:^^ ■s. EVERYBODY'S ANISH^fNGLISH ILISH-SPANISH ilCTIpNARY CONTENTS PHONETIC PRONUNCIATION CENTS CONJUGATIONS OF SPANISH VERBS MENUS IN SPANISH AND ENGLISH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES NUMBERS, CURRENCY USEFUL PHRASES, ETC. A HANDY POCKET DICTIONARY FOR SCHOOL AND HOME ^ // Everybody's Spanish Dictionary SPANISH-ENGLISH • ENGLISH-SPANISH Diccionario Espanol para Todo el Mundo ESPANOL-INGLES • INGLES-ESPANOL Philadelphia DAVID McKAY COMPANY Washington Square CONTENTS PART I SPANISH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Page? PART II ENGLISH-SPANISH DICTIONARY Page 104 PART III MISCELLANEOUS Page 181 PRINTED IN V. 8. A. Copyright: W. Foulsham & Co., Ltd. PART I SPANISH-ENGLISH (ESPANOL-INGL^S) 2024777 ABBREVIATIONS (ABREVIATURAS) Substantives. — In the Spanish-English section, substantives or nouns are indicated by the presence of their gender, thus m. or/. In the English-Spanish section, the letter 5 (substantive) is used to denote them, and the gender is indicated after the Spanish word. Verbs, in all cases, are followed by the letter V. Adjectives are denoted by the letter a or adj. Adverbs are shown by the letters ad. or adv. Pronouns are denoted by the letters pron. or pn. Prepositions are shown by the letters prep, or pr. Conjunctions are shown by the letters conj. or c. Interjections by the letters interj. or i. In the Spanish-English section of this dictionary', the sound of every Spanish word is imitated in English spelling. These imitations are given in brackets directly after the words to which they refer. SHORT GUIDE TO SPANISH PRONUNCIATION Much, of course, could be written regarding the sound values of the letters of the Spanish alphabet : but as a quick guide to pronunciation, the following will pro\ ide considerable help : Vozcels — A sounds like a in our word car or jar. E, like a in date. I, like ee in see. O, like o in often. U, like 00 in food. Y, when a vowel, like ee in see. Consonants — The following consonants, B, D, F, L, M, N, P, S, T, V and X, are pronounced practically as they are in English. C is pronounced in two ways. (a) When placed before e or i, it is like th in theory or theatre. (b) In all other instances, it is equal to our k in king. CH is pronounced like ch in church. G also has two sounds, — if not three. (a) When placed before a, o, I, n or r, it is like our g in garnish. (b) When placed before e or i, the nearest approach to its sound is provided by the Scotch word loch. (c) When placed before u, followed by e or i, it sounds like the g in guess, while the u is not sounded. H is silent; but people often register an intake of breath when the letter is present. J is like the G, mentioned above, when placed before e or i. LL — The double L has a particular sound of its own that is not found exactly in Engl-sh sounds. The nearest approach is the trill in the word pavilion. N is like the ni in union. Q is like our ordinary k, and the u following it is not sounded. R is hard and rolling when at the beginning of a word or when I, n or s are placed in front of it. It is not so hard when coming between two vowels or when placed at the end of a word. RR is harder than the single r. Y, as a vowel, is dealt with above. As a consonant it has the force of the y in you. Z is like th, as in thread. A B ah beh k C theh L CH cheh LI D deh M E eh S F effeh N G heh O H ahcheh P I ee Q R ereh RR erreh s esseh T teh U oo V veh X ehkis Y yeh Z thehtah THE SPANISH ALPHABET The Spanish alphabet consists of the following 29 letters : hotah kah elleh LL ellieh emmeh enneh ennieh oh peh koo From the above, it will be noticed that the letter W does not exist in the Spanish language : and it may be added that K is rarely found and then only when connected with words of foreign importation. But the Spanish alphabet has certain letters of its own. These are CH, LL and RR, and 5J with the tilde sign may be placed along with them. These additions may cause slight confusion when consulting the dictionary, as the order of words is unusual for English-speaking people. Briefly, it may be explained that CHa follows Cz, LLa comes after Lz, 5Ja follows Nz and RRa follows Rz. If this sequence is remembered, there will be no trouble in finding any required word. GENDER OF SPANISH NOUNS There are certain rules for recognising the gender of Spanish nouns : but there are so many exceptions to these rules that the only safe way of determining the gender of a particular noun is to consult a dictionary which indicates the gender of every noun. In this dictionary, every noun has its gender given beside it. The gender of Spanish nouns depends either on their significa- tion or their termination. (a) Names of men and males are masculine gender. (b) Names of women and females are feminine. (c) Trades, occupations and work of men are masculine. (d) Trades, etc., of women are feminine. (e) Apart from the above, nouns ending in E, I (accented), O, U, J, L, N, R, S and T are masculine. (f) Nouns ending in A, I (unaccented), Ion, D and Z are feminine. (g) But, as indicated above, there is a vast number of excep- tions which follows no rule and which makes it necessary to consult a dictionary when the information is required. PART I SPANISH-ENGLISH A (r) pr. at: to: on: by: for: of: according to. Abaceria (r-bah-thay-ree'-r) /. grocery. Abacero (r-bah-thay'-ro) m. & f. grocer. Abad (r-bahd') m. abbot. Abadejo (r-bah-day'-ho) m. codfish. Abadesa (r-bah-days'-r) /. abbess. Abadia (r-bah-dee'-r) /. abbey. Abajo (r-bah'-ho) ad. under: underneath. Abalanzar (r-bah-lahn-thar') V. to balance: impel. Abanderizador (r-bahn-der- rith-r-dor') ni. ringleader. Abandonar (r-bahn-do-nar') V. to abandon: forsake. Abanicar (r-bahn-e-kar') v. to fan. Abanico (r-bah-nee'-ko) m. fan. Abaratamiento (r-bar-r-tar- mee-n'-to) m. abatement: re- duction of price. Abarcar (r-bar'-kar) v. to em- brace: clasp: compromise. Abarrancadero (r-bar-rahn- kay-day'-ro) m. precipice. Abarrote (r-bar-ro'-tay) pi. food: groceries: victuals. Abastecedor (r-bahs-tay-thay- dor') m. & f. caterer. Abastecimiento (r-bahs-tay- thee-me-n'-to) m. provisions. Abatido (r-bah-tee'-do) a. de- jected: faint: low spirited. Abatir (r-bah-teer') v. to descend: stoop: overthrow. Abeja (r-bay'-hahr) /. bee. Abertura (r-bayr-too'-rah) /. aperture: chink: gap. Abierto (r-bee-ayr'-toe) a. open: frank: sincere. Abrir Abismo (r-biss'-mo) m. abyss: gulf. Ablandar (r-blahn'-dar) v. to soften: mitigate. Abnegar (r-bnay-gar') v. to deny: renounce. Abobar (r-bo-bar') v. to stupefy. Abocado (r-bo-kay'-do) a. light. Abofellar (r-bo-fel-yar') v. to pant: puff: breathe heavily. Abogado (r-bo-gar'-do) m. & f. advocate: mediator. Abolir (r-bo-leer') v. to abolish. Abolorio (r-bo-lo'-ree-o) m. ancestry. Abominable (r-bo-me-nar'- blay) a. abominable: wretched. Abominar (r-bo-me-nar') v. to detest: loathe. Abonar (r-bo-nar') v. to in- sure: improve: bail out. Abonarse (r-bo-nar'-say) t;. to subscribe. Aborrecer (r-bor-ray-thayr') V. to hate: abhor. Abotonar (r-bot-on-ar') t;. to button: bud. Abrasar (r-brar-sar') v. to burn: squander: be agitated. Abrazar (r-brar-thar') v. to embrace: surround. Abrazo (r-brar-tho') m. em- brace: hug. Abreviar (r-bray-vee-ar') v. to abridge: accelerate. Abridor (r-bree-dor') m. tin- opener. Abrigar (r-bree-gar') v. to take shelter: protect. Abrigo (r-bree'-go) m. shelter: protection: overcoat. Abril (r-breel') m. April. Abrimiento (r-bree-me-n'-to) m. opening. Abrir (r-bree'-r) V. to Openi unlock: tell a secret. Abrochador 8 Abrochador ((r-bro-char'-dor) m. buttonhook. Abrogar (r-bro-gar') v. to abolish. Abrojo (r-bro'-ho) m. thistle. Abromado (r-bro-mar'-do) a. foggy: hazy: misty. Abroncar (r-bron'-kar) v. to jeer at: make fun of. Abrumador (r-broo-mar'-dor) a. troublesome: annoying. Abrumar (r-broo-mar') v. to overcome: overpower. Abrupto (r-'broop'-to) a. steep. Abrutado (r-broo-tar'-do) a. cruel: brutish. Absceso (rbs-thay'-so) m. ab- scess: sore: ulcer. Absoluci6n (rbs-so-loo-the- on') /. forgiveness. Absolutamente (rbs-so-loo- tar-men'-tay) ad. absolutely. Absolver (rb-soll-vayr') v. to absolve. Absorber (rb-sor-bayr') v. to absorb. Abstinente (rbs-tee-nen'-tay) a. abstemious: temperate. Abstraido (rbs-tray-ee'-do) a. retired. Abuela (r-boo-ay'-lar) /. grand- mother. Abuelo (r-boo-ay'-lo) m. grand- father: ancestor. Abultado (r-bool-tay'-do) a. bulky: massive. Abultar (r-bool-tar') v, to in- crease: enlarge. Aburrido (r-boor-ree'-do) a. weary: tired. Aburrir (r-boor-reer') v. to weary: vex. Abusar (r-boo-sar') v. to abuse. Abusivo (r-boo-see'-vo) a. abusive: impudent. Abuso (r-boo'-so) m. misuse. Acd (r-kar') ad. here: hither. Acabado (r-kar-bar'-do) a. per- fect: accomplished. Acabalar (r-kar-bal-ar') i;. to complete. Acaecer (r-kay-ay-thair') v. to happen. Acallar (r-kayl-lyar') v. to calm: silence. Acariciar (r-kar-re-the-ar') v. to caress: fondle. Acaso (r-kar'-so) m. chance — ad. by chance. Aceptar Acatamiento (r-kar-tar-me-n'- to) m. respect: esteem. Acatar (r-kar-tar') v. to respect: esteem: honour. Acatarrarse (r - kar - tar - rar' - say) V. to catch cold. Acauldalado (r-kar-oo-dar-lar- do) a. rich: wealthy. Acceder (rk-thay-dayr') v. to agree: accede. Accession (rk-thay-see-on') /. agreement: accession. Acceso (rk-thay'-so) m. access. Accidental (rk-the-dent-arl') a. accidental. Accidente (rk-the-dent'-ay) m. accident. Accion (rk-the-on') /. action: operation: share. Accionista (rk-the-o-niss'-tar) m. shareholder. Acechar (r-thay-char') v. to waylay: lie in ambush. Acedar (r-thay'-dar) v. to dis- please. Acedia (r-thay-dee'-r) /. rough- ness: acidity. Acedo (r-thay'-do) a. acid: acidulated. Aceitar (r-thay-e'-tar) v. to oil: lubricate. Aceite (r-thay-e'-tay) m. oil. Aceite de oliva (r-thay-e'-tay: day: o-lee'-var) m. olive oil. Aceiteria (r-thay-e-tay-ree'-r) /. oilshop. Aceitoso (r-thay-e-to'-so) a. oily. Aceituna (r-thay-e-too'-nar) /. olive. / Acceleracion (r-thay-lay-rar- the-on') /. acceleration. Acelerado (r-thay-lay-rar'-do) a. swift: quick. Acelerar (r-thay-Iay-rar') v. to accelerate: go quicker. Ac^mila (r-thay'-mee-lar) /. mule: beast of burden. Acentuado (r-then-too-ar'-do) a. determined. Acepar (r-thep-ar') v. to take root. Acepiilar (r-thep-ill-ar') v. to brush. Aceptable (r-thep-tay'-blay) a. acceptable. Aceptar (r-thep-lar') v. to accept. Acepto Acepto (r-thep'-to) a. agree- able: pleasing. Acerbo (r-thayr'-bo) a. harsh: rigorous: rude. Acerca (r-thayr'-kar) pr. about: relating to. Acercar (r-thayr'-karr) v. to approach: draw near to. Acero (r-thay'-ro) m. steel. Acertado (r-thayr-tar'-do) a. fit: proper. Acertar (r-thayr'-tar) v. to happen unexpectedly. Acertijo (r-thayr-tee'-ho) m. riddle. Acervo (r-thayr'-vo) m. heap: pile: mound. Aciago (r-thee-r'-go) a. un- lucky: unfortunate. Aciano (r-thee-r'-no) m. corn- flower. Acicalar (r-thee-kar-lar') r. to polish: dress up. Acido (r'-thee-do) a. acid: sour: bitter. Aclamaci6n (r-klar-mar-the- on') /. applause: acclamation. Aclarar (r-klar-ar') v. to clear: clarify: explain. Acocharse (r-ko-tshar'-say) v. to stoop down: squat. Acochinar (r-ko-tshin-ar') v. to assassinate: kill. Acodiciar (r-ko-dee-thee-ar') V. to long for. Acoger (r-ko-hayr') v. to re- ceive: protect: admit. Acogida (r-ko-he'-dar) /. asy- lum: reception. Aiolito (r-ko'-lee-to) m. & f. assistant: accomplice. Acometer (r-ko-mee-ter') v. to assault: attack: overtake. Acometida (r-ko-mee-tee'-dar) m. assault: attack. Acomodado (r-ko-mo-dar'-do) a. commodious: convenient: suitable. Acomodar (r-ko-mo-darr') v. to arrange: fit: suit. Acompanado (r-kom-par- gnar'-do) a. accompanied. Acompanante (r-kom-par- gnarn'-tay) m. attendant: com- panion. Acongojar (r-kon-go-har') v. to oppress: afflict. Aconsejable (r-kon-see-har'- blay) a. advisable. g Actriz Acontecer (r-kon-tay-thayr') v. to happen. Acontecido (r-kon-tay-the'-do) a. troubled. Acopiar (r-ko-pea-ar') v. to store up: gather up. Acoplamiento (r-kop-lar-me- n'-to) m. clutch: coupling. Acopiar (r-kop-larr') v. to couple: adjust. Acorazado (r-kor-ah-thay'-do) a. armoured. Acorcharse (r-kor-char'-say) V. to shrivel: dry up. Acorde (r-kor'-day) a. com- fortable. Acordeon (r-kor-day-on') m. accordion. Acorralar (r-kor-ral-ar') v. to intimidate. Acosar (r-ko-sar') v. to molest: harass. Acostar (r-kos-tar') v. to ap- proach: lay down. Acostumbrar (r-kos-toom- brar') v. to accustom. Acotar (r-ko-tar') v. to quote. Acrecencia (r-kray-then'-thee- ar) /. augmentation: growth: increase. Acreditado (r-kray-dee-tar'- do) a. well-known: accredited. Acreditar (r-kray-dee-tarr') v. to affirm: assure. Acreedor (r-kray-aye-dor') m. creditor — a. deserving. Acribillar (r-kree-bil-yar') v. to molest: torment. Acriminable (r-kree-mee- nar'-ble) a. culpable: punish- able. Acriminar (r-kree-mee-nar') V. to accuse. Acrisolar (r-kree-so-lar') v. to purify: refine. Acristianar (r-kree-stee-r- nar') v. to baptise: christen. Acta (r'-ktah) /. act. Actitud (rkt-ee-tood') /. atti- tude: posture: pose. Activar (rkt-ee-var') t;. to ac- celerate: hasten. Active (rkt-ee'-vo) a. active: diligent: busy. Actor (rkt-or') m. actor: come- dian: player. Actriz (rkt-reeth') /. actress: comedienne. Actuaci6n Actuaci6n (rkt-oo-r-thee-on') /. operation. Actual (rkt-oo-arl') a. actual: present. Actualmente (rkt-oo-arl-men'- tay) ad. to present. Actuar (rkt-oo'-r) v. to digest: act: take legal steps. Acuario (rkt-oo-ah'-ree-o) m. tank: aquarium. Acuchillado (rJ'pt: vault. Boyante (bo-yan'-tay) a. buoy- ant: floating: successful. Braceaje (brar-thay'-hay) m. coinage. Braguero (brar-gay'-ro) m. braces. Bramar (brar-mar') v. to bel- low: roar. Brasero (brar - say' - ro) m. brazier. Bravamente (brar-var-men'- tay) ad. bravely: gallantly. Bravear (brar-vay-r') v. to bully: hector. Bravio (brar-vee'-o) a. feroc- ious: savage. Bravo (brar'-vo) a. brave: valiant. Brazalete (brar-thay-lay'-tay) m. bracelet. Brazo (brar'-tho) m. arm: branch of a tree: valour: strength. Brea (bray'-r) /. pitch: tar. Bueno Brebaje (bray-bar'-hay) »i. beverage. Brega (bray'-gar) /. contest: strife: trick: jest: pun. Brete (bray'-tay) m. fetters: shackles. Brevedad (bray-vee'-dahd) /. brevity: shortness. Brezal (bray'-thahl) m. heath. Briba (bree'-bar) /. idleness. Bribon (bree-bon') a. knavish: rascally. Brillador (breel-yar-dor') a. brilliant: radiant. Brillar (breel-yar') v. to shine: sparkle. Brincar (brin-kar') v. to jump: leap: gambol. Brindar (brin-dar') v. to toast: drink one's health. Brindis (brin'-dees) /. toast: health. Brio (bree'-o) m. strength: courage: vigour. Brisa (bree'-sar) /. breeze. Brocal (bro'-kal) m. kerb-stone. Broculi (bro'-kool-ee) m. broc- coli. Brocha (bro'-(t)char) /. pencil: brush for paint. Broche (bro' - (t)chay) m. brooch: clasp. Broma (bro'-mar) /. noise: clatter: joke: jest. Bronce (bron'-thay) m. bronze: brass. Bronco (bron'-ko) a. coarse: rough: harsh. Broquel (bro-kel') m. shield: buckler. Bruces (broo'-thess) /. pi. lips. Brueta (broo-er'-tar) /. wheel- barrow. Bruja (broo'-har) /. hag: witch. Brumal (broo-mahl') a. wintry. Brunido (broon-yee'-do) a. polished: burnished. Brusco (broos'-ko) a. rude: peevish. Bucear (boo-thay-r') v. to dive. Bucle (boo'-klay) m. curl. Buen (boo-n') a. good. Buenamente (boo-n-r-men'- tay) ad. easily: readily: willingly. Bueno (boo-ay'-no) a. agree- able: fair: good: healthy: per- fect: plain: proper: sociable: sound: useful. Bufa 24 Bufa (boo'-far) /. mock: jeer: scoff: taunt. Bufalo (boo'-far-lo) m. buffalo. Bufete (boo-fay'-tay) m. desk: writing-table. Buhonero (boo -o-nay'- ro) m. hawker: pedlar. Buitre (boo-ee'-tray) m. vulture . BuIdo (bool'-bo) 7n. bulb. Bullaje (bool-yar'-hay) m. crowd. Bullicioso (bool - yee - thee - o-so) a. clamorous: lively: noisy. BuUir (bool-yeer') v. to boil. Bunuelo (boon-yoo-ay'-lo) ni- bun: pancake. Bureo (boor-a'-o) m. amuse- ment: diversion. Burilar (boo-ree-lar') v. to engrave. Burla (boor'-lar) /. mockery: deceit: hoax: trick. Burro (boor'-ro) m. ass: donkey. Buscapi6s (boos-kar-pee-ays') m. fireworks. Buz6n (boo-thon') m. letter- box: post-box. Cabal (kar-barl') a. accom- plishec: complete: exact: just. Caballeria (kar-barl-yay-ree- r')/. cavalry: chivalry: knight- hood. ^ Caballeriza (kar-barl-yay-ree - thah) /. stable. Cabana (kar-barn'-yar) /. cot- tage: hovel. Cabestrillo (kar-bess-treel'-yo) m. necklace: gold chain. Cabeza (kar-bay'-thah) /. end: head: top: chief. Cabezudo (kar-bay-thoo'-do) a. headstrong: thick-headed. Cabra (kar'-brar) /. goat. Cabriola (kar-bree-o'-lar) /. gambol: caper. Cacarear (kar-kar-ray-r') v. to cackle: crow. Cachar (kar-char') v. to break. Cachete (kar-chay'-tay) m. check: punch (with fist). Cachorro (kar-chor'-ro) m. puppy. Cachucha (kar-choo'-char) /. C^lido (kar'-dar) pron. Cada (kar'-dar) pron. each: every: every one. Cadaver (kar-dar'-vayr) m. corpse: dead body. Cadena (kar-day'-nar) /. chain: series. Cadera (kar-day'-rar) /. hip. Caduco (kar-doo'-ko) a. de- crepit: enfeebled: worn-out. Caer (kar-ayr') v. to fall: happen. Caf6 (kar-fay') m. coffee: coffee-house. Cafetera (kar-fay-tay'-rar) f. coffee-pot. Caida (kar-ee'-da) /. declivity: fall. Caidos (kar-ee'-dos) /. pi. arrears (of taxes, etc.). Caja (kar'-har) /. box: coffin. Cajero (kar-hay'-ro) m. cashier. Caj6n (kar-hon') m. chest of drawers: locker. Cal hidrdulica (kahl e-drar-oo- lee'-ka) /. cement. Calambre (kar-lahm'-bray) m. cramp: spasm. Calamidad (kar - lar - mee' - dahd)/. calamity: misfortune. Calana (kar-larn'-yar)/. quality. Calar (kar-lar') v. to penetrate: pierce: perforate. Calavera (kar-lar-vayr'-r) /. skull. Calceta (karl-thay'-tar) /. stock- ing- Calcetero (karl-thay-tay -ro) 711. hosier. Calcetin (karl-thay-tin') m. sock. Calcular (karl'-koo-lar) v. to calculate. Calcuio (karl'-koo-lo) m. cal- culation: estimate. Caldear (karl-day-r') v. to heat: warm. Caldo (karl'-do) m. broth. Calentar (kar-len-tar') v. to heat: warm. Calentarse (kar-len-tar -say) V. to dispute: quarrel. Calentura (kar-len-too'-rar) /. fever. . Calibre (kar-lee'-bray) m. kmd: quality: sort. Calidad (kar-lee'-dahd)/. char- acter: condition: quality. Cdlido (kar'-lee-do) a. hot. Calificacion Calificaci6n (kar-lee-fee-kar- thee-on')/. qualification: cen- sure. Calificar (kar-lee-fee-kar') v. to attest: authorise. Caligrafia (kar-lee-grah-fee'-r) /. handwriting. Calma (karl'-mar) /. calm: tranquility. Calofriarse (kar-lo-fre-ar'-say) V. to shiver. Calor (kar-lor') m. heat: fieri- ness: ardour. Calvicie (karl-ve-thee'-ay) /. baldness. Calvo (karl'-vo) a. bald: barren. Galzado (karl-tha'-do) m. shoe. Calzones (karl-tho'-ness) m. pi. breeches. Calzoncillos (karl-thon-theel'- yos) m. pi. drawers (attire). Callado (karl-yar'-do) a. silent: reserved. Callar (karl-yarr') v. to be silent: hold one's tongue. Calle (karl'-yay) /. street: lane — (with exclamation marks) wonderful: mighty: strange. Calleja (karl'-yay'-har) /. nar- row lane: narrow passage. Callo (karl'-yo) m. corn (on foot, etc.). Gatna (kar'-mar) /. bed: couch: litter. Gamachuelo (kar-mar-choo- ay-lo) m. linnet. Gamafeo (kar-mar-fay-'o) m. cameo. Gamal^on (kar-ma-lay'-oon) m. chameleon. Gdtnara (kar'-mar-r) /. bed- room: hall. Camarada (kar-mar-r'-dar) /. comrade. Camarero (kar-mar-ay'-ro) m. valet. Gambalachear (karm-bar-lar- chay-r') v. to barter. Cambiar (karm-be-ar') v. to change: exchange. Cambista (karm-biss'-tar) m. banker: broker: money changer. Gamello (kar - mayl' - yo) m. camel. Gamtlion (kar-mayl-on') m. flower-bed. Caminar (kar-mee-nar') V. to walk: march: travel. 25 Gantante Camino (kar-mee'-no) m. main road. Camion (kar-me-on') m. van: truck. Autocamion, motor lorry. Camisa (kar-mee'-sar) /. shirt: chemise. Camorra (kar - mot' - rar) /. quarrel. Campana (karm-par'-nar) /. bell. Campar (karm'-par) v. to ex- cel: surpass. Camp6on (karm-pay-on') m. champion. Campesino (karm-pay-see'- no) w. peasant — a. rural. Canal (kar-narl') m. canal: channel. Canalla (kar-narl'-yar) /. mob: rabble. Canasta (kar-nars'-tar) /. bas- ket: hamper. Cancamusa (karn-karm-oo'- sar) /. fraud: trick. Cancelar (kam-thay-lar') v. to cancel: efface. Cancion (karn-thee-on')/- song. Candado (karn-dar'-do) m. padlock. Candela (kam-day'-lar) /. candle. Candelabro (kam - day - lar' - bro) rn. candlestick. Candente (karn-den'-tay) a. red-hot. Candido (kam' - dee - do) a. white: candid: simple. Candil (karn'-deel) m. oil- lamp). Canelon (kar-nay-lon')m. icicle. Cangilon (kam-geel-on') m. bucket: pitcher. Cangrejo (karn-grey'-ho) m. crab: lobster. Canguro (kam-goo'-ro) m. kangaroo. Canibai (kam-ee'-barl) m. can- nibal. Cano (kar'-no) a. grey-haired. Canoa (kar-no'-r) /. canoe. Canon (kar'-non) m. cannon: catalogue: list. Cansado (kam - sar' - do) a. tired: weary: fatigued. Gansancio (karn-sahn'-ttieo) m. fatigue: lassitude. Cantante (kam-tarn'-tay) m. & f. singer. Cantar 26 Gantar (kam-tar') v. to sing. Gantidad (karn-tee-dahd') /. quantity. Gantina (karn-tee'-nar) /. can- teen: cellar. Gantor (karn-tor') m. & f. singer. Gana (kam-yah') /. cane: reed: stalk. Cana de pescar, fishing rod. C^amo (karn'-yar-mo) m. hemp. Gano (kam'-yo) m. pipe: sewer: tube. Ganon (kam'-yon) m. cannon. Gaoba (kar-o'-bar) /. mahogany tree. Gaos (kar'-oss) m. chaos: con- fusion: muddle. Gapa (kar'-par)/. cloak: mantle: pretext: excuse. Gapacidad (kar - par - thee - dahd') /. capacity: extent. Gapaz (kar-path') a. capable: capacious: spacious. Gapcioso (karp-thee-o'-so) a. capacious. Gapellan (kar-payl-yahn') m. chaplain: almoner. Gapigorrista (karp-ee-gor- rist'-r) m. vagabond: waster: parasite. Gapilla (kar - peel' - yah) /. chapel. Gapillero (kar-peel-yar'-o) tn. sexton: churchwarden. Gapital (kar-pee-tahl') m. sum of money: capital: fortune. Gapitan (kar-pee-tahn') m. captain. Gapitulacion (kar-pee-too-lar- thee-on') /. capitulation: agreement. Gapitular (kar-pee-too-lar') v. to agree. Gapricho (kar-pree'-cho) m. fancy: whim: caprice. Gaptar (karp-tar') v. to cap- tivate. Gaptura (karp-too'-r) /. cap- ture: seizure. Gara (kar'-rar)/. face: counten- ance. Garacol (kar-rar-kol') m. snail. Caramente (kar-rar-men'-tay) ad. dearly. Garavana (kar-rar-var'-nar) /. caravan. Garraleja Caray (kar-rar'-ee) m. tortoise- shell. Carb6n (kar-bon') m. charcoal. Carbono (kar-bo'-no) m. car- bon. Carcel (kar'-thel)/. prison: gaol. Carceleria (kar-thel-ay-ree'-r) /. imprisonment. Carcomer (kar-ko-mayr') v. to gnaw: corrode: eat away. Carda (kar'-dar) /. teasel. Cdrdeno (kar'-day-no) a. livid. Cardo (kar'-do) m. thistle. Carecer (kar-ray-thayr') v. to want. Carestia (kar-ess-tee'-r)/. dear- ness: famine: scarcity: want. Carga (kar'-gar) /. load: cargo: tax: burden. Caribe (kar-ee'-bay) m. can- nibal. Caricia (kar - ee' - thee - r) /. caress. Caridad (kar-ee-dahd')/. bene- volence: charity. Carino (kar-een'-yo) m. fond- ness: tenderness. Carlancon (kar-larn-kon') m. dodger: cheater. Carmin (kar-meen') m. car- mine — a. carmine. Carnada (kar-nar'-dar) /. bait: lure. Carnaje (kar-nar'-hay) m. salt beef. Carne (kar'-nay) /. meat: fllesh. Carnerero (kar-nay-ray'-ro) m. shepherd. Carnero (kar-nay'-ro) m. sheep: mutton. Carnestolendas (kar-ness-to- len'-dars) /. pi. Shrove Tuesday. Carnicero (kar-nee-thay'-ro) m. butcher. Carnivore (kar-nce'-vor-o) a. carnivorous. Caro (kar'-o) a. dear: beloved: costly — ad. dearly. Caroca (kar-o'-ka) m. caress. Caroquero (kar-o-kay'-ro) m. flatterer. Carpintero (kar-pin-tay'-ro)m. carpenter. Carpo (kar'-po) m. wrist. Carral (kar-rarl') m. barrel: butt: vat. Garraleja (kar-rarl-ay'-hay) /. blackbeetle. Garralero : Garralero (kar-rarl-ay'-ro) m. cooper. Carraspera (kar-rars-pay'-rar) /. hoarseness. Carrera (kar-ray'-rar)/. career: course: race. Garrono (kar - rone' - yar) a. putrid: rotten. Carruaje (kar-roo-ar'-hay) m. vehicle: carriage. Carta (kar'-tar) /. map: letter. Cartel (kar'-tel) m. placard: handbill. Cartero (kar-tay'-ro) m. post- man. Gartulina (kar-too-lee'-nar) /. visiting-card. Gasa (kar'-sar) /. house: home. Casa de campo, countr>' house. Casa de hu^spedes, board- ing house. Casa de locos, lunatic asylum. Casa de moneda, mint. Casa de posada, lodging house. Casaca (kar-sar'-car) /. coat. Casamiento (kar-sar-mee-n'- to) m. marriage. Casar (kar'-sar) v. to marry. Cascada (kars-kar'-dar) /. cas- cade: waterfall. Cascajo (kars - kar' - ho) m. gravel: rubbish. Gascanueces (kars-kar-noo-a'- thays) m. nut-cracker. Cascar (kars-kar') v. to break: crack: beat: lick. Gdscara (kars'-kar-r) /. bark: husk: peel: rind. Gascar6n (kars-kar-ron') vi. egg-shell. Casco (kars'-ko) m. skull: cranium. Cascote (kars-ko'-tay) m. rub- bish: building refuse. Casero (kar-say'-ro) m. land- lord. Casi (kar'-see) ad. almost: nearly. Casino (kar-see'-no) m. club: club house. Gaso (kar'-so) m. case: event: occasion. Caspita (kars'-pee-tar) interj. wonderful. Casquete (kars-kay'-tay) m. casque: helmet. ' Cazuela Casta (kars '-tar) /. cast: breed: race (of people). Castana (kars-tayn'-yar) /. chestnut. Castaneta (kars-tayn-yay'-tar) /. Castanet. Castidad (kars-te-dahd') /. chastity. Castigar (kars-tee-gar') v. to chastise: punish. Castillo (kars - teel' - yo) m. castle. Casto (kars'-to) a. chaste: pure. Casualidad (kar-soo-ar-lee- dahd') /. accident: casualty. Cata (kar'-tar) /. tasting. Catdbulo (kar-tar'-boo-lo) m. stable. Catalejo (kar-tar-lay'-ho) m. telescope. Catalogo (kar-tar'-lo-go) m. catalogue. Catar (kar-tar') v. to taste: inspect: examine. Catarro (kar-tar'-o) m. catarrh. Catdstrofe (kar-tars'-tro-fay)/. catastrophe. Catedral (kar-tay-drarl') /. cathedral. Caucion (kar-oo-thee-on') /. caution: security. Caucionar (kar-oo-thee-on-r') V. to guarantee. Caudal (kar-oo-darl') m. for- tune: property: wealth: plenty. Causa (kar'-oo-sar) /. cause: motive: occasion. Cautivar (kar-oo-tee-var') v. to captivate: charm: take prisoner. Cautiyo (kar-oo-tee'-vo) m. captive: prisoner. Cauto (kar'-oo-to) a. cautious: wary. Cavador (kar-var-dor') m. dig- ger. Cavar (kar-var') v. to dig: ex- cavate. Caviloso (kar-vee-lo'-so) a. capacious. Cayo (kar'-yo) m. reef: rock: shoal. Caza (kar'-thar) /. game: hunt. Cazador (kar-thar-dor') m. hunter. Cazar (kar-thar') v. to chase: hunt. Cazuela (kar-thoo-ay'-lar) /. stew-pan. Cazurro 28 Gazurro (kar-thoor'-ro) a. taci- turn: gloomy: sullen. Ce (thay) interj. here. Gebada (thay-bar'-dar) /. bar- ley. Cebar (thay-bar') v. to fatten. Cebo (thay'-bo) m. food: fodder. Cebolla (thay - boll' - yar) /. onion. Cebra (thay'-brar) /. zebra. Cecear (thay-thay-r') v. to lisp. Ceder (thay-dayr') v. to abate: grant: submit: yield. Cegar (thay-gar') v. to blind. Cegato (thay-gar'-to) a. short- sighted. Ceguera (thay - gay' - rar) /. blindness. Ceja (thay'-har) /. eyebrow. Cejar (thay-harr') v. to relax: Celda (thayl'-dar) /. cell. Celebrar (thayl-ay-brar') v. to celebrate: praise. C61ebre (thayl-ay-bray) a. fam- ous: celebrated. Celerldad (thayl-ay-ree-dahd') /. velocity: speed. Celeste (thay-less'-tay) a. sky- blue: heavenly. Celestial (thay-less-tee-arl') a. heavenly: excellent: perfect. C61ibe (thay'-lee-bay) m. bachelor. Celosia (thay-lo-see'-r) /. lat- tice of a window. Celoso (thay-lo'-so) a. zealous: jealous. Cena (thay'-nar) /. supper. Cenar (thay-narr') v. to have supper. Ceniza (thay-nee'-thar)/. ashes. Miercoles de Ceniza, Ash Wednesday. Genojil (thay-no-heel') m. gar- ter. Gentella (then-tayl'-yar) /. spark: lightning. Gentellar (then-tayl'-yarr) v. to sparkle. Centena (then - tay' - nar) /. hundred. Gentenario (then-tay-nar-ee'- o) m. centenary. Centinela (then-tee-nay'-lar) /. sentry: sentinel. Gentro (then'-tro) m. centre: chief thing. Gielo Centuria (then-toor-ee'-r) / century. Cenzalo (then-thar'-lo) m. gnat. Geiiidor (then-yee'-dor) m. belt: girdle. Ceiio (then'-yo) m. frown. Cepillo (thay - peel' - yo) m. brush. Gepo (thay'-po) m. trap: snare: poor-box. Cera (thay '-rar) /. wax: wax- taper: wax-candle. Cercano (thayr-kar'-no) a. near: close to: adjoining. Cercenar (thayr-thay-nar') v. to clip: lop off: pare: curtail. Cerdo (thayr'-do) m. pig: hog. Ceremonia (thayr-ay-mo-nee'- r) /. ceremony. Cereza (thayr - ay - thar) /. cherry. Cero (thay'-ro) m. zero. Ceroso (thay-ro'-so) a. waxy. Cerrado (thayr - rar' - do) a. close: concealed: reserved. Cerrajero (thayr-rar-hay'-ro) m. locksmith. Cerrar (thayr-rar') v. to close: shut: lock. Cerril (thayr-reel') a. wild: rough: untamed. Cerro (thayr'-ro) m. hill. Cerrojo (thayr-ro'-ho) /w. door- bolt. Certificar (thayr-tee-fee-kar') V. to affirm: certify. Cervecero (thayr-vay-thay'-ro) m. brewer. Cerveza (thayr-vay'-thar) m. ale: beer. Cesar (thay-sar') v. to cease: desist. Cesion (thay-see-on') /. ces- sion: transfer. C6sped (thess'-payd) m. turf: sod. Cesta (thess'-tar) /. basket: pannier. Cetrino (thay - tree' - no) a. lemon-coloured: jaundiced. Cia (thee'-r) /. hip-bone. Ciatica (thee - r' - tee - kar) /. sciatica. Cicatear (thee-kar-tay-r') v. to be stingy: niggardly. Ciclo (thee'-klo) m. cycle. Ciego (thee-ay'-go) a. blind. Cielo (thee-ay'-lo) m. heaven: sky: atmosphere. Clen Cien (thee'-n) a. one hundred. Ciencia (thee - n - thee' - r) /. science. Gieno (thee-n'-o) m. mud: mire: slush. Cierto (thee-ayr'-to) a. certain: doubtless. Ciervo (thee-ayr'-vo) m. stag: hart: deer. Cigarra (thee-gar'-rar)/. grass- hopper. Cigarillo (thee-gar-reel'-yo) m. cigarette. Cigarrito (thee-gar-ree'-to) m. cigarette. Cigarro (thee-gar'-ro) m. cigar. Cilindro (thee-leen'-dro) m. cylinder. Cilia (theel'-yar) /. granary. Cimbreno (thim-brayn'-yo) a. flexible: pliant. Cimenterio (thee-men-tay- ree'-o) m. cemetery: church- yard. Cimento (thee-men'-to) m. cement. Cimero (thee-may'-ro) a. up- permost. Cinabrio (thin-r-bree'-o) vi. vermilion. Cincel (thin-thel') m. chisel. Cinco (thin'-ko) m. five — a. five. Cincuenta (thin-koo-n'-tar) m. fifty. Cincha (thin'-char) /. girth: cincture. Cinta (thin'-tar) /. ribbon. Circo (theer'-ko) m. circus. Circuir (theer-koo-eer') v. to encircle: surround. Circulacion (theer-koo-lar- thee-6n) /. circulaiion. Circulo (theer'-koo-lo) m. cir- cle: circumference. Cirineo (theer-een-ay'-o) m assistant: mate. Ciruela (theer-oo-ay'-lar) /. plum: prune. Cirugia (theer-oo-hee'-r) /. surgery. Cirujano (theer-oo-har'-no) m surgeon. Cisterna (thiss-tayr'-nar) /, cistern. Citerior (thee-tay-ree-or') ad. hither: nearer. Ciudadano (thee-oo-dar-dar' no) m. citizen. Givico (thee-vee'-ko) a. civic. 29 Coercer Civil (thee-veel') a. civil: polite: courteous. Civismo (thee-viss'-mo) m. patriotism. Clamoroso (klar-mor-o'-so) a, clamorous. Clarete (klar-ray'-tay) m. claret. Claridad (klar-ree-dahd') /. brightness: clearness. Clarin (klar-reen') m. trumpet. Claro (klar'-ro) a. bright: clear: evident. Claudicar (klar-oo-dee-kar') V. to limp. Clava (klar'-var) /. club (stick). Clavar (klar-varr') v. to nail: cheat: deceive. Clayija (klar-vee'-hah) /. peg: pin. Clerecia (klay-ray-thee'-r) /. clergy. Cl^rigo (klay' - ree - go) m. clergyman. Clima (klee'-mar) /. climate. Cloaca (klo-ar'-kar) /. sewer. Clueco (kloo-ay-ko) a. decrepit. Coartar (ko-ar-tar') t.'. to limit: restrict. Cobarde (ko - bar' - day) a. cowardly: timid. Cocarar (ko-kar-ar') v. to gather. Cocear (ko-thay'-r) v. to kick. Cocer (ko-thayr') v. to boil: bake: digest. Cocina (ko-thee'-nar)/. kitchen. Cocinero (ko-thee-nay'-ro) m. cook. Coco (ko'-ko) m. cocoa: cocoa- nut. Cocodrllo (ko-ko-dreel'-o) m. crocodile. Cochambre (ko-charm'-bray) m. greasy: filthy. Cochero (ko - chay' - ro) m. coachman. Cochif rito (ko-chee-free'-to) m. fricasse. Cochin d (ko-chee'-nar) /. sow. Cochin eria (ko-chee-nay-ree- r') /. filthiness. Codicia (ko - dee - thee' - r) /. coveto-isness: greediness. Codillo (ko-deel'-yo) m. knee: stirrup. Codo (ko'-do) m. elbow. Coercer (ko-ayr-thayr') t>. tO Goetaneo Goetaneo (ko-ay-tar'-nay-o) a. contemporary. Gofia (ko-fee'-r) /. head-dress: coif. Gofre (ko'-fray) m. trunk. Gogedor (ko-hay-dor') m. col- lector: gatherer. Coger (ko-hayr') v. to collect: gather: catch: grasp. Gohechar (ko-ay-char') v. to bribe. Gohecho (ko-ay'-cho) m. brib- ery. Gohibir (ko-ee-beer') v. to prohibit: restrain. Cohombro (ko-om'-bro) m. cucumber. Cojear (ko-hay-r') v. to limp. Gojera (ko-hay'-rar) /. limp- ing: lameness. Cojo (ko'-ho) ni. cripple. Gol (kol) /. cabbage. Gola (kol'-r) /. glue. Golador (ko-lar-dor') m. colan- der: sieve. Golapso (ko-lahp'-so) m. col- lapse. Colar (ko-lar') v. to strain: filter. Golcha (kol'-char) /. counter- pane: coverlet. Colchon (kol-chon') m. mat- tress. Goleccionar (ko-lek-thee-on- r') V. to collect. Colectar (ko-lek-tar') v. to collect taxes. Colega (ko-lay'-gar) m. col- league. Colegio (ko-lay'-he-o) m. col- lege. G61era (ko'-lay-rar) m. cholera — f. anger: rage. Golgadizo (kol-gar-dee'-tho) m. shed — a. suspended. Colgadura (kol-gar-doo'-rar) /. tapestry. Golgar (kol-gar') v. to hang: suspend. C61ico (ko'-lee-ko) m. colic. Coliflor (ko-lee-flor') m. cauli- flower. Coligaci6n (ko-lee-gar-thee- on') /. alliance: connection. Colilla (ko-leel'-ya) /. stub end of cigar or cigarette. Colina (ko-lee'-nar) /. hill: hillock: mound. 30 Gometer Golinabo (ko-lee-nar'-boo) m. turnip. Goliseo (ko-lee-say'-o) m. theatre: opera-house. Colisi6n (ko-lee-see-on')/. col- lision. Colmena (kol-mayn'-r) /. bee- hive. Colonia (ko-lo-nee'-r)/. colony. Color (ko-lor') m. colour: dye: hue: tint. Colorado (ko-lo-rar'-do) a. ruddy. Colorar (ko-lo-rar') v. to colour. Colorin (ko-lo-reen') m. linnet. Golumna (ko-loom'-nar) /. column: troops. Golumpio (ko-loom-pee'-o) m. see-saw: swing. Gollado (koll-yar'-do) m. hill. Collar (koU'-yar) m. necklet: necklace. Coma (ko'-mar) /. comma (in writing, etc.): unconscious- ness: insensibility. Comadre (ko-mar'-dray) /. midwife. Comadrear (ko-mar-dray-r') V. to gossip. Gomarca (ko-mar'-kar) /. ter- ritory: district: area. Combar (kom-bar') v. to bend. Combate (kom-bar'-tay) m. combat: conflict: fight. Combinar (kom-bee-nar') v. to combine. Combo (kom'-bo) a. bent: crooked: twisted: warped. Comedero (ko-may-day'-ro) a. eatable. Gomediante (ko-may-dee-arn'- tay) m. actor: comedian: player. Comedido (ko-may-dee'-do) a. gentle: polite: kind. Gomedor (ko-m ay-dor') a. greedy: voracious. Comentador (ko-men-tar- dor') m. commentator. Gomenzar (ko-men-thar') v. to begin: commence. Comer (ko-mayr') v. to dine: chew: eat. Comerciante (ko-mayr-thee- arn'-tay) m. merchant: trader. Comestible (ko-mes-tee'-blay) a. eatable — ni. pi. provisions. Gometer (ko-mayr-tayr') v. to commit. Comida 3 Comida (ko-mee'-dar)/. dinner. Comision (ko-mee-see-on') /. commission: order: trust. Comisionar (ko-mee-see-o- nar') v. to appoint: commis- sion. Gomo (ko'-mo) ad. as: how: like: why. Gomodidad (ko - mo - dee - dahd') /. comfort: con- venience. C6niodo (ko'-mo-do) a. con- venient: comfortable. Compaiiero (kom-parn-yar'-o) m. companion. Compania (kom-pam-yee'-r) /. company: society: associa- tion. Gomparar (kom-par-rar') f. to compare. Gompeler (kom-pay-layr') v. to compel. Compensar (kom-pen-sar') r. to compensate: make amends. Gompetencla (kom-pay-ten'- thee-r)/. competition: rivalry. Competicion (kom-pay-tee- thee-on') /. competition. Complacencia (kom - plar - then'-thee-r)/. pleasure: satis- faction. Complaciente (kom-plar-thee- n'-tay) a. pleasing. Compiacer (kom -plar- thayr') V. to comply with: please. Complacerse (kom - plar - thayr'-say) v. to rejoice. Completo (kom-play'-to) a. complete: perfect. Componer (kom-po-nayr') v. to compose: form: make. Comportar (kom-por-tar') v. to suiTer. Comportarse (kom-por-tar'- say) V. to behave. Compra (kom'-prar) /. pur- chase. Comprimir (kom-pree-meer') V. to restrain. Gomprobar (kom-pro-bar') v. to prove: confirm. Comprometimiento (kom- pro - may - tee - mee' - n - to) 7n. award. Compromiso (kom-pro-mee'- so) m. umpire. Compungivo (kom-poon-hee'- vo) a. pricking. I Condonar Computar (kom-poo-tar') v. to compute: reckon. Comun (kom-oon') a. common: vulgar: ordinary. Comunicado (kom - oon - ee - kar'-do) m. statement. Comunicar (kom-oon-ee-karr') V. to communicate: inform. Con (kon) prep, among: by: in: for: with. Concebir (kon-thay-beer') v. to conceive: imagine. Conceder (kon-thay-dayr') v. to grant: give. Concepto (kon-thep'-to) m. opinion: thought. Concernir (kon-thayr-neer') v. to appertain: concern. Concertar (kon-thayr-tar') v. to agree: adjust: settle. Conciencia (kon-thee-n'-thee- r) /. conscience. Concierto (kon-thee-ayr'-to)m. agreement. Conciliar (kon-thee-lee-r') v. to conciliate: reconcile. Conciliar el sueno, to fall asleep. Concilio (kon-thee'-lee-o) m. assembly: council. Conciso (kon-thee'-so) a. con- cise: brief: to the point. Concluir (kon-kloo-eer') v. to conclude: end: finish. Concomerse (kon-kom-ayr'- say) f. to shrug the shoulders. Concordar (kon-kor-dar') v. to accord: agree. Concreto (kon-kray'-to) a. con- crete. Concreto armado, rein- forced concrete. Concurrir (kon-koor-reer') v. to concur: agree to. Concha (kon'-char) /. shell. Conchudo (kon-choo'-do) a. cunning: crafty. Condecorar (kon-day-kor-r') t'. to adorn: embellish. Condenar (kon-day'-nar) v. to condemn. Condicion (kon-dee-thee-on') /. condition: quality: state. Condicional (kon-dee-thee- on'-arl) a. conditional. Condonar (kon-do-nar') V. to pardon. Gonducir Conducir (kon-doo-theer') v. to conduct: convey: direct: guide. Conducirse (kon-doo-theer'- say) V. to behave. Conejo (kon-nay'-ho) m. rabbit. Conferir (kon-fay-reer') v. to confer: compare: grant. Confianza (kon-fee-arn'-thar) /. confidence: boldness. Confiar (kon-fee-ar') v. to confide: trust. Gonfin (kon-feen') m. bound- ary: limit. Confiteria (kon-fee-tay-ree'-r) /. confectioner's shop. Confitero (kon-fee-tay'-ro) m. confectioner. Confluir (kon-floo-eer') v. to join. Conforme (kon-for'-may) a. comfortable: suitable. Confortativo (kon-for-tar-tee- vo) m. cordial. Confundir (kon-foon-deer') r. to confound. Confusion (kon-foo-see-on') /. confusion: disorder: shame. Congelar (kon-hay-lar') v. to freeze. Congratular (kon-grar-too- lar') V. to congratulate. Conjura (kon-hoo'-ra) /. con- spiracy: plot. Conjurador (kon-hoo-rar-dor') m. conjurer. Conmover (kon-mo-vayr') i;. to disturb. Conocer (ko-no-thayr'> v. to know: understand. Conocimiento (ko-no-thee- mee-n'-to) m. knowledge. Conque (kon'-kay) conj. then: therefore. Conquista (kon-kiss'-tar) /. conquest: acquisition. Consequir (kon-say-gheer') v. to attain: get: obtain. Conseja (kon-say'-har)/. story. Consejo (kon-say'-ho) m. ad- vice: counsel: opinion. Consentir (kon-sen-teer') v. to agree: consent. Consorcio (kon-sor'-thee-o) m. partnership: society. Consuelo (kon-soo-aye'-lo) m. consolation: comfort: joy. Consunrjar (kon-soo-mar') V. to finish: consume. 32 Convoy Consunci6n (kon-soon-thee- on') /. consumption: wasting. Contado (kon-tar'-do) a. rare: scarce. Contagiar (kon-tar-hee-r') v. to infect. Contar (kon-tar') v. to count: compute: reckon. Contener (kon-tay-nayr') v. to contain: hold. Contentible (kon - ten - tee' - blay) a. contemptible. Contestar (kon-tess-tar') v. to agree: reply. Contigo (kon-tee'-go) pron. with thee: with you. Continuar (kon-tee-noo-r') v. to continue. Contra {kon' -Xrzr) prep, against: opposite to: contrary to — m. contrary: opposite. Contrabando (kon-trar-bahn'- do) m. contraband: smuggling. Contraponer (kon-trar-po- nayr') v. to compare: oppose. Contrario (kon-trar'-ree-o) a. contrary. Contrata (kon-trar'-tar) /. con- tract. Contraveneno (kon-trar-vay- nay'-no) m. antidote. Contribuci6n (kon-tree-boo- thee-on') /. tax: duty. Contristar (kon-trees-tar') v. to grieve: sadden. Contrito (kon-tree'-to) a. peni- tent. Contumacia (kon - too - ma - thee'-r) /. obstinacy: stub- bornness. Contubar (kon-too-bar') v. to disturb: disquiet. Convecino (kon-vay-thee'-no) a. neighbouring. Convenible (kon - vay - nee' - blay) a. compliant: docile. Conveniente (kon-vay-nee-n'- tay) a. useful. Convergir (kon-vayr-heer') v. to converge. Convicto (kon-veek'-to) a. guilty: convicted. Convidar (kon-vee-dar') v. to invite: treat: allure. Convblvulo (kon-vol'-voo-lo) m. convolvulus. I Convoy (kon'-voy) m. convoy: escort: retinue. Conyugal 33 Conyugal (kon-yoo-garl') a. conjugal: connubial. C6nyuges (kon'-yoo-hays) m. pi. husband and wife. Coordinar (ko-or-deen-r') v. to arrange: co-ordinate. Copa (ko'-par) /. cup: brazier: top of a thing. Copera (ko-par'-r)/. cupboard. Copia (ko-pee'-r) /. plenty: abundance. Copiar (ko-pee'-rr) v. to copy: imitate. Coqueta (ko-kay'-tar) /. flirt. Coraje (ko-rar'-hay) m. anger: courage. Corazbn (ko - rar - thon') m. heart: core: centre: pith. Corbato (kor - bar' - tar) m. cravat. Corcova (kor-ko'-var) /. hump: protuberance. Corchete (kor-chay'-tay) m. clasp: locket. Corcho (kor'-cho) m. cork: bee- hive. Cordel (kor-del') m. cord: rope. Cordillera (kor-dell-yay'-rar) /. range of mountains. Cordon (kor-don') m. cord: string. Corneja (kor-nay'-hah)/. crow. Cornudo (kor - noo' - do) a. horned. Corona (kor-ro'-nar) /. crown: coronet. Coronel(kor-ro'-nel)?«. colonel. Corpezuelo (kor-pay-thoo-ay'- lo) m. waistcoat: bodice. Corpudo (kor-poo'-do) a. cor- pulent: bulky. Corral (kor-rarl') m. back yard. Correct© (kor-rek'-to) a. cor- rect: exact. Corredera (kor-ray-day'-rar) /. race-course. Corredor (kor-ray-dor') m. race-horse: runner. Correo (kor-ray'-o) m. courier: express: bag of letters. Correr (kor-rayr') v. to flow: run: fly into a passion. Correspondencia (kor-ress- pon-den'-thee-r) /. corre- spondence: relation. Corretear (kor-ray-tay-r') v. to ramble: rove. Corrido (kor-ree'-do) a. artful: expert. Costumbre Corroer (kor-ro-ayr') v. to corrode. Corromper (kor-romp-ayr') v. to corrupt: bribe: seduce. Corsaria (kor-say'-ree-o) a. cruising. Cors6 (kor-say')/- corset: stays. Cortabolsas (kor-tar-bol'-sars) m. pickpocket. Gortador (kor-tar'-dor) m. but- cher. Cortaplumas (kor-tar-ploo'- mars) rn. pocket-knife. Cortar (kor-tar') v. to cut: curtail: separate. Cortedad (kor-tay-dahd') /. smallness: stupidity. Cortejar (kor-tay-har') v. to make love: court. Cort6s (kor-tess') a. courteous: polite: genteel. Cortesia (kor-tay-see'-r) /. courtesy: politeness. Corteza (kor-tay'-thar) /. bark: crust: peel. Cortina (kor-tee'-nar) /. cur- tain. Corto (kor'-to) a. scanty: short: small: narrow. Corton (kor-ton') ni. ringworm: field-mouse. Corusco (kor-oo'-sko) a. bril- liant. Corvo (kor' - vo) a. bent: crooked. Cosa (ko'-sar) /. thing. Cosecha (ko-say'-char) /. har- vest. Cosechar (ko-say-charr') v. to crop: reap. Coser (ko-sayr') v. to sew. Cosido (ko-see'-do) m. sewing: stitching. Cosm6tico (kos-may'-tee-ko) m. cosmetic. Cosquiils-so (kos-keel-yo'-so) a. ticklish: easily annoyed. Costa (kos'-tar) /. cost: price: charge. Costalero (kos-tarl'-er-o) m. porter. Costero (kos-ter'-o) a. outward. Costo (kos'-to) m. cost: ex- pense: price. Costoso (kos-to'-so) a. costly: dear: expensive. Costumbre (kos-toom'-bray) /. custom: habit. Gotidiano : Cotidiano (ko-tee-dee-r'-no) a. daily. Coton (ko-ton') m. cotton fabric. Gotonada (ko-ton-r'-dar) /. calico: print (stuff). Gotorra (ko-tor'-rar) /. mag- pie: talkative woman. Crasitud (krar-see-tood') /. fat: grease: thick. Graso (krar'-so) a. fat: greasy: thick. Grear (kray-r') v. to create: make. Crecer (kray-thayr') v. to grow: increase. Gr^dito (kray' - dee - to) m. credit: faith: reputation. Gredulidad (kray-doo-lee- dahd') /. credulity. Greer (kray-ayr') v. to beheve: credit: think. Grema (kray'-mar) /. cream: custard. Gresa (kray'-sar) /. maggot. Grespo (krays'-po) m. crisp: curled. Greta (kray'-tar) /. chalk. Criada (kree-r'-dar) /. maid- servant: handmaiden. Griar (kree-ar') v. to create: produce: breed. Griba (kree'-bar)/. sieve: riddle. Grimen (kree'-men) m. crime: guilt. Griminal (kree-meen-arl') a. criminal. Gristal (krees-tarl') m. crystal: crystal-glass. Gritica (kree'-tee-kar) /. critic. Griticar (kree-tee-karr') v. to criticise. Grbnica (kron' - ee - kar) /. chronicle. Grucifijo (kroo-thee-fee'-ho) m. crucifix. Grudo (kroo'-do) a. crude: raw: unripe: immature. Gruel (kroo-l') a. cruel: severe: violent. Grujido(kroo-hee'-do)m. crack: creak: clash. Gruzar (kroo-thar') v. to cross: cross a road. Guadra (koo-r'-drar) /. hall: drawing-room. Guadrado (koo-r-drar'-do) a. square: perfect. Guadrilla (koo-r-dreel'-yar) /. gang: crew: troop. |. Gugujada Guajada (koo-r-har'-dar) /. butter: curd. Gual (koo-arl') ad. as: how— a. which: he who: same: like: such: one: other — pron. such: which. Cualquier (koo-arl-kee-ay') a. anyone. Gualquiera (koo-arl-kee-ay'- rar) a. anybody? anyone: somebody: someone. Guan (koo-arn') ad. as (before nouns): how. Guando (koo-am'-do) ad. if: although: when: even: some- times. Gu^nto (koo-arn'-to) ad. how much. Guantos (koo-arn'-tos) ad. how many: whilst: respecting. Guarenta (koo-r-rent'-r) a. forty. Guarestna (koo-r-ress'-mar) /. Lent. Guarta (koo-r'-tar) /. quarter. Guasi (koo-r'-see) ad. almost: nearly. Guatro (koo-r'-tro) a. four. Gucanero (koo-karn'-yar-o) in. parasite. Gucaracha (koo-kar-rar'-char) /. woodlouse. Guclillo (koo - kleel' - yo) m. cuckoo. Guchara (koo-char'-rar) /. spoon. Gucharada (koo-char-rar'-dar) /. spoonful. Guchar6n (koo-char-ron') m. ladle. Guchlchear (koo-chee-chay-r') V. to whisper. Guchillero (koo-cheel-yay'-ro) m. cutler. Cuello (koo-ayl'-yo) m. neck: shirt collar. Guenta (koo-ayn'-tar)/. reckon- ing: account: bill. Guero (koo-a'-ro) m. hide: leather: skin. Guerva (koo-a'-var) /. crow. Cuervo (koo-ayr'-vo) m. raven. Guesti6n (koo-ess-tee-on') /. question: dispute: quarrel. Gueva (koo-a'-var) /. cave: grotto. Gugujada (koo-goo-har'-dar)/. skylark. Guidado Culdado (koo-ee-dar'-do) m. care: heed: fear: solicitude. Cuita (koo-ee'-tar) /. affliction: grief: trouble. Guitado (koo-ee-tar'-do) a. anxious: miserable: wretched. Gulebra (koo - lay' - brar) /. snake: serpent. Gulpar (kool-par') v. to accuse: blame. Gultivar (kool-tee-var') v. to cultivate. Gulto (kool'-to) a. correct: pure: polished. Gumulo (koo'-moo-lo) m. heap: pile. Guna (koo'-nar) /. cradle. Cunado (koon - yar' - do) m. brother-in-law. Guraci6n (koo-rar-thee-on') /. cure: healing. Gurar (koo-rarr') v. to cure: heal. Gurrutaco (koor-roo-tar'-ko) m. beau: fop — a. affected. Gustodio (koos-to'-dee-o) m. guard: keeper: watchman. Gutis (koo'-tiss) m. & f. skin. Guyo (koo'-yo) pron. of whom: of which: whose. GH (Considered in Spanish to rank as a separate letter of the alphabet.) Ghdchara (char'-char-rar) /. idle-talk: gossip. Ghafallar (char-farl-yar') t;. to mend: botch. Ghafarrinar (char-far-reen- ar') V. to blot: stain. Ghal_(charl) m. shawl. Ghalan (char-larn') m. hawker. Ghaleco (char - lay' - ko) m. waistcoat. Ghamuscado (char-moos-kar'- do) a. drunk: tipsy. Ghamuscar (char-moos-kar') V. to scorch: singe. Ghancleta (charn-klay'-tar) /. slipper. Ghanza (cham'-thar) /. jest: joke: fun. Ghaparron (char-par-ron') m. hea\^ shower of rain. Ghapucero (char-poo-thay'-ro) m. blacksmith. Ghibor (chee-bor') m. baboon. 35 Damnificar Ghico (chee'-ko) m. small boy — a. little: small. Chichisvear (chee-chees-vay- r') V. to court: woo. Ghifladera (chee-flar-day'-rar) /. whistle. Ghiflar (chee-flar') v. to whistle: jest: mock. Ghillar (cheel-yar') v. to scream: shriek. Ghimenea (chee-may-nay'-r) /. chimney. China (chee'-nar) /. porcelain: china-ware. Chinche (cheen'-chay) /. bug. Chinela (chee-nay'-lar) /. slip- per. Chirivia (chee-ree-vee'-r) /. parsnip. Chirla (cheer'-lar) /. mussel. Chirrionero (cheer-ree-o-nay'- ro) m. scavenger. Chisposo (chiss - po' - so) a, sparkling. Chistar (chiss-tar') v. to mumble: mutter. Chistoso (chiss - to' - so) a. cheerful: gay. Chite (chiss'-tay) interj. hush; silence. Chocolate (cho-ko-lar'-tay) m. chocolate. Chofes (cho'-fays) m. pi, lungs. Cheque (cho'-kay) m. collision; shock: skirmish. Chorizo (cho-ree'-tho) m. pork- sausage. Ghuleta (choo-lay'-tar) /. chop. Chupar (choo-parr') v. to suck. Churriento (choor-ree'-n-to) a. greasy. Dable (dar'-blay) a. easy: possible. Dadiva (dar'-dee-var) /. gift: , present. I Daga (dar'-gar) /. dagger. ' Dama (dar' - mar) /. lady: gentlewoman: mistress. Dameria (dar-may-ree -r) /. ' prudery. Damero (dar - may - ro) m. draught-board. Damisela (dar-mee-say'-lar) /. young lady. Damnificar (darm - nee - fee- kar') V. to damage: injure. Danza 36 IDanza (dam'-thar) /. dance. Danar (dam-yar') a. to damage: hurt. I>anino (darn-yin'-o) a. noxious. Dardo (darr'-do) m. dart. Datil (dar'-teel) m. date (fruit). Dauco (dar-oo'-ko) m. carrot. De (day) prep, for: from: by: of: on: to: with. Debajo (day-bar'-ho) a. below: under: underneath. Debatir (day-bar-teer') v. to debate: discuss. Deber (day-bayr') m. debt: duty: obligation — v. to owe. Debidamente (day-bee-dar- men'-tay) ad. duly: exactly: justly. D6bil (day'-bil) a. feeble: frail: sickly: weak. D^bito (day'-bee-to) m. debt: duty. Decadencia (day-kar-den'- thee-r) /. decay: decline. Decaer (day-kar-ayr') v. to decay: decline. Decano (day-kar'-no) m. senior. Decapitar (day-kar-peet-r') v. to behead. Decencia (day-then'-thee-r) /. decency: modesty. Deceno, D6cimo (day-thay'- no: day'-thee-mo) a. tenth. Decidir (day-thee-deer') v. to decide: determine. Decir (day-theer') v. to say: speak: tell. Decisive (day-thee-see'-vo) a. decisive: final. Declaracidn (day-klar-r-thee- on') /. declaration. Declarar (day-klar-r') v. to declare. Decomiso (day-ko-mee'-so) a. confiscate. Decorar (day-kor-r') v. to adorn: decorate. Decoro (day-kor'-o) m. honour: honesty: respect. Decremento (day-kray-men'- to) m. decrease. Decr6pito (day-kray'-pee-to) a. decrepit: worn out. Dechado (day-char'-do) m. pat- tern: sample. Dedal (day-darl') m. thimble. Dedalera (day-dar-lay'-ra) /. foxglove. Demente Dedo (day'-do) m. finger: toe. Dedo anular, ring finger. Dedo del corazdn, middle finger. Dedo meiiique, little finger. Dedo pulgar, thumb. Defectible (day-fek-tee'-blay) a. deficient: imperfect. Defensa (day - fen' - sar) /. defence: apology. Deferente (day-fay-ren'-tay) a. docile: pliant: yielding. Definir (day-fee-neer') v. to define: explain. Deforme (day-for'-may) a. deformed: ugly. Defraudar (day-frar-00-dar') V. to defraud. Degollador (day-gol-yar-dor') m. executioner. Deidad (day-ee-dard') /. deity: divinity. Deifico (day-ee'-fee-ko) a. divine. Dejado (day-har'-do) a. idle: indolent: slovenly. Dejar (day-har') v. to leave: let: forsake: quit. Dejo (day'-ho) ni. end: termina- tion. Del (dayl) a. of the (contracted from de el). Delantal (day-larn-tarl') m. apron. Delante (day-lam'-tay) ad. before — prep, in front of. Delator (day-lar-tor') m. ac- cuser: denouncer. Deleitable (day-lay-ee-tar'- blay) a. delightful. Deleite (day-lay'-ee-tay) m. de- light: pleasure. Deletrear (day-lay-tray-ar') v. to spell. Delfin (del-feen') m. dolphin, Delicado (day-lee-kar'-do) a. delicate: dainty. Delicia (day-lee'-thee-r) /. de- light. Delia, Dello (dayl'-ya: dayl'- yo) contractions of de ella (of her) and de ello (of it). Demandar (day-marn-dar') v. to demand: ask: request. Demas (day-mars') a. the others: the rest. Demente (day-men'-tay) a, mad. Democracla 3 Democracia (day-mo-krar'- thee-r) /. democracy. Demonio (day -mo'-nee-o) m. demon. Demorar (day-mo-rarr') v. to remain. Denegar (day-nay-gar') v. to deny: refyse. Densidaa (den-see-dahd') /. density. Denso (der> -fo) a. dense: com- pact: thick. Dentadura (den-tar-doo'-rar) /. set of teeth Dentellear (cV Atell-yay-r') v. to bite. Dentista (den-tees'-tar) m. dentist. Dentro (den'-tro) ad. within. Deparar (day-par-r') v. to offer: present: give. Deplorar (day-plo-rarr') v. to deplore. Deportar (day-por-tarr') v. to transport. Depositaria (day-po-see-tar- ree'-r) /. depository. Depurar (day-poo-rar') v. to cleanse: purify. Derecha (day-ray'-char) /. right-hand. Derecho (day-ray'-cho) a. right: just: straight. Derramador (dayr-rar-m ar- dor') m. spendthrift. Derredor (dayr-ray-dor') m. circumference. Derribar (dayr-ree-bar') v. to demolish. Desabill^ (day-sar-beel-yay') m. undress. Desabotonar (day-sar-bo-to- nar') v. to unbutton. Desabrido (day-sar-bree'-do) a. tasteless: insipid. Desabrigar (day-sar-bree-gar') V. to uncover. Desabrigo (day-sar-bree'-go) m. nakedness. Desabrir (day-sar-bree-r') v. to annoy: plague: vex. Desacato (day-sar-kar'-to) m. disrespect: incivility. Desacierto (day-sar-thee-ayr'- to) m. blunder: mistake. Desadeudar (days-r-day-oo- dar') V. to get out of debt. Desadorar (days-r-dor-r') v. to cease loving. r Descanso Desafiar (days-r-fee-r') v. to challenge. Desafortunado (days-r-for- too-nar'-do) a. unfortunate. Desagradar (days-r-grar-dar') t;. to displease. Desaguar (days-r-goo-r') v. to empty: pour out. Desahogar (days-r-o-gar') t;. to ease a pain. Desairado (days-r-ee-rar'-do) a. slighted: disregarded. Desaire (days-r-ee'-ray) m. dis- dain: disrespect. Desalino (days-r-leen'-yo) m. slovenliness. Desalumbrado (days-r-loom- brar'-do) a. dazzled. Desamparar (days-arm -par- r') V. to forsake: abandon. Desanudar (days-r-noo-dar') V. to disentangle: untie. Desaplicado (days-r-plee-kar'- do) a. careless: indolent. Desapretar (days-r-pray-tar') V. to loosen: slacken. Desarrapado (days-r-rar-par'- do) a. ragged. Desarreglar (days-r-ray-glar') V. to derange. Desarropar (days-r-ro-par') v. to undress. Desaseo (das-r-say'-o) m. dis- order. Desasir (days-r-seer') v. to disentangle: unloosen. Desastrado (days-ars-trar'-do) a. miserable: wretched. Desatacar (days-r-tar-kar') v. to loosen: untie. Desatentado (days-r-tayn-tar'- do) a. inconsiderate: thought- less. Desavisado (days-r-vees-r'-do) a. ill-advised. Desayuno (days-r-yoo'-no) m. breakfast. Desbrozar (days-bro-thee-r') V. to clear rubbish away. Descabal (days-kar-barl) a. incomplete. Descabellado (days-kar-bayl- yar'-do) a. disorderly: wild. Descalzo (days-karl -tho) a. barefooted. Descampado (days-karm -par- do) a. free: disengaged. Descanso (days-karn -so) ia. rest: repose. Descargadero Descargadero (days-kar-gar- day'-ro) ??i. wharf. Descariiio (days-kar-een'-yo) m. loss of affection. Descendencia (days-then- dayn'-ther) /. offspring. Descender (days-then-dayr') V. to descend. Descepar (days-thee-parr') v. to uproot. Descobijar (days-ko-bee-har') V. to uncover: undress. Descoco (days-ko'-ko) m. im- pudence. Descolorido (days-kol-o-ree'- do) a. colourless: pale. Descomedido (days-ko-may- dee'-do) a. impudent: in- solent. Descompostura (days-kom- poos-too'-rar) /. confusion. Desconcertar (days - kon - thayr-tarr') v. to disturb. Desconfiar (days-kon-fee-ar') V. to mistrust. Desconocer (days - kon - o - thayr') v. to disown: disavow. Descontar (days-kon-tar') v. to abate: discount. Descontentadizo (days-kon- ten-tar-dee'-tho) a. squeam- ish. Desconvenir (days-kon-vay- neer') v. to disagree. Descorrer (days-kor-rayr') v. to flow: run. Descreer (days-kray-ayr') v. to disbelieve. Describir (days-kree-beer') v. to delineate: draw: describe. Descuerno (days-koo-er'-no) m. affront: contempt. Desde (days'-day) prep, after: from: since. Desdentado (days-den-tar'-do) a. toothless. Desdicha (days-dee'-char) /. misfortune: calamity. Desear (day-say-r') v. to desire: wish. Desecar (day-say-kar') v. to dry. Desembalar (days-m-bar-lar') V. to unpack. Desembarcar (days-m-bar- kar') V. to land: disembark. Desempapelar (days-m-par- pay-lar') v. to unwrap. 38 Desleal Desempaquetar (days-m-par- kay-tar') v. to unpack. Desempenar (days-m-payn- yar') v. to redeem. Desencaminar (days-n-kar- meen-'r) v. to go astray: lose the way. Dcsenfado (days-n-far'-do) m. calmness: ease: facility. Desenganchar (days-n-garn- char') z'. to unfasten: unhook. Desengarzar (days-n-gar- thar') V. to unravel. Desenrollar (days-n-rol-yar') V. to unroll. Desenroscar (days-n-roos- kar') V. to untwist. Desentenderse (days-n-ten- dayr'-say) v. to take no notice. Deseo (day-say'-o) m. desire: wish. Deseoso (day-say-o'-so) a. desirous. Deserter (day-sayr-tor') m. deserter: fugitive. Desflorar (dess-flo-rar') v. to sully: tarnish. Desgarbado (dess-gar-bar'-do) a. uncouth. Desgobierno (dess-go-bee- ayr'-no) m. misrule. Desgraciar (dess-grar-thee-r') V. to displease. Deshabitado (days-r-bee-tar'- do) a. uninhabited. Deshacer (days-r-thayr') v. to destroy: cancel. Desharrapado (days-r-rar- par'-do) a. shabby. Deshelar (day-say-lar') v. to thaw: melt. Deshielo (days-ee-ay'-lo) m. thaw. DeshoUinador (days-ol-yee- nar-dor') m. chimney-sweep. Deshonesto (days-o-ness'-to) a. immodest: lewd. Deshonra (days-on'-ra) /. dis- honour: disgrace: seduction. Desidia (days-ee'-dee-r) /. lazi- ness: idleness. Desigual (days-ee-goo-arl') a. unequal. Desistir (days-iss-teer') v. to stop: desist. Deslavado (dess-lar-var'-do) a. barefaced. Desleal (dess-Iay-arl') a. di- loyal. Desleir Desleir (dess-lay-eer') v. to dilute. Desliar (dess-lee-ar') v. to untie. Deslizadizo (dess-lee-thar- dee'-tho) a. slippery. Deslumbrar (dess - loom' - brar') v. to dazzle. Desmanotado (dess-mar-no- tar'-do) a. awkward. Desmayo (dess-mar'-yo) m. dismay: swoon. Desnudo (dess-noo'-do) a. bare: naked. Despacio (dess-par'-thee-o) ad. leisurely: slowly. Despacito (dess-par-thee'-to) cd. very leisurely: very slowly. Despacho (dess-par'-cho) m. expedient: dispatch. Despechar (dess-pay-char') v. to fret: enrage. Despecho (dess-pay'-cho) m. indignation. Despedida (dess-pay-dee'-dar) /. farewell. Despedir (dess-pay-deer') v. to discharge: dismiss: emit. Despender (dess-pen-dayr') v. to spend: squander. Despensa (dess-pen'-sar) /. pantry: larder. Despenadero (dess-payn-yar- day'-ro) m. precipice. Despertar (dess-payr-tar') v. to wake up. Despiadado (dess-pee-r-dar'- do) a. unmerciful. Despicar (dess-pee-kar') v. to gratify. Despiefto (dess-pee-ayr'-to) a. awake: vigilant. Despilfarro (dess-peel-far'-ro) m. mismanagement. Despinzas (dess-peen'-thas) /. pi. tweezers. Despique (dess-pee'-kay) m. revenge. Desplacer (dess-plar-thayr') v. to displease. Desprecio (dess-pray'-thee-o) m. contempt: scorn. Desprender (dess-pren-dayr') V. to unfasten: loosen. Desproposito (dess-pro-po'- see-to) m. absurdity. Despu^s (dess-poo-ess') ad. after: afterwards. 39 Devanear Despumar (dess-poo-mar') v. to skim. Despuntar (dess-poon-tar') v. to blunt. Destajo (dess-tar'-ho) m. job: work. Destello (dess - tayl' - yo) m. sparkle: glitter. Destilar (dess-teel-r') v. to distil. Destilatorio (dess-teel-r-tor'- ee-o) m. distillery. Destine (dess-tee'-no) m, des- tiny: fate. Destornillador (dess-tor-neel- yar-dor') m. screwdriver. Destroncar (dess-tron-kar') v. to cut off: lop off: maim. Destruccion (dess-trook-thee- on') /. destruction. Destruir (dess-troo-eer') v. to destroy. Desvalido (dess-var-lee'-do) a. destitute: helpless. Desvan (dess-varn') m. garret. Desvanecimiento (dess-var- nay-thee-mee-n'-to) m. gid- diness. Desvario (dess-var-ee'-o) m. delirium. Desvelar (dess-vay-lar') v. to keep awake. Desvelo (dess-vee'-lo) m. want of sleep. Desventaja (dess-ven-tar'-har) /. disadvantage. Dcsventura (dess-ven-too'-rar) /. misfortune. Desvergonzado (dess-vayr- gon-thar'-do) a. impudent: shameless. Detallista (day-tarl-yiss'-tar) /. retailer. Detener (day-tay-nayr') v. to detain. Deteriorar (day-tay-ree-o-rar') V. to deteriorate. Detestar (day-tess-tar') v. to detest. Detras (day-trars') ad. after: behind: behind one's back. Deuda (day'-oo-dar) /. debt: fault. Deudo (day'-oo-do) m. parent. Deudor (day-oo-dor') m. & /. debtor. Devanear (day-var-nay-r') V. to rave: talk nonsense. Devengar Devengar (day-vayn-gar') v. to earn. Devocion (day-vo-thee-on') /. devotion. Devorar (day-vor-r') v. to devour. Devuelto (day-voo-ayl'-to) a. returned. Dia (dee'-r) /. day. Diablo (dee-r'-blo) m. devil. Dia de aiios (dee'-r: day: arn'- yos) /. birthday. Diafano (dee-r'-far-no) a. transparent. Dialogo (dee-r'-lo-go) m. dia- logue. Diamante (dee-r-marn'-tay) m. diamond. Didmetro (dee-r'-mayt-ro) m. diameter. Diantre (dee - arnt' - ray) m. deuce: devil. Diario (de-r'-ree-o) m. diary: journal: daily paper. Diarrea (dee - r - ray' - ar) /. diarrhoea. Dibujar (dee-boo-har') v. to draw: design. Dibujo (dee-boo'-ho) rn. draw- ing: design: sketch. Diccionario (deek-thee-o-nar'- ree-o) m. dictionary. Diciembre (de-thee-m'-bray) m. December. Dictador (deek-tar-dor') m. dictator. Dictamen (deek-tar'-men) m. opinion: suggestion. Dicterio (deek-tayr'-ee-o) m. insult: sarcasm. Diciia (dee'-char) /. happiness. Diente (dee-n'-tay) m. tooth: fang: tusk. Diestra (dee-ess'-trar) /. right hand. Dieta (dee-ay'-tar) /. diet. Diez (dee'-eth) a. & m. ten. Difamar (dee-far-mar') v. to defame: libel. Diferencia (dee-fay-ren-thee'- r) /. difference. Dificil (dee - fee' - theel) a. difficult. Difidente (dee-fee-den'-tay) a. diffident. Difunto (dce-foon'-to) a. dead: deceased. Digerible (dee-hay-rec'-blay) a. digestible. 40 Disfrutar Digerlr (dee-hay-reer') t;. to digest. Digestidn (dee-hays-tee-on') /. digestion. Dignarse (deeg-nar'-say) v. to condescend: deign. Dignidad (deeg-nee-dahd') /. dignity. Digno (deeg'-no) a. worthy. Dilacion (dee-lar-thee-on') /. delay. Dilatado (dee-lar-tar'-do) a. numerous: spacious: large. Dilatar (dee-lar-tar') v. to ex- pand: dilate. Dilecto (dee-lek'-to) a. beloved: loved. Diligencia (dee-lee-hen-thee'- r) /. diligence. Dilucidar (dee-loo-thee-dar') V. to explain: elucidate. Diluvio (dee-loo-vee'-o) m. deluge: inundation. Diminuto (dee-mee-noo'-to) a. defective: faulty. Dinero (dee-nay'-ro) m. coin: coinage: money. Dios (dee'-os) m. God. Diosa (dee-o'-sar) /. goddess. Diputado (dee-poo-tar'-do) w. deputy. Directo (dee-rek'-to) a. straight: direct. Dirigir (dee-ree-heer') v. to conduct: direct. Dirimir (dee-ree-meer') v. to dissolve. Discernir (dess-thayr-neer') v. to discern: distinguish. Discipulo (dess-thee-poo'-lo) scholar: pupil. Disco (dees'-ko) m. disc. Discrepar (dess-kray-par') v. to differ. Disculpa (dees-kool'-par) /. apology: excuse. Discutir (dees-koot-eer') v. to discuss. Disecar (dee-say-kar') v. to dissect. Disenar (dee-sayn-yar') v. to draw: design. Disfraz (dees-frath') m. dis- guise: mask. Disfrazar (dees-frath-r') v. to disguise. Disfrutar (dees-froo-tar') v. to enjoy. Disgustar i Disgustar (dees-goos-tar') v. to disgust: offend. Dlsimulado (dee-see-moo-lar'- do) a. reserved. Disipado (dee-see-par'-do) a. lavish: wasteful. Dislate (dees-lar'-tay) m. ab- surdity: nonsense. Disminuir (dees-meen-oo-ee- r') V. to diminish. Dispar (dees-par') a. unequal: unlike. Disparar (dees-par-r') v. to shoot: fire a gun. Disparo (dees-par'-o) m. dis- charge: explosion. Dispendioso (dees-pen-dee-o'- so) a. costly. Displicente (dees-plee-then'- tay) a. displeasing: otTensive. Distancia (dees-tam-thee'-r)/. distance. Distante (dees-tarn'-tay) a. distant: far off. Distinguido (dees-teen-goo- ee'-do) a. distinguished. Distinto (dees-teen'-to) a. dis- tinct. Distraido (dees-trar-ee'-do) a- absent. Distribuir (dees-tree-boo-eer') t'. to distribute. Disuadir (dees-oo-r-deer') v. to dissuade. Diurno (dee-oor'-no) m. prayer- book — m. pi. butterflies. Divagacion (dee-var-gar-thee- on') /. wandering. Divagar (dee-var-gar') v. to ramble: roam. Diversion (dee-vayr-see-on') /. sport: amusement. Diverse (dee - vayr' - so) a. different: diverse. Divertido (dee-vayr-tee'-do) a. amused: merry. Divertir (dee-vayr-teer') v. to turn aside: amuse: entertain. Dividendo (dee-vee-den'-do) m. dividend (arith: & shares). Dividir (dee-vee-deer') v. to divide: separate. Divieso (dee-vee-ay'-so)m. boil. Divino (dee-vee'-no) a. divine. Divisa (dee-vee'-sa) /. device: badge: motto. Division (dee-vee-see-on') /. division. Donaire Divorcio (dee-vor'-thee-o) m. divorce. Divuigaci6n (dee-vool-gar- thee-on') /. publication. Dobladillo (do-blar-deel'-yo) m. border: hem. Doblado (do - blar' - do) a. strong: forceful: robust. Dobladura (do-blar-doo'-rar) /. crease: fold. Doblar (do-blar') v. to crease: double: fold. Doble (do'-blay) a. double: duplicate. Dobles4able (do-blay-gar'-blay) a. pliable. Doblegar (do-blay-gar') v. to bend. Doblemente (do-blay-mayn'- tee) ad. artfully: deceitfully. Doce (do-thay') a. & m. twelve. Docena (do-thay'-nar)/. dozen. Docente (do-thayn'-tay) a. teaching. D6cil (do'-thill) a. docile: gentle. Docto (dok'-to) a. learned. Dogo (do'-go) m. bulldog. Dolencia (do-layn-thee'-r) /. disease. Doler (do-layr') v. to suffer pain. Doliente (do-lee-n'-tay) a. ach- ing: suffering. Dolo (do'-lo) m. deceit: fraud. Doloroso (do-lo-ro'-so) a. dis- mal: sorrowful. Doloso (do-lo'-so) a. deceitful. Domar (do-mar') v. to tame: subdue. Domestico (do-mess-tee'-ko) m. domestic: menial. Domiciliarse (do-mee-thee- lee-r'-say) v. to take up residence. Domicilio (do-mee-thee'-lee-o) m. domicile: home. Dominacion (do - mee - nar - thee-on')/. dominion: author- ity._ Dominar (do-mee-nar') v. to domineer: bully. Domingo (do-meen'-go) m. Sunday. Don (don) m. donation: gift: present: Spanish title. Donacion (don-r-thee-on') /. donation: gift. Donaire (do-nar'-ee-ray) m. elegance: grace. Doncella 42 Efectividad Doncella (don-thell'-yar) /. maiden: virgin. Donde (don'-day) ad. where. Donde (don'-day) ad. for what reason: by which way. Dona (don'-yar)/. lady: mistress. Doquier (do-kee-er') ad. any- where. Dorado (do-rar'-do) a. gilt. Dormidero (dor-mee-day'-ro) a. sleepy. Dormilon (dor-meel-on') a. dull: sleepy. Dormir (dor-meer') v. to sleep. Dormitar (dor-mee-tar') v. to doze. Dorso (dor'-so) m. back: back- bone. Dos (doss) a. ©" m. two. Dosis (do'-sees) /. dose. Dote (do'-tay) m. & f. dowry. Dragar (drar-gar') v. to dredge. Dramatic© (drar-mar'-tee-ko) a. dramatic. Dramaturgo (drar-mar-toor'- go) m. & f. play right: dramatist. Drenaje (dray-nar'-hay) m. drainage. Droga (dro'-gar) /. drug: medicine. Droguero (dro-goo-er'-o) m. druggist. Dubitativo (doo-bee-tar-tee'- vo) a. doubtful: dubious. Ducha (doo'-char) /. shower- bath. Ducho (doo'-cho) a. skilful: dexterous. Duda (doo'-dar) /. doubt: hesitation. Dudar (doo-dar') v. to doubt: hesitate. Duelo (doo-ayl'-o) m. duel. Duende (doo-n'-day) m. ghost. Duena (doo-ayn'-yar) /. mar- ried lady: mistress. Dueno (doo-ayn'-yo) m. master: owner. Dulce (dool'-thay) a. sweet: soft: mild. Dulclficar (dool-thee-fee-kar') V. to sweeten. Dulcinea (dooUthee-nay'-r) /. sweetheart. Duplicado (doop'-lee-kar-do) m. duplicate. Duplicar (doop-lee-kar') v. to double: repeat. Duque (doo'-kay) m. duke. Duquesa (doo - kay' - sar) /. duchess. Duradero (doo-rar-day'-ro) a. lasting: durable. Durante (doo-rarn'-tay) prep. & ad. during. Durar (doo-rar') v. to con- tinue: last. Durazno (doo-rarth'-no) m. peach. Dureza (doo-ray'thar) /. hard- ness: firmness. Duro (doo'-ro) a. hard: firm: solid. E (ay) conj. and. Ea pues (ay-ar': poo-ess) interj. well then. Ebanista (ay-bar-nees'-tar) m. , cabinet-maker. Ebano (ay'-bar-no) m. ebony. Ebrio (ay'-bree-o) a. in- ebriated: drunk. Eburneo (ay-boor'-nay-o) a. ivory. Eco (ay'-ko) m. echo. Economizar (ay-ko-no-mee- thar') 1^. to economise: save. Ecuador (ay-koo-ar-dor') m. Equator. Ecumenico (ay-koo-may'-nee- ko) a. universal. Echar (ay-char') v. to cast: dart: pitch: throw. Edad (ay-dahd') /. age: era: time. Eden (ay-dayn') m. Eden: paradise. Edicion (ay-dee-thee-on') /. edition: issue. Edicto (ay-deek'-to) m. placard. Edificio (ay-dee-fee'-thee-o) m. building: edifice. Editar (ay-dee-tar') v. to publish. Editor (ay-dee-tor') m. & f. editor: publisher. Educacion (ay-doo-kar-thee- on') /. education: learning. Educando (ay-doo-karn'-do) m. & f. pupil: student. Educar (ay-doo-kar') v. to educate. Efectividad (ay-fek-tee-vee- dahd') /. reality. Efectivo Efectivo (ay-fek-tee'-vo) a. effective: certain: true. Efecto (ay-fek'-to) m. con- sequence. Efectuar (ay-fek-too-r') v. to carry out. Efervescencia (ay-fayr-vays- then-thee'-r) /. effervescence. Eficacia (ay-fee-ka-thee'-r) /. efficacy. Eficiente (ay-fee-thee-n-tay) a. efficient. Efugio (ay - foo' - hee - o) m. evasion: subterfuge. Egoismo (ay-go-ees'-mo) m. selfishness. Egregio (ay-gray'-he-o) a. re- markable. Eje (ay'-hay) m. axis: shaft: spindle. Ejecucion (ay-hay-koo-thee- on') /. execution: perform- ance. Ejecutante (ay-ha-koo-tarn '- tay) m. performer. Ejemplar (ay-hem-plar') m. example: model. Ejercer (ay-hayr-thayr') v. to exercise: practice. Ej6rcito (ay-hayr'-thee-to) m. army. El (ell) article, m. the. El (ell) m. Ella (ell'-lar)/. Ello (ell'-lo) n. he: she: it. Elaborado (ay-lar-bo-rar'-do) a. elaborate. Elastico (ay-lars'-tee-ko) a. elastic. Eleccion (ay-lek-thee-on') /. election. Electo (ay-lek'-to) m. & f. elect: chosen. Electricidad (ay-lek-tree-thee- dahd') /. electricity. E16ctrico (ay-Iek-tree'-ko) a. electric. Elefante (ay-lay-fam'-tay) m. elephant. Elegancia (ay-Iay-gam'-thee- r) /. elegance: grace. Elegible (ay-lay-hee'-blay) a. eligible. Elegir (ay-lay-heer') v. to elect: choose. Elenco (ay-len'-ko) m. cata- logue: list. Elevar (ay-lay-var') v. to raise: elevate. 43 Embudo Elocuencia (ay-lo-koo-n-thee'- r) /. eloquence. Elogiar (ay-lo-he-r') v. to praise: congratulate. Eludir (ay-loo-deer') v. to avoid: elude: escape. Embajada (em-bar-har'-dar)/. embassy: legation. Embajador (em-bar-har-dor') m. ambassador. Embalaje (em-bar-lar'-hay) nt. package: packing. Embalsamar (em-barl-sar- mar') v. to perfume: scent. Embarazar (em-bar-rar-thar') V. to hinder: obstruct. Embarcacion (em-bar-kar- thce-on') /. embarkation. Embarcadero (em-bar-kar- dayr'-o) m. pier: quay: har- bour. Embargar (em-bar-gar') v. to hinder: impede. Embastar (em-bars-tar') v. to stitch: sew temporarily. Embate (em - bar' - tay) m. breakers: surf: waves. Embaucar (em-bar-oo-kar') v. to deceive: trick. Embebecer (em-bay-bay- thayr') v. to astonish. Embeleco (em-bay-lay '-ko) m. fraud: imposition. Embelesar (em-bay-lay-sar') V. to charm: please: fascinate. Embestida (em-bess-tee'-dar) /. assault. Embestir (em-bess'-teer) v. to assail. Embobar (em-bo-bar') v. to amuse: distract. Emborrachar (em-bor-rar- char') V. to intoxicate: make drunk. Embotado (em-bo-tar'-do) a. blunt: dull. Embotellar (em-bo-tayl-yar') V. to bottle. Embravecer (em-brar-vay- thayr') v. to'enrage: irritate. Embrollo (em-broU'-yo) m. trickery. Embromado (em-bro-mar'« do) a. foggy: hazy: misty. Embrutecer (em-broo-tay» thayr') v. to stupefy. Embudo (em-boo'-do) m. fun- nel. Etnbuste Etnbuste (em-boos'-tay) m. fraud: lie. Embustero (em-boos-tay'-ro) m. cheat: impostor: liar. Embutido (em-boo-tee'-do) m. sausage. Em^tico (ay-may'-tee-ko) m. emetic. Emigrar (ay-mee-grar') v. to emigrate. Emisidn (ay-mee-see-on') /. emission: issue. Emitir (ay-mee-teer') v. to emit: send forth. Emoci6n (ay-mo-thee-on') /. emotion. Empacar (em-par-kar') v. to pack up. Empachar (em-par-char') v. to embarrass. Empacho (em-par'-cho) m. bashfulness: timidity. Empalagar (em-par-lar-gar') V. to disgust: loathe. Empalizada (em-par-lee-thar' dar) /. palisade. Empedrado (em-pay-drar'-do) m. pavement. Empenar (em-payn-yar') v. to pawn: commence. Empeno (em-payn'-yo) m. obligation: engagement: pledge. Empero (em-pay'-ro) conj. but: however: yet. Empezar (em-pay-thar') v. to begin. Empinar (em-peen-ar') v. to exalt: raise. Emplear (em-play-ar') v. to employ: occupy. Etnpleo (em-play'-o) m. business: employment. Emponzonar (em-pon-thon- yar') v. to poison. Emprender (em-pren-dayr') v. to undertake: venture. Emprenar (em-pren-yar') v. to beget: impregnate. Empresa (em-pray'-sa) /. en- terprise. Empr^stito (em-press'-tee-to) m. loan: money lent. Etnpujar (em-poo-har') v. to grasp: push. En (en) prep, as: for: in: on: upon. Enamorarse (ay-nar-mor-r'- say) V. to fall in love. 4 Engano Enastado (ay-nar-star'-do) a. horned. Encaje (en-kar'-hay) m. lace: mosaic work. Encantar (en-kam-tar') v. to enchant. Encapotarse (en-kar-po-tar'- say) 1'. to look sullen: become cloudy. Encarar (en-kar-r') v. to face. Encargar (en-kar-gar') v. to charge: commit. Encargo (en - kar' - go) m. charge: employ: office: trust. Encender (en-then-dayr') v. to enrage: set on fire. Encerrar (en-thayr-r') v. to enclose: lock up: shut up. Encima (en - thee' - ma) ad. above: over: besides. Encogido (en-ko-hee'-do) a. timid: bashful. Encojarse (en-ko-har'-say) v. to be lame. Encomendar (en-ko-men-dar') V. to recommend. Encomiar (en-ko-mee-r') v. to extol: praise. Encontrar (en-kon-trar') v. to encounter: meet. Encuentro (en-koo-en'-tro) m. encounter: meeting. Encumbrar (en-koom-brar') V. to elevate: mount: raise. Endosar (en-do-sar') v. to en- dorse: indorse. Endoso (en-do'-so) m. indorse- ment (of cheque: bill, etc.). Enemigo (ay-nay-mee'-go) m. enemy. Enfadar (en-far-dar') v. to irritate: annoy: trouble. Enfermar (en-fayr-mar') v. to fall sick: weaken. Enferrnedad (en - fayr - may - dahd') /. illness: sickness. Enfermeria (en-fayr-may- ree'-r) /. hospital: infirmary. Enfermizo (en-fayr-mee'-tho) a. infirm: unhealthy. Enflautado (en-flar-oo-tar'-do) a. inflated. Enfrente (en-fren'-tay) ad. op- posite: over against: in front. Enganar (en-gam-yar') v. to cheat: deceive. Engano (en-garn'-yo) m. deceit: fraud: mistake. Engordarse Engordarse (en-gor-dar'-say) V. to become fat. Engrandecer (en-gram-day- thayr') v. to exaggerate. Enjugar (en-hoo-gar') v. to dry: wipe. Enlace (en-lar'-thay) m. wed- ding: link: lacing together. Enmendar (en-men-dar') v. to correct: repair. Enojar (ay-no-har') v. to tease: irritate: make angry. Enojo (ay-no'-ho) m. anger: passion. Enorme (ay - nor' - may) a. enormous: huge. Enredar (en-ray-dar') r. to perplex. Enredo (en-ray'-do) m. en- tanglement: tangle. Enrejado (en-ray-har'-do) m. trellis-work: railing. Enrevesado (en-ray-vay-sar'- do) a. frisky. Enriscar (en-rees-kar') v. to lift: raise. Enroscar (en-ross-kar') v. to twist. Ensalada (en-sar-lar'-dar) m. salad: mixture. Ensalzarse (en-sarl-thar'-say) V. to boast: brag. Ensayar (en-sar-yar') i\ to attempt: try. Ensenar (en-sayn-yar') v. to instruct: teach. Ensordecer (en - sor - day - thayr') v. to become deaf. Entallar (en-tarl-yar') to mark: carve: engrave. Entender (en-tayn-dayr') v. to comprehend: understand. Entenderse (en-tayn-dayr'- say) V. to agree. Entendido (en-tayn-dee'-do) a. learned: wise. Entendimiento (en-tayn-dee- mee-n'-to) m. knowledge: wisdom. Enterar (en-tay-rar') i;. to reform: inform. Enterizo (en-tay-ree'-tho) a. entire: complete: whole. Enterrar (en-tayr-rar') v. to bun,-: inter. Entonces (en-ton'-thess) ad. then: at that time. Entrada (en-trar'-dar) /. en- trance. ; Escala Entrambos (en-trarm'-bos) a. both. Entrar (en-trar') v. to enter: go in. Entre (en'-tray) prep, among between: in. Entrega (en-tray'-gar) /. de- livery. Entremetido (en-tray-may- tee'-do) 771. fef /. busybody. Entrepano (en-tray-pam'-yo) m. shelf: panel. Entretanto (en-tray-tam'-to) ad. meanwhile. Entretener (en-tray-tayn-r') v. to amuse: please. Entretenido (en-tray-tayn ee'- do) a. amusing: pleasing. Entrevista (en-tray-vees'-tar) /. interview. Entusiasmo (en-too-see-ars'- mo) 771. enthusiasm. Enunciacion (ay-noon-thee-r- thee'-on) /. declaration. Envalentonar (en-var-len-ton- r') V. to encourage. Envanecer (en-var-nay-thayr') V. to swell with pride. Envenenar (en-vay-nay-nar') V. to poison. Envestir (en-vays-teer') v. to investigate: look into. Enviada (en-vee-r'-dar)/. mes- sage. Enviado (en-vee-r'-do) w. mes- senger. Enviudar (en-vee-oo-dar') v. to become a widow(er). Envoltura (en-sol-too'-rar) /. envelope: covering. Epistola (ay-piss'-to-lar) /. letter. Equipaje (ay-kee-par'-hay) w. luggage: baggage. Equipar (ay-kee-par') v. to equip: furnish. Ereccion (ay-rek-thee-on') /. establishment: erection. Erigir (ay-ree-geer') r. to build: erect. Errar (ayr-rar') v. to err: mis- take: offend. Error (ayr-ror') 771. error: mis- take: fault: defect. Esbelto (ess-bel'-to) a. shapely: tall: genteel. Escabeche (ess-ka-bay'-chay) m. pickle. Escala (ess-kar'-lar) /. ladder. Escalera 46 Escalera (ess-kar-lay'-rar) /. stairs: staircase. Escalofrio (ess-karl-o-free-o') m. chill: shiver. Escandalo (ess-karn'-dar-lo) m. scandal. Escapar (ess-kar-par') v. to escape: flee: run away. Escapatoria (ess-kar-par-tor- ee'-r) /. excuse. Escarchar (ess-kar-char') v. to be frozen. Escarlata (ess-kar-lar'-tar) /. scarlet. Escarlatina (ess-kar-lar-tee'- nar) /. scarlet-fever. Escarnecer (ess - kar- nay - thayr') v. to mock. Escaso (ess-kar'-so) a. scarce: scanty: small. Escatimar (ess-kar-tee-mar') V. to curtail: haggle. Escena (ess-thay'-nar) /. scene: stage: view. Esceptico (ess-thep'-tee-ko) a. sceptic. Esclarecer (ess - klar - ray - thayr') v. to lighten: il- luminate. Esclarecido (ess - klar - ray - thee'-do) a. eminent: illustri- ous. Esclavo (ess-klar'-vo) nt. & f. slave. Escoba (ess-ko'-bar) /. broom. Escobilla (ess-ko-beel'-yar) /. brush. Escoc^s (ess-ko-thays') m. & f. Scotch. Escoger (ess-ko-hayr') 1^. to choose: select. Escogimiento (ess-ko-hee- niee-n'-to) m. choice: selec- tion. Escombro (ess-kom'-bro) /. rubbish. Esconder (ess-kon-dayr') v. to hide: conceal. Escopeta (ess-ko-pay'-tar) /. gun. Escribir (ess-kree-beer') v. to write. Escrltorio (ess-kree-to-ree'-o) tn. desk: writing-table: office. Escuadra (ess-koo-r'-drar) /. square. Escuchar (ess-koo-char') v. to listen. Especular Escuela (ess - koo - ayl' - r) /. school: teaching. Escuerzo (ess-koo-er'-tho) m. toad. Escultura (ess-kool-too'-rar) /. sculpture. Escupir (ess-koo-peer') v. to spit. Escurrir (ess-koor-reer') v. to wring: drain. Ese (ay '-say) m. Esa (ay'-sar)/. Eso (ay'-so) n. Esos (ay'- sos) m. pi. Esas (ay'-sars) /. pi. pron. that: those. Esforzar (ess-for-thar') v. to strengthen. Esforzarse (ess-for-thar'-say) V. to strive. Esmalte (ess-marl'-tay) m. enamel. Esmeralda (ess-may-rarl'-dar) /. emerald. Esmerar (ess-may-rar') v. to polish. Esofago (ess-o'-far-go) m. throat. Espaciar (ess-pay-thee-r') v. to spread: scatter. Espacio (ess-pay-thee'-o) m. space: place: capacity. Espacioso (ess-pay-thee-o'-so) a. spacious. Espada (ess-par'-dar) /. sword: ace of spades — m. bull-fighter. Espalda (ess - pari' - dar) /. shoulder: back (of body). Espantar (ess-pam-tar') v. to frighten. Espanto (ess - parn' - to) m. fright: threat. Espantoso (ess-parn-to'-so) a. frightful: dreadful. Esparcir (ess-parr-theer') v. to publish. Especeria (ess - pay - thee - ree-r') /. grocery shop. Especia (ess-pay-thee'-r) /. spice. Especificar (ess-pay-thee-fee- kar') V. to specify. Especioso (ess-pay-thee-o'-so) a. beautiful. Espectador (ess-payk-tar-dor') m. & f. spectator. Espectro (ess-payk'-tro) m. spectre: ghost. Especular (ess-pay-koo-larr') V. to speculate. Espejo / Espejo (ess-pay'-ho) m. mirror: looking-glass. Espera (ess-pay '-rar) /. delay: stop: interval. Esperanza (ess-pay-rarn'-thar) /. hope: expectancy. Esperar (ess-pay-rar') v. to hope: expect. Espeso (ess-pay '-so) a. thick: dense. Espia (ess-pee'-r) /. spy. Espiador (ess-pee-r-dor') m. explorer. Espina (ess-peen'-r) /. thorn: prickle: fish bone. Espionaje (ess-pee-on-r'-hay) m. espionage. Espiritu (ess-pee'-ree-too) m. spirit: soul: ardour. Espl6ndido (ess-playn'-dee- do) a. splendid. Esponja (ess - pon' - har) /. sponge. Esportillero (ess-por-teel-yar'- o) m. porter. Esposa (ess-po'-sar) /. wife. Esposo (ess-po'-so) m. hus- band: spouse. Espuela (ess-poo-ay'-lar) /. spur: larkspur. Espuma (ess - poo' - mar) /. froth. Espurio (ess-poo-ree'-o) a. faked: imitation: spurious. Establo (ess-tar'-blo) m. stable. Estacion (ess-tar-thee-on') /. station: depot: season (of year). Estafa (ess-tar'-far) /. swindle: trick. Estampa (ess-tahm'-par) /. print: stamp: impression. Estampador (ess - tarm - par - dor') 772. printer. Estanco (ess - tarn' - ko) m. monopoly, /ze/zcetobaccoshop. Estandarte (ess-tarn-dar'-tay) 777. flag: banner. Estano (ess-tarn'-yo) 777. tin. Estar (ess-tar') v. to be Estatua (ess - tar' - too - r) /. statue. Este (ess'-tay) 777. east. Este (ess'-tay) 777. Esta (ess'- tar)/. Esto (ess'-to) 71. this: as. Estera (ess-tay'-rar) /. mat. Estitna (ess-tee'-mar)/. esteem: respect. Estimar (ess-tee-mar') v. to esteem: estimate. 7 Estrujar Estimulante (ess - tee - moo - larn'-tay) 777. stimulant — a. stimulating. Estimular (ess-tee-moo-lar') V. to sting: excite. Estio (ess-tee'-o) 777. summer. Estipendio (ess-tee-payn'-dee- o) 77J. salary: wages: stipend. Estipular (ess-tee-poo-lar') v. to stipulate. Estirado (ess-tee-rar'-do) a. grave: proud. Estirar (ess-teer-ar') v. to stretch: extend. Estirpe (ess-teer'-pay) /. race: stock. Estival (ess-tee'-val) a. summer. Estocada (ess-to-kar'-dar) /. stab: lunge. Estofado (ess-to-far'-do) 77:. stewed meat. Estolido (ess-to'-lee-do) a. stupid: stohd. Estomagar (ess-to-mar-gar') V. to resent. Estomago (ess-to'-mar-go) 777. stomach. Estorbar (ess-tor-barr') v. to hinder: obstruct. Estorbo (ess-tor'-bo) 777. ob- stacle. Estornudar (ess-tor-noo-dar') V. to sneeze. Estrada (ess-trar'-dar) /. road: causeway. Estrado (ess-trar'-do) 777. draw- ing-room. Estrafalario (ess-trar-farl-r- ree'-o) a. slovenly. Estragar (ess-trar-gar') v. to corrupt: deprave. Estrago (ess-trar'-go) 777. havoc: damage: waste. Estrangular (ess-trarn-goo- lar') V. to strangle. Estrechar (ess-tray-char') v. to tighten: compress: contract. Estrecho (ess-tray'-cho) a. nar- row. Estregar (ess-tray-gar') v. to rub. Estrella (ess -tral'-yar) /. star. Estr^pito (ess-tray'-pee-to) 777. noise: clamour. Estrepitoso (ess-tray-pee-to'- so) a. noisy: clamourous. Estrujar (ess-troo-har') v. to squeeze. Estudiar 48 Estudiar (ess-too-dee-r') v. to study. Estufa (ess-too'-far) /. stove: hot-house. Estulto (ess-toor-to) a. foolish: silly. Estupendo (ess-too-payn'-do) a. stupendous: wonderful. Esturion (ess-too-ree-on') rn. sturgeon. £ter (ay'-tayr) m. ether: sky.^ Eternidad (ay-tayr-nee-dah'd) /. eternity. Eterno (ay-tayr'-no) a. endless: lasting. Europeo (ay-oo-ro-pay'-o) a. European. Evadir (ay-var-deer') v. to evade. Evaporar (ay-var-por-rar') v. to evaporate. Evento (ay-vayn'-to) }?i. event: accident. Evitar (ay-vee-tar') v. to avoid: elude. Exacto (ek-sark'-to) a. exact punctual. Exageracion (ek-sar-hay-rar- thee-on') /. exaggeration. Exaltar (ek-sarl-tar') v. to extol: praise. Examinar (ek-sar-meen-ar')7;. to examine. Exasperar (ek-sars-payr-ar') V. to exasperate. Excepcion (ek-thep-thee-on') /. exception. Excepto (ek-thep'-to) ad. ex- cept that. Excesivo (ek-thay-see'-vo) a. excessive. Excitar (ek-thee-tar') v. to excite: animate. Excluir (ek-skloo-ee-r') v. to exclude: reject. Excusa (ek-skoo'-sar) /. ex- cuse: apology. Excusar (ek-skoo-sarr') v. to excuse: apologise. Existencia (ek-sees-tayn-thee'- r) /. existence. Existir (ek-sees-teer') v. to exist: be. £xito (ek'-see-to) m. end: result: issue. Expedici6n (eks-pay-dee-thee- on') /. expedition: excursion. Expedidor (eks-pay-dec-dor') m. & /. agent: sender. Fabula Expedite (eks-pay-dee'-to) a* expeditious: prompt: quick. Expender (eks-payn-dayr') v. to spend. Expensas (eks-payn'-sars) /. pi. expenses: costs. Expiar (eks-pee-ar') v. to atone for. Expirar (eks-pee-rar') t;. to expire: die. Explanar (eks-plar-nar') v. to level. Explicar (eks-plee-kar') v. to explain.^ Exposicion (eks-po-see-thay- on) f. exhibition: explanation. Expresar (eks-pray-sar') v. to express: state: remark. Expreso (eks-pray'-so) a. ex- press: expressed. Exquisite (eks-kee-see'-to) a. exquisite: delicious. Extender (eks-tayn-dayr') v. to extend: stretch out. Extensivo (eks-tayn-see'-vo) a. extensive: wide. Extinguir (eks-teen-gheer') v. to extinguish. Extra (eks'-trar) prep, besides: out: without. Extraer (eks-trar-ayr') v. to extract. Extranjero (eks-trarn-hay'-ro) a. foreign. Extranar (eks-trarn-yar') v. to admire: wonder at. Extrano (eks-trarn'-yo) a. foreign: rare: unusual. Extraviar (eks-trar-vee-r') v. to mislead: go astray. Extremo (eks-tray'-mo) a. ex- treme: last. Exudar (eks-00-dar') v. to ooze out. F^brica (far'-bree-kar) /. fac- tory: works: fabrication. Fabricacion (far-bree-kar- thee-on') /. fabrication: manufacture. Fabricante (far-bree-karn'- tay) 771. manufacturer. Fabricar (far-bree-kar') v. to make: fabricate. Fibula (far'-boo-lar) /. fable: fiction: rumour. Fabuloso Fabuloso (far-boo-lo'-so) a. fabulous. F^cil (far'-theel) a. easy. Fdcilmente (far-theel-mayn'- tay) ad. easily. Factoria (fark-to-ree'-r) /. fac- tory. Factiira (fark-too'-rar) /. in- voice: bill. Facultad (far-kool'-tard) /. capacity: faculty. Facultar (far-kool-tar') v. to commission. Facultative (far-kool-tar-tee'- vo) a. optional — m. physician. Facundo (far-koon'-do) a. elo- quent: fluent. Facha (far'-char) /. aspect: appearance. Fachada (far-char'-dar) /. fa- cade: face. Fachendear (far-chen-day-ar') V. to brag: boast. Faena (far-ay'-nar) /. work: toil. FaisSn (far - ee - sarn') m. pheasant. Faja (far'-har) /. bandage: wrapper. Fajo (far'-ho) m. bundle. Falaz (far-larth') a. deceitful: fraudulent. Falda (farl'-dar) /. skirt: train (of dress): slope. Falsear (farl-say-ar') v. to falsify: imitate falsely. Falsificar (farl-see-fee-kar') v. to forge. Falso (farl'-so) a. false: un- true: sham. Falta (farl'-tar) /. fault: defect: want. Faltriquera (farl-tree-kay'-rar) /. pocket. Fallecer (farl-yay-thayr') v. to die. Fallecimiento (farl-yay-thee- mee-n'-to) m. death: demise. Fallido (farl-yee'-do) m. bank- rupt. Fam^lico (far-may'-lee-ko) a. hungry-. Famoso (far-mo'-so) a. famous. Fdmulo (far'-moo-lo) m. & f. servant. Fango (fam'-go) m. mud: mire. Fantasia (fam-tar-see'-r) /. fancy: imagination: phantasy. Faquin (far-keen') m. porter. D ) Fiar Fardo ffar'-do) m. bale: burden: bundle. Farfullar (far-fool-yar') v. to stammer: stutter. Farmacia (far-mar'-thiar) /. chemist shop. Fascinar (fars-thee-nar') v. to fascinate: enchant. Fastidiar (fars-tee-dee-ar') v. to hate: detest. Fastidio (fars-tee-dee'-o) m. disgust. Fastoso (fars - to' - so) a. haughty: gaudy: proud. Fatal (far'-tarl) a. fatal: deadly: mortal. Fatalidad (far-tar-lee-dahd') /. fatality. Fatiga (far-tee'-gar) /. fatigue: toil: tiredness. Fatiaoso (far-tee-go'-so) a. fatigued: tired: anxious. Fausto (far-oos'-to) a. for- tunate: happy. Favor (far-vor') m. favour: sup- port: comfort. Favorito (far-vor-ee'-to) a. favourite: beloved. Faz (fath) /. face: front (of building). Fe (fay) /. faith. Febril (fay-breel') a. feverish. F^cula (fay'-koo-lar) /. starch. Feliz (fay-leeth') a. happy. Fenecer (fay-nay-thayr') v. to finish. Fenomenal (fa-no-may-narl') a. phenomenal. Feo (fay'-o) a. ugly: deformed. Feroz (fay-roth') a. cruel: ferocious. Ferrocarril (fay-ro-kar-reel') m. railway. Firvido (f'ayr'-vee-do) a. fer- vid: ardent. Fervor (fayr-vor') m. fervour: ardour. Festin (fess-teen') m. feast: banquet. Fiado (fee-ar'-do) a. confident: trustful. Fiador (fee-ar-dor') m. & f. surety: bail. Fiambre (fee-arm'-bray) a. cold — m. pi. cold meats. Fianza (fee-arn'-thar) /. secur- ity. Fiar (fee-arr') v. to cor^de: trust. Fiat 50 Frondoso Fiat (fee'-art) m. c .isent. Ficcion (feek-thee-on') /. fic- tion: invention. Fiebre (fee-ay'-bray) /. fever. Fiel (fee'-ayl) a. honest: faith- ful: upright. Fiera (fee-ay'-rar) /. wild beast. Fiereza (fee-ayr-ray'-thar) /. /. cruelty: ferocity. Fiero (fee-ay '-ro) a. cruel: fierce. Fiesta (fee-ays'-tar) /. feast: holiday. Figura (fee-goo'-rar) /. figure: form. Figurar (fee-goo-rarr') v. to fancy: imagine. Fijar (fee-harr') v. to fasten: fix. Fijeza (fee-hay'-thar) /. firm- ness. Fila (fee'-lar) /. line: row. Fin (feen) m. end: termination. Finar (feen-arr') v. to die: end everything. Fingir (feen-heer') to v feign: pretend. Fino (fee'-no) a. clever: fine. Firma (feer'-mar) /. signature: subscription. Firme (feer'-may) a. strong. Fisgar (fees-garr') v. to mock: scoff: jeer. Flaco (flar'-ko) a. feeble: lean: thin. Flojo (flo'-ho) a. flexible: lax: lazy. Flor (flor) /. flower: blossom: bloom. Florecer (flo-ray-thayr') v. to flower: bloom: prosper: Floresta(flo-rays'-tar)/. forest. Florido (flo-ree'-do) a. clear: florid: flowery. Florista (flo-rees'-tar)/. florist. Flotable (flo - tar' - blay) a. navigable. Flotador (flo-tar-dor') a. float- ing — rn. float. Fiuir (floo-eer') v. to flow. Fog6n (foo-gon') m. hearth: fireside. Follaje (fol-yar'-hay) m. foliage: leaves. Folietin (fol-yay-teen') m. serial story: feuilleton. Fonda (fon'-dar) /. hotel: restaurant. Fondo (fon'-do) m. bottom: what a person is at heart. Formar (for-marr') V. to shape: form. Fortificar (for-tee-fee-kar') V. to fortify: strengthen. Fortuna (for-too'-nar) /. for- tune. Forzado (for-thar-do') a. forc- ed: unnatural. Forzar (for-thar') v. to force: oblige. Fosa (fo'-sar) /. ditch: hole: grave. Fotografia (fo-to-grar-fee'-r) /. photography. Fotografo (fo-to'-grar-fo) m. photographer. Frac (frark) m. evening-dress. Fragante (frar-gam'-tay) a. fragrant. Fragii (frar'-heel) a. fragile: delicate. Fragmento (frarg-men'-to) m. bit: fragment. Fragua (frarg-oo'-r) forge. Fraile (frar'-ee-lay) m. friar: monk. Frambuesa (frarm-boo-ay'- sar) /. raspberry. Frances (frarn - thays') a. French — m. French language. Franco (fram'-ko) a. frank: generous: free. Franela (frar - nay' - lar) /. flannel. Franquear (frar-kay-arr') o. to pay postage: exempt. Frascar (frars-kar') v. to break up: crumble. Fraude (frar-oo'-day) m. fraud: cheat: deceit. Frecuente (fray-koo-n'-tay) a. frequent. Fregadero (fray-gar-day'-ro) ni. scullery. Fregar (fray-garr') v. to rub: scrub. Freir (fray-eer') v. to fry. Frejol (fray'-hol) m. French bean. Frenar (fray-nar') v. to restrain. Frenesi (fray-nay'-see) m. fren- zy: fury. Frente (frayn'-tay) /. forehead. Fresa (fray'-sar) /. strawberry. Fresco (frays'-ko) a. cold: fresh. Frigido (free'-hee-do) a. cold. Frivolo (free-vo'-lo) a. frivol- ous. Frondoso (fron-do'-so) a. leafy. Frontera 5 Frontera (fron - tay' - rar) /. frontier. Frontero (fron-tay'-ro) a. op- posite. Frontis (fron'-tees) m. fa?ade: frontispiece. Frotar (fro-tar') v. to rub. Fruta (froo'-tar) /. fruit: result. Frutal (froo-tarl) a. fruitful. Fruteria (froo-tay-ree'-r) /. fruit shop. Fuego (foo-ay'-go) m. fire. Fuente (foo-n'-tay) /. fountain. Fuera (foo-ay'-rar) ad. with- out: out: outside. Fuerte (foo-ayr'-tay) a. strong: hardy: stout. Fuerza (foo - ayr' - thar) /. strength: force: vigour. Fuga (foo'-gar)/. flight: escape. Fugarse (foo-gar'-say) v. to escape: fiee: run away. Fumar (foo-mar') v. to smoke. Fundar (foon-dar') v. to found. Fundir (foon-deer') v. to melt (metal). Fiinebre (foo'-nay-bray) a. mournful: mourning. Funeral (foo - nay - rarl') m. funeral — a. funeral. Funesto (foo-nays'-to) a. sad. Furente (foo - rayn' - tay) a. furious. Furgon (foor-gon') m. freight- waggon. Fusil (foo-seel') m. gun. Future (foo-too'-ro) a. future: next. Gaban (gar-bam') m. overcoat. Gabarra (gar-bar'-rar)/. barge: lighter. Gabela (gar-bay'-lar) /. tax: duty. Gabinete (gar-bee-nay'-tay) m. cabinet: boudoir: study. Gacela (gar-thay'-lar)/. gazelle: antelope. Gaceta (gar - thay' - tar) /. gazette: newspaper. Gafa (gar'-far) /. pi. spectacles, Gaita (gar-ee'-tar) /. bag pipe Gaitero (gar - ee - tay' - ro) a. gaudy: showy. Gala (gar'-lar) /. gala: court- dress. Galdn (gar-lam') m. gallant wooer. Garboso Galano (gar-lam'-o) a. gallant: gay: fine. Galantear (gar-larn-tay-ar') v. to court: woo: make love. Galapago (gar-lar'-par-go) m. tortoise. Galardonar (gar-lar-don-ar') V. to reward: recompense. Galbanero (garl-barn-ay'-ro) a. indolent: lazy. Galeno (gar-lay'-no) m. phy- sician. Galera (gar-lay'-rar) m. wag- gon: galley. Galeria (gar-lay-ree'-r) /. gal- lery: corridor: museum. Gallardear (garl-yar-day-ar') V. to act gracefully. Gallear (garl-yay-ar') v. to tread: strut. Gallina (garl-yee'-nar) /. hen: coward. Gallinero (garl-yee-nay'-ro) m. poulterer. Gallipavo (garl-yee-par'-vo) m. turkey. Gallo (garl'-yo) m. cock. Gamuza (gar-moo'-thar) /. chamois. Gana (gar'-nar) /. appetite: desire: wish. Ganable (gar-nar'-blay) a. ob- tainable. Ganadero (gar-nar-day'-ro) m. cattle-dealer. Ganado (gar-nar'-do) m. cattle: drove: herd. Ganancia (gar-narn'-thee-r) /. gain: profit: advantage. Ganar (gar-narr') v. to gain: win. Gancho (garn'-cho) m. hook. Ganga (garn'-gar) /. grouse: bargain. Ganguear (gam-gay-ar') v. to snuffle: snitf. Ganoso (gar-no'-so) a. desirous. Gansada (gam-sar'-dar) /. stupidity: idiocy. Ganso (garn'-so) m. goose. Ganir (gar-nyeer') v. to howl: yelp. Garantia (gar-ram-tee'-r) /. guaranty: warranty. Garapinera (gar - rar - peen - yay'-r) /. ice-cream freezer: ice-chest. Garboso (gar-bo'-so) a. gen- teel: elegant. Gargajear 52 Gargajear (gar-gar-hay-ar') v. to expectorate: spit. Garganta (gar-gam'-tar) /. throat: instep. Gargantllla (gar - gam - teel' - yar) /. necklace. G^rgara (gar'-gar-r) /. gargle. Garita (gar-ree'-tar) /. porter's lodge. Garito (gar-ree'-to) ttt, gam- bling place. Garlar (gar-lar') v. to chatter: gossip. Garlito (gar-lee'-to) m. snare: trap. Garra (gar'-rar) /. hand: claw. Garrafa (gar-rar'-far) /. de- canter. Garrafal (gar-rar-farl') a. great: huge: vast. Garrapatear (gar-rar-par-tay- ar') V. to scribble. Garrido (gar-ree'-do) a. grace- ful: handsome. Garrote (gar-ro-tay) m. cudgel: truncheon. Garrucha (gar-roo'-char) /. pulley. Garrulo (gar'-roo-lo) a. chat- tering: garrulous. Garzo (gar'-tho) m. mushroom. Gas (gars) m. gas: gaslight. Gasa (gar'-sar) /. gauze. Gasoinetro (gar-so'-mayt-ro) m. gasmeter: gasometer. Gastador (gar-star-dor') a. wasteful: lavish. Gastar (gars-tar') v. to spend: waste. Gasto (gars'-to) i». cost: ex- pense. Gata (gar'-tar) /. she cat. Gate (gar'-to) m. torn cat: pickpocket. Gaviota (gar-vee-o'-tar) /. sea- guU. Gazmonero (garth - mown - yay'-ro) a. hypocrite. Gaznate (gath-nar'-tay) m. throttle. Gelatina (hay-lar-teen'-r) /. jelly: gelatine. Gemelo (hay-may '-I0) m. & f. twin — m. pi. binoculars. Gemir (hay-meer') v. to groan: moan. Generar (hay-nay-rar') v. to generate. Golpear Genial (hay-nee'-arl) a. genial: pleasant. Gente (hayn'-tay) /. folk: people: family. Gentilhombre (hayn-teel-om'- bray) m. gentleman. Gentilico (hayn-tee-lee'-ko) a. heathen: pagan. Gentio (hayn-tee'-o) m. crowd: assembly of people. Genuine (hay-noo-ee'-no) a. genuine: real. Geranio (hay-rar-nee'-o) m. geranium. Gerencia (hay-rayn'-thee-r) /. management. Gerente (hay-rayn'-tay) m. manager. Germen (hayr'-mayn) m. bud: sprout. Gestion (hays-tee'-on) /. con- duct. Gestionar (hays-tee-o-nar') v. to manage. Giraj.' (hee-rar') v. to turn round: gyrate. Girasol (hee-rar-sol') m. sun- flower. Gitano (hee-tar'-no) m. & f. gipsy. Glacial (glar-thee-arl') a. icy: freezing. Globe (glo'-bo) m. globe: ball: sphere. Gloria (glo-ree'-r) /. glory. Glorieta (glo-ree-ay'-tar) /. arbor: bower. Glorificar (glo-ree-fee-kar') v. to glorify: praise. Glosador (glo-sar-dor') m. commentator. Glosar (glo-sar') v. to interpret. Glose (glo'-say) m. remark: comment. Glot6n (glo-ton') a. gluttonous. Gobernaci6n (go-bayr-nar- thee-on') /. government. Gobernador (go-bayr-nar- dor') m. governor. Goce (go'-thay) m. enjoyment. Gola (go'-lar) /. gullet: throat. Golfo (gol'-fo) m. gulf. Golondrina (go-lon-dreen'-r) /. swallow. Golpe (gol'-pay) m. blow: hit: knock. Golpear (gol-pay-r') v. to beat: hit: knock. Goma 53 Goma (go'-mar) /. gum (ad- hesive). , Gordo (gor'-do) a. fat: plump: obese — m. fat: lard. Gordura (gor-doo'-rar) /. fat: grease: obesity. Gorjear (gor-hay-r') v. to warble: trill. Gorra (gor'-rar) /. bonnet: cap. Gorri6n (gor-ree-on') m. spar- row. Gota (go'-tar) /. drop: taster: small quantity of food or medicine: gout. Gozar ((go-thar') v. to enjoy. Gozne (goth'-nay) m. hinge. Gozoso (go-tho'-so) a. cheer- ful: content: happy. Grabar (grar-bar') v. to en- grave. Gracia (grar'-thee-r) /. ele- gance: grace — pi. thanks. Gracil (grar'-theel) a. slender: graceful. Grada (grar'-dar) /. step (stairway). Grajo (grar'-ho) m. jackdaw. Grana (grar'-nar) /. grain. Granada (grar - nar' - dar) /. pomegranate. Granado (grar-nar'-do) a. not- able: known. Granar (grar-narr') v. to seed. Grandeza (gram-day'-thar) /. greatness: grandeur. Granero (grar-nay'-ro) m. bam: granary. Granizar (grar-nee-thar') v. to hail. Granja (gram'-har) /. farm. Grano (grar'-no) m. grain. Grasa (grar'-sar) /. fat: grease: suet. Gratificar (grar-tee-fee-kar') V. to gratify: reward. Gratis (grar'-tees) a. free: gratis: for nothing. Gratitud (grar-tee-tood') /. gratitude. Gravar (grar-varr') v. to bur- den: oppress. Grave (grar'-vay) a. grave: heavy: weighty: troublesome. Gravemente (grar-vay-mayn'- tay) ad. gravely: seriously. Graznido (grath-nee'-do) m. cackle: croak. Greda (gray'-dar) /. chalk. Guisandero Gremlo (gray-mee'-o) m. cor- poration: body: society. Grenudo (gray-nyoo'-do) a. dishevelled. Grey (gray'-e) /. flock. Grillo (greel'-yo) m. cricket (creaking insect) — pi. fetters. Grima (gree'-mar) /. fright: horror. Grosella (gro-sayl'-yar) /. red currant. Groseria (gro-say-ree'-r) /. coarseness. Grosero (gro-say'-ro) a. coarse: rude. Grotesco (gro - tays' - ko) a. grotesque. Grueso (groo-ay'-so) a. bulky: coarse: gross. Grunido (groon-yee'-do) m. grunt: growl. Guadanero (goo-ar-dam-yay'- ro) m. mower. Guante (goo-arn'-tay) m. glove — pi. tip (to waiters, etc.). Guapeza (goo-ar-pay'-thar) /. courage. Guarda (goo-ar'-dar) m. & f. keeper: guard. Guardar (goo-ar-darr') v. to keep: guard: preserve. Guardilla (goo-ar-deel'-yar) /. garret: skylight. Guarecer (goo-ar-ray-thayr') V. to aid: cure: help: succour. Guarnecer (goo - ar' - nay - thayr') v. to adorn: garnish. Guason (goo-ar-son') m. jester: joker. Guerra (gayr'-rar) /. hostility: war. Guerrear (gayr-ray-r'} v. to wage war. Guia (ghee'-ar) m. & f. guide. Guija (ghee'-har) /. pebble. Guillotina (gheel-yo-teen'-r) /. guillotine. Guinda (gheen'-dar) /. cherry. Guindal (gheen'-darl) m. cher- ry-tree. Guinapo (gheen-yar'-po) m. rag: tatter. Guirindola (ghee-reen-do'-lar) /. frill. Guirnalda (gheer-narl'-dar) /. garland: wreath. Guisandero (ghee-sam-day'- ro) m. & f. cook. Guisante ; Guisante (ghee-sam'-tay) m. pea. Guiso (ghee'-so) m. condiment: seasoning. Guitarra (ghee - tar' - rar) /. guitar. Gula (goo'-lar) /. gluttony. Gustar (goos-tar') v. to taste: like. Gusto (goos'-to) m. taste: delight: pleasure. Gustosamente (goos-to-sar- mayn'-tee) ad. tastefully. Gustoso (goos-to'-so) a. dainty: tasty. Gutagamba (goo-tar-garm'- bar) /. gamboge (yellow). H Haba (r'-bar) /. bean. Haber (r-bayr') v. to have: possess: happen. Hdbil (r'-beel) a. able: clever: dexterous. Habilidad (r-bee-lee-dahd') /. ability: aptitude: dexterity. Habilitar (r-bee-lee-tar') v. to enable: qualify. Habitaci6n (r-bee-tar-thee- on') /. abode: dwelling: re- sidence. Habitante (r-bee-tarn'-tay) m. dweller: inhabitant. Habitar (r-bee-tar') v. to dwell: inhabit: reside. H^bito (r'-bee-to) m. dress: habit: custom. Habitual (r-bee-too'-arl) a. customary: habitual. Habituar (r-bee-too-ar') v. to accustom. Habla (r'-blar) /. speech: talk: language. Hablar (r-blar') v. to speak: talk: converse. Hablilla (r-bleel'-yar) /. rum- our: report. Hacedero (r-thay-day'-ro) a. practicable. Hacedor (r-thay-dor') m. & f. author: maker. Hacer (r-thayr') v. to do: make: effect: perform. Hacia (r-thee'-r) ad. about: towards. Hacienda (r-thee-n'-dar) /. fortune: wealth. Hacha (r'-char) /. axe: hatchet. Herbaje Hado (r'-do) m. destiny: fate. Halagar (r-lar-gar') v. to flatter. Halago (r-lar'-go) m. flattery: caress. Halcon (rl-kon') m. falcon. H^Iito (r'-lee-to) m. breath. Hallar (rl-yar') v. to find: dis- cover. Hallazgo (rl-yarth'-go) m. find- ing: discovery: reward. Hambre (rm'-bray) /. famine: hunger: desire. Hambrear (rm-bray-ar') v. to be hungry. Hambriento (rm-bree-n'-to) a. hungry: starved: eager. Haragdn (r-rar-garn') m. & f. idler: loiterer. Haraposo (r-rar-po'-so) a. ragged. Harina (r-reen'-r)/. dust: pow- der: flour. Harnero (r-nay'-ro) m. sieve. Hartar (r-tar') v. to satiate: have too much of a thing, Harto (r'-to) a. satiated. Hartura (r-too'-rar) /. plenty: abundance. Hasta (rhs'-tar) prep, also: even: until: as far as: up to. Hastia (rhs-tee'-r) m. disgust: loathing. Hato (r'-to) m. clothes. He (e, as in " tell ") interj. behold: look here. Hebilla (ay-beel'-yar)/. buckle. Hebreo (ay-bray'-o) m. Hebrew. Hecliicero (ay-chee-thay'-ro) a. charming: bewitching. Hecho (ay'-cho) a. done: made — m. act: feat. Hechura (ay-choo'-rar) /. fash- ion: form: shape. Heder (ay-dayr') v. to smell unpleasantly: stink. Helada (ay-lar'-dar) /. frost. Helado (ay-lar'-do) a. frozen: icy: glacial — m. ice-cream. Helar (ay-lar') v. to freeze: astonish: amaze. Hembra (m'-brar) /. female. Hemorragia (ay-mor-rar'-hee- r) /. hemorrhage. Henchir (n-cheer') v. to fill up: gorge oneself. Heno (ay'-no) m. hay. Herbaje (ayr - bar' - hay) m. herbage: pasture. Herbolario 55 Herbolario (ayr-bo-lar-ree'-o) m. herbalist: ridiculous person. Heredad (ay-ray-dahd') /. any- thing inherited. Heredar (ay-ray-dar') t;. to inherit. Heredera (ay-ray-day'-rar) /. heiress. Heredero (ay-ray-day'-ro) m. heir. Herejia (ay-ray-hee'-r) /. heresy. Herida (ay-ree'-dar) /. wound: injury. Herido (ay - ree' - do) a. wounded: injured: hurt. Hermana (ayr-mar'-nar) /. sister. Hermana de la caridad (ayr- mar'-nar: day: lar: kar-ree- dahd') /. sister of mercy. Hermanar (ayr-mar-nar') v. to match: suit. Hermanastra (ayr-marn-rhs'- trar) /. step-sister. Hermanastro (ayr-marn-rhs'- tro) ni. step-brother. Hermano (ayr-marn'-o) m. brother. Hermosear (ayr-mo-say-ar') v. to adorn: beautify. Hermosura (ayr-mo-soo'-rar) /. beauty. Hernia (ayr-nee'-r) /. hernia: rupture. Heroicidad (ay-ro-ee-thee- dahd') /. heroism. Heroina (ay - ro - ee' - nar) /. heroine. Herradura (ayr-rar-doo'-rar) /. horseshoe. Hervir (ayr-veer') v. to boil: seethe. Hervor (ayr-vor') m. boiling. Hez (eth) /. dregs. Hidrogeno (e-dro'-hayn-o) m. hydrogen. Hidropesia (e-dro-pay-see'-r) /. dropsy. Hiedra (e-ay'-drar) /. ivy. Hierba (e-ayr'-bar) /. grass: herb: weed. Hierba - buena (e-ayr'-bar: boo-ay-nar') /. peppermint. Higado (e-gar'-do) m. courage: bravery: liver. Hijastro (e-ar-rhs'-tro) m. & f. stepchild. Hormiga Hijo (e'-ho) m. & f. son: daughter. Hilaridad (e-lar-ree-dahd') /. hilarity: jollity. Hilo (e'-lo) m. thread: filament: line: wire. Himeneo (e-may-nay'-o) m. marriage. Himno (eem'-no) m. hymn. Hinchar (in-char') v. to grow arrogant. Hipar (e-par') v. to hiccough. Hipodromo (e-po'-dro-mo) m. hippodrome. Hipopotamo (e-po-po'-tar- mo) m. hippopotamus. Hipoteca (e-po-tay'-ka) /. pledge: mortgage. Hispano (iss - par' - no) a. Spanish — m. 6f /. Spaniard. Historia (iss-to'-ree-r) /. his- tory: tale: story. Historieta (iss-to-ree-ay'-tar) /. short story. Histri6n (iss-tree-on') m. actor. Hogar (o-gar') m. hearth: fire- place. Hoja (o'-har) /. leaf: sheet of paper. Holganza (ol-garn'-thar) /. amusement: leisure. Holgar (ol-gar') v. to rest: delight in. Holgura (ol-goo'-rar) /. feast: ease. Hollar (ol-yar') v. to trample. HoUejo (ol-yar'-ho) m. peel: rind. Hollin (ol-yeen') m. soot. Hombre (om'-bray) m. man: husband. Hombro (om'-bro) m. shoulder. Homicidio (o-mee-cee-dee'-o) m. murder. Hondo (on'-do) a. deep — m. bottom. Honesto (o-nays'-to) a. honest: decent. Hongo (on'-go) m. mushroom: fungus. Honor (on-or') m. honour: re- putation. Honra (on'-rar) /. honour: respect: chastity — pi. obse- quies. Hora (o'-rar) /. hour: time. Horma (or'-mar) /. model: mould: shape. Hormiga (or-mee'-gar) /. ant. Hormiguero 56 Hormiguero (or-mee-gay'-ro) V. to itch. Horno (or'-no) m. oven: furnace. Horquilla (or-keel'-yar)/. hair- pin: wish-bone. Horreo (or'-ray-o) m. granary. Horripilar (or-ree-pee-lar') v. to horrify. Hortaliza (or-tar-lee'-thar) /. garden vegetables. Hortelano (or-tay-lar'-no) m. (sf f. gardener. Hortensia (or-ten-see'-ar) /. hydrangea. Hospedaje (os-pay-dar'-hay) m. lodging. Hospedero (os-pay-day'-ro) m. & f. host. Hospital (os-pee-tarl') m. hos- pital: infirmary. Hostelero (os-tay-lay'-ro) m. innkeeper. Hosteria (os-tay-ree'-r) /. inn: tavern. Hostigar (os-tee-gar') v. to molest: trouble. Hostil (os-teel') a. adverse: hostile. Hotel (o-tayl') m. hotel: man- sion: villa. Hoy (o'-e) ad. to-day: now: at present. Hoya (o'-yar)/. cavity: pit: hole. Hoyoso (o-yo'-so) a. pitted (full of holes). Hoyuelo (o - yoo - ay' - lo) m. dimple. Hueco (oo-ay'-ko) a. empty: hollow. Huelga (oo-ell'-gar) /. leisure: repose: rest. Huella (oo-ayl'-yar) f. foot- step: foot-print. Huerfano (oo-ayr'-far-no) m. & f. orphan. Huerta (oo-ayr'-tar) /. kitchen garden: orchard. Hueso (oo-ay'-so) m. bone. Huevar (00-ay-var') v. to lay an egg (or eggs). Huevo (oo-ay'-vo) m. egg. Huida (oo-ee'-dar) /. flight: escape. Hule (oo'-lay) tn. linoleum. HuUa (ool'-yar) /. coal. Humear (oo-may-ar') v. to smoke. Humedad (oo-may-dahd') /. humidity: moisture. Ilimitado Humedecer (00-may-day- thay'-r) v. to moisten: damp: wet. Humilde (oo-meel'-day) a. humble: modest. Humo (oo'-mo) m. smoke: steam. Humoroso (oo-mo-ro'-so) a. humorous: funny. Hundir (oon-deer') v. to sink. Hurano (oor-arn'-yo) a. diffi- dent: shy. Hurraca (oor-rar'-kar) /. mag- pie. Hurtador (oor-tar-dor') m. & f. robber: thief: footpad. Hurtar (oor-tarr') v. to rob: steal. Husmear (oos-may-ar') v. to scent: smell: pry: peep. Huta (oo'-tar) /. hut. Ictericia (ik-tay-ree-thee'-r) /. jaundice. Ida (ee'-dar) /. departure. Idea (ee-day'-r) /. idea: plan: scheme. Idem (ee'-daym) prep, idem: the same. Id^ntico (ee-dayn'-tee-ko) a, identical: similar. Identiflcar (ee-dayn-tee-fee- kar') V. to identify. Idioma (ee-dee-o'-mar) m. idiom. Idiota (ee-dee-o'-tar) a. foolish: idiotic. Id61atra (ee-do'-lart-rar) a. heathen. Idolo (ee'-do-lo) m. idol. Idoneo (ee-do'-nay-o) a. fit: suitable: proper. Ignorante (eeg-no-rarn'-tay) a. ignorant: uninstructed. Igual (ee-goo-arl') a. alike: equal. Igualmente (ee - goo - arl - mayn'-tay) ad. equally: uni- formly. Ilegal (ee-lay-garl') a. illegal: unlawful. Ilegitimo (ee-lay-gee-tee'-mo) a. illegal: illegitimate. Ileso (ee-lay'-so) a. unhurt. Ilimitado (ee-lee-mee-tar'-do) a. unlimited. Iluminar 57 Iluminar (ee-loo-mee-nar') v. to illumine: enlighten. Huso (ee-loo'-so) a. deceived. Ilustrar (ee-loos-trar') v. to illustrate. Imaginar (ee-mar-hee-nar') t;. to imagine. Itndn (ee-mam') m. magnet. Imb^cil (eem-bay'-theel) a. feeble: imbecile: weak- minded. Imitacion (ee - mee - tar - thee-on') /. imitation. Imitar (ee-mee-tar') v. to copy: imitate. Impaciencia (eem-par-thee- n'-thee-r) /. impatience. Impar (eem-par') a. unequal: odd: not a pair. Imparcial (eem-par-thee-arl') a. impartial. Impartible (eem - par - tee' - blay) a. indivisible. Impavido (eem-par'-vee-do) a. calm: intrepid. Impedir (eem-pay-deer') v. to hinder: obstruct. Impeler (eem-pay-layr') v. to impel: goad. Impensado (eem-payn-sar'- do) a. unexpected. Imperar (eem-pay-rar') v. to rule. Imperfecto(eem-payr-fayk'-to) a. imperfect. Imperio (eem-payr'-eeo) m. empire. Imperito (eem-pay-ree'-to) a. unskilled. Impert^rrito (eem-payr-tayr'- ree-to) a. dauntless: fearless. Implorar (eem-plor-r') v. to beg: implore. Impolitica (eem-po-lee'-tee- ka) /. discourtesy. Impolitico (eem-po-lee'-tee- ko) a. impolite. Itnponer (eem-po-nayr') v. to impose upon. Importar (eem-por-tar') v. to import: matter. Importe (eem-por'-tay) m. amount: value. Importunidad (eem-por-too- nee-dahd') /. annoyance: im- portunity. Itnposible (eem-po-see'-blay) a. impossible. Incendlo Impostura (eem-pos-too'-rar) /. fraud: deceit: imposture. Impotente (eem-po-tayn'-tay) a. impotent: feeble. Imprenta (eem-prayn'-tar) /. printing. Impresion (eem-pray-see-on') /. impression: edition: stamp. Impreso (eem-pray'-so) m. printed matter. Impresor (eem-pray-sor') m. printer. Imprevisto (eem-pray-vees'- to) a. unexpected: unforeseen. Improbo (eem-pro'-bo) a. dishonest: improbable. Improperio (eem-pro-pay'- ree-o) m. insult: reproach. Impropio (eem-pro'-pee-o) a. improper: unfit. Itnproviso (eem-pro-vee'-so) a. unforeseen: not anticipated. Impudicia (eem-poo-dee'- theer) /. immodesty. Impudico (eem-poo'-dee-ko) a. immodest: shameless. Impuesto (eem-poo-ays'-to) m. duty: impost: tax. Impugnar (eem-poog-nar') v. to oppose. Impulsion (eem-pool-see-on') /. motive. Impune (eem-poo'-nay) a. unpunished. Impunidad (eem-poo-nee- dahd') /. guiltlessness. Impureza (eem-poo-ray'-thar) /. impurity. Inadvertencia (een-rhd-vayr- tayn-thee'-r) /. carelessness. Inane (een-r'-nay) a. empty: inane. Inanimado (een-r-nee-mar- do) a. lifeless: inanimate. Inapeable (een-r-pay-r'-blay) a. obstinate. Inaudito (een-r-oo-dee'-to) a. unheard of. Incapacitar (een-kar-par-thee- tar') V. to disable. Incapaz (een-kar-parth') a. un- able: incapable. Incauto (een-kar'-oo-to) a. careless: incautious. Incendiar (eer-thayn-dee-ar') V. to set alight. Incendio (een-thayn'-dee-o) m. fire. Incensar 58 Indisponer Incensar (een-thayn-sar') v. to perfume. Incidencia (een-thee-dayn'- thee-r) /. happening: in- cident. Incidir (een-thee-deer') v. to fall upon. Incierto (een-thee-ayr'-to) a. uncertain: doubtful. Incinerar (een-theen-ayr-ar') V. to cremate. Incision (een-thee-see-on') /. cut: incision. Inciso (een-thee'-so) m. com- ma: clause: sentence — a. cut. Incitar (een-thee-tar') v. to excite: instigate. Incivil (een-thee-veel') a. un- civil: unpolished. Inclemente (een-klay-mayn'- tay) a. inclement. Inclinar (een-kleen-ar') v. to incline: resemble. Incluir (een-kloo-eer') v. to include: contain. Incluso (een-kloo'-so) a. en- closed: included. Incoar (een-ko-ar') v. to begin. Incognito (een-kog'-nee-to) a. unknown. Incoloro (een-ko-lo'-ro) a. colourless: uncoloured. Incolume (een-ko'-loo-may) a. safe: sound: unharmed. Incomodo (een-ko'-mo-do) a. inconvenient: uncomfortable. Incomplexo (een-kom-playk'- so) a. simple: not difficult. Incomunicar (een-kom-oo- nee-kar') v. to isolate. Inconciliable (een-kon-theel- ee-r'-blay) a. irreconcilable. Incondicional (een-kon-dee- thee'-on-arl) a. unconditional. Inconexo (een-ko-nayk'-so) a. unconnected: disjointed. Inconquistable (een-kon-kees- tar'-blay) a. unconquerable. Inconsecuencia (een-kon-say- koo-n-thee'-r) /. inconse- quence. Incontable (een-kon-tar'-blay) a. uncountable. Inconvenible (cen-kon-vayn- ee'-blay) a. inconvenient. Incorrecci6n (een-kor-rayk- thee-on') /. incorrectness. Incorrecto (een-kor-rayk'-to) a. incorrect. Incredibilidad (een-cray-dee- bee-lee-dahd')/. unbelievable. Incr^dulo (een-cray'-doo-lo) m. £f /. one who does not believe. Increpar (een-cray-par') v. to chide: scold. Incriminar (een-cree-mee- nar') v. to incriminate. Inculto (een-kool'-to) a. un- cultivated. Incultura (een-kool-toor'-r) /. lacking in culture, good be- haviour. Incurioso (een-koo-ree-o'-so) a. negligent: neglectful. Indagar (een-dar-gar') v. to investigate. Indebido (een-day-bee'-do) a. illegal: undue. Indeciso (een-day-thee'-so) a. undecided. Indefectible (een-day-fayk- tee'-blay) a. unfailing. Indefenso (een-day-fayn'-so) a. defenceless. Indeliberado (een-day-lee- bayr - r' - do) a. unpremedi- tated. Indemne (een-daym'-nay) a. unhurt. Indemnizar (een-daym-nee- thar') V. to compensate. Indescriptible (een - days - kreep-tee'-blay) a. indescrib- able. Indicaci6n (een-dee-ka-thee- on') /. indication: symptom. Indicar (een-dee-kar') v. to point out: indicate. Indice (een-dee'-thay) m. in- dex: mark: trace. Indiciar (een-dee-thee-ar') v. to surmise: suspect. Indicio (een-dee'-thee-o) m. sign. Indigena (een-dee-hay'-nar) /. native. Indignar (een-deeg-nar') v. to provoke: tease. Indigno (een-deeg'-no) a. un- worthy: mean. Indio (een-dee'-o) a. blue. Indiscrete (een-dees-kray'-to) a. indiscreet: imprudent. Indiscutible (een-dees-koo- tee'-blay) a. unquestionable. Indisponer (een - dees - po - nayr') v. to disable: indispose. Ind6cil i Ind6cil (een-do'-theel) a. un- ruly: headstrong. Indocto (een-dok'-to) a. ignor- ant: uninstructed. Indomable (een-do-mar'-blay) a. untamable: unable to be taught. Inducci6n (een-dook-thee-on') /. persuasion: inducement. Inducir (een-doo-theer') v. to persuade. Indulto (een-dool'-to) m. par- don: reprieve. Industria (een-doos-tree'-r) /. industry: diligence. Ineficaz (een-ay-fee-karth') a. ineffective. Includible (een-ay-loo-dee'- blay) a. unavoidable. Inerte (een-ayr'-tay) a. inert: dull: languid. Inesperado (een-ays-pay-rar'- do) a. unexpected. Inexhausto (een-ayk-sar'-oos- to) a. unexhausted: not all used. Infanta (een-fam'-tar)/. female infant. Infantil (een - farn - teel') a. childish. Infausto (een-far-oos'-to) a. unlucky. Infelicidad (een-fay-lee-thee- dahd')/. calamity: misfortune. Infeliz (een-fay-leeth') a. un- happy. Inferir (een-fayr-eer') v. to deduce: infer. Infiel (een-fee-ayl') a. unfaith- ful. InAerno (een-fee-ayr'-no) 7«. hell. Infimo (een-fee'-mo) a. lowest: least: undermost. Inflamar (een-flar-mar') t;. to inflame: set on fire. Infli^ir (een-flee-heer') v. to inflict. Influir (een-floo-eer') v. to influence. Informacion (een-for-mar- thee-on') /. information: in- struction. nformar (een-for-marr') v. to advise: inform. Infortunado (een-for-too-nar'- do) a. unlucky: unhappy. Infortunio (een-for-toon'-eeo) m. calamity: misfortune. ) Inmenso Infraccion (een-frark-thee-on') /. breach: violation. Infringir (een-freen-heer') v. to infringe: violate. Infructuoso (een-frook-too'-o- so) a. fruitless: unprofitable. Infundado (een-foon-dar'-do) a. baseless. Infundir (een-foon-deer') v. to inspire: infuse. Ingeniar (een-hay-nee-ar') v. to contrive: devise. Ingeniero (een-hay-nee-ay'-ro) m. engineer. Ingenio (een-hay-nep'-o) m. engine: genius: expedient. Ingenioso (een-hay-nee-o'-so) a. ingenious. Ingenuidad (een-hay-noo-ee- dahd') /. candour: frankness. Ingerir (een-hay-reer') v. to enclose: insert. Ingle (een'-glay)/. groin (body). Ingles (een'-glays) nt. English person — a. English. Ingrato (een-gra'-to) a. un- grateful: thankless. Ingresar (een-gray-sar') v. to enter. Ingreso (een-gray'-so) m. en- trance: way in. Inhabilitar'(een-r-bee-lee-tar') V. to disable: disqualify. Inhalar (een-r-lar') v. to inhale. Inhumane (een-oo-mar'-no) a. inhuman: cruel. Inhumar (een-oo-mar') v. to bury: inter. Inicial (een-ee-thee-arl') a. initial: elementary. Iniciar (een-ee-thee-ar') v. to begin: initiate. Ininteligible (een-een-tay-lee- hee'-blay) a. unintelligible. Iniquidad (een-ee-kee-dahd') /. injustice: iniquity. Injuria (een-hoo-ree'-r) /. in- jury: annoyance. Injurioso (een-hoo-ree-o'-so) a. injurious. Injusticia (een-hoos-tee-thee'- r) /. injustice: wrong. Inmediatamente (een-may- dee-r-tar-mayn'-tay) ad. im- mediately. Inmejorable (een -may -ho - rar'-blay) a. unsurpassable. Inmenso (een-mayn'-so) a. immense: without limit. Inmersi6n 60 Inmersidn (een - mayr - see - on') /. immersion. Inmigraci6n (een-mee-grar- thee-on') /. immigration. Intninente (eea-Tiee-nayn'- tay) a. imminent: soon. Inmodestia (een - mo - days - tee'-r) /. immodesty: in- delicacy. Inmolar (een-mo-lar') v. to sacrifice. Inm6vil (een - mo' - veel) a. motionless. Inmundicia (een-moon-dee- thee'-r) /. filth: vulgarity: obscenity. Inmundo (een-moon'-do) a. filthy: vulgar: obscene: dirty. Inmune (een-moo'-nay) a. free: immune. Inmutar (een-moo-tar') v. to alter: change. Inocencia (een-o-then-thee'-r) /. innocence. Inocente (een-o-then'-tay) a. innocent: pure. Inoculacidn (een-o-koo-lar- thee-on') /. vaccination: in- oculation. Inodora (een-o-dor'-ar) a. odourless: without smell. Inolvidable (een-ool-vee-dar'- blay) a. unforgettable. Inquietar (een-kee-ay-tar') v. to disturb: worry: molest. Inquieto (een-kee-ay'-to) a. restless. Inquilino (een-kee-lee'-no) m. & f. tenant: lodger. Inquina (een - kee' - nar) /. hatred. Inquirir (een-kee-reer') v. to enquire: inquire: examine. Inquisidor (een-kee-see-dor') m. & f. examiner: inquirer. Insacular (een-sar-kool-ar') v. to ballot: vote. Insanable (een-sar-nar'-blay) a. incurable. Insano (een-sar'-no) nt. mad: insane. Insecto (een-sayk'-to) m. insect. Insensate (een-sayn-sar'-to) a. senseless: stupid: mad. Insercl6n (een-sayr-thee-on') /. insertion. Insidiar (een-see-dee-ar') v. to plot. Interiorldad Insinuacion (een-see-noo-r- thee-on') /. insinuation: sug- gestion. Insipido (een-see'-pee-do) a. insipid: tasteless: flat. Insipiente (een-see-pee-n'-tay) a. ignorant. Insolente (een-so-layn'-tay) a. impudent: insolent. Inspeccion (eens-payk-thee- on') /. inspection: survey. Instalaci6n (eens-tar-lar-thee- on') /. installation. Instancia (eens-tarn-thee'-r) /. instance. Instar (eens-tar') v. to press: urge. Instinto (eens-teen-to) m. in- stinct. Instltuci6n (eens-tee-too-thee- on') /. institution. Instruccidn (eens-trook-thee- on') /. instruction. Instruir (eens-troo-eer') m. instructor: teacher. Insuficiencia (een-soo-fee- thee-n-thee'-r)/. insufficiency. Insufrible (een-soo-free'-blay) a. insufferable: insupportable. Insulto (een-sool'-to) m. insult. Insurreccion (een-soor-rayk- thee-on') /. insurrection. Intacta (een-tark'-tar) a. un- touched: intact. Intelectual (een-tay-layk-too- arl') a. intellectual. Inteligencia (een-tay-lee-hen- thee'-r) /. intelligence. Intencion (een-tayn-thee-on') intention: view. Intense (een-tayn'-so) a. ar- dent: intense. Intentar (een-tayn-tar') v. to try: intend. Intercadencia (een-tayr-kar- dayn-thee'-r) /. interruption. Interceptar (een-tayr-thayp- tar') V. to intercept.^ Interns (een-tayr-ays') m. in- terest: profit. Interesado (een-tay-ray-sar'- do) a. interested. Interesante (een-tay-ray-sarn'- tay) a. interesting. Interin (een-tayr'-een) ad. in the mean time. Interioridad (een-tay-ree-o- re-dahd') /. interior: inside. Intermediar 6i Intermediar (een-tayr-may- dee-ar') v. to interpose. Internar (een-tayr-nar') i^. to penetrate: interpose. Interno (een-tayr'-no) a. in- terior: internal. Interpelar (een-tayr-pay-lar') V. to appeal to. Interponer (een-tayr-po-nay- r') V. to interpose. Interprete (een-tayr-pray'-tay) m. interpreter. Interrogar (een-tayr-ro-gar') V. to interrogate: question. Interrumpir (een-tayr-room- peer') r. to interrupt. Intestino (een-tays-tee'-no) a. intestine: internal. Intimar (een-tee-mar') v. to intimate. Intimidar (een-tee-mee-dar') V. to intimidate. Intitular (een-tee-too-lar') v. to entitle. Intr^pido (een-tray'-pee-do) a. intrepid: daring. Intriga (een-tree'-gar) /. in- trigue: underhand plot. Intrincar (een-treen-thar') v. to confound: involve. Introduccion (een-tro-dook- thee-on') /. introduction. Introducir (een-tro-doo-thee- r') V. to introduce. Introito (een-tro-ee'-to) m. en- trance: way in. Inundar (ee-noon-dar') v. \o inundate. Inusitado (een-oo-see-tar'-do) a. unusual. Iniitil (een-oo'-teel) a. useless. Invadir (een-var-deer') v. to invade: over-run. Inyasor (een-var-sor') m. & f. invader. Invencion (een-vayn-thee-on') /. invention. Inventar (een-vayn-tar') v. to invent. Inverisimil (een-vayr-ees-ee'- meel) a. unlike: improbable. Invertir (een-vayr-teer') v. to invert. Investigar (een-vays-tee-gar') V. to investigate. Inveterarse (een-vayt-ayr-ar'- say) V. to grow old. Invicto (een-veek'-to) a. un- conquerable. Jam^s Invlerno (een-vee-ayr'-no) tn, winter. Invisible (een-vee-see'-blay) a, invisible. Ipso facto (eepso: fark'-to) ad. immediately: without delay. Ir (eer) v. to go: walk. Ira (ee'-rar) /. anger. Iris (ee'-rees) /. rainbow: iris (of eye): water lily. Ir6nico (ee - ron' - ee - ko) a. ironical. Irrecusable (eer-ray-koo-sar'- blay) a. inevitable. Irreflexi6n (eer-ray-flayk-see- on') /. rashness. Irreverente (eer-ray-vayr- rayn'-tay) a. irreverent. Irrisible (eer-ree-see'-blay) a. laughable. Irrision (eer-ree-see-on') /. mockery: making fun of a thing. Irritar (eer-ree-tar') i'. to irri- tate: exasperate. Isla (ees'-lar) /. island. Istmo (eest'-mo) ni. isthmus. Italiano (ee-tar-lee-ar'-no) m. Italian language. Itinerario (ee-tee-nay-rar-ree'- o) m. & adj. itinerary. Izar (ee-thar') v. to hoist. Izquierdo (eth-kee-ayr'-do) a. left: left-handed. Jabon (har-bon') m. soap. Jabonado (har-bo-nar'-do) m. washing. Jabonadura (har-bo-nar-doo'- ra) /. soap-suds: lather. Jaca (har'-kar) /. pony. Jacarear (har-kar-ree-ar') v. to sing. Jacinto (har-theen'-to) m. hya- cinth. Jaco (har'-ko) m. pony. Jactancia (hark-tarn-thee'-rl /. boasting. Jactarse (hark-tar'-say) v. t': poverty: need. Pena (payn'-yar) /. rock. Pe6n (pay-on') m. pedestrian: pawn (in chess). Peonia (pay-on-ee'-r) /. peony. Peer (pay-or') a. & ad. worse. Pepino (pay-pee'-no) m. cu- cumber. Pequeno (pay-kayn'-yo) a. little: small: tiny. Pera (pay'-rar) /. pear. Percance (payr-karn'-thay) m. ill-luck: misfortune. Percibir (payr-thee-beer') v. to receive: perceive. Perder (payr-dayr') v. to lose. P^rdida (payr'-dee-dar) /. loss: damage. Perdiz (payr-deeth') /. par- tridge. Perdon (payr-don') m. pardon. Perdonar (payr-don-ar') v. to pardon: forgive. Perdurable (payr-doo-rar'- blay) a. everlasting: perpetual: for ever. Perecedero (pay-ray-thay'- day-ro) a. perishable — m. misery-: want. Perecer (pay-ray-thayr') v. to die: perish. Perejil 80 Pestana Perejil (pay-ray'-heel) m. pars- ley. Perendengue (pay - rayn - dayn'-gay) m. ear'-ring. Perenne (pay-rayn-nay) a . perpetual. Pereza (pay-ray '-thar) /. idle- ness: laziness. Perfeccionar (payr-fayk-thee- on-ar') v. to complete: finish: perfect. Perfecto (payr-fayk'-to) a. complete: finished: perfect. Perfumar (payr-foo-mar') v. to perfume. Perfume (payr-foom'-ay) m. -. perfume: scent. Pergamino (payr-gar-mee'- no) m. parchment. Pericia (pay-ree'-thee-r) /. knowledge: skill. Perill^n (pay-reel-yarn') a. artful: cunning: knavish. Periodico (pay-ree-o'-dee-ko) a. periodical — m. newspaper. Periodo (pay-ree'-o-do) m. period. Perito (pay-ree'-to) a. skilful. Perjudicar (payr - hoo - dee- kar') V. to damage: hurt: injure. Perjurio (payr-hoo'-ree-o) m. perjury. Perla (payr'-lar) /. pearl. Permanencia (payr' - mar - nayn-thee'-r) /. permanence. Permision (payr-mee-see-on') /. permission. Permitir (payr-mee-teer') v. to allow: permit. Permutar (payr-moo-tar') v. to exchange. Pernear (payr-nay-ar') v. to kick: fret. Pernetas (payr-nay'-tars) ad. bare-legged. Pernil (payr-neeF) m. shoulder: ham: gammon. Pero (pay'-ro) conj. but: ex- cept: yet. Perpetrar (payr-pay-trar') v. to commit a crime. Perpetua (payr-pay'-too-ar) /. everlasting flower: immortelle. Perpetuo (payr-pay'-too-o) a. perpetual: everlasting. Perpiejo (payr-play'-ho) a. perplexed. Perrera (payr-ray'-rar) /. ken- nel. Perro (payr'-ro) m. dog: ob- stinate person. Perro de aguas, poodle. Perro de ayuda, Newfound- land dog. Perro de busca, terrier, Perro de lana, poodle. Perro de muestra, pointer. Perro de ojo, setter. Perro de presa, bulldog. Perro lebrel, greyhound. Perro raposero, foxhound. Perseguir (payr-say-gheer') v. to persecute: dun for money. Perseverar (payr-say-vay-rar') V. to persist: persevere. Persona (payr - son' - ar) /. person. Personero (payr-son-ay'-ro) m. agent: deputy. Persuadir (payr-soo-r-deer') V. to persuade. Pertenecer (payr-tay-nay'- thayr) v. to belong to: concern. Perturbar (payr-toor-bar) v. to disturb. Perverso (payr-vayr'-so) a. perverse: wicked. Pesa (pay'-sar) /. weight. Pesadez (pay-sar-dayth') /. heaviness: weight. Pesadilla (pay-sar-deel'-yar)/. nightmare. Pesado (pay-sar'-do) a. peev- ish. P6sanie (pay'-sar-may)m. note of condolence. Pesar (pay-sar') m. grief: sor- row. Pesca (pays'-kar) /. fishing. Pescado (pays-kar'-do) m. fish. Pescador (pays-kar-dor') m. fisherman. Pescuezo (pays-koo-ay'-tho) m. neck. Pesebre (pay-say'-bray) m. baby's crib or cot: manger. Peseta (pay-say'-tar)/. Spanish coin, similar to the franc. P^simo (pay'-see-mo) a. very bad. Peso (pay'-so) m. weight: scales. Pesquisa (pays-kee'-sar) /. examination: enquiry. Pestana (pay-starn'-yar)/. eye- lash. Peste i Peste (pays'-tay) /. plague: pestilence. Petaca (pay-tar'-kar) /. tobac- co-pouch. Petar (pay-tar') v. to please: satisfy. Petardista (pay-tar-dees'-tar) m. & f. cheat. Petulante (pay-too-lam'-tay) a. insolent. Piadoso (pee-r-do'-so) a. mer- ciful: moderate: pious. Piar (pee-ar') v. to squeak. Picada (pee-ka'-dar) /. punc- ture. Picadillo (pee-kar-deel'-yo) m. minced meat: hash. Picante (pee - karn' - tay) m. piquancy — a. sharp. Picar (pee-kar') v. to prick: sting. Picardia (pee-kar-dee'-r) m. deceit: knavery: roguery. Picaz6n (pee-karth-on')/. itch- ing. Pico (pee'-ko) m. beak: bill: peak. Pie (pee'-ay) m. foot: leg: base of things as trunk of tree. Piedad (pee-ay-dard') /. pity: mercy. Piedra (pee-ay'-drar) /. gravel: stone: hail. Piel (pee'-ayl) /. hide: peel: skin: rind. Pigmeo (peeg-may'-o) m. dwarf. Pildora (peel'-do-rar) /. pill. Pilongo (pee-lon'-go) a. lean: meagre. Piloto (pee-lo'-to) m. pilot. Pillaje (peel-yar'-hay) m. pil- lage: plunder. Pimentero (pee-mayn-tay'-ro) m. pepper-box. Pimienia (pee-mee-ayn'-tar) /. pepper. Pincel (peen'-thayl) m. pencil. Pinchadura (peen-char-doo'- rar) /. puncture. Pinchar (peen-char') v. to prick. Pinclio (peen'-cho) m. thorn. Pingajo (peen-gar'-ho) m. rag: tatter. Pinta (peen'-tar) /. blemish: scar: spot. Pintar (peen-tar') v. to paint. Pinter (pten-tor') m. painter. F t Plegar Pintura (peen - too' - rar) /. painting: picture. Pinzas (peen'-thas) /. pi. pincers: nippers. Pinz6n (peen - thon*) m. chaffinch. Piiia (peen'-yar) /. pineapple: fir-cone. Pic (pee'-o) a. devout: pious: merciful. Pipa (pee'-par) /. tobacco pipe. Pirimide (pee-rar'-mee-day) /. pyramid. Pirata (pee-rar'-tar) m. pirate: any cruel person. Pisar (pee-sar') v. to trample: tread. Piso (pee'-so) m. floor: pave- ment. Pistola (pee-sto'-lar) /. pistol. Pitirrojo (pee-teer'-ro-ho) m. robin. Pitonisa (pee-to-nee'-sar) /. enchantress. Pizarra (pee-thar'-rar) /. slate. Pizpereta (peeth-pay-ray'-tar) a. brisk: livelv: smart. Pl^ceme (plar'-thee-mee) m. congratulation. Placentero (plar-thayn-tay'- ro) a. joyful: merry. Placer (plar-thayr') m. delight: joy: pleasure. Plaga (plar'-gar) /. plague. Planchar (plarn-char') v. to iron linen. Piano (plar'-no) a. flat: level. Planta (plarn'-tar) /. plant: plantation. Plantar (plarn-tar') v. to plant: establish. Planir (plarn'-yeer) v. to grieve: bewail. Plasta (plars'-tar) /. paste. Platforma (plart-for'-mar) /. p!atform of rail, station. Platforma giratoria, turn- table. Platear (plar-tay-ar') v. to silver. Plateria (plar-tay-ree'-r) /. silversmith's shop. Platicar (plar-tee-kar') v. to talk. Plato (plar'-to) m. dish: plate. Playa (plar'-yar)/. beach: coast. Plaza (plar'-thar) /. public square: fortified place. Plegar (play-gar') v. to fold. Pliego 82 Pliego (plee-ay'-go) m. sheet of paper. Plomero (plo - may' - ro) m. plumber. Plomo (plo'-mo) m. lead. Pluma (ploo'-mar) /. feather plume: pen (for writing). Plumaje (ploo-mar'-hay) m. plumage. Pmvial (ploo-vee-arl') a. rainy. Poblacion (po-blar-thee-on') /. population. Poblado (po-blar'-do) m. town: village. Pobre (po'-bray) a. poor: humble: indigent. Pobreza (po - bray' - thar) /. poverty. Pocilga (po-theel'-gar)/. pigsty. Poco (po'-ko) a. few: little — ad. little. Poder (po'-dayr) m. power: authority — v. to be able. Poderoso (po-day-ro'-so) a. powerful. Poema (po-ay'-mar) /. poem. Poesia (po-ay-see'-r) /. poetry. Polea (po-lay'-r) /. pulley. Policia (po - lee - thee - r') /. police: politeness. Polilla (po-leel'-yar) /. moth. Poltron (pol-tron') a. idle: lazy. Polvo (pol'-vo) 771. dust: powder. Polvora (pol'-vo-rar) /. gun- powder. Polvoriento (pol-vo-ree-ayn'- to) a. dusty. Polla (pol'-yar) /. pullet. Pollero (pol-yay'-ro) m. poul- terer. Porno (po'-mo) m. apple: fruit. Ponderar (pon-day-rar') v. to weigh: exaggerate: ponder over. Pondero (pon-day'-ro) m. nest. Poner (po-nayr') v. to put: become: impose: lay an egg. Ponzona (pon-thon'-yar) /. poison. Ponzonoso (pon-thon-yo'-so) a. poisonous. Populaci6n (po-poo-lar-thee- on') /. population. Por (por) prep, about: by: by means of: for. Porcelana (por-thay-lar'-nar) /. porcelain: china. Porci6n (por-thee-on') /. part: portion. Potencia Pordiosero (por-dee-o-say'-ro) m. & f. beggar. Porfiado (por-fee-r'-do) a. obstinate: stubborn. Poro (po'-ro) m. pore. Porosidad (po-ro-see-dard') /. porosity. Porque (por'-kay) coTij. be- cause: why. Porqu6 (por-kay') m. cause: reason. Porreria (por-ray-ree'-r) /. folly: stupidity. Portacartas (por-tar-kar'-tars) 771. postman. Portador (por-tar-dor') m. carrier: porter. Portentoso (por-tayn-to-so) a. marvellous: prodigious. Portero (por-tay'-ro) m. por- ter: door-keeper. Pos (pos) ad. after: behind. Posada (po-sar'-dar) /. hotel: tavern: inn: dwelling, Posadero (po-sar-day'-ro) nt, inn-keeper: landlord (lady). Posar (po-sar') v. to lodge: repose: rest. Poseer (po-say-ayr') v. to own: possess. Posible (po-see'-blay) a. pos- sible. Posicion (po-see-thee-on') /. position. Positivo (po-see-tee'-vo) a. certain: positive: sure. Posponer (pos-po-nayr') v. to postpone: defer. Posta (pos'-tar) /. post: post- office: postage. Postal (pos-tarl') a. postal. Tarjeta postal, post card. Postergar (pos-tayr-gar') v. to leave behind. Posteridad (pos - tay - ree - dahd') /. posterity. Posterior (pos-tay-re-or') a. hind: posterior. Postizo (pos-tee'-tho) a. arti- ficial: unnatural — m. false hair. Postrar (pos-trar') v. to hum- ble: humiliate. Postre (pos'-tray) m. dessert — a. last. Potable (po-ttir'-blay) a. drink- able. Potasa (po-tar'-sar) /. potash. Potencia (po-tayn'-thee-r) /. power: might: strength. Potente Potente (po-tayn'-tay) 83 Princesa po- tent: mighty: powerful Potro (po'-tro) m. colt. Poza (po'thar) /. puddle. Pozo (po'-tho) m. well: whirl- pool. Practice (prark'-tee-ko) a. practical. Pradera (prar - day' - rar) /. prairie: meadow: mead. Prado (prar'-do) m. field: lawn: meadow. Precario (pray-kar'-ree-o) a. precarious: uncertain. Precaver (pray-kar-vayr') v. to obviate: prevent. Preceptor (pray-thayp-tor') m. fe? /. master: teacher. Preciar (pray-thee-ar') V. to value: appreciate. Precio (pray-thee'-o) m. cost: price: worth. Precioso (pray-thee-o'-so) a. precious: valuable. Precipicio (pray-thee-pee- thee'-o) m. precipice: destruc- tion. Precisar (pray-thee-sar') v. to compel: oblige: force. Precise (pray - thee' - so) a. necessary: exact: precise. Preclaro (pray - klar' - ro) a. famous. Preconizar (pray-kon-ee-thar') V. to praise. Predecir (pray-day'-thee-r) v. to predict: foretell. Predicar (pray-dee-kar') v. to publish: preach. Predilecto (pray-dee-layk'-to) a. favourite: preferred. Prefacio (pray-far'-thee-o) jn. preface. Preferencia (pray-fay-rayn'- thee-r) /. preference. Preferir (pray-fayr-eer') v. to prefer. Pregonar (pray-gon-ar') v. to proclaim. Pregunta (pray-goon'-tar) /. question. Preguntar (pray-goon-tar') v. to ask: question. Premeditar (pray-may-dee- tar') V. to premeditate. Premiar (pray-mee-ar') v. to reward: recompense. Premie (pray-mee'-o) m. re- ward: recompense. Premura (pray-moo'-rar) /. haste: hurry: urgency. Prenda (pren'-dar) /. pledge. Prendar (pren-dar') v. to pawn: pledge. Prender (pren-dayr') v. to catch: seize: arrest. Prendide (pren-dee'-do) m. women's dress. Preparar (pray-par-rar') v. to prepare: get ready. Presagiar (pray-sar-hee-ar') v. to foretell. Presagio (pray-sar-hee'-o) m. omen. Presbiterio (prays-bee-tay'- ree-o) m. sanctuary. Presenciar (pray-sayn-thee- ar') V. to assist at: be present at. Presentar (pray-sayn-tar') v. to display: show: present. Preservar (pray-sayr-var') V. to preserve: save. Presidir (pray-see-deer') v. to preside. Presion (pray-see-on') /. pres- sure. Preso (pray'-so) m. convict: prisoner. Pr^stamo (pray'-star-mo) m. loan. Prestar (pray-star') v. to lend. Prestigie (pray-stee-hee'-o) m. fame: prestige. Preste (pray'-sto) a. prompt: quick: speedy — ad. quickly: speedily: promptly. Presumir (pray-soo-meer') v. to presume. Prevalecer (pray - var - lay - thay'-r) v. to prevail: per- suade. Prevenido (pray-vay-nee'-do) a. prepared: ready. Preventive (pray-vayn-tee'-vo) a. presen.-ative. Prever (pray-vayr') v. to fore- see: presuppose. Prima (pree'-mar) /. premium: female cousin. Primavera (pree - mar - vay' - rar) /. spring: primrose. Primero (pree-may'-ro) a. first: principal. Primer (pree-mor') m. ability: beauty. Princesa (preen-thay'-sar) /. princess. Principe 84 Principe (preen'-theep-ay) m. prince. Principiante (preen-thee-pee- arn'-tay) m. & f. beginner: learner. Principiar (preen-thee-pee- ar') V. to begin: commence. Principio (preen-thee-pee'-o) m. beginning: commencement, Prisa (pree'-sar)/. haste: hurry. Prisi6n (pree-see-on') /. cap- ture: prison: gaol. Privado (pree - var' - do) a. private. Privar (pree-var') v. to de- prive: prohibit. Pro (pro) m. advantage: benefit: profit. Probar (pro-bar') v. to try: probe: prove: suit. Probo (pro'-bo) a. honest: up- right. Procesi6n (pro-thay-see-on')/. procession. Proclamar (pro-klar-mar') v. to proclaim. Prodigar (pro-dee-gar') v. to waste: squander. Prodigio (pro-dee-hee'-o) m. monster: wonder. Producir (pro-doo-theer') v. to produce. Productive (pro-dook-tee'-vo) a. productive. Producior (pro-dook-tor') m. & f. producer. Proeza (pro - ay' - thar) /. bravery: prowess. Profano (pro-far'-no) a. pro- fane: immodest. Profecia (pro-fay-thee'-r) /. prophecy. Profeta (pro-fay'-tar) m. pro- phet. Profundo (pro-foon'-do) a. profound: deep. Programa (pro-grar'-mar) m. programme. Progresar (pro-gray-sar') v. to progress. Prohibicion (pro-ee-bee-thee'- on) /. prohibition. Prohibir (pro-ee-beer') v. to prohibit: forbid. Prohijar (pro-ee-har') v. to adopt. Prole (pro'-lay) /. offspring: Prueba Prolongar (pro-lon-gar') v, to prolong. Promesa (pro-may'-sar) /. promise. Pronosticar (pro-nos-tee-kar') V. to predict. Pronto (pron'-to) a. prompt: ready. Propenso (pro-payn'-so) a. disposed: inclined. Propiedad (pro-pee-ay-dard') /. property: possession. Propina (pro-peen'-ar) /. pre- sent: salary. Propio (pro'-pee-o) a. proper: own — m. pi. estates: lands. Proponer (pro-po-nayr') v. to propose. Proporcionar (pro-por-thee- on-ar') to apportion: share. Prop6sito (pro-po'-see-to) m. purpose. Propuesta (pro-poo-ays '-tar) /. proposal. Proseguir (pro-say-gheer') v. to prosecute: pursue. Prosperar (pros-pay-rar') v, to prosper. Pr6spero (pros'-pay-ro) a. prosperous. Proteger (pro-tay-hayr') v. to protect. Protervia (pro-tayr-vee'-r) /. insolence. Protestar (pro-tays-tar') v. to protest: threaten. Proveclio (pro-vay'-cho) m. profit. Proveimiento (pro-vay-ee- mee'-n-to) m. provision. Provenir (pro-vayn-eer') v. to proceed. Provento (pro-vayn'-to) m. income. Pr6vido (pro'-vee-do) a. pro- vident. Provocar (pro-vo-kar') v. to provoke. Pr6ximo (prok'-see-mo) a. nearest: next. Proyectar (pro-yek-tar') v. to project: scheme. Prudencia (proo-dayn'-thee-r) /. prudence: wisdom. Prudente (proo-dayn'-tay) a. prudent. Prueba (proo - ay' - bar) /. evidence: proof. Prurito 85 Prurito (proo-ree'-to) m. itch- ing. Pua (poo'-r) /. sharp point. Publicar (poo-blee-kar') v. to publish. Publico (poo'-blee-ko) a. public. Pudir (poo-deer') v. to rot: turn putrid. Pueblo (poo-ay'-blo) m. town: village: population. Puente (poo-ayn'-tay) m. & f. bridge. Puerca (poo-ayr'-kar) /. sow. Puerco (poo-ayr'-ko) m. pig: hog — a. dirty: filthy. Puerta (poo-ayr'-tar) /. door: gateway: entrance. Puerto (poo-ayr'-to) m. har- bour: port. Pues (poo'-ays) ad. then: there- fore: since: well then. Puesto (poo-ays'-to) m. place: spot: shop. Pugnar (poog-nar') v. to fight: combat. Pulcro (pool'-kro) a. beautiful. Pulga (pool'-gar) /. flea. Pulgar (pool-gar') m. thumb. Pulidez (poo-lee-daytli) /. neatness. Pulido (poo-lee'-do) a. neat: nice. Pulidor (poo - lee - dor') m. polisher. Pulir (poo-leer') v. to burnish: polish. Pulmon (pol-mon') m. lungs. Pulsar (pool-sarr') v. to touch: explore. Pulso (pool'-so) m. pulse. Pundonor (poon-don-or') m. matter of honour. Pundonoroso (poon-do-no- ro'-so) a. honourable. Pungir (poon-heer') v. to punch: prick. Punicibn (poo-nee-thee-on') /. punishment. Punta (poon'-tar) /. point. Puntear (poon-tay-ar') v. to play on the guitar. Puntillazo (poon-teel-yar'-tho) m. kick. Punto (poon'-to) m. point: aim: design: end. Puntual (poon-too-arl') a. punctual: exact. Querer Punzadura (poon-thar-doo'- rar) /. puncture: prick. Punzar (poon-thar') v. to pjick. Punado (poon - yar' - do) m. handful. Punal (poon-yarl') m. dagger: poniard. Puno (poon'-yo) m. fist: wrist. Pupila (poo-pee'-lar) /. eye- ball: pupil (of eye). Pupilo (poo-pee'-lo) m. pupil (learner): scholar. Pureza (poo-ray '-thar) /. chastity: purity. Purgante (poor-garn'-tay) m. purgative. Purgar (poor-gar') v. to purge: purify. Purificar (poo-ree-fee-kar') v. to purify. Puro (poo'-ro) a. pure. Purpureo (poor-poo'-ray-o) a. purple. Pustula (poo'-stoo-iar) /. pim- ple. Putrido (poo'-tree-do) a. putrid: rotten. Que (kay) pron. as: who: which: what: that. Quebrada (kay-brar'-dar) /. ravine. Ouebradizo (kay-brar-dee'- tho) a. brittle: fragile. Quebrado (kay-brar'-dp) a. broken — ni. fraction (arith.). Quebradura (kay-brar-doo'- rar) /. fracture: rupture: slit. Quebrantar (kay-brarn-tar') v. to break: burst: crack: violate: vex: transgress: weaken. Quedar (kay-dar') v. to remain: stay. Ouedo (kay'-do) a. easy: gentle: quiet: still — ad. gently: softly. Quehacer (kay-r-thayr') m. business. Oueja (kay'-har) /. complaint. Quejoso (kay-ho'-so) a. queru- lous. Quemar (kay-mar') v. to bum: kindle: scald: set alight. Ouerella (kay - rayl' - yar) /, complaint: lamentation. Querer (kay-rayr') v. to desire: wish — m. desire: will. Querido 86 Raquitis Querido (kay-ree'-do) a. be- loved: dear — m. fef /. darling. Ouesera (kay-say'-rar) /. dairy. Quesero (kay-say'-ro) m. & f. cheesemaker: cheesemonger. Queso (kay'-so) m. cheese. Quicio (kee-thee'-o) m. hinge: hook. Quidam (kee'-darm) m. some- one. Quien (kee'-ayn) pron. who: whom: whoever: which: whichever. Quienquiera (kee-ayn-kee-ay'- rar) pron. whosoever: what- soever. Quieto (kee-ay'-to) a. quiet: peaceful: still. Quietud (kee-ay-tood')/. quiet- ness: peace: tranquillity. Quijada (kee-har'-dar) /. jaw. Quilla (keel'-yar) /. keel. Quimera (kee-may'-rar) /. dis- pute: quarrel. Quimica (kee' - mee - kar) /. chemistry. Quimico (kee - mee' - ko) m. chemist. Ouincalla (keen-kal'-yar) /. hardware. Quince (keen'-thay) a. fifteen: fifteenth. Quinientos (kee-nee-ayn'-tos) a. five hundred. Quinquina (keen-kee'-nar) /. quinine. Quinquillero (keen-keel-yar'- ro) m. hawker: pedlar. Quinta (keen'-tar) /. country- seat: country-house. Quinteria (keen-tay-ree'-r) /. farm. Quintero (keen-tay'-ro) m. farmer. Quinon (keen-yon') m. divi- dend. Quirurgo (kee-roor'-go) m. surgeon. Quisicosa (kee-see-ko'-sar) /. riddle. Quitar (kee-tar') v. to remove: take away. Quitasol (kee-tar-sol') m. para- sol. Quite (kee'-tay) m. impedi- ment: obstacle. Quito (kee'-to) a. exempt. Quizd (kee-thar') ad. perhaps. R^bano (rar'-bar-no) m. radish. Rabia (rar-bee'-r) /. fury: rage. Rabiar (rar-bee-r') v. to be furious: rage. Rabieta (rar-bee-ay'-tar) /. bad temper. Rabo (rar'-bo) m. tail. Racimo (rar-thee'-mo) m. bunch of grapes. Raciocinar (rar-thee-o-theen- ar') V. to argue: reason. Raci6n (rar-thee-on') /. ration. Radiacion (rar-dee-r'-thee-on) /. radiation. Radiante (rar-dee-arn'-tay) a. radiant. Radicarse (rar-dee-kar'-say) v. to take root. Radiotelefonia (rar-dee-o-tay- lay-fon'-ee-ar) /. broadcast. Raiz (rar-eeth') /. root. Raja (rar'-har) /. splinter. Rajar (rar-har') v. to chop: cleave: split: boast. Ralea (rar-lay'-ar) /. breed: race: caste: species. Ralear (rar-lay-ar') v. to thin: slim. Ralo (rar'-lo) a. thin: slim: rare. Rama (rar'-mar) /. branch (of tree). Ramillete (rar-meel-yay'-tay) ni. nosegay. Ramo (rar'-mo) m. tree-branch. Rampante (rarm-parn'-tay) a. rampant. RampoUo (rarm-pol'-yo) m. shoot: sucker: sprig: off^shoot. Rana (rar'-nar) /. frog. Rancio (rarn'-thee-o) a. ran- cid: rank. Rapadura (rar-par-doo'-rar) /. shaving. Rape (rar'-pay) m. shaving. Rapidez (rar-pee-dayth') /. rapidity. Rapido (rar'-pee-do) a. rapid: speedy: swift. Rapina (rar-peen'-yar) /. rob- bery: plunder. Raposa (rar-po'-sar) /. female fox: artful person. Raposo (rar-po'-so) m. male fox. Raqueta (rar-kay'-tar) /. racket (for games). Raquitis (rar - kee' - tees) /. rickets. Raridad 87 Raridad (rar - ree - dard') /. rarity: scarcity. Raro (rar'-ro) a. rare: scarce — ad. rarely: scarcely. Rascar (rars-kar') v. to scrape: scratch. Rasgar (rars-gar') v. to rend: tear. Rasguno (rars-goon'-yo) m. scratch. Rase (rar'-so) m. glade: open- air: satin. Raspador (rars-par-dor') m. file: rasp. Rastra (rars'-trar) /. sledge. Rastrear (rars-tray-ar') v. to trace. Rasurar (rar-soo-rar') v. to shave. Rata (rar'-tar) /. rat. Rateria (rar-tay-ree'-r) /. lar- ceny: petty theft. Ratero (rar-tay'-ro) a. creep- ing: underhand: unreliable. Rato (rar'-to) m. mouse. Raton (rar-ton') m. mouse. Ratonar (rar-ton-r') v. to gnaw Ratonera (rar-ton-ayr'-ar) /. mousetrap. Rayano (rar-yar'-no) a. con- tiguous: neighbouring: ad- jacent. Rayo (rar'-yo) m. ray: radius: beam. Rayoso (rar-yo'-so) a. striped. Raza (rar'-thar) /. race (classi- fication of people). Razonable (rar-tho-nar'-blay) a. reasonable. Razonar (rar-thon'-ar) v. to reason: argue: talk. Reaccion (ray-ark-thee-on') /. reaction. Reagravar (ray-r-grar-var') v. to aggravate. Real (ray-arl') a. real: royal — m. camp: real (coin). Realengo (ray-arl-ayn'-go) a. royal. Realidad (ray-arl-ee-dard') /. reality: sincerity. Realzar (ray-arl-thar') v. to elevate: lift: raise. Reanimar (ray-ar-nee-mar') v. to cheer: encourage. Reasumir (ray-ar-soo-meer') V. to resume. Reata (ray-ar'-tar) /. collar. Recibo Rebaja (ray-bar'-har) /. abate- ment: deduction: reduction. Rebajar (ray-bar-har') v. to abate: deduct: reduce. Rebano (ray-barn'-yo) m. flock: herd. Rebatir (ray-bar-teer') v. to resist: repress. Rebate (ray-bar'-to) m. alarm: surprise. Rebelarse (ray-bay-lar'-say) f« to rebel: revolt. Rebelde (ray-bayl'-day) w. rebel — a. rebellious. Rebello (ray-bayl'-yo) m. trunk of tree. Rebosar (ray-bo-sar') v. to overflow: run over (liquid). Rebullir (ray-bool-yeer') v. to stir. Reburujar (ray-boo-roo-har') V. to wrap up. Rebuzno (ray-booth'-no) m. braying of a donkey, ass. Recado (ray-kar'-do) m. gift: message. Recaida (ray-ka-ee'-dar) /. relapse. Recalcar (ray-karl-kar') v. to squeeze. Recalcitrar (ray-karl-theet- rar') v. to kick: wince. Recalentamiento (ray-karl- ayn-tar-mee-ayn-to) m. in- candescence. Recalentar (ray-kar-layn-tar') V. to heat up again. Recamara (ray-kar'-mar-rar) /. wardrobe. Recargar (ray-kar-gar') v. to recharge: remand. Recatado (ray-kar-tar'-do) a. circumspect: prudent. Recaudador (ray-kar-00-dar- dor') m. tax-collector. Recaudar (ray-kar-00-dar') v. to collect: gather: obtain. Recelar (ray-thay-lar') v. to fear: suspect. Recelo (ray-thay'-lo) m. dread: fear: suspicion. Receptor (ray-thayp-tor') m. treasurer. Receta (ray-thay'-tar) /. pre- scription: recipe. Recibir (ray-thee-beer') v. to accept: receive. Recibo (ray-thee'-bo) m. ac- quittance: receipt. Reci6n 8 Reci^n (ray-thee-ayn') ad. late- ly: recently. Reciente (ray-thee-ayn'-tay) ad. fresh: modern: recent. Recio (ray'-thee-o) a. robust: strong: thick: coarse. Recitacion (ray-thee-tar-thee- on') /. recitation. Recitar (ray-thee-tar') v. to recite. Reclamar (ray-klar-mar') v. to reclaim. Reclinar (ray-klee-nar') v. to lean back: recline. Reclinatorio (ray-klee-nar- tor'-ee-o) m. couch. Recluir (ray-kloo-eer') v. to shut up. Recluta (ray-kloo'-tar) m. re- cruit — f. recruiting. Recobrar (ray-ko-brar') v. to recover. Recobro (ray-ko'-bro) m. re- covery. Recocido (ray-ko-thee'-do) a. clever: skilful. Recogedero (ray-ko-hay-day'- ro) m. meeting-place: rendez- vous. Recoger (ray-ko-hayr') v. to take back: shelter: gather alms. Recomendar (ray-ko-mayn- dar') V. to charge. Recompensa (ray-kom-payn'- sar) /. compensation: recom- pense. Recompensar (ray-kom-payn- sar') V. to compensate: recom- pense. Reconciliar (ray-kon-thee-lee- ar') V. to reconcile. Reconocer (ray-kon-o-thayr') V, to examine minutely. Reconocido (ray-kon-o-thee'- do) a. grateful. Recopilaci6n (ray-ko-pee-lar- thee-on') /. abridgment: sy- nopsis: summary. Recopilar (ray-ko-pee-lar') v. to compile. Recordaci6n (ray - kor - dar - thee - on') /. memento: memory. Recordar (ray-kor-dar') v. to remind. Recorrer (ray-kor-rayr') v. to repair. Recostar (ray-kos-tar') v. to lean against. Refacci6n Recreaci6n (ray-kree-ar-thee- on')/. amusement: recreation. Recrear (ray-cray-ar') v. to amuse: delight: entrance. Rectificar (rayk-tee-fee-kar') to put right: rectify. Rectitud (rayk-tee-tood') /. rectitude: honesty. Recto (rayk'-to) a. right: straight: just. Recuerdo (ray-koo-ayr'-do) m. memory: rem mbrance. Recular (ray-koo-lar') v. to fall back: recoil. Reculones (ray-koo-lo'-nays) ad. backwards. Recuperacion (ray-koo-pay- rar-thee-on') /. recovery. Recuperar (ray-koo-pay-rar') V. to recover. Recusaci6n (ray-koo-sar-thee- on') /. refusal. Rechazar (ray-char-thar') v. to repel: repulse. Rechifla (ray-chee'-flar) v. to mock: deride. Rechinar (ray-chee-nar') v. to gnash the teeth. Red (rayd) /. net. Redactor (ray-dark-tor') m. editor. Redecilla (ray-day-ceel'-yar) /. hair-net. Rededor (ray-day-dor') m. en- virons. Redentor (ray-dayn-tor') m. & f. redeemer. Redimir (ray-dee-meer') v. to ransom: redeem. R^dito (ray'-dee-to) m. interest: rent: revenue. Redituar (ray-dee-too-ar') v. to rent: bring in profit. Redoma (ray-do'-mar) /. phial. Redondel (ray-don-dayl') m. circle. Redondo (ray - don' - do) a. round: circular. Reducir (ray-doo-theer') v. to reduce. Reducto (ray-dook'-to) m. re- doubt: small fort. Reembolsar (ray - aym - bol - sar') V. to reimburse. Reencuentro (ray - ayn - koo - ayn'-tro) m. encounter. Refaccion (ray-fark-thee-on') /. refreshment: repast. Referir Referir (ray-fay-reer') v. to refer: relate: report. Refinado (ray-fee-nar'-do) a. refined: subtle. Reflnar (ray-feen-ar') v. to refine. Reflexi6n (ray-flayk-see-on') /. reflection: meditation. Refocilar (ray-fo-thee-lar') v. to strengthen. Reforzar (ray-for-thar') v. to reinforce: fortify. Refran (ray-frarn') m. proverb. Refreg6n (ray-fray-hon') m. friction: rubbing together. Refrenar (ray-frayn-ar') v. to curb: restrain. Refresco (ray-frays'-ko) m. re- freshment. Refriega (ray-free-ay'-gar) /. affray: encounter. Refrigerar (ray-free-hay-rar') V. to cool: refresh. Refrigerio (ray-free-hay'-ree- o) m. comfort: refreshment: refrigeration. Refuerzo (ray-foo-ayr'-tho) m. reinforcement. Refugiar (ray-foo-hee-ar') v. to shelter: take refuge. Refundir (ray-foon-deer') v. to rearrange. Refunfunadura (ray - foon - foon-yar'-doo-rar) /. growl- ing: grumbling. Refutar (ray-foo-tar') v. to deny: refute. Regadera (ray-gar-day'-rar) /. water-can. Regajo (ray-gar'-ho) m. pool: puddle. Regalado (ray-gar-lar'-do) a. dainty: delicate. Regalo (ray-gar'-lo) m. gift: present. Regalon (ray-gar-lon') a. de- licate: pampered. Reganar (ray-garn-yar') v. to growl: grumble. Regar (ray-gar') v. to irrigate: water. Regazo (ray-gar'-tho) m. lap. Regentar (ray-hayn-tar') v. to govern: rule. Regente (ray-hayn'-tay) m. governor: regent: manager. Regimen (ray'-hee-mayn) m. management. 89 Relevante Regimiento (ray - hee - mee - ayn'-to) m. administration: government. Regio (ray-hee'-o) a. royal: king-like. Regir (ray-heer') t.'. to govern: rule. Regl6n (rayg-lon') m. level (spirit-level). Regocijar (ray-go-thee-har') v. to rejoice. Regocijo (ray-go-thee'-ho) m. joy: merriment: rejoicing. Regordete (ray-gor-day'-tay) a. plump. Regreso (ray-gray'-so) m. re- turn. Regulaci6n (ray-goo-lar-thee- on') /. regulation. Regular (ray-goo-lar') v. to adjust: regulate. Rehacer (ray-r-thayr') v. to repair: rally. Reh^n (ray-n') m. hostage. Rehogar (ray-o-gar') v. to roast. Rehusar (ray-oo-sar') v. to decline: refuse. Reina (ray-een'-ar) /. queen. Reinado (ray-een-ar'-do) m. reign. Reinar (ray-een-ar') v. to reign. Reincidir (ray-een-thee-dee-r') V. to fall back: relapse. Reir (ray-eer') v. to laugh. Reiterar (ray-ee-tay-rar') v. to reiterate: repeat. Reja (ray'-har) /. grating: lattice. Rejon (ray-hon') w. dagger: poniard. Relaci6n (ray-lar-th' e-on') /. account: report: relation (dis- tant only). Relajar (ray-lar-har') v. to relax: slacken. Relamido (ray-lar-mee'-do) a. over-dressed. Relampago (ray-larm'-par-go) m. flash of lightning. Relator (ray-lar-tor') m. re- porter: narrator. Relegacion (ray-lay-gar-thee- on') /. exile. Relente (ray-layn'-tay) m. dew of evening. Relevante (ray-lay-vam'-tay) a. eminent: great. Relevar 90 Relevar (ray-lay-var') v. to exonerate: forgive: pardon: exalt: raise: emboss. Religi6n (ray-lee-hee-on') /. religion: piety. Religioso (ray-lee-hee-o'-so) a. religious: pious. Relinchar (ray-leen-char') v. to neigh. Reliquia (ray-lee-kee'-r) /. re- mains: residue: relic. Reloj (ray-loh') m. clock: watch. Relucir (ray-loo-thee-r') v. to glitter: shine. Relumbrar (ray-loom-brar') v. to sparkle: shine. Remar (ray-mar') v. to row (a boat). Rematadamente (ray-mar- tar-dar-mayn'-tay) ad. en- tirely: totally. Rematar (ray-mar-tar') v. to finish: terminate. Remate (ray-mar'-tay) m. con- clusion: end: finish. Remedar (ray-mah-dar') v. to copy: mimic. Remediar (ray-may-dee-ar') v. to assist: help: remedy. Remedio (ray-may'-dee-o) rti. remedy. Remendar (ray-mayn-dar') v. to patch: mend. Remendon (ray-mayn-don') 7?z. cobbler. Remero (ray-may'-ro) m. oars- man: rower. Remesa (ray-may '-sar) /. re- mittance of money: forward- ing of goods. Reminiscencia (ray-mee-nees- thayn-thee'-r) /. recollection: reminiscence. Remirado (ray-mee-rar'-do) a. cautious: prudent. Remirar (ray-mee-rar') r. to review: revise: look over again. Remiso (ray-mee'-so) a. care- less: remiss. Remitir (ray-mee-teer') v. to remit: transmit. Remo (ray '-mo) m. oar. Remoci6n (ray-mo-thee-on') /. removal. Remojo (ray-mo'-ho) m. soak- ing. Remolacha (ray-mo-lar'-char) ./. beetroof. Repetir Retnolcar (ray-mol-kar') v. to tow. Remolino (ray-mo-lee'-no) m. whirlpool: whirlwind. Remolon (ray-mo-lon') a. lazy. Remontar (ray-mon-tar') v. to scare away. Remoto (ray-mo'-to) a. dis- tant: far: remote. Rempujar (raym-poo-har') v. to push: jostle. Rempujbn (raym-poo-hon') m. push: thrust. Remunerar (ray-moo-nay- rar') v. to remunerate: re- ward: pay. Rencor (rayn-kor') m. grudge. Rendicion (rayn-dee-thee-on') /. profit. Rendidamente (rayn-dee-dar- mayn'-tay) ad. humbly. Rendir (rayn-deer') v. to sub- due: subject. Renegade (ray-nay-gar'-do) m. wicked person. Renombrado (ray-nom-brar'- do) a. renowned. Renombre (ray-nom'-bray) m. surname. Renovacion (ray-no-var-thee- on') /. renovation. Renovar (ray-no-var') v. to renew: renovate. Renquear (rayn-kay-ar') v. to limp. Renta (rayn'-tar) /. income. Renuevo (ray-noo-ay'-vo) ?m. shoot: sprout. Renunciar (ray-noon-thee-ar') V. to resign: renounce. Reiiir (rayn-yeer') v. to quarrel: scold: wrangle. Reo (ray'-o) m. criminal. Reparar (ray-par-rar') v. to repair: consider: observe. Reparon (ray-par- ron') a. over- cautious. Repartidor (ray-par-tee-dor') m. & f. distributer. Repartir (ray-par-teer') v. to distribute. Repeler (ray-pay-layr') v. to refute: reject: repel. Repente (ray-payn'-tay) ad. suddenly: all of a sudden. Repertorio (ray-payr-tor-ee'- o) WJ. index: repertory. Repetir (ray-pay-teer') V. to repeat. Repisa 9 Replsa (ray-pee'-sar) /. pedes- tal. Repleto (ray-play'-to) a. full: replete. Replica (ray' - plee - kar) /. answer: reply. Reportado (ray-por-tar'-do) a. moderate. Reportorio (ray-por-tor-ee'-o) m. almanack. Reposado (ray-po-sar'-do) a. peaceful: quiet. Represar (ray-pray-sar') v. to stop: restrain. Reprimenda (ray-pree-mayn'- dar) /. reprimand. Reprimar (ray-pree-mar') v. to repress: refrain. Reptil (rayp-teel') m. reptile. Republica (ray-poo'-blee-kar) /. republic. Repudiar (ray-poo-dee-ar') v. to repudiate: disclaim. Repugnar (ray-poog-nar') v. to oppose. Repulgar (ray-pool-gar') v. to hem (sewing). Repulgo (ray-pool'-go) m. hem. Repulsa (ray-pool'-sar) /. re- fusal: repulse. Reputar (ray-poo-tar') v. to estimate: repute. Requebrar (ray-kay-brar') v. to court: woo. Requerir (ray-kay-reer') v. to intimate: notify. Requeson (ray-kays-on') m. curd. Requintar (ray-keen-tar') v. to outbid. Res (rays) /. head of cattle. Resabiar (ray-sar-bee-ar') v. to acquire bad habits. Resaca (ray-sar'-kar) /. surf: surge. Resalado (ray-say-lar'-do) a. very graceful. Resaltar (ray-sarl-tar') v. to be evident: to be as clear as day. Resarcimiento (ray-sar-thee- mee-ayn'-to) m. compensa- tion: reparation. Resarcir (ray-sar-thee-r') v. to make amends: compensate. Resbalar (rays-bar-lar') v. to slide: slip. Resbalon (rays-bar-lon') m. f slide: sliding: slip. | I Resuello Rascatar (rays-kar-tar') v. to ransom: redeem. Rescoldo (rays-kol'-do) m. cinders: embers. Reserva (ray-sayr'-var) /. re- serve: reservation. Reservado (ray-sayr-var'-do) m. reserved: cautious. Resfriado (rays-free-ar'-do) m. cold (in head, etc.). Resguardar (rays-goo-ar-dar') V. to defend: preserve. Resguardo (rays-goo-ar'-do) guard: safety: security. Residencia (ray - see - dayn - thee'-r) /. residence. Residir (ray-see-deer') v. to dwell: reside. Resignacion (ray-seeg-nar- thee-on') /. resignation. Resignar (ray-seeg-nar') v. to resign. Resisar (ray-see-sar') v. to diminish: rebate (taxes). Resma (rays'-mar) /. ream of paper. Resollar (ray-sol-yar') v. to take breath: talk. Resoplar (ray-sop-lar') v. to snore: snort. Respaldar (ray-sparl-dar') v. to endorse. Respetable (rays-pay-tar'- blay) a. respectable. Respeto (rays-pay'-to) m. re- gard: respect. Respigar (ray-spee-gar') v. to glean. ^ Respigon (rays-pee-gon') m. sty on eyelid. Res'pirar (rays-pee-rar') v. to breathe: respire. Resplandor (ray-splam-dor') m. brilliancy: splendour. Respuesta (ray-spoo-ays'-tar) /. answer: reply. Resta (rays'-tar) /. remainder: residue: rest. Restanar (rays-tam-yar') v. to stop the flow of blood. Restar (rays-tar') v. to subtract. Restriccion (rays-treek-thee- on') /. restriction. Restringir (rays-treen-heer') V. to limit: restrict. Resudar (ray-soo-dar') v, to perspire: transpire. Resuello (ray-soo-ayl'-yo) m. breath: breathing. Resultado 92 Romper Resultado (ray-sool-tar'-do) m. consequence: result. Retador (ray-tar-dor') m. chal- lenger. Retal (ray-tarl') m. remnant. Retatna (ray-tar'-mar)/. broom (plant): furze: whin. Retar (ray-tar') v. to challenge. Retardar (ray-tar-dar') v. to delay. Retazo (ray-tar'-tho) m. rem- nant. Ret^n (ray-tayn') m. reserve: stock: store. Retener (ray-tay-nayr') v. to keep back. Retintin (ray-teen-teen') m. tinkling sound. Retirada (ray-tee-rar'-dar) /. retreat. Retirar (ray-teer-ar') v. to retire: withdraw. Reto (ray'-to) m. challenge: threat: menace. Retorcer (ray-tor-thayr') v. to twist. Retornar (ray-tor-nar') v. to turn: return. Retozar (ray-to-thar') v. to frisk: skip: tickle. Retraer (ray-trar-ayr') v. to dissuade: draw back. Retrasar (ray-trar-sar') v. to defer: put off. Retrato (ray-trar'-to) m. por- trait. Retribuir (ray-tree-boo-eer') V. to repay: reward. Retru6cano (ray-troo-ay'-kar- no) m. pun. Reumatismo (ray-oo-mar- tees'-mo) m. rheumatism. Revalidar (ray-var-lee-dar') v. to confirm: ratify. Revelar (ray-vay-lar') v. to reveal. Revendedor (ray-vayn-day- dor') m. retail merchant. Revender (ray-vayn-dayr') v. to retail. Reventar (ray-vayn-tar') v. to burst: crack. Rever (ray-vayr') v. to review: revise. Revesado (ray-vay-sar'-do) difficult: obstinate. Revocar (ray-vo-kar') v. to revoke. Revoltoso (ray-vol-to'-so) a. seditious: turbulent. Revolver (ray-vol-vayr') v. to revolve: return. Reyerta (ray-yayr'-tar) /. dis- pute. Rezago (ray-thar'-go) m. re- mainder: residue. Rezar (ray-thar') v. to pray: say prayers. Rezumarse (ray-thoo-mar'- say) V. to leak. Ria (ree'-r) /. river-mouth. Ribazo (ree-bar'-tho)w2. hillock: ridge of hills. Ribera (ree-bay'-rar) /. shore: strand. Rico (ree'-ko) a. rich. Ridiculo (ree-dee'-koo-lo) a. ridiculous. Riesgo (ree-ays'-go) m. danger: risk. Rifar (ree-far') v. to raffle. Rigido (ree'-hee-do) a. rigid. rigorous. Ringlera (reen-glay'-rar) /. row: line: file. Rin6n (reen-yon') m. kidney. Rio (ree'-o) m. river: stream. Riqueza (ree - kay' - thar) /. riches: wealth. Risa (ree'-sar)/. laugh: laughter. Risueno (ree-soo-ayn'-yo) a. smiling: laughing. Rivalidad (ree-var-lee-dard')/. rivalry. Rizar (ree-thar') v. to curl or plait the hair. Robar (ro-bar') v. to rob: plunder. Roble (ro'-blay) m. oak-tree. Robo (ro'-bo) m. robbery: theft. Robusto (ro - boos' - to) a. robust: vigorous. Roca (ro'-kar) /. rock: cliflf. Rociar (ro-thee-ar') v. to scat- ter: sprinkle. Rocio (ro-thee'-o) m. dew. Rodar (ro-dar') v. to roll. Rodear (ro-day-ar') v. to sur- round: wrap up: encircle. Rodilla (ro-deel'-yar) /. knee. Roer (ro-ayr') v. to gnaw: corrode. Rogar (ro-gar') v. to beg: en- treat: pray. Rojo (ro'-ho) a. red: ruddy. Romper (rom-payr') v. to break: interrupt: fracture. Roncar c Roncar (ron-kar') v. to snore: roar: threaten. Ropa (ro'-par) /. cloth: cloth- ing: robe. Roque (ro'-kay) m. rook (chess). Rosa (ro'-sar) /. rose (flower and colour). Rosario (ro- sar- ree' -o) m. rosary. Rosea (ros'-kar) /. screw. Roseta (ro-say'-tar) /. rosette. Rostro (ros'-tro) m. face (per- son): countenance. Rotulo (ro'-too-lo) m. label: printed notice. Rubor (roo-bor') m. bashful- ness: blush. Rude (roo'-do) a. coarse: rough: rude. Rufa (roo'-fo) a. red-haired. Rugir (roo-heer') v. to u-uow: roar like a lion. Ruido (roo-ee'-do) m. noise. Ruin (roo'-een) a. despicable: mean: wicked. Ruina (roo-ee'-nar) /. ruin: downfall. Rumbo (room'-bo) m. road: route: way. Runriin (roon-roon') m. report: rumour. Ruptura (roop-too'-rar) /. rup- ture. Riistico (roos'-tee-ko) a. rustic — m. peasant. Ruta (roo'-tar) /. itinerary: route. Rutilar (roo-teel-ar') v. to shine. S^bado (sar'-bar-do) m. Satur- day: sabbath. Sabana (sar'-bar-nar) /. sheet. Sabandija (sar-barn-dee'-har) /. beetle: grub: insect. Sabanon (sar-barn-yon') m. chiblain. Saber (sar-bayr') v. to know. Sabido (sar-bee'-do) a. learned: well-educated. Sabiendas (sar-bee-ayn'-dars) ad. knowingly. Sabio (sar-bee'-o) a. sage: wise — m. & f. sage. Sable (sar'-blay) m. sabre: cut- lass. Saber (sar-bor') m. relish: savour: taste. 5 Saludo Sabroso (sar-bro'-so) a. sav- oury: salted. Sabucso (sar-boo-ays'-o) m. bloodhound. Sacacorchos (sar - kar - kor'- chos) m. corkscrew. Sacar (sar-kar') v. to pull out: draw out. Sacate (sar-kar'-tay) m. grass: hay. Saco (sar'-ko) m. bag: sack. Sacrificar (sar-kree-fee-kar') V. to sacrifice. Sacrificio (sar-kree-fee-thee'- o) m. sacrifice. Sacristia (sar-krees-tee'-r) /. VLStry (of church). Sacro (sar'-kro) a. sacred: holy. Sacudir (sar-koo-deer') v. to jerk: shake. Sagaz (sar-garth') a. sagacious: wise. Sahumar (sar-oo-mar') v. to perfume. Sahumerio (sar-oo-may'-ree- o) m. perfume: scent. Sain (sar-een') Jti. fat: grease. Sainete (sar-ee-nay'-tay) m. flavour: relish. Sal (sari) /. salt. Sala (sar'-lar) /. hall: saloon. Salar (sar-lar') v. to salt. Salario (sar - lar' - ree - o) m. salary. Salazon (sar - lar - thon') /. seasoning: salting. Salchicha (sarl-ctiee'-char) /. sausage. Salcochar (sarl-ko-char') v. to prepare (dress) meat. Salero (sar-lay'-ro) m. salt- cellar. Salida (sar-lee'-dar) /. outlet: issue: result: way out. Salir (sar-leer') v. to depart: set out. Salmon (sarl-mon') m. salmon. Salpicar (sarl-pee-kar') v. to bespatter. Salsa (sarl'-sar) /. sauce. Saltar (sarl-tar') v. to jump: leap. Salto (sarl'-to) m. jump: leap. Salubre (sar - loo' - bray) a. healthy. Salud (sar-Iood') /. health. Saludar (sar-loo-dar') v. to greet: salute. Saludo (sar-loo'-do) m. salute. Salvaje 94 Servicio Salvaje (sarl-var'-hay) a. savage. Salvamlento (sarl-var-mee- ayn'-to) m. safety. Salvar (sarl-var') v. to save. Salvia (sarl-vee'-r) /. sage (herb). Salvilla(sarl-veer-yar) /. salver. Sallar (sarl-yar') v. to weed (garden, etc.). San (sarn) a. saint. Sanar (sar-nar') v, to cure: recover. Sandez (sarn'-dayth) /. folly: nonsense. Sandio (sarn-dee'-o) a. foolish: nonsensical. Sangrar (sam-grar') v. to bleed. Sangre (sarn'-gray) /. blood. Sane (sar'-no) a. sane: sound. Sana (sarn'-yar) /. anger: pas- sion. Sarao (sar-rar'-o) m. ball: dance. Sarna (sar'-nar) /. itch: mange. Sastre (sars'-tray) m. tailor. Satisfaccion (sar-tees-fark- thee-on') /. satisfaction. Satisfacer (sar-tees-far-thay'- r) V. to satisfy. S&trapa (sar' - trar - par) m. crafty or sly person. Sazon (sar-thon') /. season: maturity: taste: flavour. Sebo (say'-bo) m. suet: great wealth. Secar (say-kar') v. to dry. Secretario (say-kray-tar'-ree- o) m. secretary: confidant. Secreto (say-cray'-to) a. secret: hidden. Secuaz (say-koo-ath') /. at- tendant: follower. Secura(sey-koo'-rar)/. dryness. Sed (sayd) /. thirst: eagerness. Seda (say'-dar) /. silk. Sediento (say-dee-ayn'-to) a. thirsty: desirous: eager. Segar (say-gar') v. to harvest: mow: reap. Segazon (say-gar-thon') /. har- vest. Segregar (say-gray-gar ) v. to separate: set apart. Seguir (say-goo-eer') v. to follow: pursue. Segiin (say-goon') prep, ac- cording to. Segur (say - goer ) /. axe: hatchet. Seguridad (say-goo-ree-dard') /. security: safety: certainty. Seguro (say-goo'-ro) a. safe: secure: sure. Seis (say'-ees) a. six. Seiscientos (say-ees-thee-ayn'- tos) a. six hundred. Selva (sayl'-var) /. forest. Sello (sayl'-yo) m. seal. Sello de franqueo, postage- stamp. Semana (say-mar'-nar)/. week. Semblante (saym-blarn'-tay) m. countenance: face. Sembrar (saym-brar') v. to sow. Semejanza (say - may - ham' - thar) /. likeness. Semejar (say-may-har') v. to resemble. Semilla (say-meel'-yar) /. seed. Sencillo (sayn-theel'-yo) a. harmless: simple. Senda (sayn'-dar) /. footpath. Seno (say'-no) m. breast: bosorn. Sensacion (sayn-sar-thee-on') /. feeling: sensation. Sensitive (sayn-see-tee'-vo) a. sensible: sensitive. Sentar (sayn-tar') v. to seat. Sentarse (sayn-tar'-say) v. to sit down. Sentido (sayn-tee'-do) m. sense: reason. Sentir (sayn-teer') v. to hear: feel: regret. Sena (sayn'-yar) /. mark: sign: token. Senal (sayn-yarl') /. signal: signature: landmark. Senor (sayn-yor') m. Sir: Lord: master: gentleman. Senora (sayn-yor'-ar) /. Lady: mistress. Senorita (sayn-yor-ree'-tar) /. miss: young lady. Septentri6n (sayp-tayn-tree- on') m. north. ^ Septiembre (sayp-tee-aym - bray) m. September. Sequia (say-kee'-r) /. drought. Ser (sayr) v. to be: happen. Serene (say-ray'-no) a. calm: serene: quiet. Serio (say-ree'-o) a. serious: severe. Serrar (sayr-rar') v. to saw. Servicio (sayr-vee'-thee-o) m. attendance: service. Servidor 95 Servidor (sayr-vee-dor') m. servant: waiter. Servirse (sayr-veer'-say) v. to please: make use of. Sesenta (say-sayn'-tar) a. sixty. Soso (say'-so) m. brain. Setenta (say - tayn' - tar) a. seventy. Seto (say'-to) /. enclosure: fence. Sexo (sayk'-so) m. sex. Si (see) conj. if: when — ad. yes: without doubt. Siega (see-ay'-gar) /. harvest. Siempre (see-aymp'-ray) ad. always. Sierra (see-ayr'-rar) /. saw: in- dented ridge of mountains. Siervo (see-ayr'-vo) m. & f. slave: serf. Siesta (see-ays'-tar) /. nap: sleep during the afternoon. Siete (see-ay'-tay) a. seven. Sif6n (see-fon') m. syphon. Siglo (seeg'-lo) m. century. Silabear (see-lar-bay-ar') v. to spell. Silbato (seel - bar' - to) m. whistle. Silla (seel'-yar) /. chair: seat: saddle. Simpatia (seem-par-tee'-r) /. sympathy. Sin (seen) prep, besides: without. Sincere (seen - thay' - ro) a. honest: sincere. Sindicar (seen-dee'-kar) v. to accuse: censure. Siniestro (see-nee-ays '-tro) a. left (opposed to right): un- happy. Sino (see-no') conj. besides: but: except: only. Sintoma (seen'-to-mar) m. symptom. Siquiera (see-kee-ay'-rar) conj. although: at least: though. Sobre (so'-bray) prep, above: over: moreover — m. envelope with the address. Sobrecama (so-bray-kar'-mar) /. quilt. Sobrecargar (so - bray - kar - gar') V. to overcharge. Sobrecejo (so-bray-thay'-ho) m. frown. Sobrecomida (so - bray - ko - mee'-da) /. dessert. Subir Sobremesa (so-bray-may'-sar) /. tablecloth: dessert. Sobretodo (so-bray-to'-do) m. overcoat. Sobrina (so-bree'-nar) /. niece. Sobrino (so - bree' - no) m. nephew. Sociedad (so-thee-ay-dard') /. association: company: society. Sociedad por acciones, joint stock company. Socio (so-thee'-o) m. associate: partner: companion. Socorro (so-kor'-ro) m. help. Sofocar (so-fo-kar') v. to suflfocate. Soga (so'-gar) /. rope. Sol (sol) 7n. sun. Solana (so-lar'-nar) /. sunny spot or place. Solar (so-lar') v. to sole shoes. Soldado (sol-dar'-do) m. soldier. Solerte (so-layr'-tay) a. dili- gent: sharp. Solio (so-lee'-o) m. throne. Solo (so'-lo) m. solo (music) — ad. alone. Soltero (sol-tay'-ro) m. bache- lor — a. unmarried. Sombra (som'-bray) /. shade: shadow. Sombrero (som-bray'-ro) m. hat with wide brim to afford shade. Sonar (so-nar') v. to sound. Sonarse (so-nar'-say) v. to blow one's nose. Sonreirse (son-ray-eer'-say) v. to smile. Sonrojo (son-ro'-ho) m. blush: remark causing a blush. Sonar (son-yar') v. to dream. Sopa (so'-par) /. soup. Sorbete (sor-bay'-tay) m. sher- bet: ice-cream. Sordo (sor'-do) a. deaf: silent: quiet. Sortija (sor-tee'-har) /. ring: buckle. Sospechar (sos-pay-char') v. to suspect. Su (soo) pron. his: her: its: one's — sus, theirs. Suave (soo-r'-vay) a. smooth: soft. Subasta (soo-bars'-tar) /. auc- tion sale. Subir (soo-beer') V. to ascent: climb: mount. Subito 96 Siibito (soo'-bec-to) a. hasty: sudden. Subsanar (soob-sar-nar') v. to excuse: mend: repair. Suceso (soo-thay'-so) m. suc- cess. Suciedad (soo-thee-ay-dard ) /. dirt: filth: nastiness. Sucursal (soo-koor-sarl') /. branch shop or office — a. subsidiary. Sud (sood)m. south: south wind. Sudar (soo-dar') v. to sweat. Suegra (soo - ay' - grar) /. mother-in-law. Suegro (soo-ay'-gro) m. father- in-law. Suela (soo-ayl'-r) /. sole of boot or shoe. Sueno (soo-ayn'-yo) m. dream: vision. Suerte (soo-ayr'-tay) /. chance: fortune: good luck. Sufragar (soo-frar-gar') v. to aid: assist: help. Sufrir (soo-freer') v. to permit: suffer: bear patiently. Sujetar (soo-hay-tar') v. to subject: subdue. Sumar (soo-mar') v. to add: sum up: cast up an account. Sumo (soo'-mo) a. greatest: highest. Superar (soo-pay-rar') v. to surpass: conquer. Superfluo (soo-payr-floo'-o) a. unnecessary: superfluous. Suplir (soo-pleer') v. to supply: substitute. Suprimir (soo-pree-meer') v. to suppress. Supuesto (soo-poo-ays'-to) m. supposition. Supurar (soo-poo-rar') v. to suppurate. Sur (soor) m. south: south wind. Surcador (soor-kar-dor') m. ploughman. Surtido (soor-tee'-do) m. as- sortment: supply. Surtidor (soor-tee-dor') m. & f. caterer: purveyor. Suspicaz (soo-spee-karth') a. jealous: suspicious. Suspirar (soo-spee-rar') v. to sigh. Susurrar (soo-soor-rar ) v. to whisper: give away a secret. Tapiceria Suyo (soo'-yo) Suya (soo'-ya) a. his: hers: theirs: one's: her: its own: one's own: their own. Tabaco (tar-bar'-ko) m. tobacco. Tabaola (tar - bar - ol' - ar) /. noise: shouting. Tabaquero (tar-bar-kay'-ro) m. tobacconist. Taberna (tar-bayr'-nar) /. tav- ern. Tabla (tar'-blar)/. table: board: index. Tablazon (tar-blar-thon') /. deck of a vessel. Taburbn (tar - boo - ron') m. shark. Taco (tar'-ko) m. stopper: wad: billiard-cue. Tacon (tar-kon') m. heel of boot or shoe. Tacto (tark'-to) m. feeling: touch. Tachuela (tar-choo-ay'-lar) /. tack: nail. Tafilete (tar-fee-lay'-tay) m. Morocco leather. Tahur (tar-oor') m. gambler. Taja (tar '-bar) /. cut: incision. Tajada (tar-har'-dar) /. slice. Tajar (tar-har') v. to chop: cut: hew. Tal (tarl) a. such. Taladro (tar-lar'-dro) m. auger: gimlet. Talladcr (tarl-yar-dor') m. en- graver. Talle (tarl'-yay) m. shape: size: waist. Tamano (tar-marn'-yo) m. bulk: shape: size. Tambi6n (tarm-bee-ayn') conj. & ad. also: as well: hKewise. Tambor (tarm-bor) w/. drum: drummer. Tampoco (tarm-po'-ko) ad. neither. Tan (tarn) ad. as much: as well: so: so much—/, turn. Tanto (tarn'-to) ad. a long time: in such a manner: so. Tapa (tar'-par) /. cover: lid, Tapar (tar-par') v. to cover: conceal: hide. Tapiceria (tar-pee-thay'-ree-r) /. tapcbiry. Taquigrafia 97 Traducir Taquigrafia (tar-kee-grar-fee'- r) /. shorthand. Tardar (tar-dar') v. to delay: tarry. Tarjeta (tar-hay '-ta) /. card: visiting card: post card (t. postal). T6 (tay)m. tea. Te (tay) pron. thee. Teatro (tay-r'-tro) m. theatre. Tejedor (tay - hay - dor') m. weaver. Tela (tay'-lar) /. cloth: woven article. Tel6fono (tay-lay'-fo-no) m. telephone. Telegrama (tay-lay-grar'-mar) /. telegram. Telescopic (tay-lays-ko-pee'- o) m. telescope. Temblar (taym-blar') v. to tremble. Tender (tay-mayr') v. to doubt: fear. Temperatura (taym-payr-r- too'-rar) /. temperature. Tempcstad (taym-pays-tard') /. storm: tempest. Templanza (taym-plam'-thar) /. temperance: moderation. Temprano (taym-prar'-no) a. early — ad. very early. Tenaz (tay-nayth') a. firm: stubborn: tenacious. Tendero (tayn-day'-ro) m. & f. haberdasher. Tenedor (tay-nay-dor') m. fort: holder: keeper. Tener (tay-nayr') v. to have: hold: possess: take. Tentar (tayn-tar') v. to tempt: touch: try. Tenir (tayn-yeer') v. to dye. Terciopelo (tayr-thee-o-pay'- lo) m. velvet. Terremoto (tayr-ray-mo'-to) m. earthquake. Terreno (tayr - ray' - no) a. earthly — m. field: ground. Terso (tayr'-so) a. smooth. Tesoro (tay-so'-ro) m. treasure: wealth. Testamento (tays-tar-mayn'- to) m. will: trestament. Tetera (tay-tay'-rar) /. teapot. Tez (tayth) /. complexion. Tienda (tee-ayn'-dar) /. awn- ing: tent. Tierra (tee-ayr'-rar) /. earth: ground: land. Tigre (teeg'-ray) m. tiger. Tijeras (tee-hay'-rars) /. scis- sors. Tilla (teel'-yar) /. gangway. Tiniebla (tee-nee-ay'-blar) /. darkness: obscurity. Tinta (teen'-tar)/. ink: tint: hue. Tic (tee'-o) m. uncle. Tipografo (tee-po'-grar-fo) m. printer. Tizne (teeth'-nay) m. soot. Toalla (to-arl'-yar) /. towel. Tobillo (to-beel'-yo) m. ankle. Tocino (to-thee'-no) m. bacon: salt pork. Todavia (to-dar-vee'-r) ad. nevertheless: still: yet. Tomar (to-mar') v. to grasp: seize. Tome (to' - mo) m. volume: tome. Tonada (to-nar'-dar) /. tune: melody. Tonel (to'-nayl) m. barrel: cask. Tonico (to'-nee-ko) a. strength- ening: tonic. Tontada (ton-tar'-dar) /. non- sense. Torbellino (tor-bayl-yee'-no) m. whirlwind — a. boisterous: lively. Toreo (to-ray'-o) m. bull- fighting. Tormenta (tor-mayn'-tar) /. tempest: storm: hurricane. Tornar (tor-nar') v. to return: repeat. Torneo (tor-nay'-o) m. tourna- ment. Torno (tor'-no) m. wheel. Tore (to'-ro) m. bull. Torpe (tor'-pay) a. dull: heavy torpid. Torre (tor'-ray) /. tower: tur- ret: steeple. Torta (tor'-tar) /. tart. Tortuga (tor-too'-gar) /. tor- toise. Tos (toss)/, cough. Tostar (toss-tar) v. to toast: roast. Trabajo (trar-bar'-ho) m. lab- our: toil: work. Trabuco (trar-boo'ko) m. cata- pult. Traducir (trar-doo-theer') v. to translate. Traer 98 Traer (trar-ayr') v. to bring: carry: persuade. Trafago (trar'-far-go) m. traffic. Tragar (trar-gar') v. to swallow. Trama (trar'-mar) /. plot. Tramo (trar'-mo) ni. staircase. Trainpa (trarm'-par) /. trap: snare: fraud. Transitar (tram-see-tar') v. to travel: pass through a place. Trapaceria (trar - par - thay - ree'-r) /. deceit: fraud. Tras (trars) prep, after: behind — m. breach. Trascordarse (trars-kor-dar'- say) V. to forget. Traspasar (trars-par-sar') v. to pass over: trespass. Trastornar (trars-tor-nar') v. to overturn: overthrow. Trasudar (trar-soo-dar') v. to sweat: perspire. Tratamiento (trar-tar-mee- ayn'-to) m. treatment. Tratante (trar-tarn'-tay) m. provision dealer. Tratar (trar-tar') v. to traffic: trade: use. Trazo (trar'-tho) m. design: plan: sketch. Trebol (tray'-bol) m. clover: trefoil. Trece (tray '-thay) a. thirteen. Trecientos (tray-thee-ayn'-tos) a. three hundred. Treinta (tray'-een-tar) a. thirty. Tremendo (tray-mayn'-do) a. awful: terrible. Tren (trayn) m. retinue: train: show. 1 ren ascendente, up-train. Tren de gran velocidad, express train. Tren descendente, down train. Tren mercancias, goods train. Tren 6ninibus, slow train. Tres (trays) a. three. Trigo (tree'-go) m. wheat. Tripa (tree'-par) /. tripe. Trompa (trom'-par)/. trumpet. Tronar (tro-na'r') v. to thunder. Tropel (tro-payl') m. bustle: confusion: hurry. Trotar (tro-tar') v. to trot. Trucar (troo-kar') v. to have the lead (card playing). Trucha (troo'-char) /. trout. Vacunar Tu (too) pron. thine: thy. Tu (too) pron. thou. Tube (too'-bo) m. pipe: tube. Tumbar (toom-bar') v. to tumble. Turbar (toor-bar') v. to dis- turb. Turbio (toor'-bee-o) a. mud- dy: thick: troubled. Turno (toor'-no) m. turn. Turquesa (toor-kay'-sar) turquoise. U Unfano (oon-far'-no) a. arro- . gant: haughty. Ulcera (ool'-thay-rar) /. ulcer. tjltimo (ool'-tee-mo) a. hind- most: last. Ultrajar (ool-trar-har') v. to despise: outrage. Ultramar (ool-traf-mar') m. ultra marine: over-seas. Un (oon), Una (oon'-a) art. a, an, one. Undoso (oon-do'-so) a. wavy. Uno (oo'-no) m. one. Untar (oon-tar') v. to anoint: grease. Una (oon'-yar) /. nail: claw. Urgir (oor-heer') v. to urge: be urgent. Urraca (oor-rar'-kar)/. magpie. Usado (oo-sar'-do) a. ex- perienced: used. Usar (00-sar') V. to use: make use of. Usura (oo-soo'-rar) /. usury. Usurpar (oo-soor'-par) v. to , usurp. Util (ob-teel') a. useful — m utility. Ut supra (oot: soop'-rar) ad. as above. Uva (oo'-var)/. grape: barberry. Vaca (var'-kar) /. cow: beef. ^ Vacaciones (var-kar-thee-o'- nays) /. pi. holidays. Vacante (var - karn' - tay) /. vacancy. Vaciar (var-thee-ar') v. to clear: empty: fall. Vacio (var-thee'-o) m. empty: void: unoccupied. Vacunar (var-koon-ar') v. to vaccinate. Vade 99 Vade (var'-day) m. satchel. Vadear (var-day-ar') v. to ford: wade. Vagabundo (var-gar-boon'-do) m. vagabond. Vagar (var-gar') v. to loiter: rove. Vag6n (var-gon') m. waggon. Vag6n cama (var-gon': kar'- mar) m. sleeping car. Vaho (var'-o) m. steam: vapour. Vale (var'-lay) m. farewell: promissory note. Valentia (var-layn-tee'-r) /. courage: valour. Valer (var-layr') v. to be deserving: be valuable. Valido (var - lee' - do) m. favourite. Valiza (var-lee'-thar) /. beacon. Valor (var-lor') m. price: value: power: valour. Valle (varl'-yay) m. dale: vale: valley. Vanidad (var-nee-dard') /. vanity: ostentation: show. Vano (var'-no) a. vain: useless: futile. Vapular (var-poo-lar') v. to flog: whip. Variar (var - ree - ar') v. to change. Variedad (var-ree-ay-dard') /. variety. Var6n (var-ron') m. man. Varonil (var-ron-eel') a. male: masculine. Vaso (var'-so) m. vessel. Vasto (vars'-to) a. huge: vast. Vaticinar (var-tee-thee-nar') v. to divine: foretell. Veda (vay'-dar) /. prohibition. Vedar (vay-dar') v. to prohibit: forbid. Vegetacion (vay-hay-tar-thee- on') /. vegetation. Vegetal (vay-har-tarl') a. vege- table. Vehiculo (vay-ee'-koo-lo) m. vehicle. Veinte (vay'-een-tay) a. twenty. Vejar (vay-har') v. to vex: molest. Vejez (vay-hayth') /. old age. Velador (vay-lar-dor') m. watchman. Veleta (vay-lay'-tar) /. weather- cock. Veio (vay'-lo) m. veil. Verier Veioz (vay-loth') a. swift. Vena (vay'-nar) /. blood-vessel: vein. Venado (vay-nar'-do) m. deer: venison. Vencedor (vayn-thay-dor') m. & f. conqueror: victor. Venda (vayn'-dar) /. bandage. Vender (vayn'-dayr) v. to sell. Vendimla (vayn-dee'-mee-r) /. vintage. Veneno (vay - nay' - no) m. poison: venom. Venerar (vay-nay-rar') v. to venerate. Venganza (vayn-gam'-thar) /. revenge: vengeance. Venia (vay-nee'-r) /. pardon: permission. Venida (vay-nee'-dar) /. ar- rival: return. Venir (vay-neer') v. to come: arrive. Ventaja (vayn-tar'-har) /. ad- vantage. Ventana (vayn-tar'-nar) /. win- dow: nostril. Ventilar (vayn-tee-lar') v. to ventilate: fan. Ventisca (vayrv-tees'-kar) /. snow-storm. Ventura (ven-too'-rar) /. for- tune: luck. Venturoso (ven-too-ro'-so) a. fortunate: lucky. Ver (vayr) v. to see: look: ob- serve: visit. Verano (vay-rar'-no) m. sum- mer season. Veras (vay'-rars) /. pi. sin- cerity: truth. Verdad (vayr-dard') /. truth: veracity. Verde (vayr'-day) m.& a. green. Verdoso (vayr-do'-so) a. green- ish. Verdulero (vayr-doo-lay'-ro) m. & f. greengrocer. Verdura (vayr - doo' - rar) /. vegetables. Verisimil (vay - ree - see' - meel) a. probable. Ver j el (vayr-hayl') m. orchard. Vermellon (vayr-mayl-yon')m. vermilion. Verruga (vayr-roo'-gar)/. pim- ple: wart. Verter (vayr-tayr') v. to shed: spill. Vertiente k Vertiente (vayr-tee-ayn'-tay) m. cascade: waterfall. Vertigo (vayr '-tee-go) m. gid- diness. Vestido (vays-tee'-do) m. dress: suit. Vestir (vays-teer') v. to dress: clothe. Vetado (vay-tar'-do) a. striped: veined. Via (vee'-ar) /. way: route: road: method: manner. Viajar (vee-ar-har') v. to travel. Viaje (vee-r'-hay) m. journey: travel: voyage. Vibora (vee-bor'-ar) /. viper. Viciar (vee-thee-ar') v. to cor- rupt: vitiate. Vicio (vee-thee-'o) m. vice. Vid (veed) /. vine. Vida (veed'-ar) /. life. Vidrio (veed-ree'-o) m. glass. Vidrioso (veed-ree-o'-so) a. glassy: brittle: delicate. Viejo (vee-ay'-ho) a. old: an- cient: antiquated. Viento (vee-ayn'-to) m. air: wind. Viernes (vee - ayr' - nays) m. Friday. Vigilar (vee-hee-lar') v. to watch over. Vigor (vee-gor') m. strength: vigour. Vihuela (vee - oo - ay' - lar) /. guitar. Vil (veel) a. low: mean: sordid. Villa (veel'-yar) /. town. Vinagre (vee-nar'-gray) m. vinegar. Vinculo (yeen' - koo - lo) m. chain: link: anything that binds. Vino (vee'-no) m. wine — vino tinto, red wine. Vina (veen'-yar) /. vineyard. Violado (vee - o - lar' - do) a. violet-coloured. Violar (vee-o-lar') v. to ravish: violate. Violeta (vee-o-lay'-tar) /. violet. Violin (vee-o-leen') m. fiddle: violin. Virgen (veer'-hen) /. virgin. Virilidad (vee-ree-lee-dard') /. virility: manhood. Virote (vee-ro'-tay) m. arrow: dart. Virtud (veer-tood') /. virtue. 3 Yerno Viruela (vee-roo-ay'-lar) /• smallpox. Vision (vee-see-on') /, vision: sight. Visita (vee-see'-tar) /. visit. Visitador (vee-see-tar-dor') m. & f. visitor. Vist (veest) m. whist. Vista (vees'-tar) /. sight: view. Vistoso (vees-to'-so) a. beauti- ful: delightful. Vitorear (vee-to-ray-ar') v. to shout: applaud. Vituperaci6n (vee - too - pay - rar-thee-on') /. blame. Viuda (vee-oo'-dar) /. widow. Viudo (vee-oo'-do) m. widower. Vocal (vo-karl') /. vowel. Vocear (vo-thay-ar') v. to cry: scream. Volar (vo-Iar') v. to fly. Volver (vol-vayr') v. to return. Vomitar (vo-mee-tar') v. to be sick: vomit. Vos (vos) pron. you: ye. Votar (vo-tar') v. to vote: vow. Voz (voth) /. voice. Vuelo (voo-ay'-lo) m. flight: wing. Vuestro, Vuestra (voo-ays'- tro: voo-ays'-trar) pron. your: yours. Vulgaridad (vool - gar - ree - dard') /. vulgarity. Vulgo (vool'-go) m. ordinary people: mob: crowd. Vulpeja (vool-pay'-har) /. fox. Xaurado (ksar-oo-rar'-do) a. abandoned: helpless. Xinglar (kseen-glar') v. to cry for joy. Y (e) conj. and. Ya (yar) ad. already: immediate- ly: finally. Yacer (yar-thayr') v. to lie. Yate (yar'-tay) m. yacht. Yedra (yay'-drar) /. ivy. Yegua (yay'-goo-ar) /. mare. Yelo (yay'-lo) m. frost: ice. Yema (yay'-mar)/. yolk: bud. Yerba (yayr'-bar) /. herb. Yermo (yayr'-mo) m. desert: wilderness. Yerno (yayr'-no) m son-in-law. Yerro i Yerro (yayr'-ro) m. error: mis- take. Yo (yo) pron. I. Yugo (yoo'-go) m. yoke. Yunta (yoon'-tar)/. couple: pair. Zabucar (thar-boo-kar') v. to agitate: shake. Zabullir (thar-bool-yeer') v. to immerse: plunge. Zafar (thar-far') v. to adorn: embellish. Zafir (thar-feer') m. sapphire. Zagala (thar-gar'-lar) /. shep- herdess. Zaherir (thar-ay-reer') v. to reproach. Zalagarda (thar-lar-gar'-dar) /. ambush: snare: trap. Zalameria (thar - lar - may - ree'-r) /. flattery. Zambucar (tharm-boo-kar') r. to hide. Zampar (tharm-par') v. to eat ravenously. oi Zurrir Zampatortas (tharm-par-tor'- tars) m. glutton. Zanahoria (thar-nar-o'-ree-r) /. carrot. Zanja (tham'-har) /. ditch: trench: dug-out. Zapatero (thar-pay-tay'-ro) m. shoemaker. Zapato (thar-par'-to) m. shoe. Zaramullo (thar-rar-moor-yo) m. busybody. Zarcillo (thar-theel'-yo) m. ear- ring. Zarzamora (thar- thar- mo' - rar) /. blackberry bush. Zarzo (thar'-tho) m. hurdle. Zonzo (thon'-tho) a. insipid: tasteless. Zorzal (thor-tharl') m. thrush (bird). Zurcir (thoor-theer') v. to dam. Zurriagar (thoor-ree-r-gar') v. to flog: whip. Zurrir (thoor-reer') v. to buzz: hum. PART II ENGLISH-SPANISH (INGLfiS-ESPANOL) PART II ENGLISH-SPANISH A, An, article, un: uno: una. Aback, ad. detras: atras. Abaft, ad. en popa. Abandon, v. abandonar. Abase, v. humiliar. Abash, V. consternar. Abate, v. disniinuir: rebajar. Abbey, s. abadir, /. Abbot, s. abad, m. Abbreviate, v abreviar. Abdicate, v. abdicar. Abdomen, s. abdomen, m. Abduct, V. apartar. Abeyance, x. esperanza, /. Abhor, V. detestar. Abide, v. habitar. Ability, s. habilidad, /. Abject, a. servil. Abjure, v. renunciar. Ablaze, a. & ad. inflamado. Able, a. capaz: habil. Ablution, s. ablucion, /. Ably, ad. habilmente. Abnormal, a. irregular. Aboard, ad. abordo. Abode, X. domicilio, m. Abolish, V. abolir. Abominate, v. abominar. Aborigines, s. pi. aborigenes, ni. Abortion, s. malparto, m. Abortive, a. abortive. Abound, v. abundar. About, prep, cerca de: per: hacia: al rededor de — ad. per ahi. Above, pr. encima: sobre — ad. arriba: per encima. Abrade, v. raer. Abreast, ad. de frente: de costado. Abridge, v. abreviar. Abroad, ad. tuera: al exterior. Abrogate, v. abrogar. Abrupt, a. abrupto. Accouchment Abscess, 5. absceso, m. Abscond, v. esconderse. Absence, x. ausencia, /. Absent, a. ausente. Absinthe, x. ajenjo, m. Absolute, a. absolute. Absolve, V. absolver. Absorb, v. absorber. Absorption, x. absorcion: pre- ocupacion, /. Abstain, v. abstenerse. Abstemious a. sobrio: mod- erado. Abstinence, s. abstinencia, /. Abstract, a. abstracto — x. sum- ario, m. Abstruse, a. abstruso. Absurd, a. absurdo. Abundant, a. copioso. Abuse, V. abusar: injuriar — s. abuso, m. Abusive, a. abusivo. Abyss, X. abismo: infiemo, m. Accede, v. acceder: asentir. Accelerate, v. acelerar. Accent, x. acento, m. Accept, V. aceptar. Acceptance, x. aceptacion, /. Access, X. entrada, /. Accession, x. advenimiento, ni. Accessory, x. complice, m. Accident, x. accidente, m.: casualidad, /. Acclaim, v. aclamar. Acclimatize, v. aclimatar. Accommodate, v. acomodar. Accommodation, x. acomo- dacion, /. Accompany, v. acompanar. Accomplice, x. complice, tn. Accomplish, v. completar. Accord, X. acuerdo, m. — v. acordar. Accordeon, x. acorde6n, m. Accost, V. acercarse. Accouchment, x. parte, m. 104 Account I Account, s. calculo, m. — v. computar. Accountant, s. contador, m. Accoutre, v. equipar. Accredit, v. acreditar. Accrue, v. provenir: resultar. Accumulate, t'. acumular. Accumulation, s. acumula- cion, /. Accuracy, s. exactitud,/. Accursed, a. execrable. Accusation, s. acusacion, /. Accuse, r. acusar. Accustom, V. acostumbrar: habituar. Acetate, s. acetato, m. Acetic, a. acetico. Ache, s. mal, m. — v. doler. Achieve, v. ejecutai. Acid, a. & s. acido, m. Acidity, s. acidez, /. Acknowledge, v. acusar. Acknowledgment, i. reconoci- miento, m. Acorn, i. bellota, /. Acquaint, v. informar. Acquaintance, s. conocido, m. Acquitsce, v. asentir. Acquire, v. adquirir. Acquittal, s. descargo, m. Acrid, a. mordaz: acre. Across, ad. a traves. Act, s. hecho, m.: acto (drama- tics), m. Active, a. activo. Actor, s. actor, m. Actress, s. actriz, /. Actuary, s. actuario, m. Actuate, v. actuar: impulsar. Acumien, s. penetracion, /. Acute, a. aguUo: vivo. Acuteness, s. agudeza, /. Adamant, s. diamante, m. Adapt, V. adaptar: ajustar. Add, V. afiadir. Addenda, x. pi. ap^ndices, m. Adder, i. vibora, /. Ad let d, a. inclinado. Addition, s. adicion: suma, /. Address, s. memorial, m.: direccion,/.: sobrescrito, m. — z\ hablar. Adduce, v. aducir: citar. Adept, a. habil — s. adepto, m. Adequate, a. adecuado. Adhere, v. adherirse. Adhesive, a. adhesivo. Adieu, i. a Dios. Adjacent, a. vecino. oi; Affable Adjective, s. adjetivo, m. Adjoin, V. lindar. Adjoining, a. colindante. Adjourn, v. aplazar. Adjournment, s. suspensi6n,/. Adjudge, f. adjudicar. Adjunct, 5. adjunto, m. Adjure, v. conjurar. Adjust, V. ajustar. Adjutant, x. ayudante, m. Administer, t. administrar. Administration, s. adminis- tracion, /. Admiral, s. almirante, m. Admiralty, 5. almirantazgo, ni. Admire, r. admirar. Admit, V. admitir. Admittance, 5. admision, /. Admonish, v. amonestar. Adolescence, 5. adolescencia,/. Adopt, V. adoptar. Adore, t'. adorar. Adorn, v. adornar: decorar. Adrift, ad. flotando. Adroit, a. habit: manoso. Adulate, v. adular. Adult, a. adulto. Adulterate, v. adulterar. Adultery, s. adulteno, m. Advance, 5. avance, m. — v. avanzar. Advancement, s. adelanta- miento, m. Advantage, s. ventaja, /. Advent, s. adviento, m. Adventure, s. aventura: ex- plotacion, /. — v. aventurar. Adverb, s. adverbio, m. Adversary, s. adversario, m. Adversity, s. calamidad, /. Advert, v. advertir. Advertise, v. anunciar. Advertisement, 5. aviso, m. Advertiser, j. anunciante, m. Advice, x. aviso, m. Advisable, a. prudente. Advise, v. avisar. Advisedly, ad. deliberada- mente. Advocate, s. abogado, m. — v. recomendar. Adze, X. azuela: hachuela, /. Aerated waters. X. aguas gaseo- sas, /. Aerial, a. a6reo. Aeronaut, x. aeronauta, m. Aeronautics, s. aeronautica, f.pl. Affable, a. afable. Affair 1 06 All Affair, s. asunto: negocio, m. Affect, V. afectar: modificar. Affection, s. afeccion, /. Affectionate, a. afcctuoso. Affiance, s. esponsales, /«. pi. Affiliation, s. adopcion, /. Affirm, v. declarer. Affix, V. pegar — s. afijo, m. Afflict, V. afligir. Affliction, s. aflicci6n, /. Affluence, s. afluencia: copia,/. Afford, V. dar: poder. Affray, s. pendencia, /.: tumul- to, m. Affright, V. espantar — s. es- panto, m. Affront, s. injuria, /. — v. in- sultar. Aflame, ad. en fuego. Afloat, ad. flotante. Afoot, ad. a pi^. Afraid, a. timido. Afresh, ad. de nuevo. After, ad. despues — prep. segun. Afternoon, s. la tarde, /. Afterthought, s. reflexi6n fuera de tiempo, /. Afterwards, ad. despues. Again, ad. otra vez. Against, prep, contra. Age, ^. edad: vejez, /.: siglo, m. Agent, s. agente, m. Aggravate, v. agravar: exag- erar. Aggression, s. agresi6n, /. Aggrieve, v. apenar: afligir. Aghast, a. horrorizado. Agile, a. agil. Agility, s. agilidad, /. Agitate, v. agitar. Aglow, a. ardiente. Ago, ad. ha: hace. Agonize, v. agonizar. Agonizing, a. atroz. Agony, s. agonia, /. Agree, v. concordar. Agreeable, a. agradable. Agreement, s. concordia, /. Agriculture, s. agricultura, /. Agriculturist, s. agricultor, m. Aground, ad. encallado. Ague, s. calentura, intermit- ente, /. Ahead, ad. delante. Ahoy! t. hola ! Aid, s. ayuda,/.: socorro, m. — v. ayudar. Aide-de-camp, a. edecan: ayudante, m. Aigret, x. cresta,/.: penacho, m. Ail, V. afligir: doler. Ailment, s. indisposicion: dol- encia, /. Aim, s. mira: designio, m. — v. intentar. Aimless, a. sin objeto. Air, s. aire: tono, m.: aira,/. — v. airear: secar. Air-brake, s. freno neumatico, 7n. Air-gun, s. escopeta de viento,/. Airing, s. ventilaci6n, /. Airport, s. aeropuerto, m. Airtight, a. herm^tico. Aisle, s. ala, /.: nave lateral, /. Aitchbone, s. hueso de nalga, m. Ajar, a. entreabierto. Alvimbo, ad. en jarras: en asas. Alabaster, 5. alabastro, m. Alacrity, s. alegria, /. Alarm, s. alarma, /.: rebate m. — V. alarmar. Alarm-clock, s. despertador, m. Alarming, a. inquietante. Albatross, s. albatros, m. Albeit, ad. aunque. Albino, s. albino, m. Album, 5. album: libro de recuerdos, m. Alchemist, s. alquimista, m. Alcoholic, a. alcoholico: es- pirituoso. Alder, s. aliso, m. Ale, 5. cerveza, /. Alert, a. vivaracho: alerto. Alias, ad. alias — s. nombre supuesto, m. Alibi, s. coartada, /. Alien, a. ajeno — s. extrangero, ?u. Alight, V. apearse — a. en- cendido. Alike, a. igual — ad. igualmente. Aliment, s. alimento, m. Alimony, s. alirnentos, m. pi. Alive, a. vivo: viviente. Alkali, s. alcali, m. All, a. todo: todos — ad. en- teramente — s. todo, m. After all, despues de todo. All at once, de repente. All the better, tanto mejor. All the same, absolutamente lo mismo. By all means, sin duda. All I Not at all, de ninguna manera. On all fours, a cuatro patas. Once for all, de una vez para siempre. Allay, V. aliviar. Allegation, 5. alegaci6n, /. Alleviate, v. aliviar. Alley, i-. callejuela, /. Alliance, 5. alianza, /. Alligation, 5. aligacion, /. Alligator, 5. caiman, m. Alliteration, s. aliteraci6n, /. Allocate, v. asignar. Allot, V. asignar. Allow, V. admitir: permitir. Allowance, 5. salario: des- cuento, m. Allude, V. aludir. Allure, V. atraer. Alluring, a. halagiieno. Allusion, s. alusion, /. Alluvial, a. aluvial. Ally, V. unir — s. aliado, m. Almanac, i. almanaque: calen- dario, m. Almighty, a. omnipotente. Almond, s. almendra, /. Almost, ad. casi: cerca de. Alms, s. pi. caridad, /. Almshouse, s. hospicio, m. Aloft, pr. arriba — ad. en alto. Alone, a. solo — ad. solamente. Along, ad. a lo largo. Aloof, ad. lejos. Aloud, ad. alto: en alta voz. Alphabet, 5. alfabeto, m. Alps, s. alpes, m. pi. Already, ad. ya. Also, ad. tambien. Alter, V. alterar: mudarse. Altercation, s. altercacion, /. Alternate, a. alterno. Alternative, a. altemativo — s. alternativa, /. Although, c. aunque: bien que. Altitude, s. altitud, /. Altogether, ad. enteramente. Alum, s. alumbre, m. Aluminium, s. aluminio, m. Always, ad. siempre. Amalgamate, v. amalgamar: amalgamarse. Amalgamation, 5. amalgama- cion, /. Amass, v. acumular. Amateur, s. aficionado, m. Amaze, v. confundir. 07 Anemone Amazing, a. asombroso. Amazon, s. amazona, /. Ambassador, s. embajador, m. Amber, 5. ambar, m. Ambiguous, a. ambiguo. Ambition, s. amLicion, /. Amble, v. amblar. Ambulance, x. ambulancia, /. Ambush, 5. emboscada, /. — v. emboscar. Ameliorate, v. mejorar. Amenable, a. sumiso. Amend, v. enmendar: enmend- arse. Amendment, s. enmienda, /. Amethyst, 5. amatista, /. Amiable, a. amable. Amicable, a. amistoso. Amid, Amidst, pr. entre: en medio de. Amiss, ad. mal — a. irregular. Amity, 5. amistad, /. Ammonia, s. amoniaco, m. Ammunition, x. municion, /. Amnesty, 5. amnistia, /. Among, Amongst, pr. & ad. entre: en: con: en medio de. Amorous, a. enamorado. Amount, s. importe, m.: suma, /. — V. montar. Amphibian, s.. Amphibious, a. anfibio. Amphitheatre, s. anfiteatro, m Ample, a. amplio: ancho. Amplify, v. amplificar: ampliar. Amply, ad. ampliamente. Amputate, v. amputar. Amulet, s. amuleto, m. Amuse, v. entretener: divertir. Amusement, s. diversion, /. An, A, art. un: uno: una. Anaemia, s. anemia,/. Anaesthesia, 5. anestesia, /. Anagram, s. anagrama, m. Analogous, a. analogo. Analyse, v. analizar. Analysis, s. analisis, m. & f. Anarchist, s. anarquista, m. Anarchy, 5. anarquia, /. Anatomy, s. anatomia, /. Ancestor, s. abuelo, m. Ancestry, j. linaje, m. Anchor, s. ancla, /. — v. an- corar: anclar. Anchovy, s. anchova, /. Ancient, a. antiguo. And, c. y: e. Anecdote, s. an^cdota, /. Anemone, s. anemona, /. Angel Angel, X. angel, m. Anger, s. ira: colera, /. Angle, s. angulo, m. Angle, t;. pescar con cana. Angler, s. pescador de cana: m. Angling, s. arte: pescar con cana, /. Angrily, ad. colericamente. Angry, a. enfadado. Animal, s. & a. animal, ni. Animated, a. vivo. Animation, s. animacion, /. Animosity, s. animosidad, /. Ankle, s. maleolo, m. Annex, s. anexo, m. — v. anerja, Annihilate, v. destruir. Anniversary, a. & s. aniver- sario, m. Announce, v. anunciar. Announcement, s. anuncio, m. Annoy, v. molestar. Annoying, a. molesto. Annual, a. anual — s. anuario m. Annuity, s. anualidad: re anual, /. Anoint, v. ungir. Anomalous, a. an6nialo. Anon, ad. presto: pronto. Anonymous, a. andnimo. Another, a. otro: distinto. Answer, s. respuesta, /. — v. responder: replicar. Ant, J. hormiga, /. Antagonist, 5. antagonista, m. Antarctic, a. ant^rtico. Antecedent, a. & s. antece- dente, m. Antechamber, x. antecd mara,/. Antedate, 1;. antedatar. Antelope, s. antilope, m. Anterior, a. anterior: pre- cedente. Anthem, s. antifona, /. Anthracite, x. antracita, /. Antic — X. buf6n, m. — a. grot- esco. Anticipate, t;. anticipar. Antidote, x. antidote, m. Antiquated, a. anticuado. Antiseptic, a. antiseptico. Anvil, X. yunque, yn. Anxiety, x. ansiedad, /. Anxious, a. ansioso. Any, a. & prep, cualquier: cualquiera: alguno: alguna: todo. 108 Arrange Anybody, prep, alguno: al- guien: cualquiera. Anyhow, ad. de cualquier modo. Anything, prep, algo: alguna cosa. Anywhere, ad. en cualquier parte. Apace, ad. rapidamente. Apathetic, a. apitico. Ape, X. mono, m. — v. imitar. Aperient, a. aperitivo. Aperture, x. orificio, m. Apiary, x. apiario, m. Apologize, V. excusar. Apology, X. apologia, /. Approbation, x. aprobaci6n, /. Appropriate, v. apropiar — a. conveniente. Appropriateness, x. aptitud,/. Approval, x. aprobacion, /. Approximate, v. aproximarse — a. proximo. Apricot, X. albaricoque, m. April, X. Abril, m. Apron, X. delandal, m. Apt, a. apto: idoneo. Aquarium, x. acuario, m. Aquatic, a. acuatico. Arable, a. labrantio. Arbitration, x. arbitraje, m. Arbour, x. enramada, /. Arcade, x. arcada, /. Arch, X. arco, m. — v. arquear. Archbishop, s. arzobispo, m. Archway, x. arcada: boveda, /. Arctic, a. artico. Ardent, a. ardiente. Arduous, a. arduo. Area, x. arena, /.: area, tn. Argue, V. disputar. Arid, a. arido: seco. Ark, X. area, /. Arm, X. arma, /.: brazo, m. Armament, x. armamento, m. Armchair, x. silla de brazos, /. Armistice, x. armisticio, m. Armlet, x. brazalete, m. Armory, x. armeria, /. Armour, x. armadura, /. Arms, X. armas, /. pi. Army, x. ejercito, m.: tropas, /. Pl- Aroma, x. aroma,/. Around, pr. en: cerca — ad. al rededor. Arouse, t;. ariimar: excitar. Arraign, v. citar. Arrange, v. colocar: alinear. Arrangement i Arrangement, s. arreglo, m.: convenio, /. Arrant, a. malo: perverse. Array, s. formacion, /. Arrears, s. pi. atraso, m. Arrest, s. arresto, m. — v. arrestar. Arrival, j. arribo, m. Arrogance, s. arrogancia, /. Arrow, s. flecha, /. Arsenal, s. arsenal, m. Arsenic, s. arsenico, m. Arson, s. delito de incendiar, m. Art, 5. arte, m. Arterial, a. arterial. Artery, s. arteria, /. Artful, a. artificioso. Artichoke, s. alcachofa, /. Articulate, a. articulado — r. articular. Artifice, s. artificio, m. Artificial, a. artificial: ficticio. Artillery, s. artilleria, /. Artisan, s. artesano, m. Artist, s. artista, m. Artless, a. sencillo. As, conj. como: mientras: pues que: tambien: visto que. As for, en cuanto a. As much, tanto. As soon, luego que. As well, tambien. As yet, todavia. Asbestos, s. asbesto, m. Ascend, t'. ascender. Ascent, s. ascension, /. Ascertain, v. averiguar. Ascribe, v. adscribir. Ash, s. ceniza, /. Ashamed, a. avergonzado. Ashore, a. varado — ad. en tierra. As4i Wednesday, s. Mi^rcoles de ceniza, m. Aside, ad. a parte. Ask, f . preguntar. Asleep, a. dormido. Asparagus, s. esp rrago, m. Aspect, J. aspecto, //.. Asperity, s. aspereza, /. Asphalt, s. asfalto, m. Aspic, s. espliego, m. Aspirant, s. aspirante: pre- tendiente, m. Aspire, v. aspirar. Ass, s. asno: borrico, m. Assail, V. asaltar. Assassin, s. asesino, m. Assassination, s. asesinato, m. 09 Auburn Assault, s. asalto, m. — v. asaltar. Assemble, s. convocar. Assembly, 5. reunion, /. Assent, s. asenso, m. — v. asentir. Assert, v. sostener. Assess, V. tasar. Assets, J. pi. capital, m.: activo, m. Assign, V. asignar. Assimilate, f . asimilar: aseme- jarse. Assist, t'. asistir. Assize, s. tribunal de justicia, tn. Associate, 5. companero, m. — t'. asociar. Association, j. asociacion: union, /. Assortment, s. surtido, m. Assume, v. arrogar. Assure, v. asegurar. Asterisk, s. asterisco, m. Asthma, s. asma, /. Astir, ad. agitado. Astonish, v. asombrar: pasmar. Astonishment, s. asombro, m. Astound, f. constemar. Astray, ad. extraviado. Astringent, a. astringente. Astrology, s. astrologia, /. Astronomy, s. astronomia, /. Astute, a. astuto. Asunder, ad. a parte. Asylum, s. asilo: refugio, m. At, prep, a: en. Athlete, 5. atleta, m. Atlas, s. atlas, m. Atmosphere, s. atmosfera, /. Atom, s. atomo, m. Atone, V. expiar. Atrocious, a. atroz. Attach, t'. atar: embargar. Attachment, s. adherencia, /. Attack, s. ataque, m. — t;. atacar. Attain, v. alcanzar. Attainment, s. adquisicion, /. Attempt, s. empresa,/.: ensayo m. — V. emprender. Attend, v. atender. Attendance, s. atencion, /. Attendant, s. sirviente, m. Attention, 5. cuidado, m. Attest, f. atestiguar. Attic, s. des%-an, m. Attire, s. adorno, m. — v. vestir. Attitude, s. actitud: postura, /. Attract, V. atraer. Auburn, a. moreno. Auction I Auction, s. subasta, /. Audacious, a. audaz: osado. Audible, a. ooble. Audit, V. rematar. Augment, 5. aumento, m. — v. aumentar. Augury, s. presapio, m. August, s. Agosto, m. — a. augusto. Aunt, s. tia, /. Auspicious, a. prospero. Austere, a. austero. Authentic, a. autentico. Author, s. autor, m. Authority, s. autoridad, /. Autocrat, 5. autocrata, ni. Autograph, 5. autografo, iti. Automatic, a. automatico. Autumn, x. otono, m. Avail, s. ventaja, /. — v. aprove- char. Available, a. provechoso. Avalanche, s. avalancha, /. Avarice, s. avaricia, /. Avenge, v. vengar. Avenue, j. avenida, /. Average, x. averia,/. — a. medio. Averse, a. adverse. Avert, V. desviar: alejar. Aviary, s. alcahaz, m. Avidity, s. voracidad, /. Avoid, V. evitar: escapar. Avouch, .1'. afirmar: sostener. Avow, V. confesar. Await, V. aguardar. Awake, a. despicrto. Award, s. adjudicacion, /. Aware, a. cauto. Away, ad. ausente. Awe, s. miedo, m. Awful, a. terrible: horroroso. Awhile, ad. un rate. Awkward, a. tosco: inculto. Awl, 5. lesna, /. Awning, s. toldo, m. Axe, s. segur, m.: hacha, /. Axis, s. eje: pivote, m. Axle, s. eje de una rueda, m. Azure, a. azul celeste. B Baboon, s. cinoc^falo, m. Baby, s. nine, 711. Bachelor, 5. celibe: soltero, m. Back, s. espalda, /.: dorso, wi. — V. apoyer: retroceder: apostar (to bet) — ad. atras. Backbone, ;. espinazo, tn. > Bar Backdoor, x. puerta transera,/. Background, s. fondo, m. Backward, a. opuesto — aJ. atras. Bacon, 5. tocino, m. Bad, a. mal: malo: infeliz: des- graciado: perverse. Badge, s. serial, /. Badger, s. tejon, m. — v. causar: fatigar. Badly, ad. malamente. Badness, x. maldad, /. Baffle, V. eludir: frustrar. Bag, X. saco: talego, m. Bagatelle, x. bagatela, /. Baggage, x. bagaje, m. Bagpipe, x. gaita, /. Bail, X. fianza: caucion, /. Bailiff, X. corchete, m. Bait, X. cebo, m. — v. cebar. Bake, v. cocer al horno. Baker, x. panadero, m. Baking, x. hornada, /. Balance, x. balanza, /.: equili- bro, m. — V. equilibrar. Balcony, x. balcon, m. Bald, a. calvo. Ball, X. bola: pelota, /. Ballad, x. balada,/.: romance, m. Ballast, X. casquijo, m. Ballet, X. baile, m. Balloon, x. globe, m.: maquina aerostatica, /. Ballot, X. balota, /.: escrutinio,. m. — V. votar con balotas. Balustrade, x. balaustrada, /. Bamboo, x. bambii, m. Ban, X. bando, m. — v. proscribir.^ Banana, x. platano, ?n. Band, x. venda: orquesta,/. — v. juntar. Bandage, s. venda, /. — f . vendar. Bandit, x. bandido, m. Bang, X. golpe, m. — v. golpear. Bangle, x. brazalete, m. Banish, v. expeler. Banishment, x. destierro, m. Bank, 5. orilla: ribera, /.: banco, m. Banker, x. banquero, m. Bankrupt, x. fallido, m. Bankruptcy, x. bancarrota, /. Banner, x. bandera, /. Banns, x. pi. amonestaci6n, /. Banquet, x. banquete: festin, 7n» Baptism, x. bautismo, m. Baptize, v. bautizar. Bar, s. barra, /. — v. barrear. Barbarous i Barbarous, a. barbaro: cruel. Barber, 5. barbero, m. Bare, a. desnudo — v. desnudar. Bare-footed, a. descalzo. Barely, ad. apenas. Bargain, s.pacto, m. — t;.pactar. Barge, x. barca, /. Bark, s. corteza, /. — v. des- cortezar. Barley, s. cebada, /. Barmaid, x. tabernera, /. Barn, s. granja, /. Barometer, s. barometro, 7n. Baron, s. baron, m. Baroness, 5. baronesa, /. Barrack, 5. cuartel, m.: bar- raca, /. Barrel, s. barril, ni.: canon de escopeta, m. Barren, a. arido. Barricade, s. barricada, /. — v. barrear. Barrier, s. barrera, /. Barrister, s. abogado, m. Barrow, s. angarillas, /. pi. Barter, v. baratar. Base, a. bajo — x. base: fondo, m. Basement, 5. basamento, m. Bashful, a. modesto: vergon- zoso. Bashfulness, 5. modestia, /. Bat, s. pala (for games), /.: murcielago (animal) m. Batch, 5. hornada, /. Bate, V. rebajar. Bath, 5. bano, m. Bathe, v. banarse. Battalion, s. batall6n, m. Batter, s. batido, m. — v. apalear. Battery, 5. bateria, /. Battle, J. batalla, /. Bawl, V. gritar. Bay, x. bahia, /.: lauro, m. Bay-tree, s. laurel, m. Bayonet, s. bayoneta, /. Bazaar, s. bazar, m. Be, V. ser: estar. Beach, s. costa, /. Beacon, s. faro, m. Bead, s. cuenta, /. Beads, s. pi. rosario, m. Beagle, 5. sabueso, m. Beak, s. pico, m. espolon, m. Beam, s. astil, m. Bean, s. haba, /.: frijol, m. Bear, j. oso, m. Bear, v. sostener: producir. Beard, s. barba, /. Beastly, ad. bestial: brutal. t Belong Beat, J. golp«, m.: pulsaci6n, /. — V. golpear. Beating, s. goipe, m. Beau, x. elegante, m. Beautiful, a. bello: hermoso. Beauty, x. hermosura, /. Beaver, x. castor, m. Because, c. porque: a causa de. Beckon, v. llamar con senas. Become, v. hacerse. Becoming, a. decente. Bed, X. cama, /.: lecho, m. Bedclothes, x. coberturas,/. pi. Bedroom, x. dormitorio, m. Bedstead, x. cama, /. Bee, s. abeja, /. Beech, x. haya, /. Beef, X. buey, m.: vaca, /, Beefsteak, x. bifiek, m. Beehive, x. colmena, /. Beer, x. cer\'eza, /. Beetroot, x. remolacha, /. Beetle, x. escarabajo: pison, m. Befall, V. suceder: sobrevenir. Befit, V. convenir. Before, pr. mas adelante: de- lante — ad. primero: antes: ya. Beg, V. rogar: suplicar. Beggar, x. mendigo, m. Begging, x. mendiguez, /. Begin, v. comenzar: principiar. Beginning, x. principio: origan, m. Begonia, x. begonia, /. Begrudge, v. envidiar. Beguile, v. seducir. Behave, v. conducirse. Behaviour, s. conducta, /. Behead, v. decapitar. Behest, x. mandato, m. Behind, prep, detras: tras. Behindhand, ad. con atraso. Behold, V. mirar. Beholder, x. observador, m. Being, x. ante, m.: peisona, /. Belabour, v. maltratar. Belated, a. ratardado. Belfry, x. campanario, m. Belie, v. desmentir. Belief, s. creencia, /. Believe, v. creer. Believer, x. creyenta, m. Bell,x.campana,/.:campanilla,/. Doorbell, timbre, m. Belligerent, a. beligerante. Bellow, V. bramar: mugir. Bellows, X. f /. fuelle, tik Btlly, X. vientra, m. Belong, V. pertanecer. Beloved u Beloved, a. & s. amado. Below, ad. & pr. abajo: bajo. Belt, X. cinto, m.: faja, /. Bemoan, v. lamentar. Bench, s. banco, m. Bend, 5. comba, /. — i'. plegar. Beneath, a J. & pr. bajo: debajo. Benediction, s. benedicion, /. Benefactor, s. bienhechor, m. Beneficial, a. beneficioso. Benefit, s. beneficio, m. — i'. beneficiar. Benevolent, a. benevolo. Benzine, s. bencina, /. Bequeath, v. legar. Bereave, v. despojar. Berry, x. baya, /.: grano, m. Berth, s. puesto: camarote, m.: hamaca, /. Beryl, x. berilo, m. Beseech, v. suplicar: implorar. Beset, V. importunar. Beside, prep, al lado de: cerca. Besides, prep, excepto — ad. ademas. Besiege, v. asedjar. Best, a. major — x. lo mejor, 771. — ad. mas bien. Bestial, a. bestial: brutal. Bestir, v. moverse. Bestow, V. conferir. Bestrew, v. esparcir. Bestride, v. montar a horca- jadas. Bet, X. apuesta, /. — v. apostar. Betimet,, ad. temprano. Betoken, v. anunciar: indicar. Betray, v. entregar. Betroth, v. desposar. Better, a. mejor: superior — ad. mas: mejor — v. mejorar. Better, x. apostador, 771. Between, pr. entre: en medio de. Bevel, X. sesgo, m. Beverage, x. bebida, /.: re- fresco, 771. Bevy, X. bandada, /. Bewail, v. llorar: deplorar. Beware, v. guardarse: re- catarse. Bewilder, v. embarazar. Bewilderment, x. embarazo, 771. Bewitch, v. embrujar. Bewitching, a. encantador. Beyond, prep, mas alia: tras — ad. lejos. Bias, X. inclinacion,/.: sesgo, tn. Bib, s. babador, m. I Blackguard Bible, X. biblia, /. Bibliography, x. bibliografia,/. Bibulous, a. borracho. Bicarbonate, x. bicarbonato, m. Bicker, v. disputar. Bickering, x. disputa, /. Bicycle, x. biciclo, tti. Bid, X. puja, /. — r. convidar. Bide, V. soportar residir. Biennial, a. bienal. Bier, x. carro mortuorio, m. Big, a. grande. Bigamy, x. bigamia, /. Bilberry, x. mirtilo, m. Bilious, a. biloso. Bill, X. pico de ave: honcejo: billete: papel, 771. Bill of exchange, letra de cambio, /. Bill of fare, lista de platos, /. Bill of lading, conocimiento, 771. Doctor's bill, receta de medico, /. Billiards, x. billar, m. pi. Billow, X. ola, /. Billposter, x. fijacarteles, w. Bin, X. hucha, /. Bind, X. venda, /. — v. con- strenir. Biography, x. biografia, /. Biology, X. biologia, /. Birch, X. vara, /. Bird, X. ave,/. Birdcage, x. jaula, /. Birth, X. nacimiento, m. Birthday, x. cumpleafios, m. Birthright, x. primogenitura,/. Biscuit, X. bizcocho, w .: galleta,/. Bisect, V. dividir en dos partes. Bishop, X. obispo, 771. Bismuth, X. bismuto, tti. Bison, X. bisonte, 771. Bit, X. freno, 771.: brida, /. Bitch, X. perra, /. Bite, X. mordedura, /. — v. morder. Bitter, a. aspero. Bitumen, x. betxin, m. Bivalve, a. bivalvo. Bivouac, X. vivac. Bizarre, a. fantastico. Black, a. negro: sable. Blackbeetle, x. cucaracha, /. Blackberry, x. zarzamora,/. Blackbird, x. merla, /. Blackcurrant, grosella negra,/. Blackfriar, x. dominicano, m. Blackguard, s. picaro, m. Blacklead i Blacklead, s. lapiz-plomo, m. Blackleg, s. brilo i, tn. Blackmail, s. chaniage, m. Black-pudding, s. morcilla, /. Blacksmith, s. herrcro, m.' Blackthorn, s. endrino, tn. Bladder, s. vejiga, /. Blade, s. hoja, /.: brinza (of grass), /.: pala de remo (row- ing), /. Bladebone, 5. omoplato, m. Blamable, a. culpable. Blame, s. culpa, /. — v. re- probar. Blameworthy, a. reprensible. Blanch, v. blanquear, v. pali- decer. Blank, a. bianco: desconcer- tado — s. bianco. Blanket, s. manta, /.: cobertor, m. Blaspheme, v. blasfemar. Blasphemy, s. blasfemia,/. Blast, X. explosion, /. Blaze, s. llama: estrella, /. Bleach, v. blanquear. Bleaching, a. blanqueo, m. Bleak, s. breca, /. Bleat, V. balar. Bleed, v. sangrar, desangrarse. Blemish, s. tacha, /. Blend, 5. mezcla,/. — v. mezclar. Blende, s. blenda, /. Bless, V. bendecir. Blessing, s. bendicion, /. Blight, s. tizon, m. — v. atizonar. Blind, a. ciego: oscuro — s. velo, m.: celosia, /. — v. ofuscar. Blindness, 5. ceguedad, /. Blinker, 5. visera, /. Blissful, a. dichoso. Blister, s. vejiga, /. Blithe, a. alegre. Bloater, x. arenque ahumado, m. Block, s. bloque: tajo, ni. Blockade, s. bloqueo, m. Blood, s. sangre, /. Bloodhound, 5. sabueso, tn. Bloodshed, s. matanza, /. Bloodshot, a. ensangrentado. Bloodthirsty, a. sanguinario. Bloodvessel, s. vena, /. Bloom, s. flor, /. — v. florecer. Blot, s. mancha, /. — v. man- char: denigrar. Blotch, 5. mancha, /. Blotter, s. borrador, m. Blotting-paper, 5. papel se- cante, tn. H 13 Bookcase Blouse, s. blusa, /. Blow, X. golpe — V. soplar. Blowfly, s. cor6nida, /. Blowing, s. soplo, m. Blue, a. azul. Bluebell, s. campanilla. /. Bluebottle, x. coronida, /. Bluff, a. rustico — v. fanfarrear. Blunder, x. desproposito, tn. — V. disparatar. Blunt, a. obtuso: embotado — r. embotar. Bluntness, s. rudeza, /. Blur, X. mancha,/. — v. manchar. Blush, X. rubor: sonrojo, tn. — v. ponerse Colorado. Bluster, v. tempestear. Blusterer, x. matasiete, m. Boa, X. boa, /. Boar, X. verraco, tti. Board, x. tabla: pension, /.: alimento: bordo, tn. — v. abordar: alimentar. Boarder, x. pcnsionista, tn. Boarding-house, x. posada, /. Boast, X. jactancia — v. jactarse. Boaster, x. fanfarron, tn. Boat, X. bote, w.: barca, /. Boatswain, X. contramaestre.m. Bodice, x. corpino, tn. Bodkin, x. agujeta, /. Body, X. cuerpo: individno, m. Bog, X. pantano, m. Boil, X. furiinculo, tn. — v. bullir. Boiling-point, s. punto de ebullicion, tn. Boisterous, a. turbulento. Bold, a. intrepido: audaz. Boldness, x. intrepidez, /. Bole, X. tronco: bolo, m. Bolster, x. cabezal, tn. Bolt, X. cerrojo: dardo, tn. — v. cerrar con cerrojo. Bomb, X. bomba, /. Bomb-proof, a. a prueba de bomba. Bond, X. ligadura,/.: vale, m. Bondage, x. cautiverio, tn. Bone, X. hueso, tn.: espina, /. Bonfire, x. hoguera, /. Bonnet, x. bonete, m. Bonus, X. aldehala, /. Bony, a. osudo. Book, X. libro, tn. — v. apuntar: registrar. Bookbinder, x. encuademador, tn. Bookcase, s. armario de libros, m. Booking-office i Booking-office, s. boleteria, /. Book-keeper, s. tenedor de libros, m. Book-post, s. bajo faja, /. Bookseller, s. librero, m. Bookshop, s. libreria, /. Bookstall, s. puesto de libros, m. Boom, s. botalon: hinchanzon, m. Boon, 5. favor, m. Boor, s. villano, m. Boot, s. bota, /. Bootmaker, x. zapatero, m. Borax, s. borax, m. Border, s. borde, m. — v. guarnecer: confinar. Bore, s. taladro, m. Boring, s. barreno, m. Borrow, v. tomar fiado. Bosom, 5. seno, m. Botany, x. botanica, /. Both, pn. ambos: uno y otro — c. tanto . . . como. Bother, x. embarazo, m. — v. molestar: incomodarse. Bottle, s. botella, /. — v. em- botellar. Bottom, s. fondo, m. Bottomless, a. sin fondo. Boudoir, x. tocador, m. Bough, X. ramo, m. Bounce, x. salto, m. — v. brincar. Bound, X. repercusion, /. — a. ligado — V. saltar. Boundary, s. limite, m.: fron- tera, /. Bouquet, s. ramillete, ni. Bout, X. turno, ni.: orgia, /. Bow, X. inclinacion, /.: lazo, m. — V. encorvarse: saludar. Bowels, X. intestinos, m. pi. Bowl, X. taza: bola,/. — v. bolear. Box, X. caja, /.: cajon, ni. — v. encajonar. Boxing, X. pugilato, n:. Boy, X. muchacho, w. Bracelet, x. brazalete, m.: pulsera, /. Bracken, x. helecho, m. Bracket, s. puntal, m. — v. poner en corchetes. Bradawl, x. puzon, m. Brag,x.jactancia,/. — f.jactarse. Braid, x. trenza, /. Brain, x. cercbro: seso, m. Braise, v. cocer en marmita. Bramble, x. zarza, /. Branch, x. rama, /.: ramo, m. sucursal, m. — v. ramificarse. 4 Broad Brand, x. tizon, m.: marca, /.— V. marcar. Brandy, x. conac, m. Brass, x. bronce: laton, m. Brave, a. valiente: elegante. Bravery, x. valentia, /. Brawl, X. alboroto, m. Brawn, x. pulpa, /. Bray , x. rebuzno, m. — v. triturar. Braze, v. soldar. Bread, x. pan, ?n. Breadth, x. anchura, /. Break, x. rotura: pausa, /. — V, romper: quebrantar. Breakage, x. fractura, /. Breakdown, x. falta /. Breakfast, x. almuerzo, m. — v. almorzar. Bream, x. sargo: besugo, m. Breast, x. pecho, m. Breath, x. respiracion. Breathe, v. alentar. Breech, s. trasero, m. Breeches, x. calzones, m. pi. Breeze, x. brisa, /. Brevity, x. brevedad, /. Brew, X. mezcla,/. — v. mezclar- Brewer, x. cervecero, m. Brewery, x. cerveceria, /. Briar, x. zarza, /. Bribery, x. cohecho, m. Brick, X. ladrillo, m. Bricklayer, x. albanil, m. Bride, x. novia, /. Bridegroom, x. novio, m. Bridesmaid, s. madrina de boda, /. Bridge, s. puente, m. Bridle, x. brida, /.: freno, m. Bridle-path, s. camino de herradura, m. Brief, a. breve: corto. Brier, x. zarza, /. Brigand, x. bandido: ladron, m. Bright, a. claro. Brightness, x. brillo, m. Brilliancy, x. brillo, m. Brim, x. borde, m. Brimstone, x. azufre, m. Brine, x. salmuera, /. Bring, v. Uevar: traer. Brink, x. orilla, /.: margen, m. Brisk, a. vivo: alegre. Bristle, x. cerda, /. Brittle, a. quebradizo. Broach, x. asador, m. Broad, a. ancho. Broadcast ] "Broadcast, s. radiotelefonia, /. — V. difundir. Broadcasting, s.radioemisi6n,/. Brocade, 5. brocado, m. Broccoli, s. broculi, m. Broken, a. roto. Broker, 5. corredor, nt. Brokerage, s. corretaje, m. Bronchitis, s. bronquitis, /. Bronze, s. bronce, m. Brooch, s. broche, m. Brook, X. arroyo, m. — v. tolerar. Broom, s. hiniesta, /. Broth, s. caldo, m. Brother, s. hermano, m. Brow, s. ceja: f rente, /. Brown, a. bruno: moreno. Brown paper, s. papal de estraza, m. Browse, v. ramonear: pacer la yerba. Bruin, 5. oso, m. Bruise, s. contusi6n, /. — v. magullar. Brush, s. cepillo, m.: escobilla, /. — V. acepillar. Brutal, a. brutal: grosero. Brute, s. bruto, m. Bubble, s. ampolla,/. — v. bur- bujear. Bucket, s. cube: pozal, m. Buckle, s. hebilla, /.: bucle, m. Buckram, s. bocaci, m. Buckthorn, s. cambronera, /. Bud, s. boton, m. — v. brotar. Budge, V. moverse. Budget, s. talego, m. Buff, s. ante, tn. Buffalo, s. biifalo, m. Buffer, s. acolchado de la friccion, m. Buffet, 5. bofetada, m. — v. abofetear. Bug, s. chinche, m. Bugle, s. canutillo, m. Build, X. estructura, /. — t;. edi- ficar: construir. Building, s. edificio, m. Bulb, s. bulbo, m.: cebolla, /. Bulge, V. combarse. Bulk, s. masa, /. Bulky, a. voluminoso. Bull, s. toro, m.: bula, /. Bulldog, s. perro de presa, m. Bullet, s. bala, /. Bullfight, 5. corrida de tores, /. Bullfighter, s. toreador, m. Bullfinch, s. pinzon real, m. Bullion, s. oro en tejos, m. 15 By Bullock s. novillo capado, m. Bully, J. maton, m. — v. fan- farronear. Bulrush, s. junco, m. Bulwark, s. baluarte, m. Bumble-bee, s. zangano, m. Bump, 5. bollo, m. — v. estallar. Bun, X. canamiza, /. Bunch, s. comba, /.: mazo, m. Bundle, s. atado, m. Bung, s. tapon, m. Bunion, s. juanete, m. Bunk, s. tarima, /. Buoy, s. boya, /. — v. bovar. Buoyant, a. boyante. Burden, s. fardo, m. — v. cargar. Burdock, 5. bardana, /. Bureau, x. oficina, /. Burglar, x. ladron que fuerza una casa, m. Burglary, x. robe en una casa, m. Burial, x. inhumaci6n, /. Burly, a. grueso. Burn, V. quemar: arder — s. quemadura, /. Burning, x. combustion, /. Burnish, v. brunir. Burrow, x. conejera, /. — v. encamarse. Burst, X. reventon, m. — v. rom- per. Bury, V. enterrar. Bus, X. omnibus, m. Bush, X. arbusto, m.: zarza, /. Business, x. negocio,m.:ocupa- cion, /. Bustle, V. buUir. Busy, a. ocupado. But, c. excepto: menos: pero. Butcher, x. carnicero, m. Butler, X. despensero, m. Butter, X. manteca, /. Buttercup, x. amargon, m. Butterfly, x. mariposa, /. Button, s. boton, m, — v. abotonar. Buttress, s. estribo, nt. Buxom, a. regordete: jovial. Buy, V. comprar. By, prep, a: cerca: de: en: por — ad. ahi: alii. By all means, cueste lo que cueste. By and by, de aquf a poco. By day, de dia. By heart, de memoria. By no means, de ningun modo. By the by, de paso. Bygone Bygone, a. pasado. Bystander, s. mirador, m. Gab, 5. cabriole, m. Cabbage, s. col, /. Cabin, s. cabana, /. Cabinet, s. gabinete: escritorio. m. Cable, s. cable, m. — v. cablear, Cablegram, j. cablegrama, m. Cadaverous, a. cadaverico. Cage, s. jaula, /. — v. enjaular. Cake, 5. pastelillo, m.: tortita,/. Calculate, v. calcular. Calendar, s. almanaque, m. Calf, s. ternero (cattle), m.: pantorrilla (of leg), /. Calico, X. calico, vi. Call, V. llamar: convocar — s. pedido, m. Callous, a. calloso. Calm, a. quieto — s. calma, /. — V. calmar Cambric, s. batista, /. Camel, s. camello, m. Cameo, x. camafeo, m. Camera, s. camara, /. Camp, V. acampar — x. campo,m. Campaign, s. campana, /. Camphor, s. alcantor, rn. Can, V. poder — s. jarro, m. Canal, 5. canal, ?h. Canary, 5. canario, m. Cancel, v. cancelar: anular. Cancer, s. cancer, ?n. Candid, a. candido: franco. Candidate, s. candidato, m. Candle, x. vela: candela, /. Candlestick, x. candelero, m. Candour, s. candor, m. Cane, x. baston, m. Cannibal, x. canibal, m. Cannon, x. cafion, m. Canteen, x. cantina, /. Canvas, x. cafiamazo, m. Cap, X. birreta: gorra, /. Capable, a. capaz. Cape, X. capa (to wear),/.: cabo (geog.), w. Caper, x. alcaparra (for sauce),/. Capital, X. capital, m. for wealth, /. for chief city. Capitulate, v. capitular. Capon, X. capon, m. Caprice, x. capricho, m. Capsize, 1;. trabucar. Capstan, s. cabrestante, m. 116 Casket Captain, x. capitan, m. Captivate, v. encantar. Captive, a. & s. cautivo, m. Capture, v. apresar. Car, X. automovil, m. Caramel, x, caramelo, m. Caravan, 5. caravana, /. Carbine, x. carabina, /. Carbolic, a. carb61ico. Carbon, x. carbon, m. Carburetter, x. carburador, m. Carcase, x. cadaver, m. Card, X. carta, / Playing card, naipe, m. Cardboard, x. carton, m. Cardinal, x. cardenal, m. Care, x. cuidado, m.: inquietud (worry), /. Careful, a. cuidadoso. Careless, a. descuidado. Carelessness, x. negligencia, /. Career, x. carrera: profesion, /. Caress, x. caricia, /. Cargo, X. carga, /. Caricature, x. caricatura, /, — v. ridiculizar. Carman, x. carretero, m. Carmelite, x. carmelita, m. Carmine, x. carmin, ?w. Carnage, x. carniceria, /. Carnation, x. encarnacion, /. Carnivoroi's, a. carnivore. Carol, X. villancico, ?n. Carouse, s. orgia, /. Carp, X. carpa, /. — v. criticar. Carpenter, x. carpintero, m. Carpet ,x.alfombra,/.: tapete, m. Carriage, x. carro, m.: carroza,/. Carrier, x. arriero, m. Carrion-crow, x. cuervo, m. Carrot, x. zanahoria, /. Carry, v. Uevar: traer. Carrying, x. acarreo, m. Cart, X. carro, m.: carreta, /. Cartilage, x. cartilage, m. Cartoon, x. carton, m. Cartridge, x. cartucho, m. Carve, v. tallar: trinchar. Carving, x. escultura, /. Cascade, x. cascada,/.: salto, m. Case, X. caja,/.: estuche, m. — v. encajar. Casement, x. barbacana, /. Cash, X. dinero, m. — v. cobrar. Paying cash, dinero con- tante. Cashier, x. cajero, m. Cask, X. barril: tonel, m. Casket, x. cajita, /. Cast Cast, 5. reparto (of a play), m. — V. modelar (shape). Caste, s. casta, /. Castle, i. Castillo, m. Castor -oil, 5. aceitedericino.m. Casualty, x. casualidad, /. Cat, X. gate, m. Catalogue, x. catalogo, m.: lista, /. Catapult, s. catapulta, /. Catarrh, X. catarro, m.: reuma,/. Catch, X. cerrojo, m. — v. coger: pegarse. Catching, a. contagioso. Catechism, x. catecismo, m. Category, x. categoria, /. Cater, v. proveer. Caterpillar, x. oruga, /. Cathedral, x. catedral, /. Catholic, a. catolico. Cattle, X. ganado, m. Cauliflower, x. coliflor, m. Cause, X. causa, /. Causeway, x. arrecife, m. Caustic, a. caustico. Cauterize, v. cauterizar. Caution, x. caucion, /.: aviso, m. — V. caucionar. Cautious, a. cauto: prudente. Cavalry, x. caballeria, /. Cavern, x. caverna, /. Caviar, x. caviar, m. Cavity, x. cavidad, /.: hueco, m. Cayenne-pepper, x. pimenton, m. Cease, v. cesar. Ceaseless, a. perpetuo. Cede, V. ceder. Ceiling, x. techo, m. Celebrate, v. celebrar. Celebrated, a. celebre. Celebrity, x. celebridad: fama,/. Celerity, x. celeridad, /. Celery, x. apio, tn. Celibacy, x. celibate, m. Cell, X. celda, /.: alveole, m. Cellar, x. sotano, m.: bodega,/. Celluloid, X. celuloide, m. Cement, x. cimento, m.: arga- masa, /. Cemetery, x. cementerie, m. Cenotaph, x. cenotafie, m. Censor, x. critice, m. Census, x. cense, m. Centenarian, a. centienario. Centigrade, a. centigrade, Centigramme, x. centigrama, m. Centimetre, s. centimetre, m. 17 Chase Centipede, x. escelopendra, / . cientopies, m. Central, a. central. Centre, x. centre, m. — v. con- centrar. Century, s. centuria, /. Cereal, x. cereal, m. Ceremony, x. ceremenia, /. Certain, a. cierto. Certainly, ad. sin duda. Certificate, x. testimonie, m. Certify, v. certificar. Chafe, V. irritar: frotar. Chaff, X. burla, /. Chaffinch, x. pinzon, m. Chafing, X. frotacion, /. Chain, x. cadena, /. — v. en- cadenar. Chain-stitch, x. cadeneta, /. Chair, x. silla, /. Chairman, x. presidente, m. Chalice, x. caliz, m. Chalk, X. greda: tisa, /. — v. en- gredar. Challenge, s. desafio, m. — v. desafiar. Chamber, x. camara, /.: cuarto, m.: junta, /. Chambermaid, x. doncella, /. Chameleon, x. camaleon, m. Chamojs, x. gamuza, /. Champagne, x. vine de Cham- pafia, m. Champion, s. campe6n, m. Chance, s. ventura, /. — a. ecasional — V. acaecer. Chancel, x. presbiterio, m. Chancellor, x. cancelarie, m. Change, s. mudanza, /.: cam- bio, m.: dinero, /. — v. cam- biar: trasmutar. Changeable, a. variable. Channel, x. canal, m.: lecho, m. Chaos, X. confusion, /. Chapel, X. capilla, /. Chaperon, s. duena, /. Chaplain, x. capellan, m. Chaplet, s. rosario, m. Character, x. caracter, m. Charcoal, x. carbon de lena, m. Charge, x. costa: acusacion, /. — V. cargar: acusar. Chariot, x. cupe, m. Charitable, a. caritative. Charm, x. encanto, m.: gracia, /. — V. encantar. Charming, a. encantador. Chart, X. carta, /. Chase, s. caza, /. — v. cazar= Chaste i Chaste, a. casto: puro. Chastise, v. castigar: corregir. Chastity, s. castidad, /. Chat, s. charla, /. — v. charlar. Chatter, v. charlar. Chatterbox, s. charlador, m. Cheap, a. barato. Cheaply, ad. a bajo precio. Cheat, s. trampa, /. — v. de- fraudar. Check, s. freno, tm.: jaque, m. — a. a cuadros — v. refrenar: examinar. Checkmate, x. jaque-mate, m. Cheek, x. mejilla, /. Cheer, x. aplauso, m. Cheerful, a. alegre. Cheerless, a. triste. Cheese, 5. queso, m. Cheesemonger, s. quesero, m. Chemical, a. quimico. Chemise, s. camisa, /. Chemist, 5. quimico, m. Cheque, s. cheque, m. Cherish, v. querer. Cherry, 5. cereza, /. Chervil, x. perifoUo, m. Chess, 5. ajedrez, m. Chess-man, s. peon, m. Chest, J. caja,/.:caj6n:pecho, m. Chestnut, s. castana, /. Chew, V. masticar. Chicken, 5. poUuelo, m. Chickenpox, 5. viruelas locas, /. Pl. Chickweed, s. zadorija, /. Chicory, x. chicoria, /. Chide, V. reprobar. Chief, a. principal. Chilblain, x. sabanon, m. Child, X. nifio, 7n. Childhood, x. ninez, /. Chill, X. frio, »?. — v. enfriar. Chilly, a. friolero. Chime, s. carill6n, m. — t;. re- picar. Chimney, x. chimenea, /. Chimney-sweeper, s. des- hollinador, m. Chin, X. barba, /. China, x. porcelana, /. Chintz, X. zaraza, /. Chip, X. brizna, /. — v. de- menuzar. Chiropodist, x. callista, m. Chirp, V. chirriar. Chisel, X. cincel, wz. — v. cincclar. Chivalrous, a. caballeresco. Chlorine, s. cloro, m. 18 Claret Chloroform, x. cloroforme, m- Chocolate, x. chocolate, m. Choice, X. preferencia, /. — a. escogido. Choir, X. coro, m. Choke, V. sufocar: ahogar. Choking, x. sufocacion, /. Cholera, x. c61era, ni. Choose, V. escoger: elegir. Chop, X. Costilla, /. — v. tajar, cortar. Chord, X. acorde, m.: cuerda, /. Chorus, X. coro, m. Christ, X. Cristo, m. Christening, x. bautismo, m. Christian, a. & s. cristiano, m. Christmas, x. Navidad, /. Christmas-box, x. aguinaldo, m. Chronicle, x. cr6nica, /. — v. conmemorar. Chrysalis, x. crisalida, /. Chrysanthemum, x. crisan- temo, m. Church, X. iglesia, /. Churchyard, x. cementerio, m. Churl, X. rustico, m. Churn, x. mantequera, /- Cider, x. sidra, /. Cigar, X. cigarro, nt. Cigarette, x. cigarrillo, m. Cinder, x. cernada, /. Cinnamon, x. canela, /. Cipher, x. cifra, /. — v. cifrar. Circle, x. circulo, ni. — v. cir- cundar. Circuit, X. circuito, m. Circular, a. circular. Circulation, x. circulacion, /. Circumference, x. circunfer- encia, /. Circumflex, x. circunflejo, m. Circumscribe, v. circun- scribir. Circumstance, s. circunstan- cia, /. Circus, s. circo, m. Cist, s. cista, /. Cistern, s. cisterna, /. Citadel, s, ciudadela, /. Citizen, ». ciudadano, m. Citron, *. cidra, /.: cidro, m. City, s. ciudad,/. Civilization, s. civilizaci6n, /.. Claim, s. demanda, /.: titulo, m. — V. reclamar. Clamorous, a. clamoroso. Clap, X. golpe, m. — v. aplaudir. Claret, x. clarete, m. Clarify i Clarify, v. clarificar. Clash, s cheque, m. — i. rechinar. Clasp, s. corchete m. — v. abrazar. Class, s. clase: calidad, / — v. clasificar. Classroom, s. clase,/. Clatter, s. fracasq, m. Clause, s. clausula, /. Claw, 5. garra, /. Clay, s. arcilla, /.: barro, m. Clean, a. limpio: neto — v. limpiar. Cleanse, v. pnrificar: purgar. Clear, a. claro: transparente — V. aclarar: clarificar. Clearance, s. desempeno, m. Clearing, s. justificacidn, /. Clearness, s. claridad, /. Clematis, s. clematita, /. Clemency, s. clemencia, /, Clergy, s. clero, m. Clerical, a. clerical. Clerk, 5. dependiente, m. Clever, a. diestro. Cleverness, s. habilidad, /. Client, s. cliente: protegido, m. Cliff, s. acantilado, m. Climate, s. clima, m. Climax, s. climax, m. Climb, V. trepar: escalar. Climber, s. escalador, m. Cling, V. adherirse: pegarse. Clip, s. cercenadura, /.: es- quileo, m. — v. cercenar. Cloak, s. capa, /.: manto, m. Clock, s. reloj, m. Clock-maker, s. relojero, m. Close, V. cerrar: concluir: unirse: convenirse — s. cer- cado, m.: termino, m.: fin, m. — a. cerrado: estrecho: secreto: obscuro: denso: tupido — ad. estrechamente. Closet, s. armario, m. Cloth, s. pano, m.: tela, /. Clothe, V. vestir. Clothes, s. vestidura, /. pi. Clothier, s. sastre, m. Cloud, s. nube, /. Clove, s. clave, m. Clover, s. trebol, m. Clown, s. payaso, m. Club, s. club, m.: clava, /. — v. unirse. Clue, X. ovillo de hilo, m. Clump, s. bosquecillo, m. Clumsy, a. pesado: tosco. 19 Colonnade Cluster, s. racimo, m. — v. agrupar. Clutch, V. empunar. Coach, s. coche, m. — v. ensenar. Coal, s. carbbn de piedra, m. Coal-cellar, s. carboneria, /. Coal-mine, s. minade carbon,/. Coal-scuttle, 5. cubo, m. Coarse, a. baste. Coast, s. costa, /.: literal, m. Coat, s. casca, /.: pelaje (of animal), m.: capa de pintura (ef paint), /. Coat of arms, s. armadura, /. Coax, V. cenvencer. Cobalt, s. cobalto, m. Cobbler, 5. remendon, m. Cobweb, s. telarana, /. Cock, s. galle, m. Cockchafer, s. escarabaje, m. Cocked, a. remangado. Cockerel, s. pollastro, m. Cockle, 5. bucarda, /. Cockroach, 5. cucaracha, /. Cocoa, s. cacao, m. Cocoon, 5. capullo, m. Cod, 5. helleje, m. Cod-liver oil, s. aceite de higado de bacalao, m. Coerce, v. refrenar. Coffee, s. cafe, m. Coffee-pot, s. cafetera, /. Coffin, s. ataud: feretro, m. Cog, s. diente, m. Coil, s. rello, m. Coin, s. meneda, /. Coinage, s. acufiacion, /. Coincide, v. coincidir. Coke, 5. coke, ni. Colander, s. coladera, /. Cold, a. frio — s. frio, m. Colic, s. colice, m. Collaborate, v. colaborar. Collapse, s. celapso, m. — v. derrumbarse. Collar, s. collar, m.: collera, /. Collar-bone, s. clavicula, /. Colleague, s. cempanere, m. Collect, V. recoger: reunirse. Collection, s. coleccion, /. College, s. celegie, m. Collide, V. aconcharse. Collier, s. carbenero, m. Colliery, s. mina de carb6n, /. Collision, s. colisi6n, /. Colonel, 5. ceronel, m. Colonist, s. colono, m. Colony, s. colonia, /. Colonnade, s. columnata, /, Colossal li Colossal, a. colosal. Colour, 5. color, m. Colt's-foot, s. tusilago, m. Columbine, s. aguilena, /. Column, s. columna, /. Comb, X. peine, m. — v. peinar. Combat, s. combate, m. — v. combatir. Combine, ik combinar. Combustion, s. combustion, /. Come, V. venir: llegar. Comedian, s. comediante: comico, m. Comely, a. bello. Comet, s. cometa, /. Comfort, s. comodidad, /. — v. confortar. Comfortable, a. comodo. Comical, a. comico. Comma, s. virgula: coma, /. Command, v. mandar: dominar: gobernar — x. orden, /.: domino, 7n. Commanding, a. imperioso. Commemorate, v. conmemor- ar. Commence, v. principiar. Commencement, s. principio, m. Commend, v. encomendar. Comment, s. comento, m. — v. comentar. Commerce, 5. comercio. m. Commiserate, v. compadecer. Commissariat, s. comisaria, /. Commission, x. comision, /. Commit, v. cometer: encargar. Common, a. comiin — s. ejido, m. Commonwealth, s. el estado, m. Commotion, s. conmoci6n, /. Commune, v. conferir. Communicate, v. comunicar. Communication, s. comuni- cacion, /. Community, s. comunidad, /. Compact, s. pacto, m. — a. compacto. Companion, s. companero, m. Comipany, s. compafiia, /. Compare, v. comparar. Comparison, s. comparaci6n,/. Compartment, s. comparti- miento, m. Compass, j. bnijula (ship's)/.: compas (pair of), m. Compel, V. constrenir. Compensate, v. compensar. 3 Condition Compensation, s. compensa- cion, /. Compete, 1;. competir. Competition, s. concurrencia, /.: concurso, m. Compile, v. compilar. Complain, v. quejarse. Complement, s. complemen- to, VI. Complete, a. complete — v. completar. Completeness, s. entereza, /. Complexion, s. complexion: tez, /. Compliance, x. complacencia,/. Complicate, v. complicar. Compliment, x. cumplimiento, m. — V. cumplimentar. Comply, V. acceder. Compose, v. componer. Composer, x. autor, m. Composition, x.composicion,/. Compound, x. compuesto, m. — V. componer. Comprehend, v. comprender. Compress, v. comprimir — x. cabezal, m. Compromise, x. compromiso, m. — V. comprometer. Compulsion, x. compulsion, /. Compulsory, a. obligatorio. Comrade, x. camarada, m. Concave, a. concavo. Conceal, v. ocultar. Concede, v. conceder. Conceit, x. concepcion, /. Conceive, v. concebir: imaginar. Concentrate, v. concentrar. Concern, x. negocio, m.: em- presa, /. — v. concernir. Concert, x. concierto, m. Concession, x. concesion, /. Conciliate, v. conciliar. Concise, a. conciso. Conclude, v. concluir. Concoct, V. inventar. Concourse, x. concurso, m. Concrete, a. concreto — x. con- creto, m. Concur, v. estra de acuerdo. Concurrently, ad. en con- currencia. Concussion, x. concusi6n, /. Condemn, zk condenar. Condensation, x. condensa- cion, /. Condense, v. condensar. Condescend, v. condescender. Condition, s. condici6n, /. Condole i: Condole, v. condolerse. Conduce, v. conducir. Conduct, s. conducta, /. — v. conducir. Cone, s. cone, m. Confectionery, s. confiteria, /. Confer, v. conferir: conferen- ciar. Confess, v. confesar: con- fesarse. Confession, s. confesion, /. Confidant, s. confidente, m. Confident, a. seguro. Confine, x. confin: limite, m. — V. limitar. Confirm, v. confirmar. Confiscate, v. confiscar. Conflagration, s. incendio, m. Conflict, 5. conflicto, m. — v. contender. Conform, v. conformar. Confound, v. confundir: con: sternar. Confront, v. confrontar. Confuse, v. confundir: em- broUar, /. Congeal, v. helar: congelarse. Congestion, x. congestion, /. Congratulate, v. congratular. Congregate, v. congregar: con- gregarse. Congress, s. congreso, m.: junta, /. Connect, v. juntar: combinar. Connection, 5. conexion, /. Connoisseur, x. conocedor, ?«. Conquer, v. conquistar. Conqueror, x. conquistador, m. Conquest, x. conquista, /. Conscience, x. conciencia, /. Conscientious, a. escrupuloso. Conscious, a. consciente. Consciousness, x. conocimien- to, m. Conscript, s. conscripto, m. Conscription, x.conscripcion,/. Consecutive, a. sucesivo. Consent, v. consentir. Consequence, x. consecuencia. Conservative, x. conservador, m. Conservatory, x. invernaculo, m. Consider, v. considerar: esti- mar. Considerate, a. indulgente. Considering, ad. visto que. Consign, v. consignar. [ Contribute Consi(inment, x. consignaci6n, Consist, V. consistir. Consistent, a. consistente. Consolation, x. consolacidn, /. Console, v. consolar. Consolidate, v. consolidar. Consolidation, x. consolida- cion, /. Consort, s. consorte, m. & f. — V. juntar. Conspicuous, a. conspicuo. Conspicuously, ad. insigne- mente. Conspiracy, x. conspiracion, / Constable, x. agente de policia m. Constant, a. constante. Constipation, s. constipacion,/ Construe, v. construir. Consul, X. consul, ni. Consulate, x. consulado, m. Consult, V. consultar. Consume, v. consumir. Consumption, x. consuncion, /.: tisis, /. Consumptive, a. tisico. Contact, X. contacto, m. Contagion, x. contagio, m. Contain, v. contener: con- tenerse. Contaminate, v. contaminar. Contemplate, v. contemplar: proponerse. Contemplative, a. contem- plativo. Contemporary, a. contem- poraneo. Contempt, x. desprecio, m. Contend, v. cont«inder: afirmar. Content, a. contento — v. con- tentar. Contents, x. contenido, m. pi. Contest, X. disputa, /. — v. con- testar. Continent, x. continente, m. Continual, a. continuo. Continue, v. continuar. Continuous, a. continuo. Contour, x. perfil, m. Contraband, X. contrabando, m. Contract, s. contrato, m.: pacto, m. — f. contraer: pactar. Contraction, x. abreviatura, /. Contractor, x. contratante, in. Contradict, v. desmentir. Contrast, x. contraste, m. — v. contrastar. Contribute, v. contribuir. Contrivanc« i Contrivance, 5. disposicion, /. Contrive, v. ingeniar. Control, V. refrenar: dirigir — s. dominio, jn. Conundrum, s. acertijo, m. Convalescence, s. convalecen- cia, /. Convenient, a. conveniente. Convent, s. convento, m. Converge, v. converger. Conversation, s. conversa- cion, /. Converse, v. conversar. Convert, v. convertir: cambriar. Convict, s. convicto, m. — v. condenar. Convince, v. convencer. Convulsion, s. convulsi6n, /. Cook, V. cocer — s. cocinero, m. Cookery, s. arte de cocina, m. Cool, a. fresco — v. enfriar. Copious, a. abundante: copioso. Copper, s. cobre, m. Copy, V. copiar — 5. copia, /. Copyright, 5. titulo de autor,nz. Coral, V. coral, m. Cord, s. cuerda, /. — v. en- cordelar. Cordial, a. cordial. Core, s, cuesco: centre, m. Cork, s. corcho: tapon, m. Corkscrew, s. tirabuz6n, m. Cormorant, x. corvejdn, m. Corn, s. grano: trigo, m.: callo (on skin), ni. Corner, s. esquina, /. Corpse, s. cadaver, m. Corpulent, a. corpulento. Correct, a. correcto — v. corre- gir. Correspond, v. corresponder. Correspondence, s. corres- pondencia, /. Corridor, 5. corredor, m. Corroborate, v. corroborar. Corrode, 1;. corroer. Corrosive, s. corrosivo, m. Corrugated, a. acanalado (cardboard): ondulado (iron). Corrupt, a. corrupto — v. cor- romper. Corruption, s. corrupci6n, /. Corset, s. corse, m. Cosily, a. c6modamente. Cosmetic, a. cosmetico. Cost, s. precio: costo, m. — v. costar. Costermonger, s. frutero, m. PostAv,.^. caro: costoso. 22 Crazy Costume, 5. traje: vestido, m. Cosy, a. c6modo. Cot, s. cabafia, /. Cottage, s. cabana: choza, /. Cottager, s. aldeano, m. Cotton, s. algod6n: coton, m. Couch, s. cama, /.: lecho, m. Cough, s. tos, m. — V. toser. Council, s. concilio: consejo, m. Counsel, s. consejo, m.: con- sulta, /. Count, 5. cuenta,/.: capitulo, m. Countenance, s. rostro, m. Counterfeit, a. contrahecho. Counterfoil, s. contramarca, /. Countess, s. condesa, /. Counting, s. computo, m. Country, s. campo: pais, m. County, s. condado, m. Couple, 5. pareja, /. — v. unir. Coupon, s. cup6n, m. Courage, s. valor, m. Courageous, a. valiente. Course, 5. curso, m.: serie, /.: plato (dinner), tn. Of course, sin duda. Court, 5. corte, /.: tribunal, m. Court-card, s. figura, /. Courteous, a. cortes. Courtesy, s. cortesla, /. Court-martial, s. consejo de guerra, m. Court - plaster, s. tafetan ingles, m. Courtship, s. noviazgo, m. Cousin, s. primo, m. Cover, s. cubierta, /.: abrigo, m. — V. cubrir. Coverlet, 5. sobrecama, /. Covet, V. codiciar. Cow, s. vaca, /. — v. intimidar. Coward, s. cobarde, m. Cowslip, 5. primavera, /. Crab, s. cangrejo, m. Crack, s. hendedura, /. Cracker, s. triquitraque (Christmas), m. Cradle, i. cuna, /. Craft, s. arte, /.: oficio (work), m.: astucia (unreliable per- son),/.: embarcaci6n (boat),/. Cram, v. apretar. Cramp, s. calambre, m. Cranberry, s. arandano, m. Crash, v. chocar: romper. Crave, v. suplicar. Crawl, V. arrastrar. Crayon, s. lapiz, tn. Crazy, a. loco: demente. Creak Creak, v. crujir. Cream, s. crema, /.: nata, /. Crease, 5. pliegue, m. — v. plcgar. Create, v. crear: criar: causar. Creation, s. creaci6n, /. Creature, j. criatura, /. Credible, a. creible. Credit, s. cr^dito, m. — v. creer: acreditar. Creditor, s. acreedor, m. Credulous, a. cr^dulo. Creep, v. arrastrar: serpear. Crew, 5. cuadrilla, /. Crime, 5. crimen, m.: delito, m. Criminal, a. criminal. Crimson, s. carmesi, m. Cripple, s. estropeado, m. Crisis, s. crisis, /. Critic, 5. critico, m. Criticize, v. censurar. Crooked, a. corvo. Crop, X. cosechar, /.: buche de ave, m. Cross, s. cruz, /. — a. mal humorado. Crouch, V. agacharse: bajarse. Crow, s. cuervo, m. Crowd, s. gentio, m.: tropel, m. Crown, s. corona, /. — v. coronar. Crucifix, s. crucifijo, m. Crude, a. crudo. Cruel, a. cruel: inhumane. Cruelty, 5. crueldad, /. Cruise, s. viaje por mar, m. Crumb, s. miga, /. Crusade, s. cruzada, /. Crush, V. aplastar — x. apina- miento, m. Crust, s. corteza: pasta, /. Crusty, a. tostado. Crutch, 5. muleta, /. Cry, 5. grito, m. — v. gritar: llorar. Cuckoo, s. cuclillo, m. Cucumber, 5. cohombro, m. Culprit, 5. reo: culpable, m. Cultivate, v. cultivar. Cumbersome, a. embarazoso. Cunning, a. astute. Cup, X. taza, /. Cupboard, s. armario, m. Cure, V. curar — s. cura, /. Curiosity, 5. curiosidad, /. Curious, a. curioso. Curl, 5. rize de pelo, m. — v. endear: rizarse. Currant, s. gresella, /. 123 Darkness Current, s. corricnte, /. Curse, J. maldicion, /. — v. maldecir. Curtain, s. cortina,/.: telon (at theatre), m. Curve, s. curva, /. Cushion, s. cojin, m.: almo- hada, /. Custom, X. censtumbre, /. Customer, x. parroquiano, m. Custom-house, x. aduana, /. Cut, V. cortar — x. corte, m.: tajada,/. Cutlery, x. cuchilleria, /. Cutlet, X. costilla, /. Cyclamen, x. artanita, /. Cycle, X. ciclo, m.: bicicleta, /. Cynic, x. cinico, m. Dab, X. guinapo, m.: barbada, /. Dabble, v. rociar: chopotear. Dace, X. gobio, ?«. Daddy-long-legs, x.sancuda,/. Dado, X. dado, m. Daffodil, X. asfodelo: narciso, m. Daft, a. necio. Dagger, x. daga, /.: cruz, /. Dahlia, x. dalia, /. Daily, a. diarie: cotidiano — ad. diariamente. Dainty, a. delicade: elegante. Dairy, x. lecheria, /. Dairymaid, x. lechera,/. Daisy, x. margarita: maya, /. Dale, X. valle, m. Dally, V. juguetcar. Damage, x. dafio, m.: averia, /. — V. dafiar. Damaging, a. perjudicial. Damask, x. damasco, in. Dame, x. dama: senora, /. Damn, v. condenar. Damning, a. condenatorio. Damp, a. humedo. Damsel, x. senorita, /. Damson, x. damasco, m. Dance, x. danza, /.: baile, m. — V. bailar. Dandelion, x. diente de leen, m. Danger, x. peligro, m. Dangerous, a. peligroso. Dare, v. osar. Daring, x. osadia, /. — a. audaz. Dark, a. obscuro. Darkness, x. obscuridad: tinie- blas, /. Darling i Darling, 5. favorito, m. — a. querido. Date, 5. data,/.: datil (fruit), m. Daughter, s. hija, /. Daughter-in-law, 5. nuera, /. Dawn, s. alba, m. — v. apuntar. Day, s. dia, ni. Daylight, s. luz del dia, /. Dazzle, v. deslumbrar. Dead, a. muerto. Deadly, a. mortal — ad. mortal- mente. Deaf, a. sordo. Deafness, s. sordera, /. Deal, X. trato (trade), m.: canti- dad (amount), /.: madera de pino (timber), /. — v. distri- buir: traficar. Dear, a. querido (darling): cos- toso (cost). Death, s. muerte, /. Debt, 5. deuda, /.: debito, m. Debtor, x. deudor, ?n. Decay, s. decadencia, /.: podre- dumbre, /. — v. decaer: pudrirse. Deceit, s. engano, m. Deceive, v. engaiiar: alucinar. Decent, a. decente. Deception, x. decepcion, /. Decide, v. decidir: determinar. Decision, x. decision, /. Deck, 5. cubierta, /.: puente, m. — V. adornar. Declare, v. declarar. Decline, 5. decadencia, /. — v. decaer: rehusar. Decorate, v. decorar. Decrease, v. decrecer — x. diminuci6n, /. Deduct, V. deducir. Deed, s. acto: documento, m. Deem, v. estimar. Deep, a. profundo: bajo — x. pillage, m. Deepen, v. profundizar. Deer, s. ciervo, ni. Deface, v. desfigurar. Defacement, s. desfiguraci6n,/. Defalcation, x. desfalco, m. Defamation, x. difamacion, /. Default, X. defecto, ni.: con- tumacia, /. Defeat, x. derrota, /. — v. der- rotar. Defect, X. defecto, m. Defective, a. defectuoso. Defence, x. defensa, /. Defend, v. defender. 24 Depart Defensive, a. defensivo. Defer, v. diferir: deferir. Defiance, x. desafio, m. Deficiency, x. falta, /. Defile, x. desfiladero, m. — V. ensuciar: violar. Define, v. definir. Definite, a. definido. Definition, x. definicion, /. Deformed, a. deforme. Defraud, a. defraudar. Defray, v. costear. Deft, a. diestro. Defunct, a. difunto: muerto. Defy, V. desafiar. Degenerate, a. degenerado — v. degenerar. Degrade, v. degradar. Degree, x. grado, m. Deicide, s. deicida: deicidio, m. Deity, x. deidad, /. Dejected, a. triste. Delay, x. dilacion, /. — v. re- tardar. Delegate, s. delegado, m. — v. delegar. Delete, v. borrar. Deliberate, a. prudente — v. deliberar. Delicacy, x. delicadez: golosina. Delightful, a. delicioso: ex- quisito. Delinquent, x. reo, ni. Delirious, a. delirante. Deliver, t;. entregar: libertar. Delivery, x. entrega, /. Demolish, v. demoler. Demon, x. demonio, nt. Demonstrate, a. demostrar. Demonstrative, a. demostra- tivo. Demoralize, v. desmoralizar. Demur, v. objetar. Demure, a. modesto. Den, X. caverna,/.: madriguera,/. Denial, x. denegacion, /. Denizen, x. naturalizado, m. Denominate, v. denominar. Denote, v. denotar: indicar. Denounce, v. denunciar. Dense, a. denso: espeso. Dent, X. rotura: mella, /. — v. amellar. Dentifrice, x, dentifrice, m. Dentist, x. dentista, m. Deny, v. negar. Depart, v. partir. Department i Department, 5. departamento, w. Departure, s. partida, /.: salida, /. Depend, v. depender. Deplore, v. deplorar. Depose, v. deponer. Deposit, V. depositar — s. de- posito, m. Depress, v. deprimir: humillar. Deprive, v. privar. Depth, s. profundidad, /. Descend, v. descender. Describe, v. describir. Desert, s. desierto, m. — v. abandonar. Deserve, v. merecer. Desiccate, v. secar. Design, v. disenar: proyectar — X. diseno, m.: designio, m. Desirable, a. deseable. Desire, s. deseo, m.: anhelo, m. — V. desear. Desirous, a. deseoso. Desk, s. escritorio, m. Desolate, a. desolado — v. de- solar. Despair, 5. desesperaci6n, /. — V. desesperar. Despatch, s. despacho, m. — v. despachar. Desperate, a. desesperado. Despise, v. despreciar. Dessert, s. postres, m. pi. Destination, s. destinacion, /. Destitute, a. destituido. Destroy, v. destruir. Destruction, s. destruccion, /. Detach, v. despegar: separar. Detail — v. detallar — s. detalle, m. Detain, v. detener. Deter, v. disuadir. Determine, v. determinar: re- solverse. Detest, V. detestar. Dethrone, v. destronar. Detract, v. detraer. Develop, v. desarrollar: desen- volver. Device, s. medio, ni.: divisa, /. Devote, v. dedicar. Devout, a. devote: piadoso. Dew, 5. rocio, ni. Diamond, x. diamante, m.: oros (cards) m. pi. Diarrhoea, s. diarrea, /. Diary, 5. diario, m. Dictate, v. dictar. 25 Disappointment Dictionary, s. diccionario, m. Die, V. morir. Diet, s. dieta, /. Differ, v. diferenciarse. Difference, s. diferencia, /. Different, a. ditcrente. Difficult, a. doficil. Difficulty, s. dificultad, /. Diffuse, a. difuso. Dig, V. cavar. Digest, V. digerir: recopilar — 5. recopilacion, /. Digestible, a. digeriblc. Dignified, a. noble: grande. Dignity, 5. dignidad, /. Digress, 1,'. digresar: extraviarse. Dike, s. dique, m. Dilapidated, a. arruinado. Dilate, v. dilatar. Dilemma, s. dilema, /. Diligence, x. diligencia. Dilute, V. diluir. Diluted, a. desleido. Dim, a. oscuro — v. deslustrar. Dimension, s. medida, /. Diminish, v. disminuir. Dimple, s. hoyuelo, m. Din, X. ruido, m. Dine, v. comer. Dingey, s. bote, m.: lancha, /. Dingy, a. usado. Dining, x. comida, /. Dining-room, x. comedor, m. Dinner, x. comida, /. Dip, X. depresion: inmersion, /. — ■?'. tefiir: banar. Diphtheria, 5. depteria, /. Diplomacy, x. dipiomatica, /. Dipping, X. sumersion, /. Direful, a. horrendo: terrible. Direct, a. directo — v. dirigir. Direction, x. direccion, /. Directly, ad. luego. Directory, x. directorio: anuario, m. Dirge, x. endecha, /. Dirt, 5. cieno, m.: basura, /. Dirty, a. sucio — v. ensuciar. Disable, v. inhabilitar. Disadvantage, s. menoscabo, 7n. Disadvantageous, a. des- ventajoso. Disagree, v. desconvenir. Disagreeable, a. desagradable. Disappear, v. desaparecer. Disappoint, v. frustrar. Disappointment, 5. chasco, m. Disapproval i: Disapproval, s. desaproba- ci6n, /. Disarm, v. desarmar. Disarmament, s. desarma- dura, /. Disarrange, v. desarreglar. Disaster, s. desarstre, m. Disband, v. dispersar: des- bandarse. Disbelieve, v. descreer. Discard, v. despedir. Discern, v. discernir: descubrir. Discharge, s. disparo, m. — v. disparar: descargar. Disciple, s. discipulo, m. Discipline, s. disciplina, /. Disclaim, v. renunciar. Disclaimer, 5. denegacion, /. Disclose, V. revelar. Discolour, v. descolorar. Discomfiture, s. derrota, /. Discomfort, s. desconsuelo, m. Disconnect, v. desenganchar. Disconsolate, a. desconsolado. Discontent, v. descontentar. Discord, s. discordia, /. Discount, s. rebaja, /. — v. des- contar. Discourage, v. desalentar. Discourteous, a. descort^s. Discover, v. descubrir. Discredit, s. descr^dito, m. Discreet, a. discrete: prudente. Discretion, 5. discreci6n, /. Discriminate, v. distinguir. Discuss, V. discutir. Discussion, j. discusi6n, /, Disdain, 5. menosprecio, m. — V. desdeiiar. Disdainful, a. desdenoso. Disease, s. enfermedad, /. Disembark, v. disembarcar. Disembarkation, s. desem- barco, m. Disengage, v. desenredar. Disentangle, v. desenmaranar. Disfavour, s. disfavor, m. Disfigurement, 5. disfigura- cion, /. Disgorge, v. vomitar. Disgrace, s. deshonra, /. — V. desgraciar. Disgraceful, a. deshonroso. Disguise, s. disfraz, m. Disgust, J. disgusto, m. — v. distustar. Disgusting, a. asqueroso. Dish, J. plate, m. fuente, /. — v. poner en fuente. 26 Distillery Dishearten, v. desanimar. Dishevel, v. desgrefiar. Dishonest, a. deshonesto. Dishonour, s. ignominia,/. — v. deshonrar. Dishonourable, a. deshonroso. Disinclination, s. desafecto, i?i. Disinfect, v. desinfeccionar. Disinfectant, s. desinfectante, m. Disinherit, v. desheredar. Dislike, s. aversion, /. — v. dis- gustar. Dislocate, v. dislocar. Dismal, a. triste. Dismay, s. espanto, m. — v. espantar. Dismiss, v. despedir. Dismount, v. desmontar. Disobedient, a. desebediente. Disobliging, a. desagradable. Disorderly, a. desordenado — ad. desordenadamente. Disorganization, 5. desor- ganizacion, /. Disown, V. negar. Disparage, v. envilecer. Disparity, 5. disparidad, /. Dispassionate, a. serene. Dispel, V. expeler. Dispensary, s. dispensarie, m. Dispense, v. dispensar. Dispensing chemist, s. farma- ceutico, m. Disperse, v. disipar. Displace, v. deponer. Display, s. despliegue, m. Displease, v. desplacer: dis- gustar. Disposal, s. disposicion, /. Dispute, X. disputa, /. Disqualification, s. inhabili- tacion, /. Disquieting, a. moleste. Disregard, x. desatenci6n, /. — V. desatender. Disreputable, a. deshonroso. Disrespect, s. descertesia, /. Disrobe, v. desnudar: des- nudarse. Dissatisfied, a. descontento. Dissect, V. disccar. Dissension, x. disensi6n, /. Dissolve, V. diselver. Dissuade, v. disuadir. Distance, j. distancia, /. Distant, a. distante: remoto. Distil, V. destilar. Distillery, s. destileria, /. Distinct I Distinct, a. distinto: precise. Distinction, s. distinci6n, /. Distinguish, v. distinguir. Distinguished, a. distinguido. Distress, s. calamidad: miseria, /. — V. angustiar. Distribute, v. distribuir. District, s. distrito, m. Distrust, V. desconfiar — s. des- confianza, /. Disturb, v. desordenar: in- quietar. Dive, V. zabullirse — s. zabulli- dura, /. Diver, s. buzo, m. Divert, v. desviar: divertir. Divide, v. dividir. Divine, a. divino — v. adivinar. Division, s. divisi6n, /. Do, V. hacer: cocer: obrar. Docile, a. docil. Docli, s. barra: darsena, /. Doctor, s. medico, m. Document, s. documento, /. Do6, s. perro, m. Doll, s. muneca, /. Dome, s. cupula, /.: dome, m. Domestic, a. domestico. Dominate, v. dominar. Domino, s. domin6, m. Donkey, s. asno: burro, m. Door, 5. puerta, /. Doorlceeper, s. portero, m. Doorknoclier, s. picaporte, m. Doormat, 5. felpudo, m. Dose, s. dosis,/. — v. medicarse. Double, V. doublar — a. doble. Doubt, V. dudar — s. duda, /. Doubtful, a. dudoso: incierto. Doubtless, ad. sin duda. Down, ad. & prep, abajo — 5. plum6n, m. Dowry, 5. dote, /. Doze, V. dormitar. Dozen, s. docena, /. Drab, a. pardusco. Drag, V. arrastrar: tirar. Drain, v. desaguar — s. desagua- dero, m. Drake, 5. pato, m. Dramatic, a. dramatico. Draper, s. pafiero, m. Drastic, a. drastico. Draught, 5. corriente de aire,/. Draught-board, s. tablero de damas, m. Draughts (game), s. juego de damas, m. Draw, V. arrastrar: tirar. 27 Eagle Drawer, a. cajon (in desk, etc.), m. girador (of a bill), m. Drawers, s. calzoncillos (ap- parel), m. pi. Dreadful, a. terrible. Dream, v. sonar — s. sueno, m. Dress, v. vestir — 5. vestido, m. Dressing gown, s. bata, /. Dressmaker, s. costurera: modista, /. Drink, v. beber — s. bebida, /. Drip, V. gotear. Drive, v. impeler: conducir. Driver, x. chofer: cochero, m. Drizzle, v. llovizner — s. lloviz- na, /. Drop, V. caer (fall): dejar: gotear — s. gota, /. Drought, s. sequedad, /. Drown, v. ahogar. Drowsy, a. sonoliento. Drug, 5. droga. Drum, s. tambor, m. Drunk, a. borracho: ebrio. Drunkard, s. borrachon, m. Dry, a. arido: seco — v. secar. Duck, 5. pato, m. Due, 5. debido: derechos — a. debido. Duel, s. duelo, m. Duet, 5. duo, m. Dull, a. estupido: obtuso: opaco. Dumb, a. mudo. Duplicate, s. duplicado, m. Durable, a. durable. During, prep, durante. Dusk, s. crepusculo, m. Dust, 5. polvo, m. Dusty, a. polvoroso. Dutch, a. holand^s. Dutiful, a. obediente. Duty, s. deber, m.: derechos (customs), m. pi. Dwarf, s. enano, m. Dwell, V. habitar. Dwelling, s. habitacion, /. Dye, V. teiiir — s. time, m. Dynamite, s. dinamita, /. Dynamo, s. dinamo, m. Dysentery, ». disenteria. /. Each, a. cada: todo — pron. cada uno: todos. Each other, pron. unos a otros. Eager, a. ardiente. Eagerness, s. ansia, /. Eagle, s. ^guila, /. Ear I Ear, 5. oreja, /.: espiga. /. Earache, i. dolor de oidos, m. Earl, s. conde, m. Early, a. anticipado — ad. de buena hora. Earn, v. ganar: merecer. Earnest, a. ardiente. Earnestness, s. solicitud, /. Ear-ring, s. zarcillo, m. Earth, s. tierra, /.: mundo, m. Earthenware, 5. loza, /. Earthquake, 5. terremoto, m. Earwig, s. tijeret*, /. Ease, s. alivio, tn.: facilidad, /. — V. aliviar. Easily, ad. facilmente. Easy, a. facil. East, 5. este: oriente, m. Easter, 5. Pascua, /. Easterly, a. oriental. Eat, V. comer. Eatables, s. viveres, m. pi. Eating, x. comida, /. Ebb-tide, s. reflujo: men- guante, m. Ebony, s. ^bano, m. Echo* s. eco, m. — v. resonar. Eclipse, s. eclipse, m. — v. eclipsar. Economical, a. economico: frugal. Economize, v. economizar. Ecstasy, s. extasis, iti. Edge, s. orilla, /.: margen, m. & f. — V. afilar. Edgewise, ad. de filo. Edging, s. orla: orilla, /.: ribete, m. Edible, a. comestible. Edifice, s. edificio, m. Edit, V. publicar: redactar. Eklucate, v. educar: criar. Education, 5. educacion, /. Eel, s. anguila, /. Efface, V. borrar. Effect, s. efecto, m. — v. efec- tuar. Effective, a. eficaz. Effeminacy, s. molicie, /. Effervesce, v. hervir: fer- mentar. Effervescent, a. efervescente. Effort, s. esfuerzo. Egg, 5. huevo, m. Eight, $. & a. ocho (m). Eighteen, s. & a. diez y ocho (m). Eighty, s. fef a. ochenta (m). 28 Enchant Either, pron. uno u otro — ad. tampoco. Elaborate, a. elaborado. Elbow, s. codo, m. Elder, x. mayor, m. & f. Elderbush, s. sauco, m. Elect, V. elegir. Electric, a. electrico. Electrician, s. electricista, m. Electricity, 5. electricidad, /. Electrify, v. electrizar. Elegant, a. elegante. Element, s. elemento, m. Elephant, s. elefante, m. Elevate, v. elevar. Elicit, V. deducir: educir. Eligible, a. apropiado. Elm, s. olmo, m. Eloquent, a. elocuente. Else, a. otro — ad. obien. Elusive, a. evasivo. Emanate, v. emanar. Embark, v. embarcar. Embarrass, v. embarazar: turbar. Embassy, 5. embajada, /. Embezzle, v. desfalcar. Embrace, v. abrazar. Embrocation, x.embrocacion,/ Embroidery, s. bordadura, /. Emerald, s. esmeralda, /. Emerge, v. salir. Emergency, s. emergencia, /. Emigrate, v. emigrar. Eminent, a. eminente. Emit, V. emitir. Emotion, 5. conmocion, /. Empale, v. empalar. Emperor, 5. emperador, m. Emphasize, v. acentuar. Empire, 5. imperio: dominio, m. Employ, V. emplear. Employee, s. empleado, m. Employer, s. patron, m. Employment, s. empleo, m. Emporium, 5. emporio, m. Empower, v. autorizar. Empress, x. emperatriz, /. Emptiness, s. vacuidad, /. Empty, a. vacuo — v. vaciar. Emu, s. casoar, m. Emulate, v. emular: rivalizar. Emulsion, s. emulsion, /. Enable, v. facilitar. Enact, V. decretar. Enamel, 5. esmalte, m. — v. esmaltar. Enamour, v. enamorar. Enchant, v. encantar. Enclose i Enclose, v. incluir: cercar. Encore, ad. otra vez. Encounter, s. encuentro, m. Encourage, v. animar. Encouraging, a. estimulante. Eiicyclopaedla, s. enciclo- pedia,/. End, s. fin: conclusion, /. — v. acabar. Endanger, v. arriesgar. Endear, v. encarecer. Endeavour, s. esfucrzo, m. — v. esforzarse. Ending, s. terminacion, /. Endive, 5. endibia: achicoria, /. Endless, a. perpetuo. Endorse, v. endosar. Endow, V. dotar. Endue, v. investir: dotar. Endurable, a. soportable. Endure, v. tolerar. Enema, s. jeringa, /. Enemy, s. enemigo, m. Energetic, a. energico. Energy, s. energia, /. Enfeeble, v. debilitar. Enforce, v. compeler. Enfranchise, v. franquear. Engage, v. empenar. Engagement, $. empeno: con- trato, m. Engender, v. engendrar: pro- ducir. Engine, s. maquina: loco- motora, /. Engineer, s. ingeniero, ni. Engrave, v. grabar. Engraving, s. grabado, m. Enhance, v. encarecer. Enjoy, V. gozar. Enlarge, v. engrandecer. Enlargement, 5. ampliaci6n, /. Enliven, v. animar. Enmity, s. enemistad, /. Enormity, s. enormidad, /. Enough, a. suficiente — ad. bastantemente. Enrage, v. enfurecer: irritar. Enrapture, v. encantar. Enrich, v. enriquecer. Enroll, V. registrar. Ensign, s. pabellon, m. Enslave, v. esclavizar. Ensue, v. seguirse. Entail, s. vinculo, m. Entangle, v. enmaranar. Enter, v. entrar. Enterprise, s. empresa, /. Entertain, v. entretener. I ) Establish Entertainment, s. entreteni- miento, m. Enthrone, v. entronizar. Enthusiasm, s. entusiasmo, m. Enthusiastic, a. entusiastico. Entice, v. seducir. Enticement, s. seduci6n, /. Entire, a. entero. Entitle, v. intitular. Entomologist, 5. entomologo, m. Entrance, s. entrada, /. Entrap, v. entrampar. Entreat, v. suplicar. Entry, s. entrada, /. Envelop, v. envolver. Envelope, j. envoltura, /. Enviable, a. envidiable. Environs, x. alrededores, m. pi. Envoy, 5. enviado, m. Envy , J. envidia, m. — v. envidiar. Epidemic, a. epidemico — s. epidemia, /. Epidermis, s. epidermis,/. Epilepsy, s. epilepsia, /. Epiphany, 5. epifania, /. Episode, x. episodic, m. Epistle, s. carta, /. Epoch, s. epoca, /. Epsom-salts, 5. sulfate de magnesia, m. Equal, a. imparcial — v. igualar. Equalize, v. igualar. Equanimity, 5. serenidad, /. Equator, s. ecuador, m. Era, X. epoca, /. Eradicate, v. extirpar. Erase, v. borrar. Ere, ad. & prep, antes de: antes que. Erect, V. erigir. Ermine, s. armifio, m. Err, r. errar: desviarse. Errand, s. recado, m. Erratic, a. erratico. Erratum, s. errata,/. Erring, a. errado. Erroneous, a. erroneo, /. Eruption, 5. erupcion, /. Escalop, 5. pechina, /. Escape, s. escapada, /. — v. evitar. Escort, s. convoy, m. — v. es- coltar. Esplanade, s. esplanada, /. Essence, s. esencia, /.: per- fume, m. Essential, a. esencial. Establish, v. establecer. Estate I Estate, s. estado, m. Esteem, s. estima, /. — v. apreciar. Estimate, s. presupuesto, m. — V. tasar. Etching, 5. grabado. Eternal, a. perpetuo. Ether, s. ^ter, m. Etiquette, 5. etiqueta, /. Evacuate, v. evacuar. Evacuation, 5. evacuacion, /. Evade, v. eludir. Evaporate, v. evaporar. Evaporation, s. evaporaci6n, /, Evasion, s. evasion, /. Even, a. llano — v. allanar — ad. aun. Evening, s. tarde, /. Evensong, s. visperas, /. pi. Event, 5. evento, m. Eventful, a. extraordinario. Ever, ad. siempre. Evergreen, s. siempreviva, /. Everlasting, a. sempiterno. Evermore, ad. siempre. Every, a. cada uno 6 cada una Everybody, s. todo el mundo, m Everything, 5. todo, ni. Everywhere, ad. en 6 por todas partes. Evict, V. deposeer. Evidence, s. evidencia, /. Evident, a. evidente. Evil, s. mal, ni. — a. malo. Ewe, s. oveja,/. Exact, a. exacto: justo — v. exigir. Exaggerate, v. exagerar. Examine, v. examinar. Example, 5. ejemplo, m. Exceed, v. exceder. Exceedingly, ad. excesiva- nrente. Excel, 7.'. sobresalir. Excellent, a. excelente. Except, V. exceptuar — prep. excepto. Exception, s. excepci6n, /. Excess, 5. exceso, nt. Excessive, a. excesivo. Exchange, v. cambiar — s. cam- bio, m. Excise, s. sisa, /. Excite, V. excitar. Exclaim, v. exclamar. Exclude, V. excluir. Excursion, s. excursi6n, /. Excuse, V. excusar. Execute, v. ejecutar. 3 Fabric Exempt, V. exentar — a. exento. Exercise, v. ejercitar — s. ejer- cicio, m. Exert, V. esforzar. Exhaust, V. agotar: apurar. Exhibit, V. exhibir. Exhibition, s. exposici6n, /. Exile, V. desterrar — 5. destier- ro, m. Exist, V. existir. Exit, s. salida: partida, /. Expand, v. extender. Expect, V. aguardar: esperar. Expel, V. expeler. Expense, s. gasto: coste, m. Expensive, a. costoso. Experience, v. experimentar — s. experiencia, /. Expert, 5. perito, m. — a. perito. Expiration, s. expiraci6n: muerte, /. Expire, v. expirar: morir. Explain, v. explanar: explicar. Explode, V. explotar. Explore, v. explorar. Export, V. exportar. Expose, V. exponer: desen- mascarar. Exposure, s. revelaci6n, /. Expound, V. exponer. Express, v. expresar — s. ex- preso, m. — a. expreso. Expulsion, s. expulsidn, /. Exquisite, a. exquisito. Extend, v. extender. Extent, s. grado, m.: exten- si6n, /. Exterior, 5. exterior, m. Exterminate, v. exterminar. External, a. externo. Extinct, a. extinto. Extinguish, v. apagar. Extra, a. adicional. Extraordinary, a. extraor- dinario. Extract, v. extraer. Extravagant, a. extravagante. Extremely, ad. sumamente. Extricate, v. desembrollar. Eye, s. ojo, m. Eyebrow, s. ceja, /. Eye-glasses, s. anteojos, m. pi. Eyelash, s. pestafia, /. Eyelid, s. parpado, m. Eyesight, 5. vista, /. Fable, s. fabula, /. Fabric, s. fabrica, /. Facade 13 Faqade, 5. fachada, /. Face, 5. cara, /.: rostro, m. Clock face, cuadrante, m. Face-cream, 5. crema para la cara, /. Facilitate, v. facilitar. Fact, s. hecho, m.: realidad, /. In fact, en efecto. Factious, a. faccioso. Factory, s. fabrica, /.: fac- toria, /. Fad, s. antojo, m. Fade, v. decaer. Faded, a. marchito. Fail, V. f altar. Failure, s. falta: bancarrota (bankrupt), /. Faint, v. desmayarse — a. lan- guido. Fainting, s. deliquio, m. Fair, 5. feria, /. — a. bello: claro: juste. Fairplay, s. equidad, /. Fairness, 5. justicia, /. Fairy, s. duende, m. Faith, s. {6, f. Faithful, a. fiel. Faithless, a. p^rfido. Fall, 5. caida, /.: otono, m. — v. caer. Fall asleep, v. dormirse. Fall down, v. prosternarse. False, a. falso. Falsehood, s. falsedad, /. Fame, s. fama, /. Famed, a. celebrado. Familiar, a. intimo — 5. amigo intimo (m). Family, s. familia, /. Famine, 5. carestia,/.: hambre, 7n. Famish, v. hambrear. Famous, a. famoso. Fan, V. abanicar — s. abanico, nt. Fanatic, a. fanatico. Fancy, 5. gusto, m.: inclinacion, /. — V. desear. Fancy-dress, j. disfraz, m. Fantastic, a. fantastico. Far, a. remote: lejano — ad. lejos. Fare, s. viajere, m.: cemida, /. Farm, s. finca: granja, /. Farmer, s. agricultor, in. Farmhouse, s. alqueria, /. Farther, a. ulterior. Farthest, a. ultimo. Fascinating, a. agradable. Fascination, s. fascinacion, /. I Fern Fashion, s. moda, /. Fashionable, a. de moda. Fast, a. rapido — v. ayunar. Fasten, v. atar. Fastidious, a. dificil. Fat, s. grasa, /. — a. gordo: grueso. Fatal, a. fatal: funesto. Fate, s. destine, m. Father, s. padre, m. Father-in-law, s. suegro, m. Fatigue, v. fatigar — s. fatiga, jf. Fatten, v. engordar. Fault, s. falta: culpa, /. Faultless, a. perfecto. Favour, s. favor, nt. — v. favore- cer. Favourite, s. favorite, m. — a. favorite. Fear, s. temor, m. — v. tamer: recelar. Fearfully, ad. temerosamente. Fearfulness, s. terribilidad, /. Fearless, a. intrepido. Feast, s. fiesta, /. — v. festejar. Feat, s. hecho, m. Feather, s. pluma, /. Feathery, a. plumose: plumado. Feature, s. facci6n, /. February, s. febrero, m. Federation, s. confederaci6n,/. Fee, s. conducta, /. — v. pagar. Feeble, a. debil. Feed, s. cemida, /. — v. alimen- tar. Feel, 5. tacto, m. — v. palpar: sentir. Feeling, a. tierno — 5. tacto, m. Feign, v. fingir, /. Felicitate, v. felicitar. I Felicity, 5. felicidad, /. Feline, a. gatesco: feline. Fell, a. cruel: ferez — s. cuero, m. — V. cortar. Fellow, 5. companero. Fellowship, s. compania, /. Felon, s. reo, m. Felt, s. fieltro, m. Female, s. hembra: mujer, /. Fen, s. marjal, nt. Fence, s. cerca: esgrima, /. — v, cercar: esgrimir. Fender, s. guardafuge, m. Ferment, s. fermente, nt. — v. fermentar. Fermentation, 5. fermenta- cion, /. Fern, s. helecho, m. Ferocious i Ferocious, a. feroz. Ferocity, s. ferocidad, /. Ferret, s. huron, m. Ferrule, 5. virola, /. Ferry, s. pasaje: barcaje, m. — v. barquear. Fertile, a. fertil. Fertilize, v. fertilizar. Fervour, s. fervor, m. Festival, s. fiesta, /. Festive, a. alegre. Fetch, V. traer. Fetlock, s. cerneja, /. Fetters, s. grillos, ni. pi. Feud, 5. feudo, m. Fever, 5. fiebre: calentura, /. Feverishness, s. calenturilla, /. Few, a. poco. Fibre, s. fibra, /. Fickle, a. ligero. Fictitious, a. ficticio. Fidelity, s. fidelidad, /. Fidget, s. contoneo, m. — v. contonearse. Field, s. campo, m. campana, /. — V. tomar el campo (cricket). Fieldfare, 5. zorzal, m. Field-mouse, s. tur6n, m. Fiend, s. demonio, m. Fierce, a. feroz. Fiery, a. ardiente. Fifteen, a. quince. Fifty, a. cincuenta. Fig, 5. higo, m. Fight, s. combate, m. — v. pelear. Figure, s. figura: hechura, /. File, s. fila: lima, /. — v. limar: enfilar. Fill, X. hartura, /. — v. Uenar. Film, s. pelicula: membrana, /. Filter, s. filtro: colador, m. — v. filtrar. Filth, 5. basura, /. Fin, X. aleta, /. Final, a. final: ultimo. Finch, s. pinzon, m. Find, s. hallazgo, m. — v. hallar. Fine, a. fino: puro: astuto — s. multa, /. — V. afinar. Finery, s. adorno, m. Finger, s. dedo, ni. — v. mano- sear. Finish, v. acabar — s. acaba- miento. Fir, 5. abeto, m. Fire, x. fuego, m.: ardor, m. Fire-brigade, s. bomberos, m. pi. 32 Flood Fire-engine, 5. bomba de in- cendios, /. Fire-escape, 5. aparato de salvaniento, m. Firefly, s. luciernaga, /. Fireguard, x. guardafuegos, m. Fireman, x. bombero, m. Fireplace, x. hogar, m. Fire-screen, x. guardafuego, m. Firewood, x. lefifa, /. Firm, a. s61ido — x. casa de comercio, /. First, a. primero. Firstly, ad. primeramente. Fish, X. pescado, m. — v. pescar. Fishing, x. pesca, /. Fishing-boat, x. barcalonga, /. Fishing-line, x. sedal, m. Fishing-rod, x. cana de pes- car, /. Fishmarket, x. pescaderia, /. Fist, X. puno, m. Fit, X. paroxismo: ajuste, m. — v. ajustar. Fitful, a. caprichoso. Five, a. cinco. Fix, X. enredo, m. — v. fijar. Fixed, a. fijo. Flabby, a. flojo. Flag, X. bandera, /.: pabellon, m.: espadafia, /. Flagon, X. frasco, m.: botella, /. Flagrant, a. flagrante. Flake, x. lamina, /. Flame, x. Uamarada: pasi6n, /. Flannel, x. flanela, /. Flash, X. relampago, m. — v. relampaguear. Flashlight, x. destello, m. Flask, X. frasco, m. Flat, a. llano: insipido — x. piso: bemol: tonto, m. Flatten, v. allanar. Flatter, v. adular. Flattery, x. adulaci6n, /. Flavour, x. sabor, m. — v. sazonar. Flax, X. lino, m. Flea, X. pulga, /. Flee, V. huir. Flesh, X. came, /. Flight, X. vuelo, m.: huida, /. Fling, V. arrojar: lanzar. Flirt, ^;. coquetear — x. coqueta,/. Float, V. flotar. Flock, X. rebafio, m.'. manada,/. Flood, X. diluvio, m. — v. inun- dar. Floor I Floor, s. suelo, m.: piso (storey), m. Florid, a. florido. Florist, s. florista, /. Flour, s. harina, /. Flourish, v. florecer. Flow, V. fluir: endear. Flower, s. flor, /. Fluent, a. afluente. Fly, 5. mosca, /. Fly, V. volar. Foam, s. espuma, /. Fog, X. niebla, /.: bruma, /. Fold, V. plegar: cruzar (arms). Foliage, s. foliage, m. Follow, V. seguir. Follower, s. segvudor: dis- cipulo, ni. Folly, s. locura, /. Fond, a. afectuoso. Fondle, v. mimar. Font, s. pila bautismal, /. Food, s. alimento, m.: comida,/. Fool, s. bobo: tonto, m. — v. embromar. Foolhardy, a. temerario. Foot, s. pie, m. Football, s. balon (ball), m.: futb61 (game), m. Footman, s. lacayo, m. Footpath, /. senda, /. For, prep, a causa de: a pesar de: para — c. para que: per cuanto: porque. Forbear, v. abstenerse. Forbearance, x. paciencia, /. Forbid, v. vedar. Forbidding, a. repugnante. Force, s. fuerza, /. — v. forzar. Forcible, a. prevaleciente. Ford, s. vado, m. — v. vadear. Fore, a. anterior — ad. delante. Forearm, s. antebrazo, m. Forecast, s. pronosticacion, /. — V. conjeturar. Forefinger, s. dedp indice, m. Forego, v. renunciar a. Forehead, s. frente, /. Foreigner, s. extranjero: foras- tero, m. Forest, s. bosque, nt. Forfeit, s. multa, /. — v. perder. Forge, s. fragua, /. — v. forjar. Forgery, s. falsificaci6n, /. Forget, V. olvidar. Forget-me-not, s. vellosilla,/. Forgive, v. perdonar. Fork, 5. horca, /.: tenedor, m. Forlorn, a. desamparado. 33 Fresh Form, s. forma: formula,/. — v. formar, ^. Formation, s. formacion, /. Former, a. anterior. Formulate, v. formular. Forsake, v. abandonar. Forsooth, ad. ciertamente. Fort, s. fortaleza, /.: castillo, m. Forth, ad. & pr. fuera. Forthcoming, a. vcnidero. Fortification, x. fortificacion,/. Fortify, v. fortificar. Fortnight, s. quincena, /. Fortress, s. fortaleza,/.: Castil- lo, m. Fortunate, a. afortunado. Fortune, x. hacienda,/.: dote, m. Forty, a. cuarenta. Forward, a. presumido: pronto — ad. adelante — v. avanzar. Foul, a. sucio — v. ensuciar. Found, a. hallado — v. fundar. Foundation, x. fundacion, /. Foundling, x. nino exposito, m. Fountain, x. fuente, /. Four, a. cuatro. Fourteen, a. catorce. Fowl, X. ave: pajaro, m. Fox, X. zorro, m. Fox-glove, s. digital, /. Fox-terrier, s. zorrero, m. Fraction, x. fraccion, /. Fracture, s. fractura, /. — v. fracturar. Fragile, a. fragil. Fragment, x. fragmento, m. Fragrance, x. fragrancia, /. Frail, a. fragil. — x. espuerta, /. Frame, x. cuerpo: marco, m. Frank, a. franco — v. franquear. Frankness, x. franqueza, /. Frantic, a. frenetico. Fraternity, x. fraternidad, /. Fraud, x. fraude, m. Fray, x. disputa: querella, /. Freak, x. capricho, m. Freckle, s. peca, /. Free, a. Libre: gratuito — v. libertar. Freedom, s. libertad, /. Freemason, x. francmas6n, m. Freeze, v. congelar. Freight, x. carga, /.: flete, m. French, a. f ranees — s. la lengua francesa, /. Frenzy, x. frenesi, /. Frequent, a. frecuente. Fresh, a. fresco: nuevo. Freshness Freshness, s. frescura, /. Fretful, a. mohino. Fretwork, s. calados, m. Friar, s. fraile, wi. Friction, s. friccion: frotaci6n,/. Friday, s. viernes, m. Friend, s. amigo, m. Friendless, a. desamparado. Friendly, a. amigable. Frieze, 5. frisa, /.: friso, m. Fright, s. espanto, m. Frightful, a. horrible. Frigid, a. frigido: frio. Frill, 5. vuelo, m. Fringe, s. franja, /. Frisk, s. gambeta,/. — v. brincar. Fritter, s. fritilla, /. Frivolity, 5. frivolidad, /. Fro, ad. atras. Frock, s. sayo, m. Frog, 5. rana: borla, /. Frolic, s. calaverada, /. — v. juguetear. From, pr. de: desde: despu6s. Frond, s. hoja, /. Front, a. delantero — 5. f rente, m. Frontier, s. frontera, /. Frost, s. helada, /. Frosty, a. frio. Froth, s. espuma, /. Frown, s. ceho, m. — v. fruncir el ceno. Frowning, a. cenudo. Frozen, a. helado. Frugal, a. econ6mico. Fruit, 5. fruto, m.: fruta,/. Fruiterer, s. frutero, m. Fruitful, a. prolifico. Frustrate, v. frustrar. Fry, s. fritada, /. — v. freir. Frying-pan, s. sart^n, m. Fuel, 5. combustible: pabulo, m. Fugitive, a. fugitivo. Fulfil, V. cumplir. Full, a. lleno — ad. completa- mente. Fuller's earth, s. tierra de batan, /. Fulsome, a. excesivo. Fumble, v. tartamudear. Fumigate, v. sahumar. Fun, s. chanza: burla, /. Function, s. funci6n, /. Fund, s. fondo: caudal, m. Funeral, s. entierro, m. Fungus, s. hongo, m. Funnel, s. tubo, m. Funny, a. c6mico. Fur, s. piel: incrustaci6n, /. 34 Garnish Furious, a. furioso. Furnace, s. homo, m. Furnish, v. amueblar. Furniture, s. muebles, /. pl. Furrier, s. pelatero, m. Further, a. ulterior: otro — ad. mas lejos — v. adelantar. Furthest, a. lo mas lejos. Fury, s. furia: ira, /. Fuse, s. mecha: espoleta grad- uada, /. Fuss, s. barullo, m. Futile, a. frivolo. Future, 5. porvenir, m. — a. future. G Gabble, v. charlar. Gable, s. caballete, m. Gadfly, s. tabano, m. Gag, V. amordazar — s. mor- daza, /. Gage, V. empenar — s. cauci6n,/. Gaiety, s. alegria,/. Gain, v. ganar: alcanzar — s. ganancia, /. Galantine, s. galantina, /. Gallant, a. galan. .Gallantry, 5. galanteria, /. ' Gallery, j. corredor, m.: galeria, Gallop, s. carrera,/. — v. galopar. Gamble, j^. jugar. Gambler, s. tahur, m. Gamboge, s. gutagamba, /. Gambol, s. caracoleo, m. — v. caracolear. Game, s. juego, m.: caza, /. Gamekeeper, s. guardabosque, ni. Gaming-house, 5. garito, m. Gammon, s. jam6n, m. Gander, 5. ganso, m. Gang, s. cuadrilla, /. Gangway, s. pasamanos, m. Gaol, s. carcel, yn. Gap, s. boquete: intervale, m. Gape, V. entreabriser. Garb, s. vestido, m. Garbage, s. basura, /. Garden, s. jardin: huerto, m. Gardener, 5. jardinero, m. Gargle, 5. gargara, /. — v. gargarizar. Garland, s. guirnalda, /. Garlic, s. ajo, m. Garment, s. vestido, m. Garnet, s. granate, m. Garnish, v. guarnecer. Garret i Garret, s. desvan, m. Garrison, 5. guarnicion, /. Garter, s. jarretera, /.: cenojil, m. Gas, s. gas, m. Gash, 5. cuchillada, /. Gasp, V. boquear. Gastric, a. gastrico. Gate, s. puerta, /. Gather, x. absceso, m. — v. re- coger (pick flowers, etc.): infer: reunir. Gay, a. alegre: vivo. Gaze, V. mirar. Gazelle, 5. gacela, /. Gazette, 5. gaceta, /. Gear, s. aparejo, m. — v. en- jaezar. Gelatine, x. gelatina, /. Gem, s. joya: alhaja, /. Gender, s. genero, m. General, a. general — s. general, in.: generala, /. Generate, v. engendrar. Generosity, s. generosidad, /. Genial, a. alegre. Genius, s. genio, m. Genteel, a. gentil. Gentle, a. suave. Gentleman, s. caballero, m. Gentlewoman, s. sefiora, /. Genuine, a. genuine. Geography, x. geografia, /. Geologist, X. geologo, m. Geometry, x. geometria, /. Geranium, x. geranio, m. Germ, x. germen, tn. Gestation, x. prenez, /. Gesticulate, v. gesticular. Get, zi. ganar: conseguir: llegar. Get angry, enojarse. Get dark, obscurecerse. Get down, bajar. Get into, penetrar. Get off, desprender. Get on, progresar: adelantar. Get out, salir. Get rid of, librarse de. Get up, levantarse. Geyser, x. geiser, m. Ghastly, a. palido. Gherkin, x. cohombrillo, m. Ghost, X. espectro, m. Giant, x. gigante, m.: giganta, /.—a. giganteo. Giddiness, x. vertigo, m. Gift, X. don, m. Gigantic, a. gigantesco. Gild, V. dorar. 35 Grammar Gills, X. agallas, /. pi. Gin, X. ginebra, /. Ginger, x. jengibre, m. Gipsy, X. gitano, m.: gitana, /. Girl, X. muchacha: nina, /. Give, V. dar: donar. Glad, a. alegre: contento. Gladness, s. alegria, /. Glance, x. ojeada, /. — v. ojear. Glaring, a. deslumbrante. Glass, X. vidrio, m.: vaso (article), m. Gleam, x. riele, m.: rayo, m. Glitter, v. brillar. Globe, X. globo, m. Gloom, X. obscuridad: tristeza,/. Gloomy, a. tenebroso: sombrio. Glorious, a. glorioso. Glory, X. gloria: honra, /. Glove, X. guante, m. Glow, X. brillo, m. — v. brillar. Glue, X. cola, /. Gnat, X. cinife, m. Go, V. ir: andar. Goal, X. objeto, m.: tanto (foot- ball), m. Goal-post, X. meta, /, Goat, X. cabra, /. God, X. Dios, 7M. Godfather, x. padrino, m. Godmother, x. madrina, /. Goggles, X. anteojeras, /. pi. Gold, X. oro, m. Golden, a. de oro. Golf, X. golf: golfo, m. Good, a. bueno. Good-bye, interj. adios. Good -morning, interj. buenos dias. Goose, X. ganso, m. Gooseberry, x. grosella, /. Gorge, X. garganta, /.: des- filadero, m. — v. saciar. Gorgeous, a. esplendido. Gorilla, x. gorila, m. Gormandize, v. glotenear. Gorse, x. genista, /. Gospel, X. evangelio, m. Gossip, X. compadre, m. Gout, X. gota, /. Govern, v. gobemar. Government, x. gobiemo, tn. Governor, x. gobemador, m. Gown, X. talar, m.: bata, /. Grab, v. asir: agarrar. Grace, x. gracia: alteza, /. Graceful, a. gracioso. Grain, x. grano, rn. Grammar, x. gramatica, /. Granary i Granary, s. granero: h6rreo, tn. Grand, a. grande. Grandchild, x. nieto, m. Grandfather, x. abuelo, m. Grandmother, x. abuela, /. Granite, s. granito, m. Grant, x. don, m. — v. conceder. Grape, x. uva, /. Graphite, x. grafito, m. Grapple, v. agarrar: luchar. Grasp, V. empunar. Grasping, a. avaro. Grass, x. yerba: verdura, /. Grasshopper, x. cigarron, m. Grate, x. reja, /. Grateful, a. grato. Gratification, x. gratificacion. Gratitude, x. gratitud, /. Gratuitous, a. gratuito. Grave, a. serio — s. sepultura: tumba, /. Gravel, x. casquijo, m. Graveyard, x. cementerio, m. Gravy, x. salsa, /. Gray, a. gris: pardo. Grayheaded, a. canoso. Graze, v. pastorear. Grease, x. grasa, /. Greasy, a. grasiento. Great, a. gran: grande. Greed, x. voracidad: avidez, /. Greedy, a. voraz. Green, a. verde — s. verde, m.: Gasped, m. Greenfinch, x. verderol, m. Greengage, x.ciruelavcrdal /. Greengrocer, x. verdulero, ;/z. Greet, v. saludar. Grey, a. gris: pardo. Greyhound, s. galgo, m. Grief, j. pesar, m.: dolor, m. Grievance, x. agravio, m. Grieve, v. agraviar. Grill, V. asar en parrillas. Grim, a. horrendo. Grimace, x. visaje, m. Grime, x. mugre, /. Grin, x. mueca, /. — v. sonreir burlonamente. Grind, v. moler. Grindstone, x. amoladera, /. Grit, X. cascajo, m. Gritty, a. arenoso. Grocer, x. especiero, m. Grocery, s. espcccria, /. Grope, V. tentar. Gross, a. grosero (coarse) — s. gruesa (144), /. 36 Hand Ground, x. tierra, /.: suelo, m. — V. encallar. Group, X. grupo, m. Grove, x. boscaje, m. Grow, V. crecer. Growl, V. reganar. Grumble, v. grunir. Guarantee, v. afianzar: garan- tir — X. fianza, /. Guard, x. guardia, /.: con- ductor, tn. — V. guardar. Guess, X. conjetura, /. — v. con- jeturar. Guest, X. huesped, m. Guidance, x. gobierno, m.: direccion, /. Guide, V. dirigir: guiar — x. guia, m. Guide-book, x. guiade viajes,/. Guilt, X. culpa: culpabilidad, /. Guilty, a. culpable: reo. Guitar, x. guitarra, /. Gulf, X. golfo, m. Gun, X. escopeta, /.: fusil, m. Gust, X. rafaga, /. Gutter, s. gotera, /.: arroyo, tn. Haberdasher, x. mercero, tn. Habit, X. habito: vestido, tn. Haddock, x. merluza, /. Haggard, a. hurano. Hail, inter j. salve — x. granizo, tn. — V. granizar: saludar. Hailstone, x. piedra de granizo, Hair, x. cabello: pelo, tn. Hairbrush, x. bruza, /. Hairdresser, x. peluquero, tn. Hairpin, x. horquilla, /. Hale, a. sano: vigoroso. Half, a. medio: semi — ad. a mitad — x. mitad, /. Halibut, X. platija, /. Hall, X. vestibule: colegio, tn. Hallucination, X. alucinacion,/. Halo, X. halo, tn. Halt, a. cojo — x. alto, tn. — v. cojear. Halve, V. partir en dos mitades. Ham, X. jamon, tn. Hammer, x. martill6n, tn. — v. martillar. Hammock, x. hamaca, /. Hamper, 5. cesto: canasto, m. — V. estorbar. Hand, x. mano, /.: palmo, tn. — V. aferrar. HandbiH Handbill, s. cartel, m. Handbook, 5. manual, m. Handful, s. manojo: punado, tn. Handkerchief, s. panuelo, m. Handle, s. mango: puno, m. — v. manejar. Handrail, 5. guardalado, m. Handsome, a. belle: hermoso. Handwriting, s. escritura, /. Handy, a. comodo: diestro. Hang, V. colgar: suspender. Hanging, s. colgadura, /. Haphazard, s. suerte: acci- dente, m. Happen, v. acaecer. Happily, ad. felizmente. Happiness, X. felicidad: dicha,/. Happy, a. feliz. Harangue, i. arenga, /. — v. arengar. Harass, v. molestar. Harbour, s. puerto: asilo, m. — V. abrigar. Hard, a. dure: rigido: dificil severe. Harden, v. endurecer: endure- cerse. Hardened, a. inveterado. Hard -hearted, a. inhumano Hardly, ad. apenas. Hardship, s. injuria, /. Hardware, s. quincalleria, /• Hardy, a. osado: robusto. Hare, 5. liebre, m. Harebell, s. campanilla, /. Haricot, x. judia, /. Harlequin, s. arlequin, m. Harm, s. mal: dano, m. — v. dariar. Harmful, a. danoso. Harmless, a. inocente. Harsh, a. aspero. Harvest, 5. cosecha: siega, /. — t'. cosechar: segar. Harvester, s. cosechero, m. Hash, s. jigote, m.—v. picar. Haste, s. precipitacion, /. Hasten, v. acelerar: apresurarse. Hastily, ad. precipitadamente. Hasty, a. apresurado. Hat, s. sombrero, m. Hatch, t;. criar polios. Hatchet, x. destral, m. Hate, x. odio, m. — v. odiar. Hateful, a. aborrecible: odioso. Hatred, x. odio, m. Hatter, x. sombrerero, m. Haughty, a. orguUoso. 137 Her Haul, V. tirar. Haulage, 5. arrastre, trt. Haunch, x. anca, /. Haunt, x. guarida,/. — v. rondar. Have, V. haber: tener: poseer. Havoc, X. devastaci6n, /. Hawker, x. buhonero, m. Hawthorn, x. espino, m. Hay, X. heno, m. Haystack, x. almiar, m. Hazard, x. acaso, m. Haze, X. brumaz6n, m.: niebla,/. Hazel, X. avellano, m. Hazy, a. brumoso. He, pron. €[. Head, x. cabeza, /.: jefe. m. Headache, X. dolorde cabeza, m. Headlong, a. precipitado. Headquarters, x. cuartel general, m. pi. Headstone, x. piedra funda- mental, /. Headstrong, a. cabezudo. Heal, V. curar. Healing, a. curativo. Health, s. salud, /. Healthy, a. salubre. Heap, X. pila, f.—v. aoumular. Hear, v. oir. Hearing, x. oido, m. Hearsay, x. rumor, m. Hearse, x. carro fiinebre, m. Heart, x. corazon, m.: copas (in card playing), m. pi. Hearth, x. hogar, m. Heat, V. calentar: encender — s. calor, m. Heath, x. brezal, m. Heather, x. brezo, m. Heating, x. calefaccion, /. Heave, v. alzar. Heaven, x, cielo, m.: firmamen- to, m. Heavy, a. pesado. Hedge, x. seto, m. Hedgehog, x. erizo, m. Heel, X. talon: tac6n, m. Height, X. altura: estatura, /. Heir, x. heredero, m. Hell, X. infierno, m. Helmet, x. casco: yelmo, m. Help, V. ayndar: asistir — s, ayuda: asistencia, /. Helpful, a. util: servicial. Helpless, a. desemparado. Hen, X. gallina, /. , Her, pron. su: ella: de ella: a ella. Herb Herb, s. hierba, /. Herd, 5. manada, /.: hato, m. Here, adv. aca: aqui: por aqui. Hereafter, adv. en lo future. Hereby, adv. por la presente. Herein, adv. incluso. HerOj 5. h^roe, 771. Heroine, s. heroina,/. Herring, s. arenque, m. Hers, pron. suya: suyo: de ella: el suyo: la suya: los suyos: las suyas. Hesitate, v. dudar: titubear. Hide, 5. cuero, m. — v. ascender. Hideous, a. espantoso: hor- rendo. High, a. alto: elevado: pasado (tainted food). Hill, s. collado, m. Hinder, v. estorbar: impedir. Hindrance, s. impedimento, m. Hinge, s. gozne, m. Hint, X sugestion,/. — v. sugerir. Hip, s. cadera, /. Hire, v. alquilar.5. alquiler, m. Hiss, V. chiflar: silbar — s. rechifla, /. Hit, s. golpe: alcance, m. — v. acertar: lograr. Hitch, s. gancho, m. — v. en- ganchar: amarrar. Hither, a. citerior — ad. aca: aqui: por aqui. Hitherto, ad. hasta ahora. Hive, 5. colmena, /. — f. en- jam brar. Hoard, s. tesoro, m. — v. amon- tonar. Hoarse, a. ronco. Hoax, s. petardo, m. — v. burlar. Hob, s. antehogar, m. Hobble, V. manear. Hog, s. cerdo: puerco, m. Hoist, V. alzar: enarbolar. Hold, V. contener: tener — s. bodega: custodia, /. Hole, 5. agujero, m. Holiday, 5. feria, /. Holidays, J. vacaciones,/.^/. Hollow, a. vacio: falso — s. cavi- dad, /. — V. excavar, /. Holly, 5. acebo, m. Hollyhock, j. malva hor- tense, /. Holy, a. santo: bendito. Holy -week, x. semana santa, /. Homage, s. homenaje, m. Home, X. casa, /.: domicilio, m. Home-made, a. dom^stico. 38 Housemaid Homely, a. casero. Homesickness, s. nostalgia,/. Honest, a. honesto: honrado. Honesty, s. honestidad, /. Honey, 5. miel, m. Honeymoon, s. luna de miel,/. Honeysuckle, s. madreselva, /. Honorary, a. honorario. Honour, 5. honra, /.: honor, m. — V. honrar. Hood, s. caperuza, /. Hoof, s. casco, m.: pezuna, /. Hook, s. garfio: gancho, m. — v. abrochar. Hoop, 5. arc: cerco, m. — v. poner arcos. Hooping-cough, s. coque- luche, m. Hoot, X. grita, /. — v. gritar. Hop, s. brinco: liipulo, m. — v. saltar. Hope, s. esperanza: espera,/. — v. esperar. Hopeful, a. esperanzado. Hopeless, a. desesperado. Horde, s. horda, /. Horizon, s. horizonte, m. Horn, s. cuerno, m.: asta, /. Hornet, s. avisp6n, m. Hornpipe, s. gaita, /. Horrid, a. horrible. Horrify, v. horrorizar. Horror, 5. horror, m. Horse, 5. caballo: enjugador, m. Horse-chestnut, s. castafio de Indias, m. Hose, s. calzas medias,/. pi. Hosier, s. mediero, m. Hospital, s. hospital: hospicio, m. Host, s. hostia, /. Hostelry, s. posada: hosteria,/. Hostess, s. posadera, /. Hot, a. calido: caliente. Hotel, s. posada, /. Hot-house, X. invernadero, m. Hound, s. galgo: perro, m. — v. perseguir. Hour, X. hora, /. Hourly, ad. a cada hora. House, X. casa, /.: menaje, m. — V. albergar. Household, 5. casa, /. Housekeeper, s. ama de Haves, Housekeeping, s. gobierno domestico, m. Housemaid, x. criada de casa,/. I How ] How, adv. como: cuanto: cuan. How do you do ? ^ como esta V ? However, ad. como quiera que sea. Howl, V. aullar. Huddle, V. atropellarse. Hue, s. color: matiz, ni. Hug, 5. abrazo, m. — v. abrazar: acariciar. Huge, a. vasto: immense. Hulk, 5. armatoste, m. Hull, 5. cascara: silicua, /. — V. descascarar. Human, a. humane. Humble, a. humilde — v. humillar. Humid, a. hiimedo. Humiliate, v. humillar. Humility, s. humildad, /. Humorous, a. comico. Humiour, s. humor, m. — v. complacer. Hump, s. joroba, /. Hundred, a. ciento — s. ciento, m. Hunger, s. hambre, m. — v. hambrear. Hungrily, ad. avidamente. Hunt, 5. caza, /. — v. cazar. Hunter, s. cazador, m. Hurry, v. apresurar. Hurt, s. daiio: mal, m. — v. danar. Husband, s. marido, m, Husky, a. ronco: aspero. Hussar, 5. hiisar, m. Hustle, V. escaramuzar. Hut, s. cabaiia: barraca, /. Hyacinth, j. jacinto, m. Hybrid, a. hibrido. Hydrogen, s. hidrogeno, m. Hydrostatics, 5. hidrostatica, /. pi. Hyena, s. hiena, /. Hygiene, s. higiene, m. Hymn, s. himno, m. I, pron. yo. Ice, 5. hielo, m. Iceberg, 5. banco de hielo, m. Ice-cream, s. helado, m. Idea, 5. idea, /. Ideal, s. ideal, m. — a. ideal. Identical, a. identico. Identify, t;. identificar. Idiot, s. idiota, /. Idiotic, a. absurdo. Idle, a. ocioso — v. holgazan. 39 In Idleness, s. ociosidad, /. If, conj. si. Ignorance, s. ignorancia, /. Ignorant, a. ignorante. Ill, s. mal, m. — a. male: doliente. Illigitimate, a. ilegitimo. Illiterate, a. ilitcrato: ignorante. Illness, s. enfermedad, /. Illuminate, v. iluminar. Illumination, s. iluminacion,/. Illusion, s. ilusion, /. Illustrate, v. ilustrar. Image, 5. imagen, /. Imagination, s. imaginaci6n,/. Imagine, v. imaginar. Imbecile, a. imbecil. Imitate, v. imitar. Imitation, s. imitacion, /. Immediately, ad. inmediata- mente. Immense, a. inmenso. Immigrate, v. inmigrar. Imminent, a. inminente. Impatient, a. impaciente. Impede, v. impedir. Impel, V. incitar. Imperfection, s. imperfec- cion, /. Imperial, a. imperial. Imperil, v. arriesgar. Imperishable, a. indestruct- ible. Impertinence, s. impertinen- cia, /. Impertinent, a. insolente. Impetuous, a. impetuoso. Implement, s. herramienta, /. Implicate, v. implicar. Implore, v. implorar. Imply, V. significar. Impolite, a. descortes. Import, J. importacion, /.— 1>. import ar. Important, a. importante. Impose, V. imponer. Imposing, a. imponente. Impossible, a. imposible. Impression, s. impresion, /. Imprison, v. encarcelar: en- cerrar. Improbable, a. improbable. Improve, v. mejorar. Imprudent, a. imprudente. Impulsive, a. impulsivo. Impunity, j. impunidad, /. Impure, a. impuro. Impute, V. imputar. In, pr. en: entre: por: k — ad. adentro: dentro. Inability 140 Infectious Inability, 5. incapacidad, /. Inaccessible, a. inaccesible. Inaccuracy, s. inexactitud: incorreccion, /. Inactive, a. inactivo. Inactivity, 5. pereza, /. Inadequate, a. insuficiente. Inadmissible, a. inadmisible. Inadvertence, s. inadverten- cia, /. Inane, a. vacio. Inanimate, a. muerto: inm6vil. Inapplicable, a. inaplicable. Inappreciable, a. inestimable. Inappropriate, a. incon- veniente. Inaptitude, s. ineptitud,/. Inarticulate, a. inarticulado. Inattention, 5. desatencion, /. Inaudible, a. inaudible. Inaugurate, v. inaugurar. Incalculable, a. incalculable. Incandescence, 5. incandes- cencia, /. Incapable, a. incapaz. Incendiary, s. incendiario, m. Incentive, s. incentive, 771. Incessant, a. incesante. Incident, s. incidente, m.: ocur- rencia, /. Incivility, s. incivilidad, /. Inclement, a. inclemente. Inclination, 5. inclinacion, /. Incline, v. inclinar. Include, v. incluir: contener. Inclusive, a. inclusivo. Incoherence, x. incoherencia,/. Income, s. renta: entrada, /. Income-tax, s. impuesto, m. Incomplete, a. incomplete. Incomprehensible, a. incom- prensible. Inconceivable, a. inconcebible. Incongruous, a. incongruo. Inconsiderate, a. incon- siderado. Inconsistent, a. inconsistente. Inconvenient, a. inc6modo. Incorrect, a. err6neo. Incorrigible, a. incorregible. Increase, s. aumento, m. — v. acrecentar. Incredible, a. increible. Incredulity, s. incredulidad, /. Incriminate, v. incriminar. Incubator, 5. incubador, m. Incur, V. incurrir. Incurable, a. incurable. Indebted, a. empefiado. Indecency, s. indecencia, /. Indeed, ad. verdaderamente. Indefensible, a. indefendible. Indefinite, a. indefinido. Indelible, a. indeleble. Indelicate, a. grosero. Indemnity, s. indemnidad, /. Independence, s. independen- cia, /. Indescribable, a. indescript- ible. Index, 5. indicio, m. India-rubber, s. goma, /. Indicate, v. indicar. Indict, V. acusar. Indifference, 5. indiferencia, /. Indigence, x. indigencia, /. Indigenous, a. indigena. Indigent, a. indigente. Indigestible, a. indigestible. Indignant, a. indignado. Indigo, 5. aiiil: indigo, m. Indiscreet, a. indiscrete. Indiscriminate, a. indistinto. Indispensable, a. indispens- able. Indistinct, a. confuso. Individual, a. individual — s. individuo, m. Indivisible, a. indivisible. Indolence, 5. indolencia, /. Indoors, ad. adentro. Induce, v. persuadir. Indulge, V. favorecer: tolerar. Indulgent, a. indulgente. Industrious, a. industrioso: diligente. Industry, s. industria, /. Inebriate, s. borrach6n, m. Ineffectual, a. ineficaz. Inefficient, a. incapaz. Inelegant, a. inelegante: gros- ero. Inept, a. inepto. Inert, a. inerte. Inestimable, a. inestimable. Inexact, a. inexacto. Inexpedient, a. inoportuno. Inexpensive, a. econ6mico. Inexperience, s. inexperiencia, /. Inexplicable, a. inexplicable. Infallibility, s. infalibilidad, /. Infamous, a. infame. Infant, s. infante: nifio, m. Infantry, s. infanteria, /. Infatuate, v. infatuar. Infect, V. infecta. Infectious, a. contagioso. Infer i Infer, v. inferir: deducir. Inferior, a. inferior. Infest, V. infestar. Infirm, a. d^bil: doliente. Infirmity, s. enfermedad, /. Inflammable, a. inflamable: ardiente. Inflate, r;. ififlar. Inflict, V. infligir. Influence, 5. influencia, /, Influenza, 5. influenza, /. Inform, v. informar: ensenar. Information, s. informaci6n: aviso, m. Infrequent, a. raro. Infringe, v. infringir. Infuriate, v. enfurecer. Ingenious, a. ingenioso. Ingot, s. lingote, m. Ingratitude, 5. ingratltud, /. Ingredient, s. ingrediente, m. Inhabit, v. habitar. Inhabitant, s. habitante, m. Inhale, v. inhalar. Inherit, v. heredar. Initial, a. inicial — s. letra inicial, /. Injection, 5. inyeccion, /. Injudicious, a. indescreto. Injure, v. injuriar. Injury, s. injuria, /.: dafio, m. Ink, s. tinta, /. — v. entintar. Inland, a. interior. Inlet, s. ensenada, /. Inmate, x. huesped, m. Inn, s. posada, /. Inner, a. interior. Innocence, s. inocencia, /. Inoculate, v. inocular. Insane, a. insano, /. Inscribe, v. inscribir. Inscription, s. inscripcion, /. Insect, s. insecto, m. Insecure, a. inseguro. Insensible, a. insensible. Inseparable, a. inseparable. Insert, v. insertar. Inside, a. & s. interior — pr. dentro: adentro: en. Insidious, a. insidioso. Insight, 5. penetracion, /. Insignificant, a. insignificante. Insincere, a. falso: disimulado. Insinuate, v. insinuar. Insipid, a. insipido. Insist, t'. insistir. Insolence, s. insolencia, /. Insomnia, s. insomnio, m. Inspect, V. inspeccionar. I Interpret Inspector, s. inspector, m. Inspiration, x. inspiraci6n, /. Inspire, v. inspirar: iluminar. Instability, 5. instabilidad, /. Install, V. instalar. Instalment, 5. instalacion, /. Instantaneous, a. instantaneo. Instead of, ad. en lugar de: en vez de: por. Instep, s. empeine, m. Instigate, v. instigar. Instinct, s. sagacidad, /. Institute, s. instituto, m. — v. instituir. Instruct, V. instruir: ensenar. Instructive, a. instructivo. Instrument, 5. instrumcnto, m. Insufferable, a. insufrible. Insuflficient, a. insuficiente. Insulate, v. aislar. Insult, X. insulto, m.: afrenta,/. — V. insultar. Insulting, a. insultante. Insurance, s. aseguracion: se- guridad, /. Insure, v. asegurar. Intact, a. intacto. Integrity, s. integridad, /, Intellect, 5. inteligencia, /. Intellectual, a. intelectual. Intelligence, 5. inteligencia, /. Intelligible, a. inteligible. Intemperance, s. intemperan- cia, /. Intemperate, a. destemplado. Intend, t;. intentar: determinar. Intense, a. intenso. Intensely, ad. vivamente. Intensive, a. intensive. Intent, a. atento — s. intento, nt. Intention, s. intencion, m. designio, /. Inter, v. enterrar. Intercourse, 5. relaciones, /. pi. Interest, s. interns: influjo, m. — V. interesar. Interesting, a. interesante. Interfere, v. intervenir. Interfering, a. entremetido. Interior, a. interior — s. in- terior, m. Interloper, 5. entremetido, m. Intermediate, a. intermedio. Interminable, a. interminable. Intermingle, v. entremezclar. Intern, t'. internar. Interpose, v. interponer. Interpret, t;. interpretar. Interpreter i Interpreter, s. int^rprete: traductor, m. Interrogate, v. interrogar. Interrupt, v. interrumpir. Interval, s. intervalo, m. Intervene, v. intervenir. Interview, s. conferencia, /. Intimacy, s. intimidad, /. Intimate, a. intimo: familiar — V. insinuar. Intimidate, v. intimidar. Into, pr. en: dentro: adentro. Intolerable, a. intolerable. Intolerant, a. intolerante. Intoxicate, v. embriagar. Intoxication, s. embriaguez: borrachera, /. Intrepid, a. intr^pido, /. Intricate, a. complicado: em- brollado. Intrigue, s. intriga, /. — v. in- trigar. Introduce, v. introducir. Introduction, 5. introduccidn,/. Intrude, v. introducirse. Intrusion, s. intrusion,/. Inundate, v. inundar. Invade, v. invadir, /. Invalid, a. invalido — 5. in- valido: enfermo, m. Invasion, s. invasi6n: cor- reria, /. Invent, v. inventar. Invention, 5. invenci6n /. Invert, v. invertir. Invertebrate, a. invertebrado. Invest, V. investir: emplear, m. Investigate, v. investigar. Investor, s. rentista, m. Invigorate, v. vigorar. Invincible, a. invencible. Inviolate, a. inviolado: intacto. Invisible, a. invisible. Invitation, 5. invitacion, /. Invite, V. convidar. Invoice, s. factura, /. Invoke, v. invocar. Involve, V. envolver. Inward, a. interior: interne. Iodine, 5. yodo, m. Irascible, a. irascible. Irate, a. irritado: furioso. Ire, 5. ira, /. Irksome, a. enfadoso: tedioso. Iron , s. hierro, m. : herramienta,/. Ironmonger, s. quincallero, m. Ironmongery, J. quincalleria,/. Irregular, a. irregular. Irrelevant, a. inaplicable. a Jolty Irreproachable, a. irreproch- able. Irresponsible, a. irresponsable. Irretrievable, a. irrecuperable. Irrigate, v. regar. Irritate, v. irritar. Irritation, s. irritaci6n, /. Island, s. isla, /. Isolate, V. aislar. Issue, 5. salida: emisi6n, /. — v. emitir: salir. Isthmus, s. istmo, m. It, pn. 61: ella: ello: lo: la: le. Itch, 5. sarna, /. Itinerant, a. vago. Itinerary, s. itinerario, m. — a. itinerario. Its, pn. su: suyo: sus. Itself, pn. el: la: lo mismo. Ivory, X. marfil, m. Ivy, s. hiedra, /. Jackdaw, s. chova, /. Jacket, 5. chaqueta, /. Jade, s. jade, m. Jam, X. conserva: apretura, /. January, x. enero, m. Jar, V. chocar: discordar: sacu- dir — X. vibraci6n, /.: jarro, m. Jasmine, x. jazmin, m. Jaundice, x. ictericia, /. Javelin, x. jabalina, /. Jaw, X. mandibula: quijada, /. Jay, X. grajo, nt. Jealous, a. celoso. Jeer, v. mofarse. Jelly, X. jalea, /. Jelly-fish, x. medusa, /. Jeopardize, v. arriesgar. Jerk, V. sacudir — x. sacudida,/. Jest, X. chanza, /. — v. chance- arse. Jet, X. azabache: chorro: surti- dor, m. Jewel, X. joya, /. Jewellery, x. joyas, /. pi. Jilt, V. coquetear — x. coqueta,/. Job, X. empleo: negocio, m.: tarea, /. Jockey, x. jockey, nt. Join, V. juntar: unirse. Joining, x. juntura, /. Joint, a. solidarlo — x. juntura,/. Joke, X. chanza,/. — v. chancear. Jokingly, ad. de burlas. Jolly, a. alegre. Jolt I Jolt, s. traqueo, m. — v. tra- quear. Jonquil, 5. junquillo, m. Journal, s. diario, m. Journey, s. viaje, m. — v. viajar. Jovial, a. alegre. Joy, s. gozo, m. Joyful, a. gozoso. Judge, s. juez, m. — v. juzgar. Judgment, s. juicio, m. Judicious, a. juicioso: pru- dente. Jug, 5. jarro, ni. Juggle, V. prestidigitar. Juice, X. zumo: jugo, m. Juicy, a. jugoso. July, s. Julio, m. Jumble, s. embroUo, nt. Jump, s. salto, m. — v. saltar: brincar. Junction, s. junta, /. June, s. junio, m. Jungle, 5. matorral, m. Junior, a. menor. Just, a. justo — ad. justo. Justice, s. justicia, /. Justifiable, a. legitime. Justify, V. justificar. Justly, ad. justamente. Jute, s. yute, m. Juvenile, a. juvenil. K Kale, 5. breton, m. Kangaroo, s. cangani, m. Keel, s. quilla, /. Keen, a. sutil: agudo. Keep, V. tener: mantener: ob- servar — s. guarda, /. Keeper, s. guardian, m. Kennel, s. perrera, m. Kettle, s. caldera, /. Key, X. Have: tecia, /. Kick, V. cocear. Kid, 5. cabrito, m. Kidnap, v. robar nines li hem- bres. Kidney, 5. rifion, m. Kidney-bean, s. judia, /. Kill, V. matar: asesinar. Kin, s. afinidad, /. Kind, a. buene: ben^vole — s. genere, m. Kindly, a. benevolo — ad. be- nignamente. King, s. rey, m. Kingdom, s. reino, m. 43 Landscape Kingfisher, s. martin pesca- dor, m. Kipper, x arenque: ahumado, m. Kiss, s. beso: 6sculo, m. — v. besar. Kitchen, 5. cecina, /. Kite, s. gavilan, m.: cenieta, /. Kitten, 5. gatillo, m. Knack, s. mafia: churcheria, /. Knapsack, s. mochila, /. Knave, s. bribon, /. Knead, v. amasar. Knee, x. rodilla, /. Kneel, v. arrodillarse. Knife, x. cuchillo, m. Knight, X. caballero, m. Knighthood, x. caballeria, /. Knit, V. hacer malla. Knitting, x. tejide, m. Knob, X. boton: pufio, m. Knock, X. golpe, m. — v. tocar. Knocker, x. llamader, m. Knocking, x. aldabazo, m. Know, V. conocer: saber. Knowing, a. inteligente. Knowledge, X. conocimiente, m. Knuckle, x. artejo, m. Label, x. esquela,/. — v. retular- Laborious, a. laboriose. Labour, x. trabajo: parte — v. trabajar. Labourer, x. jornalere, m. Laburnum, x. codeso, m. Lace, X. pasamane, m. — v. abrochar. Lack, X. carencia,/. — v. carecer. Lad, X. mozo: muchacho, m. Ladder, x. escala, /. Ladle, x. cucharon, m. Lady, x. senera: dama: senorita,/. Ladylike, a. seiioril. Lady's-maid, x. criada, /. Lag, V. quedarse atras. Lake, x. lago, in. Lamb, x. cordere, m. Lame, a. cojo. Lament, x. lamento, vt. — v, lamentar. Lamp, X. lampara, /. Land, v. desembarcar — s. tier- ra, /. Landlady, s. huespeda: posa- dera, /. Landlord, x. huesped: posa- dero, m. Landscape, x. paisaje, m. Lane 144 Lightning Lane, s. callejuela: senda, /. Language, s. lengua, /.: leng- uaje, ni. Languid, a. languido. Lantern, s. linterna, /. Lap, 5. falda, /.: regazo, m.- — v. lamer. Lapel, 5. solapa, /. Lapse, X. curso, m.: caida,/. — v. escurrir. Large, a. grande: vasto. Lark, s. alondra, /. Lass, X. moza, /. Lassitude, s. cansancio, m. Last, V. durar — a. ultimo. Latch, i;. cerrar — s. aldaba de puerta, /. Late, a. tardio: tardo — ad. tarde. Lately, ad. recientemente. Lather, s. jabonadura, /. Latter, a. posterior: ultimo. Laugh, V. reir — s. risa, /. Laughable, a. risible. Laughter, 5. risa, /. Launch, s. lancha (boat), /. — lanzar. Laundress, s. lavandera, /. Laundry, s. lavadero, vi. Laurel, s. laurel: honor, m. Lavatory, x. lavatorio: ex- cusado: lavadero, m. Lavish, v. desparramar. Law, s. ley, /. Lawn, s. prado, cesped, m. Lawyer, 5. abogado, m. Lay, V. poner: colocar. Lazy, a. ocioso: perezoso. Lead, s. plombo, m. — v. con- ducir. Leader, s. conductor: jefe, m. Leaf, X. hoja, /. League, s. liga, /. Leak , s. via de agua,/. — v. gotear. Leaky, a. agujereado. Lean, a. magro — s. carne magra, /. Lean, v. apoyar. Leap, s. salto — v. saltan Learn, v. instruir: aprender. Learning, s. erudicion, /. Lease, s. arriendo, m. — v. ar- rendar. Least, a. mfnimo — ad. menos. Leather, s. cuero, m. Leathery, a. correoso. Leave, s. licencia, /.: vaca- ciones, /. pi. — v. dejar. Lecture, s. lectura, /. — v. ser- monear. Lecturer, x. lector, m. Ledge, x. borde, ?7i. Leech, s. sanguijuela, /. Leek, s. puerro, m. Left, a. izquierdo. Leg, X. pie: pierna: pata, /. Legacy, x. legado, m. Legate, x. legado, m. Legend, x. leyenda, m. Leisure, x. ocio, m. Lemon, x. limon, m. Lemonade, x. limonada, /. Lend, v. prestar. Lender, x. prestamista, m. Length, x. largura: duracidn, /. Lengthy, a. largo. Lenient, a. clemente. Lens, X. lente, /. Lent, X. cuaresma: cuadrag^- sima, /. Lentil, x. lenteja, /. Leopard, x. leopardo, m. Less, a. menor: menos. Lesson, x. leccion: ensenanza,/. Lest, c. de miedo que. Let, X. obstaculo, m. — v. ar- rendar: impedir. Letter, x. letra, /.: caracter, m. Letter-box, x. buz6n, ni. Lettuce, x. lechuga, /. Liability, x. responsabilidad, /. Liable, a. responsable. Liar, x. embustero, m. Libel, X. libelo, m. — v. difamar. Liberty, x. libertad, /. Library, x. biblioteca, /. Licence, License, s. licencia, /.: permiso, m. License, v. licenciar. Lick, V. lamer. Lid, s. tapa, /.: parpado, m. Lie, X. mentira, /. — v. mentir: yacer. Lieu, X. lugar, m. Lieutenant, x. teniente, m. Life, X. vida, /. Lifeboat, x. bote salvavidas, m. Lifeless, a. inanimado. Lifelike, a. natural. Lift, X. elevador, m. — v. elevar. Light, a. claro: blondo: gayo — X. luz, /. — V. encender: en- cenderse. Lighten, v. alumbrar: alijar. Lighthouse, x. faro, m. Lighting, x. alumbrado, m. Lightning, 5. relampago, m. Like Like, a. semejante — ad. como — V. amar. Likely, a. probable — ad. prob- ablemente. Likewise, ad. & c. tambi^n. Lilac, s. lila, /. Lily, s. lirio, m. Limb, 5. miembro, m, Lime, 5. cal: liga. Limit, s. li'mite, m. — v. limitar. Limp, a. flojo — v. cojear. Limpet, s. lapa, /. Line, s. linea: raya,/.: contomo: ecuador: ferrocarril, m. — v. forrar: revestir. Linen, s. lienzo: lino, m. Linen-draper, 5. lencero, m. Linger, v. tardar. Liniment, s. linimento, m. Lining, s. revestimiento, rn. Link, s. eslabon, m.: hacha, /. Linnet, x. jilguero, m. Linoleum, 5. hule, m. Linseed, 5. linaza, /. Lint, s. hilas, /. pi.: hilaza, /. Lion, X. leon, m. Lioness, s. leona, /. Lip, s. labio: borde, m. Liquid, a. iiquido — s. licor, m. Liquidation, s. liquidacion, /. Liquor, 5. licor, m. Lisp, X. ceceo, m. — v. cecear. List, X. lista: liza: cenefa, /. — v. querer. Listen, v. escuchar. Listener, s. escuchador, m. Literature, x. literatura, /. Lithe, a. delgado: agil. Litigation, x. litigio, m. Litter, x. lechigada, /. Little, a. & ad. poco. Live, a. vivo: vivir. Livelihood, x. mantenimiento, 7n. Lively, a. animado — ad. viva- mente. Liver, x. higado, m. Livid, a. livido. Living, a. vivo. Lizard, x. lagarto, m. Load, X. carga, /.: peso, m. — v. cargar. Loaf, X. pan, m.: torta, /. — v. holgazanear. Loan, X. emprestito: prestamo, m. Lobster, x. langosta, /. Local, a. local. Locality, x. localidad, /. K 14.1 Lurid Locate, V. situar. Lock, X. cerradura: Have,/. — v. cerrar. Lock-up, s. carcel, m. Locomotive, x. locomotiva, /. Lodge, X. logia, /. — v. alojar: residir. Lodger, x. huesped, m. Lodgings, x. cuartos, m. pi. Lofty, a. sublime. Log, X. leno, m. Loiter, v. haraganear. Lonely, a. aislado. Long, a. largo — ad. largo tiem- po — V. desear. Look, V. considerar: mirar: con- templar — X. aspecto, m. Loose, a. suelto. Loosen, v. soltar. Loot, X. pillaje, m. — v. saqnear. Lord, X. sefior: Dios, m. Lory, X. loro, m. Lose, V. perder. Loss, X. perdida, /. Lot, X. lote, m. Loth, a. adv-erso. Lotion, X. locion, /. Lottery, x. loteria, /. Loud, a. ruidoso. Louse, X. piojo, m. Lovable, a. amable. Love, X. amor, m. — v. amar. Lovely, a. hermoso. Lover, x. amante, m. Loving, a. afectuoso. Low, a. bajo: pequeno — ad. bajo. Low, V. mugir: bramar. Lower, a. mas bajo: inferior. Lowest, a. bajisimo. Lowly, a. humilde Loyal, a. leal. Loyalty, x. lealtad, /. Lozenge, x. pastilla, /. Lubricate, v. lubricar. Luck, X. acaso, m. Lucky, a. dichoso. Ludicrous, a. comico. Luggage, X. bagaje: trasto, m. Lukewarm, a. tibio. Lull, X. calma, /. Lumber, x. armatoste, m. Lumpy, a. grumoso. Lunatic, x. lunatico, m. Lunch, X. merienda, /. — v. merendar. Lung, X. pulm6n, m. Lupine, x. altramuz, m. Lurid, a. rojizo. Lurk 146 Lurk, V. acechar. Luscious, a. meloso. Lustful, a. lujurioso. Lustily, ad. vigorosamente. Lusty, a. vigoroso. Luxuriant, a. abundante. Luxury, s. lujuria, /. Lying, a. mentiroso: falso. M Macaroni, s. macarrones, m. pi. Macaroon, s. almendrado, m. Machine, s. maquina, /. Machinery, s. maquinaria, /. Mackerel, s. escombro, m. Mackintosh , s. impermeable, m . Mad, a. loco: rabioso. Madman, s. loco, m. Madness, s. locura, /. Madam, s. madama: senora, /. Magazine, s. almac^n: peri6d- ico, tn. Maggot, s. gusano, m. Magic, J. magia, /. Magician, s. mago, m. Magistrate, x. magistrado, m. Magnanimity, s. magnanimi- dad, /. Magnesia, s. magnesia, /. Magnet, s. iman, m. Magnificent, a. magnifico. Magnify, v. magnificar. Magpie, 5. picaza, /. Mahogany, 5. caoba, /. Maid, Maiden, s. doncella: moza, /. Maidenhood, s. doncellez, /. Maim, v. mutilar. Main, a. mayor: principal — 5. oc6ano: curso, ?«.: caneria, /. Maintain, v. mantener. Maize, s. maiz, m. Majestic, a. majestuoso. Major, a. mayor — x. mayor, m. Majority, 5. mayoria, /. Make, s. hechura, /. — v. hacer: fabricar. Maker, s. hacedor, m. Malady, s. mal, m.: enferme- dad, /. Male, a. masculino. Malice, s. malicia, /. Mallet, s. mazo, m. Mallow, 5. malva, /. Maltreat, v. maltratar. Mammoth, s. mammut, m. Man, s. hombre: pe6n, m. — a. macho — v. tripular. Masonic Manage, v. manejar. Management, j. manejo, m. Mandoline, s. mandolina, /. Manger, s. pesebre, m. Mangle, s. calandria, /. — v. satinar. Maniac, s. maniatico, tn. Manifest, v. manifestar. Manslaughter, s. homicidio, m. Mantelpiece, s. repisa de chimenea, /. Manual, a. manual — s. teclado, tn. Manufacture, s. manufactura, /. — V. manufacturar. Manufacturer, s. fabricante, tn. Manure, s. abono, m. — v. estercolar. Manuscript, s. manuscrito, m. Many, a. muchos: varies — s. multitud, /. Map, J. mapa, /.: plan, m. — v. trazar. Maple, s. arce, m. Marble, s. marmol, m. March, s. marcha, /.: marzo (month of), m. — v. marchar — V. poner en marcha. — in, entrar. — off, irse. — out, salir. Marches, x. fronteras, /. pi. Marchioness, s. marquesa, /. Mare, x. yegua, /. Margarine, x. margarina, /. Marigold, x. calendula, /. Marine, a. marino — x. marino, tn. Maritime, a. marftimo. Marjoram, x. mejorana, /. Mark, x. marca, /. — v. marcar. Market, x. mercado, tn. Marmalade, x. mermelada, /. Marriage, 5. matrimonio, m. Married, a. casado. Marrow, x. medula, /. Marry, v. casar: casarse. Marsh, x. pantano, m. Marsh -mallow, x. malvavis- co, m. Martyr, x. martir, m. — v.n\zT- tirizar. Marvel, x. maravilla, /. — v. maravillar. Marvellous, a. maravilloso. Marvellously, ad. a maravilla. Masculine, a. masculino. Mash, X. masa, tn. — v. amasar. Masonic, a. mas6nico. Mass I Mass, J. masa, /. Massacre, s. matanza, /. — v. degollar. Massive, a. macizo. Mast, s. arbol, m.: bellotas,/. pi. Master, 5. maestro: patron, m. — V. domar. Masterly, a. habil. Mastiff, s. mastin, m. Mat, s. estera, /. — v. esterar. Match, x. f6sforo, m.: partido, m. — V. concordarse. Match-box, j. fosforera, /. Matchless, a. incomparable. Mate, s. consorte: segundo, m. Material, j. material, m.: pano (stuff), m. Maternal, a. matemo. Maternity, s. matemidad, /. Mathematics, j. matematica, f.pl. Matrimony, s. matrimonio, m. Matron, s. matrona, /. Matter, s. materia, /. — v. importar. Mattress, 5. colchon, m. Mature, a. maduro. Maturity, s. madurez, /. Mauve, s. color de malva, m. Maxim, s. maxima, /. Maximum, s. maximo, m. May, 5. mayo, m.: espina blanca, /. Maybe, ad. quiza. Mayor, s. alcalde, m. Maze, s. laberinto, m. Me, pn. me: mi: a mi. Meadow, s. prado, m. Meal -time, s. hora de la comida, /. Mean, a. bajo: mezquino — 5. medio, m. — v. significar. Meaning, 5. intencion, /. Meaningless, a. insignificante. Meanness, i. bajeza, /. Meanwhile, ad. interin. Measles, s. sarampion, m. pi. Measure, 5. medida: dimen- sion, /. — V. medir. Measurement, s. medida, /. Meat, s. came: vianda, /. Mechanic, s. mecanico, m. Mechanics, s. mecanica, /. pi. Medal, s. medalla, /. Medallion, 5. medall6n, m. Meddle, v. entremeterse. Mediator, s. mediador, m. Medical, a. medico. Medicine, s. medicina, /. 7 Midway Mediocre, a. mediano. Meditate, v. meditar. Medium, s. medio, m.: via, /. Meed, s. recompensa, /. Meek, a. manso. Meet, a. propio: apto — v. enj contrar: encontrarse. Meeting, s. encuentro. n^ asamblea, /. Melancholy, a. melanuilico— 5. melancolia, /. Melodious, a. melodio&D- Melon, X. melon, m. Melt, V. derretir: fundifSE. Melting, 5. fusion, /. Member, s. miembro, fw^ Memoir, s. memoria: noticia,/. Memorial, s. memoria, /. Memory, s. memoria, /. Men, 5. hombres, m. pi. Menace, s. amenaza, /. — v. amenazar. Mend, v. reparar: remendar. Mendicant, s. mendicante, m. Menial, a. servil. Mental, a. mental. Mention, s. mencion, /. Mercantile, a. mercantil. Mercenary, a. mercenario. Merchandise, s. mercancia, /. Merchant, s. mercante: nego- ciante, rn. Merciful, a. misericordioso. Merciless, a. inhumano. Mercury, s. azogue, m. Mercy, s. misericordia, /. Mere, a. mero. Merely, ad. simplemente. Merge, zk incorporar. Merit, x. merito, m. — v. merecer. Mermaid, s. sirena, /. Merrily, ad. alegremente. Merry, a. alegre. Mesh, X. punto, m. Mesmerize, v. magnetizar. Mess, X. desorden: rancho, m. — V. ensuciar. Message, x. mensaje, m. Messrs., s. Senores, m. pi. Microbe, x. microbio, m. Midday, s. mediodia, m. Middle, x. centre: medio, m. — a. medio: intermedio. Midge, X. mosquito, m. Midland, a. mediterraneo. Midnight, x. media noche, /. Midsummer, X. solsticio estiva!, wz. Midway, ad. k medio camino. Midwife i Midwife, x. partera, /. Might, s. poder, m. Mightily, ad. fuertemente. Mightiness, s. potencia, /, Mignonette, j. reseda, /. Migrate, v. emigrar. Mild, a. blando: suave. Mildew, s. tizon, 7n. Military, a. militar — s. solda- desca, /. pi. Militia, s. milicia, /. Milk, X. leche, /. — v. ordenar. Milkman, s. lechero, m. Mill, s. molino: pugilato, m. — v. moler. Millstone, 5. muela, /. Miller, s. molinero, in. Millet, 5. mijo, m. Milliner, x. modista, /. Million, s. millon, m. Millionaire, 5. millonario, m. Mimic, V. imitar. Mince, v. desmenuzar. Mind, 5. mente, /. — v. reparar: notar. Mindful, a. atento. Mine, pn. mio: mia: mios: mias. Mine, s. mina, /. — v. minar. Mineral, s. mineral, m. — a. mineral. Mingle, v. mezclar: mezclarse. Miniature, s. miniatura, /. Mining, 5. mineria, /. Minister, 5. clerigo, ?n. — v. dar: administrar. Minnow, 5. vario, m. Mint, X. casa de moneda, /.: menta (plant), /. Minute, a. menudo — s. minute, 7??.: minuta, /. Miracle, s. milagro, m. Miraculous, a. milagroso. Mirage, s. espejeo, m. Mirror, s. espejo, m. Mirth, s. alegria, /. Misapprehension, 5. equivo- cacion, m. Misappropriate, v. malversar. Misbehave, v. portarse mal. Miscalculate, v. calcular er- radamente. Miscellaneous, a. mezclado. Mischief, x. dano, m. Mischievous, a. daiioso. Misconduct , X. mala conducta,/. Misdeed, x. delito, t?i. Miser, x. avaro, m. Miserly, a. avariento. Misery, s. miseria, /. 48 Moonlight Misfortune, x. desdicha, /. Mishap, X. contratiempo, m. Mislay, v. extraviar: perder. Mislead, v. descaminar. Misplace, v. colocar mal. Misprint, x. errata, /. — v. imprimir mal. Mispronounce, v. pronunciar mal. Misquotation, x. cita falsa,/. Misquote, v. citar en falso. Misread, v. leei erradamente. Misreport, v. hacer relaci6n inexacta. Misrepresent, v. falsificar. Misrule, x. desorden, m. — V. desgobernar. Miss, X. senorita: falta, /. — v. perder. Misshape, v. deformar. Missing, a. ausente. Mist, X. bruma, /. Mistake, s. equivocacion, /. — V. equivocar. Mister (Mr.) x. senor, m. Mistletoe, x. muerdago, m. Mistress, x. maestra: aya: ama./- Mrs., X. senora, /. Mistrust, x.desconfianza,/. — v. desconfiar. Misty, a. brumoso: oscuro. Misunderstand, v. entender mal. Mix, V. mezclar. Mixed, a. mixto. Mixture, x. mixtura, /. Moan, V. gemir — x. gemido, m. Model, X. modelo, m. — v. modelar. Moderate, a. moderado. Modest, a modesto. Modesty, x. modestia, /. Moist, a. humedo. Moisten, v. humedecer. Mole, X. mola (blemish), /.: topo (animal), ?n. Moment, x. momento, m. Monday, x. lunes, ?n. Money, X. modeda,/.: dinero, m. Money -order, x. libranza pos- tal, /. Monk, X. monje, m. Monkey, s. mono, m. Month, X. mes, ?n. Monthly, a. mensual. Monument, x. monumento, m. Mood, X. humor: modo, m. Moon, X. luna, /. Moonlight, x. luz de la luna, /• Moor I Moor, s. pantano: moro, m. — v. amarrar. Morals, s. costumbres, /. pi. Morbid, a. morboso. More, a. mas — ad. mas. Moreover, ad. ademas — c. tambien. Morning, 5. manana, /., a. matutino. /, Morrow, s. manana, /. Morsel, s. bocado, m. Mortality, s. mortalidad, /. Mortar, s. mortero, m. Mortuary, 5. mortuorio, m. Most, a. los: las 6 lo mas — ad. en sumo grado — s. los mas: mayor numero, m. Mostly, ad. comunmente. Moth, X. polilla, /. Mother, x. madre: tia, /. Mother-country, s. patria, /. Mother-in-law, s. suegra, /. Mother-of-pearl, 5. madre- perla, /. Motion, 5. mocion, /.: evacua- cion, /. Motionless, a. inmovil. Mottled, a. moteado. Motto, X. divisa, /. Mould, s. molde, m.: matriz, /. — V. moldar. Moulting, 5. muda, /. Mount, s. monte, ni. — v. en- gastar. Mountain, s. monte, m.: mon- tana, /. Mountainous, a. montanoso. Mourn, v. deplorar: lamentarse. Mournful, a. liigubre. Mourning, a. luto. Mouse, s. raton, m. Mousetrap, s. ratonera, /. Moustache, x. bigote, m. Mouth, X. boca, /.: hocico, m. — V. declamar. Mouthful, X. bocado, m. Move, s. mudanza, /. — v. mover: proponer. Movement, x. movimiento, m. Moving, a. motriz. Mow, V. guadanar: segar. Much, a. & ad. mucho. Mud, X. fango: limo, m. Muddle, X. desorden, m.: con- fusion, /. Mutftn, X. moUete, m. Mulberry, x. mora, /. Mule, X. mulo, m.: mula, /. Mullet, s. miigil: miijol, m. 49 Natural Multiply, V. multiplicar: multi- plicarse. Multitude, 5. multitud, /. Mumble, v. barbotar. Mumps, X. murria: angina parotidas, /. pi. Murder, x. asesinato, m. — v. asesinar. Murderer, x. asesino, m. Murmur, x. murmullo, m. — v. murmurar. Muscle, X. musculo, m. Museum, x. museo, m. Mushroom, x. seta, /. Music, X. miisica, /. Musician, x. miisico, m. Musketry, s. fusileria, /. Muslin, X. muselina, /. Mussel, X. almeja, /. Mustard, x. mostaza, /. Mustard-pot, x. mostacera, /. Musty, a. mohoso. Mute, X. mudo, m.: sordina, /. Mutilate, v. mutilar. Mutineer, x. amotinador, m. Mutiny, x. motin, m. — v. amotinarse. Mutter, V. grunir. Mutton, X. carnero, m. Mutual, a. mutuo. Muzzle, X. boca, /.: boza4: hocico, m. My, pn. mi: mis. Myself, pn. yo: yo mismo, m. Mysterious, a. misterioso. Mystery, x. misterio, m. N Nag, X. jaca, /. — v. reganar. Nail, X. uiia, /.: clavo, m. — v. enclavar. Nailbrush, x. cepillo para las Unas, m. Naked, a. desnudo. Nakedness, x. desnudez, /. Name, x. nombre: titulo, m. — V. nombrar. Namely, ad. as decir. Naphtha, x. nafta, /. Napkin, x. servilleta, /. Narcissus, x. narciso, m. Narrate, v. narrar. Narrow, a. estrecho: ang6sto. Nasturtium, x. capuchina, /. Nasty, a. sucio. Nation, x. naci6n, /. Native, a. native. Natural, a. natural. Naturalize ISO Noun Naturalize, v. naturalizar. Nature, s. natura: indole,/. Naughtiness, i. maldad, /. Naughty, a. perverso. Nausea, s. nausea, /. Nautical, a. nautico. Navel, X. ombligo, m. Navigable, a. navegable. Navy, s. marina, /. Near, a. cercano: parsimonioso — pr. cerca de. Nearly, ad. casi: cerca. Neat, a. neto: pulido. Necessary, a. necesario. Necessitate, i;. necesitar. Necessity, j. necesidad, /. Neck, s. cuello: mango: istmo: lengua, m. Necktie, s. corbata, /. Necklace, s. collar, m. Nectarine, s. durazno, m. Need, s. necesidad, /. — v. necesitar. Needful, a. necesario. Needle, s. aguja /. Needless, a. sup6rfluo. Needlework, s. trabajos a la aguja, m. pi. Negative, a. negative — 5. nega- tiva, /. — V. denegar. Neglect, s. descuido, m. — v. descuidar. Negligence, s. negligencia, /. Negress, s. negra, /. Negro, s. negro, m. Neighbour, s. vecino, m. Neither, c. ni — pn. ni uno ni otro. Nephew, s. sobrino, m. Nerve, s. nervio: vigor, m. Nervous, a. nervioso: timido. Nervousness, 5. nervosidad, /. Nest, s. nido: juego, m. Net, s. red: redecilla, /. — v. hacer redes. Nettle, s. ortiga, /. Neutral, a. neutral. Neutralize, v. neutralizar. Never, ad. nunca: jamas. Nevermore, ad. nunca jamds. Nevertheless, ad. no obstante. New, a. nuevo. New Laid Egg, x. huevo fresco, m. News, s. nuevas, /. pi. Newspaper, x. gaceta, /. Newt, X. lagartija, /. New Year's Day, s. dia de aiio nuevo, m. Next, a. pr6ximo — ad. despu^s. Nib, s. tajo, m. Nibble, v. roer: ramonear. Nice, a. delicado. Nickel, 5. niquel, m. Nickname, 5. apodo, m. Nicotine, 5. nicotina, /. Niece, s. sobrina, /. Nigger, 5. negro, m. Nigh, a. cercano — ad. cerca. Night, s. noche, /. Nightdress, s. traje de dormir, m. Nightfall, s. anochecer, m. Nightgown, s. batade dormir,/. Nightingale, s. ruisefior, m. Nightly, a. nocturno — ad. todas las noches. Nightmare, s. pesadiJla, /. Nimble, a. agil. Nine, a. nueve. Nineteen, a. diez y nueve. Ninety, a. noventa. Nippers, s. alicates, m. pi. Nipple, J. pezon, m. No, a. ninguno — ad. no. Nobility, s. nobleza, /. Noble, a. noble. Nobleness, s. nobleza, /. Nobody, pn. nadie. Nod, s. cabeceo, m. — v. cabec- ear. Noise, s. ruido, m. Noiseless, a. silencioso. Noisy, a. ruidoso. None, a. Gf pn. nulo: ninguno. Nonsense, s. disparate, m. Noon, 5. mediodia, /. Nor, c. ni. North, s. norte: septentri6n, m. North-pole, s. polo, artico, m. Nose, X. nariz, /. Nosegay, s. ramillete, ?7i. Noseless, a. desnarigado. Nostril, 5. ventana de la nariz,/. Not, ad. no. Notary, s. notario, m. Note, s. nota, m. — v. notar. Noted, a. eminente. Notepaper, s. papel de cartas, m. Nothing, s. nada, /. Notice, 5. noticia, /.: aviso, m. — V. observar. Notify, V. notificar. Notoriety, s. notoriedad, /. Notwithstanding, c. no ob- stante. Nought, s. nada, /. Noun, s. nombre, m. Nourish i; Nourish, v. nutrir. Nourlsbing, a. nutricio. Novel, a. nuevo — s. novela, /. November, s. noviembre, m. Now, ad. ahora. Nowadays, ad. hoy. Nowliere, ad. en ninguna parte. Nude, a. desnudo. Nudge, s. codazo, m. Nugget, J. pepita, /. Nuisance, s. incomodidad, /. Number, s. niimero, m. — v. numerar. Numbers, 5. muchos, m. pi. Nuptials, s. nupcias, /. pi. Nurse, s. nodriza: nutriz, /. — v. alimentar. Nursemaid, 5. ninera, /. Nut, s. nuez, /. Nutcrackers, s. cascanueces, m. pi. Oak, s. roble, m. Oar, s. remo, m. — v. remar. Oat, J. avena, /. Oath, 5. juramento, m. Obedient, a. obediente. Obesity, s. obesidad, /. Obey, V. obedecer. Object, V. objetar. Oblige, V. obligar. Oblong, a. oblongo. Obnoxious, a. desagradable. Obscene, a. obsceno. Obscure, a. obscuro — v. ob- scurecer. Observe, v. observar. Obsolete, a. obsolete. Obstacle, s. obstaculo, m. Obstinate, a. obstinado. Obstruct, V. obstruir: impedir. Obtain, v. obtener. Obviate, v. obviar: evitar. Obvious, a. obvio: evidente. Occasion, 5. ocasion, /. — v. ocasionar. Occasional, a. ocasional. Occupy, t;. ocupar. Occur, V. ocurrir. Ocean, s. oceano, m. Octave, s. octava, /. October, s. octubre, m. Ocular, a. ocular. Odd, a. impar: singular. Odds, s. diferencia, /. Odious, a. odioso. [ Oppose Of, pr. de. Off, ad. lejos: al largo — pr. distante de. Offal, s. sobras: basuras, /. pi. Offence, s. ofensa, /. Offend, V. ofender. Offender, s. ofensor, m. Offensive, a. ofensivo: desa- gradable. Offer, s. oferta, /. Offering, 5. ofrecimiento, m. Office, X. oficio: despacho, m. Official, a. oficial. Officiate, v. oficiar. Often, ad. frecuentemente. Ogre, s. ogro, m. Oil, X. aceite: 61eo, m. — v. aceitar. Oilcloth, s. encerado, m. Oilman, s. aceitero, m. Oil-painting, s. cuadro al 61eo, m. Oil -shop, s. aceiteria, /. Oily, a. aceitoso: oleoso. Ointment, x. ungiiento, m. Old, a. viejo: antiguo. Olive, X. olive, m. Omelet, x. tortillia, /. Omit, V. omitir. Omnibus, x. omnibus, m. On, pr. sobre: en: de: k — ad» encima: adeiante: sin cesar — i. i adeiante ! Once, ad. una vez: antigua- mente. One, a. un: uno. Onion, x. ceboUa, /. Onlooker, x. espectador, m. Only, a. unico — ad. selamente: unicamente. Onward, a. avanzado. Onyx, X. 6nice, m. Opal, X. 6palo, m. Opaque, a. opaco: oscuro. Open, a. abierto: patente: franco — v. abrir: empezar: abrirse. Opening, x. abertura, /. Opera, x. opera, /. Opera-glass, x. anteojo, m. Operation, x. operacion, /. Opinivon, x. opinion, /. Opium, X. oplo, m. Opponent, x. opositor: au- versarie, m. Opportune, a. oportuno. Opportunity, x. oportunidaci,/. Oppose, V. opener. Opposite I Opposite, a. fronterizo. Oppress, V. opriinir. Optician, x. optico, ni. Option, s. opcion, /. Opulent, a. opulento. Or, c. 6: sea: sea que — ad. antes. Oral, a. verbal. Orange, s. naranja, /. Orangeade, x. naranjada, /. Orator, s. orador. m. Orbit, 5. orbita, /. Orchard, s. huerto, m. Orchestra, s. orquesta, /. Orchid, s. orquide, /. Ordeal, s. prueba, /. Order, x. orden,/.: mandate, m. — V. ordenar. Orderly, a. metodico — x. or- denanza, /. Ordinal, a. ordinal. Ordinary, a. ordinario. Ornate, a. adornado. Orphan, x. huerfano, m. Ostrich, X. aveslruz, m. Other, a. otro. Otherwise, adv. de otro modo. Ought, V. deber. Our, adj. nuestro. Ours, pron. el nuestro. Ourselves, pro7i. nosotros mis- mos. Out, ad. afuera: fuera. Outbid, V. pujar. Outbreak, x. erupcion, /. Outburst, X. explosion, /. Outcry, X. clamor, m. Outdo, V. sobrepujar. Outer, a. exterior. Outfit, X. vestidos, m. pi. Outfitter, X. confeccionador, m. Outgrow, V. sobrccrecer. Outhouse, 5. dependencia de una casa, /. Outlandish, a. extranjero. Outlaw, X. proscripto, m. Outlay, X. despensa, /. Outlet, X. salida, /. Outline, x. contorno, /«. Outlive, V. sobrevivir. Out of doors, ad. fuera de casa. Outrage, x. ultraje, ni. Outrageous, a. atroz. Outright, ad. luego. Outside, X. exterior, m. Outstretch, v. alargar. Outward, a. exterior. Outweigh, V. preponderar. Oval, X. oviilo, m. — a. oval. Oven, s. horno, m. z Pansy Over, prep, encima: sobre. Overall, x. sobretodo, m. Overawe, v. tener a freno. Overbalance, v. preponderar. Overbearing, a. despotico. Overboard, ad. encima de bordo. Overburden, v. sobrecargar. Overcast, v. anublar. Overcharge, v. sobrecargar. Overcome, v. veneer. Overdrafts, x. adelantos, m. pi. Overdress, v. engalanar con exceso. Overflow, v. inundar. Overhang, v. estar colgando sombre alguna cosa. Overhead, ad. sobre la cabeza. Overhear, v. oir algo por casualidad. Overheat, v. acalorar. Overjoyed, a. muy gozoso. Overlook, v. repasar. Overmuch, a. demasiado. Overpower, v. oprimir. Overrun, v. hacer correrias. Overseer , X. superintendente, m. Overshadow, v. asombrar. Oversight, x. yerro, m. Oversleep, v. dormir de- masiado. Overtake, v. alcanzar. Overthrow, v. trastornar. Overture, x. abertura, /. Overturn, v. trastornar. Overwhelm, v. abrumar. Owe, V. deber. Owing, a. que es debido. Owl, X. lechuza, /. Own, a. propio — v. poseer. Owner, x. dueiio, rn. Ox, X. buey, m. Oyster, x. ostra, /. Pacific, a. pacifico. Pacify, V. pacificar.- Pack, X. lio, m. — v. empaquetar. Package, x. embalajt, m. Packet, X. paquete, ni. Pact, X. pacto, m. Pad, X. rodete, m. — v. forrar. Paddle, x. canalete, m.: paleta,/. Paddock, x. dehesa, /. Padlock, X. candado, m. Panic, X. panico, m. Pansy, x. pensamiento, m. Pant ] Pant, s. palpitacion, /. — v. palpitar. Panther, s. pantera, /. Pantomime, s. pantomima, m. Pantry, s. despensa: repos- teria, /. Pants, s. calzoncillos, m. pi. Papacy, s. papado, m. Paper, s. papel: papelucho, m. Papers, s. documentos, m. pi. Paper-hanger, s. entapizador, m. Paper-knife, s. cortapapel, m. Parachute, 5. paracaidas, m. Parade, s. parada, /. — v. ostejitar. Paradise, s. paraiso, m. Paradox, s. paradoja, /. Paraffin, 5. parafina, /: petroleo, m. Paragraph, s. parrafo, m. Parallel, a. paralelo. Paralyse, t;. paralizar. Paralysis, s. paralisis, /. Particular, a. particular. Parting, 5. separacion, /. — a. final. Partly, ad. en parte. Partner, s. socio, m. Partridge, s. perdiz, /. Party, s. partido, m.: tertulia,/. Pass, s. pasillo: desfiladero, m.: — V. pasar. Passable, a. transitable. Passably, ad. tolerablemente. Passage, s. pasaje, m.: trave- sia, /. Passenger, 5. pasajero: viajero, m. Passing, a. pasajero — ad. ex- tremadamente. Passion, s. pasion, /. Passionate, a. apasionado. Passive, a. pasivo. Passover, s. pascua, /. Passport, s. pasaporte, m. Past, a. pasado. Paste, s. pasta,/. — v. engrudar. Pastime, s. pasatiempo, m.: diversion, /. Pastor, s. pastor: clerigo, m. Pastry, s. pasteleria, /. Pasture, 5. pastura, /. Patch, s. remiendo, m. Patent, 5. patente, /. — a. pa- tente. Patentee, s. privilegiado, m. Path, J. senda, /. Pathetic, a. pat^tico. S3 Pentecost Pathos, s. pat(5tica, /. Patience, s. paciencia, /. Patriotic, a. patriotico. Patrol, s.ronda,/. — i. patrullar. Patron, s. patron, m. Patronize, v. patrocinar. Pattern, x. patron: modelo, m. Pauper, s. indigente, tti. Pauperize, v. empobrecer. Pause, 5. pausa, /. — v. pausar. Pave, V. solar. Pavement, s. pavimento, m. Pavilion, x. pabellon, in. Paw, s. pata, /. — v. patear. Pawn, X. prenda, /. — v. em- penar. Pawnbroker, 5. prendero, m. Pay, s. paga, /. — v. pagan Payment, j. pago, m. Pea, X. guisante, m. Peace, x. paz: quietud, /. Peacefulness, X. tranquilidad,/. Peach, X. melocoton, m. — v. informar. Peacock, 5. pavon, m. Pear, x. pera, /. Pearl, x. perla, /. Peat, X. turba, /. Pebble, x. guija, /. Peccable, a. pecable. Peck, V. picotear. Peculiar, a. particular. Pedantic, a. pedantesco. Peddler, x. buhonero, m. Pedestrian, x. andador: pase- ante, m. Pedometer, x. odometro, m. Peel, X. corteza,/.: pellejo, m. — V. descortezar: pelarse. Peep, X. ojeada, /. — v. mirar. Peer, x. igual, m. — v. mirar. Peerless, a. incomparable. Peevish, a. enojadizo. Peg, X. clavija, /. — v. clavar. Pen, X. pluma, /. Penalty, x. pena, /. Penance, x. penitencia, /. Pencil, X. pincel: hacecillo, m. Pendulum, x. pendulo, m. Penetrate, v. penetrar. Penguin, x. pinguino, m. Peninsula, x. peninsula, /. Penitence, s. penitencia, /. Penknife, s. cortaplumas, m. Penny, x. penique, wj. Pension, x. pension, /. Pensioner, x. pensionado, m. Pensive, a. pensativo. Pentecost, x. pentecost^s, m. Penury 154 Pity Penury, s. penuria, /. Peony, s. peonia, /. People, s. pueblo: mundo, nt. Pepper, s. pimienta, /. Pepper-box, s. pimentero, m. Peppermint, s. menta: yerba buena, /. Per, pr. per. Perambulator, s. cochecito para ninos, m. Perception, x. percepci6n, /. Perch, s. percha, /. — v. em- percharse. Perchance, ad. acaso. Percolate, v. colar. Perfume, s. perfume, m. — v. perfumar. Perfumery, s. perfumeria, /. Perhaps, ad. quiza. Peril, 5. peligro, ni. Perilous, a. peligroso. Period, s. periodo, m. Perish, v. perecer. Perjure, v. perjurar. Perjurer, 5. perjurado, m. Permanence, s. permanencia,/. Permission, s. permision, /. Permit, s. permiso, m. — r. permitir. Pernicious, a. pernicioso. Perorate, v. perorar. Peroxide, s. peroxido, m. Perpendicular, a. perpendicu- lar. Perpetual, a. perpetuo. Perpetuity, 5. perpetuidad, /. Perplex, v. embarazar. Perplexing, a. penoso. Persecute, v. perseguir. Perseverance, s. persever- ancia, /. Persevere, v. perseverar. Persist, v. persistir. Person, s. persona, /. Perspire, v. perspirar. Pestilence, s. pestilencia. Pestilential, a. infectivo. Pet, s. favorito, m. — v. mimar. Petal, s. p^talo, m. Petition, s. petici6n, /. Petroleum, s. petr61eo, m.: parafina, /. Petticoat, s. enagua, /. Pettiness, 5. pequenez, /. Petty, a. pequeno. Petulant, a. petulante. Pew, 5, banco cerrado de iglesia, m. Pewter, s. peltre, m. Pharmacist, s. farmacopola, m. Pharmacy, 5. farmacia, /. Pheasant, s. faisan, m. Photograph, s. fotografia, /. — V. fotografiar. Piano, s. piano vertical: piano de cola, m. Pickle, s. scabeche, m. — v. escabechar. Picnic, J. comida a escote,/. Picture, s. cuadro, m. Pie, 5. pastel, nt. Piece, 5. pieza,/. — v. remendar. Pier, 5. pilar, m. Pierce, v. taladrar. Piercing, a. penetrante. Piety, s. devocion, /. Pig, s. puerco: cerdo, m. Pigeon, X. pichon, wz. Pigeon-hole, s. pliiteo, m. Pigment, s. pigmento, ?«. Pigsty, 5. pocilga, /. Pike, s. lucio, 7ti. Pilchard, s. sardina, /. Pile, s. estaca, /. Piles, s. almorranas, /. pi. Pilfer, V. ratear. Pilfering, s. raterfa, /. Pilgrim, s. peregrino, m. Pill, 5. pildora, /. Pillar, s. columna, /. Pillow, 5. almohada, /. Pillow-case, s. funda, /. Pilot, 5. piloto, m. — V. pilotear. Pimple, s. postilla: buba, /. Pin, s. alfiler, m. Pinafore, x. delantal, m. Pincers, s. pinzas, /. pi. Pinch, X. pellizco, m. — v. pel- lizcar. Pineapple, x. pina, /. Pining, a. languido. Pipe, X. cano: cafion: conducto: tubo, m.: pipa para fumar (smokers'), /. Piquant, a. picante. Piracy, 5. pirateria, /. Pistol, X. pistola, /. Piston, s. piston, m. Pit, X. foso, ni.: patio, m. Pitch, X. resina, /.: diapas6n, nt. — V. embrear: arrojar. Pitch-dark, a. muy oscuro. Pitchfork, x. horca, /. Piteous, a. lastimoso. Pitfall, X. trampa, /. Pitiable, a. lastimoso. Pity, X. piedad, /. — v. com- padecer. Placard i; Placard, s. cartel, m. Place, s. lugar, m.: plaza, f. — v. colocar. Placid, a. placido. Plague, 5. plaga, /. — v. ator- mentar. Plaice, s. platija, /. Plain, a. llano: evidente — s. llano, m. Plainly, ad. claramente. Plainness, s. claridad, /. Plaintive, a. lamentoso. Plan, s. plan, m. — v. proyectar. Planet, s. planeta, /. Plane-tree, s. platano, m. Plant, s. planta, /. — v. plantar. Plantation, s. plantacion, /. Plaster, 5. emplasto, m. — v. enyesar. Plate, s. plato, m.: plancha: lamina, /. — v. platear. Platform, s. anden, m.: plata- forma, /. Platinum, 5. platino, m. Platoon, s. peloton, m. Play, 5. juego: drama, m. — v. jugar: tocar: representar. Player, x. jugador: actor, m. Playful, a. jugueton. Playgoer, 5. aficionado al teatro, m. Playing Cards, s. naipes, m. pi. Plea, 5. pretexto, m. Plead, V. alegar: pleitear. Pleasant, a. agradable. Please, v. agradar: contentar. Pleasure, 5. gusto: placer. Plenty, s. abundancia: copia, /. Plot, s. conspiracion, /. — v. conspirar. Plough, 5. arado, m. — v. arar. Pluck, V. desplumar — s. valor, m. Plum, s. ciruela, /. Plumage, s. plumaje, m. Plunder, 5. pillaje, m. — v. saquear. Plunge, V. sumergirse. Pocket, s. bolsillo, m. Pocket-book, x. cartera, /. Poet, X. poeta, 7n. Point, s. punto, m.: punta, /. — V. apuntar. Poison, X. venemo, m. Poisonous, a. venenoso. Police, X. policia, /. Policeman, x. policia, m, Polish, V. pulir. Polite, a. cort^s. ; Precise Pond, s. estanque, m. Poor, a. pobre. Pope, X. Papa, m. Popular, a. popular. Population, x. poblaci6n, /. Porcelain, x. porcelana, /. Pork, X. came de puerco, /. Port, X. Puerto, m. Porter, x. mozo de cordel (bag- gage), m.: portero (door), m. Portion, x. porcion, /. Portrait, x. retrato, m. Position, X. posicion, /. Positive, a. positivo. Possess, V. poseer. Possible, a. posible. Post, X. posta: estafeta, /.: correo, m. — a. apostar. Postage, X. porte de carta, m. Postage-stamp, x. sello de correo, m. Post-card, x. tarjeta postal, /. Post haste, ad. a rienda suelta. Posthumous, a. postumo. Postman, x. cartero: correo, m. Post-office, x. administraci6n de correos, /. Postpone, V. suspender. Posy, X. ramillete de Acres, m. Pot, X. marmita: oUa, /. Potato, X. patata, /. Poulterer, x. pollero, vt. Poultice, X. cataplasma, /. — v. poner una cataplasma. Pour, V. derramar: verter: fluir. Pout, V. poner hocico. Poverty, x. pobreza, /. Powder, x. polvo, m.: polvora, /.: polvos (face powder), rn. pi. — V. pulverizar. Powder-box, x. caja de pol- vos, /. Powder-flask, x. frasco de polvora, tn. Powdery, a. polvoriento. Power, X. poder, ni.: potencia,/. Powerful, a. poderoso. Powerless, a. impotente. Practical, a. practice. Praise, x. alabanza, /.— O. alabar. Prawn, x. langostin, m. Pray, v. orar. Prayer, s. oracion, /. Preach, v. predicar. Precious, a. precioso. Precipice, x. precipicio, m. Precipitate, v. precipitar. Precise, a. preciso. Preclude Preclude, v. excluir. Predecessor, s. predecesor, m. Predict, v. predecir. Preface, 5. prefacio, m. Prefect, 5. prefecto, ni. Prefer, v. anteponer. Preference, x. preferencia, /. Prejudice, s. perjuicio, m. — v. perjudicar. Preliminary, s. preliminar, m. a. preliminar. Premises, s. edificio, ni. pi. Premium, s. premio, ?«. Prepaid, a. franco. Prepare, v. preparar. Presence, 5. presencia, /. Present, 5. presente: regalo, m. — a. presente — v. presentar. Preserve, v. preservar. Preside, v. presidir. Press, V. apretar: aprensar — s. prensa, /. Presume, v. presumir. Presumption, s. presuncion,/. Presuppose, v. presuponer. Pretence, s. pretexto, tn. Pretend, v. pretextar. Pretty, a. Undo: gentil — ad. algo. Prevail, v. prevalecer. Prevent, v. prevenir: impedir. Prevention, s. impedimento, m. Previous, a. anterior. Prey, j. rapina, /. Price, s. valor: precio, m. — v. valuar. Priceless, a. inapreciable. Prick, V. aguijar: picar. Prickle, 5. espina, /. Prickly, a. espinoso. Pride, s. orgullo, m. Priest, s. sacerdote, m. Prim, a. afectado. Primarily, ad. primariamente. Primitive, a. primitivo. Primrose, s. primula: prima- vera, /. Prince, s. principe, m. Princess, s. princesa, /. Principal, a. principal — 5. principal, m. Print, s. impreso, m. — v. estampar: imprimir. Printing, 5. tipografia, /. Prior, a. anterior — s. prior, vi. Prism, 5. prisma, m. Prison, s. carcel, m.: prisdn, /. Prisoner, s. prisionero, m. Private, a. privado. 56 Property Privet, s. alhena, /. Privilege, x. privilegio, m. Prize, X. premio, m. — v. estimar. Probability, x. probabilidad, /. Problem, x. problema, 711. Proceed, v. proceder. Process, x. proceso, m. Procession, x. procesion, /, Proclaim, v. proclamar. Proclamation, x. proclama- cion, /. Procure, v. procurar: obtener. Prodigal, a. prodigo. Prodigious, a. prodigioso. Produce, x. producto, m. — v. producir. Product, X. producto, m. Profanity, x. profanidad, /. Profess, V. profesar: declarar. Profession, x. profesion, /. Proficiency, x. adelantamiento, m. Proficient, a. proficiente. Profile, X. perfil, m. Profit, X. provecho, m. — v. aprovechar. Profound, a. profundo. Profuse, a. profuso. Programme, x. programa, m. Progress, x. progreso, m. — v. hacer progresos. Prolapse, x. prolapso, m. Prolific, a. fecundo. Prologue, X. prologo, m. Prolong, V. prolongar. Promenade, x. paseo, ni. — v. pasearse. Prominent, a. prominente. Promise, x. promesa, /. — v. prometer. Promontory, x.promontorio.m. Promote, v. promover. Promotion, x. promocion, /. Prompt, a. pronto — v. apuntar. Promptitude, x. prontitud, /. Prone, a. prono. Prong, X. diente, m. Pronoun, x. pronombre, m. Pronounce, v. pronunciar. Pronunciation, x. pronuncia- cion, /. Proof, a. impenetrable — x. en- sayo, m. Prop, X. apoyo, m. — v. sostener. Propagate, v. propagar. Propel, V. impeler. Proper, a. propio. Property, x. calidad, /.: ac- cesorio, m. Prophecy i Prophecy, s. profecia,/. Prophet, s. profeta, m. Prophetic, a. prof^tico. Propitiate, v. propiciar. Proportion, s. razon, m. — v. proporcionar. Proportionate, a. proporcion- ado. Proposal, X. propuesta, /. Propose, V. proponer. Proposition, s. proposicion, /. Propound, v. proponer. Proprietor, s. propietario, m. Propriety, s. decencia, /. Prosecute, v. prosegiair. Prosecution, s. prosecucion, /. Prospect, X. vista, /. Prospectus, s, prospecto, m. Prosper, v. prosperar. Prosperity, s. prosperidad, /. Prosperous, a. pr6spero. Prostitute, s. prostituta, /. — v. prostituir. Prostrate, a. postrado — v. postrar. Protect, V. proteger. Protectress, x. protectriz, /. Protest, X. protesta, /. — r^. pro- testar. Protestant, x. protestante, m. Protract, v. prolongar. Protrude, v. empujar: em- pujarse. Proud, a. orgulloso. Prove, V. probar: justificar. Proverb, x. proverbio, ?«. Provide, v. proveer. Provident, a. provide. Provider, x. proveedor, m. Province, x. provincia, /. Provision, x. provision, /. Provocation, x. provocacion, /. Provoke, v. provocar. Prow, X. proa. /. Prowess, x. proeza, /. Prowl, V. rondar. Proximity, x. proximidad, /. Prude, X. mojigata, /. Prudence, x. prudencia, /. Prudent, a. prudente. Prudish, a. gazmono. Prune, x. ciruela, /. — v. esca- mondar. Pruning, x. poda, /. Prussic-acid, x. acido prusico, m. Pry, V. espiar. Puberty, x. pubertad, /. 57 Qualification Public, a. publico — x. piib- lico, m. Publican, x. tabcrnero, m. Publish, V. publicar. Publisher, x. editor, m. Pudding, X. almcndrado, m. Puddle, X. posa, /. Puerile, a. pueril. Puffin, X. mcrgo, m. Pugilist, X. pugil, m. Pugnacious, a. belicoso. Pull, X. tiron, m. — v. tirar. Pulley, X. garrucha, /. Pulp, X. pulpa, /. Pulpit, X. pulpito, m. Pulse, X. pulso, m Pulverize, v. pulverizar. Pump, X. bomba, /. Punch, X. punzon: golpe, m. — V. punzar. Punctual, a. puntual. Punctuality, x. puntualidad, /. Puncture, x. puntura, /. Punish, V. castigar. Punishment, x. castigo, m. Pup, X. cachorrillo, m. Pupil, X. pupilo, m. Puppy, X. cachorro, m. Purchase, x. compra, /. — v, comprar. Pure, a. puro. Purgative, x. purgative, m. Purge, X. purga, /. — v. purgar. Purify, V. purificar. Purifying, a. purificadero. Purple, a. purpiireo — x. pur- pura, /. Purposely, ad. de proposito. Purse, X. bolsa, /. Pursue, V. perseguir. Push, X. impulso, m. — v. em- pujar. Put, V. poner. Putty, X. masilla, /. Puzzle, V. confundir — x. pro- blema, m. Cross-word puzzle, palam- bras cruzadas. Quackery, x. charlataneria, /. Quadruped, x. cuadnipedo, m. Quagmire, x. canegal, m. Quail, X. codorniz, /. Quaint, a. curioso. Quake, v. temblar. Quaker, x. cuaquero, m. Qualification, x. requisite, m. Qualify IS8 Qualify, v. calificar. Quality, s. calidad, /. Quantity, s. cantidad, /. Quarantine, 5. cuarentena, /. Quarrel, s. riiia: pendencia, /. — V. renir. Quarrelsome, a. contencioso. Quarry, s. cantera: presa, /. Quart, s. cuarta, /. Quarter, s. cuarto: cuartel: trimestre, m. — v. cuartear: acantonar. Quarterly, a. trimestral. Quartette, s. cuarteto, m. Quartz, s. cuarzo, m. Quash, V. anular. Quay, s. muelle, m. Queen, s. reina, /. Queer, a. extrano: indispuesto. Quell, V. reprimir. Quench, v. apagar. Querulous, a. quejicoso. Quest, s. investigacibn, /. Question, s. cuesti6n, /. — v. cuestionar. Quick, a. rapido: vivo. Quicken, v. acelerar. Quickness, s. rapidez, /. Quicksilver, s. azogue, m. Quiet, a. quieto — s. quietud, /. Quilt, s. eolcha, /. Quince, s. membrillo, m. Quinine, s. quinina, /. Quinsy, s. esquinencia, /. Quit, a. libre — v. dejar. Quite, ad. enteramente. Quiver, s. temblor, m. — v. temblar. Quoit, s. tejo, m. Quote, V. citar: cotizar. Rabbit, s. conejo, m. Rabble, s. gentuza, /. Rabid, a. rabioso. Race, s. raza: carrera, /. — v. correr. Racecourse, s. hipodromo, m. Racehorse, s. caballo de car- rera, m. Rack, s. tormento, m. — v. trase- gar. Racket, s. raqueta, /. Racy, a. rancio. Radiance, s. resplandor, m. Radiator, s. radiator, /. Radish, s. rabano, m. Radius, s. radio, m. RafiQe, s. loteria, /. — v. rifar. Ratio Raft, s, balsa, /. Rag, s. trapo, m. Ragged, a. andrajoso. Raging, a. rabios. Raid, s. incursi6n, /. Rail, s. riel, m. — v. injuriar. Railing, s. balaustrada, /. Railway, s. ferrocarril, m. Raiment, s. vestidos, 7n. pi. Rain, $. Uuvia, /. — v. Hover. Rainbow, s. arco iris, m. Rainy, a. lluvioso. Raise, v. levantar. Raisin, j. pasa, /. Rake, 5. rostrillo, m. — v. ras- trillar. Rally, V. reunir: reunirse. Ram, s. morueco: ariete, m. — v. apisonar. Ramble, s. paseo, m. — v. divagar. Rambler, s. paseante, m. Ramification, s. ramificaci6n,/. Rampageous, a. retozon. Rampant, a. rampante. Rampart, s. plataforma, /. Ranch, s. rancho, m. Rancid, a. rancio. Rancour, s. rencor, m. Random, a. casual. Range, s. alcance, m.: hornilla, /. — V. alinear. Rank, a. rancio — s. rango, m. Rankle, v. enconarse. Ransack, v. saquear escudrinar. Ransom, s. rescate, m. — v. rescatar. Rap, x. golpe, m. Rapacious, a. rapaz. Rape, X. rapto, m.: colza,/. Rapid, a. rapido. Rapier, s. espet6n, m. Rapping, s. llamada, /, Rapture, s. rapto, m. Rare, a. raro. Rarity, c. rareza, /. Rascal, s. picaro, m. Rash, a. temerario. Rasher, s. lonja, /. Rashness, s. temeridad, /. Raspberry, s. frambuesa, /. Rat, s. rata, /. Rat-trap, i. ratonera, /. Rate, s. contribucion, /. Rate, s. contribuci6n, /. — razon — v. tasar. Rather, ad. mas bien: algo. Ratify, v. ratificar. Ratio, X. razon, m. Ration i Ration, s. raci6n, /. Rattle, s. matraca,/. — v. agitar. Rattlesnake, s. culebra cas- cabel, /. Ravage, v. asolar. Rave, V. desvariar. Raven, s. cuervo, m. Ravenous, a. voraz. Raving, a. loco — s. delirio, w. Ravish, v. violar. Raw, a. crudo. Ray, s. rayo, m. Raze, t'. arrasar. Razor, x. navaja, /. Razor-strop, j. suavizador, m. Read, v. leer. Reader, s. lector, m. Readily, ad. de buena gana. Reading, 5. lectura, /. Ready, a. pronto. Real, a. real. Realistic, a. realfstico. Realm, s. reino, m. Ream, s. resma, /. Reap, V. seear. Rear, x. retaguardia,/. — v. criar. Rearrange, v. rehacer. Reason, 5. raz6n,/n. — r.razonar. Rebate, v. rebajar. Rebel, 5. rebelde, m. — v. rebelarse. Rebellious, a. rebelde. Rebuke, x. reprension, /. — v. reprender. Recall, V. revocar. Recapitulate, v. recapitular. Recapture, t'. represar. Recede, v. retroceder. Receipt, x. recibo, m. — v. dar recibo. Receive, v. recibir. Recent, a. reciente. Receptacle, x. receptaculo, m. Recipe, x. recipe, w. Recitation, x. recitacion, /. Recite, v. recitar. Reckless, a. atolondrado. Reckon, v. estimar. Recline, v. reclinar. Recognize, v. reconocer. Recoil, V. recular. Recollect, v. recordarse. Recommence, v. empezar de nuevo. Recommend, v. recomendar. Recompense, x. recompensa, /. — V. recompensar. Record, x.registro, m.—t;. regis- trar. 59 Regrettable Recoup, V. recuperar. Recover, t;. convalecer. Recovery, s. recobro, m. Recruit, x. recluta, m. — v. re- clutar. Rectitude, x. probidad, /. Rector, x. rector, m. Rectory, s. rectoria, /. Recuperate, v. recuperar. Recur, v. recurrir. Red, a. rojo. Redbreast, x. pitirojo, m. Redeem, t,'. rescatar. Redness, x. rojez, /. Redoubt, s. reducto, m. Redress, v. corregir: recti- ficar — X. reforma, /. Reduce, v. reducir. Reef, X. arrecife, m. Reek, x. humo, m. — v. humear. Refer, v. referir. Referee, x. arbitro, m. Reference, x. referencia, /. Refine, t'. refinar. Reflect, V. reflejar. Reflection, x. reflexi6n, /. Reflector, x. reverbero, w. Reform, x. reforma, /. — v. re- form ar. Reformatory, s. casa de cor- recci6n, /. Refract, v. refractar. Refraction, s. refraccion, /. Refrain, x. refran, m. — v. re- frenar. Refresh, v. refrigerar. Refreshment, x. recreo, m. Refrigerator, x. enfriadera, /. Refuge, X. refugio, m. Refugee, x. refugiado, m. Refund, v. reembolsar. Refusal, x. opcion, /. Refuse, x. desecho, m. — v. negar. Regain, v. recobrar Regal, a. real. Regard, v. estimar: considerar — X. respeto, m. Regardful, a. atento. Regarding, pr. tocante. Regatta, x. regata, /. Regenerate, v. regenerar. Regent, s. regente, m. Regiment, x. regimiento, m. Region, x. region, /. Register, s. registro, m. — v. registrar. Registry, x. asiento, m. Regret, v. arrepentirse. Regrettable, a. lamentable. Regular 1 60 Reservoir Regular, a. regular. Regularity, 5. regularidad, /. Regulate, v. regular: arreglar. Rehearsal, x. repeticion, /. Rehearse, v. repetir. Reign, s. reino, m. — v. reinar. Reindeer, s. reno, m. Reinforce, v. reforzar. Reinstate, v. restablecer. Reiterate, v. reiterar. Reject, V. rechazar. Rejection, s. repulsa, /. Rejoice, v. regocijar. Rejoin, v. replicar. Rejuvenate, v. rejuvenecer. Relapse, s. recaida — v. recaer. Relate, v. relatar. Relation, s. relacion, /. Relative, a. relative. Relax, V. relajar. Relay, s. posta: parada, /. Release, x. soltura, /. — v. soltar. Relent, v. enternecerse. Relevant, a. aplicable. Reliable, a. seguro. Reliant, a. confiado. Relic, X. reliquia, /. Relief, x. relieve, rn. Religion, x. religion, /. Relinquish, v. abandonar. Relish, X. sabor, m. — v. saborear. Reluctance, x. repugnancia, /. Rely, V. confiar. Remain, v. permanecer. Remainder, x. residue, m. Remains, x. restos, m. pi. Remark, x. reparo, m. — v. reparar. Remarkable, a. notable. Remedy, x. remedio, m. — v. remediar. Remind, v. avisar. Reminiscence, x. reminis- cencia, /. Reminiscent, a. recordante. Remiss, a. remiso. Remit, v. remitir. Remittance, x. rcmesa,/. Remnant, x. resto, 7?i. Remorse, x. remordimiento, m. Remote, a. remoto. Remount, v. remontar. Removable, a. amovible. Remove, v. transportar. Remunerate, v. remunerar. Remuneration, x. remunera- cion, /. Rend, v. rasgar. Render, v. rendir. Renegade, a. renegado. Renew, v. renovar, /. Renounce, v. renunciar. Renovate, v. renovar. Renovation, x. renovacion, /, Renown, x. renombre, m. Rent, X. renta, /. — v. alquilar. Repair, x. reparo, m. — v. re- parar. Reparation, x. reparacion, /. Repast, s. comida, /. Repay, v. reembolsar. Repayment, x. reembolso, m. Repeal, x. revocacion, /. — v. revocar. Repeat, x. repeticion, /. — v. repetir. Repel, V. repeler. Repent, v. arrepentrse. Repentant, a. contrito. Repertory, x. repertorio, m. Repetition, x. repeticion,/. Replace, v. reemplazar. Replenish, v. rellenar. Replete, a. repleto. Reply, X. replica, /. — v. re- sponder. Report, X. informe, m. — v. re- ferir. Reporter, x. relator, m. Represent, v. representar. Reprieve, v. dar espera. Reprimand, x. reprimenda, /. — V. reprender. Reprisal, x. represalia, /. Reproach, x. reproche, m. — v. reprochar. Reptile, x. reptil, m. Republic, x. repiiblica,/. Repudiate, v. repudiar. Repudiation, x. repudiaci6n, /. Repugnance, x. repugnancia,/. Repulse, x. repulsa, /. — v. re- pulsar. Repulsive, a. repulsivo. Reputation, x. reputaci6n, /. Request, x. ruego, ;n. — v. rogar. Require, v. requerir. Requisite, a. necesario — s. re- quisite, m. Rescue, x. recobro, m. — v. librar. Resemble, v. parecerse. Resembling, a. parecido. Resent, v. resentirse. Reservation, x. reservaci6n, /. Reserve, x. reserva, /. — v. reservar. Reservoir, x. cambija, /. Reside i6x River Reside, v. residir. Residence, s. residencia, /. Resolute, a. resuelto. Resolve, j. resolucion, /. — v. resolver. Resort, v. recurrir. Resound, v. resonar. Resource, s. recurso, m. Respect, s.respeto, m. — f.res- petar. Respectable, a. respetable. Respiration, s. respiraci6n, /. Respirator, s. respirador, m. Respire, v. respirar. Respite, j. moratoria, /. — v. aplazar. Resplendent, a. resplande- ciente. Respond, v. responder. Responsibility, s. responsa- bilidad, /. Rest, s. repose, m. — t;. reposar. Restful, a. sosegado. Restless, a. inquieto. Restaurant, s. fonda, /. Restoration, s. restauraci6n, /. Restore, v. restaurar. Restrain, v. retener. Restrict, v. restringir. Restriction, s. restricci6n, /. Result, 5. resultado, m. Resume, v. resumir. Resurrection, 5. resurrecci6n,/. Resuscitate, v. resucitar. Retail, v. revender: regatonear — s. venta per menor, /. Retain, v. retener. Retaliate, v. desquitarse. Retire, v. retirar: retirarse. Retirement, s. retire, m. Retract, v. retractar: retract- arse. Retreat, v. retirarse. Retrieve, v. recobrar. Retriever, s. sabuese, m. Retrograde, a. retrograde. Retrospective, a. retros- pective. Return, s. reterno, m.: ganan- cia, /. — z\ devolver: ^ elver. Return ticket, s. billette de reterno, m. Reveal, v. manifestar. Revelry, 5. borrachera, /. Revenge, s. venganza, /. — v. vengar. Revengeful, a. vengativo. Revenue, s. redito, m. Reverence, s. reverencia, m. Reverent, a. revcrente. Reverse, s. contrario, m. Revert, f. volver. Review, 5. revista,/. — v. rever. Revise, t;. rever. Revival, s. renacimiento, m. Revive, t;. avivar. Revoke, v. revecar. Revolt, s. revuelta, /. — v. re- belarse. Revolting, a. repugnante. Revolution, s. revolucion, /. Revolve, v. revolver. Revolver, s. rev61ver, m. Rheumatism, s.reumatismo.m. Rhinoceros, s. rinoceronte, m. Rhododendron, s. rododen- dre, m. Rhubarb, s. ruibarbo, m. Rhyme, s. rima, /. Rib, s. Costilla, /. Ribbon, s. cinta, /. Rice, s. arroz, m. Rich, a. rice. Rick, s. niara, /. Rickets, 5. raquitismo, m. Rid, V. librar. Riddle, s. enigma,/. — v. cribar. Ridge, s. surco, m. — v. surcar. Ridicule, s. ridiculez, J. — v. ridiculizar. Riding, s. equitaci6n, /. Rifle, s. fusil, m. — v. robar. Rig, s. aparejo, m. — v. aparejar. Right, a. derecho: juste — ad. muy — 5. derecho, m. — t;. rec- tificar. Righteous, a. justo. Rigid, a. rigide. Rim, s. borde, m.: llanta, /. Rind, s. corteza, /. Ring, s. circulo: anille, m. — v. sonar. Ringleader, s. jefe, m. Rink, s. sal6n de patinar, m. Rinse, v. enjuagar. Riot, s. tumulto, m. — v. amoti- nar. Rioting, J. ergia, /. Ripe, a. madure. Ripple, 5. escarceo, m. Rise, s. levantamiento, m.: subida /. — v. levantarse: subir. Risk, s. rlesgo, m. — v. arries- gar. Rival, s. competidor, m. — v. rivalizar. River, s. rio, m. Rivulet 162 Sapphire Rivulet, s. arroyo, m. Roach, s. gobio, ni. Road, s. camino, m.: via: rada, /. Roadway, s. calzada, /. Roam, V. rondar. Roar, 5. rugido, m. — v. rugir. Roast, V. asar. Rob, V. robar. Robber, s. Iadr6n, m. Robe, s. vestido, m. — v. vestir. Robin, s. pitirojo, m. Robust, a. robusto. Rock, s. roca, /. — v. mecer. Rod, s. cana de pescar: baqueta, /. Rogue, s. brib6n, m. Roll, 5. rollo, m. balance, m. — v. rodar: balancear. Roller, s. rodillo, m. Rolling, a. rodadero. Romance, s. romance, m. Romp, V. retozar. Roof, X. tejado (house, etc.): paladar (mouth), m. Rook, s. corneja, /. Room, 5. camara, /.: lugar, m. Root, 5. raiz, /. — v. arraigarse. — Out, arrancar. Rope, X. cordel, m. Rose, s. rosa, /. Rosette, s. roseta, /. Rotten, a. podrido. Rough, a. rudo. Round, a. redondo — ad. al rededor — s. circulo, m.: ronda, /. — V. cercar. Rouse, V. levantar. Rout, s. ruta, /.: rumbo: camino, m. Row, s. rifia, /. — v. remar. Rowdy, a. pelafustan. Rower, x. remero, m. Royal, a. real. Rub, V. frotar. Rubber, s. goma elastica, /. Rubbish, 5. escombro, m. Ruby, s. rubi, m. Rudder, x. tim6n, nt. Rude, a. grosero. Rudeness, s. rudeza, /. Ruffian, X. rufian, m. Rug, s. ruedo, m. Ruin, s. ruina, /. — v. arruinar: perder. Ruinous, a. ruinoso. Ruler, X. gobernador, m. Rum, s. ron, m. Rumour, j. rumor, m. Rump-steak, s. tajada, /. Run, s. corrida, /.: curse, m. — V. correr: fluir. Running, a. corriente, m. Rupture, .?. rompimiento, m. — V. romper. Rural, a. rural. Rushing, a. precipitoso. Rust, s. orin, m. — v. oxidarse. Rut, X. carril, m. Ruthless, a. cruel. Rye, X. centeno, m. S Sable, s. cebellina: marta, /. Sabre, x. sable, m. Sack, X. saco, ni. — v. saquear. Sacred, a. sagrado. Sacrifice, x. sacrificio, m. — v. sacrificar. Sad, a. triste. Sadden, 1;. entristecer. Saddle, x. silla, /. — v. ensillar. Safe, a. seguro — x. caja, fuerte,/. Safeguard, x. salvaguardia, /. — V. proteger. Safety, s. seguridad, /. Sage, a. sabio. Sail, X. vela: aspa, /. — v. navegar. Sailor, x. marinero, m. Saint, X. santo, m.: santa, /. Saintly, a. santo. Sake, X. causa, /. Salad, X. ensalada, /. Salad-bowl, x. ensaladera, /. Salary , X. xalario, m. — v. salariar. Sale, X. venta, /. Saline, a. salino. Sallow, a. palido. Salmon, x. salmon, m. Saloon, X. sal6n, m. Salt, a. salado — s. sal, m. — v. salar. Salt cellar, x. salero, m. Salute, V. saludar. Salvage, x. salvamento, m. Same, a. id^ntico. Sample, x. muestra, /. Sanctimonious, a. devoto. Sanction, s. sanci6n, /. — v. sancionar. Sand, X. arena, /. — v. enarenar. Sandal, x. sandalia, /. Sandwich, x. emparedado, m. Sandy, a. arenoso. Sane, a. sano. Sanguine, a. sanguineo. Sanitary, a. sanitario. Sapphire, x. zafiro, m. Sarcasm 163 Sentence Sarcasm, s. sarcasmo, m. Sardine, s. sardina, /. Sardonyx, 5. sardonix, m. Sash, J. cinta, /. Satchel, s. mochila, /, Sateen, s. rasete, m. Satin, s. raso, m. Satisfaction, 5. satisfacci6n, /. Saturate, v. saturar. Satisfy, v. satisfacer. Saturday, s. sabado, m. Sauce, s. salsa, /. — v. sazonar. Saucepan, s. cacerola, /. Saucer, s. platillo, m. Saucy, a. descarado. Sausage, s. salchicha, /. Savage, a. salvaje. Save, V. salvar: economizar: conservar — prep. excepto — conj. a no ser que. Saving, a. economico — pr. ex- cepto — s. economia, /. Savings-bank, s. caja de ahorros, /. Savoury, a. sabroso. Saw, s. sierra, /.: proverbio, nt. — V. serrar. Say, t;. decir. Saying, s. dicho, nt. Scab, s. rona, /. Scabbard, s. vaina de espada,/. Scaffold, 5. cadalso, ni. Scald, X. escaldadura, /. — v. escaldar. Scale, s. balanza: escama, /. — V. escalar. Scalp, s. piel del craneo, /. Scaly, a. escamoso. Scandal, x. escandalo, m. Scandalous, a. escandaloso. Scanty, a. escaso. Scar, s. cicatriz, /. Scarce, a. raro. Scarcely, ad. apenas. Scarcity, s. escasez, /. Scare, s. espanto, m. — v. es- pantar. Scarf, s. banda, /. Scarlatina, s. escarlatina, /. Scarlet, s. escarlata, /. Scarlet fever, s. escarlata, /. Scathing, a. mordaz. Scatter, v. esparcir. Scavenger, 5. basurero, m. Scene, s. escena, /. Scenery, x. vista, /. Scent, s. perfume, ni. — v. per- fumar. Scentless, a. inodoro. Scholar, s. escolar: colegial, nt. School, X. escuela, /. Schoolmaster, s. preceptor, m. Schoolmistress, s. maestra, /. Schoolroom, s. aula,/. Sciatica, s. ciatica, /. Science, s. ciencia, /. Scissors, s. tijeras, /. pi. Scold, V. regafiar. Scoop, s. achicador, m. — v. achicar. — out, ahuecar. Scorch, 5. chamusco, m. — v. chamuscar. Scorn, X. desprecio, m. — v. desdenar. Scoundrel, x. belitrero, m. Scour, V. escurar. Scout, X. explorador, m. Scowling, a. cenudo. Scramble, v. arrebatar. Scrape, x. raedura,/. — v. raspar. Scratch, s. rasgimo, m. — 1;. ras- gunar. Scream, v. chillar. Screw, X. tornillo, m. Screwdriver, x. destornillador, m. Scrub, V. frotar. Scullery, s. fregadero, m. Sculptor, X. escultor, ni. Sea, X. mar, vt. & /.: oceano, nt. Seafaring, a. marino. Seaport, x. puerto de mar, m. Seasickness, x. mareamiento: mareo, m. Seaside, x. ribera del mar, /. Season, x. estacion: sazon, /. Season-ticket, x. abono de pasaje, m. Seat, X. morada: silla, /. — v. asentar: situar. Seaweed, x. alga marina, /. Second, a. segundo. Secondhand, x. segunda mano, /. Secret, x. secreto, nt. Secretary, x. secretario, nt. Secure, v. asegurar — a. seguro. See, V. ver. Seed, X. semilla: simiente, /. Seldom, ad. raramente. Self, a. mismo. Selfish, a. egoista. Sell, V. vender. Send, V. despachar: enviar. Sensation, x. sensaci6n, /. Sense, x. sentido, m. Sentence, s. sentencia: frase, /. Separate 164 Shrimp Separate, v. separar. Septic, a. s^ptico. Serious, a. serio. Servant, s. servidor, m.: criado, m.: criada, /. Serve, v. servir. Service, s. servicio: oficio (church), m. Serviceable, a. servil. Set, V. componer: imponer: plantar: entablillar. Settee, s. canape, m. Settle, V. ajustar: resolver: liquidar. Seven, a. siete — s. siete, m. Seventeen, a. diez y siete — 5. diez y siete, m. Seventy, a. setenta — s. seten- ta, m. Sever, v. separar. Several, a. varios. Severe, a. riguroso. Severity, s. severidad, /. Sew, V. coser. Sewer, s. cloaca, /. Sex, 5. sexo, m. Sexton, s. sacristan, m. Shade, s. sombra, /. — v. som- brear. Shadow, s. sombra, /. Shady, a. sombrio. Shake, s. vibracion, /. — v. sacudir. Shaking, 5. temblor, m. Shallow, a. somero. Sham, a. falso. Shame, s. rubor, m. — v. aver- gonzar. Shameful, a. vergonzoso. Shameless, a. descarado. Shampoo, s. champii, m. Shamrock, 5. trebol, m. Shape, s. forma,/.: talle, m. — v. formar. Share, 5. reja: accion, /. — v. distribuir. Shareholder, s. accionista, /. Shark, s. tiburon, m. Sharp, a. agudo: acre — ad. puntualmente. Sharpen, v. afilar. Sharpness, s. acrimonia, /. Shave, v. rasurar, 5. Shaving, s. rasura, /. Shaving-brush, s. escobilla de barba, /. Shawl, s. chal, m. She, pn. ella. Sheep, *. carnero, m.: oveja, /. Sheepish, a. ovejuno. ter, a. puro: escarpado. Sheet, s. sabana, /.: pliego, m. Shelf, 5. anaquel, m. Shell, s. concha, /. — v. des- conchar: bombardear. Shellac, x. laca en hojuelas, /. Shell-fish, 5. marisco, m. Shelter, s. cobertizo, m. — v. abrigar. Shepherd, s. pastor, m. Sherbet, s. sorLete, m. Sherry, 5. vino de Jerez, m. Shield, s. escudo, m. — ■ v. escudar. Shifting, a. movedizo. Shifty, a. artificioso. Shin, 5. tibia, /. Shine, 5. brillo, m. — t;. brillar. Shingle, s. cascajo, m. Shining, a. luminoso. Ship, J. nave,/.: buque: navio.m. Shipment, 5. cargamento, m. Shipper, %. cargador, m. Shipping, a. maritimo. Shipwreck, s. naufragio, m. Shipyard, 5. astillero, m. Shiver, 5. cacho: fragmento, m. — V. estrellar. Shivering, s. calofrio, m. Shock, X. choque, m. — v. escandalizar. Shocking, a. escandaloso. Shoe, 5. zapato, m. Shoeblack, s. limpiabotas, m. Shoelace, s. majuela, /. Shoemaker, s. zapatero, m. Shoot, V. tirar. Shooting, 5. tiro, m. Shop, 5. tienda, /.: taller, m. Shopkeeper, 5. mercader, m. Shore, s. costa: playa, /. Short, a. corto: breve. Shortcoming , s. insuficiencia,/. Shorten, v. acortar. Shorthand, x. estenografia, /. Shortly, ad. luego. Shoulder, 5. espalda, /. Shout, s. aclamacion, /. — v. aclamar. Shovel, s. pala, /. Show, X. espectaculo, m.\ osten- tacion, /. — v. mostrar. Shower, x. Uuvia, /. Shred, x. fragmento, m. Shrew-mouse, x. musgafio, m. Shrewd, a. astuto. Shriek, v. chillar. Shrimp, s. camar6n, m. Shrink 165 Snout Shrink, v. estrechar. Shrivel, r. arrugar. Shrove Tuesday, s. martes de carnaval, m. Shrub, s. arbusto, m. Shrug, V. encoger os hombros. Shudder, v. estremecerse. Shun, II. evitar. Shut, V. cerrar. Shy, a. timido. Sick, a. enfermo. Sickening, a. asqueroso. Sickness, i. enfermedad, /. Side, a. lateral — s. costado: partido, m. Sideways, ad. de lado. Siege, 5. asedio, m. Sieve, s. criba, /. Sigh, X. suspiro, m. — v. suspirar. Sight, 5. ver, ni. Sightless, a. ciego. Sightseer, s. curioso, m. Sign, s. indicio, w. Signal, s. senal: aviso, m. Signboard, j. muestra, /. Signpost, X. poste de senales, m. Silence, s. silencio: sosiego, m. — V. hacer callar. Silk,5. seda,/. Silver, s. plata, /. — v. platear. Similar, a. simil. Simple, a. simple. Sin, s. pecado, m. — v. pecar. Since, ad. desde entonces — prep, desde. Sing, V. cantar. Singer, x. cantor, m.: cantora,/. Single, a. solo. Sink, s. vertedero: albanal, m. — V. hundir: echar a pique. Siphon, 5. sif6n, m. Sir, 5. senor, m. Sister, x. hermana, /. Sit, V. sentarse. Six, a. seis — x. seis, m. Size, X. tamafio, m. Skate, V. patinar — x. patln, m. Skim, V. descremar. Skin, X. cutis, m.: piel, j£. Skipping, X. salto, m. Skirt, s. falda, m. Skull, X. craneo, m. Sky, X. cielo, m. Slack, a. flojo. Slander, x. calumnia, /. Slate, X. pizarra, /. Slaughter, v. matar. Slave, X. esclavo, m. Sleep, V. dormir. Sleet, s. aguanicv c, /. Sleeve, s. manga, /. Sleigh, *. trinco, m. Sleight, s. mafia./. Slender, a. esbelto: escaso. Slice, X. rebanada, /. — t. re- banar. Slide, X. resbaladero, m. — v. resbalar. Slight, X. desprecio, m. — v. dcspreciar. Slim, a. sutil. Slime, X. lodo, m. Slip, X. error: vastago, tn. — v. soltar. Slipper, X. chinela, /. Slit, X. raja, /. — v. rajar. Sloe, X. endrino, nt. Slot, X. muesca, /. Slug, X. babosa, /. Sly, a. socarron. Small, a. pequeno: chico: menudo: menor. Smallpox, X. viruelas, /. pi. Smart, a. agudo: vivo. Smartness, x. agudeza, /. Smash, j. fracaso, m. — v. romper. Smear, s. mancha, /. — v. manchar. Smell, X. olor, m. — v. oler. Smelling-salts, x. frasco de sales, ni. Smile, X. sonrisa, /. — v. son- reirse. Smoke, x. humo, m. — v. ahumar: fumar tabaco. Smoker, x. fumador, m. Smoking, x. fumigacion, /. Smoking-room, x. fumadero, m. Smooth, a. liso. Smother, v. sufocar. Smuggle, 7;. hacer contrabando. Smuggler, x. contrabandista, m. Snail, X. carecol, m. Snake, x. culebra, /. Snare, v. enredar. Snarl, v. grunir. Snatch, v. arrebatar. Sneeze, v. estornudar. Sniff, V. husniear. Snob, X. fachendon, tn. Snore, s. ronquido, tn. — i;. roncar. Snout, X. hocico, m. Snow I Snow, s. nieve, /. — v. nevar. Sno^vball, s. bola de nieve, /. Snowdrop, s. campanilla blan- ca, /. Snowstorm, s. nevada, /. Snowy, a. nevoso. Snub, s. reprimenda, /. Snuff, 5. rape, m. Snug, a. comodo. So, ad. asi: tal: de mode que. Soak, V. remojar. Soap, s. jabon, m. — v. jabonar. Soapy, a. jabonoso. Soar, V. remontarse. Sob, s. sollozo, rn. — v. soUozar. Sober, a. sobrio. Sobriety, 5. sobriedad, /. Social, a. social. Society, s. sociedad: asocia- cion, /. Sock, s. calcetin, m.: reja, /. Socket, 5. canon, m. Sod, s. turba, /. Soda-water, s. agua de seltz, /. Soft, a. blando: tierno. Soften, V. suavizar: ablandar. Softness, s. blandura, /. Soil, s. tierra: mancha, /. — v. manchar. Soldier, s. soldado: militar, m. Sole, a. unico — s. planta, /.: lenguado, m. — v. solar. Solemn, a. solemne. Solicit, V. solicitar. Solicitor, s. procurador, m. Solid, a. s61ido: firme. Solidify, v. solidificar. Solution, 5. solucion, /. Sombre, a. sombrio: oscuro. Some, a. algo de: un poco: algiin, alguno: alguna: unos: pocos: ciertos. Somebody, s. alguien, m. & f. Somehow, ad. de algiin modo. Something, s. algo, m. Sometimes, ad. algunas veces. Somewhat, s. algo, m. Somewhere, ad. en alguna parte. Son, 5. hijo, m. Son-in-law, s. yerno, m. Song, s. cancion, /. Soon, ad. presto: pronto. Sooner, ad. mas pronto. Soot, s. hoUin, m. Soothe, V. ablandar. Sorcerer, 5. hechicero: sortl- lego, m. 66 Spice Sorcery, s. hechiceria: magia, /.: encanto, m. Sordid, a. sordido: mug- riento: bajo. Sore, a. doloroso — x. llaga, /. Soreness, 5. llaga, /. Sorrow, s. afliccion, /.: dolor, 7n. — V. afligirse. Sorry, a. triste. Soul, 5. alma, /. Sound, a. sano: entero: puro: firme — v. sondar: tocar — s. sonda: tienta, /. Soup, 5. potaje, m.: sopa, /. Soup tureen, s. sopera, /. Sour, a. acido: agrio. South, s. mediodia: sud, m. Sovereign, s. soberano, m. Sow, s. puerca, /. So'w, t'. sembrar. Space, s. espacio, m. Spade, s. azada, /. Span, 5. palmo, m. — v. medir a palmos. Spaniel, s. podenco, m. Spanner, s. Have de pasador, /. Sparing, a. economico. Spark, 5. chispa, /. Sparrow, s. gorrion, m. Sparse, a. esparcido. Spasm, s. espasmo, /. Spawning, 5. desove, m. Speak, V. hablar. Speaker, 5. orador, m. Speaking, a. expresivo. Spear, s. lanza, /. — v. alanzear. Special, a. especial. Specially, ad. sobre todo. Specimen, s. especimen, m. Specious, a. especioso. Speckle, s. mota,/. — v. motear. Spectacles, s. anteojos, m. pi. Spectator, s. espectador, m. Spectre, x. espectro, m. Speculate, v. especular. Speculation, 5. especulaci6n, /. Speechless, a. mudo. Speed, s. velocidad: rapidez, /. — V. despachar. Speedy, a. rapidb. Spell, s. hechizo, m. — v. dele- trear. Spelling, s. deletreo, m. Spend, V. gastar. Spendthrift, s. prodigo, m. Spent, a. agotado. Sphere, s. globo, m. Spice, s. especia,/. — v. especiar. Spider Spider, s. arafia, /. Spider's web, s. telaraiia, /. Spill, V. derramar. Spin, V. hilar. Spinach, 5. espinaca, /. Spine, s. espina, /. Spinster, s. soltera, /. Spiral, s. espira, /. Spire, s. flecha, /. Spirit, s. espiritu, m.: fantasma, /.: alcohol, w. Spiritless, a. abatido. Spiritual, a. espiritual. Spit, V. escupir. Spite, s. despecho, m. — v. despechar. Spiteful, a. malevolo. Splash, s. salpicadura, /. — v. salpicar. Splendid, a. espl^ndido. Splendour, s. esplendor, m. Splint, 5. tablilla, /. Splinter, 5. esquirla, /. Split, s. raja, /. — v. rajar. Spoil, s. despojo, m. — v. des- pojar. Spoke, X. rayo, m. Sponge, s. eponje, /. Spontaneous, a. espontaneo. Spool, J. canilla, /. Spoon, s. cuchara, /. Spoonful, s. cucharada, /. Sport, s. juego, m. Sportsman, 5. cazador, m. Spot, s. tacha, /.: lugar, m. — v. macular. Spotless, a. inmaculado. Spouse, s. esposo, m.: esposa,/. Spout, 5. tubo, m. Sprain, s. dislocacion, /. Sprat, s. meleta, /. Spray, s. espuma, /. Spread, s. extension, /. — v. tender: desplegar. Spring, s. primavera, /.: man- antial: salto, m. — v. manar: saltar. Sprinkle, s. riego, m. — v. rociar. Sprinkling, s. rociamiento, m. Sprout, s. renuevo, m. — t;. brotar. Spry, a. despierto. Spurious, a. espurio. Spurn, V. despreciar. Spurt, V. brotar. Sputter, V. tartajear. Spy, s. espia, m. — v. espiar. 167 Stationary Squabble, s. disputa, /. — v. disputar. Squalid, a. puerco: mugriento. Squally, a. chubascoso. Squalor, s. mugre, m. Squander, v. disipar. Square, a. cuadrado — s. cua- dro, m. Squeeze, s. estruj6n, m. — v. estrujar. Squint, s. estrabismo, m. — v. bizquear. Squirrel, x. ardilla, /. Squirt, s. jeringa, /. — v. jerin- gar. Stab, X. punalada,/. — v. apuna- lar. Stable, a. estable — s. establo.m. Stag, X. ciervo: venado, m. Stage, X. tablado, m. Stagger, v. asombrar. Stagnant, a. estancado. Stain, X. mancha, /. Stainless, a. inmaculado. Stair, X. escalon, m. Upstairs, arriba. Downstairs, abajo. Stale, a. anejo. Stalk, X. tallo, m. Stallion, x. caballo padre, m. Stalwart, a. robusto. Stammer, v. tartamudear. Stammering, a. tartamudo. Stamp, X. estampa, /.: sello, m. — V. patear: estampar: sellar. Stampede, x. panico, m. Stand, X. puesto, m.: parada, /. — V. sufrir. Standard, x. estandarte, tn. Standstill, x. pausa, /. Star, X. estrella, /. Starch, x. almidon, m. — v. almidonar. Staring, a. evidente. Stark, a. rigido. Starling, x. estornino, m. Start, X. sobresalto, m. — v. sobrecogerse. Starting, x. salida, /. Startle, v. asustar. Starvation, x. muerte de hambre, /. Starve, v. matar de hambre. State, X. estado, m. Stately, a. augusto. Statesman, x. estadista, m. Station, x. estacidn: posici6n,/. — V. apostar. Stationary, a. estacionario. Stationer 168 Submarine Stationer, x. librero, m. Stationery, 5. papeleria, /. Statuary, x. estatuaria, /. Stay, V. parar: quedarse: tardar. Steady, a. firme. Steak, X. tajada, /. Beefsteak, biftec. Steal, V. hurtar: robar. Stealtti, s. cautela,/.: recato, m. Steam, x. vapor, m. Steel, X. acero, m. Steep, a. escarpado. Steer, v. gobernar: conducir. Stem, s. tallo, m. Step, 1;. dar un pass — x. paso, m. Stepfather, x. padrastro, m. Stepmother, x. madrastra, /. Stern, a. austero — x. popa, /. Stew, V. estofar — x. estofado, m. Steward, s. administrador: camarero, m. Stick, V. pegar — x. palo: bast6n (vvalking-s.). fn. Sticking plaster — s. tafetan ingles, m. Stiff, a. rigido: tieso. Still, a. silencioso: tranquillo — ad. todavia. Sting, V. picar — x. punzada, /. Stir, V. agitar. Stitch, X. puntada, /. — v. dar puntadas. Stock, s. aleli: tronco, 7w.: caja, /. — V. vender. Stocking, X. media, /. Stomach, x. estomago, m. Stone, X. piedra, /. Stoop, V. bajarse: encorvarse. Stop, V. parar: empastar: sus- pender — X. punto, m.: parada: pausa, /. Store, V. almacenar — s. tienda,/. Stork, X. cigiiena, /. Storm, X. tempestad, /. Story, X. cuento, m.: fabula, /. Stove, X. estufa, /. Straggle, v. extraviarse. Straggler, x. rezagado, m. Straight, a. derecho: recto — ad. luego. Straightforward, a. franco. Straightway, ad. al instante. Strain, x.: tension, /.: aire, m. Strait, a. estrecho — s. em- barazo, m. Strange, a. extranjero: mara- villoso. Stranger, x. extranjero, m. Strangle, t;. estrangular. Strap, X. correa, /. Straw, s. paja, /. Strawberry, x. fresa, /. Stray, a. descarriado. Streak, x. lista, /. Stream, x. corriente, /. — v. correr. Streamer, x. flamula, /. Street, x. calle, /. Strength, x. firmeza: solidez, /. Strengthen, v. fortificar. Strenuous, a. ardiente. Stretch, x. extension, /. — v. extender. Stretcher, x. Camilla, f. Strict, a. rigoroso: severo. Stride, x. zancada, /. Strident, a. aspero. Strife, X. contienda, /. Strike, x. huelga, /. — v. herir: arriar. Striker, x. golpeador, m. String, X. cordel: bramante, m. Stringency, x. severidad, /. Stringent, a. estricto. Strip, X. tira, /. — v. desnudar. Stripe, X. lista, /. — v. rayar. Strive, v. luchar. Stroke, x. golpe, m. — v. acari- ciar. Stroll, X. paseo, m. — v. vagar. Strong, a. fuerte. Strop, X. asentador, ?n. Structure, x. estructura, /. Struggle, x. lucha,/. — v. luchar. Strychnine, x. estricnina, /. Stubborn, a. refractario. Stud, X. bot6n, m.: yeguada, /. Student, x. estudiante, m. Studio, X. estudio, ni. Studious, a. estudioso. Study, X. estudio, m. — t;. estudiar. Stumble, v. tropezar. Stumbling, a. tropezon. Stun, V. aturdir. Stupefaction, x. estupor, m. Stupefy, V. atontar. Stupendous, a. estupendo. Stupid, a. estupido. Sturdiness, x. fuerza, /. Sturdy, a. fuerte. Sty, X. orzuelo, m. Stylish, a. de moda. Suave, a. suave. Subdue, V. sujetar. Subject, X. materia, /. — V. sujetar. Submarine, a. submarino. Submerge i Submerge, v. submergir. Subscribe, i;. subscribir: abon- arse. Subscriber, 5. abonado, m. Subscription, s. subscrip- ci6n, /. Subsequent, a. subsiguiente. Subsequently, ad. despues. Subservient, a. subordinado. Subside, v. sumergirse: cal- marse. Subsidize, v. dar subsidies. Subsidy, 5. subvencion, /. Subsist, V. subsistir. Substance, s. substancia, /. Substitute, v. sustituir. Subterfuge, s. subterfugio, m. Subterranean, a. subterraneo. Subtle, a. astuto. Subtract, v. substraer. Suburb, s. suburbio, m. Suburban, a. suburbano. Subway, x. pasaje subterraneo, w. Succeed, v. suceder a. Success, X. suceso, m. Successful, a. prospero. Successive, a. sucesivo. Sudden, a. subito. Sue, V. demandar: suplicar. Suet, 5. sebo, m. Suffocate, v. sufocar. Sugar, s. aziicar, m. Suicide, x. suicidio, m. Sullen, a. sombrio. Summer, s. verano, m. Sun, s. sol, m. Sunday, x. domingo, m. Sunriower, 5. girasol, m. Sunlight, s. luz del sol, /. Sunrise, x. el salir del sol, m. Sunstroke, s. insolaci6n, /. Superb, a. soberbio. Supper, s. cena, /. Supplement, s. suplemento, m Suppress, v. suprimir. Supremacy, x. supremacia, /. Supreme, a. supremo. Surcharge, x. sobrecarga, /. — V. sobrecargar. Sure, a. seguro: cierto. Surely, ad. sin duda. Surface, x. sobrefaz, /. Surfeit, x. hartura,/. — v. hartar. Surgeon, s. cirujano, m. Surgery, x. cirujia, /. Surliness, x. mal humor, m. Surmountable, a. superable. Surname, x. apellido, m. 69 Tantalize Surpass, v. sobresalir. Surplus, X. exceso, m. Surprise, x. sorpresa, /. — v. sorprender. Surrender, v. ceder. Surround, v. cercar: circundar. Surtax, X. sobrecarga, /. Survey, x. inspeccion, /. Suspect, a. sospccho. Suspend, v. suspender. Swallow, X. golondrina. Swan, X. cisne, m. Swear, v. jurar. Sweat, X. sudor, m. Sweep, X. curso, m. Sweet, a. dulce. Sweeten, v. endulzar. Sweetheart, x. amante, m. Sweetmeat, x. dulce, rn. Swift, a. rapido: veloz. Swim, V. nadar. Swimmer, x. nadador, m. Swindle, v. estafar — x. estafa,/. Swindler, x. estafador, m. Sword, X. sable, /. Symptom, x. sintoma, m. Syringe, 5. jeringa, /. — v. jeringar. Syrup, X. jarabe, m. Table, x. tabla, /. Tablespoon, x. cuchara de mesa, /. Tablet, x. tableta: pastilla, /. Tacit, a. tacito. Taciturn, a. taciturno. Tack, X. puntada, /. — v. clavar. Tact, s. tacto, m. Tadpole, x. renaeuajo, m. Tail, X. cola: rabo, /. Tailor, x. sastre, m. Taint, x. infeccion, /. Take, v. prender: aceptar — v. salir bien. Talent, x. talento, m. Talk, X. charla,/. — r. conversar. Talkative, a. locuaz. Tall, a. alto: grande. Tallow, X. sebo, m. Tame, a. domesticado: d6cil — V. desbravar. Tan, X. casca, /. Tangle, x. enredo, m. — v. en- redar. Tank, x. cistema, /. Tankard, x. tanque, m. Tantalize, v. atormentar. Tap I Tap, V. llamar: horadar — s. espita: palmada, /.: golpecito: grifo, m. Tape, s. cinta, /. Taper, s. cirlo, m. Tapestry, x. tapiz, m. Tar, s. alquitran, m. Tardy, a. tardio. Target, 5. tarja, /. Tariff, s. tarifa, /. Tarnish, v. deslustrar. Tarpaulin, s. encerado, m. Tart, a. acedo — s. tarta, /. Tassel, 5. borla, /. Taste, s. gusto, m. — v. gustar. Tasteless, a. soso. Tasty, a. gustoso. Tattooing, s. picadura del cutis, /. Taunt, s. mofa, /. Tavern, s. taberna, /. Tavern-keeper, s. tabernero, m. Tawdry, a. charro. Tax, s. impuesto, m.: contri- bucion, /. Taxation, s. impuesto, m. Taxpayer, 5. contribuyente, ni. Tea, s. te, m. Teach, v. enseiiar: instruir. Teak, s. teca, /. Tear, s. llanto, m. Tear, 5. raja, /. — v. rasgunar. Tease, v. molestar. Teasel, s. cardencha, /. Tedious, a. tedioso. Teethe, v. endentecer, /. Teetotal, a. sobrio. Telegram, s. telegrama, m. Telegraph, 5. telegrafo, m. Telephone, s. telefono, m. — v. telefoniar. Tell, V. decir: contar. Temerity, s. temeridad. Temper, s. temple: humor, m. Temperament, 5. tempera- mento, m. Temperance, s. sobriedad, /. Temperate, a. templado. Temperature, s. tempera- tura, /. Tempest, s. tempestad, /. Tempestuous, a. tempestuoso. Temple, s. templo, m. Tempt, V. tentar. Temptation, s. tentacion, /. Ten, a. diez — s. diez, m. Tenacious, a. tenaz. Tenancy, s. tenencia, /. 70 Thirty Tenant, 5. arrendatario, m. Tench, 5. tenca, /. Tend, v. guardar: cuidar. Tenement, 5. habitacion, /. Tennis, 5. tenis, m. Tense, a. tenso. Tent, s. tienda, /. Term, s. termino, m. Terminate, v. terminar. Termination, s. terminaci6n,/. Terminus, x. ultima estacion,/. Terrace, s. terrado, m. Terrible, a. terrible. Terrify, v. aterrar. Territory, x. territorio, m. Terrorize, v. aterrorizar. Test, X. ensayo, wz. Testament, x. testamento, m. Testify, v. testificar. Textile, a. textil. Than, c. que: de. Thank, v. agradecer. Thanks, x.: gracias, /. pi. That, pn. aquel: ese: el que. Thaw, X. deshielo, m. The, art. el: la: lo: los: las. Theatre, x. teatro, ?n. Thee, pn. te. Theft, X. robo, m. Their, pn. su: suyo: suya: de ellos: de ellas. Them, pn. los: las: les: ellos: ellas. Themselves, pn. pi. ellos mismos: si mismos. Then, ad. entonces. Thence, ad. desde alii. There, ad. alii: alia: ahi. Thereabout, ad. por alii. Thereafter, ad. despues. Therefore, ad. & c. por esto. Thereupon, ad. al instante. Thermometer, s. termometro, m. They, pn. pi. ellos: ellas. Thick, a. espeso. Thicken, v. espesar. Thickness, x. espesor, m. Thief, X. Iadr6n, m. Thieve, v. hurtar: robar. Thigh, X. muslo, m. Thimble, x. dedal, m. Thin, a. delgado. Thing, X. cosa, /. Think, v. pensar: imaginar. Thirst, X. sed, /. — v. tener sed. Thirsty, a. sediento. Thirteen, a. trece. Thirty, a. treinta. This I This, pn. 6ste: ^sta: esto: a. este: esta. Thistle, s. cardo, m. Thither, ad. alia. Thorn, s. espino, m. Thorough, a. cabal. Thou, pn. tu. Though, c. aunque: sin em- bargo. Thought, s. pensamiento, m. Thoughtful, a. pcnsativo. Thoughtless, a. descuidado. Thousand, a. & s. mil, m. Thrash, v. batir. Thread, s. filamento, m. Threat, s. amenaza, /. Three, a. & s. tres, m. Thrift, 5. frugalidad, /. Thrifty, a. economico. Thrive, v. prosperar. Throat, s. garganta, /. Throne, s. trono, m. Throttle, 5. gollete, m. Through, pr. per: con: por medio de. Throughout, ad. por todo. Thrush, ^. tordo: zorzal, m.: afta, /. Thumb, s. pulgar, nu Thumping, a. grueso. Thunder, s. trueno, m. — v. tronar. Thunderstorm, 5. tronada, /. Thursday, s. jueves, m. Thus, ad. asi: de este modo. Thy, pn. tu: tus. Ticking, x. terliz, m. Ticket, 5. billete: rotulo, m. Ticket office, s. despacho de billetes, ni. Tickle, V. hacer cosquillas. Ticklish, a. cosquilloso. Tide, s. marea, /. Tidiness, s. aseo, m. Tie, s. corbata, /. — v. liar: atar: ligar. Tiger, s. tigre, m. Tight, a. estrecho. Tigress, s. tigra, /. Tile, s. teja — v. tejar. Till, c. & pr. hasta — $. gaveta, /. — V. cultivar. Timber, s. maderaje, m. Timber-merchant, s. mader- ero, m. Time, s. tiempo, m. Timely, a. temprano. Timepiece, s. reloj, m. Time-table, s. itinerario, m. 71 Torpedo Timid, a. timido. Timidity, s. timidez, /. Timorous, a. temeroso. Tin, s. estaiio, m. Tinfoil, s. hoja de estaiio, /. Tincture, s. tintura, /. Tingle, v. retiiiir. Tiny, a. pequeno. Tip, V. dar propina — s. pro- pina, /. Tipsy, a. embriagado. Tire, j. llanta, /. (de rueda) — V. cansar. Tiresome, a. tedioso. Tithe, s. diezmo, m. Title, y. titulo, m. Titmouse, s. paro, m. To, prep, a: con: de: en: hasta: por. Toad, s. sapo, m. Toadstool, 5. hongovejin, m. Toast, s. tostada, /. — v. tostar. Tobacco, s. tabaco, m. Tobacconist, 5. tabaquero, m. Tobacco-pipe, 5. pipa, /. Tobacco-pouch, s. petaca, /. To-day, ad. hoy. Toe, X. dedo del pie, m. Together, ad. juntamente. Toil, s. trabajo, m. — v. trabajar: atrafagar. Toiler, s. trabajador, m. Toilet, 5. tocado: retrete, nt. Token, s. serial, m. Tolerance, 5. tolerancia, /. Tolerate, v. tolerar. Toll, s. portazgo, m. Toll-gate, s. barreradepeaje,/. Tomato, 5. tomate, m. Tomb, 5. tumba, /. Tombstone, s. piedra sepul- cral, /. To-morrow, s. manana, /. Tongs, 5. tenazas, /. pi. Tongue, s. lengua, /. Tonic, s. tonico, m. To-night, ad. esta noche. Tonsil, s. amigdala, /. Too, ad. tambien: demasiado. Tool, s. herramienta, /. Tooth, s. diente, m. Toothache, s. dolor de muelas, m. Toothbrush, s. cepillo de dientes, m. Tooth-powder, s. polvo denti- frico, m. Torment, s. tormento, m. Torpedo, s. torpedo, m. Torrent 172 Torrent, s. torrente, m. Tortoise, s. tortuga, /. Touch, V. tocar. Tough, a. correso: duro. Tour, 5. excursi6n, /. Tourist, X. turista, m. Towards, prep, hacia. Towel, 5. pane de manos, nt.: toalla, /. Town, 5. ciudad: villa, /. Toy, X. juguete, m. Toyshop, X. jugueteria, /. Trade, s. comercio, m. Tradesman, s. tendero, m. Traffic, s. trafico, m. Train, s. tren, m. Traitor, s. traidor, m. Tramcar, s. carruaje de tran- via, m. Tramp, s. vagabundo, m. Tramway, s. tranvia, /. Tranquil, a. tranquilo. Transfer, t;. transferir. Transit, x. transito, m. Translate, v. traducir. Transmit, v. transmitir. Transparent, a. transparente. Transport, x. rapto, m. Trap, X. trampa, /. — v. atrapar. Travel, v. viajar. Traveller, x. viajero, m. Tray, x. bandeja, /.: azafate, m. Treacle, x. meladura, /. Tread, v. pisar — x. paso: es- calon, m. Treason, x. traici6n, /. Treasure, x. tesoro, m. Tree, x. arbol, w. Trefoil, x. trebol, m. Trellis, x. enrejado, m. Tremble, v. temblar. Trembling, a. tembloso. Tremendous, a. tremendo. Tremulous, a. tremulo. Trench, x. zanja,/. — v. atrinch- erar: zanjar. Trend, x. tendencia, /. Trespass, x. traspaso, m. — v. traspasar. Trespasser, x. trasgresor, m. Trestle, x. caballete, m. Trial, x. prueba, /. juicio, nt. Triangle, x. triangulo, m. Tribe, x. tribu, m. Tribunal, x. tribunal, nt. Tribune, s. tribuno, m. Trick, X. engano, w(. Trickery, x. fullerla, /. Trickle, v. escurrir. Turbot Tricolour, a. tricolor. Tricycle, x. triciclo, m. Trifle, x. bagatela, /. _ Trimming, x. guarnicion, /. Trinket, x. joya: buljeria,/. Trip, s. zancadilla, /.: resbal6n, m.: excursi6n, /. — v. derribar. Tripe, x. tripa, /. Tripod, X. tripode, m. Tripper, s. viajero, m. Triumph, s. triunfo, nt. — v. triunfar. Triumphant, a. triunfante. Trivial, a. trivial. Trolley, x. carretilla, /. Trouble, x. molestia, /. — v. perturbar: molestar. Troublesome, a. molesto. Trough, X. artesa, /.: pilon, m. Trousers, x. calzones, m. pi. Trousseau, x. ajuar, m. Trout, X. trucha, /. Trowel, x. trulla: liana, /. Truant, x. haragan, m. Truce, x. tregua, /. Truck, X. carreton, m. Truculent, a. truculento. True, a. verdadero. Truly, ad. en verdad. Trump X. triunfo (cards), m. Trumpet, x. trompeta, /. Trunk, x. tronco (human and tree) nt.: haul (bag), m.: trompa (elephant), /. Truss, X. haz, rn. — v. ligar. Trustful, a. confiado. Trustworthy, a. fidedigno. Trusty, a. leal. Truth, X. verdad, /. Truthful, a. verdadero. Try, V. probar: tentar. Trying, a. dificil. Tub, X. barril: cube, m. Tube, X. canon, m. Tuberculosis, x. tuberculiza- ci6n, /. Tuesday, x. martes, m. Tuft, X. penacho: copete, ni. Tug, X. tirada, /.: remolcador, m. — V. tirar. Tulip, X. tulipan, m. Tumble, v. volcar. Tumour, x. tumor, m. Tumult, X. tumulto, m. Tune, X. aria, /. — v. acordar. Tuneful, a. melodioso. Tunnel, s. tiinel, m. Turbid, a. turbio. Turbot, X. rodaballo, m. Turbulent 173 Undertaker Turbulent, a. turbulente. Tureen, i. sopera, /. Turf, s. cesped, /. Turkey, x. pavo, m. Turkish bath, s. bano turco, m. Turmoil, 5. tumulto, m. Turn, %. rodeo: turno, m. — v. volver: tornar. Turning, x. vuelta, /. Turnip, s. nabo, m. Turnpike, s. molinete, m. Turpentine, x. trementina, /. Turqoise, s. turquesa, /. Turtle, s. tortuga, /. Tweezers, s. pinzas, /. pi. Twelve, a. doce: en dozavo. Twenty, a. veinte. Twice, ad. dos veces. Twig, 5. vareta, /. Twilight, 5. crepiisculo, m. Twin, 5. gemelo, m. Twine, s. bramante, m. — v. torcer. Twinkle, s. centelleo, m. Twist, s. torzal, m. — v. torcer. Two, a. dos. Two-hundred, a. doscientos. Typewriter, 5. maquina de escribir, /. Typhoid fever, 5. tifoideo, m. Typhoon, s. tifon, m. Tyrant, s. tirano, m. U Ubiquitous, a. ubicuo. Udder, x. ubre, /. Ugliness, x. fealdad, /. Ugly, a. disforme. Ulcer, X. ulcera, /. Ultimate, a. ultimo. Ultramarine, a. ultramarino — X. ultramar, m. Umbrella, x. paraguas, m. — stand, X. portaparaguas, m. Umpire, x. arbitro, m. — v. arbitrar. Unabashed, a. insolente. Unabated, a. completo. Unable, a. incapaz. Unaccompanied, a. solo. Unaccountable, a. inexplic- able. Unaccustomed, a. desuado. Unadorned, a. sin adorno. Unaffected, a. natural. Unaided, a. sin ayuda. Unalloyed, a. puro. Unalterable, a inalterable. Unamiable, a. desagradable. Unanimous, a. unanime. Unarmed, a. inerme. Unassailable, a. inatacable. Unassuming, a. modesto. Unattainable, a. inasequible. Unattended, a. solo. Unavailing, a. infructuoso. Unavoidable, a. inevitable. Unaware, a. inadvertido. Unbearable, a. intolerable. Unbecoming, a. impropio. Unbiassed, a. imparcial. Unbleached, a. crudo. Unblushing, a. desvergonzado. Unburden, v. descargar. Unbutton, v. desabotonar. Uncalled for, a. gratuito. Unceasing, a. incesante. Uncertain, a. incierto. Uncharitable, a. desapiadado. Uncivil, a. descortes. Unclad, a. desnudo. Uncle, X. tio. Unclean, a. impure. Uncoloured, a. incoloro. Uncomfortable, a. incomodo. Uncommon, a. raro. Uncomplaining, a. contento. Unconcern, x. indiferencia, /. Uncongenial, a. incompatible. Unconquerable, a. invencible. Unconscious, a. inconsciente. Uncontrollable, a. inmanej- able. Uncork, v. destapar. Uncouple, v. desengranar. Uncouth, a. rudo. Uncover, v. descubrir. Uncultivated, a. inculto. Undaunted, a. intrepido. Undeceive, v. desengafiar. Undecided, a. indeciso. Undeniable, a. innegable. Under, pr. cif ad. debajo: soto: menos que: inferior a. Underdone, a. poco cocido. Undergo, v. sufrir. Underground, a. subterraneo. Underhand, a. clandestine. Underneath, ad. & pr. de- bajo: por debajo. Underrate, v. desapreciar. Understand, v. entender. Undertake, t'. emprender. Undertaker, s. comisario de entierros, m. Underwear i Underwear, s. vestidos in- teriores, m. pi. Underwriter, s. asegurador, m. Undesirable, a. no deseable. Undignified, a. indigno. Unemployed, a. desocupado. Unending, a. eterno. Unendurable, a. insoportable. Unenjoyable, a. enfadoso. Unenlightened, a. ignorante. Unequal, a. desigual. Unerring, a. inf alible. Uneven, a. desigual. Unexpected, a. inopinado. Unfailing, a. inf alible. Unfair, a. injusto. Unfaithful, a. perfido. Unfamiliar, a. desacostum- brado. Unfasten, v. desatar. Unfavourable, a. desfavorable. Unfinished, a. incomplete. Unfit, a. incapaz. Unforeseen, a. imprevisto. Unforgiving, a. implacable. Unforgotten, a. memorable. Unfortunate, a. desafortunado: infeliz. Unfriendly, a. hostil. Unfulfilled, a. no cumplido. Unfurnished, a. desamueblado. Ungainly, a. zafio. Ungallant, a. nistico. Ungentlemanly, a. descort^s. Ungovernable, a. ingobern- able. Ungraceful, a. desgarbado. Ungracious, a. descortes. Ungrateful, a. ingrato. Unguarded, a. incauto. Unhappy, a. infeliz. Unhealthy, a. insalubre. Unhesitating, a. determinado. Unhurt, a. ileso. Unicorn, s. unicornio, m. Uniform, a. uniforme. Unimpaired, a. intacto. Unimportant, a. insignificante. Uninjured, a. ileso. Unintelligible, a. ininteligible. Unintentional, a. involuntario. Uninterrupted, a. continuo. Unique, a. unico. Unite, V. unir. Universe, s. universe, m. Unjust, a. injusto. Unkind, a. cruel. Unless, c. si no: a menos que. Unlike, a. diferente. 74 Untrustworthy Unlucky, a. desafortunado. Unmarried, a. soltero: soltera. Unmerciful, a. inhumano. Unmerited, a. desmerecido. Unmistakable, a. evidente. Unmoved, a. impasible. Unnatural, a. contranatural. Unnecessary, a. innecesario. Unneighbourly, a. descort^. Unoccupied, a. vacante. Unoffending, a. inocente. Unpopular, a. malquisto. Unpractical, a. sin recurso. Unpremeditated, a. inopin- ado. Unprepared, a. desprovisto. Unprofitable, a. noprovechoso. Unpromising, a. que no promete. Unprosperous, a. desafortu- nado. Unprotected, a. desvalido. Unpunctual, a. inexacto. Unpunished, a. impune. Unqualified, a. sin restricci6n. Unquestionable, a. indisput- able. Unreal, a. falso. Unreasonable, a. irrazonable. Unreliable, a. incierto. Unripe, a. inmaturo: verde. Unrivalled, a. incomparable. Unroll, V. desarroUar. Unromantic, a. prosaico. Unruffled, a. tranquilo. Unruly, a. desenfrenado. Unsafe, a. inseguro. Unsatisfactory, a. insuficiente. Unsavoury, a. soso. Unscrew, v. destornillar. Unscrupulous, a. no escrupu- loso. Unseasonable,.a. intempestivo» Unseemly, a. indecente. Unselfish, a. desinteresado. Unsettle, v. perturbar. Unskilful, a. inhabil. Unsuccessful, a. infructuoso. Unsuitable, a. impropio. Unsuspecting, a. no sospech- oso. Unthankful, a. ingrato. Untidy, a. desarreglado. Until, prep, hasta — c. hasta que. Unto, prep, a: dentro: en: para. Untransferable, a. inajenable. Untrue, a. falso. Untrustworthy, a. indigno de confianza. Unusual i Unusual, a. inusitado. Unveil, v. descubrir. Unwashed, a. sucio. Unwell, a. indispuesto. Unwilling, a. desinclinado. Unwise, a. indiscrete. Up, a. levantado — s. tierra elevada, /. — ad. arriba: en lo alro — pron. hacia: hasta. Uphold, V. apoyar. Upholsterer, 5. tapicero, m. Upon, prep, a: encima: por: sobre. Upper, a. superior: mas elevado. Upright, a. recto: juste. Upstairs, ad. arriba. Urchin, s. rapaz, m. Urge, V. incitar. Use, 5. uso, m. Usual, a. habitual. Vacant, a. vacio. Vaccinate, v. vacunar. Vacuum, s. vacuo, m. Vagrant, s. vagabundo, m. Vague, a. vago. Vain, a. vanidoso. Vale, s. valle, m. Valentine, s. aleluya, /. Valet, s. lacayo, m. Valiant, a. v'aliente. Valid, a. valido. Valise, s. maleta, /. Valley, 5. valle, m. Valorous, a. valeroso. Valour, s. valentia, /. Valuable, a. precioso. Value, s. valor, m. Valve, s. valvula, /. Van, s. carro: vagon, m. Vanilla, 5. vainilla, /. Vanish, v. desaparecer. Vanity, x. ostentacion, /. Vanquish, v. veneer. Vaporous, a. vaporoso. Variation, 5. variacion, /, Varicose, a. varicose. Varied, a. jaspeado. Variety, s. variedad, /. Varnish, s. barniz, m. — v. bamizar. Vary, v. variar. Vase, s. vaso, m. Vast, a. vasto. Veal, s, temera, /. Veer, v. virar. 75 Violence Vegetable, a. vegetal — s. leg- umbre, /. Vegetation, s. vegetaci6n, /. Vehement, a. vehemente. Veil, s. velo, m. — v. velar. Vein, s. vena, /. Velocity, 5. velocidad, /. Velvet, 5. terciopelo, m. Velveteen, s. pana, /. Veneer, s. chapa, /. Venerate, v. venerar. Vengeance, 5. venganza, /. Venison, s. venado, m. Venom, s. veneno, m. Ventilate, v. ventilar. Ventilator, 5. abanico, m. Venturesome, a. atrevido. Veracity, 5. veracidad, /. Verdict, 5. decisi6n: opinion, /. Verify, v. verificar. Veritable, a. verdadero. Vermicelli, s. fideos, m. pi. Vermilion, s. bermellon, m. Vermin, s. bichos, m. pi. Vernal, a. vernal. Veronica, 5. veronica, /. Versatile, a. versatil. Verse, s. verso, m. Vertebra, s. vertebra, /. Very, ad. mucho: muy: suma- mente. Vessel, s. vasija, /.: buque, m. Vest, 5. chaleco, m. Vestibule, 5. vestibule, m. Veteran, a. & s. veterano, m. Vex, V. vejar. Vexation, s. vejacion, /. Viaduct, s. viaducto, m. Vibrate, v. vibrar. Vicar, 5. vicario, m. Vice, 5. vicio, m. Vicinity, s. proximidad, /. Vicious, a. vicioso. Victim, s. victima, /. Victor, X. vencedor, m. Victuals, s. vitualla, /. pi. View, 5. vista, /. Vigilance, 5. vigilancia, /. Vigorous, a. vigorose. Village, 5. aldea, /. Villain, s. bellace, ni. Villainy, s. villania, /. Vindicate, v. vindicar. Vindictive, a. vengativo. Vine, 5. vid, /. Vinegar, s. vinagre, m. Vineyard, s. viiia, /. Violate, v. violar. Violence, s. vielencia, /. Violet 176 Violet, s. violeta, /. Violin, s. violin, m. Viper, 5. vibora, /. Virgin, 5. virgen, /. Virile, a. viril. Virtue, s. virtud, /. Vision, s. vision, /. Visit, s. visita, /. — v. visitar. Voyage, s. viaje, m. Vulgar, a. comiin. When W Wafer, $. oblea, /. Wag, V. menear. Wage, X. gaje, m. Waggon, 5. carro: vagon, ni. Waist, s. cintura, /. Waistband, x. cinturon, m. Waistcoat, s. chaleco, m. Wait, V. esperar: servir. Waiter, x. mozo: criado, m. Waiting-room, s. sala de espera, /. Wake, s. vigilia, /. — v. velar. Walk, s. paso: paseo, m. — v. pasear: caminar. Walking-stick, 5. bast6n, m. Wall, s. muralla, /.: muro, m. Wallet, s. mochila, /. Wallflower, 5. alell doble, m. Walnut, s. nuez, /. Waltz, 5. vals, m. — v. valsar. Wander, v. errar. Wanderer, s. vagamundo, m. Want, s. necesidad, /. — v. necesitar. War, 5. guerra, /. Warder, 5. guarda, m. Wardrobe, s. guardaropa, /. Warehouse, s. almacen: de- posito, m. Warfare, s. guerra, /. Warm, a. caliente — 1>. calentar. Warmth, s. calor, ;«. Warn, v. advertir. Warning, x. amonestaci6n, /. Warrant, s. autorizacion, /. Warranty, $. garantia, /. Warrior, s. guerrero, m. Wart, 5. verruga, /. Wash, 5. lavado, ni. — v. lavar. Washerwoman, i. lavandcra,/. Washhouse, s. lavadero, m. Wasp, X. avispa, /. Waste, a. desolado — s. des- echo, m. — v. derrochar. Wasteful, a. gastoso. Watch, s. vela: centinela, /.: reloj de bolsillo, m. Water, s. agua, /. — v. regar: abrevar. Watercress, s. berros, m. pi. Waterfall, s. cascada, /. Water-lily, s. ninfea, /. Waterproof, a. impermeable. Watertight, a. estanco. Wave, s. ola: onda, /. — v. on- dular. Wax, s. cera, /. — v. encerar. Way, s. camino, m.: via: ruta, /. Way in, s. entrada, /. Way out, X. salida, /. We, pn. nosotros: nosotras. Weak, a. debil. Weaken, v. debilitar. Weakly, a. enfermizo — ad. debilmente. Wealth, s. riqueza, /. Wean, v. destetar. Weapon, x. arma, /. Wear, x. uso: gasto, m. — v. gastar. Weary, a. cansado. Weasel, x. comadreja, /. Weather , X. temporal: tiempo.wi. Weave, t;. tejer. Web, X. tela, /. Wed, V. casar: desposar. Wedding, x. boda, /. Wedding-ring, x. anillo nup- cial, m. Wedlock, X. matrimonio, m. Wednesday, x. mi^rcoles, m. Weed, X. zizafia, /. — v. escardar. Week, X. semana, /. Weekday, x. dia de trabajo, m. Weekly, a. semanal. Weep, V. llorar. Weigh, V. pesar. Weighing-machine, s. bal- anza, /. Weighty, a. pesado. Weird, a. sobrenatural. Welcome, a. bien venido. Well, a. bueno — ad. bien. Well-behaved, a. cortes. Well-bred, a. bien criado. West, X. oeste, m. Wet, a. hvimedo — x. humedad,/. Whale, X. ballena, /. What, pron. lo que: qu^: cual. Wheat, X. trigo, m. Wheel, X. rueda, /. When, ad. cuando — conj. cuan- do: luego que. Whenever i Whenever, ad. donde quiera que. Where, ad. donde. Which, pron. cual: qu6: que: el cual: la cual: lo cual: el que: la que: lo que. While, conj. mientras. Whip, s. latigo, m. Whipping, 5. zurriago, m. Whirl, V. girar: voltear. Whirlpool, 5. vortice, m. Whiskers, s. patilla, /. Whiskey, s. aguardiente de granos, m. Whisper, v. cuchichear. Whistle, 5. silbo, m. — v. silbar. White, a. bianco: palido. Whiten, v. blanquear. Whither, ad. adonde. Whiting, s. greda, /. Whitsunday, s. Domingo de Pentecost^s. Who, pn. quien: el que. Whole, a. todo — s. todo. Wholesome, a. sano. Whortleberry, s. arandano, m. Whose, pn. cuyo. Why, ad. porque. Wicked, a. malvado. Wicket, 5. postigo, m. Wide, a. ancho. Widespread, a. esparcido. Widow, 5. viuda, /. Width, s. anchura, /. Wife, 5. esposa: mujer, /. Wig, s. peluca, /. Wild, s. salvaje. Wildness, 5. selvatiquez, /. Wilful, a. porfiado, /. Will, s. voluntad, /. Willing, a. dispuesto. Willow, s. sauce, m. Win, V. ganar: lograr. Wind, 5. viento: aliento, m. — v. devanar: sonar. Windmill, s. molino de viento, 772. Window, X. ventana, /. Windpipe, s. traquea, /. Windy, a. ventoso. Wine, 5. vino, ttj. Wineglass, s. copa de vino, /. Wine - merchant, s. vinatero, tti. Wing, 5. ala, /. Wink , s. guinada, — v. guinar. Winkle, s. caracol marino, m. Winner, i. ganador, m. Winsome, a. atractivo. Winter, s. inviemo, m. M 77 Wrestling Wintry, a. hiemal. Wipe, V. limpiar. Wire, 5. alambre: telegrama, m. Wisdom, s. prudencia, /. Wise, a. sabio — s. modo, m. Wish, s. deseo, m. — v. desear. Wit, s. agudeza, /. Witch, s. bruja, /. With, pr con. Withdraw, v. retirar: retir- arse. Withdrawal, s. retiro, 771. Within, ad. dentro — pr. en. Without, ad. por afuera — c. sin que. Witness, s. testigo, m. Witty, a. ingenioso. Wizen, a. flaco. Wobble, V. vacilar. Woe, s. dolor, m. Wolf, 5. lobo, m. Woman, s. mujer, /. Womb, s. utero, m. Wonder, s. maravilla, /. — v. admirarse. Wonderful, a. maravilloso. Woo, V. cortejar. Wood, a. de madera — 5. bos- que, m.: madera: lena, /. Wooer, s. galanteador, m. Wool, s. lana, /. Woollen, a. de lana. Word, s. palabra, /.: aviso, m. Work, s. trabajo, m.: fabrica, /. — V. trabajar. Workman, s. obrero, m. Workshop, s. fabrica, /. World, s. mundo, 77j. Worldly, a. mundano. Worm, s. gusano, m. Worry, s. molestia,/. — v. mole- star. Worrying, a. molesto. Worse, a. & ad. peor. Worst, a. p^simo. Wort, J. yerba, /. Worth, J. valor, m. Worthiness, 5. dignidad, /. Worthy, a. digno. Wound, s. herida: llaga, /. Wrap, s. manteleta, /. — t;. en- volver. Wrapper, s. forro, tti. Wreath, s. guirnalda, /. Wreck, s. naufragio, m. Wren, s. reyezuelo, m. Wrench, j. arranque, m. Wrestle, v. luchar. Wrestling, s. lucha, /. Wretchedness 17 Wretchedness, x. miseria, /. Wring, V. exprimir. Wringing, s. exprimidura, /. Wrinkle, s. arruga, /. — v. ar- rugir. Wrist, s. mufieca, /. Write, V. escribir. Writer, s. escritor, m. Writhe, v. torcerse. Writing, s. escritura, /. Wrong, a. errado — 5. injusti cia, /. Wrongful, a. injusto. Wrongly, ad. injustamente. Yacht, s. yacte, m. Yachting, 5. excursi6nenyate,/. Yard, x. corral, m. Yarn, x. filastica, /. Yawn, s. bostezo, m. — v. boste- zar. Year, s. ano, m. Yearly, a. anual — ad. anual- mente. Yearn, v. desear. Yeast, X. jiste, m. Yellow, a. amarillo. Yelp, V. ganir. 8 Zoology Yes, ad. si. Yesterday, 5. ayer, m. Yet, ad. aiin: aun: hasta aqui — c. pero. Yew, X. tejo, m. Yield, X. producto, m. — v. pro- ducir. Yoke, X. yugo, m. Yolk, X. yema de huevo, /. You, pn. vos: vosotros: usted: ustedes. Young, s. joven — x. hijuelos, m. pi. Youngster, s. jovencito, m. Your, pn. vuestro: de V.: de Vds. Yours, pn. lo vuestro. Youth, X. juventud, /. Yuletide, x. tiempo de Navi- dad, m. Zeal, s. celo, m. Zealous, a. celoso. Zebra, x. cebra, /. Zenith, x. cenit, m. Zero, X. cero, m. Zest, X. apetito, m. Zinc, X. cine, m. Zone, X. zona: banda, Zoology, s. zoologia, /• PART lil MISCELLANEOUS (MEZCLADO) CARDINAL NUMBERS (NUMEROS CARDINALES) I — uno, un, una 2 — dos 3 — tres 4 — cuatro 5 — cinco 6 — seis 7 — siete 8 — ocho Q — nueve lo — diez 1 I — once 12 — doce 13 — trece 14 — catorce IS — quince 16 — diez y seis 17 — diez y siete 18 — diez y ocho 19 — diez y nueve 20 — veinte 21 — veinte y uno 22 — veinte y dos 23 — veinte y tres 24 — veinte y cuatro 25 — veinte y cinco 30 — treinta 31 — treinta y uno 32 — treinta y dos 33 — treinta y tres 40 — cuarenta SO — cincuenta 60 — sesenta 70 — setenta 80 — ochenta 90 — noventa 100 — ciento, cien loi — ciento uno 102 — ciento dos 200 — doscientos (-as) 300 — trescientos (-as) 400 — cuatrocientos (-as) 500 — quinientos (-as) 600 — seiscientos (-as) 700 — setecientos (-as) 800 — ochocientos (-as) 900 — novecientos (-as 1,000 — mil 1 ,000,000 — mill6n ORDINAL NUMBERS (NUMEROS ORDINALES) 1st — el 2nd — el 3rd — el 4th — el 5th— el 6th— el 7th— el 8th— el 9th — el 10th — el nth— el 12th — el 13th — el 14th — el 15 th — el 1 6th— el 17th— el 1 8th— el 19th — el 20th — el 2 1st — el 22nd — el 23rd— el a4th— el primero segundo tercero cuarto quinto sexto septimo octavo noveno decimo undecinno duodecimo decimo tercio decimo cuarto decimo quinto decimo sexto decimo septimo decimo octavo decimo nono vig^simo vigesimo primero vig^simo segundo vigesimo tercero vigesimo cuarto 2Sth — el vigesimo quinto 30th — el trigesimo 31st — el trigesimo primero 32nd — el trigesimo segundo 33rd — el trigesimo tercero 40th — el cuadragesirno Soth — el quincuagesimo 6oth — el sexagesimo 70th — el septuagesimo 8oth — el octogesimo 90th — el nonagesimo looth — el centesimo loist — el centesimo primero 102nd— el centesimo segundo 200th — el ducentesimo 300th — el tricentesimo 400th — el cuadringentesimo 500th — el quingentesimo 600th — el sexcent^simo 700th — el septingent^simo 800th — el octingent^simo 900th — el noningentesimo. i.oooth — el milesimo I .ooo.oooth — el millon^simo [81 THE DAYS OF THE WEEK (LOS DiAS DE LA SEMANA) Sunday — Domingo Monday — Lunes Tuesday — Martes I Wednesday — Mi^rcoles Thursday — Jueves Friday — Viernes Saturday — Sabado January — Enero February — Febrero March — Marzo April — Abril May — Mayo June — ^Junio THE MONTHS (LOS MESES) July — Julio August — Agosto September — Septiembre October — Octubre November — Noviembre December — Diciembre Spring — La primavera Summer — El verano Autumn — El otono Winter — El invierno Christmas — Navidad Good Friday — Viernes Santo Easter — -Pascua Whitsun — Pentecost^s Lent— Cuaresma Ash Wednesday — Mi^rcoles de ceniza A day — Un dfa A week — Una semana A fortnight — Una quincena A month — Un mes A year — Un afio A century — Un siglo An hour — Una hora A minute — Un minute A second — Un segundo Yesterday — Ayer To-morrow — Maiiana THE FAMILY (LA FAMILIA) A Man — un hombre A Woman — una mujer A boy — un muchacho A girl — una muchacha Mr. — Senor — M rs . — S enora — Miss — Senorita — The children — los niiios The father — el padre The mother — la madre The son — el hijo The daughter — la hija The brother — el hermano The sister — la hermana The husband — el marido The wife — la mujer The grandfather — el abuelo The grandmother — la abuela The grandson — el nieto The grand-daughter — la nieta The uncle — el tio The aunt — la tia The nephew — el sobrino The niece — la sobrina The cousin (masc.) — el prime The cousin (fem.) — la prima The father-in-law — el suegro The mother-in-law — la suegra The son-in-law — el yerno The daughter-in-law — la nuera A widower — un viudo A widow — una viuda i82 THE MENU EATABLES AND DRINKS (Comestibles y Bebidas) Anchovies — Anchovas Apples — Manzanas Apricot — Albaricoque Artichokes — Alcachofas Asparagus — Esparragos Bacon — Tocino Bananas — Bananas Beef — Came Boiled beef — Came cocida Roast beef — Came asada Stewed beef — Came estofada Beefsteak — Biftek Beer — Cervez Bottle of beer — Una botella de cerveza Glass of beer — Un vaso de cerveza Beetroot — Remolacha Biscuits — Bizcochos Brandy — Cognac, Aguardiente Bread — Pan Brown Bread — Pan negro White bread — Pan bianco Breakfast — Desayuno Broth— Caldo Butter — Manteca, Mantequilla Cabbage — Repollo Cake — Pastel Cauliflower — Coliflor Celery — Apio Cheese — Queso Cream cheese — de nata Dutch cheese — de Bola Swiss cheese — de gruyere Cherries — C erezas Chicken— Polio Chop — Chuleta Cider — Sidra Cinnamon — Canela Claret — Vino de Burdeos Cocoa — Cocoa Cod — Bacalao Coffee— Caf6 Cold meat — Fiambre Crab — Cangrejo Cream — Crem a Cucumber — Pepino Custard apples — Chirimoyas Custard pudding — Flan Cutlet — Costeleta Duck — Pato Egg — Huevo Boiled eggs — Huevos pasados Fried eggs — Huevos fritos Poached eggs — Huevos escal- fados Fat — Gordo Figs — Higos Fish — Pescado Fowl — Polio French beans — Habichuelas Fruit — Frutas Game — Caza Garlic — Ajo Gin — Ginebra Ginger-ale — Cerveza picante Ginger-beer — Cerveza de jen- gibre. Goose — Ganso Gooseberries — Uvas espinas Grapes — Uvas Gravy — Salsa Grilled — Asada Haddock — Robalo Ham — Jamon Hare — Liebre Haricot beans — Judias Herring — Arenque Ice cream — Mantecado Ices — Helados Jam — Conserva de frutas Jelly — Jalea Kidneys — Rinones Lamb — Cordero Lean — Came sin grasa Leek — Puerro Lemon — Limon Lemonade — Limonada Lettuce — Lechuga Liver — Higado Lobster — Langosta Macaroni — Macarrones Mackerel — Macarela Mayonnaise — Mayonesa Meat — Came Melon — Melon Milk — Leche Mustard — Mostaza Mutton — Camero Nuts — Nueces Omelette — Tortilla Onion — Cebolla Orange — Naranja Orangeade — Naranjada Oysters — Ostras Partridge — Perdiz Pastry — Pasteles Peach — Melocot6n t83 THE MEYiJJ— Continued Pear— Pera Peas, green, — Guisantes verdes Pepper — Pimienta Pheasant — Faisan Pickles — Encurtido Pie — Torta Pineapple — Pina Plaice — Platija Plum — Ciruela Potatoes — Potatas hervidas (boiled) ,, Patatas fritas (fried) ,, Patatas majadas (mashed) (N.B. — In Southern Spain, the word " papas " is often used for " potatoes.") Prawns — Langostas, langostinas Pudding — Pudin Radishes — Rabanos Radish, horse — Rabano Raisins — Pasas Raspberries — Frambuesas Rice — Arroz Roast — Asado Salad — Ensalada Salmon — Salm6n Salt — Sal (Without salt — sin sal) Sauce — Salsa Sausage — Salchicha Sole — Lenguado Soup — Sopa Clear — Sopa clara Thick — Sopa espesa Spinach — Espinaca Strawberries — Fresas Sugar — Azucar Sweet — Dulce Toast — Tostada Tongue — Lengua Trout — Trucha Turbot— Rodaballo Turkey — Pavo Turnip — Nabo Turtle— Tortola Veal — Ternera Veal chop — Chuleta de tern- era Roast veal — Asado de ternera Vegetables — Verduras, legum- bres Vinegar — Vinagre Water — Agua Watercress — Berros Whiskey — Whiskey Wine — Vino 184 USEFUL PHRASES (IDIOTISMOS UTILES) Good morning — Buenos dias Boo' -ay-nos dee'-ars Good afternoon — Buenas tardes Boo'-ay-nars tar' -days Good night — Buenas noches — Adi6s Boo'-ay-nars no-chays. Ar-dee-os' How do you do? — iCdmo esta usted? Ko'-mo ays-tar' oos-tayd Bring me — Traigame Trar '-ee-gar-may How much is this? jCuanto vale esto? Koo-arn' -to var'-lay ess'-to What do you want? iQui quiere usted? Kay kee-ay'-ray oos-tayd' I beg your pardon — Perdoneme Payr-don'-ay may What is the matter? — tQu6 ocurre? Kay o-koor'-ray Many thanks — Muchas gracias Moo-chars grar-thee'-ars No, thank you — No, gracias No, grar-thee'-ars I understand — Comprendo Kom-prayn '-do I do not understand — No le comprendo No lay kom-prayn' -do Where is the railway station? |;D6nde esta la estacion? Don'-day ays-tar' lar ess-tar-thee'-on the ticket office? la oficina de billetes? lar o-fee-theen'-r day beel-yay'-tays the waiting room? el cuarto de aguardar? ayl koo-ar'-to day ar-goo-ar-dar' Which is the train to — ? iCual es le tren para — ? Koo-arV ays lay trayn par'-rar Non-smoking compartment — Carruaje para quien no fuma Kar-roo-ar'-hay par'-rar kee'-ayn no foo'-mar When does the train leave?