V ?3 UC-NRLF B M S^b ^E3 Kj Q i Gift of C. A. Kotoii iS9l he Illustrated Handbook and Souvenir, Price Sixpence. UlL MALL GAZETTE" OFFICE, 2 NORTHUMBERLAND STREET, STRAND, LONDON W.C. FOR HEALTH a< STRENGTH. THE GUARANTEED PRODUCT OF PRIME OX BEEF. SPARKLING PURALIS " Pure liistilled water, re-supplfed with atmospheric air by a special pnjcess, and then well charged with carlxjnic acid gas, is now furnished at so reasonable a cost in London as to be within tlie reach of persons of moderate means. It is almost needless to say that so prepared water is alnolutcly pure, and nothing more safe or wholesome can be employea for drink- ing purposes. G PURALIS ' ' Certainly it is wholly iinuecessary to import waters for the use of the table from y the Royal Household) Renders the Boots Soft, Durable, and Waterproof MELTONIAN CREAM (White or Hlack) Cannot be Equalled | for Renovating all ' kinds of Cilace Kid JJools and Shoes. Leather (LIGHT or DARK). '■'<>■■'. ROYAL LUTETIAN NONPAREIL CREAM. DE GUICHE The l)est for Clean- Parisian Polish ing and Polishing For Dress Boots and Russian and Brown Shoes is more elastic Oni n FIfFDVlA/UrDC Leather Boots, and easier to use than dULU LVtnTffnLnt. Tennis Shoes, &c. any other. M - 3 < S? ft a < < ►n ^ :5 H = p COOLING AND REFRESHING during the heat and dust of summer are the effects of ROWLAND'S KALYDOR on the face and hands of ladies and all exposed to the hot sun. It removes Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Redness, and Roughness ; soothes and heals all Irritation, Stings of insects, &c. ; produces soft, fair skin and a lovely delicate complexion. Mellin's Food For infants and INVALIDS. Bottles, 4J. 6a'.; Half-Bottles, 2s. sd. ROWLAND'S ODONTO is the purest and most fragrant dentifrice ever made, and contains no mineral or acid ingredients. All dentists will allow that neither washes nor pastes can possibly be as efficacious for polishing the teeth and keeping them sound and white as a pure and non-gritty tooth powder. Such Rowland's Odonto has always proved itself to be. Ask any Chemist, Perfumer, or Hairdresser for Rowland's Articles. S Ci.iFTON Place, Brighton, Fe6. is/, 1891. " Dear Sir,- I have the pleasure to enclose a photo of our little one. Key Argyle, at the age of 10 months. He has been brought up en- tirely on your Food, and is in perfect health, which proves its marvel- lijus erficacy. " Sincerely yours, ■'Argyle Galloway. ' (^iALLOVVAV. Aged 10 months. MELLIN'S FOOD BISCUITS, Palatable, Digestive, Nourishing, Sustaining. Priee 2s. and 3s. 6d. per Tin. Shakespearian Wisdom on the Feeding and Rearing of Infants.- A pamphlet of quotations from Shakespeare, and portraits of beautiful children, together with testimonials, which are of the highest interest to all mothers. To be had, with samples, free by post, on appli- cation to G. MELLIN, Marlboro' Works. Peckham, London, S.E. NOBILITY OF LIFE. " Who Best can Suffer, Best can r?o."— Milton. The Victorian Reign is unparalleled in the History of Great Empires for its Purity, Goodness, and Greatness ! I -A.BO'VIE] JLXjXj ! ! I A Fearless Devotion to Duty and Unflinching Truthfulness ! THE QUEEN'S PRIZE !~The conditions laid down by the QUEEN for the Prize given .i 'jak^^ by HER MAJESTY to the Marine Boys are these : — Cheerful Submission to Superiors ; Self-respect and Independence of Character ; Kindness and Protection to the Weak; Readiness to Forgive Offence; A Desire to Conciliate the Differences of Others ; and, above all. Fearless Devotion to Duty and Unflinching Truthfulness. " Such principles, if evoked and carried into action, would produce an almost perfect moral character IN EVERY CONDITION OF LIFE."— Smiles. SHAKESPEARE AND DUTY.- -" Come the corners of the world in arms, And we shall shock them ; nought shall make us rue, IF ENGLAND TO HERSELF DO REST BUT TRUE. It THE PIVOT OF DJJTY—Sterling Sonesttj of Purpose; without it Ziife is a Sham! What Higher Duty can man attain, than Conquest over Human Pain? IN THE BATTLE OP THIS LIFE END'S "FRUIT SALT " is an imperative hygienic need or necessary adjunct, keeps the blood pure, prevents fever, and cures acute inflammatory diseases, and removes the injurious effects of stimulants, narcotics such as alcohol, tobacco, lea, coffee, by natural means ; thus restores the nervous system to its normal condition, by preventing the great danger of poisoned blood and over-cerebral activity, sleeplessness, irritability, worry, &c. pROM ENGLAND TO SYDNEY ON BOARD THE "SAMUEL PLIMSOLL." ■*" "Dear Sir, — I have just received a letter from my daughter, who sailed for Sydney last April as assistant matron of the Samuel riimsoll, in which she says : — ' I am sorry, indeed, dad, to hear how the winter has tried you. Make up your mind to come out here. You will never regret it ; and don't forget to bring some ENO'S " FRUIT SALT." It was the only cure on board for sea-sickness. I gave it nearly all away to those who were ill, which seemed to revive them, and they soon began to rally under its soothing influence.' — I am, dear Sir, yours faithfully. Truth. Asylum Road, Old Kent Road, S. K. Mr. J. C. Eno." THE SEIORET OF SUCCESS. - STEHLING HONESTY of PURPOSE; "WITHOUT it LIFE is a SHAMI- " A new invention is brought before the public, and conunands success. A score of abominable imitations are immediately intro- duced by the unscrupulous, who, in copying the original closely enough to deceive the public, and yet not so exactly as to infringe upoii legal rights, exercise an ingenuity that, employed in an original channel, could not fail to secure reputation and profit." — Adams. ZKili^i^. — Examine each Bottle, and see that the Capsule is marked ENO'S " FRUIT SALT" Without it you have been imposed on by a ivortltless imitaticn. Sold by all Chemists. .REPARED ONLY AT ENO'S "FRUIT SALT" WORKS, LONDON, S.E., BY J. C. ENO'S PATENT. THE Royal Naval Exhibition pall iWall (gnsette "aSvtia." ^o* 56. All rights reserved.] JUNE 1891. IPrice SIXPENCE I -^3 3 t/J.s 3 1,, CONTENTS CHArTBK I. Franklin Gallery (and Iceberg) : Arctic Relics, Models, &^c. . II. Nelson, Blake & Benbow Galleries: Pictures ...... VivxTO \ Relics and Curios Howe Gallery : Victualling and Trade Exhibits Cook Gallery : Navigation Seppings Gallery : Models of the Navy, Fast and Present Model of the Eddystone Light- house VIII. The Deep Sea Trawler III. IV. V. VI. VII. 15 16 17 24 CHAPTKR IX. The Shooting Gallery X. The p. & O. Pavilion XI. Panorama of the Battle ok Tra- falgar XII. Model OF H. M.S. "Victory" . A Facsimile of Nelson's Last Letter (with portrait of Lady Hamilton) XIII. Camperdown Gallery: Diving and Torpedoes ...... XIV. Armstrong Gallery : The '■' Victoria " l\0-toti gun, dr^c. . . . . . XV. St. Vincent Gallery and the Lake Appendix : of Ways and Means page: 26. 27 30' 35' 40 42 49 62- 64 INTRODUCTION. The object of the present Pall Mall "Extra" is sufficiently explained by its title: "An Illustrated Handbook and Souvenir." Exhibition visitors may be divided into two classes. There are, first, the studious experts, proof against "exhibition head- ache," who will make a point of examining every exhibit, good, bad, and indififerent, and for whom nothing short of the exhaustive Official Catalogue will suffice. And, secondly, there is " the general visitor," who welcomes some assistance in selecting the most memorable and attractive exhibits only. It is for this kind of visitor that the following pages aim at supplying an illustrated guide and pictorial souvenir. The Plan of the Exhibition (on p. 3) will have sufficiently explained the method on which this Guide is arranged. The visitor who does not care to make the complete tour, but who wishes to con- sult the Guide on any particular section of the Exhibition, will at once find what he wants by consulting the table of contents given above. We assume the visitor to enter by the main- entrance on the Embankment. Over this entrance are inscribed the words (taken from the " Articles of War "), which set the key-note, as it were, to the Exhibition : — ■ It is on the Navy, under the good Providence of God, that our Wealth,. Prosperity, and Peace depend. Facing the entrance is a trophy showing the arms, ancient and modern, by which " Britannia rules the waves." The visitor should, however,, pause before proceeding, to note the instructive diagrams (on the wall to the right of the entrance) which Captain. Sir J. Colomb, M.P., has prepared to illustrate the relation between Britannia's naval expenditure and naval responsibilities. The squares- stand for the latter, measured by the extent of sea- commerce ; the guns, for the former. Church of (Elngland LIFE FIRE Established i8j.o. t^ T" ^ • ^ ^ o ^Assurance Institution* Perfect Security! £rO\w Fremiurns S Liberal Apply for^Prospectus to the The Institution is prepared to receive Proposals from all Classes without distinction. Head Office : 9 & 10, KING STREET, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.G. THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. CHAPTER I. THE FRANKLIN GALLERY.— ARCTIC RELICS, MODELS, &c Not here ! the white North has thy bones ; and thou, Heroic sailor-soul, Art passing on thine happier voyage now Toward no earthly pole. T?3 The first section of the to what are known as collection of trophies from the region of thick-ribbed ice which surrounds the North Pole. Here is tem- porarily stored all that practically remains of the ill-fated exploring expedition which set out under the com- mand of that " heroic sailor-soul," Sir John Franklin, in 1845. At the time mentioned Frankhn had made his name famous by the discoveries of his land expeditions along the northern shores of America. When, therefore, it was thought expedient that a party should proceed to the icy seas of the far north, it was to him that the promoters of the exploration scheme nja turally turned. Franklin, although 60 years of age, un- -hesitatingly accepted Naval Exhibition is devoted the Franklin relics — to a ^ IX THE TENT Al' NlCHr. command of two vessels — vessels whose names, like that of the Victory, are inscribed upon cur naval annals in letters of gold — and with the Erebus and Terror set sail for the Arctic Ocean on May 19, 1845. Everybody ex- pected great things. Franklin possessed both experience and skill ; he was known, moreover, to be a man of unquestionable courage and determi- nation. His officers, again, were most care- fully selected ; his sailors were men of discipline and of robust health ; and his ships were fitted out with all that pre- vious experience could suggest. Never did expedition start under more favourable aus- pices, and men's hopes ran high as they thought of the rich gains to science and to the art of navigation that it would inevj. AN ARCTIC EXPEDITION ON IHE MARCH. M.'^l ri204 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHLBITION. ably bring back. lUit tl.eir liopes were vain — . . The %\1 i'.e North has his hones. Nothing remains of the expedition whicli set out so gaily in 1845, and of the various Relief parties which succeeded it, but the scanty relics now temporarily housed in the Franklin Gallery of the Royal Ex- hibition at Chelsea. Nothing, did we say.? Yes there is something — something which, perhaps, after all is worth more than the glory of scientific dis- covery, more even than the winning of battles. There remains the imperishable record of the heroism and endurance of men who . . . were English in heart and in limb, Strong with the strength of the race to command, to obey, to endure. journeyed north— the whole accessible expanse of the ice-covered cap of the world was scrutinised with microscopic care, in the hope that here and there in the great silent waste there might be found some stray relic of the gallant fellows who had sailed away in [the Northland and had never been seen again. Here— carefully preserved in glass cases — will be found bottles, anvil blocks, scraps of leather and wood, pieces of copper, salt-meat bones, charred wood, knife-blades, silver boxes, buttons, pencil- cases, rudder-irons, watches, medicine-cases — ever)'- thing, in fact, which an abortive expedition of the kind might be likely to leave behind. Guns, books, prayer-books, and Christian melodies, the "Vicar of Wakefield," a small Bible interlined in many places, and a New Testament in P>ench are also- :bie^ /r^^/^l.^i -ikrf. ■ V The Arctic Sub-division of the Navigation Section is one of the first things which will strike the visitor to the Naval Exhibition. It fronts the entrance and cannot possibly be missed. Foremost among the exhibits which it contains is a realistic representation of a hummocky ice-pack, along which four wax- work men laboriously drag a sledge, while a mariner awaits them at the door of the tent which they are about to occupy. The men are all rigged out with snow-goggles, cavernous mittens, and other articles of apparel essential to a locality where the ther- mometer is often 45 degrees below zero. Around this tableau are grouped the Franklin relics— objects which represent the tangible outcome of the various search expeditions which were sent out either to find the great explorer if alive or to discover his fate if dead. During the thirty years which followed 1848— the year in which the first search party among the scanty^ gleanings of the great quest. These objects are all catalogued at length in the Official Guide — to which the student, as distinguished from' the casual I'isitor, may be referred. We may here notice another exhibit illustrative of life in the Arctic regions — an iceberg model, the interior ? of which is 'fitted up to represent the abandonment of the Investigator. The model stands in the grounds of the Exhibition, near the model of the Eddystone Lighthouse, and admission to the interior' costs sixpence. The Investigator., under Captain McClure, left London in 1850, and before its return to our more genial shores made one of the greatest discoveries of the century — that, namely, of the North-West Passage. The scene reproduced at the Exhibition shows the ship Investigator nipped in an ice-pack, 'and^l the sledge parties'preparing to- leave the ship, with a view to reach the mainland. THE ROYAL NAVAL EXLILBLTLON. over the ice-floes. They eventually succeeded in Borealis which illuminate the long Arctic nighty doing this ; and, by passing from ocean to ocean, and of the welcome dawn which the month of ■p^-c-.^;/' proved for the first time in the written history of the April brings round. The iceberg is, on the world the existence of that North-West Passage of whole, an interesting appendix to the Frankhn which mariners had so long dreamed in^ vain. The relics, and helps the visitor to realise the great GopdU> l^^tVy VT<«rti MV«)..v^^ •T»>, CAii. f-^vSi;')^ g-"«^, ■5f'"^''"*'3 model in question is ingeniously fitted with the Arctic tragedy associated with that explorers electric light, by the aid of which the visitor gets honoured name, some idea of the fitful flashes of the Aurora NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY LONDON: 1 MOORGATE STREET, E.G. ABERDEEN: 1 UNION TERRACE. INCOME AND FUNDS (1890j. Fire Premiums Life Premiums Interest Accumulated Funds £671,000 216,000 161,000 £3,975,000 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXLLIBITION. CHAPTER II. BLAKF, NELSON. AND BENBOW GALLERIES. THE PICTURE GALLERIES. Passing through the^screen at the end of the Frank- lin Gallery, \vc (ind ourselves in the Nelson Gallery. Parallel to this, on the south (or left) side are the Blake and ]>enbo\v (Galleries. In these three long rooms is contained the "Arts Section" of the Exhibition, which may be divided roughly into (i) Pictures, and (2) Relics. The Relics are in cases in the centre, and along the sides, of the Nelson and Blake Galleries, but it will be more convenient to treat the two classes of objects just specified in separate chapters. We begin then with the collection of Naval Pictures, which is very rich alike in historical and artistic interest. As there are some 2,000 works to Duke of Norfolk mentioned above (203) is one of the first we meet with, and is a good example of Holbein. A little further on is a fair example of one of the Van de Veldes (214). A large picture of the Spanish Armada, driven out of Calais Roads by Fire Ships (221), will attract attention. Near it is Mr, Sey- mour Lucas's picture of Don Pedro de Valdez delivering his sword to Sir Francis Drake (223), which many visitors will remember seeing in the Academy two years ago. Another striking Van de Velde represents the " Destruction of Dutch Ship- ping at Schelling, 1666 "(281). This comes from the Queen's collection. The next picture (282), lent by Messrs. E. & E. Emanuel, of The Hard, Portsea, l?.l THE SURRENDER : AX INCIDENT OF THE Sl'ANISH ARMADA (SEVMOUR LUCAS). be seen, any attempt to deal exhaustively with them here would be out of place. Those who wish to study them methodically must consult the Official Catalogue, where each of the pictures is described, and where, moreover, they are cast into progressive historical groups, thus assisting the studious visitor to turn the collection to full opportunity. On the walls of the three galleries are to be found portraits of nearly all the Naval Worthies of England, from Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, Lord High Admiral in the reign of Henry VIII., down to Lord Charles Beresford ; and representations of most of the Sea Fights from the days of the Spanish Armada to our own time. The numbers on the pictures begin at the north- east end of the B/ake Gallery, and continue round the walls (Nos. 201 to 449). The portrait of the who are large contributors to the picture galleries, shows the Dutch Fleet conveying William of Orange to England. A picture by West, a former Pre- sident of the Royal Academy, which is sure to be noticed, shows the " Destruction of the French Ships in the Bay of La Hogue, after the Battle of Barfleur, 1692 " (296). On the opposite wall there is a fine portrait by Reynolds of Admiral Keppel (342). '' Rodneys Action with the French Fleet, 1782" (382) is a spirited picture; and so is De Loutherbourg's "Action of June i, 1794" (464). But the pictures which will attract most attention are those of Nelson's battles in the Nelson Gallery. In the centre of the left-hand wall is Mr. Baden- Powell's " Nelson at the Battle off St. Vincent" (511). The hero 'is represented boarding the Spanish man- SOME POPULAR SUBfECTS IN THE PICTURE (GALLERIES. *^ 5I4> C )m noHoic Xelsj i boardmg the Sizn .Vicolas at ttie Battle off Cape St. Vincent, 1797. By Sir William Allan, R.A. 517- Commodore Nelson "boarding the San yosef at the Battle off Cape St. Vincent, 1797. By G. Jones, R.A. 586. The Death of Nelson. By Daniel Maclise, R.A. 756. H.M.S. Devastalion. By E. W. Cooke, R.A. 584 Battle off Cape Trafalgar, 1805. Bv '.^-M. W. Turner, R.A. 522. Nelson receiving tne Swords of Spams i Otficers on- board the San Josef, at the Battle of Cape St. Vincent. By Barker. 70S. Greenwich Pensioners at Nelson's Tomb in the Crypt | of St. Paul's. By Sir J. E. Millais, R.A. 746. Commander Wyatt Rawson. By Caton Woodville. 511. Nelson at the Battle off Cape St. Vincent, 1797. By F. Baden-Powell. 739. Runnmg the gauntlet on the Nile, between Matem- nea and Khartoum. By S. Sufia, ^ THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIJUTION. of-war, at tlie moment of his famous exclama- tion " Victory or Westminster Abbey." A large picture of the same scene hangs close by (514) ; whilst No5. 514 and 522 represent later incidents in the same engagement. In the centre of the opposite wall are three famous Trafalgar pictures, by Turner (584), West (585), and Alaclise (586). The visitor will find it interesting to compare these pictures with the Panorama of the Battle which we shall see presently (Chapter XI.). Having made the cir- cuit of the walls in the Nelson Gallery, the visi- tor should examine the screens, on which some of the best pictures in the Exhibition will be found. On the back of the third screen (counting from the end nearest to the main entrance) is a fine picture of " S.S. Teutonic, Armed Auxiliary Cruiser" (685). Ruskin says that the great glorj' of the nineteenth centur)^ is that "it built ships of the line," and con- trasts very unfavourably with the old wooden walls of England the men-of-war of to-day. But our latter-day artists have found beauty and grandeur in ironclads and gigantic "liners" no less than did their predecessors in the old broadsiders. On the whole, too, the visitor will probably be struck by the rHE ENGLISH FLEET ESCORTING PRINCE WILLIAM OF ORANGE TO ENGLAND. By P. Vogloer. superiority in j-^i-painting of the later artists. We- must pass on, however, to call attention to Cooke's- " Goodwin Sands " (705), (back of 5th screen) y Millais' pathetic " Greenwich Pensioners at Nelson's Tomb " (708), (back of 6th screen) ; Wyllie's "Breaking up of H.M.S. Albion" (710), (front of 7th screen); Cooke's "Devastation" (755), (back of 8th screen) ; and the Egyptian War pictures (739), (back of nth), and (746), (back of 1 2th). " Thumbnails " of some of the pictures we have men- tioned will be found on the preceding page. The visitor, having seen the Blake and Nelson Galleries, must now re- trace his steps through the former into the Benbow Gallery, where there is a magnificent show of naval drawings, engravings, &c. Immediately on the left on entering this gallery is an interesting collection of drawings of Modern Battle Ships, lent by Lord Brassey. Some admirable water- colours by Brierly and others (1679 (S:c.) will next attract attention. But perhaps the most interesting "feature" of the Benbow Gallery is Mr. Grego's collection of caricatures &c. (on the screen at the far end), which illustrate in a veiy vivid way the rough social life of the Navy a century ago. [DEALERS IN WORKS OF ART, Sil\>cr6initb6, Jewellers, Cbronomctcr, Matcb an^ Clock riDaUers^ THREE DOORS FROM MAIN GATE H.M. DOCKYARD, 3 THE :h:jlrx>, i>oi^tseil. OLD WAR MEDALS. SCARCE! [NAVAL AND MILITARY PRINTS. (ACTIONS. PORTRAITS.) Regimental, Prize, and Presentation Plate. Electro-Plate. Table Cutlery. Antique Plate, Rare China, and Cur Collections Valued and Purchased. Plate, Jewels and Bullion Bought. Foreign Money Exchanged. Race, Field, and Opera Glasses. NOTE, — A highly-finished Model Schooner Yacht, suitable for a Hall or (niifler cover, or protected from the- wind) on a Ial;e or ornnniental water. J^en{/th on icnfer-line, 4S iiiehcN. Jiretidth, I'i inrJies. -KOH >SA I.E. THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, GREAT ORMOND STREET, BLOOMSBURY, :And CROMWELL HOUSE, HIGHGATE. Immediate help needed to carry on the -work of the Hospital, 1,415 In-Patients and 20,604 Out-Patienta treated last year. ADRIAN IIOI'E, Secretary. THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBIT ION'' II CHAPTER III. BLAKE AND NELSON GALLERIES. RELICS, £s-c. Returning from the Benbow Gallery^ into "the Blake " and " the Nelson," we will next examine the relics and miscellaneous objects of art which are placed in these two Galleries. These objects are very numerous, and of very different degrees of interest. In the case of the relics, we fear we must add " and of doubt- ful authenticity." Let the visitor judge for himself. He will go over the Victory presently, and be able to form an idea of what the Admiral's cabin was like. It is simply a physical im- possibility that it should have contained all the "favourite chairs," "arm-chairs," "chairs and beds combined," and "folding bedsteads" here exhibited as having been used by Nelson at sea. There is a similar difficulty with regard to " Nelson's " watches, seals, and medals. There are, however, enough well - authenti- cated relics of Nelson and other great com- manders to make this part of the E.xhibition ver>' interesting. Unfor- tunately, however, it is for the most part arranged " anyhow.' The Official Catalogue is full, but as the numbers in the cases are promiscuous,'it is very difficult to find any par- the king had to rely until the fourteenth century were those which the five towns — Hastings, Sand- wich, Dover, Romney, and Hythe — had by their charters to provide. We must pass on, how- ever, to notice the cases in the middle of the gallery. These contain as follows: — No. i, maces ; No. 2, records ; TROPHY OK »4 GUINEAS FOUND IN THE POSSESSION OF NELSON AT THE BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR ticular object which one may be curious to see. All' that we can attempt to do here is to give the reader a rough, general idea of the arrangement. Beginning then in the Blake Gallery at the end nearest the main entrance, and fallowing the line of show-cases along the walls, we find along the wall on our left little of special in- terest. The cases here are devoted mainly to documents, medals, pre- sentation swords and dirks. Along the oppo- site wall there are first more swords and then some interesting relics of Captain Cook — such as his cabinet (3 1 50) and waistcoat (3182 : see p. 16). Then in a further case are his rings, orders, seals, autographs, jour- nal, &c. The next case is devoted to relics of Earl St. Vincent (his sword, spectacles, &c., see p. 14). The CoUing- wood relics are close by, including his tele- scope (3293 : see p. 14). At the end of this wall arc some gorgeous trap- pings belonging to the Cinque Ports ; what a fine figure Warden W. H. Smith would cut in them! The Cinaue Ports, it should be 'remembered, were originally responsible for the British navy. The principalships upon^^ which ^Ji<» SOI.KI.V BY VOLUXTAKV CO.\TRIBlTIOXS. J-atron-HT.ii Most Gracious Majesty the Qleen. Prtsident-Hxs Grace the Duke of Northumberland, K.G. tAa»rw««-S.r Edward Birkbeck, Bart., M.P., V.P. Secretary- Charles Dibdin, Esq., F.R.G.S. A r> r^ ^ a I ^^.^ Committee of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution earnestly appeal to the British Public for Funds to A Kl-'l- A I ^"l? . '° '"=''"•■'"" 'heir 300 Life-Boats now on the Coast in a most perfect state of elTiciency '*■ ' ^#^^fc— . /"'s can only be eftected by a large and permanent annual Income. The Expenditure in 1890 waS lapeelV c- 1, I • .'" excess of the Receipts. * ' The Iv'eraVe cos^of'^f,?!! ' 8^"M=d/^«afdsfort^e saving of upwards of 35,500 lives on the Coasts of the United Kingdom. An^fo) « '^^"kfully received by the Secretarj-, Charles 1).b.,in, Esq., at the Institution, 14 John Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. ; Messrs. Coutts & Co., 59 Strand ; and by all the ether Banker in the United Kingdom. THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. IJ r \ iiunW 0„ l»oJr<)- f"" Viflcrr "OsJi \\H 0<^ ft,*' i.NC^ ^ ^ from Lieutenant John Pasco (2336), Signal Officer of the Victory, gives an account of Nelson's last tele- graphic signal, and describes how the writer sug- gested the alteration of the word "confides" to " expects." A copy of the Times (2360) of Nov. 7, 1805, is interesting It contains a list of the killed and wounded at the Battle of Trafalgar, and says : — " If ever there was a man who deserved to be. praised, wept, and honoured by his country, it'is Lord Nelson."" It is curious among so much that belonged to Nelson that there is no collection of relics of his " beloved Emma," the mistress of his heart who. xt^tP Oy NELSON S COAT. PORTION OF THE " VICTORY'S " MAINMAST, WITH SHOT-HOLE THROUGH. 14 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION in spite of all her failings, was one of the inspiring charm of noble impulsion that is hers as much motives of his final heroism. " Was it, think you," through her weakness as her strength. And the asks Lowell, "of a tiny crooked outline on the map, features of that divine apparition, had they not been of so many square miles of earth, that Nelson was painted in every attitude of their changeful beaufy thinking when he dictated what are perhaps the by Romney .f"' One of these paintings will be found most inspiring words ever uttered by an Englishman on page 40, together with a facsimile of the letter to Englishmen.'' Surely it was something in woman's which Nelson wrote to her two days before his shape that rose before him with all the potent death. «* Heroes of the IVations " Series. AN I) By W. CLARK RUSSELL, Author of the "Wreck of the Grosvemry Fully Illustrated. Post 8vo. cloth, ^s. ; Roxburgh, bs. ISSUED IN SAME SERIES. GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS, AND THE STRUGGLE OF PROTESTANTISM FOR EXISTENCE. Hy C. K. L. Fletcher, M.A. PERICLES, AND THE GOLDEN AGE OF ATHENS. By EvEi.v.v ABitnTT, >f.A. Full Prospectus post free on',, application. G P. PUTNAM'.S SONS, 27 King William Street, Strand, London ; ani> New York. THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITLON. 15 CHAPTER IV. THE HOWE GALLERY.— VICTUALLING, &c. Leaving the Benbow, Blake, and Nelson Galleries, and therewith the Arts Section of the Exhibition, the visitor proceeds to the Howe Gallery, where the miscellaneous and "trade" exhibits are arranged. Most of these exhibits explain themselves, and are of the kind with which every Old Exhibition Hand will be familiar. The exhibits of most interest in strict connection with naval matters are those which deal with Victualling, but the victualling yards have not made the most of their opportunities. The old Victory\v2iS its sentimental interest, the new monster guns stir the imagination, and the pictures of sea fights rousethelatentVikingblood, but there is enough •of the Saxon in us all to care for such a commonplace detail as Jack's rations. The skin-thatched sailor who stirs the pot in the Polar scene probably attracts as much attention as any of the other objects in the show, and had Deptfordandthc other yards been alive to their opportunities we should have had a cooking galley and Jack enjoying his salt junk and his ship biscuit. We have indeed some lay figures in uniform, but they do not suggest the agility and spryness of the A.B., and are, in short, "awful dead." Beyond these we have some grog tubs and mess kegs, which are not much to look at, with an un- interesting display of flour, pepper, cocoa, and other articles manufactured at the home victualling yards. An old Jack Tar who had seen service in the Crimea was heard the other day to remark, after an •inspection of the ship " stores " exhibited on a well- •equipped stand in the Howe Gallery, that in his day they could make snuff-boxes of the "salt-junk" ■supplied to them, it was so old, hard, and black. Happily " Jack's " victuals have improved with the -times. It is in the training ship as a boy that the future Jack Tar first becomes acquainted with a scale of •dietary that is so liberal as to be beyond the mone- tary reach of the class from which he is drawn. For John Bull wisely recognises that if he wants to turn ■out men of fine physique for his Navy, he must feed them when boys. That he does so let the following ftarticulars show : — Breakfast. — 4 ozs. corned pork 8 ,, soft bread ^ , , chocolate I , , sugar Dinner. — 12 ozs. fresh mutton > 12 ,, potatoes .Sunday 8 ,, flour ^ and I ,, fresh suet Thursday 2 , raisins 1 2 , fresh beef \ 1 Monday 4 . , bread and 2 , , potatoes ) Friday 2 , , fresh beef \ 3 , potatoes Tuesday 4 , flour \ and i . , fresh suet 1 Saturday 8 , mixed veg itablcs / Wednesday 12 ozs. corned porkv 4 ,, bread 12 ,, potatoes 4 ,, split peas Tea. — ro ,, bread h. X tea I , , sugar Supper. — 4 ozs. bread (with dripping). When the boy finally leaves the training ship and goes to sea his rations are somewhat different, but they are still on a liberal scale. Then he gets : Biscuit, i^ lb. Daily , Soft bread, ij lb. Sugar, 2 ozs. Chocolate, i oz. Tea, \ oz. ( Oatmeal, 3 ozs. Weekly Mustard, \ oz. Pepper, i ,, Vinegar, ^ pint Daily { Fresh meat, i lb. (when procurable) Vegetables, J ,, ( Salt pork, i lb. Eyery other 1 Split peas, ^ ,, day i Celery seed, J oz. to every 8 lbs. of spHt peas put into the coppers / Salt beef, i lb. On one 1 Flour, 9 ozs. alternate day. i Suet, 1 oz. I Raisins, ij oz. On the other alternate day Preserved meat, J lb. ] with either (i) Preserved potato, 4 ozs. or (2) Rice, 4 ozs. (3) I Preserved potato, 2 ozs. \ and I Rice, 2 ozs. Flour, 9 ozs. Suet, I oz. Raisins, ij or. Although every inducement is held out to Jack, by the offer of additional rations of tea, sugar, &c., or their money value, to abstain from spirituous liquors, he gets, should he prefer not to be a tee- totaler, a daily allowance of one-eighth of a pint of rum. This is his dietary when in health, and if he falls sick he is provided with delicacies in the shape of wine, calf s-foot jelly, fowl, beef-tea, and so on. With respect to quality all the stores are of the very best description, and every care is taken by the victualling yards to see that they are put on board ship in as perfect a condition as possible. The salt meat undergoes a rigid scrutiny before it is received into store by the officials, and if there is the slightest suspicion that it is not what it ought to be, it is im- mediately rejected. With respect to the officers, they are only entitled to draw the ration of the ordinary seaman, and m lieu thereof they obtain a money equivalent, which is put into the mess fund. Beyond providing some mess traps, the Admiralty leave the officers to cater for themselves. i6 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. CHAPTER V. THE COOK GALLERY.— NAVIGATION. CAPTAIN cook's WAISTCOAT. If you want to know what modern science has done for_the art of navigation, pay a visit to the Cook Gallery — in which you will find your- self if you pass through the Howe — and observe with care the many interesting exhibits which it contains. Roughly speaking, the Gallery consists of seven sections, one of which — the Arctic section — is referred to else- where {vide p. 5). Another is devoted to signals and the art of signalling at sea ; a third to lights, buoys, and beacons ; a fourth to marine meteorology, a most important branch of practical science ; a fifth to hydrography or charts ; a sixth to compasses ; and a seventh to the instruments used in navigation. First in importance among the exhibits comes Mr. Arthur Clayden's Ocean Current ^Models (4152). There are a pair of these ingenious contrivances per- petually on view in the Ex- hibition. The first shows ingraphicfashion the course and character of the great ocean currents of the At- lantic ; the second deals with those of a more con- fined area — with those, namely, of the Indian Ocean. The former con- sists of a flat wooden ttay, measuring about 21 in- ches by 30 inches, with a polished mahogany rim forming a sort of frame to the map which covers the bottom. This is a map (on Mercator's projection; of the Atlantic, the land masses being cut out of wood by a fret-saw, and fixed so that their flat surfaces stand about half an inch above the intervening parts of the tray. The smaller islands are represented by pins, wires, and bits of metal driven into the base board. On filling the parts which represent the ocean with water we have an ordinary map of the Atlantic with a surface of real CAPTAIN cook's SPEAKING TRUMPET. water representing the sea. The wind (we quote here and there from Mr. Clayden's own descriptiora of the model) is a flat box fixed to the underside of the tray, and a number of tubes are brought up from it through the various continents and then bent over so that air issuing from them may blow ')ver the model sea as the winds are known to blow in nature. Air is forced into the box by means of a foot blower, and it issues from all the tubes equally. In order to represent the difference between such strong and persistent winds as the Trades and the variable winds of our own latitudes, the Trade wind tubes are placed close together and their ends are brought near to the water so that the air-jet acts strongly. The tubes which bring our westerly winds, on the contrary, are directed so that the air-jets are considerably dispersed before they impinge upon the liquid surface. But the wind and the water are not in themselves- sufficient to represent in a striking enough manner what really takes place. To indicate motion, Mr. Clayden has scattered lyco- podium powder over the water. This floats upon the surface, and shows in the most unmistakable fashion the direction in which the currents flow. Leaving this interesting model to the animated group, of visitors which always, surrounds it, we may with advantage glance for a mo- ment at the models of the. four Eddystone lighthouses. (4106 et scq.). Here are faithful reproductions ot Winstanley's lighthouse (1698), of Rudyard's light- house (1708), of Smea- ton's'lighthouse (1759), and of the present Eddy- stone lighthouse (1881). These are] but a few of the many models grouped together in the sectiori under notice. Not far from them is chronological collection of chronometers. Here may be found the timekeeper which gained for Harrison, its, inventor, a reward of ^20,000, and in this department also* may be seen some of the best handiwork of Dent. A. W. clayden's WORKING MODEL, SHOWING THE CIRCULATION OF OCEAN CURRENTS. THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBIT ION. 17 CHAPTER VI. THE SEPPINGS GALLERY: MODELS OF THE NAVY PAST AND PRESENT. Descendinc by the steps at the end of the Cook which have revolutionised alike our men-of-war and Gallery, the visitor finds himself in a long gallery our merchantmen. The. models, it should be ob- 4» ' fMhSif ^ served, include two classes ; /frj/, war ships, be- '^iJ''^^--W^ f ■''■■ longing mainly to the British navy ; .y^?f<7«^/y, ships AN OLD ship's GALLEY AND CREW. AN OLD S named after Sir Robert architect in the reign of the principle of diagonal bracing. This is one of the most interesting galleries in the Exhibi- tion, for it includes not only models of ships' engines, which will fas- cinate all visitors of a mechanical turn, but also the largest and most representative col- lection of models of the ships themselves ever brought together. Here, as in the Picture Gal- leries, to the visitor who wishes to " do '• the Ex- hibition with remorse- less thoroughness, the official catalogue is indis- pensable. Some 600 or 700 models are on view, and in that catalogue they will all be found enumerated. The "general visi- tor," however, will pro- bably content himself with a mere cursory in- spect ion — walking through the gallery, and marking as he goes the historical developments LOOP OF WAR. Seppings, an eminent naval George IV., who introduced models foreijrn include navies. several Thus "THE GREAT HARRY." HENRY VIIL's REIGN. exhibited by the various shipbuilding firms and shipping lines in the British Empire. These latter war-ships belonging to Laird Brothers, of the Birkenhead Iron Works, e.xhibit (4515) several of the South American war vessels. In this second division of the models there is no attempt at historical completeness. The object of the various builders and owners is naturally to exhibit their latest and finest vessels. The collection of models of ships in the British navy, though far from complete, and though not arranged very neatly, is neverthe- less of great interest. The earliest of the vessels represented is the Great Harry (4695). The Royal Sovereign is a type of ships in the next century. Of i8th century ships there are several specimens ; and of the successive de- velopments of naval architecture during the present centur>' there is a complete illustration. From the spectacular B VANGUARD." MODEL OF A SAILING LINE-OF- BATTLE SHIP OF 1835. i8 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. point of view, the models of the old " ships of the Hne '' of 50 years ago — such as the Vanguard, of which we give an illustration — will attract the visitor's admiration. The scientific interest begins with the gradual alteration of the old model of a war-ship to steam propulsion and iron armament. The first sea- going iron armour-clad in the British Navy was the Warrior^ built by the Thames Ship- building Company. The Camper- down, launched a quarter of a cen- tury later, .is almost as different from the Warrior as the Warrior is from the Vanguard. But, in- deed, the visitor will be reminded at every turn as he walks through this gallery of what was said by Sir Thomas Farrer the other day, that fashions are as changeable in war-ships as in ladies' bonnets. In the large cases, in the middle of the gallery at its lower end, will be found a representation of the MODEL OF CAPTAIN COOK'S SHIP "RESOLUTION. MODEL OF THE WHITE STAR LINE ARMED CRUISERS, "TEUTONIC" AND "MAJESTIC. .MODEL OF THE ORIEM I.IM.K .^..■,. "oKMU/.,' 6,031 TONS, 8,503 HORSE-POWEK. THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. 19 Royal Navy in 1891 — one case showing a Royal Review at Spithead ; another the various fleets grouped according to their respective stations throughout the world. The sketches and photographic reproductions which we give in this chapter illustrate some of the leading types of obsolete and present- day vessels, and may thus be interesting as a souvenir of this unique representation of the Navy Past and Present. The Exhibition authorities remark by the way, that as " ships often undergo many changes in rig, armament, and appearance, during their e.xistence, officers and men who have served in the ships must be prepared to find in the models occasional variations from the conditions with which they were familiar in the ships." The pictures of the Cantperdoivti, Volage, and Calypso, Boomerang, Katoomba and Latona, are from photo- graphs kindly supplied by Messrs. Symonds & Co., of 39 High Street, Portsmouth, the well-known naval photographers. (It is to them also that we owe the photographic reproductions in the chapter on the Victory.) It should be added that another model — the most perfect perhaps in the Exhibition — will be found later on in the Armstrong Gallery. A visitor who wishes to realise to the full the difference between the old and new con- ditions cannot do better than carefully compare the old Victory with the new Victoria in the Armstrong Gallery {see p. 61.; MODEL OF H.M.S. "ACHILLES," IRONCLAD. H.M.S. " CAMI'ERDOWX," ID GUNS, IO,6oO TONS, II,500 HORSE-POWER. OF THE (the FL.^GSHIP of the CHANNEL SQUADRON.) ADMIRAL CLASS B 2 THE KOYAL NAVAL EXllIBiriON. U M.S. "VOLAGE," AND H.M.S. " CALYPSO " CHASING. PART OF THE TRAINING SQUADRON, WEST INDIES. H.M.S. "BOOMERANG," 1st CLASS loKrEDO GUN-IiOAT, 735 TONS, 4,500 HORSE-POWER. THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITLON. H.M.S. "LATONA/' ONE OK THE SWIFTEST SHIPS IN THE ROYAL NAVY, 3,40O TONS, 9,000 HORSE-POWER. H(M.S. _.,...-L.-, ^.\E OF THE NEW AUSTRALIAN S'^CA! 2,575 TONS, 7,500 HORSE- POWER. 22 THE KOVAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. CHAPTER VII. THE MODEL OF THE EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. In our tour of the Galleries we have now returned to the main entrance, and must make "a new departure" by passing into the grounds. Here we at once see, towering above us, the full-size model of the present Eddystone Lighthouse — the Eiffel Tower, as it were, of the Naval Exhibition. This belongs not to the ex- ecutive of the Exhibition, but to Mr. David Charteris, a builder, of Earl Street, Westminster. The following is an account, in the shape of an interview with the builder, of this interesting model : — " The framework con- sists of si.x rolled-iron ribs, each of which is placed in the angle of a hexagon, the whole being braced together by 'angle- irons ' and flat bars. The height of the lighthouse — 170 ft. — is divided into thirteen ' bays,' which correspond to the floors in the original structure. The foundations have been carefully laid, and the stability of the model is almost perfect. Each main rib is anchored by six large iron bolts to plates embedded in con- crete twenty feet thick. Consequently the oscilla- tion, even in a gale, is almost imperceptible. " The whole of the model is covered with Portland cement coloured to resemble stone. Every joint in the original is carefully reproduced. The plaster which encases the model is spread upon ex- panded metal lathing — a recent invention parti- cularly well adapted for holding the plaster. This lathing is made by cutting numerous slits in a sheet of iron, which is subsequently stretched. A piece of metal six inches wide may thus be expanded to the extent of three feet." " At the top I see you have a lantern ; is this also a reproduction of the original?" — "In every- thing except the light. It is 14 ft. in diameter, and 16 ft. 6 in. high, and it is glazed with diamond panes just like the real lighthouse. The light, however, is a far more powerful one than that in use off the THE EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. Devonshire coast. At Eddystone they have lamps of about 25,000 candle-power; we have one of the most brilliant arc lights ever made. At present its strength is that of about two million candles ; but soon we hope to raise it to five or even seven millions. The light revolves in periods of thirty seconds, the two flashes being separated by an interval of four seconds, and the groups by an interval of about twenty-one seconds. The electric lamps themselves are well worth looking at ; but, besides this, there is a balcony all round the lantern, from which a sur- prisingly beautiful view may be obtained. A strong wire netting is being placed around this balcony, so there need be no fear of accidents." " They had a post- office at the top of the Eiffel Tower ; are you going to do anything in that line ? " _ " Certainly. We have arranged to sell special postcards at the top of the lighthouse, and visitors will have the satisfaction of posting their messages some hundred and seventy feet above the ground. The Post Ofiice authorities have prepared a special stamp with which to ob- literate the stamp upon the card. "A specially-con- structed hydraulic lift, which has been made by Waygood, is noteworthy for its safety and for economy in working. There are two cars, each capable of carrying eight persons at a time, one ascending as the other descends. Under each car is a tank, of a capacity to hold a sufficient weight of water to counterbalance the weight of the other car when loaded, and to overcome friction. The tank under the car which happens to be at the top is filled from a storage tank by means of a valve, under the control of the attendant, until the weight is sufficient to start the bottom car, when the valve closes itself auto- matically, and on reaching the bottom the water is THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. 23 automatically discharged into an exhaust tank, and pumped again to the storage tank at the top. Only sufficient water is used each journey to raise the excess of load in the ascending car, and if the descending load is the heavier no water at all is used. The lift is controlled by two of Waygood's Patent Long- stroke Jiggers, which en- able the attendant to stop anywhere and as gradually as required." " The lift is quite safe, I suppose .'' " — " Abso- lutely. The three wire cables by which the cars are connected are together equal to a strain of twenty - seven tons. Each ' cage ' is also sup- ported by four ropes, each rope being sufficiently strong to support the entire load. In the very remote event of the ropes break- ing, powerful clutches would at once grip the vertical ' guides," and the car would not fall more than an inch before being brought to rest. You can't have anything safer." "Now, Air. Charteris, for a few figures to wind up with. How big is the model?" — ",It is exactly the same size as that which now stands on Eddy- stone Rock — that is to say, the height from the ground to the top of the lantern roof is about 170 ft., while the base is 44 ft. in diameter and 19 ft. high. Viewed from outside, it it really is. This THE LIGHT AT THE TOP. day, may be seen from does not appear so high as is because it is rather dis- advantageously situated in the lowest part of Chelsea, the gardens being considerably lower than many of the streets in the neighbourhood. Nearly a hundred tons of iron and steel have been employed in its construc- tion. There were more than a thousand pieces, every one of which was drilled, bent, and cut ready to be put in its place. All we had to do, therefore, was to piece the huge skeleton together and put flesh upon its bones. This, as every- body may see, has now been done." The Eddy- stone model is well worth ascending, we may add, apart from its intrinsic interest, for the sake of the magnificent bird's- eye view which, on a fine the summit. THE LIFT TO THE TOP. AT THE TOP OF THE LIFT, 24 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBniON. CHAPTER VIII. A CHAT ON BOARD THE M.D.S.F.'S "HEROINE." HE next object in a line with the Eddystone Lighthouse is the Heroine, a North Sea trawler, which the visitor may inspect at pleasure. It is glory — safe glory, in Charles Reade's phrase. If you have ever trawled in the North Sea, good fellow landlubber, you will appreciate the value of that. The Heroine is a trawler, all her canvas is up, and a fine head wind is blowing, but she is safely moored. So up you jump the steady steps at her side, and in another minute you lean against the bulwark in a talk with the jovial skipper of the smack which has caught fish for over thirty years, and which now is spend- ing her remaining days in " catching men." There is something pathetic in the appearance of a worn-out boat, and though the Heroitie in her old days is crowned with the glory of being one of the most at- tractive and popular ex- hibits at a great naval exhibition, there is still something about the air of the lumbering vessel that makes one feel rather sorry for her. The skipper pro tern, shares this sen- timent. ^ He said, looking over the bulwark : " That's where she'll go — where she'll come to grief. Just on '^the line where she touches the ground. Below and above that she's all right, but she'll rot just there. " But she is not by any means an old vessel," he went on. " She has been at sea for thirty-three years only. That is not old as fishing smacks go. I have worked on one that had been to sea fifty-two years. It depends chiefly on what storms they have to weather. Why, only last year the Heroine was a first-class smack, but this last dreadful winter has done for her. She came home badly damaged, was put up for auction at Yarmouth, and the Mission to Deep-Sea Fishermen bought her on purpose for this E.xhibition." " Now, what has the iM.D.S.F. to do with smacks .? Has it improved the trawling.^" — "Not the trawling, but the trawlers." And here our skipper, who shares THE YARMOUTH TRAWLER, " HEROINE." the shortcoming (or is it a virtue .'') of his tribe, or being without " the gift of the gab," warmed to his subject. " I have lived on a smack since I was a boy, and I know from experience of the change that has come over the fleets since the Mission came into existence, nearly ten years ago. Since then the grog and the gin are no longer the curses of the fleet ; since then the men live decent lives, and come home after eight weeks on the fishing ground, not half crazy with drink, and with empty pockets and brutal tempers, but soberly and steadily, and to homes which are no longer poverty-stricken, and wives and children no longer starved. There is no more madness, and despair, and suicide on board the smack, now that the devil of drink is there no more. And it is the Mission that has done it." " How did it do it ? Were the smacksmen more open to the teach- ings of tracts than the rest of this perverse generation ?" — " No ; it was not the tracts alone that did it, though they too, and other books, have done and are doing their part of the work. Smacksmen, when there's no wind, have a good many free hours out at sea. Formerly they gambled and drank and smoked ; now they read. The ^Mission vessels bring us books, and books are a boon greater than people imagine to those who live on the water. But they had more certain means than books to keep the fishermen from drink. You know who supplied the drink before the Mission came, don't you.'' It was the Dutch coper, a kind of floating tobacconist's shop. No smacksman can do without his ' baccy ; ' the coper sold it to them, and when they came for their tobacco they were oflfered drink. Not e\en pure spirits it was what they sold, but adulterated nasty stufl" that made you thirsty and crave for more and more till you lost your senses and became mad and brutal. "The Mission people came; they know that no smacksman would do without his pipe, and that he could buy his tobacco only from the coper. What did they do .'' They got permission from the Government to take out tobacco on the Mission vessels THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. 2S which were Started, one after the Other ; their tobacco go in the was better and cheaper than that of the coper, and on board, gradually they have drawn the gin shop of the coper out of the fleet." Then a new large party of visitors climbed on board. The skippe went to meet them, to give information and booklets, and we climbed down what is a very primitive "com- panion " to where, below, another enthusiastic ex- ponent to the advantages to the fishing fleets of the Mission is stationed to explain the mysteries of the bunks and the hold. A model of an invalided smacksman, strapped on a stretcher and carefully bandaged, supplies the theme to the eloquent guide through this de- partment. He tells, as one who knows, of the awful sufferings the smacksmen had to under- among the 20,000 THE CABIN OF THE " HEROINE past when an accident happened The Mission saw the pity of it all, and made it one of its main objects to train the skipper on every Mission smack in the elementary knowledge of nursing, bandaging, and ambulance work in general. Not long and e\ery man in the twelve fleets trawling on the North Sea knew of the "doctor'' on board the Mission smacks, and that, if a flag was hoisted and lowered three times on any smack, the Mission vessel would come along- side, and the patient would be attended to. Now the medical work has grown, and there are three hospital ships, with qualified medical prac- titioners on board, at work men and youths on the North Sea. ivixssiON TO OECiP-SEJL FrsH:c:Rivi:£:N, Patron, THE QUE EX. CD O < H d ^ ^ I— I M 1-3 f— 1 03 H rt H m r— 1 1— 1 w 1— t W oj W •r-t M H 03 ^ tJ m TJ < Pi > < 4^ CD CD !2; 0) CD 1— I h^ Xfl <1 r— t pi n •r-t 1 A Ul S n >K 2 il 3 2. b^ U 3 ^i^ > Q 5- !zi ^ t*1 W B c« M <5 «5 s < M CD W V. > fe9 to H '? y: c W 03 ' '' c ft bd W M • 70 7: s P 02 M ^ 6 ■z ^ "< ^ H b?j .^ H > 00 'a ^ fe >. MISSION SMACK 2|6^ THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. CHAPTER IX. THE SHOOTING GALLERY. We come next to what is a standing feature in these Exhibitions — the Shooting Gallery. If you have ever been inclined to doubt that Don C)uixote was a truthful man when he declared that fighting wind- mills was exciting sport, go and look at the sportsmen — aye, and sportswomen too — at Messrs. Lyons' shooting gallery, and you will beg pardon of Sancho's master. To explain this suggestion we must tell something about the jungle and all that therein is. It — the jungle — is made of cardboard mainly, though you would not think so, looking at it. It begins just above the heads of the sportsmen who shoot (" Penny a shot, hit or miss ") from behind a counter. You must not ask for such stupid details as, for instance, where the luxurious foliage o\er your head has grown up from ; let it r^~r — 3y~~Z^^^^ suffice you that it is there. The fun be- gins with the finejunglelake, which abounds in ducks — wild OneSjwe should say,judging by their size; there are foxes, too, and rab- 'bits, and mon- keys hanging in mid-air; and yet another creature, upon the nature of which we could never decide, till one morning, before Mr. Skinner, the contractor and superintendent of the jungle, got too busy to answer questions, we approached him as the best authority with the question — " What is that nimble creature behind the second lake — a glorified guinea pig.-" " " No," he answered with majestic calm, " it's a rat." " And what are the animals made of .^" " Tin." "And are the blue foxes and the glorified rats tinpots too ? " "Yes, all tin, painted over. It would never do to have anything less durable. As it is, they have all to be frequently replaced." "What makes them move along so smoothly?" " It is done by gravitation ; they are all on a line ; eight ducks, four foxes, and so on. The speed of each lot is regulated so as to suit all sportsmen." " Has your sportsman a special fancy for any one creature .'' " " Yes, he has, decidedly. First, as I told you, he shoots at the ducks because they travel slowly — offer better aim, you know. But he likes the rabbits too, and the monkeys are popular. The ladies were formerly always shooting at the owls. They like owls best. We had to do away with them the owls, not the ladies — be- cause there was some diffi- culty about fix- ing them up again when they were hit. All the animals hang on hinges and get up by themselves after they are hit." " Not en- couraging to the sportsman, IS it .'' So you have ladies among your patrons, too. What kind ot ladies ? . " Why, bless you, we've lots ot ladies : from the Princess of Wales and her daughters downwards. They came in and had a shot when they visited the Exhibition a week or two ago ; and of course the Prince and the Duke of Clarence tried their skill." " It is amusing," continued Mr, Skinner," to see people come in, trying their skill, who do not know how to handle a gun at all. But don't think we only get bad or indifferent shots here. Only yesterday a gentleman was here who hit a rabbit seventy-three times running." -A.1W1D O. 'SS/E.A.T'l^ S!rX3.^1V[XSI^S FROM LONDON TO BOMBAY, GIBR.\LTAR, IMALIA, liKlNDlSI, EGYPT, ADEN, and MADR.\S, via BOMKAY 'CALCUTTA COLOMBO CHINA, STRAITS, and JAPAN, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, and TASMANIA AT.l^.x ATC ri W I A ^ti/4 t\t a di ttc ' ' Every week. TASMANIA, ALEXANDRIA, and NAPLES .. ..' '.. ..*..' '.." ..' . . ," Every alternate week. CHEAP RETURN TICKETS. For Particulars, apply at tbe Company's Offices, 122 [Leadenhall Street, E.C., and 25 Cockspur Street, London, S.W. THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHLBITION. 27 CHAPTER X. THE "PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL" PAVILION. The next " outside show " is one of the prettiest and most interesting in the Exhibition. This is the P. and O. Pavilion, of which, however, it is un- "WILLIAM FAWCETT," S.S., THE FIRST OF THE \\ AND u. .^lEA.M LINERS necessary to say anything here, for on entering you will find courteous attendants to " tell you all about it," and a special book may be had describing the history and operations of clipper, with all sail set, in southern seas ; the eastern, Malay, Japanese, and Chinese junks and prahns. The historical series begins with a fleet of Viking ships of the loth century setting ^ forth from port on an expedition. The principal boat is well under weigh ; the others are hoisting sail. The next panel — end of the • 15th century — represents the caravels of Colum- bus at the dawn of the 12th of October, 1 492, the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina. Though some liberties had to be taken for the sake ol decorative effect, the vessels may be taken to be fairly representative of the celebrated caravels of that place and time. The next subject is a group of Mediterranean galleys of the 17th century. this great company. We are, however, able, by the kindness of the artist, Mr. Frank Murray, to give illustrations showing the frieze which runs round the dome. The frieze is in eight panels, ■each panel about twelve feet long by three feet high. Four panels, at the opposite points of the ■compass, represent the four quarters of the globe. The four inter- mediate and alternating panels form a series deal- ing with four represen- tative epochs of shipping. Commencing with com- pass-point panels, the western, facing the main entrance, shows a vessel of the P. and O. fleet off Gibraltar ; the northern, Arctic scenery, with an early 17th century ship surrounded by icebergs; the southern, a modern three-masted whaling fffSfl^t^ THE P. AND o. PAVILION. Dcsigiud by Mr. Colcutt. The background is taken from the port of Rhodes. These oared vessels form a special class of extreme interest. Every detail of their make, fitting, rigging, 28 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHLBITIOM. and manoeuvre is obtainable. The last subject is a three-decker of the largjest si/e, mounting: looj^uns. body, the light reflected from the metal surface passes- through them in precisely the same way that light TENTH-CENTUKY VIKING SIIIl'S. date about 1760, representative of the highest type passes through a stained-glass window. The small of vessel of war before the age of steam. The paintings number of good glazing colours, and the slight opacity CARAVELS OF COLUMBUS. FIFTEENTH CENTURY. are in oil-colour on canvas, stretched on frames, and that even the best have, impose certain limitations on painted on gold and silver grounds. The use of gold their use ; but quite within their scope is s ufficie GALLEYS OF MEDIl KRKANhA.N wFt KlluDhs. .-,1\1EE.MH Lh.NlUKV. and silver as a ground gives an effect of luminous variety of tone and shade for effective decorative richness which ordinary solid oil painting cannot use. A great part of the work in the frieze is painted THKEE-DECKEK FRIGATE. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. possibly reach. The colours used are almost entirely as well in solid colour— the combination of solid and the kind known as " glaze." Having no solid opaque transparent painting gives a greater decorative range THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBJTION. 29 than either would alone. It may add to the interest attaching to these subjects to know that as far as others of which it must always be more or less a matter of conjecture as to their outer shapes, NORTH rOLE. possible historical accuracy has been sought for in though their working and outfit are fairly well 1;heir details. The warships of the eighteenth century, known. Curiously enough, the war vessel of a much SOUTHERN SEAS. of course, present no difficulties in this way — nor the earlier period can be realised easily, galleys of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth. The Viking or Norse vessels of the tenth and eleventh centuries E.\ST. .MAL.W IM RATES AND JUNKS. When we come to the end of the fifteenth and the can be reconstructed with great e.xactness — as two fourteenth centuries, one has to rely almost entirely are in existence ; the Sagas give careful and exact WEST. p. AND C, OFF GIIiRALTAK. on paintings and manuscripts. Certain types of descriptions of them. These pictures of early ships vessel are to be found fairly well illustrated, and usefully supplement those in the Exhibition Galleries. 30 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIIUTIO.V. CHAPTER XI. THE PANORAMA OF THE BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR. " 1805, Oct. list. . . . A/mii I.I 5 Lord Nelstm was wounded in the shoulder^ So runs the brief but significant record contained in the log of the Victory. The wound which caused the death of one of England's greatest admirals was officially chronicled in less than a dozen words. For fuller and more aftecting accounts we must turn elsewhere. From these we learn that Captain Hardy and Lord Nelson were walking together on the quarter-deck, when suddenly the Admiral tottered and fell with his face on the boards. A musket- ball from the mizen-top of the Redoiitable had passed downwards through his left epaulette and lodged in the spine ; the chaplain ran to him, but a sergeant and two sailors had already reached him and lifted him oft' the deck covered with the blood that stained it. Hardy, who had not heard the noise of his fall, turned round, and, pale and more stricken than Nelson himself, exclaimed, "I hope you are not dangerously wounded, my lord ? " " They have done for me at last, Hardy ; my back- bone is shot through." The precise moment at which this happened is the moment chosen by the Chevalier Philipp Fleischer, in his pano- ramic representation of the battle of Trafalgar and death of Lord Nelson, now on view at the Royal Naval Exhibition. The painter shows the fight as its fortunes stood at a quarter past one on the twenty-first of October, 1805. He has consulted the most important works, historical and tactical, which have been written on the subject, and he has studied the logs of the various British ships which took part in the engagement. Models, uniforms, arms, and other contents of the naval museums have also been laid under contribution. It is claimed for the artist, who, by the way, is a ENGLAND EXPECTS EVERY MAN WILL DO HIS DUTY. German hailing from Municli, that "in no single detail has he yielded to the temptation of sacrificing historical truth to pictorial effect." From the point of view of history, there is under these circumstances nothing left to be desired. The Trafalgar Panorama, like the model of the Eddystone Light- house, is a private speculation. It is the property of Herr Thiem> who has already shown it at an exhibition in Edinburgh. It is ex- hibited in a polygonal building — a building which after the mimic lighthouse and the model of the Victory., forms one of the chief attractions of the Exhibition as seen from the outside. It is equally prominent when viewed from the grounds. No visitor can fail to see the many-angled structure ; and no visitor who desires to realise what a sea-fight was like in the days which preceded ironclads will, we venture to think, grudge the for a view of the picture contained You pay your sixpence, and ascend "Dfl ,p ^ ^ "ecsoNi "'era tvinaiui \— ' ^ MmONO-JliHT „,-,„„ O.Q. c"^" ,/"• >H«''' ri.AN OF THE BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR, SHEWING THE POSITION OF THE FLEETS. English Fleet I I French and Spanish Fleets ■ sixpence asked within its walls. a staircase, landing upon the aft part of the quarter- deck — the topmost of the five decks which spanned the length and breadth of the Victory. You look straight ahead towards the bow, and there, in the middle of the quarter- deck, you observe the great scene on account of which the picture was painted. You look upon Lord Nelson at the moment that he has fallen mortally wounded ; you see him raised by a seaman ; you notice Cap- tain Hardy, sword in hand, turning with tender solicitude towards his chief ; and you see the sailor hurrj'ing along with a sheet of canvas on which to carry the Ad- miral down to the cockpit. Note, in passing, that Lord Nelson is dressed in his old and somewhat threadbare frock uniform coat with four stars of different orders stitched on the THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION'. 3» left breast, his armless right sleeve being fastened to have aimed at Captain Hardy, who was far away the a front button. Had the French seaman, or marine, better dressed officer of the two. Most likely the whose shot proved so fatal, been anxious to kill the musket was pointed at random. A moment's glance British Commander-in-Chief, he would probably at the mizen-top of the Redoutable will reveal the "KUCEXTAUKE," THE FRENCH ADMIRAL'S SHIP. Her mainmast is falling, owing to the accurate firing of the Conjiwror. AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, AND NEW ZEALAND. THE ORIENT LINE MAIL STEAMERS LEAVE LONDON EVERY ALTERNATE FRIDAV for the above Colonies, calling at PLV.MOUTH, GIHRALTAR, NAPLES, SUEZ, and COLOMBO. STEAMERS among the LAR(;EST and FASTEST afloat. High-class Cuisine, Electric Lighting, Hot and Cold Baths, Good Ventilation, and every comfort. The Orient Company despatch some of their Steamers on Yachting Cruises of from three to six weeks, visiting the finest Fjords in NORWAY during the Summer, and the most interesting places in the MEDITERRANEAN, LEYAN T, and BLACK^ SEA in the Spring and Autumn^ Managers, F. OREEN & CO. and ANDERSON, ANDERSON & CO. For Freight or Passage apply to the latter firm, at 5 Fenchurch Avenue, London, E.C. 32 . 77/^ ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. Frenchman who fired the shot. He and his com- interest may be allowed to concentrate itself for a panion did not long remain there. One of them was brief moment upon the striking scene which soon afterwards killed in the mizen-top ; the other surrounds us. endeavouring to effect his escape from the top down Close at hand is the deck of the Victory, where, the rigging, was shot by a midshipman, and fell dead upon the right, or starboard side, the English from the shrouds. gunners pour their volleys into the portholes of the By this time we may assume that Lord Nelson Redoutable. On the left side the port guns play upon has been carried below to the cockpit— the death bed a formidable Spanish four-decker. Captain Adair, scene is described in the preceding article, and our of the Marines, may be seen in the foreground THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. wisely commanding his men to disperse about the But to enumerate all the ships— English, French ship, so that they may not suffer so severely from the and Spanish— which took part in this'' great naval enemy's musketry. The Redoutable is terribly close engagement would require far more space than is at hand, and just beyond it is our own ship, the just now at our disposal. The sea, which surrounds Tcmeraire. Upon the starboard side of the the spectator, is almost covered with ships of war Tnneraire is another French ship, the Fougueux- For the spectator stands upon the deck of the the in lZTT^^ '" .' f^ddest fashion possible Victory, and sees the ships as Nelson saw them ere an Idea of the number and arrangement of the ships c 34 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION which took part in the historic fight. What the by 30^ ft.— we refer ever>' reader who visits the various ships looked like at the supreme moment Naval Exhibition. From this canvas reproduction when Nelson received the musket-ball may be seen and from the model of the Victory the visitor will by glancing at the panorama. To this reproduction learn in half an hour more than the ordinary history of the battle upon canvas— canvas measuring 310 ft. books can teach him in a year. KOYAI, SOVEREIGN," WITH THE FLAG AT THE 1 OKEMAST, IS VICE-ADMIRAL COLLINGWOOD'S SHIT. -Afier engaging four of the enemies' ships, the Tonnant comes to her assistance. On the right is the Santa Anna, the remains of the Royal Sovereign's first op]-)oncnt. HAMBURG AMl]RICA2Sr PACKET COMPANY. £si„hii.si.,u ih47. LONDON TO NEW YORK IN SEVEN DAYS AND UNDER, ., -""^ THE MAGNIFICENT TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, "CoUimbta •'°^°'''^' ^'"'" ^'"''"'* o'2°2 *'°"s. 12,500 h.p. | INopmannia" (twin screw) 9.000 tons, 13,500 h.p. 8,000 12,500 "Fiipst Bismarck' 9,000 13,500 \ ^ • •! I X Li-a\ in.; southanipton every Saturday. ' |M-i- HI rialii U-aifs Waterloo Slatloii (i.oiuloii iiiiil South WeNtorn Rnllwav) at ».» a.m. on «m(<- ol Kailinv. lor r. r- , r> • 1 coiiveyaiH-e of ■■aMMOnKCrH to Iho Steamer.' tor Further I art.culars apply to SMITH, SUNDIUS, & CO., as .Xsents. 22 Cockspur Street, Chari.ig Cross, S.W., and .58 I.eadenhall Street, 1-..L., Loiulon ; 4 Oriental Place, Southampton : n Millbay Road, Plymouth. •THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. 35 CHAPTER XII. THE MODEL OF H.M.S. "VICTORY." ■JHE FIGURE-HEAD OF THE "VICTORY," STARBOARD. Lord Nelson's flagship, the Victory, is at least a hundred and twenty-six years old. She is some 226 ft. in length from figure- head to tafifrail, and in her widest part measures more than 50 ft. From water- line to bulwarks there is a distance of 40 feet. The model at Chelsea is not fully rigged, the County Council, for reasons best known to themselves, having objected to any reproduction of the three masts and the sailswhich carried the Victory into action on the fateful 2 1 St of October, 1805. The flags fly,however, just as they did on the day when Nelson made the ever-memorable signal '• England expects that every man will do his duty." With the excep- tion of masts and rig- ging — things of no small importance — the Exhi- bition model is a perfect reproduction of the old ship. The many-win- dowed stern is a striking ijight — especially from the Embankment— and so also is the figure-head. The latter consists of a marine on the port and a sailor on the starboard side, supporting a shield carrying the Royal Arms. The water-line, it may be noted, is clearly marked. The displace- ment of the Victory was considerably over two thousand tons. Visitors to the Naval Exhibition are allowed to inspect the model free of charge. They enter by the entry port — as in the original— and pass in on to the middle or main deck. The Victory, \\\x. most of the ships of war built towards the close ot THE FIGURE-HEAD OF THE " VICTORY," I'ORT. LORD NELiON I.N IlIE CABIN OK THE '' VICTORY, the eighteenth century, had five decks. At the very top was the quarter-deck, upon which Lord Nelson received his fatal woun d, and be neath this was the upper deck. Neither of these is reproduced in the model Nex came the middle deck to which we are referring, \'isi. tors pass from this deck down the gangway to the lower or fighting deck, which is shown in the Chelsea model just as it is sup- posed to have been on the morn- ing of the battle of Trafalgar, On the port side the guns are run out ready for action ; the cannon-balls, muskets, and other deadly apparatus of war being in their places. On the starboard side — that is to say, on the left of the spectator —are to be seen the mess-tables, fonns, and hammocks which the sailors used when not actively engaged in fight. From this deck visitors descend to the lowest deck of all — the orlop deck — in which is situate the cockpit where Lord Nelson died. The ac- companying sectional diagram will give some idea of the arrangement of decks usual when the Victory was built. It is not easy for a tall person to walk in comfort along any of these decks, except the topmost one. W\ are low ; all are badly lighted by horn lanterns, and nearly all are in- sufferably stuffy. The orlop deck, to which the wounded (including Nelson) were carried, lies, as C 2 36 THE KOYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION, may be seen in .he dia^jram, below the water-line. It was in the main a safe place, since the only danger incurred was one which would affect the ship as a whole, such as fire or foundering. The suffer- ings of the wounded as they lay at the bot- tom of the ship, mad- dened by the stifling heat and the noise of battle, and agonized by wounds which the skill of an overworked sur- geon could but per- functorily attend to, may be left to the im- agination. But what (it will be asked^ were the armaments wm^ — 104. On the lower deck— the deck which, as we have before pointed out, saw most of the fighting — were thirty long 32-pounders. Upon the middle Hjiarter De-1- j, deck were thirty long 24-pounders ; upon the main deck thirty- Middle or Main Deck "\. two long i2-pounders; upon the upper deck Lower Deck \ eight short l2-pound- ers and two 32-pounder .yX-^f.^.r.].'."?.^ . carronades ; and upon the forecastle two 68- pounder carronades. Each man worked at two guns, devoting his attention to corres- ponding guns on opposite sides of the ship. It %. H.M.S. • "VICTORY," NELSON'S FLAGSHIP, of the Victory ? — what gunsjdid she carry, and how were thev worked? The total number of guns was does not require a very vivid imagination to conjure up a picture of the scene on board the lower deck of the Victory at the time of the great battle of Trafalgar. One can easily imagine the gunners rushing hither and thither, the shot tearing across the decks, killing and wounding as it speeds along its deadly course, the deafening crash of broad- sides, and the universal stifling smoke. This was naval war- fare in the days of Lord Nelson. Let us turn for a moment to the comparative quiet of the orlop deck. To this haven there has been borne, along with the innumerable other sailors who have taken part in the glorious fight, the Ad- miral himself. Tenderly they carried him down the com- panion ladder, and softly they laid him in the cockpit. Here he lies mortally wounded — surrounded by his faithful chaplain, by the doctor whose skill can do no more for him, and by Captain Hardy. The deathbed scene has been faithfully reproduced in wax by Mr. John Tussaud, of the firmofMdme.Tussaud & Sons. The cockpit, in which the great sea-king lies dying, is dimly lighted by a horn lantern, while a sailor standing by holds another lantem,the light of which falls upon the hero's face. Nelson has been stripped of his clothes, and lies partially covered with a sheet. The moment may be assumed to be that at which THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. 37 NELSON WOUNDED AT THE BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. EstablUhvd 1S36. LONDON .1 MOOBGATE STBEET, E.G. ABERDEEN* 1 UNION TERRACE. INCOME AND FtNDS (1890). Fire Premiums Life Premiums Interest „ Accumulated Funds £671,000 216,000 161,000 £3,975,000 38- THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. Captain Hardy paid his second and last visit to his dying chief — the moment at which (as Dr. Beatty tells us) the Captain knelt down and kissed his cheek, while Nelson said : ' Now I am satisfied ; thank God, I have done my duty,' " Hardy left ; re- turning once more to the quar- ter-deck, where hispresence'was, of course, ur- gently needed, and Nelson re- mained with the chaplain and physician at his side. The end soon came. The musket-ball which flew from the mizen-top of the Redoubtable was winged with death. Hardy had not been long upon the quarter-deck, when Nelson murmured the words " God and mycountry," and passed quietly away. THE )OWKR DECK: MENS QUARTEK.-^ Mr. Tussaud in the course of a recent conversation. '' It is to a very considerable extent founded upon a picture byDevis, now in Hucking- liam Palace. It is not, of course, a complete re- alisation of that picture in wax ; liutthe 'reading' of the group— if I may so put it — is taken from it. "I also studied every contem- porary print and engraving upon which I could lay hands ; I went down to the museum at Greenwich Hos- pital and in- spected the Nel- son relics ; I ex- amined the bust of Captain Hardy contain- ed in Greenwich Church ; I ab- sorbed everything that was of value in Benjamin West's picture ; and finally I consulted numerous old military and naval tailors and accoutrement THE ORLOl' DECK : OFFICERS' QUARTERS. "How did you succeed in reproducing .the last scene so faillifully ? " incjuired our representative of makers, with a view to ensuring the most absolute correctness ol costume." THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. 39 " Well, having got^all your materials, how did you Here," replied Mr. Tussaud, "is set to work?" — my first study." The artist pro- duced a repre- sentation of the group in model- ling-wax done to a one-inch scale. " This," he con- tinued, " is pre- pared with the object of seeing what the general effect of the group will be. If it satisfies us, as this did, all the figures are modelled, life- size, in clay. We work just like the ordinary sculptor, you see — employing life models and all the rest of it, as does the artist in marble." " Assuming thcit the clay figures t*-^ ' ^^Jd/ifiii,'*" IIIE MIDDLE DECK: CLEARED FOR ACTION. satisfy you, what happens next ? " — " They are moulded, and those parts which are covered with clothes are cast in plaster. Wax would not stand '^' --^n^^^ ^^^ weight of costume or the strain which a tightly-buttoned coat or vest would impose upon it. Such parts of the figure as are intended to re- present the flesh are reproduced in wax. These parts are gene- rally the whole of the head and hands — in the case of the dying Nelson they in- clude the bare breast. The figure being complete, the hair is inserted — a delicate operation, which if not properly performed is calculated seriously to affect the likeness.' DEATH OF NELSON. r, iCKPIT .:>F " VICTORY. ' liOJIl tlu PicttUC by Dclis 40 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXLLIBITION. EMMA, r.ADv HAMILTON. A poi trait by Ruiiiucy. A FACSIMILE OF On the morning of the 19th of October, 1805, the combined fleets of France and Spain, lying in Cadiz harbour, uegan to get under way. At half-past nine A.M. a signal was made that the enemy's fleet was coming out of port. At three P.M. Nelsoii re- ceived the long-wished-for intelligence that they were at sea.'J It was then that, rejoicing at the near approach of that moment he had so ardently awaited, Nelson penned the interesting document of which this is a facsimile. It was found open on his desk together with one addressed to his daughter. Miss Horatio Nelson Thompson, now in the possession of Mrs. H. N. Ward. To the last writing of Nelson Lady Hamilton has added, " This Letter was found open on his desk, and brought to Lady Hamilton by Captain Hardy. Oh, miserable wretched Emma, — Oh, glorious and happy Nelson." The envelope containing these letters is superscribed " The en- closed letters were found after the action, and sealed up in the presence of the Rev. Mr. Scott, signed T. M. Hardy." U-c.^ ytrr-^ l^AiU \i\j^ Jo fw^ V[^<^.^>^ *5w.juc UAuju ccv^t, VVv^ Iv^ 'K^.vw^ JT/^cO^ cwv- ^^u-^xc u^v^Vy-^--.^ ^^ UXU.V ^^Tv-v^tu THE ROYAL NAVAL BXHIBITIOA, 4, NELSON'S LAST LETTER. CyjCut 1 ^^ ,^^ ;v^-.:, v.-./^.. '':? X-.. -^-^^ ^'/cu/a margarttifei-a) is an oyster slightly largerthan the European congener, and is valuable for the pearl it bears, the shells themselves being of no commercial value ; these are found more or less in all parts of the world, but more principally on the coasts of Ceylon, West Australia, Fiji Islands, Malacca .Straits, and some parts of the coasts of the West India Islands. The pearl oyster {Meleagrina margaritifera) is valuable for the shells, only a pair of them weighing about two pounds. These are found in great quantities all over the north coast of Australia, and in the Malacca Straits and coasts of GREEK LAMP Guinea large fisheries are now being conducted with considerable success and profit ; and, as the diving apparatus is now being more and more introduced into these fisheries, we may expect them to become a very important industry. Coral and Amber. Coral has received as yet very little advancement from the use of the diving apparatus, and the fisher- men seem at present bound to their ancient style of fishing. Whether it is the shortsightedness of the fishermen thinking to keep up the price of coral, or the want of knowledge in the use of the apparatus, we cannot tell ; but in the cases where diviniio XII., which went down oft' Point (iando. Grand Canary, in 160 feet of water. She had on board treasure valued at /^ 100,000. The underwriters who had insured this treasure organised a salvage e.\pedition, which was despatched to the scene of the wreck. A short time afterwards a telegram was received from the captain of the steamer as follows : — " Lambert has got both scuttles open, and has got into the magazine. The boxes of gold are there." The treasure-room was in the run of the ship with three decks above it, at a depth of 26^ fathoms, so that the task of salving was an unprecedented one. The operations were persevered in, in the face of unforeseen difficulties and compli- cations, and at last /^70,ooo was rescued from the deep. This was one of Mr. Lam- bert's greatest feats. \fter the wreck had oeen discovered the steamer was moored to buoys almost over it, and the divers were able to lower them- selves on to the top of the mizen mast, and then slide down on to the deck. Mr. Lambert blew up a portion of the deck, and des- cended to the bullion- room through the wreckage, remaining down as long as twenty and thirty minutes at this enormous depth. He wears one of the rescued dollars on his watch-chain. THE DIVEK WRITING IN THE DEEP. Thk Severn Tunnel. The boldest of Mr. descent of the shaft of the Severn Tunnel. Lambert's feats was his leading to the workings The workings were flooded, the men standing idle ; it was necessary to shut an iron-door through which the water was rushing at a tremendous rate into the main tunnel. It was a journey of a quarter of a mile through a baby tunnel, about eight feet high by as many wide. The baby tunnel was blocked with debris, which were swirling about in a dark underground torrent. With a dress which was self-feeding, which had never been prac- tically tried ; without air-pipe, without life-line ; THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. 47 relying upon the.little store of oxygen in the reservoir, this brave man descended the shaft, crowbar in hand, and made his way through the black stream to the iron door through which the water was rushing. Two rails had to be prized up before he could attempt to close the door. He got one up, and then, after being two hours away, returned to the mouth of the pit, thinking that the oxygen was nearly ex- hausted. There was just enough left to last twenty minutes. A second supply came down from London, and a second time Lambert descended, and suc- ceeded in shutting the dooi-, and thus stopped the flooding of the mine. The other thing of most interest in the Cam- perdown Gallery is the Torpedo Exhibit. We give below a sketch of one of the model tanks in the Galler>% which is fitted up so as to show the use of mines and torpedo at- tack. First, however, it may be well to give a word of general explana- tion. "A torpedo may be defined," says Mr. Laird Clowes in his little book, "All About the Royal Navy," "as an ex- plosive case, which may be fired either automatic- ally by concussion, or at the will of the user, and which is stationary under water or travels through the water. Some travel- ling torpedos are moved by being towed, others by the working of independent machinery concealed within them, others by being carried at a boat's bow, or pushed ; and yet ^others by a controlling power -NAVAL UIVEKS. worked from the shore or from some other fixed station. The object of a torpedo is primarily to attack and blow up a hostile vessel ; but torpedoes are also designed for clearing channels, and for destroying other torpedoes— especially those station- ary torpedoes which are usually known as mines. The forms of torpedo principally used in the British service are four in number : — Fixed torpedoes, or mines ; spar torpedoes, or explosive cases carried at the end of a spar at a boat's bow ; automobile torpedoes, such as the Whitehead and Schwartzkopf : and controllable torpedoes, such as the Brennan. The exploding material may be either gunpowder or one of the compounds which are known as ' high explosives.' The method of exploding is by concussion or electric contact, or by means of a current sent along a wire from an operator at a post of observation." In the model tank sketched below, on the extreme left is the at- tacking force, and in the right corner is the de- fending ironclad. Various submarine mines in the harbour are also shown. In the middle of the sketch is a torpedo boat in the act of lifting itself over the boom which is supposed to protect the defending ironclad; while the three sketches at the top of the next page explain the action of jthe second torpedo boat. The object in attacking with this form of torpedo is to approach the ship without being ob- served, and to explode the gun-cotton at the end of THE .\IIMNU MOltEL. 48 fgBmmmMmiimiiimmmiiiamm THE ROYAL NAIAL EXHlBiriON, 0'y%V^"«^ 'L^^^^^^i^njUMu^ the pole in actual contact with the ship's side. thereof. The defending mines shown in the model The next two sketches show, first, the attaching of an of the harbour are fired from the ironclad, explosive to a ship's cable, and, second, the effect if^) THE TORPEDO BREAKS THE CABLE. THE iJIVER FIXES THE TORPEDO TO THE CABLE. TORPEDO STEAM PINNACE. A TORPEDO MINE EXPLODED. PRICE f4"4s\SlNGER'S Sewing Machines Machines for every Description of Sewing 10 /£r cent, discount for Cas/i , ON HIRE AT EASY WEEKLY PAYMENTS WITH OPTION OF PfRCHASK ANNUAL SALE - 700,000JMACHJNES I n st pu.c'tioxi. Fx*ee CAUTION. — To avoid deception, buy no 5lachine unless the Com pany's Trade Name " SINGER ""H printed upon the Arm. Management for t/ie United KiHgcom, ■J HI- SiD^r Manufacturing Co., 39 FOSTER LANE, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. E.G. CITY SHOW ROOM— CHEAPSIDE, E.C. THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION 49 CHAPTER XIV. THE ARMSTRONG GALLERY. / Unmistakably the most important, and perhaps also the most interesting, exhibit'at'the Naval Exhibition is the Armstrong collection ot ships' guns and ships' models, in which the visitor tinds himself after leaving the Camperdown Galler>\ Whatever may have been the case a few years ago, it is probably unneces- sary at this time of day to enlarge upon the standing and capacity of what we have before ventured to describe as " Britain's supplementary Arsenal " at Elswick-on-Tyne. It is certainly the most varied and extensive institution of ^ the kind, public or private, in this country or abroad — for, re- member it is not, like the public works at Woolwich, or the semi- public works at Essen, a gun-factory merely : the steel out of which the guns are made is turned out in great in- gots in furnaces and forging-presses adjoin- ing the gun-shops ; the ordnance works (which occupy forty acres, contain upwards of 800 machines, and employ some 3,500 hands) provide not only guns, but the carriages upon which they have to be worked, and the pro- jectiles required to make them effective weapons of destruc- tion ; and, finally, berths for the building of ships of war of the most powerful types are provided in a yard to the east of the and immediately below the steel-works, as Messrs. Armstrong, Mitchell, >.S: Co. justly boast, Elswick (where 16,500 men were employed last summer, as against 14,000 at Woolwich) is the only factory in the world, national or private, that can build a man-of-war and arm her completely. With this preface, we will glance at the exhibits, which include a representation of •• the battery-deck of a modern armour-clad " and a turret containing, a I lo-ton gun. How Gun-Steel is Tested. The sight of several cylinders of steel lying in the neighbourhood of the no-ton gun, however induces us to essay, first, the task of outlining the jun-shops In brief, processes which evolve out of the rough ingot the exact and beautifully finished gun. At the steel works at Elswick — which include in their design four 25-ton Siemens's furnaces and one 40-ton furnace, and one 3,000-ton, one 4,000-ton, and one 6,000-ton forging-press — ingots of a very large size are pro- duced. In many cases these ingots are solid, and for gun-purposes have to be bored out as hereafter described ; but it is gradually becoming the custom especially in the case of ingots intended for the largest class of guns, to cast and forge them hollow • The tensile .strength of the ingots varies from 26 tons to the square inch, with 27 per cent, of ductility, up to 52 tons per square inch with 1 5 per cent, of ductility, oil hardened. To avoid the internal strain caused by the irregular or too rapid cooling, the ingots after leaving the mould are placed in a huge pit, where, simply covered with ashes, they cool slowly and evenly. For, be it care- fully noted, gun- steel is subjected in this country- to the severest I tests, both private and t official. First a disc / is sawn off each end ; and out of each of these discs there are cut four testing pieces about three inches long, with heads re- sembling short double-headed bolts. These_test- pieces having been hardened at a temperature of about 1,500 deg. Fahr., are seized at either end in the jaws of a testing-machine (not larger than a copying-press, but as powerful as a locomotive) and pulled apart by hydraulic pressure. Those conduct- ing the tests have first to note when the steel commences to yield as it begins to elongate under the strain to which it is subjected, and ne.\t to elongate a piece until a point is reached when the steel ceases to return after expansion to its original length. A self-registering apparatus is attached to the machine to ensure perfect accuracy. Finally, the breaking-strain is ascertained by adding weight until a test- piece breaks. Take a bolt tested while we look on : The first test shows that the steel began D 50 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. to move at a pressure of 15 tons to the square inch ; the second proves that the amount of the strain which the steel will stand without permanent set is 21 tons per square inch— in the bolt two inches long the measure of elongation is found to be just under half an inch ; and the third shows that it breaks at 36-3 tons per square inch. In the case of the i lo-ton gun, the minimum requirements of the War-Office when the steel is in a soft state, fresh from the steel-works, are these : yielding strain, 11 to 15 tons to the square inch ; amount of elongation above 1 5 per cent, of the length tested ; and breaking strain between 27 and 35 tons per square inch. Similar tests, with other bolts, follow upon the ingot being hardened by heat and tempered by being plunged into oil. At this last series of tests the minimum requirement for a i lo-ton gun are these : Yielding strain, 25 to t^2> tons to the square inch ; amount of elongation, above 10 per cent, of the length tested ; and breaking strain, 34 to 46 tons per square inch. The division of the iio-ton gun into forty-four sections entails a really enormous number of tests — thus : the barrel is credited with twelve tests for each end — 24 ; the other 43 pieces have four test pieces taken from each end — 344. Thus the total number of tests made in the case of each iio-ton gun is 368 ! No less than 91 pieces of steel are prepared for the test, even for a small gun such as the 47-inch ; and as the cost of preparing each test piece cannot possibly be taken as less than 105-., it will be seen that this process alone costs, for the 47- inch gun, ^45. \os. In the case of the largest guns the preparation of the test pieces actually entails a loss of 6^ tons of steel ! How A Gun ;s Built. The introduction of slow-burning powder and minor causes have led to some change in the last few years in the form of our guns ; the chamber in which the charge was stored, which was often several inches wider than the barrel, has been minimised and the barrel has been lengthened several feet. But the manner of building guns has not undergone material alteration. An Armstrong gun consists of a barrel covered with steel hoops, or cylinders, shrunk on to give necessary strength to the structure ; thus at the breech end there may be as many as three " courses " or layers of cylinders or hoops, and at the muzzle end there is probably only one such course over the barrel. In other words, a gun is really a succession of cylinders of steel shrunk o\er each other. Expanded by the application of heat, the outside cylinder or "jacket," although its bore has been made slightly less than the outside diameter of the cylinder which it has to cover, is easily slipped over the inner tube : and as it gradually cools, the " jacket " grips with great power the inside cylinder. The grip of the cylinders upon each other grows in severity as the outside of the gun is reached. and the comjHession upon the original cylinder, of course, increases with each layer added. This fact discloses the application of an important principle in gun-making — at any rate, as practised at Elswick. In a natural way, the great strain following upon the explosion of the charge of powder would fall heaviest upon the inner cylinder (or barrel) in which the ex- plosion takes place, and the outer cylinders would only experience it in a diminishing degree ; so that there would be a point under buch circumstances where thickness ceased to add strength. This state of things is reversed at ElSwick ; the exterior parts prove the salvation of the gun. If the gun were made out of one piece of steel, as we have said, the strain of the explosion would not travel far beyond the bore — the exterior parts would be so much use- less metal ; but by the subdivision of the gun into cylinders, each cylinder, having been put into a high state of tension by being shrunk, on, brings the full measure of its power to withstand strain to the support of the inner cylinder, or bore, and the other parts of the gun — that is, each successive layer reinforces the accumulated resisting power of. the whole mass. A further consequence of the system of shrinking the cylinders one over the other is that the compression experienced by the original cylinder or barrel is so extreme that the outer cylinders, owing to their being, on the contrary, in a state of tension, first take the strain created by the explosion, and as the outer cylinders expand or extend (as the quality of metal guarantees that they will do, in a large degree, under the force of pressure), the strain is progressively imparted to the original tube ; which ultimately receives its allotted proportion. The amount of compression exercised by the whole of the layers, when the gun is built up, is sufficient to reduce the internal diameter in the case of a no-ton gun by 0.03 inches. Every part of the gun is thus made to bear a uniform share of the work. Thk Boring and "Jacketing" of a Gun. The tests having proved the sufficiency of the metal, the boring of the barrel, and the outer cylinder or "jacket" is begun. Let us take the fortune of a barrel — say the barrel of a 12-inch 43-ton gun which we followed under the boring operation at Elswick. First, it is "rough-bored," then "fine-bored," and lastly, "fine-turned;" of course, where an ingot has been forged hollow the " rough-bore" is saved. The " rough-bore" is a heavy piece of work. The ingot cylinder of steel, lying longitudinally upon substantial supports, has an outside diameter of 21 in., and a circular cutter is at work in the centre, cutting out metal to the extent of 9i in. With the barrel 30 ft. long, the rough boring occupies more than a week, although the machines (like most of the machines in the Elswick shops) work both day and night. The bore or cutter, which is carried on the end of a sub- THE ROYAL NAVAL EXLILBLTIOX. SI THE KATTERY DECK OF A MODERN ARMOUR-CI.AD. THE MODEL OF THE IIO-TON GUN, 52 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION: stantial shaft, advances at the rate of 4^ in. per hour, assuming it could be kept at work continuously, but as a matter of fact it is frequently withdrawn to admit of the examination of the bore and ensure the accuracy of the " cut." Although it has behind it a powerful pressure, the bore travels silently and with singular slowness. The slightest irregularity in its progress over any part of the cylinder might easily mean the complete ruin of the ingot. Having been rough-bored, the barrel is toughened by being heated and tempered by being dipped in a pit of oil, opera- tions all managed by means of hydraulic cranes. Then comes the process called " fine-boring." This is a very short, easy descriptive phrase ; but with the largest guns it sometimes means, we are told, two to three months' work. It, in fact, comprises three separate borings. In the case of the 43-ton gun, the rough " cuts " in this stage take two or three weeks each. With the no-ton gun, a "pass" or ' cut " at the same stage occupies from three to four weeks. In the final boring from 7ooth to i-ioth of an inch, according to the gun, is left to be taken out. This operation requires the greatest care. If the bore becomes torn or damaged by the breaking of a tool or seizure of the boring head, a barrel which may now be worth between /2,c)oo and _^3,ooo is utterly spoiled ; but happily this occurs very rarely. Each cylinder has to be treated in almost exactly the same fashion as the barrel or central tube, that is, each cylinder has to be tested, turned, rough and fine " bored," and gauged carefully throughout, to ensure correctness of diameter. The difficulties attending the attainment of accuracy of all these borings are great, particularly in the case of the barrel, for as the cutter of the bore wears dow-n as it approaches the end of the cylinder, the diameter of the tube dim- inishes—thus : 30.75,30.74. The barrel having been turned in the lathe on the outside is ready to receive its "jackets." The 43-ton gun had four " jackets "' — that is, it was made of five cylinders, including the barrel. These cylinders ran in thickness thus : barrel, \\ in. ; second course, 5 in. ; third course, 3{ in. ; fourth course, 3^ in. ; fifth course, 4| in. The gun was thickest over the powder chamber — about igjin. — of course, because it is the seat of the ex- plosion. In the guns made for our national service the barrel is uncovered to the extent of 8 ft. from the muzzle, but in the lo-inch guns made at Elswick the second course is carried right up to the muzzle, and the old-fashioned swell at the muzzle is coming again in vogue. As all these cylinders except the inmost one are in short lengths, the 110-ton gun comprises no less than forty-four pieces, apart from the breech screw and the mechanism for closing it. When the gun is being built up, it stands in a pit, where the cylinder "jacket" next to be placed upon it is brought by a hydraulic lift from one of a series of furnaces heated by gas ("made in gas producers) and dropped over it. With a shield over it, it then gradually cools. The Rifling and Finishing of the Gun. Then comes the rifling of the gun. This has been postponed until all the cylinders are on, because of the unevenness in the interior of the barrel which the varying thicknesses of the cylinders create, which has to be ground out before the rifling can commence. The cutter is directed on its twisted movements by a pinion and rack, which in their turn are acted upon by wheels rolling along a slightly curved track or framework of iron. The cutter appears to travel along the barrel at a quicker rate than does the boring bar when a gun is being bored ; but although the rifling only e.xtends up four-fifths of the length of the gun, the operation in the case of a 43-ton gun occupies over a week, with the machine working double shift. The rifling of a no-ton gun, with a barrel 42 feet in length, takes a month. The pitch of the rifling is progressive, and with a 43-ton gun the cutter will make one turn in every 45 feet. The cutter — which only cuts in coming put — goes up each groove from eight to twelve times, according to the hardness of the metal, and, as there are eighty grooves in many instances it travels along the gun eight hundred times. The greatest conceivable care has to be exercised in the rifling of these huge guns, as the slightest departure from the true course may now destroy material and work worth together / 15,000. Two to four-hundredths of an inch are cut out in the rifling. The difference between the weight of a finished gun and thie weight of the metal taken for its construction ranges from 40 to 50 per cent. The gun is " chambered " and fitted with the " breech screw " at such times as may prove most convenient. As is specially exemplified in the 4*7 quick-firing gun on exhibition — where the screw is made of a toned instead of a cylindrical shape — the breech-piece— />., the swinging gate of the gun — is now a wonderful and beautiful piece of mechanism. It is scarcely possible to conceive of greater simplicity with greater security : it opens andlocks with the fewest conceivable number of motions apparently ; and the gun cannot possibly be fired until everything is in the most perfect order. The ingenious arrangement for the prevention of the escape of the powder gases — a most important factor, inasmuch as in the i lo-ton gun the charge of 960 lb. will give a pressure of gas equal to about 1 5 tons per square inch — also demands notice. While they can on occasion be fired mechanically, the large guns are now all fired by electrical apparatus, small batteries being attached to the guns ; and, as we have indicated, the gun cannot be fired until there is mechanical indication and permission, for, unless several levers each lie in a particular way, it is impossible for the electric circuit to be completed. In alhhese respects the gun ofto-dayisinmost striking contrast to the first gun constructed by Lord i^then Mr. William) Armstrong — a national curiosity, which stands modestly under the shadow of the model of the monster iio-ton jjun. THE KOYAL N'AVAL EXHIBITION. IZ What is Due to the New Slow-burning Powder. Guns, as we have indicated, have lately been built longer in order to get the full advantage of the slow- burning powder which is now being used. This combination of longer gun and slower powder gives a higher velocity, which means in eftect not only a longer range, but also greater penetrative power and destructive energy on the part of the shot. With the old powder the shot received merely a sharp, short blow — that is to say, the powder suddenly produced a verj' high pressure, which fell immediately the shot commenced its movement — and had a long gun been employed, the result would really have been a dimi- Committee on Explosives, a velocity of no less than 2,669 ft- has been realised with a 19^-lb. charge of cordite from a 6-inch quick-firing gun. The service pressure put upon the chambers of the gun, it maybe noted here, is 1 5 tons per square inch, which is more than three hundred times as high a pressure as that of a locomotive boiler. The Battery-Deck of a Modern Man-of-War. Now that we have got an impression how guns — especially big guns— are constructed, we can the more harmoniously and profitably realise the striking piece of " realism " in the shape of the battery- deck and turrets of a modern man-of-war, for which the Executive Council of the Exhibition are indebted MESSRS. ARMSTRONGS WORKSHOPS: GUN'S AWAITING INSPECTION. nution of velocity. With the new slow-burning powder, a high pressure in the bore can be main- tained for a much longer period, with the advantages already described. With this modern powder, the rates at which projectiles emitted from the most powerful armour-piercing guns will travel may be taken at from 2,000 ft. to 2,100 ft. per second, as compared with 1,400 ft. per second at the time the Government appointed the Committee on Explosives. But in the judgment of Captain Noble, C.B., F.R.S., the eminent authority on guns and explosives, who has for many years been Lord Armstrongs chief lieutenant, "we are not at all at the end of progress". With " amide " powder nearly 2,500 ft. velocity has already been obtained ; from a six-inch gun with the new explosive called "cordite," recommended by the to the good-will and enterprise of Messrs. Amistrong, Mitchell & Co., who must have incurred consider- able cost in the undertaking. " The battery-deck of a modern man-of-war " first attracts us. The main armament here consists of three 47 quick-firing guns and a couple of 6-pounder Hotchkiss guns. In between these stand the mess-tables, with the mess- lockers above, and the mess-cans and biscuit kit near at hand, with a huge kitchener, capable of cooking for upwards of 500 men, in the centre of the deck. There are a couple of stand of Martini rifles at the end of the deck, together with the cutlasses and revolvers for use in boarding and for defence in the last resort. In front of each gun. it may also be noted, there are suspended from the rafters cutlasses and boardmg-pikes sufficient for a ^ 54 THE ROYAL XAVAL EXHIBITION. battery, available for use whenever boarding parties should be in demand. At the end v/ill be found specimens of officers' cabins. These cabins, having been prettily and more than adequately furnished, prove a great popular attraction. The eye here takes in many things, and the mind is curious about several. Why, for mstance, so many pairs of boots.'' Well, your naval officer likes to be prepared lor all climates, for all weathers, and for all kinds of enter- tainments and functions. Note the tennis-bats and cricket-bats, the dumb-bells, the bo-^ing-gloves, the fencing paraphernalia — all suggesting that our lieu- tenants and captains of to-day are determined that it shall not be said of them, should fame await them, that they lacked any of the graces which came of a east corner, which does not call for special remark. The type of gun most prominent here — the 4.7 gun — is at present one of the strongest cards in the pack of the Elswick firm, which is greatly enamoured of it, as indeed is our own Government. It is, in fact, the pattern of gun which now forms the main arma- ment of all our first-class cruisers, and it was chiefly designed to repel the attack of torpedo boats. The type found its first success in the fact that the 47 45-pounder gun could do in 47 seconds what it took the 5-inch B.L. gun five minutes to perform. It is capable of firing twelve shots a minute ; and assuming a war-vessel to be armed with a broad- side of three of these guns, a torpedo boat would run seventy-two chances of being hit in the two .\ NAVAL LIEUTENANTS HOME. carefully-trained physique. The visitor is scarcely likely to miss the array of portraits of beauties of the stage, especially as the significance of the display is emphasized by the text arranged above it, " Hus- bands love your wives"' (Col. iii. 19): a sly joke at the alleged weaknesses of our brave defenders, at which many people roar and a few are indignant. Altogether, these cabins form a bright little picture, casting the life of the officers of " the (^^^^^is Navee " into a more tempting frame than has in the eyes of the mere " land-lubber" hitherto enclosed it. The Ouick-firing Guns. Now let us glance at the guns which line the battery-deck, with the exception of the gun at the minutes she would spend in speeding over the 1,300 yards she would probably need to traverse to begin her attack. By the way, artillerists, it seems, agree that a rate of about ten rounds a minute is sufficient for all guns larger than the 6-pounder ; any quicker rate is liable to be obtained at the cost of impaired efficiency in other directions, and carelessness on the part of the crew in loading and aiming. A later gun of the same pattern as the 47 gun before us is a 6-inch gun to fire projectiles of 100 lbs. The Admiralty put this gun to severe and prolonged tests little more than six months ago at Silloth, the First Lord of the Admiralty himself attending the trials ; in fact, from one gun and mounting 260 rounds were fired before the Admiralty decided on THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. DISAPPEARING GUN : AT REST. DISAPPEARING GUN : IN ACTION. its acceptance — a test probably without precedent. At one of the trials ten rounds were fired at a target in I min. 31 sec. The latest gun is now to form the main armament of all our first-class cruisers. The weight of the gun here shown — the 47 gun — is 41 cwt. ; the later gun of this same pattern — not here shown — weighs up- wards of 5 tons. One ot the vital elements account- ing for the success of these ciuick-firing guns is the carriage on which it is mounted, which is of a novel and special character. Any descrip- tion of this carriage, which is known as the "Elswick Mounting,"' would, we are afraid, be too technical to permit of a popular conception ; but, in brief, it 6-INCH IJUICK-FIRING GUN energy, returning instantly after discharge to the loading position. The gun can be elevated or de- pressed or swung round to almost any degree, and the arrangements for train- ing and firing appear to reach the acme of sim- plicity. Usually one man opens and closes the breech, a second man puts in the full cartridge and catches the empty case as it is ejected, a third man puts in the shot, and a fourth trains and fires the gun. Elevation is given by means of a hand- wheel, which gears into the elevating arc fitted on : ULUE JACKETS LOADING, to the Cradle, and this hand-wheel is so placed that it can be used with the left hand while the eye is on the r.ight, the right hand on the firing pistol. provides for the gun, by the absorption 'of its recoil and the left shoulder pressed against the shoulder gUICK-FIRING GUN, KIKING ORDINARY PO'.VDE I /rcn I Omfmi'AjmiT ! the Joseph Hume type. The gun is represented as in a pit, say a quarter of a mile from the shore, with the magazines behind it, also underground ; and it can be trained and fired, and, what is more, do much mischief, without any one of the gunners putting his head above ground, or the gun itself running great risk of hurt. It will be approximately trained and laid for elevation by means of reflecting sights — mirrors placed on the right-hand stanchion of the gun, one above and the other below the level of the barrel. The carriage is worked on the hydro-pneu- matic system — that is, compressed air acts upon water. Theoretically, the air once inclosed in the air-chamber is supposed to last for ever, but leaks inevitably occur ; however, a few strokes once a month from a hand pump which forms an auxiliary to the gun suffices to fill the void. Inter alia, you may note lying about the gallery- little flasks charged with air, which seem to be as much an accessory to the man-of-war on a campaign as a liquor-flask to a traveller on a long journey. The gun, which is a 5-ton 6-inch gun, is hoisted into firing position by a hydraulic cylindrical press, and after being fired returns to the loading position (and so drops out of sight) by the utilisation of its own recoil energy. A Hand-worked Gun for Cruisers. Before we pass from the batter>'-deck to the turret we glance at a specimen of a hand-worked gun now in use in the Navy — notably in the Impcfieiise — which is to be seen at the east end of the collection. It is a 9-2-inch gun on a Vavasseur mounting. The ammunition comes up a hoist through a tube fixed in the centre of the mounting, so that the gun can be loaded when it is in any position of training, and the gun and gunners are well protected by shields. Ever)' operation can be performed by one man. Guns of this pattern are now being supplied for all our first-class cruisers. The iio-iuN Gun. Finally,' werpass up into the turret— say the turret of her Majesty's ship Victoria, wherein is mounted a model of the no-ton gun. Perhaps in view of the sundry stick-taps on the part of the visitors, it may be necessary to explain that both are models made of wood. Of course, we see only half the turret ; the other half and the second no-ton gun are to be provided |by the imagination. The turret is 27 ft. in height, and has an inside area of 600 ft. Taking the turret alone, there are usually four men in attendance on each gun — say, eight in the turret altogether. The primar)- portion of the turret is iron-girder work, which is covered with teak, and armoured to the depth of 17 inches. The heavy steel grating which covers the barrel of the gun is as much to let out the smoke as to admit the light. The turret of itself weighs 850 tons. Having examined the turret, let us turn to the mounting of this great gun. The pivot of the whole is the hydraulic press so msepar- ably identified with the name of Armstrong. The gun has no trunnions, but is strapped down to a carriage or " saddle," which rests on two long steel beams called "slides." The slides pivot so far for- ward as practicable, so that the centre, about which the gun moves for elevation or depression, may be as near the gun port-holes as possible, and the latter thus reduced to the smallest dimensions. This is exceedingly necessary for two reasons — first, so that the gun and crew may not be exposed to hostile bullets from machine guns, entering through the port ; and, secondly, so that the opening for the sea to enter, if the ship is being fought in bad weather, may be N^ORDDEIUXSCHER LLOYO IVIAIi:. SERVICE TO NE"W YOHK, Tri-weekly Service, on Wednesday.-, Thursdays, and .Sundays, by Express Steamers. Passage - to ;!: day-. Cuisine un>urpassed. TO AUSTRALIA, vi-i Suez Canal, every 28 da>-s, calling at Genoa, Port S-iid, Suez, Aden, and Colombo. TO CHINA AND JAPAN, via Suez Canal, every 28 days, calling at tienoa, Port Said, Suez, Aden, and Colombo. EXCURSIONS TO GERMAXV, ITALY, AND MEDITERRANEAN. All Steamers of the Company are fitted with the Electric Light and all the latest improvements. For further particulars apply to General Agents : KELLES, WALLIS Jt CO.. 65, 66 and 67 Gracechurch Street, E.C. ; 32 Cockspur Street, Charing Cross; and at Manchester and Southampton or to PHILLII'I'S «- OJtAVES, Botolph House. East^heap, E.C. 58 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXIIIBITIOA'. reduced to the lowest limits. The saddle on which the Ljiin rests is attached to a large piston rod enter- ing the hydraulic press fixed between the slides, which hydraulic press serves for running the gun in and out as well as for absorbing the recoil. The huge stump-like elevating cylinders under the saddle will ha\e on them always a weight of "Ji tons each, the gun and its mounting by themselves weighing 146 tons ; but the two hydraulic presses under the slide, lift slide, saddle, gun, and recoil press without a jerk. The opening, loading, and closing of the gun is also performed by hydraulics, two separate presses being employed for this purpose. The fact that the breech screw weighs 39 cwt. is a sufficient proof that manual power cannot cope with such immense guns. What if its Machinery should P\\il.? " What if the hydraulic machinery should go wrong .' — wouldn't you be left with a very Jumbo in the way of white elephants?" is a bugbear often raised by the opponents of these big guns. But we have the assurance of Lord Armstrong's representa- tives, who, after all, are the most experienced and authoritative witnesses on the point, seeing that their firm has been identified from its initiation with the hydraulic principle, that hydraulic machinery rarely goes wrong. Even after a quarter of a century of work, machinery of that type has been found in a perfectly dependable state, and as a matter of fact in business transactions only 2\ per cent, is allowed for depreciation of hydraulic machinery. Visitors are invited to compare the breech arrangements of the 1 10- ton gun with those of the 9-2-inch 22-ton gun, when, say the firm, they will see that the hydraulic-worked arrangements of the great gun are much simpler than the hand-worked gear at the breech of the smaller gun. In the original armament of the Thiindoxr there were two 35-ton guns worked by hand, and two 38-ton guns worked by hydraulic power. The guns worked by hand required a crew of forty-two men, while a crew of only twenty-eight was sufficient for the guns mounted on the hydraulic system. As to reliability, the example of the Temcraire is also quoted by Messrs. Armstrong : the vessel has now been fourteen years in commission, and during the whole of that time her hydraulic machinery, which lacks many of the more modern simplifications, has never given the slightest trouble. The Firing of the iio-ton Gun. Now we will assume that this great gun is on the point of being fired with a full charge. The no-ton gun, indeed all large guns, is fired with slow-burning cocoa-powder — " cocoa " because of its brown colour. As you may observe in the powder case in the gallery, it is shaped in hexagonal prisms, this being the most convenient form for close packing. Each prism is pierced with a hole in the centre, so as to give ready access to the flame and insure an equable ignition. Ten thousand of these prisms are needed to make up a full charge for this monster gun ! The powder, along with the shell, comes up frorn the magazine below in a hoist (indicated at the rear of model), and, having been placed on a spout-tray, is rammed into the gun by a hydraulic rammer (also indicated at the rear of the model), the shell, of course, having been first driven forward into its place by the same instrument. In nearly all naval guns the powder charge is made up into four cartridges, the object being to get each cartridge down to a weight that a man may lift. But ^on account of its extra- ordinary weight — 960 lbs. ! — the charge for the i lo-ton gun is divided into eight cartridges. Specimens of these cartridges, to the extent of the full charge, stand as a pyramid close to the hoist. The material of the envelope, by the way, is silk cloth. At the back of each envelope, next to the primer, there stand a few prisms of black powder, because it more readily ignites than the cocoa powder. Each of these eight cartridges weighs 120 lbs. To load, it is necessary to bring the gun in at extreme elevation, and then the following operations are gone through : — 1. Unlock and unscrew the breech- 6. Ram home the projectile. lock. 7. Ram home first half-charge. 2. Withdraw breech-block. 8. Ram home second half-charge 3. Traverse breech-blocks to one 9. Withdraw loading-tray. side. 10. Traverse breech-screw. 4. Place the loading-tray in the 11. Insert breech-screw. gun. 12. Screw up and lock breech- 5. Wash out the gun. screw. The gun having been sighted by the captain of the turret from his conning-tower, is also fired by him by electricity. The gun can be loaded and fired within two aiid a half minutes. The Shot and its Terrible Havoc. The projectile fired from the gun when attacking ships or forts weighs i,8oo lbs., and it goes out with a velocity of 2,105 f^- P^"" second, and has a destruc- tive energy equal to 55,305 foot-tons. If th'e gun need to be used against a body of men or a flotilla of boats, shrapnel shell would be used — that is, the long drum-like cylinder of steel standing close to the carriage would be shot from the gun, and its contents (2,300 4-0Z. bullets) would scatter death amongst the foe. The bullets are put in in layers, though not with mathematical exactness — they are merely shaken together. Melted rosin is poured in among them, in order to fill up the interstices ; else, when the heavy NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, l.stilliVisIt, LONDON : 1 MOOE.GATE STREET, E.G. INCOME AND Fire Premiums Life Premiums Interest Accumulated Funds ABERDEEN FUNDS (1890). 1 UNION TERRACE. £671,000 216,000 161,000 £3.975,000 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITLON. 59 ^ ^ ^ 6o THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHLBITLON. shock of the explosion came they would be all flattened against each other. Directly the shrapnel case bursts, the bullets go flying on, while the spin of the shell, communicated by the rifling of the gun, spreads them out by centrifugal force over a large area. But the gun will most likely be used for attack- ing armoured ships and forts ; in this case the steel shell, with a strong, sharp point, will be used. These shells are first forged, then bored, and finally tem- pered. While they should be tough in the body, they must be hard at the striking point. The hardness of the point increases the penetrative power of the shell, while the toughness of the body prevents it swelling as it is entering the plate and so increasing the difficulties of penetration. A good shell carries itself into the interior of the ship before it explodes. The shell is constructed to carry such an amount of powder as will cause it to explode and add its pieces to the destructive splinters from the broken plate. The shell used in this gun, as stated, weighs i,8oo lbs. The terrible havoc which such a shell will play when fired with a full charge from this gun is most vividly illustrated on the wall closest to the model. There is given a sketch of the course of the shell from the I lo-ton gun of the Stms^areil at a trial at Shoeburj'- ness in March last. The shell tore its way at the rate of 2,079 ft. per second through 20 in. of com- pound armour specially manufactured ; 8 in. of iron fastened in a heavy wrought-iron frame ; 20 ft. of oak baulks ; 5 ft. of granite blocks : 1 1 ft. of con- crete ; and 6 ft. of brick ; altogether, 44 ft. 4 in. of a wall unique in historj', surely, for combination of width and variety and strength of material I E\-ery- body should see this most graphic picture of the attainments, power, and tendencies of this our day and generation ! For firing a full charge with armour-piercing shot from the no-ton gun, the country pays — for the powder, /So ; for the shell and fuses, /125 — total, ;^2oo ; not to mention a much more serious item if the gun were continually being fired with a full charge, the damage from the erosion caused by the powder gases, which causes it to lose its accuracy, and necessitates its being re-lined, at great expense and at the cost of long delay. It is generally considered, says Captain Noble, in the work already referred to, " Modem Naval Artillery," that the life of the 67-ton guns may be taken at 120 rounds, and the no-ton gun at 75 rounds, both with full charges. The New Smokeless Powder and its Effect Before we pass from the guns, a few words on the new smokeless powder will not be out of place. The most promising of the new explosives, says Captair» Noble, is cordite, though the climatic trials of it are not complete. As will be seen from the sample shown in the gallery above, it resembles long pieces of thin black or grey cord, and when placed in a gun, say in the metallic cartridge for use in the 4.7 or 6-inch gun, where the smokeless powder is essential, it is tied up like a bundle of sticks. We reproduce from Captain Noble's book instantaneous photo- graphs, showing the contrast between the efiects of the old and the new smokeless powder when the 6-inch gun has been fired (seep. 55). In the "Cordite' picture, what appears to be smoke is really almost entirely, it is stated, the dust and sand which were raised by the firing of the gun. With this new explosive, as high a velocity as 2,430 feet per second has been obtained in a 6-inch gun with moderate pressure. A Fine Collection of Notable Models. In the gallery above we get an impressive notion of Messrs. Armstrong, Mitchell, & Co.'s achieve- ments as shipbuilders and general engineers. Here may be seen a number of fine models. First we may point out a model of the Chilian ship Esmeralday now attracting so much attention, which was built by the firm, and a model of the Giovatmi Bausan, con- structed for the Italian Government on practically the same lines. An advance upon these ships were two vessels built for the Japanese Government — the Namaiua and Takachfho-kan — the first two of a splendid series of progressively improving ships of war, designed for the firm by Mr. W. H. White, who was director of the shipbuilding department of the Armstrong Company before he was called to the dis- tinguished post of Director of Naval Construction at the British Admiralty. There are here also two pro- tected cruisers, built for the Chinese Government, the first of these being the Chih Vuen. We cannot pretend to catalogue the various models, even although these represent only a small proportion of the ships the Elswick firm has turned out. But, with our colonial sympathies, we must direct attention to the models of the Katoomba^ one of five cruisers for the Australian colonies, and the Boo»iera?ig, one of two fast torpedo-boat destroyers. Photographs of these vessels have been given on pp. 20 and 2 1 . The Fastest Cruiser in the World. Now we may pass on to the most finished and interesting model in the galler)-, bar one. This is a model of the fastest cruiser in the world — the 25 de Mayo, at this moment on the point of sailing from the Tyne. The 25 de Mayo has been built for the OUR SAI1L.ORS. OBJECT.- The Worship of God at Sea and the Welfare of Sailors, Fishermen, and Emigrants. METHOD. — The Supply of Living Agents. The Maintenance of Church Ships. The Provision of Ship Libraries. Hoifc Gnlhrif. Hoynf \fivnl Ej-Ii ihitiuu. 65 FENCHURCH STREET, E.G. Prf.-idknt— THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. PRINCIPLES.— All Grants made to the Paro- \ chial Clerg)' at Home, to the Bishops Abroad. a\ WANTS. — ;^i,500 Increased Income. ,cl\ ;^i,500 for Church Ship Fund. OT A 130-ton Yacht for the North -Sea. Books, Magazines, and Papers for Ship Libraries. W. E\AN FR.\NKS. Secretary THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. 6i Argentine Government, from designs by Mr. Philip Watts, the present chief constructor at Elswick. This model is on a scale which presents everything I -48th of the actual size ; and it took three men three months to make. Only the miniature stanchion posts that support the chains running round the after-deck were bought ; the chains themselves were made by a little boy. The decks are yellow pine ; the deck- houses of inlaid walnut ; the gratings of boxwood ; and the bulwarks are enamelled. Justice is done to every feature of the ship ; even the little cabins are fitted up as in the original. The Champion Model. But the triumph of the Gallery is the model of H.M.S. Victoria., the present llagship of the British squadron in the Mediterranean, which was launched at Elswick in 1887. The model represents the Victoria with her torpedo-nets down, and generally ready for action. It is on the extremely liberal scale of one inch to the foot, or one-twelfth full size. True, it is only a half model ; but by means of a mirror running the full length the public are pre- sented with a picture of the complete vessel. The model has been constructed to represent the real ironclad in every minute detail. It is 34 ft. long and 5 ft. 6 in. broad from [torpedo-net to torpedo-net. The decks are of yellow pine, the deck-houses of teak. The fittings are in every way in exact resem- blance to the actual fittings : wire is represented by fine wire, cordage by cordage, albeit the finer kinds are made of silk ; even in the torpedo-nets each ring is formed exactly in the same way as the original nets. Ten men were employed for four months in con- structing the model, and the cost, runs up to ^2,000. The "Victory" and the "Victori.\." This notice will fitly conclude with a contrast between the two great V's — the Victory and the Victoria~{ox which we are indebted to Lord Armstrong and Captain Noble — (see the admirable work by Captain Noble, issued as a species of supplement to the Catalogue of the Exhibition). The Victory was a three-decker, 186 ft. in length, 52 ft. in breadth, with a displacement of 3,500 tons, and she carried an armament of 102 guns, consisting of thirty 42 and 32-pounders, thirty 24-pounders, forty i2-pounders, and two 6S-pounder carronades (the heaviest of her guns was a 42-pounder), and she had a complement of nearly 900 men. With the exception of a few small brass guns, the guns were mere blocks of cast iron, he sole machining to which they were subjected consisting in the formation of the bore and the drilling of the vent. A large proportion of nearly every armament con- sisted of carronades — a piece which was in those days in great favour. They threw a shot of large diameter from a light gun with a low charge, and their popularity was chiefly due to the rapidity with which they could be worked. But as the great object of every English commander was, if it were possible, to bring his ship alongside that of the enemy, the low velocity given by the carronades became of comparatively small moment, while the ease of working and the large diameter of the shot were factors of the first importance. The Victoria has a length of 340 ft., a breadth of 70 ft. ; she has a displacement of about 10,500 tons, an indicated horse-power of 14,244, and she attained a speed on the measured mile of 17^ knots ; she has a thickness of 17 in. of compound armour on her turrets, 18 in. protects the redoubt, and her batter>-deck is defended with 3-in. plates. Her armament consists of two \b\-\n. iio-ton guns, one lo-in. 30-ton gun, twelve 6-in. 5-ton guns, twelve 6-pounder and nine 3-pounder quick-firing guns, two machine-guns, and six torpedo-guns. While the heaviest gun on board the Victory was a little over 3 tons, the heaviest on board the Victoria is a little over no tons. The largest charge used on board the Victory was 10 lb., the largest on board the Victoria close on 1,000 lb. ; the heaviest shot used in the Victory was 68 lb., in the Victoria it is 1,800 lb. The weight of metal discharged from the broadside of the Victory was 1,150 lb., from that of the Victoria it is 4,750 lb. But, having regard to the energy of the broadside, the power of each ship is better indicated by the quantity of powder expended than by the weight of metal dis- charged, and, while the broadside fire from the Victory consumed only 355 lb. of powder, that from the Victoria consumes 3,120 lb. But it is when we come to the machinery involved in our first-rates that the contrast between the past and the present is brought most strongly into prominence. The Victoria has no less than eighty-eight engines. This number is exclusive of the machinery in the torpedo and other steamboats, and of the locomotive engines in the torpedoes carried, which are themselves engines of a most refined and delicate character. When the Victory fought the battle of Trafalgar she had been afloat for forty years, and her total cost, complete with her armament and all stores was probably considerably under ^^100,000. The cost of a first-rate man-of-war of the present day, similarly complete, would be nearly / 1,000.000. 'pHE Australian Irrigation Colonies (Chaffey Brothers) offer a pleas.int occupation, a healthy life, a cheerful home, a soil of unequalled fertility producini; by irrigation results unparalteed in the annals of Horticulture— comfort, civilisation, and material prosperity combined. They consist of half-a-million acres, in the sunny and salubrious climate of Victoria, .^nd South .Australia, on the great River Murray, which affords an abundant supply of fertilising water for the Irrigation of Vineyards and Fruit Farms, and for the production, in assured quantity and excellence, of Grapes, Oranges. Lemons, Olives, Apricots, Figs, and other Fruits (alre.idy so successfully grown in .Australia), by Cultivators with large and sm.all Capital, holding from Ten to Eighty Acres and upw.-irds. The Wines and Fruits of .Australia are now in extensive demand in British and Colonial Markets, and there is a practically unlimited field for such production under most profitable conditions to the Settlers. Pamphlet Free. .Address the Chief Commissioner, Mr. J. E. Matthew \'ince.\t, 35 Queen \'ictoria Street, E.C., from whom all information, eic, may be ined, also an illustrated folio descriptive work, price 2S. 6d.~Advt. 62 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. CHAPTKR XV THE ORIGINAL MAXIM GUN. outside the Armstrong Gallery there is one which the visitor may have fired for him on payment of dd. The great principle of the Maxim gun is the utilisation of the recoil, by the use of which the weapon becomes a self-feeding and self- firing gun. The end of a canvas belt holding 333 cartridges (each about a quarter of an inch apart) having been inserted by hand into the breech from a box immediately below, the gun is started by pressing a button in front of the gunner or holding down a brass trigger imme- diately below the button. One shot having been fired, the recoil force cocks the hammer, draws the next cartridge into the barrel, locks the breech, pulls the trigger, and ejects the bullet out of the muzzle and the empty cartridge case out of an orifice below the breech ; and the gun goes on disposing of cartridge after cartridge in like manner as long as the gunner pleases to sup- ply it with ammunition. With the rifle calibre gun, the gunner at his pleasure can fire one shot or any number of shots up to 666 per minute (two belts of 333 cartridges being THE ST. VINCENT GALLERY AND THE LAKE. OX leaving the Armstrong Gallery, the visitor will next enter the St. \'incent Gallery, which also is devoted to naval ordnance. The contents of the gallery will be found of great interest by technical men : but after the full account which we have given of guns and gun-making in the preceding chapter, we need not pursue the subject here in detail. Special attention should, however, be called to the exhibits of the Maxim -Nordenfelt Gun Company. These include a number of quick-firing and machine guns, some of which are quite new — as, for instance, the " Maxim-Nordenfelt automatic quick-firer." " The operator," says a writer in the Times, " has only to pitch the cartridge into the open breech. All else is done for him. The rim of the cartridge case, as it passes, strikes two catches, which not only raise the breech-block behind the cartridge, but induce a sequence of motions that fire the charge, depress the breech- block again, eject the empty case, and make everything ready for a repetition of the whole proceeding." The Maxim automatic machine-gun is shown in two or three calibres, and in a little tent '^•^ liikhu MODEL OF THE "MAJESTIC" (BARBETTE). NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. LONDON: 1 MOORGATE STREET, E.G. INCOME AND Fire Premiums Life Premiums Intei^est Accumulated Funds I>0]?tied oi:ily toy Sx:itoscx*ii>tiio]:is from ttoe I»vitolic. OFFICE, 4 TRAFALGAR SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. President, Dike of Akgvll, K.C;., K.T., F.R.S. Treasurer ami Chairmaii, Captain A. B. Hawe.s. Seeretary, Captain I. W. Home. -Subscriptions recei\ecl by Treasurer or Secretary. Xlie toest: Pstpei? to x>e£i,d a,t Sea. is tPie Onrr J'lirrhiisffl is not lihthi to Or t/irrii uji. IT SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOME AND HOUSEHOLD, It contains the Freshest Discussions of Current Topics by com- | It contains over Fifty Illustrations in each Issue. petent Writers. i r. . . a- f ■.- • . ^ . . It contains a Weekly Cartoon upon the Question of the Hour. [ "'' contents offer Constant \ ariety to the Satiated Reader. It devotes space Weekly t.i W..nien am! their l>;iily Want-. I It is a Storehouse of \'aluable and Intere>ting Reading Matter. pi^ice: six:peiij^ce. each TmjRsr>Ai^. A ^■1■AKS POS'IAI. SrnsCKIPTIOX COSTS. lOK Tin United Kingdom 28 '' The Continent of Europe, United States. Canada. Egypt, the Cape Colonies, the Ti^ansvaal Australia. New Zealand. West Indies, and South America 34 8 India and the China Seas 39 . .1 Sjiiriiiirii fojii/ irill lif srnt J'ost Frfv on rrrri/it of a I'ostriiril. 2 NORTHUMBERLAND STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. 64 THE ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION. APPENDIX. HOW TO GET TO THE EXHIBITION. I. Railways. — The E.xhibition has, unfor- tunately, no railway station close to its doors. The nearest is that at Grosvenor Road, which may be recommended to persons living upon the London, Brighton and South Coast, or London, Chatham and Dover systems. The walk from this station to the Exhibition need only take a few minutes. The next nearest railway station is that upon the District Railway at .Sloane Square. This is within easy walking distance, and— as will be explained later- there is a good service of 'busses constantly plying between the Square and the Exhibition doors. II. Trams. — Dwellers in the neighbourhood of Battersea and Clapham Junction will find the numerous trams of those districts a convenient means of getting to the Exhibition. Most of these conveyances run to the Surrey side of Chelsea Bridge, at which point a short and pleasant walk is all that remains necessary to bring the visitor to the Hospital grounds at Chelsea. There are plenty of penny omnibuses running to the Exhibition both from Victoria and from Sloane Square station ; and — what is more to our present purpose — there is a special road-car service from the doors every six minutes to and from Liverpool Street via Charing. Cross. The fares are — to Victoria Station, a penny ; to Chancery Lane, twopence ; to Liverpool Street threepence. Other "busses running along the King's Road stop at the top of Smith Street, which is about three minutes walk from the Exhibition. III. The River. — Journeying by steamboat is unquestionably the most pleasant mode of reaching Chelsea — especially on a warm summer's day. The Victoria Steamboat Company have erected a pier within a few minutes' walk of the Exhibition, and they run a fairly adequate service of steamers. Steamboats run from London Bridge up the river every twenty minutes or so, and it is probable that, further boats will ere long be put on. The journey from Charing Cross pier to the Victoria pier opposite the Exhibition takes a little more than twenty minutes, and costs twopence. The great drawback to this pleasant mode of travel is that the boats do not run after dusk. The latest homeward-bound boat leaves Chelsea before eight o'clock. There is chance of a later boat coming down the river from Kew, but it is not implicitly to be relied upon. IV. Rail AND 'Bus comkined. — The orthodox, and in many respects the best, way of getting to the Exhibition is to travel by the District Railway to Sloane Square station, and there to get an omni- bus to the door direct. The District Railway is so inextricably bound up with every other Metropolitan and Suburban system, that Sloane Square station may be said to be accessible to almost everybody. From this station omnibuses in the employment of the Company run -to and from the Exhibition every twenty minutes ; while other 'busses, the property of the South London Tramway Company, call at Sloane Square in the course of their journey from Knightsbridge to Battersea Bridge, and take up passengers — dropping them, after a short journey, at the Exhibition door. These run every twenty minutes, so that there is a permanent ten minutes' service between Sfoane Square station and the Hospital gardens at Chelsea. A pleasant little waiting room has been put up outside the station, and the passengers' comfort is studied in every possible way. In conclusion, a word as to expense may not be out of place. Of travelling expenses and of refresh- ments we can say nothing, since these vary with the residence and requirements of the individual. On an ordinary day the Exhibition will cost in " gate- money "' alone, if we may use the phrase, half-a- crown. The sum is made up as follows : — Entrance to the E.\hibition ,, „ Lighthouse Model ,, „ Trafalgar Panorama „ ,, Arctic Scene . MAZAWAHEE TEA ™^^VALUAE6JL,E TO EYER^^ V^ISITOIt TO L01*I>0r«I. >KCOM> KiillKiX. ( rown .,t... vrice S 1 \ I'KNC K. AT ALL ]UK>KSi:i.l.i:i:s' .|.V7> IIAIIAVAY HOOK STA f. I.S. Half-Holidays at the National Gallery. WITH SE ENTY CHOICE REPRODUCTIONS AFTER THE GREAT MASTERS N^.B. — T/iis Guiilc can JV' 'T /le ohtunied 7vithin the Gallery, where the J'riistees ami J^irectors insist tha' no i,iiiae sitail he solii except their oum expensive, official, an I uiilliis'rated productions. Visitors should reineml'Cr, therefore, to provide themselves ivith this Guide b forehand. "PALL MALL (;.\ZETTE" OFFICE, 2 NORTHUMBERLAND STREET. STRAND, LONDON, WC. INDIGESTION INDIGESTION INDIGESTION INDIGESTION INDIGESTION Used as Table Salt while eating, insures perfect digestion of the food. The Lancet says: — '■'■'■ Pepsalia' possesses a high degree of digestive power." The British Medical Journal says: — " JF