under water and subjected to the action of light, it becomes at first yellow, then reddish, and finally red. The same change takes place when phosphorus is heated for a time in an atmosphere which is free from oxygen; and rapidly when it is heated to 300 in an hermetically sealed tube. The red substance thus obtained has properties entirely different from those of ordinary phosphorus. It is a red powder, which frequently has a crystalline struc- ture. It does not emit light. It does not melt at a low temperature. It is not poisonous, and cannot be easily ignited. Further, it is perfectly insoluble in carbon disulphide. In every respect this red modification of phosphorus conducts itself as a much less active sub- stance chemically than ordinary phosphorus. In an atmosphere of carbon dioxide it is converted into ordi- ary phosphorus when heated to 261, and if heated to this temperature in the air it takes fire, and then forms the same product that ordinary phosphorus does in burning. When phosphorus is heated with lead for eight to ten hours to a very high temperature in sealed tubes from which the air has been exhausted, and the whole then allowed to cool, the surface of the lead is found covered with black, laminated crystals, which undergo no change in the air. Crystals are also found in the interior of the lead. This variety of phosphorus is called crystallized, metallic phosphorus on account of the metallic lustre. It is not as volatile as the ordinary variety. 302 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. When the vapor of phosphorus is suddenly cooled by ice water in an atmosphere of hydrogen, it is deposited in the form of a snow-white powder on the surface of the water. Under water this variety undergoes very little change even when exposed for a long time to the action of the sunlight. When exposed to the air on filter-paper it gives off dense fumes, and then melts, forming ordinary phosphorus, but it does not generally take fire under these circumstances. Treated with oxidizing agents, as, for example, nitric acid, phosphorus is slowly converted into phosphoric acid, just as sulphur is converted into sulphuric acid under the same conditions. Applications of Phosphorus.- Phosphorus is used prin- cipally in the manufacture of matches and as a poison for vermin. Various mixtures are used for making matches. Nearly all of them contain phosphorus to- gether with some oxidizing compound, and some neutral substance to act as a medium for holding the constitu- ents together. An example is a mixture consisting of 2 parts phosphorus, 1 part manganese dioxide, 3 parts chalk, -J part lamp-black, and 5 parts glue. The mix- ture used in the manufacture of the so-called " safety matches" consists of potassium chlorate, potassium dichromate, minium, and antimony trisulphide. This will not ignite by simple friction, but will ignite when drawn across a paper upon which is a mixture of red phosphorus and antimony pentasulphide. Compounds of Phosphorus with Hydrogen. There are three compounds of phosphorus with hydrogen, a gaseous compound of the formula PH 3 , corresponding to am- monia ; a liquid of the formula PH 2 , or P Q H 4 , correspond- ing to hydrazine ; and a solid of the formula P,H 3 , or P 4 H a . Phosphine, Gaseous Phosphuretted Hydrogen, PH 3 . This compound is formed when phosphorous or hypo- phosphorous acid is heated. The decompositions take place as represented in these equations : 4H 3 P0 3 :=3H 3 P0 4 2 = H 3 P0 4 -fPH 8 . PHOSPHINE. 303 "We see here an example of the same kind of action that was referred to in connection with the sulphur com- pounds. It will be remembered that, in general, when a salt of any oxygen acid of sulphur except sulphuric acid is heated it is converted into the sulphate, and that the other elements arrange themselves in simpler forms of combination. Thus, when sodium thiosulphate is heated it is converted into sodium sulphate and sodium pentasulphide, as represented in the following equation : 4Na 2 S 2 O 3 = 3Na 2 SO 4 + Na 2 S 5 . So also sodium sulphite yields sodium sulphate and sodium sulphide : 4Na 2 SO 8 = 3Na 2 SO 4 + Na a S. Other ways of making phosphine are : (1) By treating a strong solution of potassium hydroxide with phos- phorus, when reaction takes place as follows : 3KOH + 4P + 3H 2 = 3KH 2 PO 2 + PH 3 . The compound KH 2 PO 2 is known as potassium hypo- phosphite, being derived from hypophosphorous acid, H 3 PO. 2 . (2) By treating zinc phosphide with dilute hydrochloric acid. Assuming that zinc phosphide has the composition represented by the formula Zn 3 P 2 , the reaction with hydrochloric acid takes place according to the equation Zn 3 P 2 + 6HC1 = 3ZnCl 2 + 2PH 3 . (3) By treating phosphonium iodide, PH 4 I, with water or a dilute solution of potassium hydroxide : PH 4 I + H 2 =PH 3 + HI + H 2 O; PHJ + KOH = PH 3 + KI + H 2 0. When made from phosphorus and potassium hydroxide it always contains a considerable proportion of hydrogen, for the reason that potassium hypophosphite gives off hydrogen when heated with a solution of potassium hydroxide. From calcium phosphide and from phos- phonium iodide it can be obtained in pure condition. 304 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Phosphine is a colorless gas with an unpleasant, gar- lic-like odor. It is insoluble in water, and is poisonous. It burns, but does not take fire spontaneously when pure. When burned with free access of air the products of combustion are phosphorus pentoxide and water : whereas when it is burned in a cylinder so that the air has not free access to it, the products are water and phosphorus, which is deposited in a reddish layer upon the glass. Although pure phosphine does not take fire spontane- ously when brought in contact with the air, the gas made by any one of the methods above referred to is pretty sure to contain some of the liquid compound of phosphorus and hydrogen, P 2 H 4 , which is spontaneously inflammable, and therefore the gas takes fire. If it is collected in a glass vessel over water, and allowed to stand so that the light acts upon it, the liquid phosphine is decomposed into the gaseous and solid varieties, and the gas which is left no longer has the property of tak- ing fire spontaneously. Phosphine is much less stable than ammonia. When heated or when treated with elec- tric sparks it is easily decomposed into phosphorus and hydrogen. While ammonia dissolves in water, probably forming the hydroxide NH 4 (OH), phosphine is only very slightly soluble in water. Ammonia combines with acids very energetically, forming the ammonium salts, and we should expect to find that similar salts are formed by the action of phosphine on acids ; but only a few such compounds are known, and these are unstable. Thus, when phosphine is brought together with hydrochloric, hydrobromic, and hydriodic acids, the reactions repre- sented by the following equations take place : PH 3 + HC1 = PH 4 C1 ; PH 3 + HBr = PH 4 Br ; PH 3 + HI =PH 4 I. The products are called respectively phosphonium Mo- ride, bromide, and iodide. The reactions are, as will be ARSENIC : OCCURRENCE PREPARATION. 305 seen, perfectly analogous to those which take place be- tween the same acids and ammonia. But the products are much less stable than the ammonium salts. The bromide when exposed to the air attracts water and decomposes rapidly, forming hydrobromic acid and phosphine. Phosphonium iodide undergoes a similar decomposition. AESENIC, As (At. Wt. 74.44). Occurrence. Arsenic occurs in nature to some extent in the uncombined condition or native. Compounds of the metals with arsenic, or the arsenides, occur very widely distributed, and they frequently accompany, and are similar to, the sulphides. The most common com- pound of this kind is the so-called arsenical pyrites, which has the composition FeAsS, and may therefore be regarded as iron pyrites, FeS 2 , in which one atom of sulphur has been replaced by one atom of arsenic. Among other arsenic compounds deserving special men- tion are the two arsenides of iron of the formulas FeAs 2 and Fe 2 As 3 , which are apparently analogous to the sul- phides FeS 2 and Fe 2 S 3 ; and, further, the sulphides of arsenic, orpiment, As 2 S 3 , and realgar, As 2 S 2 . The oxide As 2 O 3 occurs in considerable quantity, and also salts of arsenic acid, or the arsenates, which in composition are analogous to the phosphates. Preparation. The arsenic which conies into the market is either that which occurs native or it is made from arsenical pyrites by heating : FeAsS = FeS + As. The arsenic thus obtained is not pure. By bringing a little iodine in the bottom of a porcelain crucible, put- ting the arsenic upon it, and heating, the arsenic ac- quires a high metallic lustre, and once in this condition it will remain so for some time even when exposed to the air. Properties. Arsenic has a metallic lustre and steel color. It is very brittle. When heated it volatilizes 306 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. without melting. At red heat it burns with a bluish flame, and the vapor given off has the odor of garlic. This odor produced under such circumstances is very characteristic of arsenic, and furnishes one of the means for detecting it. Arsenic combines with most elements directly, the action being accompanied in some cases, as in that of chlorine, by an evolution of light. As an ele- ment it is not poisonous, but when oxidized to the form of the oxide As 2 O 3 it is extremely poisonous. As it is easily oxidized, the element itself may act as a poison. When boiled with nitric acid arsenic is converted into arsenic acid, H 3 AsO 4 , just as phosphorus is converted by nitric acid into phosphoric acid, H 3 PO 4 . One peculiarity in the conduct of arsenic is suggestive, and that is its power to form compounds which are an- alogous to the compounds of sulphur. There are a number of compounds similar to arsenical pyrites which appear to be perfectly analogous to the sulphur com- pounds, and in them it seems necessary to assume that the arsenic plays the same part as the sulphur. On the other hand, arsenic conducts itself in nearly all its com- pounds like phosphorus. This power to play double parts is not uncommon among the elements, and we shall hereafter meet with a number of examples. The case of manganese is one in point. While it conducts itself in some of its compounds like the members of the chlo- rine group, to which on account of its position in the periodic system we should expect to find it related, yet it is perhaps more closely related to iron and chromium, which belong to different groups ; and so, also, chromium, which in many respects resembles sulphur very striking- ly, is like iron and aluminium in other respects. Arsine, Arseniuretted Hydrogen, AsH 3 . This com- pound is analogous to ammonia and to gaseous phos- phine. It is made by reduction of compounds of arsenic containing oxygen, as arsenic trioxide or arsenic acid ; and also by treating a compound of zinc and arsenic with dilute sulphuric acid. The reactions involved in the first method are ARSINE. 307 As 2 O 3 + 6H 2 = 2AsH 3 + 3H 2 O ; H 3 AsO 4 + 4H 2 = AsH 3 + 4H 2 O. - --_ That involved in the second method mentioned is : As 3 Zn 3 + 3H 2 SO 4 = 2AsH 3 + 3ZnSO 4 . Arsine is a colorless gas with an odor suggestive of garlic. It is extremely poisonous, even very small quantities being capable of producing bad effects, and it requires but little to cause death. When ignited in the air it takes fire and burns with a pale blue flame, the products of the combustion being arsenic trioxide, As 2 O 3 , and water. If the air is prevented from gaining free access to it the hydrogen burns, but the arsenic is deposited as a brownish layer. The gas is so unstable that, when it is passed through a glass tube heated to redness, it is decomposed into arsenic and hydrogen, the former being deposited just in front of the heated por- tion of the tube as a thin, almost black, layer with a high metallic lustre. Arsine is easily decomposed by most active chemical substances. Water and concentrated acids decompose it ; as do chlorine, bromine, and iodine, which form with it the corresponding acids, and compounds of chlorine, bromine, and iodine with arsenic. Passed into a solution of a metallic salt, arsine either reduces the salt and throws down the metal as in the case of silver ; or it forms an arsenide of the metal, acting in this case very much as hydrogen sulphide does when passed into similar solutions. Considering the instability of arsine, it is not surprising that it acts as a reducing agent. It will be remembered that hydriodic acid and hydrogen sulphide act in the same way towards some oxygen compounds, and the action is due to their break- ing down into hydrogen and the other element. Thus, when hydriodic acid acts as a reducing agent the iodine is left uncombined, and when hydrogen sulphide acts in this way the sulphur is left. But when arsine acts as a reducing agent both the hydrogen and the arsenic com- 308 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. bine with oxygen. Thus, when arsine is passed into a solution of silver nitrate this reaction take? place : AsH 3 + 6AgN0 3 + 3H 2 = As(OH) 3 + 6HNO 3 + 6Ag. When, on the other hand, arsine is passed through a solution of a salt of a difficultly reducible metal, the ar- senide of the metal is thrown down : 2AsH 3 + 3CuS0 4 = As 2 Cu 3 + 3H 2 SO 4 . Arsine does not combine with acids to form arsonium compounds such as AsHJ, analogous to ammonium and phosphonium compounds. There is a second compound of arsenic and hydrogen which is solid and appears to have the composition rep- resented by the formula As 2 H 2 . ANTIMONY, Sb (At. Wt. 119.52). Occurrence. Antimony occurs in nature chiefly in the form of stibnite, which is the trisulphide Sb 2 S 3 . This also occurs very widely distributed in nature in combination with sulphides of various metals, as copper, lead, and silver. The element is made from the sulphide either by heating it with iron, with which the sulphur combines, leaving the antimony free ; or by roasting it, that is, heat- ing it in combination with the air, thus converting the anti- mony into the tetroxide Sb 2 O 4 , and the sulphur into the dioxide SO 2 , and then treating the oxide of antimony with reducing agents, as, for example, carbon : Sb 2 4 + 4C = 2Sb + 4CO. Properties. Antimony is hard and brittle ; has a silver- white color ; and a high metallic lustre. It can be dis- tilled at white heat. At ordinary temperature it is not changed by contact with the air. When heated to a suffi- ciently high temperature in the air it takes fire and burns, forming the white oxide Sb 2 O 3 . It combines directly with chlorine, forming the chloride SbCl B . Nitric acid oxidizes it either to antimony oxide, Sb 2 O 3 , or antimonic acid, APPLICATIONS OF ANTIMONY STIBINE. 309 H 3 SbO 4 . Aqua regia dissolves it. Hot concentrated sul- phuric acid dissolves it, forming antimony sulphate, and sulphur dioxide escapes. This action is similar to that which takes place when sulphuric acid acts upon copper, It is probable that the formation of the sulphur dioxide is due to the action of the hydrogen liberated from the sulphuric acid by the antimony in forming antimony sul- phate : 2Sb + 3H 2 S0 4 = Sb 2 (S0 4 ) 3 + 3H 2 ; 3H 2 SO 4 + 3H 2 = 3SO 2 + 6H 2 O. This power to replace the hydrogen of some acids dis- tinguishes antimony from arsenic and phosphorus, while its power to form acids corresponding to those of phos- phorus and arsenic shows its analogy to these elements. Applications of Antimony. Antimony is used as a constituent of several alloys which are somewhat in- definite compounds which metallic elements form with one another. Among the alloys of antimony are type- metal, from which type is made, and britannia metal. The former consists of lead and antimony, and the latter of tin and antimony. There are a number of alloys which contain antimony which will be referred to under the other constituents. Stibine, SbH 3 . This analogue of ammonia, phosphine, and arsine is more like arsine than it is like the others. It is made by the same methods as those used in making arsine, i.e., by treating an alloy of zinc and antimony with sulphuric acid, or by reducing oxides of antimony by means of nascent hydrogen. The latter method gives a gas which contains a large percentage of hydrogen, but for most purposes this is not objectionable. It is only necessary to introduce into a flask containing zinc and dilute sulphuric acid a little of a solution of some oxy- gen compound of antimony, when the reduction is at once effected, and the escaping hydrogen contains stibine. Stibine is a colorless, inodorous gas, which burns with a greenish-white flame. In general, it conducts itself much like arsine. It is unstable and breaks down when the tube through which it is passing is heated to red- 310 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ness. It then leaves a deposit which looks like that formed in the case of arsine. When a cold object, as a piece of porcelain, is held for a moment in a flame of stibine a dark deposit is formed which resembles that formed with arsine. Methods of Distinguishing between Arsenic and Anti- mony. As arsenic is frequently used in cases of poison- ing the question of deciding whether it is present in a given liquid or mixture is of great importance. One of the chief difficulties encountered is the similarity of the two elements arsenic and antimony. The method commonly employed in examining a substance for arsenic is known as Marsh's test. This consists in getting the substance in solution, and then pouring some of the liquid into a vessel containing pure zinc and pure dilute sulphuric acid. If arsenic is present in the solution it will, under these circumstances, be converted into arsine, the presence of which can be recognized by heating the tube through which the gas is passing, and by holding a piece of porcelain in the flame. If deposits are not formed in the tube or on the porcelain, arsenic is not present ; but if deposits are formed, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that either arsenic or antimony is present, or possibly both may be present. For the pur- pose of distinguishing between the two elements, advan- tage is taken of the following differences between the spots : The antimony spots are darker than those formed by arsenic, and they have a smoky appearance, while those of arsenic have not ; further, the arsenic deposits are quite volatile, and can therefore be driven before the flame in the tube or upon the porcelain, while those of antimony are not volatile ; again, the deposits of arsenic are easily soluble in a solution of sodium hypochlorite or hypobromite, while the antimony deposits are in- soluble in these solutions. There are other differences, but those mentioned will suffice to enable a careful worker and observer to distinguish between the two with- out any possibility of doubt. Another difficulty always encountered in examining for arsenic is the fact that the sulphuric acid, the zinc, and the glass of which the ves- BISMUTH. 311 sels are made may contain arsenic. It is quite possible to overcome all the difficulties and to decide positively whether arsenic is present or not. If it is found that on heating the tube through which the hydrogen is passing no deposit is formed, even after continued heating, and that the hydrogen flame gives no deposit upon a piece of porcelain introduced into it, then it is safe to proceed with the examination of the suspected liquid. If the substance which is to be examined for arsenic has to be treated with chemical compounds in order to prepare it for analysis, every compound used in this part of the process must be separately examined for arsenic. BISMUTH, Bi (At. Wt. 206.54). Occurrence, etc. Bismuth is not abundant nor widely distributed in nature. It occurs for the most part native in veins of granite and clay slate. Among the compounds of bismuth found in nature are the oxide Bi 2 O 3 and the corresponding sulphide Bi 2 S 3 . The ores are roasted and then treated with appropriate reducing agents. In different places different methods of extraction are employed. As the chief applications of bismuth are for pharmaceutical purposes, it is necessary that the element should be specially pure ; above all, that it should not be contaminated with arsenic. In order to remove the last traces of this element the pow- dered bismuth is generally melted with saltpeter. Bismuth is a hard, brittle, reddish- white substance with a metallic lustre. It looks very much like antimony, but is distinguished from it by its reddish tint. At or- dinary temperatures it remains unchanged in the air. When heated to red heat it burns with a bluish flame, forming the yellow oxide Bi 2 O 3 . Hydrochloric acid scarcely acts upon it ; concentrated sulphuric acid forms bismuth sulphate, Bi 2 (SO 4 ) 3 , in which the bismuth evidently plays the part of a base-forming element ; nitric acid gives bismuth nitrate, Bi(NO 3 ) 3 , which is partly decomposed by water, forming so-called basic nitrates which are difficultly soluble in water. These salts will be taken up in the next chapter. 312 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Some bismuth is used in the preparation of alloys which are easily fusible, as, for example, Newton's metal, which contains bismuth, lead, and tin ; Hose's metal, which consists of the same constituents in slightly dif- ferent proportions ; and Wood's metal, which consists of bismuth, lead, tin, and cadmium. Bismuth does not combine with hydrogen. Compounds of the Members of the Phosphorus Group with the Members of the Chlorine Group. In the intro- duction to this chapter it was stated that the elements of the phosphorus group combine with chlorine in two proportions, forming compounds of the general formulas MC1 3 and MC1 5 . Arsenic, however, forms only one com- pound with chlorine, AsCl 3 , while bismuth forms one of the formula BiCl 3 , and another, Bi 2 Cl 4 . The compounds of phosphorus and chlorine are the best known, and a brief study of these will give a fair idea of the methods of preparation and the conduct of the analogous com- pounds of the other members of the group. Phosphorus Trichloride, PC1 3 , is made by conducting dry chlorine gas upon phosphorus in a retort connected with a receiver. Action takes place at once with evo- lution of heat, and the trichloride distils over and is condensed as a liquid into the receiver. It is purified by distillation on a water-bath. It is a clear, color- less liquid, which boils at 74. In contact with air it fumes in consequence of the action of the water vapor which decomposes it. It has a disagreeable odor of its own mixed with that of hydrochloric acid. Its most characteristic decomposition is that which it undergoes with water, which is of the same kind as that which the chlorides of sulphur, selenium, and tellurium undergo with water. The general tendency of the chlorides of the acid-forming elements is to undergo decomposition with water in such a way that the corresponding hydroxyl compound is formed, together with hydrochloric acid. This is shown in the case of tellurium tetrachloride, which with water forms normal tellurious acid, Te(OH) 4 , and hydrochloric acid : PHOSPHORUS TRICHLORIDE. 313 HOH f OH HOH [ OH In the case of sulphur tetrachloride the hydroxyl de- rivative, if formed, breaks down into water and sulphur dioxide. When phosphorus trichloride is treated with water the decomposition is probably represented by the equation HOH ( OH PCI 4- HOH = P^ OH + 3HC1. HOH ( OH From some experiments it appears possible that this form of compound is unstable, and that, owing to the marked tendency of phosphorus to act as a quinquivalent element, the constituents arrange themselves differently, ( H as represented in the formula O=P-< OH. Thisques- (OH tion will be referred to under the head of Phosphorous Acid. The trichloride shows a strong tendency to take up chlorine, bromine, iodine, oxygen, and sulphur, and thus to become saturated as a quinquivalent element. With chlorine it forms the pentachloride, PC1 5 , with oxygen the oxychloride, POC1 3 , and with sulphur the sulphochlo- ride, PSC1 3 . It does not, however, readily take up free oxygen or free sulphur directly, but will take up these elements from compounds in which they are not firmly held. Thus, when the trichloride is brought together with sulphur trioxide this reaction takes place : S0 3 + PC1 3 = POC1 3 + SO 2 ; and when it is brought together with a polysulphide, as Na 2 S & , it takes up a part of the sulphur and forms the sulphochloride, PSC1 3 . So, further, it is converted into the oxychloride when treated with ozone. These reactions show the marked tendency which the trichlo- 314 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ride lias to pass over into compounds of quinquivalent phosphorus a tendency which is characteristic of phos- phorus compounds in general. Phosphorus Pentachloride, PC1 5 , is formed by treating phosphorus or the trichloride with dry chlorine. It is best prepared by passing chlorine through a wide tube upon the surface of the trichloride, contained in a vessel, which is kept cool. Gradually the liquid becomes thicker and thicker, and finally, if well stirred, it becomes solid. It is a white solid, but it generally has a slightly yellowish or greenish color in consequence of a slight decomposition into the tri- chloride and free chlorine. It sublimes below 100 without melting. When heated to boiling it under- goes partial decomposition into chlorine and the trichlo- ride, and this decomposition is complete at about 300. As the temperature is raised from the apparent boiling point to the point at which the decomposition is com- plete, the color of the vapor is seen to grow darker in consequence of the increased quantity of free chlo- rine present. The decomposition is gradual, and, for any given temperature, the amount of decomposition is constant. This kind of decomposition, which is known as dissociation, has been studied very carefully, and is found to be capable of explanation by the aid of the kinetic theory of gases. In a later chapter this subject will be treated, and a number of other examples will be given. Owing to this decomposition under the influence of heat the specific gravity of the vapor of phosphorus pentachloride is not what it should be, if the formula is PC1 5 . On the other hand, the specific gravity of the vapor of the trichloride leads to the formula PC1 3 , and that of the oxychloride to the formula POC1 3 . The ap- parent anomaly presented by the pentachloride is easily understood. When a molecule of the compound is con- verted into vapor, or is heated to a sufficiently high temperature, it is broken down in accordance with this equation : PC1 6 = PC1 3 + C1 2 . PHOSPHORUS PENTACHLOEIDE. 315 From the one molecule, therefore, two gaseous mole- cules are 'obtained. Consequently the vapor formed oc- cupies twice as much space as it would if there were no decomposition. It follows that the specific gravity of the vapor must be only half what it would be if there were no decomposition. When the compound is con- verted into vapor in an atmosphere of phosphorus tri- chloride, the decomposition referred to does not take place, and, under these circumstances, the specific gravity is found to be in accordance with Avogadro's law, and with the formula PC1 5 . This case is a particularly in- teresting one, as it has played an important part in the discussions in regard to the validity of Avogadro's law. The conduct of phosphorus pentachloride towards water is in general like that of the other chlorides of acid-forming elements. But, owing probably to a second- ary action, the product is not the corresponding hydroxyl compound. It is probable that the first action of the water is represented by the equation TTTT/-V ( OH PC1 *~ = P OH 2H01. But this product, if formed, breaks down at once into phosphorus oxychloride and water, and the water thus given off acts upon a further quantity of the penta- chloride : The formation of the oxychloride from the penta- chloride by the action of water takes place very easily. The oxychloride is then further acted upon by the water, and each chlorine atom is replaced by hydroxyl : HOH ( OH OPC1 3 + HOH = OP^ OH + 3HC1. HOH OH 316 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The final product is the acid H 3 PO 4 , or phosphoric acid. It will be seen that the effect of phosphorus penta- chloride upon water is to replace the hydroxyl of the water by chlorine. Thus, one molecule of the penta- chloride and five molecules of water give one molecule of phosphoric acid and five of hydrochloric acid : HOH HC1 HOH HC1 PC1 5 + HOH = OP(OH) 3 + HC1 + H 2 O. HOH HC1 HOH HC1 In the reaction, the hydroxyl of the water and the chlorine of the chloride exchange places. Similarly, when any compound which contains hydroxyl is treated with phosphorus pentachloride the same reaction takes place, the hydroxyl being replaced by chlorine. There- fore phosphorus pentachloride may be used as a reagent for testing for the hydroxyl condition in compounds. If a compound which contains hydrogen and oxygen is treated with the pentachloride, and an atom of hydrogen and one of oxygen is replaced by an atom of chlorine, the conclusion is drawn that the compound contains hydroxyl. This, of course, amounts to saying that the compound resembles water in its reaction with the penta- chloride, and this is most easily explained by the as- sumption that the same condition exists in both. It should be borne in mind, further, that, in general, any compound of chlorine with an acid-forming element which undergoes decomposition with water might be used for the same purpose. The action of the pentachloride upon a hydroxyl compound is well illustrated in the case of sulphuric acid : SO ' Normal arsenic acid Orthoarsenic acid (321) 322 INORQANIG CHEMISTRY. Sb(OH) s Sb {(OH) s Normal antimonic acid Orthoantimonic acid Bismuthic acid appears, however, to be formed from the normal acid by loss of two molecules of water, just as the so-called metaphosphoric, metarsenic, and metanti- monic acids are : Bi(OH) 5 = BiJQH + 2H 2 0; Normal bismuthic acid Bismuthic acid P(OH) 5 P|gk + 2H,0; Metaphosphoric acid As(OH) 5 = As -j Q|J -f- 2H 2 O ; Metarsenic acid Sb(OH) 5 = s M8b + 2H '- Metantimonic acid From the ordinary or ortho acids, and from the meta acids, more complex forms can be derived by loss of different quantities of water. The most common form besides those mentioned is that seen in the so-called pyro acids, of which pyrophosphoric acid is the best known example. It is formed from the ortho acid by loss of one molecule of water from two molecules of the acid, just as pyrosulphuric or disulphuric acid is formed from two molecules of ordinary sulphuric acid by loss of one molecule of water. The formation of pyrophosphoric acid from orthophosphoric acid takes place according to the equation OH OH OH pi OH p " 18 H A ; COMPOUNDS OF THE PHOSPHORUS GROUP. 323 or 2H.PO, = HJP.O, + H,0. Orthophosphoric acid Pyrophosphoric acid Pyroarsenic and pyroantimonic acids bear the same relations to the ortho acids that pyrophosphoric acid bears to orthophosphoric acid. By partial oxidation of phosphorus in presence of water, phosphorous acid, H 3 PO 3 , is formed. The same acid is formed by the action of phosphorus trichloride on water. According to the latter method of formation we should expect to find that this acid is normal phos- phorous acid, P(OH) 3 . As already stated, however, it appears probable that the acid has the constitution /H O=P -OH. The acids of arsenic and antimony of \OH similar composition seem to be the normal acids As(OH) 8 and ' Sb(OH) 3 . The hydroxyl derivative of bismuth corresponding to these acids has no acid properties, but on the contrary is basic. Hypophosphorous acid has the composition H 3 PO 2 . It is monobasic, and it appears therefore that it contains but one hydroxyl, as represented in the formula H 2 OP(OH). It is possible that the relations between phosphoric, phosphorous, and hypophosphorous acids should be represented by the formulas (OH ( H ( H OP^OH, OP^OH, OP^H . (OH (OH (OH Phosphoric acid Phosphorous acid Hypophosphorous acid The fundamental compound, then, from which these may be regarded as derived is the unknown oxyphosphine OPH 3 . By oxidation we should expect phosphine to yield in successive stages the three products above named : (H (H (H (H (OH P^H,OP^H, OP^H , OP^OH,OP^OH. (H (H (OH (OH (OH Unknown Hypophosphorous Phosphorous Phosphoric acid acid acid 3M INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The oxidation of hydrogen sulphide takes place sim* ilarly, as has been shown : , , Unknown Sulphurous acid Sulphuric acid With oxygen and chlorine the elements of the phos- phorus group form a number of compounds known as oxychlorides. Towards chlorine as well as towards oxygen all these elements except bismuth are quin- quivalent. A part or all of the oxygen of the oxygen compounds can be replaced by chlorine. Starting with the chlorine compound on the one hand, oxychlorides. can be obtained from it, until all the chlorine is replaced by oxygen, and the limit is reached in the oxide. So also the chlorine can be replaced by hydroxyl and the acids thus obtained. (1) PC1 5 gives POC1 3 and P 2 O 6 as final product ; (2) PC1 5 gives POC1 3 and with water PO(OH) 3 . (3) PC1 3 gives as final product P 2 O 3 ; (4) PC1 3 gives with water P(OH) 3 . Intermediate products are supposable, but not known, as, for example : Cl (Cl (Cl (OH Cl P^ Cl , PK OH, Pi OH. Cl OH OH OH ( Cl A compound of arsenic of the formula As-j /QTT\ is known, however, and this plainly corresponds to one of these intermediate products. With sulphur phosphorus apparently forms a large number of compounds. Among them are two which have the formulas P 2 S S and P 2 S 5 . These plainly are analogous to the two oxides of phosphorus, P 2 O 3 and P 2 O B . When treated with water these sulphur com- pounds like the corresponding chlorine compounds yield the oxygen acids. Thus the trisulphide undergoes COMPOUNDS OF THE PHOSPHORUS GROUP. 325 decomposition with water according to the following equation : P 2 S 3 + 6H 2 O = 2H 3 PO 3 + 3H a S ; and the pentasulphide is converted by water into phos* phoric acid : P a S 6 + 8H a O = 2H 3 P0 4 + 5H a S. Arsenic forms with sulphur several compounds, the principal of which are the disulphide, As 2 S 2 , the trisul- phide, As 2 S 3 , and the pentasulphide, As 2 S 6 . The principal sulphides of antimony are those of the formulas Sb 2 S 9 and Sb 2 S 5 , and of bismuth those of the formulas Bi 2 S a and Bi 2 S 3 . In general, therefore, the sulphur compounds are analogous in composition to the oxygen compounds, while the number of sulphur compounds of these ele- ments is larger than that of the oxygen compounds. The formulas of the principal sulphur compounds of this group are given systematically arranged in the table below : As 2 S a Bi 2 S a P 2 S 3 As 2 S 3 Sb a S 8 Bi a S 3 P a S 5 As 2 S, Sb a S 6 Further, there are sulphur acids which are to be re- garded as the oxygen acids, a part or all of whose oxygen is replaced by sulphur. Thus, in the case of arsenic the following possibilities suggest themselves, starting with arsenious acid : (SH -{ SH ; (SH and starting with arsenic acid, the following possibilities suggest themselves : OH (OH (OH (OH ( OH , SAs^ OH , SAs^ OH , SAs^ SH, SAsJ OH (OH (SH (SH (SH 326 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. While none of these compounds is known, many com- pounds are known which are to be regarded as salts of one or another of these acids. Thus salts of the general formulas M 3 AsS 3 and M 3 AsS 4 are well known, as are also salts of the general formula MAsS 2 , which are derived ( ^ from the acid As -j QTT , corresponding to the oxygen compound As j QTT , which in turn is derived from arsen- ious acid by loss of one molecule of water : So, too, we have : SH , +H 2 S. Similar compounds of antimony are also well known. The possibility of making analogous compounds contain- ing selenium and tellurium will suggest itself. Phosphoric Acid, Orthophosphoric Acid, H 3 PO 4 . The compound to which the name phosphoric acid is gener- ally applied, and from which the best known phosphates are derived, is that which has the formula H 3 PO 4 . To distinguish it from the other varieties it is called ortho- phosphoric acid. As has been stated, this is the final product of oxidation of phosphorus in the presence of water. Thus, when phosphorus is boiled with nitric acid it is converted into orthophosphoric acid ; and also when phosphorus is burned in the air, and the product dis- solved in water, phosphoric acid is formed. In this case the first product of the oxidation is the pentoxide P 2 O 5 , also known as phosphoric anhydride, and when this is treated with water it is converted into phosphoric acid : P a 6 + 3H 3 O = 2H 3 PO 4 . The occurrence of phosphoric acid in nature has already PHOSPHORIC ACID. 327 been referred to in connection with the occurrence of phosphorus, which is found in nature almost exclusively in the form of phosphates, principally as calcium phos- phate, Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , in phosphorite, apatite, and the ashes of bones. It is formed when either phosphorus penta- chloride or the oxychloride is decomposed by water : PC1 5 + 4H 2 = PO(OH) 3 + 5HC1 ; POC1 3 + 3H 2 O = PO(OH) 3 + 3HC1 ; and from the analogous bromine and iodine compounds in the same way. In order to prepare the acid two ways suggest themselves : (1) by oxidizing phosphorus with nitric acid ; and (2) by extracting it from one of the natu- ral phosphates, as phosphorite or bone-ash. The first of these methods is better adapted to the preparation of pure phosphoric acid, such as is needed for medicinal purposes ; the latter is used where absolute purity of the product is not required. It should be said, however, that the acid obtained by oxidation of phosphorus is not pure, as commercial phosphorus almost always contains arsenic and small quantities of other impurities. The arsenic can easily be removed by passing hydrogen sul- phide through the solution after the nitric acid has been evaporated. If the solution is then filtered and evapo- rated to dryness, the orthophosphoric acid is transformed into pyrophosphoric or metaphosphoric acid according to the temperature : H 3 P0 4 = HP0 3 +H 2 0. The preparation of phosphoric acid from a phosphate is not a simple matter. If the acid were volatile or in soluble there would be no difficulty in separating it. In the former case it would only be necessary to proceed as in preparing hydrochloric and nitric acids. By adding an acid which is not volatile except at a high temperature, such, for example, as sulphuric acid, and heating, the non-volatile acid replaces the volatile. On the other 328 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. hand, if phosphoric acid were insoluble in water, it could be separated by adding a soluble acid to one of its soluble salts. When, for example, nitric acid is added to a solu- tion of potassium tellurite, K a TeO 3 , tellurious acid, being insoluble, is thrown down : K 2 Te0 3 + 2HN0 3 = 2KNO 3 + H a TeO 3 . But phosphoric acid is not volatile and is soluble, so that plainly neither of these methods can be used. By treat- ing the calcium salt with sulphuric acid the calcium can be completely separated in the form of calcium sul- phate, which is difficultly soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol. The ideal reaction to be accomplished is that represented in the following equation : Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 + 3H 2 S0 4 = 3CaS0 4 + 2H 3 P0 4 . But when sulphuric acid is added to calcium phosphate, only a part of the calcium is thrown down as sulphate, the rest remaining in the form of primary calcium phos- phate : Ca/PO,), + 2H,SO, = 2CaSO. + CaH,(PO 4 ) s . The phosphate thus formed is soluble in water, and the calcium is not easily precipitated from it. By evapora- tion and addition of sufficient sulphuric acid and alcohol the precipitation can be effected, and a solution of phos- phoric acid thus obtained. This acid is not pure, as there are substances in bone-ash which are not removed by the method described. Phosphoric acid for medicinal purposes is often made by dissolving the pentoxide in water. Properties. When evaporated to the proper consis- tency the acid forms a thick syrup which slowly solidifies in the form of large crystals. The crystals are deliques- cent. When heated to a sufficiently high temperature the acid loses water, as already explained, and yields, first, pyrophosphoric, and then metaphosphoric acid. It is a tribasic acid, capable of yielding three classes of PHOSPHATES. 329 (OH (OH salts of the general formulas OP-< OH, OP-< OM,and ( OM ( OM (OM OP -< OM , which are known respectively as the primary, (OM secondary, and tertiary phosphates. The primary and secondary phosphates are also known as acid phosphates, and the tertiary salts as neutral or normal phosphates. In these salts it is not necessary that all the hydrogen should be replaced by the same metal. There are salts in which two or three metals take the place of the hydrogen atoms. A phosphate much used in the laboratory, for example, is one in which one hydrogen atom of phosphoric acid is replaced by a sodium atom, and another by the ammoni- (OH um group, NH,. This salt has the formula OP-< ONa , (ONH. and is called ammonium sodium phosphate. Another phosphate commonly met with is ammonium magnesium (ONH 4 phosphate, OP-< O jyr , which is derived from the acid by replacement of two hydrogen atoms in the molecule by one bivalent magnesium atom, and one by the am- monium group. The changes which these three classes of phosphates undergo when heated are of special inter- est. The tertiary phosphates are stable. The primary and secondary phosphates give up all their hydrogen, which passes off in the form of water. Thus, primary sodium phosphate, H 2 NaPO 4 , loses one molecule of water from each molecule of the salt, and is converted into the metaphosphate, NaPO 3 : (OH OP^ OH = O 2 P(ONa) + H,0. (ONa In general, the primary phosphates are converted into meta- phosphates by heat. When a secondary phosphate is heated the product is 330 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. a pyrophosphate, as when secondary sodium phosphate is heated to a sufficiently high temperature it is converted into sodium pyrophosphate : w >- j ONa OP ONa -< ui>a J Q^_ (ONa In general, a secondary phosphate is converted into a py- rophosphate by heat. The above rules do not hold good for ammonium salts, for these always undergo another kind of decomposition when heated. When sodium ammonium phosphate is heated, ammonia is first given off, thus : HNa(NH 4 )P0 4 = H 2 NaPO 4 + NH 3 ; and the primary salt formed breaks down according to the above rule, forming the metaphosphate. So, also, when ammonium magnesium phosphate is heated, the first change consists in the giving off of ammonia, thus . (NH,)MgPO, = HMgPO, + NH S ; and the secondary magnesium phosphate thus formed then breaks down, forming the pyrophosphate, Mg 2 P 2 O 7 : The presence of phosphoric acid can be detected by means of the following characteristic reactions : With silver nitrate it gives a yellow precipitate of tertiary sil- ver phosphate, Ag 3 PO 4 ; with a soluble magnesium salt and ammonia it gives ammonium magnesium phosphate, (NH 4 )MgPO 4 , which is insoluble in water ; with a solu- tion of ammonium molybdate, (NH 4 ) 2 MoO 4 , which con- tains nitric acid, it gives a complicated insoluble salt, ammonium phospho-molybdate (which see). Pyrophosphoric Acid, H 4 P 2 O 7 . When phosphoric acid is heated to 200-300 until a specimen neutralized with ammonia gives a pure white precipitate with silver nitrate. it is completely transformed into pyrophosphoric acid by METAPHOSPHORIC ACID. 331 loss of water. The white precipitate referred to is the silver salt of pyrophosphoric acid. The silver salt of orthophosphoric acid is yellow. This difference in color led, many years ago, to a careful investigation of the change in composition which phosphoric acid undergoes when heated, and to the recognition of the existence of pyrophosphoric acid as distinct from orthophosphoric acid ; and the study of the relations existing between these acids and metaphosphoric acid has had a strong influence in shaping the views of chemists in regard to the relations between other similar acids. The views at present held in regard to the relations between the com- mon forms of oxygen acids and the so-called normal acids or maximum hydroxides are simply an extension of the ideas first introduced into chemistry in connection with the three varieties of phosphoric acid. The different varieties of periodic acid, and the modifications of sul- phuric acid seen in the normal acid, S(OH) 6 , the ordinary acid, SO 2 (OH) 2 , and the pyro-acid, H 2 S 2 O 7 , are examples of the same kind of relations. Pyrophosphates are formed, as we have seen, when the secondary phosphates, like disodium phosphate, HNa 2 PO 4 , are heated. Metaphosphoric Acid, HPO 3 . This acid is formed by dissolving phosphorus pentoxide, P 2 O 5 , in cold water : P 2 5 + H 2 = 2HP0 3 . It is also formed by heating phosphoric acid to 400 : H 3 P0 4 = HP0 3 + H 2 O. Further, the metaphosphates are formed by heating the primary phosphates like primary sodium phosphate, H. 2 NaPO 4 . The acid is a vitreous translucent mass, known in the market as glacial phosphoric acid (Acidum phos- pJioricum glaciale). It is the more common commercial form of phosphoric acid. It is a monobasic acid, and in composition is analogous to nitric and chloric acids : HPO 3 , . . . c . Metaphosphoric acid. HNO 3 , Nitric acid. HC1O 3 , . . . . . Chloric acid. 332 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. When boiled with water in which there is a little nitric acid metaphosphoric acid is readily converted into ortho- phosphoric acid : HPO 3 + H 2 = H 3 P0 4 . This transformation is effected also by simply allowing the solution of the meta-acid in water to stand for a time, and by boiling the solution. When a metaphosphate, as, for example, sodium meta- phosphate, NaPO 3 , is heated in contact with a metallic oxide, it takes up the oxide as the free acid takes up water, and phosphates are thus formed in which two or more metals take the place of the hydrogen of the acid. With a metallic oxide of the formula M 2 O it combines to form a phosphate, M 2 NaPO 4 , thus : NaPO 3 + M 2 = M 2 NaPO 4 a kind of action which is plainly analogous to the con- version of metaphosphoric into orthophosphoric acid. So, also, when an oxide of the formula MO is heated with sodium metaphosphate a phosphate of the formula MNaPO 4 , in which M represents a bivalent metal, is formed : NaP0 3 + MO = MNaPO 4 . Upon facts of this kind depends the power of sodium metaphosphate to dissolve metallic oxides, as when beads formed by heating sodium ammonium phosphate are used in analysis. The first effect of heating the phos- phate is, as explained above, the formation of sodium metaphosphate which melts, forming a clear liquid known as the " bead of microcosmic salt." Phosphorous Acid, H 3 PO 3 . This acid is formed when pliosphorus trichloride is treated with water. It is also formed together with phosphoric and hypophosphoric .acids when phosphorus is allowed to lie in contact with moist air. The acid can be obtained from its solutions by evaporation, when it is deposited in transparent crys- tals. When heated it is converted into phosphoric acid, phosphine being given off : 4H 3 P0 3 = 3H 3 PO 4 + PH 3 . HYPOPHOSPHORIC AND HYPOPHOSPHOROUS ACID. 333 This reaction has been discussed under Phosphine (which see). The tendency of phosphorous acid to take up oxygen and form phosphoric acid makes it a good reduc- ing agent. Its action is well illustrated in the case of mercuric chloride, HgCl 2 , which it transforms into mer- curous chloride, HgCl. Water being present, the phos- phorous acid appropriates the oxygen of a part of it, leaving the hydrogen to act upon the mercuric chloride : 2HgCl 2 + H 3 P0 3 + H 2 = H 3 P0 4 + 2HgCl + 2HC1. Phosphorous acid is only dibasic, its salts having the general formula HM 2 PO 3 . This fact has led to the be- lief that in the acid two of the hydrogen atoms are in combination with oxygen in the form of hydroxyl, while the third is in combination with phosphorus as repre- (H sented in the formula OP < OH . This conclusion finds (OH further support in the conduct of some derivatives of phosphorous acid. Hypophosphoric Acid, H 4 P 2 O 6 , is formed together with phosphoric and phosphorous acids when sticks of ordi- nary phosphorus placed in glass tubes drawn out to a small opening at one end are exposed to the action of moist air. By arranging a number of such tubes on a funnel the lower end of which is in a bottle, a solution is gradually collected which contains hypophosphoric acid together with the other two acids mentioned. The salts o the acid show that it is tetrabasic. It has been suggested that this acid has the constitution represented by the OP(OH), formula i OP(OH), Hypophosphorous Acid, H 3 PO 2 , has already been re- ferred to, as its potassium salt is formed in the prepara- tion of phosphine by the action of phosphorus upon a solution of potassium hydroxide : 3KOH + 4P + 3H 2 = 3KH 2 PO 2 + PH 3 . The acid is a solid which crystallizes well. The most characteristic fact in its conduct is its marked tendency 334 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. to pass over into phosphoric acid by taking up oxygen. It is therefore a good reducing agent. It reduces sul- phuric acid to sulphurous acid and even to sulphur, as represented in the two equations below : 2H 2 SO 4 + H 3 P0 2 = 2H 2 S0 3 + H 3 PO 4 ; H,S0 3 + H 3 P0 2 = S + H 2 + H 3 PO, When heated, also, it forms phosphoric acid and phos- phine just as phosphorous acid does : mfO, =, H a PO, + PH 3 . The acid is monobasic, and this has led to the belief that only one of the hydrogen atoms in the molecule of the acid is in combination with oxygen as hydroxyl, and that the two others are in combination with phosphorus as ( H represented in the formula OP-< H . The relation be- (OH tween this acid and phosphorous and phosphoric acids has already been commented upon (see page 323). Phosphorus Pentoxide, Phosphoric Anhydride, P 2 O 5 . This highest oxidation-product of phosphorus is formed by burning the element in air or in oxygen. It is a white powder which attracts moisture from the air and becomes liquid. This power to combine with water is its most characteristic property. It forms first, as we have seen, metaphosphoric acid and, by further action, orthophosphoric acid. Its action towards water is strongly suggestive of the action of sulphur trioxide or sulphuric anhydride towards water. Owing to this power to combine with water, phosphorus pentoxide is used for the purpose of drying gases, and as- a dehy- drating agent. Phosphorus Trioxide, or Phosphorous Anhydride, P 2 O 3 (or P 4 O 6 ), is formed by burning phosphorus so that the air does not have free access to it, as by putting a piece of phosphorus in a glass tube drawn out to a fine open- ing, drawing air over the phosphorus, and warming it gently. In this way not enough air can get access to the CONSTITUTION OF TEE ACIDS OF PHOSPHORUS. 335 phosphorus to convert it into the pentoxide. The tri- oxide has such a strong tendency to pass over into the pentoxide that when brought into the air it takes fire and burns, forming the higher oxide. It is readily converted into phosphorous acid by water. Phosphorus Suboxide, P^O, is one of the products formed by the burning of phosphorus in a limited sup- ply of air. It is also formed in several other ways, and two varieties of it have been described. Phosphorus Tetroxide, P 2 O 4 , is also formed when phos- phorus is burned in the air. It can be obtained pure in the form of colorless crystals. Constitution of the Acids of Phosphorus. Considerable has already been said on this subject in dealing with the relations between the acids. The view that phosphoric acid contains three hydroxyl groups is based upon the fact that the acid is tribasic, which, taken together with what is known in regard to the conduct of other acids, suggests that all three hydrogen atoms in the molecule are in combination with oxygen. This view is the sim- plest, and all facts known in regard to the conduct of phosphoric acid are in accordance with it. The constitu- /0-H tion is represented by the formula O=P O-H , which \O-H may also be written in this way : OP(OH) 3 . Two views suggest themselves in considering the constitution of phosphorous acid. It may be, like phosphoric acid, a tri- hydroxyl derivative of the formula P(OH) 3 , or it may have /H the structure represented by the formula O=P^-OH or \OH ( H OP -j /QTT\ The easy formation of the acid from phos- phorus trichloride and water is in accordance with the former view. On the other hand, as has already been remarked, the fact that the acid is dibasic speaks against this view, and in favor of the latter. A somewhat com- plex reaction of an organic derivative of phosphorous acid also furnishes evidence in favor of the view 'that there are only two hydroxyl groups contained in the molecule of 336 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. phosphorous acid, and that its structure is represented by / H the formula O-P-O-H. Phosphorus Oxy chloride, POC1 3 . This compound has been referred to in connection with the chlorides of phos- phorus. It is formed by the action of ozone on phos- phorus trichloride and by the action of water upon the pentachloride : PC1 3 + = POC1 3 ; PC1 B + H 3 O = POC1 3 + 2HC1. It may be regarded as phosphoric acid in which all three of the hydroxyl groups are replaced by chlorine, just as sulphuryl chloride, SO 2 C1 2 , is to be regarded as sulphuric acid in which both hydroxyls are replaced by chlorine". The fact that when treated with water and other com- pounds containing hydroxyl it yields phosphoric acid has been mentioned, and the value of this reaction and the similar reaction of phosphorus pentachloride as a means of detecting the hydroxyl condition in compounds has been pointed out (see p. 316). Arsenic Acid, H 3 AsO 4 . The compound of arsenic and oxygen which is most readily obtained is the trioxide, As 2 O 3 , and this is formed by direct combination of the two elements. When this is oxidized either with aqua regia or by passing chlorine into water in which the trioxide is suspended it is converted into arsenic acid : As 2 O 3 + 3H 2 + 2O = 2H 3 AsO 4 . From its solutions it is obtained in crystallized form. According to the temperature to which it is heated the deposit has the composition of the ortho-acid, H 3 AsO 4 , of the pyro-acid, H 4 As 2 O 7 , or of the meta-acid, HAsO 3 . Perfect analogy with the phosphorus compounds is here observed. When the pyro- and meta-acids are dis- solved in water they pass at once into the form of the ortho-acid. Arsenic acid, like phosphoric acid, is a strong tribasic acid, forming three series of salts which under ARSENIOUS ACID. 337 the influence of heat conduct themselves like the cor- responding phosphates, the primary salts yielding pyro- arsenates, and the secondary salts yielding meta-arsen- ates. When these are dissolved in water they pass at once into the corresponding salts of ortho-arsenic acid. Arsenic acid is easily reduced to the form of arsenic. When hydrogen sulphide is passed through a hydro- chloric acid solution of arsenic acid different reactions take place according to the conditions. The three pos- sibilities are : (1) The formation of the pentasulphide ; (2) the formation of sulphoxyarsenic acid, H 3 AsO 3 S ; and (3) the formation of arsenic pentasulphide, arsenic trisul- phide, and sulphur. These reactions are represented by the following equations : (1) H 3 As0 4 + H 2 S = H 3 AsO 3 S + H 2 O ; (2) 2H 3 As0 3 S + 3H 2 S = As 2 S 5 + 6H 2 O ; , Q x j 2H 3 As0 3 S + 6HC1 = 2AsCl 3 + 6H 2 O + 28 ; I 33 3 2 2AsCl 3 + 3H 2 S = As 2 S 3 + 6HC1. The first action is that represented by equation (1). The acid thus formed, known as sulphoxyarsenic acid, differs from arsenic acid only in the fact that it contains a sulphur atom in the place of one oxygen atom. It is soluble in water, and, therefore, when hydrogen sulphide is passed into a solution of arsenic acid there is at first no precipitate formed ; but gradually, where the hy- drogen sulphide is in excess, some of the sulphoxyar- senic acid is changed to arsenic pentasulphide, while an- other part of the acid is decomposed by hydrochloric acid, forming arsenic chloride and sulphur, and the tri- sulphide is then precipitated. Therefore, the precipitate formed by passing hydrogen sulphide into a solution of arsenic acid is likely to consist of a mixture of arsenic pentasulphide, trisulphide, and sulphur. Arsenious Acid, H 3 AsO 3 , is not known in the free state, but salts related to it are formed by treating arsenic tri- oxide with bases. Thus, when it is treated with potas- sium hydroxide the salt KAsO 2 , or potassium meta- arsenite, is formed : As a O, + 2KOH = 2KAs0 2 + H 9 O. 338 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Salts of meta-arsenious acid, AsO.OH, are more com- monly obtained than those of the normal acid, As(OH) 3 . In alkaline solution arsenious acid tends to pass into the form of arsenic acid, and it is therefore a useful reducing agent. Its action in this way is, however, not as strong as that of phosphorous acid. Arsenic Trioxide, As 2 O 3 . This compound is commonly called arsenic or white arsenic. It is the most important of all the compounds of the element arsenic. It finds applications for many purposes, and is manufactured in large quantities. It occurs in small quantity in nature, but that which comes into the market is manufactured by roa-sting natural arsenides, particularly arsenical py- rites, FeAsS. The products of roasting this compound are ferric oxide, Fe Q O 3 , sulphur dioxide, SO 2 , and arsenic trioxide, As 2 O 3 . Of these, the first is a non-volatile solid, the second a gas, and the third a volatile solid. By pass- ing the volatile products through properly constructed canals the arsenic trioxide is condensed on the walls. Some of the powder thus obtained must be subjected to a second process of distillation to make it pure enough for the market. In a recent year over 6000 tons of this substance were produced in England and Saxony. Arsenic trioxide is a colorless, amorphous, vitreous mass. Gradually it becomes opaque and crystalline, with an appearance like that of porcelain. It crystallizes in two forms, the common one being that of regular octa- hedrons. Under exceptional conditions it crystallizes in the form of rhombic prisms. When heated it sublimes, and is deposited on a cold surface in the form of octa- hedrons. Arsenic trioxide is difficultly soluble in water, but more easily in hydrochloric acid. The solution in hydrochloric acid contains arsenic trichloride (see p. 317), and when the solution is boiled the chloride is carried over. When the solution of the amorphous oxide in hydrochloric acid is concentrated enough it deposits the oxide in crystalline form, and the formation of the crystals is accompanied by an evolution of light which can be seen in a dark room. When the crystalline variety is dissolved it is deposited in crystals without ARSENIC TRIOXIDE. 339 evolution of light. The formation of arsenic trichloride by the action of hydrochloric acid on the oxide is perfectly analogous to the formation of the chloride of any base- forming element by the action of hydrochloric acid upon the oxide, as, for example, ferric oxide. The reactions are represented thus : As 2 O 3 + 6HC1 = 2AsCl 3 + 3H 2 O ; and Fe 2 3 + 6HC1 = 2FeCl 3 + 3H 2 O. While in this reaction arsenic appears as a base-forming element, its character as an acid-forming element shows itself when the chloride is treated with a large excess of water, under which circumstances it is completely con- verted into the oxide. Towards some acids also arsenic trioxide acts as a weak base. A somewhat complex sul- phate is known in which the arsenic replaces a part of the hydrogen of the acid. It is formed by treating the trioxide with fuming sulphuric acid. The trioxide is easily reduced. When heated with potassium cyanide, KCN, or with charcoal in a dry glass tube arsenic is deposited above the flame in the form of a dark lustrous layer. When brought into a vessel from which hydrogen is being evolved it is reduced to arsine. The specific gravity of the vapor of the oxide shows that it has the formula As 4 O 6 , and not As 2 O 3 ; as, however, most of its reactions can be more conveniently expressed by the aid of the simpler formula, the latter is commonly used. Arsenic trioxide has a weak, disagreeable, sweet taste, and is an active poison. A dose of from two to three grains is sufficient to cause death unless it is ejected by vomiting, or rendered harmless by being converted into an insoluble compound. It is possible, by beginning with small doses, and gradually increasing them, to accus- tom the human body to considerably larger doses than that mentioned. It strengthens the power of the respiratory organs, and consequently facilitates mountain- climbing. The peasants in some mountain regions are said to use it habitually. It is much used in medicine, especially in skin diseases. It is also used extensively 340 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. as a rat-poison. The most efficient antidote is a mixture of ferric hydroxide, Fe(OH) 3 , and magnesia, which forms with arsenic trioxide an insoluble compound. Arsenic Pentoxide, As 2 O 5 , is formed by igniting arsenic acid. If heated too high the pentoxide breaks down into arsenic trioxide and oxygen. A marked difference will be observed between the conduct of the oxides of phosphorus and that of the corresponding oxides of arsenic. While phosphorus trioxide takes up oxygen spontaneously when exposed to the air, and the pentoxide is not decomposed by heat, the trioxide of arsenic does not under any cir- cumstances take up oxygen directly, and the pentoxide easily breaks down into the trioxide and oxygen when heated. Sulphides. There are three compounds of arsenic with sulphur the disulphide, As 2 S 2 , the trisulphide, As 2 S 3 , and the pentasulphide, As 2 S 5 . Arsenic Disulphide, As 2 S 2 , occurs in nature and is known as realgar. It can also be obtained by melting arsenic and sulphur together in the right proportions. It forms an orange-red powder which was formerly used as a pigment. Arsenic Trisulphide, As 2 S 3 , is found in nature and is called orpiment or king's yellow. It can be prepared by melting together arsenic and sulphur in the proper pro- portions, and by precipitating a solution of arsenic tri- oxide in hydrochloric acid with hydrogen sulphide. It melts, forming a red liquid. The natural substance, as well as that which is precipitated by means of hydrogen sulphide, is yellow. It dissolves in soluble sulphides, forming salts of sulpharsenious acid, H 3 AsS 3 , or HAsS 2 . The salts are, for the most part, derived from the acid of the latter formula. There is, therefore, perfect analogy between the oxygen and sulphur compounds, for, as we have seen, when arsenic trioxide is dissolved in potassium hydroxide a salt of the formula KAsO 2 is formed. The analogy is clearly shown by means of the equations As 2 O 8 + 2KOH = 2KAsO 2 + H 2 O ; As a S 3 + 2KSH = 2KAsS 2 + H 2 S. ARSENIC TRISULPHIDE. 341 The acid HAsS 2 is derived from the corresponding nor- (SH mal acid As -< SH , by loss of one molecule of hydrogen ( SH sulphide : (SH As^ SH = (SH just as the acid HAsO 2 is derived from the normal oxy- (OH gen acid As -< OH , by loss of one molecule of water : (OH (OH As^OH = (OH When a solution of a sulpharsenite is treated with one of the stronger acids, as, for example, hydrochloric acid, arsenic trisulphide is precipitated. We should naturally look for the separation of the free acid according to the equation KAsS 2 + HC1 = HAsS 2 + KC1 ; but, if this is formed, it breaks down at once into hydro- gen sulphide and arsenic trisulphide : 2HAsS 2 = As 2 S 3 + H 2 S. There is a striking analogy between this action and that which takes place when a stronger acid is added to a solution of a carbonate, when carbon dioxide is set free : K,C0 3 + 2HC1 = H,C0 3 + 2KC1 ; H 2 C0 3 = C0 2 + H 2 0. A marked difference between the two cases is to be found in the fact that the trisulphide of arsenic is insol- uble in water and therefore appears as a precipitate, while carbon dioxide escapes as a gas. Besides salts of the acids H 3 AsS s and HAsS 2 , there are others derived from the more complex acid H 4 As 3 S 6 . 342 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. This bears to normal sulpharsenious acid, As(SH) 3 , a re- lation similar to that which pyrophosphoric acid bears to orthophosphoric. If two molecules of the normal acid lose one molecule of hydrogen sulphide, this pyrosulph- arsenious acid is the product : (SH 2As-{ SH = As 2 S(SH) 4 + H 2 S. (SH It is a salt of this acid which is formed when arsenic trisulphide is dissolved in ammonium sulphide : As 2 S 3 + 2(NH 4 ) 2 S = As 2 S(SNH 4 ) 4 . Arsenic Pentasulphide, As 2 S 3 , is formed by melting sul- phur and arsenic together in the proper proportions, and by precipitating a solution of sodium sulpharsenate with hydrochloric acid : 2Na 3 AsS 4 + 6HC1 = 6NaCl + As 2 S 5 + 3H 2 S. Sulpharsenic acids corresponding to the oxygen acids suggest themselves. We might, for example, expect to find salts derived from the acids H 3 AsS 4 , HAsS 3 , and H 4 As 2 S 7 , corresponding to ortho-, meta-, and pyro-arsenic acids. When arsenic pentasulphide is dissolved in solu- tions of metallic sulphides the products are generally salts of pyrosulpharsenic acid, H 4 As 2 S 7 , and these under- go decomposition into salts of the ortho- and meta-acids. When, for example, arsenic pentasulphide is dissolved in ammonium sulphide reaction takes place thus : AsA + 2(NH 4 ) Z S = (NH 4 ) 4 As,S, The ammonium salt formed in this way is, however, de- composed thus : (NH 4 ) 4 As,S, = (NH 4 ),AsS 4 + (NH 4 )AsS s . Only one compound intermediate between arsenic and sulpharsenic acids is known. This is the sulphoxyarsenic acid formed as the first product of the action of hydro- ANTIMONIC ACID ANTIMONY TRIOXIDE. 343 gen sulphide upon a solution of arsenic acid, which was referred to under Arsenic Acid (p. 337). The possibility of other products of the formulas H 3 AsO 2 S 2 and H 3 AsOS 3 will occur to every one. Antimonic Acid, H 3 SbO 4 . This acid is the final product of the oxidation of antimony when treated with aqua regia. It need only be said that it is very similar to phosphoric and arsenic acids ; and that, like these, it yields a meta- and a pyro-acid of the formulas HSbO 3 and H 4 Sb 2 O 7 . The acid of the formula OSb(OH) 3 , or orthoantimonic acid, is known in the free state, and is formed by treating a soluble salt of antimonic acid with sulphuric or nitric acid : OSb(OK) 3 + 3HNO 3 = 3KNO 3 + OSb(OH) 3 . An acid Sb 2 O(OH) 8 is also known in the free state, be- ing formed by the action of antimony pentachloride upon water. The lower oxides of antimony, the trioxide, Sb 2 O 3 , and the tetroxide, Sb 2 O 4 , are not strongly acidic; that is to say, they do not readily form salts when treated with bases. In this respect the trioxide of antimony differs markedly from the corresponding oxides of phosphorus and arsenic. Antimony Trioxide, Sb 2 O 3 . This compound is found in nature as white ore of antimony, and is easily formed by burning antimony in the air and by oxidizing it with nitric acid or saltpeter. That formed by burning anti- mony in the air always contains some of the tetroxide, and by heating it long enough in the air and to a temperature high enough it is completely transformed into the tetrox- ide. When the trioxide is dissolved in caustic soda a salt of the formula NaSbO 2 is formed. This is plainly derived from an acid of the formula HSbO 2 , which bears a simple relation to normal antimonious acid. Towards most bases, however, antimony trioxide does not conduct itself as an acid. On the other hand, towards the stronger acids it acts as a base. Salts of Antimony. The salts of antimony are derived either from the hydroxide Sb(OH) 3 , or from the hydrox- ide SbO.OH. The salts of the first class are called anti- 344 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. mony salts / those of the second class are called antimonyl salts. In the salts formed when the trihydroxide of an- timony is completely neutralized by acids, the antimony takes the place of three atoms of hydrogen. Thus, the nitrate has the formula Sb(NO 3 ) 3 ; the sulphate has the formula Sb 3 (SO 4 ) 3 ; etc. Besides these normal salts there are, however, basic salts. Thus there are two basic (OH (OH nitrates possible of the formulas Sb -< OH and Sb -< NO 3 . I NO, ( NO, The formation of antimonyl salts may be illustrated by the sulphate. This may be regarded as formed by the action of sulphuric acid upon the hydroxide SbO.OH, which is analogous in composition to the acid of arsenic of the formula AsO.OH : 2SbO.OH The product is antimonyl sulphate. The weak basic character of the hydroxides of antimony is shown by the fact that many of its salts are decomposed by water. The salt of antimony which is most commonly met with is the so-called tartar emetic, which appears to be an anti- monyl potassium salt of tartaric acid. Tartaric acid is a ( OTT dibasic acid of the formula C 4 H 4 O 4 -j QTT . When one of its acid hydrogen atoms is replaced by potassium, and the other by the antimonyl group SbO, the salt thus formed is tartar emetic, C 4 H 4 O 4 \ QTT- . It is also pos- sible that this salt may be derived from the trihydroxide Sb(OH) 3 by replacement of one hydrogen atom by potas- sium, and neutralization of the rest of the compound by the dibasic tartaric acid. It seems more probable, how- ever, that when tartaric acid acts upon the compound Sb j x-r ' 2 it first appropriates the potassium atom, form- ing acid potassium tartrate, and that the antimony triox- ide being basic is neutralized by the acid tartrate. To decide between the two views is at present impos- sible. OXIDES AND SULPHIDES OF ANTIMONY. 345 Antimony trioxide dissolves in hydrochloric acid, forming the trichloride, and this, as has been stated, is decomposed by water yielding oxychloricies. Antimony Tetroxide, Sb 2 O 4 . This compound is most easily obtained by igniting antimonic acid, H 3 SbO 4 . Two reactions are of course involved : 2H 3 Sb0 4 = Sb 2 5 + 3H 2 ; Sb 2 6 = Sb 2 4 + O. It is also formed by igniting the trioxide in the air. At ordinary temperatures the tetroxide is white, but it be- comes yellow when heated. Towards strong acids this oxide acts like a weak base. A potassium salt of the formula K 2 Sb 2 O 5 is known, which is derived from the acid H 2 Sb 2 O 5 , and this in turn from the simpler acid SbO(OH) 2 by loss of water. The oxide itself is regarded by some as an antimonyl salt of metantimonic acid, SbO 2 .OH, of the formula SbO 2 .O.SbO. Antimony Pentoxide, Sb 2 O 5 . The tetroxide of anti- mony does not combine with oxygen to form the pentox- ide. The latter can be obtained only by gentle ignition of antimonic acid, care being taken not to raise the tem- perature high enough to decompose the pentoxide into the tetroxide and oxygen. The fact that the pentoxide readily yields salts of antimonic acid when treated with basic solutions was mentioned under Antimonic Acid. Antimony Trisulphide, Sb 2 S 3 . This compound occurs in nature in considerable quantity and is the chief source of antimony. It is known as stibnite and antimony blende. In some localities, especially in Japan, it occurs in large rystals of great beauty. When heated in the air, or roasted, it is converted into the trioxide, and finally into the tetroxide, while the sulphur escapes as the dioxide. Hydrochloric acid dissolves the trisulphide in the form of the chloride with evolution of hydrogen sulphide : Sb 2 S 3 + 6HC1 = 2SbCl 3 + 3H 2 S. Nitric acid converts it into the oxide with separation of sulphur. When a solution of antimony chloride is treated with hydrogen sulphide, the trisulphide is thrown 346 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. down. This artificially prepared trisulphide has an orange-red color, while that which occurs in nature is black or gray. The sulphide dissolves in solutions of metallic sulphides, forming salts of sulphantimonious acid, either SbS.SH or Sb(SH) 3 . Antimony Pentasulphide, Sb 2 S 5 , is formed by passing hydrogen sulphide into a solution of antiinonic acid or by decomposing a salt of sulphantimonic acid by means of an acid. The action takes place thus : 2H 3 Sb0 4 + 5H 2 S = Sb 2 S B + 8H 2 ; 2Na,SbS 4 + 6HC1 = GNaCl + Sb 2 S & + 3H 2 S. It is, when dry, a golden-yellow powder known as sul- phur auratum. It dissolves easily in solutions of metallic sulphides, forming the sulphantimonates, of which the sodium salt, Na 3 SbS 4 , known as Schlippe's salt, is a good example. The action is represented by this equation : Sb 2 S & + GNaSH = 2Na 3 SbS 4 + 3H 2 S. When heated in the air the pentasulphide gives off enough sulphur to form the trisulphide ; while when the pentoxide is heated it is converted into the tetroxide. The sulphantimonates are decomposed when treated with acids and the pentasulphide is thrown down. Constitution of the Acids of Arsenic and Antimony. There is, in general, marked analogy between the com- pounds of phosphorus and those of arsenic and anti- mony. In one particular, however, there is a difference which is worthy of special mention. It appears that, while phosphorous acid is dibasic and probably has the (H structure OP < OH , arsenious and antimonious acids are (OH the normal compounds represented by the formulas As(OH) 3 and Sb(OH) 3 . Arsenic and antimonic acids ap- pear to have the same structure as phosphoric acid represented by the formulas As ] /^TTX and Sb -! /ri -rj x . ( (Ui) 3 ( (Oi) 3 The difference between phosphorous and arsenious acids suggests the difference between sulphurous and selenious OXIDES OF BISMUTH. 347 acids. While, according to the evidence, the constitution of sulphurous acid is that represented by the formula {TT ^TT , that of selenious acid is represented by the formulaOSe Oxychlorides of Antimony. Under the head of Anti- mony Trichloride the fact was mentioned that this com- pound is decomposed by cold water as represented in the equation SbCl 3 + H 2 O = SbOCl + 2HC1. If, however, hot water is used, the composition of the product approximates to that represented by the formula Sb 4 O 5 Cl 2 . This complex mixture of oxychlorides is known as the "Poivder of Algaroth" It may be regarded as derived from the simple oxychloride by loss of anti- mony trichloride, thus : SSbOCl = Sb 4 O B Cl 2 + SbCl 3 . Many other oxychlorides besides the two mentioned have been obtained, but they are all more or less closely related to the simple compound SbOCl. Oxides of Bismuth. The principal compound of bis- muth and oxygen is the trioxide, Bi 2 O 3 , which is formed when bismuth is burned in the air. It is a yellow pow- der. Besides the method just mentioned, it is formed by decomposing bismuth nitrate by high heat. If a so- lution of bismuth nitrate, Bi(NO 3 ) 3 , is treated with a cold solution of potassium hydroxide, bismuth hydrox- ide, Bi(OH) 3 , is thrown down. When this is dried at 100 it loses water and is converted into the hydroxide, BiO(OH) ; and if the hydroxide first precipitated is boiled with the solution it is converted into the yellow oxide, Bi 2 O 3 . The reactions involved are , . Bi(NO 3 ) 3 + 3KOH = Bi(OH) 3 + 3KN0 3 ; Bi(OH) 3 = BiO.OH + H 2 O ; 2Bi(OH) 3 = Bi 2 O 3 + 3H 2 0. The trioxide of bismuth is basic and forms salts which in composition correspond to the salts of antimony. 348 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Like the latter, they are of two classes the bismuth salts and the bismuthyl salts. The former are derived from the triacid base, Bi(OH) 3 , the latter from the monacid base, BiO(OH). Salts of Bismuth. The best known salts of bismuth are those which it forms with sulphuric and with nitric acids. There is a sulphate of the formula BiH(SO 4 ) 3 formed by dissolving bismuth oxide in dilute sulphuric acid. The sulphate which is most stable in the presence of water is the bismuthyl salt, (BiO) 2 SO 4 . When bismuth is dissolved in nitric acid and the solution evaporated to dryness the salt Bi(NO 3 ) 3 + 10H 2 O is ob- tained. This salt is decomposed when heated, and by water, forming basic nitrates of bismuth. The composition of the basic nitrate obtained by decomposing the neutral nitrate with water differs according to the conditions. Hot and cold water produce different results. A solu- tion containing much nitric acid does not give the same result as one which contains little, etc. As basic bismuth nitrate is used in medicine it is necessary that specific directions should be given for its preparation, in order that a substance of the same composition should always be obtained. Among the basic nitrates which have been isolated are the following : Bi j ^\ BiO.NO 3 and ( O.BiO Bi-< O.NO 2 . Besides these many of much more complex (OH composition are known, but all of them can be referred to the simple forms. Some of them are of special inter- est, as they appear to be derived from complex forms of nitric acid, as, for example, an acid of the formula N 2 O 3 (OH) 4 or H 4 N 2 O 7 , which is analogous to pyrophos- phoric, pyroarsenic, and pyroantimonic acids. The basic nitrate of bismuth, or the subnitrate, as it is frequently called in pharmacy, is much used in medicine as a rem- edy in dysentery and cholera. It is also used as a cosmetic. Bismuth Dioxide, Bi 2 O 2 , is formed as a brown precipi- tate when potassium hydroxide is added to a solution of COMPOUNDS OF BISMUTH. 349 bismuth chloride and stannous chloride, SnCl 2 . Stan- nous chloride combines very readily with chlorine to form stannic chloride, SnCl 4 . When, therefore, stannous chloride and bismuth chloride are brought together, it is probable that the former extracts a part of the chlo- rine from the latter, forming a chloride of the formula BiCl 2 , and this with the potassium hydroxide breaks down, yielding the dioxide : 2BiCl 3 + Sn01 2 = 2BiCl 2 + SnCl 4 ; 2BiCl a + 4KOH = Bi 2 2 + 4KC1 + 2H 2 O. Bismuth. Pentoxide, Bi 2 O 5 , is formed by oxidizing the trioxide, by means of chlorine, in alkaline solution. Al- though some experimenters appear to have obtained salts of bismuthic acid, as, for example, KBiO 3 , others have failed to obtain them. In any case it is evident that the acid properties of the oxide are very weak. Bismuth. Trisulphide, Bi 2 S 3 , occurs in nature, and is formed by precipitating bismuth from solutions of its salts with hydrogen sulphide. It dissolves in hot con- centrated hydrochloric acid and in nitric acid. It does not dissolve in solutions of the sulphides as the sulphides of arsenic and antimony do. Bismuth Oxychloride, BiOCl, which in composition is analogous to the simplest form of antimony oxy chloride, is thrown down as a white powder when a solution con- taining bismuth chloride is treated with water : BiCl 3 + H 3 O = BiOCl + 2HC1. FAMILY Y, GROUP A. As the members of Group A, Family VII, are related to Group B of the same family ; and as the members of Group A, Family VI, are related to the members of Group B of the same family, so the members of Group A,. Family V, are related to the members of Group B, which have just been studied. The members of Group A are vanadium, columbium, tantalum, and didymium, all of which are rare. Of these vanadium has been most thoroughly in- vestigated, and columbium next, 350 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Vanadium, V (At. Wt. 50.99). This element occurs in nature in the form of vanadates or salts of vanadic acid, H 3 VO 4 , which is analogous to phosphoric acid. The methods employed in separating the element from its compounds depend upon the composition of the com- pound. In the separation advantage is frequently taken of the fact that the ammonium salt of vanadic acid is difficultly soluble in a solution of ammonium chloride. When this ammonium salt is ignited it is converted into the pentoxide V 2 O 6 . With chlorine, vanadium forms the compounds YC1 2 , YC1 3 , and YC1 4 ; with oxygen, the compounds V 2 O, Y 2 O 2 , Y 2 O 3 , Y 2 O 4 , and Y 2 O 5 . In its re- lations to oxygen it suggests nitrogen. The oxide, Y 2 O 4 , conducts itself something like the tetroxide of antimony. Towards strong bases it acts like an acid, forming salts of the general formula Y 4 O 7 (OM) 2 . (See Antimony Tetroxide.) Vanadic Acid, H 3 VO 4 , is the most important and best known of the compounds of vanadium. It is the final product of the oxidation of vanadium, and bears to this element the same relation that phosphoric, arsenic, and antimonic acids bear to phosphorus, arsenic, and anti- mony. The vanadates are derived from ortho-, meta-, and pyro-vanadic acids, though the most stable ones are the metavanadates, MYO 3 . The free metavanadic acid is known. It is a beautiful golden-yellow compound, which may be used as a substitute for gold bronze. An oxy- chloride of the formula YOC1 3 , corresponding to phos- phorus oxychloride, is made by direct addition of chlorine to vanadium dioxide. Tantalum, Ta (At. Wt. 181.45). Tantalum occurs in the minerals columbite and tantalite, accompanied by nio- bium. With the members of the chlorine group it forms the compounds TaF 6 , TaCl 6 , TaBr 5 , and TaI 6 . Tantalum fluoride combines easily with the fluorides of other metals forming the fluotantalates. These may be regarded as salts of fluotantalic acid, which are derived from the oxy- gen acids by replacement of a part or all of the oxygen by fluorine. Thus, the salt K 2 TaF 7 is easily obtained by treating tantalum fluoride with a solution of potassium BORON. 351 fluoride. This is a salt of the acid H 2 TaF 7 or H 4 Ta 2 F 14 , which is analogous to the oxygen acid H 4 Ta 2 O 7 . With oxygen it forms Ta 2 O 4 and Ta 2 O 5 . The latter forms the tantalates with bases. When tantalum pentachloride is decomposed with water it forms the acid H 4 Ta a O, or pyrotantalic acid : 2TaCl 5 + 7H a O = Ta 2 3 (OH) 4 + 10HC1. The tantalates are derived from the meta-acid HTa0 3 , and from the hexa-acid H 8 Ta 6 O 19 , which is derived from the ortho-acid as represented in this equation : 6H 3 TaO 4 = H 8 Ta 6 O 19 + 5H 3 O. Columbium, Cb (At. Wt. 93.7). This element, which is sometimes called niobium, occurs in the mineral colum- bite. It forms two chlorides, CbCl 3 and CbCl 6 , and a bromide and fluoride corresponding to the latter chlo- ride. The fluoride readily forms fluocolumbates, similar to the fluotantalates. The niobates are- derived from a number of forms of the acid which are, however, closely related to the ortho-acid H 3 CbO 4 . Didymium consists of two very similar elements, neo- dymium and praseodymium. In some of their compounds they show a resemblance to the members of this group. They form, for example, an oxide of the formula Di 2 O 6 . On the other hand, they seem to be more closely related to cerium and lanthanum, which are also very rare ele- ments, occurring associated with didymium. These will be further treated of in connection with lanthanum and cerium. BOEON, B (At. Wt. 10.86). General. Although the element boron is not a mem- ber of the family to which nitrogen and phosphorus be- long, it nevertheless resembles the members of this family in some respects. It belongs to the same family as aluminium, and in the composition of its compounds it is undoubtedly similar to aluminium ; but, on the other hand, its oxide is distinctly acidic, while that of aluminium is basic. 352 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Occurrence. Boron occurs in nature chiefly in the form of boric acid, or as salts of this acid, particularly a sodium salt known as borax. Preparation. From borax and the other borates the acid can easily be obtained. When heated, water is given off, and boron trioxide, B 2 O 8 , is left : 2B(OH) 3 = B 3 3 + 3H,0. By heating the oxide with potassium amorphous boron is obtained. By melting the oxide with aluminium, boron is formed and is dissolved in the molten alumin- ium, from which, on cooling, it is deposited in crystals. Amorphous boron in almost pure form is obtained by heating borax with magnesium powder. One of the chief difficulties encountered in preparing boron is to prevent the element from combining with the nitrogen of the air. At the high temperature at which the reduction takes place the two elements combine very readily to form, the compound boron nitride, BN. The crystals obtained in the process described are not pure boron, but contain aluminium, or carbon and aluminium, apparently in combination with the boron. The crystals are very hard, and some of them have a high lustre. Properties. Amorphous boron is a greenish-brown powder. It burns when heated in the air or in oxygen, the product being the trioxide B 2 O 3 . Strong oxidizing agents, like nitric acid and saltpeter, readily oxidize it> forming boric acid. It combines readily also with many other elements, as with chlorine, nitrogen, and sulphur. When it is brought into the melting hydroxides or car- bonates of potassium or sodium, it forms borates of the corresponding metals. Boron Trichloride, BC1 9 . This compound is formed by heating boron in a current of dry chlorine, and by heat- ing a mixture of boron trioxide and charcoal in chlorine : 2B,0 8 + 30 + 601, = 4BC1 3 + 3CO,. This reaction is especially interesting on account of its double character. Carbon alone could not reduce the BORON TRIFLUORIDE. 353 boron trioxide at the temperature employed ; nor could the chlorine alone displace the oxygen and form the chloride, but when both chlorine and carbon act together these changes take place, one aiding the other. The chloride is a liquid which boils at 17. Like phosphorus trichloride, it is easily decomposed by water, forming boric acid, which, as will be seen, is analogous in composition to phosphorous acid and arsenious acid : BC1 3 + 3H 2 = B(OH) 3 + 3HC1. This decomposition is analogous to that of arsenic tri- chloride rather than to that of phosphorus trichloride, for in the latter case a secondary change takes place, re- sulting in the formation of an acid of the constitution H OP - 1 (OH); Boron Trifluoride, BF 3 , is obtained by treating a mix- ture of fluor-spar and boron trioxide with concentrated sulphuric acid. The reaction is a double one, consisting, first, in the setting free of hydrofluoric acid from the fluor-spar : CaF 2 + H 2 SO 4 = CaS0 4 + 2HF ; and, second, in the action of the hydrofluoric acid upon the oxide of boron : B 2 O 3 + 6HF = 2BF 3 + 3H 2 O. It is a colorless gas, which acts upon water, and therefore forms a thick white cloud in the air. The action upon water is represented by the equation 4BF 3 + 3H 2 O = B(OH) 3 + 3HBF 4 . The first action which we should expect is the formation of normal boric acid, thus : BF S + 3H 2 O = B(OH) 3 + 3HF. But the hydrofluoric acid combines with some of the trifluoride of boron, forming the compound HBF 4 , which is known as fluoboric acid. Several elements act in this 354 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. way, particularly the members of the silicon group. Silicon itself forms the well-known compound fluosilicic acid. Fluoboric acid is to be regarded as metaboric acid, HBO 2 , in which the two oxygen atoms have been re- placed by fluorine. The acid has been obtained in the free state, and is a liquid boiling at 120. It forms salts of the general formula MBF 4 , of which the potassium salt, KBF 4 , is the best example. Boric Acid, B(OH) 3 . Boric acid occurs free in nature and in the form of salts, of which the principal one is borax. Besides borax, which is a sodium salt derived from tetraboric acid, H 2 B 4 O 7 , there are other natural borates, as boracite, which is a magnesium salt combined with magnesium chloride ; and datholite, which is made up of silicic acid, boric acid, and the element calcium. One of the most interesting natural forms of boric acid is that which is given off from the earth with steam. Such jets of steam are met with in many volcanic regions, and are called fumaroles. In Tuscany many of the fumarbles are charged with small quantities of boric acid, which is somewhat volatile with steam. Those at Monte Cerboli and Monte Kotundo in Tuscany are util- ized for the purpose of obtaining the boric acid. For this purpose basins are built over the fumaroles and filled with water, so that the steam is condensed and the boric acid dissolved in the water. The solutions formed at the higher levels flow into basins at lower levels, and finally become charged with a considerable quantity of the acid, when it is evaporated to crystallization by the aid of the heat furnished by the fumaroles. The acid obtained in this way is not pure, but by recrystallization it is easily purified. Boric acid can also be made from borax by heating the salt in solution with dilute sulphuric acid : Na 3 B 4 T + H 2 S0 4 + 5H 3 O = Na 2 SO 4 + 4B(OH) 3 . If the solution is sufficiently concentrated the boric acid crystallizes out on cooling. Boric acid is easily soluble in water, and crystallizes from the solution. It is also soluble in alcohol, and this BORIC ACID. 355 solution burns with a characteristic green flame. The acid is quite volatile with water vapor. When heated at 100 orthoboric acid loses one molecule of water, and is converted into metaboric acid, HBO 2 ; at 160 it yields tetraboric acid, H 2 B 4 O 7 ; and at a higher temperature it is converted into boron trioxide or boric anhydride, B a O 8 . These changes are represented in the equations follow- ing: OH /OH B(O M>H OH H OH \OH The most stable salts are the tetraborates and meta- borates. Borax is the sodium salt of tetraboric acid, Na 2 B 4 O 7 . The salts of orthoboric acid are unstable. They break down when treated with water, forming free boric acid and either metaborates or tetraborates. When heated together with oxides, boric oxide forms salts just as boric oxide and water form boric acid. Borax also, when treated with metallic oxides, forms double borates, which are derived from normal boric acid. Thus with copper oxide action takes place which should probably be represented thus : Na 2 B 4 O 7 + 5CuO = Na 2 Cu 6 (BO 3 ) 4 ; and B a O 3 + 3CuO = Cu 3 (BO 3 ) 2 . Many of these salts are colored, and the action of metallic compounds upon boron trioxide and upon borax ig utilized for the purpose of determining their nature 356 INORGANIG CHEMISTRY. by the color of the mass formed. It will be remembered that sodium metaphosphate is used in the same way* With it the oxides form salts of phosphoric acid. Most of the boric acid obtained from Tuscany is used in the manufacture of borax, a salt which finds extensive application. Salts of Boron. Although the most characteristic com- pounds of boron are those in which it acts as an acid- forming element, it forms some compounds in which its power as a base-former is shown. Thus, with concen- trated sulphuric acid the trioxide forms a compound which appears to be pyrosulphuric acid, H 2 S 2 O 7 , in which one hydrogen is replaced by the group BO, which is analogous to antimonyl, SbO, and bismuthyl, BiO. It has the composition (BO)HS 2 O 7 . Further, when con- centrated phosphoric acid acts upon crystallized boric acid, boron phosphate, BPO 4 , is formed. This compound is characterized by great stability. Concentrated acids, for example, do not decompose itt It also forms a salt which appears to be analogous to tartar emetic, which, as has been pointed out, is probably antimonyl potas- sium tartrate, C 4 H 4 O 6 -j ^ . This is the salt represented ( "RO by the formula C 4 H 4 O 6 \ -g- , which may be called boryl potassium tartrate. Nitrogen Boride, BN. This Compound has been re- ferred to in connection with the preparation of boron. It is easily obtained by igniting a mixture of dehydrated borax and ammonium chloride. It forms a white pow- der, which is insoluble in water, and is characterized by great stability. At red heat it is decomposed by water vapor into ammonia and boric acid : 2BN + 6H 3 = 2B(OH) 3 + 2NH,. IJJ.S CHAPTER XIX. CARBON (C, At. Wt. 11.92) AND ITS SIMPLER COMPOUNDS WITH HYDROGEN AND CHLORINE. Introductory. Carbon bears to Family IV relations similar to those which nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine bear to Families V, VI, and VII. Towards hydrogen, as well as towards chlorine and oxygen, carbon is quadri- valent, and towards oxygen it is also bivalent. In this family the maximum oxygen-valence coincides with the hydrogen- valence, while, as has been seen, in Families V, VI, and VII, the oxygen- valence is higher than the hy- drogen-valence, the difference becoming greater from Family V to VII. While the higher oxygen compounds of Family IV are acidic, forming acids which are derived from the normal acid, E(OH) 4 , the lower oxides are not generally acid. The hydrogen compounds of the general formula MH 4 , of which there are but two, those of car- bon and silicon, have neither acid nor basic properties. Carbon is distinguished by the large number of the compounds into which it enters, all of which are more or less closely related to a comparatively small number of fundamental forms. Silicon also forms a large number of compounds, as we shall see ; but these are of a differ- ent kind from those obtained from carbon. Occurrence of Carbon. In general, substances which are obtained from the vegetable or animal kingdom blacken when heated to a sufficiently high temperature, and after- wards, if they are heated in the air, they burn up, as we say. When we consider the great variety of substances found in living things, it certainly appears remarkable that nearly all have this property in common. It is due to the fact that nearly all animal and vegetable substances contain the element carbon. When they are heated the (357) 358 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. other elements present are first driven off in various forms of combination, while the carbon is the last to go. Hydrogen and oxygen pass off as water ; hydrogen and nitrogen as ammonia ; and much of the carbon also passes off in combination with hydrogen, with hydrogen and oxygen, and with nitrogen and hydrogen. If the heat- ing is carried on in the air, the carbon finally combines with oxygen to form a colorless gas it burns up. Car- bon is the central element of organic nature. There is not a living thing, from the minutest microscopic animal to the mammoth, from the moss to the giant tree, which does not contain this element as an essential constituent. The number of the compounds which it forms is almost infinite, and they present such peculiarities that they are commonly treated of under a separate head, " Organic Chemistry." There is no good reason for this, except the large number of the compounds. For our present pur- pose it will suffice to consider the chemistry of the ele- ment itself, and of a few of its more important simple compounds. From what has already been said, it will be seen that the principal form in which carbon occurs in nature is in combination with other elements. It occurs not only in living things, but in their fossil remains, as in coal. Coal-oil, or petroleum, the formation of which is perhaps due to the action of water on metallic carbides, consists of a large number of compounds which contain only car- bon and hydrogen. Most products of plant-life contain the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Among the more common of these products may be mentioned sugar, starch, and cellulose. Most products of animal life con- tain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Among them may be mentioned albumen, fibrin, casein, etc. Carbon occurs in the air in the form of carbon dioxide. It also occurs in the form of salts of carbonic acid ; the carbonates, which are very widely distributed, forming whole mountain ranges. Limestone, marble, and chalk are varieties of calcium carbonate. Uncombined, the element occurs pure in two very dif- DIAMONDGRAPHITE. 359 ferent forms in nature : (1) As diamond ; and (2) as graphite, or plumbago. Diamond. The diamond occurs in but few places on the earth, and practically nothing is known as to the conditions which gave rise to its formation. The cele- brated diamond beds are in India, Borneo, Brazil, and South Africa. When found, diamonds are generally covered with an opaque layer, which must be removed before its beautiful properties are apparent. The crys- tals are sometimes regular octahedrons, though usually they are somewhat more complicated, and the faces are frequently curved. It is the hardest substance known. For use as a gem it must be cut and polished. The object in view is to bring out as strikingly as possi- ble its brilliancy by exposing the faces favorably to the action of the' light. If heated to a very high tem- perature without access of air, it swells up and is converted into a black mass resembling coke. The change takes place without loss in weight. Heated to a high temperature in oxygen, it burns up, yielding only carbon dioxide. It is insoluble in all known liquids at ordinary temperatures. It dissolves, however, in molten cast iron and in some other molten metals. Small diamonds have recently (1897) been made by Moissan by dissolving carbon in cast iron with the aid of an electric furnace, and suddenly cooling the mass. Under these conditions the carbon is under great pressure. Graphite. Graphite, or plumbago, is found in nature in large quantities. Sometimes it is crystallized, but in forms entirely different from those assumed by the dia- mond. It can be prepared artificially by dissolving char- coal in molten iron, from which solution, on cooling, it is partly deposited as graphite. It has a grayish-black color and a metallic lustre. It is quite soft, leaving a leaden-gray mark on paper when drawn across it, and it is hence used in the manufacture of so-called lead pencils. It is sometimes called black-lead. When heated without access of air it remains unchanged. Heated to a very high temperature in the air, or in oxygen, it burns up, forming 360 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. only carbon dioxide. Like the diamond, it is insoluble in all known liquids at ordinary temperatures. Amorphous Carbon. All forms of carbon which are not diamond, nor graphite, are included under the name amorphous carbon. The name signifies simply that it is not crystallized. The most common form of amorphous carbon is ordinary charcoal. Charcoal is that form of carbon made by the charring process, which consists simply in heating wood without a sufficient supply of air to effect complete combus- tion. The substance almost exclusively used in the manufacture of charcoal is wood. As has already been stated, wood is made up of a large number of substances, nearly all of which, however, consist of the three elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. One of the chief con- stituents of all kinds of wood is cellulose. Now, when we set fire to a piece of wood, that is to say, when we heat it up to the temperature at which oxygen begins to act on it, it burns, if air is present. Under ordinary cir- cumstances the chemical changes which take place are complex;. but if care is taken, the combustion can be made complete, when all the carbon is converted into car- bon dioxide, and all the hydrogen into water. If, on the other hand, the air is prevented from coming in contact with the wood, as by heating it in a closed vessel, or if it is prevented from coming in contact with it sufficiently to effect complete combustion, the hydrogen is given off partly as water and partly in the form of volatile products containing carbon and oxygen, as wood spirits or methyl alcohol, pyroligneous or acetic acid, acetone, etc. The carbon, however, is for the most part left behind as charcoal, as there is not enough oxygen to convert it into carbon dioxide. Such a process as that just de- scribed, when carried on in closed vessels, is known as destructive distillation or dry distillation. It is also known as the charring process. It is a complex example of a kind of change which we have already had to deal with. Whenever chemical compounds are heated the constitu- ents tend to arrange themselves in forms which are stable at the higher temperature. Sulphites become sulphates ; CHARCOAL. 361 phosphites become phosphates; chlorates become per- chlorates ; ammonium salts break down into the acids and ammonia ; ammonium nitrite is decomposed into nitro- gen and water ; ammonium nitrate yields nitrous oxide and water ; primary phosphates yield metaphosphates ; secondary phosphates yield pyrophosphates, etc., etc. Carbon compounds are, in general, more sensitive to the influence of heat than the compounds of other elements, and all are decomposed even at comparatively low temperatures. The above statements will make it possible to under- stand the working of a charcoal-kiln. This consists es- sentially of a pile of wood arranged to leave spaces be- tween the pieces, and covered with some rough material through which the air will not pass easily, as, for exam- ple, a mixture of powdered charcoal, turf, and earth. Small openings are left in this covering, so that after the wood is kindled it will continue to burn slowly. The process is sometimes carried on in structures of brick- work with the necessary number of small openings in the walls. The changes above mentioned take place, the gases or volatile substances passing out of the top of the kiln, and appearing as a dense cloud. In due time the holes through which the air gains access to the wood, thus making the burning possible, are stopped up, and the burning ceases. Charcoal, which is impure amorphous carbon, is left behind. As wood always contains some incombustible substances in small quan- tity, these are, of course, found in the charcoal. When the wood or charcoal is burned, these substances remain behind as the ash. Ordinary charcoal is a black, comparatively soft sub- stance. It burns in the air, though not easily, unless the gases which are formed are constantly removed and fresh air is supplied, conditions which are met by a good draught, or by blowing upon the fire with a bellows. It burns readily in oxygen. The product of the com- bustion in the air and in oxygen, when the conditions are favorable, is carbon dioxide, CO 2 . In the air, when the draught is bad, another compound of carbon and oxygen, 362 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. carbon monoxide, CO, is formed. Heated without access of air, charcoal remains unchanged. Charcoal is insolu- ble in liquids generally, though it is soluble in molten iron, and it crystallizes from the solution, as we have seen, in the form of graphite, and sometimes as diamond. Coke. Besides wood charcoal, there are other forms of amorphous carbon, which are manufactured for special purposes, or are formed in processes carried on for the sake of other products. Coke is a form of amorphous carbon which is made by heating ordinary gas-coal with- out access of air, as is done on the large scale in the manufacture of illuminating gas. Coke bears to coal much the same relation that charcoal bears to wood. Lamp-black is a very finely divided form of charcoal which is deposited on cold objects placed in the flames of burning oils. The oils consist almost exclusively of carbon and hydrogen. When burned in the air they yield carbon dioxide and water. If the flame is cooled down by any means, or if the supply of air is partly cut off, the carbon is not completely burned, the flame "smokes," as we say, and deposits soot. This process is chemically analogous to the deposit of metallic arsenic from a flame of arsine, to the deposit of sulphur from a flame of hydrogen sulphide, and that of phosphorus from a flame of phosphine, when these gases are burned in a supply of air insufficient to effect complete combus- tion of both constituents. The soot obtained from the flames of burning oils is made up largely of fine particles of carbon, though some of the unchanged oils are con- tained in it. It is used in the manufacture of printing- ink. As carbon is acted upon directly by very few sub- stances, and is not soluble, it is almost impossible to destroy the color of printing-ink without destroying the material upon which it is impressed. Bone-Hack, or Animal Charcoal, is a form of amorphous carbon which is made by charring bones. Bones consist of about one third organic matter and two thirds incom- bustible matter, mostly calcium phosphate. When charred, the organic matter undergoes the changes briefly described under the head of Charcoal, while the CHARCOAL. 363 incombustible constituents remain unchanged. As the organic matter is distributed through the substance of the bones the charcoal obtained in this way is in a very fine state of division, but it is mixed with several times its own weight of mineral matter. In order to remove the latter the bone-black must be treated with hydro- chloric acid, and afterwards thoroughly washed with water. An efficient variety of animal charcoal is made, further, by mixing blood with sodium carbonate, char- ring, and afterwards dissolving out the sodium carbon- ate with water. Bone-black and wood-charcoal are very porous, and have the power to absorb gases. When placed in air containing bad-smelling gases these are absorbed, and the air is thus to some extent purified. When water con- taining disagreeable substances is treated with charcoal, these are wholly or partly absorbed, and the water is im- proved. Charcoal-filters are therefore extensively used. A charcoal-filter to be efficient should be of good size, and from time to time the charcoal should be taken out and renewed. The small filters which are screwed into faucets are of little value, as the charcoal soon becomes charged with the objectionable material which is pres- ent in the water, and is then a source of contamination rather than a means of purification. The power of charcoal to absorb gases depends upon its porosity. That from some varieties of wood is more porous than that from other varieties. Box-wood charcoal has been shown to absorb 90 times its own volume of am- monia gas, 35 times its volume of carbon dioxide, and nearly twice its volume of hydrogen. Charcoal from cocoa-nut wood absorbs 172 times its volume of am- monia, and 68 times its volume of carbon dioxide. Some coloring matters can be removed from liquids by passing the liquids through bone-black filters. On the large scale, this fact is taken advantage of in the refining of sugar. The solution of sugar first obtained from the cane or beet is highly colored ; and, if it were evapo- rated, the sugar deposited from it would be dark-colored. If, however, the solution is first passed through bone- 364 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. black filters, the color is removed, and now, on evaporat- ing, white sugar is deposited. In the laboratory con- stant use is made of this method for decolorizing liquids. The action can easily be shown by adding a little bone- black to a solution containing some litmus or indigo. If the solution is digested for a short time with the bone-black, and then passed through a filter, it will be found that the coloring matter is removed. Charcoal does not undergo decay in the air or under water nearly as readily as wood. That is another way of stating the chemical fact that the substances of which wood is made up are more susceptible to the action of other chemical substances than charcoal is. We have one good illustration of this, indeed, in the relative ease with which charcoal and wood burn in the air. Piles which are driven below the surface of water are some- times charred to protect them from the action of those substances which cause decay. Coal. Under this head are included a great many kinds of impure amorphous carbon which occur in na- ture. Although we might distinguish between an almost infinite number of kinds of coal, for ordinary purposes they are divided into hard and soft coals, or anthracite and bituminous coals. Then there are substances more nearly allied to wood called lignite,, and those which rep- resent a very early stage in the process of coal-forma- tion, viz., peat. A close examination 01 all these varie- ties has shown that they have been formed by the gradual decomposition of vegetable matter in an insuf- ficient supply of air. The process has been going on for ages. Sometimes the substances have, at the same time, been subjected to great pressure; ac can be seen from the position in which they occur in the earth. The products in the earlier stages of the coal-forming pro- cess are more closely allied to wood than those in the later stages. All forms of coal contain other substances in addition to the carbon. The soft coals are particu-= larly rich in other substances. When heated they give off a mixture of gases and the vapors of volatile liquids. The gases are, for the most part, useful for illuminating DIAMOND, GRAPHITE, AND CHARCOAL. 365 purposes. The liquids form a black, tarry mass known as coal-tar, from which many valuable compounds of car- bon are obtained. The gases are passed through water for the purpose of removing certain impurities. This water absorbs ammonia, and forms the ammoniacal liquor of the gas-works, which, as has been stated, is the prin- cipal source of ammonia. Diamond, Graphite, and Charcoal are Different Forms of the Element Carbon. We have seen that oxygen presents itself in two forms ordinary oxygen and ozone. Ozone is made from oxygen, and oxygen from ozone, without any increase or decrease in weight ; and the compounds ob- tained by the combination of other elements with oxygen are identical with those obtained by the combination of the same elements with ozone. So also there are several varieties of sulphur, two of which crystallize in' different forms. There are, further, three or four different modi- fications of the element phosphorus, and these differ from one another in a very marked way. The explana- tion of the difference between oxygen and ozone is that the molecule of the former is made up of two atoms, while that of ozone is made up of three, which are in a state of unstable equilibrium. This explanation is reached through a study of the specific gravity of the two gases. At present no satisfactory explanation can be given of the difference between the varieties of phos- phorus and between the varieties of sulphur. It will probably be shown to be due to the way in which the atoms are grouped together in the molecules, and also to the way in which the molecules are grouped together to form the masses. Carbon, as we have seen, occurs in three distinct forms It is difficult to conceive that the black, porous charcoal, and the dull, gray, soft graphite are chemically identical with the hard, transparent, brilliant diamond. Yet this is undoubtedly the case, as can be shown by a very simple experiment. Each of the substances when burned in oxygen yields carbon dioxide. Now ? the composition of carbon dioxide is known, so that, if the weight of the carbon dioxide formed in a given experiment is known, the weight of the 366 INORG'ANIC CHEMISTRY. carbon in it is also known. When a gram of pure char- coal is burned it yields 3f grams carbon dioxide, and in this quantity of carbon dioxide there is contained ex- actly one gram of carbon. Further, when a gram of graphite is burned the same weight (3f grams) of carbon dioxide is obtained as in the case of charcoal ; and the same thing is true of diamond. It follows from these facts that the three forms of matter known as char- coal, graphite, and diamond consist only of the element carbon. The explanation of the diffei ^nce is not known, but, as in the cases of phosphorus an \ sulphur, it will probably be found to be in the differeii ways in which the atoms are arranged in the molecule, and the mole- cules in the masses. Notwithstanding the marked differences in their ap- pearance and in many of their physical properties, the three forms of carbon have, as we have seen, some prop- erties in common. They are insoluble in all known liquids at ordinary temperatures. They are tasteless, inodorous, and infusible. When heated without access of air they remain unchanged, unless the temperature is very high, when the diamond swells up and is converted into a mass resembling coke a change which is con- nected with a rearrangement of the particles in an irreg- ular way, so that the substances cease to be crystalline, or become amorphous. Chemical Conduct of Carbon. At ordinary tempera- tures carbon is an inactive element. If it is left in contact with any one of the elements, no chemical change takes place. It will not combine with any of them unless the tem- perature is raised. At higher temperatures, however, it combines with several of them with great ease, especially with oxygen. Under proper conditions it combines also with nitrogen, with hydrogen, with sulphur, and with many other elements. It combines with oxygen either directly, as when it burns in the air or in oxygen ; or it abstracts oxygen from some of the oxides. The direct combination of oxygen and carbon has already been seen in the burning of charcoal in oxygen, and is familiar to every one in the fire in a charcoal furnace. That car- CHEMICAL CONDUCT OF CARBON. 367 ton dioxide is the product formed can be shown by passing the gas through lime-water or baryta-water, when insoluble calcium or barium carbonate will be thrown down. The reason why lime-water or baryta- water is used is simply that an insoluble compound is formed, and this can be seen, and it can be separated from the liquid and examined. The reaction which takes place is represented thus : Ca(OH) 3 + CO 2 = CaCO 3 + H 2 O; Calcium Carbon Calcium hydroxide dioxide carbonate Ba(OH) 2 + C0 2 = BaC0 3 +H 2 O. Barium Carbon Barium hydroxide dioxide carbonate No other common gas acts in this way on these solu- tions. Hence, when, under ordinary circumstances, a gas is passed into lime-water and an insoluble compound is formed, we may conclude that the gas is carbon diox- ide, though this conclusion may require further proof. The abstraction of oxygen from compounds by means of carbon may be illustrated in a number of ways. Thus, when powdered copper oxide, CuO, is mixed with pow- dered charcoal, and the mixture heated in a tube, car- bon dioxide is given off, and can be detected as in the last experiment mentioned. Copper is left behind, and, if the proportions are properly selected, all the carbon will pass off as carbon dioxide, and only the copper be left behind : 2CuO + C = 2Cu + CO,. In a similar way, arsenious oxide, As^O 3 , gives up its oxygen to carbon. This fact furnishes indeed a delicate method for the detection of the substance. If a little is placed in th'3 bottom of a small tube, and above it a small piece of charcoal, then when heat is applied the arsenious oxide sublimes, and as its vapor passes the heated charcoal the oxygen is abstracted, and the ele- ment arsenic, being also somewhat volatile, is deposited 368 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. just above the charcoal in the form of a lustrous mirror on the walls of the tube. The reaction is As has already been explained, the abstraction of oxy- gen from a compound is known as reduction. Hence, carbon is called a reducing agent. It is indeed the re- ducing agent which is most extensively used in the arts. Its chief use is in extracting metals from their ores, which are the forms in which they occur in nature. Thus, iron does not occur in nature as iron, but in com- bination with other elements, especially with oxygen. In order to get the metal the ore must be reduced, or, in other words, the oxygen must be extracted. This is invariably accomplished by heating it with some form of carbon, either coke or charcoal. The elements chlorine, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydro- gen being gases, and the products formed when the first three combine with hydrogen being also gaseous or con- vertible into vapor, it is a comparatively easy matter to study the relations between the volumes of the combin- ing gases and the volumes of the products formed. It is, however, impossible to determine the ratio between the volume of carbon gas and that of other gases with which it combines. Compounds of Carbon with Hydrogen, or Hydrocarbons. Conditions under which Hydrocarbons are Formed. When the carbon pencils connected with a powerful battery, as in the production of the electric arc-light, are sur- rounded by an atmosphere of hydrogen the two elements combine to some extent to form the compound acetylene, C,H a . When organic matter undergoes decomposition without free access of air, as for example under water, the carbon compounds are reduced to the final product known as marsh-gas or methane, CH 4 , just as compounds containing nitrogen yield ammonia. Compounds of various metals with carbon, known as carbides, yield hydrocarbons, such as acetylene and marsh-gas, when treated with water. The compounds which make up petroleum are hydrocarbons which have probably been NUMBER OF HYDROCARBONS. 369 formed, either by the action of water on metallic carbides in the interior of the earth, or by decomposition of organic matter without free access of air. Finally, when wood or coal is heated, hydrocarbons are given off, and com- pounds of this kind are therefore contained in coal-gas. Number of Hydrocarbons. The number of hydrocar- bons is very great, and new ones are constantly being made. The fact that carbon is distinguished for the large number of its compounds has already been men- tioned. The simplest of these are the hydrocarbons. It is safe to say that there are as many as two hun- dred hydrocarbons known. Fortunately, however, most of these have been found to bear comparatively simple relations to one another, and therefore, though the number is large and the variety great, their study is not as difficult as one would be inclined to think. Petroleum is an oily liquid found in many places in the earth in large quantity, and escapes when a cavity in which it is contained is punctured. In the earth it contains both gases and liquids. When it is brought into the air the gases and the liquids which are vola- tile at the ordinary temperature are given off. There are several gases given off, and a large number of liquids left behind. The simplest gas corresponds to the formula CH 4 , the next to C 2 H 6 , the next to C 3 H 8 , the next to C 4 H 10 . An examination of the liquid has shown that it contains other hydrocarbons of the formulas C 5 H 12 , C 6 H 14 , C 7 H 16 , C 8 H 18 , etc. It will be seen that these compounds bear a simple relation to one another, as far as composition is concerned. Arranging them in a series, tne first eight members are CH 4 , Methane, or Marsh-gas ; C 2 H 6 , Ethane; C 3 H 8 , Propane ; C 4 H 10 , Butane ; C 6 H 12 , Pentane ; C 6 H 14 , Hexane ; C 7 H 16 , Heptane ; C 8 H 18 , Octane. 370 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Homology, Homologous Series. In the above series the first member differs from the second by CH 2 ; and there is also this same difference between the second and third, the third and fourth, and in general between any two consecutive members in the series. This relation is known as homology, and such a series is known as an homologous series. Carbon is distinguished from all other elements by its power to form homologous series. Other elements form similar series, but the homology is not of the same kind as that which is met with among carbon compounds. Thus the series of chlorine acids, and the similar series of acids of nitrogen and sulphur, are homologous series, in which the constant difference between any two consecutive members is represented by an atom of oxygen : HC1O H 2 SO 2 HNO HC10 2 H 2 S0 3 HNO 2 HC10 3 H 2 SO 4 HN0 3 . HC10 4 These series, are, however, much less extensive than the homologous series of compounds of carbon. Cause of the Homology among Compounds of Carbon. The explanation of the homology observed between the compounds of carbon is founded on the view that carbon is quadrivalent, and that it has the power to unite with itself in chains. The quadrivalence is shown in the com- pounds CH 4 , CC1 4 , CHC1 3 , CO 2 , etc. When marsh-gas, CH 4 , is treated with chlorine the first product of the ac- tion is chlor-methane, CH 3 C1, which according to the prevailing views is marsh-gas in whose molecule one atom of hydrogen has been replaced by chlorine. The H structure of this compound is represented thus, H-C-C1, * H H if that of marsh-gas is represented in this way, H-C-H. OTHER SERIES OF HYDROCARBONS. 371 Now, when chlor-methane is treated with sodium the chlorine is extracted, and a compound of the formula C a H 6 is formed : 2CH 3 C1 + 2Na = C a H fl + 2NaCl. It appears that, the chlorine being extracted from the compound, the residues of the composition CH 3 unite in pairs to form the compound C 2 H 6 , which is ethane, or the second member of the series of hydrocarbons above given. The simplest explanation of the facts stated is that the carbon atoms unite by means of the bonds or valences left free when the chlorine is extracted. The residues after the extraction of the chlorine may be rep- H resented by the formula H-C-; when two of these i unite, the resulting compound will have the structure H H represented by the formula H-C-C-H. In a similar ii ii way the relation between the other members of the series can be explained, and the explanation is in perfect accordance with a large number of facts. Other Series of Hydrocarbons. Besides the series above mentioned, which, as its simplest member is marsh-gas, is known as the marsh-gas series, there are other homolo- gous series of hydrocarbons. There is one beginning with ethylene, or olefiant gas, C 2 H 4 , examples of which are Ethylene, C 2 H 4 ; Propylene, C 3 H 6 ; Butylene, C 4 H 8 . There is another beginning with acetylene, C a H a , ex- amples of which are Acetylene, C 2 H a ; Allylene, C 3 H 4 . 372 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Another series begins with benzene, C 6 H a . Some of the members of this series are Benzene, C 6 H Toluene, C,H Xylene, C 8 H These are the hydrocarbons which are obtained from coal-tar. The relations between these hydrocarbons and those of the marsh-gas series have been extensively studied, and a great deal of light has been thrown upon the sub- ject. It would, however, lead too far to take up this subject here. A word may be said, however, in regard to the relations believed to exist between the hydrocar- bons of the ethylene and the acetylene series, and those of the marsh-gas series. It is believed that in ethylene the two carbon atoms are united in a different way from that in ethane. The condition, whatever it may be, is thought to be similar to that which exists in the mole- cule of a compound consisting of two bivalent atoms, as, for example, calcium oxide. The condition is called double union, and it is represented by a double line as in the formulas Ca=O, H 2 C=CH 2 , etc. Whatever this condition may be, it carries with it the power to com- bine with other atoms. Thus, when ethylene is treated with chlorine it takes up two atoms, and is converted into dichlorethane, C 2 H 4 C1 2 , the double union being de- stroyed and single union existing in the resulting com- pound as in ethane. So also, when calcium oxide, Ca=O, is treated with water, it is converted into the hy- droxide, in which the condition of double union does not exist : Ca OH Ca-OH ii + i =i ; O H OH CH 2 Cl CH 2 C1 II +1=1 CH 2 Cl CH a Cl Similar reasons have led to the conclusion that in acetylene, C a H 2 , the carbon atoms are held together in MABSH-GAS, METHANE, FIRE-DAMP. 373 a -different way from that in ethane, and that in ethy- lene. This is believed to be similar to the kind of union which exists in a molecule consisting of two trivalent atoms, as in the compound boron nitride, B=N, a con- dition which is called triple union or triple linkage. This view is expressed by the formula HC=CH. Wherever this condition exists we find the power to take up four univalent atoms, the compound thus becoming saturated, as we say. Thus, acetylene can take up four atoms of chlorine, or two- of hydrogen and two of chlorine, form- ing in the former case tetra-chlor-ethane, and in the latter di-chl or- ethane : HteCH + 4C1 = C1 2 HC-CHC1 2 (C 2 H 2 C1 4 ) ; HC=CH + 2HC1 = C1H 2 C-CH 2 C1(C 2 H 4 C1 2 ). Marsh-gas, Methane, Fire-damp, CH 4 . Marsh-gas is found in nature in petroleum, and is given off when the oil is taken out of the earth and the pressure removed. It is formed, as the name implies, in marshes, as the product of a reducing process. Vegetable matter is com- posed essentially of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. When it undergoes decomposition in the air in a free supply of oxygen, the final products formed are carbon dioxide and water. When the decomposition takes place without access of oxygen, as under water, marsh- gas, which is a reduction-product, is formed. The gas can be made in the laboratory by passing a mixture of hydrogen sulphide and the vapor of carbon disulphide over heated copper, and also by the action of water on several metallic carbides, more especially aluminium carbide, C 3 A1 4 : C 3 A1 4 + 12H 2 = 3CH 4 + 4A1(OH),. The gas is met with in coal-mines, and is known to the miners as Jire-damp, damp being the general name applied to a gas, and the name fire-damp meaning a gas that burns. To prepare it in the laboratory it is most convenient to heat a mixture of sodium acetate and 374 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. quick -lime. The change which takes place will be most readily understood by regarding it as a simple decom- position of acetic acid. Acetic acid has the formula C 2 H 4 O 2 . When heated alone it boils, and does not suffer decomposition. If it is converted into a salt, and heated in the presence of a base, it breaks down into marsh-gas and carbon dioxide : The carbon dioxide, which with bases forms salts, does not pass off, but remains behind in the form of a salt of carbonic acid. Marsh-gas is a colorless, transparent, tasteless, inodor- ous gas. It is slightly soluble in water, and burns, forming carbon dioxide and water. When mixed with air the mixture explodes if a flame or spark comes in contact with it. This is one of the causes of the explo- sions which so frequently occur in coal-mines. To pre- vent these explosions a special lamp was invented by Sir Humphry Davy, which is known as the safety -lamp. The simple principles involved in its construction will be ex- plained when the subject of flame is taken up. Ethylene, defiant Gas, C 2 H 4 . This liydrocarbon is formed by heating a mixture of ordinary alcohol and concentrated sulphuric acid. The reaction is represented thus : C.H.O - H.O + C Q H, Alcohol Ethylene Ethylene is a colorless gas, which can be condensed to a liquid. It burns with a luminous flame, and forms an explosive mixture with oxygen. Acetylene, C 2 H 2 . Acetylene is formed when a current of hydrogen is passed between carbon poles, which are incandescent in consequence of the passage of a power- ful electric current. In this case carbon and hydrogen combine directly. It is formed also when the flame of an ordinary laboratory gas-burner (Bunsen burner) " strikes back," or burns at the base without a free sup- SIMPLER COMPOUNDS OF CARBON. 375 ply of air. It is most easily obtained by treating certain metallic carbides, especially calcium carbide, with water : C 2 Ca + H 2 = C 2 H 8 + CaO. Its odor is unpleasant. It burns with a luminous, smoky flame. Simpler Compounds of Carbon with, the Members of the Chlorine Group. When chlorine acts upon a hydrocar- bon it generally takes the place of the hydrogen, atom for atom. Thus, when it acts upon marsh-gas, the following reactions take place ; CH 4 + C1 2 = CH 3 C1 + HC1 ; CH 3 C1 + C1 2 = CH 2 C1 2 + HC1 ; CH 2 C1 2 + 01, = CHC1 3 + HC1 ; CHC1 3 + 01, = CC1 4 + HC1. The four products are known respectively as mono-cUor- methane, di-cJdor-methane, tri-chlor-metharie, and tetra-chlor- methane, or carbon tetrachloride. By treating these com- pounds with nascent hydrogen they can all be converted back again into marsh-gas. The fact that the hydrogen in marsh-gas can be replaced in four steps, one fourth of the hydrogen being replaced at each step, furnishes a strong confirmation of the correctness of the view ex- pressed by the formula CH 4 , which signifies that in the molecule of marsh-gas there are four atoms of hydrogen. The most important of the four compounds is the third, tri-chlor-methane or chloroform. While chloroform can be made by treating marsh-gas with chlorine, it is much more easily obtained in other ways, as, for example, by treating alcohol or acetone with bleaching-powder. Without a study of the relations which exist between several classes of compounds of carbon these reactions cannot well be explained, and their study, as well as that of chloroform, had better be postponed until the subject of Organic Chemistry is taken up systematically. Cor- responding to chloroform there are bromine and iodine derivatives, known as bromoform, CHBr 3 , and iodoform, CHI 3 . CHAPTER XX. SIMPLER COMPOUNDS OF CARBON WITH OXYGEN, AND WITH OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN. General. The final product of oxidation of carbon is carbon dioxide, and the final product of reduction is marsh-gas, but between these two limits there are a number of interesting derivatives, just as there are a number of compounds of sulphur between hydrogen sul- phide and sulphuric acid ; a number of compounds of nitrogen between ammonia and nitric acid ; and a number of compounds of phosphorus between phosphine and phosphoric acid. We have seen that in the cases men- tioned two kinds of change are brought about by oxida- tion : (1) Owing to the fact that the valence of chlo- rine, sulphur, nitrogen, and phosphorus towards oxygen is greater than towards hydrogen, the act of oxidation involves the addition of oxygen to the element ; (2) hy- droxyl appears to take the place of the hydrogen atoms one by one. In the case of carbon, the valence towards hydrogen and oxygen being the same, only the latter kind of change takes place. Relations between the Compounds of Carbon with Hy- drogen and Oxygen. In order that the relations between the simpler compounds of carbon with hydrogen and oxygen may be made clear, it will be of assistance to compare the oxidation of hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, phosphine, and methane. In the cases of hydrogen sul- phide and ammonia the oxidation appears to take place as represented below : Hydrogen Unknown Sulphurous Sulphuric Sulphide acid acid (376) RELATIONS BETWEEN COMPOUNDS OF CARBON. 377 (OH (OH N^OH, ON -{OH. (OH (OH Yields hypo- Yields nitrous Yields nitric nitrous acid acid acid The last three products, if formed, break down, losing water, and forming respectively hyponitrous, nitrous, and nitric acids. The change to hyponitrous acid does not appear to be of an altogether simple kind. The changes to nitrous and nitric acids, however, are apparently of a kind which we are constantly meeting with, as has al- ready been pointed out (see pp. 261-265). It is possible that the changes involved in the gradual oxidation of ammonia take place primarily just as in the oxidation of sulphur, the nitrogen first becoming satu- rated. According to this view the changes should be represented as follows : H (H H, ON-{ H, H H If nitrous acid were formed by the breaking down of (OH the compound ON < OH , its structure would probably be that represented by the formula N < O , or O 2 NH, ( H the hydrogen being in combination with nitrogen and not with oxygen. Some facts seem to show that this view is probable. While these changes cannot be followed very well in the case of the compounds of nitrogen, and there is, therefore, considerable speculation in what has just been said regarding them, the case of phosphorus is much clearer, as has already been shown. Here, starting with phosphine, the changes are apparently correctly repre- sented by the following formulas : 378 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. (H P^H, (H Phosphine (H (OH OP^H, OP^H , (H (H (OH (OH OP^OH, OP^OH. (H (OH Unknown Hypophosphor- Phosphorous ous acid acid Phosphoric acid With methane the changes effected by oxidation are apparently perfectly analogous to those considered. We should expect to find the following : OH OH OH OH But the tendency of the compounds containing two hydroxyl groups to break down, yielding water as one of the products, is as marked as in the compounds of nitro- gen. Consequently the products 3, 4, and 5 do not exist in the free state. They break down as represented in the following equations : (H CJH + H,0; = C H,0; = CJg + 2H,0. The products actually obtained, therefore, are as follow : RELATIONS BETWEEN COMPOUNDS OF CARBON. 379 (O |o Methane Methyl Formic Formic Carbon alcohol aldehyde acfd dioxide By oxidation of formic acid we should expect the for- (OH mation of a product, C < O . While this is not known, (OH salts of an acid of this composition are known. It is ordinary carbonic acid, which when set free breaks down into carbon dioxide and water. It will be seen from the above considerations that there is a general analogy between the changes which take place in passing by oxidation from the lowest re- duction-products of the elements to their highest oxida- tion-products. The intermediate stages have been studied with special care in the case of carbon ; the intermediate products rep- resent classes of compounds vrhich are not met with among any derivatives of the other elements. The intermediate products in the case of sulphur and phosphorus are all acids. One of the intermediate products in the case of nitrogen, hydroxylamine, is basic, while the rest are acid. The first oxidation-product of marsh-gas, methyl alcohol, CH 3 .OH, is somewhat basic, but in some respects differs from ordinary bases. It is the simplest representative of a great class of compounds of carbon known as alco- hols, of which our ordinary alcohol, or spirits of wine, is the best known example. The next product, or formic aldehyde, which has the structure represented by the ( H formula C 1 H or H 2 C=O, is the simplest representative (O of another great class of compounds of carbon known as aldehydes. The aldehydes are neither acid nor basic, but are easily converted into acids by oxidation, and into bases 380 .INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. by reduction. The third oxidation-product of the formula , H H I " i C < OH or O=C is the simplest representative of a ( 6n great class of carbon compounds known as the organic acids. It is called formic acid. It would lead too far to pursue this subject now. The relations referred to are studied under the head of Organic Chemistry, or the Chemistry of the Compounds of Carbon. Only the sim- plest oxygen compounds will be taken up here. Carbon Dioxide, CO 2 . The principal compound of car- bon and oxygen is carbon dioxide, CO 2 , commonly known as carbonic acid gas. Under the head of The Air atten- tion was called to the fact that this gas is a constant con- stituent of the air, though its relative quantity is small about 3 parts in 10,000. It issues from the earth in many places, particularly in the neighborhood of volcanoes. Many mineral waters contain it in large quantity, promi- nent among which are the waters of Pyrmont, Selters, and the Geyser Spring of Saratoga. In small quantity it is present in all natural waters. In combination with bases it occurs in enormous quantities, particularly in the form of calcium carbonate, CaCO 3 , varieties of which are ordinary limestone, chalk, marble, and calc-spar. Dolo- mite, which forms mountain-ranges, being particularly abundant in the Swiss Alps, is a compound containing calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, MgCO 3 . Carbon dioxide is constantly formed in many natural processes. Thus, all animals. that breathe in the air give off carbon dioxide from the lungs. That the gases from the lungs contain carbon dioxide can easily be shown by passing them through lime-water, when a precipitate of calcium carbonate is formed. That carbon dioxide is formed in the combustion of charcoal and wood has already been shown. In a similar way it can be shown that the gas is formed whenever any of our ordinary combustible substances are burned. From our fires, as from our lungs, and from the lungs of all animals, then, carbon dioxide is constantly given off. CARBON DIOXIDE. 381 Further, the natural processes of decay of both vegetable and animal matter tend to convert the carbon of this matter into carbon dioxide, which then finds its way principally into the air. The process of alcoholic fer- mentation, and some other similar processes, also give rise to the formation of carbon dioxide. In all fruit- juices there is contained sugar. When the fruits ripen, fall to the earth, and undergo spontaneous change, the sugar is converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide. We see, thus, that there are many important sources of supply of carbon dioxide, and it will be readily under- stood why the gas should be found everywhere in the air. Preparation. The easiest way to get carbon dioxide not mixed with other substances is by adding an acid to a salt of carbonic acid or a carbonate. In the decompo- sition of the carbonates by other acids we see exemplified the same principle as that which is involved in setting nitric acid free from a nitrate, or hydrochloric acid from sodium chloride by sulphuric acid, and more particularly in the liberation of sulphur dioxide from a sulphite. In all these cases the products are volatile, and there- fore, when a non-volatile acid is added to the salts, decomposition takes place. Sulphites do not yield the corresponding acid, but this breaks down into water^and the anhydride : j 2NaN0 3 + H 2 SO 4 = Na 2 SO 4 + 2HNO 8 ; |2NaCl + H a SO 4 = Na a S0 4 + 2HC1. ] Na 2 S0 3 + H 2 SO 4 = Na 2 SO 4 + H 2 SO 3 ; |H 2 S0 3 = S0 2 +H 2 0. ( Na 2 C0 3 + H S0 4 = Na 2 S0 4 + H 2 CO 3 ; |H 2 C0 3 =C0 2 +H a O. Any acid which is not volatile at the ordinary tempera- ture will decompose a carbonate and cause an evolution of carbon dioxide. The action between sodium carbon- ate and hydrochloric acid is represented in this way : Na 2 C0 8 + 2HC1 = 2NaCl + CO 3 + H a O ; 382 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. that between nitric acid and sodium carbonate in this way : Na a CO 3 + 2HNO 3 = 2NaNO, + CO, + H 2 O. For the purpose of preparing carbon dioxide in the laboratory, calcium carbonate, in the form of marble or limestone, and hydrochloric acid are commonly used. The reaction involved is represented thus : CaCO 3 + 2HC1 = CaCl 2 + CO 3 + H 2 O. The apparatus used is the same as that used in making hydrogen from zinc and sulphuric acid. As the gas is somewhat soluble in water, it is best for ordinary pur- poses to collect it by displacement of air, the vessel being placed with the mouth upward, as the gas is considerably heavier than air. Properties. Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas at or- dinary temperatures. When subjected to a low tempera- ture and high pressure it is converted into a liquid. Liquid carbon dioxide is now manufactured on the large scale for use as a fire-extinguisher, and for the purpose of charging liquids with the gas. When some of the liquid is exposed to the air evaporation takes place so rapidly that a great deal of heat is absorbed, and some of the liquid becomes solid. The gas has a slightly acid taste and smell. It is not combustible, nor does it sup- port combustion. It is not combustible for the same reason that water is not : because it already holds in combination all the oxygen it has the power to combine with. Before it can burn again it must first be decom- posed. As regards the statement that it does not support combustion, it should be remarked that this is only rela- tively true. The compound does not easily give up oxygen, but to some substances it does give it up, and some such substances burn in it. For example, the ele- ment potassium, which, as we have seen, has the power to decompose water, has also the power to decompose carbon dioxide if heated in it to a sufficiently high tem- perature, and when the decomposition once begins, it RESPIRATION. 383 proceeds with brilliancy, the act being accompanied by a marked evolution of heat and light. Carbon dioxide is much heavier than air, its specific gravity being 1.529. A liter of the gas under standard conditions of tempera- ture and pressure weighs 1.977 grams. It dissolves in water, one volume of water dissolving about one volume of the gas at the ordinary temperature. As is the case with all gases, when the pressure is increased the water dissolves more gas, and when the pressure is removed the gas again escapes. The so-called " soda-water" is simply water charged with carbon dioxide under pressure. The escape of the gas when the water is drawn is famil- iar to every one. The name soda-water has its origin in the fact that the carbon dioxide used in charging the water is frequently made from primary or acid sodium carbonate, NaHCO 3 , which is also called soda or bicar- bonate of soda. Relations of Carbon Dioxide to Chemical Energy. Carbon has the power to combine with oxygen, and in so doing a definite quantity of heat is evolved. A kilogram of carbon represents a certain quantity of chemical energy, which we can get from it first in the form of heat, and by transformation, in other forms of energy, as mo- tion, electrical energy, etc. After the kilogram of carbon has been burned it no longer represents the energy it did in the form of carbon. A body of water elevated ten or fifteen feet represents a certain quantity of energy which can be obtained by allowing the water to fall upon the paddles of a water-wheel connected with the machin- ery of a mill. After the water has fallen, however, it no longer has the power to do work, or it has none of the energy which it possessed by virtue of its position. In order that it may again do work it must again be lifted. So, too, in order that the carbon in carbon dioxide may again do work the compound must be decomposed. Respiration. It was stated above that carbon dioxide is given off from the lungs just as it is from a fire. It is a waste-product of the processes taking place in the ani- mal body. Just as it cannot support combustion, so also it cannot support respiration. It is not poisonous any 384 TNOEGANIC CHEMISTRY. more than water is ; but it is not able to supply the oxy* gen which is needed for breathing purposes, and hence animals die when placed in it. They die by suffocation, very much as they do in drowning. Any considerable increase in the quantity of carbon dioxide in the air above that which is normally present is objectionable, for the reason that it decreases the proportion of oxygen in the air which is breathed. If, however, pure carbon dioxide is introduced into the air, it has been found that as much as 5 per cent may be present without serious results to those who breathe it. In a badly ventilated room in which a number of people are collected, and lights are burning, it is well known that in a short time the air be- comes foul, and bad effects, such as headache, drowsi- ness, etc., are produced on the occupants of the room. These effects appear to be due, not to the carbon dioxide, but largely to other waste-products which are given off from the lungs in the process of breathing. The gases given off from the lungs consist of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. Besides these,, however, there are many substances in small quantity, in a finely divided condition, which contain carbon, and are in a state of decomposition. These act as poisons, and they are the chief cause of the bad effects experi- enced in breathing air which is contaminated by the exha- lations from the lungs. As carbon dioxide is given off from the lungs at the same time, the quantity of this gas present is proportional to the quantity of the or- ganic impurities. Hence, by determining the quantity of carbon dioxide it is possible to form an opinion a& to whether the air of a room occupied by human beings is fit for use or not. As carbon dioxide is formed in the earth wherever an acid solution comes in contact with a carbonate, the gas is frequently given off from fissures in the earth. It is hence not unfrequently found in old wells which have not been in use for some time, and deaths have been caused by descending these wells for the purpose of repairing them. The gas is also frequently met with in mines, and is called choke-damp by the miners. The miners are CARBON DIOXIDE AND LIFE. 385 ;iware that after an explosion caused by fire-damp there is danger of death from choke-damp. The reason of the presence of this gas after an explosion is simple. When fire-damp, or marsh-gas, explodes with air the carbon is oxidized to choke-damp, or carbon dioxide, and the hy- drogen to water. Air in which a candle will not burn is not fit for breathing purposes. Carbon Dioxide and Life. The role played by carbon dioxide in nature is extremely important and interesting. The carbon contained in living things is obtained from carbon dioxide, and generally returns to this form when life ceases. We have seen that all living things contain carbon as an essential constituent. Whence comes this carbon? Animals eat either the products of plant-life or other animals which derive their sustenance from the vegetable kingdom. The food of animals comes, then, either directly or indirectly from plants. But plants derive their sustenance largely from the carbon dioxide of the air. The plants have the power to decompose the gas with the aid of the direct light of the sun, and they then build up the complex compounds of carbon which form their tissues, using for this purpose the carbon of the carbon dioxide which they decompose. Many of these compounds are fit for food for animals ; that is to say, they are of such composition that the forces at work in the animal body are capable of transforming them into animal tissues, or of oxidizing them, and thus keep- ing the temperature of the body up to the necessary point. That part of the food which undergoes oxidation in the body plays the same part as fuel in a stove. It is burned up with an evolution of heat, the carbon being converted into carbon dioxide, which is given off from the lungs. From fires and from living animals carbon dioxide is returned to the air, where it again serves as food for plants. When the life process stops in the ani- mal or the plant, decomposition begins ; and the final result of this, under ordinary circumstances, is the con- version of the carbon into the dioxide. Energy Stored up in Plants. It will thus be seen that under the influence of life and sunlight carbon dioxide is 386 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. constantly being converted into compounds containing carbon which are stored up in the plant. These com- pounds are capable of burning, and thus giving heat ; or some of them may be used as food by animals, when they assume other forms under the influence of the life-process of the animals. As long as life continues, plants and animals are storehouses of energy. When death occurs, the carbon compounds begin to pass back to the form of carbon dioxide, and the chemical energy is transformed partly into heat, and is thus, as we say, dissipated. The power to do work, which the carbon compounds of plants and animals possess, comes from the heat of the sun. It takes a certain quantity of this heat, operating under proper conditions, to decompose a certain quantity of carbon dioxide, and elaborate the compounds contained in the plants. When these compounds are burned they give out the heat which was absorbed in their formation during the growth of the plants. These compounds are said to possess chemical energy. This has its origin in heat, and is capable of reconversion into heat. The transformation of the energy of the sun's heat into chemi- cal energy lies at the foundation of all life. As the heat of the sun acting upon the great bodies of water and on the air gives rise to the movements of water which are so essential to the existence of the world as it is, so the action of the sun's rays on carbon dioxide, under the influence of the delicate and inexplicable mechanism of the leaf of the plant, gives rise to those changes in the forms of combination of the element carbon which ac- company and are fundamental to the wonderful process of life. Carbonic Acid and Carbonates. When carbon dioxide is passed into water the solution has a slightly acid re- action. The solution will act upon bases and form salts. The formula of the sodium salt formed in this way has been shown to be Na 2 CO 3 ; that of the potassium sail, K 2 CO 8 ; etc. These salts are plainly derived from an acid, H 2 CO 3 , which is called carbonic acid. It is prob- able that this acid is contained in the solution of carbon CARBONIC ACID AND CARBONATES. 387 dioxide in water. It is, however, so unstable that it breaks up into carbon dioxide and water : - -~~-.. H 2 C0 3 = C0 2 + H 2 0. The formation of a salt by the action of carbon di- oxide on a base takes place as shown in the following equations : 2KOH + CO 2 = K 2 CO 3 + H 2 O ; Ca(OH) 2 + CO a = CaGO, + H 3 O. "With the acid the action would take place as represented thus : 2KOH + H 2 C0 3 = K 2 CO 3 + 2H 2 O ; Ca(OH) 2 + H 2 C0 3 = CaC0 3 + 2H 2 O. There is perfect analogy between the action of carbon dioxide and that of sulphur dioxide on basic solutions. With potassium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide, sul- phur dioxide acts as represented in the following equa- tions : 2KOH + SO 2 = K 2 SO 3 + H 2 O ; Ca(OH) 2 + SO, = CaS0 3 + H 2 O. The products formed are sulphites or salts of sulphur- ous acid. Like sulphurous acid, carbonic acid is dibasic, and forms two series of salts, the primary and secondary, or the acid and normal salts. The primary or acid salts have the general formula HMCO 3 , and the secondary or normal salts have the general formula M 2 CO 3 . Exam- ples of the former are HKCO 3 , HNaCO 3 , CaH 2 (CO 3 ) 2 , etc. ; and of the latter K.CO,, Na 2 CO 3 , CaCO 3 , BaCO 3 , etc. It also readily forms basic salts, as, for example, basic copper carbonate. Neutral copper carbonate is to be regarded as formed by the action of one molecule of the dibasic carbonic acid upon one molecule of the di- acid copper hydroxide, Cu(OH) 2 : 388 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. OC< OH + HO >Cu = oc Cu One of the simplest basic carbonates of copper is that formed by the action of two molecules of copper hydrox- ide upon one molecule of carbonic acid : or OH , (HO)Cu(OH) op OCuOH ,o H o 00< OH + (HO)Cu(OH) = 00< OOuOH + 2H *- Another basic salt of more complicated composition is that of magnesium. It is to be regarded as derived from carbonic acid as represented in this formula : There are some salts which are derived from a pyro- carbonic acid, that is, a form of the acid derived from two molecules of the acid by loss of one molecule of water : 200 < OH = H 2 C 2 5 + H 2 0. Such a salt is formed by loss of water from the primary sodium salt : 2HNaCO s = Na 2 C 2 5 + H 2 0. There are no salts known derived from normal carbonic acid, C(OH) 4 , though there are some compounds analo- gous to salts which are derivatives of this normal acid. The secondary or normal salts which carbonic acid forms with the most strongly marked metallic elements, viz., potassium and sodium, are not decomposed by heat, but all other carbonates are decomposed by heat more or less easily, according to the strength of the base. Calcium carbonate when ignited loses carbon dioxide, and lime, or calcium oxide, remains behind : CaCO 3 = CaO + CO 2 . CARBON MONOXIDE. 389 Carbon Monoxide, CO. When a substance containing carbon burns in an insufficient supply of air, as, for example, when the draught in a furnace is not strong enough to remove the products of combustion and sup- ply fresh air, the oxidation of the carbon is not com- plete, and the product, instead of being carbon dioxide, is carbon monoxide, CO. This compound can also be made by extracting oxygen from carbon dioxide. It is only necessary to pass the dioxide over heated carbon, when reaction takes place as represented thus : CO 2 + C = 2CO. This method of formation is illustrated in coal fires, and can be well observed in an open grate. The air has free access to the coal, and at the surface complete oxidation takes place. But that part of the carbon dioxide which is formed at the lower part of the grate is drawn up through the heated coal, and is partly reduced to carbon monoxide. When the monoxide escapes from the upper part of the grate it again combines with oxygen, or burns, giving rise to the characteristic blue flame always noticed above a mass of burning anthracite coal. Should any- thing occur to prevent free access of air, carbon monox- ide may readily escape complete oxidation. The monoxide is also formed by passing steam over highly heated carbon, when this reaction takes place : C + H 2 = CO + H 3 . This is the reaction made use of in the manufacture of " water-gas." The gas thus obtained is largely a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The gas is enriched by passing it through a furnace in which it is mixed with highly heated vapors of hydrocarbons from petroleum. The main reaction, the decomposition of water by heated carbon, is effected in large furnaces filled with anthracite coal. The coal is first heated to a high temperature by setting fire to it, the products of combustion being allowed to escape. When it is hot enough, the air is 390 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. shut off and steam passed rapidly in, when the decom- position of the water by the carbon takes place. Soon the mass becomes so much cooled that the reaction stops. The steam is then cut off and air turned on again, and so on. The easiest way to make carbon monoxide is by heat- ing oxalic acid, which is a compound of carbon, hydro- gen, and oxygen, of the formula C 2 H 2 O 4 , with five to six times its weight of concentrated sulphuric acid. The change which takes place is represented thus : C 2 H 3 4 = C0 2 + CO + H 2 0. Both the dioxide and monoxide of carbon are formed. Both are gases. In order to separate them the mixture is passed through a solution of sodium hydroxide, which takes up the carbon dioxide, forming sodium carbonate, and allows the monoxide to pass. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, tasteless, inodorous gas, insoluble in water. It burns with a pale-blue flame, forming carbon dioxide. It is exceedingly poisonous when inhaled. Hence it is very important that it should not be allowed to escape into rooms occupied by human beings. We not unfrequently hear of deaths caused by the gases from coal stoves. The most dangerous of the gases given off from these stoves is probably carbon monoxide. A pan of smouldering charcoal gives off this gas, and the fact that it is poisonous is well known. It has been used to a considerable extent for the purpose of suicide. The poisonous character of carbon monoxide has led to a great deal of discussion and to some legisla- tion on the subject of " water-gas." The question has been repeatedly raised whether government should allow the manufacture of the gas. There is no doubt of the fact that it is a dangerous substance, and that it should not be allowed to escape into the air is obvious. Where- ever it is used special precautions should be taken to guard against leaking. There is no doubt that it is somewhat more poisonous than coal-gas. At high temperatures carbon monoxide has a very FORMIC ACID. 391 strong tendency to combine with oxygen, and is hence a good reducing agent. In the reduction of iron from its ores, the carbon monoxide formed in the blast-furnace plays an important part in the reducing process. At ordinary temperatures the gas does not combine readily with oxygen. Thus, it does not act upon ozone, even when heated with it somewhat above the temperature at which ozone is converted into ordinary oxygen. When passed over some substances which are rich in oxygen, as, for example, chromic anhydride, CrO 3 , and potassium permanganate, KMnO 4 , in acid solution, it takes up oxy- gen even at the ordinary temperature. It unites with chlorine in the direct sunlight, and forms the com- pound known as carbonyl chloride, COC1 2 . Formic Acid, H 2 CO 2 . Just as carbon dioxide may be regarded as the anhydride of carbonic acid, so carbon monoxide may be regarded as the anhydride of an acid of the formula H 2 CO 2 . While, however, an acid of this formula is known, it is not formed by action of carbon monoxide upon water, nor are its salts easily formed by the action of carbon monoxide upon bases. By passing it over certain basic substances, however, as, for example, potassium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide, at a com- paratively high temperature action takes place, and salts of the acid are formed. Thus, in the case of potas- sium hydroxide, the action takes place as represented in the equation CO + KOH = HCO 2 K. Although it contains two atoms of hydrogen in the molecule, formic acid is monobasic. This fact finds its explanation in the structure of the acid. All its reactions show that only one of the hydrogen atoms of formic acid is in combination with oxygen, while the other is in combination with carbon, as represented in the formula ? (H HC-OH or C K O . The relations here are similar to (OH those met with in phosphorous and sulphurous acids, 392 i INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. which have been so frequently referred to. Formic acid bears to carbonic acid the same relation that sulphurous bears to sulphuric acid, and phosphorous to phosphoric acid, as shown in the formulas : Formic acid Carbonic acid o,sj H q ( OH OH u ' b \ OH Sulphurous acid Sulphuric acid (H (OH OP \ OH OP \ OH (OH (OH Phosphorous acid Phosphoric acid Formic acid occurs in nature in red ants, in stinging nettles, and elsewhere. It is a colorless liquid, which solidifies at 8. 6. When treated with concentrated sul- phuric acid it breaks down into carbon monoxide and water : H 3 CO, = CO + H a O. By oxidation it is converted into carbon dioxide and water. Carbonyl Chloride, Phosgene, COC1 2 . This compound was referred to above as being formed when chlorine acts upon carbon monoxide under the influence of the sun's rays. It is also formed when the two gases are passed together through a tube filled with pieces of animal char- coal. It is a colorless gas, which is easily condensed to a liquid boiling at 8. 2. It is now manufactured on the large scale for use in the preparation of certain classes of dye-stuffs. Like the oxychlorides of sulphur and of phosphorus, this compound, which is an oxychloride of carbon, is de- composed by water, forming carbonic acid or its products of decomposition : CARBONTL CHLORIDE OR PHOSGENE. 393 + 181 Cl HOH ( OH Cl + HOH = PO^ OH + 3HC1. Cl HOH ( OH It is interesting to note that, while the chlorides of sulphur and phosphorus, SC1 2 and PC1 3 , as well as SC1 4 and PC1 6 , are easily decomposed by water, the tetrachloride of carbon, CC1 4 , is not. On the other hand, the tetrachloride is not formed when the oxides of carbon are treated with hydrochloric acid. It will be remembered that, in discussing the relations be- tween the acid-forming and the base-forming elements, attention was called to the fact that, in general, the chlo- rides of the acid-forming elements are easily decom- posed by water, forming the corresponding hydroxides or oxides, while the oxides and hydroxides of the base-form- ing elements are converted into chlorides by treatment with hydrochloric acid. In carbon we have an example of an element which occupies what may be called almost a neutral ground between the two classes of elements. It forms both acids and bases, to be sure, but these are, generally speaking, not as strongly marked as the acids and bases formed by other elements. This neutral char- acter of the element is also well shown in the conduct of its chloride towards water, and of its oxides towards hydrochloric acid. CHAPTER XXI. ILLUMINATiON-FLAME BLOW-PIPE. COMPOUNDS OF CARBON WITH NITROGEN AND SULPHUR Introduction. As the substances used for illumina- tion contain carbon, and the chemical processes involved consist largely in the oxidation of the carbon of these compounds, this is an appropriate place to consider briefly the subject of illumination from a chemical point of view, as well as that of flame, and the blow -pipe, which gives an extremely useful form of flame constantly used in the laboratory. In all ordinary kinds of illumination we are dependent upon flames for the light. Whether we use illuminating gas, a lamp, or a candle, the light comes from a flame. In the first case, the gas is burned directly ; in the case of the lamp, the oil is first drawn up the wick, then con- verted into a gas, and this burns ; while, finally, in the case of the candle, the solid material of the candle is first melted, then drawn up the wick, converted into gas, and the gas burns, forming the flame. In each case we have, then, to deal with a burning gas, and this burning gas is called a flame. Illuminating Gas, Coal-gas. Illuminating gas is some- times made from coal by heating in closed retorts. As has already been explained, coal, particularly the softer kinds, contains compounds of carbon and hydrogen, together with some nitrogen and other elements. When it is subjected to destructive distillation, as in the manu- facture of coal-gas, the hydrogen passes off partly in combination with carbon, as hydrocarbons, and partly in the free state. The nitrogen passes off as ammonia, and a large percentage of the carbon remains behind in the retort in the uncombined state as coke. The gases given (394) FLAMES. 395 .' " f off are purified, and form illuminating gas. One ton of coal yields on an average 10,000 cubic feet of gas. The value of a gas depends upon the quantity of light given by the burning of a definite quantity. It is measured by comparing it with the light given by a candle burn- ing at a certain rate. The standard candle is one made of spermaceti, which burns at the rate of 120 grains per hour ; that is to say, a candle which, burning under ordinary conditions, loses 120 grains in one hour. The standard burner used for the gas is one through which five cubic feet of gas pass per hour. Now, to determine the illuminating power of a gas, it is passed through the standard burner at the rate mentioned, and the light which it gives is compared with the light given by the standard candle. This comparison is easily made by means of an instrument called the photometer. The illuminating power of the gas is then stated in terms of the standard candle. The statement that the illumi- nating power of a gas is fourteen candles, signifies that, when burning at the rate of five cubic feet per hour, its flame gives fourteen times as much light as that of the standard candle. Flames. Ordinarily when we speak of a flame wo mean a gas which is combining with oxygen. The hy- drogen flame is simply the phenomenon accompanying the act of combination of the two gases hydrogen and oxygen. Owing to the fact that we are surrounded by oxygen, we speak of hydrogen as the burning gas. How would it be if we were surrounded by an atmosphere of hydrogen? Plainly, oxygen would then be a burning gas. If we allow a jet of oxygen to escape into a vessel containing hydrogen, a flame will appear where the oxy- gen escapes from the jet, if a light is applied. This is an experiment which requires special precautions, and, as the principle can be illustrated as well by means of illuminating gas, this may be used instead. Just as illuminating gas burns in an atmosphere of oxygen, so oxygen burns in an atmosphere of illuminating gas. Kindling Temperature of Gases. In studying the action of oxygen upon other substances, we learned that it is 396 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, necessary that each of these substances should be raised to a certain temperature before it will combine with oxygen. This statement is as true of gases as of other substances. When a current of hydrogen is allowed to escape into the air, or into oxygen, no action takes place unless it is heated up to its burning temperature, when it takes fire and continues to burn, as the burning of one part of the gas heats up the part which follows it, and hence it is heated up to the burning tempera- ture as fast as it escapes into the air. If the gas is cooled down even very slightly below this temperature, it is extinguished. This can easily be shown by bring- ing down upon the flame of a Bunsen burner a piece of wire gauze. There will be no flame above the gauze, but gas will pass through unburned, and this will burn if it is lighted above the gauze. In this case, by simply passing through the thin wire gauze, the gases are cooled down below their burning temperatures, and the flame does not pass through. So, also, if the gas is turned on and not lighted, and the gauze held an inch or two above the outlet, the gas will burn above the gauze if lighted above, and will not pass downward through the gauze, unless this becomes very hot. Miner's Safety -lamp. The principle illustrated in the experiments referred to in the last para- graph is utilized in the miner's safety- lamp, to which reference has already been made. One of the dangers which the coal- miner has to encounter is the occurrence in the mines of fire-damp, or methane, CH 4 , which with air forms an explosive mixture. The explosion can only be brought about by contact of flame with the mixture. In order to avoid the con- tact, the flame of the safety-lamp is sur- rounded by wire gauze, as shown in Fig. 11. When a lamp of this kind is brought into an explosive mixture of marsh-gas FIG. 11. and air, the mixture passes through the wire gauze and comes in contact with the flame, and a STRUCTURE OF FLAMES. 39? small explosion or a series of small explosions inside the gauze occurs, but the flame of the burning gas inside the wire gauze cannot pass through and raise the temperature of the gas outside to the burning tempera- ture. Hence no serious , explosion can take place. The flickering of the flame of the lamp, and the occurrence of small explosions inside, furnish the miner with the information that he is in a dangerous atmosphere. While the safety-lamp does undoubtedly afford much protection, still explosions occur. These have been shown to be caused by the presence of coal-dust in the mines, and by the com- motion of the air produced in blasting. By the aid of the coal-dust, and by sudden and violent movements of the air, it is possible for a flame surrounded by wire gauze to explode a mixture of marsh-gas and air on the other side of the gauze. Structure of Flames. The hydrogen flame consists of .a thin envelope of burning hydrogen enclosing unburned .gas, and surrounded by water vapor, which is the prod- uct of the combustion. The structure of other flames depends upon the complexity of the gases burned, and the conditions under which the burning takes place. In .general, a flame consists of an outer envelope of gas combining with oxygen, and hence hot, and an inner part which contains unburned gas, which is compara- tively cool. A part of the unburned gas is, however, quite hot, and it would combine with oxygen were it not for the fact that it is surrounded by an envelope which prevents access of air. The outer hot part of the flame is called the oxidizing flame, because it presents condi- tions favorable to the oxidation of substances introduced into it. The inner hot part is called the reducing flame, because it consists of highly heated substances which have the power to combine with oxygen ; and hence many compounds containing oxygen lose it, or are reduced, when introduced into this part of the flame. The hot- test part of the flame is about half-way between the bottom and the top. Here oxidation is taking place most energetically. The hottest part of the unburned gases is at the tip of the dark central part of the flame. 398 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. In the flame of a Bunsen burner the two parts can be easily distinguished. The dark central part of the flame extends for some distance above the outlet of the burner. If the holes at the base of the burner are partly closed, the tip of the central part of the flame becomes lumi- nous. This luminous tip is most efficient for the pur- pose of reduction. The principal parts of the flame are those marked in Fig. 12. The part marked b is the central cone of un- burned gases ; that marked c is the lumi- nous tip, the best part of the flame for re- duction. A is the envelope of burning gas. The hottest part of the flame is at a ; that which is most efficient in causing oxi- dation is at d. This is further surrounded by a non-luminous envelope consisting of the products of combustion, carbon diox- ide and water vapor. Certain metals placed in the upper end of the flame take up oxygen, because they are highly heated in the presence of oxygen. Certain oxides lose their oxygen when placed in the tip of the central cone, because the gases are here heated to the temperature at which they have the power to combine with oxygen. Blow-pipe. The oxidizing and reducing flames are frequently utilized in the laboratory. For the purpose of increasing their efficiency a blow-pipe is used. This is simply a tube with a convenient mouth-piece and a nozzle with a small opening through which air is blown into a flame by means of the mouth. The blow-pipe may be used with the flame of a candle, an alcohol-lamp, or a gas-lamp. It is commonly used with a gas-lamp. By regulating the current of air and slightly changing the position of the tip of the blow-pipe a good oxidizing flame or a good reducing flame can be produced. Some oxides are very easily reduced when heated in the re- ducing blow-pipe flame. Others are not. We can fre- quently judge of the composition of a substance by heat- ing in the blow-pipe flame, and noticing its conduct. Some metals are easily oxidized in the oxidizing flame. LUMINOSITY OF FLAMES. 399 Some form characteristic films, or thin layers of oxides, on the substance upon which they are heated, which is usually charcoal ; and, in some cases, it is possible to detect the presence of certain substances by the color of the film of oxide. The blow-pipe is therefore of much value as affording a method for the detection of the presence of certain elements in mixtures or compounds of unknown composition. The chemical principles in- volved in its use will be clear from what has already been said. Causes of the Luminosity of Flames. It is evident from what we have seen that flames differ greatly in their light-giving power. The hydrogen flame, for example, though extremely hot, gives practically no light. This is also the case with the flame of the Bunsen burner ; while, on the other hand, the flame of coal-gas, burning under ordinary circumstances, and that of a candle, etc., give light. To what is the difference due ? This subject has been studied very thoroughly, and it has been found that there are several causes which operate to make a flame give light, and vice versa. In the first place, if a solid substance which does not burn is introduced into a non-luminous flame, a part of the heat appears as light. This is seen when a spiral of platinum wire is introduced into a hydrogen flame. It is also seen when a piece of lime is introduced into the hot non-luminous flame of the oxyhydrogen blow-pipe. A similar cause operates in ordinary gas-flames to make them luminous. There are always present particles of unburned carbon, as can be shown by putting a piece of porcelain or any solid substance into the flame, when there will be de- posited on it a layer of soot, which consists mainly of finely divided carbon. In the flame such particles are heated up to incandescence, or to the temperature at which they give light. Again, it has been found that a candle gives more light at the level of the sea than it does when at the top of a high mountain, as Mount Blanc, on which the experiment was actually performed. This is partly due to a difference in the density of the gases. Naturally, the denser the gas the more active the com- 400 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. bustion, the greater the heat, and the brighter the light. This last statement ceases to be true when the oxidation becomes sufficient to burn up all the solid particles in the flame. If gases, which in burning give light, are cooled down before they are burned, the luminosity is diminished, and, conversely, non-luminous flames may be rendered luminous by heating the gases before burn- ing them. Gases which otherwise give luminous flames give non- luminous flames when diluted to a sufficient extent with neutral gases, such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide, which neither burn nor support combustion. Bunsen Burner. All the statements made in regard to the causes of the luminosity of flames are based upon carefully performed experiments. These experiments, however, cannot, for the most part, be readily repeated by the student in the laboratory in a satisfactory way. One constant reminder of the possibility of rendering a luminous flame non-luminous, and vice versa, is fur- nished by the burner universally used in chemical labora- tories, and called, after the name of the inventor, the Bunsen burner. The construction of this burner is easily understood. It consists of a base and an upper tube. The base is connected by means of a rubber tube with the gas supply. The gas escapes from a small opening in the base, and passes upward through the tube. At the lower part of the tube there are two holes, which may be opened or closed by turning a ring with two cor- responding holes in it. When the gas is turned on, it is lighted at the top of the tube. Air is at the same time drawn through the holes at the base. The result is that the flame is practically non-luminous. If the ring at the base is turned so that the air-holes are closed, the flame becomes luminous. The advantage of the non- luminous flame for laboratory use consists in the fact that it does not deposit soot, and, at the same time, it is hot. The non-luminosity of the flame of the Bunsen burner appears to be due to several causes : (1) Dilution of the gases by means of the nitrogen of the air ; (2) Cooling of the gases by the entrance of the air ; (3) Burning of CYANOGEN. 401 the solid particles by tlie aid of the oxygen of the air admitted to the interior of the flame. COMPOUNDS or CARBON WITH NITROGEN AND WITH SULPHUR. Cyanogen, C 2 N 2 . Carbon does not combine with ni- trogen under ordinary circumstances. If, however, they are brought together at very high temperatures in the presence of metals, they combine to form compounds known as cyanides. Thus, when nitrogen is passed over a highly heated mixture of carbon and potassium car- bonate, potassium cyanide, KCN, is formed. Carbon containing nitrogen, as animal charcoal, when ignited with potassium carbonate, reduces the carbonate, form- ing potassium, in presence of which carbon and nitro- gen combine, forming potassium cyanide. When refuse animal substances, such as blood, horns, claws, hair, etc., are heated together with potassium carbonate and iron, a substance known as potassium ferro-cyanide, or yellow prussiate of potash, K 4 Fe(CN) 6 -J- 3H 2 O, is formed. When this is simply heated it is decomposed, yielding potassium cyanide : K 4 Fe(CN) 6 = 4KCN + FeC 2 + N 2 . It is an easy matter to make the mercury salt, Hg(CN) a , from the potassium salt. By heating mercuric cyanide it breaks up, yielding metallic mercury and cyanogen gas: just as mercuric oxide yields mercury and oxygen when heated : HgO = Hg + 0. Cyanogen (from KIMXVOS, Hue) owes its name to the fact that several of its compounds have a blue color. It is a colorless gas, which is easily soluble in water and alco- 402 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. hoi, and is extremely poisonous. It burns with a purple- colored flame. In aqueous solution cyanogen soon un- dergoes change, and a brown amorphous substance is deposited. In the solution are found hydrocyanic acid, oxalic acid, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. The princi- pal cause of this decomposition is apparently the ten- dency of the nitrogen to combine with hydrogen to form the stable compound ammonia, and of carbon to com- bine with hydrogen and oxygen to form stable com- pounds like oxalic acid and carbon dioxide. One of the chief decompositions which cyanogen undergoes with water is that represented in the equation H The compound I 2 or H 2 C 2 O 4 is oxalic acid. This kind of decomposition with water is characteristic of cy- anogen compounds. It consists, as will be seen, in the union of the nitrogen with hydrogen to form ammonia, and the union of the carbon with oxygen and hydroxyl. Hydrocyanic Acid, Prussia Acid, t HCN. This acid, which is commonly known by the name prussic acid, oc- curs in nature in amygdalin, in combination with other substances, in bitter almonds, the leaves of the cherry, laurel, etc. It is prepared by decomposing metallic cy- anides with hydrochloric acid. It is volatile and passes over. The action is represented thus : KCN + HC1 = KC1 + HON. It can also be made by treating chloroform with ammonia : CHC1 8 + NH 3 = HCN + 3HC1. Of course, the hydrochloric acid and the hydrocyanic acid formed combine with ammonia, so that the complete action is represented by this equation : CHC1 3 + 5NH 3 = NH 4 CN + 3NH 4 C1. The product NH 4 CN is ammonium cyanide. HYDROCYANIC ACID. 403 Hydrocyanic acid is a volatile liquid, boiling at 26. 1, and solidifying at 14. It has a very characteristic odor suggestive of bitter almonds. It is extremely poi- sonous. It dissolves in water in all proportions, and it is such a solution which is known as prussic acid. Pure hydrocyanic acid is very unstable. By standing, a brown substance is deposited from its solution. By boiling with alkalies or acids it is converted into formic acid and ammonia. This is another example of the tendency of cyanogen compounds to decompose in the presence of water, yielding ammonia and oxygen compounds of car- bon. The decomposition of hydrocyanic acid takes place as represented in the equation HHO The relations between chloroform, formic acid, and hydrocyanic acid are instructive. By replacing all the chlorine atoms of chloroform by hydroxyl a compound of roH OTT the formula C -j QJJ would be formed ; but this would break down by loss of water, yielding formic acid, C By replacing the three chlorine atoms by one nitrogen atom hydrocyanic acid is formed ; and this in turn when decomposed in presence of water yields formic acid. These relations will be made clear by the aid of the fol- lowing formulas and equations : oH fHOH=Cj^ + 3H01; OH TTr\TT H H 404 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Cyanic Acid, HCNO. By gentle oxidation of a cyan- ide it is converted into a cyanate. Thus, by melting together potassium cyanide and lead oxide, potassium cyanate is formed : KCN + PbO = KCNO + Pb. Cyanic acid is a volatile, acrid, unstable liquid. It breaks down at once into carbon dioxide and ammonia in presence of water : COKE + H 3 O = NH 3 + C0 a . The potassium salt is easily soluble in water, but is decomposed by it, yielding ammonia and acid potassium carbonate : CONK + 2H 2 O = KHC0 3 + NH 3 . These decompositions of cyanic acid and the cyanates further exemplify the tendency of cyanogen compounds to undergo decomposition in presence of water. Carbon Bisulphide, CS 2 . Just as carbon combines di- rectly with oxygen to form the dioxide, so it combines directly with sulphur to form the disulphide ; but there is a great difference in the ease with which carbon com- bines with the two elements. In order to effect combina- tion with sulphur a very high temperature is necessary. The compound is prepared on the large scale by heating charcoal to a high temperature in an upright cast-iron cylinder, and adding sulphur in such a way that it enters the bottom of the cylinder. The product is passed CARBON BISULPHIDE. 405 through a series of tubes arranged so as to secure condensation. Carbon disulphide is a clear liquid which has a high refractive power. It boils at 46. 2. When pure it has a pleasant odor, but if kept for a time, particularly if water is present in the vessel, it undergoes slight decom- position, and products of extremely disagreeable odor are formed. It can generally be freed from these by shaking the liquid with a little mercury and then redis- tilling. It burns readily, forming carbon dioxide and sulphur dixoide : CS, + 30 2 = C0 2 + 2S0 2 . In nitric oxide it burns with an intensely brilliant flame, as can be shown by filling a cylinder with the gas, adding a few drops of the disulphide, shaking and then apply- ing a flame. A column of brilliant flame rises from the mouth of the cylinder for an instant. A lamp has been constructed in which this flame is utilized. It is of special value in photographic work. Carbon disulphide is only very slightly soluble in water, and is decomposed by it only very slowly. The disulphide is an excellent solvent for many substances which are not soluble in water, as, for example, fats, resins, iodine, and one of the modifications of sulphur and of phosphorus. The solution of iodine in it has a beautiful violet color ; and when a water solution con- taining a little free iodine is shaken with carbon disul- phide the latter acquires a violet color and separates below the water. When the vapors of carbon disulphide and hydrogen sulphide are passed together over heated copper, methane and cuprous sulphide are formed, as has been stated. Methane is also formed when the vapors of carbon disul- phide and of water are passed over ignited iron. While the disulphide is not easily decomposed by water at the ordinary temperature, the two compounds react when 406 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. heated in a sealed tube to 150, the products being car* bon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide : CS 2 + 2H 2 O = CO 2 + 2H 2 S. Carbon disulphide finds extensive application as a solvent, and it is also used for the purpose of destroying phylloxera, the insect which is so destructive to grape- vines, particularly in the wine districts of France. Sulphocarbonic Acid, Thio-carbonic Acid, H 2 CS 3 . Salts of this acid are formed by dissolving carbon disulphide in concentrated solutions of the hydrosulphides. Thus, when it is dissolved in a solution of sodium hydrosulphide this reaction takes place : CS 2 + 2NaSH = Na 2 CS 3 + H 2 S. The reaction, as will be seen, is perfectly analogous to that of carbon dioxide upon a solution of sodium hydroxide : CO 2 + 2NaOH = Na 2 CO 3 + H 2 O. The salts of sulphocarbonic acid are easily decom- posed by water if the temperature is slightly elevated, the products being the corresponding carbonates and hydrogen sulphide : Na.CS, + 3H 2 O = Na.CC), + 3H 2 S. When a sulphocarbonate is treated with cold dilute hydrochloric acid, the free acid separates as a dark yel- low oil of a very disagreeable odor. This readily undergoes decomposition into carbon disulphide and hydrogen sulphide : H 2 GS 3 = CS 2 -4- H 2 S. This reaction is again perfectly analogous to the decom- position of ordinary carbonic acid into carbon dioxide and water. Oxysulphides. Products intermediate between car- bonic acid and sulphocarbonic acid are possible. Such, CONSTITUTION OF CYANOGEN. 407 for example, are the compounds represented by the for- mulas CO < Q , CS -j , etc. Sulphocyanic Acid, HCNS. Just as the cyanides take up oxygen and are converted into cyanates, so also they take up sulphur and are converted into sulphocyanates : KCN + S = KCNS. By suspending in water a salt of the acid, the metal of which forms an insoluble sulphide with hydrogen sul- phide, and passing this gas through the liquid, a solution of the acid is obtained. When the solution is boiled the acid passes over partly unchanged, though a part is decomposed by the water into carbon dioxide, carbon disulphide, and ammonia : 2HCNS + 2H 2 O = CO 2 + CS 3 + 2NH 3 . The ammonium salt of sulphocyanic acid is formed by dissolving carbon disulphide in an alcoholic solution of ammonia : CS 2 + 4NH 3 = (NH 4 )CNS + (NH 4 ) 2 S. Constitution of Cyanogen and its Simpler Compounds. The compounds of cyanogen show, in general, a remark- able similarity to the compounds of the chlorine group. The hydrogen compound is a monobasic acid and forms a series of salts, the cyanides, which in general are ana- logous to the chlorides. Comparing the cyanides with the chlorides it is clear that in the former the group (CN), or the cyanogen group, plays the same part that the atom chlorine plays in the chlorides : H(ON) HC1 K(CN) KC1 Hg(CN) a HgCl, So also cyanic acid and hypochlorous acid are analo- gous : HO(CN) HOC1. 408 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. This relation suggests that which is observed between the ammonium compounds and those of potassium and sodium. The cyanogen group is evidently univalent, as it combines with one atom of hydrogen, one of potassium, etc., and there are two ways in which we can conceive the atoms carbon and nitrogen combined to form a uni- valent group. If the nitrogen is trivalent and the carbon quadrivalent the structure is that represented by the formula -C=N. If, on the other hand, the nitrogen is quinquivalent and the carbon quadrivalent the structure is C=N-. By combination of the first group with hydro- gen a compound of the structure H-C=N would result while with the second group the structure of the hydro- gen compound would be C=N-H, In the one case the hydrogen is in combination with carbon, in the other with nitrogen. It appears probable that in ordinary hydro- cyanic acid the hydrogen is in combination with carbon, the structure being H-C=N. This is in accordance with the formation of the acid by the action of ammonia upon chloroform, which is most readily understood on the as- sumption that the three atoms of chlorine are replaced by an atom of nitrogen. It has not been positively de- termined which of the two possible structures above given the cyanogen group has in cyanic acid. In one case the acid would have the structure N=C OH ; in the other it would be C=N-OH. It may also be O=C=NH. There are some reasons for believing that the ordinary cyanates are derived from an acid of the structure rep- resented by the last formula. CHAPTER XXII. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY IV, GROUP A: SILICON TITANIUM ZIRCONIUM CERIUM THORIUM. General. While the elements of this group in some respects exhibit resemblances to carbon and bear to it relations similar to those which the members of the chlorine group bear to fluorine, the members of the sul- phur group to oxygen, and the members of the phos- phorus group to nitrogen, yet between them and carbon there are some remarkable differences. All the members of the group except titanium combine with hydrogen. The compounds formed have the formulas SiH 4 , ZrH 2 , CeH 2 , and ThH 2 . The power to form homologous series which is so characteristic of carbon is entirely wanting in the other members of the group. With the members of the chlorine group they all form compounds analogous to carbon tetrachloride, examples of which are : SiCl 4 , TiCl 4 , ZrCl 4 , CeF 4 , ThCl 4 . Compounds analogous to hexa-chlor-ethane, C 2 Cl g , to tetra-chlor-ethylene, C 2 C1 4 , and to octo-chlor-propane, C 8 Cl e ,are: Si 2 Cl 8 Si 2 Cl 4 Si 3 Cl 8 Ti 2 Cl 6 Ti,Cl 4 All the elements of the group form oxygen compounds analogous to carbon dioxide. They are : Si0 2 , Ti0 2 , Zr0 2 , Ce0 2 , ThO a . The first three are acidic, and form salts which in com- position are analogous to the carbonates. These are the (409) 410 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. silicates, titanates, and zirconates of the general formulas M 3 SiO 3 , M a TiO 3 , M 3 ZrO 8 . Cerium and thorium oxides are basic. These facts suggest the relations between the members of the phos- phorus group. The oxides of the last two members, antimony and bismuth, are basic, although the oxide of antimony is also acidic in its conduct towards the stronger bases. The compounds of silicon are very abundant in nature ; those of the other members of the group are rare. SILICON, Si (At. Wt. 28.18). Occurrence. We have already seen what an exceed- ingly important part carbon plays in animate nature. It is interesting to note that silicon, which in some respects from a chemical point of view resembles carbon, is one of the most important constituents of the mineral or in- organic parts of the earth. It occurs chiefly in the form of the dioxide, SiO 2 , commonly called silica, or silicon dioxide ; and in combination with oxygen and several of the common metallic elements, particularly with sodium, potassium, aluminium, and calcium, in the form of the silicates. Next to oxygen, silicon is the most abundant ele- ment in the earth. There are extensive mountain-ranges consisting almost entirely of the dioxide, SiO 2 , in the form known as quartz or qiiartzite. Other ranges are made up of silicates, which are compounds formed by the com- bination of silicon dioxide and bases. The clay of the vallevs and river-beds also contains silicon in large quantity, while the sand found so abundantly on the deserts and at the sea-shore is largely silicon dioxide. Preparation. Silicon does not occur in nature in the free state. The oxide, SiO a , which is most abundant in the form of sand, is decomposed by heating it with potas- sium or magnesium, and silicon is thus set free. When magnesium is used the action is violent, and besides the silicon a compound of silicon and magnesium is formed. SILICON. 411 Silicon has also been made by heating the oxide and carbon in the electric furnace, and by decomposing the chloride with potassium : SiCl 4 + 4K = Si + 4KC1. The best way to make it is by heating together potassium fluosilicate, K 2 SiF t , sodium, and zinc: K 2 SiF 6 + 4Na = 4NaF + 2KF -f Si. At the same time the zinc melts and the silicon which separates dissolves in the molten zinc. On cooling, it is deposited from the solution in beautiful needle-shaped crystals, around which the zinc solidifies at a lower tem- perature. By treating the mass with hydrochloric acid the zinc is dissolved and the crystals of silicon are left behind. When obtained by reduction of the oxide or the chloride by means of potassium, it is a brown amorphous powder. If made by decomposition of potassium fluo- silicate by aluminium, it is deposited from the molten aluminium in crystals somewhat resembling graphite. Just as there are three forms of carbon, the amorphous, graphite, and diamond, so there are three corresponding forms of silicon, the amorphous brown powder, the graphitoidal, and the needles. The amorphous variety is converted into crystallized silicon by continued heat- ing at a high temperature. Amorphous silicon acts upon hydrofluoric acid, form- ing silicon tetrafluoride, SiF 4 , and setting hydrogen free : In this reaction it exhibits one of the properties of a base-forming element. Towards other acids, however, it is indifferent. It is not acted upon by sulphuric acid, nor by nitric acid, nor aqua regia. It dissolves, however, in potassium hydroxide, forming potassium silicate, in this case acting like an acid-forming element : Si + 2KOH + H,O = K 2 SiO 3 + 2H q . 412 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. This form of silicon also burns in the air, forming the dioxide. Crystallized silicon, on the other hand, does not burn in oxygen at the highest temperatures. It, however, re- duces carbon dioxide and decomposes carbonates at a high temperature. It is also oxidized by a melting mix- ture of potassium nitrate and the hydroxide or carbonate. It combines with nitrogen at a high temperature. Both the graphitoidal and needle-formed crystals of silicon consist of regular octahedrons. Both forms have a blackish-gray color and a metallic lustre. Silicon Hydride, SiH 4 . This gas is obtained mixed with hydrogen when a compound of magnesium and sili- con is treated with hydrochloric acid : Mg 2 Si + 4HC1 = SiH 4 + 2MgCl 2 . Thus made, it takes fire when it comes in contact with the air, and the act is accompanied by explosion. The products of its combustion are silicon dioxide and water. When pure it forms a colorless gas which does not take fire spontaneously in the air at the ordinary temperature. If it is diluted with hydrogen, or if it is heated, it does take fire. When burned in a cylinder or narrow tube, so that free access of air is not possible, amorphous sili- con is deposited upon the walls of the vessel. Titanium, Ti (At. Wt. 47.79). Titanium occurs in nature as titanium dioxide, TiO 2 , in three distinct forms, known as rutile, brookite, and anatase ; in combination with iron, as titaniferous iron which contains ferrous titanate, JFeTiO 3 ; and in a number of iron ores and rare minerals. The element is obtained in the free state by decomposing potassium fluotitanate, K 2 TiF 6 , with potassium, just as silicon is obtained by decomposing potassium fluosilicate, . K 2 SiF 6 , with potassium or sodium. It burns when heated in the air. It acts upon water at 100, causing the evolu- tion of hydrogen. It is dissolved by hydrochloric acid, forming the chloride, Ti 2 Cl 6 . At a high temperature it unites directly with nitrogen as silicon does. Titanium does not form a compound with hydrogen. SILICON TETRACHLOR1DE. 413 Zirconium, Zr (At. Wt. 89.72). The principal form in which zirconium occurs in nature is as zircon, which is a silicate of the formula ZrSiO 4 , derived from normal silicic acid, Si(OH) 4 , by the replacement of the four hy- drogen atoms by a quadrivalent atom of zirconium. The element is obtained in the free condition by decomposing potassium fluozirconate by heating it with aluminium to a high temperature. In this way it is obtained in crystal- lized form, somewhat resembling antimony. It does not burn in the air. It is dissolved by hot concentrated hy- drochloric acid, and when heated in a current of hydro- chloric acid gas. The product is the tetrachloride, ZrCl 4 ; and the same compound is formed when chlorine acts directly upon zirconium. Thorium, Th. (At. Wt. 230.87). This element occurs principally in the mineral thorite, which is essentially a silicate of thorium, ThSiO 4 , analogous to zircon. It is obtained free by treating the chloride with silicon or potassium. At high temperatures it burns in the air, forming thorium dioxide, ThO 2 . Cerium so much resembles the two elements lanthanum and didymium, that although it falls in the same group as silicon, and resembles the elements of this group in some respects, it seems advisable to postpone its study until lanthanum and didymium are taken up. COMPOUNDS OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE SILICON GKOUP WITH THOSE OF THE CHLOKINE GROUP. Silicon Tetrachloride, SiCl 4 . This compound is formed when silicon is heated in a current of chlorine, and by passing a current of dry chlorine over a heated mixture of silicon dioxide and carbon. Under these latter cir- cumstances the following reaction takes place : SiO, + 20 + 2C1, = SiCl 4 + 2CO. Carbon acting alone upon silicon dioxide cannot reduce it, nor has chlorine acting alone the power to convert it into the chloride. When, however, carbon and chlorine 414 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. act together both reactions take place. The tetrachlo- ride is a colorless liquid. It is decomposed by water, forming silicic acid and hydrochloric acid. The reaction probably takes place as represented in the following equation : SiCl 4 + 4H 2 = Si(OH) 4 + 4HC1. The normal acid thus formed breaks down very readily, however, forming the ordinary acid of the formula SiO(OH) 2 or H 2 SiO 3 , corresponding to carbonic acid, H 2 CO, Silicon Hexachloride, Si 2 Cl 6 , is formed when silicon tetrachloride is heated with silicon : 3SiCl 4 + Si = 2Si 2 Cl e . When heated to a sufficiently high temperature it is de- composed, yielding silicon and the tetrachloride : 2Si 2 Cl 6 = 3SiCl 4 + Si. "Water decomposes it, forming the corresponding hy- droxyl derivative, which loses water and forms the acid Si 2 2 (OH) 2 : Si 2 Cl 6 + 6H 2 O = Si 2 (OH) 6 + 6HC1. Si 2 (OH) 6 = Si 2 2 (OH) 2 + 2H 2 0. The product is a disilicic acid, in some respects analo- gous to disulphuric acid. Similar compounds of silicon with bromine and iodine are known. Silicon Tetrafluoride, SiF 4 . This is one of the most interesting of the compounds which silicon forms with the members of Family VII. It is made by treating silicon dioxide with hydrofluoric acid. This action is secured by treating a mixture of silicon dioxide (sand) and calcium fluoride (fluor-spar) with concentrated sul- phuric acid, when two reactions take place : CaF 2 + H 2 S0 4 = CaSO 4 + 2HF ; Si0 2 + 4HF = 2H 2 + SiF 4 . FLUOSILICIC ACID. 415 The tetrafluoride escapes as a colorless gas, which forms thick clouds in moist air on account of the action of water upon it. Water decomposes the tetrafluoride, as it does the tetrachloride. The first action probably consists in the formation of normal silicic acid and hydrofluoric acid, the normal acid then breaking down by loss of water and yielding the ordinary form of silicic acid : SiF 4 + 4H 2 O = Si(OH) 4 + 4HF ; Si(OH) 4 = SiO(OH) 2 + H 2 O. The silicic acid thus formed separates as a gelatinous mass. At the same time the hydrofluoric acid acts upon some of the silicon tetrafluoride, forming the compound fluosilicic acid, which has the formula H 2 SiF 6 : SiF 4 + 2HF = H 2 SiF 6 . The complete action may be represented in one equa- tion, as follows : 3SiF 4 + 3H 2 O = H 2 Si0 3 + 2H 2 SiF 6 . The fluosilicic acid remains in solution in the water, and by treating this solution with carbonates or hydroxides of the metallic elements the salts known as the fluosili- cates are obtained. The solution of the acid can be con- centrated to a certain extent in a platinum vessel, but it breaks down into silicon tetrafluoride and hydrofluoric acid when it becomes concentrated. If more potassium hydroxide than is required to neutralize the acid is added to the solution, decomposition ensues, with formation of silicic acid : H 2 SiF 6 + 6KOH = 6KF + H 2 SiO 3 + 3H 2 O. By water alone, however, the acid is not decomposed, and the salts are fairly stable. When heated, the salts give off silicon tetrafluoride, and fluorides are left behind K 2 SiF 6 = 2KF + SiF 4 . 416 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Constitution of Pluosilicic Acid. Attention has already been called to the fact that fluosilicic acid and silicic acid seem to be analogous substances, and that the former may be regarded as derived from the latter by the sub- stitution of six fluorine atoms for the three oxygen atoms. According to this, fluorine has a valence higher than one, and this accords with the fact that at the or- dinary temperature the density of hydrofluoric acid is greater than that required by the formula, HF. Assum- ing, then, that fluorine may act as a bivalent or a tri- valent element, and for the present purpose it is imma- terial which view is taken, the relation between silicic acid and fluosilicic acid is shown by the following for- mulas : Silicic acid Fluosilicic acid It is commonly held that the acid is a " double com- pound " made by the union of one molecule of silicon tetra- fluoride with two molecules of hydrofluoric acid, and rep- resented by the formula SiF 4 .2HF. This is not even an attempt at an explanation of the fact that the composition of the acid is so similar to that of silicic acid. The above explanation is, however, in accordance with the composi- tion of a large number of similar " double compounds," in which not only fluorine, but chlorine, bromine, and iodine enter. Titanium Tetrachloride, TiCl 4 , is formed by the direct action of chlorine on titanium, and also by passing dry chlorine over a mixture of carbon and titanium dioxide. It is, like silicon tetrachloride, a liquid. It forms crys- tallized compounds with water. When heated with water it is decomposed, yielding titanium dioxide and hydrochloric acid : TiCl 4 + 2H,0 = TiO, + 4HC1. Titanium also forms with chlorine the compounds Ti 2 Cl 9 and Ti 2 Cl 4 . THORIUM TETRAFLUORIDE. 41? Titanium Tetraihioride, TiF 4 , is formed in the same way as silicon tetrafluoride, by treating a mixture of titanium dioxide and fluor-spar with concentrated sul- phuric acid, and by dissolving titanium dioxide in hydro- fluoric acid. When treated with water it forms a com- pound analogous to fluosilicic acid, called fluotitanic acid, H 2 TiF 6 , which yields well characterized salts, the fluotitanates. Zirconium Tetrachloride, ZrCl 4 , is not completely decom- posed by water, only half the chlorine being replaced by oxygen, forming a product, zirconium oxychloride, ZrOCl 2 : ZrCl 4 + H 2 = ZrOCl 2 + 2HC1. This is in accordance with the fact that zirconium acts as a base-forming as well as an acid-forming element. The chlorides of silicon and titanium are completely de- composed by water, as they are acid-forming. The tetrafluoride of zirconium is obtained from zircon or zirconium silicate by mixing the finely powdered mineral with fluor-spar and passing hydrochloric acid gas over it at a high temperature : ZrSi0 4 + 2CaF 2 + 2HC1 = CaCl 2 + CaSiO 3 +ZrF 4 + H 2 O. With metallic fluorides the tetrafluoride forms salts of fluozirconic acid, H 2 ZrF 6 , analogous to fluosilicic and fluo- titanic acids. Thorium Tetrachloride, ThCl 4 , is not decomposed by water at the ordinary temperature, but if its solution is evaporated to dryness hydrochloric acid is given off and thorium dioxide is left : ThCl 4 + 2H 2 = Th0 2 + 4HC1. Thorium Tetrafluoride, ThF 4 , is easily made by treat- ing the tetrachloride with hydrofluoric acid. With po- tassium fluoride it forms a salt of the formula K 2 ThF 6 , or potassium fluothorate. The chloride also forms a simi- lar salt with potassium chloride, potassium chlorthorate, K 2 ThCl 6 . 418 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Comparison of the Chlorides of Family IV with those of Family V. In studying the chlorides formed by the members of the phosphorus group it was found that the chlorides of phosphorus are readily decomposed by water, forming the corresponding acids, and that the same is true of the chloride of arsenic ; but that the trichlorides of antimony and bismuth are only partly decomposed by water, yielding oxychlorides. In the silicon group we find now similar differences between the members with low atomic weights and those with high atomic weights. The chlorides of silicon and titanium are com- pletely decomposed by water at the ordinary tempera- ture, while that of zirconium is only half decomposed, and that of thorium is not decomposed except at high temperature. COMPOUNDS OF THE MEMBERS or THE SILICON GROUP WITH OXYGEN, AND WITH OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN. Silicon Dioxide, SiO 2 . This compound occurs very abundantly in nature in many different forms, both crys- tallized and amorphous. Quartz is a form of crystallized silicon dioxide which is found very widely distributed. It crystallizes in the hexagonal system in prisms and pyramids, the crystals sometimes attaining great size and beauty. Another form of the crystallized compound is that known as tridymite. Like quartz it crystallizes in the hexagonal system, but the characteristic forms are not the same as those of quartz. Further, it nearly always occurs in triplet crystals. The finer crystals of quartz are generally called rock-crystal ; the crystalline variety in which the crystals are not well developed is called quartzite. The amorphous varieties of silicon di- oxide frequently contain water in combination, or, rather, they are hydroxides of silicon. Examples of these forms are opal, agate, amethyst, carnelian, flint, sand, chalced- ony. Some of these are colored by small quantities of other substances contained in them. Carnelian owes its color to a compound of iron, probably ferric oxide ; flint contains small quantities of organic matter. The SILICON DIOXIDE. 419 specific gravity of the crystallized varieties is higher than that of the amorphous varieties, and there are also some chemical differences between them which will be referred to below. Pure silicon dioxide can be made by melting sand or a finely powdered silicate with sodium carbonate, when sodium silicate is formed. This is soluble in water, and when hydrochloric acid is added to the solution silicic acid separates in the form of a gelatinous mass. By evaporating the mass to complete dryness, moistening with concentrated hydrochloric acid, and after a time treating with water, everything dissolves except silicon dioxide, which is perfectly pure and in a very finely di- vided state. It can also be obtained pure by passing sili- con tetrafluoride into water. As we have seen, a form of silicic acid separates under these circumstances. This, when filtered, dried, and ignited, yields perfectly pure silicon dioxide. Properties. Silicon dioxide is insoluble in water and in most acids. It dissolves, however, in hydrofluoric acid, forming the tetrafluoride. It requires the tempera- ture produced by the oxyhydrogen blow-pipe to melt it. The amorphous varieties are more easily acted upon by other substances than the crystallized. Thus, hydro- fluoric acid acts much more readily upon them. When the amorphous compound is boiled with solutions of potassium or sodium hydroxide, or of the carbonates of these metals, it dissolves, forming the corresponding sili- cate : 2KOH + SiO 2 = K 2 SiO 3 + H 2 O. The crystallized varieties are not dissolved in this way. All forms of the dioxide act upon melting hydroxides or carbonates of potassium or sodium, and form the corre- sponding silicates. Uses. Plants take up silicon dioxide from the soil, and this being deposited in various part of their tissues, gives them the necessary firmness. - Straw, for example, 420 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. is rich in silicon dioxide. Horse-tail, a plant of the genus Equisetum, is so rich in finely divided silicon di- oxide that it is used for polishing. There are great natural deposits of finely divided silicon dioxide known as infusorial earth. This consists of the remains of dia- toms. And finally silicon dioxide is found in the hair, in feathers, and in egg albumen. Silicon dioxide finds extensive application in the manufacture of mortar, glass, and porcelain. Ordinary glass, as we shall see, is a silicate of calcium and potassium or sodium, which is made by melting together sand and the carbonates of the metals mentioned. Silicic Acid. There are many varieties of silicic acid, all of which can, however, be referred to the normal acid, Si(OH) 4 . This normal acid is not known in the free state in pure condition, but it is probably contained in the gelatinous precipitate which is formed when silicon tetrachloride or tetrafluoride is decomposed by water : SiCl 4 + 4H 2 O = Si(OH) 4 + 4HC1. This cannot, however, be isolated, as, even by standing, it loses a molecule of water, and passes into the form H 2 Si0 3 : Si(OH) 4 = OSi(OH) 2 + H 2 O. This is the form from which most of the ordinary sili- cates are derived. It cannot be isolated in pure con- dition, for when filtered off and exposed to the air it loses more water, and when heated to a sufficiently high temperature it is converted into silicon dioxide. OSi(OH), = Si0. 2 + H 2 O. When potassium or sodium silicate in solution is treated with hydrochloric acid, most of the silicic acid separates in the form of a gelatinous mass if the solution is con- centrated. If, however, the solution is dilute, a consid- erable part of the acid remains in solution. Further, if a concentrated solution of the silicate of potassium or SILICIC ACID. 421 sodium is poured quickly into hydrochloric acid, or if the acid is poured quickly into the solution of the sili- cate, the silicic acid remains in solution. If, however, the solutions are brought together drop by drop the silicic acid separates. From these solutions of silicic acid am- monia or ammonium carbonate throws down the acid. A solution of pure silicic acid can be obtained by means of dialysis. It has been found that solutions of different substances pass with different degrees of ease through porous membranes, just as gases differ as re- gards the ease with which they pass through porous dia- phragms. This fact concerning gases was referred to in connection with hydrogen. Now, while some solutions pass readily through parchment paper, others pass through with difficulty, and some do not pass through at all. A dialyser, or an apparatus used in dialysis, may be made by tying a piece of parchment paper over the mouth of a ring-formed glass or rubber vessel, and placing this in another shallow vessel. Pure water is put in the outer vessel, and the solution for dialysis in the inner one. The arrangement is illustrated in Fig. 13. FIG. 13. In the figure aa is the hoop of gutta-percha, and 5 is the parchment paper. When now the solution containing hy- drochloric acid, sodium chloride, and silicic acid is put in the dialyser, the hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride pass readily through the membrane, while the silicic acid is left behind, and in the course of a few days, if the water in the outer vessel is renewed, the solution of silicic acid in the inner vessel will be found to be free from the other substances. This solution can be evaporated to 422 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, some extent by boiling, but when a certain concentration is reached the acid separates. In a vacuum such a solu- tion can be evaporated further without the formation of a deposit. Finally, there is left a transparent mass which has approximately the composition represented by the formula H 2 SiO 3 . The dialysed solution of silicic acid is coagulated by a very dilute solution of sodium or potas- sium carbonate, and by carbon dioxide itself. When the solutions containing silicic acid are evapo- rated to complete dryness the acid is converted into sili- con dioxide and other insoluble hydrates. This residue is called insoluble silicic acid. When this is treated with hydrochloric acid and water it remains undissolved, and if filtered off and ignited it leaves a residue of silicon di- oxide. To sum up, then : Whenever silicic acid is formed in a solution it is a more or less complex derivative of normal silicic acid, and is somewhat soluble in water, but by the processes just described the soluble acid is con- verted into insoluble silicic acid, as explained. Poly silicic Acids. Silicic acid is remarkable for the great number of derivatives which it yields. Most of these bear to the normal acid relations similar to those which the various forms of phosphoric acid bear to nor- mal phosphoric acid, and the various forms of periodic acid to normal periodic acid. It has already been stated that salts of the acid H 2 SiO 3 are more common than those of the normal acid. Among the salts of the normal acid are zircon, ZrSiO 4 , and thorite, ThSiO 4 . The or- dinary silicates of potassium and sodium are derived from the acid H 2 SiO 3 ; so also are wollastonite, CaSiO 3 , and enstatite, MgSiO 3 . Disilicic Acid is derived from "ordinary silicic acid by loss of one molecule of water from two molecules of the acid : Its composition is, therefore, H^Si^O,, which may be W TRISIL1C1C ACIDS. 423 written O 3 Si,(OH) 2 . Another form of disilicic acid is de- rived from two molecules of the normal acid by loss of one molecule of water : 2Si(OH) 4 = OSi,(OH) 6 + H 2 0. The well-known mineral serpentine is apparently the magnesium salt of this acid. It is represented by the formula Mg,Si 9 O,. Trisilicic Acids are derived from three molecules of the normal acid or the ordinary acid by loss of different numbers of molecules of water. Thus, by loss of two molecules the normal acid would yield a product H fl Si 3 O 10 . By loss of two molecules of water this trisilicic acid would yield an acid of the formula H 4 Si 3 O 8 . The struc- ture of the first acid is expressed by formula I, and of the second by formula II, below given : Si Sij(OH), i (OH), Si OH (OK O Si J O O O Si]o O O (OH), Si|o 8 Al n. in. Orthoclase or ordinary feldspar is the aluminium- potassium salt of the second form of trisilicic acid, in which one atom of hydrogen is replaced by potassium, and three by an aluminium atom, as shown in formula III above, Titanium Dioxide, TiO a As has been stated, this is one of the principal forms in which titanium is found in nature. There are three natural crystallized varieties rutile, brookite, and anatase. In order to prepare the pure dioxide from one of the natural forms, it is melted in finely powdered condition with potassium carbonate, when it is converted into potassium titanate, K 2 TiO 3 , the reaction being entirely analogous to that which takes place when silicon dioxide is treated in the same way : K 2 C0 3 + Si0 2 = K 2 Si0 3 + C0 2 ; K 2 C0 3 + TiO 3 = K 2 Ti0 3 + C0 a . 424 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. When titanic acid is precipitated from a solution of a titanate it appears as a hydroxide, the composition of which varies from Ti(OH) 4 , or normal titanic acid, to H 2 Ti 2 O 5 , a dititanic acid. When these substances are ignited they yield titanium dioxide. The hydroxides of titanium conduct themselves somewhat like those of sili- con. They are to some extent soluble in water, and when these solutions containing sulphuric acid are much diluted and boiled, the titanium is all precipitated as a hydroxide. Titanium dioxide forms some salts with acids, among which the following are examples Ti(SO 4 ) a and TiO(SO 4 ). The former is normal titanium sulphate, the latter titanyl sulphate, in which the bivalent group, TiO, or titanyl, takes the place of two hydrogen atoms. Zirconium Dioxide, ZrO 2 , is obtained by a rather com- plicated series of reactions from zircon. It dissolves in molten potassium or sodium carbonate, forming the cor- responding zirconate, K 2 ZrO 3 . The sodium salt of nor- mal zir conic acid, Na 4 ZrO 4 , has also been obtained. The dioxide forms salts with acidrf, among which two of the sulphates are of special interest. One has the composition ZrSO 6 , and the other Zr 3 (SO 6 ) 2 . The former is to be regarded as the salt of the acid OS(OH) 4 , formed by substituting one atom of zirconium for the four atoms of hydrogen ; the other is the salt of normal sulphuric acid, S(OH) e , formed by substituting zirconium for all the hydrogen. Thorium Dioxide, ThO 2 , does not form thorates as the dioxides of the other members of the group. It does, however, form salts with acids. In these, thorium acts as a quadrivalent element. Silicides are compounds of silicon with other elements, as, for example, with carbon. These two elements com- bine forming an extremely interesting compound carbon silicide, CSi, which is manufactured on the large scale and known in the market as carborundum. This is made by heating a mixture of quartz sand, coke, and common salt, or sodium chloride, in the electric furnace to 3500, when the reaction represented below takes place : SiO, + 20 = CSi + 2CO. FAMILY IV, GROUP B. 425 The product is in the main crystallized, the crystals being bluish or yellowish-green. They have the specific gravity 3.22 to 3.12. The silicide is said to be colorless when perfectly pure. It scratches ruby and chrome- steel, and on account of its hardness it is much prized as a polishing agent, being used to a considerable ex- tent in place of emery. Pure carbon silicide is insoluble in nearly all ordinary solvents, including hydrochloric, nitric, sulphuric, and hydrofluoric acids. It is, however, decomposed by fusing caustic alkalies or their car- bonates. Many other silicides have been made, several of which are well crystallized compounds. FAMILY IV, GROUP B. Allied to the members of the silicon group, yet differ- ing from them in some important particulars, are the three elements germanium, tin, and lead. Of these the first two are more acidic in character than the last. The*y combine with chlorine in two proportions, forming the chlorides GeCl a , SnCl a , PbCl,', GeCl 4 , SnCl 4 , PbCl 4 . With oxygen they unite, forming the compounds GeO 2 , SnO 2 , and PbO 2 . Stannic oxide, SnO 2 , and lead peroxide, PbO 2 , form salts with bases, and these have the composition represented by the general formulas M 2 SnO 3 and M 2 PbO 3 , and are therefore analogous to the silicates and titanates. On the other hand, further, salts are known which are derived from the oxide PbO. These have the general formula M 2 PbO 2 , and are to be regarded as salts of an acid, Pb(OH) 2 . These salts are not stable, and are not easily obtained. Most of the derivatives of lead are those in which it plays the part of a base-forming ele- ment. It will therefore be better to postpone its study until it is taken up under the general head of the base- forming elements. Notwithstanding, further, the marked analogy between some of the compounds of tin and those of the members of the silicon group, it appears on the whole advisable to treat of this element in company with lead, which it also resembles in many respects. CHAPTER XXIII. CHEMICAL ACTION. Retrospective. "We have been studying the principal elements of four families and the compounds which they form with one another. No matter how simple or how complex the chemical changes studied were, certain fun- damental laws governing all cases of chemical action were found to hold good. These laws have been discussed, but it will be well to recall them here before taking up other laws which are intimately connected with them. The first great law of chemical change is I. The laiv of conservation of mass. * According to this, the amount of matter is not changed by a chemical act. The second law is II. The law of definite proportions. According to this, the composition of every compound is always the same. The third law is III. The law of multiple proportions. According to this, the different masses of any element which combine with a fixed mass of another or others bear simple relations to one another. To account for the laws of definite and multiple pro- portions the Atomic Theory was proposed. According to this, each element is made up of particles of definite weight, which are chemically indivisible, and chemical action consists in union or separation of these particles. These hypothetical particles are called atoms. The elements must combine in the proportion of their atomic weights or of simple multiples of these, if the atomic theory is true. Further study showed that it is necessary to assume (426) CHEMICAL ACTION. 427 the existence of larger particles than the atoms, viz., the molecules. According to the theory of molecules, every chemical compound and element is made up of mole- cules, which are the smallest particles having the same general properties as the mass. These molecules are made up of atoms which, in the case of compounds, are of different kinds, and in the case of elements, of the same kind. In the case of a few elements the atom ap- pears to be identical with the molecule. From the study of gases the conclusion is reached that in equal volumes of all gases under standard conditions there is always the same number of molecules (Avoga- dro's law). This gives us a means of determining the relative weights of molecules of gaseous substances ; and from these molecular weights it is possible to draw con- clusions in regard to the atomic weights of those elements which enter into the composition of the compounds thus studied. The formulas of chemical compounds are intended to be molecular formulas. They are intended to tell of what atoms and of how many atoms the molecules represented are made up. The method of determining molecular weights based upon Avogadro's law is applicable only to gaseous sub- stances, or to such as can be converted into gas without undergoing decomposition. While many of the com- pounds with which we have had to deal are of this char- acter, many of them are not, and in regard to the mole- cular weights of these, we must be in doubt unless some other method applicable to liquids and solids is avail- able. So, too, the atomic weights of those elements which enter into the composition of gaseous compounds can be deduced from the molecular weights, but plainly those which do not enter into the composition of such com- pounds demand some other method. For determining the atomic weights of such elements an excellent method is based upon the study of specific heats ; while for the determination of the molecular weights of solid substances which can be dissolved without decomposition a method has quite recently come into play which is based upon 428 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the extent to which the compound raises the boiling, point or lowers the freezing-point of its solution. Both these methods will be briefly described in this chapter. Next, it is found that there is a limit to the law of multiple proportions. "While, according to this law, the masses of any element which unite with a given mass of another element bear simple relations to one another, the law is silent as to frow many kinds of compounds are possible between any two elements. A careful examina- tion of the composition of the compounds of the ele- ments shows, however, that there is a limit to the num- ber of atoms of one element which can combine with one atom of another element. This limit is determined by what is called the valence of the elements. Observa- tions on the composition of compounds led to the hy- pothesis of the linking of atoms the linking taking place according to the laws of valence. The arrangement of the atoms in a molecule is, according to this, the consti- tution of a compound. Yalence, as we have seen, is not a constant property of the atoms. Towards oxygen the elements which we have thus far studied have the highest valence ; towards hydrogen the lowest ; and, in general, towards tjie mem- bers of the chlorine group they exhibit an intermediate valence. The valence towards hydrogen is in most cases constant, while the valence towards oxygen and towards the members of the chlorine group varies, in some cases between comparatively wide limits, as between 1 and 7 in the chlorine group, and between 2 and 6 in the sulphur group. Further, the variations in the valence of an element generally take place from odd to odd or from even to even. In the case of chlorine it appears to vary from 1 to 3 to 5 to 7 ; in that of sulphur, from 2 to 4 to 6 ; in that of phosphorus, from 3 to 5. A knowledge of the valence of the elements is of great assistance in dealing with their compounds, as, knowing their valence, we know in general the composition of their principal compounds. A comparison of the atomic weights finally led to the discovery that the properties of the elements are a pen- CHEMICAL ACTION. 429 odic function of these weights. This is the great periodic laiv of chemistry. This makes a systematic classification of the elements according to their atomic weights and their properties possible, and is full of suggestion as to the relations which the forms of matter we call elements bear to one another. Classification of Reactions of the Elements and Com- pounds Studied. While there is undoubtedly something confusing in the number of the compounds and their reac- tions which we have been studying, still, when these are interpreted in the light of the atomic theory, of the law of valence, and of the periodic law, the study is much sim- plified, and those things which seem to have little or no connection are found to form parts of a general system. In studying chemistry, one of the first things to be done is to learn how elements and compounds act upon one another, and what products are formed. The question of composition is one of the first which presents itself, and this must be studied before other questions can be intelligently discussed. What, then, are the most promi- nent facts which we have learned in studying the ele- ments and compounds which have thus far been taken up? In the first place, it will have been noticed that, gener- ally speaking, the compounds which any element forms with oxygen and hydrogen are the most prominent ; that, taking the maximum oxygen compound of an element as one end of a series, the other end is formed by the hy- drogen compound. These end-products in the case of chlorine, sulphur, phosphorus, and silicon are : Hydrogen compound. Maximum oxygen compound. HC1 C1 2 O 7 H 2 S S0 3 (S 2 6 ) H 3 P PA H 4 Si Si0 2 (Si 2 O 4 ) The valence towards hydrogen increases while that towards oxygen decreases regularly in the order given. With water these oxides form the acids HC1O 4 , H 2 SO 4 , H.PO 4 , and H 4 SiO 4 . Here the remarkable fact is ob- 430 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. served, that the number of hydrogen atoms in each oi these acids is the same as that in the hydrogen com- pounds, and the limit of the addition of oxygen is reached in each case with four atoms of oxygen. Further, each of the first three acids appears to be related to so-called normal acids which are formed by union of the chlorine, sulphur, and phosphorus with a number of hydroxyl groups corresponding to the oxygen valence. These normal acids are Cl(OH),, S(OH) 6) P(OH),, Si(OH),. Now, whenever a chlorine compound is subjected to oxidation under proper circumstances the final product is perchloric acid, which when isolated has probably the composition represented by the formula HC1O 4 . So when a sulphur compound is oxidized the final product is sulphuric acid, H 2 SO 4 ; when a phosphorus compound is fully oxidized the final product is phosphoric acid,, H 3 PO 4 ; and the final product of oxidation of a silicon compound is silicic acid, H 4 SiO 4 . By reduction of the above compounds the final prod- ucts are the hydrogen compounds ; but before the limit of reduction is reached intermediate products are formed. All these intermediate products are comparatively un- stable, and tend to take up oxygen under ordinary cir- cumstances and to form the stable derivative of the highest oxygen compound. Thus phosphites pass over into phosphates, sulphites into sulphates, and chlorates into perchlorates when heated. These changes are repre- sented by the following equations : 2KC1O 3 = KC1 + KC10 4 + 2 ; 4K 2 S0 3 = K 2 S + 3K 2 S0 4 ; 4H 3 PO 3 = PH 3 + 3H 3 PO 4 . The highest forms are therefore evidently most stable. Turning to the compounds which the elements of Families IY, Y, YI, and YII form with the members of the chlorine group, attention has repeatedly been called to the fact that DIRECT COMBINATION. 431 these are for the most part decomposed by water with the formation of the corresponding hydroxyl compounds. The elements of Families IY, Y, VI, and VII do not form compounds with the members of the sulphur group, nor with those of the nitrogen group, as readily as they do with hydrogen, with oxygen, and with the members of the chlorine group. Those elements which have basic char- acter, however, like antimony and bismuth, form very characteristic compounds with sulphur. The sulphur compounds, in general, have a composition similar to that of the oxygen compounds of the same elements. Kinds of Chemical Reactions. As was pointed out in the early part of this book, all chemical reactions may be classified under three heads : (1) Those which consist in direct combination ; (2) Those which consist in direct decomposition ; and, (3) Those which involve the interaction of two or more elements or compounds and the formation of two or more compounds. This is known as double decomposition or metathesis. Direct Combination. We have had to deal with a number of examples of each of these kinds of reactions. As examples of the first kind already studied the fol- lowing may be mentioned : The combination of hydrogen and chlorine to form hydrochloric acid ; the formation of ammonium chloride from ammonia and hydrochloric acid ; the formation of calcium hydroxide from calcium oxide and water ; the formation of nitrogen peroxide from nitric oxide and oxygen ; and the formation of carbon disulphide from carbon and sulphur. As regards the combination of hydrogen and chlorine, it should be remarked that this act is the. same in princi- ple as that of metathesis. Strictly speaking, it is not a case of direct combination, as we understand it. For, as we have seen, according to the molecular theory, free chlo- rine and free hydrogen consist of molecules which are made up of two atoms each. Therefore, when these ele- ments are brought together the molecules are first de- composed into atoms before the act of union can take 432 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. place. The two acts are represented by the two equa* tions following : C1 2 + H 2 = Cl + Cl + H + H ; d -f Cl + H + H = 2HC1. In the case also of the union of hydrochloric acid and ammonia it appears probable that a serious disar- rangement of the constituent atoms is necessary in order that the act of combination may take place. According to the ammonium theory, ammonium chloride is repre- sented by the formula H H H, which means that the H Cl atom of chlorine and four atoms of hydrogen are in com- bination with the atom of nitrogen. But in order that a compound of this constitution may be formed from ammonia and hydrochloric acid, it is necessary that the molecule of hydrochloric acid should be broken down into its constituent atoms. So that this case of apparent direct combination is, as far as we can judge, in reality more complicated than it appears, and should be repre- sented by the two equations : NH 3 + HC1 = NH 3 + H + 01; NH. + H + Cl = NH 4 C1. All other cases of apparent direct combination are probably of the same character, so "that it is doubtful whether a single case of simple direct combination is known. Direct Decomposition. As examples of direct decom- position the following cases may be cited : The decomposition of mercuric oxide by means of heat into mercury and oxygen ; that of ammonium chlo- ride into ammonia and hydrochloric acid by heat ; that of potassium nitrate into potassium nitrite and oxygen METATHESIS. 433 by 'heat ; that of phosphorus pentachloride into the trichloride and chlorine by heat ; that of ammonia into hydrogen and nitrogen by continued action of electric sparks ; and that of nitrogen iodide by contact with a solid substance. On close examination of each of the above cases, which are fairly typical and as simple as any that could be chosen, it will be seen that no one of them is merely a case of decomposition ; for even though we must assume that the first result in each case is the setting free of the atoms of one or two elements, we must also assume that these atoms unite again to form other molecules either of elements or compounds. Thus, when mercuric oxide is decomposed we get mercury and oxygen. As far as can be determined, the mercury atoms do not unite with each other, but the oxygen atoms do, so that the total ac- tion involves decomposition and afterwards combination as represented in the equations In the case of the pentachloride of phosphorus, it is probable that the two atoms of chlorine are first given off from each molecule of the chloride, leaving a molecule of the trichloride, but the atoms of chlorine afterwards unite to form molecules as represented thus : PC1 5 = PC1 3 + Cl + Cl ; PC1 3 + Cl + Cl = PC1 3 + C1 2 . Similar statements hold good for all other cases of direct decomposition. Metathesis. This is the most common kind of chemi- cal action, and indeed from what has been said in regard, to direct combination and direct decomposition it will be seen that there is no essential difference between them and metathesis. Most of the reactions with which we have had to deal are examples of double decomposition 434 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. or metathesis, as : The formation of salts by the action of bases upon acids ; the formation of the sulphides of arsenic, antimony, and bismuth by the action of hydro- gen sulphide upon solutions of compounds of these ele- ments ; the setting free of hydrochloric and nitric acids by the action of sulphuric acid upon chlorides and nitrates ; of carbon dioxide and oxides of nitrogen by the action of acids upon carbonates and nitrites ; and of am- monia by treating ammonium salts with lime. Among the more complicated examples which have been dealt with are : The action of sulphuric acid upon potassium iodide, giving rise to the formation of potassium sul- phate, hydriodic acid, free iodine, sulphur dioxide, sul- phur, and hydrogen sulphide ; the action of chlorine upon a mixture of silicon dioxide and charcoal ; the action of silicon fluoride upon water, giving rise to the forma- tion of silicic acid and fluosilicic acid ; and the action of phosphorus pentachloride upon water, forming phos- phoric and hydrochloric acids. As simple an example of this kind of action as can be cited is that of the for- mation of hydrogen and potassium chloride from potas- sium and hydrochloric acid gas. The molecular weight of potassium is not positively known, but, assuming its molecule to be made up of two atoms, the action must be represented in this way : K 2 + 2HC1 = 2KC1 + H 2 . The next stage of complication is exhibited in the re- action following : KI + HC1 = KC1 + HI. Examples similar to the latter, but somewhat more com- plicated, are these : 2KOH + H 2 S0 4 = K 2 S0 4 + HjO ; CaCl 2 + H 2 S0 4 = CaSO 4 + 2HC1. The Cause of Chemical Reactions. The prime cause of chemical reactions is something which we think of as an AN IDEAL CHEMICAL REACTION. 435 attractive force exerted in different degrees between the different elements. When any elements or compounds are brought together under certain conditions the ten- dency is always towards the formation of the most stable compounds of those elements which can be formed un- der the given conditions. Thus, potassium sulphate and water are more stable forms of combination of the ele- ments hydrogen and oxygen, and potassium, sulphur and oxygen, than sulphuric acid and potassium hydroxide are under the conditions under which the action takes place. So also the system composed of potassium chlo- ride and hydriodic acid is more stable than that com- posed of potassium iodide and hydrochloric acid under the conditions of the action. Why the one system is more stable than the other we do not know, for we do not know what relations exist between the atoms in the molecules. It is convenient to think of that which causes the atoms to unite to form compounds as chemical affinity. It is evident that this affinity is more strongly exerted between some elements than between others. The affinity of chlorine for hydrogen is, for example, much stronger than that of chlorine for nitrogen or for oxygen. Owing, however, to the complicated character of most chemical reactions, it is extremely difficult to make measurements of the affinities of the elements, and but little progress has been made in this direction. Still, one of the great objects in view in the study of chemical phenomena is to learn as much about chemical affinity as possible. An Ideal Chemical Reaction. In every case in which two compounds act upon each other to form two new ones, several forces must be at work, as we have seen. Suppose, for example, AB and CD act upon each other in the gaseous condition to form two compounds BC and AD, also both gaseous. The normal course of such a reaction would lead to the formation of not only the two compounds BC and AD, but AB and CD would also be present in the resulting system. For A has an affinity for B as well as for D, and C has an affinity for D as well as for B. In the system we should have operating 436 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the affinity of A for B, and A for D ; of C for D, and oi C for J?. As these operate simultaneously, equilibrium is established when certain quantities of the four possible compounds are formed, the quantities depending in the first instance upon the relative strengths of the various affinities. The same remarks apply to the case in which two substances react in solution and form two products which are soluble. Here the action is not complete in any one direction, but an equilibrium is established be- tween the four possible compounds. Influence of Mass. The proportions between the pro- ducts formed in any given case is markedly influenced by the relative masses of the reacting substances. Thus, sulphuric acid acts upon potassium nitrate when the acid is in excess, forming primary potassium sulphate, KHSO 4r and nitric acid. On the other hand, if a large excess of nitric acid is allowed to act upon primary potassium sulphate, sulphuric acid and potassium nitrate are produced. Much attention has been given to the study of mass action, and the result is to show that in reactions generally this kind of action comes prom- inently into play. The law has been established that chemical action is proportional to the product of the active masses of the substances taking part in the change. It would appear from this that the decomposition of two com- pounds to form two new ones would not be complete, if the conditions are such that the two new compounds can act upon each other. If a large excess of one of the re- acting compounds is taken, however, the reaction may be made approximately complete by reason of the mass action. Reactions May be Complete if one of the Products Formed is Insoluble or Volatile. When two substances which by interaction can form an insoluble product are brought together, the reaction generally takes place and is complete. When the substances are brought together we may imagine that, owing to interaction, a small quan- tity of the insoluble compound is formed at once. If this product were soluble, the action would stop before it is complete, because this new product would itself WHEN REACTIONS MAT BE COMPLETE. 437 exert its action upon the system. Being insoluble, how- ever, it is removed from the sphere of action, and the same reaction which caused the formation of the first particles of it can now be repeated, and so on, until the reaction is complete. This is illustrated in the action of sulphuric acid upon barium chloride in solution. The two substances react as represented in this equation : BaCl 2 + H 3 S0 4 + Aq = BaSO 4 + HC1 + Aq. The symbol Aq is simply intended to indicate that the reaction takes place in solution. If barium sulphate were soluble, all four substances barium chloride, sulphuric acid, barium sulphate, and hydrochloric acid would be present in the solution after the establishment of equi- librium. But, being insoluble, it is removed, and new quantities are formed as long as the substances necessary for its formation are present in the solution ; that is, until either all the barium chloride is decomposed or all the sulphuric acid is removed. Reactions involving the for- mation of insoluble compounds or precipitates are among the most common with which we have to deal, particu- larly in the various operations of analytical chemistry. Again, when two substances which can form a volatile- product are brought together the reaction generally takes place and is complete. The reason why a reaction of this kind is complete is the same as that given in the case of the formation of an insoluble compound. Each successive portion of the volatile product formed is re- moved, and the reaction which gave rise to it proceeds as long as the necessary substances are present. This kind of action has been repeatedly illustrated. It is that, for example, which is seen in the liberation of hydrochloric acid from a chloride by the action of sulphuric acid ; of carbon dioxide by the action of an acid upon a carbonate ; and of ammonia by the action of lime upon ammonium chloride. An interesting example of the combined influence of mass and the volatility of the product is seen in the action of heated iron upon an excess of steam, and of the oxide 438 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. of iron upon an excess of hydrogen. When steam is passed over heated iron, action takes place thus : 4H a O + 3Fe = Fe 3 O 4 + 4H 2 . Hydrogen is liberated and the oxide of iron formed. When, however, hydrogen is passed over heated oxide of iron the reverse reaction takes place : Fe 3 O 4 + 4H 2 = 3Fe + 4H 2 O. Owing to the excess of steam always present in the first reaction, hydrogen is constantly formed and constantly being removed. Undoubtedly the hydrogen formed acts to some extent upon the oxide, but the other reaction always takes place to a greater extent. The opposite is true when the oxide is heated in an excess of hydrogen. The principal reaction which takes place in this case is that of the hydrogen upon the oxide of iron, and the steam is carried out of the field almost as soon as formed, so that the reduction of the oxide of iron continues. Thermochemical Study of Affinity . If a mass of hydro- gen and a mass of chlorine consisted of isolated atoms at rest, and, after combination, the molecules as well as their constituent atoms were at rest, then the heat evolved in the act of combination would be the result of the trans- formation of the potential energy of the atoms into kinetic energy, and it would be a measure of the affinity exerted between the atoms. But none of these conditions can be assumed with any confidence, and most of them un- doubtedly do not exist. We have abundant evidence to show that the mass of hydrogen and that of chlorine do not consist of isolated atoms. Taking, then, the reaction between hydrogen and chlorine, it is clear, as lias already been explained, that it is not simply a combination of atoms, but that the act of combination between the atoms must be preceded by the decomposition of the molecules of hydrogen and those of chlorine. The heat which is evolved in the reaction is therefore not simply the result of the combination of hydrogen and chlorine, but it is VALUE OF THERMOCHEMICAL MEASUREMENTS. 439 this heat less that which is required to decompose the molecules of hydrogen and those of chlorine into atoms. The heat measured is the difference between two quan- tities ; and we have no means of estimating the value of these quantities. This is true of every chemical reaction. The heat evolved or absorbed in the reaction is the dif- ference between two or more quantities, and it is not therefore a measure of affinity. Nevertheless, some knowledge regarding the relations which the affinities of elements bear to one another can be gained by a study of the heat evolved in their re- actions. Thus, the following results have been obtained in the study of chlorine, bromine, and iodine in their re- lations to hydrogen : [H 2 , C1J = 2[H, Cl] - [H, H] - [01, Cl] = 44,000 c. [H 2 , BrJ = 2[H, Br] - [H, H] - [Br, Br] = 16,880 c. [H 2 ,I 3 ] =2[H,I] - [H, H] - [I, I] = 12,072 c. The meaning of these three equations will appear from an interpretation of the first. This means that when a molecule of hydrogen acts upon a molecule of chlorine to form two molecules of hydrochloric acid gas 44,000 c. of heat are evolved ; and this quantity is the difference between that which is evolved in the combination of two atoms of hydrogen with two atoms of chlorine, and that which is absorbed in the decomposition of one molecule of hydrogen into two atoms, and in the decomposition of one molecule of chlorine into two atoms. The figures thus obtained are not proportional to the affinities of chlorine, bromine, and iodine for hydrogen, but never- theless the affinities in all probability vary in the same order. The difficulties are much increased in more complicated cases, and it will therefore be seen that it is impossible to measure the affinity between the atoms by means of the heat evolved in reactions. Value of Thermochemical Measurements. Although the affinities of the elements for one another cannot be directly estimated by means of thermochemical measure- 440 INORGANIC CHEMISTR Y. ments, nevertheless these measurements are valuable, as they show a direct relation between the quantity of heat evolved and the character of the reaction which takes place in any given case. In the case above cited, for example, it is seen that the heat of formation of hydro- chloric acid is greater than that of hydrobromic acid, and that of hydrobromic acid is in turn greater than that of hydriodic acid. Now, on page 94, it was stated that in general that exothermic reaction takes place which is accompanied by the greatest evolution of heat.* Accordingly, in a case in which both hydrochloric and hydrobromic acid could be produced the former would certainly be produced in larger quantity. Heat of Neutralization Avidity of Acids. Among the measurements which have proved of value in connection with the study of the general problem of affinity, are those furnished by the heat of neutralization of acids and bases. The general method of work consisted in determining the heat evolved when equivalent quantities of different acids are neutralized by the same base and equivalent quantities of different bases are neutralized by the same acid. Knowing the heat evolved in the reactions between the various acids and bases, it .is possible to de- termine what takes place when acids act upon salts in which decomposition is not evident, either from the for- mation of a precipitate or the evolution of a gas. Thus, when two molecules of nitric acid act upon one of sodium sulphate in solution, several changes are possible, as represented in the equations (1) Na 2 SO 4 + HNO 3 = NaHS0 4 + NaNO 3 ; (2) Na 2 S0 4 + 2HNO 3 = H 2 SO 4 + 2NaNO 3 ; (3) 2Na 2 SO 4 + 4HNO 3 = Na 2 SO 4 + 2NaNO 3 + H 2 SO 4 + 2HNO 3 . As all the substances involved in these reactions are soluble in water, and the reactions are studied in water solution, it is clear that by ordinary methods it would be impossible to tell which of them takes place. By measuring the heat evolved, however, it has been shown * This statement is known as Berthelot's Law of Maximum Work. AVIDITY OF ACIDS. 441 that in this and in all similar cases the base is divided between the two acids, and generally more goes to one acid than to the other. Further, it is possible to meas- ure the division of the base between the acids, and in this way measurements of the relative strengths of acids are obtained. The figures representing the strengths of the acids measured in this way are called the avidities of the acids. In the case taken above as an illustration, it was found that in dilute aqueous solution two-thirds of the sodium goes to the nitric acid and one-third to the sulphuric acid. Therefore, it appears that the avidity of nitric acid is twice as great as that of sulphuric acid. Of all acids investigated, nitric and hydrochloric acids were found to have the greatest avidity. Calling this 100, the avidities of some other acids determined by this method are as given in the following table : Acids. Avidity. Nitric acid, 100 Hydrochloric acid, 100 Hydrobromic acid, ...... 89 Hydriodic acid, V 79 Sulphuric acid, , 49 Selenic acid, 45 Hydrofluoric acid, 5 Boric acid, . . . . , . . 1 Silicic acid, .......... Hydrocyanic acid, The figures given refer to equivalent quantities of the acids, i.e., quantities which can be neutralized by equal quantities of a base. Thus, 1 molecule of nitric acid, HNO 3 , is neutralized by 1 molecule of sodium hydroxide, NaOH ; but only molecule of sulphuric acid is neutral- ized by 1 molecule of sodium hydroxide, and only % molecule of orthophosphoric acid would be neutralized by the same quantity of base. Therefore, we say that 1 molecule of nitric acid is equivalent to molecule of sulphuric acid, and to -J- molecule of orthophosphoric acid. 442 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. It is impossible at present to give an exact interpretation of the results above recorded, but it appears that the figures given represent the numerical relations between some common property possessed by acids, a property which we have vaguely in mind when we speak of the strength of acids. This appears more clearly when acids and bases are studied in other ways. Other Methods for Determining the Avidity of Acids. Besides the thermochemical method of studying the action of acids on bases, several other methods have been devised. Among these are the volume-chemical method, the optical method, the action of acids on insoluble salts, and the electrical method. The object in view is in all cases practically the same to compare the influence exerted by different acids under the same circumstances, and thus to measure their avidity or, as this has also been called, their specific coefficient of affinity. (1) The volume-chemical method depends upon the fact that chemical processes which take place in homo- geneous liquids generally cause changes in volume. " Thus, the specific gravity of a normal caustic soda solution was found to be 1.04051, that of an equivalent solution of sulphuric acid 1.0297, that of an equivalent of nitric acid 1.03089. When equal volumes of soda solution were mixed with each of the acids, the specific gravity of the sodium sulphate solution was 1.02959, and that of the nitrate solution 1.02633. Finally, when to the solution of sodium sulphate (2 vols.) one equivalent (1 vol.) of nitric acid was added, the specific gravity be- came 1.02781." By means of these figures it is possible to determine to what extent the nitric acid acts upon the sulphate, and thus to draw conclusions regarding the distribution of the base between the acids. The results reached by this method agree in general with those reached by the thermochemical method. (2) In the optical method the coefficient of refraction of various solutions is determined, and also the changes in the coefficient of refraction produced by mixing these solutions in certain ways, and thus it is possible to draw DISSOCIATION. 443 conclusions in regard to the character of reactions which take place in solutions. (3) An illustration of the method involving the action of acids on insoluble salts will make the method clear. A weighed quantity of calcium oxalate is treated with equivalent quantities of different acids in dilute solutions, and the quantity of the salt dissolved in a given time then determined. From the result it is possible to calculate the specific coefficients of afiinity of the acids. (4) The simplest method of all is the electrical. This consists in determining the conducting power of different substances at the same dilutions. In this way figures are* obtained which bear to one another the same rela- tions as those expressing the coefficients of affinity. It is impossible to go into details in regard to these methods here, and it need only be said that when acids and bases are compared by the above methods, they are found to differ markedly from one another, and the order in which they are arranged by the results of the different methods is always essentially the same. Study of Chemical Decompositions. As we have seen, practically every case of chemical combination with which we have to deal is associated with the decomposition of molecules, so that it is impossible perfectly to sepa- rate the two acts of combination and decomposition. Nevertheless there are some comparatively simple cases of decomposition which have been studied with special care, and results of much importance have been obtained. The most interesting are those cases of decomposition which are included under the heads of dissociation and electrolysis. While many chemical decompositions are brought about by concussion that is, by mechanical dis- turbance of the mass the very instability of the com- pounds which makes these decompositions possible pre- vents any very profitable study of the phenomena. Dissociation. Attention has been called to the fact that many compounds, when heated to sufficiently high tem- peratures, are decomposed. Thus, water is partly de- composed into hydrogen and oxygen when heated to 1000; 444 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ammonium chloride is decomposed into ammonia and hy- drochloric acid ; phosphorus pentachloride, into the tri- chloride and chlorine ; nitrogen peroxide of the formula N 2 O 4 , into the simpler compound of the formula NO 2 , etc. Careful study of any one of these cases shows the follow- ing facts : (1) That the decomposition takes place gradu- ally ; (2) that the extent of the decomposition depends upon the temperature and pressure, and for the same compound is always the same for the same temperature and pressure ; (3) that if the full amount of decomposition possible at a certain temperature is effected, and the tem- perature then lowered, the constituents will recombine to some extent until equilibrium at the lower temperature is established. In a case of dissociation by heat, then, the decomposi- tion is carried farther and farther as the temperature is raised higher and higher, and it is finally complete. On lowering the temperature again, more and more of the compound is formed by the recombination of the constit- ents until, when the lower temperature is again reached, there is no decomposition. The explanation of the phenomenon of dissociation is found in the kinetic theory of gases. According to this theory, the molecules of a gas at a given temperature are moving with different velocities, though the average velocity of all the molecules is the same at the same temperature. Now, it is highly probable that the motion of the atoms within the molecules partakes of that of the molecules themselves, so that the motion of the atoms in the molecules with the greatest velocity is probably the greatest, and, in these, decomposition will take place first. When a compound gas is heated, we can easily conceive that even at a comparatively low temperature the motion of some of the molecules will be sufficient to cause their decomposition, and, as the average motion of all the molecules is constant for a given temperature, the amount of decomposition will be constant for that temperature. As the molecules are, however, moving in every direction and constantly col- liding, a molecule which is decomposed at one instant ELECTROLYSIS. 445 may be re-formed at the next, and one that is not decom- posed may acquire motion enough to cause its decompo- sition. Though, as is believed, these changes are con- stantly taking place at every temperature, still, as has been said, the number of molecules which will be decom- posed in a given mass at a given temperature and pres- sure will always be the same. The higher the tem- perature, then, the greater the number of molecules in the conditions which cause decomposition, and the smaller the number of those in the conditions favorable to formation. At each temperature and pressure an equilibrium is established, the number of molecules de- composed being equal to the number formed. It is obvious that, if one of the products of decomposition is removed, the conditions are entirely changed. Then the possibility of recombination will not exist, and total decomposition can be effected at a lower temperature than that required for total decomposition in the process of dissociation proper. Electrolysis. Some chemical compounds in solution in water conduct electricity, and at the same time they undergo decomposition. Thus, hydrochloric acid in solu- tion in water conducts electricity and the compound is decomposed into its constituents hydrogen and chlorine, the hydrogen appearing at the negative and the chlorine at the positive pole. Compounds that act in this way are called electrolytes. When a current of electricity acts upon solutions of different salts, equivalent quanti- ties of the metals are deposited by the same current in the same time. This is Faraday's Law. Thus if the same current were passed simultaneously through solutions of silver nitrate, AgNO 3 , mercuric nitrate, Hg(NO 3 ) a , cupric sulphate, CuSO 4 , and ferric chloride FeCl s , it would be found that for every 107.11 parts by weight of silver deposited there would be 99.2 parts by weight of mercury deposited, 31.56 of copper, and 18.53 of iron. These are equivalent quantities of these metals quantities that take the place of one part by weight of hydrogen and are to be distinguished from atomic quantities. Those elements which appear at 446 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the negative pole are called electro-positive, and those which appear at the positive pole are called electro-negative. Those elements which we call acid-forming are electro- negative, while hydrogen and the base-forming elements are electro-positive. The electrolysis of chemical com- pounds is not generally a simple decomposition into two constituents. Thus, when copper sulphate, CuSO 4 , is decomposed, the copper is deposited at the negative pole ; but no such compound as SO 4 appears at the posi- tive pole. This, if formed, perhaps breaks down into oxygen and sulphur trioxide, and the latter with water would then naturally form sulphuric acid. Both oxygen and sulphuric acid as a matter of fact appear at the posi- tive pole. The changes involved may be represented thus,: CuSO 4 =Cu+S0 4 ; S0 4 =S0 3 +0; SO 3 +H a O=H 2 SO 4 . Electrolytic Dissociation. It has been known for a long time that a very weak electric current acting upon a solution of an electrolyte is sufficient to cause the ions to appear at the poles. This fact is inexplicable if it is assumed that the current is the cause of the de- composition of the electrolyte. This and some other facts which will be referred to farther on make it prob- able that electrolytes are at least to some extent decom- posed into their constituent ions when they are dissolved ; that these ions charged with electricity transfer their charges in the solution and thus conduct the current ; and that when an ion charged with negative electricity reaches the positive pole its electricity is discharged, and the ion then ceases to be an ion and becomes an element in the free state or some compound which appears either as such or in the form of other products. According to this conception, the act of solution of an electrolyte, in water at least, involves partial breaking down or dis- sociation of the compound into its ions. The extent of this breaking down is determined primarily by the con- centration of the solution the greater the dilution the greater the dissociation. At infinite dilution there is complete dissociation. A water solution of hydrochloric ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION. 447 acid containing 36.18 grams of the acid in 1000 liters has been shown to be completely dissociated, or it is to be regarded as containing ions of hydrogen and of chlorine. These and all other ions are carefully to be dis- tinguished from the atoms or definite compounds. An ion always carries with it a certain charge of electricity. When this is discharged the ion becomes either an ele- ment or a compound in the free state. When a solution of one electrolyte acts upon a solution of another the reaction observed is probably due to the interaction of the ions, and it is further probable that, so far as the compounds are present in the undissociated condition, they do not act upon each other. If this view is correct the reactions most familiar to us are reactions of ions, and not of elements or compounds. When, for ex- ample, an acid acts upon a base in solution it appears that, so far as they react, they are in dissociated condi- tion. Thus hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide are to be regarded as acting as represented in the following equation : H + 01 + Na + OH = Na + Cl + H 2 O. The act consists in the union of the hydroxyl ion of the base with the hydrogen ion of the acid to form water, the sodium and chlorine ions remaining as ions as in a dilute solution of sodium chloride. In the case of nitric acid and potassium hydroxide the following equa- tion represents the reaction at infinite dilution : H + N0 3 + K + OH = K + NO, + H,O. And so also whenever the act of neutralization takes place there is simply a union of hydrogen ions with hydroxyl ions to form water. This conception finds strong confirmation in the fact that the heat evolved in neutralizing equivalent quantities of all acids at infinite dilution is always the same a fact that it is difficult to explain if it is assumed that in the act of neutralization a salt is formed in the solution. In the following table the heats of neutralization of a few acids and bases are given : 448 INORGANIC 1 CHEMISTRY. Acid and Base. Heat of Neutral. Hydrochloric acid and sodium hydrox., . . 13,700 " " lithium " . . 13,700 " " " potassium " . . 13,700 " " " barium " . . 13,800 " " calcium " . . 13,900 Hydrobromic " " sodium " ' . . 13,700 Nitric " " " " . . 13,700 lodic " " " " . . 13,700 As will be seen, the heat of neutralization is the same no matter what the base or what the acid may be, and as has been pointed out this fact is easily understood, if the act of neutralization consists in the union of a hy- droxyl ion with a hydrogen ion to form water. If the strength of an acid is determined by the extent to which it is dissociated, then of course those acids that are most readily dissociated are the strongest. By every method available hydrochloric and nitric acids are found to be the most readily dissociated and they are the strong- est acids. The electrical method for the determination of the strength of acids is based upon this theory. The applicability of this theory to the explanation of the most common reactions that take place in solution is at present attracting the attention of chemists, and promises to be of great service to chemistry. Those reactions which are made use of for the purpose of detecting the presence of the various elements appear in fact, as has already been stated, to be reactions of the ions, and when these ions are not present the reactions are not observed. For ex- ample, when silver nitrate in solution is added to sodium chloride in solution a precipitate of silver chloride is formed, the reaction taking place as represented in this equation : A g NO 3 + ^aCl = AgCl + NaNO,. This reaction seems, however, to be due to the fact that ions of silver and of chlorine are present. These com- ing together form the insoluble molecules silver chloride which is then precipitated. There are many compounds that contain chlorine and yet do not give a precipitate SPECIFIC HEAT AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 449 of silver chloride when treated with silver nitrate. It is believed that in these cases the compound is not ionised^ by the solvent in such a way as to yield ions of chlorine, and that therefore there are no chlorine ions present. An example of a compound that contains chlorine and yet does not ordinarily give the reactions of this element is potassium chlorate, KC1O 3 . A solution of this salt does not give a precipitate with silver nitrate. It is pro- bable that the reason of this is that the salt gives the ions K and C1O 3 , the latter acting quite differently from the ion 01, as we should naturally expect. Relations between Specific Heat and Atomic Weights. The fact that there is a method for the determination of atomic weights founded upon the relations existing be- tween these weights, and the specific heat of the ele- ments, has been mentioned. It has been found that, when equal weights of different elements are exposed to exactly the same source of heat, they require different lengths of time to become heated to the same temperature. Given exactly the same heating power, it requires 32 times as long to raise the temperature of a pound of water 10, 20, or 30 degrees as it does to raise the temperature of a pound of mercury the same number of degrees ; or it takes 32 times as much heat to raise a pound of water 10, 20, or 30 degrees as it does to raise a pound of mercury the same number of degrees. Starting at the same tem- perature the quantity of heat required to raise the tem- perature of a certain weight of a substance one degree, as compared with the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of the same weight of water one degree, is called the specific heat of the substance. Thus, from what was said above, the specific heat of mercury is -%, or, in decimals, 0.03125. In a similar way it can be shown that the specific heat of gold is 0.03244 ; of zinc, 0.0955 ; of silver, 0.057 ; of copper, 0.0952. Now, when solid elements are examined with reference to their specific heats, a very simple relation is found to exist between the numbers expressing the specific heats and the atomic weights. This relation will be made clear by a consideration of a few cases : 450 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Element. Specific Heat. Atomic Weight. Silver, 0.0570 107.11 Zinc,. :.>-' ..;- ; Y.-y.y 0.0955 64.91 Cadimum, .... 0.0567 111.10 Copper, 0.0952 63.12 Tin, 0.0562 118.15 An examination of this table will show that the atomic weights are inversely proportional to the specific heats. We have 107.11 : 64.91 111.10: 63.12 107.11 : 118.15 0.0955 : 0.0570 ; 0.0952 : 0.0567 ; 0.0562 : 0.0570; etc. These proportions are only approximately correct ; but it must be remembered that the means for the determi- nation of atomic weights and specific heats are not per- fect, and in both sets of figures there are undoubtedly small errors. Hence such slight variations from abso- lute agreement in these proportions should occasion no surprise. The agreement is sufficiently close to indicate a close connection between the two sets of figures. This connection may be stated in another way : The product of the atomic weight by the specific heat is a constant. Thus, in the above cases : 107.11 X 0.057 =6.11; 64.91 X 0.0955 = 6.20 ; 111.10 X 0.0567 = 6.30; 63.12 X 0.0952 = 6.01 ; 118.15 X 0.0562 = 6.64. From the above it appears that the quantity of heat necessary to raise masses of the elements proportional to their atomic weights the same number of degrees is the same in all cases. Suppose two elements to have the atomic weights 2 and 4. Their specific heats would be to each other as 2 to 1. That is to say, it would require twice as much heat to raise the temperature of a given mass of the element with the atomic weight 2 a SPECIFIC HEAT AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 451 certain number of degrees, as it would require to raise the temperature of the same mass of the element with the atomic weight 4 the same number of degrees. But to raise the temperature of masses of these two elements proportional to their atomic weights would require the same quantity of heat. This fact may be stated thus : The atoms of all elements have the same capacity for heat. This is only another way of stating that, to raise the temperature of an atom one degree, the same quantity of heat is always necessary. Now, if we assume that the constant obtained by multiplying the specific heats by the atomic weights is 6.4, which is about the average of the different values found, then it is plain that, if we divide this number by the specific heat of an element, we shall obtain a number which is very near the atomic weight. If we call the atomic weight A, and the specific heat H, the following equation expresses the relation : If this law is without exceptions, it is plain that, in order to determine the atomic weight of an element, it is only necessary to determine its specific heat, and divide this into 6.4. The result will be very nearly the atomic weight. Knowing thus very nearly what the atomic weight is, it is a comparatively simple matter to deter- mine it with great accuracy by means of chemical analy- sis. Unfortunately there are some marked exceptions to the law. Exceptions to the Law of Specific Heats. The elements glucinum, carbon, boron, and silicon form exceptions to the law of specific heats as this law has been stated above. At ordinary temperatures they do not follow the law. As the temperature is raised, however, the specific heat of these elements changes markedly, until finally, in the cases of carbon and silicon, a point is reached beyond which there is no marked change. Thus, at 600 the specific heat of diamond is 0.441, and at 985 it is 0.449. That of silicon is 0.201 at 185, and 0.203 at 332. At these 452 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. temperatures the elements obey the law. From elabo- rate studies which have been made on this subject, it ap- pears that the law should be modified to read as follows : The specific heats of the elements vary with the tem- perature ; but for every element there is a temperature, T t above which variations are very slight. The product of the atomic weight by the constant value of the specific heat is nearly a constant, lying between 5.5 and 6.5. Notwithstanding the irregularities referred to, the law of specific heats, commonly called, from the discoverers, the law of Dulong and Petit, is of great value in the de- termination of atomic weights. Raoult's Methods for the Determination of Molecular Weights. One great difficulty encountered in the study of chemical compounds is the determination of the mole- cular weights of those which are not gases or cannot be converted into vapor by heat. From some studies on the freezing-points of solutions, it appears that quantities of compounds proportional to their molecular weights cause the same lowering of the freezing-points, provided the solvent does not act chemically upon the compound. This fact makes it possible to determine the molecular weights of substances which cannot be converted into vapor, but which can be dissolved. The application of the method is simple. Suppose water to be the solvent used. We know that this liquid solidifies or freezes at 0. Now, it is found that by dissolving a certain quan- tity of some substance in a certain quantity of water the freezing-point is lowered say .5. Further, the quantities of other substances which are necessary to lower the freezing-point of the same quantity of water to the same extent can be determined. These quantities are propor- tional to the molecular weights according to the law of Eaoult. If, therefore, among the substances studied there is one the molecular weight of which can be deter- mined by the method of Avogadro, it is possible to de- termine the molecular weights of all of them by the method of Baoult, as will readily be seen. So also it has been shown that quantities of com- pounds proportional to their molecular weights cause DISSOCIATION OF A DISSOLVED SUBSTANCE. 453 the same raising of the boiling-points, provided the solvent does not act chemically upon the compounds or cause them to break down into their ions. Convenient methods have been devised for the determination of molecular weights of dissolved substances, the methods being based upon observations on the boiling-points and freezing-points. It should be noted that, when the molecular weight of a substance in solution has been determined, it does not follow that the substance has the same molecular weight when in the solid condi- tion. This is a matter in regard to which we have prac- tically no knowledge. It is quite possible that the mole- cules of solid substances may be made up of large aggregates of the simple molecules, such as probably exist in solutions or in vapors. There is, however, no method at present known that makes a determination of the complexity of these molecules, or molecular aggre- gates, possible. Determination of the Extent of Dissociation of a Dis- solved Substance. The effect upon the boiling-point or freezing-point of a solution caused by the presence of a dissolved substance is proportional to the number of molecules in the solution or the number of individual particles, whether these are undecomposed molecules or the ions formed as a result of dissociation. Any sub- stance that is dissociated in solution will give abnormal results if the attempt is made to determine its molecu- lar weight by observations on the boiling-point or the freezing-point of its solutions. This method is there- fore not applicable to solutions of electrolytes. On the other hand, the study of such solutions has shown that there is an increased lowering of the freezing-point for the same weight of solvent as the dilution becomes greater, a fact that points clearly to the conclusion that as the solution is diluted there is greater and greater dissociation, and advantage can be taken of this fact for the purpose of determining the extent to which dis- sociation has taken place in a solution of an electrolyte in water. 454 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. In general only organic compounds come within range of the methods of Raoult. These methods are now ex- tensively used in the study of the compounds of carbon, simple forms of apparatus having been devised for this purpose. The recognition of the fact that electrolytes do not obey the simple law that holds good in the case of non-electrolytes led Arrhenius to the idea that the former are dissociated in solution an idea which has proved of great service to the science, and is likely to revolutionize the views of chemists in regard to the action of chemical substances upon each other in solu- tion. CHAPTER XXIV. BASE-FORMING ELEMENTS GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Introductory. The elements thus far considered be- long for the most part to the class of acid-forming elements, or those whose compounds with oxygen and hydrogen have acid properties. All the members of Family VII, Group B, are acid-forming, while the single member of Group A of the same family is both acid- forming and base-forming. All the members of Family VI, Group B, are acid-forming, while the members of Group A of this family are .both acid-forming and base- forming. In Family V, Group B, there is observed a gradation of properties, the group beginning with strong- ly marked acid-forming elements and ending with an ele- ment, bismuth, which is more basic than acid in char- acter. The elements of Group A, Family V, are both acid-forming and base-forming, but they have not as sharply marked characteristics as the elements of Fam- ilies VI and VII. Passing now to Family IV, we found that the two most important members, carbon and sili- con, belong to Group A. These two elements always act as acid-formers. A gradation of properties is observed in passing from silicon to thorium. The members of Group B of this family have the properties of the base- forming elements much more strongly marked than those of the acid-formers. There are still four families to be studied. These are families I, II, III, and VIII, the members of which are almost exclusively base-forming elements. The compounds of these elements with hy- drogen and oxygen are bases, or, in other words, have the power to neutralize acids. Their oxides are for the most part basic. An exception to this is found in the case of boron, already considered, which forms a weak acid boric acid. Its oxide is only slightly basic. The most (455) 456 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. strongly marked examples of base-forming elements are those which occur in Family I, Group A ; then follow in order those of Group A, Family II, and Group A, Fam- ily III. The resemblance between the members of Group B, Family I v and those of Group A of the same family is less striking than the resemblance between the two groups of any other family. Between the members of Group B, Family II, and those of Group A of the same family there is a general resemblance, while there are also differences. A similar remark applies to the rela- tions between Groups A and B, Family III. The mem- bers of Family VIII occupy a somewhat exceptional position, as has already been pointed out. Each group of which this family consists is made up of three very similar elements with atomic weights which differ but little from one another. Metallic Properties. It has long been customary to divide the elements into two classes the metals and the non-metals. This classification was originally based upon differences in the physical properties of the elements, the name metal being applied to those elements which have what is known as a metallic lustre, are opaque, and are good conductors of heat and electricity. All those ele- ments which do not have these properties, are called non- metals. Gradually the name metal came to signify an element which has the power to replace the hydrogen of acids and form salts, and the name non-metal to signify an element which has not this power. This classifica- tion, as will be seen, is practically the same as that which divides the elements into acid-forming and base-forming. The latter are the metals, the former are the non-metals. The imperfection of this classification has already been commented upon, the imperfection arising from the fact that some elements belong to both classes. Order in which the Base-forming Elements will be Taken up. In studying the base-forming elements, it appears best to begin with those which have the most strongly marked character. These are the members of Family I, Group A. It further appears best to adhere as closely as possible to the arrangement in the periodic system. OCCURRENCE OF THE METALS. 457 Accordingly, the following order will be observed in the presentation of the elements yet to be studied : 1. Elements of Family I, Group A, or the Potassium Group, consisting of lithium, sodium, potassium, rubid- ium, and caesium. 2. Elements of Family II, Group A, or the Calcium Group, consisting of glucinum, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and erbium. 3. Elements of Family III, Group A, or the Aluminium Group, consisting of aluminium, scandium, yttrium, lan- thanum, and ytterbium. 4. Elements of Family I, Group B, or the Copper Group, consisting of copper, silver, and gold. 5. Elements of Family II, Group B, or the Zinc Group, consisting of zinc, cadmium, and mercury. 6. Elements of Family III, Group B, or the Gallium Group, consisting of gallium, indium, and thallium. 7. Elements of Family IY, Group B, or the Tin Group, consisting of germanium, tin, and lead. 8. Elements of Family Y, Group A, or the Vanadium Group, consisting of vanadium, columbium, didymium, and tantalum. 9. Elements of Family VI, Group A, or the Chromium Group, consisting of chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, and uranium. 10. Elements of Family VII, Group A, or the Manganese Group, of which manganese is the only representative. 11. Elements of Family VIII, of which there are three groups : (A) The Iron Group, consisting of iron, nickel, and SO(OH), = H&0 r Sulphites. When sulphur dioxide is passed into a solution of potassium carbonate until carbon dioxide ceases to escape, potassium sulphite, K 2 SO 3 , is formed. If the gas is passed to saturation the product is the pri- mary or acid sulphite, KHSO 3 . If the solution of the carbonate is hot and concentrated, the product is the disulphite, K 2 S 2 O 6 , which bears to the sulphite the same relation that potassium disulphate bears to the sulphate. It is the salt of an acid of the formula H 2 S 2 O 5 , which is disulphurous acid : This bears to sulphurous acid the same relation that di- sulphuric acid bears to sulphuric acid. Carbonates. The normal salt, K 2 CO 3 , is the chief con- stituent of wood-ashes. When these are extracted with water the carbonate passes into solution and the salt thus obtained can be purified in a number of ways. The impure salt is known as potash. Formerly all the potas- sium carbonate made was obtained from wood-ashes, but at present not more than half of the supply comes from this source. The other sources are the residues from the manufacture of beet-sugar, potassium sulphate and chloride, and wool-fat. The preparation of the carbon- ate from the sulphate and chloride is accomplished by the same method as that used in the preparation of sodium carbonate from the chloride. The methods used for this purpose will be treated of under the head of Sodium Carbonate (which see). The salt crystallizes from very concentrated solutions in water. It is deli- quescent, and dissolves in water with an evolution of heat, and the solution has a strong alkaline reaction. Acid Potassium Carbonate, HKCO 3 , is formed by pass- ing carbon dioxide over the normal salt, or into the con- centrated aqueous solution of the latter. It is much less easily soluble in water than the normal salt. The dry RUBIDIUM CESIUM. 501 salt gives off carbon dioxide and water easily when heatedj and is converted into the normal salt : 2KHC0 3 = K 2 CO 3 + CO 2 + H 2 O. The same decomposition takes place when the water solution is heated, and even on evaporation at the ordi- nary temperature. Phosphates. Three phosphates of potassium are known : (1) Tertiary, or normal potassium phosphate, K 3 PO 4 ; (2) secondary, or di-potassium phosphate, K 2 HPO 4 ; and (3) primary, or mono-potassium phosphate, KH 2 PO 4 . There is nothing particularly characteristic about these salts, except the decompositions which the primary and secondary salts undergo when heated. These decompo- sitions have already been referred to (see p. 329 and p. 480). Potassium Silicate, K 2 SiO 3 . A compound of the definite composition represented by the formula here given has not been prepared. A solution of potassium silicate in water is prepared by dissolving sand or amorphous sili- con dioxide in potassium carbonate or hydroxide. It k prepared on the large scale by melting together quartz powder and purified potash. It is known as water glass, for the reason that its solution dries in the air, forming a glass-like looking mass. To distinguish it from the water glass made with sodium carbonate or hydroxide it is called potash water glass. BUBIDIUM, Eb (At. Wt. 84.78). OESIUM, Cs (At. Wt. 131.89). Both these elements are widely distributed, but only in small quantities. They generally occur in company with potassium, which they resemble closely. They were discovered by means of the spectroscope by Bun- sen and Kirchhoff. The characteristic spectrum of rubidium consists of two dark red lines, and this is the origin of the name rubidium (from rubidus, dark red). Csesium was found in the Durkheim mineral water, and was recognized by two characteristic blue lines, and the name caesium was given to it on this account (from ccesius, 502 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. sky-blue). Rubidium is found in different varieties of mica, known as lepidolite. The mineral pollux, which is essentially a silicate of caesium and aluminium, contains caesium as one of the chief constituents. It is a remarkable fact that the elements rubidium and caesium which are so similar to potassium accom- pany it so generally in nature. Similar facts were noted in the group consisting of chlorine, bromine, and iodine, and that of sulphur, selenium, and tellurium. It will be remembered that chlorine is frequently accompanied by bromine and iodine ; and sulphur by selenium and tellurium ; but that chlorine and sulphur are present in much larger quantities than the elements which accom- pany them. Further, the relations between the atomic weights of the members of each group are approximately the same. Rubidium is prepared by the same method as that used in the preparation of potassium. 'It is silver-white with a yellowish tint. It can be con- verted into vapor which has a blue color. It takes fire in the air at the ordinary temperature. Its action upon water is the same as that of potassium, and its salts are very similar to those of potassium. Caesium has not yet been isolated. By subjecting the chloride to the action of a powerful electric current globules of metal are given off at one of the poles, but these take fire in contact with the air at the ordinary temperature. The salts of caesium are much like those of rubidium and potassium. SODIUM, Na (At. Wt. 22.82). Occurrence. Sodium occurs very widely distributed and in large quantities in nature, principally as sodium chloride. It is found in a number of silicates, and is a constituent of plants, especially of those which grow in the neighborhood of the sea-shore and in the sea. Just as the ashes of inland plants are rich in potassium car- bonate, so the ashes of sea plants and those which grow near the sea are rich in sodium carbonate. It is found evervwhere in the soil, but generally in small quantities. PREPARATION OF SODIUM. 503 Its presence in the soil is due to the decomposition of minerals containing it, such as soda feldspar, or albite. It occurs also as sodium nitrate or Chili saltpeter, and in large quantity in Greenland in the form of cryolite, which, as has been explained, is a so-called double fluoride of aluminium and sodium, of the formula Na 3 AlF 6 , or AlF 3 .3NaF. Preparation. It is prepared from sodium carbonate by the same method as that used in the preparation of potas- sium, the reaction involved being represented thus ; Na 2 C0 3 + 20 = 2Na + SCO. The reduction takes place more readily than in the case of potassium, and it is not necessary to prepare the mix- ture of carbonate and charcoal by heating the salt of an organic acid, as is done in the preparation of potassium. The carbonate is mixed with charcoal, or powdered an- thracite coal, and calcium carbonate, and sometimes this mass is mixed with an oil and then ignited in a crucible. A successful method for the preparation of sodium on the large scale has been devised by Castner. This consists essentially in the reduction of sodium hydroxide by heating it with an intimate mixture of finely divided iron and carbon. The mass is prepared by mixing the iron with molten pitch, allowing it to cool, breaking it into pieces, and heating to a comparatively high temper- ature without access of air. The reduction is said to take place at a temperature of 825, instead of 1400 as in the older method. The main reaction is represented by this equation : GNaOH + FeC 2 = 2Na 2 CO 3 + 6H + 2Na + Fe. The preparation of sodium was formerly of more importance than it is at present, for the separation of aluminium from the compounds found in nature depended upon the preparation of sodium. Methods, depending upon the use of an electric furnace, have been devised for the preparation of aluminium, and the old method involving the use of sodium is no longer employed. 504 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Properties. The properties of sodium are very similar to those of potassium. It is light, floating on water ; it has a bright metallic lustre ; and at the ordinary tem- perature it is soft like wax. It decomposes water, but not as readily as potassium does. Its specific gravity is 0.9735; its melting point 95.6. Its vapor is colorless when seen in thin layers, while thick layers appear pur- ple. When melted and allowed to cool it takes the crystallized form. When exposed to the air it acts upon the moisture, and is converted into the hydroxide. Applications. It is used for the purpose of isolating some elements whose oxides cannot easily be reduced, as, for example, aluminium, magnesium, and silicon, which are prepared by treating their chlorides with sodium. Silicon, however, as we have seen, is prepared better by treating potassium fluosilicate, K 2 SiF 6 , with sodium. The element is also used, in combination with mercury as sodium amalgam, a substance which affords a ready means of making nascent hydrogen. It also finds constant application in the laboratory for a variety of purposes. Sodium Hydride, Na 2 H, is formed in the same way as the corresponding compound of potassium, and is in every way similar to it. Sodium Chloride, NaCl. This is the substance which is generally known simply as salt, or common salt. It occurs very widely distributed, and in immense quantities, in the earth. The most important deposits are those at Wieliczka in Galicia, at Stassfurt and Keichenhall in Ger- many, and at Cheshire in England. Besides these there are, however, many other deposits in the United States of America, in Africa, and in Asia. As it is easily soluble in water, many springs and streams, as well as lakes and the ocean, contain it. Sea- water contains 2.7 per cent. In some places sodium chloride is taken out of mines in solid form. Frequently, however, water is allowed to flow into cavities in the earth, and to remain for some time in contact with the salt. The solution thus formed is afterward drawn or pumped out of the mine and evaporated by appropriate methods. It is generally SODIUM CHLORIDE. 505 allowed slowly to run down walls made of twigs, so that a large surface of the liquid is exposed to the air. The concentrated solution thus obtained is then evaporated to crystallization by the aid of heat. In hot countries salt is obtained by the evaporation of sea- water, the heat of the sun being used for the purpose. Large shallow cavities are made in the earth, and into these the water flows at high-tide, or it is pumped up into them if they are too high. The process is continued for some months, and then the mother-liquor is drawn off, and the accumulated salt collected and subjected to proper methods of purification. The salt obtained by the above methods is not pure. It always contains sodium sulphate, together with mag- nesium and calcium chlorides. The chlorides of magnes- ium and calcium cause it to become moist in the air. Pure salt does not attract moisture. Sodium chloride crystallizes in colorless and trans- parent cubes. Some of that which occurs in nature has a blue color. When deposited from an evaporating solution it takes the form of small cubes arranged in groups of the shape of hollow pyramids, known as the hopper-shaped deposits. If urea or boric acid is present in the solution the crystals of sodium chloride are octa- hedrons or combinations of these with cubes. When deposited, the crystals enclose water, not as water of crystallization, and this is given off when the crystals are heated, the action being accompanied by a crackling sound. This is known as decrepitation. Sodium chloride melts at 776, and is volatile at a red heat. In hot water it is but little more soluble than in cold. At 100 100 parts of water dissolve 39 parts, and at ordinary temperatures 36 parts. Sodium chloride is the starting-point in the preparation of all sodium compounds, as well as of chlorine and hy- drochloric acid. Salt is necessary to the life of man and many other animals. The role played by it in the animal economy is not understood, but it is found generally distributed throughout the body in small quantity. 506 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The fluoride, bromide, and iodide of sodium are like the corresponding potassium salts and need not be described. Sodium Hydroxide, NaOH. This compound resembles potassium hydroxide in all respects. Being cheaper it is used much more extensively. It is prepared in the same way, by treating sodium carbonate in solution with cal- cium hydroxide, when insoluble calcium carbonate and soluble sodium hydroxide are formed : Na 2 CO 3 + Ca(OH) 2 = CaCO 3 + 2NaOH. The substance is commonly called caustic soda. It is extensively used for the purpose of making soap from fats. Oxides. Sodium forms two oxides, the monoxide, Na 2 O, and the peroxide, Na 2 O 2 . In this respect a differ- ence is noticed between sodium and potassium ; the latter forming the compounds K 2 O and K 2 O 4 . Sodium Peroxide, Na 2 O 2 , has acquired importance in the arts as a bleaching-agent. It is prepared by heating sodium in a current of dry air at a temperature of 300. When heated to a high temperature it gives off oxygen. Water decomposes^ it, forming sodium hydroxide, and setting oxygen free. The hydrosulphide and the sulphides of sodium are made just as the potassium compounds are, and resemble them very closely. Sodium Sulphantimonate, Na s SbS 4 , also known as Schlippe's salt, is a particularly beautiful example of the salts of sulpho-acids. It is made, as its composition indi- cates, by dissolving antimony pentasulphide in a solution of sodium sulphide : Sb 2 S 6 + 3Na 2 S = 2Na 3 SbS 4 . Sodium Nitrate, NaNO 3 . This compound occurs in large quantity in southern Peru on the border of Chili, and is known as Chili saltpeter. The natural salt con- tains, besides the nitrate, sodium chloride, sulphate, and iodate. Sodium nitrate is very similar to potassium nitrate, but it cannot be used in place of the more ex- pensive potassium salt in the manufacture of the finer SODIUM SULPHATE. 507 grades of gunpowder, as it becomes moist in the air, and does not decompose quickly enough. It is used ex- tensively in the manufacture of nitric acid, and also for the purpose of preparing ordinary saltpeter. The iodine contained in Chili saltpeter is now extracted on the large scale, and this forms an important source of iodine. Sodium Sulphate, Na 2 SO 4 . This salt was first made by Glauber, as it is now made, by the action of sulphuric acid on sodium chloride. It is commonly called Glauber's salt. It occurs in a number of natural waters, as in that of Friedrichshall and Carlsbad. It occurs, further, in solid form in small quantities in some localities. It is made in very large quantities in connection with the manufacture of soda, the first reaction in this process con- sisting in treating sodium chloride with sulphuric acid. It is also formed in the manufacture of nitric acid by the action of sulphuric acid on Chili saltpeter. Large quantities of sodium sulphate are now made by the action of magnesium sulphate on sodium chloride. This process is employed at Stassfurt, where both mag- nesium sulphate and sodium chloride occur in immense quantities. The action takes place between concentrated solutions at low temperatures. It is represented by the equation 2NaCl + MgS0 4 = Na 2 SO 4 + MgCl 2 . It crystallizes in large, colorless, monoclinic prisms, which contain ten molecules of water. These crystals are formed, however, only in case the temperature of the solution is below 33 at the time they are deposited. If a saturated solution is cooled down to a point some- where between 33 and 40, the salt is deposited without water of crystallization. When the crystallized salt is heated to 33 it loses a part of its water. The salt is most easily soluble in water at 33 ; above this point the solu- bility decreases. Taking these facts into consideration, it appears probable that in solutions below 33 the com- pound Na 2 SO 4 -f- 10H 2 O is present ; while if the solu- tion is heated above this point the compound breaks 508 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. down, and the anhydrous salt, as well as the salts with less than ten molecules of water, are less easily soluble. One of the ten molecules of water is held in the com- pound more firmly than the rest. It seems probable that this is not present as water but as hydroxyl, the salt having the formula OS j ^\ (=Na 2 SO 4 + H 2 O). Sodium sulphate easily forms supersaturated solutions which crystallize rapidly if disturbed, if a small crystal of the salt is thrown into them, and if cooled down to 8. This phenomenon is frequently presented by salts, but it is shown in a particularly striking way by this one. When expose^d to the air the salt loses its water of crystallization and crumbles to a white powder. This is the process already described as efflorescence (see p. 58). Sodium sulphate is used as a purgative in medicine, and in the laboratory for the production of cold arti- ficially. A good freezing mixture is made by bringing it together with concentrated hydrochloric acid. Sodium chloride is formed, and the water of crystallization of the sulphate takes the liquid form. This change from the solid to the liquid form is accompanied by a marked ab- sorption of heat. Ice can be made in this way without difficulty. The chief uses of the sulphate are in 'the manufacture of sodium carbonate and of glass, as will be explained farther on. Sodium Thiosulphate, Na 2 S 2 O 3 + 5H 2 O. This is the salt which is commonly called hyposulphite of soda. It is made on the large scale by treating caustic soda with sulphur, and conducting sulphur dioxide into the solu- tion. As has been pointed out, when sulphur acts upon potassium carbonate polysulphides of potassium and the thiosulphate are formed. A similar action takes place when sulphur acts upon caustic soda. The polysul- phides in the solution give up sulphur to the sulphite and convert it thus into the thiosulphate : Na,S, + Na 2 SO 3 = Na 2 S + Na 2 S 8 O 3 . SODIUM CARBONATE. 509 It is also made by boiling a solution of sodium sulphite and adding sulphur : Na a SO 3 + S = Na 2 S 2 O 3 . Its chief application is in photography, in which art it is used for the purpose of dissolving the excess of silver salt on the plate which has been exposed to the light, and on which a picture has been developed. The action consists in the formation of salts in which both sodium and silver are contained. These are soluble in water. The thiosulphate will be taken up more in detail under Silver (which see). Sodium Carbonate, Na 2 CO 3 . This salt, commonly called soda, is one of the most important of manufactured chemi- cal compounds. The mere mention of the fact that it is essential to the manufacture of glass and soap will serve to give some conception of its importance. It is found in the ashes of sea plants, just as potassium carbonate is found in the ashes of inland plants. Formerly, it was made entirely from plant ashes, but we are no longer de- pendent upon this source for our supply of the salt, as two methods have been devised for preparing it from sodium chloride, with which nature provides us in such abundance. As these methods are of great importance, and are, further, very interesting applications of chemi- cal principles, they will be described below. Properties. Anhydrous sodium carbonate is a powder which is formed by heating the crystallized salt. It melts to a clear liquid when heated to a sufficiently high tem- perature. It dissolves in water very readily with evolution of heat. The action is, however, not as marked as in the case of potassium carbonate. When the salt is deposited from a water solution it has the composition Na 2 CO 3 + 10H 2 O. This salt, it will be observed, con- tains the same number of molecules of water of crystal- lization as sodium sulphate. Like this, too, it effloresces when exposed to the air. When heated it melts in its water of crystallization, and the salt Na 2 CO 3 -f- H 2 O, or (HO) 2 C(ONa) 2 , separates. This, however, loses water 510 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. when heated higher, and is converted into the anhydrous salt. The conduct of the carbonate towards water at dif- ferent temperatures is suggestive of that of the sulphate. Its maximum solubility is at temperatures between 38 and 70. Above the latter point the solubility decreases. The cause of this phenomenon is, in all probability, the same as that referred to in describing the analogous phenomenon presented by the sulphate ; that is, the ex- istence of the hydrated compound Na 2 CO 3 -|- 10H 2 O in solution at temperatures below 70, and the dissociation of this compound into water and salts containing a smaller number of molecules of water of crystallization, which are less soluble, when the temperature is raised above this point. The crystals of sodium carbonate containing ten molecules of water of crystallization belong to the monoclinic system. Applications. Sodium carbonate is used in immense quantities in the manufacture of glass, and in the prepa- ration of caustic soda, which is used in the manufacture of soap. The lie Blanc Process for the Manufacture of Sodium Carbonate. In the manufacture of soda the problem to be solved is to convert sodium chloride into sodium car- bonate. The first method devised for this purpose is that of Le Blanc. During the French revolution the supply of potash was cut off from France. This led the government to offer a prize for a practical method for manufacturing soda from common salt. The method proposed by Le Blanc at that time, and which, until re- cently, has been used almost exclusively involves three reactions : (1) The sodium chloride is converted into sodium sulphate by treating it with sulphuric acid : 2NaCl + H 2 S0 4 = Na 2 SO 4 + 2HC1. (2) The sodium sulphate thus obtained is heated with charcoal, which reduces it to sodium sulphide : Na 2 SO 4 + 20 = Na 3 S +-2CO,. SODIUM CARBONATE- LE BLANC PROCESS. 511 (3) The sodium sulphide is heated with calcium car- bonate, when sodium carbonate and calcium sulphide are formed : Na 2 S + CaCO 3 = Na a CO 3 + CaS. The conversion of the sulphate into the carbonate is, therefore, expressed by the equation Na 2 SO 4 + 20 + CaCO 3 = Na 2 CO 3 + CaS + 2CO 2 . Calcium sulphide is insoluble in water, so that by treating the resulting mass with water the sodium car- bonate is separated from the sulphide. In practice the sodium sulphate is mixed with coal and calcium carbonate, and the mixture heated in ap- propriately constructed furnaces. The coal reduces the sulphate to sulphide, which then reacts upon the cal- cium carbonate as above represented. The product of the action is known as crude soda or black ash. It con- tains, as its chief constituents, sodium carbonate and calcium sulphide, together with some calcium oxide, and a number of other substances in small quantities. In order to purify this product, it is broken to pieces, and treated with water ; and the solution thus obtained evaporated, when the salt of the composition Na. 2 CO 3 -(- 2H 2 O is deposited. This is dipped out, and dried by heat, when it loses all its water. The product is the calcined purified soda of commerce. This always contains some sulphate and chloride together with a small quan- tity of sulphite. When dissolved in water and allowed to crystallize, the salt is deposited in large crystals which contain water in the proportion represented by the formula Na 2 CO 3 -f- 10H 2 O. This is the so-called crystallized soda. Most of the soda which comes into the market is the calcined variety. The mother-liquors from the crystal- lized soda contain some sodium hydroxide in consequence of the action of calcium hydroxide on sodium carbonate. This can be converted into soda by passing carbon di- 512 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. oxide into it ; and it can also be partly separated from the carbonate and brought into the market as such. A method has recently been devised for the purpose of avoiding the manufacture and use of sulphuric acid in the soda factories. This consists in passing a hot mixture of sulphur dioxide, air, and steam over sodium chloride. The action which takes place is represented by this equation : 2NaCl + SO a + H 2 O + O = Na a S0 4 + 2HC1. As, in the manufacture of soda, by the Le Blanc pro- cess, the sulphur remains in combination as calcium sulphide, a process, known as the Chance process, has been devised for its recovery. This consists in passing carbon dioxide into the waste, thus liberating hydrogen sulphide ; passing this into another portion of the waste, thus converting the calcium sulphide into the hydro- sulphide ; and then treating this with carbon dioxide, when a gas rich in hydrogen sulphide is given off : CO a + CaH a S a + H a O = CaCO 3 + 2H a S. By regulating the supply of air the gas is burned either to sulphur dioxide or to sulphur. Ammonia Process for the Manufacture of Soda. An- other process now in extensive use for the manufacture of soda is the so-called ammonia process, or the Solvay process. This depends upon the fact that mono-sodium carbonate, HNaCO 3 , is comparatively difficultly soluble in water. If, therefore, mono-ammonium carbonate, or acid ammonium carbonate, HNH 4 CO 3 , is added to a solu- tion of common salt, acid sodium carbonate, HNaCO 3 , crystallizes out, and ammonium chloride remains in the solution : NaCl + HNH 4 CO 3 = HNaC0 3 + NH 4 C1. When the acid carbonate thus obtained is heated, it gives SODA FROM CRYOLITE. 513 off carbon dioxide, and is converted into the normal salt thus : 2HNaCO 3 = Na 2 CO 3 + CO 2 + H 2 O. The carbon dioxide given off is passed into ammonia, and thus again obtained in the form of acid ammonium carbonate : NH 3 + H 2 O + CO 2 = HNH 4 CO 3 . The ammonium chloride obtained in the first reaction is treated with lime or magnesia, MgO, and the ammonia set free. This ammonia is used again in the preparation of acid ammonium carbonate. The object of using mag- nesia is to get magnesium chloride, which, when evap- orated to dryness and heated, yields magnesia and hy- drochloric acid : MgCl 2 + H 2 = MgO + 2HC1. More than half the soda supply of the world is now fur- nished by the Solvay process. Manufacture of Soda from Cryolite. As cryolite occurs in nature in large quantities, and can be obtained cheaply, it is used in some places for the manufacture of soda. The reactions involved are : (1) The action of calcium carbonate upon cryolite at a high temperature, when sodium aluminate, calcium fluoride, and carbon dioxide are formed as represented in the equation Na 3 AlF 6 + 3CaCO 3 = 3CaF 2 + Na 3 AlO 3 + 3CO 2 . (2) The action of carbon dioxide upon the solution of the aluminate, when aluminium hydroxide is precipitated, and sodium carbonate formed which remains in solution : 2Na 3 A10 3 + 3C0 2 + 3H 2 O = 3Na 2 CO 3 + 2A1(OH) 3 . After the mixture of cryolite and calcium carbonate, or chalk, has been heated, the mass is treated with water, when the sodium aluminate dissolves, while the calcium fluoride does not. After separating the solution from the insoluble residue, carbon dioxide is passed through it. 514 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Mono-Sodium Carbonate, Primary Sodium Carbonate, HNaCOg. This salt is commonly called " bi-carbonate of soda." It is easily prepared by passing carbon dioxide over the ordinary carbonate dissolved in its water of crystallization : Na a C0 3 + CO a + H 2 O = 2HNaCO 3 . When heated it gives up carbon dioxide and water, and is converted into the normal salt. As was stated in con- nection with the ammonia-soda process, primary sodium carbonate is much more difficultly soluble in water than the normal salt. At ordinary temperatures 100 parts of water dissolve about 10 parts of the salt. It is used in medicine, and extensively in the prepara- tion of soda-water and other effervescing drinks. Sodium-Potassium Carbonate, KNaCO 3 + 12H 2 O, is an interesting example of a salt of a dibasic acid containing two different metals. It is easily made by mixing solu- tions of potassium and sodium carbonates, and is ob- tained in the form of large crystals. Phosphates. There are three phosphates of sodium just as there are three phosphates of potassium. The point of chief interest presented by them is that the secondary salt, HNa 2 PO 4 , is the one most easily obtained, and is the substance commonly known as sodium phos- phate. When a solution of this salt is treated with an excess of sodium hydroxide, and the solution evaporated, normal or tertiary sodium phosphate crystallizes out. This has the composition Na 3 PO 4 + 12H 2 O. The solution of the latter salt has an alkaline reaction, and when ex- posed to the air it absorbs carbon dioxide, and is con- verted into the secondary salt : 2Na 3 P0 4 + CO, + H 2 O = 2HNa 2 PO 4 + Na 2 C0 3 . Secondary sodium phosphate, HNa 2 PO 4 -f- 12H 2 O, is easily made by adding sodium carbonate to a solution of phosphoric acid until an alkaline reaction is shown. It is also prepared on the large scale from bone-ash. It forms monoclinic prisms which effloresce in the air. SODIUM BORATE. 515 Sodium Metaphosphate, NaPO 3 , is formed when the pri- mary phosphate is ignited. There are several modifica- tions of the salt which appear to differ from one another as represented in the formulas NaPO 3 , Na 2 P 2 O 6 , Na 3 P 3 O 9 , etc. This relation is called polymerism; or substances which have the same composition but different molecu- lar weights are said to be polymeric. Relations of this kind are very common among the compounds of carbon. Among the hydrocarbons mentioned in Chapter XIX, for example, are acetylene, C 2 H 2 , and benzene, C 6 H,. There are, further, two other hydrocarbons of the for- mulas C 4 H 4 and C 8 H 8 . Plainly these hydrocarbons all have the same percentage composition. They are poly- meric in the sense in which that term has been defined. Di-sodium Pyro-antimonate, H 2 Na 2 Sb 2 O7 + 6H 2 O, is of special interest because it is insoluble in cold water, and may therefore be used for the purpose of detecting so- dium in analysis. It is formed when a solution of the corresponding potassium salt is added to a solution of a sodium salt. Sodium Borate. Normal boric acid, as we have seen, has the composition B(OH) 3 , and there are a number of borates derived from this acid by direct replacement of the hydrogen by metals. The salt which boric acid most readily forms with sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate, however, is that derived from tetraboric acid, H 2 B 4 O 7 , which is derived from normal boric acid by elimination of water. (See p. 355). This salt is borax, which in crystallized form has the composition repre- sented by the formula Na 2 B 4 O 7 + 10H 2 O. By adding the required quantity of sodium hydroxide to a solution of borax, and evaporating to crystallization, sodium metaborate, NaBO 2 + 4H 2 O, is obtained : Na 2 B 4 7 + 2NaOH = 4NaBO 2 + H a O. The metaborate is decomposed when its solution is ex- posed to the action of the air. It is thus converted by carbon dioxide into sodium carbonate and borax, or sodium tetraborate. 516 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Borax occurs in nature in several lakes in Asia and in Clear Lake, Nevada, in the United States. It is man- ufactured by neutralizing, with sodium carbonate, the boric acid found in Tuscany. When heated, borax puffs up, and at red heat it melts, forming a transparent, color- less liquid. The dehydrated salt is known, as anhydrous or calcined borax. In the molten condition, borax has the power to combine with metallic oxides, and, as many of the double borates thus formed are colored, the salt is used in blow-pipe work for the purpose of detecting certain metals. As it dissolves metallic oxides, it is used in the process of soldering, as it is necessary to have bright, untarnished metallic surfaces in order that the solder shall adhere firmly. The action of mol- ten borax upon metallic oxides is similar to that which takes place when sodium hydroxide acts upon a solution of borax. Borates of the metals are formed together with sodium borate, or double borates in which part of the hydrogen is replaced by sodium and part by other metals. Borax is extensively used in the manufacture of por- celain and in glass-painting. It is an antiseptic, pre- venting the decomposition of some organic substances. Sodium Silicate, Na 2 SiO 3 . Sodium silicate is formed by dissolving silicon dioxide in sodium hydroxide, and can be obtained in crystallized form. It is prepared on the large scale by melting together quartz sand and so- dium carbonate in the proper proportions, and f by melt- ing together sodium sulphate, quartz sand, and charcoal powder. This substance is commonly known as water- glass. It is soluble in water, and, when its solution dries, it leaves a transparent coating on the surface on which it is placed. It is extensively used in the manu- facture of artificial stone. LITHIUM, Li (At. Wt. .6.97). Lithium occurs in nature in relatively small quantity, chiefly in the minerals lepidolite, petalite, and spodu- mene, and in many mineral waters. It is also found in AMMONIUM SALTS. 517 the ashes of a number of plants. It is prepared by the electrolysis of the chloride in the molten condition. The metal is silver- white, and is characterized by its low specific gravity. It acts vigorously upon water, but, if the water is at the ordinary temperature, the hydrogen given off does not take fire. In the air it conducts itself in much the same way that sodium does. The most characteristic salts of lithium are the phos- phate, carbonate, and chloride. Lithium Phosphate, Li 3 PO 4 + pI 2 O, is precipitated when secondary sodium phosphate is added to a solution of a lithium salt. It is very difficultly soluble in water at the ordinary temperature. Lithium Carbonate, Li 2 CO 3 , is also rather difficultly sol- uble in water, and is deposited when a solution of sodi- um carbonate is added to a fairly concentrated solution of lithium chloride. It dissolves uric acid, which is in- soluble in water, and is therefore used in medicine for the purpose of removing pathological deposits of this acid in the body. For this purpose it is generally ad- ministered in the form of a solution in water containing carbon dioxide. Lithium Chloride, LiCl, is peculiar on account of the fact that it is soluble in alcohol and in a mixture of al- cohol and ether. In this respect it differs from the chlorides of potassium and sodium, which are insoluble in alcohol. If, therefore, a mixture of the chlorides of the three metals is treated with alcohol, only lithium chloride dissolves ; and in this way lithium can be sep- arated from the other metals. AMMONIUM SALTS. Attention has already been called to the marked simi- larity of the salts of potassium and sodium to those formed by the action of ammonia on the acids, and known as ammonium salts. The most important of these salts will be briefly considered in this connection. A characteristic property of ammonium salts which dis- tinguishes them from the salts of all the metals is their 518 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. volatility. "When sublimed, they all undergo decomposi- tion, which is either partial or complete. The simplest kind of decomposition which they un- dergo is dissociation into ammonia and the acid. This is illustrated in the case of ammonium chloride, which, when heated to a sufficiently high temperature, is dis- sociated into ammonia and hydrochloric acid. This is an example of true dissociation. The amount of decom- position is constant for any given temperature and pres- sure. An ammonium salt of a polybasic acid containing some metal gives off ammonia and leaves an acid salt, which generally undergoes further decomposition. Thus, so- dium-ammonium sulphate, NaNH 4 SO 4 , first gives off ammonia and forms mono-sodium sulphate : The acid salt thus formed then undergoes further change and the pyrosulphate is formed : Another example of this kind of decomposition of am- monium salts is that afforded by sodium - ammonium phosphate, HNaNH 4 PO 4 . When heated, this gives off ammonia and then water, the final product being sodium metaphosphate : (ONa PO-^ ONH 4 (OH (ONa = POl OH +NH 3 ; (OH (ONa PO^ OH OH = PO 2 ONa + H 2 O. Some ammonium salts undergo deeper-seated decom- positions, and do not give ammonia as one of the prod- ucts. This is true especially of such salts as readily give off oxygen. In such cases the ammonia is oxidized, AMMONIUM SALTS. 519 so that the hydrogen forms water. This is illustrated in the decomposition of ammonium nitrate and nitrite L NH 4 N0 3 = N 2 + 2H 2 ; and NH 4 N0 2 :=N 2 +2H 2 0. Further, all ammonium salts are decomposed with evo- lution of ammonia when treated with basic hydroxides. This has been illustrated in the preparation of ammonia from ammonium chloride by treatment with calcium hydroxide : 2NH 4 C1 + Ca(OH) 2 = CaCl 2 + 2NH 3 + 2H 2 O. The ammonium salts are made by neutralizing acids with ammonia. Ammonium Chloride, NH 4 C1. This salt is commonly called sal ammoniac. At present its principal source is the so-called ammoniacal liquor of the gas-works. This liquid contains a considerable quantity of ammonium carbonate, and, when it is treated with lime, ammonia is given off. This is passed into hydrochloric acid, and the solution of ammonium chloride thus formed evaporated to crystallization. The salt has a sharp, salty taste, and is easily soluble in water. When heated, it is converted into vapor without melting and with very slight decom- position ; and when the vapor comes in contact with a cold surface, it condenses in crystalline form. This pro- cess of vaporizing and condensing a solid is called sub- limation. Some of the ammonium chloride met with in the market has been sublimed. The salt is used in the preparation of ammonia, in medicine, and for other pur- poses. When it is dissolved in water, a considerable lowering of temperature is caused. Ammonium Sulphocyanate, NH 4 CNS. This salt is pre- pared by bringing together aqueous ammonia, carbon disulphide, and alcohol. The first product is ammonium thiocarbamate, the formation of which is perfectly analo- gous to the formation of the ordinary carbamate by the action of carbon dioxide on ammonia : 520 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The thiocarbamate afterwards breaks down when heated, forming the sulphocyanate and hydrogen sul- phide : CS = CNSNH 4 + H 3 S. The salt, like so many other ammonium salts, causes a marked lowering of temperature when dissolved in water. When 100 grams are dissolved in the same weight of water at 17, the temperature falls to 12. It is now much used in analytical processes for the esti- mation of silver and copper. Ammonium Sulphide, (NH 4 )aS. This compound is ex- tensively used in chemical analysis for the purpose of precipitating those sulphides which are soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid (see p. 198 and p. 473). As will be re- membered, in the usual method of analyzing a mixture of substances, the first step consists in adding hydro- chloric acid to the solution. This precipitates silver, lead, and, under certain conditions, mercury. This pre- cipitate having been filtered off, hydrogen sulphide is passed through the filtrate, when those metals are pre- cipitated whose sulphides are insoluble in dilute hydro- chloric acid. The precipitate is filtered off, and ammo- nium sulphide added to the filtrate, when the metals whose sulphides are soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid are thrown down. Among these are iron, cobalt, nickel, manganese, etc. Any other soluble sulphide might be used ; but the advantage of ammonium sulphide is that it is volatile, and hence, by evaporating the solution and heating, it can be got rid of after it has served its pur- pose. Another use to which it is put in analysis is for the purpose of dissolving the sulphides of tin, arsenic, and antimony, which are precipitated by hydrogen sul- phide, and thus separating these from the other sul- phides of the group. This solution depends upon the AMMONIUM SULPHIDE. 521 poVer of the sulphides to form salts of sulpho- acids, as has been repeatedly explained. Ammonium sulphide is made by passing hydrogen sulphide into an aqueous solution of ammonia. If the gas is passed until the solution is saturated, the product is the hydrosulphide : NH 3 + H 2 S = NH 4 HS. If only half this quantity of the gas is passed, the pro- duct is the sulphide : 2NH 3 + H 2 S = (NH 4 ) 2 S. The simplest way to make it, however, is to divide a quantity of a solution of ammonia into two equal parts ; saturate one half, thus forming the hydrosulphide, and add the other half, when this reaction takes place : HNH 4 S + NH 3 = (NH 4 ) 2 S. The product is a colorless liquid of a disagreeable odor. It soon changes color, becoming yellow, and after a time a yellow deposit is formed in the vessel in which it is contained. This change of color is due to the action of the oxygen of the air. Some of the sulphide is de- composed into ammonia, water, and sulphur, thus : (NH 4 ) 2 S + O = 2NH 3 + H 2 + S. The sulphur set free in this way combines with the undecomposed ammonium sulphide, forming the com- pounds (NH 4 ) 2 S 2 , (NH 4 ) 2 S 3 , (NH 4 ) 2 S 4 , and (NH 4 ) 2 S 5 . When as much sulphur has been set free as is required to form the pentasulphide, further decomposition by the oxygen of the air causes a deposit of sulphur. Therefore,, in bottles containing ammonium sulphide which are al- lowed to stand for a long time a deposit of sulphur is always found. A solution containing the polysulphides is called yellow ammonium sulphide. It is this which is used for the purpose of dissolving the sulphides of arsenic, antimony, and tin in analytical operations. As stated above, a solution of ammonium hydrosul- phide, HNH 4 S, is made by passing hydrogen sulphide into a solution of ammonia until no more is taken up. 522 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Ammonium Nitrate, NH 4 NO 3 , is obtained in crystals, which are easily soluble in water. It is of use chiefly in the preparation of nitrous oxide. When heated sud- denly to a high temperature it is decomposed rapidly into nitrogen, water, and nitric oxide : 2NH 4 N0 3 = N 2 + 2NO + 4H 2 O. This decomposition may take place in the preparation of nitrous oxide if in the last stages of the operation the heat is raised too high, and explosions may be caused in this way. When dissolved in water a marked lower- ing of temperature takes place. Ammonium Carbonate, (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 When dry ammonia gas and dry carbon dioxide are brought together, they unite and form the salt known as ammonium carbamate, which has the composition CO This is the salt of an acid, CO j QTT S J known as car- bamic acid. When the carbamate is dissolved in water, it is converted into the carbonate : ONH When heated to 58, the normal carbonate is decomposed, forming carbon dioxide, water, and ammonia. The sub- stance found in the market under the name of ammoni- um carbonate is made by heating together ammonium chloride or sulphate and chalk. It consists of normal ammonium carbonate, (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 , primary ammonium carbonate, HNH 4 (CO 3 ), and ammonium carbamate. Primary Ammonium Carbonate, HNH 4 CO 3 , is formed by treating the normal carbonate with carbon dioxide, and by allowing the commercial carbonate to lie exposed to the air, when the carbamate is converted into the car- bonate by the moisture, and the carbonate loses am- monia : REACTIONS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE SODIUM GRO UP. 523 It is easily decomposed into ammonia, water, and car- bon dioxide. Sodium-ammonium Phosphate, HNaNH 4 PO 4 . This salt is known as microcosmic salt, and is much used in the laboratory in blow-pipe work. It is contained in guano and in decomposed urine. It is easily made by mixing solutions of di-sodium phosphate and ammonium chlo- ride, and allowing to crystallize. In crystallized form it contains four molecules of water, HNaNH 4 PO 4 -f- 4H 2 O. The changes which the anhydrous salt undergoes when heated were described on page 518. When the crystal- lized salt is heated, the water of crystallization is first given off. The value of the salt in blow-pipe work de- pends upon the fact that at high temperatures the meta- phosphate combines with metallic oxides, forming mixed phosphates, the reactions being like those which meta- phosphoric acid undergoes with water : 2HP0 3 + H 2 = H 4 P 2 7 ; HP0 3 + H 2 = H 3 P0 4 ; 2NaP0 3 + M 2 = Na 2 M 2 P 2 7 ; NaP0 3 + M 2 O = NaM 2 P0 4 . Many of these double phosphates and pyrophosphates are colored, and, like the double borates (see p. 516) they furnish a means of detecting some of the metals. Reactions of the Members of the Sodium Group which are of Value in Chemical Analysis. The chief difficulty experienced in chemical analysis is in distinguishing between similar elements. Sodium and potassium, for example, conduct themselves so much alike in so many respects that we might subject them to the in- fluence of a number of reagents without being able to tell which one we are working with. For pur- poses of analysis, therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of differences between the elements, and the more striking the differences the better. Those reac- tions which give rise to the formation of insoluble com- pounds or precipitates are most frequently used in analysis. Very few salts of the members of the sodium 524 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. group are insoluble, and the difficulty of distinguishing between these elements is increased by this fact. In ordinary analyses the elements of this group which are of most importance are potassium and sodium, the other elements of the group being but rarely met with. Ammonium compounds are easily distinguished from those of potassium and sodium by the fact that, when treated with caustic soda or potash, they give off ammonia, which is recognized by its characteristic odor. The chief reactions which are of value in distinguishing between potassium and sodium are the following : Platinum Chloride, PtCl 4 , forms difficultly soluble salts with potassium and ammonium chlorides. These are the cUoroplatinates, K 2 PtCl 6 and (NH 4 ) 9 PtCl e . The cor- responding salt of sodium is easily soluble. Perchloric Acid, HC1O 4 , forms difficultly soluble potas- sium perchlorate, KC1O 4 , when added to solutions of po- tassium salts. Fluosilicic Acid, H 2 SiF 6 , forms difficultly soluble salts with potassium and sodium, K 2 SiF 6 and Na 2 SiF 6 , but not with ammonium. Tartaric Acid, H 2 (C 4 H 4 O 6 ), forms a difficultly soluble potassium salt of the formula KH(C 4 H 4 O 6 ). The corre- sponding salt of sodium is easily soluble. The forma- tion of mono-potassium tartrate takes place as repre- sented in the equation : KOI + H a (C,H,0.) = KH(C,H 4 0.) + HC1. Normal or neutral potassium tartrate is soluble in water, so that, if the difficultly soluble acid tartrate is filtered off, and potassium carbonate added to it, it dissolves in consequence of the formation of the neutral salt, which takes place as represented in the equation 2KH(C.H 4 0.) + K,CO, = 2K,(C.H,O.) + CO, + H 3 O. If, to the solution of the neutral salt, hydrochloric acid is added, the acid salt is again formed and precipitated : K 2 (C 4 H 4 O 6 ) + HC1 = KH(C 4 H 4 O 6 ) + KC1. Di-sodium Pyro-antimonate, Na 2 H 2 Sb 2 O 7 , is insoluble in cold water, and is formed when a solution of the corre- FLAME REACTIONS AND THE SPECTROSCOPE. 525 spending potassium salt is added to a solution of a so- dium salt. Flame Reactions and the Spectroscope. When a clean piece of platinum wire is held for some time in the flame of the Bunsen burner, it then imparts no color to the flame. If now a small piece of sodium carbonate or any other salt of sodium is put on it, the flame is colored intensely yellow. All sodium compounds have this power, and hence the chemist makes use of this fact for the purpose of detecting the presence of sodium. Simi- larly, potassium compounds color the flame violet ; lith- ium compounds color the flame red ; rubidium and caesium produce colors similar to that of the potassium flame. While it is an easy matter to recognize potas- sium alone, or any one of the other metals alone, it is difficult to do so when they are together in the same compound. For example, when sodium and potassium .are together, the intense yellow caused by the sodium completely masks the more delicate violet caused by the potassium, so that the latter cannot be seen by the unaided eye. In this particular case the difficulty can be got over by letting the light from the flame pass through a blue glass, or through a thin vessel of glass containing a solution of indigo. The yellow light is thus cut off, while the violet light passes through and can be recognized. A more general method for de- tecting the constituents of light is by means of a prism of glass. Lights of different colors, which are pro- duced by ether waves of different lengths, are turned out of their course to different extents when passed through a prism, as is seen when white sunlight is passed through a prism. A narrow beam of white light passing in emerges as a band of various colors, called its spectrum. We thus see that white light is made up of lights of different colors ; or, to speak in the language of physics, that motion of the light-ether which produces upon the eye the sensation of white light is made up of a number of motions, each of which alone produces upon the eye the sensation of a color. Similarly, we can determine what any light is composed of. Every light has its char- 526 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. acteristic spectrum. The light given off from any solid heated to a white heat gives a continuous spectrum, like that of the sunlight. An incandescent gaseous substance, on the other hand, gives a spectrum made up of separate bands of color, or a banded spectrum. The light produced by burning sodium, or by introducing a sodium com- pound in a colorless flame, gives a spectrum consisting of a narrow yellow band. The spectrum of the potassium flame consists essentially of two bands, one red and one violet. Further, these bands always occupy definite posi- tions relatively to one another, so that, in looking through a prism at the light caused by potassium and sodium, the yellow band of sodium is seen in its position, and the two potassium bands in their proper positions. There is therefore no difficulty in detecting these elements when present in the same substance or in the presence of other elements which give characteristic spectra. The instrument used for the purpose of observing the spectra of different lights is called the spectroscope* It consists essentially of a prism and two telescopes. Through one of the telescopes the light to be examined is allowed to pass so as to strike the prism properly. The light emerges from the other side of the prism, and is observed through the other telescope, which is pro- vided with lenses for the purpose of magnifying the spectrum. By means of a third telescope, an image of a scale is thrown upon the face of the prism from which the spectrum emerges, and is reflected thence into the observing-tube, together with the spectrum, so that the position of the bands can be accurately determined. By means of the spectroscope, it is possible to detect the minutest quantities of some elements, and, since it was devised, several new elements have been discovered through its aid ; as, for example, csesium, rubidium, thal- lium, indium, gallium, and others. * For an account of the spectroscope and its uses, the student should consult some work on physics. The principles involved in its construc- tion and application are physical principles, and cannot properly be taken up in detail in a text-book of chemistry. CHAPTER XXVI. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY II, GROUP A: GLUCINUM MAGNESIUM CALCIUM STRONTIUM- BARIUM [ERBIUM]. General. The elements of this group fall into two sub- groups. Calcium, strontium, and barium are strikingly alike. They also have some points in common with the members of the potassium family, and at the same time are related in some degree to the metals of Family III, Group A, which are known as the earth metals. There- fore, calcium, barium, and strontium are generally called the metals of the alkaline earths. Glucinum and mag- nesium resemble the metals of the alkaline earths in some ways, but they also resemble the members of Group B, of the same family, which includes zinc and cadmium. On comparing the group with the elements presented in the last chapter, some analogous facts are noticed. Ar- ranging the five elements of the potassium group in the order of their atomic weights, and the elements of Family II, Group A, in the same way, we have this table : Li Na K Eb Cs 6.97 22.82 38.82 84.78 131.89 Gl 9.01 Mg 24.10 Ca 39.76 Sr 86.95 Ba 136.39 As regards the analogies between the elements in each group, the general statement can be made that the last three members of each group resemble one another more closely than they resemble the first two members of the group, while the first two members in each group also resemble each other closely. The natural grouping according to the properties is into the sub-groups : (527) 528 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. a b Lithium, Potassium, Sodium, and Rubidium, Caesium. GluciBum, Calcium, Magnesium, and Strontium, Barium. The relations between the atomic weights of the ele- ments of Family II, Group A, are similar to those of the elements of Family I, Group A. That of magnesium, 24.10, is nearly half the sum of those of glucinum, 9.01, and calcium, 39.76. We have 9.01 + 39. T6 2 = 24.38. So, also, that of strontium, 86.95, is approximately half the sum of those of calcium, 39.76, and barium, 136.39 39.76 + 136.39 In the calcium group the specific gravities increase in the order of the atomic weights : At. Wt. Sp. Gr. Calcium,. . . . 39.76 1.57 Strontium, . . . 86.95 2.5 Barium, .... 136.39 3.75 All the elements of the group are bivalent. The general formulas of the principal compounds are as follows : MC1 2 , M(OH) 2 , M(N0 3 ) 2 , MS0 4 , M 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , MSiO 3 , etc. The chlorides, hydroxides, and nitrates are soluble in water. The sulphates decrease in solubility as the atomic weights increase. Glucinum sulphate, G1SO 4 , is soluble in its own weight of water ;' magnesium sulphate, MgSO 4 , is soluble in about three times its weight of water ; calcium sulphate, CaSO 4 , dissolves in 400 parts ; strontium sulphate, SrSO 4 , in about 8000 parts; and CALCIUM: OCCURRENCE PREPARATION. 529 barium sulphate, BaSO 4 , in about 400,000 parts of water. Barium sulphate, as will be seen, is practically insoluble in water. The normal carbonates of all except glucinum are insoluble in water. The solubility of the hydroxides increases as the atomic weight increases. Glucinum hy- droxide is insoluble ; magnesium hydroxide is but slightly soluble. One hundred parts of water at the ordinary temperature dissolve 0.1368 parts of calcium hy- droxide, 2 parts of strontium hydroxide, and 3.5 parts of barium hydroxide. The solubility of strontium and barium hydroxides is, however, much increased at higher temperatures. CALCIUM SUB-GROUP. This sub-group, as has been stated, consists of the three very similar elements, calcium, strontium, and barium. Of these calcium occurs most abundantly in nature. Barium and strontium frequently accompany each other, and both are found in some localities in com- pany with calcium. They are much less abundant in nature than calcium. CALCIUM, Ca (At. Wt. 39.76X Occurrence. Calcium is found in nature in enormous quantities, chiefly in the form of the carbonate, CaCO 3 , as limestone, marble, and chalk. It also occurs in the form of the sulphate, CaSO 4 , as gypsum ; of the phosphate, Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , as phosphorite and apatite ; of the fluoride, CaF 2 , as fluor-spar. It is found in solution in most natural waters either as the carbonate or sulphate ; and in the organs of plants and animals. Bones contain a large proportion of calcium phosphate ; egg-shells and coral contain calcium carbonate. Preparation. The element is made by decomposing molten calcium chloride by means of the electric current ; and by first making zinc-calcium and distilling off the zinc by heating to a high temperature in a crucible made of carbon from a gas-retort. The zinc-calcium is made by melting together a mixture of calcium chloride, zinc, 530 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and sodium. The sodium decomposes the chloride, and the reduced metal dissolves in or combines with the zinc as soon as it is formed. Properties. It is a brass-yellow, lustrous metal, which in moist air becomes covered with a layer of hydroxide and carbonate. At ordinary temperatures it decomposes water just as potassium and sodium do, but heat is not evolved rapidly enough to set fire to the hydrogen. Heated to a high temperature, it burns in the air, forming the oxide. It is not made in quantity, and has found no practical application. Calcium Chloride, CaCL. This salt is found in nature in combination with other chlorides, particularly in the mineral tachydrite, which occurs in the salt deposits at Stassfurt, and has the composition represented by the formula CaCl 2 .MgCl 2 -(- 12H 2 O. It is also found in solu- tion in sea- water. It is obtained as a by-product in the preparation of ammonia from ammonium chloride and lime ; in the preparation of potassium chlorate from cal- cium chlorate and potassium chloride (see p. 494); and in the ammonia-soda process. It is made by dissolving calcium carbonate in hydrochloric acid, as in the prepa- ration of carbon dioxide. From very concentrated solutions it crystallizes with six molecules of water, CaCl 2 -J- 6H 2 O. ,When these crystals are exposed to the air they soon deliquesce. When a solution of calcium chloride is evaporated, and care is taken to keep the temperature below 200, it solidifies, forming a porous mass which has the composition represented by the for- mula CaCl 2 -f- 2H 2 O. This is much used in laboratories as a drying agent, as it absorbs water with great ease. If this salt is heated above 200 it loses all its water, and the dehydrated chloride melts, forming fused calcium chloride. This is also much used on account of its dry- ing power. Gases are passed through tubes filled with granulated calcium chloride for the purpose of drying them, and the salt is also placed in vessels in which it is necessary that the air should be dry, as in balance-cases, desiccators, etc. The fused salt generally has a slight alkaline reaction, which is caused by the presence of a COMPOUNDS OF CALCIUM. 531 small quantity of lime. This is formed by the action of steam at high temperature on the chloride, the reaction being represented by this equation : CaCl 2 + H 2 O = CaO + 2HC1. This decomposition takes place only to a slight extent. The porous chloride, which contains two molecules of water, does not contain any hydroxide, and it is therefore better adapted for use' in cases in which it is necessary that it should not absorb carbon dioxide, as in the analysis of organic compounds. Calcium chloride forms crystallized compounds with ammonia and with alcohol, as well as with water. It is obvious from this that calcium chloride cannot be used for the purpose of drying ammonia gas. When the com- pounds with ammonia and with alcohol are heated they break down, yielding ammonia and aksohol respectively, as the compound with water gives up the latter. Calcium Fluoride, CaF 2 . This compound occurs in large quantities in nature as the mineral fluor-spar. It occurs beautifully crystallized in cubes, and is insoluble in water. It is the source of fluorine compounds in gen- eral, and is used in metallurgical operations for the reason that it melts readily and does not act upon other substances easily. It therefore simply serves as a liq- uid medium in which reactions take place at high tem- peratures. A substance which acts in this way and is used for this purpose is called a flux. The name fluor- spar has its origin in this use of the substance. A flux plays to some extent the same part at elevated tempera- ture in facilitating reactions that water plays at ordinary temperatures. Calcium Oxide, CaO. This important compound is commonly called lime, or, to distinguish it from the hy- droxide or slaked lime, it is called quick-lime. It is made in large quantity by heating calcium carbonate in ap- propriately constructed furnaces, known as lime-kilns. Pure lime is made by decomposing some pure form of calcium carbonate, as marble or calc-spar. The decom- position of calcium carbonate is not complete in an at- 532 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. mosphere of carbon dioxide, hence precautions must be taken to remove the gas formed by the decomposition. Further, when lime is heated to a temperature consider- ably higher than that necessary to effect the first decom- position it again absorbs carbon dioxide. Lime is a white, amorphous, infusible substance. When heated in the flame of the compound blow-pipe it gives an intense light, as any other infusible substance would do under the same circumstances. When exposed to the air it attracts moisture and carbon dioxide, and is con- verted into, the carbonate. It must therefore be protected from the air. Lime which has been converted into the carbonate by exposure to the air is said to be air-slaked. Calcium Hydroxide, Ca(OH) 2 . When calcium oxide or quick-lime is treated with water it becomes hot and crum- bles to a fine powder. The substance which is formed in this operation is somewhat soluble in water, the solu- tion being known as lime-water. The chemical change which takes place when lime is treated with water has been explained. It consists in the formation of a com- pound of the formula Ca(OH) 2 , known as slaked lime ; and the operation is known as slaking. The action is of the same kind as that with which we have so frequently had to deal in the transformation of oxides into the cor- responding hydroxides. Thus when potassium oxide is treated with water it is changed to the hydroxide, with a marked evolution of heat, the reaction being repre- sented in this way : So, too, when sulphur trioxide is brought in contact with water it appears to form the hydroxide, normal sulphuric acid : = S- OH OH OH OH OH OH CALCIUM HYDROXIDE. 533 The action in the case of calcium oxide is represented in a similar way : The hydroxide is a fine white powder. At red heat it loses water and is reconverted into the oxide : When lime-water is exposed to the air it becomes cov- ered with a crust of calcium carbonate, and finally all the calcium is precipitated as calcium carbonate. A solution of calcium hydroxide affords a convenient means of de- tecting the presence of carbon dioxide, as has been shown in dealing with this gas. The solution has an alkaline reaction, and acts in many respects like the hydroxides of potassium and sodium. Attention has been called to the fact that the hydroxides of most of the metals are insoluble in water, and that when a soluble hydroxide is added to the salt of such a metal the insoluble hydrox- ide is precipitated. The same kind of decomposition of salts is effected by a solution of calcium hydroxide. Thus, when it is added to ferric chloride, ferric hydrox- ide is thrown down : Cl p Q /OH (OH Fe Cl < OH Fe^ OH Fe Cl n ^OH Fe-| OH Cl Ua ^OH OH This reaction is entirely analogous to that which takes place between ferric chloride and potassium hydroxide : (Cl KOH (OH KC1 Fe^ Cl + KOH = Fe \ OH + KC1 . Cl KOH OH KC1 534 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Lime is extensively used in the arts, generally in the form of the hydroxide. As we have seen, it is used in the preparation of ammonia and the caustic alkalies, potassium and sodium hydroxides ; and of bleaching- powder and potassium chlorate. It is further used in large quantity in the process of tanning for the pur- pose of removing the hair from hides ; in decomposing fats for the purpose of making stearin for candles ; for purifying gas ; and especially in the preparation of mortar. Bleaching-powder. The preparation of bleaching-pow- der was referred to under Chlorine (which see). The main reaction involved is that represented in the equa- tion 2Ca(OH) a + 401 = Ca(ClO) 2 + CaCl 2 + 2H 2 O. Bleaching-powder The compound is commonly called " chloride of lime." Assuming that the reaction takes place in the same way as that of chlorine on caustic potash, the product is a mixture of calcium hypochlorite, Ca(ClO) 2 , and calcium chloride, for it is held that the reaction with potassium hydroxide takes place as represented in this equation : 2KOH + 2C1 = KC10 + KC1 + H 2 O. An objection to the view that calcium chloride is pres- ent as such in bleaching-powder is found in the fact that the substance is not deliquescent, as it should be if cal- cium chloride were present. This has led to the sug- gestion that bleaching-powder in the dry form is not a mixture of two compounds, as represented above, but {Cl Od or CaOCl 2 . A compound of this formula would plainly have the same composition as a mixture of calcium hy- pochlorite and calcium chloride in the proportion of their molecular weights. For we have BLEACHING-POWDER. 535 Ca(ClO) 2 + CaCl 2 = 2CaOCl 2 . The point is a difficult one to decide, but at present the evidence appears to be rather in favor of the view that bleaching-powder in the dry form is a single compound of the constitution represented by the last formula given. When treated with water, however, it appears to be resolved into a mixture of the hypochlorite and chlo- ride. Bleaching-powder is a white powder which has the odor of hypochlorous acid. It is soluble in about twenty parts of water, though the commercial product always leaves a slight residue, which consists mainly of calcium hydroxide. When treated with an acid, as sul- phuric or hydrochloric acid, it gives up all its chlorine. Thus, with hydrochloric acid the reaction takes place as represented in these equations : Ca(ClO) 2 + 2HC1 = CaCl 2 + 2HC1O ; 2HC1 + 2HC10 = 2H 2 O + 201,. With sulphuric acid the action also probably takes place in two stages. The acid acts upon the hypochlorite, setting hypochlorous acid free ; and upon the chloride, setting hydrochloric acid free. The hydrochloric and hypochlorous acids then react with each other as repre- sented above : Ca(C10) 2 + H 2 S0 4 = CaS0 4 + 2HC10 ; CaCl 2 +H 2 S0 4 =CaSO 4 + 2HCl; 2HC1 + 2HC1O = 2H 2 O + 2C1 2 . When exposed to the action of carbon dioxide hypo- chlorous acid is liberated. Hence, when it is allowed to lie in the air this decomposition takes place slowly. The hypochlorous acid acts further upon the calcium chlo- ride, liberating chlorine : CaCl 2 + 2HOC1 + C0 2 = CaCO 3 + H 2 O + 201,. It may be, however, that the action takes place between carbon dioxide and the compound CaOCl 2 , thus : CaOCl 3 + C0 2 = CaCO 3 + Cl a . 536 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. In any case, the fact remains that carbon dioxide sets the chlorine free from bleaching-powder. A solution of bleaching-powder alone is not capable of bleaching except very slowly. If, however, something is added which has the power to decompose it, bleach- ing takes place, the action being due to the presence of hypochlorous acid and chlorine. As is clear from what was said above, the passage of carbon dioxide through the solution or the addition of an acid would cause it to bleach. So, too, certain salts produce a similar effect. The explanation of this is the instability of the hypo- chlorites formed by the salts added. When a concen- trated solution of bleaching-powder is heated it gives off oxygen, and the salt is converted into the chloride. In dilute solution, however, the hypochlorite is converted into chlorate and chloride : 3Ca(ClO) 2 = Ca(ClO 3 ) 2 + 2CaCl 2 . This fact is taken advantage of, as has been shown, for the purpose of making calcium chlorate, and from this potassium chlorate (see p. 494). In contact with certain oxides, as copper oxide, ferric oxide, and with hydroxides, as cobalt and nickel hydroxides, a solution of bleaching- powder readily gives up oxygen when heated. The chief application of bleaching-powder is, as its name implies, for bleaching. It is also used as a disin- fectant, and as an antiseptic, that is, for the purpose of destroying disease germs, and of preventing decomposi- tion of organic substances. Calcium Carbonate, CaCO 3 . This salt occurs in im- mense quantities in nature in the well-known forms lime- stone, calc-spar, marble, and chalk. The variety of calc-spar found in Iceland, and known as Iceland spar, is particularly pure calcium carbonate. It crystallizes in a number of different forms, the most common being in rhombohedrons, as seen in ordinary calc-spar. A second variety of crystallized calcium carbonate is ara- gonite. This is found in nature crystallized in rhombic prisms, and in forms derived from this. When heated CALCIUM CARBONATE. 537 aragonite falls to pieces, the particles being small crys- tals of the form characteristic of calc-spar. This is a case of dimorphism similar to that presented by sul- phur, which, it will be remembered, crystallizes in two forms, the rhombic and monoclinic, the latter of which passes into the former spontaneously. These forms are produced artificially very readily. When calcium car- bonate is precipitated from a solution of a calcium salt by adding a soluble carbonate at ordinary temperatures the precipitate is made up of microscopic crystals which have the same form as calc-spar. If, however, the solu- tion from which the carbonate is precipitated is hot, the salt consists of microscopic crystals of the form of ara- gonite. The most abundant form of calcium carbonate is lime- stone, of which many great mountain-ranges are largely made up. This is a compact form of the compound, which has a gray color, and frequently consists of mi- nute crystals. It is always more or less impure, contain- ing clay and other substances. Limestone which is mixed with a considerable proportion of clay is called marl. Many natural waters contain calcium carbonate in solution probably in the form of the acid carbonate. When such a water evaporates the carbonate is again deposited. It happens in some places that a water charged with the carbonate works its way slowly through the earth and drops from the top of a cave. Under these circumstances there is a gradual deposit of the salt which remains suspended. Such hanging formations of the carbonate are known as stalactites. At the same time that part of the liquid which falls to the bottom of the cave forms a projecting mass below the stalactite. Such projecting masses are called stalagmites. The for- mation of stalactites takes place in much the same way as that of icicles. Much of the calcium carbonate found in nature has its origin in the remains of animals, and fossils are very abundant in it. Chalk consists almost exclusively of the shells of microscopic animals. When carbon dioxide is passed into a solution of cal- 538 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. cium hydroxide, the carbonate is precipitated ; and, it the current of gas is continued long enough, the carbonate is redissolved. It appears, therefore, that calcium car- bonate is soluble in water that contains carbonic acid. It is probable that the cause of this is to be found in the formation of an acid carbonate, possibly the one of the formula HO-OC-O-Ca-O-CO-OH. No positive evi- dence, of the formation of this substance has, however, been furnished. If it is formed, it is certainly very un- stable ; for, on heating the solution to boiling, the normal carbonate is precipitated and carbon dioxide is given off. Natural waters which come in contact with limestone gradually tske up more or less of the carbonate, with the aid of the carbon dioxide of the air, and when such a water is boiled, the carbonate is thrown down. A water containing calcium carbonate in solution is called a hard water; and, as this kind of hardness is easily removed by boiling, it is called temporary hardness in order to dis- tinguish it from a kind which is not removed by boiling, and is therefore called permanent hardness. Temporary hardness is further removed by adding lime to the water, when normal carbonate is formed, which is at once pre- cipitated. The decomposition of calcium carbonate by heat, lead- ing to the formation of lime, or calcium oxide, and carbon dioxide, was referred to on p. 468. Applications. Calcium carbonate is used, in the arts, for a great many purposes, as in the manufacture of glass ; as a flux (see p. 531) in many important metallurgical operations, as in the reduction of iron from its ores ; in the preparation of lime for mortar ; etc. As is well known, further, marble and some of the varieties of limestone are extensively used in building ; and large quantities of chalk are also used. Calcium Sulphate, CaSO 4 - This compound is very abundant in nature. The principal natural variety is gypsum, which occurs in crystals containing two mole- cules of water, CaSO 4 + 2H 2 O. This is perhaps derived directly from the normal acid S(OH) 6 , having the con- CALCIUM SULPHATE. 539 stitution represented by the formula (HO) 4 SOa. The salt of the formula CaS0 4 also occurs in nature, and is called anhydrite. A granular form of gypsum is called alabaster. Calcium sulphate is difficultly soluble in hot and cold water, but its solubility is markedly increased by the presence of certain other salts ; as, for example, sodium chloride. It is comparatively easily soluble in hydrochloric acid and in nitric acid. When heated to 100, or a little above, it loses nearly all its water and forms a powder known as plaster of Paris, which has the power of taking up water and forming a solid substance. This process of solidification is known as " setting.' 1 Plaster of Paris is very largely used in making casts, on account of its power to harden after having been made into a paste with water. The hardening is a chemical process, and is caused by the combination of water with the salt to form the crystallized variety : CaSO 4 + 2H 2 O = (HO) 4 S<^>Ca. "When heated to 200, and above, all the water is given off from gypsum, and the product now combines with water only very slowly, and is of no value for making casts. In general, the higher the temperature to which the gypsum is heated, the greater the difficulty with which the pro- duct combines with water. Many natural waters contain gypsum in solution. Such waters act in some respects like those which contain cal- cium carbonate. With soap, for example, they form in- soluble compounds. They are called hard waters. This kind of hardness is not removed by boiling, and it is therefore called permanent hardness. Magnesium sulphate acts in the same way, producing permanent hardness. When calcium sulphate is treated with a solution of a soluble carbonate, it is decomposed, forming the carbon- ate as represented in the equation CaS0 4 + Na 3 C0 3 = Na 2 S0 4 + CaCO,. 540 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. This change is effected simply by allowing the two to stand in contact at the ordinary temperature. Besides being used for making casts, calcined gypsum is used also in surgery for making plaster-of-Paris band- ages, and as a fertilizer. Its action as a fertilizer is be- lieved by some to be due to the fact that it has the power to hold ammonia and ammonium carbonate in combina- tion, and thus to make them available for the plants. It has recently been shown that it in some way facilitates the process of nitrification, and perhaps it is in conse- quence of this that it facilitates plant-growth. Calcium Phosphates. There are three phosphates of calcium : (1) The normal phosphate, Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ; (2) the secondary phosphate, CaHPO 4 ; and (3) the primary phos- phate, CaH 4 (PO 4 ),. (1) Normal calcium phosphate, Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , is derived from phosphoric acid by the replacement of all the hydrogen by calcium. It is found in nature in large quantity as phosphorite, and in combination with calcium fluoride or chloride as apatite. It is, further, the chief inorganic constituent of bones, forming 85 per cent of bone-ash, and is contained in the excrement of animals, as in guano, etc. It is found everywhere in the soil, and is taken up by the plants for whose development it is essential. That it is also essential to the life of animals is obvious from the fact that the bones consist so largely of it. The phosphate needed for the building up of bones is taken into the system with the food. From these statements, it is clear that calcium phosphate is of fundamental importance, and that a fertile soil must either contain this salt or something from which it can be formed. Now, when a crop is raised on a given area, a certain amount of the phosphate contained in it is withdrawn. If the plants were allowed to decay where they grow, the phosphate would be returned and the soil would continue fertile ; but in cultivated lands this is not the case. The crops are removed, and with them the calcium phos- phates contained in them, and the soil therefore becomes exhausted. If the substances removed are used as food, some of the phosphate is found in the excrement of the CALCIUM PHOSPHATES. 541 animals ; and, if this excrement is put on the soil, it is again rendered fertile. There are, however, other sources of calcium phosphate, and some of these are utilized ex- tensively in the preparation of artificial fertilizers. The natural form of the phosphate, as that in bone-ash, in phosphorite, and in guano, is mainly the normal or neu- tral phosphate. This is insoluble in water, and is there- fore taken up by the plants with difficulty. To mate it quickly available, it must be converted into a soluble phosphate. This is done by treating it with sulphuric acid in order to effect the reaction represented in this equation : Ca s (PO 4 ) 2 + 2H 2 S0 4 = CaH 4 (P0 4 ) 2 + 2CaSO 4 . The primary phosphate thus formed is soluble in water, and is of great value as a fertilizer. The mixture of the soluble phosphate and of calcium sulphate is known as " superphosphate of lime." The sulphate, as we have seen, is also of value as a fertilizer. The value of super- phosphates depends mostly upon the amount of soluble phosphate contained in them ; and in dealing with them it is customary to state how much " soluble " and how much "insoluble phosphoric acid" they contain. When a superphosphate is allowed to stand for a time, some of the soluble primary phosphate is converted into insol- uble phosphates by contact with basic hydroxides and water. This is known as the process of "reversion," and that part of the phosphoric acid which is contained in the insoluble phosphate is spoken of as " reverted phosphoric acid." Normal calcium phosphate, as has been stated, is in- soluble in water, and is formed when a soluble normal phosphate is added to a solution of a calcium salt. It is also formed when di-sodium phosphate and ammonia are added to a solution of a calcium salt, thus : + 3CaCl, -f 2NH 3 = Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 + 4NaCl Di-sodium phosphate alone at first produces a precipitate of the normal phosphate, while the primary phosphate which is formed at the same time remains in solution. 542 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The reaction takes place thus : 4HNa 2 P0 4 + 4CaCl a .= CaH 4 (PO 4 ) 3 + Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 3 + SNaCL On standing, the primary acts upon the tertiary salt, forming the secondary phosphate thus : CaH 4 (P0 4 ) 2 + Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 = 4HCaPO 4 . But even on long standing this reaction is not complete. Normal or tertiary calcium phosphate is soluble in hy- drochloric acid and in nitric acid, in consequence of the formation of calcium chloride, or nitrate, and the primary phosphate. If ammonia is added to this solution, the tertiary phosphate is again precipitated, as represented below : Ca 8 (PO 4 ) 2 + 4HC1 = 2CaCl 2 + H 4 Ca(PO 4 ) 2 ; 2CaCl 2 + H 4 Ca(P0 4 ) 2 + 4NH 8 = Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 + 4NH 4 C1. (2) Secondary calcium phosphate, CaHPO 4 , is formed, as above described, when a solution of a calcium salt is treated with secondary sodium phosphate. (3) Primary calcium phosphate, H 4 Ca(PO 4 ) 2 , is com- monly called the acid phosphate of calcium. It is formed when ordinary insoluble calcium phosphate is treated with concentrated sulphuric acid, and is contained in the so-called superphosphates. It is also formed by treat- ing the neutral phosphate with phosphoric acid and with hydrochloric acid. When treated with but little water, it is converted into the secondary salt and free acid : H 4 Ca(PO 4 ) 2 =HCaP0 4 + H 3 PO 4 . Calcium Silicate, CaSiO 3 , occurs in nature as the mineral wollastonite, and, in combination with other silicates, in a large number of minerals, as garnet, mica, the zeolites, etc. It is formed when a solution of sodium silicate is added to a solution of calcium chloride, and when a mixture of calcium carbonate and quartz is heated to a high temperature. Glass. Ordinary glass is a silicate of calcium and sodium made by melting together sand (silicon dioxide, SiO 2 ) with lime and sodium carbonate or soda. In- GLASS. 543 stead of calcium carbonate, lead oxide may be used ; and instead of sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate. The properties of the glass are dependent upon the materials used in its manufacture. Ordinary window glass is a sodium-calcium glass. The purer the calcium carbonate and silica, the better the quality of the glass. This glass is comparatively easily acted upon by chemical substances, and is there- fore not adapted to the preparation of vessels which are to be used to hold acids and other chemically active substances. It answers, however, very well for windows. The difference between ordinary window glass and plate glass is essentially that the former is blown and then cut into pieces, while the latter, when in the molten con- dition, is run into flat moulds and there allowed to solidify. Bohemian glass is made with potassium carbonate. If pure carbonate is used, as well as pure calcium carbonate and silica, a very beautiful glass is the result. It is characterized by great hardness, by its difficult fusibility, and by its resistance to the action of chemical substances. It is particularly well adapted to the manufacture of vessels and tubes for use in chemical laboratories. Flint-glass is made by melting together lead oxide, potassium carbonate, and silicon dioxide. It is charac- terized by its power to refract light, its high specific gravity, its low melting-point, and the ease with which it is acted upon by reagents. Owing to its high refrac- tive power, it is largely used in the manufacture of lenses for optical instruments. Strass is a variety of lead-glass which is particularly rich in lead. Its refracting power is so great that it is used in the manufacture of artificial gems. Colors are given to glass by putting in the fused mass small quantities of various substances. Thus, a cobalt compound makes glass blue ; copper and chromium make it green ; one of the oxides of copper makes it red ; ura- nium gives it a yellow color ; etc. The most common variety of glass is that used in the manufacture of ordi- nary bottles. It is generally green to black, and some- times brown. In its manufacture, impure materials are 544 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. used, chiefly ordinary sand, limestone, sodium sulphate, common salt, clay, etc. When glass is suddenly cooled, it is very brittle and breaks into small pieces when scratched or slightly broken in any way. This is shown by the so-called Prince Rupert's drops, which are made by dropping glass, in the molten condition, into water. When the end of such a drop is broken off, the entire mass is completely shattered into minute pieces. It is clear from this that, in the manufacture of glass objects, care must be taken not to cool them suddenly. In fact they are cooled very slowly, the process being known as annealing. For this- purpose they are placed in furnaces the temperature of which is but little below that of fusion, and they are kept there for some time, the heat being gradually lowered. If red-hot glass is introduced into heated oil or paraffin, and allowed to cool very slowly, it is found to be extremely hard and elastic. The glass of De la Bastie is made in this way. Vessels made of it can be thrown about upon hard objects without breaking, but sometimes a slight scratch will cause the glass to fly in pieces as the Rupert's drops do. Mortar. Mortar is made of slaked lime and sand. When this mixture is exposed to the air, calcium carbo- nate is slowly formed and the mass becomes extremely hard. The water contained in the mortar soon passes off, but nevertheless freshly plastered rooms remain moist for a considerable time. This is due to the fact that a reaction is constantly taking place between the carbon dioxide and calcium hydroxide by which calcium carbonate and water are formed, Ca(OH) 2 + CO 2 = CaCO 3 + H 2 O, and it is the water thus liberated which keeps the air moist. The complete conversion of the lime into car- bonate requires a very long time, because the carbonate which is formed on the surface protects, to some extent, the lime in the interior. It is generally regarded as unhealthy to live in rooms with freshly plastered walls, because the air is constantly CALCIUM CARBIDE. 545 kept moist in consequence of the reaction above men- tioned. It is, however, difficult to see why the presence of a little extra moisture 1 in the air should be unhealthy ; and, if there is any danger from freshly plastered walls, it seems probable that the cause must be sought for else- where. It is possible that the constant presence of moisture in the pores of the wall interferes with the im- portant process of diffusion, and that therefore when the room is closed this natural method of ventilation cannot come into play. When lime-stones which contain magnesium carbonate and aluminium silicate in considerable quantities are heated for the preparation of lime, the product does not act with water as calcium oxide does,' and this lime is not adapted to the preparation of ordinary mortar. On the other hand, it gradually becomes solid, in con- tact with water, for reasons which are not known. Such substances are known as cements, or hydraulic cements. Other cements besides those made in the manner men- tioned are known. Calcium Sulphide, CaS, is formed by heating calcium sulphate with charcoal. It is remarkable on account of the fact that it is phosphorescent. After having been exposed to sun-light, it continues to give light for some time afterward. This and the similar compound, barium sulphide, are now used quite extensively in the preparation of luminous objects, such as match-boxes, clock-faces, plates for house-numbers, etc. Calcium Nitride, Ca 3 N 2 , a brown mass, is formed by heating a 15-20 per cent amalgam of calcium in dry atmosphere to dull redness. It is somewhat volatile, and is decomposed by water, with the formation of cal- cium hydroxide and ammonia. Calcium Carbide, C 2 Ca, is formed by heating lime and carbon together in an electric furnace, when the reac- tion represented by the following equation takes place : CaO + 30 = C,Ca + CO. It is manufactured on the large scale, the form of carbon used being coke. The carbide forms a crystal- 546 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. line mass. That of average quality has a reddish color. That of bad quality has a grayish or black color. When pure it is colorless. When treated with water it yields acetylene, C a H 2 , a gas that is coming into practi- cal use on account of its value for purposes of illumina- tion (see Acetylene, p. 374). STKONTIUM, Sr (At. Wt. 86.95). Occurrence and Preparation. Strontium occurs in nature in the form of the sulphate, SrSO 4 , as celestite, and in the form of the carbonate, SrCO 3 , as strontianite. The latter is found in large quantities in Westphalia. The element is isolated by the action of an electric cur- rent on the molten chloride. Properties. It is very similar to calcium, having a metallic lustre and a brass-yellow color. It is oxidized by contact with the air, and decomposes water rapidly with evolution of hydrogen, which does not, however, take fire spontaneously. Compounds of Strontium. The compounds of stron- tium are very similar to those of calcium. Its chloride has not the same attraction for water that calcium chlo- ride has, though it deliquesces when left in contact with the air. The oxide is not easily made by decomposition of the carbonate by heat, as the carbonate is much more stable than that of calcium. It is, however, prepared without difficulty by heating the nitrate. When brought in contact with water, the oxide forms the hydroxide, which is analogous to calcium hydroxide. It is more easily soluble in water than the latter. Strontium nitrate, Sr(NO 3 ) 2 , is made in considerable quantity for the purpose of preparing a mixture which, when burned, gives a red light (red-fire, Bengal-fire). It is easily made by dissolving strontianite or strontium carbonate in nitric acid. Strontium sulphate, SrSO 4 , occurs in nature in beauti- ful crystals as the mineral celestite. It is formed when a soluble sulphate is added to a solution of a strontium salt. In solubility it lies between calcium sulphate and barium sulphate. BARIUM. 547 BARIUM, Ba (At. Wt. 136.39). Occurrence and Preparation. Barium occurs in nature in the same forms of combination as strontium, viz., as the carbonate, BaCO 3 , in witherite ; and as the sulphate, BaSO 4 , in barite or heavy spar. It is prepared by elec- trolysis of the molten chloride. Properties. It closely resembles calcium and stron- tium, being a yellow metal, which is oxidized by contact with the air and readily decomposes water at the ordi- nary temperature. Barium Chloride, BaCl 2 + 2H 2 O, is prepared by dissolv- ing barium carbonate in hydrochloric acid. It dissolves easily in water, but not as easily as the chlorides of strontium and calcium. The order of solubility, begin- ning with the most soluble, is, calcium, strontium, bar- ium, the same as in the case of the sulphates. Barium Hydroxide, Ba(OH) 2 , is formed by dissolving barium oxide in water, just as calcium hydroxide is formed by treating calcium oxide with water. In hot water it is much more easily soluble than calcium hy- droxide, and it is also more easily soluble in cold water. As such a solution acts in the same general way as lime- water, it is frequently used in the laboratory for the purpose of detecting carbon dioxide, barium carbonate being insoluble. Like lime-water, it has an alkaline reaction. Barium Oxide, BaO, is made by heating the nitrate, as the carbonate is not easily decomposed by heat. The most interesting property of the oxide is its power to take up oxygen when heated to a dark red heat in the air or in oxygen, when it forms Barium Peroxide or Dioxide, BaO 2 . This peroxide is a white powder which looks like the simple oxide. When heated to a temperature a little higher than that re- quired for its formation, it breaks down into barium oxide and oxygen. The formation of the peroxide by heating the oxide in the air, and the decomposition of the peroxide at a higher heat, make it possible to extract oxygen from the air and to obtain it in the free state. 548 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. This method of preparing oxygen on the large scale from the air was referred to under Oxygen. It is stated that the oxide improves with use. Specimens which have been in use for two years are said to be as efficient as at first. When a solution of hydrogen di- oxide, H 2 O 2 , is added to a solution of barium hydroxide, a precipitate is formed which has the composition BaO 9 -f- 8H 2 O. When filtered and put in a vacuum over sul- phuric acid, it loses all its water and leaves behind pure dioxide. The dioxide is a convenient starting-point in the preparation of hydrogen dioxide. It is only necessary to treat it with hydrochloric acid in order to make a solu- tion of hydrogen dioxide. The solution made in this way, however, contains barium chloride. To make a solution containing nothing but the dioxide, pure barium peroxide is treated with dilute sulphuric acid, when in- soluble barium sulphate is formed and the hydrogen dioxide remains in solution : BaO 2 + H 2 SO 4 = BaSO 4 + H 2 O 2 . It is interesting to compare the action of hydrochloric acid on barium peroxide and on the corresponding com- pound of manganese. With the latter, as we have seen, the reaction takes place as represented in this equation : MnO a + 4HC1 = MnCl a + 2H a O + 01, ; while with barium peroxide the reaction takes place thus: BaO a + 2HC1 = BaCl 3 + H 3 O a - It is probable that in the case of manganese dioxide some intermediate reactions take place which are im- possible in the other case. (See Manganese Dioxide.) Barium Sulphide, BaS, is made as calcium sulphide is, by reducing the sulphate by heating with charcoal. It is phosphorescent, like the calcium compound. When dissolved in water, it is decomposed, forming the hydro- sulphide and hydroxide, thus : COMPOUNDS OF BARIUM. 549 2BaS + 2H 2 = Ba(SH) 2 + Ba(OH) 2 . It will be remembered that thermochemical investiga- tions have made it appear probable that similar reac- tions take place when potassium and sodium sulphides are dissolved in water. In the case of barium sulphide the evidence is more tangible, for, on evaporating a so- lution of this compound, both the hydrosulphide and hydroxide crystallize out. Barium Nitrate, Ba(NO 3 ) 2 , is easily soluble in water, but difficultly soluble in acids, and is precipitated from its solution in water by the addition of nitric acid. When heated to a sufficiently high temperature, it is de- composed, and barium oxide is left behind. Barium Sulphate, BaSO 4 . This occurs in nature as barite, or heavy spar, and is precipitated when a soluble sulphate or sulphuric acid is added to a solution of a barium salt. It is insoluble in water ; when freshly pre- cipitated, it is easily soluble in concentrated sulphuric acid. It is artificially prepared for use as a pigment and is known as permanent ivhite. On account of its in- solubility it is much used in chemical analysis for the purpose of detecting and estimating sulphuric acid. It differs markedly from calcium and strontium sulphate, in the fact that, when treated with a solution of ammonium carbonate, it is not converted into the carbonate, whereas calcium and strontium sulphates are by this means com- pletely converted into the carbonates. This fact is taken advantage of in analysis. There are other differences, which will be stated at the end of this chapter. Barium Carbonate, BaCO 3 , occurs in nature as witherite, and is made pure by adding ammonium carbonate and a little ammonia to a solution of barium chloride. The carbonate usually found in the market is made by pre- cipitating a solution of the crude sulphide with sodium carbonate, or by heating together sodium carbonate and natural barium sulphate, or heavy spar. Made in either of these ways it contains alkaline carbonate, from which it is impossible to separate it by washing. The carbonate, like the other salts of barium, is poisonous. It has the power to unite, and form insoluble compounds, with me- 550 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. tallic oxides of the formula M 2 O 3 , as, for example, ferric oxide, Fe 2 O 3 , and is used in analytical operations for the purpose of separating iron from other metals, like man- ganese, which are not precipitated by it. Phosphates of Barium. The phosphates of barium cor- respond in general to those of calcium. When ordinary sodium phosphate and ammonia are added to a solution of a barium salt, normal or tertiary phosphate is pre- cipitated : 3BaCl a + 2HNa 3 PO 4 4- 2NH 3 = Ba 3 (PO 4 ) 2 + 4NaCl + 2NH 4 C1. When sodium phosphate alone is added, the first reac- tion which takes place is that represented in the equa- tion 4BaCl, + 4HNa a P0 4 = BaH 4 (PO 4 ) 2 + Ba 3 (P0 4 ), + SNaCl. The precipitate is the tertiary phosphate, while the primary phosphate is in solution. On standing, the solu- ble salt acts upon the insoluble one, forming the second- ary phosphate thus : BaH 4 (PO,), + Ba 3 (P0 4 ), = 4HBaPO, Reactions which are of Special Value in Analysis. The sulphates of calcium and strontium are completely con- verted into the carbonates by contact with a solution of ammonium carbonate in ammonia. The sulphate of barium is not changed in this way. Consequently, if a mixture of the three sulphates is treated with ammoni- um carbonate, those of calcium and strontium will be converted into carbonates, while that of barium will re- main unchanged. By filtering, washing with water, and treating with dilute nitric or hydrochloric acid, the car- bonates will be dissolved, while the sulphate will not. If nitric acid is used, the solution may be evaporated to dryness and treated with a mixture of alcohol and ether. Calcium nitrate will dissolve ; strontium nitrate will not. Fluosilicic acid produces a precipitate of barium fluo- silicate, BaSiF a , in solutions of barium salts. This is GLUCINUM. 551 insoluble in a mixture of alcohol and water, and difficultly soluble in water. The corresponding salts of calcium and strontium are soluble. Calcium sulphate solution produces a precipitate in a solution of a strontium salt or of a barium salt, but not in one of a calcium salt. Strontium sulphate solution precipitates barium sul- phate from a solution of a barium salt, but forms no pre- cipitate in a solution of a strontium salt. When boiled with a solution of one part of sodium carbonate and three parts of sodium sulphate, the sul- phates of strontium and calcium are completely con- verted into carbonates, while the sulphate of barium remains unchanged. Barium chloride is insoluble in absolute alcohol ; cal- cium chloride is easily soluble ; while strontium chloride dissolves in warm absolute alcohol. Ammonium oxalate, (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 4 , produces precipitates of the oxalates in solutions of calcium, barium, and strontium. Only the calcium salt is insoluble in dilute acetic acid. Potassium dichromate, K 2 Cr 2 O 7 , precipitates barium chromate, BaCrO 4 . The corresponding salts of calcium and strontium are soluble in water. Barium chromate is easily soluble in hydrochloric or nitric acid. All three elements of the group give colored flames which have characteristic spectra. Calcium compounds color the flame reddish yellow ; strontium compounds give an intense red ; and barium compounds a yellowish green color. The spectra are more complicated than those of the elements of the potassium group, but each one contains highly characteristic lines which are easily recognized. MAGNESIUM SUB-GROUP. GLUCINUM, Gl (At. Wt. 9.01). Occurrence and Preparation The principal form in which the element glucinum occurs in nature is in the mineral beryl, which is a silicate of aluminium and glu- cinum of the formula Al 2 Gl 3 (SiO 3 ) 6 . Emerald has the 552 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. same composition, but is colored green by the presence of a little chromic oxide. The element can be isolated by decomposing the chloride by heating it with potas- sium or sodium. Properties. The statements concerning the properties of glucinum, made by those who have prepared it in different ways, differ somewhat from one another, evi- dently in consequence of the fact that it has not gener- ally been pure. It has a metallic lustre. When heated in the flame of the blow-pipe it becomes covered with a thin layer of oxide, which prevents further action ; it dissolves readily in hydrochloric and sulphuric acids, but only with difficulty in nitric acid. It is dissolved by potassium hydroxide, forming in all probability a glucinate of the composition Gl(OK) a : Gl + 2KOH = Gl(OK) a + H 2 . The specific heat of glucinum at ordinary temperature is 0.425. This multiplied by the atomic weight 9.01 gives 3.83 instead of 6.24. But the analysis and the determina- tion of the specific gravity of the vapor of the chloride show that it has the formula G1C1,, the atomic weight of glucinum being 9.01. At 257 C., however, the specific heat of glucinum is 0.582, and this multiplied by 9.01 gives 5.24. At ordinary temperature, therefore, glu- cinum, like carbon, boron, and silicon, is an exception to the law of Dulong and Petit, while at a higher tempera- ture, like the elements named, it conforms to the law. Compounds of Glucinum. The compounds of glu- cinum differ in many respects from those of the group calcium, barium, strontium. The hydroxide is entirely insoluble in water ; the sulphate is easily soluble in water ; the chloride is completely decomposed when its water solution is evaporated to dryness, the products being hydrochloric acid and glucinum oxide. It shows a marked tendency to form basic salts. Glucinum Chloride, G1C1 2 , is formed by the action of chlorine on glucinum, and more easily by treating a mix- ture of glucinum oxide and carbon with chlorine, the reaction being similar to that employed in making sili- COMPOUNDS OF OLUCINUM. 553 con chloride (see p. 413) and boron chloride (see p. 352). It is volatile, and it is therefore possible to determine the specific gravity of its vapor. This has been done, with the result of showing its molecular weight to be 79.9. Taking this fact into consideration, together with the percentage composition of the compound, the con- clusion is justified that the atomic weight of glucinum is 9.01. For a long time it was thought to be 13.65, with which figure the specific heat, 0.425, is in accordance ; for 13.65 X 0.425 = 5.79, but the evidence furnished by the specific gravity of the vapor of the chloride is re- garded as conclusive in favor of the atomic weight 9.01. Glucinum Hydroxide, G1(OH) 2 , is thrown down as a precipitate when a soluble hydroxide is added to a solu- tion of a glucinum salt : G1SO 4 + 2NaOH = Gl(OH), + Na 2 SO 4 . It is a white, gelatinous mass, which is soluble in potas- sium and sodium hydroxides and in ammonia, so that, after precipitation from glucinum salts by these reagents, it redissolves. This solution is due to the formation of glucinates of the formula G1(OM) 2 : Gl(OH), + 2NaOH = Gl(ONa) 2 + 2H 2 O. When sufficiently diluted with water, the potassium and sodium salts are completely decomposed, and the hy- droxide reprecipitated. This is an illustration of mass action, a large quantity of water effecting a decomposition which a small quantity does not effect. The power of the hydroxide to form salts with the strong bases shows that it has slight acid properties. The hydroxides of cal- cium, barium, and strontium do not possess this power. Glucinum Sulphate, G1SO 4 , is formed by dissolving glucinum hydroxide in dilute sulphuric acid, and has the composition G1SO 4 -)- 4H 2 O when crystallized from water. When a solution of this salt is heated with glu- cinum hydroxide, basic salts are formed, of which the following are examples : G1 2 SO 5 and G1 3 SO 6 . The first of these is to be regarded as derived from a hydroxide of the formula HO-G1-O-G1-OH, by neutralization 554 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. with sulphuric acid, as represented in the formula r^i o OSO 2 ; the second from a hydroxide of the formula HO-G1-O-G1-O-G1-OH, by neutralization with sulphuric acid, as represented in the formula Gl-O ) "CH, or possibly X>G1. Glucinum Carbonate, G-1CO 3 . When a slight excess of sodium carbonate is added to a solution of glucinum sulphate, a basic carbonate of the formula G1 3 CO 5 is formed. This is similar to the second of the above-men- tioned basic sulphates. It is to be regarded as derived from the hydroxide HO-G1-O-G1-O-G1-OH by neu- tralization with carbonic acid, as represented in the formula XG1 CO. Weak Basic Character of Glucinum. The power of glucinum hydroxide to form salts with strong bases, such as potassium and sodium hydroxides, which was re- ferred to above, shows that the hydroxide has slight acid properties. At the same time, as we should expect, its basic properties are weaker than those of the other base- forming elements thus far considered. This is shown in the ready formation of basic salts, such as the basic sul- phates and basic carbonates mentioned. The strongest bases do not readily form basic salts, but are, on the other hand, more competent to form stable acid salts. Thus, potassium and sodium form acid carbonates ; calcium appears to form an extremely unstable acid carbonate, but preferably all the members of the calcium group form normal carbonates of the general formula MCO 3 ; MAGNESIUM. 555 glucinum, however, and, as we shall see, magnesium, preferably form basic carbonates. We shall see, further, that the members of the next family, of which aluminium is the principal one, form only extremely unstable com- pounds with carbonic acid, their basic properties not being sufficiently strong to hold them in combination with the weak acid, except apparently at a very low temperature. This resemblance to the acid-forming elements is shown by glucinum also by the ease with which its chloride is decomposed into the oxide and hydrochloric acid when its water solution is evaporated to dryness. This reaction does not take place in the case of sodium and potassium at all, nor with barium and strontium. With calcium it takes place to a slight extent, but with glucinum it is complete, as it is with the similar metal magnesium. In general, the more acidic the element the more easily is its chloride decomposed in this way. MAGNESIUM, Mg (At. Wt. 24.10). Occurrence. Magnesium occurs very abundantly in nature, though by no means as abundantly as calcium. Among the widely distributed minerals which contain the element are magnesite, which is the carbonate, MgCO 3 ; dolomite, a double carbonate of magnesium and calcium ; serpentine, talc, soapstone, meerschaum, hornblende, all of which contain magnesium silicates. Further, the metal is found in solution in many spring- waters in the form of the sulphate, or, as it is called, Epsom salt. Kainite is a sulphate and chloride of the composition expressed by the formula K 2 S0 4 .MgS0 4 .MgCl 2 + 6H,0 ; kieserite is magnesium sulphate, MgSO 4 -\- H 2 O ; car- nallite is a double chloride, KMgCl 3 + 6H 2 O. Magnesium compounds are contained in the soil in consequence of the decomposition of minerals contain- ing it. It is to some extent taken up by the plants, and 556 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. subsequently into the animal body. It is found in the bones and in the blood in small quantities. Preparation. The metal can be made by the electrol- ysis of its chloride, but is most conveniently made by decomposing the chloride by means of sodium. It is now manufactured in considerable quantity by this method. The operation consists in bringing together dry magnesium chloride, fluor-spar, and sodium in cer- tain proportions, and heating to a high temperature in a crucible. The metal is purified by distillation. Instead of using the chloride, which it is difficult to prepare dry in large quantity, the double chloride of magnesium and potassium, KMgCl 3 or MgCl 2 .KCl, is frequently used. Properties. It is a silver-white metal with a high lustre. In the air it changes only slowly, but it gradu- ally becomes covered with a layer of the hydroxide. At ordinary temperatures magnesium does not decompose water ; at 100 it decomposes it slowly. When heated above its melting-point in oxygen or in the air, it takes fire and burns with a bright flame, forming the white oxide. The light of the flame is very efficient in produc- ing certain chemical changes, such as those involved in photography, when a permanent impression is made by the light upon a sensitive plate. It has also the power to cause hydrogen and chlorine to combine just as the sunlight and the electric light do. Applications. The principal use to which magnesium is put is for the purpose of producing a bright light, as for photographing in spaces to which the sunlight does not have access, and for signaling. It is also used to some extent as an ingredient of materials employed in making fireworks. Compounds of Magnesium. The compounds of mag- nesium present a general resemblance to those of gluci- iium. As the element is much more abundant in nature, its compounds have been studied more extensively. Its acid properties are somewhat weaker, and its basic properties stronger, than those of glucinum. Its hy- droxide does not form salts with the hydroxides of potassium and sodium. On the other hand, its chlo- MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE. 557 ride is decomposed when its water solution is evap- orated to dryness. The hydroxide is very slightly sol- uble in water, and this solution has a slightly alkaline reaction. With carbonic acid it forms basic carbon- ates similar to those formed by glucinum. On the other hand, it does not readily form basic salts with sulphuric acid. In character, it is plainly more closely allied to the members of the calcium group than gluci- num is. Magnesium Chloride, MgCl 2 . This salt, as has been stated, occurs in nature. It is easily formed by dissolv- ing magnesium oxide or carbonate in hydrochloric acid. On evaporating at as low a temperature as possible, there finally crystallizes out of the very concentrated solution, a salt of the composition MgCl 2 -f- 6H 2 O, anal- ogous to crystallized calcium chloride, CaCl 2 + 6H 2 O, and strontium chloride, SrCl 2 -f- 6H 2 O. When this crystallized salt is heated for the purpose of driving off the water, it is completely decomposed in accordance with the following equation : MgCl 2 + H 2 = MgO + 2HC1. It is most conveniently prepared in the dry form by first making ammonium-magnesium chloride, and de- composing this by heat. For this purpose, a solution of ammonium chloride is added to a solution of magnesium chloride and the whole evaporated to dryness. There is formed in the solution the double salt of the composi- tion NH 4 MgCl 3 (MgCl 2 .NH 4 Cl), which can be evaporated to complete dryness. When perfectly dry, this double salt breaks down into magnesium chloride and ammo- nium chloride, if heated to a sufficiently high tempera- ture. The ammonium chloride under these circum- stances is volatilized, and the magnesium chloride re- mains behind in the molten condition. The chloride is a white, crystalline mass which de- liquesces in the air. At a bright red heat, it is volatile and can be distilled in an atmosphere of hydrogen. It dissolves in water with marked evolution of heat. It -combines readily with the chlorides of potassium, so- 558 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. dium, and ammonium, forming crystallizing compounds of the formulas KMgCl 3 , NaMgCl,, and NH.MgCl,, which may be regarded as formed by the combination of one molecule of magnesium chloride with one molecule of each of the other chlorides. A second compound with potas- sium chloride, of the formula K 2 MgCl 4 , is also known. It seems probable that the latter is analogous to the po- OK tassium compound of glucinum of the formula GI It corresponds to an oxygen compound of the formula, OK , which, however, does not seem to be formed. If in this compound we imagine each of the two oxygen atoms to be replaced by two chlorine atoms, the com- //^l \_T7" pound would have the formula Mg < >QI 2 <_g- . The exist- ence of two double chlorides of magnesium and potas- sium is suggested by what has been said regarding compounds of this kind (see p. 465). One of these Cl would be represented by the formula Mg < / ^ -, yrr, the other by the above formula. Both are known. Further, magnesium bromide forms the salt K 2 MgBr t or Magnesium Oxide, MgO. This compound is commonly called magnesia. A fine white variety which is known as magnesia usta, is made by heating precipitated basic magnesium carbonate. It is a white, loose powder, which is very difficultly soluble in water, forming with it the hydroxide, Mg(OH) 2 , which is also very difficultly soluble. Magnesia is used, in medicine, as an applica- tion to wounds, and, mixed with a solution of ferric sul- phate, as an antidote in cases of poisoning by arsenic. As magnesia is infusible, it is used to protect vessels which are subjected to a high temperature. When mixed with water and allowed to lie in the air, it be- comes very hard. Mixtures of magnesia with sand also have this property, and are used as hydraulic cements. It is used, further, in the manufacture of fire-bricks. MAGNESIUM CARBONATE. 559 Magnesium Sulphate, MgSO 4 . The mineral kieserite, which occurs in Stassfurt, has the composition expressed by the formula MgSO 4 + H 2 O ; or, more probably, this oH should be written (HO) 2 MgSO 3 , or OS - , in which it appears as a derivative of the acid SO(OH) 4 . The salt MgSO 4 + 7H 2 O (or H 2 MgSO B + 6H 2 O), also occurs in nature. It is this variety which is generally obtained when a solution of magnesium sulphate is evaporated to crystallization. It crystallizes in large rhombic prisms, or, if rapidly deposited from very concentrated solutions, in small, needle-shaped crystals. At ordinary tempera- tures, 100 parts of water dissolve 125 parts of the salt. The water solution has a bitter, salty taste. When heated, it readily loses 6 molecules of water, but it re- quires a temperature of over 200 to drive off the last molecule. This has led to the belief that the salt with one molecule has the constitution above given, being a derivative of the acid SO(OH) 4 . Magnesium sulphate finds extensive application. It is used in medicine as a purgative, and is known as Ep- som salt, for the reason that it is contained in the water of Epsom springs ; it is used further in the manufac- ture of sodium sulphate and potassium sulphate, and as a fertilizer in place of gypsum, it having been shown to be advantageous in some cases. Its chief use is for loading cotton fabrics. Magnesium sulphate forms double salts with other sulphates ; as, for example, one with potassium sulphate, similar to that formed by glucinum sulphate (see p. 554). The constitution of the double sulphate of magnesium and potassium is probably that expressed by the for- o,s Mg. Magnesium Carbonate, MgCO 3 . Like glucinum, mag- nesium shows a marked tendency to form basic salts 560 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. with carbonic acid. When a neutral magnesium salt is treated with a soluble carbonate, a basic carbonate is precipitated, the composition of which varies according to the conditions under which it is prepared. The salt obtained by adding an excess of sodium carbonate to a solution of magnesium sulphate has the composition Mg 3 (OH) 2 (CO 3 ) 2 It is derived from three molecules of magnesium hydroxide and two of carbonic acid, as is 00< 0-Mg-OH more clearly shown in the formula n >Mg . The c*c\ *>** < O-Mg-OH salt which is manufactured on the large scale is more complicated than this, being derived from four molecules of magnesium hydroxide and three of carbonic acid. It is known as magnesia alba. It is this form of the car- bonate which is used in the preparation of magnesia usta. Normal magnesium carbonate, MgCO 3 , occurs in nature as magnesite. It crystallizes in the same form as cal- cium carbonate, or is isomorphous with it. It is insolu- ble in water, but like calcium carbonate it dissolves in water containing carbon dioxide in solution. From this solution crystals having the composition MgCO 3 -f~~ 3H 2 O and MgCO 3 -f- 5H 2 O are deposited under the proper conditions. Phosphates. The conduct of the phosphates of mag- nesium is very similar to that of the phosphates of cal- cium. All three are known ; and of these only the primary salt is soluble in water. A salt much utilized in analysis is ammonium-magnesium phosphate, Mg (NH 4 )PO 4 . This is difficultly soluble in water, and may therefore be used either for the purpose of detecting magnesium or phos- phoric acid. In order to produce this salt, ammonia and some ammonium salt, together with a soluble mag- nesium salt, must be added to a soluble phosphate. If ammonia alone were added to a solution containing a magnesium salt, magnesium hydroxide would be precipi- tated : MgS0 4 + 2NH 4 OH = Mg(OH) 2 + (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 . BORATES SILICATES MAGNESIUM SILICIDE. 561 ' ' With ammonium salts, however, magnesium salts form compounds, which are not decomposed on the addition of ammonia. When a soluble phosphate is added, the difficultly soluble ammonium-magnesium salt is thrown down. When heated, this salt loses ammonia, then water, and is converted into magnesium pyrophosphate : Mg(NH 4 )P0 4 = MgHP0 4 + NH 3 ; SMgHPO, = Mg,PA + H,0. The corresponding salt of arsenic acid, Mg(NH 4 )AsO 4 , is very similar to the phosphate, and on account of its in- solubility it is also used in chemical analysis. Borates. A borate of magnesium together with mag- nesium chloride occurs in nature, and is known as bora- cite. It has the composition expressed by the formula 2Mg 3 B 8 O 15 + MgCl 2 . The borate, Mg 3 B 8 O 15 , is derived from the acid, H 6 B 8 O 15 , which is related to normal boric acid, as is shown by the equation Silicates. The simplest silicate of magnesium found in nature is olivine, which is represented by the formula Mg 2 SiO 4 . It is the neutral salt of normal silicic acid. Serpentine is derived from the acid, O and has the composition Mg 3 Si 2 O 7 + 2H 2 O. Magnesium Silicide, Mg 2 Si, is made by heating together magnesium chloride, sodium fluosilicate, sodium chlo- ride, and sodium. Under these circumstances the so- dium sets magnesium free from the chloride, and silicon from the fluosilicate. Both unite to form magnesium silicide. When treated with hydrochloric acid it gives silicon hydride, SiH 4 , and hydrogen : M ga Si + 4HC1 = 2MgCl 2 + SiH 4 . The liberation of hydrogen is due to the presence of an excess of magnesium. Reactions of Magnesium Salts which are of Special 562 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Value in Chemical Analysis. Soluble hydroxides (KOH, NaOH, NH 4 OH) precipitate magnesium hydroxide. If ammonium chloride is present ammonia does not pre- cipitate the hydroxide. Di-sodium phosphate with ammonia and ammonium chloride precipitates ammonium-magnesium phosphate from the solution of a magnesium salt. Sodium and potassium carbonates precipitate basic mag- nesium carbonate. ERBIUM, E (At. Wt. 165.06). General. As regards the position of erbium in the pe- riodic system, a final statement cannot as yet be made. According to its atomic weight, assuming it to be 165.06, it falls in the second family. On the other hand, the com- position of its compounds seems to indicate rather that it belongs in the third family, as it resembles aluminium in some respects. It occurs in some rare minerals, as cerite, gadolinite, euxenite, and orthite, which are found in Sweden and Greenland. It is always accompanied by other rare metals, a few of which have been studied with care. Among these may be mentioned lanthanum, cerium, didymium, and scandium. These metals will be treated of in later chapters. It need only be said further in regard to erbium, that our knowledge con- cerning it is as yet quite imperfect, and the cause of this is to be found in the fact that the minerals in which it occurs are exceedingly complex, and it is therefore very difficult to separate the various metals present. It appears that the formula of the oxide of erbium is E 2 O 3 . If this is so, it is in this respect like aluminium oxide, AlA. It appears probable that the oxide of erbium that is generally obtained from the complex minerals named is a mixture of oxides of rare elements. There is good evi- dence of the presence of thulium and of holmium, though it is still an open question whether these as well as erbium may not be capable of further decomposition. CHAPTER XXVII. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY III. GROUP A : ALUMINIUM SCANDIUM YTTRIUM YTTERBIUM- SAMARIUM HELIUM. General. There is in some respects a resemblance between boron and the principal member of this group ; but as boron acts almost exclusively as an acid-forming element, it was taken up in connection with the elements of Family V, Group B, or the nitrogen group. Atten- tion was, however, called to the fact that the analogy between these elements and boron is but slight. The points of resemblance between boron and the members of Family III, Group A, will be pointed out below. The principal member of this group is aluminium. The others are all rare, and some have been but imperfectly studied, owing to serious difficulties in the way of ob- taining their compounds in pure condition. They are trivalent in their compounds, the general formulas being such as the following : MCI,, M(OH) a , M(N0 3 ) 3 , M,(S0 4 ),, M/CO,)* MPO 4) etc. Aluminium oxide is weakly basic, and somewhat acidic, though less so than boron. Aluminium hydroxide has the power to neutralize most acids, and also to form salts with strong bases. Boron oxide, on the other hand, has scarcely any basic properties, though it does form a few extremely stable compounds, in which the boron replaces the hydrogen of acids. (See Boron Phosphate, p. 356.) ALUMINIUM, Al (At. Wt. 26.91). Occurrence. Aluminium is an extremely important element in nature and in the arts. It occurs very (563) 564 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. widely distributed, and very abundantly in many different forms of combination. Among them are feldspar, mica, cryolite, bauxite. Feldspar is a silicate of aluminium and potassium of the formula AlKSi 3 O 8 . Mica is a gen- eral name applied to a large number of minerals which are silicates of aluminium and some other metal, as po- tassium, lithium, magnesium, etc. The simplest form of mica is that represented by the general formula KAlSiO 4 , according to which the mineral is a salt of orthosilicic acid, Si(OH) 4 . Cryolite is a double fluoride of aluminium and sodium, or the sodium salt of fluo- aluminic acid, Na 3 AlF 6 . Bauxite is a hydroxide of aluminium in combination with a hydroxide of iron. Besides in the above forms, aluminium occurs in the products of decomposition of minerals. One of the most important of these is clay, which is found in all condi- tions of purity from the white kaoline to ordinary dark-colored clay. Kaoline is the aluminium salt of orthosilicic acid of the formula Al 4 (SiO 4 ) 3 -f- 4H 2 O. Alu- minium silicate is found in all soils, but is not taken up by plants, and does not find entrance into the animal body. The name aluminium has its origin in the fact that the salt alum was known at an early date, and the metal was afterwards isolated from it. Preparation. The preparation of aluminium on the large scale presents a problem of the highest importance to the human race. The element has properties which adapt it to many uses to which iron is put, and for many purposes it has many advantages over iron. Further, we are supplied by nature with unlimited quantities of the compounds of aluminium, which are distributed every- where over the earth. While, however, iron, lead, tin,, copper, and other metals can be isolated from their natural compounds without serious difficulty, aluminium, which is more abundant than any of them, and in many respects more valuable than any of them, is locked in its compounds so firmly, that it is only by comparatively complicated and expensive methods that it can be iso- lated ; and up to the present it cannot be made at a price sufficiently low to bring it into common use. At ALUMINIUM. 565 the same time work is constantly in progress with refer- ence to this important practical problem, and it seems probable that through a thorough study of the Jaws of chemistry some method for the cheap preparation of alu- minium on the large scale will eventually be discovered. The first method devised for the preparation of alu- minium on the large scale consisted in heating aluminium chloride with sodium. The chloride was heated to boil- ing in a retort ; the vapor passed through a vessel contain- ing pieces of iron heated to redness, and then into a long tube containing sodium. Instead of aluminium chloride, the double chloride of aluminium and sodium, which is more easily prepared in the dry condition, is now used. The double chloride and cryolite are heated together with sodium in a properly constructed furnace. It is, further, possible to prepare aluminium by electrolysis of the chloride or of the double chloride above men- tioned ; and the oxide can be reduced by mixing it with charcoal and passing the current from a powerful dy- namo-machine through it. By the latter method an alloy of aluminium and copper is now prepared, but the preparation of aluminium alone by this method does not appear to be entirely successful. New methods for the preparation of the metal are constantly being devised, and the price is constantly being lowered. The latest method of promise consists in the electrolysis of alu- minium oxide, in the form of corundum, in a bath of molten cryolite contained in a carbon crucible. A large number of patents have been issued, covering methods for the preparation of aluminium; but these are fre- quently so imperfectly described, and the evidence of their value so unsatisfactory, that it is difficult to pass judgment upon them. Until recently the commercial preparation of aluminium has appeared to be intimately connected with that of the commercial preparation of sodium ; but, in view of the success of the electrolytic method, this is no longer the case. Properties. The color of aluminium is like that of tin, and it has a high lustre. It is very strong, .and yet malleable. It is lighter than most metals in common use, 566 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. its specific gravity being 2.5 to 2.7 according to the con- dition, while that of iron is 7.8, that of silver 10.57, that of tin 7,3, and that of lead 11.37. It does not change in dry or in moist air ; and in the compact form it does not act upon water even at elevated temperatures. It melts at about 700, which is higher than the melting-point of zinc, and lower than that of silver. Hydrochloric acid dissolves it with ease, forming aluminium chloride. At the ordinary temperatures nitric and sulphuric acids do not act upon it ; at higher temperatures, however, action takes place, and the corresponding salts are formed. It dissolves in solutions of the caustic alkalies, forming the so-called aluminates. It reduces many oxides when heated with them to a sufficiently high temperature ; and is used in the preparation of boron and silicon. Applications. The metal is used to a considerable extent in the preparation of ornaments, and of useful articles in which lightness is a matter of importance, as in telescopes and opera-glasses. An alloy with a small percentage of silver is used for the beams of chemical balances. Aluminium bronze, which is an alloy with copper, is also used quite extensively. It will be again referred to under Copper. Aluminium Chloride, A1C1 3 . When aluminium hydrox- ide is dissolved in hydrochloric acid a solution of alu- minium chloride is formed, and from this solution a compound of the formula A1C1 3 + 6H 2 O can be obtained in crystallized form. Like calcium and magnesium chlo- rides, this salt is deliquescent. When heated to drive off the water the salt conducts itself like magnesium chlo- ride, but the decomposition into the oxide and hydro- chloric acid takes place more easily than that of mag- nesium chloride. The reaction is represented by the equation 2A1C1 3 + 3H 2 = A1 3 3 + 6HC1. The dry chloride is prepared by the same method as that used in the preparation of silicon chloride and boron chloride, viz., by passing chlorine over a heated mixture of the oxide and carbon. The chloride, being volatile, ALUMINIUM CHLORIDE. 567 sublimes, and is deposited in the cool part of the vessel, when pure, as a white laminated crystalline mass. Gen- erally, however, it is more or less colored in consequence of the presence of impurities. When exposed to the air it attracts moisture and gives off hydrochloric acid. It dissolves in water very easily, with a marked evolution of heat, but, from what was said above, it is evident that it cannot be obtained from this solution again by evapora- tion. It is volatile without change. The specific gravity of its vapor has been determined by different observers, and, unfortunately, with different results. According to Deville and Troost, it is such as to lead to the formula A1 2 C1 6 . Quite recently, however, Nilson and Pettersson have found it to correspond to that required by the for- mula A1C1 3 , their determinations having been made at a higher temperature than those of Deville and Troost. Still later determinations by Crafts again lead to the formula A1 2 C1 6 . Upon the basis of the determinations by Deville and Troost, chemists have for some time past used the formula Al a Cl 6 to represent the compound. Accord- ing to this, aluminium would appear to be quadrivalent, as represented in the following formula for the chloride : Ck /Cl C1-)A1-A1(C1 . On the other hand, in a compound CK \C1 made by replacing the chlorine of this chloride by certain organic groups the aluminium appears to be trivalent, as represented in the formula A1(CH 3 ) 3 , in which the group CH 3 , known as methyl, is univalent. Further, the posi- tion of aluminium in the periodic system makes it appear extremely probable that it is trivalent, and not quadriv- alent. What, then, is the explanation of the discrepancy above noted in the evidence regarding the constitution of the chloride ? When we come to examine the conduct of aluminium chloride towards the chlorides of other metals, and find with what ease it forms double chlorides, it seems not improbable that aluminium chloride itsolf, at ordinary temperatures, and even in the form of vapor at lower temperatures, may be a compound of the same order as the double chlorides. It has been suggested 568 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. that in these compounds chlorine is probably in com- bination with chlorine, as fluorine is with fluorine in hy- drofluoric acid, in such a way that two chlorine atoms can exert a linking function between two other atoms. /Cl Just as there is a compound of the formula A1-C1 so it is possible that aluminium chloride may have the constitution represented by the formula A1^(C1 2 )^)A1, in which the aluminium is trivalent. By replacing the chlorine in a compound of this constitution by groups like methyl, which cannot exert the linking function, the product would not be a double compound. Further, by heating a compound of this constitution it would probably dissociate into two molecules of the simple compound A1C1 3 , and it would be this which comes into play in chemical reactions. In view of the conflicting state of the evidence and the plausibility of the above explanation, the formula for aluminium chloride used here is the simpler one. By means of it and similar for- mulas for the other compounds of aluminium, the reac- tions of the element can be expressed somewhat more easily and probably just as truthfully as by means of the more complicated formula. Chloroaluminates or Double Chlorides of Aluminium and Analogous Compounds. These compounds have been repeatedly referred to, and but very little need be added to what has already been said concerning them. In general, the chloride, bromide, and iodide of aluminium combine with the chlorides, bromides, and iodides of the most strongly marked metals, such as potassium and sodium. Those with potassium and sodium have the for- XSL mulas A1C1 3 .KC1 and AlCl 3 .NaCl, or probably Al(-Cl \C1,)K /Cl and A1^-C1 . The fluoride forms two compounds \Cl a )Na with potassium fluoride and two with sodium fluoride. ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE. 569 These have the composition represented by the for- mulas A1F 3 .2KF, AlF 3 .2NaF, and A1F 3 .3KF, AlF 3 .3NaF, X F and the constitution expressed thus, A1(-(F 2 )K and A1(~(F,)K . The tri-sodium fluoaluminate is the min- eral cryolite, which occurs in such large quantity as to be exported, and form the starting-point in the prepa- ration of aluminium and even sodium compounds. A method for making sodium carbonate from cryolite has already been described. Its use in the preparation of aluminium compounds will be taken up as far as may be necessary in this chapter. Besides the compounds with metallic chlorides, alu- minium chloride also forms compounds with the chlorides of the acid-forming elements. Such, for example, are the compounds with sulphur tetrachloride and with phosphorus pentachloride. These have the composition represented by the formulas (A1C1 3 ) 2 SC1 4 and A1C1 3 .PC1 5 . The latter may be the chlorine analogue of aluminium phosphate, A1PO 4 . If the oxygen in the phosphate should be replaced by an equivalent quantity of chlorine the result would be a compound of the formula A1PC1 8 , which is that of the above compound. These double chlorides, like the chlorides of the acid-forming elements in general, are easily decomposed by water, yielding the corresponding oxygen compounds. A compound inter- mediate between the oxygen and the chlorine compounds is that formed by the combination of aluminium chloride with phosphorus oxychloride, which is represented by the formula A1POC1 6 , or A1C1 3 .POC1 3 . This may be re- garded as aluminium phosphate, in which three of the oxygen atoms have been replaced by six chlorine atoms. Aluminium Hydroxide, A1(OH) 3 . Normal aluminium hydroxide, A1(OH) 3 , occurs in nature as the mineral hy- drargillite. It is precipitated from a solution of alu- minium chloride by ammonia : A1C1, + 3NH 4 OH = A1(OH) 3 + 3NH 4 C1. 570 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Obtained by precipitation it forms a gelatinous mass, which is suggestive of starch-paste, and it is on this account extremely difficult to wash it completely free from the substances in the solution. It dries in the air, forming a gummy substance which has the composition A1(OH) 8 . When heated under proper conditions it loses water, and forms the compound A1O 2 H : A1(OH) 3 = A1O.OH + H 2 O. This compound is found in nature as the mineral dias- pore. If heated to a higher temperature it is converted into the oxide, A1 2 O 3 : 2A1(OH) 3 = A1 2 3 + 3H 2 0. In the conduct of the chloride and of the hydroxide aluminium exhibits a certain resemblance to boron. The acidic character of the latter is, however, more strongly marked than that of the former. Boron chloride is more easily decomposed by water than aluminium chloride, and, as the decomposition takes place at the ordinary temperature, the product is the hydroxide instead of the oxide, as in the case of aluminium. The hydroxide, B(OH) 3 , readily loses water and forms metaboric acid, which in composition is analogous to diaspore ; and at a higher temperature the oxide, B 2 O 3 , is formed. Besides the normal hydroxide, A1(OH) 3 , and that of the formula AIO(OH), there is a third one known. This has the composition A1 2 O(OH) 4 , and, as is plain, is derived from two molecules of the normal hydroxide by loss of one molecule of water : /OH TT/^ r\TT H6 >A1 -- A1< OH + H >- This has been obtained in solution ; or, rather, it has been obtained by evaporation of a solution of hydroxide made by continued boiling of a solution of basic acetate of aluminium which decomposes into hydroxide and acetic acid, the latter then evaporating. From this solution, by evaporation in a water-bath, the above hy- ALUMINATES. 571 droxide is obtained. As already stated, bauxite is, in all probability, a compound of this constitution combined with a similar hydroxide of iron. A hydroxide of the same composition is obtained when a solution of the normal hydroxide in caustic soda is boiled with am- monium chloride. The precipitate formed in this way is not gelatinous, and, when dried, it has the composition A1 2 0(OH), The preparation of aluminium hydroxide from natural compounds of the element is based upon the fact that aluminium oxide forms with sodium a soluble compound, and that this is decomposed by carbon dioxide with pre- cipitation of the hydroxide. The sodium compound formed has probably the composition Al(ONa) 8 , being a salt of the normal hydroxide. When this is treated in solution with carbon dioxide, the decomposition takes place as represented in this equation : 2Al(ONa) 3 + 3CO 2 + 3H 2 O = 3Na 2 CO 3 + 2A1(OH) 3 . When cryolite is ignited with lime, the products are probably calcium fluoride, sodium oxide, and another variety of sodium aluminate : Na 8 AlF 6 + 3CaO = NaA10 2 + Na 2 O + 3CaF,. When the mass is treated with water, the calcium fluor- ide remains undissolved, while the sodium and aluminium form the compound Al(ONa) 3 . This undergoes decompo- sition, as above represented, when treated with carbon dioxide. Two valuable products aluminium hydroxide and sodium carbonate are thus obtained. In order to prepare the hydroxide from bauxite, this is heated to a high temperature with sodium carbonate. Water extracts sodium aluminate, from which the hy- droxide is precipitated by means of carbon dioxide. Aluminium hydroxide forms the material. for the prep- aration of aluminium salts ; as, the chloride, sulphate, alum, etc. Aluminates. When sodium or potassium hydroxide is added to a solution of an aluminium salt, aluminium hy- droxide is at first precipitated, but an excess of the re- 572 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. agent used dissolves the precipitate. This action is the same in character as that which takes place in the case of glucinum, and is due to the acidic character of alu- minium hydroxide. It is probable that in solution the action with potassium and sodium hydroxides is of the same kind as represented in the equations A1(OH) 3 + 3KOH =A1(OK) 3 + 3H,O, and A1(OH), + 3NaOH = Al(ONa) 3 + 3H 2 O. On evaporating the solution of the potassium salt, how- ever, the product obtained has the formula A1O.OK, and is plainly the salt of the hydroxide A1O.OH, which may be called meta-aluminic acid, to suggest its analogy to metaboric acid, BO. OH. When aluminium hydroxide and sodium carbonate are melted together, the salt AlO.ONais formed, as has been shown by determining the amount of carbon dioxide given off when a known weight of the hydroxide is employed. When, however, the solution of the hydroxide in caustic soda is evap- orated, the salt Al(ONa) 3 is deposited. These salts are very unstable, though their solutions can be boiled without undergoing decomposition. Car- bon dioxide decomposes them at once with precipitation of aluminium hydroxide, as was stated in describing the method for the preparation of the hydroxide from cryolite and from bauxite. Similar salts are formed with calcium and barium. Among them may be mentioned those of the following formulas : Ca 3 (AlO 3 ) 2 , Ca(AlO 2 ) 2 , Ba 3 (AlO 3 ) 2 , and Ba(AlO 2 ) 2 . The calcium salts are insoluble in water, and some of them become hard in contact with water. They are therefore of importance in the manufacture of hy- draulic cements. The barium salts are soluble in water. Many aluminates occur in nature, forming the import- ant group of minerals known as the spinels. Of these, spi- nel itself is the magnesium salt of the hydroxide A1O.OH, and is represented by the formula ^Q *Q>Mg, or Mg(AlO,) 2 . Chrysoberyl is the corresponding glucinum salt G1(A1O 2 ) 2 ; and gahnite is the zinc salt Zn(AlO 2 ) 2 . These salts are extremely stable, differing markedly in this ALUMINATES. 573 respect from those above referred to, which are made in the laboratory. They are decomposed by heating them, in finely powdered condition, with primary or acid po- tassium sulphate, the action of which was described on p. 499. As will be seen farther on, there are other salts similar to the aluminates in structure which occur in nature. Among these there may be mentioned here chromic iron, or chromite, which is an iron salt of a hy- droxide of chromium of the formula CrO.OH. The salt is to be regarded as made up according to the formula CrO O >Fe> or Fe ( Cr 3 - Further, magnetic oxide of iron or magnetite, Fe 3 O 4 , is regarded as belonging to the same group, and its constitution represented thus : , or Fe(FeO 2 ) 2 ; and there is also a compound of magnesium, ^ r\ 'o>Mg. For the sake of empha- sizing these analogies, the formulas of the compounds above mentioned are here presented in tabular form : Potassium aluminate, . . A1O.OK Sodium aluminate, . . . AlO.ONa Calcium aluminate, . . . ~\]r\ *Q>Ca Barium aluminate, . . . ' Spinel, . . ..... . . . Chrysoberyll, ..... AlO.'o >G1 Gahnite, ....... Chromite, ...... ' Magnetite, ...... FeO.'o >Fe Magnesio-ferrite, .... There is a highly instructive analogy between the aluminates and the double chlorides and other similar 574 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. compounds. In general, aluminium hydroxide acts upon the hydroxides of the strongest base-forming elements to form aluminates. So, also, aluminium chloride acts upon the chlorides of the strongest base-forming ele- ments to form double chlorides. By melting together aluminium hydroxide and potassium or sodium hydrox- ide, compounds of the formulas A1O.OK and AlO.ONa are formed. So, also, by melting together aluminium chloride and potassium or sodium chloride, compounds of the formulas A1C1 4 K and AlCl 4 Na are formed. Com- paring these oxygen and chlorine compounds, it is clear that they are analogous. If the oxygen of the former is replaced by an equivalent quantity of chlorine, the chlorine compounds result : EA1O 2 KA1C1 4 NaAlO, NaAlCl 4 Or, if their constitutional formulas are written in accord- ance with the views already expressed regarding the double chlorides, the analogy is also seen, thus : O / Cl AlCl \C1 2 )K A1 \ONa A1 ^ C1 \Cl a )Na. The compounds of the same order as cryolite have their analogues in such oxygen compounds as Al(ONa) 8 , etc., as is shown by the following formulas : Na 3 AlO 8 ; Na 3 AlF 6 ; ONa f -(F 2 )Na . It is not improbable that by fusion with other chlorides besides those of potassium and sodium, aluminium chlo- ride will be found to yield other double chlorides analo- gous to the spinels. According to what was said in ALUMINIUM OXIDE. 5~5 discussing the subject of double chlorides in general, three series of such salts may be looked for, correspond- ing to the formulas /Cl /Cl /(C1 2 )M - AlfCl , A1(--(C1 2 )M, and Alf (C1 2 )M ; \C1 2 )M \C1 2 )M \C1 2 )M and representatives of all these classes are known. Oxy- gen compounds corresponding to the first and last of these have been mentioned. As an example of an oxygen compound corresponding to the second one, barium aluminate, of the formula Ba 2 Al 2 O 5 , may be cited. Aluminium Oxide, A1 2 O 3 . As has been stated, the oxide is formed by heating the hydroxide. It is found in nature in the form of ruby, sapphire, and corundum. The natural variety is extremely hard ; and granular corundum, which is known as emery, is used for polish- ing. The red color of the ruby is caused by the presence of a trace of a chromium compound ; while the blue color of the sapphire is probably due to the presence of a trace of a cobalt compound. Aluminium oxide is infusible in the hottest furnace fire, but it melts in the flame of the oxyhydrogen blow-pipe, and on cooling it becomes crystalline. By mixing it with various easily fusible substances and heating, it is obtained in the form of crystals, and by adding certain metallic oxides these crystals can be colored. In this way artificial rubies and sapphires have been prepared, which have all the prop- erties of the natural ones. When the oxide is moistened with a few drops of a solution of cobaltous nitrate and then ignited, it turns blue. This fact is taken advantage of in chemical analysis for the purpose of detecting alu- minium. When the oxide is made by gently igniting the hydroxide, it dissolves in strong acids. If, however, it is heated to a high temperature, acids will not dissolve it. The natural varieties of the oxide, further, are not soluble in acids. By fusion with acid potassium sulphate insoluble aluminium oxide is converted into a soluble compound. 576 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Aluminium Sulphate, A1 2 (SO 4 ) 3 . This salt is made by dissolving the hydroxide of aluminium in dilute sulphuric acid, and evaporating to crystallization, when a salt of the composition A1 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + 18H 2 O is deposited. When heated the salt loses its water of crystallization, and, if the temperature is raised to that of red heat, the anhy- drous salt is decomposed with loss of sulphur trioxide and formation of aluminium oxide. This decomposition is, however, not complete. The sulphate is manufactured on the large scale for various purposes, as, for example, for a mordant, for sizing paper, etc. Basic Aluminium Sulphates. A solution of ordinary aluminium sulphate has an acid reaction, and has the power to dissolve metals, such as zinc, and hydroxides, such as aluminium hydroxide. When a solution of the sulphate is treated with the hydroxide, a basic salt of the formula A1 2 O(SO 4 ) 2 + H 2 O is formed. This should (o so probably be represented by the formula Al < O 2 or ( OH A1(OH)SO 4 . Another basic salt has the formula (A1O) 2 SO 4 , the salt being derived from the hydroxide, A1O.OH, as represented thus : ^JO Q > SO 2 . The former salt is soluble in water. When, therefore, a solution of sodium or ammonium carbonate is added to a solution of ordinary aluminium sulphate, the first portions of hy- droxide which are precipitated redissolve in the excess of the ordinary salt. There are other basic salts, some of which occur in nature. Alums. When a solution of aluminium sulphate is brought together with a solution of potassium sulphate in the proportion of their molecular weights, a salt crystallizes out which has the composition represented by the formula KA1(S0 4 ) 2 + 12H 2 O or K 2 S0 4 + A1 3 (SO 4 ) 3 + 24H,O. The most rational view which has been expressed re- garding this compound is that it has the constitution ALUMS. 577 ,OK 2 < O--A1, with perhaps some of the so-called water of crystallization present in the form of hydroxyl. This salt, which has long been known under the name of alum, is the type of a class of similar compounds, all of which are called alums. These alums may be regarded as derived from the ordinary form by replacing the potas- sium by sodium, ammonium, or any other member of the sodium group, besides some other metals. Thus a series of alums is obtained, of which the following are examples : NaAl(SO 4 ) s H LiAl(S0 4 ) s (NH 4 )A1(S0 4 )H CsAl(SO.X H TIA1(SO.X - 12H 2 O ; H12H 2 0; i- 12H[o ; 1- 12H,0. Again, alums are derived from the ordinary form by re- placing the aluminium by some other elements which have the power to form compounds resembling those of aluminium, as, for example, iron, chromium, and man- ganese. Such alums are those represented by the follow- ing formulas : KFe(SO 4 ) 2 + 12H 2 O ; KCr(S0 4 ) 2 +12H 2 0; KMn(SO 4 ) 2 + 12H 2 O. In each of these, again, the potassium can be replaced as in the case of ordinary alum ; so that the class includes a comparatively large number of salts. All have certain properties in common. They are all soluble in water, and all crystallize in the same forms, which are regular octahedrons combined with cubes. If a crystal of one alum be suspended in the solution of any other one it will continue to grow. They are all strictly isomorphous. The principal alums containing aluminium are those of 578 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. potassium and ammonium, both of which are manufac- tured on the large scale. Potassium Alum, Potassium - Aluminium Sulphate, KA1(SO 4 ) 2 + 12H a O. Ordinary alum is found in nature in some volcanic regions. The mineral alunite, which is a basic salt of the formula .K(A1O) 3 (SO 4 ) 2 + 3H 2 O, or perhaps K[A1(OH) 2 ] 3 (SO 4 ) 2 , occurs in larger quantities. When this salt is heated and treated with water, ordinary alum dissolves, and is easily obtained from the solution. Another source of alum is alum shale. This occurs in large quantities in nature, and consists of coal, clay, and iron pyrites. When it is heated in contact with the air the coal burns, as do also the sulphur and pyrites, and sulphuric acid is formed. When allowed to lie for a time in contact with the air the iron pyrites is converted into sulphate and sulphuric acid. The latter acts upon the clay or aluminium silicate, forming aluminium sulphate, from which alum can easily be made. It is easier to treat the shale and similar substances with sulphuric acid directly, and this method is now generally employed. Alum dissolves readily in hot water, 357.5 parts of the crystallized salt dissolving in 100 parts of water at 100, At only 3.9 parts dissolve, and at the ordinary tem- perature about 12 parts. It crystallizes beautifully in regular octahedrons, occasionally with cube faces devel- oped on them. Under some circumstances it crystallizes in cubes. When heated, alum melts in its water of crystallization, and if heated to a sufficiently high tem- perature the water passes off, leaving burnt alum. Heated higher the salt decomposes, forming aluminium oxide and potassium sulphate, and finally potassium aluminate is formed. When potassium hydroxide, ammonia, or the carbonate of potassium, sodium, or ammonium, is added in small quantity to a solution of alum the pre- cipitate first formed redissolves. If this is continued until the reaction is neutral, or until a point is reached beyond which the addition of the reagent produces a precipitate which does not redissolve, there is then con- tained in the solution a basic compound, known as basic alum, which probably has the composition K 2 (A1 2 O)(SO 4 ) 3 . ALUMINIUM SILICATE. 579 When the solution is boiled the salt contained in it is decomposed, forming ordinary alum and another basic alum which is insoluble : 3[K,(Al a O)(SO.) 3 ] = K(A10) s (SO,) a + 3KA1(SO.), + K,SO, The insoluble compound is known as insoluble alum, Alum crystallized in cubes is obtained by evaporating a solution to which some sodium or potassium carbonate has been added. Alum is used very extensively in the preparation of pigments, as a mordant, in the sizing of paper, for clarifying water, etc. Ammonium Alum, Ammonium - Aluminium Sulphate, Cu OS \ ^TT , corresponding in this respect to magnesi- [OH um sulphate (which see). When heated higher, it loses all its hydroxyl, and the salt, CuSO 4 , is left in the form of a white powder, which has the power to take up water from the air, becoming blue again. It dissolves in three parts of cold water and one-half part boiling water. Cop- per sulphate, containing seven molecules of water, CuSO 4 -f- 7H 2 O, is obtained when mixed with solutions of the sulphates of iron, zinc, or magnesium, all of which crys- tallize with seven molecules of water. In this form cu- pric sulphate is isomorphous with the other sulphates. These salts have in general received the name of vitriols, and the old names " green vitriol," " white vitriol," and "blue vitriol" are still used to some extent, though rarely by chemists. Among the similar salts included under the same general head are the following : Zinc sulphate (white vitriol), .... ZnSO 4 + 7H 2 O Magnesium sulphate, MgSO 4 -f- 7H 2 O Glucinum sulphate, G1SO 4 + 7H 2 O Ferrous sulphate (green vitriol), . . . FeSO 4 -j- 7H 2 O Nickel sulphate, MSO 4 + 7H 2 O Cobalt sulphate, CoSO 4 + 7H 2 O Copper sulphate (blue vitriol), CuSO 4 + 7H 2 O,(CuSO 4 + 5H 2 O) Cupric sulphate is used extensively in the preparation of blue and green pigments, in copper-plating by elec- trolysis, in galvanic batteries, for the purpose of pre- serving wood, and as a remedy against phylloxera (see p. 406), etc. CUPRIC SULPHATE. 597 Cupric sulphate combines with other sulphates, form- ing double salts similar to those formed by aluminium and magnesium. The potassium and ammonium com- pounds have the formulas K 2 SO 4 .CuSO 4 -f- 6H 2 O and (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 .CuSO 4 + 6H 2 O, and probably have the consti- tution represented by the general formula " so,< M )<>Cu. When a solution of cupric sulphate is treated with ammonia a precipitate of a basic salt is at first formed, but this dissolves when more ammonia is added, forming a deep-blue solution. The precipitate first formed is a basic sulphate of copper ; while the solution contains a compound of cupric sulphate, ammonia, and water, of the composition represented by the formula CuSO 4 . 4NH 3 -f- H 2 O. When heated the salt loses water and ammonia, until it has the composition CuSO 4 .2NH 3 . This is probably analogous to the ammonia compound of cupric chloride, CuCl 2 .2NH 3 , and may be regarded as having a similar constitution, that is, as ammonium sulphate, in which two hydrogen atoms have been re- placed by an atom of bivalent copper, as expressed in the formula SO 4 <^jj 3 > Cu. It is a curious and inter- esting, though at present inexplicable, fact, that anhy- drous copper sulphate combines with five molecules of ammonia just as it does with five molecules of water, and that by lying in moist air the molecules of ammonia in the compound are successively replaced by water, so that the following series of compounds is formed : CuSO 4 .5NH 3 ; CuSO 4 .4NH 3 .H 2 O ; CuS0 4 .3NH 3 .2H 2 O; CuSO 4 .2NH 3 .3H 2 O; CuS0 4 .NH,.4H a O ; CuS0 4 .5H 2 O, 598 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. From this it would appear that the ammonia in these compounds plays a part analogous to that played by the " water of crystallization." This does not speak in favor of the view above expressed concerning the constitution of cuprammonium sulphate, in which the copper is held to be in combination with nitrogen. There is in fact no satisfactory theory for most of the salts containing water of crystallization, nor for most of those containing ammonia. The power to combine with ammonia is very commonly met with among me- tallic salts probably fully as much so as the power to combine with water. Some metals indeed, as cobalt and platinum, form a very large number of complex compounds with ammonia, and with ammonium salts. Cupric Nitrate, Cu(NO 3 ) 2 , is easily formed by dissolv- ing copper in dilute nitric acid. It is easily soluble in water, and is deposited in crystallized form, the crystals containing three or six molecules of water according to the temperature, the salt with six molecules being formed at the lower temperature. Like other copper salts, it has a blue color. It combines with ammonia and with ammonium nitrate. Cupric Arsenite, CuHAsO 3 , is formed as a greenish- yellow precipitate when an ammoniacal solution of arse- nious acid is added to a solution of cupric sulphate. It is known as Scheele's green. A compound of cupric arse- nite and cupric acetate, which is made by treating a basic acetate of copper with arsenious acid, is known as Schweinfurt green. On account of their poisonous char- acter these compounds are not now used as extensively as formerly. Cupric Carbonates. When a soluble carbonate is added to a solution of cupric sulphate a voluminous greenish precipitate is formed, which has the composition CuCO. This is plainly a Cu< OH basic carbonate. The mineral malachite, which has a beautiful green color, has the same composition as the precipitate just mentioned. CYANIDES OF COPPER. 599 Cyanides of Copper. Both cuprous and cupric cya- nides are known, but while generally the cupric com- pounds are the more stable, cupric cyanide, like cupric iodide, is extremely unstable. It is readily changed to a compound intermediate between the cupric and the cuprous salt. This has the composition CuCy 2 .2CuCy. By heating in suspension in water this intermediate com- pound is converted into the cuprous salt. The cuprous compound is quite stable. Cupric cyanide is formed as a yellow precipitate, when potassium cyanide is added to a solution of a copper salt. It soon changes sponta- neously into the compound above mentioned, which has a green color. When this is heated it yields cuprous cyanide, CuCN, which is white. Cuprous cyanide is in- soluble in water. If an excess of potassium cyanide is added to a solution of a copper salt, the precipitate dis- solves in consequence of the formation of double cya- nides similar to the double chlorides. One of these has the composition KCN.CuCN or KCu(CN) 2 . The one formed under ordinary circumstances is SKCN.CuCN or K 3 Cu(CN) 4 . The double cyanides are in general more complicated in composition than the double chlorides, as we shall see in studying those which contain iron such, for example, as the salt already referred to under the name potassium ferrocyanide or yellow prussiate of pot- ash, of the composition K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . Cuprous Sulphocyanate, CuSCN", and Cupric Sulpho- cyanate, Cu(SCN) 2 , bear to each other relations similar to those which exist between the cyanides. When potassium sulphocyanate is added to a concentrated solution of a cu- pric salt cupric sulphocyanate is precipitated as a black powder. If the solution is diluted, decomposition into the cuprous salt takes place. When a reducing agent such as sulphur dioxide is added at the same time, only the cuprous salt is formed. ' This is a white, granular pow- der, insoluble in water. Cuprous Sulphide, Cu 2 S. This compound occurs in nature, and is known as chalcocite. It is, further, a con- stituent of copper pyrites, which is a compound of cu- prous and ferric sulphides, Cu a S.Fe 9 S, or CuFeS 2 . It 600 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. can be made by heating copper and sulphur together in the right proportions. It has a grayish-black color; does not give up its sulphur, even when heated in hy- drogen ; and is the more stable of the two sulphides of copper. Cupric Sulphide, CuS. This is formed as a black pre- cipitate when hydrogen sulphide is passed into a solution of a cupric salt. In water alone cupric sul- phide is somewhat soluble. Hence in washing out a precipitate of copper sulphide with water a little of it will pass through in solution. It also easily undergoes oxid.ation, and, as it forms the sulphate, some is dissolved in this way unless proper precautions are taken. It is slightly soluble in ammonium sulphide, but insoluble in sodium sulphide. The above facts are of importance in the analysis of compounds containing copper, as will readily be seen. When heated, cupric sulphide loses half its sulphur, and is converted into cuprous sulphide. Copper-plating. The process of copper-plating con- sists in brief in depositing upon an object a layer of cop- per by putting it in a bath containing some copper salt, and connecting it with one pole of an electric battery. Decomposition of the copper salt takes place, and cop- per is deposited upon the object. Alkaline solutions of the double cyanides are best adapted to the purpose. The process is extensively used in the preparation of electrotype plates. These are plates which are prepared either from wood-cuts or from type by making a mould of gutta-percha, covering this with graphite, and immers- ing the plate thus prepared in the copper-plating bath. The plate thus made is an exact reproduction of the wood-cut or type of which the impression in gutta- percha was taken. Reactions which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis. Potassium or sodium hydroxide forms a blue precipitate which becomes black on standing or when heated. (See Cupric Hydroxide.) Ammonia first forms a greenish precipitate, which is a basic salt. With cupric sulphate the reaction takes place thus : SILVER. 601 S0 2 <>Cu + 2NH 3 + 2H 2 = > S0 2 + (NH 4 ) a S0 4 . S0 2 Cu Cu< OH If the action is carried farther, the basic salt dis- solves, forming the compound referred to under Cupric Sulphate (which see), the solution being dark blue. Potassium or sodium carbonate precipitates the basic carbonate referred to under Cupric Carbonate (which see). The change in color from blue to green which takes place in this precipitate is probably due to a loss of water. Potassium ferrocyanide, K 4 Fe(CN) 6 , forms a reddish- brown precipitate, which is the corresponding copper salt, Cu 2 Fe(CN) 6 . This compound is decomposed by caustic alkalies, forming cupric oxide and the corre- sponding alkali salt, Na 4 Fe(CN) 6 or K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . The reactions with potassium iodide, cyanide, and sulpho- cyanide have been explained above. In the oxidizing flame the bead of borax or microcosmic salt is greenish blue, while when heated in the reducing flame it appears opaque and red. The red color is due to the reduction of the oxide to copper or cuprous oxide. SILVER, Ag (At. Wt. 107.11). General. In nearly all the compounds of silver the element is univalent. It, however, forms three oxides of the formulas Ag 4 O, Ag 2 O, and AgO. The compounds correspond closely in many respects to the cuprous com- pounds. There is the same question here as in the case of copper as to whether the molecular weights corre- spond to the simple formulas AgCl, AgBr, AgNO 3 , etc., or to the doubled formulas Ag 2 Cl 2 , Ag 2 Br 2 , Ag 2 (NO 3 ) 2 , etc. There is no evidence at present known by which a decision between the two possibilities can be reached. The simpler formulas will therefore be used here. Forms in which Silver Occurs in Nature. Silver occurs to some extent native, but for the most part in combina- tion, particularly with sulphur, and in company with 602 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. lead. The principal ore of silver is the sulphide, Ag 2 S, which occurs in combination with other sulphides, as of lead, copper, arsenic, antimony, etc. The compounds with chlorine, bromine, and iodine are also found, but in smaller quantity than the sulphide. Small quantities of the sulphide are found in almost all varieties of ga- lenite or lead sulphide. Metallurgy of Silver. Much of the silver in use is ob- tained from galenite, PbS. This mineral is treated in such a way as to cause the separation of the lead (which see), and the silver is separated from sulphur at the same time. But it is dissolved in a large quantity of lead, and the problem which presents itself to the me- tallurgist is how to separate the small quantity of silver from the large quantity of lead. This is accom- plished by melting the mixture and allowing it to cool until crystals appear. These are almost pure lead. They are dipped out by means of a sieve-like ladle, and the liquid left is again allowed to stand, when another crop of crystals is formed, and can be removed in the same way as before. By this means, and by again melt- ing the crystals removed, allowing the liquid to crystal- lize, and removing the crystals formed, there is finally obtained a product which is rich in silver, but which still contains lead. This is heated in appropriate vessels in contact with the air, when the lead is oxidized, while the silver remains in the metallic state. This method of concentrating by crystallization of lead is known as Pat- tinsoris method. Another method of separating lead and silver now ex- tensively used consists in treating the molten alloy with a small quantity of zinc. This takes up all the silver, and the alloy of zinc and silver thus formed is removed, and afterwards treated with superheated steam, by which the zinc is oxidized and the silver left unchanged. Some ores of silver are treated in another way, known as the amalgamation process. The ores are mixed with common salt and roasted, when the silver is obtained in the form of the chloride. This is then reduced to silver METALLURGY OF SILVER. 603 by means of iron and water, the reaction taking place as represented in the following equation : 2AgCl + Fe = FeCl 2 + 2Ag. The mixture is next treated with mercury, which forms an amalgam with silver, while the other metals present do not combine with the mercury. The amalgam can be separated from the rest of the mass without much difficulty, and when heated to a sufficiently high temper- ature the mercury distils over, leaving the silver. A modification of the amalgamation process, known as the American process, consists in grinding the ores very fine, mixing them with sodium chloride, adding roasted copper pyrites, which consists largely of copper sul- phate, and then gradually adding mercury. The silver is slowly converted into silver amalgam. The ex- planation of the process is this : The copper sulphate reacts with the sodium chloride to form cupric chloride and sodium sulphate. Cupric chloride reacts upon the silver sulphide as represented in the equation 2CuCl a + Ag 2 S = Cu 2 Cl 2 + 2AgCl + S. The cuprous chloride thus formed acts upon the rest of the silver sulphide, forming silver chloride and cuprous sulphide : Cu 2 Cl 2 + Ag 2 S = Cu 2 S + 2AgCL The silver chloride dissolves in sodium chloride, and is then reduced and converted into the amalgam by the mercury. The silver in the market is not pure. For chemical purposes it can be purified by dissolving it in nitric acid, precipitating by means of hydrochloric acid, filter- ing and thoroughly washing the chloride, and reducing this either by melting it with sodium carbonate, or by pouring a little dilute hydrochloric acid upon it, and bringing a piece of zinc in contact with it. In the former case the reaction is 2AgCl + Na 2 CO 3 = 2Ag + C0 2 + O + 2NaCl ; 604 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. in the latter it is Zn + 2AgCl = ZnCl 2 + 2Ag. Properties. Silver is a white metal with a high lustre, of specific gravity 10.5. It is not acted upon by the air, oxygen, or water. It melts at a lower temperature than copper or gold, the melting-point being about 1000. At the temperature of the oxyhydrogen blowpipe it distils, and in the experiments of Stas on the atomic weights of chlorine and silver the metal used was purified in this way. It is harder than gold and softer than copper, and its "hardness is much increased by the addition of a little copper. It combines very readily with sulphur, forming black silver sulphide, and with chlorine, bro- mine, and iodine. The blackening of silver coins, and other objects carried about the person is caused by the presence of minute quantities of sulphur compounds in the perspiration ; and the blackening of spoons by con- tact with eggs is due to the presence of sulphur in the albumen of the eggs. When pure silver is melted in the air it absorbs about twenty times its volume of oxygen, and this is given off when the metal solidifies, causing in some cases a sputtering of the silver. This phenome- non is observed in the separation of silver from its ores in those processes in which it is necessary to melt the metal. It is known as " spitting." At the ordinary temperatures silver is converted into the peroxide, AgO, by ozone. When treated with hy- drochloric acid, the metal becomes covered with a thin layer of the chloride, and no further action takes place, but it is dissolved easily by concentrated sulphuric acid and dilute nitric acid. With the concentrated acids re- duction-products are formed as with copper. Silver is readily dissolved by a solution of potassium cyanide ; hence, such a solution is used in removing stains caused by silver salts. It is not acted upon by the alkaline hydroxides nor by potassium nitrate in the molten con- dition, while platinum is. Therefore, silver vessels are used when it is desired to melt these substances in the SILVER CHLORIDE. 605 laboratory, or to evaporate their solution, as in the preparation of the caustic alkalies. Allotropic Forms of Silver. M. Carey Lea has dis- covered 'several curious allotropic forms of silver, the principal of which are briefly described by him as fol- lows : "A. Soluble, deep red in solution, mat lilac, blue, or green while moist, brilliant bluish-green metallic when dry. E. Insoluble, derived from A, dark red- dish-brown while moist, when dry somewhat resembling A. 0. Gold silver, dark brown while wet, when dry exactly resembling metallic gold in burnished lumps. Of this form there is a variety which is copper-colored. Insoluble in water; appears to have no corresponding soluble form." The form A is soluble in water, and the solution thus formed has a deep red color. The different varieties are formed by the action of reducing agents on solutions of silver salts. For example, the red soluble form is ob- tained by mixing dilute solutions of ferrous citrate and a silver salt. All the allotropic forms of silver are readily changed to the ordinary form. Mr. Lea further says : " All the forms of allotropic silver are sensitive to light. A when exposed to the sunlight soon becomes brown. The bright blue-green variety of B is changed into the pure gold-colored variety of C. Other forms of B turn brown on exposure to light." The red-yellow variety of C changes to bright gold color. " Continued exposure seems to produce little further change so long as the substance is dry. But if the paper on which the silver is placed is kept moist by a wet pad, with three or four days of good sunshine, the change goes on until the silver becomes perfectly white and is apparently changed to normal silver." Alloys of Silver. For practical use, as in making coins and silver-ware, an alloy with copper is used, the pure metal being too soft. The alloy usually contains from 7^ to 10 per cent of copper. This alloy is harder than pure silver, and is capable of a higher polish. Silver 606 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. amalgam is an alloy of silver and mercury, which is readily formed by bringing the two metals together. Argentous Chloride, Ag 2 Cl or Ag 4 Cl 3 , is formed by treat- ing argentous salts with hydrochloric acid, and, possibly, to some extent when silver chloride, AgCl, is exposed to the light, though this is doubtful. Silver Chloride, Argentic Chloride, AgCl, is of special importance on account of its use in photography and in chemical analysis. It occurs in nature to some extent in Mexico and in the United States. It is easily formed as a white precipitate by adding hydrochloric acid to a solution of a silver salt, as, for example, the nitrate. In consequence of its insolubility in water it affords a con- venient means of detecting silver .and chlorine. If allowed to stand in the light it changes color, becoming first violet and finally black. This change in color appears to be due entirely to the reduction of the chloride to the form of metallic silver. Concentrated hydrochloric acid dissolves it somewhat, and from this solution it crystallizes in octahedrons. An aqueous solu- tion of ammonia dissolves it very easily, in consequence of the formation of a compound of the chloride with am- monia analogous to those formed by copper salts. The composition of the compound in the solution is, how- ever, not known. Concentrated solutions of potassium, sodium, and ammonium chlorides dissolve silver chlo- ride, forming double chlorides ; and potassium cyanide also forms an easily soluble double salt with it. The dry compound absorbs ammonia gas, forming a com- pound of the formula 2AgC1.3NH 3 , which readily gives up the ammonia when gently heated. Silver Bromide, AgBr, and Silver Iodide, Agl, are very similar to the chloride. Both occur in nature, and both are precipitated from solutions of silver salts by adding the corresponding hydrogen acids. The bromide is less easily soluble in ammonia than the chloride, and the iodide is almost insoluble in it. The bromide is formed by treating the chloride at the ordinary temperature with hydrobromic acid; and the iodide is formed from the chloride and from the bromide by treating these with 8ALT8 OF SILVER IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 607 hydriodic acid at ordinary temperatures. At higher temperatures, however, both the bromide and iodide are converted into the chloride by hydrochloric acid. Silver dissolves in concentrated hydriodic acid, and from the solution a salt of the formula Agl -\- HI or HAgI a is formed. It seems probable that this is a derivative of the acid H 2 I 2 , from which the double salt KI.AgI is also derived, as indicated in the formula KAgI 2 . Silver bromide at low temperatures is white, but easily changes to yellow, and by exposure it becomes darker, but not as readily as the chloride. The iodide is yellow, and under- goes change in the light only very slowly. The chloride and iodide exist in several modifications, which differ from one another in their conduct towards light, and in their solubility. Probably the differences are due to different complexity of the molecules. Modifications corresponding to the formulas AgCl, Agl, Ag 2 Cl 2 , Ag 2 I 2 , Ag 3 Cl 3 , Ag 3 I 3 , etc., are quite conceivable. The careful study of the effects of light upon the different modifica- tions seems to promise interesting results, which may make it possible to judge as to the relative complexity of the molecules. Application of the Chloride, Bromide, and Iodide of Silver in the Art of Photography. The art of photography is based upon the changes which certain compounds, especially salts of silver, undergo when exposed to the light. Silver iodide is best adapted to most purposes. The salt is so changed by the light that when treated with certain compounds, such as ferrous sulphate, pyro- gallic acid, etc., called " developers," a deposit of finely divided silver is formed upon the plate in those places affected by the light. A plate of glass or a sheet of properly prepared paper is covered in the dark with a thin layer of a salt of silver. The plate is then exposed in the camera to the action of the light which is reflected from the object to be photographed. According to the intensity of the light given off from the various parts of the object, the change of the silver salt takes place to a greater or less extent, and thus a perfect image of the object is impressed upon the plate. But after the action 608 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. of the " developer" is complete there is still upon the plate unchanged silver salt, and if this were now exposed to the light it would undergo change and the image would be obliterated. To remove this salt the plate is washed with a solution of sodium thiosulphate, Na 2 S 2 O 3 (hyposulphite), which dissolves the salt in consequence of the formation of a double salt of the formula 2Na 2 S 2 O 3 .Ag 2 S 2 O 3 , which is readily soluble in water. Silver Triazoate, AgN 3 . This is derived from triazoic acid (which see). It is formed by adding a solution of the acid to a solution of a silver salt. It is extremely explo- sive and should be dealt with very cautiously. Serious accidents have been caused by it. In appearance it resembles silver chloride, but it does not darken when exposed to the light. Silver Oxide, Ag 2 O. The principal compound of silver and oxygen is that which has the composition Ag 2 O, and in which the silver is univalent, as it is in its compounds with chlorine, bromine, and iodine. It is formed when a soluble hydroxide is added to a solution of a silver salt, and also by the action of concentrated solutions of the caustic alkalies on silver chloride. It is easily de- composed by heat and by reducing agents. Other Oxides of Silver. Besides the ordinary oxide, silver forms a sub-oxide, Ag 4 O, corresponding to the sub- oxide of copper, Cu 4 O, and a peroxide of the formula AgO (or Ag 4 O 3 ), which is perhaps analogous to cupric oxide. Sulphides of Silver. As has been stated, silver occurs in nature mostly in combination with sulphur as silver glance, Ag 2 S, which is in many minerals in combination with other sulphides. Examples of such double sul- phides are the minerals stromeyerite, Cu 2 S.Ag 2 S, and pyrargyrite, 3Ag 2 S.Sb 2 S 8 . Silver Nitrate, Argentic Nitrate, AgNO 3 . This salt is formed by dissolving silver, or silver oxide, in nitric acid, evaporating to dryness, and heating until the salt is melted. It crystallizes in colorless rhombic plates. It is not changed in the light unless it comes in contact COMPOUNDS OF SILVER. 609 with organic substances, when it is reduced and metallic silver deposited. Hence the solution produces black spots on the fingers and clothing. As it melts easily, it is generally cast in small cylindrical moulds, and is found in the market in the form of thin sticks, and is known as lunar caustic. It disintegrates flesh, and is used in sur- gery as a caustic to remove superfluous growths. Owing to the formation of a dark deposit when the salt is ex- posed to the light, it is used as a constituent of indelible inks. The dry nitrate absorbs ammonia and forms the compound AgNO 3 + 3NH 3 ; in concentrated solution the compound AgNO s + 2NH 3 is formed. Silver Cyanide, AgCN, is formed as a caseous pre- cipitate when a solution of hydrocyanic acid is added to a solution of silver nitrate. It does not change color in the light, is soluble in ammonia, but hot in nitric acid. It readily forms double cyanides with the cyanides of other metals. Of these, the salt with potassium cyanide, KAg(CN) 2 or KCN.AgCN, may be mentioned. Silver Sulphocyanate, AgSCN, is very similar to the cyanide, and is formed when solutions of silver nitrate and potassium or ammonium sulphocyanate are brought together. It is soluble in an excess of the soluble cy- anides, double salts similar to the double cyanides being formed. Borates of Silver. When a cold concentrated solution of sodium metaborate, NaBO 2 , is mixed with a similar solution of silver nitrate a precipitate of silver meta- borate, AgBO 2 , containing some silver oxide is formed. When dilute solutions of the two compounds are mixed a precipitate of silver oxide is formed ; so, also, silver metaborate is decomposed by water into boric acid and silver oxide, and when the solution in which the pre- cipitate is suspended is boiled the same change takes place. Further, when cold concentrated solutions of silver nitrate and borax are mixed, silver octoborate, Ag 6 B 8 O 15 , is precipitated, and this is mixed with some silver oxide. When the solution is boiled, the silver salt is decomposed into boric acid and silver oxide. When 610 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the solutions of borax and silver nitrate are mixed hot, the precipitate is the metaborate of silver. Reactions which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis. Hydrochloric acid precipitates insoluble silver chloride from solutions of silver salts, as silver nitrate. Soluble hydroxides precipitate silver oxide, not the hy- droxide. Ammonia redissolves the precipitate in conse- quence of the formation of a compound of the oxide with ammonia of the composition Ag 2 O.2NH 3 . In dry con- dition this salt is very explosive, and is known as ful- minating silver. Soluble carbonates precipitate the carbonate, Ag 2 CO 3 , which has a yellowish-white color. Ammonium carbonate redissolves the precipitate formed by it. Sodium phosphate, HNaJPO 4 , gives a precipitate of the normal salt Ag 3 PO 4 , which is yellow. Potassium f err ocyanide precipitates white silver ferro- cyanide, Ag 4 Fe(CN) 6 . Potassium ferricyanide, K 3 Fe(CN) 6 , gives the corre- sponding silver salt, which is reddish brown. Potassium chromate or potassium dichromate (which see) gives a brownish-red precipitate of silver chromate. GOLD, Au (At. Wt. 195.74). General. Gold forms two series of compounds, in one of which it is univalent and in the other trivalent. In this respect it differs from the other members of the group. Examples of the compounds belonging to the two series are represented by the following formulas : AuCl AuCl 3 AuBr AuBr 3 Au 2 O Au 2 O 3 Those of the first series are called aurous compounds t those of the second series auric compounds. The basic character of gold is very weak, so that salts of the ordi- nary acids, as sulphuric, nitric, carbonic, etc., are not GOLD. 611 known. On the other hand, its higher oxide and hy- droxide, Au(OH) 3 , have acid properties, and form salts similar in composition to the meta-aluminates MAlO a , and the metaborates MBO 2 . These are the aurates, of which potassium aurate, KAuO 2 , is an example. So, also, the chloride combines readily with the chlorides of potas- sium and sodium, forming the chlor-aurates, KAuCl 4 , and NaAuCl 4 , which are perfectly analogous to the aurates. Further, the chloride and bromide combine respectively with hydrochloric and hydrobromic acids, forming the crystallized compounds HAuCl 4 + 4H 2 O and HAuBr 4 + 5H 2 O, which are plainly the acids from which the chlor- aurates and the brom-aurates are derived. Besides the compounds of gold in which the element is univalent and those in which it is tnvalent, the chlo- ride AuCl 3 , and the bromide, AuBr 2 , have been described, but their existence is doubtful. Forms in which Gold occurs in Nature. Gold is gen- erally found in nature in the native condition a fact which is undoubtedly due to the chemical inactivity of the element. That which is found in nature is never pure, but contains silver, and also, in different localities, iron, copper, and other metals. It is also found to some extent in combination with tellurium in the compounds AuTe 2 and (AuAg) 2 Te 3 . Native gold is frequently found enclosed in quartz, or more commonly in quartz sand. The principal localities in which it is found are California and some of the other Western United States, and Australia, Hungary, Siberia, and Africa. Metallurgy of Gold. From the chemical point of view the metallurgy of gold is in general very simple. There are two kinds of gold mining called placer mining and vein mining. In the former the earth and sand which contain gold are washed with water, which carries away the lighter particles, and leaves the gold mixed with other heavy materials. This mixture is then treated with mercury, which forms an amalgam with the gold, as it does with silver, and when this is placed in a prop- erly constructed retort and heated, the mercury passes over and leaves the gold behind. If silver is present, as 612 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. is frequently the case, this is separated with the gold, In vein mining the gold ores are taken out of veins in the earth, and the gold separated by grinding the ores and treating them with mercury, as in the last stage of placer mining. Hydraulic mining is a modification of ordinary placer mining. It consists in forcing water under pres- sure against the sides of hills and mountains in which gold occurs loosely mixed with the earth. The earth is thus carried away and the heavier gold is deposited in sluices. Some ores, those especially which contain tellurium, cannot be satisfactorily treated by the amalgamation process, and a method involving the use of potassium cyanide has been devised for them. In a solution of this salt gold dissolves, and from this solution it can be sep- arated in various ways. This method has come into ex- tensive use of late years. Another process that is extensively used in the treat- ment of ores that do not give their gold to mercury is known as the chlorination process. This consists in treat- ing the finely ground ore with chlorine made from bleaching powder and sulphuric acid, and then pre- cipitating the gold from the solution of the chloride by means of hydrogen sulphide. From the sulphide the metallic gold can be easily obtained. The gold obtained by any of the above methods is not pure. It can be separated from silver by dissolving it in aqua regia, evaporating so as to drive off the nitric acid, then diluting, and treating with a reducing agent, when metallic gold is precipitated. Thus when ferrous sulphate is used the following reaction takes place : 3FeSO 4 + AuCl 3 = Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + FeCl 3 + Au. Another method of separating silver from an alloy with gold consists in treating the metal with nitric acid or with boiling concentrated sulphuric acid, which dis- solves the silver and leaves the gold. This process is not satisfactory, however, unless the amount of gold in the alloy is less than 25 per cent. If the proportion of gold is greater than this, the alloy is melted with silver PROPERTIES OF GOLD ALLOYS CHLORIDES. 613 enough to bring the percentage of gold down to that mentioned. This is known as " quartation" Properties. Gold is a yellow metal with a high lustre. It is quite soft, and extremely malleable, so that it is possible to make from it sheets the thickness of which is not more than 0.000002 millimeter. Thin sheets are translucent, and the transmitted light appears green. Its specific gravity is 19.3 ; its melting-point higher than that of copper, being about 1200. It crystallizes in the regular system. Gold combines directly with chlorine, but not with oxygen. The three acids, hydrochloric, nitric, and sulphuric, do not act upon it ; but aqua regia dissolves it, forming auric chloride, AuCl 3 , in con- sequence of the evolution of nascent chlorine. Molten caustic alkalies and their nitrates act upon it, probably in consequence of the tendency to form aurates. Alloys of Gold. The principal alloy of gold is that which contains copper. The standard gold coin of the "United States contains nine parts of gold to one of cop- per. The composition of gold used for jewelry is usually stated in terms of carats. Pure gold is 24-carat gold ; 20-carat gold contains 20 parts of gold and 4 parts of copper ; 18-carat gold contains 18 parts of gold and 6 parts of copper, etc. Copper gives gold a reddish color, and makes it harder and more easily fusible. Gold is also alloyed with silver ; and the alloy with mercury, known as gold-amalgam, is extensively used in the pro- cesses for extracting gold from its ores. Chlorides of G-old. When gold is dissolved in aqua regia it is converted into auric chloride, AuGl 3 ; and if this solution is evaporated a part of the chloride is decom- posed into aurous chloride, AuCl, and chlorine. When gold is treated with dry chlorine it yields a mixture of auric chloride and metallic gold. This was formerly held to be a chloride of the formula AuCl 2 , but the most careful investigations on the subject have shown that this does not exist. Auric chloride can be obtained in crystal- lized form, the crystals having the composition AuCl 8 -[- 2H 2 O. When anhydrous auric chloride is heated to 185, it loses chlorine and is converted into aurous chlo- 614 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ride, AuCl. This yields auric chloride and gold when treated with water. When treated with a solution of stannous chloride a solution of auric chloride gives a purple-colored precipitate, known as the purple of Cas- sius, which appears to consist of finely-divided gold. Chlor-auric Acid and its Salts. When a solution of gold in aqua regia containing a large excess of hydro- chloric acid is evaporated a crystallized product of the formula HAuCl 4 + 4H 2 O, or AuCl 3 .HCl + 4H 3 O, is ob- tained. This is chlor-auric acid. It must be regarded as belonging to the same class as fluosilicic acid and the chloro-acids, from which the double chlorides of magnesium, aluminium, copper, etc., are derived. Ac- cordingly its constitution is expressed by the formula /ci Au^-Cl , being similar to that of the acid from which /Cl potassium chlor-aluminate is derived, A1C1 . The \(C1,)H potassium salt, KAuCl 4 , is obtained by mixing together solutions of auric and potassium chlorides. Cyan-auric Acid, HAu(CN) 4 , is perfectly analogous to chlor-auric acid. It is formed by treating the potassium salt, KAu(CN) 4 , with silver nitrate, which gives the silver salt, and then decomposing this with hydrochloric acid. The potassium salt is obtained by mixing solutions of auric chloride and potassium cyanide. The salts of a cyan-aurous acid, HAu(CN) 2 , are also known. Auric Hydroxide, Au(OH) 3 . This compound is formed by treating a solution of auric chloride with an excess of magnesia or with sodium hydroxide, and afterwards with sodium sulphate. It is a yellow or brown powder. When exposed to the light it is decomposed with evolu- tion of oxygen. When heated to 100 it yields auric oxide, Au 2 O 3 , and when this is heated to a higher tempera- ture it loses all its oxygen. Aurous oxide, Au 2 O, is formed by treating aurous chloride with caustic potash. It is easily decomposed by heat into gold and oxygen. Auric hydroxide dissolves in the soluble hydroxides just as aluminium hydroxide does, and from the solutions AURIC HYDROXIDE GOLD SULPHIDE. 615 salts known as the aurates are obtained. In composition these are analogous to the meta-aluminates. Potassium aurate, for example, has the composition KAuO 2 . The analogy between some of the compounds of aluminium and those of gold is shown in the following table : A1A Au 2 3 A1(OH) 3 Au(OH) 3 A1C1, AuCl 3 /Cl /Cl Al(-Cl Au^-Cl \(C1 2 )K \(C1 3 )K Gold Sulphide, Au 2 S 2 . This compound is precipitated together with sulphur from cold solutions of gold salts by means of hydrogen sulphide, and forms a brownish black mass. It forms soluble compounds with the sul- phides of the alkali metals. When hydrogen sulphide is passed into hot solutions of gold salts aurous sulphide, Au 2 S, is thrown down as a steel-gray substance. This is soluble in pure water and is reprecipitated by hydrochloric acid, CHAPTER XXIX. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY II, GROUP B: ZINC CADMIUM MERCURY. General. There is a very strong resemblance between the first two elements of this group and magnesium, while mercury, in a general way, resembles the first two members of the copper group. Just as gold in the cop- per group furnishes a greater variety of compounds than the first two members of that group, so mercury fur- nishes a greater variety of compounds than the other members of the group to which it belongs. Zinc and cadmium, like magnesium, give only one class of com- pounds and in these they are bivalent. The general for- mulas of some of the principal ones are : MC1 2 , M(OH) 2 , MO, MSO 4 , MCO 8 , MS. Mercury, on the other hand, furnishes two series of com- pounds, known as the mercurous and mercuric compounds, which correspond closely to the two series of copper salts. The power to form compounds belonging to both series is more strongly developed in mercury than in. copper. Examples of the two classes are represented in the following formulas : Mercurous Compounds. Mercuric Compounds. HgCl HgCl 2 Hgl HgI 2 Hg 2 HgO HgN0 3 Hg(N0 3 ) 2 , etc. Just as the first member of Group A, Family II, gluci- num, shows a somewhat acidic character in its hydrox- ide, while the other members of that group do not; so also the first member of Group Bj Family II, zinc, is (616) ZING. 617 acidic, while the other members of the group are not. Glucinum hydroxide and zinc hydroxide dissolve in caustic alkalies, forming glucinates and zincates ; while the hydroxides of all the other members of the two groups of this family are insoluble in caustic alkalies. ZINC, Zn (At. Wt. 64.91). General. Zinc, in almost all its compounds, exhibits a close resemblance to magnesium. It always acts as a bivalent element. Forms in which, it occurs in Nature. Zinc occurs in nature in combination principally as the carbonate, or smithsonite, ZnCO 3 ; as the sulphide, or sphalerite, ZnS ; and as the silicate, Zn 2 SiO 4 . Among other compounds of zinc found in nature are gahnite, Zn(AlO 2 ) 2 , and frank- linite, which contains the compound Zn(FeO 2 ) 2 with Fe(Fe0 2 ) 2 . Metallurgy. The metallurgy of zinc is much simpler than that of magnesium, for the reason that the ores are easily converted into the oxide by roasting, and the oxide is easily reduced by heating it with charcoaL Owing to the volatility of the metal the vessels in which the reduc- tion is effected must be so constructed as to facilitate the condensation of the vapors. The vessels used are either earthenware muffles or tubes, open at one end and con- nected with iron receivers. At first the zinc vapor is condensed in the form of a fine dust, as in the case of sulphur. This forms the commercial product called zinc dust. It always contains zinc oxide. Afterwards the zinc condenses to the form of a liquid, and this is cast in plates. The zinc thus obtained is not pure, but contains lead and iron, and sometimes arsenic and cad- mium. It is called spelter. By repeated distillation it can be obtained pure. When distilled under diminished pressure, it is deposited in beautiful lustrous crystals, the forms of which are extremely complicated. Properties. Zinc has a bluish-white color and a high lustre. The crystals above referred to, which are per- fectly pure zinc, have a brilliant lustre, and do not 618 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. change in the air. At different temperatures zinc has markedly different properties. At ordinary temperatures it is quite brittle ; at 100-150 it can be rolled out in sheets, but above 200 it becomes brittle again. It melts at 433, and boils at 1040. When heated in the air it takes fire, and burns with a bluish flame, forming zinc oxide. This can be shown by means of the oxyhydro- gen blowpipe. In dry air it does not change. Ordinary zinc dissolves in all the common acids, usually with evo- lution of hydrogen. In the case of nitric acid, however, the hydrogen acts upon the acid, reducing it to ammonia. The purer the zinc the less readily is it acted upon by sulphuric acid, and the pure crystals above referred to are scarcely acted upon at all by this acid. Zinc also dissolves in the caustic alkalies, forming zincates. Pure zinc can be made to act upon sulphuric acid by adding a few drops of platinum chloride. Applications. Zinc is extensively used as sheet-zinc, in making galvanic batteries, for galvanizing iron, etc. Zinc dust is a very efficient reducing agent, either in al- kaline or in acid solution. With caustic alkalies as, for example, with potassium hydroxide it gives hydrogen ' and a zincate : Zn + 2KOH = Zn(OK) 2 + H 8 . With sulphuric acid also it gives hydrogen readily. Zinc is used in the preparation of important alloys. Alloys. Iron covered with a layer of zinc is known as galvanized iron. As has been mentioned, zinc is a constituent of brass. It combines readily with mercury to form zinc amalgam, and this fact is taken advantage of for the purpose of preserving the zinc plates in gal- vanic batteries. Zinc plates covered with a layer of the amalgam are acted upon much more slowly than zinc itself. The amalgamation is effected by cleaning the zinc, dipping it in dilute sulphuric acid, and rubbing mercury over the surface with a brush or a piece of cloth. Zinc Chloride, ZnCl 2 . This is prepared by treating zinc with chlorine, or by dissolving zinc in hydrochloric ZINC CHLORIDE ZINC HYDROXIDE. 619 v acid, evaporating to dryness, and distilling the residue. It is a white deliquescent mass. From a very concentrated solution in hydrochloric acid it is obtained in crystals of the composition ZnCl 2 -f- H 2 O. When the solution is evaporated there is always some decomposition into basic chlorides, the hydroxide, and oxide. The basic chloride is formed thus : HHO = Zn< + HC1 ; the hydroxide thus : HHO = Zn< HC1 and by higher heating the hydroxide yields the oxide and water : Zn< OH = Zn + H A The chloride has a marked affinity for water, and is used in the laboratory, as sulphuric acid and phosphorus pentoxide are, for the purpose of extracting the elements of water from compounds. It has a caustic action, and is used in surgery on this account. Further, it acts as a disinfectant, and its solution is used for the purpose of preserving wood, particularly railroad sleepers, from de- cay. The chloride readily forms double chlorides like those formed by magnesium chloride. Examples of these are the compounds of the formulas ZnCl 2 .2KCl or K 2 ZnCl 4 , ZnCl 2 .2NaCl or Na 2 ZnCl 4 , etc. The double chloride with ammonium chloride, (NH 4 ) 2 ZnCl 4 , is formed by mixing a solution of zinc in hydrochloric acid with a solution of ammonium chloride. This is used in solder- ing, as it cleans the surface of the metal, in consequence of the action of the zinc chloride on the oxides. It also absorbs ammonia, forming compounds analogous to those formed by cupric and cuprous chlorides. Zinc Hydroxide, Zn(OH) 2 , is precipitated as a white amorphous powder when a soluble hydroxide is added to a solution of a zinc salt. It is redissolved in an ex- 620 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. cess of the reagent, and the zincate thus formed is de- composed on boiling, the hydroxide being reprecipitated. Zinc Oxide, ZnO, is formed in very finely divided con- dition by burning zinc in the air. The product is known as Flores zinci, and is sometimes called philosopher's wool. It is also formed by heating the carbonate or ni- trate, and is found in nature mixed with or in combina- tion with oxide of manganese, Mn 3 O 4 . It is prepared on the large scale both by burning zinc and by heating the basic carbonate, which is formed by adding sodium car- bonate to a solution of zinc sulphate. It is a white pow- der, which turns yellow when heated. Its chief use is as a constituent of paint under the name of zinc ivhite. Zinc Sulphide, ZnS. This compound occurs in nature, and is known as zinc blende. The mineral always con- tains a sulphide of iron, and also a small quantity of cadmium sulphide. When hydrogen sulphide is passed into a solution of a zinc salt only a part of the zinc is thrown down as the sulphide, if the salt used is one of a strong acid, like sulphuric, nitric, or hydrochloric acid. The reason of this is that the sulphide is soluble in these acids, even when they are very dilute. In the reaction the acid is set free, and although some sulphide is thrown down, the action soon stops : ZnSO 4 + H 2 S = ZnS + H 2 SO 4 . If the acetate of zinc is used the precipitation is com- plete, because dilute acetic acid does not dissolve zinc sulphide. If sodium or potassium acetate is added to a solution of a neutral salt of zinc, hydrogen sulphide pre- cipitates all the zinc, for the reason that the acid which is first set free acts upon the acetate and is itself neu- tralized, while acetic acid is then set free. Thus, when hydrogen sulphide acts upon a solution of zinc sulphate containing sodium acetate the action involves two steps, as represented in the two equations : ZnSO 4 + H 2 S = ZnS + H 2 SO 4 ; 2NaC,H 3 2 + H 2 S0 4 = Na 2 SO 4 + 2C 2 H 4 O a . COMPOUNDS OF ZINC. 621 As fast as the sulphuric acid is formed it acts upon the aeetate, and is thus prevented from dissolving the sul- phide. The sulphide is, further, completely precipitated by soluble sulphides, as potassium and ammonium sul- phides. Obtained by precipitation, zinc sulphide is a white amorphous substance. Zinc Sulphate, ZnSO 4 . This salt is readily formed by oxidation of the sulphide, and is hence found in nature accompanying the sulphide. It is manufactured by care- fully roasting zinc blende, and extracting with water. It crystallizes from the solution in water in large rhombic prisms of the composition ZnSO 4 -|- 7H Q O. Like mag- nesium sulphate, it easily loses six molecules of water, but the last one is removed with difficulty. It appears, therefore, that the constitution of the salt should be ex- roH OTT pressed by the formula SO \ n . Zinc sulphate, as [o >Zn has been stated (see p. 596), is commonly called white vitriol. It is easily reduced when heated with charcoal. The salt is used extensively in the preparation of cotton- prints and in medicine. Zinc Carbonate, ZnCO 3 , occurs in nature as smithson- ite. The precipitate formed by adding a solution of a soluble carbonate to a solution of a zinc salt is generally a basic carbonate, but the composition varies according to the conditions. Dilute solutions of sodium carbonate and Znco zinc sulphate give mainly the compound Zn<^ . Zn Co. CADMIUM, Cd (At. Wt. 111.10). General. The compounds of cadmium are very similar to those of zinc and magnesium. The element occurs in nature in much smaller quantity than either of these,, frequently in company with zinc, and its compounds ara not as frequently met with. It is always bivalent. A mineral known as greenockite is cadmium sulphide,. CdS. Preparation and Properties. Cadmium is obtained principally from different varieties of zinc blende, and separates with the zinc. Being more volatile than zinc, it passes over first when the mixture is distilled. From this first distillate, which contains the oxides of zinc and cadmium, the metals are reduced by heating with char- coal. It has a color like that of tin, and is harder than tin. According to the specific gravity of its vapor, its molecule is identical with its atom, for the molecular weight is approximately 111. Cadmium chloride, CdCl 2 , like zinc chloride, is volatile ; the sulphate crystallizes well, but is not analogous in composition to the sulphates of magnesium and zinc, as the composition of the crystallized salt is represented by the formula 3CdSO 4 -f- 8H 2 O ; the normal carbonate, CdCO 3 , is precipitated by soluble carbonates. Cadmium Sulphide, CdS, is one of the most character- istic compounds of the element. It is a beautiful yellow substance, which is thrown down from a solution of a cadmium salt by hydrogen sulphide. While it dissolves CADMIUM MERCURY. G23 in concentrated acids it does not dissolve in dilute acids, and it is therefore completely precipitated by hydrogen sulphide. It is used as a constituent of yellow paints. Cadmium Cyanide, Cd(CN) 2 , is formed as a white pre- cipitate when potassium cyanide is added to a fairly concentrated solution of a cadmium salt. It dissolves in an excess of potassium cyanide in consequence of the formation of the compound K 2 Cd(CN) 4 . Analytical Reactions. Cadmium, as has just been stated, is precipitated by hydrogen sulphide. It is thrown down together with the other elements of the hydrogen sulphide group (see p. 198). As the sulphide is not soluble in ammonium sulphide, it is easily sepa- rated from those of arsenic, antimony, and tin by treating with this reagent, when it is left undissolved in company with the sulphides of mercury, lead, bismuth, and copper. The double salt of cuprous cyanide and potassium cya- nide is not decomposed by hydrogen sulphide, whereas the corresponding salt of cadmium is decomposed by it, and the yellow sulphide is precipitated. The hydroxide of cadmium differs from that of zinc in not having acid properties. It does not dissolve in the caustic alkalies. MEKCUKY, Hg (At. "Wt. 198.49). General. As already stated, mercury yields two series of compounds, known as mercurous and mercuric com- pounds, which are analogous to the two series of copper compounds. While, however, copper forms with the oxygen acids only such salts as belong to the cupric series, as CuSO 4 , Cu(NO 3 ) 2 , etc., mercury forms salts be- longing to both series. There is, for example, a mer- curous nitrate, HgNO 3 , and a mercuric nitrate, Hg(NO 3 ) 2 ; a mercurous sulphate, Hg 2 SO 4 , and a mercuric sulphate, HgSO 4 , etc. The mercurous compounds are readily con- verted into the mercuric compounds by the action of oxidizing agents, and the mercuric are converted into mercurous compounds by the action of reducing agents. The action will be treated of under the individual com- pounds. The question as to the correct formula of the 624 INORGANIC CHEMISTHY. rnercurous salts is in the same condition as that in regard to the formula of cuprous salts, with this difference : the molecular weight of mercurous chloride leads to the formula HgCl, but there is evidence that when the chlo- ride is heated some mercury is set free, and this has led to the suggestion that the molecule corresponds to the formula Hg 2 Cl 2 , and that the compound breaks down into mercury and mercuric chloride when heated. It is, however, quite possible that the compound has the sim- pler formula, and that this under the influence of heat is partly decomposed, as represented in the equation 2HgCl := HgCl, + Hg. The fact that mercury is set free is, therefore, by no means satisfactory evidence that the formula of mer- curous chloride is Hg 2 Cl 2 , and in the present state of the inquiry it is perfectly justifiable to write the formula HgCl. Forms in which Mercury occurs in Nature. Mercury occurs native to some extent, but principally in the form of the sulphide, HgS, which is known as cinnabar. This is sometimes found crystallized, but generally amor- phous. The chief localities are Idria, Almaden in Spain, and New Almaden in California. Metallurgy of Mercury. In order to obtain mercury from the sulphide this is roasted in vessels so constructed as to condense and collect the vapor of mercury given off. In the roasting process the sulphur is oxidized to sulphur dioxide, which of course escapes. In some places the ore is mixed with limestone and distilled from clay or iron retorts, when the mercury passes over. Crude mercury is redistilled in order to purify it. It is also purified by treating it with dilute nitric acid or with a solution of ferric chloride. Properties. Mercury is a silver-white metal of a high lustre. At ordinary temperatures it is liquid, though at 39.5 it becomes solid. Its specific gravity is 13.5959. It does not change in the air at ordinary temperatures. It boils at 357.25, and is converted into a colorless vapor, the specific gravity of which leads to the conclusion that, AMALGAMS. 625 as in the case of cadmium, the molecule and atom are identical, or that the molecule consists of only one atom. It is insoluble in hydrochloric acid and in cold sulphuric acid ; but dissolves in hot concentrated sulphuric acid, and is easily soluble in nitric acid. The vapor of mer- cury is very poisonous. Applications. Mercury is extensively used in the manufacture of thermometers, barometers, etc. ; as tin- amalgam for mirrors ; and in the processes by which gold and silver are obtained from their ores. Amalgams. The alloys which mercury forms with other metals are called amalgams. These compounds are gen- erally obtained without difficulty simply by bringing mercury in contact with other metals. Among the amalgams which are of chief interest are those of sodium, ammonium, silver, and gold. Sodium amalgam is made by bringing mercury and sodium together. A crystallized amalgam containing the constituents in the proportions represented in the formula Hg 6 Na has been obtained. Generally, sodium amalgam is easily decomposed by water, the mercury separating in the free state and the sodium acting upon the water, forming hydrogen and sodium hydroxide. It is much used in the laboratory as a convenient means of producing hydrogen in alkaline solutions. It serves as an excellent reducing agent in some cases. Ammonium amalgam has already been spoken of under the head of Ammonia (which see). It is a curious substance, which is formed when an electric current acts upon a solution of ammonia containing some mercury which is connected with the negative pole, and also very easily by pouring a solution of ammonium chloride upon sodium amalgam. In the latter case sodium chloride and ammonium amalgam are formed. Apparently the reaction takes place in accordance with the following equation : NH 4 C1 + NaHg = NaCl + NH 4 Hg. The product is extremely voluminous, and swells up during the reaction, so that it occupies under favorable 626 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. circumstances about twenty times the volume occupied by the sodium amalgam. It has a metallic lustre, resem- bling in general the other amalgams. It is very unstable at the ordinary temperature, breaking down into mercury, hydrogen, and ammonia. At a low temperature, how- ever, it has been obtained in crystallized form. The metallic lustre and general outward appearance of the compound suggests that whatever is in combination with mercury in it has probably metallic properties, and this affords some confirmation of the ammonium theory, ac- cording to which the presence of the complex, NH 4 , in the salts formed by ammonia is assumed. Silver amal- gam and gold amalgam vary in composition according to the method of preparation, and when heated are com- paratively easily decomposed. Mercurous Chloride, HgCl, is commonly called calomel. Like cuprous chloride, CuCl, and argentic chloride, AgCl, it is insoluble in water. It is formed most readily by re- ducing mercuric chloride. The reduction can be accom- plished by means of sulphurous acid, when the following reaction takes place : 2HgCl 2 + 2H 2 + S0 2 - 2HgCl + H 2 SO 4 + 2HC1. It is also formed by heating together mercuric chloride and mercury, and by subliming a mixture of mercuric sulphate, sodium chloride, and mercury. This method is the one mostly used in the manufacture of calomel. The product obtained by sublimation is crystalline ; the precipitated substance forms a loose powder. As was stated above, the specific gravity of the vapor corre- sponds to that required for the formula HgCl. When acted upon for some time by light it undergoes partial decomposition into mercury and mercuric chloride. This is a fact of great importance, inasmuch as calomel is much used in medicine, and mercuric chloride is an active poison. Bottles in which calomel is kept should be care- fully protected from the action of the light. Just as mercuric chloride is converted into mercurous chloride by reducing agents, so the latter is converted into the former by oxidizing agents. When, for example, MERCURIC CHLORIDE. 627 mercurous chloride is treated with nitric acid it is con- verted into mercuric chloride and mercuric nitrate, as represented in the equation 6HgCl + 8HNO 3 = 3Hg(NO 3 ) 2 + 3HgCl 3 + 2NO + 4H 2 O. If hydrochloric acid is present in sufficient quantity the action takes place thus : 3HgCl + 3HC1 + HNO 3 = 3HgCl 2 + 2H 3 O + NO. Further, the conversion of mercurous nitrate into mer- curic nitrate is represented by the equation 3HgNO 3 + 4HN0 3 = 3Hg(NO 3 ) 2 + 2H 2 O + NO. Finally, the action of oxidizing agents in general upon mercurous chloride in the presence of hydrochloric acid takes place thus : 2HgCl + 2HC1 + O = 2HgCl 2 + H 2 O. Similar transformations take place by treating ferrous, stannous, and manganous compounds with oxidizing agents ; and they will be taken up farther on. Mercuric Chloride, or Corrosive Sublimate, HgCl 2 , which is made by subliming a mixture of sodium chloride and mercuric sulphate, HgS0 4 + 2NaCl = HgCl 2 + Na.SO 4 , and by dissolving mercury in aqua regia, evaporating to dryness, and subliming the residue, is a white, trans- parent, crystalline mass, which is soluble in water, and can be obtained in crystalline form from the solution. It is more easily soluble in alcohol and ether than in water, and is extracted from a water solution by shaking with ether. It is quite volatile, and the specific gravity of its vapor corresponds to that required for the formula HgCl 2 . It is easily reduced to mercurous chloride by 628 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. contact with organic substances, and by reducing agents in general. The action of sulphur dioxide has already been treated of as furnishing a method for the prepara- tion of mercurous chloride. Stannous chloride abstracts chlorine from it and forms mercurous chloride and me- tallic mercury, while the stannous chloride is converted into stannic chloride : 2HgCl 2 + SnCl 2 = 2HgCl + SnCl 4 ; HgCl 2 + SnCl 2 = Hg + SnCl 4 . Mercuric chloride is an active poison, and has been used extensively in this capacity. It has a very marked influence upon the lower organisms, which play such an important part in producing disease and the decay of organic substances, and is used as a disinfectant. Wood impregnated with a solution of it is partly protected from decay. In surgery it is used for the purpose of pre- venting contamination of wounds by the hands and in- struments of the surgeon, it being customary now for the surgeon to wash his hands and instruments in a dilute solution of the chloride before performing an operation. Mercuric chloride unites with other chlorides, forming well-characterized double chlorides, or chlor-mercurates, which are analogous to the double chlorides of magne- sium, zinc, etc. Three potassium salts are known, KHgCl 3 , K 2 HgCl 4 , and KHg 2 Cl 5 ; or Hg . (638) GERMANIUM TIN. 639 and are to be regarded as salts of an acid Pb(OH) 2 . These salts are not stable, and are not easily obtained. Most of the derivatives of lead are those in which it plays the part of a base-forming element. Notwith- standing the marked analogy between some of the com- pounds of tin and those of the members of the silicon group, it appears, on the whole, advisable to treat of this element in company with lead, which it also resembles in many respects. GERMANIUM, Ge (At. Wt. 71.93). Germanium is the third element the properties of which were foretold by Mendeleeff by the aid of the periodic law. As it occurs in the silicon group he called it eka-silicon. It was discovered in a silver ore occur- ring at Freiberg, Germany. The name has, of course, reference to the country in which it was discovered. It acts mostly as a base-forming element, being perhaps more like tin than any other one metal. It forms the two chlorides GeCl 2 and GeCl 4 , and the corresponding fluorides GeF 2 and GeF 4 ; but preferably it forms those compounds in which the element is quadrivalent. The fluoride forms double salts resembling the fluosilicates, as, for example, pot assium fluogermanat e, K 2 GeF 6 . TIN, Sn(At. Wt. 118.15). General. The compounds of tin with which we gen- erally have to deal belong, with the exception of stan- nous chloride, to the series in which the metal is quad- rivalent, and in this series it acts as an acid-forming element. The chloride, SnCl 4 , corresponds to the chlo- rides of carbon and silicon, CC1 4 and SiCl 4 . Unlike these elements, however, it does not form a compound with hydrogen. Occurrence. Tin occurs almost exclusively as tin stone or cassiterite in nature. This is the dioxide, SnO 2 , corresponding to carbon dioxide, CO 2 ; silicon dioxide, SiO 2 ; titanium dioxide, TiO 2 ; etc. It also occurs in small quantities in company with gold as metallic tin, 640 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. and in a variety of pyrites of the formula Cu 4 SnS 4 -)- FeSnS 4 , known as stannite. Metallurgy. The ores are roasted for the purpose of getting rid of the sulphur and arsenic, and the oxide is then heated with coal in a furnace. After the reduction is complete the tin is drawn off and cast in bars. This tin is impure, and when again slowly melted, that which first melts is purer. By letting it run off as soon as it melts the comparatively difficultly fusible alloy remains behind, and the tin is thus rendered much purer. The commercial variety of tin known as Bonca tin is the purest. It receives its name from Banca, in the East Indies, where it is made. Block-tin is made in England, and is also comparatively pure. Properties. Tin is a white metal, which in general ap- pearance resembles silver. It is soft and malleable, and can be hammered out into very thin sheets, forming the well-known tin-foil. Its specific gravity is 7.3. At 200 it is brittle, and at 228 it melts. At ordinary tempera- tures it remains unchanged in the air. It dissolves in hydrochloric acid, forming stannous chloride, SnCl 2 ; in sulphuric acid, forming stannous sulphate, SnSO 4 , sul- phur dioxide being evolved at the same time. Ordinary concentrated nitric acid oxidizes it, the product being a compound of tin, oxygen, and hydrogen, known as meta- stannic acid, which is a white, powder insoluble in ni- tric acid and in water. It is dissolved by a hot solution of potassium hydroxide which forms potassium stannate, K 2 Sn0 3 . Applications. It is used in making alloys, of which bronze (see p. 591), soft solder, and britannia metal are the most important. It is used also for protecting other metals, as in the tinware vessels in such common use, which are made of iron covered with a layer of tin. Copper vessels are also frequently covered with tin. Alloys. Bronze has already been treated of under Copper. It is made of copper, tin, and zinc. Soft solder is made of equal parts of tin and lead, or of two parts of tin and one of lead. Britannia metal is composed of nine parts of tin and one of antimony. Tin amalgam is made STANNOUS CHLORIDE. 641 by bringing tin and mercury together, and is used in the silvering of mirrors. Stannous Chloride, SnCl 2 , is formed by dissolving tin in hydrochloric acid, and if the solution is concentrated enough the compound crystallizes oat. The crystals have the composition SnCl 2 -j- 2H 2 O. This is the commercial product known as tin salt. It is very easily soluble in water, but if the solution is dilute it becomes turbid in consequence of the formation of the insoluble basic salt, 2SnCl a + 3H 2 O = 2SnPb, plumbic acid being, as will be seen, Lead Peroxide, PbO 2 , is formed by treating minium or red lead with dilute nitric acid. Minium has the compo- sition, Pb 3 O 4 . When treated with nitric acid, a part dis- solves as lead nitrate, and lead peroxide remains behind, as represented in the equation : Pb 3 O 4 + 4HNO 3 = PbO a + 2Pb(N0 3 ) 2 + 2H 2 O. The peroxide is formed in general by the action of oxidiz- ing agents upon the lower oxides of lead. One of the most convenient methods for making it consists in treat- ing lead acetate with a filtered solution of bleaching- powder. It is a dark-brown powder, insoluble in water. When ignited it loses half of its oxygen, and it gives up its oxygen readily to other substances. Towards hydro- chloric acid it acts like manganese dioxide, giving lead chloride and chlorine according to the equation PbO a + 4HC1 = PbCl 2 + 2H 2 + C1 2 . RED LEAD. 651 It appears probable that the tetrachloride is first formed, and that this then breaks down into the dichlo- ride and chlorine. When the peroxide is treated in the cold with hydrochloric acid it dissolves, and when this solution is heated it gives off chlorine. Further, when it is treated with caustic alkalies lead peroxide is thrown down. Lead peroxide dissolves in concentrated caustic potash OTC and forms a salt of the formula K 9 PbO 3 , or PbOPb o> pb As partial experimental evidence 652 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. in support of this view, the fact may be mentioned that a compound similar to red lead is formed, when a solu- tion of potassium plumbate is treated with a solution of lead oxide in potassium hydroxide. In solution, the potassium salt probably has the constitution repre- roH OH sented by the formula Pb -j Q-^-. When this is treated OK with lead oxide the corresponding lead salt should be formed. Red lead is used as a pigment, and sometimes in place of litharge when an oxide of lead is needed: as in the manufacture of glass, as a flux in the manufacture of porcelain, etc. Lead Sulphide, PbS This has already been referred to as the principal compound from which lead is ob- tained. The natural variety is called galena or galenite. It is formed in the laboratory as a black precipitate, when hydrogen sulphide is passed into a solution of a lead salt. When heated in the air, as in the roasting of galenite, the sulphur passes off as sulphur dioxide, and the lead is converted into oxide. Concentrated hydrochloric acid dissolves it. Concentrated nitric acid converts it into the sulphate. When hydrogen sulphide is conducted into a weak acid solution of lead chloride, a compound contain- ing lead, sulphur, and chlorine is precipitated, the com- position of which is approximately that represented by the formula 3PbS.PbCl 2 , and this has a red or a yellow color, according to the conditions. Lead Nitrate, Pb(NO 3 ) 2 . The nitrate is easily made by dissolving lead, lead oxide, or carbonate in nitric acid. The salt crystallizes well, and is easily soluble in water. It is difficultly soluble in dilute nitric acid, and insoluble in concentrated nitric acid, resembling in this respect barium nitrate. It is decomposed by heat, giving nitro- gen peroxide, NO 2 , and lead oxide. Lead Carbonate, PbCO 3 . The carbonate occurs in na- ture as cerussite, crystallized in forms which are the same as those of barium carbonate, and of that variety of calcium carbonate known as aragonite. It can be ob- LEAD CARBONATE. 653 tained by adding lead nitrate to a solution of ammonium carbonate, but, when solutions of lead salts are treated with the secondary carbonates of the alkali metals, pre- cipitates of basic carbonates are always obtained. When an excess of sodium carbonate is added to a solution of lead nitrate, the precipitate has the composition HO-Pb-0-CO-O-Pb-O-CO-O-Pb-OH, or 3PbO.2CO 2 + H 2 O. The salts usually obtained are more complicated than this, but the relations between them and lead oxide and carbonic acid are of the same kind. Basic lead car- bonate is prepared and used extensively, under the name of white lead, as a pigment. It is manufactured by differ- ent methods. The principal ones are the following : (1) The Dutch Method. This consists in exposing sheets of lead wound in spirals to the action of vinegar, air, and carbon dioxide from decaying organic matter. The spirals of sheet lead are placed in earthenware vessels, on the bottom of which, but not in contact with the lead, the vinegar is placed. The vessels thus arranged are placed in beds of horse manure. In consequence of de- composition, which is set up in the manure, carbon diox- ide is given off slowly, and enough heat is generated to start the action upon the lead. The chemical changes involved in the process are, mainly, the formation of a basic acetate of lead, and the subsequent decomposition of this by carbon dioxide, forming a basic carbonate, and leaving the acetic acid free to act upon a further quantity of lead. (2) The French Method. In this method a solution of basic lead acetate is prepared by treating a solution of the neutral salt with lead oxide. This is then decom- posed by passing carbon dioxide into it, when a basic carbonate is thrown down. The carbon dioxide is gen- erally made by burning coke. (3) The English Method. This is a modification of the Dutch method, and differs from it chiefly in the replace- ment of manure by spent tan in a state of fermentation, and the use of dilute acetic acid in place of vinegar. There is less risk of discoloration in consequence of the formation of sulphuretted hydrogen, but the fermen- 654 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. tation takes place more slowly, and the whole process, therefore, requires a longer time. The composition of white lead is not always the same. That prepared by precipitating a solution of basic lead acetate with carbon dioxide has the composition Pb(OH) 2 .3PbCO 3 ; and that prepared by the Dutch method has the composition Pb(OH) 2 .2PbCO 8 ; or these may be expressed structurally by the formulas Pb< o t -' and Pb< OH OH An objection to white-lead paint is that it turns dark under the influence of hydrogen sulphide. It also turns yellow in consequence of the action of some substance contained in the oil with which the lead carbonate is mixed. Lead Sulphate, PbSO 4 , occurs to some extent in nature. It is formed by adding sulphuric acid or a soluble sul- phate to a solution of a lead salt, and by oxidation of lead sulphide. Like barium sulphate, it is practically insoluble in water. As stated above, it is somewhat soluble in concentrated sulphuric acid, and it is there- fore always found in the concentrated acid of commerce. Nitric acid and hydrochloric acid dissolve it in consider- able quantity. It dissolves further quite readily in solu- tions of some ammonium salts, as in ammonium tartrate and acetate. When heated to redness it is partly decom- posed with loss of sulphur trioxide. Reactions which are of Special Value in Chemical Analy- sis. The reactions of lead salts with the soluble hy- droxides, with sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydro- gen sulphide, soluble carbonates, potassium chromate and dichromate, are the ones which are principally used in analysis. All of these have been treated of in this chapter, with the exception of those with potassium chromate and dichromate, which will be taken up in the chapter on Chromium (which see). In anticipation it LANTHANUM CERIUM. 655 may be said that the reactions are based upon the fact that lead chromate, PbCrO 4 , like barium chromate, is insoluble in water. The elements of Family V, Group A, are vanadium, columbium, didymium, and tantalum. As they are closely related to the members of Group B, of the same family, they were treated of at the end of Chapter XVIII. in connection with the members of the phosphorus group. Among them the one which is least known is didymium. This in turn is more or less closely related to two other elements of nearly the same atomic weight which occur in Families III and IV. These are lantha- num and cerium. A few words in regard to these three rare elements will suffice for the present purpose. LANTHANUM, CERIUM, DIDYMIUM. These three elements occur together in several rare minerals of Norway, as cerite, gadolinite, and allanite. Cerite is a silicate of the three metals, and its composi- Ce.) tion is represented by the formula La 4 V (SiO,) 3 + 3H a O. Di. j It is probably a mixture of three isomorphous silicates. The principal constituent is cerium silicate, Ce 4 (SiO 4 ) 3 . The perfect separation of the constituents of the mineral is a very difficult operation. Lanthanum, La (At. Wt. 137.59), forms an oxide of the formula La 2 O 3 , analogous to that of aluminium. Its chloride also is analogous to that of aluminium, and has the composition LaCl s ; and in all its salts it acts as a trivalent element. Cerium, Ce (At. Wt. 139.1), forms two series of com- pounds, in one of which it is trivaient, resembling lan- thanum and the other members of the aluminium group ; while in the other series it is quadrivalent, resembling silicon and the other members of the silicon group. The formulas of some of the principal members of the first series are as follows : CeCl 3 , Ce 2 3 , and Ce 2 (S0 4 ) 3 . 656 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Some of the principal members of the second series are represented by the formulas CeF 4 , CeO 2 , Ce(NO 3 ) 4 , and Ce(SO 4 ) a . Didymium, Di (At. Wt. 142.1), has already been re- ferred to on page 351 in connection with the members of Family Y, Group A, which it resembles in some re- spects. In most of its compounds it is, however, triva- lent, forming compounds, of some of which the following are the formulas : DiCl s , Di 2 3 , Di(N0 3 ) 3 , Di 2 (S0 4 ) 3 , Di 2 (CO 3 ) 3 , etc. Praseodymium, Pr, and Neodymium, Nd. While the name didymium is still given above, and this substance dealt with as though it were an element, as it was at first held to be, it has been shown by Auer von Welsbach that it consists of two very similar elements to which he has given the names praseodymium and neodymium.. When the double nitrate of ammonium and didymium is re- peatedly recrystallized it is separated into two salts, one of which is green, and the other rose-colored. When the nitrate or oxalate of one of these new elements is ignited it forms a black oxide, while from the other is formed an oxide of a different color. The element that gives green salts is called praseodymium, and the other neodymium. The atomic weights of these elements are nearly the same, but they have not yet been accurately determined. CHAPTER XXXI. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY VI, GROUP A : CHROMIUM MOLYBDENUM TUNGSTEN URANIUM. General. At the end of Chapter XIY., in connection with the elements of the sulphur group, the four ele- ments which form the subject of this chapter were briefly referred to, for the reason that in some respects they resemble sulphur. As was there stated, this resem- blance " is seen mainly in the formation of acids of the formulas H 2 CrO 4 , H 2 MoO 4 , H 2 WO 4 , and H 2 UO 4 ; and the oxides CrO 3 , MoO 3 , WO 3 , and UO 3 ." Further, it was stated that " when the acids of chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, and uranium lose oxygen, they form com- pounds which have little or no acid character. The lower oxides of chromium form salts with acids, and these bear a general resemblance to the salts of aluminium, iron, and manganese. The chromates lose their oxygen quite readily when acids are present with which the chromium can enter into combination as a base-forming element." " Molybdenum and tungsten do not form salts of this character : indeed they seem to be practically devoid of the power to form bases. Uranium, on the other hand, forms some curious salts which differ from the simple metallic salts which we commonly have to deal with. These are the uranyl salts which are regarded as acids, in which the hydrogen is either wholly or partly replaced by the complex UO 2 , which is bivalent. Thus, the nitrate has the formula UO 2 (NO 3 ) 2 , the sulphate (UO 2 )SO 4 , etc. These salts are derived from the compound UO 2 (OH) 2 , acting as a base, whereas the compound has also dis- tinctly acid properties." That member of the group the compounds of which are most commonly met with in the laboratory and in the arts is chromium, and this will receive principal attention here. (657) 658 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. CHROMIUM, Or (At. Wt. 51.74). General. This element forms three series of com- pounds, in which it appears to be respectively bivalent, trivalent, and sexivalent. Of these the members of the series in which it is trivalent are most stable under ordi- nary circumstances. Some of the principal members of the first series, or the chromous compounds, are repre- sented by the formulas CrCl 2 , Cr(OH) 2 , CrSO 4 , CrCO 3 . Of the second series, or the chromic compounds, some of the principal members are : CrCl 3 , Cr 2 3 , Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 , Cr(NO 3 ) 3 , KCr(SO 4 ) 2 + 12H 2 O. And, finally, the members of the third series are derived from the oxide CrO 3 , and they are for the most part salts of the acid of the formula H 2 CrO 4 , known as chromic acid, or of an acid of the formula H 2 Cr 2 O 7 , known as dichromic acid, which is closely related to chromic acid. When exposed to the air the chromous compounds are converted into chromic compounds, and they are in general readily converted into chromic compounds by the action of oxidizing agents, as cuprous and mercurous compounds are converted into cupric and mercuric com- pounds. If the oxidation takes place in acid solution the limit is reached when a chromic salt is formed. If, however, the action takes place in the presence of a strong base the limit is reached in the formation of a chromate. Thus, suppose chromous oxide to be treated with an oxidizing agent in the presence of sulphuric acid, the final product would be chromic sulphate, as repre* sented in the following equations : CrO + H 2 S0 4 = CrS0 4 + H 2 O ; 2CrS0 4 + H 2 S0 4 + O = Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + H 2 O. On the other hand, if the oxidation takes place in the presence of caustic potash the final product is potassium chromate, as shown in the following equation : CrO + 2KOH + O a = K 2 CrO 4 + H 2 O. CHROMIUM. 659 When a chromate is treated with an acid it tends to pass back to a compound of the chromic series, and the change involves the giving up of oxygen. Thus when potassium chromate is treated with sulphuric acid in the presence of something which has the power to take up oxygen, potassium and chromium sulphates are formed, and oxygen is given up, thus : 2K 2 CrO 4 + 5H 2 SO 4 = 2K 2 SO 4 -f Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + 5H 2 O -f 3O. All these relations will be more fully taken up in the paragraphs which treat of the individual compounds. Forms in which Chromium Occurs in Nature. The principal form in which chromium occurs in nature is the mineral chromite, also known as chromic iron and chrome iron ore. This has the composition FeCr 2 O 4 , and, as will be pointed out below, it is probably analo- gous to the spinels (see p. 572), being an iron salt of the acid CrO.OH, which may be called metachromous acid. CrO O This view is represented by the formula ^ Q*^>Fe. It occurs also in the mineral crocoisite, which is lead chromate, PbCrO 4 . The name chromium is derived from the Greek jpcSyua', meaning color ; and the element is so called because most of its compounds are colored. Preparation. The metal is obtained by the electroly- sis of chromic chloride ; by decomposing the chloride by means of sodium in the form of vapor ; and by treat- ing the chloride with zinc. Properties. Chromium is a light-gray, crystalline, lus- trous, metallic-looking substance ; or it consists of mi- croscopic, lustrous rhombohedrons of a tin-white color. It is very hard, and difficultly fusible. When heated in the air it is oxidized very slowly, but in the flame of the oxyhydrogen blowpipe it burns, forming chromic oxide, Cr 2 O 3 . It is easily dissolved by hydrochloric acid. Cold sulphuric acid does not dissolve it ; the hot acid does. Nitric acid does not affect it. When treated with salts of potassium which easily give up their oxygen, as the chlorate and nitrate, it is converted into potassium chromate. 660 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Chromous Chloride, CrCl 2 , is formed by dissolving the metal in hydrochloric acid, and by carefully heating chromic chloride in a current of hydrogen. It forms white crystals, which dissolve in water, giving a blue solution. This solution takes up oxygen very readily from the air, and the compound is converted into others which belong to the chromic series. The other chro- mous compounds act in a similar way. Chromic Chloride, CrCl 3 . This compound is made in solution by dissolving chromic hydroxide, Cr(OH) 3 , in hydrochloric acid. This solution has a dark-green color. When evaporated to a sufficient extent crystals of the composition CrCl 3 + 6H 2 O are deposited. If these are heated in the air they undergo decomposition just as aluminium chloride does, and the product left behind is chromic oxide : 2CrCl 3 + 3H 2 O = Cr 2 O 3 + 6HC1. If, however, the crystallized chloride is heated in an atmosphere of chlorine or hydrochloric acid, the water is given off, and the anhydrous chloride, which has a beautiful reddish violet color, is formed. This dissolves in water and forms a green solution. But if the dry chloride thus obtained is sublimed, it is deposited in lustrous laminae of the same color ; and this variety is insoluble in water and acids, and is only slowly acted upon by boiling alkalies. This insoluble, crystal- lized variety of the chloride is obtained also by the same method as that used in making aluminium chloride, that is, by passing a current of chlorine over a heated mix- ture of carbon and chromic oxide. Although it is called insoluble, it passes gradually into solution by boiling with water. Further, when a very minute quantity of chromous chloride is mixed with it, it dissolves easily, and forms a green colored solution. Chromic chloride unites with other chlorides, as alu- minium chloride does, and forms double chlorides, analogous to the chlor-aluminates. Examples of these are the compounds of the formulas CrCl 3 .KCl, or CHROMIC HYDROXIDE. 661 KCrCl 4 ; CrCl 3 .2KCl, or K 2 CrCl 6 ; and CrCl 3 .3KCl, or K 3 CrCl 6 . Chromous Hydroxide, Cr(OH) 2 , is formed as a brown- ish-yellow precipitate by adding caustic potash to a solu- tion of chromous chloride. It easily gives up hydrogen, and is converted into chromic oxide : 2Cr(OH), = Cr.O. + H 2 O + H,. | , Chromic Hydroxide, Cr(OH) 3 . When ammonia is added to a solution of a chromic salt, a light-blue voluminous precipitate, which has the composition Cr(OH) 3 -|- 2H 2 O, is formed. When this is filtered off and dried in a vacuum it loses the water and leaves the hydroxide. This is readily converted by heat into a compound of the formula CrO.OH, and finally into chromic oxide, Cr 2 O 3 . The green precipitates formed in solutions of chromic salts by sodium and potassium hydroxides always con- tain some of the alkali metal in combination. Chromic hydroxide, like aluminium hydroxide, dis- solves in the soluble hydroxides, and forms salts known as chromites, which are derived from the acid CrO.OH. Thus with potassium hydroxide the action takes place as represented in the equation /OH Crf- OH + KOH = Cr^Xi^ + 2H 2 O. X)H If the solution containing potassium or sodium chro- mite is boiled, the salt is decomposed and chromic hy- droxide precipitated, though the precipitate thus formed always contains some of the alkali metal in combination. It will be noticed that in this respect aluminium and chromium conduct themselves differently towards the alkaline hydroxides. It has already been stated that chromite, (CrO.O) 2 Fe, is regarded as an iron salt of the same order as the po- tassium salt referred to. 662 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Another hydroxide formed by heating potassium di- chromate and boric .acid together has the composition represented by the formula Cr 2 O(OH) 4 or Cr 4 O 3 (OH) 6 . This is known as Guignet's green. The relation between the normal hydroxide and these compounds is shown by means of the equations 2Cr(OH) 3 = Cr 2 O(OH) 4 + H 2 O ; 4Cr(OH) 3 = Cr 4 O 3 (OH) 6 + 3H 2 O. Chromic Oxide, Cr 2 O s , is formed by igniting the hy- droxides, and is most readily prepared by heating a mixture of potassium dichromate and sulphur. The sulphur is oxidized, and with the potassium forms potassium sulphate, while the chromic acid is reduced to the form of the oxide Cr 2 O 3 . It can be obtained in crystals. As ordinarily obtained it is a green powder, which after ignition is almost insoluble in acids. It is dissolved, however, by treatment with fusing potassium sulphate. The oxide colors glass green, and is used in painting porcelain. Chromic Sulphate, Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 , is made by dissolving the hydroxide in concentrated sulphuric acid when it is de- posited in purple crystals of the composition Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 -f- 15H 2 O. If the solution of this salt is boiled, the so- lution becomes green, and crystals cannot be obtained from it. But by standing for some time the green solu- tion becomes reddish purple again, and yields the crys- tallized salt. Other salts of chromium act in the same way. They exist in two varieties, one of which crystal- lizes and is reddish purple in color, while the other does not crystallize and is green. The crystallized salts are converted into the uncrystallized green salts by boiling, and the green salts are converted into the crystallized salts by standing. Chrome- Alums. Chromic sulphate, like aluminium sul- phate, combines with other sulphates, such as potassium, sodium, and ammonium sulphates, and forms well-crys- tallized salts, which are closely analogous to ordinary CHROMIC ACID AND THE CHROMATES. 663 alum. They all contain twelve molecules of water, as represented in -the formulas below : Chrome-Alum, KCr(SO 4 ) 2 -f 12H O Sodium Chrome-Alum, . . . NaCr(SO 4 ) 2 + 12H 2 ~O Ammonium Chrome-Alum, . (NH 4 )Cr(SO 4 ) 2 + 12H 2 O The potassium compound which is commonly called chrome-alum is made by adding a reducing agent, such as alcohol or sulphur dioxide, to a solution of potas- sium dichromate containing sulphuric acid. If the solu- tion is heated it turns green, and crystals cannot be ob- tained from it. But on standing for a considerable time its color changes, and reddish-purple crystals of the alum are deposited. This change can be facilitated by putting some crystals of the salt in the concentrated green solution. The action of reducing agents upon po- tassium dichromate will be treated of farther on. The salt finds application in dyeing and tanning. Chromic Acid and the Chromates. It has already been stated that when chromium compounds belonging to the chromous and chromic series are oxidized in the pres- ence of bases they are converted into chromates. These salts are derived from an acid of the formula H 2 CrO 4 , which is unknown, as it breaks down spontaneously into chromium trioxide, CrO 3 , and water, when it is set free from its salts, just as carbonic and sulphurous acids break down respectively into carbon dioxide and water, and sulphur dioxide and water. The starting-point for the preparation of the chromates and the compounds re- lated to them is chromic iron. This is ground fine, inti- mately mixed with a mixture of caustic potash and lime, and then heated in shallow furnaces in contact with the air. ' Under these circumstances oxidation is effected by the oxygen of the air. The iron is converted into ferric oxide, and the chromium gives, with the calcium and potassium, the corresponding chromates, CaCrO 4 and K 2 CrO 4 . When the mass is treated with water these salts dissolve, and ferric oxide remains undissolved. By treating the solution with potassium sulphate the cal- cium salt is converted into the potassium salt, and thus 664 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. all the chromium appears in the form of potassium ehro* mate, the changes referred to are represented in the fol- lowing equations : 2(Cr0 2 ) 2 Fe + 8KOH + 7O = 4K 2 CrO 4 + Fe 2 O 3 + 4H 2 O : 2(CrO 2 ) 2 Fe + 4CaO + 7O = 4CaCrO 4 + Fe 2 O 3 ; OaCr0 4 + K 2 SO 4 = K 2 CrO 4 + CaSO 4 . As potassium chromate is easily soluble in water, and therefore difficult to purify, it is converted into the dichromate, which is less soluble and crystallizes well. The change is easily effected by adding the necessary quantity of a dilute acid. If nitric acid is used the re- action is represented by the following equation : 2K 2 Cr0 4 + 2HN0 3 = K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 2KNO 3 + H 2 O. The salt thus obtained is manufactured on the large scale and is the starting-point for the preparation of other chromium compounds. Potassium Chromate, K 2 CrO 4 , formed as above de- scribed, is a light-yellow crystallized substance which is easily soluble in water. It is isomorphous with potas- sium sulphate. Acids convert it into the dichromate, as just stated. Potassium Dichromate, K 2 Cr 2 O7. This salt forms large red plates, which are triclinic. It is soluble in ten parts of water at the ordinary temperature, and is much more soluble in hot water. When heated, it at first melts without undergoing decomposition ; at white heat, how- ever, it is decomposed, yielding the chromate, chromic oxide, and oxygen : 2K 2 Cr 2 O 7 = 2K 2 Cr0 4 + Cr 2 O 3 + 3O. It undergoes a similar change, but much more readily, when heated with concentrated sulphuric acid. In this case, however, the chromic oxide forms chromic sulphate with the acid, and this forms chrome-alum with the po- tassium sulphate : K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 4H 2 SO 4 = 2KCr(SO 4 ) 2 + 4H 2 O + 3O. All the oxygen in the chromate in excess of that required POTASSIUM DICHROMATE. 665 to form the alum and water is given off. This also is the character of the action towards reducing agents in general. One molecule of the dichromate gives three atoms of oxygen. With sulphur dioxide the action is that represented in the equation K 3 O 2 O 7 -f 4H 2 SO 4 + 3SO 2 = 2KCr(SO 4 ) 2 + 3H 2 SO 4 -f H 2 O. Or, one molecule of the dichromate converts three mole- cules of sulphur dioxide, SO 2 , into three molecules of sulphuric acid, H 2 SO 4 . The action with alcohol will be understood by the aid of the following equation, which represents the action of oxygen in general upon alcohol : C 2 H 6 + O = C 2 H 4 + H,0. Alcohol Aldehyde Each molecule of alcohol requires one atom of oxygen to convert it into aldehyde. Therefore, one molecule of the dichromate oxidizes three molecules of alcohol to aldehyde : K 2 Cr 2 7 + 4H 2 SO 4 + 3C 2 H 6 O = 2KCr(SO 4 ) 2 + 3C 2 H 4 O + 7H 2 O. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is oxidized by the di- chromate, and chlorine is evolved : K 2 Cr 2 7 + 14HC1 = 2KC1 + 2CrCl 3 + 7H 2 O + 601. Here two atoms of chlorine are required to form potas- sium chloride with the potassium, and six to form chro- mic chloride with the chromium ; and the eight hydro- gen atoms in combination with this chlorine combine with four atoms of oxygen of the dichromate, leaving three more to oxidize hydrochloric acid. Consequently one molecule of the dichromate sets free six atoms of chlorine : 3O + 6HC1 = 3H 2 O + 6C1. When the dichromate in solution is treated with po- tassium hydroxide, its color changes to yellow, in con- sequence of the formation of the chromate, the action taking place as represented in this equation : K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 2KOH = 2K 2 CrO 4 -f H 2 O. 6 GO INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Potassium dichromate finds extensive use in the arts and in the laboratory as an oxidizing agent. With gela- tine it forms a mixture which is sensitive to light, which turns it dark, and makes it insoluble. This fact is made the basis of a number of photographic processes. The dichromate is used, further, in dyeing. Chromium Trioxide, CrO 3 , crystallizes out on cooling when either the chromate or the dichromate is treated in concentrated solution with concentrated sulphuric acid. This is a beautiful red substance, which crystallizes in needles. When dissolved in water it forms a solution from which, by neutralization, the chromates can be ob- tained. When heated alone it gives off half its oxygen, and is converted into chromic oxide : 2Cr0 3 = Cr 2 3 + 3O ; and when heated with sulphuric acid it gives chromic sulphate and oxygen : 2CrO 3 + 3H 2 SO 4 = Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + 3H 2 O + 3O. It is an extremely active oxidizing agent, disintegrating most organic substances with which it is brought in con- tact. Relations between the Chromates and Bichromates. The fact that chromium trioxide with water gives chro- mic acid, which is a dibasic acid, whose salts in general resemble those of sulphuric acid, leads to the belief that the structure of chromic acid should be represented by a formula similar to that of sulphuric acid, thus : O O HO-S-OH HO-Cr-OH 6 b. or or 0,S(OH), 2 Cr(OH), Just as sulphuric acid by loss of water is converted into disulphuric acid or pyrosulphuric acid, so chromic acid is converted into dichromic acid, and in all probability the relation between the chromates and dichromates is RELATIONS OF THE CHROMATES AND BICHROMATES. 667 the same as that between the sulphates and disulphates, as represented by the equations 9O t < CrO,< But, as has been stated, neither chromic acid nor di- chromic acid is known, as they break down into chromium trioxide and water when set free from their salts. The conversion of potassium chromate into the dichromate by treatment with an acid is represented as follows : .OK Prft . 'Pb 2KOH = This then loses water, and forms the salt CrO 2 O, which is chrome red. Lead chromate dissolves completely in the caustic alkalies in consequence of the formation of chromates and plumbites. Silver chromate, Ag 2 CrO 4 , is formed as a red precipitate when a chromate is treated with a silver salt. Potassium trichromate t K 2 Cr 3 O ]0 , and potassium tetra- cJiromate, K 2 O 4 O 13 , are formed by treating the dichromate with nitric acid : 3K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 2HNO 3 = 2K 2 Cr 3 O 10 + 2KN0 3 + H 2 O ; 2K 2 Cr 2 0, + 2HN0 3 - K 2 Cr 4 O 13 + 2KNO 3 + H 2 O. The acids from which these salts are derived bear to or- dinary chromic acid relations similar to those which the polysilicic acids bear to ordinary silicic acid. Chromium Oxychloride, Chromyl Chloride, CrOzCla, is analogous to sulphuryl chloride, SO 2 C1 2 , and is to be ANALYTICAL REACTIONS OF CHROMIUM. 669 regarded as derived from chromic acid by the replace- ment of the hydroxyls by chlorine : CrO.S0 ' = UO,SO, + 2H,0; TTO , , HO.NO, TTO .O.NO, U0 5 j Many uranium salts exhibit in solution a beautiful fluorescence. CHAPTER XXXII. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY VII, GROUP A : MANGANESE (Mn, At. Wt. 54.57). General. At the close of Chapter XII (which see), which treated of the elements of Family VII, Group B, or the chlorine group, reference was made to man- ganese, and attention was called to the fact that in some respects it resembles chlorine. The resemblance is seen in the formation of an oxide, Mn 2 O 7 , and an acid, HMnO 4 , analogous to perchloric acid. On the other hand, in many of its compounds it plays the part of a base-forming element, and in this capacity it forms two series of compounds, known as the manganous and the manganic compounds. In the former the element ap- pears to be bivalent, and in the latter trivalent. The formulas of some of the principal manganous com- pounds are : MnCl 2 , Mn(OH) 2 , MnO, Mn(N0 8 ) 2 , MnSO 4 , MnCO 3 , etc. The formulas of some of the principal manganic com- pounds are : Mn(OH) 3 , Mn a O 3 , MnO(OH), Mn 2 (SO 4 ) s , KMn(SO 4 ) 3 + 12H 2 O, etc. These two series of compounds are analogous in composi- tion to the chromous and chromic compounds, but, while the chromic compounds are more stable than the chro- mous compounds, the manganous compounds are more stable than the manganic compounds. By contact with the air, the manganous are not as a rule converted into the manganic compounds. Corresponding to chromic acid, there is a manganic acid, H 2 MnO 4 ; and, further, there is the permanganic acid already mentioned, of the formula HMnO 4 . An anal- ogous compound of chromium, perchromic acid, HCrO 4 , (678) MANGANESE. 679 is believed to be formed when hydrogen peroxide is added to an aqueous solution of chromic acid, but this is by no means certain. Manganic acid and its salts are very unstable, and are readily converted into perman- ganic acid and the permanganates. On the other hand, perchromic acid, if it exists at all, is spontaneously de- composed, yielding ordinary chromic acid. To sum up, then, both chromium and manganese form four classes of compounds. But, while chromium under ordinary circumstances preferably forms chromic salts and salts of chromic acid, manganese preferably forms manganous salts and salts of permanganic acid. Manganese forms a number of oxides corresponding to the formulas MnO, Mn 2 O 3 , Mn 3 O 4 , MnO 2 , and Mn 3 O 7 . Of these probably the one of the composition Mn 3 O 4 and perhaps that of the composition Mn 2 O 3 are com- pounds of the others, as will be pointed out further on. Forms in which Manganese occurs in Nature. The principal natural compound of manganese is the black oxide or pyrolusite, MnO 2 . Besides this, however, there are several compounds found in nature, the principal ones being, braunite, Mn 2 O 3 , hausmannite, Mn 3 O 4 , man- ganite, Mn 2 O 2 (OH) 2 , and rhodocroisite, which is the car- bonate, MnCO 3 . Preparation and Properties. The metal is isolated from its oxides by heating them to a high temperature with charcoal. It looks like cast iron, is brittle and hard, and has the specific gravity 8. It easily becomes oxidized in the air, decomposes warm water, and dis- solves readily in dilute acids. It is used as a con- stituent of some useful alloys, and imparts certain de- sirable properties to iron, as will be pointed out when that metal is taken up. Manganous Chloride, MnCl 2 . This chloride is obtained in solution by dissolving any one of the oxides or hy- droxides or the carbonate of manganese in hydrochloric acid with the aid of gentle heat. Its formation in the preparation of chlorine from manganese dioxide and hy- drochloric acid was referred to under Chlorine (which see). When the solution is evaporated to the proper 680 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. concentration, the salt crystallizes out in pink, mono- clinic plates of the composition MnCl 2 -f- 4H 2 O. When the crystallized salt is heated, it decomposes into the oxide and hydrochloric acid, as so many other chlorides do. It forms double chlorides, an example of which is the ammonium compound of the formula MnCl 2 .2NH 4 Cl or (NH 4 ) 2 MnCl 4 . When manganic hydroxide, Mn(OH) 3 , is treated in the cold with hydrochloric acid, a deep brown-colored solu- tion is formed, which is believed to contain the trichlo- ride, MnCl 3 . On standing, however, this solution gives off chlorine slowly, and when heated it gives it off rap- idly, and the color changes to pink when only mangan- ous chloride is left in the solution. Phenomena similar to those just mentioned are ob- served when manganese dioxide is treated with hydro- chloric acid in the cold, and it is believed that the tetrachloride, MnCl 4 , is contained in the solution. While the tetrafluoride itself has not been isolated, a solution is obtained by treating manganese dioxide with concentrated hydrofluoric acid which with potassium fluoride gives a salt of the formula MnF 4 .2KF or K 2 MnF 6 . General Remarks Concerning the Oxides. The series of oxides of manganese strongly suggests that of the oxides of lead. Manganese, however, forms one oxide, the heptoxide, Mn 2 O 7 , for which there is no analogue among the compounds of lead. Placing the formulas of the oxides of the two metals side by side, we have the follow- ing table : PbO MnO Pb 2 3 Mn 2 3 Pb 3 O 4 Mn 8 O 4 PbO 2 MnO 2 Mn 2 7 . Just as lead oxide when heated is converted into red- lead, Pb 3 O 4 , so the other oxides of manganese are con- verted into the oxide, Mn 3 O 4 , when heated. This has al- ready been seen in the preparation of oxygen by heating the dioxide. In the same way, the oxide, Mn 2 O 3 , loses OXIDES OF MANGANESE. 681 enough oxygen, and the lowest oxide, MnO, takes up enough to form the same product : 3Mn 2 O 3 = 2Mn 3 O 4 + O ; 3MnO + O = Mn 3 O 4 . When treated with energetic oxidizing agents in the presence of the alkalies, all the oxides are converted into manganates. On the other hand, if a manganate is re- duced in the presence of an acid the tendency to form inanganous compounds shows itself, and all oxygen pres- ent in excess of that required to form the manganous salt is given off. Manganous Oxide, MnO, is formed by reducing one of the higher oxides in a current of hydrogen. Manganous Hydroxide, Mn(OH) 2 , is formed as a white precipitate when a soluble hydroxide is added to a solu- tion of a manganous salt. Suspended in the alkali, or in contact with air, it absorbs oxygen, and is converted into hydroxides corresponding to the higher oxides. Manganous-manganic Oxide, Mn 3 O 4 , occurs in nature as the mineral hausmannite. It is formed, as already stated, by igniting the other oxides in contact with the air. When heated with dilute nitric acid, it acts like the cor- responding oxide of lead, giving manganous nitrate, and leaving manganese dioxide : Mn 3 4 + 4HN0 3 = 2Mn(NO 3 ) 2 + MnO, + 2H 2 O. It breaks down in the same way with dilute sulphuric acid. These facts make it appear probable that the ox- ide is the manganous salt of normal manganous acid, Mn(OH) 4 , just as minium or red lead is regarded as the lead salt of normal plumbic acid, Pb(OH) 4 , (p. 651.) This fg>Mn view is expressed by the formula Mn i JJ . The de- [ >Mn composition with acids, as with sulphuric acid, would, according to this, be represented thus : Mn0 4 Mn a + 2H 2 SO 4 = 2MnSO 4 + Mn(OH) 4 . The. hydroxide thus formed would then break down into the dioxide and water. 682 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Manganic Oxide, Mn 2 O 3 , occurs in nature as the mm- eral braunite, and it can be made from the other oxides by igniting them in oxygen. A hydroxide related to this, and having the composition MnO.OH, analogous to the compounds of aluminium and chromium of the formulas A1O.OH and CrO.OH, is found in nature, and is known as manganite. The hydroxide, Mn(OH) 3 , is formed when manganous hydroxide, Mn(OH) 2 , is ex- posed in a solution of ammonia in contact with the air, and forms a brownish black powder. Manganese Dioxide, MnO 2 . This important compound occurs in nature in very considerable quantities, and is known as pyrolusite or the black oxide of manganese. It is obtained artificially by gently igniting manganous nitrate. A hydroxide derived from the dioxide is ob- tained by treating a manganous salt in alkaline solution with a soluble hypochlorite or chlorine or bromine. The chief application of the dioxide is in the preparation of chlorine, for which purpose it is used in large quantities. It is also used for making oxygen, and for the purpose of decolorizing glass. In the last process a small quantity is added to the molten glass. This alone would give the glass an amethyst color. Without it the glass would be green. One color counteracts the other, and the glass appears colorless. As regards the action of hydro- chloric acid upon manganese dioxide, it has been sug- gested, upon the basis of experimental investigations, that the first product of the action is a compound of the formula H 3 MnCl e , which is the chlorine compound analogous to the oxygen acid, H a MnO 3 . The action is supposed to take place as represented in the following equation : 0=Mn=O 6HC1 = ~>Mn=Cl 2HO. The suggestion is made, further, that it is this compound, and not manganese tetrachloride, MnCl 4 , which breaks down yielding chlorine, the action taking place thus : H-(Cn >MnC1 * = MnC1 * + 2HC1 MANGANITES. 683 The manganons chloride and some of the chlormangan- ous acid then react, forming a compound which with water undergoes decomposition. In regard to this sug- gestion, it can only be said that as yet it is not sufficiently supported by facts. The formation of the unstable compound, H 2 MnCl 6 , appears highly probable, however, in view of the conduct of so many other chlorides in the presence of hydrochloric acid. Manganites. There are some salts known as the man- ganites, which are clearly derived from hydroxides re- lated to manganese dioxide. Theoretically the simplest hydroxides of this kind are those of the formulas Mn(OH) 4 and MnO(OH) 2 . The salts are not, however, derived from these, but from more complicated forms, as H 2 Mn 2 O 6 and H 2 Mn 5 O u , the relations between which and the simpler hydroxides are shown in the equations 2MnO(OH) 2 = Mn 2 O 3 (OH) 2 + H 2 O ; 5MnO(OH) 2 = Mn 5 O 9 (OH) 2 + 4H 2 O. The potassium salt, K 2 Mn 5 O n , is obtained when carbon dioxide is conducted into a solution of potassium man- ganate. Further, a salt of the composition KH 3 Mn 4 O JO is formed as a brown insoluble powder by boiling the other manganites with potassium hydroxide or car- bonate. Weldon's Process for the ^Regeneration of Manganese Dioxide in the Preparation of Chlorine. Under the head of Chlorine (which see), Weldon's process was referred to ; but as a satisfactory explanation of the working of the process could not be given without dealing with some rather complicated compounds of manganese, a fuller account was postponed until these compounds should be taken up. The object in view is to utilize the waste liquors from the chlorine factories. When manganese dioxide is treated with hydrochloric acid, as we have seen, manganous chloride and chlorine are formed, according to the equation Mn0 2 + 4HC1 = MnCl 2 + C1 2 + 2H 2 O. 684 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The manganous chloride was of no special value until it was shown that by a comparatively simple method it can be converted into a compound which with hydrochloric acid gives chlorine. When it is treated in solution with lime the corresponding hydroxide is precipitated : MnCl, + Ca(OH) 2 = Mn(OH) a + CaCl a ; and when this hydroxide mixed with lime is allowed to stand exposed to the air oxidation takes place, and a compound CaMn0 3 or CaMn 2 O 6 is formed : Mn(OH) 2 + Ca(OH) 2 + O = CaMnO 3 + 2H 2 O ; 2Mn(OH) 2 + Ca(OH) 2 + 2O = CaMn 2 O 5 + 3H 2 O. These -compounds give chlorine when treated with hydro- chloric acid. They may indeed be regarded as consisting of lime and manganese dioxide, CaO. MnO 2 and CaO.2MnO 2 , and the action of hydrochloric acid takes place thus : CaO.Mn0 2 + 6HC1 =CaCl 2 + MnCl 2 +3H 2 O + C1 2 ; Ca0.2Mn0 2 + 10HC1 = CaCl 2 + 2MnCl 2 + 5H 2 O + 2C1 3 . In practice, the waste liquor is mixed with calcium carbonate in order to neutralize the acid. After settling, lime enough is added to precipitate the manganese as hydroxide, and to form with this a mixture in molecular proportions. Into this mixture steam and air are passed, when the oxidation referred to takes place, and calcium nianganite is formed. Sulphides. When a solution of a manganous salt is treated with ammonium sulphide, a flesh-colored pre- cipitate, which is thought to be the hydrosulphide, is formed. When this is exposed to the air it turns dark in consequence of oxidation ; and if allowed to stand in the liquid, if this is concentrated, it turns green and be- comes crystalline. The product thus formed is man- ganous sulphide, MnS. This also occurs in nature as alabandite. A disulphide, MnS 2 , corresponding to the dioxide is also found in nature, and is known as hauerite. VARIOUS COMPOUNDS OF MANGANESE. 685 Manganous Cyanide, Mn(C!N") 2 , in combination with, po- tassium or sodium cyanide as the compounds Mn(CN) 2 . 4KCN or K 4 Mn(CN) 6 , and Mn(CN) 2 .4NaCN or Na 4 Mn(CN) 6 , is formed by treating solutions of manganous salts with potassium or sodium cyanides. When exposed to the air, or when the solutions are boiled, salts of the formulas Mn(CN) 3 .3KCN or K 3 Mn(CN) 6 and Mn(CN) 3 .3NaCN or Na 3 Mn(CN) 6 are formed. Manganous Carbonate, MnCO 3 , is found in nature, and is precipitated when a solution of a manganous salt is treated with a soluble carbonate. Manganous Sulphate, MnSO 4 , is formed by heating the oxides of manganese with concentrated sulphuric acid. If higher oxides than manganous oxide are used, oxygen is given off : MnO +H 2 S0 4 =MnS0 4 + H 2 O ; Mn A + 2H 2 S0 4 = 2MnS0 4 + 2H 2 O + O ; Mn0 2 + H 2 S0 4 = MnSO 4 + H 2 O + O. It crystallizes at low temperatures with seven molecules of water, and at ordinary temperatures with five, in this respect resembling cupric sulphate (which see). * The salt of the formula MnSO 4 + 7H 2 O forms bright-red monoclinic prisms ; while that of the formula MnSO 4 -f- 5H 2 O forms pink triclinic crystals. Between 20 and 30 it forms monoclinic prisms with four molecules of water. Manganic Sulphate, Mn 2 (SO 4 ) 3 , is formed when the oxide Mn 3 O 4 , or the finely divided precipitated dioxide, MnO 2 , is treated with sulphuric acid at not too high a tempera- ture. It forms a dark green amorphous powder, which is easily decomposed by heat and by water. With the sulphates of the alkali metals it forms salts analogous to the alums, as KMn(SO 4 ) 2 + 12H 2 O and NH 4 Mn(SO 4 ) 2 + 12H 2 O, in which manganese takes the place of aluminium. This fact makes it appear probable that in the manganic compounds manganese is trivalent, as aluminium prob- ably is in its compounds. Manganic Acid and the Manganates. When an oxide of manganese is treated with an energetic oxidizing agent in the presence of a strong base it is converted into a 686 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. manganate, just as the oxides of chromium are converted into chromates and the compounds of sulphur into sul- phates. These three classes of compounds are analo- gous as far as the composition is concerned, as shown by the formulas M 2 MnO 4 M 2 CrO 4 M 2 SO 4 Manganate Chromate Sulphate The manganates are, however, quite unstable except in alkaline solution, and when they decompose they form the permanganates. Potassium manganate, K 2 MnO 4 , is formed by fusing manganese dioxide with potassium hy- droxide, when, if the air is not in contact with the mass, the reaction takes place as represented in the equation 3MnO 3 + 2KOH = K 2 MnO 4 + Mn 2 O 3 + H,O. It is also made by fusing the dioxide with potassium hy- droxide and potassium chlorate, when this reaction takes- place : 3Mn0 2 + 6KOH + KC1O 3 = 3K 2 MnO 4 + KG1 + 3H,(X "When the mass obtained in either way is treated with water a dark-green solution of the manganate is formed, and by allowing this to evaporate at the ordinary tem- perature in a partial vacuum, or in an atmosphere free of oxygen, the salt is obtained in small crystals, which are almost black. When a solution of a manganate i& treated with an acid, the manganic acid is at once decom- posed into permanganic acid and manganese dioxide : 3H 2 MnO 4 = 2HMn0 4 + MnO 2 + 2H 2 O. The change of a manganate to a permanganate is ef- fected simply by passing carbon dioxide into the solu- tion, or by boiling or allowing the solution to stand in the air. The change by means of carbon dioxide is rep- resented by the equation 3K a MnO 4 + 2C0 3 = 2K a C0 3 + MnO 2 + 2KMnO 4 . POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE. 687 With water the change takes place thus : 3K 2 MnO 4 + 2H a O = 2KMnO 4 + MnO a + 4KOH. The potassium hydroxide and the manganese dioxide react upon each other to form a manganite of more or less complicated composition. While the manganates are decomposed by acids, forming permanganates, the latter are decomposed by alkalies, forming manganates. Thus, when a solution of potassium permanganate is boiled with potassium hydroxide the color changes to green, owing to the formation of the manganate : 2KOH + 2KMnO 4 = 2K 2 MnO 4 + H 2 O + O. This change takes place readily in the presence of sub- stances which have the power to take up oxygen ; but if such substances are present the reduction goes further, forming finally a manganite which is a derivative of the hydroxide, MnO(OH) 2 . Permanganic Acid and the Permanganates. The sim- plest method of obtaining the permanganates is by de- composition of the manganates, as described in the last paragraph. Potassium Permanganate, KMnO 4 , is manufactured on the large scale by oxidizing manganese dioxide in the presence of a base. Sometimes the oxidation is effected by the oxygen of the air ; sometimes by the action of an oxidizing agent, as potassium chlorate or nitrate. The fundamental reaction in each case is that represented by the equation MnO 2 + 2KOH + O = K 2 MnO 4 + H 2 O. As will be observed, it is a reaction of the same kind as that involved in the conversion of a sulphite into a sul- phate. Probably the first action of the hydroxide upon the dioxide consists in the formation of the manganite, K 2 MnO 3 , and this is then oxidized to the manganate. When the solution of the manganate is treated with sul- phuric acid a change similar to those referred to above takes place, and the permanganate is formed. The salt 688 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. is easily soluble in water, and is deposited from its solu- tion in crystals, isomorphous with potassium perchlorate, which appear nearly black, with a greenish lustre. Its- solution in water has a purple or reddish-purple color, according to the concentration. Yery concentrated solu- tions appear almost black. The salt is used extensively in the laboratory and in the arts as an oxidizing agent. Its action will be readily understood from what has- already been said in regard to the conduct of manganese towards acids and towards alkalies. When the perman- ganate undergoes decomposition in the presence of an acid the manganese tends to form a manganous salt, and all the oxygen present in excess of what is needed for this purpose is given off. Thus the decomposition with sulphuric acid takes place as represented in the equation 2KMn0 4 + 3H 2 S0 4 = 2MnSO 4 + K 2 SO 4 + 3H 2 O + 5O. Therefore, when potassium permanganate is used as an oxidizing agent in acid solution, two molecules of the salt KMnO 4 give five atoms of oxygen. On the other hand, when the action takes place in alkaline solution the action reaches its limit in a manganite, which, for purposes of calculation, may be regarded as having the composition K 2 MnO 3 . The first change is from the per- manganate to the manganate as represented in the equa- tion 2KMn0 4 + 2KOH = 2K 2 MnO 4 + H 2 O + O, and then the manganate loses another atom of oxygen, 2K 2 MnO 4 = 2K 2 MnO 3 + 2O. Therefore, when the permanganate is used as an oxid- izing agent in alkaline solution, two molecules of the salt yield three atoms of oxygen. The permanganates and maganates are valuable dis- infecting agents, and the sodium salts are extensively used for this purpose, under the name of Candy's liquid. When a solution of barium permanganate is treated with sulphuric acid, free permanganic acid is obtained REACTIONS OF MANGANESE COMPOUNDS. 689 in solution. It is extremely unstable, and decomposes spontaneously when the solution is exposed to the light or is heated. When dry potassium permanganate is added to concentrated sulphuric acid, oily drops sepa- rate and collect upon the bottom of the vessel. These are manganese heptoxide, Mn 2 O 7 , which is formed thus : 2KMnO 4 + H 2 SO 4 = K 2 SO 4 + Mn 2 O 7 + H 2 O. The compound bears to permanganic acid the relation of an anhydride : 2HMnO 4 = Mn 2 O 7 + H,O. It is extremely unstable, giving off oxygen with great ease, and therefore acting as a powerful oxidizing agent. As regards the constitution of the manganates and permanganates, they are respectively regarded as anal- ogous to the sulphates and perchlorates. Accord- ingly manganic acid is represented by the formula O HO-Mn-OH or MnO 2 (OH) 2 , while permanganic acid is 6 o represented by the formula O=Mn-OH or MnO 3 (OH). b Reactions which are of Special Value in Chemical Analysis. The conduct of manganous salts towards soluble hydroxides and towards soluble carbonates has been described. The hydroxide is soluble in ammonia and ammonium salts, but this solution turns brown when exposed to the air and the manganese is gradually pre- cipitated as the hydroxide Mn(OH) 3 . The conduct towards ammonium sulphide has been described. When oxidizing agents like hypochlorites, chlorine, or bromine act upon manganous salts in solu- tions in presence of soluble hydroxides, hydroxides cor- responding to the dioxide MnO 2 , such as Mn(OH) 4 , MnO(OH) 2 , are precipitated. Instead of the above- 690 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. mentioned oxidizing agents, potassium permanganate may be used. The action of potassium permanganate and manganate as oxidizing agents when used in alkaline and in acid solutions has been described above. Manganese is easily detected by heating the substance under examination with nitric acid and lead peroxide, when permanganic acid will be formed if manganese is present, and its formation will be shown by the purple color of the solution. "With microcosmic salt and borax manganese gives an amethyst-colored bead in the oxidizing flame, which becomes colorless in the reducing flame. CHAPTER XXXIII. ELEMENTS OF FAMILY 'VIII, SUB-GROUP A: IRON COBALT NICKEL. General. The three elements which form this group are in many respects very similar, and their atomic weights differ but little from one another. That of iron (55.6) is nearly the same as that of manganese (54.57), while cobalt and nickel have nearly the same atomic weight. There is much in iron which suggests manganese. It forms two series of compounds, the ferrous and ferric compounds, which are analogous to the manganous and manganic compounds. In the first series iron appears to be bivalent, as shown in the formulas FeCl a , Fe(OH) 2 , FeO, FeS, FeSO 4 , FeCO 3 , etc. In the second series it appears to be trivalent, as indi- cated in the formulas FeCl s , Fe(OH) 3) Fe,0 s , Fe(NO,) s , Fe,(SO 4 ) a) etc. Like chromium and manganese it also forms an acid known as ferric acid, H 2 FeO 4 , which in composition is analogous to chromic and manganic acids. The soluble salts of this acid are, however, unstable, and on decom- posing yield ferric hydroxide. Oxidizing agents readily convert ferrous compounds into ferric compounds, and reducing agents reconvert the latter into the former. When exposed to the air most ferrous compounds are oxidized to ferric compounds. The ferrous compounds in which iron is bivalent are similar to the compounds of the zinc group. The ferric compounds, however, in which the iron is trivalent, are similar to the aluminium compounds ; and in ferric acid it exhibits a resemblance to chromium. Cobalt and nickel resemble iron in re- (691) 692 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. spect to their power to form two series of compounds corresponding to the ferrous and ferric compounds. Both elements preferably form compounds of the lower series, examples of which are represented by the for- mulas CoCl a Co(OH) 2 CoO Co(NO 3 ) 2 CoSO 4 etc. MCI, Ni(OH) 2 MO Ni(N0 3 ) a NiSO 4 etc. Cobalt forms a few compounds corresponding to the ferric series ; and nickel forms a hydroxide, of the for- mula Ni(OH) 3 . While the power of cobalt to form com- pounds in which it is trivalent is much weaker than that of iron, it is stronger than that of nickel, the latter being almost exclusively bivalent. In general terms, it may be said that manganese forms a greater variety of compounds than any other element except carbon. In the manganous compounds it exhibits analogies with zinc, copper, and some other bivalent elements; in the manganic compounds it exhibits analogies with aluminium ; in manganic acid it suggests sulphur and chromium ; and in permanganic acid it suggests chlorine. In the following table some of the analogies which are plainly discernible between the elements mentioned, and iron, cobalt, and nickel, are indicated. The formulas of those compounds which are not easily obtained, and are exceptional, are put in brackets : MnSO 4 [Mn 2 (SO 4 ) 3 ] MnO a K 2 MnO 4 KMnO 4 [CrS0 4 ] Cr a (S0 4 )a CrO 3 K 2 CrO 4 [HCrO 4 ](?) FeSO 4 Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 8 [K 2 FeO 4 ] CoSO 4 Co(OH) 3 NiS0 4 [Ni(OH) 3 ] A1 2 (S0 4 ) 3 ZnSO 4 SO 2 SO 3 K 2 SO 4 KC10 4 As regards the question whether the formula of the simpler ferric compounds is to be written with two atoms of iron in every case, it is in much the same state as the question in regard to aluminic compounds. Is ferric chloride FeCl 3 or Fe 2 Cl 6 ? A determination of the VALENCE OF IRON. 693 specific gravity of the vapor gave a result in accordance with the larger formula, but this would not appear to be sufficient evidence in view of the peculiar results ob- tained with aluminium chloride. Considering the close resemblance between ferric compounds and the com- pounds of aluminium, it seems probable that, if alu- minium is trivalent, iron is also trivalent in these com- pounds. The ease with which ferric chloride forms com- pounds with other chlorides suggests, further, that the compound of the simpler formula FeCl 8 may combine with another molecule of the same kind to form a double /(Cl,)\ chloride of the formula Fe,Cl. or Fef-(Cl,HFe. It may be objected to this that it is not probable that such a compound could be converted into vapor without under- going decomposition, and, according to the one determi- nation of the specific gravity, it does not appear to undergo decomposition. What value to attach to this objection it is impossible to say at present. In any case, a further knowledge of the facts is needed before a final conclusion can be reached. In the mean time it seems to be justifiable to consider iron trivalent in ferric com- pounds, as aluminium is considered trivalent in its com- pounds, chromium in chromic compounds, and manga- nese in manganic compounds. That iron is bivalent in ferrous compounds is probable from the analogy of these compounds with the distinctly bivalent metals, like copper, zinc, etc. Further, a deter- mination of the specific gravity of the vapor of ferrous chloride gave a figure which indicated that the vapor consisted of about an equal number of molecules of the formulas FeCl 2 and Fe 2 Cl 4 , so that it appears that at a lower temperature the compound has the formula Fe 2 Cl 4 , and that the compound breaks down or dissociates, form- ing the simpler compound. This subject requires further investigation. In the mean time the simpler formula will be used, as it probably represents the chemical molecule or that smallest particle of the compound which comes into play in chemical reactions. If iron is bivalent in 694 INORGANIC CHEMISTRT. ferrous compounds, then in all probability cobalt and nickel are bivalent in their principal compounds. IRON, Fe (At. Wt. 55.6). Introductory. The importance of this metal to man- kind can hardly be overestimated, and for many cen- turies it has played a commanding part in the industries. It requires little thought to convince one that without it the earth would be quite a different place from what it now is. In the earliest periods of history metals were but little used, as but few of them are furnished ready for use by nature. Stones were therefore first used, and these were shaped into a variety of implements, many of which still exist, and furnish evidence of the Stone Age. After a time copper and tin were used in the form of an alloy or bronze, as copper is found in nature in the free condition. During this period, known as the Bronze Age, stone implements gave way to those made of bronze. Afterwards men learned to extract iron from its ores, and the Iron Age was introduced ; and this has continued up to the present, as nothing has since been found which can advantageously take the place of iron. The sugges- tion has been made that as it is less difficult to extract iron from its ores than to make bronze, possibly iron was used as early as bronze perhaps earlier, but that, owing to the fact that iron easily rusts, implements of this metal have disappeared, while those made of bronze remain intact. Forms in which. Iron occurs in Nature. Iron occurs in small quantity native in meteorites, in the basalts of Bo- hemia and Greenland, and in some gabbros. The iron meteorites always contain nickel, and frequently small quantities of other elements, as manganese and carbon. Compounds of iron occur in enormous quantities, and widely distributed in the earth. Among the more im- portant are the following-named : hematite, Fe 2 O 3 ; mag- netite, Fe 3 O 4 ; brown iron ore, Fe 4 O 3 (OH) 6 ; siderite, or the carbonate, FeCO 3 ; pyrite, FeS 2 ; pyrrhotite, Fe 7 S 8 . It is also contained in many silicates in small quan- tity, and in consequence of the disintegration of the METALLURGY OF IRON. 695 constituents of rocks it is found in the soil, and in many natural waters. In the vegetable kingdom it is always found in chlorophyll, and in the animal kingdom always in the blood. The compounds which are chiefly used for the purpose of making iron, or the iron ores, are magnetite, Fe 3 O 4 ; hematite, Fe 2 O 3 ; brown iron ore, Fe 4 O 3 (OH) 6 ; and spathic iron, or siderite, FeCO 3 . Metallurgy. The ores of iron, after they are broken up, are first roasted, in order to drive off water from the hydroxides ; to decompose carbonates ; to oxidize sul- phides ; and, as far as possible, to convert the oxides into ferric oxide, Fe 2 O 3 , which is the most easily re- ducible of the oxides of iron. After the ores are pre- pared in this way they are reduced by heating them with carbon and fluxes in the blast- furnaces, when the iron collects in the molten condition under the so-called slag at the bottom of the furnace. Blast-furnaces differ somewhat in construction, but the essential parts are rep- resented in Fig. 14. The inner cavity of the furnace is narrow at the top and bot- tom, as is shown in the fig- ure. Through pipes, known as tuyeres, such as that represented at the lower part of the left- hand side of the figure, air is blown into the furnace to facili- tate the combustion. In modern furnaces arrangements are made above for carrying off the gases Fl - . and utilizing them as fuel. The inner walls are built of fire-bricks, and these are surrounded by ordinary bricks, or stone-work. The furnaces vary in height from 25 to 80 or 90 feet, an average height being about 45 feet. The reduction of the ores is accomplished bv placing in the furnace alternating layers of coke or charcoal, and the ores mixed with proper fluxes. The 696 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. nature of the flux depends upon the ore. If this con- tains silicon dioxide or clay, lime is added ; while, if it contains considerable lime, minerals rich in silicic acid are used, such as feldspar, clay-slate, etc. The object of the flux is to form a slag in which the re- duced iron collects, and by which it is protected from oxidation. When the fire is once started in a blast- furnace the operation of reduction is continuous until the furnace is burned out. Alternate layers of ore and flux and carbon are added, and, as the reduced iron col- lects below, it is from time to time drawn off and allowed to solidify in moulds of sand. The operation requires close attention. The ores must be carefully studied, and the nature and amount of flux regulated according to the character of the ore as above stated. Then, too, the temperature of the furnace is a matter of im- portance, and must be watched, and regulated by means of the blast. The reduction is largely accomplished by carbon monoxide. In the lower part of the furnace the fuel burns to carbon dioxide, but this comes in con- tact with hot carbon, and is then reduced to the monox- ide. The hot monoxide in contact with the oxides of iron reduces these, and is itself converted into the diox- ide. A large proportion of the carbon monoxide, how- ever, escapes oxidation, and this is carried off from the top of the furnace to the bottom by properly arranged pipes, and is then utilized as fuel. A furnace lasts from two to twenty years, and sometimes longer. Varieties of Iron. The iron obtained as above de- scribed is known as pig-iron or cast-iron. It is very impure, containing carbon, phosphorus, sulphur, silicon, etc. If, when drawn from the furnace, the iron is cooled rapidly, nearly all the carbon contained in it remains in chemical combination, and the iron has a silver-white color. This product is known as white cast-iron. If the iron cools slowly, most of the carbon separates as graph- ite, and this being distributed through the mass gives it a gray color. This product is known as gray cast-iron. If the ore contains considerable manganese, this is re- duced with the iron, and iron made from such ores and VARIETIES OF IRON. 697 containing manganese has the power to take up more carbon than ordinary iron. This product, containing from 3.5 to 6 per cent combined carbon, is known as spiegel-iron. All varieties of cast-iron are brittle, and easily fusible. The gray iron fuses at a lower temperature than the white, and is not as brittle ; it is therefore well adapted to making castings. When cast-iron is treated with hydro- chloric acid the carbon which is present in combined form is given off in combination with hydrogen as hy- drocarbons, some of which have a disagreeable odor. This is, of course, the cause of the bad odor noticed in dissolving ordinary cast-iron in acids. The uncombined or graphitic carbon, on the other hand, remains undis- solved. Owing to its brittleness, cast-iron cannot be welded. When the carbon, silicon, and phosphorus are removed the iron becomes tough and malleable, and its melting-point is much raised. The product thus ob- tained is known as wrought-iron. Puddling. Wrought-iron is obtained from cast-iron by the puddling process. The puddling furnace has a flat, oval hearth, and low arched roof. The sides of the hearth are lined with a layer of iron ore (oxide). Coal is burned on a grate and the flame passes into the fur- nace at one end and out at the other, thus coming in contact with the roof and the charge of iron. By con- tact with the flame, and by the heat radiated from the roof, the cast-iron melts. The carbon and silicon are removed from the molten cast-iron, partly by the oxy- gen in the air or flame, but principally by the oxygen in the iron ore, which is itself thus reduced to wrought- iron. Wrought-iron contains less than 0.6 per cent of car- bon, and, as the percentage of carbon decreases, the. malleability increases and the melting-point rises. The melting-point of good wrought-iron is from 1900 to 2100. Small quantities of sulphur, phosphorus, silicon, and manganese exert a very marked influence upoji its properties. The process of welding consists in heating 698 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. two pieces of iron to a high temperature, putting some borax upon one of them, laying them together, and ham- mering, when, as is well known, they adhere firmly to- gether. The object of the borax is to keep the surfaces bright, which it does by uniting with the oxide and form- ing an easily fusible borate. Bessemer Process. Molten cast-iron is poured into a large vessel called the converter. The carbon and sili- con are entirely oxidized and removed by means of a blast of air forced through the metal from below. No fuel is used, as the heat generated by the oxidation of carbon and silicon is sufficient to raise the temperature above 2100. The converter contains molten wrought- iron after the oxidation. By addition of spiegel-iron & product containing any desired percentage of carbon is obtained. Iron which contains more than a very small percent- age of phosphorus is not adapted to the manufacture of Bessemer steel in the ordinary way ; but it has been found that, if the converters are lined with lime and magnesia, such iron may be used. Under these circum- stances the phosphorus is oxidized, and forms calcium and magnesium phosphates, which are of value as fertil- izers (see Calcium Phosphate). This process is known as the Thomas-Gilchrist or the basic-lining process. Siemens- Martin Furnace. This is simply a reversible puddling furnace in which gas is used as fuel. The gas is previously heated in a Siemens regenerative fur- nace. Steel and Wrought-iron. The product of the puddling furnace is called wrought-iron ; while those formed in the Bessemer process and in the Siemens-Martin fur- nace are called steel. Bessemer steel often contains less than 0.6 per cent of carbon, and Siemens-Martin steel is the purest form of wrought-iron, containing less carbon and silicon than the product of the puddling furnace. Tempering. When steel is heated and cooled sud- denly, it is rendered extremely hard and brittle ; and when hardened steel is carefully heated, and allowed to- PROPERTIES OF IRON. cool slowly, it becomes very elastic. This process is called tempering. Properties of Iron. Pure iron is almost unknown. Of the commercial varieties, it follows from what has been said that wrought-iron is the purest. That which is used for piano- strings is the purest iron which can be bought ; it contains only about 0.3 per cent of impuri- ties. Pure iron can be made in the laboratory by ignit- ing the oxide or oxalate in a current of hydrogen, and by reducing ferrous chloride in hydrogen. In larger quantity it can be prepared by melting the purest wrought-iron in a lime crucible by means of the oxy hy- drogen flame. The impurities are taken up by the cru- cible, and a regulus of the pure metal is left behind. That made by reduction of the oxide or oxalate is, of course, in finely divided, condition. If in its preparation the temperature is kept as low as possible, the prod- uct takes fire when brought in contact with the air ; while if the temperature is high, the product has not this power. Iron is white, and is one of the hardest metals ; and its melting-point is higher than that of wrought-iron. Pure iron is attracted by the magnet. In contact with a magnet, or when placed in a coil through which an electric current is passing, it becomes a magnet ; but the purer it is the sooner it loses the mag- netic power when removed from the magnet or the coil. Steel, however, retains its magnetism. When heated to a sufficiently high temperature iron burns, and forms the oxide, Fe 3 O 4 . This takes place much more easily in oxygen than in the air. In dry air iron does not under- go change, but in moist air it rusts, or it becomes covered with a layer of oxide and hydroxide, which is formed by the action of the air, carbon dioxide, and water. Water that contains salts in solution facilitates the rusting. Various methods are adopted to protect iron from this change, most of which are, however, purely mechanical. A method which promises valuable results is that invented by Barff, which consists in introducing the iron into water vapor at a temperature of 650, when it becomes covered with a firmly adhering layer of oxide. 700 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Iron dissolves in acids with evolution of hydrogen, and generally with formation of ferrous salts : Fe + 2HCl = FeCl 2 + H 2 ; Fe + H 2 S0 4 = FeS0 4 + H Q . When cold nitric acid is used, ferrous nitrate and am- monium nitrate are the products ; if the acid is warmed, ferric nitrate and oxides of nitrogen are formed. When an iron wire which has been carefully polished is intro- duced for an instant into red fuming nitric acid it can afterward be put into ordinary nitric acid without under- going change. It is said to be in the passive state ; and the commonly accepted explanation of the phenomenon is, that the wire is covered with a thin layer of oxide. As, however, the passive condition is lost by contact with an ordinary wire, the explanation does not appear to be adequate. Ferrous Chloride, FeOl a . When iron is dissolved in hydrochloric acid without access of air, and the solution evaporated, crystals of the composition FeCl 2 -f- 4H 2 O are obtained. When heated for the purpose of driving off the water, the crystallized compound decomposes. The dry chloride can be obtained by heating iron in a current of dry hydrochloric-acid gas. It is a colorless mass, which deliquesces in the air, is volatile at a high temperature ; and determinations of the specific gravity of its vapor made at very high temperatures have shown that its molecule under these conditions should be represented by the formula FeCl 2 . At lower tempera- tures the molecule appears to be more complex. The evidence on this point is not conclusive. If allowed to stand in contact with the air in hydrochloric-acid solu- tion, it is changed to ferric chloride : 2FeCl 2 + 2HC1 + O = 2FeCl 3 + H 2 O. If hydrochloric acid is not present, a basic chloride is precipitated and ferric chloride is then in the solution : 4FeCl, + H 2 O + O = 2Fe < + 2FeCl 3 . When treated with oxidizing agents in general, as nitric FERRIC CHLORIDE. 701 acid, potassium chlorate, potassium permanganate, etc., it is converted into ferric chloride. Ferrous chloride, like most other metallic chlorides, combines with the chlorides of the strongest basic ele- ments, forming double compounds. Those with potas- sium and sodium chlorides have the formulas FeCl a . 2KC1 or K 2 FeCl 4 , and FeCl 2 .2NaCl or Na 2 FeCl 4 . It combines also with other chlorides, such as those of mercury and cadmium, forming similar salts. A solution of ferrous chloride made by dissolving iron in hydrochloric acid is used in medicine under the name Liquor Ferri chlorati. It contains ten per cent iron. Ferric Chloride, FeCl 3 . As stated in the last paragraph, ferrous chloride is readily converted into ferric chloride by oxidation. The simplest way to make a solution of the ferric compound is to dissolve iron in hydrochloric acid and pass chlorine into it to complete saturation. The solution is decomposed by heating, especially if dilute, yielding hydrochloric acid and an insoluble oxychloride. The chloride can be obtained in yellow crystals with six or twelve molecules of water. Like the ferrous compound, it is decomposed into hydrochloric acid and the oxide when heated. Anhydrous ferric chloride is obtained by heating iron wire in dry chlorine. It forms black, lustrous crystalline laminae, is volatile &i a lower temperature than the ferrous compound, and the specific gravity of the vapor is that required by a compound whose molecule corresponds to the formula Fe01 3 . "When treated with nascent hydrogen, ferric chloride is converted into ferrous chloride : FeCl s + H = FeCl 2 + HC1. It combines with other chlorides, forming double chlo- rides. A solution of ferric chloride is used in medicine under the name Liquor Ferri sesquichlorati. Cyanides. The compounds which iron forms with cyanogen are of special interest. The simple com- pounds, ferrous cyanide, Fe(CN) 2 , and ferric cyanide, Fe(CN),, corresponding to the above-mentioned chlorides, are not known : only double compounds of these with 702 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. other cyanides are well known, and some of them are manufactured on the large scale. When a solution of potassium cyanide acts upon metallic iron or the oxides of iron, a solution is formed from which the salt known as potassium ferrocyanide or yelloiv prus- - slate of potash crystallizes. This has the composition K 4 Fe(CN) 6 -f- 3H 2 O, and may be regarded as made up of a molecule of ferrous cyanide and four molecules of potassium cyanide, as represented in the formula Fe(CN) 2 .4KCN + 3H 2 O. When this salt is treated with chlorine it is converted into potassium ferricyanide, or red prussiate of potash, K 3 Fe(CN) 6 , which is to be regarded as consisting of ferric cyanide and potassium cyanide, as represented in the formula Fe(CN) 3 .3KCN. The trans- formation is represented thus : K 4 Fe(CN) 6 + 01 = K 3 Fe(CN) 6 + KC1. From these two a number of other cyanogen compounds are obtained. When treated in concentrated solution with concentrated hydrochloric acid they yield the free acids, and by treating them with solutions of different metallic salts corresponding salts of these acids are ob- tained. Among the most important of these derivatives are the following : Ferrohydrocyanic acid, Ferrihydrocyanic acid, H 4 Fe(CN) 6 H 3 Fe(CN) 6 Potassium ferrocyanide, Potassium ferricyanide, K 4 Fe(C]Sr)6 K 3 Fe(CN) 6 Sodium ferrocyanide, Sodium ferricyanide, Na 4 Fe(ClSr) 6 Na 3 Fe(CN) 6 Barium ferrocyanide, Ba 2 Fe(CN) Ferric ferrocyanide, Ferrous ferricyanide, Fe 4 [Fe(CN) 6 ] 3 Fe 3 [Fe(CN) 6 ] 3 Ferri- potassium ferrocyanide, KFeFe(CN) 8 Potassium Ferrocyanide, K 4 Pe(CN) 6 + 3H 2 O. As stated above, this salt can be made by treating iron or the oxides of iron with a solution of potassium cyanide. On the large scale it is manufactured by melting crude potash or potassium carbonate, and gradually adding a mixture of iron filings or turnings, and refuse animal- CYANIDES OF IRON. 703 matter, as claws, horns, hoofs, hair, etc. Or the potash is melted with the animal substances and potassium cyanide thus formed, and this treated in solution with ferrous carbonate, when the ferrocyanide is formed. It forms large yellow pyramids belonging to the tetragonal sys- tem. At the ordinary temperature it dissolves in three to four parts of water, and more easily in hot water. It gives up its water of crystallization very easily. When heated it is decomposed, forming potassium cyanide, nitrogen, and a compound of iron and carbon : K 4 Fe(CN) 6 = 4KCN + N 2 + FeC 2 . Treated with concentrated sulphuric acid it undergoes decomposition, giving as gaseous product carbon mon- oxide, and this furnishes a good method for the prep- aration of the gas : K 4 Fe(CN) 6 + 6H 2 S0 4 + 6H 2 O = FeSO 4 + 2K 2 S0 4 + 3(NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 + 6CO. With dilute sulphuric acid it gives hydrocyanic acid, and forms at the same time a white insoluble compound of the composition KFe(CN) 3 or Fe(CN) 2 .KCN : 2K 4 Fe(CN) 6 + 3H 2 SO 4 = 6HCN + 3K 2 SO 4 + 2KFe(CN) 3 . Ferrohydrocyanic Acid, H 4 Fe(CN) 6 , formed as above described, is a white crystalline substance, which is easily soluble in water and alcohol. It takes up oxygen from the air, and is converted into the ferric salt of the acid, hydrocyanic acid being given off. The ferric salt is the substance commonly called insoluble Prussian blue. The relation of the salt to the acid is shown by the formulas H.Fe(CN). Fe,[Fe(CN).], Ferro-hydrocyanic acid Ferric ferrocyanide, or Prussian blue Ferric Ferrocyanide, or Prussian Blue, Fe 4 [Fe(C]S")]3. This compound is very readily formed by adding a solu- tion of a ferric salt to a solution of potassium ferrocya- nide, and appears as a dark-blue precipitate : 3K 4 Fe(CN) 6 + 4FeCl 3 = Fe 4 [Fe(CN)J 3 + 12KC1. 704 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. It is obtained in pure condition by treating a solution of a ferric salt with a solution of ferrohydrocyanic acid. When a ferric salt is added to an excess of potassium ferrocyanide a ferri-potassium salt, KFeFe(CN) 6 , is formed. This is commonly called Prussian blue, and the commercial article always contains some of it. It is also known as soluble Prussian blue. When heated with an alkaline hydroxide, Prussian blue is decom- posed, the products of the action being the ferrocyanides of the alkali metals and ferric hydroxide : Fe 4 [Fe(CN) 6 ] 3 + 12KOH = 3K 4 Fe(CN) 6 + 4Fe(OH) 3 . Potassium Ferricyanide, K 3 Fe(CN) 6 . This salt is formed by treating the ferrocyanide, either dry or in solution, with chlorine. It forms large, dark-red, mono- clinic prisms. It dissolves in about three times its- weight of water at the ordinary temperature, and is more easily soluble in hot water. In alkaline solution it acts as a strong oxidizing agent, on account of its tendency to form the ferrocyanide. The character of the action is indicated by the following equation : 6K 3 Fe(CN) 6 + 6KOH = 6K 4 Fe(CN) 6 + 3H 2 O + 3O. Ferrihydrocyanic Acid, H 3 Fe(CN) 6 , is a crystallized substance. Ferrous Ferricyanide, Fe 3 [Fe(CN) 6 ] 2 , is commonly called Turnbull's blue. It is formed by adding potassium ferricyanide to a solution of ferrous sulphate, or any ferrous salt : 3FeS0 4 + 2K 3 Fe(CN) 6 = Fe 3 [Fe(CN) 6 ] 2 + 3K 2 SO 4 . Starting with ferrocyanic and ferricyanic acids, four iron salts suggest themselves. These are ferrous and ferric ferrocyanide, and ferrous and ferric ferricyanide. The relations between them are indicated in the follow- ing formulas : Acid H 4 Fe(CN) 6 Acid, .... H 3 Fe(CN) a (1) Ferrous salt, . Fe a Fe(CN)e (3) Ferrous salt, . Fe 3 [Fe(CN) 6 ] (2) Ferric salt, . . Fe 4 [Fe(CN) 6 ] 3 (4) Ferric salt, . . FeFe(CN) 8 IRON SALTS-NITROPRUSSIATES. 705 Of these (2) is Prussian blue and (3) is Turnbull's blue. The commercial Prussian blue contains some Turnbull's blue. The reason of this appears to be that a part of the ferrocyanide of potassium used in the preparation is oxidized by the ferric salt, and thus ferri- cyanide of potassium and a ferrous salt come together. When potassium ferrocyanide is added to a solution of a ferrous salt, we should expect the formation of salt (1) or ferrous ferrocyanide : K 4 Fe(CN) 6 + 2FeCl 2 = Fe 2 Fe(CN) 6 + 4KC1. But instead ol this a ferro-potassium salt, of the formula K 2 FeFe(CN) 6 , is formed :' K 4 Fe(CN) 6 + FeCl 2 = K 2 FeFe(CN) 6 + 2KC1. This is a white powder, which is formed also when po- tassium ferrocyanide is decomposed by dilute sulphuric acid in the preparation of hydrocyanic acid. It is repre- sented above by the formula KFe(CN) 3 , but taking the method of formation into consideration the formula K 2 FeFe(CN) 6 seems more probable. Ferric ferricyanide is not known. When, however, a solution of a ferric salt is added to one of potassium ferricyanide the solu- tion turns dark brown, and perhaps contains this salt. The composition of the salt is the same as that of ferric cyanide, and possibly the two compounds are identical. Nitroprussiates. When potassium ferrocyanide is treated with nitric acid, potassium nitrate is formed. When this is removed and the solution neutralized with sodium carbonate, a salt known as sodium nitroprussiate is obtained. This crystallizes very beautifully, and is used to some extent in the laboratory. With soluble sulphides it gives an intense violet color, but not with hy- drogen sulphide. The composition of the salt is repre- sented by the formula Na 2 Fe(CN) 6 (NO) + 2H 2 O. The free acid corresponding to this salt, and also other salts of the same acid, have been made. Ferrous Hydroxide, Fe(OH) 2 , is formed when a soluble hydroxide is added to a solution of a ferrous salt. It is a white precipitate, but it is usually obtained as a green- ish mass, as it is very easily oxidized by the oxygen of 706 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. the air and that contained in the solutions. When al- lowed to stand in contact with the air it turns a dirty green, and finally brown, being converted into ferric hy- droxide. When heated in the air it loses water, and takes up oxygen, forming ferric oxide. Ferrous Oxide, FeO, is formed by passing hydrogen over ferric oxide heated to 300. It is a black powder, which takes up oxygen from the air, and is converted into the oxide Fe 2 O 3 . Ferric Hydroxide, Fe(OH) 3 . This compound is formed most readily by adding ammonia to a solution of a ferric salt, when it appears as a voluminous brownish-red pre- cipitate. When filtered, washed, and dried, its compo- sition is not changed. If heated at 100, or if the solution is boiled for some time, it loses water, and forms com- pounds of the formulas FeO.OH, Fe 2 O(OH) 4 , etc. The latter is derived from the normal hydroxide as repre- sented in the equation 2Fe(OH) 3 = Fe 2 0(OH) 4 + H 2 O. The mineral pyrosiderite is the hydroxide FeO.OH. Brown iron ore is Fe 4 O 3 (OH) 6 ; and bog iron-ore is Fe 2 O(OH) 4 . All of these are derivatives of the normal hydroxide. The normal hydroxide differs from alumin- ium hydroxide in the fact that it has no acid properties. Therefore, if the two hydroxides are treated together with a caustic alkali only the aluminium hydroxide dissolves. The compound FeO.OH, corresponding to A1O.OH and CrO.OH, yields salts under some circumstances. Thus a calcium salt, -p 6 Q | *Q>Ca, is formed by heating together ferric oxide and lime to a high temperature. In compo- sition this is plainly analogous to the spinels. Magnetic oxide of iron or magnetite is believed to be the corre- sponding ferrous salt, -p, 6 Q *Q>Fe. Franklinite also is a salt of the same order, containing zinc. It is essentially a zinc salt, of the formula -p 6 Q*Q>Zn, but some of the zinc is replaced by iron and manganese. OXIDES OF IRON. 707 Ferrous-Ferric Oxide, Fe 3 O 4 . As stated above, this compound is regarded as analogous to the spinels, and as the ferrous salt of the acidic hydroxide FeO.OH, as represented in the equation (FeO.O) 2 Fe. It is found in nature as the mineral magnetite, and loadstone, which occurs in Sweden, Norway, and elsewhere. It is, further, formed when iron is burned in oxygen, and when water is passed over red-hot iron. Some of the magnetite which occurs in nature has the power to attract iron, or is magnetic. Soluble Ferric Hydroxide is formed when a solution of ferric chloride or ferric acetate is treated with ferric hy- droxide, and the solution thus formed dialyzed (see page 421). The ferric salts pass through the membrane, and the ferric hydroxide remains in solution in water, form- ing a deep-red liquid. It is used in medicine. Small quantities of salts cause the precipitation of ferric hy- droxide from the solution. Ferric Oxide, Fe 2 O 3 , is found in nature, and is known as hematite, forming one of the most valuable ores of iron. It can be made in the laboratory by igniting the hydroxide. As hematite, it is a black, crystallized sub- stance with a high lustre. Otherwise it has a red or a red- dish-brown color. The oxide found in nature and that which has been strongly ignited are very difficultly solu- ble in acids. In the preparation of fuming sulphuric acid by heating ferrous sulphate (see page 219) there is left a residue of ferric oxide known as rouge, which is used as a red pigment and as a polishing powder. A specially fine variety of rouge for polishing is manufac- tured by heating ferrous oxalate, FeC 2 O 4 , in contact with the air. Ferrous Sulphide, FeS, is formed by direct union of iron and sulphur when the two are heated together. It is manufactured by heating iron filings and sulphur to- gether in a crucible. The pure compound is yellow and crystalline. When heated in contact with the air it is oxidized to ferrous sulphate, if the temperature is not too high. At a higher temperature the products are sulphur dioxide and ferric oxide. When a solution of a 708 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ferrous salt is treated with ammonium sulphide, ferrous sulphide is precipitated as a black powder. When a ferric salt is treated with ammonium sulphide it is re- duced to the ferrous condition, and then ferrous sulphide is precipitated : Fe 2 (S0 4 ) 3 + (NH 4 ) 2 S = 2FeSO 4 +(NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 + S ; 2FeS0 4 + 2(NH 4 ) 2 S = 2FeS + 2(NH 4 ) 3 SO 4 . The sulphide thus obtained oxidizes readily in the air, and forms the sulphate. The compact variety is used in making hydrogen sulphide (which see). Ferric Sulphide, Pe 2 S 3 , is analogous to ferric oxide, Fe 2 O 3 . It is formed artificially by heating iron and sul- phur together in the proper proportions. Just as there are salts derived from the hydroxide FeO.OH, so there are salts which are derived from the corresponding sulphide FeS.SH. The potassium, sodium, and some other salts are obtained artificially. Chalco- pyrite is apparently the cuprous salt SFe-S-Cu or FeCuS 2 . Ferrous Carbonate, FeCO 3 . This salt occurs in nature as spathic iron or siderite. It crystallizes in forms similar to those of calc spar or calcium carbonate CaCO 3 . Like this, further, it dissolves in water which contains carbon dioxide, and is therefore contained in natural waters which come in contact with it. When a solution of a ferrous salt is treated with a soluble carbonate a white precipitate is formed, which is ferrous carbonate ; but in contact with the air this is rapidly oxidized and decomposed, leaving ferric hydroxide, which with car- bonic acid does not form a salt. In this respect ferric hydroxide acts like alurninic and chromic hydroxides, and therefore when a soluble carbonate is added to a solution of a ferric salt the hydroxide and not ferric car- bonate is thrown down. Ferrous Sulphate, FeSO 4 . This important compound is manufactured on the large scale by the spontaneous oxidation of pyrite in contact with the air, and by dis- solving iron in sulphuric acid. It is frequently called FERROUS SULPHATE. 709 " green vitriol" (see p. 596), and more commonly " cop- peras." Under ordinary conditions it crystallizes in transparent, green, monoclinic crystals with seven mole- cules of water, just as zinc sulphate, magnesium sulphate, etc., do ; and when heated, six of these are given off readily, while the last is given off with difficulty a fact which makes it appear probable that the salt is a deriva- tive of tetrahydroxyl- sulphuric acid, as represented in ( (OH), the formula OS-< O -ci . While it ordinarily crystal- lizes in monoclinic crystals, it takes the rhombic form if its supersaturated solution is touched with a crystal of zinc sulphate. It also crystallizes in the triclinic sys- tem with five molecules of water, like cupric sulphate, if a crystal of the latter salt is placed in its concentrated solution. The salt undergoes change when exposed to the air, being converted into a compound containing ferric sulphate, Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 , and ferric hydroxide, or more probably a basic ferric sulphate, Fe 3 (SO 4 ) 3 (OH) 3 . 6FeS0 4 + 30 + 3H 2 O = 2Fe 3 (SO 4 ) 3 (OH) 3 , or 6FeSO 4 + 3O + 3H 2 O = 2Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + 2Fe(OH) 3 . The same change takes place when a solution of ferrous sulphate is exposed to the air. When treated with oxid- izing agents in the presence of sulphuric acid it is com- pletely converted into ferric sulphate : 2FeS0 4 + H 2 S0 4 + O = Fe,(SO 4 ), + H,O. Like other soluble ferrous salts it absorbs nitric oxide, and when the solution of the unstable compound is heated the nitric oxide is given off. Ferrous sulphate is used in dyeing, in the manufacture of ink, etc.; and as a deodor- izer. With sulphates of the alkalies ferrous sulphate forms double salts, such as FeK 2 (SO 4 ) 2 + 6H 2 O, Fe(NH 4 ), (SO 4 ) 2 -f- 6H 2 O, etc. These are not as easily oxidized as the simple salt, and are convenient in the laboratory when a pure ferrous salt is wanted. It is a fact worthy of special notice, that while ferrous sulphate crystallizes 710 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. with seven molecules of water, these salts contain only six molecules, and all of this is easily given off when the salts are heated. It appears, therefore, that these double salts are formed from ferrous sulphate by re- placing one molecule of the water by a molecule of some sulphate. This is clear if ferrous sulphate and the other salts are regarded as salts of tetrahydroxyl-sulphuric acid. We should then have the relation between the double sulphate and the simple ones as represented in the formulas below : H HO H HO O OK OK Ferrous sulphate Potassium sulphate Fe<>SS but that they act as the members of Family IV do either as bivalent or quadrivalent elements. Palladium, to be sure, forms a compound, the sub-oxide Pd 2 O, which is like the oxide of silver, Ag 2 O, and in which it appears to be univalent. In fact the members of Family VIII form the connecting link between the members of Family VII and those of Family I. In manganese, as we have seen, a maximum of power is reached as far as the valence is concerned. It forms compounds in which it appears to GENERAL IN REGARD TO THE PLATINUM METALS. 721 be septivalent, sexivalent, quadrivalent, trivalent, and bivalent. When we pass to iron, however, we find that it is not septivalent. In its most complex compounds this element is sexivalent, as in ferric acid, H 2 FeO 4 , but it acts preferably as a trivalent or a bivalent element. Then, further, as we have seen, cobalt forms a few compounds in which it is trivalent, but it is generally bivalent, and nickel is scarcely ever trivalent. In its compounds nickel resembles copper in the cupric compounds, and copper is the next element in the order of increasing atomic weights. 'But copper has an ad- ditional power which allies it to the members of Group A, Family I. It acts as a univalent element in the cuprous compounds. Now, in the same way, there is an increase in the complexity of the compounds formed by the elements, as we pass from zirconium, to niobium, to molybdenum, and below manganese in Family VII we should expect to find an element forming compounds which in general resem- ble those of manganese, and leading up to the octovalent element ruthenium. Considering the relations between iron and ruthenium, one is tempted to suspect that this unknown element may exhibit a valence of nine in some unstable compounds. While ruthenium is oc- tovalent in its highest oxide, it is also septivalent in HEuO 4 , sexivalent in H 2 KuO 4 , quadrivalent in EuO 2 , trivalent in Ru 2 O 3 , and bivalent in EuO. Rhodium, however, is only quadrivalent, trivalent, and bivalent ; and palladium is quadrivalent, bivalent, and univalent. Just as nickel leads naturally to copper, so palladium leads naturally to silver. In regard to the series to which osmium, iridium, and platinum belong, not as much is known as in regard to the series just referred to, though the three elements themselves have been carefully studied. There is here observed the same falling off of valence power from os- mium to platinum ; and* just as nickel leads to copper, and palladium leads to silver, so platinum leads natu- rally to gold in Family I. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. THE PLATINUM METALS. The six elements of Sub-Groups B and C, Family VIII, are generally grouped together and spoken of as the platinum metals. They occur together in nature, and almost always in alloys, into the composition of which all enter. The chief constituent is platinum, which is present to the extent of 50 to 80 per cent, and over. The alloys occur in only a few localities, in the Ural Mountains, in California, Australia, Borneo, and a few other places, and form small pieces which are mixed with sand and earth. They generally contain also gold, iron, and copper. Palladium occurs, further, in a gold ore which is found in Brazil. Metallurgy. The process for obtaining the metals from the ores is based mainly upon the following facts : (1) Gold is soluble in dilute aqua regia, while platinum requires concentrated aqua regia; (2) platinic chloride, PtCl 4 , and iridium chloride, IrCl 4 , form, with ammonium chloride, difficultly soluble compounds of the formulas (NH 4 ) 2 PtCl 6 (PtCl 4 .2NH 4 Cl) and (NH 4 ) JrCl 6 (IrCl 4 .2NH 4 Cl). When these compounds are ignited, they are completely decomposed, and the metals are left behind. When, therefore, platinum-ore has been freed as far as possible from sand and earth, it is first treated with dilute aqua regia, which removes the gold, and then with concen- trated aqua regia, which dissolves the platinum together with a little iridium, leaving an alloy of iridium and os- mium. When the solution thus obtained is treated with ammonium chloride, both metals are precipitated ; and when the precipitate is ignited, both metals are left be- hind in the form of a spongy mass. This consists, how- ever, almost wholly of platinum, the amount of iridium being very small. KUTHENIUM, Eu (At. Wt. 100.91). Preparation. Euthenium is obtained from the residue which is left undissolved when platinum-ore is treated with concentrated nitro- hydrochloric acid. RUTHENIUM OSMIUM. 723 Properties. When heated in oxygen it burns and forms the oxide, EuO 2 . It is insoluble in the strong acids, and even in nitro-hydrochloric acid it is almost insoluble. Owing to its power to form salts of ruthenious acid, it is dissolved when heated with potassium hydroxide and an oxidizing agent, such as saltpeter or potassium chlorate, and afterwards treated with water. Chlorides. When heated in chlorine it forms the di- chloride, EuCl 2 , and some of the trichloride, EuCl 3 . The tetrachloride, EuCl 4 , is known in combination with chlo- rides of the alkali metals. Oxides. When ruthenium is heated with potassium hydroxide and saltpeter, potassium ruthenite, K 2 EuO 4 , is formed. The acid from which this salt is derived is plainly ruthenious acid, H 2 EuO 4 , and this is related to the oxide, EuO 3 . Neither the acid nor the anhydride is known, however. When the solution is treated with chlorine the first product is potassium perruthenite, KEuO 4 , which forms a dark green solution, and is iso- morphous with potassium permanganate and potassium perchlorate. By further treatment of the solution with a rapid current of chlorine, ruthenium peroxide, EuO 4 , is formed. This is a volatile crystalline solid, which ap- parently is not acidic. It is easily reduced to the ses- quioxide, Eu 2 O 3 ; and, if heated, it is decomposed with explosion. The oxides of the formulas EuO 2 , Eu 2 O 3 , and EuO are not basic, and do not dissolve in acids. OSMIUM, Os (At. Wt. 189.55). Preparation. As stated above, this element is left un- dissolved in the form of an alloy with iridium when plati- num-ore is treated with concentrated nitro-hydrochloric acid. In order to separate it from the iridium, advan- tage is taken of the fact that it forms a volatile peroxide, OsO 4 , similar to that formed by ruthenium, while iridium does not. Properties. The metal does not melt at the highest temperatures reached artificially. It has the highest specific gravity of all known substances ; is easily oxid- 724 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. ized when in finely divided condition ; and is converted either by the oxygen of the air or by nitric acid into osmium peroxide, OsO 4 . Chlorides. The dicliloride, OsCl 2 , and the tetraMoride, OsCl 4 , are formed by treating the metal with chlorine* The trichloride, OsCl 3 , is not known in free condition. Oxides. The metal as well as the oxides forms the per- oxide, OsO 4 , when heated in the air. This is also formed by treating a heated mixture of sodium chloride and the alloy of osmium and iridium with chlorine and water vapor. It is commonly called osmic acid, though its acid properties are very weak. Like ruthenium peroxide it is volatile. It sublimes in colorless, lustrous needles, and boils without decomposition at a temperature a little above 100. It has an intense odor similar to that of chlorine, and its vapor attacks the eyes and respiratory organs somewhat in the same way that chlorine does. It dissolves slowly in water, and reducing agents pre- cipitate the metal from the solution. A solution of osmic acid is used in microscopic work. When injected into the tissues, the parts are hardened and colored. Potassium osmite, K 2 OsO 4 , is formed when a solution of the peroxide in potassium hydroxide is treated with a re- ducing agent. It is easily decomposed in water solution. The oxides OsO, OsO 2 , and Os 2 O 3 have neither acid nor basic properties. BHODIUM, Eh (At. Wt. 102.23). Ehodium has no acid properties, and does not form a peroxide corresponding to those of ruthenium and os- mium. On the other hand, its oxide, Eh 2 O 3 , is basic. The chloride EhCl 3 is readily formed, and it is doubt- ful whether the di- and tetrachlorides have been made. IRIDIUM, Ir (At. Wt. 191.66). Preparation. The extraction of iridium with plati- num and with osmium from platinum -ore was referred to above. In order to separate it from platinum, advan- tage is taken of the fact that it forms a trichloride, IrCl 3 , IRIDIUM. 725 which with ammonium chloride gives an easily soluble double chloride. The reduction is accomplished either by heating the tetrachloride for some time at 150, or by treating the insoluble double chloride in water with hydrogen sulphide or with sulphur dioxide. From os- mium it is separated by treating with moist chlorine, when, as stated above, the osmium is converted into the peroxide, which being volatile passes over. The residue contains the iridium in the form of the tetrachloride, and this, when treated with potassium chloride, forms the difficulty soluble chloriridate, K 2 IrCl 6 . Properties. Iridium has a grayish- white color, and resembles polished steel. Its specific gravity is nearly the same as that of osmium, being 22.42. It is harder and more brittle than platinum ; melts at a higher tem- perature ; and unless it is finely divided it is not dis- solved by nitro-hydrochloric acid. When heated with potassium hydroxide and saltpeter it is converted into the oxide. Chlorides. When finely divided iridium is treated with nitro-hydrochloric acid it is converted into the tetrachloride, IrCl 4 . When the solution of the tetra- chloride is heated it gives off chlorine, and the dicHoride, IrCl 2 , is formed. The trichloride, IrCl 3 , is formed when the metal is heated in chlorine gas. Both the tetrachlo- ride and the trichloride form double salts with the chlo- rides of the alkali metals. Those with the tetrachloride have the general formula M 2 IrCl B , or IrCl 4 .2MCl ; while those with the trichloride have the general formula M 3 IrCl 3 , or IrCl,.3MCl. The latter are all soluble in water ; of the former, the potassium salt, K 2 IrCl,, and the ammonium salt, (NH 4 ) 2 IrCl 6 , are almost insoluble in water. Oxides. The oxides have neither acid nor basic prop- erties. The one most easily obtained is the dioxide IrO 2 . The hydroxides, Ir(OH) 3 and Ir(OH) 4 , are ob- tained, the former as a black and the latter as a blue precipitate, by treating the chlorides with potassium hydroxide. 726 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. PALLADIUM, Pd (At. Wt. 105.56). Preparation. The chief source of palladium is a Brazilian gold-ore. From this ore the metal can be ob- tained by various methods, one of which consists in melting it together with silver, and then treating it with nitric acid, when the silver and palladium dissolve, and the gold remains undissolved. The silver is precipitated as chloride and the palladium as the cyanide, and when the latter is ignited it is decomposed, leaving palladium. Properties. Palladium resembles iridium and plati- num in appearance. Its specific gravity is only about half as great as that of platinum, being 11.5 ; it is more easily fusible than platinum, and dissolves in nitric acid and in hot concentrated sulphuric acid. The property of palladium which has perhaps attracted most atten- tion is its power to absorb hydrogen, and form Palladium-Hydrogen. The formation of this com- pound was referred to under Hydrogen (which see). The combination takes place even at the ordinary tempera- ture, but best at 100. If the me-tal is brought into hydrogen at this temperature, it absorbs more than 900 times its volume, forming an alloy of the composition Pd 2 H. This alloy has a greater volume and lower spe- cific gravity than the palladium from which it is formed. At 130 it begins to decompose under the atmospheric pressure, but continued heating at a red heat is neces- sary to decompose it completely. If allowed to lie in contact with the air the hydrogen is oxidized to water. Palladium-hydrogen acts as a strong reducing agent, the hydrogen which it gives up being apparently in the nascent or atomic condition. Chlorides. When palladium is dissolved in concen- trated nitro-hydrochloric acid it is converted into palladic chloride, PdCl 4 , which with the chlorides of the alkali metals forms double salts similar to those formed by iridium tetrachloride, and, as we shall see, by platinic chloride. The tetrachloride is decomposed by evapo- ration of its solution, giving up chlorine and leaving pal- ladious chloride, PdCl a , which crystallizes, and forms PLATINUM. 727 with the chlorides of the alkali metals double salts of the general formula M 2 PdCl 4 , or PdCl 2 .2MCl. Oxides. The point of chief interest presented by the oxides is that in one of them, the suboxide, Pd 2 O, the metal appears as a univalent element. The dioxide or palladia oxide, PdO 2 , has neither acid nor basic proper- ties. The monoxide, or palladious oxide, PdO, forms unstable salts with acids, an example being the sulphate, PdS0 4 + 2H a O. PLATINUM, Pt (At. Wt. 193.41). Preparation. A general idea of the method of pro- cedure in extracting platinum from its ores was given on p. 722. Thus prepared, however, it always contains iridium, and for some purposes for which platinum is used this is objectionable. In order to purify the metal advantage is taken of the fact that iridium chloride can be converted into a trichloride, which with ammonium chloride forms an easily soluble double salt (see p. 725). The metal as obtained by igniting ammonium platinic chloride forms a gray spongy mass known as spongy platinum. When a solution of platinous chloride is boiled with potassium hydroxide, and alcohol gradually added, the salt is reduced, and the platinum is precipitated as an extremely fine powder, known as platinum black. When spongy platinum and platinum black are heated to fusion by the oxyhydrogen flame they are converted into the compact variety. Properties. Platinum is a grayish-white metal re- sembling polished steel ; it can be drawn out into very fine wire ; it melts in the flame of the oxyhydrogen blow- pipe, and when heated above its melting-point it is volatile ; its specific gravity is 21.5. At white heat it can be welded. It is not dissolved by nitric acid, hydro- " chloric acid, nor sulphuric acid, but it dissolves in nitro- hydrochloric acid, forming the acid, H 2 PtCl 6 . Fusing alkalies, and particularly a mixture of caustic potash 'and saltpeter, act upon it; but the alkaline carbonates do not. In contact with red-hot charcoal and silicon dioxide a compound of silicon and platinum is formed. 728 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Finely divided platinum has to a remarkable extent the power of condensing gases upon its surface. It ab- sorbs, for example, 200 times its own volume of oxy- gen, and other gases in a similar way. The oxygen thus absorbed is in active condition, and if oxidizable substances are brought in contact with it they are easily oxidized. Thus when a current of hydrogen is allowed to flow against a piece of spongy platinum it takes fire, owing to the presence of the condensed oxygen in the pores of the platinum. Similarly, when sulphur dioxide and oxygen are allowed to flow together over spongy platinum, or even the compact metal, the two gases unite to form sulphur trioxide. Applications of Platinum. The metal is of the great- est value to the chemist on account of its power to resist the action of high temperatures and of most chemical substances. It is used in the laboratory in the form of wire, foil, crucibles, evaporating-dishes, tubes, etc., etc. From what was said above it cannot be used with alkalies and saltpeter, nor with nitro-hydrochloric acid. Platinum vessels, further, should not be placed upon red-hot charcoal. Metallic salts which are easily re- duced, such as those of antimony and bismuth, should not be heated in platinum vessels, as the reduced ele- ments, like silicon, form alloys with the platinum, and these, as a rule, are easily fusible. In the concentration of sulphuric acid on the large scale platinum stills are used. The price of platinum is not as high as that of gold, but much higher than that of silver. Alloys of Platinum. The only alloy of platinum which is of any special importance is that which it forms with iridium. A small percentage of iridium diminishes the malleability of platinum very markedly, and makes it brittle ; it, however, increases its resistance to the action of reagents. An alloy of 90 per cent platinum and 10 per cent iridium has been adopted by the French Gov- ernment as the best material from which to make normal meters. This alloy is very hard, as elastic as steel, more difficultly fusible than platinum, entirely unchangeable in the air, and is capable of a high polish. COMPOUNDS OF PLATINUM. 729 Chlorides. Like palladium, platinum forms two chlo- rides, platinom chloride, PtCl 2 , and platinic chloride, PtCl 4 . The latter is formed when platinum is dissolved in aqua regia, and the solution evaporated to dryness. From its solution in water it crystallizes with ten or five molecules of water. It is soluble in alcohol as well as in water. When the dry substance is heated for some time to 225-230, it is decomposed, yielding platinous chloride, which is a grayish-green powder insoluble in water. Chlorplatinic Acid, H 2 PtCl 6 , is formed by direct union of platinic chloride with hydrochloric acid. It crystal- lizes with six molecules of water, and forms a series of salts called the chlorplatinates, to which reference has already been made. Those most commonly met with in the laboratory are the potassium salt, K 2 PtCl 6 , or PtCl 4 .2KCl, and the ammonium salt, (NH 4 ) 2 PtCl 6 , or PtCl 4 .2NH 4 Cl, both of which are difficultly soluble in water, and are therefore precipitated when platinic chlo- ride is added to solutions containing potassium or ammo- nium chloride. The sodium salt is easily soluble in water. Many other chlorplatinates are known, and many crys- tallize well. Considering the similarity in composition be- tween chlorplatinic acid and fluosilicic acid, the conclu- sion seems justified that they have the same constitution. The reasons which lead to the belief that the constitution of fluosilicic acid is properly represented by the formula fFl I T^l Si 4 v jj make it probable that the constitution of chlorplatinic acid should be represented by a similar formula, Pt Platinous chloride like platinic chloride combines with other chlorides to form double salts, the general formula of which is M 2 PtCl 4 , or PtCl 2 .2MCl. Cyanides. Platinum forms a number of beautiful double cyanides derived from an acid of the formula 730 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. H 2 Pt(CN) 4 or Pt(CN) 2 .2HCN, which should be called cyanplatinous acid. It is analogous to the acid from which the double chlorides of platinous chloride are derived, H 2 PtCl 4 . These cyanplatinites are easily ob- tained, and, as a rule, crystallize well and are beauti- fully colored. The magnesium salt, MgPt(CN) 4 + 7H 2 O, forms quadratic prisms, the side faces of which have a green metallic lustre, while the end faces are deep blue. Hydroxides and Oxides. When a solution of platinic chloride is treated with sodium hydroxide, and afterward with acetic acid, a white precipitate of platinic hydroxide, Pt(OH) 4 + 2H 2 O, is formed, which when dried at 100 loses water and is converted into the brown hydroxide, Pt(OH) 4 . This loses water when heated higher and is converted into the oxide, PtO 2 . In a similar way plati- nous hydroxide, Pt(OH) 2 , and platinous oxide, PtO, are obtained from platinous chloride. Platinic hydroxide,, Pt(OH) 4 , has acid properties, and forms a few salts of the general formula M 2 PtO 3 , of which barium platinate, BaPtO 3 , is the best known. Platinic acid, from which these salts are derived, is plainly formed from platinic hy- droxide by loss of one molecule of water, and bears to it the same relation that ordinary silicic acid, H 2 SiO 3 , bears to normal silicic acid, Si(OH) 4 . Further, platinic acid and chlorplatinic acid appear to be analogous compounds; and the latter may be regarded as derived from the former by replacement of the three atoms of oxygen by six atoms of chlorine, as shown in the formulas ] H 2 Pt0 3 ; Sulphides. There are two sulphides of platinum which are analogous to the two oxides, PtO and PtO 2 . These are platinous sulphide, PtS, and platinic sulphide, PtS 2 > They are black insoluble compounds, which are precip- itated when hydrogen sulphide or soluble sulphides are added to solutions of platinous and platinic chlorides. THE PLATINUM BASES. 731 Compounds with Ammonia The Platinum Bases. Like cobalt salts, the salts of platinum form a large number of compounds with ammonia. When ammonia acts upon a solution of platinous chloride a compound of the for- mula PtCl 2 (NH 3 ) 2 is formed. This is the starting-point for a series of compounds, as the bromide, PtBr 2 (NH 3 ) 2 ; the nitrate, Pt(NO 3 ) 2 (NH 3 ) 2 ; the sulphate, PtSO 4 (NH 3 ) 2 ; etc. There is another series beginning with the chlo- ride, PtCl 2 (NH 3 ) 3 ; another beginning with the chloride, PtCl 2 (NH 3 ) 4 . All the above are to be regarded as derived from platinous chloride. Similarly there are other series obtained from platinic chloride. The chlorides have the formulas PtCl 4 (NH 3 ) 2 , PtCl 4 (NH 3 ) 3 , PtCl 4 (NH 3 ) 4 . It seems probable that these salts are ammonium salts in which a part of the hydrogen of the ammonium is replaced by platinum. Thus the chloride PtCl a (NH 8 ), probably has the constitution P^ the more the better. It is, further, necessary that the labora- tory work should be done with the greatest care. Every piece of apparatus should be carefully constructed, the desk should be kept clean and in good order; and no work should be abandoned until the student is satisfied that he has seen all there is to be seen, and that he has learned all that the work can teach him. He must learn to use his own senses, and to believe what he sees, and not simply "what the book says." It sometimes happens that owing to the peculiar way in which an experiment is performed results quite different from those anticipated are obtained. Under these circumstances it is not advisable to conclude at once that " the book must be wrong." It may be; but the probabilities are against this explanation of the discrepancy. Nothing is more instructive than well- directed efforts to find the causes of difficulties. Such efforts, more than anything else, develop the spirit of true scientific inquiry. It is advisable for the student to carry on the work for which directions are given below in connection with the study of the book. A good plan to follow is to read a chapter with care; then to perform the experiments which are intended to illustrate that chapter, and, while doing the work, again to read; and afterwards to write out an account of what has been done, noting everything of importance exactly as it was ob- served. If experiments are necessary to account for phe- nomena not described in the book, these should be described; and if a conclusion is reached in regard to these phenomena, the evidence upon which the conclusion is based should be clearly stated. It is only by patient work carried on in this way that one can hope to reach a clear conception of the science. But by such work the desired result will be reached. (733) 734 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER I. Progress will seem slow at first, as it always does in a new sub- ject; but in time the ideas will begin to arrange themselves systematically, order will come out of confusion, and in this result the conscientious student will find a delightful reward for his labor. Every great branch of knowledge is made up of details which are bound together by certain broad govern- ing principles. It is impossible to avoid these details. In order to understand the governing principles the details must be studied to some extent. They form the raw material from which the science is constructed; without them the science would be impossible. As well might one hope to learn a language by studying its grammatical rules and avoiding the details of the mere words, as to learn chemistry by studying the laws and avoiding contact with the things to which these laws have reference. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER I. CHEMICAL CHANGE CAUSED BY HEAT. Experiment 1 In a clean dry test-tube put enough white sugar to make a layer to an inch thick. Hold the tube in the flame of a spirit-lamp or a laboratory burner. What evidence is furnished by this experiment that chemical change may be caused by heat? What is left in the tube? Is it soluble? Is it sweet ? Is it sugar? Experiment 2. Half-fill the bulb of an arsenic-tube with red oxide of mercury, or, if such a tube is not available, pro- ceed as follows: From a piece of hard-glass tubing of about 6 to 7 millimeters (^ inch) internal diameter cut off a piece about 10 centimeters (4 inches) long by making a mark across it with a triangular file, and then seizing it with both hands, one on each side of the mark, pulling and at the same time pressing slightly as if to break it. Clean and dry it, and hold one end in the flame of a blast-lamp until it melts together. During the melting turn the tube constantly around its long axis so that the heat may act uniformly upon it. Put into the tube thus made enough red oxide of mer- cury (mercuric oxide) to form a layer about 12 millimeters (i inch) thick. Heat the tube as in the last experiment. What change in color is noticed ? What is deposited upon the glass in the upper part of the tube ? What evidence is CHANGES EFFECTED BY AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. 735 furnished by this experiment that chemical change can be effected by heat ? CHEMICAL CHANGES CAN BE EFFECTED BY AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. Experiment 3. To the ends of insulated copper wires con- nected with two cells of a Bunsen's or Grove's battery fasten platinum plates, say 25 mm. (1 inch) long by 12 mm. ( inch) wide. Insert these platinum electrodes into water contained in a shallow glass vessel about 15 cm. (6 inches) wide and 7 to 8 cm. (3 inches) deep, taking care to keep them separated from each other. No action will take place, for the reason, as has been shown, that water will not conduct the current, and hence when the platinum electrodes are kept apart there is no cucrent. By adding to the water about one tenth its own volume of strong sulphuric acid it acquires the power to convey the current. It will then be observed that bubbles rise from each of the platinum plates. In order to collect them an apparatus like that shown in Fig. 15 may be used. h and o represent glass tubes which may conveniently be about 30 cm. (1 foot) long and 25 mm. (1 inch) internal diameter. They are first filled with the water containing one tenth its vol- ume of sulphuric acid, and then placed with the mouth under water in the vessel J. The platinum elec- trodes are now brought beneath the invert- ed tubes. The b ubbles which rise from them will pass upward in the tubes and the water will be pressed down. Gradually the water will be completely forced out of one of the tubes, while the other is still half full of wa- ter. The substances thus collected in the tubes are invisible gases. After the first tube is full of gas, place the thumb over its mouth and remove the tube. Turn it mouth up- ward, and at once apply a lighted match to it. A flame will be noticed. The gas which was contained in the tube is therefore capable of burning. It cannot, therefore, have been air. In the mean time the second tube will have become filled with gas. Kemove this tube in the same way and insert a thin piece of wood with a spark on it. The spark will at once burst into flame, and the burning of the FIG. 15. 736 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER I. wood will take place more actively than it does in ordinary air y as may be shown by withdrawing it and again inserting it inta the tube. The gas in this tube, it will be noticed, does not take fire. Without going into further details, it is clear from the above experiment that when an electric current acts on water two invisible gases are produced. A chemical change is caused by an electric current. MECHANICAL MIXTURES AND CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS. Experiment 4. Examine carefully a piece of coarse-grained granite; break off some of it, and separate the constituents. How many are there? By what properties do you recognize them ? Powder a small bit of one of the constituents, and examine the powder with the microscope. Do you recognize more than one kind of matter ? Mix the powder of the three constituents, and see whether in the mixed powder there is any difficulty in detecting the three kinds of matter with the aid of the microscope. Experiment 5. Mix a gram or two of powdered roll- sulphur and an equal weight of very fine iron filings in a small mortar. Examine a little of the mixture with a micro- scope. Not only can we recognize the particles of iron and of sulphur by means of the microscope, but we can also pick out the pieces of iron by means of a magnet. The magnet attracts the iron but not the sulphur, so that by passing the magnet often enough through the mixture we can pick out all the iron and leave all the sulphur. This separation is really a mechanical separation. It is only a somewhat more refined method of picking out than that used in the case of granite. Experiment 6. Pass a small magnet through the mixture above prepared. Unless the substances used are thoroughly dry, particles of sulphur will adhere to the magnet, but even then it will be seen that most of that which is taken out of the mixture is iron. The iron and sulphur can also be separated by treating the mixture with a liquid known as carbon disulphide. Sulphur dissolves in this liquid, but iron does not. So that when the mixture is treated with it the- iron is left behind, and can easily be recognized as such. Experiment 7. Pour two or three cubic centimeters of carbon disulphide on a little powdered roll-sulphur in a dry test-tube. The sulphur dissolves. Treat iron filings in the VARIOUS EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL ACTION. 737 same way. The iron does not dissolve. Now treat a small quantity of the mixture with carbon disulphide. After the sulphur is dissolved pour off the solution on a good-sized watch-glass and let it stand. Examine what remains undis- solved in the test-tube, and satisfy yourself that it is iron. After the liquid has evaporated examine what is left in the watch-glass and satisfy yourself that it is sulphur. Why are you justified in concluding that the substance left in the test- tube is iron and that left on the watch-glass is sulphur ? Experiment 8. Make a fresh mixture of three grams each of powdered roll-sulphur and fine iron filings. Grind them together intimately in a dry mortar and put them in a dry test-tube. Heat gradually until the mass begins to glow. At first the sulphur melts and becomes dark-colored. It may even take fire. But soon something else evidently takes place. The whole mass begins to glow, and if you at once take the tube out of the flame, the mass continues to glow, becoming brighter. This soon stops; the mass grows dark and gradually cools down. As soon as it reaches the ordinary temperature, the tube should be broken and the contents put in a mortar. A close examination will show that the mass does not look like the mixture of sulphur and iron with which we started. It has a bluish-black color, and is apparently homogeneous. An examination with the microscope, the magnet, and car- bon disulphide will prove that, while there may be a little iron left, and possibly a little sulphur, most of the bluish- black mass is neither iron nor sulphur, but a new substance with properties quite different from those of iron and from those of sulphur. OTHER EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL ACTION. Experiment 9. Examine a piece of calc-spar or marble. You see that it is made up of pieces of definite shape. It is, as we say, crystallized. It is quite hard, though a knife will cut it. Heated in a hard-glass tube, as in Experiment 2, it does not melt, but remains essentially unchanged. It does not dissolve in water. To prove this, put a piece the size of a pea in a test-tube with pure water. Thoroughly shake, and then, as heating usually aids solution, boil. Now pour off a few drops of the liquid on a piece of platinum-foil or a watch- glass, and by gently heating cause the water to evaporate. If there is anything in solution, there will be a solid residue on 738 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER 1. the platinum-foil or watch-glass. If not, there will be no residue. Now treat a small piece of the substance with dilute hydrochloric acid and notice what takes place. Bubbles of gas are given off. After the action has continued for about a minute, insert a lighted match in the upper part of the tube. It is extinguished, and the gas does not burn. The gas formed in this case is therefore plainly not identical with either one of those obtained from water b}^ the action of the electric cur- rent (see Experiment 3). It is what is commonly called car- bonic-acid gas. As the action continues, the piece of calc-spar or marble grows smaller and smaller, and finally disappears, when there is a clear solution. The substance has dissolved in the hydrochloric acid. In order to determine whether any- thing else has taken place besides the dissolving, we shall have to get rid 01 the excess of hydrochloric acid. This we can easily do by boiling it, when it passes off in the form of vapor, and then whatever is in solution will remain behind. For this purpose put the solution in a small, clean porcelain evaporat- ing-dish, and put this on a vessel containing boiling water, or a water-bath. The operation should be carried on in a place in which the draught is good, so that the vapors will not collect in the working-room. They are not poisonous, but they are annoying. The arrangement for evaporating is represented in Fig. 16. After the liquid has evaporated and the suoatance in the evaporating-dish is dry, examine it, and carefully compare its prop- erties with those of the substance which was put into the test-tube. Its structure wilj be found not to present the regularities noticed in the original substance. It is much softer, dissolv(nS in water, melts when heated in a hard-glass tube. It does not give off a gas when treated with hydrochloric acid. When exposed to the air it soon FIG. 16. , . becomes moist, and after a time liquid. The experiment shows that when hydrochloric acid acts upon calc-spar or marble the latter at least loses its own properties. It might be shown that some of the hydrochloric acid also loses its properties. In place of tha two wo get a new VARIOUS EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL ACTION. 739 substance with entirely different properties. The two sub- stances have acted chemically upon each other arid produced, a chemical compound. In this case it was only necessary to bring the substances in contact in order to cause them to act chemically upon each other. It was not necessary to heat them, as it was in the case of the iron and sulphur. Experiment 1O. Bring together in a test-tube a small piece of copper and some moderately dilute nitric acid. In a short time action begins. The upper part of the tube becomes filled with a dark, reddish-brown gas which has a disagreeable smell. Do not inhale it, as when taken into the lungs it produces bad effects. The solution becomes colored dark blue, and the copper disappears. Examine this solution, as in Experiment 9, and see what has been formed. What are the properties of the substance found after evaporation of the liquid? Is it colored? Is it soluble in water? Does it change when heated in a tube ? Is it hard or soft ? Does it in any way suggest the copper with which you started ? Experiment 11. Try the action of dilute sulphuric acid on a little zinc in a test-tube. A gas will be given off. Apply a lighted match to it. Does the result suggest anything no- ticed in an experiment already performed? After the zinc has disappeared, evaporate the solution as in Experiment 9. Carefully compare the properties of the substance left behind with those of zinc. Experiment 12. Hold the end of a piece of magnesium ribbon about 20 centimeters (8 inches) long in a flame until it takes fire; then hold the burning substance quietly over a piece of dark paper, so that the light, white product may be collected. Compare the properties of this white product with those of the magnesium. Here again a chemical act has taken place. The magnesium has combined with something which it found in the air, and heat was produced by the com- bination. The product is the white substance. Experiment 13. In a small, dry flask (400 to 500 ccm.) put a bit of granulated tin. Pour upon it 2 or 3 ccm. concen- trated nitric acid. If no change takes place, heat gently, and presently there will be a copious evolution of a reddish-brown gas with a disagreeable smetl, (under what conditions has a gas like this already been obtained ?) the tin will disappear, and in its place will appear a white powder. Compare the 740 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER II. properties of this white powder with those of tin. Why are you justified in concluding that they are not the same thing ? EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER II. PREPAKATIOX OF OXYGEN. Experiment 14. Make a small quantity of oxygen by heating strongly an arsenic-tube half-filled with manganese dioxide and fitted with a small rubber delivery-tube. Experiment 15. Make some oxygen by heating a few grams of mercuric oxide in a hard-glass tube closed at one end and connected at the other end by means of a cork with a bent glass tube. Experiment 16. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 17. A represents a flask of 100 ccm. capacity. By means of FIG. 17. a well-fitting rubber stopper one end of the bent-glass tube B is connected with it, and the other end, which should turn upward slightly, is placed under the surface of the water in C. In A put 4 to 5 grams (about an eighth of an ounce) potas- sium chlorate, and gently heat by means of the lamp. Notice carefully what takes place. At first the potassium chlorate will melt, forming a clear liquid. If the heat is increased, the liquid will appear to boil, and it will soon be seen that a gas is given off, Now bring the inverted cylinder D filled with water over the end of the tube, and let the bubbles MEASUREMENT OF THE VOLUME OF GASES. 741 of gas rise in the cylinder. After a considerable quantity of gas has been collected in this way the action stops, the mass in the flask becomes solid, and apparently the end of the pro- cess is reached. But if the heat is raised again, gas will again begin to come off, and in this second stage a larger quantity will be collected than in the first. Finally, however, the end is reached, and the substance left in the flask remains un- changed, no matter how long heat may be applied. An ex- amination of the gas collected will show that a piece of wood will burn in it very readily. Explain the changes which have taken place in this experiment. Calculate how much oxygen can be obtained by heating 12 grams of potassium chlorate. MEASUREMENT or THE VOLUME OF GASES. In studying chemical changes it often becomes necessary to measure the volume of a gas, and it is important to know what precautions must be taken in such cases. For the purpose a tube is used which is graduated by marks etched on the out- side. These marks may either indicate the number of cubic centimeters of gas contained in the tube, or the length of the column of gas. In the latter case it is of course necessary to determine what volume corresponds to a given length of the column. The chief difficulty encountered in measuring gas volumes is due to the fact that the volume varies with the temperature and pressure. When the temperature of a gas is raised one degree centigrade its volume is increased ^-fj part. If, therefore, the volume of a gas at is V, at t its volume V will be This expression may also be written thus : V' = F-f 0.00366* . F, or V = F(l + 0.003660. From these we get the expressions 97Q V' V V=^r-< and- F = 4- t 1 + 0.00366** It is customary to reduce the observed volume of a gas to the volume which it would have at 0. The correction is easily 742 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER II. made by the aid of the above formula. Thus, if the volume of a gas is found to be 250 cubic centimeters at 15, and it is required to know what the volume would be if the temperature were reduced to 0, the calculation is made thus : In this case the observed volume V 9 is 250 cc. ; t, the temperature, is 15. Substituting these values in the equation 273 V V \/ _ _ of I/ ___ " 273 + t 9 " 1 + 0.00366^' we have 273 X 250 250 TF- or = " 273 + 15 ' " 1 + 0.00366 X 15' from which we get 236.99 as the value of F. But the volume of a gas varies also according to the pres- sure. If the pressure is doubled, the volume is decreased one half ; and if the pressure is decreased one half, the volume is doubled, and so on. In other words, the volume of a gas varies inversely according to the pressure. Increase the pres- sure two, three, or four times, and the volume becomes one half, one third, or one fourth, and vice versa. If the gas has the volume F at the pressure P, and at pressure P f the vol- ume V't these values are found to bear to one another the relations expressed in the equation VP= V'P'. The pressure is usually stated in millimeters, and reference is to the height of a column of mercury which the pressure cor- responds to. A gas contained in an open vessel, or in a vessel over mercury or water, in which the level of the liquid inside and outside the vessel is the same, is under the pressure of the atmosphere. What that is we learn from the barometer. As this pressure varies, it is necessary to read the barometer whenever a gas is measured, and then to reduce the observed volume to certain conditions which are accepted as standard. If the gas is measured in a tube over mercury or water, and the level of the liquid inside the tube is higher than that out- side, the gas is under diminished pressure, the amount of diminution depending on the height of the column of mer- MEASUREMENT OF THE VOLUME OF OASES. 743 cury or water in the tube. Thus, if the arrangement is as represented in Fig. 18, the height of the mercury column above the level of the mercury in the trougli be- ing 100 millimeters, and the pressure of the atmosphere 760 millimeters of mercury; then the gas in the tube is plainly not under the full atmos- pheric pressure, for the atmosphere is supporting a column of mercury 100 millimeters high, and the pres- sure actually brought to bear on the gas corresponds to 760 100 = 660 mm. of mercury. Suppose that in this case the volume of gas actually FIG. is. measured is 75 cc. Call this V. What would be the actual volume V under the standard 760 mm. ? We have seen that V'P'. Now, in this case P = 760, V = 75, and P ' = 660, There- fore, 760 V = 75 X 660, or V= Q = 65.13. In all cases it is necessary to make a correction similar to this in dealing with the volumes of gases. The correction for temperature and that for pressure may be made in one opera- tion, the formula being 273 V'P' V'P' T/ _____ _ f\-r* T/ ' ' 760(273 + *)' ' 760(1 + 0.00366*)' in which V = the volume of the gas at and 760 mm. pres- sure ; V = the observed volume ; t = the observed temper- ature ; P' = the pressure under which the .gas is measured. Some of the most important ideas which have been intro- duced into chemistry with a view of explaining the regularities observed in the quantities of substances which act upon one another chemically have their origin in observations on the conduct of gases. It is therefore of the highest importance that the student should familiarize himself with the meaning of the expression, " the volume of a gas under standard condi- tions." The presence of water vapor in a gas also influences 744 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER II. its volume, and this must be taken into account in refined work. The formula for making all the corrections required in determining the volume of a gas is FIG. 19. 760(273 + t) ' or V= V'(P'-d) 760(1 + 0.003660' in which the letters F, V, P', and t have the same significance as in the last formula given, while a is the tension of water vapor at t. A convenient apparatus for meas- uring gas volumes, which simplifies the process, is that represented in Fig. 19. It consists of two tubes con- nected at the base by means of a piece of rubber tubing, and containing water. The tube A is graduated, the other is not. The gas the volume of which is to be measured is brought into the tube A, with the narrow opening at the top, and the other tube is then placed at the side of the one con- taining the gas, and its height ad- justed so that the column of liquid in both tubes is at the same level. Under these circumstances, obviously, the gas is under the atmospheric pres- sure for which the necessary correction must of course be made. It is also necessary in this case to make the cor- rections for temperature and the ten- sion of aqueous vapor. It is, further, sometimes convenient when the gas is measured over water to transfer the measuring-tube to a vessel containing enough water to permit the immersion of the tube to a point at which the level of the liquid inside and outside of the tube is the same. In this case the conditions are the same as in the apparatus described in the last paragraph. The arrangement is represented in Fig. 20. DECOMPOSITION OF POTASSIUM CHLORATE. 745 DETERMINATION 'OF THE AMOUNT OF OXYGEN LIBERATED WHEN A KNOWN WEIGHT OF POTASSIUM G'HLORATE is_ DECOMPOSED BY HEAT. Experiment 17. To determine how much oxygen is given off when a known weight of potassium chlorate is decomposed by heat, proceed as follows: In a small dry hard-glass tube about 10 cm. long and 5 to 7 mm. internal diameter, closed at one end, weigh out on a chemical balance about 0.25 gram dry potassium chlorate, first weighing the tube empty. In- troduce just above the potassium chlorate a plug of asbestos which has been ignited, then, by means of a blast -lamp, soften the upper end of the tube, and draw it out so that it has the form shown in Fig. 21. Now weigh the tube again. Let a = weight of tube empty ; b = weight of tube with potassium chlorate ; c = weight of tube with potassium chlorate and plug. Connect at A by means of a short piece of rubber tubing with the measuring tube Fig. 19 B FIG. 20. FIG. 21. so that the ends of the two tubes are almost in contact with each other, the measuring tube having been previously filled with water to the zero point, and the top closed by means of the stop-cock. Open the stop-cock, and now heat the po- tassium chlorate gently at first, and gradually higher until no more gas is given off. After the gas has stood for half an hour to cool it down to the temperature of the air, adjust the two tubes of the measuring apparatus so that the level of the wa- ter in both is the same; read off the volume of gas. At the same time read the barometer and thermometer; and now make the corrections for pressure and temperature as above directed. The weight of a liter or 1000 cc. of oxygen at and 760 mm. pressure is 1.4290 grams. Knowing the volume of oxygen obtained, calculate the weight of this volume. 746 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER II. Remove the tube containing the product left after the decom* position of the potassium chlorate, and weigh it. Let d = weight of tube after decomposition of potassium chlorate. Now b a = weight of potassium chlorate used ; d (a -\- c 1} = weight of potassium chloride left. Knowing further the weight of the oxygen obtained in the decomposition, which we may call e, it is obvious from what has been said that d (a -(- c V) -\- e should be equal to b a t and the weights should all be in accordance with the equation KC10 3 = KC1 + 30. Make all the calculations, and see how nearly the results obtained agree with what is required by this equation. Should the results not be satisfactory the first time, repeat the work. The more carefully the work is done, the more nearly will the results agree with the equation. Experiment 18. Mix 25 to 30 grams (or about an ounce) of potassium chlorate with an equal weight of manganese di- oxide in a mortar. The sub- stances need not be in the form of powder. Heat the mixture in a glass retort, and collect the gas by displace- ment of water in appropri- ate . vessels, cylinders, bell- glasses, bottles with wide mouths, etc. It will also be well to collect some in a gasometer, such as is com- monly found in chemical lab- oratories, the essential features of which are represented in Fig. 22. It is made either of metal or of glass. The open- ing at d can be closed by means of a screw cap. In order to fill it with water, open the stop-cocks and pour FIG. 22. the water into the upper part of the vessel after having screwed on the cap d. When it is PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF OXYGEN. 747 full, water will flow out of the small tube e. Now close all the stop cocks, and remove the cap d. The water will stay in the vessel for the same reason that it will stay in a cylinder inverted with its mouth below water. To fill the gasometer with gas, put it over a tub or sink, and introduce the tube from which gas is issuing into the opening at d. The gas will rise and displace the water, which will flow out at d. When full, put the cap on. To get the gas out of the gasometer, attach a rubber tube to e, pour water into the upper part of the gasometer, open the stop-cock a and that at e, when the gas will flow out, and the current can be regu- lated by means of the stop-cock at e. The arrangement of the retort is shown in Fig. 23. FIG. 23. FIG. 24. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF OXYGEN. Experiment 19. Inhale a little of the gas from one of the bottles. Has it any taste ? any odor ? any color ? CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF OXYGEN. Experiment 2O. Turn three of the bottles containing oxy- gen with the mouth upward, leaving them covered with glass plates. Into one introduce some sulphur in a so-called de- flagrating-spoon, which is a small cup of iron or brass at- tached to a stout wire which passes through a metal plate, usually of tin (see Fig. 24). In another put a little char- 748 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER II. coal (carbon), and in a third a piece of phosphorus* about the size of a pea. Let them stand quietly, and notice what changes, if any, take place. Sulphur, carbon, and phos- phorus are elements, and oxygen is an element. It will be noticed that the sulphur and the carbon remain unchanged, while some change is taking place in the vessel containing the phosphorus, as is shown by the appearance of white fumes. After some time the phosphorus will disappear entirely, the fumes will also disappear, and there will be nothing to show us what has become of the phosphorus. If the temperature of the room is rather high, it may happen that the phosphorus takes fire. If it should, it will burn with an intensely bright light. After the burning has stopped, the vessel will be filled with white fumes, but these will quickly disappear, and the vessel will apparently be empty. What do these experiments prove with reference to the action of oxygen on sulphur, car- bon, and phosphorus at the ordinary temperature ? Experiment 21. In a deflagrating-spoon set fire to a little sulphur and let it burn in the air. Notice whether it burns with ease or with difficulty. Notice the odor of the fumes which are given off. Now set fire to another small portion, and introduce it in a spoon into one of the vessels containing oxygen. It will be seen that the sulphur burns much more readily in the oxygen than in the air. Notice the odor of the fumes given off. Is it the same as that noticed when the burning takes place in the air ? Experiment 22. Perform similar experiments with char- coal. Experiment 23. Burn a piece of phosphorus not larger than a pea in the air and in oxygen. In the latter case the light emitted from the burning phosphorus is so intense fchat it is painful to some eyes. It is better to be cautious. The phenomenon is an extremely brilliant one. The walls of the vessel in which the burning takes place become cov- * Phosphorus should be handled with great care. It is always kept under water, usually in the form of sticks. If a small piece is wanted, take out a stick with a pair of forceps, and put it under water in an evaporating-dish. While it is under the water, cut off a piece of the size wanted. Take this out by means of a pair of forceps, lay it for a moment on a piece of filter-paper, which will absorb most of the water; then quickly put it in the spoon. OXYGEN IS USED UP IN COMBUSTION. 749 ered with a white substance, which afterwards gradually dis- appears. What differences do you notice between the burning in the air and in oxygen ? In the experiments is there any sulphur, or carbon, or phosphorus left behind ? Do the experiments furnish any evidence that oxygen takes part in the action ? or that oxygen is used up ? Experiment 24. Straighten a steel watch-spring,* and fasten it in a piece of metal such as is used for fixing a deflagrating-spoon in an upright position; wind a little thread around the lower end, and dip it in melted sulphur. Set fire to this, and insert it into a vessel containing oxygen. For a moment the sulphur will burn as in Experiment 21; but soon the steel begins to burn brilliantly, and the burning continues as long as there is oxygen left in the vessel. Notice that in this case there is no flame, but instead very hot particles are given off from the burning iron. The phenomenon is of great beauty, especially if observed in a dark room. The walls of the vessel become covered with a dark reddish-brown substance, some of which will also be found at the bottom in larger pieces. OXYGEN is USED UP IN COMBUSTION. Experiment 25. Is the odor of the contents of the bottle in which the sulphur was burned the same as before the experi- ment ? Introduce a stick with a small flame on it successively into the vessels used in burning sulphur, carbon, phosphorus, and iron. Is oxygen present or not ? What evidence have you on this point ? Experiment 26. Fill a tube say 30 to 40 cm. (12 to 15 inches) long, and 2-J- to 3 cm. (1 to 1 inches) wide, with oxygen, and arrange it in a vessel over water, as shown in Fig. ^25. Now fasten a small stick of phosphorus to the end of a wire and push it into the tube so that about to % inch of the phosphorus is above the water and exposed to the oxygen. At first no action will take place, but after a * Old watch-springs can generally be had of any watch maker or mender for the asking. A spring can be straightened by unrolling it, attaching a weight, and suspending the weight by the spring. The spring is then heated up and down to redness with the flame of a Bun- sen burner. 750 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER II. time white fumes will be seen to rise from the phosphorus, * and the phosphorus will begin to melt. This action will be accompanied by a diminution of the volume of the oxygen, as will be shown by the rise of the water. When the water has risen so as to cover the phosphorus, shove the stick up so that it is again just above the surface of the water. Some of the oxygen will again be used up. By working carefully, and repeating this process as many times as may be necessary, the oxygen can all be used up without the active burning of the phos- phorus. Usually, however, before the action is completed, the temperature of the phos- phorus becomes so high that it takes fire, when there is a flash of light in the tube and a sudden rise of the water, showing that the gas is suddenly used up. Experiment 27. Burn a steel watch-spring as directed in Experiment 24, with the difference that the spring is passed air-tight through a cork which is fitted tightly into the neck of the bell-jar. As the spring burns, the water will rise from the vessel in which the bell-jar is standing, and it is necessary to pour water into this ves- sel. When the spring has burned near to- the cork shove it through so that the burning may continue. If the experiment is properly performed the bell- jar will be nearly full of water at the end. What does this prove ? THE PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION WEIGH MORE THAN THE BODY BURNED. FIG. 25. Flo Experiment 28. Weigh off about a gram of magnesium ribbon in a porcelain crucible. Heat over a Bunsen burner until the magnesium has turned to a white substance (magnesium oxide). After cooling, weigh again. Perform the same experiment with zinc, tin, and lead. What conclusion are you justified in drawing? Experiment 29. Over each pan of a large and rather sensitive balance suspend a glass tube filled with pieces of solid PREPARATION OF HYDROGEN. 751 caustic soda. A balance that will answer the purpose very well can be made of wood with metal bearings. It may con- veniently be about 2? feet high, with a delicate beam about 3 feet long. The best tubes for the caustic soda are Argand lamp-chimneys, around the bottom of which is tied a piece of wire-gauze to prevent the caustic soda from falling out. On one pan of the balance place a candle directly under one of the caustic-soda tubes, so adjusted that the flame shall be not more than ty to 3 inches below the bottom of the tube. By means of weights placed on the other pan establish equilibrium. Now light the candle. Slowly, as it burns, the pan upon which it is placed will sink, showing that the products of com- bustion which are partly absorbed by the caustic soda are heavier than the candle was. While this is by no means an accurate experiment, it is a very striking one, and proves be- yond question that in the process of combustion matter is taken up by the burning body. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER III. PREPARATION OF HYDROGEN. Experiment 3O. Kepeat Experiment 3 and examine the Experiment 31. Throw a small piece of sodium * on water. While it is floating on the surface apply a lighted match to it. A yellow flame will appear. This is burning hydrogen, the flame being colored yellow by the presence of the sodium, some of which also burns. Make the same experiment with potas- sium. The flame appears in this case without the aid of the match. It has a violet color, which is due to the burning of some of the potassium. The gas given off in these experi- ments is either burned at once or escapes into the air. In the case of the potassium it takes fire at once, because the action takes place rapidly and the heat evolved is sufficient to set fire to it; in the case of the sodium, however, the action takes place more slowly, and the temperature does not get high enough to set fire to the gas. In order to collect it unburned, it is only necessary to allow the decomposition to take place so that the * The metals sodium and potassium are kept under oil. When a small piece is wanted take out .one of the larger pieces from the bottle, roughly wipe off the oil with filter-paper, and cut off a piece the size needed. It is not advisable to use a piece larger than a small pea. 752 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER III. gas will rise in an inverted vessel filled with water. For this purpose fill a good-sized test-tube with water and invert it in a vessel of water. Cut off a piece of sodium not larger than a pea, wrap it in a layer or two of filter-paper, and with the fingers or a pair of curved forceps bring it quickly below the mouth of the test-tube and let go of it. It will rise to the top, the decomposition of the water will take place quietly, and the gas formed, being unable to escape, will remain in the tube. By repeating this operation in the same tube a second portion of gas can be made, and so on until the vessel is full. Examine the gas and see whether it acts like the hydrogen obtained from water by means of the electric current. What evidence have you that they are the same ? Is this evidence sufficient to prove the identity of the two ? The metals sodium and potassium disappear in these experi- ments, and we get hydrogen. What becomes of the metals ? and what is the source of the hydrogen ? If after the action has stopped the water is examined, it will be found to contain something in solution. It now has a peculiar taste, which we call alkaline; it feels slightly soapy to the touch; it changes certain vegetable colors. If the water is evaporated off, a white substance remains behind, which is plainly neither sodium nor potassium. In solid form or in very concentrated solution it acts very strongly on animal and vegetable sub- stances, disintegrating many of them. On account of this action it is known as caustic soda, or, in the case of potas- sium, as caustic potassa. FIG. 27. Experiment 32. Certain metals which do not decompose water at ordinary temperatures, or which decompose it slowly, decompose it easily at elevated temperatures. This is true of PREPARATION OF HYDROGEN. "53 iron. If steam is passed through a tube containing pieces of iron heated to redness, decomposition of the water takes place, and the oxygen is retained by the iron, which enters into com- bination with it, while the hydrogen is liberated. In this ex- periment a porcelain tube with an internal diameter of from 20 to 25 mm. (about an inch) and a gas furnace are desirable, though a hard-glass tube and a charcoal furnace will answer. The arrangement of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 27. Experiment 33. In a cylinder or test-tube put some small pieces of zinc, and pour upon it some ordinary hydrochloric acid. If the action is brisk, after it has continued for a min- ute or two apply a lighted match to the mouth of the vessel. The gas will take fire and burn. If sulphuric acid diluted with five or six times its volume of water* is used instead of hydrochloric acid, the same result will be reached. The gas evolved is hydrogen. For the purpose of collecting the gas the operation is best performed in a wide-mouthed bottle, in FIG. 28. FIG. 29. which is fitted a cork with two holes (see .Fig. 28), or in a bottle with two necks called a Wolffs flask (see Fig. 29). Through one of the holes a funnel-tube passes, and through the other a glass tube bent in a convenient form. * If it is desired to dilute ordinary concentrated sulphuric acid with water, the acid should be poured slowly into the water while the mix- ture is constantly stirred. If the water is poured into the acid, the heat evolved at the places where the two come in contact may be so great as to convert the water into steam and cause the strong acid to spatter. 754 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER IIL The zinc used is granulated. It is prepared by melting it in a ladle, and pouring the molten metal from an elevation of four or five feet into water. The advantage of this form is that it presents a large surface to the action of the acids. A handful of this zinc is introduced into the bottle, and enough of a cooled mixture of sulphuric acid and water (1 volume concentrated acid to 6 volumes water) poured upon it to cover it. Usually a brisk evolution of gas takes place at once. Wait for two or three minutes, and then collect some of the gas by displacement of water. When the action be- comes slow, add more of the dilute acid. It will be well to fill several cylinders and bottles with the gas, and also a gaso- meter, from which it can be taken as it is needed for experi- ments. SOMETHING BESIDES HYDROGEN' is FORMED. Experiment 34. After the action is over pour the contents of the flask through a filter into an evaporating-dish, and boil off the greater part of the water, so that, on cooling, the substance contained in solution will be deposited. If the op- eration is carried on properly, the substance will be deposited in regular forms called crystals. It is zinc sulphate, ZnS0 4 , formed by the replacement of the hydrogen of the sulphuric acid by zinc. PROBLEMS. How much zinc would it take to give 200 liters of hy- drogen ? How much zinc sulphate would be formed ? How much hy- drogen would be formed by the action of 50 grams of zinc on sulphuric acid ? How much sulphuric acid would be used up ? DETERMINATION OF THE AMOUNT OF HYDROGEN EVOLVED WHEN A KNOWN WEIGHT OF ZINC is DISSOLVED IN SUL- PHURIC ACID. Experiment 35. This determination can be made by means of an apparatus such as represented in Fig. 30. The bent tube leading from the flask A is drawn out at B, and a plug of glass-wool introduced below the constriction. The other parts of the apparatus need no description. The flask should have a capacity of about 40 to 50 cc. ; and the measuring tube C should have a capacity of about 100 cc., and be graduated to cc. AMOUNT OF HYDROGEN EVOLVED. '55 " The experiment is conducted in the following manner : D is filled with distilled water ; a piece of zinc weighing from 0.150 to 0.200 gram is placed in the flask; the pinch-cock E is then opened, and the whole apparatus thus filled with water. The apparatus is now examined in order to ascertain if gas bubbles are lodged under the stopper F or in the glass- wool. If so, they can usually be dislodged without difficulty. If they persist, a few moments' boiling of the water in the flask will eifect their complete removal. . . The eudiometer is now placed over the outlet of the delivery-tube, and the greater portion of the water remaining in D allowed to flow through the apparatus. Sulphuric acid of the concentration ordinarily employed in the laboratory (1 of H 2 S0 4 to 4 of H 3 0) is poured into the reservoir D until it is nearly full. The pinch-cock E is then opened, and the water which fills the Fio. 30. apparatus is displaced by sulphuric acid. The action of the acid upon the metal may be facilitated by heat or by adding some platinum scraps. When the action is over, the contents of the flask are swept through the delivery-tube by again open- ing the pinch-cock E. Finally, the measuring-tube is trans- ferred to a cylinder of water, and the volume of the gas read and corrected in the usual manner. If hydrochloric instead of sulphuric acid has been used, which would be the case when the metal employed is aluminium, a little caustic soda should be added to the water in the cylinder to which the eudiometer is transferred."* * See Morse and Keiser, American Chemical Journal, vol. vi. p. 349. ?5ti EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER III. A liter of hydrogen at and 760 mm. weighs 0.089873 gram. How much does the hydrogen obtained in the experi- ment weigh? How much ought to have been obtained? How many cubic centimeters of hydrogen ought to have been obtained ? Try the same experiment, using tin- and hydrochloric acid. The action takes place as represented in the equation Sn + 2HC1 = SnCl a + H 2 . It would be well, further, to try the experiment also with iron and sulphuric acid, and with aluminium and hydrochloric acid, and to calculate from the results the relation between the weights of the four metals required to give equal volumes of hydrogen, and the volumes of hydrogen given by, say, a gram of each metal. The action between iron and sulphuric acid takes place according to the equation Fe + H 2 S0 4 = FeS0 4 + H a . That between aluminium and hydrochloric acid is represented by this equation : Al + 3HC1 = A1C1 3 + 3H. HYDROGEN is PURIFIED BY PASSING THROUGH A SOLUTION OF POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE. Experiment 36. Pass some of the gas, made by the action of zinc on sulphuric acid, through a wash cylinder contain- FIG. 31. ing a solution of potassium permanganate; collect some of it, and notice whether it has an odor. The apparatus should DIFFUSION. 75? Fia. 32. be arranged as shown in Fig. 31. The solution of potas- sium permanganate is, of course, contained in the small cyl- inder A, and the tubes so arranged that the gas bubbles through it. Has the gas any odor or taste or color ? Experiment 37. Place a vessel containing hydrogen with the mouth upward and uncovered. In a short time examine the gas contained in the vessel, and see whether it is hydrogen, What does this experiment prove with reference to the weight of hydrogen as compared with that of the air ? Experiment 38. Gradually bring a vessel containing hy- drogen with its mouth upward below an inverted vessel contain- ing air, in the way shown in Fig. 32. After the vessel which con- tained the hydrogen has been brought in the upright position beneath the other, examine the gas in each vessel. Which one contains the hydrogen ? Experiment 39. Soap-bubbles filled with hydrogen rise in the air. This experiment is best performed by connecting an ordinary clay pipe by means of a piece of rubber tubing with the delivery-tube of a gasometer filled with hydrogen. Small balloons of collodion are also made for the purpose of showing the lightness of hydrogen. HYDROGEN PASSES READILY THROUGH POROUS VESSELS. DIFFUSION. 9 Experiment 4O. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. S3. It consists of a porous earthenware cup, such as is used in galvanic batteries, fitted wi'th a perforated cork connected with a glass tube 2 to 3 feet long. The cork must fit air-tight into the mouth of the cup, as well as the tube into the cork This may be secured by shoving the cork into the cup until its outer surface is even with the edge of the cup, and then covering it carefully with sealing-wax. Put the lower end of the glass tube through a cork into one neck of a Wolffs bottle containing some water colored with litmus or indigo, so that the end of the tube is above the surface of the water. Through the other neck of the bottle pass a tube slightly bent outward and drawn out at the end to a fine opening. This 758 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER III. tube must also be fitted to the bottle by an air- tight cork, and its lower end must be below the surface of the liquid. Now bring a bell- jar containing dry hydro- gen over the porous cup, when the liquid will be seen to rise in the short, bent tube that dips be- low the liquid, and be forced out of it, some- times with considerable velocity. Withdraw the bell-jar, and bubbles will rise rapidly from the bot- tom of the tube which dips under the water, thus showing that air is enter- FIG. 33. FIG. 34. ing the bottle. This is due to the diffusion of the hydrogen from the porous cup into the air. Explain all that you have seen. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF HYDROGEN. Experiment 41. If there is no small platinum tube avail- able, roll up a small piece of platinum-foil and melt it into the end of a glass tube, as shown in Fig. 34. Connect the burner thus made with the gasometer containing hydrogen, and after the gas has been allowed to issue from it for a moment, set fire to it. In a short time it will be seen that the flame is practically colorless, and gives no light. That it is PRODUCT FORMED WHEN HYDROGEN IS BURNED. 759 hot can be readily shown by holding a piece of platinum wire or a piece of some other metal in it. Experiment 42. Into the flame of burning hydrogen in- troduce a small coil of platinum wire. What change is ob- served ? Introduce also a piece of magnesium ribbon. Explain the difference between the two cases. What becomes of the magnesium ? of the platinum ? Experiment 43. Hold a cylinder filled with hydrogen with the mouth downward. Insert into it a lighted taper held on a bent wire, as shown in Fig. 35. The gas takes fire at the mouth of the vessel, but the taper is extinguished. On withdrawing the taper and holding the wick for a^ moment in the burn- ing hydrogen, it will take fire, but on putting it back in the hydrogen it will again be extin- guished. Other burning substances should be tried in a similar way. What conclu- sions are justified by the last two experi- ments ? FIG. 3t>. PRODUCT FORMED WHEN HYDROGEN is BURNED. Experiment 44. Hold a clean, dry glass plate a few inches above a hydrogen flame. What do you observe? Kemove what is deposited upon the plate, and hold the plate again over the flame. Repeat this a number of times. What does the substance deposited upon the plate suggest? Can you positively say what it is ? REDUCTION. Experiment 45. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 36. The flask A contains zinc and dilute sulphuric acid; the cylinder B a solution of potassium permanganate; the cylinder concentrated sulphuric acid; and the tube D granulated calcium chloride. The object of the potassium permanganate is to purify the hydrogen; the object of the concentrated sul- phuric acid and calcium chloride is to remove moisture from the gas. In the tube E put a few pieces of the black oxide of copper, or cupric oxide, CuO. After hydrogen has been pass- ing long enough to drive all the air out of the apparatus (about two or three minutes if there is a brisk evolution) heat 760 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER IV. the oxide of copper by means of a flame applied to the tube. What change in color takes place ? Try the action of nitric Fio. 36. acid on the substance before the action and after, and note whether there is any difference. What appears in G ? Ex- plain what you have seen. Experiment 46. Try the experiment just described, using ferric oxide, or oxide of iron, Fe 2 3 , instead of cupric oxide. What is the common feature in the two reactions ? EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER IV. COMPOSITION OF WATER. Experiment 47. Arrange the apparatus shown in Fig. 36 with a straight tube instead of the bent tube E, and connect this with a small bent tube containing calcium chloride, as shown in Fig. 37. Weigh tube E empty, and after the cupric u FIG. 37. oxide has been put into it. This gives the weight of the cupric oxide. Weigh the tube F before the experiment. Now pro- ceed as in Experiment 45. In this case all the water formed by the action of the hydrogen on the cupric oxide will be COMPOSITION OF WATER. 761 absorbed by the calcium chloride in tube F. This tube will therefore gain in weight, and as oxygen is removed from the cupric oxide, tube E will lose in weight. After the reduction is complete weigh tube E and tube F again. Let x weight of tube E -f- cupric oxide before the ex- periment; y = weight of tube E -{ copper after the experiment. Then x y = weight of oxygen removed from the cupric oxide. Let a = weight of tube F before the experiment, and b = " " " after " " Then b a = weight of water formed. If the experiment is properly performed, it will be found that the ratio -r - is very nearly -. Or the result may be o ci> y stated thus: In nine parts of water there are eight parts of oxygen. Experiment 48. The tubes in the apparatus used in Ex- periment 3, or some other similar apparatus, should be graduated. Let the gases formed by the action of the electric current, as in Experiment 3, rise in the tubes, and observe the volumes. It will be seen that when one tube is just full of gas, the other, if it is of the same size, will be only half full. On examining the gases the larger volume will be found to be hydrogen, and the smaller volume oxygen. What are the relative weights of equal volumes of hydrogen and oxygen ? In what proportion by weight are the two gases obtained from water in this experiment? How does this result agree with that obtained in the preceding experiment ? Does this experiment prove that water consists only of hydrogen and oxygen ? Experiment 49. Pass hydrogen from a generating- flask or a gasometer through a tube containing some substance that will absorb moisture ; for all gases made in the ordinary way and collected over water are charged with moisture. The calcium chloride should be in granulated form, not powdered. After passing the hydrogen through the cal- cium chloride, pass it through a tube ending in a narrow opening, and set fire to it. If now a dry vessel is held over the flame, drops of water will condense on its surface and run 762 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER IV. down. A convenient arrangement of the apparatus is shown in Pig. 38. FIG. 38. A is the calcium chloride tube. Before lighting the jet, hold a glass plate in the escaping gas, and see whether water is deposited on it. Light the jet before putting it under the bell- jar ; otherwise, if hydrogen is allowed to escape into the vessel, it will contain a mixture of air and hydrogen, and this mixture, as we shall soon see, is explosive. Experiment 50. Mix hydrogen and oxygen in the propor- tions of about 2 volumes of hydrogen to 1 volume of oxygen, in a gasometer. Fill soap-bubbles, made as directed in Ex- periment 39, with this mixture, and allow them to rise in the air. As they rise, bring a lighted taper in contact with them, when a sharp explosion will occur. Great care must be taken to keep all flames away from the vicinity of the gasometer while the mixture is in it. This experiment is conveniently performed by hanging up, about six to eight feet above the experiment-table, a good-sized tin funnel-shaped vessel, with the mouth downward. a Now place a gas jet or a small flame of any kind at the mouth of the vessel. If the soap-bubbles are allowed to rise below this apparatus they will come in con- tact with the flame and explode at once.* What does this experiment show ? Does it give any information in regard to the composition of water ? * The same apparatus may be used in experimenting with soap bubbles filled with hydrogen. EUDIOMETRIC EXPERIMENTS. 763 EUDIOMETRIC EXPERIMENTS. Experiment 51. The general method of studying the combination of hydrogen and oxygen by means of the eudi- ometer was described in the text (see p. 50). To what was there said it need only be added that, in exploding the mix- ture in the eudiometer, the latter should be held down firmly, by means of a clarnp, against a thick piece of rubber cloth placed on the bottom of the mercury-trough. In making the measurements of the volume of the gases and the height of the mercury column, care must be taken to have the eudiom- eter in a perpendicular position. This can be secured by means of plumb-lines suspended from the ceiling and reach- ing nearly to the table, by which the position of the eudiom- eter can be adjusted. OXYHYDROGEN BLOW-PIPE. Experiment 52. Hold in the flame of the oxyhydrogen blow-pipe successively a piece of iron wire, a piece of a steel watch-spring, a piece of copper wire, a piece of zinc, a piece of platinum wire. Experiment 53. Cut a piece of lime of convenient size and shape, say an inch long by three quarters of an inch wide, and the same thickness. Fix it in position so that the flame of the oxyhydrogen blow-pipe will play upon it. The light is very bright, but by no means as intense as the electric light. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER V. ORGANIC SUBSTANCES CONTAIN WATER. Experiment 54. In dry test-tubes heat gently various or- ganic substances as a piece of wood, fresh meat, fruits, vege- tables, etc. WATER OF CRYSTALLIZATION. Experiment 55. Take some of the crystals of zinc sul- phate obtained in Experiment 34. Spread them out on a layer of filter-paper, and finally press two or three of them between folds of the paper. Examine them carefully. They appear to be quite dry, and in the ordinary sense they are dry. Heat them in a dry tube, when it will be observed that water condenses in the upper part of the tube, while the 764 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER V. crystals lose their lustre, becoming white and opaque, and at last crumbling to powder. Experiment 56. Perform a similar experiment with some gypsum, which is the natural substance from which " plaster of Paris " is made. Experiment 57. Heat a few small crystals of copper sul- phate, or blue vitriol. In this case the loss of water is accom- panied by a loss of color. After all the water is driven off, the powder left behind is white. On dissolving it in water, however, the solution will be seen to be blue ; and if the solu- tion is evaporated until the substance is deposited, it will again appear in the form of blue crystals. EFFLORESCENT SALTS. Experiment 58. Select a few crystals of sodium sulphate which have not lost their lustre. Put them on a watch- glass, and let them lie exposed to the air for an hour or two. They soon lose their lustre, and undergo the changes noticed in heating zinc sulphate. DELIQUESCENT SALTS. Experiment 59. Expose a few pieces of calcium chloride to the air. Its surface will soon give evidence of the presence of moisture, and after a time the substance will dissolve in the water which is absorbed. PURIFICATION OF WATER BY DISTILLATION". Experiment 6O. In an apparatus like that shown in Fig. 39 distil a dilute solution of copper sulphate or some other FIG. 39. colored substance. A slow current of cold water must be METHOD OF DUMA& 765 kept running through the condenser by connecting the lower rubber tube with a water-cock. When the water is boiled in the large flask, the steam passes into the inner tube of the condenser. As this is surrounded by cold water, the steam condenses and the distilled water collects in the receiver. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER VI. It would be well in this connection to determine the specific gravity of some substance in the form of vapor. The princi- pal methods for this purpose are those of Dumas, Gay Lussac, Hof mann, and Victor Meyer. That of Dumas, which consists in measuring the volume and determining the weight of the vapor under observation, is the most accurate. The method of Hofmann is a modification of that of Gay Lussac. It con- sists in weighing a small quantity of the liquid the specific gravity of whose vapor is to be determined, and, after intro- ducing the liquid in a minute glass vessel into a eudiometer over mercury, heating the eudiometer and its contents by passing steam through a jacket surrounding it and measuring the volume of vapor formed. The method of Victor Meyer is used very commonly, especially when it is required to -determine the specific gravity of the vapor of a substance which boils at a high temperature. METHOD OF DUMAS. Experiment 61. In this method the liquid to be vaporized is brought into a small balloon like that shown in Fig. 40. The dry balloon is first weighed, and a small quantity of liquid then introduced by gently heating the balloon and pat- ting the point of its stem into the liquid, when, on cooling, the liquid rises and enough is easily brought into the balloon in this way. The balloon is now placed (in the position shown in Pig. 41) in a bath of water, oil, or paraffin, according to the boiling-point of the liquid. The bath is heated 30-40 above the boiling-point of the liquid under examination. The air is thus driven out and the balloon is filled with the vapor. When vapor no longer escapes, the point of the stem is closed by melting it with a mouth blow-pipe. The balloon is then cleaned, dried, and weighed. The temperature of the bath and the height of the barometer are observed at the time the balloon is closed. The point of the stem is broken off under 766 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER VI. mercury, when the mercury rises and fills the balloon. By pouring the mercury out into a graduated cylinder the ca- pacity of the balloon is determined. The specific gravity of the vapor is calculated by the aid of the formula B + p)(l + 0.00366 X vh v X 0.001293 in which B = weight of balloon at t and h mm. ; B 1 = " " " with vapor, at t t and h t mm. ; v = capacity of the balloon in cubic centimeters; 0.001293 = weight of 1 cc, air at and 760 mm. ; p = weight of air in balloon at t and h mm. FIG. 40. FIG. 41. METHOD OF VICTOR MEYER. Experiment 62. In this method a known weight of substance is converted into vapor, and the volume of vapor formed is determined by measuring the volume of air which it displaces. The apparatus consists of an outer cylindrical vessel A, Fig. 42, and an inner vessel B, which is connected with a tube 0. The vessel B has a capacity of about 100 cc., and is about 200 mm. long. The tube C, with its funnel-shaped end E, is about 600 mm. long. First, a small quantity of some substance with a boiling-point ^, high enough to secure the complete conversion FIG 42. into vapor of the substance to be studied, is put in the bottom of the vessel A, and a little ignited asbestos or dry OZONE. 767 mercury in the bottom of the vessel B. The substance in A is now heated to boiling, and E is closed with a rubber stop- per. After a time the temperature of the air in B is raised to that of the vapor in A, and no more escapes from the tube D. When this condition of equilibrium is reached, a small weighed quantity of the substance under examination is dropped into the vessel B, the stopper being removed from E and quickly replaced. The substance is converted into vapor, and displaces an equivalent volume of air, and this displaced air is collected over water in the measuring-tube placed over the end of D. When no more air escapes, the volume, is determined in the usual way. The specific gravity of the substance is calculated by the aid of the following formula: _ s , (1 4- 0.00366 X Q760 " ' (B w)Vx 0.001293' in which 0.001293 is the weight of 1 cc. air in grams at 760 mm. and 0; and, further, S = weight of substance taken; t = temperature of the room, or of the water in the measur- ing apparatus; B = height of barometer; w = tension of aqueous vapor; V = observed volume of air; or, the formula can be simplified by division, when it takes this form: (1 + 0.00366 X 0587,780 (B-w)V The above is the simplest form of apparatus used. To avoid opening and shutting the vessel in order to introduce the sub- stance, an arrangement has been devised for holding the sub- stance below the stopper, until the proper temperature is reached, and then releasing it without disturbing the stopper. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER VII. OZONE. Experiment 63. Put a few sticks of ordinary phosphorus on the bottom of a good-sized bottle with a wide mouth, and 768 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER VIII. partly cover the phosphorus with water. In a short time the odor of ozone will be perceptible, and the gas can also be de- tected by means of strips of paper which have been moistened with a dilute solution of potassium iodide and starch-paste. See whether such papers are changed in the air ? What is the cause of the change? If convenient, examine the air in the neighborhood of a frictional electrical machine, and see whether it causes the papers to change color. HYDROGEN DIOXIDE. Experiment 64. Finely powder some barium dioxide, and add some of it to dilute sulphuric acid. Filter from the pre- cipitated barium sulphate, and with the solution try the fol- lowing reactions : Heat some in a test-tube. What takes place? Add to an- other small portion a little of a dilute solution of potassium permanganate. To another portion add a little finely pow- dered manganese dioxide. What is given off ? To a dilute solution contained in a small stoppered cylinder add a few drops of a dilute solution of potassium dichromate, and quick- ly add ether, and shake the cylinder thoroughly. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER VIII. PREPARATION OF CHLORINE. Experiment 65. Pour 2 or 3 cc. concentrated sulphuric acid on a gram or two of common salt in a test-tube. A gas will be given off which forms dense white fumes in the air and has a sharp, penetrating taste and smell. This is hydrochloric acid gas. Experiment 66. Pour 2 or 3 cc. concentrated sulphuric acid on a few grams of manganese dioxide in a test-tube. Heat, and examine the gas given off. jQonvince yourself that it is oxygen. Experiment 67. Mix 2 grams manganese dioxide and 2 grams common salt. Pour 4 to 5 cc. dilute sulphuric acid on the mixture in a test-tube. This experiment should be per- formed under a hood in which the draught is good, as the gas which is given off is not only disagreeable, but irritating to the respiratory organs. Notice the color and odor of the gas. [Does it support combustion ? Does it burn ?] PREPARATION OF CHLORINE. ?69 The best way to make chlorine is the following : Mix 5 parts coarsely granulated manganese dioxide and 5 parts coai ly granulated common salt. Make a mixture of 12 parts concentrated sulphuric acid and 6 parts water. Let this mixture cool down to the tem- perature of the room, and then pour it upon the mixture of salt and manganese dioxide. Gently heat on a sand-bath, and a regular current of chlo- rine will be given off. The gas is collected by displacement of air in a dry glass vessel. The apparatus for the purpose is arranged as shown in Fier. 43. FIG 43. The delivery-tube should reach to the bottom of the collecting vessel, and the mouth of the vessel should be covered with a piece of paper to prevent cur- rents of air from carrying away the chlorine. As the gas col- lects in the vessel the experimenter can judge of the quantity present by means of the color. Experiment 68. Collect six or eight dry cylinders or bot- tles full of chlorine. Make the gas from about 30 grams of manganese dioxide, using the other substances in the propor- tions already stated. (1) Introduce into one of the vessels containing chlorine a little finely powdered antimony. (2) Into a second vessel put a few pieces of heated thin copper- foil. (3) Into a third vessel put a piece of paper with some writ- ing on it, some flowers, and pieces of cotton print. The sub- stances used must be moist. (4) Into a fourth vessel put a dry piece of the same cotton print as that used in the previous experiment. What conclusions do the results of the above experiments justify as to the conduct of chlorine? Experiment 69. Cut a piece of filter-paper about an inch wide and six to eight inches long. Pour on this some ordinary oil of turpentine previously warmed slightly. Introduce this into one of the vessels of chlorine. A flash of flarne is noticed, and a dense black cloud is formed. The action in this case is due to the great affinity of chlorine for hydrogen. Oil of turpentine consists of carbon and hydrogen. The main action of the chlorine consists in extracting the hydrogen and leaving the carbon. The experiment is interesting chiefly in so far as it illustrates the general tendency of chlorine to act upon vegetable substances. CHLORINE DECOMPOSES WATER IN THE SUNLIGHT. Experiment 70. Seal the end of a glass tube about a metre (or about a yard) long and about 12 mm. (| inch) internal diameter. Fill this with a strong solu- tion of chlorine in water. Invert it as shown in Fig. 44, in a shallow vessel containing some of the same solution of chlorine in water. Place the tube in direct sunlight. Gradually bubbles of gas will be seen to rise and collect in the up- per end, and the color of the solution, which is at first greenish yellow, like that of chlorine, disappears. The gas can be shown to be oxygen. CHLORINE HYDRATE. Experiment 71. Conduct chlorine into a flask containing water cooled down to about 2 or 3 Centigrade. If crystals are formed remove some by filtering out-of-doors if the weather is cold. Expose some of the crystals on filter-paper under a hood in the laboratory. What changes have taken place ? FORMATION OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID. Experiment 72. Light a jet of hydrogen in the air and carefully introduce it into a vessel containing chlorine. It will continue to burn, but the flame will not appear the same. A gas will be given off which forms clouds in the air. This gas has a sharp, penetrating taste and smell. Experiment 73. Half fill a small, wide-mouthed cylinder over hot water with chlorine gas. Then fill it with hydrogen. The direct sunlight must not shine upon the cylinder while it contains the mixture. Turn it mouth upward and apply a flame. PREPARATION OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID. 771 PREPARATION OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID. - Experiment 74. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 45i FIG. 45. "Weigh out 5 parts common salt, 5 parts concentrated sul- phuric acid, and 1 part water. Mix the acid and water, tak- ing the usual precautions; let the mixture cool down to the ordinary temperature, and then pour it on the salt in the flask. For the purposes of the experiment take about 20 grams of salt. Now heat the flask gently, and the gas will be regularly evolved. Conduct it at first through water con- tained in the two Wolff's bottles until what passes over is all absorbed in the first bottle. The reason why gas at first bubbles through all the bottles is, that the apparatus is full of air, which is first driven out. When the air has been dis- placed, the gas is all absorbed as soon as it comes in contact with the water. After the gas has passed for ten to fifteen minutes, disconnect at A. Notice the fumes. These become denser by blowing the breath on them. Why? Apply a lighted match to the end of the tube. Does the gas burn? Collect some of the gas in a dry cylinder by displacement of air, as in the case of chlorine. The specific gravity of the gas being 1.26, the vessel must of course be placed with the mouth upward. That the gas is colorless and transparent is shown by the appearance of the generating flask, which is filled with the gas. Insert a burning stick or candle in the cylinder filled with the gas v Reconnect the gen erat ing-flask with the series of bottles containing water, and let the pro- cess continue until no more gas comes over. The reaction represented in the equation H 2 S0 4 = Na 2 S0 4 + 2HC1 772 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER IX. is now complete. Disconnect the flask, and after it has cooled down pour water on the contents ; when the substance is dissolved filter it and evaporate to such a concentration that, on cooling, the sodium sulphate is deposited. Pour off the liquid and dry the solid substance by means of filter- paper. Compare the substance with the common salt which, you put in the flask before the experiment. What proofs have you that the two substances are not the same? Heat a small piece of each in a dry tube closed at one end. What differences do you notice ? Treat a small piece of each in a test-tube with sulphuric acid. What difference do you no- tice ? If in the experiment we should recover all the sodium sulphate formed, how much should we have ? Put about 50 cc. of the liquid from the first Wolff's bottle in a porcelain evaporating-dish. Heat over a small flame just to boiling. Is hydrochloric acid given off ? Can all the liquid be driven off by boiling ? Try the action of the solution on some iron filings. What is given off ? Add some to a little granulated zinc in a test-tube. What is given off ? Add a little to some manganese dioxide in a test-tube. What is given off ? Add ten or twelve drops of the acid to 2 to 3 cc. water in a test-tube. Taste the dilute solution. It has what is called a sour or acid taste, the two terms being practically synony- mous. Add a drop or two of a solution of blue litmus, or put into it a piece of paper colored blue with litmus. What change takes place? Litmus is a vegetable color pre- pared for use as a dye. Other vegetable colors are changed by hydrochloric acid. Steep a few leaves of red cabbage in water. Add a few drops of the solution thus obtained to di- lute hydrochloric acid. Is there any change in color ? The color will be restored in each case by adding a few drops of a solution of caustic soda. In what experiment has caustic soda been obtained ? What relation does it bear to water ? To the dilute solution of hydrochloric acid add drop by drop a dilute solution of caustic soda. Is the acid taste destroyed ? EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER IX. CHLORIC ACID AKD POTASSIUM CHLORATE. Experiment 75. Dissolve 40 grams (or about 1J ounces) caustic potash in 100 cc. water in a beaker-glass, and pass chlorine into it. When chlorine passes freely through the PERCHLORIC ACID. 773 solution, thus indicating that it is no longer absorbed, stop the action. After boiling filter the solution and allow it to cool, when crystals of potassium chlorate will be deposited, mixed with a little potassium chloride. Eecrystallize from a little water. Filter off the crystals and dry them. What evi- dence have you that the substance is potassium chlorate? Does it give off oxygen when heated ? In a dry test-tube pour two or three drops of concentrated sulphuric acid on a small crys- tal of the substance. Do the same with a piece of potassium chlorate from the laboratory bottle. Hold the mouth of the test-tube away from the face. What is noticed in each case ? Evaporate the solution from which the crystals of potassi- um chlorate have been removed. On allowing it to cool crystals will again be deposited. Take them out and recrys- tallize them. Does this substance give off oxygen when heated ? Does it give off a gas when treated with sulphuric acid ? Is this gas colored ? Is it hydrochloric acid ? How do you know that it is ? If the gas is hydrochloric acid, what is the solid substance from which it is formed ? And what is left in the test-tube ? Experiment 76. Mix 10 grams fresh quick-lime with 20 cc. water. After the slak- ing is over, pass chlorine into it until the gas is no longer absorbed. Put the powder thus formed in a flask ar- ranged as shown in Fig. 46. Pour a mixture of equal parts of sulphuric acid and water slowly through the funnel- tube. Collect by displacement of air the gas given off. What evidence have you that the. gas is chlorine ? y IG . 40. PERCHLORIC ACID. Experiment 77. Make potassium perchlorate as follows : Gently heat 50 to 100 grams potassium chlorate until after having been liquid it becomes thick and pasty, and gas is not given off without raising the temperature. After cooling, break up the mass and treat it with cold water. This dissolves 774 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER X. out the potassium chloride and leaves the perchlorate, which can then be crystallized from hot water. After the crystallized salt is dried it is decomposed by sulphuric acid. To effect this decomposition, the finely powdered salt (10 parts) is treated in a retort with 20 parts of pure sulphuric acid which is free from nitric acid and diluted with -fa its volume of water. The retort is connected with a receiver which can be well cooled. The mixture is heated, and when the perchloric acid begins to come over, the heat is so regulated that the tem- perature does not rise above 140. When the mixture has become colorless the operation is ended. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER X. NEUTRALIZATION OF ACIDS AND BASES ; FORMATION OF SALTS. Experiment 78. Make dilute solutions of nitric, hydro- chloric, and sulphuric acids (1 part dilute acid, such as is used in the laboratory, to 50 parts water), and of caustic soda and caustic pot- ash (about 1 ^ram to 200 cc. of water). Measure off about 20 cc. of one of the acid solutions. Add a few drops of a solution of blue litmus. Gradually add to the meas- ured quantity of acid sufficient di- lute caustic soda to cause the red color just to change to blue. As long as the solution is red it is acid. "When it turns blue it is alkaline. At the turning-point it is neutral. The operation is best carried on by means of a burette, which is a gradu- ated tube with an opening from which small quantities can be poured. A convenient shape is that repre- sented in Fig. 47. At the lower end is a small opening. The flow of the liquid from the burette is controlled by means of a small pinch-cock. It will require some practice to enable the student to know ex- FIG. 47. STUDY OF THE PRODUCTS FORMED. 775 actly when the red color disappears and the blue appears, but with practice the point can be discerned with great accuracy. Should too much alkali be allowed to get into the acid, add a small measured quantity of the acid from another burette. Having in one experiment determined how much of the solu- tion of alkali is required to cause the red color to change to blue in operating on a given quantity of the acid solution, try the experiment again, using a different quantity of the acid solution. If the results of several experiments with the same acid and alkali are recorded, it will be found that there is a definite ratio between the quantities of acid and alkali so- lution required to neutralize one another. If, for example, 15 cc. of the alkali solution are required to neutralize 20 cc. of the acid solution, 18 cc. of the alkali solution will be required to neutralize 24 cc. of the acid solution, 30 cc. to neutralize 40 cc., etc. In other words, in order to neutralize a given quantity of an acid, a definite quantity of an alkali is necessary. Perform similar experiments with the other acids. Afterwards carefully examine the numerical results. Suppose it should require 15 cc. of the caustic-soda solution or 12 cc. of the caustic-potash solution to neutralize 20 cc. of the hydrochloric- acid solution. Compare the quantities of these alkali solu- tions necessary to neutralize equal quantities of the other acids. What conclusion is justified with reference to the act of neu- tralization ? STUDY OF THE PKODUCTS FOBMED. Experiment 79. Dissolve about 10 grams caustic soda in 100 cc. water. Add hydrochloric acid slowly, examining the solution from time to time by means of a piece of paper col- ored blue with litmus. As long as the solution is alkaline it will cause no change in the color of the paper. The instant the point of neutralization is passed, the solution changes the color of the paper to red; when exactly neutral, it will neither change the blue to red, nor, if the color is changed to red by means of another acid, will it change it back again. When this point is reached, evaporate to complete dryness on the water-bath, and see what is left. Taste the substance. Has it an acid taste? Does it suggest any familiar substance? If it is sodium chloride, how ought it to conduct itself when treated with sulphuric acid? Does it conduct itself in this way ? Satisfactory evidence can be given that the substance 776 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XII. is sodium chloride. It is not an acid nor an alkali. It is neutral. Experiment 80. Perform a similar experiment, using dilute nitric acid and caustic soda. What evidence have you that the product in this case is different from caustic soda ? Experiment 81. Perform similar experiments with dilute sulphuric acid and caustic soda; with sulphuric acid and caustic potash; with nitric acid and caustic potash; with hy- drochloric acid and caustic potash. Dry and examine the product carefully in each case; and keep for future study what is not used in these experiments. FOR CHAPTER XI. A large table of the Natural System of the Elements, like that on page 151, should be hung up in a conspicuous place in the laboratory. It would be well also to have such a table pasted upon a cylinder which can be revolved on its axis, so that the continuity of the system may be impressed upon the mind. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XII. PREPARATION OF BROMINE. Experiment 82. Mix together 3.5 grams potassium bro- mide and 7 grams manganese dioxide. Put the mixture into a 500 cc. flask; connect with a condenser (see Fig. 39). Mix 15 cc. concentrated sulphuric acid and 90 cc. water. After cool- ing pour the liquid on the mixture in the flask. Gently heat, when bromine will be given off in the form of vapor. A part of this will condense and collect in the receiver. Perform this experiment under a hood with a good draught. HYDROBROMIC ACID. Experiment 83. In a small porcelain evaporating-dish put a few crystals, of potassium bromide. Pour on them a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid. The white fumes of hydrobromic acid and the reddish-brown vapor of bromine are noticed. Treat a few crystals of potassium or sodium chloride in the same way. What difference is there between the two cases ? The preparation of hydrobromic acid may be shown in the lecture-room as follows: HTDROBROMIO ACID. 777 Experiment 84. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 48. In the flask put 1 part red phosphorus and 2 parts water. FIG. 48. Let 10 parts bromine gradually drop into the flask from the glass-stoppered funnel. Pass the gas through a U-tube loosely packed with asbestos containing red phosphorus in order to free the hydrobromic acid from bromine, which to some extent passes over with it. Collect some of the gas in water, and examine the solution. How does the gas act when allowed to escape in the air ? Fill a cylinder with the gas in the same way as was done with hydrochloric acid, and fill an- other with chlorine. While covered with glass plates bring their mouths together. Then withdraw the plates. What change is observed ? What is this due to ? Experiment 85. To a dilute solution of sodium hydroxide add bromine water made by shaking up a little liquid bromine in a bottle with water. What change takes place ? Add sul- phuric acid until the liquid shows an acid reaction. What takes place? The changes here referred to are perfectly anal- ogous to those which would *take place if chlorine were used instead of bromine. Shake a solution containing a little free bromine with ether ; with chloroform ; with carbon disulphide. What changes do you observe ? 778 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XII. IODINE. Experiment 86. Mix about 2 grams of sodium or potas- sium iodide and 4 grams manganese dioxide. Treat with a little concentrated sulphuric acid in a one to two liter flask. Heat gently on a sand-bath. Gradually the vessel will be filled with the beautiful colored vapor of iodine. In the upper parts of the flask some of the iodine will be deposited in the form of crystals of a grayish-black color. Experiment 87. Make solutions of iodine in water, in alcohol, and in a water solution of potassium iodide. Use small quantities in test-tubes. Experiment 88. Dissolve a piece of potassium iodide the size of a small pea in about 100 cc. water in a stoppered cylin- der. Add enough carbon disulphide to make a layer about an inch thick at the bottom of the cylinder. Shake the two liquids together. Does the carbon disulphide become colored ? Add a drop of chlorine water and shake again. What differ- ence do you observe in the two cases ? Explain this. Try the same experiment, using chloroform instead of carbon disulphide. IODINE CAN BE DETECTED BY MEANS OF ITS ACTION UPON STAECH-PASTE. Experiment 89. Make some starch-paste by covering a few grains of starch in a porcelain evaporating-dish with cold water, grinding this to a paste, and pouring 200-300 cc. boil- ing-hot water on it. After cooling add a little of this paste to a dilute water solution of iodine. The solution will turn blue if the conditions are right. Now add a little of the paste to a diluted water solution of potassium iodide. Is there any change? Add a drop or two of a solution of chlorine in water. Why the difference ? Will not chlorine water alone act this way toward starch-paste ? ACTION OF SULPHURIC ACID UPON POTASSIUM IODIDE. Experiment 90. Bring a piece of potassium iodide the size of a pea in a dry test-tube ; add one drop of water and three or four drops of concentrated sulphuric acid ; the salt becomes brown ; heat gently ; violet-colored vapor escapes, and with it a gas with an odor like that of rotten eggs. At IODIC ACID PROPERTIES OF SULPHUR. 779 the same time a yellow coating appears on the inside of the tube above the acid. Add five or six drops more of the acid and continue to heat gently. The bad odor first noticed dis- appears gradually, and another, quite different odor, irritating to the throat is now perceptible. This is sulphur dioxide, so, IODIC ACID. Experiment 91. Pass chlorine into a test-tube containing iodine in suspension in water ; or add chlorine water. What becomes of the iodine? Experiment 92. Add chlorine water to a dilute solution of potassium iodide, and note the successive changes. Experiment 93. Dissolve iodine in caustic soda. Add an acid to the solution. Explain the changes. HYDROFLUORIC ACID. Experiment 94. In a lead or platinum vessel put a few grams (5-6) of powdered fluor-spar and pour on it enough concentrated sulphuric acid to make a thick paste. Cover the surface of a piece of glass with a thin layer of wax or paraffin, and through this scratch some letters or figures, so as to leave the glass exposed where the scratches are made. Put the glass over the vessel containing the fluor-spar, and let it stand for some hours. Take off the glass, scrape off the coating, and the figures which were marked through the wax or paraf- fin will be found etched on the glass. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XIII. PROPERTIES OF SULPHUR. Experiment 95. Distil about 10 grams roll sulphur from an ordinary glass retort. What changes in color and in con- dition take place ? Collect the liquid sulphur formed by the condensation of the vapor in a beaker-glass containing cold water. Experiment 96. Treat some powdered roll sulphur with carbon disulphide and filter. Does it all dissolve ? Try the same experiment with flowers of sulphur. Does this all dis- solve? Put the solutions together and allow to evaporate. Examine the crystals deposited. Compare them with some natural crystals of sulphur. See whether one of the crystals will completely dissolve in carbon disulphide. rtfO EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XIII. Experiment 97. In a covered sand or Hessian crucible melt about 25 grams of roll sulphur. Let it cool slowly, and when a thin crust has formed on the surface make a hole through this and pour out the liquid part of the sulphur. What is left ? Compare with the crystals formed in the last experiment. Lay the crucible aside, and in the course of a few days again examine the crystals. What changes, if any, have taken place? Experiment 98. Add hydrochloric acid to a solution of sodium thiosulphate. What takes place ? Experiment 99. In a wide test-tube heat some sulphur to boiling. Introduce into it small pieces of copper-foil or sheet copper. Or hold a narrow piece of sheet copper so that the end just dips into the boiling sulphur. Experiment 100. Dissolve some sulphur in concentrated caustic soda. In what form is the sulphur in the solution ? HYDROGEN SULPHIDE. Experiment 101. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 49. Put a small handful of the sulphide of iron, FeS, in the FIG. 49. flask, and pour dilute sulphuric acid upon it. Pass the evolved gas through a little water contained in the wash cylin- der A. Pass some of the gas into water. [What evidence have you that it dissolves ?] Collect some by displacement of air. Its specific gravity is 1.178. Set fire to some of the gas contained in a cylinder. In this case the air has not free MANUFACTURE OF SULPHURIC ACID. 781 access to the gas, and the combustion is not complete. The hydrogen burns to form water, while a part of the sulphur is. deposited upon the inside walls of the cylinder. If there is free access of air, the sulphur burns to sulphur dioxide and the hydrogen to water. Make a solution of the gas in water in the usual way. Put some of this in a bottle and set it aside, and in the course of a few days examine it again. Boil another portion for a time in a test-tube, and note the changes. Pass a little of the gas through concentrated sulphuric acid contained in a test-tube, and note the changes. Moisten strips of paper with dilute solutions of lead nitrate, copper sulphate, stannous chloride, .antimony chloride, and mercuric chloride ; and expose these papers in turn to the gas. What changes take place ? Eepeat Experiment 90, and see whether one of the gases given off produces similar changes. Experiment 102. Pass hydrogen sulphide successively through solutions containing a little lead nitrate, cadmium nitrate, and arsenic prepared by dissolving a little white arsenic, or arsenic trioxide, As 2 3 , in dilute hydrochloric acid. What, action takes place in each case ? The formula of lead nitrate is Pb(N0 3 ) 2 ; that of cadmium nitrate, Cd(N0 3 ) 2 ; and that of the chloride of arsenic in solution is As01 3 . The cor- responding sulphides are represented by the formulas PbS, dS, and As 2 S 3 . EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XIV. MANUFACTURE OF SULPHURIC ACID. Experiment 103. The manufacture of sulphuric acid can be illustrated in the laboratory by means of the apparatus represented in Fig. 50. This consists of a large balloon flask fitted with a stopper having five openings. By means of tubes it is connected with three small flasks. One of these, a, con- tains water for the purpose of providing a current of steam ; another, c, contains copper-foil and concentrated sulphuric acid, which give sulphur dioxide when heated ; and the third, b, contains copper-foil and dilute nitric acid, which give oxides of nitrogen, mainly nitric oxide, NO. When the nitric oxide comes in contact with the air it combines with oxygen, form- ing nitrogen trioxide and nitrogen peroxide; and when steam and sulphur dioxide are admitted to the flask the reactions 782 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XIV. involved in the manufacture of sulphuric acid take place. By means of a pair of bellows attached at d air is supplied. If air is not forced in, the gases become colorless, owing to FIG. 50. complete reduction of the oxides of nitrogen to the form of nitric oxide, NO, which is colorless. If steam is not admitted the walls of the vessel become covered with crystals of nitro- syl-sulphuric acid. This is, however, decomposed by an excess of steam. Experiment 104. Into a vessel containing ordinary con- centrated sulphuric acid introduce small sticks of wood, pieces of paper, and various other organic substances, and note the result. The charring effect is particularly well shown by adding the acid drop by drop to a concentrated solution of sugar, or to molasses, and stirring. Experiment 105. Sulphuric acid is detected in analysis by adding barium cloride to its solution, when insoluble bar- ium sulphate is formed. H 2 S0 4 + Bad, = BaS0 4 + 2HC1. Other insoluble sulphates are those of strontium and lead ; and calcium sulphate is difficultly soluble. To a dilute solu- tion of sulphuric acid or of any soluble sulphate, add in test- tubes barium chloride, strontium nitrate, and lead nitrate. SULPHUROUS ACID AND SULPHUR DIOXIDE. 783 SULPHUROUS ACID AND SULPHUR DIOXIDE. Experiment 106. Put eight or ten pieces of sheet copper, one to two inches long and about half an inch wide, in a 500 cc. flask ; pour 15 to 20 cc. concentrated sulphuric acid on it. On heating, sulphur dioxide will be evolved, The moment the gas begins to come off, lower the flame, and keep it at such a height that the evolution is regular and not too active. Pass some of the gas into a bottle containing water. The solution in water is called sulphurous acid. Experiment 107. Pass sulphur dioxide into a moderately dilute solution of potassium hydroxide, until the solution is saturated. What is then contained in the solution? To a little of it add hydrochloric acid. What takes place? Experiment 108. Try the effect of heating concentrated sulphuric acid with charcoal, and with sulphur. Experiment 109. Collect by displacement of air some of the gas made in Experiment 106. Does it burn ? or does it support combustion? Experiment 110. Pass some of the gas through a bent- glass tube surrounded by a freezing mixture of salt and ice. Tubes provided with glass stop-cocks are made for such pur- FIG. 51. poses. They generally have the form represented in Fig. 51. If the tube is taken out of the freezing mixture, the liquid sulphur dioxide changes rapidly to gas, if the tube is open. Experiment 111. Burn a little sulphur in a porcelain crucible under a bell-jar. Place over the crucible on a tripod some flowers. In the atmosphere of sulphur dioxide the flowers will be bleached. SULPHUROUS ACID is A SEDUCING AGENT. Experiment 112. To a dilute solution of potassium iodide in a test-tube gradually add chlorine water until the solution 784 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XV. becomes clear and colorless. Now add a solution of sulphur- ous acid. At first iodine is deposited, but on further addi- tion of sulphurous acid it dissolves again. Explain all the changes. SULPHUR TRIOXIDE. Experiment 113. Heat a little fuming sulphuric acid gently in a test-tube. What takes place ? Put a little of the acid (5-10 cc.) in a small dry retort provided with a glass stopper and connect with a dry glass receiver. Heat the re- tort gently, and keep the receiver cool. By means of a dry glass rod take out some of the substance which collects in the receiver and put it in water. Lay a little of it on a piece of wood and on a piece of paper. Experiment 114. Prepare finely divided platinum by moistening some fine asbestos with a solution of platinic chloride and heating to redness in a porcelain crucible. The substance thus obtained is known as platinized asbestos, Now arrange an apparatus so that both oxygen and sulphur dioxide can be passed together through a tube of hard glass as represented in Fig. 52. First pass the two dried gases 0- S0 2 FIG. 52. together through the empty tube and heat a part of the tube by means of a burner. Is there any evidence of combination ? Now stop the currents of the gases, let the tube cool down, and introduce a small layer of the platinized asbestos. Pass the dried gases over the heated asbestos. What takes place? EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XV. PREPARATION OF NITROGEN. Experiment 115. Place a good-sized stoppered bell- jar over water in a pneumatic trough. In the middle of a flat cork about three inches in diameter fasten a small porcelain crucible, and place this on the water in the trough. Put in ANALYSIS OF AIR. 785 it a piece of phosphorus about twice the size of a pea, and set fire to it. Quickly place the bell-jar over it. At first some air will be driven out of the jar. The burning will continue for a short time, and then gradually grow less and less active, finally stopping. On cooling, it will be found that the volume of gas is less than four fifths the original volume, for the reason that some of the air was driven out of the vessel at the beginning of the experiment. Before removing the stopper of the bell-jar see that the level of the liquid outside is the same as that inside. Try the effect of introducing suc- cessively several burning bodies into 'the nitrogen, as, for example, a candle, a piece of sulphur, phosphorus, etc. Experiment 116. Place a live mouse in a trap in a bell- jar over water. When the oxygen is used up the mouse will die. After the animal gives plain signs of discomfort, it may be revived by taking away the bell-jar and giving it a free supply of fresh air. Experiment 117. Pass air slowly over copper contained in' a tube heated to redness and collect the gas which passes through. Does it act like nitrogen ? Experiment 118. In a good-sized Wolff's bottle provided with a safety- funnel and delivery-tube as shown in Fig. 53 put some copper-turnings and pour upon them concentrated ammonia, but not enough to cover them. Close the delivery-tube by means of a pinch-cock; and let the vessel stand. What evidence of ac- tion is there? After a time, force some of the gas out of the bottle by pouring water through the funnel, and opening the delivery-tube. Does FIG. 53. the gas act like nitrogen ? ANALYSIS OF AIR. Experiment 119. Arrange an apparatus as in Fig. 25. Instead of a plain tube, use one graduated into cubic centi- meters. Enclose 60 to 80 cc. air in the tube over water. Arrange the tube so that the level of the water inside and outside is the same. Note the temperature of the air and the 786 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XV. height of the barometer. Reduce the observed volume to standard conditions. Now introduce a piece of phosphorus, as in Experiment 26, and allow it to stand for twenty-four hours. Draw out the phosphorus. Again arrange the tube so that the level of the water inside is the same as that out- side. Make the necessary corrections for temperature, pres- sure, and the tension of aqueous vapor. It will be found that the volume has diminished considerably, but that about four fifths of the gas originally put in the tube is still there. If the work is done properly, the volume of the gas left in the tube will be to the total volume used as 79 to 100. In other words, of every 100 cc. air used 21 cc. are absorbed by phos- phorus, and 79 cc. are not. The gas absorbed is oxygen, identical with the oxygen made from the oxide of mercury, manganese dioxide, and potassium chlorate. The gas left over has no chemical properties in common with oxygen. Carefully take the tube out of the vessel of water, closing its mouth with the thumb or some suitable object to prevent the contents from escaping. Turn it with the mouth upward, and introduce into it a burning stick. Does it support combus- tion ? Is it oxygen ? Experiment 120. Expose a few pieces of calcium chlo- ride on a watch-glass to the air. It gradually becomes liquid by absorbing water from the air. Experiment 121. Expose some clear lime-water to the air. It soon becomes covered with a white crust. A similar change takes place if baryta- water is exposed in the same way. Lime-water is made by putting a few pieces of quick-lime in a bottle and pouring water upon it. The mixture is well shaken up and allowed to stand. The undissolved substance settles to the bottom, and with care a clear liquid can be poured off the top. This is lime-water, which is a solution of calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH) 3 , in water. Baryta- water is a solution of a similar compound of the element barium. When these solutions are exposed to nitrogen or oxygen, or to an artificially prepared mixture of the two gases, no change takes place. Further, if air is first passed through a solution of caustic soda it no longer has the power to cause the forma- tion of a crust on lime-water or baryta-water. Experiment 122. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 54. The wash-cylinders A and B are half filled with ordi- nary caustic-soda solution. The bottle C is filled with water. ANALYSIS OF AIR. 787 The tube D, which should be filled with water and provided with a pinch-cock, acts as a siphon. Open the pinch-cock and let the water flow slowly out of the bottle. As it flows out air will be drawn in through the caustic soda in the wash- Fio. 54. cylinders. When the bottle is a quarter filled with air pour some water in again until it is full. Then draw all the water off. Now remove the stopper from the bottle, pour in 20 to 30 cc. lime-water and cork the bottle. The crust formed on the lime-water will now be hardly, if at all, per- ceptible. There is, therefore, something present in the air under ordinary circumstances which has the power to form a crust on lime-water or baryta-water, and which can be re- moved by passing the air through caustic soda. Thorough examination has shown that this is the compound which chemists call carlon dioxide, and which is commonly known as carbonic acid gas. It is the substance which was obtained by burning charcoal in oxygen. Experiment 123. Into the bottle containing the air from which the carbon dioxide has been removed hold a burning stick or taper for a moment. Notice whether a crust is now formed on the lime-water. Wood and the material from which the taper is made contain carbon. Explain the forma- tion of the crust on the lime-water after the stick of wood or taper has burned for a short time in the vessel. Experiment 124. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 55. The bottle A contains air. B contains concentrated sul- phuric acid, C contains granulated calcium chloride, D is care- 788 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XVI. fully dried and contains a few pieces of granulated calcium chloride and air. Pour water through the funnel-tube into Ay when the air will be forced through B and C and into D. But in passing through B and G the moisture contained in it FIG. 55. will be removed, and the air which enters D will be dry. After A has once been filled with water, empty it and fill it again, letting the dried air pass into D. This operation may be repeated indefinitely. The calcium chloride in D will not grow moist. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XVI. PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF AMMONIA. Experiment 125. To a little ammonium chloride on a watch-glass add a few drops of a strong solution of caustic soda, and notice the odor of the gas given off. Do the same thing with caustic potash. Mix small quantities of ammo- nium chloride and lime in a mortar, and add a few drops of water. Experiment 126. Mix 20 parts iron filings, 1 part potas- sium nitrate, and 1 part solid potassium hydroxide, and heat the mixture in a test-tube. Is there any evidence of the formation of ammonia ? Experiment 127. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 45. In the flask put a mixture of 100. grams slaked lime and 50 grams ammonium chloride. Heat on a sand-bath. AMMONIA. 789 After the air is driven out, the gas will be completely ab- sorbed by the water in the first Wolff's flask if shaken from time to time. Dis- connect the delivery-tube from the series of Wolff's flasks, and connect with an- other tube bent upward. Collect some of the gas by displacement of air, placing the vessel with the mouth doivmvard. (Why ?) The arrangement is shown in Fig. 56. The vessel in which the gas is collected should be dry, as water absorbs ammonia' very readily. Hence, also, it cannot be collected over water. In the gas collected introduce a burning stick or taper. Ammonia does not burn in air, nor does it support com- bustion. In working with the gas great care must be taken to avoid inhaling it in any quantity. After enough has been collected in cylinders to 'exhibit the chief properties, connect the delivery-tube again with the series of Wolff's flasks, and pass the gas through the water as long as it is evolved. AMMONIA BURNS IN OXYGEN. Experiment 128. Put a little of a concentrated solution of ammonia in a flask placed upon a tripod. Heat gently and, from a gasometer, pass a rapid current of oxygen through a bent tube into the liquid. Apply a light to the mouth of the vessel, when the ammonia will be seen to burn. FIG. 56. AMMONIA FORMS AMMONIUM SALTS WITH ACIDS. Experiment 129. Put 100 cc. dilute ammonia solution in an evaporating-dish. Try its effect on red litmus paper. Slowly add dilute hydrochloric acid until the alkaline reaction is destroyed and the solution is neutral. Evaporate to dry- ness on a water-bath. Compare the substance thus obtained with sal-ammoniac, or ammonium chloride. Taste. Heat on a piece of platinum foil.* Treat with a caustic alkali. Treat with a little concentrated sulphuric acid in dry test- tubes. Do they appear to be identical ? Similarly sulphuric acid and ammonia yield ammonium sulphate ; nitric acid and ammonia yield ammonium nitrate ; etc. 790 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XVL Experiment 13O. Fill a dry cylinder with ammonia gas, and another of the same size with hydrochloric acid gas. Bring them together with their mouths covered. Quickly remove the covers, when a dense white cloud will appear in and about the cylinders. This will soon settle on the walls of the vessels as a light white solid. It is ammonium chloride. Thus, from two colorless gases we get a solid substance by an act of chemi- cal combination. Heat is evolved in the act of combination. COMPOSITION OF AMMONIA. Experiment 131. This experiment should be performed by a person experienced in the use of chemical apparatus. A glass-tube, such as represented in Fig. 57, provided with a glass stop-cock is needed. Fill this tube with chlorine free from air over a saturated solution of sodium chloride. After it is filled let it stand for some time mouth downward in the solution of sodium chloride to let the liquid drip out of it. Close the stop-cock and re- move it from the solution. Hold the tube mouth upward, and pour a concentrated solu- tion of ammonia into the fun- nel-like projection above the stop-cock, put in the glass stopper, and now by slightly opening the stop-cock let the ammonia pass drop by drop into the tube. Reaction be- tween the chlorine and the ammonia takes place, accom- panied by a marked evolu- tion of heat, and in a partly- darkened room light is seen. Great care must be taken not to admit air with the am- monia. After nearly all the ammonia has passed in from the funnel, pour into the Fl - 57> funnel about two thirds as much ammonia as has already been used, and let this PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF NITRIC ACID. 791 in gradually. Leave the stop-cock closed, and fill the funnel with dilute sulphuric acid. . Fit a bent tube into a cork, fill this tube with dilute sulphuric acid : put the cork in the funnel, and the other end of the tube in a small beaker containing dilute sulphuric acid, and, after immersing the long tube in water of the ordinary temperature, open the stop-cock. If the operation has been carried out as it should be, the dilute acid will flow into the tube until it is two thirds full, and will then stop. The residual gas is nitrogen. What evidence in regard to the composition of ammonia is furnished by this experiment ? The arrangement of the apparatus in the last stage of the experiment is shown in Fig. 57. PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF NITRIC ACID. Experiment 132 Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 58. In the retort put 20 grams sodium nitrate (Chili salt- FIG. 58. peter) and 20 grams concentrated sulphuric acid. On gently heating, nitric acid will distil over, and be condensed in the receiver. After the acid is all distilled off, remove the con- tents of the retort. Kecrystallize the substance from water, and compare it with the sodium sulphate obtained in the preparation of hydrochloric acid. (See Experiment 74.) In the latter stage of the operation the vessels become filled with a reddish-brown gas. The acid which is collected has a some- what yellowish color. 792 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XVI. Experiment 133. Mix together 400 grams concentrated sulphuric acid and 80 grams ordinary concentrated nitric acid. Pour the sulphuric acid into the nitric acid. Distil the mix- ture from a retort arranged as in the preceding experiment, taking care to keep the neck of the retort cool by placing filter-paper moistened with cold water on it. Use the acid thus obtained for the purpose of studying the properties of pure nitric acid. NITKIC ACID GIVES UP OXYGEN KEADILY, AND is HENCE A GOOD OXIDIZING AGENT. Experiment 134. Pour concentrated nitric acid into a wide test-tube, so that it is about one-fourth filled. Heat the end of a stick of charcoal of proper size, and, holding the other end with a forceps, introduce the heated end into the acid. It will continue to burn with a bright light, even, though it is placed below the surface of the liquid. The action is oxidation. The charcoal in this case finds the oxy- Fio. 59. gen in the acid and not in the air. Great care must be taken in performing this experiment. The charcoal should not come in contact with the sides of the test-tube. A large beaker-glass should be placed beneath the test-tube, so that in case it breaks the acid will be caught and prevented from doing harm. The arrangement of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 59. NITRATES. 793 The gases given off from the tube are offensive and poison- ous. Hence this experiment as well as all others with nitric acid should be carried on under a hood in which the draught is good. Experiment 135. Boil a little strong nitric acid in a test- tube in the upper part of which some horse-hair has been in- troduced in the form of a stopper. The horse-hair will take fire and burn, and leave a white residue. Hold the test-tube with a forceps over a vessel to catch the contents should the tube break. Experiment 136. In a small flask put a few pieces of granulated tin. Pour on this just enough strong nitric acid to cover it. Heat gently over a small flame. Soon action will take place. Colored gases will be evolved, the tin will disap- pear, and in its place will be found a white powder. This consists mostly of tin and oxygen. (See Experiment 13.) METALS DISSOLVE IN NITRIC ACID, FORMING NITRATES. Experiment 137. Dissolve a few pieces of copper-foil in ordinary commercial nitric acid diluted with about half its volume of water. The operation should be carried on in a good-sized flask and under an efficient hood. When the cop- per has disappeared, pour the blue solution into an evaporat- ing-dish, and evaporate down to crystallization. Compare the substance thus obtained with copper nitrate. Heat specimens of each. Treat small specimens with sulphuric acid. What evidence have you that the two substances are identical ? NITRATES ARE DECOMPOSED BY HEAT. Experiment 138. Heat some potassium nitrate in a test- tube. .Introduce a piece of wood with a spark on it. Heat also lead nitrate, copper nitrate, and any other nitrates which may be available. What difference do you observe between the decomposition of potassium nitrate and that of lead nitrate ? NITRATES ARE SOLUBLE IN WATER. Experiment 139. Try the solubility in water of the ni- trates used in the last experiment. 794 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XVI. NITRIC ACID is REDUCED TO AMMONIA BY NASCENT HYDROGEN. Experiment 140 In a good-sized test-tube treat a few pieces of granulated zinc with dilute sulphuric acid. What is evolved? Prove it. Now add drop by drop dilute nitric acid. The hydrogen ceases to be given off. Pour the con- , tents of the tube into an evaporating-dish and evaporate the liquid. Put the residue into a test-tube and add caustic-soda solution, when the smell of ammonia will be noticed. Try the action of the gas on red litmus-paper. Moisten the end of a glass rod with a little hydrochloric acid, and hold it in the tube. White fumes are seen. What are they ? Do the same with nitric acid. What are the fumes in this case ? NITROUS ACID. Experiment 141. Melt 25 grams potassium nitrate in a shallow iron plate and gradually add 50 grams metallic lead cut in small pieces. Stir them together as thoroughly as possible. After the mass is cooled down, break it up and treat with water in a flask. The potassium nitrite will dis- solve, while the lead oxide and unused lead will not dissolve. Filter. Add a little sulphuric acid to some of the solution. A colored gas will be given off. See whether a solution of potassium nitrate acts in the same way. Treat with sulphu- ric acid a little of the residue left after heating potassium nitrate alone in a test-tube as in Experiment 138. NITROUS OXIDE. Experiment 142. In a retort heat 10 to 15 grams crystal- lized ammonium nitrate until it has the appearance of boiling. Do not heat higher than is necessary to secure a regular evo- lution of gas. Connect a wide rubber tube directly with the neck of the retort and collect the evolved gas over water, as in the case of oxygen. It supports combustion almost as well as pure oxygen. Try experiments with wood, a candle, and a piece of phosphorus. OXIDES OF NITROGEN. 795 NITRIC OXIDE. Experiment 143. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 60. In the flask put a few pieces of copper-foil. Cover this with water. Now add slowly, waiting each time for the action to begin, ordinary concentrated nitric acid. When enough nitric acid has been added gas will be evolved. If the acid is added rapidly, it not unfrequently happens that the evolution of gas takes place too rapidly, so that the liquid is forced out of the flask through the funnel-tube. This can be avoided by not being in a hurry. At first the vessel becomes filled with a reddish-brown gas, but soon the gas evolved becomes colorless. Collect over o water two or three vessels full. The gas col- lected is principally nitric oxide, NO, though FIG. eo. it is frequently mixed with a considerable quantity of nitrous oxide. Experiment 144. Turn one of the vessels containing col- orless nitric oxide with the mouth upward, and uncover it. The colored gas is at once seen, presenting a very striking appearance. Do not inhale the gas. Perform the experi- ments with nitric oxide where there is a good draught. Experiment 145. Pass nitric oxide into a concentrated solution of ferrous sulphate. Afterwards heat the solution and collect the gas. What do you conclude that the gas is? NITROGEN" TRIOXIDE. . Experiment 146. In a flask fitted with a safety-funnel and a delivery-tube pour nitric acid of specific gravity 1.30-1.35 upon coarsely granulated arsenious oxide, As 2 3 . Heat gently, and conduct the gases through a tube surrounded by a freez- ing mixture, as in Experiment 110. NITROGEN PEROXIDE. Experiment 147. Admit a little air to nitric oxide con- tained in a bell-jar over water, and let the ves'sel stand. Almost immediately the color will disappear, showing that the nitrogen peroxide formed is decomposed. Again admit air, 796 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XVII. and let the vessel stand. The same changes will be noticed as in the first instance. If oxygen is used instead of air the above changes can be repeated over and over again. Devise an experiment for the purpose of determining whether the nitric oxide is gradually used up or not. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XVII. PHOSPHORUS. Experiment 148. [This, as well as the other experiments with phosphorus, should be performed only by an experienced person.] Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 61. The neck of the retort is somewhat drawn out and bent downward and fitted air-tight by means of a cork to the wide glass tube B. Some small pieces of ordinary phosphorus are now care- fully slipped into the retort as much as is obtained by cutting up two sticks three to four inches long. The ap- paratus is then adjusted as shown in the figure, so that the end of the tube B dips below the surface of the water in the beaker C. The whole is then allowed to stand for some hours. The oxygen is absorbed from the air contained in the vessel, and the water rises in B. Without uncovering the end of B t replace the water in C by some that has a temperature of about 50. Now heat the retort gradually, when the phosphorus will distil over and condense in C in the molten condition. By lowering the heat gradually at the end of the operation it can finally be stopped without danger of breaking. Experiment 149. Dissolve a little ordinary phosphorus in carbon disulphide. Pour some of this solution upon a strip of filter-paper, and let this hang in the air or wave it gently in the air. After the carbon disulphide has evaporated the phosphorus will take fire. Experiment 150. Bring together in a porcelain crucible or evaporating-dish a little phosphorus and iodine. It will be seen that simple contact is sufficient to cause the two sub- FIQ. 61. PHOSPHINE. 797 stances to act upon each other. Direct combination takes place, and the action is accompanied by light and heat. PHOSPHORUS ABSTRACTS OXYGEN FROM OTHER SUBSTANCES. Experiment 151. Add a little of a solution of phosphorus in carbon disulphide to a solution of copper sulphate. What change takes place ? Experiment 152. Put a few pieces of ordinary phosphorus in a glass tube and seal it. Heat gradually to 300. Open the tube and examine the product. See whether it takes fire as readily as ordinary phosphorus does ; whether it dissolves in carbon disulphide ; whether it melts easily when put in water heated to between 45 and 50. PHOSPHINE. Experiment 153. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. <62. In the small flask B put about 5 grams caustic potash dis- FIG. 62. solved in 10-15 cc. water, and when the solution is cold add a few small pieces of phosphorus the size of a pea. Pass hydrogen for some time through the apparatus from the generating- flask A until all the air is displaced ; then disconnect at D, leaving the rubber tube, closed by the pinch-cock, on the tube which enters the flask. Gently heat the contents of the retort, when gradually a gas will be evolved, and will escape through the water in C. As each bubble comes in contact 798 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XVII. with the air it takes fire, and the products of combustion ar range themselves in rings, which become larger as they rise. They are extremely beautiful, particularly if the air of the room is quiet. Both the phosphorus and the hydrogen com- bine with oxygen in the act of burning. Collect some of the gas in a tube over water, and then place the tube mouth up- ward. What difference is there between the burning of the gas under these circumstances, and that noticed when the rings are formed? Collect another tube full of the gas, and let this stand for some time. Then open the vessel by taking it out of the water. Has any change taken place in the gas ? ARSENIC. Experiment 154 Heat a small piece of arsenic on charcoal in the flame of the blow-pipe. ARSINE. Experiment 155 Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 63. Put some pure granulated zinc in the flask and pour FIG. 68. dilute sulphuric acid on it. The calcium-chloride tube serves to dry the gas. When the air is all out of the vessel and the hydrogen is lighted, add slowly a little of a solution of arsenic trioxide, As 2 3 , in dilute hydrochloric acid. The appearance of the flame will soon change. It will become paler, with a slightly bluish tint, and give off white fumes. (See next ex- periment.) MARSH 'S TEST FOR ARSENIC ANTIMONY, ETC. 799 MARSH'S TEST FOR ARSENIC. Experiment 156. Into the flame of the burning hydrogen and arsine produced in the last experiment introduce a piece of porcelain, as the bottom of a small porcelain dish or a cru- cible, and notice the appearance of the spots. Heat by means of a Buusen burner the tube through which the gas is passing, which should be of hard glass. Just beyond the heated place there will be deposited a thin layer of metallic arsenic, commonly called a mirror of arsenic. This deposit is due to the direct decomposition of the arsine into arsenic and hydro- gen by heat. [Compare ammonia, phosphine, and arsine with reference to their stability.] ANTIMONY. Experiment 157. Heat a small piece of antimony on char- coal in the blow-pipe flame. Try the action of dilute and of concentrated hydrochloric acid, of dilute and of concentrated nitric acid, and of a mixture of the two acids on a small piece of antimony. STIBINE. Experiment 158. Stibine is made by the same method as that used in making arsine. Make some, using a solution of tartar emetic. Introduce a piece of porcelain in the flame, and afterwards heat the tube through which the gas is passing. Compare the antimony spots with the arsenic spots. Color? Volatility? Conduct towards a solution of sodium hypochlo- rite or hypobromite? BISMUTH. Experiment 159. Heat a piece of bismuth on charcoal in the blow-pipe flame. See how it conducts itself towards hy- drochloric acid; towards nitric acid. If a solution is obtained in either case, add water to it. Explain what takes place. PHOSPHORUS TRICHLORIDE. The experiments with the chlorides of phosphorus must be carried on under a hood or out-of-doors. Experiment 160. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 64. The tube A is arranged so that it can be raised or low- ered in the retort. Put 50 to 100 grams ordinary phosphorus in the retort, taking precautions to prevent it from taking fire 800 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XVIL during the operation. This is best accomplished by fitting FIG. 64. corks in both openings of the retort; placing the retort in a vessel of cold water; removing the cork from B, throwing in a piece of phosphorus, and quickly putting the cork in. The pieces must not be put in in too rapid succession. After all the phosphorus is in the retort, adjust the apparatus as repre- sented, placing the receiver D in a dish of cold water. Now connect by means of the rubber tube E with an apparatus furnishing chlorine, dried by means of concentrated sulphuric acid and calcium chloride. As soon as the chlorine comes in contact with the phosphorus action begins, and the product, which is phosphorus trichloride, distils over into the receiver. If the action is taking place too rapidly, the inside of the re- tort will become covered with a coating of red phosphorus. In this case raise the tube A a little and the red coating will gradually disappear. If the tube is raised too high, not enough heat is generated, and the trichloride in the retort is converted into the pentachloride, which is deposited as a white coating. By raising and lowering the tube ac- cording to the indications, the retort can be kept clear, and all the phos- phorus converted into the trichloride. This manipulation of the tube is much facilitated by fitting into the cork a somewhat larger tube, through which the smaller one can pass easily; letting this project about an inch and an half above the cork and passing over it a piece of rubber tubing of such size that while the smaller tube moves through it readily, the two form a gas-tight joint. This is shown in Fig. 65. After the FIG. 65. PHOSPHORUS PENTACHLORIDE. 801 operation is finished, pour the liquid from the receiver into a clean dry flask, and distil on a water-bath. Try the action of a little of the compound on water. PHOSPHORUS PENTACHLORIDE. Experiment 161 Put the trichloride of phosphorus ob- tained in the last experiment in a wide-mouthed bottle surrounded by cold water. Through a wide glass tube pass dry chlorine upon the surface of the liquid, and as the action ad- vances, and a solid begins to make its appear- ance, stir the contents of the bottle. Con- tinue the passage of the chlorine until the product is a perfectly dry solid. The arrange- ment of the bottle containing the trichloride, and that of the delivery-tube, is shown in Fig. 66. The bottle is put in a larger vessel con- taining cold water, which is renewed from time to time during the process. Try the action of a little phosphorus pentachloride on water. In a large dry flask heat a little of the pentachloride. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XVIII. PHOSPHORIC ACID. Experiment 162. In a flask connected with an inverted FIG. 66. FIG 67. condenser, as shown in Fig. 67, boil 10 to 15 grams of ordinary phosphorus with 250 cc. ordinary commercial nitric acid. If 802 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XVIIL necessary, add more acid after a time. Boil gently until the phosphorus disappears. Evaporate the solution to complete dryness, so as to get rid of all the nitric acid. Dissolve a lit- tle of the product in water, and add a few drops of the solu- tion to a dilute solution of silver nitrate. What effect is pro- duced? Heat some of the product gently in a porcelain crucible, and from time to time take out a little, dissolve it in. water, and try its action on silver nitrate. Experiment 163. Try the action of ordinary sodium phos- phate on silver nitrate. Heat a little of the salt in a porcelain crucible to redness. After cooling, try the action of the salt left in the crucible on silver nitrate. ARSENIC ACID. Experiment 164. Pass chlorine into water containing ar- senic trioxide in suspension, until the oxide is dissolved. Evaporate to crystallization. Into a dilute solution of the product thus obtained, to which some hydrochloric acid is added, pass hydrogen sulphide. Explain the changes. KEDUCTION OF ARSENIC TRIOXIDE. Experiment 165. In the bottom of a dry tube of hard glass of the form represented in Fig. 68 put a minute piece of ar- senic trioxide, and just above it a small bit of charcoal. Heat gently. Explain the change. SULPHIDES OF ARSENIC. Experiment 166. Pass hydrogen sulphide into a di- lute solution of arsenic trioxide in hydrochloric acid. Filter off the precipitate, and try the action of ammoni- um sulphide on some of it. SULPHIDES OF ANTIMONY. Experiment 167. Pass hydrogen sulphide into a so- FIO. 68. j u ^ on O f antimonio acid made by treating antimony with aqua regia and diluting with water. Pass hydrogen sul- phide into a solution of antimony trichloride made by dis- solving stibnite or antimony trisulphide in hydrochloric acid. Try the action of ammonium sulphide on the precipitates after filtering. OXYCHLORIDES OF ANTIMONY. Experiment 168. Treat a solution of antimony trichloride with water. BASIC NITRATES OF BISMUTH CARBON. 803 BASIC NITRATES OF BlSMUTH. Experiment 169. Dissolve a little bismuth in nitric acid and evaporate. Add water. BORON. Experiment 170. Make a hot solution of 30 grams crystal- lized borax in 120 cc. water. Add slowly 10 grams concen- trated sulphuric acid. On cooling, the boric acid will crystal- lize out. What evidence have you that the substance which crystallizes out of the solution is not borax? Try the solu- bility in alcohol of specimens of each. Is there any difference? Treat a few crystals of borax with about 10 cc. alcohol ; pour off the alcohol and set fire to it. Treat a few crystals of the boric acid in the same way. What difference do you observe ? Distil an aqueous solution of boric acid, and determine whether any of the acid passes over with the water vapor. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XIX. CARBON. BONE-BLACK FILTERS. Experiment 171. Make a filter of bone-black by fitting a paper filter into a funnel 12 to 15 mm. (5 to 6 inches) in di- ameter at its mouth. Half fill this with bone-black. Pour a dilute solution of indigo through the filter. If the conditions are right the solution will pass through colorless. Do the same thing with a dilute solution of litmus. If the color is not completely removed by one filtration, heat and filter again. The color can also be removed from solutions by put- ting some bone-black into them and boiling for a time. Try this with half a liter each of the litmus and indigo solutions used in the first part of the experiment. Use about 4 to 5 grams bone-black in each case. Shake the solution frequently while heating. CHARCOAL ABSORBS GASES. Experiment 172. Collect over mercury in glass tubes some ammonia gas, and some carbon dioxide. Introduce into each a piece of charcoal, which has been heated in a Bunsen- burner flame in order to drive out gases which may be con- tained in the pores. * CARBON COMBINES WITH OXYGEN TO FORM CARBON DIOXIDE. Experiment 173 Put a small piece of charcoal in a piece of hard-glass tube. Heat the tube, and pass oxygen through it. 804 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XIX. Pass the gases into clear lime-water. Arrange the apparatus as shown in Fig. 69. FIG. 69. A is a large bottle containing oxygen ; B is a cylinder con- taining sulphuric acid; is a U-tube containing calcium chloride ; D is the hard-glass tube containing the charcoal; E is the cylinder with clear lime-water. Explain all that takes place. CARBON REDUCES SOME OXIDES WHEN HEATED WITH THEM. Experiment 174 Mix together two or three grams pow- dered copper oxide, CuO, and about one tenth its weight of powdered charcoal ; heat in a hard- glass tube, as shown in Fig. 70, or, still better, use an arsenic-tube. Pass the gas which is given off into lime-water contained in a test- tube. Is it carbon dioxide ? What evidence have you that oxygen has been extracted from the copper oxide ? Compare the substance left in the tube with metallic copper. Treat both with nitric acid, with sulphuric acid. Experiment 175. Eepeat Experiment 165 with somewhat larger quantities of the substances, and examine the gas given off. HYDROCARBONS. Experiment 176. Make marsh-gas by heating in a retort a FIG. 70. CARBON DIOXIDE. 805 mixture of 20 grams sodium acetate, 20 grams potassium hy- droxide, and 30 grams slaked lime. Collect some of the gas over water. Is it a combustible gas ? Experiment 177. Make ethylene as follows : In a flask of 2 to 3 liters capacity put a mixture of 25 grams alcohol and 150 grams ordinary concentrated sulphuric acid. Heat to 160 to 170, and add gradually through a funnel tube about 500 cc. of a mixture of 1 part of alcohol and 2 parts of con- centrated sulphuric acid. Pass the gas through three wash- bottles containing, in order, concentrated sulphuric acid, caustic soda, and concentrated sulphuric acid. Collect some of the gas over water. Is it combustible ? EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XX. CARBON DIOXIDE is FORMED WHEN A CARBONATE is TREATED WITH AN ACID. Experiment 178. In test-tubes add successively dilute hy- drochloric, sulphuric, nitric, and acetic acids to a little sodium carbonate. In each case pass the gas given off through lime- water, and insert a burning stick in the upper part of each tube. Perform the same experiments with small pieces of marble. PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF CARBON DIOXIDE. Experiment 179. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 71. In the flask put some pieces of marble or limestone, and pour ordinary hydrochloric acid on it. The gas should be collected by displacement of air, the vessel being placed with the mouth upward. Col- lect several cylinders or bottles full of the gas. Into one introduce succes- sively a lighted candle, a burning stick, a bit of burning phosphorus. Into another, if convenient, put a live mouse. "With another proceed as if pouring water from it. Pour the invisible gas upon the flame of a burning candle. Pour some of the gas from . one vessel to another, and show that it has been ^ transferred. Balance a beaker on a ~~ "~^ good-sized pair of scales, and pour car- bon dioxide into it. If the balance is at all sensitive, the pan on which the beaker is placed will sink. 806 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XX. CARBON DIOXIDE is GIVEN OFF FROM THE LUNGS. Experiment 180. Force the gases from the lungs through some lime-water by means of an apparatus arranged as shown in Fig. 72. FORMATION OF CARBONATES. Experiment 181. Pass car- bon dioxide into a solution of po- tassium hydroxide to saturation. Determine whether a carboiiate is in solution or not. Experiment 182. Pass car- bon dioxide into 50 to 100 cc. clear lime-water. Filter off the white insoluble substance. Try the action of a little acid on it. What evidence have you that it 'is a carbonate ? Experiment 183. Pass carbon dioxide first through a little water to wash it, and then into 50 to 100 cc. clear lime-water. Continue to pass the gas for some time after the precipitate is formed. The precipitate dissolves. Heat the solution. What happens ? Explain these reactions. PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF CARBON MONOXIDE. Experiment 184 Put 10 grams crystallized oxalic acid and 50 to 60 grams concentrated sulphuric acid in an appropriate flask. Connect with two Wolff's flasks containing a solution of caustic soda, so that the gas evolved will bubble through the solution. Heat gently. Collect some of the gas over water. Set fire to some, and notice the characteristic blue flame. If convenient put a live mouse in a vessel containing a mixture of about equal parts of carbon monoxide and air. It will die unless taken out. CARBON MONOXIDE is A GOOD KEDUCING AGENT. Experiment 185. Pass carbon monoxide over some heated copper oxide contained in a hard-glass tube. Is the oxide re- duced? How do you know? Is carbon dioxide formed? What evidence have you ? Was the carbon monoxide used free of carbon dioxide? If not, what evidence have you that carbon dioxide is formed in this experiment ? Experiment 186. Pass carbon dioxide over heated charcoal in a hard-glass tube. What is formed ? COAL-GAS, ETC. 807 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXI. COAL-GAS. Experiment 187. Heat some bituminous coal in a retort and collect over water the gases given off. Are these gases combustible ? OXYGEN BURNS IN AN ATMOSPHERE OF A COMBUSTIBLE GAS. Experiment 188. Break off the neck of a good-sized re- tort ; fit a perforated cork to the small end ; pass a piece of glass tube through the cork, and connect by means 'of rubber hose with an outlet for coal-gas. Fix the apparatus in position, FIG. 73. as shown in Fig. 73. Turn the gas on, and when the air is driven out of the retort-neck, light the gas. The neck is now filled with illuminating gas, and the gas is burning at the mouth of the vessel. If now a platinum jet from which oxygen is issuing is passed up into the gas the oxygen will take fire, and a flame will appear where the oxygen escapes from the jet. The oxygen burns in the atmosphere of coal-gas. KINDLING TEMPERATURE OF GASES. Experiment 189 Light a Bunsen burner. Bring down upon the flame a piece of brass or iron wire-gauze. There is no flame above the gauze. That the gas passes through un- burned can be shown by applying a light just above the outlet of the burner and above the gauze. The gas will take fire and burn. By simply passing through the thin wire-gauze, then, the gas is cooled down below its burning temperature, and does not burn unless it is heated up again. Turn on a Bunsen burner. 808 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXL Do not light the gas. Hold a piece of wire-gauze about one and a half to two inches above the outlet. Apply a lighted match above the gauze, when the gas will burn above the gauze, but not below it. Here again the heat necessary to raise the temperature of the gas to the burning temperature cannot be com- municated through the gauze. If in either of the above-described experiments the gauze is held in position for a time, it will probably become so highly heated that the gas on the side where there is no flame will be raised to the burning tempera- ture. The instant that point is reached the flame becomes continuous. THE BLOW-PIPE AND ITS USES. FIG ?4 The blow-pipe used in chemical laboratories is constructed as shown in Fig. 74. When used with the Bunsen burner it is best to slip into the burner a brass tube ending above in a narrow slit-like opening, as shown in Fig. 75. The tube referred to, marked FIG. 76. a in the figure, reaches to the bottom of the burner, and thus cuts off the supply , of air which usually enters the holes at FIG. 75. the base. The gas is now lighted, and the current so regulated that there is a small flame about 1^- to 2 inches long. The tip of the blow-pipe is placed on the slit of the burner in the flame, as shown in Fig. 76. By blow- ing regularly and not violently through the pipe the flame is forced down in the same direction as the end-piece of the blow-pipe, and the slant of the burner-slit. Under proper THE BLOW-PIPE AND ITS USES, 809 conditions the flame separates sharply into a central blue part and an outer part of another color. The direction and lines of division of the flame are indicated in Fig. 76. The outer part of the flame marked o is the oxidizing flame ; the part marked r is the reducing flame. Experiment 190. Select a piece of charcoal about 4 inches long by 1 inch wide and 1 inch thick, with one surface plane.* Near the end of the plane surface make a cavity by pressing the edge of a small thin coin against it, and turning it completely round a few times. Mix together equal small quantities of dry sodium carbonate -and lead oxide. Put a little of the mixture in the cavity in the charcoal, and heat it in the reducing flame produced by the blow-pipe. In a short time globules of metallic lead will be seen in the molten mass. After cooling, scrape the solidified substance out of the cavity in the charcoal. Put it in a small mortar, treat it with a little water, and, after breaking it up and allowing as much as pos- sible to dissolve, pick out the metallic beads. Is it malleable or brittle? Is metallic lead malleable or brittle? Is it dis- solved by hydrochloric acid ? Is lead soluble in hydrochloric acid ? Is it soluble in nitric acid ? Is lead soluble in nitric acid ? The action of the acids can be tried by putting the bead on a small dry watch-glass and adding a few drops of the acid. Does the substance act like lead? What has become of the oxygen with which the lead was combined in the oxide ? Is there any special advantage in having a support of charcoal for this experiment? Experiment 191. Heat a small piece of metallic lead on charcoal in the oxidizing blow-pipe flame. Notice the forma- tion of the oxide, which forms a coating or film on the char- coal in the neighborhood of the metal. Is there any analogy between this process and the burning of hydrogen ? In what does the analogy consist? What differences are there between the two processes? Experiment 192 Repeat the experiments with arsenic, antimony, and bismuth. Notice the colors of the films formed on the charcoal. Experiment 193. Melt into a bit of glass tubing a piece of platinum wire 8 to 10 mm. (3 to 4 inches long) and bend the end so as to form a small loop, as shown in Pig. 77. Heat the * Pieces of charcoal prepared for blow -pipe work can be bought from dealers in chemical apparatus, at small cost. 810 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXll. loop in the flame of a Bunsen burner, and then dip it into some sodium-ammonium phosphate (microcosmic salt). Heat in the oxidizing flame of the blow-pipe until a clear glass bead is formed in the loop. What changes have taken place ? and what is the clear glass ? Bring a minute particle of a man- FIG. 77. ganese compound in contact with the bead, and heat again. What change takes place ? Try the same experiment, using successively a cobalt compound, a copper compound, and an iron compound. Now, instead of using microcosmic salt, use borax. Explain the changes in all the above-described experi- ments. CYANOGEN. Experiment 194. Make potassium cyanide by heating po- tassium ferrocyanide in an iron crucible. Experiment 195. Make cyanogen by heating mercuric cy- anide. Cyanogen is poisonous. Burn some of the gas. Experiment 196. Make potassium cyanate from some of the cyanide obtained in Experiment 194. This is done by melting it in an iron crucible, and, while the mass is liquid, adding about four times its weight of red lead, stirring during the operation. After this the crucible should again be put in the furnace for a little while, the metallic lead allowed to settle, and the contents poured out on a smooth stone. Break this up, and extract the cyanate with alcohol. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXII. SILICON. Experiment 197. Prepare sodium fluosilicate as directed in the next experiment. Mix 3 parts of the dry salt with 1 part of sodium cut in pieces. Throw this mixture all at once into a Hessian crucible heated to bright-red heat in a furnace. Add immediately 9 parts granulated zinc, and a layer of sodium chloride previously heated to drive off water. The crucible is then covered, and the fire allowed to burn down. After cool- ing, the regulus of zinc containing the silicon is separated from the slag, washed with water, and treated with hydrochloric SILICON TETRAFLUORIDE AND FLUOSILICIC ACID. 811 acid. The zinc dissolves and leaves the silicon. This is again washed with water and then heated with nitric acid, and washed with water, when crystals of silicon, sometimes of great beauty, are obtained. Try the effect of heating a little of the silicon in the air. Try the action of acids and of alkalies upon it. SILICON TETKAFLUORIDE AND FLUOSILICIC ACID. Experiment 198. Arrange an apparatus as shown in Fig. 78. A is a bottle of about 2 liters capacity, such as are com- Ji FIG. 78. monly used for transporting acids. This is about two-thirds filled with alternating layers of sand and powdered fluor-spar, moistened with concentrated sulphuric acid. The bottle is put in the deep sand-bath B, and connected by means of a wide glass tube with the funnel C, which dips just below the surface of the water in the large evaporating-dish D. The sand-bath is now gently heated, when silicon tetrafluoride passes over. Coming in contact with water, it is decomposed, silicic acid being deposited -and fluosilicic acid passing into solution. In order to prevent clogging, the gelatinous silicic acid is from time to time removed from the mouth of the funnel by means of a bent-glass rod. After the action is com- plete, filter the solution. Take out one quarter, and to the 812 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER rest slowly add a solution of sodium carbonate until the whole just begins to show an alkaline reaction; now add the other quarter of the acid, and filter. Explain all the reactions. Heat a little of the dried salt in a covered platinum crucible. What change takes place? What evidence have you that the' change has taken place ? To a little of the salt in water add a solution of potassium hydroxide. What change takes place ? Dry the silicic acid formed in the first part of the experiment by decomposition of the silicon tetrafluoride. SILICIC ACID. Experiment 199. Boil some of the silicic acid obtained in the last experiment with sodium hydroxide. Treat some of the solution with hydrochloric acid ; with ammonium chloride. Experiment 200. Add some fine sand to about four times its weight of a molten mixture of potassium and sodium car- bonates, heated in a platinum crucible in the flame of the blast-lamp. Continue the heating until no more sand is dis- solved. Pour the molten mass out on a stone, and when cooled break it up and treat it with water. Experiment 201. Treat a little of the solution containing sodium and potassium silicates, prepared in the last experi- ment, with a little sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. A gelati- nous substance will be precipitated. This is silicic acid. Some of the acid remains in solution. By evaporating the solution to dryness and heating for a time on the water-bath, all the silicic acid is rendered insoluble. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXIV. CHLORIDES, BROMIDES, AND IODIDES. Experiment 202. Dissolve a small crystal of silver nitrate in pure water. Add to a small quantity of this solution in a test-tube a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid. The white substance thus precipitated is silver chloride, AgCl. To an- other small portion of the solution add a few drops of a dilute solution of common salt, or sodium chloride, NaCl. The white substance produced in this case is also silver chloride. Add ammonia to each tube. If sufficient is added the precipitates will dissolve. On adding enough hydrochloric acid to these solutions to combine with all the ammonia the HYDROXIDES. 813 silver chloride is again thrown down. On standing exposed to the light both precipitates change color, becoming finally dark violet. The reactions involved in the above experiments are these : In the first place, when hydrochloric acid is added to silver nitrate this reaction takes place : AgNO, + HC1 = AgCl + HN0 3 . When sodium chloride is added this reaction takes place : AgN0 3 + NaCl = AgCl -f NaNO,. In the first reaction nitric acid is set free ; in the second, the sodium and silver exchange places. In addition to the insoluble silver chloride, there is formed at the same time the soluble salt, sodium nitrate. On adding ammonia the silver chloride forms with it a compound which is soluble in water ; and on adding an acid, the ammonia combines with it, leav- ing the silver chloride uncombined and therefore insoluble. Extensive use is made of insoluble compounds for the pur- pose of detecting substances in analysis. The only insoluble chlorides are those of silver, lead, and mercury. * If, there- fore, on adding hydrochloric acid or a soluble chloride to a solution, a precipitate is formed, the conclusion is justified that one or more of the three metals silver, lead, or mercury is present. By taking account of the differences in the properties of these chlorides it is not difficult to decide of which of them a precipitate consists. HYDROXIDES. Experiment 203. To some pieces of freshly-burnt lime add enough cold water to cover it. The action which takes place is represented by the equation CaO + H 2 = Ca(OH),. The process is known as slaking. Experiment 204. To a small quantity of a dilute solution of magnesium sulphate add a dilute solution of caustic soda. The white precipitate is magnesium hydroxide. [Would you * There are two chlorides of mercury. Only one of them, mercurous chloride, is insoluble. 814 EXPEE1MENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXIV. expect this precipitate to be soluble in sulphuric acid ? in hy- drochloric acid ? in nitric acid ?] The answers follow from these considerations : When acids act upon hydroxides, salts are formed ; magnesium sulphate is soluble, as is seen by the fact that we started with a solution of this salt ; the only inso- luble chlorides are those of silver, lead, and mercury ; all nitrates are soluble. When a solution of an iron salt is treated with sodium hy- droxide a precipitate of iron hydroxide is formed : FeCl s + 3NaOH = Fe0 3 H 3 + SNaOl. Experiment 205. To a dilute solution of that chloride of iron which is known as ferric chloride add caustic soda. The reddish precipitate which is formed is ferric hydroxide. [From the general statements made above, would you expect this precipitate to be soluble in hydrochloric acid? in nitric acid ? Try each. Is it soluble in sulphuric acid ?] Experiment 206. Add to a solution of an aluminium salt sodium hydroxide. After a precipitate is formed continue to add the sodium hydroxide. Perform similar experiments with a chromium and with a lead salt. Boil each of the solutions obtained. Treat a solution of copper sulphate with sodium hydroxide in the cold. Heat. SULPHATES. Experiment 207 Make a dilute solution of barium chlo- ride, of lead nitrate, of strontium nitrate. To a small quan- tity of each in a test-tube add a little sulphuric acid. [What remains in solution ?] Make a somewhat concentrated so- lution of calcium chloride. To this add sulphuric acid. [What is in solution ?] Add more water, and see whether the precipitate will dissolve. The formulas of the salts used in the experiments are barium chloride, BaCl 2 ; lead nitrate, Pb(N0 3 ) 2 ; strontium nitrate, Sr(N0 3 ) 2 . [Write the equations expressing the reactions. ] If to the solutions of the salts any soluble sulphate is added instead of sulphuric acid, the same insoluble sulphates will be formed. The sulphates of iron, cop- per, sodium, and potassium are among the soluble sulphates. Make dilute solutions of small quantities of each of these, and add them successively to the solutions of barium chloride, REDUCTION OF SULPHATES TO SULPHIDES. 815 lead nitrate, and strontium nitrate. The formula of iron sul- phate is FeS0 4 ; of copper sulphate, CuS0 4 ; of sodium sul- phate, Na 2 S0 4 ; and of potassium sulphate, K 2 S0 4 . Write the equations representing the reactions which take place in the above experiments. It need hardly be explained that the action consists in an exchange of places on the part of the metals. Thus, when the soluble salt iron sulphate, FeS0 4 , is brought together with the soluble salt barium chloride, BaCl 2 , the insoluble salt barium sulphate, BaS0 4 , and the soluble salt iron chloride, FeCl 2 , are formed : FeS0 4 + BaCl 2 = FeCl 2 + BaS0 4 . REDUCTION OF SULPHATES TO SULPHIDES. Experiment 208. Mix and moisten a little sodium sulphate and finely-powdered charcoal. Heat the mixture for some time in the reducing flame. After cooling scrape off the salt, dissolve it in a few cubic centimeters of water, and filter through a small filter. If the change to the sulphide has taken place, sodium sulphide, Na 2 S, is in solution. A solu- tion of a sulphide when added to a solution containing copper gives a black precipitate of copper sulphide. Try this; also try the action on the solution of the salt of copper of some of the sulphate from which the sulphide was made. CARBONATES. Experiment 209. The formation of carbonates by the ad- dition of soluble carbonates to solutions of salts of metals whose carbonates are insoluble, is illustrated by the following experi- ments: Make solutions of copper sulphate, iron sulphate, lead nitrate, silver nitrate, calcium chloride, barium chloride. Add to each a little of a solution of a soluble carbonate, as sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate, ammonium carbon- ate. Note the result in each case. Filter off all the pre- cipitates and prove that they are carbonates. This may be done by treating them with dilute acids, which decompose them, causing an evolution of carbon dioxide, which can be detected by passing a little .of it into lime-water. In some of the cases mentioned the insoluble salts formed are basic car- bonates, as, for example, those of copper and magnesium. The salts of silver, calcium, and barium are the normal carbonates Ag.CO a , BaC0 3 , and CaC0 3 . 816 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXV. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXV. POTASSIUM SALTS. Experiment 210. In preparing potassium iodide from iodine and potassium hydroxide, proceed as follows : To 30 grams iodine use 15 grams hydroxide. Dissolve the latter in 100 cc. water. Add half this solution to the iodine in a por- celain evaporating dish. Now slowly add the rest of the liquid until the color disappears. Concentrate the liquid to a syrupy consistence, add 1 gram finely-powdered charcoal, mix, and evaporate to dryness. The residue is then heated to redness in an iron vessel. After cooling extract with water. Experiment 211. Potassium iodide can also be prepared by the following method : Bring together in a capsule 200 grams water, 10 grams iron filings, and 40 grams iodine ; mix, and heat gently. When the solution has become green, de- cant, filter, and wash. Now heat the liquid nearly to boiling, and gradually add a solution of 35 grams potassium carbonate in 100 grams water. Filter, wash, and evaporate. Experiment 212. Dissolve 50 grams potassium carbonate in 500 to 600 cc. water. Heat to boiling in an iron or a silver vessel, and gradually add the slaked lime obtained from 25 to 30 grams of good quicklime. During the operation the mass should be stirred with an iron spatula. After the solu- tion is cool, draw it off by means of a siphon into a bottle. This may be used in experiments in which caustic potash is required. Experiment 213. Mix together 15 grams potassium nitrate and 2.5 grams powdered charcoal. Set fire to the mass. Experiment 214. Treat a quantity of wood ashes with water. Filter, and examine by means of red litmus-paper. Evaporate to dryness. What evidence have you that the residue contains potassium carbonate ? SODIUM SALTS. Experiment 215. Make a supersaturated solution of sodi- um sulphate by heating an excess of the salt with water at 33. Filter the solution into small flasks and cork them. On re- moving the corks and agitating the vessels, the salt will sud- denly crystallize out. Experiment 216. Pass carbon dioxide into a strong solu- tion of ammonia (about 100 cc.) until it is no longer absorbed. CALCIUM SALTS. MAGNESIUM AND ITS SALTS. 817 A solution of acid ammonium carbonate is thus obtained. Add this to a concentrated solution of sodium chloride as long as a precipitate is formed. Filter off the precipitate, and dry it by spreading it upon layers of filter-paper. Heat some of the salt when dry, and determine whether the gas given off is carbon dioxide or not. When gas is no longer given off by heat, let the tube cool and examine the residue. Experiment 217. Make ammonium sulphide thus : Divide a given quantity of a solution of ammonia into two equal parts. Saturate one half by passing hydrogen sulphide through it, and then add the other half. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXVI. CALCIUM SALTS. Experiment 218. Dissolve 10 to 20 grams of limestone or marble in common hydrochloric acid. Filter, and evaporate to dryness. Expose a few pieces of the residue to the air. MAGNESIUM A$TD ITS SALTS. ."Experiment 219. Make anhydrous magnesium chloride thus : Dissolve 180 grams magnesia usta in ordinary hydro- chloric acid ; shake the solution with an excess of magnesia to remove iron and aluminium ; filter ; add 400 grams am- monium chloride ; evaporate to dryness, keeping the mass constantly stirred. The double salt thus formed must be dried until a small specimen put in a test-tube is found not to give off water when heated. The dry salt is then ignited in a crucible placed in a furnace until ammonium chloride is no longer given off, when the molten mass, which is anhydrous magnesium chloride, is poured out on a stone and, after it is broken up, it is put in a dry bottle provided with a good stopper. Experiment 220. Mix 6 parts anhydrous magnesium chloride, 1 part of a mixture of sodium and potassium chlo- rides, prepared by melting the two together and breaking up after cooling, 1 part powdered fluor-spar, and 1 part sodium. Throw this mixture all at once into a red-hot crucible in a furnace, and cover the crucible. In a few moments a curious sound is heard, and this indicates that the reaction is taking place. Now take the crucible out of the furnace, and stir the liquid in it with the aid of a clay pipe-stem. This causes the 818 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXVIII. particles of the metal to collect in one large spherical mass. After cooling, break the crucible, separate the metallic ball from the slag, and wash it quickly with hydrochloric acid to remove superficial impurities. If the slag is melted with a quarter the weight of sodium that was used at first, a second smaller piece of magnesium will be obtained. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXVII. ALUMINIUM CHLORIDE. Experiment 221. Aluminium chloride is made thus : Mix aluminic oxide with starch-paste ; form the mass into small balls of the size of ordinary marbles ; ignite these in a crucible in a furnace ; put them in a porcelain tube, and then pass dry chlorine over them, at the same time heating the tube to redness. The chloride will sublime in the front end of the tube or in a receiver if the heat is sufficient. It can be puri- fied by subliming it over heated iron or aluminium. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXVIII. COPPER AND ITS SALTS. Experiment 222. Cuprous chloride is best made as fol- lows : Saturate a solution of 1 part sodium chloride and 2| parts crystallized copper sulphate with sulphur dioxide. Fil- ter, and wash with acetic acid. SILVER AND ITS SALTS. Experiment 223. Dissolve a ten or twenty-five cent piece in dilute nitric acid. Dilute the solution to 200 to 300 cc. with hot water. Add a hot solution of common salt until it ceases to produce a precipitate. Filter off the white silver chloride and wash with hot water. Dry the precipitate on the filter, by placing the funnel with the filter and precipitate in an air-bath heated to about 110. Eemove the precipitate from the filter and put it into a porcelain crucible. Heat gently with a small flame until the chloride is melted ; then let it cool. Cut out a piece of sheet zinc large enough to cover the bottom of the crucible, and lay it on the silver chloride. Now add a little water and a few drops of dilute ZINC AND ITS SALTS TIN AND ITS COMPOUNDS. 819 sulphuric acid, and let the whole stand for twenty-four hours. The silver chloride is reduced to silver, and zinc chloride is formed : Zn + SAgCl = ZnCl 2 + 2Ag. Take out the piece of zinc and wash the silver with a little dilute sulphuric acid, and then with water. Dissolve the silver in dilute nitric acid and evaporate to dryness on the water-bath, so that all the nitric acid is driven off. Dissolve the residue in water, and put the solution either in a bottle of dark glass or one wrapped in dark paper. Experiment 224. To a solution of silver nitrate contain- ing about 5 grams of the salt in 100 cc. water, add a few drops of mercury, and let it stand. In a few days the silver will be deposited in the form of delicate crystals. The formation is called the "silver tree." EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXIX. ZINC AND ITS SALTS. Experiment 225. Heat a small piece of zinc on charcoal in the oxidizing flame of the blow-pipe. The white fumes of zinc oxide (philosopher's wool) will be seen, and the charcoal will be covered with a film which is yellow while hot, but be- comes white on cooling. Experiment 226. Dissolve some zinc dust in a solution of sodium hydroxide, and see whether hydrogen is given off. MEKCURY AND ITS SALTS. Experiment 227. Make a solution of mercurous nitrate by treating at the ordinary temperature an excess of mercury with nitric acid, which is not too concentrated ; and with this solution study the conduct of mercurous salts. Experiment 228. Heat some of the solution of mercurous nitrate to boiling, then add a few drops of concentrated nitric acid, and boil again. With the solution thus obtained study the conduct of mercuric salts. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXX. TIN AND ITS COMPOUNDS. Experiment 229. Dissolve tin in hydrochloric acid and let the product crystallize. 820 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXXI. Experiment 230. Pass dry chlorine over granulated tin contained in a retort connected with a receiver, using the ar- rangement illustrated in Fig. 64, page 800. Kedistil the prod- uct. Treat some of the liquid with water, and boil. LEAD A^D ITS COMPOUNDS. Experiment 231. Make specimens of lead chloride and lead iodide, and crystallize them from water. Experiment 232. Make lead sesquioxide by bringing to- gether lead acetate and sodium hydroxide, and treating the solution with a solution of sodium hypochlorite. Experiment 233. Treat some red lead with dilute nitric ?icid. Filter, wash, and treat the substance left on the filter with hydrochloric acid. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXXI. CHROMIC ACID AND THE CHROMATES. Experiment 234. Powder some chromic iron very finely. Add 3 grams to a molten mixture of 3 grams each of potas- sium carbonate, potassium hydroxide, and potassium nitrate, heated in a porcelain crucible. After cooling treat the mass with water. Potassium chromate is in the solution. Experiment 235. To the solution of potassium chromate obtained in the last experiment add nitric acid to decompose the unacted-upon potassium carbonate, and give the solution an acid reaction. The color will change from yellow to red. The red color indicates the presence of the dichromate. Experiment 236. Treat a solution of 10 to 20 grams potassium dichromate with potassium hydroxide , until the color becomes pure yellow, and evaporate to crystallization. Experiment 237. Make a solution of potassium dichro- mate saturated at the ordinary temperature. Pour into this 1 times its volume of ordinary concentrated sulphuric acid. After the liquid cools, and the chromium trioxide separates, filter with the aid of a filter-pump through glass-wool. Experiment 238. To a solution of potassium dichromate add some hydrochloric acid and a little alcohol. On boiling, the alcohol is oxidized, and the solution now contains chromic chloride. MANGANESE AND ITS COMPOUNDS PLATINUM. 821 EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXXII. MANGANESE AND ITS COMPOUNDS. Experiment 239. Make and crystallize some manganous chloride by treating manganese dioxide with hydrochloric acid. Also make some manganous sulphate by heating man- ganese dioxide with sulphuric acid. Use these solutions for the purpose of studying the conduct of manganous salts. Experiment 240. In a small porcelain crucible heat to- gether 5 grams manganese dioxide, 5 grams solid potassium hydroxide, and 2J grams potassium chlorate. When the mass has turned green, dissolve the contents in water and neutralize most of the free alkali in the solution. Or pass carbon dioxide through the solution without boiling. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXXIII. IRON AND ITS COMPOUNDS. Experiment 241. Make ferric chloride by heating the purest iron wire in a current of chlorine. Also make a solu- tion by dissolving iron in hydrochloric acid, and oxidizing the solution with nitric acid. Experiment 242. Make ferrous sulphate by dissolving iron in dilute sulphuric acid, and evaporating to crystallization. Dissolve equivalent quantities of ferrous sulphate and ammo- nium sulphate, and evaporate to crystallization. Experiment 243. Dissolve ferric hydroxide in sulphuric acid, and evaporate to dryness. EXPERIMENTS TO ACCOMPANY CHAPTER XXXIV. PLATINUM. Experiment 244. Prepare a solution of platinic chloride as follows : Heat platinum in a flask with concentrated nitric acid, adding from time to time a few drops of hydrochloric acid. After the metal is dissolved evaporate to dryness. Dis- solve in water and filter. CONCLUSION. At the end of each chapter treating of the metallic or base- forming elements there is given a list of such reactions as are 822 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, of special value for analytical purposes, together with such ex- planatory statements as seem called for. The student who is engaged in analytical work will generally find these explana- tions sufficient to enable him to keep his ideas clear in regard to the reactions with which he is dealing, provided, at the same time, he carefully studies the chapter to which the ex- planations form an appendix. As an introduction to analyti- cal work, a general study of chemical reactions is necessary, and the fuller this is the better. There are many small books in existence in which good directions are given for work of this kind. The student is, however, advised to supplement the book he may be using by such experiments as may suggest themselves on reading the corresponding chapters in this book. The directions there found will generally be quite suf- ficient for the purpose, and it is therefore not considered necessary to give more specific directions in this place. In general, the more the student occupies himself in the labora- tory with chemical substances the more rapidly will his chemi- cal ideas grow. But it is necessary that he should avoid working by "rule of thumb," and for this purpose constant reference to some larger text-book in which the relations be- tween the substances and the reactions he is dealing with are discussed in a broad way is of the highest importance. APPENDIX II. THE following tables have been prepared to furnish those who may use this book as a reference-book in connection with laboratory work with such information as they may need, but which they can perhaps get only from works not always easily available. It was not considered advisable to include tables required in gas analysis and general quantitative analysis. For part of the material I am indebted to that excellent work, the Chemiker-Kalender, by E. Biedermann. In the tables of solubilities the substances have been arranged alphabetically as salts of acids, as for example the acetates, chlorides, sulphates, and sulphydrates. J. ELLIOTT GILPIK. 824 APPENDIX II. ATOMIC WEIGHTS. (From " The Constants of Nature," by F. W. Clarke, 1897.) H = l 2691 O = 16 27.11 Molybdenum. . . . H = 1 95.26 Antimony 119 52 12043 Neodymium 139.70 9 ? Nickel 58 24 74 44 75 01 Nitrogen 13 93 Barium . . . .... 136 39 137 43 189 55 Bismuth 206 54 208 11 Oxygen 15 88 10 86 10 95 Palladium . . . 105 56 Bromine . 79 34 79 95 Phosphorus .... 3079 111 10 111.95 Platinum 193 41 131 89 132.89 Potassium 38.82 Calcium. . .... 39 76 40 07 Praseodymium . 142 50 Cirbon 11 92 12 01 Rhodium 102 23 Cerium 139 10 140.20 Rubidium 84 78 Chlorine 35 18 35 45 Ruthenium . . . 100 91 Chromium 51 74 52 14 Samarium 149 13 Cobalt . . 58 49 58 93 43 78 Columbium 93 02 93 73 Selenium . . . . 78 42 CoDoer . 63.12 63.60 Silicon 28.18 Erbium . . 165 06 166 32 Silver 107.11 18.91 19.06 22.88 Gadolinium 155 57 156 76 Strontium . 86 95 Gallium 69 38 69 91 Sulphur 31 83 Germanium 71 93 72.48 Tantalum 181 45 9.01 9 08 126 52 Gold 195 74 197 23 Terbium 158 80 ? ? Thallium 202.61 Hydrogen 1 000 1 008 Thorium 230 87 Indium 112 99 113 85 Thulium 169 40 Iodine ... 125 89 126.85 Tin 118 15 Iridium 191 66 193 12 Titanium . 47 79 Iron 55 60 56.02 Tungsten 183 43 Lanthanum 137 59 138. '14 Uranium 237 77 Lead 205.36 206.92 50 99 Lithium 6 97 7 03 Ytterbium 171 88 Magnesium 24 10 24.28 Yttrium 88 35 Manganese 54 57 54 99 Zinc 64 91 Mercury.. 198.49 200.00 Zirconium . . 89.72 O = 16 95.99 140.80 58.69 14.04 190.99 16.00 106.36 31.02 194.89 39.11 143.60 103.01 85.43 101.68 15026 44.12 79.02 28.40 107.92 23.05 87.61 32.07 182.84 127.49 160.00 204.15 232.63 170.70 119.05 48.15 184.83 239.59 51.38 173.19 89.02 65.41 90.40 APPENDIX II. 825 MELTING-POINTS AND BOILING POINTS OF THE ELEMENTS. Where the values of different observers vary, the highest and lowest ill be given. Melting-point. Boiling-point. Aluminium. ..... Antimony 600-850 425-450 n.v. at white heat 1090-1700 189 6 186 9 Al'senic . . under pressure at red heat sublimes at 450 Barium red heat Beryllium below 1000 Bismuth. . . ... 260-270 1090-1450 Boron Bromine 7.3 59-63 Cadmium 310-320 760-860 CflBsiuni ... 26 5 Calcium red heat n v infusible Cerium between Sb and Ag Chlorine solidifies at 102 33.6 Chromium higher than platinum. 1500-1800 Copper 1000-1330 Fluorine Gallium * 30.15 Germanium about 900 Gold 1035-1250 Indium 176 red heat Iodine 113-115 above 200 Indium 1950-2500 Iron pure. . 1500-1800 322-335 between 1450-1600 Lithium 180 Magnesium Manganese 500-800 1600 about 1100 Jdercury 38 50 to 40 5 357 25 Molybdenum Nickel does not melt at a white heat 1450-1600 Nitrogen ., solidifies at 203 at 60-70 mm. 1944 Osmium . ... 2500 Oxveen . below 21] 5 at 9 mm 181 4 Palladium 1360-1950 Phosphorus . 44 2 287-290 Platinum 1460-2200 Potassium 58 62 5 667 731 Rhodium. . . 2000 Rubidium 38 5 Selenium . . . 217 bet 676 and 683 Silicon .... about 1400 Silver 954-1040 Sodium 90 97 6 742-954 Strontium. . red heat Sulphur, rhombic, mono. .. ' ' amor. . . . Tellurium Tin 113-115 120 above 120 425-525 226 5-235 447-448.4 bet 1450 and 1600 Zinc 412-420 891 1040 826 APPENDIX II. ttj 53*3 -:-:dH -o dgS =>. sw ^ I Melting'- OOi W 0'-'co C^ ^^ *^ *H CO ^^ ^D 03 . . > i-H T-H O O P C5 5 8 SS5 I? 5 3 S O q o H?W W * - O PH B8 O " iS.'*5 ?" a sill S? s S-s ^ si "-'S S ^ u. O S3 OQ S ^ S-IS3 : M C2 rt O fl> O> Q^ I T3 r O CJ ^ T3 0> - "^ ?S"S ? 3-31 a !p?s o -3 gg^ ggg .Sig ^3^3-sS BBS o -=> III I 060 o o ^ 'C o 1 3 c osphorus num chloride ssium (Chlorid II B-3 T GQ 830 APPENDIX II. & ww 2 2 8O O C2 O a :^ s ~ M ^l G O I? -3 3 S w 7" i O s a 5iN OQ .S "<*&> ^ O j ^ o S ^ eo o o OQ CO O -r^p? o9' HLORIDES (cont'd) : Silicon chloroform . . . . . . S s c3 *r^ . 2 O CJS 4 S j ! C 1 % ?-Sb Is O rf - > s ft }>i i ( _ H H {> I ooooo ^-^ C^ X ^> '^7 o- HH P cont'd} ydrox i i : :S 4i- i gill' 'Ha Ms-ll roxide ydroxide. ydroxide. roxide ydroxide. de S : chlorite pochlori ! t ; . [O ' T3 oJ ' 03 .2 12 * ^5 S o oi O 3'~T3 11 1 11 tig " CJ _rt o c 0^(X : mangan ANGANAT Potassiu APPENDIX II. 833 fl. F ~o . .0 - . ' g o so iti I* ^ b \a ' ' l iig ^ ' P ^sg ^ i-T! S C ^ H a I w -5 ^< 0tt rS^^a*ooa 'x 3 :, 5 'S wcocJ^rf-3 hfiD 3Q.S si 1111 1 II H| !^{5 o P^S APPENDIX II. 835 acu no a a " 99 oo* : a -s og.2 a o o ^** T3 | d GO 13 d^ - a i - A G. O. a a a 3 s^i i*i i 1 836 APPENDIX II. ... ta 3 i H s ' II * 7>-o " .2 %<*. c fe I' c a. I? I *8 >& & -*2 " oD < o ^3 Q^3 PH PQ P, .2 a 1 H ., sill PL, ia - ,5 a I* It i OD OQ APPENDIX II. 837 fc IN .3 -3 1? :oq oq J3S 5 rn -4-j ~*j? gg ^ oqqo ggSS 3 its o :o 5 jg" - s t ! ?, 5 '3 S . 1 I lit I 1 rf Ct t>^ r p3 *~^ rl O 1 tl -2 >> ^^5 ."3 ^ 83 OQ 2<2% afli-si5lsa 2 tl5 iill1 ^..2^o'SS2-S^So PnCCtSJ gPn^ g Co.'s List of Works in General Literature. For further particulars about books not so marked see Henry Holt &* CoSs Descriptive Educational Catalogue. Excepting JAMES'S PSYCHOLOGIES, WALKER'S POLITICAL ECONOMIES, and ADAMS' FINANCE, all in the Ameri- can Science Series, this list contains no works in Philosophy or Economics. American Science Series 1. Astronomy. By SIMON NEWCOMB, Professor in the Johns Hopkins University, and EDWARD S. HOLDEN, late Director of the Lick Observatory, California. Advanced Course. 512 pp. 8vo. $2.00 net. The same. Briefer Course. 352 pp. 12010. $1.12 net. The same. Elementary Course. By E. S. HOLDEN. 446pp. i2mo. %\.i.onet. 2. Zoology. By. A. S. PACKARD, Jr., Professor in Brown University. Advanced Course. 722 pp. 8vo. $2.40 net. The same. Briefer Course. 338 pp. $1.12 net. The same. Elementary Course. 290 pp. i2mo. 80 cents net. 3. Boiany. By C. E. BESSEY, Professor in the University of Nebraska. Advanced Course. 611 pp. 8vo. $2.20 net. The same. Briefer Course. 356 pp. $1.12 net. 4. The Human Body. By H. NEWELL MARTIN, sometime Professor in the Johns Hopkins University. Advanced Course. 685 pp. 8vo. $2.50 net. Copies without chapter on Reproduction sent when specially ordered. The same. Briefer Course. (Entirely neiu edition revised by Prof. G. Wells Fitz, of Harvard.) 408 pp. i2ino. $1.20 net. The same. Elementary Course. 261 pp. iamo. 75 cents net. The Human Body and the Effect of Narcotics. 261 pp. i2mp. $1.20 net. 5. Chemistry. By IRA REMSEN, Professor in Johns Hopkins University. Advanced Course. 850 pp. 8vo. $2.80 net. The same. Briefer Course. 435 pp. $1.12 net. The same. Elementary Course. 272 pp. 12010. 80 cents net. Laboratory Manual (to Elementary Course). 196 pp. 12010. 40 cents net. Chemical Experiments. By Prof. REMSEN and Dr. W. W. RANDALL. (For Briefer Course.) No blank pages for notes. 158 pp. i2mo. 50 cents net. 6. Political Economy. By FRANCIS A. WALKER, President Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology. Advanced Course. 537 pp. 8vo. $2.00 net. The same. Briefer Course. 415 pp. i2mo. $i 20 net. The same. Elementary Course. 423 pp. 12010. $1.00 net. 7. General Biology. By Prof. W. T. SEDGWICK, of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Prof. E. 3. WILSON, of Columbia College. (Revised and enlarged^ 1896.) 231 pp. 8vo. $1.75 net. 8. Psychology. By WILLIAM JAMES, Professor in Harvard College. Advanced Course. 689 + 74 pp. 8vo. 2 vols. $4.80 net. The same. Briefer Course. 478 pp. 12010. $1.60 net. 9. Physics. By GEORGE F. BARKER, Professor in the University of Pennsylva- nia. Advanced Course. 902 pp. 8vo. $3.50 net. 10. Geology. By THOMAS C. CHAMBERLIN and ROLLIN D. SALISBURY, Professors in the University of Chicago. (/ Preparation.) 1 1. Finance. By HENRY CARTER ADAMS, Professor in the University of Michi- gan. Advanced Course, xiii -f- 573 pp. 8vo. $3.50 net. in, 1900 (l) HENRY HOLT & CO.'S WORKS ON SCIENCE. Allen's Laboratory Exercises in Elementary Physics. By CHAS. R. ALLEN, of the New Bedford, Mass., High School. Pupils' Edition, x -)- 209 pp., 8oc., net. Teachers' Edition, $1.00, net. Arthur, Barnes, and Coulter's Handbook of Plant Dissection. By Prof. J. C. ARTHUR, of Purdue Univ., Prof. C. R. BARNES, of Univ. of Chicago, and Pres. JOHN M. COULTER, of Lake Forest Univ. xi -(- 256 pp. $1.20, net. Atkinson's Elementary Botany. By Prof. GEO. F. ATKINSON, of Cornell. Fully illustrated, xxiii -f- 441 pp. $1.25, net. Atkinson's Lessons in Botany. Illustrated. 365 pp. $1.12, net. Barker's Physics. See American Science Series. Barnes's Plant Life. By Prof. C. R. BARNES, of University of Chicago. llhistrat,d. x -f- 428 pp. $1.12, /?/. Barnes's Outlines of Plant Life. Illustrated. 308 pp. $1.00, net. Beal's Grasses of North America. For Farmers and Students, By Prof. W. J. BEAL, of Mich. Agricultural College. Copiously Ill'd. 8vo. Vol. I., 457 pp. $2.50, net. Vol. II., 707 pp. $5, net. Bessey's Botanies. See American Science Series. Black and Carter's Natural History Lessons. By GEO. A. BLACK, and KATHLEEN CARTER. (For the very young.) 98 pp. soc., net. Britton's Manual of the Flora of the Northern States and Canada. By Prof. N. L. BRITTON, Director of N. Y. Botanical Garden. Bumpus's Laboratory Course in Invertebrate Zoology. By H. C. BUMPUS, Professor in Brown University. Revised. 157 pp. $i, net. Cairns's Quantitative Chemical Analysis. By FRED'K A. CAIRNS. Re- vised and edited by Dr. E. WALLER. 417 pp. 8vo. $2, net. Champlin's Young Folks' Astronomy. By JOHN D. CHAMPLIN, Jr., Editor of Champlin's Young Folks' Cyclopaedias. Illustrated, vi -f- 236 pp. i6mo. 48c., net. Congdon's Qualitative Analysis. By ERNEST A. CONGDON, Professor in Dtexel Institute. 64 pp. Interleaved. 8vo. 6oc., net. Crozier's Dictionary of Botanical Terms. 202 pp. 8vo. $2.40, net. Hackel's The True Grasses. Translated from "Die natlirlichen Pflanzenfamilien " by F. LAMSON-SCRIBNER and EFFIE A. SOUTHWORTH. V -[ 228 pp. 8vo. $1.50. Hall's First Lessons in Experimental Physics. For young beginners, with quantitative work for pupils and lecture-table experiments for teachers. By EDWIN H. HALL, Assistant Professor in Har- vard College, viii 4- 120 pp. I2mo. 6sc., net. Hall and Bergen's Text-book of Physics. By EDWIN H. HALL, Assist- ant Professor of Physics in Harvard College, and JOSEPH Y. BERGEN, Jr., Junior Master in the English High School, Bos- ton. Greatly enlarged edition. 596 pp. I2mo. $1.25, net. Postage 8% additional on nst books. Descriptive list free. in, 1900 HENRY HOLT & CO.'S WORK'S ON SCIENCE. Hertwig's General" Principles of Zoology. From the Third Edition of Dr. Richard Hertwig's Lehrbuch der Zoologie. Translated and edited by GEORGE WILTON FIELD, Professor in Brown Univer- sity. 22*6 pp. 8vo. $1.60 net. Howell's Dissection of the Dog. As a Basis for the Study of Physi- ology. By W. H. HOWELL, Professor in the Johns Hopkins University. 100 pp. 8vo. $1.00 net. Jackman's Nature Study for the Common Schools. (Arranged by the Months.) By WILBUR JACKMAN, of the Cook County Normal School, Chicago 111. 448 pp. $1.20 net. Kerner & Oliver's Natural History of Plants. Translated by Prof. F. W. OLIVER, of University College, London. 410. 4 parts. With over 1000 illustrations and 16 colored plates. $15.00 net. Kingsley's Vertebrate Zoology. By Prof. J. S. KINGSLEY, of Tufts College. Illustrated. 439 pp' 8vo. $3.00 net. Kingsley's Elements of Comparative Zoology. 357pp. i2mo. $i.20rf. Macalister's Zoology of the Invertebrate and Vertebrate Animals. By ALEX. MACALISTER. Revised by A. S. PACKARD. 277 pp. i6mo. 8oc. net. MacDougal's Experimental Plant Physiology. On the Basis of Gels' Pflanzenphysiologische Versuche. By D. T. MAcDoUGAL, Uni- versity of Minnesota, vi -f- 88 pp. 8vo. $1.00 net. Macloskie'S Elementary Botany. With Students' Guide to the Exam- ination and Description of Plants. By GEORGE MACLOSKIE, D.Sc., LL.D. 373 PP- $i-3Q net. McMurrich's Text-book of Invertebrate Morphology. By J. PLAY FAIR McMuRRiCH, M.A., Ph.D., Professor in the University of Cin- cinnati, vii -f- 661 pp. 8vo. New Edition. $3.00 net. McNab's Botany. Outlines of Morphology, Physiology, and Classi- fication of Plants. By WILLIAM RAMSAY McNAB. Revised by Prof. C. E. BESSEY. 400 pp. i6mo. 8oc. net. Martin's The Human Body. See American Science Series. *Merriam's Mammals of the Adirondack Region, Northeastern New York. With an Introduction treating of the Location and Boundaries of the Region, its Geological History, etc. By Dr. C. HART MERRIAM. 316 pp. 8vo. $3.50 net. Newcomb & Holden's Astronomies. See American Science Series. Nicholson & Avery's Exercises in Chemistry. By Prof. H. H. NICHOL- SON, University of Nebraska, and Prof. SAMUEL AVERY, Uni- versity of Idaho. 134 pp. 6oc. net. *Noel's Buz ; or, The Life and Adventures of a Honey Bee. By MAURICE NOEL. 134 pp. $1.00. Noyes's Elements of Qualitative Analysis. By WM. A. NOYES, Pro- fessor in the Rose Polytechnic Institute. 91 pp. 8vo. 8oc. net. Packard's Entomology for Beginners. For the use of Young Folks, Fruit-growers, Farmers, and Gardeners. By A. S. PACKARD. xvi -1-367 pp. Third Edition, Revised. $1.40 net. H, IQOO HENRY HOLT & CO.'S WORKS ON SCIENCE. Packard's Guide to the Study of Insects, and a Treatise on those Injurious and Beneficial to Crops. For Colleges, Farm-schools, and Agriculturists. By A. S. PACKARD. With 15 plates and 670 wood-cuts. Ninth Edition. 715 pp. 8vo. $4.50 net. Outlines of Comparative Embryology. Illustrated. 243pp. 8vo. $2.00 net. Zoologies. See American Science Series. Peabody's Laboratory Exercises in Anatomy and Physiology. By JAS. EDWARD PEABODY, of the High School for Boys and Girls, New York. x-|-79pp. Interleaved. I2mo. 6oc. net. Perkins's Outlines of Electricity and Magnetism. By Prof. CHAS. A PERKINS, of the University of Tennessee. 277 pp. i2mo. $1.10 net. Pierce's Problems in Elementary Physics. Chiefly numerical. By E. DANA PIERCE, of the Hotchkiss School. 194 pp. 6oc. net. * Price's The Fern Collector's Handbook and Herbarium. By Miss SADIE F. PRICE. 72 plates, mostly life-size, with guide. 410. $2.25. Randolph's Laboratory Directions in General Biology. 163 pp. Soe. net. Remsen's Chemistries. See American Science Series. Scudder's Butterflies. By S. H. SCUDDER. 322pp. i2mo. $i.2o;/. Brief Guide to the Commoner Butterflies, xi -f 206 pp. $1.25. The same. With 21 plates, containing qj illustrations. $1.50. The Life of a Butterfly. A Chapter in Natural History for the General Reader. By S. H. SCUDDER. 186 pp. i6mo. 8oc. net. Sedgwick and Wilson's Biology. See American Science Series. *Step's Plant Life. Popular Papers. Illustrated. 218 pp. $100 net. Torrey's Elementary Studies in Chemistry. By JOSEPH TORREY, Jr., Instructor in Harvard. 487 pp. $1.25 nef - Underwood's Our Native Ferns and their Allies. By Prof. LUCIEN M. UNDERWOOD, of Columbia. 156 pp. $1.00 net. Underwood's Moulds, Mildews, and Mushrooms. ///'