= g s = E= < s S i I II I i^in ^ HnUMNIH^ y O T- S c < C O c "T 1 O r~i "- I I ^ ^. I t 3 S I 5 V vvlOS-ANCElfj < 1 i ^l-UBRARYOr A BOOK OF FAIRY TALES Second Edition A BOOK OF FAIRY TALES RETOLD BY S. BARING GOULD WITH PICTURES BY A. J. GASKIN LONDON: METHUEN AND COMPANY 36 ESSEX ST. STRAND: MDCCCXCV 333k PREFACE IHE Fairy Tales in this little book are, with two exceptions only, those which delighted our fathers and grand- | fathers in their chiianopa. In the form in which we~have them they are not older than the end of the seven- teenth century. The majority of them were written by Charles Perrault, whose collection of Fairy Tales appeared in 1697, dedicated to one of the royal family of France. It contained ' Blue Beard,' 'The Sleeping Beauty,' 'Puss in Boots,' ' Riquet and his Tuft,' ' Hop-o'-my-Thumb,' ' Little Red Riding-Hood,' ' Cinderella,' 'The Wishes,' etc. To each of these tales was added a moral in bad verse. The morals have been forgotten, the tales are immortal. But although written by Perrault, he did not invent the stories, they were folk-tales which he wrote in simple words as they had been told him in his childhood, or as he had seen them in earlier collections. ' The tales of Perrault,' says Dunlop, ' are the best of the sort that have been given to the world. They are chiefly distinguished for their simplicity, for the naive and familiar style in which they are written, and an appearance of implicit belief on the part of the relater, which, perhaps, gives us G68655 PREFACE additional pleasure, from our knowledge of the powerful attainments of the author, and his ad- vanced age at the period of their composition.' The success attained by Perrault's little collection animated others to write Fairy Tales. Such were the Countess D'Aulnoy, Madame Murat, and Made- moiselle de la Force. But only the first of those approached Perrault in charm of style, and gained a lasting hold on posterity. She told the imperish- able tales of 'The Fair Maid with Golden Locks,' 'Gracieuse and Percinet,' and 'The White Cat.' Among a host of imitators none wrote stories that have lived, except Madame de Beaumont, who pub- lished her collection in 1740, and in it is ' Beauty and the Beast,' a tale that has gone through suc- cessive stages of simplification, till it has assumed a form tolerable to childish minds. Almost as soon as Perrault's tales became popular in France, they were translated into English, and speedily became indispensable in the nursery. It is to be regretted that the popularity which attended them caused the disappearance of a great many of our own home-grown folk-tales. Attempts were made in England to win the ears of little folk by fairy tales. A couple of volumes were published in 1750, but they lacked precisely that quality which was so conspicuous in Perrault, and so certain to ensure success with children simplicity, both in structure of the plot, and in diction. Though the stories in this collection have some merit, they have none of them gained a hearing. It was otherwise with Grimm ; he did in Germany on a more extended scale what Perrault did in France, and Grimm's Folk-Tales won their way to children's hearts at once, and have established therein an empire, which cannot be shaken. Grimm's success was due to the same cause as that of Perrault The stories In this little book are all, with two exceptions, known in every nursery. What I have PREFACE done is to rewrite some of them I may say most of them simply, and to eliminate the grandiloquent language which has clung to some of them, and has not been shaken off. Madame D'Aulnoy sinned greatly in style, but nothing like the degree to which others sinned. The original ' Beauty and the Beast ' is intolerable in the dress in which it was sent into the world. What Perrault did was to take traditional tales and clothe them in the language that was adapted to children of the end of the seventeenth century. The tales were not original ; what he did was to print them undisfigured by fine language. His great merit consists in having thought them worthy to be published. Perhaps the stories want telling a little differently to children at the close of the nineteenth century. I have thought so and have so dealt with some, but not all, of these tales. If I have made a mistake, I am quite sure of one thing, that the printer has made none in using such a beautiful type as can try no eyes ; and the artist has made none in supplying such delightful illustrations. If I have made a mistake, then I appeal to the tender hearts of the little people in the nursery and I know they will pardon me, not only because I promise to make them up a set of really delightful old, old English Fairy Tales, but mainly because the childish heart is ever generous and forgiving. & BARING-GOULD. vii CONTENTS Page Jack and the Bean Stalk z Puss in Boots 14 Cinderella 23 Valentine and Orson 33 Little Red Riding-Hood 51 The Sleeping Beauty 56 The Babes in the Wood 61 Pretty Maruschka 67 Beauty and the Beast 79 The Yellow Dwarf 99 Hop-o'-my-Thumb 107 Whittington and his Cat 124 Don't-Know 133 Miranda ; or, The Royal Ram . . . .150 Blue-Beard 160 The Fair Maid with Golden Locks . . .169 Jack the Giant Killer 184 The Three Bears 194 Tom Thumb 199 The White Cat 207 The Frog Prince ^228 Notes ,237 JACK AND THE BEAN STALK IN the days of King Alfred, there lived JACK | in a lonesome part of England a A1 i I i7 I ? E poor widow with her son Jack. She STALK had a cottage, a meadow, and a cow- shed, and one cow to eat in the meadow, sleep in the shed, and supply the cottage with milk and butter. The widow had one son, his name was Jacjg^. and he was a thriftless, idle lad, without thought for his mother or the morrow. She had to do all the work and he had all the pleasure. If the widow had not petted and spoiled her boy, he would have been a comfort to her instead of a trouble. If she had made him work instead of letting him run idle, he would have been happier. As her poverty increased, and Jack increased at the same time, and required larger shoes, longer stockings, and more broadcloth for his back, the mother disposed of all her little goods one after another, to supply his necessities. He brought nothing into the housekeeping but took a great deal out, and he had not the wits to see this. At length there remained only the cow to be dis- posed of, and the widow, with tears in her eyes. TACK said to her son: 'Jack, my dear boy, I have not BEAN^ mone y enough to buy you a new suit of clothes, STALK anc ^ y u are out ^ e lb ws with y ur jacket, have knocked out the toes of your boots, and worked your knees through your breeches. Nothing re- mains for us but to part with the cow. Part with her we must, I cannot bear to see you in rags and disreputable.' Jack said his mother was quite right to con- sider his personal appearance. Then the widow bade him take the cow to market and sell her. Jack consented to do this. As he was on his way he met with a butcher, who asked him whither he was going with the cow. Jack said he was going to market to sell her. 'What do you want for her?' asked the butcher. 'As much as I can get,' answered Jack. 1 That 's spoken sensibly,' said the butcher. 'And now I know with whom I have to deal. It's always a pleasure to treat with a man of business habits and with plenty of intelligence. With him one knows where one is, but with a fool and a scatterbrain I ask Where are you?' ' Exactly,' said Jack, ' Where are you ? * Jack was vastly gratified at being called a man, and a man of business to boot, and with plenty of intelligence on top of that. 'Come,' said the butcher; 'between you and me, as business men, what will you take for the cow ? ' Now, he had in his hands some curious beans of various colours, red and violet, spotted purple and black. Jack had never seen the like before, and he looked curiously at them. ' Ah ! ' said the butcher, ' I see you are a chap as knows what is what. In one moment, without speaking a word, them eyes of yours went into my hand, looking at my scarlet-runners. There is no cheating you, you know the value of a thing by the outside girth, you do. Well if I was dealing with TACK any one else, I 'd say, three scarlet-runner beans A1 t I i^J I for the cow, but as you 're an old hand, and a wary STALK bird, I'll give you six.' Jack eagerly closed the bargain. Such a chance might never occur again, so he gave the man the cow, and walked home with the six beans in his hand. When his mother saw the beans, and heard what Jack had to say, her patience forsook her; she threw away the beans in a rage, and they were scattered all over the garden. The poor woman was very sad over her loss ; she cried all the even- ing, and she and Jack had to go supperless to bed. When Jack awoke next morning he was sur- prised that the sun did not stream in at his window in the manner it was wont to do, but twinkled as through dense foliage. When he rose from his bed, and went to the window, he saw to his great astonishment that a large plant had sprung up in the night and had grown in front of the cottage, and that its green leaves and scarlet flowers obscured the light from entering his chamber as fully as of old. He ran down-stairs into the garden, and saw that the beans had taken root, and had sprung up; the stalks were en- twined and twisted like a stout trunk, or formed a ladder, and this mounted quite out of sight, for the clouds as they drifted by passed across the bean without reaching the top. Jack very speedily resolved to climb the bean stalk and see whither it mounted. In the meantime his mother had come forth, no less astonished than himself. But when he told her it was his intention to scramble up the bean stalk, then she entreated, threatened, and forbade him he must not go. He would run extraor- dinary risks ; he would break her heart. Jack had been too long his own master, and too 3 T AN ACK regardless of his mother's feelings to pay attention D THE to what she said. He put his hands to the tangle of stalks and found it extremely easy to climb. So he set to work and began his ascent, pausing at intervals to look round and observe the scenery as it grew small below him. After scrambling for several hours, he passed through a thick layer of flaky cloud, and found that the uppermost shoots and tendrils of the bean were there. They had fallen over and were strag- gling across the upper surface of the cloud. Looking about him, Jack discovered that he was in a very strange country. It appeared to be a desert, without tree or shrub, here and there were scattered masses of stone, and here and there also were masses of crumbling soil. 4 Jack was so fatigued that he sat himself down JACK on a stone and thought of his mother, and the AND THE distress she was in, and a pang of remorse entered ** ^ his heart. Then he heard the croak of a crow, and looking up, he saw a black bird perched on a rock. It said to him : ' Korax ! Korax ! I am a fairy, and I will tell you why you are here. Your father was a great man, and rich, and one day a cruel giant came and killed him and carried off all his goods, and unless your mother had hidden herself with you in the sheep-pen, he would have destroyed you both as well. She fled with what little she could collect together, carrying you on her back, and she has lived ever since in great poverty, and her poverty and sorrows have not been lightened by any signs of consideration and deference shown by you. I am speaking to you now, not that I care for you or desire to do you good for your own worthless sake, but because I am grateful to your mother, and I know that I cannot give her greater pleasure than by serving and saving you, and I hope that in future you will behave better to her. You must know that though I am a fairy, my power is not continuous, every hundred years there comes a time when it fails, and I am obliged to live on earth subject to ex- treme poverty and privation, and to be reduced to the utmost destitution, and that I can only be released from this condition by one who will give me to eat her last crumb, and to drink her last drop, and will comb my head with her golden comb. 'Now, yesterday, whilst you were away driving the cow to market, I came begging to your mother's door. She was so good, so charitable, that she gave me the last particle of bread that remained in the house, and the last drop of milk that remained in the pan, and then, seeing that I was without any of those articles of toilette which 5 TACK make life happy, she seated me on a stool, and ^D THE w ith her golden comb, the only article of luxury STALK tnat remain ed to her, she combed out my long black tresses. Now, no sooner had she done this, and spread my black hair all over me, than I was transformed into a crow, and as a crow I flew away, and a crow I remain until I can peck the three golden hairs out of the mole that grows on the tip of the giant's nose, that is, of the giant who slew your father. 1 In order to reward your mother, and also to ad- vance my own interest, I flew over you as you were making a great ass of yourself with the butcher, who was laughing in his sleeve to think what a greenhorn you were, and how easily gulled by a little vulgar flattery, and I dropped among the scarlet-runner beans three of a very different kind from those the butcher was giving you ; and it is these three magical beans out of fairyland that have grown to such a size, and up which you have climbed. 'You are now in the country where lives the giant. 'You will have difficulties and dangers to en- counter, but you must persevere in avenging the death of your father, and in doing all you can to enable me to get the three gold hairs out of the mole at the end of the ogre's nose. One thing I charge you strictly : do not let your mother know of your adventures till all are accomplished ; the knowledge would be more than she could endure.' Jack promised that he would obey the directions of the fairy. Then she said : ' Go along due east over this barren plain, you will soon arrive at the ogre's castle.' Then the crow spread its wings and flew away. Jack walked on and on, till at last he saw a large mansion. A woman was standing in the doorway. He accosted her and begged a morsel 6 of bread and a night's lodging, as he was desper- .J^CK ately hungry and excessively weary. She ex- ^E^N pressed great surprise at seeing him, and said STALK that it was an uncommon thing for a human being to pass that way ; for it was well known that her husband was an ogre, who devoured human flesh in preference to all other meats, that he did not think anything of walking fifty miles to procure it, and that usually he was abroad all day quest- ing for it. This account terrified Jack ; nevertheless, he was too weary and famished to think of proceeding farther ; besides, he remembered the injunction of the fairy to avenge his father's death. He en- treated the woman to take him in for that night only, and to lodge him in the oven. The good woman at length suffered herself to be persuaded, for she was of a compassionate dis- position. She gave him plenty to eat and drink in the kitchen, where a pleasant fire was burning. Presently the house shook, for the giant was ap- proaching ; and the woman hastily thrust Jack into the oven. Next instant the giant entered, and holding his nose high in the air, shouted in a voice of thunder : 1 Ha ! Ha ! I smell fresh meat.' 'My dear,' answered his wife, 'it is only the calf we killed this morning.' The ogre was appeased, and called for his meal. The good woman hastened to saflsfy him) and spread the table aird put on it a pie that would have taken ten men to consume it in ten days. The ogre finished it at a sitting, and when he had done he desired his wife to bring him his crimson and gold hen. Jack could look through a crevice in the door of the oven, and he saw that the giant's wife, after having removed the supper, brought in an osier cage, and out of this cage took a hen that had the 7 TACK most magnificent plumage ever seen, shot with AND THE green and gold and crimson. When the giant said, * Lay 1 ' then at once the hen laid an egg of solid gold that shone like the sun. The ogre amused himself a long while with the hen; meanwhile his wife was washing up the supper things in the back kitchen. At length the giant wearied of the somewhat monotonous sport and fell fast asleep by his fireside, and Jack now stole out from the oven, tucked the hen under his arm, slipped through the house door and ran as fast as his legs could carry him due west, till he reached the head of the bean stalk, and he descended it rapidly and successfully, always carrying the hen under his arm. His mother was overjoyed to see him ; he found her crying bitterly, and lamenting his fate, for she had made sure he had come to a shocking end through his rashness. Jack showed her the hen. 'See, mother,' said he, * here is an end to our toil and trouble. Now I hope to make some amends for all the grief I have caused you.' The hen laid them as many eggs as they desired ; they sold them, and in a little time were rich enough to buy cows, and a new suit for Jack, and a best gown for his mother. But Jack was not easy. He recollected the command of the fairy, that he was to avenge his father, and work for her release from the form of a crow. Accordingly he made up his mind to climb the bean stalk and visit cloudland once more. One day he told his mother his purpose, and she tried to dissuade him from it, but as she saw that he was firmly resolved to do what he said, and with her fears to some extent allayed by the successful issue of his first expedition, she desisted from her attempt. Moreover, she did not know what 8 dangers he would run, for, obedient to the instruc- TACK tions of the fairy, he had told her nothing of the A1 J*JL JJ? E ogre that lusted after human flesh, and of his con- cealment in the oven. Knowing that the giant's wife would not again willingly admit and harbour him, he thought it necessary on this occasion to totally disguise him- self. Accordingly with walnut he dyed his hands and face black, and put on the new suit which had been purchased out of the money brought by the sale of the golden eggs. Very early one morning he started, and climbed the bean stalk. He was greatly fatigued when he reached the top, and very hungry. Having rested for some time on the stones, he pursued his journey to the ogre's castle. He reached it late in the evening ; and he found the woman standing at the door as before. Jack accosted her, and begged that she would five him a night's lodging and something to eat. he replied that the giant, her husband, ate human flesh in preference to all other meat ; that on one occasion she had taken in and hidden a beggar boy, who had run away carrying off something that her husband prized greatly. Jack tried hard to persuade the woman to receive him, but he found it a hard task. At length she yielded, and took him into the kitchen, where she gave him something to eat and drink, and then concealed him in the clothes-hutch. Presently the ogre entered, with his nose in the air, shouting : ' Ha ! Ha ! I smell fresh meat.' His wife replied that a kid had been killed that day, and this kid he doubtless scented. Then she hastened to produce his supper, for which he was very impatient, and constantly up- braided her with the loss of his hen. The giant at last, having satisfied his voracious appetite, said to his wife : * Bring me the money- 9 TACK bags that I took out of the castle down on the iND THE earth.' STALK Tnen J ack knew that it was his father's money the ogre was going to look at. He peeped from his hiding-place, and saw the woman enter carry- ing two money-bags into the room. She placed them before her husband, who at once opened them and poured forth from one bezants, that is to say gold coins, and from the other deniers, that is to say silver coins. The ogre amused himself with counting out his money ; and Jack, peeping from his hiding-place, most heartily wished it were his. At length the giant tired of the great mental exertion of counting. He put back the money into the bags, tied them up, and fell asleep. Jack, believing all was secure, stole from his hiding-place, and laid hold of one of the bags. 10 Then a little dog that was lying under the table JACK began to bark, and Jack, fearing lest the giant A1 {|1 T .? should wake, slipped back into his hiding-place. JTAL He however remained unconscious, snoring heavily; then the wife, who was washing-up in the back kitchen, came in and called the dog to attend her. The coast was now clear. Jack crept out of the hutch, and, seizing the bags, made off with them, as they were his father's treasure which had been carried away by the giant. On his way to the top of the bean stalk, the only difficulty Jack had to encounter arose from the weight of the bags, which burdened him im- mensely. On reaching the bean plant, he climbed down nimbly, carrying the treasure of gold and silver with him, and on reaching the bottom gave them to his mother. They were now well off, and might have exchanged the cottage for a handsome house, but Jack would in no way consent to this, for he knew that he had not as yet avenged his father, and released the fairy. He thought and thought upon the world above the bean stalk, and his mother saw that he was meditating on another expedition. She was sorrowful, as there was really now in her mind no need for anything further; but she knew how resolved her son was when he had made up his mind to anything, and that it was not in her power to dissuade him from it. One midsummer day, very early in the morning, Jack reascended the bean stalk. He found the plain above the clouds as before. He arrived at the giant's mansion in the evening, and found his wife standing at the door. Jack had disguised himself so completely that she did not recognise him. He had painted his face and hands with red ochre. When he pleaded hunger and weariness in order to gain admission, he found it very diffi- cult indeed to persuade her. At last he prevailed, ii TACK and was concealed in the copper. When the giant AI j.X? E returned in the evening-, he lifted his nose and STALK bellowed : ' Ha, Ha ! I smell fresh meat.' I Some crows have brought a piece of carrion and have left it on the roof,' said the wife. I 1 said fresh meat, ' retorted the giant ; and not- withstanding all his wife could say, searched all through the kitchen. Jack was nearly dying with fear, and wished himself at home ; and when the ogre approached the copper and put his hand on the lid, Jack thought his last hour had struck. The giant however forbore from lifting the lid, and threw himself into his chair, storming at his wife, whom he accused of having lost him his hen and bags of money. She hastened to dish up supper. He ate greedily, and when satiated, bade the woman bring him his harp. Jack peered from under the copper lid, and saw the most beautiful harp that could be imagined. It had a head like an angel, and wings. When the harp was placed on the table, the giant shouted 'Play!' whereupon the harp played the most beautiful music of its own accord. The giant listened, and fell asleep. Meanwhile his wife had finished washing-up and had retired to bed. Jack crept from the copper, and laid hold of the harp. But the harp had instinct, and it cried out : 'Master! Master! Master!' The giant woke, rubbed his eyes, stretched him- self, and looked about him. He had eaten and drunk so much that he was stupefied, and he did not understand what had happened, in the first moment of being aroused. Meanwhile Jack ran away with the harp. In a while the giant discovered that he had been robbed, and he rushed after Jack, and threw great stones at him, which Jack fortu- nately evaded. As soon as he reached the bean 12 stalk he began to descend, and he ran down as TACK nimbly as might be. AND THE The giant pursued him, and began to follow down J-jJV* *L. the bean stalk. STALK Jack, on reaching the bottom, called for a hatchet. His mother, who saw the danger, immediately brought one; and Jack with the axe hewed through the stalks near the root ; consequently the whole mass with the giant on it fell to the ground, and the fall broke the neck of the ogre. Immediately hovering overhead appeared the black crow. It swooped down and picked three golden hairs from a mole that was on the end of the giant's nose. No sooner was that done, than the crow was transformed into a lovely fairy. Jack's mother was not a little delighted when she saw the bean stalk destroyed, for now Jack need no longer climb it. He was now allowed by the fairy to tell the whole story ; and he not only did this, but begged his mother's pardon for dis- obedience in past years, and promised to amend. He kept his promise, and what with the hen that laid golden eggs, and the bags of bezants and deniers, and the marvellous harp that played of its own accord, Jack and his mother no longer suffered poverty or felt tedium. PUSS IN BOOTS MILLER left all he had to his three sons. To the eldest he gave the mill ; to the second he gave the ass; to the third the cat. Very sad was the youngest over what fell to him. The two eldest were not kind, they managed very well together. The first ground the corn into flour, and the second took it about in sacks on the ass and sold it. But the third could do nothing with the cat but keep the mill clear of rats and mice. One day he said : ' I am very much alone and very poor in the world, and I live on the charity of my brothers. They will soon turn me out, and then I shall die of hunger and cold, when- ever my cat has devoured the last mouse.' The cat heard him, came and rubbed himself against his legs, and said: 'Do not be troubled, dear master. Have a pair of boots made for me, and give me a sack, and you will soon see that you are better off with me than are your brothers with the mill and the ass.' The young man had got a piece of gold in his pocket ; it was all the money he had. He spent that in getting a pair of very handsome boots for his cat, and he also got a sack, as puss required. 14 When the cat had got what he had asked for, PUSS then he drew on his boots they were topped with IN crimson leather and he threw the sack over his BOOTS shoulder, and went away to a warren, where there were many rabbits. Then he put some sow- thistles and some bran at the bottom of the sack, and throwing" himself down as though he were dead, he waited till some foolish young rabbit should come and be snared. Nor had he long to wait, for very soon a silly bunny came up, and attracted by what was in the sack, went in. Then the cat drew the cords that shut the neck of the sack and killed the rabbit. Very proud of what he had done, he went to the king's palace, and asked to speak with his Majesty. He was readily admitted, when, marching in his boots to the foot of the throne, he made a pro- found bow, and throwing down the rabbit on the steps of the da'is, said: 'Sire, the Marquess of Carabas has enjoined me to present you with a rabbit from his warren. With onion sauce, boiled, your Majesty will find it excellent.' 'Tell your master,' answered the king, 'that he could hardly have afforded me a greater pleasure. My cook never dreams of sending me up rabbit, on which I dote. Thank him cordially from me.' Next day the cat concealed himself in the stand- ing corn, with his sack open. Soon two partridges entered ; he drew the strings and caught them. Then again, he went to the palace, and presented them to the king in the name of his master, the Marquess of Carabas. The king was delighted, and ordered that the messenger should be given something to drink. The cat asked for a saucerful of milk he touched nothing stronger, said he; on principle he was a teetotaller. The cat continued his course; he caught in like manner, pheasant, woodcock, snipe, teal, wild- PUSS IN BOOTS duck, fieldfare, and kept the palace larder pretty well supplied with game during the season. One day when the cat knew that the king was going out a drive beside the river, along with his daughter, who was the loveliest princess in the world and heir to his throne, the cat said to his master: 'If you will follow my advice, your for- tune is made. You have but to bathe in the river, at the spot I shall point out to you, and leave the rest to me.' The young fellow did as was advised, without understanding what was the purpose of the cat. Whilst he was in the water, the carriage of the king drew near; it was gilded and had glass windows, and was drawn by cream-coloured horses with gold and red trappings. The cat now began to run up and down the bank, screaming : ' Help 1 help ! my master, the Marquess of Carabas, will be drowned.' The king hearing the cries, put his head out of PUSS IN the window and bade the coachman draw up. BOOTS Then he recognised the cat which had brought him so many good things. He called the cat to the carriage-side and asked what distressed him. 'Sire!' answered the cat, * whilst the most noble the Marquess of Carabas has been bathing some thieves have run away with his clothes. I am afraid if he remains much longer in the water he may have cramp and go under.' In fact the cat had carried away his master's poor, mean garments, and had hidden them under a stone. The king, who was not merely compassionate, but also generous and not above feeling gratitude for services rendered, at once ordered his attendants to go back to the palace for the most splendid suit they could find. ' I believe,' said the king, ' there is a very fine suit made for me some twenty years ago, when I was courting. I was then less cor- pulent than at present. You will find it in the lower right-hand drawer of the mahogany chest. I have little doubt it will fit the marquess to a nicety that is, if he is a graceful man I was immensely graceful twenty years ago.' Owing to the minute and exact instructions given by his Majesty, the suit, which was exceed- ingly splendid, was soon found and brought to the lad in the water, who quickly clothed himself in it and then came to the coach door to pay his respects to the king and the princess. The youth looked so engaging in the dress in which his Royal Highness had been invested when he went courting her mother, that the princess immediately lost her heart to him, and felt that the world to her would be a blank without him. The king was also touched, for the sight of the youth in this suit which he became, rather than the suit became him awoke old feelings of senti- B 17 PUSS IN mentality in the bosom of the king; he wiped his BOOTS eyes, and entreated the most noble marquess to enter the carriage with him and his daughter; and nudging the princess, he whispered : ' I was like that when I went a-sweethearting.' The cat, delighted that his schemes had so well succeeded, ran on ahead of the carriage; and having passed through a field in which harvesters were cutting and making stacks of golden corn, he said to them : ' Good people ! unless you tell the king who is coming this way that these cornfields belong to the Marquess of Carabas, you will all be made mincemeat of.' The harvesters were somewhat alarmed at the appearance of the cat in boots ; they were exceed- ingly afraid of being made into mincemeat. Presently the gilded coach of the king passed. He stopped it and inquired of the peasants to whom these splendid fields of grain belonged. They answered, as they had been instructed, ' To the most noble the Marquess of Carabas.' 1 Upon my word ! ' said the king, addressing the miller's son, ' you have a noble heritage.' The young man bowed and blushed; and the king and princess were pleased at his modesty. The king nudged his daughter, and whispered: *I was tremendously shy when I went a-courting.' The cat ran ahead, and came into a meadow in which were mowers making hay. He said to them : ' Good people ! unless you tell the king who is coming this way that these meadows belong to the Marquess of Carabas, you will all be pickled like young walnuts.' When the king soon after came into the meadow and smelt the sweet hay, he bade the coach stop, and he inquired of the mowers to whom the meadows belonged. They answered, as instructed, that they belonged to the most noble the Mar- quess of Carabas. 18 * Goodness!' exclaimed the king, addressing the PUSS IN miller's son, 'you have indeed a noble heritage.' BOOTS The young man stammered something unintelli- gible. The king nudged his daughter, and said in a whisper : ' I also stuttered and stammered when I was paying my addresses to your mother.' The cat ran on, and passed through a forest in which woodcutters were engaged thinning the timber. He halted, and addressed them, and said : ' Good people ! unless you say that all these woods belong to the Marquess of Carabas, you will all be stewed in your syrup like prunes.' When soon after this the king's coach entered the woods, the king called to the driver to stop, and he signed to a woodcutter to come up. He asked him whose forests these were, and he re- plied that they belonged to the most noble the Marquess of Carabas. 1 Well, I never ! ' exclaimed the king to the miller's son, ' you have verily a splendid inheritance.' The poor lad was so bewildered that all he could do was to respond with a sickly smile. The king nudged his daughter, and whispered: ' I also sniggered when I asked your mother to name the day. She said my snigger was more eloquent than words.' The cat ran on, and saw at the end of the wood a magnificent palace. He went in, and found that it belonged to an ogre, who was also a magician and enormously rich, for all the lands through which the cat had run belonged to the domain of this palace. The cat asked leave to see the ogre. He said he could not think of passing that way without paying him his respects. The ogre received him with civility; even ogres enjoy flattery. *I have been informed,' said the cat, 'that you are so clever and so profound in your acquire- 19 PUSS IN ments, that you can transform yourself into any BOOTS shape you like. But this may be merely idle gossip, not based on any foundation of truth. For myself I never believe half the tittle-tattle I hear.' I But it is really true, ' said the ogre. The cat smiled incredulously. ' I will at once show you my power,' said the ogre ; and in a moment transformed himself into a lion. The cat was so frightened that he made a bolt out of the window and ran up the water-pipes and did not rest till he was on the roof. This was difficult for him, because he wore boots, and boots are calculated for a high-road, and not for scram- bling. After some time, he plucked up courage to de- scend. 'What do you think of my power now?' asked the ogre, who had resumed his former shape. * I think that your power is great,' answered the cat, 'yet hardly all that I should have thought had I given belief to what is said.' * How so ? ' asked the ogre. ' I heard, for instance, on my way here, that you were a great bear.' * I can make myself that in a moment,' answered the ogre. 'I am sure you are that already,' answered the cat courteously. ' Others said you were an awful bore or boar I did not ask them to spell the word.' ' I can transform myself into that instantly.' I 1 am certain you need no transformation to be that most completely,' said the cat, with a bow. ' I also heard that you were in reality quite insig- nificant as a personage, and a nobody. Now, any fool can puff himself up into something greater than himself, but it takes a wise man to make himself appear less than he really is Can you do 20 * In a moment,' answered the ogre, and he PUSS IN changed himself into a mouse. BOOTS Instantly the cat was on him and had eaten him. Then he walked to the gate of the palace, and arrived there just as the royal carriage drove up. ' I wonder whose magnificent palace this is? ' said the king. Then the cat ran down the steps, opened the door of the carriage, and said : * Your Majesty- welcome to the palace of the most noble Marquess of Carabas.' 'Why, this is truly a surprise,' said the king. 'What a splendid inheritance is yours, Marquis! Give my daughter your arm. We will pick a crumb with you, Carabas. I 'm vastly hungry with my drive.' The miller's son clumsily offered his arm as bidden to the princess. Her father nudged her, and whispered : ' I also was a great gawky when I proposed to your mother.' Then all entered the great hall, and the king could not contain his surprise and admiration at all he saw. The cat ran down into the kitchen and ordered up a cold collation, and into the cellars, where he chose out the best wines ; and the king said he had never enjoyed his victuals so heartily as that day. Then turning to the miller's son, he said : * If you like, Carabas, you shall be my son- in-law. Say : I adore you will you be mine ? to the princess. I did that when I solicited the hand of her mother.' The miller's son did not wait to be told this a second time. The princess at once accepted him, and they were married and lived happily. The cat became a great lord, and had no occa- sion to run after and eat mice. 21 22 CINDERELLA |HERE was once a gentleman, a CINDER- widower, who took for his second ELLA wife a lady who was a widow with two daughters. He, for his part, had a daughter by his first wife. The second wife was extremely proud and haughty in her demeanour, and her two daughters had inherited their mother's qualities. The gentleman's daughter by his first wife was most amiable and gentle, in which points she resembled her own mother. No sooner had the marriage taken place than the ill-humour of the stepmother became manifest. She became jealous of the good qualities in the child, which made her own daughters appear by contrast the more disagreeable. She put upon her all the meanest tasks, and held her to them with inexorable severity. The young girl had to clean pots and pans, to scrub the floors and sweep the steps. She was obliged to do all the servile work of the house, and be as a slave to her half- sisters. For a bed she was given an old straw paillasse in an attic, where it was cold, and where ran the rats, whereas her sisters occupied the best 23 CINDER, rooms in the house and feather-beds. They had ELLA also in their rooms cheval glasses in which they could admire themselves from top to toe. The poor girl endured all without complaining. She did not dare to speak to her father about it, because he was completely under the thumb of his new wife. Moreover, he was much engaged in business which carried him away from home for weeks together, and she considered that if she were to speak to him about her treatment, her step- mother and sisters would serve her still worse as soon as his back was turned. When she had done her daily tasks, she was wont to creep into a corner of the fireplace, and sat among the cinders, for which reason her eldest sister called her Cinder- slut, but the second who was not quite so ill- tempered as the other, called her Cinderella. Although, poor girl, she was given the shabbiest clothes, and the dirtiest occupation, she was a hundred times more beautiful than her sisters in their finest dresses. It happened that the king gave a ball, to which were invited all persons of quality. Amongst others the two young ladies of the house received invitation. No one thought of Cinderella, for no one knew of her existence ; or if at any time they had known, they had forgotten her since she had been banished to the kitchen. The two daughters of the lady were greatly excited about the ball ; they discussed how they should be dressed and how they would have their hair done up, and what jewels they would wear. 'For my part,' said the eldest, 'I will wear red velvet and lace, and a turban of red and yellow, with an ostrich feather.' 'And I,' said the younger, 'I shall wear sere green velvet and satin embroidered with gold, and I will frizzle up my hair and tie it with amber silk ribbons.' 24 When the time approached they made Cinderella lace them, and patch them, and paint them, and frizzle them, and shoe them. 'How would you like to be at the ball?' asked one of the sisters of Cinderella. 'As for me!' answered she, *I do not think a king's palace is the place for me, nor would my sooty and soiled gown appear to advantage in a ball-room.' CINDER- ELLA 'That is true indeed,' laughed one of the sisters. 'That would be a rare joke to see you at the ball.' 'And what a fool you would look if the prince asked you to dance a minuet,' said the other. For two days before the ball, the two damsels ate nothing; they were desirous to have the small- est waists of any ladies who appeared, and in lacing them, Cinderella broke a score of laces 25 CINDER- before she had got them done up tightly enough ELLA to satisfy their vanity. When it came to patching, the sisters were extremely particular. ' I,' said one, ' will have a square patch on the top of my nose. I think it will heighten my complexion.' 4 And I/ said the other, ' will have a round one in the middle of my forehead. It will make me so interesting.' When the young ladies departed with their mother, then Cinderella was left quite alone in the house. She sat herself on a heap of ashes in the corner of the fireplace and began to cry. Then all at once the hearth opened, and up through it came a little woman with a red cloak and a black pointed hat This was her godmother, who was a fairy. The fairy godmother asked Cinderella why she was crying. Cinderella could only stammer 'I wish Oh, I wish ... I wish ... I wish . . .' * I see clearly,' said the godmother, ' that you also would like to go to the ball ; is it so ?' * Indeed indeed I should,' sobbed the poor girl. 1 Very well, then, so you shall. Go into the garden and bring me a pumpkin.' Cinderella at once want to pick the finest she could find ; it was yellow streaked with green. She took it to her godmother, but had no idea what would be done with it. The fairy scooped out the inside, leaving only the skin. Then she tapped it with her staff, and in a moment it was changed into the most beautiful coach, gold and green. 4 Now,' said she, * bring me the mouse-trap.' Cinderella obeyed. In the mouse-trap were six little mice. The fairy opened the door and as the mice ran out, she give each a tap with her rod, and it was transformed into a beautiful horse with 26 flowing mane and tail. She then attached the CINDER- six horses to the coach, the horses were all of a ELLA beautiful brownish grey. 'What are we to do for a coachman?' asked Cinderella. ' Fetch me the rat-trap,' said the godmother. The girl did as desired. In it were three rats. The fairy took the fattest, and with a touch of her wand changed him into a pompous and dignified coach- man. Then she said, ' Go into the garden, and you will there find six lizards behind the watering pot, bring them to me.' No sooner had Cinderella done what was com- manded, than the fairy changed them dexterously into six sleek lackeys, which mounted behind the coach and hung on to it with all the grace and facility as if they had been bred to it. The fairy then said to Cinderella : ' There now, you are set up with a conveyance in which to go to the ball.' ' That is very true,' answered the girl, ' but, alas ! my clothes are so mean and soiled, that I shall be ashamed to get out of my beautiful coach.' ' That is easily remedied,' said the fairy, and she touched the garments worn by her godchild. They were at once changed into the most splendid silk, studded with diamonds. 'And now to make you complete,' said the fairy, 1 1 give you two glass slippers, the only ones there are in the world.' When Cinderella was thus dressed, she mounted her carriage, and thanked her godmother grate- fully. The good fairy said to her: 'I am well pleased that you should enjoy yourself. But re- member to leave before midnight. If you remain a moment after the last stroke of the clock, then your carriage will turn into a pumpkin, your horses into mice, your driver into a rat, your flunkeys into 27 CINDER- lizards, and all your beautiful garments will revert ELLA to the condition of dirty, patched rags.' Cinderella promised her godmother to remember what she had said, and to return most certainly before midnight. Then she started, with a heart bounding with joy. When she arrived at the palace, it was announced to the prince, the king's son, that a lady in the most splendid equipage ever seen was at the gates, and that she would not give her name. The prince at once ran out to salute her and invite her to the ball. He gave her his hand to help her to descend, and led her into the great hall where the company was assembled. Then a great silence fell on all. The dancers ceased dancing, the musicians ceased playing, and the gossips ceased gossiping, all were eager to see the strange princess. On all sides were heard whispers of, 'What a radiant beauty! what superb jewels! what an exquisite dress who could have been her milliner ? What a style in the doing of her hair who could have been her hairdresser? What wonderful slippers, who could have been her shoemaker?' The king, although old, could hardly take his eyes off her, and he whispered to the queen, that except herself, he had never seen a greater beauty. The queen, who was old and fat, accepted the compliment gracefully, and smiled. All the ladies observed Cinderella attentively, and endeavoured to engrave in their memories every detail of her dress, so as to get their next ball-dresses made like it. The son of the king seated Cinderella in the most honourable place, danced with her, and himself brought her refreshments. As for himself, he could eat nothing, so taken up was he with attention to her, and in admiration of her beauty. Cinderella seated herself by her sisters, and was very civil to them. She gave them some of the 28 oranges the prince had peeled for her, and talked CINDER- to them most sweetly. They were lost in as- ELLA tonishment, and never for an instant recognised her. Presently Cinderella heard the clock strike a quarter to twelve. Then she rose, made a grace- ful courtesy to the king and queen and to the com- pany, and hastened away. On her return home she found her godmother in the chimney corner. She thanked the fairy for the favour granted her, and begged that she might be allowed to go to the ball at the palace on the following night, as the prince had expressly invited her. Whilst she was thus talking, she heard the coach drive up that conveyed home her sisters and their mother. She hastened to the door, opened for them, yawned and rubbed her eyes, and said : ' How late you are ! It must be past one o'clock.' * Ah, ha ! ' exclaimed her eldest sister, ' you have missed something. There has been not only a most splendid entertainment, but there arrived at it a most illustrious princess, so beautiful, that she nearly came up to me.' 'And to me,' said the second. 'And she was most superbly dressed her taste was almost equal to mine.' 'And to mine,' said the second. 'She was very civil to us, and gave us some of her oranges. Indeed for ease and graceful courtesy, I should say she came almost up to me.' ' And to me,' said the second. Cinderella listened to all that was said with great interest ; she asked the name of the princess. But that said her sisters 'is not known; the king's son did his utmost to find it out and failed. He says he would give a great deal to know it.' 'O dear, dear!' said Cinderella, 'I should like to see her; do, dear sisters, let me go with you to- 29 CINDER, morrow night, spare me some of your clothes. 1 ELLA should like to see this princess.' 'Hoity-toity! this is a fine idea!' exclaimed the sisters. ' We should die of shame to be seen at a great ball with such as you and have it known too that we were related.' Cinderella expected this refusal. She was not sorry ; she would have been sorely embarrassed if the sisters had consented to lend her their clothes, and take her with them. Next evening the sisters departed for the ball, and all happened as on the previous night. This time Cinderella was even more splendidly dressed than on the first night. The king's son was all the evening at her side, and said to her the prettiest things imaginable. Cinderella was so happy that the time passed unobserved ; and she forgot what her godmother had said to her ; so that she heard the first stroke of twelve when she supposed it was only eleven o'clock. Then she sprang from her seat and fled as swiftly as a fawn. The prince followed her, but could not overtake her ; however, in her flight she let fall one of her glass slippers, and as the prince stooped to pick it up she vanished. Cinderella arrived at home, panting, in her soiled and patched dress, on foot, without coach and attendance, nothing of all her magnificence remained except the odd glass slipper. The prince inquired of the guards at the palace gate if they had seen a beautiful princess pass, and which way her coach had gone; but they declared that no one except a scullery-maid had passed that way ; and upon looking for her coach, it was nowhere to be seen. When the two sisters returned from the ball, Cinderella asked them if they had enjoyed them- selves, and if the beautiful lady had been there ; 30 they replied that she had, but that she had fled at CINDER- the stroke of twelve and had left behind a glass ELLA slipper the most lovely that could be conceived ; that the king's son had picked it up, and that he had been quite disconsolate after she had dis- appeared, and had refused to dance or to eat or drink anything, but had sat in a corner sighing and looking at the glass slipper. On the following morning the town was aroused by the blowing of trumpets, and, upon the people coming out to know the occasion, they found the royal heralds with a chamberlain and guards, and an attendant carrying a crimson velvet cushion, upon which was placed the glass slipper. The chamberlain announced that all single ladies were to try on the glass slipper, and that the prince had declared he would marry the one whom it would fit The slipper was tried first on the princesses, then on all the noble ladies, then on all the court ladies, but in vain ; their feet were too large. Then it was tried on in the town by the daughters of the citizens, and the chamberlain brought it to the house of the sisters. The eldest saw at a glance that her foot would not go in, so she made an excuse, ran into the kitchen and cutoff her toes. But even so her foot would not fit~mfo tlie sEbe, and she was obliged to abandon the attempt. Then it was offered to the second sister. She saw at a glance that it was too small for her foot, so she ran into the kitchen and cut off her heel. But even so she could not get her foot into the glass slipper. The chamberlain was about to leave when he caught sight of Cinderella in the chimney corner, and he requested her to try on the glass slipper. The sisters set up a loud laugh, and said the idea was ridiculous! However, the chamber- lain insisted on it, and no sooner was the glass CINDER- slipper put to her foot, than it slipped on as if ELLA made for it The amazement of the sisters was great, but it was greater still when Cinderella produced the other slipper the fellow from her pocket, and put it on her foot. Then the hearth opened, and through it rose the fairy godmother. She touched Cinderella, and her clothes became more beautiful and costly than those she had worn at the balls. Then her sisters recognised her as the princess they had seen and admired. They threw them- selves at her feet and implored pardon for all the injuries they had done her. Cinderella raised them and kissed them, and said that they could make up for the past by loving her for the future. The fairy godmother then said that Cinderella must go to the court in a splendid equipage, whereupon, as by magic, the gilded coach drawn by six greys, with the pompous coachman on the box, and the six lackeys behind, drew up at the door. In this she drove to the palace, where she was well received by the prince, who thought her more beautiful by daylight than by that of candles. A few days after, there was a grand marriage. After that Cinderella got her sisters to lodge in apartments in the palace, and after a little urgency, two noblemen were persuaded to marry the sisters, who sincerely promised and vowed on their side to be better-tempered in their married state than they had been as spinsters. And the noblemen promised and vowed, on their part, if they did not, they would give them shabby clothes, and smut their faces till they became amiable again. VALENTINE AND ORSON CHAPTER I JEPIN, King of the Franks, had a sister VALEN- named Bellisance, who was exceed- ingly beautiful, and who was asked in marriage by many kings and princes. The lady's choice fell upon Alex- ander, Emperor of Constantinople, who came to the court of King Pepin to marry the princess. Great rejoicings took place on the occasion in all parts of the kingdom ; and soon after the marriage the emperor took his leave, and carried his lovely bride in great splendour and triumph to Constantinople. The Emperor Alexander's prime minister was a selfish and subtle man; unhappily his influence with the emperor was very great. This man, ob- serving the gentleness and sweetness of the Lady Bellisance, began to fear that she would under- mine his influence, and he wickedly resolved to seek the destruction of the innocent empress. The emperor was of a credulous and suspicious temper, and the prime minister found means at length to infuse into his mind suspicions of the empress. One day when the emperor was alone, he entered c 33 VALEN the apartment, and throwing himself at his TINE AND master's feet, said: 'May Heaven guard your ORSON majesty from the base attempts of the wicked and treacherous! I seek not the death of any man, nor may I reveal the name of the person who has intrusted to me a dreadful secret ; but, in the most solemn manner, I conjure your majesty to beware of the designs of your empress ; for that beautiful and clever lady is faithless and disloyal, and is even now planning your dethronement. Alasl my heart is ready to burst with indignation, to think that a lady of such charms, and the sister of a great king, should become so dishonourable and wicked.' The emperor giving perfect faith to his favourite's tale could no longer restrain his fury ; and abruptly leaving him, he rushed into the apartment of the empress, and in the fiercest manner dragged the fair Bellisance about the chamber by her long and beautiful hair. ' Alack ! my dear lord,' she cried, ' what causes you to commit this outrage ? ' ' Base wretch ! ' he exclaimed, ' I am but too well informed of your wicked proceedings ; ' then dash- ing her with violence upon the ground, he left her speechless. The attendants of the empress finding her lying senseless on the floor, uttered loud screams, which presently brought all the courtiers into the chamber. Every one was sorry for their amiable queen; and the nobles demanded an audience of the emperor, to represent to him the wrongs he had done to an honourable lady, with whom no one before had ever found any fault. But the emperor was still blinded with passion, and to their repre- sentations he answered: 'Let no man dare to defend a woman who has basely betrayed me. She shall die ; and they who interfere in her behalf shall partake in the dreadful punishment that awaits treason.' 34 The empress on recovery from her swoon, fell VALEN upon her knees, and thus addressed the emperor : 'Alasl my lord, take pity on one who never harboured an evil thought against your person or dignity ; and if not upon me, at least I implore you have compassion on your two children 1 Let me be imprisoned or put to death, if it so pleaseth you ; but, I beseech you, save my poor children ! ' The rash emperor, misled by the false tales of the prime minister, would not hearken to her: and the courtiers, perceiving that nothing could mitigate his rage, removed Bellisance from his presence. Her faithful servant, Blandiman, now threw him- self at her feet, exclaiming, 'Ah! madam, let me prevail on you to quit this unhappy place, and suffer me to conduct you and your children to your brother, the good King Pepin. Innocent and noble lady, follow my counsel ; for if you stay here the emperor will bring you to a shameful death.' 'No, my faithful servant,' replied she; 'I cannot follow your advice. If I should steal away privately from the court, it might be said I had fled because I was guilty. No ; I had rather die the most cruel death than bear the blame of that of which I am innocent.' The emperor so far relented, that he would not pronounce sentence of execution upon his queen ; yet, as his mind was continually excited by false accusations against her, he resolved to banish her from his dominions, and immediately commanded her to quit Constantinople. At the same time he published an edict, forbidding all persons, on pain of death, to assist or succour the unfortunate lady, allowing her no other attendant than her servant Blandiman, whom she had brought with her from France. Sentence having been thus pronounced, the queen, Blandiman, and the two children, VALEN- hastened away. As she passed through the city, TINE AND she was met by multitudes of people lamenting the ORSON joss O f so g 00 d an empress. When she had left Constantinople, 'Alas!' cried she, 'in what un- happy hour was I born, to fall from so high an estate to so low a condition as I am now in ! ' As she was thus complaining and weeping with anguish, her servant said to her, ' Madam, be not discomforted, but trust in God, who will keep and defend you.' He had hardly spoken, before he espied a fountain, which he and his lady at once approached. After refreshing themselves at the fountain, they pro- ceeded towards France. Many weary days and nights had been spent in travel, when, arriving in the forest of Orleans, the disconsolate princess was so overcome with grief and fatigue, that she sank, and was incapable of proceeding farther. Her faithful attendant gathered the fallen leaves and the moss to make a couch for her on which to rest, and then hastened away, to seek some habitation where he might procure food for his unfortunate mistress. During Blandiman's absence the empress fell asleep, with her two infant boys laid on the couch beside her, when suddenly a huge bear rushed out of the forest, and, snatching up one of the children in its mouth, disappeared with its prey. The wretched mother, distracted at the fate of her child, pursued the bear with shrieks and lamenta- tions, till, overcome with anguish and terror, she fell into a swoon near the mouth of the cave into which the bear had carried her child. It happened that King Pepin, accompanied by several great lords and barons of his court, was that same day hunting in the forest of Orleans, and chanced to pass near the tree where the other little boy lay sleeping on his bed of moss. The king was astonished with the beauty of the child, 36 who opened his eyes as the king stood gazing on VALEN him, and, smiling, stretched out his little arms, as if to ask protection. 'See, my lords,' said King Pepin, ' this lovely infant seems to ask my favour. Here is no one to claim it, and I will adopt it for my own.' The king little imagined it was his nephew, the son of his sister Bellisance, that he now delivered into the hands of one of his pages, who took the babe to Orleans to be nursed, and gave it, by the king's orders, the name of Valentine, because it was found on S. Valentine's day. Blandiman, who had now returned, after looking in vain for assistance, missed his mistress; and after searching the forest for her, he at length 37 VALEN- espied her on the ground, tearing her hair, and TINE AND uttering piercing cries of grief. ' Ah, Blandiman ! ' ORSON she exclaimed, 'can there exist in the world a being more encompassed with grief and sorrow? I left Constantinople the mother of two beautiful children, my only comfort under my bitter sorrow. A ravenous bear has now snatched one from my arms, and a no less cruel beast of prey has doubt- less devoured the other. At the foot of yonder tree I left it when I pursued the bear; but no trace of either of my children remains. Go, Blandi- man, leave me here to perish, and tell the Emperor of Constantinople to what a horrible fate, by listen- ing to evil counsel, he has destined his innocent wife and children.' At this moment they were interrupted by the sudden appearance of a huge giant, who imme- diately attempted to seize the empress. Blandi- man sprang to his feet, stepped before him, and began to draw and defend himself. His efforts, however, were unavailing: the giant prevailed, and slew him ; and throwing the unfortunate lady over his shoulder, proceeded towards his castle. CHAPTER II MEANTIME the bear that had carried away the infant, bore it to its cave, and laid it down unhurt before her young ones. The young bears, how- ever, did not devour it, but stroked it with their rough paws; and the old bear, perceiving their kindness for the little babe, gave it milk, and nourished it in this manner for the space of a whole year. The boy became hardy and robust; and as he grew in strength he began to range the forest, and attack the wild beasts with such fury that they 38 used to shun the cave where he continued to live VALEN- with the old bear, who loved him with extreme fondness. He passed eighteen years in this kind of life, and grew to such wonderful strength, that he was the terror of the neighbouring country. The name of Orson was given to him, because he was nurtured by a bear ; and the re- nown of this wild man spread over all France. He could not speak, and uttered no other sounds than a wild kind of growl to express either his anger or his joy. King Pepin often entertained a great desire to see this wild man of the woods ; and one day rode with his retinue into the forest of Orleans in hopes of meeting him. The king left his train at some distance, rode on, and Sassed near the cave which Orson inhabited, n hearing the sound of horses' feet, the wild man rushed upon the king, and would have strangled him in an instant but for a valiant knight, who galloped up and wounded Orson with his sword. Orson then quitted the king, and, running furiously upon the knight, caught him and his horse and overthrew both. The king, being quite unarmed, could not assist the knight, but rode away to call the attendants to his rescue. However, before they arrived on the spot, the unfortunate knight was torn to pieces, and Orson had fled to the thickest part of the forest, where, notwithstanding all their endeavours, they could not discover him. The noise of this adventure increased every one's terror of the wild man, and the neighbouring villages were nearly abandoned by their inhabitants. Valentine, in the meanwhile, had been educated in all kinds of accomplishments with the king's two sons and his fair daughter, Eglantine. Nothing could exceed the fondness of the young people for each other ; indeed, there was never a lovelier princess than Eglantine, or a more brave 39 VALEN- and accomplished youth than Valentine. The f? E n N k| n observing his inclination for arms, indulged ORSON jjim w ^ armour and horses, and after creating him knight gave him a command in his army that was about to march against the Saracens. Valen- tine soon distinguished himself above the other leaders in battle. He fought near the king's side ; and when his majesty was taken by a troop of the pagans, Valentine rushed through their ranks, slew hundreds of them, and replacing the king on his horse, led him off in triumph. After- wards, when the Saracen city was besieged, he was the first to scale the walls and place the Christian standard on the battlements. By his means a complete victory was obtained, and peace restored to France. Having conquered the Saracens, Valentine returned to the court of King Pepin, and was received with loud acclamations by the people, and joyfully welcomed by the Princess Eglantine. The distinc- tions and favour showered on him raised the envy and hatred of the king's sons, who plotted together to destroy Valentine. It happened very shortly after the return of Valentine from his victory over the Saracens, that a petition was presented to the king by a deputa- tion of peasants, praying relief against Orson, the wild man of the woods ; the fear of whom was now become so great that the peasants dared not go out to till their fields, nor the shepherds to watch their flocks. The king immediately issued a proclamation, saying, if any man would undertake to bring Orson dead or alive to the city, he should receive a thousand marks of gold. 'Sire,' said his sons, 'we think no person is so proper to undertake this enterprise as the found- ling Valentine, on whom your majesty lavishes such great favours, and who, it seems, aspires to the hand of your daughter. Perhaps if he 40 conquers the savage with his sword, you will not VALEN- think it then too much to reward him with the TI *l, A J hand of our sister Eglantine.' Valentine saw through the malicious design of the king's sons ; and the king himself wished to protect him, and advised him not to encounter such an enemy. ' Pardon me, my liege,' replied Valentine ; 'it con- cerns my honour that I go. I will encounter this danger, and every other, rather than not prove myself worthy of your majesty's favour and pro- tection. To-morrow I will depart for the forest at break of day.' When the Princess Eglantine heard of Valentine's determination, she sought to turn him from his purpose; but finding him inflexibly resolved to attack the wild man, she adorned him with a scarf, embroidered by her own hands, and then retired to her chamber to pray for his safety. At the first dawn of morning Valentine arose, put on his armour, and with his shield polished like a mirror, he departed for the forest. On his arrival there, he alighted, tied his horse to a tree, and penetrated into the thickest part of the wood in search of Orson. He wandered about a long time in vain; till coming near the mouth of a large cave, he thought that might be the hiding-place of the wild man. Valentine then climbed a high tree near the cave ; and scarcely was he seated among the branches, before he heard Orson's roar in the forest. Orson had been hunting, and came with a swift pace, bearing upon his shoulders a buck he had killed. Valentine could not help admiring the beauty of his person, the grace and freedom of his motions, and his appearance of strength and agility. He felt a species of affection for the wild man, and wished it were possible to tame him without having recourse to weapons. Valentine now tore VALEN- off a branch of the tree, and threw it at Orson's *NE AND feet; who, looking up and espying Valentine in UKSON the treCj uttere( i a g row l of fury, and darted up the tree like lightning. Valentine as quickly slipped down on the other side. Orson seeing him on the ground leaped from the tree, and, open- ing his arms, prepared in his usual manner to rush upon and overthrow his antagonist ; but Valentine holding up his polished steel shield Orson sudden- ly beheld, instead of the person he meant to seize, his own wild and terror-striking figure. Upon Valentine's lowering the shield, he again saw his enemy, and with a cry of transport prepared to grasp him in his arms. The strength of Orson was so very great, that Valentine was unable to defend himself without having recourse to his sword. When Orson received a wound from the sword, he uttered loud shrieks of anger and sur- prise, and instantly tearing up by the roots a large tree, furiously attacked Valentine. A dreadful fight now ensued, and the victory was a long time doubtful; Orson received many dreadful wounds from the sword of Valentine, and Valentine with great difficulty escaped from being crushed to death beneath the weighty club of Orson. At last Valentine's skill prevailed, and the wild man was conquered, and lay prostrate on the ground at his feet. Valentine now made signs to Orson that he wished him to accompany him, on which he quietly suffered his hands to be bound; and Valentine having mounted his horse, the two brothers pro- ceeded towards Orleans. CHAPTER III WHEREVER they passed, the people on seeing the wild man, ran into their houses and hid them- 42 selves. When Valentine arrived at an inn where VALEN- he intended to rest during the night, the terrified inhabitants fastened their doors, and would not suffer them to enter. Valentine made signs to Orson, who placed his shoulder against the door, and forced it open in an instant ; upon which the people of the inn all ran out at the back-door, and would not venture to return. A great feast was in preparation, and there were plenty of fowls and good provisions roasting at the fire. Orson tore the meat off the spit with his hands, and devoured it greedily; and espying a caldron of water, he put his head into it and drank like a horse. In the morning, Valentine resumed his journey, leading Orson as before. On arriving at the city, the inhabitants shut their doors, and ran into the highest rooms to gaze upon the wild man. When they reached the outer court of King Pepin's palace, the porter in a great fright barred the gate with heavy chains and bars of iron, and would not be prevailed upon to open it. After soliciting admit- tance for some time, and being still denied, Valen- tine made a sign to Orson, who, tearing up one of the large stone posts that stood by, shattered the gate to pieces. The queen, the Princess Eglantine, and all their attendants, fled to hide themselves when they heard that Orson was arrived ; and Valentine had the greatest difficulty to persuade them to believe that Orson was no longer furious and savage as he had been in the woods. At length the king permitted him to be brought in ; and the whole court soon gathered in a crowd in the apartment, and were much amused by his wild actions and gestures, although they were very cautious not to come near him. On Valentine's making signs, he kissed the king's robe, and the hand of the Princess Eglantine ; for Orson had now become so attached to Valentine that he would obey him in all things, and would 43 VALEN- suffer no other person to attempt to control him. TINE AND if Valentine went for a moment out of his sight, ORSON ne WO uld utter cries of distress, and overturn every one that stood in his way, while he ran about the palace in search of him ; and he slept at night in Valentine's chamber on the floor, for he could not be prevailed to lie on a bed. Very soon after the capture of Orson, a herald appeared at the court of King Pepin, from the Duke of Aquitaine, summoning all true knights to avenge the cause of the Lady Clerimont, daughter to the noble duke, who was held in cruel captivity by Atramont, the black knight: the herald pro- claimed that whoever should conquer him would receive the hand of the lady in marriage, together with a princely dowry. This knight was so famous for his cruelty and his victories, that the young lords of the court all drew back, and were unwill- ing to enter the lists; for it was known that he was defended by enchantment, and it was his practice to hang upon a high tree all the knights whom he had defeated. Valentine, however, offered himself without hesitation ; and though he did not intend to ask the lady in marriage, he nevertheless determined to attempt her rescue from the hands of the giant. Valentine, followed by Orson as his squire, soon reached the castle of the black knight, and imme- diately demanded the freedom of the captive lady. This was refused, and the two knights at once began the combat. The fight was long and equal. At length Atramont demanded a parley : ' Knight,' said he to Valentine, 'thou art brave and noble; behold, yonder hang twenty knights whom I have overcome and put to death : such will be thy fate ; I give thee warning.' ' Base traitor,' replied Valentine, ' I fear thee not ; come on I defy thee.' 1 First,' rejoined the black knight, ' fetch me 44 yonder shield ; for in pity to thy youth, I tell thee, VALEN unless thou canst remove that shield, thou canst not rescue the lady, nor conquer me.' Valentine approached the shield; but, in spite of all his efforts, he could not loosen it from the tree, though it appeared to hang on only a slender branch. Valentine, breathless with his exertions to pull down the shield, stood leaning against the tree, when Atramont, with a loud laugh, exclaimed, 4 Fly and save thyself, fair knight ; tor since thou canst not move the shield, thou art not destined to be my victor. Further, know there is no one living who can subdue me, unless he be the son of a mighty king, and yet has been suckled by a wild beast.' Valentine started on hearing these last words, and immediately ran to Orson, and led him to the enchanted shield. On Orson's raising his arm towards it, it dropped instantly from its place. A loud blast of wind rushed through the trees, the ground rocked beneath their feet, and the black knight trembled and turned pale; then gnashing his teeth he seized his sword, and attacked Orson with desperate fury. At the first blow, Atramont's sword broke in pieces upon the enchanted shield. Next he caught up a battle-axe, which also snapped instantly in two. He then took a lance, which was shivered to atoms in the same manner. Furious with these defeats, he threw aside his weapons, and trusting to his great strength, attempted to grasp Orson in his arms : but Orson, seizing him as if he had been a mere child, dashed him on the ground, and would have instantly destroyed him, had not Valentine interposed to save his life. Orson continued to hold him down till some chains were brought, when, in despite of the furious struggles of the black knight, Orson bound him in strong fetters, to lead him away a prisoner. 45 VALEN- Atramont, finding himself conquered, addressed TINE AND himself to Valentine, and said : 'This savage man ORSON i s m y conqueror, and there is some mystery in his fate. Hasten to the castle of the giant Ferragus, where, if you can conquer him, you will find a brazen head, kept by a dwarf, that will explain to you who this savage is. You will also be able to set at liberty all the captives whom he keeps con- fined in his dungeons.' He then directed them on their way to the giant's castle; and after they had rested and refreshed themselves, they took their departure. CHAPTER IV THEY had to pass over many a hill and valley, and through wild and trackless forests; at last they came in view of the giant's castle, to which the entrance was by a bridge of brass. The build- ing itself was of marble, and the battlements were surmounted by golden pinnacles, which glittered richly in the evening sun as the two brothers ap- proached the castle. Beneath the bridge of brass a hundred bells were fastened by a strange device, so that neither man nor beast might pass over without a loud alarm being given. The moment the two travellers began to cross the bridge the bells sounded, and immediately the great gates of the castle were thrown open, and a huge giant stalked forth, bearing in his hand a knotted club of steel. He immediately summoned them in a voice of thunder to lay down their arms. ' Yield, you caitiffs ! ' said he, ' or I will make you food for the wolves and birds of prey. No one comes here and escapes with his life so long as I can wield my good club.' 'Vain boaster,' replied Valentine, 'I scorn you 46 and your threats ! I come determined to force the VALEN- brazen gates of your castle and to set free your T JNE AND prisoners.' ORSON With these words he put spurs to his steed, and aimed his trusty spear at the giant's head. The first thrust made the giant bleed, and he, in his turn, aimed a desperate blow at the knight. This happily missed, and left Valentine an opportunity of attack- ing the giant with his sword, which he did with the greatest courage, aiming blow after blow, first on one side, then on another, with the utmost agility and skill. But at last the giant, mad with pain and rage, saw that his adversary was beginning to flag, and found opportunity to deal him a tremendous blow with his mace, which laid both horse and rider senseless on the ground. He now grinned a hideous grin, and, stooping down, he was about to aim a second blow, exclaiming, * Now, caitiff, breathe thy last.' But before he could raise his arm to strike, two tremendous blows descended upon his own head, and the monster fell groaning to the earth. These blows came from the knotty club of Orson, who, seeing his friend's danger, ran up just in time to save him. The giant was dead ; and, with Orson's care and attention, Valentine soon began to recover. They now began to search the giant's castle, both to set free his captives and to find the dwarf who would give the promised explanation. As they went through the gloomy apartments and dungeons, they found the bones of many murdered knights who had been overcome by the giant, and at last, in a little dim cell lighted by one small window, they found a lady lying on the ground and bathed in tears. At their entrance she lifted up her eyes and begged for mercy. Valentine gently raised her, and assured her that they were come to succour her, that the giant was killed, and that the castle-gates were thrown open. They 47 VALEN- then led her out of the dungeon into one of the TINE AND apartments of the castle, and supplied her with ORSON fo^ and w i nC) an( j attended to all her wants. They then inquired her name and her story, when she related to them her whole history, as it has been already told, from the time of her mar- riage to the hour when the fierce giant slew her trusty attendant, and carried her off by force to the castle. But, when they heard her name, and that she was sister to King Pepin, they were beyond measure amazed and overjoyed ; for they had often heard the sad story of the Empress of Constantinople, and how the emperor, after she had gone, had discovered the treachery of his prime minister, and had made long and anxious search for his wife and children, but in vain. CHAPTER V VALENTINE and Orson determined to set out for the coast of France as soon as the Lady Belli- sance was able to travel, knowing how overjoyed the old king would be to see his long-lost sister. But, before taking their departure, they went to search for the dwarf, who at last was found in one of the turrets of the castle, and who immediately expressed his willingness to serve his deliverer, now that his cruel master was dead. They desired him to lead them to the chamber where the brazen head was kept, which he imme- diately did. Valentine fixed his eyes upon the head, anxious to hear what it would say con- cerning his birth. At length it spake thus : 'Thou, O renowned knight, art called Valentine the Brave, and art the man destined to be the husband of the Princess Eglantine of France. Thou art son to the Emperor of Greece, and thy mother is Bellisance, sister to King Pepin of France. She was unjustly 48 banished from her throne, and after many wander- VALEN ings, she was seized by a giant and confined in a TINE Q jJ D dungeon of this castle, where she has been for OR SON twenty years. The wild man, who hath so long accompanied thee, is thy brother. You were both lost in the forest of Orleans. Thou wert found and brought up under the care of King Pepin thy uncle, but thy brother was stolen and nurtured by a bear. Proceed to France with the innocent empress, thy hapless mother. Away, and prosper ! These are the last words I shall utter. Fate has decreed, that when Valentine and Orson enter this chamber, my power ends.' Having thus spoken, the brazen head fell from its pedestal, and in the fall was broken into a thou- sand pieces. The two youths stood for a moment fixed with astonishment ; they then joyfully embraced each other, and rejoined the empress to tell her the extraordinary news they had just heard. Imagine her surprise when she saw before her her two long- lost sons. To describe her emotions on this joyful occasion would be impossible. After the first transports were over, they prepared for their departure. The stables of the giant's castle furnished them with horses ; and everything else necessary for their journey was found in its well-stored recesses. So, taking with them the dwarf as their servant, the whole party proceeded towards France. The meeting of King Pepin and his dear sister was, we need not say, a happy and joyful one. A courier was immediately despatched to Constan- tinople to inform the Emperor Alexander of the arrival of his empress at the capital of France. The messenger found him still mourning the loss of his innocent queen, and refusing all comfort from those around him, from the thought that by his own folly and rashness he had been the cause D 49 VALEN- of her banishment and death. The news was like TINE AND life to the dead; and the emperor, as soon as he ORSON had sufficiently collected himself to give the proper orders, set off with his whole court to meet his long-lost queen, and to bring her back in triumph to her throne. His delight was still further in- creased when he saw the two youths his sons, and embraced them for the first time since they were children. Great rejoicings, feasts, dances, and tournaments were held in honour of these events in all parts of the French king's dominions; and, in due time, the emperor and his queen, accompanied by Orson, took their departure for their own country. Valentine remained at the court of his uncle, and was shortly after married to the fair Princess Eglantine. At the death of the monarch they succeeded to the empire, and were blessed with a long and prosperous reign. by kind and good people, who would give them THE food and shelter. .^SSI But the poor little children were so frightened $000 and confused that they did not understand in which direction to go. They waited a long while for the man, and, as he did not come back, they wandered in the wood ; and in place of getting out of it, by a sad mishap they turned, and went back into its very depths. These pretty babes, all hand in hand, Went wandering up and down ; But never more could see the man Approaching from the town. Their pretty lips with blackberries Were all besmeared and dyed ; But when came on the darksome night, They sat them down and cried. Thus wander'd these poor innocents Till death did end their grief; In one another's arms they died As wanting due relief. No burial this pretty pair Of any man receives, But Robin-redbreast, piously, Did cover them with leaves. It must now be told how that the wicked uncle got no rest in mind or body. Nothing prospered with him. His fields were blighted, and his cattle died in stall. His barns caught fire, and his substance wasted. He had sent his sons in a merchant-ship to Portugal, and a violent storm arose, wrecked the vessel, and his sons were drowned. So badly did the uncle fare, that, in seven years, all his lands and goods were in pawn or lost ; and himself smitten with an ague that never left him, but made him shiver and shake. THE As for the man who had left the Babes in the BABES wood, he was convicted of a robbery and thrown WOOD * nto Prison, when he confessed the whole story how he was hired by the uncle, how he had fought with and killed his fellow, and how he had deserted the children in the wood. Thus it was the whole story came to the light of day. 66 PRETTY MARUSCHKA LR away in the hazy purple of antiquity, when all stepmothers were wicked, and all younger sons were successful, there lived on the confines of a forest a woman who had two daughters : the one her own, the other only a step- child. Naturally, the love of the mother was concentrated on her own Helena, and, as naturally, she disliked Maruschka, who was the fairest, the gentlest, and the most pious of the two girls. Little did pretty Maruschka know of her own surpassing beauty a fact proving to us how remote from the present age was that in which these damsels lived. Her hair was like the waving gold of the cornfield when the wind soughs over it, and her eyes were as the blue forget-me-not which smiles and glimmers in a quiet nook by the brookside. She was slim and graceful; her step was light, for her heart was free. Wherever she went she brought cheerfulness and smiles; like the little golden sunbeams which pierce among the tree-shadows of a forest, and light up unex- pected beauties where all before was gloom ; now painting a saffron butterfly, now kindling an 67 PRETTY MAR- USCHKA PRETTY emerald moss-tuft, now making a scarlet lily flame MAR- against the dusk of the forest glades behind. USCHKA Helena was dressed by her mother in gay colours for Sunday and Feast-day, but poor little Mar- suchka had only a dingy grey gown, cast off by her sister. Helena wore black shoes with silver buckles, but pretty Maruschka clattered up the churchyard path in wooden clogs. Helena wore a false gold chain of great links round her neck, but her half-sister had only a turquoise-coloured ribbon and a little silver cross with a crystal in it that was her only ornament and that had been given her by a lady whom she had guided into the road, when she had lost her way in the forest. As the mother and the two girls went to church on Sundays, the lads were all in the yard hanging about the tombstones ; and the old woman heard them whisper, 'There is pretty Maruschka;' but never once did they say, ' See pretty Helena.' So she was angry, and hated the golden-haired, blue- eyed maiden. At home she made her do all the hard work scrub the floors, cook the victuals, mend the clothes whilst Helena stood all day before her glass, combing her hair and adorning herself with trinkets, and wishing it were Sunday that she might flare before the eyes of the young men in the churchyard. Helena and her mother did all that lay in their power to make the little girl's life miserable. They scolded her, they beat her, they devised schemes of annoyance for her, but never could they ruffle the sweet temper of Maruschka. One day, in the depth of winter, Helena cried out, 'Ah, mel would that I had a bunch of violets in my bosom to-morrow, when I go to church. Run, Maruschka, run into the forest and pluck them for me, that I may have them to smell at whilst the priest gives us his sermon.' 'Oh, my sister 1' answered Maruschka, 'who ever 63 heard of violets being gathered in midwinter, PRETTY under the deep snow ? ' TT MR- ' Idle hussey ! ' screamed Helena ; ' go at once and USCHKA fetch them. Have them I will, and you shall not come back without them.' Then the mother chimed in with, ' Mind and bring a large bunch, or you shall not be taken in here for the night. Go!' and she caught her, thrust her from the house, and slammed the door behind her. Bitterly weeping, the poor maiden wandered into the forest. The snow lay deep everywhere, undinted by human foot ; white wreaths hung on the bushes, and the sombre pine-boughs were frosted over with snow. Here were the traces of a hare, there the prints of a badger. An owl called from the depths of the forest. The girl lost her way. Dusk came on, and a few stars looked through the interlacing boughs overhead, watching Maruschka. An icy wind moaned through the trees, shaking the pines as though they quaked with mortal fear, and then they bent their branches and shot their loads of snow in dust to the ground. Strange harp-like sounds reverberated through the gloom, and gratings of bough on bough, which seemed as though the wood demons were gnawing at fallen timbers. Now a great black crow, which had been brooding among dark firs and pines, startled by the footfall and sobs of the maiden, expanded his wings, and, with a harsh scream, rushed away, noisily, sending the life-blood with a leap to the girl's heart. Suddenly, before her far up on a hill-top a light appeared, ruddy and flickering. Maruschka, inspired with hope, made for it, scrambling up a rocky slope through deep snow-drifts. She reached the summit, and beheld a great fire. Around this fire were twelve rough stones, and on each stone sat a man. Three were grey-bearded, three were middle-aged, three were 69 USCHKA PRETTY youths ; and the last three were the youngest and MAR- fairest. They spake not, but looked intently on t k e roar i n g flames. He who sat in the seat of honour had a long staff in his hand. His hair was white, and fluttering in the cold wind. Maruschka was startled, and watched them with astonishment for a little while ; then muster- ing courage, she stepped within the circle and said : ' Dear, good friends, please suffer me to warm myself a little while at the fire, for, indeed, I am perishing with cold.' He with the flowing white hair raised his head, and said 'Yes, child, approach. But what brings you here ? ' ' I am seeking violets,' she answered. 1 Violets ! It is not the time for violets, when the snow lies deep ? ' 70 'Ah, sir! I know that well; but sister Helena PRETTY and mother have bidden me bring them violets, MAR- and if I do not I must perish in the cold. You, USCHKA kind shepherds, tell me where I may find violets ! ' Then the white aged one arose from his seat, stepped to one of the blooming youths, put his staff into his hand, and said 1 Brother March, take thou the pre-eminence.' Then the Month March sat himself on the chief stone, and waved his staff over the fire. Instantly the flames rushed up and blazed with greater brilliancy, the snow began to thaw, the hazel- bushes were covered with catkins, and glossy buds appeared on the beech. Green herbs thrust up through the moist soil, a primrose gleamed from a dusky bank, and a sweet fragrance of violets was wafted by on a gentle breeze. Under a bush, the ground was purple with their scented blossoms. 1 Quick, Maruschka, pluck ! ' ordered March. The girl hastily gathered a handful. Then she cour- tesied to the twelve Months, thanked them cordially, and hurried home. Helena was amazed when her half-sister came with the bunch to the door. She opened it to her, and the house was filled with the delicious odour. 'Where did you find them?' she asked. 1 High up on the mountain, under a hawthorn bush.' Helena took the flowers, and set them in her bosom. She let her mother smell at them, but she never gave one to Maruschka. When they came home from church next day, Helena cast off her gay shawls, and sat down to supper. But she had no appetite for what was on the table. She was angry with her sister ; for all the lads had fixed their eyes on Maruschka, and had not even been attracted to her by the fragrant bunch of violets. ' How beautiful is Maruschka PRETTY to-day !' had said some of the older people ; and none had spoken a good word of her. So sne sat and sighed, and hated the pretty girl more and more. * Oh that I had strawberries ! ' she said. ' I can eat nothing this evening but strawberries. Run, Mar- uschka, into the forest and gather me a dishful.' * Dear sister, this is not the time of the year for strawberries. Who ever heard of strawberries ripening under the snow?' But the stepmother angrily exclaimed : ' Run, Maruschka, fetch them at once, as your sister has ordered, or I will strike you dead ; ' and she thrust her from the door. The poor girl cried bitterly ; she looked back at the firelight which glimmered through the case- ment, and thought how warm it was within, whilst without it was so piercingly cold. But she dared not return unless she had with her the desired fruit. So she plunged into the forest. The snow lay deep, and nowhere was a human footprint. Snow began to fall in fine powder, whitening her shoulders, clinging to the folds of her grey dress, and forming a cap of ice on her golden hair. In that dull rayless night there was no light to show the blue ribbon, which strayed among the tree boles, or to twinkle on the crystal of the silver cross. Presently Maruschka saw, high up on the summit of a rugged hill, a blazing fire. She scrambled to it, and there she found the Twelve sitting solemn and silent around the flames, and the Ice Month, with his staff, sat still on the seat of honour. * Dear, good friends, please suffer me to warm myself a little while at the fire,' she asked in a beseeching voice; 'for, indeed, I am perishing with cold.' Then the one with the drifting white locks raised his head and said 72 'Yes, child, approach. But what brings you here ?' PRETTY I am seeking strawberries,' she answered. MAR- ' Strawberries! It is not the time for strawberries USCHKA when the snow lies deep ? ' 'Ah, sir! I know that well; but sister Helena and mother have bidden me bring them straw- berries, or they will strike me dead. You, kind shepherds, tell me where I may find strawberries.' Then the white Ice Month arose from his seat, stepped across the area to one of the young men, put the staff into his hand, and said ' Brother June, take thou the pre-eminence.' Then the Month June sat himself on the chief stone, and waved his staff over the fire. Instantly it glowed like molten gold, beams of glory streamed from it through the forest, and it shone like a sun resting on the earth. Overhead, the clouds flamed and curled in wreaths of light-tinted rose, carnation, and purple, athwart a sky blue as the forget-me-not. Every trace of snow vanished, and the earth was buried in green. The trees were covered with rustling leaves. Blue-bells gleamed under their shadows, and then died away. Red- robin blushed in tufts, and then shed its ragged petals. Wild roses burst into glorious flower, and the soft air was charged with the scent of the sweet-briar. From among the forest-glades called, in cool notes, a wood-dove. The thrush began to warble, and the blackbird to pipe. A bright-eyed squirrel danced among the fresh green leaves on the tree-tops. Beside a brown stone was a patch of sloping green. It was dotted with little white stars with golden hearts. Now the leaves drop off, and the hearts swell, and flush, and glow, and become crimson. ' Quick, Maruschka, pluck ! ' said June. Then the girl joyfully hurried to the slope, and gathered an apronful of the luscious strawberries. 73 PRETTY She courtesied to the twelve Months, thanked them MAR- cordially, and hurried home. USCHKA Helena was astonished as she saw her come to the house, and she ran to open the door. The whole cottage was fragrant with the odour of the strawberries. 'Where did you gather them?' asked Helena. 1 High up on the mountains, under a brown rock.' Helena took the strawberries, and ate them with her mother. She never offered even one to pretty Maruschka. Next day, Helena had again no appetite for her supper. 'Oh, if I had only ripe apples!' she said; and then, turning to her sister, she ordered, 'Run, Maruschka, run into the wood and gather me some ripe apples.' ' Dear sister, this is not the time of the year for apples. Who ever heard of apples ripening in an icy wind ? ' But her stepmother cried put, ' Run, Maruschka, fetch the apples as your sister has required, or I will strike you dead.' And she thrust her from the door into the cold winter night-air. The maiden hastened, sobbing, into the wood ; the snow lay deep, and nowhere was there a human footprint. The new moon glimmered in a clear sky, and sent its feeble beams into the forest deeps, forming little trembling, silvery pools of light, which appeared and vanished, and formed again. And a low wind whispered a great secret in the trees, but so faint was the tone that none could make out what it said. There was a little opening in the wood ; in the midst stood a grey wolf looking up at the moon and howling; but when Maruschka came near, it fled, and was lost among the shadows. The poor maiden shivered with cold, and her teeth chattered. Her lips were purple and her cheeks 74 white ; and the tears, as they formed, froze on her PRETTY long eyelashes. She would have sunk on a snow- drift and died, had she not seen, up high on a rugged hill-top, a blazing fire. Towards it she made her way, and found it to be the same she had seen before. Round about, solemn and silent, sat the Twelve, and the Ice Month was on the seat of honour, clasping the staff of power. * Dear, good friends, please suffer me to warm my- self a little while at the fire,' she asked, in suppli- cating tones ; ' for, indeed, I am perishing with cold.' Then the one with the long white hair and frosty beard raised his head, and said : ' Yes, child, ap- proach ; but what brings you here ? ' ' I am seeking ripe apples,' she answered. * Ripe apples ! It is not the time for ripe apples, when the snow lies deep ? ' 'Ah, sir ! I know that well ; but sister Helena and mother have bidden me bring them ripe apples, or they will strike me dead. You, kind shepherds, tell me where I may find ripe apples.' Then the Ice Month arose from his seat, stepped to one of the elder men, put the staff into his hand, and said ' Brother September, take thou the pre-eminence.' Then the Month September sat himself on the chief stone, and waved his staff over the fire. Whereat it glowed like a furnace, red and fierce ; sparks flew about, and volumes of glaring hot smoke, like the vapour of molten metal, rolled up to heaven. In a moment the snow was gone. The trees were covered with sere leaves ; the oak foliage was brown and crumpled, that of the ash yellow as sulphur ; other trees seemed leafed with copper. Stray leaves floated past and were whirled by little wind-eddies into rustling heaps. A few yellow flowers shook in the hot air. Pinks hung over the rocks, covering their faces with wandering shadows. Ladyfern waved and wafted its pleasant 75 PRETTY odour. A constant hum of bees and beetles and flies MAR- sounded through the wood. Maruschka looked USCHKA a bout her for apples, and beheld a tree on whose branches hung the ruddy fruit. ' Quick, Maruschka, shake ! ' commanded Sep- tember. Then she shook, and there fell an apple ; she shook again, and there fell another. ' Quick, Maruschka, hasten home ! ' said the Month. Then she courtesied to the Twelve, thanked them cordially, and returned to the house of her step- mother. Helena marvelled not a little when she saw the red apples. 1 How many have you plucked ? ' she asked. ' Only two.' 'Where did you find them?' ' High up, on the mountain-top, on a tree weighed down with them.' ' Why did you not gather more ? Did you not eat them on your way home ? ' asked Helena, fiercely. ' Oh, dear sister, I have not tasted one ! I shook once, and down fell an apple ; I shook twice, and there fell another. I might not bring away more.' Helena struck her, and drove her to the kitchen. Then she tasted one of the apples. Never before had she eaten one so sweet and juicy. The step- mother ate the second. 'Mother!' exclaimed Helena, 'give me my fur dress. I will go to the hill and bring some apples. That hussey has eaten all she took except two.' Then she wrapped herself up, and hurried into the wood. The snow lay deep, and nowhere was a human footprint Helena lost herself; but presently she was aware of a hill, and a fire burning at the summit. She hastened to the light. There she saw a great blaze, and round it sat the twelve Months, silent and solemn. He with the long snowy locks sat on the seat of honour, holding the rod of power. Helena stared at them, then, 76 pushing through the circle, went to the fire, and PRETTY began to warm herself. nU^Sr A * What seek you here ? ' asked the Ice Month, with USCHKA a frown wrinkling his white brow. 'That is no business of yours,' answered Helena, sharply, over her shoulder. The Ice Month shook his head, and, raising his arm, waved the staff over the fire. Instantly the flames sank, and the fire was reduced to a glowing spark. The clouds rolled over the sky, and, bursting, discharged snow in such quantities that nothing was visible in earth and heaven but drifting white particles. An icy wind rumbled in the forest and roared round the hill. Helena fled. Everywhere white fleeting spots whirling, falling, rising, scudding! She ran this way, then that; she stumbled over a fallen log, she gathered her- self up and ran again ; then she plunged into a deep drift ; and the white cold down from the breast of heaven whirled and fell, and rose, and fleeted, and danced this side of her, and dropped here on her, and rested there on her, and lodged on this limb, and built up a white heap on that limb, then bridged over one fold and filled up another. She shook herself, and the particles fell off. But then they began theirwork again : they spangled her with white, they wove a white net, they filled up the in- terstices of her lace, they built a mound over her arm, they buried her foot, they raised a cairn above her bosom. Then they spun a dance around the white face which looked up at them, and began to whiten it still more ; lastly, they smoothed the sheet over her, and the work was done. The mother looked out of the window and wondered that Helena did not return. Hour after hour passed, and her daughter came not. 4 Maybe the apples are so sweet that she cannot eat enough,' thought the mother. ' I will go seek them too.' 77 PRETTY So she wrapped herself up in a thick shawl and MAR- went forth. The S now lay deep, and nowhere was a human footprint. She called Helena, but received no answer. Then she lost her way. The snow fell, and the wind howled. Maruschka sat over the fire and cooked supper. Mother and sister came back no more. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST HERE was a merchantman once, who BEAUTY was very rich. AND THE He had three daughters, and he BEAST spared no expense to provide them with an excellent education. His daughters were beautiful; but the youngest so excelled her sisters that, from earliest childhood, she was called the Beauty, and afterwards this name slipped into, simply, Beauty. But the real cause why she was so much more admired than her sisters was that she was amiable and they were not ; and the sweetness of her disposition shone out in her face and made it doubly sweet. No frown ever spoiled her fair brow ; no pout was ever on her pleasant lips. She possessed the charm of good temper which makes even a plain face agreeable. The merchant's elder daughters were idle, ill- humoured, and proud ; and people did not consider them as beautiful, because they saw only the bad temper that was in the expression of their faces. The pride of the young ladies was so great that they despised all such as were of their own rank in life, and wished to be the friends of noble ladies and princesses. They hunted after grand 79 acquaintances, and met with many mortifications accordingly. They gave themselves great airs, and, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST to s i! OW the world how high in life they were, they held up their noses. Their whole time was spent in balls, operas, and visiting and driving about Meanwhile, Beauty kept to her books ; and, when not at work, she loved in kindly way to go among the sick and poor, and comfort them. Thus it came about that she was as much beloved by the poor as she was admired by the rich. As it was well known that their father was a well- to-do man, many merchants asked the girls in marriage; but all these offers were refused, be- cause the two eldest had set their minds on marrying only nobles, and the youngest had no wish to be married at all. Beauty's great desire was to be with her father when he was old and feeble, and to be then his comfort One unhappy day the merchant returned home, very downcast, to inform his children that his ships had been wrecked, his head clerk had defrauded him, and that the firms which owed him money were bankrupt He was, therefore, a ruined man. Beauty wept because her father was unfortunate and unhappy, and asked him what was to be done. 'Alack, dear child!' he replied, 'I must sell this house, and go to live in a cottage in the country ; and we shall have to work with our hands to put bread into our mouths.' 'Well, father,' said Beauty, 'I can spin and knit and sew very neatly. I daresay I shall be able to help you.' The elder daughters said nothing, but resolved to marry such of their rejected lovers as were richest They speedily found, however, that their rejected lovers rejected all their advances, now that they were poor. 80 be for him if the children were to die before they THE grew to years of discretion, for then he would have ,?A5!s the little boy's three hundred pounds a year, and WOO the little girl's five hundred pounds. He kept them in his own house for a twelvemonth and a day, and then he formed a wicked device to get rid of them both. There were two wicked men who lived not far off, who were ready to do any bad act if paid for it, and he sent for these men, and bargained with them to take the babes out into the greenwood, and to kill them there. His wife, their aunt, was a good and kind woman, and would never have consented to such wickedness, whatever gain it might bring, so he told her an artful tale, that it was his purpose to send the children to a friend of his in London, who would see to their schooling. He then gave over the two children to the men with whom he had agreed, and told them that they were going to London where were toy-shops, and 63 THE as many toys to be had for the asking as their BABES hearts could desire. WOOD Away then went those pretty babes, Rejoicing at that tide, Rejoicing with a merry mind, They would a cock-horse ride. The two men conveyed them into the wood ; and, as they went, the children talked to them of what they would do when they got all the pretty toys in London town. And one of the men, who was softer-hearted than the other, became sorry for what he had taken in hand to do. But the second man was hard, and he would not listen to his fellow, and said he would kill them outright. So they fell from words to blows ; and they drew their swords and fought; and he who was most merciful in heart slew the other. Now, when he saw that his fellow was dead, he thought he might be taken and hanged for murder, and that he must fly; but he could no ways see what he could do with the poor babes, who stood sobbing frightened at seeing the men fighting. He took the children by the hand, Tears standing in their eye, And bade them straightway follow him, And look they did not cry. And two long miles he led them on, While they for food complain ; ' Stay here,' said he, ' I '11 bring you bread When I come back again.' Then he went away, and never came back. He ran from the wood, and tried to escape into a distant part of the country. Now, he had brought the poor babes on very near to the edge of the wood, and not a mile from where there were some cottages, and he thought that they would make their way out from under the trees and be found 64 On the other hand, such as had admired Beauty BEAUTY pressed their services on her, and would gladly have shared their fortunes with her. She, how- ever, could not think of deserting her father when he was reduced to low estate. She felt she must abide by him, and work for him. Very soon, the grand house in town was sold, as well as all the rich furniture, and the merchant and his daughters retired into the country. Beauty now rose at four o'clock every morning. She cleaned the house, laid and lighted the fires, prepared the breakfast, and put flowers on the table. Then she cooked the dinner, and made the house tidy. She was happy, and sang like a lark over her work, and slept peacefully, and had pleasant dreams. Meanwhile, her sisters grew peevish, dissatisfied, and miserable. They would not work ; and, as they had no occupation and no amusement, the days dragged along and seemed as though they would never end. They did nothing but regret the past, and grumble over the present. As they had no one to admire them, they neglected their personal appearance and became veritable dowdies. Perhaps they perceived that the contrast between their sister and themselves was not to their advan- tage, for they became spiteful in their manner to Beauty, and held up their hands and declared that she had always been fit only to be a servant. 'It is clear as daylight,' said they to Beauty; 'that Nature made you to occupy a menial position, and now you are in your proper place. As for us, we are ladies. We can't soil our fingers, we can't dust the furniture, we can't scrub the floor. We are above such things.' The merchant heard, after a while, that there was some chance of retrieving part of his fortune if he made a journey to a country where one of his richest vessels had been wrecked. He must claim F 81 BEAUTY what had been recovered from the sea. Accord- AND THE ingly, he bade his daughters farewell, and he did BEAST so j n a hopeful spirit, for he believed he would get back enough to make their life more comfortable. Before leaving, he asked his daughters what they would desire him to bring for them on his return, as a little token that he remembered them. The eldest asked for a diamond necklace. The second wished for a whole suite of pearls. The youngest said, 'Dear father, bring me a white rose.' So the father kissed all his daughters, and de- parted. He was successful ; and had recovered so much of his property that he hoped to reopen his business, and in time recover all that was lost. When he prepared to return home, he remem- bered the requests of his daughters, and bought diamonds for the eldest and pearls for the second ; but he sought everywhere in vain for a white rose. This distressed him greatly, as his youngest daughter was his favourite child. Now, as he was on his way home, he lost his way in a wood. Night was closing in, and as the merchant was aware that there were wolves, bears, and wild boars in that country, he was very anxious to find a shelter for the night. Presently he perceived in the distance a twinkling light, and he urged his horse in that direction. But, to his surprise, instead of coming to a wood- man's hut, he found himself in front of a magnifi- cent castle, to which led a stately avenue, com- posed of orange and lemon-trees hung with fruit He did not hesitate to pass down this avenue, and, at the end, he came to the steps leading to the front gate, and through the open door shone the light that had attracted him. He entered, having first knocked at the door, and looked round him expecting to see servants. But no one responded to his knock, and the hall was 82 wholly deserted. He passed through several BEAUTY galleries and empty rooms all illuminated and all empty and finally stayed his course in a smaller apartment where a fire was burning, and a couch was prepared as if for some one to lie on it. Being very tired and cold, he cast himself down on the couch and fell asleep. After a pleasant and refreshing slumber he awoke, and found he was still alone; but a little table stood by him, and on it was spread a delicious repast. As he was extremely hungry, he sat at the table, and partook of all the good things on it. Then he threw himself on the couch again, and again fell asleep. When he awoke, the morning sun shone into the room, the little table was still at his side, but on it was now spread an excellent breakfast The merchant began now to be very uneasy at the intense stilness of the house, and perplexed at seeing no one. He left the little room and entered the garden, which was beautifully laid out, and was full of flowers. 'Well,' said the merchant to himself, 'this wonderful place seems to have no master. I will go home and bring my daughters to it, and we shall be able to claim it as our home ; for I discovered it, and it belongs, as far as I can see, to no one.' He then went to fetch his horse, and, as he turned down the path to the stable, he saw a hedge of white roses on each side of it Thereat the merchant remembered the request of his youngest daughter, and he plucked one to take to her. Immediately he was alarmed by hearing a horrible noise. Turning in the direction of the sound, he saw a frightful Beast, which seemed to be very angry, and which exclaimed 'Who gave you permission to gather my roses? Was it not enough that I suffered you to lie on my couch, and warm yourself at my fire, and eat my 83 BEAUTY supper and breakfast? Your insolence shall not ND THE go unpunished.' BEAST The merchant, terrified at these words and threats, dropped the rose, and casting himself on his knees, cried: 'Forgive me, sir; I am sincerely grateful for your hospitality, which was so profuse that I hardly thought you would grudge me one rose.' The Beast's anger was not mitigated by this speech. 1 1 pay no regard to your excuses,' said he. ' You shall most certainly die.' 'Alas!' exclaimed the merchant. 'Oh, Beauty! Beauty ! why did you ask this fatal thing of me ? The white rose you desired will be the death of your father.' The Beast asked the merchant the meaning of this exclamation, and the merchant then related the story of his misfortunes, and of the requests made by his daughters. 'It cost me nearly all I re- covered of my fortune,' said he, 'to buy the diamonds and pearls for my eldest girls ; I did not think I was doing any harm in plucking the poor little white rose for my youngest.' The Beast considered for a while, and then said * I will pardon you on one condition, that is, that you will give me one of your daughters.' ' Oh ! ' exclaimed the merchant ' If I were so cruel as to buy my own life at the expense of one of my children, what excuse could I make to bring her here?' ' No excuse is needed,' answered the Beast ' If she comes at all, she will come willingly. Let me see if any one of them be brave enough, and loves you dearly enough, to come here and save your life. You seem to be an honest man. I give you a month in which to return home and propose to one of your daughters to come here to me. If none of them be willing, then I expect you, on your honour, to return here to your death. Say good- bye to them for ever.' 84 eluctantly He did not think any of his daughters would come ; AND 1 but it reprieved him for one month, and gave him BEAST an opportunity of saying farewell to them, and of settling his affairs. He promised to return at the appointed time, and then asked permission to set off at once. But the Beast would not allow this till the next day. 'Then,' said he, 'you will find a horse ready for you. Go in, and eat your dinner, and await my further orders.' The poor merchant, more dead than alive, went back into the palace, and into the same room in which he had rested before. There he found a most delicious meal prepared for him. He was, however, in no mood to eat ; and if he swallowed a few mouthfuls, it was only lest he should anger the Beast by refusing all food from his table. When he had finished, he heard a trampling in the pass- ages, and, shortly, the monstrous Beast appeared, who repeated the terms of the agreement they had made ; and he added 1 Do not get up to-morrow until after sunrise, and till you have heard a bell ring. Then you will find your breakfast prepared for you here, and the horse you are to ride will be ready in the court- yard. He will bring you back again when you come with your daughter a month hence. Fare- well ! take a white rose for Beauty ; and remember your engagement.' The merchant was only too glad when the Beast went away, and though he could not sleep for sad- ness of heart, yet he lay down on the couch. Next morning, after a hasty breakfast, he went to gather the rose for Beauty, mounted the horse, and rode swiftly away. The gloomy thoughts that weighed on his mind were not dispersed when he drew up at his cottage door. His daughters, who had been uneasy at his 85 * jf long absence, were prodigal of their embraces, and, BE/* "THE seeing him ride home on such a splendid horse, /BEAST t h ey felt quite sure that he had been success f u i i n his journey. He gave his elder daughters the gems and pearls they had desired, and, as he handed the rose to Beauty, he sadly said, 'You little know, my darling, what this has cost me.' This saying greatly excited the curiosity of his children, and they gave him no rest till he had told them the whole story from beginning to end. The elder daughters urged him to break his promise and remain at the cottage; but their father said that a promise was a promise, whether made to a king or a pauper, a man or a beast, and that he must fulfil it. Then the two eldest were very angry with Beauty, and told her that it was all her fault If she had asked for something sensible this would not have happened. 'If it be my fault,' answered Beauty meekly, 'it is only fitting that I should suffer for it. I will, there- fore, go back with my father to the palace of the Beast.' At first her father would not hear of this, but Beauty was firm. As the time drew near she divided all her little possessions between her sisters, and said good-bye to all she loved. Now, it must be told, that when Beauty had received the white rose she put it in water, and when she had heard how it was won, and what it entailed, she had wept nightly over it, and her tears falling on it seemed to have preserved it in its beauty, for at the end of the month it was as fresh as when first picked; and the scent was so sweet that it perfumed the whole house. She put the white rose in her bosom, when the day came for de- parture, and she mounted on a pillion behind her father to depart. The horse seemed to fly rather than gallop ; and 86 Beauty would have enjoyed the journey if it were BEAUTY not for the dreadful prospect of the Beast at the AND THE end of it. Her father constantly urged her to BEAST dismount and turn back, but she would not hearken to this. At last they reached the avenue of orange trees, and then a wonderful sight was seen. Every orange was like a globe of light ; the oranges were deep yellow, and the lemons pale yellow, and all shone like lamps. Moreover, beautiful lights played about the palace, and sweet music mur- mured among the trees. 1 The Beast must be very hungry,' said Beauty, * if he makes such rejoicing over getting such a little mouthful as myself.' The horse now stopped at the foot of the flight of 87 BEAUTY steps leading to the gate, and when she had dis- AND THE mounted, her father led her through the halls and BEAST galleries to the little room in which he had rested and been regaled when there on his former visit Again the fire was burning, and on the table a lavish supper was spread. The merchant knew that this was meant for them ; and Beauty, who was rather less frightened now that she had passed through so many rooms with- out seeing the Beast, was willing to begin, for her long ride had made her hungry. They had hardly finished eating, before they heard tramp, tramp ! gtumo. stumpj It was the sound of the beast approaching ; and Beauty clung to her father in terror, which was heightened when she saw how greatly alarmed he was. But when the Beast entered, like a brave and a courteous girl she stood up, mastered her fear, and, making a low courtesy, said : ' I thank you, Mr. Beast, for my pretty white rose.' Then the Beast was pleased. He saw the little flower in her bosom, looking white and fresh as when first picked ; and he said, somewhat gently ' Did you come quite willingly, Beauty ? ' 'Yes, Mr. Beast,' said Beauty, and dropped another courtesy. * And will you be willing to remain with me, when your father is gone ? I will not eat you my food is only crystallised rose and violet leaves. I eat nothing more solid or less aesthetic.' ' Yes, Mr. Beast,' answered Beauty ; and the thought that she was not to be eaten revived her courage, and she dropped another little courtesy. 4 1 am well pleased with you,' said the Beast. * You shall stay. As for you,' he now turned to the merchant, ' at sunrise, to-morrow, you must depart. When the bell rings, rise quickly and eat your breakfast, and you will find the same horse wait- $8 ing to take you home; but remember, you must BEAUTY never venture to seek my palace again.' Then, turning to Beauty, he said : 'Take your father into the next room, and help him to choose presents for your sisters. There are two port- manteaus there. Fill them with whatever you like to send home. All are yours, and at your disposal.' Then the Beast made a clumsy bow, put his paw to his heart, and said : * Good-bye, Beauty ; good- bye, merchantman.' Beauty was very sorrowful to have to part with her father, and much dismayed at the thought of being left alone in the great palace with no one but the Beast. However, she promptly obeyed his orders. The room they entered was full of the costliest objects, the most splendid dresses, and the richest jewelry. After making a selection, she put them in the portmanteau which she intended to contain the presents for her sisters. Then she found a trunk full of gold coins, and with them she stuffed the second portmanteau, which was for her father. But Beauty and her father much doubted whether the horse could carry the load. However, on reaching the courtyard, there they saw two horses beside that on which the merchant had ridden. They moved the portmanteaus down, and strapped them on the pack-horses' backs. Then the mer- chant bade his daughter a tender farewell with many tears, and rode away. Then Beauty wept bitterly, and wandered sadly back to the room in which she had eaten. She soon found herself so sleepy that she threw her- self on the couch and closed her eyes, and was at once in the world of dreams. Now, in her dreams, she saw something very strange. She thought that there stood before her a Prince, handsomer than any man she had ever BEAUTY seen, wearing: a crown of white roses on his head. BEAST He said to her: and now let me hear that you will listen to the suit of the most accomplished and powerful of kings ' My master, the king, is a very great lord, His stomach is round, and his shoulders are broad ; His temper is high, but his manners are low ; He croaks when he speaks ' 'That will do,' interrupted the princess. 'I have no doubt that the king is all that you have depicted him in your resounding verse. But I have, you 178 must learn, the greatest horror of growing old and THE FAIR ugly, therefore I have determined most decisively ^Jrrw never to marry till I can take with me a phial of GO LDEN the Water of Perpetual Beauty. This water has LOCKS the most marvellous properties. Beautiful things never decay and wither, and ugly things become beautiful when washed with it. If any one is young he never wears old if washed with it, and one who is old can be renovated with it to look perfectly young. 1 'Princess,' said Charming, 'you, at least, need never employ this water ; but I am an ambassador who must do all I can to obtain your hand for my master. Will it please you to tell me where this water is to be found ? ' 'It is at no great distance from this,' said the princess. ' It flows out of the rock at the bottom of a deep and gloomy cavern, and is guarded by two dragons with fiery eyes who will allow no one to pass them.' ' Madam,' said Charming, 'I fly to my death. My death will be sweet because dying for you.' When Charming had departed the Fair Maid with Golden Locks said to her ladies : ' Surely he will never undertake this adventure. I would not have him die for worlds. I only said it because I really have no heart to marry his master.' She was extremely concerned when she heard that he was already departed in quest of the Water of Perpetual Beauty. Charming went on his way taking Dulcet alone with him. When he came within sight of a great black mountain then he knew he was not far distant from the fountain. He dismounted and turned off his horse to graze, and let Dulcet amuse himself with catching flies. He went forward and soon saw the mouth of the cavern, from which issued puffs of smoke with flames ; this was caused by the breathing of the 179 THE FAIR dragons who guarded the fountain of the Water of MA J Perpetual Beauty. He approached as near as he GOLDEN dared, an( ^ saw ^ e hideous monsters spotted black LOCKS on yellow writhing about the coils of their slimy and monstrous bodies. Charming had brought with him a flask : he now drew his sword and resolved to penetrate into the cavern and get the water, or die in the attempt. At that moment he heard a voice calling, 'Char- ming! Charming!' * Who calls me ? ' asked he, looking round. 1 Who ! who ! who ! ' was the answer. 1 Exactly what I want to know ! ' said Charming. Then he saw a white owl sitting among the rocks. The white owl said to him: 'You saved my life when I was in the gin. Now I will do all I can to repay you. Trust me with the phial. I can thread the interstices of the rocks and penetrate to the bottom of the gloomy cavern, and shall fill the flask from the fountain of Perpetual Beauty for you.' Charming was only too glad to give up the phial, and the owl flitted with it into the cavern without either of the dragons caring to stop her, even if they noticed her; for bats and owls were the common inhabitants of such places. Presently she returned, with the phial filled with the limpid and sparkling liquid. Charming thanked her with all his heart, and joyfully hastened back to the capital town. He went straight to the palace and presented it to the princess. She could not now make any further excuses, and she prepared to go with Charming to marry his master, the king. But, in her heart, she would much rather have had Charming as her husband. At last they reached the king's great city, and he came out to meet the princess, and escorted her to his palace with a great retinue, and a magnifi- cent marriage was celebrated. 180 Then the Fair Maid with Golden Locks told the THE FAIR king of all that Charming had done, how he had M AJ recovered her ring that had been lost, how that he GOLDEN had slain the ogre, and how that he had obtained LOCKS for her the Water of Perpetual Beauty. Now Charming's enemies were jealous of him because he had succeeded so well, and especially the ambassador who had failed was so filled with envy and spite that he resolved on Charming's destruction. So he went to the king and said : ' I suppose that the Fair One with Golden Locks is often talking to you of Charming.' * Certainly she is,' answered the king. ' It is very clear,' said he, ' that she thinks more of him than of you.' * Yes,' said another ; ' and Charming has been say- ing that your majesty was too great a coward to face the ogre, or to get into the cavern where were the dragons, and too stupid to find the ring, and so you sent him.' 'Did he say that?' exclained the king. * Throw him into the lowest dungeon.' So they took Charming, who had served his master so faithfully, and shut him up in prison ; and he had none with him save his little dog Dulcet, and with the dog he shared his bit of bread and sup of water, which was all the nourishment that was allowed him. When the Fair Queen with Golden Locks heard what had been done, she cast herself at the king's feet and implored him to set Charming free, but the more she entreated the more stubborn he became. Now it happened that the king took it into his head that if his queen washed herself with the Water of Perpetual Beauty he might just as well do the same himself, and then he would always remain young and lovely. So he went into her 181 THE FAIR room, where he knew was the phial standing on MAID a shelf. GOLDEN Ifc *? ad fallen out, however, that one of the queen's LOCKS maids had been chasing a spider in that boudoir, and in trying to kill it had upset and broken it, and spilled all the precious water. Not knowing what else to do, as she was not an honest girl who had the courage to speak the truth and tell what she had done, she swept the bits of broken glass together, and then remember- ing that there was a phial very similar in the king's room, also filled with clear water, she went there, and without saying a word to any one, took this and put it on the shelf in the queen's room, precisely where had stood the flask that contained the Water of Perpetual Beauty. Now the water in this bottle was used by the king for getting rid of those people in his realm whom he desired to destroy without a fuss and a trial. It was a most deadly poison, and if a face were bathed in this water, he who was thus washed, shrivelled up, and died on the spot The king went into the queen's boudoir, and see- ing the phial on the shelf, immediately took it, E cured out some of the water into the hollow of is hand and bathed his face with it He at once fell down, withered up, and was dead. There was, as may well be guessed, great con- fusion in the palace when the tidings spread that the king was dead. Dulcet ran to the queen, plucked at her skirts, and bade her not forget Charming. So she sent for the gaoler and bade him immediately knock the chains off the hands and feet of the prisoner. There was a grand funeral for the king, and then, as there was no heir to the kingdom, and the nobles and council thought it would be well to keep the two kingdoms united, they resolved that the Fair Queen with Golden Locks should reign over both, and that she 182 should chose a husband, who should be king over THE FAIR both the realms. ^i When she heard this, then she said that she would GULDEN not choose any one else but Charming. LOCKS Everybody was delighted that he should be sovereign, and the wedding, which took place after a decent interval for mourning over the death of the king, was as splendid as can well be imagined. JACK THE GIANT KILLER. JACKTHE[= iilN the days of King Arthur there lived KILLER INI Ml in Cornwall a lad named Jack, who wonderful done by King Arthur and the knights of his Round Table, which were freatly noised abroad, ack did not see why he himself should not achieve as great adventures as Sir Lancelot du Lac, Sir Gawain, or Sir Kay. At this time there lived many giants in Cornwall. Not far from Jack's father's house, on the top of S. Michael's Mount, lived one who was the terror of the neighbourhood. His name was Cormoran, and he had a voracious appetite. When he required food, he came down from his castle, and seizing on the flocks and herds of the poor people, would cast an ox over his shoulder and stuff his wallet with sheep, and stride back to his dwelling thus supplied. This had been his manner of life for many years, and the country round Mount's Bay was nearly ruined through him. After Cormoran had stuffed himself well with meat, he usually remained at home for a good many days, till his supply was exhausted. Jack took advantage of this circumstance, and 184 one night he dug a deep pit before the gateway JACK THE into the castle, and covered it with sticks and J* IA .NT heather, and over that he laid sods of turf. KILLER When this was done, he blew a loud blast with his horn, and this roused Cormoran from sleep. He issued from his castle in a great rage, and when he saw Jack he roared with a voice of thunder, * Who are you, that you dare to disturb me ? ' Then he charged from his gate with great strides, so as to catch Jack and kill him ; but at the very second step he took, he went headlong into the 5itfall Jack had prepared for him. ack at once ran to the side of the pit, and as the giant tried to scramble out, he aimed at him with his pick-axe, cleft his skull, and the ogre fell back dead. Jack now ran home in great glee to tell his friends what he had done. The whole country was moved at the news, and resolved to show to Jack some token of gratitude for having delivered it from such an encumbrance. They therefore presented him with a sword and belt on which was written in pearls 'This is the valiant Cornishman Who slew the giant Cormoran ;' and they named him Jack the Giant-killer. But this only whetted Jack's desire to achieve fame, and kill giants. The news of what he had done had reached the ears of another equally greedy giant, named Blunder- bore, and he resolved on chastising Jack for having killed Cormoran. Jack heard of this, and he therefore resolved on being beforehand with Blunderbore, by attacking him before he got under way to punish him. The giant lived in a castle in the depths of a great forest. Jack started in quest of him, and shortly before reaching the castle sat down to drink of a 185 JACK THE clear stream that sprang out of the rock ; and as GIANT the day was warm, and Jack had walked a long KILLER way he f e ii asleep. Whilst he was in this state, Blunderbore came to the spring to fill his pitcher, and seeing a youth lying there, he stopped and read what was written on his belt. ' Ha-ha ! ' roared the giant, as he caught him up. 'Now I have got you, and you shall not escape me.' Jack awoke with a start to find himself in the grip of the giant. He pretended to be still asleep, and the giant carried him into his castle and threw him into a dungeon. Whilst Jack lay there he heard many sighs and groans issuing from other prisons ; and a voice which said 4 Haste, gallant stranger, haste away, Before you fall the giant's prey ; He 's gone abroad, but with another, He'll soon return, his savage brother, A monster dread and cruel, who Will torture ere he butchers you. Then, gallant stranger, haste away Ere you become the giants' prey.' 'That is all very good advice,' said Jack, 'but somewhat impracticable. When I am locked up in a prison, how can I get away ? He crawled up into his window and looked out Then he saw the giant Blunderbore, who had gone away, was returning with another giant more hideous than himself. Jack, perceiving in one corner of his dungeon a very stout cord, used for binding prisoners, he made a slip-knot at each end, and as the giants walked under the castle walls he threw the loops over their heads, pulled them tight, and tied the cord to his window bars. You may believe that 1 86 the giants struggled, kicked ; but the more they JACK THE struggled the tighter grew the slip-knots, and at 1 ? f I A N X last they were quite choked and dead. KILLER He now pulled at that bar of his window to which the giants had been attached, and which they in their struggles had almost torn out of its socket. He easily slipped between it and the next bar, and finished the giants with his sword. Then seizing the keys which hung from the belt of Blunderbpre, he entered the castle and examined all the prisons. In one he found three ladies hung by the hair of their heads to nails, and almost starved to death. Jack at once released them, and asked how they came to be there. They informed him that the giant had killed their husbands, and then had hung them up as Jack had seen, that they might starve. Jack then very gallantly offered them the keys of the castle and bade them live there. He then bade them farewell, and departed for Wales. Jack now travelled as fast as he could. At length he reached a handsome mansion and knocked at the door. Then out came a Welsh giant. He was rather dismayed at this, but did not allow the giant to see it. He said he was a traveller who had lost his way, and that he sought a night's lodging. Thereat the giant welcomed him and escorted him in, and gave him a room with a good bed in it. Jack undressed and went to bed, but could not sleep, although he was very weary. Presently he heard the giant walking backwards and forwards in the next room, muttering to himself 'Though here you lodge with me this night, You shall not see the morning light, For with my club I will kill you quite.' 'Oh! is that your intention!' thought Jack. 'I must see if my wits will help me.' 187 JACK THE Then he got out of bed and put a great log of GIANT wood in his place, and concealed himself in a KILLER corner . About midnight the giant entered the room, and with his cudgel struck several heavy blows on the bed, in the very place where Jack had laid the log. After that, thinking he had killed the sleeper, he stumped back to his own room. Early in the morning Jack put a bold face on the matter, and walked downstairs and found the giant at breakfast, and very much surprised the ogre was at seeing him. 1 Halloo 1 ' said he, 'you here ! How did you sleep last night ? ' ' Pretty well,' answered Jack. ' I should have slept better, had not a rat given me three or four slaps with its tail.' This speech mightily surprised the giant, but he said nothing. He then brought out two huge bowls of hasty pudding, one of which he set before Jack, and the other he took himself. Jack, instead of eating his, contrived to pour it down his neck into a leather bag which hung before him. When they had finished, Jack said 'Now I can do what you cannot. I can run a knife in here,' pointing to his bag, ' without killing myself.' He then seized the knife, plunged it into the leathern bag, and out fell the pudding. The giant was surprised at this, and not liking to be outdone in such a matter, he also seized the knife, plunged it into his body, and died on the spot Now Jack ransacked his house, and found in it four great treasures : a cloak which would make those who wore it invisible, a cap of knowledge which when put on told one all one desired to know, a sword of sharpness that would cut through anything it touched, and shoes of fleetness which when worn made the wearer run like the wind. 1 88 Jack now took these four treasures and went on JACK THE his way. v AN He travelled over high hills and moors, and came into a forest whence he heard cries issue. He went in their direction, and saw a giant dragging along a knight and his lady by the hair of their heads. Jack alighted off his horse, tied him to an oak-tree, then he put on his invisible cloak, under which he carried the sword of sharpness. When he came up to the giant he made several strokes at him, but could not reach his body, but wounded his legs in many places; and he con- tinued hacking till he had cut through the leg bones, and then down tumbled the giant, when he at once ran his sword of sharpness into his body and killed him. The knight and his lady thanked Jack for their deliverance, and invited him to their castle. * No,' said Jack, ' I cannot be satisfied until I have found out the habitation of this monster.' So he remounted his horse and rode away, and in time came to a mountain. When he drew near he saw bones lying about, and knew that he was close to the dwelling of a giant. So he put on his invisible cloak, and ascended the mountain till he reached a cave, at the door of which sat a giant, who was saying : ' I wonder where my brother can be. He promised to bring a good fat knight and a plump lady for our day's meal.' The giant was a hideous monster, with eyes as fierce as those of a wild boar; he had shaggy cheeks and a long beard, the hairs of which were like wire. Jack walked up to him, and aimed a blow with his sword, which cut off the giant's nose. He jumped up, yelling, and looked about him, but could not see his adversary. Jack now sprang on the giant's seat, and aimed at his back, and pierced him through, so that he uttered a groan and died. 189 JACK THE Jack then cut off his head, and sent it along with GIANT that of his brother to King Arthur. KILLER Having thus slain these two monsters, Jack entered the cavern, and passed through several chambers in succession, till he reached one in which was a boiling caldron, and a table ready set for the giants to eat their meal on it. He now heard doleful cries of captives, and following the sound, came to a cavern all round the walls of which were cages in which a number of persons were kept When they saw him, they cried out : ' Are you also come to be put in a cage and fattened for food ? ' Jack replied : ' Fear nothing, I am come to release you all. I have killed the two giants, and have sent their heads to King Arthur.' The poor prisoners shouted with joy when they heard this they had expected only death. Jack now undid the doors of their cages and let them out Jack next went into the treasure cave of the giants and found there many bags full of money. This he divided equally among the cap- tives he had released, and then bade them all return to their homes. Jack now went to the castle of the knight and his lady whom he had delivered, and was received with great joy. The knight made a great feast for Jack, and at the conclusion presented him with a ring in which was a picture of his deliverance of him and the lady from the giant, and these lines beneath : ' Behold in dire distress were we, Under a giant's fierce command ; But there obtained our liberty By valiant Jack's victorious hand.' Hardly had the ring been presented, and the guests had applauded, before into the hall rushed a messenger to say that Hundel, a savage giant, 190 with two heads, having heard of the death of his JACK THE brethren, was coming full of fury, and with great strides, to take revenge. This news put a stop to all mirth, and a shudder ran through the company. Jack, nothing daunted, drew his sword of sharp- ness, and said, ' Let him come ! Let the guests assemble on the battlements of the castle and see how I will deal with this fellow.' To this they all agreed. Now round the castle was a moat that was very deep, and was crossed by a drawbridge to the gates. Jack ordered this drawbridge to be lowered, and set some men to saw the beams nearly through. Then, putting on his invisible cloak, and taking his sword, he went against the giant, who was turning his noses for he had two in every direction, and was snuffing the breeze and saying * Fee-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman. Whether he be alive, or whether he be dead, I '11 grind his bones to make my bread.' When Jack heard this he said : * You must catch me first.' 'Where are you?' asked the giant looking about. Then Jack threw off his cloak of invisibility, and put on his shoes of swiftness and ran. The giant came pounding after him, making the earth shake under his tramp. Jack made him run after him three times round the castle, that the guests might have a good sight of the monster. Then, with a sudden dart, he crossed the drawbridge and ran in at the gate. The giant at once pursued him ; but no sooner was he in the middle of the bridge, than the beams that had been nearly sawn through gave way, and he fell headlong into the moat. Jack then ordered a strong rope to be brought 191 JACK THE him, and he cast nooses round the giants' heads, GIANT and by the aid of horses drew him up to the edge KILLER o f ^e moat, and then cut off his two heads. All the spectators rejoiced, and praised Jack for his great cleverness and courage. He remained two or three days with his host, and then set off in search of fresh adventures. He travelled over hill and dale unmolested till he reached the foot of a great mountain, were he saw a little hut, at the door of which he knocked. The door opened and a venerable old man with a snow- white beard stood there. Jack respectfully asked if he might be sheltered for the night. The old man was a hermit, and he invited him in, and set before him some bread and fruit. Whilst he was eating, the hermit said : ' I perceive that you are the brave Cornishman who has destroyed so many giants. Now on the top of this mountain is an enchanted castle, kept by a giant called Galligant, who, by the help of a vile magician, gets many knights and ladies into his castle, where he changes them into owls, ravens, bats, and other noxious birds and animals. I lament, above all, the fate of a duke's daughter, whom they seized whilst walking in her father's garden, and they have turned her into a deer. Many knights have tried to destroy the enchantment and deliver her, yet none have been able to do so, because of two fiery dragons that guard the entrance to the castle. But you have got the cloak of invisibility, and can pass them by unperceived. On the gates of the castle you will find engraved some words that will tell you how you may break the enchantment.' iack promised that, in the morning, at the risk of is life, he would attempt this adventure. Accord- ingly next day he put on the cloak of invisibility, and ascended the mountain-side. He saw the two dragons, but because of his mantle they could not see him, and he passed between 192 them unmolested. On the castle gate hung a JACK THE golden trumpet, and under it was written these .p.y^JT lines KILLER 1 Whoever can this trumpet blow Will cause the giant's overthrow.' As soon as Jack had read this he seized the trumpet, and blew such a shrill blast, that the gates burst open, and the walls of the castle trembled. The giant and magician now knew that their evil course was at an end, and they stood biting their thumbs and shaking with fear. Jack, with his sword of sharpness, soon killed the giant, but it was a less easy matter to subdue the magician, for he turned himself into various shapes. Jack did not know what had become of him, and till the magician was overcome, those who had been transformed by him could not be released. But he put on his cap of wisdom, and at once dis- covered that the magician had changed himself into a little ant that was creeping away between his feet. He immediately raised his foot to stamp on him, when the magician became a hare and fled like an arrow. Jack put on his shoes of swiftness and went after him, when all at once the magician changed into a knot of thread. Jack knew him, because he had on his cap of wisdom, so with his sword of sharpness, he cut the knot, and the magician was dead. Then all the knights and ladies who had been transformed into noxious birds resumed their proper forms, as did also the duke's daughter, who thanked Jack on her knees for her deliverance. The head of the giant Galligant was sent to King Arthur, who invited Jack to his court, made him knight of the Round Table, and gave him to wife the daughter of the duke whom he had delivered. N 193 THE THREE BEARS T happened that on a time there lived in a wood three bears ; and of these one was a GREAT BIG BEAR, the second was a MIDDLE-SIZED BEAR, and the third was a WEE WEE BEAR. Each slept in his own bed, and natur- ally so, for the GREAT BIG BEAR there was a GREAT BIG BED, and also, quite naturally, for the MIDDLE-SIZED BEAR there was a MIDDLE-SIZED BED, and, you can see for yourself, if you have common intelligence, for the WEE WEE BEAR there was provided a WEE WEE BED. But that was not all : each had his own chair to sit in, and naturally so, for the GREAT BIG BEAR there was a GREAT BIG CHAIR, and also, quite naturally, for the MIDDLE-SIZED BEAR there was a MIDDLE-SIZED CHAIR, and also, in accordance with the dictates of common sense, for the WEE WEE BEAR there was provided a WEE WEE CHAIR. That does not complete what has to be told. There goes more to the story than that. Each bear had a pot out of which to eat his porridge, and the GREAT BIG BEAR had a GREAT BIG POT, 194 and also, in accordance with the eternal fitness of things, the MIDDLE-SIZED BEAR had a MIDDLE- SIZED POT, and there was for the WEE WEE BEAR only a WEE WEE POT. One day after they had poured out their porridge they scalded their tongues with it. That is to say, the GREAT BIG BEAR scalded his GREAT LONG TONGUE, and the MIDDLE-SIZED BEAR scalded his MEDIUM TONGUE, and the WEE WEE BEAR scalded his WEENIE WEENIE TONGUE. So they resolved to walk out arm and arm into the wood and listen to the whistling of the birds whilst their porridge cooled. Now, whilst they were out, a little girl came into the cottage, and seeing that there was good porridge smoking on the table, and no one there to eat it, she tripped in, as she was very hungry, and first she tasted the porridge of the GREAT BIG BEAR, and found It so hot that she burnt her mouth, so she went to the second pot and tasted them, and then also after having taken a little, she thrust the pot from her, as it was too cold. Lastly she went to the pot of the WEE WEE BEAR, and that was just right, so she ate it all up. Then the little maiden, having satisfied her hunger, felt tired with her walk, so she went to sit down, and first she sat in the cljair. of the GREAT BIG BEAR, but she found it was too hard for her. She did not like it, so she got up and tried the chair of the MIDDLE-SIZED BEAR, and that she thought too soft, so she quickly jumped up out of that and tried the chair of the WEE WEE BEAR, and that was exactly right, neither too hard nor too soft ; and she sat in it till she sat through the seat and came plump on the ground. Then the little maiden went upstairs into the bedchamber in which the Three Bears slept. Ana nrst she' lay down on the bed of the GREAT BIG BEAR, but it was too high at the head for her, so she got off it 195 THE and tried next the bed of the MIDDLE-SIZED BEAR, THREE an d found it was too low in the head for her, so she got off that and went to the bed of the WEE WEE BEAR, and that was exactly right. She had no sooner laid her head on the pillow than she dropped asleep. By this time the three bears had heard enough of the whistling of the birds, and they thought that their porridge would be cool enough ; so they came home to breakfast. Now the little girl had been careless, and had left the spoon standing in the pot of the GREAT BIG BEAR, so he roared out lustily 'SOMEBODY HAS BEENAT MY PORRIDGE!' And then the MIDDLE-SIZED BEAR looked at his, and saw that the spoon was standing in that also, so he exclaimed with a growl 'SOMEBODY HAS BEEN AT MY PORRIDGE!' Then the WEE WEE BEAR looked at his, and found that his porridge was all gone and the spoon licked clean also, so he said SOMEBODY HAS BEEN AT MY PORRIDGE AND HAS EATEN Upon this the three bears, seeing that some one had invaded their house whilst out together arm in arm, looking at buttercups and hearing the birds whistle, began to peer about, and very soon the GREAT BIG BEAR roared out at the top of his voice 'SOMEBODY HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY CHAIR!' for the little girl had not arranged the cushions after having sat on the chair. Then the MIDDLE- SIZED BEAR exclaimed with a growl 'SOMEBODY HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY CHAIR!' for the cushions there also were all in disorder. 196 But the WEE WEE BEAR soon saw that the seat of THE his chair was sat through, so he whimpered out THREE ' SOMEBODY HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY CHAIR AND HAS SAT THE BOTTOM THROUGH!' Then the three bears thought it requisite to make further search, and they walked upstairs, ' majores priores,' as the classic Romans would have said, that is to say, biggest first. Now when the GREAT BIG BEAR came to his bed he saw that the pillow had been pushed on one side, so he boohed out 'SOMEBODY HAS BEEN IN MY BED!' and the MIDDLE-SIZED BEAR saw that the pillow in his had been pushed up into one lump. So he said 'SOMEBODY HAS BEEN IN MY BED!' But the WEE WEE BEAR standing by his bed was so astonished that at first he could say nothing at all. At last he piped out 'SOMEBODY HAS BEEN IN MY BED AND IS LYING IN IT NOW! 1 The little maid had heard the bellowing of the GREAT BIG BEAR, but had been so fast asleep that the sound had not woke her; and she had heard the middle voice of the MIDDLE-SIZED BEAR, and that also had not woke her, she was so very sleepy ; but when she heard the sharp little squeaky voice of the WEE WEE BEAR, she jumped up at once, and there she saw the three bears before her, glowering at her as if they wanted to eat her, and licking their lips, and stretching out their claws. She was a little miss of a ready wit ; so she turned to the first and made a profound CURTSY down to the very ground, and said with the greatest deference 'MISTER BEAR, I pray you FORBEAR!' 197 THE and she made a nice little graceful CURTSY to THREE the second, and said with a pitiful voice MISTER BEAR, I pray you FORBEAR i ' and then sharp she gave a little BOB OF A BOW to the WEE WEE BEAR, and caught him a WEE WEE BOX on his WEE WEE EAR, and said LITTLE BEARIKINS, I don't care whetheryou FORBEAR or not!' and away, down the stairs and out at the door, and away away to her mammy home she ran. Then the three bears looked at each other, and the first said 'DEAR!' and the second said ' DEAR ! ' and the third, rubbing his ear, said 'DEAR!' and all together concluded that little girls of the nineteenth century were so impudent that it was no longer possible for well-conducted bears to live in the forests of Old England. 198 TOM THUMB |N the days of King Arthur there lived a TOM ploughman and his wife who wished THUMB greatly to have a son; so the man went to Merlin, the enchanter, and told him that he and his wife had been married for twenty years and had no children, and that they longed to have a little son, even if he were ' no bigger than his thumb.' 'Go home and you will find that you have one,' said the enchanter; and when the man returned to his house, he found his wife nursing a tiny tiny baby, who grew to be the size of the ploughman's thumb, but never grew much bigger. The fairy Queen Vivienne was invited to the christening, and named him Tom Thumb. An oak-leaf hat he had for crown ; His shirt of web by spiders spun ; With jacket wove of thistledown ; His breeches were of feathers done. His stockings of apple rind, they tie With eyelash from his mother's eye : His shoes were made of mouse's skin Turned with the downy hair within. Tom was a healthy and happy baby. His parents were very fond of him ; although he was so small 199 TOM yet their love for him was very great. They used THUMB to hold him on their palms till he was old enough to toddle, and then they placed him on the table. They were afraid to let him run on the floor lest he should be trodden on. He was mischievous for all his small size, and as he grew to be a boy of twelve he was always at some prank or other. When Tom was old enough to play with other boys, he delighted to do so, but then he was ever at some mad prank or other. At that time boys were wont to play with cherry- stones instead of marbles, and when Tom had lost all his own cherrystones, he used to creep into the bags of his playfellows, fill his pockets, and crawl out again without their noticing what he was about, and join in the game once more. One day, however, as he was issuing from a bag of cherrystones, where he had been stealing as usual, the boy whose bag he had entered chanced to see him. ' Ho-ho 1 ' exclaimed the lad ; ' so Tom Thumb, then you are at your usual pranks. Now I have caught you stealing my cherrystones. I have long suspected you. As I have got you I shall punish you.' Then he drew the string of the bag tight round Tom's neck and shook the bag well, so that the cherrystones rattled against and bruised Tom's little body and thighs and legs. He screamed for pain, and begged to be released, and promised that he never would steal again. One day that he had been at his pranks he was shut up in a pin box. This hurt him greatly, and next day he resolved to revenge himself. He took a number of glasses and hung them on a sunbeam. The other boys tried to do the same, but failed and broke all the glasses, and were severely whipped for having done this. One day while his mother was making a batter- 200 pudding, Tom stood on the edge of the bowl holding TOM a candle in one hand so that he might see that the THUMB pudding was properly made. But as he tried to balance himself on one toe, when his mother's back was turned he slipped and went head foremost into the pudding. His mother did not know this and continued stirring the pudding, and put it and him into the pot. But Tom no sooner felt the hot water than he danced like one mad, and his mother was so fright- ened to see the pudding bouncing about that she thought it was bewitched, and she hastily gave it to a tinker who was passing the door. The tinker was delighted with his present ; but as he was getting over a stile, Tom shouted out from the middle of the pudding, 'Hallo, Pickins!' and this so terrified the tinker that he flung away the pudding in the field, and it broke to pieces, and Tom escaped. Tom then cleaned himself of the flour that stuck to him, and walked home to his mother, who had been in great distress because she could not find him. She gave him a lecture not to be rash and get where he would be in mis- chief, and kissed him, and was very rejoiced to have him again. One day he climbed up the side of the cream-pan and tumbled in, and would have been drowned had not his screams brought his mother to his aid. Another time he was lost, and after seeking for him everywhere, the poor woman saw his head popping out of the salt-box which hung against the wall, and he came out as if covered over with hoar-frost. When his mother went into the fields to milk the cow, then she was wont to tie him to a thistle lest he should run away and get into mischief. If a bee came that way, then Tom, who was armed with a needle, fought it and carried off its honey. When a butterfly came that way, if Tom had not 201 TOM been tied to the thistle, he would certainly have THUMB jumped on its back and tried if he could be carried away a sail in the air. One day a field-mouse came and looked at him. Tom was afraid of the mouse, so he called to his mother, who came up, and the mouse darted away. One day whilst Tom was tied to the thistle, the cow seeing his oakleaf cap, took poor Tom and the thistle at one mouthful. But, being missed, his mother went Calling him everywhere, 'Where art thou, Tom? Where art thou, Tom?' Quoth he, ' Here, mother, here ! Within the red cow's mouth am I Full nearly swallowed up,' Which made his mother weep and sigh That thus the cow should sup. Tom kicked and scratched till the cow dropped him from her mouth. His mother caught him in her apron as he was falling, or he would have been greatly hurt. One day Tom went with his father into the fields a-ploughing ; and the father made him a whip of barley straw wherewith to drive the oxen, but Tom's foot slipped and he fell into the furrow, without the father observing it A crow flying by saw the barley straw, stooped and carried Tom off to the top of a giant's castle. The giant took Tom in the palm of his hand and laughed much to see how small he was. Tom had his little sword of a needle at his side and he pricked the giant with it, and he shook his hand, and Tom gave a jump and went out at the window and fell into the sea. where a fish swallowed him. The fish was soon after caught, and brought to the castle of King Arthur. His steward bought it and ordered the cook to boil it for dinner. When the cook was opening the fish, to his great aston- 202 ishment out jumped Tom, quite delighted to t>e TOM free again. He was taken before the king, who THUMB made Tom his dwarf, and he soon became a great favourite at court, where he delighted every one by his gambols. Long time he lived in jollity, Beloved of the court, And none like Tom was so esteemed Among the better sort. The queen Gueniver was especially delighted with the little man, and made him dance a galliard on her left hand. His performance was so satis- factory that King Arthur gave him a ring which he wore about his waist as a girdle. When he was out with the king, if rain came on he would creep up the sleeve of Arthur, and lie there till the shower was over. One day Tom, who could not forget his poor father and mother, asked King Arthur to grant him leave to go and visit them. The king readily agreed, and taking him into his treasury, told him to carry away with him as much money as he could for his poor parents. This made him caper for joy. He found that the only coin he could carry was a threepenny piece. And so away goes lusty Tom, With threepence at his back, A heavy burden which did make His very bones to crack. Tom remained three days with the old couple, and feasted on a hazel-nut so extravagantly that he grew ill. King Arthur became impatient to have his dwarf back again, so his mother took a sort of tube, through which people blew darts at birds to kill them, and she put Tom in and blew through it, and blew him back to court. 203 TOM He was received by the king with every token of THUMB affection and delight, and tournaments were pro- claimed in his honour. Thus he at tilt and tournament Was entertained so, That all the rest of Arthur's knights Did him much pleasure show. As Tom's clothes had suffered much in the batter- pudding and in the furrow, and in the inside of the fish, the king ordered him a new suit of clothes, and gave him a mouse to ride. Of butterfly's wings his shirt was made, His boots of chicken's hide ; And by a nimble fairy blade, Well learned in the tailoring trade, His clothing was supplied. A needle dangled by his side ; A dapper mouse he used to ride : Thus strutted Tom in stately pride 1 Tom used to go out hunting on his mouse with the king and the knights. Arthur also ordered a little chair to be made, in order that Tom might sit on his table, and he gave him as well a carriage drawn by six white mice. At last the queen got jealous of Tom, because the king made so much of him, and she determined to be rid of him, and when the king was away she had him shut up in prison in a mouse-trap, but he managed to squeeze himself between the bars, and seeing a lame butterfly he climbed on its back, and the butterfly carried him away. However, in pass- ing over the sea he became giddy and fell off, when he was again swallowed by a fish, which was caught and set out for sale in the town of Rye, where a steward haggled for it with the fisherman who had caught it 204 Amongst the rest a steward came TOM Who would the salmon buy, THUMB And other fish that he did name, But he would not comply. The steward said, ' You are so stout, If so, I '11 not buy any/ So then out called Tom Thumb aloud, ' Sir, give another penny ! ' At this they all began to start To hear the sudden joke ; Nay, some were frightened to the heart, They thought the dead fish spoke. The steward made no more ado But bid a penny more, * Because,' he said, ' I never knew A fish to speak before.' When the fish was opened out came Tom again, and he remained in the kitchen at Rye, and was a great object of diversion to the servants. One day he was put in the window, when a great spider observed him and came down to him. Tom made a gallant fight, yet the spider's poisonous breath at last overcame him. He fell dead on the ground where he stood, And the spider sucked every drop of his blood. When the tidings came to King Arthur he was very sorry, and went into mourning, he and all his knights. Such were his deeds and noble acts, In Arthur's court they shone, As like in all the world beside Was hardly seen or known. 205 TOM For him King Arthur and his knights THUMB Full forty days did mourn, And in remembrance of his name That was so wondrous born, He built a tomb of marble gray And year by year did come To celebrate the tragic death And burial of Tom Thumb. His fame still lives in England here Among the country sort ; Of him our wives and children small Tell tales of pleasant sport 206 THE WHITE CAT |NCE upon a time there reigned a king over a certain kingdom, who had three sons, so clever and gallant, that he began to fear that they might be impatient to reign in the kingdom before he was dead. Now the king, although growing old, had no idea of abdicating his position and power, so he thought that the best way for him to manage under the circumstances would be for him to divert the minds of his sons by setting them tasks which would keep them well occupied. Accordingly he sent for them, and addressing them kindly, he said ' My dear sons, you no doubt perceive that my age is advanced, and that I am not able to occupy myself with the affairs of state as I did when I was younger. I am anxious that the wants of my subjects should not be overlooked through failure of my powers, accordingly I have resolved to lay down the reins of government as soon as I am satisfied that I can have that which will amuse and content me when I retire into private life. Now, I have been considering that a pretty, frisky, faithful little dog would prove excellent company ; accord- ingly I am prepared to surrender my crown and 207 THE WHITE CAT THE throne to that one among you, my sons, who WHITE furnishes me with the most acceptable little dog.' CAT The three princes were exceedingly surprised at their father's sudden fancy for a little dog, but by his announcement a chance of succession to the throne was opened to the two younger, who in the ordinary course of affairs would have had no such chance; they therefore gladly accepted the com- mission, and the eldest, fearing to be deprived of his rights, was fain also to start in quest of a perfect dog. They resolved, before they separated, to meet each other and go together before the king, in a year and a day from that at which they started on their several journeys. Each now took a different road, and the two elder brothers met with many adventures ; but as those of the youngest were the most interesting, you shall hear only of them. This prince was young, light-hearted, and very handsome ; he was well educated ; and as for his courage, it was boundless. Hardly a day passed without his purchasing dogs, big and small, and of every description, mastiifs, bull-dogs, staghounds, spaniels, beagles, lap-dogs. Whenever he had bought a pretty one, he was sure next moment to be offered another that was still prettier, and then he had to get rid of those he had already purchased, and to buy that which took his fancy last ; it was, as can well be under- stood, quite impossible for him, who was alone, to travel the country with a thousand dogs about him. He journeyed on from day to day, not knowing whither he was going, till one day at nightfall he found himself in a large and gloomy forest. He completely lost his way, and what made matters worse was that a thunderstorm came on and the rain poured down in torrents. He took 208 the first path that offered, and after a while he THE saw a glimmer of light before him, and hoped he WHITE was approaching a cottage where he could obtain CAT shelter. Guided by the light he presently found himself before the gates of a beautiful castle. The door was of gold inlaid with carbuncles, and it was the glow of these precious stones which had shone through the forest and had drawn him on. The walls of the castle were of porcelain in the most dainty colours; but the Prince was so wet that he could not hesitate or halt to admire; he went up to the door and there beheld a deer's foot hanging by a chain of diamonds, and he wondered who could inhabit such a marvellous castle. 1 They cannot fear robbers greatly here,' said he ; * what is there to prevent any one from walking off with this chain, and picking out these carbuncles, and so enriching himself for life ? ' He pulled the deer's foot and immediately a bell sounded, which by the softness of its tone he con- cluded to be of silver. Then the door flew open, but the Prince could see no one as porter, only a number of hands appeared in the air, each holding a torch. He was so greatly astonished that he stood still, until he felt hands draw him forward and thrust him on from behind, so that though somewhat uneasy, he could hardly help going on. With his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready for whatever might happen, he entered a hall paved with deep blue stone called lapis lazuli, and heard voices singing sweetly 1 Fear no more the flitting hands, They your lightest wish obey. If you dread not Cupid's bands, Safely in the palace stay.' The Prince now lost all fear; he was confident that where so warm a welcome was offered no o 209 THE evil was intended. Accordingly, guided by the WHITE mysterious hands, he went to a door of coral, that CAT opened of its own accord, and gave admittance into an apartment lined with mother-of-pearl, out of which opened a number of other rooms, spark- ling with numerous candles, and full of the most beautiful pictures and precious objects that charmed the Prince's eyes and bewildered his mind. At last, weary of gazing at so many wondrous objects, he cast himself down in an easy chair he saw drawn up near a bright wood fire ; and at once the delicate hands began to remove his wet, muddy garments, and other hands pro- duced fresh ones made of the richest stuffs, em- broidered with gold and picked out with jewels. He could not fail to admire everything he saw, and the graceful manner in which the hands attended on him. When he was quite ready, and looked fresh and radiant in the costly suit he had assumed, the hands conducted him to a splendid room, on the walls of which in tapestry was shown the story of Puss in Boots. The table was spread for supper, and two golden plates were laid opposite each other, with golden forks and spoons. The side- board was magnificently furnished with gold and silver salvers, ewers, and much beautiful glass. The Prince stood hesitating, not knowing whether to sit down at table or not, when suddenly there entered a dozen cats carrying lutes, who took up their places at one end of the room, and struck the strings of their instruments, and mewed out the most astounding cat-song imaginable to the accompaniment of their lutes. The Prince was obliged to stop his ears at the caterwauling, but he laughed so heartily that he could not keep them closed. 'What odd thing will happen next?' said he to himself; and at the same moment, the door at the 210 end of the hall opened, and there entered a tiny THE figure covered with a long black veil, marshalled by two cats wearing black velvet mantles, and carrying swords of state. They were followed by a train of other cats, which carried cages full of rats and mice. The Prince was so much astonished that he rubbed his eyes, thinking he was dreaming, but the little figure came up to him, threw back the veil, and disclosed the loveliest white cat conceivable. She looked very young and very sad. In a gentle voice that went straight to the Prince's heart she said 1 King's son, you are welcome. The Queen of the Cats rejoices to see and salute you.' 4 Madam Puss ! ' answered the Prince, with a bow, ' I thank you for your kindly reception ; but surely you can be no common pussy-cat. The magnifi- cence and state that surround you convince me to the contrary.' 1 King's son,' said the White Cat, * I am unac- customed to compliments. Let supper be served and the musicians cease their strains, as appa- rently, sir, you do not relish their music.' Then the mysterious hands began to serve supper, and first they put on the table two dishes, one containing roast pigeons and the other fricasseed mice. The Prince declined the latter dish with horror; but the White Cat assured him that her cook had special orders to serve him with entirely different food from herself, and that he need not fall to on rats or mice unless he had a mind to. The Prince, confident that she would not deceive him, at once began his dinner on the roast pigeon. Presently he observed that the little paw of the White-Cat which was next him was adorned with a bracelet from which hung a miniature portrait. When the White Cat saw that he was desirous of 211 THE examining it, she passed it to him, and he was WHITE enchanted to see that it represented an extremely CAT handsome young man who was remarkably like himself. The White Cat sighed as he looked at it, and looked more depressed in spirits than before. The Prince forbore asking questions, lest he should pain her, and turned to talk of other matters. He found the White Cat very intelligent, well read, and well versed in politics. After supper they retired into another room, which was fitted up as a theatre, and cats acted there and danced for the amusement of the Prince and the White Cat. After a while the Queen of the Cats rose from her seat, bade the Prince a graceful adieu, wished him a good night and peaceful sleep, and with- drew. Thereupon the hands reappeared and conducted him into a room he had not seen hitherto, hung with tapestry made of butterfly wings of every hue ; there were mirrors reaching to the floor, and a cozy white bed with curtains round it tied up with pink ribbons. The Prince retired to bed, and very soon fell fast asleep. Next morning he was awakened by a noise outside his window, and on looking out saw that a number of cats were in the courtyard, some leading greyhounds, others blowing horns. Presently the hands reappeared and dressed the Prince in a complete hunting suit of green and silver. Then they threw open the door, and he was conducted below, where he saw the White Cat in a green riding-habit mounted on an ape, ready for hunting. The hands brought up a wooden horse for the Prince to mount. He did not see that he would have much sport riding on a wooden horse ; however, as the White Cat seemed to expect it, he threw himself on its back, where- 212 upon the wooden horse began to prance and show his paces. The White Cat on her ape went up trees in quest of eagle nests ; but the Prince had rare sport on his wooden horse, and never enjoyed a hunt more in all his life. After a while the whole party returned to the castle, and the Prince and the White Cat supped together as on the previous evening. When it was over, the cat offered him some ruby wine in a crystal goblet. Directly he had tasted it, he forgot his home, forgot that he was looking for a little dog, forgot everything, except his happiness in the society of the White Cat. So the time passed, in every kind of amusement, until the year was nearly gone. The Prince had forgotten all about meeting his brothers, and appearing before his father, but the White Cat knew when he was bound to return, and said to him one day 'Are you aware, my good friend, that you have only three days left in which to find a little dog for your father ? Already your brothers have provided themselves with beautiful little dogs.' Then all at once the Prince recollected everything, and cried out * What can have affected my memory that I should forget a matter of such supreme importance ! My whole future depends on it. Even supposing that I were to find a little dog worthy to win me a kingdom, where should I find a horse swift enough to convey me home within the three days ? ' The White Cat, seeing he was sore troubled, said to him ' King's son, be not anxious and distressed. I am your friend, and will assist you to the uttermost of my power. You can continue here a day, as the wooden horse will convey you the entire distance to your father's realm in twelve hours.' 213 THE 4 1 thank you, gracious Cat,' said the Prince, ' but HITE what advantage will that be to me, if I have not a CAT a dog suitable to present to his majesty, my father?' 'See here,' said the White Cat, holding up an acorn. ' In this is a prettier one than exists even at the dog star.' 'Oh! dear White Cat!' exclaimed the Prince, 1 why do you make fun of me ? ' Then he heard distinctly a little bow-wow ! bow- wow ! inside the acorn. The Prince was delighted, for a dog enclosed in an acorn must indeed be a beauty. He wanted to take it out and look at it, but this the White Cat would not allow. She said that the little dog must on all accounts be preserved from the chance of catching a chill on the journey; and the Prince saw that in this as in all else, there was reason in what the Cat said. He thanked her heartily, and was quite sad when it was necessary for him to part from her. ' The days,' said he, ' have flown in your charming society. I would it were possible for me to take you with me.' The White Cat shook her head and gave a faint mee-aw in answer. The Prince was the first to be at the meeting- place, where it was agreed that the brothers should assemble before proceeding to the palace, and great was their amusement and astonishment to see the wooden horse, painted with great red spots, and with a brush of hair on its arched neck, standing in the courtyard, stiff and stark as if it had just come out of a toy-shop. The Prince met his brothers joyously, and they told him their adventures, but he was very reticent about his, and they did not think much of the dog that ran at his heels, and which was that he had with him when received into the White Cat's palace. 214 The elder brothers carried in baskets two little THE dogs, so delicate that they hardly dared to touch WHITE them. As for the dog that attended the youngest, c he was all covered with mud from his journey. When they reached the palace, every one crowded to welcome them as they ascended to the royal hall, and when the two brothers presented their little dogs, no one could resolve which was the most beautiful. They were already arranging between themselves what disposition they would make of the kingdom, when the youngest, stepping forward, bowed to his father, and presented him with the acorn. The king, much astonished, opened it carefully and out there ran on his hand the tiniest, dearest little mite of a dog imaginable. The king was so surprised that he let it drop. But the dog was not hurt It at once began to skip about, pirouette and caper, and even to stand on its head. The king did not know what to say, for it was quite impossible that any dog could be found to surpass this little creature. Nevertheless, as he was in no hurry to resign his crown, he said to his sons that as they had been so successful this time, they must be set another task, and must find him a piece of muslin so fine that it could be drawn through the eye of a needle. If it had not been that the elder brothers had been worsted by the youngest, it may well be believed they would not have been disposed to set out again ; however, by this new task set them, they were afforded another chance, so they accepted it. The youngest mounted his wooden horse, it tossed its head, threw out its legs, and bore him at full speed to the palace of his dear White Cat. Every door of the castle stood wide open, every window was illumined, and the hands appeared waving a welcome to him. His horse was taken from him, and he was conducted into the castle. 215 THE The White Cat was lying by the fire in a basket WHITE on a cushion of white silk. She sprang up at his CAT approach, and said ' I did not expect you back quite so soon, king's son!' Then he patted and stroked her and scratched her under the chin, and she purred ; and he told her of his successful journey, and how he had come back to ask her assistance to procure him that which was now demanded by the king, and which it was not possible for him to procure elsewhere. The White Cat looked grave, and replied that she would consider the matter, and consult with some spinster cats in the castle who were very skilful. Then the hands appeared carrying torches, and conducted the Prince and the White Cat to a long gallery which overlooked the river, from the windows of which they saw a magnificent display of fireworks. After that they supped, and the Prince appreciated his supper much more than the fireworks, for he was hungry with his long ride. So the time passed as before, just as pleasantly and just as quickly. The Prince often marvelled to find the cat so agreeable a companion, so well read, and so able to talk intelligently about matters. He once ventured to ask her how as a cat this was possible. She replied, with a sad smile * King's son, do not ask me. I am unable to give you the explanation you desire.' The Prince was so happy that he did not trouble himself to take account of the time as it passed, but the White Cat did not forget, and one day she said to him ' It is now within two days of that on which you are bound to appear before your father. This time you shall travel in better style.' Then she showed him a gilded coach enamelled 216 with the most beautiful pictures. It was drawn THE by twelve snow-white horses, harnessed four w r H A I J E abreast; their trappings, as were those of the CA1 carriage, were of flame-colour, embroidered with diamonds. Numerous guards followed all in flame-coloured livery. ' Go,' said the White Cat, ' and when you appear before the king in such state, he will surely give up his crown. Take this walnut, but do not open it until you arrive at your destination, lest the wind should blow away its contents, or mud from the carriage wheels stain it.' 'Lovely White Cat,' said the Prince, 'how can I thank you sufficiently for your goodness to me ? Only tell me you desire it, and I will abandon the thought of succeeding my father in his kingdom and remain here with you.' 'King's son,' she answered, 'you have a good heart to say this, and to care for a little white cat, that is good for naught but catching mice; but you must not stay. Good-bye.' The Prince kissed her paw and departed. The carriage spun along, faster than had travelled the wooden horse ; but this time the Prince arrived so late that he found his brothers had already proceeded to the palace to display the pieces of muslin they had procured. These were indeed very fine; they would pass through a ring, and the eye of a packing needle : but the king sent for a particular needle kept among the Crown jewels that had an eye so small, that every one saw at a glance that the stuffs pro- vided could not possibly pass through it. At that moment a flourish of trumpets was heard, and the youngest son of the king entered. His father and brothers were amazed at his magnifi- cence, and after he had greeted them he produced the walnut and opened it, fully expecting to find the muslin. Instead of that he found a hazel- 217 THE nut. He cracked this, and therein lay a cherry- WHITE stone. CAT Every one looked on in astonishment, and the king was congratulating himself that all chance of the task being accomplished was at an end, when the Prince broke the cherry-stone, and drew out only its kernel. He divided the kernel, and in that was a grain of wheat. He opened the grain of wheat, and found a millet seed. Then he be- came concerned, and muttered : ' O White Cat, you have been making mock of me ! ' At that moment he felt a cat's claw give his hand a scratch, and hoping that this was meant as an encouragement, he opened the millet seed and drew out of it a piece of muslin four hundred ells long, woven finer than gossamer, in the loveliest patterns; and when the needle was brought, it passed through the eye without any difficulty. The king was aghast, and the two elder princes felt their discomfiture, for nobody could deny that this was the most marvellous piece of muslin that had ever been woven. Then, after some consideration, the king said to his sons : ' Nothing is more grateful to me in my old age than to see your willingness to oblige me. Go out once more, and whoever, at the end of a year and a day, brings back the loveliest princess, shall marry her, and shall, without further delay, receive the crown, and reign upon my throne in my place. For, it is obvious to the meanest in- tellect that my successor must be a married man.' The Prince thought he was hardly treated, as he had earned the kingdom fairly twice over, but he would not argue the point with his father, more- over he was impatient to return to the White Cat. Accordingly he mounted his gilded chariot, and swift as the wind it sped, throwing up clouds of dust in people's eyes, and bore him direct to the castle of the White Cat. 218 This time she was ready expecting him, and had THE caused her attendant cats to strew the road with flowers, and aromatic herbs and woods and gums were burnt in braziers on each side of the way. The White Cat awaited him seated on a balcony. 'Well, king's son,' said she, on his arrival, 'you have again returned without your crown.' 'Madam,' answered he, 'thanks to your kind assistance I have twice earned it. But the fact is my father is so unwilling to part with it that I really do not care to have it.' ' Never mind,' she said, ' you can but do your best to deserve it. You shall take back with you a lovely princess whom I will find for you. In the meantime let us amuse ourselves. I have ordered to-night a battle between my cats and the water- rats, on purpose to give you entertainment. My cats, it is true, are somewhat at a disadvantage, for they dislike water, and the rats will naturally seek to carry on the conflict on their native element.' So they walked together on a terrace and saw the battle. The cats were in ships made of cork. The rats were in half ostrich shells. The fight was obstinate and protracted. The rats threw them- selves into the water and then the cats could not follow them. The rats were finally routed, but by no means exterminated. Many live on to the present day. The Prince passed the year as he had passed the others, in hunting, fishing, and playing at chess with the White Cat. He could not forbear asking her how it was that she was able to talk ; but she answered that it was not in her power at that time to explain to him many things that sur- prised him. Nothing passes so quickly as happy days, and if the White Cat had not been careful to remember the time when the Prince was bound to return to his father, he would have forgotten it. 219 THE She warned him of it the day before, and told him WHITE that it remained only with him to obtain one of the c AT most beautiful princesses in the world ; but in order to do this, he must cut off her head and tail, and throw them into the fire. 'What!' cried the Prince, 'my lovely, my dear White Cat! shall I who have received so many favours from you, be so wicked, so ungrateful, as to sacrifice you ? You say this merely to try me, whether I am heartless and selfish ' 'No, indeed,' interrupted the White Cat; 'son of a king, I know well your generous nature, and that it will cut you to the heart to seem to act towards me in a barbarous manner. Nevertheless, do as I bid you ; it is necessary, not for your own happiness only, but also for mine.' The Prince's eyes filled with tears, and he could hardly bring his mind to do what he was bidden. He said all the tender things he could think of to dissuade the cat from urging him to it ; but she obstinately answered that she wished to die by his hand, and that unless he did as she required, she would be condemned to a hopeless and pro- tracted age of misery. At last, most reluctantly, and with averted head and trembling hand, the Prince drew his sword and smote. He cut off her head at one blow, and with the next hewed off her tail. Then picking them up, he threw them into the fire. Instantly there was a blaze and a flash, and the whole apartment was filled with light and the most delicious fragrance. In the midst of the light he saw a most lovely maiden. At the same moment the door opened, and a company of knights and ladies entered, each carrying a cat's skin. With every token of joy they surrounded the Princess, kissed her hand, and congratulated her on being once more restored to her natural form. She received them most graciously, and then 220 requested them to allow her a few moments in THE which to converse alone with the Prince, to whom WHITE she would unfold her history, and explain much CAT that had hitherto perplexed him. 'My dear king's son,' said she, 'you were right in supposing me to be something superior to an ordinary cat. My father reigned over six kingdoms. My mother, the queen, was an admir- able woman, but, unfortunately for me, of an inquisi- tive turn of mind, and restless in her habits. 1 When I was only a few weeks old, she obtained the king's permission to visit a certain forest and palace, of which many wondrous tales were told, and she felt that she could have no peace of mind till she had ascertained what truth there was in these tales. She set off with a large retinue, and in course of time reached the forest, and saw that it was traversed by a road leading to a superb palace, the gates of which were closed, but through the railings my mother could see the most delici- ous and varied fruit. Many of the fruits were quite new to her, and such as she did know, in- finitely surpassed those which grew in her own gardens. She at once resolved to taste this fruit, and was well assured she would not have a moment's happiness till she had done so. She ordered her servants to knock at the palace doors, and to rattle the gates and ring the bell; no answer was however given to these summonses. She therefore insisted on ladders being applied to the walls of the garden, that she might climb over them, to get at the fruit. But it was soon found that the walls stretched themselves in proportion to the length of the ladders applied to them, so that it was quite impossible to surmount them. 'The queen was in despair, but as night was coming on she had her tent planted outside the gates, resolved to spend the night there, and renew her attempt on the following morning. In 221 THE the middle of the night she was suddenly aroused, WHITE and saw to her astonishment a little, ugly, old CAT woman at her bedside, who was plucking at her ear. 1 The queen, my mother, sat up in bed very fright- ened ; then the old woman said to her : " You are a very tiresome, persevering, and meddlesome person, not to leave me and my sisters alone in our palace, but to insist on eating our fruit I will give you as much of the latter as you desire, on one condition, which is that you let us have your daughter to bring up as our own ? " ' The queen, my mother, answered, " Dear madam, is there nothing else you will have ? I can give you most admirable receipts for making conserves of your fruit, and even for pickling the walnuts. Will not that do as well ? If not, you shall have half of the kingdoms my husband reigns over." 'The fairy answered: "We want neither your receipts nor your realms ; we will have nothing else but your little daughter. We will make her as happy as the day is long, and give her every- thing her heart can desire." '"It is a hard condition," said the queen, my mother, but inasmuch as she was an exceedingly inquisitive and it must be admitted a greedy woman, she at last consented. ' Then the old fairy took her into the palace, and though it was still night, the queen, my mother, could plainly see that it was more magnificent than anything she had ever beheld. But my dear Prince,' said the White Cat, 'of this you can judge yourself, for you are now in the very palace into which my mother was introduced. 'The old fairy said to her : "Will you gather the fruit yourself, or shall I call it to come to you ? " ' My mother answered that it would be less trouble and more interesting if it came when called. 'Thereupon the little old woman screamed out: 222 "Apricots, peaches, nectarines, cherries, plums, THE greengages, pears, grapes, apples, oranges, W ,? A IT . E lemons, gooseberries, currants, raspberries, come ! ^ A J come ! come ! " ' Instantly from every tree down hopped the fruit and ran and ran just like chickens coming to be fed, and the queen ate as much as she liked, and found every kind of fruit passing good. 'The old fairy now gave her gilded baskets in which to carry away as much fruit as she liked, and she laded all her mules and servants with it. Then she reminded the queen, my mother, of the agreement ; and next morning the queen returned to her kingdom, nibbling at the fruit all the way. ' However, it must not be supposed that she did not regret her bargain, when she saw me in my cradle on her return. She was afraid to tell the king what she had done, and she tried to deaden her remorse by eating fruit all day long. ' Presently there arrived at the palace five frightful little dwarfs sent by the fairies to fetch me; and then the queen was obliged to tell the king, my father, all she had promised. He was, of course, very angry, and ordered his guards to surround and cut the dwarfs to pieces. But as fast as they were chopped up they came together again, and persisted in their demand, as though nothing in- commoded by the maltreatment to which they were exposed. Then the fairies came in a flaming chariot drawn by sea-horses, took up my cradle, placed it between them, and went away, carrying me. ' I grew up surrounded by everything that was beautiful and rare, and learning everything that is ever taught to a princess, but without any com- panions save a parrot and a little dog, who could both talk, and receiving every day a visit from one of the old fairies, who caressed me and spoke kindly to me, and assured me of her and her sisters' protection, so long as I remained in the 223 THE palace and enchanted wood. I was solemnly and WHITE repeatedly warned that if I attempted to escape, CAT the most dreadful calamity would befall me. 'One day as I was pulling out the drawers, and turning over the contents of the cabinets in the palace, I found a bracelet, to which hung a minia- ture portrait of a very handsome young man. 4 1 could not keep my eyes off this picture. You must understand, Prince, that hitherto I had seen no men, and no women even, except the old fairies. Next time one of these latter visited me, I asked what that was which was represented in the miniature. She was much vexed at my asking, and said it was a picture of a sort of monkey that lived in foreign parts. Then I said, innocently, I should much like to see such monkeys. The fairy said I must never think of such a thing, or dreadful misfortunes would happen. 1 However, I found I could take no pleasure in anything ; I could not sleep by night, I was always anxious and longing to see these extraordinary monkeys. I told this to one of the fairies, and she said with a sigh : " I see there is some of the inquisi- tiveness of your mother in you. You will come to a dreadful misfortune unless you overcome it" I' said no more to the fairies, but I thought now of nothing but how I might escape from the palace and enchanted wood into Monkeyland. ' One day I put my purpose into execution, I got away alone from the castle, and ran through the wood, and was just about to pass the last tree when the three fairy sisters appeared before me. They were very angry, and said that I had rushed on the doom which they had cautioned me against. Now there was no help for it, I must be trans- formed into a white cat ; but they said they would give me a retinue of the lords and ladies of my father's court in the same form ; and they would render invisible, all but their hands, the ladies and 224 lords of the bedchamber, and all such as attended on the personal comforts of the king and queen, both of whom were now dead. ' As they laid me under the enchantment, the fairy sisters told me all my story, and warned me that my only chance of release from the shape of a cat was to win the love of a prince who should exactly resemble the portrait on the bracelet I had found, and having won that, to induce him to cut off my cat's head and tail and throw them into the fire.' * You have indeed won my love,' said the Prince, p 225 THE WHITE CAT THE 'And I am delighted to find you are such a WHITE fascinating monkey,' said the Princess. 'Now CAT it is time for you to return to your father.' So the Prince gave her his hand and led her down the stairs to the chariot ; and they started on the journey. As the Princess was as clever and agree- able in conversation as she was beautiful, the time passed very pleasantly. When they approached the castle, the Princess stepped into a crystal sedan with a little door in it with silken curtains before it, and this crystal sedan chair was carried by her guards. All the people wondered what it could contain. The princes, the elder brothers, were on the terrace of the palace, each conducting a charming princess. On seeing their youngest brother they hastened to meet him, and asked if he had brought a beautiful lady with him. * Well,' said he, ' I could find none superior to a lovely white cat* ' A cat ! ' said they ; ' were you afraid that the mice would eat up the palace ? ' The courtiers now hastened before the king to announce that the three princes were approaching-. 4 Are they bringing fair ladies with them ? ' asked the king. ' Fairer are not to be found,' was the answer ; at hearing which he was much displeased. The two elder princes made haste to show their beautiful princesses. The king received them very graciously, and said that really each was so beautiful it would not be possible for him to decide between them, for he was as gallant an old man as he was cunning. Then he looked at his youngest son, and said: * So 1 this time you have failed 1 ' 1 Not altogether, your majesty,' said the Prince ; ' if you will condescend to look at my little white cat in her crystal cage, who meeaws so prettily, 226 and gambols so playfully, you cannot fail to be THE pleased.' The king smiled, and went to open the sedan chair itself, when all at once, the Princess touched a spring and it flew apart, and she stood in the midst, like the sun bursting from clouds. Her fair hair was spread over her shoulders, and hung in shining tresses to her feet ; on her head was a crown of roses; her gown of thin gauze was lined with rose-coloured taffety ; she curtsied low to the king, who, in the excess of his admira- tion, clapped his hands, and said : ' This is indeed the matchless beauty who deserves to wear the crown.' * Sire ! ' said she, * I am not come to deprive you of your kingdom, which you rule with such sagacity. I am queen over six. Allow me to present one to each of your elder sons ; then there will remain four for my dear young Prince and myself. What with the housekeeping that will be as much as we can manage.' The king and all the courtiers gave vent to their joy and astonishment in loud and repeated cheers. Indeed the king kept on hurrahing ! and shouting One cheer more ! till he became purple in the face, and had to be carried out and given a cooling draught lest he should have an apoplexy. The marriages of all the three couples were immediately solemnized, and the court spent several months in rejoicings. Then they set out, each for his own dominions, and all considered that their happiness was due to the beautiful, wise White Cat 227 THE FROG PRINCE N the olden times there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful : but the youngest was the most beautiful of all. Near the king's castle was a large and gloomy forest, and in the midst stood an old lime-tree, below which was a well, the water of which was clear as crystal. People thought much of this well ; they said that the water came up from the heart of the earth, and was good for all kinds of sicknesses, and they used on May Day to put a wreath of flowers round it The king's daughter often went to this well, and one day as she was there it was May Day, and all the well was set about with flowers as she leaned to smell the flowers, and look down into the water, a gold ball with which she was playing fell out of her hand and tumbled into the well. Then she was very unhappy, and sat beside the well crying. Then, all at once, she heard a voice from the water that called out : * Why do you weep, king's daughter ? ' She looked about her, and saw a frog popping its ugly head out of the water. 228 ' O you ugly creature/ said she ; ' I am crying THE because I have lost my golden ball that has slipped FROG away from me and has fallen into the well* 'Be still and do not cry/ answered the frog; 'I can help you, but if I restore the ball, what will you do for me ? ' 'Dear good frog/ said she, 'I will give you my rings and necklaces.' The frog answered : ' Rings and necklaces I want not* 'Then/ said she, 'I will give you my silk dresses.' 'Silk dresses I value not,' said the frog. 'They would be spoiled by the water.' ' I will give you lollipops/ said the princess. 'They would melt in the water/ answered the frog. ' I will give you my little gold watch/ said she. 'The water would stop the works,' said he. 'Then you shall have my little red shoes/ said she. ' They are too large for my feet,' he answered. 'Then the gold comb with which I fasten up my back hair/ she said. 'I have no back hair never had, never shall/ replied the frog. 'What then can satisfy you?' she asked, and began to weep again. The frog answered : ' If you will love me, and let me be your companion and playfellow, and sit at your table, and eat off your plate, and drink out of your cup, and sit on your shoulder, and whisper into your ear, and sleep on your little bed, then and only then will I dive down and bring up your golden ball.' r l will promise all this,' said the princess, ' if you will only get me my precious ball.' But she thought to herself: 'what is this silly frog saying? Let him remain in the water and associate with efts and newts, and not seek to mix in human society.' 229 THE Now the frog, as soon as he had received her PRINPR promise, drew his head under water, and dived. W ^ B Presently up he came to the surface with the ball in his mouth, and threw it on the grass. The king's daughter was full of joy. She picked up the ball, and forgot even to thank the frog. She turned to run away. * Stay 1 stay 1 ' called the frog ; ' take me with you, I cannot walk as fast as you do. 230 But all his croaking was in vain. The king's THE daughter would not hear it, but, hastening home, FR OG soon forgot the poor frog, who was obliged to leap PRINCE back into the fountain. Next day, when the princess was sitting at table with her father and all his court, and was eating from her little golden plate, something was heard coming up the marble stairs, splish, splash ! splish, splash ! and when it arrived at the top, it knocked at the door, and a voice was heard calling : * Open the door, youngest daughter of a king ! ' So she rose and went to see who was calling for her ; and when she opened the door and caught sight of the frog, she shut it again with great haste, and went back to her place at the table, looking deadly pale. When the king saw how frightened she was, he asked her whether there was an ogre at the door, who wanted to eat her. * Oh, no ! ' she answered ; ' it is not an ogre, but an ugly wet frog.' 4 And what does the frog want with you ? ' asked her father. * My father,' she answered, * as I was at the well yesterday, I dropped my golden ball into it, and the ball sank to the bottom. I cried greatly, and then a frog came to the surface, and promised to restore to me the ball if I would make him my playfellow, and suffer him to eat off my plate, drink out of my cup, sit on my shoulder and sleep on my bed. Now he has left the well and is come here.' Then the frog was heard calling at the door c Open the door, my honey, my heart, Open the door, my dear. Remember the oath atwixt us both, Adown by the wellhead clear.' The king said: *A promise is a promise, whether made to prince or beggar, to man or toad.' 231 THE So the king's daughter went to the door and FROG opened it Splish, splash! splish, splash 1 in PRINCE Addled the frog and stood by the princess's chair. She sat down and looked very white, and her heart beat fast. Then the frog said * Lift me on your lap, my honey, my heart, Lift me on your lap, my dear. Remember the words to me you spake, Adown by the wellhead clear.' So the princess stooped and took up the frog and set it on her lap and put her hands on the table. Then the frog said 1 Give me to eat of your dainty meat, From your golden plate, my dear. Remember the oath atwixt us both, Adown by the wellhead clear.' 232 So she was obliged to let the frog feed from off her THE plate. The courtiers looked on and were very astonished. As for the princess, she could eat not another bite. Then said the frog ' Give me of your cup, that I may sup, Of your golden cup, my dear. Remember the oath betwixt us both, Adown by the wellhead clear.' Then she put the cup to the cold lips of the frog, and he drank a little drop, but after that she could not take any draught from the cup. Then when the frog had eaten and drunken to his satisfaction, all the court rose from table and retired to the drawing-room, and the princess would have walked away, and dropped the frog on the floor. But the frog cried out ' Take me on your shoulder, my honey, my heart, Take me on your shoulder, dear. Remember the oath betwixt us both, Adown by the wellhead clear.' So the Princess was obliged to take up the frog and set him on her shoulder, and then he put his cold lips to her ear, and said * Fair maid, do not weep, 'tis time to sleep, Carry me to the bed, my dear. Remember the oath betwixt us both, Adown by the wellhead clear.' At this the king's daughter began to cry. She could not bear to think of the clammy cold frog on her beautiful clean white counterpane, and she thought that whilst she was asleep he might hop on to her face and wake her with fright But indeed she did not think she could sleep at all with the nasty creature in her room. But the king was angry at her reluctance. He said again, that what she had promised must be 233 THE observed. To break a promise was dishonourable .. in a poor man. it was most disgraceful in one of PRINCE r oyal blood. So she went to her room, with the frog squatted on her shoulder, and when there, she threw him on her counterpane. Then the frog said 4 Chop off my head, my honey, my heart, Come, chop off my head, my dear. If you love me strong, be speedy, not long, And chop off my head without fear.' The princess was greatly alarmed, but she got an axe and chopped, and cut off the head of the frog. Then all at once there stood before her a beautiful prince, and all traces of the frog had disappeared. And he told her how that he had been transformed into a frog by a witch, and that he could never have recovered his own shape again, unless some young girl had promised to let him eat out of her plate, drink out of her cup, sit on her shoulder, and sleep on her bed. The princess was so delighted that she ran and called her father and mother and all the court And they all sat down to table again, and ate a second supper, for delight and surprise had made them all hungry again ; and at this second supper it was agreed that the princess and the prince should be married. Next day, when the sun rose, a carriage drawn by eight white horses with golden harness drove up to the door of the palace, and behind the carriage stood trusty Henry, the servant of the young prince. When his master was transformed into a frog, trusty Henry had grieved so greatly that he had bound three iron hoop-bands round his heart, for fear lest it should break with grief. Now he came with the carriage to take the prince back to his own country, and the faithful fellow 234 helped In the bride and bridegroom, and then THE mounted the seat behind, full of joy at his master's recovery of his proper form. They had not proceeded very far before the prince and princess heard a crack as though one of the carriage springs had given way. The prince put his head out of the window and asked trusty Henry what was broken. His servant answered : ' It is nothing in or about the carriage, dear master, but one of the bands has given way that I had bound round my heart when I was in grief because you were changed into a frog.' Twice afterwards, on the journey, they heard the same noise, and each time the prince thought that some portion of the carriage had given way ; but it was only the breaking of the bands that bound the heart of trusty Henry. Thenceforth all lived in happiness. 235 NOTES LCK AND THE BEAN STALK.- NOTES This is probably a genuine old English folk-tale. A trace of it is to be found in the Sage of Olaf Tryg- vason. In dream he is said to have climbed a tree and got into a land of marvels above the clouds. The tree is Ygdrasil, the World Tree that supports the firmament above. The giant who lives above the cloud floor is Odin or Wuotan with his single eye, and with his wife Freya. Wuotan is possessed of the red hen that lays the golden egg every morn, that is the red dawn of which the sun is born ; the harp that plays of itself, which is the wind ; and the money and jewel bags, which are the clouds that drop fertilising showers. PUSS IN BOOTS. This story was taken by Perrault from the first of the nth Night of Straparola, whose collection of Tales was printed at Venice in 1550 and 1554. Straparola himself borrowed from earlier writers. CINDERELLA. This story is given by Perrault ; its counterparts are to be found in every European folk-store of tales. An exhaustive notice of all the analogues has been published by the Folklore Society. The English form of the tale, 'Catskin,' has been displaced by the French ' Cinderella.' 237 NOTES I hope to give 'Catskin* in 'The Oldest English Fairy Tales.' In German the story is ' AschenputteL' It was certainly known in Germany at the begin- ning of the i6th century, for it is referred to by Thomas Murner in 1515. In Scotland Cinderella was called Assiepet or Ashiepattle. There are traces of the story in very remote antiquity: Strabo (xxii. 808) tells the story of Rhodopis, who by losing her slipper became Queen of Egypt, and the same tale is referred to by Aelian (Hist var. xiii. 33). The tale is this. Rhodopis was one day bathing, when an eagle picked up one of her sandals and flew away with it, and dropped it in the lap of the Egyptian King, as he was administering justice at Memphis. Surprised at its smallness and beauty, he had no rest till he found the owner of the sandal, and then he raised her from the basest and most despised condition to be his queen. The old German Heldenlied of Gudran is but a version of the Ashputel fable. Perrault took his story from the Pentamerone. VALENTINE AND ORSON. This is one of the latest of the cycle of metrical French Romances, turning about Charlemagne and his family. It was written in prose on the reign of Charles VIII. It first appeared in print at Lyons in 1489. Again in 1495. It was translated into Italian and published at Venice in 1558. In England it was printed by Copland as 'The hystorie of the two valyante brethern Valentyne and Orson'; no date. Again in 1637, 1649, 1688, 1694. It was published in Dutch in Holland, and even found entry into Iceland. It was dramatised by Lope de Vega in Spain. In Germany it was printed at Frankfurt-am-Main in 1572, and at Basle in 1604. I have not thought it ad- visable to alter much the somewhat stilted style of this tale, which is characteristic of its origin. 238 LITTLE RED RIDING-HOOD.-One of Per- NOTES rault's tales. The germ of this story may perhaps be traced in the Edda. In that is told the story of Thorr visiting the Thursr dressed in female garments, and representing himself as Freyja, whom the Thursr has asked in marriage. At the wedding banquet Thorr drinks three barrels of mead. * Never did I see bride eat and drink so much,' said the dismayed bridegroom. Then the Thursr attempted to kiss his bride, and raised the veil. ' Never did I see such fiery eyes before !' he exclaimed, and staggered back. Then he brought his hammer and laid it on his bride's knee, who at once struck him dead with it. Little Red Riding-hood is found in Germany, in Portugal, in Italy, etc. THE SLEEPING BEAUTY. One of Perrault's tales. This is the Dornroschen of Grimm. This is almost certainly a nature-myth of the earth sleeping in winter till kissed by the warm rays of the Spring sun, and it betokens a Northern origin. The spindle is the sleep-thorn wherewith in the Norse myth the Valkyrie Brunnhild was sent to sleep by Odin. In the ancient myth the Sleeping Beauty was surrounded by the wabberlohe, or wall of flame, till Sigurd came and released her. This myth has acquired fresh vitality from its adoption into Wagner's marvellous cycle of opera, the Ring of the Niebelungen. Perrault took the tale from the Pentamerone. THE BABES IN THE WOOD. A genuine old English tale based on a ballad. PRETTY MARUSCHKA. A Sclavonic tale. It is properly Slovakian, and is given by Wenzig in his * West Slawischer Marchenschatz,' 1857. The story has a mythological importance, on account 239 NOTES of the impersonation of the Twelve Months re- presented as seated round the great central fire of the sun. The fire-wheel occurs in traditional usage, not only in Sclavonic but also in Gaulish lands. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST.-One of Mme. de Beaumont's tales, and it is the only one of hers that has lived, and it has lived for one reason only, that it is not an original creation of her brain, but is based on an universally-known myth of a woman, loving and consenting to union with a transformed prince who has a monstrous shape. Very generally the sexes are reversed, and the young lady is transformed into a serpent or a dragon. I know a certain precipice in the Montafun Thai, in the Alps, where a maiden changed into the form of a monstrous toad, with poison dribbling from her lips, was said to be doomed to squat in a cave till a youth would kiss her on the mouth. THE YELLOW DWARF. One of the Countess D'Aulnoy's tales. At bottom this is the same story as Grimm's Rumpelstilskin, which is a very old one, and is referred to by Fischart in his 'Gar- gantua,' 1575. Mme. D'Aulnoy spoiled a good story. All the portion of it relative to the King of the Gold Mines is her addition. The fact was that she did not understand the significance of the task set to discover the name of the dwarf, and so she cut that away and substituted some trash of her own for it. The result has been that a good folk- tale has suffered, and 'The Yellow Dwarf' has never attained the popularity of some of her other tales, in which she has more faithfully followed tradition. The demand of the Dwarf for the Queen's daughter enters into a whole string of fairy tales, and refers back to the date when the fair-haired Gaul or Briton or Teuton had overcome the dusky Ugric 240 race which had occupied the land previously. NOTES Marriage was strictly forbidden between the con- querors and the conquered, but the Ugric autoc- thones were regarded as invested with supernatural powers, and with superior skill in the working of metals, and when they rendered services to their conquerors, often demanded in recompense one of their daughters in marriage. I have not rewritten * The Yellow Dwarf.' I could not endure to do this, so dissatisfied do I feel with Mme. D'Aulnoy for having spoiled a good story. Let any one compare this version with Grimm's ' Rumpelstilskin,' and he will see at once the immeasurable superiority of the latter. I myself read both as a child, and I have never forgotten Rumpelstilskin, and I never have been able to recall 'The Yellow Dwarf.' HOP-O'-MY-THUMB. One of Perrault's tales. It is a version of the story which appears in its earliest form in the * Odyssey,' of Ulysses and Poly- phemus. Grimm in his * Die Saga von Polyphem,' Berlin, 1857, has given eleven variants. In ' Hender- son's Northern Folk-lore,' 2nd ed. 1879, pp. 195-6, is a Yorkshire variant I picked up near Thirsk, where the giant's grave was pointed out, and the mill in which the giant was killed, and where also the sword was shown with which the giant was killed. Recently the tumulus has been destroyed. It contained a prehistoric stone kist, probably of the neolithic age, along with bones, so that the burial was before inceneration took place. More- over it was an oblong barrow and not circular. Unhappily no person of education was present when the tumulus was demolished. DONT KNOW. A Hungarian folk-tale from the collection of George Gaal, translated by Stier, Pesth, n.d. The affinity of sympathy between the orince and Q 241 NOTES his horse is not an uncommon feature in such tales. The story of the service to the King of England, and of the mysterious horses on which the prince rides to hunt and to deliver the king from his foes, occurs also in the far older tale of 'Robert the Devil,' which can be traced back to the early Middle Ages, and to which indeed William the Conqueror is said to have alluded before the battle of Hastings in his address to his soldiers. MIRANDA; OR, THE ROYAL RAM. A tale by Mme. D'Aulnoy. The story became a favour- ite for issue in chap-book form in England. It is a variant of 'Beauty and the Beast,' and is without any distinguishing merit. BLUE-BEARD. One of Perrault's admirable tales. It has been supposed that the story was based on the crimes and execution of the infamous De Retz, but I do not think that there is evidence that this was the case. Fatal curiosity occurs in several folk-tales. THE FAIR MAID WITH GOLDEN LOCKS. This capital story is by Mme. D'Aulnoy, but is not wholly original. She has made use of the favourite tale of the Thankful Beasts and the story of the Tasks, and has welded the two happily together. The Tasks are introduced into ' Cupid and Psyche.' JACK THE GIANT KILLER.-This is a genuine old English chap-book tale, and is to be compared with others in other languages where a man of small stature, by his adroitness and superior wits, overcomes men larger and more powerful than himself. It is probably a reminiscence of a struggle between two races, the one small and the other of greater bulk. 242 THE THREE BEARS.-A tale by Southey. NOTES TOM THUMB. Another English tale, a mere play of the fancy. It is found hi chap-books and in metrical form. Stories of same character among the Greeks: of Philytas, a poet of Cos, it was related that he carried lead in his shoes to save him from being blown away ; and of Archestratus, that when taken by the enemy and weighed, he was found to be no heavier than an obolus. THE WHITE CAT.-A tale by Mme. D'Aulnoy and imperishable. It combines the folk-tale of setting tasks and that of transformation into animal form. To that is added the task of cutting off head and tail, as in * The Frog Prince.' The use of cold steel has been regarded as a means of disenchantment ever since the introduction of iron. The race of bronze workers, who used weapons of this amalgam, was conquered by the Celt with his implements of war of tempered steel, and the subjugated race regarded the new metal with feelings of terror, as something altogether super- natural. The fairies who enchant are in most stories the members of the subjugated race. It is possible enough that transformation into bear, or frog, or cat may originally have meant no more than adoption into a tribe of which bear or frog or cat was the totem. Or it may mean, that in the race regarded as endowed with supernatural powers, the clothing was of skins, bear or cat-skin, or even as with the Ainu fish-skin ; and that the man of the higher race, by means of his steel sword, recovered one of the members of his own race who had been carried away and adopted into the clan of the inferior race. THE FROG PRINCE.-A very ancient folk-tale. 243 NOTES Professor Max Miiller believes it to be due to a blunder in the interpretation of words : that the story represents the Sun beloved by the Dawn ; in Sanskrit the words for sun and for frog are almost the same. But this is mere fantasy. The San- skrit is not a parent language to our European Aryan tongues, but a sister tongue, and later in form than some of the latter. His theory may be dismissed without further consideration. The story of ' The Frog Prince ' is told by Halliwell, in his Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales,' 1849. There is a Scotch version of the tale, 'The Well o' the Warld's End,'given by Chambers in his 'Popular Rhymes of Scotland.' The story is found in Germany, and is given by Grimm. There is clear evidence that anciently the tale was told in England in ballad form, and now only fragments of the metrical version remain. Professor Child, in his collection of British Ballads, gives an ex- haustive account of the various forms in which this tale is found. Printed by T. and A. CONSTABLE Printers to Her Majesty : Edinburgh A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY METHUEN AND COMPANY: LONDON 36 ESSEX STREET W.C. CONTENTS PAGE PAGE 26 , ' 26 BEGINNER'S BOOKS, ... 20 LITTLE GUIDES, . . . . 27 BUSINESS BOOKS, 2O LITTLE LIBRARY, . 27 BYZANTINE TEXTS, ... 21 METHUEN'S MINIATURE LIBRARY, 28 CHURCHMAN'S BIBLE, ... 21 OXFORD BIOGRAPHIES, . 28 ARY, 29 COMMERCIAL SERIES, ... 22 TEXTBOOKS OF TECHNOLOGY, 29 29 CONNOISSEUR'S LIBRARY, . . 23 HANDBOOKS OF THEOLOGY, . 30 LIBRARY OF DEVOTION, . . 23 METHUEN'S UNIVERSAL LIBRARY, 3 PLAIN AND COLOURED BOOKS, . 23 JUNIOR EXAMINATION SERIES, . 25 FICTION, 32-40 METHUEN'S JUNIOR SCHOOL-BOOKS, 25 METHUEN'S SHILLING NOVELS, . 39 LEADERS OF RELIGION, . . 26 BOOKS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, 40 40 MARCH 1905 A CATALOGUE OF MESSRS. 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Demy Sro. 101. 6d. net. Ashton (R.). See Little Blue Books. Atkins (H. Q.). See Oxford Biographies. Atkinson (C. M.). JEREMY BENTH AM. Crown Svo. 5*. A biography of this great thinker, and an estimate of his work and influence. Atkinson (T. D.). A SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLISH ARCHITECTURE. With over 200 Illustrations by the Author and others. Fctip. %vo. $s. bd. nct AurellUS ( Marcus). See Methuen's Universal Library. Austen (Jane). See Little Library and Methuen's Universal Library. Aves (Emest). See Books on Business. Bacon (Francis). See Little Library and Methuen's Universal Library. Baden-POWell (R.S.S.).Major-General. THE DOWNFALL OF PREMPEH. A Diary of Life in Ashanti, 1895. With 21 Illustrations and a Map. Third Editifn. Lorgt Crfittm 8vo. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. GENERAL LITERATURE 3 THE MATABELE CAMPAIGN, 1896. With nearly 100 Illustrations. Fourth n<( Cheater Edition. Large Croivnlvo. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. Baker (W. Q.), M.A. See Junior Examination Series. Baker (Julian L.), F.I.C., F.C.S. See Books on Business. Baifour (Graham). THE LIFE OF ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. Second Edition Two Volumes. Demy Svo. 25*. net. A Colonial Edition is also published. Bally (S. E.). See Commercial Series. Banks (Elizabeth L.). THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A 'NEWSPAPER GIRL. \\ ith a Portrait of the Author and her Dog. Second Edition. Crown, Svo. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. Barham (R, H.). See Little Library. Baring-Gould (S.). Author of 'Mehalah,' etc. THE LIFE OF NAPOLEON BONA- PARTE. With over 450 Illustrations in the Text, and 12 Photogravure Plates. Gilt top. Large quarto. 36$. THE TRAGEDY OF THE CAESARS. With numerous Illustrations from Busts Gems Cameos, etc. Fifth Edition. Royal Svo. iw. 6d. net. A BOOK OF FAIRY TALES. With numerous Illustrations and Initial Letters by ARTHUR J. GASKIN. Second Edition. Crown Svo. Buckram. 6s. A BOOK OF BRITTANY. With numerous Illustrations. Crown Svo. 6s. Uniform in scope and size with Mr. Baring- Gould's well-known books on Devon, Cornwall. and Dartmoor. OLD ENGLISH FAIRY TALES. With numerous Illustrations by F. D. BEDFORD. Second Edition. Crown Svo. Buckram, 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. THE VICAR OF MORWENSTOW : A Biography. A new and Revised Edition. With a Portrait. Crcrzun Svo. 3$. 6d. A completely new edition of the well-known biography of R. S. Hawker. DARTMOOR: A Descriptive and Historical Sketch. With Plans and numerous Illustra- tions. Crown Svo. 6s. THE BOO* OF THE WEST. With numerous Illustrations. Two volumes. Vol. I. Devon. Second Edition. Vol. II. Cornwall. Second Edition. Crown Svo. 6s. each. A BOOK OF NORTH WALES. With numerous Illustrations. Crown Svo. 6s. This book is uniform with Mr. Baring-Gould's books on Devon, Dartmoor, and Brittany. *A BOOK OF SOUTH WALES. With many Illustrations. Crown Svo. 6s. A BOOK OF GHOSTS. With 8 Illustrations by D. Murray Smith. Second Edilion. Crown Svo. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. OLD COUNTRY LIFE. With 67 Illustrations. Fifth Edition. Large Crown %vo. 6s. *AN OLD ENGLISH HOME. With numerous Plans and Illustrations. Cr. Svo. vs. 6d. net. YORKSHIRE ODDITIES AND STRANGE EVENTS. Fifth Edition. CrmvnSro. zs. 6d. net. STRANGE SURVIVALS AND SUPERSTITIONS. Third Edition. Cr.Svo. 2s.6d.net. A Colonial Edition is also published. A GARLAND OF COUNTRY SONG: English Folk Songs with their Traditional Melodies. Collected and arranged by S. BARING-GOULD and H. F. SHEPPARD. Demy SONGS O'F THE WEST : Traditional Ballads and Songs of the West of England, with their Melodies. Collected by S. BARING-GOULD, M.A., and H. F. SHEPPARD, M.A. In 4 Parts. Parts /., //., ///., zs. 6d. each. Part II'., 43. In One Volume, French Morocco, \os. net.; Roan, 15^. See also The Little Guides. Barker (Aldred F.), Author of ' Pattern Analysis,' etc. See Textbooks of Technology. Barnes (W. E.), D. L>., Hulsaean Professor of Divinity at Cambridge. See Churchman's Bible. Baniett (Mrs. P. A.). See Little Library. Baron (R.B. N.), M.A. FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION. Crown Svo. 2*. 6. Beckford (William). See Little Library. Beeching(H. C.). M.A., Canon of Westminster. See Library of Devotion. Behmen (Jacob). THE SUPERSENSUAL LIFE. Edited by BERNARD HOLLAND. BellOC(Hilair 3 e). PARIS. With Maps and Illustrations. Crown too. 6s. Bellot (H. H. L.), M.A. THE INNER AND MIDDLE TEMPLE. With numerous Illustrations. Crown too. 6s. net. See also L. A. A. Jones. Bennett (W. H.), M.A. A PRIMER OF THE BIBLE, second Edition. Croum too. Bennett (W. H.) and Adeney (W. F.). A BIBLICAL INTRODUCTION. Second Edition. Crmvn too. ^s. 6a. Benson (Archbishop). GOD'S BOARD: Communion Addresses. Fcap. too. 3*. 6d. ntt. Benson (A C.), M.A. See Oxford Biographies. Benson (R. M.). THE WAY OF HOLINESS: a Devotional Commentary on the i'oth Psalm. Crown too. 5*. Bernard (E. R.). M.A., Canon of Salisbury. THE ENGLISH SUNDAY. Fcap. too. Bertouch (Baroness de). THE LIFE OF FATHER IGNATIUS, O.S.B., THE MONK OF LLANTHONY. With Illustrations. Demy too. ios.6d.net. A Colonial Edition is also published. Bethune-Baker (J. F.), M.A., Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge. See Handbooks of Theology. Bidez (M.). See Byzantine Texts. 1(C . R. D.), D. D. See Churchman's Bible. ley (T. Herbert), B.D. THE OECUMENICAL DOCUMENTS OF THE FAITH. With Introductions and Notes. Crown too. 6s. A historical account of the Creeds. Binyon (Laurence). THE DEATH OF ADAM, AND OTHER POEMS. Crown Zvo. y. 6d. net. Birnstingl (Ethel). See Little Books on Art. Blair (Robert). See Illustrated Pocket Library. Blake (William). See Illustrated Pocket Library and Little Library. Blaxland (B.)., M.A. See Library of Devotion. Bloom (T. Harvey), M.A. SHAKESPEARE'S GARDEN. With Illustrations. Fcap. too. v. 6d. ; leather, us. 6d. net. Blouet (Henri). See The Beginner's Books. Boardman (T. H.). See Text Books of Technology. Bodley(J. E. C). Author of ' France.' THE CORONATION OF EDWARD VII. Demy 1>vo. 2is.net. By Command of the King. Body (George), D.D. THE SOUL'S PILGRIMAGE : Devotional Readings from liU published and unpublished writings. Selected and arranged by J. H. lii'RN, B.D. F.R.S.E. Police. 2s.6d. Bona (Cardinal). See Library of Devotion. Boon (F. C.). See Commercial Series. BOITOW (George). See Little Library. BOB (J. Ritzema). AGRICULTURAL ZOOLOGY. Translated by J. R. AINSWORTH DAVIS, M.A. With an Introduction by ELEANOR A. OKMKROD, F.E.S. With 155 Illus t rat ions. Crown &vo. Third Edition, js. 6J. Bottin? (C. 0.), B.A. EASY GREEK EXERCISES. Crown too. *s. See also Junior Examination Series. Boulton (E. 8.). GEOMETRY ON MODERN LINES. Crown 3vo. is. Bowden (E. M.). THE IMITATION OF BUDDHA : Being Quotations from Buddhist Literature for earli Day in the Yenr. fourth Fiiifion. Crwn \t-nto. as. 6d. GENERAL LITERATURE 5 Boyle (W.). CHRISTMAS AT THE ZOO. With Verses by W. BOYLE and 24 Coloured Pictures by H. B. NEILSON. Super Royal 161110. is. Brabant (F. G.), M. A. See The Little Guides. Brodrick (Mary) and Morton (Anderson). A CONCISE HANDBOOK OF EGYPTIAN ARCH/KOLOGY. With many Illustrations. CrownZvo. 3 s. 6d. Brooke (A S.), M. A. SLINGSBY AND SLINGSBY CASTLE. With many Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 71. M. BrOOkS (E. W. \ See Byzantine Tests. Brown (P. H.), Eraser Professor of Ancient (Scottish) History at the University of Edinburgh. SCOTLAND IN THE TIME OF QUEEN MARY. Demy 8w. 7*. 6d.net. Browne (Sir Thomas). See Methuen's Universal Library. Brownell(C. L.). THE HEART OF JAPAN. Illustrated. Third Edition. Crown Zvo. 6s. ; also Demy 8vo. 6d. A Colonial Edition is also published. Browning (Robert). See Little Library. Buckland (Francis T.). CURIOSITIES OF NATURAL HISTORY. With Illustrations by HARRY B. NEILSON. CrownZvo. 3$. 6d. Buckton (A. M.). THE BURDEN OF ENGELA: a Ballad-Epic. Third Edition. Crown $v>j. js. 6d. net. EAGER HEART : A Mystery Play. Third Edition. Crown &TO. is. net. Budge (E. A. WalliS). THE GODS OF THE EGYPTIANS. With over 100 Coloured Plates and many Illustrations. Two Volumes. Royal Bvo. 3, 3*. net. Bull (Paul), Army Chaplain. GOD AND OUR SOLDIERS. Crown &vo. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. Bulley (MiSS). See Social Questions Series. Bunyan ( John). THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. Edited, with an Introduction, by C. H. FIRTH, M.A. With 39 Illustrations by R. ANNING BELL. Cr. %vo. 6s. See also Library id Methuen's Universal Libra . L J.), M.A . numerous Illustrations. Crown Sv0. of Devotion and Methuen's Universal .Library. BUTCh (G. J.), M.A., F.R.S. A MANUAL OF ELECTRICAL SCIENCE. With Bl rgess (Gelett). GOOPS AND HOW TO BE THEM. With numerous Illustrations. Entail t,to. 6s. Burke (Edmund). See Methuen's Universal Library. Burn (A. F.), D.D., Prebendary of Lichfield. See Handbooks of Theology. Bum ( J. H.), B. D. See Library of Devotion. Burnand (ir F. C.). RECORDS AND REMINISCENCES, PERSONAL AND GENERAL. With many Illustrations. Demy Svo. Two Volumes. Third Edition. 25$. net. A Colonial Edition is also published. Burns (Robert), THE POEMS OF. Edited by ANDREW LANG and W. A. CRAIGIE. With Portrait. Third Edition. Demy Bvo, gilt top. 6s. Bumside (W. F.), M.A. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY FOR USE IN SCHOOLS. Crown Svo. w. 6d. Burton (Alfred). See Illustrated Pocket Library. Butler (Joseph). See Methuen's Universal Library. CaldeCOtt (Alfred), D.D. See Handbooks of Theology. Calderwood (D. S.), Headmaster of the Normal School, Edinburgh. TEST CARDS IN EUCLID AND ALGEBRA. In three packets of 40, with Answers, is. each. Or in THIRTY YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. Demy Svo. 7*. 6d. jlonial Edition is also published, f (George). See Little Library. E. F. H.). See Oxford Biographies. 'John). See Illustrated Pocket Library, vxo^^^homas). THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. Edited by C. R. L. FLETCHER, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Three Volumes. Crown Svo. 18*. THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF OLIVER CROMWELL. With an Introduction by C. H. FIRTH, M.A., and Notes and Appendices by Mrs. S. C. LOMAS. Three Volumes. Demy Svo. iSs. net. CarlVle (R M. and A. J.), M.A. See Leaders of Religion. Chamberlin( Wilbur B.). ORDERED TO CHINA. OvnwSvo. 6*. ChanSno. is. 6d. net. From the edition published by C. Tilt, 18x1. Crump (B.). See A. L. Cleather. Cunliffe (F. H. E.), Fellow of All Souls' College, Oxford. THE HISTORY OF THE BOER WAR. With many Illustrations, Plans, and Portraits. In 2 t'ols. Quarto. i$s. each. CuttS (E. L.), D. IX See Leaders of Religion. Daniell (G. W.)., MA. See Leaders of Religion. Danson (Mary C.) and Crawford (F. 0.). FATHERS IN THE FAITH. Smaiiivo. Dante.' LA COMMEDIA DI DANTE. Theltalian Text edited by PAGBTTOYNBEE, M.A., D.Litt. CrowttSvo. 6s. See also Paget Toynbee, Little Library, and Methuen's Universal Library. Darley (George). See Little Library. Davenport (Cyril). See Connoisseur's Library and Little Books on Art. Dawson (A. J.). MOROCCO. Being a bundle of jottings, notes, impressions, tale., and tributes. With many Illustrations. DtnsySvo. ias.6d.ntt. Deane (A. C.). See Little Library. DelbOfl (Leon). THE METRIC SYSTEM. Crown Svo. is. Demosthenes : THE OLYNTHIACS AND PHILIPPICS. Translated upon a new principle by OTHO HOLLAND (Vimw Svo. at. 6d. GENERAL LITERATURE 7 Demosthenes. AGAINST CONON AND CALLICLES. Edited with Notes and Vocabulary, by F. DARWIN SWIFT, M.A. Fcap. 8ve. 21. Dickens (Charles). See Illustrated Pocket Library. Dickinson (Emily). POEMS. First Series. Crown 8vo. 4* 6d. net Dickinson (Q. L.), M.A., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. THE GREEK VIEW OF LIFE. Third Edition. Crown ^vo. zs. 6d. DickSOn (H. N.), F.R.S.E., F.R.Met. Soc. METEOROLOGY. Illustrated. Crown &vo. 2S. 6d. Dilke (Lady). See Social Questions Series. Dillon (Edward). See Connoisseur's Library. DitChfield^P. H.), M.A., F.S.A. ENGLISH VILLAGES. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. THE STORY OF OUR ENGLISH TOWNS. With an Introduction by AUGUSTUS JESSOPP, D.D. Second Edition. Crown &vo. 6s. OLD ENGLISH CUSTOMS : Extant at the Present Time. An Account of Local Observ- ances, Festival Customs, and Ancient Ceremonies yet Surviving in Great Britain. Crown DiXOn (W. M.), M.A. A PRIMER OF TENNYSON. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. 2S. 6d. ENGLISH POETRY FROM BLAKE TO BROWNING. Second Edition. Crown Dolef'N.'lL). ' FAMOUS COMPOSERS. With Portraits. Two Volumes. DemyZvo. 12*. Dowden (J.), D.D., Lord Bishop of Edinburgh. See Churchman's Library. Drage (G.) See Books on Business. Driver (S. B.), D.D., Canon of Christ Church, Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Oxford. SERMONS ON SUBJECTS CONNECTED WITH THE OLD TESTA- MENT. Crown 8vo. 6s. See also Westminster Commentaries. Dry hUTSt (A. R.). See Little Books on Art. Duguid (Charles), City Editor of the Morning Post, Author of the ' Story of the Stock Exchange,' etc. See Books on Business. Duncan (S. J.) (Mrs. COTES), Author of 'A Voyage of Consolation.' ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE LATCH. Second Edition. Crown Zvo. 6s. Dunn (J. T.). D.SC., and Mundeiia(V. A.). GENERAL ELEMENTARY SCIENCE. With 114 Illustrations. CrownZvo. %s. 6d. Dunstan A. E.), B.Sc., Head of the Chemical Department, East Ham Technical College. See Junior School Books. *Durham (The Earl Of). A REPORT ON CANADA. With an Introductory Note. Demy 8vo. 4*. 6d. net. Dutt(W. A.). A POPULAR GUIDE TO NORFOLK. Medium 8vo. 6d. net. THE NORFOLK BROADS. With coloured and other Illustrations by FRANK SOUTHGATE. Large Demy 8vo. sis. net. See also The Little Guides. Earle (John), Bishop of Salisbury. MICROCOSMOGRAPHE, OR A PIECE OF THE WORLD DISCOVERED; IN ESSAVES AND CHARACTERS. Post i6mo. ^s net. Reprinted from the Sixth Edition published by Robert Allot in 1633. Edwards ( Clement). See Social Questions Series. Edwards (W. Douglas). See Commercial Series. *EdwardS (Betham). HOME LIFE IN FRANCE. With many Illustrations. Demy 8vo. 7*. 6d. net. Egan (Pierce). See Illustrated Pocket Library. Egerton (H. E.), M.A. A HISTORY OF BRITISH COLONIAL POLICY. Demy 8v*. 12S. 6d. A Colonial Edition is also published. Ellaby (C. G.). See The Little Guides. Ellerton (F. G.). See S. J. Stone. Ellwood (Thomas), THE HISTORY OF THE LIFE OF. Edited by C. G. CRUMP, EngeMEoT^A HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE: From its Beginning to Tennyson. Translated from the German. Demy &PO. js. 6d. net. Fairbrother (W. H.), M.A. THE PHILOSOPHY OF T. H. GREEN. Second Edition. FELIS^rW/THE LIFE AND OPINIONS OF A KITTEN OF SENTIMENT. With 12 Coloured Plates. Post i6mo. as.6d.net. From the edition published by J. Harris, 1811. 8 MESSRS. METHUEN'S CATALOGUE Farrer (Reginald). THE GARDEN OF ASIA. Second Edition. Crown&vo. 6t. A Colonial Edition is also published. Ferrler (Susan). See Little Library. Fidler (T. Claxton), M.Inst. C.E., Professor of Engineering, University College, Dundee in the University of St. Andrews. See Books on Business. Fielding (Henry). See Methuen's Universal Library. Finn (8. W.), M.A. See Junior Examination Series. Firth (0. H.), M.A. CROMWELL'S ARMY: A History of the English Soldier during the Civil Wars.the Commonwealth, and the Protectorate. Crown Zvo. 6s. FiBher (O. W.), M.A. ANNALS OF SHREWSBURY SCHOOL. With numerous Illustrations. DemvZvo. los. 6d. FitzGerald (Edward). THE RUB'AIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. Printed from the Fifth and last Edition. With a Commentary by Mrs. STEPHEN HATSON, and a Biography of Omar by E. D. Ross. Crown Svo. 6s. See also Miniature Library. Flecker (W. H.X M.A., D.C.L.. Headmaster of the Dean Close School, Cheltenham. THE STUDENT'S PRAYER BOOK. Part i. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER AND LITANY. With an Introduction and Notes. Crown Svo. as. 6d. FlUX (A. W;), M.A., William Dow Professor of Political Economy in M'Gill University, Montreal : sometime Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and formerly Stanley- Jevons Professor of Political Economy in the Owens Coll., Manchester. ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES. Demy too. 7 s. 6d. net. Fortescue (Mrs. Q.) See Little Books on Art. Fraser (David). A MODERN CAMPAIGN; OR, WAR AND WIRELESS TELE- GRAPHY IN THE FAR EAST. Illustrated. Crown too. 6s. Fraser (J. F.). ROUND THE WORLD ON A WHEEL. With 100 Illustration;,. Third Edition Crown Bvo. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. French ( W.). See Textbooks of Technology. Freudenreich (Ed. VOn). DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY. A Short Manual for the Use of Students. Translated by J. R. AINSWORTH DAVIS, M.A. Second Edition. Revised. Crown too. as. 6d. Fulford (H. W.), M.A. See Churchman's Bible. C. O.. and F. C. G. JOHN BULL'S ADVENTURES IN THE FISCAL WONDER- LAND. By CHARLES GEAKE. With 46 Illustrations by F. CARRUTIIERS GOULD. Second Edition. CrtrwnSvo. 2s.6d.net. GalliChan (W. M.). See The Little Guides. Gambado (Geoffrey, Esq.). See Illustrated Pocket Library. Gaskell (Mrs.). See Litth Library. Gasquet, the Right Rev. Abbot, O.S.B. See Antiquary's Books. George (H. B.). M.A., Fellow of New College, Oxford. BATTLES OF ENGLISH HISTORY. With numerous Plans. Fourth. Edition. Revised, with a new Chapter including the South African War. Crown 8vo. 6s. A HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE BRITISH KMPIKK. Crown too. y. &t. GibbinB (H. de B.), Litt.D., M.A. INDUSTRY IN ENGLAND: HISTORICAL OUTLINES. With 5 Maps. Third Edition. Demytoo. los. 6d. A COMPANION GERMAN GRAMMAR. Crown 8m it. 6d. THE INDUSTRIAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Tenth Edition. Revised. With Maps and Plans. Crown too. 3*. ENGLISH SOCIAL REFORMERS. Second Edition. Crw>, S-'o. ?s.6d. See also Commercial Series and Social Questions Series. Gibbon (Edward). THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. A New Edition, edited with Notes, Appendices, and Maps, by J. B. BURY, M.A., Litt.R, Regius Professor of Greek at Cambridge. In Seven V'olutnes. Demy 8ro. Gilt top, is . &/. each. Also, Crawntoa. 6s. each. MEMOIRS OF MY LIFE AND WRITINGS. Edited, with an Introduction and Note , byG. BIRKBECK Hn.L,LL,D. Crown too. 6s. See also Methuen's Universal Library. Gibson (E. C. 8.), D.D., Vicar of Leeds. See Westminster Commentaries, Handbook* of Theology, and Oxford Biographies. Gilbert (A. R.). See Little Books on Art. Godfrey (Elizabeth). A BOOK OK REMEMBRANCE. fca/>. S--o. 2i.6d.net. Godley (A. D.), M.A., Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. LYRA KRIVOLA. Third Edition. Fcap. too. as. 6d. VERSES TO ORDER. Second Edition. Fcap.Zvo. n.6d. SECOND STRINGS, feaf. 8rw. . 6d. GENERAL LITERATURE 9 Goldsmith (Oliver). THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. with 24 Coloured Plates by T. ROWLANDSON. Royaltoo. One Guinea net. Reprinted from the edition of 1817. Also Fcap. ymo. With 10 Plates in Photogn-.nire by Tony Johannot. Leather, 21. 6d. net. See also Illustrated Pocket Librar and Methuen's Universal Library. Goudge (H. L.), M.A. , Principal of Wells Theological College. See Westminster Commentaries. Graham (P. Anderson). See Social Questions Series. Granger (F. S.), M.A., Litt.D. PSYCHOLOGY. Second Edition. Crown too. 2s.6d. THE SOUL OF A CHRISTIAN. Crown too. 6s. Gray (E. M'Queen). GERMAN PASSAGES FOR UNSEEN TRANSLATION. Crown too. 2s. 6d. Gray (P. L.), B.Sc., formerly Lecturer in Physics in Mason University College, Birmin"! am. THE PRINCIPLES OF MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY : an Elementary ; ext- Book. With 181 Diagrams. Crown too. y. 6d. Green (G. Bucklandl, M.A. , Assistant Masterat Edinburgh Academy, late Fellow of St. John's College, Oxon. NOTES ON GREEK AND LATIN SYNTAX. Crown too. $s. 6d. Green (E.T.), M.A. See Churchman's Library. Greenidge (A. H. J.), M.A. A HISTORY OF ROME: During the Later Republic and the Early Principate. InSLr I'olumes. Demy too. Vol. I. (133-104 B.C ). ios.6ef.nef. Greenwell (Dora). See Miniature Library. Gregory (R. A.) THE VAULT OF HEAVEN. A Popular Introduction to Astronomy. With numerous Illustrations. Crown too. zs. 6d. Gregory (Miss E. C.). See Library of Devotion. Greville Minor. A MODERN JOURNAL. Edited by J. A. SPENDER. Crown too. Grinling (C. H.). A HISTORY OF THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, 1845-95. With Illustrations. Revised, with an additional chapter. Demy too. los. 6d. Grubb (H. C.). See Textbooks of Technology. Guiney (Louisa I.). HURRELL FROUDE : Memoranda and Comments. Illustrated. Demy too. ios.ftd.net. Gwynn(M. L.). A BIRTHDAY BOOK. Royaltoo. us. Hackett(John),B.D. A HISTORY OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH OF CYPRUS. With Maps and Illustrations. Demy too. 155. net. Haddon(A. C.), Sc.D., F.R.S. HEAD-HUNTERS, BLACK, WHITE, AND BROWN. With many Illustrations and a Map. Demy too. i$s. Hadneld ( R. A.). See Social Questions Series. Hall (R. N.) and Neal (W. G.). THE ANCIENT RUINS OF RHODESIA. With numerous Illustrations. Second Edition, revised. Demy too. ios.6d.net. Hall (R. N.). GREAT ZIMBABWE. With numerous Plans and Illustrations. Royaltoo. Hamilton (F. J.), D.D. See Byzantine Texts. Hammond (J. L.). CHARLES JAMES FOX : A Biographical Study. Demy too. is. Harrison (Clifford). READING AND READERS. Fcap. too. vs. 6d. Hawthorne (Nathaniel). See Little Library. HEVLTH, WEALTH AND WISDOM. Crown too. is. net. Heath (Frank R.). See The Little Guides. Heath (Dudley). See Connoisseur s Library. HellO (Ernest) STUDIES IN SAINTSHIP. Translated from the French by V. } HenderS(ra(B W? FeUowofExeter College, Oxford. THE LIFE AND PRINCIPATL OF THE EMPEROR NERO. With Illustrations. Demy too. los. 6d. net. Henderson (T. F.). See Little Library and Oxford Biographies. KpnlPV(WE) ENGLISH LYRICS. Second Edition. Ct\nvn too. is.6d.net. HeSey (W. R) and Whibley (C.). A BOOK OF ENGLISH PROSE. Crcu-n too. Henso1l?H. ! HJ/B / b., 6 CanonofWe.,tminster. APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY: As Illus- trated by the' Epistles of St. Paul to the Corinthians. Crowntoo. 6s. A2 io MESSRS. METHUEN'S CATALOGUE I IGHT ANU 1.1 A\ IN : HISTORICAL AND SOCIAL SERMONS. Crvumto-o. 6t. DISCIPLINE AND LAW. Fcaf. Svo. w. drf. Herbert (George). See Library of Devotion. Herbert Of Cherbury (Lord). See Miniature Library. Hewins (W. A. S.I, T..A. ENGLISH TRADE AND FINANCE IN 1MI. >] TEENTH CENTURY. CrmunZvo. is. 6J. HeywOOd (W.). PALIO AND PONTE : A Book of Tuscan Gam,*. Illustrated. Royal Zvo. ns.net. Hilbert (T.). See Little Blue Books. Hill (Clare), Registered Teacher to the City and Guilds of London Institute, bee Textbook* of Technology. Hill (Henry), B.A., Headmaster of the Boy's High School, Worcester, Cape Colony. A SOUTH AFRICAN ARITHMETIC. Crmun 8t>0. $s. 6d. This book has been specially written for use in South African schools. Hillegas (Howard C-). WITH THE LOER FORCES. With 24 Illustrations. Second Edition. Cro-Mn %vo. 6s. HObhOUBe (Emily). THE BRUNT OF THE WAR. With Map and Iilustr.tUun>. Crown Zvo. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. Hobhouse (L, T.), Fellow of C.C.C., Oxford. THE THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE. Demy 8ro. los. kit. net. Hobson (J. A.), M.A. INTERNATIONAL TRADE: A Study of Economic Principles. Crtnt'H Srff. af. dti. net. See also Social Questions Series. Hodgkin (T.), D. C. L. See Leaders of Religion. Hogg (Thomas Jefferson). SHELLEY AT OXFORD. With an Introduction by R. A. STKEATFKILD. fr'cap. Zvt>. zs. . less. HoldiCh (Sir T. H.), K.C.I.E. THE INDIAN BORDERLAND: being * Person-! Record of Twenty Years. Illustrated. Demyfav. TOJ. 6J. net. Holdsworth (W. 8.), M.A. A HISTORY OF ENGLISH LAW. / Two i'olumti. Vol. I. Dem* %vo. 10*. 6d. net. Holyoake (0. J.). See Social Questions Series. Hoppner. See Little Galleries. Horace. See Classical Translations. Horsburgb. (E. L. 8.), M.A. WATERLOO : A Narrative and Criticism. With Plans. Second Edition. Crown Svo. 5* . See also Oxford Biographies. Hortll (A. C.)., Master of Art and Manual Training Departments, Roan School, Greenwich. See Textbooks of Technology. HortOn ( R. F. ), D. D. See I .eaders of Religion. HOSiC (Alexander). MANCHURIA. With Illustrations and a Map. ,Sny%vo. 15*. ne t. Hughes (C. E.). THE PRAISE OF SHAKESPEARE. An English Anthology. With a Preface by SIDNEY LEE. Demy 8z-a. 3*. 6d. net. Hughes (Thomas). TOM BROWN'S SCHOOLDAYS. With an Introduction awl Notes by VF.RNON RRNUALL. Leather. Royal 331110. is.6tt.net. HutChinson (Horace G.). THE NEW FOREST. Described by. Illustrated in colour with 50 Pictures by WALTER TVNDALE and 4 by Miss LUCY KEMI J WULCH. I.arft Demy 8rx>. 2U. rift. Button (A. W.), M.A. S?e Leaders of Religion. Mutton (R. H. ). See Leaders of Religion. Utton(W. H.>, M.A. THE LIFE OF SIR THOMAS MORI,. With Portrait*. Second Edition. Crown St'o. 5*. Sec also Leaders of Religion. Hyett(F. A.). A SHORT HISTORY OF FLORENCE. Demy &va. 7*. 6d. net. Ibsen (Henrlll). BRAND. A Drama. Translated by WILLIAM WILSON. Third Edition. Crown %vo. 3.1. 6J. Inge (W. R.), M.A., Fellov and Tutor of Hertford Collete, Oxford. CHRISTIAN MYS- TICISM. The Bampton Lectures for 1899. Dtmy 8vo. us. $d. net. See also Librar>' of Devotion. innes . 3$. 6d. Juvenal. See Classical Translations. Kaufmann (M.). See Social Questions Series. Keating (J.F.), D.D. THE AGAPE AND THE EUCHARIST. cvvw8w. 3*6* Keats (John). THE POEMS OF. Edited with Introduction and Notes by E. de Selin- court, M.A. Demy 8z>o. 7$. 6d, net. See also Little Library and Methuen's Universal Library. Keble (John). THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. With an Introduction and Notes by W. LOCK, D.D., Warden of Keble College. Illustrated by R. ANNING BELL. Third Edition. Fcap. 8vo. y. 6d..; padded morocco, 5$. See also Library of Devotion. Kempis (Thomas A). THE IMITATION OF CHRIST, with an introduction by DEAM FARKAR. Illustrated by C. M. GERE. Third Edition. Fcap.'&vo. 35. 6d.; padded mor- occo, 55. See also Library of Devotion and Methuen's Universal Library. Also Translated by C. BIGG, D.D. CrownSvo. 3*. (sd. Kennedy (James HoughtOn), D.D., Assistant Lecturer in Divinity in the University of Dublin. ST. PAULS SECOND AND THIRD EPISTLES TO THE CORIN- THIANS. With Introduction, Dissertations and Notes. CrownZvo, te. Kestell (J. D.). THROUGH SHOT AND FLAME : Being the Adventures and Experi- ences of J. D. KESTELL, Chaplain to General Christian de Wet. Crown 8v0. 6s. Kimmins (C. w.). M.A. THE CHEMISTRY OF LIFE AND HEALTH, illustrated. Crowit &vo. zs. 6d. Kinglake (A. W.). See Little Library. KipSng (Eudyard). BARRACK -ROOM BALLADS. 73? Thousand. Cr. 8vo. Twentieth Edition. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. THE SEVEN SEAS. 6znd Thousand. Ninth Edition. Crown Sva, gilt top, 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. THE FIVE NATIONS. 41^ Thousand. Second Edition. CVvowSw. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. DEPARTMENTAL DITTIES. Sixteenth Edition. CrewuBvo. Buckram. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. KnOWling (R. J.), M.A., Professor of New Testament Exegesis at King's College, London. Lamb (Charles 6 and Mary), THE WORKS OF. Edited by E. v. LUCAS, with Numerous Illustrations. / Seven Volumes. Demy 8vo. 75. 6d. each. THE ESSAYS OF ELIA. With over 100 Illustrations by A. GARTH JONES, aud an Intro- duction by E. V. LUCAS. Demy 8-v. los. 6d. THE KING AND QUEEN OF HEARTS : An 1805 Book for Children. Illustrated by WILLIAM MUI.KEAUY. A new edition, in facsimile, edited by E. V. LUCAS, is. fid. See also Little Library. Lambert (P. A. H.). See The Little Guides. IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Fully Illustrated. Crown 8tv. 6s. 12 MESSRS. METHUEN'S CATALOGUE Langbridge (F.) M.A. BALLADS OF THE BRAVE: Poems of Chivalry. Courage, and Constancy. Second Edition, Crmon Svo. it. 6d. Law (William). Sec Library of Devotion. Leach (Henry). THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. A Biography. With n Illustrations. Demy Svo. iss.6ti.net. A Colonial Edition is also published. *Lee (Captain L. Melville). A HISTORY OF POLICE IN ENGLAND. Crowniv*. Leign (Perc'ivalX THF. COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Embellished with upwards of 50 characteristic Illustrations by JOHN LEECH. l\>st idmo. is. M. net. Lewes (V.R), M.A. AIR AND WATER. Illustrated. Crown Svo. is . 6d. Ijsle (Fortunee deX See Little Books on Art. Littlehales (H.). See Antiquary's Books. LOCk (Walter), D.D., Warden of Keble College. ST. PAUL, THE MASTER-BUIL1 'EK. Second Edition. Crown Svo. rr. 6d. See also Leaders of Religion. Locke (John). See Methuen's Universal Library. Locker (F.). See Little Library. Longfellow (H. W.) See Little Library. Lorimer (George Horace). LETTERS FROM A SELF-MADE MERCHANT TO HIS SON. Twelfth Edition. Crown&i-o. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. OLD GORGON GRAHAM. Second Edition. Crnvntoo. 6s. A. Colonial Edition is also published. Lover (Samuel). See Illustrated Pocket Library E. V. L. and C. L. G. ENGLAND DAY liY DAY : Or, The Englishman's Handbook to Efficiency. Illustrated by GKORGE MORROW. Fourth Edition. Fcaf. 4(0. ii. net. A burlesque Year- Book and Almanac. LUCa8 (E. V.). THE LIFE OF CHARLES LAMB. With numerous Portraits and Illus- trations. Two I 'pis. Demy Svo. : Lucian. See Cl.is-.ical Translations. trations. Two I'cfs. Demy Svo. ais.net. UCian. See Classical Translations. Lyde (L. W.), M.A. See Commercial Series. Lydon (Noel S. ). See Junior School Books. '.tondlon. Mrs. A.X WOMEN AND THEIR WORK. Cw*8ro. ys. 6d. HOW TO DRESS AND WHAT TO \VKAR. CWH Svo, is. nee. ilay(Lord). CRITICAL AND HISTORICAL ESSAYS. Edited b y r. c. MON- TAGUE, M.A. Three Volumes. Cr. St-o. iSs. The only edition of this book completely annotated. M'Allen (J. E. B.>, M.A. See Commercial Seri MacCulloch (J. , A.X See Churchman's Library. MacCunn (P.). See Leaders of Religion. McDermOtt. (E. R.), Editor of the Railway .\'e:"s, City Editor of the Daiiv .\~eu-s. Sec Books on Business. M'Dowall (A. S.). See Oxford Biographies. Nackay (A. M.). See Churchman's Library. Magnus (Laurie), M.A. A PRIMER OF WORDSWORTH. Cranmovt. . MaSaffy (J. P.), Latt.D. A HISTORY OF THE EGYPT OF THE PTOI.i Fully Illustrated. CronmBvo. 6s. Maitland(F. W.). LL.D., Downing Professor of the Laws of England in the Univr. Cambridge. CANON LAW IN ENGLAND. RoyalKvo. 7 s. 6d. Maiden (H. E.), M.A. ENGLISH RECORDS. A Companion to the History of Englf Crown STO. v. 6d. THE ENGLISH CITIZEN : HIS RIGHTS AND DUTIE>. . orf. Marchant (E. C.), M.A, Kcllow of Peterhouse, Cambridge. A GREEK. ANTHO1 Stcond Edition. Crc-vn Zvo. 3*. 6d. Marchant (E. C.), M.A. , and Cook (A M.), M.A. PASSAGES FOR UNSK.l X TKAN>- LATION. Second Edition. Crown Svo. v & Marlowe (Christopher). Sec Methuen's Universal Library. MaiT (J. E.), F.R.S., Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge. 'J HK -U1.MII 1C STUDY OF SCENERY. Second Edition. IHiiMrated. Crtnvn Zro. 6t. \GRICULTURALGEOLOGY. With numerous Illustrations. CrvtunZiv. w. Marvell (AndrewX See Little Library. Maakell (A.) -See Connoisseur's Librarj'. Mason (A. J.), D. D. See leaders of Relipion. Massee (George). THE EVOLUTION OF !'I.\M I.III. : Lower Forms. With Illustrations. Crown Zro. as. 6> MlI. THE SCIENCE OF HYGIENE. With numerous Illustrations. Demy Bvo. 151. Palmer (Frederick). WITH KUROKI IN MANCHUPIA with many nitrations. Second Edition. Detny Br>o. is. f>d. net. A Colonial Edition is also published. Parker (Gilbert). A LOVER'S DIARY: SONGS IN SEQUENCE. Feat. Bvo. w. Parkinson (John). PARADISI IN SOLE I-ARADISUS TERRISTIUS, OR A GARDEN OF ALL SORTS OF PLEASANT FLOWERS. Folio. $ , <. net. Also an Edition of 20 copies on Japanese vellum. Ten Guineas net. Parmenter (John). HELIO-TROPES, OR NEW POSIES FOR SUNDIALS, 1625. Fdited by PKKCIVAL LANBON. Quarto, 3*. 6d. net. Parmentier ( Prof. Leon). See Byzantine Texts. Pascal. See Library of Devotion. Paston (George). SOCIAL CARICATURES OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Imperial Quarto. 3, iw. 6d. net. See also Little Books on Art and Illustrated Pocket Library. Faterson(W.K.)(Benjamin Swift). LIFE'S QUESTIONINGS. CrowHtoo. 3s.6d.net Patterson (A. H.). NOTES OF AN EAST COAST NATURALIST. Illustrated in Colour by F. SOUTHGATE. Second Edition. Cr. Bvo. f.s. Peacock (N.). See Little Books on Art. Pearce (E. H.), M.A. ANNALS OF CHRIST'S HOSPITAL. With many Illustra- tions. Demy Svo. -is. 6d. Peary (R. E.), Gold Medallist of the Royal Geographical Society. NORTHWARD OVER THE GREAT ICE. With over 800 Illustrations, a vols. Royal Zvo. 32*. net. Peel (Sidney), late Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford, and Secretary to the Royal Commission on the Licensing Laws. PRACTICAL LICENSING REFORM. Second Edition. Croivn Bra. if. 6d. Peters (J. P.), D.D. See Churchman's Library. PetrietW.M. Flinders), D.C.L., LL.D., Professor of Egyptology at University College. A HISTORY OF EGYPT, FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY Fully- Illustrated. In six volumes, Croivn Bt>o. 6s. each. VOL. I. PREHISTORIC TIMES TO XVlTH DYNASTY. Fifth Edition. VOL.H. THE XVI ITH AND XVIIlTH DYNASTIES. Fourth E Ution. VOL. HI. XIXTH TO XXXTH DYNASTIES. VOL. iv. THE EGYI>T OF THE PTOLEMIES. J. P. MAHAFFY, Litt.D. VOL. v. ROMAN EGYPT. J. G. MILNE, M.A. VOL. vi. EGYPT IN THE MIDDLE AGES. STANLEY LANF.-POOLE, M.A. RELIGION AND CONSCIENCE IN ANCIENT EGYPT. Fully Illustrated. Crown SYRIA "AND EGYPT, FROM THE TELL EL AMARNA TABLETS. c*wn z->o. EGYPTIAN TALES. Illustrated by TRISTRAM ELLIS. In Two Volume*. Crtmm 800. 3-r. 6d. each, EGYPTIAN DECORATIVE ART. With 120 Illustrations. Crown 8vf. js. 6d. Phillips (W. A.). See Oxford Biographies. PhillpOttS (Eden). MY DEVON YEAR. With 38 Illustrations by J. LEV PFTIIVHRIDT.F. Second and Cheaper Edition. Lar^e Croum 8fO. 6s. Plenaar (Philip). WITH STEYN AND DK WET. Second Edition. Croivn Bra. 3 t. 6d. PlautUB, THK CA1MIVI. Edited, with an Introduction, Textual Notes, and a Com- mentary-by W. M. LINDSAY, Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. Dtniy &:><>. ior. &/. net, Plowden- Wardlaw ( J. T), B.A., King's Coll. Carab. See School Examination Series. POCOCk (Roger). A FRONTIERS1VIAN. Third Edition. Crvo. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. Podmore (Frank). MODERN SPIRITUALISM. TWO /w. Demy*, ns.net. A History and a Criticism. Poer(J. Patrick Le). A MODERN LEGIONARY. Ctvumtoa. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. Pollard (Alice). See Little Books on Art. Pollard (A. W.). OLD PICTURE BOOKS. With many Illustration*. Demy 8?0. Pollard ("Eliza F.). See Little Books on Art. POllOCk (David), M.I.N.A., Author of 'Modern Shipbuilding and the Men engaged in It, etc., etc. See Books on Business. Potter (M. C.) M.A.. F.T,.<=. A TKXT-BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL BOTANY. Illus- trated. Secend Edition. Crown 8<'o. 4;. 6V. GENERAL LITERATURE 15 Potter Boy (An Old). WHEN i WAS A CHILD. Crown too. . PradeaujG.). A KEY TO THE TIME ALLUSIONS IN THE DIVINE COMEDY With a Dial. Small quarto. $s. 6d. Prance (G.). See R. Wyon. Prescott (0. L). ABOUT MUSIC, AND WHAT IT IS MADE OF. Crown too. 60". net. I (L. L.), M.A., Fellow of Oriel College, Oxon. A HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITICAL ECONOMY. Fourth Edition. Crown too. zs 6d. ROChefOUCauld (La), See Little Library. Rodwell (G.), B.A. NEW TESTAMENT GREEK. A Course for Beginners. With a Preface by WALTER LOCK, D.D., Warden of Keble College. Fcap. too. 3*. 6d. Roe (Fred). ANCIENT COFFERS AND CUPBOARDS : Their History and Description. With many Illustrations. Quarto. 3, 3*. net. Rogers (A. Q. L.), M.A., Editor of the last volume of 'The History of Agriculture and Prices in Engand.' See Books on Business. Romney. See Little Galleries. Roscoe(E. S.). ROBERT HARLEY, EARL OF OXFORD. Illustrated. Demy too. ^s.6d. This is the only life of Harley in existence. See also The Little Guides. Rose (Edward). THE ROSE READER. With numerous Illustrations. Crown too. vs. 6d. A ho in 4 Parts. Parts I. and II. 6d. each ; Part III. M. ; Part IV. lod. Ruble (A. F.) D.D , Head Master of College, Eltham. See Junior School Books. Russell (W. Clark). THE LIFE OF ADMIRAL LORD COLLINGWOOD. With Illustrations bv F. BRANGWYN. Fourth Edition. Crown too. 6s. A Colonial Edition is also published. St. Anselm. See Library of Devotion. St. AUgUStine. See I .ibrary of Devotion. ' Saki ? (H. Munro). REGINALD. Second Edition. Fcap. too. zs.6d.net. Sales (St Francis de) See Library of Devotion. Salmon (A. L.). A POPULAR GUIDE TO DEVON. Mediutntoo. 6d.net. See also Sargeaunt* (j"), "i.A. ANNALS OF WESTMINSTER SCHOOL. With numerous Illustrations. Demy too. 7.?. 6d. SathaS (C.). See Byzantine Texts 16 MESSRS. METHUEN'S CATALOGUE Schmitt (John). See Byzantine Texts. SCOtt.(A.M.) W INSTON SPENCER CHURCHILL. With Portraits and Illustration* Seeley?H.*a.) F'.'R.'S. DRAGONS OF THE AIR. With many Illustrations. Cr.tvo. 6s. Selincourt (E. de), M.A. THE POEMS OF JOHN KEATS. With an Introduction and Notes, and a Portrait in Photogravure. Demy Svo. js. 6d. net. Sells (V. P.), M.A. 1 11 E MECHANICS OF DAfLY LIFE. Illustrated. O. 8r*. ,s.6d. SelOUS (Edmund). TOMMY SMITH'S ANIMALS. Illustrated by G. W. ORD. Third Edition. fcaf. Svo. as. 6d. Settle (J. H.). ANECDOTES OF SOLDIERS. Crown Svo. y. 6d.net. A Colonial Edition is also published. Shakespeare (William). THE FOUR FOLIOS, 1623; 1632; 1664; 1685. Each Four Guineas net. or a complete set, Twht Guineas net. The Arden Shakespeare. Demy Zvo. is. 6d. net each volume. General Editor, W. J. CRAIG. An Edition of Shakespeare in single Plays. Edited with a full Introduction, Textual Notes, and a Commentary at the foot of the page. HAMLET. Edited by EDWARD DOWDEN, Litt.D. ROMEO AND J ULIET. Edited by EDWARD DOWDEN, Litt.D. KING LEAR. Edited by W. J. CRAIG. JULIUS CAESAR. Edited by M. MACMILLAN, M.A. THE TEMPEST. Edited by MORETON LUCE. OTHELLO. Edited by H. C. HART. TITUS ANDRONICUS. Edited by H. B. BAII.DON. CYMBELINE. Edited by EDWARD DOWDEN. THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. Edited by H. C. HART. A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. Edited by H. CVNIKGHAM. KING HENRY V. Edited by H. A. EVANS. ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL. Edited by W. O. BRIGSTOCKE. THE TAMING OF THE SHREW. Edited by R. WARWICK BOND. TIMON OF ATHENS. Edited by K. DEIGHTON. The Little Quarto Shakespeare. Edited l,y W. J. CRAIG. With Introductions and Notes. Pott i6>no. In 40 Volumes. Leather, price is. net each vohniif. See also Methuen's Universal Library. >(A.). VICTORIAN POETS. Owe.* 8m as. 6d. (Mrs. E. A.). See Little Books on Art. OCk (J. S.). THE PIANOFORTE SONATA: Its Origin and Development. Shelley* (Percy* B.). ADONAIS ; an Elegy on the death of John Keats, Author of ' Endymion," etc. Pisa. From the types of Didot, 1821. 2S.net. See also Methuen's Universal Library. Sherwell (Arthur), M.A. See Social Questions Series. Shipley (Mary E.). AN ENGLISH CHURCH HISTORY FOR CHILDREN. With a Preface by the Bishop of Gibraltar, late Professor of Ecclesiastical History at King's College, London. With Maps and Illustrations. Parti. CV. i2s.6d.net. A Colonial Edition is also published. See also Oxford Biographies. Side (J.). See Little Hooks on Art. Simonson(O.A.). FRANCESCO GUARDI. With 41 Plates. Royalfolio. &, ts.net. Sketchier (R. E. D.). See Little Books on Art. ~ ~.K.X See Little Books on Art. i). SICILY. With over 200 Illustrations. Crottni &vo. ss.net. Small (Evan), M.A. THE EARTH. An Introduction to Physiography. Illustrated. Smallwood, (M. Q.). See Little Books on Art. Smetiley volumes. Demy Src. yis. net. See also Methuen's Universal Library-. Smith (Horace and James). See Little Library. Snell (F. J.). A BOOK OF EXMOOR. Illustrated. Cro-,m 8m 6*. Sophocles. See Classical Translations. GENERAL LITERATURE 17 Sornet (L. A.), Modern Language Master at King Edward School, Birmingham, See Junior School Books. South (Wilton E.), M.A. See Junior School Books. Southey(R.) ENGLISH SEAMEN. Edited, with an Introduction, by DAVID HANNAY. Vol. I. (Howard, Clifford, Hawkins, Drake, Cavendish). Second Edition. Crown &vo 6s Vol. n. (Richard Hawkins, Grenville, Essex, and Raleigh). Crown 8 VO . 6s Spence (0. H.), M.A., Clifton College. See School Examination Series. Spooner (W. A.), M. A. , Warden of New College, Oxford. See Leaders of Religion. Stanbndge (J. W.), B.D., late Canon of York, and sometime Fellow of St. John's Colleg, Oxford. See Library of Devotion. 'Stancliffe.' GOLF DO'S AND DONT'S. Second Edition. Fcap. Svo. is. Stedman(A. M. M.),M.A. INITIALATINA: Easy Lessons on Elementary Accidence. Seventh Edition. Fcap.Zvo. is. FIRST LATIN LESSONS. Eighth Edition. Crown 8vo. 2 s. FIRST LATIN READER. With Notes adapted to the Shorter Latin Primer and Vocabulary. Sixth Edition revised. iSmo. is. 6d. EASY SELECTIONS FROM OESAR. The Helvetian War. Second Edition, itmo. is. EASY SELECTIONS FROM LIVY. Part i. The Kings of Rome. iSmo. Second Edition, is. 6d. EASY LATIN PASSAGES FOR UNSEEN TRANSLATION. Tenth Edition. Fcap. 8vo. is. 6d. EXEMPLA LATINA. First Exercises in Latin Accidence. With Vocabulary. Third Edition. Crown &vo. is. EASY LATIN EXERCISES ON THE SYNTAX OF THE SHORTER AND REVISED LATIN PRIMER. With Vocabulary. Ninth and Cheaper Edition, re- written. Crown 8vo. is. (>d. Original Edition, zs. ftd. KEY, 3*. net. THE LATIN COMPOUND SENTENCE : Rules and Exercises. Second Edition. Crown &vo. is. 6d. With Vocabulary, zs. NOTANDA QUAEDAM : Miscellaneous Latin Exercises on Common Rules and Idioms. Fourth Edition. Fcap. &vo. is. 6d. With Vocabulary, zs. Key, 2S. net. LATIN VOCABULARIES FOR REPETITION: Arranged according to Subjects. Twelfth Edition. Fcap. 8vo. is. 6d. A VOCABULARY OF LATIN IDIOMS. iSmo. Second Edition, is. STEPS TO GREEK. Second Edition, revised. i8mo. is. A SHORTER GREEK PRIMER. Crcnun &vo. is. 6d. EASY GREEK PASSAGES FOR UNSEEN TRANSLATION. Third Edition, revised. Fcap. Zvo. is. 6d. Zenker (E. V.). ANARCHISM. DemyBvo. 7*. W. Zimmern (Antonia). WHAT DO WE KNOW CONCERNING ELECTRICITY? Crown Zvo, is. 6d. net. Antiquary's Books, The General Editor, J. CHARLES COX, LL.D., F.S.A. 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AMAURY. Illustrated in Colour by Gordon Browne, as. THE SNOWBALL, and SULTAVETTA. Illus- trated in Colour by Frank Adams, as. *THB VlCOMTE DE BRAGELONNE. ! Illustrated in Colour by Frank Adams. CROP-EARED JACQUOT; JANE; Etc. Illus trated in Colour by Gordon Browne. *TiiB CASTLE OF EPPSTKIN. Illustrated in Colour by Stewart Orr. *AcTB. Illustrated in Colour by Gordon Browne. CECILE; OR, THE WEDDING GOWN. Illu<- t rated in Colour by D. Murray Smith. THF. ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN PAMPIULE. Illustrated in Colour by Frank Adams. THE WOLF-LEADER. Illustrated in Colour by Frank Adams, is. dd. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Lw Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. K FEB 2 6 1998 * v WK DEC 15 1991 ": FEB 1 8 RECT) sis . it UDD*DV/>. l\ J *f ^ jO" %UiWHCtV i- * x -. t .. < / ^"^ I f; IVTTI ^. v>> -- ] \ ^ PC AIIFO% %a]Awa-3\\v^ NiVFRS/^ ^lOSA^CElfjv ^ ' < ^ >S ' J ^ / c x^ -V/SS > // v*l liB^