LIBRARY UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO CHRISTIAN HEALING AND THE PEOPLE'S IDEA OF GOD SERMONS DELIVERED AT BOSTON CHRISTIAN HEALING AND THE PEOPLE'S IDEA OF GOD SERMONS DELIVERED AT BOSTON BY MARY BAKER EDDY PASTOR EMERITUS AND AUTHOR OF SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES Published by The Christian Science Publishing Society FOR THE TRUSTEES UNDER THE WILL OF MARY BAKER G. EDDY BOSTON, U.S.A. Authorized Literature of THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST in Boston, Massachusetts Copyright, ipo8 BY MARY BAKER G. EDDY All rights reserved CONTENTS PAGE CHRISTIAN HEALING i THE PEOPLE'S IDEA OF GOD : ITS EFFECT ON HEALTH AND CHRISTIANITY , i CHRISTIAN HEALING BY MARY BAKER EDDY AUTHOR OF SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES A SERMON DELIVERED AT BOSTON Published by The Christian Science Publishing Society FOR THE TRUSTEES UNDER THE WILL OF MARY BAKER G. EDDT BOSTON, U.S. A. Authorized Literature of THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST in Boston, Massachusetts Copyright, 1886 BY MRS. GLOVER EDDY Copyright, 1908 BY MARY BAKER G. EDDY Copyright renewed, 1914. All rights reserved SERMON SUBJECT CHRISTIAN HEALING TEXT: And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shatt recover. MARK xvi. 17, 18. T TISTQRY repeats itself; to-morrow grows out of to- day. But Heaven's favors are formidable: they are calls to higher duties, not discharge from care; and whoso builds on less than an immortal basis, hath built on sand. We have asked, in our selfishness, to wait until the age advanced to a more practical and spiritual religion before arguing with the world the great subject of Christian heal- ing; but our answer was, "Then there were no cross to take up, and less need of publishing the good news." A classic writes, "At thirty, man suspects himself a fool; Knows it at forty, and reforms his plan; At fifty, chides his infamous delay, Pushes his prudent purpose to resolve." The difference between religions is, that one religion has a more spiritual basis and tendency than the other; and 1 2 SERMON the religion nearest right is that one. The genius of Christianity is works more than words; a calm and stead- fast communion with God; a tumult on earth, religious factions and prejudices arrayed against it, the synagogues as of old closed upon it, while it reasons with the storm, hurls the thunderbolt of truth, and stills the tempest of error; scourged and condemned at every advancing foot- step, afterwards pardoned and adopted, but never seen amid the smoke of battle. Said the intrepid reformer, Martin Luther: "I am weary of the world, and the world is weary of me; the parting will be easy." Said the more gentle Melanchthon: "Old Adam is too strong for young Melanchthon." And still another Christian hero, ere he passed from his execution to a crown, added his testimony: "I have fought a good fight, ... I have kept the faith." But Jesus, the model of infinite patience, said: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." And he said this when bending beneath the malice of the world. But why should the world hate Jesus, the loved of the Father, the loved of Love? It was that his spirituality rebuked their carnality, and gave this proof of Christianity that religions had not given. Again, they knew it was not in the power of eloquence or a dead rite to cast out error and heal the sick. Past, present, future magnifies his name who built, on Truth, eternity's foundation stone, and sprinkled the altar of Love with perpetual incense. CHRISTIAN HEALING 3 Such Christianity requires neither hygiene nor drugs wherewith to heal both mind and body; or, lacking these, to show its helplessness. The primitive privilege of Chris- tianity was to make men better, to cast out error, and heal the sick. It was a proof, more than a profession thereof; a demonstration, more than a doctrine. It was the foun- dation of right thinking and right acting, and must be reestablished on its former basis. The stone which the builders rejected must again become the head of the corner.; In proportion as the personal and material ele- ment stole into religion, it lost Christianity and the power f to heal;