FRENCH PROFILES Other Works by Mr. EDMUND GOSSE IN VERSE On Viol and Flute Firdausi in Exile King Erik In Russet and Silver Hypolympia IN PROSE Northern Studies Life of Gray Seventeenth Century Studies Life of Congreve A History of Eighteenth Century Literature A Short History of Modern English Literature Life of Philip Henry Gosse, f.R.S. Gossip in a Library The Secret of Narcisse Questions at Issue Critical Kit-Kats Life and Letters of John Donne Life of Jeremy "Taylor FRENCH PROFILES BY EDMUND GOSSE NEW YORK DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY MCMV Printed in Great Britain All rights reserved To My Friend SIR ALFRED BATEMJN, K.C.M.G. In Memory of The Talks of Many Tears I Affectionately Inscribe these Studies PREFACE IT is characteristic of native criticism that it con- templates, or should contemplate, the products of native literature from the front ; that it looks at them, in other words, from a direct and complete point of view. Foreign criticism must not pretend to do this ; unless it is satisfied to be a mere echo or repetition, its point of view must be incomplete and indirect, must be that of one who paints a face in profile. In preparing the following side- views of some curious figures in modern French literature, I have attempted to keep two aims prominently before me. I have tried to preserve that attitude of sympathy, of general comprehen- sion, for the lack of which some English criticism of foreign authors has been valueless, because proceeding from a point so far out of focus as to make its whole presentation false ; and yet I have remembered that it is a foreigner who takes the portrait, and that he takes it for a foreign audience, and not for a native one. What I have sought in every case to do is to give an impression of the figure before me which viii PREFACE shall be in general harmony with the tradition of French criticism, but at the same time to preserve that independence which is the right of a foreign observer, and to illustrate the peculiarities of my subject by references to English poetry and prose. It should not be difficult to carry out this scheme of portraiture in the case of authors whose work is finished. But the study of contemporary writers, also, is of great interest, and must not be neglected, although its results are incomplete. Several of the authors who are treated here are still alive, and some are younger than myself. It is highly probable that all of these will, in the development of their genius, make some new advance which may render obsolete what the most careful criticism has said about them up to the present time. In these living cases, there- fore, it seems more helpful to consider certain books to take snapshots, as it were, at the authors in the course of their progress than to attempt a summing-up of what is still fortunately undefined. Of the art with which this can be done, and the permanent value of that art, the French criticism of our generation has given admirable proof. The last chapter in this book is not in any sense a profile, but the writer trusts that he will be forgiven for introducing it here. Last winter he had the honour of being invited to Paris to PREFACE ix deliver an address before the Societe des Con- ferences. The Committee of that Society, consist- ing of MM. Ferdinand Brunetiere, Edouard Rod and Gaston Deschamps, in proposing the subject of the address, asked that it should be delivered in English. In an admirable French translation, made by my accomplished friend, M. Henry D. Davray, it was afterwards published in the Mercure de France and then as a separate brochure, but the English text is now printed for the first time. Mr. James Fitzmaurice-Kelly has been so kind as to read the proofs of this volume, and I am indebted to his rare acquaintance with Continental literature for many valuable corrections and suggestions. My thanks are due to the pro- prietors of the Fortnightly Review, the Contemporary Review, the International Quarterly Review, the Saturday Review and the Daily Chronicle, for per- mission to reprint what originally appeared in their pages. I regret that in one other case, that of the useful and unique European review, Cosmopolis, there is no one left who can receive this acknowledgment. ARGELfcS-GAZOST, September 1904. CONTENTS Page Preface . . . ... . vii Alfred de Vigny . . . . i Mademoiselle A'isse . . . . -35 A Nun's Love-Letters .... 68 Barley D' Aurevilly . . . . .92 Alphonse Daudet . . . . .108 The Short Stories of Zola . . . .129 Ferdinand Fabre . . . . i c 3 The Irony of M. Anatole France . . 189 Pierre Loti ' , . . . . . 202 Some Recent Books of M. Paul Bourget . 239 M. Rene Bazin . . . . .266 M. Henri de Regnier . . . .292 Four Poets : Stephane Mallarme . . . .305 M, Emile Verhaeren . . . .312 Albert S amain . . . . .318 M. Paul Fort . . . . -324 The Irifluence of France upon English Poetry . 330 Index , . . . , . 365 FRENCH PROFILES ALFRED DE VIGNY THE reputation of Alfred de Vigny has endured extraordinary vicissitudes in France. After having taken his place as the precursor of French ro- mantic poetry and as one of the most admired of its proficients, he withdrew from among his noisier and more copious contemporaries into that " ivory tower " of reverie which is the one commonplace of criticism regarding him. He died in as deep a retirement as if his body had lain in the shepherd's hut on wheels upon the open moorland, which he took as the symbol of his isolation. He had long been neglected, he was almost forgotten, when the publication of his posthumous poems a handful of unflawed amethysts and sapphires revived his fame among the enlightened. But the Second Empire was a period deeply unfavourable to such contemplation as the writings of Vigny demand. He sank a second time into semi-oblivion ; he became a curiosity of criticism, a hunting-ground for anthology-makers. Within the last ten years, however, a marked revolution of taste has occurred in France. The supremacy of Victor Hugo has A 2 FRENCH PROFILES been, if not questioned, since it is above serious attack, at least mitigated. Other poets have re- covered from their obscurity ; Lamartine, who had been quenched, shines like a lamp relighted ; and, above all, the pure and brilliant and profoundly original genius of Alfred de Vigny now takes, for the first time, its proper place as one of the main illuminating forces of the nineteenth century. It was not until about ninety years after this poet's birth that it became clearly recognised that he is one of the most important of all the great poets of France. The revival of admiration for Vigny has not yet spread to England, where he is perhaps less known than any other French writer of the first class. This is the more to be regretted because he did not, in the brief day of his early glory, contrive to attract many hearers outside his own country. It is not merely regrettable, moreover, it is curiously unjust, because Vigny is of all the great French poets the one who has assimilated most of the English spirit, and has been influenced most by English poetry. Andre" Che"nier read Pope and Thomson and the Faerie Queen but he detested the Anglo-Saxon spirit. Alfred de Vigny, on the other hand, delighted in it ; he was a convinced Anglophil, and the writers whom he resembles, in his sublime isolation from the tradition of his own country, are Wordsworth and Shelley, Matthew Arnold and Leopardi. He has much of the spirit of Dante and of the attitude of Milton. Wholly independent as he is, one of the most unattached of writers, it is impossible not to feel in him a * ALFRED DE VIGNY 3 certain Anglo-Italian gravity and intensity, a cer- tain reserve and resignation in the face of human suffering, which distinguish him from all other French writers of eminence. It is not from any of Alfred de Vigny's great contemporaries that life would have extracted that last cry in the desert : " Seul le silence est grand : tout le reste est faiblesse," nor should we look to them for the ambiguous device " Parfaite illusion Ralit parfaite." The other poets of France have been picturesque, abundant, gregarious, vehement ; Alfred de Vigny was not of their class, but we can easily conceive him among those who, in the Cumberland of a hundred years ago, were murmuring by the running brooks a music sweeter than their own. One word of warning may not be out of place. If Alfred de Vigny was known to English readers of a past generation it was mainly through a brilliant study by Sainte-Beuve in his Nouveaux Lundis. This was composed very shortly after the death of Vigny, and, in spite of its excessive critical cleverness, it deserves very little commen- dation. Sainte-Beuve, who had been more or less intimate with Vigny forty years before, had formed a strange jealousy of him, and in this essay his perfidy runs riot. It is Sainte-Beuve who calls the poet of Les Destine'es a " beautiful angel who had been drinking vinegar," and the modern reader needs a strong caution against the malice and raillery of the quondam friend who was so patient and who forgot nothing. 4 FRENCH PROFILES I An image of the youthful Alfred de Vigny is preserved for us in the charming portrait of the Carnavalet Museum. Here he smiles at us out of gentle blue eyes, and under copious yellow curls, candid, dreamy, almost childlike in his magnificent scarlet and gold uniform of the King's Musketeers. This portrait was painted in 1815, when the sub- ject of it was just eighteen, yet had already served in the army for a year. Alfred de Vigny was born at Loches, on March 27, 1797. Aristocrats and of families wholly military, his father and mother had been thrown into prison during the Terror, had escaped with their lives, and had concealed themselves after Thermidor, in the romantic little town of the Touraine. The childhood of the poet was not particularly interesting ; what is known about it is recorded in M. Scene's recent volume 1 and elsewhere. But there effervesced in his young soul a burning ambition for arms, and before he was seventeen, he contrived to leave school and enter a squadron of the Gendarmes Rouges. He was full of military pride in his early life, and until his illusions overcame him he hardly knew whether to be more vain of the laurel or of the sword. He says : " J'ai mis sur le cimier dore du gentilhomme Une plume de fer qui n'est pas sans beautd ; J'ai fait illustre un nom qu'on m'a transmis sans gloire," for he knew that the deeds of that " petite nob- 1 Leon Seche, Alfred de Vigny et son Temps, Paris, Felix Juven, 1902. ALFRED DE VIGNY 5 lesse" from which he sprang were excellent, but not magnificent. No one seems to have discovered under what auspices he began to write verses. There appear in his works two idyls, La Dryade and Syme'tha, which are marked as " written in 1815." Sainte-Beuve, with curious coarseness, after Vigny's death, accused him in so many terms of having antedated these pieces by five years in order to escape the reproach of having imitated Andre Chenier, whose poems were first collected posthumously in 1819. Such a charge is contrary to everything we know of the upright and chival- rous character of Vigny. That the influence of Chenier is strong on these verses is unquestionable. But Sainte-Beuve should not have forgotten that the eclogues of Chenier were quoted by Chateau- briand in a note to the Genie du Christianisme in 1802, and that this was quite enough to start the youthful talent of Vigny. From this time forth, no attack can be made on the originality of the poet, so far as all French influences are concerned. The next piece of his which we possess, La Dame Romaine, is dated 1817 ; this and Le Bal, of 1818, show the attraction which Byron had for him. In these verses the romantic school of French poetry made its earliest appeal to the public, and in 1819 Alfred de Vigny's friendship with the youthful Victor Hugo began. It was in 1822 that a little volume of the highest historical importance was issued, without the name of its author, and under the modest title of Poemes. It was divided into three parts, 6 FRENCH PROFILES Antiques, Juda'iques, and Modernes, and the second of these sections contained one poem which can still be read with undiluted pleasure. This is the exquisite lyrical narrative entitled La Fille de Jephte, which had been composed in 1820. To realise what were the merits of Alfred de Vigny as a precursor, we have but to compare this faultless Biblical elegy with anything of the kind written up to that date by a French poet, even though his name was Hugo. Meanwhile the life of Vigny was a picturesque and melancholy one. A certain impression of its features may be gathered, incidentally, from the pages of the Grandeur et Servitude Mililaires, al- though that was written long afterwards. He was a soldier from his seventeenth to his thirtieth year, and many of his best poems were written by lamplight, in the corner of a tent, as the young lieutenant lay on his elbow, waiting for the tuck of drum. He was long in garrison with the Royal Foot Guards at Vincenrfes, and thence he could slip in to Paris, meet the other budding poets at the rooms of Nodier, and recite verses with Emile Deschamps and Victor Hugo. But in 1823 he was definitely torn from Paris. The Spanish War took his regiment to the Pyrenean frontier and it was while in camp, close to Roncevaux and Fuent- arrabia, that he seems to have heard, one knows not how, of the newly discovered wonders of the Chanson de Roland, which was still unknown save to a few English scholars ; the result was that he wrote that enchanting poem, Le Cor. If the student is challenged, as he sometimes is, to name ALFRED DE VIGNY 7 a lyric in the French language which has the irresistible magic and melody of the best pieces of Coleridge or Keats, that fairy music which is the peculiar birthright of England, he cannot do better than to quote, almost at random, from Le Cor : " Sur le plus haut des monts s'arretent les chevaux ; L'ecume les blanchit ; sous leurs pieds, Roncevaux Des feux mourants du jour a peine se colore. A 1'horizon lointain fuit 1'etendard du More. ' Turpin, n'as-tu rien vu dans le fond du torrent ?' ' J'y vois deux chevaliers ; 1'un mort, 1'autre expirant. Tous deux sont ecrases sous une roche noire ; Le plus fort, dans sa main, e"leve un Cor d'ivoire, Son ame en s'exhalant nous appela deux fois.' Dieu ! que le son du Cor est triste au fond des bois." Begun at Roncevaux in 1823, Le Cor was finished at Pau in 1825. At the former date, Alfred de Vigny was slightly in love with the fascinating Delphine Gay, and some verses, re- cently given to the world, lead to the belief that he failed to propose to her because she "laughed too loudly." Already the melancholy and distinguished sobriety of manner which was to be the mark of Alfred de Vigny had begun to settle upon him. Already he shrank from noise, from levity, from hollow and reverberating enthusiasm. His regi- ment was sent to Strasburg and he became a captain. Returning to the Pyrenees, he wrote Le Deluge and Dolorida ; in the Vosges he composed the first draft of loa, which he called Satan. In the second edition of his Poemes, there were included a number of pieces 8 FRENCH PROFILES vastly superior to those previously published, and Alfred de Vigny boldly claimed for himself that distinction as a precursor, which was long denied to him, and which is now again universally con- ceded. He wrote that "the only merit of these poems," it was not their only or their greatest merit, but it was a distinction,