THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES J^ The Authour to the willing pracflifers- of glazeing , and ai^ncilinp in • Glaffc. S the principal! beau tie, andcountenaunceof Archite(51nrc, confides in outward ornament of lights, fo the inward partes are ever oppofite to thecies of the beholder, taking more delight in the beaucytherof, being cuningly wro*ught, then inany other garnifhingwiihin thefame. To which purpofe,isfetdowne(n this, variety of draughts, (bme, ordinary and plaine, others, curious&pleafant,and although. It may feemc torhofethatarcexpetdn glazeing, thatlome of thcfe draughts are needlefTe, being fo plaine and in vie, not defcru rg in this Con to be publifhed, yet notwithftandmg here I doe m friendly cour- tefie admonifh , that it is mod needefull , giuing choice ro the builder , both for price, and draught of v/orke, which by no vnderftanding can the Glazrerfofencibly demonftratehisfreat, asbyihowing hise5umple:>of draught, for by fuch(how, thebuildeisdial! vnderiftand , what to make choice oflp, for whofe eafe & furtherance only, I haue publiflied this prac- tife of glazeing, knowing the expert maifter is not vnfurniihed of thefe v- fuall draughts, though each workeman haue not all of them. And for the further benefit of the pra(5lifer, there is herevn to annexed 6y. aprrngoneach draught, either to be wrought or left, as it fhall pi eafetne builder, moftpleafant to aii^hat are willing to haue the fame: Therefore haue it not in light regard for the vfe thereof, will giue you great delight, and worthy to be pradifed , as a fpcciall ornament to building , and will bcautifie the Glaziers worke, be they neucr fo expert. So by obferuing the order and rules here fet downe, the maifler or worke- man fhall notonly fee a plaine. way, to imjtare and follow thofe draughts, in glazeing and painting on glaffe .• but the fimpleft, and vnskild prentice, fhall reape full and perfed vnderftanding thereby; praying the Almighty, to blelTc your labours in following the lame. Au The 694880 THE MANNER TO DRAWE THE SQVARE. 2T 3' Dirtd^n T)ireUions boih? to ma^ your Square • Fiift then concerning the fquarc, which although it be comon to fijndry artificers, each one tiauing his ownc iorme and de - vife, in dr^wiug of it, feme by devifion of hahe arcle, fome by o- ihcr rules : there is hcreforc fct downc a more pcrfed and readier way for any worke in draught , and alfo if neede be , to try the fquare rule thereby : for certaincly, glafle worke of all others, re- quires moft an exad fquare , for the diilance, of one haire out of (quare, will deface the whole worke, and bring it out of all tramc, T}}c ordering of tbejquarc, ,, ■' -J .■., TO drawe this fquare: Firfl you mnii drawe your hue draught folongas your worke lequircth, marking right theron with your compafle ^ three points oi alike diftance , next , devide your compare larger, fctting the one point on the figure z. &. with the other drawe a quarter circle betwixt 4. :ind 5. alter, remoue your conapafle to the figure 3. and drawe a croffe circle ouer betwixt 6. aud 7. and wherefoever the loft middle of the croffe appeareth, marke the fiame with the point of the conipaffe, as you may per- ceiue in the character, by the figure 8. lafWy, drawe a draught, be- i^ ixt the figure 1. and the croffe point by the figure 8. and thou fluli find a perfed fquare to concLud thee all thy draughts. As on the (ormer fide is (hewed, • A3. the The dm/um (fmcafurtSy m gt^^c drau^ts. To make this more plaincto the praifBfer, the fquare draughi for the moft part paffes on three feverall deviftons, the firft^ on a declining, orcollaterallfquare, others, on even fquares, and the third, interlaced with both : This declining devifiori, and fet- ting this wor ke thereon, n^uft begin after the fornne you perccine hereonhisdeyifion, and may be extended, in any quantity you pleafe : the perfed draught or this worke, and how it fhall ftande in glafFe, youihall finde it in fol : 58, & other draughts alfo agree? able to the fame meafure, in fundry othcrplaccs, as in fol : 16, vj, 47. and others. It is alfo to be vnderftood, that the (hadowing , and darkning^ fet downe in all thofe freats and draughts, demonftrates the di- apring, which is for the vfc ofthofc that defir - ■ -^ } — * — s /^ - ^ ^Slt.— : , t— J( )C ^ ^^ " ( \^ r r oj TheFe drauc^hts following , with their devifion, are difFcring fromthe other: fome there be of fingle compaflc^ draught, others double: fome be fquare, & c5pas declimg croire draughts, and cuen crorte and withal! interlaced . Full then this fingle arcle of this devifion , as you fee here fee downc, is a very fine draught in glaflc-v;orke, &thefetting thereof, mud begin at the figured, and the whole draught as it mull (how in glaffc-worke, you fhall finde in fol : 74^ and in fiin- diy otlier draughts of the like devifion,as in fohg?* very cafic to b^ wrought, making exceeding plcafant workc. Bcfin Begin at the figure 6 Bj. Of of interlaced d^ifion. This interlaced devifion, yeildedi very pleafant draughts, ex- ceeding clofcj&rtrong; the fettingotthisworkeonhisde- vrfion , maft begin at the figure 5. and from thence to follow out to the full Quantity that your glaffe-worke requireth: the principal draught hereof, you (hall findeinfol: 47. with fundry other of the fame meafuive, as in fol: iz. 17. 31. Some other fquare draughts are here fet downe of greater diffi- culty, but as they are fomewhatmore painefullin working, fo are tliey more pleafant, & will make a deledablefhow : which workesmuft hauehis right devifion, on the glailc table drawcn with blacke, which will condudthe fetting perfedly, making the m oft cu rious draught in this booke, eafie, & plaine to be wrought in glaffe. fi^ Btffnattbefiffirt ?5. ><( V X. x/x /XA ^1 X X >i X x'^/^ x^ X X \ \ 1\ X X \y/\\__/x^ V Z/^ ^f/jdC A %^^^%^\^l V N X X A V^^vX/^ X /7X T7X X V \ X X X X V X ^ s? X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X \^ y^ X X X X X X X X X \x XX Of of a declining crcjfe draught. This Interlaced double circle,with double declining crofle dc- vifion, muft begin his feaing, at the figure 8. and his whole draught Ibndethin id: 8^. and alfo others of the fame devifion, with cloubl e circle, as in fol: 83. 82:-. 80. yd. & other places as may be perceiucd. Begin Begin ai the figure 8. C I • Interlaced IntcrLued eraffcJrau^. This as you pcrcciue b even croflc and declining dnught, in- termixed, exceedme plealant in glaffe-worke: his bcgining effecting of your worke is at the figure 5. & the princi pall whole draught is to be found in fol: 71. as alfo a great many moe of the fame dcvifion» in divers other places. Other forts there be of thefe circle workes, of greater difficul- ty , but the dcvifion thereof on thy glafTc uble, mull be thy helpe to make it eafy, as is before metioncdin the (quare draughts Be^ i» Bcffnatthc f^un y. 2 . ■I' I I Di. ' 3Z37V3ZZ7YXZI7^vSZ:7! S.z-7 V\/V y\/~7^ 7V\/ y v\/ 7V\/"'A ' \/-7 Y^/"7 ^ Y\/-7^/^ 7VVv^A.ZI7V\Z ^ZIa: 7V\/ V ^ /-V ^-\/-p\-\/~T \, ^Zl7V\/y \^s/y v\/-7 T'VJ^ |y-7V-\/"-TV\/^7^ v\/V \^v3^^^^^ S6 If 11 15 ^>. i6 It 2« SI if a M 1^ fV K^ r\7i 1^ 6 A fj Cu 3t ■Tt VVV'#M'''¥' o<^<^ c AAAAAAl x J%J%(J%/%J\Jk^ ) K/VWWI <> 6<><> 00 AAAAAA ■s^ AAAAAAJ -?9' 19 Hi. 40 Hi. TAT 7] n i TAT avt' y ? « h.1. Tl 54 ' K>. 5r Li. 6o 6r €j I ._ii \ ill i^Mwv wmmmmmm mmm^mm .^immmmm o\ M. €^ 4$ Ml, €% 69 70 N| 71 79 '^ ^^ i m M. M tl Oi. «1 !♦ .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ . «J Oj 86 I ft Pi. I i Pj. 9J 9f too f»l / toi Horn to Anneik in Glafi . THEMANNER HOWE to ereft the Fornace . AKEfrcc-ftonc, orBricke, and proportion it fower footc fquare, and three foote high and two foote and halfe in cache fquare : And at ei- ther corner which is maiked with the letter A . eaue an open hole , to let oute the fmoakc , when needc fhall require : which holes you {hall cover, withpeeccsof bricke-bats . And in the midle of the toppe of the Fornace, around hole made, fower inches over as ye fee it markt with letter B . which hole you muft alwayes keepe coverd with a turffe or Charcole, & renew it fo often as the fire doth con- fume it away: And note that this hole doth ferue to giue vent to the (moake , and to.keepe inthehcatc : for this hole is right over the mouth of the Pan where the glafse lieth. This Pan, marked with theletterC. muftbemadeof fine clay, fit to indure the fire and placed on an Iron trever, in thcmiddeftof the Fornace, fo that the fire may hauc place to giue heat, both vnder and aboue the pan . This Pan wherein the glas is put, mud haueanopen fguare in the fide, fiue inches high, and three inches broad, as you fee marked with the letter D. and the like open place muft be made in the fide of the fornace, riaht oppofite to the ooen fquare in the fide of the pan , where the peeces of glas do lie, called th^ proofe peces, which peeces, are to be ken in & oute at your pleahire, whereby you may knowc V*hcn your wrought glabc is diorowly enameled, and of a&ire coullour Hoir Hevftd Apt fi cite w Claf^t . Hoypjou ought to prepare avdputyourGlas into tkeFurmce. TAKE Chalkc that is cicanc , and bcatcitfmaJIinaMorrer, or clfc grind ic well on a painters ilone : then fpnnlde fomcofit in the bottomWthe Pan, before the fire be put in the Furnace .• then lay a plyejOr laine ofglafse that is wrought thereo, the fift on more chaJk and then laye another tyre, or laine of glafse . So by beds of chalkc & glafse, you nnay lay on as much prepared gUs as the Pan will hold one re wcabour another, but rem eber that betwcne every reweof glafse you do fiftc on chaike, that the wrought glafs may not touch oneanother. Then take litle peeccs of glafse, and touche the with theiame coulloui that your wrought glafse is of, & put them in a r the palTag, at the fide of the Furnace , betwixt the beds of wrought glafse, & then begin to make a reafonable fire vnder and aboute the Pan vntill you thmke, that the clafse hath taken a faire coullour . Now to knowe when your glas is perfedly ready • take a paire of tonges, anddiaweoAiteoneof thofe little peeccs of glaflfc, cd\\z^ tbeprooffepeece, and hold it betwext yoa and the light: if th€ cullor fliowe faire and flick fart vppon the gUlTe , then you may bo fure that the worke vnder is well and perfecfily anneilea. beCaufcit hath had the greateft ftrength of the fire : But if you/doubt that the cullours be not furc, then rubbe with a rough ftone or a knife , one of the proofe peeces, and then if the cullor come of, then you muft let it contincw longer in the fire, while you put the next peece to the proofe . Note further that the proofe hole \n the (^c of the Furnace , mariced with the letter D . muft haue a ftone that will abide the fire fitted to it , fuch a one as you fee marked with the let* ter f. which flone feryeth to take of , and put on fo often as you make triall of the proofe peeces . Alfoyovmuflhaueanearthenpor,fuchasye fee marked with the letter £ . wherein you muf^ hatica readines fomefoft day to foften the Clone ag«ine , fo often as you fhall haue occafion to re. moue it ^ But the holes in the toppe of the fumaceyou mufl ftOt ftoppe with clay , bur only with peeces of brick bats Co that the fmoake may haue vent.oute . . . ' Rj THE Hcvfc to fimtik In Glafi . THE RECEIPET$,FOR THE true making of CoUours forGlafse . » T'o ma/^ a f aire ^lacl^e . T A K E the Scales of Iron Sc Copper, of each a like waight, Scputicinacleaneveffell that >aaII iiidurc the fire ^ till they be red hotte,thcn take halfc as much leate, and ftamp them into fmal poudcr> then mix dicm with Gumwatei, & grind them hne vpon a painters llonc and fo drawc with it vpon your glaffc. To mal(^ a (^reene couUour . TAKE Vertegreafc , and grind it vciy well with Turpen- une then put it in a cleane pot , and when you would vie it warmcitatthe fire, To mal^ a f aire red • TAKE Sanguis draconis and beate it well in. a Morter»& after ihaine it thorough a lianing dotli, widiaUcile Acjuavi- tie, and lb v^e it . Carnation . TAKE two ouccsofTyn-gbs,andfix ovnces:of leat, half a« ounce of^um, ten ounces ot red Ocker, and grind them vciy well xogeather, and lo vfc ic. iNmtc A0Ofiie/if Gltft . TAKE blades ol blew ^las, and beat them into pouldcr , in a brafcn morrcr, an^ balfc as much of goldfmithcs blew amtiKngthatfbines through, &grinddicm togcdicrwidi gQm-watei , ^dfo vfeic . T A K E a quantitie of fine filvcr , and cut it in fmale pecccs and put thcito^a little Antimooium beaten to pouIder,and put them to-gcather in armching-pot , aod fct them on the fire well covered round about witli hotte embers the fpace ofan howcr,then take it from the fire, and poure it into the bottom of a cleane earthen veflell that will abide the heate thereof: after it is cold beat it into fine poulder, and grind it onaPaintersftone, and when it is well ground , take fixe times as much Oeker as the Silverweigbes, and feven times as much old earth that hath bin icrapedofT fromenamaled worke : after that , let it be well ground , then put all this together in apot with gumc-water , and (lirre ic well aboute andfovfcit Tomal^a Grej couUer . TAKE Iron -fcalcs, alitde Ciiftall, and ftim-ftnale cjuandtie of Ieate,grind thefe well together vpon a painters ftone, the more leate ye take, the (adder the coullourwill be, fiilike-^ wife the more chrillall you put to it the lighter . To Hevfe to ASTitiU in CUp , 7oT)iaperlPppon glas • TAKE Criftall, beaten to pouldcr, and grind it well vppoa apaintets (lone with Gumwatcr, and fo vfe if.It will apeare a prettie light couUour, different from the 2,las : Keepe this coullourin a little Poue, and when you will vfe \t , itirreit well aboucc. Jinother faire redCuUour. T A K E a quatitie of red gla fse beades , and halfe as much ofGoIdfmithcs redEnamaling,and prepare it as you did tliebkw coullour before. FINIS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. T^B 2 7198J, Form L9-50m-ll.'50 (2554)444 THE IJBRARY UNIVEIiSITY OF CALIFORNIA^ 8: t PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD ^ ^TOIWDJO^ ^ ^ University Research Library u e a M a M M M 9 O e & a a 6 K ts H iS