LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OF* Received Accessions No. Shelf No. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE (ISSUED IN 1884) 01 THE CIRCULATING AND A PORTION OF THE INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENTS. WORCESTER, 1889. WORCESTER, MASS. PRINTED BY CHARLES HAMILTON, No. 311 MAIN STREET. 1889 Z733 /-iso - The keanel and the husk; letters on spiritual Christianity. 27809 On the teaching of Latin verse composition. (In Eve, H. W. Three lect.) 24144 Abbott, L. Introduction and sketch of Gough's life, etc. (In Gough, J. B. Platform echoes.) 26214 ed. Hints for home reading. (In Am. home book.) 25640 and Halliday, S. B. H. W. Beeeher; sk. of his career; also [his] life as sketched* by himself. 28098 Abbott, S. W. Uses and abuses of animal vaccination. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I Abbott, T. K. Elementary theory of the tides ; fundamental theorems demonstrated, and the infl. on the length of the day discussed. 30574 Abbreviations. Brown, D. L. S. American standard book of A. 17451 Abeilard, Abelard. See Abailard. Abel, C. Slavic and Latin ; Ilchester lect. on comp. lexicogra- phy. 23434 Abercromby, Hon. R. Weather ; prop, expos, of the nature of weather changes. (Internat. sci. ser.) 28853 Abercromby, Sir B. Edgar, J. G. (In his Heroes of Eng.) 23693 Aberdeen, Earl of. See Gordon, G. H. Aberdeen. Description. Hargreaves, T. (In Ms Voyage.) 23950 Abiding memory, The ; sermons ; by R. .Metcalf . 23108 Abigel Rowe ; by L. Wingfield. 3 v. 26289-91 Ablest man, The, in the world ; by E. P. Mitchell. (In Stor. by Am. authors, v. 10.) 24223 Abney, W. de W. Photographic primers ; namely: 1. Nega- tive making ; gelatine plates. 29008 and Robinson, H. P. Art and pract. of silver printing. 30674 Abolition. See Slavery. Aborigines. See Indians. About, E. F. V. Le buste. (Contes choisis, no. 10.) 14867 Germaine. 14407 The Greek brigand; or. The King of the mountains (Le Roi des mon- tagnes) ; illust. by Dore. 29912 Handbook of social economy ; with biog. and crit; in trod, [by W. F. Rae] . 25930 Les jumeaux de V hotel Corneille. (In Masson, G. French class., v. 5.) 25i ) (i4 La mere de la marquise. (Contes choisis, no. 1.) 14863 L' oncle et le neveu ; La fille du chauoine ; L' album du regiment. (In O' Connor, B. F. Choixde contes.) 252:17 Le roi des montagnes. USis These lots to be sold. (In Lang, A. and Sylvester, P. The dead leman.) 30803 About money ; and other things ; by [D. M. (M.) Craik]. 27404 Above the snow line ; by C. Dent. 25103 Abrabanel, I. S. Schindler, S. (In his Dissolving views.) 29700 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 7 Abraham. Deane, W. J. Abraham ; his life and times. 29444 Abyssinia. Loring, W. W. Military experiences in A. (In his Confed. sold, in Egypt.) 24024 Academic Francaise. See Paris. Institut. Academy of the Arcadians. See Rome. Academia degli Arcadi. Acadia. See Nova Scotia. Accidents. Hope, G. H. Till the doctor comes, and how to help him. (In Amer. hand book.) 25640 Sargent, D. A. In case of accidents. 25011 Shepherd, P. First aid to the injured; rev. etc. by B. Morton. 24205 Accidents, and how to save life ; with treatise on poisons, etc. ; added, Calisthenics and the care of health. 28839 Accompanied on the flute; by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie]. (In his Black poodle, etc.) 28303 According to promise ; by C. H. Spurgeon. 28821 Accumulators. See Electric light. Ackroyd,Wm. Colour ; Speaking machines ; Vortex rings ; How an animal walks ; Scientific deceptions. (In Brown, R. Science, ec.,ser. 5.) 20528 Acland, A. H. D. and Jones, B. Working men co-operators ; acct. of the artisans' co-operative movement in Gt. Brit., etc. 24510 Acoustics. Brewer, E. C. SouDd and its phenomena. 27918 Broadhouse, J. Musical A. ; phenomena of sound as connect, with music. 27919 Hall, A. W. Evolution of sound; rev. of Tyndall, Helmholtz, etc. (In his Prob. of hum. life.) 23071 Across the chasm ; [by J. Magruder] . 25469 Acting. See Theatre. Action, The, to the word ; by W. H. Pollock. (In Norman, H. The broken shaft.) 26116 Acton, T. C. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Actor's tour, An ; or, Seventy thousand miles with Shakes- peare ; by D. E. Bandmann. 25208 Actors. Birrell, A. (In his Obiter dicta.) Cralk, D. M. M. Merely players. (In her Cone, men.) 3062G - Mafston, W. Our recent A.; recollections of dist. performers. 30352 Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors and actresses of Gt. Brit, and the U. S. 5 v. 26472-G - Winslow, C. M. R. Yesterdays with actors. 28265 See also Theatre. Actress, The, and her drama ; by P. B. Marston. (In his For a song's sake.) 28802 Acuila, D. S. de, Count oj Gondomar. Smith, G. B. Gondomar and the Spanish marriage. (In his Half-hrs., etc.) 23353 Adae, C. A. G. Our military future. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Adam Hepburn's vow ; by A. S. Swan. 26553 Adams, B. The emancipation of Massachusetts. 27370 Adams, C. F. Dialect ballads. Illust. by "Boz". 28737 Adams, C. F., Jr. A college fetich ; address bef . the Harvard chapter of the fraternity of the Phi Beta Kappa, Cam- bridge, June, 1883. 23043 8 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Adams, C. K. On methods of teaching history. (In Hall, G. S. Methods, etc.) 23501 ; 25152 Representative British orations; with introd. and notes. 3 v. 24883-5 Adams, E. Edwards, H. (In his Mingled yarn.) 22967 Adams, F. G. and Carruth, W. H. Acct. of the municipal elec- tions in Kansas, 1887, with acct. of the suffrage move- ment in the state, and statistical tables of the women's votes, 1887-8. 30512 Adams, G. B. Mediaeval civilization. (Hist, primers.) 23136 Adams, H. Notes in mechanical engineering ; comp. for stu- dents at the City of London College. 23498 Adams, H. Pocahontas and Capt. Smith. (Monograph, no. 19.) 23818 Adams, H. B. Germanic origin of New Eng. towns ; notes on co-operation in university work ; Norman constables in America ; Saxon tithingmen in America ; Village communities of Cape Ann and Salem. (In Johns Hop- kins Univ. Stud., v. 1.) *I Maryland's infl. upon land cessions to the U. S. ; with papers on Washington's interest in western lands, etc. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud.,v. 3.) Methods of hist, study. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 2.) Notes on the literature of charities. ( With Bugbee, J. M. City govern- *I ment, etc.) 29125 /Same; Seminary Libraries and university extension. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 5.) *I Special meihods of hist, study at Johns Hopkins Univ. and Smith Col- lege. (IwHall, G. S. Methods, etc.) 23501 Same; with add. (In 2d ed. of above.) 25152 The study of history in Amer. colleges, etc. (In U. S. Bur. of Educ. Circ. of inf., no. 2, 1887.) 23196 Adams, H. C., Rev. Charlie Lucken at school and college. Illust. 27169 History of the Jews, fr. the war with Rome. 30675 Adams, H. C., Ph. D. Public debts ; essay in the science of finance. 28099 Relation of the State to indust. action. (Amer. Econom. Assoc. Pubs.) 29126 Surplus financiering. (In Shaw, A. The national revenues.") 29-95 Taxation in the U. S., 1789-1816. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 2.) *I Adams, I. E. Life of Emery A. Storrs ; his wit and elo- quence. 28270 Adams, J., President. Chamberlain, M. John Adams, the statesman of the Amer. rev. ; addr., 1884. 23611 Mackay, C. The founders of the Amer. republic. 26259 Morse," J.T., Jr. John Adams. (Amer. Statesmen.} 24923 Stoddard, W. O. (In his Lives of the presidents.) 27848 Adams, J. G. The inner life ; thoughts to aid and strengthen it. 23520 Adams, J. IT., Gov. Perry, B..F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Adams, J. Q., President. " Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Adams, J. W. Sewers and drains ; rules, etc., for their dimen- sions Illust. 27069 Adams, Mrs. L. See Laffan, A. A. (A.) Adams, O. F. Post-laureate idyls ; and other poems. 27371 ed. Through the year with the poets; namely: December. 26063 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 9 Samuel Adams. (Amer. States- January March. April August. September November. Adams, S. Hosmer, J. K. men.) Samuel Adams, the mau of the town meeting. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 2.) Adams, S. F. Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) Adams, W. D. By-ways in book-land ; essays on literary sub- jects. Contents. Paper-knife pleasures. Ruskin as poet. Elections in liter- ature. Familiar verse. Shakspeare's England. Heredity in song. Stings for the stingy. Dialogues of the dead. Sermons in flowers. 'Don Quixote' in Enplane!. Bedside books. Their much speaking. Peers and poetry. The praise of Thames. English epigraphs. The 'season' in soDg. " Songs fr. the novelists fr. Elizabeth to Victoria; introd. and notes. ed. Modern anecdotes ; wise and witty sayings ; notes. Adams, Wm. E. Our American cousins ; pers. impressions. Adams, Wm. H. D. Celebrated Englishwomen of the Victo- rian era. 2 v. 24654-5 Contents. V. 1. Victoria. H. Martineau. C. Bronte. M. R. Mit- ford. 2. M. Somerville. S. Coleridge. M. Carpenter. A. A. Proc- tor. Geo. Eliot. J. W. Carlyle. Egypt past and present; its occupation by the British, etc. Ilfust. Good Queen Anne; men and manners, life and letters. 2 v. - The land of the Incas and the City of the Sun. Learned in the law ; examples fr. lives of lawyers. Adams, Wm T. (pseud. Oliver Optic.) Blue and the gray ser. namely: Taken by the enemy. Illust. The boat-builder series; namely: All adrift. All taut. Ready about. Snug harbor. Illust. Square and compasses. Illust. Stem to stern. Fighting Joe.; storv of the rebellion. (Sold, bov ser.) - Little by little. Addie's husband. Addison, J. Cato. (In Browne, M. E. Tales fr. the old dram.) The drummer. (In Crawford, O. Eug. com. drarn.) Courthope, W. J. Addison. (Eng. men of letters ) Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two Cent.) J. Addison. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) Molloy, J. F. Addison's Cato. (In his Fam. plays.) Adee, A. A. The life-magnet. (In Stor. by Amer. auth.,) v. 8.) Adelaide's awakening ; by E. Marshall. 26302-4 26795-9 27372-4 25342 23640 30769 26557 27909 23929 27536 27537-8 24553 29913 30199 27375 27260 28599 23362 24614 25814 6077 110 25046 23035 23530 23529 28774 24742 37583 24221 30537 Adirondack home, An"; by P. Deming. (In his Tompkins, etc.) 24900 Adirondack Mts. Stickler, J. W. The Adirondacks as a health resort. 26196 Adlerbeth, G. J. Historiska anteckningar, 1772-1807. [3 v. in 1.] 15122 Admirable Lady Biddy Fane ; by F. Barrett. . 30400 Admiral's ward, The ; by Mrs. Alexander [A. F. Hector]. 22850 Adolphus ; by L. Oliphant. (In his Fashionable phil., etc.) 28568 Adrian Bright ; by Mrs! Caddy. 23528 10 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Adrian Vidal ; by W. E. Norris. 25750 Adriatic. Galletti di Cadilhac, M. C. Our home by the A. 27700 Adulterations. Bell, J. (In his Chemistry of foods, pt. 1, 2.) 26222-3 Richards, E. H. Food materials and their A. 26343 Advance-guard of western civilization ; by J. R. Gilmore. 30218 Advent in St. Paul's ; sermons ; by H. P. Liddon. 2 v. 30431-2 Advent sermons, 1885 ; by R. W. Church. 27734 Adventure at a French hotel ; by P. B. Marston. (In his For a song's sake, etc.) 28802 Adventures. Adventures in the open Polar sea. See Voyage of the "Vivian." Amusing 1 adv. of three American boys; trip to India, etc., 1885-86. 27486 Howells, W. D. and Perry, T. S. Library of univ. adv. 29881 Humphrey, F. A. Adv. of early discoverers. 30230 Oliphant, L. Episodes in a life of adventure. 28522 Schwatka. F., and others. Stories of danger and adv. 27342 Adventures in Thule ; by W. Black. 23526 Adventures of a widow ; by E. Fawcett. 24400 Adventures of an aid-de-camp ; by J. Grant. 10763 Adventures of Harry Marline ; by Admiral Porter. 25510 Adventures of Harry Richmoud ; by G. Meredith. 26442 Adventures of pioneer children ; by E. F. Colerick. 30090 Adventures of three fugitives in Siberia ; by V. Tissot and C. Amero. 23354 Adventures of Timias Terrystone ; by O. B. Bunce. 25333 Advertising. Brooks, H. M. Quaint and curious advertise- ments. 26803 Advice to singers ; by a singer. New ed. 27962 ^Eneas, Adventures of ; by A. J. Church. ( In his Stor. of the old world.) 23763 Aeronautics. Coxwell, H. My life and balloon experiences. 29591 ^Eschylus. Buchanan, R. From ^schylus to V. Hugo. (In his Look round lit.) 28005 JEsopus. Some of JEsop's fables with modern instances ; de- signs by R. Caldecott ; trans, by A. Caldecott. *I ^Esthete. The ; by F. Harrison. (In his Choice of books.) 26324 ^Esthetic flirt, An ; by P. B. Marston. ( In his For a song's sake.) 28802 ^Esthetics. Begg, W. P. The development of taste, etc. 27913 Hamerton, P. G. Notes on M. (In his Portf. pps.) 30S4.S - Lotze, R. H. Outlines of esthetics. 26927 ./Ether, The luminiferous ; by De V. Wood. 26943 Afghan Boundary Commission. See Great Britain. Afghanistan. McCarthy, J. H. (Inhis Eng. under Gladstone.) 24371 Mitford, E. L. (In his Land march, v. 2.) 24966 Stevens, T. (In his Around the world, v. 2.) 28366 Yate, A. C. Eng. and Russia face to face in Asia; trav. with the Afghan Bound. Comm. 28092 See also Herat; Kahun; Russo-Afghan frontier. Afloat (sur.T eau) ; by G. de Maupassant. 30806 Afloat in a great city ; by F. A. Munsey. 28807 Africa. Blyden, E. W. Christianity, Islam, and the Negro race. 29471 Mackenzie, J. Austral Africa; incidents and experiences. 2 v. 29618-19 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 11 Description and travels. Anderson, A. A. Twenty-five years in a waggon; So. Africa. 30150 - Baker, S. W. In the heart of Africa. 23877 Capello, H. and Ivens, R. From Benguella to the territory of Yacca. 2 v. 22783-4 Day, G. T. African adventure and adventurers. 28458 Drummond, H. Tropical Africa. 29672 Du Chaillu, P. B. Explorations and adv. in equatorial A. 1131 Du Val, C. With a show thr. So. Africa; and pers. remin. of the Trans- vaal war. 2 v. 22915-16 - Ellis, A. B. West African islands. 25419 - Farini, G. A. Through the Kalahari desert; journ. to Lake N'gami. 26815 Huebner, J. A. South Africa. (In his Thr. the Brit, emp., v. 1.) 26891 Johnston, H. H. The Kilimanjaro exp. ; scientific explor. in east, equat. A. 26587 Kerr, W. M. The far interior; lake reg. of Centr. A. 2 v. 27521-2 Kingston, W. H. G. In the wilds of A. ; tale for boys. 27502 Knox, T. W. Adventures in a journey through A. 23281 - Boy travellers on the Congo. 28697 Mason, C. M. The old and the new world. (In her Geog. read., bk. 5.) 24854 Matthews, J. W. Incwadi yami; pers. exp. in So. A. 30181 Schnitzer, E. Emin Pasha in Centr. A. ; letters and journals. 29909 Thompson, J. Through Masai land; expl. of east, equat. A. 2.VJOO Warner, C. D. (In his Roundabout journey.) L>:U12 See also Cape Colony; Congo; Kairwah; Kalahari desert: Gold Coast; K. Natal; Soudan; Tripoli. Also, Zulus. Also, Cameron, V. L. Jack Hooper. History. Durnford, E. A soldier's life and work in So. A. 227s<) - Theal, G. McC. History of So. Africa, 1486-1691. 29765 Language. Cust, R. N. Sketch of the mod. languages of A. 2 v. 23835-6 See also Tshi language. Missions. - Blyden, E. W. (In his Christ., Islam, etc.} 29471 See also Bechwana; Hanniugton, J. Water Supply. - Brown, J. C. Hydrology of South Africa; causes of its aridity, etc. I.".9,s7 - Water supply of South Africa, and facilities for the storage of it. 1.7.MK) \frican farm, An, Story of ; by R. Iron [O. Schreiner]. 2981)7 A f ten-Tide nde ; et Ugeblad af blandet Indhold ; udgivet og samlet af S. Bloch. 1821. 27441 After a storm comes a calm ; by J. M. Morton. (In his Com- ediettas, etc.) 27090 After London ; or, Wild England ; by R. Jefferies. 25602 After noontide. See White, M. E. After paradise ; by O. Meredith [E. R. B. Lytton]. 29032 After-thoughts of foreign travel; by S. H. McCollester. 23634 Afterem, George, pseud. See Williams, H. Afternoon; comedy; by Ouida [L. de la Rame]. (In her Frescoes.) 2:). "MS Against the stream ; by E. Eckstein. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 Agamemnon. Farmer, L. H. (In her Boys' book.) 27081 Agassiz, A. (E. R.) Three cruises of the U. S. Coast and Goed. Surv., St. "Blake"; Gulf of Mexico, Carribean sea, and Atlantic coast. 1877 80. 2 v. *I Agassiz, E. C. Louis Agassiz ; his life and correspondence. 2 v. 25684-5 Agassiz, L. (J. R.) Agassiz, E-. C. Louis Agassiz. 2 v. 25684-5 - Edwards, H. (In his Mingled yarn.) 22967 - Le Conte, J. Relation of A. to' evolution, (In his Evolution, etc.} 29317 12 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. - Whipple, E. P. Recollections of A. (In his Recollections.) 27354 Wright, H. C. Agassiz and the story of the animal kingdom. (In her Children's stories.) 30384 Agassiz Association. Ballard, H. H. Three kingdoms ; hand- book of the association. 29719 Agatha and the shadow ; [by E. P. Tenney]. 27860 Agatha Page ; by I. Henderson. 29539 Agnes Surriage ; by E. L. Bynner. 27274 Agnosticism. Fisher, G. P. (In his Grounds of theist. and Chr. bel.) 23159 McCosh, J. Agnosticism of Hume and Huxley, etc. 24235 - Same. (In his Realistic philos., v. 2.) 27772 Criteria of diverse kinds of truth as opposed to agnosticism. 23669 Same. (In his Realistic philos., v. 1.) 27771 Savage, M. J. Some compensations of A. (In his Sermons, v. 4.) 22510 Agr&mentj L' d'etre laide ; par E. Legouve. (In his Come- dies, and in his Theatre.) 14733 ; 14690 Agricultural chemistry. Frankland, P. F. Agricultural chem- ical analysis. 23232 Storer, F. H. Agriculture in some of its rel. with chemistry. 2 v. 27850-1 Agriculture. Cato, M. P. Concerning agriculture ; tr. by T. Owen. *I Emerson, G. B., and Flint, C. L. Manual of A.; new ed., rev. 25151 Flint, C. L. The American farmer; compl. agricult. lib. 2 v. 30100-101 Gulley, F. A. First lessons in agriculture. 29460 Martin, G. A. Farm appliances; pract. manual. 29094 Stubbs, C. W. The land and the labourers ; cottage farming and co-op- erative agriculture. 23980 History. Hoskyns, C. W. Short inquiry into the hist, of A. 22804 See also Co-operation; Dairy; Rural affairs; also, names of va- rious countries. Ahmed, Kahn Bahador, Syed. Graham, G. F. I. Life and work of A. 26240 Ahmow's fight with the wolves ; by F. Schwatka. (In his Stor. of danger.) 27342 Aide, H. Introduced to society. , 2 v. 23930-1 Aileen Aroon ; by G. Stables. 30044 Air, Atmospheric. Ross, O. C. D. Air as fuel. 24714 Wood, De V. The luminiferous aether. 26943 Ross, O. C. D. Air as fuel. 24714 Airs fr. Arcady and elsewhere ; by H. C. Bunner. 23761 Airy, O. The Eng. restoration and Louis XIV. ; fr. the Peace of Westphalia to the Peace of Nimwegen. 30614 Akers, E. The silver bridge ; and other poems. 27376 Al Fresco, pseud. See Kingworthy, C. J. Alabama. Hague, P. A. A blockaded family ; life dur. the civil war. 30325 Alabama, steamer. Hay wood, P. D. The cruise of the A. ; with notes fr. hist, authorities. 26794 Alarcon, P. A. de. El Nino de la Bola. 29206 El sombrero de tres picos. 29200 Alaska. Governor. Report, 1886. (In U. S. Territories. Governors. Reports. 22919 Elliott, H. W. Our Arctic province; A. and the seal islands. 27290 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 13 The seal-islands of Alaska. (In U. S. Census. Hist., etc., of fishing ind.) 23992 Hallock, C. Our new Alaska; or, The Seward purchase vindicated. 27205 Petroff, I. Kept, on population, industries, etc. Pierrepont, E. Fifth avenue to Alaska. 23891 Schwatka, F. Along Alaska's great river: acct. of expl. exp., 1883. Scidmore, E. K. Alaska, its south, coast and the Sitkan archipelago. 25521 Wardman, G. Trip to Alaska. 24297 Willard, C. M. Life in Alaska; letters. 24451 Alassio. Schneer, J. Alassio ; "a pearl of the Riviera." 29039 Albani, F. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Albani, Mdlle. See Lajeunesse. Albania. Brown, H. A. A winter in A. 30680 Albany, L. M. C., Comtesse d'. The Countess of A., Charles Edward, and Alfieri. (Monograph, No. 2.) 23818 Paget, V. The Countess of Albany. 24487 Albee, J. Goethe's self -culture. (In Concord Sch. of Phil. Lect.) 26347 New Castle, historic and picturesque. Jllust. *I Alberoni, G., Card. Smith, G. B. Alberoni, cardinal and adventurer. (In his Half-hrs., etc.) 23353 Albert, Prince Consort of Gt. Brit. Dawson, G. ( In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Rimmer, A. The early homes of Prince Albert. *I Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. Forbes, A. The Prince of Wales tit home. (In Parton, J. Some noted princes.) 25675 Albert Victor, Prince, and George, Prince. Cruise of H. M. Ship "Bacchante," 1S79 18S2; comp. fr. journals, etc., with add. by J. N. Dalton. 2 v. 27539-40 Albert, P. La litte"rature frang. des origines au 19 e siecle. 4 v. 14767-70 La poesie ; etudes sur les chefs-d'reuvre des poetes de tous les temps et de tous les pays. 14771 La prose ; Etudes* sur les chefs-d'oeuvre des prosateurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays. 14772 Albert ; by L. N. Tolstoi. (In his Russian proprietor ) 28912 Albo, J. Schindler, S. (In his Dissolving views.) 29700 Alchemist, The ; by B. Jonson. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 Alchemy. The alchemists and chemistry. (In The healing art, v. 1.) 27963 GarratfcA. C. What was A. in the 17th cent.? (In Ate Myths.) 24476 Muir, M. M. P. Alchemy; and the dawn of chemistry. (In his Heroes, etc.} 23589 Alchemy, Times of ; by Z. Topelius. 24294 Alcock, Miss. Arthur Erskine's story ; tale of the days of Knox. 24603 Alcohol. Blair, H. W. The temperance movement ; confl. bet. man and A. 29785 Brannt, W. T. Practical treat, on the raw materials and the distilla- tion, etc. of A. 27615 - Culver, H. H. Effects of alcohol. (In his Epitome.) 29303 Steele, J. D. Hygienic physiology ; with spec. ref. to alcoholic drinks, etc. 24206 Alcott, A. B. Emerson and A. ; passages fr. the diary, etc., of A. ; Ion ; a monody. (In Concord Sch. of Phil. Lect.) 24790 Alcott, L. M. A garland for girls. 28854 3 14 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Contents. May flowers. An ivy spray and ladies' slippers. Pan- sies. Water-lilies. Poppies and wheat. Little Button-Rose. Mountain- laurel and maidenhair. Jo's boys, and how they turned out. 26942 - Lulu's library. Vols. 1, 2. 26129-30 Contents. V. 1. A Christmas dream. The candy country. Naughty Jocko. The skipping shoes. Cockyloo.Rosy's journey. How they ran away. The fairy box. A hole in the wall. The piggy girl. The three frogs. Baa! Baa! 2. The frost king, and how the faisies conquered him. Lilybell and Thistledown. Ripple, the water sprite. Eva's visit to Fairyland. Sunshine, and her brothers and sisters. The fairy spring. Queen Aster. The brownie and the princess. Mermaids. Little bud. The flower's story. A modern Mephistopheles ; and A whisper in the dark. 30770 Reminiscencs of R. W. Emerson. (In Parton, J. Some noted princes.) 25675 Spinning-wheel stories. 24716 Contents. Grandma's story. Tabby's table-cloth. Eli's education. Onawandah. Little things. The banner of Beaumanoir. Jersey's. The little house in the garden. Daisy's jewel-box, and how she "tilled it. Corny's catamount. The cooking-class. The hare and the tortoise. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.) 26916 Cheney, E. D. Louisa May Aicott, the children's friend. 30207 Moulton, L. C. (In Phelps, E. S. Our fam. worn.) 24284 Parton, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Alden, Mrs. G. R. See Alden, I. M. Alden, I. M. (pseud. Pansy.) Christie's Christmas. Illust. 27264 An endless chain. . 23875 Three people. 25095 ed. Our boys and girls at home and abroad. 27265 Bolton, S. K. (In her Successful women.) 30203 Alden, W. L. The cruise of the canoe club. Illust. 22848 The moral pirates. Illust. 28197 Aldersyde ; by A. S. Swan. 23211 Aldis, W. S. Elementary treatise on solid geometry. 3d ed., rev. 27910 Aldrich, T. B. From Ponkapog to Pesth. r , * A( f 22849 Mercedes ; and later lyrics. 23252 joint author. See Ofiphant, M. O. W. - Bishop, W. H. T. B. Aldrich on Beacon Hill and round it. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) 30787 Bolton, S. K. (In her Fam. Amer. authors.) 2.^746 Rideiug, W. H. (In his Boyhood of living authors.) 28815 Aldridge, L. Florence Nightingale; F. R. Havergal ; C. Marsh; Mrs. Ranyard (" L. N. R."). (World's workers.) 26478 Aldridge, R. Life on a ranch ; ranch notes in Kansas, Colo- rado, etc. Illust. .24397 Aldus Manutius. See Manuzio, A. Aleardi, G., called Aleardo. Howells, W. D. (In Ms Mod. Ital. poets.) 28872 Phillimore, C. M. (In her Studies.) 28075 Alencar, J. M. de. Ira9ema, the honey-lips ; legend of Brazil ; tr. by I. Burton. 27541 "Alert," vessel. Markham, A. H. The great frozen sea; voyage of the A., 1875-6. 28542 Alexander the Great. Dodge, T. A. Alexander. (In his Great captains.) 30629 Farmer, L. H. (In her Boys' book.) 27081 - Mahaffy, J. P. and Gilman, A. The Story of Alexander's empire. 28146 Alexander I., Emperor of Russia. See Czartoryski, A. G. Memoirs, etc. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 15 Alexander II., Emperor of Eussia. Forbes, A. - The Czar in the field, 1877. (In Parton, J. Some noted princes.) 25675 Alexander I. , Prince of Bulgaria, Prince of Battenberg. Huhn, A. von. The kidnapping of Prince A., his return and abdication. 29386 Koch, A. Prince A. of Battenberg; reminiscences. 28708 Alexander, Mrs. pseud. See Hector, A. F. Alexander, A. Eliot, W. G. Story of A. fr. slavery to freedom. 26134 Alexander, E. P. Railway practice ; its principles and reforms reviewed. (Quest, of the day.) 28273 Alexander, F. Christ's folk in the Appenine ; reminiscences among the Tuscan peasantry ; ed. by J. Ruskin. 29344 The Story of Ida; ed. by J. Euskin. 22986 Alexander, J. Notes on methods of produc. and harvesting cinchona bark ; Notes on the ravages of tree and timber destr. insects. (In Rattray J., Forestry, etc.) 26265 Alexander, P. P. Moral causation ; or, Notes on Mr. Mill's Notes. 22778 Alexander, W. J. Introduction to the poetry of Robert Browning. 30771 Alexandra, Princess of Wales. Robinson, N. The three daughters of the Princess. (In Parton, I. Some not. princes.) 25675 Alexandria, Egypt. Bigg, C. The Christian Platonists of A. 27491 - Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 1.) 25067 Mahatty, J. P. Alexandria and its rivals; Alexandrian literature. (In his Greek life.) 29091 -Pullan, K. P. Alexandria; art and despotism. (In /us East, cit.) 24259 Wright, W. B. Alexandria, the city of the creed makers. (In his Anc. cit. ) 27010 Alfieri, V., conte. The countess of Albany, Charles Edward, and A. (Monograph, no. 2.) 23818 Howells, W. D. (In his Mod. Hal. poets.) 28782 Alfred the Great. Farmer, L. H. (In her Boys' book.) 27081 Herty, G. A. The Dragon and the Raven ; days of King A. 28038 Alfriga, a romance of the North Sea ; by A. MacAlpine. (In his Teresa Itasca, etc.) 27471 Algebra. Oliver, J. E., and others. Treatise on A. 28523 Salmon, G. Lessons introductory to the mod. higher A. 28657 See also Equations. Alger, Abby L. Life of Francis of Assisi. (In Francesco d'Assisi. Little flowers.) 29510 Alger, H., Jr. Abraham Lincoln, the backwoods boy. (Illust. Amer. Ser.) 23253 Bob Burton; or, The young ranchman of the Missouri. 30395 Do and dare. 24615 Frank's campaign. 7421 Hector's inheritance. 25815 Helping himself. 27U23 Rough and ready. 8093 Sink or swim. ' 9317 Slow and sure. 9211 Strive and succeed. 9319 - Tattered Tom. 9207 Tom, the bootblack. 23451 - The young circus rider. (Atlantic Ser.) 23137 The young outlaw. 16091 16 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Alger, Wm. R. Life of Edwin Forrest the Amer. tragedian. 2 v. *I Poetry of the Orient. [5th ed. enl.] 23521 Note. The 1st ed. of this work was pub. in 1856, under the title of Poetry of the East. Algeria and Algiers. Castellane, comte de. Souvenirs of military life in A. 2 v. 29916-17 Crawford, R. (In his Reminiscences.) 30091 Playf air, R. L. The scourge of Christendom ; annals of Brit. rel. with A. 23970 Alglave, E., and Boulard, J. The electric light ; its hist., etc. ; ed., with notes and add., by C. M. Lungren. Illust. 24266 Algonkins. Leland, C. G. The Algonquin legends of New Eng. 24484 See also Micmac ; Passamaquoddies ; Penobscot. 'Ali 'Aziz, Efendi. of Crete. The story of Jervad ; romance ; fr. the Turkish by E. J. W. Gibb. 29129 Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, Princess of Gr. Brit., etc. Biog. sketch and letters. Portrs. 23876 Alice Learmont; by [D. M. Muloch Craik]. 24564 Alice Learmont; by Miss Muloch. (In her A hero, etc.) 3184 Alice May, the, Cruise of ; by S. G. W. Benjamin. 24720 Alice thro' the looking-glass ; by K. Freiligrath-Krocker. 23273 Alice's adventures under ground ; by L. Can-oil [C. L. Dodg- son]. 27924 Alicia Tennant ; by F. M. Peard. 2 v. 29406-7 Aliens, The ; by H. F. Keenan. 26639 Aliette ; by O. Feuillet. 26633 [Alif Laila.] The Arabian nights ; select, and ed. by E. E. Hale. 29780 Alison, Sir A. Some acct. of my life and writings; ed. by Lady Alison. 2 v. 24456-7 Alkalies. Lunge, G. The alkali-maker's pocket-book. 25195 Alkamah's cave ; by W. G. Palgrave. (In his Ulysses.) 29323 All aboard for the lakes and mountains ; by E. A. Rand. 24929 All adrift; by O. Optic [W. T. Adams]. " 27375 All in a garden fair ; by W. Besant. 23363 All in vain ; by R. Lindau. (In Overland lib., v 1.) 30757 All taut ; by O. Optic [W. T. Adams]. 27260 All the year round ; V. 15-20 ; 1866-1879. 30049-76 Allan, J. Kilby, W. H. Col. John Allan. ( In his Eastport, etc.) 30649 Allan Quatermain ; by H. R. Haggard. 28. "08 Allardyce, A. ed. Letters from and to C. K. Sharpe. 2 v. 30871-2 Alleghany Mts. Zeigler, W. G., and Grosscup, B. S. The heart of the A: 22994 Alleghany valley. Chapman, T. J. The French in the Allegheny valley. 29065 Allen, A. P. The ambassadors of commerce. Illust. 26219 Allen, A. V. G. Continuity of Chr. thought ; study of mod. theology. 24554 Allen, C. G. B. Babylon ; a novel. 26008 Charles Darwin. (Eng. worthies.) 25963 Colin Clout's calendar ; [botan. and zoolog. stud.] 22886 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 17 Common sense science. 27377 Contents. Second nature. Memory. Self-consciousness. Attainable ideals. Instinct and reason. Sleep. Holly and misletoe. Knowledge and opinion. The winter rest. Mountains. Home-life. Balance of na- ture. The horse and his pedigree. The best policy. The English people. Big and little. Origin of bowing. English chalk downs. Spring blossoms. The earth's interior. Nuts and nutting. Amuse- ments. The pride of ignorance. Inhabited worlds. Brick and stone. Evening flowers. Beauty. Genius and talent. The devil's die. 30200 Flowers and their pedigrees. 2b574 Contents. The daisy's pedigree. Romance of a wayside weed. Strawberries. Cleavers. Origin of wheat. A mountain tulip. A family history. Cuckoo-pint. For Maimie's sake ; tale of love and dynamite. 26135 Strange stories. 25290 Contents. The Reverend John Creedy. Dr. Greatrex's engagement. Mr. Chung. The curate of Churnside. An episode in high life. My New Year's eve among the mummies. The foundering of the "Fortuna." The backslider. The mysterious occurrence in Piccadily. Carvalho. Pausodyne. The empress of Andorra. The senior proctor's wooing. The child of the phalanstery. Our scientific observations on a ghost. Ram Das of Cawnpore. This mortal coil. 30396 Butler, S. Mr. Allen's " Charles Darwin." (In his Luck, etc.) 27547 Allen, C. J. Some acct. of the operations agt. Mobile, etc., 1864-5. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.) 29330 Allen, E. H. Manual of cheirosophy. Illust. 27028 Violin-making as it was and is. Illust. *I Joint author. See Frith, H. Allen, F. H. Young folks' hist, of the reformation. Illust. 28855 Allen, F. M. Through green glasses ; Andy Merrigan's great discovery ; and other tales. Illust. 29130 Allen, G., Rev. Reminiscences of A. ; with biog. sk. and notes by F. P. Rice. *I Allen, G. Taxidermists manual ; how to collect, mount, and preserve beasts, birds, etc. Illust. 30292 Allen, G. See Allen, C. G. B. Allen, G. H. Forty-six months with the Fourth R. I. Vol.. 1861-1865. 28274 Allen, J., Vicar of Frees and Archdeacon of Salop. Grier, R. M. John Allen ; memoir. 30693 Allen, J., Rev. Allen, S. Life of J. Allen " Camp-meeting John ; " add., Tributes, etc. 29659 Allen, J., R.N. Life of Nelson ; introd. by FT. R. Haweis. 26521 Allen, J. G. Topical studies in American history. 26401 Allen, J. H. A century of Unitarianisrn in America. (In Mod. Unitarianism.) 26688 Christian hist, in its three 1-1865 ; incl. pers. sketch, and narr. of his services in the war with Mexico, 1846-8. 2 v. 23642-3 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 55 Beautiful lady, The ; by Mrs. W. K. Clifford. (In her Any- how stor.) 23148 Beauty, Personal. Finck, H. T. Romantic love and per- sonal beauty ; development, etc. 28486 Kingsford, A. Health, beauty, and the toilet. 28249 Beauty, Steps of ; by F. H. Hedge. (In his Martin Luther, etc.) 29538 Beauty and the beast ; by S. Tytler [H. Keddie.] 3 v. 25911-13 Beaux' stratagem, The ; comedy ; by G. Farquhar. (In Craw- furd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 Bebel, A. Woman in the past, present, and future. 27998 Bechwana or Bechuana. Mackenzie, J. Day-dawn in dark places ; wanderings and work in Bechwana-land. 24151 Description. Mackenzie, J. (In his Austral Africa.) 2 v. 29618-19 Beck, S. W. Gloves ; their annals and associations. 23575 Becker, G. F. Summary of the geology of the Cornstock lode and the Washoe district. (In U. S. Geol. /Surv. Ann. rept., 1880-'81.) 24836 Becker, S. C., and Mora, F. Spanish idioms ; with their Eng. equivalents. 28230 Becket ; by A. Tennyson. 24834 Beckett, C. H. Who is John Noman? 28231 Becquer, G. A. Obras. 3 v. in 1. 29207 Beda or Bede, Venerabilis. The venerable Bede expurgated, expounded, and exposed by The prig. 27799 Beddoe, J. The races of Britain; contr. to the anthropology of west. Europe. *I Bedell lectures. See Thompson, H. M. ; McCosh, J. Bedford, W. K. R. Memoir. (In. Sharpe, C. K. Letters, v. 1.) 30871 Bedfordshire, Eng. North, T. The church bells of B. *I Bee-man, The, of Orn ; by F. R. Stockton. 28995 Beechcroft at Rockstone ; by C. M. Yonge. 30896 Beecher, C. E. The true remedy for the wrongs of woman, etc. 361 Stowe, H. E. B. (In Phelps, E. S. Our fam. women.) 24284 Beecher, H. W. Address at Liverpool, Oct. 16, 1863. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 Comforting thoughts spoken by B. ; arr. by I. Ovington. 24890 Eulogy on Grant. In his Patriotic addr. 28941 Evolution and religion ; sermons. Pt. 1, 2. 26065 Contents. Pt. 1. Eight sermons, discussing the bearings of the evolu- tionary philosophy on the fundamental doctrines of evangelical Chris- tianity. 2. Eighteen sermons, discussing the application of the evolu- tionary principles and theories to the practical aspects of religious life. Patriotic addr. in Amer. and Eng., 1850-1885; ed., with a rev. of [his] infl. ; by J. R. Howard. 28941 Plans of reading. (In Abbott, L. Hints, etc.) 25640 Prayers fr. Plymouth pulpit; phonographically reported. 21143 Sermons; fr. Elliuwood's stenographic reports, "Plymouth pulpit." 1882-4. New ser. V. 5-9. 15242-6 Contents. V. 5. The golden net. They have their reward. Personal influence of God. Principle of spiritual growth. Christian pantheism. The marrow of the Gospel. Kingdom of Heaven. The turning point, Old thoughts in new f"rms. Brain-life in America. Secret of beauty. Conceptions of God. -God in Christ. A completed year. The reproach of Christ. The vital principle. Many members, one body. Christ's idea 56 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. of Christianity. Why Christ died. Civil law and the Sabbath. Ashamed of Christ. Enthusiasm of love. Soul-service. Heart-fragrance. A. helpful God. The courage of the future. 6. The light of life. Drift of the ages. Aim of the Christian life. Generosity towards God. The liberty of Christ. The rest, of God. Does God exist'? The hidden man. Seekers after evil. God in the world. God'.s goodness man's salvation. Poverty and the Gospel. The God of the whole earth. Intimacy with God. Value of suffering. -Test of Christianity. What is the Bible? Critical hours. Aims of life. Negative evil and positive good. Sluggish Christianity. Faith in time of trouble. Christ first. Secret of reforms. Crisis of decision. Aspiration and contentment. 7. The sun of right- eousness. Battle of life. Nature's warning. God's loving providence. Symbols of God. Wealth toward God. Science of right living. Living gospels. Heroism of life. Selfness vs. Selfishness. Unity in diversity. Christian conscience and Christian liberty. Concerning Godlikeness. The old year and tbe new. An outlook. Christ, the foundation. Vitality of God's truth. The pulpit of to-day. Outward and inward life. Wendell Phillips. The core of Christianity. Christian warfare. The appointed ideal. Morality and spirituality. The harvest of the soul. An American fault. &. Man building. Use of the tongue. The mani- fold Christ. Adam and Christ. The new life. The spirit of the cradle. Mutual judgments. Generosity and liberality. Christ's mission on earth. Liberty with responsibility. The conversion of force. Concord, not unison. A study of meekne'ss. Sanctity of the body. A bruised reed. Agnostic faith. Outward prosperity and inward poverty. The fruits of patience. Flesh and spirit. Heart-judgment. Practicable ideals. Christianity in practice. Standards of living. Haste to be rich. The highest things. Knowing God. 9. The mercy of God's justice. The heroic in religion. The revealing-day. Religious growth. The All- Father. The visible and the invisible. Soul-relationship. The beauty of holiness. Retrospect and prospect. Entering into rest. The growth of creation. A song of winter. Abbott, L., and Halliday, S. B. Henry Ward Beecher, sketch of his career, etc. ; also Life as sketched by himself. 28098 Beecher, W. C., and Scoville, S. Biog. of B. 29833 Cook, J. H. W. Beecher as preacher and reformer. (In his Bost. Mond. lect.) 29122 Howard, J., Jr. Life of B. 28315 Pond, J. B. A summer in England with B., 1886. 28155 Beecher, W. C., Scoville, S., and Beecher, Mrs. Biography of H. W. Beecher. 29833 Beehler, W. H. The cruise of the Brooklyn in the So. Atlantic station, 1881-4. Illust. 24878 Beer, A. Fiirst Metternich. (/n Gottschall, R. Der neue Plu- tarch, v. 5.) 16300 Joseph II. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 9.) 16304 Maria Theresia. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 2.) 16297 Beer. Death, J. The beer of the Bible ; one of the leavens of Exodus ; with a Visit to an Arab brewery, etc. 28011 Beers, H. A. Donald G. Mitchell. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) 30787 Nathaniel P. Willis. (Amer. men of letters.) 25252 Split zephyr. (In Stor. by Amer. authors, v. 8.) 24221 Bees. Cotton, L. E. Bee keeping for profit ; new system of bee management. 24701 John's wife. How I made money at home. 25204 - Who was the first architect ? 28478 Bees' close, The ; by Mme. de Gasparin. (In her Under Fr. skies.) 30322 Beethoven, L. van. Bourne, C. E. (In his Gt. composers.) 27917 Butterworth, H. Beethoven and the svmphony. ( In his Gt. compos- ers.) 24179 Crowest, F. (In his Gt. tone poets.) 27739 Elterlein, E. von. Beethoven's pianoforte sonatas explained. 27925 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 57 Fillmore, J. C. Sketch of B. (In his Pianoforte music.) 23372 Grove, G. Beethoven's nine symphonies; analyt. essays. 24019 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Rockstro. W. S. (In his Gen. hist, of music.) 26602 Wagner, W. R. Beethoven. 27957 Befo r de war ; echoes in negro dialect ; by A. C. Gordon and T. N. Page. 29535 Before the curfew ; by O. W. Holmes. 29315 Before trial ; by R. Harris. 28189 Begg, W. P. The development of taste ; and other studies in aesthetics. 27913 Beggar's opera, The ; by J. Gay. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 Behind closed doors ; by A. K. Green [A. K. G. Rholfs.] 30219 Behind the Blue Ridge ; by F. C, Baylor. 28278 Behn, A. Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Behnke, E., joint author. See Browne, L. Behrends, A. J. F. Socialism and Christianity. . 26801 Behrens, B. (pseud. W. Heimburg.) Gertrude's marriage ; tr. by Mrs. J. W. Uavis. 30892 Her only brother; tr. by J. W. Wylie. 30424 A pennfless girl ; tr. by A. L. Wister. 24912 Behrens, J. W. The microscope in botany ; tr. and ed. by A. B. Hervey [and] R. H. Ward. Illust. 25329 Being. Pressense, E. de. Problem of being. (In his Study of origins.) 24154 Belfield, W. T. "Swell-head" in cattle. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Belgium. Agriculture. Jenkins, H. M. (In his Rept., etc.) 24428 Description, etc. Kingston, W. B. (In his Wanderer's notes, v. L) 30594 - Wight, O. W. (In his People, etc.) 30381 See also Netherlands. Belief. Carpenter, W. B. The psychology of B. (In his Nature.) 30623 Bell, A., pseud. See Bronte, A. Bell, A., D.D. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Bell, A. G. Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28744 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Prescott, G. B. Bell's electric speaking telephone; its invention, appli- cation, etc. Illust. 24587 Bell, A. M. World-English ; the universal language. 29781 Bell, A. N. Sanitary inspection. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I Bell, C. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Bell, C., pseud, for C. Bronte. See Nicholls, C. B. Bell, E., pseud. See Bronte, E. Bell, E. H. Frederick Robson. (In Matthews, J. B., and Huttou, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 Mr. J. S. Clarke. (In Matthews, J. B., and Button, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Bell, F. J. Voice ; Rise of the organs of sense. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Bell, G. G. Smith, J. C. Biographical notice. (In his Writ- ings.) 25607 58 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bell, H. T. M. A forgotten genius : Charles Whitehead ; crit. monograph. 26481 Bell, I. L. Principles of the manuf . of iron and steel ; with notes on the econ. cond. of their production. 25709 Bell, J. Chemistry of foods. Ft. 1, 2. (So. Kens Mus. Sci. hd. bks.) 26222-3 Contents. Pt. 1. Tea, coffee, cocoa, sugar, etc. 2. Milk, butter, cheese, cereal foods, starches, etc. Bell, L., Bart. The iron trade and its allied industries. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 2.) 28715 Bell, L. C. Little True Blue. (In Catherwood, M. H. Brave girls.) 27276 Bell, N. R. E. or N. M. (pseud. N. D'Anvers.) Elementary history of music. New ed., ed. by O. J. Dullea. 29468 Heroes of American discovery. II lust. 25976 Science ladders, namely: Flowerless plants. Lowly mantle- and armor-wearers. 23914 Story* of early exploration. 23915 Bell, T. J. History of the water supply of the world ; also, Geology and water strata of Hamilton Co., O., etc. 23812 Bell, W. H. Ante bellum ; or, Before the war. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Bella Sorrentina, La ; by W. E. Norris. ( In his Man of his word.) 25349 Bellairs, Lady, ed. The Transvaal war, 1880-81. 25903 Bellamy, E. Dr. Heidenhoff s process. 24231 - Looking backward, 2000-1887. 29061 Lost. (In Stor. by Amcr. authors, v. 7.) .24220 Miss Ludington's sister; romance of immortality. 24178 Bellasis, E.' Cherubim ; memorials illust. of his life. 27914 Belle- Nivernaise, La ; par A. Daudet. (Contes choisis, no. 11.) 14867 Belleisle, R. de P. A French view of Emerson. (In Cone. Sch. of Phil. Lect.) 24790 Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. White, V. Manual of nursing for the training school. (In Amer. home book.) 25640 Bellew, H. W. History of cholera in India, 1862-1881 ; with obs. on the causes and nature of cholera. 28616 Short pract. treat, on the nature, causes, and treatment of cholera. 29011 Bellini, G. Healy, E. (Li her Painters, etc.) 26216 Bellini, J., G. and G. Oliphant, M. O. W. Thethre^ early masters. (In her Makers of Venice.) *I Bello ; by J. Stinde. (In his Woodland tales.) 28165 Bellows, H.W. Twenty four sermons, 1865-1881; select, and ed. by R. N. Bellows. 26107 Bellows family. Barnes, E. R. Narratives, traditions, and pers. remin. of the B. family and of Walpole, N. H. *I Bells. North, T. The church bells of Bedfordshire ; their founders, inscriptions, etc. *I Stahlschmidt, J. C. L. Surrey bells and London bellfounders; study of bell inscriptions. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 59 Bells of Avalon; by J. S. of Dale [F. J. Stimson.] (In his Sent, calend.) 27667 Belmont, A. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portr.) 24010 Belot, A., and Villetard de Prunieres, C. E. Le testament de Cesar Girodot ; come'die. (In Theatre contemp.) 14898 Belt, H. P. A mirage of promise. 27635 Bemis, E. W. Cooperation in New England. (Amer. Econ. Assoc. Pubs.) 29126 Cooperation in New En#. ; Cooperation in the Middle States. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 6.) *I Local government in Michigan and the Northwest. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 1.) *I Plan of tariff reduction. (In Shaw, A. The nat. revenues.) 29895 Ben D' ymion ; by H. F. Lester. 29395 Ben Sylvester's word; by [C. M. Yonge.] 26737 Benaiah ; tale of the Captivity ; by Mrs. Webb. 26031 Bender, C. Practical treat, on the properties of continuous bridges. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 24118 Bender, C. B. Principles of economy in the design of me- tallic bridges. 27367 Bender, P. Literary sheaves ; or, La litte"rature au Canada Frangais. 24137 Old and new Canada, 17531844; or, The life of J. F. Pen-unit. 24138 Benedict, Lady, and others. How to play the pianoforte. 27972 Benedict, F. L. The price she paid. 23218 Benedict, G. G. Vermont in the civil war. Vols. 1, 2. *I Benedict, Sir J. Spark, W. J. Benedict. (In his Mus. mem.) 30877 Benedicta; by Mrs. A. Phillips. 30243 Bengal. Hutchisson, W. H. F. Pen and pencil .sketches. 24849 Simson, F. B. Letters on sport in Eastern B. I Benguella. See Africa. Benhani, W. Winchester ; with map. (Diocesan histories.) 26482 Benholme, Lord. See Robertson, H. Benjamin, F. N. The sunny side of shadow ; reveries of a convalescent. 28232 Benjamin, P. The age of electricity ; fr. amber-soul to tele- phone. 26975 - The end of New York. (In Stor. by Am. aut., v. 5.) 24218 Benjamin, S. G. W. The cruise "of the Alice May in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, etc. Illust. 24720 - Persia and the Persians. Illust. 27176 Sea-spray; or, Facts and fancies of a yachtsman. 28916 Contents. We two on au island. Evolution of the American yacht. Steam vachting in America. The Trans- Atlantic railwaj T . What came of a sea picnic. A cruise in a pilot boat. The hidden treasure. Out of the depths. A case of circumstantial evidence. Light-houses of old. - The story of Persia. (Story of the nations.) 27728 The world's paradises; life ,* scenery, and climate in noted sanitaria. 29006 Benjamin, their ruler ; by H. King. (In his Savage London.) 30735 Bennett, A. Story of the 1st Mass. Light Battery attached to the 6th Army Corps, 18611864. *I Bennett, E. H. Revision and enlargement. (In Pomeroy, J. N. Introd. to the const, law of the U. S.) 27093 Bennett, Sir J. Ritchie, J. E. (In his Fam. city men.) 23860 60 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bennett, J. G. Parton, J. J. G. Bennett, and how he founded his "Herald." (In Ms Capt. of ind.) 24420 Bennett, J. G., Jr. Fiske, S. (In Ms Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Bennett, Sir W. S. Spark, W. W. S. Bennett. (In Ms Mus. mem.) 30877 Benning, Howe, pseud. See Henry, M. H. Bent, J. T. The Cyclades ; or, Life among the insular Greeks. 25593 Bent, S. A. Notes: (In Longfellow, H. W. The Golden legend.) 27769 Bentham, J. Posnett, H. M. (In his Hist, method.) 24258 Bentley, W. H. Life on the Congo ; with introd. by G. Grenfell. 30154 Benton, E. C. History of Guildhall, Vt., 1764 1886. *I Benton, J. G. Course of instr. in ordnance and gunnery, for U. S. Mil. Acad. 24048 Benton, J. R. How to cook well. 27382 Benton, T. H. Fremont, J. B. Biog. sketch of B. (In Fremont, J. C. Mem., v. 1.) 27620 Roosevelt, T. Life of B. 27664 Bentzon, Therese, pseud. See Blanc, M. T. Beowulf. Gibb, J. Gudrun, Beowulf, etc. 23579 Morley, H. (In his Eng. writers, v. 1.) 28331 Beppa ; by S. M. Palmer. (In her Mrs. Penicott's lodger, etc.) 29455 Beppe, the star-gazer; by P. Heyse. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 Berchet, G. Howells, W. D. (In Ms Mod. Ital. poets.) 28872 Beresford, Wm. Lichfield ; with map. (Diocesan hist.) 26032 Berg, L. De C. Safe building ; rules and formulae used in the constr. of buildings. 30756 Bergen, F. D., joint Author. See Bergen, J. Y. Bergen, J. Y., Jr. and F. D. The development theory; brief statement. 24398 Bergeret, G. Dans le monde official. 14807 Bergetta's misfortunes ; by C. Thaxter. (In New Eng. stor. book.) 24819 Bergsoe, W. J. Von der Piazza del popolo ; Novellen-Cyklus aus Rom. ; deutsch von F. Busch. 3 pts. in 1. 16514 Berkeley, G.,Bp. Case, T. Berkeley. (In Ms Phys. realism.) 30780 Courtney, W. L. The failure of B.'s idealism. (In his Stud, in philos.) 23578 McCosh, J. Notice of B. (In his Locke's theory, and In his Real. phi I., v. 2.) 23635; 27772 Porter, N. The two-hundredth birthday of B. ; discourse, 1885. 25517 Berkeley, H. Wealth and welfare ; or, Our nat. trade policy and its cost. 29469 Berkley, E. The Pharaohs and their people ; old Egypt, life and history. Illust. 23683 Berkshire, Eng. King,C. History of B. 27935 Berlin, Prussia. Bigelow, H. R. Berlin as a medical center. 25643 Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 3.) 25069 M'Collester, S. H. Germany and Berlin. (In his After-thoughts.) 23634 Galleries, etc. Morelli, G. Italian masters in German galleries ; crit. essay. 23704 Berlioz, L. H. Autobiography, 1803 1^65 ; compr. trav. in Italy, Germany, Russia, and England ; tr. by R. S. R. and E. Holmes. 2 v. 24891-2 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 61 Childhood of Christ; sacred trilogy; ed. by J. H. Cornell. *I Contents. Ft. 1. Herod's dream. 2. The flight into Egypt. 3. The coming to Sals. Bourne, C. E. (In his Great composers.) 27917 Engel, L. (In his From Mozart to Mario, v. 1.) 27558 Mathews, W. S. B. (In his How to understand music, v. 2.) 30388 Bermuda. Dorr, J. C. R. Bermuda ; idyl of the Summer islands. 24740 McQuade, J. (In his Cruise of the Montauk.) 25034 Bern or Berne. Description. M'Collester, S. H. Switzerland and Berne. (In his After-thoughts.) 23634 Bernard, J. Le petit tambour. (In Contes choisis, no. 13.) 14868 Bernard, J. Retrospections of America, 1797 1811 ; ed. by Mrs. Bernard; introd., notes, etc., by L. Button and B. Matthews. 27636 Bernard, SirT. Holyoke, G. J. Life of B. (In his Self-help.) 30733 Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Harrison, F. Bernard of Clair- vaux ; a type of the 12th cent. (In his Choice of books.) 26324 Bernardotte, J. B. J. See Charles John XIV., of Sweden. Berne. See Bern. Bernhardt, W. Deutsche Novelletten-Bibliothek. Vols. 1, 2. 28103-4 Contents. V. 1. Stokl, H. Am heiligen Abend. Boyen, M. Mein erster Patient. Werner, E. Der Wilddieb. Juncker, E. Ein Friih- lingstraum. Wiesner, A. C. Die Schwarze Dame. 2. Gotzendorff- Grabowski, H. von. Vor Son neuauf gang; Der Simpel. Seidel, H. Der gute alte Onkel; Leberecht Hiihncheu. Peschbau, K. Sphinx. Stokel, H. Eiue Weihnachtsgeschichte. Deutsches sprach uud Lesebuch, erster Theil; neue Bearbeitung von H. B. Boisen's "First course in German," revidirt, erweitert, etc. 28596 Bernstein, A. Mendel Gibbor ; novelle aus dem Kleinleben einer jiidischen Gemeinde. 16411 Vogele der Maggid; eine Geschichte aus dem Leben einer kleiuen jttdis- chen Gemiende. 16410 Berries of the brier : [poems] ; by A. Bates. 26974 Bersier, E. Coligny ; earlier life ; tr. by A. H. Holmden. 30155 Bert, P. First year of scientific knowledge ; tr. by J. Clayton (Mme. Bert.) 26567 Introductory steps in science; tr. by M. F. Vallette; rev. and enl. by J. Mickleborough. 28942 Berthelot, P. E. M. Explosive materials ; lect. Added, Short hist. sk. of gunpowder, fr. the German of K. Braum ; and Abibliog. of works on explosives. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 24119 Bertram, J. G. The Saint Rollox Chemical Works, Glasgow. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 1.) 25091 Bertrand et Raton ; drame ; par E. Scribe. (In Theatre contemp.) 14897 Bertron, O. Edith. 28929 Bertz, E. The French prisoners ; story for boys. 24721 Berwick, T. Formation and management of forest- tree nur- series. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Berzelius, J. J. Muir, M. M. P. (In his Her. of sci.) 23589 Besant, W. All in a garden fair. 23363 - The art of fiction ; [lecture, 1884.] 24682 Books which have influenced me. (In Gladstone, W. E., and others. Books, etc.) 28840 Children of Gibeon. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 27613 Dorothy Foster. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 28466 6 62 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. - The eulogy of Richard Jetteries. 30401 Fifty years ago ; with plates and wood cuts. 30156 For faith and freedom; novel. 30620 Herr Paulus ; rise, greatness, and fall. 29440 - The inner house. 30775 Katharine Regina. 30517 " Self or bearer." (Franklin Sq. lib.) 26106 Uncle Jack; and other stories. (Harper's handy ser.) 25710 Contents. Uncle Jack. Sir Jocelyn's cap; by W. Besant and W. H. Pollock. A. glorious fortune. The world went very well 1 hen. (^Franklin sq. lib.) 27378 ed. The new Plutarch: namely: Brackenbury, C. B. Frederick the great. 23662 Keddie, H. Marie Antoinette. 23280 and Pollock, W. H. Sir Jocelyn's cap. (In Besant, W. Uncle Jack.) 25710 and Rice, J. My little girl. 29518 The ten years tenant. (In Tales, etc., v. 4.) 25370 Bessemer, Sir-H. Bolton, S. K. (-In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 - Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28744 - (In his Stor. of invent.) 25539 Jeans, W. T. (In his Creators, etc.) 23628 Parton, J. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 The romance of invention; H. Bessemer. (In Fortunes, etc., v. 1.) 24000 Smiles, R. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 1.) 25091 Bessie's fortune; by M. J. Holmes. 25986 Bessie's mishaps ; by S. May. (In New Eng. stor. bk.) 24819 Bessie's story ; by F. H. Converse. ( In Catherwood, M. H. Brave girls.) 27276 Best, W. T. Art of organ playing, pract. illust. 2 pts. in 1. *I Best revenge, The. (In My night adv.) 27692 B6te, La; par V. Cherbuliez. 14448 Betham-Edwards, M. See Edwards, M. B. Bethell, R., Lord Westbury. Smith, J. C. Biographical notice. (In his Writings.) 25607 Bethesda; by B. Elbon [L. B. Halsted]. 23774 Bethlehem. Charles, E. An old story of Bethlehem. 24623 - Pullan, R. P. A visit to B. (In his East, cities.) 24259 Bettany, G-. T. Life of Charles Darwin. (Gt. writers.) 29726 Better than gold ; by G. M. Baker. (In his Globe drama.) 25966 Better times. See Kirk, E. W. O. 30341 Betterton, T. Life and times ; with notices of the stage. *I Brereton, A. Some famous Hamlets. 24954 Irving, J. H. B. (In his Eng. actors.) 27572 Betts, B. W. Geometrical psychology ; or, The science of representation ; abst. of theories and diagrams by L. S. Cook. 28549 Between the heather and the northern sea ; by M. Linskell. 24525 Between two loves ; by A. E. Barr. 27726 Between two oceans ; by I. D. Hardy. 23949 Between whiles ; by H. Jackson. 28133 Betwixt and between ; by W. H. Bishop. (In his Brown stone boy, etc.) 29782 Beust, F. F., Freiherr von. Memoirs by himself; with pers. remis. of B., by H. de Worms. Portv. 2 v. 28617-18 Bevan, E. J., joint author. See Cross, C. F. Bevan, W. L. St. David's. (Diocesan hist.) 29737 Bewick, J. andT. Dobson, A. (In his Thomas Bewick and his pupils.) 24472 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 63 Bewitched ; by L. Pendleton. 29893 Bewley, E. D. King Richard III. (In Winchester Coll. Shakspere Soc. Noctes.) 29429 Beyond compare ; by C. Gibbon. 29875 Beyond recall ; by A. Sergeant. 22950 Beyond the gates ; by E. S. Phelps. 23182 Beyond the grave ; by H. Cremer. 26070 Beyond the seas ; by O. Crawfurd. 28701 Bhagavadgita. The song celestial ; or Bhagavad-gttti ; the Mahabharata ; discourse bet. Arjuna, Prince of India, and the Supreme Being under the form of Krishna ; tr. by E. Arnold. 25481 Bhurtpoor or Bhartpur. MacRitchie, D. The siege of B. (In his Accts. of the gypsies.) 27707 Bianciardi, Mrs. E. D. R. At home in Italy. 23878 Bianconi, C. Smiles, S. Charles Bianconi ; lesson of self- help in Ireland. (In his Men of invent.) 24821 Biart, L. The Aztecs; hist., manners, and customs; tr. by J. L. Garner. 27268 Le Pensativo. (Scenes de mceurs Mexicaines.) 14843 Bible. Whole Bibles. Scriptures, Hebr. and Christ., arr. and ed. by E. T. Bartlett and J. P. Peters. Vols. 1, 2. 26522-3 - The Holy Bible ; version 1611, eomp. and rev., 1885. 25412 Selections. Sacred scriptures of the world; portions of Heb. andChrist., scriptures; added, Select, fr. other anc. scriptures; comp., ed., etc., by M. K. Schermerhorn. 24288 - Text and verse for every day in the year ; Scripture passages and parallel select, fr. the writings of J. G. Whittier; arr. by G. W. Cartland. 24450 Driver, S. R., and others. Studia Biblica; ess. in Biblical archaeology, etc. 26581 Bibliography. Brown, W. List of translations of the Scriptures into the languages of heatbfen and Mohammedan nations. (In his Hist, of Chr. miss., v. 3.) 23077 Characters. Mercer, A. G. Bible characters; select, fr. sermons. 25508 Commentaries. Schrader, E. The cuneiform inscriptions and the O. T. 2 v. (Theol. Tr. Fund Lib.) *I Criticism. Driver, S. R., and others. Studia Biblica; essays, criticism, etc. 26581 Dictionaries. - Wright, W. A. The Bible word-book ; glossary of archaic words and phrases. 27961 Evidences, Authority, etc. Ladd, G. T. The doctrine of scripture; inq. into the origin and nature of the Old and New Testaments. 2 v. 23388-9 Savage, M. J. Beliefs about the Bible. 23562 Same. (In his Sermons, v. 4.) 22510 Shedd, W. G. T. Bibliology. (In his Dogmatic theology, v. 1.) 30458 What is the Bible? inq. into origin and nature, in the light of mod. study. 29451 Wright, G. F. Divine authority of the Bible. 24506 Geography. See Egypt ; Syria. Hermeneutics. Farrar, F. W. History of interpretation. 26876 Geikie, C. Hours with the B. ; the Scriptures in the light of mod. disc., etc. V. 5, 6. 20615-16 History. Earth, C. G. T wa ganger twa och f emtio Bibliska historier ; pa swenska af C. W. Skarstedt. 15183 64 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. ' Lee, A. Eventful nights in Bible history. 26542 Inspiration. Eaton, A. W. The Bible. (In his Heart of the creeds.) 30310 Miscellaneous illustrative works. Bowen, F. A layman's studv of the Eng. B. consid. in its lit. and secular aspect. 25817 Claridge, R. Tractatus hierographicus ; treat, of the Scriptures. 23510 Dawson, J. W. Modern science in Bible lands. 30028 Dix, M. The Gospel and philosophy ; lecture. 27077 Geikie, C. The Holy Land and the B. ; scrip, illustrations. 2 v. 28873-4 Gill, J. Art of religious instruction illust. by sketches and notes of Bible lessons. Enl. ed. 39843 Lee, A. Eventful nights in Bible history. 26542 - Worcester, J. Correspondences of the B. ; the animals; with add. 24534 - Yonge, C. M. Young folks' Bible history. 28481 Science and the Bible. Townsend, L. T. The Bible and other ancient literature in the 19th centurv. 25358 See also Creation. Study. Briggs, C. A. Biblical study; its princ., methods, history, etc. 23258 Translation. Cust, B. N. Language as illust. by Bible-translation. 27553 - Renan, J. E. The translations of the B. (In his Studies.) 27950 Old Testament. The Bible for beginners ; comp. and arr. by J. P. Hopps. 25090 Chambers, T. W. Companion to the revised O. T. 25413 Apocrypha. Apocrypha. 27614 Ecclesiasticus. L, Ecclesiaste ; tr. de 1' Hebreu, avec une etude sur 1' age et le caractere du livre, par E. Renan. 14737 Pentateuch. Green, W. H. The Hebrew feasts in their rel. to recent crit. hypotheses cone, the P. 30500 Psalms. Book of Psalms ; tr. by T. K. Cheyne. 23756 Book of Psalms : new tr., with comment; by T. K. Cheyne. 29738 Characters. Geikie, C. Old Testament characters. 25391 Miscellaneous works. Smyth, S. P. N. Morality of the Old Testament. 27599 Daniel. Pusey, E. B. Daniel the prophet; lectures. 26022 Smyth, U. Thoughts on the book of Daniel. *I Ecclesiastes. Bradley, G. G. Lectures on Ecclesiastes. 27546 Exodus. Dawson, J. W. Geography of the E. (In his Egypt, etc.) 20034 Death, J. The route of the E. (In his Beer of the Bible, etc.} 28011 Trumbull, H. C. The route of the E. (In his Kadesh-baruea.) *I Genesis. Newton, R. H. The book of the beginnings, etc. 24027 Hermeneutics. Brown, F. Assyriology; its use and abuse in O. T. study. 25331 Inspiration. Whiton, J. M. The evolution of revelation ; crit. of confl. opinions cone. the O. T. 25780 Job. Bradley, G. G. Lectures on the Book of Job. 29353 Joshua. Kuenen, A. Historico-crit. inq. into the origin and composition of the Hexateuch. 27153 Pentateuch. Bissell, K. C. The Pentateuch, its origin and structure; rec. theories. 25712 Kuenan, A. Historico-crit. inq. into the origin of the Hexateuch, etc. 27153 Newton, R. H. The book of the beginnings; with an introd. to the P. 24027 Prophets. Briggs, C. A. Messianic prophecy; prediction of the fulfillment of re- demption thr. the Messiah. 27493 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 65 Thomson, W. H. The great argument; or, Jesus Christ in the O. T. 24210 Psalms. Glass, H. A. The story of the Psalters ; hist, of metr. versions, 1549- 1885. 30171 Samuel. . Woods, F. H. Light thrown by the Septuagint version on the books of S. (In Driver, S. R. Studia Biblica.) 26581 Study. Curtiss, S. I. Present state of O. T. studies. (In Boardman, G. N. Curr. disc., v. 1.) 24513 Theology. Oehler, G. F. Theology of the O. T. ; revis. of the trans, in Clark's For. Theolog. Lib., with the add. of the 2d Germ, ed., introd. and notes, by G. E. Day. 23792 New Testament. Godet, F. L. Studies on the New T. 27115 Canon. Reuss, E. W. E. History of the canon in the Chr. church. 23921 Commentaries. International Revision Comment., based upon the rev. version of 1881; ed. by P. Schaff, v. 4, 6 ; namely : 4. John ; by Dr. Milligan and Dr. Moulton. 23572 6. Romans ; by M. B. Riddle. 23569 Schmidt, P. W., and Holzendorff, F. von. Short protestaut comment.. v. 3. *I See also Meyer, H. A. W. Criticism. Schaff, P. Comp. to the Gr. Testament and the Eng. version, etc. 23324 Warfield, B. B. Introd. to textual criticism. 28371 General and miscellaneous works. Farrar, F. W. The messages of the books; discourses and notes. 24984 History. Reuss, E. W. E. History of the N. T. 2 v. 24588-9 Parables. Bruce, A. B. The parabolic teaching of Christ. 23010 Taylor, W. M. The parables expounded and illustrated. 27345 Wilson, Mrs. E. C. New Testament parables for children. 24650 Quotations. Toy, C. H. Quotations in the N. T. 23673 Revision. Burgon, J. W. The revision revised. 23439 The revisers and the Greek text ; by members of the N. T. company. 22933 Study. Hyde, J. T. Present state of N. T. study. (In Boardman, G. N. Curr. disc., v. 2.) 24514 Gospels. Bruce, A. B. The miraculous element in the G. 27730 Godet, F. L. The origin of the Gospels. (In his Stud., etc.) 27115 John. Clarke, J. F. The fourth Gospel ; its origin stated and discussed. 27072 James. Sanday, W. Some further remarks on the Corbey St. James (ff). (In Driver, S. R., and others. Stud. Bib.) 26581 Wordsworth, J. The Corbey St. James (ff), and its rel. to other Latin versions, and to the orig. language of the epistle. (In Driver, S. R. Stud. Bib.) 26581 John. The Gospel according to St. John ; with introd. and notes by B. F. West- cott. [Repr. f r. Speaker's comment.] 2893G Gospel ace. to John, expl. by W. Milligan and W. F. Moulton. (Internat. Rev. Comm., v. 4.) 23572 Abbot, E. Authorship of the Fourth Gospel, etc. 30612 Maurice, J. F. D. The Gospel of St. John; discourses. 28721 Matthew. Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. 30776 Revelation. Godet, F. L. Essay upon the Apocalypse. (In his Stud., etc.) 27115 Havveis, H. R. John, the tisherman's cryptograph. (In his Story of the Four.) 27396 Smith, U. Thoughts, crit. and pract., on the book of Revelation. *I 66 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Romans. The epistle of Paul to the R., cxpl. by M. B. Riddle. (Internat. Rev. Comm., v. 6.) 23569 Timothy and Titus. - Huther, J. E. Crit. and exeget. hdbk. to Timothy and Titus. (Meyer, H. A. W. Crit. comm.) 24859 Bible, The, in Waverly ; by N. Dickson. 24355 Bible of nature ; by F. L. Oswald. 29815 Bibliography. Birmingham. Free Pub. Library. Books for a ref. library ; lecture. Ser. 1. 27136 Bouchot, H. The printed book; its hist., illust., etc., fr. the days of Gutenberg, etc. 28722 Fitzgerald, P. The book fancier ; or, Romance of book collecting. 27560 Jones, L. E. The best reading; bibliography. Ser. 3. 28787 Leypoldt, F., and Jones, L. E. The books of all time. 24302 Saunders, F. Story of some famous books. , 28990 See also the names of var. persons, countries, subjects, for bibliog. works. Catalogues of public libraries. See Worcester, Mass. Bibliomania; by I. Browne. (In his Iconoclasm, etc.} 26313 "Bichwa," The ; by H. Con way [F. J. Fargus]. (In his Car- riston's gift, etc.) 25492 Bickers the blower ; by F. W. Robinson. (In his Women, etc.) 24096 Bickersteth, M. C. Sketch of the life and episcopate of R. Bickersteth, Bp. of Ripon ; pref . by E. H. Bickersteth. 28233 Bickersteth, R., Bp. of Ripon. Bickersteth, M. C. Sketch of the life, etc., of B. 28233 Bickley, A. C. George Fox and the early Quakers. 24656 Bicycle. Bagg, L. H. Ten thousand miles on a bicycle. 28592 Fosdick, C. A. The steel horse ; rambles of a B. 30410 Keppel, W. C., and Hillier, G. L. Cycling. *I Stevens, T. Around the world on a bicycle. 2 v. 28365-6 Biddle, C. Autobiography, 1745-1821. 23219 Bidpai. Kalilah and Dimnah ; fables of B. ; acct. of their hist., with tr. of the later Syriac version, and notes by I. G. N. K. Falconer. 25711 Bierbower, A. The virtues and their reasons ; system of ethics. 30760 Bigarreau ; par A. Theuriet. (In his CEuvres.) 14842 Bigelow, H. R. Berlin as a medical center ; guide for Amer. practitioners, etc. 25643 Bigelow, J. France and the Confederate navy, 1862-1868. 29519 Bigelow, M. T. Mistakes in writing English, and how to avoid them. 27269 Bigg, C. The Christian Platoinsts of Alexandria. (Bampton lect., 1886.) 27491 Contents. Philo and the Gnostics.--Clement. Origen. The reformed Paganism. Summary. Bigge, L. A. S. Analytic index. (In Hume, D. Treat, on hum. nature.) 30591 Bill, L. History of Paxton, Mass. *I "Bill Shelby ;" by J. S. of Dale [F. J. Sthnson]. (In his sen- timental calendar.) 27667 Bille, C. S. de. King and Queen of Denmark; Royal chil- dren of Denmark. (In Parton, J. Some not. princes.) 25675 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 67 Billings, F. S. Relation of animal diseases to the pub. health, and their prevention. 23757 Billings, J. D. Hardtack and coffee ; or, 'The unwritten story of army life. Illust. 28933 Billings, J. S. Principles of ventilation and heating, and their pract. application. 24342 Billings, W. Brooks, H. M. William Billings the first Amer. composer. (In his Olden time music.) 29062 Bills of credit. See Paper money. Billson, C. J. Shakespeare's library ; inq. into sources of in- formation other than classical. In Winchester Coll. Shakspere Soc. Noctes.) 29429 Bimetallism. Giffen, R. The case against B. (In his Es- says, ser. 1.) 30691 - Langhlin, J. L. History of B. in the U. S. 25989 Nicholson, J. S. (In his Treat, on money.) 29763 Sunnier, W. G. (In his Coll. essays.) 25525 Binet, A. and F. C. Animal magnetism. (Internat. sci. ser.) 28943 Bingham, D. The bastille. Illust. 2 v. 29585-6 Biography. Brooks, P. Biography. (In Phillips Exeter Acad. Lect.) 27997 Biographies. Dawson, G. Biographical lectures. 26576 Drake, 8. A. Our great benefactors ; men and women eminent in lit- erature, science, etc. 24742 Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch. 12 v. 16296-307 Hale, E. E. Lights of two centuries. 28774 Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories; with questions. 28469 Houstoun, Mrs. A woman's mem. of world-known men. 2 v. 26244-5 Lanman, C. Haphazard personalities; noted Americans. 26335 Mombert, J. I. Great lives; course of hist, in biographies. Ser. 1. 28330 Mueller, F. M. Biographical essny-. 24860 Parton, J. Captains of industry. 24420 Some noted princes, authors, and statesmen of our time. 25675 Symington, A. M. Good lives ; of the 19th cent, 23981 See also Actors ; Artists ; Authors ; Inventors ; Khedives ; Mis- sionaries ; Musicians ; Navigators ; Poets ; Queens ; Saints ; Women. Also Military biography ; Naval history. Also Gt. Brit- ain; New Eng. Hist. Gen. Soc.; New York (City), U. S. Also Little biographies. Biological religion ; by T. C. Finlayson. 26492 Biology. Huxley, T. H., and Martin, H. N. Course of elem. instr. in pract. B. 30648 See also Evolution; Heredity; Species. Also Owens College Course of Elementary Biology. 26791 Bion. Bion rendered into Eng. prose by A. Lang. Biorklund, Jakob. Tal vid aftiickandet af J. A. Wadinans byst a Lorentzberg vid Goteborg, den 16 Juni, 1869. 15159 Birch, R. W. P. Examination of rec. experiments on sewage treatment made for the Metropolitan Board of Works. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Sun". Proc., v. 13.) *I Birch, W. De G. Domesday book ; pop. acct. of the Ex- chequer manuscript, so called. 29470 Birchwood ; by Jak [A. B. Williams]. 25859 Bird, C. Higher education in Germany and England. 24825 68 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bird, I. L. See Bishop, I. L. Bird of passage, A ; by B. M. Croker. 29363 Birdie Ella ; by E. L. P. (In his Elite, etc.) 23016 Birds. Diaz, A. M. Birds of prey. 20734 Fowler, W. W. Tales of the birds. 30216 Miller, O. T. Bird-ways. 25842 - In nesting time. 29556 Robinson, P. The poets' birds. 26104 Thompson, M. By-ways and bird notes. 25687 Treat, M. Observations on birds. (In her Home stud.) 25360 Wood, J. G. Routledge's picture book of birds. 26724 Anatomy. Martin, H. N., and Moale, W. A. How to dissect a bird. (In their Handbook, etc., pt. 2.) 21364 See also Ornithology. Birds in the bush ; by B. Torrey. 25462 Birds' Christmas carol ; by K. D. Wiggin. 30380 Birkbeck, G. Godard, J. G. George Birkbeck, pioneer of pop. education. 23945 Birkbeck, W. L. Historical sketch of the distribution of land in England ; with suggestions for improvement in the law. 26372 Birkhimer, W. E. Historical sketch of the Artillery, U. S. A. 28182 Birmingham, Eng. Free Public Library. Books for a reference library; lecture. Ser. 1. 27136 Birney, C. H. The Grimk sisters ; Sarah and Angelina. 25644 Birrell, A. Life of Charlotte Bronte. (Great writers.) 29727 Obiter dicta. Ser. 1, 2. 25184; 28279 Contents. 1. Carlyle. On the alleged obscurity of Browning's po- etry. Truth-hunting. Actors. A rogue's memoirs. The via media. Falstaff. 2. Milton. Pope. Johnson. Burke. The muse of history. Charles Lamb. Emerson. The office of literature. Worn-out types. Cambridge and the poets. Book-buying. Bisbee, M. D., ed. Songs of the pilgrims; introd. by H. M. Dexter. 29520 Bishop, Sir H. R. Spark, W". H. R. Bishop. (In his Mus. mem.) 30877 Bishop, Mrs. I. L. (B.) The Golden Chersonese and the way thither. Map and illust. 22934 Bishop, S. O. Sketches in Assam. 26965 Bishop, W. H. The brown stone boy ; and other queer people. 29782 Contents. The brown stone boy. A little dinner. Jerry and Cla- rinda. A lunch at McArthur's. Near the rose. Betwixt and between. A Christmas crime. A domestic menagerie. Choy Susan; and other stories. 24557 Contents. Choy Susan. The battle of Bunkerloo. Deodand. Brax- ton's new art. One of the thirty pieces. Mclntyre's false face. Miss Calderon's German. Fish and men in the Maine islands. Illust. 25645 The golden justice. 27379 Old Mexico and her lost provinces ; Mexico, So. California, and Arizona, by way of Cuba. Illust. 23140 One of the thirty pieces. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 1.) 23903 Same. (In his Choy Susan, etc.) 24557 Thomas Bailey Aldrich ; William Dean Howells. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Bishop's vagabond, The ; by O. Thanet [A. French]. (In her Knitters in the sun and in Stories by Amer. authors, v. 7.) 28872 ; 24220 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 69 Bishops. Luckock, H. M. The bishops in the tower. 28420 Bismarck-Schoenhausen, C. E. L. O. Furst von. Busch, M. Our chancellor ; sk. for a hist, picture. 24067 Goerlach, W. Furst Bismarck; biog. skizz; fran tyskan. 15087 Lowe, C. Prince Bismarck ; hist, biography. 2 v. 26168-9 Whitman, S. Bismarck. (In his Imperial Germany.) 30469 Bissell, E. C. The Pentateuch, its origin, etc. ; examination of recent theories. 25712 Bisset, A. Notes on the anti-corn law struggle. 25097 Bits from Blinkbonny ; by J. Strathesk [J. Tod]. 23979 Bivar, Ruy Diaz de. See Cid. Bjoernson, B. Magnhild ; en FortoBlling. 27404 Sigurd Slembe; dramatic trilogy; tr. by W. M. Payne. 30202 Brandes, G. (In his Eminent authors.') 27179 Black, A. Memoirs of B. ; ed. by A. Nicolson. 26506 Black, A. The story of Ohio. Illust. (Stor. of the states.) 29783 Black, J. Muir, M. M. P. (In his Heroes of science.) 23589 Black, J. J. Cultivation of the peach and pear on the Dela- ware and Chesapeake peninsula ; with a chapt. on quince culture, etc. 28280 Black, W. Adventures in Thule. 23526 Contents. An adventure in Thule. The four MacNieols. The black bothy. The four MacNicols. 26298 Same. (In his Adv. in Thule.) 23526 In far Lochaber. 30621 Judith Shakespeare. Illust. by E. A. Abbey. 24468 Love or marriage? 3 v. 10690 Mr. Pisistratus Brown, M. P., in the Highlands. New ed. Illust. 2(!278 The pupil of Aurelius. 26299 Queen Tita's wager. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 3.) 25369 Sabina Zembra. 28109 Strange adventures of a house-boat. 29779 White heather. 25968 - The wise women of Inverness ; and other miscellanies. 28003 Contents. The wise women of Inverness. Rhymes by a deerstalker. A gossip about the West Highlanders. A few days'more driving. Supernatural experiences of Patsy Cong. Yolande. Illust. 22960 Black, W. G. Heligoland, and the islands of the No. Sea. 30831 Black, W. N. Storage and transportation in the port of N. Y. (Quest, of the day.) 24619 Black and white ; land, labor, and politics in the South ; by T. T. Fortune. 24747 Black arrow, The ; by R. L. Stevenson. 29705 Black bothy, The ; by W. Black. (In his Adv., etc.) 23526 Black but comely ; by G. J. W. Melville. 26043 Black death. Hecker, J. F. C. Black death ; and Dancing mania. 3 29684 " Black dwarf," Scott's. See Ritchie, D. Black ice ; by A. W. Tourgee. 29708 Black mare, A, with a white star. (In Tales, etc., v. 2.) 27967 Black phalanx, The ; hist, of the negro soldiers of the U. S. ; by J. T. Wilson. 29195 70 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Black poodle, The ; by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie]. ' 28303 Black poodle, The ; by F. Anstey. (In Tales, etc., v. 1.) 25367 " Black Prince," the, Cruise of ; by V. L. Cameron. 27992 Black veil, The ; by Lady Dilke. (In her Shrine of death, etc.) 27143 " Blackbirdiug." See Pacific ocean. Blackburn, H. Randolph Caldecott ; pers. mem. of his art career. Illust. *I Blackburn, J. C. S. Reply to Mr. Garfield, Ho. of Rep., Apr. 3, 1879. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 Blackie, J. S. Books which have influenced me. (In Glad- stone, W. E. Books, etc.) 28840 Life of Robert Burns. (Gt. writers.) 29728 Messis vitae; gleanings of song fr. a happy life. 27915 The Scottish Highlanders and the land laws; historico-econ. enq. 25294 The wisdom of Goethe. 23576 -What does history teach? 26308 Blackmore, R. D. Remarkable hist, of T. Upmore, formerly known as "Tommy Upmore." 24004 Springhaven; tale of the great war. Illust. 27812 Blackstone valley, Mass. Mass. Commissioners. Report to consider a gen. system of drainage for the valley of the Blackstone river. 15695 Blackwell, Eliz. and Emily. Runkle, L. G. The Doctors Blackwell. (In Phelps, E. S. Our fam. women.) 24284 Blackwell, J. S. Manual of German prefixes and suffixes. 29521 Blades, W. The enemies of books; rev. and enl. 29586 Blagrove, G. H. Marble decoration, and the terminology of Brit, and for. marbles. Illust. 29587 Blaikie, W. Sound bodies for our boys and girls. Illust. 23608 Blaikie, W. G. Thomas Guthrie. (In Ewart, H. C. Lead- ers, etc.) 30632 Blaine, J. G. Political discussions, 18561886. 28281 Speeches, etc. (In Couwell, R. H. .Life, etc.} 24114 Twenty years of Congress; fr. Lincoln to Garfield; with rev. of events which led to the polit. rev. of 1860. Vols. 1, 2. 23907-8 - Balestier, C. W. J. G. Blaine; sk. of his life, etc. 24341 Conwell, R. H. Life and pub. ser. of B. Illust. 24114 Knox, T. W. Lives of Bhiine and J. A. Logan. 24192 Blair, A. A. Chemical analysis of iron ; acct. of methods. 29784 Blair, H. W. The temperance movement ; or, The conflict bet. man and alcohol. 29785 Blair, L. H. Unwise laws ; operations of a prot. tariff upon industry, commerce, and society. (Quest, of the day.) 27177 Blair, W., D.D. Archbishop Leighton ; biog. ; with select. . fr. his writings. 24722 Blaisdell, A. F. Our bodies, and how we live ; element, text- bk. of physiology and hygiene. 25330 Outlines for the study of Eng. classics. New and enl. ed. 24723 Blake, J. V. Essays. 27492 Contents. Of choice. Faculty. Public education. Happiness and time. Vainglory. Luck. Seeing good things. Side-lights of intelli- gence. Individuality. Questions of heroism. Praising. Censure. Flattery. Government. Handwriting. Knowledge. Meditation. Common sense. Requital. Auger. Judgment of others. Patience. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 71 Enemies. Immortal life. Death. Emergency. Conscience. Of his letters. Character as a work. Superiority. Legends from story-land. 29441 Contents. Story-land. How the roses came. Invisible armor. The brother and sister. Story of a mountain. Apples, wheat, and flowers. Walls of darkness. Tiresias. St. Thomas. Hand stories. Raiment of light. Balder. The wonderful. The open. Manual training in education. 29716 Blake, M. E., and Sullivan, M. F. Mexico; picturesque, po- litical, progressive. 30080 Blake, R., Admiral. Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Edgar. J. G. (In his Heroes of Eng.) 23693 Hannay, D. Admiral Blake. 26922 Walford, N. L. (In his Parliamentary generals.) 26611 Blake, steamer. Agassiz, A. Three cruises of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey steamer Blake, 1 877-1880. 2 v. *I Blamyre's chambers. (In Tales from Chambers's Jour., v. 2.) 27967 Blanc, J. J. C. L. Edmond, C. Louis Blanc. (In Daudet, E. French celeb. ) 23151 Ely, R. T. Louis Blanc. (In his Fr. and Germ, socialism.) 23156 Blanc, M. T. (pseud. T. Bentzon). A conversion. (In Lang, A., and Sylvester, P. The dead leman.) 30803 - Tete folle. 14823 Blanchard, R. Rise and fall of polit. parties in the U. S. 24049 Blatchford bequest, The ; by H. Con way [F. J. Fargus]. (In his Bound together.) 24903 Blatherwick, C. Personal recollections of Peter Stonnor. Illust. 24826 Blavatsky, H. P. Sinnett, A. P. (In his Occult world.) 25175 Blaxton, Wm. Oilman, A. The hermit of Shawmut. (In his Tales, etc.) 24910 Bleaching. Gardner, J. Bleaching, dyeing, etc. 24112 Bledisloe ; or, Aunt Pen's American nieces ; by A. M. Trotter. 29115 Blenheim, Battle of. Malleson, G. B. (In his Prince Eugene.) 30178 Blennerhassett, R., Bart. Ireland. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 1.) 28714 Blessingtou, M., Countess of. See Gardiner, M. Bleuthgen, V. The Hens of Hencastle ; tr. by Maj. Yeat- man-Biggs. (In Ewing, J. H. Brothers of Pity, etc.) 26376 Blind, K. The German reformation. (Monograph, no. 18.) 23818 Blind, M. Madame Roland. (Fam. women ser.) 26405 Tarantella. 24976 - Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Blind. Martin, F. Elizabeth Gilbert and her work for the blind. 29148 - Wilson, J. Biography of the blind. 24263 Blind brother, The ; by H. Greene. 28243 Blind lead, A ; story of a mine ; by J. W. Bates. 29517 Blinkbonny, Bits from ; by J. Strathesk [J. Tod]. 23979 Blinkbonny, More bits from ; by J. Strathesk [J. Tod]. 25136 Bliss, P. P. Pierson, A. T. (In his Evangelistic work.) 28900 Bliss, W. R. Colonial times on Buzzard's Bay. 30299 Blizzards. Greely, A. W. (Inhis Amer. weather.) 30324 Block Island. Dodge, R. Block Is. and its hist. (In his Tristram Dodge, etc.) 28121 72 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Blockaded family, A. See Hague, P. A. Blodget, L. Climatology of the U. S., and of the temperate latitudes of the No. Amer. continent. 13622 Blood covenant. Trumbull, H. C. The blood covenant ; a primitive rite, and its bearings on scripture. 25780 Blood is thicker than water ; by H. M. Field. 27390 Bloomfield, B., Lord. Memoir; ed. by Georgiana, Lady Bloomfield. 2 v. 25052-3 Bloomfield, G., Lady. Parton, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Blossom-bud and her genteel friends ; by J. P. Smith. 23060 Blot in the 'scutcheon ; by R. Browning. 28490 Bloue't P. (pseud. Max O'Rell.) John Bull, and his island ; fr. the French. 23484 John Bull, Junior; or, French as she is traduced : pref. by G. C. Eggleston. 29178 and Allyn, J. Jonathan and his continent; rambles thr. Amer. society; tr. by Mme. Blouet. 30622 ed. L' eloquence de la chaire et de la tribune franchises. V. 1. 24240 Contents. V. 1. French sacred oratory: Bossuet. Bourdaloue. Massillon. Flechier. Mascaron. Notes. Blowpipe. Plattner's manual of qualitative and quantitative analysis with the blowpipe. 27092 Blue and red ; or, The discontented lobster ; by J. H. Ewing. 28221 Blue and the gray series. See Adams, W. T. Blue Dave ; by J. C. Harris. (In his Mingo, etc.) 24188 Blue dwarfs, The ; by Mrs. Molesworth. (In her Christmas posy.) 30442 Blue grass Penelope, A ; by B. Harte. (7^ his On the fron- tier.) 24277 Blue jackets of 1812 ; by W. J. Abbot. 28600 Blue jackets of 76 ; by W. J. Abbot. 30290 Blumauer, A. Blumauer's .ZEneis ; fri ofversiittning af J. M. Stjernstolpe. 15148 Blunders. Ballard, H. H. Handbook of blunders. 24888 Blunt, J. H. The reformation of the church of Eng ; its hist., princ., etc., 1514-1662. 2 v. 22908-9 Blunt, S. E. Instructions in rifle and carbine firing for the U. S. Army. 25209 Bluntschli, J. K. Theory of the State; fr. the 6th Germ. ed. 26406 Blyden, E. W. Christianity, Islam, and the Negro race ; introd. by S. Lewis. 29471 Boarding-school girls, The; by E. Eckstein. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 Boardman, G. N. Present theolog. tendencies, and the infl. producing them. (In Boardman, G. N. Curr. discuss., v. 1.) 24513 Theism and revelation. (In Boardman, G. N. Curr. discuss., v. 2.) 24514 Curtiss, S. I., and Scott, H. McD. Current discuss, in theology, v. 1, 2. 24513-4 Contents. V. 1. Curtiss, S. I. Present state of O. T. studies. Scott, H. M. Church history; its idea, contents, etc. Boardman, G. N. Present theological tendencies and the influences producing them. 2. Curtiss, S. I. Present state of O.T. studies; History of Israel. Hyde. J. T. Present state of N. T. study. Scott, H. M. Most recent hist, of doctrine; or, The present state of theology in Germany and German Switzerland. Boardman, G. N. Theism and revelation. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 73 Boase, C. W. Oxford. (Historic towns.) 28209 Boats. Boats of the world ; depicted and descr. by one of the craft. *I Fitzgerald, C. C. P. Boat sailing and racing; pract. instructions. 30583 Neison, A. Practical boat building for amateurs. 25404 Qualtrough, E. F. The boat sailer's manual. 27232 Taylor, C. E. How to build a simple boat. (In Vance, F. T. Ways for boys.) 28913 - Thompson, M. Boats and boating. (In his Boys' book. 27007 See also Canoes; Rowing; Submarine boats; Yachts. Bob Burton ; by H. Alger, Jr. 30395 Bobbie's shirts ; by A. A. Preston. (In Schwatka, F., Stor.) 27342 Bobbin, Tirn, pseud. See Collier, J. Bobby's hero ; by E. Robinson. (In Craik, D. M. (M.) Plucky boys.) 27282 Boccaccio, G. Hueffer, F. A literary friendship of the 14th cent. (In Us Ital. Stud.) 23698 Boccaccio ; or, The Prince of Palermo ; comic opera ; by F. von Suppe". *I Bock, C. Temples and elephants; explor. thr. Upper Siam and Lao. Map and illust. *I Boddy, A. A. To Kairwan the Holy ; scenes in Muhamme- dan Africa. . 25293 Bodley, R. L. Bolton, S. K. (In her Successful women.) 30203 Bodley family, The English ; by H. E. Scudder. 23191 Bodleys, The Viking ; by IT. E. Scudder. 24494 Body. See Mind and body. Also Anatomy ; Physiology. Bodyke ; chap, in the hist, of Irish landlordism ; by H. Nor- man. 28711 Boeck, J. Zincography ; pract. guide to the art, in conn, with letter-press printing ; rev. and enl. ed. ; tr. by E. Menken. 2669$ Boegh, E. A story of a story ; Young Jens Jensen ; A pa- tient. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Boehme, J. Martensen, H. L. Jacob Bohme ; stud, in theosophy. 27045 Boetle, A. Madame de Stae'l ; hist, novel; fr. the German. 23141 Boer war. Carter, T. F. Narrative of the war ; causes and results. 22999 McCarthy, J. H. (In his Eug. under Gladstone.) 24371 Boerne, L. Schindler, S. Boerue and Heine and their time. (In his Dissolv. views.) 29700 Boger, Mrs. E. Myths, scenes, and worthies of Somerset. 29837 Bogota. Description. Curtis, W. E. (In his Capitals of Span. Amer.) 29796 Bohemia. Kingston, W. B. Bohemia's healing springs. (In his Wanderer's notes, v. 1.) 30594 Folk-lore. Vernaleken, T. In the laud of marvels ; folk-tales fr. B. 24873 Bohemian, A ; by [E. W. O. Kirk]. (In her Better times.) 30341 Bohemian, The ; by F. J. O'Brien. (In his Diamond lens, etc.) 25236 Bohemian Brothers. See United Brethren. Bohemians of the Latin quarter. See Paris. 74 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Boiardo, M. M. Paget, V. The school of B. (In her Eu- phorion, v. 2.) 24667 Boiesen, H. B. Deutsches Sprach-und Lesebuch, erster Theil ; neue Bearbeitung von B's "First course in Ger- man," revidirt, erweitert, etc. von W. Bernhardt. 28596 Boinville, C. de. Symington, A. M. (In his Good lives.) 23981 Bois, E. D., I' abbe. Bender, P. (In his Literary sheaves.) 24137 Boissier, M. L. G. Madame de Sevigne ; tr. by H. L. Will- iams, 29012 Boit, R. A. Eustis. 24005 Boito, C. Senso ; nuove storielle vane. 15517 Boker, G. H. Book of the dead; [poem]. 24050 - Lathrop, G. P. G. H. Boker in Philadelphia. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) 30787 Bokhara. Description: Lansdell, H. (In his Russian Cen- tral Asia, v. 2.) 25443 Boleyn, A., Queen. See Anne Boleyn. Bolingbroke, H., Viscount. See St. John, H. Bolles, A. S. Financial history of the U. S. [Vol. 3.] 1861- 1885. 22446 Practical banking. 25024 Bolton, C. E. Capt. James B. Eads. (JnSchwntka, F., Stories.) 27342 Practical education and entertainment for the people. ( In Makepeace, F. B. Fresh bait.) 27773 Bolton, S. K. Famous American authors. 28746 Contents. R. W. Emerson. H. W. Longfellow. W. Irving. W. H. Prescott. N. Hawthorne and his family. O. W. Holmes. J. R. Low- ell. T. W. Hisrginson. R. H. Stoddard. E. C. Stedman. W. D. How- ells. T. B. Aldrich. R. W. Gilder. Will Carleton. G. W. Cable. S. L. Clemens. C. D. Warner. Famous American statesmen. 30081 Contents. G. Washington. B. Franklin. T. Jefferson. A. Hamil- ton. A. Jackson. D. Webster. H. Clay. C. Sumner. U. S. Grant. J. A. Garfield. How success is won. (Little biog., ser. 3.) 24977 Contents. P. Cooper. J. B. Gough. J. G. Whittier. J. Wanaraa- ker. H. M. Stanley. Johns Hopkins. W. M. Hunt. E. Howe, Jr. A. H. Stephens. T. A. Edson. W. T. G. Morton. -J. H. Vincent. Lives of girls who became famous. 26916 Contents. H. B. Stowe. H. H. Jackson. L. Mott. M. A. Liver- more. M. F. Ossoli. M. Mitchell. L. M. Alcott. M. Lyou. H. G. Hosmer. Mme. de Stael. R. Bonheur. E. B. Browning. "George Eliot." E. Fry. E. T. Butler. F. Nightingale. Lady Brassey. Baron- ess Burdett-Coutts. Jean Ingelow. Lives of poor boys who became famous. 25713 Contents. G. Peabody. B. Taylor. J. B. Eads. J. Watt. Sir J. Mason. B. Palissy. Thorwaldsen. Mozart. S. Johnson. Gold- smith. M. Faraday. Sir H. Bessemer. Sir T. Salt. J. M. Jacquard. H. Greeley. W. L. Garrison. Garibaldi. J. P. Richter. L. Gam- betta. D. C. Farragut. E. Cornell. Lieut. Gen. Sheridan. T. Cole. Ole Bull. Meissouier. G. W. Childs. D. L. Moody. A. Lincoln. Social studies in England. 26309 Stories from life. 26976 Contents. The girl in a store. Miss LovealPs experiment. A friend at court. Made ready by discipline. Afterwards. Duty done. Not a matter of life and death. Helpless Mrs. Jones. Could they have saved him? The black horses. A judge or a governor. Crazy Jason. The rosewood box. Story of Jane. Our one trial. Lost and found. On a side street. Losing his temper. Was it a mistake? Keeping the faith. Very select. The first duty. The minister's wife. Two Christmas days. Changing his mind. Still the work goes on. A woman's pur- pose. Out of their set. Rickie's Christmas. Tested. Off the right track. Out of the nest. Dr. Morton's choice. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 75 Successful women ; with portraits. 30203 Contents. J. Corson. M. L. Booth. F. E. Willard. Mrs. G. R. Al- den. M. V. Terhune. Margaret. E. G. Campbell. R. L. Bodley. C. Wheeler. C. Barton. A. E. Freeman. Bombastes Furioso ; by W. B. Rhodes. (In Morley, H. Bur- lesque plays.) 2*196 Bompas, G. C. Life of Frank Buckland ; Portr. 25529 Bonaparte, E. P. Parton, J. Betsy Patterson. (In his noted women.) 23433 Bonaparte, L. N. and N. See Napoleon. Bonaparte, N. J., Prince Napoleon. Napoleon et ses detrac- teurs. 14578 Bonar, J. Malthus and his work. (Harper's hand, ser.) 25714 The struggle for existence. (In Seth, A., and Haldane, R. B. Ess.) 23448 Bonaventure ; by G. W. Cable. 29301 Bond, L. H. A Confederate spy. (Li M. O. of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of 0. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Bondoni, Giotto di. See Giotto. Bonds of disunion ; Eng. misrule in the colonies ; by C. J. Rowe. 23594 Bones ; by A. C. Doyle. (In Tales, etc.,v. 4.) 25370 "Bones and I ;" by G. J. W. Melville. 26044 Bonham, J. M. Industrial liberty. 30082 Bonheur, Rosa Boltou, S. K. (In her Lives, etc.) 26916 Bonin, H. R. See Rosenthal-Bonin, H. Bonnechose, F. P. E. B. de. Lazare Hoche, Ge'ne'ral en chef des armies de la Moselle, etc., 1793-1797 ; ed.. with notes, etc., by H. Bue. (Hachette's ser. of Fr. educ. works.) 24537 Bouner, S., pseud. See McDowell, K. S. B. Bonney, T. G. Parallel roads of Glen Roy. (In Brown, R. Science, etc., ser. 5.) 20528 Bonnie Prince Charlie ; by G. A. Henty. 29028 Bounivard, F. de. Bonivard, "the prisoner of Chillon." ( In Monograph, no. 15.) 238 IS Bonnybel Vane ; by J. E. Cooke. 932 Bonnyborough ; by A. D. T. Whitney. 25855 Bonstetten, C. V. de. Griswold, W. M. The 18th cent, in Switzerland. 23818 Bonwick, J. Egyptian belief and modern thought. 28210 French colonies and their resources. 27916 Book-binding. Bouchot, H. (In his Printed book.) 28722 Crane, W. J. E. Bookbinding for amateurs. 29362 Book-buying ; by A. Birrell. (In his Obiter dicta, ser. 2.) 28279 Book-collecting. Lang, A. To a young American book hunter. (In his Letters.) 30650 Book fancier, The ; by P. Fitzgerald. 27560 Book for the hammock ; by W. C. Russell. 28988 Book-keeping. Bryant, J. C. New standard counting-house book-keeping. 29721 Keekers, J. Text-book of mod. book-keeping, etc., pt. 1. 23487 Book-lover's library. See Wheatley, H. B. Book of Common Prayer. See Church of England. Liturgies, etc. 76 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Book of good counsel. See Hitopadesa. Book of sibyls ; by Miss Thackeray [Mrs. Ritchie]. 23398 Book of strife ; in the form of the Diary of an old soul ; by G. MacDonald. 26256 Book of the dead ; [poem] ; by G. H. Boker. 24050 Book-worm, a, Pleasures of; by J. R. Rees. 26678 Books and Reading. Blades, W. The enemies of books. 29586 Gladstone, W. E., and others. Books which have influenced me. 28840 Hunt, L. The world of books. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 1.) 23200 Ireland, A. The book-lover's enchiridion; thoughts on the solace and companionship of B., fr. the best writers. 27149 Lang, A. Books and bookmen. 26436 Leypoldt, F., and Jones, L. E. The books of all time; guide for the purchase of B. 24302 Wheatley, H. B. Dedication of B. 2S445 See also Book-collecting; Illustration of Books; Literature; Pre- face ; Reading. Books and men ; by A. Repplier. 30245 Books, Ballads of ; chosen by B. Matthews. 28147 Boole, G. Investigation of the laws of thought, on which are founded the mathematical theories of logic and probabilities. 26373 Treatise on differential equations. 26483 Boone, D. Hartley, C. B. Life of B. ; added, his auto- biography. 27306 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Booro or Burn. Forbes, H. O. In the island of Buru. (In his Naturalist's wanderings.) 25493 Booth, E. Edmund Keau ; J. B. Booth. (In Matthews, J. B., tm^Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 - Barrett, L. E. Booth. (In Matthews, J. B., and Button, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Booth, J. B. Booth, E. J. B. Booth. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 Brereton, A. Some famous Hamlets. 24954 Molloy, J. F. (In his Life of E. Kean, v. 2.) 30482 Booth, M. L. Bolton, S. K. (In her Successful women.) 30203 Spofford, H. E. P. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Booth, Mrs. O. (pseud. Rita.) Daphne. 30553 Boothby, Lady L. C. (N.) Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 2.) 30352 Bootle's baby, See Mignou. " Boots and saddles" ; or, Life in Dakota with Gen. Custer ; by E. B. Custer. 25211 Boquillon rendant la justice ; come"die ; par L. Darthenay. (In his Le. guignol des salons.) 14935 Borbstaedt, A., and Dwyer, F. The Franco-German war, to the catastrophe of Sedan, etc.; with maps. 28394 Border lances ; romance of the reign of Edward III. ; by [G. A. Henty]. 26429 Border shepherdess, A. ; by A. E. Barr. 28742 Borderland ; by J. Fothergill. 27826 Bordighera. Hamilton, F. F. Bordighera and the western Riviera. 23948 Bordone, P. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 77 Bordoni, F. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 1.) 29598 Bora to good luck ; by C. Reade. (In his Good stories.) 24029 Borneo. Hatton, F. North Borneo ; explor. and adv. on the equator. 26493 Hornaduy, W. T. Two years in the jungle. 25836 Perelaer, M. T. H. Ran away fr. the Dutch ; or, Borneo fr. south to north. 28899 Bornier, H. de. La fille de Roland. (Theatre conternp., no. 15.) 14899 - La Lizardiere. 14818 Borrowed month, A ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his Stor.,ser. 2.) 26935 Berth lyrics ; by E. Thring. (In his Uppingham school songs, etc.) 29769 Bora, B. See Brian Boroihme. Bosanquet, B. Logic ; or, The morphology of knowledge. 2 v. 29858-9 Logic as the science of knowledge. (In Seth, A., and Haldane, R. B. Essays.) 23448 Bosboom, A. L. G. T. Major Frank ; tr. by J. Akeroyd. 26655 Boscawen, N. H. 150th anniversary of the settlement of B. and Webster; Aug. 16, 1883; also, Births recorded 17331850. *I Boscosel ; by F. H. Williams. (In Septameron, The.) 29902 Bose, R. C. Brahmofcm ; or, History of reformed Hinduism ; with acct. of Keshub Chunder Sen's connect, with the movement. 24139 Bosio, A. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 2.) 29599 Bosnia. Laveleye, V. L. E. de. (In his Balkan Peninsula.) 27837 Minchin, J. G. C. Growth of freedom in the Balkan peninsula. 27893 Bossuet, J. P., Bp. Extracts fr. funeral orations. (In Blouet, P. L' Eloquence, v. 1.) 24240 Oraisons funebres et panegyriques ; nouv. ed. 14774 Bostan. See Sadi. Boston, Mass. City Government. (Public Schools.) (Com- mittee on Text Books.) Mead, E. D. The Roman Cath- olic Church and the school question. 30149 -(Public Latin School.) Oration by P. Brooks; and Poein by R. Grant, at 250th auniv., April 23, 1885. 25818 - (History.) Bugbee, J. M. The city government of Boston. 29125 Same. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 5.) *I Ecclesiastical organizations. Adams, B. Brattle Church. (In his Emancipation of Mass.) 27370 Old South Church. Memorial addresses, Oct. 26, 1885. *I West Church. Commemorative services on the 50th anniv. of its ministry present and the 150th of its foundation. 14273 Description. . - Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 1.) 25067 King, M. Handbook of Boston. 26912 See also Stevens, A. de G, for romance, Old Boston. History. Drake, F. S. Introduction, notes, and biog. notices of the Boston tea party. (In Tea leaves.) 24684 Moore, N. Pilgrims and Puritans ; story of the planting of Plvmouth and B. 29558 Boston girl's ambitions ; by V. F. Towusend. 27245 Boston Monday Lectures. See Cook, J. Boston school kitchen text-book. See Cookery. Boston Society of Natural History. Guides for science-teach- ing ; namely : Crosby, W. O. Common minerals and rocks. 24547 7 78 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Richards, E. H. First lessons on minerals. 24548 Bostonians, The ; by H. James. 26330 Bostwick, L. W. Margery Daw's home confectionery. 26871 Botany. General and miscellaneous works. - Allen, C. G. B. Colin Clout's calendar; the record of a summer. 22886 Arrhenius, J. Botanikeus forsta grunder. 15079 Arthur, J. C., and others. Handbook of plant dissection. 26658 Bailey, L. H., Jr. Talks afield about plants, etc. 25426 Baillou, H. Natural history of plants. V. 8. *T Bell, N. E. E. or N. M. Flowerless plants. 23913 Bower, F. O., and Vines, S. H. A course of pract. instr. in B., pt. 1. 25646 Candolle, A. L. P. P. de. Origin of cultivated plants. 24978 Goebel, K. Outlines of classification and spec, morphology of plants. 28161 Gray, A. Botanical text-book. 6th ed. V. 2., pt. 1. 25215 Harris, A. B. Wild flowers and where they grow. 26691 - Herrick, S. B. Chapters on plant life. 25666 Ketch um, A. C. Botany for academies and colleges; with illust. and Manual of plants. 30342 Knight, Mrs. A. A. Primer of botany. 28137 Lubbock, J. Flowers, fruits, and leaves. 26544 -Treat, M. Flowering plants. (In her Home stud.) 25360 Geography. Baker, J. G. Elementary lessons in botan. geography. 24238 Hehn, V. Wanderings of [cultivated] plants, etc., fr. their first home. 30849 Geology. Dawson, J. W. Geological history of plants. 29068 Morphology. Henslow, G. Origin of floral structures thr. insect and other agencies. 30107 Physiology. Bary, H. A. de. Comparative anatomy of the vegetative organs of the phanerogams and ferns. 25023 Poulsen, V. A. Botanical microchemistry ; introd. to the study of vege- table histology. 24783 Sachs, J. von. Lectures on the physiology of plants. 29637 Vines, S. H. Lectures on the phys'iology of plants. 27508 See also Ferns; Flowers; Fungi; Grass; Insectivorous plants; Lichens ; Mosses ; Phanerogama. Bothmer, Countess M. von. Aut Caesar aut nihil. 23045 Botticelli, S. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Bottoue, S. R. Electrical instrument making for amateurs. 29588 Bbucherett, J. The industrial movement. (In Stanton, T. The woman question.) 24053 Bouchot, H. The printed book ; its history, illust., and adorn- ment, fr. the days of Gutenberg ; tr. and enl. by E. C. Bigmore. Illust. 28722 Boucicault, A. (R.) and D. Martin, B. E. Mr. and Mrs. Dion Boucicault. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. . Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Boughton, G. H. Sketching rambles in Holland. Illust. *I Boulard, J., joint author. See Alglave, E. Boulderstone ; by W. Sime. 25457 Boulger, D. C. History of China. V. 3. 21939 Boulger, G. S. Bye-products ; utilisation of fragments of forest produce. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Boulmier, J. Les villanelles de B. ; avec ses poesies en Ian- gage du 15 e siecle. 2 e ed. 14575 Boulnois, H. P. Drainage of Portsmouth ; Newtown hall, Portsmouth. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 13.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 79 Effect of munic. government upon sanitation. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Pioc., v. 11.) *I Jointing sewer pipes. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 10.) *I Municipal and Sanitary engineer's handbook. 28550 Boulton, S. B. Preservation of timber by the use of antisep- tics. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 25650 Bourn-Bourn ; par J. Claretie. (In Contes choisis.) 14868 Bound together ; sheaf of papers; by [D. G. Mitchell]. 23789 Bound together; tales ; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. 24903 Bourdaloue, L. Extracts fr. B. (In Bloue't, P. L'eloquence, v. 1.) 24240 Bourgeois, pseud. The lure. (In Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing, etc.) *I Bourinot, J. G. Local government in Canada. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 5.) *I Manual of the const, hist, of Canada to 1888. 29786 Bourke, J. Gr. An Apache campaign in the Sierra Madre, 1883. Illust. 26310 Bourne, C. E. The great composers ; lives of eminent musi- cians. 27917 Bourne, E. G. History of the surplus revenue of 1837. (Quest. of the day.) 25483 Bourne, H. R. F. English merchants ; memoirs in illust. of the progr. of Brit, commerce. New ed. Illust. 26568 English newspapers; history of journalism. 2 v. 29589-90 English seamen under the Tudors. 2 v. in 1. 29739 Contents. Vol.1. Antecedents of Tudor seamanship. The Cabots. Henry VIII. Cathayan enterprise. Frobisher's three voyages. Sir Humphrey Gilbert. Raleigh's Virginia. Davis's three voyages. End of the Cathayau quest. 3. Queen Elizabeth's navy. Sir. J. Hawkins, Sir F. Drake, and T. Cavendish. Prelude to the Great Armada fight; The fight; The sequel. - Foreign rivalries in iudust. products. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit.) 25091-3 Bourrienne, L. A. F. de. See Fauvelet de Bourrienne, L. A. Bourse. See Stock exchange. Bousquet, E. Louise Meunier. 27405 Bout de 1'an, Le ; ou, Les deux ceremonies ; comdie-vaud. ; par A. E. Scribe. (In lus (Euvres, se"r. 2, v. 29.) *I Bouton, Ys., joint author. See Johonnot, J. Boutou, J. B. Roundabout to Moscow ; an epicurean journey. 28110 Boutwell, G. S. The lawyer, the statesman, and the soldier. 28862 Contents. Rufus Choate. Daniel Webster. President Lincoln. General Grant. Bow, The, of orange ribbon; by A. E. Ban*. 27175 Bow Street Police Office, London. Fitzgerald, P. Chronicles of Bow St. 2 v. *I Bowen, C. S. C., Lord Justice. The administration of the law, 1837-1887. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 1.) 28714 Bowen, C. W. Woodstock ; an historical sketch. 27729 Bowen, F. Ducal Urbino. (Monograph, no. 32.) 23818 A layman's study of the Eng. Bible consd. in its literary and secular aspect. 25817 Bowen, J. E. The conflict of East and West in Egypt. 27678 Bowen, J. L. History of the 37th Reg. Mass. Vol. in the civil war. 1861-65 ; with sketch of the doings of Mass, as a state, etc. 24303 80 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bower, F. O., and Vines, S. H. A course of pract. instr. in botany ; with pref. by W. T. T. Dyer. Pt. 1. 25646 Contents. Pt. 1. Phanerogamse. Pteridophyta. Bower, J. Description of the cast-iron cylinder foundation for a quay wall in the river Tyne at Gateshead. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 12.) *I Bowing. Allen, C. G. B. The origin of bowing. (In his Common sense science.) 27377 Bowker, R. R. Of work and wealth ; summary of economics. (Econom. tr.) 23335 Primer for political education. (Ecouom. tr.) 26957 ed. Civil service examinations; question papers, with actual answers; with introd. 27178 The President's message, 1887; with annotations. (Quest, of the day.) 29861 Bowles, C. A. See Southey, C. A. B. Bowles, E. Madame de Maintenon. 29915 Bowles, S. Men-lam. G. S. Life and times of B. 2 v. 25993-4 Bowman, F. H. Structure of the wool fibre ; use of wool for technical purposes. 2d ed., illust. *I Bowne, B. P. Introduction to psychological theory. 27813 Bowne, E. S. A girl's life eighty years ago ; select, fr. letters ; introd. by C. Cook. Illust. 28863 Bowser, E. A. Elementary treat, on analytic mechanics ; with examples. 24620 Elementary treat, on hydro-mechanics; with examples. 26881 Box, T. Practical treat, on the sir. of materials ; incl. elas- ticity and resistance to impact. 28551 Box and Cox; by J. M. Morton. (In his Comediettas, etc.) 27090 Boxing. O'Reilly, J. B. Ethics of boxing and manly sport. 29560 Boy chicken, The ; by G. Gaines. (Li Schwatka, F. Stor. of danger 1 .) 27342 Boy knight, The ; by G. A. Henty. 23378 Boy life in the U. S. navy ; by H. H. Clark. 25718 Boy-Lollard, The ; by F. A. Reed. 23184 Boy sculptor, A. ; by A. B. Harris. (In Craik, D. M. (M.) Plucky Boys.) 27282 Boy travellers. See Knox, T. W. Boy's workshop, A ; with plans and designs ; by a boy and his friends. Introd. by H. R. Waite. 24299 Boyce, A. P. Boyce's fresco and decorative designs. *I Collection of scrolls and ornaments for painters, etc. Nos. 1, 2. *I Boyd, R. N. Chili; Chili and the Chilians dur. the war, 1879 1880. 23074 Boyden, A. L. Echoes fr. hospital and White house ; R. R. Pomroy's experience in war-times. 23609 Boyen, M. Mein erster Patient. ( In Bernhardt, W. Deutsche Novelletten-Bibliothek, v. 1.) 28103 Boyesen, A. T. Kort framst alining af den sanna Kristna re- ligionen; eller, Nya Kyrkans lara, etc. 15081 Boyesen, H. H. A daring fiction. (In Stor. by Am. authors, v. 10.) 24223 The modern vikings ; life and^port in the Norseland. 28747 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 81 The story of Norway. (Stor. of the nations.) 26802 Vagabond tales. 30885 Contents. Crooked John. A child of the age. Monk Tel lenbach's exile. A disastrous partnership. Liberty's victim. A perilous incog- nito. Charity. Rideing, W/H. (In his Boyhood of authors.) 28815 Boyle, E. V. (G.) Days and hours in a garden. 29467 Boyle, F. A good hater. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25025 Boyle, G. D., Dean. Richard Baxter. (Her. of Chr. hist.) 23525 Boyle, R. Garnett, TV r . (Li his Her. of science.) 27564 Boyle lectures. See Curteis, G. H. Boys. Bolton, S. K. Lives of poor boys who became famous. 25713 Brooks, E. S. Historic boys. 25969 Mowry, W. A. Talks with my boys. 25446 Notes for boys on morals, mind, and manners ; by an old boy. 29582 - Vance, F. T., and others. Ways for boys to make and do things. 28913 Boys and masters ; by A. H/Gilks. 29481 Boys coastwise ; by W. H. Rideing. 24786 Boys, The, of Blackfriars ; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Chivalric days.) 27180 Boys, The, of Brimstone court ; by E. S. Phelps. (In New Eng. stor.-book.) 24819 Boys, The, of thirty-five ; by E. H. El well. 23461 Boys' and girls' library of Amer. biography ; namely : Brooks, N. Abraham Lincoln. 29665 Hale, E. E. Life of Geo. Washington. 28931 Knox, T. W. Life of Robert Fulton, etc. 26926 Boys' B. C. ; by M. J. Safford. (In her Christmas country, etc.) 27095 Boys' book of famous rulers ; by L. H. Farmer. 27081 Boyse, E. C. That most distressful country [Ireland in 1798]. 3 v. 30273-5 Boz, pseud. See Dickens, C. J. H. Brabazon, R., 12th Earl of Meath, ed. Prosperity or pauper- ism? physical, industrial, and technical training. 30157 Brabourue, Lord. See Hugessen, E. H. K. Brace, E. J. C. Formation and management of eucalyptus plantations ; Formation and management of forest-tree nurseries. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Brackenbury, C. B. Frederick the Great. (New Plutarch.) 23662 Brackenbury, H. The river column ; advance of the river column of the Nile expeditionary force, etc. Maps by F. L. L. Colborne. 26226 Bracton, H. de. Lechler, G. H. Bracton and W. Occam. (In his J. Wiclif, v. 1.) 30854 Bradburn, F. H. Memorial of George Bradburn. 23758 Bradburn, G. Bradburn, F. H. Memorial of B. 23758 Braddon, M. E., now Mrs. Maxwell. See Maxwell, M. E. B. Bradlaugh, C. Deming, C. A British election day. (In his Byways.) 23664 Lucy, H. W. Four famous scenes in the House of Commons. (In Parton, J. Some not. princes, etc.) 25675 - McCarthy, J. H. (In his Eng. under Gladstone.) 24371 -Mackay, C. R. Life of B. 29757 82 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bradley, G. G. Aids to writing Latin prose ; with exercises ; ed., etc., by T. L. Papillon. 24952 Lectures on Ecclesiastes ; del. in Westminster Abbey. 27546 - Lectures on the book of Job ; del. in Westminster Abbey. 29353 Bradley, H. Story of the Goths, to the end of the Gothic dominion in Spain. (Story of the nations.) 29522 Bradley, H. L. An old house. (In Longfellow remembrance book.) 30350 Bradwardin, T., Abp. of Canterbury. Lechler, G. Thomas of B. ; his teaching and spirit. (In his J. Wiclif, v. 1.) 30854 Brag, E. C. Den Nordamerikanska fragan ; tillagg, samt forord af P. Wieselgren. 15082 Bragadin, M. Brown, H. F. M. Bragadin, a 16th cent. Cagliostro. (In his Venetian stud.) 29355 Bragelonne ; son of Athos ; by A. Dumas. 24064 Brahmanism or Brahmoism. Alviella, G. d'. Brahmoism and the relig. future of India. (In his Contemp. evolution, etc.) 25865 Bose, R. C. Brahmoism; history of reformed Hinduism. 24139 Williams, M. (In his Relig. thought in India, pt. 1.) 24109 See also India. Religion. Brahmo Somaj. Alviella, G. d'. The social reforms of the Brahmo Sornaj. (/// his Contemp. evolution, etc.) 25865 - Bose, R. C. (In his Brahmoism.) 24139 Brahms, J. Deiters, H. Johannes Brahms ; biog. sketch. Brain. Ferrier, D. The functions of the brain. 27292 Anatomy and Physiology. Carpenter, W. B. The brain and its physiology. (In his Nature, etc.) 30G23 Herrick, C. L. The structure of the brain. (In Lotze, R. H. Outlines of psychology.) 25898 Pathology. Corning, J. L. Brain exhaustion ; with considerations on cerebral dy- namics. 24272 - Brain-rest ; curative properties of prolonged sleep. 26139 See also Psychology. Brainard, C. H. Recollections of Thackeray. (In Parton, J. Some noted princes, etc.) 25675 Brainerd, E. Joel Chandler Harris. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) 30787 Braithwaite, M. Memorials of Christine M. Alsop. 23509 Bramston, M. Uncle Ivan ; or, Recollections of fifty years back. Illust. 29860 joint author. See Awdry, F. Bramwell, W. C. The wool-carders' vade mecum. 24676 Branch, O. E., ed. National junior speaker. 27380 Brandes, G. Eminent authors of the 19th cent. ; literary por- traits ; tr. by R. B. Anderson. 27179 Contents. P. Heyse. H. C. Andersen. J. S. Mill. E. Renan. E. Tegner. G. Flaubert. F. P. Miiller. B. Bjornson. H. Ibsen. Brandl, A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the Eng. romantic school ; English ed. by Lady Eastlake ; with portr. 28619 Brandreths, The ; by A. J. B. B. Hope. 3 v. 23006-8 Brandt, H. C. G. Grammar of the German language. 2(i011 Brannt, W. T. Practical treat, on animal and vegetable fats and oils ; fr. the German of K. Schaedler, G. W. Askiuson, and R. Brunner ; with add. Illust. 28852 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 83 Practical treat, on the raw materials, and the distillation and rectification of alcohol, etc.; fr. the German of K. Stammer, F. Eisner, and E. Schubert. Illust. 27615 The metallic alloys; pract. guide for the manuf. of alloys, amalgams, etc.; with app" on the coloring of alloys; tr. and ed. chiefly fr. A. Krupp and A. Wildberger, with add. 30499 and Wahl, W. H. Techno-chemieal receipt book; fr. the German of Drs. Winckles, Eisner, etc., with additions, lllust. 27270 Brasidas. Cox, G. W. (In, his Lives of Greek statesmen, ser. 2.) 26663 Brass. Krupp, A., arid Wildberger, A. Brass ; its properties, manuf., etc. (In their Metallic alloys.) 30499 Brassey. A.. Lady. In the trades, the tropics, and the roar- ing forties. " 24893 Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.) 26916 Brassey, T., Lord.. The navy. (In. Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 1.) 28714 Braun, K. Short hist, sketch of gunpowder. (In Berthelot, P. E. M. Explosive materials.) 24119 Brave baby, A ; by S. E. Wiltse. (In Catherwood, M. H. Brave girls.) 27276 Brave boy, A; by M. W. Fisher. (In Craik, D. M. (M.) Plucky boys.) 27282 Brave girls. See Catherwood, M. H. Brave little sister-mother, A. ; by M. Eytinge. (In Clarke, R. S. A Christmas breeze.) 27385 Bravest of the brave ; by G. A. Henty. 28036 Braxton's new art ; by W. H. Bishop. (In his Choy Susan, etc.) 24557 Bray, Mrs. A. E. (K. S.) Autobiography; ed. by J. A. Kempe. 23934 Bray, C. Phases of opinion and experience during a long life ; autobiography. 25295 Brazil. Description, etc. Andrews, C. C. Brazil ; its condi- tion and prospects. 27723 - Edgcumbe, E. R. P. Zephyrus; a holiday in B. 29477 Wells, J. W. Exploring and travelling 3,000 miles through B. 2 v. 27352-3 History. Watson, R. G. (In his Span, ami Port. So. America.) 2 v. 23868-9 Literature. - The library has works by J. de Alencar; J. M. P. da Silva. See also Rio de Janeiro. Bread. T., N. T. Bread-making. 24645 Breaking up of the ice bridge ; by E. W. Demeritt. (In Schwatka, F. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Breathing. Ciccolina, S. M. A. Deep breathing, as a means of promoting song, and curing affections of the throat. 24233 Breche aux loups, La ; par A. Racot. 14449 Breckenridge, J C. On the Dred-Scott decision ; bef . the Kentucky Leg., Dec., 1859. (In, Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 Bremner, D. Cotton ; Hemp, flax, and jute. ( In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit.) 3 v. -. 25091-3 Petroleum. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 84 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The Singer Manufacturing Co. at Glasgow. (In Gt. Indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 3.) 25093 Brennan, M. S. Popular exposition of electricity ; with sketches of some of its discoverers. 25026 Brentano, C. Fairy tales fr. B. ; told in Eng. by K. F. Krocker; and pictured by F. C. Gould. 24953 Brereton, A. Henry Irving ; biog. sketch. Portrs. *I Some famous Hamlets; fr. Burbage to Fechter; with extr. fr. criticisms on Hamlet, by Gothe, Coleridge, etc. 249.">4 Brethren. See United Brethren. Breton group, A, in besieged Paris ; by J. A. O'Shea. (In his Mil. mosaics.) 30483 Brewer, E. C. Sound and its phenomena. 27918 Brewer, J. S. The reign of Henry VIII, to the death of Wolsey ; ed. by J. Gairdner. Portr. 2 v. 24077-8 Brewing. Faulkner, F. Theory and pract. of mod. brewing. 29600 See also Beer. Brewster, Sir D. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefac- tors.) 24742 Brewster, E. E., Scribner, L. B., and Wilson, O. L. Parlor varieties. Plays, pantomimes, and charades. 3 pts. 3 v. 27357-9 Brewster, W. Herrick, S. E. (In his Some heretics.) 24570 Brian Boroihme or Boru, King of Ireland. Brooks, E. S. Brian of Munster. (In his 'Hist, boys.) 25969 Bric-a-brac stories ; by Mrs. B. Harrison. 25732 Bricks. Davis, C. T. Practical treat, on the manuf . of bricks, tiles, etc. 26061 Bricks from Babel ; by J. McNair. 29196 Bride, The, of Dunkerron ; dram, cantata ; by H. Smart. *I Bride, The, of the Nile ; by G. Ebers. 2 v. " 27822-3 Bride picotee ; by [M. Roberts.] 24970 Bridge of San Martin ; legend of Toledo. (In My night adv.) 27692 Bridges. Bender, C. Practical treat, on the properties of continuous B.) 24118 Bender, C. B. Principles of economy in the design of metallic B. 27367 Crehore, J. D. Mechanics of the girder; treat, on bridges and roofs. 27720 Lanza, G. Bridge-trusses. (In his Appl. mechanics.) 28926 Martin, G. A. Fences, gates, and bridges; pract. manual. 28888 Merriman, M. On the theory and calculation of continuous bridges. 24127 Text-book on roofs and bridges. Pt. 1. 29051 Vose, G. L. Bridge disasters in America; cause and remedy. 27854 See also Forth Bridge; Iron bridges; Stresses; Trusses. Bridget or Brigitta, of Sweden, Saint. R., E. Den heliga Birgitta och hennes tid ; efter F. Hammerich. 15140 Bridget's story ; by L. C. Wyman. ( In her Poverty grass.) 26940 Bridgman, L. Parton, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Bridgman, R. L. Ten years of Massachusetts. 29663 Brief as woman's love ; by J. B. Matthews. (In his Secret, etc.) 26933 Brief embarrassment of Mr. Iverson Blount ; by R. M. John- ston. (In his Mr. A. Billingslea.) 29688 Brief history of anc., mediaeval, and mod. peoples. (Barnes's one-term ser.) 23523 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 85 Brief history of Greece. (Barnes's one-term, ser.) 23139 Brigade commander, The ; by J. W. De Forest. (In Stor. by Amer. authors, v. 8.) 24221 Brigand's bride, The ; by L. Oliphant. (In his Fashionable philosophy, etc.) 28568 Briggs, A. and H. C. Memorandum on the industr. partner- ship at the Whitwood collieries, Normanton, Yorkshire, 1865-74. (In Taylor, S. Profit-sharing.) 23986 Briggs, C. A. American Presbyterian ism ; origin and early hist. ; with app. of letters, etc. Maps. 25551 Biblical study; its principles, methods, and hist. ; with catalogue of books of reference. 23258 Messianic prophecy: the prediction of the fulfilment of redemption through the Messiah. 27493 Briggs, H. C., joint author. See Briggs, A. Briggs, R. Steam heating ; expos, of the Amer. practice. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 23420 Brigham, W. T. Guatemala, the land of the quetzal. 28748 Note. Contains list of plants. Bright, J. Public letters ; coll. and ed. by H. J. Leech. 25594 Adams, C. K. (In his Repr. Brit, orations, v. 3.) 2 l*>5 Escott, T. H. S. (In hi* Politics, etc.) 27881 Parton, J. John Bright, manufacturer. ( In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Robertson, W. Life and times of B. 23641 Bright family. The fortunes of the Bright family. (In For- tunesj etc., v. 2.) 24001 Bright star, The, of life ; by B. L. Far j eon. 27976 Brinsley-Richards. See Richards, J. B. Brisbin, J. S. Trees and tree-planting. 29664 Bristol, Eng. Hunt, W. Bristol. (Historic towns.) 27889 Britain. See Great Britain. Britannia metal. Krupp, A., and Wildberger, A. Britannia. (In their Metallic alloys.) 30499 British America. Ornithology. Samuels, E. A. Our northern and eastern birds. 28205 ; *I See also British colonies in America. British colonies. See Gt. Britain. Colonies; West Indies. British colonies in America. Doyle, J. A. The English in America ; the Puritan colonies. 2 v. 27875-6 British Columbia. Aubertin, J. J. (In his Fight with dis- tances.) 30276 - Barneby, W. H. Life and labour in the far west. 24458 Caine, W. S. (In his Trip round the world.) 30518 Cumberland, S. The Province of the midnight sun. (In his Queen's highway.) 29020 Lees, J. A., and Clutlerbuck, W. J. Brit. Columbia, 1887; ramble. 30534 Leighton, C. C. Life at Puget sound; with sk. of travel in Brit. Col. 1865-81. 23475 - Wolley, C. P. Trottings of a tenderfoot; visit to the Columbian fiords. 250s British empire. See Great Britain. British Guiana. Bronkhurst, H. V. P. The colony of Brit. G. and its labouring population. 23935 British North America. See British America. Britons and Muscovites; by C. Guild. 29137 Britta; by G. Temple. 27852 86 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Brittany. Sunshine and sea ; yachting visit to the Channel Is. and B. 26614 Verney , Lady. Peasant proprietors in B. (In her Peasant properties, v. 1.) 26967 Same, with add. (In her Cottier owners, etc.) 26396 History. Jamison, D. F. (In his Life and times of B. Du Guesclin.) 2 v. 26706-7 Broad church. See Ewing, A. Kingsley, C. ; Maurice, F. D. ; Robertson, F. W. Broadfoot, G., Maj. Broadfoot, W. Career of Maj. B. in Af- ghanistan and the Punjab. 30832 Broadfoot, W., ed. Career of Maj. Broadfoot in Afghanistan and the Punjab ; comp. fr. papers. Portr. and maps. 30832 Broadhouse, J. Musical acoustics ; phenomena of sound as connected with music, lllust. (Student's Helmholtz.) 27919 Broadhurst, H., and Reid, R. T. Leasehold enfranchisement. (Imp. parl.) 26569 Broadus, J. A. Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. 30776 Brockerhoff, F. J. J. Rousseau. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 5.) 16300 Brocklehurst, T. U. Mexico to-day ; and Glance at the pre- historic remains and antiq. of the Montezumas. Col'd plates and illust. 22997 Brodrick, G. C. History of the University of Oxford. (Epochs of ch. hist.) 27699 Broesboll, C. (pseud. Carit Etlar.) The priest's lamb ; Re- paid ; The white stone ; Aunt Bodil ; What a woman never forgets ; A masquerade ; Who can one depend on? Whitsuntide at Tibirke. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Broglie, A., due de. Frederick the Great and Maria Theresa ; fr. hitherto unpub. documents, 1740-1742; [tr.] by Mrs. C. Hoey and J. Lillie. 2 v. 28620-1 .Broken bonds ; by W. A. H. Stafford. 26092 Broken shaft, The ; ed. by H. Norman. 26116 Bromfield, J. Parton, J. John Bromfield, merchant. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Bronkhurst, H. V. P. The colony of British Guyana and its labouring population. 23935 Bronte, A. and E. (pseud. Acton and Ellis Bell.) Parton, J. The Bronte sisters. (/;/ his Noted women.) 23433 Bronte, C. (pseud. Currer Bell.) See Nicholls, C. B. Bronte, E. (pseud. Ellis Bell.) Hittebarnet. 27430 Note. Same as Wuthering Heights. 27430 Cone, H. J., and Gilder, J. L. (In their Pen-portr,, v. 2.) 28757 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Swinburne, A. C. (In his Miscellanies.) 27689 tiee also Bronte, A., above. Bronte, P. B. Leyland, F. A. The Bronte family ; with spec. reference to P. B. Bronte. 2 v. 26252-3 Bronte country, The ; its topography, antiquities, and history. 30193 Bronte family. Leyland, F. A. The Bronte family. 2 v. 26252-3 Bronze. Krupp, A., and Wildberger, A. Bronze; melting, casting, etc. (In their Metallic alloys.) 30499 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 87 Bronzino, A. di C. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Brook, S. French history for Eng. children ; rev. and ed. by G. C. Eggleston. Illust. and maps. 28483 Brook farm. Peabody, E. P. Brook farm interpretation of Christ's idea of society. (In her Last evening, etc.) 27335 Brook farm to Cedar mountain ; by G. H. Gordon. *I Brooke, G. V. Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 2.) 30352 Brooke, S. A. Future probation. (In Leathes, S., and others. Future probation ; symposium.) 27576 Poems. 30300 The unity of God and man ; and other sermons. 27070 Contents. The unity of God and man. The wandering sheep. Eter- nal punishment. Communion of saints. Atonement. Life and charac- ter of Joshua. The later choice of life. False fervour of heart. The fervour that seeks monotony. The education of fervour of spirit. Youth; fervent in spirit. Middle age; not slothful in business. Old age ; serving the Lord. Brookes, W. Pencil-pictures of child life ; 24 engravings fr. pictures ; with biog. remin. by T. Letherbrow. 3040^ Brookes. See Brooks. Brooklyn, U. S. flag-ship. Beehler, W. H. Cruise of the B. in the So. Atlantic station, 1881-4. 24878 Brooklyn bridge. Conant, W. C. History of the bridge ; with the bridge as a monument ; by M. Schuyler ; [and] Account of the opening exercises, May 24, 1883. 22962 Brooks, A. Theory of Frobel's kindergarten system ; Gifts and occupations of the kindergarten. (In Page, A. L. The kindergarten, etc.) 28809 Brooks, A. The life of Christ in the world ; sermons. 27381 Brooks, C. History of Medford, Mass., 1630 1855; rev., enl., and brought down to 1885, by J. M. Usher. *I Brooks, C. T. Poems, original and translated ; select, and ed. by W. P. Andrews ; with memoir by C. W. Wendte. 25484 Brooks, E. Sanitary government ; princ. and facts ; Work of the State Board of Health of New York. (In Amer. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I Brooks, E. S. Chivalric days, and the boys and girls who helped to make them. Illust. 27180 Contents. Cinderella's ancestor. The favored of Baal. The gage of a princess. The tell-tale foot. "The rede of the elves." The boys of Blackfriars. The cloister of the seven gates. Story of the Field of the Cloth of Gold. Monsieur, the captain of the Caravel. The little lord of the manor. Historic boys; their endea\ors, achievements, and times. 25969 Contents. Marcus of Rome. Brian of Minister. Olaf of Norway. William of Normandy. Baldwin of Jerusalem. Frederick of Hohen- staufen. Harry of Monmouth. Giovanni of Florence. Ixtil' of Tezcu- co. Louis of Bourbon. Charles of Sweden. Van Rensselaer of Rens- selaerswyck. Historic girls ; girls who have infl. the hist, of their times. 28864 Contents. Zenobia of Palmyra. Helena of Britain. Pulcheria of Constantinople. Clotilda of Burgundy. Woo of Hwang-ho. Edith of Scotland. Jacqueline of Holland. Catarina of Venice. Theresa of A vila. Elizabeth of Tudor. Christina of Sweden. Mataoka of Pow- hatan. In Leisler's times ; hist, story of Knickerbocker New York. Illust. 26625 - The poet's life. (In Longfellow rem. book.) 30350 Storied holidays ; cycle of hist, red-letter days. 28749 00 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Story of New York. 30301 Story of the Amer. Indian ; origin, development, decline, and destiny. 28750 Story of the Amer. sailor in active service. 30403 ed. The story of the states; namely: Black, A. Story of Ohio. 29783 Brooks, E. S. Story of New York. 30301 Thompson, M. Story of Louisiana. 30819 Brooks, H. M. The olden time series; gleanings chiefly fr. old newspapers ; namely ; Curiosities of the old lottery. 26311 Days of the spinning-wheel in New England. 26626 Literary curiosities. 27181 New England Sunday. 26960 Olden-time music; introd. by E. S. Morse. 29062 Quaint and curious advertisements. 26803 Some strange and curious punishments. 26917 Brooks, N. Abraham Lincoln. (Boys' and girls' lib. of Amer. biog.) 29665 Lost in the fog. (In Stor. by Am. authors, v. 4.) 24217 Our base-ball club, and how it won the championship; introd. by A. G. Spalding. 24140 Brooks, P., Rev. Biography. (In Phillips Exeter Acad. Lect.) 27997 Oration; and Poem by It. Grant, at 250th anniv. df the foundation of the Boston Latin School, Apr. 23, 1885. 25818 Sermons preached in Eng. churches. 23142 Contents. The pattern in the mount. The mind's love for God. The fire and the calf. Man's wonder and God's knowledge. In the light of God. The sufficient grace of God. The Christian city. The greatness of faith. "Why could we not cast him out?" Nature and circum- stances. The willing surrender. Gamaliel. The gift and its return. "Your joy no man taketh from you." Tolerance ; two lect. 28111 Twenty sermons. Ser. 4. 27271 Contents. Visions and tasks. The mother's wonder. The church of the living God. Standing before God. Brotherhood in Christ. The giant with the wounded heel. The sea of glass mingled with fire. The beautiful gate of the temple. Disciples and apostles. The earth of the redemption. The man with two talents. Destruction and fulfilment. Make the men sit down. Timeliness. The sword bathed in Heaven. The knowledge of God. An evil spirit fr. the Lord. Going up to Jeru- salem. The safety and helpfulness of faith. The great expectation. Brooks, P. S. On the Sunnier assault ; Ho. of Repr., July 14, 1856. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 2.) 24996 Brooks, W. K. The law of heredity ; cause of variation, and origin of living organisms. 23143 Brooks. See Brookes. Broome, Mrs. F. N. See Barker, M. A. Brother and sister ; by E. J. Lysagt. 28067 Brother Johannis ; by J. Stinde. (In his Woodland tales.) 28165 Brother Sebastian's friendship ; by H. Frederic. (In Stor. by Am. authors, v. 6.) 24219 Brotherhood of Purity. Poole, S. L. (In Ms Studies.) 23080 Brothers and sisters. (In Stor. by an old Bohemian, v. 2.) 23601 Brothers in arms ; story of the crusades ; by F. B. Harrison. 28035 Brothers of Pity; by J. H. Ewing. 26376 Brothier, L. Philosophiens historia for hvar man ; ofvers- iittning. 15174 Brougham, H., Baron Brougham and Vaux. Adams, W. H. D. (In his Learned in the law.) 29913 Brougham, J. Martin, B. E. J. Brougham. (In Matthews, J. B. and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 89 Brought back to the world ; by F. W. Robinson. (In his Women are strange.) 24096 Brown, A. Fools of nature. 28751 Brown, A. Five years' munic. work in Nottingham. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 11.) *I Brown, C. B. Clara Howard ; or, The enthusiasm of love. 30392 Edgar Huntly; or, Memoirs of a sleep-walker. 29788 Jane Talbot. 29787 Ormond ; or, The secret witness. 29789 Wieland; or, The transformation ; with memoir of the author. 30827 Brown, E. E. Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes. 23752 - Young folks' life of Washington. 28456 Brown, F. Assyriology ; its use and abuse in Old Testament study. 25331 joint author. See Hitchcock, R. D. Brown, G. B. From schola to cathedral ; study of early Chr. architecture and its rel. to the life of the church. 27866 Brown, G. W. Baltimore and the 19th of April, 1861 ; study of the war. (Johns Hopkins Vniv. Stud. Extra, v. 3.) *I Brown, H. A. A winter in Albania, lllust. 30680 Brown, H. D. Two college girls. 26312 Brown, H. F. Life on the lagoons. 24343 Venetian studies. 29355 Brown, H. N. Life of Jesus ; for young people. lllust. 24621 Religion and democracy. (In Mod. Unitarianism.) 26688 Brown, H. S. Autobiography, Commonplace book, and extr. fr. sermons and addresses ; mem. vol., ed. by W. S. Caine. 27920 Brown, J. John Bunyan ; his life, times, and work. lllust. 25970 Brown, J., D.D. Biographical sketch. (In Ross, J. M. Scottish hist.) 24380 Brown, Sir J., of Sheffield. Dunbar, R. H. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 1.) 2501)1 Jeans, W. T. (In his Creators of the age of steel.) 23628 (In Fortunes made in business, v. 1.) 24000 Brown, J., M.D., of Edinburgh. Rab and his friends. 28719 Harris, A. B. ( In her Pleasant authors.) 23777 Brown,- Copt. J., of Ossawattomie. Life and letters of B. ; ed. by F. B. Sanborn. 25542 - Emerson, R. W. (In his Miscellanies.) 23463 Brown, J. A. Sketch of the geology of Baling, etc. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 10.) *I Brown, J. C. Finland; its forests and forest management. 23684 Forestry in Norway; with not. of the phys. ireog. 24344 Forestry in the mining districts of the Ural Mts. in eastern Russia. 13989 Forests and forestry in Poland, Lithuania, the Ukraine and Baltic prov^ inces of Russia, etc. 25619 Forests and forestry of northern Russia, etc. 24657 - Forests and moisture ; or, Effects of forests on humidity of climate. 24345 Forests of Eng. and management in bye-gone times. 22910 French forest ordinance of 1669; with hist. sk. of previous treatment of forests in France. 13985 Hydrology of South Africa; or, Details of the former hydrographic con- dition of the Cape of Good Hope and causes of its aridity, etc. 13987 Introduction to the study of mod. forest economy. 24346 Pine plantations on the sand-wastes of France. " 24347 School of forest engineers in Spain ; type for a British school of forestry. 13989 Schools of forestry in Germany ; with addenda rel. to a British na- tional school of forestry. 13989 90 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Water supply of South Africa; and facilities for the storage of it. Brown, J. W. Construction and maintenance of macadamized roads. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 13.) *I Brown, M. A. The Icelandic discoverers of America; or, Honour to whom honour is due. 29354 Brown, M. T. The synthetic philosophy of expression as appl. to reading, oratory, and personation. 26659 Brown, R. The peoples of the world ; [enl. ed. of The races mankind]. Illust.. 4 v. 25055-8 A seed; An iceberg. (In his Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 ed. Science for all. Illust. Ser. 5. 20528 Contents. Newcomb, S. An eclipse of the moon. Ackroyd, W. Colour; Speaking machines; Vortex rings; How an animal walks; Scientific deceptions. Rudler, F. W. A piece of black lead; A piece of sulphur. Carnelley, T. Hot ice. Wright, E. P. A brown sea-weed. Mann, R. J. Sunset, twilight, andhalos; Weather-signs and weather- changes; High clouds and moonshine; Voltaic electricity; W. de la Rue's great voltaic battery. Carpenter, P. H. Stone-lilies and feather- stars ; Rock-making rhizbpods. Bell, F. J. Voice ; Rise of the organs of sense. Duns, J. Crag and tail ; Migration of mammals and fishes ; Hibernation of mammals. King, C. C. Genesis of a sword. Lowe, F. R. E. How to make a chemical analysis. Lapworth, C. A piece of chalk. Hammond, A. Legs and feet of insects; Water fleas. Durham, W. Coal-tar. Tunzelmann, G. W. von. A bar of iron. Brown, R. A seed ; An iceberg; White, F. B. Anatomy of ants ; Ants and their ways of life; A bee-hive. Houston, D. A lump of sugar; A manure heap; A clod of earth. Bremner, D. Petroleum. Whitney, J. D. The earth's treeless regions. Dallas, W. L. Weather forecasts. Den- ning, W. F. The planet Mercury; The distant planets, Uranus and Neptune. Gadow, H. How a bird flies ; How a fish swims. Moncrieff, W. D. S. Heat as a motive power. Bonney, T. G. Parallel roads of Glen Roy. Wilson, A. Structureless animals; Breath and breathing; The heart and the blood. Duncan, P. M. Ancient and mod. animals of So. America; The old life of Europe. Smith, W. G. A mushroom. Drew, F. What is under London? A coal field; Is there coal under London? Cooke, J. P. How waves of light are measured; How mole- cules are measured. Wood, H. T. Seeing by telegraph. Barff, F. S. A bar of soap. Remseu, I. Fire-damp and the safety-lamp. Sharpe, R. B. Birds' nests. Brown, R. W., ed. Great events of the world, in poetry and prose. Illust. 24558 Brown, S. A. How the ends met. 24724 The invalid's tea-tray. 25210 Mrs. Gilpin's frugalities ; remnants, and 200 ways of using them. 23144 Brown, T. E. Studies in mod. socialism and labor problems. 26804 Brown, W. History of the Chr. missions of the 16th 19th cent. Added, List of trans, of the Scriptures into the languages of heathen and Mohammedan nations. 3 v. 23075-7 Brown, Sir W. Bourne, H. R. F. (In Ms Eng. merchants.) 26568 Brown, W. K. Gunethics ; or, The ethical status of woman. 29063 Brown, W. N. Practical manual of wood engraving; with hist, of the art. Illust. 27032 Brown. See Browne. Brown great coat, The. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journal, v. 1.) 27966 Brown stone boy, The ; and other queer people ; by W. H. Bishop. 29782 Brownbill, T. R., afterwards F. Robson. See Robson, F. Browne, A. C. and D. L. S. 'Text-book of phonography. 2 pts. 2 v. 17452-3 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 91 Browne, A. J. J. Student's handbook of hist, geology. Dia- grams and illust. (Bonn's sci. lib.) 28004 Student's handbook of phys. geology. Illust. 24348 Browne, D. L. S. American standard book of shorthand ab- breviations. 17451 joint author. See Browne, A. C. Browne, F. F. Bugle-echoes ; coll. of poems of the civil war ; Northern and Southern. 26627 Browne, I. Iconoclasm and whitewash ; and other papers. 26313 Contents. Iconoclasra and whitewash. Bibliomania. Shakespearian criticism. Gravestones. Browne, J. C. Lambeth palace, and its associations. Introd. by Archbp. Tait. Added, Medieval life among the old palaces of the Primacy. 2d ed. Illust. *I Browne, J. R. Crusoe's island ; adv. in California and Washoe. 4666 Browne, L., and Behnke, E. Voice, song, and speech; pract. guide for singers and speakers. Illust. *I Browne, M. E. Tales fr. the old dramatists. 23035 Contents. Otway, T. Venice preserved. Dryden, J. Don Sebas- tian. Congreve, W. The mourning bride. Rowe, N. Jane Shore. Addison, J. Cato. Moore, E. The gamester. Home, J. Douglas. Young, E. The revenge. Browne, P. House-cleaning. (In Murphy, S. F. Our homes.) 2I19G Mrs. Somerville; and Mary Carpenter. (World's workers.) 29014 Browne, R. E. Water meters ; comparative tests of accuracy, delivery, etc. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 25648 Browne, Sir T. Marshall, E. In the east country with Sir Thomas Browne. 28892 Browne, W. Dennis, J. (In his Heroes of literature.) - 23445 Browne, W. H. Maryland; the history of a palatinate. (Arner. commonwealths.) 24540 Browne, W. R. Introductory chapter on heat and combustion. (In Schwackhofcr, F. Fuel and water.) 23974 Browne. See Brown. Brownell, W. C. French traits ; essay in comp. criticism. 30777 Brownies, The ; their book ; by P. Cox. 28955 Brownies and bogles; by L. I. Guincy. , 30104 Browning, E. B. (B.) Romances, lyrics, and sonnets. 30083 - Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.) 26916 Cone, H. G., and Gilder, J. L. (In their Pen-portr., v. 2.) 28757 Dennis, J. (In his Heroes of literature.) 23445 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Ingram, J. H. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 30231 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Browning, R. A blot in the 'scutcheon ; and other dramas ; ed., with notes by W. J. Rolfe and H. E. Hersey. 28490 Contents. Introduction. A blot in the 'scutcheon. Colombo's birth- day. A soul's tragedy. 28490 Christmas eve. and Easter-day; and other poems; with introd. essay on B.'s theory cone, personal immortality and notes by H. E. Hersey, andpref. by W.J. Rolfe. 28944 Ferishtah's fancies. 24725 Jocoseria. 22998 Parley ings with certain people of importance in their day. 27637 Poetic and dramatic works. Riverside ed. 6 v. 28945-50 Select poems ; ed., with notes, by W. J. Rolfe and H. E. Hersey. 271S2 Selection from poems. (Pomegranates fr. an Eng. garden.) " Introd. and notes by J. M. Gibson. 25649 92 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stafford; a tragedy: notes and pref. by E. H. Hickey. Introd. by S. R. Gardiner. 24658 - Alexander, W. J. Introduction to the poetry of B. 30771 Bin-ell, A. On the alleged obscurity of B.'s poetry. (In his Obiter dicta.) 25184 Cooke, G. W. (In his Poets and problems.) 26414 Corson, H. Introduction to the study of B.'s poetry. 27128 Dowden, E. Mr. Browning's "Sordello." (In /m Transcripts, etc.) 29366 Fotheringham, J. Studies in the poetry of B. 20370 Galton, A. Mr. Browning. (In his Urbana scripta.) 25728 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 MacDonald, G. Browning's "Christmas eve." (In his Imagination.) 30434 - Noel, R. (In his Essays.) 26901 Owen, F. M. What is the Flight of the Duchess ?- Colombo's birthday. [Review of B.] (In her Essays.) 30863 Symons, A. Introduction to the study of Browning. 27710 - Wall, A. Sordello's story retold in prose. 27129 Brownson, S M. Life of Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin, prince and priest : introd. by O. A. Brownson. 24894 Bruce, A. B. The miraculous element in the Gospels; lect. on the "Ely Foundation," Union Theol. Seminary. 27730 The parabolic teaching of Christ; systematic and crit. study of the parables. 23610 Bruce, P. A. The plantation negro as a freeman. 30778 Bruce, R., King of Scotland. Farmer, L. H. (In her Boys' book.) 27081 Henty, G. A. In freedom's cause; story of Wallace and Bruce. 28042 Shairp, J. C. King Robert Bruce in St. Andrews Cathedral. (In his Sketches.) 29640 Bruce, W. N. Life of Gen. Sir Charles Napier. Portr. and map. 26696 Bruch, M. Arminius ; oratorio. *I Fair Ellen ; [or, The relief of Lucknow] ; piano score with Eng. and Germ, words. *I Brueck, H. History of the Catholic Church ; with add. fr. the writings of Card. Hergenrother ; tr. by E. Pruente ; introd. by J. A. Corcoran. 2 v. 30302-3 Brueton's bayou ; by J. Habberton. 29027 Brueys, D. A. de, and Palaprat, J. Le grondeur ; comedie. (In Masson, G. Fr. class., v. 6.) 25265 Brummell, G. B., called Beau. Jesse W. Life of B. ; rev. and annot. 2 v. *I Brunner, A. W. Cottages ; or, Hints on economical building ; plates, etc. ; added, chapt. on water supply, drainage, etc., by W. P. Gerhard. 24349 Bruno, G. The heroic enthusiasts, pt. 1 ; tr. by L. Williams ; with introd. 29356 Frith. I. Life of B. ; rev. by M. Carriere. 30321 Brunton, F. S. Cost of local government and the distribution of the funds. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 10.) *I Brussels. H odder, E. (In Ms Cities of the world, v. 3.) 25069 Brutes. See Animals. Brutus, M. J. Church, A. J. (In his Roman life.) 23686 Bryanstone and wife ; by P. B. Marston. (In his For a song's sake, etc.) 28802 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 93 Bryant, J. C. Business man's commer. law and business forms combined ; ed. by G. W. Clinton. 29720 New standard counting-house book-keeping. 29721 Bryant, S. Educational ends ; or, The idea of personal devel- opment. 29015 Bryant, W. C. Thanatopsis ; and other poems ; introd. and notes, by J. W. Abernethy. (Eng. classics.) 24058 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Stedman, E. C. (In his Poets of America.) 25692 - Wilson, J. G. Bryant and his friends. 25857 Bryce, G. Manitoba ; its infancy, growth, and present condi- tion. Maps and illust. 24726 Bryce, J. The American commonwealth. 2 v. 30393-4 Contents. V. 1. The national government. The state governments. The party system. 2. The party system. Public opinion. Illustra- tions and reflections. Social institutions. How we became home rulers; Past and future of the Irish question. (In his Handbook.) 29013 The predictions of Hamilton and De Tocqueville. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 5.) *I ed. Handbook of home rule; articles on the Irish question; pref. by Earl Spencer. 29013 Contents. Godkin, E. L. American home rule; A lawyer's objec- tions to home rule. Bryce, J. How \ye became home rulers ; The past and future of the Irish question. Thring, Ld' Home rule and imperial unity; The Irish Government Bill and the Irish Land Bill ; Ireland's alternatives. Mac Coll, Canon. The Unionist position. O'Brien, R.B. The "Unionist" case for home rule. Morley, J. Some arguments con- sidered. Gladstone, W. E. Lessons of Irish history in the 18th century. Brydges, H. A fortnight in heaVen ; unconventional romance. 27183 Uncle Sam at home. 29666 Bubbling teapot, The ; by L. W. Champney. 27277 Buchanan, G. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Buchanan, J. President of the U. S. Curtis, G. T. Life of B. 2v. 23041-2 Buchanan, R. Annan water. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 23527 The city of Dream ; epic poem. 30158 A lookVound literature. 28005 Contents. From .Eschylus to Victor Hugo. Character of Goethe. Note on Lucretius. Free thought in America. Note on Dante Rossetti. Thomas L. Peacock. Sydney Dobell, and the "Spasmodic school." The Irish national poet. Heine in a court suit. A talk with George Eliot. The literature of spiritualism. The modern stage. Flotsam and jet- sam. From Pope to Tennyson. A last look round. The master of the mine. 26108 Matt ; a tale of a caravan. 25332 The new Abelard. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 23759 That winter night; or, Love's victory. (Harper's handy ser.) 27731 - Noel, R. Robert Buchanan's poetry. (In his Essays.) 26901 Buchanan, R., D.D., of Glasgow. Symington, A. M. (In his Good lives.) 23981 Buchheim, C. A., Prof. The political course of the reformation in Germany, 1517-1546. (In Luther, M. First princi- ples, etc.) 23960 Buchheim, E. S. Count Moltke ; biog. sketch. (In Moltke, H. K. B. von. Poland.) 25422 Buchholz family. See Stinde, J. Buck. C. C. Designs in architecture. 27803 Buck, D. Illustrations in choir accompaniment, with hints in registration; hand-book for organists, etc.) *I 8 94 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Buck, W. J. William Penn in America. 30270 Buckingham, Duke of. See Villiers, G. Buckland, A., ed. Record of Ellen Watson. 24392 Buckland, C. T. Sketches of social life in India. 24827 Whist for beginners. 23438 Buckland, F. T. Bompas, G. C. Life of Frank Buckland. 25529 Rideing, W. H. A morning with B. (In Parton, J. Some noted princes, etc.) 25675 Buckle, H. T. Fiske, J. Mr. Buckle's fallacies ; Postscript on Mr. Buckle. (In Ms Darwinism, etc.) 25984 Ingleby, C. M. (In Ms Essays.) 29611 Buckle, J. G. Theatre construction and maintenance. 30833 Buckley, A. B. History of England for beginners; add. by R. H. Labberton. Maps and tables. 28865 Buckley, J. M. The midnight sun, the tsar, and the nihilist ; adv., etc., in Norway, Sweden, and Russia. Illust. 27383 Buckstone, J. B. Archer, W. J. B. Buckstone. (In Mat- thews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 Marston, W. ( In his Our rec. actors, v. 2.) 30352 Buddensieg, R. John Wiclif , patriot and reformer ; life and writings. 24242 Buddha and Buddhism. Selections from Buddha ; by Max Miiller. 27272 Beal, S. Abstract of four lect. on Buddhist literature in China. 24076 Eitel, E. J. Buddhism; hist., theoretical, and pop. aspects. 25802 Hiuen Tsiang. Buddhist records of the western world ; f r. the Chi- nese; by S. Beal. 2 v. 25316-17 Holloway, L. C. Buddhist diet-book. 27499 Olcutt, H. S. The life of Buddha, and its lessons. (In his Theosophy, etc.) 26596 - Renan, J. E. (In his Studies.) 27950 Rockhill, W. W. Life of the Buddha; and early hist, of his order. 24941 Sinnett, A. P. Esoteric Buddhism. 24429 Wilkinson, W. C. Edwin Arnold as poetizer and paganizer; exam, of the "Light of Asia," for its literature and its Buddhism. 25182 See also India. Budge, E. A. W. Babylonian life and history. (By-paths of Bible knowledge.) 24955 The dwellers on the Nile ; the ancient Egyptians. (By-paths of Bible knowl.) 27543 Bue\ J., ed. Short stor. fr. mod. Fr. authors; subj. for Fr. conversation ; with questions, etc. 28379 Buechner, F. K. C. L. Fiske, J. Dr. Buchner on Darwinism. (In his Darwinism, etc.) 25984 Buel, C. C. Adelaide Neilson. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hut- ton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 joint editor. See Johnson, R. U. Buell, D. C. Fry, J. B. Operations of the army under B., 1862 ; and the "Buell Commission." 24408 Buenos Ayres. Description. Curtis, W. E. (In his Cap. of Span. Amer.) 29796 Buerger, G. A. Axon, W. E. A. The story of Burger's "Lenore." (In his Lancashire gleanings.) 23436 Buerstenbinder, E. (pseud. E. Werner.) Banned and blessed ; [tr.] by Mrs. A. L. Wister. 23259 Saint Michael ; tr. by A. L. Wister. 27673 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 95 The spell of home ; [tr.] by A. L. Wister. 29300 Der Wilddieb. (In Bernhardt, W. Deutsche STovelletten-Bibliothek, v. 1.) 28103 Buffon, G. L. L.,de, comte. Discours sur le style ; nouv. e*d. ; avec une notice etdes notes. 14410 Bugbee, J. M. The city government of Boston. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud.) 29125 ; *I Bugle blasts ; by W. E. Crane. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio, Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Bugle-echoes ; poems of the civil war ; ed. by F. F. Browne. 26627 Buies, A. Bender, P. (In his Lit. sheaves.) 24137 Building. See Architecture. Building associations. Scratchley, A. Practical treatise on building societies, etc. 29508 See also St. Paul, Minn. Building materials. The materials of engineering. 3 v. 25325-7 See also Strength of materials. Bulbs. Rand, E. S., Jr. Bulbs ; treatise. 26185 Bulgaria. Huhn, A. von. Struggle of the Bulgarians for in- dependence under Prince Alexander, 1885. 28056 Johnson, E. C. On the track of the crescent. 25603 Laveleye, V. L. E. de. (In his Balkan peninsula.) 27837 Minchin, J. G. C. Growth of freedom in the Balkan peninsula. 27893 Samuelson, J. Bulgaria past and present. 29G38 See also Alexander L, Prince of Bulgaria. Bull, J. W. Early experiences of life in So. Australia, and colonial history. Illust. 23936 Bull, O. B. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives, etc.) 25713 Bull Run. Fry, J. B. McDowell and Tyler, in the cam- paign of Bull Run. 24275 Bullard, A. Incidents in a busy life ; autobiography. 29790 Bullard, L. C. Elizabeth Cady Stanton. (In Phelps, E. S. Our fam. women.) 24284 Bullen, A. H. Lyrics, fr. the song-books of the Elizabethan age. 27867 More lyrics fr. the song-books of the Elizabethan age. *I Bulloch, J. D. The secret service of the Confederate States in Europe ; or, How the confed. cruisers were equipped. 2 v. 23260-1 Bullock, A. H. Addresses ; with mem. by G. F. Hoar. 17288 - Devens, C. Memoir of B. 19924 Bullock, J. Rudiments of architecture and building. Illust. 26872 Bulwer, E. G. E. L. See Lytton. Bummer and his poor acquaintance ; by S. W. Baker. (In his True tales.) 23454 Bunce, O. B. Adventures of Timias Terrystone. 25333 My house; an ideal. 23760 The story of Happinolande ; and other legends. 30886 Contents. The story of Happinolande. A millionaire's millions. The city Beautiful. John's attic. Bunch of roses. (In. Race for life ; and in Silver lock.) 27693 ; 29929 Bunker, E. and C. Butterworth, H. The Siamese twins. (In his Zigzag jour.) 30304 Bunner, H. C. Airs from Arcady and elsewhere. 23761 Epistle to the author. (In Matthews, J. B. Pen and ink.) 30437 Love in old cloathes. (In Stor. by Am. authors, v. 4.) 24217 96 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Same. (In Matthews, J. B., and Bunner, H. C. In partnership.) 24490 The midge. 26028 Mr. Joseph Jefferson. (In Matthews, J. B., and Button, L. Actors. etc., v. 5.) 26476 The red silk handkerchief; A letter and a paragraph. (In Matthews, J. B., and Bunner, H. C. In partnership.) 24490 Story of a New York house. Illust. 28112 A woman of honor. 23364 joint author. See Matthews, J. B. Bunsen, C. C. J., Freiherr von. Mueller, F. M. (In /m'Biog. essays.) 24860 Verney, Lady. Bunsen and his wife. (In her Peasant properties, etc., v. 2.) 26968 Buntling, Ned, pseud. See Judson, E. Z. C. Buntling ball, The ; [by E. Fawcett]. 24895 Bunyan, J. Pilgrim's progress ; ed. ; with iutrod. and notes, by J. Brown. 2S675 Brown, J. John Bunyan; his life, times, and work. 25970 Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Tulloch, J. (In his English puritanism and its leaders.) 26395 Venables, E. Life of B. 30376 Bunyin Nanjio. Mueller, F. M. (In his Biog.* essays.) 24860 Bunyip land ; a wild journey in New Guinea ; by G. M. Fenn. 28015 Buonaparte. See Bonaparte. Buonarroti, Michael Angelo, il vecchio. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Hodgson, J. E. (In his Acad. lect.) 24251 Lilly, W. S. The prophet of the renaissance. (In his Chapt. in Europ. hist., v. 2.) 26896 Burbadge, R. Brereton, A. (In his Some famous Hamlets.) 24954 Irving, J. H. B. (In his Eng. actors.) 27572 Burbank, W. H. The photographic negative ; pract. guide. 30204 Burdett, J. S. New collection of comic recitations and humor- ous readings. 23307 New collection of Irish dialect recitations and readings. 23308 Burdett-Coutts. See Coutts. Bureaucracy ; by H. de Balzac. 30884 Burges, A. The dog ; origin, breeding, and science of break- ing. (In Lewis, E. J. Amer. sportsman.) *I Burgess, J. W. Methods of hist, study and research in Columbia college. (In Hall, G. S. Methods, etc.) 2 eds. 2 v. 23501 ; 25152 Burgh, N. P. Pocket-book of compound-engines. 2d ed. rev. and enl. 28395 Burghley or Burleigh, Lord. See Cecil, W. Burglar Bill ; by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie]. 30420 Burglars in paradise ; by E. S. Phelps. 26548 Burgon, J. W. Lives of twelve good men. 2 v. 30834-5 Contents. V. 1. M. J. Routh. H. J. Rose. C. Marriott. E. Haw- kins. 2. S. Wilberforce. R.'L. Cotton. R. Greswell. H. O. Coxe. H. L. Mansel. W. Jacobson. C. P. Eden. C. L. Higgins. The revision revised : The new Greek text ; The new English version ; Westcott and Hort's new text theory. Added, Reply to Bp. Ellicott's pamphlet, etc. 23439 Burgoyne, R. H. Historical records of the 93d Sutherland Highlanders, now 2d Battalion Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 97 Burial. Wickes, S. Sepulture ; its history, methods, and san- itary requisites. 23495 See also Cremation. Buried bungalow, The. (In Race for life and in Silver lock.) 27693 ; 29929 Buried cities recovered ; by F. De Hass. 23917 Buried diamonds ; by S. Tytler [H. Keddie]. 29084 Burke, E. Adams, C. K. (In his Repr. Brit, orations, v. 1.) 24883 Adams, W. H. D. (In his Learned in the law.) 29913 Birrell, A. (In his Obiter dicta, ser. 2.) 28279 Burke, O. J. Anecdotes of the Connaught circuit, fr. 1604. 26697 - History of the Catholic archbishops of Tuam, to 1881. 23440 Burke, S. H. Historical portraits of the Tudor dynasty and the reformation period, v. 3, 4. 18874-5 Burke, T. N. Fitz-Patrick, W. J. Life of B. 2 v. 27036-7 Burleigh, Lord. See Burghley. Burleigh, B. Desert warfare ; chronicle of the Eastern Soudan campaign. Maps. 24659 Burlesque plays and poems ; [ed.] by H. Morley. 28196 Burlingame, A. In defence of Massachusetts; Ho. of Repr., June 21, 1856. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 2.) 24996 Burmah. Butterworth, H. (In his Zigzag jour.) 30304 Colquhoun, A. R. Burma and the Burmans. 26033 Phayre, A. P. History of Burma; to the end of the 1st war with Brit. India. (Triibner's orien. ser.) 23350 Scott, J. G. Burma as it was, as it is, and as it will be. 26906 Temple, R. The politics of Burmah. (In his Cosmopolitan essays.) 27601 See also Arakan ; Karens ; Pegu ; Taungu ; Tenasserim. Burnaby, F. G., Col. Our radicals ; tale of love and politics ; pref . by J. P. Hughes. 27273 O'Shea, J. A. Fred. Burnaby; in memoriam. (In his Military mo- saics.) 30483 Ware, J. R., and Mann, R. K. Life and times of B. 25924 Burnand, F. C., ed. The incompleat angler; after Master Izaak Walton. Illust. 29016 Burne, Sir O. T. Laurie, W. F. B. Col. Sir O. T. Burne. (In his Sketches.) 30596 Burnes, Sir A. and J. The brothers Burnes. (In his Sketches.) 30596 Burnes. See Burns. Burnet, G., Bp. of Salisbury. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Burnett, Mr., of Dens, Aberdeenshire. Peabody, E. P. Mr. Burnett's will. (In her Last evening, etc.) 27335 Burnett, F. H. Editha's burglar. Illust. 30205 - Little Lord Fauutleroy. 26977 Miss Defarge. 29715 - The pretty sister of Jose. 30887 Sara Crewe; or, What happened at Miss Minchin's. 29050 Story of the Latin quarter. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 3.) 23905 Vagabondia ; a love story. 23262 Note. Formerly pub. as " Dorothea," and as " Dolly." Johnston, E. B. F. H. Burnett. (In Phelps, E. S. Our fam. women.) 24284 Burnett, P. H. Reasons why we should believe in, love, and obey God. 24511 98 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Parton, J. Peter H. Burnett, banker. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Burney, F. See Arblay, Mme. F. B. d'. Burnham, C. L. Next door. 26525 Burnham, S. M. Precious stones in nature, art, and liter- ature. 27679 Burnham breaker ; by H. Greene. . 28875 Burnley, J. The Alston Wool-combing Works of I. Holden and Sons, Bradford. (/// Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 1.) 25091 The romance of invention ; vignettes f r. the annals of industry and science. Illust. 27732 Sir Titus Salt; and George Moore. (The world's workers.) 25819 Burns, D., joint author. See Caine, W. S. Burns, R. Blackie, J. S. Life of Burns. 29728 Carleton,W. A grandson of B. (In Parton, J. Some not. princes, etc.) 25675 Dennis, J. (In Ms Heroes of literature.) 23445 . Emerson, R. W. (In his Miscellanies.) 23463 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Lockhart, J. G. Life of B.; enl. ed. rev. ; app. by W. S. Douglas. 23010 Robert Burns ; inq. into certain aspects of his life, and the moral infl. of his poetry; by a Scotchwoman. 27612 Smith, J. C. Burns and the peasantry of Scotland. (In his writings by the way.) 25607 Stevenson, R." L. Some aspects of B. (In hisFam. Stud.) 28164 Burns, W., C. E. Manual of the manufacture of gas fr. tar, oil, etc., and extracting oil fr. sewage sludge. 28866 Burns, W. The Scottish war of independence ; its antecedents and effects. 2 v. 30471-2 Burns. See Burnes. Burnside, A. E. Providence, R. I., City Council. Dedica- tion of the equestrian statue of B., with Oration of H. Rogers, etc. 29437 Burr, F. A. New, orig., and authentic record of the life and deeds of Gen. Grant ; introd. by J. P. Newman. Illust. 25693 Burr, W. H. A course on the stresses in bridge and roof trusses, arched ribs and suspension bridges. 27814 Elasticity and resistance of the materials of engineering. 23605 Burrage, H. S., and others. History of the 36th reg. Mass. Yols., 1862-1865. *I Burritt, E. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Kirton, J. W. E. Burritt, America's learned worthv. 25938 Parton, J. Elihu Burritt, the learned blacksmith. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Symington, A. M. (In his Good lives.) 23981 Burroughs, J. Fresh fields. 24727 Contents. Nature in England. English woods ; a contrast. In Car- lyle's country. A hunt for the nightingale. Eng. and Amer. song- birds. Impressions of some English birds. In Wordsworth's country. A glance at British wild flowers British fertility. A Sunday in Cheyne row. At sea. Signs and seasons. 26526 Riordan, R. J. Burroughs at Esopus on the Hudson. ( In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) 30787 Burrows, M. Cinque Ports. (Historic towns.) 30159 Burton, H. W. (pseud. Harry Scratch.) History of Norfolk, Va., 1736-1877. 22991 Burton, R. F. Book of the sword. Illust. *I Hitchman, F. Richard F. Burton; his life, with ace. of his travels, etc. 2 v. 29380-1 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 99 Burton, W. E. Keese, W. L. W. E. Burton. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 William E. Burton, actor, author, and manager. *I Burton, W. K., and Pringle, A. The processes of pure photog- raphy. 30673 Buru. See Booro. Busch, M. Our chancellor ; sketches for a hist, picture ; fr. , the German, by W. B. Kingston. 2 v.'in 1. 24067 Bush, G. C. Harvard the first American university. 27184 Bush, J. S. The evidence of faith ; [sermons] . 24896 Bush, Sally. See Lincoln, S. B. Bush ranger, The, of Van Diemen's land ; by C. Rowcroft. 12432 Bushel, A, of corn ; by A. S. Wilson. 26275 Bushell, C. The rigger's guide and seaman's assistant. 30575 Business. Clark, F. E. Our business boys ; what eighty- three business men say. 23880 Bryant, J. C. The business man's commercial law and business forms combined. 29720 Parton, J. An old dry-goods merchant's recollections. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Smith, R! H. The science of business. (Questions of the day.) 25681 See also Commerce ; Stock exchange. Business man, A ; by S. O. Jewett. ( In her White heron, etc.} 26924 Busk, Miss R. H. The folk-songs of Italy ; trans, and notes, and pref. treatise. [Some] specimens select, by G. Pitr. 28552 Bussey Bridge, West Roxlmry. Mass. .Bd. of .72. R. Comm. Special rep. in rel. to disaster, March 14, 1887, on the Dedham Branch of Bost. & Prov. R. R. 28974 Buste, Le ; par E. About. (Contes choisis, no. 10.) 14867 Busteed, H. E. Echoes fr. old Calcutta ; reminiscences of the days of Hastings, Francis, and Irnpey. 23338 But a philistine ; by V. F. Townsend. 24212 Butcher's bills, The ; by G. MacDonald. (In his S. Archer, etc.) 23011 Butler, A. J. Ancient Coptic churches of Egypt. 2 v. 25098-9 Court life in Egypt. Illust. 28622 Butler, A. J. The Paradise of Dante Alighieri ; ed., with trans, and notes. 26527 Butler, A. P. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Butler, E. (T.) Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.) 26916 Butler, F. A. See Kemble, F. A. Butler, F. G. History of Farmington, Me., 1776-1885. *I Butler, J. S. Curability of insanity ; and the individualized treatment of the insane. 28282 Butler, N. M. Influeuce of the war of 1812 upon the consoli- dation of the Amer. Union. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 5.) *I Butler, S. Ex voto ; account of the Sacro Monte, or New Jerusalem at Varallo-Sesia ; with not. of Tabachetti's work at the sanctuary of Crea. 30681 Luck, or cunning, as the main means of organic modification? Light upon Darwin's theory of nat. selection. 27547 Selections fr. previous works ; with Remarks on G. J. Romanes' "Men- tal evolution in animals;" and A psalm of Montreal. 24243 100 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Butler, W. Pompeii, descriptive and picturesque. 27868 Butler, W. A. Domesticus ; tale of the imperial city. 26314 Butler, Sir W. F. Charles George Gordon. (Eng. men of action.) 30779 Butt, I. O'Connor, T. P. (In his Parnell movement.) 26902 Butt, W. Revision, etc. (In Ford, H. Theory and pract. of archery.) 29480 Butter, Artificial. See Oleomargarine. Buttercup queen ; by Mrs. W. K. Clifford. (In her Anyhow stor.) 23148 Buttered crusts ; by A. D. T. Whitney. (In her Homespun yarns.) 27355 Butterflies. French, G. H. Butterflies of the eastern U. S. 26533 Butterfly, The ; by M. Kok. (In Safford, M. J. Christ. country, etc.) 27095 Butterworth, H. The great composers. (Little biog., ser. 2.) 24179 Contents. Jubal, and the Hebrew oratorios. Terpancler and the lyre of Greece. St. Ambrose and the music of the early church. Handel, the father of the oratorio. Haydn and Mozart. Beethoven and the sympho- ny. Mendelssohn. Chopin and piano music. Liszt. Rossiui.-^Hymn writers of the past. Hymn writers of to-day. American national songs. Wagner and his music in America. - The home of J. G. Whittier. (In Parton, J. Some not., princes, etc.) 25675 Songs of history; poems and ballads; Amer. history. 28676 Zigzag journeys in Acadia and New France. Illust. 24559 Zigzag journ. in India; Zenana tales. Illust. 28752 Zigzag journ. in northern lands; the Rhine to the Arctic. Illust. 23145 Zigzag journ. in the antipodes. Illust. 30304 Zigzag journ. in the Levant, with a Talmudist story-teller, thr. Egypt and the Holy Laud. Illust. 25820 Zigzag journ. in the sunny south; tales of early Amer. history. Illust. 26978 Buttmann, P. Abbot, E. Buttmann's Greek Testament. (In his Authorship of the 4th Gospel.) 30612 Button's inn ; by A. W. Tourgee. 28610 Buxton, S. Finance and politics ; hist, study, 1783-1885. 2v. 30160-1 ed. The imperial parliament; namely: Baxter, W. E. England and Russia in Asia. 26566 Broadhurst, H., and Reid, R. T. Leasehold enfranchisement. 26569 Caine, W. S., and others. Local option. 26571 Campbell, J. G. E. H. D. S. Imperial federation. 25904 Dilke, Mrs. A. Women's suffrage. 26579 Firth, J. F. B. Reform of London government and of city guilds. 29479 Lubbock, J. Representation. 26039 Rathbone, W., and others. Local government and taxation. 26390 Richard, H., and Williams, J. C. Disestablishment. 26512 Buzzard's bay. Bliss, W. R. Colonial times on Buzzard's bay. 30299 By mead and stream ; by C. Gibbon. 25193 By misadventure. See Barrett, F. A recoiling vengeance. By sheer pluck ; by G. A. Henty. 28037 By shore and sedge ; by B. Harte. 25438 By the gate of the sea ; by D. C. Murray. 23176 By the sea; by C. H. W. [H. W. Chaplin]. (In his Five hundred dollars, etc.) 29000 By the stone ezel ; by K. S. Cooper. (In her Heart salvage.) 25389 By the waters of paradise ; by F. M. Crawford. (In Norman, H. The witching time.) 27331 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 101 By the windmill; by Mme. de Gasparin. (In her Under Fr. skies.) 30322 By woman's wit; by Mrs. Alexander [A. F. Hector]. 27368 Bybury to Beacon street ; by A. M. Diaz. 28917 Byerly, W. E. Chauvenet's treat, on element, geometry rev. and abr. 29526 Syllabus of a course in the theory of equations; plane analytic geome- try; analytical geometry of three dimensions : plane trigonometry. 24063 Byles, Sir J. B. Sophisms of free trade and pop. polit. econ. examined. 25185 Bynner, E. L. Agnes Surriage. 27274 Penelope's suitors. 28283 - The tramp's dinner party. (In New Eng. story book.) 24819 joint author. See Hale, L. P. Byrne, J. Origin of the Greek, Latin, and Gothic roots. 29358 Byrne, Mrs. W. P. De omnibus rebus ; an old man's ramblings on the road of everyday life. Illust. 30609 Byrnes, Inspector, Diary of. See Hawthorne, J. Passim. Byrom, J. The three black crows. (In Axon, W. E. A. Lan- cashire gleanings.) 23436 Byron, G. G. N., 6th Baron Byron. Childe Harold's pilgrim- age ; ed., with notes by W. J. Rolfe. Illust. 26918 Arnold, M. Byron. (In his Essays, ser. 2.) 30397 Caine, T. H. "The Satanic schooh" (In his Cobwebs of criticism.) 25620 Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 - Dennis, J. (In his Her. of literature.) 23445 Gottschall, R. (In his Neue Plutarch, v. 4.) 16299 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Mason, E. T. (In his Personal traits, v. 1.) 25228 Noel, R. Lord Byron and his times. (In his Essays.) 26901 Swinburne, A. C. Wordsworth and Byron. (In his Miscellanies.) 27689 Byron, J., Admiral. Narrative; acct. of distresses on the coast of Patagonia, 1740-46 ; descr. of St. Jago de Chili ; also, Loss of the Wager. 27517 Byrrne, E. F. Entangled. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25552 By-ways and bird notes ; by M. Thompson. 25687 By-ways in bookland. See Adams, W. D. Byways of nature and life ; by C. Deming. 23664 Byzantine art. Armitage, E. Byzantine and Romanesque art. (In his Lect.) 22995 Byzantium. See Constantinople. C., L. Under mother's wing; ed. by J. Hawthorne. Illust. *I C., L. M. The science of food; text-book in domestic economy. 23441 C., M. D. Chronicles of Christopher Columbus; poem. *I Cabala. The Kabbalah unveiled (Kabbala denundata) ; tr. by S. L. MacG. Mathers. 29771 Schindler, S. The Kabbalah. (In his Messianic expectations.) 26348 Cabeca de Vaca, A. N. See Nunez Cabega de Vaca, A. Cabell, J. L. Review of the operations of the Nat. Bd. of Health. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I Cabet, E. Ely, R. T. Cabet. (In his Fr. and Germ, so- cialism.) 23156 Shaw, A. Etieime Cabet, the founder of Icaria. (In his Icaria.) 25767 102 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cabin and gondola; by C. Dunning [C. D. Wood]. 26421 Cabinet work. Hints and pract. information for cabinet- makers, etc. 27695 Cable, G. W. Bonaventure ; prose pastoral of Acadian Louisiana. 29301 The Creoles of Louisiana. 24712 Dr. Sevier. 24469 The silent South; with The freedman's case in equity, and The convict lease system. Portr. 25971 Bolton, S.'K. (In her Fam. Amer. authors.) 28746 Wetherill, J. K. G. W. Cable at New Orleans and Northampton. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) 30787 Cable. See Telegraph. Cable railways. Smith, J. B. Treat, upon cable or rope trac- tion, as appl. to railways. 28819 Cabman's story, The. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journal, v. 1.) 27966 Cabot, J. and S. Bourne, H. K. F. Voyages of the Cabots. (In his Eng. seamen.) 29739 Cabot, J. E. Memoir of R. W. Emerson. 2 v. 28601-2 Cabot, S. Markham, C. R. (In his Sea fathers.) 25002 See also Cabot, J., above. Caddy, Mrs. F. Adrian Bright. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 23528 Footsteps of Jeanne d'Arc: a pilgrimage. 26570 Through the fields with Linnaeus; chapt. in Swedish history. 2 v. 28006-7 Cadmus, The American. See Se-quo-yah. Caesar, C. J. Church, A. J. Caesar. (In his Roman life.) 23686 Dodge, T. A. Caesar. (In his Great captains.) 30629 Farmer, L. H. (In her Boys' book.) 27081 Judson, H. P. Caesar's arniy; military art of the Romans. 29884 Vine, F. T. Caesar in Kent; his landing and battles with the anc. Britons. 29422 Cagliostro, Alessandro, conte di, pseud. See Balsamo, G. Caimi, B. Butler, S. Bernardino Caimi. (In his Ex voto.) 30681 Cain, W. Voussoir arches ; appl. to stone bridges, tunnels, domes, and groined arches. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 24120 Caine, T. H. Cobwebs of criticism ; review of the first re- viewers of the "Lake," "Satanic," and "Cockney" schools. 25620 The Deemster; a romance. 29064 Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 28553 The shadow of a crime. 25428 She's all the world to me. 25715 Caine, W. S. A trip round the world, 1887-8 Illust. 30518 ed. Hugh S. Brown ; autobiography, commonplace book, and extr. fr. his sermons and addresses ; mem', vol. 27920 Hoyle, W., and Burns, D. Local option. (Imp. Parl.) 26571 Caird, E. Social philosophy and religion of Comte. 25485 Caird, Sir J. Agriculture. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Vic- toria, v. 2.) 28715 India; the land and the people. Map. 23937 Caird, J. Spinoza. (Philos. class, for Eng. readers.) 30162 Cairns, J., D.D. Future probation. (In Leathes, S., and others. Future probation ; symposium.) 27576 Cairo. Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 2.) 25068 M'Collester, S. H. Lower Egypt and C. (In his After-thoughts.) 23634 Pullan, R. P. Grand Cairo. (In his Eastern cities.) 24259 Cake crumbs; by S. O. Jewett. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Calamity Jane ; by Mrs. G. E. Spencer. 28820 Calbot's rival ; by J. Hawthorne. (In his Constance.) 30891 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 103 Calcar, E. van. Holland. (In Stan ton, T. The woman quest.) 24053 Calculus. Newcomb, S. Elements of the differential and integral C. 30354 Calculus, Differential. Knox, A. Differential calculus for be- ginners ; with examples. 25506 Proctor, R. A. Easy lessons in the differential calculus. 30118 Calcutta. Busteed, H. E. Echoes fr. old C. ; remin. of the days of Hastings, Francis, and Impey. 23338 - Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 2.) 25068 Caldecott, R. Designs. (In JEsopus. Some of ^Esop's fables.) *I - Illustrations. (In Ewing, J. H. Daddy Darwin's dovecot.) 24983 Blackburn, H. Randolph Caldecott; pers. mem. of his early art career. *I Calderon de la Barca, P. Select plays ; ed., with introd. and notes, by N. Maccoll. 30163 Caldwell, A. M. See Marsh-Caldwell, A. Calhoun, J. C. On nullification and the Force bill ; On the slavery question. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. ora- tions, v. 1, 2.) 24995-6 - Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Caliban ; suite de La tempte ; par E. Renan. (In his Drames philosophiques.) 14927 Calico printing. Crookes, W. Practical handbook of dyeing and calico-printing. *I Gardner, J. Bleaching, dyeing, and calico-printing. 24112 California. Stevenson, R. L. The Silverado squatters. 23563 Description and travels. Bishop, W. H. Old Mexico and her lost provinces. 23140 Browne, J. R. Crusoe's island; adv. in C., etc. 4666 Gumming, C. F. G. Granite crags. 23833 Jackson, H. (In her Glimpses, etc.} 26433 Leighton, C. C. (In his Life at Puget sound, 1865-1881.) 23475 - Lindley, W., and Widney, J. P. California of the south ; guide-book. 29090 Lothrop, H. M. (In her Golden West.) 25990 Speed, J. F. Notes of a visit to C. ( With his Reminis. of A. Lincoln.) 24034 - Van Dyke, T. S. Southern California; its valleys, hills, animals, etc. 26S56 - Warner, C. D. The golden Hesperides. (In his On horseback, etc.) 30378 History. - Hittell, T. H. History of C. 2 v. 26470-1 Royce, J. California, 1846-1856; study of Amer. character. 26451 Indians. Jackson, H. H., and Kinney, A. Report on the Mission Indians, 1883. 24536 See also Santa Barbara. Finance. Gibbous, R. Sketch of events rel. to money in the early history of C. .(In his Physics and methaphysics.) 27496 Caliph. See Haroun-al-Raschid. Calisthenics. See Gymnastics. Calkins, M. W. Sharing the profits. 30404 Callcott, Lady M. (D. G-.) Little Arthur's hist, of England. Illust. 24622 Little Arthur's hist, of France to the fall of the second empire. Map and illust. 24918 Called back; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. 23764 Callet, F. Tables portatives de logarithmes contenant les loga- rithmes des nombres depuis 1 jusqu' a 108000, etc. 19711 Callirrhoe ; drama ; by M. Field. 24986 Callista ; sketch of the 3d century ; by J. H. Newman. 29854 104 FREE- PUBLIC LIBRARY. Callow, J. Facsimiles of orig. stud. (In Foster, V. Paint- ing for beginners.) *I Calm, M. The National Association of German Women. (In Stanton, T. The woman quest.) 24053 Calthrop, S. R. The fullness of God. (In Savage, M. J., and others. " Show us the Father.") 29725 Israel's inspiration and our rel. to it. (In Mod. Unitarianisra.) 26688 - The rights of the body. (Hampton tr., no. 7.) 23506 Calvert, G., Lord Baltimore. Wilhelm, L. W. Sir G. Calvert ; paper bef . the Maryland Hist. Soc. 24816 Calvin, J. Bacon, L. W. Calvin and Servetus. 23818 Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 - Herrick, S. E. (In his Some heretics.) 24570 Willis, R. Servetus and Calvin. 23867 Cambodia. Scott, J. G. Camboja ; the capital and the people. (In his France and Tongking.) 25921 Cambridge, Mass. McKenzie, A. Cambridge sermons. 23106 First Church. Services at celebration of 250th auniv. of the church. Feb., 1886. *I Cambridge, Eng. Glover, W. Memoirs of a Cambridge chorister. 2 v. 24963-4 Cambridge University. Birrell, A. Cambridge and the poets. (In his Obiter dicta, ser. 2.) 28279 Treherne, G. G. T., and Goldie, J. H. D. Record of the University boat race, 1829-1880; and of the commemoration dinner, 1881. Illust. *I History. Mullinger, J. B. History of the university. 30542 Cambridge Dionysia, The ; classic dream ; by G. O. Trevel- yan. (In his Ladies, etc.} 30748 Camees Parisiens ; par T. de Banville. 14820 Cameos fr. Eng. history. See Yonge, C. M. Cameron, Mrs. H. L. In a grass country; story of love and sport. 26629 This wicked world ; a novel. 30888 Vera Nevill ; or, Poor wisdom's chance. 27815 Cameron, J., ed. Oils and varnishes. (Churchill's tech. hd. bks.) 28623 Cameron, Jane. See Jane Cameron. Cameron, K. Plasterer's manual ; rev. ed. Illust. 24350 Cameron, V. L. Cruise of the " Black Prince " privateer. 27992 Jack Hooper; adv. at sea and in So. Africa. Illust. 28867 Camilla ; comedie-vaudeville ; par E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, s6r. 2, v. 25.) *I Camiola ; by J. McCarthy. 27577 Camp Hamperford ; by Mrs. H. B. Cheever. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Campaign, The, of Fredericksburg, Nov.-Dec., 1862; study for officers of volunteers ; by a line officer. Maps. 28093 Campbell, A. Captain Macdonald's daughter. 28951 Campbell. A. of Clathrick, afterwards Colquhoun. See Col- quhoun, A. C. Campbell, C., Lord Clyde. Phillips, E. C. Colin Campbell, Ld. Clyde. (World's workers.) 26509 Campbell, C., Lord, (pseud. Dalriad.) The crofter in history. 26232 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 105 Campbell, E. G. Bolton, S. K. (In her Successful women.) 30203 Campbell, G. D., 8th Duke of Argyll. Crofts and farms in the Hebrides. 2d ed. 23685 The new British constitution and its master-builders. 30164 The prophet of San Francisco. [Criticism of Henry George's doctr. as to property in land.] (In Property in land.) 24301 Scotland as it was and as it is. 2 v. 27816-17 - The unity of nature. 23938 Campbell, H., formerly H. C. Weeks. American girl's home book of work and play. Illust. 23263 Four, and what they did. ' 29658 Contents. Four and what they did. Burton and the baby. Bertie's pioneering. Taking toll. Bettie's night with the bear. That peach. Jack's wedding. True story of Beshkway. Miss Melinda's opportunity. 28284 Mrs. Herndon's income. " 26066 Prisoners of poverty ; women wage-workers, their trades, and their lives. 28113 Roger Berkeley's probation. 29667 The What-to-d"o club ; story for girls. 25146 Campbell, I. Omond, G. W. T. (In his Lord adv. of Scot- land, v. 2.) 23591 Campbell, J. F. Frost and fire, natural engines, tool-marks and chips. 2 v. 27800-1 Campbell, J. G. E. H. D. S., Marquis of Lome. Canadian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. Illust. 27616 Imperial federation. (Imp. parliament ser.) 25904 Memories of Canada and Scotland ; speeches and verses. 24232 Campbell, T. Fields, J. T. T. Campbell. (In Parton, J. Some noted princes, etc.} 25675 - (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Mason, E. T. (In his Personal traits, v. 2.) 25229 Campbell-Praed, Mrs. See Praed, Mrs. C. Camp-fire and wigwam ; by E. S. Ellis. 25826 Camp-fires of the revolution ; by H. C. Watson. 26726 Camping among cannibals ; by A. St. Johnston. 23561 Canada. Archaeology. Kingsford, W. Canadian archaeology ; essay. 28963 Constitutional history. Bourinot, J. G. Manual of the const, hist, of C. to 1888. 29786 Description and travels. Aubertin, J. J. (In his Fight with distances.) 30276 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in Acadia and New France. 24559 Caine, W. S. (In his Trip round the world.) 30518 Campbell, J. G.E. H. D. S. Canadian pictures: with pen and pencil. 27616 Memories of Canada and Scotland ; speeches and verses. 24232 Champney, L. W. Great grandmother's girls in New France. 28755 Cumberland, S. (In his Queen's highway.) 29020 Fleming. S. England and C. ; tour bet. o"ld and new Westminster. 24362 - Haight, C. Country life in C. 50 years ago. 27392 Holyoake, G. J. Travels in search of a settler's guide-book of C. 24367 - Temple, R. North-west Canada. (In his Cosmopolitan essays.) 27601 Watkin, E. W. Canada and the states ; recollections, 1851-1886. 28442 Watson, B. A. (In his The sportsman's paradise.) 29004 Government. Bourinot, J. G. Local government in C. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 5.) *I Colby, C. C. Parliamentary government in Canada. 26807 History. Bender, P. Old and new Canada, 1753-1844; hist, scenes and social pictures. 24138 Henty, G. A. With Wolfe in C. 27570 Kingsford, W. History of C. Vol. 1, 2. 28964-5 106 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Literature. Bender, P. Literary sheaves ; or. La literature au Canada Franchise. 24137 Gagnon, E. Chansons populaires du C. *I Canadian Pacific Railway. Cumberland, S. The Queen's highway from ocean to ocean. Illust. and maps. 29020 Canary birds. John's wife. How I made money at home. 25204 Canary islands. Edwardes, C. Rides and studies in the C. Is. 30841 - Latimer, S. F. The English in C. Is. 30851 Stone, O. M. Teuerife and its six satellites; C. Is., past and present. 2 v. 29643-4 Canby, E. R. S. Anderson, L. Canby's campaign in New Mexico. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sk., v. 2.) 29464 Candia, G. B. M., cavaliere di (catted Mario). Engel, L. (In his From Mozart to Mario, v. 2.) 27559 Spark, W. Grisi and Mario. (In his Mus. mem,) 30877 Candlish, R. S.,D.D. Symington, A. M. (In his Good times.) 23981 Candolle, A. L. P. P. de. Origin of cultivated plants. (In- ternat. sci. ser.) 24978 Candy frolic, The ; by Mrs. A. Macy. (In New Eng. story- book.) 24819 Canfield, J. H. The tariff and the western farmer. (In Shaw, A. Nat. rev.) 29S95 Taxation. (Econom. tracts.) 23217 Cannan, E. Elementary political economy. 30519 Canne de jonc, La ; par A. de Vigny. 28091 Cannibals and convicts ; by J. Thomas. 27902 Canning, A. S. G. Thoughts on Shakespeare's hist, plays. 23939 Canning, G. Some official correspondence of C., ed., with notes, by E. J. Stapleton. 2 v. 29017-18 Adams, C. K. (In his Repr. Brit, orations, v. 3.) 24885 Hill, F. H. George Canning. 28248 Canning, G., and others. The rovers. (In Morley, H. Bur- lesque plays, etc.} 28196 Canning, Stratford. See Stratford de Redcliffe. Cannon, D. Economical pine planting, with rem. on insects, etc., destructive to pines. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Cano, J. S. del. Markham, C. R. (In his Sea fathers.) 25002 Canoe Aurora, The ; by C. A. Neide. 25448 Canoes and Canoeing. O'Reilly, J. B. Canoeing sketches. (In his Ethics of boxing.) 29560 Tiphys, pseud. Practical canoeing; management of canoes. *I Vaux, C. B. Canoe handling; history, uses, pract. management, etc. 27853 Canon law (ecclesiastical law of the Catholic Church). Stubbs, W. History of the canon law in England. ( In his Seven- teen lect.) 26936 Canon's ward, The ; by J. Payn. 23638 Canova, A. Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 2^774 Cantacuzene-Altieri, O., princess. Sabine's deception; fr. the French, by E. Nute. 29179 Cantatas. Upton, G. P. The standard C. ; their stories, mu- sic, and composers. 2cS999 Canterbury. Diocese. Jenkins, R. C. Canterbury ; with map. 26498 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 107 Canterbury. Province. Hook W. F. Lives of the Arch- bishops of C. V. 12 : Index vol. *I Canterbury pilgrimage, A ; by J. and E. R. Pennell. 25570 Canton, China. Henry, B. C. "The city of Rams." (In his Ling-Nam.) 27146 Cantwell, A. W. A summer's epidemic of small-pox, caused by direct importation from Germany. (In Amer. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I Canynges family. Bourne, H. R. F. The Canynges of Bris- tol. (In his Eng. merchants.) 26568 Cape Ann. See Ann. Cape Cod. See Cod. Cape Colony. Description. Aubertin, J. J. Six months in Cape C. and Natal. 27030 Mackenzie, J. (In his Austral Africa.) 2 v. 29618-19 Cape of Good Hope. Mackenzie, J. Austral Africa ; losing it or ruling it. 2 v. 29618-19 .Capello, H., and Ivens, R. From Benguella to Yacca ; journ. into centr. and west Africa ; tr. by A. Elwes. Maps and must. 2 v. 22783-4 Capendu, E. Sonnens Havn. 27442 Capernaum. Delitzsch, F. A day in C. 28498 Capitaine muet, Le ; par A. Racot. 14743 Capital. Bagehot, W. The transferability of C. (In Ms Pos- tulates, etc.) 25866 Marx, K. Capital ; crit. analysis of capitalist production. 2 v. 27890-1 Das Kapital ; Kritik der pofitischeu Oekonoruie. 2 v. *I Smyth, S. P. N. Use and abuse of capital. (In his Soc. problems.) 25459 Taylor, S. Profit-sharing between capital and labour. 23986 See also Labor. Capital punishment. Hobart, V. H. (In his Essays, etc.,v. 2.) 25936 Capital wine ; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. (In his Slings, etc.) 25796 Cappadocia. Barrows, J. O. On horseback in C. ; mission- ary tour. 24719 Cappon, J. Victor Hugo ; a memoir and a study. 25800 Captain Bayley's heir ; by G. A. Henty. "0226 Captain Brand, of the "Centipede ;" by H. A. Wise. 25468 Captain Dangerous, Strange adventures of ; by G. A. Sala. 26651 Captain Macdonald's daughter ; by A. Campbell. 28951 Captain, The, of the ''Heather Bell ;" by H. Jackson. (In her Between whiles.) 28133 Captain, The, of the Janizaries ; by J. M. Ludlow. 26543 Captain Phil ; by M. M. Thomas. ' 24502 Captain's bride, The ; by L. A. Tadema. (In Norman, H. The witching time.) ' 27331 Captain's dog, The ; by L. Enault. 30212 Captains. Dodge, T. A. Great captains ; lect. showing the inn. on the art of war of Alexander, Hannibal, Cresar, etc. 30629 Captains of industry. See Parton, J. 24420 Captive, A, of love ; by E. Greey. 26077 108 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Caracas. Description. Curtis, W. E. (In his Cap. of Span. Amer.) 29796 Carbon. Remsen, I. Introduction to the study of the com- pounds of C. 25144 Carcano, G. Howells, W. D. (In Ms Mod. Ital. poets.) 28872 Carcassonne, A. Theatre de jeunes filles. 14576 Contents. Le mariage des fleurs. En Chine. L' heritage de Jeanne. La femme de chambre. Zephore. Le petit agneau. Les deux scours. Volubilis. Card-clothing. Kittridge, H. G., and Gould, A. C. History of the Amer. card-cloth, industry. 23382 Carden, Sir R. W. Ritchie, J. E. (In Us Fam. city men.) 23860 Cardinal sin, A; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. 26146 Cards. Aquarius, pseud. Round games at cards. 24388 Reinhardt, R. H. History of playing cards. (In his Whist scores.) 27665 See also Euchre; Patience; Poker; Skat; Whist. Carducci, G. Hueffer, F. The poets of young Italy. (In his Ital. stud.) 23698 Career, A; by S. P. McLean [S. P. M. Greene]. (Inker Some other folks.) 23547 Careme, M. A. Parton, J. Marie-Antoine Careme, French cook. ( In Us Capt. of ind.) 24420 Carey, A. Wonders of common things. 29523 Note. Previously pub. in two vols. called Autobiog. of a lump of coal, and Threads of knowledge. Carey, H. Namby Pamby ; and Chrononhotonthologos. (In Morley, H. Burlesque plays, etc.} 28196 Carey, H. C. Walker, F. A. [Criticism of C.] (In his Attacks upon the doctr. of rent. In his Land, etc.) 23411 Carey, R. N. Aunt Diana. 30305 Barbara Heathcote's trial. 25651 Not like other girls. 23762 Only the governess. 29132 Robert Ord's atonement. 25147 Uncle Max. 28234 Carey, W., D.D. Smith, G. Life of C., shoemaker and mis- sionary, professor, etc. 26515 Carey. See Gary. Carhart, D. Treatise on plain surveying. 29524 Caribbee Islands. Paton, W. A. Down the islands ; voyage to the Caribbees. 28897 Carine ; par L. Enault. 14865 Carl, Duke of Rosenmold. Pater, W. (In his Imaginary por- traits.) 28524 Carl August, of Saxe- Weimar. See Charles Augustus. Carlen, Mme. E. S. F. Gjenboerne ; oversat af L. Jordan. 27406 Carles, W. R, Life in Corea. Illust. and map. 29527 Carleton, W. City ballads. Illust. 25652 A grandson of Robert Burns. (In Parton, J. Some noted princes, etc.} 25675 Bolton, S. K. (In her Fam. Amer. authors.) 28746 Carleton, W. (Irish novelist.) Willy Reilly and his dear cooleen bawn. Illust. 28952 Carlisle, H. E. Selection fr. the correspondence of A. Hay- ward ; with acct. of his early life. 2 v. 27931-2 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 109 Carlisle, Eng. Creighton, M. Carlisle. (Hist, towns.) 30838 Carlos, Don, son of Philip II. Don Carlos. (Monograph, no. 31.) 23818 Carlsbad. Kraus, J. Carlsbad ; its thermal springs and baths, and how to use them. 28709 Carlyle, J. W. Adams, W. H. D. (In his Celebrated English- women, v. 2.) 24655 Parton, J. The wife of Thomas Carlyle. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Carlyle, T. Correspondence [with] Goethe; ed. by C. E. Norton. 28242 - Early letters, 18141826; ed. by C. E. Norton. 27275 Letters, 18261836; ed. by C. E. Norton. 30897 On history. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 2.) 23201 Past and present. 25133 Reminiscences; ed. by C. E. Norton. 2 v. In 1. 28491 and Emerson, R. W. Correspondence, 1834 1872; supplementary let- ters; [ed. by C.E.Norton]. 25972 Arnold, A. S. The story of C. 30677 - Birrell, A. (In his Obiter dicta.) 25184 Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Dowden, E. Carlyle's lectures on the periods of European culture. (In his Transcripts, etc.) 29366 Eliot, G., pseud. Carlyle's life of Sterling. (In her Essays.) 23545 - Emerson, K. W. (In his Lect., etc.) 23462 Froude, J. A. Thomas Carlyle; his life in London, 18341881. 24475 Garnett, R. Life of C. 29730 - Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Hutton, R. H. (In his Essays.) 28783 James, H. Some pers. recollections of C. (In his Lit. remains.) 24993 Kerr, T. Carlyle as seen in his works; characteristics as a writer and as a man. 28642 - Larkin, H. Carlyle, and the open secret of his life. 27042 Masson, D. Carlyle personally and in his writings. 25567 Moulton, L. C. Carlyle; his work and his wife. (In Parton, J. Some noted princes.) 25675 Parton, J. ( In his Some noted princes.) 25675 Shepherd, R. H., and Williamson, C. N. Memoirs of the life and writings of C. 2 v. 25605-6 Smith, J. C. (In his Writings by the way.) 25607 Symington, A. J. Some pers. reminiscences of Carlyle. 27525 Tea with Carlyle. (In Parton, J. Some noted princes, etc.) 25675 Tulloch, J. Thomas Carlyle as a relig. teacher. (In his Movements of relig. thought.) 25781 - W hippie, E. P. Emerson and Carlyle. ( In his Amer. literature, etc.) 28173 Carmagnola, F. B., Count di. Brown, H. F. Carmagnola, a soldier of fortune. (In his Venetian stud.) 29355 Oliphant, M. O. W. (In her Makers of Venice.) *I Carmen Sylva, pseud. See Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania. Carmody, J. D. My experience ; or What I think I know about heating a green-house with hot water. 25203 Carnahan, J. R. Personal recollections of Chickamauga. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Carnegie, A. An American four-in-hand in Britain. 23829 Round the world. 24006 - Triumphant democracy; or, Fifty years march of the Republic. 26407 Carnegie, W. (pseud. Moorman.) Practical game preserv- ing ; rearing and preserving game, and destroying vermin. Illust. 24660 9 110 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Carnelley, T. Hot ice ; the boundaries of the liquid state of matter. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Carnia, Gulf of. See Quarnero. Carnot, L. N. M. Lloyd, E. M. Vauban ; Montalembert ; Carnot ; engineer studies. 28064 Caro, E. M. George Sand ; tr. by M. B. Anderson. (Great Fr. writers.) ' 29791 Carola; by H. Stretton [H. Smith]. 23922 Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, Queen consort of George IV. Smith, G. B. Lord Malmesbury and Queen Caroline. (In Ms Half-hrs., etc.) 23353 Caroline Matilda, wife of Christian VII. of Denmark. Smith, G. B. Sir R. M. Keith and Caroline Matilda of Den- mark. (In Ms Half-hrs., etc.) 23353 Caron, P. French'dishes for American tables ; tr. by Mrs. F. Sherman. 26138 Carpaccio, V. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) ' 26216 Ruskin, J. The shrine of the slaves; guide to the princ. piet. by C. in Venice. (In his St. Mark's Rest, suppl.) 12571 Carpenter, E. B. South-county neighbors. 28753 Contents. Sally of the South county. "When my ship comes in/' At a sheep-washing. Ailse Congdon. An afternoon- at Neighbor North- up's. From hour to hour in the country store. Evening meeting at Uncle 'Sias's. Watching with the sick.^-Jacksou Dawley's wife. Pris- cilla Gallaghan. L. C. Carpenter, F. de Y. Round about Rio. 23456 Carpenter, H. The mother's and kindergartner's friend. 24180 Carpenter, H. B. Liber amoris ; being the book of love of Brother Aurelius. 27384 Carpenter, J. E. Life in Palestine when Jesus lived ; hand- book to the synoptical gospels. 2d ed. 26227 William Benjamin Carpenter; a memorial sketch. (In Carpenter. W. B. Nature, etc.) < 30623 Carpenter, M. Adams, W. H. D. (In his Celebrated English- women, v. 2.) 24655 Browne, P. Mrs. Somerville ; and Mary Carpenter. (World's workers.) 29014 Carpenter, P. H. Echinodermata. (In Duncan, P. M. Cas- sell's nat. hist., v. 6.) 24961 Stone-lilies and feather-stars ; Rock-making rhizopods. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Carpenter, R. L. Lecture on tobacco. Carpenter, W. B. Nature and man ; essays ; introd. mein. by J. E. Carpenter. 30623 Contents. Memorial sketch. Esssays : Method and aim of the study of physiology. The brain and its physiology. Automatic execution of voluntary movements. Influence of suggestion in modifying and direct- ing muscular movement. The phasis of force. Man the interpreter of nature. The psychology of belief. Fallacies of testimony in rel. to the supernatural. Doctrine' of human automatism. Limits of hum. autom- atism. The deep sea and its contents. The force behind nature. Nature and law. Doctrine of evolution in its relation to theism. Argu- ment from design in the organic world. Carpenter, W. L. Energy in nature ; lect. on the forces of nature, etc., with add. 23663 Carpentry. Collings, G. Circular work in carpentry and joinery ; pract. treat. 27519 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. , 111 Hodgson, F. T. The carpenter's steel square, and its uses. 23313 - Practical carpentry. 23123 Sylvester, W. A. Modern house-carpenter's companion and builder's guide. 23648 See also Architecture; Joinery. Carpet knight, A ; by H. Hemming [H. H. McClellan]. 25165 Carpets. Coxon, H. Oriental carpets ; how they are made and conveyed to Europe, etc. . *I Carr, A. La Fortunina. 3 v. 25100-3 Paul Crew's story. (Harper's handy ser.) 25867 Carr, C. Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton, B. A. ; extr. fr. his letters, etc. [Fiction.] 26727 Carr, Mrs. C. See Carr, A. Carr, L. Missouri ; a bone of contention. (Amer. common- wealths.) 29525 Social and polit. position of woman amg. the Huron-Iroquois tribes. (In Peabody Mus. of Arch. Kept., v. 3.) 19625 Carracci, L., A., and A. Healy, E. The Carracci. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Carrara family. Brown, H. F. The Carraresi. (In his Vene- tian studies.) 29355 Carrasco, C. A. de G. Spain. (In Stanton, T. The woman quest, in E.) 24053 Carrer, L. Howells, W. D. (In his Mod. Ital. poets.) 28872 Carrick, R. Present and prospective sources of the timber supplies of Gt. Brit, and Ireland. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Carriere, M. Peter Cornelius. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 7.) 16302 Carrington, H. B. The Indian question ; addr. bef . the Geog. and Biol. Sections of the Brit. Assoc. for the Advance- ment of Science, Bristol, 1S75 ; [with] suppl. 24453 Carriston's gift ; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus] . 25492 Carroll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodgson, C. L. Carruth, S., and others. History of the 35th Regt. Mass. Vols., 1862-1865, with a roster. 24486 Carruth, W. H., joint author. See Adams, F. G. Carryl, C. E. Davy and the goblin ; or, What followed reading " Alice's adventures in Wonderland." Illust. 25821 Carter, F. The sentiment of reverence. (In Phillips Ex. Acad. Lect.) 27997 Carter, R. B. Lighting. (In Murphy, S. F. Our homes.) 24196 Medicine and surgery. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 2.) 28715 Carter, T. F. Narrative of the Boer war; its causes and re- sults. 22999 Carter, Rev. T. T. Harriet Monsell ; memoir. 24141 Carteret, J., Lord, Earl Granville. Ballantyne, A. Lord Car- teret ; polit. biography, 1690-1763. 29346 Cartesianism. See Descartes, R. Carthage. Church, A. J., and Gilman, A. Story of C. (Story of the nations.) 26981 Robertson, J. B. The colonies of Phoenicia. (In his Pub. lect.) 26287 Carthaginean, The young ; by G. A. Henty. 27571 112 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cartier, J. Wright, H. C. (In her Children's stor.) 26094 Cartwright, J. Bury and its public works. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 10.) *I Carving (at table). Lincoln, M. J. Carving and serving. 27326 Cary, A. Clovernook ; or, Recollections of our neighborhood in the West. 2d ser. 23500 Clovernook children. Illust. 23264 Harris, A. B. (In her Amer. authors.) 28776 and P. Early and late poems. 28754 -Poetical works. Illust. 28453 Gary, H. F. Alexander Pope. (In Pope, A. Poet, works.) 13182 Cary, P. Poetical works. See Cary, A. Harris, A. B. (In her Amer. authors.) 28776 Gary, R. Letters, etc. (In Walter, J. Mem. of Washing- ton, etc.) *I Cary. See Carey. Casanova (styling himself de Seingalt), J. Casanova. (Mono- graph, no. 35.) 23818 Casas, B. de las, Bp. Watson, R. G. Las Casas ; his colony on the Pear Icoast, 1515-1521. (In his Span, and Port. So. America, v. 1.) 23868 Case, T. Physical realism ; analyt. philosophy fr. the phys. objects of science to the phys. data of sense. 30780 Contents. Pt. 1. General proof of phys. realism. Psychological idealism. Case of circumstantial evidence ; by S. G. W. Benjamin. (In his Sea-spray.) 28916 Case of Mohammed Benani ; a story of to-day. 29173 Casgrain, R. H., I' abbe. Bender, P. (In his Lit. sheaves.) 24137 Caspian sea. Marvin, C. Region of the eternal fire ; petro- leum region of the C. 24663 Cassel, D. Manual of Jewish hist, and literature, etc. ; tr. by Mrs. H. Lucas. 23830 Cassell's history of the U. S. See Oilier, E. Cassell's illust. history of India. See Grant, J. Cassell's natural history. See Duncan, P. M. Cassell's popular gardening. See Fish, D. T., and others. Cast, A, of the net. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Jour., v. 4.) 27969 Castel, H. de V., comte. Memoirs; chronicle of events dur. the reign of Napoleon III. ; tr. and ed. by C. Bousfield. 2 v. 29359-60 Castella, H. de. John Bull's vineyard ; Australian sketches. 27139 Castellane, , comte de. Souvenirs of military life in Al- geria ; tr. by M. J. Lovett. 2 v. 29916-17 Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine ; by F. R. Stockton. 27242 Casting out the self ; by C. H. Hinton. (In his Sc. romances.) 26242 Castle, E. Schools and masters of fence fr. the Middle Ages to the 18th cent. ; with sk. of fencing with the rapier, etc., and a bibliography. Illust. *I Castle, H. A. Some experiences of an enlisted man. (In Mil. order of Loy. Leg. U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.) 29330 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 113 Castle, A, in Spain ; by J. De Mille. 23368 Castle, A, in the air ; by H. Ewing. 29800 Castle of Otranto ; by H. Walpole. 26464 Castlemon, H.., pseud. See Fosdick, C. A. Castles. See France. Antiquities ; Hanley Castle. Castriota, G. See Scanderbeg. Cat, The, of Bubastes ; by G. A. Henty. 30589 Catacombs. Starr, E. A. The catacomb of Saint Callistus. (In Tier Pilgrims, etc.] *I Catalani, A. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 1.) 29598 Catalogues. Perkins, F. B. San Francisco cataloguing for pub. libraries. 24095 See also Bibliography. Catarina (Cornaro), Queen of Cyprus. Brooks, E. S. Catarina of Venice, the girl of the Grand canal. (In his Hist. girls.) 28864 Brown, H. F. (In his Venetian studies.) 29355 Catarrh. Kitchen, J. M. W. Catarrh; prevention and cure. 23816 See also Autumnal catarrh ; Rose cold. Catechisms (Religious) . Dietrich, G. Catechismi- eller Barna- predikningar ; ofversattning af G. F. T. 15123 Catharine II., Empress of Russia. Farmer, L. H. (In her Girls' book.) 28766 Catharine de' Medici. Farmer, L. H. (In her Girls' book.) 28766 Catharine of Ar agon, wife of Henry VIII. Farmer, L. H. (In her Girls' book.) 28766 Cathedrals. Dodd, A. B. Cathedral days ; tour through southern England. 28097 Hunnewell, J. F. (In his Imperial island.) *I Silloway, T. W., and Powers, L. L. Cathedral towns, etc., of Eng., Ireland, and Scotland. 23405 Starr, E. A. (In her Pilgrims and shrines.) *I See also France. Antiquities. Catherwood, M. H. The assistant. (In Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 Old caravan days. (In Yule tide.) 24823 The secrets at Roseladies. Illust. 30206 and others. Brave girls. Illust. 27276 Contents. Downs, A. S. Jennie of Swan's. Catherwood, M. II. The assistant. Perry, N. Noblesse oblige; Kate Oxford's one talent ; Story of a dress. Andrews, J. Our venture. Wiltse, S. E. A brave baby. Chaplin, S. How Naomi flooded the bog. Humphrey, F. A. A modern Kate Barlass; Molly Crowde's ride. Bell, L. C. Little True Blue. Morse, L. G. Story "of a good little mother. Miller, E. H. Dolly's last night. Converse, F. H. Bessie's story. S., M. E. W. Henrietta's hero- ism; The little jade lizard. Guernsey, C.E.Fayette's ride. Turner, C. S. Anna Albitz of Birkendorf. Eastman, J. A. Her little life. Ker, D. Polly's lion. Catholic church. Strong, J. Perils Romanism. (In his Our country.) 13279 Charities. Baluffi, C. The charity of the church a proof of her divinity. 28989 Doctrine, etc. Ricards, J. D. Catholic Christianity and mod. unbelief; real doctr. of the Roman Church. 25042 Rosmini-Serbati, A. Of the five wounds of the Holy Church. 23210 Russo, N. The true religion and its dogmas. 2G951 114 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Waterworth, J. The faith of Catholics confirmed by scripture and at- tested by the Fathers of the Church. 3 v. *I History. Brueck, H. Hist, of the Cath. Church. 2 v. , 30302-3 Symonds, J. A. The Catholic reaction. (In his Renaissance, etc., v. 6,7.) 27953-4 Catholic Church in Great Britain. Amherst, W. J. History of Catholic emancipation, and progress of the Catholic church in the British Isles, 1771-1820. 2 v. 26882-3 Lefevre, G. S. Catholic emancipation. In Ms Peel and O'Connell.) 28646 Catholic Church in the U. S. Mead, E. D. The Roman Cath- olic church and the school question. 30149 Catholicity true and false ; sermon by G. P. Fisher. 27293 Cato, M. P. Concerning agriculture ; tr. by T. Owen. *I Church, A. J. (In his Roman life.) 23686 Cato ; tragedy ; by J. Addison. (In Browne, M. E. Tales fr. the old dramatists.) 23035 Caton, J. D. The antelope and deer of America. 26408 Cats and dogs, Book of ; by J. Johonnot. 24632 Catskill Mts. Searing, A. E. P. The land of Rip Van Win- kle ; tour thr. the Catskills ; its legends, etc. *I Cattle. Aldridge, R. Life on a ranch. 24397 Richthofen, W. V. von. Cattle-raising on the plains of No. America. 25572 Shepherd, W. Prairie experiences in handling cattle and sheep. 25173 U. S. Treas. Dept. Cattle Commission. Report on the lung plague of cattle. 16526 Catullus, Q. (or C.) V. Landor, W. S. The poems of C. (In his Pentameron, etc.) 30235 Nettleship, H. Catullus. (In his Lect., etc.) 25633 Caucasus. Wanderer, pseud. Notes on the Caucasus. 23450 /See also Circassia; Georgia, Asia. Caucus. Lawton, G. W. The American caucus system ; its origin, purpose, and utility. 25681 Caulfield, S. F. A. The art of letter writing. (In Peters, C. Girl's own book.) 30445 Causation. Alexander, P. P. Moral causation. 22778 Courtney, W. L. A chapter in the hist, of the word "cause." (In his Stud, in philos.) 23578 Hazard, R. G. Causation and freedom in willing; with Man a creative first cause. 30791 McCosh, J. Energy; efficient and final cause. 23670 Same. (In his Realistic philosophy defended, v. 1.) 27771 Pressense, E. de. The problem of being. ( In his Study of origins.) 24154 Cauvain, H. Le grand vaincu. 2 v. in 1. 14833 Cavalier, The ; by A. Repplier. (In her Books and men.) 30245 Cavallius. See Hylten-Cavallius. Cavalry life ; by J. S. Winter [H. E. V. Stannard]. 26653 Cave-Browne, J. See Browne, J. C. Cave, The, of Steenfoll ; by W. Hauff. (In Safford, M. J. Christ, country, etc.) 27095 Cavelier de la Salle. See La Salle, R. C. de. Cavendish, pseud. See Jones, H. Cavendish, Hon. H. Garnett, W. (In his Her. of science.) 27564 Cavendish, M. (L.) Duchess of Newcastle. Life of Wm. Cav- endish, Duke of Newcastle ; added, True rel. of my birth, breeding, and life ; ed. by C. H. Firth. Portrs. ' 27883 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 115 Cavendish, W., Duke of Newcastle. Cavendish, M. Life of Win. Cavendish. 27883 Cavendish or Candish, T. Bourne, H. R. F. Voyages of C. (In his Eng. seamen, v. 2.) 29739 Caves. Hovey, H. C. Celebrated Amer. caverns ; with not. of caves and grottoes in other lands. 24524 See also Howe's cave ; Luray ; Mammoth cave ; Wyandot. Cavour, C. B., conte di. Speyer, O. Camillo Graf vonC. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 2.) 16297 Caxton, Pisistratus, pseud. See Lytton, E. G. E. L. B. Caxton, W. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Gazes, P. de. Bender, P. (In his Literary sheaves.) 24137 Cecil, R. A. T. G. 3d Marquis of Salisbury. Pulling, F. S. Life and speeches of the Marquis of Salisbury. 2 v. 25918-19 Smith, G. B. (In his Prime ministers.) 27718 Cecil, W. 1st Baron Burghley or Burleigh. Hope, A. (In toChron., etc.) 29485 Cecil Dreeme ; by T. Winthrop. 5373 Cecil's summer ; by E. B. Hollis. 23779 Cedar creek. Nettleton, A. B. How 'the day was saved at the battle of Cedar creek. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.) 29330 Cedar Mt. Gordon, G. H. Brook farm to Cedar mountain, 1861-62. *I Ceinture doree ; come'die, par E. Augier. (In his Theatre compl., v. 2.) 14777 Celibacy. Savage, M. J. (In his Man, woman, etc.) 24204 Celiere, P. The startling exploits of Dr. J. B. Quies ; fr. the French, by Mrs. C. Hoey and J. Lillie. Illust. 27818 Cellini, B. Birrell, A. A rogue's memoirs. (In his Obiter dicta.) 25184 Hale, E. E. (In his Stor. of invention.) 25539 Life of C. ; newly tr. by J. A. Symonds; portr. and etchings by F. La- guillermie ; also Reproductions of the works of C. 2 v. *I Celts. Rhys, J. Lectures on the origin and growth of relig. as illust. by Celtic heathendom. 29630 Cements. Hodgson, F. T. Plaster and plastering ; Mortars and cements. 2S315 Cemeteries. See Burial. Cenacolo, II, Legend of. (In Phillimore, C. M. Studies.) 28075 Cenis, Mont. Kingston, W. B. First railway ascent of Mont Cenis. (In his Wanderer's notes, v. 1.) 30594 Censor, pseud. Don't ; Manual of mistakes and improprieties ; [rev. and extended] . 23365 Centennial, The, of a revolution ; address by a revolutionist. [W. H. Farrington?] 29903 Central America. Antiquities. Charnay, D. Ancient cities of the new world ; voyages and explorations. *I Bibliography. Brigham, W. T. List of works rel. to Ceutr. Amer. ( In his Guatemala.) 28748 Description and travels. Sauborn, H. J. A winter in Centr. Amer. and Mexico. 26551 Stephens, C. A. The Knockabout club in the tropics. 23192 116 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. See also Guatemala; Honduras. Century, The. Vol. 26-37. 20013-24 Note. Continuation of Scribner's Monthly. Century, A, of roundels ; by A. C. Swinburne. 23602 Certainty. McCosh, J. Certitude, Providence, and prayer. (Philos. ser.) 23668 Same. (In his Realistic phil., v. 1.) 27771 Cervantes Saavedra, M. Lowell, J. R. Don Quixote. (In his Democracy, etc.) 27217 Ce"sar ; ou, Le chien du chateau ; come" die- vaudeville ; par A. E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, ser. 2, v. 28.) *I Ce"sar Birotteau ; by H. de Balzac. 26621 Ceylon. Description, etc. Ballou, M. M. (In his due west.) 23522 Carnegie, A. (In his Round the world.) 24006 Ferguson, J. Ceylon in 1884. 23840 Haeckel, E. A visit to C. 23003 Mitford, E. L. (In his Land march, v. 2.) 24966 Moore, J., Jr. The Queen's empire. 26178 Natural History. Hornaday, "W. T. Two years in the jungle. 25836 Ceylon, steam-yacht. Munro, W. Two months' cruise in the C. 24665 Chace, G. I. Murray, J. O. George I. Chace ; a memorial. *I Chaco, El gran. Pelleschi, G. Eight months on the Gran Chaco of the Argentine Republic. 26598 Chadwick, Sir A. Axon, W. E. A, The estates of C. (In his Lancashire gleanings.) 23436 Chadwick, E. Sanitation of London and the suburbs. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 12. *I Richardson, B. W. The health of nations; review of the works of C., with biog. dissertation. 2 v. 29494-5 Chadwick, F. E. Report on the training systems for the navy and mercantile marine of Eng., and on the naval training system of France, Sept., 1879. 22028 Chadwick, H. Chadwick's base ball manual, 1871. 9777 Sports and pastimes of Amer. boys ; guide and text-book of games. 24897 Chadwick, J. W. Book of poems. 29668 The eternal goodness. (In Mod. Unitarianism.) 26688 In Nazareth town ; Christmas fantasy ; and other poems. 23265 The revelation of God. (In Savage, M. J., and others. " Show us the Father.") 29725 ed. The two voices : poems of the mountains and the sea. 26067 Chaffin, W. L. History of the town of Easton, Mass. *I Chaldrea. Myers, P. V. N. (In his Eastern nations, etc.) 30293 Description and History. Ragozin, Z. A. Story of C., to the rise of Assyria. 26447 Challenger, ship. Carpenter, W. B. The deep sea and its contents. (In his Nature.) 30623 Chalmers, J. Pioneering in New Guinea. Map and illust. 28624 Chalmers, M. D. Local government. (Eng. citizen.) 23204 Chalmers, T. Mason, E. T. (In his Pers. traits, v. 2.) 25229 Pierson, A. T. (In his Evang. work.) 28900 - Taylor, W. M. (In his Scottish pulpit.) 28910 Chamber, The, over the gate ; by M. Holmes. 27764 Chamberlain, D. H. The American system of trial by jury ; address, 1887. 21855 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 117 Not " a college fetish ;" rep. to addr. of C. F. Adams, Jr. ; with articles by Profs. Zeller, Fisher, and Peabody. 24271 Allen, W. Governor C.'s administration in South Carolina; reconstr. in the southern states. 29439 Chamberlain, J. W. Scenes in Libby prison. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Chamberlain, M. John Adams, statesman of the Amer. re- volution ; address, 1884. 23611 Chamberlain, N. H. Autobiography of a New Eng. farm house ; romance of the Cape Cod lands. 30084 Chambers, R. Illustrations of the author of Waverley ; notices and anecdotes of characters, scenes, etc. 24351 Vestiges of the nat. hist, of creation. 12th ed. ; with introd. rel. to the authorship, by A. Ireland. 24661 Chambers, T. W. Companion to the revised Old Testament. 25413 Chambers, W. Exploits and anecdotes of the Scottish gypsies, etc. 27869 Chambers, W., LL.D. Life and anecdotes of D. Ritchie, original of Scott's Black dwarf. 27548 Chambers-Ketchum, A. See Ketchum, A. C. Champlain, Lake. Parkman, F. (In his Hist, handbook.) 25450 - Wright, H. C. Settlement of Maine, and disc, of Lake C. (In her Child, stor.) 26094 Champlin, J. D., Jr. Chronicle of the coach; Charing Cross to Ilfracombe. Illust. 27185 - Young folks' cyclopaedia of common things. Illust. 28198 - Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons and places. 4th ed., rev. Illust. 28199 Champney, L. (or E.) W. The bubbling teapot; wonder story. Illust. 27277 Great-grandmother's girls in New France; history of little Eunice Williams. Illust. 28755 Great-grandmother's girls in New Mexico, 1670-1680. Illust. 30306 - The heartbreak cameo. ( In Stor. by Am. authors, v. 6.) 24219 Howling Wolf and his trick-pony. Illust. 30085 - The rubber baby. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor.) 27342 Sally's seven league shoes; The rubber baby. (In New Eng. story-bk.) 24819 Three Vassar girls at home ; trip thr. the south and west. Illust. 29442 - Three Vassar girls in England. Illust. 23146 Three Vassar girls in Italy. Illust. 25973 Three Vassar girls in South America. Illust. 24560 - Three Vassar girls on the Rhine. Illust. 26979 Chance, H. Manufacture of crown and sheet glass. (With Powell, H. J. Princ., etc.) 24814 Chance, Chances. See Probabilities. Chancellor, E. B. Life of Charles I., 1600-1625. *I Chancellor's secret, The ; by C. F. Meyer. 28069 Chancellorsville. Rice, O. Afield with the Eleventh Army Corps at C. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Chandler, C. F. The Baume" hydrometers. (In Nat. Acad. of Sci. Mem., v. 3, pt. 1.) 14262 Chandler, S. History of the town of Shirley, Mass., to 1882 ; [with general register] . 23147 Chancy, G. L. Every-day life and every-day morals. 24728 Contents. Art and morals. Juvenile literature and juvenile morals. Literature and morals. Industry and morals. Business and morals. The stage and morals. The press and morals. The pulpit and morals. 118 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Change of front of the universe ; by M. J. Savage. (In Savage, M. J., and others. " Show us the Father.") 29725 Chanler, A. (R.). Virginia of Virginia. 29821 Channel islands. Corning, C. R. (In his Aalesund to Te- tuan.) 30307 Sunshine and sea; yachting visit to the Channel Is.; by a country doctor. 26614 /See also Guernsey ; Jersey. Channing, E. The Narragansett planters. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 4.) *I Town and county government in the Eng. colonies of No. America. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 2.) *I Channing, E., tr. Pestatozzi's Leonard and Gertrude, tr. and abgd. 25452 Channing, W. E. Eliot ; poem. 26661 John Brown, and the heroes of Harper's Ferry; poem. 26660 -Ode of 1845. (In Cone. Sen. of Philos. Lect.) 24790 Channing, W. E., D.D. Dr. Channing's note-book; passages fr. the unpub. mss. of C. 27638 Hazard, R. G. Philosophical character of C. (In his Essay.) 30793 Hedge, F. H. Rev. W. E. Channiug; celebration of 25th anniv. of his death. (In his Martin Luther, etc.) 29538 Channing, W. H. Frothingham, O. B. Memoir of C. 27202 Chanoinesse, La ; come" die-vaudeville ; par E. Scribe. (In his (Euvres, s6r. 2, v. 26.) *I Chantry House ; by C. M. Yonge. 26654 Chantry priest, The, of Barnet ; by A. J. Church. 30405 Chaplain's craze, The ; by G. M. Fenn. 27619 Chaplin, H. W. (pseud. C. H. White.) Eli. (In Stor. by Am. authors, v. 9.) 24222 Same. (In his Five hundred dollars, etc.) 29000 Five hundred dollars ; and other stor. of New Eng. life. 29000 Contents. Five hundred dollars. The village convict. Saint Patrick. Eli. By the sea. In Madeira Place. The new minister's great oppor- tunity. t Chaplin, J. and J. D. Life of Charles Sumner ; introd. by W. Claflin. 28457 Chaplin, S. How Naomi flooded the bog. (In Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 Chapman, G. Dennis, J. (In his Her. of lit.) 23445 Chapman, T. J. The French in the Allegheny valley. 29065 Character. Hinsdale, B. A. Origin of character. (In his Schools, etc.) 23778 See also Moral philosophy. Charades. (In Brewster, E. E. Parlor varieties.) 3 pts. 27357-9 Charcoal. Webster, A. D. Charcoal; its manuf. and uses. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Charcoal drawing. Fowler, F. Drawing in charcoal and crayon. 2 v. *I Charities. Adams, H. B. Notes on the literature of charities. ( With Bugbee, J. M. City gov. of Boston.) 29125 Same. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 5.) *I Fields, A. How to help the poor. 23157 Lowell, J. S. Public relief and private charity. 24550 See also House of Rest. Charity. Uhlhorn, G. Christian charity in the anc. church. 23195 CATALOGUE Charity ; by H. H. Boyesen. (In his Vagabond tales.) 30885 Charlemagne. Cleveland, R. E. Charlemagne. (In her G. Eliot's poetry, etc.) 25554 Farmer, L. H. (In her Boys' book.) 27081 Mombert, J. I. History of Charles the Great. 30241 Charles I., of England. Chancellor, E. B. Life of C., 1600- 1625. *I Ewald, A. C. A knight-errant's pilgrimage. (In his Studies.) 25625 Charles II., of England. Molloy, J. F. Royalty restored; or, London under C. 2 v. 26260-1 Charles IX., of France. Jackson, C. C. (In her Last of the Valois.) 29753-4 Charles XII., of Sweden. Brook, E. S. Charles of Sweden. (In his Hist, boys.) 25969 Topelius, Z. Times of C. (Surgeon's stor.) 23652 Charles Augustus, of Saxe- Weimar. Hillebrand, K. Herder, Goethe, and Carl August. 23818 Charles Edward, son of the Pretender. See Stuart, C. E. Charles John XIV. (Bernadotte), of Sweden. Biographical sketch of Bernadotte. (In Bloomfield, B. Mem., v. 1.) 25052 Lefnads-teckning ofver Konung Carl XIV. Johan. 15136 Charles Leopold, Duke of Lorraine. Maiden, H. E. Vienna, 1683 ; defeat of the Turks by J. Sobieski and Charles Leopold. 23244 Charles, Mrs. E. (R.) Three martyrs of the 19th cent. ; lives of Livingstone, Gordon, and Patteson. 26410 An old story of Bethlehem ; one link in the great pedigree. (Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowl.) 24623 Charles river ; a poem ; by T. C. Amory. 39078 Charles river valley, Mass. Mass. Commissioners. Report of Comm. to consider a gen. system of drainage for the valley of Charles river. 15695 Charleston, S. C. Voris, A. C. Charleston in the rebellion. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Charlestown, Mass. Hunnewell, J. F. A cent, of town life ; history of C. *I Charley Kingston's aunt; by P. Oliver [H. Thompson]. 26903 Charlie Asgarde ; by A. St. Johnston. 24789 Charlie, A, in Paris ; by B. W. Howard. (In New Eng. story- book.) 24819 Charlie Lucken at school and college ; by H. C. Adams. 27169 Charlotte Sophia, tvife of George III. of England. Papen- dick, Mrs. Court and private life in the time of C. 2 v. 28431-2 Charnay, D. Ancient cities of the new world ; voyages and explorations in Mexico and Centr. Amer., 18571882 ; tr. by J. Gonino and H. S. Conant. *I Chartres. Poole, R. L. The school of C. (In his Illust. of medieval thought.) 25132 Charts. See Maps. Chase, E. B. Over the border; Acadia, the home of "Evan- geline." Illust. *I 120 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Chase, P. E. Elements of meteorology. 2 pts. 24542-3 Contents. Pt. 1. Practical instructions. 2. Principles and scholia. Chase, S. P. On the Kansas-Nebraska bill ; Senate, Feb. 3, , 1854. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 2.) 24996 Piatt, D. (In his Memories.) 28259 Chase, The, of Leviathan ; by M. Reid. 24931 Chasseur de plantes, Le ; par M. Reid. 14811 Chateaubriand, F. A. R., vicomtede. Robertson, J. B. Life, writings, and times of C. (In his Lect., etc.) 23039 Chatham, Earl of. See Pitt, W. Chatrian, A. joint author. See Erckmann, E. Chats ; by G. Hamlen. 24627 Chatterbox, The, 18831887. 5 v. 24007 ; 24729-32 Chatterton, T. Noel, R. (In his Essays.) 26901 Chattock, R. S. Practical notes on etching. 2d ed. [Illust.] *I Chaucer, G. Chaucer; select, and ed. by F. N. Paton. 30520 Extracts from C., with grammar and glossary by II. Sweet. (In Second middle Eng. primer.) 28664 The rime of Sir Thopas. (In Morley, II. Burlesque plays, etc.} 28196 Coleridge, S. T. Notes on C. (In his Lect., etc.) 23832 Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Thorn, W. T. Shakespeare and Chaucer examinations. 29162 Chaumiere et son cceur., Une ; come'die-vaudeville ; par E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, ser. 2, v. 27.) *I Chaumont, F. S. B. F. de. Field, R., and Peggs, J. W. Water. (In Murphy, S. F. Our homes.) 24196 Chautauqua. Vincent, J. H. The Chautauqua movement ; with introd. by L. Miller. 26963 Chautauqua Town and Country Club. Chautauqua talks ; namely ; Barnard, C. Talks about the weather. 26137 Chautauqua Young Folks' Annual. [1886]. 26100 Chauveau, P. J. O. Bender, P. (In his Literary sheaves.) 24137 Chauvenet, W. Treatise on element, geometry ; rev. and abridged, by W, E. Byerly. 29526 Cheap nigger, A ; by A. Lang. (In his In the wrong paradise, etc.) 27324 Checkmated ; and other stor. by leading writers. 27011 Contents. A great mistake. A swim for life. Some doubtful ac- quaintances. Nelly's mistake. Checkmated. Faithless Margaret. One hundred pounds reward. A passing acquaintance. The violoncello's next engagement. Gerald's four-leaved shamrock. Our harmony class. Cheep and chatter ; by A. Banks. 28002 Cheever, Mrs. H. B. Camp Hamperford. (In Craik, D. M. (M.) , and others. Plucky boys.) . 27282 Cheever, H. T. Correspondencies of faith, and Views of Mad. Guy on ; study of the unitive power and place of faith in the theology and church of the future. 26315 Cheirognomy, Cheirosophy. See Chiromancy. Chelsea, Eng. Martin, B. E. Old Chelsea ; a summer-day's stroll. ' *I Chemistry. Analysis. Bell, J. The chemistry of foods, pts. 1, 2. 26222-3 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 121 Blair, A. A. Chemical analysis of iron; the best known methods. 29784 Classen, A. Quantitative chemical analysis by electrolysis. 29066 Dittmar, W. Exercises in quantitative chem. analysis with Treat, on gas analysis. 29364 Stoddard, J. T. Outline of qualitative analysis for beginners. 2d ed. 24501 White, A. H. S. Chemical analysis ; qualitative, inorganic. 26276 General and miscellaneous works. Bayley, T. Pocket-beok for chemists, etc. 27135 Bert, P. (In his Introd. steps in science.) 28942 Clarke, F. W. Elements of chemistry. 24142 Cooke, J. P. The new chemistry. 24899 Cooke, J. P., Jr. Elements of chemical physics. 26467 Erni,H. Mineralogy simplified ; with introd. to mod. C. 26144 Greene, W. H. Lessons in chemistry. 24146 Hunt, T. S. A new basis for C. ; a chemical philosophy. 2^513 Meyer, L. Modern theories of C. 29622 Nichols, J. R. Chemistry of the farm and the sea, etc. 21145 Remsen, L Elements of C.; text-book for beginners. 27686 Introduction to the study of chemistry. 26186 Principles of theoret. C- ; with spec. ref. to the constitution of chem. compounds. 25797 Richter, V. von. Text-book of inorganic C. 25945 Shenstone, W. A. Practical introd. to chemistry. 26714 Tyler, H. W. Entertainments in chemistry. 27102 Wurtz, C. A. Elements of modern chemistry. 23924 History. Muir, M. M. P. Heroes of science; chemists. 23589 Organic chemhir>i. Muir, M. M. P. Rise and progress of org. C. (In his Her. of science.) 23589 Remson, I. Introduction to the study of the comp. of carbon. 25144 Richter, V. von. Chemistry of the carbon compounds -js;;(;-j Roscoe, H. E., and Schorlemmer, C. (In their Treatise, v. 3.) 21320 Technical chemistry. - Brannt, W. T. Practical treat, on animal and vegetable fats and oils. 2SS;V2 Post, J. Grundriss drr chemfecheq trhnologie. 16226 See also Agricultural chemistry ; Alchemy ; Blowpipe; Electro- chemistry; Micro-chemistry ; Mineral physiology ; Sun ; Thermal chemistry, Cheney, A. N. Not all of fishing to fish. (In Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing, etc.) *I joint editor. See Orvis, C. F. Cheney, C. E. Young folks's history of the civil wur. lllust. 23309 Cheney, Mrs. E. D. Emerson and Boston. (In Cone. Sch. of Philos. Lect.) 24790 - Das Ewig-Weibliche. (In Cone. Sch. of Philos. Lect.) 26347 - Louisa May Alcott, the children's friend. lllust. 30207 Cheney, J. V. The old doctor ; romance of Queer village. 25716 Cherbuliez, V. La bte. 14448 Miss Rovel; fran franskan af H. Homer. 15083 Chtrif, pasha. Sketch of C. (In Khedives, etc.) 24002 Cherokee Indians. Foster, G. E. (In his Se-quo-yah.) 26423 Chersonese. Bishop, I. L. B. The Golden C. and the way thither. 22934 - Innes, E. The Chersonese with the gilding off. 2 v. 26247-8 Cherubim, L. C. Z. S. M. Bellasis, E. Cherubini ; memori- als illust. of his life. 27914 - Rockstro, W. S. (In his Gen. hist, of music.) 26602 Chesapeake bay. Rothrock, J. T. Vacation cruising in C. and Delaware bays. 24155 Cheshire, Eng. Axon, W. E. A. Cheshire gleanings. 24340 Chesneau, E. The education of the artist ; tr. by C. Bell. 26698 - The Eng. school of painting; tr. by L. N. Etherington; pref. by J. Ruskm. 25059 122 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Chesney, F. R., Gen. Chesney, G. F., and O'Donnell, J. C. Life of C. 26228 Chesney, G. F., and O'Donnell, J. C. Life of Gen. F. R. Chesney ; ed. by S. Lane-Poole. 26228 Chess. Cook, W. Synopsis of chess openings ; tabular analy- sis ; with Amer. inventions, etc., since 1882; by J. W. Miller. 24471 Monroe, J. Science and art of chess. 21144 Rowland, T. B. and F. F. The problem art; how to compose and solve problems. 28656 Verney, G. H. Chess eccentricities. 25411 Chester, W. D. Chronicles of the Customs department. 25553 Chetham, H. Bourne, H. R. F. (In his Eng. merchants.) 26568 Cheves, L. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Chewton- Abbot ; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. (In his Carriston's gift, and in Tales fr. Chambers's Jour., v. 2.) 25492 ; 27967 Cheyne, Rev. T. K. Book of Psalms ; new translation, with commentary. 29738 Translation of commentary ; Psalms. 29738 Chezzles, The ; by L. G. Morse. 30449 Chicago. Barrows, W. Ancient Chicago. (In Ms U. S. of yesterday, etc.] 29131 Sweetser, M/F. (In Hodder, E. Cit. of the world, v. 2.) 25068 Chicago Manual Training School. Ham, C. H. (In his Man. training.) 26427 Chichester, Diocese. Stephens, W. R. W. The South Saxon diocese, Selsey-Chichester. 26516 Chickamauga. Carnahan, J. R. Personal recollections of C. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Chief ancient philosophies. See Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowledge. Chien du capitaine Le ; par L. Enault. 14498 Chien du capitaine, Le ; par L. Enault. (Contes choisis. no. 12.) 14868 Chihuahua. Description, etc. Ober, F. A. Chihuahua, the great frontier state. (In his Travels.) *I Chilcotes, The ; by L. Keith. 27211 Child, F. J., ed. Poems of relig. sorrow, comfort, counsel, and aspiration. 26980 Child. F. S. South Dakota ; resources, people, statehood. 30086 Child, Sir J. Bourne, H. R. F. (In his Eng. merchants.) 26568 Child, L. M. (F.) Parton, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Woolsey, S. C. L. M. Child. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Child, The, and nature ; by A. E. Frye. 29533 Child Marian has a party ; by W. M. F. Round. (In Clarke, R. S., and others. A Christ, breeze.) 27385 Child, A, of the age ; by H. H. Boyesen. (In his Vagabond tales.) 30885 Child of the century ; by J. T. Wheelwright. 27856 Child of the revolution ; by [M. Roberts]. 28159 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 123 Child, The, of the state ; by L. C. Wyman. (In her Poverty grass.) 26940 Child's garden of verses ; by R. L. Stevenson. 25357 Childe Harold's pilgrimage. See Byron, G. G. N. Childhood, boyhood, youth; by L. N. Tolstoi. 26849 Childhood of Christ ; sacred trilogy ; by H. Berlioz. *I Children. Carpenter, H. The mother's and kindergartner's friend. 24180 Doctor Frank, pseud. Health of our children. 28177 Hawthorne, J. Literature for children. (In his Confessions, etc.) 27312 Hinsdale, B. A. Handling children. (In his Schools, etc.) 23778 Leib, W. H. Voices of children; princ., and disc. thr. which they may be made efficient. 20651 Malleson, Mrs. F. Notes on the early training of children. 30536 Mitchell, S. W. Moral management of sick children. (In his Doctor, etc.) 29058 Oultines of sermons to children, etc. 23302 Perez, B. The first three years of childhood. 25723 Preyer, W. The mind of the child. 2 v. 29185-6 Repplier, A. Children, past and present; What children read. (In her Books and men.) 30245 Robertson, E. S. The children of the poets ; an anthology of three centu- ries. 30360 Savage, M. J. Man, woman, and child. 24204 Squire, \V. The nursery. (In Murphy, S. F. Our homes.) 24196 Stanley, A. P. Sermons for children. 28906 Starr, L. Hygiene of the nursery. 30370 Terhune, M. V. H. Common sense in the nursery. 25850 Thaxter, C. Poems for children. 23297 - West, C. Mother's manual of children's diseases. 26863 Children I have met. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Jour., v. 1.) 279G6 Children of all nations ; illust. 24604 Children of Gibeon ; by W. Besant. 27613 Children, The, of Old Park's tavern ; by F. A. Humphrey. 27208 Children of silence : story of the deaf ; by J. A. Seiss. 28818 Children of the cold ; by F. Schwatka. 27598 Children of the earth ; by A. R. Macfarlane. 26833 Children of the public ; by E. E. Hale. (In Hale, E. E. The man without a country, etc.} 28201 Children of Westminster Abbey ; by R. G. Kingsley. 26789 Children of Westminster Abbey ; by R. G. Kingsley. (In Chautauqua Young Folks' ann., 1886.) 26100 Children, The, out-of-doors ; verses ; by two in one house. 25018 Children's stor. of Amer. progress ; by H. C. Wright. 28461 Childs, E. E. History of the U. S., 1492-1885, incl. not. of manufactures, railroads, inventions, etc.) 26409 Childs, G. W. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Chili. Boyd, R. N. Chili; sketches of C. and the Chilians dur. the war, 1879-1880. 23074 Chimney, The, at Lisgravan mill, (in My night adventure, etc.) 27692 Chimneys. Edwards, F., Jr. Treatise on smoky C. ; their cure, etc. *I China. Lacouperie, T. de. The cradle of the Shan race. (In Colquhoun, A. R. Amongst the Shans.) 25388 124 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Description and travels. Balfour, F. H. Leaves fr. my Chinese scrapbook. 28548 Ballou, M. M. (In his Due west.) 23522 Caine, W. S. (In his Trip round the world.) 30518 Carnegie, A. (In his Round the world.) 24006 Cumming, C. F, G. Wanderings in China. 2 v. 26574-5 Fielde, A. M. Pagoda shadows; studies fr. life in C. 24407 French, H. W. Our boys in C. ; adventures. 23274 Hart, V. C. Western China; journey to the great Buddhist centre of Mount Oraei. 30225 Henry, B. C. Ling-Nam; interior views of southern C. 27146 - Hunter, W. C. Bits of old China. 25626 Jones, De L. F. Letters fr. the far East, 1885-86. 28514 Lee, Y. P. When I was a boy in China. 28320 Little, A. J. Through the Yang-tse gorges; trade and travel in west- ern C. 29756 Meignan, V. (In his From Paris to Pekin.) 26594 Piassetsky, P. Russian travellers in Mongolia and C. 2 v. 24668-9 Reich, E. China and India. (.In his Hist, of civilization.) 30660 Richardson, D. N. (In his Girdle round the earth.) 29191 Stevens, T. (In his Around the world, v. 2.) 28366 - Wilson, J. H. China; travels and investigations. 28375 See also Canton ; Chersonese ; Hainan. History. Boulger, D. C. History of China. V. 3. 21939 Hiuen Tsiang. Buddhist records of the western world. 2 v. 25316-17 Literature. Giles, H. A. Gems of Chinese literature. 23843 Hearn, L. Some Chinese ghosts ; [legends] . 27830 Missions. Henry, B. C. The cross and the dragon. 25504 Population. Temple, R. The Chinese population. (In his Cosmopolitan essays.) 27601 Religion and philosophy. Du Bose, H. C. The dragon, image, and demon : Confucianism, Bud- dhism, and Taoism. 27742 See also Buddha. China painting. Frackelton, S. S. Tried by fire ; china-paint- ing. *I McLaughlin, M. L. Suggestions to china painters. 23671 Chinese immigration. Stone, W. W., and Morrow, W. W. The Chinese, and the labor question. (In McNeill, G. E. The labor movement.) 27651 Chintreuil, A. Hamerton, P. G. Chintreuil. (In his Portf . papers.) 30848 Chippeway or Ojibway Indians. Neill, E. D. History of the Ojibways, and their connection with fur traders. (In Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 5.) 25414 - Warren, W. W. History of the Ojibways. (In Minnesota Hist. Soc. Col., v. 5.) 25414 Chips from a teacher's workshop. See Klemm, L. R. Chirognomancy, Chirognomy. See Chiromancy. Chiromancy. Allen, E. H. Manual of cheirosophy. 27028 Baughan, R. Chirognomancy; or, Indications of temperament, etc.* manifested by the form and texture of the thumb, etc. 27132 Handbook of palmistry. 27133 Frith, H., and Allen, E. H. Chiromancy; science of palmistry. 23694 Chisholm, G. G., joint author. See Rudler, F. W. Chisholm, G. G. Longman's school geography. 30087 Chivalric days ; by E. S. Brooks. 27180 Chivalry. Ashton, J. Romances of C. told and illust. in fac-simile. 27170 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 125 Cleveland, K. E. Chivalry; essay. (In her G. Eliot's poetry.) 25544 Chlapowska, Mme. H. (M.) Collins, M. The story of Mod- jeska [Mme. Chlapowska]. 23126 Gilder, J. L. Modjeska. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. fi.) 26476 Choate, L. Romance of a letter. (Round world ser.) 28492 Choate, R. Boutwell, G. S. Rufus Choate, the lawyer. (In his Lawyers, etc.) 28862 Neilson, J. Memories of C. 23790 Whipple, E. P. College life of C. (In Parton, J. Some not. princes, etc.) 25675 Some recollections of C. (In his Recollections.) 27354 Chocolate. Baker, W. & Co. Cocoa and chocolate ; their production and use ; with methods of preparing them. 16746 Cholera. Bellew, H. W. History of C. in India, 1862-1881 ; with obs. on causes and nature. 28616 Short pract. treat, on the nature, causes, and treatment of C. 29011 Stille, A. Cholera; its origin, history, prevention, etc. 25682 U. S. Dept. of State. Cholera in Europe in 1884. 22654 Cholmondeley-Pennell, H. See Pennell, H. C. Chomet, H. Influence of music on health and life ; tr. by L. A. Flint. 27993 Chopin, F. F. Bourne, C. E. (In his Gt. composers.) 27917 Butterworth, H. Chopin and piano music. (In his Gt. composers.) 24179 Ehlert, L. (In his Fr. the tone world.) 25335 Engel, L. (In his Fr. Mozart to Mario, v. 1.) 27558 Fillmore, J. C. Sketch of C. (In his Pianoforte music.) 23372 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Choraeus, M. Samlade Skaldestycken. 15124 Choral music. Krehbiel, H. E. Notes on the cultivation of choral music and the Oratorio Soc. of New York. 24149 Chorley, H. F. Recent art and society, as descr. in the auto- biography and memoirs of C. ; comp. by C. H. Jones. 27733 Chousy, D., le conte de. Ignis. 14828 Choy Susan ; by W. H. Bishop. 24557 Chris ; by W. E. Norris. 29693 Christ. See Jesus Christ. Christ and Christanity. See Haweis, H. R. Christ in the camp ; by J. W. Jones. 28515 Christ's folk in the Appenine ; by F. Alexander. 29344 Christian IX., King of Denmark. Bille, C. S. de. King and Queen of Denmark. (In Parton, J. Some not. prin., etc.) 25675 Christian architecture. See Ecclesiastical architecture. Christian art. Didron, A. N. Christian iconography ; with add., etc. by M. Stokes. Vol. 2. 1222 Kenan, J. E. Religious art. (In his Studies.) 27950 Buskin J. Mornings in Florence ; studies of Christian art. 12570 Christian Brothers. Wilson, Mrs. R. F. The Christian Broth- ers ; their origin and work. 25321 Christian character. Church, R. W. The discipline of the Chr. character. 26411 Christian facts and forces ; by N. Smyth. 28689 Christian life. Phelps, A. Is the Christian life worth living? (In his My study.) 26445 10 126 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Christian science. See Mind cure. Christian socialism. Rae, J. The Christian socialists. (In his Contemp. soc.) 24424 Christiani, A. F. Principles of expression in pianoforte playing. 25717 Christianity. Abbott, E. A. The kernel and the husk ; letters on spiritual C. 27809 - Behrends, A. J. F. Socialism and Christianity. ' 26801 Gladden, W. Applied C.: moral aspects of SQC. questions. 27203 Hedge, F. H. Christianity in conflict with Hellenism. (In his M. ' Luther, etc.) 29538 Lilly, W. S. The Christian revolution. (In his Chapt. on Euro', hist.. v. 1.) 26895 Luthardt, C. E. Apologetic lectures on ,the truths of Christianity. 3 v. 25915-17 Morris, G. S. Philosophy and C. ; lect. 23550 Newman, F. W. Christianity in its cradle. 25076 Parks, L. His star in the East; study in the early Aryan religions. 27840. SchafF, P. Christ and Christianity. ' 25765 Schmidt, C. Social results of early C. Evidences. Bush, J. S. The evidence of faith. Clark, W. Witnesses to Christ;, contrib. to Chr. apologetics. 29528 Cooke, J. P. The credentials of science the warrant of faith. 29671 Curteis, G. H. The scientific obstacles to Chr. belief. 25720 Fisher, G. P. Grounds of theistic and Chr. belief. - 23159 Manual of Christian evidences. 29676 Nordhoff, C. God and the future life ; reasonableness of C. 23395 Phelps, A. Why do I believe C. to be a revelation? (In his My study.) 26445 Pressens6, E. de. The ancient world and Christianity. 29564 Pritchard, C. Analogies in the proir. of nature and grace. ' 26286 Smith, H. B. Apologetics. ( With, his Introd. to Chr. theol.) 25769 Storrs, R,. S. Divine origin of C. indicated by its hist, effects. ' 24796 Wilson, W. D. Foundations of religious belief. 23809 See also Creeds. For the hist, of Christianity see Ecclesiastical his- tory. For doctrines and practice of Christianity see Theology*. Christianity before Christ ; by C. J. Stone. 25848 Christie's Christmas ; by Pansy [I. M. Alden], 27264 Christina, Queen of Sweden. Brooks, E. 8. (In Ms Hist. girls.) 28864 Christine ; by L. Enault. 23046 Christine of Stommeln. Renan, J. E. A monastic idyl of the 13th cent. (In Ms Stud.) 27950 Christison, Sir R., Bart. Life of C. ; ed. by his sons. 2 v. 26884-5 Christmas. Brooks, E. S. Master Sandys' snap-dragon; Christmas story of the revel at King James' court, 1611. (In his Stor. holidays.) 28749 Hale, E. E. Our C. in a palace. 23467 - Hervey, T. K. Book of Christmas ; customs, traditions, etc. 30228 Oxenham, H. N. Festival of Christmas. (In his Short, stud.) p 25126 A Roman Christmas. (In Strange teas, etc.) 28930 Runkle, K. B. Festival poems; coll. for Christmas, etc. 24610 Wright, W. B. (In h is World to come.) 28693 Christmas angel; by B. L. Farjeon. 26112 Christmas before last; by F. R. Stockton. (In his Bee-man, etc.) 28995 Christmas breeze, A ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 27385 Christmas carol, A; by Mme. de Gasparin. (In her Under Fr. skies.) 30322 Christmas country, The ; ed. by M. J. Safford. ' 27095 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 127 Christmas crime, A ; by W. H. Bishop. (In his Brown stone boy, etc.) 29782 Christmas eve and Easter day ; by R. Browning. 28944 Christmas in Cooney camp ; by Collingwood. (In Hale, E. E. Our C. in a palace.) 23467 Christmas in Narragansett ; by E. E. Hale. 24990 Christmas mumming play. Ewing, J. H. The peace egg ; a Christ, mumming play. 28298 Christmas posy, A ; by Mrs. Molesworth. 30442 Christmas stories ; by M. J. Holmes. 24611 Christmas story, A ; by S. A. Palmer. (In her Mrs. P.'s lodger, etc.) 29455 Christmas-tree land ; by Mrs. Molesworth. 24579 Christmas waits in Boston ; by E. E. Hale. '(In Hale, E. E. The man without a country, etc.) 28201 Christmas with Grandma Elsie ; by M. Finley. 30099 Christmas wreck, The ; by F. R. Stockton. ' 26935 Christophers, S. W. Hymn-writers and their hymns. 28285 Christy, M. The trade signs of Essex ; pop. acct. of origin . and meanings. Illust. 27921 Chronicles of the Stimpcett family, and others ; by A. M. Diaz. 24739 Chrononhotonthologos ; by H. Carey. (In Morley, H. Bur- lesque plays, etc.) 28196 Chronwall, J. H. Swenska skaldekonsten fran forntiden till innewarande tid ; Edward och Brynhilda, en tafia ur emi- grant och slaflifwet. 15181 Church, A. H. Colour ; elementary man. for students ; enl. ed. ; with col'd plates. 29472 English earthenware; handbook to the wares made in England dur. the 17th-18th cent., as illust. in the national collections. (So. Kens. Mus. Art hd. bks.) *I Plain words about water. New ed. (So. Kens. Mus. Sci. lid. bks.) 26229 Precious stones, consid. in their scientific and artistic relations; with catalogue of Townshend coll. of gems in So. Kens. Mus. Col'd plate, etc. (So. Kens. Mus. Art hd. bks.) *I Church, A. J. The chantry priest of Barnet ; tale of the two Roses. 30405 The count of the Saxon shore : or, The villa in Vectis ; tale of the de- part, of the Romans fr. Brit. ; with the collaboration of R. Putnam. Illust. 28677 Heroes and kings ; stories f r. the Greek. 23442 Raman life in the days of Cicero ; f r. his letters and speeches. Illust. 23686 Stories of the magicians. 27549 Contents. Thalaba. Rustem. Kehama. Stories of the old world'. 23763 Contents. Story of the Argo. Story of Thebes. Story of Troy. Adventures of Ulysses. Adventures of" ^Eneas,. Three Greek children; story of home in old time. Illust. 30406 Two thousand years ago; a*d ventures of a Roman boy. Illust. 26068 With the king at Oxford; tale of the great rebellion. Illust. 26230 and Gilrnan, A. The story of Carthage. (Story of the nations.) 26981 Church, F. J., tr. Trial and death of Socrates : Euthyphron, Apology, Crito, and Phsedo of Plato. 27594 Church, Mrs. F. M., now Mrs. F. Lean. Facing the foot- lights. 23958 128 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Church, I. P. Mechanics of materials ; elasticity and strength of beams, columns, arches, etc. 29792 Note. This is Pt. 3 of the author's Statics and dynamics. Church, R. W. Advent sermons, 1885. 27734 Contents. Faith amid changes. The kingdom of God. Hope. Bacon. (Eng. men of letters.) 23879 The discipline of the Christian character; [sermons]. 26411 Contents. Abraham. The moral law. The psalrns and the prophets. The manifestation of Jesus Christ. The imitation of Jesus Christ. Church. For church architecture, art, biography, discipline, history, polity, etc., see Ecclesiastical. Church, The. Thwing, C. F. The working church. 30374 Church and state. Hudson, H. N. The Church and civ. so- ciety. (In his Stud, in Wordsworth.) 24572 Toynbee, A. The ideal rel. of church and state. (In his Lect.) 24386 Wakeman, H. O. Influence of the C. upon the develop, of the state. (In Wakeman, H. O., and Hassall, A. Essays.) 28090 See also Church of England. Establishment. Church mouse, The ; by S. O. Jewett. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Church music. Troutbeck, J. Church choir training. (Music primers.) 27955 Church of England. Blunt, J. H. The reformation of the Ch. of Eng. ; hist., principles, etc. 2 v. 22908-9 Phelpsj A. Study of the Episcopal Church. ( In his My study, etc.) 26445 Establishment. Palmer, K. Defence of the Ch. of Eng. agt. disestablishment. 28654 Richard, H., and Williams, J. C. Disestablishment. 26512 History. Cutts, E. L. Turning points of Eng. Ch. history. 23000 Hore, A. H. The Church fr. William III. to Victoria. 2 v. 28053-4 Hunt, W. The Eng. Church in the Middle Ages. 30798 Lane, C. A. Illustrated notes on Eng. Ch. history. 28645 Luckock, H. M. The bishops in the tower; events affecting the Ch. and nonconformists. 28420 Overton, J. H. Life in the English Church, 16601714. 26388 Wakeman, H. O. The Church and the Puritans, 15701660. 29424 Liturgies and ritual. Eaton, A. W. The liturgy. (In his Heart of the creeds.) 30316 Goulburn, E. M. The Collects of the Book of Common Prayer; abrgd. fr. G.'s Collects. 23206 Missions. Tucker, H. W. The English Church in other lands. 27065 Church of Scotland (Presbyterian) . Edgar, A. Old church life in Scotland ; lect. on kirk-session and presbytery records. Ser. 1, 2. 25624; 27556 Churchill, J., 1st Duke of Marlborough. Edgar, J. G. (In his Her. of Eng.) 23693 Saintsbury, G. Marlborough. 26087 Churchill, J. W., joint author. See Smyth, E. C. Churchward, W. B. "Blackbirding" in the So. Pacific. 30836 My consulate in Samoa; sojourn in the Navigators islands, etc. 29361 Churchyards. See Cemeteries. Chut; par A. E. Scribe. (In his QEuvres, se"r. 2, v. 28.) *I Gibber, C. She wou'd and she wou'd not ; Love's last shift ; or, The fool in fashion. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 129 Ciccolina, S., Marquise A. Deep breathing as a means of pro- moting the art of song and curing affections of the throat and lungs ; tr. by E. S. Werner. Illust. 24233 Cicero, M. T. Correspondence ; with rev. of the text, com- mentary, etc., by R. Y. Tyrrell. V. 2. 19310 Deamicitia: and Scipio's dream; tr. with introd. and notes by A. P. Peabody. 24898 De natura deorum ; libri tres ; with introd. and commentary by J. B. Mayor; [and] new collation of several of the Eng. mss., by J. H. Swainson. 3v. 28625-7 De senectute ; tr., with introd. and notes, by A. P. Peabody. 24059 Orator ; rev. text, with introd. essays and crit. and expl. notes, by J. E. Sandys. The Philippic orations ; with Eng. notes, by J. R. King. 2d ed., rev. 24541 Tusculan disputations; tr., with introd. and notes, by A. P. Peabody. Church, A. J. Roman life in the days of Cicero. 23686 Nettleship, H. The Pro Cluentio of "C. (In his Lect., etc.) 25633 Cicily ; ou, Le lion amoreux ; com6die-vaud., par A. E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, se"r. 2, v. 29.) *I Cid, Rodrigo or Ruy Diaz de Bivar, called The. Poem of the Cid; tr., with introd. and notes, by J. Ormsby. 29838 Poole, S. L., and Oilman, A. (In their Moors, etc.) 27336 Southey, R. Chronicle of the Cid. 23334 Cigale chez les fourmis, La ; par E. Legouv6. (In his Com- dies, and in his Theatre.) 14733 ; 14574 Cigue, La; com6die, par E. Augier. (In his Theatre compl., v. 1.) 14776 Cimabue, G. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Cimarosa, D. Rockstro, W. S. (In his Gen. hist, of music.) 26602 Cimino, A. See Luna, A. C. F. de. Cimon. Cox, G. W. (In his Lives of Gr. statesmen, ser. 2.) 26663 Cinchona. Alexander, J. Notes on methods of producing and harvesting C. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Flueckiger, F. A. The C. barks, pharmacognostically considered. *I Cinderella's ancestor ; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Chivalric days.) 27180 Cinna ; ou, La c!6mence d'Auguste ; trag^die ; by P. Corneille. (In French classics, v. 1.) 25260 Cinque ports. Burrows, M. Cinque ports. (Hist, towns.) 30159 Cione, A. di. See Orcagna. Cipriano, by J. A. O'Shea. (In his Mil. mosaics.) 30483 Circassia. Wanderer, pseud. Sport in C., and the Caucasus in general. (In his Notes, etc.) 23450 See also Caucasus. Circuit. Cockburn, Sir A. J. E. Circuit journeys. 30682 Coleridge, J. T. My recollection of the C. 23149 Cities. Charnay, D. Ancient cities of the new world. *I Hodder, E. Cities of the world. 3 v. 26067-9 Loomis, S. L. Modern cities and their relig. problems. 28798 Smith, H. A. The great cities of the ancient world. 26693 The great cities of the modern world. 26004 Wright, W. B. Ancient cities fr. the dawn to the daylight. 27010 See also Municipal law. Citizen, The, and the neighbor ; by C. F. Dole. 24009 City ballads ; by W. Carleton. 25652 City Beautiful, The ; by O. B. Bunce. (In his Story of Hap- pinolande.) 30886 130 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. City of Dream ; an epic poem ; by R. Buchanan. 30158 City, The, of Sarras ; by U. A. Taylor. 29161 City of the Sun ; See Cuzco. Civil government. Mowry, W. A. Studies in civ. govern- ment. 28734 Civil or Roman law. Amos, S. History and principles of the civil law of Rome. 23825 Morey, W. C. Outlines of Roman law; hist, growth, etc. 24580 Muirhead, J. Historical introd. to the private law of Rome. 27589 Scrutton, T. E. Influence of the Rom. law on the law of Eng. 27060 Civil service reform. Bain, A. The civil service examina- tions. (In his Pract. ess.) 24003 Shepard, E. M. The competitive test and the civil serv. of states and cities. 24551 Sumner, W. G. Presidential elections and civ. serv. ref . (In his Coll. essays.) 25525 U. S. Civ. Ser. Comm. Civil service examinations; quest, papers, with answers of candidates. 27178 Wedgwood, W. B. Civ. serv. ref.; illust. the plunder system; the spoils system ; the competitive system ; the educational and prize -system. 23333 See also U. S. Civilization. Adams, G. B. Mediaeval .civilization. 23136 Del Mar, A. Money and C.; hist, of the monetary laws, etc., of var. states, and their infl. upon C. 28397 '~ Mitchell, A. What is C. ? (In his The past in the present.) 25074 Reich, E. History of C.; origin and development of the main institu- tions of mankind. 30660 Clapperton, J. H. Scientific meliorism and the evolution, of happiness. 27140 Clara ; or, Slave life in Europe ; [by F. W. Hacklander] . 3. v.24838-40 Clara Howard ; by C. B. Brown. 30392 Clare, R. de, or R. S., 2d Earl of Pembroke and Strigul. Bar- nard, F. P. Strongbow's conquest of Ireland ; trans, fr. the works of Gerald of Barri and [others] . 29055 Clare of Claresmede ; by C. Gibbon, 27083 Clarendon, 1st Earl of. See Hyde, E. Clarendon, 4th Earl of. See Villiers, G. W. F. Claret wine. Maior, V. The viniculture of claret. 29553 Claretie, J. Bourn-Bourn. (In Contes choisis, no. 13.) 14868 - Victor Hugo. (In Daudet, E. Fr. celeb.) 23151 Claridge, R. Tractatus hierographicus ; treat, of the Holy Scriptures. 23510 Clario, F., pseud. See Varisco, D. Clark, C. H. S. L. Clemens. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) . 30787 Clark, D. K. Revision, with adds. (In Dempsey, G. D. On the drainage of lands, towns, etc.} 2863 : 2 Clark, E. B. E. Present aspect of the rural road question, with rem. on the maintenance of macadamised roads, etc. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 12.) *I Supervision of private building by public authority. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v/10.) *I, Clark, E. C. Practical jurisprudence ; comment on Austin. 25298 Clark, E. H. G. Man's birthright; or, The higher law of property. 25429 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 131 Clark, F. E. Our business boys; what men say. 23880 Clark, F. T. (pseud. F. Thickstun.) A Mexican girl. 29825 Clark, G. F. History of the temperance reform in Mass. 29793 Clark, G. T. Mediaeval military architecture in England. II- lust. 2 v. 23940-1 Clark, H. H., U. S..N. Boy life in the U. S, navy. 25718 Clark, J. B. The certainties of the tariff question. (In Shaw, A. Revenues.) 29895 Clark, K. U. Granny. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Clark, Mrs. S. R. G. The triple E. (Yensie Walton books.) 24181 Clark, T. M. Building superintendence; manual for young architects, etc. 23266 Clark, W. Witnesses to Christ; contr. to Christ, apologet- ics. (Baldwin lect., 1887.) 29528 Clark, W. P. The Indian sign language; with explan. notes of the gestures taught deaf-mutes ; and descr. of the laws, customs, etc., of our aborigines. 24734 Clarke, C. B. Speculations from political economy. 27186 Clarke, E. Handel. (The world's workers.) 26231 Susanna Wesley. (Fam. women.) 27279 Clarke, F. W. "Elements of chemistry. (Appletons' sci. text- books.) 24142 Clarke, G. S. Perspective explained and illustrated. 27518 Clarke, L E. Art and industry; the democracy of art; with sugg. cone: the rel. of art to education, etc. 26528 Clarke, J. F. Address. , (In Suffolk Conf. Luther mem.) 23647 Anti-slavery days ; sk. of the struggle which ended in the abolition of slavery in the U. S. 23881 Biographical notice. (In Very, J. Poems, etc.] 27672 Dedication sermon. (In Mod. Unitarianism.) ' 26688 E very-day religion. 26316 The fourth gospel ,* question of its origin stated and- discussed. 27Q72 The ideas of the Apostle Paul tr. into their mod. equivalents. 23882 Manual of Unitarian belief. 23883 -Vexed questions in theology; essays. 27073 Contents.' The five points of Calvinism and the five points of the new theology. The sin against the Holy Ghost. Christ and his antichrist. The introduction to the gospel of John. Old and new ideas cone, the di- vinity of Jesus. Is probation or education the end of life;' The Sab- bath, Sunday or the Lord's day, which? Old and new views cone, the tfible. The true coming of Christ. Agnosticism vs. positivism. The Hercules . and wagoner of to-day; or. State help vs. self-help. Recent discussions cone, conscience and its development. Scientific basis of prayer.-^Meaning and value of the Lord's supper at this time. Some reasons for believing in a future life. Clarke, J-. I. C. Robert 'Emmet ; tragedy of Irish history. 28953 Clarke, J. S. Bell, E. H. (Li Matthews, J. B., and Hut- ton r L.- , Actors, etc. , v. ;">.) 26476 Clarke, J. T. Plea for archaeological instruction. (In Hall, G. S. Methods, etc.). 25152 Clarke, M. C. Uncle Peep and I ; a child's novel. 27187 Clarke, P. The " new chum" in Australia ; scenery, life, etc. of Australians. Illust. 27550 Clarke, R. S. (pseud. Sophie May.) Drones' honey. 28235 Flaxie growing up. 24561 132 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Joe. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Kim's last whipping; Flaxie Frizzle; Bessie's mishaps ; The twin cousins. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Kittyleen. (Flaxie Frizzle stor.) 23267 and others. A Christmas breeze ; and other stories for little folks. Illust. 27385 Contents. Clarke, R. S. A Christmas breeze. Round, W. M. F. Child Marion has a party. Eytinge, M. Johnny and little gray hen ; A brave little sister-mother. Foot, K. B. The frying-pan bonnet. Steadman, A. The controversy of the pinks. Barri, L. A matinee. Clarke, S. Rector of St. James. Martineau, J. (In his Types, etc., v. 2.) 25402 Clarke, S. C. Fishes of the east Florida coast. (In Van Doren, L. O. Fishes.) *I Clarke, W. H. The civil service law ; defense of its princi- ples, etc. 30088 Clarkson, L. The shadow of John Wallace. 24817 Clason, A. W. Seven conventions. 30089 Contents. The issue between Gr. Britain and the colonies. The Declaration of Independence. The Federal convention. Ratifying convention of Mass. Ratifying convention of Virginia. Ratifying con- vention of New York. Non-Ratifying convention of No. Carolina. Rati- fying convention of So. Carolina. Convention of the Democratic party at Charleston. That convention adjourned to Baltimore. Class interests; by [J. S. Patterson]. 26183 Classen, A. Quantitative chem. analysis by electrolysis ; tr. by W. H. Herrick. 29066 Classical education. Adams, C. F., Jr. A college fetich. 23043 Bain, A. The classical controversy; its present aspect. (In hisPr&ct. ess.) 24003 Chamberlain, D. H. Not " a college fetish;" rep. to C. F. Adams, Jr.; with articles by Profs. Zeller, Fisher, and Peabody. 24271 Hale, W. G. Aims and methods in classical study. " 30327 See also Colleges and Universities. Classicism. Hedge, F. H. Classic and romantic. (In his M. Luther, etc.) 29538 Classics for children ; namely : Alif laila. The Arabian nights ; select, and ed. by E. E. Hale. 29780 Andersen, H. C. Fairy tales; ed. by J. H. Stickney. Ser. 1. 26562 Church, A. J. Stories of the old world. 23763 Franklin, B Life; written by himself; with notes and continuation by D. H. Montgomerv. 29872 Johnson, S. Rasselas. 26829 Kingsley, C. Water babies ; abrgd. by J. H. Stickney. 26434 Scott, W. Guy Mannering; ed. by C. M. Yonge. 26681 Quentin Durward; ed. by C. M. Yonge. 23895 Tales of a grandfather ; abrgd. and ed. by E. Ginn. 28475 Classification. Perkins, F. B. A rational C. of literature for shelving and cataloguing books ; with index. (Ed. with his San Francisco cataloguing.) 24095 Claude, M. S. Twilight thoughts ; stor. for children and child- lovers ; ed. by M. L. Avery ; pref . by M. Arnold. 28493 Claudius of Turin. Poole, R. L. Claudius and Agobard of Lyons. (In his Illust., etc.) 25132 Claus, C. Elementary text-book of zoology ; tr. and ed. by A. Sedgwick [and] F. G. Heathcote. Woodcuts. 2 pts. 25595-6 Contents. Pt. 1. Protozoa to insecta. 2. Mollusca to man. Clausewitz, C. von. On war; tr. by J. J. Graham; fr. 3d German ed. [with brief memoir by the tr.]. 3 v. in 1. 23687 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 133 Claverhouse, J., Vise. Dundee. See Graham, J. Clay, C. M. Life, memoirs, writings, and speeches, by him- self. Illust. V. 1. 27188 Clay, H. On the war of 1812 ; On the compromise of 1850 ; On the American system. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 1-3.) 24995-7 Bolton, S. K. (In her Fam. Amer. statesmen.) 30081 Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Schurz, C. Life of C. (Amer. statesmen.) 2 v. 27990-1 Clayden, P. W. Early life of Samuel Rogers. 29133 Samuel Sharpe, Egyptologist and translator of the Bible. 23231 Clayton-Bulwer treaty. Lawrence, T. J. The Panama canal and the C.-B. treaty. (In his Essays.) 26251 Cleisthenes. Cox, G. W. (In his Lives of Greek statesmen.) 25598 Cleland, R. Inchbracken. 23831 Clemens Alexandrinus. Bigg, C. (In his Chr. Platonists.) 27491 Clemens, E. J. M. La Plata countries of So. America. 26805 Clemens, S. L. (pseud. Mark Twain.) Mark Twain's library of humor. Illust. 29835 Bolton, S. K. (In her Fam. Amer. authors.) 28746 Clark, C. H. S. L. Clemens at Hartford and Elmira. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) 30787 Clement, C. E., now Mrs. Waters. Charlotte Cushman. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 Handbook of Chr. symbols and stor. of the saints as illust. in art.; K. E.Conway. Illust. 26873 Outline history of architecture. Illust. 27735 Outline hist, of painting ; with indexes and illust. 23421 Outline hist, of sculpture; with indexes and illust. 25974 Stories of art and artists. Illust. 27280 and Hutton, L. Artists of the 19th cent., and their works; handbook. 3d ed., rev. 2 v. in 1. 24735 Clement Ker, The truth about; by G. Fleming [J. C. Fletcher]. 30635 Clemmer, M., afterwards Mrs. Ames, now Mrs. Hudson. See Hudson, M. C. Clennell, L. Dobson, A. (In his Thomas Bewick and his pupils.) 24472 Cleon. Cox, G. W. (In his Lives of Greek statesmen, ser. 2.) 26663 Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. Cleopatra ; [review of A. Stahr's Cleopatra]. (Monograph, no. 5.) 23818 Farmer, L. H. (In her Girls' book.) 28766 Cleopatra ; by H. GreVille. 26073 Cleopatra's needle ; King, J. Cleopatra's needle ; hist, of the London obelisk, with an expos, of the hieroglyphics. 27573 Cteopatre ; par H. Greville [A. M. C. H. Durand]. 14446 Clergy. Overton, J. H. (In his Life in the English Church.) 26388 Park, E. A. Indebtedness of the state to the clergy. (In his Dis- courses.) 25350 See also New England clergy. Clerical library, The ; namely : Outlines of sermons to children, etc. 23302 Clerk, The, of Portwick ; by G. M. Fenn. 3 v. 24357-9 Clerk, The, of works. See Hoskins, G. G. 134 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Clerke, A. M. Popular history of astronomy dur. the 19th cent. 26806 Clerke, E. M. A film of gossamer. (In Tales, etc., v. 3.) 25369 Clermont ; ou, Une femme d'artiste ; come'die-vaud. ; par A. E. Scribe. (In his (Euvres, se"r. 2, v. 29.) *I Cleveland, G. The President's message, 1887 ; annotations by R. R. Bowker. (Questions of "the day.) 29861 Barnum, A. Lives of C. and Hendricks. 24113 Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Goodrich, F. E. Life and public services of C. 24115 Norton, C. B. The President and his cabinet; government of the U. S. under C. 30114 Cleveland, H. W. S. Social life and literature 50 years ago. 29832 Contents. Reaspns for presenting these thoughts. Latitude in: re- ligious belief. Newspapers. Modern progress in swindling. Athletics; ' Aspect of culture bewailed. We had a few authors then. The five of clubs.-^ Washington I rving. Latter-day writers. C.Dickens and W. Irving. G. Ticknor and G. S. Hillard. Prof. Felton. The impossibility of responding. Salem. N. Hawthorne. Salem men. Cleveland, R. E. George Eliot's poetry ; and other studies.. 25554 Contents. George Eliot's poetry. Reciprocity. Altruistic faith. History. Old Rome and new France.-rGharlemagne.-^-The monastery* Chivalry. Joan of Arc. Cleveland", R. J. Voyages of a merchant navigator, comp. fr. journals and letters, by H. W. S. Cleveland. 27281 Clevenger, S. V. Comparative physiology and 'psychology : discussion of the evolution and rel. of the mind and body of man and animals. 28286 Clews, H. Twenty-eight years in Wall street. 29862 Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Clifford, L. L. , wife of W, K. Anyhow stories. Ulust. 23148 Contents. The cobbler's children. The new mother. Round the rab- bit holes. The three little ragamuffins. From outside the world, The paper ship. The baby's legs! The imitation fish. Buttercup queen. The beautiful lady. The story of Willie and Fancy. In the porch. Lullaby. Mrs. Keith's crime. (Harper's handy ser.) 25793 Clifford, W. K. The common sense of the exact sciences. (Internat. sci. ser. ) 1 25430 Mathematical papers ; ed. by R. Tucker; introd. by H. J. S. Smith. 28628 Fiske, J. A universe of mind-stuff. (In his Excursions.) 23373 Clifford, Mrs. W. K. See Clifford, L. L. Climate. Brown, J. C. Forests and moisture ; effects of for- ests on humidity. 24345 Croll, J. Discussions on climate and cosmology. 26140 Clingman, T.'L. On "Debates" in Congress; On secession. (J Johnston, A. Repr.Amer. orations, v. 2, 3.) 24996-7 Clive/C. (W.) . Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife. - 3388 Clive, R., Ld. Edgar, J. Gr. :(In Us Heroes of Eng.) 23693 Henty, G. A. With Clive in India. 28048 Clocks. * -See Time-keepers. Clodd, E., pseud. See Proctor, R. A. Cloister, The, of the Seven gates; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Chiv. days.) . 27180 Close, Dean. Oxenham, H. N. Dean Close and the Evangel- icans. (In, his Short stud.) 25126 Clotilda, St., Queen of France. Brooks, E. S. Clotilda of Burgundy. (In his Hist, girls.) 28864 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 135 Clouston, W. A. Book of noodles; stor. of simpletons. 30576 Popular tales and fictions ; their migrations and transformations. 2 v. 27922-3 Clover; by S. Coolidge [S. C. Woolsey]. 30383 Cloverfields carriage, The ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his Stor., ser. 2.) , 26935 Clovernook ; by A. Gary. 23500 Clovernook children ; by A. Gary. 23264 Clowes, W. Smiles, S. Wm. Clowes ; book-printing by steam. (In his Men of invent.) 24821 Club of one ; passages fr. the note-book of a man who might have been sociable ; marginal summary by the editor. 27861 Clutterbuck, W. J., joint author. See Lees, J. A. Clyde, Lord. See Campbell, C. Clyde, river. Millar, W. J. The Clyde, fr. its source to the sea. 29927 Coaching. Champlin, . J. D., Jr.. Chronicle of the coach; Charing Cross to Ilfracpmbe. 27185 Coal. Deming, C. Down in a coal mine. (In his Byways.) 23664 See also No. Carolina. Geology ', etc. Coal tar. Durham, W. Coal-tar. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Coan, T. M. Ounces of prevention. (Harper's handy ser.) 26529 Coast lines. Lawson, W. Geography of coast lines.* 30853 Cobb, S., Jr. Karmel, the scout ; or, The rebel of the Jerseys. 29863 Orion, the gold beater; tale of N. Y. life. 29669 Cobb, S, D. Hillsboro' Farms. 7554 Cobban, J. M. A nemesis ; or, Tinted vapors. '25868 Cobbett, W. Rural rides in the counties of Surrey, Kent, etc., 1821 1H32.. New ed., with notes, by P. Cobbett. 2 v. 25931-2 Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Lodge, W. C. (In his Studies.) 23785 Rogers, J. E. T. (In his Hist, gleanings, ser. 1.) 27898 Stebbing, W. An Araer. revolutionist and an Eng. radical. (In his- Sorne verdicts, etc.) 28582 23601 (In, her 23148 Cobblers. Saunders, F. Concerning cobblers. (In his Pastime papers.) 25890 Cobden, R. Adams, C. K. (In his Representative Brit, ora- tions, v. 3.) '24885 Dawson, G. (In Ms Biog. lect.) 26576 . Parton, J. Richard Cobden, calico printer. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Cobwebs of criticism ; by T. H. Caine. 25620 Cochin China. See Anam. Cochran, W. Pen and pencil in Asia Minor. Illust. 29473 Cockburn, Sir A. J. E/ Circuit journeys. 30682 Cockburn, Mrs. A. (R.) Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Cocker, B. F/ The theistic conception of the world ; essay in opposition to certain tendencies of mod. thought. 25719 Cocker, W,- J. The government of the U. S. 30624 Cockrill, J. W. Great Yarmouth, and recent works of its sanitary authority. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 12.) *I Some verdicts, etc.) Cobbler, A. (In Stor. by an old Bohemian, v. 2.) Cobbler's children, The; by Mrs. W. K. Clifford. , Anyhow stor.) 136 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cocoa. Baker, W., & Co. Cocoa and chocolate; hist, of their producton and use ; with methods of preparing them. 16746 Cocos Islands. See Keeling Islands. Cod, Cape. See Truro. Codex Rossanensis. See Sanday, W. Commentary, etc. Codman, J. Solution of the Mormon problem. (Quest, of the day.) 25188 Winter sk. f r. the saddle ; by a septuagenarian. 30521 Codrington, R. H. The Melanesian languages. 27520 Co3ruleans, The; by H. S. Cunningham. 28494 Coffee. Saunders, F. Coffee and tea. (In his Pastime papers.) 25890 Coffin, C. C. Drum-beat of the nation ; first period of the war of the rebellion. Illust. 28868 Marching to victory; 2d period of the war of the rebellion, incl. the year 1863. Illust. ' 30522 Coffin, L. Symington, A. M. (In his Good lives.) 23981 Coffin, R. Y.,'Capt. The America's cup; how it was won in 1851, and has been since defended. 25555 How old Wiggins wore ship. (In Stor. by Amer. authors, v. 9.) 24222 An old sailor's yarns ; tales of many seasl 24562 Coggshall, B. Is tubercular consumption a contagious and parasitic disease ? (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I Cognat, J., I'abbe. M. Renan hier et aujourd' hui. 14483 Coif, The. Pulling, A. The Order of the Coif. *I Coke, Sir E. Hope, A. ( In his Chron. of an old inn.) 29485 Coke, H. Creeds of the day ; collated opinions of reputable thinkers ; letters. 2 v. 23688-9 Colange, L. de. Picturesque Russia and Greece. Illust. *I Colbeck, C., joint editor. See Morris, E. E., and others. Colbert, J. B., marq. de Seignelay. Laughton, J. K. Colbert; the birth of a navy. (In his Stud.) 29615 Colborne, J. With Hicks Pasha in the Soudan ; acct. of the Senaar campaign, 1883. 25597 Colbran, I. A. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 1.) 29598 Colby, C. C. Parliamentary government in Canada ; lect. 26807 Colchester, Eng. Cutts, E. L. Colchester. 29593 Cold punch act, The ; by F. C. Baylor. (In her Shocking example. 30774 Cole, G. R. F. R. The Peruvians at home. 24962 Cole, Sir H. Fifty years of public work ; accounted for in his deeds, speeches, and writings. 2 v. 24828-9 - Parton, J. (In MsCapt. of ind.) 24420 Cole, T. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Colebrooke, H. T. Mueller, F. M. (In his Biog. essays.) 24860 Colebrooke, Sir T. E. Life of Mountstuart Elphinstone. Portrs. and maps. 2 v. 24079-80 Colenso, J. W., Bp. of Natal. Cox, G. W. Life of C. 2 v. 29741-2 Coleoni or Colleoni (Lat. Coleus), B. Oliphant, M. O. W. (In her Makers of Venice.) *I Colerick, E. F. Adventures of pioneer children ; or, Life in the wilderness. Illust. 30090 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 137 Coleridge, C. R. An English squire. 25060 joint author. See Awdry, F. Coleridge, D. Swift, A. M. Derwent Coleridge, scholar, pastor, etc. ; address. 23117 Coleridge, H. J. Life and letters of St. Teresa. 3 v. 30683-5 Coleridge, J. D., Lord Chief Justice of Eng. Woodroffe, W. L. Lord Coleridge and the Eng. law courts. (In Par- ton, J. Some not. princes.) 25675 Coleridge, Sir J. T. My recollections of the circuit; address. 23149 Coleridge, S. Adams, W. H. D. (In his Celeb. English- women, v. 2.) 24655 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Coleridge, S. T. Lectures and notes on Shakspere and other Eng. poets ; coll. by T. Ashe. 23832 Rime of the ancient mariner. Illust. 12443 Brandl, A. Samuel T. Coleridge and the Eng. romantic school. 28619 Caine, T. H. "The Lake school." (In his Cobwebs.) 25620 - Life of C. 28553 Dawson, G. The poetry of C. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Dennis, J. (In his Heroes of literature.) 23445 Ingleby, C. M. (In his Essays.) 29611 Lowell, J. R,. Address on unveiling the bust of C. at Westminster Abbey. (In his Democracy, etc.) 27217 Mason, E. T. (In his Pers. traits, v. 3.) 25230 Sandford, Mrs. H. (In her Thomas Poole.) 2 v. 30557-8 Traill. H. D. Coleridge. 24597 Tulloch. J. Coleridge and his school. (In his Movements etc.) 25781 Winter, W. At the grave of C. (In his Eng. rambles.) 23416 Coles E. Parton, J. Edw. Coles, and his great speech. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Colesworthy, D. C. John Tileston's school, Boston, 1778 1789; 17611766. 28236 Colet, J., Dean of St. Paul's. Lupton, J. H. Life of C. ; app., some of his Eng. writings. 28517 Colette. See Neuvaine de Colette. Collette, Story of ; fr. the French. 29175 Colfax, S. Hollister, O. J. Life of C. 26824 Coligny, G. de. Bersier, E. Coligny ; earlier life of the great Huguenot. 30155 Herrick, S. E. (In his Some heretics.) 24570 Colin Clout's calendar ; by G. Allen. 22886 Colin the herdsman ; by P. Scioberet. (In his Tales.) 28660 Collar, W. C. Advice to an inexperienced teacher of history. , (In Hall, G. S. Methods, etc.) 25152 Collar, W. C. Revision, notes, etc. (In Eysenbach, W. Grad. Germ, lessons.) 28765 College fetich. See Adams, C. F., Jr.; Chamberlain, D. H. Colleges and Universities. Adams, C. F., Jr. A college fetich ; address. 23043 Adams, H. B. Notes on co-operation in univ. work. (In J.Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 1.) *I Seminary libraries and university extension. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 5.) *I Bain, A. The university ideal, past and present. (In his Pract. essays.) 24003 Chamberlain, D. H. Not "a college fetish;" rep. to addr. of C. F. Adams, Jr. 24271 Conrad, J. German universities for the last fifty years. 25299 138 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fiske, J. University reform. (In his Darwinism, etc.) 25984 Forum magazine.- " How I was educated" papers. -js-2iis Hinsdale, B. A. A phase of college education. (In his Schools, etc.) .23778 Jordan, D. S. Evolution of the college curriculum. (In his Sci. sketches.) 29449 Laurie, S. S. Rise and early constitution of U. 27684 Newman, J. H. Idea of a university defined and illustrated. 27112 Oxenham, H. N. Origin and growth of U. (In his Short stud.) 25126 Sumner, W. G. Our colleges bef . the country. (In his Coll, ess.) 25525 See also Cambridge; Eton; Harvard. Also Workingmen's col- leges; Gr. Britain. Universities. Also Classical education. Colleoni, B. See Coleoni. Collet, A. Pract. guide for compensation of compasses with- out bearings; tr. by W. Bottomley. Pref. by Sir W. Thomson. 30577 Collett, C. Norway. (In Stanton, T. The woman quest.) 24053 Collier, A. L. Lilith ; the legend of the first woman. 25556 Collier, J. Manual of oil painting. 27736 Collier, J. (pseud. Tim Bobbin.) Axon, W. E. A. Tim Bob- bin as an artist. (In his Lancashire gleanings.) 23436 Collier, Hon. M. See Galletti di Cadilhac, Mine. M> C. Collier, P. Sorghum ; its culture and manufacture economi- cally considered. 24563 Collier, R. L. English home life. , 25822 Collier, W. F. History of Ireland for schools. 26572 Collier. See Collyer ; Colyer. Collings, G. Circular work in carpentry and joinery; pract. treat. Illust. 27519 Collingwood, '-. Christmas in Cooney camp. (In Hale, E. E. Our Christ., etc.) 23467 Collingwood, C., Baron. Edgar, J. G. (In Ms Heroes of Eng.) 23693 Collingwood, E. W. Duty of teachers. (Hampton tr., no. 2.) 23506 Collingwood, H. The Congo rovers ; story of the slave squadron. Illust. 280ti8 The log of the et, P. 28660 Country luck ; by J. Habberton. 28919 Coupland, W. C. The spirit of Goethe's Faust. 25621 Court, The, in Sohoharie ; by P. Deming. (In his Tomp- kins, etc.} 24900 Court of Charles IV. ; romance of the Escorial ; by B. P. Galdos. 30213 Court Royal ; by S. Baring-Gould. 26636 Courthope, W. J. Addison. (Eug. men of letters.) 23529 The liberal movement in Eng. literature. 26374 Courting, The, of Mary Smith ; by F. W. Robinson. 25760 Courting of Sister Wesby ; by S. O. Jewett. (In her King of Folly Is.) 29544 Courtney, L. H. Finance. (Li. Ward, T. H. Reign of Vic- toria, v. 1.) 28714 Courtney, W. L. Constructive ethics ; rev. of mod. mor. philosophy ; interpretation, criticism, and reconstruction. 27142 Studies in philosophy, anc. and mod. 23578 Contents. Ancient idealism; Parmenides. Ancient hedonism; Epi- curus. Fai lure of Berkeley's idealism. Chapter in the hist, of the word "cause." The new psychology. The new ethics. "Back to Kant." Kant as a logician and moralist. A philosophy of religion. Courts. Random recollections of courts and society. 30497 Sherwood, M. E. W. Royal girls and royal courts. 28688 Courvoisier, K. Technics of violin playing ; ed. and tr. by H. E. Krehbiel. 26723 Cousin, V. Introduction to the hist, of philosophy ; fr. the Fr. by H. G. Linberg. 23767 Simon, J. Victor Cousin. 30461 Cousin Bette ; [by] H. de Balzac. 30399 Cousin Pons ; by H. de Balzac. 27174 Coutts, Baroness Burdett-. See Bartlett, A. (B.-C.) A. Coutts family. Bourne, H. R. F. (In Ms Eng. merchants.) 26568 Coventry, A., and Watson, A. E. T. Steeple-chasing. ( With Howard, H. C., and Craven, W. G. Racing.) *I Coverdale, Sir H. S., pseud. The fall of the great republic [U. S.] ; (1886-88.) 25488 Cow Neck, L. I. See Port Washington, L. I. Cowen, J. Life and speeches of C. ; by E. R. Jones; with portr. 26708 Cowley, A. Prose works ; introd. and notes by J. R. Lumby. 28629 Dennis, J (In his Her. of literature.) 23445 Gosse, E. Davenant and Cowley. (In his Fr. Shakespeare to Tope.) 25831 Gosse, E. W. (In his Seventeenth cent, stud.) 23580 Stebbing, W. Two poet-politicians. (In his Some verdicts of hist.) 28582 Cowley, H. P. Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Cowper, W. Letters; ed., with introd. by W. Benham. 24008 Poetical works; ed. by R. A. Willmott. New ed. Illust. 13105 Selections fr. pdems ; introd. by Mrs. Oliphant. 23691 Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Dennis, J. (In his Her. of literature.) 23445 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Wright, T. The town of Cowper; lit. and hist, associations of Olney, etc. 27607 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 151 Cows. John's wife ; How I made money at home, with the incubator, bees, etc. 25204 Cox, Sir Gr. W. Concise history of Eng. and the Eng. people. 29019 Life of J. W. Colenso, Bp. of Natal. 2 v. 29741-2 Lives of Greek statesmen ; namely : Solon Themistokles. 25598 Ephialtes Hermokrates. 26663 and Sankey, C., eds. Epochs of ancient history; namely : Sankey, C. Spartan and Theban supremacies. 26189 Cox, J. D., Gen. Surrender of Johnston's army and closing scenes of the war in No. Carolina. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Cox, J. H. Municipal work in Bradford. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 12.) *I - Whittlesey, C. (In his War mem.) 23674 Cox, M. Mel. Raymond Kershaw ; story of deserved success. 30209 Cox, P. The brownies ; their book. 28955 Cox, R. Moncrieff, R. H. A young fur trader. (In Ms Youngsters' yarns.) 29033 Cox, S. S. On Secession ; Douglas Democratic opinion. (In Johnston, A. Bepr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 Fiske, L. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Cox's diary; by W. M. Thackeray. (In his Burlesques, etc.) 24700 Coxe, A. C., lip. Institutes of Chr. history; introd. to hist. reading and study. (Baldwin lect., 1886.) 29302 Coxe, H. O. Burgon, J. W. H. O. Coxe. (In his Lives, v. 2.) 30835 Coxon, E. The long lane. (Harper's handy ser.) 27074 Coxon, H. Oriental carpets ; how they are made and conveyed to Europe ; with narr. of journey to the East in search of them. *I Cox well, H. My life and balloon experiences ; with chapt. on military ballooning. 29591 Cozzens, F. S., and others. Yachts and yachting. Illust. 27820 Crack of doom ; by W. Minto. 26647 Cracker Joe. (No name ser.) 28266 Craddock, C. E., pseud. See Murfree, M. N. Craddock's heldest ; by F. C. Baylor. (In her Shocking ex- ample, etc.) 30774 Cradle and spade ; by W. Sirne. 26354 Crafts, W. F. The Sabbath for man ; origin, obligation, etc., of Sabbath obs., with ref. to the rights of workingmen. 25148 What the temperance cent, has made certain in regard to intemperance, etc. ; with sug. for the new century. 28678 Craik, D. M. (M.) About money ; and other things. 27494 Contents. About money. Six happy days. Life and its worth. Story of a little pig. Genius. My sister's grapes. On sisterhoods. Facing the world. A Paris atelier. Kiss and be friends. Alice Learmont ; fairy tale. Illust. 24564 Concerning men ; and other papers. 30626 Contents. Concerning men. For better, for worse. A house of rest. Story of an old friend. Work for idle hands. Our island sports. Merely players. Miss Anderson in the "Winter's tale." Facing the world. ( In her Plucky boys ; and In her About money, etc.) 27282; 27494 King Arthur ; not a love story. 26808 152 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Madmoder og Pige. , 27408 Miss Tommy ; mediaeval romance; and In a house-boat. Illust. 24417 An unknown country [Ireland] . Illust. 28758 and others. Plucky* boys. (Business boys' lib.) 27282 Contents. Craik, D. M. Facing the world. Clarke, R. S. Joe. Densil, M. A winter moonrise ; How Philip Sullivan did an errand. Kaler, J. O. A young alligator catcher. Ambrose, J. C. Isaac Lem- mon. Starr, T. Mother's round table. Harris, A. B. A boy hero; A young antiquarian. Robinson, E. Bobby's hero. Eggleston, G. C. Joe Lambert's ferry. Jewett, S. O.' The church mouse. Power, S. The basket business. Clark, K. U. Granny. Fisher, M. W. A brave boy. Harris, F. McR. (pseud. H. Ledyard.) The president's page. Cheever, Mrs. H. B. Camp Hamperford. Dawson, S. M. A day with C. (In Parton, J. Some not. princes.) 25675 Harris, A. B. (In his Pleasant authors.) 23777 Craik, G. M. Anne Warwick. 16882 Godfrey Helstone. (Frank. Sq. lib.) 24273 Craik, H. The State in its rel. to education. (Eng. citizen.) 24400 Cranch, C. P. Ariel and Caliban ; with other poems. 27387 Crandall, P. Parton, J. (In his Not. women.) 23433 Crane, A. Molluscoida : Brachiopoda and Bryozoa. ( In Dun- can, P. M. Cassell's nat. hist., v. 5.) 24960 Crane, L. Art and the formation of taste; lect. Illust. 22913 Crane, T. F. Italian popular tales. 25823 Le romantisme franyais; select, fr. writers of the Fr. roman. school. 28116 and Brun, S. J., eds. Tableaux de la revolution franc,.; hist. Fr. reader ; with notes. Introd. by A. D. White. 24512 Crane, W. E. Bugle blasts. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Crane, W. J. E. Bookbinding for amateurs. Illust. 29362 The smithy and forge; treat., inch instr. in the farrier's art. Chapt. on coach-smithing [by H. J. Witten] . Illust. 23127 Crane, W. W., and Moses, B. Politics; introd. to the study of comparative constitutional law. 23766 Cranmer, T., Abp. Herrick, S. E. Cranmer. (In his Some heretics.) 24570 Todd, H. J. Life of C. 2 v. 23028-9 Crashaw, R. Gosse, E. W. (In his Seventeenth cent, stud.) 23580 Craufurd, J., Lord Ardmillan. Smith, J. C. Biographical no- tice. (In his Writings, etc.) 25607 Craven, W. G., joint author. See Howard, H. C. Crawford, F. M. An American politician. 24565 By the waters of paradise. (In Norman, H. The witching time.) 27331 Greifenstein. 30920 Marzio's crucifix. 28869 Paul PatofT. 29135 A Roman singer. 23884 Saracinesca. 28117 A tale of a lonelv parish. 26317 - To leeward. 23366 The upper berth. (In Norman, H. The broken shaft.) 26116 With the immortals. 29864 Zoroaster. 25431 Crawford, L. History of the White Mts. fr. the first settle- ment of Upper Coos, etc. 27192 Crawford, R. Across the Pampas and the Andes. 24352 Reminiscences of foreign travel. 30091 Crawford, S. W. Genesis of the civil war ; Sumter, 1860-1861. 29198 Crawfurd, O. English comic dramatists. 23530 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 153 24401 30623 24661 27640 26320 23620 15133 24073 25958 26216 (In U. S, 24942 28132 23688-9 Contents. Shakspere, 1564-1616. Ben Jonson, 1573-1637. Beaumont and Fletcher, 1586-1616 ; 1579-1625. Wycherley, 1640-1715. Vanbrugh, 1666-1726. Colley Cibber, 1671-1757. Congreve, 1670-1729. Addison, 1672-1719. Farquhar, 1678-1707. John Gay, 1688-1732. Goldsmith, 1728-1774. Cumberland, 1732-1811. Sheridan, 1752-1816. The world we live in. (Trans- Atlantic ser.) Crawfurd, O. J. F. Beyond the seas ; adv., etc. of Ralph Lord St. Keyne. 28701 A woman's reputation. 2 v. 28702-3 Crayon drawing. Fowler, F. Drawing in charcoal and crayon. 2 v. *I Creation. Carpenter, W. B. The argument fr. design in the organic world. (In his Nature.) Chambers, R. Vestiges of the nat. hist, of creation. Curtis. G. T. Creation or evolution? philosophical inquiry. Gladstone, W. E., and others. The order of creation; confl. bet. Genesis and geology. Guyot, A. H. Creation; or, The Biblical cosmogony in the light of science. Jordklotets utvecklingshistoria; efter "Vestiges of the natural history of creation" ; bearbetad af T. Hammargren. McCosh, and Dickie, G. Typical forms and special ends in C. Thompson, H. M. The world and the Logos. See also Evolution. Credi, L. S. di. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.} Credit. Credit systems of the several countries. Dept. of State. Repts. of consuls, no. 43.) Creed and character ; by H. S. Holland. Creeds. Coke, H. Creeds of the day ; letters. 2 v. Eaton, A. W. thought. Thompson, J. P. comments.) See also Apostles' creed; Theology. Crehore, J. D. Mechanics of the girder ; treat, on bridges and roofs. 27720 Creighton, L., ed. Highways of history; namely: Creighton, L. Government of Engiand. ' 24353 Social history of England. 29474 Creightou, M. Cardinal Wolsey. 29865 Carlisle. (Hist, towns.) 30838 History of the papacy dur. the reformation. V. 3, 4. 23745-6 Contents. V. 3, 4. The Italian princes, 1464-1518. ed. Epochs of church history; namely : Balzaui, U. The popes and the Hohenstitufen. 30619 Broderick, G. C. History of the university of Oxford. 27699 Hunt, W. The Eng. church in the Middle Ages. 30798 Mullinger, J. B. History of the university of Cambridge. 30542 Overtoil, J. H. Evangelical revival in the 18tH cent. 28430 Perry, G. G. History of the reformation in England. 27593 Stephens, W. R. W. Hildebrand and his times. 30746 Tucker, H. W. The Eng. church in other lauds. 27065 Wakeman, H. O. The church and the Puritans. 29424 Cremation. Eassie, W. Cremation. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 13.) *I Erichsen, H. Cremation of the dead; fr. an aesthetic, sanitary, and hist. standpoint. 28603 Williams, R. E. Cremation and other 'modes of sepulture. 23654 Cremer, H. Beyond the grave; tr. by S. T. Lowrie ; introd. by A. A. Hodge. 26070 Cremona, L. Elements of projective geometry ; tr. by C. Leudesdorf. 28630 The heart of the creeds; hist, relig. in the light of mod. Christ, the church, and the creed. (In his Amer. 30316 24445 154 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cremona violin, The ; by E. T. W. Hoffmann. [In his Weird tales, v. 1.) 24846 Creoles. Cable, G. W. The Creoles of Louisiana. 24712 Creran, Loch. Smith, W". A. Loch Creran ; notes fr. the west Highlands. 28440 Creasy. Henty, G. A. St. George for England; tale of Cressy and Poitiers. 28044 Cressy ; by Bret Harte. 30643 Crest, The, of the continent ; by E. Ingersoll. 26020 Crete. Edwardes, C. Letters from Crete, 1886. 29596 -T Walker, Mrs. (In her Eastern life, etc., v. 2.) 27165 Crew, B. J. Practical treatise on petroleum ; appendix by C. A. Ashburner. Illust. 27528 Cricket. Steel, A. G., and Lyttelton, R. H. Cricket. *I Crime. Du Cane, E. F. Punishment and prevention of C. 26015 Robinson, F. W. Memoirs of Jane Cameron, female convict. 29634 Rylands, L. G. Crime; its causes and remedy. 30869 Crime and punishment ; novel ; by F. M. Dostoyevsky. 27286 Crime dans la cuisine, Un ; come'die ; par L. Darthenay. (In his Le guignol des salons.) 14935 Crime, Le, et le chatiment, par T. Dostoievsky. 2 v. 14834-5 Crime, The, of Christmas-day ; by [H. Hunter and W. Whyte]. 25183 Crime, The, of Henry Vane ; by J. S. of Dale [F. J. Stimson]. 24207 Crimean war. Gordon, C. G. Letters from the Crimea, 1854-1858. 24662 Henty, G. A. Jack Archer ; tale of the Crimea. 24478 Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea. V. 5, 6. 12290-1 Paget, G. The Light Cavalry Brigade in the Crimea. 23247 Skene, J. H. With Lord Stratford in the Crimean war. 23449 Criminal law. See Gt. Britain. Law. Crimp, W. S. Road-watering. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 12.) *I Street lighting. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 11.) *I - Water supply. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 14.) *I Crimson scarf, The ; by Lady Dilke. (In her Shrine of death, etc.) 27143 Criquette; par L. Hale"vy. 14817 Criss-cross ; by G. D. Litchfield. 25838 Critic, pseud. Discriminate ; comp. to ''Don't" ; manual for guidance in the use of words. 25432 Criticism. Gurney, E. Poets, critics, and class-lists. (In his Tertium quid, v. 2.) 29606 Hueffer, F. Musical criticism. (In his Italian Stud.) 23698 Moulton, R. G. Plea for an inductive science of literary C.; Survey of dramatic C., as an inductive science. (In his Shakespeare, etc.) 25813 Repplier, A. Curiosities of C. (In her Books and men.) 30245 Crittendeu, J. J. On Secession ; border-state opinion (Union- ist). (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 Crochet. Croly, J. C. Knitting and C. 30308 Crocker, U. Excessive saving a cause of commer. distress ; assaults upon accepted princ. of polit. economy. 24274 Over-production and commercial distress. 30092 Crofter, The, in history; by Dalriad [Lord Colin Campbell]. 26232 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 155 Crofton, M. W. Lectures on the elements of app. mechanics : Stability of structures ; Strength of materials. 28396 Crofts, E. Chapters in the hist, of Eng. literature, fr. 1509 to the close of the Elizabethan period. 24082 Croisilles ; par A. de Musset. (In Musset, L. C. A. de. Se- lections.) 24538 Croke, J. G., pseud. ? Lyrics of the law ; select. 24068 Croker, B. M. A bird of passage. 29363 Pretty Miss Neville. 24083 Some one else. (Frank. Sq. lib.) 25189 Croker, J. W. The Croker papers ; correspondence and dia- ries, 1809-1830. Portr. 2 v. 24736-7 Croll, J. Discussions on climate and cosmology. 26140 Croly, J. C. (pseud. Jenny June.) Knitting and crochet ; guide. Illust. 30308 Ladies' fancy work ; man. of designs and instr. Illust. 30309 Letters and monograms for marking on silk, linen, etc. Illust. 30310 Needlework; man. of embroidery and drawn work. Illust. 30311 Crommelin, M. Goblin gold. (Harper's hand, ser.) 26110 In the west countrie. (Franklin Sq. lib.) " 24182 Joy ; or. The light of Cold-home Ford. 25029 Cromwell, J. H. Treatise on toothed gearing, etc. 24613 Cromwell, O. Brown, H. F. Oliver C. and the Venetian re- public. (In hi* Venetian stud.) 29355 Dawson, G. ( In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Harrison, F. Oliver Cromwell. 29807 Hood, E. P. Oliver Cromwell; his life, times, etc. 23101 Murphy, D. Cromwell in Ireland; hist, of C.'s Irish campaign. 23079 Pauli, G. R. Oliver Cromwell. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 1.) 16296 - Puritan and Cromwellian England. (Monograph, no. 6.) 23818 Tulloch, J. English puritanism and its leaders. 26395 Walford, N. L. (In his Parliamentary generals.) 26611 Cromwell, T., Earl of Essex. Galton, A. Character and times of C. 29373 Crouin, D. E. (pseud. S. Eyland.) Evolution of a life, descr. in the memoirs of Seth Eyland. 24145 Crooked John ; by H. H. Boyeseu. (In his Vagabond tales.) 30885 Crooker, J. H. Jesus brought back ; meditations on the problem of problems. 30312 Crookes, W. Dyeing and tissue-printing. (Technolog. hdbks.) 24810 Practical handbook of dyeing and calico-printing. *I Croquet. Devereux, Mrs. A. F. How to play progressive C. 26143 Crosby, W. O. Common minerals nnd rocks. (Guides for sc. teaching.) 24547 Cross, C. P\, and Bevan, E. J. Report on wood-pulp process- es. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 and others. Report on Indian fibres and fibrous substances exhibited at the Colonial and Indian exhibition, 1886; with notes of methods of treatment and uses in India, by G. Watl . 29498 Cross, J. W. George Eliot's life as rel. in her letters, etc. Illust. 3 v. 24998-25000 Cross, M. E. (L.), wife ofJ. W. Cross ; formerly Mrs. Lewes, pseud, George Eliot. See Eliot, George, pseud. Cross. The, and the dragon ; by B. C. Henry. 25504 156 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cross Corners ; by A. B. Warner. 28733 Crossfield, G. Memoirs of the life of S. Fothergill ; also, Acct. of the life and travels of J. Fothergill. 23511 Crouch, A. P. On a surf-bound coast ; or, Cable-laying in the African tropics. 29592 Crowe, J. A., and Cavalcaselle, G. B. Raphael, his life and works. V. 2. 22653 Crowest, F. The great tone poets ; mem. of musical composers 27739 Crown Prince of Germany. See Frederic Wm. Nicholas Charles. Crowninshield, F. Mural painting. Illust. *I Crowninshield, M. B. All among the lighthouses ; or, The cruise of the Goldenrod. 27283 The ignoramuses; a travel story. 2906T Crowninshield, Mrs. S. See Crowninshield, M. B. Crowns. Jones, W. Crowns and coronations ; a hist, of regalia. 23586 Cruger, M. How she did it ; or, Comfort on $150 a year. 30313 Cruickshank, A. H. Classical attainments of Shakspere. (In Winchester coll. Shakspere Soc. Noctes.) 29429 Cruise, F. R. Xhomas a Kempis ; notes of a visit to the scenes in which his life was spent, etc. Illust. 29475 Cruise in a pilot boat; by S. G. W. Benjamin. (In his Sea- spray.) 28916 Cruise of a woman hater ; by G. de Montauban [W. P. Green- ough]. " . 28682 Cruise of the "Black Prince" ; by V. L. Cameron. 27992 Cruise of the canoe club ; by W. L. Alden. 22848 Cruise of the Mystery; by C. Thaxter. 27005 Crusade of the Excelsior ; by B. Harte. 28246 Crusades. Frith, H. In the brave days of old ; story of the C. 25829 Harrison, F. B. Brothers in arms; story of the C. 28035 Henty, G. A. The boy knight; tale of the C. 23378 See also Constantinople. Crusoe's island ; by J. R. Browne. 4666 Crustacea. Packard, A. S. On the structure of the brain of the sessile-eyed C. (In Nat. Acad. of Sci. Mem., v. 3, pt. 1.) 14262 Cryptogram, The ; by J. De Mille. 25334 Crystal palace, Sydenham, Eng. Craik, D. M. (M.) Story of an old friend [the crystal palace.] (In her Cone, men.) 306 '26 Csoma, Alex, of KOTOS. See Korosi. Ctesias Cuidius. Ancient India ; tr. of the abridgment of his " Indika " by Photios, and of the fragments preserved in other writers, by J. W. McCrindle ; introd., notes, etc. 26250 Cuba. Description. Aubertin, J. J. (In his Fight with distances.) 30276 - Ballou, M. M. (In his Foot-prints of travel.) 30773 - Due south ; or, Cuba past and present. 25641 Deming, C. Shadows in Cuba. (In his Byways.) 23664 Drysdale, W. (In his In sunny lands.) (Franklin Sq. lib.) 26014 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 157 Hutchinson, W. F. (In his Winter holiday.) See also Havana. Cudlip, Mrs. A. (T.) Jenifer. (Franklin Sq. lib.) No medium. (Harper's handy ser.) Cudlip, Mrs. P. See Cudlip, Mrs. A. (T.) Cudworth, A. M. Memorial of W. H. Cudworth. Cudworth, R. Martineau, J. (In his Types of eth. theory, v. 2.) Cudworth, W. H. Cudworth, A. M. Memorial of C. Cuisine Creole, La ; coll. of culinary recipes. Culley, J. L. Treatise on the theory of the constr. of heli- coidal oblique arches. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) Culloden. Henty, G. A. Bonnie Prince Charlie ; tale of Fontenoy and C. Culture. Arnold, M. Sweetness and light. (In Prose master- pieces, v. 1.) Harrison, F. Culture ; dialogue. (In his Choice of books.) Hudson, H. N. Science, culture, acquirement. (In his Stud, in Words- worth.) Morley, J. On popular culture. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 1.) Culver, H. H. Epitome of anatomy, physiology, and hygiene, incl. the effects of alcohol and tobacco. Cumberland, R. The West Indian. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) Cumberland, S. The Queen's highway fr. ocean to ocean. lllust. and maps. Cumberland, S. C. The rabbi's spell ; Russo-Jewish romance. Cumberland Co., Eng. Barrow, J. Mountain ascents in C., etc. Cumberland gap. Stevenson, B. F. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v Gumming, A. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) Gumming, C. F. G. Granite crags. lllust. - In the Hebrides. New ed. lllust. In the Himalayas and on the Indian plains. lllust. Via Cornwall to Egypt. Wanderings in China. 1.) New ed. lllust. 2 v. Eliot, G., pseud. Evangelical teaching; Dr. . ( In her Essays.) 23545; . N. (7?i his Short stud.) S. Mabel Vaughan ; ofversattning fran Engel- Gumming, J. Gummin Oxenham, Cummins, M skan. Cumnock, R. McL. Cumnock's school speaker. Cunard Steamship Co. (In Fortunes made in business, v. 2.) Cuneiform writing. Cook, F. C. On the Persian C. inscript. and the Zend Avesta. (In his Origins, etc.) Sayce, A. H. How the C. inscript. were deciphered, etc. (In his Fresh light.) Schrader, E. The C. Inscript. and the Old Testament. 2 v. Cunningham, F. H. Familiar sketches of the Phillips Exeter Academy and surroundings. lllust. Cunningham, H. S. The Coeruleans ; a vacation idyll. Cunningham, J. The growth of the Church in its organization and institutions ; Croall lect., 1886. Cunningham, J. T. Charles Darwin, naturalist. (Round table ser.) 12 26160 23650 26012 25027 25402 25027 25470 27075 29028 23200 26324 24572 23200 29303 23530 29020 26071 27031 29463 23322 23833 23834 25061 25622 26574-5 23959 25126 15177 23531 24001 24244 27597 *I 22963 28494 27552 28094 158 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cunningham, W. Politics and economics ; nature of the princ. of polit. economy, with a surv. of recent legislation. 26375 Cuore ; an Italian schoolboy's journal ; by E. de Amicis. 28100 Cup, the ; tragedy ; by A. Tennyson. 23649 Curiosities of the search-room ; serious and whimsical wills. (Frank. Sq. lib.) 24454 Curran, J. E. Miss Frances Merley. 29795 Currency. See Money ; Paper money. Current discussions in theology. See Boardman, G. N., and others. Currie, Sir D. Ritchie, J. E. (In his Fam. city men.) 23860 Currier, A. H. Life of Constans L. Goodell ; introd. by W. M. Taylor. 29443 Curry, J. L. M. Constitutional government in Spain. 30781 Curry. Santragoe, D. The curry cook's assistant. 30602 Curse of the catafalques ; by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie]. (In his Black poodle, etc.) 28303 Curteis, G-. H. Scientific obstacles to Christ, belief. (Boyle lect., 1884.) 25720 Curtis, Mrs. C. G-. (pseud. C. Winchester.) The love of a life- time. 23270 Curtis, G. T. Creation or evolution? philosoph. inquiry. 27640 Life of James Buchanan. 2 v. 23041-2 McClellan's last service to the republic ; with tribute to his memory. 26111 Curtis, G. W. Biographical sketch of T. Winthrop. (In Winthrop, T. Cecil Dreeme.) 5373 Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Harris, A. B. (In her Amer. authors.) 28776 Lathrop, G. P. G. W. Curtis at West New Brighton. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) 30787 Curtis, J. S. Abstract of rept. on the mining geology of the Eureka district, Nevada. (In U. S. Geol. Surv. Rept., 1882-3.) 25283 Curtis, S. R., Gen. Whittlesey, C. (In his War mem.) 23674 Curtis, W. E. The capitals of Spanish America. Illust. 29796 Curtiss, S. I. Present state of Old Testament studies. (In Boardman, G. N., and others. Current discuss., v. 1, 2.) 24513-14 Curves. Lanza, G. Equilibrium curves, (fn his Appl. mech.) 28926 Salmon, G. Treat, on the higher plane C. 28659 See also Spirals. Curwen, J. Ross, N. J. John Curwen. (In Ewart, H. C. Leaders.) 30632 Gushing, P., pseud. See Wood, R. A. Cushman, C. S. Clement, C. E. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 2.) 30352 Parton, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Whiting, L. -Charlotte Cushman. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Cust, Lady. The invalid's own book; recipes. 29136 Cust, R. N. Language as illust. by Bible translation. Map, and table of languages. 27553 Sketch of the mod. languages of Africa. Map. 2 v. 23835-6 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 159 Custer, E. B. " Boots and saddles ;" or, Life in Dakota with Gen. C. 25211 Tenting on the plains ; or, Gen. C. in Kansas and Texas ; [with biog. sk.] 29530 Custer, G. A., Maj. Gen. See Custer, E. B., above. Customs. See Manners and customs. Cut by the county ; by M. E. Braddon. 25863 Cutler, A. Axon, W. E. A. Nanny Cutler, a Lancashire " Dinah Bede." (In his Lancashire gleanings.) 23436 Cutler, J. P., joint author. See Cutler, W. P. Cutler, M. Cutler, W. P. and J. P. Life, journals, and cor- respondence of C. 2 v. 28934-5 Cutler, W. P. and J. P. Life, journals, and correspondence of M. Cutler. 2 v. 28934-5 Cutter, C. First book on anatomy, etc., revised. See Cutter, J. C. Intermediate anatomy, etc., below. Cutter, J. C. Beginner's anatomy, physiology, and hygiene ; incl. scientific instruc. on the effects of stimulants and narcotics on the growing body. Illust. 28495 Intermediate anatomy, physiology, and hygiene; incl. scientific instruc. upon the effects of narcotics and stimulants; revision of C. Cutter's First book on anatomy, etc. Illust. 28496 Cutting, R. L. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Cutting (of garments) . Standard work on cutting. *I Cutts, E. L. Colchester. (Hist, towns.) 29593 Scenes and characters of the Middle Ages. Illust. 25801 Turning points of Eng. Ch. hist. (Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowledge.) 23000 Turning points of gen. Ch. history. (Soc. for Prom, of Chr. Knowledge.) 23001 Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D., baron. Wright, H. C. Cuvier and the animals of the past. (In her Children's stories.) 30384 Cuyler, T. L. Right to the point ; fr. the writings of C. ; select, by M. S. Haynes ; [with sketch of C.] ; introd. by N. Hall. (Spare min. ser.) 23768 Cuzco, Adams, W. H. (In his Land of the Incas.) 24553 Cuzzoni, F. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 1.) 29598 Cyclades. Bent, J. T. The Cyclades ; life among the insu- lar Greeks. 25593 Cycling. See Bicycles ; Tricycles. Cyclones. Davis, W. M. Whirlwinds, cyclones, and tornados. 23885 Upton, W. Investigation of cyclonic phenom. in New Eng. (Bd. with New Eng. Meteorolog. Soc. Work.) 29907 Cyclopaedias. See Encyclopaedias. . Cynic fortune ; by D. C. Murray. 27590 Cyprus. Smith, A. Through Cyprus. 28662 Stubbs, W. The medieval kingdoms of C. and Armenia. (In his Sev- enteen lect.) 26936 Cyrus, King of Persia. Farmer, L. H. (In her Boys' book.) 27081 Czartoryski, A. G., Prince. Memoirs and correspondence with Alexander I., etc.; ed. by A. Gielgud. 2 v. 29841-2 Daal, M. Anna, the professor's daughter ; tr. by C. Mueller. 25655 Dabney, R. H. Causes of the French revolution. 29866 Dabney, T. S. G. Smedes, S. D. Memorials of a southern planter. 29158 Daddy ; by H. King. (In his Savage London.) 30735 160 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Daddy Darwin's dovecot ; by J. H. Ewing. '24983 Daell, A. N. van, and Schrakamp, J. Das deutsche Buch der Sauveur Schule. 16229 joint author. See Sauveur, L. Dagonet the jester ; [by M. Macmillan]. 26657 Daguerre, L. J. M. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Dahlgren, M. V. Lights and shadows of a life. 28237 The lost name. 26809 Dahn, F. Felicitas ; hist. Roman aus der Volkerwanderung. 16409 Same ; fr. the German by M. J. Safford. 23612 Daily strength for daily needs ; select, by [M. W. Tileston]. 24596 Dairy. Long, J. British dairy-farming ; added, Descr. of the chief continental systems. 25939 Stewart, H. The dairyman's manual ; pract. treat. 29572 Daisy Miller; comedy; by H. James. 23104 Daisy plains; by E. Wetherell [S. Warner]. 26397 Daisy's choice. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journal, v. 2.) 27967 Dakota. Governor. Report, 1886. (In U. S. Territories. Governors. Reports.) 22919 Child, F. S. South Dakota; resources, people, statehood. 30086 Dakotas or Sioux. Carrington, H. B. The relig. of the D. ( In his Ind. question.) 24453 Riggs, S. R. Mary and I ; forty years with the Sioux. 29108 Dal Vero, M. Francis ; a socialistic romance. 27608 Dale, R. W. Preliminary essay. (In Schmidt, C. Soc. re- sults of early Christianity.) 26605 Dalgairns, J. B. Oxenham, H. N. (In Ms Short stud.) 25126 Dall, C. H. Life of Dr. Anandabai Joshee. 29304 What we really know about Shakespeare. 25975 Dallas, W. L. 'Weather forecasts. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Dallas, W. S. [Various papers.] (In Duncan, P. M. Cas- sell's nat. hist., v. 16.) 24956-61 Dalmatia. Jackson, T. Gr. Dalmatia, the Quarnero and Istria. 3 v. 29081-3 Mitford, E. L. (In Ms Land march, v. 1.) 24965 Dalriad, pseud. See Campbell, C. Dalrymple, Sir D. Omond, G. W. T. (In his Lord adv. of Scotland, v. 1.) 23590 Dalrymple, Sir J., 1st Viscount /Stair. Smith, J. C. Bio- graphical notice. (In his Writings by the way.) 25607 Dalton, J., Professor. Muir, M. M. P. (In his Her. of science.) 23589 Dalton, J. Gr. Lyra bicyclica ; sixty poets on the wheel. 25149 Daly, C. P. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Daly, Mrs. D. D. Digging, squatting, and pioneering life in South Australia. 29840 Daly, F. Henry Irving in England and America. Portr. 24354 Daly, J. B., ed. Ireland in '98; sketches of the princ. men of the time; based upon mss., etc., of R. R. Madden. Portrs., etc.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 161 Damascus. McKenzie, A. In Damascus. (In his Some things abroad.) 30435 Pullan, R. P. (In his Eastern cities, etc.) 24259 Wright, W. B. Damascus, the city of substance. (In his Anc. cities.) 27010 Dame Heraldry ; by F. S. Willing. 28171 Dame Holle ; or, Servantgalism in fairy land ; [play] ; by K. Freiligrath-Krocker. (In her Alice, etc.) 23273 Dame Wiggins of Lee, and her seven wonderful cats ; by a lady of 90 ; ed., with add. by J. Ruskin ; illust. 26613 Dames patronnesses, Les ; ou, Quelque chose malheur est bon ; proverbe, par A. E. Scribe. (In /n'sCEuvres, se*r. 2, v. 28.) *I Damon, S. M. Old New England days ; story of true life. 28759 Dampier, W., Capt. Account of New Holland and the adja- cent islands, 1699-1700. (In Pinkerton, J. Early Austral, voyages.) 27229 Markham, C. R. (In his Sea fathers.) 25002 Dana, C. A. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Dana, J. D. Manual of mineralogy and petrography. 4th ed., rev. and enl. Illust. 28118 Dana, K. F. (pseud. O. A. Wadsworth.) Our Phil; and other stories. 30314 Contents. Our Phil. Aunt Rosy's chest. Martyr's various mercies. Dana, R. H. Wilson, J. G. (In his Bryant and his friends.) 25857 Dana, W. F. The optimism of Ralph Waldo Emerson. 26810 Dance, N. Markham, C. R. (In his Sea fathers.) 25002 Dancin' party, The, at Harrison's cove ; by C. E. Craddock [M. N. Murfree]. (In her In the Tenn. Mts.) 23765 Dancing. Dodworth, A. Dancing and its rel. to education and soc. life ; new method of instr. incl. a guide to the cotillion (German). 25978 Hecker, J. F. C. The dancing mania. ( With his Black death.) 29684 Dandelion clocks ; by J. H. Ewing. 28297 Dandolo, E., Doge of Venice. Oliphant, M. O. W. (In her Makers of V.) *I Dandy Steve ; by H. Jackson. (In her Between whiles.) 28133 Danforth, P., pseud. See Talbot, H. L. Dangerous catspaw, A ; by D. C. and H. Murray. 30809 Daniel, G. Mary Stuart ; a sketch, and a defence. 27554 Daniel, S. Dennis, J. (In his Her. of literature.) 23445 Daniel Deronda. See Eliot, G., pseud. Daniele Cortis ; fr. the Italian of A. Fogazzaro. 28241 Daniell, A. Text book of the princ. of physics. 23769 Danish parsonage, A ; by an angler. 24877 Dan'l ; by H. King. (In his Savage London.) 30735 Dannenberg, Georg, pseud. See Friedrich, B. H. Dans le monde officiel ; par G. Bergeret. 14807 Dante, A. The Divina commedia ; tr. in the terza rima of the orig. with notes by F. K. H. Haselfoot. 28631 Same ; tr. by H. W. Longfellow. (Riverside ed.) 3 v. 27020-2 Same ; the Purgatorio ; prose tr. ; by W. S. Dugdale ; text as ed. by B. Bianchi; and notes. 23339 The commedia and canzoniere; a new tr. with notes, essays, and biog. introd. by E. H. Plumptre. 2 v. 27284-5 162 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Paradise; ed., with tr. and notes, by A. J." Butler. 26527 Dante. (Monograph, no. 16.) 23818 Farrar, F. W. Dante; lect. (In his Sermons, etc.) 26318 Grimm, H. Dante on the recent Italian struggle. (In his Literature.) 26534 Moore, E. The time references in the Divina commedia, and their bearing on the assumed date and duration of the vision. 28427 Phillimore, C. M. The " Paradiso" of Dante. (In her Stud.) 28075 Scartazzini, G. A. Handbook to D. ; tr. with notes and add. by T. Davidson. 27717 - Ward, M. A. Dante ; sketch of his life and works. 28172 Danube. Fiske, J. The races of the D. (In his Darwinism, etc.) 25984 D'Anvers, C., pseud. See Pulteney, W. Danvers, Sir J. Laurie, W. F. B. Sir J. Danvers. (In his Sketches.) 30596 D'Anvers, N., pseud. See Bell, N. R. E. Daphne ; by Rita [Mrs. O. Booth]. 30553 D'Aranda ; ou, Les grandes passions ; com6die-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, s6r. 2, v. 32.) *I Dare, J. Caddy, F. Footsteps of Jeanne d'Arc. 26570 Cleveland, R. E. Joan of Arc. (In her G. Eliot's poetry, etc.) 25554 Ireland, W. W. On the character and hallucinations of J*. (In his Blot, etc.) 26114 Jeanne Dare. (Monograph, no. 41.) 23818 Lamartine, A. de. Jeanne D'Arc. 30802 Parton, J. Trial of Jeanne Dare. ( In his Not. women.) 23433 Darien Exploring Expedition. Headley, J. T. Darien Expl. Exp. under I. C. Strain. 25562 Daring fiction, A ; by H. H. Boyesen. (In Stor. by Am. au- thors, v. 10.) 24223 Dark ages. See Middle Ages. Dark days ; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. 24738 Dark house, The ; by G. M. Fenn. 25873 Darling, G. H. Hope, E. Grace Darling, the heroine of the Fame islands. 23427 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Parton, J. Grace Darling revised. (In his Not. women.) 23433 Darling, M. G.. Gladys; a romance. 29657 Darlington, W. M. Appendix of illust. notes. (In Smith, J. Account of remark, occurrences, etc.} 30093 Darmesteter, A. The life of words as the symbols of ideas. 27870 Darmesteter, J. The Mahdi, past and present ; with portr. ; [tr. by A. S. Ballin]. 25489 Darthenay, L. Le guignol des salons ; avec pref . de Coquelin cadet. 14935 Contents. Monsieur Bbc. Boquillon rendant la justice. Le gros lot de la loterie des Batignolles. M. le sous-prefet de Cretinville-les-Pprames. Paul et Virginie. Le grand-papa. La marotte de M. Dupiton. Un crime dans la cuisine. L'avare et son tresor. Nos voisins de cam- pagne. Le revenant de Pontoise. Darwin, C. (R.) Darwinism stated by Darwin himself ; pas- sages fr. writings, select, and arr. by N. Sheppard. 23770 Geological obs. on the volcanic Is. and parts of So. America dur. the voyage of H. M. S. ' Beagle.' 2d ed. Maps and illust. 26700 Posthumous essay on instinct. (In Romanes, G. J. Ment. ev.) 23973 Allen, 0. G. B. Charles Darwin. 25963 - Bettany, G. T. Life of D. 29726 Butler, S., Luck, or cunning, as the main means of organic modification? D.'s theory of nat. select. 27547 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 163 Cunningham, J. T. Charles Darwin, naturalist. 28094 Darwin, F. Life and letters of D., incl. autobiog. chapter. 2 v. 28760-1 Fiske, J. Darwinism ; and other essays. 25984 In memoriam; C. Darwin. (In his Excursions.) 23373 Hall, A. W. Problem of human life ; with rev. of D., Huxley, etc. 23071 Jordan, D. S. (In his Sci. sketches.) 29449 Schurman, J. G. Ethical import of Darwinism. 29327 Wright, H. C. Darwin and Huxley. (In her Children's stories.) 30384 Darwin, E. Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Darwin, F. Life and letters of C. Darwin ; incl. autobiog. chapter. 2 v. 28760-1 Daryl, Philippe, pseud. See Grousset, P. Dashkof or Daschkaw, E. R. W., Princess. Princess Dash- kov. (Monograph, no. 8.) 23818 Dashmarton's legacy. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journ., v. 4.) 27969 Dateless bargain, A. ; by C. L. Pirkis. 28526 D'Aubign6, J. H. M. See Merle d'Aubigne. Daudet, A. Die Belagerung von Berlin. (In Schick, L. Coll. Novellen, v. 3.) 16521 La Belle-Nivernaise. (Contes choisis, no. 11.) 14867 Contes choisis ; La fantaisie et 1'histoire ; eaux-fortes par E. Morin. 14641 - The immortal ; or, One of the " Forty ;" tr. by A. W. Verrall and M. de G. Verrall. 30782 Numa Roumestan ; tr. bv V. Champlin. 27973 Le siege de Berlin ; Laderniere classe ; L'enf ant espion ; Les emotions d'un perdreau rouge; La vision du juge de Colmar. (In O'Connor, B. F. Choix de contes.) 25237 Le siege de Berlin: et d'autres contes. (In Contes choisis.) 14863 Contents. Le siege de Berlin. La derniere classe. La mule du pape. L'enfant espion. Salvette et Bernadou. Un teneur de livres. The siege of Berlin. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 4.) 25370 Stories of Provence (Lettres de mon moulin.) ; f r. the French by S. L. Lee. 26417 - Tartarin sur les Alpes. Illust. d'aquarelles. *I James, H. (In his Partial portraits.) 29687 Daudet, E. The apostate ; tr. by E. P. Train. 30627 Marshal de MacMahon. (In his French celeb.) 23151 Which? or, Between two women ; tr. by L. E. Kendall. 28497 and others. French celebrities ; brief biographies; tr. by F. W. Potter. 23151 Contents. Daudet, E. Marshal de MacMahon. Depasse, H. L. Gam- betta. Delabrosse,L. J. Grevy. Edmond, C. L. Blanc. Depasse, H. C. de Freycinet. Claretie, J. V. Hugo. Pinard, A. F. de Lesseps. Daughter, The, of Daicles ; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Stor. holidays.) 28749 Daughter, A, of Eve ; by [E. O. Kirk]. 30801 Daughter, A, of Fife ; by A. E. Barr. 26622 Daughter, The, of Galileo ; by [A. Manning] ." (In her Masque at Ludlow, etc.) 26503 Daughter, A, of the gods ; by J. Stanley. 27240 Daughter, The, of the stars; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. (I his Bd. together.) 24903 Daughters of England ; by Mrs. Ellis. 1367 Daunt, A. In the land of the moose, the bear, and the beaver ; adv. in the forests of the Athabasca. Illust. 26141 Daunt, W. J. O'N. Eighty-five years of Irish history. 1800- 1885. 2 v. 27871-2 Davenant, Sir W. Gosse, E. Davenant and Cowley. (In his Fr. Shakespeare to Pope.) 25831 Davenport, E. L. Edwards, H. (In Matthews, J. B., and Button, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 164 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Davenport, R. B. Death-blow to spiritualism ; true story of the Fox sisters, as revealed by authority of M. F. Kane and C. F. Jencken. 30315 David, J. L. Armitage, E. " David" and his school. (In his Lect.) 22995 David Bushnell and his Amer. turtle ; by S. J. Prichard. (In New Eng. stor.-bk.) 24819 David Poindexter's disappearance ; by J. Hawthorne. 29138 Davidson, J. W. The correspondent. 26142 The Florida of to-day ; guide for tourists and settlers. Maps, etc. 30524 Davidson, M. M. Silk ; its hist, and manufacture ; incl. instr. for silk culture. 25490 Davidson, T. H. Goethe's Titanism. ( In Concord. Sch. of Phil. Lect.) 26347 Notes and additions. (In Scartazzini, G. A. Handbook to Dante.) 27717 - The place of art in education ; lect. 25824 Davie, G. S. Brief sk. of the life of Sadi. (In Sadi. Garden of fragrance.) 23022 Davies, D. C. Treatise on minerals and mining. 24245 - Treatise on metalliferous minerals and mining. 2d ed., rev. 24246 Davies, J. L. Social questions fr. the point of view of Christ, theology. 26418 Davies, J. S. History of Southampton ; partly fr. the ms. of Dr. Speed. 23942 Davis, A. T. Stratford-upou-Avon sewerage and sewage dis- posal. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 12.) *I Davis, C. K. The law in Shakespeare. 25030 Davis, C. T. Manufacture of leather ; added. Lists of pa- tents for materials, processes, etc., for tanning, currying, etc. Illust. *I Manufacture of paper; processes, history, etc. Illust. 27076 - Practical treat, on the nianuf. of bricks, tiles, terra-cotta, etc. Illust. 26061 Treatise on steam boiler incrustation and methods for prevent, corrosion and formation of scale. Illust. 26665 Davis, G. B. Outlines of internal, law ; with acct. of its ori- gin and sources of its hist, development. 28238 Davis, H. American constitutions ; the rel. of the three de- partments, as adjusted by a century. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 3.) *I Davis, H. W. On reconstruction ; the first Rep. theory, Ho. of Rep., Mch. 22, 1864. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 Davis, J. Inaugural address, Feb. 18,1861. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 Davis, J. Bourne, H. R. F. Three voyages in the direction of Cathay. (In his Eng. seamen.) 29739 Davis, L. S. Studies in musical history. 28291 Davis, M. E. M. In war times at La Rose Blanche. Illust. 30094 Davis, N. D. Cavaliers and Roundheads of Barbadoes, 1650 1652 ; with acct. of the early history of B. 30687 Davis, Mrs. R. B. H. Balacchi Brothers. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 1.) 23903 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 165 Natasqua. 26631 Davis, S. E. Bond, L. H. A confederate spy. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U.'S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Davis, S. M. H. Norway nights and Russian days. Illust. 28290 Davis, V. A. An Irish knight of the 19th cent. ; sk. of the life of R. Emmet. 29797 Davis, W. F. Saint Indefatigable ; sk. of the life of A. P. Sarle. 23613 Davis, W. M. Whirlwinds, cyclones, and tornadoes. ("Sci- ence" ser.) 23885 Davis, W. R. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Davis, W. T. History of the town of Plymouth, with sk. of the origin of Separatism. Illust. *I Davitt, M. Leaves fr. a prison diary ; or, Lectures to a "sol- itary" audience. 25905 O'Connor, T. P., and McWade, R. (In their Gladstone, Parnell, etc.) 27779 Davos. Wise, A. T. Davos Platz. (In his Alpine winter.) 27068 Davy, Sir H., Bart. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Mayhew, H. Wonders of science. 26725 - Muir, M. M. P. (In his Heroes of science.) 23589 Wright, H. C. Davy and nature's magicians. (In her Children's stor.) 30384 Davy and the goblin ; by C. E. Carryl. 25821 Daw, Margery, pseud. See Bostwick, L. W. Dawes, A. L. How we are governed ; explau. of the consti- tution and government of the U. S. 25537 Dawk bungalow, The ; by G. O. Trevelyan. (In his Ladies, etc.) 30748 Dawkins, W. B., and Oakley, H. W. Proboscidea ; Hyracoi- dea. (In Duncan, P. M. Cassell's nat hist., v. 2".) 24957 and Garrod, A. H. Ungulata; Perissodactyla; Artiodactyla. (In Duncan, P. M. Cassell's nat. hist., v. 2.) 24957 Dawning, The. 26096 Dawson, E. C. James Hannington, 1st Bishop of east, equa- torial Africa ; life and work. 27873 Dawson, G. Angling talks; Winter talks on summer pas- times, contrib. to the "Forest and Stream." 26419 - Biographical lectures; ed. by G. St. Clair. 26576 Fly casting for salmon. (In Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing, etc.) *I Dawson, Sir J. W. Egypt and Syria ; phys. features in rel. to Bible history. 26034 Geological history of plants. Illust. (Internat. sci. ser.) 29068 Modern science in Bible lands. Maps and illust. 30628 Dawson, S. E. A study ; crit. and explan. notes of Tenny- son's poem, The princess. 24228 Dawson, S. M. A day with D. M. Craik. (In Parton, J. .Some noted princes, etc.) 25675 Dawson, W. The Leyton sewage works. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 11.) *I Dawson, W. H. German socialism and F. Lassalle ; biog. hist, of German socialistic movements. Portr. 30688 Day, D. L. My diary of rambles with the Mass. Vol. Infan- try, Burnside's coast div., 18th Army Corps, and the Army of the James. 23771 166 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Day, G. T., ed. African adventure and adventurers. 28458 Day, L. F. Application of ornament. Illust. 30839 Day, R. E. Electric light arithmetic. (In Dynamic elect.) 23772 Dayananda Sarasvati. Mueller, F. M. (In his Biog. essays.) 24860 Day-dawn in dark places ; by J. Mackenzie. 24151 Daylight land ; by W. H. Murray. 30390 Dayne, J. B. In the name of the tzar. 28119 Dayspring ; by E. Marshall. 23130 De omnibus rebus ; ramblings on the road of everyday life ; by [Mrs. W. P. Byrne]. 30609 Deacon's week, The ; by R. T. Cooke. 25028 Dead leman, The; by T. Gautier. (In Lang, A., and Syl- vester, P. The dead leman.) 30803 Dead man's face. A ; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. (In his Carriston's gift, etc.) 25492 Dead souls. See Tchitchikoff's journeys. Deaf and dumb. Gallaudet, E. M. Life of T. H. Gallaudet ; founder of deaf-mute instr. in Amer. 29.534 Seiss, J. A. The children of silence. 28818 Van Praagh, W. Lessons for the instr. of deaf and dumb children in speaking, lip-reading, etc. 2 pts. Illust. 24464-5 Dean, A. The British constitution. 24879 Dean Maitland, The silence of ; by M. Grey. 27642 Deane, M. St. Briavels. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 27388 Deane, W. J. Abraham ; his life and times. 29444 Death, J. The beer of the Bible ; one of the leavens of Exo- dus ; with a visit to an Arab brewery ; and map of the routes of the Exodus. 28011 Death. Arnold, E. Death; and afterwards ; with suppl. 29009 - The secret of death ; from the Sanskrit, etc. 25291 Debts, National. See National debts. December ; [poems] ; ed. by O. F. Adams. (Through the year with the poets.) 26063 Declined with thanks ; by J. M. Morton, (l)i his Come- diettas, etc.) 27090 Decoration, Ornamant. Boyce, A. P. Collection of scrolls and ornaments for painters, etc., nos. 1,2. *I Bunce, O. B. My house; an ideal. 23760 Chesneau, E. Decorative art. (In his Edu'c. of the artist.) 26698 Co-operative Building Plan Assoc. How to build, furnish, and decorate. *I Day, L. F. Application of ornament. 30839 Edis, K. W. Internal decoration. (In Murphy, S. F. Our homes.) 24196 Hodson, J. S. General decorations. (In his Hist, guide to art illust.) *I Jackson, F. G. Lessons on decorative design. 30478 Mayeux, H. Manual of decorative composition. 30438 O'Kane, J. Detail ornament. Pt>. 16. *I Redgrave, Gr. R. Outlines of historic ornament. 26266 Saward, B. C. Decorative painting; pract. handbook. 23595 Smith, J. M. Ornamental interiors, ancient and modern. *I See also Alphabets ; Embroidery. Also Marble; Mural decoration. De Cosson, E. A. Days and nights of serv. with Sir G. Gra- ham's force at Suakin. 27033 Deemster, The ; by H. Caine. 29064 Deer. Caton, J. D. The antelope and deer of America. 26408 Jefferies, R. Red deer. 23852 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 167 Deer Isle, Maine. Hosmer, G. L. Historical sk. of the town. 27694 Deerfield, Mass. Champney, L. W. The Deerfield massacre, etc. (In her Great-grandmother's girls in New France.) 28755 De*esse, La ; comedie-vaudeville ; par E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, ser. 2, v. 32.) *I Defence, Military. /See U. S. Deflection. Smith, I. W. Theory of deflections, etc., with spec. appl. to curvilinear surveys for alignments of rail- way tracks. 24643 Deflection (of streams). Gilbert, G. K. Sufficiency of ter- restrial rotation for the deflection of streams. (In Nat. Acad. of Sci. Mem., v. 3, pt. 1.) 14262 De Foe, D. Rebilius Cruso ; Robinson Cruso in Latin ; by F. W. Newman. *I Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Godolphin, M. Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, in words of one syllable. 264115 De Forest, J. W. The brigade commander. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 8.) 24221 An inspired lobbyist. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 4.) 24217 Miss RavenePs conversion fr. secession to loyalty. 28591 Degen, , von. A mystery of the Campagna. (In Nor- man, H. The witching time.) 27331 De Hass, F. S. Buried cities recovered ; or, Explorations in Bible lands. 5th ed., with app. Illust. 23917 De Haven, E. J., Lieut. Nourse, J. E. Expeditions of De H. (In his Amer. explor.) 24679 ; *I Deiters, H. Johannes Brahms; biog. sketch ; tr., with add., by R. Newmarch ; ed., with pref ., by J. A. F. Maitland. 29839 De Kay, C. Manmat'ha. (In Stor. by Am. auth,, v. 10.) 24223 De Keyser, P. Ritchie, J. E. (In his Fam. city men.) 23860 Delaborde, H., vicomte. Engraving; origin, processes, and history ; tr. by R. A. M. Stevenson ; with add. chap, on Eng. engraving, by W. Walker ; Chronological table of engravers. 27698 Delabrosse, L. Jules Gre>y. (In Daudet, E. Fr. celeb.) 23151 Deland, M. (C.). John Ward, preacher. 29531 Delaware bay. Rothrock, J. T. Vacation cruising in Chesa- peake and Delaware bays. 24155 Deldee, the ward of Waringham ; by F. Warden [F. A. P. James]. 24938 Delepierre, O. The Kolossos of Rhodos. (Monograph, no. 42.) 23818 Delibes, L. Lakme" ; opera ; tr. and adapt, by T. T. Barker. *I Deliee, F. J. The Franco- American cookery book. 23886 Delitzsch, F. J. A day in Capernaum ; tr. by G. H. Schodde. 28498 Del Mar, A. History of money in anc. countries fr. the earli- est times. 25906 Money and civilization; hist, of the monetary laws of var. states, and their inn. upon civilization. 28397 De Long, G. W. Voyage of the Jeannette ; ship and ice journals, 1879 1881 ; ed. by E. De Long. Portr., maps, and illust. 2 v. 23092-3 168 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Melville, G. W. In the Lena delta ; search for De L. 24776 Nourse, J. E. Expedition of De L. toward the Pole. (In his Araer. explor.) 24679; *I Demeritt, E. W. The breaking up of the ice bridge. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stories of danger, etc.) 27342 De Mille, J. A castle in Spain. Illust. 23368 The cryptogram. Illust. 25334 A strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder. Illust. 29714 Deming, C. Byways of nature and life. 23664 Contents. Bowery of London. Curiosities of /oology. A British elec- tion-day. England's gun foundry. London in a fog. Waterloo to-day. The giant tides of Fundy. Newfoundland and the cod-fishers. Seal- hunting on the ice-fields. Heart's Content and the ocean cables. Deep fishing in tropic seas. Shadows in Cuba. Bahama sponge-fishers. Down in a coal-mine. Buried forests of New Jersey. Petrblia and its mar- vels. A Yankee town-meeting. On black ice. The old college ball- ground. An historic meeting-house. Oddities of fishcraft. Among the maniacs. Silver Spring. Catching the grayling. A Yankee coon- hunt. Logging in Michigan wilds. The Father of waters. The Shoe- string district ; a polit. retrospect. The Southern planter. The Negro of the Mississippi Bends. Negro rites and worship. Negro songs and hymns. Deming, P. Tompkins ; and other folks ; stor. of the Hudson and the Adirondacks. 24900 Contents. Tompkins. Rube Jones. Jacob's insurance. Mr. Toby's wedding journey. Hattie's romance. The court in Schoharie. An Adi- rondack home. Democracy. Carnegie, A. Triumphant democracy ; fifty years' march of the republic. 26407 - Lowell, J. R. Democracy ; address, Birmingham, Eng., Oct., 1884. 27217 Mackay, C. The dangers of ultra-democracy. (In his Founders, etc.) 26259 Maine^H. J. S. The nature of D. (In his Pop. government.) 26258 Norcross, J. History of D., considered as a party name, and as a polit. organization. 23551 Patton, J. H. The democratic party; hist, and influence. 24422 Stickney, A. Democratic government; study of politics. 25524 Toynbee, A. Industry and democracy. (In his Lect.) 24386 See also Republic. Democracy in the old world and the new. 24675 Demoiselles de St. Cyr ; par A. Dumas. 28634 Demonology. Tiffany, J. Of demons, as distinguished fr. angelic beings. (In his Man, etc.) 23326 De Morgan, A. Newton, his friend ; and his niece ; ed. by [S. E. De Morgan] and A. C. Ranyard. 26484 Demos; story of Eng. socialism ; [by G. Gissing]. 27610 Demosthenes. Cox, G: W. ( In his Lives of Gr. statesmen, ser. 2.) 26663 Dempsey, G. D. On the drainage of lands, towns, and build- ings ; rev., with add., by D. K. Clark. 28632 Dempster, C. L. H. Ninette ; an idyll of Provence. 29867 Denmark. Agriculture. Jenkins, H. M. (In his Kept, on agricul. education.) 24428 Art. Worsage, J. J. A. The industrial arts of D. to the Danish conq. of Eng. *I Description and travels. Ballou,M. M. (In his Due North.) 28102 Butterworth, H. (In his Zigzag jour.) 23145 Hare, A. J. C. Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia. 25300 Jackson, H. (In her Glimpses, etc.) 26433 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 169 Nicander, K. A. Minnen fran sodern. 15137 Otte, E. C. Denmark and Iceland. 23131 Scudder, H. E. (In his The Viking Bodleys.) 24494 Stone, M. A. A summer in Scandinavia. 25575 Wight, O. W. (In his People, etc.) 30381 Wood, C. W. Under northern skies. 27960 History. Lange, C. C. A. Udtog af Norges, Sveriges og Danmarks Historic. 27424 See also Scandinavia. Royal family. Bille, C. S. de. King and queen of D. ; Eoyal children of D. 25675 Dennett, R. E. Seven years among the Fjort ; an Eng. trader's experiences in the Congo district. Illust. 28012 Denning, W. F. The planet Mercury ; The distant planets, Uranus and Neptune. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Dennis, J. Heroes of literature ; English poets. 23445 Contents. Introductory. The Elizabethan poets: E. Spenser; P. Sidney; S. Daniel; M. Drayton; C.Marlowe; G. Chapman; W.Shake- speare. Elizabetheu and Jacobean poets: Ben Johnson: W. Drummond; G. Sandys; G. Wither; G. Herbert; H. Vaughan; W. Browne; R. Her- rick. Poets of the commonwealth: A. Cowley; J. Milton; A. Marvell. The poet of the restoration : J. Dryden. Queen Anne and Georgian poets: A. Pope. S. Johnson. O. Goldsmith; J. Thomson. Georgian poets: T. Gray and W. Collins; W. Cowper: R. Burns. Poets of the 19th cent.: W. Wordsworth; W. Scott; S. T. Coleridge; R. Southey ; W. S. Lander; Ld. Byron; J. Keats; P. B. Shelley; E. B. Browning; J. Keble. ed. Robert Southey; his life in his letters. 29111 Dennis, R. Industrial Ireland ; pract. and non-polit. view of " Ireland for the Irish." 28398 Dennis, Barnstable Co., Mass. Swift, C. F. History of D. (In his Hist, of Old Yarmouth.) 25044 Dennis Day, carpet-bagger ; or, The story of Mary ; by Mrs. G. E. Spencer. 28534 Denominational. See Theology. De Normanville, W. Leamington Spa water supply. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 14.) *I Densel, WL., pseud. See McCobb, Mrs. M. S. Denslow, Van B. Principles of the economic philosophy of society, government, and industry. 30095 and Parker, J. M. Thomas A. Edison and Samuel F. B. Morse. 29021 Dent, C. Above the snow line ; mountaineering sketches, 18701880. Illust. 25103 Dent, W. Refuse destroyer at Nelson. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 12.) *I Denton, J. B. Disposal of the sewage of the metropolis ; lect., 1887. 28704 Sewage disposal ; experience in works of intermittent downward filtra- tion; with notes on sewage farming. 2d ed., with add. 27167 Denton, W. England in the loth century. 30578 Denver, Colorado. Roberts, E. City of Denver. (In his Shoshone, etc.) 30661 Denver express, The ; by A. A. Hayes. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 6.) 24219 Denys 1'Auxerrois ; by W. Pater. (In his Imaginary portr.) 28524 170 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Deodand ; by W. H. Bishop. (In his Choy Susan, etc.) 24557 Deontology. See Moral philosophy. Depasse, H. L6on Gambetta ; Charles de Freycinet. (In Daudet, E. French celeb.) 23151 Depew, C. M. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portr.) 24010 De Quincey, T., the elder. Axon, W. E. A. The father of De Quincey. (In his Lancashire gleanings.) 23436 De Quincey, T. Conversation. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 1.) 23200 Literary criticism. 23082 Contents. Theory of Greek tragedy. The Antigone of Sophocles, as represented on the Edinburgh stage. Homer and the Homeridae. Style. Rhetoric. Language. English dictionaries. Dry den's hexa- stich. Notes on W. S. Landor. Milton versus Southey and Landor. Orthographic mutineers, with spec. ref. to the works of W. S. Landor. Wordsworth's poetry. On the knocking at the gate in Macbeth. Notes. En Opiumaeders Bekjendelser ; ved J. Hazeland. 27409 Select essays; ed. and annot. by D. Masson. 2 v. 29918-19 Contents. V. 1. On murder considered as one of the fine arts. Early memorials of Grasmere. Revolt of the Tartars. 2. The Spanish military nun. The English mail coach. Suspiria de profundis. Findlay, J. R. Personal recollections of De Quincey. 26582 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Ingleby, C. M. (In his Essays.) 29611 Mason, E. T. (In his Personal traits, v. 2.) 25229 Derby, Earl f _of. See Stanley, E. G. S. Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books, and pub- lishers. 24683 Derby, W. P. Bearing arms in the 27th Mass. Regt. Vol. Infantry dur. the civil war, 1861 1865. [Portrs.] 23310 Derbyshire, Eng. Pendleton, J. History of Derbyshire. 26966 Deruiere classe, La ; par A. Daudet. (In his Contes choisis ; also in Contes choisis ; and in O'Connor, B. F. Choix de contes.) 14641 ; 14863 ; 25237 Dernieres nouvelles ; par L. N. Tolstoi. 14704 Derrick Sterling ; by K. Munroe. 29321 Derval, J. van. Far from home ; fr. the German by K. Ham- ilton. 24043 Descartes (Lat. Cartesius), R. Case, T. Descartes. (In his Phys. realism.) 30780 Fischer, K. History of mod. philosophy; D. and his school. 27750 Martineau, J. (In 'his Types of eth. theory, v. 1.) 25401 Saisset, E. E. Theism of D. (In his Ess. on relig. philos., v. 1.) 29849 Winchell, A. The vortical theory of D. (In fcttWorld life.) 23415 Desert warfare. See Soudan. Deserter, The ; by C. King. 29546 Design. Baker, L. Theory of design ; text-book for schools. 25427 See also Textile fabrics. Desperate chance, A ; by J. D. J. Kelley. 26925 Despot, The, of Broomsedge Cove ; by C. E. Craddock [M. N. Murfree]. 30450 Destruction of Gotham ; by J. Miller. 26834 Determinants. Muir, T. Treat, on the theory of deter- minants ; with exercises. 27777 Peck, W. G. Elementary treatise on determinants. 30115 Scott, R. F. Treat, on the theory of D. and their appl. in analysis and geometry. 25698 Detroit, Mich. Farmer, S. History of Detroit and Michigan. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 171 Hamlin, M. C. W. Legends of le Detroit; illust. by I. Stewart. 23468 Deutsch, W. Colloquial exercises, and select German reader. 25190 Deutsche Liebe (German love) ; fragments fr. the papers of an alien ; collected by F. M. Mu'ller. 24389 Deux sourds, Les ; comedie ; par J. Moinaux. (In Theatre contemp.) 14898 Devas, C. S. Studies of family life ; contrib. to soc. science. 26577 Contents. Fore-Christian families. The Christian family. After- Christian families. Development (in science). Bergen, J. Y. and F. D. The de- velopment theory ; brief statement for gen. readers. 24398 McCosh, J. Development; what it can do and what it cannot do. (In his Real philos., v. 1.) 27771 See also Evolution. Devens, C. Memoir of A. H. Bullock ; fr. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. 19924 - Two addresses comm. of Gen. Grant, 1885. 25289 De Vere, A. T. Essays, chiefly on poetry. 2 v. 29069-70 Contents. V. 1. Characteristics of Spenser's poetry. Spenser as a philosophic poet. Genius and passion of Word.s worth. Wisdom and truth of Wordsworth's poetry. Sir Henry Taylor's poetry. 2. Sir Henry Taylor's poetry. The two chief schools of English poetry. Poetic versatility. Shelley and Keats. Landor's poetry. The subjective diffi- culties in religion. A saint. The human affections in the early Christian time. Recollections of Wordsworth. The search after Proserpine ; and other poems. New ed. 25104 Devereux, Mrs. A. F. How to play progressive croquet. 26143 Devereux, R., 3d Earl of Essex. Walford, N. L. (In his Parl. generals.) 26611 Devey, L. Life of Rosina, Lady Lytton ; with extr. fr. her ms. autobiography, etc. 28633 Devil's die, The ; by G. Allen. 30200 Devil's ford ; by B. Harte. ( With his Millionaire, etc.) 27644 Devil's hat, The ; by M. Philips. 28154 " Devil's own," The ; by J. A." O'Shea. (In his Mil. mosaics.) 30483 Devon boys ; by G. M. Fenn. 28016 Devonshire, Eng. Worth, R. N. History of D. ; with sk. of its leading worthies. 26295 Devoted friend, The ; by O. Wilde. (Li his Happy prince, etc.) 29901 Devotional exercises. W., S. W., and H., M. S. Helps by the way. 26026 Dewey, J. Leibniz's new essays cone, the human understand- ing ; exposition. (Germ, philos. classics.) 30096 Dewey, Rev. O. Autobiography and letters ; ed. by M. E. Dewey. 23369 Dewhurst, Stephen, pseud. See James, H. De Witt, J. See Witt, J. de. De Wolf, O. C. Pullman fr. a State-medicine point of view. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Dexter, F. B. Sketch of the history of Yale university. 21149 Dexter, H. M. True story of John Smythe, the Se-baptist ; with an inq. whether dipping were a new mode of bapt. in Eng. in 1641, etc. *I Dialect ballads ; by C. F. Adams. 28737 172 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Dialects. See the names of the dialects or of the places where the dialects are spoken. Dialogues. See English literature. Select, for reading and speaking. Diamond lens, The ; by F. J. O'Brien. 25236 Diamonds. Hamlin, A. C. The diamond. (In his Leis. hrs.) 24477 Matthews, J. W. (In his Incwadi Yami.) 30181 Diana of the Crossways ; by G. Meredith. 25533 Diane ; drame, par E. Augier. ( In his Theatre, v. 2.) 14777 Diane Coryval. (No name ser.) 23656 Diary of a superfluous man ; by I. G. Turgenieff. 23653 Diary of an old soul. See Book of strife. Diaz, Mrs. A. M. Birds of prey. (Prang's nat. hist, ser.) 26734 Bybury to Beacon Street. 28917 Chronicles of the Stimpcett family and others. Illust. 24739 The John Spicer lectures. 28120 A leaf from Annetta's diary. (In New. Eng. story-book.) 24819 Diaz de Bivar, R. See Cid. Dibdin, T. Veiviseren ; eller, Fern Fierdingvei derfra ; Lyst- spil ; oversat af P. Foersom. (Bd. with Andersen, H. C. Nye Eventyr.) 27438 Diccon, the foot-boy, and the wise fools of Gotham ; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Stor. holidays.) 28749 Dicey, A. V. England's case against home rule. 27874 Lectures introd. to the law of the constitution. 26578 Letters on Unionist delusions. 29022 The Privy Council ; Arnold prize essay, 1860. 28762 Dick, R. Hoare, E. N. (In his Notable workers.) 29484 Parton, J. Robert Dick, baker and naturalist. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Symington, A. M. (In his Good lives.) 23981 Dick, W. B., ed. Games of Patience ; or, Solitaire with cards. Illust. *I Dick o' the fens ; by G. M. Fenn. 30581 Dickens, C. (J.) (H.) Complete poems. 25977 Lazy tour of two idle apprentices. 11737 Same. (In Nov. and tales, etc., v. 6.) 14306 Notes fr. books and letters. (In Langton, R. Childhood, etc., of D.) 26285 - Dickens, M. Charles Dickens. (The world's workers.) 26013 - Dickens with his children. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Dolby, G. Charles Dickens as I knew him ; reading tours. 24901 Fields, J. T. Recollections of D. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Langton, R. Childhood and youth of D. ; with notes, etc., fr. his books and letters. 26285 Marzials, F. T. Life of D. 28648 Mason, E. T. (In his Personal traits, v. 4.) 25231 Pemberton,T. E. Charles Dickens and the stage; playwright, actor, and critic. 30187 Proctor, R. A. Watched by the dead ; study of D.'s Half-told tale. 29818 Whipple, E. P. In Dickens-land. (In his Outlooks.) 29117 Dickens, M. Charles Dickens. (The world's workers.) 26013 Dickens with his children. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Dickerson, E. N. Joseph Henry and the magnetic telegraph. 25656 Dickie, G., joint author. See M'Cosh, J. Dickins, F. V., tr. The old bamboo-hewer's story ; the earliest of the Japanese romances ; with grammar, notes, etc. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 173 Dickinson, E. E., joint author. See Dickinson, J. Dickinson, Mrs. E. E. New light on Mormonism ; introd. by T. Weed. 25657 Dickinson, G. Poems and essays ; also, Translations fr. the German ; with acct. of minstrels and minstrelsy of the Middle Ages, and early ballad-poetry of different nations. 23614 Dickinson, J., Dickinson, E. E., and Dowd, S. E. A winter picnic ; four months' outing in Nassau. (Leis. hr. ser.) 30097 Dickson, Rev. D. Taylor, W. M. (In his Scottish pulpit.) 28910 Dickson, N. The Bible in Waverley ; Scott's use of the sacred scriptures. 24355 Dictionary. Gilman, A. Short stor. fr. the D. 27740 For dictionaries of any language see the name of the language; of any other subject, see the name of the subject; as Mechanics. Diderot, D. The paradox of acting; tr., with annot., by W. H. Pollock ; pref. by H. Irving. 23340 Didier, 1' honne"te nomine ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In his GEuvres, ser. 2, v. 32.) *I Dido, Queen of Carthage. Farmer, L. H. (In her Girls' book.) 28766 Didon, pere dominicain. The Germans ; tr. R. L. de Beau- fort. 25105 Didron aine\ A. N. Christian iconography ; or, History of Christian art in the Middle Ages ; tr. by E. J. Millington, and compl. with add., etc., by M. Stokes. Illust. V. 2. 1222 Diehl, A. R. Eureka collection of recitations and readings. Nos. 1-4. 15247 Diest, I. van. Belgium. (7 Stanton, T. The woman quest.) 24053 Diesterweg, G. Instruction in history. (In Hall, G. S. Methods, etc.) 23501 Diet. Henderson, M. F. Diet for the sick ; treat, on the val- ues of foods ; preparation, etc. 25503 Thompson, H. Diet in relation to age and activity. 27604 See also Cookery. Dietrich, V. Catechismi-eller Barna-predikningar ; forklar- ing af den christna trons hufroudstycken efter Lutherska Catechesens orduing ; ofwersattning af G. F. T. 15123 Digby Grand ; by G. J. W. Melville. 26046 Dilke, Mrs. A. See Dilke, M. M. Dilke, Sir C. W. Present position of European politics. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 28499 Dilke, E. F. S., Lady. The shrine of death ; and other stories. 27143 Contents. The shrine of death. The silver cage. The physician's wife. A vision of learning. The black veil. The crimson scarf. The secret. The serpent's head. The voyage. Dilke, M. M. Women's suffrage ; introd. by W. Woodall. 26579 Dillon, C. Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 2.) 30352 Dillon, W. Life of John Mitchel. 2 v. 30473-4 Dillwyn, E. A. Jill. 24980 Jill and Jack. 28500 Diman, J. L. Hazard, C. Memoirs of D. ; fr. his letters, journals, etc. 27313 13 174 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Dimitry, J. Three good giants ; fr. the French of F. Rabe- lais. Illust. 28814 Dinner-party, A ; by J. Eddy. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 2.) 23904 Diocesan histories. See Society for Prom. Chr. knowledge. Diplomacy. Murray, E. C. G. Embassies and foreign courts ; hist, of D. 23034 See also Ambassadors; U. S. Diplomacy. Dippold, G. T. Richard Wagner's poem, the Ring of the Nibelung, expl. and in part translated. 29712 Disappeared ; by S. Tytler [H. Keddie]. 28318 Disarmed ; by M. B. Edwards. 232L>0 Disastrous partnership, A ; by H. H. Boyesen. (In his Vag- abond tales.) 30885 Discourager, The, of hesitancy; by F. R. Stockton. (In his % Stor., ser. 2.) 26935 Discourse. See Rhetoric. Discoveries (in geography). Bell. N. R. E. Heroes of Amer. discovery. 25976 Story of early explorations. 23915 Humphrey, F. A. Adv. of early discoverers. 30230 Discriminate; companion to "Don't" ; by Critic. 25432 Disease. See Pathology. Disease germs. See Germ-theory. Disestablishment. See Church of England. Establishment. Disguises ; drama ; by A. Webster. 29648 Disinfection. Palmer, B. W. Sanitary suggestions on how to disinfect our homes. 25514 Disraeli, B., Earl of Beaconsfield. Correspondence with his sister, 1832-1852. 2d ed. Portr. 26580 Home letters, 1830-31. Illust. (Harper's handy ser.) 25558 The "Runnymede letters" ; introd. and notes, by F. Hitchman. 25956 Adams, C. K. (In his Representative orations," v. 3.) 24885 Atthaus, F. B. D'Israeli, Ld. Beaconsfield. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 9.) 16304 Ewald, A. C. The Rt. Hon. B. Disraeli, and his times. 2 v. in 5 pts. 26279-83 Farrar, F. W. Lord Beaconsfield. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Harrison, F. Romance of the peerage ; Lothair. (In his Choice, etc.) 26324 Kebbel, T. E. Life of Lord Beaconsfield. 30173 Lucy, H. W. The Disraeli parliament. 1874-18SO. (In his Diary etc., v. 1.) 25399 Four fam. scenes in the House of Commons. (In Parton, J. Some not. Princ.) 25675 McCarthy, J. H. (In his Eng. under Gladstone.) 24371 Smith, G. B. (In his Prime ministers.) 27718 Thornton, P. M. Administration of Lord Beaconsfield. (In his For. secretaries, v. 3.) , 22746 - Walsh, W. S. (In his Pen pictures.) 23401 Dissection. Howell, W. H. Dissection of the dog as a basis for the study of physiology. 30531 See also Vertebrates. Also Anatomy ; Zootomy. Dissolving views; by Mrs. A. Lang. 24150 Distracted preacher, The ; by T. Hardy. (In his Wessex tales.) 29683 Distributing the type. (In Silver lock, etc.) 29929 Dittmar, W. Exercises in quantitative chem. analysis ; with treat, on gas analysis. 29364 Divided lives ; by E. Fawcett. 30409 Divination. See Chiromancy. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 175 Divine sovereignty ; sermons ; by R. Thomas. 26093 Diving. Wilson, W. The swimming instructor ; swimming and D. 23134 Divorce. Lloyd, A. P. Treatise on the law of D. ; with sta- tistics. 28250 Robinson, M. S. Popular treat, on the law of marriage and D. 25043 - Savage, M. J. (In his Man, woman, etc.) 24204 Dix, J. A. Dix, M. Memoirs of J. A. Dix. 2 v. 22964-5 Dix, M. The Gospel and philosophy ; six lect. 27077 - Memoirs of J. A. Dix. Illust. 2 v. 22964-5 Dixon, R. B. Fore and aft; story of actual sea life. 23094 Dixon, W. G. The land of the morning ; acct. of Japan and its people. Illust. and map. 24459 Dixwell, G. B. ''Progress and poverty" ; rev. of the doctr. of H. George. 22993 Djek, elephant. Reade, C. Jack of all trades ; narr. of Djek and her keeper. 23797 Do aud % dare ; by H. Alger, Jr. 24615 Dobell, B. James Thompson ; memoir ; (In Thompson J. Voice fr. the Nile, etc.) 24385 Dobell, S. Buchanan, R. Sidney Dobell, and the "Spasmod- ic school." (In Ms Look round literature.) 28005 Dobson, A. At the sign of the lyre ; [poems]. 25212 Life of Oliver Goldsmith. (Great writers.) 29594 Old-world idylls ; and other verses. 23692 - Richard Steele. (Eng. worthies.) 27193 Thomas Bewick and his pupils. Illust. 24472 ed. Eighteenth century essays; select, and annot. 26485 Matthews, S. B. Two latter-day lyrics: F. Locker; A. Dobson. (In his Pen and ink.) 30437 D.ocks. Harcourt, L. F. V. Harbours and D. ; phys. features, hist., constr., etc. ; statistics as to their commerc. develop- ment. 2 v. *I Doctor and patient ; by S. W. Mitchell. 29058 Dr. Ball ; by the Duchess [M. Argles]. ( With her In durance vile.) ' 25145 Dr. Barringford's school ; by H. Ogden. 23793 Doctor Caesar Growl, mind-curer ; by P. Gushing [R. A. Wood]. 3 v. 29651-3 Doctor Frank, pseud. Health in our homes. 28176 Health of our children. 28177 Doctor Grattan ; by W. A. Hammond. 24751 Dr. Heidenhoff s process ; by E. Bellamy. 24231 Dr. Hinson's degree ; by R. M. Johnston. (In his Mr. A. Billingslea, etc.) 29688 Dr. Joliffe's boys ; by L. Hough. 28055 Doctor L'Estrange ; by A. Lyster. 3 v. 25162-4 Doctor, The, of Deane ; by M. T. Palmer. 29183 Dr. Rameau ; by G. Ohnet. 30811 Dr. Sevier ; by G. W. Cable. 24469 Doctor's story. The; by H. de Balzac. (In Lang, A., and Sylvester, P. The dead leman.) 30803 Doctrine. See Theology. 176 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Documents, The, in the case ; by B. Matthews, and H. C. Bunner. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 1, and in their In partnership.) -23903; 24490 Dodd, A. B. Cathedral days ; tour thr. southern Eng. lllust. 28097 Edmund C. Stedman. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) 30787 Glorinda. 30210 Dodds, J. Symington, A. M. (In his Good lives.) 23981 Dodds, M. Books which have influenced me. ( In Gladstone, W. E., and others. Books, etc.) 28840 Dodds, S. W. The diet question ; or, Hygienic cookery. 24143 Dodge, G. H. A bundle of letters to busy girls on pract. matters. 29071 Dodge, J. R. Statistics of tbe manuf . of tobacco, and of its commerc. distrib., export., and prices. (U. S. Census Office. 10th census.) 17267 Dodge, L. A question of identity. (No name ser.) 27674 Dodge, M. M. Baby world ; comp. fr. St. Nicholas. 24566 - Donald and Dorothy. lllust. * 23370 Runkle, L. G. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Dodge, R. Tristram Dodge and his descendants in Amer. f with hist, and descr. acct. of Block Island and Cow Neck, L. I. 28121 Dodge, T. Dodge, R. Tristram Dodge and his descendants in Amer. 28121 Dodge, T. A. A bird's-eye view of our civil war. 23152 Great Captains; infl. on the art of war of the campaigns of Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, etc. 30629 Patroclus and Penelope ; a chat in the saddle. *I ' Dodgson, C. L. (pseud. Lewis Carroll.) Alice's adv. under ground. ; facsimile of theorig. ms. of "Alice's adventures in wonder-land." lllust. 27924 The game of logic. *I Rhyme? and Reason? lllust. 23457 A tangled tale. lllust. 26486 Dodworth, A. Dancing and its rel. to education and social life ; with new meth. of instr., incl. a guide to the cotil- lion (German). lllust. 25978 Doge, The, and dogess ; by E. T. W. Hoffman. (In his Weird stories, v. 2.) 24847 Dogs. Baker, S. W. Something about dogs, and My grand- father's story. (In his True tales.) 23454 Burges, A. The dog; origin, breeding, and science of breaking. (In Lewis, E. J. Amer. sportsman.) *I Heatley, G. S. Our dogs and their diseases. 24843 Knox, T. W. Dog stor. and dog lore ; exper. of two boys in rearing and training; with anecdotes of canine intelligence. 28883 Lord, W. R. The homing of dogs. 28144 Perry, J. F. Dogs ; their management and treatment in disease. 25482 Stables, G. Our friend the dog; guide to all known breeds. *I Stevenson, R. L. The character of dogs. (In his Memories, etc.) 28907 See also Hydrophobia. Doisy de Villargennes, A. J. Reminiscences of army life un- der Napoleon. 24981 Dolby, G. Charles Dickens as I knew him ; reading tours, 1866-1870. 24901 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 177 Dole, C. F. The citizen and the neighbor ; men's rights and duties in the state and in society. 24009 Jesus and the men about him. 30407 Contents. John the Baptist. Nicodemus. Nathanael. Peter and John. Jesus the Master. Dole, E. P. Talks about law ; pop. statement of what our law is, etc. 27741 Dole, N. H. Appendix, etc. (In Dupuy, E. Masters of Russian literature.) 27194 Dollar, The. See U. S. Finance. Dolley, C. S. Technology of bacteria investigation; directions for the study of bacteria. 25491 Dolly Varden ; by N. Perry. (In her Youngest Miss Lor- ton.) 30356 Dolly's last night; by E. FT. Miller. (In Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 Domenichino. See Zampieri, D. Domesday book. Birch, W. De G. Domesday book ; pop. acct. of the Exchequer manuscript, so called. 29470 Sims, R. (In his Manual for the genealogist.) *I Domestic animals. Billings, F. S. Relation of animal dis- eases to the publ. health, and their prevention. 23757 Hehn, V. Wanderings of plants and animals fr. their first home. 30849 Koutledge, G., and Sons. Picture-book of domest. animals. *I Stewart, E. W. Feeding animals. 23250 Domestic economy. Brown, S. A. Mrs. Gilpin's frugalities ; remnants and 200 ways of using them. 23144 Browne, P. House-cleaning. (In Murphy, S. F. Our homes.) 24196 C., L. M. Science of food; text-book in domest. econ. 23441 Corson, J. Family living on $500 a year. 29181 Cruger, M. How she did it ; or, Comfort on $150 a year. 30313 Garrett, E. Morning hours in India. 28401 Herrick, C. T. Housekeeping made easy. 30108 Household conveniences; exper. of many pract. writers. 23677 John's wife, pseud. How I made money at home, with the incubator, bees, etc. 25204 Nitsch, C. O. Progressive housekeeping. 30913 Peirce, M. F. Co-operative housekeeping. 23556 Stockton, F. R. and M. The home; where it should be, and what to put in it. (In Amer. home book.) 25640 What shall we eat? manual for housekeepers; with app. (In Amer. home book.) 25640 See also Cookery ; Co-operation ; Food. Domestic education. Savage, M. J. The home. (In his Man, woman, etc.) 24204 Domestic life. Dulce ' dornum' ! 27611 Garrett, E. The family council ; conversations on the events of home. 28649 Domestic menagerie, A ; by W. H. Bishop. (In his Brown stone boy, etc.) 29782 Domesticus ; by W. A. Butler., 26314 Domett, H. W. History of the Bank of New York, 1784-1884 ; fr. official records, etc. *I Dominius redivivus ; [poem] ; by H. G. Hewlett. ( With his Wayfarer's wallet.) 30731 Domvile, M., Lady. Life of Lamartine. 30840 Don Gordon's shooting-box ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fos- dick]. 23160 178 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Don Quixote. See Cervantes Saavedra, M. Don Sebastian ; tragedy ; by J. Dry den. ( In Browne, M. E. Tales fr. the old dramatists.) " 23035 Donal Grant ; by G. MacDonald. 23207 Donald and Dorothy ; by M. M. Dodge. 23370 Donegal, Ireland. Letters fr. D. ; by a lady "felon"; ed. by J. F. Maurice. 27906 Donnell, E. J. The true issue ; indust. depression and polit. corruption caused by tariff monopolies. (Questions of the day.) 24624 Donnelly, I. The great cryptogram ; Francis Bacon's cipher in the so-called Shakespeare plays. *I Morgan, A. The Donnelly and Prior ciphers, and the Furuivall verse- tests. (In his Shakespeare, etc.) 29098 Nicholson, A. No cipher in Shakespeare; refutation of D.'s "Great Cryptogram." 30862 Dono, Paolo di. See Uccello. Donovan; by E. Lyall [A. E. Bayly]. 26336 Don't ; manual of mistakes and improprieties ; by Censor. 23365 Don't you remember? by L. R. McCabe. 24882 D'Ooge, B. L. Colloquia Latina ; adapt, to the beginners' books of Jones, Leighton, and Collar and Daniell. 29868 Doom ; an Atlantic episode ; by J. H. McCarthy. 27578 Doom of the children of Lir ; by J. Todhunter. (In liis The Banshee.) 30747 Doom, The, of the majority of mankind ; by S. J. Barrows. 22959 Dooryard folks ; by A. B. Harris. 23164 Dora ; a girl without a home ; by Mrs. R. H. Read. 28080 Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina; by N. C. Kouiis. 24768 Dorchester, D. Christianity in the U. S., fr. the first settle- ment. 30269 The liquor problem in all ages. 24234 Dore" (P.), G. Macchetta, B. R. Life and reminisences of * D. ; with unpub. sketches, and select, fr. pub. illustrations. *I Dorians. Peabody, E. P. The Dorian measure. (In her Last evening, etc.} 27335 Doris; by [M. Argles]. 24616 Doris and Theodora; by M. Vandegrift [M. Janvier]. 25249 Doris's fortune ; by F. Warden [F. A. P. James]. 26859 Dorner, I. A. System of Christ, ethics; ed. by A. Dorner ; tr. by C. M. Mead and R. T. Cunningham. 29023 Dorothy Foster ; by W. Besant. 28466 Dorr, J. C. R. Bermuda ; an idyl of the Summer islands. 24740 Dos Passes, J. R. The inter-state commerce act ; analysis of its provisions. (Quest, of the day.) 27821 Dosabhai, Franji Karaka. History of the Parsis ; manners, customs, relig. , and present position. Illust. 2 v. 24850-1 Dossi, C. Goccie d' Inchiostro. 15516 Dostoievsky or Dostoyefsky, F. M. Le crime et le chatiment ; tr. par V. Derely. 2 v. 14834-5 Same (Crime and punishment.) 27286 Vogiie, E. M. de. ((In his Russian novelists.) 28828 CATALOGUE or BOOKS. 179 Dot, pseud. See Vaux, C. B. Dot and line alphabet, The ; by E. E. Hale. (In his The man without a country, etc.) 28201 Dot de Suzette, La ; par J. Fieve"e. (In Masson, G. Fr. classics, v. 5.) 25264 Double cunning ; by G. M. Fenn. 27198 Double dealer, The ; by W. Congreve. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 Double masquerade, A ; by C. R. Talbot. 24934 Doubleday, C. W. Reminiscences of the "Filibuster" war in Nicaragua. 27078 Doubles ; by C. Reade. (In his Good stories.) 24029 Doudney, S. Prudence Winterburn. Illust. 29365 Doughty, C. M. Travels in Arabia Deserta. 2 v. 29305-6 Douglas, A. M. Foes of her household. 27287 - The fortunes of the Faraday s. 28870 The old woman who lived in a shoe. Out of the wreck; or, Was it a victory? 24741 Santa Claus land. Illust. 23458 Contents. Eobin and Bertie. Santa Claus land. The elves at work. Among the dolls. The wonderful tree. Trix's story. The end of it all. -Merry Christmas. A woman's inheritance. 25979 Douglas, G. Ross, J. M. (In his Scottish hist., etc.) 24380 Douglas, S. A. On the Kansas-Nebraska bill; In reply to Mr. Lincoln ; On the war. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 2, 3.) 24996-7 Douglas, T., 5th Earl of Selkirk. Bryce, G. (In his Man- itoba.) 24726 Douglas, W. Duelling days in the army. 28705 Douglas: tragedy; by J. Home. (In Browne, M. E. Tales fr. the old dram.) 23035 Douthit, J. L. Putnam, A. P. A Unitarian Oberlin ; story of D. 29696 Dover, R. Gosse, E. W. Capt. D.'s Cotswold games. (In his Seventeenth cent, stud.) 23580 Dowd, D. L. Physical culture for home and school. Illust. 27974 Dowd, W. S. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Dowden, E. Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 2 v. 27702-3 Transcripts and studies. 29366 Contents. Carlyle's lectures on the periods of European culture. Shel- "s "Philosophical view of reform." Last words on Shelley. The text Wordsworth's poems. Victorian literature. Interpretation of litera- ture. Spenser, the poet and teacher. Heroines of Spenser. Shakspere's portraiture of women. Romeo and Juliet. Christopher Marlowe. Idealism of Milton. Mr. Browning's "Sordello.'' Dowell, S. History of taxation and taxes in England. 4 v. 26487-90 Dowling, R. Tempest-driven. 28763 Down the Mississippi; by E. S. Ellis. 27291 Down the ravine ; by C. E. Craddock [M. N. Murfree]. 25447 Down the west branch ; by C. A. J. Farrar. 26558 Downs, A. S. Jennie of Swan's. (In Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 Dowson, A. C. Add. matter and notes. ( In Hamilton, F. T. Bordighera and the western Riviera.) 23948 ley's " of Wo 180 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Doyle, A. C. Bones. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 4.) 25370 Doyle, Sir F. EL, Bart. Reminiscences and opinions of D., 1813-1885. 27288 Doyle, J. A. The English in America: The Puritan colo- nies. 2 v. 27875-6 Dragon. Gould, C. (In his Mythical monsters.) 26585 Dragon, The, and the raven ; by G. A. Henty. 28038 Dragon fang, The ; by F. J. O'Brien. (In his Diamond lens, etc.) 25236 Dragon, image, and demon ; by H. C. Du Bose. 27742 Dragon, The, of the North ; by E. J. Oswald. 30282 Dragon's teeth; by [E. de Queiros]. 30895 Drainage of land. Dempsey, G. D. On the drainage of lands, towns, etc.; add., by D. K. Clark. 28632 See also Assoc. of Mun. and Sun. Eng. and Surv. Proc., passim. For drainage of towns and buildings see Sewerage. Drake, Sir F. Bourne, H. R. F. Voyages of D. (In his Eng. seamen, v. 2.) 29739 Corbett, J. (In his For God and gold.) 2!>134 Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Edgar, J. G. (In his Heroes of Eng.) 23693 Henty, G. A. Under Drake's flag; tale of the Spanish main. 28047 Markham, C. R. (In his Sea fathers.) 25002 Drake, F. S. Indian history for young folks. Illust. 24567 Introduction, notes, and biog. not. of Boston Tea Party. (7ft Tea leaves.) 24684 Drake, J. R. Wilson, J. G. (In his Bryant and his friends.) 25857 Drake, S. A. Book of New Eng. legends and folk lore. Illust. 23459 The making of New Eng., 1580-1643. Illust. and maps. 26982 The making of the great west, 1512-1883. Illust. and maps. 28604 Nooks and corners of the New England coast. 28200 ed. Our great benefactors ; short biog. of men and women eminent in literature, science, philanthropy, art, etc.; with portrs. 24742 Drama. Buchanan, R. The modern stage. (In his Look round literature.) 28005 Play writing; handbook; by a dramatist. 30754 Verney, Lady. Mysteries, moralities, and the drama. ((In her Peasant properties, etc., v. 1.) 26967 See also English drama; Theatre. Drames philosophiques ; par E. Renan. 14927 Draper, F. W. Heating and ventilation. (In Mass. Emerg. and. Hyg. Assoc. Six lect.) 25673 Drawing. Armitage, E. On drawing. (In Ids Lect.) 22995 Ellis, T. J. Sketching fr. nature ; lid. bk. for students and amateurs. 23095 Green, N. E. Hints on sketching fr. nature. *I See also Architectural drawing; Charcoal drawing; Crayon draw- ing ; Geometrical drawing; Mechanical drawing; Perspective. Drawn-work. See Needlework. Dray ton, M. Dennis, J. (In his Heroes of literature.) 23445 Drayton W., ofS. C. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Dream, A, and a forgetting ; by J. Hawthorne. 29808 Dream of John Ball ; by W. Morris. 30183 Dreamer, A, of dreams ; by the author of 'Thoth.' 30928 Dreams. Axon, W. E. A. Murders detected by dreams. (In his Lancashire gleanings.) 23436 Lyman, H. M. (In his Insomnia, etc.) 28382 Schopenhauer, A. Essay on visions, etc. (In Wagner, W. R. Beetho- ven.) 27957 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 181 Dreams to sell ; by M. Kendall. 29613 Dredge, J*., ed. Electric illumination, v. 2. *I Dresden. Konig Gfemdlde-Gallerie. Morelli, Gr. Italian masters in German galleries ; tr. by L. M. Richter. 23704 Dress. See Costume. Drew, F. What is under London? A coal field; Is there coal under London? (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Drewry, E. S. Baptized with a curse. (Harper's handy ser.) 27618 Dreyfus, A. L' incendie des folies-plastiques. 14705 Contents. L> incendie des folies-plastiques. La scene a faire. Une piece comique. Four et succ6s. Le second regisseur. La matinee d' un critique. Jouons la com^die. 14706 Contents. Causerie sur la comedie de societe. - Un monsieur en habit noir. Un crane sous une ternptHe. La gifle. Petites annonces. Le Klephte. La victime. Une rupture. Dreyspring, A. Cumulative method for learning German, adapt, to schools, etc. 23497 Easy lessons in French; ace. to the cumulative method. 27079 Drift from Redwood camp ; by F. B. Harte. ( With MsPhillis.) 29078 Drifting down Lost creek ; by C. E. Craddock [M. N. Mur- free]. (In her In the Tenn. Mts.) 23765 Drill. See Military art. Drilling. Root, N. W. T. Drilling. (In his School amuse- ments.) 25897 "D'rinthy" ; by M. Sidney [H. M. Lothrop]. (In her Hester, etc.) 27325 Driven back to Eden ; by E. P. Roe. 25762 Driver, S. R,, and others. Studia Biblica ; essays in Bib. archaeology and criticism, etc. 26581 Contents. Driver, S. R. Recent theories on the origin and nature of the tetragram-maton. Woods, F. H. Light thrown by the Septuagint version on the books of Samuel. Neubauer, A. On the dialects spoken in Palestine in the time of Christ ; On some newly discovered Temanite and Nabataean inscriptions. Edersheim, A. New theory of the origin and composition of the Synoptic Gospels proposed by G. Wetzel. San- day, W. pommentary on the Gospels attrib. to Theophilus of Anti- och ; The text of the Codex Rossanensis ; Some further remarks on the Corbey St. James (ff). Wordsworth, J. The Corbey St. James (ff), and its rel. to other Latin versions, and to the orig. language of the epistle. Gwilliam, G. H. A Syriac Biblical ms. of the 5th cent, with spec, ref . to its bearing on the text of the Syriac version of the Gospels. Raudell, T. Date of St. Polycarp's martyrdom. Driving. Somerset, H. C. F. Driving; with contrib. by other authorities. *I Drones' honey; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 28235 Droz, A. G. Das Kind. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 1.) 16519 Drum-beat of the nation ; by C. C. Coffin. 28868 Drum-major, The ; byF. C. Baylor. (In her Shocking exam- ple.) 30774 Drummer, The ; or, The haunted house ; by J. Addison. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 Drummer boy, The. See Ralph the drummer boy. Drummer Brien of the rovers ; by J. A. O'Shea. (In his Mil. mosaics.) 30483 182 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Drummer's diary, A. Leaves from; by C. S. Plummer. 30813 Drurnmond, H. Natural law in the spiritual world. 23819 Tropical Africa. Maps and illust. 29672 Finlayson, T. C. Biological religion; crit. of D.'s "Natural law in the spiritual world." 26492 Drummond, J. Introduction to the study of theology. 23837 Drummond, P. R. Life of Robert Nicoll, poet ; with some hitherto uncollected pieces. 26233 Drummond, T. O'Brien, R. B. (In. his Irish wrongs, etc.) 28653 Drummond, W., of Hawthornden. Dennis, J. (In his Her. of literature.) 23445 Dryden, J. Don Sebastian. (In Browne, M. E. Tales fr. the old dram.) 23035 Poetical works; [with memoir], 13110 - Dennis, J. (In his Heroes of literature.) 23445 - De Quincey, T. Dryden's hexastitch. (In his Lit. crit.) 23082 Johnson, S. Lives of D., etc. 26828 Swinburne, A. C. A relic of Dryden. (In his Miscellanies.) 27689 Drysdale, W. In sunny lands ; out-door life in Nassau and Cuba. Illust. 26014 Du Bois, A. J. Strains in framed structures ; with pract. appl., etc. *I Dubois, S. Larison, C. W. Silvia Dubois, biografy. , 23919 Du Bois-Melly, C. History of Nicholas Muss ; episode of the massacre'of St. Bartholomew; fr. the French. 29798 Du Boisgobey, F. Le secret de Berthe. 2 v. 14840-1 Du Bose, H. C. The dragon, image, and demon. Confucian- ism, Buddhism, and Taoism. 27742 Dubourg, A. W. Four original plays. 23073 Contents. Greencloth. Vittoria Contarini. Land and love. Art and love. Du Cane, Sir E. F. Punishment and prevention of crime. (Eng. citizen.) 26015 Du Chaillu, P. B. Explorations and adv. in equat. Africa ; with accts. of the chase of the gorilla, etc. Illust. 1131 Duchess, The, pseud. See Argles, M. Duchess Emilia, The; by B. Wendell. 25251 Duchess's secret, A ; by A. Lang. (In his In the wrong par- adise.) 27324 Duchesse Martin, La ; comedie ; par H. Meilhac. 27262 Duck-bill. Holder, C. F. (In his A strange company.) 30334 Dudevant, A. L. A. D. (pseud. George Sand.) See Sand, G-. Dudley, E. S. Remisincence of Washington and Early 's at- tack, 1864. '(In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Due north; by M. M. Ballou. 28102 Due west ; by M. M. Ballou. 23522 Duelling. Douglas, W. Duelling days in the army. 28705 Truman, B. C. The field of honor; hist, of D. in all countries. 24790 Duentzer, J. H. J. Life of Goethe ; tr. by T. W. Lyster. Illust. 2 v. 23341-2 Life of Schiller; tr. by P. E. Pinkerton. Illust. 22966 Duerer, A. Grimm, H. (In his Literature.) 26534 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 183 Duff, A., D.D. Symington, A. M. (In his Good lives.) 23981 Duff, M. A. Ireland, J. N. M. A. Duff. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 Duffield, S. W. English hymns ; their authors and history. 26811 Dufferin, Lady H. (S.), afterwards Lady Gifford. Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Duffy, B. Madame de Stael. (Fam. worn, ser.) 28764 Duffy, /Sir C. G. The league of North and South : episode in Irish history, 1850-1854. 27555 Dugazon, La; come" die- vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In his OEuvres, se"r. 2, v. 26.) *I Dugdale, R. L. Shepard, E. M. The work of a social teacher; memorial of D. 23928 Du Guay-Trouin, R. Laughton, J. K. The French privateers ; Du Guay-Trouin. (In his Stud.) 29615 Du Guesclin, B. Jamison, D. F. Life and times of D. 2 v. 26706-7 Du Hays, C. The Percheron horse in France. ( With Weld, M. C. The Percheron horse in Amer.) 26860 Dnka, T. Life and works of Alexander Csoma de Koros ; comp. fr. unpub. data. Trubner's orien. ser.) 25623 Duke Humphrey's dinner ; by F. J. O'Brien. (In his Diamond lens, etc.) 25236 Duke of York Island. Powell, W. (In his Wanderings.) 23708 Duke's marriage, The. 3 v. 29434-6 Dulce 'domum'! 27611 Contents. The pleasures of home; The pleasures of paying for them; The pleasures of sharing them with others. Dulce domum, The burden of the song ; by B. F. Taylor. 25777 Dulham ladies, The ; by S. O. Jewett.. (In her White heron, etc.) 26924 Dumanoir, P. F. P., and Laf argue, . Le gentilhomme pauvre ; come"die. (In Theatre contemp.) 14897 Dumas, A. (D.) Bragelonne, son of Athos. (Le Vicomte de Bragelonne, pt. 1.) 24064 Les demoiselles de St. Cyr; comedie; introd. and notes by V. Oger. 28634 Det gothiske Kapel. (In Sex Noveller.) 27411 John Davys' Liv og Eventyr. 27410 Salvator; suite et fin des 'Mohicans de Paris'. Nouv. ed. 5 v. 14760-4 Contents. V. 5. Salvator. Mgr. Gaston Phoebus. The three guardsmen. Same as The three musketeers. Stevenson, K. L. A gossip on a novel of D.'s. (In his Memories, etc.) 28907 Dumas, J. B. A. Muir, M. M. P. (In his Heroes of science.) 23589 Du Maurier, G. James, H. (In his Partial portraits.) 29687 Du Moncel, T. A. L., comte. Electro-magnets; the determi- nation of the elements of their construction ; tr. fr. 2d ed. ; fr. Van Nostrand's magazine. 24121 Same ; fr. the Fr. ; by C. J. Wharton. 23423 and Geraldy, F. Electricity as a motive power; tr., and ed., with add., by C. J. Wharton. Engr., etc. 23422 Dumont, T. S. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Dunbar, R. H. Mark Firth. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 3.) 25093 Sir John Brown, of Sheffield. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 1.) 25091 Dunbar, W. Ross, J. M. (In his Scottish hist., etc.) 24380 184 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Duncan, E. Twelve facsimiles of orig. water-color sketches. (In Foster, V. Simple lessons in water-color; marine.) *I Duncan, J. Hoare, E. N. (In his Notable workers.) 29484 Parton, J. John Duncan, weaver and botanist. ( In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Duncan P. M. Ancient and mod. animals of So. America. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 5.) 20528 ed. Cassell's natural history. 6 v. Illust. 24956-61 Contents. V. 1. Duncan, P. M. Apes and monkeys. Murie, J., and Duncan, P. M. Lemurs. Dallas, W. S. Chiroptera; Insectivora. 2. Parker, W. K. and T. J. Land carnivora. Murie, J. Aquatic, or marine carnivora; Cetacea; Sirenia. Dawkins, W. B., and Oakley, H. W. Proboscidea; Hyracoidea. Dawkins, W.B., Oakley, H. W., and Garrod,A. H. Ungulata: Perissodactyla; Artiodactyla. "li. Garrod, A. H. Ungulata; Ruminantia. Dallas, W. S. Rodentia. Duncan, P.M. Edentata; Marsupialia. Sharpe, R.B. Aves. 4. Sharpe, R.B. Aves. Duncan, P. M. Reptilia; Amphibia. 5. Seeley, H.G. Pisces. Duncan, P. M. Invertebrate Woodward, H. Mollusca; Tunicata. Crane, A. Molluscoida: Bra'chiopoda and Bryozoa. Dallas, W. S. In- secta; Hymenoptera. Coleoptera. 6. Dallas, W. S. Hymenoptera; Neuroptefa ; Diptera ; Aphaniptera ; Rhynchota ; Orthoptera ; Thy- sanura; Myriopoda; Arachriida. Kirby. W. F. Lepidoptera. Wood- ward, H. Crustacea. Duncan, P. M." Vermes; Zoophyta; Infuso- ria. Carpenter, P. H. Echinodermata. Sollas, W. J. Spongioe. Jones, T. R. Rhizopoda. Dundas, H., 1st Viscount Melville. Omond, G. W. T. (In his Lord adv. of Scotland, v. 2.) 23591 Dundas, R. Omond G. W. T. (In his Lord adv. of Scot- land, v. 1.) 23590 Dundee, Viscount. See Graham, J. Dunkin, B. F. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Dunlop, J. C. History of prose fiction; rev., with notes, ap- pendices, etc.; by H. Wilson. 2 v. 30475-6 Dunn, J. P., Jr. Indiana; a redemption fr. slavery. (Amer. commonwealths.) 30630 Massacres of the mountains; hist, of the Indian wars of the far West. Illust. 26420 Dunn, O. Bender, P. (In his Literary sheaves.) 24'137 Dunning, Charlotte, pseud. See Wood, C. D. Duns, J. Crag and tail ; Migration of mammals and fishes ; Hibernation of mammals. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Dunton, L., ed. Memorial of the life and services of J. D. Philbrick. 29532 Dupanloup, F. A. P., Bp. of Orleans. Lagrange, F. Life of D. ; tr. by Lady Herbert. 2 v. 26588-9 Oxenham, H. N. (In his Short stud.) 25126 Dupee, J. A. Memorial of D. ; with life. Dupre, G. Frieze, H. S. Giovanni Dupre. 27144 Dupuy, E. The great masters of Russian literature in the 19th cent. ; tr. by N. H. Dole. 27194 Contents. Prose writers : Gogol. Turgenief. Tolstoi. Appendix by Dole. Du Quesne, A., marquis. Laughton, J. K. Du Quesne ; the Fr. navy in the 17th cent. (In his Studies.) 29615 Durand, A. M. C. H. (F.), pseud. Henry Grcville. Cleo- patre. 14446 Same. English. 26073 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 185 Count Xavier; tr. by M. C. Bobbins. 27289 Les epreuves de Rai'ssa. *I Guy's marriage ; or. The shadow of a sin ; tr. by M. N. Sherwood. 23153 Idylles. (In Contes choisis.) 14864 Contents. La bergerie. Le matin. Midi. Le soir. La neige. Les noisettes. La maison de Maureze. 14825 Mam'zelle Eugenie; Russian love story. 24982 Perdue. 14711 Suzanne Normis ; roman d'un pc-re. 14826 Le voeu de Nadia. 14815 Duras, C. L., duchesse de, nee de Kersaint. Ourika. {In Masson, G. Fr. classics, v. 5.) 25264 Durer, A. See Duerer, A. Durfee, J. Hazard, R. G. Character and writings of Durfee. (In his Essay on language.) 30793 Durham, W. Coal-tar. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Durham. Low, J. L. Durham ; with map and plan. 26499 Durnford, A. W. Durnford, E. A soldier's life and work in So. Africa; mem. of A. W. D. 22789 Durnford, E. A soldier's life and work in So. Africa, 1872- 1879 ; mem. of A. W. Durnford. Portr. 22789 Durny, V. Histoire de France ; nouv. ed. Illust. 2 v. 14829-30 Dusantes, The ; by F. R. Stockton. 29159 Dusky philosophy ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his Amos Kil- bright, etc.) 30247 Dust. Gaye, S. The world's lumber room. 25933 Dusty diamonds cut and polished ; by R. M. Ballantyne. 28615 Dutch navigators. Markham, C. R. (In his Sea fathers.) 25002 Dutt, T. A sheaf gleaned in French fields ; [with pref . mem. by G. C. Dutt.] 23838 Parton, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Dutton, C. E. Hawaiian volcanoes. (In U. S. Geol. Surv. Rept., 1882-83.) 25283 Physical geology of the Grand Canon district. (In U. S. Geol. Surv. Ann. rept., 1880-81.) 24836 Duty. Everett, C. C. Poetry, comedy, and duty. 29911 Presseuse, E. de. Problem of D. (In his Study of origins.) 24154 Du Val, C. With a show thr. So. Africa, and pers. remin. of the Transvaal war. Illust. "2 v. 22915-16 Duval, M. Artistic anatomy ; tr. by F. E. Fenton. 25696 Dwight, J. Lawn-tennis. 26812 joint author. See Leeds, H. C. Dwyer, E. L. (pseud. N. H. Warddel.) Romance of a quiet watering-place. 29830 Dwyer, F., joint author. See Borbstaedt, A. Dyeing. Crookes, W. Dyeing and tissue-printing. 24810 - Practical handbook of dyeing and calico-printing. *I Gardner, J. Bleaching, dyeing, etc. 24112 Hummel, J. J. Dyeing of textile fabrics. 26159 Dyer, A. S. Life of Madame Guyon. (In, Guyon, J. M. B. de la M. Poems.) 27977 Dyer, T. F. T. Folk-lore of plants. 30783 - Folk-lore of Shakespeare. 23460 186 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Dynamic electricity ; its mod. use and measurement, etc. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 23772 Contents. Hopkinson, J. Some points in electric lighting. Shoelbred, J. N. Measurement of electricity for commercial purposes. Day, R. E. Electric light arithmetic. Dynamic sociology ; by L. F. Ward. 2 v. 23327-8 Dynamics. Hall, E. H. Elementary ideas, definitions, and laws in D. 30198 Lanza, G. (In his Applied mechanics.) 28926 Williamson, B., and Tarleton, F. A. Elementary treat, on D., coiit. appl. to thermo-dynamics. 27796 See also Electro-dynamics; Molecular dynamics; Thermodynamics. Dynamiter, The ; by R. L. and F. van de G. Stevenson. 25461 Dynamo-electric machines. Hering,C. Principles of dynamo- electric machines ; and direct, for constr. dynamos, etc. 29447 Eadie, J., D.D. Symington, A. M. (In his Good lives.; 23981 Eads, J. B. Bolton, C. E. J. B. Eads. (In Schwatka, F. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Eardley, C. C. An international episode ; [unveiling of the bust of Longfellow in Westminster Abbey] . (Li Long- fellow remembrance book. ) 30350 Earle, B. J. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Earle, J. Anglo-Saxon literature. (Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowl.) 24356 Earle, P. A glance at insanity, and the management of the insane in the Americ. states. *I Earle, T. K. Kittredge, H. G., and Gould, A. C. Sketch of E. (///. their Hist, of Amer. card-clothing indust.) 23382 Early Christian literature primers. See Fisher, G. P. Early chroniclers of Europe. See Society for Prom." Chr. Knowledge. Earth. Hopkins, L. P. Handbook of the earth, etc. 23102 Lockyer, J. N. Outlines of physiography; movements of the earth. 29722 Reclus. O. Bird's-eye view of the world; descr. of the great natural divisions of the globe. 28736 Roberts, F. C. The figure of the earth. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 25454 See also Geography: Geology; Physical geography. Earth, The, trembled ; by E. P. Roe. 28816 Earthquakes. Kneelaud, S. Volcanoes and E. ; nature, causes, etc. 29450 Milne, J. Earthquakes and other earth movements. 26835 Proctor, R. A. Earthquakes in the Brit. Isl.; Earth movements in Java; Earth shakings, their cause and work. (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 How earthquakes are caused. (In his Other suns, etc.) 29409 Earthworks. Baker, B. Actual lateral pressure of earthwork. 24117 Eassie, W. Cremation. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 13.) *I House drainage. (In Murphy, S. F. Our homes.) 24196 East. See Asia ; Asia Minor ; Assyria ; Babylonia ; Con- stantinople ; Egypt ; Greece ; Lydia ; Oriental ; Persia ; Phoenicia ; Turkey. East angels ; by C. F. Woolson. 26792 East India Company. Dawn of British trade to the East Indies ; acct. of the formation of the Co.'s first adv., and CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 187 Waymouth's voyage in search of the North-west passage ; fr. the orig. ms. by H. Stevens ; introd. by G. Birdwood. *I In the Company's service; a reminiscence. 23585 Markham, C. R. Rise of the Co. (In his Sea fathers.) 25002 See also India. History. Easter. Axon, W. E. A. Old Easter customs of Cheshire. (In his Cheshire gleanings.) 24340 Hale, E. E. A collection for a hundred friends. 26535 Runkle, K. B. Festival poems. 24610 Easter in St. Paul ; sermons ; by H. P. Liddon. 2 v. 26254-5 Easter night ; by V. Korolenko. (In his Vagrant, etc.) 28970 Eastern Archipelago. See Malay Archipelago. Eastern question. See Turkey. Eastman, J. A. Her little life. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Same. (In Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) ' 27276 Easton, Mass. Chaffin, W. L. History of E. *I Eastport, Me. Kilby, W. H. Eastport and Passamaquoddy ; hist, and biog. sketches. 30649 Weston, J. D. History of E. and vicinity. (In Kilby, W. H. Eastport, etc.) 30649 Eaton, A. W. The heart of the creeds : hist, religion in the light of mod. thought. 30316 Eaton, C: A. Waterloo days ; Brussels, June, 1815 ; introd. and app. by E. Bell. 30579 Eaton, D. C. Hand-book of Greek and Roman sculpture ; princ. fr. the "Bausteine'' of C. Friedrichs. 2d ed., enl. and rev. 24402 Eaton, F. (pseud. Sargent Flint.) A queer little princess and her friends. 30525 Eau de jouvence, L' ; par E. Renau. (In his Drames philos.) 14927 Eavesdropper ; by J. Payn. 30547 Eayrs, J. T. Statistics rel. to the keep of horses. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 13.) *I Ebbutt, P. G. Emigrant life in Kansas. 26813 Ebers, G. M. The bride of the Nile ; fr. the Germ, by C. Bell. 2 v. 27822-3 Lorenz Alma Tadema; life and works; fr. the Germ, by M. J. Safford. Illust. 26814 Richard Lepsius; a biography; tr. by Z. I). Underbill. 28871 Serapis; fr. the German by C. Bell. " 25150 Ebstein, W. Corpulence and its treatment on physiological principles. 30165 Eccentric life, Tales of ; by W. A. Hammond and C. Lanza. 26637 Ecclesiastical architecture. Brown, G. B. From schola to cathedral ; a study of early Christian architecture and its rel. to the life of the church. 27866 See^ also sub-heading Architecture under names of countries and cities. Ecclesiastical biography. Oxenham, H. N. Short stud, in eccles. biography. 25126 Ecclesiastical history. Allen, J. H. Chr. hist, in its three great periods : the Middle Age ; Modern phases. 22851 ; 23254 - Outline of Chr. history, A. D. 50-1880. 25964 Coxe, A. C. Institutes of Chr. hist. ; introd. to hist, reading and study. 29302 Cunningham, J. The growth of the church in its organization and in- stitutions. 27552 188 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Cutts, E. L. Turning points of general church history. 23001 Fisher, G. P. History of the Christian church. 28767 Fisher, J. A. Select bibliography of eccles. history. (In Hall, G. S. Methods of teach, hist.) 25152 Hall, E. H. Ten lectures on orthodoxy and heresy in the Chr. church. 23083 Hatch, E. Growth of church institutions. 28405 Havveis, H. R. The conquering cross (the church). 28307 Oxenham, H. N". Short stud, in eccles. hist, and biography. 25126 Reich, E. Origin and development of Christianity. (In his Hist, of civilization.) 30660 Schaff, P. History of the Chr. church. Vols. 2-4; 5. 22632-4; 22636 Scott, H. M. Church history; its idea, contents, and method of treat- ment. (In Boardman, G^ 1ST., and others. Curr. discuss., v. 1.) 24513 Smith, P. History of the Chr. church dur. the Middle Ages, with a summarv of the reformation. 25523 Foster, F. H. The seminary meth. of orig. study in the hist, sciences : illust. fr. ch. hist. 29678 See also Church of England. Also names of churches, sects, etc. Also Creighton, M. Epochs of ch. history. Ecclesiastical institutions. Spencer, H. Ecclesiastical insti- tutions. (Princ. of sociology, pt. 6.) 17783 Ecclesiastical law. See Canon law. Ecclesiastical polity. Thwing, C. F. The working church. 30374 See names of churches or sects. Ecilaw, A., pseud. Romance of a German court; tr. of "Le roi de Thessalie." 2 v. * 30166-7 Eckehart, Meister. See Eckhart, J. Ecker, J. A. Lorenz Oken ; biog. sketch, with explan. notes select, fr. O.'s correspondence, and portr. ; fr. the German by A. Tulk. 23343 Eckhart, J. or H., called Meister. Pearson, K. Meister Eckehart, the mystic. (In Ms Ethic, etc.) 30039 Eckler, G., joint ed. See Angerstein, E. Eckstein, E. P^ine Abendwanderung. (In Schick, L. Coll. v. 2.) 16520 Aphrodite ; romance of anc. Hellas ; fr. the German by M. J. Safford. 27195 Die Miidchen des Pensionats; Der Besuch im Career; Wider dem Strom. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 1.) 16519 Prusias; romance of anc. Rome; fr. the German by C. Bell; rev. and corr. in U. S. 2 v. 23615-16 The visit to the lock-up ; The boarding-school girls ; Against the stream. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 The will ; fr. the German by C. Bell. 2 v. 25658-9 Eclecticism. Zeller, E. G. History of eclecticism in Greek philosophy ; fr. the German by S. F. Alleyne. 23999 Eclipses. Proctor, R. A. The last great solar eclipse [1883]. (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Ecole des femmes, L' ; par J. B. P. de Moliere. 29759 Economic history. Rand, B. Selections illust. economic his- tory since the Seven Years War. 30120 Economic tracts. See Society for Polit. Education. Economics. See Political economy. Ecuador. Simson, A. Travels in E., and exploration of the Putumayo river. 28439 Edda. The younger Edda ; also called Snorre's Edda, or The prose Edda; introd., notes, etc., by R. B. Anderson. 23751 Eddy, J. A dinner-party. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 2.) 23904 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 189 Eddy, R. Universalism in America ; a history. 2 v. 28293-4 Eden, C. H. Queer chums ; a midshipman's adv. and escapes. Ulust. 29743 Eden, C. P. Burgon, J. W. C. P. Eden. (In his Lives, v. 2.) 30835 Edersheim, A. Life and times of Jesus the Messiah. 2 v. 23813-14 On a new theory of the origin and composition of the Synoptic Gospels proposed by G. Wetzel. (In Driver, S. R., and others. Studia Biblica.) 26581 Prophecy and hist, in rel. to the Messiah; Warburton lect. for 1880-84; withapp. 25390 . Sketches of Jewish soc. life in the days of Christ. 28013 The Temple; its ministry, etc., at the time of Jesus Christ. 28014 Edgar, A. Old church life in Scotland ; lect. on kirk-session and presbytery records. Ser. 1, 2. 25624 ; 27556 Edgar, J. G. Heroes of Eng. by land and sea ; added, Acct. of Admiral Collingwood. Illust. 23693 Contents. Edward, the Black Prince. Henry V. F. Drake. W. Raleigh. P. Sidney. Adm. Blake. John, Duke of Marlborough. Ld. Clive. Gen. Wolfe. R. Abercrombie. J. Moore. Ld. Nelson. Ld. Collingwood. S. Smith. Arthur, Duke of Wellington. C. J. Napier. Ld. Rnglan. W. F. Williams. H. Havelock. Edgar Huntly ; by C. B. Brown. 29788 Edgcumbe, E. R. P. Zephyrus ; a holiday in Brazil and on the river Plate. Illust. 29477 Edgeworth, M. Cone, H. G., and Gilder, J. L. (In their pen-portr., v. 1.) 2*756 - (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Ritchie, A. I. T. Miss Edgeworth. (In her Book of sibyls.) 23398 Zimmern, H. Maria Edgeworth. (Fam. worn, ser.) 23418 Edgeworth, R. L. Hale, E. E. Theorists of the 18th cent. (In his Stor. of invention.) 25539 Edinburgh. Grant, J. Cassell's old and new E. ; hist, people and places. 3 v. 23581-3 Hargreaves, T. (In his Voyage.) 23950 M'ColIester, S. H. Scotland' and E. (In his Afterthoughts.) 23634 Edinburgh, Cross of. Arnold, T. History of the Cross of E., called the Mercat Cross. 26565 Edinburgh International Forestry Exhibition, 1884. Prize essays. See Rattray. J., and Mill, H. R. Edinburgh University. Grant, A. Story of the U. dur. its first 300 years. 2 v. 23844-5 Edis, R. W. Internal decoration. ( In Murphy, S. F. Our homes.) 24196 Edison, T. A. Bolton, S. K. (In her How success is won.) 24977 Denslow, Van B., and Parker, J. M. Thomas A. Edison and S. F. B. Morse. (World's workers.) 29021 Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Hale, E. E. ( In his Lights of two cent.) 28744 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Edith of Scotland. See Matilda of Scotland. Edith ; by O. Bertron. 28929 Editha's burglar; by F. H. Burnett. 30205 Edler, K. E. Baldine ; and other tales ; trans, by the Earl of Lytton. 28122 Contents. Baldine. Notre Dame des Flots. Journey to the Gross- glockner Mountain. 14 190 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Edmands, J. Reading notes on Goethe. (In Concord Sen. of Phil. Lect.)' 26347 Edmond, C. Louis Blanc. (In Daudet, E. Fr. celeb.) 23151 Edmonds, E. M. Greek lays, idylls, legends, etc.; select.; tr., with introd. and notes. Rev. ed. 29595 Edmundson, G. Milton and Vondel ; a curiosity of litera- ture. 25825 Edridge-Green, F. W. See Green, F. W. E. Edson, F. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand sketches.) 24010 Education. Bardeen, C. W. Teaching, as a business for men. 25707 Brabazon, R., Earl of Meath. Prosperity or pauperism? physical, in- dustrial, and technical training. 30157 Bryant, S. Educational ends ; personal development. 29015 Bullock, A. H. Relations of the educ. man with Amer. nationality. (In his Addresses.) 17288 Compayr6, J. G. History of pedagogy; tr., with introd., notes, etc., by W. H. Payne. 26662 Davidson, T. The place of art in education. 25824 Eggleston, G. C. How to educate yourself with or without masters. (In Amer. home book.) 25640 Eve, H W., and others. Three lect. on the pract. of E. ; Univ. of Cam- bridge. 24144 Farrar, F. W. Modern E. ; sphere and aims ; address. ( In his Sermons, etc.) 26318 Fiske, J. Liberal education. (In his Darwinism, etc.) 25984 Forum magazine. " How I was educated" papers, etc. 28268 Froebel, F. The education of man ; tr. by J. Jarvis. 25494 Gladden, W. Christianity and pop. E. (In his Appl. Christ.) 27203 Greenwood, J. M. Principles of E. practically applied. 28245 Gregory, J. M. The seven laws of teaching. 26426 Hinsdale, B. A. Schools and studies; [essays]. 23778 Hopkins, L. P. Practical pedagogy; or, The science of teaching illust. 27766 Johnson, A. Education by doing; occupations and busy work, for primary classes. 24546 Kay, D. Education and educators. 23853 Klemm, L. R. Educational topics of the day. 29142 Landon, J. School management; incl. a gen. view of E. 24770 Laurie, S. S. Occasional addresses. 30852 Le Row, C. B. " The young idea;" or, Common school culture. 30349 Locke, J. Some thoughts cone. E. ; introd. and notes by R. H. Quick. 24393 Mayo, A. D. Talks with teachers. 25746 Milton, J. Tractate on E. ; introd. and notes by O. Browning. 24195 Morgan, T. J. Educational mosaics; educational quest, of the day. 2s521 Painter, F. V. N. History of education. 26838 Palmer, G. H. The new education. 28257 Parker, F. W. Notes of Talks on teaching by P. ; rept. by L. E. Patridge. 23054 Payne, W. H. Contributions to the science of E. 27334 Is there a science of pedagogics? (In his Contrib. to sci. of educ.) 27334 Rosenkranz, J. K. F. Philosophy of E.; tr. by A. C. Brackett. 27236 Rosmini-Serbati, A. The ruling princ. of method appl. to E. 29567 Savage, M. J. Common school E. (In his Soc. problems.) 27096 Tate, T. Philosophy of E. and pract. of teaching. 26197 Thring, E. Theory and practice of teaching. 23566 See also Art education; Civil service reform ; Children ; Classical education; Colleges and Universities ; Education of women; Elective system; Habit; Industrial education; Marking; Middle Ages ; Normal schools ; Pedagogy ; Psychology ; Quiucy, Mass. Pub. Schools ; Schools; Stimulus; Teaching; Technical educa- tion. Also International education series ; Monographs on educa- tion. Education of women. Bolton, S. K. Higher E. of women at Cambridge [and] Oxford ; Women in London Univ. and University College ; Women in the art schools. (In her Soc. studies.) 26309 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 191 Livermore, M. A. What shall we do with our daughters? etc. 23391 Pfeiffer, E. Women and work; essay on the rel. to health, etc. of the higher E. of girls, and the intellectual effort of women. 29036 Edward III., of England. Ashley, W. J. Edward III. and his wars ; fr. the Chronicles of Froissart, etc. 28699 Edward, the Black Prince. Edgar, J. G. (In his Her. of Eng.) 23693 Edward, T. Hoare, E. N. (In his Notable workers.) 29484 Parton, J. Thomas Edward, cobbler and naturalist. (In his Capt. of Ind.) 24420 Edward Osborne, Colloquies of ; [by A. Manning]. 26501 Edwardes, Mrs. A. See Edwards, Mrs. A. Edwardes, C. Letters from Crete, 1886. 29596 Rides and studies in the Canary Is. 30841 Edwards, Mrs. A. A Girton girl. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 26422 A playwright's daughter. (Harper's handy ser.) 27196 Edwards, C. A. Organs and organ building. Illust. 29597 Edwards, E. Modern Amer. locomotive engines ; design, constr., and management. Illust. 23154 Modern Amer. marine engines, boilers, and screw propellers; design and constr. Illust. *I Edwards, F., Jr. Treatise on smoky chimneys ; cure and pre- vention. *I Edwards, H. Edwin L. Davenport ; Matilda Heron. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 A mingled yarn ; sketches. 22967 Contents. Three weeks in Mazatlan. Iron.^nd its rel. to civilization. Bubbles fr. Bohemia: Shakespeare; E. Adams; J. Hamilton; J. Ma- guire; Mid-summer ** High Jinks."" Trifles light as air" : Two balloon voyages: The church and the stage; Agassiz; Major Harry Larkyns ; Wm. Barry. Edwards, H. S. The Faust legend ; origin and development ; fr. the living Faustus of the 1st cent, to the " Faust" of Goethe. 27557 The prima donna; her hist, and surroundings. 2 v. 29598-9 Edwards, J., President of the College of New Jersey. Hazard, R. G. Review of E. on the will. (In his Freedom of mind.) 30794 Stoughton, J. A. (In his Windsor Farmer.) *I Edwards, M. B. "Disarmed." 23220 - The flower of doom; and other stories. (Harper's handy ser.) 25721 Contents. The flower of doom. Love and manuscript. A group of immortals. The rebuke amid roses. . Next of kin wanted. 28295 Fearla; or, The world after an island. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25031 Edwards, T. Stoughton, J. A. (In his Windsor Farmer.) *I Eells, Itev. M. History of Indian missions on the Pacific coast : Oregon, Washington, and Idaho ; introd. by G. H. Atkin- son. 26666 Effie Ogilvie ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 26837 Effronte"s, Les ; comedie, par E. Augier. (In his Theatre, v. 4.) 14779 Egerton, J. C. Sussex folk and Sussex ways; stray studies , in the Wealden formation of human nature. 25106 Eggleston, E. The Graysons ; a story of Illinois. Illust. 30214 History of the U. S. and its people, for schools. 29914 - The Hoosier school-boy. Illust. 23155 192 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Household hist, of the U. S. and its people, for young Americans. 30784 Den nye skolmastaren ; eller, Lefvet i Amerikanska Western for tjugo ar sedan; frau engelska orig. "The Hoosier schoolmaster," af M. Langlet. 15084 Queer stories for boys and girls. 24403 Contents. Queer stories : Bobby and the key-hole. Mr. Blake's walk- ing-stick. The chairs in council. What the tea-kettle said. Crooked Jack. The funny little old woman. Widow Wiggins' wonderful cat. Chicken little stories: Simon and the Garnly. The joblilies. The pick- aninny. The great Panjandrum himself . Stories told on a cellar-door: Story of a flutter-wheel. The wood-chopper's children. The bound boy. The profligate prince. The young soap-boiler. The shoemaker's secret. Modern fables : Flat Tail the beaver. The mocking-bird's sing- ing school. The bobolink and the owl. and Seelye, L. C. Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet. 28467 Auringer, O. C. Edward Eggleston at Lake George. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) 30787 Rideing, W. H. (In his Boyhood of authors.) 28815 Eggleston, G. C. How to educate yourself, with or without masters. (Li Amer. home book.) 25640 Joe Lambert's ferry. (In Craik, D. M. M., and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Strange stories fr. hist., for young people. Illust. 25980 Contents. History stories : Story of the negro fort. A war for an archbishop. The boy commander of the Camisards. The canoe fight. The battle of Lake Borgne. The battle in the dark. The troublesome burghers. Defence of Rochelle. Sad story of a boy king. Two obscure heroes. The charge of the hounds. Story of a winter campaign. Young Washington in the woods. Story of Catherine. The Virginia wife- market. Biography stones : Boyhood of D. Webster. The scullion who became a sculptor. Boyhood of Win. Chambers. How a boy hired out, and what came of it. The wickedest man in the world. A prince who would not stay dead. Egleston, M. The land system of the New Eng. colonies. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 4.) *I Egleston, N. H. Hand-book of tree-planting. 23773 Egomet, E. G. Only a curate ; or, Experiences and remi- niscences of clerical life. 29024 Egotheism. See Atheism. Egypt, Ancient. Maspero, G. Egyptian archaeology. 29844 Sayce, A. H. Fresh light fr. the anc. monuments. (By-paths of Bible Knowl.) 27597 See also Saracens in E. Also Coptic church. Language. Cook, F. C. Essay on Egyptian, comp. with Semitic, Aryan, and Tu- ranian words. (In his Origins, etc.) 24244 Religion. Bonwick, J. Egyptian belief and modern thought. 28210 Lang, A. The mythology of Egypt. (In his Myth., etc., v. 2.) 2>726 History. Berkley, E. The Pharaohs and their people. 23683 Budge, E. A. W. The dwellers on the Nile. 27543 Myers, P. V. N. (In his Eastern nations, etc.) 30293 Ranke, F. L. von. (In his Univ. hist.) 24198 Rawlinson, G. Egypt and Babylon; fr. sacred and profane sources. 24930 - and Gilman, A. Story of ancient Egypt. 27842 Sayce, A. H. Egypt. (In his Anc. empires.) 24493 Egypt, Modern. Architecture. Pullan, R. P. (In his Eastern cities, etc.) 24259 Description and travels. Adams, W. H. D. Egypt past and present; occupation by the British, and rec. events in the Soudan. 27536 Ballou, M. M. ( In his Due west.) 23522 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 193 Butler, A. J. Court life in Egypt. 28622 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the Levant. 25820 Carnegie, A. (In his Round the world.) 24006 Gumming, C. F. G. Via Cornwall to Egypt. 25622 Dawson, J. W. Egypt and Syria; their phys. features in rel. to Bible history. 26034 De Hass, F. Egypt in its rel. to the Bible ; Egypt and the Egyptians. (In his Bur. cities.) 23917 Fogg, W. P. (In his Land of "the Arabian nights.") 23066 Loring, W. W. A confederate soldier in Egypt. 24024 McCarthy, J. H. (In his England under Gladstone.) 24371 M'Collester, S. H. Lower E. and Cairo. (In his Afterthoughts.) 23634 - Manning, S. (In his Land of the Pharaohs; illust. by pen and pencil.) 28203;*! Osborn, H. S. Ancient E. in the light of mod. discoveries. 23555 Palgrave, W. G. Visit to Upper E. (In his Ulysses.) 29323 - Reich, E. Egypt. (In his Hist, of civilization.) 30660 Robertson, J. B. Geography, institutions, trade, arts, and sciences of E. (In his Pub. lect.) 26287 Robinson, C. S. The Pharaohs of the bondage and the Exodus. 27791 Taylor, I. Leaves fr. an Egypt, note-book. 30878 idthi ~ Wallace, D. M. Egypt and the Egyptian question. __ Williams, J. (In his Life in the Soudan.) 24872 Geology. Dawson, J. W. Modern science in Bible lands. 30628 History. Bowen, J. E. Conflict of east and west in Egypt. 27678 Gleichen, A. E. W. With the camel corps up the Nile. 30477 Long, C. C. The three prophets ; bef. and after the bombardment of Alexandria. 24577 Royle, C. The Egyptian campaigns, 1882-1885, and the events which led to them, 2 v. 26603-4 Towle, G. M. England in Egypt. 25852 - Vogt, H. The Egyptian war of 1882. 23993 See also Khartoom; Nile Expedition; Soudan; Suakin. Ehlert, L. From the tone world ; essays ; tr. by H. D. Tret- bar. 25335 Contents. Carl Tausig. F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdi. Gerviuus, and purely instrumental music. Offenbach and the second empire. Tristan and Isolde. Music teaching and the public. A scene fr. "Die Meister- singer." Wagner, Makart, Hamerling; a parallel. The concert system of Berlin. Gounod contra Wagner. The stage festival at Bayreuth. R. Schumann and his school. R. Volkmann. F. Chopin. Eibeschuetz, J. N., called Schindler, S. (In his Dissolving views.) 29700 Eichberg, A. Surprised. (In New. Eng. story-book.) 24819 Eight-hour question. Atkinson, E. (In his Margin of profits.) 28276 Gunton, G. Wealth and progress; economic philosophy of the eight hour movement. 29077 See also Labor. Eight or three? a lucky toss up. (In Stor. by an old Bohe- mian, v. 2.) 23601 1802 ; dialogue des morts ; par E. Renan. (In his Drames philos.) 14927 Eighteenth century. Harrison, F. A few words about the 18th cent. (In his Choice of books, etc.) 26324 Stebbing, W. (In his Some verdicts of hist.) 28582 Eighteenth century essays ; select and annot. ; by A. Dobson. 26485 Eighteenth century waifs ; by J. Ashton. 28391 Eiloart, E. Tom Dunstone's troubles, and how he got over them. 7312 194 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Eitel, E. J. Buddhism; hist., theoretical, and pop. aspects. ^d ed., rev., with add. 25802 Ekhof, H. K. D. Uhde, H. K. Ekhof. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 4.) 16299 Ekkoes from Kentucky ; by P. V. Nasby [D. R. Locke]. ' 29318 Elasticity. Lanza, G. Theory of elasticity, and applications. (In his Appl. mechanics.) 28926 Todhimter, I. History of the theory of E. and of the strength of mate- rials. Vol. 1. 27161 Elbon, Barbara, pseud. See Halsted, L. B. Eldridge, C. T. Eastport in the war of the rebellion. (In Kilby, W. H. Eastport.) 30649 Elect lady, The ; by G. MacDonald. 30113 Election (in politics). Electoral reform ; with the Mass. Bal- lot Reform Act, and New York (Saxton) Bill. 30768 Sumner, W. G. Theory and pract. of elections; Presidential elect, and civ. serv. ref. (In his Coll. essays.) 25525 See also Ballot ; Gr.Brit. Parl. Elections; U.S. Presidential elections. Electioneerin' on Big Injun Mounting ; by C. E. Craddock [M. N. Murfree. (In her In the Tenn. mts.) 23765 Elective system (in colleges). Palmer, G. H. (In his The new education.) 28257 See also Colleges and Universities. Electoral reform ; with the Mass. Ballot Reform Act and New York (Saxton) Bill. (Econom. tracts.) 30768 Electric light. Algrave, E., and Boulard, J. The electric light; hist., prod., and applications. 24266 Anderson & Munro. Hints for the management of elect, accumulators. 28378 Atkinson, P. Elements of electric lighting. Day. R. E. Electric light arithmetic. (In Dynamic electricity.) 23772 Dredge, J. Electric illumination. Vol. 2. Gordon, J. E. H. Practical treat, on electric lighting. 24185 Hammond, R. The electric light in our homes. 23776 Holmes, A. B. Practical electric lighting. 28312 Hopkinson, J. Some points in elect, light. (In Dynamic electricity.) 23772 Levey, C. L. Electric light primer; facts connect, with the running of the dynamo and elect, lights. 28321 Maier. J. Arc and glow lamps; pract. handbook on elect, lighting. 27155 Molloy,G. The electric light. (In Ms Gleanings.) 30808 Salomons, D. Complete hdbk. on the management of accumulators. 28437 Schilling, N. H. Present cond. of elect, lighting; report, Munich, 1885. 26454 Swinton, A. A. C. Principles and pract. of electric lighting. 24157 Urbanitzky, A. R. von. (In his Electricity, etc.) 27605 Electric motors. Martin, T. C., and Wetzler, J. The electric motor. 30436 Electric railways. Luce, R. Electric railways and the elect. transmission of power described. 26437 Martin, T. C., and Wetzler, J. The electric motor and its applications. *I Electric telegraph. See Telegraph. Electrical engineering. Kapp, G. Electric transmission of energy, etc. ; pract. handbook. 26961 Electrical instruments. Bottone, S. R. Electrical instrument making for amateurs. 29588 Electricians. See Morse, S. F. B. ; Tyndall, J. ; Wheat- stone, C. Electricity. Ayrton, W. E. Practical electricity ; laboratory and lecture course. Illust. 27810 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 195 Benjamin P. The age of E. ; fr. amber-soul to telephone. 26975 Brennan, M. S. Popular exposition of electricity. Classen, A. Quantitative chemical analysis by electrolysis. 29066 Fiske, B. A. Electricity in theory and practice; electrical engineering. 23424 Fleming, J. A. Short lect. to electrical artisans. 27561 Gordon, J. E. H. School electricity. 26705 Gray, A. Absolute measurements in E. and magnetism. 23679 Heap, D. P. Electrical appliances of the present day; rept. on the Paris Electrical Exhib., 1881. 24628 Hospitalier, E. The electrician's pocket-book; Eng. ed. of "Formulaire pratique de 1'electricieu." 24848 Kempe, H. R. Handbook of electrical testing. 29390 Kennedy, R. Electrical distribution by alternating currents and trans- formers. 29030 Kirwin, T. Electricity; what it is, where it comes from, and how it is made to do mechanical work. 25346 Kittler, E. Handbuch der Elektrotechnik. Vol. 1. 16512 Lockwood, T. D. Electricity, magnetism, and elect, telegraphy. 23667 Mascart, E. E. N., and Joubert, J. Treatise on E. and magnetism. 2 v. 29127-8 Mendenhall, T. C. A century of electricity. 27774 Molloy, G. The storing of electrical energy. (In his Gleanings.) 30808 Munro, J. Electricity and its uses. 23349 and Jamieson, A. Pocket-book of elect, rules and tables. 24378 Plante, G. Storage of elect, energy, and researches in the effects created by currents combining quantity with high tension. 28527 Sprague, J. T. Electricity; theory, sources, and applications. 24070 Stewart, B., and Gee, W. VV. Electricity and magnetism. (In their Les- sons, etc., v. 2.) 25773 Swinburne, J. Practical elect, units popularly explained. 28909 Urbanitzky, A. R. von. Electricity in the service of man; applications of electricity ; ed. by R. Wormell. 27605 Washburn & Moen Manuf. Co. Pocket hd. bk. of copper and iron wire in elect, transmission. 21109 See also Electric light ; Electrical engineering; Electro-chemistry; Electro-dynamics ; Electro-magnet ; Electrometer ; Electro-mo- tors ; Galvanism ; Magnetism ; Telegraph ; Telephone. Electro-chemistry. Gladstone, J. H., and Tribe, A. Chemis- try of the secondary batteries of Plante" and Faure. 23426 Electro-deposition. See Electro-metallurgy. Electro-dynamics. Dynamic electricity ; modern use and measurements. 23772 Prescott, G. B. Dynamo-electricity; generation, appl., transmission, etc. 24491 Schellen, H. Magneto-elect, and dynamo-elect, machines; constr. and appl. to elect, lighting., etc. V. 1. 24791 Thompson, S. P. Dynamo-electric machinery ; lect. 23194 - Dynamo-electric machinery ; manual. 27064 Recent prog, in dynamo-elect, machines. 24293 ' - See also Electrical engineering. Electro-magnet. Du Moncel, T. A. L. Elect, magnets ; de- termination of the elements of their constitution. 24121 - Same ; fr. the Fr. by C. J. Wharton. 23423 Electro-magnetism. Brennan, M. S. (In his Pop. expos, of electricity.) 25026 Electro-metallurgy. Watt, A. Electro-deposition; electro- lysis of gold, silver, etc. ; with chapt. on electro-metal- lurgy. 26465 See also Electro-plating. Electrometer. Gray, A. Absolute measurements in electric- ity and magnetism. 23679 Electro-motors. Du Moncel, T. A. L., and Geraldy, F. Elec- tricity as a motive power. 23422 Kapp, G. (In his Electric transmission.) 26961 Luce, R. Electric transmission of power. (In his Electric railways.) 26437 196 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Martin, T. C., and Wetzler, J. The elect, motor and its applications. - Same. 2d ed., enl. Electro-plating. Wahl, W. H. Galvanoplastic manipula- tions ; pract. guide. 23361 Elephant. Baker, S. W. Elephant tales, and reminis. of nat. history. (In his True tales.) 23454 Holder, C. F. The ivory king; pop. hist, of the elephant. 27315 See also Djek. Elevator, The ; farce ; by W. D. Howells. 24992 Elfie under the sea ; by E. L. P. 23016 Eli; by C. H. W. [H. W. Chaplin]. (In his Five hundred dollars, and in Stor. by Am. auth., v. 9.) 29000 ; 24222 Elia, pseud. See Lamb, C. Elias, the Manchester prophet. See Hall, E. Eliot, George, pseud, for Mrs. M. Evans Lewes, afterwards Mrs. Cross. Essays; coll. and arr., with introd., by N. Sheppard. 23545 Contents. George Eliot's analysis "of motives. Carlyle's life of Ster- ling. Woman in France. Evangelical teaching. German wit. Natural history of German life. Silly novels by lady novelists. Worldiness and other-worldiness. Influence of rationalism. The grammar of orna- ment. Felix Holt's address to workingmen. Essays ; and Leaves f r. a note-book. 2d ed. 23959 Contents. Worldiness and other-worldiness; the poet Young. Ger- man wit; H. Heine. Evangelical teaching; Dr. Cumming. Influence of rationalism; Lecky's History. Natural hist, of German life; Riehl. Three mouths in Weimar. Address to workingmen, by Felix Holt. Leaves fr. a note-book. Adams, W. H. D. George Eliot. (In his Celebrated Englishwomen. v, 2.) 24655 Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls.) 26916 Buchanan, R. A talk with G. E. (In his Look round literature.) 28005 Cleveland, R. E. George Eliot's poetry. 25554 Cone, H. G., and Gilder, J. L. (In their Pen-portr., v. 2.) 28757 Cooke, G. W. George Eliot: crit. study of her life, writings, and philosophy. 23268 Cross, J. W. George Eliot's life as related in her letters and journals. 3 v. Illust. 24998-25000 George Eliot, moralist and thinker. (Round table ser.) 24653 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Harrison, F. The life of George Eliot. (In his choice of books, etc.) 26324 Hutton, R. H. G. E. as author; G. E.'s life and letters. (In his Essays.) 28783 James, H. Daniel Deronda; a conversation; The life of George Eliot. (In his Part, portrs.) 29687 Lillie, J. A meeting with G. E. (In Parton, J. Some not. princes, etc.) 25675 Owen, F. M. On the mor. development of heroines of E. (In her Essays.) 30863 Parkinson, S. Scenes fr. the "George Eliot" country. 29405 Parton, J. George Eliot. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Whipple, E. P. Daniel Deronda; G. E.'s private life. (In his Recol- lections.) 27354 Woolson, A. G. George Eliot and her heroines ; study. 26520 Eliot, SirJ. Adams, C. K. ( In /mRepr. Brit, orations, v. 1.) 24883 - Hood, E. P. (In his Oliver Cromwell.) 23101 Eliot, S. History of the U. S., 1492-1872. 29045 Eliot, W. G. Story of Archer Alexander fr. slavery to free- dom, 1863. 26134 Eliot ; a poem ; by W. E. Channing. 26661 Elizabeth, Empress of Austria. Sherwood, M. E. W. (In her Royal girls.) 28688 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 197 Elizabeth, Queen of England. Bourne, H. R. F. Queen Eliza- beth's navy. (In his Eng. seamen, v. 2.) 29739 Brooks, E. S. Elizabeth, the girl of the Hertford Manor. (In his Hist. girls.) 28864 Dawson, G. Good Queeu Bess. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Ewald, A. C. Rejected addresses. (In his Stud, restud.) 25625 Farmer, L. H. Queen E. and Mary, Queen of Scots. (In her Girls' book.) 28766 Parton, J. Girlhood of Queen E. (In his Not. women.) 23433 Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania. (pseud. Carmen Sylva.) A heart regained ; tr. by M. A. Mitchell. 30526 - Pilgrim Sorrow; a cycle of tales; tr. [with introd. sketch] by H. Zimmern. 23617 Contents. Introduction. The child of the sun. Sorrow. The realm of peace. Earthly powers. The inexorable. Willi. The hermit. Lotty. Medusa. Heavenly gifts. The treasure seekers. A life. Sherwood, M. E. W. (Inker Royal girls.) 28688 Elizabeth (E.) Christina, Queen of Prussia. Parton, J. The wife of Frederick the Great. (In his Not. women.) 23433 Elizabethan art and literature. Crofts, E. Chapt. in the hist. of English literature. 24082 Saintsbury, G. History of Elizabethan literature. 20047 Symonds, J. A. Shakespeare's predecessors in the Eng. drama.- 23982 See also Eng. literature. Ellery, W. Higginson, T. W. A Revolutionary congress- man on horseback. (In his Travellers.) 30479 Ellesmere, Earl of. See Egerton, F. C. G. Ellice-Clark, E. B. See Clark, E. B. E. Ellicott, C. J., Bp. Burgon, J. W. Reply to Bp. E. in de- fence of the revisers and their Greek text of the N. T. (In his Revis. rev.) 23439 Ellie ; story of a boy and girl ; by J. H. Shorthouse. (In his Teacher, etc.] ' 29570 Elliot, A. Hood in Scotland ; reminiscences, incl. orig. letters, and letters by his son and daughter. Introd. by C. C. Maxwell. 26491 Elliot, H. Life of Sidney, Earl of Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer of England. 30631 Elliot, H. R. The Bassett claim. (Knickerbocker novels.) 25032 Elliot, J. Robertson. E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Elliot, T. J. The land question ; fr. an agricultural point of view ; experience on the Wilton House home farm, by Lord and Lady rferbert. 25111 Elliott, H. W. Our Arctic province ; Alaska and the seal Is. Illust. and maps. 27290 The seal-islands of Alaska. (U. S. Census. Hist, of the fishery ind.) 23992 Elliott, M. (H.). Atalanta in the south. 26326 Julia Ward Howe. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) 30787 Julia Ward Howe. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 A Newport aquarelle. 23063 - The San Rosario ranch. 23925 Ellis, A. B. The Tshi-speaking peoples of the Gold Coast of west Africa. 29478 West African islands. 25419 Contents. St. Helena. Ascension. Fernando Po. The Isles de Los. St. Vincent. San Antonio. Goree. Grand Canary. Teneriffe. Ma- deira. Ellis, E. E. Memoir of W. Ellis, and acct. of his conduct- teaching. 30765 198 FREfc PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ellis, E. S. Camp-fire and wigwam. (Log cabin ser.) 25826 Down the Mississippi. (Great river ser.) 27291 Footprints in the forest. (Log cabin ser.) 26984 The hunters of the Ozark. 28123 The lost trail. (Log cabin ser.) 25213 Ned on the river. (Boy pioneer ser.) 24625 The star of India. 29673 -"Wyoming. 30408 Ellis, G., joint author. See Canning, G. P^llis, G. E. Puritan age and rule in the colony of the Massa- chusetts Bay, 1629-1685. 29307 Ellis, H. W. Our Eastern sisters and their missionary help- ers. 23344 Ellis, Sir J. W. Ritchie, J. E. (In his Fam. city men.) 23860 Ellis, R. Prolegomena, commentary, etc. (In Avianus. Fables.) 29352 Ellis, R., D.D. Prayers. 26874 Sermons, preached in the First Church, Boston. 26074 Ellis, S. (S.). Daughters of England. 1367 Wives of England. 12807 Ellis, T. J. Sketching fr. nature ; hdbk. Illust. (Art at Home ser.) 23095 Ellis, W. Ellis, E. E. Memoir of W. Ellis. 30765 Ell wood, T. History of the life of E. ; with suppl. by J. Wyeth. 23512 Elmore, F. H. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Elocution. Browne, L., and Behnke, E. Voice, song, and speech ; pract. guide. *I Kirby, E. N. Vocal and action language; culture and expression. 24767 See also Voice. Eloquence. Bloue't, P. L'eloquence de la chaire et de la trib- une francaises. V. 1. 24240 Elphinstone, M. History of India ; Hindu and Mahometan peri- ods. 6th ed. ; notes and add. by E. B. Cowell. 28399 Rise of the Brit, power in the East.; ed. by E. Colebrooke. Maps. 28400 Colebrooke, T. E. Life of E. 2 v. 24079-80 Elsberg, L. The throat and its functions; lect., Feb., 1879. Illust. 27743 Elsie at Nantucket ; by M. Finley. 24568 Elsie's kith and kin ; by M. Finley. 27199 Elsie's new relations ; by M. Finley. 23158 Eisner, F. Preparation of alcoholic liquors, etc. (In Brannt, W. T. Pract. treat, on alcohol.) 27615 Elson, L. C. Curiosities of music ; ancient and savage na- tions. 27744 German songs and song-writers. 27975 Elterlein, E. von. Beethoven's pianoforte sonatas explain- ed. ; tr. by E. Hill ; pref . by E. Pauer. 27925 Elting, I. Dutch village communities on the Hudson river. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 4.) *I Elwell, E. H. Boys of thirty-five ; story of a seaport town. 23461 Ely, R. T. Co-operation in literature and the state. (In Barns, W. E. Labor prob.) 26788 French and German socialism in mod. times. 23156 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 199 Labor movement in America. 26875 On methods of teaching polit. economy. (In Hall, G. S. Methods, etc.) 25152 The past and the present of polit. economy. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 2.) *I Problems of to-day; discuss, of protect, tariffs, taxation, and monopolies. 29799 Recent American socialism. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 3.) *I The tariff and trusts ; expenditures for internal improvements. (In Shaw, A. Revenues.) 29895 and Finley, J. H. Taxation in American states and cities. 29674 Elzevirs. Lang, A. Elzevirs. (In his Books and bookmen.) 26436 Embassies and foreign courts ; by the Roving Englishman [E. C. G. Murray]. 23034 Emblems. See Symbols. Embroideress, The, of Treviso ; by Heyse. (In his Barbaros- sa, etc.) 26243 Embroidery. Croly, J. C. (Li her Needle work.) 30311 Lefebure, E. Embroidery and lace; manufacture and history. *I Embryology. Whitman, C. O. Methods of research in micro- scopical anatomy and E. 26685 Emerald. Hamlin, A. C. The emerald. (In his Leis. hours.) 24477 Emergencies. See Accidents ; Mass. Emergency and Hygiene Assoc. Emerson, E. R. Indian myths ; legends, traditions, etc., of the aborigines of Amer., comp. with those of other countries. Illust. *I Emerson, E. W. Emerson [R. W.] in Concord; a memoir. 30921 Emerson, G. B., and Flint, C. L. Manual of agriculture ; new ed., rev. by C. A. Goessmann. 25151 Emerson, M.' M. Emerson, R. W. (In his Lect., etc.) 23462 Emerson, R. W. Biographical sk. of Thoreau. (In Thoreau, H. D. Succession of forest trees.) 28168 Compensation. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 1.) 23200 Correspondence [with] Carlyle, 1834-1872; supplementary letters; [ed. by C.E.Norton]. 25972 Lectures; and biog. sketches. 23462 Contents. Demonology. Aristocracy. Perpetual forces. Character. Education. The superlative. The sovereignty of ethics. The preach- er. The man of letters. The scholar. Plutarch. Historic notes of life and letters in New England. Chardon St. Convention. E. Ripley. M. M. Emerson. S. Hoar. Thoreau. Carlyle. Miscellanies. 23463 Contents. The Lord's supper. Historical discourse, Concord. Address at dedication of Soldiers' monument, Concord. Address on emancipation in the Brit. West Indies. War. Fugitive slave law. Assault upon Mr. Sumner. Speech on affairs in Kansas. Remarks at meeting for relief of John Brown's family. John Brown; speech at Salem. T. Parker; address. American civilization. The emancipation proclamation. A. Lincoln. Harvard commemoration speech. Editors' address; Mass. Quarterly Review. Woman. Address to Kossuth. Burns. W. Scott. Remarks at organization of Free Religious Assoc. Speech at annual meeting of Free Relig. Assoc. The fortune of the Republic. Poems ; new and rev. edition [1884] . 23464 r Alcott, L. M. Reminiscences of E. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Arnold, M. Emerson. (In his Discourses.) 25705 Barrows, C. M. Emerson's idealism. (In his Facts, etc.) 28860 Birrell, A. (In his Obiter dicta, ser. 2.) 28279 Bolton, S. K. (In her Fam. Amer. authors.) 28746 Cabot, J. E. Memoir of E. 2 v. 28601-2 Concord School of Philosophy. Lect. Genius and Character of E. 24790 Dana, W. F. The optimism'of E. 26810 200 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Emerson, E. E. Emerson in Concord. 30021 Garnett, R. Life of E. 29729 Grimm, H. (In his Literature.) 26534 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Harris, A. B. (In her Amer. authors.) 28776 Basking, D. G. Ralph W. Emerson; his maternal ancestors; etc. 26923 Hawthorne, J. Emerson as an American. (In his Confessions, etc.) 27312 Holmes, O. W. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 24762 James, H. (In his Partial portraits.) 29687 Richardson, C. F. Emerson as a poet. (In his Amer. literature, v. 2.) 27340 R. W. Emerson. (In his Amer. literature, v. 1.) 27339 Scudder, H. E. Emerson's self. (In his Men and letters.) 28817 Stedman, E. C. (In his Poets of America.) 25692 Thayer, J. B. A western journey with E. 24209 Whipple, E. P. Emerson and Carlyle; Emerson as a poet. (In his Amer. lit., etc.) 28173 Some recollections of E. (In his Recollections.) 27354 Emerson, W. A. Fitchburg, Mass., past and present. Illust. *t Emerton, E. The historical seminary in Amer. teaching. (In Hall, G. S. Methods, etc.) 23501 Introduction to the study of the Middle Ages, 375-814. 29869 - The pract. method in higher hist, instr. (In Hall, G. S. Methods, etc.) 25152 Emerton. See also Emmerton. Emery, S. H., Jr. The Elective affinities. (In Concord Sch. of Phil. Lect.) 26347 Emigration, Immigration. Strong, J. Perils Immigration. (In his Our Country.) 13279 U. S. Dept. of State. Consular repts. on emigration fr. Europe. (In Us Repts. fr. consuls, no. 76.) 24949 Emilia in England. See Sandra Belloni. Emin Bey, Emm Effendi, Emin Pasha. See Schnitzer, E. Emmerton, J. A. Record of the 23d Reg. Mass. Vol. Infan- try, 1861-1865 ; with roster, maps, etc.) *I Emmerton. See Emerton. Emmet, R. Clarke, J. I. C. Robert Emmet ; tragedy of Irish history. 28953 Daly, J. B. Robert Emmet. (In his Ireland in '98.) *I Davis, V. A. An Irish knight of the 19th century. 29797 Emmons, S. F. Abstract of rept. on geology, etc. Leadville, Colorado. (In U. S. Geol. Surv. Ann. rept., 1880-'81.) 24836 Emory, A. M. Told at Tuxedo. 28296 Contents. Prologue. Carmelita Castro. The doctor's rival. In the shadow of Monte Diablo. A point of law. In solitude. Epilogue. Emperor's heir, The ; by A. R. Hope [R. H. MoncrieffJ. (In his Stor. of old renown.) 28894 Employments. Holbrook, K. How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls. 27398 Enault, L. The captain's dog; [tr.] by H. Smith. Illust. 30212 Carine. (In Contes choisis.) v 14865 Le chien du capitaine. ( In Contes choisis, no. 12.) 14868 Le chien du capitaine, etc. Illust. 14498 Contents. Le chien du capitaine. Trop curieux. Les roses du doc- teur. Le Mont-Saint-Michel. Christine ; fr. the Fr. by E. W. Peudleton. (Leis. hr. ser.) 23046 Enchantements, Les, de la fore~t ; par A. Theuriet. 14500 Enchiridion of wit ; specimens of Eng. conversational wit. 24822 Encyclopaedias. Champlin, J. D., Jr. Young folks' cyclo- paedia of common things. 28198 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 201 - Young folks' cyclopedia of persons and places. 28199 End, The, of New York ; by P. Benjamin. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 5.) 24218 End, The, of Phsecia ; by A. Lang. (In his In the wrong paradise, etc.) 27324 Endless chain, An; by Pansy [I. M. Alden]. 23875 Endless punishment. See Future punishment. Energy. See Force. Enfant espion, L' ; par A. Daudet ; (In his Contes choisis, and in Contes choisis, and in O'Connor, B. F. Choix de contes.) 14641; 14863; 25237 Engel, C. Musical myths and facts. 2 v. 27926-7 Researches into the early hist, of the violin family. 27928 Engel, L. From Mozart to Mario ; reminiscences. 2 v. 27558-9 Engineering, Civil. Adams, H. Notes in mechanical E. 23498 Boulnois, H. P. Municipal and sanitary engineer's handbook. 28550 Nystrom, J. W. Pocket-book of mechanics and E. 24051 Rankine, W. J. M. Manual of civil engineering. *I Scribner, J. M. Engineers and mechanics' companion. 28181 Weisbach,J. Mechanics of E. and of machinery. Vol. 3, Pt. 1, Sect. 1. 27510 Woods, A. T., and Stahl. A. W. Elementary mechanism ; text-book. 27104 See also Arches; Bridges; Building materials; Hydraulics; Men- suration ; Roof s ; Strains ; Strength of materials ; Surveying ; Walls. Engineering, Military. See Fortification. Engineers. See Carnot, L. N. M. ; Vauban, S. Le P. Engines. See Gas engines ; Steam engines. England, E., Capt. Pyle, H. The rose of paradise; adv. of J. Mackra with the pirate England in 1720. 28901 England. For English biography, history, and law, see Great Britain. Antiquities. Gomme, G. L. (In his Gentleman's magazine lib., v. 7, 8.) 24696-7 Smith, C. R. The Roman wall. (In his Retrospections, v. 1. 24097 Architecture. Clark, G. T. Mediaeval military A. in England. 2 v. 23940-1 Hunnewell, J. F. The imperial island ; England's chronicle in stone. *I Art. Chesneau, E. The Eug. school of painting. 25059 Description and travels. Anteckningar under en resa genom England, etc. 15150 Champlin, J. D., Jr. Chronicle of the coach; Charing Cross to Ilfra- combe. 27185 Champney, L. W. Three Vassar girls in Eng. Illust. 23146 Cobbett, W. Rural rides in the counties of Surrey, Kent, etc. 2 v. 25931-2 - Denton, W. England in the 15th century. 30578 - Dodcl, A. B Cathedral days ; tour thr. southern E. 28097 - Fleming, S. England and Canada; tour bet. old and new Westminster. 24362 Hissey, J. J. An old-fashioned journey thr. E. and Wales. 25066 Jackson, H. (In her Glimpses, 'etc.) " 26433 James, H. (In his Portr. of places.) 2&543 Jessopp, A. A ready for better for worse ; rural life in E. 28786 Jones, De L. F. (In his Letters fr. the far East.) 28514 - Manning, S., and Green, S. G. Eng. pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 19179; *I Moritz, K. P. Travels in England in 1782. 27505 - Nagra brtf. fran England, 1852-1853. 15152 Patten, C. B. England as seen by an Amer. banker. 26209 Scudder, H. E. The English Bodley family. 23191 202 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Silloway, T. W., and Powers, L. L. The cathedral towns, etc., of England. 23405 Smith, G. A trip to England. 29702 Winter, W. English rambles. 23416 - Shakespeare's England. 26939 Ecclesiastical history. Beard, C. The reformation in England. 23437 Gasquet, F. A. Henry VIII. and the Eng. monasteries. Vol. 1. 29374 Perry, G. G. History of the reformation in England. 27593 Stoughton, J. Religion in England. 2 v. 25609-10 See also Canon law ; Diocesan histories. Education. Arnold, M. Schools. (In Ward, T. H., reign of Victoria, v. 2.) 28715 Bird, C. Higher education in Germany and E. 24825 Craik, H. The State in its rel. to education. 24400 Forests. Brown, J. C. The forests of E. and management in bye-gone times. 22910 Genealogy. Waters, H. F. Genealogical gleanings in England. Vol. 1, pt. 1. *I Land tenure. Vernev, Lady. 'Little takes' in E. versus peasant properties in France and Germany. (In her Peasant properties, etc., v. I.) 26967 Music. Parratt, W. Music. (In Ward, T. H., reign of Victoria, v. 2.) 28715 Ritter, F. L. Music in England. 23399 National Character, Social Life, etc. Adams, W. H. D. Good Queen Anne; men and manners, life and let- ters. 2 v. 27537-8 Andrews, W. Historic romance ; strange stories, characters, events, etc. 23435 Ashton, J. Eighteenth century waifs. 28391 Men, maidens, and manners a hundred years ago. 30678 Badeau, A. Aristocracy in England. 26619 - Blouet, P. John Bull and his island. 23484 Bolton, S. K. Social studies in England. 26309 Collier, R. L. English home life. 25822 Creighton, L. Social history of England. 29474 Ellis, S. s. Daughters of E. ; position in society, character, and respon- sibilities. 1367 Wives of England; duties, domest. infl., and soc. obligations. 12807 Fitzgerald, P. (In his Life ami times of Wm. IV.) 2 v. 24360-1 Grousset, P. Public life in England; tr. by H. Frith. 23916 Hodgetts, J. F. The Eng. in the Middle Ages ; mode of life, dress, arms, occupations, and amusements. 26890 Holt, E. S. Ye olden time ; Eng. customs in the Middle Ages. 23955 Knighton, W. The good old times. (In h is Struggles for life.) 30480 Mann, H. Features of society in old and New England. 25672 Manners and customs. (Gentleman's mag. lib.) 24690 Marshall. E. In four reigns ; autobiography of Althea Allingham. 29620 Papendiek, Mrs. Court and private life in the time of Queen Charlotte. 2 v. 28431-2 Sband, A. I. Half a century : or, Changes in men and manners. 29040 Smith, E. Foreign visitors and what they have thought of us. 30875 Wale, H. J. My grandfather's pocket-book, 1701-1796. 23866 Yonge, C. M. the armourer's prentices. 24602 Religion. Alviella, G. d'. Contemporary evolution of relig. thought in Eng., Amer., and India. 25865 England and Russia face to face in Asia. Yate, A. C. (In his Travels with the Afghan Bound. Comm.) 28092 England as she seems ; notes of an Arab hadji ; by E. L. Ar- nold. 29H70 English, T. D. Boy's book of battle-lyrics ; notable events in the hist, of the U. S. ; notes and engr. 25722 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 203 English as she is taught ; collect, by C. B. Le Row. 28096 English ballads and songs. Barrett, W. A. English glees and part-songs ; inq. into their hist, development. 27865 Collections. Ashton, J. Modern street ballads. 30828 Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Nursery rhymes of Eng. *I Linton, W. J., and Stoddard, R. H. English verse. Eng. ballads and romances. 23226 - Morley, H. The King and the Commons; Cavalier and Puritan song. 8127 Morrison, M. J. Songs and rhymes for the little ones. 25996 Palgrave, F. T. Golden treasiirv of songs and lyrical pooms. 23396 Pictures and songs for little children. 27488 Randolph, H. F. Book of latter-day ballads. 30551 Tileston, M. W. Classic heroic ballads. 23299 Unity songs resung ; comp. by C. H. K. 25531 English citizen, The ; namely : Chalmers, M. D. Local government. 23204 Cotton, J. S., and Payne, E. J. Colonies and dependencies. 23269 Craik, H. The State in its rel. to education. 24400 Du Cane, E. F. Punishment and prevention of crime. 26015 Maitland, F. W. Justice and police. 25618 Pollock, F. The land laws. 23857 English composition. Bain, A. English grammar as bearing upon composition. 23754 - On teaching Eng.; examples, and inq. into the definition of poetry.. 28224 Bancroft, T. W. A method of English composition. 24267 Foster, W. E. The young writer's use of a library. (In Bancroft, T. W. Method of Eng. C.) 24267 Galbraith, E. Composition in the school-room. 26148 8ee also Rhetoric. English drama. Archer, W. The drama. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 2.) 28715 Browne, M. E. Tales fr. the old dramatists. 23035 Cook, D. Nights at the play ; view of the Eng. stage. 24081 Irving, J. H. B. English actors ; characteristics and methods. 27572 Life and times of Thomas Betterton. *I Molloy, J. F. Famous plays; with discourse on the play-houses of the restoration. 27583 Symonds, J. A. Shakspere's predecessors in the Eng. drama. 23982 See also Prologue. Collections. Baker, G. M The globe drama; orig. plays. 25966 Crawfurd, O. English comic dramatists. " 23530 Linton, W. J., ana Stoddard, H. H. Eng. verse. Dramatic scenes and characters. 23227 Morton. J. M. Comediettas and farces. 27090 English eloquence. Adams, C. K. Representative British orations. 3. v. 24883-5 English essays. Dobson, A. Eighteenth century essays ; se- lect, and annot. 26485 English folk-lore. Axon, W. E. A. Some old Lancashire ballads, broadsides, etc. (In his Lancashire gleanings.) 23436 - Dyer, T. F. T. Folk-lore of Shakespeare. 23460 English traditional lore. (In Gomme, G. L. Gentleman's mag. lib., v. 4.) 24693 English history by contemporary writers. See Powell, F. Y. English humor. See English wit and humor. English language. Dialect*. Dialect, proverbs, etc. (Gentleman's mag. lib.) 24691 Dictionaries. De Quincey, T. English dictionaries. (In his Lit. crit.) 23082 204 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Etymology. Skeat, W. W. Principles of English etymology. Ser. 1. 29041 Waites, A. Forgotten meanings. 20684 General and Miscellaneous Works. Bardeen, C. W. Verbal pitfalls; manual of 1500 words commonly mis- used; with ref., etc. 23203 Hill, A. S. Our English. 30646 Marsh, G. P. Lectures on the Eng. language. Ser. 1. 25167 Oliphant, T. L. K. The new English. 2 v. 27782-3 Short studies in English. 27110 Grammar. Bain, A. Brief Eng. grammar on a logical method; with Key. 2 v. *I English grammar as bearing upon composition. 23754 Ballard, H. W. Handbook of blunders in writing and speaking. 24888 Bigelow, M. T. Mistakes in writing, and how to avoid them. 27269 Critic, pseud. Discriminate; companion to "Don't." 25432 Kirkland, E. S. Speech and manners for home and school. 23473 See also English composition. Middle English. Sweet, H. First Middle Eng. primer; extr. fr. the Ancren riwle and Ormulum. 25637 Second Eng. primer; extr. fr. Chaucer, with grammar and glossary. 28664 For poems in Middle English, See Gamelyn. Pronunciation and Spelling. Bell, A. M. World-English ; the universal language. 29781 De Quincey, T. Orthographic mutineers, with spec. ref. to W. S. Lan- dor. (In his Lit. crit.) 23082 Phyfe, W. H. P. How should I pronounce? 25353 Proctor, R. A. The misused H in England. (In his Other suns, etc.} 29409 Sweet, H. History of Eng. sounds; with word-lists. 30372 Prosody. Mayor, J. B. Chapters on English metre. 27938 English literature. B., G. S. Study of the prologue and epilogue in Eng. literature fr. Shakespeare to Dryden. 24075 Blaisdell, A. F. Outlines for the study of English classics. 24723 Hart, J. S. Manual of English literature. 25834 Phillips, M. G. Popular manual of Eng. literature. 2 v. 25540-1 Southworth, G. C. S. Six lectures introd. to the study of Eng. literature. 17998 Bibliography. Walpole, H. Catalogue of the royal and noble authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 5 v. *I History. Courthope, W. J. The liberal movement in Eng. literature. 26374 Crofts, E. Chapters in the hist, of E. lit. fr. 1509 to the close of the Elizabethan period. . 24082 - Dennis, J. Heroes of literature ; English poets. 23445 Francis, J. C. John Francis, publisher of the Athenaeum ; chronicle. 2 v. 30844-5 Garnett, R. Literature; Chronological table; Note on the newspaper press. (In Ward. T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 2.) 28715 Gosse, E. History of cent, literature. 30788 Herford, C. H. Studies in the literary rel. of Eng. and Germany in the 16th cent. 27147 Lillie, L. C. W. Story of Eng. literature; Chaucer to Cowper. 28470 Morley, H. English writers;' hist, of Eng. literature. Vols. 1-4. 28331-4 See also Elizabethan art and literature. Collections. Brown, R. W. Great events of the world in poetry and prose. 24558 Galton, A. English prose; Maundeville to Thackeray. 30217 Morris, R. Specimens of early English, with introd., notes, etc. .25864 Saintsbury, G. Specimens of *Eug. prose style fr. Malory to Macaulay. 26270 Tileston, M. W. Daily strength for daily needs. 24596 White, M. E. After noontide. 30569 See also English popular literature. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 205 Letters. - Williams, H. English letters and letter-writers. 26717 Manuals, etc. Welsh, A. H. English masterpiece course. 28834 Selections for reading and speaking. Baker, G. M. The reading club and handy speaker. Nos. 11-17. 1920G-7; 24162-0 Branch, O. E. National junior speaker. 27380 Burdett, J. S. New collection of comic recitations and humor, readings. 23307 - New collection of Irish dialect recitations and readings. 23308 Cum nock, R. McL. Cumuock's school speaker. Diehl, A. R. Eureka collection of recitations and readings. Nos. 1-4. 15247 Firth, A. Voices for the speechless ; [kindness to animals]. 22968 Fobes, W. K. Five-minute declamations. 26018 Garrett, P. One hundred choice selections; nos. 22-28. 15304-10 Guthrie, F. A. Burglar Bill ; and other pieces. 30420 Hopkins, L. P. Natural-hist. plays, dialogues, and recitations. 24631 Johonnot, J. Natural history reader. 23319 Motley, J. L. Prose passages fr. the works of M. 23367 Potter, C. U. My recitations. 27337 Reception day. Nos. 1-4. 23729-32 - Riddle, G. Readings. 29563 - The School festival ; dialogues, recitations, songs, etc. 23505 See also Mpdern classics. See also English ballads and songs; English eloquence; English es- says ; Eng. poetry ; Eng. wit and humor. English " periodical literature. Bourne, H. R. F. English newspapers ; chapt. in the hist, of journalism. 2 v. 29589-90 English poetry. Gallon, A. English poetry in 1885. (In his Urbana scripta.) 25728 Lang, A. Of mod. Eng. poetry. (In his Letters, etc.) 30650 History. Caine, T. H. Cobwebs of criticism; rev. of the first reviewers of the ''Lake," "Satanic," and "Cockney" schools. 25620 Fitzgibbon, H. M. The early Eug. poets and their works. (In his Early Eng. poetry.) 30319 Gosse, E. From Shakespeare to Pope ; causes and phenomena of the rise of class, poetry in Eng. 25831 Gosse, E. W. Seventeenth century studies; hist, of Eug. poetry. 23580 Robertson, E. S. English poetesses; crit. biographies, with illust/extracts. 23640 Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets. 28850 Swinburne, A. C. Short notes on Eng. poets; A century of Eng. poetry. (In his Misc.) 27689 Collections. Adams, W. D. Songs from the novelists. 26557 Antidote against melancholy. 21146 Bisbee, M. D. Songs of the Pilgrims. 29520 Bullen, A. H. Lyrics fr. the song-books of the Elizabethan age. 27867 - More lyrics fr. the song-books of the Elizabethan age. *1 Child, F. J. Poems of religious sorrow, comfort, counsel, and aspiration. 26980 English sacred lyrics. 25090 Fitzgibbon, H. M. Early Eng. and Scottish poetry. 30319 Gilder, J. L. Representative poems of living poets, Amer. and English. 26867 Koelle, L. L. C. Music in song; fr. Chaucer to Tennyson. 23701 Linton, W. J., and Stoddard, R. H. English verse. 5 v. 23172-3; 23226-8 Locker, F. Lyra elegantiarum; vers de socicte and vers d' occasion. 24774 -Moulton, C. W. Prize selections; familiar quotations. 28150 New verses from the Harvard Advocate. 27989 The parlor muse; select, of vers de socic-te fr. mod. poets. 23902 R., K. B. Festival poems : coll. for Christmas, New Year, Easter. 24610 Randolph, H. F. Fifty years of Eug. song; poets of the reign of Vic- toria. 4 v. 29154-7 Robertson, E. S. The children of the poets; anthology fr. Eng. and Amer. writers. 30360 Sharp, E. A. Women's voices; anthology of poems by Eng., Scotch, and Irish women. 30367 15 206 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Smith, E. M. Woman in sacred song. - Tilestou, M. W. Sugar and spice and all that's nice. 25s(5l Ward, A. L. Surf and wave; the sea as sung by the poets. 23110 Ward, T. H. The English poets; select. 4 v. -_':::)55-8 - Woods, M. A. A first school poetry book. 27255 See also Adams, O. F. Through the year with the poets. The Library has also poems by the following authors: M. Arnold; S. A. Brooke; R. Browning ; J. G. E. H. D. S. Campbell, Marq. of Lome; W. Cowper; C. Dickens; L. Morris: C, B. Nicholls, (]ps. Gurrer Bell); F.Peterson; P. B.Shelley ; R. L. Stevenson ; E. Thring; J. F.S.Wilde. English popular literature. Axon, W. E. A. Some old Lan- cashire ballads, broadsides, and chapbooks. (In his Lan- cashire gleanings.) 23436 English proverbs. Axon, W. E. A. Lancashire proverbs. (In his Lancashire gleanings.) 23436 Dialect, proverbs, etc. (Gentleman's mag. lib.) 24691 English sacred lyrics. 25090 English squire, An ; by C. R. Coleridge. 25060 English stage. See English drama. English thought. Hutton, R. H. Essays on mod. guides of Eng. thought. 2s 783 English verse. See Linton, W. J., and Stoddard, R. H. English wit and humor. Collections. Ashton, J. Humour, wit, and satire of the 17th century. 23932 Enchiridion of wit; specimens of Eng. conversational wit. 24{S22 English worthies. See Lang, A. Englishman, The, of the Rue Cain ; by H. F. Wood. 30825 Englishmen of action ; namely : Butler, W. F. Charles George Gordon. 30779 Hughes, T. David Livingstone. 30766 Englishmen of letters. See Morley, J. Engravers. Chronological table of E. belonging to the Brit. school. (In Delaborde, H. Engraving.) 27698 Engraving. Delaborde, H. Engraving; origin, processes, and history. 27698 Hodson, J. S. (In his Hist, and pract. guide to art illust.) *I Klackner, C. Proofs and prints, engravings and etchings; how they are made, and how to select them. 19712 Whitman, S. W. Line engraving. (In her Making of pict.) 26964 See also Etching; Word engraving; Zincography. Enoch Arden. See Tennyson, A. Enrico, G. d' Butler, S. Giovanni d' Enrico. (In 7ns Ex voto.) 30681 Entail, The; by E. T. W. Hoffmann. (In his Weird stor., v. 1.) 24846 P^ntangled ; by E. F. Byrrne. 25552 Enthusiasts. Bruno, G. The heroic E. ; ethical poem. Pt. 1. 29356 Entomology. Alexander, J. Notes on the ravages of tree and timber destr. insects. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 - Lubbock. J. (In his On the senses, instincts, and intelligence of animals. 30236 Sutton & Sons. The pests of garden plants. (In their Culture, etc.) 24869 Treat, M. Habits of insects. (In her Home stud.) 25360 See also Butterflies. Insects. Environment ; story of mod. society ; by F. T. McCray. 28325 Eon, C. G. L. A. A. T. de B. d'. Smith, G. B. The story of the Chevalier d'Eon. (In his Half-hrs.) 23353 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 207 Telfer, J. B. The strange career of the Chevalier d'Eon. 25611 Ephialtes.. Cox, G. W. (In his Lives of Greek statesmen, ser. 2.) ' 26663 Ephphatha ; sermons ; by F. W. Farrar. 25871 Epic poetry. Very, J. (In his Poems and essays.) 27672 Epicurean, The ; by T. Moore. 28252 Epicureans. Zeller, E. G. The Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics. 24467 Epicurus. Hedge, F. H. Epicurus. (In his Atheism in philosophy.) 24756 Epidemics. See Black death ; Dancing mania. Epigrammatic voyage, An ; by D. J. Snider. 27001 Epilogue. See Prologue. Episcopal Church, U. S. See Protestant Episcopal Church. Episcopal Church in Scotland. Batterson, H. G. Papers rel. to the Episcopate in S. (In his Sketch-book.) 24177 Episode of Pere Benachi ; by J. A. Harris'on. (In his Autre- fois.) 30330 Episodes in a life of adventure : by L. Oliphant. 28522 Episodes in clerical and parish life ; by W. Staunton. 27847 Epitaphs. Andrews, W. Curious E. ; fr. the graveyards of Gt. Brit, and Ireland. 23827 Epochs of anc. history. See Cox, G. W., and Sankey, C. Epochs of church history. See Creighton, M. Epochs of modern history. See Morris, E. E. Epreuves de Rai'ssa, Les ; par H. Greville [A. F. Durand]. *I Equal to the occasion ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. 28979 Equations. Boole, G. Treatise on differential equations. 26483 - Byerly , W. E. Sy llabus of a course in the theory of E. 24063 Equilibrium. Minchin, G. M. Equilibrium of coplanar forces. (In his Treat, on statics, v. 1.) 25631 Erasmus, D. Erasmus. (Monograph, no. 17.) 23818 Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A. L'ami Fritz ; adapt, and annot. in Eng., by A. Hennequin. (Theatre contemp., no. 18.) 14899 Les fiances de Grinderwald ; Les amoureux de Catherine. (Contes choisis.) 14866 A man of the people ; fr. the French. 2 v. in 1. 25476 Erdmannsdoerffer, B. Der grosse Kurfiirst. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 6.) 16301 Erichsen, H. Cremation of the dead ; fr. an aesthetic, sanitary, and hist, standpoint; introd. by T. S. Wells. Illust. 28603 Ericsson, J. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Jaques, W. H. Ericsson's Destroyer and submarine gun. 26163 Erni, H. Mineralogy simplified; based on Prof, von Kobell's tables ; with introd. to mod. chemistry. 2d ed. rev. and t enl. Illust. 26144 Ernst, C. W. Address ; Luther as an educator. (In Suffolk Conf., etc. L. Memorial.) 23647 Erskine, H. Omond, G. W. T. (In his Lord advocates of Scotland, v. 2.) 23591 208 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Erskine, T., Baron. Adams, C. K. (In his Repr. Brit, orat., v. 2.) 24884 Eschatology. See Future life ; Hell. Escott, T. H. S. Politics and letters. 27881 Contents. A pers. retrospect. Mr. Gladstone. Men of letters on themselves. Lord Hough ton. Two cities and two seasons; Rome and London, A. D. 408 and 1875. John Bright. A child's autobiography, Mr. Hay ward. Small talk and statesmen. Bcrnal Osborne. Escrich, E. P. The martyr of Golgotha ; picture of oriental tradition ; fr. the Spanish by A. J. Godoy. 2 v. 27745-6 Escurial. Washburn, E. W. The Escorial. (In her Span. masters.) 23807 Eskimos. Schwatka, F. Children of the cold. 27598 Esoteric Christianity and mental therapeutics ; by W. F. Evans. 27824 Esoteric literature. See Middle Ages. Esquimaux. See Eskimos. Essays in criticism ; by M.Arnold. Ser. 2. 30397 Essex ; 3d Earl of. See Devereux, R. Essex, Mass. Congregational Churcli and Parish. Two centuries of ch. hist. ; celebr. of 200th anniversary, 18 S3. *I Essex County, Vt. Benton, E. C. Sketch of Essex Co. (In his Hist, of Guildhall.) *I Essex County, Eng. Christy, M. The trade signs of Essex. 27921 Estaing, C. H., comte d'. Stone, E. M. (In his Our Fr. allies.) . *I Estates. Martindale, J. B. Estates in chancery. (In his Unclaimed money, etc.) 24527 Estelle ; comedie- vaudeville ; par E. Scribe. (In. his (Euvres, ser. 2, v. '27.) *I Esther ; tragedie ; par J. Racine. 27338 Esther Feverel ; by J. B. Matthews. (In his Secret, etc.) 26933 Estrees, G. d'. Gabrielle d'Estre"es. (Monograph, no. 34.) 23818 Etching. Chattock, R. S. Practical notes on E. *I Hitchcock, J. R. W. Etching in Amer. ; with lists of etchers, and col- lections of prints. 26430 Klackner, C. Proofs and prints, engravings and etchings; how they are made, and how to select them. ]9712 Whitman, S. W. (In her Making of pictures.) 26964 See also Zincography. Eternal gospel. Joachim di Flor and the E. gospel. (In Renan, E. Studies, etc.) 27950 Etheredge, Etherege, or Etheridge, Sir G. Gosse, E. W. (In his Seventeenth cent, studies.) 23580 Ethics. See Moral philosophy. Ethne ; by Mrs. E. M. Field." 29744 Ethnography. See Ethnology. Ethnology. Brown, R. The peoples of the world. 4 v. 25055-8 Feaiherman, A. Social hist, of the races of mankind. Div. 2, 3: Papuo and Malayo Melanesians; Oceano-Melanesians ; Aoneo-Maranonians. 3 v. 20999-21001 Keane, A. H. Ethnology and philology of the European races. (In Rudler, F. W., and Chisholm, G. C. Europe.) 26059 Wright, J. Me N. Bricks fr. Babel: myths, traditions, etc., with stud. in ethnography. 29196 See also Great Britain; Peabody Museum of Amer. Archeology and Ethnology. Reports. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 209 Etiquette and Manners. Censor, pseud. Don't ; manual of mistakes and improprieties. 23365 " Good form " in England ; by an Amer. resident. 29331 Hall, F. H. Social customs. 28775 Kirkland, E. S. Speech aud manners for home and school. 23473 Manners : hand-book of soc. customs. 29581 Mentor, pseud. Always; etiquette for fashionable life. - Modern etiquette in public and private. 27965 Peters, C. (In his Girl's own indoor book.) 30455 Sherwood, M. E. W. Manners and social usages. 24033 Stevens, F. Usages of the best society. 24644 Valresson, comtesse de. Manuel de la bonne soci6te. 14577 Etlar, Carit, pseud. 8ee Brosboll, C. Eton College. Richards, J. B. Seven years at E., 1857-1864. 23021 - Wilkinson, C. A. Reminiscences of E. (Real's time.) 29500 Etre aime* ou mourir ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, se"r. 2, v. 27.) *I Etruscan vase, The ; by P. Merimee. (In Lang, A., and Syl- vester, P. The dead leman.) 30803 Ettrick shepherd, pseud. See Hogg, J. Etty, W. Hamerton, P. G. Etty. (In his Portf. papers.) 30843 Etudiant L', et la grande dame ; comedie-vaud. ; par A. E. Scribe. (In his (Euvres, ser. 2, v. 29). *I Etymology. Taylor, I. Words and places ; etymological il- lust. of hist., ethnology, and geography. 28206 See also English language; Latin language; Names: and the division Language under various countries. Eucalyptus. Brace, E. J. C. Formation and management of E. plantations. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. For- estry, etc.) 26265 Euchre. Irwin, W. T. How to play progressive euchre. 26161 Leeds, H. C., and Dwight, J. Laws of E., adopt, by the Somerset Club of Boston ; with sugg. abt. the play. 29548 Eucleides. Euclid revised ; essentials of the Elements of plane geometry ; ed. by R. C. J. Nixon. 30580 Eugene, Prince, i. e. Francois Eugene de Savoie-Carignan. Malleson, G. B. Prince Eugene of Savoy. 30178 Rogge, W. Prinz Eugen von Savoyen. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 5.) 16300 Eugenie, Empress of the French. Farmer, L. H. (In her Girls' book.) 28766 Parton, J. The flight of Eugenie. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Euphorion ; by Vernon Lee [V. Paget]. 2 v. 24666-7 Eureka collection of recitations, etc. See Diehl, A. R. Euripides. Medea; ofversiittning af V.E.Oman. 15125 Europe. Anthropology. Beddoe, J. The races of Britain. *I Art. - Armitage, E. On the mod. schools of Europe. (In his Lect.) 2291)5 Civilisation, etc. Thompson, J. P. The drift of E., Christ, and social. (In his Amer. comments.) 24445 Description and travels. Aldrich, T. B. From Ponkapog to Pesth. 22X49 Ballou, M. M. (In his Foot-prints of travel.) 30773 Bouton, J. B. Roundabout to Moscow. 28110 Corning, C. R. Aalesund to Tetuan. 30307 210 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY". Gage, W. L. A leisurely journey. 23740 Gage, Mrs. W. L. Helen on her 'travels. 21985 Holmes, O. W. Our hundred days in Europe. 28680 King, E. Europe in storm and calm; exp. of an Amer. journalist. 25900 - Ma)?on, C. M. The countries of E. ; scenery and peoples, etc. 24375 Meriwether, L. A tramp trip ; how to see E. on 50 cents a day. 27785 Morrison, L. A. Rambles in Europe. 27626 - Ninde, M. L. We two alone in Europe. 26085 Reclus, O. (In his Bird's-eye view, etc.} 28736 Rudler, F. W., and Chisholm, G. C. Europe. 26059 Satchel guide for the vacation tourist in E., 1886. 26452 Education. White, A. D. European schools of history and politics. (In J. Hop- kins Univ. stud.) *I finance. Les dettes publiques. (In Rand, B. Select, illust. econom. hist.) 30120 Forestry. U. S. Dept. of State. Forestry in Europe; reports fr. consuls. 21150 Geology. Fiske, J. Europe bef. the arrival of man; The arrival of man in Eu- rope. (In his Excursions.) 23373 - Topley, W. The national geological surveys of Europe. 25799 History. Freeman, E. A. Chief periods of European hist.; lect., 1885. 27391 Fifty years of European history. (In his Four Oxf. lect.) 29874 Fyfte, C. A. History of modern Europe. V. 2. 20159 Lilly, W. S. Chapters in European history. 2 v. 26895-6 Lodge, R. History of modern Europe, 1453-1878. 26591 Nichol, J. Tables of European hist., literature, and art. . *I /See also Names of European countries. Literature. See Anglo-Saxon literature; Popular literature ; Slavic nations; Sonnets. Also names of countries. Military resources. Maurice, J. F. The balance of military power in Europe. 29621 Politics. Dilke, C. W. Present position of European politics. 28499 Trade guilds. U. S. Dept. of State. Trade guilds of Europe. (U. S. Cons, repts.) 22655 Eusebe Lombard ; par A. Theuriet. 14832 Eustis ; by R. A. Boit. 24005 Evan Harrington ; by G. Meredith. 26441 Evangelicalism, Evangelism. Overton, J. H. Evangelical revival in the 18th cent. 28430 Pierson, A. T. Evangelistic work in principle and practice. 28900 See also Bliss, P. P.; Chalmers, T.; Cooper, A. A.; Finnev, C. G. ; Howard, J. ; McAll, R. W. ; McAuley, J. ; Moody, D. L. ;- Spurgeon, C. H. ; Whitefield, G. Evangeline ; by H. W. Longfellow. 28460 Evangelists. See Matthew ; Mark ; Luke ; John. Evans, G. A., ed. Hand-book of hist, and geog. phthisi- ology ; spec, ref . to the distribution of consumption in the U. S. 30317 Evans, J. J. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Evans, M. See Eliot, G. pseud. Evans, T. W. Heinrich Heine's life and works. (In Heine, H. Memoirs.) 24461 Sanitary institutions dur. the Austro-Prussian-ltalian conflict: catalogue of the author's sanitary collection, etc. 23230 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 211 Evans, W. F. Esoteric Christianity and mental therapeutics. 27824 Evarts, W. M. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Eve, H. W., Sidgwick, A., and Abbott, E. A. Three lect. on the pract. of education. 24144 Contents. Eve, H. W. On marking. Sidgwick, A. On stimulus. Abbott, E. A. On the teaching of Latin verse composition. Eve ; by S. Baring-Gould. 29680 Eve's daughters ; or, Common sense for maid, wife, and mother; by M. Harland [M. V. Terhune]. 24935 Everard Harcourt ; by S. W. Baker. (In his True tales.) 23454 Everett, C. C. Address. (In Suffolk Conf., etc. Luther memorial.) 23647 Fichte's Science of knowledge; crit. exposition. (German phil. class.) 24002 Poetry, comedy, and duty. 29911 Everett, W. Address on the services of Washington ; Feb. 22, 1886. 27080 Every boy's annual, 1884 ; 1886 ; ed. by E. Routledge. 16070 ; 16072 Everyday Christian life ; sermons ; by F. W. Farrar. 30168 E very-da v life and e very-day morals ; [sermons] ; by Gr. L. Chaney. 24728 Every-day religion ; by J. F. Clarke. 26316 Every man his own letter-writer ; story ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his The Lady.) 24037 Every man in his humour ; by B. Jonson. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 Evidence. Gurney, E. The nature of evidence in matters extraordinary. ( In his Tertium quid, v. 1.) 29605 - Verney, Lady. Evidence for opinions, events, and consequences. (In her Peasant properties, etc., v. 2.) 26968 Evil. James, H. Spiritual creation ; the r61e of evil in divine housekeeping. (In his Lit. remains. 24993 Patterson, J. S. Evil in rel. to the necessary cond. of life. (In his Conflict, etc.) 23198 - Thompson, D. G. The problem of E.; introd. to the practical sciences. 29046 Evil genius, The ; by W. Collins. 26630 Evolution. Beecher, H. W. Evolution and religion ; sermons. 26065 Carpenter. W. H. Doctrine of E. in its rel. to theism. (In his Nature.) 30623 Conn, H. W. Evolution of to-day ; theory and aect. of progress. 26413 Cope, E. D. Origin of the fittest; essays on evolution. 27819 - Theology of evolution. 28183 - Curtis, G.'T. Creation or E.J 1 philosophical inquiry. 27640 Fiske, J. Evolution and religion. (In his Excursions.) 23373 Haeckel, E. (In his Pedigree of man.) 26284 Hall, A. W. The problem of human life, etc. 23071 Heilprin, A. Geological evidences of evolution. 29188 - Kirby, W. F. Evolution and natural theology. 213854 Le Conte, J. Evolution and its rel. to relig. thought. 29317 McCosh, J. The religious aspect of evolution. 29552 Hunger, T. T. Evolution and the faith. (In his Appeal to life.) 28253 Proctor, R. A. Story of creation ; plain account of E. 29740 Savage, M. J. Evolution and immortality. (In his Relig. life.) 26088 -- Evolution and religion ; lect. 26190 Spenser, H. The factors of organic evolution. 27846 Washburn, W. D. (In his Foundations of relig. belief.) 23809 See also Development; Man. Evolution of a life ; by S. Eyland [D. E. Cronin]. 24145 Evolution of the snob ; by T. S. Perry. 27506 212 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ewald, A. C. Life of Sir J. Napier, ex-Lord Chancellor of Ireland ; fr. private correspondence. 28635 The Rt. Hon. B. Disraeli, Earl of Bcaconsfield, and his times. 2 v. in 5 pts. 26279-83 U Studies re-studied; hist, sketches. 25625 Contents. A bas les Juifs, A delicate mission. The field of the Cloth of Gold. The revolt of Sir T. VVyatt. Rejected addresses. Last hours of Mary, Queen of Scots. Westward hoi A kuight-erraut's pilgrim- age. The live House plot. The bloody assizes. The warming-pan story. John,' Lord Hervey. Ewald,' G. H. A. von. History of Israel. Vol. 6. 1525G Contents. V. 6. Life and times of Christ; tr. by J. F. Smith. Ewald, H. F. Hvad Ellen vilde. 27412 The treasure of Kjoersholm ; Olufsborg. (In Vicary. J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Ewart, H. C., ed. Leaders upward and onward; biogs. of noble workers. Illust. 30632 Contents. Ewart, H. C. Introduction; F. D. Maurice; Dr. Arnold. Japp. A. H. C. Kiugsley. Story, R. H. Dean Stanley. Parry. E. Archbishop Tait. Harrison, M. Bishop Fraser. Smith, W. C. N. Mac- leod. Blakie, W. G. T. Guthrie. Macleod, D. Principal Tulloch. Ross, N. J. J. Curwen. Ewing, A., Bp. of Argyll. Tulloch, J. Broad Church ; F. W. Robertson and E. (In his Movements, etc.} 25781 Ewing, H. A castle in the air. (Leis. hr. ser.) 29800 Ewing, J. Bourne, H. R. F. (In his Eng. merchants.) 26568 Ewing, J. H. Blue and red; or, The discontented lobster. Illust. 28221 Brothers of Pity ; and other tales of beasts and men. 26376 Contents. Brothers of Pity. Father Hedgehog and his neighbors. Toots and Boots. The Hens of Hencastle; tr. fr. V. BHithgen. Flaps. Daddy Darwin's dovecot; a country tale. Illust. 24983 Dandelion clocks; and other tales. 'Illust. 28297 Contents. Dandelion clocks. The blind man and the talking dog. "So-so." The Trinity flower. The Kyrkegrin turned preacher. Ladders to Heaven. A flat iron for a farthing; or, Some passages in the life of an onlv son. Illust. 26377 Jackanapes. Illust. 24404 Lob Lie-by-the-lire; or, The luck of Lingborough. Illust. 26145 Mary's meadow ; and Letters from a little garden. Illust. 27747 Melchior's dream ; and other tales ; ed. by Mrs. A. Gatty. Illust. 27882 Contents. Melchior's dream. The blackbird's nest. Friedrich's bal- lad. A bit of green. Monsieur, the Viscount's friend. The Yew lane ghosts. A bad habit. A happy family. Old-fashioned fairy tales; orig. designs by A. W. Bayes and G. Browne. 26378 - The peace egg; and A Christmas mumming play. Six to sixteen '; story for girls. Illust. Snap-dragons; tale of Christmas eve; and Old Father Christmas. Illust. 29801 Story of a short life. Illust. 26379 - We and the world ; book for boys. Illust. 25982 Gatty, H. K. F. Juliana H. Ewing and her books. 26149 Ex-minister, an, Memoirs of. See Harris, J. H., earl of Malmesbury. Ex voto. See Butler, S. Examinations. See Competitive examinations. Exchange. Atkinson, E. Distribution of products ; mechan- ism and metaphysics of exchange. 24887 Smith, R. H. Science of business; principles controlling the laws of E. 25681 Excursions of an evolutionist ; by J. Fiske. 23373 Executor, The ; by Mrs. Alexander [A. F. Hector]. 23166 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 213 Exercise. See Hygiene. Exeter, Eng. Freeman, E. A. Exeter. 27704 Exiles dans la fort, Les ; par Mayne-Keid 14 -(12 Exiles in Babylon; by A. L. O. E. [C. M. Tucker]. 26030 Exodus. See Bible. Expiation. (In Stories by an old Bohemian, v. 1.) 23600 Explorers. See Discoveries (in geography). Explosives. Berthelot, P. E. M. Explosive materials ; lect. ; added, Bibliog. of E. 24119 See also Gunpowder; Torpedoes. Express ! by J. M. Morton. (In hi* Comediettas, etc.} 27090 Expression. Brown, M. T. Synthetic philosophy of E., as appl. to reading, oratory, and personation. 26659 Eyck or Eijck, H. and J. Conway, W. M. The Van Eycks. (In his Early Flem. artists.) 27737 Eye. Williams, C. H. Use and care of the eyes. (In. Mass. Emerg. and Hyg. Assoc. Six lect. ) 25673 Eyland, Seth, pseud. See Cronin, D. E. Eysenbach, W. Graded German lessons ; pract. grammar, rev. and largely rewritten, with notes, etc., by W. C. Collar. 28765 Ey tinge, M. The ball of the vegetables ; and other stor. in prose and verse. Illust. 23271 Johnny and little gray hen ; A brave little sister-mother. (In Clarke, K. 8., and others.' A Christmas breeze, etc.} 27385 Ezra. Schindler, S. Ezra and his time. (In his Dissolving views.) 29700 F., S. andC. W. Lessons on pract. subjects for grammar- school children. 25336 Fables. See ^Esopus ; Avianus, F. ; Florian, J. P. C. de. Fabre, F. Madame Fuster. 14499 Face to face ; by R. E. Francillon. 25191 Face to face ; by R. Grant. 27302 Facing death ; tale of the coal mines ; by G. A. Henty. 28039 Facing the footlights ; by F. Marryat [Mrs. F. Lean]. 23958 Facing the world ; by [D. M. (M.) Craik]. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys, and in her About money.) 27282; 27494 Factories. Pidgeon, D. The factory system. (In his Old- world quest., etc.) 25082 - Taylor, R. W. C. Introduction to a hist, of the fact, system. 27901 Fagots for the fireside ; by L. P. Hale. 30326 Fainalls, The, of Tipton ; by V. W. Johnson. 24276 Fair Ellen ; [or, The relief of Lucknow] ; by M. Bruch. *I "Fair Em" ; [comedy] ; by W. E. A. Axon. (In his Lanca- shire Gleanings.) 23436 Fair emigrant, A ; by R. Mulholland. 30659 Fair Kate, The ; by P. Heyse. (In his Barbarossa, etc.) 26243 Fair maid, A ; by F. W. Robinson. 24426 Fair Rosamund ; [drama]; by M. Field. ( With his Callirrhoe.) 24986 Fairbairn family. The Fairbairns of Manchester and Leeds. (In Fort, made in business, v. 2.) 24001 214 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Faire gospeller, The, (Mistress Anne Askew), Passages in the life of ; by [A. Manning]. 26174 Fairfax, L. R. The misfortunes of Bro' Thomas Wheatley. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 6.) 24219 Fairfax, R., of Steeton. Markham, C. R. Life of F. 25744 Fairfax, Sir T., 3d Baron. Walford, N. L. (In his Parl. generals.) 26611 Fairies. Guiney, L. I. What fairies were, and what they did. (In her Brownies, etc.) 30104 Fairley, W. The ventilation of coal mines. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 24122 Fairy Fancy ; by Mrs. R. H. Read. 28081 Fairy gold. 23062 Fairy legends of the French provinces ; tr. by Mrs. M. Carey ; introd. by J. F. Jameson. 28841 Fairy tales. Aulnoy, Comtesse d'. Fairy tales. 28739 Brentauo, C. Fairy tales f r. B. ; told in Eug. by K. F. Krocker. 24953 Crane, T. F. Italian popular tales. 25823 Ewing, J. H. Old-fashioned fairy tales. 26378 Harrison, Mrs. B. The old-fashioned fairy book. 24752 Hugessen, E. H. K. Friends and foes from fairy land. 25934 Laboulaye, E. R. L. Last fairy tales. 24769 Lang, A. The Princess Nobody ; after the drawings by R. Doyle. 24581 Mace, J. Home fairy tales. 7236 Mitchell, S. W. Prince Little Boy; and other tales out of fairy-land. 29149 Rajn, P. V. R. Tales of the sixty mandarins. 27233 See also Andersen, H. C. Also Austria. Folk-lore ; Bohemia. Folk- lore ; France ; Germany. Literature ; Rumania. Faith. Bush, J. S The evidence of faith; [sermons]. 24896 Cheever, H. T. Correspondencies of F., and Views of Mad. Guyon; uni- tive power and place of F. in the theology and church of the future. 26315 Faith and action ; fr. the writings of F. D. Maurice. 27473 Gannett, W. C., and Jones, J. L. Faith that makes faithful. 27531 Porter, C. T. Mechanics and F. ; study of spiritual truth in nature. 29853 Smyth, S. P. N. Reality of faith. 24496 Faith cure. /See Mind cure. Faith's festivals ; by M. Lakeman. 28971 Faithfull, E. Three visits to America. 24743 Falcon, The ; by A. Tennyson. ( With his Cup.) 23649 "Falcon," the, Cruise of ; by E. F. Knight. 2 v. 23699-700 Falconer, I. G. N. K. Sinker, R. Memorials of F. 30285 Fall of Asgard ; by J. Corbett. 27617 Fall, The, of man ; sermons ; by F. W. Farrar. 25872 Fall, The, of the great republic [U. S.] ; by H. S. Coverdale. 25488 Fallacies. Sidgwick, A. Fallacies ; view of logic from the pract. side. 23712 Fallacies of anti-reformers ; by S. Smith. (In Prose master- pieces, v. 1.) 23200 Fallen idol, A ; by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie]. 26818 Falloux, A. F. P., comte de. Memoirs ; ed. by C. B. Pitman. 2 v. 30689-90 Falmouth, Me. Goold, W. Portland in the past; with hist, notes of old Falmouth. *I False start, A. ; by H. Smart. 29571 Falstaff, Sir J. Birrell, A. Falstaff. (In his Obiter dicta.) 25184 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 215 Families. See Livingston ; Schuyler ; Scotch - American families ; Sinclairs ; Van Cortlandt ; Van Rens- selaer ; Verplanck. Famille de Germandre, La; par G. Sand. 14402 Family. See Domestic Life ; Patriarchal theory ; Sociology. Family affair, A ; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. 25660 Family council, The ; by E. Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. 28649 Family flight, A., around home ; by E. E. and S. Hale. 24750 Family flight, A., through Spain ; by S. Hale. 23376 Family happiness ; by L. N. Tolstoi. 30250 Famous plays. See Molloy, J. F. Famous women series ; iiamely : Blind, M. Madame Roland. * 26405 Clarke, E. Susanna Wesley. 27279 Duffy, B. Madame de Stael. 28764 Gilchrist, A. Mary Lamb. 23047 Howe, J. W. Margaret Fuller. 23279 Ingram, J. H. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. oO'J.'M Kennard, N. H. Mrs. Siddons. 28135 Rachel. 2(ilOo Miller, Mrs. F. F. Harriet Martineau. 25003 Paget, V. (pseud. V. Lee.) Countess of Albany. 24487 Pennell, E. R. Mary Wollstonecraft. 24782 Pitman, Mrs. E. R. Elizabeth Fry. 24066 Ristori, A. Studies and memories ; autobiog. 29566 Robinson, A. M. F. Margaret of Augoulf'me. 27790 Thomas, B. George Sand. 22981 Yonge, C. M. Hannah More. 29329 Zimmern, H. Maria Edgeworth. 23418 Fancy work. See Household art. Also Ingalls, J. F. Faneuil, P. Parton, J. Peter Faneuil and the great hall he built. (L<. Ms Capt. of ind.) 24420 Fantasio ; comedie ; par A. de Musset. ( \yith his On ne bacline pas, etc.) 25311 Far from home ; fr. the German of J. van Derval. 24043 Faraday, M. Experimental investigation of table-moving. (In Brennan, M. S., Pop. exp. of elect.) 25026 Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Brennan, M. S. Sketch of F. (In his Pop. expos.) 25026 Garnett, W. (In his Heroes of science.) 27564 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Wright, H. C. Faraday and the production of electricity by magnetism. (In her children's stor.) 30384 Farbror Sakarias ; af Sylvia. 15114 Farewell appearance, A ; by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie] . (In his Black poodle, etc.) 28303 Fargus, F. J. (pseud. Hugh Conway.) Bound together; tales. (Leis. hr. ser.) 24903 Contents. The secret of the stradivarius. Fleurette. A cabinet se- cret. The bandsm;m's story. The Blatchford bequest. My first client. Our last walk. Miss Rivers's revenge. The daughter of the stars. In one short year. The truth of it. A speculative spirit. Called back. (Leis. hr. ser.) 23764 A cardinal sin. (Leisure hour ser.) 26146 Carriston'.s gift; and other tales; portr. and illust. (Leis. hr. ser.) 25492 Contents. Carriston's gift. Chewton-Abbot. Paul Vargas. A dead man's face. Julian Vanneck. The "Bichwa." - Dark days. (Leis. hr. ser.) 24738 A family affair. (Leis. hr. ser.) 25660 Living or dead. (Leis. hr. ser.) 26640 216 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Slings and arrows; and other tales. (Leisure hr. ser.) 2579G Contents. Slings and arrows. Story of a sculptor. At what a cost. Capital wine. Somebody's story; [rep rod. of orig. ms.]. 27034 Farina, S. Amore ha cent' occhi. 15520 Farini, G. A. Through the Kalahari desert ; journ. to Lake N'gami and back. Illust. 26815 Farjeon, B. L. Aunt Parker. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 26641 The bright star of life. (Harper's handy ser.) 27976 Christmas angel. Illust. (Harper's handy ser.) 26112 - The golden land ; or. Links fr. shore to shore. Illust. 27389 Great Porter Square; a mystery. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25433 Love's harvest. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25724 The sacred nugget. (Harper's handy ser.) 25870 Self-doomed. (Harper's handy ser.) 26017 Widow Cherry ; or, The mystery of Roaring Meg. 18224 Farmer, J. Le Bosquet, J. Memorial of F. 23783 Farmer, L. H. Boys' book of famous rulers. 27081 Contents. Agamemnon. Cyrus the Great. Alexander the Great. Julius Caesar. Charlemagne. Alfred the Great. Richard Cu;ur de Lion. Robert Bruce. Ferdinand V. of Spain. Philip II. of Spain. Gustavus Adolphus. Louis XIV. Peter the Great. Frederick the Great. Napoleon I. Girls' book of fam. queens. 28766 Life of La Fayette, the knight of liberty. 30098 Farmer, S. History of Detroit and Michigan ; chronological cyclopaedia. *I Farmer Finch; by S. O. Jewett. (In her White heron, etc.) 26924 Farming. See Agriculture. Farmington, Me. Butler, F. G. History of F. *I Farnell's Folly ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 24798 Farnham, C. H. Francis Farkman. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) 30787 Farnham, M. A., joint author. See Swarthout, M. F. Farquhar, G. The beaux' stratagem ; The inconstant ; The recruiting officer. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. comic dram.) 23530 Farquhar, J. M. Printers and their unions. (In Me Neill, G. E. Labor movement.) 27651 Farquharson, M. See Finley, M. Farragut, D. G. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Farrand, E. M. History of the University of Michigan. 25530 Farrar, C. A. J. Lake and forest series ; namely : Down the west branch; or, Camps and tramps around Katahdin. Illust. 26558 the North branch of the Penobscot, etc. 29871 Up t Wild woods life; or, A trip to Parmachenee. 26632 Farrar, F. W. Books which have influenced me. (In Glad- stone, W. E., and others. Books, etc.) 28840 - Dean Stanley in the pulpit. (In Oliver, G. A. Dean Stanley.) 24914 Ephphatha; or, The amelioration of the world; sermons. 25871 Contents. Why Jesus sighed. Sincerity of heart as the first condition of service. Energy of Christian service. The wings of a dove. Work in the groaning creation. The mending and marring of human life. Last lessons fr. the sigh of Christ. Legislative duties. Aims of Christian statesmanship. Many folds ; one flock. Everyday Christian life ; sermons. 30168 The fall of man ; and other sermons. 25872 Contents. The fall of man. The law of death and the means of deliv- erance. The path of Christ. Resurrection from the dead. Ascension with Christ. The immortality and the meanness of man. Righteousness the strength of nations. History and hopes of a public school. Church CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 217 services. God's banquet and the world's. The animal and the spiritual. Angels on the path of life. Their works do follow them. The war in which there is no discharge. The locust-eaten past. Seeing the face of God. The temple of God, The blessed trinity. Deliverance through Christ. Hope in Christ. History of interpretation. (Pampton lect,, 1885.) 26876 The messages of the books; New Testament. 24984 Reminiscences of A. P. Stanley ; Lord Beaconsfield. (In Par ton, J. Some noted princes.) Sermons and addresses deliv. in America; introd. by P. Brooks. 26318 Contents. Christ's lesson fr. the lilies and the sparrows. Awaken- meut. Not a sectarian Christ. The lion in the heart. The retribution upon selfish societies. The beatitude of men's reviling. The lost sheep. _The lost coin. Things which cannot be shaken. Keep the com- mandments. Idols. The example of the saints. The work of the few and of the many. Ideals of nations. Modern education ; its sphere and its aims. The Christian doctrine of the atonement. Grounds of Chris- tian unity. Temperance address. Dante. Farewell thoughts on America. Success in life ; pref . by a brief biography. 25827 Farrar, J. M. Mary Anderson ; life and professional career ; portr. *I Farren, W., the elder. Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 1.) 30352 Farrer, J. A. Military manners and customs. 25337 Farrer, R. R. A tour in Greece, 1880. Illust. 23S39 Farriery. Crane, W. J. E. The smithy and forge ; incl. instructions in the farrier's art, etc. Illust. 23127 Farrington, M. V. Tales of King Arthur and his knights of the round table. Illust. 30215 Farrington, W. H. The centennial of a revolution ; address by a revolutionist. 2 ( J ( J03 Farrow, E. 8. A military system of gymnastic exercises ; and a system of swimming. 24405 West Point and the military academy. 29119 Fashion. Knighton, W. Fashion. (In his Struggles for life.) 30480 Fashionable philosophy ; by L. Oliphant. 28568 Fashionable sufferer, A ; by A. Hoppin. 22973 Fassola, . Butler, S. B. Caimi and Fassola. (In his Ex voto.) 30681 Fatal three, The ; by M. E. Braddon [M. E. B. Maxwell]. 30540 Fatality. (In Stor. by an old Bohemian, v. 1.) 23600 Father Quinnailon's convert; by O. Thanet [A. French]. (In her Knitters in the sun.) 28872 Fathers. Jackson, G. A. Post-Nicene Greek Fathers. 23170 - - The Post-Nicene Latin Fathers. 23542 Fathers of the Oratory. See Valfre, S. ; Santi, A. M. C. de' ; Matteucci, A. Fats and oils. Brannt, W. T. Pract. treat, on fats and oils. 28852 Faucher de Saint Maurice, . Bender, P. (In his Literary sheaves.) 24137 Faucit, H. See Martin, Lady H. Faulkner, F. Theory and pract. of mod. brewing : enl. ed. of " The art of brewing " ; with illust. app. 29600 Faure, C. Gladstone, J. H., and Tribe, A. The chemistry of the secondary batteries of Plante" and Faure. 23426 218 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fauriel, C. C. The last days of the consulate ; introd. by L. Lalanne. 26234 Faust. See Goethe, J. W. von. Faust legend, The ; its origin and development ; by H. 8. Ed- wards. 27557 Faustina. See Bordoni, F. Fauvelet de Bourrienne, L. A. Bonaparte, N. J. Napoleon et ses detracteurs. 14578 Favored, The, of Baal ; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Chivalric days.) 27180 Fawcett, E. Adventures of a widow. 24406 An ambitious woman. 23371 The Buntling hall; a Graco-Amer. plav; poet, satire on N. Y. society. Illust. 24895 Divided lives. 30409 A gentleman of leisure. (Riverside pocket ser.) 26985 The house at High bridge. 27197 A man's will. 29675 Olivia Delaplaine. 29802 - Rutherford. (Stand, lib.) 24473 Song and story ; later poems. 24183 Tinkling cymbals. 24184 - Rideing, W. H. (In his Boyhood of liv. aut.) 28815 Fawcett, H. Stephen, L. Life of F. ; with portr. 26195 Fawcett, 1 M. G. The women's suffrage movement [in] England. (In Stanton, T. The woman quest.) 24053 Fayette's ride ; by C. E. Guernsey. (In Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 Featherman, A. Social hist, of the races of mankind. Div. 2, 3. 20999-21001 Contents. Div. 2. Papuo and Malayo Melanesians; Oceano-Melan- esians. ft. Aoneo-Maranonians. February ; ed. by (). F. Adams. (Through the year with the poets.) 26303 Fecamp. Description. Hargreaves, T. (In his Voyage.) 23950 Feclmer, G. T. Ribot, T. (In his German psychology.) 2i>448 Fechter, C. A. Brereton, A. Some famous Hamlets. 24954 - Field, K. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 Marstou, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 2.) 30352 Federalism. Miller, J. B Federalism and the social contract theory. (In his Trade organizations.) 28520 Federalist, The ; commentary on the constitution of the U. S. ; fr. the orig. text ; ed. by H. C. Lodge. 30224 Fee, La ; comedie ; par O. Feuillet. (In Theatre contemp.) 14897 Feeding. See Stock. Feejee islands. See Fiji islands. Felicitas ; by F. Dahn. ' 23612 Felix, E. R. See Rachel. Felix Holt's addr. to working men ; by G. Eliot. (In her Es- says.) 23545 ; 23959 Fellow, A. R. The Winnipeg country; or, Roughing it with an eclipse party. Illust. and map. 26869 Fellow-townsmen ; by T. Hardy. (In his Wessex tales.) 29683 Fellow travellers ; by E. Fuller. 26634 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 219 Fellows, G. S. Bibliography of mnemonics, 1325-1888. (In Middleton, A. E. Memory systems.) 30265 Fellows, H. P. Boating trips on New Eng. rivers. Illust. 23532 Femme, Une, qui se jette par la fentre ; come* die- vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In his (Euvres, ser. 2, v. 32.) *I Femmes savantes, Les ; comedie. See Moliere, J. B. P. de. Fences. Martin, G. A. Fences, gates, etc. ; pract. manual. 2888$ See also Barb wire. Fencing. Castle, E. Schools and masters of fence ; with Development of the art of F. with the rapier, etc., and a bibliography. *I Fe"nelon, E. de S. de L. Lettre sur les occupations de 1'Aca- de"mie Francaise ; suivi de la correspondance litteraire avec La Motte. Nouv. ed., avec introd., etc., par L. Grenier. 14409 Fenn, G. M. The bag of diamonds. 28501 Bunyip land; journey in New Guinea. Illust. 28015 - The "chaplain's craze; mystery of Findoii Friars. (Harper's handy ser.) 27619 - The clerk of Portwick. 3 v. 24357-9 Commodore Junk. 30633 -The dark house; a knot unravelled. (Harper's handy ser.) 25873 - Devon boys; tale of the north shore. Illust. 28016 Dick o' the fens ; tale of the great east swamp. 30581 Double cunning; tale of a transparent mystery. 27198 - The golden magnet; the land of the Incas. Illust. 28017 The master of the ceremonies. 27749 - Menhardoc; Cornish nets and mines. Illust. 28018 Middy and ensign ; the Malay Peninsula. Illust. 23533 - Nat the naturalist; adv. in the Eastern seas. Illust. 28019 Patience wins; or, War in the works. Illust. 28020 Poverty corner; a city story. 25434 Quicksilver; or, The boy with no skid to his wheel. 30582 - The silver canon ; tale of the western plains. 24744 Story of Antony Grace. Illust. 29072 Sweet Mace : Sussex legend of the iron times. 25559 A terrible covyard; and Son Philip. Illust. 28021 - This man's wife; story of woman's faith. 27748 Yussuf the guide. Illust. 28022 Fenton, L., Duchess of Itolton. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prims, donna, v. 1.) 29598 Ferdinand V., of Spain. Farmer, L. H. (In her Boys' book.) 27081 F6re, G., joint author. See Binet, A. Ferguson, D. Preventable contagious diseases. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Eepts., v. 9.) *I Ferguson, J. Ceylon in 1884 ; rev. and enl. 23840 Fergusson, A. The Laird of Lag; a life-sketch. 26704 Ferishtah's fancies ; by R. Browning. 24725 Fermata, The ; by E. T. W. Hoffmann. (/// hi* Weird tales, v. 1.) 24846 Fermentation. Trouessart, E. L. Microbes, ferments, and moulds. 27348 Fernando Po, island. Ellis, A. B. (In his West Afr. isl.) 25419 Ferns. Bary, H. A. de. Comparative anatomy of the vegeta- tive organs of the phanerogams and ferns. 250^3 Ferrari, G. Butler, S. Gaudenzio Ferrari. (7n/ws Ex voto.) 30681 Ferriar, J. and T. I. Axon, W. E. A. Thomas and John Farriar. (In his Lancashire gleanings.) 23436 220 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ferrier, D. The functions of the brain. 2d ed., re-written and enl. Illust. 27292 Ferrier, J. F. Smith, J. C. Biographical notice. (In Ms Writings by the way.) 25607 Tulloch, J. Prof. Ferrier and the higher philosophy. (In his Mod. theories.) 24073 Festival poems ; coll. for Christmas, New Year, Easter ; [by K. B. R.] 24G10 Fetichism. Hedge, F. H. The philosophy of fetichism. (In his Atheism in philosophy.) 2475C Fetridge, W. P. Rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. Illust. 29073 Feud, The, of Oakfield Creek ; by J. Royce. 27843 Feudalism. Ashley, W. J. Feudalism. (In Wakeman, H. O., and Hassall, A. Essays.) 28090 Hedge, F. H. Feudal society. (In his Martin Luther, etc.) 29538 - Morris, W. Feudal England. 30739 Feuillet, O. Aliette [La morte] ; tr. by J. H. Hager. 26633 La fee; corm'-die. (In Theatre contcmp.) * 14897 La veuve. Le voyageur. 14827 Fiammetta ; by W. W. Story. 25960 Fiance's de Grinderwald, Les ; par Erckmann-Chatrian. (In Contes choisis.) 14866 Fibrous plants. Cross, C. F., and others. Report on Indian fibres and fibrous substances exhib. at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886 ; with notes of methods of treat- ment and uses in India, by G. Watt. 29498 Fichte, J. G. Everett, C. C. Fichte's Science of knowledge ; crit. exposition. 24902 Seth, A. (In his Hegelianism, etc.) 29639 Fiction. Besant, W. The art of fiction. 24682 Dunlop, J. C. History of prose fiction. 2 v. 30475-6 Green, T. H. Value and infl. of fiction in mod. times. (In his Works, v. 3.) 30222 Hawthorne, J. Americanism in fiction ; The moral aim in fiction. (In his Confessions, etc.) 27312 James, H. The art of fiction. ( With Besant, W. The art of fiction.) 24682 Same. (In his Partial portraits.) 29687 See also Romance; U. S. Literature. Fiction. Fiddler, The, of Lugau ; by [M. Roberts]. 29105 Fidler, T. C. Practical treat, on bridge-construction ; text- book on bridges in iron and steel. Illust. 29367 Field, Mrs. C. L. (W.) High-lights. 25860 Field, C. W. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Field, D. D. Speeches, arguments, and misc. papers ; ed. by A. P. Sprague. 2 v. 24745-6 - Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Field, Mrs. E. M., ed. Ethne ; truthful historie of the final settlement of Ireland by Cromwell, etc., fr. the records of Ethne O'Connor and Roger Standfast. 2d ed. 29744 Field, H. M. Among the holy hills. 23465 Blood is thicker than water; among our southern brethren. 27390 -Gibraltar. Illust. 30634 - The Greek islands and Turkey after the war. 25983 History of the Atlantic telegraph. 24685 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 221 Field, K. Charles Fechter. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hut- ton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 20175 Old and new Spain. 30842 Field, M. Callirrhoe ; Fair Rosamund. 24986 Field, R., joint author. See Chaumont, F. S. B. F. de. Field. See Fields. Field of honor. See Duelling. Field, The, of the Cloth of Gold ; by A. C. Ewald. (In his Studies re-studied.) 25625 Field, The, of the Cloth of Gold, Story of ; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Chivalric days.) 27180 Fielde, A. M. Pagoda shadows; stud. fr. life in China. Introd. by J. Cook. 24407 Fielden family. The Fieldens of Toclmorden. (In Fortunes made in business, v. 1.) 24000 Fielding, H. Lang, A. Fielding. (In his Letters, etc.) 30650 - Lawrence, F. Life of F. 29056 Lowell. J. K. Address on unveiling the bust of F., Taunton, Eng. (In his Democracy, etc.) 27217 -Tom Thumb the Great. (In Mork-y. H. Burlesque plays, etc.) 28196 and J. Fitzgerald, P. Henry Fielding and Sir J. Fielding. (In his Chrou. of Bow Street, v. 1.) *I Fields, A. How to help the poor. 23157 Fields, J. T. Recollections of Dickens ; Leigh Hunt ; M. R. Mitford ; Charles Lamb ; Thomas Hood ; T. Campbell ; St. Pierre ; Sir W. Scott. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Plelds, Mrs. J. T. Fee Fields, A. Fields. See Field. Fie"ve"e, J. La dot de Suzette. (In Masson, G. Fr. class., v. 5.) 25264 Fifty years ago ; by W. Besant. 30156 Fifty years' obs. of men and events ; by E. D. Keyes. 24483 Fight, A, at close quarters; yarn fr. Ceylon. (In Race for life, and in Silver lock.) 27693 : 29929 Fight, A, for him ; by F. W. Robinson. (In hi$ Women are strange.) 24096 Fight, A, with distances ; by J. J. Aubertin. 30^76 Fighting Joe ; by O. Optic [W. T. Adams]. 6077 Fighting the sea ; by E. A. Rand. 28686 Figures (in rhetoric). Macbeth, J. W. V. The might and mirth of literature ; treat, on figurative language. 25227 Fiji Islands. Coote, W. Fiji. (In his Western Pacific.) 23577 St. Johnston, A. Camping among cannibals. 23561 ^Filibuster" war. See Nicaragua. Fille de Roland, La; par H. de Bornier. (Theatre contemp., no. 15.) 14899 Filles du docteur, Les ; comedie-vaud. ; par A. E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, ser. 2, v. 33.) *I Fillmore, J. C. Pianoforte music ; its hist. ; with biog. sketches and crit. estimates of its masters. 23372 Film, A, of gossamer ; by E. M. Clerke. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 3.) 25369 16 222 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fils de Giboyer, Le ; com^die, par E. Augier. (In his Theatre compl., v. 5.) 14780 Fils d' un agent de change, Le ; com6die-vaud., par A. E. Scribe. (In Ms (Euvres, se"r. 2, v. 28.) *I Filtration. See Sewerage. Final causes. Thompson, J. P. Final cause ; crit. of the failure of Paley and fallacy of Hume. 24445 Final reckoning, A ; by G. A. Henty. 28040 Finance. Giffen, R. Essays in finance. 2 ser. 2 v. 30691-2 Jevons, W. S. Investigations in currency and F. 24191 Patterson, J. S. Financial questions. (In his Reforms.) 24421 See also National debts; Taxation; U. S. Finance. Finch, G. M. In the beginning. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Finck, H. T. Romantic love and pers. beauty; development, causal relations, historic and national peculiarities. 28486 Findlay, A. G. Text-book of ocean meteorology ; comp. fr. sailing directories; ed. by W. R. Martin. 29368 Findlay, J. R. Personal recollections of De Quincey. 26582 Fine art Library. See Sparkes, J. C. L. Fine arts. See Arts, Fine. "Fining down" without banting ; by J. Millington. *I Finland. Brown, J. C. Finland ; its forests and forest man- agement. 23684 Historiska reklamationer rdrande 1788-90, samt 1808-9 arens fiilttag ; Finland. 15131 Hoffman, W. (In his Leis. hrs.) 24252 Tromholt, S. Under the rays of the aurora borealis. 2 v. 25464-5 Language and literature. See Kalevala. Finlayson, T. C. Biological religion ; crit. of H. Drummond's "Natural law in the spiritual world." 26492 Finley, M., formerly Miss Farquharson. Christmas with Grandma Elsie. 30099 Elsie at Nantucket. 24568 Elsie's kith and kin. 27199 - Elsie's new relations'. 23158 Mildred at home. 24904 Mildred's boys and girls. 27200 The two Elsies. 25725 Finn, W., joint author. See Terry, A. C. Finney, C. G. Pierson, A. T. (In his Evangelistic work.) 28900 Finnis, T. Q. Ritchie, J. E. (In his Fam. city men.) 23860 Fir-tree, The ; by Jessen-Berg. In Safford, M. J. Christ. country, etc.) 27095 Firdausi in exile; by E. Gosse. 26381 Fire. Campbell, J. F. Frost and fire ; nat. engines. 2 v. 27800-1 Fire arms. Smith, S. B. Military small arms. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Firelight stories ; by L. C. Moulton. 23393 Fire-places. See Chimneys. Fires, Fire extinction. Gerhard, W. P. Prevention of fire. 28556 First aid to the injured ; by P. Shepherd. 24205 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 223 First come, first served ; by J. M. Morton. (In his Come- diettas, etc.) 27090 First harvests ; episode in the life of Mrs. Levison Gower ; satire ; by F. J. Stimson. 30466 First love ; by I. S. Turgenev. 24105 First love ; by R. Lindau. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 First love-letter, A. ; by J. S. of Dale [F. J. Stimson]. (In his Sent, calendar.) 27667 First person singular ; by D. C. Murray. 27047 First tear, The. (In Stor. by an old Bohemian, v. 1.) 23600 Firth, A., ed. Voices for the speechless [animals] ; select. for schools, etc. 22968 Firth, J. C. Our kin across the sea; pref. by J. A. Froude. 30843 Firth, J. F. B. Reform of London government and of city guilds. (Imp. parl. ser.) 29479 Firth, M. Dunbar, R. H. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 3.) 25093 Fischer, H. L. Kurzweil un Zeitfertreib ; odder Pennsylfaan- isch Deutsche Folks-Lieder. *I 'S alt Marik-Haus mittes in d'r Schtadt, un die alte Zeite; e'n centennial poem in Pennsylfanisch Deutsch, in zwe Dhel. Illust. *I Fischer, K. History of mod. philosophy ; Descartes and his school ; tr. by J. f. Gordy ; ed. by N. Porter. 27750 Fish, D. T., and others. Cassell's popular gardening. 2 v. 25296-7 Fish. See Pisciculture. Fisher, Mrs. A. B. B. See Buckley, A. B. Fisher, C. See Maeder, C. F. Fisher, F. C. (pseud. Christian Reid.) Miss Churchill; a study. 27755 - Roslyn's fortune. 25009 Fisher, G. P. Catholicity, true and false ; sermon, Chicago, 1886. 27293 Grounds of theistic and Christian belief. 23159 History of the Christian church. Maps. 28767 Manual of Christian evidences. 29676 Outlines of universal history; text-book, etc. 26127 - The study of Greek. (In Chamberlain, D. H. Not "a college fetish.") 24271 ed. Early Christian literature primers; namely: Jackson, G. A. The Post-Nicene Greek Fathers. 23170 The Post-Nicene Latin Fathers. , 23542 Fisher, J. A. Select bibliography of ecclesiastical history. (In Hall, G. S. Methods of teach, hist.) 25152 Fisher, J. F., of Phila. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Fisher, M. W. A brave boy. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Fisher. See Fischer. Fisheries. Whymper, F. The fisheries of the world ; illust. and descr. record of the International Fisheries Exhibi- tion, 1883. 25139 /See also Newfoundland ; U. S. Fisheries. Fishing. American fish and how to catch them. 24886 Bishop, W. H. Fish and men in the Maine islands. 25645 Dawson, G. Angling talks. 26419 Deming, C. Catching the grayling ; Deep fishing in tropic seas ; Oddi- ties of fishcraft. (Ink is By ways.) 23664 224 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Foster, D. The scientific angler. *I Hamilton, E. Recollections of fly fishing for salmon, trout, and grayling. 25153 Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing with the fly. H - Pennell, H. C., and others. Fishing. 2 v. *I Roosevelt, R. B, Game fish of the northern states and Brit, provinces. 23800 Superior fishing of the northern states. 24032 Roscoe, E. S. Rambles with a fishing-rod. 23447 Senior, W. Near and far ; sk. of home sport. 302.84 Thompson, M. (In his Boys' book of sports.) 27007 - Van Doren, L. O. Fishes of the East Atlantic coast that are caught with hook and line. *I - Wells, H. P. Fly-rods :nd fly-tackle; suggestions as to their manufac- ture and use. Illust. 25250 Fiske, B. A. Electricity in theory and practice ; or, Elements of electrical engineering. 23424 Fiske, J. American polit. ideas from the standpoint of univ. hist. ; lect. at the Roy. Inst. of Gt. Brit., 1880. 25214 The critical period of Amer. hist., 1783-1789. 30318 Darwinism; and other essays. New ed., rev. andenl. 25984 Content* Darwinism verified. Mr. Mivart on Darwinism. Dr. Bate- man on Darwinism. Dr. Biichner on D. A crumb for the "Modern Symposium." Chauncey Wright. What is inspiration? Modern witch- craft. Comte's Positive philosophy. Mr. Buckle's fallacies. Postscript on Mr. Buckle The races of the Danube. Liberal education. Univer- sity reform, A librarian's work. - The destiny of man in the light of his origin. 24474 Excursions of an evolutionist. 23373 Contents, Europe before the arrival of man. Arrival of man in Europe. Our Aryan forefathers What we learn fr. old Aryan words. Was there a primeval mother-tongue? Sociology and hero-worship. Heroes of industry. The causes of persecution. Origins of protestant- ism. The true lesson of protestantism. Evolution and religion. The meaning of infancy. A universe of mind-stuff. In memoriam; Charles Darwin Felipe II. (Monograph, no. 37.) 23818 The idea of God as aft'eci. by mod knowledge. 25893 - Washington and his country; Irving's Life of W. abdgd., with introd. and continuation. 28962 M. D. H. Questions on Fiske's Irving's Washington and his country. 28962 Fiske, 8. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers. * 24010 Fison family. The Fisons and Fosters of Burley-in- Wharf e- dale. (/;/ Fortunes made in business, v. 1.) 24000 Fit, A, of the bines ; by the Duchess [M. Argles]. ( With her In durance vile.) 25145 Fitch, F. J. Sea-trout. (In Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing, etc.) *I Fitch club, The ; by Jak [A. B. Williams]. 26097 Fitchburg, Mass. Emerson, W. A. Fitchburg, Mass., past and present. *I Fitz-Boodle papers, The ; by W. M. Thackeray. ( In his Burlesques, etc.) 24700 Fitzgerald, C. C. P. Boat sailing and racing; pract. instr. 3058:-* Fitzgerald, E. Works. 2 v. *I Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam in Eng. verse; text of the 4th [and] 1st. ed. ; not^s and biog. pref . 30242 Fitzgerald, E., Lord. Daly, J. B. Lord Edward Fitzgerald. (In his Ireland in '98.) *I Fitzgerald, G. R. Ashton, J. (In his Eighteenth cent. waifs.) 28391 Fitzgerald, P. The book fancier ; or, Romance of book col- lecting. 27560 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 225 Chronicles of Bow Street police-office. Illust. 2 v. *I Life and times of John Wilkes, Lord Mayor of London, etc. Illust. 2 v. 29601-2 Life and times of Wm. IV. ; incl. view of soc. life and manners. 2 v. 24360-1 Lives of the Sheridans. 2 v. 28023-4 Fitzgibbon, H. M. Early Eng. and Scottish poetry, 1250-1600 ; select. ; introd. and notes. 30319 Fitz-Patrick, W. J. Life of the very rev. Thomas N. Burke. 2 v. 27036-7 Fitzralph, R., Abp. of Armagh. Lechler, G. Richard of A. and the mendicant orders. (In his J. Wiclif, v. 1.) 30854 Fitz-Randolph, H. See Randolph, H. F. Five brothers' five fixes. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journ., v. 2.) 27967 Five hundred dollars ; by C. H. W. [H. W. Chaplin]. 29000 Five talents, The, of woman ; by [E. J. Hardy]. 30328 Flaccus, A. P. See Persius Flaccus, A. Flaccus, V. Nettleship, H. (In his Lect., etc.) 25633 Flag, The, on the mill ; by M. B. Sleight. 29110 Flagg, W. J. Woman the stronger. 30320 Note. First pub. as "Wall Street and the woods; or, Woman the stronger." Flags ; by H. King. (In his Savage London.) 30735 Flamingo feather, The ; by K. Munroe. 28718 Flanders. Ashley, W. J. James and Philip van Artevelde. 23089 Conway, W. M. Early Flemish artists, and their predecessors on the Lower Rhine. 27737 Flat iron, A, for a farthing ; by J. H. Ewing. 26377 Flathe, T. Friederich Wilhelm IV., Konig von Preussen. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 12.) 16307 Flatland; by A. Square [E. E. Abbott]. 25019 Flaubert, G. Brandes, G. (In his Eminent authors.) 27179 Flax. Bremner, D. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 13.) 25091-3 Whitman, E. A. Flax culture; hist, and present cond. of the flax in- dustry in the U. S., and the infl. exerted on it by legislation. 20161 Flaxie Frizzle; by S. May [R. S.Clarke]." (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Flaxie growing up ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 24561 Flaxman, J. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Fleay, F. G. Shakespeare manual. 28768 Contents. Pt. 1. Manual of reference. 2. Original investigations. Flechere, J. G. de la. See Fletcher, J. W. Fle"chier, E., Bp. Extracts fr. funeral orations. (In Blouet, P. L'eloquence, v. 1.) 24240 Fleet, The, London, Etig. Ashton, J. The Fleet; its river,- prison, and marriages. 29583 Fleetwood, C. Walford, N. L. (In his Parliamentary gen- erals.) 26611 Fleming, G. The practical horse keeper. 27825 Fleming, G., pseud. See Fletcher, J. C. Fleming, J. A. Short lectures to electrical artisans. 27561 Fleming, J. M. Old violins and their makers, etc. Illust. 23-41 Fleming, S. England and Canada ; tour bet. old and new Westminster ; with hist, notes. 24362 226 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Flemish art, literature, etc. See Flanders. Flemming, H., pseud. See McClellan, H. H. Fletcher, A. C. Religious ceremony of the Four winds as ob- served by the Santee Sioux ; The Shadow- or Ghost- lodge ; a ceremony of the Ogallala Sioux ; The Wa-wan, or pipe dance of the Omahas ; White buffalo festival of the Uncpapas ; Elk mystery, or, Festival of the Ogallala Sioux. (In Peabody Mus. of Arch. Kept., v. 3.) 19625 Fletcher, A. E. Barrow Iron and Steel Works. (In Gt. in- dust. of Gt. Brit., v. 1.) 25091 Fletcher, J. Coleridge, S. T. (In his Lect. and notes.) 23832 Fletcher, J., joint author. See Beaumont, F. Fletcher, J. C. (pseud. George Fleming.) Andromeda. 25727 The truth about Clement Ker told by his second cousin, Geoffrey Ker, of London. 30635 Vestigia. 23618 Fletcher, or De La Flechiere, J. W., of Madeley. Macdonald, F. W. Fletcher of Madeley. 26171 Tyerman, L. Wesley's designated successor; life, letters, and literary labours of F. 23030 Fletcher, S. W. Twelve months in an English prison. 23534 Fleur-de-ble ; par C. Lemonnier. (In Contes choisis, no. 13.) 14868 Fleur de Tlemcin, La ; par E. Legouve". (In his Comedies.) 14733 Fleurette ; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. (In his Bound to- gether.) 24903 Fleuriot, Z. Le petit chef de famille. 14809 Fleurs d'ennui : par P. Loti [Lieut. Viaud]. 14837 Flight, W. Chapter in the history of meteorites. Plates. 29369 Flight in the dark. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journ., v. 2.) 27967 Flights inside and outside paradise ; by a penitent peri (G. C. Pearson). 26840 Flinn, F. M. Campaigning with Banks in Louisiana, '63 and '64, and with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley in '64 and '65. 29873 Flint, A., Jr. On the physiological effects of severe and protracted muscular exercise. 25435 On the source of muscular power. 25436 Flint, C. L., ed. The American farmer ; complete agricultural library ; with useful facts for the household. Illust. 2 v. 30100-101 joint author. See Emerson, G. B. Flint, R. Theism ; Baird lect., 1876. 4th ed., rev. 25907 Vico. (Phil, classics for Eng. readers.) 24455 Flint, S., pseud. See Eaton, F. Floating island, The ; by H. Seidel. (In Safford, M. J. Christ. country, etc.) 27095 Flock of girls, and their friends ; by N. Perry. 28810 Flockhart, R. Hoare, E. N. (In his Notable workers.) 29484 Florence, M. (P.) Button, L. M. P. Florence. (In Matthews, J. B., and Button, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Florence, W. J. E. A. Sothern. (In Matthews, J. B., and Button, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 CATALOGUE OF Button, L. W. J. Florence. Actors, etc., v. 5.) Florence, Italy. Ruskin, J. Christian art. Description, etc. Baxter, L. E. (In her Tuscan studies.) Hare, A.. J. C. Florence. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Mornings in Florence ; stud, of 227 26476 U.CUV) X tf V i 1 1VJ1 CIHJ.C. Hodder, E. (Jw his Cities of the world, v. 3.) M'Collester, S. H. Florence, the art city. (In his Afterthoughts.) 12570 29350 24264 25069 23634 Marshall, E. Adelaide's awakening; story of the city of flowers. ' 30537 Scott, L. Messer Agnolo's household ; a ' cinque cento ' Florentine story. 23975 History. See Medici, Giovanni de>. Florence Godfrey's faith ; by E. R. Pitman. 28076 Florian, J. P. C. de. Fables ; select, and ed. by C. Yeld ; with notes, exercises, etc. Illust. (Fr. and Germ. reading books.) 29745 Floriculture. Button & Sons. Culture of vegetables and flowers fr. seeds and roots, etc. 24869 Florida. Barbour, G. M. Florida for tourists, invalids, and settlers; pract. information. 24718 Davidson, J. W. The Florida of to-day ; guide for tourists and settlers. 30524 Griffing, J. R. Letters f r. Florida [1883] . 23538 Harcourt, H. Florida fruits and how to raise them. 27206 Hardy, Lady I. D. Down South. 23444 Oranges and alligators ; sketches of F. life. 27566 Henshall, J. A. Camping and cruising in F. ; with list of fishes and birds observed. 24278 Hutchinson, W. F. (In his Winter holiday.) 26160 Kelley, W. D. Florida; the winter farm and garden of the Union. (In his The old South, etc.) 29085 McQuade, J. (In his Cruise of the Montauk.) 25034 Ober, F. A. The Knockabout Club in the Everglades; adv. in exploring Lake Okechobee. 28808 Roosevelt, R. B. Florida, and the game water-birds of the Atlantic coast, etc. 23672 See also Silver spring. Florida, the, Last of ; by E. E. Hale. (In Hale, E. E. The man without a country, etc.) 28201 Flour mills. Neftel, K. Report on flour-milling processes. (U. S. Census Office. 10th census.) 17454 Flower, G. Parton, J. George Flower, pioneer. (//* his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Flower, R. P. Fiske, S. (In Ms Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Flower and weed ; by M. E. Braddon [Maxwell]. 23499 Flower-frog, The, and the flower-girl ; by E. L. P. (In his Elfie, etc.) 23016 Flower girls of Marseilles ; by E. Zola. 29580 Flower, The, of doom ; by M. B. Edwards. 25721 Flower painting. (In Foster, V. Simple lessons in water- color : flowers ; and in V. Foster's Drawing books : ad- vanced studies. *I Naftel, M. Flowers and how to paint them. 27524 Flowers. Allen, C. G. V. Flowers and their pedigrees. 23574 Haweis, Mrs. M. E. Rus in urbe; or, F. that thrive in London and smoky towns. 27039 Language of flowers ; illust. by K. Greeuaway. 25065 Folk-lore. Friend, H. Flowers and flower lore. 2 v. 23943-4 228 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. See also Floriculture. Flowers, fruits, and leaves ; by J. Lubbock. 26544 Flowing bowl, The ; by G. M. Baker. (//; Jus Globe drama.) 25966 Floyd, M. Passages fr. the journal of a social wreck. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 7.) 24220 Floyd- Jones, DeL. tiee Jones, DeL. F. Flueckiger, F. A. The cinchona barks, pharmacognostically considered ; tr. ; with notes, by F. B. Power. Plates, etc. *I "Flying fish," the, Log of ; by H. Collingwood. 28009 Flying machines. Proctor, R. A. (In his Universe, etc.} 24784 Flynn, P. J. Flow of water in open channels ; pipes, sewers, conduits, etc. ; with tables based on the formulae of D'Arcy, Kutter, and Bazin. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 27495 Hydraulic tables for the calculation of the discharge thr. sewers, pipes, * etc.; based on Kutter's formula. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 23425 Fobes, W. K. Five-minute declamations; select, and adapt. 26018 Foes of her household ; by A. M. Douglas. 27287 Fogazzaro, A. Danile Cortis ; tr. by Mrs. I. R. Tilton. (Leis. hr. ser.) 28241 Fogg, W. P. The land of "the Arabian Nights"; Egypt, Arabia, and Persia, to Bagdad. Introd. by B. Taylor. 23066 Fohr, Island of. Black, W. G. Fohr, etc. (In his Heligo- land.) 30831 Folk-lore. Clouston, W. A. Pop. tales, etc., migrations and transformations. 2 v. 27922-3 - Dyer, T. F. T. Folk-lore of plants. 30783 Martinengo-Cesaresco, E. Essays in the study of folk-songs. 26897 Mills. C. De B. The tree of mythology; genesis of the nursery tale, folk-lore, etc. 30441 Scudder, H. E. Book of folk-stories, rewritten. 28687 /See also English folk-lore; Flowers; Greece, Anc.; Greeko-Slavonic literature ; Moon lore ; Pennsylvania; Sea; South. Folk-songs. See Italy. Literature. Folkekalender for Danmark, 1859. 27440 Folle du port, La ; par H. France. (In Contes choisis, no. 13.) 14868 Folle journee, La. See Mariage de Figaro. Folsom, C. F. Relation of our pub. schools to the disorders of the nervous system. (In Mass. Emerg. and Hyg. Assoc. Sixlect.) 25673 Folwell, \V. W. Protective tariffs a question of national econ- omy. (In Shaw, A. The nat. revenues.) 29895 Fontenelle, B. le B. de. Vie de Pierre Corneille. ( In Mas- son, G. Fr. class., v. 1.) 25260 Fontenoy. Henty, G. A. Bonnie Prince Charlie; tale of Fontenoy. 29028 Food. Bell, J. Chemistry of foods, pt. 1, 2. 26222-3 Proctor, R. A. Influence of food on civilization. (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 /See also Adulterations; Cookery ; Domestic economy ; Insects. Foolish virgin, A ; by E. Weed. 23120 Fools. Clouston, W. A. Book of noodles ; stor. of simple- tons. 30576 Fools of nature ; by A. Brown. 23751 Foot, K. B. The frying-pan bonnet. (In Clarke, R. S., and others. A Christmas breeze.) 27385 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 229 (In Stor. by Amer. Foot-ball. Shearman, M. Athletics and football. (Badmin- ton lib.) - and Vincent, J. E. Foot-ball ; its List. Foot-lights ; by J. Hollingshead. Foot-prints in the forest ; by E. S. Ellis. Foot-prints of travel ; by M. M. Ballou. Foote, M. H. Friend Barton's concern. auth., v. 4.) John Bodewin's testimony. For a song's sake ; by P. B. Marston. For a woman ; by N. Perry. For faith and freedom ; by W. Besant. For fifteen years ; by L. Ulbach. For God and gold ; by J . Corbett. For Maimie's sake ; by G. Allen. For name and fame ; by G. A. Henty. For sceptre and crown ; [by] G. Samarow [J. F. M. O. Med- ing] . 2 v. For the Major ; by C. F. Woolson. For the right; by K. E. Franzos. Forbes, A. Insulinde ; a naturalist's wife in the Eastern Ar- chipelago. Forbes, A. Chinese Gordon ; succinct record of his life. The Prince of Wales at home; End of Louis Napoleon; The Czar, Alexander II., in the field, 1877. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) Souvenirs of some continents. Contents. Skobeleff. How I became a war correspondent. The Em- peror and his marshal. Social Australia. Macgahan, the Amur, war correspondent. Where was Villiers? Wolseley; a character sketch. The American gentleman with the moist eye. Interviewed by an empe- ror. Some society aspects of America. Doughtown scrip. A poet waif. Christmastide in the Khyber pass. AVilliam of Germany; biography ; [completed by J. P. Jackson]. Forbes, D. Omond, G. W. T. (In his Lord adv. of Scot- land, v. 1.) Forbes, H. O. A naturalist's wanderings in the East. Archi- pelago. Illust. 25493 Forbes, R. B. Discursive sketch of yachting forty years ago. 29677 The loss of the Oregon. 26531 Notes on ships of the past. 27369 Forbes, S. R. Rambles in Rome ; archaeological and hist. guide to museums, antiquities, etc. Maps, etc. 24715 Forbes- Leith, W. See Leith, W. F. Forbes-Robertson, J. See Robertson, J. F. Force, M. F. Marching across Carolina ; Pers. recol. of the Vicksburg campaign. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) Whittlesey, C. (In his War mem.) Force, P. Parton, J. Peter Force, printer. (In his Capt. of iud.) Force. Carpenter, W. L. Energy in nature. Lanza, G. Composition and resolution of forces. (In his Appl. mech.) McCosh,J. Energy; efficient and final cause. - /Same. (In his Realism defended, v. 1.) Forced acquaintances ; by E. Robinson. *I 25604 23697 26984 30773 24217 26530 28802 25753 30620 29827 29134 26135 28041 30277-8 22985 29679 29603 23918 25675 25661 29308 23590 29463 23674 24420 23663 28926 23670 27771 27792 230 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ford, H. Theory and pract. of archery. New ed., rev. and re-written by W. Butt. 29480 Ford, W. C. The standard silver dollar, and the coinage law of 1878. (Econom. tracts.) 19170 Forde, G. In the old palazzo. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 27201 Fore and aft ; by R. B. Dixon. 23094 Foreign countries and British colonies. See Pulling, F. S. Forensic facts and fallacies ; by S. E. Williams. 25881 "Forest and Stream" series ; namely : Dawson, G. Angling talks. 26419 Shore birds. 26279 Forest outlaws ; by E. Gilliat. 27297 Forest runes ; by G. W. Sears. 28607 Forest soughs, The ; by V. Korolenko. (In his Vagrant, etc.) 28970 Forestry and Forests. Anders, J. M. Sanitary infl. of forest-growth. (In his House-pi ants, etc.) 23634 Brown, J. C. Forests and moisture; effects of F. on humidity of cli- mate. 24345 Introd. to the study of mod. forest economy. 24346 Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry and forest products. 26265 See also England ; Europe ; Finland ; Germany ; Great Britain ; Lithuania; Norway; Poland; Russia; Spain. School of Forest Engineers ; Trees ; Ukraine ; U. S. Forging the fetters, etc.; by Mrs. Alexander [A. F. Hector]. 28310 Forgotten meanings. See Eng. lang. Etymology. Formosa. Guillemard, F. H. H. (In his Cruise of the Mar- chesa.) *I Forney, M. L. Locomotives and locomotive building in Amer. ; with hist, of the Rogers Loc. and Mac. Works, Paterson, N. J. 27691 Forrest, E. Alger, W. R. Life of F. 2 v. *I Barrett, L. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 Forster, W. E. Reid, T. W. Life of F. 2 v. 30485-6 Forster. See Foster. Forster family. The Fisons and Forsters of Burley-in- Wharf e- dale. (In Fortunes made in business, v. 1.) 24000 Forsyth, Sir (T.) D. Autobiography and reminiscences; ed. by his daughter. 29746 Fort, G. F. Grit. inq. into the cond. of the conventual build- ers, and their rel. to secular guilds in the Middle Ages. 24363 Fort Philip Kearney Massacre. Carrington, H. B. (In his Ind. ques.) 24453 Forth Bridge, Firth of Forth, Scotland. Middleton, R. E. Triangulation and measurements. 28567 Fortifications. Lloyd, E. M. Modern forts. (In his Vau- ban, etc.) 28064 Maguire, E. Attack and defence of coast fortifications. 24640 Wheeler, J. B. Elements of field F. for the U. S. Military Acad., West Point. 24056 See also U. S. 44th Mass. Regimental Association. Record of the service of the 44th Mass. Vol. Militia in No. Carolina, Aug. 1862- May 1883. '*! Fortnight, A, in heaven ; by H. Brydges. 27183 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 231 Forts. For Forts see the name of each fort, as Monroe, Fort. Fortunate misfortune, A ; by S. Coolidge [S C. Woolsey]. (In Yule tide.) 24823 Fortune, T. T. Black and white ; land, labor, and politics in the South. (Amer. quest.) 24747 Fortune's fool ; by J. Hawthorne. 23165 Fortune's wheel ; by A. I. Shand. 26552 Fortunes and fate of little Spangle. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 Fortunes made in business ; original sketches. 2 v. 24000-1 Contents. V. 1. The story of I. Holden. Mr. S. C. Lister and the story of "silk waste." The Low Moor Company. J. Mason. The ro- mance of invention; H. Bessemer. J. Brown. The Salts, and the discov. of alpaca. The Peases of Darlington. The Fisons and Forsters of Burley-in-Wharfedale. The Fieldens of Todmorden. 2. The Fos- ters of Queensbury. Hornby Castle. Fortunes of the Gladstone fam- ily. Fortunes of the Bright family. The Fairbairns of Manchester and Leeds. Revolutions of industry; W. H. Perkins. Cunard Steamship Co. Messrs. Thomas Wilson, Sons & Co. Messrs. Bass and the Burton breweries. Fortunes, The, of Rachel ; by E. E. Hale. 24187 Fortunes of the Faradays, by A. M. Douglas. 28870 Fortunina, La ; by Mrs. C. Carr. 3 v. 35100-3 '49 ; the gold seeker of the Sierras ; by J. Miller. 24578 Forum magazine. The "How I was educated" papers and Denominational "Confessions." (The college and the church.) 28268 Contents. Pt. 1. "How I was educated" papers [by] E.E. Hale; T. W. Higginson; F. A. P. Barnard; J. H. Vincent; W. T. Harris; S. C. Bartlett; J. R. Kendrick ; T. Dwight; E. G. Robinson; J. B. Angell ; A. J. White. 2. Confessions. Foscolo, N. U. Howells, W. D. (In his Mod. Ital. poets.) 28782 Fosdick, C. A. (pseud. H. Castlemon.) Frank among the rancheros. 12857 Frank in the mountains. 12856 George at the fort. 28299 Joe Wayring at ho me ; or, Adventures of a fly-rod. 26986 Our fellows ; or, Skirmishes with the swamp dragoons. 28124 Rod and gun series ; namely: Don Gordon's shooting-box. 23160 The rod and gun club. 23887 The young wild-fowlers. 27294 Snagged and sunk ; adv. of a canvas canoe. 30102 The steel horse ; rambles of a bicycle. 30410 Foster, D. The scientific angler; comp. by his sons. Illust. *I Foster, E. Abraham Lincoln. (The world's workers.) 25811 Foster, E. Report of the comm. on compulsory vaccination. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Foster, F. H. Seminary method of orig. study in the historical sciences, illust. fr. church history. 29678 Foster, F. K. Shoemakers in the movement. ( In McNeill, G. E. Labor movement.) 27651 Foster, G. E. Se-quo-yah, the American Cadmus and mod. Moses. Illust. 26423 Foster, Mrs. I. H. (pseud. F. Huntington.) Transformed. 26328 Foster, J. and W. The Fosters of Queensbury. (In For- tunes made in business, v. 2.) 24001 232 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Foster, J. E. The crime against Ireland; pref. by J. B. O'Reilly. 29309 Foster, M. Text book of physiology; rev. Pt. 1. 30411 Foster, R. Taxation of the elevated railroads in N. Y. (Quest, of the day.) 24881 Foster, 8. S. Pillsbury, P. Sketch of F. (In his Acts, etc.) 23557 Foster, V. Painting for beginners ; namely : 1st stage; facsimiles of orig, stud, by J. Callow. *I 2d stage, teaching the use of seven colors; facsimiles of drawings, by J. Callow, etc.; with instr. *I Simple lessons in water color; namely : Flowers; facsimiles of orig. drawings. *I Landscape ; facsimiles of orig. drawings, etc. *I Marine ; facsimiles of sketches by E. Duncan. *I Vere Foster's Drawing-books; namely : Advanced studies of flower-painting in water colors; drawings by A. Hanbury and other artists ; instructions and description of each flower by B. Hanbury. *I Needham, J. Studies of trees in pencil and in water colors. 2 ser. 2 v. *I Richardson, T. M., and others. Sketches in water colors. *I Vere Foster's water color series; namely : Lessons in the art of illuminating; with pract. instruct, and sketch of the hist, of the art, by W. J. Loftie. *I Foster, W. See Foster, J. Foster, W. E. References to the hist, of presidential adminis- trations, 1789-1885. (Econom. tr.) 25547 Town government in R. I. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 4.) *I - Use of a pub. library in the study of hist. (In Hall, Or. S. Methods, etc.) 25152 - The young writer's use of a library. (In Bancroft, T. W. Methods, etc.) 242G7 Foster. See Forster. Fothergill, J. Borderland ; a country-town chronicle. (Leis. hr. ser.) 27826 From Moor Isles. (Leis. hr. ser.) 30785 The lasses of Leverhouse. (Leis. hr. ser.) 29803 Peril. (Leis. hr. ser.) 24748 Fothergill, J. Crosfield, G. Life and travels of F. (In his Mem. of S. Fothergill.) 23511 Fothergill, J. M., M.D. The diseases of sedentary and adv. life. 26667 - The will power; its range in action. 26583 Fothergill, S. Crosfield, G. Memoirs of the life, etc., of F. ; with correspondence. 23511 Fotheringham, J. Studies in the poetry of Robert Browning. 29370 Foucquet. See Fouquet. Foudras, T. L. A., marquis de, and Montepin, X. de. Mar- quien. 27413 Foulke, W. D. Slav or Saxon ; study of the growth and ten- dencies of Russian civilization. (Quest, of the day.) 28932 Foundation, The, of death; study of the drink-question; by A. Gustafson. 24837 Foundations. Powell, G. T. Foundations and foundation walls ; added, Treat, on F. by F. Bauman. 24379 Founding. Hasluck, P. N. Pattern maker's handybook. 29608 Kirk, E. The founding of metals; pract. treat. 27131 Mulliu, J. P. Modern moulding and pattern-making; pract. treat 270!>1 Fouquet or Foucquet, N., vicomte de Mclun et de Vaux, marquis de Belle-Isle. Shelton, F. W. Fouquet, the magnificent. (Monograph, no. 20.) 23818 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 233 (In her Last evening, etc,} C H. Hinton. (In his (In his Four, and what they did ; by H. Campbell. Four feet, two feet, and no feet ; by L. E. Richards. Four Macnicols, The ; by W. Black. Four Macnicols, The ; by W. Black. (In his Adv. in Thule.) Four meetings ; by H. James. ( With hi* Author of Bel traffic. ) Four winds farm ; by Mrs. Molesworth. Fourberies de Scapin, Les ; comedie ; par Moliere. (In Masson, G. Fr. class., v. 3.) Fourier, F. C. M. Ely, R. T. Fourier. (In hi* Fr. and Germ, socialism.) Peabody, E. P. Fourierism. Fourth dimension, What is the? by Scientific romances.) Fowler, F. Drawing in charcoal and crayon, for students and schools; [plates]. 2 v. Oil painting; handbook for students and schools. Fowler, R, N. Ritchie, J. E. The Lord Mayor. Fam. city men.) Fowler, T. Progressive morality ; essay in ethics. Fowler, W. W. Tales of the birds. Illust. Fowling. Leffingwell, W. B. Wild fowl shooting. Fox, Rt. Hon. C. J. Adams, C. K. (In his Representative Brit, orations, v. 2.) Althaus, F. C. J. Fox. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 3.) Lodge, H. C. Early days of Fox. (In his Studies.) Fox, F. How to send a boy to sea. Fox, G. Selections fr. the epistles of F. : by S. Tukr. Axon, W. E. A. George Fox's first entry into Lancashire. ( In his Lane, glean.) Bickley, A. C. George Fox and the early Quakers. Murray, R. S. Valiant for the truth ; memorials of F. Fox, H. R., L.^ - Richardson, C. F. (In his Amer. literature, v. 1.) 27339 Stebbing, W. An American revolutionist, etc. (In his Some verd. of hist.) 28582 - Tomkinson, E. M. Benjamin Franklin. 26518 Wright, H. C. Franklin and the identity of lightning and electricity. (In her Children's stor.) 30384 Franklin, Sir J. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 M'Cormick, R. Voyage in search of F. (In his Voyages, etc., v. 2.) *I Franklin, Lady J. (G.). Parton, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Franklin Square Song Collection. See McCaskey, J. P. Franklyn, H. B. Great battles of 1870, and blockade of Metz. 28706 Franklyn, H. M. The unit of imperial federation ; solution of the problem. 28025 Fransk-Tyska Kriget, 1870-71 ; kronologisk ofversigt af hiin- delserna if ran krigsforklaringen intill fredsslutet. 15085 Franzos, K. E. For the right ; Eng. by J. Sutter. Pref . by G. Macdonald. 29679 Pauvre Moschko ; tr. de L. de Hessem. 14710 Der Shylock von Barnow; Nach dem hoheren Gesetz. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 1.) 16519 Fraser, J., Bp. of Manchester. Harrison, M. Bishop Fraser. (In Ewart, H. C. Leaders, etc.) . 30632 Hughes, T. James Fraser; memoir, 1818-1885. 27833 Fraser. See Frazer. Fraternity ; a romance. 29904 Frau Wilhelmine ; Buchholz family ; by J. Stinde. 28824 Frazer, D. Perseverance Island ; or, The Robinson Crusoe of the 19th cent. Illust. 24569 Frazer, J. G. Totemism. 29747 Frechette, L. H. Bender, P. (In his Literary sheaves.) 24137 Frederic I. ( Barbarossa) , Emp. of Germany. Taylor, B. Le- gend of F. (Monograph, no. 25.) 23818 Frederic II., The Great. - Brackenbury, C. B. Frederick the Great. (New Plutarch.) 23662 Broglie, A., due de. Frederick and Maria Theresa. 2 v. 28020-1 - Brooks, E. S. Frederick of Hohenstaufen. (In his Hist, boys.) 25969 Dodge, T. A. Frederic. (In his Gt. capt.) 30629 Farmer, L. H. (In her Boys' book.) 27081 Freytag, G. (In his Pict. of Germ, life, ser. 2.) *I Grimm, H. Voltaire and F. ; Frederick the Great and Macaulay. (In his Lit.) 26534 - Kingston, T. L. O. History of F. 2 v. 28412-13 Philippson, M. (In Gottschall. R. von. Der neue Plutarch, v. 11.) 16306 Tuttle, H. History of Prussia under F., 1740-1756. 2 v. 29164-5 Frederic William IV., King of Prussia, d. 1861. Flathe, T. (Irt, Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 12.) 16307 Frederic William, The Great Elector. Erdmannsdoerffer, B. Der grosse Kurfurst. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plu- tarch, v. 6.) 16301 Frederic William Nicholas Charles, Crown Prince of Prussia and Germany ; afterwards King of P. and Emp. of Ger- many. The Crown Prince of Germany ; a diary. 27609 Gerhardt, E., and others. Case of F., off. repts. 30385 Roberts, D. (In his Two royal lives.) 28435 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 239 Rodd, R. Frederick, Crown Prince and Emperor; biog. sketch. 30554 Frederic, H. Brother Sebastian's friendship. (In Stor. by Am. auth.. v. 6.) 24219 Seth's brother's wife ; life in New York. 28769 Frederica, Queen of Sweden. Drottning Fredrika af Sverige ; memoirer fran hennes lefnad och hennes tid ; af en hof- dame. 15090 Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Markgrafin von Baireuth. Horn, G. The Margravine of Baireuth and Voltaire ; [with cor- respondence]. 29922 Memoirs, tr. and ed. by Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein ; with portr. 28636 Frederick I., Ki)ig of Sweden. Topelius, Z. Times of F. (Surgeon's stories.) 23805 Frederick Hazzleden ; by H. Westbury. 28691 Fredericksbmg, Va. The Campaign of F., 1862; study for officers of volunteers. 28093 Fredericq, P. Study of hist, in Eng. and Scotland. (In J. Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 5.) *I Frederiksen, K. Denmark. (In Stanton, T. The woman quest.) 24053 Fredlose, Den ; samt Arf vet ; ofversattning. 15160 Free Joe ; Georgian sketches ; by J. C. Harris. 28876 Free thought. Pearson, K., ed. Ethic of free thought ; es- says and lectures. 30039 See also Intellectual liberty. Free trade. Works in favor of free trade. Blair, L. H. Unwise laws; operations of a protect, tariff. 27177 Clarke, C. B. Universal free trade; Free trade in railways. (In his Speculations.) 27186 Ely, R. T. Problems of to-day ; discussion of protect, tariffs. 29799 George, H. Protection or free trade ; tariff quest, with espec. regard to the interests of labour. 27038 Hale, E. E. Tom Torrey's tariff talks. 30105 -Kurd, F. H. A tariff for revenue only; [speech] 1881. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orat., v. 3.) 24997 Kay. J. Free trade in land. 240S7 Pidgeon, D. Labour, wages, and the tariff. (In his Old world quest.) 25082 Rathbone, W. Protection and communism; effects of Amer. tariff upon wages. 24641 Sumner, W. G. The argument against protect, taxes. (In his Coll. ess.) 25525 - Lectures on the hist, of protection in the U. S. 23403 Protectionism the ism which teaches that waste makes wealth. 25849 Trumbull, M. M. The American lesson of the free trade struggle in Eng. 25201 Wells, D. A. The "Foreign competitive pauper-labor" argument for protection. (In his Pract. economics.) 25854 Works in favor of protection. Byles, J. B. Sophisms of free trade and pop. polit. econ. examined. 25185 Clay, H. On the American system; [speech] 1832. (In Johnston, A. Rep. Amer. orat., v. 3.) 24997 - Hoyt, H. M. Protection versus free trade ; the scientific validity and economic operation of defensive duties in the U. S. 26081 Porter, R. P. Protection and free trade to-day at home and abroad. 24423 Roberts, E. H. Government revenue, especially the Amer. system. 23893 Taussig, F. W. Protection to young industries as appl. in the U. S. 23803 - Thompson, R. E. Defence of the protective policy. (In Shaw, A. The nat. rev.) 29895 Protection to home industry; lect., 1885. 26358 Walker, J. H. Moral aspect of a protect, tariff; how it helps the wage worker and farmer ; addr. 20115 See also U. S. Tariff; U. S. Political Economy. 240 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Free will. See Liberty of the will. Freedmen. Cable, G. W. The freedman's case in equity; ( With his Silent South.) 25971 Freedom, The, of faith ; [sermons] ; by T. T. Hunger. 23053 Freeman, A. E., now Mrs. Palmer. See Palmer, A. E. F. Freeman, E. A. The chief periods of European hist. ; lect., 1885 ; with essay on Greek cities under Roman rule. 27391 Exeter. (Historic towns.) 27704 Four Oxford lectures, 1887: Fifty years of European history; Teu- tonic conquest in Gaul and Britain. 29874 France ; its growth and consolidation. (Monograph, no. 1.) 23818 Greater Greece and Greater Britain ; and George Washington the ex- pander of Eng.; lect., with app. 26668 Introduction to Amer. institutional hist. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 1.) *I Methods of hist, study; lect., 1884; with The office of the hist, professor. 26941 The office of the hist, professor; lect., 1884. 24987 Same. ( With his Methods of hist, study.) 26941 Race and language. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 3.) 23202 William the Conqueror. (Twelve Eug. statesmen.) 29310 and Hunt, W., eds. Historic towns; namely : Boase, C. W. Oxford. 28209 Burrows, M. Cinque ports. 30159 Creighton. M. Carlisle. 30838 Cutts, E. L. Colchester. 29593 Freeman, E. A. Exeter. 27704 Hunt, W. Bristol. 27889 Loftie, W. J. London. 27523 Freeman, J. Lights and shadows of Melbourne life. 29748 Freeman, J. E. Gatherings fr. an artist's portfolio in Rome, 1883. 23272 Freemantle, W. H. The world as the subject of redemption. (Bamptonlect., 1883.) 25420 Freemasons. Fort, G. F. Critical inq. into the cond. of the conventual builders, and their rel. to secular guilds in the Middle Ages. 24363 King, C. W. (In his Gnostics, etc.) *I Freer, M. W. (afterwards Mrs. Robinson). Henry III., King of France and Poland; his court and times. 3 v. 3041416 Freiligrath-Kroeker, K. Alice thro' the looking-glass ; and other fairy plays for children. 23273 Freitas, R. de. Portugal. (In Stanton, T. The woman quest.) 24053 Fremont, J. (B.) Biographical sk. of Senator Benton. (In Fremont, J. C. Memoirs, v. 1.) 27620 Souvenirs of my time. Illust. 28125 Fremont, J. C. Memoirs of my life ; a restrospect of mod. Amer. hist. ; with Sk. of Senator Benton, by J. B. Fre"- mont. Illust. Vol. 1. 27620 French, A. (pseud. Octave Thanet.) The bishop's vagabond. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 7.) 24220 Same. (In her Knitters in the sun.) 28872 Knitters in the sun. 28872 Contents,. The ogre of Ha Ha Bay. The bishop's vagabond. Mrs. Finlay's Elizabethan chair. Father Qiiinnailon's convert. A communist's wife. Schopenhauer on Lake Pepin. "Ma' Bowlin." Half a curse. Whitsun Harp, regulator. French, G. H. The butterflies of the eastern U. S. 26533 French, H. W. The only one. 23888 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 241 Our boys in China; wrecked in the China sea, with adv. in China. Illust. 23274 French prisoners, The ; by E. Bertz. 24721 French speculation, A ; by M. Majendie. (Inker Once more.) 24254 Frere, Sir H. B. E. Laurie, W. F. B. Sir Bartle Frere. (In /ws Sketches.) 30596 Temple, K. Memoir of F. (In his Cosmopolitan essays.) 27601 Frere, J. H., joint author. See Canning, G. Freres Colombe, Les ; par G. de Peyrebrune. (Contes choisis.) 14867 Fresco. See Mural decoration. Frescoes, etc. ; dramatic sketches ; by Ouida [L. de la Rame]. 23558 Fresh bait for fishers of men ; by F. B. Makepeace and others. 27773 Fresh fields ; by J. Burroughs. 24727 Frey, A. Heriwalt of Vineta. (In Safford, M. J. Christ. country.) 27095 Freycinet, C. L. de S. Depasse, H. Charles de Freycinet. (In Daudet, E. Fr. celeb.) 23151 Frey tag, G. Pictures of German life ; tr. by Mrs. Malcolm. Ser. 2. 2 v. in 1. *I Contents. V. 1. Introduction. Life of the German peasant, 1240- 1790. Wernher the gardener. Narrative of young Helmbrecht. Garve, C. Description of the German peasant. Life of the lower nobility, 1500- 1800. Winckler, P. Description of the [country nobles and Krippen- reiters] fr. "The nobleman." The German citizen and his shooting festi- vals, 1300-1800. Kundmann. Description of the Breslau Konigschiessens of 1738. The state policy and the individual, 1600-1700. Characteristics of the state system, in a flying sheet of 1678. Die "Stilleu im Lande," or Pietists, 1600-1700. Petersen, J. E. Narrative. Petersen, J. W. Nar- rative. Sernler, J. S. Lamentations of the student, E. J. Semler. The dawning of light, 1750. Semler, J. S. Narrative. Letter fr. a bride to a bridegroom m 1750. 2. Away fr. the garrison, 1700. Braecker, U. Narrative of a Prussian deserter. State of Frederic the Great, 1700. Frederic. Extracts fr. his letters, 1757-1762. Of the years of tuition of the German citizen, 1790. Haupt, E. F. Account of his childhood. The period of ruin, 1800. Sethe, C. W. H. Narrative of the years 1806- 1807. Eise of the nation, 1807-1815. Illness and recovery, 1815-1848. Mathy, K. Description of a village school. Conclusion. Friction. Thurston, R. H. Treatise on F. and lost work in machinery and mill work. 26024 Fridolin's mystical marriage ; by A. Wilbrandt. 24600 Friedensburg, W. Maria Stuart. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 12.) 16307 Friedmann, P. Anne Boleyn ; chapt. of Eng. history. 2 v. 24906-7 Friedrich. For names of sovereigns see Frederic. Friedrich, B. H. (pseud. Golo Raimund.) A hard heart; [tr.] by S. H. 24285 Sought and found ; tr. by A. S. Buckley. 30636 Friedrichs, C. Hand-book of Greek and Roman sculpture ; principally fr. the "Bausteine" of F. ; by D. C. Eaton. 24402 Friend, H. Flowers and flower lore. Illust. 2 v. 23943-4 Friend Barton's concern ; by M. H. Foote. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 4.) 24217 Friendly societies. Baernreither, J. M. Friendly societies. (In his Brit. Assoc.) 30829 Friendly Society Movement. Wilkinson, J. F. The Friendly Soc. Movement ; origin, rise, growth, etc. 27067 242 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Friends, Society of. Adams, B. (In his Emancipation of Mass.) 27370 Barclay, R. Treatise on ch. government; apology for the Quakers. *I Views of Christ, doct. held by the society ; passages fr. B.'s Apology. 23508 Bickley, A. C. George Fox and the early Quakers. 24656 - Hallowell, R. P. The pioneer Quakers. 27394 Murray, R. S. Valiant for the truth ; mem. of George Fox and the early F. 23516 Phelps, A. Massachusetts and the Quakers. (In his My study, etc.) 26445 Social hours with Friends; [comp. by M. S. Wood]. 23518 History. Bancroft, S. C. Report of the proceedings in the case of O. Earle and others, in equity, against VV. Wood and others. *I - Wall, 0. A. Historical essay; the Puritans versus the Quakers; rev. of persecutions of early Quakers in Mass. 18325 Friends and foes fr. fairy land ; by Lord Brabourne [E. H. K. Hugessen]. 25934 Friesland. Black, W. G. Heligoland and the Is. of the No. Sea. 30831 Frieze, H. S. Giovanni Dupre* ; with dialogues on art, fr. the Italian of A. Conti. 27144 Friis, J. A. Lajla ; a tale of Finmark ; tr. by I. Markhus. 29834 Frisia. See Friesland. Frith, H. Guide to the study of graphology ; with explau. of some of the mysteries of handwriting. Illust. 27562 In the brave days of old ; story of the crusades. 25829 Jack O' Lanthorn; tale of adventure. Illust. 28026 Search for the talisman ; adventure in Labrador. Illust. 28027 and Allen, E. H. Chiromancy; or, The science of palmistry; principles and practice. Illust. 23694 Frith, I. Life of Giordano Bruno, the Nolan ; rev. by M. Carriere. 30321 Frith, W. P. My autobiography and reminiscences. 3 v. 29371-2; 30504 Fritz ; by F. Hoffman. 28202 Frobisher, &ir M. Bourne, H. R. F. Frobisher's three voy- ages in the direction of Cathay. (In his Eng. seamen.) 29739 Froebel, F. The education of man ; tr. by J. Jarvis. 25494 Page, A. L. Frobel; the man and his work. (In Page, A. L., and others. The Kindergarten.) 28809 Peabody, E. P. Plea for F.'s kindergarten, as the primary art school. (In her Last evening, etc.) 27355 Frog. Marshall, A. M. The frog ; introd. to anatomy and histology. 22896 From death to life ; by C. Kiugsley. 27834 From flag to flag ; by E. McH. Ripley. 30552 From generation to generation ; by A. Noel. 24529 From grave to gay ; select, fr. the poems of H. C. Pennell. 24863 From keel to truck ; diet, of naval terms ; by H. Paasch. 29624 From lands of exile ; by J. Loti [P. Viaud]. 29900 From Lincoln to Cleveland ; and other studies in history, etc. 30125 From Moor Isles ; by J. Fothergill. 30785 From my youth up ; by M. Haiiand [M. V. Terhune]. 13354 From outside the world; by Mrs. W. K. Clifford. (In her Anyhow stor.) 23148 From Ponkapog to Pesth ; by T. B. Aldrich. 22849 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 243 From Portlaw to Paradise ; by F. M. Allen. (In his Thr. green glasses.) 29130 From post to finish ; by H. Smart. 25198 From powder monkey to admiral ; by W. H. G-. Kingston. 23428 From schola to cathedral ; by G. B. Brown. 27866 From tannery to the White house ; by W. M. Thayer. 26736 From the forecastle to the cabin ; by S. Samuels. * 27793 From the ranks ; by C. King. ( With his Deserter.) 29546 Fromentin, E. Gonse, L. Eugene Fromentin ; tr. by M. C. Robbins. *I Fronde. Perkins, J. B. Parliament and the beginning of the Fronde. (In his France under Mazarin.) 2 v. 27226-7 Frontiere de Savoie, La ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, se"r. 2, v. 27.) *I Frost, A. B. Stuff and nonsense. *I Frost, T. Reminiscences of a country journalist. 28028 Frost. Campbell, J. F. Frost and fire, natural engines, etc. 2 v. 27800-1 Frothingham, O. B. Biographical sketch. (In Wasson, D. A. Essays.) 3082S Memoir of William H. Charming. 27202 Buchanan, R. Free thought in America: O. Frothingham. (In his Look round literature.) 28005 Froude, J. A. The English in the West Indies ; or, The bow of Ulysses. Illust. 29074 Luther; a short biography. 23535 Oceana; or, England and her colonies. 26319 The science of history. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 3.) 23202 Thomas Carlyle ; his life in London. 2 v. in 1. 24475 Harrison, F. Froude's Life of Carlyle. (In his Choice of books, etc.) 26324 Frozen dragon, A ; by C. F. Holder. 30530 Frozen pirate, The ; by W. C. Russell. 30743 Fruit and Fruit trees. Strong, W. C. Fruit culture and the laying out and management of a country home. 25246 See also Apples ; Florida; U. S. Dept. of State. Reports of consuls. Fry, E. (G.) Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.) 26916 Corder, S. Life of F.; comp. fr. her journal, etc. 23514 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Pitman, Mrs. E. R. Elizabeth Fry. (Fam. women ser.) 24066 Fry, J. B., Gen. Killed by a brother soldier; chapt. in the history of the war. (Military monographs.) 26016 McDowell and Tyler in the campaign of Bull Run, 1861. 24275 New York and the conscription of 1863. 25495 Operations of the army under Buell, 1862; and the "Buell Commission." 24408 Frye, A. E. The child of nature ; or, Geography teaching with sand modelling. (Amer. pedagog ser.). ' 29533 Frying-pan bonnet, The ; by K. B. Foot. (In Clarke, R. S., and others. A Christmas breeze, etc.) 27385 Fuel. Schwackhofer, F. Fuel and water ; manual. 23974 See also Air. Also Petroleum. Fugitives, The ; by R. M. Ballantyne. 28858 Fuller, A. S. Practical forestry ; treat, on the indigenous trees of the U. S. ; with notes on a number of the exotic species. Illust. 24276 244 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fuller, E. Fellow travellers. 2G634 Fuller, J. W. Our Kirby Smith. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Fuller, S. M., afterwards Ossoli. See Ossoli. Fuller, W. G. The corps of telegraphers under A. Stager dur. the war of the rebellion. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Fullerton, Lady G. C. (L. G.) Halvsostrene. 2 Dele. 27414-15 Fullerton, G. S. The conception of the infinite, and the solu- tion of the mathematical antinomies ; study in psycho- logical analysis. 28186 Fulton, R. Hale, E. E. , (In his Lights of two cent., and in his Stor. of invent.) 28744 ; 25539 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Knox, T. W. Life of F., and history of steam navigation. 26926 Funds. See Finance. Fundy, Bay of. Deming, C. The giant tides of Fundy. (In his Byways.) 23664 Fungi. See Bacteria ; Mould ; Mycetozoa. Furness, H. EL, ed. New variorum ed. of Shakespeare. V. 7. *I Furness, W. H. The story of the resurrection of Christ told once more ; with rem. upon [his] character, etc. 25192 Verses ; translations fr. the German, and hymns. 26147 Furniture. Bunce, O. B. My house ; an ideal. 23760 Cook, C. The house beautiful ; essays on beds and tables, stools and candlesticks. 27111 Co-operative Building Plan Assoc. How to build, furnish, and decorate. *I See also Cabinet work; Upholstery. Furnivall, F. J. Morgan, A. The Donnelly and Prior ciphers, and the Furnivall verse-tests. (In his Shakespeare in fact, etc.) 29098 Furugaard ; by I. Ring. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Fusco, E. Phillimore, C. M. (In her Studies.) 28075 Fush, pseud. Won at West Point ; romance on the Hudson. 24805 Fusinato, A. Howells, W. D. (In his Mod. Ital. poets.) 28872 Future life. Cremer, H. Beyond the grave. 26070 Eaton, A. W. The future life. (In his Heart of the creeds.) 30316 -Hppps, J. P. The future life. 25301 Kingsley, C. From death to life; fragments of teaching to a village con- gregalion; with letters on the life after death. 27834 Morris, E. D. Is there salvation after death? treat, on the Gospel in the intermediate state. 28806 Nordhoff, C. God and the future life. 2b395 Plumptre, E. H. The spirits in prison; and other studies on the life af- ter death. 25405 Shedd, W. G. T. Eschatology. (In his Dogmatic theology, v. 2.) 30459 See also Future punishment; Hell; Immortality; Intermediate state ; Purgatory ; Probation. Future punishment. Barrows, S. J. The doom of the majority of mankind. 22959 Shedd, W. G. T. The doctrine of endless punishment. 26353 Fyffe, C. A. History of modern Europe. Vol. 2 : 1814-1848. 20159 The universities. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Q. Victoria, v. 2.) 28715 Fytche, A. Laurie, W. F. B. Maj.-Gen. A. Fytche. (In his Sketches.) 30596 Gaboriau, E. The mystery of Orcival (Le crime d'Orcival). 10043 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 245 Gabriel (a slave). Higginson, T. W. Gabriel's defeat. (In fcfc Travellers.) 30479 Gabrielle ; come'die, par E. Augier. (In his Theatre, v. 1.) 14776 Gabrielli, C. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 1.) 29598 Gagnebin, , Mme. A happy find ; tr. by E. V.Lee. 30889 Gadow, H. How a bird flies ; How a fish swims. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Gage, A. P. Text-book on the elements of physics. 26424 Gage, C. S. Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 9.) 24222 Gage, W. L. Hints fr. Germany. (In Makepeace, F. B., and others. Fresh bait.) 27773 A leisurely journey. 23749 Light in darkness ; or, Christ disc, in his true character by a Unitarian. 14075 Verses. 14076 joint author. See Hyde, A. Gage, Mrs. W. L. Helen on her travels ; Europe. 21985 Gage, The, of a princess ; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Chivalric days.) 27180 Gagnon, E. Chansons populaires du Canada ; avec annota- tions, etc. *I Gaillard, J. D. French orthoepy ; accurate French pronun- ciation. Gaines, G. The boy chicken. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) Galbraith, E. Composition in the school-room. Galdos, Perez. See Perez Galdos, B. Gale, E. C. Hints on dress. (In Amer. home book.) Galen. Philipp, pseud. See Lange, P. Galilee. Merrill, S. Galilee in the time of Christ. Gallaudet ; founder of Galilei, G. Renan, J. E. A word upon the trial of G. (In his Studies.) Wright, H. C. Galileo and the wonders. of the telescope. (In her Chil- dren's stor.) Galitzinor Gallitzin, D. A. Brownson, S. M. Life of G. Gallant fight, A ; by M. Harland [M. V. H. Terhune]. Gallatin, A. Lodge, H. C. (In his Studies.) Stevens, J. A. (Amer. statesmen.) Gallaudet, E. M. Life of T. H deaf-mute instr. in Amer. Gallaudet, T. H. Gallaudet, E. M. Gallenga, A. (pseud. L. Mariotti.) life ; Amer. and Eng. experiences. Italy, present and future. 2 v. Galletti di Cadilhac, Mme. M. (C.) Gallitzin. See Galitzin. Gallwey, Sir R. P. , joint author. See Grey, T. de. Galton, A. Character and times of Thomas Cromwell. English prose, fr. Maundeville to Thackeray. Urbana scripta ; stud, of poets ; and other essays. Contents. English poetry in 1885. Lord Tennyson. Mr. Browning. Mr. M. Arnold. Mr. Swinburne. Mr. W. Morris. Antonio, the mer- chant of Venice. An overlooked characteristic of the play of " Julius Caesar." Mark Pattison. Horace Walpole. 24908 27342 26148 25640 27582 27950 30384 24894 30373 23785 23187 29534 29534 Life of G. Episodes of my second 24749 28554-5 Our home by the Adriatic. 27700 29373 30217 25728 246 FREE PUBLIC LIBRAKY. Galton, D. Warming and ventilation. (In Murphy, S. F. Our homes.) 24196 Galton, F. Hereditary genius ; its laws and consequences ; new and rev. ed.., with Amer. pref. 23161 Inquiries into human faculty and its development. 22970 Natural inheritance. 30786 Galvani, L. Brennan, M. S. Sketch of G. (In his Pop. expos.) 25026 Galvanism. Brennan, M. S. (In his Pop. expos, of electric- ity.) 25026 Galvanoplasty. See Electro-metallurgy. Gambetta, L. M. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Depasee, H. Leon Gambetta. (In Daudet, E. French celeb.) 23151 Gamble, S. G. Dangerous structures. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 11.) *I Gambler's luck ; by E. T. W. Hoffman. (In his Weird tales, v. 2.) 24847 Gambling. Chaney, G. L. Business and morals. (In his Every-day life.) 24728 Game- Carnegie, W. Practical G. preserving ; direct, for rearing and preserving G-., etc. 24660 Roosevelt, R. B. Game water-birds of the Atlantic coast and the lakes of the U. S. (In his Florida, etc.) 23672 See also Hunting. Also Athabasca. Game of chance, A ; by A. S. Coombs. 28289 Game of logic; by L. Carroll [C. L. Dodgson]. *I Gamelyn, Tale of ; ed., with notes and gloss, index, by W. W. Skeat. 26514 Games. Campbell, H. American girl's home book of work and play. 23263 Chadwick, H. Sports and pastimes of American boys. 24897 H., H. E. Parlor games for the wise and the otherwise. 28696 Hale, L. P. Fagots for the fireside. 30326 /See also Amusements ; Cards ; Chess ; Croquet ; Foot-ball ; Golf ; Lawn tennis; Logic; Poker. Gamester, The ; tragedy ; by E. Moore. (In Browne, M. E. Tales fr. the old dram.) 23035 Gaming. See Gambling. Gane, D. M. New South Wales and Victoria in 1885. 27035 Gannett, H., joint author. See Porter, R. P. Gannett, W. C. The faith of ethics. (In Savage, M. J., and others. " Show us the Father.") 29725 Studies in Longfellow; outlines for schools, etc. 25691 and Jones, J. L. The faith that makes faithful. 27531 Contents. Gannett, VV. C. Blessed be drudgery ; " I had a friend" ; A cup of cold water; Wrestling and blessing. Jones, J. L. Faithful- ness; Tenderness; The seamless robe; The Divine benediction. joint author. See Hosmer, F. L. Gantt, R. Perry, B. F. (In Ms Reminis.) 23322 Garden, Mrs. Memorials of James Hogg, the Ettrick shep- herd ; pref. by Prof. Veitch. 25112 Garden, The, of fragrance. See Sadi. Garden secrets ; [poems] ; by P. B. Marston. 29147 Gardening. Boyle, E. V. Days and hours in a garden. 29467 Fish, D. T., and others. Cassell's pop. gardening. 2 v. 25296-7 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 247 Hazlitt, W. C. Gleanings in old garden literature. 28509 Henderson, P. Gardening for profit. 30645 Hole, S. R. The six of spades ; book about the garden and the gardener. 29752 Rawson, W. W. Success in market G., and vegetable grower's manual. 29908 Roe, E. P. The home acre. 30925 See also Agriculture ; Flowers ; Landscape gardening; Vegetables. Gardien, Le ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, se"r. 2. v. 25.) *I Gardiner, J., Jlp. of Winchester. Oxenham, H. N. "Black and bloody Gardiner." (In his Short stud.) 25126 Gardiner, M. (P. F.), Countess of Blessington. Cone, H. G., and Gilder, J. L. (/M their Pen-portr., v. 1.) 28756 Gardiner, S., Bp. of Winchester. Hope, A. (In his Chron. of an old inn.) 29485 Gardiner, S. R. History of Eng. fr. the accession of James I. to the civil war. 10 v. 23233-42 - History of the great civil war, 1642-1649. Vol. 1, 2. 28029-30 Gardisten Varner. Viinnerfalt ; taflor ur garnisonlifvet, teck- nade efter verkligheten af en f . d. gardist. 15086 Gardner, J., ed. Bleaching, dyeing, and calico-printing ; with formulae. 24112 Garenne, H. Art of mod. conjuring, magic, and illusions. Illust. 27563 Garfield, J. A. On the reaction against reconstruction ; Ho. of Rep., Mch. 29, 1879. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 Bolton, S. K. (In her Fain. Amer. statesmen,) 30081 - Bullock, A. H. James A. Garfield. (In his Addresses.) 17288 Hopkins, M. Memorial discourse on G. (In his Teachings, etc.) 24412 Lowell, J. R. Garfield. (In his Democracy, etc.) 27217 Garibaldi, G. Bolton, S. K. (/;/ her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 - Schwarz, M. E. B. Garibaldi; pub. and priv. life; with letters. 27892 Garland for girls ; by L. M. Alcott. 28854 Garnered sheaves ; by E. R. Pitman. 28077 Garnett, E. The Paradox club. 30527 Garnett, Lucy M. J. Greek folk-songs fr. the Turkish prov- inces of Greece, Albania, Thessaly, and Macedonia ; classified, rev., and ed., with hist, introd. on the survival of Paganism, by J. S. S. Glennie. 26235 Garnett, R. Life of R. W. Emerson. (Great writers.) 29729 - Life of Thomas Carlyle. (Great writers.) 29730 Literature. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Q. Victoria, v. 2.) 28715 Garnett, W. Heroes of science ; physicists. (Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowl.) 27564 Gamier, 0. Artistic features of Bordighera. (In Hamilton, F. F. Bordighera.) 23948 Gamier, E., joint author. See Gasnault, P. Garratt, A. C. Myths in medicine, and old-time doctors. 24476 Garrett, E. Morning hours in India ; pract. hints on house- hold management, etc. 28401 Garrett, P. One hundred choice selections. No. 22-28. 15304-10 Garrick, D. Brereton, A. Some famous Hamlets. 24954 Irving, J. H. B. (In his Eng. actors.) 27572 Molloy, J. F. (In his Life and adven. of Peg Woflington.) 2 v. 24875-tf 248 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Garrison, W. P. American "isms." (Monograph, no. 33.) 23818 and F. J. William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; story of his life. 2 v. 25729-30 Garrison, W. L. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Garrison, W. P. and F. J. William Lloyd Garrison. 25729-30 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Pillsbury, P. Sketch of G. (In his Acts of the anti-slavery apostles.) 23557 Garrod, A. H. Ungulata : Ruminantia. (In Duncan, P. M. Cassell's nat. hist., v. 3.) 24958 joint author. See Dawkins, W. B. Garroters, The ; farce ; by W. D. Howells. 26158 Gas, Illuminating. Burns, W. Manual of the manuf . of G. fr. tar oil, etc. 28866 Sugg, W. T. Domestic uses of coal gas; lighting, cooking, heating, etc. 26846 Wauklyn, J. A. The gas engineer's chemical manual. 27526 Gas, Natural. Ashburner, C. A. The geology of natural gas. (In Crew, B. J. Pract. treat, on petroleum.) 27528 Orton, E. Preliminary rept. upon petroleum and inflammable gas. 28152 Gas engines. Macgregor, W. Gas engines. 25630 Gascoigne, Sir W. Hope, A. (In his Chron. of an old inn.) 29485 Gasnault, P., and Gamier, E. French pottery; with illust. and marks. (So. Kensington Mus. Art hd. bks.) *I Gasparin, V. (B.), comtesse de. Andalousie et Portugal. 14502 Under French skies ; or. Sunny fields and shady woods. 30322 Gaspe", P. A. de. Bender, P. (In his Literary sheaves.) 24137 Gasquet, F. A. Henry VIII. and the Eng. monasteries ; hist. of their suppression. 2d ed. Vols. 1, 2. 29374-5 Gaster, M. Ilchester lectures on Greeko-Slavonic literature and its rel. to the folk-lore of Europe dur. the Middle Ages ; with app. and plates. 28402 Gastineau, E. The conversation method for speaking, read- ing, and writing French. 30417 Gates. Martin, G. A. Fences, gates, and bridges ; pract. manual. 28888 Gates between ; by E. S. Phelps. 28605 Gath, pseud. See Townsend, G. A. Gatty, H. K. F. Juliana Horatio Ewing and her books. Portr. and illust. 26149 Gaul. Rhys, J. The Gaulish pantheon. (In his Lect.) 29630 Gautier, J. Richard Wagner, and his poetical work from "Rienzi" to "Parsifal" ; tr. by L. S. J. 28300 The usurper; episode in Japanese hist. ; fr. the French by A. L. Alger. 24012 Gautier, T. Avatar. (In Gautier, T., and M6rimee, P. Tales bef. supper.) 28505 The dead leman. (In Lang, A., and Sylvester, P. The dead leman.) 30803 Le pavilion sur 1'eau; Le chevalier double. (In O'Connor, B. F. Choix de contes.) 25237 Scenes of travel; select, and ed. by G. Saintsbury. (Clarendon Press ser.) 27295 Selections. (In Crane, T. F. Le romantisme Franc.) 28116 and Merimee, P. Tales before supper; Eng. bv M. Yerelst; poem by E.Saltus. 28505 Contents. Introduction. Gautier, T. Avatar. Merimee, P. The Venus of Ille. Gaverocks, The ; by S. Baring-Gould. 29311 Gay, J. The beggar's opera. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram. ) 23530 Molloy, J. F. John Gay's Beggar's opera. (In his Fam. plays.) 27583 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 249 Gay, S. H. James Madison. (Amer. statesmen.) 24409 Gaye, S. The world's lumber room ; gossip abt. some of its contents. Illust. 25933 Gearing. Cromwell, J. H. Treatise on toothed gearing, etc. 24613 Grant, G. B. Handbook on the teeth of gears; with odontographs, etc. 26946 See also Wheels. Geddes, P. John Ruskin, economist. (Round table ser.) 29025 Gee, W. W. 'B.^ joint author. See Stewart, B. Gehring, F. Mozart. (Gt. musicians.) 23205 Geiger, A. Schindler, S. (In his Dissolving views.) 29700 Geiger, W. Civilization of the eastern Iranians in anc. times ; with introd. on the Avesta relig. ; tr., with pref., notes, and biog. of the author, by D. D. P. Sanjana. Vols. 1, 2. 26236-7 Geijer, E. G. Den bla boken ; strodda anteckningar. 15126 Geikie, A. Elementary geography of the Brit. Isles. (Mac- millan's geog. ser.) 29749 Story of a boulder; or, Gleanings fr. the note-book of a field geologist. Illust. 26584 The teaching of geography; sugg. for teachers. (Macraillan's geog. ser.) 29026 Geikie, C. The Holy Land and the Bible ; scripture illustra- tions. Map. 2 v. 28873-4 Hours with the Bible; or, The Scriptures in the light of mod. discovery and knowledge. Vols. 5, 6. "20615-16 Old Testament characters. New ed., enl. Illust. 25391 Gellius, A. Nettleship, II . The Noctes Atticse of G. (In his Lect., etc.) - 25633 Gelon. Cox, G. W. (In his Lives of Gr. statesmen.) 25598 Gems. See Precious stones. Gendre de M. Poirier, Le ; comedie ; par E. Augier et J. Sandeau. (In Theatre contemp., and in Augier, E. Theatre compl., v. 2.) 14898 ; 14777 Genealogy. Kendall, H. The kinship of men ; or, Genealogy viewed as a science. 30174 - Phillimore, W. P. W. How to write the history of a family. 29408 Simms, R. Manual for the genealogist, etc. *I See also Families. Also Heraldry. For genealogies of any place, see the name of the place. General Bounce ; by G. J. W. Melville. 26047 Generation, A, of judges ; by their reporter. 28095 Genesis. See Bible, 0. T. Genesis of a New England state [Connecticut] ; by A. Johns- ton. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 1.) *I Geneva. Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 3.) 25069 Genevieve ; ou, La jalousie paternelle ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, ser. 2, v. 31.) *I Genevieve of Brabant; by A. R. Hope [R. H. Moncrieff]. (In his Stor. of old renown.) 28894 Genius. Craik, D. M. (M.) Genius, its aberations and re- sponsibilities. (In her About money, etc.) 27494 Galton, F. Hereditary genius; its laws and consequences. 23161 Hedge, F. H. Genius. (In his Atheism in philosophy.) 24756 Genius in jail; by [F. Saunders]. (In his Pastime papers.) 25 V <90 Genius in sunshine and shadow ; by M. M. Ballou. 26973 Genone, Hudor, pseud. Inquirendo island. 26635 250 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Gentilhomme pauvre, Le ; comdie ; par Dumanoir et Laf argue. (In Theatre cont.) 14897 Gentle breadwinners ; by C. Owen [C. O. Nitsch]. 29101 Gentleman, A, of leisure ; by E. Fawcett. 26985 Gentleman's Magazine Library. See Gomme, G. L. Genung, J. F. Tennyson's In memoriam ; its purpose and its structure ; a study. 23374 Geodesy, Trigonometrical surveying. Wright, T. W. Treat- ise on the adjustment of observations, with appl. to geodetic work, etc.) 24651 Geoffrey Stirling; by Mrs. L. Adams [A. A. Laffan]. 28271 Geoffroy and Garcinde ; by P. Heyse. (In his Barbarossa, etc.) 26243 Geography. Frye, A. E. The child and nature ; or, G. teach- ing with sand modelling. 29533 Geikie, A. The teaching of geography ; suggestions for teachers. 29026 Keltic, J. S. Geographical education ; rept. to the Council of the Eoy. Geog. Soc. 25937 King, C. F. Methods and aids in geography for teachers and normal schools. Illust. 30233 Laurie, S. S. Method appl. to the teaching of G. in the school. (In his Occas. addr.) 30852 Strachey, R. Lectures on geography. 30562 Geographies. Chisholm, G. G. Longman's school geography. 30087 Cortambert, P. F. E. Cours de geographic. 14822 Hopkins, L. P. Handbook of the earth ; natural methods in geography. 23102 Zimmern, A. Geography for little children. 24387 See also Ancient geography ; Atlasses ; Earth ; Physical geography. Also Coast lines. Also Mason, C. M. Geographical readers. Geology. Browne. A. J. J. Student's handbook of hist. G. 28004 Student's handbook of phys. G. 24348 Crosby, W. O. Common minerals and rocks. 24547 Dawson, J. W. Geological history of plants. 29068 Geikie, A. Story of a boulder. 26584 Heilprin, A. The geological evidences of evolution. 29188 Hull, E. Geological history; nat. hist, of the earth and its pre-human inhabitants. 29541 - Le Conte, J. Compend of geology. 24634 Page, D. Economic geology; or, 'G. in its rel. to the arts and manu- factures. 28213 Prestwich, J. Geology, chemical, physical, and stratigraphical. 2 v. 30189-90 Rutley, F. Rock-forming minerals. 30744 Shaler, N. S. First book in geology. 24289 Williams, S. G. Applied geology. 26361 Winchell, A. Geological excursions; rudiments of G. 24044 Geological studies; elements of geology. 26864 Walks and talks in the geological field. 28174 - World-life ; comparative geojogy. 23415 See also Europe; So. America; U. S. Also Mineralogy ; Mineral physiology; Paleontology. Also Fire; Frost. Geometrical drawing. Minifie, W. Text book of geom. D. ; with introd. to isometrical D. ; linear perspective and shadows; theory of color, etc. 23174 Geometrical psychology ; abstract of the theories and diagrams of B. W. Betts, by L. S. Cook. 28549 Geometry. Aldis, W. S. Elementary treatise on solid G. 27910 Argand, J. R. Imaginary quantities; their geometrical interpretation. 24124 Chauvenet, W. Treat, on elementary geometry ; rev. and abrgd. by W". E. Byerly. 29526 Cremona, L. Elements of projective geometry. 28630 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 251 Eucleides. Euclid revised ; essentials of the elements of plain geometry ; ed. by R. C. J. Nixon. 30580 MeMaster, J. B. Geometry of position applied to surveying. (In Specht, G. J., and others. Topog. surveying.) 25355 Proctor, R. A. First steps in geometry. 30119 Smith, \V . B. Elementary co-ordinate geometry. Warren, S. E. A primary geometry. 29002 Wentworth, G. A. Elements of plain and solid G. 23573 - and Hill, G. A. Geometry. 24648 Analytical Geometry. Byerly, W. E. Syllabus of a course in plane anal. G.; Syllabus of a course in anal. G. of three dimensions. ( With his Syllabus, etc.) 240G3 Newcomb, S. Elements of analytic geometry. 24419 Roberts, R. A. Collection of examples on the anal. G. of plane conies; [with] examples on sphero-conics. 24864 See also Conic sections; curves; Determinants; Quaternions. Geonony. See Physical geography. George II., of England. Hervey, J. Memoirs of the reign of G. to the death of Queen Caroline. 3 v. 24757-9 - Walpole. H. Memoirs of the reign of G. 3 v. 30751-3 George III., of England. Massey, W. History of England during the reign of G. 4 v. *I Walpole, H. Memoirs of the reign of G. 4 v. *I George, H. The land question. (In McNeill, G. E. The labor movement.) 27651 Protection or free trade ; exam, of the tariff quest, with regard to the interests of labour. 27038 The "reduction to iniquity ;" [reply to the Duke of Argyll's attack in his article, The prophet of San Francisco]. (In Property in land.) 24301 Social problems. 23842 Dixwell, G. B. "Progress and poverty;" rev of the doctr. of G. 22993 Ely, R. T. Henry George and the beginnings of revolutionary socialism. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 3.) *I Longe, F. D. Crit. exam, of G.'s "Progress and poverty." 23632 Mai lock, W. H. Progress and poverty. (In his Property, etc.) 24025 Manigault, G. A political creed ; answer to H. George's "Progress and poverty." 28nl8 Miller, J. B. Progress and robbery; three Amer. answers to H. George. (In his Trade organizations, etc.) 28520 Rae, J. Progress and poverty ; Henry George. (In his Contemp. soc.) 24424 Stebbins, G. B. Progress fr. poverty; rev. and crit. of G.'s Progress and poverty, and Protection or free trade. 27987 - Toynbee, A. "Progress and poverty :" criticism of G. 24104 Walker, F. A. Criticism of G. (In his Recent attacks upon lauded pro- perty. In his Land, etc.) 23411 Winn, H. Theories of Mr. Spencer and Mr. George. (In his Property, etc.) 29579 George, Lake. Parkmau, F. (In his Hist, handbook.) 25450 George at the fort ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 28299 George Canterbury's will; by Mrs. H. Wood. 9992 George Walker at Suez ; by A. Trollope. (In his Tales, etc.} 24871 Georges. McCarthy, J. History of the four Georges. Vol.1. 24636 See also Gt. Britain. History. Georgia, Asia. Palgrave, W. G. Turkish Georgia. (In his Ulysses.) 29323 Wanderer, pseud. Rambles in Georgia. (In his Notes, etc.) 23450 Georgia, U. S. Jones, C. C., Jr. History of Georgia. 2 v. *I Leigh, F. B . Ten years on a Georgia plantation since the war. 23009 Georgina's reasons ; by H. James. ( With his Author of Bel- traffio.) 24994 Georgy Sandon ; or, A lost love. See Ogle, A. Her sec- ond love. 252 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Geraldy, F., joint author. See Du Moncel, T. A. L. Gerard, D. Orthodox; a tale. 30419 Gerard, E. D. My Paris masters. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 2.) 25368 Gerard, E. de L. The land beyond the forest ; facts, figures, and fancies from Transylvania. Map and illust. 2 v. 30169-70 Gerard, J. W. The Peace of Utrecht ; hist. rev. of the treaty of 1713-14, and the war of the Spanish succession. 26150 Gerhard, W. P. Guide to sanitary house-inspection. 25830 House drainage and sanitary plumbing. (Van Xostrand's sci. ser.) 24123 Notes embodying recent pract. in the sanitary drainage of buildings, etc. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 28301 Prevention of fire; chiefly with ref. to pub. institutions. 28556 Sanitary questions. (In Brunner, A. W. Cottages.) 24349 Gerhardt, E., and others. Case of Emperor Frederick III. ; offl. rep. by the physicians. 30385 Germ theory of disease. See Pathology. Germaine ; par E. About. 14407 German fantasies by French firesides ; by R. Leander [R. Volkmann]. 28921 German love. See Deutsche Liebe. German Philosophical Classics. See Morris, G. S. German soldier, The, in the wars of the U. S. ; by J. G. Rosen- garten. 26680 Germany. Jenkins, H. M. Report on agricul. education in No. Germany. 24428 Morelli, G. Italian masters in German galleries. 23704 - Thompson, J. P. The armament of Germany. (In his Amer. comments.) 24445 Turner, S. E. Sketch of the Germanic constitution to the dissolution of the empire. 29826 Wight, O. W. The new German empire. (In his People, etc.) 30381 Description and travels. Anteckningar under en resa genom Tyskland, etc. 15150 Butterworth, H. (In his Zigzag jour, in north, lands.) 23145 Champney, L. W. Three Vassar girls on the Rhine. 26979 Corning, C. R. (In his Aalesund to Tetuan.) 30307 .Green, S. G. Pictures fr. the Germ, fatherland ; with pen and pencil. 19172 ;* I Jackson, H. (In her Glimpses, etc.) 26433 Kingston, W. B. (In his Wanderer's notes, v. 2.) 30595 M'Collester, S. H. Germany and Berlin. (In his After-thoughts.) 23634 Mahafly, J. P., and Rogers, J. E. (In their Sketches fr. a tour.) 30736 Nicander, K. A. Minnen fran sodern. 15137 Stevens, T. (In his Around the world, v. 1.) 28365 Tjugufyra bref fran Tyskland, etc., 1855-6. 15154 Verney, Lady. Jottings in G. during an autumn ramble. (In her Cot- tier owners.) 26396 Same. (In her Peasant properties, v. 1.) 26967 Education. Bird, C. Higher education in Germany and England. 24825 Conrad, J. German universities for the last fifty years. 25299 Forestry. Brown, J. C. Schools of F. in Germany. 13989 History. Gould, S. B., and Gilman, A. Story of Germany. 27204 Janssen, J. Geschichte des deutschen Volkes seit dem Ausgang des Mit- telalters. V. 13. 16500-2 - An meine Kritiker. 2 v. 16503-4 Malleson, G. B. Battle-fields of G. ; fr. the outbreak of the Thirty- Years' War to the Battle of Blenheim. 24858 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 253 Maurice, C. E. (In Ms Revolutionary movement of 1848-9.) 28893 See also Bismarck ; Thirty Years' War; William I. Also France. Franco- Prussian War. Also Reformation. Language. (Dialects.) Wright. J. Middle high-German primer, with grammar, notes, etc. 30196 See also Pennsylvania German. (Exercises.) Daell, A. N. van, and Schrakamp, J. Das deutsche buch der Sauveur Schule. 16229 Deutsch, W. Colloquial exercises and select German reader. 25190 Dreyspring, A. Cumulative method for learning German, adapt, to schools. 23497 (Grammars.} Babbitt, E. H. Introduction to German at sight. 30398 Blackwell, J. S. Manual of German prefixes and suffixes. 29521 - Boiesen, H. B. Deutsches Sprach- und Lesebuch, erster Theil; neue Bearbeitung von B.'s "First course in German," rev., erweitert, etc., von W. Bernhardt. 28596 Brandt, H. C. G. Grammar of the German language. 26011 Evseubach, W. Graded German lessons, pract. grammar; rev. and re-written by W. C. Collar. 28765 Heness, G. Derneue Leitfaden beim Unterricht in der deutschen Sprache. 25155 Whitney, W. D. Brief German grammar; with ref. to his larger grammar. 25615 Literature. Heine, H. The romantic school; tr. by F. Storr. (With Ms Travel- pictures.) 27885 MacCallum, M. W. Studies in low German and high German literature. 23961 ( Collections.) Morris, C. (In his Half-hours, etc. t v. 2.) 30444 Mueller, F. M. The German classics, 4th 19th cent. Adapt, to W. Scherer's " History of German literature " by F. Lichtenstein. 2 v. 27587-8 (History.) Hedge, F. H. Hours with German classics. 26670 Herford, C. H. Studies in the literary rel. of Eng. and G. in the 16th cent. 27147 Perry, T. S. From Opitz toLessing ; study of pseudo-classicism in lit- erature. 24926 Scherer, W. History of German literature. 2 v. 26089-90 (Ballads and Songs.) - Elson, L. C. German songs and song-writers. 27975 (Fiction.) - Bernhardt, W. Deutsche Novelletten-Bibliothek. Vol. 1. 28103 - Schick, L. Collection Novellen, Humoresken und Skizzen. No. 118. 3 v. 16519-21 The Library has works by the following authors: Bergsoe, W. J. ; Berstein, A.; Buerstenbinder, E. (pseud. E. Werner); Boyen, M.; Dahn, F. ; Droz, A. G. ; Eckstein, E.; Fran/os, K. E. ; Grimm, J. L. C. and W. K. ; Gottschall, R. von; Hacklander, F. W. ; Helm, C. ; Heyse, P. ; Hopfen, H. ; Jensen, W. ; Juncker, E.; Keller, G. ; Kompert, L. ; Kuerschner, L. (pseud. O. Schu- bin) ; Lindau, P.; Liudau, R.; Lorm, H. ; Riehl, W. H.; Ro- deuberg, J. ; Rosenthal-Bonin, H. ; Sacher-Masoch, L. v.; Scho- bert, H.; Seidel, H.; Stahr, F. L. ; Stoekl, H.; Storm, H. T. W.; Werkmeister, M.; Wichert, E.; Wiesner, A. C.; Wil- braudt, A. (Legends and fairy tales. Collections.) - Baumbach, R. Summer legends. 29662 -- Grimm, J. L. C. and W. K. Kinder- und Hausmiirchen; ed., with Eng. notes, etc., by W. H. van der Swisseo. 26019 - Household tales ; with the author's notes. 2 v. *I (Poetry.) - The Library has poems by the following authors: M. Luther; J. V. von Scheflel. 18 254 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. (Collections.) - Goedeke, K., and Tittman, J. Deutsche Dichter des 16 Jahrh ; v. 18. 16372 Knortz, K. Representative German poems ; orig. texts with Eng. versions. 25505 Polko, E. Dichtergrusse ; neuere deutsche Lyrik. 16517 (Separate miscellaneous works.) The Library has also works by the following authors : Gottschall, R. von ; Marx, K. ; Post, J. ; Reis, P. Music. See Bach, J. S. National character, social life, etc. Dk\on,pere dominicain. The Germans; tr. by R. L. de Beaufort. 25105 Freytag, G. Pictures of German life in the 18th 19th cent. Ser. 2. 2 v. in 1. . *I Parry, E. L. Life among the Germans. 28153 Pearson, K. Sketch of the rel. of sex in Germany. (In his Ethic of free- thought.) 30039 Whitman, S. Imperial G. ; study of fact and character. 30469 Navy. - Reed, E. J., and Simpson, E. (In their Mod. ships of war.) 29104 Psychology. Ribot, T. German psychology of to-day ; the empirical school ; tr. by J. M. Baldwin ; with pref. by J. McCosh. 26448 Religion. Grimm, J. L. C. Teutonic mythology. 3 v. *I Socialism. Dawson, W. H. Germ, socialism and Ferdinand Lassalle. 30688 Theology. Scott, H. M. The most recent hist, of doctr. ; or, The present state of theology and theol. parties in G. and German Switzerland. (In Boardman, G. N., and others. Curr. disc., v. 2.) 24514 War resources. Maurice, J. F. (In his Balance of military power.) 29621 Gersoni, H. Sketches of Jewish life and history. 28506 Contents. The singer's revenge, App. : Mutual Death Insurance Co. Metamorphose of a Lithuanian boy. Rabbi Elchanan. The fall of Bethar and the martyrs. The converted'nobleman. Gerstle, E. G. Verses of a collegian. 25496 Gertrude's marriage ; by W. K^eimburg [B. Behrens]. 30892 Gervinus, G. G. Ehlert, L. Gervinus and purely instru- mental music. (Li his Fr. the tone world.) 25335 Gettysburg, Va. Paris, L. P. A. d'O., comte de. The battle of G. ; fr. the Hist, of the civil war in Amer. 26998 Thayer, G. A. Gettysburg, as we men on the right saw it. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 See also Potomac, the. Army of. Geulincx, A. Fisher, K. \In his Hist, of mod. philosophy.) 27750 Gherardesca, U., Count of. Ugolino of Pisa. (Monograph, no. 43.) 23818 Ghirlandaio (D. di T. di C. Bigordi), called II. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.} 26216 Ghost stories. Molesworth, Mrs. Four ghost-stories. 29150 Ghost's touch, The ; and other stories ; by W. Collins. 25869 Ghosts. Hedge, F. H. Ghost-seeing. (In his M. Luther, etc.) 29538 See also Apparitions. Giant dwarf, The ; by Jak [A. B. Williams]. 28880 Giant's robe, The ; by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie]. 24018 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 255 Gibb, E. J. W., joint author. See Poole, S. L. Gibb, J. Gudrun, Beowulf, and Roland, with other mediaeval tales. 2d ed. Illust. 23579 Contents. Gudrun. Hilda. Wild Hageri. Beowulf. Death of Ro- land. Walter and Hildegund. Gibb, T. E. Legal liabilities. (In Murphy, S. F. Our homes.) 24196 Gibbon, C. Beyond compare. 29875 By mead and stream. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25193 Clare of Claresmede. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 27083 A hard knot. (Harper's handy ser.) 25560 - Heart's delight. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25497 joint editor. See Spofford, A. R. Gibbons, A. H. Runkle, L. G. (In Phelps, E. S., and oth- ers. Our fam. women.) 24284 Gibbons, R. The physics and metaphysics of money ; with sk. of events rel. to money in the early hist, of California. (Quest, of the day.) 27496 Gibbs, A. R., ed. British Honduras; hist, and descr. acct. fr. its settlement, 1670 ; comp. fr. orig. sources. 23345 Gibbs, D. C. If love be love ; a forest idyl. (Harper's handy ser.) 27296 Giberne, A. Miss Con ; or, All those girls. Illust. 28724 Gibraltar. Corning, C. R. (In his Aalesund to Tetuan.) 30307 Field, H. M. Gibraltar. 30634 Gibson, G. R. The stock exchanges of London, Paris, and New York ; a comparison. 30637 Gibson, J. M. Pomegranates fr. an Eng. garden ; select, fr. the poems of R. Browning, with introd. and notes. 25649 Gibson, W. Poems of Goethe done into Eng. verse. 26425 Samuel Cunliffe Lister. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 2.) 25092 Wool and worsted. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 1-3.) 25091-3 Gibson, W. H., ed. The master of the Gunnery; memorial of F. W. Gunn ; by his pupils. Illust. *I Giddings, F. H. Co-operation. (In McNeill, G. E. Labor movement.) 27651 Gidumal, D. Life and life-work of B. M. Malabari ; biog. sketch ; with select, fr. his writings and speeches. 30584 Giffen, R. Essays in finance. 2 ser. 30691-2 Contents. Ser. 1. Cost of the Franco-German war of 1870-71. De- preciation of gold since 1848. Liquidations of 1873-76. Why the depres- sion of trade is so much greater in raw material producing countries than in the manufacturing countries. Foreign competition. Excess of im- ports. Recent accumulations of capital in the United Kingdom. Depre- ciation of silver. Mr. Gladstone's work in finance. Taxes on land. Reduction of the national debt. Taxation and representation of Ire- land. Case against bimetallism. Fall of prices of commodities in recent years. Ser. 2. Trade depression and low prices. Gold supply; rate of discount and prices. Effects on trade of the supply of coinage. Bank reserves. Foreign trade of the United States. Use of import and ex- port statistics. Foreign manufactures and English trade. Utility of common statistics. General uses of statistical knowledge. Progress of the working classes in the last half-century. Growth and distribution of wealth. (In Ward, T, H. Reign of Victo- ria, v. 2.) 28715 Progress of the working classes in the last half cent. ; with note on Amer. wages. (Econom. tracts.) 25047 See also his Essays, above. 256 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Gift, Theo, pseud. See Havers, D. Gifts of the child Christ ; by G. MacDonald. (In his Stephen Archer, etc.) 23011 Gihon, A. L. Vital statistics as sanitary monitors. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Gilbert, E. M. M. Martin, F. Elizabeth Gilbert and her work for the blind. 29148 Gilbert, G. K. Contributions to the hist, of Lake Bonne- ville ; A new method of measuring heights by means of the barometer. (7nU. S. Geol. Surv. Ann. rept., 1880- '81.) 24836 The sufficiency of terrestrial rotation for the deflection of streams. (In Nat. Acad. of Sci. Mem., v. 3, pt. 1.) 14262 Gilbert, Sir H. Bourne, H. R. F. The colonizing projects of G. (In his Eng. seamen.) 29739 Gilbert, W. S. Original comic operas [without the music]. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 28918 Contents. The Sorcerer. H. M. S. Pinafore. Pirates of Peuzauce. lolanthe. Patience. Princess Ida. The Mikado. Trial by jury. and Sullivan, A. Ruddygore; or, The witch's curse; vocal score; arr. for piano by G. L. Tracy. *I Vocal score of The Mikado; or. the town of Titipu; arr. for piano by G. L. Tracy. *I Gilchrist, A. Mary Lamb. (Fam. women ser.) 23047 Gilchrist, H. H. Anne Gilchrist; her life and writings. 28587 Scudder, H. E. (In his Men and letters.) 28817 Gilchrist, H. H. Anne Gilchrist ; her life and writings ; with pref . notice by W. M. Rossetti. 28557 Gilder, J. B. Richard Henry Stoddard. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Gilder, J. L. Mme. Modjeska. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Representative poems of living poets, Amer. and Eng., select, by them- selves ; introd. by G. P. Lathrop. 26867 - and J. B., eds. Authors at home; sk. of Amer. writers. 30787 Contents. Bishop, W. H. T. B. Aldrich; W. D. Howells. Lovejoy, B. G. G. Bancroft; J. Hay. Lathrop, G. P. G. H. Boker; G. W. Cur- tis. Riordan, R. J. Burroughs. Wetherill, J. K. G. W. Cable. Clark, C. H. S. L. Clemens (ps. Mark Twain). Auringer, O. C. E. Eg- gleston. Kennedy, W. S. E. E. Hale. Brainerd, E. J. C. Harris. Baskerville, W. M. J. A. Harrison. Cooke, G. W. T. W. Higgiusou. Rawlins, A. W. O. W. Holmes. Howe, M. J. W. Howe. Pennell, E. R. C. G. Leland. Woodberry, G. E. J. R. Lowell. Beers, H. A. D. G. Mitchell (Ik Marvel). Farnham, C. H. F. Parkman. Koberts, C. G. D. G. Smith. Dodd, A. B. E. C. Stedman. Gilder, J. B. R. H. Stoddard. Twitchell, J. H. H. B. Stowe; C. D. Warner. Selwyn, G. W. Whitman. Spofford, H. P. J. G. Whittier. Gilder, R. W. Lyrics and other poems. 26151 Bolton, S. K. (In her Fam. Amer. authors.) 28746 Gilds. See Guilds. Giles, H. Human life in Shakespeare ; iutrod. by J. B. O'Reilly. 23125 Giles, H. A. Gems of Chinese literature. 23843 Gilkes, A. H. Boys and masters ; story of school life. 29481 Gill, J. The art of relig. instruction ; illust. by sketches of Bible lessons. Enl. ed. 29843 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 257 Gillespie, W. M. Treatise on surveying ; theory and practice ; rev. and enl. by C. Staley. 28240 Gilliat, E. Forest outlaws ; or, Saint Hugh and the king. Illnst. 27297 John Standish; or, The harrowing of London. Illust. 30695 Gillmore, P. (pseud. Ubique.) Days and nights by the desert. Illust. 30846 Gillmore. See Gilmore. Gilman, A. Grim Grendel. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 History of the American people. Illust. 23162 Short stories from the dictionary. 27740 Story of Rome to the end of the republic. (Story of the nations.) 26075 Story of the Saracens to the fall of Bagdad. (Story of the nations.) 27298 Tales of the pathfinders. Illust. 24910 - joint author. See Church, A. J.; Gould, S. B.; Mahaftv, J. P.; Poole, S. L. Gilman, M. R. F. George Meredilh. (In Meredith, G. The pilgrim's scrip.) 30440 Gilman, N. P. Profit sharing bet. employer and employee ; study in the evolution of the wages system. 30613 Gilmore, J. R. (pseud. Edmund Kirke.) The advance-guard of Western civilization. 30218 John Sevier as a commonwealth-builder; Seq. to "The rear-guard of the revolution." 28126 The rear-guard of the revolution. 26914 Gilmore. See Gillmore. Gilmour, J. Among the Mongols. Illust. 23128 Gilroy, C. G. History of silk, cotton, linen, wool, etc. ; iucl. obs. on spinning, dyeing, and weaving ; also, acct. of the pastoral life of the ancients ; with app. Illust. 15689 Gindely, A. History of the Thirty Years' War; tr., with in- trod. and concluding chapt., by A. TenBrook. 2 v. 24013-14 Giorgione, G. Barbarelli, called. Healy, P^. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Giotto, fully Ambrogiotto di Bondone. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Giotto's sheep ; story ; by M. E. Waller. *I Giovanni delle Bande Nere ; Giovanni of Florence. See Medici, G. de'. Gipsies. See Gypsies. Girard, S. Ingram, H. A. Life and character of G. ; with app. descr. of Girard college. 24686 Westbrook, II. B. Girard's will and Girard college theology. 29713 Girard College, Phila. Ingram, H. A. (In his Life, etc.) 24686 - Westbrook, K. B. Girard's will and Girard college theology. 29713 Girders. Crehore, J. D. Mechanics of the girder. 27720 Girdle, A, round the earth ; by D. N. Richardson. 29191 Girl, The, of the period ; essay ; by E. L. Liuton. 2 v. 24852-3 Girl-noblesse ; by A. D. T. Whitney. (In her Homespun yarns.) 27355 Girl's life, A. eighty years ago ; select, fr. the letters of E. S. ' Bowne. 28863 Girl's room, A ; by some friends of the girls. 28452 Girls. Bolton, S. K. Lives of girls who became famous. 26916 258 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Brooks, E. S. Historic girls; stor. of girls who have infl. the hist, of their times. 288154 Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls. 2727G Dodge, G. H. Bundle of letters to busy girls on pract. matters. 29071 Hardy, E. J. Girlhood. ( In Peters, C. Girl's own indoor book.) 30455 Safford, M. J., and Allen, M. E. Health and strength for girls. 23894 Sangster, M. E. Hours with girls. 25243 Savage, M. J. Careers for our daughters. (In his Man, woman, etc.) 24204 Starrett, H.E. Letters to a daughter; sermon to school-girls. 29112 See also Woman. Girton girl, A ; by A. Edwardes. 26422 Gisborne, W. New Zealand rulers and statesmen, 1840-1885 ; with portrs. 26380 Gissing, G. Demos; story of Eng. socialism. 27610 A life's morning. 30323 Giuglini, A. Spark, W. Titiens and G. (In his Mus. mem.) 30877 Giusti, G. Howells, W. D. (In his Mod. Ital. poets.) 28872 Glaciers. Green, W. S. The high Alps of New Zealand; G. of the antipodes. 23537 Molloy, G. The G. of the Alps. (In his Gleanings.) 30808 Gladden, W. Applied Christianity ; moral aspects of soc. questions. 27203 Contents. Christianity and wealth. Is labor a commodity ? Strength and weakness of socialism. Is it peace or war? The wage-workers and the churches. Three dangers. Christianity and social science. Christi- anity and popular amusements. Christianity and popular education. Parish problems ; hints and helps for the people of the churches. 28770 Working people and their employers. 25498 The young men and the churches ; why some of them are outside, and why they ought to come in. 24988 Gladstone, SirJ. Bourne, H. R. F. (In his Eng. merchants.) 26568 Gladstone, J. H., and Tribe, A. The chemistry of the second- ary batteries of Plante" and Faure. (Nat. ser.) 23426 Gladstone, W. E. Dawn of creation and of worship. (In Gladstone, W. E., and others. Order of creation.) 26320 Gladstone on The new "Locksley Hall" ; repr. fr. nineteenth Cent. 27756 The Irish question. 26945 Contents. History of an idea. Lessons of the election. Kin beyond sea. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 3.) 23202 Lessons of Irish history in the 18th century. (In Bryce, J. Handbook.) 29013 Proem to Genesis; plea for a fair trial; rep. to Huxley and Miiller. (In Gladstone, W. E., and others. Order of creation.) 26320 The Vatican decrees in their bearing on civil allegiance ; added, History of the Vatican Council; with the Latin and Eng. text of the Papal Syllabus and Vatican decrees, by P. Schaff. 17997 Adams, C. K. ( In his Repr. Brit, orations, v. 3.) 24885 Archer, T. Wm. E. Gladstone and his contemporaries, v. 4.) *I Badeau, A. Gladstone, the iconoclast. (In his Aristocracy in Eng.) 26619 Dicey, A. V. On Mr. Gladstone's "Concessions." (In his Letters, etc.) 29022 Escott, T. H. S. (In his Politics, etc.) 27881 Gift'en, R. Mr. Gladstone's work in finance. (In his Essays, ser. 1.) 30691 Jennings, L. J. Mr. Gladstone; a study. 28561 Lucy, H. W. The Gladstone Parliament, 1880-1885. (Diary of two par- liaments, v. 2.) 25400 McCarthy, J. H. England under Gladstone, 1880-1884. 24371 Moulton, L. C. Mr. Gladstone in the House. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 O'Connor, T. P., and McWade, R. Gladstone, Parnell, and the great Irish struggle. 27779 Parton, J. Mr. Gladstone. (In his Some not. princ.) 25675 Rideing, W. H. (In his Boyhood of living authors.) 28815 Smith, G. B. (In his Prime ministers.) 27718 and others. Books which have influenced me. 28840 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 259 - The order of creation ; conflict bet. Genesis and geology. 20320 Contents. Gladstone, W. E. Dawn of creation and of worship. Hux- ley, T. H. The interpreters of Genesis and of nature. Muller, M. Postscript to solar myths. Gladstone, W. E. Proem to Genesis; a plea for a fair trial. Revillc, A. 749 Guild, C. Britons and Muscovites; or, Traits of two empires. 29137 Hargreaves, T. A voyage round Gt. Britain. 23950 - Huebner, J. A. Through the British empire. 2 v. 26891-2 Our own country. Vol. 6. 19735 See also England; Ireland; Scotland. Ecclesiastical history. See England. Eccles. history. Education. Hazlitt, W. C. Schools, schoolbooks, and schoolmasters; educ. develop- ment in Gt. Brit. 29751 See also England; Scotland. Ethnology. - Beddoe, J. The races of Britain ; anthropology of western Europe. *I Finance. Buxtou, S. Finance and politics ; hist, study, 1783-1885. 2 v. 30160-1 Courtney, L. H. Finance. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 1.) 28714 Do well, S. History of taxation and taxes in England. 4 v. 26487-90 Horton, S. D. The silver pound, and England's monetary policy since the Restoration; with History of the guinea, etc. 28511 Rathbone, W., and others. Local government and taxation. 26390 See also Gt. Brit. Customs Dept.;~NLouey. Forestry. - Temple, R. Forestry for the Brit, dominions. (In his Cosmopol. ess.) 27601 Genealogy. See Sims, R. Manual for the genealogist, etc. 19 270 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. General and miscellaneous works. Seely, J. R. The expansion of England ; lect. 23292 Smith, J. C. A horoscope of B. ; our age, its doings and drift. (In his Writings, etc.) 25607 - Temple, R. The British Empire in 1884. (In his Cosmopolitan essays.) 27601 Gunworks. /See Woolwich Arsenal. History. (General and miscellaneous works.) Buckley, A. B. History of Eng. for beginners; add. by R. H. Lab- berton. 2*865 Callcott, M. Little Arthur's history of England. 24622 Cox, G. W. Concise hist, of Eng. and the Eng. people. 29019 Elphinstone, M. Rise of the British power in the East; ed. by E. Cole- brooke. 28400 Ewald, A. C. Studies re-studied ; hist, vsketches. 25625 Guest, M. J. Handbook of Eng. hist. ; to 1880. 28302 Hunnewell, J. F. The imperial island ; England's chronicle in stone. *I - Lecky, W. E. H. History of England in the 18th century. Vol. 5, 6. 28138-9 McCarthy, J. H. England under Gladstone. 1880-1885. 26170 Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of Eng. history. 26177 - Same. Rev. ed. 28980 - Powell, F. Y., and Mackay, J. M. History of England. Pt. 1. 26262 Ransome, C. Short history of England. 30359 Towle, G. M. Young people's hist, of England. 27008 Whitworth, C., and others. England and Napoleon in 1803 ; despatches ; ed. by O. Browning. 29427 (Early history, prev. to 17th cent.} Burke, S. H. Historical portraits of the Tudor dynasty and the reformation period. V. 3, 4. 18874-5 Green. J. R. Conquest of England. 23695 - - Hunt, W. Norman Britain. (Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowl.) 24368 Morris, W. Feudal England. (In his Signs of change.) 30739 Norgate, K. England under the Angevin kings. 2 v. 28423-4 Scarth, H. M. Roman Britain. Map. (Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowl.) 23132 Wylie, J. H. History of England under Henry IV. Vol. 1. 25926 (17th 19th cent.) Airy, E. The Eng. restoration and Louis XIV. 30614 - Busteed, H. E. Echoes fr. old Calcutta; reminiscences of the days of Hastings, Francis, and Impey. 23338 Gardiner, S. R. History of England f r. the accession of James I. to the outbreak of the civil war, 1603-1642. 10 v. 23233-42 History of the great civil war, 1642-1649. Vol. 1, 2. 28029-30 - Grant, J. British battles on land and sea. 4 v. Illust. 25107-10 - Hosmer, J. K. Life of young Sir Henry Vane; with a consideration of the Eng. commonwealth as a forecast of America. 30338 Hyde, E. History of the rebellion. Book 6 ; ed. by T. Arnold. 27071 McCarthy, J. History of the four Georges. V. 1. 24636 Morris, E. E. The early Hanoverians. 26179 Murphy, D. Cromwell in Ireland ; hist, of C.'s Irish campaign. 23079 Stanhope, P. H. History of England fr. the peace of Utrecht to the peace of Versailles, 1713-83. 5th ed., rev. 7 vols. 28383-9 Walford, N. L. Parliamentary generals of the great civil war. 26611 Ward, T. H. Reign of Queen Victoria; survey of 50 years of pro- gress. 2 v. 28714-15 - Yonge, C. M. Forty years of Stewart rule. (Cameos of Eng. hist.) 28539 The Victorian half century. 28449 For history of different periods, see names of sovereigns : George II.; George III. ; Henry VIII. ; Richard III. ; Victoria; William IV. Also Bright, J. ; Cromwell, O.; Disraeli, B.; Gladstone, W. E. Also Military history. Also Powell, F. Y. English history by con- temporary writers. Also Fictitious works by A. J. Church; G. A. Henty. House of Commons. Lucy, H. W. Four fam. scenes in the House of C. ( In Parton, J. Some not. princes, etc.) 25675 Rideing, W. H. The House of Commons. (In Parton, J. Some not. princes, etc.) 25675 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 271 Industries. Great industries of Great Britain. 3 v. Illust. 25091-3 Land tenure. - Blackie, J. S. The Scottish Highlanders and the land laws; an historico- economical inquiry. 25294 Campbell, G. D. (In his Crofts and farms in the Hebrides.) 23685 Law. Bowen, C. S. C. Administration of the law, 1837-1887. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 1.) 28714 Maitland, F. W. Justice and police. 25618 Scrutton, T. E. Influence of the Roman law on the law of Eng. 27060 See also Constitution. Also English citizen ; Order of the Coif. Legends. Ingram, J. H. Haunted homes and family traditions of Gt. Brit. 23957 Literature. See English literature. Medical history. Carter, R. B. Medicine and surgerv. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Vic- toria, v. 2.) 28715 Military history. Brackenburg, H. The river column ; narr. of the advance of the river column of the Nile expeditionary force, and its ret. down the rapids. 26226 Burgoyne, R. H. Historical records of the 93d Sutherland Highlanders. *I Grant, J. British battles on land and sea. 4 v. 25107-10 Greg, W. R. Employment of our Asiatic forces in European wars. (In his Misc. ess., ser. 2.) 23947 Royle, C. The Egyptian campaigns, 1882-1885, and the events which led to them. 2 v. 26603-4 Scott, S. D. The British army ; its origin, progress, and equipment. 3 v. *I Towle, G. M. England in Egypt. AVolseley, G. J. The army. '(In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 1.) See also Munro, W. Records of service, etc. Also Egypt. Hist. ; Suakin ; Transvaal. Military resources. Maurice, J. F. (In his Balance of military power.) Mineralogy and mines. Hunt, R. British mining; metalliferous mines in the United Kingdom. Ministry. Smith, G. B. The prime ministers of Queen Victoria. National character, Social life., etc. See England. National School of Forestry. Brown, J. C. Addenda rel. to a Brit. nat. school of forestry. (In his Schools of forestry.) Navy. - Brassey, T. The navy. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Q. Victoria, v. 1.) Navy. Reed, E. J., and Simpson, E. (In their Mod. ships of war.) Ordnance Survey. White, T. P. The ordnance survey of the United Kingdom. Wilson, C. W. Note on the ordnance survey. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 1.) Parliament. Anson, W. Law and custom of the constitution, pt. 1. Parliament. Deming, C. A British election-day. (In his Byways.) Grego, J. History of parliamentary elections and electioneering in the old days. Illust. Medley, D. J. Parliament. (In Wakeman,H. O., and Hassall, A. Es- says.) (History.) - Dean, A. Origin and growth of the Eng. P. (In his Brit. Const.) - Gneist, R. The Eng. P. in its transformations. 25852 28714 29621 27148 27718 13989 28714 29104 28446 28714 27911 23664 *I 28090 24879 26919 272 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 2St)f>8 25399 26057 27675 26936 - Student's hist, of the Eng. P. in its transformations. - Lucy, H. W. Diary of two parliaments. V. 1. - Raven, J. Parliamentary hist, of Eng. fr. 1832. - Sko.ttowe. B. C. Short history of Parliament. - Stubbs, W. Parliament under Henry VIII. (In his Seventeen lect.) (Irish Policy.) - Lefeyre, G. S. Peel and O'Connell; rev. of Irish policy fr. the Act of Union to the death of Peel. (Reform.) - Bagehot, "W. Essays on parliamentary reform. Parties. Cooke, G. W. The history of party. 3 v. Morris, W. Whigs, democrats and socialists. (In his Signs of change.) Police. Maitland, F. W. Justice and police. Political economy. Ashley, W. J. Introduction to Eng. economic history and theory. Vol. 1, pt. 1. Bagehot, W. The postulates of Eng. polit. economy. - Berkeley, H. Wealth and welfare ; or, Our national trade policy and its cost. Cunningham, W. Recent legislation. (In his Politics, etc.) Hyndman, H. M. Historical basis of socialism in England. Jeans, J. S. England's supremacy; its sources, economics, and dangers. Mundella, A. J., and Howell, G. Industrial association. (In his Reign of Q.Victoria, v. 2.) Rogers, J. E. T. The economic interpretation of history. Seebohm,F. The Eng. village community; essay in economic history. Toynbee, A. Lectures on the indust. revolution in England. Politics. Baxter, W. E. England and Russia in Asia. Buxton, S. Finance and politics; hist, study. 2. v. 30160-1 Campbell, J. G. E. H. D. S. Imperial federation. 25904 Canning, G. (In his Some official correspondence.) 2 v. 29017-18 - Dicey, A. V. England's case against home rule. 27874 - Letters on Unionist delusions. 29022 - Disraeli, B. (In his "Runnymede letters.") 25956 - Gladstone, W. E. Kin beyond sea. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 3.) 23202 - Harris, W. History of the radical party in Parliament. 25395 - Ingram, T. D. Hist, of the legislative union of G. Brit, and Ireland. 28785 McCarthy, J. H. England under Gladstone, 1880-1884. 24371 - O'Brien, R. B. Fifty years of concessions to Ireland. 2. v. *I - - Irish wrongs and English remedies ; essays. 28653 - Pimblett, W. M. English political history, 1880-1S85. 26599 - Playfair, R. L. The scourge of Christendom ; annals of Brit. rel. with Algiers prior to the French conquest. 23970 - Thompson, J. P. Shall Eng. side with Russia? (In his Amer. comments.) 24445 - Thornton, P. M. Foreign policy, 1865-1873. (In his For. secretaries, v.3.) 22746 28646 24824 *I 30739 25618 30142 25866 29469 26375 23849 26249 28715 30266 23249 24386 Towle, G. M. England and Russia in Asia. Toynbee, A. Are radicals socialists? (In his Lect.) Vambery, A. The coming struggle for India; encroachments of Russia in Centr. Asia, and difficulties therefrom to Eng. Wallace, D. M. Egypt and the Egyptian question. Ward, T. H. Foreign policy. (In his Reign of Victoria, v. 1.) See also Herat ; Imperal federation ; India ; Ireland ; Radical Party ; Tories ; Whigs. Post Office. Hyde, J. W. The royal mail; its curiosities and romance. Privy Council. Dicey, A. V. The Privy Council; essay. Railroads. Ward, T. H. Locomotion and transport. (In his Reign of Victoria, v.2.) Prog ress. Wight, O. W. Recent progress in E. ( In his People, etc.) 25463 24386 25683 23494 28714 25601 28762 28715 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 273 Religion. Hatch, E. Religion and the churches. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Vic- toria, v. 1.) 28714 Tulloch, J. Movements of religious thought in Britain dur. the 19th cent. 25781 Science. Huxley, T. H. Science. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 2.) 28715 Social Science. Holyoake, G. J. Self-help a hundred years ago. 30733 Taxation. See Finance. Universities. Tyffe, C. A. The universities. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 2.) 28715 Wealth. Giffen, R. Growth and distribution of wealth. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 2.) 28715 Great cryptogram, The ; by I. Donnelly. *I Great events. See History. Great French writers. See Jusserand, J. J. Great frozen sea, The ; by A. H. Markham. 28542 Great heiress, A ; by R. E. Francillon. 23619 Great Hesper, The ; by F. Barrett. 28228 Great industries of Great Britain. 3 v. Illust. 25091-3 Great little Harrie Little Harry the Great ; by E. L. P. (In his Elfie under the sea.) 23016 Great lives. See Mombert, J. I. Great musicians, The. See Hueffer, F. Great Porter Square ; by B. L. Farjeon. 25433 Great treason, A ; by M. A. M. Hoppus. 23278 Greater Greece and Greater Britain. See Freeman, E. A. 26668 Greathead, H. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Greatness. MacDonald, G. True greatness. (In his Imagi- nation, etc.} 30434 Greece, Ancient. Antiquities. Riech, E. Polit. and relig. institutions of G. ; Scientific develop, of Anc. G. (In his Hist, of civilization.) 30660 Art. - Hodgson, J. E. Art in Greek times. (In his Acad. lect.) 24251 Reich, E. Greek art. (In Ms Hist, of civilization.) 30660 Upcott, L. E. Introduction to Greek sculpture. 27956 See also Sculpture. Biography. Cox, G. W. Lives of Greek statesmen. 2 ser. 25598 ; 26663 See also Plutarchus. Colonies. Freeman, E. A. Greater Greece and Greater Britain. 26668 Description, etc. Colange, L. de. Picturesque Russia and Greece. *I Pausanius. Description of Greece. 2 v. 28073-4 History. Brief hist, of G. ; with readings fr. G. historians. 23139 Freeman, E. A. Greek cities under Roman rule. (In his Chief periods, etc.} 27391 Harrison, J. A. The story of Greece. 25833 Myers, P. V. N. The Eastern nations and Greece. 30293 Ranke,F. L. von. (In his Univ. hist.) 24198 Willson, M. and R. P. Mosaics of Grecian history. 23655 274 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Language. Byrne, J. Origin of the Greek roots, etc. 29358 Goodell, T. D. The Greek in English ; first lessons in G. 27680 Principles of sound and inflection, as illust. in the G. and Latin languages. 30175 Literature. Jevons, F. B. History of Greek literature to the death of Demosthenes. 26991 Packard, L. R. Studies in Greek thought; essays. 26676 Wilkinson, W. C. College Greek course in English. 24161 (Collections.) Church, A. J. Heroes and kings; stor. fr. the Greek. 23442 Morris, C. (In his Half-hours, etc., v. 1.) 30443 Willson, M. and R. P. Mosaics of Grecian history; pop. course of reading in Grecian history and literature. 23655 See also College Ser. of Greek Authors. (Drama.) DeQuincey, T. Theory of Gr. tragedy. (In his Literary crit.) 23082 Mathews, W. S. B. The Greek drama and mod. opera. (In his How to understand music, v. 2.) 30388 (Poetry.) - Garnett, L. M. J. Greek folk-songs fr. the Turkish provinces of Greece. 26235 Music. Butterworth, H. Terpander and the lyre of Greece. (In his Gt. com- posers.) 24179 Philosophy. Reich, E. Philosophy in anc. G. (In his Hist, of civil.) 30660 Zeller, E. G. Outlines of the hist, of Greek philosophy. 26208 Socrates and the Socnitic schools. 28450 Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics. 24467 See also Eclecticism. Religion and mythology. Lang, A. (In his Myth, ritual, and religion.) 2. v. 28725-6 Packard, L. R. Religion and morality of the Greeks. (In his Stud.) 26676 Social life. Church, A. J. Three Greek children; story of home in old time. 30406 Mahaffy, J. P, Greek life and thought fr. Alexander to the Roman Couq. 29091 Manager, P. Pictures of Hellas; tales on Anc. Greece; tr. fr. the Danish by M. J. Safford. 29890 Reich, E. Social life in Greece. (In his Hist, of civilization.) 30660 Timayenis, T. T. Greece in the times of Home?. 25014 Greece, Modern. Description and travels. Farrer, R. R. A tour in Greece, 1880. 23839 Field, H. M. The Greek islands and Turkey after the war. 25983 Johnson, E. C. On the track of the crescent. 25603 M'Collester, S. H. Greece aud Athens. (In his After-thoughts.) 23634 Minchin, J. G. C. Growth of freedom in the Balkan Peninsula; notes of a traveller in G. 27893 Pfeifter, E. (In her Flying leaves fr. the east and west.) 26711 Sandys, J. E. An Easter vacation in G. ; with lists of books on Gr. travel. 28193 Smith, A. Glimpses of Greek life and scenery. 23976 Temple, R. Greece in 1885. (In his Cosmopolitan essays.) 27601 Wight, O. W. (In his People, etc.) 30381 See also Cyclades. Literature. Edmonds, E. M. Greek lays, idylls, legends, etc. 29595 Verney, Lady. Songs and legends of mod. G. (In her Peasant proper- ties, v. 2.) 26968 Greek brigand, The ; or, The king of the mountains ; by E. About. 29912 Greek Church. Riley, A. (In his Athos.) 29037 Greek fire. Proctor, R. A. Greek fire. (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Greeko-Slavonic literature. Gaster, M. Ilchester lect. on Gr.-Slav. lit. and its rel. to the folk-lore of Europe dur. the Middle Ages. 28402 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 275 Greeley, H. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Parton,J. Horace Greeley's start. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Greely, A. W. American weather; pop. exposition of the phenomena. 30324 Greely, Lieut. A. W. Three years of Arctic service ; acct. of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition, 1881-84. Illust. and maps. 2 v. 26368-9 Melville, G. W. The Greely relief expedition. (In his Lena delta.) 24776 Nourse, J. E. Greely expedition and rescue of the survivors. (In his Amer. explor.) 24679 - Schley, W. S., and Soley, J. R. The rescue of G. 25094 Green, A. K., now Mrs. Rholfs. See Rholfs, A. K. G. Green, Mrs. A. S. Henry the Second. (Twelve Eng. statesmen.) 29878 Green, F. W. E. Memory ; its logical rel. and cultivation. 30694 Green, G. F. Production of wood-pulp. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Green, G. W. Repudiation. (Econom. tracts.) 23570 Green, J. R. Conquest of England. Portr. and maps. 23695 ed. History primers ; namely : Adams, G. B. Mediaeval civilization. 23136 Tighe, A. Development of the Roman constitution. 27101 Green, Mrs. J. R. See Green, A. S. Green, M. A. Springfield, 1636-1886; history; incl. acct. of the quarter-millennial celebration, 1886. *I Springfield memories. 23536 Green, N. E. Hints on sketching fr. nature. *I Green, S. Home fishing and home waters ; pract. treat, on fish culture. 29313 How to cast a fly. (In Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing, etc.) *I Green, S. G. Freuch pict. drawn with pen and pencil. 19171 ; *I Pictures of the German fatherland; pen and pencil. 19172; *I Scottish pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 19173; *l Green, S. S. Gleanings fr. the history of the Second Parish, Worcester, Mass. 23682 - Public libraries and schools; results of efforts to render the former use- ful to the latter. 24880 Green, T. H. Works ; ed. by R. L. Nettleship. 3 v. 30220-2 Contents. V. 1, 2. Philosophical works. 3. Miscellanies and me- moir. Prolegomena to ethics ; ed. by A. C. Bradley. 25064 Green, T. M. Historic families of Kentucky ; spec. ref. to stocks immediately derived fr. Virginia. Ser. 1. 30639 Green, W. H. The Hebrew feasts in their rel. to rec. crit. hypotheses cone, the Pentateuch. (Newton lect.) 30500 Green, W. S. The high Alps of New Zealand ; with an ascent of Mt. Cook. 23537 Green. See Greene. Green Mountain Boys. See Vermont. Greenaway, K. Illustrations. (In Language of flowers.) 25065 Greencloth ; story of Monte Carlo ; by A. W. Dubourg. (In his Four orig. plays.) 23073 Greene, C. E. Trusses and arches analyzed and discussed by graphical methods. Vol. 3 : Arches. 18609 276 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Greene, H. The blind brother ; story of the Pennsylvania coal mines. 28243 Burnham Breaker. 28875 Greene, R. Symonds, J. A. (/// his Shakspere's prede- cessors.) 23982 Greene, S. P. (McL.) Lastchance Junction, far, far west; novel. 30890 Some other folks. 23547 Contents. Santa Maria. A career. The singular vote of Aut Til- box. Sam Speery's pension. Greene, W. H. Lessons in chemistry. (Lippincott's sci. ser.) 24146 Greene. See Green. Greener, W. W. Modern shot guns. 30587 Greenleaf, F. W. Hale, E. E. [Biog. sk. of G.] (In Ms Ten times one.) 22969 Greenough, H. Letters to his brother ; with biog. sketches, etc.; ed by F. B. Greenough. 28244 Greenough, Mrs. R. S. See Greenough, S. D. Greenough, S. D. Mary Magdalen ; poem. 23276 Greenough, W. P. (pseud. G. de Montauban.) Cruise of a woman hater. 28682 Greenwich, Eng. L' Estrange, A. G. The palace and the hospital ; or, Chronicles of G. 2 v. 26385-6 Proctor, R, A . The world's first meridian. (In his Other suns, etc.) 29409 Greenwood, Grace, pseud. See Lippincott, S. J. C. Greenwood, J. E. The moon maiden ; and other stories. 27301 Contents. The moon maiden. Sposin. Prince Jasmine. Greenwood, J. M. Principles of education pract. applied. 28245 Greenwood, T. Turners' and fitters' handbook ; with pract. observations. 28558 Greenwood, W. H. Steel and iron ; methods [of] manu- facture. Diagrams. 23665 Greer, T. A modern Daedalus. 25559 Greey, E. The bear-worshippers of Yezo and Karafuto ; adv. of the Jewett family and Oto Nambo. Illust. 23383 A captive of love; found, upon Bakin's Japanese romance, Kumono Tayema Aina Yo no Tsuki. Illust. fr. orig. work. 26077 The wonderful city of Tokio ; or, Further adv. of the Jewett f amilv. Illust. 23375 Grefve Konigsmark och Prinsessan af Celle ; historisk berat- telse ; fran tyskan. 15161 Greg, P. History of the U. S. fr. the foundation of Vir- ginia to the reconstruction of the union. 2 v. 28032-3 Without God; negative science and natural ethics. 23946 Greg, W. R. Miscellaneous essays. Ser. 2. 23947 Contents. France since 1848. France in January, 1852. England as it is. Sir R. Peel's character and policy. Employment of our Asiatic forces in European wars. Gregg, F. Bartholomew Legate, the last Smithfield martyr ; [fact in the form of a story] . 28034 Gregg, W. S., pseud. See Robinson, F. M. Grego, J. History of parliamentary elections and electioneer- ing in the old days. Illust. *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 277 Gregory VII. [Hildebrand] , Pope. Lilly, W. S. The turn- ing point of the Middle Ages. (In his Chapt. in Europ. hist., v. 1.) 26895 Stephens, W. K. W. Hildebrand and his times. 30746 Gregory, J. M. The seven laws of teaching. 26426 Greifenstein ; by F. M. Crawford. 30920 Grellet, S. (E. de G. du Mabillier). Symington, A. M. (In his Good lives.) 239S1 Grellet du Mabillier, E. de. See Grellet, S. Grenville-Murray, E. C. See Murray, E. C. G. Gresham family. Bourne, H. R. F. The Greshams of Lon- don. (In his Eng. merchants.) 26568 Greswell, R. Burgon, J. W. R. Greswell. (In his Lives, v. 2.) 30835 Gretchen ; by M. J. Holmes. 30267 Greville, C. C. F. The Greville memoirs. Pt. 2, 3 : Journal of the reign of Victoria, 1837-1860 ; ed. by H. Reeve. 3 v. 25874-5 ; 27641 Greville, H. Leaves fr. [his] diary ; ed. by A. H. F. Enfield. 23078 Greville, H., pseud. See Durand, A. F. Greville, Lady V. Keith's wife. 3 v. 24247-9 Montrose; iutrod. by the Earl of Ashburnham. 27929 Grevy, F. P. J. Delabrosse, L. Jules Gr6vy. (In Daudet, E. French celeb.) 23151 Parton, J. (In his Some not. princ.) 25675 Grey, H. G., Earl Grey. Ireland ; causes of its present cond., and measures proposed for its improvement. 29604 Grey, M. G. The women's educational movement [in Eng- land]. (In Stanton, T." The woman question.) 24053 Grey, Maxwell, pseud. See Uttiet, Miss. Grey, Thomas de, Lord Walsingham. Gallwey, R. P., and others. Shooting. 2 v. (Badminton lib.) *I Grey. See Gray. Grey Hawk ; life and adv. among the Red Indians ; by [J. Tanner]. 23285 Grier, R. M. John Allen, Vicar of Prees and Archdeacon of Salop; memoir. 30693 Grierson, Sir R. of Lag. Fergusson, A. The Laird of Lag; a life-sketch. 26704 Griffin, E., Lieut. U. S. A. Our sea-coast defences. (Military monographs.) 25561 Griffin, Sir L. H. The great republic. 24366 Griffin, S. B. Mexico of to-day. Illust. 27758 Griffin, The, and the minor canon ; by F. R. Stockton. ( In his Beeman, etc.) 28995 Griffing, J. R. Letters fr. Florida. 23538 Griffis, W. E. Matthew Calbraith Perry ; a typical Amer. naval officer. 28772 Griffiths, W. Trusses of wood and iron ; pract. appl. of sci- ence ; with working drawings. 28589 Grim Grendel, by A. Gilman. (In New Eng. stor.-bk.) 24819 278 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Grimes, J. S. Geonomy ; creation of the continents by the ocean currents ; phys. geology and geography. *I Grimke", A. and S. Birney, C. H. The Grimke sisters. 25644 Grimke, T. S. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Grimm, H. Life of Raphael; tr. by S. H. Adams. 30672 Literature ; [tr. by S. H. Adams] . 26534 Contents. R. W. Emerson. France and Voltaire. Voltaire and Fred- erick the Great. Frederick the Great and Macaulay. A. Ditrer. The Brothers Grimm. Bettiua von Arnim. Dante on the recent Italian struggle. Grimm, J. L. C. Teutonic mythology; tr. with notes and app., by J. S. Stally brass. 3 v. *I and W. K. Grimm's Household tales; with the author's notes; tr. and ed. by M. Hunt. Introd. by A. Lang. 2 v. *I Kinder- und Hausmiirchen ; select, and ed., with Eng. notes, glossary, etc., by W. H. van der Smissen. 26019 - Grimm, H. The Brothers Grimm. (In his Literature.) 26534 Grimm, W. K. See Grimm, J. L. C. Grimshaw, R. Steam engine catechism. 27497 Supplement to the Steam engine catechism. 27827 Grinnell expeditions. See Nourse, J. E. Amer. explor. in the ice zones. Grisi, G. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 1.) 29598 Spark, W. Grisi and Mario. (In his Mus. mem.) 30877 Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors. 27303 Griswold, W. M. The 18th cent, in Switzerland. (Monograph, no. 45.) 23818 ed. The Monograph; serial coll. of indexed essays. Index to nos. 150. 23818 Gritli's children ; fr. the German of J. Spyri. 28905 Grob, J. Life of Ulric Zwingli ; fr. the German. 23466 Grondeur, Le ; comedie ; par D. A. de Brueys and J. Palaprat. (In Masson, G. Fr. class., v. 6.) . 25265 Gronlund, L. A. The cooperative commonwealth in its out- lines ; exp. of mod. socialism. 24017 Groot, H. van. See Grotius, H. Gros lot, Le, de la loterie des Batignolles, comedie ; par L. Darthenay. (In his Le guignol.) 14935 Gross, S. D., M.D. Autobiography; with sketches of his contemporaries ; ed. by his sons. 2 v. 29075-6 Grosscup, B. S., joint author. See Zeigler, W. G. Grosseteste (Lat. Capito), R., Bp. of Lincoln. Lechler, G. R. Grossetete. (In his J. Wiclif, v. 1.) 30854 Grossi, T. Howells, W. D. (In his Mod. Ital. poets.) 28782 Grotius (or de Groot), H. Lawrence, T. J. The work of G. as a reformer of internat. law. (In his Essays.) 26251 Oxenham, H. N. (In his Short stud.) 25126 Grottos. See Caves. Group, A, of immortals ; by M. B. Edwards. (In her Flower of doom.) 25721 Grousset, P. (pseud. P. Daryl.) Ireland's disease; notes and impressions. 29476 Public life in England ; tr. by H. Frith. 23916 Grove, Sir G. Beethoven's nine symphonies ; analytical es- says ; pref. by G. Henschel. 24019 Hueft'er, F. Music and musicians. (In his It. studies.) 23698 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 279 Guardians, The ; by [H. W. Preston]. 30117 Guatemala. Brigham, W. T. Guatemala the land of the quetzal. [With list of plants.] 28748 Curtis, W. E. (In his Capitals of Sp. Amer.) 29796 Sanborn, H. J. (In her Winter in Central America, etc.) 26551 Gudrun. Gibb, J. Gudrun, Beowulf, and Roland. 23579 Hedge, F. H. Gudruu and other mediaeval poems. (In his Hours, etc.) 26670 Guenn ; by B. W. Howard. 23371) Guercino, H. See Barbieri, G. F. Guerini, O. (pseud. L. Stecchetti.) Hueffer, F. The poets of young Italy. (In his Ital. stud.) 23698 Guernsey, C. E. Fayette's ride. (In Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave Girls.) 27276 Guernsey, F. R., and Machado, J. F. A-B-C Spanish phrase book ; with treat, on pronunciation. 24989 Guernsey, L. E. Loveday's history ; tale of many changes. 24626 Guerre, La, et la paix ; par L. Tolstoi. 3 v. 14860-2 Guesclin, B. du. See Du Guesclin, B. Guest, M. J. Handbook of Eng. hist. ; based on the lect. of G. ; [continuation], with suppl. upon Eng. literature of the 19th cent., by F. H. Underwood. Maps, etc. 28302 Guiana. Thurn, E. F., im. Among the Indians of G. *I See also British Guiana. Guide books. Knox, T. W. Pocket guide around the world. 23105 See also names of places to which the guide books refer. Guide du duelliste indelicat ; par C. Leroy. 14808 Guide, philosopher, and friend; by Mrs. H. Martin. 25073 Guides for science-teaching. See Boston Soc. of Nat. History. Guidi, T. di G. di S., called Masaccio. See Masaccio. Guido Reni. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Guignet, J. A. Hamerton, P. G. Adrien Guignet. (In his Portf. papers.) 30848 Guignol des salons, Le ; par L. Darthenay. 14935 Guild, C. Britons and Muscovites ; or, Traits of two empires. 29137 Guild, R. A. The student's access to the college library. (In Bancroft, T. W. Meth. of Eng. comp.) 24267 Guildhall, V. Benton, E. C. History of G., 1764-1886. *I Guilds. Andrews, W. Gossip about G. (In his Hist, ro- mance.) . 23435 Newton, R. H. Old-time G. and mod. commerc. associations. (In Ms Soc. stud.) 27686 U. S. Dept. of State. Trade G. of Europe. (U. S. Cons, repts.) 22655 Walford, C. Gilds; their origin, constitution, objects, and later history. 30880 Guillaume, H. Amazon provinces of Peru, statist, and geog. rev. of the country ; map and illust. 30172 Guillemard, F. H H. Cruise of the Marchesa to Kamschat- ka and New Guinea, etc. Maps. 2 v. *I Guillet, A. Mine et contra-mine ; avec notes en anglais. (Theatre contemp. No. 17.) 14899 Guilty river, The ; by W. Collins. 28114 Guinea (coin). History. Horton, S. D. (In his Silver pound.) 28511 Guiney, L. I. Brownies and bogles. Illust. 30104 Goose-quill papers. 25339 280 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Contents. On the good repute of the apple. A hand. An open letter to the moon. Brentford pulpit. Notes made by Troilus Gently. On teaching one's grandmother how to suck eggs. Old haunts. Free thoughts on books. A November festival. Vagabondiana. Mathematics. A child in camp. On graveyards. Some garden-folk. Hospitalities. The two voices. Sweetheart. On the beauty of idleness. De mosquitone. On the garret. Longfellow in Westminster; [poem]. (In Longfellow rem. book.) 30350 Songs at the start. 24186 Guizot, F. P. G., and Guizot, Mme. E. C. P. Abailard et Heloise ; essai historique ; suivides lettres, tr. par Oddoul. 14742 Gulf, The. Mahan, A. T. The Gulf and inland waters. 28107 Gulley, F. A. First lessons in agriculture. 29460 Gumaelius, G. W. Engelbrekt ; sanger. 15128 Gummere, F. B. Handbook of poetics for students of Eng. verse. 25731 Gunn, F. W. Gibson, W. H., ed. The master of the Gun- nery ; mem. by his pupils. *I Gunner Molampy's conversion ; by J. A. O'Shea. (In his Mil. mosaics.) 30483 Gunpowder. Braun, K. Short hist. sk. of G. (In Berthe- lot, P. E. M. Expl. materials.) 24119 Guns and Gunnery. Bentou, J. G. Course of instr. in ord- nance and gunnery. 24048 Greener, W. W. Modern shot guns. 30587 Roosevelt, R. B. Gunnery; muzzle-loaders and breech-loaders. (In his Florida, etc.) See also Rifles. Gunton, G. Wealth and progress ; crit. exam, of the labor problem. 29077 Guppy, H. B. The Solomon islands ; geology, gen. features, and suitability for colonization. *I The Solomon islands and their natives. *I Gurney, E. Tertium quid ; chapt. on disputed questions. 2 v. 296056 Contents. Vol. 1. The human ideal. 'Natural religion.' The con- troversy of life. Chapter in the ethics of pain. Epilogue on vivisec- tion. Nature of evidence in matters extraordinary. The utilitarian 'ought.' Monism. 2. Wagner and Wagnerism. A musical crisis. A permanent band for the East-end. Poets, critics, and class-lists. Appre- ciation of poetry. Psychology of music. Myers, F. W. H., andPodmore, F. Phantasms of the living. 2 v. 28403-4 Gurney, E. P. (K.) Memoir and correspondence of G. ; ed. by R. F. Mott. 24544 Gurney family. Bourne, H. R. 'F. The Gurneys of Norwich and London. (In his Eng. merchants.) 26568 Gustafson, A. The foundation of death ; study of the drink- question. 24837 Gustavus III., King of Sweden. Bref till C. A. Wachtmeister och U. G. Franc; utgifne af G. Andersson. 15129 Gustavus Adolphus II., King of Sweden. Dodge, T. A. Gus- tavus Adolphns. (In his Gt. capt.) 30629 Farmer, L. H. (In her Boys' book.) 27081 - Kenty, G. A. The Lion of 'the North ; tale of the times of G. 28043 Stevens, J. L. History of Gustavus Adolphus. 24500 Guthrie, F. A. (pseud. F. Anstey.) The black poodle ; and other tales. 28303 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 281 Contents. The black poodle. Story of a sugar prince. Return of Agamemnon. The wraith of Barnjum. A toy tragedy. An undergrad- uate's aunt. The siren. The curse of the catafalques. A farewell ap- pearance. Accompanied on the flute. The black poodle. (In Tales from many sources, v. 1.) 25367 Burglar Bill ; and other pieces. Introd., stage-directions, etc. 30420 Contents. Burglar Bill. Juniper Jem. Filial little Frank. The con- science-curst. A coster's conversion. Hasdrubal Jopp. The wooing of the lady Amabel. The wreck of the steamship Puffin. Michaelmas day. The recreant reclaimed. A foregone vengeance. A propos de bottes. Positively the last performance. A fallen idol. 26818 The giant's robe. Tllust. 24018 Marjory. (In Norman, H. The broken shaft.) 26116 - The tinted Venus ; farcical romance. 25500 Guthrie, T. Blaikie, W. G. Thomas Guthrie. (//? Ewart, H. C. Leaders.) 30632 - Kirton, J. W. Dr. Guthrie, Scotland's temperance worthy. 25938 Guttmann, O. Gymnastics of the voice ; correct breathing in singing and speaking. Illust. 24549 Guy Mannering ; by W. Scott; ed. with hist, introd., by C. M. Yonge. 26681 Guy of Warwick. Ashton, J. (Inhis Romances of chivalry.) 27170 Moncrief, R. H. (In his Stories of old renown.) 28894 Guy's marriage; by H. Greville [A. F. Durand]. 23153 Guyon, J. M. B. de la M. Mme. Poems; ed., with life, by A. S. Dyer. 27977 Cheever, H. T. ( With his Correspondencies of faith, and Views of Mad. G.) 26315 Guyot, A. H. Creation ; Biblical cosmogony in the light of mod. science. 23620 Gwilliam, G. H. A Syriac Bibl. ms. of the 5th cent, with spec. ref. to the text of the Syriac version of the gospels. (In Driver, S. R., and others. Stud. Bibl.) 26581 Gymnastics, Manly exercises. Angerstein, E., and Eckler, G. Home gymnastics. , 30759 Calisthenics and care of health. (In Accidents, etc.) 28839 Dowd, D. L. Physical culture for home and school. 27974 Farrow, E. S. A military system of gymnastic exercises. 24405 Hartelius, T. J. Home gymnastics; with the art of swimming. 22971 Hitchcock, E. Manual of exercises pract. in Amherst college. 24760 Root, N. W. T. (In his School amusements.) 25897 tiee also Physical education. Gymnastics of the voice. See Voice. Gypsies. Chambers, W. Exploits of the Scottish G. 27869 Mac-Ritchie, D. Accounts of the Gypsies in India. 27707 Morwood, V. S. Our G. in city, tent, and van; origin, strange life, etc. 27586 Simson, J. Social emancipation of the Gypsies. 24533 H., A. A. Polly's temptation. (In Schwatka, F.,and others. Stories.) 27342 H., A. B. Some bad boys of Bybury. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stones.) 27342 H., E. G. See Hodges, E. G. H., H., pseud. See Jackson, II. H. H., H. E. Parlor games for the wise and the otherwise. 28696 Habbertou, J. Brueton's bayou. 29027 Country luck. 28919 George Washington, 1732-1799. (Lives of Amer. worthies.) 23666 282 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Habit. M'Cosh, J. Habit and its infl. in the training at school. (In Phillips Ex. Acad. Lect.) 27997 Radestock, P. Habit and its importance in education. 26841 Habit vert, L' ; proverbe, par E. Augier. (In his Theatre, v. 1.) 14776 Habitation du desert. L' ; par Mayne-Reid. 14813 Hackett, J. H. Ireland, J. N. J. H. Hackett. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, v. 3.) 26474 Hacklander, F. W. Clara, or, slave life in Europe ; pref. by A. Alison. 3. v. 24838-40 Bin erster und ein letzter Ball. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 2.) 16520 Hadden, J. C. George Frederick Handel. (Biog. of comp.) 29482 Haddock, F. C. Life" of Rev. G. C. Haddock. 28304 Haddock, G. C. Haddock, F. C. Life of H. 28304 Hadley, A. Life of W. Harriman ; with select, fr. his speech- es and writings. 29681 Hadley, A. T. Railroad transportation ; history and laws. 25832 Steamship subsidies as a means of reducing the surplus. (In Shaw, A. The nat. rev.) 29895 Hadrianus, P. A., Emp. of Rome. Oxenham, H. N. Relig- ions attitude of H. (In his Short stud.) 25126 Haeckel, E. The pedigree of man ; and other essays ; tr. by E. B. Aveliug. Woodcuts. (Internat. lib. of sci. and free-thought.) 26284 A visit to Ceylon; tr. by C. Bell. 23003 - Hall, A. W. Review of H. (In Ms Problem of human life.) 23071 Haeudel, G. F. See Handel. Haggard, H. R. Allan Quartermain ; his adventures, etc. Illust. 28508 - Books which have influenced me. (In Gladstone, W. E., and others. Books, etc.) 28840 Colonel Quaritch, V. C. ; tale of country life. 30421 Jess. 27759 King Solomon's mines. 26241 Maiwa's revenge : or. The war of the little hand. 29879 Mr. Meeson's will. 29804 She. 27760 The witch's head. 25340 Hague, P. A. A blockaded family ; life in southern Alabama dur. the civil war. 30325 Hague, W., D.D. Life notes ; or, Fifty years outlook. 28773 Hahn, R. E. Kampen om Millionerne. 27418 Hahn, W. The prince of Gold Land. (In Safford, M. J. Christmas country, etc.) 27095 Haifa ; Life in mod. Palestine ; by L. Oliphant. 27781 Haight, C. Country life in Canada 50 years ago. 27392 Hainan. Henry, B. C. Hainan, or the island of palms. 27146 Scott, J. G. (In his France and Tougking.) 25921 Hair. Morris, M. Management of the skin and hair. 27585 Hake, A. E. Story of Chinese Gordon. Portr. and maps. 23539 Hakluyt, R. Voyagers' tales ; fr. the coll. of H. (Cassell's nat. lib.) 26819 Haldane, J. S. 9 joint author. See Haldane, R. B. Haldane, R. Workshop receipts. 2d ser. 23037 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 283 Haldane, R. B. Life of Adam Smith. (G-t. writers.) 29731 and J. S. Relation of philosophy to science. (In Seth, A., and Haldane, R.B. Essays.) 23448 joint editor. See Seth, A. Haldane, R. C. Subtropical cultivations and climates ; handy book for planters and settlers. 27565 Hale. E. E. Address. (In Suffolk Conf. of Chr. Churches. Luther mem.) 23647 - Bovs' heroes. Illust, 26078 Contents. Hector. Horatius Codes. Alexander the Great. Hanni- bal. King Arthur. Richard the Lion hearted. Bayard. Robinson Crusoe. Israel Putnam. Gen. Lafayette. Napoleon I. Ralph Al- lestree. ( 'aptain Kidd. (Monograph, no. 27.) 23818 The choice of boooks. (In Abbott, L. Hints for home reading.) 25G40 Christmas in Narragausett. (Stand, lib.) 24990 - The Church in its rel. to pub. charity. (In Mod. Unitarianism.) 26688 Easter; a collection for a hundred friends. 26535 The fortunes of Rachel. (Stand, lib. ser.) 24187 History of the U. S. ; written for the Chautauqua reading circles. 28959 How they lived in Hampton; stud, of pract. Christ, appl. in the manufac- ture of woolens. 29805 Life of Washington studied anew. 28931 Lights of two centuries. Illust. (Stand, biog.) 28774 Contents. Artist* and sculptors: Watteau. Hogarth. Reynolds. Canova. Thorwaldsen. Turner. Ingres. Barye. Millet. Bastien- Lepage. Prose writers: Swift. Addison. Voltaire. Johnson. Rous- seau. Scott. Carlyle. Macaulay. Emerson. Thackeray. Dickens. Composers : Bach. Handel. Haydn. Mozart. Beethoven. Schu- bert. Mendelssohn. Chopin. Schumann. Wagner. Poets : Pope. Goethe. Burns. Schiller. Wordsworth. Byron. Hugo. Longfel- low. Tennyson. Browning. Inventors : Arkwright. Watt. The Montgolflers. Fulton. Whitney. Stephenson. Bessemer. Edison. Bell. - The man without a country. Illust. 30422 The man without a country ; and other tales. 28201 Contents. The man without a country; The last of the Florida; A piece of possible history; The South Amer. editor; The old and the new, face to face; The dot and line .alphabet; The last voyage of the Resolute; My double, and how he undid me; The children of the pub- lic; The skeleton in the closet; Christmas waits in Boston. Mr. Tangier's vacations. 29682 - My friend the boss; story of to-day. 30223 Our Christmas in a palace. 23467 Physical, mental, and spiritual exercises. (In Phillips Exeter Acad. Lect.) 27997 Seven Spanish cities, and the way to them. 23163 Stories of invention, told by inventors, etc. 25539 Contents. Introduction. Archimedes. Friar Bacon. B. Cellini. B. Palissy. B. Franklin. Theorists of the 18th cent. J. Watt. R. Ful- ton. G. Stephenson and the locomotive. E. Whitney. J. Nasmyth. Sir H. Bessemer. The last meeting; Goodyear. Sunday-school stor. on the golden texts of the International lessons of 1889. Pt. 1. 30528 Ten times one is ten; the possible reformation ; by F. Ingham. 2 pts. 22961) Contents. Pt. 1. The storv. 2. Harry Wadsworth and Wadsworth Clubs. Note. The story of Harry Wadsworth is founded on fact from the life of F. W. Greenleaf,of whom there is prefixed a biographical notice. - Tom Torrey's tariff talks. 30105 and E. E., Jr. Franklin in France; fr. ori0!>2 Harland, H. (pseud. S. Lnska.) As it was written ; a Jewish musician's story. 25670 A Latin-quarter courtship ; and other stories. 30790 Contents. A Latin-quarter courtship, Mr. Sonuensclicin's inher- itance. Lilith. Mrs. Ormizon's dinner party. Mrs. Peixada. 26642 My Uncle Florimond. 30329 The yoke of the Thorah. 28129 Harland, M., pseud. See Terhune, M. V. Harley, R., Earl of Oxford. Smith, G. B. Harley and the court of Queen Anne. (In his Half-hrs., etc.) 23353 Harley, Rev. T. Moon lore. 26323 Harmonia; by [E. W. O. Kirk]. 29189 Harmony. See Musical dictation. "Harnt," The, that walks Chilhowee : by C. E. Craddock [M. N. Murfi'ee]. (In her In the Tenn. mts.) 23765 Haroun-al-Raschid. Arawiyah, Al. Tales of the caliph. 28698 Harouu Alraschid. (Monograph, no. 48.) 23818 Harper, T. The metaphysics of the School. Vols. 1, 2. 23621-2 Harper, W. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Vols. 67-78. 15984-9 ; 26740-45 Harpers, The, of Min-y-don ; by K. S. Cooper. (In her Heart salvage.) 25389 Harper's Young People, Vols. 1,4-10, 1880, 1883-April, 1889. 21076; 21079-85 Harriman, W. Hadley, A. Life of H. ; with select, fr. his speeches and writings. 29681 Harris, A. B. American authors for young folks. 28776 Contents. W. Irving. J. F. Cooper. W. H. Proscott.- R. W. Emer- son. N. Hawthorne. H. B. Stowe. A. and P. Cary. B. Taylor. H. D. Thoreau, etc. F. Parkman. G. W. Curtis. D. G. Mitchell. "H. H." and others. J. R. Lowell. 290 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. A boy sculptor; A young antiquarian. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Dooryard folks; and A winter garden. Illust. 23164 Old school-days. Illust. 26821 Pleasant authors for young folks. (Little biog. Ser. 1.) 23777 Contents. W. Scott. M. R. Mitford. C. Lamb. G. White. J. Aus- ten. J. H. L. Hunt. C. Kingsley. Dr. J. Brown. G. MacDouald. D. Muloch-Crnik. J. Ruskiu. C. Bronte, and others. Wild flowers and where they grow. Illust. 26691 Harris E., M. D. Cleanliness and disinfection. (Hampton tracts, no. 9.) 23506 Harris, F. McC. (pseud. Hope Ledyard.) The president's page. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Harris, G., joint author. See Smyth, E. C. Harris, H. G. Manufacture of plate glass. ( With Powell, H. J. Princ. of glass making.) 24814 Harris, J., 1st Earl of Malmesbury. Smith, G. B. Lord Malmesbuiy and Queen Caroline. (In his Half-bra;, etc.) 23353 Harris, J. H., 3d Earl of Malmesbury. Memoirs of an ex- minister ; autobiography. 25421 Thornton, P. M. Ld. Malmesbury. (In his For. secretaries, v. 3.) 22746 Harris, J. C. Free Joe ; and other Georgian sketches. 28876 Con'ents. Free Joe. Little Compton. Aunt Fountain's prisoner. Trouble on Lost Mountain. Azalia. Mingo; and other sketches in black and white. 24188 Contents. Miugo. At Teague Poteet's. Blue Dave. A piece of land. Nights with Uncle Hemus ; myths and legends of the old plantation. Illust. 23277 Braiuerd, E. J. U.Harris at Atlanta. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Harris, Mrs. M. (C.), wife of S. S. Phoebe. 23926 Harris, R. Before trial ; what should be done by client, solici- tor, and counsel ; with treat, on the Defence of insanity. 28189 Harris, S. Philosophical basis of theism. 23099 The self-revelation of God. 27643 Harris, W. History of the radical party in parliament. 25395 Harris, W. T. Emerson's philosophy of nature ; Emerson's orientalism ; Emerson's rel. to Goethe and Carlyle. (In Cone. Sch. of Philos. Lect.) 24790 Goethe's Faust, (In Cone. Sch. of Philos. Lect.) 26347 ed. International education series ; namely : Baldwin, J. Elementary psychology and education. 28741 Laurie, S. S. Rise and early constitution of universities. 27684 Morrison, G. B. Ventilation and warming of school buildings. 28351 Painter, F. V. N. History of education. 26838 1'reyer, W. The mind of the child. Pts. 1, 2. 29185-6 Rosenkranz, J. K. F. Philosophy of education. 27236 Harrison, B, Wallace, L. Life of H. 29910 Harrison, Mrs. B. See Harrison, C. (C.). Harrison, C. (C.) Bar Harbor days. Illust. 28960 Bric-a-brac stories. Illust. 25732 - The old-fashioned fairy book. Illust. 24752 Harrison, F. The choice of books ; and other pieces. 26324 Contents. The choice of books. Culture. Past and present. The ro- mance of the peerage : Lothair. Froude's life of Carlyle. Life of George Eliot. Historic London. Opening of the courts of justice. A plea for the Tower of London. The aesthete. At Burlington House. Bernard of Clairvaux. A few words about the 18th cent. Histories of the French revolution. A few words about the 19th cent. Oliver Cromwell. (Twelve Eng. statesmen.) 29807 and Spencer, H. The nature and reality of religion; controversy; app. on The relig. value of the unknowable, by Count d' Alviella. 25221 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 291 Harrison. F. B. Brothers in arms ; story of the crusades. Illust. 28035 Harrison, H. Life of J. B. Kerfoot, 1st Bishop of Pittsburgh ; with select, fr. his diaries and correspondence. 2 v. 27804-5 Harrison, J. A northern lily ; five years of an uneventful life. 28306 Harrison, J. Part-on. J. John Harrison, exquisite watch- maker. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Smiles, S. John Harrison, inventor of the marine chronometer. (In his Men of inv.) 24821 Harrison, J. A. Autrefois ; tales. 30330 Contents. Aunt Annette. Story of Carlito Jacmel. Sccur Agathe. The hall of tiger-skins. Story of an urn. 'Sieu Cayetane. The episode of Pere Benachi. Old Mamzel. Man Cribiche's meditations. Izzet and Esme. Piti-Josi-Ba' tiste. The story of Greece. (Story of the nations.) 25833 Baskerville, W. M. J. A. Harrison at Lexington, Va. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors, etc.) 30787 Harrison, J. B. Latest studies on Indian reservations. 21110 Harrison, M. Bishop Fraseiv (In Ewart, H. C. Leaders.) 30632 Harrison, W. J. History of photography ; pract. guide, with biog. sk. of the author, and app. by Dr. Maddox, on the disc, of the gelatino-bromide process. 28777 Harrison, Mrs. W. (pseud. L. Malet.) Colonel Enderby's wife. 25548 A counsel of perfection. 21)806 Little Peter ; a Christmas morality for children. Illust. 29483 Harrop, R. Bolingbroke ; a polit. study and criticism. 24841 Harrow school. Farrar, F. W. The history and hopes of a pub. school. (In his Fall of man, etc.) 25872 Thornton, P. M. Harrow school and its surroundings. *I Harry of Monmouth. See Henry V., King of England. Harry Marline, Adventures of; by Admiral Porter. 25516 Harry Ogilvie ; by J. Grant. 10773 Harry Richmond, Adventures of; by G. Meredith. 26442 Harsha, W. J. A timid brave ; story of an Indian uprising. 26669 Hart, A. B. Methods of teaching Amer. history. (Li Hall, G. S. Methods.) 25152 Hart, J. S. Manual of English literature. 25834 Hart, V. C. Western China ; journey to the great Buddhist centre of Mount Omei. Illust. * 30225 Hart and his bear ; by A. G. Riddle. 23323 Harte, B. See Harte, (F.) B. Harte, (F.) B. The Argonauts of North Liberty. -'^29537 By shore and sedge. 25438 "38. Saral Contents. An apostle of the Tules. Sarah Walker. A ship of '49. Oressy. ^ >utvi , ItrfT 30643 The crusade of the Excelsior. ' 28246 In the Carquinez woods. 23100 Maruja. 25733 A millionaire of Rough-aud-Ready ; and Devil's ford. 27644 On the frontier. 24277 Contents. At the mission of San Carmel. A blue grass Penelope A C -^, Left out on Lone Star mountain. -~\rn(| A Phyllis of the sierras; and A drift from Redwood camp. 29078 - The queen of the pirate isle. Illust. 27305 Snow-bound at Eagle's. 26325 Hartelius, T. J. Home gymnastics ; with the art of swim- ming ; tr. and adapt, by C. Lofving. Illust. 22971 292 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hartford. First Church. Walker, G. L. History of the C. 24046 Harting, J. E. Sketches of bird life fr. twenty years' obs. of their haunts and habits. Illust. *I Hartley, C. B. Life of Daniel Boone ; added, Autobiography. 27306 Hartley, M. L. Baubie Clark. 23346 Ismay's children. 28778 Hartmaun, E. von. Philosophy of the unconscious ; tr. by W. C. Couplaud. 3 v. 23951-3 Spiritism . 27930 Hedge, F. H. Critique of pessimism as taught by H. (In his Atheism.) 24.750 Saltus, E. E. (In his Philos. of disenchantment.) 25450 Tulloch, J. Pessimism; Leopardi, Schopenhauer, Hartmann. 24673 Hartmann, F. Life of Philippus Theophrastus, Bombast of Hohenheira, known by the name of Paracelsus ; and the substance of his teachings extr. and tr. fr. his works. 28072 Hartmann, R. Anthropoid apes. Illust. (Internat. sci. ser.) 26079 Hartuer, E. Pythia's pupils ; story for girls ; tr. by Mrs. Davis. 30423 Harty the wanderer; by F. Owen. 25080 Hartz Mts. Heine, H. Die Harzreise ; with Eng. notes. 27041 Harvard Advocate. New verses fr. the H. Advocate. 1876- 1886. 27989 Harvard University, Record of the commemoration, Nov., 18S6, of the founding of Harvard College. 28000 Lowell, J. R. Harvard anniversary ; address, 1880. (In his Democra- cy, etc.) 27217 Biography. Peabody, A. P. Harvard reminiscences. 29102 - Sibley, J. L. Biographical sk. of graduates. Vol. 3. 24874 Expenses. Palmer, G. H. Expenses at H. ; address, 1887. 26944 History. Bush, G. C. Harvard the first American university. 27184 Harvard vespers ; addresses to students by the preachers to the University. 30331 Harvey, "ML., joint author. See Hatton, J. Harvey, W.. d. 1657. (7?i Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Harvey, W., b. 1796. Dobson, A. Thomas Bewick and his pupils. 24472 Harward, S. Axon, W. E. A. A sermon of the 16th cent. (In his Lancashire glean.) 23436 Harwood, J. B. Within the clasp ; story of the Yorkshire jet- hunters. 25194 Haskell, D. C. U. S. Cong. 48th-lst. Memorial addr. on H. 19923 Raskins, D. G. Ralph Waldo Emerson ; his maternal ances- tors ; with reminiscences. 26923 Hasluck, P. N. Handbooks for handicrafts; namely: Mechanic's workshop handybook. 29750 Metal turner's handybook. 2d ed., rev. 29607 Pattern maker's handybook. 29608 Watch jobber's handybook. 29609 Screw threads, and methods of producing them ; with tables, etc. Illust. 28406 Hassall, A. Constitutional kingship, 1399-1485. (In Wake- man, H. O., and Hassall, A. Essays.) 28090 joint author. See Wakeman, H. O. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 293 Hassan Ali and the golden basin ; by S. W. Baker. (In his True tales.) 23454 Hastings, H. J. Ancient Amer. polities; ed. and rev. by II. Hastings. 27084 Hastings, W. Letters fr. H. to his wife. (In Busteed, II. E. Echoes from old Calcutta.) 23338 Stephen, J. F. (In his Story of Nuncomar, v. 1.) 25948 Hatch, E., D.D. The growth of church institutions. 28405 Religion and the churches. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 1.) 28714 Hatch, R. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Hattie's romance ; by P. Demiug. (In his Tompkins, etc.) , 24900 Hatton, F. North Borneo ; explorations and adv. on the equa- tor ; biog. sk. and notes by J. Hatton ; pref . by W. Med- hurst. Illust. 26493 Hatton, J. Biographical sketch and notes. (In Hatton, F. North Borneo.) 26493 John Needham's double. (Haper's handy ser.) 25734 - The old house at Sandwich. 28130 and Harvey, M. Newfoundland; hist., present cond., and prospects; f r. Eng. ed. ; rev. and enl. Illust. 23007 Hattou, J. L. Sparks, W. J. L. Hatton. (In his Mus. mem.) 30877 Hauff, W. The cave of Steenfoll ; The young Englishman. (In Safford, M.. J. Christ, country.) 27095 Haughery, M. Bolton, S. K. Margaret. (In her Successful women.) 30203 Haunted adjutant, The ; by E. Quincy. 25676 Haunted chamber, The ; by the Duchess [M. Argles]. ( With her Lady Valworth's diamonds.) 26972 Haunted homes and family traditions of Gt. Brit. ; by J. H. Ingram. 23957 Haupt, M. Nettleship, H. Moritz Haupt. (In his Lect., etc.) 25633 Hanran. Description. Schumacher, G. (In his Across the Jordan.) % 26606 Hausrath, A. (pseud. George Taylor.) Jetta ; or, Heidelberg under the Romans ; hist, novel ; tr. by S. F. Corkran. 2 v. 27159-60 Klytia; story of Heidelberg castle; fr. the German by S. F. Corkran. 2 v. 23714-15 Haussonville, G. P. O. de C., vicomte d'. Lodge, H. C. French opinions of the U. S., 1840-1881. (In his Studies.) 23785 Havana. Description. Ballou, M. M. (In Ms Due south.) 25641 Havard, H. The Dutch school of painting; tr. by G. Powell. 25663 Havelock, Sir H. Edgar, J. G. (In his Her. of Eng.) 23693 - (77i Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Phillips, E. C. Sir Henry Havelock. 26509 Havergal, F. R. Aldridge, L. F. R. Havergal. 26478 Havergal, M. V. G., ed. Outlines of a gentle life ; mem. of Ellen P. Shaw. 28961 Havers, D. (pseud. Theo. Gift.) Lil Lorimer. 27762 Victims. (Leis. hr. ser.) 27763 Havre. Description. Hargreaves, T. (F his Voyage.) 23950 294 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hawaiian Islands. Aubertin, J. J. (In his Fight with dis- tances.) 30276 Button, C. E. Hawaiian volcanoes. (In U. S. Geol. Surv. Kept., 1882-3.) 25283 Haweis, H. R. Christ and Christianity; namely: The conquering- cross (the Church). 28307 The picture of Jesus (the Master). 27308 The picture of Paul (the disciple). 27978 Story of the Four (evangelists) . 27396 My musical life. 23846 ed. Routledge's World Library; nanwly : Allen, J. Life of Nelson. 26521 Haweis, Mrs. M. E. Rus in urbe ; or, Flowers that thrive in London gardens and smoky towns. Illust. 27039 Hawkins, C. H. Stage-craft of Shakspere. (In Winchester Coll. Shakspere Soc. Noctes.) 29429 Hawkins, E. Burgon, J. W. E. Hawkins. (In his Lives, v. 1.) 30834 Oxeuham,H. N. The late Provost of Oriel. (In his Short stud.) 25126 Hawkins, F. The French stage in the 18th cent. 2 v. 30698-9 Hawkins, Sir J. The unfortunate voyage with the Jesus, the Minion, and four other ships to Guinea and the W. I., 1567-8. ( In Hakluyt, R. Voyagers' tales.) 26819 Bourne, H. R. F. Earlier exploits of H. (In his Eng. seamen, v. 2.) 29739 Hawkins, M. L. Sketch of the battle of Winchester, Sept. 19, 1864. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Hawkins family. Bourne, H. R. F. The Hawkinses of Ply- mouth. (In his Eng. merchants.) 26568 Hawthorne, J. An American penman ; fr. the diary of In- spector Byrnes. 28779 Another's crime ; fr. the diary of Inspector Byrnes. 30332 Beatrix Randolph. Illust. 23540 Confessions and criticisms. 27312 Contents. A preliminary confession. Novels and agnosticism. Amer- icanism in fiction. Literature for children. The moral aim in fiction. The maker of many books. Mr. Mallock's missing science. Theodore Winthrop's writings. Emerson as an American. Modern magic. Amer- ican wild animals in art. Constance; and Calbot's rival ; tales. 30891 David Poindexter's disappearance ; and other tales. 29138 Contents. David Poindexter's disappearance. Ken's mystery. "When half-gods go, the gods arrive." " Set not thy foot on graves." My friend Paton. A dream and a forgetting. 29808 Emerson as an American. (In Cone. Sch. of Phil. Lect.) 24790 Fortune's fool. 23165 The great bank robbery ; f r. the diary of Inspector Byrnes. 28877 John Parmelee's curse. 27682 Love or a name. 25664 Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife; biography. 2 v. 24753-4 Noble blood. 24755 Prince Saroni's wife; and The pearl-shell necklace. 24991 Section 558; or, The fatal letter; fr. the diary of Inspector Byrnes. 29139 A tragic mystery; fr. the diary of Inspector Byrnes. 28308 The trial of Gideon; and Countess Almara's murder. 27397 Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories ; with questions. 2cS469 Little Daffydowndilly ; and other stories; with a biog. sketch. 28679 Contents. Sketch of the life of H. Little Daffydowndilly. Little Annie's ramble. The snow-image. A rill fr. the town pump. David Swan. True stories fr. New England history: Grandfather's chair; with questions. 3 pts. in 1. 28468 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 295 Bolton, S. K. Nathaniel Hawthorne and his family. (In her Fain. Araer. authors.) 28746 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Harris, A. B. (In her Amer. authors.) 28776 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Lathrop, G. P. Nathaniel Hawthorne's college days. (In Part on, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Peabody, E. P. Hawthorne's Marble faun. (In her Last evening, etc.) 27355 Richardson, C. F. (In his Amer. literature, v. 2.) 27340 and S. A. (P.) Hawthorne, J. Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife; biog. 2v. 24753-4 Hay, J. Johnson ; his characteristics and aphorisms. 24842 Hay, J. Lovejoy, B. G. John Hay in Washington. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Hay, M. C. Lester's secret. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25439 A wicked girl. (Harper's handy ser.) 27207 Hay fever. See Autumnal catarrh. Haydn, F. J. Letters. (//* Wallace, Lady. Letters, etc.) 27980 - Bourne, C. E. (In his Great composers.) 27917 Butterworth, H. Haydn and Mozart. (In his Gt. composers.) Crowest, F. (In his Great tone poets.) 27739 Fillmore, J. C. Sketch of H. (In his Pianoforte music.) 23372 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 - Nohl, C. F. L. Life of H. ; tr. by G. P. Upton. (Musicians.) 25235 Rockstro, W. S. (In his Gen. hist, of music.) 26602 Towusend, P. D. Joseph Haydn. 25180 Hayes, A. A. The Denver express. (In Stor. by Am. au- thors, v. 6.) 24219 The Jesuit's ring; romance of Mount Desert. 28309 Hayes, &., pseud. See Kirk, E. (O.). Hayes, I. I. Nourse, J. E. Explorations of H. (In his Amer. explor.) 24679 ; *I Hayes, T. Procter, R. W. Hayes and Arkwright. (In his Barber's shop.) 23592 Haygood, A. G. Thanksgiving sermon ; The new South ; Emory College, Oxford, Ga. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 Hayne, R. Y. On Mr. Foot's resolution, in the U. S. Senate, Jan. 21, 1830. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 1.) 24995 - Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Haynes, M. S. Theodore L. Cuyler. (In Cuyler, T. L. Right to the point.) 23768 Hays, H. Aspirations. 26822 Note. Same as An unexpected legacy. Hayti. St. John, S. Hayti, or the black republic. 24866 Hayward, A. Historical quotations. (Monograph, no. 38.) 23818 Selection fr. the correspondence of H., 1834-1884; with acct. of his early life; ed. by H. E. Carlisle. 2 v. 27931-2 Escott, T. H. S. (In his Politics, etc.) 27881 Hayward, E. F. Patrice ; her love and work ; poem. 23377 Haywood, P. D. The cruise of the Alabama ; by one of the crew ; with notes fr. hist, authorities. 26794 Hazard, C. Biographical preface. (In Hazard, R. G. Essay on language.) 30793 Memoirs of J. L. Diman; comp. fr. his letters, journals, etc. 27313 Hazard, R. G. Causation and freedom in willing ; with Man a creative first cause, etc. 30791 296 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Economics and politics: papers. 30792 Essay on language; and other essays, etc. 30793 the Contents. Language. Adaptation of the universe to the cultivation of mind. The Bible. Intemperance. Philosophical character of Chan- ning. Public schools. Character and writings of Chief Justice Durfee. Duty of individuals to support science and literature. To write well, write about what you know little or nothing about. Freedom of mind in willing: or, Every being that wills a creative first cause. 30794 Man a creative first cause; discourses, Concord, Mass., 1882. 23470 Hazard; by S. W. Cooper. (In The Septameron. ) 29902 Hazelius, J. A. Kriget emellan Tyskland och Frankrike ; dess orsaker och narmaste foljder. 15088 Hazen, W. B. The growth of an idea ; Signal service. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Narrative of military service. 25735 Hazlitt, W. Mason, E. T. (In his Personal traits, v. 3.) 25230 Hazlitt, W. C. Gleanings in old garden literature. 28509 Old cookery books and ancient cuisine. 27040 Schools, school-books, and schoolmasters; educ. develop, in Gt. Brit. 29751 He and she ; or, A poet's portfolio ; by W. W. Story. 23295 He fell in love with his wife ; by E. P. Roe. 26999 Head station, The ; by Mrs. C. Praed. 27231 Head waiter, The ; by F. W. Robinson. (In his Women are strange.) 24096 Headley, J. .T. Darien Exploring Expedition under Lieut. I. C. Strain. 25562 Headley, P. C. Fight it out on this line ; life of U. S. Grant. 28462 Fighting Phil: life of P. H. Sheridan. 284G3 Old stars ; Life of O. M. Mitchel. 28464 Heaford, A. S. Strains on braced iron arches and arched iron bridges. Illust. 23584 Healing art, The ; or, Chapters upon medicine, diseases, reme- dies, and physicians; hist., biog., and descriptive. 2 v. 27963-4 Health. See Hygiene ; Public hygiene. Health, beauty, and the toilet ; by A. Kingsford. 28249 Health resorts. Benjamin, S. G. W. The world's paradises; life, scenery, etc., in noted sanitaria. 29006 See also Alps; Austria; California; Davos; Maloja; Resorts; St. Moritz; Wiesen. Healy, E. Painters of the Italian renaissance. Illust. 26216 Heap, D. P., Mdj. Ancient and modern lighthouses. Illust. 30644 Electrical appliances of the present day; rept. on the Paris Elect. Exhib., 1881. 24628 Heard, A. F. The Russian Church, and Russian dissent. 28131 Heard, F. F. Shakespeare as a lawyer. 23541 Heard, J. M. How to tell the age of a horse ; and chapt. on horse character. 24411 Hearn, L. Some Chinese ghosts. 27830 Stray leaves fr. strange literature; stories reconstructed fr. the Anvari- Soheili,Bait;il, I'achisi, Mahabharata, Pantehatantra, Gulistan, Tal- mud, Kalewala, etc. 24189 Hearn, W. E. Plutology ; or the theory of the efforts to satisfy human wants. 29610 Heart and science ; by W. Collins. 22961 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 297 Heart, The, of the weed; [by Mrs. L. C. Perry]. 29174 Heart, A, regained ; by Carmen Sylva [Elizabeth, Q. of Ron- mania]. 25389 Heart salvage by sea and land ; by K. S. Cooper. 30526 Heart's Content, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland. Deming, C. Heart's Content and the ocean cables. (In his Byways, etc. ) 23664 Heart's delight ; by C. Gibbon. 25497 Heartbreak cameo, The ; by L. W. Champney. (In Stor. by Am. authors, v. 6.) 24219 Hearts ; by D. C. Murray. 23502 Hearts or diamonds ; by I. D. Hardy. 2 v. 26S87-S Heartsease and rue ; poems ; by J. R. Lowell. 29145 Heat. Browne, W. R. Introductory chapt. on H. and com- bustion. (In Schwackhofer, F. Fuel and water.) 23974 Molloy, G. The mod. theory of heat. (In his Gleanings.) 30808 Schwackhofer, F. Phys. charcteristics of H. (In his Fuel and water.) 23974 Tait, P. G. Heat. 24205 Zenner,G. Theorie mecanique de la chaleur,avec ses appl. aux machines. 1483U Heath, F. G. Sylvan winter. Illust. 26494 Tree gossip. 2539G Heath, R. Historic landmarks in the Christ, centuries. Illust. 26889 Heath, The, in the wilderness ; or, Sermons to the people ; by R. Newton. 29891 Heating. See Warming. Heatley, G. S. Our dogs ; and their diseases. 24843 Sheep-farming-. 23054 Heatou, Mrs. C. See Heaton, M. M. Heatou, M. M. Concise hist, of painting ; rev. by C. Monk- house. 30588 Heavens, The. See Astronomy. Heavy stakes ; by P. B. Marston. (In /n'.sFora song's sake.) 28802 Heber, R., Bp. of Calcutta. (7?i Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Hebrew faith and modern facts ; by W. J. Potter. (In Sav- age, M. J. Sermons, v. 4.] 22510 Hebrew Language. Neubaur, A. On the dialects spoken in Palestine in the time of Christ. (In Driver, S. R., and others. Studia Biblica.) 26581 Hebrews. See Jews. Hebrides. Campbell, G. D. Crofts and farms in the H. 23685 Cumming, C. F. G. In the Hebrides. 23834 Hccker, J. F. C. The Black death ; and Dancing mania; tr. by B. G. Babington. 29684 Hector, A. F. (pseud. Mrs. Alexander.) The Admiral's ward. (Leis. hr. ser.) 22850 - At bay. ('Leis. hr. ser.) 25665 Beaton's bargain. (Leis. hr. ser.) 26536 - By woman's wit. (Leis. hr. ser.) 27368 - The executor. (Leis. hr. ser.) 23106 Forging the fetters ; and other stories. (Leis. hr. ser.) 28310 Contents. Forging the fetters. Mrs. Vereker's courier maid. The Australian aunt. A life interest. (Leis. hr. ser.) 29140 Mona's choice. (Leis. hr. ser.) 29079 A second life. (Leis. hr. ser.) 25440 298 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hector's inheritance ; by H. Alger, Jr. 25815 Heclborn, S. J. Samlade skrifter ; utgifne af P. D. A. At- terbom. 15130 Hedge, F. H., D.D. Atheism in philosophy; and other essays. 24756 Contents. Philosophic atheism: Introduction. Epicurus. Schopen- hauer. Critique of pessimism as taught by E. von Hartmann. Miscella- neous essays: Life find character of Augustine. G. W. von Leibniz. Kant. Irony. Philosophy of fetichism. Genius. The lords of life. - Goethe's Marchen. (In Cone. Sch. of Phil. Lect.) 26347 Hours with German classics. 26670 Contents. Introductory. Eldest monuments. The Nibelungenlied. Comparison of the Nibelungenlied with the Iliad. Gudrun and other mediaeval poems. Martin Luther. Hans Sachs and Ulrich von Hutten. Seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Klopstock. Lessing. Mendels- sohn. The Universal German Library. F. Nicolai. Wieland. Her- der. Goethe. Schiller. Jean Paul. The romantic school. Hoffman. H. Heine. Martin Luther; and other essays. 29538 Contents. Martin Luther. Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians. Christianity in conflict with Hellenism. Feudal society. Conservatism and reform. Rev. W. E. Channing. Science and faith. Classic and ro- mantic. The steps of beauty. Ethical systems. Ghost-seeing. Person- ality. The theism of reason and the theism of faith. and Wister, A. L. Metrical translations and poems. 29314 Hedges, K. Supply of electricity by local authorities. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 9.) *I Hedonism. Martineau, J. ( Inliis Types of eth. theory, v. 2.) 25402 Heermans, F. Thirteen stories of the far west. 28510 Contents. Shingles. The widow of the late Smith. Alanascar and his uncle. The ascent of Uncompahgre. Buried under an avalanche. Wedding at Puerta da Luna. On watch with the night herd. Don Quixote de Santa Rosa. The assayer's story. Log of a landsman. Molo- kai; Death's valley. The home of everlasting fire. Hegel, G. W. F. 'Courtney, W. L. A philosophy of religion. (In his Stud, in philos.) 23578 Kidney, J. S. Hegel's ^Esthetics; crit. exposition. 25345 Seth, A. Hegelianism and personality. 29639 Saisset, E. E. Pantheism of H. (In his Ess. on relig. philos., v. 2.) 29850 Helm, V. Wanderings of plants and animals fr. their first' home ; ed. by J. S. gtallybrass. 30849 Heidelberg. For historical novels cone. H. see Hausrath, A. Heidenhairn, R. Hypnotism ; or, Animal magnetism ; physio- logical observations ; tr. by L. C. Wooldridge ; pref. by G. J. Romanes. 30755 Heidi; by J. Spyri. 24795 Heilprin, A. Animal life of our sea-shore ; with espec. ref. to the New Jersey coast and the southern shore of Long Island. 30106 Contributions to the tertiary geology and paleontology of the IT. S. *I Geographical and geological distr. of animals. (Internat. sci. ser.) 27645 The geological evidences of evolution. 29188 - North American ostreidae. (In U. S. Geol.Surv. Rept,, 18S2-3.) 25283 Heilprin, L. Historical reference book; compr. chronological table [and] dictionary of univ. hist., biog. dictionary, etc. 24911 Hcimburg, W., pseud. See Behrens, B. Heine, H. Book of songs; comp. fr. the translations by T. Martin and E. A. Bowring. 24571 Die Harzreise ; with life of H., etc. (Germ, class.) 27041 - Ideas, "Buch le grand" of the Reisebilder of H. 1826; tr. by I. B. 24250 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 299 Travel-pictures; incl. Tour in the Harz, Norderney,and Book of ideas; with The romantic school; tr. by F. Storer. Map and app. 27885 Buchanan, R. Heine in a court suit. (In his Look round lit.) 28005 Eliot, G., pseud. German wit; Heine. (In her Essays.) 23545; 23959 Hedge, F. H. (In his Hours with .Germ, class.) 26670 Memoirs of H., and some newly-disc. fragments of his writings ; introd. essay by T. W. Evans. 24461 Schindler, S. Boerne and Heine and their time. (In his Diss. views.) 29700 Heine Brothers, House of, in Munich ; by A. Trollope. (In his Tales of all countries.) 24871 Heir, The, of the ages ; by J. Payn. 26839 Helen on her travels in Europe ; by [Mrs. W. L. Gage]. 21985 Helena, F. J., Empress, St., Brooks, E. S. Helena of Bri- tain ; the girl of the Essex fells. (In his Hist, girls.) 28864 Helgoland, or Heligoland. Black, W. G. Heligoland and the islands of the No. Sea. 30831 Kingston, W. B. A happy island. (In his Wanderer's notes, v. 2.) 30595 Heliotype. Wilkinson, \\ r . T. The heliotype process. (In his Photo-engr.) 30669 Hell. See Future life. Hell, Letters from ; [by W. A. Thisted]. 25612 Hellas. See Greece. Heller, A. Geschichte der Physik von Aristoteles bis auf die neueste Zeit. 2 v. 16227-8 Heller, R. Theodora ; ofversiittning. ( With Allweg, T. Skogsqvaruen.) Heller, S. Barbedette. H. Stephen Heller ; life and works. 27970 Helm, C. Prinzesschen Eva ; Erzahlung fur heranwachsende Miidchen. 16405 Prinzesschen Eva; Erziihlung fiir heranwiichsende Miidchen. 16405 Professorentochter ; Erzahlung fiir junge Miidchen. KJ406 Roschen im Moose ; eine Erzahlung tiir heranwachsende Miidchen. 16407 Das vierbliittridge Klecblatt; Erziihlung ans dem Freiheitskriege fiir junge Miidchen. 16404 Hall, A. W. Review of H Helmholtz, H. L. F. Problem of human life.) Heloise. See Abailard. Helo'ise et Abailard ; vaudeville ; CEuvres, se"r. 2, v. 33.) Helpful thoughts for young men sey. Helping himself ; by H. Alger, Jr. Helps, A. On the art of living with others. terpieces, v. 2.) Thoughts in the cloister and the crowd. Helps by the way ; comp. by S. W. W. and M. S. H. (In his par A. E. Scribe. (In his discourses, by T. D. Wool- (In Prose mas- 23071 Hemans. F. D. (B.) esses.) Hemenway, F. E. economy. Illust Hemp. Bremner, D. Henderson, A. Palestine index and maps. 24045 27023 23201 23005 26026 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poet- 23640 Indicator practice and steam-engine 27085 (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 1-3.) 25091-3 its hist, geography ; with topog. 25397 Henderson, Rev. A. Taylor, W. M. (In his Scottish pulpit.) 28910 300 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Henderson, I. Agatha Page ; a parable. 29539 - The prelate; a novel. 26428 Henderson, J. Industrial legislation. (In Gt. ind. of Gt. Brit., v. 1-3.) 25091-3 Henderson, J. Brereton, A. (In his Some famous Hamlets.) 24954 Henderson, M. F. Diet for the sick ; treat, on the values of foods, their preparation, etc. Illust. 25503 Henderson, P. Gardening for profit ; enl. ed. 30645 Hendricks, T. A. Barnum, A. Lives of G. Cleveland and T. A. Hendricks. 24113 - Goodrich. F. E. Biography of H. (In his Life of Cleveland.) 24115 Heness, G. Der neue Leitfaden beim Unterricht in der deutschen Sprache. 25155 Henkel, F. The mistress of Ibichstein ; fr. the Germ. ; by S. E. Boggs. 24U7 Hennell, S. S. Present religion as a faith owning fellowship with thought. Pt. 1, 2. 3 v. *I Henrietta's heroism ; by M. E. W. Sherwood. (In Cather- wood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 Henry II., King of England. Green, A. S. Henry the second. 29878 Stubbs, W. Learning and literature at the court of H. (In his Seven- teen lect.) 26936 Henry III., King of England. Hutton, W. H. The misrule of H. ; extr. fr. the writings of M. Paris, etc. 28707 Henry IV., King of England. Wylie, J. H. History of Eng- land under H. Vol. 1. 25926 Henry IV., Pt. I.; by W. Shakespeare. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 Henry V., King of England. Brooks, E. S. Harry of Mon- mouth, the boy general. (In his Hist, boys.) * 25969 Edgar, J. G. (In his Her. of Eng.) 23693 Henry VII., King of England. Moberly, C. E. The early Tudors ; Henry VII. 27839 Stubbs, W. The reign of Henry VII. (In his Seventeen lect.) 26936 Henry VIII., King of England. Bourne, H. R. F. Henry the eighth's navy. (In his Eng. seamen.) 29739 - Brewer, J. S. The reign of H., to the death of Wolsey. 2 v. 24077-8 Gasquet, F. A. Henry V1TI. and the Eng. monasteries. V. 1, 2. 29374-5 - Moberly, C. E. The early Tudors ; Henry VIII. .27839 Stubbs, W The reign of H. (In his Seventeen lect.) 26936 Henry II., King of France. Jackson, C. C. (In her Court of F., v. 2.) 27152 Henry III., King of France. Freer, M. W. Henry III., his court and times. 3 v. 3041416 Jackson, C. C. (In her Last of the Valois, v. 2.) 29754 Henry IV., King of France. Baird, H. M. The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 2 v. 27172-3 Jackson, C. C. (In her Last of the Valois, v. 2.) 29754 Philippson, M. Konig Heinrich IV. von Frankreich. (In Gottschall, 11. Der neue Plutarch, v. 1.) 16296 Henry of Navarre. See Henry IV., King of France. Henry, Prince of Portugal. Markham, C. R. Prince Henry, the navigator. (In his Sea fathers.) 25002 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 301 Henry, B. C. The cross and the dragon ; or, Light in the broad East ; introd. by J. Cook. 25504 Ling-Nam; or. Interior views of southern China; incl. explorations in the island of Hainan. 27146 Henry, J. Dickerson, E. N. Joseph Henry and the magnetic telegraph ; address. 25656 Henry, M. H. (pseud. Howe Benning.) One girl's way out. 28780 Henry, P. Convention of delegates, March 28, 1775 ; On the expediency of adopting the Federal Constitution ; Conven- tion of Virginia, June 4, 1788. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 1.) 24995 - Tyler, M. C. Patrick Henry. 28611 Henryson, R. Ross, J. M. (In his Scottish hist., etc.) 24380 Hens, The, of Hencastle ; fr. the German of V. Bluthgen. (In Ewing, J. H. Brothers of Pity, etc.) 26376 Hensel, F. (M. B.) Parton, J. Fanny Mendelssohn. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Henshall, J. A. Camping and cruising in Florida ; [with list of fishes and birds observed]. Illust. 24278 The resources of fly fishing. (In Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing, etc.) *I Henslow, G. Origin of floral structures through insect and other agencies. Illust. 30107 Henson, H. H. The early Eng. constitution. (In Wakeman, H. O., and H assail, A. Essays.) 28090 Henty, G. A. Bonnie Prince Ch&rlie ; tale of Fontenoy and Culloden. Illust. 29028 Border lances ; romance of the Northern marches in the reign of Edward III. Illust. 2C429 The boy knight; tale of the crusades. Illust. 23378 - The bravest of the brave ; or, With Peterborough in Spain. Illust. 28036 By sheer pluck ; tale of the Ashanti war. Illust. 28037 Captain Bayley's heir; tale of the gold fields of California. Illust. 30226 The cat of Bubastes; tale of anc. Egypt. 30589 The city in the sea; stor. of the deeds of the old Venetians fr. the chron- icles. Ilium. 23718 The dragon and the raven ; or, The days of King Alfred. Illust. 28038 Facing death; or, The hero of the Vaughan pit; tale of the coal mines. Illust. 28039 A final reckoning; tale of bush life in Australia, Illust. 28040 For name and fame; or, Through Afghan passes. Illust. 28041 In freedom's cause ; story of Wallace and Bruce. Illust. 28042 Jack Archer; tale of the'Crimea. Illust. 24478 The Lion of St. Mark ; tale of Venice. Illust. 30227 The Lion of the North; tale of the times of Gustavus Adolphus and the wars of religion. Illust. 28043 Orange and green ; tale of the Boyne and Limerick. Illust. 29378 St. George for England : tale of Cressy and Poitiers. Illust. 28044 Stories of the Italian artists; fr. Vasari. Illust. 25319 - Through the fray; tale of the Luddite riots. Illust. 28045 True to the old flag ; tale of the Amer. War of Independence. Illust. 28046 Under Drake's flag; tale of the Spanish main. Illust. 28047 With Clive in India; or, The beginnings of an empire. Illust. 28048 With Wolfe in Canada; or, The winning of a continent* Illust. 27570 - The young Carthaginian ; or, A struggle for empire. Illust. 27571 Hepworth, J. The Carlisle public baths. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 14.) *I Hepworth, T. C. Photography for amateurs. Illust. 24629 Her face was her fortune ; by F. W. Robinson. 7326 21 302 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Her first appearance ; by [Mrs. M. Argles]. 23680 Her great idea ; by L. B. Walford. 30237 Her little life ; by J. A. Eastman. (In New England story- book, and in Catherwood. M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 24819 ; 27276 Her only brother; by W. Heimburg [B. Behrens]. 30424 Her own doing ; by W. E. Norris. 27225 Her price ; by P. B. Marston. (In his For a song's sake.) 28802 Her sailor love ; by K. S. Macquoid. 22974 Her second love ; by A. Owen [A. Ogle]. 28597 Her title of honour ; by H. Lee [H. Parr]. 25081 Her Washington season ; by J. G. Lincoln. 23784 Heraldry. Jenkins, R. C. Heraldry, Eng. and foreign ; with diet, of terms. 26894 Reiiton, E. H. Heraldry in Eng. ; hist, and science of H. 29410 Sims, R. Manual for the genealogist, topographer, antiquary, etc. *I Willing, F. S. Dame Heraldry. 28171 Worthy, C. Practical H.; epitome of Eng. armory. 30882 Herat. Marvin, C. The Russians at the gates of H. 25348 Herbart, J. F. Ribot, T. (/;/. his German psychology.) 26448 Herbert, E., 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury. Autobiography ; with introd., notes, app., and a continuation by S. L. Lee. Portr. *I Herbert, G. Dennis, J. (In his Her. of literature.) 23445 Hercules, The, and wagoner of to-day ; by J. F. Clarke. (In his Vexed questions.) 27073 Herder, J. G. von. Baerenbach, F. von. J. G. von Herder. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 6.) 16301 Hedge, F. H. (In his Hrs. with Germ, class.) 26670 Hillebrand, K. Herder, Goethe, and Carl August. (Monograph, no. 4.) 23818 Nevinsou, H. Sketch of H. and his times. 23967 Hereafter, The ; twenty-three answers to the question What are the strongest proofs and arguments in support of the bel. in a life hereafter? 29123 Heredity. Adams, W. D. Heredity in song. (In his By- ways in Bookland.) 30769 Brooks, W. K. The law of H. ; cause of variation, and origin of living organisms. 23143 Galton, F. Hereditary genius ; laws and consequences. 23161 Natural inheritance/ 30786 Proctor, R. A. Parents and children ; law of H. in its reJ. to the train- ing of children. (In his Other suns, etc.) 29409 Hereford, Eng. Phillott, H. W. Hereford. (Diocesan hist.) 29760 Heresy. Hall, E. H. Ten lect. on orthodoxy and H. in the Christ. Church. .23083 Herrick, S. E. Some heretics of yesterday. 24570 Herford, B. Christianity in the presence of modern criticism. (JnMod. Unit.) 26688 ITerford, C. H. Studies in the literary rel. of Eng. and Ger. in the 16th cent. 27147 Hergenroether, J., Cardinal. Additions. (In Brueck, H. Hist, of the Cath. Church.) 2 v. 30302-3 Hering, C. Principles of dynamo-electric machines; and direct, for constr. dynamos, etc. 29447 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 303 Hering, R. Essential features of house drainage, and pract. points regarding its design and construction. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Heriot, G. Bourne, II. R. F. (In his Eng. merchants.) 26568 Heriwalt of Vineta ; by A. Frey. (In Safford, M. J. Christ. country, etc.) 27095 Herman, R>,joi?it author. See Murray, J. D. C. Hermit, The, of Saint Eugene ; by W. E. Norris. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 1.) 25367 Hermit, The, of Shawmut. See Blaxton, W. Hermocrates. Cox, G. W. (In his Lives of Gr. statesmen, ser. 2.) 26663 Hernani ; par V. Hugo. (In Theatre contemp., and in his Dram, works.) 14899 ; 29385 Hero's, A, last days ; or, Nepenthe. 23676 Herodes, the Great. Vickers, J. History of Herod. 25952 Herodotus. Boys' and girls' H. ; ed., with introd., by J. S. White. 24479 Heroes. Fiske, J. Sociology and hero-worship ; Heroes of industry. (In his Excursions.) 23373 Hale, E. E. Boys' heroes. 26078 Heroes and kings ; stor. fr. the Greek ; by A. J. Church. 23442 Heroes of Christ, hist. ; namely : Boyle, G. D. Richard Baxter. 23525 Macdonald, F. W. Fletcher of Madeley. 26171 Heroes of science. See Garnett, W. Heroes of the desert ; by [A. Manning]. 26173 Heroic enthusiasts, The; ethical poem; by G. Bruno. Pt. 1. 29356 Heron, M. A. Edwards, H. M. A. Heron. (In Matthews, J. B., and Button, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 Heron-Allen, E. See Allen, E. H. Herr Paulus ; by W. Besant. 29440 Herrick, C. L. The structure of the brain. (In Lotze, R. H. Outlines, etc.} 25898 Herrick, C. T. Housekeeping made easy. 30108 Herrick, R. Dennis, J. (In his Her. of literature.) 23445 Gosse, E. W. (In his Seventeenth cent, stud.) 23580 Herrick, S. B. Chapters on plant life. Illust. 25666 Herrick, S. E. Some heretics of yesterday. 24570 Contents. Tauler and the Mystics. Wiclif. Hus. Savonarola. Latimer. Cranmer. Melancthon. Knox. Calvin. Coligny . Wm. Brewster. Wesley. Herring. Watson, C. S. The silvery hosts of the North Sea. 23359 Herschel, C. L. Parton, J. (In his Not. women.) 23433 Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Proctor, R. A. Correspondence with H. ; Wm. Herschel's star surveys. (In his Other suns, etc.) 29409 - Winchell, A. Sir W. Herschel's researches. (In his World-life.) 23415 Wright, H. C. Herschel and the story of the stars, 1738-1822. (In her Child, stor.) 30384 Hersey, H. E. Theory of R. Browning cone. pers. immortal- ity ; notes. (In Browning, R. Christmas eve, etc.) 28944 304 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hershler, N. The guardsman's hand-book, for the rank and file (Infantry) of the militia of the U. S. 25563 Hertz, H. Kong Rene's Datter ; lyrisk Drama. (Bd. with Andersen, H. C. Nye Eventyr.) 27438 Hervey, J., Lord Hervey of Ickworth. Memoirs of the reign of George II. to the death of Q. Caroline ; ed. by J. W. Croker. 3 v. 24757-9 Ewald, A. C. (In his Stud, re-studied.) 25625 Hervey, T. K. Book of Christmas; customs, traditions, etc., of Christmas. Illust. 30228 Hervilly, M. E. d'. Vent d'ouest ; La soupiere. (In Theatre contemp.) 14897 Hessians. Lowell, E. J. The H. and other Germ, auxiliaries of Gt. Brit, in the revolutionary war. 23633 Hester; by M. Sidney [H. M. Lothrop]. 27325 Hester ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 23552 Hester's dower; by L. C. Wyman. (In her Poverty grass.) 26940 Heth and Moab ; by C. R. Conder. 23690 Hewins, C. M. Books for the young ; guide for parents and children. 24630 Hewlett, H. G. A wayfarer's wallet ; Dominus redivivus. [Poems.] 30731 Hewson, T. Sewering towns on the separate system ; Leeds sewage works ; experiments in purification. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 11.) *I Hexateuch. See Bible. 0. T. (Pentateuch) ; also Joshua. Heyse,P.J.L. Gesammelte Werke. V. 15, 16 ; 18. 16325-6; 16328 Inhalt. V. 15. Er soil dein Herr sein. Judith Stern. Das Ding an sich. Die Tochter der Excellenz. Die Kaiserin von Spinetta. Zwei Ge- fangene. Beppe der Sternseher. 16. Joriude. Getreu bis in dem Tod. Die ungarische Grafin. Ein Martyrer der Phantasie. Nerina. Das Seeweib. Die,, Frau Marchesa. 18. Himmlische und irdische Liebe. F. V. R. I. A. Auf Tod und Lebeu. L'Arrabiata; Beppe der Sternseher; Maria Francisca. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 1. 16519 Same ; Eng. Overland lib. 30757 Barbarossa; and other tales ; fr. the Germ, by L. C. S. 26243 Contents. Barbarossa. The embroideress of Treviso. Lottka. The lost son. The fair Kate. Geoffroy and Garcinde. Buch der Freundschaft. 16412 Inhalt. David und Jonathan. Grenzen der Menschheit. Nino und Maso. Buch der Freundschaft. Neue Folge. 16327 Contents. Siechenkrost. Die schwarze Jakobe. Gute Kameraden. Im Bunde der Dritte. Frau von F. ; Das Madchen von Treppi; Anfang uiid Ende. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 2.) 16520 Lottka; Die Reise nach dem Gliick ; Der verlorene Sohu. (In Schick. L. Coll. Novellen, v. 3.) 16521 Brandes, G. (In his Eminent authors.) 27179 Heywood, P. D. An ocean tramp. 30109 Hiawatha, Song of ; by H. W. Longfellow. 24833 Hibbert lectures. See Beard, C. ; Reville, A. ; Pfleiderer, O. ; Sayce, A. H. ; Rhys, J. Hibbs, C. Iron and steel. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 2, 3.) 25092-3 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 305 Hickson, M. Ireland in' the 17th cent. ; or, The Irish mas- sacres of 1641-2, their causes and results. Pref . by J. A. Froude. 2 v. 24844-5 Hidalgo ; the Washington of Mexico. (In her Shocking ex- ample, etc.) 30774 Hidden door, The ; by V. Lee [V. Paget] . (In Norman, H. The witching time.) 27331 Hidden treasure, The ; by S. G. W. Benjamin. (In his Sea- spray.) 28916 Higgins, C. L. Burgon, J. W. C. L. Higgins. (In his Lives, v. 2.) 30835 Higginson, T. W. A larger history of the U. S. to the close of Jackson's administration. Illust. 25736 Margaret Fuller Ossoli. 23889 The monarch of dreams. 27314 Travellers and outlaws ; episodes in Amer. hist. ; app. of authorities. 30479 Contents. The old Salem sea-captains. A revolutionary congress- man on horseback. A New England vagabond. The Maroons of Sur- inam. Gabriel's defeat. Denmark Vesey. Nat Turner's insurrection. Appendix. Why do children dislike history? (In Hall, G. S. Methods, etc.) 23501 ; 25152 Women and men. 28878 Contents. Introductory. Outside of the shelter. The shadow of the harem. The woman of influence. The swing of the social pendulum. The creator of the home. Vacations for saints. Maiden aunts. On one's relationship to one's mother. The flood-tide of youth. " But strong of will." Marketable accomplishments. " Chances." The daughters of toil. Empire of manners. Unreasonable unselfishness. Women's in- fluence on literary style. The s'ingle will. On a certain humility in Americans. ' Quite rustic." The toy of royalty. Women's letters. The independent purse. Breaking and bending. Exalted stations. Finer forces. A house of cards. Mice and martyrdom. The organizing mind. The search after a publisher. Men's novels and women's novels. Women as household decorators. Voices. Social superiors. The secret of the birthday. The new theory of language. Trust funds. A plea for the uncommonplace. Children on a farm. Who shall fix the value? A woman's enterprise. City and country living. The humor of children. Parochialism. On visiting the sick. The fear of its being wasted. Nervousness of men. The German standard. The missing musical wo- man. The brutality of " Punch and Judy." Why women authors write under the names of men. The discipline of dolls. Santa Glaus agencies, Kerenhappuch. American love of home. More thorough work visible. Christmas all the time. The victory of the weak. A re- turn to the hills. The shy graces. - Bolton, S. K. (In her Fam. Amer. authors.) 28746 Cooke, G. W. T.W. Higginson at Cambridge. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 - Rideing. W. H. (In his Boyhood of living authors.) 28815 High-lights ; [by C. L. W. Field]. 25860 Highlands of Scotland. Black, W. Mr. Pisistratus Brown, M. P., in the H. 26278 Macleod, N. Reminiscences of a Highland parish. 29923 P., J. M., and S., F. W. Sketches of the clans : cold, plates of tartans. 26597 Ramsay, J. The Highlanders; Highland superstitions; The High- lands and the rebellions. (In his Scotland, etc., v. 2.) 29762 Stewart, A. 'Twixt Ben Nevis and Glencoe; nat. hist., legends, and folk-lore. 25950 Victoria, Queen. More leaves fr. the journ. of a life in the H. *I History. Blackie, J. S. The Scottish Highlanders and the land laws. 25294 Mackenzie, A. History of the Highland clearances. 23587 306 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Natural History. Smith, W. A. Loch Creran ; notes fr. the west H. 28440 See also Sutherland ; Skye. Highways of history. See Creighton, L. Hilda; by J. Gibb. (In his Gudrun, etc.) 23579 Hildebrand. See Gregory VII., Pope. Hildebrand, H. The industrial arts of Scandinavia in the pa- gan time. Woodcuts. (So. Kensington Mus. Art hd. bks.) *I Hill, A. S. Our English. 30646 Hill, F. H. George Canning. (Eng. worthies.) 28248 Hill, G. A., joint author. See Wentworth, G. A. Hill, H. Recollections of an octogenarian. 23626 Hill, H. A. Memoir of Abbott Lawrence ; with appendix. 24480 Hill, Sir R. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Parton, J. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Hill, T., D.D. In the woods and elsewhere ; [poems]. 30425 Hill, Sir W. Laurie, W. F. B. Sir W. Hill. (In his Sketches.) 30596 Hillebrand, K. Herder, Goethe, and Carl August. (Mono- graph, no. 4.) 23818 Hillern, W. von. A graveyard flower ; fr. the German, by C. Bell. 23890 Hillier, G. L., joint author. See Keppel, W. C. Hills, W. H., ed. Students' songs ; as now sung at Harvard, Yale, etc. 23471 Hillsboro' farms ; by S. D. Cobb. 7554 Himalaya Mts. Gumming, C. F. G. In the Himalayas, etc. 25061 Hincks, E. Y., joint author. See Smyth, E. C. Hindu, Hinduism. See India. Hinman, R. Eclectic physical geography. 30333 Hinsdale, B. A. The old Northwest ; with a view of the thir- teen colonies as constituted by the royal charters. 29540 Schools and studies. 23778 Contents. Origin of character. Handling children. Means and ends. Specialization of studies. Plea for breadth. J. S. Mill. Mission of the public school Industrial education and public-school reforms. The na- tion and the states. Secularization of learning. The Eastern question. The public vs. the public schools. A phase of college education. Re- forms in the school law of Ohio. Hinton, C. H. Scientific romances. 26242 Contents. What is the fourth dimension? The Persian king. A plane world. A picture of our universe. Casting out the self. Hints about men's dress ; by a New York clubman. 30386 Hints and pract. information for cabinet-makers, upholsterers, etc. 27695 Hippeau, C. L'instruction publique en Russie. *I Hirsch, J., joint author. See Schepeler-Lette, A. His broken sword ; by W. L. Taylor. 29574 His honour's bounty; by K. S. Cooper. (In her Heart sal- vage.) 25389 His little Royal Highness ; by R. Ogden. 28896 His one fault ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 27247 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 307 His own master ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 17290 His second campaign; [by M. Thompson]. 22987 His sombre rivals ; by E. P. Roe. 23185 His stupid wife ; by J. Stinde. (In his Woodland tales.) 28165 His trust : by P. B. Marston. (In his For a song's sake, etc.) 28802 His wife's deceased sister ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his The Lady.) 24037 Hislop, S. Smith, G. Stephen Hislop, pioneer missionary and naturalist in central India. 30876 Hissey, J. J. A holiday on the road ; an artist's wanderings in Kent, Sussex, and Surrey. Illust. 29379 An old-fashioned jour. thr. Eng. and Wales. 25066 Histology. See Anatomy. Historic boys ; by E. S. Brooks. 25969 Historic doubts of Riley Hood ; by R. M. Johnston. (In his Mr. A. Billingslea, etc.) 29688 Historic faith, The ; by B. F. Westcott. 23061 Historic landmarks. See Heath, R. Historic romance ; by W. Andrews. 23435 Historic towns. See Freeman, E. A., and Hunt, W. Historic waterways ; by R. G. Thwaites. 29575 Historical gleanings. See Rogers, J. E. T. Historical method. Posnett, H. M. The hist, method in eth- ics, jurisprudence, and polit. economy. 24258 Historiska reklmationer rorande 1788, 89 och 90, samt 1808 och 9 arens f iilttag : Finland. 15131 History. General and Miscellaneous Works. Atkinson, W. P. On history and the study of history ; lect. 24230 Birrell, A. The muse of history. (In his Obiter dicta, ser. 2.) 28279 Blackie, J. S. What does history teach? 26308 Carlyle, T. On history. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 2.) 23201 Cleveland, R. E. History. (In her George Eliot's poems, etc.} 25554 Froude, J. A. The science of history. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 3.) 23202 Hayward, A. Historical quotations. (Monograph, no. 38.) 23818 Ingleby. C. M. Romantic history. (In his Essays.) 29611 Lilly, W. S. What can history teach us? (In his Chapters in European hist., v. 1.) 26895 Macaulay, T. B. History. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 2.) 23201 Ritchie, D. G. The rationality of history. (In Seth, A., and Haldane, R. B. Essays.) 23448 Scudder, H. E. Aspects of historical work. (In his Men and letters.) 28817 Smith, J. C. The true and the false in history. (In his Writings by the way.) 25607 Stebbing, W. Some verdicts of history reviewed. 28582 Study. Adams, H. B. Methods of hist, study. (In J. Hopkins Univ stud., v. 2.) *I -The study of hist, in Amer. colleges and universities. (U. S. Bur. of Educ. Circ. of inf.) 23196 Fredericq, P. Study of H. in Eng. and Scotland. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 5.) *I Freeman, E. A. Methods of historical study; lect.; with lect. on The office of the historical professor. 26941 - The office of the historical professor. 24987 See also Hall, G. S. Pedigogical library. Universal History. Andrews, E. B. Brief institutes of general history. 28938 Barnes, M. D. S. Studies in gen. hist. ; student's ed. 26560 308 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Studies in gen. hist. ; teacher's manual. 26561 Brief hist, of anc., mediaeval, and mod. peoples. (Barnes's one-term ser.) 23523 Brown, R. W. Great events of the world in poetry and prose. 24558 Fisher, G. P. Outlines of universal history; text-book. 26127 Heath, R. Historic landmarks in the Christ, centuries. 26889 Ranke, F. L. von. Universal H. ; the oldest hist, group of nations and the Greeks. 24198 Ridpath, J. C. Cyclopaedia of uuiv. hist. 3 v. 28985-7 Robertson, J. B. Public lectures bef. the Catholic Univ. of Ireland, 1856-58. 26287 Wheeler, C. G. The course of empire; outlines of the chief polit. changes in the world. 23413 (Atlases.) Labberton, R. H. New hist, atlas and gen. history. 27470 (Dictionaries.) - Heilprin, L. Historical reference book ; chronological table, etc. 24911 See also Green, J. R.,for History primers; Highway of history. History, Ancient. See Ancient history. History, Modern. See Modern History. History of a week ; by L. B. Walford. 26462 History of an acre ; by C. Reade. (In his Good stor.) 24029 History of the next French revolution ; by W. M. Thack- eray. (In Ms Burlesques, etc.) 24700 History primers. See Green, J. R. Hitchcock, E. Manual of gymnastic exercises pract. in Am- herst college. 24760 Hitchcock, II. American state constitutions; study of their growth. (Quest, of the day.) 27831 Hitchcock, J. R. W. Etching in America ; with lists of Amer. etchers and coll. of prints. 26430 Hitchcock, R. D., and Brown, F. Introduction and notes. (In Apostles. Teaching, etc.) *I Hitchman, F. Richard F. Burton ; life, with acct. of his trav- els, etc. 2 v. 29380-1 Hitopadesa. The book of good counsels ; fr. the Sanskrit ; by E. Arnold. Illust. *I Fables and proverbs from the Sanskrit, tr. by C. Wilkins ; introd. by H. Morley. 28190 Hittell, T. H. History of California. 2 v. 26470-1 Hittites. Wright, W. The empire of the H., with decipher- ment of inscr., etc. *I Hiuen Tsiang. Buddhist records of the western world (Si-yu- ki) ; tr. by S. Beal. 2 v. 25316-17 - Hwui Li, and Yen-Tsung. Life of Hiuen Tsiang; [tr.] by S. Beal. 30732 Hoar, G. F. Address. (In Lincoln, Mass. Pub. Lib. Proc.) 24711 Memoir of A. H. Bullock. (In Bullock, A. H. Addr.) 17288 Hoar, S. Emerson, R. W. (In his Lect., etc.) 23462 Hoare, Jtev. E. N. Notable workers in humble life. 29484 Contents. John Pounds. John Duncan. Robert Dick. Thomas Ed- ward. J. Ashworth. T. Cooper. R. Flockhart. George Smith. Hobart, Hon. A. C., called Hobart Pasha. Sketches from my life ; with portr. 27646 Hobart, Lady M. Biographical sketch. (In Hobart, V. H. Essays, etc., v. 1.) 25935 Hobart, V. H., Lord Hobart. Essays and misc. writings; with biog. sketch ; ed. by Lady Hobart. 2 v. 25935-6 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 309 Hobbes, T., of Malmesbury. Robertson, G. C. Hobbes. 26449 Hobbs, C. W. Lynn and surroundings. *I Hoche, L. Bonnechose, F. P. E. B. de. Lazare Hoche, Ge"ne"- ral en chef, etc. 24537 Hodder, E. Cities of the world ; origin, progress, and pres- ent aspect. Illust. 3 v. 25067-9 - Life and work of the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury ; with portr. 3 v. 27886-8 Life of Samuel Morley ; with portr. 29383 Simon Peter; his life, times, and friends. 24522 Hodges, E. G. Surprise land ; a girl's letters from the west. 27681 Hodgetts, J. F. The English in the Middle Ages ; mode of life, dress, arms, etc., as illust. by the remains in the Brit. Museum. 26890 Hodgkin, T. Italy and her invaders. Vol. 3, 4. 20948-9 Hodgkins, W. H., joint author. See Burrage, H. S. Hodgson, F. T. The carpenters' steel square, and its uses. Illust. 23313 Hand saws; their use, care, and abuse, etc. Illust. 23314 Plaster and plastering ; mortars and cements; how to make, etc.,' app. illust. gloss, of terms. 23315 Practical carpentry ; guide to carpenters' and joiners' work ; pref . Treat- ise on "carpenters' geometry." Stair-building made easy ; with glossary of terms, designs, etc. Hodgson, J. E. Academy lectures. 24251 Contents. Art as influenced by the times: Art in Greek times. In the Dark Ages. In mediaeval times. Renaissance art. Art in the 16th- 19th cent. Artists of the past: Introductory. Primative or hieroglyph- ic period. Transition or naturalistic period": L. da Vinci. Michael An- gelo. Raphael : Hodgson, S. H. The theory of practice ; ethical inquiry. 2 v. 29920-21 Hodgson, W. B. Life and letters ; ed. by J. M. D. Meikle- john. 23696 Hodson, G. H., ed. Hodson of Hodson's Horse; a soldier's life in India ; extr. fr. letters of W. S. E. Hodson, etc. 23847 Hodson, J. S. H istorical and pract. guide to art illust. in con- nect, with books, periodicals, etc. *I Hodson, R. E. Formation and management of plantations on different sites, altitudes, and exposures. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Hodson, W. S. R. Extracts fr. letters, etc. (In Hodson, G. H. Hodson of Hodson's Horse.) 23847 Hoefer, E. Rolof , der Rekrut. (In Schick, L. Coll. Novel- len, v. 3.) 16521 Hoey, Mrs. C. See Hoey, F. S. (J.) Hoey, F. S. (J.) The lover's creed. 24913 A stern chase. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 26823 Hoffman, J. T. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Hoffman, W. Leisure hours in Russia. 24252 Hoffmann, Professor, pseud. See Lewis, A. J. Hoffmann, E. T. (A.) W. The Serapion brethren ; tr. by A. Ewing. Vol. 1. 28049 Weird tales; new trans. ; with biog. mem. ; by J. T. Bealby. Etchings. 2 v. 24846-7 Contents. Vol. 1. The Cremona violin. The fermata. Signer For- mica. The sand-man. The entail. 2. Arthur's Hall. Doge and 310 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. dogess. Master Martin the cooper. Mile, de Sender!. Gambler's luck. Master Johannes Wacht. Hedge, F. H. (In his Hrs. with Germ, class.) 26670 Hoffmann, F. Fritz ; or, Filial obedience ; tr. by M. A. Man- derson. 28202 Hogan, J. F. The Irish in Australia. 29382 Hogarth, W. Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Hogg, J., the Ettrick shepherd. Garden, Mrs. Memorials of H. 25112 Mason, E. T. (In his Personal traits, v. 2.) 25229 Shairp, J. C. (In his Sketches.) 29640 Hogg, W. G. Health and disease in indust. occupations. ( In Gt. ind. of Gt. Brit., v. 1, 2.) 25091-2 Hoggan, F. E. Women in medicine. (In Stanton, T. The woman quest.) 24053 Hohenstaufen. Balzani, U. The popes and the Hohenstaufen. 30619 Hoke, J. The great invasion of 1863 ; or, General Lee in Pennsylvania; with app. 28311 Holberg, L. Horn, F. W. Holberg and his time. (In his Hist., etc.) 23453 Holbrook, K., pseud. (?) How? or, Spare hours made profit- able for boys and girls. Illust. 27398 Holbrook, M. L. How to strengthen the memory. 27086 Holcomb, W. P. Pennsylvania boroughs. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 4.) *I Holden, E. S., joint author. See Newcomb, S. Holden, I. The story of H. (In Fortunes made in business, v. 1.) 24000 Holder, C. F. All about Pasadena and its vicinity. 30647 A frozen dragon ; and other tales ; nat. history. Illust. 30530 The ivory king; pop. hist, of the elephant, etc. Illust. 27315 Living lights ; pop. acct. of phosphorescent animals and vegetables. 28781 Marvels of animal life. 25835 A strange company ; wonder-wings, mullingongs, colossi, etc. Illust. 30334 and J. B. Elements of zoology. (Appletous' sci. text-books.) 24761 Hole, S. R. The six of spades ; the garden and the gardener. 29752, Holiday, A, amg. some old friends ; by G. O. Trevelyan. (In his Ladies in Parliament.) 30748 Holiday on the road ; by J. J. Hissey. 29379 Holiday tasks ; by J. Payn. 28569 Holidays. Brooks, E. S. Storied H. ; cycle of historic red- letter days. 28749 Holland, F. M. The rise of intellectual liberty fr. Thales to Copernicus. 25156 Holland, H. R. F., Lord. See Vassall, H. R. F. Holland, H. S. Christ or Ecclesiastes ; sermons. 29448 Creed and character; sermons. 28132 Holland, T. E. Elements of jurisprudence. 28637 Holland. Agriculture. Jenkins, H. M. (In his Rept. on agricul. education.) 24428 Art. Havard, H. The Dutch school of painting. 25663 Description and travels. Boughton, G. H. Sketching rambles in H. *I Butterworth, II. (In his Zigzag jour, in north, land.) 23145 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 311 Champney, L. W. Three Vassar girls on the Rhine. 26979 Hare, A. J. C. Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia. 25300 Kingston, W. B. (In his Wanderer's notes, v. 1.) 30594 Lovett, R. Pictures from H. drawn with pen and pencil. 28887 Mahaffy, J. I'., and Rogers, J. E. Sketches fr. a tour thr. H. 30736 Veruev, Lady. Pictures in H.. on and oft" canvas. (In her Peasant prop- erties, etc.) 26967 Wight, O. W. (In his People, etc.) 30381 History. Rogers, J. E. T. Story of Holland. 30456 See also Netherlands. Holland House. Holland House. (Monograph, no. 44.) Hollanders, The, in Nova Zembla ; Arctic poem ; by H. Tollens. 24211 Holley, M. (pseud. Josiah Allen's wife.) Samantha at Sara- toga ; or, "Flirtin' with fashion." Illust. 28465 Sweet Cicely; or, Josiah Allen as a politician. Illust. 26080 Holley, M. Partou, J. Myron Holley, market-gardener. (In hisC&pt. of ind.) 24420 Hollingshead, J. Footlights. 23697 Contents. The dead fair. The baffled burglar and the bogus bullion. The giant and fairy. Goods and chattels. Legend of Brighthelmstone. Muscle-worship. A cockney story. The lost diamond. A slave cap- tain. A gentle lady married to a Moor. The great M. C. Two lives. A converted theatre. The mahogany minstrels. Dramatic critics criti- cised. "Manfred" on the stage. The Wardour street drama. Adapting fr. the French. A discerning British public. A fine old crusted rifle club. An almost forgotten art. To the (Seldom-at-) Home Secretary : The city of unmitigated pot-houses; A new would-be government; Fid- dling while Rome is burning. The Duke of Mudford and Bumbledom. School Board papers. Spendthrift's guide. A Sabbatarian's diary. The overseer's story , Free and merryEngland. Russia ; thumb-nail sketches. Spain ; thumb-nail sketches. Hollis, E. B. Cecil's summer. 23779 Hollister, O. J. Life of Schuyler Colfax. 26824 Resources and attractions of Utah. 25475 Holloway, L. C. Buddhist diet-book. 27499 An hour with Charlotte Bronte. 22972 Contents. Biog. essay and review; Letters; Select, fr. writings; Poems. - The mothers of great men and women, and some wives of great men. Illust. 24069 Holloway, T. Levelling, and its general application. 28407 Holman, E. E. Stock transportation. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I Holmes, A. B. Practical electric lighting. Illust. 28312 Holmes, M. The chamber over the gate. 27764 Holmes, M. J. (H.) Bessie's fortune. 25986 Christmas stories ; with portr. 24611 Contents. Alice and Adelaide. Red-bird. Ruth and Rena. Benny's Christmas. The Christmas font. Adam Floyd. John Logan. Passion- play at Oberamraergau. Gretchen. 30267 Madeline. 24612 Queenie Hetherton. 23167 Holmes, N. The authorship of Shakespeare. New and enl. ed. 2 v. 26537-8 - Realistic idealism in philosophy itself. 2 v. 30335-6 Holmes, O. W. Before the curfew ; and other poems. 29315 John Lothrop Motley; a memoir. 30767 A mortal antipathy ; first opening of the new portfolio. 25902 Our hundred days in Europe. 28680 Poetical works. Illust. 27113 312 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ralph Waldo Emerson. (Amer. men of letters.) 24762 Selections f r. the Breakfast table ser. ; and Pages f r. an old volume of life. 23627 Bolton, S. K. (In her Fum. Amer. authors.) 28746 Brown, E. E. Life of H. "23752 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Richardson, C. F. Poets of freedom and culture. (In his Amer. lit., v. 2.) 27340 Rideing, W. H. (In his Boyhood of living authors.) 28815 Rollins, A. W. O. W. Holmes in Beacon Street. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 8 ted man, E. C. (In his Poets of America.) 25692 Holmes, R., ed. Collections toward the hist, of Pontefract. Vols. 1, 2. 30487-8 Contents. V. 1. Booke of entries of the Pontefract Corporation. 1653-1726. 3. Sieges of Pontefract Castle, 1644-1648. Holmes, T. R. E. History of the Indian mutiny, etc. Maps and plans. 23848 Holroyd, D. Within the shadow. 25157 Hoist, H. von. Constitutional and political hist, of the U. S. Vols. 4, 5. 16055 ; 16109 Contents. V. 4. Compromise of 1850. Kansas-Nebraska bill. 5. 1854-1856. Kansas-Nebraska bill. Buchanan's election. The constitutional law of the U. S. ; tr. by A. B. Mason. 27765 Holt, E. S. Ye olden time ; English customs in the Middle Ages. 23955 Holt, V. M. Why not eat insects? 25737 Holy Land. See Palestine. Holyoake, G. J. Self-help a hundred years ago. 30733 - Travels in search of a settler's guide-book of America and Canada. 24367 Holzendorff, F. von, joint editor. See Schmidt, P. W. Home, C., pseud. See Webster, Mrs. A. Home, Mme. D. D. D. Home ; his life and mission. 30590 Home, D. D. Home, Mme. D. D. D. Home ; his life and mission. 30590 Home, H., Lord Kames. Ramsay, J. (In his Scotland, etc., v. 1.) 29761 Home, J. Douglas. (In Browne, M. E. Tales fr. the old dram.) 23035 Home. See Domestic. Home acre, The ; by E. P. Roe. 30925 Home again ; by G-. MacDonald. 28978 Home library. See Society for Prom. Chr. Knowl. Home rule. See Ireland. Politics. Homerus. The Odyssey ; books 1-12 ; tr. into Eng. verse by the Earl of Carnarvon. 27832 The Odyssey ; done into Eug. verse by W. Morris. 29043 DeQuincey, T. Homer and the Homeridne. (In his Literary crit.) 23082 Jebb, R. C. Homer. Introd. to the Iliad and the Odyssey. 28063 Seymour, T. D. Introduction to the language and verse of H. 26194 Homes. Mitchell, D. G. In-doors and out of doors. (In his Bd. together.) 23789 Murphy, S. F. Our homes, and how to make them healthy. 24196 See also Architecture. Homespun yarns ; by A. D. T. Whitney. 27355 Homestead highways; by H. M. Sylvester. 29573 Homme de bien, Un ; comedie, par E. Augier. (In his The"- jitre compl., v. 1.) 14776 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 313 Homoeopathy. Garratt, A. C. Analysis of H. (In his Myths, etc.) 24476 Honduras. Gibbs, A. R. British H. ; hist, and descr. acct. fr. its settlement. 23345 Lombard, T. R. The new H. ; situation, resources, prospects, etc. 28797 Soltera, M. A lady's ride across Spanish H. 25086 Honest Davie ; by F. Barrett. 25708 Honest little man, An ; by Mrs. Molesworth. (In her Christ. posy.) 30442 Hong Kong, China. Palgrave, W. G. (In his The three cities. In his Ulysses.) 29323 Hong Kong merchant, A, Passages fr. the diary of ; by J. S. of Dale [F. J. Stimson]. (In his Sentimental calendar.) 27667 Hood, E. P. Oliver Cromwell; his life, times, etc. 23101 Hood, P. See Hood, E. P. Hood, R. Pyle, H. The merry adv. of Robin Hood of great renown, in Nottinghamshire. 23291 Hood, T. Letters. (In Elliot, A. Hood in Scotland.) 26491 Odes and addresses to great people. (In Morlev, H. Burlesque plays. etc.) 28196 Dawsou, G. (In his Biog. leet.) 26576 Elliot. A. Hood in Scotland ; reminiscences of H. 26491 Fields, J. T. (In Parton, J. Some noted princes, etc.) 25675 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Mason, E. T. (In his IVr.v. traits, v. 4.) 25231 Hook, S. L. Little people and their homes in meadows, woods, and waters. Illust. 30337 Hook, W. F., Dean of Chichester. Lives of the archbishops of Canterbury. V. 12 : Index volume. *I Hoole, H. Science and art of training ; handbook. 30734 Hooley, C. C. Efficient disconnection of slop-stone pipes. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 12.) *I Hooper, G. The campaign of Sedan ; the downfall of the second empire. 1870. Map and plans. 29384 Hoosier school-boy, The ; by E. Eggleston. 23155 Hope, A. Chronicles of an old inn : Gray's inn. 29485 Hope, A. J. B. B. The Brandreths. 3 v. 23006-8 Hope, A. R., pseud. See Moncrieff, R. H. Hope, C. Omond, G. W. T. (In 7i'sLord advocates of Scot- land, v. 2.) 23591 Hope, E. Grace Darling, the heroine of the Fame Islands. 23427 Hope, G. Parton, J. (In his Capt. of Ind.) 24420 Hope, G. II. Till the doctor comes, and how to help him; rev., with add. by a N. Y. physician. (In Amer. home book.) 25640 Hope, J., Lord Justice-Clerk. Smith, J. C. (/// his Writings by the way.) 25607 Hope, Sir T. Omond, G. W. T. (In his Lord advocates of Scotland, v. 1.) 23590 Hope-Scott, J. R. See Scott, J. R. H. Hopfen, H. Trudel's Ball ; Flinserls Gliick und Ende. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 1.) 16519 Same ; Eng. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 314 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hopkins, E. J. Spark, W. E. J. Hopkins. (In his Mus. memories.) 30877 Hopkins, J. Bolton, S. K. (In her How success is won.) 24977 Hopkins, L. P. Educational psychology. 27087 Handbook of the earth; iiat. methods in geography. 23102 Practical pedagogy ; or, The science of teaching illust. (How shall my child be taught?) 27766 Natural-history plays, dialogues, and recitations. 24631 Hopkins, M., Pres. of Williams Coll. The Scriptural idea of man ; lect. 23103 Teachings and counsels; baccalaureate sermons; with a discourse on Pres. Garfield. 24412 Spring, L. W. Mark Hopkins, teacher. 30126 Hopkins, M., Jr. The world's verdict. 29080 Hopkins, S. R. A young prince of commerce ; a penniless boy's fortune. 30110 Hopkins, S. W. Life among the Piutes ; their wrongs and claims. 23317 Hopkins, T. Riley, M. P. (In Norman, H. The broken shaft.) 26116 - 'Twixt love and duty. (Harper's handy ser.) 26638 Hopkinson, J. Some points in electric lighting. (In Dynamic electricity.) 23772 Hoppin, A. A fashionable sufferer; or, Chapters fr. life's comedy. Illust. 22973 Two Comptou boys. Illust. 24508 Hoppin, J. M., D.D. Pastoral theology. 24763 Hopps, J. P. The future life. (Mod. hd. bks. of religion.) 25301 Future probation. (In Leather, S., and others. Future probation; symposium.) 27576 ed. The Bible for beginners ; The Old Testament. 25096 Hoppus, M. A. M. A great treason ; story of the war of Independence. 23278 Horace. See Horatius Flaccus. Horace at the University of Athens ; extravaganza ; by G. O. Trevelyan. (lit his Ladies in Parliament.) 30748 Horatius Flaccus, Q. Satires and epistles ; notes, by J. B. Greenough. 30795 Nettleship, H. Horace: Life and poems; The De arte poetica; The text. (In his Lect., etc.) 25633 Verrall, A. W. Studies literary and hist, in the odes of H. 25320 Hore, A. H. The Church in Eng. fr. William III. to Victoria. 2 v . 28053-4 Horn, F. W. History of the literature of the Scandinavian North ; tr. by R. B. Anderson ; with a bibliog. of books in the Eng. language rel. to Scandinavian countries, by T. Solberg. 23453 Horn, Gr. The Margravine of Baireuth and Voltaire ; tr. by Princess Christian of Schleswig Holstein. 29922 Hornaday, W. T. Free rum on the Congo, and what it is doing there. 29124 Two years in the jungle; experiences of a hunter and naturalist in India, Ceylon, etc. Maps and illust. 25836 Hornby, Castle. (In Fortunes made in business, v. 2.) 24001 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 315 Horse. Allen, C. G. B. The horse and his pedigree. (In his Common sense science.) 27377 Du Hays, 0. The Percheron horse in France. 26860 Eayrs/J. T. Statistics rel. to the keep of horses. (In Ass. Mun. and "San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 13.) *I - Fleming, Gf. The practical horse keeper. 27825 Heard, J. M. How to tell the age of a horse ; and cbapt. on horse char- acter. 24411 - Martin, G. A. The family horse ; its care, etc. 30883 Procter, W. Management and treatment of the H. 26264 Weld. M. C. The Percheron horse in America. 26860 Wood, J. G. Horse and man; their mutual dependence and duties. 26126 Horse, foot, and dragoons ; by R. F. Zogbaum. 28838 Horseback riding. Slade, D. D. Twelve days in the saddle. 23896 Horsemanship. Anderson, E. L. Vice in the horse ; and other papers on horses and riding. 28612 Dodge, T. A. Patroclus and Penelope; a chat in the saddle. *I Karr, K. The American horsewoman. 24022 Mead, T. H. Horsemanship for women. 28519 Horse-shoeing. See Farriery. Horsley, J. W. Jottings from jail ; notes and papers on prison matters. 28313 Horstmann, G. H. Consular reminiscences. 26671 Horton, S. D. The silver pound, and England's monetary policy since the Restoration ; with the History of the guinea, etc. 28511 Hosea, L. M. Campaign of Selma. (Li Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Hoskins, G. G. The clerk of works ; vade mecum for build- ing operations. 30796 Hoskyns, C. W. Short inquiry into the hist, of agriculture. 22804 Hosmer, F. L., and Gannett, W. C. The thought of God in hymns and poems. 25987 llosmer, G. L. Historical sk. of the town of Deer Isle, Me. 27694 Hosmer, G. W., M.D. "As we went marching on" ; a story of the war. 25740 Hosmer, H. G. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.) 26916 Hosmer, J. K. Life of young Sir Henry Vane ; with a con- sideration of the Eng. commonwealth as a forecast of America. 30338 Samuel Adams. (Amer. statesman.) 25342 Samuel Adams, the man of the town meeting. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 2.) *I The story of the Jews. (Story of the nations.) 26157 Hospitalier, E. The electrician's pocket-book ; Eng. ed. of "Formulaire pratique de 1'electricien" ; tr., with add., by G. Wigan. 24848 Hospitals. New York. /State Charities Aid Assoc. Handbook for H. 23408 Hotel experience of Mr. Pink Fluker ; by R. M. Johnston. (In his Mr. A. Billingslea, etc.) 29688 Hough, F. B. Historical and stat. record of the Univ. of the State of N. Y. ; introd. by D. Murray. *I Planting trees in school grounds. (U. S. Bur. of Educ.) 13593 Hough, L. Dr. Joliffe's boys ; tale of Weston school. 28055 316 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Houghton, E. L. Translation and Bibliographical additions. (In Reuss, E. W. E. Hist, of N. T.) 2 v. 24588-9 Houghton, R. M. M., Baron. See Milnes, R. M. Houp-la; by J. S. Winter [H. E. V. Stannard]. 26125 Housatonic river. Fellows, H. P. An autumn cruise on the H. (In his Boating trips. ) 23532 House, E. H. Yone Santo; a child of Japan. 30426 House, The, at High Bridge ; by E. Fawcett. 27197 House beautiful, The; by C. Cook. 27111 House-building. See Architecture. House cleaning. See Domestic economy. House, A, divided against itself; by Mrs. Oliphant. 26547 House of Commons. See Great Britain. House of Rest, JBabbacombe, near Torquay, Eng. Craik, D. M. (M.) A house of rest [for workingwornen] . (In her Cone, men.) 30626 House of strange stories ; by A. Lang. (In his In the wrong paradise, etc.) 27324 House, The, on the marsh ; by F. Warden [F. A. P. James]. 24523 House-plants. Anders, J. M. House-plants as sanitary agents. 27634 Household art. Campbell, H. American girl's home book of work and play. te 23263 Croly, J. C. Ladies' fancy work; designs and instructions. 30309 Hale, L. P., and White, M. E. Three hundred decorative and fancy arti- cles; with direct, for making. 26154 Hale, S. Self-instructive lessons in painting on silk, satin, velvet, etc. 26155 Peters, 0. (In his Girl's own indoor book.) 30455 Household conveniences ; experience of many practical writers. Illust. 23677 Household economy. Amateur work, illust. ; designs, sketches, and working drawings, etc. Vol. 2. *I See also Domestic economy. Household receipts ; cuisine and toilet. 26210 Household words; conducted by C. Dickens. Vols. 1-10. March 30, 1850-Jan. 27, 1855. 13792-801 Note. Continued after 1859, as All the Year Round. Housekeeping. See Domestic economy. Houston, D. A lump of sugar ; A manure heap ; A clod of earth. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Houstoun, Mrs. A woman's memories of world-known men. 2 v. 26244-5 Hovey, II. C. Celebrated Amer. caverns: Mammoth, Wyan- dot, and Luray ; with not. of caves and grottoes in other lands. Maps and illust. 24524 Hovey, W. A. Mind-reading and beyond. 25158 Hovgaard, G. W. Submarine boats. 29029 How? or, Spare hours made profitable for boys and girls ; by K. llolbrook. 27398 How Bel caught the " burglar" ; by A. D. T. Whitney. (In her Homespun yarns.) 27355 How he learnt his lesson. (In Silver lock, etc.) 29929 How I made money at home ; by John's wife. 25204 CATALOGUE OF BOOK 8. 317 " How I was educated" papers. See Forum magazine. How Naomi flooded the bog ; by S. Chaplin. (In Catherwood, M. II., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 How old Wiggins wore ship ; by R. F. Coffin. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 9.) 24222 How Philip Sullivan did an errand; by M. Densel [M. S. McCobb]. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 How she did it. See Cruger, M. How the boys woke him ; by C. S. Pratt. (In New Eug. . story-book.) 24819 How the ends met; by S. A. Browu. 24724 How the middies set up shop ; by A. D. T. Whitney. (In her Homespun yarns.) 27355 How they lived in Hampton ; by E. E. Hale. 2!)^05 How they went to Europe ; by M. Sidney [II. M. Lothrop]. 24489 How to make a saint ; by The Prig. 28355 How we took the redoubt; by P. Merimee. (In Lang, A., and Sylvester, P. The dead leman.) 30803 Howard, B. W. Aulnay tower. 25564 A Charlie in Paris. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Guenn ; a wave on the Breton coast. - The open door. 30749 Tony, the maid. Illust. 38879 Howard, H. C., Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, and Craven, W. G. Racing. (Badminton lib.) *I Howard, J. A wonderful trio. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Howard, J. Pierson, A. T. (Inhis Evangelistic work.) 28900 - (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) -JI7I2 Stoughton, J. Howard the philanthropist, and his friend-. 248(57 Howard, J., Jr. Life of Henry Ward Bcecher. Illust. 28315 Howard, J. R. Review of Beecher's personality and polit. influence. (/// Beecher, II. W. Patriotic addr.) 28941 Howard, R. Progress in the textile trades. (In McNeill, G. E. The labor movement.) 27651 Howe, E. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Howe, E., Jr. Bolton, S. K. (In her How success is won.) 24977 Howe, E. W. A man story. 30229 - A moonlight boy. 26825 The mystery of the locks. 25159 Story of a country town. 244S1 Howe, J. W. Emerson's rel. to society. (In Cone. Sch. of Phil. Lect.) 24790 Goethe's women. (In Cone. Sch. of Phil. Lect.) 26347 Margaret Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli). 23279 Maria Mitchell. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Howe, M. J. W. Howe. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 242.S4 J. W. Howe at " Oak Glen," Newport. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Howe, M., now Mrs. Elliott. See Elliott, M. Howe, M. A. Retaining- walls for earth ; the theory as devel- oped by J. J. Weyrauch, expanded and supplemented, with notes. 26947 22 318 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Howe, S. G-. Bullock, A. H. Address on H. (In his Ad- dresses.) 17288 Howe's cave, Scoliarie <7o., N. T. Hovey, H. C. (In his Celeb. Amer. caverns.) 24524 Howell, G., joint author. See Mundella, A. J. Flo well, W. H. Dissection of the dog, as a basis for the study of physiology. 30531 Howells, W. D. Annie Kilburn. 30532 - April hopes. 29141 Ducal Mantua. (Monograph, no. 39.) 23818 The elevator ; farce. 24992 The garroters ; farce. 26158 Indian summer. 26327 Leo Tolstoi. (In Tolstoi, L. N. Sebastopol.) 28590 A little girl among the old masters ; with introd. and comment. *I - The minister's charge; or, The apprenticeship of Lemuel Barker. 27321 Modern Italian poets ; essays and versions ; with portrs. 28782 Contents. Introduction. Arcadian shepherds. G. Parini. V. Alli- eri. V. Monti. U. Foscolo. A. Manzoni. S. Pellico. T. Grossi. L. Carrer. G. Berchet. G. Nicolini. G. Leopardi. G. Giusti. F. dall' Ongaro. G. Prati. A. Aleardi. G. Carcano. A. Fusinato. L. Mercau- tini . Conclusion. The register; farce. 23780 The rise of Silas Lapham. 25617 A sea-change ; or, Love's stowaway ; lyricated farce. 29880 Three villages. 24020 Contents. Lexington. Shirley. Gnadenhiitten. A woman's reason. 23168 and Perry, T. S., eels. Library of universal adv. by sea and land. Illust. 29881 Bishop, W. H. Mr. Howells in Beacon Street. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Bolton, S. K. (In her Fam. Amer. authors.) 28746 Rideing, W. H. (In his Boyhood of living authors.) 28815 Howes, G-. B., and Scott, D. H., eds. Revision, extension, etc. (In Huxley, T. H., and Martin, H. N. Course of elem. instr., etc.) 30648 Howleglas. (In Ashton, J. Romances of chivalry.) 27170 Howling Wolf and his trick-pony ; by L. W. Champney. 30085 Hoyle, W., joint author. See Caine, W. S. Hoyt, H. M. Protection versus free trade ; the scientific val- idity and economic operation of defensive duties in the U. S. 26081 Hubbard, B. Memorials of a half -century ; [Michigan]. Illust. 28314 Contents. Scenery and description. Historical and antiquarian. Fauna and flora. Climatology. Hubbard, L. L. Woods and lakes of Maine ; fr. Moosehead Lake to New Brunswick ; added, Indian place-names and their meanings. Illust. [Map in separate vol.] 23381 Hudson, E. An American woman's life and work ; memorial of Mary Clemmer. 26539 Hudson, H. Markham, C. R. (In his Sea fathers.) 25002 Wright, H. C. Henry Hudson and the Knickerbockers. (In her Child. stor.) 26094 Hudson, H. N. Studies in Wordsworth, etc. 24572 Contents. Studies in Wordsworth. Science, culture, acquirement. Ethics of tragedy. Parting address. The Church and civil society. Hudson, J. F. The railways and the republic. 26431 CATALOGUE OF ^Q&jfy, . r, f) History. Maurice, 0. E. The Revolutionary movement of 1848-9 in Italy, Austria- Hungary, etc. 28893 VAmbe'ry, A. The story of Hungary. 2G937 Huunewell, J. F. A century of town life ; hist, of Charles- town, Mass., with plans, views, etc. Historical monuments of France. The imperial island; England's chronicle in stone. *I Hunt, Mrs. A. That other person. 28191 Hunt, Sir A. de V. See De Vere, Sir A. Hunt, E. M. Hygiene ; its scope, progress, and leading aims ; address. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Hunt, J. H. L. The world of books. (In Prose master- pieces, v. 1.) 23200 Caine, T. H. "The Cockney school." (In his Cobwebs of Crit.) LV.r.-JO Fields, J.T. Recollections of H. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) _'">< 57."> Harris, A. B. (In her Pleasant authors.) 'JUTTT Mason, E. T. (In his Pers. traits, v. .'!. ) 2.Vj;i() Hunt, L. See Hunt, J. H. L. Hunt, L. L. Memoir of Mrs. Edward Livingstone ; with letters. 26432 Hunt, M. Truth triumphant. (In Tales fi\ many sources, v. 4.) 25370 Hunt, R. British mining ; treat, on the metalliferous mines in the United Kingdom. Illust. 27148 Hunt, T. S. Mineral physiology and physiography ; 2d ser. of Chemical and geological essays ; with gen. in trod. 283 16 A new basis for chemistry; a chemical philosophy, 28613 Hunt, T. \V. Principles of written discourse. 23781 Hunt, W. Bristol. (Historic towns.) 27889 The Eng. Church in the Middle Ages. 30798 Norman Britain. Map. (Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowl.) Jl.'ir.s - The Somerset diocese, Bath and Wells. (Diocesan hist.) 2(5496 joint editor. See Freeman, E. A. Hunt, W. M. Bolton, S. K. (In her How success is won.) 2-l'.*77 Hunt-room stories ; and Yachting yarns ; by "Wandnvr." 2;")!);") 7 Hunter, H., and Whyte, "W. The crime of Christmas-day ; :i tale of the Latin quarter. 25183 My ducats and my daughter. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 24300 Hunter, J., LL. J}. Smith, J. C. Biographical notice. (In Jus Writings, etc.} 25607 Hunter, W. C. Bits of old China. LW>2<; Hunter, W. W. Brief history of the Indian people. 23956 Hunter cats, The, of Connorloa ; by II. Jackson. 24482 Flunter's handbook ; cont. descr. of all articles required in camp, receipts for cooking, etc. ; by "an old hunter." 255S1 Hunters of the Ozark ; by E. S. Ellis. 28123 Hunting. Deming, C. A Yankee coon-hunt. (In his By- ways.) 23664 Gillmore, P. Davs and nights by the desert. :JOS4i5 Kellogg, W. F. Hunting in the jungle after large game ; adapted from "hcs animaux sauvages." 30340 322 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Roosevelt, T. Hunting trips of a ranchman; sketches of sport on the northern cattle plains. 29697 Somerset, H. C, F.. and Morris, M. Hunting. *I Ward, R. Hunting fields of the world. (In his Sportsman's handbook.) *I Watson, A. E. T. Race course and covert side. Illust. 23995 See also Sports; Tiger-hunting; Pytchley hunt. Huntington, F., pseud. See Foster, Mrs. I. H. Huntington, G-. Outlines of Congregational history. 26329 Huntington, L. S. Professor Conant ; story of Eng. and Amer. social and political life. 24021 Hurd, F. H. A tariff for revenue only. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 Hurlbert, W. H. Ireland under coercion ; diary of an Amer- ican. 30339 Hum af 10 ore blef en tunna guld ; fran engelskan. 15163 ITurrish ; a study ; [story]'; by E. Lawless. 26541 Hurst, J. T. Hand-book of formulae, tables, and memoranda for architectural surveyors, etc. 27150 Hurter, F., joint author. See Lunge, G. Hus, J. Herrick, S. E. John'Hus. (In h is Some heretics.) 24570 Husbibliothek for Morskabsloesning. Bind 3-8. 27444-9 Huss, J. See Hus. Hutcheson, F. Martineau. J. (In his Types of eth. theory, v. 2.) 25402 Hutcheson, J. C. The Penang pirate ; and The lost pinnace. Illust. 28057 Picked up at sea; and other stories. Illust. 28058 Contents. Picked up at sea. The corsair of Chios. David and Jona- than. Black Harry. Teddy ; the story of a "little pickle." Illust. 28059 Tom Finch's monkey; and other yarns. 28060 Contents. Tom Finch's monkey. The escape of the "Cranky Jane." The Greek bandit. Jim Newman's yarn. "Our scratch eleven." The white squall ; story of the Sargasso sea. Illust. 2S061 The wreck of the Nancy Bell. Illust. 28062 Hutchinson, E. M.., joint editor. See Stedman, E. C. Hutchinson, Col. J. Hutchinson, L. Memoirs of H. Added, Letters of H. 2 v. 25738-9 Hutchinson, L. (A.) Memoirs of Col. Hutchinson ; ed. by J. Hutchinson. Added, Letters of Col. H. ; rev., with notes, by C. H. Firth. Portr. 2 v. 25738-9 Hutchinson, T. Diary and letters ; with acct, of his adminis- tration ; comp. by I*. O. Hutchinson. 2 v. *I Hutchinson, W. F. A winter holiday. Illust. 26160 Hutchisson, W. H. F. (pseud. G. Trigger.) Pen and pencil sketches ; reminiscences dur. residence in Bengal ; ed. by J. Wilson. Illust. 24849 Hutten, U. von. Hedge, F. H. (In his Hours with Germ. class.) 26670 Prutz, H. U. von Hutten. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 4.) 16299 Button, F. R. Report on machine tools and wood-working machinery. (U. S. Census Office. 10th census.) 17269 Hutton, L. John Howard Payne. (In Matthews, J. B., and Button, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 323 Literary landmarks of London . 25343 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean ; Anna Cora Mowatt. (In Matthews, J. B., and Button, L. Actors, etc., v.4.) 26475 Mr. and Mrs. Florence. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 joint author. See Clement, C. E. ; Matthews, J. B. Hutton, R. H. Essays on mod. guides of Eng. thought in matters of faith. 28783 Contents. T. Carlyle. The two great Oxford thinkers, Card. New- man and M. Arnold. George Eliot. F. D. Maurice. Hutton, W. H., ed. The misrule of Henry III. ; extr. fr. the writings of M. Paris, etc. 28707 Simon de Montfort and his cause ; extr. fr. writings of Robert of Gloucester, M. Paris, etc.,' select, and arr. by H. 29387 Hutton, W. S. Revision and enlargement. (In Templeton, W. Pract. mech.'s wk. shop comp.) 26716 Huxley, T. H. Advance of science in the last half -century. 28784 Same. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 2.) 28715 Mr. Gladstone and Genesis ; The interpreters of Genesis and the inter- preters of nature ; reply to Gladstone's "Dawn of creation," etc. (In Gladstone, W. E., and others. Order of Creation.) 26320 and Martin, H. N. Course of elem. instr. in pract. biology ; extended and ed. by G. B. Howes and D. H. Scott; pref. by Huxley. 30648 Hall, A. W. Rev. of H. (In his Problem of human life.) ' 23071 McCosh, J. Agnosticism of Hume and H. (Philos. ser.) 24235 - Same. (In his Real, philos. defended, v. 2.) 27772 Wright, H. C. Darwin and Huxley. (In her Child, stor.) 30384 Hwui Li and Yen-Tsung. Life of Hiuen-Tsiang ; with acct. of the works of I-tsing, by S. Beal. 30732 Hyacmthe, Father (previously C. Loyson). Lectures, Paris, [1877] ; tr. by L. W. Bacon. 23380 Contents. Respect for the truth. The reformation of the family. The moral crisis. Hyde, A., Baldwin, A. C., and Gage, W. L. The frozen zone and its explorers; hist, of voyages, travels, etc., in the Arctic regions. Illust. 26113 Hyde, E., 1st Earl of Clarendon. History of the rebellion. Book 6 ; ed., with introd. and notes by T. Arnold. 27071 Hyde, J. T. Present state of N. T. study. (In Boardman, G. N., and others. Curr. discuss., v. 2.) 24514 Hyde, J. W. The royal mail ; its curiosities and romance. 25601 Hydraulic engineering. See Docks ; Harbors ; Sewerage. Hydraulics. Flynn, P. J. Flow of water in open channels ; pipes, sewers, conduits, etc. ; with tables based on the formulae of D'Arcy, Kutter, and Bazin. 27495 - Hydraulic tables for the calculation of the discharge thr. sewers, pipes, etc.; based on Kutter's formula. 23425 Randall, P. M. Practical hydraulics. 26831 Slagg, C. Water engineering ; pract. treatise. 30493 See also Turbine wheels. Hydrocarbons. Leet, A. N. Petroleum distillation and modes of testing hydrocarbons. 28855 Hydrodynamics. See Hydromechanics Hydrography. Wharton, W. J. L. Hydrographical surveying. 24108 Hydrokinetics. See Hydromechanics. Hydromechanics. Bowser, E. A. Elementary treatise on hydromechanics ; with examples. 26881 324 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hydrometer. Chandler, C. F. The Baum6 H. (In Nat. Acad. of Sc. Vol. 3, pt. 1.) 14262 Hydrophobia. Heatley, G. L. Hydrophobia or rabies. (In his Our dogs, etc.) 24843 Suzor, R. Hydrophobia; acct. of Pasteur's system, etc. 29328 Hydrostatics. 'See Hydromechanics. Hygiene. Blaikie, W. Sound bodies for our boys and girls. 23608 Blaisdell, A. F. Our bodies, and how we live; element, text-book. 25330 Coau, T. M. Ounces of prevention. Culver, H. H. Epitome of anatomy, physiology, and H. Cutter, J. C. Beginner's anatomy, physiology, and H. - Intermediate anatomy, physiology, and H. " 28496 Doctor Frank, pseud. Health in our homes. 28176 - Health of our children. 28177 Gerhard, W. P. Guide to sanitary house-inspection. 25830 - Sanitary questions. (In Bruuner, A. W. Cottages.) 24349 Hogg, W. G. Health and disease in indust. occupations. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 1, 2.) 25091-2 Johonnot, J., and Bouton, E. How we live; element, course in H. 24766 Martin, H. N. The human body; text-bk. of anatomy, physiology, and H. 23481 andH.. C. The human body"; beginner's text-bk. of anatomy, phys- iology, and H. 25036 Mass. Emergency and Hygiene Assoc. Six lectures to teachers. 25673 - Mitchell, S. W. ' Wear and tear; or, Hints for the overworked. 27652 Murphy, S. F. Our homes, and how to make them healthy. 24196 Newsholme, A. School H. ; laws of health in rel. to sch. life. 28429 Parkes, E. A. Manual of pract. hygiene. *I Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Women, plumbers, and doctors; or, Household sanitation. 24927 Rabagliati, A. Health and disease in indust. occupations. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 2, 3.) 25092-3 Safford, M. J., and Allen, M. E. Health and strength for girls. 23894 Smith, W. T. The human body and its health. 24432 Steele, J. D. Hygienic physiology. 24206 - Taylor, G. H. Health by exercise ; summary of the principles of H. 28925 Teale, T. P. Dangers to health ; pict. guide to domestic sanitary defects. 24158 Tracy, R. S. The essentials of anatomy, physiology, and H. 24159 Hand-book of sanitary information for householders. 24213 Walker, J. Anatomy, physiology, and H. ; manual. Health lessons ; primary book. 29168 Wilder, B. G. Health notes for students. 23331 See also Children ; Disinfection ; Dress ; Gymnastics ; Forests ; House-plants; Military hygiene; Narcotics; Plumbing; Stimu- lants; Voice. Public hygiene. American Public Health Assoc. Public health reports and papers. *I Billings, F. S. Relations of animal diseases to the pub. health, etc. Hampton tracts for the people; sanitary series. 23506 Nichols, W. R. Water supply; consid. fr. a chemical and sanitary standpoint. 23208 Richardson, B. W. The health of nations; rev. of the works of E. Chadwick. 2 v. 29494-5 Wight, O. W. Maxims of public health. 24801 See also Assoc. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proceedings, passim. Hylten-Cavallius, G. O., and Stephens, G., eds. Sveriges his- toriska och poetiska visor. Vol. 1. 15132 Hymns. Butterworth, H. Hymn writers of the past ; Hymn writers of to-day. (In his Gt. composers.) 24179 Christophers, S. W. Hymn-writers and their hymns. 28285 Duffield, S. W. English hymns; their authors and history. 26811 King, J. Anglican hymnology; acct. of the 325 standard hymns ace. to the verdict of the whole Anglican Church. 26334 Oxenham, H. N. Latin hymnology. (In his Short stud.) Prescott, J. E. Christian hymns and hymn writers. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 325 Collections. Luther, M. Deutsche geistliche Liecler; hymns set to their orig. melo- dies, with Eng. version ; ed. by L. W. Bacon, assist, by N. H. Allen. 23284 Smith. E. M. Woman in sacred song. 27527 Victorian hymns ; English sacred songs of fifty years. 29433 See also Songs. Hyndman, H. M. Historical basis of socialism in England. 23849 Mallock, W. H. Socialism in England. (In his Property and progress.) 24025 Hypnotism. Heidenhain, R. Hypnotism ; or, Animal mag- netism ; physiological observations. 30755 I., J. T. The Van Gelder papers ; and other sketches. 28695 Contents. Teunis Van Gelder. Nick Wanzer's adventure. Derrick Van Dam. Ralph Craft. Zadoc Town. Rulif Van Pelt. Obed Groot. Harry Blake. John Munro. Visit of St. Nicholas. Little Sharpshins. I Jesu namm ! Baptismens wederliiggning och det heliga Dopets forswar ur Herrans Jesu Christi och Hans heliga Apostlars Ord ; med aberopande af de utmarktaste Kyr- kofiiders, etc.; utarbetad af F. G. Hedberg. 15134 " I say No" ; by W. Collins. 24270 Iberia. See Spain. Ibsen, H. Brandes, G. (In his Eminent authors.) 27179 Icaria. Shaw, A. Icaria ; chapter in the history of com- munism. 25767 Ice. Campbell, J. F. Frost and fire, natural engines. 2 v. 27800-1 Deming, C. On black ice. (In his Byways.) 23664 Ice queen, The ; by E. Ingersoll. 24413 Icebergs. Brown, R. An iceberg. (In his Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Iceland. Brown, M. A. The Icelandic discoverers of America. 29354 Otte, E. C. Denmark and Iceland. 23131 See also Scandinavia. Iceland fisherman, An; by P. Loti [J. Viaud]. 30565 Ichthyology. Jordan, D. S. The dispersion of fresh-water fishes. (In his Sci. sketches.) 29449 Iconoclasm and whitewash ; by I. Browne. 26313 Iconography, Christian. See Christian art ; Saints. Idaho, Governor. Report, 1886. (In U. S. Territories. Governors. Reports.) 22919 Iddesleigh, Earl of. See Northcote, S. H. Iddings, J. P. Abridgment. (In Rosenbusch, H. Micro- scopical physiography of the rock-making minerals.) *I Ideal scholar, The ; by N. Porter. (In Phillips Exeter Acad. Lect.) 27997 Idealism. Case, T. Psychological idealism. (In his Phys. realism.) 30780 Holmes, N. Realistic idealism in philosophy itself. 2 v. 30335-6 Smith, J. C. (In his Writings by the way.) 25607 Ideas. Heine, H. Ideas; "Buch le grand" of the Reise- bilder of H. 24250 Rosmani-Serbati, A. Origin of ideas. 3 v. 28573-5 Idolos Islands. See Isles de Los. Idylles ; par H. Greville. (In Contes choisis.) 14864 If I had a father; by G. MacDonald. (In his Stephen Archer, etc.] 23011 326 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. If love be love ; by D. C. Gibbs. 27296 Ignis; [par D. Chousy]. 14828 Ignoramuses, The ; by Mrs. Crowninshield. 29067 Ihne, W. History of Rome. Vol. 4, 5. 24462-3 II faut qu'une porte soit ouverte ou fermee ; par A. de Musset. (In Musset, L. C. A. de. Selections.) 24538 Ilchester lectures. See Gaster, M. lies, G. The liquor question in politics. (Econom. tracts.) 30758 Ilian ; or, The curse of the Old South Church of Boston ; by J. J. King. 30533 Ill-regulated mind, An ; by K. Wylde. 25858 Illinois. Shaw, A. Local government in 111. (In J. Hop- kins Univ. Studies, v. 1.) *I Illumination. Carter, R. B. Lighting. (In Murphy, S. F. Our 'homes.) 24196 Illumination (of mss. and books). Loftie, W. J. Lessons in the art of illuminating ; with sk, of the hist, of the art, etc,. (In Foster, V. V. Foster's water-color ser.) *I Illusions of a soldier ; by S. P. Jennison. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.) 29330 Illustrated biographies of great artists ; namely ; Baxter, L. E. (pseud. L. Scott.) Luca della Robbia, etc. 19529 Mollett, J. W. Watteau. 23289 Illustrated hand-books of art history. See Poynter, E. J., and Smith, R. Illustration of books. Hamerton, P. G. Book illustration. (In Ms Portf. papers.) 30848 Wood, H. T. Modern methods of illustrating books. 27797 Image, L' ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. ( In his CEuvres,' ser. 2, v. 30.) *I Image, The, of San Donato ; by V. W. Johnson. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 7.) 24220 Imaginary portraits ; by W. Pater. 28524 Imaginary quantities ; by J. R. Argand. , 24124 Imagination. MacDonald, G. The imagination ; functions and culture. (In his Imagination.) 30434 Tuke, D. H. Illustrations of the inii. of the mind upon the body to elucidate the action of the imagination. 2 v. 23989-90 Imitation fish, The ; by Mrs. W. K. Clifford. (In her Any- how stor.) 23148 Immeritus redivivus ; romanesque ; by [A. Manning] . ( In her Masque, etc. Spenser and Rosalind.) 26503 Immigration. See Emigration. Immortal, The ; or, One of the "Forty ;" by A. Daudet. 30782 Immortality. Arnold, E. Death ; and afterwards. 29009 Barrows, S. J. Science and I. ; the Christ. Register symposium, rev. and enl. 28842 Bellows, H. W. Personal I. ( In his^ Twenty-four sermons.) 26107 Clarke, J. F. Some reasons for believing in a future life. (In his Vexed questions.) 27073 Fiske, J. The destiny of man viewed in the light of his origin. 24474 The hereafter ; twenty-three answers to the question, What are the strongest proofs and arguments in support of the bel. in a life here- after:' 29123 CATALOGUE or BOOKS. 327 James, H. Immortal life; autobiog. sk. of Stephen Dewhurst. (In his Lit. remains.) 24993 Munger, T. T. Immortality and modern thought. (In his Appeal to life.) 28253 - (In his Freedom of faith.) 23053 Newman, F. W. Life after death? palinodia. 27591 Newton, R. H. Immortality in the light of phys. science. (In his Phil- istinism.) 25674 Potwin, T. S. The triumph of life; Biblical study of God's way with our race. 27710 Savage, M. J. Evolution and I. ; (In his Relig. life.) 26088 Immortality and mod. thought. (In his My creed.) 28531 See also Future life for the character of the future life. Imperial federation. Campbell, D. S. J. G. E. H. Imperial fed- eration. 25904 Franklyn, H. M. The unit of imperial federation; solution of the problem. 28025 Freeman, E. A. Imperial federation. ( With his Greater Greece, etc.) 26068 Temple, K. (In his Cosmopolitan essays.) 27601 Imperial parliament series. See Buxton, S. Impey, Sir E. Busteed, H. E. (In his Echoes fr. old Cal- cutta.) 23338 Stephen, J. F. The story of Nuncomar, and the Impeachment of I. 2 v. 25948-9 Impressions of a cousin ; by H. James. (In his Tales of three cities.) 24574 In a day ; drama ; by A. Webster. 29649 In a garret ; by J. S. of Dale [F. J. Stimson]. (In his Sen- timental calendar.) 27667 In a grass country ; by Mrs. H. L. Cameron. 26629 In a house-boat ; by [D. M. (M.) Craik] . (In her Miss Tommy.) 24417 In a rag-bag ; by N. Perry. (In her Youngest Miss Lorton.) In and around a despatch-box ; by F. C. Baylor. (In her Shocking example.) 30774 In Bohemia; [poems] ; by J. Bi. O'Reilly. 26997 In castle and cabin ; talks in Ireland in 1887 ; by G. Pellew. 29816 In Castle Perilous ; by A. Lang. (In his In the wrong Para- dise.) 27324 In.-doors and out of doors; by [D. G. Mitchell]. (In his Bound together.) 23789 In durance vile; by the Duchess [M. Argles]. 25145 In durance vile ; by the Duchess [M. Argles]. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 2.) 25368 In each other's shoes ; by G. P. Lathrop. (In his True, etc.) 24917 In far Lochaber ; by W. Black. 30621 In four reigns ; autobiography of Althea Allingham ; by E. Marshall. 29620 In freedom's cause ; story of Wallace and Bruce ; by G. A. Henty. 28042 In hot haste ; by M. E. Hullah. 29882 In love and war. (In Stories by an old Bohemian, v. 1.) 23600 In Madeira Place ; by C. H. W. [H. W. Chaplin]. (In his Five hundred dollars.) 29000 In Nazareth town ; poems ; by J. W. Chadwick. 23265 In nesting time ; by O. T. Miller. -29556 328 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. In Ole Virginia ; by T. N. Page. 28254 In one short year; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. (In his Bound together.) 24903 In partnership. See Matthews, B., and Bunner, H. C. In peril and privation ; by J. Payn. 26021 In Pitti ; scene ; by Ouida [L. de la Rame]. (In her Frescoes.) 23558 In pursuit of a shadow ; by a lady astronomer. 29772 In pursuit of happiness ; by L. N. Tolstoi. 28608 In safe keeping ; by J. Spyri. (In her Swiss stories.) 28535 In shallow waters ; by A. Armitt. 26618 lu sight of land ; by Lady Duffus Hardy. 3 v. 27567-9 In southern seas ; trip to the antipodes ; by "Petrel." 29625 In the brave days of old ; by H. Frith. 25829 In the Carquinez woods ; by B. Harte. 23100 In the clouds ; by C. E. Craddock [M. N. Murfree]. 27329 In the company's service ; a reminiscence. 23585 In the golden days ; by E. Lyall [A. E. Bayly]. 26500 In the middle watch ; sea stories ; by W. C. Russell. 26188 In the name of the tzar ; by J. B. Dayne. 28119 In the Old Dominion ; by F. C. Baylor. (In her Shocking example.) 30774 In the old palazzo : by G. Forde. 27201 In the olden time ; by [M. Roberts]. 22988 In the porch ; by Mrs. W. K. Clifford. (In her Anyhow stor.) 23148 In the rice-fields ; by the marchesa Colombi [M. Torrelli- Torriani]. 2 v. 28665-6 In the Tennessee mountains ; by C. E. Craddock [M. N. Murfree]. 23765 In the trades, the tropics, and the roaring forties ; by Lady Brassey. 24893 In the west countrie ; by M. Crommelin. 24182 In the wilds of Africa ; by W. H. G. Kingston. 27502 In the woods and elsewhere [poems] ; by T. Hill. 30425 In the wrong paradise ; by A. Lang. 27324 In troubled times ; by A. S. C. Wallis. 3 v. 24973-5 In trust for Sandy ; by F. W. Robinson. (In his Women are strange.) 24096 In war time ; by S. W. Mitchell. 24777 In war times at La Rose Blanche ; by M. E. M. Davis. 30094 Incas. See Peru. Incendie des folis-plastiques, L' ; par A. Dreyfus. 14705 Inchbracken ; by R. Cleland. 23831 Inchfawn ; by L. T. Mead. 28803 Incompleat angler, The ; by F. C. Burnand. 29016 Inconstant, The ; or, The way to win him ; by G. Farquhar. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 Incubation of poultry. See Poultry. Incwadi Yami. See Matthews, J. W. Indemnity. Thompson, J. P. The right of war indemnity. (In his Amer. comments,) 24445 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 329 28401 28714 30660 Independence day. Brooks, E. S. When George ^the Third was king ; an Independence-day story of Philadelphia- town, 1776. (In his Stor. holidays.) 28749 Indexes. See Griswold, W. M. The Monograph. India. Garrett, E. Morning hours in India ; pract. hints on household management, etc. - Maine, H. J. S. India. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 1.) Reich, E. China and India. (In his Hist, of civil.) - Temple, R. Armies of the Indian princes. (In his Cosmopolitan essays.) 27601 Biography. Laurie, W. F. B. Sketches of distinguished Anglo-Indians. Description and travels. Amusing adv. of three American boys. Arnold, E. India revisited. Aynsley, H. G. M. M. Our tour in southern India. - Ballou," M . M. (In his Due west.) Barras, J. India and tiger-hunting. 2 v. Caine, W. S. (In his Trip round the world.) Caird, J. India; the land and the people. Carnegie, A. (In his Round the world.) Cotton, J. S. India. (In Colonies and dependencies.) Gumming, C. F. G. In the Himalayas and on the Indian plains. Ellis, E. S. The star of India. Garrett, E. Morning hours in India. - Huebner, J. A. (In his Thr. the Brit, empire. 2 v.) Jones, DeL. F. Letters from the far East. Leonowens, A. H. Life and travel in I. bef. the days of railroads. Mitford, E. L. (In his Land march, v. 2.) Moore, J., Jr. The Queen's empire. Richardson, D. N. (In his Girdle round the earth.) Smith, G. Geography of British I., polit. and physical. - Stevens, T. (In his Around the world, v. 2.) - Temple, R. Oriental experience. Urwick, W. Indian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. Williams, M. M. Modern India and the Indians. See also Assam; Bengal. History. * Ctesias. Ancient India ; tr. of the abridgment of his *'l ndika" by Photios, and of the fragments presened in other writers, by J. W. McCrindle. Elphinstone, M. History of I., the Hindu and Mahometan periods. - Rise of the British power in the East. Godkin, E. L. The British in India, (Monograph, no. 24.) Grant, J. CasselPs illust. hist, of India. 2 v. Hunter. W. W. Brief hist, of the Indian people. Lethbridge, R. Short manual of the hist, of I. Malleson, G. B. Historical sk. of the native states of I. in subsidiary alliance with the Brit. Government. History of the French in I., 1674-1761. Seeley, J. R. (In his Expansion of Ertg.) - Wheeler, J. T. India under Brit. rule. (Sepoy rebellion.) - Hodson, W. S. R. Hodson of Hodson's Horse; a soldier's life in I. Holmes, T. R. E. History of the Indian munity. Wheeler. J. T. (In his India under r.ritish rule.) See also Bhurtpoor; Calcutta; Tonquin. Legends. Steel, F. A., and Temple, R. C. Wide-awake stories; tales told in the Panjab and Kashmir. Literature. Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in India; coll. of the Zenana tales. Laurie, W. F. B. Anglo-Indian periodical literature. (In his Sketches.) Tales retold fr. Indian and Buddhist literature. (In Hearn, L. Stray leaves.) See also Sanskrit. 27486 26800 22996 23522 26220-1 30518 23937 24006 23269 25061 29673 28401 26891-2 28514 25226 24966 26178 29191 23040 28366 23865 28207 29428 26250 28399 28400 23818 25062-3 23956 28142 29924 29925 23292 27163 28847 23848 27163 25608 28752 30596 24189 330 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Missions. Lewis, A. G. M. Gordon ; pilgrim missionary. Pitman, E. R. Zenana mission work in I. (In her Heroines, etc.) 25239 Smith, G. Stephen Hislop, pioneer missionary, etc. 30876 Temple, R. Christ, vernacular education for I. (In his Cosmop. ess.) 27601 National character, social life, etc. Buckland, C. T. Sketches of soc. life in I. 24827 Ramabai Sarasvati, Pundita. The high-caste Hindu woman. 28261 Natural history. Hornaday, W. T. Two years in the jungle. 25836 Sterndale, R. A. Natural history of the mammalia of I. 24671 Philosophy. Gough, A. E. Philosophy of the Upanishads and anc. Ind. metaphysics. 23002 Politics. Connell. A. K. The economic revolution in I., and the Pub. Works policy. 23443 Cotton, H. J. S. New India; or, India in transition. 26573 Vambery, A. The coming strnggle for I. ; enchroachments of Russia in Central Asia. 25683 Religion. Alviella, G. d' Contemporary evolution of religious thought in Eng., Amer. and I. 25865 Lang, A. (In his Myth, ritual, and religion.) 2 v. 28725-6 Parks, L. His star in the East ; study in the early Aryan religions. 27840 Wilkins, W. J. Modern Hinduism ; relig. and life of the Hindus in northern I. 28448 - Williams, M. Religious thought and life in I. Pt. 1. 24109 See also Brahminism ; Vedism. Social reform. (In Gidumal, D. Life of B. M. Malabari.) 30584 See also Gt. Britain. Colonies. Indian money as a factor in New Eng. civilization ; by W. B. . Weeden. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 2.) *I Indian sketches ; by J. T. Irving. 29542 Indian summer ; by W. D. Howells. 26327 Indiana. History. Dunn, J. P., Jr. Indiana; a redemp- tion fr. slavery. 30630 Indiana ; eller, Ett ar i Amerikas urskogar ; berattelse for barn, bearbetad efter "Canadian Crusoes." 15135 Indians, North American. Armstrong, S. C. Indian educa- tion at Hampton, Ya. 23824 Barrows, W. The Indian's side of the Indian question. 29060 Brooks, E. S. Story of the American I.; origin, development, decline, and destiny. 28750 Carringtou, H. B. The Indian question. 24453 Clark, W. P. The Indian sign langftage; with descr. of laws, customs, etc. 24734 Cook, J. The Indian as a political cripple. (In his Boston Mon. Lect.) 29122 Drake, F. S. Indian history for young folks. Illust. 24567 Dunn, J. P., Jr. Massacres* of the mountains; hist, of the Ind. wars. 26420 Harrison, J. B. Latest studies on Indian reservations. 21110 Hubbard, L. L. Indian place-names and their meanings. ( In his Woods and lakes of Me.) 23381 Irving, J. T. Indian sketches. 29542 Leland, C. G. The Algonquin legends of New England. 24484 Marcy, R. B. (In his Thirty years of army life.) 24526 Wellcome, H. S. Story of Metlakahtla. 28263 Bibliography. Lang, A. On books about red men. (In his Letters.) 30650 Missions. Eells, M. History of Indian mission on the Pacific coast. 26666 Zeisberger, D. Diary : among the Indians of Ohio. 2 v, *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 331 Eeligion. Emerson, E. R. Indian myths comp. with those of other countries. *I Lang, A. American divine myths. (In his Myth, ritual, etc., v. 2.) 28726 See also Algonkins ; California Indians; Dakotas; Ojibways; Piutes. Also Peabody Mus. of Amer. Archaeology, etc. Reports; U. S. Hist. Indicator. Hemenway, F. E. Indicator practice and steam engine economy. 27085 Le Van, W. B. The steam-engine indicator and its use. 24635 Individual development. MacDonald, G. A sketch of in- dividual development. (In his Imagination, etc.}. 30434 Indo-CMna. See Anam ; Cambodia ; Hainan ; Saigon ; - Touquin. Industrial arts. See Arts, Useful. Industrial education. Blake, J. V. Manual training in educa- tion. 29716 Brabazon, R. (In his Prosperity or pauperism ?) 30157 Ham, C. H. Manual training the solution of soc. and indust. problems. 26427 Leland, C. G Practical education ; treating of the development of mem- ory, the increasing quickness of perception, and training the con- structive faculty. 30176 Love, S. G., and Willard, M. R. Industrial E. ; guide to manual train- ing. 28799 MacArthur, A. Education in its rel. to manual industry. 24920 - Marble, A. P. Industrial E. as part of the common school course. 25288 Mayo, A. D. Industrial education in the South. (U. S. Bur. of Educ. Circ. of inf.) 19190 Newton, R. H. (In McNeil, G. E. The labor movement.) 27651 Seidel, R. Industrial instruction : A pedagogicand soc. necessity; with A critique upon objections advanced. 29152 Woodward. C. M. Manual training a feature in general education, etc. (In his Manual training school.) 29172 See also Technical education. Industrial liberty. Bonham, J. M. Industrial liberty. 30082 Industry. Toynbee, A. Industry ^md democracy. (In his Lect.) 24386 Infancy. Fiske, J. The meaning of infancy. (In his Ex- cursions.) 23373 Infinite. See Psychology. Infantry. Livermore, AV. R. Manoeuvres for I. ; principles and forms. 29690 See also U. S. Ingalls, J. F. Hand-book of crochet and knitted lace ; instr. for fancy patchwork. 25700 Hand-book of darned lace patterns ; Macrem6 lace and rick rack. 25699 Instr. for stamping; Instr. for Kensington, lustra, and hand painting. 25701 Tidy and point russe patterns. 25702 - Worsted cross-stitch patterns. 25703 Inge, W. R. Society in Rome under the Cresars. 29685 Ingelow, J. John Jerome ; his thoughts and ways. 27322 Poems of the old days and the new. 25441 Stories told to a child. [Ser. 1.] 28227 Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.) 26916 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Ingersoll, E. Country cousins ; stud, in the nat. hist, of the U. S. Illust. 24573 The crest of the continent ; ramble in the Rocky Mts. and beyond. 26020 - The ice queen. Illust. 24413 Ingersoll, R. Buchanan, R. Free thought in America. (In his Look round literature.) 28005 Ingham, Col. ., pseud. See Hale, E. E. 332 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ingle, E. Local institutions of Virginia. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 3.) *I Parish institutions of Maryland; with illust. fr. parish records. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 1.) *I Ingleby, C. M. Essays; ed. by his son. 29611 Contents. On some traces of the authorship of the works uttrib. to Shakespeare. Mutual relations of theory and practice. Dialogue on the perception of objects. Ideality of the rainbow. Law and religion. Romantic history. Francis Bacon. S. T. Coleridge. Estimate of Wordsworth. Thomas DeQuincey. H. T. Buckle. A voice for the mute creation. Inglis, J. (pseud. Maori.) Our New-Zealand cousins. 29612 Ingram, H. A. Life and character of Stephen Girard ; with descr. of Girard college. 24686 Ingram, J. H. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. (Fam. women.) 30231 Haunted homes and family traditions of Gt. Brit. 23957 Ingram, J. K. History of polit. economy. Pref. by E. J. James. 29686 Ingram, T. I). History of the legislative union of Gt. Brit. and Ireland. 28785 Ingres, J. A. D. Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Inn, The, of the Golden pear ; by H. Jackson. (In her Be- tween whiles.) 28133 Inner house, The ; by W. Besant. 30775 Inner life, The ; by J. G. Adams. 23520 Innes, E. The Chersonese with the gilding off. 2 v. 26247-8 Inquirendo Island ; by H. Genone. 266:35 Inquisition. Lea, H. C. History of the I. of the Middle Ages. 3 v. 28792-4 The Venetian Inquisition. (Monograph, no. 3.) 23818 Insanity. Butler, J. S. Curalfllity of I. ; and the individu- alized treatment of the insane. 28282 Harris, R. The defence of I. (In h is Before trial.) 28189 Ireland, W. W. (In his Blot upon the brain.) 26114 Mills, C. K. Nursing and care of the nervous and insane. 28070 Inscriptions. See Arabia ; Cuneiform ; Hittites ; Moabite stone ; Siloam. Insectivorous plants. Treat, M. Plants that consume ani- mals. (In her Home studies.) 25360 Insects. Holt, V. M. Why not eat insects? 25737 See also Entomology. Inside the bar; by" G. J. W. Melville. (With his Market Harborough.) 26049 Insomnia. See Sleep. Inspiration. Fiske, J. What is inspiration? (In his Dar- winism, etc.] 25984 Inspired lobbyist, An ; by J. W. De Forest. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 4.) 24217 Instinct. Campbell, G. D. Animal I. in its rel. to the mind of man. (In his Unity of nat.) 23938 Darwin, C. R. Posthumous essay on I. (In Romanes, G. J. Ment. evolution.) 23973 Institutional fetich, The ; by D. G. Thompson. (In his Prob- lem of evil.) 29646 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 333 Instruments. See Electrical instruments. Insulinde ; by A. Forbes. 29603 Integrators. Shaw, H. S. H. Mechanical integrators, incl. planimeters. 26352 Intellect. Bascom, J. Comparative psychology ; or, The growth and grades of intelligence. 23755 Gallon, F. Inquiries into human faculty and its development. 22970 Preyer, W. The development of the I. '(In h is Mind of the child, pt.2.) 29186 Intellectual leadership. Bullock, A. H. Intellectual leader- ship in Amer. hist. (In his Addresses.) 17288 Intellectual liberty. Holland, F. M. Rise of intel. liberty. 25156 See also Free thought. Intemperance. See Temperance. Interest of a shilling. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journ., v. 1.) 27966 Interiors. See Decoration ; Homes. Interlopers at the Knap ; by T. Hardy. (In his Wessex tales.) 29683 Intermediate state. See Future life. Interment. See Burial. International Education Series. See Harris, W. T. International Fisheries Exhibition. See Whymper, F. International language. See Volapiik. International law. Davis, G. B. Outlines of internat. law ; acct. of its origin and sources of its hist, development. 28238 Lawrence. T. J. Essays on some disputed quest, in mod. interuut. law. 26251 Levi. L. International law; with materials for a code. 29549 Maine, H. S. International law; lecture. 30858 Stephen, J. K. Intermit, law ami internat. relations; best method of discussing topics of internat. law. 25460 Thompson, J. p. Intercourse of Christ, with non-Christ, peoples. (In his Amer. comments.) 24445 - Wharton, P. Internat. law, public and private. (In his Commentaries.) 23810 See also Grotius, H. ; Maritime law; Panama canal; Suez canal; Treaties. International Scientific Series ; namely : Abercromby, R. Weather. 28853 Binet, A., and Fere, C. Animal magnetism. 28943 Candolle, A. de. Origin of cultivated plants. 24978 Clifford, W. K. The common sense of the exact sciences. 25430 Cooke, J. P. The new chemistry; rev. ed. 24899 Dawson, J. W. Geological history of plants. 29068 Hartmann, R. Anthropoid apes. 26079 Heilprin, A. Geographical and geol. distribution of animals. 27645 Henslow, G. Origin of floral structures through insect and other agen- cies. 30107 Joly, N. Man before metals. 22941 Levi, L. International law. 29549 Lubbock, J. On the senses, instincts, etc., of animals. 30236 Meyer, G. H. von. The organs of speech. 23482 Milne, J. Earthquakes, etc. 26835 Posnett, H. M. Comparative literature. 26446 Romanes, G. J. Jelly-fish,, star-fish, etc. 25242 Rosentbal, I. General physiology of muscles and nerves. 25172 Schmidt, O. The mammalia. 26349 Scott, R. H. Elementary meteorology. 23024 Sidgwick, A. Fallacies;' logic fr. the pract. side. 23712 Trouessart, E. L. Microbes, ferments, etc. 27348 Warner, F. Physical expression. 26204 International Statesmen Series. See Sanders, L. C. International Sunday-school lessons. Hale, E. E. Sunday- school stor. on the golden text of the Internat. lessons of 1889. Pt. 1. 30528 23 334 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. International Working People's Association. Ely, R. T. (In his Recent American socialism.) *I Inter-state Commerce Act. Dos Passes, J. R. The Inter- state commerce act. Analysis of its provisions. 27821 Intolerance. See Liberty of conscience. Introduced to society ; by H. Aide. 2 v. 23930-1 Invaders, The ; by L. N. Tolstoi. 28690 Invalid's own book ; recipes ; by Lady Gust. 29136 Invalid's tea-tray, The ; by S. A. Brown. -25210 Inventions and discoveries (in the arts and sciences). Burn- ley, J. The romance of invention ; vignettes. 27732 Hale, E. E. Stories of invention, told by inventors. 25539 Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel. 23628 Smiles. S. Men of invention and industry. 24821 See also Rand, B. Select, illust. economic history. . Investment of money. See Building associations ; Stock ex- change. Invisible lodge, The ; by J. P. F. Richter. 23209 lolanthe ; by W. S. Gilbert. (In his Orig. comic operas.) 28918 lone Stewart; by E. L. Linton. 23476 Iowa. Macy, J. A government text-book for Iowa schools. 25532 Institutional beginnings in a western state. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 2.) *I Iragema, the honey-lips ; by J. de Alencar. 27541 Iran, ancient name of Persia. See Persia. Ireland, A. The book-lover's enchiridion; thoughts on the solace and companionship of books, etc.; fr. the best writers, arr. in chronological order. 27149 Introduction; story of the authorship of the "Vestiges." (In Chambers, R. Vestiges, etc.) 24661 Ireland, J. N/ Mary A. Duff; Henry Placide ; James H. Hackett; Clara Fisher. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hut- ton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 Ireland, W. W. The blot upon the brain; studies in history and psychology. 26114 Ireland. Biography. Daly, J. B. Ireland in '98 ; sk. of men of the time. *I Cottage industries. Craik, D. M. (M.) Work for idle hands. (In her Cone, men, etc.) 30626 Description and travels. Boyse, E. C. That most distressful country. 3 v. 30273-5 Craik, D. M. An unknown country. 28758 Letters fr. the west of Ireland. Lovetts R. Irish pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 30573 McKeuzie. A. (In his Some things abroad.) 30435 Silloway, T. W., and Powers, L. L. (In their Cathedral towns, etc.) 23405 Young, A. Tour in Ireland, 1776-1779. 28541 Ecclesiastical history. Burke, O. J. History of the Catholic archbishops of Tuam, to 1881. 23440 Lanigan, J. Ecclesiastical hist, of Ireland to the 13th cent. *I See also Presbyterian Ch. in Ireland. Ethnology. Wilde, W. R. W. On the ancient races of I. (In Wilde, J. F. S. Anc. legends, etc., of Ireland, v. 2.) 27959 History. Bagwell, R. Ireland under the Tudors; with acct. of earlier hist. 2 v. 26370-1 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 335 Barnard, F. P. Strongbow's conquest of Ireland. 29055 Collier, VV. F. History of Ireland for schools. 26572 Conder. A. The discontent of Ireland: its origin and cause. 27141 Daunt. W. T. O'N. Eighty-five years of Irish hist. 1800-1885. 2 v. 27871-2 Field, E. M. Ethue ; hist.' of the final settlement of I. by Cromwell, etc. 29744 Henty, G. A. Orange and green; tale of the Boyne and Limerick. 29378 Hlckson, M. Ireland in the 17th cent. ; massacres of 1641-2, their causes and results. 2 v. 24844-5 Lawless, E. Story of I. ; unnot. by Mrs. A. Bronson. 28884 McCarthy, J. Outline of Irish hist. 23012 McCarthy, J. H. Ireland since the union. 28566 O'Brien, R. B. Fifty years of concessions to I. 2 v. *I Richey. A. G. Short hist, of the Irish people to. the plantation of Ulster. 29631 Towle, G. M. Young people's history of Ireland. 27347 Wilde, W. R. W. Ireland past and present; lect. 30287 See also O'Connell, D. (Bibliography.} - O'Brien, R.B. List of Irish historical books. ( In his Irish wrongs, etc.) 28653 Industry. Dennis, R. Industrial Ireland ; pract. and non-political view of ''Ireland for the Irish." 28398 Smiles, S. Industry in Ireland; through Connaught and Ulster to Bel- fast. (In his Men of invention, etc.) 24821 Land question. Duffy, C. G. The league of North and South ; an episode in Irish his- tory, 1850-1854. 27555 Letters from Donegal in 1886; by a lady "felon." 27906 Norman, H. Bodyke; history of Irish landlordism. 28711 Political economy i pseud. The Irish landlord and his accusers, etc. 20389 See also Politics bel<'\ Literature. (Bibliography.) Walpole, H. Noble authors of Ireland. (In his Catalogue, etc., v. 5.) *I (Collections.) - McCarthy, J. T. Poetry and oratory of Ireland. 28324 (Ballads. Collection.) - Graves, A. P. Songs of Irish wit and humour. 24365 (Legends.) -Me Anally, D. R , Jr. Irish wonders; pop. tales as told by the people. 29320 - Wilde, J. F. 8. Ancient legends, mystic charms, and superstitions of Ireland. 2 v. 27958-9 National character, Social life, etc. Shand, A. I. Changes in Ireland. (In his Half a century.) 29040 National League. Wilkinson, H. S. The Irish Nat. League. (In his Eve of home rule.) 27606 Parliament. Ball, J. T. Councils and parliaments of Ireland. (In his Hist, rev.) 30296 Political economy. Grousset, P. Ireland's disease; notes and impressions. 29476 Politics. Ball, J. T. Historical rev. of the legislative systems operative in I., 1172-1800. 30296 Blennerhassett, R. (In Ward. T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 1.) 28714 Bryce, J. Handbook of home rule ; articles by Gladstone and others. 29013 Dicey, A. V. England's case against home rule. 27874 - Letters on Unionist delusions. 29022 Foster, J. E. The crime against Ireland. 29309 Giffen, R. Taxation and repr. of I. (In his Essays, ser. 1.) 30691 Gladstone, W. E. The Irish question. 26945 Grey, H. G. Ireland; causes of its present coud. and the measures pro- posed for its improvement. 29604 Hurlbert, W. H. Ireland under coercion. 30339 Ingram, T. D. History of the legislative union of Gt. Brit, and 1. 28785 336 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Lucy, H. W. Four famous scenes in the House of Commons : The earl of Beacousfield; The expulsion of the Irish members; Mr. Bradlaugh entrances aud exits; The Irish land-bill of 1881. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 McCarthy, J. Ireland's cause in England's parliament. 28977 McCarthy, J, H. The case for home rule. 28565 - The Irish difficulty ; Ireland in 1882. (In his Eng. under Gladstone.) 24371 O'Brien, R. B. Irish wrongs and Eng. remedies. 28653 O'Connor, T. P. The Parnell movement; with sk. of Irish papers fr. 1843. 26902 - and McWade, R. Gladstone, Parnell, and the great Irish struggle; hist, of the movement for ''home rule," etc. 27779 Pellew, G. In castle and cabin; talks in Ireland in 1887. 29816 Reid, A'. Ireland; a book of light on the Irish problem; contrib. by leading Irishmen and Englishmen. 26600 Wilkinson, H. S. The eve of home rule; impressions of Ireland in 1886. 27606 See also Land question, above. Religion. See Legends, above. - See also Belfast. Irene ; ou, Le magnetisme ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, ser. 2, v. 31.) *I Irene (Reine de Saba) ; grand opera ; by C. Gounod. *I Ireton, H. Walford, N. L. (In his Parliamentary generals.) 26611 Irish garland, An; by S. M. B. Piatt. 25006 Irish, The, in Australia ; by J. F. Hogan. 29382 Irish knight of the 19th century. See Emmet, R. Irish wonders ; by D. R. McAnally, Jr. 29320 Iron, R., pseud. See Schreiner, O. Iron (in mineralogy, mining, and metallurgy). Bell, I. L. Principles of the manuf . of I. and steel ; with notes on the econ. cond. of production. 25709 The I. trade and its allied industries. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 2.) 28715 Blair, A. A. Chemical analysis of I. ; best known methods. 29784 Edwards, H. Iron, and its rel. to civilization. (In his Mingled yarn.) 22967 Greenwood, W. H. Steel and I. ; methods pursued in their manufacture. 23665 Hibbs, C. Iron and steel. (In (it. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 2, 3.) 25092-3 Moncrieff, W. D. S. Iron and steel. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 1; 3.) 25091; 25093 Thurston, Li. H. Iron and steel. (In his Materials of engineering, pt. 2.) 25326 Weyrauch, J. J. Strength and calculation of dimensions of I. and steel constr. 23808 See also Steel. Iron-bound city, An ; by J. A. O'Shea. 2 v. 26904-5 Iron bridges. Fidler, T. C. Practical treat, on bridge-con- struction ; text-book. 29367 Robinson. S. W. Strength of wrpught-irou bridge members. 24132 Waddell, J. A. L. Designing of iron highway bridges. *I Iron mask. See Man in the iron mask. Iron- work. Hall, C. J. Ornamental iron- work. (In Crane, W. J. E. Smithy and forge.) 23127 Irony. Hedge, F. H. Irony. (In his Atheism in philosophy.) 24756 Irving, E. Ross, N. J. Edward Irving. (In Ewart, H. C. Leaders.) 30632 Irving, J. H. B. English actors ; their characteristics and methods ; discourse. 27572 Archer, W. Henry Irving, actor aud manager; crit. study. Brereton, A. Henry Irving; biog. sketch. Daly, F. Henry Irving in Eng. and America. 24354 Henry Irving; short account of his public life. Illust. 23199 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 337 Towse, J. R. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Winter, W. Henry Irving. 25365 Irving, J. T. Indian sketches dur. a U. S. exp. to make treaties with the Pawnee and other tribes. 29542 Irving, W. The mutability of literature. (In Prose master- pieces, v. 1.) 23200 Rip Van Winkle; legend of the Kaatskill Mountains. Illust. 28459 Washington and his country; I.'s Life of W. abdgd. for schools, with introd. and contin. by J. Fiske. M. D. H. Questions on F.'s I.'s W. and his country. 2 v. 28962 - Bolton, S. K. (In her Fara. Amer. authors.) 28746 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Harris, A. B. (In her Amer. authors.) 28776 Mitchell, D. G. Washington Irving; address. (In his Bound to- gether.) 23789 - Richardson, C. F. (In his Amer. literature, v. 1.) 27339 Walsh, W. S. (In his Pen pictures.) 23401 Wilson, J. G. (In his Bryant and his friends.) 25857 Irwin, W. T. How to play progressive euchre. 26161 Isaac Lemmon ; by J. C. Ambrose. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Isham, A. B. Care of prisoners of war, North and South. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Through the Wilderness to Richmond. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Isham, C. The fishery question; origin, history, etc.; with map. 28317 Ishmael; by [M. E. B. Maxwell]. 25054 Islam. See Mohammedanism. Island, The ; adv. of a person of quality ; by R. Whiteing. 29578 Isles de Los or Idolos Islands. Ellis, A. B. (In his West African islands. ) 25419 Isles of Shoals. See Shoals. Ismail pasha. Sketch of I. (Jn Khedives, etc.) 24002 Ismay's children; by [M. L. Hartley]. 28778 Israel, Israelites. See Jews. Istria, Dorad', pseud. See Koltzof-Massalsky, H. G. Istria. Jackson, T. G. Istria and its history. (In his Dal- matia, etc., v. 3.) 29083 Italian and other studies ; by F. Hueffer. 23698 Italian garden, An ; book of songs ; by A. M. F. Robinson. 26450 Italian principia. 2 pts. 24605-6 Contents. Pt. 1. First Ital. course; cont. grammar, eto.; on the plan of Dr. W. Smith's "Principia Latina." 2. First Ital. read. book. Italian schoolboy's journal. See Cuore. Italy, Ancient. Antiquities. Pullan, R. P. Discovery of a pre-historic fortification. (In his Eastern cities, etc.) 24259 Italy, Modern. Wight, O. W. United Italy. ( In his People, etc.) 30381 Architecture. Pullan, R. P. (In his Eastern cities, etc.) 24259 Art. Healy, E. Painters of the Italian renaissance. 26216 Henty, G. A. Stories of the Itul. ariist; fr. Vasari. 25319 Morelli, G. Italian masters in Germ, galleries; crit. essay. 23704 Perkins, C. C. Hist, hand-book of Ital. sculpture. I 338 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Civilization, etc. Nettleship, H. Early Ital. C. ; consicl. with ref . to the evidence afforded by the Latin language. (In his Lect., etc.) 25633 Description and travels. Anteckningar, under en resa genom Italien, etc. 15150 Baddeley, W. St. C. (In his Tchay and Chianti.) 28614 Bianciardi, Mrs. E. D. R. At home in Italy. 23878 Champney, L. W. Three Vassar girls in Italy. 25973 Corning, C. R. (In his Aalestind to Tetuan.) 30307 Gallenga, A. Italy, present and future. 2 v. 28554-5 Galletti di Cadilhac, M. C. Our home by the Adriatic. 27700 James, H. Italy revisited. (In his Portr. of places.) 23543 Laveleve, V. L.'E. de. Letters from Italy. 26590 Lund, T. W. M. Como and Italian lake-land. 29487 McKenzie, A. In Northern Italy. (In his Some things abroad.) 30435 Manning, S. Italian pict. drawn with pen and pencil. 10175; *I Martel,C. Mi itary Italy. 24090 - Nicander. K. A. Minuen fran scidern. 15137 Fennel), J. and E. R. (In their Our sentimental journey.) 29626 Two pilgrims' progress fr. fair Florence to Rome. 27660 Richardson, D. N. (In his Girdle round the earth.) 29191 Symonds, J. A. Italian byways. 23027 Warner, C. D. (In his Roundabout journey.) 23412 See also Tuscany ; Venice. Ecclesiastical history. See Waldenses. Geology. Dawson, J. W. Modern science in Bible lands. 30628 History. Balzani, U. Italy. (Early chron. of Europe.) 23337 -Hodgkin, T. Italy and her invaders. Vol. 3,4. 20948-9 Maurice, C. E. The revolutionary movement of 1848-9, etc. Probyn, J. W. Italy ; fr. the fall of Napoleon to the death of Victor . Emmanuel. Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy, Vol. 6, 7: The Catholic reaction. 2v. 25083 27953-4 Language. Metodo pratico e naturale per lo studio della lingua Ital- Comba, T. E. iana, 28380 Italian principia. 2 pts. 24605-6 Rosenthal, R. S. The Meisterschaft system; pract. method of acquiring fluency in the language. 27722 Literature. Nettleship, H. The earliest Italian literature. (In his Lect., etc.) 25633 Paget, V. Studies of the 18th cent, in Italy. 25127' Phillimore, C. M. Studies in Italian literature. 28075 ( Collections.) Crane, T. F. Italian popular tales. 25823 Morris, C. (In his Half-hours, etc., v. 4.) 30446 (Drama.) Paget, V. (In her Stud, of the 18th cent.) 25127 Phillimore, C. M. The Italian drama. (In her Studies.) 28075 (Fiction.) The library has works by the following authors : Amicis, E. de ; Astori, A. ; Boito, C. ; Colombi, la marchesa, pseud. ; Dossi, C. ; Farina, S.; Varjsco, D. (Poetry.) - Busk, R. H. Folk-songs of Italy; specimens, with trans, and notes, etc. 28552 - Howells, W. D. Modern Italian poets ; essays and versions. 28782 - Hueffer, F. The poets of young I. ( In his Italian stud.) 23698 The library has poems by G. Leopardi. Military resources. Maurice, J. F. (In his Balance of military power.) 29621 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 339 Music. Paget," V. (In her Studies of the 18th cent.) 25127 See also Opera. Navy. Reed, E. J., and Simpson, E. (In their Mod. ships of war.) 29104 Ivanlliitch, La mort d' ; par L. N. Tolstoi. (In his Dernieres nouv.) 14704 Ivan Ilyitch ; by L N. Tolstoi. 28369 Ivens, R., joint author. See Capello, II . Iverson, A. On secession ; secessionist opinion in the U. S. Senate. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orat., v. 3.) 24997 Ivins, W. M. Machine politics and money in elections in N. Y. city. 28192 Ivory. See Elephant. Ixtlilxochitl, F. de A. Brooks, E. S. IxtiP of Tezcuco, the boy cacique. (In his Hist, boys.) 25969 Izzet and Esme" ; by J. A. Harrison. (In his Autrefois.) 30330 Jabberwock ; by W. M. F. Round. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Jack Archer ; by G. A. llenty. 24478 Jack Hall ; school days of an Amer. boy ; by R. Grant. 28771 Jack Hooper ; his adventures ; by V. L. Cameron. . 28867 Jack in the bush ; by R. Grant. 30103 Jack O'Lanthorn ; by II. Frith. 28026 Jack of all trades ; by C. Reade. 23797 Jack the fisherman ; by E. S. Phelps. 28684 Jack's courtship ; by W. C. Russell. 24052 Jackanapes; by J. II. Ewing. 24404 Jackson, A. Bolton, S. K. (In her Fam. Amer. statesmen.) 30081 Perry, B. F. (In his Remiuis.) 23322 Jackson, Lady C. C. The court of France in the 16th cent. 2 v. 27151-2 Court of the Tuileries fr. the restoration to the flight of Louis Philippe. 2 v. 23850-1 The last of the Valois. ami accession of Henry of Navarre. 2 v. 29753-4 The old reg me; c iurt, salons, anil theatres. " 25961 Jackson, F. G. Lessons on decorative design. 30478 Jackson, G. A. The Post-Nicene Greek Fathers. (Early Chr. lit. prim.) 23170 The Post-Nieeue Latin Fathers. (Early Chr. lit. prim.) 23542 Jackson, H. M. (H.) (pseud. H. 11.) Between whiles. 28133 Contents. The Inn of the Golden Pear. The mystery of Wilhelm Riitter. Little Bel's supplement. The captain of the "Heather Bell." Dandy Steve. The prince's little sweetheart. Glimpses of three coasts. 26433 The hunter cats of Comiorloa. Illust. 24482 Poems. [Complete ed.] 28843 Ramona. 24764 Sonnets and lyrics. 27323 Zeph ; a posthumous story. 26162 and Kinney, A. Report on the Mission Indians in 1883; abbrev. 24536 Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.) 26916 Harris, A. B. (In her Amer. authors.) 28776 Lindley, W. Helen Hunt Jackson and the Mission Indians. (In Lind- ley, W., and Widney, J. P. California.) 29090 Jackson, J. Dobson, A. Thomas Bewick and his pupils. 24472 Jackson, M. The pictorial press ; its origin and progress. Illust. *I 340 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Jackson, T. G. Dalmatia, the Quarnero and Istria ; with Cettigne in Montenegro and the island of Grado. 3 v. 29081-3 Jacob Schuyler's millions. 26365 Jacob's insurance ; by P. Deming. (In his Tompkins, etc.) 24900 Jacobi, M. P. A martyr to science. (In Stor. by Amer. Auth., v. 2.) 23904 Jacobson, W. Burgon, J. W. W. Jacobson. (In his Lives, v. 2.) 30835 Jacquard, J. M. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Fosselt, E. A. The Jacquard machine analyzed and explained. 29106 Jacqueline of Bavaria, Countess of Holland. Brooks, E. S. Jacqueline of Holland ; the girl of the land of fogs. (In his Hist, girls.) 28864 Jak, pseud. See Williams, A. B. Jalalu 'd-din Muhammad, i Rumi. Masnavi i ma' navi : The spiritual couplets; tr. and abr. by E. H. Whinfield. (Triibner's orien. ser.) 28425 James, St. Godet, F. L. (In his The four principal apos- tles. In his Stud, on the N. T.) 27115 James I., of Scotland. Ross, J. M. (In his Scottish hist., etc.) 24380 Shairp, J. C. James L, and the King's quair. (In his Sketches.) 29640 James, E. J. The rise of the modern laborer ; History of mechanical labor ; Recent labor legislation. (In McNeill, G. E. Labor movement.) 27651 James, F. A. (P.) (pseud. Florence Warden.) At the world's mercy. 24689 Deldee, the ward of Waringham ; or, The iron hand. 24938 Doris's fortune. 26859 The house on the marsh. 24523 A woman's face ; or, A Lakeland mystery. 29809 James, F. L. The wild tribes of the Soudan ; travel and sport. 23305 James, H., the elder. Literary remains; ed., with introd. by W. James. 24993 James, H., Jr. The art of fiction. ( With Besant, W. The art of fiction.) 24682 Same. (In his Partial portraits.) 29687 The author of Beltraffio; Pandora; Georgina's reasons; The path of duty; Four meetings. 24994 The Bostouians. 26330 Daisy Miller; comedy. 23104 A light man. (In Stor. by Am. authors, v. 5.) 24218 A little tour in France. 24414 Partial portraits. 29687 Contents. Emerson. Life of George Eliot. Daniel Deronda; a con- versation. Anthony Trollope. R. L. Stevenson. Miss Woolson. A. Daudet. Guy de Maupassant. Ivan Turgenieff. George Du Maurier. The art of fiction. Portraits of places. 23543 Contents. Venice. Italy revisited. Occasional Paris. Rheims and Laou. Chartres. Rouen. Etretat. From Normandy to the Pyrenees. An English Easter. London at midsummer. Two excursions. In War- wickshire. Abbeys and castles. English vignettes. An English New Year. An English winter watering-place. Saratoga. Newport. Que- bec. Niagara. The princess Casamassima. 27209 The reverberator. 29883 Tales of three cities. 24574 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 341 Contents. Impressions of a cousin. Lady Barberina. A New Eng- land winter. James, H. E. M. The Long White Mountain ; or, A journey in Manchuria. Illust. and map. 29543 James, J. H. Notes and introduction. (In Ohio in 1788.) 30671 James, T. L. Fiske, S. (In Ms Off-hand portrs.) 24010 James, T. P., joint author. See Lesquereux, L. James Fribblesaint ; [parody] ; by H. F. Lester. ( In his Ben D'ymion, etc.) 29395 Jameson, Mrs. A. (M.) (In Drake, S. A. Our great bene- factors.) 24742 Jameson, E. O. History of Medway, Mass., 1713-1885. Illust. *I Jameson, J. F. Introduction to the const, and polit. hist, of the individual states. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 4.) *I Jamieson, A., joint author. See Munro, J. Jamison, C. V. (formerly Mrs. Hamilton.) Story of an en- thusiast told 'by himself. 28882 Jamison, D. F. Life and times of B. Du Guesclin ; hist, of the 14th cent. 2 v. 26706-7 Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy, The. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Jour- nal, v. 2.) 27967 Jan Vedder's wife ; by A. E. Barr. 25328 Jane Cameron, Memoirs of; by F. W. Robinson. 29634 Jane Shore ; tragedy ; by N. Rowe. (In Browne, M. E. Tales fr. the old dramatists.) 23035 Jane Talbot; by C: B. Brown. 29787 Janes, E. H. Typhus fever in N. Y. city. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Janet, P. Elements of morals ; with spec. appl. of the mor. law to the duties of the individual and of society and the state ; tr. by Mrs. C. R. Corson. 24832 - Theory of morals ; f r. the French. 23318 Jansmin or Jansemin, J. Proctor, R. W. The tonsor-trou- badour of Gascony. (In his Barber's shop.) 23592 Janssen, J. An meine Kritiker ; nebst Erganzungen und Erlauterungen zu den drei ersten Banden meiner Ges- chichte des deutschen Volkes. 16503 Geschichte des deutschen Volkes seit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters. Vols. 1-3. 16600-2 Bin zweites Wort an meine Kritiker. 16504 Januarius, St. Liquefaction of the blood of St. Januarius at Naples ; hist, and crit. examination of the miracle. *I January ; ed. by O. F. Adams. (Through the year with the poets.) 26302 Janvier, M. (pseud. M. Vandegrift.) Doris and Theodora. 25249 - Little helpers. 30467 - The queen's body-guard; story of Ainer. life for girls. 23567 Rose Raymond's wards. 26202 Ways and means. 27671 Janvier, T. A. Pancha ; a story of Monterey. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 10.) 24223 Janzon, G. August Nyman ; eller Erfaringer paa Korsets Vei; oversat af S. B. 27419 342 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Morke og Lys ; Svensk. Japan. Art. Omvexlinger i Provsten Carlings Familie ; oversat fra 27420 30427 Ballou, M. M. Caine, W. S. Carnegie, A. Dixon, VV. G. 23522 30518 24006 24459 28514 30433 25959 20840 *I 29191 28366 28375 24012 Huish, M. B. Japan and its art. Description and travels. (In his Due west.) (in his Trip round the world.) (In his Round the world.) The land of the morning; acct. of J. and its people. Jones, De L. F. (In his Letters fr. the far East.) Lowell, P. The soul of the far East. Morse, E. S. Japanese homes and their surroundings. . Pearson, G. C. Flights inside and outside Paradise; by a penitent peri. Rein, J. J. Japan : travels and researches. Richardson, D. IS". (In his Girdle round the earth.) Stevens, T. (In his Around the world, v. 2.) Wilson, J. H. China; with a glance at J. See also Tokio ; Ye?o. History. Gautier, J. The usurper; episode in Japanese history. Industries. Rein, J. J. Industries of Japan ; with acct. of its agriculture, forestry, etc. *I Literature. See Bakin; Old bamboo-hewer's story. Japp, A. H. Charles Kingsley. (In Ewart, H. C. Leaders.) 30632 Jaques, W. H., Lieut. Ericsson's Destroyer and submarine gun ; their appl. to naval warfare ; with hist, of submarine artillery. (Quest, of the day.) Heavy ordnance for nat. defence. (Quest, of the day.) Modern armor for nat. defence. Illust. (Quest, of the day.) - Torpedoes for nat. defence. Illust. (Quest, of the day.) Jarrett, J. The story of the iron workers. (In McNeill, G. E. The labor movement.) Jasmin, J. See Jansmin, J. Jastrow, J., joint author. See Peirce, C. S. Jaulan. Description. Schumacher, G. (In his Across the Jordan.) Java. Description. Butterworth, H. (In his Zigzag jour. in the antipodes.) Natural history. Forbes. H. O. (In his Naturalist's wanderings.) Jay, J. Essays. (In The Federalist.) Whitelock, W. Life and times of J. Jeaffreson, J. C. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson ; hist, biog- raphy. 2 v. 29388-9 Life of R. Stephenson; with descr. chapt. on his works by W. Pole. 2 v. 25694-5 Jeames's diary ; by W. M. Thackeray. (In his Burlesques, etc.) 24700 Jean de Thommeray ; comedie ; par E. Augier. ( In his Theatre compl., v. 6.) Jean de Vert ; piece faerie ; par E. Scribe. ser. 2, v. 26.) Jean Monteith ; by M. G. McClelland. Jean Paul. See Richter, J. P. F. Jeanie Nairn's wee laddie ; by Miss Grant. Jeanne d' Arc. See Dare, J. Jeanne et Jeanneton ; come'die-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. CEuvres, ser. 2, v. 30.) (In his (Euvres, (In his 26163 25222 27500 27501 27651 26606 30304 25493 30224 28835 14781 *I 28801 23048 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 343 Jeannette, vessel. Hyde, A., and others. The Amer. Arctic exp. of 1879. (Li their Frozen zone.) 26113 Nourse, J. E. Relief voyages for the J. by U. S. steamers. (In his Amer. explor.) 24679; *1 See also De Long. Jeans, J. S. England's supremacy ; its sources, economics, and dangers. 26249 Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel. 23628 Contents. H. Bessemer. W. Siemens. J. Whitworth. J. Brown. S. G. Thomas. G. J. Snelus. Lives of the electricians. Ser. 1. 27705 Contents. Ser. 1. Tyndall. Wheatstone, and Morse. Jebb, R. C. Homer ; introd. to the Iliad and Odyssey. 28063 Jefferies, R. After London ; or, Wild England. 25602 Nature near London. 23129 The open air. (Harper's handy ser.) 2682(5 Contents. Saint Guido. Golden-brown. Wild flowers. Sunny Brighton. The pine wood. Nature on the roof. One of the new vo- ters. The modern Thames. The single-barrel gun. The haunt of the hare. The bathing season. Under the acorns. Downs. Forest. Beau- ty in the country. Out of doors in February. Haunts of the lapwing. Outside London. On the London roads. Red roofs of London. A wet night in London. Red deer. 23852 Story of my heart ; autobiography. 23384 Wild life in a southern county. 30799 - Besant, W. Eulogy of J. ; with portr. 30401 Jefferson, J. Bunner, H. C. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hut- ton, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Jefferson, T. Inaugural address as President of the U. S. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Ainer. orat., v. 1.) 24995 Bolton, S. K. ((In her Fam. Amer. statesmen.) 30081 Mackay, C. (In his Founders of the Amer. republic.) _'(;_>.>!) Stoddard, W. O. (In his Lives of the presidents.) -JTs is Jeffrey, F., Lord. Mason, E. T. (Info's Personal traits, v. 2.) 25229 Omond, G. W. T. Jeffrey and the reform bill. (In his Lord adv. of _ Scot., v. 2.) 23591 Jelly-fishes. See Medusae. Jencken, C. F. Davenport, R B. Death-blow to spiritual- ism ; true story of the Fox sisters. 30315 Jenifer; by A. Thomas [Mrs. Cudlip]. 23650 Jenkin, F. Stevenson, R. L. Memoir of J. 28994 Thomson, W. Note on contributions of J. to elect, and engineering science. ( In Stevenson, R. L. Memoir of J.) 28994 Jenkins, E. The secret of her life. 27210 A week of passion ; or, The dilemma of Mr. George Barton the younger. 3 v. 25908-10 Jenkins, H. M. Report on agricultural education in No. Ger- many, France, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, and the United Kingdom. (In Gt. Brit. Eoy. Comm. on Tech. Instr. Report (2d), v. 2.) 244'JS Jenkins, R. C. Canterbury ; with map. (Diocesan hist.) 26498 Heraldry, Eng. and foreign ; with diet, of heraldic terms. 20894 Jenks, H. S., joint author. See Walker, G. Jenness, T. R. Prouty's fortune. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Jennie of Swan's.; by A. S. Downs. (In Gatherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 344 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Jennie's lark ; by N. Perry. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Jennings, H. The Rosicrucians ; their rites and mysteries. Illust. 2 v. 28559-60 Jennings, H. J. Lord Tennyson ; biog. sketch. Portrait. 25070 Jennings, L. J. The millionaire. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 23657 Mr. Gladstone; a study. 28561 Jennings, W. Jennings and Brewer's patent electro-mechan- ical apparatus for indicating varying levels of liquids in reservoirs, etc., and denoting the direction of air currents. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 13.) *I Jennison, S. P. The illusions of a soldier. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.} 29330 Jensen, W. Monika Waldvogel. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 2.) 16520 Der Wille des Herzens. (In Schick, L. Coll. Novellen, v. 3.) 16521 Jephson, P. P. An April day. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 23629 Jerome, C. Parton, J. Chauncey Jerome, Yankee clock- maker. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Jerome, L. W. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Jerrold, D. W. Mason, E. T. (In his Pers. traits, v. 4.) 25231 Jerrold, S. Ivan S. Turgenev. (In Turgenef, I. S. Pi'min.) 24105 Jerrold, W. B. At home in Paris. 2 ser. 4 v. 28408-11 Jerry and Clarinda ; by W. H. Bishop. (In his Brown stone boy, etc.) 29782 Jerusalem. Architecture. Pullan, R. P. (In his Eastern cities, etc.) 24259 Description and travels. Edersheim, A. The Temple, its ministry and services as they were at the time of Jesus. 28014 Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 3.) 25069 Knight, S. G. Ned Harwood's visit to J. 30234 Lewis, T. H. The holy places of J. 30857 M'Col fester, S. H. Modern and auc. J. (In his After-thoughts.) 23634 - McKenzie, A. In and around J. (In his Some things abroad.) 30435 Pullan, R. P. (In his Eastern cities.) 24259 Wright, W. B. Jerusalem, the city of the Pharisees. (In his Anc. cities.) 27010 Explorations. King, J. Recent discoveries on the Temple Hill. 27574 Temple. Wennerberg, J. "W. Salomos Tempel och Israeliternas Gudstjenst sasom symboler for den Kristna Kyrkan och Kristendomen ; 'med planritningar. . 15172 Jerwad, Story of ; by 'Ali 'Aziz efendi the Cretan. 29129 Jess: by H. R. Haggard. 27759 Jesse, W., Capt. Life of George Brummell, commonly called Beau Brummell ; rev. and annot. ; portr. 2 v. *I Jessen-Berg. The fir-tree. (In Safford, M. J. Christmas country, etc.) 27095 Jessie's neighbor; by L. C. Moulton. (In New Eng. story- book.) 24819 Jessop, G. H. Mr. John T. Raymond. (Jn Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Jessopp, A. Arcady for better for worse ; study of rur. life in England. 28786 Norwich ; with map. (Diocesan history.) 20036 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 345 Jests. Matthews, J. B. On the antiquity of jests. (In Ms Pen and ink.) 30437 Jesuits. N., B. The J. ; their foundation and history. 2 v. 25037-8 Watson, E. G. Expulsion of the J. fr. Portugal, Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and Paraguay. (In his Span, and Port. So. America, v. 2. 23869 Jesuit's ring, The ; by A. A. Hayes. 28309 Jesus Christ. Bascoin, J. The words of Christ as principles of pers. and soc. growth. 23524 Brooks, A. The life of Christ in the world ; sermons. 27381 Bruce, A. B. The parabolic teaching of Christ; systematic and crit. study. 23610 - Delitzsch, F. J. A day in Capernaum. 28498 Gage, W. L. Light in darkness ; or, Christ disc, in his true character. 14075 Godet, F. L. The work of J. (In his Stud, on the N. T.) 27115 Holland, H. S. Christ or Ecclesiastes ; sermons. 29448 Mozoomdar, P. C. The oriental Christ. 23290 Schaff, P. Christ and Christianity. 25765 Tolstoi, L. N. Christ's Christianity. 26610 The spirit of Christ's teaching. ( With his My Confession.) 2S546 Biography. Brown, H. N. Life of Jesus for young people. 24621 Edersheim, A. Life and times of J. 2 v. 23813-14 Ewald, G. H. A. von. Life and times of C. (In his Hist, of Israel, v. 6.) 15256 Pick, B. Life of J., accord, to extra-canonical sources. 27841 Wallace, L. The boyhood of Christ. 30568 - Weiss, B. Life of Christ. 3 v. 24260-2 Character. Crooker, J. H. Jesus brought back ; meditations on the problem of problems. 30312 Dole. C. F. Jesus and the men about him. 30407 Eaton, A. W. Christ. (In his Heart of the creeds.) 30316 Haweis, H. R. The picture of Jesus. 27308 Talbot, G. F. Jesus; his opinions and character. 23301 Miscellaneous. Shedd, W. G. T. Christology. (In his Dogmatic theology, v. 2.) 30459 Thomson, W. H. The great'argument ; or, Jesus in the O*. T. 24210 Incarnation, etc. Liddon, H. P. Advent in St. Paul's ; sermons on the two comings of our Lord. 2v. 30431-2 Messiahship. Briggs, C. A. Messianic prophecy ; prediction of the fulfilment of re- demption thr. the Messiah. 27493 Edersheim, A. Prophecy and history in rel. to the Messiah. 25390 Schindler, S. Messianic expectations ; and Modern Judaism; lect. 26348 Person and offices. Medd, P. G. The one Mediator; operation of the Son of God in nature and in grace. 23964 See also Logos. Resurrection. Furness, W. H. Story of the resurrection of C. told once more. 25192 Liddon, H. P. Easter in St. i'aul's; sermons on the resurrection. 2 v. 26254-5 Jetta ; or, Heidelberg under the Romans ; by G. Taylor [A. Hausrath]. 2 v. 27159-60 Jeune homme, un, qui ne fait rien ; par E. Legouve. (In his Comedies.) 14733 Jeunesse, La ; come'die ; par E. Augier. (In his Theatre compl., v. 3.) 14778 Jevons, F. B. History of Greek literature to the death of Demosthenes. 26991 Jevons, W. S. Investigations in currency and finance ; ed., with introd., by H. S. Foxwell. Illust. 24191 346 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Letters and journal ; ed. by his wife. 26827 Jewel, The, in the lotos ; by M. A. Tincker. 23407 Jewess, The; opera; by F. Ualevy. *I Jewett, S. O. Cake crumbs. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 The church mouse. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 A country doctor. 23927 The king of Folly Island ; and other people. 29544 Contents. The king of Folly Island. Courting of Sister Wisby. The landscape chamber. Law Lane. Miss Peck's promotion. Miss Tempy's watchers A village shop. Mere Pochette. A marsh island. 25344 The mate of the Daylight, and friends ashore. 23385 Contents. The mate of the Daylight. A landless farmer. Anew par- ishioner. An only son. Miss Derby's neighbors. Tom's husband. Confession of a bousebreaker. A little traveler. Story of the Normans. (Story of the nations.) 27647 A white heron ; and other stories. 26924 Contents. A white heron. The gray man. Father Finch. Marsh rosemary. The Dulham ladies. A business man. Mary and Martha. The news from Petersham. The two Browns. Jews. General and miscellaneous works. Edersheim, A. Sketches of Jewish soc. life in the days of Christ. 28013 Ewald, A. C. A bas les Juifs; Jews in England. (In his Studies re- studied.) 25625 Gersoni, H. Sketches of Jewish life and history. 28506 Mielziner, M. Jewish law of marriage and divorce, and its rel. to the law of the state. 25196 Proctor, R. A. Saturn and the Sabbath of the Jews; Astronomy and the Jewish festivals. (In his Great Pyramid.) 23038 Reich, E. Israel, Bible, monotheism, theocracy. (In his Hist, of civil.) 30660 Note. Under the subjects Jesus and Palestine are works rel. to the Jews. Biography. Schindler, S. (In his Dissolving views, etc.) 29700 History. Adams, H. C. History of the J., fr. the war with Rome. 30675 Axon, W. E. A. Early ref. to the J. in Lancashire. (In his Lan. glean.) 23436 Cassel, D. Manual of " Jew. hist, and literature. 23830 Curtiss, S. I. Present state of O. T. studies: History of Israel. (In Boardman, G. N., and others. Current discuss., v. 2.) 24514 - Ewald, G. H. A. von. History of Israel. V. 6. 15256 Hosmer, J. K. The story of the Jews. 26157 Josephus, F. Our young folks' Josephus; the Antiquities of the J. and the Jew. wars: simpl. by W. Shepard. 24575 Maimon, S. ( In his Autobiography.) 29691 Myers, P. V. N. (In his Eastern nations, etc.) 30293 Palmer, E. H. History of the Jew. nation. 23795 - Renan, J. E. Histoire'du peuple d' Israel. Vol. 1, 2. 14891-2 - History of the people of Israel till the time of King David. 29177 Schindler, S. Dissolving views in the hist, of Judaism. 29700 Wellhausen, J. Prolegomena to the hist, of Israel; with a repr. of the article Israel from the Encyc. Brit. 26398 See also Bible, 0. T. Captivity. For historical tales cone, the Captivity, See Tucker, C. M; Webb, Mrs. J. B. Music. Butterworth, PL Jubal and the Hebrew oratorios. (In his Gt. compos- ers.) 24179 Religion. Green, W. H. The Hebrew feasts in their rel. to rec. crit. hypotheses cone, the Pentateuch. 30500 Newman, F. W. General view of Judaism. (In his Christ, in its cradle.) 25076 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 347 Randall, D. A. Ham-Mishkan, the wonderful tent; acct. of the Mosaic tabernacle erected in the wilderness of Sinai. 27787 Schindler, S. Messianic expectations ; and Modern Judaism ; lect. 26348 See also Cabala. Jill ; by E. A. Dillwyn. 24980 Jill and Jack ; by E. A. Dillwyn. 28500 Jilt, The ; by C. Reade. (In his Good stor.) 24029 Jim's troubles ; by Grandmere Julie. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor of danger.) 27342 Jo's boys, and how they turned out ; by L. M. Alcott. 26942 Jo's opportunity ; by L. C. Lillie. 26992 Joachim Florensis or Calaber. Renan, J. E. Joachim di Flor and the Eternal Gospel. (In his Studies.) 27950 Joan (Lot. Joanna or Joannes Angelicas], reputed Pope. Pope Joan. (Monograph, no. 49.) 23818 Joan of Arc. See Dare, J. Joan Wentworth ; by K. Macquoid. 27624 Joannes Saresberiensis or Sarisburiensis, i. e. of Salisbury. Poole, R. L. (In. his Illust. of the hist, of medieval thought.) 25132 Joannes Scotus Erigena. See Scotus Erigena. Job Peters' first Christmas; by M. Sidney [II. M. Lothrop]. (In her Hester, etc.} 27325 Jochanan Ben Saccai, Rabbi. Schindler, S. Rabbi Jochanan Ben Saccai and his time. (In his Diss. views.) 29700 Jocoseria ; by R. Browning. 22998 Joe; byS. May [R. S. Clarke]. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Joe Lambert's ferry ; by G. C. Eggleston. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Joe Wayring at home ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 26986 Jogues, I. Martin, F. Life of J. ; with [his] acct. of the captivity and death of R. Goupil. 29044 John III. [Sobieski], King of Poland. Maiden, H. E. Vien- na, 1 683 ; hist, and consequences of the defeat of the Turks by J. and Charles Leopold. 23244 John, St. Dole, C. F. Peter and John the disciples. (In his Jesus, etc.) 30407 Godet, F. L. The four principal apostles. (In his Stud, on the X. T.) 27115 Haweis, H. R. John, the fisherman's story; John, the fisherman's cryptograph. (In his Christ and Christ. Story of the four.) 27396 John of Salisbury. See Joannes Saresberiensis. John the Baptist. Dole, C. F. John the Baptist, the ascetic. (In his Jesus, etc.) 30407 John, the Scot. See Scotus Erigena, J. John, E. (pseud. E. Marlitt.) The lady with the rubies; tr. by Mrs. Wister. 25667 - The owl's nest ; tr. by A. L. Wister. 30232 John Bodewin's testimony ; by M. H. Foote. 26530 John Brown, and the heroes of Harper's Ferry ; poem ; by W. E. Charming. 26660 John Bull, Junior ; or, French as she is traduced ; by Max O'Rell[P. Blouet]. 29178 348 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. John Bull and his island ; by M. O'Rell [P. Blouet]. 23484 John Bull to Max O'Rell ; reply to "John Bull and his island." 25925 John Bull's vineyard. See Australia. John Herring ; a west of England romance ; by [S. B. -Gould.] 3 v. 25141-3 John Holdsworth, chief mate ; by W. C. Russell. 24203 John Jerome ; by J. Ingelow. 27322 John Maidment ; by J. Sturgis. 26120 John Needham's double ; by J. Hatton. 25734 John Parmelee's curse ; by J. Hawthorne. 27682 John Rantoul; by H. L. Nelson. 24780 John Spicer lectures, The ; by A. M. Diaz. 28120 John Standish ; or, The harrowing of London ; by E. Gilliat. 30695 John Wallace, Shadow of ; by L. Clarkson. 24817 John Ward, preacher ; by M. Deland. 29531 John Winter; by PI Garrett [I. F. Mayo]. 30439 John's attic ; by O. B. Bunce. (In his Story of Happino- lande.) 30886 John's wife, pseud. How I made money at home, with the incubator, bees, silkworms, etc. 25204 Johnny and little gray hen ; by M. Eytinge. (In Clarke, R. S., and others. A Christmas breeze, etc.) 27385 Johnny darters. Jordan, D. S. (In his Sci. sketches.) 29449 Johnny Ludlow ; by Mrs. Wood. Ser. 3. 3 v. 26292-4 Johns Hopkins University Studies in hist, and polit. science ; ed. by H. B. Adams. V. 1-6. *I Contents. V. 1. Local institutions. 2. Institutions and economics. &. Maryland, Virginia, and Washington. 4. Municipal government and land tenure. 5. Municipal government, history, and politics. 6. History of cooperation in the U. S. Same ; Extra v. 1-3. *I Contents. 1. Levermore, C. H. The republic of New Haven. 2. Allinson, E. P.. and Penrose, B. Philadelphia, 1681-1887. 8. Brown, G. W. Baltimore and the 19th of April, 1861. Johnson, A., President. Lowell, J. R. The president on the stump. ( In his Polit. essays.) 29773 Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Schucht, J. Andrew Johnson pch Striderna pa hans tid ; bidrag till Nordamerikas nyastehistoria; of versiittning af G. T. Rabenius. 15153 Johnson, A. Education by doing ; or Occupation and busy work for primary classes ; with pref . by E. R. Shaw. 24546 Johnson, D., Gov. of So. Carolina. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Johnson, E. C., Maj. On the track of the crescent; erratic notes from the Piraeus to Pesth. Illust. 25603 Johnson, H. Introduction and notes. (In Shakespeare, W. A midsommer nights dreame.) 29568 Johnson, H. K. Raleigh Westgate ; or Epimenides in Maine. 30800 Johnson, J. Old Maryland manors; with records of a Court Leet and a Court Baron. (InJ. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 1.) *I Johnson, J., Jr. Rudimentary society among boys. (J. Hop- kins Univ. Stud., ser. 2., no. 11.) 24229 Same. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 2.) *I Johnson, J. B. Theory and practice of surveying. 27979 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 349 Johnson, L. P. Fools of Shakspere. (In Winchester Coll. Shakspere Soc. Noctes.) 29429 Johnson, R. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Johnson, R. Short history of the war of secession. 30148 Johnson, R. U., and Buel, C. C., eds. Battles and leaders of the civil war ; contrib. by union and confederate officers, based upon "The Century war series." Vol. 1-4. 28844-7 Johnson, R. W. War memories. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.) 29330 Johnson, S., Pres. of Columbia College. Beardsley, E. E. Life and correspondence of J. 27971 Johnson, S., LL.D. Lives of Dryden and Pope; ed., with introd. and notes by A. Milnes. (Clarendon Press ser.) 26828 - Lives of the poets: Milton; notes, etc., by C. H. Firth. 30592 Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia; ed. with notes, for schools. (Class, for children.) 26829 - Birrell, A. (In his Obiter dicta, ser. 2.) 28279 Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Dawspn. G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Dennis, J. (In his Heroes of literature.) 23445 Grant, F. Life of J. 29377 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Hay, J. Johnson; his characteristics and aphorisms. 24842 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Molloy, J. F. Dr. Johnson's Irene. (In his Fain, plays.) 27583 Stringer, G. A. Leisure moments in Gough Square; or, Beauties and quaint conceits of J.'s dictionary. 26880 Johnson, Rev. S. Oriental religions and their rel. to univ. relig. : Persia; iutrod. by O. B. Frothingham. 24765 Johnson, V. W. The Fainalls of Tipton. 24279 The image of San Donate. (In Stor. by Amer. nut h.. v. 7.) 24220 Tulip Place; story of New York. 28920 Johnson. See Jonson. Johnston, A. Connecticut. (Amer. commonwealths.) 28134 Genesis of a New Eng. state [Connecticut] . (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 1.) *I History of the U. S. for schools; with introd. hist, of the disc, and Eng. colonization of No. America. Maps, etc. 25544 Kepresentative Amer. orations to illust. Amer. polit. hist. 3 v. 24995-7 Johnston, E. B. Frances H. Burnett. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Johnston, H. H. The Kilima-njaro expedition ; record of scientific expl. in east, equatorial Africa, etc. Maps and illust. 26587 The river Congo, fr. its mouth to Bolobo. Illust. 24253 Johnston, R. M. Mr. Absalom Billingslea ; and other Georgia folk. Illust. 29688 Contents. Critical accident to Mr. Absalom Billingslea. Brief embar- rassment of Mr. lyersou Blount. Rev. Rainford Gunn and the Arab chief* Martha Reid's lovers. Suicidal tendencies of Mr. Ephrodtus Twilley. Dr. Hiuson's degree. Meditations of Mr. Archie Kittrell. Rivalries of Mr. Toby Gillam. Hotel experience of Mr. Pink Fluker. The Wimpy adoptions. The Stubblefleld contingents. Historic doubts of Riley Hood. Mr. Thomas Chivers's boarder. Moll and Virgil. Johnston, W. Greg, W. R. England as it is. (In his Misc. essays, ser. 2.) 23947 Johonnot, J. Book of cats and dogs, etc., for little folks. 24632 A natural history reader. 23319 24 350 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. E. How we live; or, The human body, and how to take care of it. 247G6 Joinery, See Carpentry. Jolly, A.., joint author. See Labiche, E. M. Joly, N. Man before metals. Illust. (Internat. sci. ser.) 22941 Jonathan and his continent ; by Max O'Rell and J. Allyn. 30622 Jones, A. S. Best practicable and available means of render- ing sewage harmless. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 10.) *I Ten years' experience of the Shone system. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 14.) *I Jones, B., joint author. See Acland, A. H. D. Jones, C. Refuse destructors and their results. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 13, 14.) *I Twenty years' development of a London suburb. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 10.) *I Jones, C. C., Jr. History of Georgia. 2 v. *I Contents. V. 1. Aboriginal and colonial epochs. 2. Revolutionary epochs. Negro myths fr. the Georgia coast, told in the vernacular. 29545 Jones, C. H., ed. Recent art and society ; autobiog. and mem. of H. F. Chorley. 27733 Jones, De L. F. Letters from the far East ; tour around the world. 28514 Jones, E. R. Life and speeches of Joseph Cowen. 26708 Jones, G. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Jones, G. W., joint author. See Oliver, J. E. Jones, H. The social organism. (In Seth A., and Haldane, R. B. Essays.) 23448 Jones, H. (pseud. Cavendish.) Whist developments ; American leads and the plain-suit echo. 26037 Jones, J. L. Religion from the near end. (In Savage, M. J., and others. "Show us the Father.") 29725 joint author. See Gannett, W. C. Jones, J. P., Rear Admiral. Laughton, J. K. Paul Jones, "the pirate." (In his Studies.) 29615 Jones, J. W. Christ in the camp ; or, Religion in Lee's army ; introd. by J. C. Granberry. . 28515 Jones, L. E. The best reading ; priced and classified bibli- ography. Ser. 3. 28787 joint author. See Leypoldt, F. Jones, O. Eliot, G., pseud. The grammar of ornament. (In Tier Essays.) 23545 Jones, P. True report of a worthy fight in the voyage fr. Turkey by five ships of London against 11 galleys and 2 frigates of the King of Spam's, 1586. (In Hakluyt, R. Voyagers' tales.) 26819 Jones, T. R. Rhizopoda. (In Duncan, P. M. Cassell's nat. hist., v. 6.) 24961 Jones, SirW. Adams, W. H. D. ( In his Learned in the law. ) 29913 Jones, W. Crowns and coronations ; a hist, of regalia. Illust. 23586 Jones, W. H. Federal taxes and state expenses. (Quest, of the day.) 28788 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 351 Salisbury; with map. (Diocesan hist.) 26497 Jones, W. P., joint author, See Porter, R. P. Jonnes, A. M. de. See Moreau de Jonnes, A. Jonson, or Johnson, B. The alchemist ; The fox ; Every man in his humour. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 Coleridge, S. T. (In his Lect. and notes.) 23832 Dennis, J. (In his Her. of literature.) 23445 Syraonds, J. A. Ben Jonson. 27244 Jordan, D. S. Science sketches. 29449 Contents. Story of a Salmon. Johnny Darters. The Salmon fam- ily. Dispersion of fresh-water fishes. Nomenclature of Amer. birds. Au eccentric naturalist. A Cuban fisherman. Darwin. Story of a stone. Ascent of the Matterhprn. Evolution of the college curricu- lum. Appendix : List of scientific papers. Jordan, W. L. The standard of value. 24086 Jordan, river. Schumacher, G. Across the J. 26606 Jordklotets Utvecklings historia ; en popular framstallning af de geologiska f orandringar, som tid efter annan timat pa var jord ; efter "Vestiges of the natural history of crea- tion" ; medett bihang omkallor och vulkaner, etc. ; bearbe- tad af T. Hammargren. 15134 Joseph II., Roman Emperor. Beer, A. Joseph II. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 9.) 16304 Joseph, Prince of Nax')s. Schindler, S. (In his Diss. views.) 29700 Joseph, son of Jacob. Taylor, W. M. Joseph the prime minister. 27004 Joseph, H. B. School Shakespere societies. (In Winchester Coll. Shakespere Soc. Noctes.) 29429 Josephine, M. R. T. de la P., Empress of the French. Far- mer, L. H. (In her Girls' book.) 28766 Parton, J. Josephine and Bonaparte. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Josephus, F. Our young folks' Josephus ; the Antiquities of the Jews, and the Jewish wars ; simpl. by W. Shepard [W. S. Walsh]. 24575 Joshee, Anandabai. Dall, C. H. Life of Dr. Anandabai Joshee. 29304 Josiah Allen's wife, pseud. See Holley, M. Jottings from jail ; by J. W. Horsley. 28313 Joubert, J., joint author. See Mascart, E. E. N. Joueur, Le ; come'die ; par J. F. Regnard. 24539 Joueur, Le ; come'die ; par J. F. Regnard. (In Masson, G. Fr. class., v. 6.) 25265 Joueur de flute, Le ; come'die ; par E. Augier. (In his Theatre compl., v. 1.) 14776 Jouons la com^die ; par A. Dreyfus. 14706 Jour de 1' an 1886, Le ; par E. Renan. (In his Drames philos.) 14927 Journal de Tristan ; par A. Theuriet. 14824 Journalism. Bourne, H. R. F. English newspapers; chapt. in the hist, of J. 2 v. 29589-90 See also Amateurdom. Journey to London ; by J. Vanburgh. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 Journey to the Grossglockner Mountain ; by K. E. Edler. (In his Baldine.) 28122 352 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Jowett, B. Memoir. (In Toynbee, A. Lect.) 24386 translator. /See Aristoteles. Jowitt, W. De ungas strafven pa sjelfverksamhetens bana ; foredrag ; ofversattning af A. de Frese. 15091 Joy ; or, The light of Cold-home Ford ; by M. Crommelin. 25029 Joyce ; by M. O. W. Oliphant. 29694 Joynson, E., joint author. See Cross, C. F. Joyous story of Toto ; by L. E. Richards. 25688 Juan and Juanita ; by F. C. Baylor. ' , 28861 Juanita ; by M. Mann. 28251 Jubal. Butterworth, H. Jubal, and the Hebrew oratorios. (In his Gt. composers.) 24179 Judaism. See Jews. Judas Levita or Halevi. Schindler, S. (In his Dissolving views.) 29700 Judges. A generation of judges. 28095 Judgment of Paris, The new ; by P. Laf argue. 29547 Judgment of Prometheus ; by E. Myers. 26900 Judith; a chronicle of old Virginia; by M. Harland [M. V.- H. Terhune]. 23406 Judith Shakespeare ; by W. Black. 24468 Judson, E. Z. C. (pseud. Ned Buntline.) Fly-fishing. (In Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing, etc.) *I Judson, H. P. Caesar's army ; study of the military art of the ,Romans in the last days of the Republic. 29884 Juive, La ; opera ; par F. Halevy. *I Jukes- Browne, A. J. See Browne, A. J. J. Julian, G-. W. Political recollections, 1840-1872. 23472 Julian Vanneck ; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. (In his Carriston's gift, etc.) 25492 Juliet ; [poem] ; by L. F. Austin. (In Norman, H. The witching time.) 27331 Julliot, F. de. Mademoiselle Solange (Terre de France). [Amer. ed.] 14933 Terre de France. 14709 July ; ed. by O. F. Adams. (Thr. the year with the poets.) 26798 Jumbo, elephant. Holder, C. F. (In his Ivory king.) 27315 Jumeaux de 1'hotel Corneille, Les ; par E. About. (In Mas- son, G. Fr. class., v. 5.) 25264 Juncker, E. Ein Fruhlingstraum. (In Bernhardt, W. Deutsche Novelletten-Bibliothek, v. 1.) 28103 June, Jenny, pseud. See Croly, J. C. June ; ed. by O. F. Adams. (Thr. the year with the poets.) 26797 Jungle, the, Two years in ; by W. T. Hornaday. 25836 Junius, pseud. The independent movement in N. Y. as an element in elections and a prob. in party government. Jupiter. Proctor, R. A. The great red spot on J. (In his Other suns, etc.) 29409 Jurisprudence. See Law. Jury. Chamberlain, D. H. The American system of trial. 21855 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 353 Jusserand, J. J., ed. Great French writers ; namely: Boissier, M. L. G. Madame de Sevign6. 29012 Caro, E. George Sand. 29791 Say, L. Turgot. 30042 Simon, J. Victor Cousin. 30461 Sorel, A. Montesquieu. 30463 Justina. (No name ser.) 26690 Justinianus I., Flavius Anicius, Emp. of Rome. Roby, H. J. Introd. to the study of J.'s Digest. * 24865 Juvenile literature. Salmon, E. Juvenile literature as it is. 30870 See also Reading. Juvenile occupations. Holbrook, K. How? or Spare hours made profitable. 27398 Juvenilia ; essays on Sunday sesthetical questions ; by V. Lee [V. Paget]. 28848 Juxon, W., Archbp. of Canterbury. Hope, A. (In his Chron. of an old inn.) 29485 K., C. H., comp. Unity songs resung. 25531 Kabbalah. See Cabala. Kadesh or Kadesh-barnea. Conder, C. R. Kadesh on Oron- tes. (In his Heth and Moab.) 23690 Trumbull, H. C. Kadesh-barnea; its importance and probable site, etc. *T Kahun. Williams, C. R. The defence of Kahun ; episode of the first Afghan war. 28671 Kaipara, New Zealand. Barlow, P. W. Kaipara ; experi- ences of a settler. 30830 Kairwan, Africa. Boddy, A. A. To Kairwan the Holy. 25293 Kalahari or Kalihari. Farini, G. A. Through the Desert ; narr. of a jour, to Lake N 'garni and back. 26815 Gillmore, P. Days and nights by the desert. 30846 Kalb, J., Freiherr von. Gen. J. Kalb. (Monograph, no. 11.) 23818 - Kapp, F. Life of K. 24280 Kaler, J. O. (pseud. J. Otis.) Left behind; or, Ten days a newsboy. 24781 Silent Pete; or, The stowaways, lllust. 27332 A young alligator catcher. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky "boys.) 27282 Kalevala. Runes fr. the Kalewala ; reconstructed by L. Hearii. (In his Stray leaves.) 24189 - Hoffman, W. The Kalevala. (In his Leis. hrs.) 242/>2 Kalidasa. Sakoontald ; or, The lost ring ; Indian drama ; tr. by M. Williams. . 25862 Kalilah and Dinmah. See Bidpai. Kame"hameha; by C. M. Newell. 25512 Kames, H., Lord. See Home, H. Kamtchatka. Guillemard, F. H. H. Cruise of the Marchesa to K., etc. *I Kane, E. K. Nourse, J. E. Expeditions of K. (In his Amer. explor.) 24679; *I Kane, J. J. Ilian, or, The curse of the Old South Church of Boston ; psychological tale of the late civil war. 30533 Kane, M. F. Davenport, R. B. Death-blow to spiritualism ; true story of the Fox sisters. 30315 354 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Kane, R. R. Preface, notes, etc. (In Ricbey, A. G. Short hist, of Irish people.) 29631 Kansas. Adams, F. G., and Camith, W. H. Account of the munic. elections, 1887. with account of the suffrage move- ment in the state, and statistical tables of the women's votes. 30512 - Ebbutt, P. G. Emigrant life in K. 26813 Spring, L. W. Kansas; the prelude to the war for the Union. 25771 Kant, I. The philosophy of K. as cont. in extr. fr. his writ- ings ; select, and tr. by J. Watson. 30111 Philosophy of law : expos, of the fundamental princ. of jurisprudence as the science of right; tr. by W. Hastie. 28247 Case, T. Kant's "Critique" and necessary truths. (In his Phys. realism.) 30780 Courtney, W. L. "Back to Kant ;" Kant as a logician and as 'a moralist. (In his Stud, in philos.) 23578 Hedge, F. H. (In his Atheism in philosophy.) 24756 Mueller, F. M. On Kant's philosophy. (In his Science of thought.) 28651 Saisset, E. E. Scepticism of K. (In his Ess. on relig. philos., v. 1.) 29849 Seth, A. Kant and Neo-Kantianism. (In his Hegelianism, etc.) 29639 Tulloch, J. Back to Kant; or, Immauuel Kant and the Kantian revival. (In his Mod. theories.) 24673 Winchell, A. Kant's General hist, of nature. (In his World-life.) 23415 Kapp, F. Life of John Kalb. 24280 Kapp, G. Electric transmission of energy, etc. ; pract. hand- book. 26961 Karens. Smeaton, D. M. The loyal Karens of Burma. 28661 Karmel the scout ; by S. Cobb, Jr. 29863 Karo, J. Schindler, S. (In his Dissolving views.) 29700 Karr, E. The American horsewoman. 24022 Kartoom or Kartum. See Khartoom. Katahdin, Mt., Me.. Farrar, C. A. J. Down the West Branch ; or, Camps and tramps around K. 26558 Kate Coventry ; by G. J. W. Melville. 26048 Kate Oxford's one talent ; by N. Perry. ( In Catherwood, M. H. Brave girls.) 27276 Katharine Blythe ; by K. Lee. 27213 Katharine Regina ; by W. Besant. 30517 Katia ; by L. Tolstoi'. 28262 Katy of Catoctin ; by G. A. Townsend. 27480 Kauffman, M. A. A. C. Parton, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Kauffman, R. Life of Mary Stuart ; abr. fr. A. Strickland's "Queens of Scotland." Illust. 27477 ed. Our young folks' Plutarch. 23183 Kay, D. Education and educators. 23853 Memory; what it is, and how to improve it. 29755 Kay, J. Free trade in land; ed. by M. E. Kay; pref. by J. Bright. 24087 Kaye, Sir J. W. Laurie, W. F. B. Sir John Kaye. (In his Sketches.) 30596 Kean, Mrs. C. See Kean, E. T. Kean, C. J. Brereton, A. (In his Some famous Hamlets.) 24954 Hutton, L. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 1.) 30352 Kean, E. Booth, E. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 355 Brereton, A. (In k is Some famous Hamlets.) 24954 Irving, J. H. B. (In his Eng. actors.) 27572 Molloy, J. F. Life and adventures of K. 2 v. 30481-2 Winter, W. A haunt of K. ( In his Eng. rambles.) 23416 Kean, E. (T.) Hutton, L. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 1.) 30352 Keane, A. H. Ethnology and philology of the European races. (In Rudler, F. W., and Chisholm, G. C. Europe.) 26059 Keane, J. F. Three years of a wanderer's life. 2 v. 28640-1 Kearney, J. W. Sketch of American finances, 1789-1835. 28789 Keary, A. Owen, F. M. Annie Keary. (In her Essays.) 30863 Keat, J. Wilkinson, C. A. (In his Reminiscences of Eton.) 29500 Keating, J. M. The cremation of excreta and household ref- use. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I Keats, J. Poetical works ; notes by F. T. Palgrave. 25113 Arnold, M. John Keats. (In his Essays, ser. 2.) 30397 Caine, T. H. "The Cockney school." (In his Cobwebs of criticism.) 25620 -Colvin, S. Keats. 28287 Dennis, J. (In his Heroes of literature.) 23445 De Vere, A. T. Shelley and Keats. (In his Essays, v. 2.) 29070 Mason, E. T. (In Jiis Personal traits, v. 1.) 25228 Noel, R. (In his Essays.) 26901 Rossetti, W. M. Life of K. 29734 Swinburne, A. C. (In his Miscellanies.) 27689 Kebbel, T. E. History of Toryism ; from the accession of Mr. Pitt, 17^3, to the death of Lord Beaconsfield, 1881. 263K2 Life of Lord Beaconsfield. (Statesmen ser.) 30173 Keble, J. Dennis, J. (In. his Heroes of literature.) 23445 Keddie, H. (pseud. S.Tytler.) Beauty and the beast. 3 v. 25911-13 - Buried diamonds. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 29084 Disappeared. 28318 - The Huguenot family in the Eng. village. 25071 - Marie Antoinette. (New Plutarch.) 23280 Saint Mungo's city. 25627 What she came through. 29486 Kedney, J. S. Hegel's ^Esthetics ; crit. exposition. (German philos. classics.) 25345 Kedzie, R. C. President's address. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I Keedon Bluffs, Story of ; by C. E. Craddock [M. N. Murfree]. 28895 Keeley, R. Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 2.) 30352 Keeling, E. D' E. Three sisters ; or, sketches of a highly original family. 25914 Keeling or Cocos Islands. Forbes, H. O. (In his Natural- ist's wanderings.) 25493 Keenan, H. F. The aliens. 26639 - The money-makers; a social parable. 25020 Trajan; hist, of a sentimental young man; episodes in the comedy of many lives' errors. 25223 Keene, J. R. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Keese, W. L. Miss Mary Anderson. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 William E. Burton; sketch of his career. Illust. *I - William E. Burton. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 Kehama, Story of. /See Church, A. J. Stories of the magi- cians. 356 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Kehaya, K. A. The Orient. (In Stanton, T. The woman quest.) 24053 Keith, L. The Chilcotes ; or, Two widows. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 27211 Keith, N. S. Additions and notes. (In Schellen, H. Mag- neto-electric and dynamo-electric machines.) V. 1. 24791 Keith, R. M. Smith, G. B. Sir R. M. Keith and Queen Car- oline Matilda of Denmark. (In his Hlf.-hrs., etc.) 2335S Keith-Falconer, I. G. N. See Falconer, I. G. N. K. Keith's wife ; by V. Greville. 3 v. 24247-9 Keller, G. Die drei gerechten Hammacher ; Frau Regel Am- rain undihr Siingster. (In Schick, L. Coll. Novellen, v. 3.) 16521 Sieben Legeuden. 16516 Contents. Eugenia. Die Jungfrau und der Teufel. Die Jungfrau als Hitter. Die Jungfrau und die Nonne. Der schlimmheilige Vitalis. Dorotheas Bluraen korbchen. Das Tanzlegendchen. Keller, M. J. Elementary perspective explained and applied to familiar objects. 26164 Kelley, J. D. J. A desperate chance. 26925 The question of ships; the navy and merchant marine. 23630 Supplementary chapters and notes. (In Reed, E. J., and Simpson, E. Mod. ships of war.) 29104 Kelley, W. D. Lincoln and Stanton ; study of the war admin- istration of 1861-1862, with spec, consid. of recent state- ments of G. B. McClellan. 25837 The old South and the new ; letters. (Quest, of the day.) 29085 Kelley, See Kelly. Kellogg, C. L. Spofford, H. E. P. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Kellogg, E. Arthur Brown, the young captain. Hlust. 27114 The sophomores of Radclifte ; or James Traf ton and his bosom friends. Illust. 9667 Kellogg, W. F. Hunting in the jungle with gun and guide after large game; adapt, fr. "Les animaux sauvages." Illust. 30340 Kelly, J. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Kelp ; story of the Isles of Shoals ; by W. B. Allen. 29660 Keltie, J. S. Geographical education ; rept. to the Council of the Royal Geog. Society. 25937 Statesman's year-book, 1884-88. 21456-60 Kemble, C. Brereton, A. (In. Ms Some famous Hamlets.) 24954 Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 1.) 30352 Kemble, F. A.,/,r a time Mrs. Butler. Matthews, J. B. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 - Molloy, J. F. (In his Life of E. Kean, v. 2.) 30482 Kemble, J. M. The Saxons in England ; hist, of the Eng. Commonwealth till the Norman conquest ; rev. by. W. DeG. Birch. 2 v. 28563-4 Kemble, J. P. Brereton, A. (In his Some famous Hamlets.) 24954 Kemble, S. Brereton, A. (In his Some famous Hamlets.) 24954 Kemeys, E. Hawthorne, J. American wild animals in art. (In his Confessions, etc.) 27312 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 357 Kemp, J. C. On the best method of maintaining the supply of teak ; with rem. on its price, size, and quality, and the best substitutes for shipbuilding. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry.) 26265 Kempe, H. R. Handbook of electrical testing. 29390 Kemper, A. C. Brigadier-General W. H. Lytle ; The night after the battle. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Kempis, Thomas a. See Thomas a Kempis. Ken, T. Bp. of Bath and Wells. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Plumptre, E. H. Life of K. 2 v. 30865-6 Ken's mystery ; by J. Hawthorne. (In his David Poindexter's disappearance.) 29138 Kendal, M. S. (R.) Archer, W. (In Matthews, J. B., and Huttou, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Kendal, W. H. Archer, W. (In Matthews, J. B., and Button, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) , 26476 Kendall, H. The kinship of men ; or. Genealogy viewed as a science. 30174 Kendall, M. Dreams to sell ; [poems]. 29613 Kenjiu Kasawara. Mueller, F. M. (In his Biog. essays.) 24860 Kennard, Mrs. E. A glorious gallop ; novel. 30593 Kennard, N. H. Mrs. Siddons. (Fam. women.) 28135 Rachel. (Famous women ser.) 26165 Kennedy, A. B. W. The mechanics of machinery. Illust. 28562 Kennedy, D. Kennedy, D., Jr. Singing round the world; narr. of tours. (In Kennedy, M. D. Kennedy.) 29391 Kennedy, M. David Kennedy; remin. of his life. 29391 Kennedy, D., Jr. Singing round the world ; narr. of [D. Ken- nady's] tours. (In Kennedy, M. D. Kennedy.) 29391 Kennedy, J. H. Early days of Mormonism ; Palmyra, Kirt- land and Nauvoo. 29316 Kennedy, M. David Kennedy, the Scotch singer ; remin. of his life ; and Singing round the world ; by D. Kennedy, Jr. Portr. and illust. 29391 Kennedy, R. Electrical distribution by alternating currents and transformers. 29030 Kennedy, W. R., Capt. Sport, travel, and adv. in Newfound- land and the West Indies. Illust. 25628 Kennedy, W. S. Art and life ; a Ruskin anthology. 27683 - Edward Everett Hale. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Wonders and curiosities of the railway. 24281 Kensington Junior; by M. Sidney [H. M. Lothrop]. (With her St. George, etc.) 29452 Kent, J., Chancellor. Abridgment of K.'s Commentaries on Amer. law ; by E. F. Thompson ; with introd. by T. L. Nelson. 26357 Kent, County of, Eny. Hissey, J. J. A holiday on the road ; an artist's wanderings. 29379 Hughes, W. Geography of the county of Kent. 28639 358 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Kentucky. Green, T. M. Historic families of K. Ser. 1. 30639 Shaler, N. S. Kentucky, a pioneer commonwealth. 24794 Smith, Z. F. History of Kentucky. 30664 Stevenson, B. F. Kentucky neutrality in 1861. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Wurfield, E. D. The Kentucky resolutions of 1798; hist, study, 28830 Kenworthy, C. J. (pseud. Al Fresco.) The fishing grounds of Florida, etc. (In Van Doren, L. O. Fishes, etc.) *I Fly-fishing in Florida. (In Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing, etc.) *I Kepler or Keppler, J. Winchell, A. Speculations of K. (In his World-life. ) 2341 5 Wright, H. C. Kepler and the pathways of the planets. ( In her Child. stor.) 30384 Keppel, W. C., Viscount Bury, and Hillier, G. L. Cycling. (Badminton lib.) *I Ker, D. The lost city ; or, The boy explorers in Centr. Asia. Illust. 25161 Polly's lion. (In Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 Ker, W. P. The philosophy of art. (In Seth, A., and Hal- dane, R. B. Essays.) 23448 Kerfoot, J. B., D.D., 1st lip. of Pittsburgh. Harrison, H. Life of K., with select, fr. his diaries and correspondence. 2 v. 27804-5 Kernel, The, and the husk ; by [E. A. Abbott]. 27809 Kerr, C. D. From Atlanta to Raleigh. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.) 29330 Kerr, J. Carlyle as seen in his works : his characteristics. 28642 Kerr, Orpheus C., pseud. See Newell, R. H. Kerr, W. M. The far interior ; travel and adv. to the lake reg. of Centr. Africa. Illust. 2 v. 27521-2 Kerry-Nicholls, J. H. See Mcholls, J. H. K. Kershaw, M. Colonial facts and fictions ; humorous sketches. 27934 Kershaw, S. W. Protestants from France, in their Eng. home. Illust. 26709 Keshub Chunder Sen. Bose, Ram Chandra. Brahmoism ; with acct. of Keshub Chunder Sen's connect, with the movement. 24139 Cook, J. (In his Orient.) 27190 Mueller, F. M. (In his Biog. essays.) 24860 Ketchum, A. C. Botany for academies and colleges ; plant development and structure ; illust. and Manual of plants. 20342 Keyes, E. D. Fifty years' obs. of men and events, civil and military. 24483 Keyser, S. A baptized idol. (In Safford, M. J. Christmas country, etc.) 27095 Khartoom, Khartoum, or Khartum. Gordon, C. G. Journals at K. 25499. Macdonald, A. Too late for Gordon and K. 29396 Power, F. Letters from K. during the siege. 26056 Temple, R. The fall of K. (In his Cosmopolitan essays.) 27601 See also Soudan. Khedives and pashas ; sk. of contemp. Egypt, rulers and statesmen. 24002 Contents. The ex-khedive Ismail.- The khedive. Arab!. Riaz. Nubar. Cherif. The Cherif ministry. Some consuls-general. Con- clusion. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 359 Khiva. Description. Lansdell, H. (In his Russian Centr. Asia, v. 2.) 25443 Khoten. Rockhill, W. W. The early history of Li-yul (Khoten). (In his Life of the Buddha.) 24941 Kidd, L. Edward James Harland. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit,, v. 2.) 25092 Kidd, W. Hale, E. E. Captain Kidd. (Monograph, no. 27.) 23S18 Kidder, F. E. Architect's and builder's pocket-book. Illust. *I Kidnapped ; by R. L. Stevenson. 26870 Kieft'er, H. M. Recollections of a drummer-boy. Illust. 23386 Kielland, A. L. The battle of Waterloo. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Skipper Worse. 27421 Kilby, W. H., comp. Eastport and Passamaquoddy ; hist. and biog. sk., with notes. 30649 Kilima-njaro expedition. See Africa. Kilpatrick, T. B. Pessimism and the relig. consciousness. (In Seth, A., and Haldane, R. B. Essays.) 23448 Kim's last whipping ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. (In New Eng. stor.-bk.) 24819 Kimon. See Cimon. Kin beyond sea ; by W. E. Gladstone. (In Prose master- pieces, v. 3.) 23202 Kincardine. Description. Hargreaves, T. (In his Voyage.) 23950 Kindergarten. Carpenter, H. The mother's and kinder- gartner's friend. 24180 Hansell, C. The kindergarten children. *I Kraus-Boelte, M., and Kraus. J. Kindergarten guide. V. 1 : The gifts. 30501 Newton, R. H. The free K. in church work. (In his Soc. studies.) 27f5s.-> Nou, H. Plays for the K. in Mary Institute, St. Louis, Mo. 29151 Page, A. L., and others. The kindergarten and the school. 28809 Peabody, E. P. Lectures in the training schools for kindergartners. 26934 - Walker^ G., and Jenks, H. S. Songs and games for little ones. 30567 Wiggin, K. D. Kindergarten chimes; songs and games. 29171 - Wiltse, S. E. Stories for kindergartens. 26027 See also Froebel, F. Kindersley, E. C., trans. The very joyous, pleasant, and re- freshing hist, of the feats, exploits, etc., of the good knight without fear and without reproach, Lord de Bayard. 24576 Kinematics. See Mechanics. King, C. The deserter ; and From the ranks. 29546 Kitty's conquest. 23782 Marion's faith ; seq. to The colonel's daughter. 20830 A war-time wooing. Illust. 29885 King, C. Production of the precious metals in the U. S. (In U. S. Geol. Surv. Ann. rept., 1880-'81.) , 24836 King, C. History of Berkshire. (Pop. county hist.) 27935 King, C. C. Genesis of a sword. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 5.) . 20528 King, C. F. Methods and aids in geography for teachers and normal schools. Illust. 30233 King, C. M., joint author. See Cross, C. F. King, C. W. The Gnostics and their remains, anc. and me- diaeval. *I 360 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. King, D. W. Homes for home-builders ; or, Practical de- signs. Illust. 26166 King, E. Europe in storm and calm ; exp. and remin. of an Amer. journalist. 25900 The golden spike; fantasie in prose. 26082 King, G. Monsieur Motte. 29886 King, H. Savage London ; lights and shadows of riverside character. 30735 Contents. The light of other days. Moses and Aaron. Flags. Ben- jamin their ruler. Daddy. Dan'l. The son of consolation. A pilgrim's progress. King, H. E. Home-made snow-shoes. (In Vance, F. T., and others. Ways for boys, etc.) 28913 King, H. E. H. Ugo Bassi's sermon in the hospital ; [poem]. 27697 - Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 King, J. Cleopatra's needle ; hist, of the London obelisk. 27573 Recent disc, on the Temple Hill at Jerusalem. Map, plans, etc. 27574 King, Rev. J. Anglican hymnology ; acct. of standard hymns ace. to the verdict of the Anglican church. 26334 King, J. E., and Cookson, C. Principles of sound and inflex- ion as illust. in the Gr. and Lat. languages. 30175 King, J. R. English notes. (In Cicero, M. T. Phillippic orations.) 24541 King, M. Handbook of Boston. Illust. 26912 King, R. Ohio ; first fruits of the ordinance of 1787. (Amer. commonwealths.) 30343 King, R. A. (pseud. Basil.) A coquette's conquest. 25790 King, T. S. Whipple, E. P. Character and genius of K. (In his Amer. literature, etc.) 28173 King, A, and no king ; by F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 King, The, and the Commons. See Morley, H. King Arthur; by [D. M. (M.) Craik]. 26808 King Country. See New Zealand. King Henry. See Henry. King John. See Shakespeare, W. King John and the mayor ; by F. M. Allen. (In his Thr. green glasses.) 29130 King of Folly Island ; and other people ; by S. O. Jewett. 29544 King of the golden river ; by J. Ruskin. 26187 King of the mountains. See Greek brigand, The. King Pepin and sweet Clive. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 3.) 25369 King Solomon's mines ; by H. R. Haggard. 26241 King Thrushbill and Princess Disdain ; [play] ; by K. Freili- grath-Kroeker. (In her Alice, etc.) 23273 King's bed, A; by C. A. Mason. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 King's diversion, The. See Hugo, V. King's lesson, A ; by W. Morris. ( With his Dream of John Ball.) 30183 King's men, The ; by R. Grant, and others. 24410 CATALOGUE or BOOKS. 361 King's treasure house, The ; by W. Walloth. 26938 Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea; its origin and pro- gress to the death of Lord Raglan. V. 5, 6. 12290-91 Kings. See Monarchs and Monarchy. Kingsford, A. Health, beauty, and the toilet ; letters to ladies. 28249 Kingsford, W. Canadian archaeology ; essay. 28963 - History of Canada. Vol. 1, 2. 28964-5 Kingsley, C. From death to life ; teaching to a village con- gregation ; with letters on the life after death ; ed. by his wife. 27834 My winter garden. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 2.) 23201 - The two breaths. (Hampton tracts, no. 8.) 23506 The water babies; a fairy tale for a land baby; ed. and abdgd. by J. H. Stickney. 26434 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Harris, A. B. (In her Pleasant authors.) 23777 Japp, A. H. Charles Kingsley. (In Ewart, H. C. Leaders.) 30632 Mueller, F. M. ( In his Biog. essays.) 24860 Tulloch, J. "Broad Church;" C. Kingsley. (In his Move, of relig. thought.) 25781 - Whipple, E. P. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Kingsley, H. Valentin ; a French boy's story of Sedan ; rev. and corr. 25224 Kingsley, R. G. The children of Westminster Abbey. Illust. 26789 Same. (In Chautauqua Young Folks' Ann.) 26100 Stoned by a mountain. (In Sehwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Kingston, W. B. Monarchs 1 have met. Illust. 29086 Music and manners; pers. remiu. and sk. of character. 2 v. 28414-15 A wanderer's notes. 2 v. 30594-5 Kingston, W. H. G. From powder monkey to admiral ; with introd. by Dr. Macaulay. Illust. 23428 In the wilds of Africa ; tale for boys. Eugr. 27502 ed. The seven champions of Christendom. 28272 Contents. St. George of England. St. Denis of France. St. James of Spain. St. Anthony of Italy. St. Andrew of Scotland. St. Patrick of Ireland. St. David of Wales. Kington, T. L. O. History of Frederick II., Emperor of the Romans. 2 v. 28412-13 Kinney, Mrs. E. C. Two sonnets. (In Cone. Sch. of Phil. Lect.) 24790 Kinnicutt, L. P. Report on the meteoric iron fr. the Altar mounds in the Little Miami Valley. (JwPeabody Mus. of Arch. Kept., v. 3.) 19625 Kinship and marriage. Smith, W. R. Kinship and marriage in early Arabia. 26271 Kinship of men; by H. Kendal. 30174 Kinsley, C. Self-instructor on lumber surveying. 24678 Kinzie, J. A. Mark Logan, the bourgeois. 28790 Kinzie, Mrs. J. H. See Kinzie, J. A. Kioto, Japan. Palgrave, W. G. (In his Ulysses.) 29323 Kip, L. u mas has come." (In Stor. by Amer. authors, v. 9.) 24222 Kirby, E., joint author. See Kirby, M. Kirby, E. N. Vocal and action-language ; culture and expres- sion. 24767 Kirby, G. B. Years of experience ; autobiog. narrative. 27835 262 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Kirby, J. H. Modern cottages ; illust. of cottages, dwellings, and miscellaneous work. 27130 Kirby, M. and E. Aunt Martha's corner cupboard ; stor. abt. tea, coffee, sugar, rice, etc. Engr. 26729 Kirby, W. F. Evolution and natural theology. 23854 Lepidoptera. (In Duncan, P. M. Cassell's nat. hist., v. 6.) 24961 Kirby's coals of iire ; by L. Stockton. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 7.) 24220 Kirchhoff, G. R. Vorlesuugen u'ber mathematische physik : Mechanik. 16413 Wright, H. C. Kirchoff and the story told by sunbeam and starbeam, 1824-1887. (In her Children's stories.) 30384 Kirk, E. The founding of metals ; pract. treat, on the melt- ing of iron ; with descr. of the founding of alloys, etc. Illust. 27131 Kirk, E. W. O. (pseud. H. Hayes.) Better times ; stories. 30341 Contents. Better times. One too many. Tragedy at Dale Farm. Story of a silk dress. A Bohemian. Miss Ruth. A pair of silk stock- ings.' Aux serieux. The young doctor. The widow's mite. A daughter of Eve. 30801 Harmonia; a chronicle. 29189 Queen Money. 29087 Sons and daughters. 27768 - Story of Margaret Kent. 26156 Kirk, J. F. Continuation. (In Palgrave, F. T. Golden treasury.) 23396 Kirk, T. H. Illustrated history of Minnesota. *I Kirke, E., pseud. See Gilmore, J. R. Kirkland, E. S. Speech and manners for home and school. 23473 Kirkland, J. The McVeys ; an episode. 30344 'Zury; the meanest man in Spring County. 28136 Kirkman, M. M. Handling of railway supplies; their pur- chase and disposition. 28381 Kirkup, T. An inquiry into socialism. 29392 Kirkwood, D. The asteroids, or minor planets bet. Mars and Jupiter. 29689 Kirton, J. W. Dr. Guthrie ; Father Mathew ; Elihu Bur- ritt ; Joseph Livesey. (The world's workers.) 25938 Kirwan, T. Electricity ; what it is, where it comes from, and how it is made to do mechanical work. 25:,' 46 Kit-cat club. The ; by N. Perry. (In her Youngest Miss Lorton, ''etc.) 30356 Kitchen, J. M. W. Catarrh, sore-throat, and hoarseness. 23816 Consumption; its nature, causes, prevention, and cure. 25160 Kitchen. See Cookery. Kites. Vance, F. T. Some comical kites. ( In Vance. F. T., a,,d others. Ways for boys.) 28913 Kittler, E. Handbuch der Elektrotechnik. V. 1. 16512 Kittredge, H. G., and Gould, A. C. History of the Amer. card-clothing industry. 23382 Kitty's conquest ; by C. King. 23782 Kittyleen ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. 23267 Klackner, C. Proofs and prints, engravings and etchings ; how they are made and how to select them. 19712 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 363 Klaus Bewer's wife ; fr. the German of P. Lindau. 28143 Klein, E. Elements of histology. Illust. 23429 Micro-organisms and disease ; introd. into the study of specific micro- organisms. Engr. 24915 Kleinschmidt, A. Napoleon I. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 7.) 16302 Kleisthenes. See Cleisthenes. Klemm, L. R. Educational topics of the day ; chips from a teacher's workshop. 29142 Kleon. See Cleon. Klopstock, F. G. Hedge, F. H. (In his Hrs. with Germ. class.) 26670 MacCallum, M. W. (In his Studies.) 23961 Klytia; by G. Taylor [A. Hausrath]. 2 v. 23714-15 Knapp, W. I., ed. Modern French readings. 233S7 Modern Sparfish readings; embr. text, notes, etc. 23171 Knapsack and rifle ; by one of the boys [R. W. Patrick]. 29836 Knatchbull-Hugessen, E. H. See Hugessen, E. H. K. Knave of hearts, The ; by R. Grant. 26076 Kneeland, S. Volcanoes and earthquakes; pop. acct. of their nature, causes, etc. 29450 Knickerbocker writers. Wilson, J. G. Bryant and his friends. 25857 Knight, Mrs. A. A. Primer of botany. 28137 Knight, E. F. Cruise of the "Falcon ;" voyage to So. Amer- ica. Illust. 2 v. 23699-700 Knight, E. H. New mechanical dictionary; descr. of tools, machines, etc., with ref. to tech. journals. Illust. 23432 Knight, Sir H. E. Ritchie, J. E. (In his Fam. city men.) 23860 Knight, J. Life of D. G. Rossetti. (Great writers.) 28643 Knight, S. G. Ned Harwood's visit to Jerusalem. Illust. 30234 Knight, W. Hume. 27648 Philosophical classics for Eng. readers; namely : Caird, J. Spinoza. 30162 Flint, R Vico. 244")5 Knight, W. Hume. 27648 Merz,J. T. Leibniz. 23965 Nichol, J. Francis Bacon. 2 v. 30860-1 Robertson, G. C. Hobbes. 26449 Veitch, J. Hamilton. 24449 Knight-errant; by E. Lyall [A. E. Bayly]. 28101 Knight of the Black forest ; by G. D. Litchfield. 25565 Knight of the Burning Pestle ; by F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. (In Morley, H. Burlesque plays, etc.) 28196 Knight of the Swanne. (In Ashton, J. Romances of chiv- alry.) 27170 Knight's secret, The ; by C. Reade. (In his Good stor.) 24029 Knighthood. Cutts, E. L. The knights of the Middle Ages. (Li his Scenes, etc.) 25801 Knighton, W. Struggles, for life. 30480 Knights of Labor. Brown, T. E. Cone, trades-unions and the K. of L. (In his Stud, in mod. socialism.) 26804 McNeill, G. E. Declaration of princ. of the K. of L. (In his Labor movement.) 27651 Newcomb. S. Talk to a K. of L. (In his Plain man's talk, etc.} 27126 364 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stephens, IT. S., and others. (In McNeill, G. E. The labor movement.) 27651 Knights-Templars. See Freemasons. Knightsbridge mystery, The ; by C. Reade. (In his Good stor., and in Tales fr. many sources, v. 2.) 24029 ; 25368 Knitters in the sun ; by O. Thanet [A. French]. 28872 Knitting. Croly, J. C. Knitting and crochet. 30308 Knockabout club in the Everglades ; by F. A. Ober. 28808 Knockabout club, The, in the tropics ; by C. A. Stephens. 23192 Knortz, K., ed. Representative Germ, poems, ballad and lyrical ; orig. texts with Eng. versions. 25505 Knots. Knots, hitches, and splices. (In Boy's workshop.) 24299 Knowledge. Bosanquet, B. Logic ; or, The morphology of knowledge. 2 v. 29858-9 Campbell, G. D. On the limits of human knowledge ; Truthfulness of human knowledge. (In his Unity of nature.) 23938 Pressense, E. de. The problem of knowledge. (In his Study of origins.) 24154 Knowles, J. S. Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 2.) 30352 Molloy, J. F. Sheridan Knowles' Virginius; and The hunchback. (In kin Fam. plays.) 27583 Knox, A. Differential calculus for beginners ; with examples. 25506 Knox, J. Herrick, S. E. (In his Some heretics.) 24570 Stevenson, R. L. John Knox and women. (In his Famil. stud.) 28164 Taylor, W. M. John Knox. 25248 John Knox as a preacher. (In his Scottish pulpit.) 28910 Knox. J. J. United States notes ; hist, of the issues of paper money. 24148 Knox, T. W. Boy travellers in Australasia. 30345 Boy travellers in South America. Illust. 25741 Boy travellers in the far East. Namely : Adventures in a journey thr. Africa. Illust. 23281 Boy travellers in the Russian Empire. Illust. 27212 Boy travellers on the Congo. [Condsd. fr. Stanley's Through the dark continent.] Illust. 28697 Decisive battles since Waterloo. Illust. 28681 Dog stories and dog lore ; experiences of two boys in rearing and train- ing dogs; with anecdotes. 28883 Life of Robert Fulton and hist, of steam navigation. Illust. 26926 - Lives of J. G. Blaine and J. A. Logan. Illust. 24192 Pocket guide around the world; pract. hd.-bk. 23105 Travels of Marco Polo for boys and girls; notes and comments. Illust. 25742 - Voyage of the "Vivian" to the North Pole, etc. Illust. 24415 Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Rideing, W. H. (In his Boyhood of living authors.) 28815 Kobbe, G. The music-dramas of R. Wagner, with the leading motives in notation. Vol. 1, 2. 27316-17 Contents. V. 1. The Ring of the Nibelung. 2. Tristan and Isolde. Koch, A. Prince Alexander of Battenberg ; remin. of his reign in Bulgaria. 28708 Koelle, L. L. C. Music in song ; from Chaucer to Tennyson ; extr. descr. of the power, influences, etc. of music ; introd. by J. Stainer. 23701 Koenig, F. Smiles, S. F. Koenig, inventor of the steam- printing machine. (In his Men of inv., etc.) 24821 Koeroesi. See Korosi. Koerstlin, J. Life of Luther; fr. the German. Illust. 23225 Kok, M. The two Christmas trees ; The butterfly. (In Saf- ford, M. J. Christ, country, etc.) 27095 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 365 Kokhanovsky, Mme. The rusty linchpin and Luboff Archi- povna ; [tr.] by M. M. S. and J. L. E. 28319 Koltzof-Massalsky, H. G., Princess, (pseud. Dora d'Istria.) The educational movement [in Italy]. (In Stanton, T. The woman quest. ) 24053 Kompert, L. Geschichten einer Gasse. 16511 Contents. Die Jahrzeit. Die Seelenfangerin. Gottes Annehmerin. Die Augen der Mutter. Christian und Lea. Die beiden Schwerter. Der Karfuukel. Konewka, P. Falstaff and his companions ; 21 illust. with in- trod. by H. Kurz ; tr. by C. C. Shackford. 12883 Koran, The. See Mohammed. Korolenko, V. The vagrant ; and other tales ; tr. by A. Delano. 28970 Contents. Biographical note. The old bell-ringer. The forest soughs. Easter night. A Saghaliniau. Sketches of a Siberian tourist. Korosi (properly Csoma, S., Korosi, i. e., Alexander of Koros) . Duka, T. Life and works of A. Csoma de Koros. 25623 Korti. See Soudan. Kouns, N. C. Arius, the Libyan ; idyl of the primitive Church. 23332 Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina. (Our continent lib.) 24768 Kra, Isthmus of. See Kraw. Krantz, J. B. Study on reservoir walls ; fr. the Fr. by F. A. Mahan. Illust. 23067 Krasnohorska, Elise, pseud. See Pech. E. Kraus, J. Carlsbad ; its thermal springs and baths, and how to use them. 28709 joint author. See Kraus Boelte, M. Kraus-Boelte, M., and Kraus, J. Kindergarten guide ; illust. hand-book. Vol. 1 : The gifts. 30501 Krausse, A. S. Starving London ; sojourn among the destitute. 27575 Kraw, Isthmus of. Scott, J. G. The proposed Kra canal. (In his France and Tongking.) 25921 Krehbiel, H. E. Notes on the cultivation of choral music, and the Oratorio Soc. of New York. 24149 Kremnitz, M., ed. Roumanian fairy tales ; adapt, and arr. by J. M. Percival. 25988 Kritiska skolan, Den ; af U. L. Ullman. 15117 Krocker, F. Leitfadeu fiir die Agricultur-Chemische Analyse. See Frankland, P. F. Agr. Chem. anal. Kroeh, C. F. Pronunciation of Spanish in Spain and America. (Kroeh's drill books.) 30346 Kroeker, K. F. See Freiligrath-Kroeker, K. Kron, K., pseud. See Bagg, L. H. Kropotkine, P. In Russian and French prisons ; with a plan of the St. Petersburg fortress. 28644 Krupp, A., and Wildberger, A. The metallic alloys; pract. guide for the manuf. of alloys, amalgams, etc.; tr. and ed., with add., by W. T. Brannt. 30499 Niemeyer, V. Alfred Krupp ; life and work ; [tr.] by K. W. and O. E. Michaelis ; added, Visit to the Krupp works at Essen. *I Ku Klux Klan. Raum, G. B. (In his Existing conflict.) 24680 25 366 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Kuenen, A. Historico-crit. inq. into the origin and composi- tion of the Hexateuch (Pentateuch and book of Joshua) ; tr. by P. H. Wicksteed. 27153 Kuerschner, L. (pseud. O. Schubin.) Bravo rechts ! eine lustige Sommergeschichte. 16518 "Gloria victis !" ; fr. the German by M. Maxwell. 27087 Our own set; fr. the German by C. Bell. 24591 Kugler, B. Wallenstein. (In Gottschall, R. von. Der neue Plutarch, v. 10.) 16305 Kuldja. Description. Lansdell, H. ( In his Russian Centr. Asia, v. 1.) 25442 Kuuhardt, C. P. Steam yachts and launches ; their machinery and management. 28791 Ku'pke, H. Missions historia for folket ; ofversattning och bearbetning. 15184 Kynaston, H., formerly H. Snow. Notes. (In Theocritus. Idylls, etc.) 26790 L. , Major. The Pytchley book of refined cookery and bills of fare. 27936 L., J. E. Ten days in the jungle. 24416 L., L. E. .pseud. See Maclean, Mrs. L. E. L. Labberton, R. H. New historical atlas and general history. 27470 Labiche, E. M. La lettre charged ; fantaisie. (In Theatre contemp.) 14898 andJotty, A. Lagrammaire; comedie-vaude. (In Theatre contemp.) 14897 and Martin, E. Le voyage de Monsieur Perrichon; comedle, (In The- atre contemp.) 14897 Labor and Laboring classes. About, E. F. V. Handbook of social economy. 25930 Baernreither, J. M. English associations of workingmen. 30829 - Bagehot, W. The transferability of labour. (In his Postulates, etc.) 25866 Barns, W. E. The labor problem. 26788 Brown, T. E. Studies in mod. socialism and labor problems. 26804 Ely, R. T. The labor movement in America. 26875 Giflen, R. Progress of the working classes in the last half century ; with Note on Amer. wages. 25047 Progress of the working classes; Further notes on the progress, etc. (In his Essays, ser. 2.) 30692 Gladden, W. Is labor a commodity? The wage-worker and the church- es. (In his App. Christianity.) 27203 Working people and their employers. 25498 Graham, W. The social problem in its econom., moral, and polit. as- pects. 27145 Gunton, G. Wealth and progress : crit. examination of the labor prob- lem. 29077 Hogg, W. G. Health and disease inindustr. occupations. (In Gt. ind. of Gt. Brit., v. 1, 2.) 25091-2 - Hyndman, H. M. (In his Hist, basis of socialism, etc.) 23849 Jessopp, A. Arcady for better for worse; study of rural life in Eng. 28786 McNeill, G. E. The labor movement; the problem of to-day. 27651 Makepeace, F. B.. and others. Fresh bait for fishers of men. 27773 Moody, W. G. Land and labor in the U. S. 22975 Morris, W. Useful work versus useless toil. (In his Signs of change.) 30739 Newcomb, S. A plain man's talk on the labor question. 27126 Newton, E. H. A bird's-eye view of the labor quest. ; Is the State just to the workingman? (In his Soc. studies.) 27685 Patterson, J. S. Class interests; their reJ. to each other and to govern- ment ; study of wrongs and remedies. 26183 The labor question. (In his Reforms.) 24421 Phillips, W. A. Labor, land, and law ; search for the missing wealth of the working poor. 26549 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 367 Rabagliati, A. Health and disease in ind. occupations. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 2, 3.) 25092-3 Kogers. J. E. T. Six centuries of work and wages; hist, of Eng. labour. 2 v. 23971-2 Schoenhof , J. The industrial situation and the question of wages. 26350 Scudder, M. L., Jr. The labor-value fallacy. 24287 Smyth, S. P. N. Claims of labor. (In his Soc. problems.) 25459 Walker, J. H. Address on perils of wage workers in continued silver coinage. 25206 Weeks, J. D. Labor differences and their settlement ; plea for arbitra- tion and conciliation. 26399 Williams, T. Labor a hundred years ago ; Philadelphia, 1787. 29852 Wood, H. Natural law in the business world. 27859 See also Agriculture; Arbitration; Capital; Chinese immigration; Co-operation; Eight hour question; Industrial education; Knights of Labor; Land question ; Profit sharing; Socialism; Trade unions ; Unemployed ; Wages. Laboulaye, E. R. L. Last fairy tales ; tr. by M. L. Booth. Illust. 24769 Paris en Amerique. 14765 Labrador. Stearns, W. A. Labrador ; its peoples, indus- tries, and nat. hist. 2ol76 - Wrecked on Labrador. 30465 Labrunie, G. (pseud. Gerard de Nerval.) Lang, A. Gerard de Nerval. (In Ms Letters.) 30650 Lackington, J. Parton, J. James Lackington. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Lacouperie, T. de. The cradle of the Shan race. (In Col- quhoun, A. R. Amg. the Shaus.) 25388 Lacquer. Yoshida, H. Lacquer; descr., cultivation, and treatment of the tree, chemistry of its juice, and its indust. appl. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Lad's love, A ; by A. Bates. 28277 Ladd, G. T. Doctrine of sacred scripture ; origin and nat. of the Testaments. 2 v. 23388-9 Elements of physiological psychology ; activities and uat. of the mind fr. the phys. and experimental point of view. 27836 - What is the Bible? origin and nat. in the light of mod. bibl. study. 29451 Ladd, H. O. History of the war with Mexico. 23282 Laddie. (In Miss Toosey's mission.) 24047 Ladies, The, in parliament; fragment; by G. O. Trevelyan. 30748 Ladies' gallery, The ; by J. McCarthy and Mrs. Praed. * 30922 Lady Barberina ; by H. James. (In Ms Tales of three cities.) 24574 Lady Branksmere ; by the Duchess [M. Argles]. 26616 Lady candidate, The ; by M. Majendie. (In her Once more.) 24254 Lady Farquhar's old lady ; by Mrs. Molesworth. (In her Four ghost stor.) 29150 Lady Franklin Bay Expedition. Greely, A. W. Three years of Arctic service. 2 v. 26368-9 Lady-helps ; by M. Majeudie. (In her Once more.) 24254 Lady Lovelace ; by C. L. Pirkis. 25754 Lady Octavia's garland ; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Stor. hol- idays.) 28749 Lady, The, of the graves ; by P. B. Marston. (In his For a song's sake.) 28802 Lady of the lake. See Scott, W. 368 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Lady, The, or the tiger ; by F. R. Stockton. 24037 Lady Valworth's diamonds; by the Duchess [M. Argles]. 26972 Lady, The, with the rubies ; fr. the German of E. Marlitt [E. John]. 25667 Lafargue, , joint author. See Dumanoir, P. F. P. Lafargue, P. The new judgment of Paris. 29547 Lafayette, M. A. F. (N.) de. Parton, J. The wife of Lafay- ette. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Lafayette. M. J. P. R. Y. G. de M., marquis de. Farmer, L. H. Life of La Fayette. 30098 Stone, E. M. Lafayette and his devotion. (In his Our Fr. allies.) *I Laffan, A. A. (A.) Geoffrey Stirling. 28271 Laffan, M., now Mrs. Hartley. See Hartley, M. L. Laffan, W. M. Mr. Lawrence Barrett. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, v. 5.) 26476 La Flechier, J. W. de. See Fletcher, J. W. Lag, Laird of. See Grierson, Sir R. Lagny, G. de. Ryssarne och knutpiskan ; eller, Rysslands seder och samhiills-skick ; ofversattning. 15093 Lagrange, F., I'abbe. Life of Mons. Dupanloup, Bp. of Or- leans ; tr. by Lady Herbert. 2 v. 26588-9 La Gruyere ; Scioberet, P. Tales of country life in La G. 28660 Laing, Mrs. C. H. B. The seven kings of the seven hills. 23544 Contents. Romulus. Numa Pompilius. Tullus Hostilius. Ancus Marcius. Tarquinius Priscus. Servius Tullius. Tarquinius Superbus. Laing, S. Modern science and mod. thought. 25901 Laing. See Lang. Laing-Meason, M. See Meason, M. L. Laistner, L. Furcht vor der Liebe. (In Schick, L. Coll. Novellen, v. 3.) 16521 Lajeunesse, M. E., called Albani. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 2.) 29599 Lajla ; tale of Finmark ; by J. A. Friis. 29834 Lake and forest series. See Farrar, C. A. J. Lake Champlain. See Champlain, Lake. Lake George. See George, Lake. Lakeman, M. Faith's festivals. 28971 Lakes. Stoddard, W. O. Among the L. 23115 Lakm6 ; opera ; by L. Delibes. *I Lai ; by W. A. Hammond. 25341 LaMarck, J. B. P. A. de M., chev. de. Butler, S. Prof. Lankester and Lamarck. (In his Luck, or cunning?) 27547 Lamartine, A. M. L. de P. de. Den franske Revolutions His- toric i 1848 ; oversat fra det Franske. 2 Dele. 27422-3 Graziella. 14408 Jeanne D'Arc; notes, etc., by A. Barrere. 30802 Doravile, M. Life of L. 30840 Lamb, C. Essays of Elia ; introd. and notes by A. Ainger. 23243 Imperfect sympathies. ( In Prose masterpieces, v. 1.) 23200 Letters; introd. and notes, by A. Ainger. 2 v. 29776-7 Mrs. Leicester's school ; and other writings ; introd. and notes, bv A. Angier. 26435 Birrell, A. (In his Obiter dicta, ser. 2.) 28279 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 369 Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Fields, J. T. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ., etc.} 25675 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 - Harris, A. B. (In her Pleasant authors.) 23777 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Mason, E. T. (In his Pers. traits, v. 3.) 25230 Swinburne, A. C. Charles Lamb and George Wither. (Inhis Miscellanies.) 27689 and M. (A.) Collyer, R. Charles and Mary Lamb. (In his Talks to young men.) 28954 Lamb, M. (A.) Cone, H. G., and Gilder, J. L. (In their Pen-portr., v. 1.) 28756 Gilchrist, A. Mary Lamb. 23047 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 ISee also Lamb, C. Lamb, M. J. Wall Street in history. Illust. 23474 Lamb, W., Viscount Melbourne. Smith, G. B. (In his Prime ministers.) 27718 Lambert, J. Walford, N. L. (In his Parliamentary generals.) 26611 Lambert, J. H. Winchell, A. Lambert's cosmological letters. (In his World -life.) 23415 Lamberton. See Lambyrton. Lambeth palace. Browne, J. C. Lambeth palace and its associations. *I Lambyrton or 'Lamberton, W. de, Bp. Shairp, J. C. Bp. L. and the good Lord James. (In his Sketches.) 29640 Lamentation for the three sons of Turaun ; by J. Todhunter. (In his The Banshee.) 30747 LaMotte, A. H. de. Correspoudance litteraire de F6nelon avec LaM. (In Fnelon, F. de S. de L. Lettre, etc.) 14409 Lampadius, W. A. Life of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy ; tr. by W. L. Gage. 27257 Lamps and paths ; [sermons] ; by T. T. Hunger. 24778 Lancashire, Eng. Axon, W. E. A. Lancashire gleanings. 23436 Lancaster, J. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Lancaster, Mass. Nourse, H. S. Early records of L., 1643- 1725. *I Lancaster, House of. Church, A. J. The chantry priest of Barnet ; tale of the two Roses. 30405 Lanciani, R. Ancient Rome in the light of rec. discoveries. Illust. 30347 Land and Glebe Owners' Association. Onslow, W. H. (In his Landlords and allotments.) 27058 Land and love ; by A. W. Dubourg. (In his Four orig. plays.) 23073 Land, The, beyond the forest. See Transylvania. Land League. See Ireland. Land-leaguers, The ; by A. Trollope. 24870 Land och Folk ; illust. tidskrift, 1874-1879. 3 v. 15119-21 Land, The, of fire ; by H. Reid. 26735 Land of the morning. See Japan. Land of the pink pearl ; life in the Bahamas ; by L. D. Powles. 30598 Land question. Birkbeck, W. L. Historical sk. of the dis- tribution of land in Eng. 26372 George, H. (In McNeill, G. E. Labor movement.) 27651 Kay, J. Free trade in land. 24087 370 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hunger, T. T. Land tenure. (In his Freedom of faith.) -23053 Onslow, W. H., Earl. Landlords and allotments; history and present condition of the allotment system. 27058 Phillips, W. A. Labor, land, and law; search for the missing wealth of the working poor. 26549 Pollock, F. The land laws. 23857 Property in land; passage-at-arms bet. the Duke of Argyll and H. George. 24301 Ross, D. W. Early hist, of land-holding amg. the Germans. 23112 - Verney, Lady. Cottier owners, little takes, and peasant properties. 26396 Winn, H. Property in land; essay on the new crusade. 29579 See also Crofter; Gt. Britain; Leasehold enfranchisement; Political economy; Rent; U. S. Public Lands. Also J. Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 4. Landels, W. Future probation. (In Leathes, S., and others. Future probation ; symposium.) 27576 Lander, M., pseud. See Lawrence, M. W. Landless farmer, A; by S. O. Jewett. (In her Mate of the Daylight.) 23385 Landlord. See Land question. Landon, J. School management; incl. a gen. view of the work of education. 24770 Landon, J. S. Constitutional history and government of the U. S. ; lect. 30907 Landon, L. E. See Maclean, L. E. L. Landor, W. S. The pentameron, etc. 30235 Contents. The pentameron. Citation and examination of Wm. Shak- speare. Minor prose pieces. Criticisms. Petition of the Thugs for toleration ; The benefits of parliament. (In prose masterpieces, v. 1.) 23200 Dennis, J. (In his Her. of literature.) 23445 DeQuincey, T. Notes on L. ; Orthographic mutineers, with spec. ref. to the works of L. (In his Lit. crit.) 23082 DeVere, A. T. Landor's poetry. (In his Essays, v. 2.) 29070 Mason, E. T. (In his Pers. traits, v. 1.) 25228 Scudder, H. E. Landor as a classic. (In his Men and letters.) 2S817 Swinburne, A. C. (In his Miscellanies.) 27689 Landscape. Hamerton, P. G. Landscape. 25501 Landscape gardening. Long, E. A. Ornamental gardening for Americans. 24919 Landscape chamber, The ; by S. O. Jewett. (In her King of Folly Is.) 29544 Lane, C. A. Illustrated notes on Eng. Church hist, to the reformation. ' 28645 Lane-Poole, S. See Poole, S. L. Lang, A. Ballades and verses vain. 24193 Books and bookmen. 26436 Charles Perrault. (In Perrault, C. Pop. Tales.) 29892 Custom and myth. 25225 Grass of Parnassus ; rhymes old and new. 30428 In the wrong paradise, etc. 27324 Contents. The end of Phaecia. In the wrong paradise. A cheap nig- ger. The romance of the first radical. A duchess's secret. The house of strange stories.- In Castle Perilous. The great Gladstone myth. My friend the beachcomber. Letters on literature. 30650 Contents. Introductory: Modern Eng. poetry. Fielding. Longfel- low. A friend of Keats. Virgil. Aucassin and Nicolette. Plotinus. Lucretius. To a young American bookhunter. Rochefoucauld. Of vers de societe. Richardson. Gerard de Nerval. Books about red men. App. Letters to dead authors. 26672 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 371 Life of Moliere; Introd. and notes. (In Moliere, J. B. P. de. Les precieuses ridicules.) 24152 The mark of Cain. 26540 Much darker days. 25398 Myth, ritual, and religion. 2 v. 28725-6 Pen and ink; [poem]. (In Matthews, J. B. Pen and ink.) 30437 The Princess Nobody ; tale of fairy land ; after the drawings by It. Doyle. 24581 Rhymes a la mode. 25302 Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus rendered into Eug. prose, with introd. essay. 26791 Thirty-two ballades in blue china. 29614 ed. English worthies ; namely : Allen, C. G. B. Charles Darwin. 25963 Dobson, A. Richard Steele. 27193 Gosse. E. Raleigh. 26987 Hannay. D. Admiral Blake. 26922 Hill, F. H. George Canning. 28248 Morris, M. Claverflouse. Saintsbury, G. Marlborough. 26087 Symonds, J. A. Ben Jonson. 27244 Traill, fl. D. Shaftesbury (1st Earl) . and Sylvester, P., translators. The dead leman ; and other tales from the French. 30803 Contents. Introduction. Gautier,T. The dead leman. M6rim<5e,P. How we took the redoubt. -Tolstoi, L. N. The taper. About, E. These lots to be sold. Blanc, M. T. A conversion. Merimee, P. The Etrus- can vase. Balzac, H. de. The doctor's story. Lang, Mrs. A. Dissolving views. 24150 Richardson. (In Lang, A. Letters, etc.) 30650 Lange, C. C. A. Udtog af Norges, Sveriges og Danmarks Historic; en Omarbeidelse af "L. St. Platous Udtog af de Skandinaviske Rigers Historic." 27424 Lange, E. P. (pseud. P. Galen.) Baron Brandau. 4 Dele i 2. 27416-17 Langille, J. H. Our birds in their haunts ; birds of eastern No. America. 24771 Langley, S. P. The new astronomy. 28849 On the temperature of the surface of the moon. (In Nat. Acad. of Sci. Mem., v. 3, pt. 1.) 14262 Langton, R. Childhood and youth of Dickens ; with notes, etc., fr. his books, etc. 26285 Language. Cook, F. C. Origins of religion and language. 24244 Cust, R. N. Language as illust. by Bible-translation. Map and table of languages. 27553 DeQuincey, T. Language. (In his Literary criticism.) 23082 Fiske, J. * What we learn fr. old Aryan words; Was there a primeval mother-tongue? (In his Excursions.) 23373 Freeman, E. A. Race and language. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 3.) 23202 Hazard, R. G. Essay on language, etc. 30793 Keane, A. H. Ethnology and philology of the European races. (In Rudler, F. W., and Chisholm, G. C. Europe.) 26059 Meyer, G. H. von. The organs of speech and their appl. in the form, of articulate sounds. 23482 Mueller, F. M. (In his Science of thought.) 28651 Simplicity of language ; Identity of language and thought. (In Three introd. lect.) 29723 Peabody, E. P. (In her Last evening, etc.) 27335 Comparative philology. Cook, F. C. Essay on the characteristics of L. spoken by different fam- ilies of the human race. (In his Origins of relig.) 24244 King, J. E., and Cookson, C. Principles of sound and inflexion as illust. in Greek and Latin. 30175 Weil, H. The order of words in the anc. L. comp. with the modern. See also Aryan; Egypt; English. Also Yolapiik; World-Eng- lish ; Figures ; Latin ; Russia ; Sign language ; Slavic ; Words. 372 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Language of flowers ; illust. by K. Greenaway ; in colors by E. Evans. 25065 Lanier, S. Poems ; ed. by M. D. Lanier ; with mem. by W. H. Ward. 24916 Lanigan, J., D. D. Ecclesiastical hist, of Ireland to the 13th cent. *I Lankester, E. R. Butler, S. Prof. Lankester and Lamarck. (In Ms Luck, or cunning?) 27547 Lanman, C. Farthest north ; or, Life and explor. of Lieut. J. B. Lock wood, of the Greely Arctic exp. 26115 Haphazard personalities ; chiefly of noted Americans. 26335 Lansdell, H. Russian centr. Asia ; incl. Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva, and Merv. Maps and illust. 2 v. 25442-3 Lanterne magique, La ; par T. de Banville. 14820 Lanza, C.. joint author. See Hammond, W. A. Lanza, G. Applied mechanics. 28926 Laos. Description. Bock, C. Temples and elephants ; ex- ploration thr. Upper Siam and L. *I LaPaz de Ayacucho. Description. Curtis, W. E. (In his Cap. of Span. Amer.) 29796 LaPe"rouse, J. F. de G., comte de. Bayly, G. Sea-life sixty years ago ; relics of expedition. 26480 Laplace, P. S., marquis de. Winchell, A. Laplace's system of the world. (In Ms World-life.) 23415 Lapland. Tromholt, S. Under the rays of the aurora bore- alis ; in the land of the Lapps. 2 v. 25464-5 La Plata. See Argentine Republic. LaPole, W. de, of Hull. Bourne, H. R. F. (In Ms Eng. merchants.) 26568 Lapworth, C. A piece of chalk. ( In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Larcom, L. Clara Barton. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our f am. women.) 24284 - Poetical works. Household ed. 24772 Whitney, A. D. T. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Larison, C. W. Silvia Dubois ; biografy. 23919 Larkin, H. Carlyle and the open secret of his life. 27042 Larkyns, H., Maj. Edwards, H. (In his Mingled yarn.) 22967 Lamed, A. Village photographs. 27981 LaRochefoucauld. F., 6th due de, prince de Marsillac. Lang, A. Rochefoucauld. (In his Letters.) 30650 LaRue, H. Bender, P. (In Ms Literary sheaves.) 24137 LaSalle, J. B. de. Wilson, Mrs. R. F. Sketch of La Salle. (In her Christ, brothers.) 25321 LaSalle, R. Cavelier de. Wright, H. C. (In her Children's stories.) . 26094 Las Casas, B. de. See Casas, B. de las. Lassalle, F. Dawson, W. H. German socialism and Lassalle. 30688 - Ely, R. T. (In his French and Germ, socialism.) 23150 Rae, J. (In his Contemp. socialism.) 24424 Lasses, The, of Leverhouse ; by J. Fothergill. 29803 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 373 Last meeting, The ; by B. Matthews. 25745 Last of the cavaliers ; [by C. M. Yonge]. 29432 Last of the dragons ; by F. M. Allen. (In his Thr. green glasses.) 29130 Last of the Geraldines ; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Stor. holi- days.) 28749 Last of the Macallisters ; by A. E. Barr. 26623 Last of the Peterkins ; by L. P. Hale. 27304 Last von Reckenburg, The ; by L. von Francois. 28956 Lastchance junction; by [S. P. M. Greene]. 30890 Latakia. Pullan, R. P. (In his Eastern cities.) 24259 Late Mrs. Null, The ; by F. R. Stockton. 26356 Lathrop, G. P. George H. Boker ; George William Curtis. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 History of the Union League of Philadelphia. *I Nathaniel Hawthorne's college days. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Newport. 23631 -True; and other stories. 24917 Contents. True. Major Barringtou's marriage. "Bad peppers."- Three bridges. In each other's shoes. - Two purse-companions. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 3.) 23905 Lathrop, R. H. Along the shore ; [poems]. 29887 One cent. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Latimer, E. W. Familiar talks on some of Shakspeare's com- edies. 27649 Contents. Winter's tale. Tempest, Midsummer night's dream. Taming of the shrew. Much ado about nothing. As you like it. Twelfth night. Merchant of Venice. Latimer, H., Bp. of Worcester. Sermons on the card ; and other discourses. 26559 Herriek, S. E. Latimer. (In his Some heretics.) 24570 Latimer, S. F. The English in Canary Isles ; jour, in Tene- rife and Gran Canaria. Map and illust. 30851 Latin language. Abel, C. Slavic and Latin ; Ilchester lect. on comp. lexicography. 23434 King, J. E.,and Cookson, C. Principles of sound and inflex. as illust. in Gr. and L. 30175 Composition. Abbott, E. A. On the teaching of Latin verse composition. (In Eve, H. W., and others. Three lect.) 24144 Bradley. G. G. Aids to writing L. prose ; with exercises. 24952 Nettleship, H. Passages for translation into L. prose; with introd. 29489 Conversation, etc. D'Ooge, B. L. Colloquia Latina ; adapt, to beginners' books. 29868 Etymology. Byrne, J. Origin of the Greek, Latin, and Gothic roots. 29358 Grammar. Allen, J. H. Manual of instr. in L., on the basis of Allen and Green- ough's method. 26102 - Tetlow, J. Progressive ser. of inductive lessons In L. 24038 Methods of study. - Hale, W. G. The art of reading L. ; how to teach it. *I - Whiton, J. M. Six weeks preparation for reading Czesar. 26686 Latin literature. Nettleship, H. Lectures and essays on sub- jects connect, with L. lit. and scholarship. 25633 Collections. Morris, C. (In his Half-hours, etc., v. 1.) 30443 374 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Tomlinson, E. T. Selections from Latin authors for sight-reading. 26854 Wilkinson, W. C. College Latin course in English. 25856 Preparatory Latin course in English. (After-school ser.) 24237 See also Latin poetry. Latin nations. Ranke, F. L. von. History of the L. and Teu- tonic nations. 27897 Latin poetry. Symonds, J. A. Wine, women, and song; mediaeval Lat. students' songs ; tr. into Eng. verse. *I Latin-quarter courtship, A; by S. Luska [H. Harland]. 30790 Laud, W., Arclibp. of Canterbury . Hope, A. (In his Chron. of an old inn.) 29485 Rogers, J. E. T. (In his Hist, gleanings, ser. 2.) 27899 Laughlin, J. L. Abridgment, notes, etc. See Mill, J. S. Princ. of polit. economy. Elements of polit. economy ; with appl. to quest, of the day. 29143 - History of bimetallism in the U. S. 25989 Study of polit. economy: hints to students and teachers. 25668 Wages and the tariff. (In Shaw, A. The nat. revenues.) 29895 Laughton, J. K. Studies in naval history. 29615 Contents. Jean de Vienne. Colbert. Du Quesne. Le Bailli de Suf- fren. Tegetthoff. Privateers and privateering: Furtunatus Wright; George Walker. The French privateers: JeanBurt; DuGuayTrouin; Thurot; R. Surcouf. PaulJoues. Laurie, S. S. Occasional addresses on educational subjects. 30852 Contents. The respective functions in education of primary, second- ary, and university schools. Free schooling. Professorships and lect- tureships on education. Organization of the curriculum of secondary schools. Method applied to the teaching of geography in the school. On the religious education of the young. Liberal education in the pri- mary school. Examinations; emulation and competition. John Mil- ton. Practical hints on class management. Rise and early constitution of universities ; with survey of medieval education. 27684 Laurie, W. F. B. Sketches of some disting. Anglo-Indians ; with acct. of Ang.-Ind. period, literature. 30596 V. L. E. de. The Balkan peninsula ; tr. by Mrs. Thorpe; ed. and rev., with introd. chapt. upon recent events, etc. Map. 27837 De civiliserade folkens religidsa f ramtid ; pa svenska af A. Klint. 15092 Elements of polit. economy; tr. by A. W. Pollard. 23855 Letters f r. Italy ; tr. by Mrs. Thorpe ; rev. by the author. 26590 The socialism of to-day; tr. by G. H. Orpen; with acct. of socialism in Eng. 26710 Lavoisier, A. L. Muir, M. M. P. (In his Her. of science.) 235H9 Law, J. Farmer's veterinary adviser. Illust. 28416 Law, J. Nicholson, J. S. (In his Treat, on money.) 29763 Law. Abbott, B. V. The travelling kw-school, etc. 23750 Clark, E. C. Practical jurisprudence; comment on Austin. 25298 Gibb,T. E. Legal liabilities. (In Murphy, S. F. Our homes.) 24196 Harris, R. Before trial ; what should be done by client, solicitor, and counsel. 28189 Holland, T. E. Elements of jurisprudence. 28637 Kant, I. Philosophy of L. ; expos, of the fundamental princ. of juris- prudence as the science of right. 28247 Lightwood, J. M. Nature of positive law. 23320 Markby, W. Elements of L. consid. with ref . to princ. of gen. juris- prudence. 30179 Posnett, H. M. The hist, method in jurisprudence. Romantic stories of the legal profession. Sharswood, G. Essay on professional ethics. 24156 Spencer, E. A. Hints fr. a lawyer; legal adv. with ref. to property, family, and commerc. affairs. 29703 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 375 Wharton, F. Commentaries on L. ; embr. nature, source, and hist, of law, etc. 23810 Williams, S. E. Forensic facts and fallacies; consid. of legal points, etc. 25881 Young, A. W. Principles of L. (In his Government class book.) 27798 See also Building; Civil or Roman law; Constitutional law; Inter- national law; Law of nature; U. S. Law. Law and religion ; by C. M. Ingleby. (In his Essays.) 29611 Law lane ; by S. O. Jewett. (In her King of Folly Is., etc.) 29544 Law-makers, Among the ; by E. Alton [E. A. Bailey]. 27266 Law of nations. See International law. Law of nature. Stuart, J. A chapter of science ; or, What is a law of nature? lect. to workingmen. 24868 Lawless, E. Hurrish ; a study. (Harper's handy ser.) 26541 Major Lawrence. (Leis. hr. ser.) 28972 A millionaire's cousin. (Leis. hr. ser.) 25743 Story of Ireland ; annot. by Mrs. A. Bronson. 28884 Lawn tennis. Dwight, J. Lawn-tennis. 26812 Hall, V. G. Lawn tennis in America. *I Peile, S. C. F. Lawn tennis as a game of skill ; with latest rev. laws. 25546 Lawrence, A. Hill, H. A. Memoir of L. ; with appendix. 24480 Lawrence, A. A. Lawrence, W. Life of L. ; with extr. fr. his diary and correspondence. 29088 Lawrence, E., ed. George Stalden ; pers. mem. of the time of the Amer. revolutionary war. 2 v. 29641-2 Lawrence, F. Life of Henry Fielding ; with not. of his writings, times, etc. 29056 Lawrence, Sir H. Laurie, W. F. B Sir H. Lawrence ; biog. study. (In his Sketches.) 30596 Lawrence, Sir J. C. Ritchie, J. E. (In his Fain, city men.) 23860 Lawrence, M. W. (pseud. M. Lander.) The tobacco problem. 25847 Lawrence, T. J. Essays on some disputed quest, in mod. in- ternational law. 26251 Lawrence, W. Life of Amos A. Lawrence ; with extr. fr. his diary and correspondence. 29088 Lawrence, W., M.P. Ritchie, J. E. (In his Fam. city men.) 23860 Lawrence, W., Sergeant. Autobiography; ed. by G. N. Baukes. 28417 Laws, W. G. The Floating hospital of the River Tyne Port Sanitary Authority. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 14.) *I Laws of life after the mind of Christ ; discourses ; by J. H. Thorn. Ser. 1, 2. 27602-3 Lawson, E. M. The nation in the parish ; or, Records of Upton-on-Severn ; with suppl. on the Castle of Hanley ; and glossary by R. Lawson. . Illust. 25629 Lawson, W. Geography of coast lines. 30853 Lawton, G. W. The American caucus system ; its origin, purpose, and utility. 25669 Lawyer, statesman, and soldier; by G. S. Boutwell. 28862 Lawyers. Adams, W. H. D. Learned in the law ; lives of eminent L. 29913 For lives of lawyers of a country or state see the name of the place. Lay figure, The. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 3.) 25369 376 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Lay of the last minstrel. See Scott, Sir W. Layard, A. H. Early adventures in Persia, Susiana, and Babylonia. Maps and illust. 2 v. 29393-4 Lays of ancient Rome. See Macaulay, T. B. Lazarus, E. Poems ; with biographical sketch. 2 v. 30429-30 Sonnet of 1884. (Poems in honor of Emerson.) (In Cone. Sch. of Philos. Lect.) 24790 Lazarus in London ; by F. W. Robinson. 25573 Lazy tour of two idle apprentices ; by C. Dickens. 11737 Lazy tour of two idle apprentices ; by C. Dickens. (In Nov. and tales fr. Household Wds., v. 6.) 14306 Lea, H. C. History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages. 3 v. 28792-4 Lea. See Lee. Lead. Pulsifer, W. H. Notes for a hist, of L. 29819 Leaden statuary, the, True story of ; by D. A. Wells. (In his Pract. economics.) 25854 Lean, Mrs. F. See Church, Mrs. F. M. Leander, R., pseud. See Volkmann, R. Lear, E. Nonsense books. Illust. 30348 Contents. Book of nonsense. Nonsense songs, etc. More nonsense, pictures, etc. Laughable lyrics. Leaseholders. Broadhurst, H., and Reid, R. T. Leasehold enfranchisement. 26569 Leasure, D. Personal observations and experiences in the Pope campaign in Virginia. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.) 29330 Leather. Davis, C. T. Manufacture of L. ; descr. of processes. *I Watt, A. Art of leather manufacture ; pract. handbook. 25138 See also Tanning. Leathes, S., and others. Future probation ; symposium on the question "Is salvation possible after death?" 27576 Leaven. See Beer. Leaves fr. a drummer's diary ; by C. S. Plummer. 30813 Leaves fr. a note-book ; by G-. Eliot. (In her Essays, etc.} 23959 Leaves from the life of a special correspondent ; by J. A. O'Shea. 2 v. 25313-14 Le Bosquet, J. Memorial of John Farmer. 23783 Le Boutillier, M. Lily on the plains. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stories of danger.) 27342 LeBreton, A. L. (A,) Memories of seventy years ; by one of a literary family. 23588 Lechler, G. John Wiclif and his Eng. precursors ; tr. with notes by P. Lorimer. 2 v. 30854-5 Leek, J. Iberian sketches ; travels in Portugal and Spain. Illust. 24088 Lecky, W. E. H. History of England in the 18th century. Vol. 5, 6. 28138-9 Eliot, G., pseud. The influence of rationalism ; Lecky's history. (In her Essays.) 23545; 23959 O'Brien, R. B. Mr. L. on home rule. (In his Irish wrongs, etc.) 28653 Leclaire, E. J. Taylor, 8. Profit-sharing in the Maisou Le- claire. (In his Profit-sharing.) 23986 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 377 Le Conte, J. Compend of geology. (Appletons' sci. text- books.) 24634 Evolution and its rel. to religious thought. 29317 Lectures in a workshop ; by T. P. Pemberton. 27696 Ledderhose, K. F. Guds underbara wiigar wisade i Baron Karl Domiuik a Gasser von Thurns markwardiga lefnad ; ofwersattning. 15127 Ledyard, Hope, pseud. See Harris, F. McR. Lee, A. Eventful nights in Bible history. 26542 Lee, A. Axon, W. E. A. Ann Lee, the Manchester proph- etess. (In Ms Lan. gleanings.) 23436 Lee, A. Marble and marble workers ; handbook. 29616 Lee, E. Dorothy Wordsworth ; story of a sister's love. 27650 Lee, F. G. Glimpses in the twilight ; notes, records, etc. of the supernatural. 25114 Reginald Pole, Cardinal Archbishop of Canterbury ; hist, sketch, with introd., etc. Portr. 28795 Lee, Holme, pseud. See Parr, H. Lee, K. Katharine Blythe. (Harper's handy ser.) 27213 Lee, M. C. A Quaker girl of Nantucket. 30804 Lee, M. S., joint author. See Awdry, F. Lee, R. E., Gen. Hoke, J. The great invasion of 1863 ; or, Gen. L. in Pennsylvania. 28311 Lee, S. L. Continuation of the life of Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury. (In Herbert, E. Autobiography.) *I Lee, Vernon, pseud. See Paget, V. Lee, Y. P. When I was a boy in China. 28320 Lee, See Lea. Leech, J. Pictures of life and character ; fr. the coll. of Mr. Punch. 12894; *I Leeds, A. R. Adulteration of foods. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Leeds, H. C., and Dwight, J. The laws of euchre, as adopted by the Somerset Club of Boston, with sugg. abt. the play. 29548 Lees, J. A., and Clutterbuck, W. J. B. C. 1887 ; ramble in Brit. Columbia. Map, etc. 30534 Leet, A. N. Petroleum distillation and modes of testing hydro-carbons, etc. 28885 Leete, W. H. Sewage works of Luton. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 14.) *I Lefebure, E. Embroidery and lace ; manuf. and hist. ; tr. and enl., with notes, by A. S. Cole. Woodcuts. *I Lefebvre, Dr. Ren6, pseud. See Laboulaye, E. R. L. Lefevre, G. S. Peel and O'Connell ; rev. of the Irish policy of Parliament to the death of Peel. 28646 Lefevre Pontalis, G. A. John DeWitt, Grand Pensionary of Holland; tr. by S. E. and A. Stephenson. 2 v. 25756-7 Leffel, James, & Co. House plans ; elevations, plans, etc. *I Leffingwell A. The mystery of Bar Harbor. 28323 Leffingwell, W. B. Wild fowl shooting ; cont. descr. of wild fowl, etc. 30535 378 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Left behind ; or, Ten days a newsboy ; by J. Otis [J. O. Kaler]. 24781 Left-handed luck; by L. Stockton. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Left out on Lone Star mountain ; by B. Harte. (In Ms On the frontier.) 24277 Legal tender. Bancroft, G. Plea for the constitution of the U. S.. wounded in the house of its guardians. 27996 Legare, H. S. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Legate, B. Gregg, F. Bartholomew Legate, the last Smith- field martyr ; [fact in the form of a story] . 28034 Legend, A, of the Rhine ; by W. M. Thackeray. (In his Bur- lesques, etc.) 24700 Legendre, N. Bender, P. (In his Literary sheaves.) 24137 Legends. Bassett, F. S. Legends and superstitions of the sea and sailors. 29736 - Blake, J. V. Legends- fr. story-land. 29441 Mills, C. De B. Heroic legends. (In his Tree of mythology.) 30441 See also Folk-lore; and for the legends of any country, city, etc., see the name of the place. Legge, A. O. The unpopular king ; life and times of Richard III. 2 v. 26383-4 Leggett, M. D. The military and the mob. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Whittlesey, C. (In his War mem.) 23674 Legislation. Adams, II . C. Relation of the state to indus- trial action. (Amer. Econom. Assoc. Pubs.) 29126 Spencer, H. The sins of legislators. (In his Man versus the State.) 24443 Legouve", J. W. E. G. Comedies en un acte. (Theatre compl.) 14733 Contents. La fleur de Tlemcen. A deux de jeu. Ma fille et mon bien. Anne de Kerviler. La matinee d'une etoiie. La cigale chez les fourmis. L'agrement d'etre laide. Le pamphlet. Autour d'un ber- ceau. Un jeuue homme qui ne fait rien. joint author. See Scribe, A. E. Leib, W. H. Voices of children ; princ. and discipline thr. which they may be made efficient. 30651 Leibnitz, G. W., Freiherr von. Dewey, J. Leibniz's new essays cone, the human understanding ; crit. exposition. 30096 Hedge, F. H. G. W. von Leibniz; L.'s philosophy; Monadology of L. (In his Atheism.) 24756 Merz, J.T. Leibniz. (Phil, class, for Eng. readers.) 23965 Saisset, E. E. Theism of L. (In his Ess. on relig. philos., v. 1.) 29849 Winchell, A. The theory of L. (In his World life.) 23415 Leigh, F. B. Ten years on a Georgia plantation since the war. 23009 Leighton, C. C. Life at Pnget sound ; with sk. of travel in Washington Territory, British Columbia, Oregon, and California. 23475 Leighton, R., Abp. of Glasgow. Blair, W. Archbishop L. ; biog. ; with select, fr. his writings. 24722 Taylor, W. M. (In his Scottish pulpit.) 28910 Leisler, J. Brooks, E. S. In Leisler's times ; hist, story of Knickerbocker N. Y. 26625 Leisure hour series. For books in this series see the following names of authors : CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 379 Auerbach, B. ; Conway, M. D. ; Dickinson, J. and E. E., and Dowd, S. E.; Enault, L. ; Ewing, H.; Fargus, F. J. (pseud. H. Con- way) ; Fogazzaro, A.; Fothergill, J.; Hardy, T. ; Havers, D. (pseud. T. Gift) : Hector, A. F. (pseud. Mrs. Alexander) ; Henkel, F.; Hullah, M. E.; Lawless, E.; Lindau, P. ; McClelland, M. G.; Macfarlane, A. R. ; Martin, E. G. ; Moore. T. ; Norris, W. E. ; Parr, L. ; Poynter, E. F. ; Richter, J. P. F. ; Roberts, M. ; Sergeant, A. ; Sime, W. ; Stevenson, R. L. and F. van de G. ; Sturgis, J.; Taylor, U. A. ; Turgenef , I. S. ; Walford, L. B. Wharton, T. ; Wingfield, L.; Wylde,K. Leisurely journey, A ; by W. L. Gage. 23749 Leitch, R. P., and Callow, J. Easy studies in water-color painting. *I Leitenberger, J. Austria. (Li Stanton, T. The woman quest.) 24053 Leith, W. F. Narratives of Scottish Catholics under Mary Stuart and James VI. 28418 Leith. Description. Hargreaves, T. (In his Voyage.) 23950 Leixner, O. von. Princess Sunshine. (In Safford, M. J. Christ, country.) 27095 Leland, C. G. Algonquin legends of New Eng. ; or, Myths and folk-lore of Micmac, Passamaquody, and Penobscot tribes. 24484 Practical education ; the development of memory, the increasing quick- ness of perception, and training the constructive faculty. 30176 Pennell, E. R. C. G. Leland in Philadelphia and London." (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Lemcke, E. Skat ; the German game of cards. 27259 Lemerre, A. Anthologie des poetes fran^ais du 19 e siecle. Vol. 1, 2. 14738-9 Le Moine, J. M. Bender, P. (In his Lit. sheaves.) 24137 Lemonnier, C. Fleur-de-ble. (In Contes choisis, no. 13.) 14868 Lena delta, In the ; by G. W. Melville. 24776 Leuape stone. Mercer, H. C. The Lenape stone ; or, The Indian and the mammoth. 25509 Lenox, J. Stevens, H. Recollections of J. Lenox of N. Y., and the formation of his library. *I Leo X. (Giovanni de" Medici), Pope. Brooks, E. S. Giovanni of Florence, the boy cardinal. (In his Hist. Boys.) 25969 Leo XIII. (Joachim Pecci), Pope. Life and letters ; ed. by J. F. Talbot; introd. fr. P. A. McKenna. Illust. 27214 O'Reilly, B. Life of L. ; fr. an authentic memoir. 28354 Leonard and Gertrude. Pestalozzi, J. H. Leonard and Ger- trude ; tr. and abrigd. by E. Channing. 25452 Leonowens, A. II. Life and travel in India, before the days of railroads. 25226 Leopardi, G., conte. Poems; tr. by F. Townsend. 28322 - Howclls, W. D. (In his Mod. Ital. poets.) 28872 Tulloch, J. Pessimism; Leopardi, etc. (In his Mod. theories.) 24673 Le Plongeon, A. D. Here and there in Yucatan ; miscellanies. 27026 Lepsius, K. R. Ebers, G. Richard Lepsius ; biography. . 28871 Leroux, C. Pract. treat, on the manuf . of worsteds and carded yarns ; tr. by H. Paine and A. A. Fesquet. Illust. [and] app. 24677 Le Row, C. B. English as she is taught ; genuine answers to examination quest, in our pub. schools. 28096 380 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. "The young idea;" or. Common school culture. 30349 Leroy, C. Guide du duelliste indelicat. Illust. 14808 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P. Walker, F. A. [Criticism'upon L.-B.] (In his Attacks upon the doctr. of rent. In his Land, etc.) 23411 Lesbos. See Mitylene. Lesclide, R. Victor Hugo at home. (In Parton, R. Some not. princ.) 25675 Lesley, S. I. Recollections of my mother [Mrs. A. J. Lyman] . 27503 Leslie, R. C. A sea-painter's log. Illust. by the author. *I Lesquereux, L., and James, T. P. Manual of the mosses of No. America. Plates. 24773 Lesseps, F. de. Recollections of forty years ; tr. by C. B. Pitman. 2 v. in 1. 28973 Lessing, G. E. Hedge, F. H. (In his Hours with Germ. classics.) 26670 Perry, T. S. From Opitz to L. ; study of pseudo-classicism in literature. 24926 Schmidt, J. (In Gottschall, R. von. Der neue Plutarch, v. 11.) 16306 Lester, H. F. Ben D'ymion ; and other parodies. 29395 Contents. Ben D'ymion; by the Earl of B-c-nsf-ld. Muddlemarsh ; by G-rge El-t. A Princess of Lundy; by W-ll-m Bl-ck. Portrait of a hybrid; by H-ry J-mes. A rustic Zenobia; by Th-m-s H-rdy. James Fribblesaiut ; by J. H. Sh-rth-se. Lester's secret ; by M. C. Hay. 25439 L'Estrange, Rev. A. G. The palace and the hospital ; or, Chronicles of Greenwich. 2 v. 26385-6 Lethbridge, R. Short manual of the hist, of India ; with acct. of India as it is. Maps. 28142 Letherbrow, T. Warwick Brookes' pencil-pictures of child life ; with biog. reminiscences. 30402 Letter, A, and a paragraph ; by H. C. Bunner. (In Matthews, J. B., and Bunner, H. C. In partnership.) 24490 Letter to Eva ; by P. B. Marston. ( In his For a song's sake, etc.) 28802 Letter-writing. Caulfield, S. F. A. The art of letter writing. (In Peters, C. Girl's own book.) 30455 Davidson, J. W. The correspondent. 26142 Saunders, F. Letters and letter-writing. (In his Pastime papers.) 25890 Letters. See Eng. literature. Letters. Letters fr. a little garden ; by J. H. Ewing. ( With her Mary's garden.) 27747 Letters fr. a mourning city ; by A. Munthe. 28652 Letters fr. a young emigrant in Manitoba. 23033 Letters from Donegal in 1886 ; by a lady "felon ;" ed. by J. F. Maurice. 27906 Letters from hell [by W. A. Thisted]. 25612 Letters from the far East ; by De L. Floyd-Jones. 28514 Letters to a daughter ; by H. E. Starrett. 29112 Letters to a king ; by A. W. Tourgee. 30564 Letters to dead authors ; by A. Lang. 26672 Letters to Guy ; by Lady Barker. 25292 Lettre chargee, La ; fantaisie ; par E. Labiche, (In Theatre contemp.) 14898 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 381 Leutemann, H. Animals fr. the life ; col'd. illust. ; withdescr. letterpress ; ed. by A. B. Buckley. *I Le Van, W. B. The steam-engine indicator and its use. Illust. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 24635 Levant. See Asia Minor ; Egypt ; Palestine. Levelling. Holloway, T. Levelling and its general applica- tion. 28407 Levermore, C. H. The republic of New Haven ; hist, of munic- ipal evolution. (J. Hopkins Univ. stud. Extra vol. 1.) *I /See also Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 4. *I The town and city government of New Haven. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 4.) *I Lev6y, C. L. Electric light primer; digest of facts connected with the running of the dynamo and electric lights. 28321 Levi, L. International law ; with materials for a code. 29549 Leviathan, the, Chase of ; by M. Reid. 24931 Lewald, F., now Mine. Stalir. See Stahr, F. L. Lewes, G. H. Three sisters and three fortunes ; or, Rose, Blanche, and Violet. 1790 Courtney, W. L. The new psychology. (In his Stud, in philos.) 23578 Lewes, M. (E.), afterwards Mrs. Cross, (pseud. George Eliot.) See Eliot, G. Lewis, A. George Maxwell Gordon, pilgrim missionary of the Punjab ; hist, of his life and work. 30856 Lewis, A, H. Critical hist, of Sunday legislation, 321-1888. 29144 Lewis, A. J. (pseud. Prof. Hoffman.) Tips for tricyclists. 29453 Lewis, P^. J. The American sportsman ; cont. notes on shoot- ing, habits of the game birds of Amer., etc.; new chapter on dogs, etc., by A. Burges. Illust. *I Lewis, T. H. The holy places of Jerusalem. Illust. 30857 Lexicography. Abel, C. Slavic and Latin ; Ilchester lect. on comparative L. 23434 Lexington, Mass. Howells, W. D. (In his Three villages.) 24020 Leyland, F. A. The Bronte family ; with spec, ref . to P. B. Bronte.- 2 v. 26252-3 Leypoldt, F., and Jones, L. E. The books of all time ; guide for the purchase of books. 24302 Libby prison, Richmond^ Va. Chamberlain, J. W. Scenes in Libby prison. ( In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Liber amoris ; book of love of brother Aurelius ; by H. B. Car- penter. 27384 Liberalism (in politics). Spencer, H. The new toryism. (In his Man versus the state.) 24433 Liberalism (in theology). Hall, E. H. New testament theol- ogy. How far can our liberal theology be drawn fr. the New Testament? 13687 Liberia. Stewart, T. McC. Liberia ; the Americo- African republic. 26607 Liberty. Montagu, F. C. The limits of individual liberty. 25748 26 382 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Liberty of conscience. Bain, A. Religious tests and subscrip- tions. (In his Pract. essays.) 24003 Fiske, J. The causes of persecution. (In his Excursions.) 23373 Liberty of the will. Hazard, R. A. Causation and freedom in willing. 30791 Freedom of mind in willing ; or, Every being that wills a creative first cause. 30794 Tolstoi, L. N. Power and liberty. 29707 Liberty's victim; by H. H. Boyesen. (In his Vagabond tales.) 30885 Libraries. Adams, H. B. Seminary libraries and university extension. (In J. Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 5.) *I Matthews, J. B. The home library; by A. Penn. 23181 Libraries, Public. Fiske, J. A librarian's work. (In his Darwinism, etc.) 25984 Foster, W. E. Use of a pub. library in the study of history. (In Hall, G. S. Methods, etc.) 25152 Green, S. S. Public libraries and schools ; efforts to render the former useful to the latter. 248-sO Lowell, J. R. Books and libraries. (In his Democracy, etc.) 27217 Manners, J. Some of the advantages of easily accessible reading and recreation rooms and free libraries. 27934 See also Reading. Library of choice literature. See Spofford, A. R., and Gib- bon, C. Licenses (for the sale of liquors). Caine, W. S., Hoyle, W., and Burns, D. Local option. 26571 Lichens. Tuckerman, E. Synopsis of the No. Amer. lichens. Pt. 1. 25361 Lichfield, Eng. Beresford, W. Lichfield ; with map. 26032 Lichtenstein, F. Revision, Enlargement. See Mueller, F. M. German classics, etc. Lichtenstein, U. von. MacCullum, M. W. The Don Quixote of Germany. (In his Studies.) 23961 Lidclon, H. P. Advent in St. Paul's; sermons on the two comings of our Lord. 2 v. 30431-2 Easter in St. Paul's ; sermons on the resurrection of our Lord. 2 v. 26254-5 Liebig, J. J., Freiherr von. Muir. M. M. P. (In his Her. of science.) 23589 Lieutenant Barnabas ; by F. Barrett. 29187 Life. Gurney, E. The controversy of life. (In his Tertium quid, v. 1.) 29605 Knighton, W. Struggles for life. 30480 See also Biology. Life; by L. N. Tolstoi; tr. by I. F. Hapgood. 29509 Life, Conduct of. See Moral philosophy. Life, Lords of ; by F. H. Hedge. (In his Atheism in philos.) 24756 Life and its worth ; lay sermon ; by [D. M. (M.) Craik]. (In her Abt. money.) 27494 Life and labor ; by S. Smiles. 28992 Life in the cut ; by A. Reade. 30041 Life interest, A ; by Mrs. Alexander [A. F. Hector]. - 29140 Life-magnet, The ; by A. A. Adee. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 8.) 24221 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 383 Life notes ; by W. Hague. 28773 Life of a prig ; by one. 26466 Life on a ranch ; by R. Aldridge. 24397 Life on the lagoons ; by H. F. Brown. 24343 Life's daily ministry ; by E. R. Pitman. 28078 Life's morning, A ; by G. Gissing. 30323 Liggins, J. Great value and success of for. missions ; also facts and statistics of the missions. Introd. by A. T. Pierson. 30652 Light (in physics) . See Optics. Light in darkness ; or, Christ discovered in his true character by a Unitarian [W. L. Gage]. 14075 Light man, A ; by H. James. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 5.) 24218 Lightfoot, H. Hannah Lightfoot. (Mongraph, no. 29.) 23818 Lighthouse of the Gannets. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Jour- nal, v. 1.) 27966 Lighthouses. Benjnmiu, S. G. W. Light-houses of old. (In his Sea-spray. ) 28916 Crowninshield, M. B. All among the L. 27283 - Heap, D. P. Ancient and mod. light-houses. 30644 Lighting. See Electric light; Illumination. Lightning. Molloy, G. Lightning, thunder, and lightning con- ductors. (In his Gleanings.) 30808 Lights and shadows of a life ; by M. V. Dahlgren. 28237 Lights of two centuries ; by E. E. Hale. 28774 Lightwood, J. M. The nature of positive law. 23320 Liguest, P. L. Parton, J. Capt. Laclide, pioneer. (In his Capt. of indust.) 24420 Liguori, A. M. de, St. Life. 5 v. 29501-5 Liguria. See Piedmont. Like Lucifer ; by D. Vane. 27250 Like ships upon the sea ; by F. E. Trollope. 22983 Lil Lorimer; by T. Gift [D. Havers]. 27762 Lilian ; by P. B. Marston. (In his For a song's sake.) 28802 Lilies of Florence ; by George Sand. 28292 Lilith ; by S. Luska [H. Harland]. (In his Latin-quarter courtship, etc.) 30790 Lilith, the legend of the first woman ; by A. L. Collier. 25556 Lillie, J. See Lyly, J. Lillie, Mrs. J. See Lillie, L. C. W. Lillie, L.C. (W.) Jo's opportunity. Illust. 26992 A meeting with George Eliot; The King of Bavaria. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Mildred's bargain ; and other stories. Illust. 23052 Contents. Mildred's bargain. --Aunt Ruth's temptation. Penelope. Marjorie's New-Year's eve. Miss Holsover's "treasure," "Scrap." Rolf House. Illust. 26832 Story of Eng. literature for young readers; Chaucer to Cowper. 28470 Story of music and musicians for young readers. Illust. 27215 Lilly, J. See Lyly, J. Lilly, W. S. Chapters in Europ. hist. ; introd. dialogue on the philosophy of history. 2 v. 26895-6 384 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Lily on the plains; by M. Le Boutillier. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Lima. Description. Curtis, W. E. (In his Capitals of Span. Amer.) 29796 Limited horizon, A. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journal, v. 4.) 27969 Lincoln, A., Pres. of the U. S. The Gettysburg speech ; and other papers ; Essay on L. by J. R. Lowell. 29089 On his nomination to the U. S. Senate; First inaug. address; The Get- tysburg!) address ; Second inaug. address. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 Alger, H., Jr. A. Lincoln, the backwoods boy. 23253 Arnold, I. N. Life of L. 25021 Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Boutwell, G. S. President Lincoln, the statesman and liberator. (In his Lawyer, etc.) 28862 Brooks, N. Abraham Lincoln ; biog. for young people. 29665 Bullock, A. fl. Eulogy bef. the City Council and citizens of Worcester, 1865. (In his Addresses.) 17288 Emerson, R. W. (In his Miscellanies.) 23463 Foster, E. Abraham Lincoln. 25811 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Kelley, "W. D. Lincoln and Stanton; study of the war administration, 1861-1862. 25837 Lowell, J. R. Essay on L. (In Lincoln, A. Gettysburg speech, etc.) 29089 Neill, E. D. Reminiscences of the last year of L.'s life. (In Mil. Or- der of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.) 29330 Piatt, D. (In his Memories.) 28259 Poore, B. P. Recollections of L. (In Partou, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Rice, A. T. Reminiscences of L. ; by men of his time. 26842 Speed, J. Abraham Lincoln. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Speed, J. F. Reminiscences of L. 24034 Stoddard, W. O. Abraham Lincoln; true story of a great life. 25177 Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. See Lincoln, M. J. Lincoln, J. G. Her Washington season. 23784 Lincoln, M. J. (B.) Boston cook book. 24023 Boston school kitchen text-book ; lessons in cooking. 28796 Carving and serving. 27326 Lincoln, S. (B.) Partou, J. Sally Bush; Abraham Lin- coln's good step-mother. (In his Not. women.) 23433 Lincoln, W. History of Worcester ; with not. rel. to the hist. of Worcester Co. 2675 Lincoln, Mass. Public Library. Proceedings at dedication, Aug., 1884, with app. 24711 Lincolnshire tragedy, The. See Manning, A. Passages in the life, etc. Lind, . (pseud. Corin.) The truth about the stage. 27701 Lind, Jenny. See Goldschmidt, Mme. J. Lindau,P. Herr und Frau Bewer. ( 7n Schick, L. Coll., v. 2.) 16520 Klaus Bower's wife; fr. the German by C. S. Fleishman. (Leis. hr. ser.) 28143 Lindau, R. Hans der Traumer ; Verlorenes Miihen ; Erste Liebe. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 1.) 16519 Same. Eng. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 Todtliche Fehde ; Im Park von Villers. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 2.) 16520 Linderfelt, K. A. Volapiik ; easy method of acquiring the univ. language constr. by J. M. Schleyer ; prepared on the basis of A. Kirchoff's Hilfsbuch, with key and vocab- ulary. 28851 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 385 Lindley, W., and Widney, J. P. California of the south; guide-book. Illust. 29090 Lindsay, Lady, of Balcarres. Thoughts on practising. (In Benedict, Lady, and others. How to play.) 27972 Lindsay, Sir D. Ross, J. M. (In his Scottish hist., etc.) 24380 Lindsay family. Axon, W. E. A. The Lindsays in Lan- cashire. (In his Lane, gleanings.) 23436 Lindt, J. W. Picturesque New Guinea; hist, introd. and chapt. on the manners and customs of the Papuans. Illust. *I Linen. Gilroy, C. G. History of silk, cotton, linen, etc. 15689 Ling, A. Mellan, studierna ; sma landskaps och genrebilder ur en konstniirs rese-album. 15164 Ling-Nam. See China. Linley, G. Spark, W. G. Linley, poet and musician. (In his Mus. memories.) 30877 Linne, previously Linnaeus, C. von. Caddy, F. Through the fields with Linnaeus. 2 v. 28006-7 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Topelius, Z. Times of L. 24040 Wright, H. C. Charles Linnaeus and the story of the flowers, 1707-1778. (In her Child, stor.) 30384 Linskill, M. Between the heather and the northern sea. 24525 Liuton, E. L. The girl of the period ; and other soc. essays. 2 v. 24852-3 lone Stewart. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 23476 Paston Carew, millionaire and miser. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 27216 A protest and a plea. ((In Gladstone, W. E., and others. Order of creation.) 26320 Through the long nights. 29888 Linton, W. J., and Stoddard, R. H. English verse ; namely : Ballads and romances. 23226 Chaucer to Burns. 23172 Dramatic scenes and characters. 23227 Lyrics of the 19th cent. 23173 Translations. 23228 Lion, The, of St. Marks ; by G. A. Ilenty. 30227 Lion, The, of the North ; by G. A. Henty. 28043 Lionnes pauvres, Les ; piece, par E. Augier. (In his Thea- tre compl., v. 4.) 14779 Lions et renards ; comedie, par E. Augier. (In his Theatre compl., v. 6.) 14781 Lippi, F., Fra. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Lippincott, S. J. (C.) (pseud. Grace Greenwood.) Queen Victoria ; her girlhood and womanhood. Illust. 23390 Stories and legends of travel and history; stories of many lands. 28471 Stories from famous ballads, etc. Illust. 28472 Contents. Stories from famous ballads. History of my pets. Recol- lections of my childhood, etc. Liquefaction of the blood of St. Januarius at Naples ; hist. and crit. examination of the miracle. *I Liquor question. See Temperance. Liquors. Dorchester, D. The liquor problem in all ages. 24234 Lisa's Christmas ; by J. Spyri. (In her Red-letter stor., and in her Swiss stor.) 25013 ; 28535 Lister, S. C. Gibson, W. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 2.) 25092 386 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Mr. Lister and the story of "silk waste." (In Fortunes made in busi- ness, v. 1.) 24000 Liszt, F., I'dbbe, and Wagner, W. R. Correspondence, 1841- 1861 ; tr., with pref., by F. Hueffer. 2 v. 30194-5 - Beaufort, R. L. de. The Abbe Liszt; story of his life. 27545 Butterworth, H. (In his Gt. composers.) 24179 Haweis, H. R. (In his My musical life.) 23846 Nohl, L. Life of Liszt. 24028 - Wohl, J. Frangois Liszt; recollections of a compatriot. 29430 Litchfield, G. D. Criss-cross. 25838 A hard-won victory. 29889 - The Knight of the Black Forest. Illust. 25565 Only an incident. 23546 Literary curiosities. Brooks, H. M. Literary curiosities. 27181 Literary life, The. See Shepard, W. Literary sheaves. Bender, P. Literary sheaves ; litte"rature au Canada francais. 24137 Literature. General and miscellaneous works. Adams, W. D. By-ways in book-land ; essays on literary subjects. 30769 - Birrell, A. The office of L. (In his Obiter dicta, ser. 2.) 28279 Buchanan, R. A look round literature. 28005 Grimm, H. Literature; [essays]. 26534 Irving, W. Mutability of L. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 1.) 23200 Lang, A. Letters on literature. 30650 Morley, J. On the study of literature. 28428 Posnett, H. M. Comparative literature. 26446 Scherer, E. Etudes sur la litterature contemporaiue. Vol. 9. 14921 See also Authors ; English literature ; Fiction ; Juvenile literature ; Literary curiosities ; Novels ; Popular literature ; Rhetoric ; Ro- mance; Stories. Also Greeks; Slavonic literature, and names of countries. For works on the choice of books, See Reading. Also Spofford, A. R., and Gibbon, C. Library of choice L. Literature and science ; by M. Arnold. (In his Discourses.) 25705 Lithography. Hodson, J. S. (In his Hist, and pract. guide to art illust.) *I Lithuania. Brown, J. C. Forests and forestry in L., etc. 25619 Little, A. J. Through the Yang-tse gorges ; trade and travel in western China. 29756 Little, H. W. Madagascar; its history and people. Map. 25072 Little, L. P. Ben Hardin ; his times and contemporaries ; with select, from his speeches. 28975 Little Arthur's history. See England ; France. Little Bel's supplement ; by H. Jackson. (In her Between whiles.) 28133 Little biographies, ser. 1-3 ; namely: 1. Harris, A. B. Pleasant authors for young folks. 23777 2. Butterworth, H. Great composers/ 24179 3. Bolton, S. K. How success is won. 24977 Little by little ; by O. Optic [W. T. Adams]. 110 "Little Captain" of Buckskin camp ; by F. L. Stealey. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Little Compton ; by J. C. Harris. (In his Free Jo, etc.) 28876 Little country girl, A ; by S. Coolidge [S. C. Woolsey]. 25689 Little Daffydowndilly ; by N. Hawthorne. 28679 Little dinner, A ; by W. H. Bishop. (In his Brown stone boy, etc.) 29782 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 387 Little dinner at Kiko ; by J. A. O'Shea. (In his Mil. mo- saics.) 30483 Little Donna Juana ; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Stor. holidays.) 28749 Little Dunbars, The ; by N. Perry. (In her Youngest Miss Lawton, etc.) 30356 Little Eunice Coffin ; by Mrs. A. Macy. (In New Eng. story- book.) 24819 Little flowers. See Francis of Assisi. Little hat, A ; tale of Fr. Switzerland ; by Mme. de Gasparin. (In her Under Fr. skies.) 30322 Little helpers ; by M. Vandegrift [M. Janvier]. 30467 Little jade lizard, The : by M. E. W. Sherwood. (In Cather- wood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 Little Kate Kirby ; by F. W. Robinson. 11549 Little Lady Linton ; by F. Barrett. 3 v. 25590-2 Little Loo; by W. C. Russell. 23801 Little Lord Fauntleroy ; by F. H. Burnett. 26977 Little lord of the manor ; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Chiv. days.) 27180 Little master, The ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 27009 Little Missy ; by K. S. Cooper. (In her Heart salvage.) 25389 Little old portrait, the ; by Mrs. Molesworth. 25308 Little people and their homes in meadows, woods, and waters ; by S. L. Hook. 30337 Little Peter ; a Christmas morality ; by L. Malet [Mrs. Har- rison]. 29483 Little pilgrim, A. See Oliphant, M. O. W. Little Polly Blatchley ; by F. C. Sparhawk. 30464 Little Pussy Willow ; by H. B. Stowe. 24797 Little savages, The, of Beetle Rock ; by A. D. T. Whitney. (In New Eng. story-book, and in her Homespun yarns.) 24819 ; 27355 Little schoolmaster Mark ; by J. H. Shorthouse. 2 pts. 23491-2 Little traveler, A ; by S. O. Jewett. (In her Mate of the Daylight.) 23385 Little True Blue ; by L. C. Bell. (In Catherwood, M. H. Brave girls.) 27276 Little Tu'penny ; by S. B. Gould. 2698S Little tycoon, The ; comic opera ; by W. Spenser. *I Littledale, R. F. Future probation. (In Leathes, S., and others. Future probation ; symposium.) 27576 Littlejohn, W. H., and Editor of the Christian Statesman. The constitutional amendment ; or, The Sunday, the Sab- bath, etc. ; discussion. *I Liturgies. See Church of England. Liu-kiu islands. See Loo-Choo. Livermore, A. A. Anti-tobacco; with a lecture on tobacco, by R. L. Carpenter, and On the use of tobacco, by G. F. Witter. 23283 Livermore, IT. Livermore, S. T. Harriet Livermore, the "pil- grim stranger." 15333 388 FREE PUBLIC LIBEARY. Livermore, M. A. Anne Whitney. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Introduction: The need of knowing the facts. (In Palmer, A. B. Temperance teachings.) 26341 My story of the war; pers. exp. of hospital life and sanitary service. Illust. 30264 What shall we do with our daughters? Superfluous women; and other lectures. 23391 Bolton. S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.) 26916 Phelps, E. S. (In Phelps, E. 8., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Livermore, S. T. Harriet Livermore, the "pilgrim stranger.", 15333 Livermore, W. R. Manoauvres for infantry ; princ. and forms. 29690 Liverpool, Eng. Axon, W. E. A. Early art in L. (In his Lane, gleanings.) 23436 Lives of Amer. worthies ; namely : Habberton, J. G. Washington. ' 23666 Livesey, J. Kirton, J. W. J. Livesey, England's temper- ance pioneer. 25938 Livijn, C. Samlade skrifter ; utgifne af A. I. Arwidsson. 2v.ini. 15138 Living or dead ; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. 26640 Livingston, Mrs. E. See Livingston, L. (D.) Livingston, J. Taylor, W. M. (In his Scottish pulpit.) 28910 Livingston, L. (D.) Hunt, L. L. Memoir of Mrs. Living- ston ; with letters hitherto unpub. 26432 Livingston family. Schuyler, G. W. (In his Colonial New York, v. 1.) 26002 Livingstone, D. Charles, E. R. David Livingstone. (In her Three martyrs of the 19th cent.) 26410 ( In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Hughes, T. D. Livingstone. 30766 Manning, A. Heroes of the desert. 26173 Smiles, R. David Livingstone. 26062 Livre de mon ami, Le ; par A. France. 14831 Lizardiere, La; par H. de Bornier. 14818 Lloyd, A. P. Treatise on the law of divorce. 28250 Lloyd, D. D. Poor Ogla-Moga. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 3.) 23905 Lloyd, E. M. Vauban ; Montalembert ; Carnot ; engineer studies. Portrs. 28064 Lloyd, W. W. History of Sicily to the Athenian War ; with elucidations of the Sicilian odes of Pindar. Map. 28419 Lloyds, F. Practical guide to scene painting and painting in distemper. Illust. *I Lob Lie-by-the-fire ; by J. H. Ewing. 26145 Local option. Caine, W. S., Hoyle, W., and Burns, D. Local option. 26571 Loch Creran. See Creran, Loch. Lock, C. G. W., ed. Tobacco; growing, curing, and manu- facturing. 27088 Workshop receipts ; 3d and 4th ser. 23702 ; 26128 Locke, D. R. (pseud.-~P. V. Nasby.) Ekkoes from Kentucky. Illust. 29318 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 389 "Swingin round the cirkle." Illust. 29319 Locke, J. Some thoughts cone, education ; introd. and notes by R. H. Quick. 24393 Case, T. Locke. (In Ms Phys. realism.) 30780 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 M'Cosh, J. Locke's theory of knowledge. 23635 Same. (In his Real, phil., v. 2.) 27772 Locker, F. London lyrics. 29617 Lyra elegantiarum ; specimens of vers de soci6te and vers d'occasion in the Eng. language. 24774 Matthews, J. B. Two latter-day lyrists: F. Locker; A. Dobson. (In his Fen and ink.) 30437 Lockhart, J. G. Life of Robert Burns ; annot. and app. by W. S. Douglas. 23010 Memoir of L. (In his Life of Burns.) 23010 Lockhart, W. Life of Antonio Rosmini Serbati. 2 v. 28065-6 Locks. Rivers, A. H. F. P. On the development and distri- bution of primitive L. and keys. *I Locksley Hall sixty years after ; by A. Tennyson. 27481 Lock wood, J. B. Lanman, C. Farthest north; life and ex- plorations of L. 26115 Lockwood, S. Animal memoirs, pt. 1. 30257 Contents. Pt. 1. Mammals. Lockwood, T. D. Electricity, magnetism, and electric teleg- raphy ; pract. guide. 23667 Lockyer, J. N. The chemistry of the sun. 27838 Outlines of physiography ; the movements of the earth. 29722 Locomotive engines. Edwards, E. Modern Amer. engines ; design, constr., and management. 23154 Forney, M. N. Locomotives and locomotive building in Amer. 27691 Sinclair, A. Locomotive engine running and management. 25244 See also Steam engines. Locrine ; tragedy; by A. C. Swinburne. 29160 Lodge, H. C. Daniel Webster. (Amer. statesmen.) 22943 Studies in history. 23785 Contents. The Puritans and the restoration. A Puritan Pepys. Early days of Fox. Wm. Cobbett. Alex. Hamilton. T. Pickering. C. Strong. A. Gallatin. D. Webster. Coloniauism in the U. S. French opinions of the U. S., 1840-1881. Lodge, Mrs. J. A week away from time. 28267 Lodge, R. History of mod. Europe fr. the capture of Con- stantinople to the treaty of Berlin. 26591 Lodge, T. Gosse, E. W. (In his Seventeenth cent, stud.) 23580 Symonds, J. A. (In his Shakspere's predecessors.) 23982 Loftie, W. J. Lessons in the art of illuminating ; with sk. of the hist, of the art, etc. (In Foster, V. V. Foster's Water-color ser.) *I London. (Historic towns. > 27523 Log of the "Flying fish ;" by H. Collingwood. 28009 Logan, J. A. The volunteer soldier of Amer. ; with mem. of the author, and military reminiscences fr. [his] journal. 28886 Balestier, C. W. Brief record of the life of L. ( With his J. G. Elaine.) 24341 Conwell, R. H. Biography of L. (In his Life of J. G. Blaine.) 24114 - Knox, T. W. Lives of J. G. Blaine, and L. 24192 - Logan, C. A. Memoir of L. (In Logan, J. A. Volunteer soldier.) 28886 Logan family. Green, T. M. The Logans. (In his Hist. families.) 30639 390 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Logarithms. Callet, F. Tables portatives de L. ; contenant les L. depuis 1 jusqu'a 108,000. 19711 Wentworth, G. A., and Hill, G. A. Five-place logarithmic and trigono- metric tables. (In Wentworth, G. A. Plane and spher. trig.) 26862 Logic. Boole, G. Investigation of the laws of thought, on which are found, the mathemat. theories of L. and proba- bilities. 26373 Bosanquet, B. Logic as the science of knowledge. (In Seth, A., and Haldane, R. B. Essays.) 23448 Logic : or, The morphology of knowledge. 2 v. 29858-9 Lotze, R. H. Logic; of thought, of investigation, and of knowledge. 24369 McCosh, J. Criteria of diverse kinds of truth as opposed to agnosticism. 23669 Same. (In his Real, phil.) 27771 Mueller, F. M. The science of thought. 28651 Three introd. lect. on the science of thought. 29723 See also Fallacies; Probabilities. Logic, Game of ; by L. Carroll [C. L. Dodgson]. *I Logos. Thompson, H. M. The world and the Logos. 25958 Lohmeyer, J. The butter-maid of Zerbst. (In S afford, M. J. Christ, country.) 27095 Lohr, . Aus dem alten Rom. See Shumway, E. S. A day in anc. Rome. Loi Salique, La ; coindie-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In his (Euvres, ser. 2, v. 31.) *I Lollards. Reed, F. A. The boy-Lollard ; tale in the times of Henry VIII. 23184 Lomas, J. Sketches in Spain fr. nature, art, and life. 25303 Lombard, T. R. The new Honduras ; its situation, resources, opportunities, and prospects. 28797 Lombe, J. Smiles, S. John Lombe, introducer of the silk industry into Eng. (In Ms Men of inv.) 24821 London, Eng. Biography. Button, L. Literary landmarks ofL. 25343 Ritchie, J. E. Famous city men. 23860 Charities. Bolton, S. K. Several London charities. (In her Soc. stud.) Description and travels. Amicis, E. de. Jottings about L. Deming, C. The Bowery of L. ; London in a fog. (In his Byways.) 23664 Gonzales, M. London in 1731. 29445 Harrison, F. Historic London. (In his Choice of books, etc.) 26324 Jefferies, R. Nature near London. 23129 M'Collester, S. H. (In his After-thoughts.) 23634 Mateaux, C. L. Rambles round London town. 25122 Pascoe, C. E. London of to-day; illust. handbook. 25515 Rideing, W. H. Thackeray's L. ; descr. of his haunts and tlie scenes of his novels. 25634 Sala, G. A. Living London; echoes re-echoed. 23248 Society in London ; by a foreign resident. 25613 Walford, E. Greater London ; hist., people, and places. Vols. 1, 2. *I - Willis, N. P. Literary London in 1835. (In Walsh, W. S. Pen pict.) 23401 Winter, W. (In his Eng. rambles.) 23416 En (In his Shakespeare's England.) Government. Firth, J. F. B. Reform of London government and of city guilds. 29479 History. Loftie, W. J. London. (Hist, towns.) 27523 Rideing, W. H. Young folks' nistory of L. 24590 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 391 Inns of Court. See Gray's Inn. Missions. Loomis, S. L. (In his Mod. cities.) 28798 National character, social life, etc. King, H. Savage London ; lights and shadows of riverside character and queer life. 30735 Molloy, J. F. Life and adv. of Peg Woffington, with pict. of the period in which she lived. 2 v. 24875-G Royalty restored; or, London under Charles II. 2 v. 26260-1 - Yates, E. Fifty years of L. life; memoirs of a man of the world. 24804 Poor. Krausse, A. S. Starving L. ; sojourn among the destitute. 27575 Preston, W. C. The bitter cry of outcast L. ; cond. of the poor. 23900 Prisons. - See Fields; Fleet; Tothill. Sewerage. Denton, J. B. Disposal of the sewage of the metropolis. 28704 See also Bow St. London, Tower of. Harrison, F. A plea for the tower. (In, his Choice of books, etc.) 26324 London lyrics; by F. Locker. 29617 Lone ranche, The ; by M. Reid. 24932 Lone star Bo-peep, A ; by H. Seely. 26192 Long, C. C., Col. The three prophets: Chinese Gordon, Mohammed-Ahmed (el Maahdi), Arabi Pasha; events before and after the bombardment of Alexandria. 24577 Long, E. A. Ornamental gardening for Americans. Illust. 24919 Long, J. British dairy-farming ; added, The chief conti- nental systems. 2593& Long, J. D., ed. The Republican party; history, principles, and politics. 29906 Long, W. H. Introduction and notes. (In Oglander, J. Oglander memoirs.) 30280 Long exile, The ; by L. N. Tolstoi. 29113 Long lane, The ; by E. Coxou. 27074 Long White Mountain. See Mantchuria. Longe, F. D. Critical examination of Mr. George's 4 'Prog- ress and poverty" and Mill's Theory of wages. 23632 Longest month in my life. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Jour- nal, v. 1.) 27966 Longfellow, H. W. Evangeline ; tale of Acadie. 28460 Extracts fr. journal and correspondence. (In Longfellow, S. Life.) 2 v. 26217-18 The golden legend; notes by S. A. Bent. (Riverside lit. ser.) 27769 Poetical works ; hibliog. and crit. notes. (Riverside ed.) 6 v. 27014-19 Prose works ; bibliog. and crit. notes. (Riverside ed.) 2 v. 27012-13 The song of Hiawatha; notes. (Riverside lit. ser.) 2pts.ini. 24888 - Tales of a wayside inn; introd. and notes. (Riverside lit. ser.) 29550 tr. The Divine comedy of Dante Alighieri. (Riverside ed.) 3 v. 27020-22 Austin, G. L. H. W. Longfellow; life, works, friendships. 23072 Bolton, S. K. ( In her Fam. Amer. authors.) 28746 Gannett, W. C. Studies in L.; outlines for schools, etc. 25691 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life.) 27303 Hale, E. E. ( In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 - (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Lang, A. Longfellow. (In his Letters.) 30650 Longfellow, S. Final memorials of H. W. Longfellow. 28208 Life of L. ; with extr. fr. his journals and correspondence. 2 v. 26217-18 392 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Longfellow remembrance book ; memorial. Richardson, C. F. (In his Amer. lit., v. 2.) 27340 Robertson, E. S. Life of L. 28655 Scudder, H. E. Longfellow and his art ; The shaping of Excelsior. (In his Men and letters.) 28817 Stedman, E. C. (In his Poets of America.) 25692 Trowbridge, J. T. Longfellow. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Winter, W. In memory of L. (In his Bug. rambles.) 23416 Longfellow, S. Longfellow's boyhood ; Longfellow with his children ; Longfellow with the children. (In Longfellow remembrance book.) 30350 ed. Final memorials of H. W. Longfellow. 28208 Life of H. W. Longfellow; with extr. fr. his journals, etc. 2 v. 26217-18 Longfellow remembrance book. 30350 Contents. Brooks, E. S. The poet's life. Whittier, J. W. The poet and the children. Longfellow, S. Longfellow's boyhood; Longfellow with his children: Longfellow and the children. Bradley, H. L. An old house. Eardley, C. C. An international episode. Guiney, L. I. Long- fellow in Westminster. Longley, E. The reporter's guide for students in phonography. Illust. 28976 Longman's school geography. See Chisholm, G. G. Longmeadow, Mass. Centennial celebration. Proceedings, Oct. 17, 1883 ; with hist, appendices and a town genealogy. *I Longstreth, M. A. Newlin, M. Memoir of L. ; with a sk. of her work for Hampton by H. W. Ludlow. 26083 Longway, A. H., pseud. See Lang, A. Loo-choo Islands. Guillemard, F. H. H. (In his Cruise of the Marchesa, v. 1.) *I Look-about club, The ; by M. E. Bamford. 28940 Looking backward ; by E. Bellamy. 29061 Loomis, S. L. Modern cities and their relig. problems; introd. by J. Strong. 28798 Lord, W. R. The homing of dogs. 28144 Lord, The, and the leper ; by C. H. Spurgeon. 30817 Lord Richard and I ; by J. Sturgis. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 1.) 25367 Lord's day. See Sunday. Lord's supper. Eaton, A. W. The sacraments. (In Ms Heart of the creeds.) 30316 Lords, The, of life ; by F. H. Hedge. (In Ms Atheism in philosophy.) 24756 Lorgnon, Le ; come'die-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In Ms GEuvres, ser. 2, v. 26) *I Lorimer, P. Notes. (In Lechler, G. John Wiclif, etc.) 30854-5 Loring, A. E. Hand-book of the electro-magnetic telegraph. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 24125 Loring, W. W. A confederate soldier in Egypt. Illust. 24024 Lorm, H. Die Philosophic eines Kusses. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 2.) 16520 Lome, Marquis of. See Campbell, J. G. E. H. D. S. Lossing, B. J. The empire state ; compend. hist, of N. Y. Illust. 30653 Mary and Martha; the mother and wife of George Washington. Illust. 26993 Our country ; household history. Illust. 3 v. 26730-2 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 393 The two spies; Nathan Hale and John Andre" ; A. Seward's Monody on Major Andre. Illust. 26994 Lost ; by E. Bellamy. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 7.) 24220 Lost city, The ; in Centr. Asia ; by D. Ker. 25161 Lost earl, The ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 30926 Lost elixir, The ; by C. H. Liiders. (In The Septameron.) 29902 Lost in the fog ; by N. Brooks. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 4.) 24217 Lost love, A. See Georgy Sandon. Lost name, The ; by M. V. Dahlgren. 26809 Lost pinnace, The ; by J. C. Hutchesou. ( With his Penang pirate.) 28057 Lost reputation, A. 28376 Lost Rollo ; by Mrs. Molesworth. (In her Christ, posy.) 30442 Lost room, The ; by F. J. O'Brien. (In his Diamond lens, etc.) 25236 Lost son, The ; by P. Heyse. (In his Barbarossa.) 26243 Lost trail, The ; by E. S. Ellis. 25213 Lost voice, The ; by F. C. Baylor. (In her Shocking exam- ple, etc.) 30774 Lothrop, H. M. (S.) (pseud. M. Sidney.) The golden west as seen by the Ridgway Club. 25990 Hester; and other New Eng. stories. 27325 Contents. Hester. Aunt Em'line's crazy quilt. Miss Cynthy's tramp. Job Peters' first Christmas. The old" cabinet. Siah Wilcox's ward. Miss Fairchild's Christmas stocking. The parson's new coat. Miss Peaseley's Christmas party. "D'rinthy." Miss Hemenway's wed- ding bonnet. How they went to Europe. Illust. 24489 The modern little princes. (In Yule tide.) 24823 St. George and the dragon; story of boy life; and Kensington Junior. 29452 Loti, P., pseud. See Viaud, Lieut. Lotteries. Brooks, H. M. Curiosities of the old lottery. 26311 Lottka ; by P. Heyse. (In his Barbarossa.) 26243 Lotus and jewel ; by E. Arnold. 29010 Lotze, R. H. Lotze's system of philosophy, pt. 1 : Logic ; ed. by B. Bosanquet. 24369 Microcosmus; essay cone, man and his rel. to the world; tr. by E. Ham- ilton and E. E. C. Jones. 2. v. 25940-1 Outlines of philosophy ; dictated portions of lect. ; tr. and ed. by G. T. Ladd; namely: Outlines of aesthetics. 26927 Outlines of metaphysic. 24775 Outlines of practical philosophy. 25840 Outlines of the philosophy of religion. 25839 Outlines of psychology; dictations fr. lect. ; tr., with a chapt. on the anatomy of the brain, by C. L. Herrick. Illust. 25898 Ribot, T. '(In his German psychology.) 26448 Louis XII. of France. Jackson, C. C. (In her Court of Fr., v. 1.) 27151 Louis XIV. of France. Airy, E. The English restoration and Louis XIV. 30614 Brooks, E. S. Louis of Bourbon, the boy king. (In Ms Hist, boys.) 25969 Farmer, L. H. (In her Boys' book.) 27081 Louis XIV. and his conteinp. ; extr. f r. memoirs of the 17th cent. ; with notes. (In Masson, G. Fr. classics, v. 7.) 25266 - Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Siecle de L. ; annot. par C. Louandre. 14406 Louis Lambert ; by H. de Balzac. 30618 394 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Louis Napoleon, Prince Imperial. Forbes, A. End of Prince Louis Napoleon. (JwParton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Louisa, wife of Charles Edward, the Pretender, called Countess of Albany. The Countess of Albany, Charles Edward, and Alfieri. (Monograph, no. 2.) 23818 Louisa; by K. S. Macquoid. 2 v. 25444-5 Louise Caroline Alberta, Princess, Marchioness of Lome. Parton, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Louisiana. Cable, G. W. The Creoles of L. 24712 History. - Thompson, M. The story of L. 30819 Love, S. G., and Willard, M. R. Industrial education ; guide to manual training. Illust. 28799 Love. Finck, H. T. Romantic love and pers. beauty ; devel- opment, casual relations, hist, and national peculiarities. 28486 Love and lightning; by H. Norman. (In his Broken shaft.) 26116 Love and luck ; by R. B. Roosevelt. 27235 Love and manuscript ; by M. B. Edwards. (In her Flower of doom, etc.) 25721 Love and mirage ; or, The waiting on an island. 24607 Love and theology ; by C. P. Woolley. 28692 " Love at first sight;" by J. B. Matthews. (In his Secret of the sea.) 26933 Love in old cloathes ; by H. C. Bunner. (In Stor. by Am. authors, v. 4., and in Matthews, J. B., and Buuner, H. C. In partnership.) 24217; 24490 Love, The, of a lifetime ; by [Mrs. C. G. Curtis]. 23270 Love of country. See Patriotism. Love or a name ; by J. Hawthorne. 25664 Love or marriage ; by W. Black. 3 v. 10690 Love ; the reward ; by P. May. 3 v. 27579-81 Love's harvest ; by B. L. Farjeon. 25724 Love's last shift ; or, The fool in fashion ; by C. Gibber. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 Love's martyr; by L. A. Tadema. 26460 Loveday's history ; by L. E. Guernsey. 24626 Lovejoy, B. G. George Bancroft ; John Hay. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Lovejoy, E. P. Eliot, W. G. (In his Story of Archer Alex- ander.) 26134 Lovels, The, of Arden ; by M. E. Braddon [M. E. B. Maxwell]. 10098 Lovely Wang, The ; by L. Wingfield. 27858 Lover's creed, The ; by Mrs. C. Hoey. 24913 Lovett, R. Irish pict. drawn with pen and pencil. 30573 Norwegian pict. drawn with pen and pencil ; also, A glance at Sweden and the Gotha canal. Map and illust. 26038 Pictures fr. Holland drawn with pen and pencil. 28887 Loving and serving ; by Holme Lee [H. Parr]. 3 v. 25128-30 Lovte Et. 27443 Note. Title-page gone. Low, J. L. Durham ; with map and plan. (Diocesan hist.) 26499 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 395 Low, S. The problem of munic. government in the U. S. 15824 Low Moor Iron Company. The Low Moor Company. (In Fortunes made in business, v. 1.) 24000 Lowe, C. Prince Bismarck ; hist, biography ; with portr. In- trod. by E. M. Smith. 2 v. 26168-9 Lowe, M. P. Memoir of C. Lowe. 23392 Lowe, F. R. E. How to make a chemical analysis. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Lowe, M. P. Memoir of Charles Lowe. 23392 Lowe, R. W. Eliza Lucy Vestris ; Benjamin Webster. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 Helen Faucit (Lady Martin). (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 Lowell, E. J. The Hessians, and other German auxiliaries of Gt. Brit, in the revolutionary war. Maps, etc. 23633 Lowell, J. R. Abraham Lincoln. (In Lincoln, A. Gettys- burg speech.) 29089 Democracy ; and other addresses. 27217 Contents. Democracy. Garfield. Stanley. Fielding. Coleridge. Books and libraries. Wordsworth. Don Quixote. Harvard anniver- sary. Heartsease and rue. 29145 Lowell birthday-book. 30263 On a certain condescension in foreigners. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 2.) 23201 Political essays. 29773 Contents. The American Tract Society. The election in November. E pluribus unum. The Pickens and Stealin's rebellion. Gen. McClel- lan's report. The rebellion; its causes and consequences. McClellan or Lincoln. Reconstruction. Scotch the snake, or kill it? The president on the stump. The Seward-Johnson reaction. Place of the independent in politics. Under the old elm; and other poems; notes, and a biog. sketch. (River- side lit. ser.) 25347 Bolton, S. K. (In her Fam. Amer. authors.) 28746 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Harris, A. B. (In her Amer. authors.) 28776 Richardson, C. F. Poets of freedom and culture. (In his Amer. lit., v. 2.) 27340 Rideing, W. H. (In his Boyhood of authors.) 28815 Stedraan, E. C. (In his Poets of America. ) 25692 Whipple, E. P. Lowell as a prose writer. (In his Outlooks.) 29117 Woodberry, G. E. J. R. Lowell at "Elmwood." (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Lowell, J. S. Public relief and private charity. (Quest, of the day.) 24550 Lowell, P. The soul of the far East [Japan] . 30433 Lowell, Mass. Parton, J. The founders of L. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Lowin, J. Brereton, A. (In Ms Some famous Hamlets.) 24954 Lowly mantle- and armor-wearers ; by N. D'Anvers [N. R. E. Bell]. 23914 Loyal Legion of the U. S. See Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Loyal Ronins, The ; by Tamenaga Shunsui. 23645 Loyal to the king ; by E. A. Wells. 26203 Loyalty George ; by L. Parr. 29562 Loyalty Islands. Coote, W. (In his Western Pacific.) 23577 Loyson, C. J. M. See Hyacinthe, Father. 396 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Lubbock, Sir J. Chapters in pop. nat. history ; arr. as a read- ing book for schools. 23347 Flowers, fruits, and leaves. Illust. 26544 On the senses, instincts, and intelligence of animals ; with spec, ref . to insects. Illust. 30236 The pleasures of life. 28516 Contents. Duty of happiness. Happiness of duty. A song of books. The choice of books. The blessing of friends. Value of time. Pleasures of travel. Pleasures of home. Science. Education. Representation. (Imperial parliament ser.) 26039 Ritchie, J. E. (In his Fam. city men.) 23860 Luboff Archipovna ; [by] Mine. Kokhanovsky. ( With her Rusty linchpin.) 28319 Lubricants. Brannt, W. T. (In his Pract. treat.) 28852 Simpson, L. Manual of lubrication ; How to choose and use L. 28903 Thurston, R. H. (In his Treat, on friction, etc.) 26024 Lucas, C. P. Introduction to a hist, geography of the Brit. colonies. 28727 Lucas, J. Pleasures of a pigeon-fancier. 29031 Lucca, P. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 2.) 29599 Luce, R. Electric railways and the electr. transmission of power described in plain terms. 26437 Lucerne ; by L. N. Tolstoi. (In his Russian proprietor, etc.) 28912 Luck, The, of the Darrells ; by J. Payn. 25752 Luck, or cunning. See Natural selection. Lucknow. Burgoyne, R. H. Siege of L. (In his Hist. records.) *I Luckock, H. M. The bishops in the Tower ; stirring events affect, the Church and Nonconformists fr. the Restoration to the Revolution. 28420 Lucky tumble, A. (In Race for life, and in Silver lock.) 27693 ; 29929 Lucrece. See Shakespeare, W. Lucretius Cams, T. Buckanan, R. Note on Lucretius. (In his Look round literature.) 28005 Lang, A. Lucretius. (In his Letters.) 30650 Masson, J. The atomic theory of L. contr. with mod. doctr. of atoms and evolution. 24664 Lucy, H. W. Diary of two parliaments. 2 v. 25399-400 Contents. V.I. The Disraeli parliament, 1874-1880. 2. The Glad- stone parliament, 1880-1885. Four famous scenes in the House of Commons. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Ludlow, H . W. The health laws of Moses ; Who found Jamie ? 23506 Sketch of work for Hampton. (In Newlin, M. Mem. of M. A. Long- streth.) 26083 Ludlow, J. M. The captain of the Janizaries ; story of the times of Scanderbeg and the fall of Constantinople. 26543 Ludwig II., King of Bavaria. Lillie, L. C. W. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Luebke, W. History of sculpture ; tr. by F. E. Bunnett. Illust. *I Lueckes, E. C. E. Lectures on general nursing. 25115 Lueders, C. II. The lost elixir. (In The Septameron.) 29902 Luini, B. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Luke, St. Haweis, H. R. Luke, the physician's story; Luke, the physician's diary. (In his Christ and Christ. Story of the Four.) 27396 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 397 Luke Gardiner's love ; by L. C. Wyman. (In her Poverty grass.) 26940 Lullaby ; by Mrs. W. K. Clifford. (In her Anyhow stor.) 23148 Lulu's library; by L. M. Alcott. Vols. 1, 2. ' 26129-30 Lumber. Kinsley, C. Self-instructor on L. surveying. 24678 See also Timber. Also Michigan. Lumby, J. R. Introduction and notes. (In Cowley, A. Prose works.) 28629 Introduction, notes, etc. ( In More, T. Utopia.) 24855 Luna, A. C. F. de. Italy; a general review. (In Stanton, T. The woman quest.) 24053 Lunch, A, at Me Arthur's ; by W. H. Bishop. (In his Brown stone boy.) 29782 Luncheon ; by T. J. Murrey. 293-22 Lund, T. W. M. Como and Italian lake-land. 29487 Lundin, C., and Strindberg, A. Gamla Stockholm. 15077 Lundy, C. J. School hygiene. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Lunge, Gr., and Hurter, F. The alkali-maker's pocket-book. 25195 Lungren, C. M. Notes and additions. (In Alglave, E., and Boulard, J. The electric light.) 24266 Lunt, E. C. Present cond. of econ. science, and the demand for a change in its methods and aims. (Quest, of the day.) 29551 Lupton, J. H. Life of Colet, Dean of St. Paul's, and founder of St. Paul's school ; with app. of some of his English writings. 28517 Luray Cave, Va. Hovey, H. C. (In. his Celebrated Amer. caverns.) 24524 Lusk, Sir A. Ritchie, J. E. (In his Fam. city men.) 23860 Luska, Sidney, pseud. See Harland, H. Lustra painting. Hale, S. (In her Self -instructive lessons.) 26155 Luthardt, C. E. Apologetic lect. on the fundamental truths of Christianity; tr. by S. Taylor. 25915 Apologetic lect. on the moral truths of Christianity; tr. by S. Taylor. 25916 Apologetic lect. on the saving truths of Christianity; tr. by S. Taylor. 25917 Luther, M. Deutsche geistliche Lieder ; hymns set to "their original melodies, with an Eng. version ; ed. by L. W. Bacon, assisted by N. II. Allen. 23284 - Dichtungen. (Deut, Dich. des 16 Jahrh.) 16372 First principles of the Reformation; or. The ninety-five theses and the three primary works, tr. into English ; ed. with theolog. and hist. introds. by H*. Wace and C. A. Buchheim. Portr. 23960 Note. The three primary works are: Address to the nobility of the German nation. Concerning Christian liberty. On the Babylonish cap- tivity of the Church. B., J. A. Luthers minne; kort lefnadsteckning, jeinte beskrifning ofver de stiillen der hanlefvat och verkat. 15158 Bayne, P. Martin Luther ; his life and work. 2 v. 28743-4 Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Froude, J. A. Luther; a short biography. 23535 Hedge. F. H. (In his Mrs. with Germ, class.) 26670 Martin Luther; and other essays. 29538 - Ireland, W. W. The hallucinations of L. (In his Blot upon the brain.) 26114 Koestlin, J. Life of L. ; fr. the German. 23225 27 398 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. * Maclaren, A. Luther; a stone on the cairn. (In his Year's ministry, ser. 1.) 25119 Mead, E. D. Martin Luther; a study of reformation. 23548 Pearson, K. The influence of L. on the soc. and intel. welfare of Ger- many. (In his Ethic of f reethought.) 30039 Rein, W. Life of L. 23222 Rueckert, M. Martin Luther. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 1.) 16296 Stands W. Life of L. 23193 Suffolk Conf . of Unit, and other Chr. Churches. Luther memorial. 23647 Wace, II. On the primary principles of L.'s life and teaching. (In Luther, M. First principles, etc.) 23960 - Wagenmann, J. Lebensbild Luther's. (In Luther, M. Dichtungen.) 16372 Lyall, Edna, pseud. See Bayly, A. E. Lydia. Description. Myers, P. V. N. (In his Eastern na- tions, etc.) 30293 History. Sayce, A. H. Lydia. (In his Anc. empires.) 24493 Lyell, Sir C. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Wright, H. C. Charles Lyell and the story of the rocks. (In her Child. stor.) 30384 Lying. Opie, A. A. Illustrations of lying. 23554 Lyly, or Lillie, or Lilly, J. Symonds, J. A. (7^/mShak- speare's predecessors.) 23982 Lyman, A. J. Lesley, S. I. Recollections of my mother. 27503 Lyman, H. M. Insomnia ; and other disorders of sleep. 28382 Lynch, T. T. MacDonald, G. "Essays on some of the forms of literature." [Review of L.] (In his Imagination.) 30434 Lyndhurst, Lord. See Copley, J. S. Lynn, Mass. Hobbs, C. W. Lynn and surroundings. *I Lyon, M. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.) 26916 Lyons, France. Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 2.) 25068 Lyra bicyclica ; by J. G. Dalton. 25149 Lyra elegantiarum. See Locker, F. Lyrics of Ind. ; by D. L. Roy. 27596 Lyrics of the law ; select. ; by J. G. Croke. 24068 Lysaght, E. J. Brother and sister ; or, The trials of the Moore family. Illust. 28067 Lyster, A. Alone in crowds ; or, Kindlup Tower. (Soc. for Prom. Chr. Knowl.) 25116 Doctor L'Estrange. 3 v. 25162-4 Muriel's two crosses; the cross she rejected and the cross she chose. 24856 "Those unlucky twins." Illust. 25117 Two old maids ; or, Rosalind's sisters. 251 18 Lyte, H. C. M. History of the University of Oxford to 1530. 28426 Lytle, W. H. Kemper, A. C. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Lyttelton. R. H.., joint author. See Steel, A. G. Lytton, E. G. E. L. B., 1st Baron Lytton. (pseud. Pisistratus Caxton.) Life, letters, and literary remains ; by [E. R. B. Lytton.] Portrs. and illust. Vol.1. 23477 Griswold. H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Molloy, J. F. Lord Lytton's plays. (In his Fam. plays.) 27583 - Walsh, W. S. (In his Pen pictures.) 23401 Lytton, E. R. B., 2d Baron Lytton. (pseud. Owen Meredith.) After paradise ; or, Legends of exile ; with other poems. 29032 Glenaveril; or, The metamorphosis; poem. 25671 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 399 Life, letters, and literary remains of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. V. 1. 23477 Lytton, Lady R. (W./B. Devey, L. Life of Rosina, Lady Lytton ; with extr. fr. her ms. autobiography, etc. 28643 M., D. H. Questions on Fiske's living's Washington and his country. 28962 Ma' Bowlin ; by O. Thanet [A. French]. (In her Knitters.) 28872 Ma fille et mon bien ; par E. Legouve. (In his Comedies.) 14733 Mab's Cross. Axon, W. E. A. The legend of Mab's Cross. (In his Lane, gleanings.) 23436 Mabel Martin; by J. G. Whittier. 23811 Mabel Stanhope ; by K. O'Meara. 27784 Mabie,H.W. The art of reading. (/// Abbott, L. Hints, etc.) 25640 A ride on a centaur. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 McAll, R. W.,Rev. Pierson, A. T. (In his Evangelistic work.) 28900 Loomis, S. L. The Me All mission. (In his Mod. cities.) 28798 MacAlpine, A. Teresa Itasca ; and other stories. 27471 Contents. Teresa Itasca. Afriga. The omen of the moon. McAnally, D. R., Jr. Irish wonders ; ghosts, giants, fairies, etc., of the Emerald Isle; pop. tales. Illust. 29320 Mac Arthur, A. Education in its rel. to manual industry. 24920 McArthur, Sir W. Ritchie, J. E. (In his Fain, city men.) 23860 Macaulay, G. C. Francis Beaumont ; crit. study. 23703 Macaulay, J. Sea pictures, drawn with pen and pencil. 25991 Macaulay, T. B. History. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 2.) 23201 Lays of anc. Rome; ed., with notes, by W. J. Rolfe and J. C. Rolfe. Engr. 30112 Smarre valda skrifter: ofversiittning. 15151 Innehall. John Bunyan; en kristens resa. Gladstone ; om kyrka och stat, Moglau : Lord Holland. Thackeray : Wm. Pitt. Win Pitt's kor- respondens. Orn Judarnes obefogenhet till politiska riittigheter. Om fortroendet till Ld. Melbourne's minister. Om Maynooth-semiuarium. Om irliindska kyrkau. Om konfessionella forklaringar sasom vilkor for platser vid de skottska universiteterua. Adams, C. K. (In his Repr. Brit, orations, v. 3.) 24885 Grimm, H. Frederick the Great and M. (In his Literature.) 26534 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life.) 27303 - Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Mason, E. T. (In his Personal traits, v. 4.) . 25231 Neilsou, J. Ruf us Choate and Ld. M. ; a contrast. (In his Memories.) 23790 - Walsh, W. S. (In his Pen pictures.) 23401 - Whipple, E. P. College life of M. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 McAuley, J. Pierson, A. T. (In his Evang. work.) 28900 Macbeth, J. W. V. The might and mirth of literature ; treat. on figurative language. 25227 MacBrair, R. A. Notes on Lincoln sewerage works, with spec. ref. to the filter-pressing machinery. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 14.) *I McBride, J. Coal miners. (In McNeill, G. E. The labor movement.) 27651 McCabe, L. R. Don't you remember? 24882 Contents. A stage coach ride. The market-place. The Eagle coffee- house. The famous victory. Tom Corwin. Aunt Cynthia's crazy quilt. The Martha Washington trial. The doctor's story/ MacCallum, M. W. Studies in low and high German literature. 23961 Contents. Fritz Reuter. Anglo-Saxon jocose ria. Solomon in Eu- rope. The three cycles of medieval romance. The minnesong. The Don Quixote of Germany. Hans Sachs and the mastersong. Klopstock. 400 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. McCarthy, C. Detailed minutiae of soldier life in the Army of No. Virginia. Illust. 27770 McCarthy, J. Camiola ; a girl with a fortune. 27577 History of the four Georges. Vol. 1. 24636 Ireland's cause in Eng.'s Parliament; pref. by J. B. O'Reilly. 28977 - Maid of Athens. 23480 My enemy's daughter. Illust. 8128 Outline of Irish history. 23012 O'Connor, T. P. (In /us Parnell movement.) 26902 and Praed, Mrs. C. "The Right Honourable" ; romance of society and politics. 28800 - The ladies' gallery; a novel. 30922 McCarthy, J. F. Pottery and porcelain. (7n Gt. ind. of Gt. Brit., v. 2, 3.) 25092-3 McCarthy, J. H. The case for home rule. 28565 Doom; an Atlantic episode. 27578 England under Gladstone.' 24371 Same ; 2d ed. 26170 Ireland since the Union ; sk. of Irish hist. 28566 ed. Our sensation novel. 26438 McCarthy, J. T. Poetry and oratory of Ireland ; poems, speeches, etc. ; with portrs. 28324 McCaskey, J. P., ed. Franklin Square song collection, nos. 2-4. 23901 ; 25791 ; 28502 MacCauley, C. From Chancellorsville to Libby Prison. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.) 29330 Macchetta, B. R. (T.) (pseud. B. Roosevelt.) Life and remin. of Dore ; with unpub. sketches, and select, fr. pub. illustrations. *I Stage-struck ; or, She would be an opera singer. . 24286 Macchiavelli, N. Villari, P. Niccolo, M. and his times. Vols. 3, 4. 23603-4 McClellan, C. Personal mem. and military hist, of U. S. Grant versus the record of the Army of the Potomac. 28145 McClellan, G. B. McClellan's own story ; the war for the Union ; the soldiers who fought for it ; the civilians who directed it ; and his relations to it and to them. 27907 Curtis, G. T. McClellan's last service to the republic; with a tribute to his memory. 26111 Kelley, W. D. Lincoln and Stanton; study of the war adm. with spec. consid. of statements by McClellan. 25837 Lowell, J. R. Gen. McClellan's report; McClellan or Lincoln? (In his Polit. essays.) 29773 Piatt, D. McClellan's own story. (In his Memories.) 28259 McClellan, H. B. Life and campaigns of Maj.-Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. 25992 McClellan, H. (H.) (pseud. H. Flemming.) A carpet knight. 25165 McClelland, M. G. Jean Monteith. (Leis. hr. ser.) 28801 Oblivion: an episode. (Leis. hr. ser.) 25841 Princess. (Leis. hr. ser.) 26928 McClintock, J. N. History of New Hampshire. 30654 McCloskey, J., Cardinal. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 McClure, A. K. The South; its indust., finau. and polit. condition. 26877 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 401. McCobb, M. S. (pseud. M. Densel.) A winter inoonrise ; How Philip Sullivan did an errand. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 MacColl, M., Canon. The "Unionist" position. (J^'Bryce, J. Handbook.) 29013 Maccoll, N. Introductions and notes. (In Calderon de la Barca, P. Select plays.) 30163 M'Collester, S. H. After-thoughts of foreign travel. 23634 McConnell, A. B. Half married ; Agame Game". 27472 McCook, H. C. Tenants of an old farm; leaves fr. the note- book of a naturalist. Illust. 24921 MacCord, C. W. Lessons in mech. drawing ; incl. instr. for drawings of screw propellors. . *I McCormick, C. H. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 M'Cormick, R. Voyages of disc, in the Arctic and Antarctic seas, and round the world ; added, Autobiography. 2 v. *I McCosh, J., LL.D. First and fundamental truths ; treat, on metaphysics. 30805 Gospel sermons. 30238 'Habit and its infl. in the training at school. (In Phil. Ex. Acad. Lect) 27997 Philosophic series ; namely : Agnosticism of Hume and Huxley, etc. 24235 Certitude, providence, and prayer. 23668 Criteria of diverse kinds of truth. 23669 Energy ; efficient and final cause. 23670 LockeVtheory of knowledge, etc. 23635 Psychology : the cognitive po\vers. 26929 Realistic philosophy defended in a philosophic ser. 2 v. 27771-2 Contents. Vol. 1. Expository. 2. Historical and critical. Religious aspect of evolution. (Bedell lect.) 29552 and Dickie, G. Typical forms and spec, ends in creation. 24073 McCray, F. T. Environment ; story of mod. society. 28325 McCrindle, J. W. Introduction, notes, etc. (In Ctesias. Anc. India.) 26250 McCulloch, H . Men and measures of half a century. 30239 McCulloch, J. R. Treatise on the principles and pract. infl. of taxation and the funding system. 28212 McCullough, J. Fiske, S. (In. his Off-hand portrs.) 240lO Winter, W. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 McCallum, J. B. Some particulars of the munic. and sanitary works of Blackburn. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 12.) *I Macdonald, A. Too late for Gordon and Khartoum. Maps, plans, and unpub. letters of G. 29396 McDonald, D. C. Prying Lizzie. (In Schwatka, F. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Macdonald, F. Puck and Pearl ; wanderings and wonderings of Eng. children in India. Illust. 28647 Macdonald, F. W. Fletcher of Madeley. 26171 MacDonald, G. Book of strife ; diary of an old soul. 26256 Donal Grant. 23207 The elect lady. 30113 Home again. 28978 The imagination; and other essays. 30434 Contents. The imagination; its functions and culture. Sketch of individual development. St.George's day, 1564. The art of Shakspeare. 402 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The elder Hamlet. On polish. Browning's "Christmas eve." "Essays on some of the forms of literature." "History and heroes of medicine." Wordsworth's poetry. Shelley. A sermon. True greatness. Preface. (In Franzos, K. E. For the right.) 29679 Stephen Archer; and other tales. 23011 Contents. Stephen Archer. Gifts of the child Christ. History of Photogen and Nycteris. The butcher's bills. Port in a storm. If I had a father. What's mine '? mine. 26338 Harris, A. B. (In her Pleasant authors.) 23777 McDonogh Institute, Baltimore Co., Md. Johnson, J., Jr. Rudimentary society among boys. (J. Hopkins Univ. Stud.) 24229 Same. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 2.) *I McDowell, I. Fry, J. B. McDowell and Tyler in the cam- paign of Bull Run. 24275 McDowell, K. S. B. (pseud. S. Bonner.) Suwanee river tales. Illust. . 24485 Contents. Gran' mammy. Four sweet girls of Dixie. Ring of tales for younger folks. McDowell family. Green, T. M. The McDowells. (In his Hist, families.) 30639 Macduff, J. R. The parish of Taxwood, and some of its older memories. Illust. 24089 McDuffie, G. Perry. B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Mace, J. Home fairy tales ; tr. by M. L. Booth. Engr. 7236 Macedonia. Laveleye, V. L. E. de. (In his Balkan penin.) 27837 See also Alexander the Great. Macewan, D. Future probation. (In Leathes, S., and others. Future probation ; symposium.) 27576 Macfarlane, A. Physical arithmetic. 26439 Macfarlane, A. R. Children of the earth. (Leis. hr. ser.) 26833 Macfarlane, M. R. The magic of a voice. 26644 Macfarren, G. A. Addresses and lectures [at the Roy. Acad. of Music] ; with portr. 30177 and W. C. Spark, W. G. A. and W. C. Macfarren. (In his Mus. me- mories.) 30S77 MacGahan, . Forbes, A. Macgahan. (In his Souve- nirs.) 25661 Macgregor, W. Gas engines. Plates. 25630 Mcllatton-Ripley, E. See Ripley, E. McH. Machiavelli, N. See Macchiavelli, N. Machine politics. See N. Y. City. Politics. Machinery. Bale, M. P. Steam and mach. management ; guide. 24617 Hutton, F. R. Report on tools and wood-working M. 17269 Kennedy, A. B. W. Mechanics of machinery. 28562 Weisbach, J. Mechanics of engineering and M. Vol. 3, pt. 1, sec. 1. Rev. and enl. by G. Herrmann. 27510 See also Electro-dynamics; Flour Mills; Flying machines; Gear- ing; Stone-working machinery; Testing machines. Mclntyre's false f ace ; by W. M. Bishop. (In his Choy Susan.) 24557 Macirone, C. A. Method of study. (In, Lady Benedict, and others. How to play.) 27972 Mackay, C. The founders of the Amer. republic. 26259 Contents. Washington. J. Adams. T. Jefferson. B. Franklin. J. Madison. Dangers of ultra-democracy. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 403 Through the long day ; a literary life during half a century. 2 v. 28421-2 Mackay, C. R. Life of Charles Bradlaugh. 29757 McKay, J. T. Stella Grayland. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 7.) 24220 McKenzie, Rev. A. Cambridge sermons. 23106 History of the Highland clearances; cont. reprint of D. Macleod's "Gloomy memories of the Highlands;" Isle of Skye in 1882; and verb. rept. of the trial of the Braes crofters. 23587 Some things abroad. 30435 - The two boys, and what they did with a year. 28480 Mackenzie, A. C. Colomba ; lyrical drama; founded on MerimeVs tale by F. Hneffer ; music by M. (Novello's orig. oct. ed.) *I The troubadour; lyrical drama, by F. Hueffer; music by M. (Novello's orig. oct. ed.) * *I Mackenzie, C., Lieut. Gen. Storms and sunshine of a soldier's life. 2 v. 24372-3 Mackenzie, Lord D. Smith, J. C. Biog. notice. (In his Writings by the way.) 25607 Mackenzie, Sir G. Omond, G. W. T. (In his Lord adv. of Scot., v. 1.) 23590 Mackenzie, J. Austral Africa ; losing it or ruling it ; inc. and exp. in Bechwana-land, Cape Colony, and England. 2 v. 29618-19 Day-dawn in dark places ; wanderings and work in Bechwana-land. 24151 Mackenzie, M., M.D. Hay fever; its etiology and treat- ment ; with app. on Rose cold. 26257 Hygiene of the vocal organs; pract. hdbk. for singers and speakers. 27154 Report. (In Gerhardt, E., and others. Case of Emperor Frederick III.) 30385 McKie, H. U. Carlisle public slaughter houses. . (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 14.) *I Lanes, courts, and back streets in old cities and towns, exemplified by those in Carlisle. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc.. v. 14.) *I Tar and concrete macadam pavement for roadways, and tar and cement pavement for footways ; Setting out the transverse sections of streets for forming pavement. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 10.) *I Mackintosh, Sir J. Adams, C. K. (In his Repr. Brit, orat., v. 2.) 24884 Mackra, J., Capt. The Rose of paradise; adv. in conn, with the pirate Edward England in 1720. Illust. 28901 Maclaren, A. A year's ministry ; [sermons]. 2 ser. 25119-20 McLaren, W. S. B. Worsteds and woolens ; what are they? (In Gt. ind. of Gt. Brit., v. 1.) 25091 McLaughlin, F. Rome ; its princes, priests, and people ; tr. of Silvagni's La conte, etc. 3 v. *I McLaughlin, M. L. Suggestions to china painters. 23671 Maclay, W. Sketches of debate in the first Senate of the U. S., 1789-91 ; ed. by G. W. Harris. *I Maclean, E., Rev. Culture of trees on the margin of streams and lochs in Scotland, with a view to the preservation of the banks and the conservation of fish. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Maclean, L. E. (L.). Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poet- esses.) 23640 404 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. McLean, S. P., now Mrs. Greene. See Greene, S. P. M. McLennan, J. F. The patriarchal theory ; ed. and completed by D. McLennan. 25033 Macleod, D. Gloomy memories of the Highlands. (In Mackenzie, A. Hist, of the High, clearances.) 23587 Principal Tulloch. (In Ewart, H. C. Leaders.) 30632 Macleod, H. D. Elements of economics. V. 2, pt. 1. 21301 Theory and practice of banking. 2 v. 27043-4 Macleod, N. Half hours in the Holy Land ; travels in Egypt, Palestine, Syria. [Abbr. reprint of "Eastward."] 26040 Reminiscences of a Highland parish. 29923 Smith, W. C. Norman Macleod. (In F^wart, H. C. Leaders.) 30632 MacMahon, M. E. P. M., Marshal de. Daudet, E. Marshal de MacM. (In his Fr. celeb.) 23151 McMaster, J. B. Benjamin Franklin as a man of letters. 28890 Geometry of position appl. to surveying. (In Specht, G. J., and others. Topog. surv.) 25355 History of the people of the U. S. fr. the revolution to the civil war. V. 2. 22733 Macmillan, M. Dagonet the jester. 26657 McMinn, E. A German hero of the colonial times of Penn- sylvania ; or, Life and times of H. Antes. 27530 McMurdo, E., ed. History of Portugal ; comp. fr. Portuguese histories. V. 1, 2. 29758 ; 30505 M'Neill, D., Lord Colonsay. Smith, J. C. Biog. notice. (In his Writings.) 25607 McNeill, G. E., ed. The labor movement; the problem of to-day. 27651 M'Neven, W. J. Paly, J. B. William J. M'Neven. (In Ms Ireland in '98.) *I Maconochie, A., 2d Ld. Meadowbank. Omond, G. W. T. (In his Lord adv. of Scot., v. 2.) 23591 Macphersou, 8ir H. Laurie, W. F. B. Sir H. Macpherson. (In his Sketches.) 30596 M'Pherson, J. B., Gen. Whittlesey, C. (In his War mem.) 23674 McQuade, J. The cruise of the Montauk to Bermuda, the West Indies, and Florida. 25034 Macquoid, K. S. At the Red Glove. Illust. 25579 Her sailor love. 22974 Joan Wentworth. 27624 Louisa. 2 v. 25444-5 Sir James Appleby, Bart. 27218 Macready, W. C. Barrett, L. Macready. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 Brereton, A. (In his Some famous Hamlets.) 24954 Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 1.) 30352 Molloy, J. F. (In his Life of E. Kean, v. 1.) 30481 Parton, J. ( In his Some not. princes.) 25675 Pollock, Lady. Macready as 1 knew him. 25312 MacRitchie, D., ed. Accounts of the Gypsies of India. Map and illust. 27707 Contents. Goeje, M. J. de. Contribution to the history of the Gyp- sies. Siege of Bhurtpoor. Remarks on certain Gypsy characteristics. Miscellaneous remarks. McTyeire, H. N. History of Methodism. 25566 McVeys, The ; by J. Kirkland. 30344 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 405 Me Wade, R., joint author. See O'Connor, T. P. Macy, Mrs. A. Little Eunice Coffin ; The candy frolic. (Li New Eng. stor.-bk.) 24819 Macy, J. A government text-book for Iowa schools. 25532 Institutional beginnings in a western state. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 2.) *I Our government ; how it grew, what it does, and how it does it. 26930 Theory and practice of protection. (In Shaw, A. The nat. rev.) 29895 Madagascar. Little, H. W. Madagascar; history and people. 25072 Oliver, S. P. Madagascar ; hist, and descr. acct. 2 v. 27940-1 Missions. Ballantyne, R. M. The fugitives; or, The tyrant queen of Madagascar. 28858 Madam ; by M. O. W. Oliphant. 24925 Madame Caverlet ; piece ; par E. Augier. (In his Theatre com pi., v. 6.) 14781 Madame de Beause"ant ; by H. de Balzac. (In his After-din- ner stor.) 26136 Madame de Presnel ; by E. F. Poynter. 25571 Madame de Stacl ; hist, novel. See Stael-Holstein. Madame Firmiani ; by H. de Balzac. (In his After-dinner stories.) 26136 Madame Fuster ; par F. Fabre. 14499 Madame Schlick ; come"die-vaud. ; par A. E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, se"r. 2, v. 33.) *I Madame's grand-daughter ; by F. M. Peard. 30281 Madame's little plot. (In My night adv.) 27692 Madden, R. R. Ireland in '98 ; principal men of the time. *I Maddox, R. L. Discovery of the gelatine-bromide process. (In Harrison, W. J. Hist, of photography.) 28777 Madeira. Aubertin, J. J. Tenerife and M. (In his Six months in Cape Colony.) 27030 - Ellis. A. B. (In his West Af. Is.) 25419 Madeira place, In ; by C. H. W. [H. W. Chaplin] . (In his Five hund. dollars.) 29000 Madeline; by M. J. Holmes. 24612 Mademoiselle de Scuderi ; by E. T. W. Hoffmann. (In his Wierd tales, v. 2.) 24847 Mademoiselle Solange ; par F. de Julliot. 149313 Madgie's hero. (In My night adv.) 27692 Madison, D. P. Memoirs and letters of Dolly Madison ; ed. by her grand-niece. 26931 Madison, J., Prest. of the U. S. Essays. (In The Federalist.) 30224 Gay, S. H. James Madison. 24409 - Mackay, C. The founders of the American republic. 26259 Madoc, ., pseud. Story of Melicent. 23032 Madonna, The, of the tubs ; by E. S. Phelps. 27228 Madrid. Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 2.) 2506s M'Collester, S. H. Spain and Madrid. (In his After-thoughts.) 23034 Maeder, C. (F.) Ireland, J. N. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 Maghreb, El. See Morocco. Magic. Garenne, H. The art of modern conjuring, magic, and illusions. Illust. 27563 406 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hawthorne, J. Modern magic. (In his Confessions, etc.} 27312 Vaughan, T. Magical writings. 30879 Waite, A. E. Essay on the esoteric literature, and the princ. of theurgic art. etc., in western Christendom. (In Vaughan, T. Mag. writings.) 30879 Magic, The, of a voice ; by M. R. Macfarlane. 26644 Magic skin, The ; by H. de Balzac. 29661 Magicians. Church, A. J. Stories of the M. 27549 Maginn, W. Miscellanies, prose and verse ; ed. by R. W. "Montagu. 2 v. 26592-3 Magnetism. Brennan, M. S. (In his Pop. expos, of elec- tricity.) 25026 Mascart, E. E. N., and Joubert, J. Treatise on electricity and M. 2 v. 29127-8 - Nipher, F. E. Theory of magnetic measurements. 26962 Rogers, F. Magnetism of iron vessels; with treat, on terrestrial M. 24133 Stewart, B., and Gee, W. W. Electricity and M. (In their Lessons, etc., v. 2.) 25773 Stone, J. B. Magnetic variation in the U. S.; with acct. of the nature of terrestrial M. 28358 See also Electricity. Magnificent plebeian, A ; by J. Magruder. 28S91 Magruder, A. B. John Marshall. (Amer. statesmen.) 25001 Magruder, J. Across the chasm. 25469 A magnificent plebeian. 28891 Maguire, E., Capt. Attack and defence .of coast-fortifications. 24640 Maguire, J. Edwards, H. (/// his Mingled yarn.) 22967 Maha Bharata. Indian idylls ; fr. the Sanskrit by E. Arnold. 23255 Mahaffy, J. P. Greek life and thought fr. Alexander to the Roman conquest. 29091 Principles of the art of conversation. 29092 and Oilman, A. Story of Alexander's empire. 28146 and Rogers, J. E. Sketches fr. a tour thr. Holland and Germany. 30736 Mahan, A. T. The Gulf and inland waters. (Navy in the civil war.) 23107 Mahdi, YA. See Mohammed Ahmed. Mahomet. See Mohammed. Mahometan. See Mohammedanism. Mahon, Lord. See Stanhope, P. H. Mahrattas. Temple, R. The Mahratta nationality, etc. (In his Orient, exp.) 23865 Maid of Athens ; by J. McCarthy. 23480 Maid of Orleans. See Dare, J. Maid of Oyas; by F. Lewald [F. L. Stahr]. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 Maiden, A, all forlorn ; by The Duchess [M. Argles]. 25788 Maier, J. Arc and glow lamps ; pract. handbook on electric lighting. 27155 Maimon, S. Autobiography; tr. with add. and notes, by J. C. Murray. 29691 Maimonides, M. See Moses ben Maimon. Maine, Sir H. J. S. India. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Vic- toria, v. 1.) 28714 International law; lect. 30858 Popular government ; essays. 26258 Contents. The prospects of popular government. The nature of de- mocracy. The age of progress. The constitution of the U. S. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 407 McLennan, J. F. Sir Henry Maine's later writings. (In his Patriarchal theory.) 25033 Posnett, H. M. The historical method and Sir Henry Maine. (In his Hist, method.) 24258 Maine. Bishop, W. H. Fish and men in the Maine islands. 25645 Hubbard, L. L. Woods and lakes of Me. [Map in separate vol.] 23381 Wright, H. 0. The settlement of M. (In her Children's stories.) 26094 See also Katahdin. Maiutenon, F. d'A., Mme. Scarron, afterwards marquise de. Bowles, E. Madame de Maintenon. 29915 Maior, V., Viscount. The viniculture of claret. 29553 Maison de Maureze, La; par H. Greville [A. F. Durand]. 15825 Maistre, X. de. Voyage autour de ma chambre. (In Masson, G. Fr. classics, v. 5.) 25264 Maitland, E. F., Lord Barcaple. Smith, J. C. Biog. notice. (In. his Writings.) 25607 Maitland, F. W. Justice and police. (Eng. citizen.) 25618 Maitland, J. A. F. Schumann. (Great musicians.) 24857 Maitland, S. R., D.D. The dark ages ; state of religion and literature. 24091 Maitland, W., of Lethington. Skelton, J. Maitland of Leth- ington, and the Scotland of Mary Stuart. Vol. 1. 28086 Maitre de forges, Le ; par G. Ohnet. 14766 Maitre de forges, Le ; piece en 4 actes ; par G. Ohnet. (In Theatre contemp.) 14898 Maitre Gue"rin ; come"die ; par E. Augier. (In his Theatre compl., v. 5.) 14780 Maitre Jean ; ou, La come" die a la cour ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In his (Euvres, se"r. 2, v. 31.) *I Maitres sonneurs, Les ; par G. Sand. 14403 Maiwa's revenge ; by H. R. Haggard. 29879 Majendie, Lady M. E. Once more. 24254 Contents. Stories of the past: Wild Jack. Poll Miles. Stories of the present : Au pair. Uncle George's will. A French speculation. Stories of the future : Lady-helps. The lady candidate. Major and minor ; by W. E. Norris. 2 v. 28982-3 Major Barringtou's marriage ; by G. P. Lathrop. (In his True, etc.) 24917 Major Frank ; by A. L. G. Bosboom-Toussaint. 26655 Major Gahagan, Tremendous adv. of ; by W. M. Thackeray. (In his Burlesques.) 24700 Major Lawrence ; by E. Lawless, 28972 Major Moriarty ; by J. A. O'Shea. (In his Mil. Mosaics.) 30483 Major's Christmas, The ; by P. Stapleton. 26118 Majorities. Arnold, M. Numbers ; or, The majority and the remnant. (In his Discourses.) 25705 Makart, J. Ehlert, L. Wagner, Makart, Hamerling ; a par- allel. (In his Fr, the tone world.) 25335 Makepeace, F. B., and others. Fresh bait for fishers of men. 27773 Contents. Makepeace, F. B. The breadth of Christ's ministry; a neglected spot; The people's course in Andover; The outlook. Gage, W. L. Hints from Germany. Baker, S. Working people and city-life. Thomas, R. An experience with outsiders. Boltou, C. E. Practical education and entertainment for the people. 408 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Making, The, of a man; by [W. M. Baker]. 24717 Malabari, B. M. Gidumal,D. Life and life-work of M. ; with select, fr. his writings. 30584 Malacca. See Malay peninsula. Malay Archipelago. Forbes, A. Insulinde ; exp. of a nat- uralist's wife in the archipelago. 29603 Forbes, H. O. A naturalist's wanderings in the archipelago. Illust. 25493 Malay peninsula, or Malacca. Fenn, G. M. Middy and en- sign ; tale of the M. peninsula. 23533 Hornaday, W. T. Two years in the jungle. 25830 L., J. E. Ten days in the jungle. 24416 See also Chersonese. Maiden, H. E. Vienna, 1683 ; hist, and consequences of the defeat of the Turks ; by J . Sobieski, King of Poland, and Charles Leopold, Duke of Lorraine. 23244 Malebranche, N. Fischer, K. (In his Hist, of mod. philos- ophy.) 27750 Martineau, J. (In his Types of eth. theory, v. 1.) 25401 Saisset, E. E. God in the system of M. (In 'his Ess. on relig. philos., v. 1.) 29849 Malet, Li., pseud. See Harrison, Mrs. Malheurs, Les, d' un amant heureux ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, ser. 2, v. 25.) *I Malibran, M. F. G. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 1.) 29598 Malleson, Mrs. F. Notes on the early training of children. 30536 Malleson, G. B., Col. Ambushes and surprises; fr. the time of Hannibal to the Indian mutiny ; with portr. of Ld. Kerr. 25942 Battle-fields of Germany; fr. the outbreak of the Thirty-Years' War to the Battle of Blenheim. Maps and plan. 24858 Historical sk. of the native states of India in subsidiary alliance with the Brit. Gov. ; with not. of the mediatized and minor states. 29924 History of the French in India, 1674-1761. 29925 Life of Prince Metternich. 30351 Prince Eugene of Savoy. 30178 Mallock, W. H. The old order changes. 27219 Property and progress ; inq, into eontemp. soc. agitation in England. 24025 Hawthorne, J. Mr. Mullock's missing science. (In his Confesssions.) 27312 Mann, H. Reply to M. (In his Features of soc.) 25672 Malmesbury, Earl of. See Harris, J. ; Harris, J. H. Maloja. Wise, A. T. (In his Alpine winter.) 27068 Malot, H. H. Conscience. 14936 Zyte. 14501 Malta. Description. Warner, C. D. (In his Roundabout journey.) 23412 Malthus, T. R. Bonar, J. Malthus and his work. 25714 Graham, W. (In his Social problem.) 27145 - Ricardo, D. ^ Letters to M., 1810-1823; ed. by J. Bonar. 29413 Mammalia. Schmidt, O. The mammalia in their rel. to pri- meval times. 26349 See also Ceylon ; India. Mammoth. See Mastodon. Mammoth cave, Ky. Hovey, H. C. (In his Celeb. Amer. caverns.) 24524 Mam'zelle Eugenie ; by H. GreVille [A. F. Durand]. 24982 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 409 etc.) (In his Au- ( With her 2 v. in 1. Man. General and miscellaneous works. Austin, J. B. Du- ties and rights of man. Campbell, G. D. (In his Unity of nature.) Carpenter, W. B. Nature and man; essays. Craik, D. M. (M.) Concerning men. Eaton, A. W. Man. (In his Heart of the creeds.) Fiske, J. The destiny of man viewed in the light of his origin. Hazard, R. G. Man a creative first cause. Hopkins, M. The Scriptural idea of man; lect. Lotze, R. H. Microcosmus; essav cone, man and his rel. to the world. 2 v. Proctor, R. A. Upright man. (In his Universe, etc.) Savage, M. J. Man, woman, and child. Tiffany, J. Man and his destiny; ace. to the teachings of philosophy and revelation. Origin, Unity, Antiquity, etc. Fiske, J. The arrival of man in Europe. (In his Excursions.) Haeckel, E. The pedigree of man, etc. Joly, N. Man before metals. - Laing, S. Antiquity of man. (In his Mod. science.) Peabody, E. P. Primeval man. (In her Last evening, See also Archaeology, Pre-historic; Ethnology. Man and nature. See Marsh, G. P. Man Cribiche's meditations ; by J. A. Harrison. trefois.) Man, The, in the iron mask. (Monograph, no. 14.) Man, A, of his word ; by W. E. Norris. Man of the family ; by Jak [A. B. Williams] Who saved the ship ?) Man, A, of the people ; by Erckmann-Chatrian. Man-of-war life ; by C. Nordhoff. Man, The, she cared for ; by F. W. Robinson. Man story, A ; by E. W. Howe. Man, The, versus the State. See Political science. Man, The, who kept his money in a box ; by A. Trollope. (In his Tales.) Man, The, who married a voice ; by F. W. Robinson. (In his Women are strange.) Man, The, with the red hair ; by W. E. Norris. of his word.) Man, The, without a country; by E. E. Hale. Man's will, A ; by E. Fawcett. Managua. Description. Curtis, W. E. (In Spanish Amer.) Manasseh Ben Israel. Schindler, S. Manatt, I. J. A general view. revenues.) Manchester, Eng. ings.) Saintsbury. G. Manchester. Manchuria. See Mantchuria. Manigault, G. A political creed ; embr. truths in sociology and politics ; ans. to H. George's "Progress and poverty." Manitoba. Barneby, W. H. (In his Life and labor in the far west.) Bryce, G. Manitoba; infancy, growth, and present condition. 28547 30626 30316 24474 23470 23103 25940-1 24784 24204 23326 (In his Man 28201 ; his Capt. of (In his Dissolving views.) (In Shaw, A. The nat. Axon, W. E. A. (In his Lane, glean- 26284 22941 25901 27335 30330 23818 25349 28881 25476 23177 24030 30229 24871 24096 25349 30422 29675 29796 29700 29895 23436 28217 28518 24458 24726 410 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hall, M. G. C. A lady's life on a farm in M. 24085 Letters fr. a young emigrant in M. 23033 Mankell, A. Musikens historia i korta beriittelser liittfattligt framstalld. 3 v. [in ]]. 15139 Manmat'ha; by C. DeKay. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 10.) ^4223 Mann, H. Features of society in old and new England. 25672 Mann, R. K., joint author. See Ware, J. R. Mann, M. Juanita ; romance of real life in Cuba 50 years ago. 28251 Mann, R. J. Sunset, twilight, and halos ; Weather-signs and weather-changes ; High clouds and moonshine ; Voltaic electricity ; W. De la Rue's great voltaic batte- ry. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Manners, Lady J. Some of the advantages of easily accessi- ble reading and recreation rooms and free libraries, etc. 27937 Manners and customs. Customs of foreign countries. (//* Gomme, G. L. Gentleman's mag. lib., v. 4.) 24693 Lang, A. Custom and myth. 25225 Shand, A. I. Half a century; or, Changes in men and manners. 29040 Strange teas, dinners, weddings, and fetes. 28930 See also Etiquette. Also the names of countries. Manners ; hand-book of social customs. 29581 "Manners makyth man ;" by [E. J. Hardy]. 27395 Manning, Mrs. A. Colloquies of Edward Osborne. 26501 The good old times ; tale of Auvergne. 26502 Heroes of the desert; lives of Moflat and Livingstone. New ed. Illust. 26173 The masque at Ludlow ; and other romanesques. 26503 Contents. The masque at Ludlow. Spenser and Rosalind ; Immeritus redivivus. The daughter of Galileo. Passages in the life of the faire gospeller Mistress Anne Askew; by N. Moldwarp. 26174 Same as The Lincolnshire tragedy. - The provocations of Madame Palissy, 26504 The sower's reward. 26175 The Spanish barber. 26172 Manning, H. E., D.D. Catli. Archbishop of Westminster. Oldcastle, J. The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster ; with notes. *I Manning, S. American pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 26733 ; *I Italian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 19175; *I - The land of the Pharaohs; Egypt and Sinai; illust. by pen and pencil. 28203; *I Spanish pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 19177; *I Swiss pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 19178; *I and Green, S. G. English pict. drawn with pen and pencil. 19179; *I Manor-house, The, at Milford. (In Tales fr. Chambers's jour., v. 3.) 27968 Mansel, H.L. Burgon, J. W. H. L. Mansel. (In his Lives, v. 2.) 30835 Mansfield, W., Earl of. See Murray, W. Mansfield Humphreys, Fate of ; by R. G. White. 24215 Manson, G. J. Work for women. (Putnam's hdy. bk. ser.) 23286 Mantchuria. James, H. E. M. The Long White Mountain ; or, A journey in M. 29543 Mantegna, A. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.} 26216 Manteuffel, U. Z. von. Violetta ; after the German by Mrs. Wister. 26645 Manton, W. P. Primary methods in zoology teaching. Illust. 30240 OP UNIVERSIT CATALOGUE OF Mantua. Howells, W. D. Ducal Mantua. (Monograph, no. 39.) 23818 Manual training. See Industrial education ; Technical edu- cation. Also Wood work. Manuel de Moraes ; chronicle of the 17th cent. ; by J. M. P. da Silva. ( With Alencar, J. de. Irace"ma.) 27541 Manufactures. Metcalfe, H. The cost of M. and the adminis- tration of workshops. 26545 See also Calico printing:. Manuzio, A. (Lat. Aldus Manutius). Oliphant, M. O. W. Aldus and the Aldines. (In her Makers of Venice.) *I Manzoni, A. Howells, W. D. (In his Mod. Ital. poets.) 28782 - Phillimore, C. M. (In her Studies.) 28075 Maori, pseud. See Inglis, J. Maoris. Nicholls, J. H. K. Origin, phys. characteristics, and manners and customs of the M. race. (In his King country.) 24862 Mapleson, J. H. The Mapleson's memoirs, 1848-1888 ; portr. 2 v. 30737-8 Maps. Wharton, W. J. L. Hydrographical surveying ; meth- ods employed in constructing marine charts. 24108 Mara, G. E. S. Edwards, H. S. (In. his Prima donna, v. 1.) 29598 Marahuna ; by H. B. M. Watson. 30048 Marbeck, J. Marshall, E. Story of John Marbeck, a Wind- sor organist. 29488 Marble, A. P. Industrial education as part of the common school course. 25288 Marble, M. Memoir of Rev. Dr. Mercer. (In Mercer, A. G. Bible characters.) 25508 Marble. Blagrove, G. H. Marble decoration, and the termi- nology of Brit, and for. marbles. 29587 Lee, A. Marble and marble workers ; handbook. 29616 Marcella Grace ; by R. Mulholland. 27330 March ; ed. by O. F. Adams. (Through the year with the poets.) 26304 Marchand, C. M. New method of Fr. conversation. 25507 Marchant, A. W. Phrasing, as appl. to piano-forte playing. 27982 Marchesa, the, Cruise of; by F. H. H. Guillemard. *I Marching to victory ; by C. C. Coffin. 30522 Marciano, G. Life of Antonio de' Santi, Angelo Matteucci, etc. (Fathers of the Oratory.) (In Semaria, G. B., and Marciano, G. Lives, etc.) 30288 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. See Antoninus, M. A. Marcy, R. B. Thirty years of army life on the border. Illust. 24526 Mare au diable, La; par George Sand. (In. Contes choisis.) 14864 Margaret (Marguerite de Valois, d'Orleans, or d'Angoulfime), Queen, of Navarre. Robinson, A. M. F. Margaret of Angoulme, Q. of Navarre 27790 Margaret of Anjim, Queen of Henry VI of England. Farmer, L. H. (In her Girls' book.) 28766 Margaret, of New Orleans. See Haughery, M. 412 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Margaret of Savoy, Queen of Italy. Sherwood, M. E. W. ( In her Royal girls.) 28688 Margaret, Queen of Scotland. Shairp, J. C. (In his Sketches.) 29040 Margaret Kent, Story of ; by H. Hayes [E. (O.) Kirk]. 26156 Marguerite (in names of sovereigns.) See Margaret. Mari, Le, de Madame d'Orgevaut ; par H. Rabusson. 14934 Maria Francisca ; by P. Heyse. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 Maria Louisa, Empress of the French. Smith, G. B. Metter.- nich. Napoleon, and M. (In his Half-hrs., etc.) 23353 Maria Theresa. Beer, A. Maria Theresa. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 2.) 16297 Broglie, A., due de. Frederick the Great and M. 2 v. 28620-1 - Farmer, L. H. (In her Girls' book.) 28766 Partoo, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Mariage d'amour, Un ; par L. HaleVy. (In Contes choisis.) 14863 Mariage de Figaro, Le ; comedie, par P. A. C. de Beaumar- chais. ( With his Barbier de Seville.) 14773 Mariage de Loti, Le Rarahu par P. Loti [J. Viaud]. 14802 Mariage d'Olympe, Le ; piece, par E. Augier. (In his The"- atre compl., v. 3.) 14778 Mariager, P. Pictures of Hellas ; five tales of ancient Greece ; tr. by M. J. Safford. 29890 Contents. Zeus Hypsistos. The Sycophant. The Hetaeria. Too happy. Lycon with the big hand. Marie Antoinette de Lorraine. Anne Josephe Jeanne. Farmer, L. H. (In. her Girls' book.) 28766 - Keddie, H. Marie Antoinette. (New Plutarch.) 23280 Marie the straw-plaiter ; by P. Sciobe"ret. (In his Tales.) 28660 Marine dictionaries. Paasch, H. From keel to truck ; diction- ary of naval terms in English, French, and German. 29624 Marino Faliero ; tragedy; by A. C. Swinburne. 25638 Mario. See Candia, G. B. M., cavaliere di. Marion's faith; by C. King. 26830 Marionnettes. Darthenay, L. Le guignol des salons. 14935 Mariotti, Luigi, pseud. See Gallenga, A. Maritime law. Lawrence, T. J. The exemption of private property from capture at sea. (In his Essays.) 26251 Marius. Pater, W. Marius the epicurean; his sensations and ideas. 2 v. 25351-2 Marjolaine ; by Mme. de Gasparin. (In her Under Fr. skies.) 30322 Marjory; by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie]. (In Norman, H. The broken shaft.) 26116 Mark, St. Haweis, H. R. Mark, the citizen's story. (In his Christ and Christianity. Story of the Four.) 27396 Mark Logan, the bourgeois ;, by Mrs. J. H. Kinzie. 28790 Mark of Cain, The ; by A. Lang. 26540 Mark Rutherford's deliverance ; second part of his autobiog- raphy ; ed. by R. Shapcott ; [with Notes on the Book of Job and Principles] . 25425 Mark Twain's library of humor. See Clemens, S. L. Markby, W. Elements of law consd. with ref . to princ. of gen. jurisprudence. 30179 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 413 Market Harborough ; by G. J. W. Melville. 26049 Markham, A. H. The great frozen sea ; narr. of the voyage of the "Alert." 28542 Markham, C. R. "The fighting Veres" ; lives of Sir Francis and Sir Horace Vere. 29146 Life of Robert Fairfax of Steeton, 1606-1725; comp. fr. orig. letters and other docs. 25744 The sea fathers; lives of great navigators of former times. 25002 Contents. Prince Henry, the navigator. Columbus. Sebastian del Cano. The Dutch navigators. Sebastian Cabota and Sir F. Drake. Rise of the East India Company. Hudson and Baffin. Wm. Darnpier. Cook, Scoresby, and Dance. Markham, R. Narrative history of King Philip's war, etc. Tllust. 23215 Markheim ; by R. L. Stevenson. (In his Merry men, and in Norman, H. The broken shaft.) 27795 ; 26116 Marking (in schools). Eve, H. W. On marking. (In Eve, H. W., and others. Three lect.) 24144 Marks, W. D. Relative proportions of the steam-engine. 29093 Marlborough, John, Duke of. See Churchill. Mario, Carl, pseud. See Winkelblech. Marlowe, C. Tamburlaine ; hrsg. von A. Wagner. 26367 Dennis, J. (In his Her. of literature.) 23445 Dowden, E. (In his Transcripts, etc.) 29366 Symonds, J. A. (In his Shakspere's predecessors.) 23982 Marmette, J. Bender, P. (In Ms Lit. sheaves.) 24137 Marmion. See Scott, W. Marocco. See Morocco. Maroons. Higginson, T. W. The Maroons of Jamaica ; The Maroons of Surinam. (In his Travellers, etc.) 30479 Marotte de M. Dupiton, La ; com6die ; par L. Darthenay. (In his Le guignol.) 14935 Marquis Jeanne Hyacinthe de St. Palaye ; by J. H. Short- house. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 3, and in his Teacher of the violin.) 25369 ; 29570 Marquis of Peiialta, The ; by A. P. V aide's. 27349 Marriage. Craik, D. M. (M.) For better for worse. (In her Cone, men.) 30626 Davies, J. L. Marriage with a deceased wife's sister. (In his Soc. questions.) 26418 Gray, G. Z. Husband and wife; theory of M. and its consequences. 25437 Hardy, E. J. How to be happy though married; by a graduate in the university of matrimony. 26098 Proctor, R. A. Effect of marriage on life. (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Robinson, M. S. Popular treatise on the law of M. and divorce. 25043 Salmonson, M. From the marriage license window ; analysis of the characteristics of the various nationalities, etc. Savage, M. J. The evolution of M.; Marriage to-day. (In his Man, woman, etc.) 24204 See also Jews. Law. Also Proposals. Marriage, Primative. Smith, W. R. Kinship and M. in early Arabia. 26271 Marriott, C. Burgon, J. W. C. Marriott. (In his Lives, v. 1.) 30834 Marryat, F. See Church, Mrs. F. M. 28 414 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Marryat, F., Capt. Japhet, der Soger efter Sin Fader; over- sat fra Engelsk af L. Moltke. 27426 Peter Simple: ved J. P. B. Petersen. 27425 Soroveren ; De tre Kuttere ; Masterman Flink ; eller, Skibet "Pacific's Undergang; ved J. P. B. Peterson. 27427 Marrying and giving in marriage ; by Mrs. Molesworth. 28329 Marrying beneath your station ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 14298 Mars, planet. Proctor, R. A. The planet M. Life in M. (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Marsden, R. Cotton spinning; development, princ., and pract. ; app. on Steam engines and boilers. 24374 Marse Chan ; by T. N. Page. (In his In Ole Virginia, and in Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 9.) 28254; 24222 Marseilles. Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 2.) 25068 Marsh, C. Aldridge, L. Catherine Marsh. 26478 Marsh, C. C., ed. Life and letters of G. P. Marsh. Vol. 1. 29554 Marsh, G. P. The earth as modified by human action. 25166 Lectures on the English language. Ser. 1. 25167 - Life and letters ; comp. by C. C. Marsh. Vol. 1. 29554 Marsh-Caldwell, A. Emilia Wyndham ; ofversattning fran engelskan. 15175 Marsh island, A ; by S. O. Jewett. 25344 Marsh rosemary ; by S. O. Jewett. (In her White heron, etc.) 26924 Marshall, A. The present position of economics. 25812 Marshall, A.M. The frog ; introd. to anatomy and histology. (Owens Coll. Course Element. Biology.) 22896 Marshall, E. Oxford. (Diocesan histories.) 26072 Marshall, E. Adelaide's awakening ; story of the city of flowers. 30537 Dayspring; story of the time of Wm. Tyndale. 23130 In four reigns ; autobiography of Althea Alliugham ; [hist, story.] 29620 In the east country with Sir Thomas Browne. 28892 Mistress Matchett's mistake. 28728 Mrs. Willoughby's octave. 25035 No. XIII. ; or, the story of a lost vestal. 26932 Story of J. Marbeck, Windsor organist of 300 vears ago. 29488 - Under the Mendips. 26440 Marshall, J., Chief Justice. Magruder, A. B. John Marshall. 25001 Marshall, W. R. Reminiscences of Gen. U. S. Grant. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimp- ses, etc.) 29330 Marston, E. Frank's ranche ; or, My holiday in the Rockies. 26363 Marston, P. B. -For a song's sake ; and other stor. ; with mem. by W. Sharp. 28802 Contents. Memoir. For a song's sake. The lady of the graves. A strange woman. Trapped. Miss Mowbray's experiment. The actress and her drama. Adventure at a French hotel. Her price. Sir Chas. Godfrey, Bart. A thousand pounds. An aesthetic flirt. Heavy stakes. Miss Beresford's mystery. A letter to Eva. His trust. Lilian. Miss Stotford's specialty. Bryanstoue and wife. Garden secrets ; with biog. sk. by L. C. Moulton. 29147 Wind-voices; [poems] . 23786 Sharp, W. Memoir of M. (In Marston, P. B. For a song's sake.) 28802 Marston, W. Our recent actors ; recollections of dist. per- formers. 2 v. in 1. 30352 Marston Moor, Battle of. Hosmer, J. K. (In his Life of Sir H. Vane.) 30338 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 415 Marsupialia. Nichols, A. On marsupials and their allies. (In his Zoolog. notes.) 23015 Martel, C. Military Italy. 24090 Martensen, H., Bp. Christian dogmatics ; comp. of the doctr. of Christianity. 25304 Martensen, H. L. Jacob Boehme ; his life and teaching ; or, Studies in theosophy. 27045 Martha Reid's lovers ; by R. M. Johnson. (In his Mr. A. Billingslea, etc.) 29688 Martin, B. E. John Brougham. (In Matthews, J. B., and Button, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 Mr. and Mrs. Dion Boucicault. (In Matthews, J. B., and Button, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Old Chelsea; a summer-day's stroll. Illust. *I Martin, B. L. H. Popular hist, of France, fr. the 1st revolu- tion ; tr. by M. L. Booth and A. L. Alger ; concl. chapt. by F. Martin. Vol. 3. 17617 Martin, E., joint author. See Labicke, E. M. Martin, E. G. Whom God hath joined. (Leis. hr. ser.) 26646 Martin, F. Life of Father Jogues, missionary priest of the Society of Jesus ; with [his] acct. of the captivity and death of R. Goupil. 29044 Martin, F. Elizabeth Gilbert and her work for the blind. 29148 Martin, F. Concluding chapters. (In Martin, B. L. H. Pop. hist, of France, v. 3.) 17617 Martin, F. G. Toboggans and their use. (In Thompson, M. Boys' book.) 27007 Martin, G. A. The family horse ; its care, etc. ; pract. manual. 30883 Farm appliances; pract. manual. Illust. 29094 ed. Fences, gates, and bridges; practical manual. Illust. 28888 Martin, Mrs. H. Amor vincit. 28326 - Beauchamp & Co. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 2.) 25368 Gilbert Waketield. (In Mem. of seventy years.) 23588 Guide, philosopher, and friend. 25073 Martin, H. C., joint author. See Martin, H. N. Martin, Lady H. (F.) Lowe, R. W. (In Matthews, J. B., arid Button, L. Actors, ec.,v. 4.) 26475 Martin, H. N. The human body ; text-book of anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. 23481 and H. C. The human body; beginner's text-book of anatomy, physi- ology, and hygiene. 25036 and Moiale, W. A. Handbook of vertebrate dissection ; pt. 2 : How to dissect a bird. 21364 joint author. See Huxley, T. H. Martin, Sir T. Life of Lord Lyndhurst. 23446 Shakespeare or Bacon? repr. fr. "Blackwood's Magazine," with ;i!);33 Contents. A secret of the sea. "Love at first sight." Brief as woman's love. Perchance to dream. Perturbed spirits. Esther Feverel. Venetian glass. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 3.) 23905 Same. (In Matthews, J. B., and Bunner, H. C. In partnership.) 24490 ed. Ballads of books. 28147 and Bunner, H. (J. The documents in the case. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 1.) 23903 Same. (In their In partnership.) 24490 In partnership ; Studies in story-telling. 24490 Contents. Matthews, J. B., and Bunner, H. C. The documents in the case ; The seven conversations of Dear Jones and Baby Van Rensse- laer. Matthews, J. B. Venetial glass; The rival ghosts; Playing a part. Bunner, H. C. The red silk handkerchief; a letter and a" para- graph ; Love in old cloathes. and Hutton, L., eds. Actors and actresses in Gt. Brit, and the U. S. 5 v. 26472-6 Contents. V. 1. Garrick and his contemporaries. 2. The Kembles and their contemporaries. 3. Kean and Booth, and their contempora- ries. 4. Macready and Forrest, and their contemporaries. 5. The present time. Matthews, J. W. Incwadi yami ; pers. exp. in So. Africa. 30181 Matthews. See Mathews. Mattie ; the history of an evening. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 1.) 25367 Maude, J. E. The foundations of ethics ; ed. by W. James. 28327 Maudsley, H. Body and will ; essay cone, will in its meta- physical, physiological, and pathological aspects. 23245 Natural causes and supernatural seemings. 27046 Mauleverer's millions ; by T. W. Reid. 26.550 Maulvi Haji Hafiz Nuzeer Ahmed, Khan Bahadur. The re- pentance of Nussooh ; tr. by M. Kempson. 25322 422 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Maupas, C. E. de. Story of the coup d' e"tat ; tr., with notes, by A. D. Vandam. * 24026 Maupassant, H. R. A. G. de. Afloat (Sur 1'eau) ; tr. by L. Ensor. Illust. by Riou. 30806 Sur 1' eau ; dessins de Riou. 14930 James H. (In his Partial portraits.) 29687 Maurice (Germ. Moritz), Elector of Saxony. Prutz, H. Mo- ritz von Sachsen. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plu- tarch, v. 9.) 16304 Maurice, C. E. The revolutionary movement in Italy, Aus- tria-Hungary, and Germany. Illust. 28893 Maurice, F. D. See Maurice, J. F. D. Maurice, J. F., Col. The balance of military power in Europe ; exam, of war resources. 29621 Maurice, J. F. D. Faith and action ; fr. the writings of M. 27473 The gospel of St. John; discourses. 28721 Life; chiefly told in his letters; ed. by F. Maurice. Portrs. 2 v. 23787-8 Davies, J. L. Maurice's Christ, socialism. (In his Soc. quest.) 26418 Ewart, H. C. Frederick Denison Maurice. (In his Leaders.) 30632 Button, R. H. (In his Essays.) 28783 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Scudder, H. E. A modern prophet. (In his Men and letters.) 28817 Tulloch, J. "Broad Church;" F. D. Maurice, etc. (In his Movements of relig. thought.) 25781 Maurice mystery, The ; by J. E. Cooke. 25557 Maury, M. F. Physical geography of the sea. 28204 Corbin, D. F. M. Life of M. 30686 Mawbey, E. G. Domestic water supply fr. shallow wells. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 11.) *I Sewerage, surface drainage, sewage disposal, and house drainage of the Market Harborough, Great and Little Bowden Local Board District. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 12.) *[ Sewerage, waterworks, and bridge construction at King's Lynn ; Mimic. work in York. (In Ass-, of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 14.) *I Max Kromer ; Story of the siege of Strasburg ; by H. Stretton [H. Smith]. 25245 Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico. Schroeder, S. The fall of M.'s empire, as seen from a U. S. gunboat. 27666 Maximina : by A. P. Valdes. 29169 Maxwell, J. C. Matter and motion. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 24126 Garnett, W. (In his Heroes of science.) 27564 Maxwell, M. E. (B.) Aurora Floyd. 873 Barbara ; or, Splendid misery. 19679 Cut by the county. (Harper's handy ser.) 25863 The fatal three. 30540 Flower and weed. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 23499 Ishmael. 25054 The Lovels of Arden. 10098 The mistletoe bough. 18195 Mohawks. 28729 The one thing needful. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 27625 An open verdict. 17438 Rupert Godwin. 7045 Under the red flag. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 23455 - Wyllard's weird. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25232 May, F. C. J. Review of the sanitary and other improvements in the borough of Maidstone dur. the last 10 years. (lit Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 14.) *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 423 May, J. A liberal Christian church. (In Mod. Unitarianism.) 26688 May, P. Love ; the reward. 3 v. 27579-81 May, Sophie, pseud. See Clarke, R. S. May ; ed. by C. F. Adams. (Through the year with the poets.) 26796 May and June ; by E. R. Roe. 29724 May day. Brooks, E. S. The Lady Octavia's garland ; May day story of the old Roman feast of Flora. (In his Stor. holidays.) 28749 Mayer, A.M. On a method of precisely measuring the vibra- tory periods of tuningforks, and determination of the laws of the vibrations ; with spec, ref . to the action of a sim- ple chronoscope. (In Nat. Acad. of Sci. Mem., v. 3, pt. 1.) 14262 Mayer, J. R. Hall, A. W., Review of M. (In his Problem of human life.) 23071 Mayer, W. F. Revolt of Spanish America. (Monograph, no. 46.) 23818 Mayeux, H. Manual of decorative composition. Illust. 30438 Mayhew, H. Wonders of science; or, Young Humphry Davy. 26725 - Young Benjamin Franklin ; or, The right road through life. Illust. 26092 Maynard, C. J. Manual of taxidermy. Illust. *I Mayo, A. D. Industrial education in the South. (U. S. Bur. of Educ. Circ. of inf.) 19190 Mayo, A. D. Talks with teachers. 25746 Mayo, I. F. (pseud. E. Garrett.) At any cost. 24909 Equal to the occasion. 28979 The family council ; conversations on the events of home. 28649 John Winter ; story of harvests. 30439 The mystery of Allan Grale. 26648 Mayo, T. Munk, W. Sketch of M. (In his Gold-headed cane.) 24861 Mayor, J. B. Chapters on English metre. 27938 Introduction and commentary. (In Cicero, M. T. De uatura deorum. 3 v. 28625-7 Mayor, The, of Casterbridge ; by T. Hardy. 26643 Maypole, D. Parton, J. David Maypole, hammer-maker. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Mazarin (Ital. Mazarini), J., cardinal. Perkins, J. B. France under M. 2 v. 27226-7 Mazatlan. Edwards, H. Three weeks in M. (In his Mingled yarn.) 22967 Mazzuoli or Mazzola, G. F. M. (called il Parmigiano). Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Mead, E. D. The Constitution of the U. S. ; with bibliog. and hist, notes, and outlines for study. 19436 Emerson's ethics. (In Cone. Sch. of Philos. Lect.) 24790 Martin Luther ; a study of reformation. 23548 - The Roman Catholic Church and the school question. 30149 Mead, R. Munk, W. Sketch for M. (In his Gold-headed cane.) 24861 Mead, T. H. Horsemanship for women. Illust. 28519 Meade, L. T. (later Mrs. T. Smith). Inchfawn. 28803 Same as The O'Donnells of Inchfawn. 424 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Meade, T. De C. Highgate Hill tramway. (In Ass. MUD. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 11.) *I Short description of the telephone and street fire-alarm communication in the district of Hornsey. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv, Pro"., v. 14.) *I Meadowbank, Lord. See Maconochie. Means, J. H., Goo. of So. Carolina. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Meason, M. L. Sir William's speculations ; or, The seamy side of finance. 26898 Meath, Earl of. See Brabazon, R. Mechanical drawing. MacCord, C. W. Lessons in mech. D. ; incl. instr. for drawings of screw-propellers. *I Rose, J. Mechanical drawing self-taught. 23360 Mechanics. Bowser, E. A. Elementary treat, on analytic M. ; with examples. 24620 A. boy's workshop ; with plans and designs ; by a boy and his friends. 24299 - Cotterill, J. H. Applied M. ; elementary gen. introd. to the theory of structures and machines. 25654 Crof ton, M. W. Lectures on the elements of applied M. : Stability of structures; Strength of materials. 28396 Haslock, P. N. Mechanic's workshop handybook. 29750 Kennedy, A. B. W. Mechanics of machinery. 28562 Kirchhoff, G. R. Vorlesungen iiber mathematische physik : Mechanik. 16413 Lanza, G. Applied mechanics. 28926 Michie, P. S. Elements of analytical mechanics. 29095 Nystrom, J. W. Pocket-book of mechanics and engineering. 24051 Scribner, J. M. Engineers' and mechanics' companion. 28181 Spoil, E. and F. N. Mechanics' own book. 25315 - Templeton, W. The modernised Templeton; pract. mechanic's work- shop companion. 26716 Weisbach, J. Mechanics of engineering and machinery. Vol. 3, pt. 1, sect. 1. 27510 Woods, A. T., and Stahl, A. VV. Elementary mechanism; text-book of mech. engineering. 27104 Dictionaries. Knight, E. H. New mechanical diet.; descr. of tools, machines, etc. 23432 See also Engineering, Civil. Mechanics and faith. Porter, C. T. Mechanics and faith ; study of spiritual truth in nature. 29853 Mechanics of materials. See Strength of materials. Medd, P. G. The one mediator ; operation of the Son of God in nature and in grace. (Barnpton lect.) 23964 Medford, Mass. Brooks, C. History of Medford ; rev., enl., etc.; by J. M. Usher. *I Media. Ragozin, Z. A. The story of Media, etc. 29820 Mediation of Ralph Hardelot ; by W. Minto. 30353 Medici, C. de'. See Catharine de' Medici. Medici, G. de'. Phillimore, C. M. The warrior Medici ; Gio- vanni delle bande nere ; hist, study in Florence. 29492 Medici, Giovanni de'. See Leo X. Medici, House of. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.} 26216 Medicine. Bigelow, H. R. Berlin as a medical center; guide for Amer. practitioners and students. 25643 Garratt, A. C. Myths in medicine and old-time doctors. 24476 The healing art; chapt. upon medicine, diseases, etc. 2 v. 27963-4 MacDonald, G. "The history and heroes of medicine." (In his Im- agination, etc.) 30434 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 425 See also Alchemy ; Gt. Britain, Medical history ; Homoeopathy ; Military medicine ; Mind and body ; Pathology ; Physicians ; Vet- erinary art. Medicus, pseud. . See Slade, D. D. Meding, J. F. M. O. (pseud. Gregor Samarow.) For sceptre and crown ; [story of the Seven Weeks' War]. 2 v. 30277-8 Guld och blod ; social roman ; 6'fversattning af S. Nyberg. 15168 Meditations of a parish priest. See Roux, J. Thoughts. Meditations of Mr. Archie Kittrell ; by R. M. Johnston. (In his Mr. A. Billingslea.) 29688 Mediterranean sea. Maupassant, G. De. Sur 1' eau. 30806 Munro, W. Two months' cruise in the M. in the steam-yacht "Ceylon." 24665 Medley, D. J. Parliament. (Li Wakeman, H. O., and Has- sall, A. Essays.) 28090 Medusae. Romanes, G. J. Jelly fish, etc.; research on prim- itive nervous systems. 25242 Medway, Mass. Jameson, E. O. History of M., 1713-1885. Illust. *I Men lady ; by T. N. Page. (In his In Old Virginia.) 28254 Meignan, V. From Paris to Pekin over Siberian snows ; ed. by W. Conn, with notes. Map and illust. 26594 Meilhac, H. La duchesse Martin ; comedie ; with gram, and expl. notes, by J. Le>y. 27262 Meilleure part, La ; par L. de Tinseau. 14703 Meissner, S. (R.) de. The terrace of Mon Desir ; novel of Russian life. 27399 Meissonier, J. L. E. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Meisterschaft system. See Spain. Language ; Italy. Language. Meistersingers. See Mastersingers. Melanchthon (originally Schwarzerd). Herrick, S. E. (In his Some heretics.) 24570 Melanesia. Codrington, R. H. The Melanesian languages. 27520 Featherman, A, Papuo and Malayo Melanesians. (Soc. hist, of the races of mankind, div. 2.) 20999 Melbourne, Viscount. See Lamb, W. Melbourne, Australia. Freeman, J. Lights and shadows of Melbourne life. 29748 Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 1.) 25067 Melchior's dream ; by J. H. Ewing. 27882 Melena, Elpis, pseud. See Schwarz, M. E. B. Melicent, Story of ; by Fayr Madoc. 23032 Meliorism. Clapperton, J. H. Scientific meliorism and the evolution of happiness. 27140 Mellon, Harriot. See Beauclerk, H. M. Melodies of verse ; by B. Taylor. 24444 Meltzer, H. Politin otitser ; Skizzer, etc. 27428 Note. Title page missing. Coll. of stories; imperfect. Melusine. (///. Ashton J. Romances of chivalry.) 27170 Melville, A. Taylor, W. M. (In his Scottish pulpit.) 28910 Melville, G. J. W. Black but comely ; or, The adventures of Jane Lee. 26043 "Bones and I" ; or, The skeleton at home. 26044 426 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Contraband ; or, A losing hazard. 26045 Digby Grand; an autobiography. 26046 General Bounce ; or, The lady and the locust. 26047 Kate Coventry ; an autobiography. 26048 Market Harborough ; or, How Mr. Sawyer went to the shires ; Inside the bar ; or, Sketches at Soakington. 26049 Roy's wife. 26050 Satanella; story of Punchestown. 26051 Sister Louise; or, The story of a woman's repentance. 26052 Songs and verses, llth ed., with add. 26053 - Tilbury Nogo ; or, Passages in the life of an unsuccessful man. 26054 Melville, G. W. In the Lena delta ; narr. of the search for De Long and his companions ; Account of the Greely relief expedition ; and Proposed method of reaching the North Pole ; ed. by M. Philips. Maps and illust. 24776 Memling or Memlinc, H. Conway, W. M. (In his Early Flemish artists.) 27737 Memoirs of a Cambridge chorister ; by W. Glover. 2 v. 24963-4 Memoirs of an Arabian princess ; by E. Reute. 29107 Memorable murder, A ; by C. Thaxter. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 3.) 23905 Memorials of a half -century ; by B. Hubbard. 28314 Memories and portraits ; by R. L. Stevenson. 28907 Memories of seventy years ; by [A. L. A. Le Briton]. 23588 Memory. Green, F. W. E. Memory ; its logical rel. and cultivation. 30694 - Holbrook, l. L. How to strengthen the M. ; nat. and scientific methods. 27086 Kay, D. Memory ; what it is and how to improve it. . 29755 Middleton, A. E. Memory systems new and old. 30265 Pick, E. Memory and Its doctors. 29628 Sauuders, F. Marvels of M. (In his Pastime papers.) 25890 Memphis, Egypt. Wright, W. B. Memphis, the city of the dead. (In his Anc. cities.) 27010 Men ; made, self-made, and unmade ; by E. G. Robinson. (In Phillips Exeter Acad. lect.) 27997 Men and books, Familiar studies of ; by R. L. Stevenson. 28164 Men and letters ; by H. E. Scudder. 28817 Men and measures of half a century ; by H. McCulloch. 30239 Men, The, who saved the Union ; Memories of ; by D. Piatt. 28259 Menagerie. Smith, S. A boy's menagerie. (In Yance, F. T., and others. Ways for boys to make and do things.) 28913 Mendelssohn, F. See Hensel, F. M. B. Mendelssohn, M. Hedge, F. H. (In his Hours with Germ. classics.) 26670 Schindler, S. (In his Dissolving views.) 29700 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. F. Letters. (In Wallace, Lady. Letters.) 27980 - Letters to I. and C. Moscheles; tr. and ed. by F. Moscheles. Illust, 30656 - Bourne, C. E. (In his Gt. composers.) 27917 Butterworth, H. (In his Gt. composers.) 24179 Crowest, F. (In his Great tone poets.) 27739 Ehlert, L. (In his From the tone world.) 25335 Fillmore, J. C. Sketch of M. (In his Pianoforte music.) 23372 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Larnpadius, W. A. Life of M. 27257 Rockstro, W. S. (In his Gen. hist, of music.) 26602 Mendelssohn. (Great musicians.) 23559 Spark, W. Mendelssohn. (In his Mus. memories.) 30877 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 427 Mendenhall, T. C. A century of electricity. 27774 Menhardoc ; story of Cornish nets and mines ; by G. M. Kenn. 28018 Menniskans lefnadsforno'denheter, deras ursprung och bered- ning ; en f arf ars undervisande berattelser for vettgirig ungdom ; ofversattning fran tyskan af L. J. Siktberg. 15118 Mensuration. Wright, T. W. Treatise on the adjustment of observations, with appl. to geodetic work and other meas- ures of precision. 24651 Mental evolution. Romanes, G. J. Mental evolution in ani- mals. 23973 See also Psychology. Mental struggle, A; by the Duchess [M. Argles]. 26617 Menteur, Le ; comedie ; par P. Corneille. (In Masson, G. Fr. class., v. 2.) 25261 Mentor, pseud. Always ; man. of etiquette. 23549 Mercantini, L. Howells, W. D. (In his Mod. Ital. poets.) 28872 Mercat cross. See Edinburgh. Mercedes ; lyrics ; by T. B. Aldrich. 23252 Mercer, A. G. Bible characters ; select, fr. [his] sermons (1817-1882) ; mem. by M. Marble : portr. 25508 Mercer, H. C. The Lenape stone; or, The Indian and the mammoth. 25509 Merchandise. See Commerce. Merchant vessel, The ; by C. Nordhoff. 24924 Merchants. See Gt. Britain. Biography. Mercier, C. The nervous system and the mind ; dynamics of the human organism. 30182 Mere child, A ; by L. B. Walford. 30137 Mere coupable, La ; drame ; par P. A. C. de Beaumarchais. ( With his Barbier de Seville. ) 14773 Mere de la marquise, La ; par E. About. 14863 Mere Pochette; by S. O. Jewett. (In her King of Folly Island.) 29544 Meredith, G. Adventures of Harry Richmond. 26442 Ballads and poems of tragic life. 28804 Diana of the Crossways. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25533 Evan Harrington. 26441 The pilgrim's scrip; or, Wit and wisdom of M.; with select, from his poetry, and introd. [by M. K. F. Oilman] . 30440 Poems and lyrics of the joy of earth. 23287 A reMding of earth. [Poems.] 30807 - Rhoda Fleming. 27220 Sandra Belloni; originally Emilia in England. 26995 - Vittoria. 27474 Meredith, Owen, pseud. See Lytton, E. R. B. Meridian. See Greenwich. Merimee, P. Den etruriske Vase. (In Sex Noveller.) 27411 Mateo Falcone. (In Crane, T. F. Le romantisme franyais.) 28116 How we took the redoubt. The etruscan vase. (In Lang, A., and Syl- vester, P. The dead leman, etc.} 30803 - The Venus of Hie. (In Gautier, T., and Merimee, P. Tales bef. supper.) 28505 - Balch, E. An author's love : unpub. letters of Merimee's ' Inconnue.' 30924 Meriwether, L. The tramp at home. 30923 - A tramp trip ; how to see Europe on 50 cents a day. 27785 Merle d'Aubigne, J. H. Bayards Historic ; oversat fra Fransk. 27403 428 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Merlette ; par Remy de Gourmont. 14805 Merriam, G. S. Life and times of Samuel Bowles. 2 v. 2599o-4 Merrifield, J. Treatise on nautical astronomy for students. 27157 Merrill, S. Galilee in the time of Christ. 2d ed. Map. (By- paths of Bible knowl.) 27582 Merrimac river. Fellows, H. P. An inland voyage on the M. (In his Boating trips.) 23532 Merriman, H. B. What shall make us whole? spiritual and phys. integrity. 29057 Merriman, M. On the theory and calculation of continuous bridges. Illust. (Van Nostr.'s sci. ser.) 24127 Text-book on roofs and bridges. Pt. 1. 29051 Contents. Pt. 1. Stresses in simple trusses. Merry men, The ; by R. L. Stevenson. 27795 Merv. Description. Lansdell, H. (In his Russian Centr. Asia, v. 2.) 25443 O'Donovan, E. Merv; story of adventures and captivity. 23637 Me"ry, J. E. Jodinden i Vaticanet. 27429 - Skizzer af Li vet i Italien. (In Sex Noveller.) 27411 Merz, J. T. Leibniz. (Philos. class, for Eng. readers.) 23965 Mes petit papiers ; par H. Pessard. 2 v. 14734-5 Mesaventures d'un e"colier ; par R. Topffer. (In Masson, G. Fr. class., v. 5.) 25264 Mesmerism. See Animal magnetism. Mesny, W. Tungking. 24813 Messer Agnolo's household; byL. Scott [L. E. Baxter]. 23975 Messiah. See Jesus Christ. Messiahship. Messina, Antonello da. See Antonello. Messis vitffi ; gleanings of song; by J. S. Blackie. 27915 Messmer, J. J. Red Carl ; tr. by M. E. Ireland. 30893 Meszlenyi, S. (K.). Peabody, E. P. Memorial of M. (In her Last evening, etc.) 27355 Metal- work. Warn, R. FT. The sheet metal worker's in- structor. 23504 Metallurgy. Phillips, J. A. Elements of M. 29627 See also Alloys. Metals. Davies, D. C. Treatise on earthy and other miner- als, and mining. 24245 Treatise on metalliferous minerals, and mining. 24246 Phillips, J. A. Treatise on ore deposits. 24586 Spaugenburg, L. The fatigue of metals under repeated strains. 24135 Thurston, R. H. Non-ferrous M. and alloys. (In his Materials, etc., pt. 3.) 25327 - Wright, C. R. A. Metals, and their industrial applications. 23431 Metaphysics. See Philosophy. Metastasio, P. A. D. B. T. Paget, V. Metastasio and the opera. (In her Stud, of the 18th cent.) 25127 Metcalf , R. The abiding memory ; sermons ; with memoir. 23108 Metcalf, W. H. A summer in Oldport harbor. 28328 Metcalf e, H. Cost of manufactures and the administration of workshops, public and private. 26545 Metempsychosis. Gough, A. E. (In his Philosophy of the Upanishads.) 23002 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 429 See also Reincarnation. Meteorology. Chase, P. E. Elements of meteorology. 2 pts. 24542-3 Findlay, A. G. Text-book of ocean M. 29368 Proctor, R. A. The three cold days of May. (In Ms Universe, etc.) 24784 Reis, P. Lehrbuch der Physikfeinschliesslieh der Physik des Him- mels, der Luft, etc. 16408 Scott, R. H. Elementary meteorology. 23024 See also Blizzards; Storms; Tornadoes. Also U. S. Meteorology. Meteors. Flight, W. Chapter in the history of meteorites. 29369 Proctor, R. A. Suns and M. ; Comets and M. (In his Other suns, etc.) 29409 Meters. See Water meters. Method. Rosmini-Serbati, A. The ruling princ. of M., appl. to education. 29567 Methodism. McTyeire, H. N. History of M. 25566 Overton, J. H. Methodism and Evangelicalism. (In his Evang. re- vival.) 28430 Wright, J. A. People and preachers in the Methodist Episcopal Church. 26366 Metlakahtla, Story of ; by H. S. Wellcome. 28263 Metre. See English language. 1'rosody. Metternich Winneburg, C. W. N. L., Reichsfurst v. Beer, A. Fu'rst Clemens Metternich. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 5.) 16300 Bonaparte, N. J. (In his Napoleon et ses detracteurs.) 14578 Malleson, G. B. Life of Prince Metternich. 30351 Smith, G. B. Mettqrnich, Napoleon, and Maria Louisa. (In his Hf.- hrs., etc.) 23353 Metz. History. Franklyn, II. B. The retreat on Metz, and the real incidents of the blockade of the French (In his Gt. battles of 170.) 28706 Mexican girl, A ; by F. Thickstun [F. T. Clark]. 29825 Mexico. Country. Antiquities. Bandelier, A. F. A. Re- port of an archaeological tour in M., 1881. *I Brocklehurst, T. U. Mexico to-day ; and glance at the prehistoric re- mains, etc., of the Montezuma>.' 22H97 Char-nay, D. Ancient cities of the new world; voyages and explora- tions in Mexico and Centr. America. 1858-1882. *I Description and Travels. - Bishop, W. H. Old Mexico and her lost provinces. 23140 Blake, M. E., and Sullivan, M. F. Mexico, picturesque, political, pro- gressive. 30080 Brocklehurst, T. U. Mexico to-day. 22997 - Hale, E. E. and S. A family flight thr. M. 25985 Gooch, P. C. Face to face with the Mexicans. 29774 Griffin, S. B. Mexico of to-day. 27758 - Ober, F. A. Travels in M., and life amg. the Mexicans. 24057 ; *I - Smith, F. H. A white umbrella in M. 30816 Steele, J. W. To Mexico by palace car. 24236 - Stephens, C. A. (In his Knockabout Club in the tropics.) 23192 Warner, C. D. Mexican notes. (In his On horseback, etc.) 30378 Wells, D. A. Study of Mexico. 27351 History. Bancroft, H. H. Popular hist, of the Mexican people. 28927 Hale, S. Story of Mexico. 30642 War with the U. S., 1847. - Ladd, H. O. History of the war with Mexico. 23282 Eeligion. Lang, A. Mexican divine myths. (In his Myth, ritual, etc., v. 2.) 28726 Reville, A. Native religions of M. and Peru. 24425 Tariff. U. S. Dept. of State. Tariff laws of Mexico. (In U. S. Cons, repts.) 24945 29 430 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Mexico. City. Curtis, W. E. (In his .Capitals of Spanish America!) 29796 Ober, F. A. The silver city ; Story of adventure in Mexico. 24820 -Same. (In Yule tide.) ' 24823 See also Aztecs. Also Cortes; Maximilian. Also Mazatlan; New Mexico ; Sonora ; Yucatan. Meyer, C. F. The chancellor's secret ; tale of the 12th century ; fr. the German by M. J. Taber. 28069 Meyer, G. H. von. The organs of speech and their appl. in the formation of articulate sounds. 23482 Meyer, H. A, W. Critical and exegetical commentary on the New Testament ; namely : Hebrews. 30511 James and John. 30510 Pastoral epistles. 24859 Peter and Jude. 24376 Meyer, L. Modern theories of chemistry ; fr. the 5th Germ. ed. by P. F. Bedson and W. C. Williams. 29622 Meyerbeer, G. Engel, L. (In his Fr. Mozart to Mario, v. 1.) 27558 Spark, W. Meyerbeer. (In his Mus. memories.) 30877 Meyers, R. C. V. Life and adv. of L. Wetzel, the Virginia ranger. Illust. 27327 Meynell, A. (T.) Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Michael Angelo. See Buonarroti, M. A. Michaelmas day. Brooks, E. S. The little lord keeper's goose ; a Michaelmas story, 1574. (In his Stor. holidays.) 28749 Michel Lorio's cross ; by H. Stretton [H. Smith]. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 2.) 25368 Michell, T. History of the Scottish expedition to Norway, in 1612. 28650 Michie, P. S. Elements of analytical mechanics. 29095 Note. Rev. ed. of text taught at U. S. Mil. Acad.. 1886-7. 29095 - Life and letters of Emorv Upton ; introd. by J. H. Wilson. 25510 Michieli di Venezia, Family of. Oliphant, M. O. W. The Michieli. (In her Makers of Venice.) *I Michigan. Bemis, E. W. Local government in Michigan, etc. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 1.) *I Coolev. T. M. Michigan : a history of governments. (Amer. common- wealths.) 25653 Deming, C. Logging in Michigan wilds. (In his Byways.) 23664 Farmer, S. History of Detroit and Michigan. Hubbard, B. (In his Memorials of a half-century.) 28314 Michigan, University of. See University of Michigan. Micmac Indians. Leland, C. G. The Algonquin legends of New England. 24484 Microbes. Trouessart, E. L. Microbes, ferments, and moulds. 27348 Micro-chemistry. Poulsen, V. A. Botanical micro-chemistry ; introd. to the study of vegetable histology. 24783 Microcosmus ; by H. Lotze. 2 v. 25940-1 Microscope. Badcock, J. Vignettes fr. invisible life. 23033 Behrens J. W. The M. in botany; investigation of vegetable substances. 25329 Marshall, A. M. The frog; introd. to anatomy and histology. 22896 Stokes, A. 0. Microscopy for beginners; common objects fr. the pouds and ditches. 27849 Wells. S., and others. Through a microscope; something of the science, with directions for a home-made M. 27103 Whitman, C. O. Methods of research in microscopical anatomy and embryology. 26685 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 431 See also Micro-chemistry ; Photo-micrography. Middle Ages. Reich, E. Middle Ages. (In his Hist, of civilization.) 30660 Architecture. Clark, G. T. Mediaeval military architecture in England. 2 v. 23940-1 Fort, G. F. Critical inq. into the cond. of the conventual builders and their rel. to secular guilds. 24363 Jackson, T. G. (In his Dalmatia, etc.) 3 v. 29081-3 Art. Hodgson, J. E. Art in the Dark Ages; Art in the Middle Ages. (In his Acad. lect.) 24251 Jackson, T. G. (In his Dalmatia, etc.] 3 v. 29081-3 Eeber, F. von. History of mediaeval art. 28157 See also Christian art. Ecclesiastical history, Religion. Lilly, W. S. The turning-point of the Middle Ages; Medieval spirit- ualism. (In his Chapt. in Europ. hist., v. 1.) 26895 Maitland, S. R. The dark ages; state of relig. and literature. 24091 Poole, R. L. Illustrations of the hist, of medieval thought in the depts. of theology and eccles. politics. 25132 Education. Laurie, S. S. Rise and early constitution of universities; with surv. of mediaeval education. 27684 Guilds. Fort, G. F. Critical inq. into the coud. of the conventual builders and their rel. to secular guilds. 24363 Literature. Gibb, J. Gudrun, Beowulf, and Roland; with other mediaeval tales. 23579 Waite, A. E. Introd. essay on the esoteric L. of the Middle Ages. (In Vaughan, T. Mag. writings.) 30879 See also Latin poetry; Minnesingers; Romances. Miscellaneous works. Adams, G. B. Mediaeval civilization. 23136 Ashley, W. J. (In his Introd. to Eng. econom. hist., etc. Vol. 1, pt. 1.) 30142 Cutts, E. L. Scenes and characters of the Middle Ages. 2oS01 Emerton, E. Introduction to the study of the Middle Ages, 375-814. 29869 See also Feudalism. Middlemore, M. T. H. (Mrs. S. G. C. Middlemore.) Round a posada fire ; Spanish legends. Illust. 27708 Spanish legendary tales; a collection. 25747 Middleton, A. E. Memory systems new and old; rev., enl., with bibliography of mnemonics, 1325-1888, by G. S. Fellows. 30265 Middleton, H., Gov. of So. Carolina. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Middleton, H. W. andT. Bourne, II. R. F. The Myddeltons and the Middletons. (In, his Eng. merchants. * 26568 Middleton, J. H. Ancient Rome in 1885. 26041 Middleton, R. E. Triaugulation and measurements at the Forth Bridge. 28567 Middy and ensign ; by G. M. Fenn. 23533 Midge, The ; by H. C. Bunner. 26628 Midnight cry, The ; by J. M. Parker. 26650 Midnight sun. Buckley, J. M. The midnight sun, the tsar, and the nihilist. 27383 Midshipman at large ; by C. R. Talbot. 28922 Midsummer eve. Brooks, E. S. The little lady of England ; story of the Midsummer eve superstitions, 1503. (In his Stor. holidays.) 28749 432 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Midsummer holiday, A; by A. C. Swinburne. 25247 Midsummer night's dream. See Shakespeare, W. Mielziner, M. The Jewish law of marriage and divorce in anc. and mod. times, and its rel. to the law of the state. 25196 Mighty hunter, A ; by C. Gloersen. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Mignon ; or, Booties' baby ; by J. S. Winter [H. E. V. Stan- nard). 25578 Mikado, The ; by W. S. Gilbert. (In his Orig. comic operas.) 28918 Mikado, The ; by W. S. Gilbert and A. Sullivan ; vocal score. ' *I Milan. Description. Lund, T. W. M. (In his Como, etc.) 29487 Mildred at home ; by M. Finley. 24904 Mildred's bargain; by L. C. Lillie. 23052 Mildred's boys and girls ; by M. Finley. 2.7200 Military art and science. Clausewitz,C.von. On war. 3v.ini. 23687 Dodge, T. A. Great captains; campaigns of Alexander, Hannibal, etc. 30629 Farrer, J. A. Military manners and customs. 25337 Hershler, N. The guardsman's hand-book for the rank and file (Infantry.) 25563 Wheeler, J. B. Course of instr. in the elements of the art and science of war. 24055 Wisser, J. P. Practical instr. in minor tactics and strategy. *I See also Engineering ; Fencing ; Fortification ; Gunnery ; Infan- try ; Ordnance ; Tactics. Military biography. See Gt. Britain. Military engineering. See Engineering, Military. Military history. See Ambushes ; Battles ; Gt. Britain. Military hygiene. See Military medicine. Military life. Munro, W. Records of service and campaign- ing in many lands. 2 v. 29034-5 Military medicine, Military hygiene. Evans, T. W. Sanitary institutions dur. the Austro-Prussian-Italian conflict. 23230 Military monographs. See Military Service Institution of the U. S. Military mosaics ; tales and sketches ; by J. A. O'Shea. 30483 Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U. S. Com- mandery of Minnesota. Glimpses of the nation's strug- gle ; papers [on the U. S. civil war]. 29330 Commandery of Ohio. Sketches of war history, 1861-65. 2 v. 29463-4 Military Service Institution of the U. S. Military mono- graphs ; namely : Fry, J. B. Killed by a brother soldier. 26016 Griffin, E. Our sea-coast defences. 25561 Military telegraph. Fuller, W. G. The corps of telegraphers under A. Stager dur. the war of the rebellion. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Mill, H. R., joint ed. See Rattray, J. Mill, J. S. Principles of polit. economy ; abridged ; with notes and sk. of the hist, of polit. econ. by J. L. Laugh- lin ; text-book. 24922 Alexander, P. P. Moral causation ; or, Notes on M.'s notes. 22778 Brandes, G. (In his Eminent authors.) 27179 Hinsdale, B. A. (In his Schools, etc.) 23778 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 433 Longe, F. D. Critical examination of Mr. George's "Progress and poverty" and Mill's Theory of wages. 23632 Posnett, H. M. The ethics of Mr. Mill. (In Ms Hist, method.) 24258 Tulloch, J. John Stuart Mill and his school. (In his Movements of relig. thought.) 25781 Walker, F. A. Criticism of M. (In his Recent attacks upon landed property. In his Land, etc.) 23411 Mill mystery, The ; by A. K. Green [A. K. G. Rholfs]. 26321 Millar, W. J. The Clyde, fr. its source to the sea, etc. Illu&t. 29927 Miller, A. J.- Barbara Thayer, her glorious career. 24194 Miller, C. H., called Joaquin. The destruction of Gotham. 26834 '49; the gold seeker of the Sierras. (Stand, lib. ser.) 24578 Miller, E. II. Dolly's last night. (In Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 Miller, E. S. In the kitchen; [receipts]. 23212 Miller, Mrs. F. F. Harriet Martineau. (Fam. women ser.) 25003 Miller, H. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Miller, J. B. Trade organizations in politics ; and Progress and robbery ; answer to H. George. 28520 Miller, J. W. American supplement ; cont. Amer. inventions in the chess openings, etc. ( With Cook, W. Synopsis of chess openings.) 24471 Miller, Joaquin. See Miller, C. H. Miller, L. W. The essentials of perspective. Illust. 28148 Miller, O. T. Bird-ways. 25842 - In nesting time. 29556 Miller, W. White, J. Sketches of the Christian life, etc., of M. *I Miller, W. H. Laurie, W. F. B. Major-General W. H. Mil- ler. (In his Sketches.) 30596 Miller's daughter, The ; by E. Zola. ( With her Flower girls.) 29580 Millet, F. D. Yatil. (In Stor. by Amer. authors, v. 5.) 24218 Millet, J. F. Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Owen, F. M. Jean Francois Millet. (In her Essays, etc.) 308G3 Yriarte, C. E. J. F. Millet; portrait et 24 gravures et fac-similes d' apres ses tableaux et dessins. *I Milligan, W., and Moultou, W. F. Gospel ace. to John, explained. (Internat. Rev. Comment., v. 4.) 23572 Millington, J. ''Fining down" on natural principles without banting. *I Millington, T. S. Some of our fellows ; a school story. Illust. 29096 Millionaire, The; [by L. J. Jennings]. 23657 Millionaire, A, of Rough-and-Ready ; by B. Harte. 27644 Millionaire's cousin, A ; by E. Lawless. 25743 Millionaire's millions, A; by O. B. Bunce. (In his Story of Happinolande.) 30886 Mills, C. DeB. The tree of mythology ; its growth and fruit- age ; genesis of the nursery tale, folk-lore, etc. 30441 Mills, C. K. Nursing and care of the nervous and the insane. 28070 Mills, H. R. The immigrant inspection service of the Nat. Bd. of Health, at Port Huron, Mich., and its bearing on the pub. health of the West and North-west. (In Amer. Pub. Health Ass. Rept., v. 8.) *I 434 FEEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Milly Dove ; by F. J. O'Brien. (In his Diamond lens, etc.) 25*236 Milman, II. H. Verney, Lady. Dean Milman. (In her Peasant properties, etc., v. 2.) 26-968 Milne, J. Earthquakes and other earth movements. 26835 Milne, T. The afforesting of waste land in Aberdeenshire by means of the planting-iron. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.] 26265 Milnes, A. Introduction and notes. (In Johnson, S. Lives of Dryden, etc.} 26828 Milnes, R. M., 1st Baron Houghton. Escott, T. H. S. (In his Politics, etc.) 27881 Miltiades. Cox, G. W. (In his Live's of Greek statesmen.) 25598 Milton, J. Minor poems ; ed., with notes, by W. J. Rolfe. 28>05 Selected prose writings; introd. essay by E. Myers. 24528 Sonnets; ed. by M. Pattison. 23246 Tractate on education; facsimile repr. fr. the ed. of 1673; ed., with in- trod. and notes, by O. Browning. 24195 Arnold, M. Milton. (In his Essays, ser. 2.) 30397 Ashton, J. Milton's bones. (In his Eighteenth cent, waifs.) 28391 Birrell,J. (In his Obiter dicta, ser. 2.) 28279 Coleridge, S. T. (In his Lect. and notes.) 23.S32 Dawspn, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Dennis, J. (In his^ Heroes of literature.) 23445 DeQuincey, T. Millon versus Southey and Landor. (In his Literary criticism.) 23082 Dowden, E. The idealism of M. (In his Transcripts, etc.) 29366 Edmundson, G. Milton and Vondel; a curiosity of literature. 25825 - (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Johnson, S. Lives of the poets: Milton; ed. with notes, etc., by C. H. Firth. 30592 Laurie, S. S. John Milton. (In his Occasional addr.) . 30852 Tulloch, J. (In his English Puritanism.) 26395 Minchin, G. M. Treatise on statics with appl. to physics. 3d ed., corr. and enl. 2 v. 25631-2 Minchin, J. G. C. Growth of freedom in the Balkan penin- sula ; with hist, and descr. sketches of the people. Map. 27893 Mind. See Intellect ; Psychology ; Will. Mind and body. Bartol, C. A. Spiritual specifics ; Mind in medicine ; sermons. 25022 Clevenger, S. V. Comparative physiology and psychology ; the evolu- tion and rel. of the mind and body of man and animals. 28286 Prince, M. Nature of mind and human automatism. 25534 Tuke, D. H. Illustrations of the infl. of the mind upon the body. 2v. 23989-90 See also Will. Mind cure. Barrows, C. M. Facts and fictions of mental healing. 28860 Evans, W. F. Esoteric Christianity and mental therapeutics. 27824 Faith-healing. (In The healing art, v. 1.) 27963 Merriman, H. B. What shall make us whole? man's spiritual and phys- ical integrity. 29057 - Townsend, L. T. "Faith-work," "Christian science," and other cures. 25359 Mind reading. Garenne, H. Thought reading. (In his Art of mod. conjuring.) 27563 Gurney, E., and others. Phantasms of the living. 2 v. 28403-4 Hovey, W. A. Mind-reading and beyond. 25158 Mine et contre-mine ; par A. Guillet. (Theatre contemp. No. 17.) 14899 Miner, A. L., Jr. Fly-fishing in the Yosemite. (In Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing, etc.} *I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 435 Miner, M. O'Connor, E. Myrtilla Miner ; a memoir. 25999 Mineral physiology. Hunt, T. S. Mineral physiology and physiography. 28316 Mineral waters. See Bohemia ; Carlsbad ; Hungary. Mineralogy. Bauerman, H. Text-book of descriptive M. 24807 Collins, J. H. Mineralogy. 2 v. 24830-1 Crosby, \V. O. Common minerals and rocks. 24547 Dana, J. D. Manual of M. Jiud petrography. 28118 Erni, H. Mineralogy simplified; easy methods of identifying minerals. 26144 Foye, J. C. Hand-book of M. ; determination, description, and classifi- cation of minerals found in the U. S. 28184 Osborn, H. S. Practical manual of minerals, mines, and mining. 29454 Richards, E. H. First lessons on minerals. 24548 Rutley, F. Rock-forming minerals. 30744 Minerals. See Metals. Mines and Mining. Davies, D. C. Treatise on earthy and other minerals and mining. 24245 Treatise on metalliferous minerals and mining. 24246 Osborn, H. S. Practical manual of minerals, mines, and mining. 29454 Shinn, C. H. Land laws of mining districts. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 2.) *I Mingo ; by J. C. Harris. 24188 Mingotti, C. Edwards, [I. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 1.) 29598 Minifie, W. Text-book of geomet. drawing ; with introd. to isomet. drawing ; linear perspective and shadows ; ess. on the theory of color, etc. Illust. 23174 Mining camps. See Shinn, C. H. Minister's charge, The ; by W. D. Howells. 27321 Minister's watermelons, The ; by H. B. Stowe. (In her Little Pussy Willow.) 24797 Minneapolis, Jfinn. Shaw, A. Cooperation in a western city. 29126 Minnesingers. MacCullum, M. W. The Minnesong. (In his Studies.) 23961 Minnesota. History. Kirk, T. H. Illustrated history of M. *I Neill, E. D. Concise history of Minnesota. 27778 Minnesota commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U.S. See Loyal League of the U. S. Min- nesota Commandery. Minot, L. Poems; ed., with introd. and notes, by J. Hall. (Clarendon press ser.) 29399 Minstrelsy. Cutts, E. L. The minstrels of the Middle Ages. (In his Scenes, etc.) 25801 Dickinson, G. Minstrels and minstrelsy of the Middle Ages. (In his Poems, etc.) 23614 Minto, W. The crack of doom. 26647 The mediation of Ralph Hardelot. 30353 Miot, A. F., Comte de Melito. Bonaparte, N. J. (In his Na- poleon et ses d6tracteurs.) 14578 Mirabeau, Comtesxe de. Memoir of M. de Bacourt. (In Bacourt, A. de. Souvenirs, etc.) 25816 Miracle-plays. Oxenham, H. N. (In Jus Short Stud.) 25126 See also Mysteries. Also Persia. Miracles. Holland, H. S. Christ or Ecclesiastes. 29448 Lainjr, S. (In Jiia Mod. science, etc.) 25901 Thomson, W. I). Christian 31. and the conclusions of science. 30045 See also Bible. N. T. Goxpel*. Miracle*. 436 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. *I 27635 23433 23058 27507 24219 23186 (In his Women 24096 28179 (In his For a 28802 25017 25477-9 (In his Choy 24557 27755 28724 28914 Miracles, Post Biblical. Liquefaction of the blood of St. Janu- arius. Mirage, A, of promise ; by II. P. Belt. Miramion, M. (B.) de. Parton, J. (In his Noted women.) Miserables, Les. See Hugo, V. M. Miseries, The, of Fo Hi ; fr. the French of F. Sarcey. Misfits and remnants ; by L. D. Ventura and S. Shevitch. Misfortunes of Bro' Thomas Wheatley ; by L. R. Fairfax. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 6.) Misguidit lassie, A ; by P. Ross. Miss Anderson's colours ; by F. W. Robinson. are strange.) Miss Bayle's romance. (Leis. hr. ser.) Miss Beresford's mystery ; by P. B. Marston. song's sake.) Miss Bretherton ; by Mrs. II. Ward. Miss Brown ; by Vernon Lee [V. Paget]. 3 v Miss Calderon's German; by W. H. Bishop. Susan.) Miss Churchill ; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher]. Miss Con ; by A. Giberne. Miss Curtis ; by K. G-. Wells. Miss Cynthy's tramp ; by M. Sidney [H. M. Lothrop.] her Hester, etc.} Miss Defarge ; by F. H. Burnett. Miss Derby's neighbors; by S. O. Jewett. (In her Mate of the Daylight.) Miss Elvester's girls. 3 v. 23870-2 Miss Eunice's glove ; by A. Webster. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 6.) 24219 Miss Fairchild's Christmas stocking; by M. Sidney [H. M. Lothrop]. (In her Hester, etc.) Miss Frances Merly ; by J. E. Curran. Miss Fyfe's adventure. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journ., v. 2.) Miss Gascoigne ; by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. Miss Grief ; by C. F. Woolson. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 4.) 24217 Miss Hemenway's wedding bonnet; by M. Sidney [H. M. Lo- throp]. (In her Hester, etc.) "Miss Lou" ; by E. P. Roe. Miss Ludington's sister ; by E. Bellamy. Miss Martha Caryl ; by S. A. Palmer. (In her Mrs. Peni- cott's lodger.) Miss Melinda's opportunity; by M. Campbell. Miss Mowbray's experiment; by P. B. Marston. (In his For a song's sake.) (In 27325 29715 23385 27325 29795 27967 28528 27325 30555 24178 29455 28284 Miss Peck's promotion ; Folly Island.) by S. O. Jewett. (In her King of 28802 29544 Miss Ravenel's conversion fr. secession to loyalty ; by J. W. De Forest. 28591 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 437 Miss Rivers's revenge; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. (In his Bound together. ) 24903 Miss Ruth ; by [E. W. O. Kirk]. (In her better times.) 30341 Miss StotforcTs specialty ; by P. B. Marston. (In his For a song's sake.) 28802 Miss Tempy's watchers; by S. O. Jewett. (In her King of Folly Island.) 29544 Miss Tommy; by [D. M. (Muloch) Craik]. 24417 Miss Toosey's mission ; and Laddie. 24047 Miss Violet ; by N. Perry. (In New Eng. story-book ; and in Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 24S19 ; 27342 Missing bon-bons, The ; by Mrs. Molesworth. (I)t her Christ. posy.) 30442 Mission flower, A ; by G. H. Picard. 25843 Mission Indians. See California Indians. Missionary life. Schauffler, W. G. Autobiography. 29507 Missions and Missionaries. Brown, W. History of the Christian missions. 3 v. 23075-7 Ellis, H. W. Our Eastern sisters and their missionary helpers. 23344 Kiipke, H. Missions historia for folket; ofversiittniug och bearbetuiug. 15184 Liggins, J. Great value and success of for. missions ; also facts and sta- tistics of the .M . 30652 Mather, E. J. "Nor'ard of the Dogger" ; story of the mission. 29845 Pitman, E. R. Heroines of the mission field; biog. sketches. 25239 Young, R. Light in lands of darkness; missionary labor among Green- landers, Patagonians, Syrians, etc. 24072 See also Africa; China; Church of England; Dakotas; India; Indians, No. Amer. Mississippi. Politics. Deming, C. The shoestring district. (In his By-ways.) 23664 Mississippi River. Deming, C. The father of waters. (In his By-ways.) 23664 Missouri. Carr, L. Missouri; a bone of contention. 29525 Snead, T. L. The fight for Missouri, 1860-1861. 26355 Mistletoe bough, The ; by A. Trollope. (In his Tales, etc.) 24871 Mistletoe bough, The ; by M. E. Braddon [M. E. B. Maxwell]. 18195 Mistress Margery's pin-money; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Stor. holidays.) 28749 Mistress Matchett's mistake ; by E. Marshall. 28728 Mistress, The, of Ibichstein ; by F. Henkel. 24147 Mitchel, F. A. Ormsby Macknight Mitchel, astronomer and General ; biog. narrative. 29097 Mitchel, J. Dillon, W. Life of M. 2 v. 30473-4 Mitchel, O. M. Headley, P. C. Old stars; life and military career of M. 2H464 Mitchel, F. A. Ormsby M. Mitchel, astronomer and General; biog. nar- rative. 27096 - Whittlesey, C. (In his War mem.) 23674 Mitchelhurst place ; by M/Veley. 25045 Mitchell, A. The past in the present ; What is civilization? (Rhind lect.) 25074 Mitchell, D. G. (pseud. Ik. Marvel.) Bound together; a sheaf of papers. 23789 438 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Contents. W. Irving, 1783-1883. Titian and his times. Procession of the mouths. Beginnings of an old town. Two college talks. Indoors and out of doors. Beers, H. A. D. G. Mitchell at "Edgewood." (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30T87 Harris, A. B. ( In her Amer. authors.) 28776 Mitchell, E. P. The ablest man in the world. (In Stor. by Am. auth., V. 10.) 24223 The tachypomp. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 5.) 24218 Mitchell, M. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.} 26916 Howe, J. W. Maria Mitchell. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fain, women.) 24284 Parton, J. (In his Noted Women.) 23433 Mitchell, S. W. Doctor and patient. 29058 In war time. 24777 Prince Little Boy ; and other tales out of Fairy- Laud. 29149 - Roland Blake. " 27221 Wear and tear ; hints for the overworked ; 5th ed. ; rev. 27652 Mitford, B. Through the Zulu country ; its battlefields and its people. Illust. 23348 Mitford, E. L. Land march fr. England to Ceylon forty years ago. 2 v. Illust. 24965-6 Mitford, M. R. Adams, W. H. D. (In his Celeb. English- women, v. 1.) 24654 Cone, H. G., and Gilder, J. L. (In their Pen portraits, v. 1.) 28756 Fields, J. T. Mary R. Mitford. (In Parton, J. Some noted princes, etc.) 25675 Harris, A. B. (In her Pleasant authors.) 23777 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eug. poetesses.) 23640 Mitylene. Walker, Mrs. The pearl of the Eastern Archipel- ago. (In her Eastern life, v. 2.) 27165 Mivart, St. G. Fiske, J. Mr. Mivart on Darwinism. (In his Darwinism, etc.} 25984 Miz Maze, The ; by F. Awdry. 23606 Mnemonics. See Memory. Moabite stone. Sayce, A. H. The Moabite stone and the in- scription of Siloam. (In his Fresh light.) 27597 Moale, W. A.., joint author. See Martin, H. N. Mobs. See Riot. Moberly, C. C. The early Tudors ; Henry VII. ; Henry VIII. Maps and plans. (Epochs of mod. hist.) 27839 Moberly, G. 11. Life of William of Wykeham ; with app. 30279 Mobile, Ala. Allen, C. J. Some acct. of the operations agt. M., 1864-5. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.) 29330 Modern classics ; namely : Holmes, O. W. Selections fr. the Breakfast-table ser.,ec. 23627 Modern Daedalus, A ; by Tom Greer. 55559 Modern etiquette in public and private. New and rev. ed. 27965 Modern history. Robertson, J. B. Lectures on modern hist. and biog. 23039 Stubbs, W. Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and mod. hist. 26936 See also Morris, E. E., and others. Epochs of mod. hist. Modern Jacob, A ; by H. Stuart [H. B. Smith]. 29718 Modern Kate Barlass, A; by F. A. Humphrey. (In Gather- . wood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27^7(5 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 439 Modern little princes, The ; by M. Sidney [H. M. Lothrop]. (In Yule tide.) 24823 Modern Mephistophles, A ; by L. M. Alcott. 30770 Modern Saint Christopher, A ; by R. Porter. 29103 Modern saints and servants of God ; namely : Life of S. Alphouso Maria de Liguori. 5 v. 29501-5 Lives of S. Valfre, A. de' Santi, A. Matteucci, etc. 30288 Modern science and modern thought ; by S. Laing. 25901 Modern sphinx, The ; and some of her riddles ; by M. J. Sav- age. (In his Sermons, v. 4.) 22510 Modern Telemachus, A ; by C. M. Yonge. 27027 Modern Unitarianism ; essays and sermons. 26688 Modern vikings, The ; by H. H. Boyesen. 28747 Modeste Mignon ; by H. de Balzac. 29515 Modjeska, or Modrzejewska, H. See Chlapowska. Moffat, J. S. Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat. Portraits and maps. 26042 Moffat, M. See Moffat, R. Moffat, R. Manning,' A. Heroes of the desert. 26173 and M. Moffat, J. S. Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat. 2 Kssays.) 30823 Nature, Law of. See Law of nature. Nature's serial story ; by E. P. Roe. 24788 Naturvetenskap for alia. 2 ser. 15115-16 Contents. Ser. 1. Ule, O. Jakttairelscr i natmvn. 2. Russ, K. Skildringar nr djur-och viixtverlden. Nau, C. History of Mary Stewart fr. the murder of Riccio until her flight into England; ed., with pref., by J. Stevenson. 23013 Stevenson, J. History of N. and his niss. (7nNau,C. Hist, of Mary Stewart.) 23013 Nauman, E. History of music ; tr. by F. Praeger ; ed. by F. A. G. Ouseley. Illust. 2 v. 28255-6 Nautical astronomy. Merrifield, J. Treatise on naut. A. 27157 Navagero (Lot. Naugerius), A. Oliphant, M. O. W. (In her Makers of Venice.) *I Naval architecture. See Shipbuilding. Also Gt. Britain. Naval education. Chadwick, F. E. Report on the training systems for the navy and mercantile marine of England, and the naval training system of France, Sept., 1879. 22028 Soley, J. R. Report on foreign systems of naval education. 15477 Naval history. Laughton, J. K. Stud, in nav. hist. ; biog- raphies. 29615 Navarrete, J. Maria de los Angeles. 29208 Navigation. See Steam navigation. Navigators. Markham, C. R. The sea fathers ; lives of great navigators. 25002 Navigator's islands. See Samoan islands. Naville, E. Modern physics ; studies hist, and philosophical ; tr. by H. Downton. 24092 31 462 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Navy, The, in the civil war ; namely : Ammen, D. The Atlantic coast. 22058 Mahan, A. T. The gulf and inland waters. 23107 Nesera ; tale of anc. Rome ; by J. W. Graham. 26989 Near neighbors ; by.F. M. Peard. 26508 Near the rose ; by W. H. Bishop. (In Ms Brown stone boy.) 29782 Neaves, C., Lord. Smith, J. C. Biographical notice. (In his Writings by the way.) 25607 Nebulae. Proctor, R. A. Great nebula in Argo. (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Ned Harwood's visit to Jerusalem ; by S. G. Knight. 30234 Ned on the river ; by E. S. Ellis. 24625 Necessity. Tolstoi, L. N. Power and liberty. 29707 Needhnm, G. C. Life and labors of C. H. Spurgeon. 23087 Needham, J. Studies of trees in pencil and in water colors. (In Foster, V. Drawing books.) Pt. 1, 2. *I Needles of pine ; lines without rhyme ; by C. W. Stone. 27100 Needlework. Peters, C. (In his Girl's own indoor book.) 30455 See also Drawn work; Embroidery. Neftel, K. Report on flour-milling processes. (U. S. Census Office. 10th census.) 17454 Negation. Saltns, E. Anatomy of N. 28438 Negative gravity, Tale of ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his Stories, ser. 2.) 26935 Negro dialect poems. See Gordon, A. C., and Page, T. N. Negroes. Blyden, E. W. Christianity, Islam, and the negro race. 29471 Bruce, P. A. The plantation negro as a freeman. 30778 Deming, C. The negro of the Mississippi bends ; Negro rites and wor- ship. Negro songs and hymns. (In his By-ways.) 23664 Jones, C. C., Jr. Negro myths fr. the Georgia coast, told in the vernac- ular. 29545 Williams, G. W. History of the negro troops in the war of the rebel- lion ; prec. by a rev. of the military serv. of N. in anc. and mod. times. 28836 Wilson, J. T. The black phalanx; hist, of the negro soldiers of the U. S. 29195 Education. Tourgee, A. W. An appeal to CaBsar. 24503 See also Freedmen; Slavery ; South; U. S. Plantation life. Neid, C. A. The canoe Aurora ; cruise fr. the Adirondacks to the Gulf. 25448 Neighbors' wives ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 6873 Neill, E. D. Concise history of Minnesota. 27778 History of the Oiibways, and their connect, with fur traders. (In Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll.,v. 5.) 25414 Reminiscences of the last year of Pres. Lincoln's life. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.} 29330 -Virginia Carolorum; the colony under Charles I. and II., 1625-1685; based upon mss. and docs, of 'the period. 27223 Neill, J. G. Laurie, W. F. B. Brig.-Gen. N. ; brief rev. (In his Sketches.) 3051 '6 Neilson, J. Memories of Rufus Choate. 23790 Neilson, L. A. Buel, C. C. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hut- ton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 2.) 30352 Neison, A. Practical boat building for amateurs. New and rev. ed., by D. Kemp. Illust. 25404 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 463 Nckrasov, N. A. Red-nosed frost; tr. in the orig. meters fr. the Russian. 26675 Nellie Graham ; story of a commonplace woman ; by E. Stone. 28732 Nelly Marlow in Washington ; by L. D. Nichols. 27475 Nelson, H., 1st Viscount,. Allen, J. Life of N.- 26521 Althaus, F. Admiral Nelson. (In Gottschall, R. Der neuc Plutarch, v. 8.) 16303 - Edgar, J. G. (In his Heroes of Eng.) 23693 - - Jeaffreson, J. C. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson. 2 v. 29388-9 Nelson, H. L. John Rantoul. 24780 Our unjust tariff law; plain statement abt. high taxes; iutrod. bv J. G. Carlisle. 24418 Nelson, W., Maj.-Gen. Fry, J. B. Killed by a brother sol- dier ; a chapt. in the hist, of the war. 20016 Nemesis, A; by J. M. Cobban. 25868 Ncmirovitch-Dantcheuko, V. I. Personal reminiscences of Gen. Skobeleff ; fr. the Russian, by E. A. H. Ilodgetts. Portr. 23856 Nerval, G. de, pseud. See Labrunie de Nerval. Nervous system. Mercier, C. The nervous system and the mind ; dynamics of the human organism. 30182 Mills, C. K. Nursing and care of the nervous and insane. 28070 Mitchell, S. W. Nervousness and its infl. on character. (In his Doctor and patient.) 29058 Anatomy and Physiology. Romanes, G. J. Jelly-fish, star-fish, and sea urchins; research on prim- itive nervous systems. 25242 Roscnthal, I. General physiology of muscles and nerves. 25172 Nesbit, C. Dobson, A. (In his Thomas Bewick and his pupils-.) 24472 Nesmith, J. E. Monadnoc ; and other sketches in verse. 30544 Nessinuk, pseud. See Scars, G. W. Netliercote, H. O. "I he Pytchley hunt ; past and present; ed. by C. Edmonds. 29623 Netherlands. Art. Couway, W. M. Woodcutters of the N. in the loth cent. *I History. (In Mark ham, C. R. "The fighting Veres.") 29146 Young, A. History of the Netherlands. 24452 History and Politics. Lefi''vre L'oiitalte, G. A. John de Witt; or, Twenty years of a parlia- mentary republic; 2 v. 25756-7 Ne"tob, pseud. Pa sceuen ifran salongen ! eller, Hvad oukel Blasius sett med obevapnadt 6'ga under 40 ar ; okritisk benittclse. 15094 Nettelbeck, J. Moncrieff, R. H. A German sailor boy. (In his Youngsters' yarns.) 29033 Nettlcship, H. Lectures and essays on subj. connected with Latin literature and scholarship. 25633 Contents. Note on Mr. Verrall's studies in Horace. Moritz Haupt. Early Italian civilization. The earliest Italian literature. The Pro Cluentio of Cicero. Catullus. Suggestions introd. to a study of the ^Eneid. Horace. Verrius Flaccus. Note on the glosses of Placidus. The Noctes Athicse of Aulus Gellius. Nonius Marcellus. Thilo's Ser- vius. Critical miscellanies. Passages for translation into Latin prose; with introd. 29489 464 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Nettletoii, A. B. How the day was saved at the battle of Cedar Creek. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.) 29330 Neubauer, A. On the dialects spoken in Palestine in the time of Christ ; On some newly disc. Temanite and Nabatsean inscript. (In Driver, S. R., and others. Studia Biblica.) 26581 Neue Plutarch, Der. See Gottschall, R. von. Neuvaine, La, de Colette. 14482 Nevada. Stevens, T. Over the deserts of N. (In his Around the world, v. 1.) 28365 Nevada ; or, The lost mine ; by G. M. Baker. (In his Globe drama.) 25966 Nevinson, H. Sketch of Herder and his times. 23967 New Abelard, The; romance; by R. Buchanan. 23759 New Antigone, The. 29176 New Arcadia, The ; by A. M. F. Robinson. 24031 New book of sports ; repr. fr. the u Saturday Review." 25423 New Britain island. Powell, W. Wanderings in a wild coun- try ; amg. the cannibals of N. B. 23708 New Caledonia. Coote, W. (In his Western Pacific.) 23577 New Castle, N. H. Albee, J. New Castle, historic and pic- turesque. *I New Catholic Church, The ; with thoughts on theism, and sugg. towards a pub. relig. serv. in harmony with mod. science and philosophy. 29655 "New chum," The, in Australia ; by P. Clarke. 27550 New England. Damon, S. M. Old New England days ; story of true life. 28759 Stebbing, W. Puritan and cavalier England transplanted. (In his Some verd. of hist.) 28582 Clergy. Phelps, A. The New Eng. clergy and the antislavery reform. (In his My study, etc.) 26445 Description and travels. Goclman, J. (In his Winter sketches.) 30521 Drake, S. A. Nooks and corners of the New England coast. 28200 Fellows, H. P. Boating trips on New Eng. rivers. 23532 Sylvester, H. M. Homestead highways. 29573 Ecclesiastical History. See Prot. Episc. Church in the U. S. Eastern Diocese. Folk-lore. Drake, S. A. Book of N. E. legends and folk-lore. 23459 Genealogy. AVaters, H. F. (In his Genealogical gleanings in England, vol. 1, pt. 1.) *I History. Adams, H. B. Germanic origin of New Eng. towns. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 1.) *I Drake, S. A. The making of New England, 1580-1643. 26982 Hawthorne, N. True stor. fr. New Eng. hist. ; Grandfather's chair. Pt. 1-3. 28468 Palfrey, J. G. Compendious hist, of New Eng. to the 1st gen. congress of the Anglo-American colonies. 4 v. 23820-3 See also Philip, "King." Music. Brooks, H. M. Olden-time music. (Olden-time ser.) 29062 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 465 National Character, Social Life, etc. . Bowne, E. S. A girl's life eighty years ago. 28863 Brooks, H. M. Days of the spinning-wheel in New England. 26626 New England Sunday. 26900 Deming, C. A Yankee town-meeting. (In /us By ways.) 23664 Emerson, R. W. Historic notes of life and letters in New Eng. (In his Lect., etc.) 23462 Mann, H. Features of society in Old and New England. 25672 New England Historic Genealogical Society. Memorial biog- raphies. V. 3, 4. 1856-1862. *I New England Meterological Society. The work of the socie- ty ; The storm of March 11-14, 1888, investigated; An investigation of cyclonic phenomena in New Eng- land, by W. Upton. 29907 New England story-book. 24819 Contents. Perry, N. Miss Violet; Jennie's lark; Sally Green's clam- bake party ; Story of a dress. Phelps, E. S. Us boys and the other boy ; The boys of Brfmstpne court; A narrow escape. Clarke, R. S. Kim's last whipping; Flaxie Frizzle; Bessie's mishaps; The twin cousins. Thaxter, C. Bergetta's misfortunes. Moulton. L. C. Jessie's neighbor; The white chrysanthemums. Whitney, A. D. T. My mother put it on; The little savages of Beetle Rock. Prichard, S. J. David Bushnell and his American turtle ; The only woman in the town. Macy, Mrs. A. Lit- tle Eunice Coffin; The candy frolic. Bartlett, M. C. "Valentimes." Pratt, C. S. How the boys wok him. Champney, L. W. Sally's seven league shoes; The rubber baby. Round, VV. M. F. Jabber wock. How- ard, B. W. A Charlie in Paris. Lathrop, R. H. One cent. Jewett, S. O. Cake crumbs. Eastman, J. A. Her little life. Prescott, M. N. The Cpuute^s of Blessington. Bvnner, E. L. The tramp's dinner par- ty. Kichberg, A. Surprised. Diaz, A. M. Leaf fr. Annetta's diary. Oilman, A. Grim Grendel. Baker, W. M. Twice in my life. Rand, E. A. Sammy Sealskin's enemy. Preston, A. A. The ragamuffins and Gen. Washington. New England winter, A ; by II. James. (In his Tales of three cities.) 24574 New France. Set Canada. New Guinea. See Papua. New Hampshire. Convention for the Investigation, Dixcussion, and Decision of the Federal Constitution. Walker, J. B. History of the convention. 30468 History. Me Clintock, J. N. History of N. H., 1623-1888. 30G54 - Thompson, S. M. Thirteenth Regiment of N. H. Vol. Inf. in the war of the rebellion. *I New Haven, Ct. Center Church. Deming, C. An historic meeting-house. (In his Byways.) 23664 History. Levermore, C. H. The republic of New Haven; a history of municipal evolution. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud. Extra vol. 1.) *I Note. Two chapt. of this are pub. in Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 4. New Hebrides.^ Coote, W. (In his Western Pacific.) 23577 New Holland. See Australia. New Jersey. Deming, C. The buried forests of N. J. (In his Byways.) 23664 Scott. A. Influence of the Proprietors in founding the state of N. J. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 3.) *I New Jerusalem. Wright, W. B. New Jerusalem, the city of God ; New Jerusalem, the King. (In his Auc. cities.) 27010 New judgment of Paris ; by P. Lafargue. 29547 466 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. New King Arthur, The ; opera without music. 2621 1 New Mexico. Governor. Report. 1886. {In U. S. Territo- ries. Governors. Reports.) 22919 Description and travels. Champney, E. W. Great-grandmother's girls in New Mexico. 30306 Stephens, C. A. The Knockabout Club in the tropics. Illust. 23192 Wallace, S. E. The land of the Pueblos. 3013S History. Prince, L. B. Historical sketches of New Mexico to the Amer. occupa- tion. 23678 New minister's great opportunity ; by C. EL W. [H. W. Chap- lin]. (In his Five hund. doll.) 29000 New mother, The ; by Mrs. W. K. Clifford. (In her Anyhow stor.) 23148 New Netherlands. See New York. New Orleans. History. Cable, G. W. (In his Creoles of Lousiaua.) 24712 New parishioner, A ; by S. O. Jewett. (In her Mate of the Daylight.) 23385 New Plutarch, The. See Besant, W. New Plymouth Colony. Goodwin, J. A. The Pilgrim repub- lic ; hist, of the colony. 29462 New Rochelle, N. Y. Hague, W. Old Pelham and New Rochelle. (In his Life notes.) 28773 New South Wales. Gane, D. M. .New South Wales and Victoria in 1885. 27035 New study of Shakespeare ; connect, of the plays and poems, with the origins of the class, drama, and with the Platon- ic philosophy, through the mysteries. 24466 New Testament. See Bible. N. T. New waggiugs of old tales ; by J. K. Bangs and F. D. Sherman. 29007 New Year's Day. Brooks, E. S. Mistress Margery's pin- money ; New Year's Day, story of the doings at Sir Thomas More's, 1518. (In, his Stor. holidays.) 28749 Runkle, K. B. Festival poems; coll. for Christmas, New Year, etc. 24610 New Year's masque, A ; by E. M. Thomas. 24936 New York. Colony. Elting, I. Dutch village communities on the Hudson River. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 4.) *I Schuvler, G. W. Colonial New York: Philip Schuyler and his family. 2 V. 26002-3 New York. State. Legislature. -New York (Saxton) Bill. (In Elect, ref.) 30768 Roosevelt, T. Phases of state legislation; the Albany legislature. (In his Essays on pract. politics.) 30556 State Charities Aid Association. Hand-book for hospitals. 23402 Description. Codman, J. (In his Winter sketches.) 30521 History. Brooks, E. S. The story of New York. 30301 Lossing, B. J. The empire state; compendious hist. 30653 Roberts, E. H. New York; the pl-mting and growth of the empire state. 2 v. 27788-9 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. ' 467 Politics. Junius. The independent movement in N. Y. as an element in elections and a prob. in party government. 24633 State Lunatic Asylum, Utica. Deming, C. Among the maniacs. (In his Byways.) 23664 University. Hough, F. B. Hist, and statist, record of the university. *I New York. City. - Brownell, W. C. New York after Paris. (In his Fr. traits.) 39777 Biography. Fiske, S. Off-hand portraits of prominent New Yorkers. 24010 Description. Hodder, E. (In his cities of the world, v. 1.) 25067 Education. Hague, W. School-life in old New York ; Academic life in old New York. (In his Life notes.) 28773 History. - Brooks, E. S. In Leisler\s times. 26625 Fry, J. B. New York and the conscription of 1863; chapter in the hist. of the civil war. 25495 Todd, C. B. Story of the city of New York. 29576 The volcano under the city ; draft riot, 1863. 27490 See also Wall Street. Music. Krehbiel, H. E. Notes on the cultivation of choral music, and the Ora- torio Soc. of N. Y. 24149 Police. Costello, A. E. Our police protectors ; history of the police. *I Walling, G. W. Recollections of a New York chief of police. 29116 Politics. Ivins, W. M. Machine politics and money in elections. 28192 Roosevelt, T. Machine politics in N. Y. C. (In his Essays.) 30556 Stock Exchange. -Hume, J. F. Speculating. (In his Art of investing.) 29118 New York. Port. Black, W. N. Storage and transporta- tion in the port of N. Y. ; methods of handling merchan- dise. 24619 New York, Bank of. See Bank of New York. New York, The end of; by P. Benjamin. (In Stor. by Am. authors, v. 5.) 24218 New York broker, A. See Hume, J. F. New York Free Trade Club. Committee of Inquiry. The Spanish treaty opposed to tariff reform. (Quest, of the day.) 25234 New York house, a, Story of; by H. C. Bunner. 28112 New York Oratorio Society. Krehbiel, H. E. Notes on the cultivation of choral music and the Oratorio Soc. of N. Y. 24149 New York to Washington ; guide-book ; cont. descr. of Phila- delphia, Baltimore, and Washington. Illust. * (Taintor's guide-books.) 24395 New Zealand. Description and travels. Ballou, M. M. Under the Southern Cross; travels in New Zealand. 29059 Green, W. S. The ffigh Alps of N. Z. ; with an ascent of Mt. Cook. 23537 Hodder, E. The cities of New Zealand. (In his Cities of the world, v. 3.) 25069 - Huebner. J. A. (In his Through the British empire, v. 1.) 26891 Inglis, J. Our New Zealand cousins. 29612 468 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Kershavv, M. New Zealand ; or, The land of the Maoris and Moas. (In his Colonial facts, etc.) 27934 Nicholls, J. H. K. The King country; or, Explorations in New Zealand. 24862 Sutter, A. (In his Per mare, etc.) 28663 - Wight, O. W. (In his People, etc.) 30381 History. Gisborne, W. New Zealand rulers and statesmen, 1840-1885. 26380 /See also Kaipara. Newbury, Mass. Toppan, R. N. Brief biog. sketches. 25535 Newcastle, M., Duchess of. See Cavendish, Margaret. Newcomb, S. An eclipse of the moon. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Elements of analytic geometry. 24419 Elements of the differential and integral calculus. 30354 A plain man's talk on the labor question. 27126 and Holden, E. S. Astronomy. 23214 Newell, C. M. Kamehameha the conquering king ; romance of Hawaii. 25512 Newell, R. H. (pseud. Orpheus C. Ken 1 .) There was once a man. 24282 Newell, T. Sanitary, physical, and educational advantages of interior open-air areas in large cities. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I Newfoundland. Demiug, C. Newfoundland and the cod- fishers. (In his Byways.) 23664 Hatton, J., and Harvey, M. Newfoundland ; its hist., etc. 23097 Kennedy, W. R. Sport, travel, and adventure in N. 25628 Newliu, M. Memoir of Mary Anna Longstrcth ; with sk. of her work for Hampton, by H. W. Ludlow. 26083 Newman, F. W. Christianity in its cradle. 25076 Life sifter death? palinodia. 27591 Rebilius Cruso; Robinson Crusoe in Latin. *I Newman, J. H. Callista ; sketch of the 3d century. 29854 Discourses addressed to mixed congregations. 27721 Essay in aid of a grammar of assent. 26878 The idea of a university defined and illustrated ; discourses, essays, etc. 27112 Parochial and plain sermons. 8 v. 27050-7 Private judgment. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 3.) 23202 Hutton, R. H. The two great Oxford thinkers, Cardinal N. and Mat- thew Arnold. (In his Essays.) 28783 Newport, R. I. James, H. Newport, 1870. (In his Portr. of places.) 23543 Mason, G. C. Reminiscences of N. *I Newport ; by G. P. Lathrop. 23631 Newport, Siege of; [poem] ; by T. C. Amory. 29856 Newport aquarelle, A ; by M. Howe [M. H. Elliott]. 23063 News, The, from Petersham ; by S. O. Jewett. (In her White heron, etc.) 26924 Newsholme, A. School hygiene; laws of health in rel. to school life. 28429 Newson, T. M. Pen pictures of St. Paul, Minn. ; and biog. sketches of old settlers to 1857. Vol. 1. 29810 Newspapers. Chaney, G. L. The press and morals. (In his Every-day life.) ^ 24728 Moore, J. W. Historical, biog., and miscel. gatherings rel. to printers, printing, publishing, and editing of newspapers. *I See also Eng. period, literature; Journalism; Pictorial press. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 469 Newton, Sir I. De Morgan, A. Newton ; his friend ; and his niece. 26484 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Saisset, E. E. God in the system of N. (In his Ess. on relig. philos.. v. 1.) 29849 Smith, J. C. (In his Writings by the way.) 25007 Wright, H. C. Newton and the finding of the world's secret. ( In her Children's stor.) 30384 Newton, R., D.D. The heath in the wilderness ; or, Sermons to the people ; added, Story of his life, by W. W. N. 29891 Newton, R. H. The book of the beginnings ; study of Gene- sis ; with an introd. to the Pentateuch. 24027 Industrial education. (In McNeill, G. E. Labor movement.) 27651 Philistinism; plain words cone, certain forms of modern scepticism. 25674 Contents. Concerning Philistinism and its Goliath. Christianity and its critics. The trinity and original sin. Election and atonement. Resur- rection of the body and future punishment. The mystery of matter. Mind in nature. Design in nature. The problem of pain in the animal world. Problem of pain in the human world. The historic fact; Jesus the Christ. Immortality in the light of physical science. Social studies. 27685 Contents. A bird's-eye view of the labor question. Story of co-opera- tive production, etc., in the U. S. Is the state just to the workingman? Old-time guilds, and modern eommerical associations. Prevention of in- temperance. Moral education in the public schools. The free kindergar- ten in church work. Religious aspect of socialism. Communism. Notes. Womanhood; lectures on woman's work in the world. 25039 Newton, W. K. Sanitary control of the food supply. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Newton, W. W. Summer sermons fr. a Berkshire pulpit. Ser. 1. 25415 Next door; by C. L. Burnham. 26f>25 Next of kin wanted; by M. B. Edwards. 28295 Ngami, Lake. Farini, G. A. Through the Calahari desert; narr. of a journey to Lake Ngami and back. 26815 Niagara Falls. James, H. Niagara, 1871. (In his Portr. of places.) 23543 - Parkman, F. (In his Hist, handbook.) 25450 Nibeluugen Lied. The Nibelungen Lied ; Lay of the Nibelung, tr. by A. G. Foster-Barham. 28716 Dippokl, G. T. Richard Wagner's poem, the ring of the Nibelung, expl. and in part translated. 29712 Hedge, F. H. (In his Hours with German classics.) 26670 Nicander, K. A. Minnen fran soderu, efter en resa i Danmark, Tyskland, Schweitz ochltalien. 15137 Nicaragua. Doubleday, C. W. Reminiscences of the "Fili- buster" war in N. 27078 Nichol, J. American literature; hist, sketch, 1620-1880. 23014 Francis Bacon; hie life and philosophy. 2 pts. 30860-1 Tables of European hist., literature, and art, 200-1882 ; and of Am. hist., etc. *l Nicholas, J. On the proposed repeal of the Sedition law, Ho. of Repr., Feb. 25,1799. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 1.) 24995 Nicholas Clutterbuck. (In My night adv., etc.} 27692 Nicholls, C. B. (formerly C. Bronte, pseud. Currer Bell.) Let- ters ; select, f r. writings ; poems. (In Holloway, L. C. An hour with C. Bronte.) 22972 470 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Adams, W. H. D. Charlotte Bronte. (In his Celeb. Englishwomen, v. 1.) 24654 Birrell, A. Life of Charlotte Bronte. 29727 Cone, H. G., and Gilder, J. L. (In their Pen-portr., v. 2.) 28757 - Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life.) 27303 Holloway, L. C. An hour with Charlotte Bronte. 22972 - Mason, E. T. (In his Pers. traits, v. 4.) 25231 Parton, J. The Bronte sisters. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Walsh, W. S. (In his Pen pictures.) 23401 Nicholls, J. H. K. The King country ; or, Explorations in New Zealand ; narr. of travel thr. Maoriland. Illust. 24802 Nichols, J. M. Perry's saints ; or, The fighting parson's regi- ment in the war of the rebellion. 27658 Nichols, J. R. Chemistry of the farm and the sea ; with other chem. essays. 21145 Nichols, L. D. Nelly Marlow in Washington. 27475 - Underfoot; or, What Harry and Nelly learned of the earth's treasures. 26477 Up hill and down dale. 26084 joint author > See Moore, A. Nichols, S. H. Monte Rosa; the epic of an Alp. 23321 Nichols, W. R. Water supply ; consid. fr. a chemical and sanitary standpoint. 23208 Nicholson, A. No cipher in Shakespeare; refutation of I. Donnelly's "Great Cryptogram." 30862 Nicholson, J. S. Treatise on money; and Essays on mone- tary problems. 29763 Nicholson, P. W. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, poet and painter. 28674 Nicias. Cox, G. W. (In his Lives of Greek statesmen, ser. 2.) 26663 Nicodemus. Dole, C. F. Nicodemus the Pharisee. (In his Jesus, etc.) 30407 Nicolai, C. F. Hedge, F. H. (In his Hours with Germ. classics.) 26670 Nicolas Muss, History of ; fr. the French of C. DuBois-Melly. 29798 Nicolini, G. B. Howells, W. D. (In his Mod. Ital. Poets.) 28872 Nicoll, R. Drummond, P. R. Life of N. ; with some hith- erto uncollected pieces. 26233 Nicolls, W. J. The railway builder ; hdbk. for estimating the cost of Amer. railway construction. 26948 Nicolo dell Abbate. /See Abbate, Nicolo dell. Nicols, A. Wild life and adv. in the Australian bush. Illust. 2 v. 29490-1 Zoogical notes on the structure, habits, etc., of animals; and acct. of their fossil representatives. Illust. 23015 Contents. Snakes. Marsupials and their allies. Birds. Nicolson, A. Memoirs of Adam Black. 26506 Niemeyer, V. Alfred Krupp ; life and work ; added, Visit to the Krupp works at Essen ; [by] E. Monthaye. *I Niemojowski, L. Siberian pictures ; ed. fr. the Polish, by Maj. Szulczewski. 2 v. 23706-7 Night after the battle ; [poem] ; by A. C. Kemper. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Nightingale, F. Aldridge, L. Florence Nightingale. 26478 Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.) 2<>0l(> Nightingale, The, and the rose ; by O. Wilde. (In his Happy prince, etc.) 29901 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 471 Nights at the play ; by D. Cook. 24081 Nihilism. Vogue, E. M. de. Nihilism and mysticism ; Tolstoi. (/// his Russian novelists.) 28828 See also Russia. For stories of nihilism, see O'Meara, K. Narka. Nil nisi bonum ; by W. M Thackeray. (In Prose master- pieces, v. 1.) 23200 Nile. Pullan, R. P. Father Nile. (In his Eastern cities.) 24259 Nile Expedition, 1884. See Egypt. History. Nils Jensen ; by W. E. Norris. (In his Man of his word.) 25349 Nilssou, C. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima Donna, v. 2.) 29599 Engel, L. (In his From Mozart to Mario, v. 2.) 27559 Nimrod in the north ; by F. Schwatka. 26023 Niude, M. L. We two alone in Europe. Illust. 26085 Nineteenth century. Harrison, F. A few words abt. the nine- teenth century. (In his Choice of books.) 26324 Ninette ; by C. L. H. Dempster. 29867 Nineveh. Wright, W. B. Nineveh, the city of soldiers. (In his Anc. cities.) 27010 Nipher, F. E. Theory of magnetic measurements ; with app. on the method of least squares. 26962 Nisbett, L. C. See Boothby, Lady L. C. Nissi, J. See Joseph, Prince of Naxos. Nitsch, C. (O.) Catherine Owen's new cook book. 26182 Choice cookery. 30810 Gentle breadwinners; story of one of them. 29101 - Molly Bishop's family. 30453 Progressive housekeeping. 30913 - Ten dollars enough ; keeping house well on ten dollars a week. 27168 Nixon, R. C. J., ed. Euclid revised; with add. propositions and exercises. 30580 No Haid Pawn ; by T. N. Page. (In his In Ole Virginia.) 28254 No medium ; by A. Thomas [Mrs. Cudlip]. 26012 No saint ; by A. Sergeant. 26844 Noa, H. Plays for the kindergarten as introduced in Mary In- stitute, St. Louis, Mo. Music by C. J. Richter. 29151 Noble, E. The Russian revolt ; causes, condition, and prospects. 25449 Noble blood ; by J. Hawthorne. 24755 Noble wife, A ; by J. Saunders. 23489 Noblesse oblige; by N. Perry. (In Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 Noel, Lady A. From generation to generation. 24529 Noel, R. Essays on poetry and poets. 26901 Nohl, C. F. L. Life of Haydn ; tr. by G. P. Upton. 25235 - Life of Liszt; fr. the German, by G. P. Upton. 24028 Life of Wagner; fr. the German, by G. P. Upton. 23394 Nohl, L. See Nohl, C. F. L. Nonconformists. Luckock, H. M. The bishops in the Tower ; record of events affecting the Church and Nonconformists fr. the restoration to the revolution. 28420 Nonius Marcellus. Nettleship, H. (In Ms Lect., etc.) 25633 Nonneu, E. Lifvets skola ; eller Adel siid och rika karfvar ; beriittelse for uugdom. 15095 472 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Nonsense books ; by E. Lear. 30348 Noodles. See Fools. 11 Nor'ard of the Dogger" ; by E. J. Mather. 29845 Norcross, J. History of democracy cousid. as a party name and as a political organization. 23551 Nordenskiold, A. E. Hyde, A., and others. Nordenskiold's north-east passage expedition, 1878-80. (In their Frozen zone.) 26113 Nordhoff, C. God and the future life ; reasonableness of Christianty. 23395 Man-of-war life ; a boy's experience in the U. S. navy. 23177 The merchant vessel ; a sailor-boy's voyages. 24924 Nordvall, J. Larobok i modersmalet for elementarundervis- ningen. 15142 Norfolk, Fa. Burton, H. History of N., 1736-1877. 22991 Norfolk County, Eng. Rye, W. History of Norfolk. 25920 Norfolk Island. Co'ote, W. (In his Western Pacific.) 23577 Norgate, K. England under the Angevin kings. Maps, etc. 2 v. 28423-4 Normal schools. Payne, W. H. The normal-school problem. (In his Contrib., etc.) 27334 Norman, C. B. Colonial France. 27709 Tonkin; or, France in the far East. Maps. 23968 Norman, H. Bodyke ; chapt. in the hist, of Irish landlordism. 28711 Two of a kind. (In his Witching time.) 27331 ed. The broken shaft; tales in mid-ocean. 26116 Contents. Norman, H. On board the Bavaria. Crawford, F. M. The upper berth. Stevenson, R. L. Markheim. Guthrie, F. A. Mar- jory. Pollock, W. H. The -action to the word. Archer, W. My fasci- nating friend. Hopkins, T. Riley, M. P. Norman, H. Love and light- ning. The witching time ; tales for the year's end. 27331 Contents. Dobson, A. In witching time. Crawford, F. M. By the waters of paradise. Tadema, L. A. The captain's bride. Norris, W. E. The spectre of Strathannan. Degen, von. A mystery of the Cam- pagna. Gosse> E. The witches. Paget, V. (ps. Vernon Lee.) The hidden door. Archer, W. Pothooks and hangers. Robinson, A. M. F. Vincent Hadding. Norman, H. Two of a kind. Austin, L. F. Juliet. Normans. Barlow, J. W. Short hist, of the N. in So. Europe. 27544 Jewett, S. O. Story of the Normans. 27647 Oswald, E. J . The dragon of the North ; the N. in Italy. 30282 Norris, W. E. Adrian Vidal. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25750 A bachelor's blunder. 27224 Chris. 29693 Her own doing. (Harper's handy ser.) 27225 The hermit of Saint-Eugene. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 1.) 25367 Major and minor. (Leis. hour ser.) 2 v. 28982-3 A man of his word ; and other stories. 25349 Contents. A man of his word. La bella Sorrentina. The man with the red hair. Nils Jensen. The Princess Paoliui. Count \Valdemar. The Countess Adelcrantz. Mrs. Van Steeu. The old woman of the sea. -- My friend Jim. 27715 The rogue. (Leis. hr. ser.) 30545 - The spectre of Strathannan. (In Norman, H. The witching time.) 27331 That terrible man. (Harper's handy ser.) 25568 Thirlby Hall. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 23636 Norse. See Denmark ; Iceland ; Norway ; Scandinavia ; Sweden. North, B. Symington, A. M. (In his Good lives.) 23981 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 473 North, Christopher, pseud. See Wilson, J. North, Sir D. Bourne, H. R. F. (In his Eng. merchants.) 26568 North, T. The church bells of Bedfordshire ; founders, in- scriptions, etc. *I North, The. See Scandinavia. North America. Botany. Beal, W. J. Grasses of North America. Vol. 1. 28488 Description, etc. Huebner, J. A. (In his Through the Brit, empire, v. 2.) 26892 Icthyology. Goode, G. B. American fishes; pop. treat, upon the game and food fish- es of No. America. Illust. *I Ornithology. Coues, E. Key to No. Amer. birds; species north of the Mexican and U. S. Boundary. *I Jordan, D. S. The nomenclature of Amer. birds. (In his Sci. sketches.) 20449 Langille, J. H. Our birds in their haunts; pop. treat, on the birds of eastern No. America. 24771 Zoology, Caton, J. D. The antelope and deer of America. 26408 North American Review. Vol. 147-148. July, 1888-Jnue, 18S9. 29930-31 North Brookfield, Mass. Temple, J. H. History of N. B. ; prec. by an acct. of Old Quabaug, etc. ; with a genea- logical register. 28482 North Carolina. Hale, P. M. In the coal and iron counties of No. Carolina. 23311 - Warner, C. D. On horseback ; tour in Virginia, No. Carolina, etc. 30378 Zeigler, W. G., and Grosscup, B. S. The lieart of the Alleghanies; or, western No. Carolina. 22994 Northsea islands. See Amrom ; Fohr ; Helgoland ; Silt. Northampton, Mass. Gilchrist, A. Three glimpses of a New Eng. village. (In Gilchrist, H. H. Anne Gilchrist.) 28557 Northcote, S.H., Earl of Iddesleu/h . Pleasures, dangers, and uses of desultory reading. 26495 Northcott, W. H. Theory and action of the steam engine. 23791 Northeastern passage, North pole. See Arctic regions. Northern cross, The ; or, Randolph's last year at the Boston Latin School ; by W. B. Allen. 28937 Northern lily, A; by J. Harrison. 28306 Northern Pacific railroad. Smalley, E. V. History of the R. R. 23114 Northmen in America. Wright, H. C. (In her Children's stor.) 26094 Barneby, W. H. Life and labour in the far west; tour in the N. W. territory, etc. 24458 Northwest ; meaning the northwestern part of theU. S. Barneby, W. H. Life and labour in the far west ; tour in the N. W. territory, etc. 24458 Bernis, E. W. Local government in Michigan and the Northwest. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 1.) *I Daunt, A. In the land of the moose, the bear, and the beaver. 26141 Hiusdale, B. A. The old Northwest; with a view of the thirteen colo- nies as constituted bv the roval charters. 29540 Murray, W. H. H. Daylight laud. 30390 474 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Northwest passage. Waymouth's voyage in search of the N. W. passage. (In East India Co. Dawn of Brit, trade, etc.) *I Norton, C. B. The President and his cabinet; progr. of the government of the U. S. under Cleveland. Illust. 30114 Norton, C. E. S. (S.), afterwards Lady Stirling-Maxwell. Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Norway. Description and travels. Ballon, M. M. (In his Due North.) 2102 - Buckley, J. M. (In his Midnight sun, etc.) 27383 Butterworth, H. (In his Zigzag jour.) 23145 Corning, C. R. (In his Aalesund to Tetuan.) 30307 Davis, S. M. H. Norway nights and Russian days. 28290 Hare, A. J. C. Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia. 25300 Jackson. H. (In her Glimpses, etc.) 26433 Lovett, R. Norwegian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 26038 McKenzie, A. From Newcastle thr. N. (In his Some things abroad.) 30435 Paterson, M. By-paths in South N. (In his Mountaineering.) 27592 Scudder, H. E. The Viking Bodleys; excursion into N. 24494 Stone, M. A. (In his A summer in Scandinavia.) 25575 - Vicary, J. P. An American inN. 26910 - Wright, O. W. (In his People, etc.) 30381 - Wood, C. W. Under northern skies. 27960 Forestry. Brown, J. C. Forestry in N. ; with not. of the phys. geography of the country. 24344 History. Boyesen, H. H. The story of Norway. 26802 Lange, C. C. A. Udtog af Norges Sveriges og Dan marks Historic. 27424 Michel), T. History of the Scottish expedition to N., 1612. 28650 See also Olaf I. ; Olaf II. Also Scandinavia. Literature. The Library has works in the Norwegian language by the following authors :* Asbjornson, P. C. ; Bjoernson, B. ; Ewald,H. F. ; Hahn, E.; Hertz, H.; Kielland, A. L.; Lange, C. C. A.; Meltzer, H.; Rumohr, T. W. ; Watt, R. Also translations into Norwe- gian from: Anderssen, H. C. ; Bousquet, E.; Bronte, E.; Capendu, E.; Carlen, E. S. F.; Cooper, J. F.; Craik, D. M. (M.); DeQuiucey, T.; Dumas, A. D.; Foudras, T. L. A., and Montepin, X. de; Fullerton,G. C.; Janzon, G.; Lange, E. P. (ps. Philipp Galen) ; Lainartine, A. M. L. de P. de ; Marry at, F. ; Merle d' Aubigne, J. H.; Mery, J. E.; Robinson, J. Ridder- hjelm, C.; Smidt, H.; Merimee, P.; Scribe, A. E.; Moreau de Jounes, A. Norwich, Conn. Mitchell, D. G. Beginnings of an old town ; Norwich, 1659-1859 ; centennial address. (In his Bound together.) 23789 Norwich, Eng. Jessopp, A. Norwich. 26036 Nos voisins de campagne ; eomedie ; par L. Darthenay. ( In his Le guignol.) 14935 Not in the prospectus ; by P. Danforth [H. L. Talbot]. 27191 Not like other girls ; by R. N. Carey. 23762 Notable workers in humble life. See Hoare, E. N. Notes for boys (and their fathers) on morals, mind, and man- ners ; by an old boy. 29582 Notley, F. E. M. Red Riding-hood. 23920 Notre dame de bon secours ; by S. A. Palmer. (In her Mrs. Penicott's lodger, etc.) 29455 Notre dame des flots ; by K. E. Edler. (In his Baldine, etc.) 28122 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 475 Nott, E. On the death of Alexander Hamilton, July 9, 1804. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 1.) 24995 Nourse, H. S. Early records of Lancaster, Mass. *I Nourse, J. E. American explorations in the ice zones ; expe- ditions of De Haven, Kane, etc. ; with not. of the Antarc- tic cruise under Lieut. Wilkes, 1840, and of the locations and objects of the U. S. Signal Service Arctic observers ; fr. official sources. [Map]. 24679; *I Nova Scotia. Description and travels. Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in .A catlia and New France. Illust. 24559 Chase, E. B. Over the border; Acadia, the home of EvangeUne. Illust. *I Gilrnan. A. Acadie and Evangeline. (In his Tales of the pathfinders.) 24910 Smith, I*. H. Aeadia; a lost chapter in Amer. history. 24382 -Wright, H. C. The story of Aeadia. (In her Children's stor.) 26094 Novello, Ewer & Co.'s Music primers. See Stainer, J. Novels. Eliot, Q., pseud. Silly novels by lady novelists. (In her essays.) 23545 Hawthorne,J. Novels and agnosticism. (In his Confessions, etc.) 27312 See also Fiction. Novels by eminent hands ; by W. M. Thackeray. (In his Bur- lesques, etc.) 24700 November; ed. by O. F. Adams. (Through the year with the poets.) 27374 Noyes, E. W., joint author. See Barrage, H. S. Nubar pasha. Sketch of N. (In Khedives, etc.) 24002 Numa Roumestan ; by A. Daudet. 27973 Number nine; by B. Stuart. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 No. XIII. ; or, The story of the lost vestal ; by E. Marshall. 2G932 Numbers ; or, The majority and the remnant; by M. Arnold. (In his Discourses.) 25705 Nuncomar, Maharajah. Rusteed, H. E. (In his Echoes fr. old Calcutta. 23338 Stephen, J. F. The story of Nuncomar. and the impeachment of Sir E. Impey. 2v. 25948-9 Nunez Cabega de Vaca, A. Wright, H. C. (In her Children's stories.) 26094 Nuremberg. Description. H odder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 2.) 25068 Nurse Eva ; by the Duchess [M. Argles]. (In her Maiden all forlorn.) 25788 Nursery. See Children. Nursery rhymes. See Halliwell-Phillipps. Nursing. Leuckes, E. C. E. Lectures on general N. 25115 Stephen, Mrs. L. Notes fr. sick rooms. 23081 - Thompson, W. G. Training schools for nurses; with notes on twenty- two schools. 23118 - Weeks, C. S. Text-book of nursing. 25880 White, V. Manual of N. ; prep, for the training school of nurses, Belle- vue Hospital. (In Amer. home book.) 25640 Worcester. A. A new way of training nurses. 30826 Nuttie's father; by C. M.' Yonge. 26095 Nyberg, S. Svenskarne i Minnisota ; en episod ur det Amer- ikanska inbordeskriget, 18(52-3. 15166 476 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Nye Eventyr ; Kong Rene's Datter ! Veiviseren, etc. 27438 Nymph of the West, A ; by H. Seely. 29701 Nystrom, J. W. Pocket-book of mechanics and engineering. 24051 O amitie" ! comedie-vaud. ; par A. E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres. se> 2, v. 33.) *I "O tender Dolores ;" by The Duchess [M. Argles]. 25789 Oakeley, F. Oxenham. H. N. (In Ms short stud.) 25126 Oakley, H. W., joint author. See Dawkins, W. B. Oaths. Davis, J. L. Oaths. (In his Soc. questions.) 26118 Obelisks. See Cleopatra's needle. Ober, F. A. The Knockabout Club in the Everglades ; adv. in exploring Lake Okechobee. Illust. , 28808 Montezuma's gold mines. Illust. 29813 The silver city; story of adv. in Mexico. 24820 - Same. (In Yule tide.) 24823 Travels in Mexico: Yucatan; Centr. and So. Mexico; The border states. Illust. 24057; *I Oberammergau. Holmes, M. J. The passion-play at O. (In her Christmas stories.) 24611 Jackson. H. The passion play at O. (In her Glimpses, etc.) 26433 Seguin, L. G. The passion-play of O. (In his Walks in Bavaria.) 30043 Stoddard, J. L. The passion-play at O. (In his Red-letter days abroad.) 23294 Obermann ; par E. P. de Seancour. 14928 Oberon and Puck ; verses, by H. G. Cone. 26109 Obiter dicta; [by A. Birrell]. Ser. 1, 2. 25184; 28279 Oblivion; by M. G. McClelland. 25841 O'Brien, F. J. The diamond lens ; with other stories ; coll. and ed., with sk. of the author, by W. Winter. 25236 Contents. AVinter, AV. Sketch. The diamond lens. The wonder- smith. Tommatoo. Mother of pearl. The Bohemian. The lost room. The pot of tulips. The golden ingot. My wife's tempter. What was it? Duke Humphrey's dinner. Milly Dove. The dragon fang. Note. These stories are also in a vol. entitled Poems and stories of O'B. The spider's eye. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 3.) 23905 AVinter, VV. Sketch of O'B. '(In O'Brien, F. J. The diamond lens, etc. 25236 O'Brien, R. B. Fifty years of concessions to Ireland, 1.831- 1881. 2v. *I Irish wrongs and Eng. remedies; with other essays. 28653 The " Unionist" case for home rule. (In Bryce, J. Handbook.) 29013 Occam or Ockham, W. Lechler, G. H . Bracton and W. Occam. (In his John Wiclif, v. 1.) 30854 Occident; with preludes on current events ; by J. Cook. 24470 Occult philosophy. Sinnett, A. P. The occult world. 25175 Occult sciences. See Theosophy. Occupations. See Juvenile occupations. Ocean. Bayly, G. Sea-life sixty years ago ; adventures. 26480 Macaulay, J. Sea pictures, drawn with pen and pencil. 25991 Sharp, E. A. Songs and poems of the sea. Simmonds. P. L. Commercial products of the sea. Illust. Ward, A. L. Surf and wave ; the sea as sung by the poets. Biology. (In Agassiz, A. Three cruises of the steamer Blake.) *I Carpenter, W. B. The deep sea and its contents. (In his Nature.) 30623 Heilprin, A. Animal life of our seashore; with spec. ref. to the New Jersey coast and the southern shore of Long Island. Folk-lore. Bassett, F. S. Legends and superstitions of the sea and sailors. 29736 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 477 Physical geography. Maury, M. F. Physical geography of the sea, etc. 28204 Ocean tramp, An ; by P. D. Hey wood. 30109 Oceana; by J. A. Froude. 26319 Oceania or Oceanica. Huebner, J. A. (In Ids Through the Brit, empire, v. 2.) 26892 Reclus, O. (In his Bird's-eye view, etc.} 28736 O'Connell, D. Correspondence ; ed., with not. of his life and times, by W. J. Fitzpatrick. Portr. 2 v. 30451-2 Lefevre, G. S. Peel and O'Connell; Irish policy of Parliament fr. the Act of Union to the death of Peel. 28646 Hamilton, J. A. Life of O'Connell. 30696 O'Connor, T. P. The fall of O'Connell. (In his Parnell movement.) 26902 O'Connor, B. F., ed. Choix de contes contemporains ; with notes. (Bibliotheque d'instruction, etc.) 25237 Contents. Daudet. A. La siege de Berlin. La derniere classe. L'en- fant espion. Les emotions d'un perdreau rouge. La vision du juge de Colmar. Coppee, F. Les vices du capitaine. Le remplayant. Mon ami meurtrier. Theuriet, A. La Saint-Nicolas. About, E. L'pncle et le neveu. La fille du chanoine. L'album du regiment. Gautier, T. Le pavilion sur 1'eau. Le chevalier double. JMusset, A. de. Croisilles. O'Connor, E. M., ed. JNlrytilla Miner; a memoir. 25999 O'Connor, T. P. The Parnell movement ; with sk. of Irish parties fr. 1843. 26902 and McWade, R. Gladstone, Parnell, and the great Irish struggle ; hist. of the movement for " home rule;" with biog. of the leaders. Illust. 27779 October ; ed. by O. F. Adams. (Through the year with the poets.) 27373 Odd folks at home ; by C. L. Mateaux. 28720 Odes and addresses. See Hood, T. O'Donnell, J. C. ; joint author. See Chesney, G. F. O'Donnells of Inchfawn. See Inchfawn. O'Donovan, E. Merv ; story of adventures and captivity. 23637 Odontograph. Robinson, 8. W. (In his Pract. treat.) 24130 CEdipus the king. CEdipus tyrannus. See Sophocles. Oehler, G. F. Theology of the O. T. ; revision of the trans. in Clark's For. Theolog. Lib., with the add. of the 2d Ger- man ed. ; introd. and notes, by G. E. Duy. 23792 Oersted, H. C. Brennan, M. 8. Sketch of O. (In his Pop. expos.) 25026 Offenbach, J. Ehlert, L. Offenbach and the second empire. (In his Fr. the tone world.) 25335 Ogdeu, H. Dr. Barringford's school ; or. The long holiday. 23793 Ogden, R. His little Royal Highness. t Illust. 28896 Oger, V. Introduction, notes, etc. (In Regnard, J. F. Le joueur.) . 24539 Ogier the Dane ; by A. R. Hope [R. H. Moncrieff]. (In his Stor. of old renown.) 28894 Oglander, Sir J. The Oglander memoirs ; extr. fr. the mss. of O. ; ed., with introd. and notes, by W. H. Long. 30280 Ogle, A. (pseud. Ashford Owen.) Her second love. 28597 Note. Same as A lost love ; and Georgy Sandon ; or, A lost love. Ogre of Ha Ha Bay; by O. Thanet [A. French]. (In her Knitters in the sun.) 28872 32 478 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. O'llaulon, A. The unforeseen. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 26443 Ohio. Archaeology. Read, M. C. Archaeology of Ohio. 29565 Education. Hiusdale, B. A. Reforms in the school law of Ohio. (In his Schools, etc.) 23778 Geological Survey. Preliminary rept. upon petroleum and inflammable gas ; by E. Orton; with suppl. 28152 Geology. Bell, T. J. Geology and water strata of Hamilton Co., O., etc. (In his Hist, of water supply.) 23812 History. Black, A. The story of Ohio. 29783 King, R. Ohio ; first fruits of the ordinance of 1787. 30343 - Venable, W. H. Footprints of the pioneers in the Ohio valley. 30660 See also Western Reserve. Ohio in 1788; descr. of the soil, productions, etc. ; fr. the French, with notes and iutrod., by J. H. James. 30671 Ohnct, G. Dr. Rameau ; tr. by Mrs. C. Hoey. 30811 La Grande Marnttre. 14836 Le maitre de forges. 14766 Same. (In Theatre contemp.) 14898 Ohoru, L. M. The angel of the village ; tr. by Mrs. Mathews. 29099 Oil. Cameron, J. Oils and varnishes. 28623 Oils. Brannt, W. T. Pract. treat, on fats and oils. V 28852 Ojibways. See Chippeway. O'Kane, J.,pub. Detail ornament. Pt. 1-6. *I Oken, originally Ockenfuss, L. Ecker, J. A. Loreuz Okeu ; biog. sketch, with explan. notes, select, fr. O.'s corres- pondence, and portr. ; fr. the German, by A. Tnlk. 23343 Olaf I. and II., Kings of Norway. Vicary, J. F. Olav, the king ; and Olav, king and martyr. 2'- 668 Olaf II., King of Norway. Brooks, E. S. Olaf of Norway, the boy viking. (In his Hist, boys.) 25969 Olalla ; by R. Stevenson. (In his Merry men, etc.) 27795 Olcott, H. S. Theosophy, religion, and occult science. 26596 Old age. Wilbraham, K. M. The sere and yellow leaf; thoughts and recollections for old and young. 29194 Old and new. Vols. 5-8, 1872-3. 14269-72 Old, The, and the new, face to face ; by E. E. Hale. ( In Hale, E. E. The man without a country, etc.) 28201 Old bachelor's adventure, An ; by C. Reade. (In his Good stor.) 24029 Old bamboo-hewer's story, The ; the earliest of the Japanese romances, written in the 10th century ; tr. by F. V. Dick- ins, with orig. text, grammar, etc. Illust. *I Old bell-ringer, The ; by V. Kowleuko. (In his Vagrant, etc.) 28970 Old Boniface; by G. H. Picard. 27661 Old Boston ; romance ; by A. de G. Stevens. 3 v. 25408-10 Old cabinet, The ; by M. Sidney [H. M. Lothrop]. (In her Hester, etc.) 27325 Old candidate, The. (In Stor. by an old bohemian, v. 1.) 23600 Old caravan days; by M. H. Catherwood. (In Yule tide.) 24823 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 479 Old Colony series ; namely : Tenney, E. P. Agatha and the shadow. 27860 Constance of Acadia. 26656 Old doctor, The ; by J. V. Cheney. 25716 Old factory, The ; a Lancashire story ; by W. Wcstall. 25577 Old Father Christinas; by J. H. Ewing. ( With her Snap- dragons.) 29801 Old house at Sandwich, The ; by J. Hatton. 28130 Old Lady Mary; by [M. O. W. Oliphant]. 23553 Old Lady Mary ; by Mrs. Oliphant. (In her Stories of the seen and unseen.) 30914 Old maid's paradise, An ; by E. S. Phelps. 25549 Old Mamzel ; by J. A. Harrison ; (In his Autrcfois.) 30330 Old man's love, An ; by A. Trollope. 2 v. 23987-8 Old New England days ; story; by S. M. Damon. 28759 Old order, The, changes ; by W. II. Mallock. 27219 Old Pipes and the dryad ; by F. R. Stockton. (Li his Bee- man of Orn, etc.) 28995 Old regime. See France. Old sailor's yarns; by R. T. Coffin. 24562 Old school-days: by A. B. Harris. 2G821 Old South Church. See Boston. Old South leaflets. Ser. 2-4, 1884-1886. 27261 Old South manuals. See Mead, E. D. Old Testament. See Bible. 0. T. Old town tale, An ; by W. H. Fox. (In The Septameron.) 29902 Old woman, The, of the sea ; by W. E. Norris. (/// his Man of his word.) 25349 Old woman, The, who lived in a shoe ; by A. M. Douglas. 13072 Old world, The, and the new ; by W. Ballantine. 25051 Old-world idylls; by A. Dobson. 23692 Old-world questions and new-world answers ; by D. Pidgeon. 25082 Oldcastle, R., pseud. See St. John, H. Oldcastle, J. The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster; with notes. *I Olden time, Ye. See Holt, E. S. Olden time series. See Brooks, H. M. Oldrieve, W. T. On the best method of maintaining the sup- ply of teak ; with remarks on its price, size, and quality, and the best substitutes for ship-building purposes. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Oldright, W. Overhead ventilation of sewers. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Oldroyd, O. H. A soldier's story of the siege of Vicksburg ; fr. the diary of O. ; with confederate accts. fr. authentic sources, and introd. by M. F. Force. Illust. 25876 Ole 'Stracted ; by T. N. Page. (In his In Ole Virginia.) 28254 Oleomargarine. Branut, W. T. Manufacture of artificial butter, etc. (In his Pract. treat.) 28852 Olin, W. M.., joint author. See Burrage, H. S. 480 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Oliphant, L. Altiora Peto. 23124 Episodes in a life of adventure; or, Moss from a rolling stone. 28522 Fashionable philosophy; and other sketches. 285(58 Contents. Fashionable philosophy. The brigand's bride. The sisters of Thibet. Adolphus; a comedy of affinities. Haifa; or, Life in mod. Palestine; ed., with introd. by C. A. Dana. 27781 Masollam; problem of the period. 3 v. 29402-4 Piccadilly ; fragment of contemp. biography. 24197 Scientific religion; or. Higher possibilities of life and pract. thr. the operation of nat. forces; app. by a clergyman of the Ch. of Eng. 80597 Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. A country gentleman. 26540 Effie Ogilvie; story of a young life. 26837 Hester; story of contemp. life. 23552 A house divided against itself. 26547 Joyce: a novel. 29694 Madam. 24925 The makers of Venice ; doges, conquerors, painters, and men of letters. Illust. *I Memoir of the life of John Tulloch. 30919 Old Lady Mary; story of the seen and the unseen. 23553 The open door; The portrait; stories of the i-een and the unseen. 25170 Sheridan. 23178 Sir Tom. 23503 - The sou of his father. 27627 Stories of the seen and the unseen. 30914 Contents. A little pilgrim. The little pilgrim; further experiences. Old Lady Mary. The open door; and The portrait. The wizard's son. 23794 and Aldrich, T. B. The second son. 29100 Oliphant, T. L. K. The new English. 2 v. 27782-3 Olive. Marvin, A. T. The olive ; its culture in theory and practice. 30538 Olivecrona, R. U. (R.) Sweden. (In Stanton, T. The woman quest.) 24053 Oliver, G. A. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley ; his life, work, and teachings. 25004 Memoir. (In Taylor, J. and A. Tales, etc.} 24208 Oliver, J. A. W., ed. Astronomy for amateurs ; pract. manual of telescopic research. Illust. 29847 Oliver, J. E., and others. Treatise on algebra. 28523 Oliver, Pen, pseud. See Thompson, H. Oliver, S. P. Madagascar ; historical and descr. acct. of the island and its former dependencies. 2 v. 27940-1 Olivia Delaplaine ; by E. Fawcett. 29802 Oilier, E. Cassell's history of the U. S. Illust. 3 v. 25077-9 Olney, Eng. Wright, T. The town of Cowper ; literary and hist, associations of O. and its neighborhood. 27607 Olufsborg; by H. F. Ewald. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Olver, G. W. Future probation. (In Leathes, S., and others. Fut. prob. ; symposium.) 27576 Oman, C. W. C. The Anglo-Norman and Angevin adminis- trative system, 1100-1265. (In Wakeman, H. O., and Hassall, A. Essays.) 28090 Omar Khayyam (Gias ud din Abul fathah Omar bin Ibrahim Al Khayyam). Rubdiyat ; in English verse [by] E. Fitz- gerald; and biographical preface. 30242 O'Meara, K. Mabel Stanhope. 27784 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 481 Madame Mohl ; her salon and her friends ; study of soc. life in Paris. 26180 Narka, the nihilist. 28889 Omei, Mount, China. Hart, V. C. Western China; journey to the great Buddhist centre. 30225 Omen, The, of the moon ; by A. MacAlpine. ( In his Teresa Itasca, etc.) 27471 Omnibus, The. Byrne, Mrs. W. P. De omnibus rebus. 30609 Omond, G. W. T. The Lord advocates of Scotland, fr. the close of the 15th cent, to the passing of the reform bill. 2 v. 23590-1 On a surf -bound coast ; by A. P. Crouch. 29592 On deck. See Warren, T. R. On ne badine pas avec 1'amour ; comedie ; par A. de Musset. 25311 On ne saurait penser a tout ; par A. de Musset. (In Musset, L. C. A. de. Selections.) 24538 On special service ; by G. Stables. 28822 On the fo'k'sle head ; sea stories ; by W. C. Russell. 25455 On the frontier ; by B. Harte. . 24277 'On the stage ; by D. Cook. 2 v. 24808-9 On the Susquehanna ; novel ; by W. A. Hammond. 27829 On the threshold ; [essays]. See Munger, T. T. On the track of the crescent ; by E. C. Johnson. 25603 Once more ; by M. Majendie. 24254 One among many ; by H. B. Goodwin. 24015 One cent; by R. H. Lathrop. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 One day in a baby's life ; adapt, fr. the French of M. Arnaud, by S. Coolidge [S. C. Woolsey]. 27267 One girl's way out; by H. Benning [M. H. Henry]. 28780 One hundred years of Amer. independence. (Barnes's cent. hist.) 28455 One little rebel ; by J. B. Smith. 28735 One New Year's eve ; by the Duchess [M. Argles]. (In her Maiden all forlorn.) 25788 One of the Duanes ; by A. K. Hamilton. 28305 One of the thirty pieces ; by W. H. Bishop. (In stor. by Am. auth., v. 1, and in his Choy Susan, etc.) 23903 ; 24557 One of " Us ;" by E. Randolph, Jr. 3 v. 23018-20 One thing needful ; The ; by M. E. Braddon [Maxwell]. 27625 One too many ; by [E. W. O. Kirk]. (In her Better times.) 30341 One traveller returns ; by D. C. Murray and H. Herman. 29846 O'Neal, P., afterwards wife of Gen. Wm. Eaton. Parton, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 O'Neall, J. B. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 O'Neil, C. A. The American electoral system. 28353 O'Neill, J. J. Arbitration. (In McNeill, G. E. The labor movement.) 27651 Ongaro, F. dall'. Howells, W. D. (Li his Mod. Ital. poets.) 28872 Only a curate ; by C. G. Egomet. 29024 Only a year and what it brought ; by J. Andrews. 28856 Only an incident ; by G. D. Litchfield. 23546 Only fifteen ; by M. A. Parsons. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 482 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Only one, The ; by H. W. French. 23888 Only son, An ; by S. O. Jewett. (In her Mate of the Daylight.) 23385 Only the governess ; by R. N. Carey. 29132 Only woman in the town ; by S. J. Prichard. (In New Eng. story-bk.) 24819 Onslow, P., joint author. See Smith, I. G. Onslow, W. H., Earl. Landlords and allotments ; hist, and pres. cond. of the allotment system. 27058 Opal. Hamlin, A. C. The opal. (In his Leisure hours.) 24477 Open air, The, by R. Jefferies. 26826 Open door, The ; by B. W. Howard. 30749 Open door, The ; by [M. O. W. Oliphant]. 25170 Open door, The ; by Mrs. Oliphant. (In her Stories of the seen and unseen.) 30914 Open verdict, An ; by M. E. Braddon [M. E. B. Maxwell]. 17438 Opera. Gilbert, W. S. Original comic operas. 28918 Macfarren, G. A. The lyrical drama. (In his Addresses, etc.) 30177 Mapleson, J. H. The Mapleson memoirs, 1848-1888. 2 v. 30737-8 Paget, V. Metastasio and the opera. (In her Stud, of the 18th cent.) 25127 Upton, G. P. The standard operas; their plots, their music, and their composers; handbook. 2G201 History. Ritter, F. L. (In his Student's hist, of music.) 23892 See also Prima Donna. For the music of many operas, see the names . of composers. Operation, An, in money ; by A. Webster. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 1.) 23903 Opie. Mrs. A. A. Illustrations of lying. 23554 Ritchie, A. I. T. Mrs. Opie. (In her Book of Sibyls.) 23398 Robertson, E. S. (In his Enjr. poetesses.) 23640 Opitz, M. Perry, T. S. From Opitz to Lessing ; study of pseudo-classicism in literature. 24926 Optic, Oliver, pseud. See Adams, W. T. Optics. Stokes, G. G. On light ; first course, on the nature of light. 243S3 - Tait, P. G. Light. 24594 Thomson, W. Notes of lectures on molecular dynamics and the wave theory of light. *I Orange and green ; by G. A. Henty. 29378 Oranges and alligators; by I. D. Hardy. 27566 Orations. For collections of orations see the division Litera- ture under names of countries ; also English eloquence. Oratorios. Upton, G. P. The standard oratorios ; their sto- ries, music, and composers ; handbook. 27248 Oratory. See Elocution ; Eloquence. Also France. Orcagna, A., called di Cione. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Ordeal. Andrews, W. Ordeals. (In his Hist, romance.) 23435 Ordnance. Benton, J. G. Course of instr. in ordnance and gunnery. 24048 Jaques, W. H. Heavy ordnance for national defence. 25222 See also Submarine artillery. Oregon. Barrows, W. Oregon ; the struggle for possession. 23257 Jackson, H. (In her Glimpses, etc.) 2G433 Leighton, C. C. Life at Puget sound; with sketches of travel in O. 23475 Oregon, steamer. Forbes, R. B. The loss of the Oregon. 26531 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 483 O'Reilly, B. Life of Leo XIII. ; an authentic memoir. 28354 O'Reilly, J. B. Ethics of boxing and manly sport. Illust. 29560 In Bohemia; [poems]. 26997 joint author. See Grant, R. O'Rell, Mx&, pseud. See Blouet, P. Ores. Phillips, J. A. Treatise on ore deposits. 24586 Oresko, E. Poland. (In Stanton, T. The woman quest.) 24053 Organ. Baxter, L. E. Old organs and their builders. (In her Tuscan stud.) 29350 Best, W. T. The art of organ playing pract. illust. 2pts.ini. *I Buck, D. Illustrations in choir accompaniment, with hints in registration. *I Edwards, C. A. Organs and organ building. 29597 Wicks, M. Organ building for amateurs. 29499 Organ voicing and tuning ; guide to amateurs. 28377 Oriel school. Tulloch, J. The early Oriel school and its con- geners. (In Ms Movements of relig. thought.) 257S1 Orient. See East. Orient ; with preludes. See Cook, J. Oriental experience ; by R. Temple. 23865 Oriental literature. Collections. Alger, W. R. Poetry of the Orient. 23521 Note. 1st ed. entitled Poetry of the East. Oriental religions. Johnson, S. Oriental religions and their rel. to univ. relig. : Persia. 24765 Origenes. Bigg, C. (In his Chr. Platonists.) 27491 Origin of the fittest ; by E. D. Cope. 27819 Original belle, An ; by E. P. Roe. 25763 Origins. Pressense", E. de. A study of origins. 24154 Orinda, pseud. See Philips, C. Orion, the gold beater; by S. Cobb, Jr. 29669 Orkney Is. Wallace, J. Description of the Isles of O. *I Orleans, C., due d'. Stevenson, R. L. (In his Famil. stud.) 28164 Ormond ; by C. B. Brown. 29789 Ornament. See Decoration. Orne, P. Simply a love-story. 25569 Ornithology. Harting, J. E. Sketches of bird life. *I Nicols, A. On birds. (In his Zoolog. notes.) 23015 Itidgway, R. Ornithologists' compendium. (In his Nomenclature of colors.) 28529 Shore birds. 20297 Trumbull, G. Names and portraits of birds which interest gunners; with descriptions. 2989S Wilson, A. Wild animals and birds; their 1 aunts and habits. *I -Wood, T. Our bird allies. 29431 See also British America; No. America; U. S. Also Parrots. Ornithorhynchus. See Duck-bill. Orusby, G. York; with map. (Diocesan histories.) 26055 Ornsby, R. Memoirs of J. R. Hope-Scott ; with select, fr. 2 v. 24256-7 his correspondence. Orpeu, G. H. Socialism E. de. Socialism.) Orpheus C. Ken-, pseud. Orr, J. L. Perry, B. F. in England. (In Lavelcye, V. L. See Newell, R. H. (In his Reminis.) Orseoleo di Venezia, Family of. Oliphaut, M. O. W. Orseoli. (In her Makers of Venice.) 26710 23322 The 484 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Orthodox; by D. Gerard. 30419 Orthodoxy. Hall, E. H. Ten lectures on orthodoxy and heresy in the Chr. Church. 23083 Savage, M. J. AVhat is orthodoxy? (In his Sermons, v. 4.) 22510 Smyth, E. C., and others. Progressive orthodoxy; contrib. to the Chr. interpretation of Chr. doctrines. 26099 Orthoepy. See the subheading Pronunciation under the names of the languages. Orthography. See English language. Orton, E. Preliminary rept. upon petroleum and inflammable gas; with suppl. 28152 Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing with the fly ; sketches by lovers of the art. Illust. *I Contents. Hallock, C. Etchings on a salmon stream. Dawson, G. Fly casting for salmon. Beardslee, L. A. The salmon and trout of Alaska. Fitch, Fitz J. Sea-trout. Williamson, J. A. Rangeley brook trout. Mather, F. The grayling. Thomson, W. A trouting trip to St. Ignace Island. Tomlin, W.' D. The angler's greeting. "Bourgeois." The lure. Miner, A. L., Jr. Fly fishing in the Yosemite. Green, S. How to cast a fly. "Nessmuk." " Trout; meeting them on the "June rise." Prime, W. C. "Why Peter went a fishing." Roosevelt, R. B. From "Game fish of the north." Pond, F. E. Poetry of fly fishing. Van Siclen, G. W. A perfect day. Orvis, C. F. Suggestions. Hen- shall, J. A. The resources of fly fishing. Pinckney, F. S. Winter angling. Cheney. A. N. Not all of fishing to fish. Kenworthy, C. J. Fly-fishing in Florida. Judson, E. Z. C. Fly-fishing. Orzeszko. See Orcsko. Osborn, II. S. Ancient Egypt in the light of mod. discoveries. 23555 Practical manual of minerals, mines, and mining. Illust. 29454 Osborne, B. P^scott, T. H. S. (In his Politics, etc.) 27881 Osborne, D., afterwards Lady Temple. See Temple, D. O. Osborne, D. The spell of Ashtaroth. 29814 Osborne, Edward. See Edward Osborne. Osgood's predicament ; by E. D. B. Stoddard. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 8.) 24221 O'Shea, J. A. An iron-bound city; or, Five months of peril and privation. 2 v. 26904-5 Leaves from the life of a spec, correspondent ; with portrait. 2 v. 25313-14 Military mosaics; tales and sketches. 30483 Contents. F. Burnaby; in memoriam. Gunner Molampy's conver- sion. The war crisis in Monaco. The regimental pet. Reminiscence of Gen. Buonaparte. Drummer Brien of the Rovers. With the Carlists. Much-a-w anted. A little dinner at Kiko. A Breton group in besieged Paris. "The devil's own." Major Moriarty. True story of the "Gin- eral." Cipriano. Trooper Tom Sturps. Romantic Spain; record of pers. experiences. 2 v. 27942-3 Ossoli, S. M. F., marcliesa d'. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.) 26916 Cone, H. G., and Gilder, J. L. (In their Pen-portr., v. 2.) 28757 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Higginson, T. W. Maruaret Fuller Ossoli. 23889 - Howe, J. W. Margaret Fuller. 23279 Sanborn, K. Margaret Fuller. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Ostrauder, J. S. An hour with victory. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Oswald, E., pseud. See Schulze, t5. C. W. Oswald, E. J. The dragon of the North ; tale of the Normans in Italy. 30282 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 485 Oswald, F. L. The Bible of nature ; or, The princ. of secu- larism ; contrib. to the relig. of the future. 29815 The poison problem ; or, Cause and cure of intemperance. 27659 Others of their kin ; by L. P. Hale. ( With her Last of the Peterkins.) 27304 Otis, J., pseud. See Kaler, J. O. Otte, E. C. Denmark and Iceland. Illust. (For. countries, etc.) 23131 Otto of the silver hand ; by H. Pyle. 30357 Otway, T. Venice preserved. (In Browne, M. E. Tales fr. the old dram.) 23035 Gosse, E. W. (In his Seventeenth cent, stud.) 23580 Ouida, pseud. See Rame, L. de la. Ounces of prevention ; by T, M. Coan. 26529 Our archery club ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his The lady.) 24037 Our boys and girls. See Alden, Mrs. G. R. ; Our chancellor ; by M. Busch. 24067 Our Christmas in a palace ; by E. E. Hale. 23467 Our consul at Carlsruhe ; by J. S. of Dale [F. J. Stimsou]. (In his Sentimental calendar.) 27667 Our country. See U. S. Our Dolly ; by Mrs. R. H. Read. 28082 Our feather farm. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journ., v. 2.) 27967 Our fellows ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 28124 Our fire-screen ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his The Lady.) 24037 Our future money ; by W. Woodward. 25S92 Our great benefactors. See Drake, S. A. Our great-grandfathers ; by Mine, de Gasparin. (In her Under Fr. skies.) 30322 Our irrepressible tenor. (In My Night adv.) 27692 Our last walk ; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. (/// his Bound together.) 24903 Our little Ann ; by the author of " Tip Cat," etc. 26212 Our little ones and the nursery. Vol. 3. 1884. 13393 Note. Formerly Our little ones. Our national war songs ; with accompaniment. *I Our new mistress ; by C. M. Yonge. 30668 Our organist ; by F. C. Baylor. (In her Shocking example, etc.) 30774 Our own country ; descriptive, historical, pictorial. Illust. v. 6. 19735 Our own set; by O. Schubin [L. Kuerschner], 24591 Our Phil ; by K. F. Dana. 30314 Our queer pet ; by M. J. Safford. (In her Christ, country.) 27095 Our radicals ; by F. Burnaby. 27273 Our sensation novel ; ed. by J. H. McCarthy. 26438 Our story ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his The Lady.) 24037 Our venture ; by J. Andrews. (In Catherwood, M. II., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 Our war songs, North and South. *I Our young folks at home. Illust. 30147 Ourika ; par la duchesse de Duras. (In Masson, G. Fr. clas- sics, v. 5.) 25264 48 f) FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ourselves and our neighbors ; by L. C. Moulton. 28352 Out of the deep. See Wood, E. P. Out of the depths ; by S. G. W. Benjamin. (In his Sea-spray.) 2891 6 Out of the wreck ; by A. M. Douglas. 24741 Outlaws. Higginson, T. W. Travellers and outlaws ; epi- sodes in Amer. hist. 30479 Outlines of sermons to children ; with anecdotes. (Clerical lib.) 23302 Outlooks on society, literature, and politics. See Whipple, E. P. Over on the t'other mounting; by C. E. Craddock [M. N. Murfree]. (In her In the Tenn. mts.) 23765 Over the border. See Nova Scotia. Overhead. See Moore, A., and Nichols, L. D. Overland library. Vol. 1 (No. 1-5).' 30757 Contents. V.I. Lindau.R. Hans, the dreamer; All in vain; First love. Lew aid, F. The aristocratic world; The maid of Oyas. Eckstein, E. The visit to the lock-up; The boarding-school girls; Against the stream. Wilbrandt, A. The pilot captain. Heyse, P. L'Arrabiata; Beppe, the star-gazer; Maria Francisca. Hopfen, II. Trudell's ball; The fortunes and fate of little spangle. Overtoil, J. II. The Evangelical revival in the 18th cent. (Epochs of church hist.) 28430 - Life in the English Church, 1660-1714. 26388 Owden, Sir T. S. Ritchie, J. E. (In his F am. city men.) 23860 Owen, Ashford, pseud. See Ogle, A. Owen, C., now Mrs. Nitsch. tiee Nitsch, Mrs. C. O. Owen, F., pseud. ( ?) Harty, the wanderer ; or, Conduct is fate. Illust. 25080 Owen, F. M. Essays and poems. 30863 Contents. Essays : On the mor. develop, of some of the heroines of Shakspeare and G. Eliot. On the seeming triviality of some of Words- worth's subjects. On Wordsworth's view of death. What is the Flight of the duchess? Colombo's birthday. Goblin market. Jean Francois Millet. Wordsworth. Annie Keary. A Welsh " repeating." The sea- pool. Poems. Owen, R. Parton, J. Robert Owen, cotton manufacturer. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Owen, W. M. In camp and battle with the Washington Artil- lery of New Orleans, dur. the late civil war. Illust. 25751 Owens College Course of Elementary Biology ; namely : Marshall, A. M. The frog; introd. to anatomy and histology. 22896 Owl's nest, The ; [by] E. Marlitt [E. John]. 30232 Oxenham, H. N. Short studies in ecclesiastical history and biography. 25126 Oxford, Earl of. See Harley, R. Oxford, Eng. Boase, C. W. Oxford. (Historic towns.) 28209 Oxford, Diocese of. Marshall, E. Oxford. 26072 Oxford movement. Tulloch, J. The Oxford or Anglo-Catho- lic movement. (In his Movements of relig. thought.) 25781 Oxford University. Py croft, J. Oxford memories ; retrospect after 50 years. 2 v. 27676-7 History. Brodrick, G. C. History of the University of Oxford. 27699 - Lyte, H. C. M. History of the University to 1530. 28426 Oyster epicure, The ; coll. of authorities on the gastronomy and dietetics of the oyster. 23419 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 487 Oysters. Ryder, J. A. Sketch of the life-history of the oys- ter. (In U. S. GeoL Surv. Kept., 1882-3.) 25283 P., E. L. Elfie under the sea ; and other stories. Illust. 23016 Contents. Elfie under the sea. The flower-frog and the flower-girl. Great little Harry. Little Harry the Great. Birdie Ella. P., J. M. and S., F. W. Sketches of the clans of Scotland ; with colored plates of tartans. 26597 P., S. D. See Power, S. C. D. Paasch, H. From keel to truck ; dictionary of naval terms in Eng., French, and German. 29624 Pacific Islands. See Duke of York ; New Britain ; Polynesia. Pacific Ocean. Churchward, W. 13. " Blackbirding" in the South Pacific. 30836 Packard. A. S., Jr. On the structure of the brain of the sessile-eyed Crustacea. (In Nat. Acad. of Sci. Mem., v. 3, pt. 1.) 14262 - Zoology. 23430 Packard, L. R. Studies in Greek thought ; essays ; select, fr. [his] papers. 26676 Contents. Religion and morality of the Greeks. Plato's arguments in the Pluvdo for the immortality of 'the soul. Plato's system of education in the Republic. The (Edipus* Rex of Sophokles. The (Edipus at Kolo- nos of S. The Antigone of S. The beginning of a written literature among the Greeks. Paganini, N. Engel, L. (In. his From Mozart to Mario, v. 2.) 27559 - Haweis. H. R. (In his My musical life.) 2384G Paganism. Glennie, J. S. S. The survival of P. ( In Gar- nett, L. M. J. Greek folk-songs.) 26235 - Renan, J. E. (In his Studies.) 27950 Pagans, The ; by A. Bates. 23661 Pago, A. L., and others. The kindergarten and the school. 28809 Contents. Page, A. L. Frobel, the man and his work. Brooks, A. Theory of Fro'bol's kindergarten system; Gifts and occupations of the kindergarten. Putnam, A. H. Use of kindergarten material in primary schools. Peabody, M. H. Connection of the kindergarten with the school. Page, D. Economic geology ; or, Geology in its rel. to the arts and manufactures. 28213 Page, T. N. In Old Virginia ; or, Marse Chan, and other sto- ries. 28254 Contents. Marse Chan. u Unc' Edinburgh drowndin'." Meh Lady. Ole 'Stracted. " No Haid Pawn."-Polly. Marse Chan. (In Tories by Amer. authors, v. 9, and in his In Old Va.) 24222; 28254 - Tvyo little confederates. Illust. 3054G joint author. See Gordon, A. C. Paget, G., Ld. The Light Cavalry Brigade in the Crimea; ex- tracts fr. letters and journal dur. the war. Map. 23247 Paget, V. (pseud. Vernon Lee.) The Countess of Albany. (Fam. women ser.) 24487 Euphorion ; studies of the antique and the mediaeval in the Renais- sance. 2 v. 246G6-7 - The hidden door. (In Norman, H. The witching time.) 27331 Juvenilia; essays on sundry aesthetical questions. 28848 Contents. Juvenilia. The lake of Charlemagne. Botticelli at the Villa Lemmi. Rococo. Prosaic music and poetic music. Apollo the fid- dler. The Immortality of iho Maestro Galuppi. Perigot. Lombard colour studies. Don Juan (con Stenterello). Signor Curiazio. Christ- kindchen. Epilogue. 488 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Miss Brown. 3 v. 25477-9 A phantom lover. 27333 Studies of the 18th cent, in Italy. 25127 Pagoda shadows ; by A. M. Fielde. 24407 Pailleron, E. Le monde ou Ton s'ennuie ; come"die. (In Thea- tre contemp.) 14898 Pain. Newton, R. H. The problem of P. in the animal world in the human world. (/// his Philistinism.) 25674 Paine, H. G. Charles James Mathews. (In Matthews, J. R. and Mutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 Paine, T. Savage, M. J. Thos. Paine ; lessons fr. his life. (In. his Sermons, v. 4.) 22510 Painter, F. V. N. History of education. (Internat. educ. ser.) 26838 Painters. Armitage, E. On the painters of the .18th cent. (Jn/wsLect.) 22995 Saunders, F. The old masters. (In his Pastime papers.) 25S90 See also Artists. Painting. Armitage, E. Lectures on painting. 22995 Collier, J. Manual of oil painting. 27736 Fowler, F. Oil painting; handbook for students and schools. 25S28 Hamerton,P. G. Style. (In his Portf. Papers.) 30848 Harrison, F. (In his At Burlington House. In his Choice of books.) 26324 Standage, H. C. Artists' manual of pigments. 26715 Stevens, A. Impressions on painting. 27534 The year's art; epitome of matters rel. to painting, etc. 1SS4-'S9. *I History. Clement, C. E. Outline hist, of painting; with indexes and illust. 23421 Heaton, M. M. Concise hist, of I*. ; new ed., rev. by C. Monkhouse. 305SS See also Arts, Fine ; China painting ; Decoration ; Flower painting ; Household art; Illumination; Landscape; Lustra painting; Ma- rine painting; Mural painting; Scene painting; Trees; Water colors. Also Names of countries, under the division Art. Painting (mechanical, materials). Condit, C. L., and Schel- ler, J. Painting and painters' materials. 23150 Pair of silk stockings. A ; by [E. W. O. Kirk]. (In her Bet- ter times.) 80341 Palace, The, in the garden ; by Mrs. Molesworth. 29182 Palace-prison, A ; or, The past and the present. 24609 Palaces. See also France. Antiquities. Palacio V aide's, A. The Marquis of Penal ta (Marta y Maria) ; tr. by N. H. Dole. 27349 Maximina ; tr. by N. H. Dole. 29169 Palaeontology. See Geology. Palander, F. A. Skizzer fran Nord-Amerika och Vest-Iudien, 1864-65. 15096 Palaprat, J., joint author. See Brueys, D. A. de. Palestine. Carpenter, J. E. Life in Palestine when Jesus lived ; hand-book to the synoptical gospels. 26227 Geikie, C. The Holy Land and the Bible; Scripture illustrations gath- ered in P. 2 v. 28S73-4 Gordon, C. G. Reflections in P., 1883. 24084 Oliphant, L. Haifa; or, Life in mod. P. 27781 Stapfer, E. Palestine in the time of Christ. 28993 Antiquities. Conder, C. R. Syrian stone-lore ; monument, hist, of P. 27551 Sayce, A. H. Fresh light from the anc. monuments. 27597 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 489 Description and travels. De Hass, F. The land of Israel; trans-Jortlanic Palestine. 23917 Field, H. M. Among the holy hills. 23465 Hannington, J. Last journals; jour. thr. P. 30697 Henderson, A. Palestine ; its hist, geography. 25397 Hull, E. Mount Seir, Siani, and western P. ; narr. of a scientific expedi- tion. 26246 McKenzic. A. From Tiberias to Jerusalem. (In his Some things abroad.) 30435 Macleod, N. Half-hours in the Holy Land. 26040 Mitford, E. L. (In his Land march, v. 1.) .. 24965 Pressense, E. de. Evnugelii land; anteckningar undar en resa i Oster- landeran ; of versatt, med tilliigg, af P. W. Bergstrand. 15143 Richardson, D. N. Bible lauds. (In Ms Girdle round the earth.) 29191 Roehr, J. F. Palaestina; beskrifning ofwer Judiska laudet wid Jesu tid ; of wursiittning af N. Astraud. 15144 Schumacher, G. Across the Jordan; explor. and survey of part of Haul-tin and Jaulan. 26606 Temple, R. Aspect of P. in 1883. (In Ms Orient, expr.) 23865 Scenes and sites in P. (In his Cosmopolitan essays.) 27601 Geoloyy. Dawsou, J. \V. Modern science in Bible lands. 30628 See also Kadesh-barnea. Paley, W. Thompson, J. P. Final cause ; critique of the failure of P. (In his Amer. comments.) 24445 Palfrey, J. G. Compendious hist, of New Eng., fr. the dis- cov. to the 1st gen. congress of the Anglo- Amer. colo- nies. 4 v. 23820-3 Palgrave, F. T. Golden treasury of songs and lyrical poems, with notes; with continuation; ed. byJ. F. Kirk. 2331)6 Palgrave, W. G. Ulysses ; or, Scenes and studies in many lands. 29323 Palissy, B. Bolton, S. K. (I/t, her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Hale, E. E. ( In Ms Stor. of invention.) 25539 Palliser, C., joint author. /See Palliser, G. Palliser. G. and C. Palliser's American cottage homes. 23091 Palliser's model homes; designs for dwellings, etc. 23122 Palm tree. Moody, 8. The palm tree. 29557 Palma, J., called II vecchio. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Palmer, A. B. Temperance teachings of science ; in trod, by M. A. Livermore. 26341 Palmer, A. E. (F.) Bolton, S. K. (In her Successful women.) 30203 Palmer, B. W. Sanitary suggestions on how to disinfect our homes. 25514 Palmer, E. H. History of the Jewish nation ; rev. ed., ed. by S. F. Smith. 23795 Palmer, E. J. Endings of Shakespeare's plays. (In Win- chester Coll. Shakspere Soc. Noctcs.) 29429 Palmer, G. II. Expenses at Harvard ; address. 26944 The new education. 28257 Contents. The new education. PosMble limitations of the elective system. Palmer, M. T. The doctor of Deanc. 29183 Palmer, R., Earl of Selborne. Defence of the Ch. of Eng. against disestablishment ; with introd. letter to W. E. Gladstone. 28654 Palmer, Lady S. M. Mrs. Penicott's lodger ; and other stories. 29455 Contents. Mrs. Penicott's lodger. Pcppa. A Christmas story. Miss Martha Caryl. Notre dame de boil secours. Nancy Dedman. 490 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Palmerston, Viscount. See Temple, H. J. Palmistry. See Chiromancy. Paludan-Miiller, F. Brandos, G. (In his Eminent authors.) 27179 Pampas. Crawford, R. Across the Pampas and the Andes. 24852 Pamphlet, Le; par E. Legouve". (In his Comedies.) 14733 Panama canal. Lawrence, T. J. The Panama canal and the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. (In his Essays.) 26251 Lesseps, F. de. (In his Recollections.) 28973 Rodrigues, J. C. The Panama canal ; history, polit. aspects, and financial difficulties. 26058 Pancha; by T. A. Janvier. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 10.) 24223 Pandora ; by H. James. ( With his Author of Beltraftio.) 24994 Pansy, pseud. See Alden, I. M. Pantheism. Saisset, E. E. Mod. pantheism. (In his Essay on relig. phil.) 2 v. 29849-50 Pantomimes. See Parlor varieties. Papa Fortin ; par L. Ulbach. 14447 Papacy. See Popes. Papendiek, C. L. H. (A.) Court and private life in the time of Queen Charlotte ; ed. by Mrs. V. D. Broughton. 2 v. 28431-2 Paper. Davis, C. T. Manufacture of paper. 27076 See also Wood-pulp. Paper-chasing. Rye, W. Paper-chasing and cross-country running. (In Shearman, M. Athletics, etc.) *I Paper money. Richardson, H. W. Paper money; current financ. discussion. 23057 iSee also Treasury notes ; U. S. Finance. Paper ship, The ; by Mrs. W. K. Clifford. (In her Anyhow stor.) 23148 Papillon, A. F. W. Memoirs of Thomas Papillon of London, Merchant, 1623-1702; comp. fr. autograph mss. ; portr. etc. 28433 Papillon, T. Papillon, A. F. W. Memoirs of P. 28433 Papua. Chalmers, J. Pioneering in New Guinea. 28624 Coote, W. (In his Western Pacific.) 23577 Guillemard, F. H. H. Cruif-e of the Marchesa to Kamschatka and New Guinea. *I Lindt, J. W. Picturesque New Guinea; with hist, introd. and chapt. on the manners and customs of Papuans. *I Romilly, H. II. The western Pacific and New Guinea. 27059 Strachan, J. Explorations and adventures in New Guinea. 29848 Papyrus. Abbot, E. Ancient P. and the mode of making paper fr. it. (Li his Authorship of the 4th Gospel.) 30612 Parables. See Bible. N. T. Gospels. Paracelsus, A. P. T. Bombast von Hohenheim, called. Hart- mann, F. Life of P , and the substance of his teachings, from his works. 28072 Paradise. Warren, W. F. Paradise found ; the cradle of the human race at the North Pole ; study of the prehist. world. 25181 Paradox Club, The ; by E. Garnett. 30527 Paradox, The, of acting ; by D. Diderot. 23340 Paraguay. Clemens, E. J. M. (In his La Plata countries.) 26805 Description. Mulhall, M. G. and E. T. (In their Handbook, etc.} 25123 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 491 Palgrave, W. G. From Montevideo to P. ( In his Ulysses.) 29323 Parini, G., il abate. Howells, W. D. (In his Mod. Ital. poets.) 28782 Paris, J. A. Munk, W. Sketch of P. (In his Gold-headed cane.) 24861 Paris, L P. A. d' O., comte de. The battle of Gettysburg; fr. the Hist, of the civil war in Amer. 26998 History of the civil war in America. Vol. 4. 14335 Paris, France. Description and travels. B., T. Paris i vara dagiir; skizz. 15080 - Hare, A. J. C. Walks in Paris. 29446 - Hurjjreuves, T. (In his Voyage.) 23950 Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 1.) 25067 Hunnuwell, J. F. Mediaeval and mod. Paris. (In his Hist, monuments of France.) *I James, H. Occasional Paris. (In his Portr. of places.) 23543 Jerrold, W. B. At home in Paris. 4 v. 28408-11 - M'Collester, S. H. France and P. (In his After-thoughts.) 23634 Verney. Lady. Paris during the Exhibition [18781 . (In her Cottier owners, etc.) 26396 - /Same. (In her Peasant properties, etc., v. 1.) 26967 Electrical Exhibition. 1881. Heap, D. P. Electrical appliances of the present dav ; rept. on the Paris Exhib. 24628 History. Siege, 1870-71. Fetridge, W. P. Rise and fall of the Commune in 1871. 2907:; O'Shea, J. A. An iron-bound city: five months of peril and privation. 2 v. 26904-5 - Washburne, E. B. (In his Recollections.) 28831-2 Institut. Academic Francaise. Fenelon, F. de S. de L. Lettre sur les occupations de I'Acadi'mie Franchise. 14409 National character, social life, etc. Murger, H. The Bohemians of the Latin quarter. *I O'Meara. K. Madame Mohl; her salon and her friends; study of soc. life in P. 26180 Paris-Duverney, J. Parton, J. Paris-Duverney, French finan- cier. (/w/u'sCapt. of ind.) 24420 Paris atelier, A; by [D. M. (M.) Craik]. (In her About money, etc.) 27494 Paris en Amrique ; par R. Lefebvre [E. R. Laboulaye] . 14765 Paris to Pekin ; by V. Meignan. 26594 Parish, The, of Taxwood ; by J. R. Macduff. 24089 Parish priest. See Roux, J. Parish problems. See Gladden, W. Parish registers. Waters, R. E. C. Parish registers in Eng. ; their hist, and contents. 27903 Parishes. Smith, J. T. The parish ; its powers and obliga- tions at law, its officers, etc.; with illust. of the pract. working. *I Park, E. A. Discourses on some theological doctr. as rel. to the relig. character. 25350 Park, T. Enlargement, etc. (In Walpole, H. Catalogue of royal and noble authors.) *I Parker, F. W. Notes of talks of teaching by P. ; report, by L. E. Patridge. 23054 Parker, J., D.D. Books which have influenced me. (In Gladstone, W. E., and others. Books, etc.) 28840 492 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Parker, J. L., and others. History of the 22d Mass. Infantry, the 2d Company Sharpshooters, and the 3d Light Battery, in the war of the rebellion. 28356 Parker, J. M. The midnight cry. 2G650 Rochester; a story historical. 24702 joint author. See Denslow, Van B. Parker, T. Views of religion ; with introd. by J. F. Clarke. 260S6 Contents. Introduction. The religious element in man. Natural- ism, supernaturalism, and spiritualism. Speculative atheism, regarded as a theory of the universe. Sermon of providence,. Of justice and the conscience. Culture of the religious powers. Piety and the relation thereof to manly life. Conscious religion as a source of strength. Com- munion with God. Relation of Jesus to his age and the ages. Thoughts about Jesus. Discourse of the transient and permanent in Christianity. The Bible. Sermon on immortal life An humble tribute to the memory of W. E. Charming. Beauty in the world of matter. Spring. Prayer. Cook, F. E. Story of P. ' 23090 Emerson, R, W. T. Parker; address. (In his Miscellanies.) 23463 Parker, T. J. Course of instr. in Zootomy ; vertebrata. 25171 joint author. See Parker, W. K. Parker, W. H. Recollections of a naval officer, 1841-1865. 23179 Parker, W. K., and T. J. The land carnivora. (In Dun- can, P. M. Cassell's nat. hist., v. 2.) 24957 Parker, W. N. Elements of the comparative anatomy of verterbates ; adapt, fr. the German of R. Wiedersheim, with add. Wood cuts. 30268 Parkes, E. A. Manual of pract hygiene; ed. by F. S. B. F. de Chaumont. *I Parkes. See Parks. Parkinson, S. Scenes from the "George Eliot" country. Illust. 29405 Parkinson, T. Yorkshire legends and traditions, as told by her anc. chroniclers, poets, etc. 30864 Parkman, F. Historic handbook of the northern tour ; Lakes George and Champlain, Niagara, Montreal, Quebec. 25450 Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 v. (France and England in No. America, pt. 7.) 2 v. 24582-3 Farnhatn, C. H. F. Parkman in Jamaica Plain and Boston. (In Gil- der, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Harris, A. B. (In her Amer. authors.) 28776 Parks, L. His star in the East ; study in the early Aryan re- ligions. 27840 Parks. See Parkes. Parleyings with certain people. See Browning, R. Parliament, Benefits of ; by W. S. Landor. ( Li Prose mas- terpieces, v. 1.) 23200 Parliamentary practice. Bain, A. Procedure of deliberative bodies. (In his Pract. essays.) 24003 Spofford, A. R. Practical manual of parliamentary rules. 25417 Parliamentary reform. See Great Britain. House of Commons. Parliaments, Divine right of. Spencer, H. The great political superstition. (In his Man versus the State.) 24443 Parloa, M. Kitchen companion ; guide for housekeepers. Illust. 27983 Parlor muse, The ; selection of vers de societe fr. mod. poets. ^3902 Parlor theatricals. See Private theatricals. Parlor varieties. See Brewster, E. E. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 493 Parmenides. Courtney, W: L. Ancient idealism ; Parmen- ides. (In his Stud, in philos.) 23578 Parrnigiano. See Mazzuoli, G. F. M. Parnell, A. The war of the succession in Spain, 1702-1711 ; based on orig. mss. and contemp. records. 30185 Parnell, C. S. O'Connor, T. P. The Parnell movement ; with a sketch of Irish parties from 1843. 26902 - and Me Wade, K. Gladstone, Parnell, and the great Irish struggle. 27779 Parodies. Lester, H. F. Ben D'ymion and other parodies. 29395 Parr, H. (pseud. Holme Lee.; Her title of honour. 25081 Loving and serving. 3 v. 25128-30 Parr, L. Loyalty George. (Leis. hr. ser.) 29562 Parratt, W. Music. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 2.) 28715 Parrots. Russ, K. The speaking parrots ; scientific manual. *I Parry, A. W. Separate system of sewerage as carried out at Reading. (In, Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc.,v. 9.) *I Parry, E., Bp. of Dover. Archbishop Tait. (In Ewart, H. C. Leaders.) 30632 Parry, E. G. Reynell Taylor ; biog. Portr. and map. 30186 Parry, E. L. Life among the Germans. 28153 Parry, T. G. Ministry of fine art to the happiness of life ; rev. ed., with index. 28434 Parsis. Dosabhai Framji Karaka. History of the P. ; incl. manners, customs, religion, and present position. 2 v. 24850-1 See also Avesta. Parson's daughter, The, of Oxney Colne ; by A. Trol- lope. (In his Tales.) 24871 Parson's new coat, The ; by M. Sidney [H. M. Lothrop]. (In her Hester.) 27325 Parsons, M. A. Only fifteen. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Parsons, W. B., Jr. Truck; compl. manual of maintenance of way, ace. to the best pract. on Amer. railroads. 26950 Parthenope's love ; by C. C. Campbell, Jr. (In The Septam- eron.) 29902 Partial portraits ; by H. James. 29687 Parties. Bryce, J. The party system. (In his Amer. com- monwealth.) 2 v. 30393-4 See also Democratic Party; Great Britain ; Radical Party; Repub- lican Party; Tories; Whigs. Parton, J. Captains of industry ; Men of business who did something besides making money. 24420 Noted women of Europe and America. 23433 Contents. Sally Bush. L. M. Child. P. Crandall. Mrs. Stowe. Miss Alcott. George Eliot. Princess Louise. Fanny Mendelssohn. A. Kuuf- mann. Baroness Burdett-Coutts. C. Thaxter. The wife of T. Car- lyle. The wife of Benedict Arnold. A. Procter. Lady Bloomfield. The mother of Victor Hugo. Laura Bridgman. The wife of Washing- ton. Mme. de Stael. The wife of Frederick the Great. Eugenie. C. Herschel. P. Y. Pember. M. Mitchell. Mrs. Trollope. A. Phillips. Two queens; daughters of James II. of Eng. Mrs. Somerville. Lady Morgan. Maria Theresa. Lady Franklin. Mme. de Miramion. 33 494 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rachel. Josephine. Jeanne Dare. Queen Elizabeth. The wife of La- fayette. Betsy Patterson. Some ladies of the old school. Toru Dutt. Peg O'Neal. H. Martineau. An old lady's recollections. Grace Dar- ling. George Sand. C. Cushtnan. Mrs. L. M. Monmouth. The Bronte sisters. ,ed. Some noted princes, authors, and statesmen of our time. 25675 Partridge, J. M. Swine plague, or hog cholera. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Partridge, W. O. Goethe as a playwright. (In Cone. Sch. of Phil. Lect.) 26347 Pasadena, Gal. Holder, C. F. All about P. and its vicinity. 30647 Pascal, B. Thoughts; tr. fr. the text of A. Molinier, by C. K. Paul. 25131 Pascoe, C. E. London of to-day; illust. handbook, 1885. 25515 Pasquala Ivanovitch ; par P. Loti [Lieut. Viaud]. (In his Fleurs d' ennui.) 14837 Passages fr. the diary of a Hong Kong merchant ; by J. S. of Dale [F. J. Stimson]. (In his Sentimental calendar.) 27667 Passages fr. the journal of a social wreck ; by M. Floyd. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 7.) 24220 Passamaquoddy. Kilby, W. H. Eastport and Passamaquoddy. 30649 Pas'samaquoddy Indians. See St. John Indians. Passe Rose ; by A. S. Hardy. 30789 Passion play. See Oberammergau. Passive crime, A; by The Duchess [M. Argles]. (In her Maiden all forlorn.) 25788 Past and present ; by T. Carlyle. 25133 Past, The, in the present ; by A. Mitchell. 25074 Past redemption ; by G. M. Baker. (In his Globe drama.) 25966 Pasta, G. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 1.) 29598 Pasteur, L. Radot, V. Louis Pasteur ; his life and labours. 25253 Suzor, R. Hydrophobia; acct. of Pasteur's system; cont. a trans, of his communications on the subject. 29328 Pastime papers; by [F. Saunders]. 25890 Paston Carew, millionaire and miser ; by E. L. Linton. 27216 Patagonia. Byron, J. Narrative of distresses suffered on the coast of P. 27517 Curtis, W. E. (In his Capitals of Span. Amer.) 29796 Patera's salmagundi ; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Stor. holidays.) 28749 Patents. Peck, W. The golden age of patents; parody on Yankee inventiveness. 30454 Pater, W. Imaginary portraits. 28524 Contents. A prince of court painters. -Denys 1'Auxerrois. Sebasti- an van Storck. Duke Carl of Rosenmold. Marius the epicurean ; his sensations and ideas. 2 v. 25351-2 Paterson, M. Mountaineering below the snow-line ; or, The solitary pedestrian in Snowdonia and elsewhere ; with etchings by Mackaness. 27592 Paterson, W., founder of the Bank of England. Bourne, H. R. F. (In his Eng. merchants.)' 26568 Paterson. See Patterson. Path of duty, The ; by H. James. ( With his Author of Bel- traffio.) 24994 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 495 Pathology and Therapeutics. Fothergill, J. M. Diseases of sedentary and adv. life. 26667 The healing art; chapt. upon medicine, diseases, remedies, etc. 2 v. 27963-4 Kleiu, E. Micro-organisms and disease; introd. into the study of spe- cific micro-organisms. 24915 Proctor, R. A. Living death-germs. (In his Other suns.) 29409 Richardson, B. W. The field of disease; book of preventive medicine. 23817 See also Brain. Patience ; by W. S. Gilbert. (In his Orig. comic operas.) 28918 Patience or Solitaire. Dick, W. B. Games of patience ; or, Solitaire with cards. *I Patience wins ; by G. M. Fenn. 28020 Patient, A ; by E. Bogh. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Patient Griselda ; by A. R. Hope [R. H. Moncrieff]. (In his Stor. of old renown.) 28894 Patient Kitty ; by J. Payn. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 4.) 25370 Paton, W. A. Down the islands ; a voyage to the Caribbees. Illust. 28897 Patriarchal theory, The ; by J. F. McLennan. 25033 Patrice ; poem ; by E. F. Hay ward. 23377 Patrick, R. W. Knapsack and rifle ; or, Life in the Grand Army; also, a Chronology of the war, etc. ; by one of the boys. Illust. 29836 Patridge, L. E. The "Quincy methods" illustrated; pen pho- tographs fr. the Quincy schools. 25238 Patriotism. Hall, C. H. Patriotism and nat. defence. 26103 Murdoch, J. E. Love of country and foot-prints of time. (In Mil. Or- der of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Patroclus and Penelope ; by T. A. Dodge. *I Patten, C. B. England as seen by an Amer. banker. 26209 Pattern-making, tiee Founding. Patterson, B. See Bonaparte, E. P. Patterson, H. K. W. War memories of Fort Monroe and vicinity. 25451 Patterson, J. S. Class interests ; their rel. to each other and to government; study of wrongs and remedies. 26183 Conflict in nature and life; study of antagonism in the constitution of things. 23198 Reforms ; their difficulties and possibilities. 24421 Contents. The labor question. Financial questions. Miscellaneous reforms. Patterson. See Paterson. Patteson, J. C., Bp. Charles, E. R. John C. Patteson. (In her Three martyrs of the 19th cent.) 26410 Patti, A. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 2.) 29599 Engel, L. (In his From Mozart to Mario, v. 2.) 27559 Spark, W. A. Patti. (In his Mus. memories.) 30877 Pattison, M. Memoirs. 25416 Sermons. 26507 Galton, A. ( In his Urbana scripta.) 25728 Patton, J. H. The democratic party ; its hist, and influence. 24422 - Natural resources of the U. S. 28984 Paul, St. Clarke, J. F. The ideas of the Apostle translated into their mod. equivalents. 23882 Godet, F. L. The four principal apostles. (In his Stud, on the N. T.) 27115 Hall, E. H. Lessons on the life of St. Paul. 25984 496 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Haweis, H. R. The picture of Paul (the disciple). (In his Christ and Christianity.) 27978 Pfleiderer, O. Influence of P. on the development of Christianity. 25755 Paul and Christina ; by A. E. Barr. 28859 Paul Crew's story ; by A. C. Carr. 25867 Paul et Virgiuie ; vaudeville ; par L. Darthenay. (In his Le guignol des salons.) 14935 Paul Forestier ; come"die ; par E. Augier. (In his Theatre complet, v. 6.) 14781 Paul Patoff ; by F. M. Crawford. 29135 Paulding, J. K. Wilson, J. G. (In his Bryant and his friends.) 25857 Pauli, G. R. Arthur, Herzog von Wellington. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 6.) 16301 Oliver Cromwell. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 1.) 16296 Pausanias. Description of Greece ; tr., with notes and index, by A. R. Shffleto. 2 v. 28073-4 Cox, G. W. (In his Lives of Greek statesmen.) 25598 Pauvre diable, Un ; par L. N. Tolstoi. (In his Dernieres nouvelles.) 14704 Pauvre Moschko ; par L. de Hessem. 14710 Pave", Le ; par J. Richepin. 14821 Pavements. See Asphalt ; Concrete. Pavilion, The, on the links ; by R. L. Stevenson. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 1.) 25367 Paxton, Mass. Bill, L. History of Paxton. *I Payn, J. The canon's ward. 23638 The eavesdropper; an unparalleled experience. 30547 Glow-worm tales. 28357 - The heir of the ages. 26839 Holiday tasks : essays written in vacation time. 28569 Contents. Out of harness. At grass. Back in town. Laid by. Sandiford. Tips. A new calling. The first warning. On being pilled. On the downward slope. Fraudulent guests. Naturalness. Success in fiction. The old baby. Too late. Too soon. Nature's duplicates. The Iron-clad family. The Hurt family. School legends. Second fiddles. The blessedness* of books. In peril and privation ; storl of marine disaster retold. Illust. 26021 The luck of the Darrells. 25752 - The mystery of Mirbridge. 30548 Patient Kitty. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 4.) 25370 A prince of the blood; novel. 30549 Some literary recollections. 24584 - The talk of the town. 25197 Thicker than water. 23180 Under one roof ; episode in a family history. 18712 Won not wooed. 23571 Kideing, W. H. (In his Boyhood of living authors.) 28815 Payne, A. Reminiscences of the Rhode Island bar. 25545 Payne, A. G. Cassell's half-dollar cook book. 30355 Payne, C. G. Matrimony by advertisement ; and other ad- ventures. Illust. 25943 Contents. Matrimony by advertisement. A spell in a madhouse as an amateur maniac. A day on a hansom as an amateur cabby. The "rob- ber's vade mecum." A study of barbers. Twenty years penal servi- tude. A talk with a Birmingham thief. Payne, E. J. The colonies. (In Colonies and dependencies.) 23269 Payne, J. H. Mutton, L. (In Matthews, J. B., and Ilutton, L Actors, etc., v, 3.) 26474 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 497 Payne, "W. H. Contributions to the science of education. 27334 Peabody, A. P. Baccalaureate sermons. 25005 Contents. Religion unchanging in its claims. Stability the condition of excellence. The Christian order of nobility. Approval and choice. Manhood. Sovereignty of law. Authority. Choice of a profession. The true aim. Treasures in Heaven. Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. Our country's perils, needs, and claims. Thought, feeling, and action- Habit. Thorough life-work. The cloud, and the voice out of the cloud. Science and religion. Christo et Ecclesise. Hospitality. Harvard reminiscences. 29102 Moral philosophy ; lect. 28258 Contents. Human freedom. Ground of right. Utilitarianism and expediency. Conscience. Virtue and the virtues. Principles, rules, and habits. Ethics of the Hebrew Scriptures. Christian ethics. Moral beauty. Hedonism. Ethics of the Stoic school. Influence of Christian ethics on Roman law. - The simplicity of the Gospel. (In Mod. Uuitariauism.) 26688 The study of Greek. (In Chamberlain, D. H. Not "a college fetish.") 24271 ed. Introduction and notes. See Cicero; Plutarchus. Peabody, E. P. Emerson as a preacher. (In Concord School of Philos. Lect.) 24790 Last evening with Allston ; and other papers. 27335 Contents. Last evening with Allston. Life and genius of Allston. Exhibition of Allston's paintings in Boston, 1839. A vision. Crawford's Orpheus. The Dorian measure. Language. Primeval man. Brook Farm interpretation of Christ's idea of society. Fourierism. Mr. Bur- net's will. The atheism of yesterday. Egotheism, the atheism of to- day. Memoir of Mme. [Kossuth] Meszlenyi. Hawthorne's Marble faun. Plea for Froebel's kindergarten. Verses to G. C. on his 12th birthday. Apepndix. Lectures in the training schools for kindergartners. 26934 Peabody, G. Bolton, 8. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Peabody, M. H. Connection of the kindergarten with the school. (7n Page, A. L., and others. The kindergarten, etc.) 28809 Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. Reports. V. 3. 19625 Principal contents. V. 3. Reports, 18SO-'86. Putnam, F. W. Notes on the copper objects from North and South America; Carr, Lu- cien. Social and political position of woman among the Huron-Iro- quois tribes; Studley, Cordelia A. Notes upon human remains from caves in Coahuila, M'exico ; Fletcher, Alice C. White Buffalo festival of the Uncpapas; Elk mystery or festival of the Ogallala Sioux; Relig- ious ceremony of the Four winds, as observed by the Santee Sioux; The Shadow or ghost lodge; a ceremony of the Ogallala Sioux ; The wa-wan, or pipe dance of the Omahas ; Kinnicutt, Leonard P. Report on the meteoric iron from the Altar mounds in the Little Miami Valley ; Whit- ney, William F. Notes on the anomalies, injuries, and diseases of the bones of the native peoples of North America; Putnam, F. W. Explo- rations in Ohio by C. L. Metz and F. W. Putnam; the Marriott mound, no. 1, audits contents; The way bone fish-hooks were made in the Little Miami valley, Ohio. Peace egg, The ; by J. H. Ewing. 28298 Peach. Black, J. J. Cultivation of the peach and pear on the Delaware and Chesapeake peninsula. 28280 Peacock, T. R. Buchanan, R. (Inliis Look round literature.) 28005 Pear. Black, J. J. Cultivation of the peach and pear on the Delaware and Chesapeake peninsula. 28280 Peard, F. M. Alicia Tennant. 2 v. 29406-7 Contradictions. 2 v. 24093-4 - Madame's grand-daughter. 30281 Near neighbors. 26508 Prentice Hugh. Illust. 28898 498 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Scapegrace Dick. Illust. 28683 joint author. See Awdry, F. Pearl-shell necklace, The ; by J. Hawthorne. ( With his Prince Saroni's wife.) 24991 Pearla; by M. B. Edwards. 25031 Pears, E. Fall of Constantinople ; story of the 4th crusade. 26184 Pearson, G. C. Flights inside and outside paradise ; by a pen- itent peri. 26840 Pearson, K. The ethic of freethought ; select, of essays and lectures. 30039 Peasant properties. See Verney, Lady. Pease family. The Peases of Darlington. (In Fortunes made in business, v. .1.) 24000 Peaslee, J. B. Trees and tree planting ; with exercises for the celebration of Arbor day ; pref . by W. Higley. 13593 Pech, E. (pseud. Kfasnohorska.) Bohemia. (In Stanton, T. The woman quest.) 24053 Pches, Les. (In Contes choisis, no. 13.) 14868 Pecheur d' islande ; par P. Loti [J. Viaud]. 14804 Pechsau, K., Sphinx. (In Bernhardt, W. Deutsche No- velletten-Bibliothek, v. 2.) 28104 Peck, W. The golden age of patents ; parody on Yankee in- ventiveness. 30454 Peck, W. G. Elementary treatise on determinants. 30115 Peckham, S. F. Report on the production, technology, and uses of petroleum and its products. (U. S. Census Office. 10th census.) 17455 Peckster professorship, The ; by J. P. Quincy. 30358 Pedagogical library. See Hall, G-. S. Pedagogics, Pedagogy. See Education. Pedigrees. See Genealogy ; Heraldry. Peel, SirU: Greg, W. R. Sir R. Peel's character and policy. (In his Misc. ess., ser. 2.) 23947 Lefevre, G. S. Peel and O'Connell; rev. of the Irish policy of Parlia- ment fr. the Act of Union to the death of P. 28646 Smith, G. B. (In Ms Prime ministers.) 27718 Peel family of Manchester. Bourne, H. R. F. (In his Eng. merchants.) 26568 Peele, G. Symonds, J. A. (In his Shakspere's predecessors.) 23982 Peggs, J. W., joint author. See Chaumont, F. S. B. F. de. Pegu. History. Phayre, A. P. (In his Hist, of Burma.) 23350 Peile, S. C. F. Lawn tennis as a game of skill ; with latest rev. laws. 25546 Peirce, C. S., and Jastrow, J. On small differences of sensa- tion. (In Nat. Acad. of Sci. Mem., v. 3, pt. 1.) 14262 Peirce, M. F. Co-operative housekeeping ; study in sociology. 23556 Peisistratus. Cox, G. W. (In his Lives of Greek statesmen.) 25598 Peking or Pekin. Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 2.) 25068 Pelham, N. T. Hague, W. Old Pelham and New Rochelle. (In his Life notes.) 28773 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 499 Pell, A., joint author. See Rathbone, W. Pelleschi, G. Eight months on the Gran Chaco of the Argen- tine Republic. 26598 Pellew, G. In castle and cabin ; or, Talks in Ireland in 1887. 29816 Woman and the commonwealth ; a question of expediency. 29324 Pellico, S. H o wells, W. D. (In his Mod. Ital. poets.) 28782 Pelsart, F., Capt. Pinkerton, J. Voyage of P. to Australasia. 1628-29. (In his Early Aust. voyages.) 27229 Pelycosauria. Cope, E. D. Structure of the columella auris in the P. (In Nat. A cad. of Sci. Mem., v. 3, pt. 1.) 14262 Pember, P. Y. Parton, J. P. T. Pember in the confederate hospitals. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Pemberton, T. E. Charles Dickens and the stage ; his con- nect, with the drama as playwright, actor, and critic ; portrs. of J. Lee, Mr. Irving, and Mr. Tools. 30187 Pemberton, T. P. Lectures in a workshop ; app. papers by Whitworth. 27696 Pembroke, 2d Earl of. See Clare, R. de. Pen ; by the author of Miss Toosey's mission. 30387 Pen and ink ; papers ; by B. Matthews. 30437 Pen and ink ; [poem] ; by A. Lang. (In Matthews, J. B. Pen and ink.) 30437 Pen-portraits of literary women. See Cone, H. G., and Gil- der, J.L. Penang pirate, The, by J. C. Hutcheson. 28057 Pendlebury, C. Arithmetic. 27895 Pendleton, E. A conventional Bohemian. 26444 A Virginia inheritance. 29899 Pendleton, G. H. On reconstruction ; the Dem. theory, Ho. of Rep., May 4, 1864. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 Pendleton, J. History of Derbyshire. 26966 Pendleton, L. Bewitched ; and other stories. 29893 Contents. Bewitched. Ariadne in the wire-grass. Story of Black Dan. Penelope's suitors ; by E. L. Bynner. 28283 Penington, I. Letters ; [eel. by J. Barclay ; with Testimony of Wm. Penn cone. P.]. " 23517 Peninsular War. Lawrence, W. (In his Autobiography.) 28417 Penn, A., pseud. See Matthews, J. B. Penn,' W. Testimony cone. Isaac Penington. ( In Penington, I. Letters.) 23517 Buck, W. J. William Penn in America, 1681- [1701] . 30270 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Pennefather, W. Symington, A. M. (In his Good lives.) 23981 Pennell, E. R. Charles Godfrey Leland. (In Gilder, J. L. arid J. B. Authors.) 30787 Life of Mary Wollstonecraf t. 24782 joint author. See Pennell, J. Pennell, H. C. "From grave to gay" ; select, fr. the poems of P. 24863 and others. Fishing. Illust. 2 v. *I Pennell, J. Illustrations. (In Martin, B. E. Old Chelsea.) *I and E. R. A Canterbury pilgrimage. Illust. 25570 - Our sentimental journey through France and Italy. 29626 500 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Two pilgrims' progress fr. fair Florence to Rome. 27660 Penniless girl, A. ; by W. Heimburg [B. Behrens]. 24912 Pennsylvania. Gould, E. R. L. Local government in Penn. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 1.) * *I Colony and Province. Holcomb, W. P. Pennsylvania boroughs. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud.. v. 4.) *I McMinn, E. (In his German hero of the colonial times.) 27530 folk-lore. Collections. Fischer, H. L. Kurzweil un Zeitfertreib ; odder. Pennsylfaanisch Folks- Lieder. I* Pennsylvania German. Fischer, H. L. 5 s alt Marik-Haus mittes in D'r Schtadt ; e'n centennial poem. *I Penobscot Indians. Leland, C. G. The Algonquin legends of New Eng. ; or, Myths and folk-lore of the Micmac, Pas- samaquoddy, and Penobscot tribes. 24484 Penobscot river. *Farrar, C. A. J. Up the north branch of the Penobscot. 29871 Penrose, B., joint author. See Allinson. E. P. Pensativo, Le ; par L. Biart. 14843 Pensionnaire marine, La; come'die vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, se"r. 2, v. 27.) *I Pentameron, The ; by W. S. Landor. 30235 Pentateuch. See Bible. People. Wells, K. G. About people. 24800 People and countries. See Wright, O. W. People I have met ; by E. C. G. Murray. *I People's library. See Society for Prom. Chr. Knowledge.. Peoples, The, of the world ; by R. Brown. 4 v. 25055-8 Pepita Ximenez ; fr. the Spanish of J. Valera. 27249 Pepperpot's little pets ; by J. M. Morton. (In his Comediet- tas, etc.) 27090 Peppino ; par L. D. Ventura. 14864 Pepys, S. Brooks, E. S. Mr. Pepys' valentine. (In his Stor. holidays.) 28749 Hueffer, F. Mr. Pepys the musician. (In his Italian stud.) 23698 Stevenson, R. L. (In his Famil. stud.) 28164 Per mare, per terras ; by A. Sutter. 28663 Perception. Ingleby, C. M. Dialogue on the perception of objects. (In his Essays.) 29611 Perchance to dream; by J. 13. Matthews. (In his Secret of the sea.) 26933 Percy and the prophet ; by W. Collins. (In his Ghost's touch.) 25869 Perdue ; par H. Greville [A. M. F. Durand]. 14711 Pere Goriot ; by H. de Balzac. 25616 Perelaer, M. T. H. Ran away fr. the Dutch ; or, Borneo fr. south to north-; -tr. by M. Blok, and adapt, by A. P. Mendes. 28899 Perez, B. The first three years of childhood; ed. and tr. by A. M. Christie ; introd. by J. Sully. 25723 Perez Gald6s, B. The court of Charles IV. ; romance of the Escorial. 30213 Marianela. 29201 Trafalgar ; f r. the Spanish. 24011 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 501 Pericles. Cox, G. W. (In his Lives of Greek statesmen, ser. 2.) 26663 Peril ; by J. Fothergill. 24748 Perilous incognito ; by H. H. Boyesen. ( In his Vagabond tales.) 30885 Perilous secret, A. ; by C. Reade. 24199 Perkin, W. H. The revolutions of industry. (In Fortunes made in business, v. 2.) 24001 Perkins, C. C. Historical handbook of Italian sculpture. Illust. *I Perkins, F. B. San Francisco cataloguing for public libraries ; manual of the system used in the San Francisco Pub. Library. Also A rational classification of literature for shelving and cataloguing books ; with index. Rev. ed. 24095 What to read; Plans of reading. (In Abbott, L. Hints, etc.) 25640 Perkins, J. B. France under Mazarin ; with a rev. of the ad- ministration of Richelieu. Portraits. 2 v. 27226-7 Perkins, O. T. Ghost! and and Fairyland. {In Winchester Coll. Shakspere Soc. Noctes.) * 29429 Perle noire, La; come'die ; par V. Sardou. (In Theatre con- temp.) 14897 Perley's reminiscences. See Poore, B. P. Perouse, J. F. G. de la. See La Pe"rouse. Perrault, C. Popular tales ; introd., etc., by A. Lang. 29892 Perrault, J. F. Bender, P. Old and new Canada ; hist. scenes and soc. pictures ; or, The life of P. 24138 Perry, B. F. Reminiscences of public men ; \_with~] Life of the author, by H. M. Perry. 23322 Perry, G. G. History of the reformation in England. (Epochs of church hist.) 27593 Perry, J. F. (pseud. Ashmont.) Dogs ; their management, and treatment in disease. 25482 Perry, J. H. Nichols, J. M. Perry's saints ; or. The fighting parson's regiment in the war of the rebellion. 27658 Perry, Mrs. L. C. The heart of the weed; [poems]. 29174 Perry, M. C. Griffis, W. E. Matthew Calbraith Perry; a typical Amer. naval officer. 28772 Perry, N. A flock of girls and their friends. 28810 For a woman. 25753 Miss Violet. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Miss Violet ; Jennie's lark ; Sally Green's clain-bake party ; Story of a dress. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Noblesse oblige; Kate Oxford's one talent; The story of a dress. (In Catherwood. M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 2727ft The youngest Miss Lorton; and other stories. Illust. 30356 Contents. The youngest Miss Lorton. That ridiculous child. The Kit-cat club. Susy's dragon. In a rag-bag. Story of Little Syl. The little Dunbars. Molly Gair's new dress. Dolly Varden. What Hope Bell found in her stocking. Perry, T. S. The evolution of the snob. 27506 From Opitz to Lessing; study of pseudo-classicism in literature. 24926 joint editor. See Howells, W. D. Perry, Mrs. T. S. See Perry, L. C. Perry, W. S., Bp. History of the Amer. Episc. Church. 1587- 1883. 2 v. *I Perry's saints. See Perry, J. H. 502 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Persecution. See Liberty of conscience. Perseverance island ; byD. Frazer. 24569 Persia. Poole, S. L. The Persian miracle play. (lit his Studies.) 23080 Wills, C- J. Persia as it is; sketches of mod. Persian life and character. 27904 Art. Spiegel. F. von. Iranian art. 27952 Description and travels. Bassett, J. Persia, the land of the Imams. 26404 Benjamin, S. G. W. Persia and the Persians. 27176 - Fogg, W. P. (In his Land of "the Arabian nights." 23066 - Layard, A. H. Early adventures in P. 2 v. 29.393-4 Mitford, E. L. (In his Land march, v. 1, 2.) 24965-6 - Myers, P. V. N. (In his Eastern nations, etc.) 30293 Stevens, T. (In his Around the world, v. 1, 2.) 28365-6 History. - Benjamin, S. G. W. The story of Persia. 27728 Geiger, W. Civilization of the Eastern Iranians in anc. times, etc. Vols. 1, 2. 26236-7 Ragozin, Z. A. (In his Story of Media, Babylon, etc.) 29820 - Ranke, F. L. von. (In his Univ. hist.) 24198 Sayce, A. H. The 1'ersian empire. (In his Anc. empires.) 24493 Language. Spiegel, F. von. The Iranian alphabets. ( In his Iranian art.) 27952 Literature. Renan, J. E. The teaziehs of Persia. (In Ms Studies.) 27950 tiee also Jami; Sadi. Religion. Johnson, S. Oriental religions and their rel. to univ. religion : Persia. 24765 See also Parsis ; Zendavesta. Persian king, The ; by C. H. Hinton. (In his Scientif . ro- mances.) 26242 Persius Flaccus, A. Satires ; ed. by B. L. Gildersleeve. 30812 Personality. Hedge, F. H. Personality. (In hisM. Luther.) 29538 Perspective. Clarke, G. S. Perspective expl. and illustrated. 27518 Keller, M. J. Elementary P. expl. and appl. to fam. objects. 26164 Miller, L. W. Essentials of perspective. 28148 Minifie, W. Linear perspective. (In his Text-book of geom. draw.) 23174 Trobridge, G. Principles of P. as appl. to model drawing and sketching fr. nature. 24504 Warren, S. E. General problems in the linear P. of form, shadow, and reflection. 29001 Wright, F. A. Architectural P. for beginners : cont. plates of pract. examples. *I Perturbed spirits ; by J. B. Matthews. (In his Secret of the sea, etc.) 26933 Peru. Cole, G. R. F. The Peruvians at home. 24962 Description and travels. Guillaume, H. The Amazon provinces of Peru. Map and illust. 30172 History. Adams, W. H. D. The land of the Incas; conquest of Peru. 24553 Watson, R. G. (In his Span, and Port. So. America.) 23868-9 See also Pizarro, F. Religion. Reville, A. The native religions of Mexico and P. 24425 Perugino, P. V., caMed. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Peruvian bark. See Cinchona. Pessard, H. Mes.petits papiers. 2 v. 14734-5 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 503 Pessimism. Repplier, A. Some aspects of P. (In , her Books and men.) 30245 Saltus, E. E. The philosophy of disenchantment. 25456 Tulloch, J. Pessimism; Leopardi, Schopenhauer, Hartrnann. (In his Mod. theories.) 24673 Pestalozzi, J. H. Leonard and Gertrude ; tr. and abridged by E. Channing. 25452 Peter, St. Dole, C. L. Peter and John the disciples. (In his Jesus, etc.) 30407 Godet, F. L. The four principal apostles. (In his Stud, on the N. T.) 27115 Hodder, E. Simon Peter; his life, times, and friends. 24522 Peter I., the Great, Emperor of Russia. Farmer, L. H. (In her Boys' book.) 27081 Schuyler, E. Peter the Great ; study of hist, biography. 2 v. 23658-9 Peter and Magdelona ; by A. R. Hope [R. H. Moncrieff]. (//* his Stor. of old renown.) 28894 Peter Budstone, the boy who was hazed ; by J. T. Townsend. 28998 Peter Stonnor, Esq., Personal recollections of ; by C. Blaither- wick. 24826 Peterborough. Poole, G. A. Peterborough. 26511 Peterborough and Monmouth, Charles, Earl of. See Mor- daunt, C. Peterkins, the, Last of ; by L. P. Hale. 27304 Peters, C. Sunday evening music. (In Lady Benedict and others. How to play.) 27972 ed. The girl's own indoor book; pract. help on matters rel. to comfort and moral well : being. 30455 Peters, J. P., joint editor. See Bartlett, E. T. Peterson, E. Arithmetic in the pub. schools. 16051 Peterson, F. Poems, and Swedish translations. 23796 Petigru, J. L. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Petit, L. Les comdiens malgre eux. Illust. 14701 Petit chef de famille, Le ; par Z. Fleuriot. 14809 Petit tambour, Le ; par J. Bernard. (In Contes choisis, no. 13.) 14868 Petition of the Thugs for toleration ; by W. S. Landor. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 1.) 23200 Petland revisited ; by J. G. Wood. 24674 Petra, Arabia. Wright, W. B. Petra, the city of shams. (In his Anc. cities.) 27010 Petrarca, F. Hueffer, F. A literary friendship of the 14th cent. (In his Italian stud.) 23698 Landor, W. S. (In his Pentameron.) 30235 Oliphant, M. O. W. The guest of Venice. (In her Makers of Venice.) *I - Phillimore, C. M. (In her Studies.) 28075 Petrel, pseud. In southern seas ; trip to the antipodes. Illust. 29625 Petroff, I. Report on the population, industries, and resources of Alaska. *I Petrography. Rosenbusch, H. Microscopical physiography of the rock-making minerals. *I Dana, J. D. Manual of mineralogy and P. 28118 Petroleum. Bremner, D. Petroleum. (In Brown, R. Sci. for all, ser. 5.) ' 20528 Crew, B. J. Practical treatise on P. 27528 504 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Deming, C. Petrolia and its marvels. (In his Byways.) 23664 Leet, A. If. Petroleum distillation and modes of testing hydrocarbons. 28885 Marvin. C. The region of the eternal fire; journey to the pet. reg. of the Caspian. 24663 Orton, E. Preliminary report upon P. and inflammable gas. 28152 Peckham, S. F. Report on the production, technology, and uses of P., and its products. 17455 Redwood, B. Petroleum; its production and use. 28158 Thwaite, B. H. Liquid fuel ; its advantages for firing steam generators. 29421 Pett, P. Smiles, S. Phineas Pett; beginnings of English ship-building. (In Ids Men of inv.) 24821 Pettes, G. W. Whist universal ; analysis of the game as im- proved by the introd. of Amer. leads. 28811 Pettit, J. S. Modern reproductive graphic processes. 24283 Petty cash ; by F. W. Robinson. (In his Women are strange.) 24096 Peuples Granges, Les ; par Mayne-Reid. 14814 Peyrebrune, Gr. de. Les freres Colombe. (In Contcs choisis, no. 9.) 14867 Pfefferkorn, J. Schindler, S. Reuchlin and Pfefferkorn. (In his Dissolving views.) 29700 Pfeiffer, E. Flying leaves from east and west. 26711 Women and work; essay on the rel. to health, etc., of the higher educa- tion of girls. 29036 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Pfeiffer, S. (pseud. Sylvia.) Farbror Sakarias. 15114 Pfleiderer, O. Influence of the apostle Paul on the develop- ment of Christianity ; tr. by J. F. Smith. (Hibbert lect., 1885.) 25755 Philosophy of religion on the basis of its history; tr. by A. Stewart and A. Menzies. Vols. 1-4. (Theol. Tr. Fund Lib. 34-37.) *I Contents. V. 1. Spinoza to Schleiermacher. 3. Schelling to the present day. 3, 4. Historical development of the religious conscious- ness, etc. Phanerogama. Bary, H. A. de. Comparative anatomy of the vegetative organs of the phanerogams and ferns. 25028 Goodale, G. L. Outlines of the histology of phaenogamous plants. (In Gray, A. Bot. text-book, v. 2, pt. 1.) 25215 Phantasms of the living. See Gurney, E. Phantom lover, A; by V. Lee [V. Paget]. 27333 Phantom of Deadwood tower. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journal, v. 2.) 27967 Phantoms. Assier, A. d'. Posthumous humanity ; study of phantoms. 29343 Pharaohs. See Egypt. Phayre, Sir A. P. History of Burma ; incl. Burma proper, Pegu, Taungu, Tenasserim, and Arakan, to the end of the 1st war with British India. 23350 Laurie, W. F. B. Sir Arthur Phayre. (In his Sketches.) 30596 Phelan, J. History of Tennessee ; the making of a state. 30116 Phelps, A. My study ; and other essays. 26445 Contents. My study. Vibratory progress in religious beliefs. Oscilla- tions of faith in future retribution. Retribution in its biblical atmosphere. St. Paul on retribution. Correctives of pop. faith in retribution. Retribution in the light of reason. Endless sin under the government of God. Hypothesis of a second probation. Scholastic theories of inspira- tion. The New England clergy and the anti-slavery reform. Massachu- setts and the Quakers. Does the world move? Is the Christian life worth living? A study of the Episcopal Church. Prayer as a state of Chris- tian living. Why do I believe Christianity to be a revelation from God? CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 505 Phelps, E. S. Beyond the gates. 23182 Burglars in paradise. 26548 The gates between. 28605 Jack the fisherman. Illust. 28684 The madonna of the tubs. Illust. 27228 Mary A. Livermore. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 An old maid's paradise. 25549 Songs of the silent world; and other poems. 24585 Us boys, and the other boy; The boys of Brimstone Court; A narrow escape. (In New England story-book.) 24819 Zerviah Hope. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 8.) 24221 and others. Our famous women ; record of distinguished Amer. women of our times. Illust. 24284 Spring, E. T. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Phelps, 8. Archer, W. (In. Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 2.) 30352 - Phelps, W. M., and Robertson, J. F. Life and life-work of P. 27896 Phelps, W. M., and Robertson, J. F. Life and life-work of Samuel Phelps ; with portraits, letters, etc. 27896 Phil and his friends ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 23300 Philadelphia. Description and travels. New York to Washington; cont. descr. of P., etc. 24395 Sweetser, M. F. (In Hodder, E. Cities of the world, v. 3.) 25069 A sylvan city. ("Our continent" lib.) 23303 Williams, T. Labor a hundred years ago. 29852 History. Allinson, E. P., and Penrose, B. Citv government of P. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 5.) *I -Philadelphia, 1681-1887; history of municipal development. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud. Extra vol., no. 2.) 28738; *I Woolsey, S. C. Short history of P. 28837 See also Union League of Phila. Philalethes, Eugenius, pseud. See Vaughan, T. Philanthropes, pseud. Physiological cruelty ; or, Fact v. fancy ; inq. into the vivisection question. 23109 Philbrick, J. D. Dunton, L. Memorial of the life and ser- vices of P. 29532 Philharmonic Society of New York. Goodwin, T. Sketch of the society. (In his Sketches, etc.) 28188 Philiberte ; comedie, par E. Augier. (In his Theatre compl., v. 2.) 14777 Philip II., King of Spain. Farmer, L. H. (In her Boys' book.) 27081 Fiske, J. Felipe IT. (Monograph, no. 37.) 23818 Philippson. M. Konig Philipp II. von Spanien. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 3.) 16298 Philip, " King" (Indian >?araeMetacom). Markham, R. Narra- tive history of King Philip's war, etc. 23215 Philippine islands. Palgrave, W. G. Malay life in the P. (In his Ulysses.) 29323 Philippson, M. Friedrich II. , Konig von Preussen. (In Gott- schall, R. von. Der neue Plutarch, v. 11.) 16306 Konig Henrich IV., von Frankreich. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plu- tarch, v. 1.) 16296 Konig Philipp II. von Spanien. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch. v. 3.) 16298 Philips, ,C.orK. (pseud. Orinda.) Gosse,E.W. The matchless Orinda. (In his Seventeenth-cent, stud.) 23580 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 506 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Philips, J. The splendid shilling. (In Morley, H. Burlesque plays.) 28196 Philips, M. The devil's hat ; sketch in oil. 28154 Philistines; The ; by A. Bates. 30298 Philistinism. Newton, R. H. Philistinism ; plain words cone. certain forms of mod. scepticism. 25674 Phillimore, C. M. Studies in Italian literature, classical and modern ; also the Legend of "il Cenacolo." 28075 The warrior Medici. Giovanni delle bande nere ; hist, study in Florence. 29492 Phillimore, W. P. W. How to write the hist, of a family ; guide for the genealogist. 29408 Phillipps-Wolley, C. See Wolley, C. P. Phillips, A. Parton, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Phillips, Mrs. A. Benedicta. 30243 Phillips, Sir B. S. Ritchie, J. E. (In Ms Fam. city men.) 23860 Phillips, E. C. Sir Henry Havelock ; and Colin Campbell, Ld. Clyde. 26509 Phillips, J. A. Elements of metallurgy. New ed., rev. and enl. by the author and IT. Bauerman. Illust. and plates. 29627 Treatise on ore deposits. Illust. 24586 Phillips, INI. Discourse written by one of the company put ashore in the W. I. by J. Hawkins, 1568. (In Hakluyt, R. Voyagers' tales.) 26819 Phillips, M. G. Popular manual of Eng. literature ; with notes. 2 v. 25540-1 Phillips, W. On the murder of Love joy ; On the philosophy of the abolition movement. (In Johston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 2.) 24996 Austin, G. L. Life and times of P. 23906 Beecher, H. VV. Wendell Phillips; commemorative discourse, Feb. 1884. (In his Sermons.) 15244 Phillips, W. A. Labor, land, and law ; a search for the missing wealth of the working poor. 26549 Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N. H. Lectures deliv. be- fore the students, 1885-1886. 27997 Contents. Hale, E. E. Physical, mental, and spiritual exercises. McCosh, J. Habit and its influence in the training at school. Walker, F. A. Socialism. Bartlett, S. C. The spontaneous element in scholar- ship. Carter, F. The sentiment of reverence. Robinson, E. G. Men ; made, self-made, and unmade. Porter, N. The ideal scholar. Brooks, P. Biography. Cunningham, F. H. Familiar sketches of the academy. 22963 Phillott, H. W. Hereford. (Diocesan hist.) ' 29760 Philo Judceus. Bigg, C. (In Ms Chr. Plato nists.) 27491 Philology. See Language. Philopena, The ; by F. R. Stockton. (In Ms Bee-man of Orn, etc.} 28995 Philosopher Jack ; by R. M. Ballantyne. 28454 Philosophical Classics for Eng. Readers. See Knight, W. Philosophy. Bain, A. Metaphysics and debating societies. (In Ms Pract. essays.) 24003 Courtney, W. L. Studies in philosophy, ancient and modern. 23578 Dix, M. The gospel and philosophy. * 27077 Harris, S. Philosophical basis of theism. 23099 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 507 Hazard, R. G. Man a creative first cause. 23470 Lotze, R. H. Lotze's system of philosophy, pt. 1: Logic. 24369 Outlines of metaphysics. 24775 Morris, G. S. Philosophy and Christianity. 23550 Posnett, H. M. The historical method in ethics, etc. 24258 Pressense, E. de. A study of origins ; or, The problems of knowledge, of being, and of duty. 24154 Renan, J. E. Philosophical dialogues and fragments. 23593 Royce, J. Religious aspect of P. ; critique of the bases of conduct and of faith. 24933 Saisset, E. E. Essay on religious philosophy. 2 v. 29849-50 Schopenhauer, A. the world as will and idea. 3 v. 23596-8 Seth, A., and Haldane, R. B Essays in philosophical criticism. 23448 Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Introduction to the study of P. 29824 History. Bax, E. B. Handbook of the history of P. 28393 Brothier. L. Philoophiens historia for hvar man; ofversattning. 15174 Cousin, V. Introduction to the hist, of P. 23767 Philosophy, Ancient. Holland, F. M. Early philosophy. (In his Rise of intellec. liberty.) 25156 Zeller, E. G. History of eclecticism in Greek philosophy. 23999 See also India. Philosophy, Modern. Lainsj, S. Modern science and modern thought. 25901 McCosh, J. First and fundamental truths; treatise on metaphysics. 30!*05 Tulloch, J. Modern theories in philosophy and religion. 24673 History. Fischer, K. History of modern philosophy; Descartes and his school. 27750 See also ^Esthetics; Epicureans; Fetichism; Idealism; Infinite; Logic ; Materialism ; Moral philosophy ; < >ccult philosophy ; Pes- simism ; Positivism ; Psychology ; Realism ; Reason ; Relig- ion ; Sceptics ; Scholastic " Philosophy ; Stoics ; Transcendental- ism; Will. Also Comte, I. A. M. F. X.; Descartes, R.: Epicu- rus; Geulinex, A: Hartmann, E. von; Hume, D. ; Huxley, T.; Kant, I.; Leibnitz. G. W. von ; Leopardi, G.; Locke, J. ; Malebrauche, X. ; Reid, T.; Schopenhauer, A.; Spencer, H. Also McCosh, J. Philosophical series. Philosophy, The, of disenchantment ; by E. E. Saltus. 25456 Philosophy of the unconscious ; by E. von Hartmann. 3 v. 23951-3 Phil pott, H. J. Tariff chats. (Questions of the day.) 30244 Phin, J. Trade "secrets" and private recipes. 28606 Phoebe ; by [M. C. Harris]. 23926 Phoenicia. Myers, P. V. N. (In his Eastern nations, etc.) 30293 - Robertson, J, B. The geography and history of P. (In his Pub. leot.) 26287 Sayce, A. H. The Phoenicians. (In his Anc. empires.) 24493 Phoenix. Gould, C. The Chinese phoenix. (In his Mythical monsters.) 26585 Phonography. Browne, A. C., cutd Scott, D. L. Text-book of P. 2 pts. 17452-3 Graham, A. J. Second standard phonographic reader. 24818 Longley, E. Reporter's guide for students in P. 28976 - Pitman, I. Manual of P. 30040 Watson, J. Phonographic instructor. 27855 Phonology. See P^ng. lang. Pronunciation and spelling. Phormion. Cox, G. W. (In his Lives of Greek statesmen, ser. 2.) 26063 Phosphorescence. Holder, C. F. Living lights ; pop. acct. of phosphorescent animals and vegetables. 28781 Photo-engraving. Wilkinson, W. T. Photo-engraving, photo- etching, and photo-lithography in line and half-tone ; also, Collotype and heliotype. 30669 508 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Photogen and Nycteris, History of ; by G. MacDonald. (In his Stephen Archer, etc.) ' 23011 Photography. Abney, Capt., and Robinson, H. P. Art and practice of silver printing. 30674 Brown, W. N. Photographing on wood. (In his Praet. man. of wood engr.) 27032 - Burbank. W. H. The photographic negative; pract. guide. 30204 Burton, W. K.. and Pringle, A. The processes of pure P. 30673 Harrison, W. J. History of P. ; pract. guide and introd. to its latest de- velopments ; with app. by Dr. Maddox on the discovery of the gela- tino-bromide process. 28777 Hepworth, T. C. Photography for amateurs. 24629 Piquepe, P. The mod. practice of retouching negatives, as practiced by French, German, Eug. and Amer. experts. 30572 Proctor, R. A. The photographic eyes of science. (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 - Robinson, H. P. Picture makins: by photography. *I Vogel, H. W. Progress of P. since 1879; with "spec, consideration of emulsion P., and chapt. on P. for amateurs. *I Wallace, E., Jr. The amateur photographer; man. of photographic manipulation. 24054 Welford, W. D. Photographer's indispensable hand-book. 29426 Wilson, E. L. Quarter century in photography; text-book. 28195 Photographic mosaics ; annual record of photographic progress. 1886- 1889. 26124; 27629-31 See also Abney, W. de W. Photographic primers ; Scovill's photo- graphic series. Also Telephotography. Photo-micrography. Sternberg, G. M. Photo-micrographs, and how to make them. *I Phrabat, Siam. Palgrave, W. G. (In his Ulysses.) 29323 Phrasing (in music). Marchant, A. W. Phrasing, as applied to piano-forte playing. . 27982 Phrenology. Sizer, N. Forty years in P. ; recollections. 25680 Phrenopathy. /See M.ind cure. Phthisiology. See Consumption. Phyfe, W. H. P. How should I pronounce? or, The art of correct pronunciation. 25353 Phyllis of the Sierras ; by F. B. Harte. 29078 Physical, mental, and spiritual exercises. See Hale, E. E. Physical arithmetic. Macfarlane, A. Physical arithmetic. 26439 Physical development. Allen, N. Physical development; or, The laws governing the human system. 29855 Physical education. Blaikie, W. Sound bodies for our boys and girls. 23608 Brabazon, R. (In his Prosperity or pauperism?) 30157 Sargent. D. A. Physical training. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Physical expression. Warner, F. Physical expression, its modes and principles. 26204 Physical geography. Grimes, J. S. Geonomy ; creation of the continents by the ocean currents ; adv. system of phys. geology and geography. *I Hinman. R. Eclectic phys. geography. 30333 Marsh, G. P. The earth as modified by human action. 25166 Monteith, J. New phys. geog. for schools and colleges. 25511 Physical geography and hist. (In Hall, G. S. Methods of teaching his- tory.) 23501 Same.' 2d ed. 25152 Reis, P. Lehrbuch der Physik ; einschliesslich der Physik des Himmels, der Luft, und der Erde. 16408 T See also Ocean. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 509 Physician's wife, The ; by Lady Dilke. (In her Shrine of death.) 27143 Physicians. Garratt, A. C. Myths in medicine, and old-time doctors. 24476 - The healing art; medicine, diseases, physicians, etc. '2 v. 27963-4 - Mitchell, S. W. The physician. (In his Doct. and patient.) 29058 /See also Royal College of Physicians. Physics. Avery, E. M. Elements of nat. philosophy. 29513 Bert, P. The physical sciences. (In his Introd. steps in science.) 28942 Dauiell, A. Text-book of the princ. of P. 23769 Gage, A. P. Text-book on the elements of P. 26424 Glazebrook. R. T., and Shaw, W. N. Practical physics. 25600 Kirchboff, G. R. Vorlesungeniiber mathematische" Physik; Mechanik. 16413 - Xaville, E. Modern P. Studies hist, and philosophical. 24092 Reis,P. Lehrbuchder Physik. 16408 Stewart, B., and Gee, W." W. H. Lessons in element, and pract. P. Vol.1, 2. 25772-3 Thomson, W.. and Tait, P. G. Treatise on nat. philosophy, v. 1, pt. 2. 22547 -Trowbridge, J. The new. P.; nvtnual of experimental study. 24446 Biography. See Garnett, W. Heroes of science. History. Heller, A. Geschichte der Physik von Aristotles bis auf die ueueste Zeit. 2 v. 16227-8 See also Astronomy ; Chemistry; Dynamics; Friction; Mechan- ics ; Meteorology ; .Motion ; Physical geography. Physiognomy. Baughan, R. Handbook of physiognomy. 27134 Simms, J. Physiognomy illustrated. 2114S Physiography. Lockyer, J. N. Outlines of P. ; movements of the earth. 29722 Physiology. Bert, P. (Li his Introd. steps in science.) 28942 - Blaisdell, A. F. Our bodies, and how \ve live. 25330 Carpenter, W. B. Method and aim of the study of P. (In his Nature.) 30623 Culver, H. H. Epitome of anatomy. P., etc.) ' 29303 Cutter, J. C. Beginner's anatomy, "physiology, etc. 28495 - Intermediate anatomy, physiology, etc. 28496 Foster, M. Text book of P. Pt. 1. 30411 Johonnot. J.. and Bouton, E. How we live; element, course in P. 24766 Martin, H. X. The human body; text-book of anatomy, L., etc. 23481 - and H. C. The human body ; "a beginner's text-book of anatomy, phy- siology, etc. 25036 Smith, W. T. The human body and its health. 24432 Steele, J. D. Hygienic physiology; 24206 Tracy, R. S. Essentials of anatomy. P., etc. 24159 - Transcript of the object lessons on the human body, given in Primary depart., Grammar School, no. 49. Xevv York City. 24530 - Walker, J. Anatomy, P., and hygiene; manual. ' 29193 See also Anatomy; Comparative physiology ; Hygiene; Mind and body ; Muscles ; Nervous system ; Voice". Piano-forte. Benedict, Lady* and others. How to play the P. 27972 Christian!, A. F. Princ. of expression in piano-forte playing. 25717 Filimore, J. C. Pianoforte music; its history, etc. 23372 Mathews, W. S. B. Theory of piano teaching. (In his How to under- stand music, v. 2.) 30388 Prentice, R. The musician; guide for pianoforte students. 6 v. 27944-9 - Viard-Louis. J. Music and the piano. 24106 See also Phrasing. Piassetsky, P. Russian travellers in Mongolia and China ; tr. by J. Gordon-Cumrning. 2 v. 24668-9 Piatt, D. Memories of the men who saved the Union. 28259 Contents. A. Lincoln. E. M. Stantou. S. P. Chase. W. H. Sew- ard. Maj.-Gen. G. H. Thomas. App. Piatt, S. M. [B.]. An Irish garland ; [poems]. 25006 34 510 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Picard, G. H. A matter of taste. 25007 A mission flower; American novel. . 25843 Old Boniface. 27661 Piccadilly ; by L. Oliphant. 24197 Pick, B. Life of Jesus, according to extra-canonical sources. 27841 Pick, E. Memory and its doctors. 29628 Picked up at sea ; by J. C. Hutcheson. 28058 Picked up in the streets ; fr. the German of H. Schobert. 29326 Pickens, F. W., Gov. of So. Carolina. Perry, B. F. (In Ms Reminis.) 23322 Pickens and stealin's rebellion ; by J. R. Lowell. (In his Polit. essays.) 29773 Pickering, J. Pickering, M. O. Life of P. *I Pickering, M. O. Life of John Pickering. *I Pickering, T. Lodge, H. C. (In his Studies.) 23785 Pictorial press. Jackson, M. The pictorial press ; its origin and development. *I Picture, The ; by C. Reade. 23798 Picture, The ; by C. Reade. (In his Good stor.) 24029 Picture's secret, The ; by W. 11. Pollock. . 23858 Pictures. Howells, W. D. A little girl among the old masters. *I - Yan Dyke. J. C. How to judge of a picture; fam. talks. 29828 Whitman, S. W. The making of P. 26964 Pictures and songs for little children. 27488 Pictures of life and character ; by J. Leech. *I Pidgeon, D. Old-world questions and new- world answers. 25082 Pidgin, C. F. Practical statistics ; handbook. 29817 Piece, A, of land; by J. C. Harris. (Li his Miugo, etc.) 24188 Piece, A, of possible history. See Hale, E. E. Piece, A, of red calico ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his The lady.) 24037 Piedmont. History. Hamilton, F. F. (In his Bordighera, etc.) 23948 Pierce, C. F. History and camp life of Company C., 51st Reg. Mass. Vol., 1862-1863. *I Pierre de touche, La ; come" die, par E. Augier. (In his Theatre compl., v. 3.) 14778 Pierre et Camille ; par A. de Musset. (In Musset, L. C. A. de. Selections.) 24538 Pierrepont, E. Fifth Avenue to Alaska ; with maps by L. F. Beckwith. 23891 Pierson, A. T. Evangelistic work in principle and practice. 28900 Pierson, E. De L. Society verse by American writers. 28525 Pierson, G. S., joint author. See Staley, C. Pigeons. Lucas, J. Pleasures of a pigeon-fancier. 29031 Pike, R., Maj. Parton, J. Robert Pike, farmer. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Pilgrim fathers. Bifbee, M. D. Songs of the Pilgrims. 29520 Goodwin, J. A. The Pilgrim republic; hist. rev. of the Colonv of New Plymouth, etc. 29462 Moore, N. Pilgrims and Puritans; planting of Plymouth and Boston. 29558 Wright, H. C. The Pilgrims and the settlement of New Eng. (In her Children's stories.) 26094 See also Plymouth. Pilgrim Sorrow. See Elizabeth, Queen of Eoumania. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 511 Pilgrim's letters ; by J. E. Roy. 30246 Pilgrim's progress, A; by H. King. (In his Savage London.) 30735 Pilgrim's progress ; by J. Bunyan. 28675 Pilgrims and shrines ; by E. A. Starr. *I Pillsbury, P. Acts of the anti-slavery apostles. 23557 Pilot captain, The ; by A. Wilbrandt. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 Pilot Fortune ; by M. C. L. Reeves and E. Read. 25240 Pilpay or Pilpai. See Bidpai. Pimblett, W. M. English political history, 1880-1885. 26599 Pinafore, H. M. S. ; by W. S. Gilbert. (In Ms Orig. com. operas.) 28918 Pinckney, F. S. Winter angling. (In Orvis, C. F., and Che- ney, A. N. Fishing, etc.) *I Pindarus. Lloyd, W. W. Sicilian hist, in the epinician poetry of P. (In his Hist, of Sicily.) 28419 Pine and palm ; by M. D. Conway. 29180 Pine cone series. See Allen, W. B. Pine trees. Brown, J. C. Pine plantations on the sand-wastes of France. 24347 Pinel, P. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Pinkerton, A. The spy of the rebellion; hist, of the spy system of the U. S. dur. the rebellion ; comp. fr. official repts. Illust. *I Pinkerton, J. Early Australian voyages : Pelsart ; Tasman ; Dampier. 27229 Piombo, S. L., called del, Fra. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Pioneer children, Adventures of ; by E. F. Colerick. 30090 Piozzi, H. L. (S. T.) Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poet- esses.) 23640 Piquepe", P. Mod. pract. of retouching negatives, as pract. by French, German, Eng., and Amer. experts. 4th ed., rev. and enl. 30572 Pirate island, The ; by H. Collingwood. 28010 Pirates. See England, E. Pirates of Penzance ; by W. S. Gilbert. (In his Orig. com. operas.) 28918 Pirkis, C. L. A dateless bargain. 28526 - Lady Lovelace. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25754 Pisciculture. Francis F. Practical management of fisheries. 25726 Green, S. Home fishing and home waters; fish culture. 29313 Roosevelt, R. B. Propagation of fish. (In his Game fish.) 23800 See also Goldfish. Pitcairn. W., M. D. Munk, W. Sketch of P. (In his. Gold- headed cane.) 24861 Piti-Josi-Ba'tiste ; by J. A. Harrison. (In his Autrefois.) 30330 Pitman, E. R. Elizabeth Fry. (Fam. worn, ser.) 24066 Florence Godfrey's faith; story of Australian life. Illust. 28076 Garnered sheaves ; tale for boys. Illust. 28077 George Miiller and Andrew Reed. 26510 Heroines of the mission field; biog. sketches. 25239 Life's daily ministry; story of everyday service for others. Illust. 2S078 My governess life. Illust. 28079 512 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Pitman, I. Manual of phonography. 30040 Pitt, W. Adams, C. K. (In his Repr. Brit, orat., v. 2.) 24884 Pitt, W. Earl of Chatham. (In his Repr. Brit, orat., v. 1.) 24883 Pitt-Rivers, A. H. F. See Rivers, A. H. F. P. Pittenger, W. Daring and suffering; history of the Andrews railroad raid into Georgia, 1862. 28812 Piutes. Hopkins, W. Life among the P. 23317 Pizarro, F. Adams, W. H. D. The land of the Incas and the City of the Sun ; story of P. 24553 Wright, H. C. Pizarro and the conquest of Peru. (In her Child, stor.) 26094 Pizarro, G. Watson, R. G. (In his Span, and Port. So. America, v. 1.) 23868 Placide, H. Ireland, J. N. (In Matthews, J. B.,omcZ Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 Placidus. Nettleship, H. Note on the glosses of P. (In his Lect., etc.) 25633 Plagiarism. Matthews, J. B. The ethics of P. (In Ids Pen and ink.) 30437 Plagues. Knighton, "W. Plagues. (In his Struggles for life.) 30480 Plain dealer, The ; by W. Wycherly. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 Plain fishing ; by F. $. Stockton. (Li his Amos Kilbrigtit, etc.) 30247 Plain-speaking. Stephen, L. Apology for plainspeaking. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 3.) 23202 Plane world, A ; by C. H. Hinton. ( In his Scientif. romances.) 26242 Planets. Proctor. R. A. The ring of small P. The zone of small P. (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Planimeters. Shaw, H. S. H. Mechanical integrators, incl. planimeters. 26352 Planocephalus aselloides. Scudder, S. H. Description of an articulate of doubtful relationship f r. the tertiary beds of Florissant, C'ol. (In Nat. Acad. of Sci. Mem., v. 3, pt. 1.) 14262 Plante", G. Storage of electrical energy, and researches in the effects created by currents combining quantity with high tension; tr. by P. B. Elwell. Illust. 2S527 Gladstone, J. H., and Tribe, A. The chemistry of the secondary bat- teries of Plants and Faure. 23426 Plants. See Botany. Plaster and Plastering. Cameron, K. Plasterer's manual. 24350 Hodgson, F. T. Plaster and plastering. 23315 Plata, La. See Argentine Republic. Plato. A day in Athens with Socrates ; tr. fr. the Protagoras and the Republic. 23485 Talks with Socrates about life ; tr. fr. the Gorgias and the Republic. 27786 The trial and death of Socrates; being the Euthyphron, Apology, Crito, and Phnedo of P. ; tr. by F. J. Church. 27594 Martineau, J. (In his Types of ethical 'theory, v. 1.) 25401 Packard, L. R. Plato's arguments in the Phaedo for the immortality of the soul; On Plato's svstem of education in the Republic. (In his Stud.) 26676 Platonists. Bigg, C. The Christian Platonists of Alexandria. 27491 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 513 Plattner, . Manual of qualitative and quantitive analysis with the blowpipe ; rev. and enl. by T. Richter ; tr. by H. B. Cornwall and J. H. Caswell. 27092 Plautus, T. M. Trinummus ; with notes and introd. by C. E. Freeman and A. Sloman. (Clarendon press ser.) 23969 Play fair, Sir H. L. Smith, J. C. Biographical notice. (In his Writings.) 25607 Playfair, R. L., Lieut. Col. The scourge of Christendom; annals of Brit. rel. with Algiers prior to the Fr. conquest. 23970 Playing a part; by B. Matthews. (Li Matthews, J. B., and Bunner, H. C. In partnership.) 24490 Plays, Parlor. See Private theatricals. Playwright's daughter, A ; by A. Edwardes. 27196 Play-writing ; handbook for would-be dramatic authors ; by a >*n+i dramatist. 30754 Pleasures of a book-worm ; by J. R. Rees. 26678 Pleasures of life; by J. Lubbock. 28516 Pleuro-pneumonia. U. S. Treas. Dept. Cattle commission. Report on the lung plague of cattle. 16526 Plinius Secundus, C. Boys' and girls' Pliny ; ed., with introd., by J. S. White. Illust. 25844 Plotinus. Lang, A. Plotinus. (In his Letters.) 30650 Pluck ; by J. S. Winter [H. E. V. Stannard]. 27241 Plucky boys. See Craik, D. M. (M.). Pluie, et le beau temps, La ; com6die ; par L. Gozlan. (In Theatre contemp.) 14897 Plumbing. Gerhard, W. P. House drainage and sanitary plumbing. 24123 Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Women, plumbers, and doctors. 24927 Putnam, J. P. Improved plumbing appliances. 28717 Plummer, C. S. Leaves fr. a drummer's diary. 30S13 Plumptre, E. H. The Commedia and Canzoniere of Dante ; new tr. ; notes, essays, and biog. introd. 2. v. 27284-5 - Life of Thomas Ken, Bp. of Bath and Wells. Illust. 2 v. 30865-C The spirits in prison; and other studies on the life after death. 25405 Contents. The spirits in prison. The Old Testament in its bearings on the life after death. The teaching of the New Testament as to the life after death. The descent into Hell. The eschatology of the early church. The mutual anathemas of Romanists and Protestants. The sal- vation of the heathen. The history of the wider hope in English theol- ogy. Modern German thought in its relation to eschatology. Prayers for the dead. The doctrine of purgatory. Conditional immortality. The teaching of Bp. Butler as to the life after death. Correspondence with a Roman Catholic priest. The word "eternal." The damnatory clauses of the Athanasian creed. The activities of the intermediate state. Plunder system. See Civil service reform. Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Women, plumbers, and doctors ; or, Household sanitation. . Illust. 24927 Plutarchus. The boys' and girls' Plutarch; ed., with introd. by J. S. White. Illust. 23213 Morals; ethical essays; tr. with notes and index by A. R. Shilleto. 30484 Contents. On education. On love to one's offspring. On love. Con- jugal precepts. Consolatory letter to his wife. That virtue may be taught. On virtue and vice. On moral virtue. How one may be aware of one's progress in virtue. Whether vice is sufficient to cause unhappi- 514 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. ness. Whether the disorders of mind or body are worse. On abundance of friends. How one may discern a flatterer fr. a friend. How a man may be benefited by his enemies. Talkativeness. Curiosity. Shyness. On restraining anger. Contentedness of mind. Envy and hatred. How one can praise one's self without exciting envy. On those who are pun- ished by the deity late. Against borrowing money. Whether "Live un- known" be a wise precept. On exile. On fortune. On the delay of the Divine justice; tr., with introd. and notes, by A. P. Peabody. 25453 Der neue Plutarch. See Gottschall, R. Our young folks' Plutarch ; ed. by R. Kaufman. 23183 Emerson, R. W. Plutarch. (In his Lect., etc.) 23462 Plutology. See Political economy. Plymouth, Mass. Davis, W. T. History of the town of P. *I Moore, N. Pilgrims and Puritans; planting of P. and Boston. 29558 Plymouth, Colony of. See New Plymouth Colony. Plymouth pulpit. See Beecher, H. W. Pocahontas. Adams, H. Pocahontas and Capt. Smith. (Monograph, no. 19.) 23818 Brooks, E. 8. Mataoka of Powhatan; the girl of the Virginia forests. (In his Hist, girls.) 28864 Cook, J. E. My Lady Pokahontas ; a true relation of Virginia. 25015 Gilman, A. The Lady Rebecca. (In his Tales of the pathfinders.) 24910 Wright, II. C. (In her Child, stor.) 26094 Pochet, L. Steam injectors ; theory and use ; fr. the French. 24128 Pocock, R. Arnold, G. M. Robert Pocock, the Gravesend historian, naturalist, etc. 23828 Podmore, F., joint author. See Gurney, E. Poe, E. A. Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Richardson, C. F. (In his Amer. literature, v. 2.) 27340 Stedman, E. C. (In his Poets of America.) 25692 Walsh, W. S. (In his Pen pictures.) 23401 Wilson, J. G. (In his Bryant and his friends.) 25857 Woodberry, G. E. Edgar Allan Poe. 24940 Poems and lyrics of the joy of earth ; by G. Meredith. 23287 Poems of religious sorrow. See Child, F. J. Poems of the old days and the new. See Ingelow, J. Poetiska forsok ; hemmet. 15089 Poetry. Albert, P. La poe'sie ; etudes sur les chefs-d'o3uvre des poe'tes. 14771 Arnold, M. The study of poetry. (In his Essays, ser. 2.) 30397 Bain, A. Definition of poetry. ( In his On teaching English.) Courthope, W. J. Prospects 'of poetry. (In his Lib. movement, etc.) 26374 Dickinson, G. Early ballad-poetry of different nations. (In his Poems, etc.) 23614 Gummere, F. B. Handbook of poetics for students of English verse. 25731 Gurney, E. The appreciation of poetry. (In his Tertium quid, v. 2.) 29606 Hunt, T. W. Poetry; metrical discourse. ( In his Princ. of written disc.) 23781 Noel, R. Essays on poetry and poets. 26901 See also Ballads; Epic 'poetry ; Songs ; Vers de soci6te. Also the division Poetry under the names of countries. Poetry, comedy, and duty ; by C. C. Everett. 29911 Poets. Cooke, G. W. The poet as a teacher. (In his Poets and problems.) 26414 Saunders, F. Evenings with the sacred poets; talks about the singers and their songs. 26453 See also the division Literature, Poetry, under the various countries. Poets and problems ; by G. W. Cooke. 26414 Poets' beasts, The ; by P. Robinson. 26105 Poets' birds, The ; by P. Robinson. 26104 TJHIVERSITT CATALOGUE OF Poey y Aloy, F. Jordan, D. S. A Cuban fisherman. his Sci. sketches.) 29449 Poinsett, J. R. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Poison problem. , See Temperance. Poison tree, The ; by Bankim Chandra Chatter jee. 25048 Poisons. Poisons and their antidotes. (In Accidents, etc.) 28839 Poitiers. Henty, G. A. St. George for Eng. ; tale of Cressy and P. 28044 Poker. Matthews, J. B. Poker-talk. (In his Pen and ink.) 30437 Proctor, R. A. Poker principles and chance laws. ( In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Matthews, J. B. Poker-talk. (In his Pen and ink.) 30437 Poland. History. Moltke, H. K. B. von. Poland ; hist, sketch. 25422 - Polish history. (Monograph, no. 23.) 23818 VVolski, K. Poland; her glory, her sufferings, her overthrow. 23998 Forests. Brown, J. C. Forest and forestry in P., etc. 25619 Polar regions. See Antarctic regions ; Arctic regions. Pole, R., Cardinal. Lee, F. G. Reginald Pole ; hist, sketch, with prologue and epilogue. 28795 Pole, W. Descriptive chapters on some of [R. Stephenson's] most important works. (In Jeafferson, J. C. Life of R. Stephenson.) 25694-5 - Life of Sir Wm. Siemens. Portrs. and illust. 30867 Police. See Gt. Britain ; New York (City). Polish. MacDonald, G. On polish. (In his Imagination, etc.) 30434 Political creed, A ; by G. Manigault. 28518 Political economy, pseud. The Irish landlord and his ac- cusers, etc. ' 26389 Political economy. Bonar, J. The, struggle for existence ; hints for a philosophy of economics. (In Seth, A., and Haldane, R. B. Essays.) 23448 - Bowker, R. R. Of work and wealth. 23335 Cannan, E. Elementary polit. economy. 30519 Crocker, U. Excessive saving a cause of commer. distress ; assaults upon accept, princ. of polit. economy. 24274 Crocker, U. H. Over-production and commercial distress. 30092 Cunningham, \V. Politics and economics; nature of the princ. of polit. economy; with a surv. of rec. legislation. 26375 Denslow, Van B. Principles of the economic philosophy of society, government, and industry. 30095 Dole, C. F. The citizen and the neighbor. 24009 Ely, R. T. The past and present of polit. econ. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 2.) *I F., S. and C. W. Lessons on pract. subj. for grammar-school children. 2533(5 - Hazard, R. G. Economics and politics; papers. 30792 Hearn, W. E. Plutology, or the theory of the efforts to satisfy human wants. 29610 - Ingram, J. K. History of polit. economy. 29686 Laughlin, J. L. Elements of polit. economv; with appl. to quest, of the day. 29143 Laveleye, V. L. E. de. Elements of polit. economy. 23855 Lunt, E. C. Present cond. of economic science, and the demand for a radical change in its methods and aims. 29551 - Macleod, H. D. Elements of economics. Vol. 2, pt. 1. 21301 Marshall, A. The present position of economics. 25812 - Marx, K. Das Kapital; Kritik der politischen Oekonomie. 2 v. *I Mill, J. S. Princ. of polit. econ. ; with notes, and sk. of the hist, of polit. economy, by J. L. Laughlin. 24922 516 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Miller, J. B. Trade organizations in politics; also Progress and rob- bery; answer to H. George. 28520 Patterson, J. S. Class interests; their rel. to each other and to govern- ment; study of wrongs and remedies. 26183 Posnett, H. M. The historical method in polit. econ. 24258 Proudhon, P. J. System of economical contradictions. Vol: 1. 29334 Rand, B. Selections illust. economic hist, since the Seven Years' War. 30120 Ricardo, D. Letters to T. R. Malthus, 1810-1823. 29413 Rogers, J. E. T. The economic interpretation of hist. 30266 Sargant, W. L. Inductive political economy. Vol. 1. 29415 Sidgwick, H. Principles of polit. economy. 22980 Smith, A. Inquirv into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. 2 y. 28730-1 Stebbins, G. B. Progress fr. poverty; review and criticism of H. George's Progress and poverty, and Protection and free trade. 27987 Sumner, W. G. Problems in political economy. 23565 Wood, H. Natural law in the business world. 27859 Ely, R. T. On methods of teaching polit. econ. (In Hall, G. S. Methods.) 25152 Laughlin, J. L. The study of polit. econ. ; hints to students and teachers. 25668 See also Capital; Co-operation; Exchange; Industrial liberty; La- bor; Land tenure; Legislation; Rent. Also Gt. Britain ; U. S. Also Society for Political Education ; Johns Hopkins University Studies. Political science. Atkinson, W. P. The study of politics. 29512 Bluntschli, J. K. Theory of the state. 26406 Bowker, R. R. Primer for political education. 26957 Crane, W. W., and Moses, B. Politics; introd. to the study of comp. const, law. 23766 lies, G. The liquor quest, in politics. 30758 Johns Hopkins University Studies in hist, and polit. science. Vols. 1, 2. *I Maine, H. J. S. Popular government; essays. 26258 Montagu, F. C. Limits of individual liberty. 25748 Mowry, W. A. Studies in civil government. 28734 Raleigh, T. Elementary politics. 27595 Roosevelt, T. Essays on practical politics. 30556 Spencer, H. The man versus the state. 2443 Storey, M. Politics as a duty and a* a career. 30818 Sumner, W. G. Collected essays in polit. and soc. science. 25525 What social classes owe to each other. 23116 Wheeler, C. G. The course of empire; outlines of the chief polit. changes in the world. 23413 See also Church and State; Democracy ; Legislation; Representa- tion; Socialism. Also names of countries, as U. S. Politics. Politician's daughter, A ; by M. S. Hamlin. 26728 Politics. See Political science. Politics and letters ; by T. H. S. Escott. 27881 Polko, E. Dichtergriisse ; neuere deutsche Lyrick ; ausgewahlt von P. 16517 Poll Miles ; by M. Majendie. (In her Once more.) 24254 Pollainolo, A. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Pollard, J., and Satterlee, W. Artistic tableaux: text by J. Pollard ; diagrams by W. Satterlee. *I Pollock, Lady. Macready as I knew him. 25312 Pollock, Sir F., 2d Baronet. The land laws. (Eng. citizen.) 23857 Personal remembrances. 2 v. 29120 1 Pollock, W. H. The action to the word. (In Norman, H. The broken shaft.) 26116 Annotations. (In Diderot, D. Paradox of acting.) 23340 Mr. J. L. Toole. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 - The picture's secret; added. An eoisode in the life of Mr. Latimer. 23858 joint author. See Besant. W. Polly ; a Christinas recollection ; by T. N. Page. (In Ms In Ole Virginia.) 28254 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 517 Polly's lion ; by D. Ker. (In Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 Polly's temptation; by A. A. H. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Polo, M. Travels of Marco Polo for boys and girls ; with explan. notes and comments ; by T. W. Knox. Illust. 25742 Oliphant, M. O. W. Marco Polo. (In her Makers of Venice.) *T Polo, M. Oliphant, M. O. W. Matteo Polo. (/// her Makers of Venice.) *I Polo, N. Oliphant, M. O. W. (In her Makers of Venice.) *I Polybius. Mahaffy, J. P. Polybius and his age. (In his Greek life, etc.) 29091 Polycarpus, St., Bp. of Smyrna. Randell, T. The date of St. Polycarp's martyrdom. (In Driver, S. R., and others. Studia Biblica.) 26581 Polycrates. Cox, G. W. (In his Lives of Greek statesmen.) 25598 Polygamy. See Mormons. Polynesia. Coote, W. The western Pacific ; descr. of the islands to the north and east of the Australian continent. 23577 - Romilly, H. H. The western Pacific and New Guinea. 27059 - Thomas. J. Cannibals and convicts; pers. exp. in the western Pacific. 27902 Turner, G. Notes on the cults and customs of twenty-three islands in the Pacific. (In his Samoa.) 23991 See also Banks Islands; Fiji Islands; Loyalty Islands; New Cale- donia; New Hebrides; Norfolk Island; Pa'pua; Santa Crux Isl- ands ; Samoau Islands ; Solomon Islands ; Tonga Islands ; Torres Islands. Polytechnic. See Technical education. Pomegranate seed. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 27258 Pomeroy, J. N. Introduction to the constitutional law of the U. S. 9th ed., rev. and enl. byE. II. Bennett. 27093 Pompeii. Butler, W. Pompeii, descriptive and picturesque. 27868 Rolfe, E. N. Pompeii, popular and practical. 30742 Pompeius Magnus, C. Church, A. J. Pompey. (In his Roman life.) 23686 Pompey. See Pompeius. Pomroy, R. R. Boyden, A. L. Echoes fr. hospital and White House. 23609 Ponce de Leon, J. Wright, H. C. (In her Children's stories.) 26094 Pond, E. Autobiography ; with introd. by E. P. Parker. 23486 Pond. F. E. The poetry of fly fishing. (In. Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing, etc.) *I Pond, J. B., ed. A summer in Eng. with H. W. Beecher. 28155 Pontefract, Eng. Holmes, R. Collections towards the hist. of P. Vol. 1,2. 30487-8 Pontefract castle. Holmes, R. Sieges of P., 1644-1648. (In Ms Coll., v. 2.) 30488 Pontiac. Wright, H. C. Story of Pontiac. (In her Child. stor.) 26094 Pool, M. L. Tenting at Stony Beach. 29563 A vacation in a buggy. 28685 Poole, G. A. Peterborough. (Diocesan hist.) 26511 Poole, R. L. Illustrations of the history of medieval thought in the departments of theology and eccles. politics. 25132 518 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Poole, S. L. The art of the Saracens in Egypt ; with wood- cuts. *I Life of Stratford Canning, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe ; fr. his memoirs and papers. 2 v. 30601-2 Preface and notes. (In Swift, J. Select.) 25135 Studies in a mosque. 23080 Contents. The Arabs before Islam. Mohammad. Islam. The Koran. AH eastern reformation. The Brotherhood of Purity. The Persian miracle play. Sabiaus and Christians of St. John. and Gilman, A. The story of the Moors in Spain. (Story of the nations.) 27336 and others. Story of Turkey. (Story of the nations.) 29695 Poole, T. Sandford, Mrs. H. Thomas Poole and his friends. 2 v. 30557-8 Poor. See Charities ; London. Poor. Poor Ogla-Moga ; by D. D. Lloyd. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 3.) 23905 Poore, B. P. Perley's reminiscences of 60 years in the nat. metropolis. Illust. 2 v. 27024-5 Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Pope, A. Poetical works ; ed. by H. F. Gary. New ed., rev. ; pref. a biog. notice. 13182 Birrell. A. (In his Obiter dicta, ser. 2.) 28279 - Dawson, Gr. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 - Dennis, J. (In his Her. of literature.) 23445 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Johnson, S. Lives of Dry den and Pope. 26828 - Williams, H. (In his Eng. letters, etc., ser. 1.) 26717 Pope, F. L. Modern pract. of the electric telegraph ; hand- book for electricians and operators. 27094 Pope, J. Leasure, D. Pers. obs. and exp. in the Pope cam- paign in Va. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.) 29330 Popes. Balzani, U. The popes and the Hohenstaufen. 30619 Creighton, M. History of the papacy dur. the reformation. Vol. 3, 4. 23745-6 Thompson, J. P. Paparchy and nationality. (In his Amer. comments.) 24445 Popular county histories ; namely : King, C. History of Berkshire. 27935 Pendleton, J. History of Derbyshire. 26966 Rye, W. History of Norfolk. 25920 Worth, R. N". History of Devonshire. 26295 Popular literature. See English popular literature ; Prov- erbs ; Folk-lore. Popular Science Monthly ; conducted by E. L. and W. J. Youmans. Vol. 23-84. 15215-26 Porcelain. See Pottery. Porcia or Portia, wife of .Brutus. Church, A. J. Cato, Brutus, and Porcia. (In his Roman life.) 23686 Pordenone, G. A. L., called il. Healy, E. (In her Painters, 'etc.) 26216 Porree, G. de la, Bp. of Poictiers. Poole, R. L. The trial of Gilbert de la Porree. ( In his Illust. of the hist, of med. thought.) 25132 Port in a storm ; by G. MacDonald. (In his Stephen Archer, etc.) 23011 Port Royal Abbey, France. Perkins, J. B. (In his France under Mazarin, v. 2.) 27227 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 519 Kenan, J. F. (In his Studies.) 27950 Port Washington, L. I. Dodge, R. Cow Neck, L. I. (In his Tristram Dodge.) 28121 Porter, C. T. Mechanics and faith ; study of spiritual truth in nature. 29853 Porter, D. D., Admiral. Adventures of Harry Marline; or, Notes fr. an Amer. midshipman's lucky bag. 25516 Incidents and anecdotes of the civil war. lllust. 25877 Naval history of the civil war. lllust. . 27230 Porter, H. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Porter, J. A. City of Washington, its origin and administra- tion. (In J. Hopkins Univ. studies, v. 3.) *I ed. Sketches of Yale life; select, fr. the college magazines and news- papers. 26342 Porter, L. H. Outlines of the const, hist, of the U. S. 22976 Porter, N. Elements of moral science, theoretical and prac- tical. 24928 Fifteen years in the chapel of Yale College. 28813 The ideal scholar. (In Phillips Exeter Acad. Lect.) 27997 The two-hundredth birthday of Bp. G. Berkeley; discourse. 25517 Porter, R. A modern Saint Christopher ; or, The brothers. 29103 Porter, R. P. Protection and free trade to-day, at home and abroad, in field and workshop. 24423 and others. The West; fr. the census of 1880; hist, of the development of the West, 1800-1880. Maps, etc. *I Portfolio papers, tfee Hamerton, P. G. Portland, Maine. Goold, W. Portland in the past. *I Portrait, The; by [M. O. W. Oliphant], (With her Open door.) 25170 Portrait, The ; by Mrs. Oliphant. (In her Stories of the seen and unseen.) 30914 Portrait of a hybrid ; [parody] ; by H. F. Lester. (In his Ben D'ymion, etc.) 29395 Portraits of places ; by H. James. 23543 Portsmouth, Eug. Corning, C. R. Portsmouth and the dock- yards. (In his Aalesund to Tetuan.) 30307 Portugal. Gasparin, V. de. Andalousie et Portugal. 14502 Leek, J. Iberian sketches. 24088 - McMurdo, E. History of P. ; comp. fr. Portuguese histories, v. 1, 2. 29758; 30505 Positivism. Smith, J. C. (In his Writings by the way.) 25607 - Tulloch, J. Auguste Comte and P. (In his Mod. theories.) ' 24673 Posnett, H. M. Comparative literature. (Internat. sci. ser.) 26446 The hist, method in ethics, jurisprudence, and polit. economy. 24258 Posselt, E. A. The Jacquard machine analyzed and explained ; with app., etc. lllust. 29106 Post, J. Grundriss der chemischen Technologic. . 16226 Post-laureate idyls ; by O. F. Adams. 27371 Post Office. See Great Britain. Post Office. Post scriptum, Le ; come"die, par E. Augier. (In his Theatre compl., v. 6.) 14781 Postage stamps. Tiffany, J. K. History of the postage stamps of the U. S. 28537 Posthumous humanity. See Phantoms. Pot of gold, The ; by E. R. Shaw. 30369 520 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Pot of tulips, The ; by J. F. O'Brien. (In. his Diamond lens, etc.) 25236 Pothooks and hangers ; by W. Archer. (In Norman, H. The witching time.) 27331 Potomac, the, Army of. Humphreys, A. A. From Gettys- burg to the Eapidan. 23051 Trobriand, P. R. de. Four years with the Army of the Potomac. 30289 - Walker, F. A. History of the second corps in the Army of the Potomac. 27350 Wilkinson, F. Recollections of a private soldier in the Army of the P. 27253 Potter, B. W. The road and the roadside [with the law of the road]. 26677 Potter, C. U. My recitations. 27337 Potter, H., Bp. Fiske, 8. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Potter, W. J. Hebrew faith and modern facts. (In Savage, M. J. Sermons, v. 4.) 22510 Twenty-five sermons of twentv-five years. 25518 Contents, Apostolic succession. The soul's rest. God in nature. Mercy and judgment. Self-sacrifice. The religion of the affections. Endurance. Childhood's instinct and manhood's faith. Pure religion. Christmas legend and fact. The Eden of the senses and the Eden of the soul. Thoughts and conduct. Easter truths and traditions. Optimism. Mutual social responsibility. Heart in nature. Waiting for one's self. The silent revelation. The religion of humanity. What do we wor- ship? God in humanity. The permanence of morality. The practi- cality of thought. The glorious God. A twenty-five years' ministry. Pottery. Church, A. H. English earthenware ; handbook to the wares made in Eng. dur. the 17th-18th cent., as illust. in the nat. collections. *I Gasnault, P., and Gamier, E. French pottery; with illust. and marks. *I McCarthy, J. F. Pottery and porcelain. (In Gt. iudust. of Gt. Brit., v. 2, 3\) 25092-3 Potwin, T. S. The triumph of life ; a Biblical study of God's way with our race. 27716 Pougin, A. Verdi ; anecdotic hist, of his life and works ; tr. by J. E. Matthew. Portr. 27662 Poulsen, V. A. Botanical micro-chemistry ; introd. to the study of vegetable histology ; tr. and enl. by W. Trelease. 24783 Poultry. Beale, S. Profitable poultry keeping. *I Halsted, A. M. Artificial incubation and incubators. 22992 John's wife. (In her How I made money at home.) 25204 Pounds, J. Hoare. E. N. '(In his Notable workers.) 29484 Poverty. Savage, M. J. Poverty, pers. and national. (In his Soc. problems.) 27096 Poverty corner ; by G. M. Fenn. 25434 Poverty grass ; by L. C. Wyman. 26940 Powderly, T. V. The army of unemployed. (In McNeill, G* E. Labor movement.) 27651 Powell, F. Y., ed. English history by contemporary writers ; namely : Archer, T. A. Crusade of Richard L, 1189-1192; select. 30676 Ashley, W. J. Edward III. and his wars, 1327-1360. 28699 Barnard. F. P. Strongbow's conquest of Ireland. 29055 Button, W. H. The misrule of Henry III. 28707 Simon de Montfort and his cause, 1251-1266; select. 29387 and Mackay, J. M. History of England. Pt. 1. 26262 Contents. Pt. 1. Powell, F. Y. From the earliest times to the death of Henry VII. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 521 Powell, G. T. Foundations and foundation walls ; added, Treatise on foundations etc., by F. Bauman ; rev. and enl. Illust. 24379 Powell, H. J. Principles of glass-making ; with treatises on crown and sheet glass, by H. .Chance, and plate glass by H. C. Harris. (Tecbnolog. handbooks.) 24814 Powell, W. Wanderings in a wild country; or, Three years amongst the cannibals of New Britain. Illust. 23708 Power, F. Letters from Khartoum, written during the siege. 26056 Power, F. B. Notes. (In Flueckiger, F. A. Cinchona barks.) *I Power, S. The basket business. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Power, S. C. (D.) Ugly-girl papers ; or, Hints for the toilet. 26949 Power and authority of school officers and teachers in the man- agement and government of pub. schools, and over pupils out of school, as determined by the courts of the several states ; by a member of the Mass. Bar. 25.366 Power and liberty ; by L. Tolstoi'. 29707 Powers, L. L., joint author. See Silloway, T. W. Powles, L. D. The land of the pink pearl; or, Recollections of life in the Bahamas. 30598 Poynter, E F. Madame de Presnel. (Leis. hr. ser.) 25571 Poynter, E. J., at id Smith, R. Illustrated hand-books of art history ; namely : Smith, G. W. Painting; Spanish and French. *I Practical work in the school room. Pt. 1. 24530 Contents. Pt. 1. Transcript of the object lessons on the human body, given in Primary dept. Grammar School, no. 49, New York City. Pradt, D. D., I'abbe de. Bonaparte, N. J. Napoleon et'ses de"tracteurs. 14578 Praed, Mrs. C. The head station ; a novel of Australian life. 27231 Moloch; a story of sacrifice. 28359 joint author. See McCarthy, J. Praed, W. M. Essays ; coll. and arr. by Sir G. Young ; introd. by II. Morley. 30188 Political and occasional poems; ed., with notes by G. Young. 29629 Praga, E. Hueffer, F. The poets of young Italy. (Li his Ital. stud.) 23698 Prairies, American. Shepherd, W. Prairie experiences in handling cattle and sheep. Illust. 25173 Prang, L. and Co. Natural history series for children : Birds of prey; class, by N. A. Calkins; text by Mrs. Diaz. 26734 Prati, G. Howells, W. D. (In his Mod. Ital. poets.) - 28872 Pratt, C. S. How the boys woke him. (In New Eng. story- book.) 24819 Pratt, F. Increase of insanity in the U. S. ; its causes and sources. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts. , v. 9.) *I Pratt Manufacturing Co., N. Y. Antidote against, melan- choly ; compounded of choice poems, jovial songs^ merry ballads, etc. 21146 Prayer. Clarke, J. F. The scientific basis of prayer. (In his, Vexed questions.) 27073 522 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. McCosh, J. Certitude, Providence, and prayer. 23668 - Same. (In his Realistic philosophy defended, v. 1.) 27771 Phelps, A. Prayer as a state of Christian living. (In his My study.) 26445 Rupp, J. On prayer. (In his Reason and religion.) 26391 Townsend, L. T. "Faith-work," "Christian science," and other cures. 25359 Prayers. Beecher, H. W. Prayers fr. Plymouth pulpit. 21143 Ellis, R. Prayers. 26S74 Preachers, Preaching. Chaney, G. L. The pulpit and morals. (In his Every-day life.) * 24728 Smith, W. Extempore preaching. 24431 Prcieuses ridicules, Les ; come* die. See Moliere, J. B. P. de. Precious stones. Burnham, S. M. Precious stones in nature, art, and literature. 27679 Church, A. H. Precious stones consid. in their scientific and artistic relations; with catalogue of Townshend coll. in So. Kens. Mus. Cold, plate, etc. *I Hamlin, A. C. Leisure hours among the gems. 24477 See also Diamonds; Emerald; Opal; Sapphire. Predestination. Renan, J. E. The congregations "de auxiliis" ; an episode in the history of theology. (In his Studies.) 27950 Preece, W. H., and Maier, J. The telephone. 30599 Pre-existence. Rydberg, A.V. Om menniskans f orut-tillvaro. 15098 Preface. Matthews, J. B. The true theory of the preface ; a confidential communication to all makers of books. (In his Pen and ink.) 30437 Prejudiced inquiries ; by E. J. Morris. 27089 Prelate, The ; by I. Henderson. 26428 Premiere par jour, Une ; par A. Soubies. 14929 Prentice, R. The musician ; guide for pianoforte students. 6 v. 27944-9 Prentice Hugh; by F. M. Peard. 28898 Prentiss, E. P. Terhune, M. V. H. (In Phelps, E. S., and other*. Our fam. women.) 24284 Prentiss, S. S. Shields, J. D. Life and times of P. 23325 Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Hamilton, T. History of the Irish Presbyterian Church. 28211 Reid, J. S. History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. 3 v. 28214-16 Witherow, T. Historical and literary memorials of Presbyterianism in Ireland, 1623-1800. 2 ser. 28219-20 Presbyterian Church in the U. S. Briggs, C. A. American Presbyterianism ; its origin and early history. 25551 Prescott, G. B. Bell's electric speaking telephone ; its inven- tion, application, etc. Illust. 24587 Dynamo-electricity; its generation, application, transmission, storage, and measurement. Illust. 24491 Prescott, J. E. Christian hymns and hymn writers. 29493 Prescott, M. N. The Countess of Blessington. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Prescott, W. H. Bolton, S. K. (In her Fam. Amer. authors.) 28746 Harris, A. B. (In her Amer. authors.) 28776 -Whipple, E. P. The college life of P. (In Parton, J. Some not. princes, etc.) 25675 President's page, The; by K. Ledyard [F. McC. Harris]. (In Craik, D. M.(M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 523 Presidential campaign of 1896 ; a scrap-book chronicle ; comp. by an editor of that period. 30141 Presidents. See Stoddard, W. O. Presland, J. Future probation. (In Leathes, S., and others. Future probation ; symposium.) 27576 Pressense", E. de. The ancient world and Christianity ; tr. by A. H. Holmden. 29564 Contents. The ancient East. Religious development of the oriental Aryans. Religions of India. Hellenic paganism. Greco-Roman pagan- ism and its decline. Evangelii land; anteckningar under en resa i Osterlanderna ; ofversatt, med. tilliigg, af P. W. Bergstrand. 15143 A study of origins ; or, The problems of knowledge, of being, and of duty. 24154 Preston, A. A. Bobbie's shirts. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 The ragamuffins and General Washington. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Preston, H. W. The guardians. 30117 A year in Eden. 27663 Preston, M. J. Colonial ballads, sonnets, and other verse. 28156 Preston, W. C., Rev. The bitter cry of outcast London ; inq. into the cond. of the abject poor. 23900 Perry, B. F. (In his Remiuis.) 23322 Prestwich, J. Geology, chemical, physical, and stratigraphi- cal. 2 v. 30189-90 Pretender, The. See Stuart, C. E. Pretre de Nemi, Le ; par E. Renan. (In his Drames philos.) 14927 Pretty Miss Neville ; by B. M. Croker. 24083 Pretty sister, The, of Jose" ; by F. II. Burnett. 30887 Preyer, W. The mind of the child ; tr. by H. W. Brown. Pt. 1, 2. 29185-6 Contents. Pt. 1. The senses and the will. 2. The development of the intellect. Price, E. C., joint author. See Awdry, F. Price, G. F. Across the continent with the 5th cavalry. Portr. 23055 Price, R., D.D. Martineau, J. (In his Types of ethical the- ory, v. 2.) 25402 Price, The, she paid ; by F. L. Benedict. 23218 Prices. Jeans, J. S. Cost of living in different countries. (In his Eng.'s supremacy.) 26249 - Mulhall, M. G. Hist, of prices since 1850. 26387 Schoenhof, J. The nature and composition of prices. (In his Indust. situation.) 26350 Bibliography. Jevons, W. S. (In his Investigations, etc.) 24191 Prichard, S. J. David Bushnell and his Amer. turtle ; The only woman in the town. (/// New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Priest's lamb, The; by C. Etlar [C. Brosboll]. (In. Vicary, J.F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Priestley, J. Dawson, G. (In his Hiog. lect.) 26576 Muir, M. M. P. (In his Her. of science.) 23589 Prig, The, pseud. How to make a saint ; or, The process of canonization in the Ch. of Eng. 28355 The venerable Bede expurgated, expounded, and exposed. 27799 Prig, a, Life of ; by one. 26466 524 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Prima donna, The. P^dwards, H. S. The prima donna ; her hist, and surroundings. 2 v. 29598-9 Primaticcio, F. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Prime, W. C. "Why Peter went a-fishing." (In Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing, etc.) *I Primus in India ; romance ; by M. J. Colquhoun. 26412 Prince, L. B. Historical sketches of New Mexico to the Amer. occupation. 23678 Prince, M. Nature of mind and human automatism. 25534 Prince Hassak's march ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his Bee-man of Orn, etc.). 28995 Prince Jasmine ; by J. E. Greenwood. (In her Moon maiden, etc.) 27301 Prince Little Boy ; by S. W. Mitchell. 29149 Prince, The, of Gold Land ; by W. llahn. (In S afford, M. J. Christ, country, etc.) 27095 Prince, A, of the blood ; by J. Payn. 30549 Prince Otto ; by ft. L. Stevenson. 264Q7 Prince Saroni's wife ; by J. Hawthorne. 24991 Prince Vance ; by E. Putnam [II. L. Bates], and A. Bates. 30201 Prince's little sweetheart, The; by II. Jackson. (In her Be- tween whiles.) 28133 Princess ; by M. G. McClelland. 26928 Princess, The. See Tennyson, A. Princess Amelie. (No Name aer.) 22990 Princess, The, and the white wolf ; [play] ; by K. Freiligrath- Kroeker. (Li her Alice, etc.) 23273 Princess Casamassima ; by II. James. 27^09 Princess Goldhair ; by J. Stinde. (In his Woodland tales.) 28165 Princess Ida ; by W. S. Gilbert. (In his Orig. com. operas.) 28918 Princess Nobody ; by A. Lang. 24581 Princess Nourmahal ; by George Sand ( ?) . 30211 Princess, A, of Lundy ; [parody] ; by PL F. Lester. (In his BenD'ymion, etc.) 29395 Princess Paolini, The ; by W. E. Norris. (In his Man of his word.) 25349 Princess Sunshine ; by O. von Leixner. (In Stafford, M. J. Christ, country.) 27095 Pringle, A., joint author. /See Burton, W. K. Prinsep family. Laurie, W. F. B. The Prinseps. (In his Sketches.) 30596 Printers. Phillimore, C. M. The prince-printers of Italy. (In her Studies.) 28075 Saunders, F. Printers of tlie olden time. (In his Pastime papers.) 25890 Printing. Bouchot, H. The printed book; its hist., illust., and adornment, fr. the days of Gutenberg. 28722 Moore, J. W. Historical, biog., and miscel. gatherings rel. to printing, publishing and editing books, newspapers, etc., 1420-1886. *I Prints. See Engravings. Prior, M. Stebbing, W. Two poet-politicians. (In his Some verdicts of hist.) 28582 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 525 Prisoner in the Caucasus ; by L. N. Tolso'i. (In his Russian proprietor, etc.) 28912 ''Prisoner of Chillon," The. See Bonnivard, F. de. Prisoners of poverty ; by H. Campbell. 28113 Prisoners of war. Isham, A. B. Care of prisoners of war, North and South. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Prisons. Davitt, M. Leaves fr. a prison diary. 25905 Du Cane, E. F. (In his Punishment, etc., of crime.) 26015 Horsley, J. W. Jottings fr. jail ; notes and papers on prison matters. 28313 Kropotkine, P. On the moral infl. of P. on prisoners; Are prisons necessary? (In his In Russian and Fr. P.) 28644 Wines, F. H. American prisons in the 10th U. S. census. 30255 Kee also Convicts; Fleet; France; Russia; Tothill Fields. Pritchard, C., Rev. Analogies in the progress of nature and grace ; sermons. Added, two sermons bef . the British Assoc., 1866-7. 26286 Pritchard, E. Warwick water supply. (In Assoc. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 9.) *I Private judgment; by J. H. Newman. (In Prose master- pieces, v. 3.) 23202 Private theatricals. Darthenay, L. Le guignol des salons. 14935 - Freiligrath-Kroeker, K. Alice thro' the looking-glass ; and other fairy plays for children. 23273 See also Parlor varieties. Privateers. Laughton, J. K. The French privateers. (In his Studies.) 29615 Privy Council. See Gr. Britain. Privy Council. Prize selections. See Moulton, C. W. Probabilities. Boole, G. Investigation of the laws of thought, on which are founded the mathematical theories of logic and probabilities. 26373 Proctor, R. A. Poker principles and chance laws ; The laws of proba- bility. (In his Universe, etc.} 24784 Probation, Future. Leathes, S., and others. Future proba- tion ; symposium on the quest. "Is salvation possible after death?" 27576 Morris, E. D. Is there salvation after death? treat, on the Gospel in the intermediate state. 28806 Problems. White, A. Problems of a great city. 27713 Problems of to-day. See Ely, R. T. Probyn, J. W. Italy ; fr. the fall of Napoleon I., to the death of Victor Emmanuel. . 25083 Procession of the months; by [D. G. Mitchell]. (In his Bound together.) 23789 Procter, A. A. Adams, W. H. D. (In his Celebrated Eng- lishwomen, v. 2.) 24655 Parton, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Procter, B. W. (pseud. Barry Cornwall.) Mason, E. T. (In his Pers. traits, v. 3.) 25230 Whipple, E. P. Barry Cornwall and some of his contemporaries. (In his Recollections.) 27354 Procter, R. W. The barber's shop; illust. ; rev. and enl., introd. by W. E. A. Axon. 23592 35 526 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Procter, W. Management and treatment of the horse. 26264 Proctor, J. Description of the Bolton sewage works. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 13.) *I Proctor, R. A. Easy lessons in the differential calculus. 30118 First steps in geometry ; with notes on Euclid, etc. 30119 - The great pyramid; observatory, tomb, and temple. Tllust. 23038 Contents. The great pyramid. Origin of the week. Saturn and the Sabbath of the Jews. Astronomy and the Jewish festivals. History of Sunday. Astrology. Half-hours with the stars. *I How to play whist ; laws and etiquette ; whist-whittlings, and forty games. 25406 Other suns than ours ; Essays on whist, etc. 29409 Contents. The new star in Andromeda. Birth of worlds. Wm. Her- schel's star surveys. Needed star surveys. Photographing 15,000,000 stars. Figure of the milky way in space. The sideral system fathom- less. Suns and meteors. Comets and meteors. Whence came the comets. New theory of sunspots. Two sunlike planets. The great red spot on Jupiter. A dead world. A zone of worlds. Saturn and its system. The world'* first meridian. Great circle sailing. How earthquakes are caused. Parents and children. Living death-germs. The misused H in England. The language of Whist. But is whist signal- ling honest? Correspondence with Sir John Herschel. Story of creation ; plain acct. of evolution. 29740 The universe of suns, etc. Illust. 24784 Contents. Voices of the suns. -The universe of suns. The sun's corona. A great sun-spot. The last great solar eclipse. Great nebula in Argo. Photographic eyes of science. Solar surroundings. The planet Mars. Life in Mars. The ring of small planets. The zone of small planets. The star in the East. Greek fire. Flying machines. Sent to the bottom. Earthquakes in the British Isles. South European volcanic system. Earth movements in Java, Earth shakings; their cause and work. Influence of food on civilization. Pyramid of Cheops. Dream space. Three cold days of May. Are women inferior to men ? Upright man. Effect of marriage on life. Stimulants and study. Poker prin- ciples and chance laws. Laws of probability. Strange coincidences. Watched by the dead ; a loving study of Dickens' half-told tale. 29818 Products. See Exchange. Profanity. Whipple, E. P. The swearing habit. (In his Out- looks.) 29117 Professor, The, and the harpy. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 3.) 25369 Professor Conant ; by L. S. Huntington. 24021 Professor. The, in the machine shop ; [by "Moulton"]. Pt. 1. 27513 Professor Johnny ; by Jak [A. B. Williams]. 28178 Profit-sharing. Bolton, S. K. Profit-sharing with employe's. (In. her Soc. studies.) 26309 Calkins, M. W. Sharing the profits. 30404 Gilman, N. P. Profit sharing bet. employer and employee; evolution of the wages system. 30613 Profits. Atkinson, E. The margin of profits ; how it is now divided. 28276 Progress. Maine, H. J. S. The age of progress. (In his Pop. government.) 26258 Phelps, A. Does the world move? (In his My study, etc.) 26445 Progress and justice. See Miller, J. B. Progress and robbery. Progress and poverty. See Dixwell, G. B. Progress from poverty. See Stebbins, G. B. Prohibition. See Temperance. Prologue. See English literature. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 527 Promise, The, of May ; by A. Tennyson. ( With his Locksley Flail, etc.) 27481 Proof, See Logic. Property. Clark, E. Man's birthright ; The higher law of P. 25429 Mullock, W. H. Property and progiess. 24025 Property in land ; a passage-at-arms bet. the Duke of Argyle and 1 1. George. 24301 Contents. Campbell, G. D. The prophet of San Francisco. George, H. The "reduction to iniquity." Prophecy. White, E. G. The spirit of prophecy. 3 v. *I Prophet, The, of the Great Smoky Mountains ; by C. E. Crad- dock [M. N. Murfree]. 25749 Proportional representation, and how to apply it ; by a Scotch liberal. 30498 Proposals (of marriage). Stevens, A. How men propose; love scenes fr. pop. works of fiction. 30561 Prose mod. essayists. 3 v. i 3200-2 Contents. V. 1. Irving, W. The mutability of literature. Hunt, L. The world of books. Lamb, C. Imperfect sympathies. De Quincey. T. Conversation. Landor, W. S. Petition of the Thugs for toleration; The benefits of parliament. Smith, S. Fallacies of anti-re formers. Thack- eray, W". M. Nil nisi bonum. Emerson, 11. W. Compensation. Arnold, M. Sweetness and light. Morley, J. On popular culture. 2. Helps, A. On the art of living with others. Kingsley, C. My winter garden. Buskin, J. Work. Lowell, J. R. On a certain condescension in foreign- ers. Carlyle, T. On history. Macaulay, T. B. nistory. . Fronde, J. A. The science of history. Freeman, E. A. Race and language. 4. Gladstone, W. E. Kin beyond sea. Newman, J. H. Private judg- ment. Stephen, L. An apology for plainspeaking. Prosperity or pauperism ? See Brabazon, R. Protection. See Free Trade ; Tariff. Protegee sans le savoir, La ; come" die- vaud. ; par E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, se*r. 2, v. 31 .) *I Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. Batterson, H. G. Sketch-book of the Amer. Episcopate. 24177 Perry, W. S. History of the Amer. Episc. Church, 1587-1883. 2 v. *I Stauhton, W. Episodes in clerical and parish life ; with other sketches. 27847 Diocese of Connecticut. Report of commemorative services at the Seabury centenary, 1883-1885. 28288 - Beardsley, E. E. History of the Episcopal Church in Conn. 2. v. 24268-9 Diocese of New York. - Wilson, J. G. Centennial history of the Church, 1785-1885. 26956 Eastern Diocese. Batchelder, C. R. History of the Eastern Diocese. Vol. 1. 26305 Protestantism. Fiske, J. Origins of P. ; True lesson of P. ( In his Excursions.) 23373 Protestants in England. Kershaw, S. W. Protestants fr. France in their Eng. home. 26709 See also Huguenots. Proudhon, P. J. System of economical contradictions ; or, The philosophy of misery ; tr. by B. R. Tucker. Vol. 1. (Works, vol. 4.) 29334 Ely, R. T. Proudhon. (In his Fr. and Germ, socialism.) 23156 Prouty's fortune; by T. R. Jenness. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Provence. Daudet, A. Stories of P. (Lettres de nion moulin.) 26417 528 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Proverbs. See English proverbs. Providence. McCosh, J. Certitude, Providence, and prayer. (Philos. ser.) 23668 - Same. (In his Real. phil. defend., v. 1.) 27771 Providence, R. I. City Council. Dedication of the equestrian statue of Maj.-Gen. Burnside ; with the Oration of H. Rogers. 29437 Province of the Midnight Sun. See British Columbia. Provocations of Madame Palissy ; by [A. Manning]. 26504 Prudence Winterburn ; by S. Doudney. 29365 Prusias ; romance ; by E. Eckstein. 2 v. 23615-16 Prussia. Commerce. TheZollverein. (ftiRand, B. Selections illust. econom. hist.) 30120 Court life. Voss, S. M., Countess von. Sixty-nine years at the Court of P. 2 v. 18323-4 History. Medirig, J. F. M. O. For sceptre and crown; romance. 2 v. 30277-8 Tuttle, H. History of P. to the accession of Frederic the Great. 23409 - History of Prussia under Frederic the Great. 2 v. 29164-5 For Franco-Prussian war See France. Prutz, H. Franz von Sickingen. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 8.) 16303 Moritz von Sachsen. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 9.) 16304 Ulrica von Hutten. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 4.) 16299 Prying Lizzie ; by D. C. McDonald. (In Schwatka, F. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Psalmody. Luther, M. Deutsche geistliche Lieder ; hymns of L. set to orig. melodies, with an Eng. version. 23284 Psalms. See Bible. O. T. Psalms. Psychological problem, A. (In Stor. by an old Bohemian, v. 1.) 23600 Psychology. Bain, A. Common errors on the mind ; Errors of suppressed correlatives. (In his Pract. essays.) 24003 Baldwin, J. Elementary P. and education. 28741 Bascom, J. Comp. P.; growth and grades of intelligence. 23755 Betts, B. W. Geometrical P.; science of representation; abstract by L. S. Cook. 28549 Bowne, B. P. Introduction to psychological theory. 27813 Clevenger, S. B. Comp. physiology and P. ; evolution and rel. of the mind and body of man and animals. 28286 Fullerton, G. S. Conception of the infinite, and the solution of the t mathematical antinomies; study in psychological analysis. 28186 Galton, F. Inquiries into human faculty'aud its development. 22970 Hopkins, L. P. Educational P. ; for parents and educators. 27087 Ireland, W. W. The blot upon the brain. 26114 Ladd, G. T. Elements of physiological P.; activities and nature of the mind fr. the phys. and exper. point of view. 27836 Lotze, R. H. Outlines of psychology. 25898 M'Cosh, J. Psychology; the cognitive powers. 26929 Mercier, C. The nervous system and the mind. 30182 Perez, B. The first three years of childhood. 25723 - Preyer, W. The mind of the child. 2. v. 29185-6 Prince, M. Nature of mind and human automatism. 25534 Romanes. G. J. Mental evolution in man; origin of human faculty. 30868 Rosmimi-Serbati, A. Psychology. 3 v. 28576-8 Sully, J. Outlines of P.; spec. ref. to the theory of education. 24672 Teacher's handbook of psychology. 27062 Swedenborg, E. The soul; or, Rational psychology. 29457 Thompson, D. G. A system of psychology! 2 v. 28583-4 Witt, O. M. Sjalen i nbrmalt och sjukligt tillstaud. 15186 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 529 See also Germany; Intellect; Mind reading; Religion. Publishers. Derby, J. C. Fifty years among authors, books, and publishers. 24683 Puck and Pearl ; by F. Macdonald. 28647 Pueblo indians. Wallace, S. E. The land of the Pueblos. 30138 Puetz, W. Manual of anc. geography and history ; tr. by T. K. Arnold. 25878 Puget sound. Leighton, C. C. Life at Puget sound. 23475 Pulcheria, St. Brooks, E. S. Pulcheria at Constantinople. (In his Hist, girls.) 28864 Pullan, R. P. Eastern cities and Italian towns ; with notes on their architecture. 24259 Pulling, A. The Order of the Coif. *I Pulling, F. S. Foreign countries and British colonies ; namely : Otte, E. C. Denmark and Iceland. 23131 Life and speeches of the Marquis of Salisbury. 2 v. 25918-19 Pulpit and easel ; by M. B. Sleight. 25522 Pulsifer, W. H., ed. Notes for a hist, of lead, and an inq. into the development of the manufacture of white lead and lead oxides. 29819 Pulteney, W., 10th Earl of Bath, (pseud. Caleb D'Anvers.) Stebbing, W. Two leaders of society and of opposition. (In his Some verd. of hist.) 28582 Punch. Half a cent, of Eng. hist, in a ser. of cartoons ; compr. plates by Doyle, Leech, etc. 24488 Pictures of life and character, fr. the coll. of Mr. Punch; by J. Leech. 12894; *I Punic war. 8ee Arnold, T. Pimin and Baburin ; by I. S. Turgenev. ( With his First love.) 24105 Punishment. Brooks, H. M. Some strange and curious pun- ishments. 26917 Du Cane, E. F. The punishment and prevention of crime. 26015 See also Capital punishment ; Future punishment. Pupil, The, of Aurelius ; by W. Black. 26299 Pure souled liar, A. 29717 Purgatory. Plumptre, E. H. The doctrine of P. (In his Spirits in prison.) 25405 See also Future life. Puritanism, Puritans. Doyle, J. A. The English in Amer- ica ; the Puritan colonies. 2 v. 27875-6 Ellis, G. E. The Puritan age aud rule in the colony of the Massachu- setts Bay. 29307 Lodge, H. C. The Puritans and the restoration. (In his Studies.) 23785 - Moore, N. Pilgrims and Puritans; planting of Plymouth and Boston. 29558 Puritan and Cromwellian England. (Monograph, no. 6.) 23818 Randall, D. R. The Puritan colony at Annapolis, Md. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 4.) *I - Tulloch, J. English Puritanism and its leaders. 26395 Wakeman, H. O. The Church and the Puritans. 29424 Wall, C. A. An historical essay; the Puritans versus the Quakers. 18325 Wasson, D. A. The Puritan Commonwealth. (In his Essays.) 30823 Pusey, E. B. Daniel the prophet; nine lectures ; with notes. 26022 Oxenham, H. N. Dr. Pusey aud the Oxford movement. (In his Short stud.) 25126 Pushkin, A. S. Vogue, E. M. de. Romanticism ; Pushkin and poetry. (In his Russian novelists.) 28828 530 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Putnam, A. H. Use of kindergarten material in primary schools. (In Page, A. L., and others. The kindergarten.) 28809 Putnam, A. P. A Unitarian Oberlin ; story of Jasper L. Douthit. 29696 Putnam, E., pseud. See Bates, H. L. Putnam, F. W. Notes on the copper objects fr. N. and S. America ; Explorations in Ohio ; the Marriott mound, no. 1, and its contents; The way bone fish-hooks were made in the Little Miami valley. (In Peabody Mus. of Arch. Kept., v. 3.) 19625 Putnam, G. P. Suggestions for household libraries. (In Abbott, L. Hints, etc.) 25640 Putnam, I., Gen. Parton, J. Israel Putnam, farmer. (In his Capts. of ind.) 24420 Putnam, J. P. Improved plumbing appliances. Illust. 28717 Lectures on the principles of house drainage. 25758 Putnam, S. H. The story of Company A, 25th Reg. Mass. Yols. in the war of the rebellion. *I Putnam's handy book series ; namely : Mansou, G. J. Work for women. 23286 T., N. T. Bread-making. 24645 Putumayo river. Simson, A. (In his Travels in Ecuador.) 28439 Pycroft, J. Oxford memories ; retrospect after 50 yrs. 2 v. 27676-7 Pyle, H. The merry adv. of Robin Hood of great renown, in Nottinghamshire. Illust. 23291 Otto of the silver hand. Illust. 30357 The Rose of paradise; adv. of Capt. John Macra in conn, with the fam. pirate Edward England in 1720; writ by himself. Illust. 28901 Within the capes. 25519 The wonder clock; marvellous tales; with verses by K. Pyle. Illust. 28902 Pym, J. Adams, C. K. (Li his Representative Brit, orations, v. 1.) 24883 - Hood, E. P. (In his Oliver Cromwell.) 23101 Pyramids. Proctor, R. A. The great pyramid. 23038 - The pyramid of Cheops. (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Pullan, R. P. A peep at the great pyramid. (In his Eastern cities.) 24259 Pytchley hunt. Nethercote, H. O. The Pytchley hunt; past and present. 29623 Pythia's pupils ; by E. Hartner. 30423 Q., pseud. The astonishing history of Troy town. 30550 Quabaug. See North Brookfield. Quackery. Ashton, J. Quacks of the century. (In his Eigh- teenth cent, waifs.) 28391 Quaker girl, A, of Nantucket ; by M. C. Lee. 30804 Quakers. See Friends, Society of. Qualtrough, E. F. The boat sailer's manual ; with plates and illust. 27232 Quarnero, Gulf of. Jackson, T. G. The Quarnero and its islands. (In his Dalmatia, etc., v. 3.) 29083 Quaternions. Hardy, A. S. Elements of quaternions. 23469 Quebec. James, H. Quebec. ( fnhis Port r. of places.) 23543 Parkman, F, (In his Hist, handbook.) 25450 Sweetser, M. F. (In Hodder, E. Cities of the world, v. 2.) 25068 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 531 Queen Money ; by H. Hayes [E. O. Kirk]. 29087 Queen of the pirate isle ; by B. Harte. 27305 Queen Tita's wager ; by W. Black. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 3.) 25369 Queen's body-guard, The ; by M. Vandegrift [M. Janvier]. 23567 Queen's highway. Cumberland, S. The queen's highway from ocean to ocean. 29020 Queen's museum, The ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his Bee-man of Orn, etc.) 28995 Queenie Hetherton ; by M. J. Holmes. 23167 Queens. Farmer, L. H. Girls' book of famous queens. 28766 Queer chums ; by C. H. Eden. 29743 Queer little princess, A, and her friends ; by F. Eaton. 30525 Queer race, A ; by W. Westall. 29005 Queer stories for boys and girls ; by E. Eggleston. 24403 Queer stories from Truth; by E. C. G. Murray. Ser. 1, 2. 27048-9 Queiros, E. de. Dragon's teeth ; fr. the Portuguese by M. J. Serrano. 30895 Quentin Durward. See Scott, W. Question, A, of identity; [by L. Dodge], 27674 Questions of the day ; namely : Alexander, E. P. Railway practice. 28273 Atkinson, E. The margin of profits. 28276 Black, W. N. Storage and transportation in the port of New York. 24619 Blair, L. H. Unwise laws. 27177 Bourne, E. G. History of the surplus revenue of 1837. 25483 Bruce, P. A. The plantation negro as a freeman. 30778 Cleveland, G. The President's message, 1887; with annotations by K. R. Bowker. 29861 Codman, J. Solution of the Mormon problem. 25188 Donnell, E. J. The true issue. 24624 Dos Passos, J. R. The interstate commerce act. 27821 Foster, R. Taxation of elevated railroads in N. Y. 24881 Foulke, W. D. Slav or Saxon? 28932 Gibbons, R. Physics and metaphysics of money. 27496 Hitchcock, H. American state constitutions. * 27831 Isham, C. The fishery question. 28317 Jaques, W. H. Ericsson's destroyer, etc. 26163 - Heavy ordnance for nat. defence. 25222 - Modern armor for national defence. 27500 - Torpedoes for national defence. 27501 Jones, W. H. Federal taxes and state expenses. 28788 Junius. Independent movement in N. Y. 24633 Kelley, W. D. Lincoln and Stanton. 25837 The old South and the new. 29085 Lawton, G. W. The American caucus system. 25669 Lowell, J. S. Public relief and private cha % rity. 24550 Lunt, E. C. Present cond. of econom. science. 29551 New York Free Trade Club. The Spanish treaty opposed to tariff re- form. 25234 Philpott, H. J. Tariff chats. 30244 Rathbone, W. Protection and communism. 24641 Roosevelt, T. Essavs on practical politics. 30556 Schoenhof, J. The 'industrial situation, and the question of wages. 26350 Smith, R. A. The science of business. 25681 Storey, M. Politics as a duty and as a career. 30818 Taussig, F. W. History of the tariff, 1860-1883. 25178 - Protection to young industries as appl. in the U. S. 23803 - Tariff history "of the U. S. 29775 Wells, D. A. Relation of the tariff towages. 30254 Whiton, J.M. Evolution of revelation. 25786 Wines, F. H. American prisons in the 10th U. S. census. 30255 Winn, H. Property in land. 29579 532 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Quicksands ; fr. the German of A. Streckfuss. 24384 Quicksilver ; by G. M. Fenn. 30582 Quince. Black, J. J. The quince. (In his Cultivation of the peach, etc.) 28280 Quincy, E., ed. The haunted adjutant; and other stories. 25676 Contents. An octogenary. The haunted adjutant. Lewis Herbert. Two nights in St. Domingo I Phoebe Mai lory. Old houses. Dinah Rol- lins. Wensley ; and other stories. 25008 Quincy, J. On the admission of Louisiana, Ho. of Rep., Jan. 14, 1811. (In Johnston, A. Repr.Amer. orations, v. 1.) 24995 Quincy, J. P. The Peckster professorship ; an episode in the hist, of psychical research. 30358 Quincy, Mass. Public Schools. Patridge, L. E. The "Quincy methods" illustrated ; pen photographs fr. the Quincy schools. 25238 Quito. Description. Curtis, W. E. (In his Capitals of Span- ish America.) 29796 R., E. Den heliga Birgitta och hennes tid ; efter F. Ham- merich. 15140 R., I. A lady's ranche life in Montana. 29412 R., K. B. See Runkle, K. B. Rab and his friends ; by J. Brown. 28719 Rabagliati, A. Health and disease in indust. occupations. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 2, 3.) 25092-3 Rabbi's spell, The ; by S. C. Cumberland. 26071 Rabelais, F. Readings in Rabelais ; by W. Besant. 23859 Three good giants whose famous deeds are recorded in the anc. chioni- cles of R. ; comp. by J. Dimitry. Illust. 28814 Rabillon, L. History of the poem. (La chanson de Roland.) 25241 Rabusson, H. Le mari de Madame d'Orgevant. 14934 Race and language ; by E. A. Freeman. (In Prose master- pieces, v. 3.) 23202 Race course and covert side. See Watson, A. E. T. Race for life. (In Silver lock, etc.) 29929 Race for life ; and other stories. (Cassell's select library.) 27693 Contents. The silver lock. Shooting the rapids. The sphinx. The buried bungalow. Without a pigtail. The schoolmistress at Skerne Dun. A fight at close quarters. A bunch of roses. Those terrible six hours. A lucky tumble. A race for life. "What's to become of Sam?" Races of man. See Ethnology. Rachel, E. F., dite. Kennard, M. H. Rachel. (Fam. women ser.) 26165 Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 2.) 30352 Parton,J. An evening with Rachel. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Racine, J. Andromaque ; tragedie. (In Masson, G. Fr. class., v. 2.) 25261 Athalie; tragedie. (In Masson, G. Fr. class., v. 3.) 25262 Esther; tragedie; ed., with introd. and notes by G. Saiutsbury. 27338 Racing. Howard, H. C., and Craven, W. G. Racing. *I Watson, A. E. T. Race course and covert side. 23995 Racot, A. La breche aux loups. 14449 Le capitaine muet. 14743 Radcliffe, J. Munk, W. Sketch of R. (In his Gold-headed cane.) 24861 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 533 Radestock, P. Habit and its importance in education ; essay in pedagogical psychology ; tr. by F. A. Caspari ; with introd. by G. S. Hall. 26841 Radiates. Romanes, G. J. Jelly fish, star-fish, and sea- urchins ; research on primitive nervous systems. 25242 Radical party, Radicals in Eng. politics. See Gt. Brit. Politics. Radot, V. Louis Pasteur ; life and labours. 25253 Rae, G. The country banker ; his clients, cares, and work. 25944 Rae, J. Contemporary socialism. 24424 Rae, Sir W. Omond, G. W. T. (In his Lord adv. of Scot- land, v. 2.) 23591 Rae, W. F. Austrian health resorts ; and the Bitter waters of Hungary. 30740 Contents. Carlsbad. Gies^hiibl. Puchstein. Franzensbud. Marien- bad. Teplitz. Konigswart. Baden and Voslau. Ischl. Gastein. Me- ran. Roncegno. Levico. Arco. Bitter waters of Hungary. Raeburo, Sir H. Andrew, W. R. Life of R. 27864 Raffaello Santi or Sanzio. Crowe, J. A., and Cavalcaselle, G. B. Raphael ; his life and works ; recently discovered records. V. 2. 22653 Grimm, H. Life of Raphael. 30672 Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 - Hodgson, J. E. Raphael. (In his Acad. lect.) 24251 Shedd, J. A. Raphael; his madonnas and holy families; with helio- type illust. *I Rafinesque, C. S. Jordan, D. 8. An eccentric naturalist. (In his Sci. sk.) 29449 Rafter, G. W. Mechanics of ventilation. 24129 Rag-bag, The; by N. P. Willis. 4812 Ragamuffins, The, and Gen. Washington ; by A. A. Preston. (In New Eng. story-book. ) 24819 Raglan, Ld. See Somerset, F. J. H. Ragnhild ; [poem]. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Assyria to the fall of Nineveh. 28260 Story of Chaldea to the rise of Assyria. 26447 Story of Media, Babylon, and Persia. 29820 Raibolini, F. See Francia, F. Railroad transportation. Dos Passos, J. R. The Inter-State commerce act; analysis of its provisions. 27821 Railroads, Railways. Alexander, E. P. Railway practice ; its principles and sugg. reforms reviewed. 28273 Atkinson, E. The railway, the farmer, and the public. (In his Distrib. of prod.) 24887 /Same, re\. (Econom. tracts, no. 19.) 26793 Hadley, A. T. Railroad transportation; its history and its laws. 25832 Hudson, J. F. The railways and the republic. 26431 Kennedy, W. S. Wonders and curiosities of the railway. 24281 Kirkman, M. M. Handling of railway supplies; their purchase and dis- position. 28381 Parsons, W. B., Jr. Track; manual of maintenance of way, ace. to the best practice on Amer. railroads. 26950 Robinson, S.W. Railroad economics; notes fr. a tour over Ohio railways. 24131 Swann, J. An investor's notes on Amer. railroads. 26952 Wellington, A. M. The economic theory of the location of railways. 28264 Construction. Nicolls, W. J. The railway builder; handbook for estimating the cost of Amer. railway construction and equipment. 26948 534 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Smith, I. W. Theory of deflections and of latitudes and departures, with spec. appl. to curvilinear surveys for alignments of railway- tracks. 24643 Williams, R. P. On the maintenance and renewal of permanent way. (Bd. with Wood, C. Iron permanent way.) 25891 Wood, C. Iron permanent way. 25891 See also Curves: Electric railways; Street railways. Also Bussey Bridge. Also Northern Pacific R. . Railroads, Elevated. Foster, R. Taxation of the elevated rail- roads in the city of New York. 24881 Raimund, G., pseud. See Friedrich, B. H. Rainbow. Ingleby, C. M. Ideality of the R. (In his Essays.) 29611 Rainbow gold ; by D. C. Murray. 26340 Raju, P. V. R. Tales of the sixty mandarins ; introd. by H. Morley. Illust. by G. Browne. 27233 Rale or Ralle or Rasles, S. Gilman, A. The patriarch of Norridgewock. (In his Tales of the pathfinders.) 24910 Ralegh or Raleigh, 8irW. Bourne, H. R. F. Sir Walter R.'s Virginia. (In his Eng. seaman.) 29739 Edgar, J. G. (In his Heroes of Eng.) 23693 Ewald, A. C. Westward ho! (In his Studies.) 25625 Gosse, E. Raleigh. (Eng. worthies.) 26987 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 - Wright, H. C. (In her Children's stories.) 26094 Raleigh, T. Elementary politics. 27595 Raleigh in Munster ; by F. M. Allen. (/?? his Thr. green glasses.) 29130 Raleigh Westgate ; romance ; by H. K. Johnson. . 30800 Ralle, S. See Rale, S. Ralph Norbreck's trust; by W. Westall. 26274 Ralph, the drummer boy ; by L. Rousselet. 24427 Ramabai, Sarasnati Pundita. The high-caste Hindu woman. Introd. by R. L. Bodley. 28261 Ramage, B. J. Local government and free schools in So. Carolina. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 1.) *I Rambam. See Moses ben Maimon. Rambling Victorian, A., pseud. See Morrison, A. F. Rame, Louise de la. (pseud. Ouida.) Frescoes, etc.; dramatic sketches. 23558 Contents. Frescoes. At Camaldoli. Afternoon. In Pitti. Ro- mance and realism. Moufflon. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 2.) 25368 Rameses II., the Great. Robinson, C. S. (In his Pharaohs.) 27791 Rammohun Roy. Bose, Ram Chandra. Rajah Ram Mohun Roy as a hymnologist. (In his Brahmoism.) 24139 Mueller, F. M. ( Inh is Biog. essays.) 24860 - Williams, M. (In his Relig. thought in India, pt. 1.) 24109 Ramona; by H. Jackson. 24764 Ramsay, J., Ochtertyre. Scotland and Scotsmen in the 18th cent. ; ed. by A. Allardyce. 2 v. 29761-2 Ran away from the Dutch ; by M. T. H. Perelaer. 28899 Rand, B., ed. Selections illust. economic history since the Seven Years' War. 30120 Contents. Leading sections from the English navigation acts. The colonial policy of Europe. The great inventions. Economic causes of the French revolution. The emancipating edict of Stein. The orders in CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 535 ouncil. Finances of England, 1793-1815. The Zolverein. Le Zollver- ein. The corn laws. The new gold. France sous le second empire. The French indemnity. The recent progress of Italy. The United States in 1880. Les dettes publiques. Rand, E. A. All aboard for the lakes and mountains ; trip to picturesque localities in the U. S. Illust. 24929 Fighting the sea ; or, Winter at the life-saving station. 28686 Sammy Sealskin's enemy. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Up-the- Ladder Club ; or, The knights of the white shield. Round one ; play. 25677 Rand, E. S., Jr. Bulbs ; treatise on hardy and tender bulbs and tubers. 26185 Rand, McNally & Co. Pocket atlas of the world. 27234 Randall, D. A. Ham-Mishkan, the wonderful tent; acct. of the Mosaic tabernacle in the wilderness of Sinai ; with portr. and sk. of the author. 27787 Randall, D. R. Cooperation in Maryland and the South. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 6.) *I The Puritan colony at Annapolis, Md. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 4.) *I Randall, H. S. The practical shepherd ; breeding, manage- ment, and diseases of sheep. Illust. 23110 Randall, P. M. Practical hydraulics. 26831 Randall-Diehl, A. See Diehl, A. R. Randell, T. The date of St. Polycarp's martyrdom. (In Driver, S. R., and others. Studia Biblica.) 265S1 Randolph, E., Jr. One of "Us." 3 v. 23018-20 Randolph, E. J. Conway, M. D. Omitted chapters of history disclosed in the life and papers of R. 30208 Randolph, H. F. Book of latter-day ballads. 30551 Fifty years of English song ; select, f r.*the poets of the reign of Vic- toria. 4 v. 29154-7 Randolph, J., of Roanoke. On the Militia bill, Ho. of Repr., Dec. 10, 1811. (/ Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 1.) 24995 Random recollections ; by H. B. Stanton. 27986 Random recollections of courts and society ; by a cosmopolitan. 30497 Ranke, F. L. von. History of the Latin and Teutonic nations, 1494-1514 ; tr. by P. A. Ashworth. 27897 Universal history; the oldest hist, group of nations and the Greeks: ed. by G. W. Prothero. 24198 Rankell's remains ; by B. Wendell. 27251 Rankine, W. J. M. Manual of civil engineering, rev. by W. J. Millar. *I Ranlett, S. A., joint author. See Burrage, H. S. Ransome, C. Short history of England. Maps, etc. 30359 Ranyard, E. H. ( U L. N. R.") Aldridge, L. Mrs. Ranyard. 26478 Raphael. See Raffaello. Rapidan river. See Potomac, the, Army of. Rarahu. See Mariage de Loti. Rasche, A. C. Biographical sketch of J. Rupp. (In Rupp, J. Reason and relig.) 26391 Rasle or Rasles. See Rale. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia; by S. Johnson. 26829 536 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rathbone, W. Protection and communism ; consid. of the effects of the Amer. tariff upon wages. 24641 and others. Local government and taxation. 26390 Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R., eds. Forestry and forest pro- ducts ; prize essays of the Edinburgh Internat. Forestry Exhibition, 1884. 26265 Raum, G. B. The existing conn. bet. republican government and southern oligarchy. 24680 Raven, J. Parliamentary hist, of Eng., fr. the passing of the Reform bill, 1832. ' 26057 Rawlinson, G. Egypt and Babylon. 24930 and Oilman, A. Story of ancient Egypt. 27842 Rawlinson, Sir H. C. Laurie, W. F. B. Sir Henry Rawlin- son. (In his Sketches.) 30596 Rawson, W. W. Success in market gardening, and vegetable growers' manual. Illust. 29908 Ray, J. The captain's yarns ; memorial of R. ; ed. by J. M. Menzies. 27156 Raymond, J. H. House sanitation. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Raymond, J. T. Jessop, G. H. J. T. Raymond. (/>? Mat- thews, J. ~B.,and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Raymond Kershaw ; by M. M. Cox. 30229 Read, Reade. See Reed ; Reid. Read, JL., joint author. See Reeves, M. C. L. Read, M. C. Archaeology of Ohio. 29565 Read, Mrs. R. H. Dora ; a girl without a home. Illust. 28080 Fairy Fancy ; what she saw and what she heard. Illust. 28081 Our Dolly; her words and ways. Illust. 2S082 Silver Mill ; tale of the Don Valley. 28083 Reade, A. Life in the Cut. 30041 Reade, C. Good stories. Illust. 24029 Contents. Good stories: History of an acre. Knightsbridge mys- tery. Singleheart and Double-face. Tit for tat. Rus. Born to good luck. "There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip." The picture. What has become of Lord Camelford's body? Good stories of man and other animals: The knight's secret. A special constable. Suspended animation. Lambert's leap. Man's life saved by fowls, and woman's by a pig. Reality. Exchange of animals. The two Lears. Doubles. The jilt. The kindly jest. An old bachelor's adventure. Jack of all trades; romance; narr. of the elephant Djek and her keeper. 23797 The Knightsbridge mystery. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 2.) 25368 A perilous secret. 24199 The picture. 23798 Buchanan, R. (In his Look round literature.) 28005 Reade, C. L. and C. Charles Reade, dramatist, novelist, journalist; memoir. 2 v. 28570-1 Swinburne, A. C. (In his Miscellanies.) 27689 Reade, C. L. and C. Charles Reade, dramatist, novelist, journalist ; memoir. 2 v. 28570-1 Reade, Compton. Under which king? (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25040 joint author. See Reade, C. L. Reading. Abbott, L. Hints for home R. ; chapt. on books and their uses. (In Amer. home book.) 25640 Baldwin, J. The book-lover ; guide to the best R. 25187 Bancroft, T. W. Relation of R. to composition. ( In his Method of Eng. composition.) 24267 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 537 Chancy, G. L. Juvenile literature and juvenile morals; Literature and morals. (In his Every-day life.) 24728 Collyer, R. The companionship of good books. (In his Talks to young men.) 28954 Foster, W. E. The young writer's use of a library. (In Bancroft, T. W. Method of Eng. comp.) 24267 Guild, R. A. The student's access to the college library. ( In Bancroft, T. W. Method of Eng. comp.) 24267 Hall, G. S. How to teach R., and what to read in school. 27393 Harrison, F. The choice of books. 26324 Hawthorne, J. Literature for children. ( In his Confessions, etc.) 27312 Hewius, C. M. Books for the young; guide for parents and children. 24630 Leypoldt, F., and Jones, L. E. The books of all time; guide for the pur- chase of books. 24302 Lubbock, J. A song of books; The choice of books. (In his Pleasures of life.) 28516 - Matthews, J. B. The home library; by A. Penn. 23181 Northcote, S. H. Pleasures, dangers, and uses of desultory R. 26495 Reading aloud. See Elocution. Reading club and handy speakers. See Baker, G. M. Reading of earth, A. See Meredith, G. Reading-rooms. Manners, J. Some of the advantages of read- ing and recreation rooms. 27937 Ready about; by W. T. Adams. (Boat-builder ser.) 28599 Real queen, A ; by R. E. Francillon. 23815 Realism. Case, T. Physical R. ; analyt. phil. fr. the phys. objects of science to the phys. data of sense. 30780 M'Cosh. J. Realistic philosophy defended in a philosophic series. 2 v. 27771-2 Smith, J. C. ((In his Writings by the way.) 25607 Realistic idealism. See Idealism. Reality ; by C. Reade. (In his Good stories.) 24029 Rear-guard of the revolution ; by E. Kirke [J. R. Gilmore]. 26914 Reason. Schopenhauer, A. On the fourfold root of the princ. of sufficient R. (In his Two essays.) 30603 Reason and religion ; [discourses] ; by J. Rupp. 26391 Rebecca ; comedie-vaud. ; par E. Scribe. ( In his CEuvres, ser. 2, v. 30.) *I Rebecca and Rowena ; by W. M. Thackeray. (In his Bur- lesques, etc.) 24700 Rebecca's triumph ; by G. M. Baker. (In his Globe drama.) 25966 Rebellion. See Confederate States ; U. S. History. Civil war. Reber, F. von. History of mediaeval art ; tr. by J. T. Clarke. Illust. 28157 Rebilius Cruso. See Newman, F. W. Rebuke, The, amid roses ; by M. B. Edwards. (In her Flower of doom, etc.) 25721 Receipts. See Cookery. Receipts (in general). Phin, J. Trade secrets and private rec- ipes ; with notes, add., etc. 28606 Techno-chemical receipt book. 27270 See also Workshop receipts. Reception dav ; dialogues, recitations, etc.. for schools. No. 1-4. 23729-32 Reciprocity ; by R. E. Cleveland. (Li her George Eliot's poetry, etc.) 25554 538 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Recitations. Potter, C. U. My recitations. 27337 See English literature. Selections, Reckers, J. Text book of mod. bookkeeping and coramerc. computations. Pt. 1. 23487 Reclus, O. Bird's-eye view of the world ; tr., ed., and brought to date by M. A. Howe ; with America rewritten and enl. by F. Morgan, under the ed. supervision of C. H. Clark. Illust. 28736 Recoiling vengeance, A ; by F. Barrett. 30297 Recollections of a drummer-boy ; by H. M. Kieffer. 23386 Recollections of a naval officer ; by W. H. Parker. 23179 Recollections of a scorer ; by L. N. Tolstoi'. (In his Russian proprietor, etc.} 28912 Recollections of an octogenarian ; by H. Hill. 23626 Reconstruction. Allen, W. Gov. Chamberlain's administra- tion in So. Carolina ; a chapt. of reconstruction. 29439 Lowell, J. R. (In his Polit. essays.) 29773 Records of service and campaigning in many lands ; by W. Munro. 2 v. 29034-5 Recreations. Tissandier, G. Popular scientific recreations *I Recruiting officer, The ; by G. Farquhar. (In Crawfurd, 0. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 Red Beauty ; story of the Pawnee trail ; by W. O. Stoddard. 27243 Red Carl ; by J. J. Messmer. 30898 Red Inn, The ; by H. de Balzac. (In his After-dinner stor.) 26136 Red-letter days abroad ; by J. L. Stoddard. 23294 Red-letter stories ; fr. the German of J. Spyri. 25013 Red-nosed frost. See Nekrasov, N. A. Red Riding-Hood ; by F. E. M. Notley. 23920 Red route, The ; by W. Sime. 25768 Red Ryvington ; by W. Westall. 25536 Red silk handkerchief, the ; by H. C. Bunner. (In Matthews, J. B., and Bunner, H. C. In partnership.) 24490 Red spider ; by S. Baring-Gould. 28507 Red spinner, pseud. See Senior, W. Red wallflower. A; by [S. Warner]. 24599 "Rede, The, of the elves" ; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Chival- , ricdays.) 27180 Redemption (in theology). Freemantle, W. H. The world as the subject of redemption. 25420 Redgrave, G. R., ed. Outlines of historic ornament; fr. the German. 26266 Redwood, B. Petroleum ; its production and use. (Van Nos- trand's sci. ser.) 28158 Reed, A. Pitman, E. R. George Miiller and A. Reed. 26510 Reed, Sir E. J., and Simpson, E. Modern ships of war; with suppl. chapters and notes by J. D. J. Kelley. Illust. 29104 Reed, E. M.., joint author. See Wentworth, G. A. Reed, F. A. The boy-Lollard ; tale of the times of Henry VIII. 23184 Reed, S. B. Dwellings for village and country ; with discr. and estimates. Illust. 25845 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 539 Reed. See Read ; Reade ; Reid. Rees, J. R. Pleasures of a book-worm. 26678 Reeves, J. The Rothschilds ; the financial rulers of nations. 28360 Reeves, J. E. The eminent domain of sanitary science, and the usefulness of state boards of health. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Reeves, J. S. Sims Reeves ; his life and recollections ; by himself. 30741 Reeves, M. C. L., and Read, E. Pilot Fortune. 25240 Reflections ; by E. Wigglesworth. 27485 Reformation. Allen, F. H. Young folks' hist, of the R, 28855 Beard, C. The R. of the 16th cent, in its rel. to mod. thought and knowl- edge. 23437 Blind, K. The German reformation. (Monograph, no. 18.) 23818 Buchheim, C A. The polit. course of the i.. in Germany, 1517-154G. (In Luther, M. First principles.) 23960 Schaff, P. The German R. (In his Hist, of the Chr. Church, v. 6.) 22636 Smith, P. (In his Hist, of the Chr. Church.) 25523 Willis, R. Servetus and Calvin ; early hist, of the R. 23867 See also Church of England; Luther, M. Reforms. Patterson, J. S. Reforms ; their difficulties and possibilities. 24421 See also Finance; Labor; Temperance; Woman. Refuse. Gaye, S. The world's lumber room. 25933 Jones. C. Refuse destructors and their results. ( In Ass. Muu. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 13, 14.) *I Murphy, S. F. Disposal of R, by dry methods. (In his Our homes.) 24196 Regalia. See Crowns. Regimental pet, The ; by J. A. O'Shea. (In his Mil. mosaics.) 30483 Region, The, of the eternal fire ; by C. Marvin. 24663 Register, The; farce; by W. D. Howells. 23780 Registers. See Parish registers. Regnard, J. F. Le joueur ; comedie. (In Masson, G. French classics, v. 6.) 25265 Le joueur: comedie ; with introd., notes, etc., by V. Oger. 24539 Rehearsal, The ; by G. Villiers. (In Morley, H. Burlesque plays, etc.) 28196 Reich, E. History of civilization ; lectures. 30660 Contents. Preliminary lect. China and India. Egypt. Israel, Bible, monotheism, theocracy. Social life in Greece. Political and relig. insti- tutions of Greece. Scientific devel. of anc. Greece. Philosophy in anc. Greece. Greek art, Rome; polit. and social institutions. Rome ; leg- islature, senate, slavery. Roman magistracies; The emperors and their alleged profligacy. Roman law. Social life of the Romans. Origin and devel. of Christianity. Controversial lect. Middle Ages. Modern times. Reid, A. Ireland ; a book of light on the Irish problem ; con- trib. by leading Irishmen and Englishmen. 26600 Reid, G., pseud. See Fisher, F. C. Reid, J. S. History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, compr. the civil history of Ulster, etc. New ed., with add. notes by W. D. Killen. 3 v. 28214-16 Reid, M. The boy tar. 3620 Same ; French tr. A fond de cale. 14810 The chase of Leviathan; or, Adventures on the ocean. 24931 The desert home. 3623 Same ; French tr. L' habitation du desert. 14813 -- The forest exiles, 3624 540 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Same ; French tr. Les exiles dans la foret. 14812 The land of fire. Illust. 26735 The lone ranche. 24932 Odd people. 3626 Same ; French tr. Les peuples etranges. 14814 - The plant hunters. 3628 Same ; French tr. Le chasseur de plantes. 14811 The Vee-boers ; adv. in southern Africa. 25759 The white gauntlet. 7526 Reid, R. T., joint author. See Broadhurst, H. Reid, S. J. Sketch of the life and times of Sidney Smith. Illust. 24785 Reid, T. Me Cosh, J. Notice of the Scottish school ; T. Reid. (In his Agnosticism, etc.) 24235 - Same. (In his Real. phil. defend., v. 2.) 27772 Reid, T. A. Preparation of wood-pulp by the soda process. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Reid, T. W. Life of Wm. Edward Forster. 2 v. 30485-6 Mauleverer's millions; a Yorkshire romance. 26550 Reid, W. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Reid. See Read ; Reade ; Reed. Reignolds-Winslow, C. M. See Winslow, C. M. R. Rein, J. J. The industries of Japan, with acct. of its agri- culture, forestry, arts, and commerce. Illust. and maps. *I Japan; travels and researches; fr. the German. Illust. and maps. *I Rein, W. Life of Martin Luther; tr. and ed. by G. F. Behringer. 23222 Reincarnation. Walker, E. D. Reincarnation ; a study of forgotten truth. 29170 Reine de Saba. See Irene. Reis, P. Lehrbuch der Physik ; einschliesslich der Physik des Himmels, der Luft, und der Erde. 16408 Reissmann, A. Life and works of Robert Schumann ; tr. by A. L. Alger. 26601 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 8.) 16303 Rejected addresses. See Smith, H. and J. Relapse, The ; or, Virtue in danger ; by J. Vanburgh. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 Relief of Lucknow. See Fair Ellen. Religion. Alviella, G. d'. The contemp. evolution of relig- ious thought in Eng., Amer., and India. 25865 Beecher, H. W. Evolution and R. ; sermons. 26065 Campbell, G. D. On the uat. and origin of R. ; Corruptions of R. (In his Unity of nature.) 23938 Cook, F. C. Origins of religion and language. 24244 Cook, J. Current relig. perils ; with preludes. 29122 Crocker, J. H. Jesus brought back; meditations on the problem of problems. 30312 De Vere, A. The subiective difficulties in R. ; does unbelief come from something in R. or 'in the unbeliever? (In .his Essays, v. 2.) 29070 Harrison, F., and Spencer, H. Nat. and reality of R. 25221 Hennell. S. S. Present R. as a faith owning fellowship with thought. Pt. 1, 2. 3 v. *I Ingleby, C. M. Law and R. (In his Essays.) 29611 Jones/J. L. Religion fr. the near end. (In Savage, M. J., and others. Show us the Father.) 29725 Laveleye, Y. L. E. de. De civiliserade folkens religiosa frantid; pa svenska af A. Klint. 15092 Lotze, R. H. Outlines of the philosophy of R. 25839 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 541 Martineau, J. A study of R. ; its sources and contents. 2 v. 29397-S Morison. J. C. The service of man; essay towards the R. of the future. 27939 Parker, T. Views of religion. 26086 Pfleiderer, O. The philosophy of R. on the basis of its history. V. 1-4. *I Renan, J. E. Studies in religious history. 27950 Rhys, J. Lectures on the origin and growth of R. as illust. by Celtic heathendom. 29630 Royce, J. The relig. aspect of philosophy ; critique of the bases of con- duct and of faith. 24933 Rupp, J. Reason and religion. 26391 Saisset, E. E. Essay on relig. philosophy. 2 v. 29849-50 Savage, M. J. Evolution and religion. 26190 Stanley, T. L. An outline of the future R. of the world, with a con- sideration of the facts and doctr. on which it will probably be based. 24497 Thompson, D. G. The relig. sentiments of the human mind. 29647 Thompson, J. P. What is R.? (In his Amer. comments.) 24445 Tolstoi, L. My religion. 26025 Tulloch, J. Modern theories in philosophy and R. 24673 Ward, D. J. H. How R. arises; a psychological study. 30822 See also Mythology; Natural religion ; Religion and science; Scien- tific religion. Religion and science. Cooke, J. P. The credentials of science the warrant of faith. 29671 Curteis, G. H. The scientific obstacles to Chr. belief. 25720 Drummond. H. Natural law in the spiritual world. 23819 Fiske, J. Evolution and religion. 23373 Laing, S. Mod. science and mod. thought. 25901 Oliphant, L. Scientific religion ; or, Higher possibilities of life and prac- tice thr. the operation of nat. forces. 30597 Savage, M. J. The debt of relig. to S. (In his My creed.) 28531 Temple, F. Relations bet. relig. and S. 24971 - Thompson, H. M. The world and the Logos. 25958 Religions. Pressense, E. de. The anc. world and Christianity. 29564 - Keville, A. Prolegomena of the hist, of R. 25424; *1 Stone, C. J. Christianity before Christ; Prototypes of our faith and culture. 25848 Wright, J. McN. Bricks fr. Babel ; myths, traditions, and relig. bel. of races. 29196 See also India; Mexico: Persia; Peru. Religious education. Gill, J, The art of relig. instr. ; illust. by sk. of Bible lessons. 29843 Laurie, S. S. On the relig. education of the voung. (In his Occasional addr.) 30852 Religious life, The ; by M. J. Savage. 26088 Religious poetry. Collections. Smith, E. M. Woman in sacred song. 27527 - Waddington, S. Sacred song; relig. verse. 30377 Religious reconstruction ; by M. J. Savage. 29699 Religious services. See New Catholic Church. Religious thought. Tulloch, J. Movements of religious thought in Brit. dur. the 19th cent. 25781 Religious Tract Society. By-paths of Bible knowledge ; namely : Budge, E. A. W. Babvlonian life and history. 24955 The dwellers on the Nile. 27543 Dawson, J. W. Egypt and Syria. 26034 King, J. Cleopatra's needle. 27573 Recent discoveries on Temple Hill at Jerusalem. 27574 Merrill, S. Galilee in the time of Christ. 27582 Sayce, A. H. Assyria; its princes, priests, etc. 26911 Fresh light from the ancient monuments. 27597 Remarkable rocket, The ; by O. Wilde. (In his Happy prince.) 29901 Remarkable wreck of the "Thomas Hyke," The; by F. R. Stockton. (In his Stor., ser. 2.) 26935 36 542 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Remember the Alamo ; by A. E. Barr. 30079 Reminiscences. See Mozley, T. Reminiscences of a country journalist ; by T. Frost. 28028 Reminiscences of a Highland parish ; by N. Macleod. 29923 Remsen, I. Elements of chemistry ; text-book for beginners. 27686 Fire-damp and the safety-lamp. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Introduction to the study of chemistry. 26186 - Introduction to the study of the compounds of carbon; or, Organic chemistry. 25144 Principles of theoretical chemistry; with spec. ref. to the constitution of chemical compounds. 25797 Re"musat, C. E. J. G. de V., comtesse de. Bonaparte, N. J. Napoleon et ses d^tracteurs. 14578 Remy de Gourmont. Merlette. 14805 Renaissance, Renassence. Crofts, E. The R. in Italy ; The R. in England. (In her Chapt. in hist, of Eng. lit.) 24082 Hodgson, J. E. Renaissance art. (In his Acad. lect.) 24251 Lilly, W. S. The renaissance and liberty. (In his Chapt. in Eur.hist.,v.l.) 26895 Paget, V. Euphorion; stud, of the antique and the mediaeval in the R. 2 v. 24666-7 See also Italy. Art /France ; Literature. Renan, J. E. The abbess of Jouarre ; tr. by G. Delon and J. F. Rhodes. 29184 Drames philosophiques. 14927 Contents. Caliban. L'eau de Jouvence. Le pretre de Nemi. L> ab- besse de Jouarre. 1802. Le jour de P an 1886. L> Ecclesiaste ; tr. de V Hebreu ; avec une etude sur Page et le caractere du livre. 14737 Histoire du peuple d' Israel. Vols. 1, 2. 14891-2 History of the people of Israel. 29177 Philosophical dialogues and fragments; fr. the French by R. B. Mukharji. 23593 Studies in religious history. 27950 Note. Seq. to Studies of relig. hist. Brandes, G. (In his Eminent authors.) 27179 Cognat, J. M. Renan hier et aujourd' hui. 14483 Reni, Guido. See Guido. Rennie, Sir J. Parton, J. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Rensselaer. See Van Rensselaer. Rent. Political economy, pseud. Fair rents. (In his Irish landlord, etc.) 26389 Walker, F. A. Land and its rent. 23411 Winn, H. Laws of rent; Does natural site rent exist? Effect of in- ventions on rent. (In his Property in land.) 29579 See also Land question ; Political economy. Renton, E. H. Heraldry in Eng. ; history and science of her- aldry. Illust. 29410 Repaid; by C. Etlar [C. Brosboll]. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Repentance, The, of Nussooh ; fr. the Hindustani [of Nuzeer Ahmed]. 25322 Reporter's guide. See Phonography. Repplier, A. Books and men. 30245 Contents. Children, past and present. On the benefits of supersti- tion. What children read. The decay of sentiment. Curiosities of criticism. Some aspects of pessimism. The cavalier. Representation. Lubbock, J. Representation. 26039 Proportional R., and how to apply it; by a Scotch liberal. 30498 Reproach, The, of Annesley ; by JVL Grey [Miss Uttiet]. 30927 Republican party, N. Y. See Independent. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 543 Republican party, U. S. Long, J. D. The Republican party ; hist., princ., and politics. 29906 Smalley, E. V. Brief hist, of the party. 24430 Repudiation. Green, G. W. Repudiation. 23570 Reservoirs. Krantz, J. B. Study on reservoir walls. 23067 Residuary legatee, The ; by F. J. Stimson. 29706 Resolute, the, Last voyage of ; by E. E. Hale. (In his Man without a country.) 28201 Resorts. American seaside resorts ; handbook ; Atlantic coast fr. the St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico. 24394 See also Health resorts ; Winter resorts. Retribution. Phelps, A. (In his My study.) 26445 Row, C. A. Future retribution viewed in the light of reason and revela- tion. 28436 Return of Agememnon ; by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie]. (In his Black poodle.) 28303 Returning home ; by A. Trollope. (In his Tales.) 24871 Reuchlin (Gr. Capnio). J. Schindler, S. Reuchlin and Pfeffer- korn. (In his Dissolving views.) 29700 Reuss, E. W. E. History of the canon of the Scriptures in the Chr. Church ; tr. by D. Hunter. 23921 History of the Scriptures of the New Testament; tr. with add. by E. L. Houghton. 2 v. 24588-9 Renter, F. MacCullum, M. W. (In his Studies.) 23961 Revelation. Boardman, G. N. Theism and R. (In Boardman, G. N., and others. Curr. dis., v. 2.) 24514 - Coke, H. (In his Creeds of the day, v. 1.) 23688 Whiton, J. M. Evolution of revelation. 25786 Revenant de Pontoise, Le ; come'die ; par L. Darthenay. (In his Le guignol des salons.) 14935 Revenge, The; tragedy ; by E. Young. (In Browne, M. E. Tales fr. the old dramatists.) 23035 Reverberator, The ; by H. James. 29883 Reverence. Carter, F. The sentiment of R. (In Phillips Exeter Acad. Lect.) 27997 Rev. Rainford Gunn and the Arab chief ; by R. M. Johnston. (In h>s Mr. A. Billingslea, etc.) 29688 Reversible landscape, The ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his Amos Kilbright, etc.) 30247 Reville, A. "Dawn of creation;" answer to Gladstone. (In Gladstone, W. E., and others. Order of creation.) 26320 The native relig. of Mexico and Peru ; tr. by P. H. Wicksteed. (Hibbert lect., 1884.) 24425 Prolegomena of the hist, of religions; tr. by A. S. Squire; with introd. by F. M. Mtiller. (Theol. Tr. Fd. lib.) 25424;*! Revisers, The, and the Greek text of the New Testament ; by two members of the N. T. company. 22933 Revolution in Tanner's lane ; by M. Rutherford [R. Shap- cott]. 28084 Revue des Deux Mondes, vol. 49-54, 1864. 6 v. 14878-14883 Reynardson, C. T. S. B. Sports and anecdotes of bygone days, in England, Scotland, Ireland, Italy, etc. Illust. 28572 Reynolds, C. B. Old Saint Augustine ; story of three cen- turies. 25041 544 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Reynolds, Sir J. Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Reynolds, J. H. Lang, A. A friend of Keats. (In his Let- ters, etc.) 30650 Reynolds, M. Parton, J. Michel Reynolds, engine-driver. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Rheinhardt, R. H. Whist scores and card-table talk; with a bibliography of whist. 27665 Rhetoric. Bardeen, C. W. System of rhetoric. 23607 Buffon, G. L. L. de. Discours sur le style. 14410 De Quincey, T. Style; Rhetoric. (In 'his Lit. criticism.) 23082 Hunt, T. W. Principles of written discourse. 23781 See also Eng. composition; Figures; Irony. Rhett, R. B. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Rhine. Champney, L. W. Three Vassar girls on the Rhine. 26979 Weiss, J. J. Au pays du Rhin. 14707 Rhoda Fleming ; by G. Meredith. 27220 Rhode Island. Biography. Payne, A. Reminiscences of the R. I. Bar. 2554? History. Allen, G. H. Forty-six months with the Fourth R. I. Volunteers. 28274 Stone, E. M. Rhode Island in the revolution. (In his Our Fr. allies.) *I Rhodes, W. B. Bombastes Furioso. (In Morley, H. Bur- lesque plays, etc.) 28196 Rhodes, Isle of. Torr, C. Rhodes in anc. times. 26394 Rholfs, A. K. (G.) Behind closed doors. 30219 Hand and ring. 23275 The mill mystery. 26321 Risifi's daughter ; drama. 27757 - 7 to 12 ; a detective story. 28127 X, Y, Z ; a detective story. 23049 Rhyme? and Reason? by L. Carroll [C. L. Dodgson]. 23457 Rhymes a la mode ; by A. Lang. 25302 Rhymes by a deerstalker ; by W. Black. ( In his Wise women, etc.) 28003 Rhys, J. Lectures on the origin and growth of relig. as illust. by Celtic heathendom. (Hibbert lect., 1886.) 29630 Rialto. See Venice. Riaz pasha. Sketch of R. (In Khedives, etc.) 24002 Ribot, T. German psychology of to-day ; the empirical school ; tr. by J. M. Baldwin ; pref . by J. McCosh. 26448 Ricardo, D. Letters to T. R. Malthus ; ed. by J. Bonar. 29413 Toynbee, A. Ricardo and the old polit. economy. (In his Lect.) 24386 Walker, F. A. Economic doctr. of rent. (In his Land, etc.) 23411 Ricards, J. D. Catholic Christianity and mod. unbelief ; state- ment of the doctr. of the Roman Catholic Church. 25042 Rice, A. T., ed. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln ; by men of his time. 26842 Rice. F. P. Biographical sketch and notes. (In Allen, G. Reminiscences.) *I ed. Worcester town records, 1753-1783. (Wore. Soc. of Antiq. Coll., v. 4.) 23121 Rice, J., joint author. See Besant, W. Rice, O. Afield with the Eleventh Army Corps at Chancellors- ville. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 545 Rich, S. Truro, Cape Cod : or, Land marks and sea marks. Illust. 22957 Richard I., King of England. Archer, T. A. Crusade of R. ; extr. fr. the Itinerarium Ricardi. 30676 Farmer, L. H. (In her Boys' book.) 27081 Richard III., King of England. Legge, A. O. The unpopular king ; life and times of R. 2 v. 26383-4 Smith, G. Richard III. (Monograph, no. 36.) 23818 Walpole, H. Historic doubts on the life and reign of R. *I Richard III. See Shakespeare, W. Richard Coeur de Lion. See Richard I. Richard, H., and Williams, J. C. Disestablishment. (Imp. parliament.) 26512 Richard Cable, the lightshipman ; by S. B.-Gould. 29312 Richards, E. H. First lessons on minerals. (Guides for science-teaching.) 24548 Food materials and their adulterations. (Household manuals, v. 2.) 26343 Richards, J. B., ed. Seven years at Eton, 1857-1864. 23021 Richards, J. W. Aluminium ; its history, properties, etc., incl. its alloys. Illust. 27529 Richards, L. E., ed. Four feet, two feet, and no feet; or, Furry and feathery pets, and how they live. Illust. 26344 - The joyous story of Toto. Illust. 25688 Toto's merry winter. 28915 Richardson, A. S. Abelard and Heloise ; mediaeval romance ; with letters of Heloise. 23397 Richardson, B. W. The field of disease ; book of preventive medicine. 23817 The health of nations; review of the works of E. Chadwick, with biog. dissertation. 2 v. 29494-5 The son of a star ; romance of the 2d cent. 30814 Richardson, C. F. American literature, 1607-1885. 2 v. 27339-40 Contents. V. 1. The development of American thought. 2. Ameri- can poetry and fiction. Richardson, D. N. A girdle round the earth ; home letters fr. for. lands. 29191 Richardson, H. W. The national banks. 23056 Paper money ; current financial discussion. 23057 The standard dollar. (Econom. tracts.) 24552 Richardson, J. S. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Richardson, R. Adventurous boat voyages. Illust. 24642 Contents. Lieut. Bligh's voyage in an open boat. Inglefield ; Pollard ; Botelho Diego. Capt. Ross's boat voyage. Dr. Kane. in the Arctic seas. Commander Lynch on the Jordan. The four voyages of the "Rob Roy." The Austrians in the North Sea. Cruise of the "Lady Alice," Boating across the Atlantic. Ocean waifs. Richardson, S. Lang, Mrs. A. Richardson. (In Lang, A. Letters, etc.) 30650 Richelieu, A. J. du P., card, de, due de. Mason, Gr. Riche- lieu. Perkins, J. B. The administration of R. (In his Fr. under Mazarin, v. 1.) Richepin, J. Le pav6. Richey, A. G. Short hist, of the Irish people to the planta- tion of Ulster ; notes by R. R. Kane. 25121 27226 14821 29631 546 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Richter, J. P. F. The invisible lodge ; fr. the German by C. T. Brooks. 23209 Wit, wisdom, and philosophy of R. ; ed by G. P. Hawley. 24200 Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Hedge, F. H. (In his Hours with Germ, classics.) 26670 Richter, T., revison, etc. (In Plattner. Manual of qualitative and quantitative analysis.) 27092 Richter, V. von. Chemistry of the carbon compounds ; or, Organic chemistry ; tr. by E. F. Smith. Illust. 28362 -T- Text-book of inorganic chemistry; aut. tr. by E. F. Smith. Illust. 25945 Richthofen, W. B. von. Cattle-raising on the plains of N. America. 25572 Ricketts, P. de P. Notes on assaying and assay schemes. 24201 Ricks, A. J. Carrying the news of Lee's surrender to the Army of the Ohio. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Rico and Stineli ; fr. the German of J. Spyri. 26091 Biddell, C. E. L. (C.) Miss Gascoigne. 28528 A struggle for fame. 23316 Susan Drummond. 23639 Biddell, Mrs. J. H. See Biddell, C. E. L. Ridderhjelm, C. Soldaterbarnet ; eller, Karla ; hist. Roman efter det Svenske. 2 Dele. 27431-2 Riddle, A. G. Hart and his bear. 23323 Life of Benjamin F. Wade. 27999 Riddle, G. Readings. 29561 Riddle, M. B. The epistle of Paul to the Romans, expl. by R. 23569 Ride, A, across Palestine ; by A. Trollope. (In his Tales of all countries.) 24871 Ride, A, on a centaur; by H. W. Mabie. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Rideing, W. H. Boyhood of living authors. 28815 Contents. O. W. Holmes. T. B. Aldrich." J. T. Trowbridge. W. C. Russell. W. E. Gladstone. E. Eggleston. W. D. Howells. J. Payn. J. G. Whitier. F. R. Stockton. T. W. Knox. E. E. Hale. J. R. Lowell. H. H. Boyesen. T. W. Higginson. E. Fawcett. E. C. Sted- man. C. D. Warner. Boys coastwise ; or, All along the shore. Illust. 24786 A morning with Dr. F. T. Buckland; The House of Commons. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Thackeray's London; descr. of his haunts and the scenes of his novels. 25634 Young folks' history of London. Illust. 24590 Ridgway, R. Nomenclature of colors for naturalists ; and Compendium of useful knowledge for ornithologists. Illust. 28529 Ridpath, J. C. Cyclopaedia of universal history. 3 v. 28985-7 Riehl, W. H. Der Dachs auf Lichtmess ; Die rechte Mutter. (In Schick, L. Coll. Nov., v. 3.) 16521 Der stumme Rathsherr. '(In Schick, L. Coll., v. 2.) 16520 Eliot, G., pseud. Natural history of German life; Riehl. (In her Essays.) 23545; 23959 Rifles. Blunt, !S. E. Instructions in rifle and carbine firing for the U. S. Army. 25209 See also Shooting. Rig- Veda. See Veda. Riggs, S. R. Mary and I ; forty years with the Sioux ; introd. by S. C. Bartlett. 29108 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 547 Right Honourable, The ; by J. McCarthy and Mrs. C. Praed. Right to the point. See Haynes, M. S. Riley, A. Athos ; or, The mountain of the monks. Illust. Riley, M. P. ; by T. Hopkins. (In Norman, H. The broken shaft.) Rime of Sir Thopas ; by G. Chaucer. (In Morley, H. Bur- lesque plays, etc.) Rimmer, A. The early homes of Prince Albert. Illust. Ring, I. Furugaard ; The snowball. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) Ring, The, in the cliff ; by F. W. Rollins. Ringwalt, J. L. Anecdotes of Gen. U. S. Grant. Rio de Janeiro. Carpenter, F. de Y. Round about Rio. Curtis, W. E. (In his Capitals of Spanish America.) Riordan, R. John Burroughs. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) Riot. Leggett, M. D. The military and the mob. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v.l.) Rip Van Winkle ; by W. Irving. Rip Van Winkle, Land of ; by A. E. P. Searing. Ripley, E. Emerson, R. W. (In his Lect., etc.) Ripley, E. McH. From flag to flag ; adv. dur. the war, in the South, Mexico, and Cuba. Rise, The, of Silas Lapham ; by W. D. Howells. Risifi's daughter ; drama ; by A. K. Green [A. K. G. Rholfs]. Ristori, A. Studies and memoirs ; autobiography. Rita, pseud. See Booth, Mrs. O. Ritchie, A. C. (O. M.) Button, L. Anna Cora Mowatt. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) Ritchie, A. I. (T.) A book of sibyls; Mrs. Barbauld, Miss Edgeworth, Mrs. Opie, Jane Austen. Mrs. Dyrnond. Ritchie, D., Original of Scott's Black Dwarf. Chambers, W. Life and anecdotes of R. Ritchie, D. G. The rationality of history. (In Seth, A., and Haldane, R. B. Essays.) Ritchie, J. E. Famous city men. Ritchie, Mrs. R. See Ritchie A. L T. Ritchie, W. Abbreviated longhand. Ritter, F. L. Manual of musical history. Music in America. - Music in England. - Musical dictation ; pract. guide. Pt. 1. Student's hist, of music; with mus. examples. Rival ghosts, The ; by B. Matthews. (In Matthews, J. B., and Bunner, H. C. In partnership.) Rivalries of Mr. Toby Gillam ; by R. M. Johnston. (In his Mr. A. Billingslea, etc.) Rivals, The ; comedy ; by R. B. B. Sheridan. (In his Come- dies.) River column, The ; by H. Brackenbury. 28800 29037 26116 28196 *I 26913 30122 26345 23456 29796 30787 29463 28459 *I 23462 30552 25617 27757 29566 26475 23398 26117 27548 23448 23860 25010 26346 23400 29632 23892 24490 29688 I 26226 548 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rivers, Maj.-Gen. A. H. F. P. On the development and dis- tribution of primitive locks and keys. Illust. *I Rivers. Gilbert, G. K. The sufficiency of terrestrial rotation for the deflection of streams. (In Nat. Acad. of Sci. Mem., v. 3, pt. 1.) 14262 Riverside Literature Series. See Hawthorne, N. ; Longfellow, H. W. ; Lowell, J. R. ; Thoreau, H. D. Rives, A., now Mrs. Chanler. See Chanler, A. R. Riviera. Hamilton, F. F. Bordighera and the western R. 23948 See also Alassio. Rixford, E. H. The wine press and the cellar; manual. 29411 Roads. Potter, B. W. The road and the roadside ; [with the law of the road]. 26677 Thropp, J. Repairs of roads ; sugg. to surveyors of highways. 29420 Roba di Roma ; by W. W. Story. 2 v. 27668-9 Robbia, L. della. Baxter, L. E. Luca della Robbia. 19529 Robert Elsmere ; by Mrs. H. Ward. 29778 Robert Emmet ; tragedy. See Emmet, R. Robert of Sicily; by A. R. Hope [R. H. Moncrieff]. (In his Stor. of old renown.) 28894 Robert Ord's atonement; by R. N. Carey. 25147 Robert the devyll. (In Ashton, J. Romances of chivalry.) 27170 Robert's wife ; by F. C. Baylor. (In her Shocking example.) 30774 Roberts, C. G. D. Goldwin Smith. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Roberts, D. Two royal lives ; gleanings fr. Berlin and the lives of the Crown Prince and Princess of Germany. Illust. 28435 Roberts, E. Santa Barbara, and around there. Illust. 26843 Roberts, E. Shoshone ; and other western wonders ; pref . by C. F. Adams. 30661 Roberts, E. H. Government revenue; espec. the American system ; argument for industrial freedom, agt. free trade. 23893 New York ; planting and growth of the Empire state. 2 v. 27788-9 Roberts, F. C. The figure of the earth. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 25454 Roberts, M. Bride picote"e. Illust. 24970 A child of the revolution. Illust. 28159 The tiddler of Lugau. Illust. 29105 In the olden time. 22988 - Tempest tossed ; the story of Seejungfer. Illust. 23799 Roberts, R. A. Collection of examples on the analytic geom- etry of plane conies ; [with] examples on sphero-conics. 24864 Robertson, A. See Boucicault, A. R. Robertson, A. M. Note on the vegetation of western Aus- tralia. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Robertson, E. American home rule ; the polit. system in the U. S. 28712 Robertson, E. S. The children of the poets ; an anthology fr. Eng. and Amer. writers of three centuries ; with introd. 30360 English poetesses; crit. biographies, with illust. extracts. 23640 Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 28655 ed. Great writers ; namely : Bettany, G. T. Life of C. Darwin. 29726 Birrell, A. Life of C. Bronte. 29727 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 549 Blackie, J. S. Life of R. Burns. 29728 Caine, H. Life of S. T. Coleridge. 28553 Dobson,A. Life of O. Goldsmith. 29594 Garnett. R. Life of R. W. Emerson. 29729 - Life of T. Carlyle. 29730 Gosse, E. Life of W. Congreve. 30586 Grant, F. Life of Samuel Johnson. 29377 Haldane, R. B. Life of Adam Smith. 29731 Hannay, D. Life of T. G- Smollett. 29732 Knight, J. Life of D. G. Rossetti. 28643 Marzials, F. T. Life of Charles Dickens. 28648 Life of Victor Hugo. 29733 Robertson, E. S. Life of H. W. Longfellow. 28655 Rossetti, W. M. Life of John Keats. 29734 Sharp, W. Life of P. B. Shelley. 29418 Sime, J. Life of J. W. Goethe. 30745 Venables, E. Life of J. Bunyan. 30376 Youge, C. D. Life of Sir Walter Scott. 29735 Robertson, F. W. Tulloch, J. k 'Broad Church"; F. W. Robertson and Bp. Ewing. (In his Movements of relig. thought.) 25781 Robertson, G. C. Hobbs. (Philos. class, for Eng. readers.) 26449 Robertson, H., Lord Benholme. Smith, J. C. Biographical notice. (In his Writings, etc.) 2607 Robertson, J. Walt Whitman, poet and democrat. 29038 Robertson, J. Gilmore, J. R. (In his Rear-guard, etc.) 26914 Robertson, J., Gen. Gilmore, J. R. (In his Advance-guard of western civilization.) 30218 Robertson, J., D.D. Smith, J. C. Biographical notice. (In his Writings, etc.) 25607 Robertson, J. B. Lectures on some subjects of mod. hist. and biog. 23039 Contents. History of Spain in the 18th cent. Life, writings, and times of Chateaubriand. Two lect. on the secret societies of modern times. Public lectures on subjects of anc. and mod. history. 26287 Robertson, J. F. Industrial art. (In Gt indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 2, 3.) 25092-3 joint author. See Phelps, W. M. Robertson, R. S. From the Wilderness to Spottsylvania. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Robertson, W. Life and times of John Bright. 23641 Robespierre, F. M. J. I. Gottschall, R. M. Robespierre. (In his Neue Plutarch, v. 2.) 16297 Robin Hood. See Hood, R. Robinson, A., Countess of Peterborough. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 1.) 29598 Robinson, A. M. F. Arden. 22977 An Italian garden ; book of songs. 26450 Margaret of Angouleme, Queen of Navarre. 27790 The new Arcadia; and other poems. 24031 - Vincent Hadding. ( In Norman, H. The witching time.) 27331 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Robinson, C. S. The Pharaohs of the bond.-ige and the exo- dus ; lect. 27791 Robinson, E. Bobby's hero. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Forced acquaintances ; book for girls. 27792 550 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Robinson, E. G. Men ; made, self-made, and unmade. (In Phillips Exeter Acad. lect.) 27997 Robinson, F. M. (pseud. Wm. S. Gregg.) Irish history for English readers, to 1885. 26817 Mr. Butler's ward. 25520 Robinson, F. W. The courting of Mary Smith. 25760 A fair maid. 24426 The hands of justice. 25761 Her face was her fortune. 7326 Lazarus in London. 25573 Little Kate Kirby. Illust. 11549 The man she cared for. 24030 Memoirs of Jane Cameron, female convict. 29634 Women are strange; and other stories. 24090 Contents. Women are strange. Brought back to the world. The head waiter. The young man at Tootle's. Petty cash. The young lady in grey. Miss Anderson's colors. Bickers the blower. The woman who saved him. A fight for him. In trust for Sandy. The man who married a voice. Mr. Woosey's great trouble. A very cool customer. Robinson, H. Sanitary legislation and "its enforcement. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 11.) *I Robinson, H. P. Picture making by photography. *I joint author. See Abney, Capt. Robinson, J. Carmeliterklostret ; oversat fra Engelsk. 27433 Robinson, J. Tree culture. (In Vance, F. T., and others. Ways for boys, etc.} 28913 Robinson, M. S. Popular treatise on the law of marriage and divorce. 25043 Robinson, M. W. See Freer, M. W. Robinson, N. The three daughters of the Princess of Wales. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Robinson, P. The poets' beasts. 26105 - The poets' birds. 26104 Robinson, R. E. Uncle Lisha's shop ; life in a corner of Yan- keeland. 29461 Robinson, S. T. The shadow of the war ; story of the South in reconstruction times. 24390 Robinson, S. W. Practical treat, on the teeth of wheels, with the theory and use of R.'s odontograph. Illust. (Van Nostr.'s sci. ser.) 24130 Railroad economics ; notes fr. a tour over Ohio railways, under H. Sabine, commissioner. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 24131 Strength of wrought-irou bridge members. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 24132 Robinson Crusoe. See Godolphin. M. Also Rebilius Cruso. Also Perseverance Island. Robson, F. Bell, E. H. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 2.) 30352 Roby, H. J. Introduction to the study of Justinian's Digest ; cont. acct. of its composition and of the jurists referred to therein ; with commentary on one title. 24865 Rochambeau, J. B. D. de V., comtede. Stone, E. M. Rocham- beau and his army. (In his Our French allies.) *I Rochefoucauld. See La Rochefoucauld. Rochester, N. Y. Parker, J. M. Rochester ; a story histor- ical. 24702 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 551 Rock river. Thwaites, R. G. Historic waterways ; 600 miles of canoeing down the Rock, Fox, and Wisconsin rivers. 29575 Rock scorpions, The. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 3.) 25369 Rockhill, W. W. Life of the Buddha ; and early history of his order ; derived fr. Tibetan works in the Bkahhygur and Bstan-hygur. 24941 Rocks. See Geology ; Petrography. Rockstro, W. S. General hist, of music fr. the infancy of the Greek drama. 26602 Life of George Frederick Handel ; introd. by G. Grove. 23111 Mendelssohn. (Great musicians.) 23559 Rockwell, J. E. Teaching, practice, and literature of short- hand. (U. S. Bur. of Educ. Circs, of inf., no. 2, 1884.) 24065 Rocky Mountains. Ingersoll, E. The crest of the continent ; a summer's ramble in the Rocky Mts. and beyond. 26020 M., E. Frank's ranche ; or, My holiday in the Rockies. 26363 Rod and Gun club, The ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 23887 Rod and Gun series. See Fosdick, C. A. Rodbertus, K. J. Dawson, W. H. Karl Rodbertus and the wages principle. (In his Germ, soc.) 30688 Ely, R. T. Rodbertus. (In his Fr. and Germ, socialism.) 23156 Rodd, R. Frederick, Crown Prince and Emperor ; biog. sketch ; introd. by the Empress Frederick. 30554 Rodenberg, J. Mein Freund, der Grander. (In Schick, L. Coll.^v. 2.) 16520 Rodenbough, T. F., ed. Uncle Sam's medal of honor; noble deeds descr. by those who have won it. Portr. and illust. 27341 Roderick Random, Adventures of ; by T. Smollett. *I Rodgers, J., Lieut. Nourse, J. E. Explorations of R. (In his Amer. explorations.) 24679 ; *I Rodrigues, J. C. The Panama canal ; hist., polit. aspects, and financ. difficulties. 26058 Roe, A. S. American authors and their birthdays; pro- grammes, etc., for celebration ; with record of study in the High School at Worcester, Mass. 28593 Roe, PL P. Driven back to Eden. 25762 - The earth trembled. 28816 He fell in love with his wife. 26999 His sombre rivals. 23185 - The home acre. 301)25 "Miss Lou." 30555 Nature's serial story. Illust. 24788 An original belle. 25763 A young girl's wooing. 24492 Roe, E. R. The gray and the blue ; found, on incidents con- nect, with the war for the Union. 24787 May and June ; romance of the revolution. 29724 Roebling, W. A. Fiske, S. (In Ms Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Roehr, J. F. Palaestina ; beskrifning ofwer Judiska landet wid Jesu tid ; ofwersattning af N. Astrand. 15144 Roger Berkeley's probation ; by H. Campbell. 29667 Roger Camerden ; a strange story. 28180 Rogers, C. Social life in Scotland. 2 v. 25084-5 552 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rogers, E. H. The building trades. (In McNeill, G. E. Labor movement.) 27651 Rogers, F. Magnetism of iron vessels ; with treat, on terres- trial magnetism. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 24133 Rogers, H., Gen. Oration. (/^.Providence, R. I. City Coun- cil. Dedication of statue to A. E. Burnside.) 29437 Rogers, J. E., joint author. See Mahaffy, J. P. Rogers, J. E. T. The economic interpretation of history ; lect. 30266 The first nine years of the Bank of Eng. ; inq. into a record of the price of bank stock. 28160 Historical gleaning*. Ser. 1, 2. 27898-9 Contents. Ser. 1. Montagu. Walpoie. Adam Smith. Cobbett. 3. Wiklif. Laud. Wilkes. Home Tooke. Six centuries of work and wages ; hist, of Eng. labor. 2 v. 23971-2 Story of Holland. 30456 Rogers," N. P. Pillsbury, P. Sketch of R. (In his Acts of the anti-slavery apostles.) 23557 Rogers, S. Clayden, P. W. Early life of R. 29133 Mason, E. T. (In his Pers. traits, v. 1.) 25228 Rogers, W. Reminiscences of R. ; comp. by R. H. Hadden. 30191 Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works, Pater son, New Jersey. Locomotives and locomotive building ; with hist. of the Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works, 1831- 1886 ; [by M. N. Forney]. 27691 Roget, F. F. Introduction to old French. 27951 Rogge, W. Prinz Eugen von Savoyen. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 5.) 16300 Rogue, The ; by W. E. Norris. 30545 Roide Thessalie, Le. See Ecilaw, A. Romance of a German court. Roi des montagnes, Le ; par E. About. 14838 Roi s'amuse, Le. See Hugo, V. Roland. La Chanson de Roland ; tr. fr. the 7th ed. of L. Gautier, by L. Rabillon. 25241 Baldwin, J. The story of Roland. 23138 Gibb, J. The death of Roland. (In his Gudrun, etc.) 23579 Rowbotham, J. F. Death of Roland. 29414 RolanddelaPlatiere,lfme.M.J.P. Blind, M. Madame Roland. 26405 Roland Blake ; by S. W. Mitchell. 27221 Rolf House; by L. C. Lillie. 26832 Rolfe, E. N. Pompeii, popular and practical. 30742 Rolfe, W. J. Notes, etc. See Browning, R. ; Byron, G. G. N. ; Macaulay, T. B. ; Milton, J. ; Morris, W. ; Scott, W. ; Shakespeare, W. ; Tennyson, A. ed. Tales f r. Eng. hist, in prose and verse ; fr.^standard authors ; with notes. Illust. 29905 Rollins, A. W. O. W. Holmes. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 The story of a ranch. 26000 The Three Tetons ; story of the Yellowstone. 28530 Uncle Tom's tenement. 30121 Rollins, F. W. The ring in the cliff. 30122 Roman, A. Military operations of Gen. Beauregard, incl. pers. sketch, and narr. of his services in the war with Mexico. 2 v. 23642-3 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 553 Roman Catholic Church. See Catholic Church. Roman d'un cheval, Le ; par L. N. Tolstoi. (In his Dernieres nouvelles.) 14704 Roman d'un spahi, Le ; par P. Loti [J. Viaud]. 14803 Roman law. See Civil or Roman law. Roman literature. See Latin literature. Roman singer, A ; by F. M. Crawford. 23884 Romance. MacCullum, M. W. The three cycles of mediaeval romance. (In his Studies.) 23961 Stevenson, R. L. A gossip on romance. (In his Memories, etc.) 28907 Romance and realism; by Ouida [L.'de la Rame]. (In her Frescoes.) 23558 Romance of a German court; [by] A. Ecilaw. 2 v. 30166-7 Romance of a letter ; by L. Choate. 28492 Romance of a quiet watering-place ; by N. H. Warddel [E. L. Dwyer]. 29830 Romance of invention ; by J. Burnley. 27732 Romance of mathematics ; by P. Hampson. 27706 Romance of Sunrise rock ; by C. E. Craddock [M. N. Mur- free]. (In. her In the Tenn. mts.) 23765 Romance of the first radical ; by A. Lang. (In his In the wrong paradise, etc.) 27324 Romanes, G. J. Jelly-fish, star-fish, and sea-urchins ; research on primitive nervous systems. 25242 Mental evolution in animals;" with a posthumous essay on instinct, by C. Darwin. 23973 - Mental evolution in man ; origin of human faculty. 30868 Butler, S. Mr. Romanes' "Mental evolution in animals." (In his Luck, or cunning?) 27547 - Remarks on R.'s "Mental evolution in animals." (In his Selections.) 24243 Romanism. See Catholic Church. Romantic adventures of a milk-maid ; by T. Hardy. 23050 Romantic stories of the legal profession. 23873 Contents. A most remarkable will. Touch-and-go with a great estate. A circumstantial puzzle. The missim? deed. My forgery. How we lost a treasure. The heiress of Warlow castle. Romantic young lady, A ; by R. Grant. 26921 Romanticism. Albert, P. Les origines du romantisme. (In his Literature Francaise au 19e sicle.) 14770 Crane, T. F. Le Romantisme f ram;ais ; select, f r. writers of the Fr. romantic school. 28116 Hedge, F. H. Classic and romantic. (In his Martin Luther, etc.) 29538 Rome. Description. Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 3.) 25069 -M'Collester,S. H. Modern and ancient Rome. (In his After-thoughts.) 23634 Rome, Ancient. Lanciani, R. Ancient Rome in the light of recent discoveries. 30347 Middleton, J. H. Ancient Rome in 1885. 26041 Reich, E. Rome; political and soc. institutions, etc. Social life of the Romans. (In his Hist, of civilization.) 30606 Shumway, E. S. A day in ancient Rome; revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alien Rom." 25686 Smith, G. The greatness of the Romans. (Monograph, no. 13.) 23818 - Wright, W. B. Rome, the city of the law-givers. (In his Anc. cities.) 27010 Antiquities. Westropp, H. M. Early and imperial Rome ; the archeology of Rome. 24107 554 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Art. See Sculpture. Biography. See Plutarchus. History. Arnold, T. The second Punic War; chapters of the History of Rome; ed. by W. T. Arnold. Mups. 28613 Congreve, R. The Roman empire of the West. 28700 Freeman, E. A. Rome the head of Europe, etc. (In his Chief periods of Europ. hist.) 27391 Oilman, A. Story of Rome to the end of the republic. 26075 Ihne, W. History of Rome. Vols. 4, 5. 24462-3 Laing, C. H. B. The seven kings of the seven hills. 23544 Mommsen, C. M. T. History 'of the Roman republic; abrgd. by C. Bryans and F. J. R. Hendy. 30657 - The provinces of the Roman empire fr. Caesar to Diocletian. Vols. 1,2. 27775-6 Note. Book 8 of History of Rome. Montesquieu, C. de S. de. Considerations on the causes of the grandeur and decadence of the Romans. 'J7504 Myers, P. V. N. [History of Rome.] ( With his Eastern nations, etc.) 30293 Tighe, A. Development of the Roman constitution. 27101 Law. See Civil or Roman law. Military antiquities. Judson, H. P. Caesar's army ; military art of the Romans. 29884 /Social life. Church, A. J. Roman life in the days of Cicero. 23686 Two thousand years ago. 26068 Ihne, W. R. Society in Rome under the Caesars. 29685 Rome, Modern. Description. - Forbes, S. R. Ramb'es in R. ; archaeological and hist, guide. 24715 Freeman, J. E. Gatherings fr. an artist's portfolio in R. 23272 - Kingston, W. B. (In his Wanderer's notes, v. 2.) 30595 Story, W. W. Roba di Roma. 2 v. 27668-9 National character, Social life, etc. Silvagni, D. Rome; its princes, priests, and people; tr. by F. McLaugh- lin. 3 v. *I Societies. Paget, V. The Arcadian Academy. (In her Stud, of the 18th cent.) 25127 Romilly, H. H. The western Pacific and New Guinea; with acct. of the old labour trade. Map. 27059 Romilly, Sir S. Adams, W. H. D. (In his Learned in the law.) 29913 (7?^Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Romulus and Remus ; a clog story ; by C. R. Talbot. 30563 Roofs. Crehore, J. D. Mechanics of the girder. 27720 Lanza, G. Roof-trusses. (In his Appl. mechanics.) . 28926 Merriman,M. Text-book on roofs and bridges. Pt. 1. 29051 See also Stresses; Trusses. Roosevelt, B. pseud. See Machetta, B. R. Roosevelt, R. B. Florida ; and the game water-birds of the Atlantic coast and the lakes of the U. S., etc. Illust. 23672 From "Game fish of the north." (In Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing, etc.) *I Game fish of the northern states and British provinces, etc. Illust. 23800 Love and luck ; story of a summer's loitering on the great South bay. 27235 Superior fishing; or the striped bass, trout, black bass, and blue-fish of the northern states. Illust. 24032 Roosevelt, T. Essays on pract. politics. 30556 Contents. Phases of state legislation; the Albany legislature. Ma- chine politics in Xew York City. Gouverneur Morris. (American statesmen.) 29325 Hunting trips of a ranchman; sketches of sport on the northern cattle plains. Illust. 29697 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 555 Life of Thomas Hart Benton. (American statesmen.) 27664 Root, N. W. T. School amusements ; or, How to make the school interesting. Engr. 25897 Root-bound ; by R. T. Cooke. 26069 Ropes, J. C. The first Napoleon ; sketch, polit. and military. 25846 Rorer, Mrs. S. T. Hot weather dishes. 29698 Rosa ; vittert album ; samladt och utgif vet till f orman for artisternes och litteratorernes pensionsforening. 15097 Rosamunda ; Icelandic fairy tale. (In Safford, M. J. Christ. country, etc.) 27095 Roscoe, E. S. Rambles with a fishing-rod. 23447 Roscoe, Mrs. H. Vittoria Colonna ; her life and poems. 29635 Roscoe, H. E., and Schorlemmer, C. Treatise on chemistry. V. 3, pt. 2 : Organic chemistry. 22320 Rose, H. J. Burgon, J. W. H. J. Rose. (In his Lives, v. 1.) 30834 Rose, J. Key to engines and engine-running. Illust. 29636 Mechanical drawing self-taught; instr. in the select, and prep, of draw- ing instruments, etc. ; with examples in simple geometry and elemen- tary mechanism. Illust. 23360 Modern steam engines ; elementary treatise. Illust. 26679 Rose, Blanche, and Violet. See Three sisters. Rose-bush, The, of Hildesheim ; by M. E. Waller. *I Rose cold. Mackenzie, M. Rose cold. (In Ms Hay fever.) 26257 Rose, A, distill'd ; by The Duchess [M. Argles]. (In her Maiden all forlorn.) 25788 Rose of paradise; by H. Pyle. 28901 Rose Raymond's wards ; by M. Vandegrift [M. Janvier]. 26202 Rosegger, P. K. Lustige Geschichten. (In Schick, L. Coll. Nov., v. 3.) 16521 Rosenbusch, H. Microscopical physiography of the rock-mak- ing minerals ; tr. and abrgd. by J. P. Iddings. Illust. *I Rosengarten, J. G. The German soldier in the wars of the U. S. 26680 Rosenkranz, J. K. F. Philosophy of education ; tr. by A. C. Brackett. 2d ed. rev. ; with commentary and analysis. 27236 - Voltaire. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 1.) 16296 Holmes, N. The Hegelianism of R. (In his Realistic idealism, etc., v. 2.) 30336 Rosenresli ; by J. Spyri. (In her Swiss stories.) 28535 Rosentbal, I. General physiology of muscles and nerves. 25172 Rosenthal, R. S. The Meisterschaft system ; short and pract. method of acquiring fluency in the Italian language. 27722 The Meisterschaft system ; short and pract. method of acquiring fluency in the Spanish language. 24202 Rosenthal-Bonin, H. Kunst und Natur. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 2.) 16520 Roses of shadow ; by T. R. Sullivan. 25776 Rosicmcians. Jennings, H. The Rosicrucians ; their rites and mysteries. 2 v. 28559-60 King, C. W. (In his Gnostics, etc.) *I Waite, A. E. Real hist, of the R.; found, on their own manifestoes, etc. 29423 Roslyn's fortune ; by C. Reid [F. C. Fisher]. 25009 Rosmini-Serbati, A. Of the five wounds of the Holy Church ; introd. by H. P. Liddon. 23210 556 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Origin of ideas. 3 v. 28573-5 Psychology. 3 v. 28576-8 - The ruling princ. of method appl. to education; tr. by M. G. Grey. 29567 Lockhart, W. Life of R. 2 v. 28065-6 Ross, C. The silent workman. 28361 Ross, D. W. Early hist, of land-holding among the Germans. 23112 Ross, J. M. Scottish hist, and literature to the reformation ; ed., with biog. sk. by J. Brown. 24380 Ross, N. J. Edward Irving ; John Curwen. ( In Ewart, H. C. Leaders, etc.) 30632 Ross, O. C. D. Air as fuel ; petroleum and other mineral oils utilized by carburetting air and rendering it inflammable. 24714 Ross, P. A misguidit lassie. 23186 Rossetti, C. G. Time flies ; a reading diary. 26001 Owen, F. M. Goblin market; [review]. (In her Essays, etc.) 30883 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Rossetti, D. G. Buchanan, R. Note on R. (In his Look round literature.) 28005 - Hueffer, F. Exhibitions of R.'s pictures. (In his Italian stud.) 23698 Knight, J. Life of R. 28643 Nicholson, P. W. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, poet and painter. 28674 Rossetti, W. M. Life of John Keats. (Great writers.) 29734 Rossini, G. A. Moses in Egypt; oratorio; Eng. version by A. Matthison. New ed., rev. *I Same ; tr. and adapt, by G. S. Parker. *I Bourne, C. E. (In his' composers.) 27917 Butterworth, H. (In his Gt. composers.) 24179 Crowest, F. (In his Great tone poets.) 27739 Eugel, L. (In his From Mozart to Mario, v. 2.) 27559 Roswall and Lilian; by A. R. Hope [R. H. Moncrieff]. (In his Stor. of old renown.) 28894 Roth rock, J. T. Vacation cruising in Chesapeake and Dela- ware bays. Illust. 24155 Rothschild, N. M. Bourne, H. R. F. (In his Eng. merchants.) 26568 Rothschild family. Reeves, J. The Rothschilds; financial rulers of nations. 28360 Rotterdam. Hodder, E. (In his'Cit. of the world, v. 1.) 25067 Rouen. Hodder, E. (In his Cit. of the world, v. 2.) 25068 Rougemont, A. de., ed. La France; notes d'un Americain recueillies et mises en ordre. 14708 Rough and ready ; by H. Alger, Jr. 8093 Roumania. Gerard, E. de L. (In her Land beyond the for- est.) 2 v. 30169-70 Johnson, E. C. On the track of the crescent. 25603 Kingston, W. B. (In his Wanderer's notes, v. 2.) 30595 Laveleye, Y. L. E. de. ( In his Balkan peninsula.) 27837 Walker, Mrs. Roumanian monasteries. (In her Eastern life, v. 2.) 27165 Literature. Kremnitz, M. Roumanian fairy tales. 25988 Roumelia. See Rumelia. Round, W. M. F. Child Marian has a party. (In Clarke, R. S., and others. A. Christ, breeze.) 27385 Jabber wock. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Round a posada fire ; by Mrs. Middlemore. 27708 Round dozen, A ; by S. Coolidge [S. C. Woolsey]. 23417 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 557 Round-robin series ; namely: The strike in the B Mill. 27862 Thompson, M. His second campaign. Round table series ; namely : Cunningham, J. T. Charles Darwin, naturalist. Geddes, P. John Ruskin, economist. 29025 George Eliot, moralist and thinker. 24653 Nicholson, P. W. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, poet and painter. 28674 Robertson, J. Walt Whitman, poet, etc. 29038 Round the galley fire ; by W. C. Russell. 23560 Round the rabbit holes ; by Mrs. W. K. Clifford. (In her Anyhow stor.) 23148 Round the world ; by A. Carnegie. 24006 Round year, The ; by E. M. Thomas. 27006 Roundabout journey, A ; byC. D. Warner. 23412 Rousseau, J. J. Brockerhoff, F. J. J. Rousseau. (In Gott- schall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 5.) 16300 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Rousselet, L. Ralph the drummer boy ; story of the days of Washington ; tr. by W. J. Gordon. Illust. 24427 Routh, M. J. Burgon, J. W. M. J. Routh. (In his Lives, v. 1.) 30834 Routledge, E. Every boy's annual, 18S4-'89. 16070-74; 30700 Routledge, G. & Sons. Picture-book of domestic animals. Illust. *I Picture-book of wild animals. Illust. *I Routledge's world library. See Haweis, H. R. Roux, J. Thoughts (Meditations of a parish priest) ; introd. by P. Marteton ; tr by I. F. Hapgood. 27000 Rovers, The ; by G. Canning. (In Morley, H. Burlesque plays, etc.} 28196 Roving Englishman, The, pseud. See Murray, E. C. G. Row, C. A. Future retribution viewed in the light of reason and revelation. 28436 Row. See Rowe. Rowan, A. H. Daly, J. B. A. H. Rowan. (In his Ireland in '98.) *I Rowan, F. J. Boiler incrustation and corrosion. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 24134 Rowbotham, J. F. A history of music. 3 v. 26267-9 Series of poetical romances ; namely : 1. Death of Roland. 29414 Rowcroft, C. The bush ranger of Van Diemen's Laud. 12432 Rowe, C. J. Bonds of disunion ; or, English misrule in the colonies. 23594 Rowe, N. Jane Shore. (In Browne, M. E. Tales fr. the old dram.) 23035 Rowe. See Row. Rowing. Fellows, H. P. Boating trips on New Eng. rivers. 23532 - Treherne, G. G. T., and Goldie, J. H. D. Record of the University [Cambridge] boat race. *I -Woodgate, W. B. Boating; introd. by E. Warre, and chapt. on R. at Eton, by R. H. Mason. *I Rowland, T. B. and F. F. The problem art ; how to compose and how to solve chess problems. 28656 37 558 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rowlands, S. Gosse, E. W. (In his Seventeenth-cent, stud.) 23580 Roy, D. L. The lyrics of Ind. 27596 Roy, J. E. Pilgrim's letters ; current hist. dur. the last 30 years. 30246 Roy's wife ; by G. J. W. Melville. 26050 Royal Arsenal, Woolwich* Eng. Smiles, R. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 2.) 25092 Royal College of Physicians, London. Muuk, W. The gold- headed cane. 24861 Royal favour; by A. S. C. Wallis. 3 v. 25953-5 Royal girls and royal courts ; by M. E. W. Sherwood. 28688 Royalty restored ; by J. F. Molloy. 2 v. 26260-1 Royce, J. California, 1S46-1856; study of American char- acter. 26451 The feud of Oakfield Creek ; novel of California life. 27?43 The religious aspect of philosophy : critique of the bases of conduct and of faith. 24933 Royle, C. The Egyptian campaigns, 1882-1885. and the events which led to them. Illust. 2 v. 26603-4 Rozan, C. Petites ignorances de la conversation. 14890 Rubaiyat. See Omar Khayyam. Rubber baby, The ; by L. W. Champney. (In New Eng. story-book; and in Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 24819; 27342 Rube Jones ; by P. Deming. (Li his Tompkins, etc.) 24900 Rubinstein, A. G. The Tower of Babel ; sacred opera ; words by J. Rodenberg. *I Ruda, E. W. Skaldestycken. 15145 Ruddygore ; by W. S. Gilbert and A. Sullivan. *I Rudimentary society among boys ; by J. Johnson, Jr. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., ser. 2, no. 11 ; and in J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 2.) 24229 ; *I Rudler, F. W. A piece of black lead ; A piece of sulphur. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 and Chisholm, G. C. Europe; ed. by A. C. Ramsay; with ethnological app. by A. H. Keane. Maps and fllust. 26059 Rueckert, H. Martin Luther. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 1.) 16296 Ruete, E., Princess of Oman and Zanzibar. Memoirs of an Arabian princess ; autobiography. 29107 Rugby school. (In Our own country, v. 6.) 19735 Ruhainah ; a story of Afghan life ; by E. Stanton [T. P. Hughes]. 26845 Rule, W. The loyalists of Tennessee in the late war. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Rumelia. Laveleye, V. L. E. de. (In his Balkan peninsula.) 27837 Rumford, Count. See Thompson, B. Rumohr, T. W. Elias Hagen ; historisk Roman. 27434 Runeberg, J. L. Nadeschda ; fr. the Swedish ; [Poems]. (In Hoffman, W. Leis. hrs.) 24252 Runkle, K. B. Festival poems ; collection for Christmas, New Year, Easter. 24610 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 559 Runkle, L.G. The Doctors Blackwell ; MaryMapes Dodge ; Abby Hopper Gibbons. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 "Runnymede letters." See Disraeli, B. Rupert vom Pfalz, Prince. Hood, E. P. Prince Rupert. (In his Oliver Cromwell.) 23101 Rupert, W. W. Guide to the study of the hist, and const, of the U. S. 30123 Rupert Godwin ; by M. E. Braddou [M. E. B. Maxwell]. 7045 Rupp, J. Reason and religion ; tr. with a biog. sk. of the au- thor, by A. C. Rasche. 26391 Rural Affairs ; ed. by J. J. Thomas. Vol. 1-9. 27116-24 Rural economy. See Agriculture. Rural life. Jefferies, R. Wild life in a southern county. 30799 Rus ; by C. Reade. (In hi* Good stor.) , 24029 Rus in urbe ; by Mrs. Haweis. 27039 Rusden, G. W. History of Australia. 3 v. 23709-11 Ruskin, J. Art and life ; a Ruskin anthology ; comp. by W. S. Kennedy. 27683 Books which have influenced me. (In Gladstone, W. E., and others. Books, etc.) 28840 The king of the Golden river; a legend of Stiria. Illust, 26187 Mornings in Florence; stud, of Christian art. Pt. 1-6. 12570 Contents. 1. Santa Croee. 2. The Golden gate. 3. Before the Soldan. 4. The vaulted book. 5. The strait gate. 6. The shep- herd's tower. Preface. (In Alexander, F. Story of Ida.) 22986 Preface. (In Chesneau, E. The Eng. school of painting.) 25059 St. Mark's rest; hist, of Venice. Pt. 1, 2 [with suppl.] . 12571 Work. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 2.) 23201 Adams, AV. D. Ruskin as poet. (In his By-ways.) 30769 Cooke, G. W. (In his Poets and problems.) 26414 Geddes, 1*. John Ruskin, economist. 29025 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Harris, A. B. (In her Pleasant authors.) 23777 Mather, J. M. Life and teaching of R. 23963 Russ, K. Skildriugar ur djur och vaxt verlden. (Naturvetens- kap for alia, ser. i>.) 15116 The speaking parrots ; scientific manual ; tr. bv L. Schultze, and rev. by R. *I Russell, F. S. The Earl of Peterborough and Monmouth, Charles Mordaunt ; memoir. 2 v. 28579-80 Russell, I. Poems. 30815 Russell, I. C. Geological reconnoissance in southern Oregon. (In U. S. Oeol. Surv. Rept., 1882-3.) .25283 Russell, J., D. D. Reminiscences of Yarrow; pref. by C. Eraser. 26712 Russell, J., 1st Earl Russell. Althaus, F. Graf John Russell. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 6.) 16301 Smith, G. B. (In his Prime ministers.) 27718 - Thornton, P. M. Ld. John Russell. (In his For. secretaries, v. 3.) 22746 Russell, T. Daly, J. B. Thomas Russell. (In his Ireland in '98.) *I Russell, W., Ld. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Russell, W. C. A book for the hammock. 28988 The frozen pirate. Illust. 30743 560 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The golden hope ; romance of the deep. 27844 In the middle watch ; sea stories. 26188 Jack's courtship. 24052 John Holdsworth, chief mate. 24203 Little Loo. 23801 The mystery of the "Ocean Star;" coll. of maritime sketches. 30124 On the fo'k'sle head ; sea stories. 25455 Round the galley fire. 23560 A strange voyage. 25764 A voyage to the cape. 27628 Rideing, W. H. (In his Boyhood of living authors.) 28815 Russia. Art. Maskell, A. Russian art and art objects in Russia ; handbook to reprod. in So. Kensington Museum. *I Biography. For lives of many Russian poets, see Wilson, C. T. Russian lyrics. Central Asian question. Marvin, C. The Russians at the gates of Herat. 25348 Civilization. Foulke, W. D. Slav or Saxon? stud, of the growth and tendencies of Russian civilization. 28932 Description and travels. Baddeley , W. St. C. Tchay and Chianti ; wanderings in R. and Italy. 28614 Ballou, M. M. Due north ; or, Glimpses of R. 28102 Bouton, J. B. Round about to Moscow; an epicurean journey. 28110 Buckley, J. M. (In his Midnight sun, etc.} 27383 Colange, L. de. Picturesque R. and Greece. *I Corning, C. R. (In his Aalesund to Tetuan.) 30307 Davis, S. M. H. Norway nights and Russian days. 28290 Hare, A. J. C. Studies in Russia. 25154 Hoffman, W. Leisure hours in Russia. 24252 Hollingshead, J. Russia; thumbnail sketches. (In his Footlights.) 23697 In pursuit of a shadow. 29772 Knox, T. W. Boy travellers in the Russian Empire. 27212 Lagny, G. de. Ryssarne och knutpiskan; eller, Rysslands seder och samhalls-skick ; ofversattning. 15093 Lansdell, H. Russian Central Asia; incl. Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva, and Merv. 2 v. 25442-3 Meignan,Y. (In his From Paris to Pek in.) 26594 Morrison, A. F. Sketches in Russia. 27894 Skuggbilder f ran Ryssland ; efter ryska original. 15100 See also Finland; St. Petersburg. Ecclesiastical affairs. Heard, A. F. The Russian church and Russian dissent. 28131 Education. Hippeau, C. L'instruction publique en Russie. *I Forestry. Brown, J. C. Forestry in the mining dist. of the Ural Mts. 139*6 Forests and forestry 'in the Baltic provinces of R. 25619 Forests and forestry of Northern R. 24657 History. Montgomery, G. Historia ofver kriget emellan Sverige och Rvssland. 1808-9. 15141 See also Crimean war ; Peter I. Nihilism. Buckley, J. M. Nihilism. (In his Midnight sun, etc.) 27383 Rae, J. Russian nihilism. ( In his Contemp. socialism.) 24424 Stepniak, pseud. Underground Russia. 23026 See also Politics, below. Language. See Slavic nations. Literature. Dupuy, E. The great masters of Russian literature: Gogol, Turgenef, Tolstoi. 27194 Vogue, E. M. de. The Russian novelists. 28828 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 561 (Poetry. Collections.} Hapgood, I. F. The epic songs of Russia. 26322 Wilson, C. T. Russian lyrics in Eng. verse. 28587 The Library has works by the following authors: Dostoievsky, T. ; Kokhanovsky, Mme. ; Tolstoi, L. N. ; Turgenef, I. S.; Gogol, N. V. For works in Russian see Turgenef, I. S. ; Nekrasov, N. A. National character, social life, etc. Guild, C. Britons and Muscovites; or, Traits of two empires. 29137 Hoffman, W. Russian superstitions. (In his Leis. hrs.) 24252 Stepniak, pseud. The Russian peasantry ; their agrarian cond., soc. life, and religion. 29823 - Wight, O. W. (In his People, etc.) 30381 Navy. Reed, E. J., and Simpson, E. (In their Mod. ships of war.) 29104 Politics. Baxter, W. E. England and Russia in Asia. (Imp. parl.) 26566 Noble, E. The Russian revolt; its causes, condition, and prospects. 25449 Stepniak, S., pseud. Russia under the tzars. 25356 The Russian storm-cloud; or, Russia in her rel. to neighboring coun- tries. 26879 Towle, G. M. England and Russia in Asia. 25463 Vambery, A. The coming struggle for India; encroachments of R. in Cent. Asia. 25683 Wight, O. W. The place of R. in the European system. (In his People, etc.) 30381 Prisons. Kropotkine, P. In Russian and French prisons. 28644 War resources. Maurice, J. F. (In his Balance of military power.) 29621 "Russia's hope," The ; or, Britannia no longer rules the wave ; fr. the Russian by O. J. Cooke ; pref . by W. B. Kingston. 30197 Russian church. See Russia. Ecclesiastical affairs. Russian proprietor ; A ; by L. N. Tolstoi'. 28912 Russian refugee, The ; by H. W. Wilson. 28374 Russo, Rev. N. The true religion [Roman Catholic] and its dogmas. 26951 Russo-Afghan frontier. Temple, R. (In his Cosmopolitan essays.) 27601 Rustem, Story of ; by A. J. Church. ( In his Stor. of magicians.) 27549 Rustic rhymes and ballads ; by Mrs. E. T. Corbett. 24681 Rustic Zenobia, A ; [parody] ; by H. F. Lester. (In his Ben D'yrnion.) 29395 Rusty linchpin, The ; [by] Mme. Kokhanovsky. 28319 Ruth, Story of ; by E. R. Charles. (In her Old story of Bethle- hem. 24623 Rutherford, Mark. See Shapcott, R. Also Mark Rutherford. Rutherford or Rutherfurd, S. Taylor, W. M. (In his Scot- tish pulpit.) 28910 Rutherford ; by E. Fawcett. 24473 Rutley, F. Rock-forming minerals. Illust. 30744 Rutter, J. H. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Ruy Bias ; by V. Hugo. (In his Dram, works.) 29385 Ryan, D. J. Arbitration between capital and labor ; hist, and argument. 25678 Rydberg, A. V. Om menniskans forut-tillvaro ; samt Genmale till Biskop Beckman. 15098 562 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ryder, J. A. Sketch of the life-history of the oyster. (In U. S. Geol. Surv. Kept., 1882-3.) ' 25283 Rye, W. History of Norfolk. (Pop. county histories.) 25920 Paper-chasing and cross-country running. (In Shearman, M. Athletics, etc.} *I Rylands, L. G. Crime ; its causes and remedy. 30869 S., D. T., pseud. See Balch, E. S., G. C. Aterblick pa hogtidligheterne i Paris, 1840, i anled- ning af forflyttandet af Napoleons stoft fran St. Helena till Frankrike. 15157 S., H. M. Thusie's fourth of July. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 S., J., of Dale, pseud. See Stimson, F. J. S., M. E. W. See Sherwood, M. E. (W.) Saadi or Sadi. See Sadi. Saadia or Saadias. Schindler, S. Saadia and his time. (In his Dissolving views.) 29700 Sabbath . See Sunday. Sabians. Poole, S. L. Sabians and Christians of St. John. (In his Studies.) 23080 Sabina Zembra ; by W. Black. 28109 Sabine, L. Moose Island and its dependencies ; Early eccles. hist, of Eastport. (In Kilby, W. H. Eastport, etc.) 30649 Sabine's deception ; fr. the French of the Princess O. Canta- cuzene-Altieri. 29179 Sable", M. (de S.) de L., marquise de. Eliot, G., pseud. Woman in France ; Mme. de Sable. (7^ her Essays.) 23545 Sacher-Masoch, L. v. Artaban und Pachomia. (In Schick, L. Coll. Nov., v. 3.) 16521 Der ewige Student. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 2.) 16520 Sachs, H. Hedge, F. H. (In his Hours with Germ, classics.) 26670 MacCullum, M. W. Hans Sachs and the mastersong. (In his Stud.) 23961 Sachs, J. von. Lectures on the physiology of plants ; tr. by H. M. Ward. Wood cuts. 29637 Text-book of Botany. See Goebel, K. Sacraments. See Baptism ; Lord's supper. Sacred nugget, The ; by B. L. Farjeon* 25870 Sacred poetry. Saunders, F. Evenings with the sacred poets ; talks about the singers and their songs. 26453 Sacred scriptures of the world. See Schermerhorn, M. K. Sacred song. See Religious poetry. Sacs et parchemins ; par J. Sandeau. 14405 Sadi, Musli uddin. The Garden of fragrance ; tr. of the Bostan of S. into Eng. verse ; by G, S. Davie. 23022 - With Sa'di in the garden; or, The book of love; 3d chapt. of the Bostan of S. embodied in a dialogue, by E. Arnold. 30361 Davie, G. S. Brief sketch of the life of S. (In Sadi, Musli uddin. Gar- den of fragrance.) 23022 Safety lamp. Remsen, I. Fire-damp and the safety lamp. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Safford, M. J. The Christmas country; and other tales;' written and translated by S. 27095 Our queer pet; Boys' B. C.; Two Persian schoolboys. (In her Christ- mas country, etc.) 27095 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 563 - and Allen, M. E. Health and strength for girls. 23894 Safford, T. H. Mathematical teaching and its mod. methods. (Monographs on educ.) 27535 Sagas. Vicary, J. F. Saga time. 28669 Saghalinian, A ; tale of a vagrant ; by V. Korolenko. (In few Vagrant, etc.) 28970 Saigon. Scott, J. G. (In his France and Tongking.) 25921 Sailor boys, The, of '61 ; by J. R. Soley. 30462 Sailors. See Seamanship. St. Albans, Duchess of. See Beauclerk, H. M. St. Andrews, University of. Shairp, J. C. The earliest Scot- tish university. (In his Sketches.) 29640 St. Asaph, Diocese of. Thomas, D. R. St. Asaph. 29766 St. Augustine, Florida. Reynolds, C. B. Old Saint Augus- tine ; story of three centuries. 25041 St. Bartholomew's day. Du Bois-Melly, C. History of Nich- olas Muss ; episode of the massacre. 29798 St. Briavels ; by M. Deane. 27388 St. David's, Diocese of, Wales. Bevan, W. L. St. David's. 29737 St. George and the dragon ; story of boy life ; by M. Sidney [H.M. Lothrop]. 29452 St. George for England ; tale of Cressy and Poitiers ; by G. A. Henty. 28044 Saint-Germain, J. T. de, pseud. See Tardieu, J. R. Saint Gregory's quest ; by J. G. Whittier. 26554 St. Helena. Ellis, A. B. (In his West African islands.) 25419 Saint Indefatigable. See Sarle, A. P. St. Jago de Chili. See Santiago. St. John, H., Viscount Bolingbroke. Harrop, R. Boling- broke ; a polit. study and criticism. 24841 Stebbing, W. Two leaders of society and of opposition. (In his Some verdicts of hist.) 28582 St. John, 8. Hayti, or the Black republic. 24866 St. John Indians. Kilby, W. H. The Passamaquoddy tribe of Indians. (In his Eastport, etc.} 30649 - Leland, C. G. The Algonquin legends of New Eng. ; or, Myths and folk lore. 24484 St. John's eve ; by Is. V. Gogol. 26920 St. Johnston, A. Camping among cannibals. 23561 Charlie Asgarde ; story of a friendship. 24789 St. Lawrence, Gulf of. Benjamin, S. G. W. (In his Cruise of the Alice May.) 24720 St Louis, Mo. Snow, M. S. City government of St. Louis. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 5.) *I St. Louis Manual Training School of Washington University. Woodward, C. M. The manual training school ; its aims, methods, and results. 29172 Saint Michael ; by E. Werner [E. Buerstenbiuder]. 27673 St. Michael, Island of. Walker, W. F. (In his Azores.) 26612 St. Moritz. Wise, A. T. (In his Alpine winter.) 27068 Saint Mungo's city ; by S. Tytler [H. Keddie]. 25627 St. Nicholas. V. 10-15. 13132-7 564 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. St. Nicholas songs. Illust. *I Saint-Nicolas,- La ; par A. Theuriet. (In his (Euvres.) 14842 Saint or sinner ; by L. C. Wyman. (In her Poverty grass.) 26940 Saint Patrick ; by C. H. W. [H. W. Chaplin]. (In his Five hundred dollars, etc.) 29000 St. Patrick's day. Brooks, E. S. The last of the Geraldines ; a St. Patrick's day story, 1540. (In his Stor. holidays.) 28749 St. Paul, Minn. Newson, T. M. Pen pictures of St. P. ; and biog. sk. of old settlers. Vol. 1. 29810 Shaw, A. Building societies of St. P. (In his Cooperation.) 29126 Saint Petersburg. Description and travels. Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 2.) 25068 Hoffman, W. (In his Leis. hrs. in Russia.) 24252 Stoddard, J. L. The cities of the Czar. (In his Red-letter days abroad.) 23294 Saint Pierre, J. H. B. de. Paul och Virginie ; ofverstittning af W. Stalberg. 15099 Fields, J. T. Saint Pierre. (In Partoii, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Saint-Simon, C. H., comte de. Ely, R. T. Saint-Simon. (In his Fr. and Germ, socialism.) 23156 St. Valentine's day. Brooks, E. S. Mr. Pepy's valentine ; a St. Valentine's day story, 1664. (In his Stor. holidays.) 28749 St. Valery-eu-Caux. Desertion. Hargreaves, T. (In his Voyage.) 23950 St. Vincent, island. Ellis, A. B. (In his West African islands.) 25419 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Causeries du lundi ; select, and ed. by G. Saintsbury. 26513 Victor Hugo. (In Crane, T. F. Le romantisme frangais.) 28116 Saintsbury, G. Life and writings of Saiute-Beuve. (In Sainte-Beuve, d others. Progressive Orthodoxy; contrib. to the interpretation of Chr. doctrines. 26099 Contents. Introduction. The incarnation. The atonement. Escha- tology. The work of the Holy Spirit. The Christian. Christianity and missions. The Scriptures. Conclusion; Christianity absolute and uni- versal. Smyth, J. Dexter, H. M. True story of John Smythe, the Se-baptist. *I Smyth, N. See Smyth, S. P. N. Smyth (S. P.) N. Christian facts and forces. 28689 The morality of the Old Testament. 27599 The reality of faith. 24496 Social problems ; sermons to workingmen. 25459 Contents. Claims of labor. Use and abuse of capital. Social helps. Smyth. See Smith. Snagged and sunk ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 30102 Snakes. See Serpents. Snap-dragons ; by J. H. Ewing. 29801 Snead, T. L. The fight for Missouri fr. the election of Lin- coln to the death of Lyon. Maps. 26355 Snelus, G. J. Jeans, W. T. (In his Creators of the age of steel.) 23628 Snider, D. J. An epigrammatic voyage. 27001 Goethe's Faust; comment, on the literary Bibles of the Occident. 2 pts. 27984-5 History of the Faust poem. (In Concord Sch. of Phil. Lect.) 26347 Snob. Perry, T. S. Evolution of the snob. 27506 Snorri (or Snorro) Sturleson (or Sturluson). Snorre's Edda. See Edda. Snow, E. En rost fran laudet Zion, mittuesbord af de lef- wande och de dode ; samladt af S. 15185 Snow, F. Wright, W. B. (In his World to come.) 28693 Snow, H. See Kynaston, H. Snow, M. S. City government of St. Louis. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 5.) *I Snowball, The ; by I. Ring. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Snow-bound ; by J. G. Whittier. 23098 Snow-bound at Eagle's ; by Bret Harte. 26325 Snow-shoes. King, H. E. Home-made snow-shoes. (In Vance, F. T., and others. Ways for boys.) 28913 Snowdonia. See Wales. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 599 Snug harbor ; by O. Optic [W. T. Adams]. 23362 Soap. Watt, A. Art of soap-making ; pract. hand-book. 23996 Soap-bubble question, The ; by A. D. T. Whitney. (In her Homespun yarns.) 27355 Sobieski, J. See John III. [Sobieski] . Social experiment, A ; by A. E. P. Searing. 25795 Social life and literature 50 years ago; [by H. W. S. Cleve- land]. 29832 Social problems, Social science. See Sociology. Socialism. Barnett, S. A. and H. O. Practicable social re- form. 30515 Behrends, A. J. F. Socialism and Christianity. 26801 Brown, T. E. Studies in mod. S. and labor problems. 26804 Ely, R. T. French and German S. in mod. times. 23156 Recent American S. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 3.) *I Gladden, W. The strength and weakness of S. (In his Appl. Christ.) 27203 Gronlund, L. A. The cooperative commonwealth in its oultines; ex- position of mod. S. 24017 Hyndman, H. M. Hist, basis of S. in Eng. 23849 Kirkup, T. Inquiry into socialism. 29392 Laveleye, V. L. E. de. The S. of to-day; with acct. of S. in Eng., by O. G. H. Orpen. 26710 Mallock, W. H. Property and progress; inq. into contemp. social agi- tation in Eng. 24025 Morris, W. Signs of change; lectures. 30739 Newton, R. H. Religious aspect of S. (In his Soc. stud.) 27685 Pearson, K. Moral basis of S.; S. in theory and practice. (In his Ethic of free thought.) 30039 Rae, J. Contemporary socialism. 24424 Savage, M. J. (In his Social problems.) 27096 Scudder, M. L., Jr. The labor-value fallacy. 24287 Spencer, H. The coming slavery. (In his Man versus the State.) 24433 Strong, J. Perils Socialism. (In his Our country.) 13279 - Thompson, D. G. The socialistic family. (In his Problem of evil.) 29646 Toynbee, A. Are radicals socialists? ( In his Lect.) 24386 Walker, F. A. Socialism. (In Phillips Exeter Acad. Lect.) 27997 See also Christian socialism; Communism; Germany : Nihilism; Socialists of the Chair. Socialistic labor party. Ely, R. T. (InhisRec. Amer. socialism.) *I Socialists of the Chair. Rae, J. (In his Contemp. socialism.) 24424 Societies. See Secret societies. Society. Savage, M. J. In his Man, woman, etc.) 24204 Society for Political Education. Economic tracts ; namely : Atkinson, E. The railway, the farmer, and the public. 26793 Bayles, J. C. The shop council. 28068 Bowker, R. R. Civil-service examinations. 27178 Of work and wealth. 23335 Primer for political education. 26957 Canfield, J.H. Taxation. 23217 Electoral reform; with the Mass. Ballot Reform Act, and New York (Saxton) Bill. 30768 Ford, W. (J. The standard silver dollar, etc. 19170 Foster, W. E. References to the hist, of presidential administrations, 1789-1885. 25547 Giffen, R. Progress of the working classes, etc. 25047 Green, G. W. Repudiation. 23570 Hall, C. H. Patriotism and national defence. 26103 lies, G. The liquor question in politics. 30758 Richardson, H. W. The standard dollar. 24552 Shepard, E. M. The competitive test, etc. 24551 Work of a social teacher. 23928 Weeks, J. D. Labor differences and their settlement. 26399 Williams, T. Labor a hundred years ago. 29852 600 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Chief anc. phi- losophies ; namely: Smith, I. G. Ethics of Aristotle. 28581 Diocesan histories ; namely : Benham, W. Winchester. 26482 Beresford, W. Lichtield. 26032 Bevan, W. L. St. David's. 29737 Hunt, W. The Somerset diocese, Bath and Wells. 26496 Jenkins, R. C. Canterbury. 26498 Jessopp, A. Norwich. 26036 Jones, W. H. Salisbury. 26497 Low, J. L. Durham. 26499 Marshall, E. Oxford. 26072 Ornsby, G. York. 26055 Phillott, H. W. Hereford. 29760 Poole, G. A. Peterborough. 26511 Smith, I. G., and Onslow, P. Worcester. 26060 Stephens, W. R. W. The South Saxon diocese, Selsey Chichester. 26516 Thomas, D. R. St. Asaph. 29766 Early Britain ; namely : Hunt, W. Norman Britain. 24368 Scarth, H. M. Roman Britain. 23132 Early chroniclers of Europe ; namely : Balzani, U. Italy. 23337 The home library ; namely : Masson, G. Richelieu. 25121 The people's library; namely : Stuart. J. A chapter on science; or, What is a law of nature; lect. 24868 Publications ; namely : Charles, E R. An old story of Bethlehem. 24623 Cutts, E. L. Turning points of Eng. Ch. history. 23000 Turning points of gen. Ch. history. 23001 Dennis, J. Heroes of literature ; Eng. poets. 23445 Earle, J. The dawn of European literature : Anglo-Saxon literature. 24356 Ewing, J. H. Brothers of pity. 26376 Old-fashioned fairy tales. 26378 Story of a short life. 26379 Garnett, W. Heroes of science : physicists. 27564 Lane, C. A. Illustrated notes on Eng. Church history to the reforma- tion. 28645 Lyster, A. Alone in crowds. 25116 Muriel's two crosses. 24856 Two old maids. 25118 Molesworth, Mrs. The little old portrait. 25308 Morfill, W. R. The dawn of European literature : Slavonic literature. 23966 Muir, M. M. P. Heroes of science : chemists. 23589 Society in London ; by a foreign resident. 25613 Society verse. See Pierson, E. DeL. Sociology. About, E. F. V. Handbook of soc. economy. 25930 Bascom, J. Sociology. 28487 Clapperton, J. H. Scientific meliorism and the evolution of happiness. 27140 Davies, J. L. Soc. quest, fr. the point of view of Christ, theology. 26418 Devas, C. S. Studies of family life ; contrib. to soc. science. 26577 Dole, C. F. The citizen and the neighbor. 24009 Fiske, J. Sociology and hero worship. (In his Excursions.) 23373 George, H. Social problems. 23842 Gladden, W. Applied Christianity ; moral aspects of soc. questions. 27203 Graham, W. The soc. problem in its econom., mor., and polit. aspects. 27145 Johnson, J., Jr. Rudimentary society among boys. 24229 Same. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 2.) I* Jones, H. The social organism. (In Seth,' A., and Haldane, R. B. Es- says.) 23448 Knighton, W. Struggles for life. 30480 Loyson, C. J. M. (Father Hyacinthe.) The reformation of the family. 23380 Manigault, G. A political creed ; ans. to H. George's "Progress and poverty." 28518 Morison, J. C. The service of man ; essay towards the relig. of the future. 27939 Newton, R. H. Social studies. 27685 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 601 Pearson, K. (In his Ethic of free thought.) 30039 Savage, M. J. Social problems. 27096 Smyth, S. P. N". Social problems ; sermons to workingmen. 25459 Spencer, H. Principles of sociology. Pt. 6. 17783 Sumner, W. G. Collected essays in polit. and soc. science. 25525 What social classes owe to each other. 23116 Temple, R. Soc. science in Eng. C In his Cosmopolitan essays.) 27601 Thwing, C. F. and C. F. B. The family; hist, and soc. study. 27482 Tolstoi, L. N. What to do? thoughts evoked by the census of Moscow. 28609 Ward, L. F. Dynamic sociology; Appl. soc. science, as based upon statical S. 2 v. 23327-8 Wasson, D. A. Social texture ; Conditions of soc. productiveness. (In his Essays.) 30823 - White, A. The problems of a great city. 27713 See also Co-operation; Labor; Poor. Socrates Atheniensis. Plato. A day in Athens with S. ; trans. fr. the Protagoras and the Republic. 23485 Talks with S. abt. life : trans, f r. the Gorgias and the Republic. 27786 - Trial and death of S. ; being the Euthyphron, Apology, Crito, and Phsedo. 27594 Zeller, E. G. Socrates and the Socratic schools. 28450 Soeur Agathe ; by J. A. Harrison. (In his Autrefois.) 30330 Solange. See Mademoiselle Solange. Solberg, T. Bibliography of Scandinavia ; catalogue of books in the Eng. language rel. to Scandinavian countries. (In Horn, F. W. Hist, of the lit. of S.) 23453 Soley, J. R. Report on foreign systems of naval education. (U. S. Cong. 46th, 2d. Sen. Ex. doc., no. 51.) 154'77 The sailor boys of '61. 30462 joint author. See Schley, W. S. Solitaire (game at cards). See Patience. Sollas, W. J. Spongire. (In Duncan, P. M. Cassell's nat. hist., v. 6.) 24961 Solomon, King of the Jews. MacCullum, M. W. Solomon in Europe. (In his Studies.) 23961 Solomon islands. Coote, W. (In his Western Pacific.) 23577 Guppy, H. B. The Solomon Is. and their natives. *I The Solomon Is. ; their geology, gen. features, and suitability for col- onization. *I Solomon's temple. See Jerusalem. Solon. Cox, G. W. (In his Lives of Greek statesmen.) 25598 Soltera, M. A lady's ride across Spanish Honduras. Illust. 25086 Some bad boys of Bybury ; by A. B. H. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Some of our fellows ; by T. S. Millington. 29096 Some one else ; by B. M. Croker. 25189 Some other folks ; by S. P. McLean [S. P. M. Greene]. 23547 Some professional recollections ; by a former member of the Incorporated Law Society. 23599 Contents. A romance of the peerage. Some singular wills. Master and man. Fishery troubles. An unexpected reverse. Dry bones. The Carron Company. Notes on a vacation tour. Some things abroad ; by A. McKenzie. 30435 "Somebody's" story; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. 27034 Somers, J., Ld. Adams, W. H. D. (In his Learned in the law.) 29913 Somerset, E., 2d Marquis of Worcester. Parton, J. Marquis of Worcester, inventor of the steam-engine. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 602 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Somerset, F. J. H., Baron Raglan. Edgar, J. G. (In his Heroes of Eng.) Somerset, H. C. F., Duke of Beaufort. Driving; with contrib. by other authorities. Illust. (Badminton lib.) and Morris, M. Hunting ; with contrib. by the Earl of Suffolk and Berk- shire, etc. Illust. (Badminton lib.) and "Watson, A. E. T. Badminton library of sports and pastimes, v. 1-11, namely : V.I. Somerset, H.C.F., and Morris, M. Hunting. 2, 3. Pennell, H. C. Fishing. 4. Howard, II. C., Craven, W. G., and others. Rac- ing and steeple-chasing. 5, 6. Grey, T. de, Ld. Walsingham, Gall- wey, R. P., and others. Shooting. 7. Keppel, W. C., Viscount Bury, and Hillier, G. L. Cycling. 8. Shearman, M. Athletics and football. 9. Woodgate, W. B. Boating; with introd. by E. Warre, and chapt. on rowing at Eton, by R. H. Mason. 1O. Steel, A. G., and Lyttelton, R. H. Cricket. 11. Somerset, H. C. F. Driving. Somerset diocese. See Bath and Wells. Somersetshire, Eng. Boger, Mrs. E. Myths, scenes, and worthies of S. Somerville, Mrs. M. (F.), previously Mrs. Greig. Adams, W. H. D. (In his Celebrated Englishwomen, v. 2.) Browne, P. Mrs. Somerville. (World's workers.) Parton, J. (In his Noted women.) Somnambulism. Lyman, H. M. (In his Insomnia, etc.) Son of a star, The ; by B. W. Richardson. Son of consolation, The ; by H. King. (In his Savage Lon- don.) Son, The, of his father ; by Mrs. Oliphant. Son Philip ; by G. M. Fenn. ( With his Terrible coward.) Song and story ; by E. Fawcett. Song celestial, The. See Bhagavadgita. Song without words. (In Silver lock, etc.) Songs (with the music). Hills, W. H. Students' songs; as sung at Harvard, Yale, etc. 23693 *I 29837 24655 29014 23433 28382 30814 30735 27627 28021 24183 29929 23471 25791 *I *I *I 30567 *I McCaskey, J. P. Franklin Square song collection. No. 2, 3. 23901 ; Our national war songs. Our war songs, North and South. St. Nicholas songs. Walker, G., and Jenks, H. S. Songs and games for little ones. War songs for soldiers; select, of songs and hyms for Memorial day. Songs (without the music) . See Ballads ; also the division Literature under the names of countries. Songs and verses ; by G. J. W. Melville. 26053 Songs at the start ; by L. I. Guiney. 24186 Songs fr. the novelists ; ed. by W. D. Adams. 26557 Songs of fair weather ; by M. Thompson. 23298 Songs of history; by H. Butterworth. 28676 Songs of the silent world ; by E. S. Phelps. 24585 Songs of two worlds ; by L. Morris. 23036 Songs unsung ; by L. Morris. 23705 Sonnets. Sharp, W. The sonnet ; its characteristics and hist. (In his Sonnets.) 30365 Collections. Sharp, W. Sonnets of this century. 30365 Waddington, S. Sonnets of Europe; translations; with notes. 30566 See also Europe. Literature. Sonnets. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 603 Sonora. Description, etc. Ober, F. A. Sonora and the Apache country. (In his Travels in Mexico.) *I Sons and daughters ; by [E. O. Kirk]. 27768 Sontag, H., afterwards Countess Rossi. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima donna, v. 1.) 29598 Sophocles. (Edipus the king ; tr. into Eng. verse by E. D. A. Morshead. 25635 Plays and fragments; with crit. notes, commentary, and trans, in Eng. prose, by R. C. Jebb. 25803 Contents." Pt. 1. CEdjpus tyramms. DeQuincey, T. The Antigone of S., as represented on the Edinburgh stage. * (In his Literary criticism.) 23082 Packard, L. R. The (Edipus Rex, The (Edipus at Kolonos, The Anti- gone of S. (In his Stud.) 26676 Sophomores of Radcliffe ; by E. Kellogg. 9667 Sorcerer, The ; by W. S. Gilbert. (In Ms Orig. comic operas.) 28918 Sordello's story retold in prose ; by A. Wall. 27129 Sorel, A. Montesquieu ; tr. by M. B. and E. P. Anderson. (Gr. Fr. writers.) 30463 Sorghum. Collier, P. Sorghum ; its culture and manufac- ture, econom. considered. 24563 Sorley, W. R. The historical method. (In Seth, A., and Haldane, R. B. Essays.) 23448 Sothern, E. A. Florence, W. J. Sothern. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 4.) 26475 Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 2.) 30325 Soto, F. or H. de. Gilman, A. The burial in the river. (In his Tales.) 24910 - Wrigtrt* H. C. (In her Children's stories.) 26094 Soubies, A. Une premiere par jour; causeries sur le theatre. 14929 Soudan. Burleigh, B. Desert warfare ; chronicle of the East- ern S. campaign. 24659 Colborne, J. With Hicks Pasha in the S. ; acct. of the Senaar campaign, 1883. 25597 James, F. L. The wild tribes of the S. ; travel and sport. 23305 - McCarthy, J. H. The Soudan. (In his Eng. under Gladstone.) 24371 Sartorius, E. Three months in the Soudan. 25407 Speedy, C. M. My wanderings in the Soudan. 2 v. 25087-8 Williams, J. Life in the S. ; adv. among the tribes. 24872 Wilson, C. W. From Korti to Khartum; journal of the desert march fr. Korti and the ascent of the Nile in Gen. Gordon's steamers. 26519 /See also Khartoom. Souff ranees de Claude Blouet ; par A. Theuriet. (In his (Euvres.) 14842 Sought and found; [by] G. Raimund [B. H. Friedrich]. 30636 Soul. Haeckel, E. Cell-souls and soul-cells. (In his Pedi- gree of man.) 26284 Swedenborg, E. The soul ; or, Rational psychology. 29457 Soul, The, of the far East ; by P. Lowell. 30433 Soul's tragedy. See Browning, R. Soule Photograph Co., Boston, Mass. Illustrations to Brown- ing ; photographs illustrating "The ring and the book," and ' 'Selections fr. B." 2 v. (Vol. 1 contains 68 ; Vol. 2, 111.) *I Sound. See Acoustics. I 604 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Soupiere, La ; come"die ; par M. E. d'Hervilly. ( With his Vent d'ouest.) (In Theatre contem p.) 14897 Soups. Murray, T. J. Fifty soups. 25233 South, The (meaning the Southern States of the U. S.). Cable, G. W. The silent South, etc. 25971 Deming, C. The southern planter. (In his Byways.) 23664 Field, H. M. Blood is thicker than water; a few days among our south- ern brethren. 27390 Fortune, T. T. Black and white; land, labor, and politics in the South. 24747 Harris, J. C. Nights with Uncle Remus; myths and legends of the old plantation. 23277 Kelley, W. D. The old South and the new. 29085 McClure, A. K. The South; its industrial, financial, and political con- dition. 26877 Raum, G. B. The existing conflict bet. republican government and southern oligarchy. 24680 Description and travels. Butterworth, H. Zigzag journey in the sunny South. 26978 Champney, L. W. Three Vassar girls at home. 29442 Hardy, Lady I. D. Down South. 23444 Education. Mayo, A. D. Industrial education in the South. (U. S. Bur. of Educ. Circ. of inf.) 19190 See also Georgia. Also Convicts; Freedmen; Slavery. South America. Antiquities. Thurn, E. F. im. Indian antiquities. (In his Among the Indians.) *I Description and travels. Champney, L. W. Three Yassar Girls in So. America. 24560 Knight, E. F. Cruise of the "Falcon." 2 v. 23699-700 - Knox, T. W. The boy travellers in So. America. 25741 See also Andes; Pampas. Also Argentine Republic ; Paraguay ; Uruguay. Geology. Darwin, C. R. Geological obs. dur. the voyage of H. M. S. "Beagle." 26700 History. Watson, R. G. Spanish and Portuguese So. Amer. dur. the colonial period. 2 v. 23868-9 See also Chili. Natural history. Ball, J. Notes of a naturalist in So. America. 28392 Zoology. Duncan, P. M. Ancient and mod. animals of So. America. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 South American editor ; by E. E. Hale. ( In his The man without a country, etc.) 28201 South Carolina. Ramage, B. J. Local government and free schools in So. Carolina. ( In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 1.) *I Reconstruction. Allen, W. Governor Chamberlain's administration in So. Carolina. 29439 South-County neighbors ; by E. B. Carpenter. 28753 South Kensington Museum. Science and Art Dept. Art hand-books ; ed. by W. Markell ; namely : Church, A. H. English earthenware. Precious stones. Gasnault, P., and Gamier, E. French pottery, Maskell, A. Russian art and art objects in Russia. Poole, S. L. Art of the Saracens in Egypt. *I Examination questions in painting. (In Standage, H. C. Artists' manual.) 26715 Science hand-books ; namely : Bell, J. Chemistry of foods, pt. 1, 2. 26222-3 Church, A. H. Plain words about water. 26229 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 605 South Sea islands. Wheeler, C. Extracts fr. letters rel. to the So. Sea Is. (In Wheeler, D. Mem. App.) 23515 See also Polynesia. Southampton, 'Eng. Davies, J. S. History of Southampton. 23942 Southern planter, A, Memorials of. See Dabney, T. S. G. Southern silhouettes ; by J. H. Walworth. 28829 Southey, C. A. (B). Robertson, E. S. (I his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Southey, R. Chronicle of the Cid ; fr. the Spanish. Introd. by H. Morley. 23334 Robert Southey; story of his life written in his letters; ed. by J. Dennis. 29111 Caine, T. H. '"The Lake School." (In his Cobwebs of criticism.) 25620 Dennis, J. (In his Heroes of literature.) 23445 - (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 - Mason, E. T. (In his Pers. traits, v. 1.) 25228 South worth, G. C. S. Six lectures introd. to the study of Eng. literature. 17998 Souvenirs of my time ; by J. B. Fremont. 28125 Souvenirs of some continents ; by A. Forbes. 25661 Sower's reward, The; by [A. Manning]. 26175 Space. Proctor, R. A. Dream-space. (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Spain. Art. Smith, G. W. Painting ; Spanish and French. *I - Washburn, E. W. The Span, masters ; outline of the hist, of painting in S. 23807 Constitution. Curry, J. L. M. Constitutional government in S. 30781 Description and travels. Ballon, M. M. (In his Due west. ) 23522 Corning, C. R. (In his Aalesuncl to Tetuan.) 30307 - Field, H. M. Old and new Spain. 30842 Hale, E. E. Seven Spanish cities, and the way to them. 23163 - Hale, S. A family flight thr. S. 23376 - Hollingshead, J. 'Spain: thumb-nail sketches. (In his Footlights.) 23697 - Kingston, W. B. (In his Wanderer's notes, v. 2.) 30595 - Leek, J. Iberian sketches. 24088 Lomas, J. Sketches in Spain fr. nature, art, and life. 25303 - M'Collester, S. H. Spain and Madrid. (In his After-thoughts.) 23634 Manning, S. Span, pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 19177; *I O'Shea, J A. Romantic Spain ; pers. experiences. 2 v. 27942-3 Stoddard, J. L. Travels in sunny S. (In his Red-letter days.) 23294 - Warner, C. D. (In his Roundabout journey.) 23412 School of Forest Engineers. Brown, J. C. School of Forest Eng. in S., indicative of a type for a Brit. nat. school of forestry. 13988 History. Hale. E. E. and S. The story of Spain. 26820 Malleson, G. B. War of the Spanish succession. (In his Prince Eugene.) 30178 I'arnell, A. The war of the succession in Spain, 1702-11; based on orig. mss. and contemp. records. 30185 - Robertson, J. B. Ancient polit. institutions of S. (In his Pub. lect.) 26287 - History of S. in the 18th cent. (In his Lect. on mod. hist.) 23039 Language. ( Conversation.) Guernsey. F. R., and Machado, J. F. A-B-C Spanish phrase book, for Amer. travellers in Mexico ; with treat, on pronunciation. 24989 Ybarra, A. Pract. method for learning Spanish. 24298 (G-rammars.) Rosenthal, R. S. The Meisterschaft system; method of acquiring fluency in the Span, language. 24202 (Idioms.} Becker, S. C., and Mora, F. Spanish idioms; with their Eng. equivalents. 28230 40 606 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. (Pronunciation.} Kroeh, C. F. Pronunciation of Spanish in S. and Amer.; with directions. 30346 (Readers.) Knapp, W. I. Modern Spanish readings; text, notes, etc. 23171 Literature. (Collections.} Morris, C. (In his Half-hours, etc., v. 4.) 30446 (Drama.} The Library has plays in Spanish by Calderon de la Barca, P. (Fiction.} The Library has works in Spanish by the following authors : Alarcon, P. A. de; Perez Galdos, B.; Valera, J. ; Navarrette, J. ; Becquer, G. A.', and translations from Valdes, A. P.; Escrich, E. P. (Legends.} Middlemore, M. T. H. Round a posada fire ; Spanish legends. 27708 Spanish legendary tales. 25747 Navy. Reed, E. J., and Simpson, E. (In their Mod. ships of war.) 29104 Spalding, J. F. Teaching and infl. of Saint Augustine ; essay with ref . to rec. misapprehensions. 27127 Spalding, W. Smith, J. C. Biographical notice. (In his Writings.) 25607 Spalding's base ball guide, 1883. 22906 Spangenburg, L. The fatigue of metals under repeated strains. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 24135 Spanish America. Curtis, W. E. The capitals of Spanish America. 29796 Mayer, W. F. The revolt of Span. Amer. 23818 Spanish Armada. Bourne, H. R. F. The great armada fight. (In his Eng. seamen, v. 2.) 29739 Spanish barber, The; by [A. Manning]. 26172 Spare hours. See Holbrook, K. Spare minute series; namely: Cuyler, T. L. Right to the point. 23768 Sparhawk, F. C. Little Polly Blatchley. 30464 Spark, W. Musical memories. 30877 Contents. M. Costa. J. Benedict. Mendelssohn. L. Spohr. Meyer- beer. S. S. Wesley. H. R. Bishop. W. S. Bennett. J. Goss. M.*W. Balfe. M. V. Wallace. S. Thalberg. G. Linley. Grisi and Mario. Titiens and Giuglini. G. A. Macfarren and W. C. Macfarren. H. Smart. J. L. Hatton. A. Patti. E. J. Hopkins. Letters on musical conductors. Vocal music a necessary branch of education. Sparkes, J. C. L., ed. The Fine- Art Library; namely: Delaborde, H. Engraving; tr. by R. A. M. Stevenson. 27698 Duval, M. Artistic anatomy. 25696 Havard, H. The Dutch school of painting. 25663 Muentz, E. Short history of tapestry. 26595 Sparrow, the tramp ; by L. F. Wesselhoeft. 30139 Sparta. Sankey, C. The Spartan and Theban supremacies. 26189 Speaking. See Elocution. Specht, G. J., and others. Topographical surveying. 25355 Contents. Specht, G. J. Topographical surveying. Hardy. A. S. New methods in topographical surveying. McMaster, J. B. Geometry of position appl. to surveying. Walling, H. F. Co-ordinate surveying. Species. Brooks, W. K. The law of heredity ; cause of vari- ation, and origin of living organisms. 23143 Specter of Strathannan ; by W. E. Norris. (Li Norman, H. The witching time.) 27331 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 607 Spectral mortgage, The ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his The Lady.) 24037 Speculation. See Stock exchange. Speculative spirit, A ; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus], (In his Hound together. ) 24903 Speech. See Language. Speech, Impediments of. Browne, L., and Behnke, E. De- fects of speech ; stammering and stuttering. ( In their Voice, song, etc.) *I Speech and manners. See Etiquette. Speed, J., Att'y-Gen. Abraham Lincoln. (7;* Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Speed, J., M. D. See Davis, J. S. History of Southampton. Speed, J. J. Relations of health associations to the pract. of medicine. (In Amer. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I Speed, J. F. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln ; and Notes of a visit to California ; lect. ; with Sketch of his life. 24034 Speedy, C. M. My wanderings in the Soudan. 2 v. 25087-8 Spell, The, of Ashtaroth ; by D. Osborne. 29814 Spell, The, of home ; after the German of E. Werner [E. Buerstenbinder] . 29300 Spencer, E. A. Hints fr. a lawyer; legal adv. with ref. to property, etc. 29703 Spencer, Mrs. G. E. Calamity Jane ; story of the Black Hills. 28820 Dennis Day, carpet-bagger; or, The story of Mary. 28534 Spencer, H. The factors of organic evolution; repr. fr. The Nineteenth Century. 27846 The man versus the State. 24433 Contents. The new toryism. The coming slavery. The sins of legis- lators. The great political superstition. Nature and reality of religion; controversy bet. F. Harrison and S. 25221 Principles of sociology. Pt. 6. 17783 Contents. Pt. 6. Ecclesiastical institutions. Butler, S. (In his Luck, or cunning?) 27547 M'Cosh, J. Herbert Spencer's philosophy as culminated in his ethics. (In his Real. phil. def., v. 2.) 27772 Posnett, H. M. The ethics of S. (In his Hist, method.) 24258 Savage, M. J. H. Spencer; his infl. on relig. and morality. (In his Ser- mons, v. 4.) 22510 - Winn, H. Theories of S. ; Mr. Spencer's argument. (In his Property in land.) 29579 Spencer, J. P. Disposal of house refuse. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 10.) *I Inspecting and testing of the sanitary arrangements of houses. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 10.) *I Spencer, 0. M. Moncrieff, R. H. A backwoods boy. (In his Youngsters' yarns.) 29033 Spencer. See Spenser. Spender, E. Until the day breaks. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 28923 Spender, Mrs. J. K. Trust me. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 28924 Spenser, E. Spenser for home and school ; poems ; select, and arr., with notes, by L. Harrison. 23864 Coleridge, S. T. Notes' on S. (In his Lect., etc.) 23832 Dennis, J. (In his Heroes of literature.) 23445 De Vere, A. T. Characteristics of S.'s poetrv ; S. as a philosophic poet. (In his Essays, v. 1.) 29069 Dowden, K. Spenser, the poet and teacher; Heroines of S. (In his Transcripts, etc.) 29366 608 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Spenser, W. The little tycoon ; comic opera. *I Spenser. See Spencer. Spenser and Rosalind; by [A. Manning]. (Inker Masque at Ludlow, etc.) 26503 Speranza, pseud. See Wilde, Lady J. F. S. Speyer, O. Camillo, Graf von Cavour. (In Gottschall, R. von. Der neue Plutarch, v. 2.) 16297 - Torquato Tasso. (In Gottschall, R. von. Der neue Plutarch, v. 10.) 16305 Sphinx, The ; a mystery. (In Race for life, etc., and in Silver lock.) 27693; 29929 Sphinx's children, The ; by R. T. Cooke. 26416 Spice, R. P. Economic production of coal gas. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 12.) *I Spicer, J. Ritchie, J. E. (In his Fain, city men.) 23860 Spider's eye, The ; by F. J. O'Brien. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 3.) 23905 Spiders. Who were the first weavers ? 28479 Spiegel, F. von. Iranian art; tr., with notes, by D. D. P. Sanjana. 27952 Spiers, R. P. Architectural drawing ; pref . by W. R. Ware. *I Spinks, W. Public health act, 1875, 150th section ; remarks on its operation, with suggested remedies of its defects. (In, Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 13.) *I Spinning. Walmsley, H. E. Cotton spinning ; pract. treat. 23068 Spinning-wheel, The, in New Eng. See Brooks, H. M. Olden time ser. Spinning-wheel stories; by L. M. Alcott. 24716 Spinoza, B. de. Chief works; tr., with introd. bv R. H. M. Elwes. 2 v. 23977-8 Contents. V. 1. Introduction. Tractatus theologico-politicus. Tractatus politicus. 2. De intellectus emendatione. Ethica. Corres- pondence. Caird, J. Spinoza. 30162 Martineau. J. (In hi* Types of eth. theory, v. 1.) 25401 Pearson, K. Maimonides and Spinoza. (In hi* Ethic of free-thought.) 30039 Renan , J . E . (In his Studies. ) 27950 Saisset, E. E. Pantheism of S. (In Ms Ess. on felig. philos.. v. 1.) 29849 Schindler, S. (In his Dissolving views.) 29700 Spirals. Searles, VV. H. The railroad spiral; theory of the compound transition curve red. to pract. formulae ; with tables of deflections and ordinates for 500 spirals. 29197 Spiritism, Spiritualism. Buchanan, R. Literature of S. ; post mortem fiction. (In his Look round lit.) 28005 Davenport, R. B. Death-blow to S. ; true story of the Fox sisters. 30315 Faraday, M. Experimental investigation of fable-moving. (In Bren- nan. M. S. Pop. expos, of electricity.) 25026 Fiske, J. Modern witchcraft. (In his Darwinism, etc.) 25984 Fletcher, S. W. Twelve months in an Eng. prison. 23534 - Hartmanu, E. von. Spiritism. 27930 Home, Mrs. D. D. D. Home; his life and mission. 30590 Olcutt, H. S. Spiritualism and theosophy. (In his Theosophy, etc.) 26596 Tiffany, J. Man and his destiny. 23326 University of Pennsylvania. /Seybert Comm. for Investigating Mod- ern Spiritualism. Preliminary report. 2S370 See also Phantoms. Spiritual creation ; by H. James. (In his Lit. remains.) 24993 CATALOGUE OF Spiritualism. /See Spiritism. Spitta, P. Johann Sebastian Bach ; his work, and infl. on the music of Germany ; tr. by C. Bell and J. A. Fuller-Mait- land. 3 v. 24101-3 Spitzbergen. Wolley, C. P. Trottings of a tenderfoot ; visit to S. 25089 Splendid shilling, The ; by J. Philips. (In Morley, H. Bur- lesque plays, etc.) 28196 Split zephyr ; by H. A. Beers. (L>. Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 8.) 24221 Spofford, A. R., ed. American almanac and treasury of facts for 1886. 26215 Practical manual of parliamentary rules for societies, conventions, etc. 25417 American almanac and treasury of facts for 1886. 26215 and Gibbon, C., eds. Library of choice literature; select.; with biog. and crit. notes. Illust. 8 v. 25882-9 Spofford, H. E. (P.) John Greenleaf Whittier. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 The mount of sorrow. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 2.) 23904 Rose Terry Cooke; Clara Louise Kellogg; Louise Chandler Moulton; Mary L. Booth. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Cooke, R. T. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Spohr, L. Autobiography ; fr. the German. 25134 Crowest, F. (In his Gt. tone poets.) 27739 Rockstro, W. S. (In his Gen. hist, of music.) 26602 - Spark, W. L. Spohr. (In his Mus. memories.) 30877 Spoils system. &ee Civil service reform. Spon, E. and F. N. Mechanics' own book ; manual. 25315 Sponge. Deming, C. The Bahama sponge-fishers. (In his Byways.) 23664 Spontaneous element, The, in scholarship ; by S. C. Bartlett. (In Phillips Exeter Acad. Lect.) 27997 Sports. Lewis, E. J. The Amer. sportsman ; cont. hints to sportsmen, notes on shooting, etc. *I New book of sports; repr. fr. the ''Saturday Review." 25423 Senior. W. Near and far ; an angler's sketches of home sport and colo- nial life. 30284 Thompson, M. Boys' book of sports and outdoor life. 27007 Walsh, J. H. The modern sportsman's gun and rifle. V. 2. 22929 See also Archery ; Fishing; Games. Also Arctic regions ; Badmin- ton library; Bengal. Sports and anecdotes of bygone days; by C. T. S. B. Rey- nardson. 28572 Sportsman's paradise, The ; by B. A. Watson. 29004 Sposin ; by J. E. Greenwood. (In her Moon maiden, etc.) 27301 Spottiswoode, W. Ritchie, J. E. (In. his Fam. city men.) 23860 Sprague, C. E. Hand-book of Volapuk. 3d ed., rev. and corr. 29192 Sprague, H. H. Women under the law of Massachusetts. 24290 Sprague, J. T. Electricity ; its theory, sources, and applica- tions. 24070 Spring, PL T. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. (In Phelps, E. S., a) id others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Spring, L. W. Kansas ; the prelude to the war for the Union. (Amer. commonwealths.) 25771 Mark Hopkins, teacher; ed. by N. M. Butler. (Indust. Educ. Assoc. Monographs.) 30126 Springfield, Mass. Green, M. A. Springfield memories. 23536 610 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Springfield, 1636-1886; history of town and city; incl- acct. of the quarter- millennial celebration. *I Springhaven ; by R. D. Blackmore. 27812 Spurgeon, C. H., Rev. According to promise ; or, The Lord's method of dealing with his chosen people. 28821 The Lord and the leper; and other sermons. 30817 The present truth; coll. of sermons. 24670 Sermons. Ser. 1, 8. 4186; 24434 . Moulton, L. C. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Needham, G. C. Life and labors of S. 23087 Pierson, A. T. (In his Evangelistic work.) 28900 Spy, The, of the rebellion ; by A. Pinkerton. *I Spyri, J. Gritli's children ; tr. by L. Brooks. 2 v. in 1. 28905 Heidi; her years of wandering and learning; tr. by L. Brooks. 24795 Red-letter stories; Swiss tales; fr. the German, by L. Wheelock. 25013 Contents. Lisa's Christmas. Basti's song in Altorf. Rico and Stineli, and how Rico found a home; tr. by L. Brooks. 26091 Swiss stories for children ; [tr.] by L. Wheelock. 28535 Contents. Toni. In safe keeping. Rosenresli. Lisa's Christmas. Basti's song in Altorf. Uncle Titus; story for children ; fr. the German by L. Wheelock. 17293 Same. (In her Veronica, etc.) 27476 Veronica; and other friends; tr. by L. Brooks. 27476 Contents. Veronica. Uncle Titus. Square, A., pseud. See Abbott, E. E. Square, The. Hodgson, F. T. The carpenters' steel square, and its uses, lllust. 23313 Square and compasses ; by 0. Optic [W. T. Adams]. 24614 Squire, W. The nursery. (In Murphy, S. F. Our homes.) 24196 Squire, The, of Sandal-side ; by A. E. Barr. 27727 Squyr, The, of low degree. (In Ashton, J. Romances of chivalry.) 27170 Stables, G. Aileen Aroon ; with other tales. 30044 On special service ; tale of life at sea. 28822 Our friend the dog; guide to all known breeds, etc. lllust. *I Wild adv. round the Pole ; or, The cruise of the "'Snowbird" crew in the "Arrandoon." lllust. 24593 Stacy-Watson, C. See Watson, C. S. Stadia surveying. Winslow, A. Stadia surveying ; theory of stadia measurements, etc. 24649 Stael- Holstein, A. L. G. (N.), la baronne de. Boelte, A. Madame de Stael ; hist, novel. 23144 Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.) 26916 - Duffy, B. Madame de Stael. 28764 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Parton, J. Mme. de Stael and Napoleon Bonapart. (In his Not. women.) 23433 Stafford, J. E. On the various works in connect, with the Borough of Burnley. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 11.) *I Stafford, W. A. H. Broken bonds. 26092 Stage. See Drama ; Theatre. Stage-struck; by B. Roosevelt [B. R. Macchetta]. 24286 Stahl, A. W., joint author. See Woods, A. T. Stahlschmidt, J. C. L. Surrey bells and London bellfounders ; contrib. to the comp. study of bell inscriptions. *I Stahr, Mme. F. (L.) Vornehme Welt; Das Madchen von Ogas. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 1.) 16519 Same ; Eng. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 611 Stainer, J. Introduction. ( In Koelle, L. L. C. Music in song.) 23701 ed. Novello, Ewer & Co.'s Music primers; namely : Ritter, F. L. Musical dictation. Ft. 1. 29632 Troutbeck, J. Church choir training. 27955 Stair, 1st Viscount. See Dalrymple, J. Stair-building. Hodgson, F. T. Stair-building made easy ; with glossary of terms, designs, etc. 27498 Stalden, G. Personal memoir of the time of the Amer. revo- lutionary war ; ed. by E. Lawrence. 2 v. 29641-2 Staley, C. Revision, etc. (In Gillespie, W. M. Treatise on surveying.) 28240 and Pierson, G. S. The separate system of sewerage; its theory and construction. 27099 Stalker, D. On the formation and management of planta- tions on different sites, altitudes, and exposures. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 26265 Stallybrass, J. S. Notes and appendix. (In Grimm, J. L. C. Teutonic mythology.) *I Stammer, K. Practical treatise on the raw materials, distilla- tion, etc., of alcohol ; ed. by W. T. Brannt. 27615 Stammering. See Speech, Impediments of. Standage, H. C. Artists' manual of pigments ; with the [So. Kensington] Science and Art Depts. examination ques- tions on painting. 26715 Standard work on cutting; rev., enl., and impr. *I Standish, J. See John Standish. Stanford's compendium of geography and travel. See Rudler, F. W., and Chisholm, G. C. Stang, Wm. Life of Martin Luther ; comp. fr. reliable sources. 23193 Stanhope, P. H., 5th Earl Stanhope, Viscount Mahon. His- tory of Eng. fr. the peace of Utrecht to the peace of Versailles. 7 vols. 28383-9 Notes of conversations with the Duke of Wellington. 30560 Stanley, A. P., Dean of Westminster. Sermons for children. 28906 Contents. The child Jesus. Little children, love one another. Use of children. The 'Goliath' boys. The children's psalms. Sick chil- dren. St. Christopher. The children's creed. Talitha cumi. The beatitudes. The faithful servant, Sermons to children. (In Humphrey, F. A. Dean Stanley.) 24914 Farrar, F. W. Reminiscences of S. " (In I'arton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 - Humphrey. F. A. Dean Stanley with the children. 24914 Lowell, J^R. Speech in Westminster Abbey in commemoration of S. (In his Democracy, etc.) 27217 Oliver, G. A. A. P. Stanley; his life, work, and teachings. 25004 Oxenham, H. N. (In his Short stud.) 25126 Story, R. H. Dean Stanley. (In Ewart, H. C. Leaders, etc.) 30632 Stanley, E. G. S., 14th Earl of Derby. Smith, G. B. (In his Prime ministers.) 27718 Stanley, H. M. The Congo, and the founding of its free state ; story of work and exploration. Illust. and maps. 2 v. 25472-3 Bolton, S. K. (In her How success is won.) 24977 Stanley, J. A daughter of the gods. (Harper's handy ser.) 27240 Stanley, T. L. Outline of the future relig. of the world, with a consid. of the facts and doctr. on which it will probably be based. 24497 612 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stanley Huntingdon; by S. J. Wilson. 27857 Stannard, H. E. V. (pseud. John Strange Winter.) Army society in a garrison town. Illust. 26652 Cavalry life; or, Sketches in barracks and out. 26653 - Houp-la. Illust. (Harper's handy ser.) 26125 In quarters with the 25th (the Black Horse) Dragoons. 26207 Mignon; or, Booties' baby. (Harper's handy ser.) 25578 Pluck. (Harper's handy ser.) 27241 Stanton, E. C. Susan B. Anthony. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our f am. women.) 24284 Bullurd, L. C. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Anthony, S. B., and Gage. M. J. History of woman suffrage. Illust. V. 3. *I Stanton, E. McM. Kelley, W. D. Lincoln and Stanton; study of the war administration of 1861-1862. 25837 Piatt, D. (In his Memories.) 28259 Stanton, Evan, pseud. /See Hughes, T. P. Stanton, H. B. Random recollections. 27986 Stanton, T., ed. The woman question in Europe ; orig. essays ; introd. by F. P. Cobbe. 24053 Stanton. See Staunton. Stanwood, E. History of presidential elections. 24498 Same; 2ded., rev. 29896 Stapfer, E. Palestine in the time of Christ ; tr. by A. H. Holmden. 28993 Stapleton, P. The major's Christmas ; and other stories. 26118 Contents. The major's Christmas. Cindery Jane. The oldest inhab- itant. Andrew Strong's affinity. Bobby's Christmas. Jacob Kohler's repentance. Christmas at Montsweag. The modern magician. Bijah's Santa Claus. A fairy godmother. A Christinas dinner party. At Dres- den by the sea. The Madison Bowman. Miss Bean's revenge. Star chamber. See Gt. Brit. Courts. Star fishes. See Radiates. Star, The, in the valley ; by C. E. Craddock [M. N. Murfree]. (In her In the Tenn. mts.) 23765 Star of Bethlehem. Proctor, R. A. The Star in the East. (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Star of India. See India. Starbiick, C. G. Forsok till liirobok i swensk historia. 15179 Starin, J. H. Fiske, S. (In Ms Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Starr, E. A. Pilgrims and shrines. *I Starr, L. Hygiene of the nursery. Illust. 30370 Starr, T. Mother's round table. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Starrett, H. E. Letters to a daughter. 29112 Start in life, A ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 30253 Startling exploits of Dr. J. B. Quies ; fr. the French of P. Celiere. 27818 State, The. See Political science. State help. Clarke, J. F. The Hercules and wagoner of to- day ; State help vs. self-help. 27073 State rights. Hinsdale, B. A. The nation and the states. (In. his Schools, etc.) 23778 Statesman's Year-book, 1884-89 ; ed. by J. S. Keltie. 6 v. 21456-61 Statesmen. Bolton, S. K. Famous Amer. statesmen. 30081 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 613 Statesmen series. See Sanders, L. C. Also International statesmen series. Statics. Minchin, G. M. Treatise on S. with appl. to phys- ics. 2 v. 25631-2 See also Equilibrium. Statistics. Giffen, R. Utility of common statistics; Some uses of statistical knowledge. (In his Essays,' ser. 2.) 30692 Pidgin, C. F. Practical statistics; handbook. 29817 Staunton, W. Episodes in clerical and parish life ; with other sketches on Church subjects contributory to Chr. unity. 27847 Staunton. See Stanton. Stead^ W. T. Books which have inn. me. (In Gladstone, W. E., and others. Books, etc.) 28840 Steadfast ; story of a saint and a sinner ; by R. T. Cooke. 30625 Stealey, F. L. "Little Captain" of Buckskin camp. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Steam. Bale, M. P. Steam and machinery management. 24617 Steam boilers. Colyer, F. Treatise on the working and man- agement of steam boilers and engines. 26699 Davis, C. T. Treatise on team ooiler incrustation and methods for pre- venting corrosion and the formation of scale. 26065 Edwards, E. Modern Amer. marine engines, boilers, etc.,' design and construction. *I - Munro. R. D. Steam boilers; their defects, management, and con- struction. 29401 Rose, J. Key to engines and engine-running; pract. treat, upon the management of steam engines and boilers. 29636 Rowan, F. J, Boiler incrustation and corrosion. 24134 Schwackhofer, F. Steam-boilers. (In his Fuel and water.) 23974 Sexton, M. J. Pocket-book for boiler-makers and steam users. 27158 Thurston, R. H. Steam boiler explosions in theory and in pract. 28996 Steam engine. Burgh, N. P. Pocket-book of compound engines. 28395 Gopdeve, T. M. Text-book on the steam engine. 25392 Grimshaw, R. Steam engine catechism. 27497 Supplement to the St. eng. catechism. Hemenvvay, F. E. Indicator pract. and st. engine economy. 27085 Marks, W. D. Relative proportions of the st. engine. 29093 Northcott, W. H. Theory and action of the st. engine. 23791 Rose, J. Mod. st. engines; elementary treat. 26679 Seaton, A. E. Manual of marine engineering. 26713 Sennett, R. The marine st. eng. ; treat, for engineering students and officers of the navy. 25946 Thurston, R. H. Stationary st. eng.; espec. as adapted to elect, light- ing purposes. 25179 See also Indicator; Locomotive engines; Yachts. Also Steam boilers, above. Steam-heating problems ; or, Questions, answers, and descrip- tions rel. to steam-heating and steam-fitting, from the Sanitary Engineer. Illust. 26738 Steam injectors. Pochet, L. Steam injectors ; their theory and use ; fr. the French. 24128 Steam navigation. See Fulton, R. Steamship. Collisions. Proctor, R. A. Sent to the bottom. ( In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Stearns, A. E. Narrative of S., a prisoner at Andersonville ; introd. by S. H. Putnam. 27263 614 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stearns, E. S. History of Ashburnham, Mass. ; with geneal. register of families. *I Stearns, W. A. Labrador ; its peoples, industries, and nat.hist. 25176 Wrecked on Labrador. 30465 Stebbing, W. Some verdicts of history reviewed. 28582 Contents. The 18th century. Patriot, or adventurer? A. A. Cooper. Two poet-politicians: A. Cowley; M. Prior. Two leaders of society and of opposition : H. St. John; W. Pulteney. An American revolutionist and an Eng. radical: B. Franklin; W. robbett. Puritan and cavalier England transplanted : New England; Virginia. Stebbins, G. B. Progress fr. poverty ; rev. and crit. of H. George's Progress and poverty, and Protection or free trade. 27987 Stecchetti, L., pseud. See Guerini, Olindo. Stedingk, C. B. L. C., Count von. Count Stedingk. (Mono- graph, no. 30.) 23818 Stedman, E. C. Poetical works; household ed. 24499 Poets of America. 25692 Victorian poets; rev. and extended. 28850 Bolton, S. K. (In her Fam. Amer. authors.) 28746 - Dodd, A. B. E. C. Stedman in New York and at "Kelp Rock." (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Rideiiig, W. H. (In his Boyhood of liv. auth.) 28815 and Hutchiuson, E. M., eds. Library of American literature. Vol. 1-7. 30127-33 Steel, A. G., and Littleton, R. H. Cricket; with contrib. by A. Lang and others. *I Steel, F. A., and Temple, R. C. Wide-awake stories; tales told by little children, in the Panjab and Kashmir. 25608 Steel. Bell, I. L. Principles of the manuf . of iron and S. ; economic cond. of their production. 25709 Greenwood, W. H. Steel and iron ; methods pursued in their manufacture. 23665 Hibbs, C. Iron and steel. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 2, 3.) 25092-3 Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel. 23628 Moucriefl", W. D. S. Iron and steel. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 1;3.) 25091; 25093 Thurston, R. H. Iron and steel. (In his Materials of engineering, pt. 2.) 25326 See also Iron. Steel hammer, The ; by L. Ulbach. 29710 Steel horse, The ; rambles of a bicycle ; by H. Castlemon [C. A. Fosdick]. 30410 Steele, J. D. Hygienic physiology ; with spec, ref . to the use of alcoholic drinks and narcotics. 24206 Steele, J. W. To Mexico by palace car. 24236 Steele, Sir R. Selections fr. the Tatler, Spectator, and Guard- ian ; ed., with introd. and notes, by A. Dobson. 25947 Dobson, A. Richard Steele. (Eng. worthies.) 27193 Stella Grayland ; by J. T. McKay. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 7.) 24220 Stem to stern ; by O. Optic [W. T. Adams]. 25814 Stenography. Ritchie, W. Abbreviated long-hand. 25010 Rockwell, J. E. Teaching, pract., and literature of shorthand. 24065 Step aside, A ; by C. Dunning [C. D. Wood]. 26983 Stephen, Sir J. F. The story of Nuncomar and the impeach- ment of Sir E. Impey. 2 v. 25948-9 Stephen, J. K. International law and international relations ; best method of discussing the topics of international law. 25460 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 615 Stephen, L. An apology for plainspe,aking. (In Prose master- pieces, v. 3.) 23202 Life of Henry Fawcett ; with portr. 26195 Stephen, Mrs. L. Notes fr. sick rooms. 23081 Stephen, M. D. ; [Story] ; by [S. Warner]. 23197 Stephen Archer ; by G. MacDonald. 23011 Stephens, A. H. The "Corner-stone" address, Savannah, Ga., Mch. 21, 1861. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 BoIton,S. K. (In. her How success is worn.) , 24977 Stephens, A. S. The wife's secret; or, Gillian. 5620 Stephens, C. A. The Knockabout Club in the tropics ; adv. in New Mexico, Mexico, and Centr. Amer. Illust. 23192 Young Moll's Peevy. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 10.) 24223 Stephens, G., joint editor. See Hylten-Cavallius, G. O. Stephens, H. M. History of the French revolution. Vol. 1. 26907 Stephens, U. S., and others. History of the Knights of Labor. (In McNeill, G. E. Labor movement.) 27651 Stephens, W. R. W. Hildebrand and his times. (Epochs of ch. hist.) 30746 - The South Saxon diocese, Selsey-Chiehester ; with map and plan. 26516 Stephens. See Stevens. Stephenson, G. Hale, E. E. (Li his Lights of two cent.) 28744 - George Stephenson and the locomotive. (In his Stor. of invent.) 25539 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 and R. Mateaux, C. L. George and Robert Stephenson. (World's workers.) 26505 Stephenson, R. Jeaffreson, J. C. Life of S. ; with chapt. on some of his works by W. Pole. 2 v. 25694-5 See also Stephenson, G., above. Stephenson. See Stevenson. Stepniak, pseud. Russia under the tzars ; rend, into Eng. by W. Westall. 25356 The Russian peasantry; their agrarian cond., soc. life, and religion. 29823 The Russian storm-cloud; Russia in her rel. to neighboring countries. 26879 Underground Russia; revolutionary profiles and sk. fr. life; pref. by P. Lavroff ; fr. the Italian. 23026 Stern, A. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. (Li Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 12.) 16307 Stern chase, A; by Mrs. C. Hoey. 26823 Sternberg, G. M. Malaria. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) I Photo-micrographs, and how to make them, Illust. *I Sterndale, R. A. Natural hist, of the mammalia of India and Ceylon. Illust. 24671 Sterne, S. Constitutional hist, and polit. development of the U. S. 29704 Stevens, A. How men propose ; love scenes fr. pop. works of fiction. 30561 Stevens, A. Impressions on painting ; tr. by C. Adams. 27534 Stevens, A. de G. Old Boston. 3 v. 25408-10 Stevens, F. Usages of the best society ; manual of etiquette. 24644 Stevens, H. Recollections of James Lenox of New York and the formation of his library. *I 616 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stevens, J. A. Albert Gallatin. (Amer. statesmen.) 23187 Stevens, J. L. History of Gostavus Adolphus. 24500 Stevens, T. On secession ; On the first reconstruction bill. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orat., v. 3.) 24997 Stevens, T. Around the world on a bicycle. 2 v. 28365-6 Contents. Vol. 1. From San Francisco to Teheran. 2. From Tehe- ran to Yokohama. Stevens, T. M. History of health-work in Indiana. (/// Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I Stevens. See Stephens. Stevenson, A. F. Battle of Stone's river near Murfreesboro', Tenn. 24035 Stevenson, B. F. Cumberland Gap. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Kentucky neutrality in 1861. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Stevenson, K. I. White cockades ; an incident of the "Forty- five." 28823 Stevenson, F. van de Gr., joint author. See Stevenson, R. L. Stevenson, J. History of Claude Nan and his mss. ( In Nan, C. Hist, of Mary Stuart.) 23013 Mary Stuart; narrative of the first 18 years of her life. 27900 Stevenson, R. L. The black arrow ; tale of the two Roses. 29705 - Books which have infl. me. (In Gladstone, W. E., and others. Books, etc.) 28840 A child's garden of verses. 25357 Familiar studies of men and books. 28164 Contents. Victor Hugo's romances. --Some aspects of Robert Burns. Walt Whitman.- -H. D, Thoreau. Yoshida. Torajiro. F. Villon. Charles of Orleans. Samuel Pepys. John Knox and women. Kidnapped; mem. of the adv. of David Balfour. 26870 Memoir of Fleeiniug Jenkin. 2S994 Memories and portraits. 28907 Contents. The foreigner at home. Some college memories. Old Mor- tality. A college magazine. An old Scotch gardener. Pastoral. The manse. Memoirs of an islet. Thomas Stevenson. Talk and talkers. Character of dogs. "A penny plain and twopence coloured." Gossip on a novel of Dumas's. Gossip on romance. A humble remonstrance. The merry men ; and other tales and fables. 27795 - The pavilion on the links. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 1.) 25367 Prince Otto ; a romance. 26457 The Silverado squatters. 23563 Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 26119 Treasure Island. Illust. 23564 Underwoods. [Poems.] 28908 and F. van de G. The dynamiter. (More new Arabian nights.) (Leis. hr. ser.) 25461 James, H. (In his Partial portraits.) 29687 Stevenson, T. Stevenson, R. L. (In his Memories, etc.) 28907 Stevenson. See Stephenson. Stewart, A., Rev. 'Twixt Ben Nevis and Glencoe ; nat. hist., legends, and folk-lore of the West Highlands. 25950 Stewart, A. The tale of Troy ; done into English. 27344 Stewart, B., and Gee, W. W. H. Lessons in elementary pract. physics. Vols. 1, 2. 25772-3 Stewart, Sir D., Bart. Laurie, W. F. B. General Sir D. Stewart. (In Ms Sketches.) 30596 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 617 Stewart, H. W. Feeding animals ; pract. work upon the laws of animal growth, appl. to the rearing and feeding of horses, cattle, etc. Illust. 23250 Stewart, H. The dairyman's manual ; pract. treat. Illust. 29572 Stewart, Sir J. Omond, G. W. T. (In his Lord adv. of Scotland, v. 1.) 23590 Stewart, T. McC. Liberia ; the Americo- African republic ; introd. by G. W. Samson. 26607 Stewart. See also Stuart. Stickles, J. W. The Adirondacks as a health resort. 26196 Stickney. A. Democratic government ; study of politics. 25524 Stiff-necked generation, A ; by L. B. Walford. 30667 Stille, A. Cholera; its origin, hist., prevention, and treatment. 25682 Stimpcett family, The, and others, Chronicles of ; by A. M. Diaz. 24739 Stimson, F. J. (pseud. J. S. of Dale.) The crime of Henry Vane ; a study with a moral. 24207 First harvests; episode in the life of Mrs. Levisou Gower; a satire with- out a moral. 30466 - Mrs. Knollys. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 2.) 23904 -The re s i d u a r y 1 egatee . 29706 - The sentimental calendar; funny stories. 27667 joint author. See Grant. R. Stimulants. Cutter, J. C. Effects of stimulants. (In his Beginner's anatomy ; and Intermediate anatomy.) 2 v. 28495-6 Proctor, R. A. Stimulants and study. (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Smith, W. T. (In his Human body and its health.) 24432 Stimulus (in education). Sidgwick, A. On stimulus. (In Eve, H. W., and others. Three lect.) 24144 Stinde, J. The Buchholz family ; sketches of Berlin life ; tr. by L. D. Schmitz. 27600 - Same; Ft. 2. 28390 Die durame Frau. (In Schick. L. Coll. Novellen, v. 3.) 16521 Frau Wilhelmine; concluding part of the Buchholz family; tr. by H. F. Powell. 28824 - Woodland tales. 28165 Contents. Aunt Juliana. His slupid wife. Brother Johanuis. Three times ten years. Bello. Princess Goldhair. Stirling, A. At daybreak. 24036 Stirling, S. (H.) Smith, J. C. Biographical notice. (In his Writings by the way.) 25607 Stirling-Maxwell, Lady. See Norton, Mrs. C. E. S. S. Stirling, Scotland. Description. Hargreaves, T. (In his Voyage.) 23950 Stock exchange. Gibson, G. R. Stock exc. of London, Paris, and N. Y. ; a comparison. 30637 - Hume, J. F. The art of investing. 29118 Scratchley, A. Pract. treat, on building societies and average invest. soc. or trust associations investing in pub. securities. 29508 Smith. R. H. Stocks. (In his Science of business.) 25681 See also Wall Street. Stock investments. Schoolmasters' Club of Worcester, Mass. Problems in stock investments. 24197 Stock-raising, See Cattle. Stockholm. Lundin, C., and Strindberg, A. Gamla Stock- holm. 15077 618 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stocks. See Stock exchange. Stockton, F. R. Amos Kilbright ; with other stories. 30247 Contents. Amos Kilbright. The reversible landscape. Dusky phi- losophy. Plain fishing. The bee-man of Orn; and other tales. 28995 Contents. The bee-man of Orn. The griffin and the minor canon. Old Pipes and the dryad. The queen's museum. Christmas before last. Prince Hassak's march. The battle of the third cousins. The banished king. The philopena. The casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. 27242 The Dusantes ; seq. to "Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine." 29159 The hundredth man. 28825 The lady, or the tiger? and other stories. 24037 Contents. The lady, or the tiger? The transferred ghost. The spec- tral mortgage. Our archery club. That same old 'coon. His wife's de- ceased sister. Our story. Mr. Tolman. On the training of parents. Our fire-screen. A piece of red calico. Every man his own letter-writer. The late Mrs. Null. 26356 Stories. 2d ser. : The Christmas wreck; and other stories. 26935 Contents. The Christmas wreck. A story of assisted fate. An un- historic page. A tale of negative gravity. The Cloverfields carriage. The remarkable wreck of the "Thomas Hyke." My fcull-calf. The dis- courager of hesitancy. A borrowed month. The story of Viteau. lllust. 24440 The transferred ghost. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 2.) 23904 and M. The home; where it should be, and what to put in it. (In Amer. home book.) 25640 Rideing, W. H. (In his Boyhood of living auth.) 28815 Stockton, L. Kirby's coals of fire. (In Stor. by Amer. auth. v. 7.) 24220 Left-handed luck. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Stockton, M., joint author. See Stockton, F. H. Stock well, Mrs. M. J. What shall we name it? diet, of bap- tismal names with their meaning. 23897 Stoddard, E. D. (L>.) Osgood's predicament. (In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 8.) 24221 Stoddard, J. L. Red-letter days abroad. lllust. 23294 Stoddard, J. T. Outline of qualitative analysis for beginners. 24501 Stoddard, R. II. Introduction. (In Swinburne, A. C. Se- lections.) 24441 Introduction [sketch of the first four translators of Virgil and Homer], (In Linton, VV. J., and Stoddard, R. H. Eug. verse.) 23228 joint ed. See Linton, XV. J. Bolton, S. K. (In her Fain. Amer. authors.) 28746 - Gilder, J. B. R. H. Stoddard in N. Y. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Stoddard, W. O. Abraham Lincoln ; true story of a great life. lllust. 25177 Among the lakes. 23115 Lives of the presidents ; namely : George Washington. 27002 John Adams; and Thomas Jefferson. 27848 Ulysses S. Grant. 27003 Red Beauty; story of the Pawnee trail. 27243 Two Arrows ; story of red and white. lllust. 26458 Winter fun. 25775 Stoeber, K. Berattelser ; ofversatte fran andra originaluppla- gan. 2 v. in 1.) 15101 Stoekl, II. Am heiligen Abend. (In, Bernhardt, W. Deut- sche Novelletten-Bibliothek, v. 1.) 28103 Bine Weihnachtsgeschichte. (In Bernhardt, W. Deutsche Novelletten- Bibliothek, v. 2.) 28104 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 619 Stoics. Zeller, E. G. The Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics. 24467 Stokes, A. C. Microscopy for beginners ; or, Common ob- jects fr. the ponds and ditches. Illust. 27849 Stokes, F. A. Preface and notes. (In Suckling, J. Poems.) 27688 Stokes, G. G. On light ; first course, on the nature of light. 24383 Stokes, M. Additions. (In Didron, A. N. Christian ico- nography.) 1222 Stone, C. J. Christianity before Christ; or, Prototypes of our faith and culture. 25848 Stone, C. P. Baltz, J. D. Biog. sketch of S. (In his Hon. E. D. Baker, etc.) 30617 Stone, C. W. Needles of pine ; lines without rhyme. 27100 Stone, E. Nellie Graham. 28732 Stone, E. M. Our French allies in the war of the Amer. rev- olution. Illust. *I Stone, J. B. Magnetic variation in the U. S. ; obs. made fr. 1640 ; with acct. of the nat. of terrestrial magnetism, etc. 28358 Stone, M. A. A summer in Scandinavia. 25575 Stone, O. M. Tenerife and its six satellites ; the Canary Is. past and present. Maps and illust. 2 v. 29643-4 Stone, W. W., and Morrow, W. M. The Chinese and the labor question. (In McNeill, G. E. Labor question.) 27651 Stone, a, Story of ; by D. S. Jordon. (In hi.t Sci. sketches.) 29449 Stone's river. Stevenson, A. F. Battle of Stone's river. 24035 Stone- working machinery. Bale, M. P. Stone- working ma- chinery. 24618 Stoned by a mountain ; by R. G. Kingsley. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Stonehenge, pseud. See Walsh, J. H. Stoney, B. B. Theory of stresses in girders, etc. ; with obs. on the strength and other properties of materials. Illust. 26459 Stonhill, W. J. Paper pulp from wood, straw, and other fibres. (In. Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry.) 26265 Storck, S. van. Pater, W. (In his Imaginary portr.) 28524 Storer, F. H. Agriculture in some of its rel. with chemistry. 2 v. 27850-1 Storer, H. R. The Newport (Edinburgh) system of sanitary protection. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I Storey, M. Politics as a duty and as a career. (Quest, of the day.) 30818 Storey. See Story. Stories. Matthews, J. B. The philosophy of the short story. (In his Pen and ink.) 30437 Stories and legends. See Lippiucott, S. J. C. Stories by American authors. Vol. 1-10. 23903-5 ; 24217-23 Contents. Vol. 1. Taylor, B. Who was she? Matthews, B., and Bunner, H. C. The documents iu the case. Bishop, W. H. One of the thirty pieces. Davis, R. H. Balacchi Brothers. Webster, A. An op- eration in money. 3. Stockton, F. R. The transferred tfhost. Jacobi, M. P. A martyr to science. Stimson, F. J. Mrs. Knollys. Eddy, J. A dinner-party. Spofford, H. P. The mount of sorrow. Tincker, M. A. Sister Silvia. 3. O'Brien, F. J. The spider's eye. Burnett, F. 620 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. H. Story of the Latin quarter. Lathrop, G. P. Two purse-compan- ions. Lloyd, D. D. PoorOgla-Moga. Thaxter, C. A memorable mur- der. Matthews, B. Venetian glass. 4. Woolson, C. F. Miss Grief. Bunner, H. C. Love in old clothes.- Willis, N. P. Two buckets in a well. Foote, M. H. Friend Barton's concern. DeForest, J. W. An inspired lobbyist. Brooks. N. Lost in a fog. 5. James, H. A light man. Millet/ F. D. Yatil. Benjamin, P. The end of New York. Arnold, G. Why Thomas was discharged. Mitchell, E. P. The tachy- pomp. 6. Chaplin, H. W. The village convict. Hayes, A. A. The Denver express. Fairfax, L. R. The misfortunes of Bro' Thomas Wheatley. Champney, L. W. The heartbreak cameo. Webster, A. Miss Eunice's glove. Frederic, H. Brother Sebastian's friendship. 7. Thanet, O. The bishop's vagabond. Bellamy, E. Lost. Stockton, L. Kirov's coals of fire. Floyd, M. Passages fr. the journal of a social wreck. McKay, J. T. Stella* Grayland. Johnson, V. W. The image of San Donate. . DeForest, J. W. The brigade commander. Beers, H. A. Split zephyr. Phelps, E. S. Zerviah Hope. Adee. A. A. The life-magnet. Stoddard, E. D. B. Osgood's predicament. 9. Page, T. N. Marse Chan. Gage, C. S. Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor. Chaplin, H. W. Eli. Shinn, M. W. Young Strong of "The Clarion."-Coffln, R. F. How old Wiggins wore ship. Kip, L. " mas has come." JO. Janvier, T. A. Pancha. Mitchell, E. P. The ablest man in the world. Stephens, C. A. Young Moll's Peevy. DeKay, C. Manmat'ba. Boye- sen, H. H. A daring fiction. Schayer, J. The story of two lives. Stories by an old Bohemian. 2 v. 23600-1 Contents. V. 1. The old candidate. In love and war. Fatality. Who was he? Who is he 1" The first tear. A psychological problem. Expiation. Hands and hearts. 2. Hands and hearts, continued. The old clock of Strasburg. Eight or three? a lucky toss up. A strange wit- ness. A cobbler. Brothers and sisters. Stories for kindergartens ; by S. E. Wiltse. 26021 Stories fr. fam. ballads ; by G. Greenwood [S. J. C. Lippin- cott]. 28472 Stories fr. life ; by S. K. Bolton. 26976 Stories of danger and adventure ; by F. Schwatka and others. 27342 Stories of old renown ; by A. R. Hope [R. H. Moncrieff]. 28894 Stories of the old world ; by A. J. Church. 23763 Stories of the seen and the unseen. See Oliphant, M. O. W. Stories told to a child ; by J. Ingelow. [Ser. 1.] 28227 Stork's nest, A ; or, Pleasant reading fr. the North ; coll. by J. F. Vicary. . 26913 Storm, T. Carsten Curator. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 2.) 16520 Der Finger. (In Schick, L. Coll. Novellen, v. 3.) 16521 Storms. Upton, W. The storm of March 11-14, 1888, in- vestigated. (Bd. with NewEng. Meteorolog. Soc. Work.) 29907 Storms and sunshine. See Mackenzie, C. Storrs, E. A. Adams, I. E. Life of S. 28270 Storrs, R. S., Jr. The divine origin of Christianity indicated by its hist, effects. 24796 - Fiske, S. (In his Otf-hand portrs.) 24010 Story, R. H. Dean Stanley. (In Ewart, H. C. Leaders, etc.) 30632 Story, W. W. Fiammetta ; a summer idyl. 25960 He and she ; or, A poet's portfolio. 23295 - Poems. 2 v. 26005-6 Roba di Roma. 2 v. 27668-9 Story. See Storey. Story-land, Legends. f rom ; by J. V. Blake. 29441 Story of a boulder ; by A. Geikie. 26584 Story of a country town ; by E. W. Howe. 24481 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 621 Story of a dress ; by N. Perry. (In New Eng. story-book, and in Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 24819; 27276 Story of a good little mother ; by L. Gr. Morse. (In Cather- wood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 Story of a New York house ; by H. C. Bunner. 28112 Story of a ranch ; by A. W. Rollins. 26000 Story of a sculptor; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. (In his Slings and arrows.) 25796 Story of a short life ; by J. H. Ewing. 26379 Story of a silk dress ; by [E. W. O. Kirk]. (In her Better times.) 30341 Story of a story ; by E. Bo'gh. ( In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Story of a sugar prince ; by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie]. (In his Black poodle, etc.) 28303 Story of an African farm ; by R. Iron [O. Schreiner]. 29897 Story of an enthusiast; by C. V. Jamison. 28882 Story of an urn ; by J. A. Harrison. (In his Autrefois.) 30330 Story of Antony Grace ; by G. M. Fenn. 29072 Story of assisted fate ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his Stories, 2d ser.) 26935 Story of Black Dan ; by L. Pendleton. (/;/ his Bewitched.) 29893 Story of Carlito Jacmel ; by J. A. Harrison. (In his Autrefois.) 30330 Story of Colette ; fr. the French. 29175 Story of Happinolande ; by O. B. Bunce. 30886 Story of Ida; by Francesca [F. Alexander]. 22986 Story of Jewad ; by 'Ali 'Aziz Efendi the Cretan. 29129 Story of John Marbeck ; by E. Marshall. 29481 Story of Keedon Bluffs ; by C. E. Craddock [M. N. Murfree]. 28895 Story of little Syl ; by N. Perry ; (In her Youngest Miss Lorton, etc.) 30356 Story of Margaret Kent; by H. Hayes [E. (O.) Kirk]. 26156 Story of Mary. See Dennis Day. Story of my heart ; by R. Jefferies. 23384 Story of our country. See U. S. Story of the Latin quarter ; by F. H. Burnett. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 3.) 23905 Story of the nations ; namely : Benjamin. S. G. W. Story of Persia. 27728 Boyesen, H. H. Story of 'Norway. 26802 Bradley, H. Story of" the Goths. 29522 Church, A. J., and Gilman, A. Story of Carthage. 26981 Gilrnan, A. Story of Rome. 26075 - Story of the Saracens. 27298 Gould, S. B., and Gilman, A. Story of Germany. 27204 Hale, E. E. and S. Story of Spain. 26820 Hale, S. Story of Mexico. 30642 Harrison, J. A. Story of Greece. 25833 Hosmer, J. K. Story of the Jews. 26157 Jewett, S. O. Story of the Normans. 27647 Lawless, E. Story of Ireland. 28884 Mahaffy, J. P., and Gilman, A. Story of Alexander's empire. 28146 Masson, G. Story of mediaeval France. 30655 41 622 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Poole, S. L., and Gilman, A. Story of the Moors in Spain. 27336 and others. Story of Turkey. 29695 Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Assyria. 28260 Story of Chaldea. 26447 - Story of Media, Babylon, Persia. 29820 Rawlinson, G., and Gilinan, A. Story of ancient Egypt. 27842 Rogers, J. E. T. Story of Holland. 30456 Vambery, A. The story of Hungary. 26937 Story of the rippling train ; by Mrs. Molesworth. ( In her Four ghost stor. ) 29150 Story of the states. See Brooks, E. S. Story of two lives ; by J. Schayer. (In Stories by Am. auth., v. 10.) 24223 Story, The, of Viteau ; by F. R. Stockton. 24440 Story, The, of Willie and Fancy ; by Mrs. W. K. Clifford. (In her Anyhow stor.) 23148 Stoughton, J. Howard the philanthropist, and his friends. 24867 Religion in Eng., 1800-1850; with postscript on subsequent events. 2 v. 25609-10 Stoughton, J. A. "Windsor Farms" ; glimpse of an old parish, etc. *I Stow, S. D. (L). History of Mount Holyoke Seminary, South Hadley, Mass. *I Stowe, H. E. B. Catherine E. Beecher ; Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. (In Phelps, E. S. Our fam. women.) 24284 Flowers and fruit fr. [her] writings; arr. by A. H. Fairfield. 30371 Little Pussy Willow ; also, The minister's watermelons. Illust. 24797 Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of girls, etc.) 26916 Cooke, R. T. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Harris, A. B. (In her Amer. authors.) 28776 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) Parton, J. Mrs. Stowe and Uncle Tom's cabin. (In his Not. women.) 23433 Twichell, J. H. H. B. Stowe in Hartford. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Strachan, G. R. The average meter system. (Li Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and. Surv. Proc., v. 14.) *I Strachan, J. Explorations and adv. in New Guinea. 29848 Strachey, R. Lectures on geography, bef . the University of Cambridge, 1888. 30562 Strafford ; tragedy ; by R. Browning. 24658 Strahan, W. Hume, D. Letters to S. 30850 Strains. Crehore, J. D. (In his Mechanics of the girder.) 27720 Du Bois, A. J. Strains in framed structures; with pract. applications. Heaford, A. S. Strains on braced iron arches and arched iron bridges. 23584 Minchin, G. M. Analysis of S. and stresses. (In his Treat, on statics, v. 2.) 25632 See also Stresses. Stranahan, C. H. History of French painting ; incl. acct. of the Fr. Academy of Painting ; with reprod. of 16 repre- sentative paintings. *I Strange adventures of a hou^e-boat ; by W. Black. 29779 Strange adventures of Captain Dangerous ; by G. A. Sala. 26651 Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ; by R. L. Stevenson. 261 19 Strange clue, A. (In Tales fr. Chambers^ Journ., v. 3.) 27968 Strange coincidences ; by R. A. Proctor. ( In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Strange company, A ; by C. F. Holder. 30334 Strange inheritance. A ; by F. M. F. Skene. 28363 Strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder ; [by J . De Mille]. 29714 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 623 Strange stories ; by C. G. B. Allen. 25290 Strange stories from history. See History. Strange teas, dinners, weddings, and fetes ; by various authors. 28930 Contents. My tea to Mehemet AH and Farecdie. A Japanese din- ner. A Roman" Christmas. Sylvester-Abend. A Coptic wedding. In the Bois de Boulogne. An Arab dinner-party. Birthday party in the West Indies. A Siamese hair-cutting. Old English harvest customs. Easter at Jerusalem. The Moqui snake-dance. Strange voyage, A ; by W. C. Russell. 25764 Strange witness, A. (// Stor. by an old Bohemian, v. 2.) 23601 Strange woman, A ; by P. B. Marston. (In Ms For a song's sake, etc.) 28802 Stranger, A, yet at home ; by L. C. AVyman. (In her Poverty grass.) 26940 Strasburg. The old clock of S. and the story of its maker. (/// Stor. by an old Bohemian, v. 2.) 23601 Smith, H. Max Kromer; story of the siege of S., 1870. 25245 Strategy. See Military art. Stratford de Redcliffe (Stratford Canning), 1st Viscount. Poole, S. L. Life of S., fr. his Memoirs and papers ; with portraits. 2 v. 30601-2 Skene, J. H. With Lord Stratford in the Crimean war. 23449 Strathesk, Joh, pseud. See Tod, J. Straus, O. S. The origin of republican form of government in the U. S. 25879 Strauss, D. F. Oxenham, H. N. (In his Short stud.) 25126 Stray chords ; by J. R. Anagnos. 23452 Stray leaves fr. strange literature ; stories reconstructed by L. Ilearn. 24189 Streckfuss, A. (F. K.). Quicksands ; fr. the German by Mrs. A. L. Wister. 24384 Street, A. E. Memoir of G. E. Street. Portr. 30606 Street, G. E. Street, A. E. Memoir of G. E. Street. 30606 Street railways. Wright, A. W. American street railways ; their construction, equipment, and maintenance. 30140 Strength of materials. Box, T. Practical treat, on the str. of mat. ; incl. their elasticity and resistance to impact. 28551 Burr, W. H. Elasticity and str. of the mat. of engineering. 23605 Church, I. P. Mechanics of materials ; treat, on the elasticity and str. of beams, columns, arches, etc. 29792 Crofton, M. W. Lectures on the elements of appl. mechanics. 28396 Lanza, G. (In his Appl. mechanics.) 28926 Stouey, B. B. Theory of stresses in girders, etc.; with obs. on the strength, etc., of materials. 26459 Todhunter, 1. History of the theory of elasticity and of the str. of mat. fr. Galilei. Vol. 1. 27161 Unwin, W. C. The testing of materials of construction; text-book. 29458 See also Iron; Iron bridges; Metals; Stresses; Testing machines. Stresses. Burr, W. H. A course on the stresses in bridge and roof trusses, arched ribs, and suspension bridges. 27814 Merriman, M. Stresses in simple trusses. (In his Text-book, pt. 1.) 29051 Stoney, B. B. Theory of stresses in girders, etc. 2G459 Stretton, Hesba, pseud. See Smith, H. Strickland, A. Life of Mary Stuart; abgd. fr. * 'Queens of Scotland ;" by R. Kaufman. Illust. 27477 Strickland, J. M. Life of A. Strickland, 28441 624 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Strickland, J. M. Life of Agnes Strickland. 28441 Strigul, Earl of. See Clare, R. de. Strike in the B mill ; a study. (Rd. -robin ser.) 27862 Strikes. About, E. F. V. (In his Handbook of soc. economy.) 25930 - F., S. and C. W. What is a strike? (In their Lessons on pi-act, subj.) 2533G Newcorab, S. The labor movement in acct. with the laboring man. '(In his Plain man's talk.) 27126 Ryan, D. J. Failure and fallacy of S. (In his Arbitration.) 25678 Strindberg, Adjoint author. See Lundin, C. Stringer, G. A. Leisure moments in Gough Square ; beauties and quaint conceits of Johnson's dictionary. . 26880 Strive and succeed ; by H. Alger, Jr. 9319 Stv,ohm, G. Universal cookery book ; pract. recipes. 28151 Stromberg, T. Bilder och minnen fran sodra Malarstranden. 15102 Strong, C., Gov. of Mass. Lodge. H. C. (Inhis Studies.) 23785 Strong, J. Our country ; possible future and present crisis ; introd. by A. Phelps. 13279 Strong, W. C. Fruit culture and the laying out and manage- ment of a country home. 25246 Strongbow, R. See Clare, R. de. Struck down ; by H. Smart. 25574 Struggle, A, for fame ; by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. 23316 Stuart, B. Number nine. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Stuart, C. Miss Clara Morris. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hut- ton, L. Actors, v. 5.) 26476 Stuart, C. E., the Young Pretender. Axon, W. E. A. Prince Charles Edward Stuart's supposed visit to Manchester. (In his Lane, gleanings.) 23436 The countess of Albany, Charles Edward, and Alfieri. (Monograph, no. 2.) 23818 Henty, G. A. Bonnie Prince Charlie. 29028 Stevenson, E. I: White cockades. 28823 Stuart, R., pseud. See Smith, H. B. Stuart, J. A chapter of science ; or, What is a law of nature? lect. 24868 Stuart, J. A. E. The Bronte country ; its topography, antiqui- ties, and hist. 30193 Stuart, J. E. B., Ma j.- Gen. McClellan, H. B. Life and cam- paigns of S. 25992 Mosby, J. S. Stuart's cavalry campaigns. (In his War reminiscences.) 30541 Stubblefield contingents, The ; by R. M. Johnston. (In his Mr. A. Billingslea, etc.) 29688 Stubbs, C. W. The land and the labourers ; facts and experi- ments in cottage farming and co-operative agriculture. 23980 Stubbs, W., D. D. Seventeen lect. on the study of medieval and mod. hist. 26936 Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Introduction to the study of philos- ophy. 29824 Student's ecclesiastical history. See Smith, P. Hist, of the Chr. Church. Students' songs ; comp. and ed. by W. H. Hills. 23471 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 625 Studia Biblica. See Driver, S. E., and others. Studley, C. A. Notes upon human remains from caves in Coahuila, Mexico. (In Peabody Mus. of Arch. Kept., v. 3.) 19625 Study, Art of ; by A. Bain. (In his Pract. essays.) 24003 Stuff and nonsense ; by A. B. Frost. *I Sturgis, J. John Maidment. 26120 Lord Richard and I. (In Tales f r. many sources, v. 1.) 25367 - My friends and I. (Leis. hr. ser.) 24652 - Thraldom. 28826 Sturm, C. A trip with the man in the moon. (In Safford, M. J. Christ, county, etc.) 27095 Stutfield, H. E. M. El Maghreb ; ride thr. Morocco. 27061 Stuttering. See Stammering. Style. See Khetoric. Style (in painting). Hamerton, P. G. Style. ( In his Portf . papers.) 30848 Suakin. De Cosson, E. A. Days and nights of service with Sir Gerald Graham's field force at S. 27033 Submarine artillery. Jaques, W. H. Ericsson's Destroyer and submarine gun ; appl. to naval warfare ; with hist, of sub- mar, artillery. 26163 Submarine boats. Hovgaard, G. W. Submarine boats. 29029 - Reed, E. J., and Simpson, E. (In their Mod. ships of war.) 29104 Success. Bolton, S. K. How success is won ; biographies. 24977 Clark, F. E. Secrets of S. (In his Our business boys.) 23880 Farrar, F. W. Success in life. 25827 Smiles, S. The art of living. 28904 Thayer, W. M. Tact, push, and principle. 27690 Tilley, W. J. Masters of the situation. 28170 Suckling, Sir J. Poems; new ed., with pref. and notes; ed. by F. A. Stokes. 27688 Sudbury river, Mass. Fellows, H. P. An inland voyage on the S. (In his Boating trips.) 23532 Suez canal. Lawrence, T. J. The Suez canal in international law. (In his Essays.) 26251 Lesseps, F. de. (In his Recollections.) 28973 - Towle, G. M. The Suez canal. (In his Eng. in Egypt.) 25852 - Wight, O. W. (In his People, etc.) 30381 Suffolk and Berkshire, Earl of. See Howard, H. C. Suffolk Conference of Unitarian and other Chr. Churches. Luther memorial ; addresses, Nov. 18, 1883. 23647 Suffrage. Miller, J. B. Universal suffrage in cities. (In his Trade organizations.) 28520 Suffren Saint-Tropes, P. A. de. Laughton, J. K. Le Bailli de Suffren. (In his Studies.) 29615 Sugar, Sugar cane. See Sorghum. Sugar and spice and all that's nice ; by [M. W. Tileston]. 25861 Sugg, W. T. The domestic uses of coal gas. 26846 Suicidal tendencies of Mr. Ephrodtus Twilley. (In his Mr. A. Billingslea, etc.) 29688 Suleima ; par P. Loti [Lieut. Viaud]. (Inhis Fleurs d' ennui.) 14837 Sullivan, A., joint author. See Gilbert, W. S. 626 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Sullivan, A. $. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Sullivan, M. F., joint author. See Blake, M. E. Sullivan, T. R. Roses of shadow. 25776 Sully, J. Outlines of psychology ; spec, ref . to the theory of education. 24672 Teacher's handbook of psychology. 27062 Suite, B. Bender, P. (In his Literary sheaves.) 24137 Sumatra. Butterworth, H. (In his Zigzag jour.) 30304 Forbes, H. O. (In his Naturalist's wanderings.) * 25493 Summer ; fr. the journal of H. D. Thoreau. 24039 Summer haven songs ; by J. H. Morse. 26673 Summer, A, in Oldport Harbor ; by W. H. Metcalf . 28328 Summer legends ; by R. Baumbach. 29662 Summer sermons fr. a Berkshire pulpit ; by W. W. Newton. 25415 Summers, C. Parton, J. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Simmer, C. Works, v. 14, 15. 13996-7 On the Kansas-Nebraska bill ; On the crime against Kansas. (In Johns- ton, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 2.) 24996 Bolton, S. K. (In her Fara. Amer. statesmen.) 30081 - Chaplin, J. and J. D. Life of S. 28457 - Whipple, E. P. Recollections of S. (In his Recollections.) 27354 Sumner, W. G. Collected essays in polit. and soc. science. 25525 Contents. Bimetallism. Wages. The argument against protective taxes. Sociology. Theory and practice of elections. Presidential elec- tions and civil service reform. Our colleges before the country. Lectures on the hist, of protection in the II. S. 23403 Problems in political economy. 23565 Protectionism the ism which teaches that waste makes wealth. 25849 What social classes owe to each other. 23116 Sumter, Fort. Crawford, S. W. Genesis of the civil war; story of S. 29198 Sun. Bassnet, T. True theory of the S. 23912 Lockyer, J. N. Chemistry of the sun. 27838 Molloy, G. The sun as a storehouse of euergv. (In his Gleanings.) 30808 Proctor, R. A. New theory of sun-spots. (In his Other suns.) 29409 The sun's corona; A great sun-spot; Solar surroundings. (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Webb,T. W. The sun: familiar description. 25639 " Sunbeam," Yacht. Brassey, A. In the trades, the tropics, and the roaring forties. 24893 Sunday, Sabbath. Andrews, J. N. History of the S. and first day of the week. *I Axon, W. E. A. Sunday in the olden time. (In his Lane, gleanings.) 23436 Brooks, H. M. New-England Sunday. 26960 Clarke, J. F. The Sabbath, Sunday, or the Lord's day, which? ( In his Vexed questions.) 27073 Cook, J. Lord's day's lawlessness. (In his Bost. Monday lect.) 29122 Crafts, W. F. The S. for man; study of the origin, obligation, etc., of sabbath observance. 25148 Gray, G. S. Eight studies of the Lord's day. 25792 Lewis, A. H. Critical hist, of S. legislation. 29144 Littlejohn, W. H., and Ed. of the Christian Statesman. The constitu- tional amendment; or, The Sunday, the sabbath, etc.,' discussion. *I Proctor, R. A. Saturn and the S. of the Jews ; The hist, of S. (In his Gt. Pyramid.) 23038 Scbaff, P. Die Christliche Sonntagsf eir ; The Christian sabbath. (In his Christ and Christianity.) 25765 Sunday schools. Hale, E. E. Sunday-school stor. on the golden texts of the Internat. lessons of 1889. 30528 Trumbull, H. C. The Sunday-school ; origin, mission, methods, etc. 30375 Teaching and teachers ; or, The Sunday-school teacher's work. 24647 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 627 Sunny side, The, of shadow ; by F. N. Benjamin. 28232 Sunset of an ideal ; by the marchesa Colombi [M. Torelli- Torriani]. (In her In the rice-fields, etc., v. 2.) 28666 Sunshine and sea ; a yachting visit to the Channel Is. and coast of Brittany ; by a country doctor. Illust. 26614 Super, C. W. Notes and additions. (In Weil, H. Order of words in the anc. languages. 28833 Superior woman, A; [by J. Yardley]. 25471 Supernatural, The. Carpenter, W. B. Fallacies of testi- mony in rel. to the S. (In his Nature.) 30623 Drummond, H. Natural law in the spiritual world. 23819 Lee, F. G. Glimpses in the twilight; notes, records, and examples of the S. 25114 Maudsley, H. Natural causes and S. seemings. 27046 See also Miracles. Superstition. Ingram, J. H. Haunted homes, etc., of Great Britain. 23957 - Popular superstitions. 24692 - Repplier,-A. On the benefits of S. (In her Books and men.) 30245 See also Legends ; Spiritism ; Totemism. Suppe, F. von. Boccacio ; or, The Prince of Palermo ; comic opera ; Eng. trans, by D. Smith. *I Sur 1'eau ; [par] G. de Maupassant. 14930 Surcouf , R. Laughton, J. K. The French privateers : R. Surcouf. (In his Stud.) 29615 Surf and wave. See Ward, A. L. Surgeon's stories. See Topelius, Z. Surprise land ; by E. G. [Hodges]. 27681 Surprised ; by A. Eichberg. (In New. Eng. story-book.) 24819 Surprises, Les ; comedie-vaud. par E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, se"r. 2, v. 30.) *I Surrey (County), Eng. Description. Hissey, J. J. (In his A holiday on the road.) 29379 Surveying. Carhart, D. Treatise on plane S. 29524 Gillespie, W. M. Treatise on surveying. 28240 Hurst, J. T. Hand-book of formulae, tables, and memoranda for archi- tectural surveyors. 27150 Johnson, J. B. Theory and practice of S. 27979 Specht, G. J., and others. Topographical surveying. 25355 - Wentworth, G. A. (In his Plane and spber. trigonometry.) 26862 See also Geodesy ; Hydrography ; Levelling ; Lumber ; Railroads ; Stadia surveying. Susa, Persia. Wright, W. B. Susa, the city of the satraps. (In his Anc. cities.) 27010 Susan Drummond ; by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. 23639 Susiana. Layard, A. H. Early adv. in Persia, S., and Baby- lonia. 2 v. 29393-4 Sussex Co., Eng. Egerton,J.C. Sussex folks and Sussex ways. 25106 Hissey, J. J. A holiday on the road ; artist's wanderings in S. 29379 Susy's dragon ; by N. Perry. (In her Youngest Miss Lorton.) 30356 Sutherland, G. Australia ; or, Eng. in the south. Illust. 27063 Sutherland, J. M. William Wordsworth ; story of his life, with crit. rem. on his writings. 29764 Sutherland clearances. Macleod, D. Gloomy memories of the highlands. (In Mackenzie, A. Hist, of highland clearances. 23587 628 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Sutter, A. Per mare ; per terras ; visit to New Zealand by Australia and America. 28663 Sutton and Sons. The culture of vegetables and flowers fr. seeds and roots ; also, A year's work in the vegetable garden ; Remarks on the rotation and chemistry of crops, etc. 24869 Suwanee river tales ; by S. Bonner [K. S. B. McDowell]. 24485 Suzanne Normis ; par H. Gre'ville [A. F. Durand]. 14826 Suzette ; by M. S. Tiernan. 26121 Suzor, R. Hydrophobia ; acct. of Pasteur's system. Illust. 29328 Svea folk-kalender for 1859, 1863, 1866, 1872, 1875-1876. Illust. 15103-8 Svensk national-kalender, 1840. 15111 Swain, L. L. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Swaine, S. A., Rev. General Gordon. (World's workers.) 26517 Turner the artist. (World's workers.) 26272 Swampscott, Mass. Thompson, W. Swampscott ; hist. sk. of the town. 25576 Swan, A. S. Adam Hepburn's vow. 26553 Aldersyde ; border story. Illust. 23211 Swann, J. An investor's notes on American railroads. 26952 Swarthout, M. F., and Farnham, M. A. Sheldon's graded examples in arithmetic. Book 1, 2. 28476-7 Swearing. See Profanity. Sweden. Montelius, O. Civilization of Sweden in heathen times. 30658 Biography. Svensk national-kalender, 1840. 15111 Description and travels. Ballou, M. M. (In his Due north.) 28102 Buckley, J. M. (In his Midnight sun.) 27383 Butterworth, H. (In his Zigzag jour, in north, lands.) 23145 " R. (In ' Corning, C. R. (In his Aalesund to Tetuan.) Stromberg, T. Bilder och minnen Iran sodra Miilarstranden. 15102 Wight, O. W. (In his People, etc.} 30381 Wood, C. W. Under northern skies, 27960 History. Adlerbeth, G. J. Historiska anteckningar, 1772-1807. 15122 Caddy, F. Thr. the fields with Linnaeus; chapt. in Swedish hist. 2 v. 28006-7 Lange, C. C. A. Udtog af Norges, Sveriges og Danmarks Historic. 27424 Montgomery, G. Historia ofver kriget emellan Sverige och Ryssland, 1808-9. 15141 Starback, C. G. Forsok till liirobok i swensk historia. 15179 See also Gustavus Adolphus. Also Topelius, Z. Surgeon's stories. Language. Nagra ord om Syenska sprakets bearbetning i narvarande tid. 15165 Nordvall, J. Liirobok i modersmalet for elementarundervisningeu. 15142 L iterature. ( Collections.} Signaturer, S. Sanger och berattelser; andra samlingen. 15146 (Poetry. Collections.} Hylten-Cavallius, G. O., and Stephens, G. Sveriges historiska och politiska visor. Vol. 1. 15132 Peterson, F. Poems and Swedish tr. 23796 The Library has also works by Adlerbeth, G. J. ; Arrhenius, J. ; Biorklund, J. ; Boyesen, A. T. ; Brag, J. ; Choraeus, M. ; Chronwall, J. H. ; Dietrich, V.; Geijer, E. G. ; Gumaelius, G. W.; Hazelius, J. A. ; Hedberg, F. G. ; Hedborn, S. J. ; Jowitt, W. ; Ling, A. ; Livijn, CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 629 C. ; Lundin, C., and Strindberg, A. ; Mankell, A. ; Montgomery, G. ; Nicander, K. A. : Nonnen, E. : Nordvall, J. ; Nyberg, S. ; Palander, F. A. ; Pfeiffer, S. (ps. Sylvia) ; Ruda, E. W. ; Russ, K. ; Rydberg, V. ; Silverstolpe, A. G. ; Snow, E.; Starbiick, C. G. ; Stromberg, T. ; Topelius, Z.; Ullman, U. L. ; Wennerberg, J. W.; Witt, O. M. ; Zedritz, C. E. Also translations into Swedish from Allweg, T. ; Andersen, H. C. ; Austen, J. ; Barth,C. G. ; Blumauer, A. ; Brothier, L. ; Cherbujiez, V.; Cummins, M. S.J Dudeyant, A. L. A. D. (ps. G. Sand): Eggleston, E.; Goerlach, W.; Heller, R.; Kuppe, Lagny, G. de; Laveleye, V. L. E. de ; Ledderhose. K. F.; Macaulay, T. B. : Marsh-Caldwell, A. ; Meding, J. F. M. O. (ps. G. Samarow) ; Presense, E. D. de ;-Roehr, J. F. ; Saint Pierre. J. H. B. de ; Schucht, J. ; Stoeber, K. ; Tardieu, J. R. (ps. J. T. de Saint-Germain) ; Taura, E. von;-Ule, O. ; Wohlthat, H. See also Scandinavia. Swedenborg, E. The soul ; or, Rational psychology ; tr. and ed. by F. Sewall. 29457 Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Ireland, W. W. The hallucinations of S. (In his Blot upon the brain.) 26114 Oxenham, H. N. Swedenborg and Swedenborgianism. ( In his Short stud.) 25126 Winchell, A. The vortical theory of S. (In his World-life.) 23415 Swedish movement cure. Taylor, G. H. (In his Health by exercise.) 28925 Sweet, H. Anglo-Saxon primer; with grammar, notes, and glossary. 3d ed. (Clarendon Press ser.) 25636 First middle Eng. primer ; extr. f r. the Ancren riwle and Ormulum ; with grammar and glossary. 25637 Historv of Eng. sounds;* with word-lists. 30372 Second middle Eng. primer ; extr. f r. Chaucer, with grammar and glossary. (Clarendon Press ser.) 28664 Sweet Cicely ; by Josiah Allen's wife [M. Holley]. 26080 Sweet Mace ; by G. M. Fenn. 25559 Sweetness and light ; by M. Arnold. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 1.) 23200 Sweetser, M. F. Philadelphia. (In his Cities of the world, v. 3.) 25069 San Francisco; Toronto and Quebec; Chicago. (In Hodder, E. Cities of the world, v. 2.) 25068 - What the people read. (In Abbott. L. Hints, etc.) 25640 Swift, A. M. Derwent Coleridge, scholar, pastor, educator. 23117 Swift, C. F. History of Old Yarmouth, to 1794. 25044 Swift, J. Selections fr. prose writings ; pref . and notes by S. Lane-Poole. 25135 Contents. Tale of a tub. Battle of the books. Abolishing of Chris- tianity in England. Meditation upon a broomstick. Gulliver's travels. English political tracts. Proposal for 'correcting, improving, and ascer- taining the Eng. tongue. Tracts rel. to Ireland. Polite conversation. Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 - Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 2^774 Williams, H. (In his Eng. letters, etc.) 26717 Swimming. Farrow, E. S. (In his Military system of gym- nastic exercises.) 24405 Hartelius, T. J. (In his Home gymnastics.) 22971 Wilson, W. The swimming instructor. 23134 See also Gymnastics. Swinburne, A. C. A century of roundels. 23602 Locrine; a tragedy. 29160 Marino Faliero ; a tragedy. 25638 A midsummer holiday ; and other poems. 25247 Miscellanies. 27689 Contents. Short notes on English poets. A century of English poetry. Congreve. Collins. Wordsworth and Byron. Charles Lamb and George Wither. Landor. Keats. Tennyson and Musset. Emily 630 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bronte. Charles Reade. Auguste Vacquerie. Mary, Queen of Scots. A relic of Dryden. Sir H. Taylor on Shelley. Note* on the character of Mary, Queen of Scots. Selections fr. poetical works; ed. by R. H. Stoddard. 24441 A study of Victor Hugo. 26608 Galton, A. Mr. Swinburne. (In his Urbana scripta.) 25728 Swinburne, J. Practical electrical units popularly explained. Illust. 28909 Swing, D. Sermons. 23404 Contents. A divine philosophy. A temporary creed. Moral esthet- ics. Civilization. An inwrought life. A symmetrical life. A great brotherhood. The better choice. Eighteen missing years. Faithful unto death. The preacher and his enemy. Equality in variety. Reason and imagination. The objections to evolution. Merit. The beautiful is the useful. A great God. The coming aristocracy. Spirituality. The higher life. "Swingin round the cirkle ;" by P. V. Nasby [D. R. Locke]. 29319 Swinton, A. A. C. Principles and practice of electric lighting. 24157 Swiss family Robinson; [byJ. D. Wyss]. 4324 Swiss stories ; fr. the German of J. Spyri. 28535 Switzerland. Griswold, W. M. The 18th cent, in S, (Mono- graph, no. 45.) 23818 Wight, O. W. (In his People, etc.) 30381 Description and travels. Anteckningar under en resa genom Schweiz, etc. 15150 M'Collester, S. H. Switzerland and Berne. ((In his After-thoughts.) 23634 Manning, S. Swiss pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 19178; *I Nicander, K. A. Minnen fran sodern. 15137 Tjngufyra bref fran Sweits, etc., 1855-6. 15154 Verney, Lady. Autumn jottings in S. (In her Cottier owners, etc.) 26396 - Same. (In her Peasant properties, etc., v. ].) 26967 History. Beard, C. The reformation in Switzerland. ( In his Reformation.) 23437 Zschokke, J. H. D. History of S. 24535 Theology. Scott. H. M. The most recent hist, of doctrine ; or, The present state of theology and theological parties in Germany and German Switzer- land. (In Boardman, G. N., and others. Current discuss., v. 2.) 24514 Swords. Burton, R. F. Book of the sword. *I Castle. E. The sword dur. the 16th-18th cent. ( In his Schools, etc.) *I King, C. C. The genesis of a sword. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Verney, Lady. Mythical and mediaeval S. ( In her Peasant properties, Sykes,V. H. Laurie, W. F. B. Colonel W. H. Sykes. ( In his Sketches.) 30596 Syltor Syltoe. See Silt. Sylvan city, A ; or, Quaint corners in Philadelphia. Illust. (Our continent lib.) 23303 Sylvan winter ; by F. G. Heath. 26494 Sylvester, H. M. Homestead highways. 29573 Sylvester, W. A. Modern house-carpenter's companion and builder's guide. Plates. 23648 Sylvia, pseud. See Pfeiffer, S. Sylvia's daughters ; by F. Scannell. 26392 Symbolism. Mills, C. De B. Symbolism. (In his Tree of mythology.) 30441 Symbols. Clement, C. E. Handbook of Christian symbols. 26873 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 631 Jennings, H. (In his Rosicrucians.) 2 v. 28559-60 Twining, L. Symbols and emblems of early and mediaeval art. 26273 See also Emblems. Symington, A. J. Some pers. reminiscences of Carlyle. 27525 Symington, A. M. Good lives; some fruits of the 19th cent. 23981 Contents. Self-made men: E. Burritt. T. Salt. J. Dodds. R. Dick. Heroes and saints : L. Coffin. Com. Goodenough. S. Grellet. C. deBoinville. VV . Pennef ather. Catharine and Crawford Tait. Scot- tish divines : W. Arnot. R. Buchanan. J. Eadie. Principal Candlish Missionaries: J. Wilson. A. Duff. Evangelists: B. North. J. Ash- worth. Symonds, H. C. Report of a commissary of subsistence, 1861-65. 30248 Symonds, J. A. Ben Jonson. (Eng. worthies.) 27244 Italian byways. 23027 - Renaissance in Italy. Vol. 6, 7: The Catholic reaction. 2 v. f 27953-4 Shakspere's predecescors in the Eng. drama. 23982 Sir Philip Sidney. (Eng. men of letters.) 27478 Wine, women, and song; mediaival songs; tr. into Eng. verse, with essay. *I Symoudson, F. W. H. Two years abaft the mast; or, Life as a sea apprentice. 23306 Symons, A. Introduction to the study of Browning. 27710 Sympathy. Lamb, C. Imperfect sympathies. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 1.) 23200 Symphonies. Upton, G. P. Standard S. ; hist., music, and composers. 30821 Symphony, A ; by H. S. Morris. (In The Septameron.) 29902 Symposium. Fiske, J. A crumb for the "Modern sympo- sium." (In his Darwinism, etc.) 25984 Syria. Conder, C. R. Heth and Moab : explorations in S., 1881-2. 23690 Antiquities. Conder, C. R. Syrian stone-lore. 27551 Description. - Mitford, E. L. (In his Land march, v. 1.) 24965 Geography. Dawson, J. W. Egypt and Syria; their phys. features in rel. to Bible history. 26034 Geology. Dawson, J. W. Modern science in Bible lauds. 30628 T., G. H. Life and writings of Smollett. (In Smollett, T. G. Adv. of Roderick Random.) *I T., N. T. Bread-making. (Putnam's hdy. bk. ser.) 24645 T. K. Earle M'f g Co. History of the Amer. card-clothing industry ; by H. G. Kittredge and A. C. Gould. 23382 Tabachetti. See Tabaquet, J. B. Tabaquet, J. B., called Tabachetti. Butler, S. Tabachetti's work at Crea. (In his Ex voto.) 30681 Tabernacle. See Jews. Table-talk ; by F. C. Baylor. (In her Shocking example.) 30774 Tableaux. Pollard, J., and Satterlee, W. Artistic T. ; with diagrams and descr. of costumes. *I - Weld, M. C. Illustrated T. for amateurs. 27719 Tables. See Hydraulics ; Logarithms. Also America. His- tory ; Europe . History . 632 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Tabor, E. The senior songman. (Frank. Sq. lib.) 23064 Tache, J. C. Bender, P. (In his Lit. sheaves.) 24137 Tachypomp, The ; by E. P. Mitchell. ( In Stor. by Amer. auth., v. 5.) 24218 Tacitus, C. C. Annalium ab excessu divi Augusti libri ; ed., with introd. and notes by H. Furneaux. Vol. 1, bks. 1-6. 23983 Tact, push, and principle ; by W. M. Thayer. 27690 Tactics. Wisser, J. P. Pract. instr. in minor T. and strategy for the regular army. *I See also Infantry. Tadema, L. A. The captain's bride. (In Norman, H. The witching time.) 27331 Love's martyr. 26460 Ebers, G. Lorenz Alma Tadema; his life and works. 26814 Tailors. Saunders, F. Touching tailors. (In his Pastime papers.) , 25890 Taine, H. A. The French revolution ; tr. by J. Durand. V. 3. 21196 Bonaparte, N. J. Napoleon et ses detracteurs. 14578 Taintor's guide books ; namely : American seaside resorts. 24394 New York to Washington. 24395 Saratoga illustrated. 24396 Tait, A. C., Archbp. of Canterbury. Introduction. (In Browne, J. C. Lambeth Palace.) *I Oxenham, H. N. (In his Short stud.) 25126 Parry, E. Archbishop Tait. (In Ewart, H. C. Leaders, etc.) 30632 Tait, C. and C. Symington, A. M. (In his Good lives.) 23981 Tait, P. G. Heat. 24265 - Light. 24594 Properties of matter. 25951 Sketch of thermodynamics. 2d ed., rev. and extended. 27995 joint author. See Thomson, W. Taken by siege. 27863 Taken by the enemy ; by O. Optic [W. T. Adams]. 30199 Taken fr. the French ; by J. M. Morton. (In his Comediettas.) 27090 Talbot, B. Shakespeare's view of women's rel. with and inn 1 , on men of mark. (In Winchester Coll. Shakspere Soc. Noctes.) 29429 Talbot, C. R. A double masquerade ; romance of the revo- lution. Illust. 24934 A midshipman at large; story of Newport and ocean yachting. Illust. 28922 Romulus and Remus; dog story. Illust. 30563 Skating. (In Vance, F. T., and others. Ways for boys.) 28913 Talbot, G. F. Jesus ; his opinions and character ; New Testa- ment stud, of a layman. 23301 Talbot, H. L. (pseud. Parke Danforth.) Not in the prospectus. 27191 Talbot, J. F., ed. Pope Leo XIII. ; his life and letters; introd. fr. P. A. McKenna. Illust. 27214 Tale of a lonely parish ; by F. M. Crawford. 26317 Tale of negative gravity ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his Stor., ser. 2.) 26935 Tale unfolded ; by J. S. of Dale [F. J. Stimson]. (In his Sentiment, calendar.) 27667 Tales bef . supper ; fr. T. Gautier and P. Mrime. 28505 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 633 Tales from Chambers's Journal, Vols. 1-4. 27966-9 Contents. V. 1. Murray, D. C. The silver lever. Interest of a shil- ling. A seaside adventure. The longest month in my life. The brown great coat. Mr. Job Samson and his little mistake. The lighthouse of the Ganuets. Zekel Flint. The monks of Cockaigne. An unexpected blessing. Uncle Godfrey. My friend Ching. Children I have met. The cabman's story. A narrow escape. 2. Five brothers' five fixes. Daisy's choice. A black mare with a white star. A hand and a ring. A gallant steed. Bobby. Our feather farm. Blamyre's chambers. The wife's secret. Miss Fyfe's adventure. The phantom of Deadmoor tower. The Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy. Chewton-Abbott. Among queer people. The White Hart inn. A flight in the dark. 3. Without further delay. The Arab wife. A strange clue. The manor-house at Milford. Story of a foundling. 4. The winning hazard. A limited horizon. Dashmarton's legacy. A cast of the net. Tales from Eng. hist. fr. standard authors ; ed., with notes, by W. J. Rolfe. Illust. 29905 Tales from many sources. Vols. 1-4. 25367-70 Contents. V. 1. Hardy. T. The three strangers. Austey, F. The black poodle. Sturgis, J. Lord Richard and I. Stevenson, R. L. The pavilion on the links. Norris, W. E. The hermit of Saint Eugene. Mattie. 2. Gerard, E. D. My Paris masters. Rame. L. de la. Mouf- flon. Martin, Mrs. H. Beaucharap & Co. Reade, C. The Knights- bridge mystery. Archdeacon Holden's tribulation. Smith, H. Michael Lorio's cross. Argles, M. In durance vile. 3. The professor and the harpy. Shorthouse, J. H. The Marquis Jeanne Hyacinth de St. Pelaye. The rock scorpions. Black, W. Queen Tita's wager. King Pepin and sweet Clive. Clerke, E. M. A film of gossamer. The lay figure. The Count of Rochmont. 4. Besant, W., and Rice, J. The ten years' ten- ant. Hunt, M. Truth triumphant. Doyle, A. C. Bones. Muirhead, F. Two plots. Collins, W. She loves and lies. Daudet, A. The siege of Berlin. Payne, J. Patient Kitty. Tales fr. the old dramatists ; by M. D. Browne. 23035 Tales of a grandfather. See Scott, W. Tales of a wayside inn. See Longfellow, H. W. Tales of all countries. See Trollope, A. Tales of eccentric life ; by W. A. Hammond and C. Lanza. 26637 Tales of the pathfinders ; by A. Oilman. 24910 Tales of the sixty mandarins ; by P. V. R. Raju. 27233 Tales of three cities ; by H. James. 24574 Talk, The, of the town ; by J. Payn. 25197 Talks afield ; by L. H. Bailey, Jr. 25426 Talks with my boys ; by W. A. Mowry. 25446 Talleyrand Pe>igord, C. M. de, prince de Benevent. Smith, G. B. Talleyrand, prince of diplomatists. (In his Half hrs.) 23353 Talmud. Schindler, S. The Talmud. (In his D is solv. views.) 29700 - Schreiber, E. The Talmud; lect. 28532 Traditions retold fr. the T. (In Hearn, L. Stray leaves.) 24189 Tamburlaine. See Marlowe, C. Tamenaga Shunsui. The loyal Ronins ; hist, romance ; fr. the Japanese by S. Saito and E. Greey. Illust. 23645 Tangled tale, A ; by L. Carroll [C. L. Dodgson]. 26486 Tannahill, R. Axon, W. PI A. Robert Tannahill in Lanca- shire. (In his Lane, gleanings.) 23436 Tanner, J. Grey Hawk ; life and adv. amg. the Indians ; ed. by J. Macaulay. 23285 Tanning. Watt, A. (In his Art of leather manuf.) 25138 634 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Taoism. Du Bose, H. C. (In his Dragon, image, etc.) 27742 Taper, The ; by L. N. Tolstoi. (In Lang, A., and Sylvester, P. The dead leman.) 30803 Tapestry. Conway, W. M. (In his Early Flemish artists.) 27737 Muentz, E. Short hist, of T. to the end of the 18th cent. 26595 Tarantella ; by M. Blind. 24976 Taras Bulba ; by N. V. Gogol. 26816 Tarbotton, M. O. Notes on rec. sewage operations in Notting- ham and its neighborhood. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 12.) *I Tardieu, J. R. (pseud. J. T. de Saint-Germain.) Konsten att vara olycklig ; ofversattning fran franskan. 15167 Tariff. See Free Trade ; U. S. Tariff. Tarleton, F. A., joint author. See Williamson, B. Tart arm sur les Alpes ; par A. Daudet. *I Tasman, A. J. Voyage for the disc, of southern countries, 1642-43. (In Pinkerton, J. Early Austral, voyages.) 27229 Tasmania. Ballou, M. M. Under the Southern cross ; travels in T. 29059 Tasse", J. Bender, P. (In his Literary sheaves.) 24137 Tasso, T. Phillimore, C. M. (In her Stud.) 28075 Spever, O. Torquato Tasso. (In Gottschall, R. von. Der neue Plutarch. v. 10.) 16305 Taste. See ^Esthetics. Tate, T. The philosophy of education ; or, Principles and pract. of teaching; introd. by E. E. Sheib. 26197 Tattered Tom ; by H. Alger, Jr. 9207 Tauler, J. Herrick, S. E. Tauler and the Mystics. (In his Some heretics.) 24570 Taungu. History. Phayre, A. P. (In his Hist, of Burma.) 23350 Taura, E. von. Modiga hjertan ; ofversattning. 15170 Tausig, C. Ehlert, L. (In his Fr. the tone world.) 25335 Taussig, F. W. History of the present tariff. (Quest, of the day.) 25178 Protection to young industries as appl. in the U. S.; study in economic history. (Quest, of the day.) 23803 Tariff hist, of the U. S. (Quest, of the day.) 29775 Tawney, C. H. Introduction and notes. (In Shakespeare, W. Tragedy of Richard III.) 30364 Taxation. Canfield, J. H. Taxation. 23217 Cossa, L. Taxation ; its princ. and methods. 29529 - Ely, R. T. (In his Problems of to-day.) 29799 Jones, W. H. Federal taxes and state expenses. 28788 McCulloch, J. R. Treatise on the principles and pract. inn*, of T. and the funding system. 28212 - Nelson, H. L. Our unju-t tariff law. 24418 - Patterson, J. S. (In his Class interests.) 26183 See also Railroads. Elevated, and the sub-heading Finance under Gt. Brit, and U. S. Taxidermy. Allen, G. Taxidermist's manual of instruction. 30292 Maynard, C. J. Manual of taxidermy. *I Ward, R Sportsman's hdbk. to pract. collecting, preserving, etc. *I Taxwood, Parish of ; by J. R. Macduff. 24089 Taylor. A., joint author. See Taylor, J, CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 635 Taylor, B. The legend of Friedrich Barbarossa. (Monograph, no. 25.) 23818 Life and letters ; ed. by M. H. Taylor and H. E. Scudder. 2 v. 24442-3 Melodies of verse, 24444 Who was she? (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 1.) 23903 Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Harris, A. B. (In her Amer. authors.) 28776 Stedman, E. C. (In his Poets of America.) 25692 Wilson. J. G. (In his Bryant and his friends.) 25857 Taylor, B. F. Dulce domum the burden of the song. 25777 Theophilus Trent; old times in the oak openings. 28166 Taylor, C. E. How to build a simple boat. (In Vance, F. T., and others. Ways for boys.) 28913 Taylor, G., pseud. See Hausrath, A. Taylor, G. H. Health by exercise ; incl. the process of mas- sage, etc. 28925 Taylor, Sir H. Autobiography, 1800-1875. 2 v. 25323-4 Correspondence; ed. by E. Dowden. 29645 DeVere, A,T. Sir Henry Taylor's poetry. (In his Essays, v. 1, 2.) 29069-70 Taylor, I. Leaves from an Egyptian note-book. 30878 Words and places; or, Etymological illust. of hist., ethnology, and geography. Maps. 28206 Taylor, I. A. Venus's doves. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 24291 Taylor, J. Brereton, A. (In his Some famous Hamlets.) 24954 Taylor, J. and A. Tales, essays, and poems ; with mem. by G. A. Oliver. 24208 Taylor, R. Parry, E. G. Reynell Taylor ; biog. Portr. and map. 30186 Taylor, R. W. C. Introduction to a hist, of the factory system. 27901 Taylor, S. Profit-sharing bet. capital and labour ; essays ; added. Memorandum on the indust. partnership at the Whit wood collieries, 1865-74, by A. and H. C. Briggs ; with rem. on the mem. by T. 23986 Taylor, U. A. The city of Sarras. (Leis. hr. ser.) 29161 Taylor, W. L. His broken sword. 29574 Taylor, W. M. Contrary winds ; and other sermons. 23296 John Knox; with pprtr. 25248 Joseph the prime-minister. 27004 The parables of our Savior expounded and illust. 27345 - The Scottish pulpit fr. the reformation. 28910 Tchay and Chiauti ; by W. St. C. Baddeley. 28614 Tchernychewsky, N. G. What's to be done? tr. by B. R. Tucker. 26682 Tchitchikoff's journeys ; or, Dead souls ; by N. V. Gogol. 2 v. 27299-300 Tea. Barker, G. M. A tea planter's life in Assam. ' 24239 Saunders, F. Coffee and tea. (In his Pastime papers.) 25890 Tea leaves ; letters and documents rel. to the shipment of tea to the Amer. colonies, 1773, by the East India Tea Co. ; introd., notes, and biog. notices of the Boston Tea Party ; by F. S. Drake. 24684 Teacher, A, of the violin ; tales ; by J. H. Shorthouse. 29570 Teacher's commercial value ; by C. W. Bardeen. 25706 Teachers, Teaching. See Education. Teachings and counsels ; sermons, by M. Hopkins. 24412 636 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Teale, T. P. Dangers to health ; domestic sanitary defects. 24158 Technical education. Brabazon, R. (In his Prosperity or pauperism?) 30157 Mather, W. Report on tech. educ. in the U. S. and Canada. (In Gt. Brit. Roy. Com. on Tech. Instr. Report (2d), v. 2.) 24448 - Thompson, 0. O. Inaugural address. Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1883. (The mod. polytech. school.) 23070 Bibliography. Leland, C. G. List of the princ. works on tech. educ. (In his Pract. educ.) 30176 See also Agriculture ; Industrial education. Also Gt. Brit. Royal Com. on Technical Instruction. Techno-chemical receipt book ; ed. chiefly fr. the German, with add. by W. T. Brannt and W. H. Wahl. 27270 Technological handbooks. See Wood, H. T. Tecumseh. Eggleston, E., and Seelye, L. E. Tecmnseh and the Shawnee prophet. 28467 Teddy ; story of a "little pickle ;" by J. C. Hutcheson. 28059 Teeling, B. Daly, J. B. Bartholomew Teeling. (In Ms Ire- land in '98.) *I "Teetotal." Axon, W. E. A. Origin of the word "teeto- tal." (In his Lane, gleanings.) 23436 Tegetthoff, W. von. Laughton, J. K. Tegetthoff ; experi- ences of steam and armour. (In his Stud.) 29615 Tegner, E., Bp. of Wexio. Brandes, G. (In his Eminent authors.) 27179 Telegraph. A., J. J. Kort beskrifning ofver den elektriska telegrafen. 15155 - Brennan, M. S. The electric T. (In his Pop. expos.) 25026 Crouch, A. P. On a surf-bound coast; or, Cable-laying in the African tropics. 29592 - Dickerson, Edward N. Joseph Henry and the magnetic T. 25656 Lockwood, T. D. (In his Electricity, etc.) 23667 Loring, A. E. Hand-book of the electro-magnetic T. 24125 Pope, F. L. Modern pract. of the elec. T. 27094 Terry, A. C., and Finn, W. Illust. and descr. of telegraphic apparatus. 24646 Urbanitzky, A. R. von. (In his Electricity, etc.) 27605 Washburn and Moen Mfg. Co. Galvanized iron wire as empl. in the T. ; hist, and princ. of the world's elect, aerial land service. 18877 See also Atlantic telegraph ; Military telegraph. Telemachus, A modern ; by C. M." Yonge. 27027 Telepathy. See Mind reading. Telephone. Brennan, M. S. The telephone. (In his Pop. expos, of elect.) 25026 Preece, W. H., and Maier, J. The telephone. 30599 Prescott, G. B. -Bell's elect, speaking T. ; invention, application, etc. 24587 - Urbanitzky, A. R. von. (In his Electricity, etc.) ' 27605 Telephotography. Wood, H. T. Seeing by telegraph. (In Brown, R. science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Telfer, J. B. The strange career of the chevalier D'Eon de Beaumont. Portr. 25611 Tell-tale foot, The ; by E. S. Brooks. (In his Chivalric days.) 27180 Temperance. Blair, H. W. The temperance movement ; con- flict bet. man and alcohol. 29785 Clark, G. F. History of the T. reform in Mass. 29793 Cook, J. The future of cities and the liquor traffic ; Slavery and the saloon in politics ; Promises and perils of the T, ref . (In his Bost. Mond. lect.) 29122 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 637 Crafts, W. F. What the T. century has made certain in reg. to intem- perance ; with suggestions for the new century. 28678 - Farrar, F. W. Address, New York, 1885. (In his Sermons, etc.) 26318 Gough,J. B. Platform echoes; leaves fr. my note-book. 26214 Gustafson, A. The foundation of death; study of the drink-question. 24837 Hornaday. W. T. Free rum on the Congo and" what it is doing there. lies, G. The liquor question in politics. 30758 National Temperance Soc. One hundred years of T. ; mem. vol. of the Centenn. Temp. Conf., Phila., 1885. Newton, R. H. The prevention of intemperance. (In his Soc. studies.) 27685 Oswald, F. L. The poison problem ; cause and cure of intemperance. 27659 Palmer, A. B. Temperance teachings of science. 26341 Patterson, J. S. The temperance question. (In his Reforms.) 24421 Strong, J. Perils Intemperance. (In his Our country.) 13279 See also Licenses ; Liquors. Temperance services and hymns ; prepared by the Unitarian Church Temperance Society. 28269 Tempest-driven ; by R. Bowling. 28763 Tempest tossed ; by [M. Roberts]. 23799 Temple, D. O., Lady. Letters fr. Dorothy Osborne to Sir Win. Temple, 1652-54; ed. by E. A. Parry. 30184 Temple, F., Bp. of Exeter. Relations bet. religion and science. (Bampton lect.) 24971 Temple, G. Britta ; a Shetland romance. (Harper's handy ser.) 27852 Temple, H. J., 3d Viscount Palmerston. Sanders, L. C. Life of Viscount Palmerston. 30283 Smith, G. B. (In his Prime ministers.) 27718 - Thornton, P. M. Palmerston. (In his For. secretaries, v. 3.) 22746 Temple, J. H. History of North Brookfield, Mass. : prec. by an account of Old Quabaug, etc. ; with a geneal. register. 28482 Temple, Sir R. Cosmopolitan essays ; with maps. 27601 Contents. The British empire in 1S84. Imperial federation. North- west Canada. Forestry for the British Dominions. Social science in England. Fall of Khartum. Annies of the Indian princes. Memoir of Sir Bartle Frere. Christian vernacular education for India. Politics of Burmah. Chinese population. The Russo-Afghan frontier. Greece in 1885. Scenes and sights in Palestine. The Congo basin. American characteristics. Oriental experience: essays, etc. Maps and illust. 23865 Laurie, W. F. B. Sir R. Temple. (In his Sketches.) 30596 Temple, R. C., joint author. See Steel, F. A. Temple, Sir W. Temple, D. O. Letters to Sir Wm. Temple, 1652-54 ; ed. by E. A. Parry. 80184 Temple. See Jerusalem. Temples and elephants ; by C. Bock. *I Templet vid Ganges strander ; romantiserad historisk skildring fran forra arhundradet. 15178 Templeton, W. The modernised Ternpleton ; pract. mechan- ic's workshop companion ; rev. and enl. by W. S. Hutton. 26716 Ten boys who lived on the road fr. long ago to now ; by J. Andrews. 25965 Ten Brook, A. Introductory and concl. chapter. (In Gindely, A. Hist, of the Thirty Years' War.) 2 v. 24013-14 Ten days in the jungle ; by J. E. L. 24416 Ten dollars enough; by C. Owen [Mrs. Nitsch]. 27168 Ten times one is ten ; by Col. F. Ingham [E. E. Hale]. 22969 Ten years a police court judge ; by Judge Wiglittle. 24505 42 638 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ten years on a Georgia plantation ; by F. B. Leigh. 23009 Ten years' tenant, The ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 4.) 25370 Tenace, Major, pseud. Handbook of whist. 26198 Tenants of an old farm ; by H. C. McCook. 24921 Tenasserim. History.. Phayre, A. P. (In his History of Burma.) 23350 Teneriffe. Aubertin, J. J. Tenerife and Madeira (In his Six months in Cape Colony.) 27030 Ellis, A. B. (In his West African islands.) 25419 Latimer, S. F. The English in Canary Is. ; journal in Tenerife and Gran Canada. 30851 Stone, O. M. Tenerife and its satellites. 2 v. 29643-4 Teneur de livres, Un ; par A. Daudet. (In his Contes choisis, and in Contes choisis.) 14641 ; 14863 Tennant, R. Sardinia and its resources. 26393 Tennessee. Description. Warner, C. D. (In his On horse- back.) 30378 History. Gilmore, J. R. The advance-guard of western civilization. 30218 Humes, T. W. The loyal mountaineers of T. 30797 - Phelan, J. History of T. ; the making of a state. 30116 Tenney, E. P., Eev. Agatha and the shadow. 26656 Constance of Acadia. 26656 Tenney, H. A., and Atwood, D. Memorial record of the fathers of Wisconsin ; with hist, of early settlement in W. 26953 Tennyson, A. Becket. 24834 - The cup ; and The falcon. 23649 Enoch Arden; and other poems; ed., with notes, by W. J. Rolfe. Illust. 28167 Locksley Hall sixty years after. 27481 Lyrical poems ; select, and annotated by F. T. Palgrave. 25923 The princess ; a medley ; ed., with notes, by W. J. Rolfe. Illust. Select poems; ed., with notes, by W. J. Rolfe. Illust. Tiresias; and other poems. 26007 The young people's Tennyson ; ed., with notes by J. W. Rolfe. Illust. 26847 Buchanan, R. From Pope to T. (In his Look round literature.) 28005 Cooke, G. W. (In his Poets and problems.) 26414 Dawson, S. E. A study; with crit. and expl. notes of T.'s poem The ^ i i^ princess. Galton, A. Lord Tennyson. (In his Urbana scripta.) 25728 Geuung, J. T. Tennyson's In memoriam; purpose and structure; a study. 23374 Gladstone, W. E. Gladstone on the new "Locksley Hall." 27756 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 2S774 Jennings, H. J. Lord Tennyson; biog. sketch. 25070 Noel, R. The poetry of Tennyson. (In his Essays.) 26901 Swinburne, A. C. Tennyson and Musset. (In his Miscellanies.) 27689 Tenting at Stony beach ; by M. L. Pool. 29563 Tenting on the plains ; by E. B. Custer. 29530 Tents. Williamson, T. How to make and pitch a tent. (In Vance, F. T., and others. Ways for boys, etc.) 28913 Teresa, St. (originally Teresa Sanchez Cepeda Davila y Ahum- ada). Life of T. ; written by herself ; tr. by J. Dalton. 30391 Brooks. E. S. Theresa of Avila; the girl of the Spanish sierras. (In his Hist, girls.) 28864 Coleridge, H. J. Life and letters of St. Teresa. 3 v. 30683-5 Teresa Itasca ; by A. Me Alpine. 27471 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 639 Terhune, M. V. (H.) (pseud. Marion Harland.) Common sense in the nursery. 25850 Cookery for beginners. 23804 The cottage kitchen; receipts. 23312 Elizabeth Prentiss. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284. Eve's daughters; or, Common sense for maid, wife, and mother. 24935 From my youth up. 13354 A gallant fight. 30373 Judith; a chronicle of old Virginia. IlliHst. 23406 Bolton, S. K. (In her Successful women.) 30203 Sanborn, K. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Ternay, C. L. d'A. de. Stone, E. M. (In his Our Fr. allies.) *I Terpander. Butterworth, H. Terpander and the lyre of Greece. (/// his Gt. composers.) 24179 Terra-cotta. Davis, C. T. Pract. treat, on the manuf. of bricks, tiles, terra-cotta, etc. 26061 Terra del Fuego. Reid, M. The land of fire ; tale of adventure. 26735 Terrace, The, of Mon D6sir ; novel of Russian life; [by S. R. de Meissner]. 27399 Terre de France ; par F. de Julliot. 14709 Terrible coward, A ; by G. M. Fenn. 28021 Terrible legacy, A ; by G. W. Appleton. 28588 Terry, A. C., and Finn, W. Illustrations and descr. of tele- graphic apparatus. 24646 Terry, E. (In Irving, H. Short acct. of his pub. life.) 23199 Montgomery, G. E. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Tertium quid ; by E. Gurney. 2 v. 29605-6 Testament de Ce"sar Girodot, Le ; comedie ; par A. Belot et E. Villetard. ( In Theatre contemp.) 14898 Testing machines. Abbott, A. V. Testing machines; hist., constr., etc. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 24116 T6te folle ; par T. Bentzon [M. T. Blanc]. 14823 Tetlow, J. Progressive ser. of induct, lessons in Latin. 24038 Tetragrammaton. See Driver, S. R. Tetuan, Morocco. Corning, C. R. Aalesund to Tetuan. 30307 Teutonic mythology. Grimm, J. L. C. Teutonic mythology. 3 v. *I Teutonic nations. Freeman, E. A. Teutonic conq. in Gaul and Brit. (In his Four Oxford lect.) 29874 Ranke, F. L. von. History of the Latin and Teutonic nations. 27897 Tewfik, M., Khedive of Egypt. Sketch of T. (In Khedives, etc.) 24002 Texar's revenge ; by F. Thickstun. 29829 Texas. Hughes, T. G. T. T. ; gone to T.; letters fr. our boys. 24190 Wells, I). A. A mod. financial Utopia; how it grew up, and what be- came of it. ( In his Pract. economics.) 25854 Textile fabrics. Ashenhurst, T. R. Design in text. fab. 24555 Thackeray, A. I. See Ritchie, A. I. T. Thackeray, W. M. Burlesques, etc. [2 v. in 1.] 24700 Contents. Novels by eminent hands. Jeames's diary. Adventures of Major Gahagan.- -Legend of the Rhine. Rebecca and Rowena. History of the next French revolution. Cox's diary. Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush. The Fitzboodle papers. Miscellanies: The wolves and the lamb. Stories. Little travels and roadside sketches. 640 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Contributions to "Punch;" illust. 26958 - Miscellaneous essays, sketches, and reviews. Illust. 26959 Nil nisi bonum. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 1.) 23200 Brainard, C. H. Recollections of T. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Griswold, H. D. (In her Home life.) 27303 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Mason, E. T. (In his Pers. traits, v. 4.) 25231 Rideing, W. H. Thackeray's London ; description of his haunts and the scenes of his novels. 25634 Thalaba, Story of. Church, A. J. (In his Stories of the magicians.) 27549 Thalberg, S. Engel, L. (In his From Mozart to Mario, v. 2.) 27559 Spark, W. S. Thalberg. (In his Mus. memories.) 30877 Thalia ; theater-kalender for 1867-1868 ; redigerad af O. Wij- kander. 2 v. 15109-10 Thames river. Adams, W. D. The praise of Thames. (In his By-ways.) 30769 Thanatopsis ; by W. C. Bryant. 24058 Thanet, 0., pseud. See French, A. Thanksgiving Day. Brooks, E. S. Patem's salmagundi; Thanksgiving-day story of old New York. (In his Stor. holidays.) 28749 That most distressful country ; by E. C. Boyse. 3 v. 30273-5 That other person ; by Mrs. A. Hunt. 2 SI 91 That ridiculous child ; by N. Perry. ( In her Youngest Miss Lorton.) 30356 That same old 'coon ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his The Lady.) 24037 That terrible man ; by W. E. Norris. 25568 That winter night ; by R. Buchanan. 27731 Thaxter, C. (L.) Bergetta's misfortunes. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 The cruise of the Mystery ; and other poems. 27005 A memorable murder. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 3.) 23905 Poems for children. Illust. 23297 Partou, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Thayer, G. A. Gettysburg, as we men on the right saw it. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Thayer, J. B. A western journey with Emerson ; and Matthew Arnold's Lect. on E. ' 24209 Thayer, W. M. From tannery to the White House ; life of U. S. Grant. Illust. 26736 Tact, push, and principle. 27690 Theal, G. McC. History of South Africa; with 4 charts. 29765 Theatre. Archer, W. About the theatre ; essays and studies. 27029 - Masks or faces? study'in the psychology of acting. 30772 Chancy, G. L. The8tage and morals. (In his Every-day life.) 24728 Cook, D. On the stage; stud, of theat. hist, and the actor's art. 2 v. 24808-9 Diderot, D. The paradox of acting. 23340 Edwards, H. The church and the stage. (In his Mingled yarn.) 22967 Lind. . The truth about the stage. 27701 Soubies, A. Une premiere par jour; causeries sur le theittre. 14929 Wallack, J. J. Memories of fifty years. *I Williams, M. Some London theatres past and present. 23133 - Winter, W. Influence of the stage. (In his Henry Irving.) 25365 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 641 Th^tre contemporain, No. 1-18. 14897-9 Contents. Labiche, E., and Martin, E. Le voyage de Monsieur Perri- chon. Hervilly, E. d'. Vent d'ouest; La soupiere. Labiche, E. La grammaire. Dumanoir and Lafargue. Legentilhomme pauvre. Gozlau, L. Lapluie etlebeau ternps; Legouve,E, Autour d'un berceau. Feuillet, O. La fee. Scribe, E. Bertrand et Raton. Sardou, V. La perle noire. Moinaux, J. Les deux sourds. Ohnet, G. La inaitre de forges. Belot, A., and Villetard, E. Le testament de Cesar Girodot. Augier, E., and Sandeau, J. Le gendre de M. Poirier. Pailleron, E. Le monde ou 1'on s'ennuie. Labiche, E. La lettre chargee. Bornier, H. de. La fille de Roland. Hugo, V. Hernani. Guillet, A. Mine et contre-raine. Erckmann-Chatrain. L'ami Fritz. Theatre de jeunes filles ; par A. Carcassonne. 14576 Theatres. Buckle, J. G. Theatre construction and mainten- ance. 30833 Thebes. Church, A. J. Story of Thebes. (In his Stor. of the old world.) 23763 Sankey, C. The Spartan and Theban supremacies. 26189 Their pilgrimage ; by C. D. Warner. 27509 Theism. Abbot, F. E. Scientific theism. 25962 Boardman, G. N. Theism and revelation. (In Boardman, G. N., and others. Current discuss., v. 2.) 24514 Cocker, B. F. The theistic conception of the world; essay in opposition to certain tendencies of mod. thought. 25719 Fisher, G. P. Grounds of theistic and Chr. belief. 23159 - Flint, R. Theism. 25907 Harris, S. Philosophical basis of theism. 23099 Hedge, F. H. Theism of reason and T. of faith. (In his Martin Luther.) 29538 - The new Catholic Church ; with thoughts on T. 29655 Saltus, E. The anatomy of negation. 28438 Valentine, M. Natural theology ; or, Rational theism. 26122 See also God. Themistocles. Cox, G. W. (In his Lives of Greek statesmen.) 25598 Theocritus. Idylls and epigrams attributed to T. ; Eng. notes by H. Snow (Kynaston). (Clarendon Press ser.) 26790 Theocritus rendered into Eng. prose; introd. essay, by A. Lang. 26791 - Landor, W. S. The idyls of T. (In his Pentameron. etc.) 30235 Theological Translation Fund Library. V. 31-38. *I Contents. V. 31. Schmidt, P. W., and Holzendorff, F. v. Short Protestant commentary on the N. T., v. 3. 32. Reville, A. Prolego- mena of the hist, of religions; tr. by A. S. Squire. 33. Schrader, E. The cuneiform iuscriptions and the O. T. ; tr. by O. C. Whitehouse. V. 1. 34-37. Pfleiderer, O. The philosophy of religion on the basis of its history; tr. by A. Stewart and A. Menzies. V. 1-4. 38. Schrader, E. The cuneiform inscriptions and the O. T. V. 2. Theology. Boardman, G. N., and others. Current discus- sions in theology. Vols. 1,2. 24513-14 Clarke, J. F. Vexed questions in T. ; essays. 27073 - Fisher, G. P. Grounds of theistic and Chr. belief. 23159 Forum magazine. Denominational ''confessions." 28268 Hall, E. H. New Testament T. How far can our liberal T. be drawn fr. theN. T.? 13687 Martensen, H. Chr. dogmatics; com p. of the doctr. of Christianity. 25304 Munger, T. T. The new T. (In his Freedom of faith.) 23053 Park, E. A. Discourses on some theological doctr. as rel. to the relig. characti r. 25350 Shedd, W. G. T. Dogmatic theology. 2 v'. 30458-9 Smith, H. B. Introduction to Chr. theology: Apologetics. 2 v. in 1. 25769 System of Chr. theology. 23923 History. Allen, A. V. G. The continuity of Chr. thought; study of mod. T. in the light of its history. 24554 642 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Study. Drummond, J. Introduction to the study of T. 23837 See also Bible ; Creeds ; Heresy ; Liberalism ; Orthodoxy ; Re- demption; Retribution; Revelation; Unitarianism. Also Ger- many ; Switzerland. Theology, Natural. See Natural religion. Theology, Practical. Clarke, J. F. Every-day religion. 26316 Hoppin, J. M. Pastoral theology. 24763 Theology of evolution ; by E. D. Cope. 28183 Theophilus. Patriarcha Autiocfienus . Sanday, W. A com- mentary on the Gospels attributed to T. (In Driver, S. R., and others. Studia Biblica.) 26581 Theophilus Trent ; by B. F. Taylor. 28166 Theory and practice. Ingleby, C. M. Mutual rel. of theory and practice. (In his Essays.) 29611 Theory of practice ; ethical inq. ; by S. H. Hodgson. 2 v. 29920-21 Theosophical Society. Sinnett, A. P. (In his Occult world.) 25175 Theosophy. Marteusen, II. L. Jacob Boehme ; his life and teachings ; or, Studies in T. 27045 Olcott, H. S. Theosophy, relig., and occult science. 26596 What is T. ; by a fellow of the Theosophical Socieiy. 26556 See also Cabala; Occult philosophy. Therapeutics. See Massage ; Mind cure ; Nursing ; Pa- thology. There was once a man ; by R H. Newell. 24282 k< There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip" ; by C. Reade. (In his Good stor.) 24029 Theresa, St., of Avila. See Teresa, St. Thermal' chemistry. Muir, M. M. P., and Wilson, D. M. Elements of thermal chemistry. 26674 Thermodynamics. Tait, P. G. Sketch of thermodynamics. 27995 Williamson, B., and Tarletou. F. A. Element, treat, on dynamics; cont. appl. to T. 27796 These degenerate days ; [poem] ; by M. J. Savage. 27845 These lots to be sold ; by E. About. (In Lang, A., and Syl- vester, P. The dead leman.) 30803 Theuriet, A. Contes pour les jeunes et les vieux. Illust. 14702 Les enchantements de la fort. 14500 Eusebe Lombard. Le journal de Tristan ; impressions et souvenirs. 14824 (Euvres ; nouvelles. 14842 Contents. Bigarreau ; Souftrances de Claude Blouet; L' abbe Dan- iel ; La Saint-Nicolas. La Saint-Nicolas. (In O'Connor, B. F. Choix de contes.) 25237 Thibaut, A. F. J. On purity in musical art; tr. by W. H. Gladstone. 25543 Thibet. Rockhill, W. W. The early hist, of Bod-yul (Tibet). (In his Life of the Buddha.) ' 24941 Thicker than water ; by J. Payn. 23180 Thickstun, F., pseud. See Clark, F. T. Thiers, M. J. L. A. History of the Fr. revolution; tr., with notes and illust., by F. Shoberl. 5 v. *I (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Thilo, G. Nettleship, H. Thilo's Servius. (In his Lect., etc.) 25633 Things seen ; by V. Hugo. 28512 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 643 Thirlby Hall ; by W. E. Norris. 23636 Thirteen stories of the far West ; by F. Heermans. 28510 Thirty-two ballades in blue china ; by A. Lang. 29614 Thirty years of army life on the border ; by R. B. Marcy. 24526 Thirty Years' War. Gindely, A. History of the war. 2 v. 24013-14 Smith, G. The Thirty Years' War. 23818 This man's wife ; by G. M. Fenn. 27748 This mortal coil ; by G. Allen. 30396 This wicked world ; by Mrs. H. L. Cameron. 30888 Thisted, W. A. (pseud. M. Rowel.) Letters fr. hell; given in Eng. by L. W. J. S. ; pref . by G. MacDonald. 25612 Thorn, J. H. Laws of life after the mind of Christ; dis- courses. Ser. 1, 2. 27602-3 Thorn, W. T., ed. Shakespeare and Chaucer examinations; with rem. on the class-room study of S. 29162 Thomas a Kempis. Cruise, F. R. Thomas a Kempis ; visit to the scenes in which his life was spent. 29475 Thomas, A. See Cudlip, Annie. Thomas, B. George Sand. (Famous women ser.) 22981 Thomas, D. R. St. Asaph. (Diocesan hist.) 29766 Thomas, E. M. A new year's masque ; and other poems. 24936 The round year ; [essays] . 27006 Thomas, G. H., Maj.-Gen. Piatt, D. (In his Memories.) 28259 Thomas, J. Cannibals and convicts ; pers. exp. in the west- ern Pacific. Portrs. and map. 27902 Thomas, J. J. Rural Affairs ; illust. register of rural economy, etc. 1855-1881. V. 1-9. 27116-24 Thomas, M. M. Captain Phil ; a boy's experience in the west- ern army dur. the war of the rebellion. 24502 Thomas, R. An experience with outsiders. (In Makepeace, F. B., and others. Fresh bait.) 27773 Divine sovereignty ; and other sermons. 26093 Contents. Divine sovereignty. Man's sinf illness and inability. Atonement and expiation. The divine helper. The witnessing church. Retribution. Means and ends. "Worship God." The child and his dues. A more excellent way. The pre-eminence of Christ. Our rela- tionships. Limitations of evil. For His name's sake. Searchings of heart. The divine responsibility. Predestination. Self-improvement. Weariness in well-doing. The divine invisibility. Grafeuburg people; fiction but fact. 27346 Thomas, S. G. Jeans, W. T. (In his Creators of the age of steel.) 23628 Thomas, T. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Thomas Upmore, Remarkable history of ; by R. D. Blackmore. 24004 Thompson, A. See Meynell, Mrs. Thompson, B., Count Rumford. Garnett, W. (In his He- roes of science.) 27564 Holyoake, G. J. Singular career of Count Rumford. ( In his Self-help.) 30733 - Wright, H. C. Rumford and the rel. of motion and heat. ( In her Chil- dren's stor.) 30384 Thompson, C. O. Inaugural address, Rose Polytechnic Insti- tute, 1883. (The mod. polytechnic school.) 23070 Thompson, D. G. The problem of evil ; inlrod. to the pract. sciences. 29646 644 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The relig. sentiments of the human mind. 29647 A system of psychology. 2 v. 28583-4 Thompson, E. F. The student's Kent ; abridgment of Kent's Commentaries ; introd. by T. L. Nelson. 26357 Thompson, Sir H. Diet in relation to age and activity. 27604 Charley Kingston's aunt; study of medical life and experience. 26903 Thompson, H. M. The world and the Logos. (Bedell lect.) 25958 Thompson, J. P. Amer. comments on European quest., inter- nat. and relig. 24445 Contents. The drift of Europe, Christian and social. Paparchy and nationality. The armament of Germany. Intercourse of Christian with non-Christian peoples. Concerning treaties as matter of the law of nations. International copyright. The right of war indemnity. Shall England side with Russia? What is science? What is religion? Christ, the church, and the creed. Lucretius or Paul? Final cause; critique of the failure of Paley and the fallacy of Hume. Thompson, M. At love's extremes. 25526 A banker of Bankersville. 28536 By-ways and bird notes. 25687 Contents. In the haunts of the mocking-bird. A red-headed family. Tangle-leaf papers. The threshold of the gods. Browsing and nibbling. Out-door influences in literature. A fortnight in a palace of reeds. Cuckoo notes. Some minor song-birds. Birds of the rock. His second campaign. (Round-robin ser.) 22987 Songs of fair weather. 23298 The story of Louisiana. (Story of the states.) 30819 ed. The boys' book of sports and outdoor life. 27007 Thompson, R. E. A defense of the protective policy. (In Shaw, A. Nat. revenues.) 29895 Protection to home industry ; lect. 26358 Thompson, S. M. Thirteenth Regiment of N. H. Vol. Infantry in the war of the rebellion, 1861-1865. *I Thompson, S. P. Dynamo-electric machinery ; lect. ; introd. by F. L. Pope. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 23194 Dynamo-electric machinery ; manual. 27064 Recent progress in dynamo-electric machines. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 24293 Thompson, T. P. Bisset, A. (In his Notes.) 25907 Thompson, W., Chancellor, d. 1845. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Thompson, Waddy, d. 1868. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Thompson, Waldo. Swampscott ; hist, sketches of the town. 25576 Thompson, W. G-. Training schools for nurses. 23118 Thomson, D. C., joint author. /See Huish, M. B. Thomson, J. (pseud. B. V.) A voice fr. the Nile ; and other poems ; with mem. of the author, by B. Dobell. 24385 Thomson, J. Through Masai land ; jour, of explor. of east, equatorial Africa ; narr. of the Roy. Geog. Soc.'s exped. to Mt. Kenia and Lake Victoria Nyanza. 25200 Thomson, J. Dennis, J. (In his Her. of literature.) 23445 Thomson, W. A trouting trip to St. Ignace Island. (Lt Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing, etc.) *I Thomson, Sir W. Note on the contributions of Fleemin Jenkin to electrical and engineering science. (In Steven- son, R. L. Memoir.) 28994 Notes of lectures on molecular dynamics and the wave theory of light. *I Gray, A. Description of T.'s graded galvanometers. (In his Absolute measurements.) 23679 and Tait, P. G. Treatise on natural philosophy. V. 1, pt. 2. 22647 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 645 Thomson, W. D. The Christian miracles and the conclusions of science. 30045 Thomson, W. H. The great argument ; or, Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. 24210 Thoreau, H. D. The succession of forest trees ; and Wild apples ; with biog. sk. by R. W. Emerson. 28168 Summer; fr. [his] journal ; ed. by H. G. O. Blake. 24039 - Winter; fr. the journal of T. ; ed. by H. G. O. Blake. 28911 - Emerson, R. W. (In his Lect., etc.) 23462 Harris, A. B. (In her Amer. authors.) 28776 Stevenson, R. L. Henry D. Thoreau ; his character and opinions. (In his Famil. stud.) 28164 Thorne family. Bourne, H. R. F. The Thornes of Bristol. (In his Eng. merchants.) 26568 Thornton, G. B. Negro mortality of Memphis. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) ' *I Thornton, P. M. Foreign secretaries of the 19th cent. V. 3. 22746 Contents. Duke of Wellington. Ld. Palmerston. Ld. Aberdeen. Ld. Granville. Ld. Malmesbury. Ld. John Russell. Ld. Clarendon. Foreign policy fr. Ld. Palmerston's death, 1865, to the fall of Gladstone's administration, 1873. Administration of Ld. Beaconsfield. Concluding chapter. App. Harrow school and its surroundings. *I Thoroddsen, J. T. Sigrid ; Icelandic love story ; tr. by C. Chrest ; ed. by T. Tapper, Jr. 28169 Thorwaldsen, A. or B. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Those terrible six hours. (In Race for life, and in Silver lock.) 27693; 29929 "Those unlucky twins ;" by A. Lyster. 25117 Thought. Wall, G. Natural history of thought. 28586 Thought. See Intellect ; Philosophy ; Psychology. Thought, Laws of, Science of. See Logic. Thought reading. See Mind reading. Thoughts in the cloister and the crowd ; by A. Helps. 23005 Thousand pounds, A ; by P. B. Marston. (In his For a song's sake, etc.) 28802 Thraldom ; by J. Sturgis. 28826 Thrawn Janet; by R. L. Stevenson. (In Ms Merry men, etc.) 27795 Three black crows. See Byron, J. Three bridges ; by G. P. Lathrop. (In his True, etc.) 24917 Three crosses, The. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Three deaths ; by L. N. Tolstoi*. (In his Russian proprietor.) 28912 Three good giants ; fr. the Fr. of F. Rabelais. 28814 Three Greek children ; by A. J. Church. 30406 Three guardsmen. See Dumas, A. Three kingdoms ; hand-book of the Agassiz Association ; by H. H. Ballard. 29719 Three little ragamuffins ; by Mrs. W. K. Clifford. (In her Anyhow stor.) 23148 Three people ; by Pansy [I. M. Alden]. 25095 Three princes, The ; Icelandic fairy tale. (In Safford, M. J. Christmas country, etc.) 27095 646 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Three prophets, The ; by C. C. Long. 24577 Three sisters ; by E. D. Keeling. 25914 Three sisters and three fortunes ; or, Rose, Blanche, and Vio- let ; by G. H. Lewes. 1790 Three strangers, The ; by T. Hardy. (In Ms Wessex tales ; and In. Tales fr. many sources, v. 1.) 29683 ; 25367 Three Tetons, The ; by A. W. Rollins. 28530 Three times ten years ; by J. Stinde. (In his Woodland tales. ) 28165 Three villages ; by W. D. Howells. 24020 Three years of a wanderer's life ; by J. F. Keane. 2 v. 28640-1 Threlkeld, T. Axon, W. E. A. The extraordinary memory of T. (In his Lane, gleanings.) 23436 Thring, E. Addresses ; with portrait. 29767 Poems and translations. 29768 Sermons preached at Uppimrhftm School. 2 v. 30607-8 Theory and practice of teaching. 23566 Uppingham school songs, and Borth lyrics. 29769 Thring, H., Lord. The Irish Government Bill and the Irish Land Bill ; Ireland's alternatives. (In Bryce, J. Hand- book.) 29013 Throat. Elsberg, L. The throat and its functions. 27743 Kitchen, J. M. W. Catarrh, sore-throat, and hoarseness. 23816 Thropp, J. Repairs of roads ; suggestions to surveyors of highways. 29420 Through green glasses ; by F. M. Allen. 29130 Through the fray ; by G. A. Henty. 28045 Through the long day ; by C. Mackay. 2 v. 28421-2 Through the long nights ; by E. L. Linton. 29888 Through the year with the poets. See Adams, O. F. Thunder-storms. See Lightning. Thurber, F. B. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Thurn, E. F. im. Among the Indians of Guiana; sketches, chiefly anthropologic. Ilhist. and map. *I Thurns, K. D. a G. von. Ledderhose, K. F. Guds underbara wagar wisade i Baron Gasser von Thurns ; ofversattning. 15127 Thurot, F. Laughton, J. K. The French privateers : Thurot. (In his Studies.) 29615 Thurston, R. H. The materials of engineering. 3 pts. 25325-7 Contents. Pt. 1. Non-metallic materials: stone; timber; fuels; lubri- cants, etc. 2. Iron and steel, ft. Non-ferrous metals and alloys : cop- per; tin; zinc; brass; bronze, etc. Stationary steam engines; espec. as adapted to electric lighting purposes. 25179 Steam boiler explosions, in theory and in practice. Illust. 28996 Treatise on friction and lost work in machinery and millwork. 26024 Thusie's fourth of July; by 11. M. S. (In. Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Thwaite, B. H. Liquid fuel ; advantages for firing steam gen- erators. 29421 Thwaites, R. G. Historic waterways ; canoeing down the Rock, Fox, and Wisconsin rivers. 29575 Thwing, C. F. The working church. 30374 and C. F. B. The family; hist, and soc. study. 27482 Thwing, C. F. B., joint author. See Thwing, C. F. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 647 Thy name is truth ; a social novel. 25140 Tib's cap; by E. M. Hamilton. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Tibet. See Thibet. Tibur. See Tivoli. Ticknor, G. Whipple, E. P. (In his Recollections.) 27354 Tidball, M. L. Barbara's vagaries. 26848 Tides. Abbott, T. K. Elementary theory of the tides ; the fundamental theorems demonstrated, and the infl. on the length of the day discussed. 30574 . Deming, C. The giant tides of Fundy. (In his Byways.) 23664 Tidmau, P. F. Gold and silver money. 28585 Tidy, C. M. Treatment of sewage. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 28368 Tie and trick ; by II. Smart. 25199 Tiepolo, B. Brown, M. F. (In his Venetian stud.) 29355 Tiernan, M. S. Suzette. 26121 Tiffany, J. Man and his destiny ; ace. to the teachings of philosophy and revelation. 23326 Tiffany, J. K. History of the postage stamps of the U. S. 28537 Tiger-hunting. Barras, J. India and tiger-hunting. 2 v. 26220-1 Tiger Lily ; by J. Schayer. 23113 Tighe, A. The development of the Roman constitution. 27101 Tilbury Nogo ; by G. J. W. Melville. 26054 Tilden, S. J. Writings and speeches ; ed. by J. Bigelow. 2 v. 25778-9 - Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Tiles. Davis, C. T. Practical treatise on the manuf. of bricks, T., etc. 26061 Tileston, J. Colesworthy, D. C. John Tileston's school, Boston. 28236 Tileston, M. W., ed. Classic heroic ballads. 23299 - Daily strength for daily needs. 24596 Sugar and spice and alUhat's nice. 25861 Tilley, A. The literature of the French renaissance ; essay. 26609 Tilley, W. J. Masters of the situation; or, Some secrets of success and power. 28170 Tilting at windmills ; by E. M. Connelly. 29670 Timayenis, T. T. Greece in the times of Homer ; acct. of life, customs, and habits. 25014 Timber. Boulton, S. B. Preservation of T. by the use of antiseptics. 25650 Deming, C. Logging in Michigan wilds. (In his Byways.) 23664 Time flies ; a reading diary ; by C. G. Rossetti. 26001 Time-keepers. Hasluck, P. N. Watch jobber's handy book. 29609 -Parton, J. George Graham, clock-maker. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Saunter, C. Watchmaker's hand-book. 27908 Times, The. Ashton, J. "The Times" and its founder. (In his Eighteenth cent, waifs.) 28391 Parton, J. Three John Walters and their newspaper. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Times of battle and of rest ; by Z. Topelius. 23651 Times of Linnrcus ; by Z. Topelius. 24040 648 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Timias Terrystone, Adventures of ; by O. B. Bunce. 25333 Timid brave, A ; by W. J. Harsha. * 26669 Timor. Description, etc. Forbes, H. O. (In his Natural- ist's wanderings.) 25493 Timor-laut. Description, etc. Forbes, H. O. (In his Natu- ralist's wanderings.) 25493 Tin. Krupp, A., and Wildberger, A. Tin alloys. (In their Metallic alloys.) 30499 Tincker, M. A. Aurora. 25851 The jewel in the lotos. Illust. 23407 Sister Silvia. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 2.) 23904 Tinkham Brothers' tide-mill, The ; by J. T. Trowbridge. 23410 Tinkling cymbals ; by E. Fawcett. 24184 Tinseau, L. de. La meilleure part. . 14703 My cousin Miss Cinderella. 30665 Tinted Venus, The ; by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie]. 25500 Tintoretto, G. R., called. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Oliphant, M. O. W. (In her Makers of Venice.) *I Tip Cat. 24391 Tiphys, pseud. Practical canoeing ; management and handling of canoes. *I Tiresias ; by A. Tennyson. 26007 Tischendorf, L. F. C. von. Abbot, E. The late Professor Tischendorf. (/// his Authorship, etc.) 30612 Tissandier, G. Popular scientific recreations in nat. philoso- phy, astronomy, geology, chemistry, etc. ; tr. and enl. Illust. *I Tissot, V., and Am^ro, C. Adventures of three fugitives in Siberia ; tr. by S. Gale. 23354 Tissue-printing. Crookes, W. Dyeing and tissue-printing. 24810 Tit for tat ; by C. Reade. (In his Good stor.) 24029 Tithingmen. Adams, H. B. Saxon tithingmen in Amer. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 1.) *I Titian. See Tiziano Vecellio. Titiens or Tietjens, T. Edwards, H. S. (In his Prima don- na, v. 2.) 29599 Spark, W. Titiens and Giuglini. (In his Mus. memories.) 30877 Tittmann, J., joint editor. See Goedeke, K. Titus Andronicus. See Shakespeare, W. Tivoli. Pullan, R. P. (In his Eastern cities, etc.) 24259 Tiziano Vecellio, di Cadore. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Oliphant, M. O. W. (In her Makers of Venice.) *I Mitchell, D. G. Titian and his times. (In his Bound together.) 23789 Tjugufyra bref fran Frankrike, Tyskland och Sweits, 1855-6. 15154 To leeward ; by F. M. Crawford. 23366 Tobacco. Culver, H.IT. Effects of tobacco. (Li his Epitome.) 29303 Dodge, J. R. Statistics of manufactures of T., its commer. distribution, exportation, and prices. 17267 Lawrence, M. W. The tobacco problem. 25847 Livermore, A. A., and others. Anti-tobacco. 23283 Lock, C. G. W. Tobacco; growing, curing, and manufacturing. 27088 Toboggans. Martin, .F. G. Toboggans and their use. (In Thompson, M. Boys' book.) 27007 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 649 Illust. with extr. fr. Tocqueville, A. C. H. C. de. Bryce, J. The predictions of Hamilton and DeT. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 5.) Tod, J. (pseud. J. Strathesk.) Bits fr. Blinkbonny ; or, Bell o' the manse ; tale of Scottish village life. Illust. More bits fr. Blinkbonuy; tale of Scottish village life. Todd, C. B. Life and 'letters of Joel Barlow; his works. Story of the city of New York. Illust. The story of Washington, the national capital. Todd, H. J. Life of Archbp. Cranmer. 2 v. Todhunter, I. History of the theory of elasticity and of the strength of materials ; fr. Galelei to the present time ; ed. and complet. by K. Pearson. Vol. 1. Contents. V. 1. Galilei to Samt-Venant. 1639-1850. Todhunter, J. The banshee ; and other poems. Todkill, A. See Cooke, J. E. My lady Pokahontas. Toepffer, R. Mesaventures d'un ecolier. (In Masson, G. Fr. classics, v. 5.) Toilet. Kingsford, A. Health, beauty, and the toilet. See also Cosmetics. Tokio. Greey, E. The wonderful city of T. Illust. Told at Tuxedo ; by A. M. Emory. Tolderbund, H. Grandmother's scissors. (In. Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) Tolerance. Brooks, P. Tolerance ; two lect. Toleration. See Liberty of conscience. Tollens, H. The Hollanders in Nova Zembla, Arctic poem; tr. by D. van Pelt ; pref . and hist, introd. by S. R. Van Campen ; notes. Tolstoi', L. N. Anna Karnina ; tr. by N. H. Dole. Childhood, boyhood, youth ; tr. by I. F. Hapgood. Christ's Christianity ; f r. the Russian. - The Cossacks; tale'of the Caucasus in 1852; [tr.] by N. H. Dole. Dernit-res nouvelles; tr. by E. Tsakny ; with portr! Contents. La mort d'lvan Iliitch. Leroman d' un cheval. Un pauvre diable. Family happiness; fr. the Russian, by N. H. Dole. La guerre et la paix ; roman historique. 3 v. In pursuit of happiness ; tr. by A. Delano. The invaders ; and other stories ; tr. by N. H. Dole. Contents. The invaders. The wood-cutting expedition. An old ac- quaintance. Lost on the steppe. Polikushka. Kholstomir; story of a borse. Ivan Ilyitch; and other stones; tr. by N. H. Dole. Contents. Death of Ivan Ilyitch. If you neglect the fire, you don't put it out. Where love is, there God is also. A candle. Two old men. Texts for wood-cuts. The three mendicants. Popular legends. The godson. Skazka (Ivan the fool). Glossary. Katia; fr. the French. Life ; tr. by I. F. Hapgood. - The long exile ; and other stories for children ; tr. by N. H. Dole. Contents. The long exile. What men live by. The repentant sin- ner. Yermak, the conqueror of Siberia. Bear-hunting worse than slavery. Stories of my dogs. Early days. Scenes fr. common life. Stories fr. physics. Tales fr. zoology. Stories fr. botany. Tables para- phrased fr. the Indian, etc. From the new speller. School. scenes at Yasuaya Polyana. My confession; and The spirit of Christ's teaching; fr. the Russian. My religion ; fr. the French [by H. Smith] . *I 23979 25136 26461 29576 30916 23028-9 27161 30747 25264 28249 23375 28296 26913 28111 24211 26400 26849 26610 30249 14704 30250 14860-2 28608 28690 28369 28262 29509 29113 28546 26025 650 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The physiology of war. Napoleon and the Russian campaign ; fr. 3d French ed. by H. Smith. 29114 Power and liberty ; fr. the French, by H. Smith. 29707 A Russian proprietor; and other stories; tr. by N. H. Dole. 28912 Contents. A Russian proprietor. Lucerne. Recollections of a scorer. Albert. Two hussars. Three deaths. A prisoner in the Cau- casus. Sebastopol; fr. the French by F. D. Millet; introd. by W. D. Howells; with portr. 28590 Same ; Sevastopol; fr. the Russian, by I. F. Hapgood. 30251 The taper. (In Lang, A., and Sylvester, P. The dead leman.) 30803 - The two pilgrims; or, Love and good deeds. 29163 - War and peace; fr. the French by C. Bell. 6 v. 26199-200; 26850-3 Contents. Pt. 1. Before Tilsit, 1805-1807. 2v. 2. The invasion, 1807-1812. 2 v. 3. Borodino, the French at Moscow; Epilogue. 1812- 1820. 2v. What people live by; tr. by A. Delano. 27670 Same ; What men live by; tr. by N. H. Dole. (In his Long exile, etc.) 29113 What to do? Thoughts evoked by the census of Moscow; tr. by I. F. Hapgood. 28609 Arnold, M. Count Leo Tolstoi. (In his Essays, ser. 2.) 30397 Dupuy, E. ( In his Great masters.) 27194 Vogue, E. M. de. Nihilism and mysticism; Tolstoi. (In his Russian novelists. 28828 Tom Dunstone's troubles ; by Mrs. Eiloart. 7312 Tom Finch's monkey ; by J. C. Hutcheson. 28060 Tom, the bootblack ; by H. Algcr, Jr. 23451 Tom Thumb the Great; by H. Fielding. (In Morley, H. Burlesque plays.) 28196 Tom Torrey's tariff talks ; by E. E. Hale. 30105 Tom's husband ; by S. O. Jewett. (In her Mate of the Day- light.) 23385 Tombs. See Burial ; Sepulchres. Tomkinson, E. M. Benjamin Franklin. (World's workers.) 26518 Tomlin, W. D. The angler's greeting. (In Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing.) *I Tomlinson, E. T. Selections from Latin authors for sight- reading. 26854 Tommatoo ; by F. J. O'Brien. (In to Diamond lens.) 25236 Tompkins and other folks ; by P. Deming. 24900 Tone, T. W. Daly, J. B. Theobald Wolfe Tone. (In his Ireland in '98.) *I Tonga Islands. St. Johnston, A. Campiog among cannibals. 23561 Toni ; by J. Spyri. (In her Swiss stories.) 28535 Tonquin. Norman, (J. B. Tonkin; or, France in the far East. 23968 Mesny, W. Tungking. 24813 Scott, J. G. France and Tougking; narr. of the campaign of 1884. 25921 Tony, the maid ; by B. W. Howard. 28879 Too late; by the marchesa Colombi [M. Torelli-Torriani] . (In her In the rice-fields. Vol. 1, 2.) 2S665-6 Tooke, J. II. Rogers, J. E. T. (In. his Hist, gleanings, ser. 2.) 27899 Toole, J. L. Pollock, W. H. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hut- ton, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Tools. See Saws ; Square. Toombs, R. On secession ; secessionist opinion, in the U. S. Senate, Jan. 7, 1861. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 651 Topelius, Z. The surgeon's stories ; Swedish hist, romances ; namely : Times of alchemy. 24294 Times of battles 'and of rest. 23651 Times of Charles XII. 23652 Times of Frederick I. 23805 Times of Linnaeus. 24040 Vinter qviillar; andra cykeln. 2 v. 15112-13 Innehall. 1. Hertiginnan af Finland (1850-1881 J.Ungdomsdrommar (1879) . Vernas rosor (1856-1881) . Drottning Sofia Magdalenas orhangen. 2. Sagner i dimman. Topley, W. The national geological surveys of Europe. 25799 Topography. See Geography ; Surveying. Toppan, R. N. Brief biog. sketches [of natives and residents of old Newbury]. (250th anniv. of settlement of New- bury.) 25534 Historical summary of metallic money. 24041 Torelli-Torriani, M., (pseud. La marchesa Colombi.) In the rice-fields ; and other stories ; tr. by A. Willmott. 2 v. 28665-6 Contents. Vol. 1. In the rice-fields. Too late. 2. Too late. The sunset of an ideal. II tramonto di un ideale. 15518 Same ; The wane of an ideal ; fr. the Italian, by C. Bell. 24979 Tories, Toryism. Cooke, G. W. History of party fr. the rise of the Whig and Tory factions in the reign of Charles II. to the passing of the reform bill. 3 v. *I Kebbel, T. E. History of toryism, 1783-1881. 26382 - Spencer, H. The new" toryism. 24433 Tornadoes. Davis, W. M. Whirlwinds, cyclones, and torna- does. 23885 Greely, A. W. (In his Amer. weather.) 30324 Toronto, Canada. Sweetser, M. F. (In Hodder, E. Cities of the world, v. 2.) 25068 Torpedoes. Jaques, W. H. Torpedoes for national defence. 27501 Torr, C. Rhodes in anc. times ; with plates. 26394 Torres Islands. Coote, W. The Banks and Torres Is. (In his Western Pacific.) 23577 Torrey, B. Birds in the bush. 25462 Toryism. See Tories. Totemism. Frazer, J. G. Totemism. 29747 Tothill Fields Prison, London. Fletcher, S. W. Twelvemonths in an English prison. 23534 Toto, Joyous story of ; by L. E. Richards. 25688 Toto's merry winter ; by L. E. Richards. 28915 Tourgee, A. W. An appeal to Caesar. 24503 - Black ice. 29708 -Button's Inn. 28610 Letters to a kin*?. 30564 Tourgueneff. See Turgeuef, I. S. Tourzel, L. E. F. A. A. M. J. J., duchesse de. Memoirs; pub. by the Duke Des Cars. 2 v. 27711-12 Toussaint, A. L. G. See Bosboom, A. L. G. T. Tower, The, of Babel; sacred opera; by A. Rubinstein. *I Tower of London. See London, Tower of. Towle, G. M. England and Russia in Asia. Maps. 25463 - England in Egypt. Maps. 25852 652 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The nation in a nutshell; outline of Amer. history. 27479 - Young people's history of England. 27008 - Young people's history of Ireland. 27347 Towns. Charming, E. Town and county government in the Eng. colonies of No. America. (lit. J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 2.) *I See also Municipal government. Townsend, E. D. Anecdotes of the civil war in the U. S. 23493 Townsend, G. A. Katy of Catoctin ; or, The chain-breakers ; national romance. 27480 - Life of Levi P. Morton. ( W\th Wallace, L. Life of B. Harrison.) 29910 Townsend, L. T. The Bible and other anc. literature in the 19th century. 25358 " Faith-work." " Christian science," and other cures. 25359 Townsend, P. D. Joseph Haydn. (Gt. musicians.) 25180 Townsend, V. F. A Boston girl's ambitions. 27245 - But a philistine. 24212 Townshend Collectiou of Precious Stones. See Church, A. H. Towse, J. R. Mr. Henry Irving. (In, Matthews, J. B., and Button, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Toy, C. H. Quotations in the New Testament. 23673 Toy tragedy, A ; by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie]. (In his Black poodle, etc.) 28303 Toynbee, A. Lectures on the indust. revolution in Eng. ; with mem. by B. Jowett. 24386 " Progress and poverty" ; criticism of H. George. 24104 Track ; manual of maintenance of way ; by W. B. Parsons, Jr. 26950 Tractatns hierographicus ; by R. Claridge. 23510 Tracy, R. S. lissentials of anatomy, physiology, and hygiene ; text-book. 24159 Hand-book of sanitary information for householders; with app. 24213 Trade. Giffen, R. Why the depression of trade is so much greater in raw material producing countries than in the manuf . countries ; Trade depression and low prices. (In his Essays, ser. 1, 2.) 30691-2 Wallace, A. R. Bad times; essay on the present depression of trade. 26463 See also Commerce. Trade ''secrets" and private recipes ; by J. Phin. 28606 Trade-unions. Brown, T. E. Concerning trades-unions and the Knights of Labor. (In his Stud, in mod. socialism.) 26804 Graham, W. Trades' unions and their inn*, on wages. (In his Soc. prob.) 27145 - Miller, J B. Trade organizations in politics. 28520 Ryan, D. J. Trades unions and arbitration. (In his Arbitration.) 25678 Trant. W. Trade unions; origin and objects, infl. and efficacy. 24972 See also McNeil!, G. E. The labor movement. Trafalgar; by B. F. Galdos. 24011 Trafford, F. G., pseud. See Riddell, C. E. L. Tragedy. Hudson, H. N. Ethics of tragedy. (In his Stud. in Wordsworth.) 24572 Tragedy at Dale Farm ; by [E. W. O. Kirk]. (In her Better times.) 30341 Tragedy of Brinkwater ; by M. L. Moodey. 28149 Tragic mystery, A ; fr. the diary of Inspector Byrnes ; by J. Hawthorne. 28308 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 653 Traill, H. D. Coleridge. (Eng. men of letters.) 24597 Sbaftsbury (1st Earl). (Eng. worthies.) 26683 - William the Third. (Twelve Eng. statesmen.) 29709 Training. See Athletics. T raining of parents, On the ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his The Lady.) 24037 Trait de Paul l ei , Un ; come" die- vaudeville ; par E. Scribe. (In his (Euvres, se"r. 2, v. 26.) *I Trajan ; by H. F. Keenan. 25223 Tramp, The, at home ; by L. Meriwether. 30923 Tramp trip, A ; by L. Meriwether. 27785 Tramp's dinner party, The ; by E. L. Bynner. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24S19 Trans-Atlantic railway, The ; by S. G. W. Benjamin. (In his Sea-spray.) 28916 Trans-Atlantic series ; namely : Oawf'urd, O. The world we live in. 24401 Macquoid, K. S. Her sailor love. 22974 Mullock, W. H. The old order changes. 27219 Transcripts and studies ; by E. Dowden. 29366 Transferred ghost, The ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his The lady.) 24037 Transferred ghost, The ; by F. R. Stockton. (Li Stor. by Am. auth., v. 2.) 23904 Transformed ; by F. Huntington '[Mrs. I. H. Foster]. 26328 Transformed ; by F. Montgomery. 26996 Transmigration of souls. See Metempsychosis. Transportation. See Railroads. Transvaal. Bellairs, Lady. The Transvaal war, 1880-81. 25903 Carter, T. F. Narrative of the Boer war. 22999 Du Val, C. With a show thr. So Africa, and pers. remin. of the T. war. 2 v. 22915-16 Transylvania. Gerard, E. de L. The land beyond the forest ; facts, figures, and fancies from T. 2 v. 30169-70 Trant, W. Trade unions; origin and objects, inn. and efficacy. . 24972 Trapped ; by P. B. Marston. (In his For a song's sake.) 28802 Traseaden Hall ; by W. G. Hamley. 23004 Travancore. Mateer, S. Native life in T. 23962 Travel. Crawford, R. Reminiscences of for. T. 30091 Travel-pictures ; by H. Heine. 27an Bell. Relics of General Chasse. An unprotected female at the pyramids. Chateau of Prince Polignac. Aaron Trow. Mrs. General Talboys. The parson's daughter of Oxney Colne. George Walker at Suez. The mistletoe bough. Returning home. A ride across Palestine. The house of Heine Brothers, in Munich. The man who kept his money in a box. Note. The first eight stories are reprints. Hawthorne, J. The maker of many books. (In his Confessions, etc.) 27312 James, H. (In his Partial portr.) " 29687 Trollope, F. E. (M.) Like ships upon the sea. 22983 L'artou, J. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Trollope, T. A. A siren. 9057 What I remember. 28997 Tromholt, S. Under the rays of the aurora borealis ; in the land of the Lapps and Kvaens ; map and illust. ; ed. by C. Siewers. 2 v. 25464-5 Trooper Tom Sturps ; by J. A. O'Shea. (In his Mil. mosaics.) 30483 Tropics. Haldane, R. C. Subtropical cultivations and climates ; handy book for planters. 27565 Trotter, A.M. Bledisloe ; or, Aunt Pen's Amer. nieces ; inter- national story. 29115 Troubadour, The ; lyrical drama ; music by A. C. Mackenzie. (Novello's orig. oct. ed.) *I Troubadours. Hueffer, F. Troubadours, anc. and mod. (In his Italian stud.) 23698 656 FREE PUBLIC^LIBRARY. The troubadours. (Monograph, no. 50.) 23818 Trouble on Lost Mountain ; by J. C. Harris. (In his Free Jo, etc.) 28876 Troubled waters ; by B. E. Warner. 25528 Troublesome children ; their ups and downs ; by one of them. F. G. Attwood. 23065 Contents. Jack and Pen. The tropic of Cancer.; Mother Muggetty. The mermaid's cave. The ride with the turkeys. The cobweb boy. The Boomeo boy. Tom Poodles. Trouessart, E. L. Microbes, ferments, and moulds. Illust. (Internat. sci. ser.) 27348 Trout. Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. (In their Fishing with the fly.) *I Troutbeck, J. Church choir training. (Music primers.) 27955 Trowbridge, J. The new physics ; manual of experimental study.) 24446 Trowbridge, J. T. Farnell's folly. 24798 Henry W. Longfellow. (7wParton,J. Some not. princ.) 25675 - His one fault. 27247 His own master. Illust. 17290 The little master. Illust. 27009 The lost earl ; with other poems and tales in verse. 30926 - Martin Merrivale his X mark. 24042 - Neighbors' wives. 6873 Peter Budstone, the boy who was hazed. Illust. 28998 - Phil and his friends Illust. 23300 - The satin-wood box. Illust, 25853 A. start in life; story of the Genesee country. 30253 - The Tinkham Brothers' tide-mill. Illust. 23410 Rideing, W. H. (In his Boyhood of living authors.) 28815 Trowbridge, W. P., Prof. Turbine wheels; inapplicability of the theoret. investigations by Rankine and others to the mod constr. by Boyden and Francis. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 24136 Trowbridge. See Trobridge. Troy. Church, A. J. Story of Troy. (In his Stor. of the old world.) 23763 Stewart, A. Tale of Troy; done into English. 27344 Troy town, Astonishing history of ; by Q. 30550 Trudel's ball ; by H. Hopfen. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 True; by G. P. Lathrop. 24917 True stories of American wars. Illust. 28694 True story of the "Gineral ;" by J. A. O'Shea. (In Ms Mil. mosaics.) 30483 True tales for my grandsons ; by S. W. Baker. 23454 True to the old flag ; tale of the Amer. War of Independence ; by G. A. Henty. 28046 Truman, B. C., Maj. The field of honor: hist, of duelling in all countries. 24799 Trumbull, G. Names and portr. of birds which interest gun- ners ; with descriptions. 29898 Trumbull, H. C. The blood covenant ; a primitive rite and its bearings on Scripture. 25780 Kadesh-barnea ; its importance and probable site; incl. studies of the route of the Exodus. The Sunday-school ; its origin, mission, methods, etc. (Yale lect.) 30375 Teaching and teachers ; or, The Sunday school teacher's work. 24647 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 657 Trumbull, M. M. American lesson of the free trade struggle in Eng. 25201 Truro, Cape Cod. Rich, S. Truro. 22957 Truscott, Sir F. W. Ritchie, J. E. (In his Fam. city men.) 23860 Trusses. Griffiths, W. Trusses of wood and iron ; pract. appl. of science. 28589 Trust me ; by Mrs. J. K. Spender. 2H924 Trusts Bonham, J. M. (In his Industrial liberty.) 300*2 -Ely, R. T. The tariff and trusts. (In Shaw, A. Nat. revenues.) 29895 Truth. Loyson, C. J. M. Father Hyacinthe. Respect for the truth. (In his Lect.) 23380 See also Agnosticism. Truth-hunting ; [by A. Birrell]. (In Ms Obiter dicta.) 25184 Truth, The, of it; by H. Conway [F. J. Fargus]. (In Ms Bound together.) 24903 Truth triumphant ; by M. Hunt. (In Tales fr. many sources, v. 4.) 25370 Trying on bonnets ; by A. D. T- Whitney. (In her Homespun yarns.) 27355 Tshi language. Ellis, A. B. (In his Tshi-speaking peoples.) 29478 Tuam, Archbishops of. Burke, O. J. History of the Catholic archbishops of T. 23440 Tucker, C. M. (pseud. A. L. O. E.) Exiles in Babylon; or, Children of light. 26D30 Tucker, G. F. The Monroe doctrine ; concise hist, of its origin and growth. 25016 Tucker, H. W. The Eng. Church in other lands; or, The spiritual expansion of Eng. 27065 Tucker, W. J., joint author. See Smyth, E. C. Tuckerman, A. L. Short history of architecture. Illust. 2859S Tuckerman, E. Synopsis of the No. Amer. lichens. Ft. 1. 25361 Contents. Pt. 1. Parmeliacei, cladoniei, and coenogoniei. Tudor, F. R. Parton, J. Frederick Tudor, ice-exporter. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Tudor dynasty. See Great Britain. History. Tudors. Tufts, H. Higginson, T. W. A New Eng. vagabond. (In his Travellers, etc.) 30479 Tuke, D. H. Illustrations of the infl. of the mind upon the body. 2 v. 23989-90 Tuke, W. C. Comparisons as to costs of various modes of excreta disposal. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 10.) *I Tulip Place ; by V. W. Johnson. 28920 Tulloch, J. English Puritanism and its leaders; Cromwell, Milton, Baxter, Bunyan. 26395 odern theories in philosophy and religion. 24673 Movements of relig. thought in Brit. dur. the 19th cent. 25781 Modern theories in philosophy and religion. 24673 ovements of relig. thought in Brit. dur. the 19th cent. Contents. Coleridge and his school. The early Oriel school and its congeners. The Oxford or Anglo-Catholic movement. Movement of religious thought in Scotland. Thomas Carlyle as a religious teacher. John Stuart Mill and his school. "Broad Church": F. D. Maurice, C. Kingsley, F. W. Robertson, and Bp. Ewing. Macleod, D. Principal Tulloch. (In Ewart, H. C, Leaders.) 30632 - Oliphant, M. O. W. Memoir of the life of T. 30919 658 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Tulloch, W. W. Story of the life of Queen Victoria for boys and girls. 28827 Tungking. See Tonquin. Tuning-fork. Mayer, A. M. On a method of precisely measur- ing the vibratory periods of tuning-forks, etc. (In Nat. Acad. of Sci. Mem., v. 3, pt. 1.) 14262 Tunis. Graham, A., and Ashbee, H. S. Travels in Tunisia. *I Tunison, J. S. Master Virgil ; the author of the ^Eneid as he seemed in the Middle Ages. 30820 Tunnels. See Severn tunnel. Tunzelmann, G. W. von. A bar of iron. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Tupper, F. A. Moonshine; story of the reconstruction period. 24598 Tupper, M. F. My life as an author. 27066 Turbine wheels. Trowbridge, W. P. Turbine wheels ; in- applicability of the theoret. investigations by Rankine and others, to the mod. constr. by Boyden and Francis. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 24136 Turcotte, L. P. Bender, P. (In his Literary sheaves.) 24137 Turgenef , I. S. Annals of a sportsman ; tr. by F. P. Abbott. 25527 Annouchka; fr. the French of the author's trans., by F. Abbott. 24295 First love ; and Punin and Babiirin ; f r. the Russian by S. Jerrold ; with biog. introd. 24105 Murau ; and Diary of a superfluous man ; fr. the Russian by H. Gersoni. 23653 Poems in prose. * 23408 Der Raufbold. (In Schick, L. Coll. Novellen, v. 3.) 16521 An unfortunate woman ; and Ass' ya; tr. by H. Gersoni. 27483 2 anucku OxoTHNKa. (The hunters.) 25697 Dupuy, E. (In his Great masters.) 27194 James, H. (In his Partial portraits.) 29687 - Vogue, E. M. de. (In his Russian novelists.) 28828 Turgenieff. See Turgenef. Turgot, A. R. J., baron d'Aulne. Say, J. B. L. Turgot ; tr. by G. Masson. (Gr. Fr. writers.) 30042 Turin. Pullan, R. P. The Jewish Synagogue, Turin. (In his Eastern cities.) 24259 Turkestan. See Merv. Turkey. Description and travels. Field, H. M. The Greek islands and Turkey after the war. 25983 Johnson, E. C. On the track of the crescent. 25603 Mitford, E. L. (In his Land march, v. 1.) 24965 Stevens. T. Through European Turkey. (In his Around the world, v.l.) 28365 Walker, Mrs. Eastern life and scenery. 2 v. 27164-5 History. Poole, S. L., and others. Story of Turkey. 29695 See also Crimean war; Vienna. History. Literature. The Library has a translation of a work by 'Ali 'Aziz, Efendi. Military resources. Maurice, J. F. (In his Balance of military power.) 29621 Navy. Reed, E. J., and Simpson, E. (In their Mod. ships of war.) 29104 Politics. Hinsdale, B. A. The Eastern question. (In his Schools, etc.) 23778 Thompson, J. P. Shall England side with Russia? (In his Amer. com- ments.) 24445 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 659 See also Balkan Peninsula. Turner, C. S. Anna Albitz of Birkendorf. (In Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 Turner, E. J., and Morshead, E. D. A. Notes and memoir of Schiller. (In Schiller, J. C. F. von. Selections, etc.) 27097 Turner, G. Samoa a hundred years ago ; with notes on other islands in the Pacific ; pref . by E. B. Tylor. 28991 Turner, J. M. W. Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Swaine, S. A. Turner the artist 26272 Turner, N. Higginson, T. W. Nat Turner's insurrection. (In his Travellers, etc.) 30479 Turner, R. On the use of water colors for beginners. *I Turner, S. E. Sketch of the Germanic constitution. 29826 Turning. Greenwood, T. Turners' and fitters' handbook. 28558 Hasluck, P. X. Metal turner's handybook; pract. manual. 29607 Turtles. Holder, C. F. Among the T. (In his Strange com- pany.) 30334 Tuscany Baxter, L. E. Tuscan studies and sketches. 29350 Villari, L. On Tuscan hills and Venetian waters. 24815 Tuttle, H. History of Prussia. Vol. 1-3. 23409 ; 29164-5 Contents. V. 1. History of Prussia to the accession of Frederic the Great, 1134-1740. 2-3. History of Prussia under Frederic the Great, 1740-1756. Twelfth night. See Shakespeare, W. Twelve days in the saddle ; by Medicus [D. D. Slade]. 23896 Twelve English statesmen ; namely : Crei^htou, M. Cardinal Wolsey. 29865 Freeman, E. A. William the Conqueror. 29310 Green, Mrs. J. K. Henry the Second. 29878 Harrison, F. Oliver Cromwell. 29807 Traill, H. D. William the Third. 29709 25th Dragoons, the, In quarters with ; by J. S. Winter [H. E. V. Stannard]. 26207 Twice in my life ; by W. M. Baker. (In NewEng. story-book.) 24819 Twichell, J. H. Harriet Beecher Stowe ; Charles Dudley Warner. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 Twilight thoughts ; stories for children ; by M. S. Claude. 28493 Twin cousins. The ; by S. May [R. S. Clarke]. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 Twining, L. Symbols and emblems of early and mediaeval Christian art. Illust. 26273 'Twixt love and duty ; by T. Hopkins. 26638 Two Arrows ; by W. O. Stoddard. 26458 Two boys, and what they did with a year ; [by A. McKenzie]. 28480 Two brothers, The ; by H. de Balzac. 27811 Two Browns, The ; by S. O. Jewett. (In her White heron, etc.) 26924 Two buckets in a well : by N. P. Willis. (In Stor. by Am. authors, v. 4.) 24217 Two Christmas trees, The ; by M. Kok. (In Safford, M. J. Christ, country.) 27095 Two college girls ; by H. D. Brown. 26312 Two college talks; by [D. G. Mitchell]. (In his Bound to- gether.) 23789 660 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Two Compton boys ; by A. Hoppin. 24508 Two Elsies, The ; by M. Finley. 25725 Two hussars ; by L. N. Tolstoi'. (In his Russian proprietor.) 28912 Two Lears, The ; by C. Reade. (In his Good stories.) 24029 Two little confederates ; by T. N. Page. 30546 Two little waifs ; by Mrs. Molesworth. 23483 Two of a kind ; by H. Norman. (In his Witching time.) 27331 Two old maids ; by A. Lyster. 25118 Two passions and a cardinal virtue ; by J. S. of Dale [F. J. Stimson]. (In his Sentimental calendar.) 27667 Two Persian schoolboys ; by M. J. Safford. (In her Christ. country, etc.) 27095 Two pilgrims ; by L. N. Tolstoi. 29163 Two pilgrims' progress ; by J. atod E. Pennell. 27660 Two pinches of snuff ; by W. Westall. 28372 Two plots ; by F. Muirhead. (Li Tales fr. many sources, v. 4.) 25370 Two purse-companions ; by G. P. Lathrop. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 3.) 23905 Two sides of the shield ; by C. M. Yonge. 2 v. 25928-9 Two thousand years ago ; adv. of a Roman boy ; by A. J. Church. 26068 Two voices, The ; poems ; select, by J. W. Chadwick. 26067 Two years abaft the mast ; by F. W. H. Symondson. 23306 Two years in the jungle ; by W. T. Hornaday. 25836 Twopeny, R. E. N. Town life in Australia. 23716 Tyerman, L. Wesley's designated successor ; life, letters, and literary labours of J. W. Fletcher. 23030 Tvler, D., Gen. Fry, J. B. McDowell and Tyler in the cam- paign of Bull Run, 1861. 24275 Tyler, H. W. Entertainments in chemistry. 27102 Tyler, L. G. Letters and times of the Tylers. 2 v. 24447-8 Tyler, M. C. Patrick Henry. (Amer. statesmen.) 28611 Tyler family. Tyler, L. G. Letters and times of the Tylers. 2 v. 24447-8 Tynan, K. Shamrocks; [poems]. 28667 Tyndale, W. Marshall, E. Dayspring ; story of the time of T. 23130 Tyndall, J. Introduction. (In Radot, V. Louis Pasteur.) 25253 Hall, A. W. Problem of human life; with rev. of T., etc. 23071 Jeans, W. T. (In his Lives of the electricians, ser. 1.) 27705 Wright, H. C. Tyndali and diamagnetism and radiant heat. (In her Children's stories.) 30384 Typography. See Printing. Typology. McCosh, J., and Dickie, G. Typical forms and spec, ends in creation. 24073 Tyrant queen, The, of Madagascar. See Fugitives, The. Tyre. Wright, W. B. Tyre, the city of merchants. (In Ms Anc. cities.) 27010 Tyrrell, R. Y. Commentary, introductory essays, etc. (In Cicero, M. T. Correspondence, v. 2.) 19310 Tyson, M. E. Banneker, the Afric-Amer. astronomer ; ed. by A. T. Kirk. 24160 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 661 Tytler, S., pseud. See Keddie, H. Ubique, pseud. /See Gillmore, P. Uccello, Paolo diDono, catted. Healy, E. (Inker Painters, etc.) 26216 Ugly-girl papers ; [by S. D. Power]. 26949 Ugo Bassi. See Bassi, U. Ugolino, of Pisa. See Gherardesca. Uhde, H. Konrad Ekhof. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 4.) 16299 Uhlhorn, G. Christian charity in the anc. church; fr. the German. 23195 Ukraine. Brown, J. C. Forests and forestry in the U. 25619 Ulbach, L. For fifteen years ; tr. by V. W. Latimer. 29827 - Papa Fortin. 14447 - The steel hammer; tr, by E. W. Latimer. 29710 Ule, O. lakttagelser i naturen ; ofversiittning. (Naturvet- enskap for alia, ser. 1.) 15115 Ullman, U. L. Den kritiska skolan och dess pastaenden rorande Jesu lefnad och urkristendomen. 15117 Ulysses ; scenes and studies in many lands ; by W. G. Palgrave. 29323 Ulysses, Adventures of; by A. J. Church. (In his Stor. of the old world.) 23763 Ulysses, Wanderings of ; by C. Witt. 26028 Unc' Edinburgh drowndin ; by T. N. Page. (In his InOle Virginia.) 28254 Unclaimed money, lands, and estates manual. See Martin- dale, J. B. Uncle George's will ; by M. Majendie. (In her Once more.) 24254 Uncle Godfrey. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Jour., v. 1.) 27966 Uncle Ivan ; by M. Bramston. 29860 Uncle Jack ; by W. Besant. 25710 Uncle Lawrence, pseud. Young folks queries. 26167 - Young folks' whys and wherefores. 23304 Uncle Lisha's shop ; by R. E. Robinson. 29461 Uncle Max ; by R. N. Carey. 28234 Uncle, Peep, and I ; by M. C. Clarke. 27187 Uncle Remus, Nights with; by J. C. Harris. 23277 Uncle Sam at home ; by H. Brydges. 29666 Uncle Sam's medal of honor. See Rodenbough, T. F. Uncle Titus ; fr. the German of J. Spyri. 17293 Uncle Titus ; fr. the Germ, of J. Spyri. (In her Veronica, etc.) 27476 Uncle Tom's tenement; by A. W. Rollins. 30121 Uncloseted skeleton, An ; by L. P. Hale and E. L. Bynner. 29536 Unconscious. Hartmann, E. v. Philosophy of the uncon- scious. 3 v. 23951-3 Under-currents ; by [M. Argles]. 30615 Under Drake's flag ; by G. A. Henty. 28047 Under French skies ; or, Sunny fields and shady woods ; by Mme. de Gasparin. 30322 Under mother's wing ; by L. C. *I Under northern skies ; by C. W. Wood. 27960 Under one roof ; by J. Payn. 18712 662 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Under the lens ; social photographs ; by E. C. G. Murray. 2v. 25124-5 Under the Mendips ; by E. Marshall. 26440 Under the old elm ; by J. R. Lowell. 25347 Under the red flag; by M. E. Braddon [M. E. B. Maxwell]. 23455 Under the southern cross ; by M. M. Ballou. 29059 Under the storm ; by C. M. Yonge. 28540 Under which king? by C. Reade. 25040 Underfoot; what Harry and Nelly learned of the earth's treasures ; by L. D. Nichols. 26477 Undergraduate's aunt, An; by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie]. (In his Black poodle.) , 28303 Underground railroad. Smedley, R. C. History of the un- derground railroad in Chester and the neighboring coun- ties of Pa. 25474 Underwood, F. H. Handbook of Eng. history ; based on the lectures of M. J. Guest; brought down to 1880; with chapt. on Eng. literature of the 19th cent. 28302 John (Vreenleaf Whittier; biography. 23135 Underwoods ; by R. L. Stevenson. 28908 Unemployed. See Labor and Laboring classes. Unexpected blessing, An; (/?? Tales fr. < hambers's Jour., v. 1.) 27966 Unexplained ; by Mrs. Molesworth. (In her Four ghost stor.) 29150 Unforeseen, The ; by A. O'Hanlon. 26443 Unfortunate woman, An; by I. S. Tugenef. 27483 Unhistoric page, An ; by F. R. Stockton. (In his Stories, ser. 2.) 26935 Unicorn. Gould, C. (In his Mythical monsters.) 26585 Uninvited guest, An; by B. P. Shillaber. (In Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Union League of Philadelphia. Lathrop, G. P. History of the League. *I Unitarian Church Temperance Society. Temperance services and hymns. 28269 Unitarian Oberlin, A. See Douthit, J. L. Unitarians, Unitarianism. Alviella, G. d'. English Uni- tarianism ; The genesis of U. in the U. S. (In his Cont. evol. of relig. thought.) 25865 Clarke, J. F. Manual of Unitarian belief. 23883 - Hall, E. H. (In his New Testament theology.) 13687 Unitarianism, Modern ; essays and sermons. 26688 Unitas Fratrum. See United Brethren. United Brethren. Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians. (Monograph, no. 10.) 23818 Hedge, F. H. Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians. (In his Martin Luther.) 29538 - Howells, W. D. Gnadenhiitten. (In his Three villages.) 24020 Schweinitz, E. A. de. History of the Unitas Fratrum. 26351 United Kingdom. See Great Britain. United Provinces. See Netherlands. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 663 U.S. Bureau of Education. Circulars of information. No. 2, 1884. 24065 Contents. Teaching, practice, and literature of shorthand; by J. E. Rockwell. - Planting trees in school grounds [by F. B. Hough] ; and Celebration of Arbor day [by J. B. Peaslee] . 13593 - The study of music in public schools. 16028 (Commissioner.) - Report for 18S4-'85-'86. 21138-9 Civil Service Commission. Civil-service examinations; question papers, with actual answers of can- didates ; ed., with iutrod. by R. R. Bowker. 27178 Congress. (48th Cong. 1st Sess.) Memorial addresses on the life and character of D. C. Haskell. 19923 Dept. of Agriculture. (Commissioner.} Report, 1884; 1887. 20943; 20944 Dept. of State. Cholera in Europe in 1884. 22654 - Forestry in Europe. 21150 Trade guilds of Europe. 22655 (Consular reports.) Reports fr. the consuls on the commerce, etc., of their districts, 1883- 1888. 16 v. 23223-4; 23507; 24713; 24942-51; 25267-8 Dept. of the Interior. (Census.) The seal-islands of Alaska; by H. W. Elliott. 23992 General Land Office. (Commissioner.) - Annual report, 1886. 16027 Geological Survey. - Annual report (2d ; 4th) ; by J. W. Powell. 1880-'81 ; 1882-'83. 24836; 25283 Contents. Accompanying papers. 1880-'81. Dutton, C. E. Physi- cal geology of the Grand Canon .district. Gilbert. G. K. Contributions to the hist, of Lake Bpnneville. Emmons, S. F. Abstract of rept. on geology and mining industry of Leadville, Colorado. Becker, G. F. Summary of the geology of* the Comstock lode and the Washoe dis- trict. King, C. Production of the precious metals in the U. S. Gilbert, G. K. New method of measuring heights by the barometer. 1881-'82. Wanting. 1882-'83. Dutton, C. E. Hawaiian volcanoes. Curtis, J. S. Abstract of rept. on the mining geology of the Eureka district, Nevada. Williams. A., Jr. Popular fallacies regarding the precious metal ore de- posits. White, C. A. Review of the fossil ostreidse of No. America. Heilprin, A. North American tertiary ostreidae. Ryder, J. A. Sketch of the life-history of the oyster. Russell, I. C. Geological reconnoissance in So. Oregon. Office of Indian affairs. ( Commissioner.) - Annual report, 1886. 17287 Ordnance Dept. Instructions in rifle and carbine firing for the U. S. Army ; by S. E. Blunt. 25209 Signal Service. - See U. S. War Dept. Chief Signal Officer. Territories. (Governors.) [Reports, 1886.]; namely: Alaska; Arizona; Dakota; Montana; New Mexico ; Idaho ; Utah ; Washington ; Wyoming. 22919 Treasury Dept. (Cattle Commission.) Report on the lung plague of cattle, or contagious pleuro-pneumonia. 16526 War Department. The war of the rebellion; compl. of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies, ser. 1, v. 523 (pt. 1, 2.) 35 v. *I (Chief Signal Officer.) - Annual reoort, 1883, 1885. 3 v. 22317 ; 24520-1 See also Ordnance Dept. 664 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Army. - Birkhimer, W. E. Hist. sk. of the Artillery. 28182 Logan, J. A. The volunteer soldier of America. 28886 Price, G. F. Across the continent with the 5th Cavalry. 23055 Art. Hitchcock, J. E. W. Etching in America; with lists of etchers and col- lections of prints. 26430 Banks. Richardson, H. W. The national banks. 23056 Biography. Mackay, C. The founders of the American republic. 26259 Perry, B. F. Reminiscences of public men. . 23322 Piatt, D. Memories of the men who saved the Union. 28259 See also American worthies; Morse, J. T., Jr. American Statesmen; Woman. Biog. Also Authors; Boys' and girls' lib. of American biog. ; Presidents. Also U. S. Literature. History, for literary biography. Botany. - Beal, W. J. Grasses of North America. Vol. 1. 28488 Civil Service. Clarke, W. H. The civil service law; a defence of its principles. 30088 Climate. Blodget, L. Climatology of the U. S. 13622 Commerce. Dos Passes, J. R. The inter-state commerce act; analysis of its provis- ions. 27821 Giffen, R. Foreign trade of the United States. (In his Essays, ser. 2.) 30692 Kelley, J. D. J. The question of ships ; the navy and the merchant marine. 23630 Schuyler, E. American diplomacy and the furtherance of C. 26455 Congress. Bailey, E. A. Among the law-makers. 27266 (Senate.) - Maclay, W. Sketches of debate in the first Senate of the U. S., 1789-'91. *I Constitution. Baker, J. F. The federal constitution; an essay. 28226 Bancroft, G. Plea for the constitution of the U. S., wounded in the house of its guardians. 27996 Bryce, J. The national government ; The state governments. (In his "American commonwealth, v. 1.) 30393 Cocker, W. J. The government of the U. S. 30624 Dawes, A. L. How we are governed; expl. of the constitution and government. 25537 Farrington, W. H. The centennial of a revolution; address by a revo- lutionist. 29903 The Federalist. 30224 - Hinsdale, B. A. The nation and the states. (In his Schools.) 23778 - Hoist, H. von. The constitutional law of the U. S. 27765 Macy, J. Our government ; how it grew, what it does, and how it does it. 26930 Maine, H. J. S. The constitution of the U. S. (In his Pop. govern- ment.) 26258 Mead, E. D. The const, of the U. S. ; with bibliog. and hist, notes, and outlines for study. 19436 Mowry, W. A. Studies in civil government. 28734 Pomeroy, J. N. Introd. to the const, law of the U. S. 27093 Robertson, E. American home rule; political system in the U. S. 28712 Rupert, W. W. Guide to the study of the history and const, of the U. S. 30123 Strauss, O. S. Origin of republican form of goVernment in the U. S. 25^79 Walker, J. B. History of the New Hampshire Convention for the Inves- , tigation, Discussion, and Decision of the Federal Constitution, 1788. 30468 Young, A. W. Government class book; manual of instr. in the princ. of const, government and law. 27798 (History.) Hoist, H. von. Constitutional and polit. hist, of the U. S. V.4,5. 16055; 16109 Landon, J. S. The const, hist, and government of the U. S. 30907 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 665 - Porter, L. H. Outlines of the const, hist, of the U. S. 22976 - Sterne, S. Constitutional hist, and polit. development of the U. S. 29704 Constitutional conventions. Clason, A. W. Seven conventions. 30089 Constitutions. Davis, H. American constitutions; rel. of the three departments as ad- justed by a century. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 3.) Hitchcock, H. American state constitutions; study of their growth. 27831 Consuls. See U. S. Dept. of State. Consular reports. Conventions. See Constitutional conventions. Defence. See Armor-plating ; Fortification ; Ordnance ; Torpedoes. Description and travels. Aubertin, J. J. (In his Fight with distances.) 30276 Balloii, M. M. ( In his Footprints.) 30773 Faithful, E. Three visits to America. 24743 Hardy, I. D. Between two oceans; or, Sketches of Amer. travel. 23949 Holyoake, G. J. Travels in search of a settler's guide-book of Amer. and Canada. 24367 Manning, S. American pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 26733;*! Palander, F. A. Skizzer fran Nord-Amerika och Vest-Indien, 1864-65. 15096 Pfeifler, E. Flying leaves fr. east and west. 1885. 26711 Pierrepont, E. Fifth Avenue to Alaska. 23891 Eand, E. A. All aboard for the lakes and mountains; picturesque locali- ties in the U. S. 24929 Sutter, A. (In his Per mare, etc.) 28663 En utwandrares minnen ; scener och skildringar fran Nordamerikanska fristaterna; ofwersattning fran danskan. 15182 Diplomacy. Schulyer, E. American diplomacy and the furtherance of commerce. 26455 Ecclesiastical affairs. Dorchester, D. Christianity in the U. S. 80269 Entomology. See Butterflies. Exploring expeditions. Nourse, J. E. American explorations in the ice zones. 24679 ; *I See also Darien Exploring Expedition. Exports. U. S. Dept. of State. Declared exports, 1885. 24945 Finance. Adams, H. C. Taxation in the U. S., 1789-1816. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 2.) *I Bolles, A. S. Financial hist, of the U. S. V. 3: 1861-1885. 22446 B >urne, E. G. History of the surplus revenue of 1837. 25483 Ely, R. T., and Finley,' J. H. Taxation in Amer. states and cities. 29674 Ford, W. C. The standard silver dollar and the coinage law of 1878. 19170 Jones, W. H. Federal taxes and state expenses. 28788 Kearuy, J. W. Sketch of Amer. finances, 1789-1835. 28789 Knox,*J. J. United States notes; issues of paper money by the U. S. 24148 Laughlin, J. L. Hist, of bimetallism in the U. S. 25989 Richardson, H. W. Paper money; current finan. discussion. 23057 - The standard dollar. 24552 Upton, J. K. Money in politics. 24937 Wells, D. A. The silver question; the dollar of the fathers versus the dollar of the sons; Are gold and silver indispensable as measures of value? Our experience in taxing distilled spirits. (In his Pract. economics.) 25854 Woodward, W. Our future money. 25892 See also Texas ; Treasury notes. Fisheries. Ishain, C. The fishery question; its origin, history, etc. 28317 666 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Forestry. Fuller, A. S. Practical forestry ; treat, on indigenous trees. 24276 Fortification. Abbot, H. L. Course of leet. upon the defence of the the sea-coast of the U. S. 29438 Griffin, E. Our sea-coast defences. 25561 Geology. Heilprin, A. Contributions to tertiary geology and paleontology. *I See also U. S. Geological survey. History. (Colonies.) Hinsdale, B. A. The thirteen colonies as constituted by the royal charters. (In his Old Northwest.) 29540 (General works.) Allen, J. G. Topical stud, in Anaer. hist. 26401 Bancroft, G. History of the U. S. ; author's last revision. Vols. 3-6. 22455-8 Childs, E. E. History of the U. S. in chronolog. order. 26409 Eggleston, E. History of the U. S. and its people. 29914 Household hist, of the U. S. 30784 Eliot, S. History of the U. S. 29045 Gilman, A. History of the Amer. people. 23162 Tales of the pathfinders. 24910 Greg, I*. History of the U. S. fr. the foundation of Virginia to the re- construction of the Union. 2 v. 280315-3 - Hale, E. E. History of the U. S. 28959 - Higginson, T. W. A larger history of the U. S. to the close of Jack- son's administration. 2573C Johnston, A. History of the U. S. 25544 Lodge, H. C. Studies in history. 23785 Lossing, B. J. Our country; household hist. 3 v. 26730-2 Monroe, Mrs. L. B. Story of our country. 28473 Morris, C. Half-hours with Amer. history. 2 v. 28484-5 Ntchol. J. Tables of European and Amer. hist., etc. *I Oilier, E. Cassell's hist, of the U. S. 3 v. 25077-9 One hundred years of Amer. independence. (Barnes' cent, hist.) 28455 Schouler, J. History of the U. S. under the constitution. Vols. 3, 4. 25583-4 Scudder, H. E. American history on the stage. (In AisMen and letters.) 28817 History of the U. S. 24381 Towle, G. M. The nation in a nutshell; outline of Amer. history. 27479 True stories of American wars. 28694 Wright, H. C. Children's stories in Amer. history. 26094 Children's stories of American progress. 28461 Yonge, C. M., and Weld, H. H. Aunt Charlotte's stories of American history. 23496 (Miscellaneous periods.) Abbot, W. J. French War of 1798. (In his Blue jackets of 1812.) 2860o Bryce, J. The American Commonwealth. 2 v. 30393-4 Dunn, J. P. Massacres of the mountains. 26420 English, T. D. Boy's book of battle-lyrics; illust. events in the hist. of the U. S. ; with hist, notes, etc. 25722 Fiske. J. The critical period of Amer. history, 1783^1789. 30318 Higginson, T. W. Travellers and outlaws ; episodes in Amer. history. 30479 McMaster J. B. History of the people of the U. S. fr. the revolution to the civil war. Vol. 2. 22733 Roy, J. E. Pilgrim's letters dur. the last 30 years. 30246 Scott, W. J. From Lincoln to Cleveland, etc. 30125 Tyler, L. G. (In his Letters and times of the Tylers.) 2 v. 24447-8 Nee also Allegheny valley; Great Britain. Colonies; Negroes; Nova Scotia;" Vermont. Also Biddle, C. ; Clay, C. M. ; Fremont, J. C.; Johnson, A.; "Philip, King" /Phillips, W. ; Prentiss, S. S.; Randolph, E.; Weed, T. Also Scudder, H. E. American commonwealths. (Revolutionary period.) Gilmore, J. R. The rear-guard of the revolution. 26914 Lowell, E. J. The Hessians; and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain. 23633 Stalden, G. Personal memoir; ed. by E. Lawrence. 2 v. 29641-2 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 667 Stone, E. M. Our French allies in the war of the revolution. *I Watson, H. C. Camp fires of the revolution. 26726 - Tea leaves; letters, etc., rel. to the shipment of tea to the Amer. colo- nies, 1773, by the Amer. East India Co. 24684 See also Jay, J. Also the following fictitious works : Henty, G. A. True to the old flag; Hoppus, M. A. M. A great treason; Roe, E. P. May and June; Talbot, C. R. A double masquerade. ( War of 1812.) - Abbot, W. J. Blue jackets of 1812. 28600 - Butler, N. M. Influence of the war of 1812 upon the consolidation of the American Union. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 5.) *I (Mexican war.) See Mexico. (Civil war.) Abbot, W. J. Blue jackets of '61 ; hist, of the navy. 26971 Cheney, C. E. Young folks' history of the civil war. 23309 - Coffin, C. C. Drum-beat of the nation ; first period of the war. 28868 Marching to victory ; second period of the war. 30522 Crawford, S. W. The genesis of the civil war; story of Sumter. 29198 Dodge, T. A. A bird's-eye view of the war. 23152 Grasset, E. La guerre de secession. 2 v. 14931-2 - Hoke, J. The great invasion of 1863; or. Gen. Lee in Pennsylvania. 28311 Johnson, R. Short history of the war of secession. 30148 Johnson, R. U., and Buel, C. C. Battles and leaders of the civil war. Vols. 1-4. 28844-7 Lowell, J. R. The rebellion; its causes and consequences. (In his Polit. essays.) 29773 Mahan, A.T. The gulf and inland waters. 23107 Paris, L. P. A. d' O., comte de. History of the civil war in America. V.4. 14335 Military Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Commandery of Minn. Glimp- ses of the nation's struggle. 29330 Commandery of Ohio. Sketches of war hist., 1861-65. 2 v. 29463-4 Pinkerton, A. The spy of the rebellion; hist, of the spy system of the army. *I Porter, D. D. Naval history of the civil war. 27230 Seward, W. H. Diplomatic hist, of the war for the Union. 16799 Soley, J. R. The sailor boys of '61. 30462 U. S. War Dept. The war of the rebellion ; compl. of the official rec- ords of the Union and Confederate armies. Ser. 1, v. 5-23 (pt. 1, 2). 35 v. *I - ' Where men only dare to go" ; story of a boy company. 25582 - Whittlesey, C. War memoranda; Cheat river to the Tennessee, 1861-62. 23674 (Civil war. Personal narratives.) - Billings, J. D. Hardtack and coffee ; unwritten story of army life. 28933 Boyden, A. L. Echoes f r. hospital and White House ; R. R. Pomroy's experience. 23609 Day, D. L. My diary of rambles with the Mass. Vol. Infantry, Burn- side's coast division", 18th army corps, and the Army of the James. 23771 - Derby, W. P. Bearing arms in the 27th Mass. Regt. Vol. Infantry, 1861-1865. 23310 - Flim), F. M. Campaigning with Banks in Louisiana, '63-'64, and with Sheridan in the Shenandoah valley, '64-'65. 29873 - Hague, P. A. A blockaded family ; life in southern Alabama dur. the civil war. 30325 Hazen, W. B. Narrative of military service. 25735 Kiefter, H. M. Recollections of a drummer-boy. 23386 - Livermore, M. A. My story of the war ; hospital life and sanitary service. 30264 - McCarthy, C. Detailed minutiae of soldier life. 27770 - Mosby, J. S. War reminiscences, and Stuart's cavalry campaigns. 30541 - Nichols, J. H. Perry's saints ; or, The fighting parson's regiment. 27658 Owen, W. N. In camp and battle with the Washington Artillery of New Orleans. 25751 - Patrick, R. W. Knapsack and rifle; or, Life in the Grand Army; by one of the boys. 29836 Piatt, D. Memories of the men who saved the Union. 28259 Porter, D. D. Incidents and anecdotes of the civil war. 25877 - Ripley, E. McH. From flag to flag; a woman's adv. 30552 Stearns, A. E. Narrative ; a prisoner at Andersonville. 27263 Symonds, H. C. Report of a commissary of subsistence. 30248 668 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. - Thomas, M. M. Capt. Phil ; a boy's experience in the western army. - Townsend, E. D. Anecdotes of the war. (Confederate army.) - - Bigelow, J. France and the Confederate navy. - Smith, G. W. Confederate war papers. - Watson, W. Life in the Confederate army; obs. and experiences of an alien in the South dur. the Amer. civil war. - See also Beauregard, P. G. T. ; Buell, D. C. ; Grant, U. S. ; Lincoln, A.; McClellan, G. B. ; Stanton, E. M.; Stuart, J. E. B. Also Ala- bama; Andrews railroad raid; Atlantic coast; Ball's Bluff; Balti- more ; Bull Run ; Cedar Mt. ; Chancellorsville ; Chickamaugua ; Confederate States of America; Fifth Reg. of Cavalry; Gettys- burg; Gulf, The; Massachusetts; Missouri; Monroe, Fort; New Hampshire; New York (City)', Potomac, Army of; Sel- ma; Stone's River; Sumter, Fort ; Vermont ; Vicksburg ; Washington ; Winchester. Also Navy, The, in the civil war; Negroes; Slavery;- Union League of Philadelphia; U. S. Sanitary Commission. Also Abbot, W. J. Bluejackets of '61; Wilson, J. T. The black phalanx. Also^ the following fictitious works : Hpsmer, J. K. "As we went marching on;" Kane, J. J. Ilian; Mitchell, S. W. In war time ; Roe, E. R. The gray and the blue ; Verne, J. Texar's revenge. (Study.) - Rupert, W. W. Guide to the study of the hist, of the U. S. Indians. See Indians, No. American; U. S. Office of Indian Affairs. Industries. See Card-clothing ; Flax ;- Ship-building. Institutions. See Johns Hopkins University Studies. Law. 24502 23493 29519 25458 29425 30123 27741 27339-40 28173 24179 25722 30437 *I I 30551 Dole, E. P. Talks about law ; pop. statement. See also Kent, J. Abridgment. Literature. Richardson, C. F. American literature. 2 v. Whipple, E. P. American literature. (Ballads and Songs.) - Butterworth, H. Amer. nat. songs. (In his Gt. composers.) - English, T. D. Boy's book of battle-lyrics illust. events in the hist, of the U. S. - Matthews, J. B. The songs of the civil war. (In his Pen and ink.) - Our national war songs. - Our war songs, North and South. - Randolph, H. F. Book of latter-day ballads. (Collections and Selections.) - Morris, C. Half-hours with the best Arner. authors. 4 v. 27654-7 - Stedman, E. C., and Hutchinson, E. M. Library of American litera- ture. Vol. 1-7. 30127-33 (Drama.) - Scudder, H. E. American hist, on the stage. (In his Men and letters.) 28817 (Fiction.) - Verney, Lady. The Americans painted by themselves. (In her Peas- ant properties, etc., v. 2.) (History.) - Nichol, J. American literature; hist, sketch. 23014 - Wilson, J. G. Bryant, and his friends ; reminis. of the Knickerbocker writers. 25857 ( Oratory. Collections.) - Johnston, A. Representative American orations. 3 v. 24995-7 (Poetry.) - Stedman, E. C. Poets of America. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 669 (Poetry. Collections.} - Browne, F. F. Bugle-echoes ; poems of the civil war. 26627 - - Pierson, E. DeL. Society verse by Amer. writers. 28525 -Robertson, E. S. The children of the poets: anthology fr. Eng. and Amer. writers. 30360 The Library has also poems by the following authors : Abbey, H. ; Adams, O. F.: Bates, A.; Brooks, C. T.; Chadwick, J. W.; Dickin- son, G.; Emerson, R. W.; Furness, W. H.; Gage, VV. L.; Gilder, R. W.; Irwin, R. ; Jone, V. ; Larcom, L. ; Laihrop, E. H. ; Laz- arus, E. ; Sill, E. R. ; Sims, G. R. ; Stedman, E. C. ;--Wasson, D. A. ; Winter, W. Manufactures. - See Tobacco. Medal of honor. - Rodenbough, T. F. Uncle Sam's medal of honor; noble deeds descr. by those who have won it. 27341 Meteorology. - Greely, A. W. American weather; pop. expos, of the phenomena. 30324 Military Academy at West Point. - Farrow, E. S. West Point and the military academy. 29119 Mines and Mining. - King, C. Production of the prec. metals in the U. S. (In U. S. Geol. Surv. Ann. rept., 1880-'8l.) Miscellaneous. - Barrows, W. The United States of yesterday and of to-morrow. 29131 - Bates. E. C. A year in the great republic. 2 v. 29348-9 - Carnegie, A. Triumphant democracy ; or, Fifty years march of the Republic. 26407 - Firth, J. C. Our kin across the sea. 30843 - Griffin, L. H. The great republic. 24366 - Money, E. The truth about America. 27584 - Pidgeon, D. Old-world questions and new-world answers. 25082 - Watkin, E. W. Canada and the States ; recollections, 1851-1886. 28442 Missions. - See Home Missions ; Indians, No. Amer. Music. (History.) - Ritter, F. L. Music in America. 23400 National character, social life, etc. - Adams, W. E. Our American cousins. 23929 - Arnold, M. Civilization in the U. S. ; first and last impressions of America. 29511 - Bacourt, A. de. Souvenirs of a diplomat. 25816 - Blouet, P., and Allyn, J. Jonathan and his continent; rambles through Amer. society. 30622 - Bryce, J. Social institutions. (In his Amer. commonwealth, v. 2.) 30394 - Brydges, H. Uncle Sam at home. 29666 - Forbes, A. Some aspects of American society. (In his Souvenirs.) 25661 - Laboulaye, E. R. L. Paris en Amerique. 14765 Temple, R. American characteristics. ( In his Cosmop. ess.) 27601 - Verney, Lady. The Americans painted by themselves. (In her Peasant properties, etc.) 26968 National defence. - Hall, C. H. Patriotism and national defence. 26103 Natural history. - Ingersoll, E. Country cousins: stud, in the nat. hist, of the U. S. 24573 Navy. - Brooks, E. S. Story of the Araer. sailor in active service. 30403 - Clark, H. H. Boy life in the U. S. navy. 25718 -Kelley, J. D. G. "The question of ships; the navy and the merchant marine. 23630 -Nordhoff, C. Man-of-war life; a boy's experience in the U. S. navy. 23177 - Parker, W. H. Recollections of a naval officer. 23179 - Reed, E. J., and Simpson, E. (In their Mod. ships of war.) 29104 - Soley, J. R. The sailor boys of '61. 30462 44 670 FKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY. See also Tripoli. Also U.S. History. (Civil war.} Also Abbot, W. J. Blue jackets. Ornithology. Samuels, E. A. Our Northern and Eastern birds. Illust. 28205;*! Paleontology. Heilprin, A. Contributions to the tertiary geology and P. of the U. S. *I Pension laws. Patrick, R. W. Digest of the pension laws rel. to the civil war. (In his Knapsack and rifle.) 29836 Political economy. Moody, W. G. Land and labor in the U. S. 22975 - Tauss'ig, F. W. Protection to young industries as nppl. in the U. S.; study in economic history. 23803 Wells, D. A. Practical economics ; recent economic experiences of the U. S. 25854 See also Free trade. Politics. Elaine, J. G. Twenty years of Congress ; with rev. of events which led to the polit. revolution of 1860. Vol. 1, 2. 23907-8 Blaiichard, R. Rise and fall of polit. parties in the U. S. 24049 Bowker, R. R. Primer for political education. 26957 Brag, E. C. Den Nordamerikanska f ragan ; tilliigg, samt forord af P. XVieselgren. 15082 Gladstone, W. E. Kin beyond sea. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 3.) Hastings, H. J. Ancient American politics. 27084 Julian, G. W. Political recollections. 23472 Lowell, J. R. Political essays. 29773 McCulloch, H. Men and measures of half a century. 30239 Mulford, E. The nation; foundations of civil order and polit. life in the U. S. 25899 Shinn, C. H. Mining camps; study in Amer. frontier government. 25174 Stickney, A. Democratic government ; study of politics. 25524 Tourgee, A. W. Letters to a king. 30564 Wilson, W. Congressional government; study in Amer. politics. 24939 See also Caucus ; Democratic Party; Republican Party ; South, The. (History.} - American political ideas viewed fr. the standpoint of uiiiv. history. 25214 - Fiske, J. The critical period of Amer. history. 30318 Johnston, A. Representative orations illust- Amer. polit. history. 3 v. 24995-7 See aZsoTilden, S. J. Writings and speeches. Also U. S. Constitution. Presidential elections. O'Neill, C. A. The American electoral system. 28353 Stanwood, E. History of presidential elections. 24498 - Same ; 2d ed., rev. 29896 Preside Jits. Foster, W. E. References to the hist, of presidential administrations, 1789-1885. 25547 Progress. Strong, J. Our country; its possible future and present crisis. 13279 Public lands. Sato, S. History of the land question in the U. S. (In J.Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 4.) *I Religion. Alviella, G. d'. The contemp. evolution of relig. thought in Eng., Amer., and India. 25865 Resources. Patton, J. H. Natural resources of the U. S. 28984 Strong, J. National resources. (In his Our country.) 13279 Seal. Willing, F. S. (In The young people who suggested the book. In her Dame Heraldry.) 28171 Shipping. Forbes, R. B. Notes on ships of the past. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 671 service. Hazen, W. B. The growth of an idea. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Nourse, J. E. Locations and objects of the U. S. Signal Service. (In his Amer. explor.) 24679;*! Slavery. See Slavery. Sports. Roosevelt, R. B. Florida ; and the game water-birds of the Atlantic coast and the lakes of the U. S. 23672 State constitutions. Jameson, J. F. Tntrod. to the const, and polit. hist, of the individual states. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 4.) *I Tariff. Donnell, E. J. The true issue; industrial depression and political cor- ruption caused by tariff monopolies. 24624 Nelson, H. L. Our unjust tariff law; plain statement about high taxes. 24418 New York Free Trade Club. Comm. The Spanish treaty opposed to tariff reform. 25234 - Philpott, H. J. Tariff chats. 30244 Roberts, E. H. Government revenue; espec. the Amer. system. 23893 Shaw, A. The national revenues : papers by Amer. economists. 29895 - Wells, D. A. Primer of tariff reform. 22S47 - Relation of the tariff to wages. 30254 - Tariff revision ; its necessity and possible methods ; Most recent phases of the tariff question. (In his Pract. economics.) 25854 (History.) - Mason, D. H. Short tariff history of the U. S. Pt. 1. 24060 Taussig, F. W. History of the present tariff. 25178 Tariff history of the U. S. 29775 See also Flax ; Free trade ; Political economy. Also Mexico. U. S. Civil Service Commission. Annual report (1st), 1884. 24703 United States Sanitary Commission. Wormeley, K. P. The other side of war ; letters f r. the headquarters of the commission, 1862. 30571 Unity. Wasson, D. A. Unity. (In Us Essays.) 30823 Unity festivals ; pub. by Western Unitarian S. S. Society. *I Unity of God and man ; [sermons] ; by S. J. Brooke. 27070 Unity pulpit. See Savage, M. J. Unity songs resung ; comp. by C. H. K. 25531 Universalism. Eddy, R. Universalism in America ; a his- tory. 2 v. 28293-4 Universe. Hinton, C. H. A picture of our universe. (In his Scientific romances.) 26242 Universities. See Colleges. University of Michigan. Farrand, E. M. History of the university. 25530 Payne, W/H. The study of education in the university. (In his "Contrib. to sci. of educ.) 27334 University of New York. See New York. State. University. University of Pennsylvania. Seybert Commission for Investi- gating Modern Spiritualism. Preliminary report. 28370 Unknowable, The. Aviella, G. d'. Religious value of the U. (In- Harrison, F., and Spencer, H. Nature of relig.) 25221 Unknown country, An ; by [D. M. Craik]. 28758 Until the day breaks ; by E. Spender. 28923 Unwin, W. C. Testing of materials of construction ; text- book. 29458 672 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Up hill and down dale ; by L. D. Nichols. 26084 Up-the-ladder Club ; by E. A. Rand. 25677 Upanishads. Gough, A. E. The philosophy of the Upan- ishads, etc. (Triibner's orien. ser.) 23002 Upcott, L. E. Introduction to Greek sculpture. (Clarendon Press ser.) 27956 Upholstery. Hints and pract. information for cabinet-makers, upholsterers, etc. 27695 Upland and meadow ; a Poaetquissings chronicle ; by C. C. Abbott. 26301 Upmore, Sir T. See Sir Thomas Upmore. Upper berth, The ; by F. M. Crawford. (In Norman, H. The broken shaft.) 26116 Uppingham School. Thring, E. Sermons preached at U. 2 v. 30607-8 - Uppingham school songs and Borth lyrics. 29769 Upton, E. Life and letters ; by P.' S. Michie. 25510 Upton, G. P. The standard cantatas ; their stories, music, and composers ; handbook. 28999 The standard operas; their plots, their music, and their composers; handbook. 26201 - The standard oratorios ; their stories, music, and composers ; handbook. 2724-s Standard symphonies ; their hist., music, and composers; handbook. 30821 Woman in music. 2d ed.,rev. and eul. 26855 Upton, J. K. Money in politics ; introd. by E. Atkinson. 24937 Upton, W. The storm of March 11-14, 1888, investigated by the New Eng. Meteorological Society ; investigation of cyclonic phenomena in New Eng. (Bel. with New Eng. Meteorol. Soc. Work.) 29907 Upton-upon- Severn, Eng. Lawson, E. M. The nation in the parish ; or, Records of U. ; with glossary of local words and phrases by R. Lawson. 25629 Ur, of the Chaldees. Wright, W. B. Ur, the city of saints. (In his Anc. cities.) 27010 Urbana scripta. See Galton, A. Urbanitzky, A. R. von. Electricity in the service of man ; treatise on the appl. of E. in mod. life ; ed., with add. by R. Wormell. Introd. by J. Perry. Illust. 27605 Urbino. Bowen, F. Ducal Urbino. (Monograph, no. 32.) 23818 Uruguay. Clemens, E. J. M. A journey and a glance at U. (In his La Plata countries.) 26805 Description. Mulhall, M. G. and E. T. (In their Handbook of the river Plate.) 25123 Urwick, W. Indian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 2si?o7 " Us" ; an old fashioned story ; by Mrs. Molesworth. 25995 Us boys and the other boy ; by E. S. Phelps. (In New Eug. story-book.) 24819 Usher, J. M. History of Medforcl, Mass., to 1855 ; by C. Brooks ; rev., enl., and brought to 1885. *I U-Soga, Africa. Hannington, J. Last journals ; narr. of jour. thr. U-Soga. 30697 Ussher y E. L. and J. Extracts fr. letters. 23519 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 673 Usurper, The ; by J. Gautier. 24012 Utah. Governor. Report, 1886. (In U. S. Territories. Gov- ernors. Reports.) 22919 Hollister, O. J. Resources and attractions of Utah. 25475 Roberts, E. Glimpses of U. (In his Shoshone, etc.) 30661 Stevens, T. Through Mormonland, etc. (In his Around the world, v. 1.) 28365 Utilitarianism. Gurney, E. The utilitarian "ought." (In his Tertium quid, v. 1.) 29605 Utopia. See More, Sir T. Utrecht. Gerard, J. W. The Peace of Utrecht ; hist. rev. of the great treaty of 1713-14, etc. 26150 Uttiet, Miss, (pseud. M. Grey.) The reproach of Annesley. 30927 The silence of Dean Maitland. 27642 Utwandrares minnen, En ; scener och skildringar fran Nord- amerikanska fristaterna ; ofwersiittning fran danskan. [2v.ini.] 15182 Vacation in a buggy ; by M. L. Pool. 28685 Vaccination. Hardaway, W. A. Essentials of V. ; facts rel. to vaccine inoculation, and its infl. in the prevention of small-pox. 26689 Vacquerie, A. Swinburne, A. C. (In his Miscellanies.) 27689 Vagabond tales ; by H. H. Boyesen. 30885 Vagabondia ; by F. H. Burnett. 23262 Vagabonds. Higginson, T. W. A New Eng. vagabond [H. Tufts]. (In his Travellers, etc.) 30479 Vain forebodings ; by E. Oswald [B. C. W. Schulze]. 25513 Vaktes, A. P. See Palacio Valdes, A. " Valentimes" ; by M. C. Bartlett. (JwNew. Eug. story-book.) 24819 Valentin ; by H. Kingsley. 25224 Valentine, M. Natural theology ; or, Rational theism. 26122 Valentine ; drame ; par E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres, se"r. 2, v. 27.) *I Valentine and Orson. (In Ashton, J. Romances of chivalry.) 27170 Valentine's chance ; by L. C. Wyman. ( In her Poverty grass.) 26940 Valentino ; by W. W. Astor. 26009 Valera, J. El Comendador Mendoza. 29202 - Dona Luz. 29203 Las ilusiones del Doctor Faustino. 2 v. in 1. 29204 Pepita Jimenez. 29205 Same ; Pepita Ximenez ; f r. the Spanish. 27249 Valfre, S. Seraaria, G. B. Life of V. (Fathers of the Ora- tory.) (In Semaria, G. B., and Marciano, G. Lives, etc.) 30288 Valladolid de Comayagua. See Comayagua. Vallandigham, C. L. On the war and its conduct, Ho. of Rep., Jan. 14, 1863. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 3.) 24997 Valresson, comtesse de. Manuel de la bonne societe. 14577 Vambery, A. The coming struggle for India ; enchroachments of Russia in Centr. Asia, etc. 25683 Life and adventures. Portrait and illust. 23717 - The story of Hungary. (Story of the nations.) 26937 Vanbrugh, Sir J. A journey to London ; The relapse ; The confederacy. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. drama.) 23530 674 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Van Buren, M. Shepard, E. M. M. Van Buren. (Amer. statesmen.) 29822 Van Campeu, S. R. Preface and hist, introd. (In Tollens, H. The Hollanders in Nova Zembla.) 24211 Van Cortlaud family. Sehuyler, G. W. (In his Colonial N. Y., v.l.) 26002 Van Dieman's Land. See Tasmania. Van Doren, L. O. Fishes of the east Atlantic coast that are caught with hook and line; incl. Fishes of the east coast of Florida, by S. C. Clarke, etc. Illust. *I Van Dyke, J. C. How to judge of a picture ; familiar talks. 29828 Principles of art. 28239 Van Dyke, T. 8. Southern California; its valleys, hills, ani- mals, etc. 26856 Van Eyck, H. and J. See Eyck, H. and J. van. Van Gelder papers. See I., J. T. Van Nostrand's science series ; namely : Abbott, A. V. Testing machines; hist., etc. 24116 Argand, J. R. Imaginary quantities. 24124 Baker, B. Actual lateral pressure of earthwork. 24117 Bender, C. Practical treat, on the properties of continuous bridges. . 24118 Berthelot, P. E. Explosive materials, etc. 24119 Boulton, S. B. Preservation of timber by the use of antiseptics. 25650 Briggs, R. Steam heating; Amer. practice. 23420 Browne, R. E. Water meters. 25648 Cain, W. Practical theory of voussoir arches. 24120 Culley, J. L. Treatise on helicoidal oblique arches. 27075 Du Moncel, T. Electro-magnets. 24121 Dynamic electricity; its mod. use, etc. . 23772 Fairley, W. Ventilation of coal mines. 24122 Flynn, P. J. Flow of water in open channels. 27495 Hydraulic tables. 23425 Foye, J. C. Hand-book of mineralogy of U. S. 28184 Gerhard, W. P. House drainage and plumbing. 24123 Notes embodying recent practice in sanitary drainage of buildings, etc. 28301 Le Van, W. B. The steam-engine indicator. 24635 Loring, A. E. Hand-book of elec.-mag. telegraph. 24125 Maxwell, J. C. Matter and motion. 24126 Merriman, M. Theory and calculation of continuous bridges. 24127 Pettit, J. 8. Modern reproductive graphic processes. 24283 Pochet, L. Steam injectors. , 24128 Rafter, G. W. Mechanics of ventilation. 24129 Redwood, B. Petroleum; its production and use. 28158 Roberts, F. C. The figure of the earth. 25454 Robinson. S. W. Practical treat, on the teeth of wheels, etc. 24130 Railroad economics. 24131 Strength of wrought-irou bridge members. Rogers, F. Magnetism of iron vessels, etc. Rowan, F. J. Boiler incrustation and corrosion. 24134 Shaw, H. S. H. Mechanical integrators, etc. 26352 Spangenburg, L. Fatigue of metals. 24135 Specht, G. J., and others. Topographical surveying. 25355 Thompson, S. P. Dynamo-electric machinery. 23194 Recent progress hi dynamo-electric machines. 24293 Tidy, C. M. Treatment of sewage. 28368 Trowbridge, W. P. Turbine wheels. 24136 Winslow, A. Stadia surveying. 24649 Wood, DeV. The luminiferous aether. 26943 Van Praagh, W. Lessons for the instr. of deaf and dumb children in speaking, lip-reading, etc. 2 v. Illust. 24464-5 Van Rensselaer, S. Brooks, E. S. Van Rensselaer of Rens- selaerswyck, the boy patroon. 25969 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 675 Van Rensselaer family. Schuyler, G. W. (In his Colonial N. Y., v. 1.) 26002 Van Santvoord, A. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Van Siclen, G. W. A perfect day. (In Orvis, C. F., and Cheney, A. N. Fishing.) *I Vance, F. T. Some comical kites. (In Vance, F. T., and others. Ways for boys.) 28913 and others. Ways for boys to make and do things. Illust. .28913 Contents. Vance, F. T." Some comical kites. Skinner, C. M. Hints for young pedestrians. Williamson, T. How to make and pitch a tent. Robinson, J. Tree culture. Smith, V. A boy's menagerie. Taylor, C. E. How to build a simple boat. Talbot, C. R. Skating. King, H. E. Home-made snow-shoes. Vandegrift, M., pseud. See Janvier, M. Vaudenhoff, G. Marston, W. (In his Our recent actors, v. 1.) 30352 Vanderbilt, W. H. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Vanderpoel, A. J. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Vane, D. Like Lucifer. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 27250 Vane, Sir H., the younger. Hood, E. P. Sir Harry Vane. (In his Oliver Cromwell.) 23101 - Hosmer, J. K. Life of V. 30338 Vannucchi, A. See Sarto, A. del. Vaunucci, Pietro, of Perugia. See Perugino. Varallo, Italy. Butler, S. Ex voto ; acct. of the Sacro Monte, or New Jerusalem at Varallo-Sesia. 30681 Varisco, D. (pseud. Faustino Clario.) II settimo sacramento ; seen, della vita domestica. 15515 Varnish. Cameron, J. Oils and varnishes. 28623 Vasari, G. Lives of. the painters, sculptors, and architects. V. 6 ; commentary cont. notes, etc., by J. P. Richter. 25318 Stories of the Italian artists f r. V. ; by [G. A. Henty] . 25319 Vassall, H. R. F., 3d Ld. Holland. Preface and notes. (In Walpole, H. Mem. of George II.) 3 v. 30751-3 Vassar girls. See Champney, L. W. Vatican. Gladstone, W. E. The Vatican decrees in their bearing on civil allegiance ; added, History of the Vatican council ; with the Latin and Eng. text of the Papal Syl- labus and Vatican decrees, by P. Schaff. 17997 Vauban, S. Le P., marquis de. Lloyd, E. M. Vauban ; Monta- lembert ; Carnot ; engineer studies. 28064 Vaughan, H. Dennis, J. (In his Her. of literature.) 23445 Shairp, J. C. (In his Sketches.) 29640 Vaughan, T. (pseud. Eugenius Philalethes.) Magical writings ; repr. of four treatises, tr. into English ; biog. pref. and Essay on the esoteric literature of western Christendom, by A. E. Waite. 30879 Vaux, C. B. (pseud. Dot.) Canoe handling; the canoe, his- tory, uses, pract. management, etc. 27853 Vawser, R. Tramways recently laid at Bury. ( In Ass. Mun. and San. Eug. and Surv. Proc., v. 10.) *I Veau d'or, Le ; com^die, par A. E. Scribe. (In his CEuvres compl., se"r. 2, v. 29.) *I 676 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Vecellio, Tiziano. 8ee Tiziano Vecellio. Veda. Translations fr. the Rig Veda. (In Cook, F. C. Origins of relig.) 24244 Cook, F. C. On the Rig Veda, specially on its religious system. (In his Origins of religion, etc.) 24244 - Williams, M. Vedism. (In his Relig. thought in India, pt. 1.) 24109 See also India. Jteli(/ion. Upanishads. Vee-boers, The ; by M. Reid. 25759 Vegetable chemistry. See Chemistry. Vegetables. Button and Sons. Culture of V. and flowers fr. seeds and roots ; also, A year's work in the vegetable garden. 24869 Veitch, J. Hamilton. (Phil, class, for Eng. readers.) 24449 Velazquez, I). R. de S. y. Washburn, E. W. (In her Span- ish masters.) 23807 Veley, M. Mitchelhurst Place. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25045 Venable, W. H. Footprints of the pioneers in the Ohio val- ley ; centennial sketch. 30666 Venables, E. Life of John Bunyan. 30376 Venetian glass ; by B. Matthews. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 3, and in Matthews, J. B., and Bunner, H. C. In part- nership.) 23905; 24490 Venice. Description. Brown, H. F. Life on the lagoons. 24343 Venice of to-day. (In his Venetian studies.) 29355 - Hare, A. J. C. Venice. 24460 - Hodder, E. (In his Cities of the world, v. 1.) 25067 - James, H. Venice. (In his Portr. of places.) 23543 Villari, L. On Tuscan hills and Venetian waters. 24815 History. Brown, H. F. Venetian studies. 29355 Henty, G. A. The city in the sea; stor. of the old Venetians fr. the chronicles. 23718 The Lion of St. Mark ; tale of V. 30227 - Ruskin, J. St. Mark's rest; hist, of V. Pt. 1, 2. [with suppl. 1.] 12571 Oliphant, M. O. W. The makers of Venice. *I Venice preserved ; tragedy ; by T. Otway. (In Browne, M. E. Tales fr. the old dramatists.) 23035 Vent d'ouest ; come'die ; par M. E. d' Hervilly. (In Theatre contemp.) 14897 Ventilation. Billings, J. S. Principles of V. and heating, and their pract. application. 24342 Fairley, W. Ventilation of coal mines. 24122 Galton, D. Warming and V. (In Murphy, S. F. Our homes.) 24196 Morrison, G. B. Ventilation and warming of school buildings. 28351 Rafter, G. W. Mechanics of ventilation. 24129 See also Hygiene. Also Assoc. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Pro- ceedings, passim. Ventura, L. D. Peppino. (Li Contes choisis.) 14864 and Shevitch, S. Misfits and remnants. 27507 Contents. Peppino. Only a dog. Beppo. The "Herr Baron." Our nihilist. A wrecked life. the stage fiend. Graziella the model. Who was he? The elf of Hohenheim. Venus and Adonis. See Shakespeare, W. Venus, The, of Ille ; by P. Merimee. (In Gautier, T., and Me'rirne'e, P. Tales bef. supper.) 28505 Venus's doves ; by I. A. Taylor. 24291 Vera Nevill ; by Mrs. H. L. Cameron. 27815 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 677 Verdi, G. Engel, L. (In his Fr. Mozart to Mario, v. 2.) 27559 Pougin, A. Verdi; anecdotic hist, of his life and works. 27662 Verdicts of history. See Stebbing, W. Vere, Sir F. and H. Markham, C. R. "The fighting Veres" ; lives of F. and H. Vere. 29146 Verestchagin, A. V. At home and in war, 1853-1881 ; remi- niscences and anecdotes ; tr. by I. F. Hapgood. 29711 Vergilius. See Virgilius. Vermont. Benedict, G. G. Vermont in the civil war ; hist. of the part taken by V. Vol. 1,2. *I Smith, P. H. The Green Mountain Boys ; or, Vermont and the N. Y. land-jobbers. 25770 Vernaleken, T. In the land of marvels ; folk-tales fr. Austria and Bohemia ; pref . by E. Johnson. 24873 Verne, J. Godfrey Morgan ; a California mystery ; tr. by W. J. Gordon. Illust. 23031 Texar's revenge ; or, North against South ; tale of the Amer. civil war. 29829 Vingt mille lieues sous les mers. 2 pts. in 1. 14758 Verner's pride ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 6004 Verney, Lady. Cottier owners, little takes, and peasant prop- erties ; repr. of "Jottings in France, Germany, and Switzerland" ; with add. 26396 Peasant properties; and other essays. 2 v. 26967-8 Contents. V. 1. Jottings in Germany, 1880. Autumn jottings in France, 1881 .Peasant properties in Auvefgne, 1882. Peasant properties in Brittany, 1885. "Little takes" in England versus peasant properties in France find Germany, 1885. Paris dur.the Exhibition, 1878. Pictures in Holland, on and oft' canvas, 1877. Mysteries, moralities, and the drama. Old Welsh legends and poetry. 2. Ancient British saints. Somrs and legends of modern Greece. Mythical and mediaeval swords. A French family of the ancient regime. Bunsen and his wife. Dean Milmao. Evidence for opinions, events, etc. The objects of art. Influ- ence of civilization on art. The powers of women, and how to use them. The Americans painted by themselves. Verney, G. H., Maj. Chess eccentricities. 25411 Vernon-Harcourt. See Harcourt, L. F. V. Verocchio or Verrocchio, A. Healy, E. ( In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Veronese, P. C., called Paolo. Healy, E. ( Inker Painters, etc.) 26216 Veronica; [by] J. Spyri. 27476 Verplanck family. Schuyler, G. W. (In his Colonial N. Y., v. 1.) 26002 Verrall, A. W. Studies literary and historical in the odes of Horace. 253^0 Nettleship, H. Note on Mr. Verrall's Stud, in Horace. (In his Lect., etc.) 25633 Verrazzano, G. da. Wright, H. C. (In her Children's stor.) 26094 Verrocchio, A. See Verocchio. Vers de socie*te. Lang, A. Of vers de socie'te'. (In his Let- ters, etc.) 30650 Verses of a collegian ; by E. G. Gerstle. 25496 Vertebrates. Martin, H. N., and Moale, W. A. Handbook of vertebrate dissection, pt. 2. How to dissect a bird. 21364 - Parker, T. J. Course of instr. in zootorny; vertebrata. 25171 - Wiedersheim, R. Elements of the coiup. anatomy of V. 30268 Verteuil, L. A. A. de. Trinidad; its geography, present cond., etc. 25137 678 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Very, J. Poems ; with introd. memoir, by W. P. Andrews. 22984 Poems and essavs: with a biog. sk. by J. F. Clarke, aiid pref. by C. A. Bartol. 27672 Very cool customer, A ; by F. W. Robinson. (In his Women are strange.) 24096 Vesey, D. Higginson, T. W. Denmark Vesey. (In his Travellers, etc.) 30479 Vespucci, A. Wright, H. C. (In her Children's stor.) 26094 Vestiges of the natural history of creation. See Chambers, R. Vestigia ; by G-. Fleming [J. "Fletcher]. 23618 Vestris, Mme. See Mathews, E. L. B. V. Veterinary art. Law, J. Farmer's veterinary adviser. 28416 See also Dogs. Diseases. Veterinary science. Billings, F. S. Relation of animal dis- eases to the pub. health, and their prevention. 23757 Veuve, La; par O. Feuillet. 14827 Via media, The ; by A. Birrell. (In his Obiter dicta.) 25184 Viard-Louis, J. Music and the piano ; tr. by Mrs. W. Smyth. 24106 Viaud, J., Lieut, (pseud. P. Loti.) Fleurs d'enuui. 14837 Contents. Fleurs d' ennui. Pasquala Ivanovitch. Voyage au MoiiU'-- n6gro. Suleima. - From lands of exile ; tr. by C. Bell. 29900 - An Iceland fisherman ; story of love on land and sea; tr. by C. Cadiot. 30565 Le mariage de Loti.-Rarahu-. 14802 Mon f rere Yves. 14801 PScheur d' islande ; roman. Le roman d' un spahi. 14803 Vicary, J. F. An American in Norway. 26910 Olav the king; and Olav, king and martyr. 28668 Saga time. 28669 A stork's nest; or, Pleasant reading fr. the North. 26913 Vickers, J. History of JJerod; or, Another look at a man emerging fr. 20 centuries of calumny. 25952 Vicksburg, Miss. Force, M. F. Pers. recollections of the V. campaign. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Oldroyd, O. H. A soldier's story of the siege of V.; with confederate accounts, etc. 25876 Vico, G. B. Flint, R. Vico. (Phil, classics for Eng. readers.) 24455 Victims ; by T. Gift [D. Havers]. 27763 Victor ; by E. Sinclair. 29153 Victoria I., Queen of Great Britain. More leaves fr. the journal of a life in the Highlands. *I Adams, W. H. D. Her Majesty Queen Victoria. (In his Celebrated Englishwomen, v. 1.) 24654 -Farmer, L. H. (In Tier Girls' book.) 28766 Greville, C. C. F. The Greville memoirs. Pt. 23 : Journal of the reign of V. 3 v. 25874-5 ; 27641 Lippincott, S. J. C. Queen Victoria; her girlhood and womanhood. 23390 Moulton, L. C. Queen Victoria. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Smith, G. B. Life of Queen Victoria. 27343 Tulloch, W. W. Story of the life of V. 28827 Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria; survey of 50 years of progress. 2 v. 28714-15 - Yonge, C. M. The Victorian half-century ; a jubilee book. 28449 Victoria, Empress Frederick of Germany. Introduction. (In Rodd, R. Frederick, etc.) 30554 Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Crown Princess of Germany. Roberts, D. Two royal lives. 28435 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 679 Victoria, Colony. Gane, D. M. New South Wales and V. in 1885. 27035 Victorian art and literature. See Ward, T. H. Eeign of Vic- toria, v. 2. Victorian literature. Dowden, E. (In his Transcripts, etc.) 29366 Victorian hymns ; English sacred songs of fifty years. 29433 Victorian poets. See Randolph, H. F. ; Stedman, E. C. Victorious defeat, A ; by W. Balestier. 26620 Vienna. Hodder, E. (In Ms Cit. of the world, v. 1.) 25067 History. Maiden, E. Vienna, 1683; hist, and consequences of the defeat of the Turks before V. by J. Sobieski and Charles Leopold, Duke of Lor- raine. 23244 Schimmer, K. A. Sieges of V. by the Turks. 30492 Vienne, J. de. Laughton, J. K. Jean de Vienne ; chapt. fr. the naval hist, of the 14th cent. (In his Studies.) 29615 Vignettes, fr. invisible life ; by J. Badcock. 23933 Vigny, A. de. La canne de jonc ; ed., with expl. notes, by A. C. Clapin. 28091 Viking, The ; [drama] ; by E. A. Barron. 30516 Vikings, Modern; by H. H. Boyesen. 28747 Villa Vielle's one mystery ; by F. E. Schelling. 29902 Village communities. Seebohm, F. The English village com- munity. 23249 Village convict, The ; by C. H. W. [H. W. Chaplin]. (In his Five hundred dollars, and in Stor. by Am. auth., v. 6.) 29000; 24219 Village photographs; by A. Lamed. 27981 Village shop, A ; by S. O. Jewett. (In her King of Folly Island.) 29544 Yillari, L. On Tuscan hills and Venetian waters. Illust. 24815 Villari, P. Life and times of Girolamo Savonarola ; tr. by L. Villari. Portrs., etc. 2 v. 30495-6 Niccolo Machiavelli and his times ; tr. by L. Villari. V. 3, 4. 23603-4 Villetard de Prunieres, C. E., joint author. See Belot, A. Villiers, C. P. Bisset, A. (In his Notes.) 25097 Villiers, G., 2d Duke of Buckingham. The rehearsal. (In Morley, H. Burlesque plays, etc.} 28196 Villiers, G. W. F., 4th Earl of Clarendon. Thornton, P. M. Ld. Clarendon. (In his For. secretaries, v. 3.) 22746 Villon, F. G. Stevenson, R. L. Francois Villon, student, poet, and housebreaker. (In his Famil. stud.) 28164 Vincent, J. E., joint author. See Shearman, M. Vincent, J. H. The Chautauqua movement; with introd. by L. Miller. 26963 Bolton, S. K. (In her How success is won.) 24977 Vincent Hadding; by A. M. F. Robinson. (In Norman, H. The witching time.) 27331 Vinci, L. da. Healy, E. (In her Painters, etc.) 26216 Hodgson, J. E. The renaissance or poetical period; L. da Vinci. (In his Acad. lect.) 24251 680 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Vine, F. T. Caesar iii Kent ; acct. of his landing, and battles with anc. Britons, etc. 29422 Vines, S. H. Lectures on the physiology of plants. 27508 joint author. See Bower, F. O. Vingt mille lieues sous les mers ; par J. Verne. 14758 Vinson, J. Les Basques et le pays Basque ; moaurs, langage et histoire. 14759 Violetta ; after the German of U. Z. von Manteuffel. 26645 Violin. Allen, E. H. Violin-making as it was and is ; hist., pract., and theoret. treatise. *I Courvoisier, K. The technics of violin playing. 26723 Engel, C. Researches into the early history of the violin family. 27928 Fleming, J. M. Old .violins and their makers, etc. 23841 Virgilius (or Vergilius) Maro, P. The greater poems of V., ed. by J. B. Greenough. V. 2. 22499 Contents. V. 2. ^Eneid. books 7-12. Georgics. 22499 Blumauer, A. Blumauers ^Eneis; fri ofversattning af J. M. Stjernstolpe. 15148 - Lang, A. On Virgil. (In his Letters, etc.) 30650 Nettleship, H. Suggestions introd. to a study of the ^Eneid. (In his ' Lect., etc.) 25633 Tunisou, J. S. Master Virgil ; the author of the ^Eneid as he seemed in the Middle Ages. 30S20 Virginia. .Baldwin, L. W. A Yankee school-teacher in V.; tale of the Old Dominion in the transition state. 24556 Description. - Warner, C. D. On horseback ; tour in V., etc. 30378 History. Cooke, J. E. Virginia; hist, of the people. 23090 Neill, E. D. Virginia Carolorum; the colony under Charles I. and II.; based upon inss. and docs, of the period. 27223 Stebbing, W. Puritan and cavalier England transplanted. ( In his Some verd. of hist.) 28582 Institutions. Ingle, E. Local institutions of Virginia. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 3.) *I Virginia cookery-book; by M. S. Smith. 23802 Virginia inheritance, A ; by E. Pendleton. 29899 Virginia of Virginia ; by A. Rives [A. R. Chanler]. 29821 Virtues. See Moral philosophy. Vision, A ; by E. P. Peabody. (In her Last evening, etc.) 27335 Vision, A, of learning ; by Lady Dilke. (In her Shrine of death.) . 27143 Visions. 8ee Dreams. Visit to the lock-up ; by E. Eckstein. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 Viteau, Story of ; by F. R. Stockton. 24440 Vittoria ; by G. Meredith. 27474 Vittoria Contarini ; story of Venice ; by A. W. Dubourg. (In his Four orig. plays.) 23073 Vivienne ; by The Duchess [M.' Argles]. (In her Maiden all forlorn.) 25788 Vivisection. Gurney, E. A chapter in the ethics of pain ; An epilogue on V. (In his Tertium quid, v. 1.) 29605 Philanthropes, pseud. Physiological cruelty; or, Fact v. fancy; inq. into the V. question. 23109 Voeu de Nadia, Le ; par H. Greville [A, F. Durand]. 14815 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 681 Vogel, H. W. Progress of photography since 1879 ; with spec, consideration of emulsion photography, and chapt. on P. t'or amateurs ;.fr. the German by E. Wallace, Jr. ; rev. by E. L. Wilson. Illust. *I Vogt, H. The Egyptian war of 1882 ; a translation. Map, etc. 23993 Vogue", E. M. de. The Russian novelists; tr. by J. L. Ed- mands. 28828 Voice. Browne, L., and Behnke, E. Voice, song, and speech ; pract. guide for singers and speakers. *I Guttmann, O. Gymnastics of the V. ; correct breathing in singing and speaking. 24549 Leib, W. H. Voices of children; princ. and disc. thr. which they may be made efficient in speaking and singing. 30651 Mackenzie, M. Hygiene of the vocal organs; pract. handbook for singers and speakers. 27154 Wheeler, J. H. Vocal physiology, vocal culture, and singing. 27988 See also Singing. Voice, A, fr. the Nile ; by J. Thomson. 24385 Voice, The, of Urbano ; by J. W. Wells. 30286 Voices crying in the wilderness. 26277 Voices for the speechless. See Firth, A. Volapuk. Hand-book of Volapuk. 29192 Linderfelt. K. A. Volapuk; easy method of acquiring the language. 28851 Schleyer, J. M. Grammar, with'vocabularies of V. 28638 Volcano, The, under the city ; by a volunteer special ; with map. 27490 Volcanoes. Kneeland, S. Volcanoes and earthquakes; pop. account. 29450 Proctor, R. A. The South European volcanic system. (In his Universe.) 24784 See also Hawaiian Islands. Volkmann, R. (pseud. Richard Leander.) German fantasies by French firesides ; tr. by P. C. Lane. 28921 Contents. The wonderful organ. Little golden daughter. The in- visible kingdom. The rusted knight. Gingerbread and Jews-harp. The wish-ring. The three sisters with glass hearts. A child's story. Sepp and his wooing. Heinp in the swamp. Bad-Luck and Happy-and- Glad. Fable of the screeching stork. The old-woman mill. The baffled wish of ( hristopher and Barbara. The dream-tree. The little hump- backed girl. The little bird. Heavenly musici The little Moor and the golden princess. Paradise and perdition. The old trunk. Ehlert, L. (In his From the tone world.) 25335 Volsunga saga. Vicary, J. F. (In his Saga time.) 2*669 Volta, A., conte. Brennan, M. S. Sketch of V. (In his Pop. expos.) 25026 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Me" rope ; ed. with introd. and notes by G. Saintsbury. 25782 .Mecle de Louis XIV.; nouv. ed., annot. par C. Louandre. 14405 Merope; ed. with introd. and notes by G. Saintsbury. 257*2 Vie de Moliere. (In Masson, G. Fr. classics, v. 3.) 25262 Grimm, H. France and V. ; Voltaire and Frederick the Great. (In his Literature.) 26534 Hale, E. E. ( In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Horn, G. The Margravine of Baireuth and V. [correspondence]. 29922 - Rosenkranz, K. Voltaire. (In Gottschall, R. Derneue Plutarch, v. 1.) 16296 Volunteer soldier, The, of America ; by J. A. Logan. 28886 Vondel, J. van den. Edmundson, G. Milton and Vondel ; a curiosity of literature. 25825 682 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Voris, A. C. Charleston in the rebellion. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Vose, G. L. Bridge disasters in Amer. ; the cause and the remedy. 27854 Sketch of the life and works of G. W. Whistler. 27484 Voss, S. M. (P.), Countess von. Sixty-nine years at the Court of Prussia; tr. by E. and A. Stephenson. 2 v. 18823-4 Voyage, The ; by Lady Dilke. (In her Shrine of death.) 27143 Voyage au Montenegro ; par P. Loti [Lieut. Viaud]. (In his Fleurs d' ennui.) 14837 Voyage autour de ma chambre ; par X. de Maistre. (In Mas- son, G. Fr. classics, v. 5.) 25264 Voyage dans 1'appartement, Le ; comedie-vaud. ; par P^. Scribe. (//* his CEuvres, ser. 2, v. 25.) *I Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon, Le ; come"die ; par E. Labiche et E. Martin. (In Theatre contemp.) 14897 Voyage du petit Gab. (In Contes choisis, no. 13.) 14868 Voyage of the "Vivian" ; by T. W. Knox. 24U5 Voyage to the cape ; by W. C. Russell. 27628 Voyages. Ballou, M. M. Due west ; or, Round the world in ten months. ' 23522 M'Cormick, R. Voyages of disc, in the Arctic and Antarctic seas, and round the world." 2 v. *I Richardson, R. Adventurous boat voyages. 24642 /See also Cleveland, R. J. ; Dampier, W. ; Pelsart, F. ; Tasman, A. J. Collections. See Hakluyt, R. Voyageur, Le ; par O. Feuillet. ( With his La veuve.) 14827 Vuibert, A. J. B. Ancient history ; fr. the creation to A. D. 476. Maps, etc. 26857 W., A. M. Molly Carew ; an autobiography. 25418 W., C. H. See White, C. H. W., E. A. See Wells, E. A. W., F. S. Sec Willing, F. S. W., S. W., and H., M. S.. comp. Helps by the way ; introd. by P. Brooks. 26026 Wabanaki Indians. See Algonkins. Wace, H., D.D. On the primary princ. of Luther's life and teaching. (In Luther, M. First princ.) 23960 Waddell, J. A. L. Designing of ordinary iron highway bridges. *I Wadcliugton, S., ed. Sacred song ; relig. verse; with notes. 30377 The sonnets of Europe- translations; with notes. 30566 Wade, B. F. Riddle, A. G. Life of W. 27999 Wadman, J. A. Biorkland, J. Tal vid aftackandet af Wad- mans byst a Lorentzberg vid Go'teborg, Juni, 1869. 15159 Wadsworth, Harry, pseud. See Greenleaf, F. W. Wadsworth, O. A.., pseud. See Dana, K. F. Wadsworth clubs. Hale, E. E. Harry Wadsworth and Wads- worth clubs. (In his Ten times one.) 22969 Wagenmann, J. Lebeusbild Luther's. (In Luther, M. Dich- tungen.) 16372 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 683 Wager, ship. Byron, J. Relation of the loss of the Wager. (In his Narrative.) ' 27517 Wager-Fisher, M. See Fisher, M. W. Wages. Atkinson, E. What makes the rate of wages ? (In his Distr. of products.) 24887 Graham, W. (In his Sob. problem.) 27145 Gunton, G. Wealth and progress; how to increase wages without re- ducing profits or lowering rents. 29077 Jeans, J. S. The remuneration of labour; Cost of labour in different countries. (In his Eng. supremacy.) 26249 Sumner, W. G. (In his Coll. essays.)' 25525 - Toynbee, A. Wages and natural law. (In his Lect.) 24386 - Wells, D. A. Relation of the tariff to W. 30254 See also Labor ; Profit sharing. Wagner, R. See Wagner, W. R. Wagner, W. R. Beethoven ; with suppl. fr. the philosophical works of A. Schopenhauer tr. by E. Dannreuther. 27957 On conducting; treat, on style in the execution of class, music; tr. by E. Dannreuther. 29770 Archer, W. Hugo and Wagner. \(In his About the theatre.) 27029 Butterworth, H. Wagner and his music in America. (In his Gt. com- posers.) 24179 Dippold, G. T. Richard Wagner's poem, the Ring of the Nibelung, ex- plained, and in part translated. 29712 Ehlert, L. Tristan and Isolde; A scene fr. ''Die Meistersinger"; Wagner, Makart, Hamerling; a parallel ; Gounod contra Wagner; The stage festival at Bttyreuth. (In his Fr. the tone world.) 25335 - Engel, L. (In his Fr. Mozart to Mario, v. 2.) 27559 Gautier, J. Richard Wagner and his poetical work fr. "Rienzi" to "Parsifal." 28300 Gurney, E, Wagner and Wagnerism. (In his Tertium quid, v. 2.) 29606 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 Haweis, H. R. (In h is My musical life.) 23846 Kobbi-, G. The music-dramas of W., with the leading motives in nota- tion. Vols. 1, 2. 27316-17 Mathews, W. S. B. (In his How to understand music, v. 2.) 30388 - Nohl, L. Life of W. 23394 Rockstro, W. S. (In his Gen. hist, of music.) 26602 and Liszt, F. Correspondence, 1841-1861; tr., with pref., by F. Huef- fer. 2 v. 30194-5 Wahl, W. H. Galvanoplastic manipulations ; pract. guide for the gold and silver electroplater, etc. ; based on the "Man- ipulations hydroplastiques" of A: Roseleur. Illust. 23361 joint editor. See Brannt, W. T. Wait, L. A.., joint author. See Oliver, J. E. Waite, A. E. Biographical pref. ; and essay on the esoteric literature of western Christendom. (In Vaughan, T. Mag. writings.) 30879 Real history of the Rosicrucians, founded on their own manifestoes, docs., etc. Illust. 29423 Waites, A. Forgotten meanings ; or, An hour with a dic- tionary. 26684 Wakefield, G. Martin, Mrs. H. Sketch of W. (In Mem. of seventy years.) 23588 Wakefulness. See Sleep. Wakeman, H. O. The Church and the Puritans. (Ep. of ch. hist.) 29424 Influence of the Church upon the State. (In Wakeman, H. O., and Hassall, A. Essays.) 28090 and Hassall, A., eds. Essays iutrod. to the Study of Eng. const, hist. 28090 Contents. Henson, H. H." The early English constitution. Ashley, W. J. Feudalism. Oman, C. W. C. The Anglo-Norman and Angevin 684 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. administrative system, 1100-1265. Medley, D. J. Parliament. Has- sall, A. Constitutional kingship, 1399-1485. Wakeman, H. O. In- fluence of the church upon the development of the state. Wakulla ; story of adv. in Florida; by K. Munroc. 25997 Walcott, C. H. Concord in the colonial period ; hist, of Con- cord, Mass. 1635-1689. Map. 23898 Waldenses. Coinba, E. History of the W. of Italy to the reformation. 30837 Wale, H. J., Rev. My grandfather's pocket-book, 1701-1796. 23866 Wales, Prince of. See Albert Edward. Wales, Princess of. See Alexandra. Wales. Owen, F. M. A Welsh ; < Repeating." (In her Es- says.) 30863 Paterson, M. Mountaineering below the snow-line. 27592 - Verney, Lady. Old Welsh legends and poetry. (In her Peasant properties, v. 1.) 26967 Walford, C. Gilds ; their origin, constitution, objects, and later history. 30880 Walford E. Greater London; hist., people, and places. Illust. Vols. 1, 2. *I Walford, L. B. (C.) The baby's grandmother. (Leis. hr. ser.) 24296 Her great idea; and other stories. (Leis. hr. ser.) 30237 Contents. Her great idea. Paul's blunders; The little tragedy in Green Street. A tumbler of milk. One quiet day. Arabella at* the sales. Lady Nelly. Lady Jane's reverie. Diplomacy among the hay- cocks. A Henly ghost. Ada; the true story of her marriage. History of a week. Illust. (Leis. hr. ser.) 26462 A mere child. (Leis. hr. ser.) 30137 A stiff-necked generation. (Leis. hr. ser.) 30667 Walford, N. L. Parliamentary generals of the great civil war. 26611 Walker, Mrs. Eastern life and scenery ; with excursions in Asia Minor, Mytilene, Crete, and Roumania. 2 v. 27164-5 Walker, E. D. Reincarnation ; study of forgotten truth. 29170 Walker, F. A. History of the Second Army Corps in the Army of the Potomac. Portraits and maps. 27350 The immediate task; Protection and Amer. agriculture. (In Shaw, A. Nat. revenues.) 29895 Land and its rent. 23411 Socialism. (In Phillips Exeter Acad. Lect.) 27997 Walker, G. Commodore. Laughton, J. K. The French pri- vateers ; Walker. (In , Ms Stud.) 29615 Walker, G., and Jenks, H. S. Songs and games for little ones. 30567 Walker, G. L. History of the First Church in Hartford. Illust. 24046 Walker, J. Anatomy, physiology, and hygiene ; manual. Illust. 29193 Health lessons ; a primary book. 29168 Walker, J. B. History of the New Hampshire Convention for the Investigation, Discussion, and Decision of the Fed- eral Constitution ; and of the Old North Meeting-house of Concord, in which it was ratified, June 21, 1788. 30468 Walker, J. H. Address on perils of wage workers in contin- ued silver coinage. 25206 Moral aspect of a protective tariff; how it helps the wage worker and farmer. 20115 Walker, R., Jiev. Parton, J. Wonderful Walker, parson of all work. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Walker, T. A. The Severn tunnel ; its constr. and difficulties. 30750 CATALOGUE OF Walker, W. Chapter on English engraving. (In Delaborde, H. Engraving.) 27698 Walker, W., Gen. Doubleday, C. W. Reminiscences of the "Filibuster" war in Nicaragua. 27078 Walker, W. F. The Azores, or Western islands ; polit., com- mercial, and geog. acct. Maps and illust. 26612 Walking tours. Skinner, C. M. Hints for young pedestrians. (/// Vance, F. T., and others. Ways for boys, etc.) 28913 Wall, A. Sordello's story retold in prose. 27129 Wall, C. A. An historical essay; the Puritans versus the Quakers ; rev. of the persecutions of the early Quakers and Baptists in Mass. 18325 Wall, G. Natural hist, of thought in its pract. aspect fr. its origin in infancy. 28586 Wall Street, N. Y. Clews, H. Twenty-eight years in Wall Street. 29862 - Lamb, N. J. Wall Street in history. 23474 Wall Street and the woods. See Flagg, W. J. Woman the stronger. Wallace, Lady, ed. Letters of distinguished musicians : Gluck, Haydn, P. E. Bach, Weber, Mendelssohn ; tr. fr. the German. 27980 Wallace, A. R. Bad times; essay on the present depression of trade ; with suggested remedies. 26463 Wallace, D. M. Egypt and the Egyptian question. 23494 Wallace, E., Jr. The amateur photographer ; manual. 24054 Wallace, J., Eev. Description of the Isles of Orkney ; notes ; [and] add. by the author's son ; ed. by J. Small. *I Wallace, L. The boyhood of Christ. Illust. 30568 Life of Gen. Ben Harrison; also, Life of L. P. Morton [by G. A. Town- send] . 29910 Wallace, S. E. The land of the Pueblos. Illust. 30138 Wallace. /Sir W. Henty, G. A. In freedom's cause ; story of Wallace and Bruce. 28042 Wallace, W. V. Spark, W. W. V. Wallace. (In hie Mus. memories.) 30877 Wallack, J. J., known as Lester Wallack. Memories of fifty vears ; in trod, by L. Hutton. Portrs., etc. *I Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 - Winter, W. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc., v. 5.) 26476 Wallack, J. W. Winter, W. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hut- ton, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 Wallack, Lester. See Wallack, J. J. Wallen stein, or Waldstein, A. W. E., Graf von, Herzog von Friedland. Kugler, B. Wallenstein. (In Gottschall, R. von. Der ueue Plutarch, v. 10.) 16305 Walleustein ; dram, poem ; by F. von Schiller. 29496 Waller, E. Gosse, E. Waller and Sacharissa. (In his Fr. Shakespeare to Pope.) 25831 Waller, M. E. Giotto's sheep ; cathedral story. *I The rose-bush of Hildesheim; cathedral story. *I 45 686 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Waller, Sir W. Walford, N. L. (In his Parliamentary gen- erals.) 26611 Walling, G. W. Recollections of a N. Y. Chief of Police. Illust. 29116 Walling, H. F. Co-ordinate surveying. (In Specht, G. J., and other*. Topog. surveying.) 25355 Wallis, A. S. C. In troubled times; fr. the Dutch, by E. J. Irving. 3 v. 24973-5 Royal favour; fr. the Dutch, by E. J. Irving. 3 v. 25953-5 Walloth, W. The king's treasure house ; romance of auc. Egypt ; fr. the German, by M. J. Safford. 26938 Walls, Retaining. Weyrauch, J. J. Retaining-walls for earth ; expanded, etc., by M. A. Howe. 26947 Walmisley, A. T. Description of Carlisle Corporation market's central main roofs. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 14.) *I Walmsley, H. E. Cotton spinning ; pract. treat. 23068 AValpole," H., 4th Earl of Orford. The Castle of Otranto. 26464 Catalogue of the royal and noble authors of Eng., Scotland, and Ireland ; enl. and contin. by T. Park. 5 v. *I Historic doubts on the life and reign of Richard III. *I Horace Walpoleand his world; select passages fr. his letters; ed. by L. B. Seeley. Illust. 23994 Letters ; ed. by P. Cunningham. 9 v. *I Memoirs of the reign of George II.; ed., with pref. and notes by Lord Holland. 2d ed., rev. 3 v. 30751-3 Same ; ed., with notes, by Sir D. Le Marchant. 4 v. *I Gallon, A. (In his Urbana scripta.) 25728 Walpole, Sir~R., 1st Earl of Orford. Rogers, J. E. T. (In his Hist, gleanings, ser. 1.) 27898 Walpole, -2V. H. Barnes, E. R. Narratives, traditions, and pers. retain, of the Bellows family, and of W. *I Walsh, J. H. (pseud. Stouehenge.) The modern sportsman's gun and rifle. V. 2. 22929 Walsh, W. S. (pseud. W. Shepard), ed. The literary life; namely : Pen pict. of earlier Victorian authors. 23401 Our young folks' Josephus; the antiquities of the Jews, and the Jewish wars; simplified. 24575 Walsingham, Lord. See Grey, T. de. Walter, J. Memorials of Washington, and of Mary his moth- er, and Martha his wife, fr. letters, etc., of R. Gary, and J. Sharpies. Portraits. *I Walter, J. Ashton, J. "The Times"-and its founder. (In his Eighteenth cent, waifs.) 28391 Parton, J. Three John Walters and their newspaper. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Smiles, S. The Walters of "The Times" ; invention of the Walter press. (In his Men of invention.) 24821 Walter and Hildegund ; by J. Gibb. (In his Gudrun.) 23579 Walter Blakeuey's masterpiece. ( In Silver lock.) 29929 Walworth, J. H. The bar-sinister ; a soc. study. 25580 Scruples ; a novel. 26858 Southern silhouettes. 28829 Contents. The colonel. Unreconstructed. Captain Tom. OP Mis?;. Poor Miss Mollie. The Mayo boys. Uncle Lige. Mrs. New and the old families. Why a new doctor went the rounds. Jim Bailey's folks. Mammy. A breezy optimist. Lee's wife. 'Mely Jane's wedding. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 687 Charlie Knight's strategy. Colonel Sutton's governess. Cap Sutton's chance. Miss Fanny and the gin burners. Davenport's. The boy and the bayou. A bone of contention. ''Old Harvey". Tony's white angel. Miss Flo's harvest. An old Roman. Blind Jo and the new peo- ple. - Without blemish ; to-day's problem. 26359 Wampum. Weeden, W. B. Indian money as a factor in New Eng. civilization. (In J. Hopkins Univ. Stud., v. 2.) *I Wanamaker, J. Bolton, S. K. (In her How success is won.) 24977 "Wanderer," pseud. Hunt-room stories, and yachting yarns. Illust. 25957 Notes on the Caucasus. 23450 Wanderer's life, a, Three years of ; by J. F. Keane. 2 v. 28640-1 Wanderer's notes ; by W. B. Kingston. 2 v. 30594-5 Wanderers. See Winter, W. Wanderings in a wild country; by W. Powell. 23708 Wane, The, of an ideal ; by la marchesa Coloinbi [M. Torelli- Torriani]. 24979 Wanklyn, J. A. The gas engineer's chemical manual. 27526 War. Tolstoi, L. N. The physiology of war. Napoleon and the Russian campaign. 291 14 Wilson, E. M. The blessings of war. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.) 29330 See also Military art and science. War and peace ; hist, novel ; by L. Tolstoi. 6 v. 26199-200 ; 26850-3 AVar crisis, The. in Monaco; by J. A. O'Shea. (In his Mili- tary mosaics.) 30483 War songs for soldiers ; [with] select^ for Memorial day. *I War-time wooing, A ; by C. King. 29885 Ward, A. L., ed. Surf and wave ; the sea as sung by the poets. 23119 Ward, D. J. H. How religion arises ; a psychological study. 30822 Ward, Mrs. H. See Ward, M. A. Ward, L. F. Dynamic sociology ; or, Appl. soc. science, as based upon statical sociology, etc. 2 v. 23327-8 Ward, M. A. Introduction and notes. (In Amiel, H. F. Journal intime.) 26362 Miss Bretherton. 25017 - Robert Elsmere. 29778 Ward, M. A. Dante ; sketch of his life and works. 28172 Ward, R. Sportsman's handbook to pract. collecting, preserv- ing, etc., of trophies and specimens; added, Synoptical guide to the hunting grounds of the world. Illust. *I Ward, S. Fiske, S. (In his Off-hand portrs.) 24010 Ward, Mrs. S. R. A glimpse of Assam. 26969 Ward, T. H., ed. The Eng. poets; crit. introd., and gen. introd. by M. Arnold. 4 v. 23355-8 Contents. V.I. Chaucer to Donne. 2. Ben Johnson to Dryden. ft. Addison to Blake. 4. Wordsworth to Rossetti. Reign of Queen Victoria; survey of 50 years of progress. 2 v. 28714-15 Ward, W. G. Oxeuham, H. N. (In Ms Short stud.) 25126 Ward, W. H. Memorial. (In Lanier, S. Poems.) 24916 Ward, W. H., ed. Records of members of the Grand Army of the Republic ; with acct. of the 20th nat. encampment. 28194 Warddel, N. U., pseud. See Dwyer, E. L. 688 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Warden, ., pseud. See James, F. A. P. Wardman, G. Trip to Alaska. 24297 Ware, J. R., and Mann, R. K. Life and times of Col. F. Burnaby. 25924 Wareham, Mass. Bliss, W. R. The birth of a town, etc. (In his Colonial times.) 30299 Warfield, B. B. Introduction to the textual criticism of the New Testament. 28371 Warfield, E. D. The Kentucky resolutions of 1798; hist, study. 28830 Waring, G. E. How to drain a house ; pract. information for householders. 25364 Warming. Billings, J. S. Principles of ventilation and heat- ing, and their pract. application. 24342 Briggs, R. Steam heating; expos, of the Amer. pract. of warming buildings. 23420 Carmody, J. D. My experience; or, Heating a green-hous J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. >.) *I Warner. B. E. Troubled waters ; a problem of to-day. 25528 Warner, C. D. On horseback ; tour in Virginia, No. Carolina, and Tennessee ; with notes of travel in Mexico and Cali- fornia. 30378 A roundabout journey. 23412 - Their pilgrimage. Illust. 27509 - Why young people read trash. (In Abbott, L. HUits, etc.) 25640 Bolton, S. K. (In her Fain. Amer. authors.) 28746 Rideing, W. H. (In his Boyhood of living authors.) 28815 Twichell, J. H. C. D. Warner in Hartford. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors.) 30787 ed. American men of letters; namely : Beers, H. A. Nathaniel P. Willis. ' 25252 Higginson, T. W. M. F. Ossoli. 23889 Holmes, O. W. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 24762 McMaster, J. B. Benjamin Franklin. 28890 Woodberry, G. E. Edgar Allan Poe. 24940 Warner, F. Physical expression, its modes and principles. Illust. 26204 Warner, R. T. Shakspere and his times. (In Winchester Coll. Shakspere Soc. Noctes.) 29429 Warner, S. (pseud. E. Wetherell). Daisy Plains. 26397 A red wallflower. 24599 Stephen, M. D. 23197 Warren, S. E. General problems in the linear perspective of form, shadow, and reflection. 29001 A primary geometry; with pract. examples in plane and projection * drawing. 29002 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. (589 Warren, T. R. On deck ; advice to a young Corinthian yachts- man. 29577 Warren, W. F. Paradise found ; the cradle of the human race at the North Pole : a study of the prehistoric world. Illust. 25181 Warren, W. W. History of the Ojibways ; with memoir of W. by J. F. Williams. (In Minnesota Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 5.) 25414 Wartburg castle. Schallor. F. Wartburg castle. (Monograph, no. 40.) 23818 Warwick County, Eng. Winter, W. The shrines of Warwick- shire. (In. his Eng. rambles.) 23416 Washburn, E. A. The beatitudes ; and other sermons. 23806 Washburn, E. W. The Spanish masters ; outline of the history of painting in Spain. 23807 Washburn, I. Parton, J. Ichabod Washburn, wire-maker. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Washburn and Moen M'f'g Co. Galvanized iron wire as empl. in the telegraph and, telephone ; hist, and princ. of the world's electric aerial land service. 18877 The legal fence; laws of the states and territories rel. to barb wire fenc- ing. 18876 Pocket handbook of copper and iron wire in electric transmission. 21109 Washburne, E. B. Recollections of a minister to France, 1869- 1877. Illust. 2 v. 28831-2 Washington, Mrs., pseud. The unrivalled cook-book and housekeeper's guide. 25783 Washington, G. Inaugural address as President of the U. S., Apr. 30, 1789. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 1.) 24995 Rules of conduct; Diary of adventure; Letters; and Farewell addresses; with introcl. and notes. (Riverside lit. ser.) 27807 Adams, H. B. Washington's interest in western lands, the Potomac Co., and a national university. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 3.) *I Baker. W. S. Character portaits of W. ; select, and arr. ; with biog. notes, etc. 27724 Bolton, S. K. (In her Fam. Amer. statesmen.) 30081 Brown, E. E. Young folks' life of W. 28456 Everett, W. Address on the services of W. 27080 Freeman, E. A. George Washington the expander of Eng. ( With his Greater Greece.) Habberton. J. (Lives of Amer. worthies.) - Hale. E. K. Life of Washington studied anew. 28931 - (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Irving, W. Washington and his country; I.'s life of W. abdgd., with introd. and contiri. by J, Fiske. - M., D. H. Questions on Fiske's I.'s Washington and his country. Mackay, C. The founders of the Amer. republic. 26259 Stoddard, W. O. George Washington. (Lives of the presidents.) 27002 - Walter, J. Memorials of W. *I Washington, M. (B.) Walter, J. (In his Mem. of Washing- ton, etc.) *I and M. (D.) Lossing, B. J, Mary and Martha; mother and wife of George Washington. 26993 Washington, M. D. Parton, J. The wife of George Wash- ington in her work-room at Mount Vernon. (In his Noted women.) 23433 Walter, J. (In his Mem. of Washington, etc.) *l 690 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Washington, D. C. New York to Washington ; descr. of W. etc. 24395 Poore, B. P. Parley's reminiscences of 60 years in the national metrop- olis. 2 v. 27024-5 Description, etc. Moore, J. W. Picturesque Washington ; pen and pencil sketches. 26339 - Nichols, L. D. Nelly Marlow in Washington. 27475 Todd, C. B. The story of Washington. l 30916 History. Dudley, E. S. Reminiscence of W. and Early's attack, 1864. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Porter, J. A. City of Washington, its origin and administration. (In J. Hopkins Univ." stud., v. 3.) *I Washington Artillery of New Orleans. Owen, W. M. In camp and battle with the W. A., dur. the civil war. 25751 Washington Territory. Governor. Report, 1886. (In U. S. Territories. Governors. Reports.) 22919 Description, Leighton, C. C. (In his Life at Puget Sound.) 23475 Washoe. Browne, J. R. Crusoe's island ; adv. in California and Washoe. 4666 Wasson, D. A. Essays ; relig., soc., polit. ; with biog. sk. by O. B. Frotkingham. 30823 Contents. Memoir. Nature the prophecy of man. Authority. Unity. Social texture. Conditions of social productiveness. The Puri- tan Commonwealth. The new type of oppression. The genius of woman. Poems. 29003 Waste-land wanderings ; by C. C. Abbott. 27808 Watched by the dead. See Proctor, R. A. Watches. See Time-keepers. Water. Chaumont, F. 8. B. F. de, Field, R., and Peggs, J. W. Water. (In Murphy, S. F. Our homes.) 24196 Church, A. H. Plain words about water. Schwackhofer, F. Fuel and water; manual for users of steam and water. 23974 Water babies, The. See Kingsley, C. Water colors. Turner, R. On the use of water colors for be- ginners. See also Foster, V. Also Painting. Water man, The ; by H. Seidel. (In SarTord, M. J. Christ- mas country, etc.) 27095 Water meters. Browne, R. E. Water meters ; comparative tests of accuracy, delivery, etc. 25648 Water supply. Bell, T. J. History of the water supplv of the world. 23812 Nichols, W. R. Water supply; consid. fr. a chemical and sanitary stand- point. . 23208 See also Association of Mun. and San. Eug. and Surv. Proceedings, passim. Waterhouse, C. H. Signification and princ. of art ; critical essay. 28670 Waterloo, Battle of. Eaton, C. A. Waterloo days ; narr. of an Englishwoman resident at Brussels, June, 1815. 30579 Lawrence, W. Waterloo. (In his Autobiography.) 28417 Waterloo to-day ; by C. Deming. (In his Byways.) 23664 Waterlow, H. J. Ritchie, J. E. Mr. Alderman Waterlow. (In his Fam. city men.) 23860 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 691 Waterlow, Sir S. Sir Sidney Waterlow. Ritchie, J. E. (In . his Fam. city men.) 23860 Waters, H. F. G. Genealogical gleanings in England. Vol. 1, pt. 1. *I Waters, R. E. C. Parish registers in Eng. ; history and con- tents ; with sugg. for securing their better custody and preservation. New ed., rewritten and enl. 27903 Waters, The, of Hercules. (Harper's handy ser.) 25794 Water worth, J., ed. The faith of Catholics confirmed by Scripture and attested by the Fathers of the first five cen- turies of the Church ; pref . by M. Capel. 3 v. *I Waterworth, J. A. The conflict hist, considered. (In Barns, W. E. The labor problem.) 26788 Watkin, Sir E. W. Canada and the States ; recollections, 1851-1886. 28442 Watson, A. E. T. Race course and covert side, lllust. 23995 joint author. See Coventry. A. joint ed. See Somerset, H. G. F. Watson, B. A. The sportsman's paradise ; or, The lake tands of Canada, lllust. 29004 Watson, C. S. The silvery hosts of the North sea ; with a sk. of quaint old Yarmouth; pref. by [C. Bullock]. 23359 Watson, E. Record of E. Watson ; arr. and ed. by A. Buck- land. 24392 Watson, H. B. M. Marahuna ; a romance. 30048 Watson, H. C., ed. Camp-fires of the revolution; thrilling events and stories by old continental soldiers. lllust. 26726 Watson, J. Watson's phonographic instructor. 27855 Watson, J. M. Physical training. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Watson, P. B. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. 23899 Watson, R. G. Spanish and Portuguese South America dur. the colonial period. 2 v. 23868-9 Watson, W. Life in the Confederate army ; obs. of an alien. 29425 Watt, A. Art of leather manufacture ; pract. handbook. lllust. 25138 Art of soap-making; pract. handbook. lllust. 23996 - Electro-deposition; pract. treat, on the electrolysis of gold, silver, and other metals; with chapt. on electro-metallurgy. lllust. 26465 Watt, G. Notes of methods of treatment and uses in India. (J?i Cross, C. F., and others. Report on Indian fibres, etc.) 29498 Watt, J. Bolton, S. K. (In her Lives of poor boys.) 25713 Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 - (In his Stories of invention.) 25539 (In Drake, S. A. Our great, benefactors.) 24742 Watt, R. Fra Tid til Anden ; Feuilletoner. 27437 Watteau, J. A. Hale, E. E. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 -Mollett, J. W. Watteau. 23289 Pater, W. A prince of court painters. (In his Imaginary portr.) 28524 Watts, A. A. Alaric Watts ; narrative of his life ; with portrs. 2 v. 28443-4 Way, The, of the world ; by W. Congreve. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 692 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Wayfarer's wallet, A ; [poems] ; by H. G. Hewlett. 30731 Way mouth, G. Waymouth's voyage in search of the North West passage. (In East India Co. Dawn of Brit, trade, etc.) *I Ways and means ; by M. Vandegrift [M. Janvier]. 27671 We and the world ; by J. H. Ewing. 25982 We two ; by E. Lyall [A. E. Bayly]. 26337 We two on an island; by S. G. W. Benjamin. (In his Sea- spray.) 28916 Weaker vessel, The ; by J. D. C. Murray. 30894 Wealth. Behrends, A. J. F. Responsibilities of W. (In his Socialism.) 26801 Brown, T. E. Responsibilities of W. (In his Stud, in mod. socialism.) 26804 Wells, D. A. Influence of the production and distribution of W. on soc. development. (In his Pract. economics.) 25854 Wealth and progress ; by G. Gunton. 29077 Wealth and welfare ; by H. Berkeley. 29469 Wealth of nations. See Political economy. Wear and tear ; hints for the overworked ; by S. W. Mitchell. 27652 Weather. .Abercromby, R. Weather ; pop. exp. of the na- ture of W. changes fr. day to day. 28853 Barnard, C. Talks about the VV. in its rel. to plants and animals. 26137 Mann, 11. J. Weather-signs and weather-changes. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 See also Meteorology. Weathers, Rt. Rev. Bp. Future probation. (In Leathes, S., and others. Future probation ; symposium.) 27576 Weaving. Posselt, P^. A. The Jacquard machine analyzed and explained. 29106 Webb, Mrs. J. B. Benaiah ; a tale of the captivity. Illust. 26031 Webb, R. D. Changes of type which malarial fevers have un- dergone in Sumter Co., Alabama. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Webb, T. W. The sun ; familiar descr. of his phenomena. 25639 Webber, J. S., Jr. In and around Cape Ann; handbook of Gloucester, Mass., and its vicinity. Illust. 25798 Weber, C. M. von. Letters. (In Wallace, Lady. Letters.) 27980 Bourne, C. E. (In his Great composers.) 27917 Crowest, F. (In his Great tone poets.) 27739 - Fillmore, J. C. Sketch of W. (In his Pianoforte music.) 23372 - Rockstro, W. S. (In his Gen. hist, of music.) 26602 Webster, A. An operation in money. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 1.) 23903 Miss Eunice's glove. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 6.) 24219 Webster, A. Disguised ; a drama. 29648 In a da^ ; a drama. 29649 The sentence ; a drama. 29650 Robertson, E. S. (In his Eng. poetesses.) 23640 Webster, A. D. Charcoal; manufacture and uses. (In Rat- tray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry.) 26265 Webster, B. Lowe, R. W. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hut- ton, L^ Actors, etc.* v. 3.) 26474 Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 1.) 30352 Webster, D. In reply to Hayne ; On the constitution and the union. (In Johnston, A. Repr. Amer. orations, v. 1, 2.) 24995-6 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 693 Boltou, S. K. (In her Fain. Amer. statesmen.) 30081 Boutwell, G. S. Daniel Webster, the statesman. (In his Lawyer, etc.} 28862 Lodge. H. C. Daniel Webster. 22943 - - (In his Studies.) 23785 - Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 - Whipple, E. P. Daniel Webster as a master of Eng. style. (In his Amer. literature.) 28173 Webster, J. Gosse, E. W. (In his Seventeenth cent, stud.) 23580 Webster, W. Notes on sewage purification by electrolysis. (In Ass. of Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc.. v. 14.) *I Webster, N.H. 150th anniversary of the settlement of Bos- cawen and W. *I Wedderburn, Sir D. Life; fr. journals, etc., by Mrs. E. H. Percival. 23997 Wedgwood. J. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Wedgwood, W. B. Civil service reform ; illust. the plunder system ; the spoils system ; the competitive system ; the educational and prize system. 23333 Weed, E. A foolish virgin. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 23120 Weed, T. Life. 2 v. 23329-30 Contents. V.I. Autobiography. 3. Memoir; by T. W. Barnes. Weeden, W. B. Indian money as a factor in New Eng. civili- zation. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 2.) *I Week, The. Proctor, R. A. Origin of the week. (In his Great Pyramid.) 23038 Week, A, away fr. time ; [by Mrs. J. Lodge]. 28267 Week, A, in Killarney ; by the Duchess [M. Argles]. (With her In durance vile.) 25145 Week of passion ; by E. Jenkins. 3 v. 25908-10 Weeks, C. S. Text-book of nursing. 25880 Weeks, J. D. Labor differences and their settlement ; plea for arbitration and conciliation. (Ecouom. tracts.) 26399 Report on the manufacture of glass. (U. S Census Office. 10th census.) 17456 Weights and measures. Wilson, A. S. A bushel of corn. 26275 Weil, H. The order of words in the anc. languages compared with that of the mod. ; tr., with notes and add. by C. W. Super. 28833 Weimar. Eliot, G., pseud. Three months in W. (In her Essays.) 23959 Weir, H. Animal stories, old and new, told in pictures and prose. 26123 Weird tales ; by E. T. W. Hoffmann. 2 v. 24846-7 Weisbach, J. Mechanics of engineering and machinery. Vol. 3, pt. 1, sect. 1. 2d ed., rev. and enl. by G. Herrmann ; tr. by J. F. Klein. 27510 Contents. Pt. 1, sect. 1. Mechanics of the machinery of transmission. Weiss. B. Life of Christ ; tr. by J. W. Hope. 3 v. (Clark's For. Theol. Lib.) 3 v. 24260-2 Weiss, J.-J. Au pays dn Rhin : Metz ; Hombourg-les-bains ; Autour de Hombourg. Francfort. Strasbourg et 1'Alsace. 14707 Weist, J. R. The medical department in the war. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U.S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Weld, A. (G.). Birney, C. H. The Grimke' sisters. 25644 694 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Weld, H. H., joint author. See Yonge, C. M. Weld, M. C. Illustrated tableaux for amateurs. Illust. Ft. 1, 2. 27719 Weld, M. C. The Percheron horse in America. Illust. 26860 ed. Additions. (In Beale, S. Profitable poultry keeping.) *I Welford, W. D. Photographer's indispensable handbook ; ed. by H. Sturmcy. Illust. 29426 Wellcome, H. S. The story of Metlakahtla. Illust. 28263 Welldoo, J. E. C. Analysis, notes, etc. (In Aristoteles. Rhetoric.) 28001 Wellesley, A., 1st Duke of Wellington. Dawson, G. Wel- lington and Napoleon. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 - Edgar, J. G. (In his Heroes of Eng.) 23693 Pauli, G. R. Arthur, Herzog von Wellington. (In Gottschall, R. Der neue Plutarch, v. 6.) 16301 Stanhope, P. H. Notes of conversations with W. 30560 Thornton, P. M. Duke of Wellington. (In Ms For. secretaries, v. 3.) 22746 Wellhausen, J. Prolegomena to the hist, of Israel ; with a repr. of the article Israel fr. the "'Encyc. Britannica" ; tr. by J. S. Black and A. Menzies ; pref. by W. R. Smith. 26398 Green, W. H. The Wellhausen hypothesis in general. (In his Hebrew feasts, etc.) 30500 Wellington, A. M. Economic theory of the location of rail- ways ; rev. and enl. ed. 28264 Wellington, A. W., Duke. See Wellesley, A. Wells, D. A. Practical economics ; essays. 25854 Contents. A modern financial Utopia. True story of the leaden stat- uary .The silver question. Are gold and silver indispensable as measures of value? Tariff revision. Most recent phases of the tariff question. The "foreign competitive pauper-labor" argument for protection. Our experience in taxing distilled spirits. Influence of the production and distrib. of wealth on social development. Primer of tariff reform. (Cobden Club.) 22847 Relation of the tariff to wages. (Quest, of the day.) 30254 A study of Mexico. 27351 Wells, E.* A. Loyal to the king. 26203 Wells, F. Drainage ; School hygiene ; its rel. to the Mass. Emergency and Hygiene Asso. (In Mass. Emergency and Hygiene Assoc. Six lect.) 25673 Wells, H. P. The American salmon fisherman. Illust. 26861 Fly-rods and fly-tackle ; manufacture and use. Illust. 25250 Wells, J. W. Exploring and travelling 3000 miles thr. Brazil. Illust. 2 v. 27352-3 The voice of Urbano; romance of adv. on the Amazons. 30286 Wells, K. G. About people. 24800 Contents. Average people. Individuality. Striving. Loyalty and liberality. Transitional woman. Personal influence. Who's who? Caste in American society. Miss Curtis; a sketch. 28914 Wells, S., Treat, M., and Sargent, F. L. Through a micro- scope ; with directions for a home-made microscope. 27103 Wells, Eng. See Bath and Wells. Wells Memorial Association. Prize plans for cottages. *I Welsh, A. H. English masterpiece course. 28834 Wendell, B. The duchess Emilia. 25251 Rankell's remains; Amer. novel. 27251 Wendte, C. W. Memoir. (In Brooks, C. T. Poems.) 25484 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 695 Wennerberg, J. W. Salomos Tempel och Israeliternas Gud- stjenstsasomsymboler for den Kristna Kyrkan och Kristen- domen ; med planritningar. 15172 Weusley ; by E. Quincy. 25008 AVent worth, G. A. Elements of plane and solid geometry. 23573 Grammar school arithmetic. 26205 Plane and spherical trigonometry. 26862 and Hill, G. A. Geometry. (Exercise manuals.) 24648 and Reed, K. M. First steps in number. 26206 Werkmeister, M. Vergebens. 16515 Werldsligt och andeligt ; la-sebok for barn och ungdom ; ntgif- ven af B. J. Glasell. 15162 Werner, E., pseud. See Buerstenbinder, E. Werner, K. On the American system of art education in schools. (In Leland, C. G. Pract. educ.) 30176 Wesley, J. Dawson, G. (In his Biog. lect.) . 26576 Herriek, S. E. (In his Some heretics.) 24570 Overton, J. H. (In his Evangelical revival.) 28430 ' Tyerman, L. Wesley's designated successor; J. W. Fletcher. 23030 Wesley, S. (A.). Clarke, E. (Fam. women.) 27279 Wesley, S. S. Spark, W. S. S. Wesley. (In his Mus. mem- ories.) 30877 Wesselhoeft, L. F. Sparrow, the tramp. Illust. 30139 Wessex tales ; by T. Hardy. 29683 West, C. Mother's manual of children's diseases. 26863 West, The (meaning the west ernpurt of the U. S.). Barnaby, W. H. Life and labour in the far, far west. Map. 24458 Champney, L. W. Three Yassar girls at home. 29442 - Drake, S.*A. The making of the great West. 28604 Hodges, E. G. Surprise land ; a girl's letters from the West. 27681 Lothrop, H. M. The golden West, as seen by the Ridgway Club. 25990 Marcy, R. B. Thirty years of army life on the border. 24526 - Porter, R. P., and others. The West; hist, of [its] development. *I See also Prairies, American; Rocky Mts. West Indian, The ; by R. Cumberland. (In Crawfurd, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 West Indies. Froude, J. A. The English in the West Indies ; or, The bow of Ulysses. 29074 - Moister, W. The West Indies, enslaved and free. 24377 Palgrave, W. G. West Indian memories: the Leeward islands and the "Boiling Lake." (In his Ulysses.) 29323 Description and travels. Kennedy, W. R. Sport, travel, and adv. in the W. I. 25628 McQuade, J. ( In his Cruise of the Montauk.) 25034 Palander, F. A. Skizzer, fran Nord-Amerika och Vest-Indien, 1864-'65. 15096 See also Gt. Britian. Colonies. West Point. See U.S. Military Academy. West Point; comedy; by G. A. Baker. (In his Mrs. Heph- aestus, etc.) 28225 Westall, W. Mr. Fortescue ; Andean romance. 30379 The old factory ; Lancashire story. 25577 A queer race ;* story of a strange people. 29005 Ralph Norbreck's trust. 26274 - Red Ryvington. 25536 Two pinches of snuft'. 28372 Westbrook, R. B. Girard's will and Girard College theology. 29713 Westbury, Lord. See Bethell, R. 696 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Westbury, H. Frederick Hazzleden. 28691 Westcott, B. F. The historic faith ; lect. on the Apostles' creed. 23061 Introduction and notes. (In Bible. N. T. John. Commentaries.} 28936 Western islands. See Azores. Western Reserve. Hinsdale, B. A. The Connecticut Western Reserve. (In his Old Northwest.) 29540 Western Unitarian Sunday School Society. Unity festivals. *I Westminster Abbey. Kingsley, R. G. The children of West- minster Abbey. 26789 - -Same. (In Chautauqua young folks' annual. 1886.) 26100 Westmoreland, Eng. Barrow, J. Mountain ascents in W. 27031 Weston, J. D. History of Eastport and vicinity. (In Kilby, W. H. Eastport.) 30649 Westphalia, Treaty of. Perkins, J. B. (In his France under Mazarin, v. 1.) 27226 Westropp, H. M. Early and imperial Rome ; promenade lect. on the archaeology of Rome. 24107 Wetherell, E., pseud. See Warner, S. Wetherill, J. K. George W. Cable. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home. ) 30787 Wetzel, G. Edersheim, A. On a new theory of the origin and compositiou of the Synoptic Gospels proposed by G. Wetzel. (In Driver, S. R., and others. Studia Biblica.) 26581 Wetzel, L. Meyers, R. C. V. Life and adventures of W. 27327 Wetzler, J., joint author. See Martin, T. C. Weyden, R. van der. Conway, W. M. (In his Early Flem- ish artists.) 27737 Weyrauch, J. J. Retaining-walls for earth ; the theory as de- veloped by W., expanded and supplemented, with notes by M. A. Howe. 26947 Strength and calculation of dimensions of iron and steel constructions, with ref. to the latest experiments; fr. the German. Plates. Whale fishery. Baker, S. W. Cruise of the whaler Sophia. (In his True stor.) 23454 Wharton, C. J., ed. Additions. (In Du Moncel, T. A. L., and Geraldy, F. Electricity as a motive power.) 23422 Wharton, F. Commentaries on law ; embr. nature, source, and hist, of law ; international law ; and const, and statutory law. 23810 Wharton, H. T. Sappho; memoir, text, select, renderings, and lit. translation. 28218 Wharton, T. Hannibal of New York ; some acct. of the financ. loves of Hannibal St. Joseph and Paul Cradge. (Leis. hr. ser.) 27252 Wharton, W. J. L. Hydrographical surveying ; methods empl. in constr. marine charts. 24108 What a woman never forgets ; by C. Etlar [C. Brosboll]. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.] 26913 What came of a sea picnic ; by S. G. W. Benjamin. (In his Sea-spray.) 28916 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 697 What has become of Lord Camelford's body? by C. Reade. (In Ms Good stor.) 24029 What hast thou done? by J. F. Molloy. 23175 What Hope Bell found in her stocking ; by N. Perry. (In her Youngest Miss Lorton, etc.) 30356 What I remember ; by T. A. Trollope. 28997 What's mine's mine ; by G. MacDonald. 26338 What's to be done? by N. G. Tchernychewsky. 26682 "What's to become of Sam?" (In Race for life; and in Silver lock.) 27693; 29929 What Katy did next; by S. Coolidge [S. C. Woolsey]. 27256 What men live by ; by L. N. Tolstoi. (In his Long exile, etc.) 29113 What people live by; by L. N. Tolstoi. 27670 What shall make us whole? by H. B. Merriman. 29057 What shall we eat? manual for housekeepers ; with app. (In Amer. home book.) 25640 What she came through; by S. Tytler [H. Keddie]. 29486 What to do? thoughts evoked by the census of Moscow; by L. N. Tolstoi. 28609 What-to-do Club, The ; by H. Campbell. 25146 What was it? by F. J. O'Brien. (In his Diamond lens, etc.) 25236 Whately, R., Archbp. of Dublin. Historic doubts /-el. to Na- poleon Buonaparte. 24214 Wheatley, H. B. The dedication of books ; chapt. in lit. hist. (Book-lover's lib.) 28445 ed. Book-lover's library; namely: Blades, W. The enemies of books. 29586 Clouston, W. A. Book of noodles. 30576 Hazlitt, W. C. Gleanings in old garden literature. 28509 Old cookery books, etc. 27040 Saunders, F. Story of some famous books. 28990 Smith, E. Foreign visitors in England. 30875 Wheatley, H. B. Dedication of books. 28445 Wood, H. T. Modern methods of illustrating books. 29797 Wheatstone, /Sir C. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Jeans, W. T. (In his Lives of the electricians, ser. 1.) 27705 Wheel of fire, A ; by A. Bates. 25642 Wheeler, C. Extracts fr. letters rel. to the South Sea islands. (In Wheeler, D. Mem. App.) 23515 Wheeler, C. Bolton, S. K. (In her Successful women.) 30203 Wheeler, C. G. The course of empire ; outlines of the chief polit. changes in the world. Illust. 23413 Wheeler, D. Memoirs of the life and gospel labors of W. 23515 Wheeler, J. B. Course of instr. in the elements of the art and science of war, for U. S. Military Academy. 24055 Elements of field fortifications for the use of the U. S. Military Acad- emy, West Point. 24056 Wheeler, J. H. Vocal physiology, vocal culture, and singing. 27988 Wheeler, J. T. India under Brit, rule fr. the foundation of the East India Company. 27163 Wheels. Cromwell, J. H. Treatise on toothed gearing, etc. 24613 Robinson. S. W. Pract. treat, on the teeth of wheels, etc. 24130 Wheelwright, J. T. A child of the century. 27856 joint author. See Grant, R. 698 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. "When half-gods go, the gods arrive"; by J. Hawthorne. (In, his David Poindexter, etc.) 29188 When I was a boy in China ; by Y. P. Lee. 28320 When I was a little girl; by A. D. T. Whitney. (In her Homespun yarns.) 27355 " Where men only dare to go" ; by an ex-boy. 25582 Where the battle was fought ; by C. E. Craddock [M. N. Murfree]. 24399 Wherry, E. M. Comprehensive commentary on the Quran. V. 2-4. 21664-6 Whetham, Sir C. Ritchie, J. E. (In his Fam. city men.) 23360 Which? by E. Daudet. 28497 Whipple, E. P. American literature ; and other papers ; introd. by J. G. Whittier. 28173 Contents. American literature. Daniel Webster as a master of Eng* style. Emerson and Carlyle. Emerson as a poet. Character and genius of Thomas Starr King. College life of Macaulay; Charles Kingsley; College life of Rufus Choate; College life of Prescott, the historian. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Outlooks on society, literature, and politics. 29117 Contents. Panics and investments. A grand business man of the new school. Mr. Hardhack on the derivation of man from the monkey. Mr. Hardback on the sensational in literature and life. The swearing habit. Domestic service. Religion and scientific theories. American princi- ples. Slavery, in its principles, development, etc. The new opposition party. Causes of foreign enmity to the U S.--Reconstruction and negro suffrage. The Johnson party. The president and bis accomplices. The conspiracy at Washington. Moral significance of the republican tri- umph. " Lord" Bacon. Lowell as a prose writer. In Dickens-land. Recollections of eminent men ; with other papers. Introd. bv C. A. Bartol. 27354 Contents. Some recollections of R. Choate. Recollections of Agas- siz. R.W. Emerson. Motley, the historian. Charles Suinner. G. Tiek- nor. M. Arnold. Barry Cornwall and some of his contemporaries. Daniel Deronda. George Eliot's private life. Whirlwinds. See Tornadoes. Whisper, A, in the dark ; by L. M. Alcott. (In. her Mod. Mephistopheles, etc.) 30770 Whist. Buckland, C. T. Whist for beginners. 2d ed. 23438 Jones, H. Whist developments; American leads and the plain-suit echo; by k 'Caveudish." 26037 Pettes, G. W. Whist universal; analysis as improved by Amer. leads. 28811 Proctor, R. A. How to play W. ; with the laws and etiquette ; whist- whittlings, and forty games. 25406 - The language of W. But is whist signalling honest? (In his Other suns, etc.) 29409 Rheinhardt, R. H. Whist scores, and card table talk; with a bibli- ography of W. 27665 Tenace, Major. Handbook of whist. 26198 Whistler, G. W. Vose, G. L. Sketch of the life and works of W. 27484 Whitbread, S. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 White, A. The problems of a great city. 27713 White, A. A.., joint author. See Burrage, H. S. White, A. D. European schools of hist, and politics. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 5.) *I Historical instr. in hist, and polit. science at Cornell University. (In Hall, G. S. Methods.) 25152 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 699 ed. " What profession shall I choose, and how shall I fit myself for it?" with facilities offered at Cornell University, and pref. note. 25287 White, A. H. S. Chemical analysis for schools, etc.; qualita- tive, inorganic. (Laurie's Kensington ser.) 26276 White, C. A. Review of the fossil ostreidae of No. America. (In U. S. Geol. Surv. Kept., 1882-3.) 25283 White, C. H., pseud. See Chaplin, H. W. \Vhite, E., Rev. Future probation. (In Leathes, S., and others. Future probation ; symposium.) 27576 White, E. G. The spirit of prophecy. 3 v. *I White, F. B. Anatomy of ants ; Ants and their ways of life ; A bee-hive. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 White, G. Harris, A. B. (In her Pleasant authors.) 23777 White, H. Introduction and notes. (/nCossa, L. Taxation.) 29529 White, H. S. Goethe's youth. (In Concord Sch. of Philos. Lect.) 26347 White, J. Sketches of the life and pub. labors of W. Miller. *I ed. Early life and later experience and labors of J. Bates. *I White, J. S., ed. The boys' and girls' Pliny; with introd. Illust. 25S44 The boys' and girls' Plutarch ; with introd. by W. Illust. 23213 Introduction. (In Herodotus. Boys' and girls' Herodotus.) 24479 White, J. W., and Seymour, T. D., eds. College series of Greek authors ; namely : Seymour, T. D. Introduction to the language and verse of Homer. 26194 White, L. C. See Lillie, L. C. W. White, M. E., ed. After noontide ; [extr. cone, old age]. 30569 joint author. See Hale, L. P. White, R. G. The fate of Mansfield Humphreys, with the episode of Mr. Washington Adams in England, and an apology. 24215 Notes, tfee Shakespeare, W. Studies in Shakespeare. 25784 White, T. P. The ordnance survey of the United Kingdom. 28446 White, V. Manual of nursing prep, for the training school of nurses, Bellevue Hospital. (In Amer. home book.) 25640 White, W. H. Address. (In Assoc. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 9.) *I Manual of naval architecture. 2d ed., rev. and enl. 25785 White chrysanthemums, The ; by L. C. Moulton. (In New Eng. story-book.) 24819 White cockades ; incident of the ''Forty-five ;" by E. I. Steven- son. 28823 White gauntlet, The ; by M. Reid. 7526 White Hart Inn, The. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journ., v. 2.) 27967 White heather ; by W. Black. 25968 White heron, A. ; by S. O. Jewett. 26924 White lead. Pulsifer, W. H. Notes for a hist, of lead, and an inq. into the development of the manuf . of white lead and lead oxides. 29819 White Mountains. Crawford, L. History of the White Mts. fr. the first settlement of Upper Coos and Pequaket. 27192 White sails ; [poems] ; by E. H. Nason. 30543 700 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. White squall, The ; by J. C. Hutcheson. 28061 White stone, The ; by C. Etlar [C. Brosboll]. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 White umbrella in Mexico, A ; by F. H. Smith. 30816 White witch, The. (Franklin Sq. lib.) 25202 Whitefield, G. Overtoil, J. H. (In Ms Evangelical revival.) 28430 Pierson, A. T. (In his Evangelistic work.) 2s900 Whitehead, C. Bell, H. T. M. A forgotten genius ; crit. monograph. 26481 Whitehead, J. Ritchie, J. E. (In Ms Fam. city men.) 23860 Whiteing, R. The island ; or, An adventure of a person of quality. 29578 Whitelock, W. Life and times of John Jay, secretary of foreign affairs under the confederation and first Chief Justice of the U. S. ; with a sk. of pub. events fr. the opening of the revolution to the election of Jefferson. 28835 Whitgift, J., Archbp. of Canterbury . Hope, A. (In his Chrou. of an old inn.) 29485 Whiting, L. MaryClemmer; Charlotte Cushman. (In Phelps, E. S. Our fam. women.) 24284 Whitman, C. O. Methods of research in microscopical anat- omy and embryology. Illust. 26685 Whitman, E. A. Flax culture ; outline of the hist, and pres. cond. of the ind. in the U. S., and the infl. on it by legis- lation ; introd. by J. R. Leeson. 20161 Whitman, S. Imperial Germany; crit. study of fact and char- acter. 30469 Whitman, S. W. The making of pictures ; short talks with young people. 26964 Whitman, W. Buchanan, R. The American Socrates. (In Ms Look round literature.) 28005 Gilchrist, A. An Englishwoman's estimate of W. (In Gilchrist, H. II. Anne Gilchrist.) 28557 Noel, R. A study of W. (In his Essays.) 26901 Robertson, J. Walt Whitman, poet and democrat. 29033 Selwyn, G. W. Whitman in Camden. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Au- thors at home.) 30787 Stedman, E. C. (In his Poets of America.) 25692 Stevenson, R. L. (In his Famil. stud.) 28164 Whitney, A. Livermore, M. A. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Whitney, A. D. (T.). Bonnyborough. 25855 Homespun yarns. 27355 Contents* When I was a little girl. My mother put it on. Buttered crusts. The soap-bubble question. How the middies set up shop. The little savages of Beetle Rock. Girl-noblesse. Sally Gibson's spunk. How Bel caught the "burglar." Trying on bonnets. Zerub Throop's ex- periment. - Lucy Larcom. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 My mother put it on ; The little savages of Beetle Rock. (In New Eni;-. story-book.) 24819 Stowe, H. E. B. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Whitney, E. Hale, E. E. (In his Stor. of invention. 25539 (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Whitney, J. D. The earth's treeless regions, (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 701 Whitney, W. D. Brief German grammar; with ref. to his larger grammar. 25615 Whitney. W. F. Notes on the anomalies, injuries, and diseases of the bones of the native peoples of North America. (In Peabody Mus. of Arch. Kept., v. 3.) 19625 Whiton, J. M. The evolution of revelation ; critique of confl. opinions cone, the Old Testament. (Questions of the day.) 25786 Six weeks' preparation for reading Caesar. 26686 Whitsun Harp, regulator; by O. Thanet [A. French]. (In her Knitters in the sun.) 28872 Whitsuntide at Tirbirke ; by C. Etlar [C. Brosboll]. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Whittier, J. G. The bay of Seven Islands ; and other poems. 23414 Mabel Martin; and other poems; with notes and biog. sketch. (River- side lit. ser.) 23811 - The poet and the children; [poem], (In Longfellow remembrance book.) 30350 Saint Gregory's guest; and recent poems. 26554 Snow-bound; and Among the hills; with explan. notes. (Riverside lit. ser.) 23098 - Text and verse for every day in the year; Scripture passages and parallel select, fr. ihe writings of W.; afr. by G. W. Cartland. 24450 Bolton, S. K. (In her How success is won.) 24977 Butterworth, H. The home of W. ( In Partoii, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Grtewold, H. T. (In her Home life, etc.) 27303 Richardson, C. F. Poets of freedom and culture. (In his Amer. litera- ture, v. 2.)- 27340 Rideing. W. H. (In his Boyhood of living authors.) 28815 Spofford, H. P. J. G. Whittier at Amesbury. (In Gilder, J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) 30787 S ted man, E. C. (In his Poets of America.) 25692 Underwood, F. H. J. G. Whittier; biography. 23135 Whittington, Sir R. Axon, W. E. A. Whittington and his cat. (In his Lane, gleanings.) 23436 Bourne, H. R. F. (In his Eng. merchants.) 26568 Whittlesey, C., Col. War memoranda ; Cheat river to the Ten- nessee, 1861-62. 23674 Whitwood collieries, Normanton, Yorkshire. Briggs, A. and H. C. Memorandum on the indust. partnership at the collieries, 1865-74. (In Taylor, S. Profit-sharing.) 23986 Whitworth, C., Lord Whitworth, and others. England and Napoleon in 1803 ; despatches ; ed. by O. Browning. 29427 Whitworth, Sir J. On plane metallic surfaces, or true planes ; and other papers. (In Pemberton, T. P. Lect., etc.) 27696 Jeans, W. T. (In his Creators of the age of steel.) 23628 Smith, H. A. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 2.) 25092 Who can one depend on? by C. Etlar [C. Brosboll]. (In Vicary, J. F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Who found Jamie? by H. W. Ludlow. 23506 Who is guilty? by P.~Woolf. 26866 Who is John Noman? by C. H. Beckett. 28231 Who paid for the prima donna? by E. Quincy. (In his Wens- ley, etc.) 25008 Who saved the ship? by Jak [A. B. Williams]. 28881 Who was he? who is he? (In Stor. by an old Bohemian, v. 1. 23600 Who was she? by B. Taylor. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 1.) 23903 Who was the first architect? or, Bees and beehives. Illust. 28478 46 702 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Who were the first weavers? Illust. 28479 Whom God hath joined ; by E. G. Martin. 26646 Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife ; by [C. W. Clive]. 3388 Why Thomas was discharged; by G. Arnold. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 5.) 24218 Whymper, F. The fisheries of the world ; illust. and descr. record of the International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. 25139 Whyte, W., joint author. See Hunter, H. Whyte-Melville, G. J. See Melville, G. J. W. Wichert, E. Die Bekenntnisse einer armen Seele. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 2.) 16520 Wicked girl, A ; by M. C. Hay. 27207 AYickes, S. Sepulture; history, methods, and sanitary requi- sites. 23495 Wicks. M. Organ building for amateurs. Illust. 29499 Wiclif , Wiklif, or Wycliffe, J. Buddensieg, R. John Wiclif , patriot and reformer ; life and writings. 2 4 '2 42 - Herrick, S. E. Wiclif. (In his Some heretics.) 24570 - Lechler, G. John Wiclif and his Eng. precursors. 2 v. 30854-5 - Poole, R. L. Wycliffe's doctrine of lordship. (In his Illust, of the hist. of med. thought.) 25132 - Rogers, J. E. T. (In his Hist, gleanings, ser. 2.) 27899 Wilson, J. L. John Wycliffe, patriot and reformer. 24802 Wide awake pleasure book. Vol. 1-27, 1875-'88. 24304-30 Wide-awake stories. See Steel, F. A., and Temple, R. C. Widney, J. P., joint author. See Lindley, W. Widow Cherry; by B. L. Farjeon. 18224 Widow Wyse, The ; by H. M. Bean. 24S35 Widow's mite, The; by [E. W. O. Kirk]. (In her Better times.) 30341 Wiedersheim, R. Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates ; fr. the German by W. N. Parker; with add. by the author and translator. Woodcuts. 30268 Wieland, C. M. Hedge, F. H. (In his Hrs. with Germ, class.) 26670 Wieland ; or, The transformation ; by C. B. Brown. 30827 Wiesen. Wise, A. T. (In his Alpine winter.) 27068 Wiesner, A. C. Die schwarze Dame. (In Bernhardt, W. Deutsche Novelletten-Bibliothek, v. 1.) 28103 Wife's secret, The ; by A. S. Stephens. 5620 Wife's secret. The. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journ., v. 2.) 27967 Wigan, A. Marston, W. (In his Our rec. actors, v. 2.) 30352 Wigan, G., tr. Additions. (In- Hospitalier, E. Electrician's pocket-book.) 24848 Wiggin, K. D. The birds' Christmas carol. 30380 Kindergarten chimes ; songs and games for kindergartens and primary schools. 29171 Wigglesworth, E. Reflections. 27485 Wight, O. W. Laws req. medical men to report deaths and cases of infectious diseases to the public authorities. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I - Maxims of public health. 24801 People and countries visited. 30381 Contents. Europe. To the antipodes. The Mediteranean. The Suez canal. The Red sea. The Indian ocean. Australia. New Zealand. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 703 Wight, Isle of. Corning, C. R. (/// his Aalesund to Tetuan.) 30307 Long, W. H. Introduction. (In Oglander, J. Oglander memoirs.) 30280 Wiglittle, Judge, pseud. Ten years a police court judge. 24505 Wigmore, J. H. The Australian ballot system as embodied in the legislation of var. countries ; with hist, introd. 30824 Wigwam, The, and the war-path ; by A. R. Jlope [R. H. Mon- crieff]. 28071 Wiklif. See Wiclif . Wilberforce, S., Bp. Burgou, J. W. S. Wilberforce. (In his Lives, v. 2.) 30835 Wilberforce, W. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 Wilbraham, F. M. The sere and yellow leaf ; thoughts and recollections for old and young; pref. by W. W. How. 29194 Wilbrandt, A. Am heiligen Damm. (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 2.) 16520 Fridolin's mystical marriage; fr. the German, by C. Bell. 24600 Der Lootsen-cornmandeu' 1 . (In Schick, L. Coll., v. 1.) 16519 - The pilot captain. (In Overland lib., v. 1.) 30757 Wild adventures round the pole ; by G. Stables. 24593 Wild flowers, and where they grow ; by A. B. Harris. 26691 Wild-fowling. See Fowling. Wild Hagen ; by J. Gibb. (In his Gudrun, etc.) 23579 Wild Jack ; by M. Majendie. (In her Once more.) 24254 Wild life in a southern county ; by R. Jefferies. 30799 Wild woods life ; by C. A. jf Farrar. 26632 Wildberger, A., joint author. See Krupp, A. Wilde, Lady J. F. 8. Ancient legends, mystic charms, and superstitions of Ireland ; with chapt. on "The anc. race of Ireland ;" by Sir W. Wilde. 2 v. 27958-9 -Poems. 2ded. 28447 Wilde, O. The happy prince ; and other tales. Illust. by W. Crane and J. Hood. 29901 Contents. The happy prince. The nightingale and the rose. The selfish giant. The devoted friend. The remarkable rocket. Wilde, Sir W. R. W. Ireland, past and present; the laud and the people ; lect. 30287 On the ancient races of Ireland. (In Wilde, J. P. S. legends, etc., of Ireland, v. 2.) 27959 Wildenbruch, E. von. Die heilige Frau ; Kinderthriinen. (In Schick, L. Coll. Novellen, v. 3.) 16521 The master of Tanagra ; a sculptor's story of anc. Greece ; tr. by M. von Lauer. 27356 Wilder, B. G., M.D. Health notes for students. 23331 Wildrick, M. A zealot in tulle. 28373 Wilford, F., joint author. Xee Awdry, F. Wilhelm, L. W. Sir George Calvert, Baron of Baltimore. 24816 Local institutions of Maryland. (In J. Hopkins Univ. stud., v. 3.) *I Wilhelmine, Margravine of Baireuth. See Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina. Rogers, J. E. T. (In his Hist, gleanings, ser. 2.) 27899 Wilkes, C., Rear Adm. U. S. N. Nourse, J. E. The Ant- arctic cruise of W., 1839-40. (In his Amer. expl.) 24679 ; *I Wilkes, J. Fitzgerald, P. Life and times of J. Wilkes, Lord Mayor of London. 2 v. 29601-2 704 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Wilkeson, F. Recollections of a private soldier in the army of the Potomac. 27253 Wilkins, M. E. A humble romance ; and other stories. 28538 Contents. A humble romance. Two old lovers. A symphony in lav- ender. A tardy thanksgiving. A. modern dragon. An honest soul. A taste of honey. Brakes and white vi'lets. Robins and hammers. On the Walpole road. Old Lady Pingree. Cinnamon roses. The Bar light- house. A lover of flowers. A far-away melody. A moral exigency. A mistaken charity. Gentian. An object of love. A gatherer of simples. An independent thinker. In butterfly time. An unwilling guest. A souvenir. An old arithmetician. A conflict ended. A patient waiter. A conquest of humility. Wilkins, W. J. Modern Hinduism ; acct. of the religion and life of the Hindus in north. India. 28448 Wilkinson, C. A. Reminiscences of Eton. (Rente's time). 29500 Wilkinson, H. S. The eve of home rule ; impressions of Ire- land in 1886. 27606 Wilkinson, J. F. The Friendly Society movement; origin, growth, and influences ; the affiliated orders. 27067 Wilkinson, W. C. College Greek course in English. 241(51 College Latin course in English. 25856 Edwin Arnold as poetizer and as paganizer: exam, of the "Light of Asia." 25182 Preparatory Latin course in English. 24237 Wilkinson, W. T. Photo-engraving, photo-etching, and photo- lithography in line and half-tone ; also. Collotype and heliotype ; rev. and enl. by E. L. Wilson. 30669 Will. Fothergill, J. M. The will power : its range in action. 26583 Maudsley, H. Body and will; essay cone, will in its metapbys., physi- olog., and pathologic, aspects. 23245 Preyer, W. The senses and the will. (In his Mind of the child, pt. 1.) 29185 Schopenhauer, A. On the will in nature. ( In his Two essays.) 30603 Will, The ; by E. Eckstein. 2 v. 25658-9 Will o' the mill ; by R. L. Stevenson. (In his Merry men, etc.) 27795 Willard, C. M. (W.) Life in Alaska ; letters ; ed. by E. Mc- Clintock. 24451 Willard, Mrs. E. S. See Willard, C. M. W. Willard, F. E. Bolton, S. K. (In. her Successful women.) 30203 Sanborn, K. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fam. women.) 24284 Willard, M. U., joint author. See Love, S. G. Willcox, J. E. Stratford-upon-Avon water supply. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 12.) *J Willey, A., Rev. History of the anti-slavery cause in state and nation. 26360 William L, of England, the Conqueror. Brooks, E. S. William of Normandy, the boy knight. (In his Hist, boys.) 25969 Freeman, E. A. William the Conqueror. 29310 William III., of England. Traill, H. D. William the Third. 29709 William IV., of England. Fitzgerald, P. Life and times of Wm. IV. 2 v. 24360-1 William I., Emperor of Germany, and King of Prussia. Forbes, A. William of Germany ; biography ; [completed by J. P. Jackson]. 29308 Sirnou, K. Emperor William and his reign. 2 v. 30604-5 Smith, G. B. William I. and the German "empire; biog. and hist, sketch. 29419 William of WyJceham. Moberly, G. H. Life of W. 30279 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 705 Williams, A. The syntax of the subjunctive mood in French. 26101 Williams, A., Jr. Popular fallacies regarding the precious metal ore deposits. (In U. S. Geol. tfiirv. Kept., 1882-3.) 25283 Williams, A. B. (pseud. Jak.) Birchwood. 25859 The Fitch Club. 26097 - The giant dwarf. 28880 Professor Johnny. 28178 Scotch caps. 30382 Who saved the ship ; and The man of the family. 28881 Williams, C. H. Use and care of the eyes, especially during school years. (In Mass. Emergency and Hygiene Ass. Sixlect.) 25673 Williams, C. R. The defence of Kahun ; forgotten episode of the first Afghan war. 28671 Williams, E. Champney, L. W. Great grandmother's girls in New France ; hist, of little Eunice Williams. 28755 Williams, E. C. Recollections of the Red River expedition. (L, Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 2.) 29464 Williams, F. H. Boscosel. (In The Septameron.) 29902 Williams, F. W. Life and letters of Samuel W. Williams, missionary, diplomatist, sinologue. 30470 Williams, G. Ritchie, J. E. (In Ms Fain, city men.) 23860 Williams, G. W. History of the Negro troops in the war of the rebellion, 1861-1865 ; prec. by a review of the military serv. of Negroes in anc. and mod. times. 28836 Williams, H. English letters and letter-writers ; with expl. notes. Ser. 1. 26717 Contents. Ser. 1. Swift and Pope. Williams, H. (pseud. George Afterem.) Silken threads; a detective story. 25550 Williams, J. Life in the Soudan ; adv. amg. the tribes ; and travels in Egypt, 1S81-2. Illust. 24872 Williams, J. G., joint author. See Richard, H. Williams, J. F. Memoir of W. W. Warren. (In Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 5.) 25414 Williams, M. Some London theatres, past and present. 23133 Contents. " The story of old Sadler's Wells." Something about old Highbury barn. The drama in Nortou-Folgate. Drama in Portman- Market. "Three Lyceums." Williams, Sir M. M. Modern India and the Indians. 29428 Religious thought and life in India ; the relig. of the Indian peoples. Pt. 1 , 24109 Contents. Pt. 1. Vedism, Bramanism, and Hinduism. Williams, R. E. Cremation and other modes of sepulture. 23654 Williams, R. P. On the maintenance and renewal of perma- nent way. (Bd. with Wood, C. Iron permanent way.) 25891 Williams, S. E. Forensic facts and fallacies ; pop. consider- ation of legal points and principles. 25881 Williams, S. G. Applied geology. (Appletons' sci. text-books.) 26361 Williams, S. W., LL.D. Williams, F. W. Life and letters of S. W. Williams. 30470 Williams, T. Labor a hundred years ago ; Philadelphia, 1787. (Economic tracts.) 29852 706 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Williams, Sir W. F. Edgar, J. G. (In his Heroes of Eng.) 23693 Williams, W. M. The chemistry of cookery. 25466 Williamson, B., and Tarleton, F. A. Elementary treatise on dynamics ; cont. appl. to thermo-dyuamics, with examples. 27796 Williamson, C. N., joint ed. See Shepherd, R. H. Williamson, J. A. Rangeley brook trout. (In Orvis, C. F. and Cheney, A. N. Fishing, etc.) *I Williamson, T. How to make and pitch a tent. (In Vance, F. T., and others. Ways for boys.) 28913 Willing, F. 8. Dame Heraldry. Illust. 28171 Willis, N. P. Literary London in 135. (In Walsh, W. S. Pen pictures.) 23401 Prose writings ; selected by H. A. Beers. '25467 The rag-bag. 4812 Two buckets in a well. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 4.) 24217 Beers, H. A. Nathaniel P. Willis. " 25252 Parton, J. (In his Some not. princ.) 25675 - Wilson, J. G. (In his Bryant and his friends.) 25857 Willis, R., M.D. Servetus and Calvin; early hist, of the reformation. 23867 Willmott, R. A. William Cowper. (la Cowper, W. Poet- ical works.) 13105 Willoughby, H. Australian pictures drawn with pen and pen- cil. Map and illust. 27714 Wills, C. J. Persia as it is ; sketches of mod. life and char- acter. 27904 Wills. Curiosities of the search-room ; coll. of serious and whimsical wills. 24454 Willson, M. and R. P. Mosaics of Grecian hist. ; Grec. hist. and literature. 23655 Willson, R. P., joint author. See Willson, M. Willson. See Wilson. Willy Reilly and his dear cooleen bawn ; by W. Carleton. 28952 Wilson, A. Structureless animals ; Breath and breathing ; The heart and the blood. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Wild animals and birds; their haunts and habits. Illust. *I Wilson, A. S. A bushel of corn. Illust. 26275 Wilson, C. T. Russian lyrics in Eug. verse. 28587 Wilson, Sir C. W., Col. From Korti to Khartum. 26519 Note on the Ordnance survey. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 1.) 28714 Wilson, Mrs. E. C. New Testament parables for children ; illust. by pictures fr. the masters, and orig. stories. 24650 Wilson, E. L. Photographic mosaics; annual record of pho- tographic progress. 4 v. 26124 ; 27629-31 Wilson's quarter cent, in photography ; hints on pract. photography. 28195 Wilson, E. M. The blessings of war. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Minn. Glimpses, etc.) 29330 Wilson, H., Vice jPres. of the U. S. Henry Wilson's regiment. (In Parker, J. L., and other*. Hist, of 22d Mass. In- fantry, etc.) 28356 Wilson, H. Notes, appendices, etc. (In Dunlop, J. C. Hist. of prose fiction.) 2 v. 30475-6 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 707 Wilson, H. W. The Russian refugee ; tale of the Blue Ridge. 28374 Wilson, J. Biography of the blind. 24263 Wilson, J., Prof, (pseud. Christopher North.) Griswold, H. T. (In /icrHome life, etc.) 27303 Mason, E. T. (In Ms Pers. traits., v. 2.) 25229 Wilson, J., Missionary. Symington, A. M. (In Ms Good lives.) 23981 Wilson, J. G. Bryant, and his friends ; reminiscences of the Knickerbocker writers. 25857 Centennial history of the Prot. Epis. Church in N". Y. 26956 Wilson, J. II. China ; travels, etc., in the "Middle Kingdom" ; with a glance at Japan. 28375 Wilson, J. L. John Wycliffe, patriot and reformer; biog. 24802 Wilson, J. T. The black phalanx ; hist, of the negro soldiers of the TJ. S. in the wars of 1775-1812, 1861-'65. Illust. 29195 Wilson, M. B. Memoirs of Miss Mellon, afterwards Duchess of St. Albans. 2 v. 28672-3 Wilson, O. L. Parlor varieties, pt. 3. See Brewster, E. E. Wilson, R. Axou, W. E. A. Robert Wilson and the inven- tion of the steam hammer. (In his Lane, gleanings.) 23436 Wilson, Mrs. R. F. The Christian Brothers ; origin and work ; with sk. of their founder, J. B. de La Salle. 25321 Wilson, S. J. Stanley Huntingdon. 27857 Wilson, T., Sons & Co., the Hull ship owners. (In Fortunes made in business, v. 2.) 24001 Wilson, T. P. Life on wheels; its sanitary needs. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 8.) *I Wilson, W. Congressional government ; study in Amer. politics. 24939 Taxation and appropriation. (In Shaw, A. Nat. revenues.) 29895 Wilson, W. The swimming instructor: treatise on swimming and diving. Plates. 23134 Wilson, W. D. Foundations of relig. bel. ; methods of natural theology vindicated against mod. objections. 23809 Wilson. /See Willson. Wilton, M. E., afterwards Mrs. Bancroft. See Bancroft, M. E. W. Wiltse, S. E. A brave baby. (In Catherwood, M. H., and others. Brave girls.) 27276 - Stories for kindergartens and primary schools. 26027 Wimpfeling, J. Pearson, K. (In his Ethic of free thought.) 30039 Wimpy adoptions, The ; by R. M. Johnston. (In his Mr. A. Billingslea, etc.) 29688 Wiuchell, A. Geological excursions ; rudiments of geology. 24044 Geological studies ; elements of geology. Illust. 26864 - Walks and talks in the geological field/ * 28174 World-life; or, Comparative geology. 23415 Contents. Pt. 1. World stuff. 2. Planetology. 3. General cos- mogony. 4. Evolution of Cosmogonic doctrine. Winchester, G., pseud. See Curtis, Mrs. C. G. Winchester, Enc/. Benham, W. Winchester ; with map. 26482 708 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Winchester, Va. Hawkins, M. L. Sketch of the battle of W. (In Mil. Order of Loy. Leg. of U. S. Com. of Ohio. Sketches, v. 1.) 29463 Winchester College Shakspere Society. Noctes Shaksperianse ; papers ; ed. by C. H. Hawkins. 29429 Contents. Billsou, C. J. Shakespeare's library. Cruickshank, A. H. Classical attainments of Shakespere. Bather, F. A. Puns of Shakes- peare. Morshead, E. D. A. Shakespeare and Goethe. Hardy, H. J. Shakspere, as a historian. Hawkins, C. H. Stage-craft of Shakspere. Johnson, L. P. Fools of Shakspere. Perkins, O. T. Ghostland and fairyland. Talbot, B. Shakespeare's view of women's relations with and influence on men of mark. Warner, R. T. Shakspere and his times. Palmer, E. J. Endings of Shakespeare's plays. Joseph, H. B. School Shakspere societies. Bewley, E. D. King Richard III. Wind, The, as a post-office ; by M. A. Goldschmidt. (In Vic- ary, J.F. A stork's nest.) 26913 Wind, the, of destiny ; by A. S. Hardy. 26615 Wind-voices ; [poems] ; by P. B. Marston. 23786 Windmills. Wolff, A. R. The windmill as a prime mover. 26029 Windsor, Conn. Stoughton, J. A. A glimpse of an old parish. ("Windsor Farms.") *I Wine, women, and song ; mediaeval Latin students' songs ; tr. into Eng. verse ; by J. A. Symouds. *I Wines, F. H. American prisons in the 10th U. S. census. (Quest, of the day.) 30255 Wines. Rixford, E. H. The wine press and the cellar; man- ual. 29411 See also Claret. Wingate, G. W. Through the Yellowstone Park on horseback. Illust. 27254 Wingfield, L. AbigelRowe ; chronicle of the Regency. 3 v. 26289-91 The lovely Wang; a bit of China. (Leis. hr. ser.) 27858 Winkelblech, . (pseud. Carl Mario.) Rae, J. The fed- eralism of Carl Mario. (In his Cout. socialism.) 24424 Wiun, H. Property in laud ; essay on the new crusade. (Quest. of the day.) ' 29579 Winning hazard, The. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journ., v. 4.) 27969 Winnipeg country, The ; by A. R. Fellow. 26869 Winship, G. The Abingdon waterworks. (In Assoc. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 9.) *I Some advantages and results of the supply of water by meter for domes- tic consumption. (In Ass. Mun. and San. Eng. and Surv. Proc., v. 11.) *I Winslow, A. Stadia surveying ; theory of the stadia measure- ments, etc. (Van Nostrand's sci. ser.) 24649 Winslow, C. M. R. Yesterdays with actors. ^8265 Winsor, J. Was Shakespeare Shapleigh? a correspondence in two entanglements. 28175 Winter, J. S., pseud. See Stannard, H. E. V. Winter, W. English rambles ; and other pieces. 23416 Contents. English rambles. In memory of Longfellow. Wanderers; poems. Henry Irving. 25365 The influence of the stage. (In his Henry Irving.) 25365 James W. Wallack. (In Matthews, J. B.*, and Button, L. Actors, etc., v. 3.) 26474 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 709 John McCulloch. (In Matthews, J. B., and Button, L. Actors, etc., v.4.) 26475 Mr. Lester Wallack. (In Matthews, J. B., and Hutton, L. Actors, etc.. v. 5.) 26476 Shakespeare's England. 26939 Sketch of F. J. O'Brien. (In O'Brien, F. J. The diamond lens, etc.) 25236 - The stage life of Mary Anderson. 26865 Wanderers; collection of poems. 30570 Winter. Heath, F. G. Sylvan winter. 26494 Winter ; fr. the journal of H. D. Thoreau. 28911 Winter fun ; by W. O. Stoddard. 25775 Winter garden, A; by A. B. Harris. ( With her Dooryard folks.) 23164 Winter holiday, A ; by W. F. Hutchinson. 26160 Winter moonrise ; by M. Densel [M. S. McCobb]. (In Craik, D. M. (M.), and others. Plucky boys.) 27282 Winter picnic. See Nassau. Winter resorts. Appletons' illust. hand-book ; Aruer. resorts. 28939 Winter sketches from the saddle ; by J. Codman. 30521 Wiuthrop, R. C. Addresses and speeches, 1878-1886. 26687 Winthrop, T. Cecil Dreeme ; with biog. sk. of the author, by G. W. Curtis. (Leis. hr. ser.) 5373 Life and poems ; ed. by his sister. 24071 Hawthorne, J. Theodore Winthrop's writings. (In his Confessions, etc.) 27312 Wisconsin. Tenney, H. A., and Atwood, D. Memorial rec- ord of the fathers of Wisconsin ; with hist, of early settle- ment in W. 26953 Wisconsin river. Thwaites, R. G. (In his Historic waterways.) 29575 Wise, A. T. Alpine winter in its medical aspects ; with notes on Davos Platz, Wiesen, St. Moritz and Maloja. 27068 Note. Same as "Alpine winter cure." Wise, H. A. Captain Brand of the ^Centipede." Illust. 25468 Wise, I. M., Rabbi. Schindler, S. (In his Dissolving views.) 29700 Wise, W. L. Abstracts of specifications having ref. to elec- tric lighting. (In Dredge, J. Elec. illumination, v. 2.) *I Wise women, The, of Inverness : by W. Black. 28003 Wisser, J. P. Practical instruction in minor tactics and strategy, for the regular army and the militia. *I Wistar, I. J. Baltz, J. D. Biog. sketch of W. (In his Hon. E. D. Baker, etc.) 30617 Wister, A. L. Metrical translations. 29314 Wister, Mrs. A. L. Translations. See Buerstenbinder, E. (pseud. E. Werner) ; Streckfuss, A. ; Oswald, E., pseud.; Johns, E. (ps. Ii. Marlitt) ; Manteuffel, U. Z. von ; Schobert, H. ; Behrens, B. ( ps. W. Heimburg). Wit and humor. Mathews, W. Wit and humor ; their use and abuse. 30539 See also Ireland. Literature ; English wit and humor; Jests. Witch's head, The ; by H. R. Haggard. 25340 Witchcraft. Adams, B. (In his Emancipation of Mass.) 27370 Witches, The; by E. Gosse. (In Norman, H. The witching time.) 27331 Witching time, The. See Norman, H. 710 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. With reed and lyre [poems] ; by C. Scollard. 27098 With the Carlists ; by J. A. O'Shea. (In his Mil. mosaics.) 30483 With the immortals ; by F. M. Crawford. 29864 Wither, G. Dennis, J. (In his Heroes of literature.) 23445 Swinburne, A. C. Charles Lamb and George Wither. (In his Mis- cellanies.) 27689 Withered arm, The ; by T. Hardy. (In his Wessex tales.) 29683 Witherow, T. Historical and literary memorials of Presby- terianism in Ireland, 1623-1800. 2 ser. 28219-20 Withers, T. J. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Within the capes; by H. Pyle. 25519 Within the clasp ; by J. B. Harwood. 25194 Within the shadow ; by D. Holroyd. 25157 Without a pigtail. (In Race for life ; and in Silver lock.) 27693 ; 29929 Without blemish; by J. H. Wai worth. 26359 Without further delay. (In Tales fr. Chambers's Journ., v. 3.) 27968 Witnessed by two ; by Mrs. Moles worth. (In her Four ghost stories.) 29150 Witnesses to Christ ; by W. Clark. 29528 Witt, C. The wanderings of Ulysses; tr. by F. Younghusband. 26028 Witt, J. de. Lefevre Pontalis, G. A. John de Witt ; or, Twenty years of a parliamentary republic. 2 v. 25756-7 Witt, O. M. Sjalen i normalt och sjukligt tilltsand : Sja- lens pathologi. 15186 Witteu, H. J. Chapter on coach-smithing. (In Crane, W. J. E. Smithy and forge.) 23127 Witter, G. F. Tobacco and its effects. (Bound with Liver- more, A. A. Anti-tobacco.) 23283 Wives of England ; by Mrs. Ellis. 12807 Wizard's son, The ; by Mrs. Oliphant. 23794 Woffington, M. Molloy, J. F. Life and adv. of Peg Woffiug- ton. 2 v. 24875-6 Wohl, J., pseud. Francois Liszt; recollections of a compa- triot ; tr. by B. P. Ward. 29430 Wohlthat, H. Borgmastaren i Halberstadt ; historisk novell ; ofversattning. 15173 Wolf, L. Sir Moses Montefiore ; cent. biog. ; with select, fr. letters and journals. Illust. 24803 Wolfe, J., Maj.-Gzn. Edgar, J. G. (In his Heroes of Eng.) 23693 - Henty, G. A. With Wolfe in Canada. 27570 - Parkinan, F. Montcalm and W. 2 v. 24582-3 Wolff, A. R. The windmill as a prime mover. 26029 Wollaston, A. N. Half-hours with Muhammad ; pop. acct. of the prophet and his followers ; with synopsis of the relig. he founded. 27166 Wolley, C. P. The trottings of a tenderfoot ; visit to the Col- umbian fiords, and Spitzbergeu. 25089 Wollstouecraft, M. See Godwin, Mrs. Mary (W.). Wolseley, Sir G. Forbes, A. Wolseley ; a character sketch ; (In his Souvenirs.) 25661 The army. (In Ward, T. H. Reign of Victoria, v. 1.) 28714 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 711 Wolsey, T., Cardinal. Creighton, M. Cardinal Wolsey. 29865 Wolski, K. Poland ; her glory, her sufferings, her overthrow. 23998 Wolves, The, and the lamb ; by W. M. Thackeray. (In Ms Burlesques, etc.) 24700 Woman. Davies, J. L. The advance of women. (In his Soc. quest.) 26418 Ellis, H. W. Our Eastern sisters and their missionary helpers. 23344 Hardy, E. J. The five talents of woman. 30328 - Lewes, M. G. E. Woman in France. (In her Essays.) 23545 - Linton, E. L. The girl of the period. 2 v. 24852-3 Livermore, M. A. What shall we do with our daughters? Superfluous women, etc. 23391 Newton. R. H. Womanhood; woman's work in the world. 25039 Patterson, J. S. (In his Reforms.) 24421 Proctor, R. A. Are women inferior to men? (In his Universe, etc.) 24784 Savage, M. J. Man, woman, and child. 24204 - Talbot, B. Shakespeare's view of women's rel. with and infl. on men of mark. (In Winchester Coll. Shakspere Soc. Noctes.) 29429 Terhune, M. V. Eve's daughters; or, Common sense for maid, wife, and mother. 24935 - Verney, Lady. The powers of women, and how to use them. (In her Peasant properties, v. 2.) 26968 Biography. Bolton, S. K. Lives of girls who became famous. 26916 Successful women. 30203 Cone. H. G., and Gilder, J. L. Pen-portr. of literary women. 2 v. 28756-7 Holloway. L. C. The mothers of great men and women, and some wives of great men. 24069 Parton, J. Noted women of Europe and America. 23433 Phelps, E. S., and others. Our famous women; Amer. women. 24284 See also Smith, E. M. Woman in sacred song. Also Missionaries. Character and duties, etc. Ellis, S. S. Daughters of England. 1367 Wives of England; duties, domestic iufl., and soc. obligations. 12807 Education. See Education of women. Labor, Professions. Bolton, S. K. Women in the art schools ; Needlework and cookery; A new work for women ; Women as nurses. (In her Soc. stud.) 26309 Campbell, H. Prisoners of poverty; women wage-workers, their trades and their lives. 28113 Graham, W. The wages of women. (In his Soc. prob.) 27145 Jeans, J. S. On the extent and the effect of the indust. employment of women. (In his England's supremacy.) 26249 Manson, G. J. Work for women. (Putnam's handy book ser.) 23286 Nitsch, C. O. Gentle breadwinners ; the story of one of them. 29101 Peters, C. Remunerative work. (In his Girl's own indoor book.) 30455 Law. Sprague, H. H. Women under the law of Mass. 24290 Social condition and political rights. Bebel, A. Woman in the past, present, and future. 27998 - Beecher, C. E. The true remedy for the wrongs of woman. 361 Holland, F. M. The emancipation of women. (In his Rise of intellec. liberty.) 25156 - Pearson, K. The woman's question. (In his Ethic of free-thought.) 30039 Stanton, T. The woman question in Europe. 24053 See also Woman's suffrage. Miscellaneous. Brown, W. K. Gunethics; or, The ethical status of woman. 29063 Bullock, A. H. The centennial situation of woman. (In his Addresses.) 17288 Mitchell, S. W. (In his Doctor and patient.) 29058 Upton, G. P. Woman in music. 26c?55 - Wasson, D. A. The genius of W. (In his Essays.) 30823 See also Girls; Marriage. 712 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Woman hater, a, Cruise of ; by G. de Montaubam 28682' Woman in sacred song ; comp. and ed. by E. M. Smith. 27527 Woman, A, of honor ; by H. C. Bunner. 233,64 Woman the stronger ; by W. J. Flagg. 30S20 Woman, The, who saved him; by F. W. Robinson. (In his Women are strange.) 24096 Woman's face, A ; by F. Warden [F. A. P. James]. 29809, Woman's inheritance, A ; by A. M. Douglas. 25979 Woman's memories. See lloustoun, Mrs. Woman's reason, A ; by W. D. Howells. 23168 Woman's reputation, A ; by O. Crawfurd. 2 v. 28702-3 Woman's suffrage. Blair, H. W. Woman suffrage and the temperance reform. (In his Temperance movement.) 29785 - Dilke, Mrs. A. Women's suffrage. 26579 Pellew, G. Woman and the commonwealth ; a quest, of expediency. 29324 Stanton, E. C., and others. History of woman suffrage. Illnst. V. 3. *I See also Kansas; Woman. Social condition, etc. Woman's work in sanitary reform. (Hampton tracts, no. 6.) 23506 Women and men ; by T. W. Higginson. 28878 Women and work ; by E. Pfeiffer. 29036 Women are strange ; by F. W. Robinson. 24096 Women, plumbers, and doctors ; by Mrs. H. M. Plunkett. 24927 Women's voices ; poems by women. See Sharp, Mrs. W. Won at West Point ; by Fush. 24805 Won not wooed ; by [J. Payn]. 23571 Wonder clock, The ; by II. Pyle. 28902 Wonderful escape of James the Second ; by F. M. Allen. (In his Through green glasses.) 29130 Wonderful trio, A ; by J. Howard. (//* Schwatka, F., and others. Stor. of danger.) 27342 Wonders of common things ; by A. Carey. 29523 Wonders of science ; by H. May hew. 26725 Wondersmith, The ; by F. J. O'Brien. (In his Diamond lens, etc.) 25236 Woo of Hwang-ho, Empress of China. Brooks, E. S. Woo of Hwang-ho ; the girl of the Yellow River. (In his Hist, girls.) 28864 Wood, C. Iron permanent way. 25891 Wood, C. D. (pseud. Charlotte Dunning.) Cabin and gondola. 26421 A step aside. 26983 Wood, C. W. Under northern skies. Illust. 27960 Wood, De V. The luminiferous aether. (Van Nostr. sci. ser.) 26943 Wood, E. P. George Canterbury's will. 9992 Johnny Ludlow. Ser. 3. 3 v. 26292-4 Marrying beneath your station. 14298 Out of the deep. 9991 - Same as The castle's heir. Verner's pride. 6004 Wood, H. Natural law in the business world. 27859 Wood, Mrs. H. See Wood, E. P. Wood, H. F. The Englishman of the Rue Cain. 30825 Wood, H. T. Modern methods of illustrating books. (Book- lover's lib.) 27797 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 713 Seeing by telegraph. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 ed. Technological handbooks; namely: Beaumont, R. Woolen and worsted cloth manufacture. 29351 Crookes, W. Dyeing and tissue-printing. 24810 Marsden, R. Cotton spinning, etc. 24374 Powell, H. J. Principles of glass-making; with treatises by H. Chance and H. G. Harris. 24814 Wood, J. G., Rev. Half hours in field and forest; chapt. in nat. hist. Illust. 25787 Horse and man; their mut. dependence and duties. 26126 Petlaud revisited. Illust. 24674 Routledge's picture book of birds. Illust. 26724 Wood, M. S., ed. Social hours with Friends [Quakers]. 23518 Wood, R. A. (pseud. Paul Gushing.) Doctor Caesar Crowl, mind-curer. 3 v. 29651-3 Wood, T. Our bird allies. 29431 Wood, T. F. The clinical thermometer in the prevention of malarial (paludal) fever. (In Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Wood cuts. See Wood engraving. Wood engraving. Brown, W. N. Pract. man. of wood en- graving ; with hist, of the art. 27032 Conway, W. M. The woodcutters of the Netherlands in the loth cent. *I Dobson, A. Thomas Bewick and his pupils. 24472 - Whitman, S. W. (In her Making of pictures.) 26964 Wood-pulp. [Several papers on the production of wood-pulp for the manufacture of paper.] (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry.) 26265 Wood-work. Compton, A. G. First lessons in wood-working. 29794 Goss, W. F. M. Bench work in wood; study and pract. 29877 Woodberry, G. E. Edgar Allan Poe. (Amer. men of letters.) 24940 Jnmes Russell Lowell. (Jn Gilder. J. L. and J. B. Authors at home.) 30787 Woodcraft; by Nessmuk [G. W. Sears]. 23874 Woodgate, W. B. Boating; introd. by E. Warre, and chapt. on Rowing at Eton, by R. H. Mason ; with engr. *I Woodhull, A. A. The etiological association of organic mat- ter with malaria. (Jn Am. Pub. Health Ass. Repts., v. 9.) *I Woodland tales ; by J. Stinde. 28165 Woodlanders, The ; by T. Hardy. 28128 Woodman, The ; by Mme. de Gasparin. ( In her Under Fr. skies.) 30322 Woodroffe, W. L. Lord Coleridge and the Eng. law courts. (In Parton, J. Some not. princ.) 25675 Woodrow, F. Side-lights on the labor problem. (In Barns, W. E. Labor prob.) 26788 Woods, A. T., and Stahl, A. W. Elementary mechanism; text-book of mechanical engineering. 27104 Woods, F. H. Light thrown by the Septuagint version on the Books of Samuel. (In Driver, S. R., and others. Studia Biblica.) 26581 Woods, L., D.I). History of the Andover Theological Semi- nary. 24601 Woods, M. A., ed. A first school poetry book. 27255 Woodstock, Conn. Bowen, C. W. Woodstock ; hist, sketch. 27729 714 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Woodward, C. M. The manual training school ; aims, methods, and results ; with drawings of shop exercises. 29172 Woodward, H. Crustacea. (In Duncan, P. M. Cassell's nat. hist., v. G.) 24961 Mollusea: Tunicata. (In Duncan, P. M. Cassell's nat. hist., v. 5.) 24960 Woodward, W. Our future money. 25892 Wool. Beaumont, R. Woolen and worsted cloth manuf. ; pract. treatise. 29351 Bowman, F. H. Structure of the W. fibre in its rel. to the use of W. for technical purposes. *I Bramwell, W. C. The wool-carders' vade mecum. 24676 Gibson, W. Wool and worsted. (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 1-3.) 25091-3 Gilroy, C. G. (In his History of silk, etc.) 15689 National Ass. of Wool Manufacturers. Bulletin, 1886-'87. 21791-2 /See also Worsted. Woolf, P. Who is guilty. 26866 Woolley, C. P. Love and theology. 2S692 Woolsey, S. C. (pseud. Susan Coolidge.) Clover, lllust. 303N3 A fortunate misfortune. (In Yule tide.) 24823 A little country girl. 25689 Lydia Maria Child. (In Phelps, E. S., and others. Our fain, women.) 24284 A round dozen. 23417 Contents. The little white door. Little Karen and her baby. Hel- en's thanksgiving. At Fiesole. Queen Blossom. A small beginning. The secret door. The two wishes. Blue and pink. A fortunate misfor- tune. Toiuette and the elves. Jean's money, and what it bought. How the storks came and went. Short history of Philadelphia. 28837 - What Katy did next. lllust. 27256 Woolsey, T. D. Helpful thoughts for young men ; discourses. 24045 Contents. God's guidance in youth. Strength to do all things. Serv- ing our generation. Woolson, A. G. George Eliot and her heroines ; a study. 26520 Woolson, C. F. East Angels. 26792 For the MMIOF. lllust. 22985 - Miss Grief. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 4.) 24217 - James. H. (In his Part, portr.) 29687 Woolwich Arsenal, London, Eng. Deming, C. England's gun foundry. (In his Byways.) 23664 Worcester, 2d Marquis of. See Somerset, E. Worcester, A. A new way of training nurses. 30826 Worcester, J. Correspondences of the Bible ; the animals ; with add. 24534 Worcester, Eng. Smith, I. G., and Onslow, P. Worcester. 26060 Worcester, Mass. City Government. City Council. Cele- bration of the 200th anniversary of the naming of Worces- ter, Oct. 14-15, 1884. 23084 Free Public Library. Catalogue of the circulating department, and a portion of the inter- mediate, 1884. 23336 History. Lincoln, W. History of W. ; with not. rel. to the hist, of Worcester County. 2675 Rice, F. P. Worcester town records, 1753-1783. (Wore. Soc. of Antiq. Coll., v. 4.) 23121 . Second Parish. History. Green, S. S. Gleanings fr. the sources of the history of the Second Parish, Worcester, Mass. 23682 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 715 High School. Roe, A. S. Record of four years' work in the study of Ainer. authors. ( In h is A mer . au th . ) 28593 Worcester Society of Antiquity. Collections, v. 4. 23121 Contents. Worcester town records, 1753-1783; ed. by F. P. Rice. Word. See Logos. Word portraits. See Wotton, M. E. Words. Darmesteter, A. The life of words as the symbols of ideas. 27870 Dialect, proverbs, and word-lore. 24691 Mathews. W. Words ; their use and abuse, 24687 Mueller, F. M. Biographies of words and the home of the Arras. 29400 Words and places ; by I. Taylor. 28206 Wordsworth, D. Lee, E. Dorothy Wordsworth; the story of a sister's love. 27650 Wordsworth, J. The Corbey St. James (ft'), and its relation to other Latin versions, and to the orig. language of the epistle. (In Driver, S. R., and others. Studia Biblica.) 26581 Wordsworth, W. Complete poetical works ; introd. by J. Morley. 30881 Arnold, M. Wordsworth. (In his Essays, ser. 2.) 30397 Caine. T. H. "The Lake school." (In his Cobwebs of criticism.) 25620 Courthope, W. J. Wordsworth's theory of poetry. (In his Lib. move- ment, etc.) 26374 Dawson,G. The poetry of W. (In his Biog. lect.) 26576 Dennis, J. (In his Heroes of literature.) 23445 - DeQuincey, T. On W.'s poetry. (In his Literary crit.) 23082 - DeVere. A. T. The genius and passion of W.; Wisdom and truth of W.'s poetry;- Recollections of W. (In his Essays, v. 1, 2.) 29069-70 -Dowden,E. The text of W.'s poems. (In his Transcripts.) 29366 Griswold, H. T. (In her Home life.) 27303 Hale, E. '. (In his Lights of two cent.) 28774 - Hudson, H. N. Studies in W. 24572 Ingleby, C. M. An estimate of W. (In his Essays.) 29611 Lowell, J. R. Address, Wordsworth Society, May, '1884. (In ht De- mocracy.) 27217 MacDonald, G. Wordsworth's poetry. (In his Imagination, etc.) 30434 - Mason, E. T. (In his Pers. traits, v."3.) 25230 Noel, R. (In his Essays.) 26901 Owen, F. M. On the seeming triviality of some of W.'s subjects; On Wordsworth's view of death. (In her Essays.) 30863 Sandford, Mrs. H. (In her Thomas Poole.) 2 V. 30557-8 Sutherland, J. M. William W. ; his life, with crit. rein, on his writings. 29764 Swinburne, A. C. Wordsworth and Byron. (In his Miscellanies.) " 27689 Work. Ruskin, J. Work. (In Prose masterpieces, v. 2T. ) 23201 See also Labor and Laboring classes. Working; men, Address to, by Felix Holt; by G. Eliot. (In her Essays.) 23959 Workingmen'*s colleges. Bolton, S. K. (In her Soc. studies.) 26309 Workshop, A, Lectures in ; by T. P. Pemberton. 27696 Workshop receipts. 4 ser. 4 v. 12070; 23037; 23702; 26128 Workshops. Metcalfe, H. The cost of manufactures and the administration of workshops. 26545 World. Cocker, B. F. Theistic conception of the world. 25719 /See also Cosmogony; --Earth. Also Schopenhauer, A. World-English; the universal language; by A. M. Bell. 29781 World to come, The ; [sermons] ; by W. B. Wright. 28693 World, The, we live in ; by O. Crawfurd. 24401 World, The, went very well then ; by W. Besant. 27378 716 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. World's lumber room, The ; by S. Gaye. 25933 World's paradises, The ; by S. G. W. Benjamin. 29006 World's verdict, The ; by M. Hopkins, Jr.' 29080 World's workers, The ; namely : Aldridge, L. Florence Nightingale, etc. 26478 Browne, P. Mrs. Soraerville and M. Carpenter. 29014 Burnley, J. Sir T. Salt; and G. Moore. 25819 Clarke,' E. Handel. 26:231 Denslow, Van B., and Parker, J. M. T. A. Edison and S. F. B. Morse. 29021 Dickens, M. Charles Dickens. 26013 Foster. E. Abraham Lincoln. 25811 Kirton, J. W. Dr. Guthrie; Father Mathew ; E. Burritt; J. Livesey. 25938 Matoaux, C. L. George and R. Stephenson. 26505 Phillips, E. C. Sir H. Havelock and C. Campbell. 26509 Pitman, Mrs. E. R. Geo. Miiller and A. Reed. 26510 Smiles, R. David Livingstone. 26062 Swaine, S. A. General Gordon. 26517 Turner the artist. 26272 Tomkinson, E. M. Benjamin Franklin. 26518 Worldliness and other-worldliness ; by G. Eliot. (In her Essays.) 23545 ; 23959 Wormeley, K. P. The other side of war with the Army of the Potomac ; letters fr. the U. S. Sanitary Commission, 1862. 30571 Wormell, R., ed. Additions. (In Urbanitzky, A. R. von. Electricity.) 27605 Worn-out types ; by A. Birrell. (In his Obiter dicta,, ser. 2.) 28279 Worsaae, J. J. A. The industrial arts of Denmark, to the Danish conquest of Eng. Map and woodcuts. (So. Kensington Mus. Art hd.-bks.) *I The pre-history of the North; tr., with memoir of the author, by H. F. M. Simpson. Illust. and map. Worship. Gladden, W. Young men and the churches. 24988 Worsted. McLaren, W. S. B. Worsteds and woolens ; what are they? (In Gt. indust. of Gt. Brit., v. 1.) 25091 Worsted manufacture. Leroux, (J. Practical treat, on the manuf . of worsted and carded yarns. 24677 See also Wool. Worth, R. N. History of Devonshire ; with sketches of its leading worthies. 26295 Worthy, C. Practical heraldry ; epitome of Eng. armory. Illust. 308S2 Wotton, M. E., ed. Word portraits of famous writers. 29654 Wraith, The, of . Barn jura ; by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie]. (In his Black poodle, etc.) 28303 Wratislaw, Wenceslas, Baron. Moncrieff, R. H. An ambassa- dor's page. (In his Youngsters' yarns.) 29033 Wreck of the Nancy Bell ; by J. C. Hutcheson. 28062 Wren, Sir C. (In Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors.) 24742 - I'arton, J. (In his Capt. of ind.) 24420 Wright, A. W. American street railways ; construction, equip- ment, and maintenance. 30140 Wright, C. Fiske, J. Chauncey Wright. (In his Darwinism. ) 25984 Wright, C. D. Scientific basis of tariff legislation. (In Shaw, A. Nat. revenues.) 29895 Wright, C. R. A. Metals, and their indust. applications. 23431 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 717 Wright, E. P. A brown sea-weed. (In Brown, R. Science for all, ser. 5.) 20528 Wright, F. Laughtou. J. K. Privateers and privateering ; F. Wright. (In his Studies.) 29615 Wright, F. A. Architectural perspective for beginners. Plates. *I ed. A rchitectural studies. 27105 Contents. V. 1. Low cost houses. Store fronts and interior details. Stables. Sea side and southern houses. Out-buildings, Wright, G. F. The divine authority of the Bible. 24506 Wright, H. C. Children's stor. in Amer. hist. Illust. 26094 Children's stor. of Amer. progress. Illust. 2^461 Children's stories of the great scientists. Portrs. 30384 Contents. Galileo. Kepler. Newton. Franklin. C. Linnaeus. Herschel. Rumford. Cuvier. Humboldt. Davy. Faraday. C. Lyell. Agasiz. Tyndall. Kirchoff. Darwin and Huxley. Wright, J. Middle high-German primer, with grammar, notes, etc. 30196 Wright, J. A. People and preachers in the Methodist Episc. church ; by a layman. 26366 Wright, J. McN. Bricks fr. Babel ; view of the myths, tradi- tions, and relig. bel. of races, with stud, in ethnography. 29196 Wright, T. The town of Cowper ; lit. and hist, associations of Olney and its neighborhood ; with photographs, etc. 27607 Wright, T. Winchell, A. The speculations of W. (In his World-life.) 23415 Wright, T. W. Treatise on the adjustment of observations, with appl. to geodetic work and other measures of pre- cision. 24651 Wright, W. The empire of the Hittites ; with decipherment of Hittite inscr. by A. H. Sayce ; map and Hittite inscrip- tions, rev. by W. H. Rylands. *I Wright, W. A. The Bible word-book ; glossary of archaic words and phrases in the authorized version of the Bible and Book of Common Prayer. 27961 Wright, W. B. Ancient cities ; fr. the dawn to the daylight. 27010 Contents. TJr, the city of saints. Nineveh, the city of soldiers. Babylon, the city of sensualists. Memphis, the city of the dead. Alex- andria, the city of the creed makers. Petra, the city of shams. Damas- cus, the city of substance. Tyre, the city of merchants. Athens, the city of culture. Rome, the city of law-givers. Samaria, the city of politicians. Susa, the city of satraps. Jerusalem, the city of the Phari- sees. New Jerusalem. I: The city of God. IT: The King. The world to come ; [sermons] . 28693 Writers. See Authors. Writing. See Graphology ; Phonography ; Stenography. Wundt, W. M. Ribot, T. (In his German psychology.) 26448 Wurtz, C. A. Elements of mod. chemistry; tr. and ed. fr. French by W. H. Greene. Illust. 23924 Wyandot Cave, Ind. Hovey, H. C. (In his Celeb. Amer. caverns.) 24524 Wyat, Sir T., the younger. Ewald, A. C. The revolt of W. (In his Stud, re-studied.) 25625 Wycherly or Wycherley, W. The plain dealer. (In Crawford, O. Eng. com. dram.) 23530 47 718 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Wycliffe, J. See Wiclif, J. Wyeth, J. Supplement. (In Ellwood, T. Hist, of the life of E.) 23512 Wykeham, William of. See William of Wykeham. Wylde, K. An ill-regulated mind. (Leisure hour ser.) 25858 Wylie, J. H. History of Eng. under Henry IV. Vol. 1. 25926 Wyllard's weird ; by M. E. Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell]. 25232 Wyman, L. C. Poverty grass. 26940 Contents. Hester's dower. Saint or sinner. Luke Gardiner's love. The child of the state. "A stranger, yet at. home." And Joe. Bridget's story. Valentine's chance. Wyoming. Governor. Report, 1886. ( In U. S. Territories. Governors. Reports.) 22919 Wyoming; by E. S. Ellis. 30408 Wysard, A. The intellectual and moral problem of Goethe's Faust. Pts. 1, 2. 23251 Wyss, J. D. The Swiss family Robinson : adv. in a desert island. 4324 X, Y, Z ; a detective story ; by A. K. Green [A. K. G. Rholfs]. 23049 Xavier, St. Francis. See Francisco Xavier, St. Yacca. See Africa. Yachting yarns; by "Wanderer." (With his Hunt-room stories.) 25957 Yachts and yachting. Benjamin, S. G. W. Evolution of the Amer. yacht ; Steam yachting in America. (In his Sea- spray.) 28916 Brooks, E. S. The gentleman sailor. (In his Story of the Amer. sailor.) 30403 Coffin, R,. F. The America's cup ; how it was won in 1851 and has been since defended. 25555 Cozzens, F. S., and others. Yachts and yachting. 27820 Forbes, R. B. Discursive sk. of yachting forty years ago. 29677 Kunhardt, C. P. Steam yachts and launches ; their machinery and management. 28791 - Warren. T. R. On deck; or, Advice to a young Corinthian yachtsman. 29577 Yager, A. Internal taxation and a revenue tariff. (In Shaw, A. Nat. revenues.) 29895 Yale Lectures on the Sunday-School ; namely : Trumbull, H. C. The Sunday-school; its origin, mission, etc. 30375 Yale University. Porter, J. A. Sketches of Yale life ; fr. the college magazines, etc. 26342 Porter, N. Fifteen years in the chapel. 28813 Dexter, F. B. Sketch of the history of Yale. 21149 Yancey, W. L. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Yang-Tsze-Kiang, river. Little, A. J. Through the Yang- tse gorges. 29756 Yankee girls in Zulu Land ; by L. V. Sheldon. 29569 Yankee school-teacher, A, in Virginia ; by L. W. Baldwin. 24556 Yankee town-meeting, A ; by C. Deming. (In his Byways.) 23664 Yardley, J. A superior woman. (No name ser.) 25471 Yarmouth, Eng. Watson, C. S. Sketch of quaint old Y. (In his Silvery hosts.) 23359 Yarmouth, Mass. Swift, C. F. History of Old Y. to 1794. 25044 Yarn. See Wool. Yarrow. Russell, J. Reminiscences of Yarrow. 26712 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 719 Yate, A. C. England and Russia face to face in Asia ; travels with the Afghan Boundary Commission. Maps and illust. 28092 Yates, E. Memoirs of a man of the world. (Fifty years of London life.) 24804 Yatil ; by F. D. Millet. (In Stor. by Am. auth., v. 5.) 24218 Ybarra, A. Practical method for learning Spanish. 24298 Yeadon, R. Perry, B. F. (In his Reminis.) 23322 Year-books. Statesman's year-book, 1884. 21456 Year in Eden ; by H. W. Preston. 27663 Year's Art, The ; comp. by M. B.' Huish and D. C. Thomson, 1884-1889. *I Year's ministry, A ; [sermons]; by A. Maclaren. 2 ser. 25119-20 Years of experience ; by G. B. Kirby. 27835 Yellowplush. See Thackeray, W. M. Yellowstone Park. Pierrepont, E. (In his Fifth Ave. to Alaska.) 23891 Roberts, E. A new route to Wonderland; Among the geysers of the Yellowstone. (In his Shoshone, etc.) 30661 - Rollins, A. W. The Three T^etons; a story of the Yellowstone. 28530 - Wingate, G. W. Through the Y. on horseback. 27254 Yen-Ts-ung, joint author. See Hwui Li. Yezo. Greey, E. The bear-worshipers of Yezo. 23383 Yoke of the Thorah ; by S. Luska [H. Harland]. 28129 Yolande ; by W. Black. 22960 Yone Santo; a child of Japan; by E. II . Mouse. 30426 Yonge, C. D. Life of Sir Walter Scott. (Great writers.) 29735 Yonge, C. M. The armourer's prentices. 24602 - Beechcroft at Rockstone. 30896 - Ben Sylvester's word. 26737 Cameos fr. Eng. hist.; namely : Ser. 5. England and Spain. 28594 6. Forty years of Stuart rule, 1603-43. 28539 Chantry House. 26654 Hannah More. (Fam. women ser.) 29329 Historical introduction. (In Scott, W. Quentin Durward.) 23895 The last of the cavaliers. 29432 A modern Telemachus. 27027 - Nuttie's father. 26095 Our new mistress; or, Changes at Brookfield Earl. 30668 Talks about the laws we live under; or, At Laugley night school. 24111 - The two sides of the shield. 2 v. 25928-9 Under the storm ; or, Steadfast's charge. Illust. 28540 The Victorian half century ; a jubilee book ; portr. 28449 -Young folks' Bible history. . 28481 and Weld, H. H. Aunt Charlotte's stor. of Amer. hist. Illust. 23496 joint author. See Awdry, F. York, Eng. Ornsby, G.' York. 26055 York, House of. Church, A. J, The chantry priest of Barnet ; tale of the two Roses. 30405 Yorkshire, Eng. Andrews, W. Historic Yorkshire. 24812 Parkinson, T. Yorkshire legends and traditions. 30864 See also Bronte country. Yorktown, Va. Stone, E. M. Centennial commemoration of the surrender of Y. (In his Our Fr. allies.) *I 720 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Yoshida, Hikorokuro. Lacquer ; description, cultivation, and treatment of the tree, the chemistry of its juice, and its indust. applications. (In Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry, etc.) 262G5 Yoshida-Torajiro. Stevenson, R. L. (In his Famil. stud.) 28164 Young, A. History of the Netherlands (Holland and Bel- gium.) 24452 Young, A. A tour in Ireland, 1776-1779. (CasselPs nat. lib.) 28541 Young, A. W. Government class book ; man. of instr. in the princ. of const, government and law. New ed., rev. by 8. S. Clark. 27798 Young, C. A. Text-book of general astronomy. 30670 Young, C. M. Brereton, A Some famous Hamlets. 24954 Young, E. The revenge. (In Browne. M. E. Tales fr. the old dram.) 23035 Eliot, G., pseud. Worldliness and other-worldliness; the poet Youn